UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ^ . . FOUNDED 1836 WASHINGTON, D. C. Bl9574 INDEX-CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAEY OF THE SURGEON-GENERAL'S OFFICE, UXITED STATES ARMY. AUTHORS AND SUBJECTS. SECOHSTD SERIES- Vol. VII. HERNIA—INQUIRY. WASHINGTON. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1 J) 0 2. t ArcL ^76".M4 I 37 Ser, 2 V. 7 . 1902 C. 2 War Department, Si:r»;eon-Generai/s Office, Medical Museum and Library Division, Washington, D. C, May 5, 1902. General George M. Sternrerc, $>/r.22.5 author-titles, representing 2,092 volumes and 8,157 pamphlets. It also contains 13,179 subject-titles of separate books and pamphlets, and 32.522 titles of articles in periodicals. The Library now contains 142.454 bound volumes and 238,772 pamphlets. The following table shows the number of titles in the Index-Catalogue as far as published: AUTHOR-TITLES. SUBJECT-TITLES. Titles. Volumes. Pamphlets. Book titles. Journal ar-ticles. Portraits. Total in first series.......................... 176,364 6,346 15,732 11,112 9,628 6,825 15,589 6,225 85,663 6,127 6.3S3 4,873 4,133 2,695 5,865 2,692 151,504 6,327 14,802 10,690 8,523 5,957 14,296 8,157 168,557 7,884 5,774 10,636 8,828 7,645 5,962 13,179 511,112 30. 3M 21,725 34,314 28,316 40,045 30,561 32,522 4,335 Vol. II....................... Vol.Ill...................... 677 Vol. IV...................... Vol. V....................... Vol. VI...................... Vol. VII..................... Total to date.......................... 247,821 118,431 220,256 228,465 728,979 5,012 Very respectfully, JAMKS C. MERRILL, Major and Surgeon, U. S. Army, Librarian, S. G. O. in S E V ENT H AI) T) IT IO N ALPHABETICAL LIST ABBREVIATIONS OF TITLES MEDICAL PERIODICALS, PUBLISHED IN THE SIXTEENTH VOLUME OF THE IiVDEX-CATALOtHIE. For explanations, see the Alphabetical List of Abbreviations of Titles, etc., in Vol. XVI, 1. s. A. Acad. roy. de Belg. Bull de la cl. d. sc, Brux. Actas y mem. d. ix. Cong, inter- nac. de hig. y demog., Madrid. Am. Acad. Railway Surg. Tr., Chicago. Am. Electro-Therap. & X-Ray Era, Chicago. Am. J. Anat., Bait. An. Acad. nac. de med., Bogota. An. Univ. cent, de Venezuela, Caracas. Ann. de l'lnst. chir. de Brux. Academia nacional de medicina. [See An. Acad. nac. de med., Bogota.] Academic royale de Belgique. Bulletin de la classe des sciences. Bruxelles/ 2 v. 1899-1900. s-. Acade"raie royale des sciences. [See Mem. Acad. roy. d. sc, Par. Also: Mem. de mathe'mat. et de phys. . . . Acad. roy. d. sc, Par. Also: Philos. Hist. & mem. Roy. Acad. Sc. Par. abr. . .. 1699 to 1720. Lond.] Accademia medico-fisica fioreutina. [See Atti d. Accad. med.-lis. fiorent., Firenze.] Actas y memories del ix. Congreso internacional de higiene y demografia, Madrid, 1898. Madrid, v. 1-10, 1900. 8°. Aerztekammer der Provinz Nrhlesicn. [See Sdiles. Aerzte-Cor- resp., Brest].] American (The) Academy of Railway Surgeons. Transactions. Chicago, v. 4-7, 1h«)7-1900. 8°. American Electro-Therapeutic and X-Ray Era. Chicago, v. 1-2, 1901-2. 4'. [Continuation of: Electro-Therap. & X-Ray Era.] American (The) Journal of Anatomy. Baltimore, v.l, 1901-2. 8°* American Proctologic Society. [See Tr. Am. Proctol. Soc, Alle- gheny, Pa.] Anales de la Academia nacional de medicina. Bogota. 1893-4. 8°. v. 1, v. 1, Anali'H de la I niversidad central de Venezuela. Caracas. 1900. * . Annales de l'lnstitut chirurgical de Bruxelles. Bruxelles. v. 1- 8, 1*94-1901. 8°. [1] [2] Ann. de la Policlin. centr. de Brux. Ann. d. r. Clin, psichiat. e neuro- pat. di Palermo. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. d'Anvers. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. du Brabant, Brux. Annee biol., Par. Arb. a. d. path.-anat. Abt. d. k. hyg. Inst, zu Posen . . . R. Vir- chow zur Feier [etc.], Wiesb. Arch. ital. di anat. e di embriol., Firenze. Arch, de oftal. hispano-am., Ma- drid. Arzt im Hause, Berl. Assistance fam., Par. Atti d. Accad. med.-fis. fiorent., Firenze. Atti Cong, region, ligure, Genova. Annales de la Policlinique centrale de Bruxelles. Bruxelles. v. 1, 1901. 8°. Annali della r. Clinica psichiatrica e neuropatologica di Palermo. Palermo, v. 1, 1898-9. 8°. Annales de la Soci6te" m6dico-chirurgicale d'Anvers. Anvers. v. 1-6, 1896-1901. 8°. Annales de la Society in&lico-chirurgicale du Brabant. Bru- xelles. v. 1-11, 1891-1901. 8°. Annee (L') biologique. Comptes rendus annuels des travaux de biologie generale. Annies 1-2, 1895-6; 4-5, 1898-1900. Paris. 4 v., 1897-1901. »o. Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. [See Man, Loud.] Arbeiten aus der pathologisch-anatomischen Abteilung des ko- nigl. hygienischen Instituts zu Posen. Herrn Geheimrat Pro- fessor I)r. R. Virchow zur Feier seines achtzigsten Geburtsta- ges gewidmet von Professor Dr. O. Lubarsch. Wiesbaden. 1 v., 1901. 8°. Archivio italiano di anatomia e di embriologia. Firenze. v. 1, 1902. 8°. Archivos de oftalmologia hispano-americanos. Madrid, v. 1-2, 1901-2. 8°. Arzt (Der) im Hause, ein Rathgeber fur Gesunde und Kranke. Berlin, v. 2-3. 1901-2. fol. Asociaci6n m6dico-farmac6utica de la Isla de Cuba. [See Rev. Asoc. mecl.-farni. . . . de Cuba, Habana.] Asociatiuuei generale a medicilor din tera. [See Bui. med., Bucuresci.] Assistance (L') familiale. Revue internationale bi-mensuelle. Paris. 8°. Association of Medical Librarians. [See Bull. Ass. M. Librar., Bait.] Atti della Accademia medico-fisica fiorentina. Anno 1900. Firenze. 1 v., 1901. 8°. Atti del Congresso medico regionale ligure. Genova. v. 1-4, 1895-8. 8°. [See, also: Cong. med. region, ligure. Atti.] B. Balneol. Centr.-Ztg., Berl. Beitr. z. Anthrop. Elsass-Loth- ringens, Strassb. Beitr. z. chem. Phys. u. Path., Brnschwg. Bibliot. d. ges. med. Wissensch., Wien & Leipz. Bol. d. Inst, patol., Mexico. Bol. Soc. geog. de Lima. Boll. d. ord. d. san. d. prov. di Trapani, Trapani. Bdr-es bujakdrt., Budapest. Burgerspit. Basel. Jahresb. Balneologische Centralzeitung. Organ des Allgenieinen deut- schen Baderverbaudes und des Schwarzwaldbiidertags. Berlin. v. 1-3, 1900-1902. fol. Beitriige zur Anthropologic Elsass-Lothringens. Hrsg. von G. Schwalbe. Strassburg, Hft. 1.-3, 1898-1902. 4°. Beitriige zur chemischen Physiologie uud Pathologie. Zeitscbrift fiir die gesamte Biochemie. Braunschweig, v. 1-2, 1901-2. 8°. Bibliothek der gesammten mediciuischen Wisseuschaften fiir praktische Aerzte uud Specialiirzte. Wien & Leipzig. 11 v, 1893-1901. 8C. Boletin del Institnto patol6gico. Peri6dico mensual ilustrado. Mexico, v. 1, 1901-2. 8°. Boletin de la Sociedad geogr^fica de Lima. Lima. No. 4, v. 3; v. 4; Nos. 1, 4, v. 5; No. 1, v. 6, 1-94-6; Nos. 2, 3, 4, v. 10; No. 2, v. 11, 1900-1901. 8°. Bollettino dell' ordine dei sanitari della provincia di Trapani. Trapani. v. 1-2, 1900-1901. roy. 8C. Bbr-es bujak6rtan. [Dermatology and the science of venereal diseases.] Supplement to: Magyar orv. lapia. Budapest. No. 1, 1902. fol. Biirgerspital Basel. Jabresbericht. Basel. 8 Nos., 1880-85,1898, 1899. 8°. [3] Bul. med., Bucuresci. Bull. A ss. M. Librar., Bait. Bull. N. Y. Pub. Libr. Bull, du serv. de sante [etc.], Brux. Bull. Soc. internat. de prophyl. [etc.]. Bull. Soc. med. de l'lle Maurice, Port Louis. Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Par. Buletinul medical. Organ al Asociatiunet generate a medicilor din tera. [Continuation of: Bull. Asoc. gen. a med., Bucuresci.] Bucuresci. v. 4, 1902. 4 \ Bulletin of the Association of Medical Librarians. Baltimore. v. 1, 1902. 8 . Bulletin of the New York Public Library. Astor, Lenox, and Tilden foundations. New York. v. 2-6, 1898-1902. 8°. Bulletin du service de sante et de l'hygiene publique. Bruxelles. 5 Nos., 1893-5, 1900, 1901. 8 . Bulletin de la Soetetc" internationale de prophylaxie sanitaire et morale. Bruxelles. v. 1, 1901. 8^. Bulletin de la Koctet6 medicate de l'lle Maurice. Port Louis. No. 41, v. 5, Nov. 8, 1895. fol. Bulletins de la Soci6t6 de pediatric de Paris. Paris, v. 1-4, 1809- 1902. 80. c. Caducee. Par. Chem. u. med. TJntersuch. Fest- Bchr. . . . Max Jaffe, Brnschwg. Cleveland M. J. Clin. med. ital. p. il giubil. clin. d. E. Galvagni, Milano. Compt. rend. Cong, internat. de pharm., Par. Compt. rend. Cong, period, inter- nat. de gynec. et d'obst., Amst. Cong, internat. p. l'amelior. . . . d. aveugles, Par. Cong, internat. p. l'etude d. quest. . . . d. sourds-muets. C. r., Par. Cong, internat. d'homceop., Cor- beil Cong, internat. d'hyg. et de de"- mog. C.-r., Par. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par. Cong, internat. de me"d. Organ. . . . enonce d. trav. [etc.], Par. Cong, internat. de med. profess. [etc.]. C. r., Par. Cong, internat. de la presse me"d. C.-r., Par. Cong. d. med. alienistes et de neurol. de France ... C. r. Cadnce'e (Le). Journal de ehirurgie et de ntedecine d'arntee. Paris, v. 1-2, 1901-2. fol. Chemische und medicinische Untersuchnngen. Festschrift zur ^ Feier des sechzigsten Geburtstages von Max Jaffe. Braun- schweig. 1 v., 1901. 8°. Cleveland (The) Medical Journal. Cleveland, v. 1,1902. 8C. Clinica (La) medica italiana, per il giubileo clinico del Prof. E. Galvagni. Milano. 1 v., 1901. 8°. Compte rendu du IXe Congres international de pharmacie tenu a Paris du 2 au 9 aout 1900. Paris. 1 v., 1901. 8°. Comptes rendus du Congres periodique international de gyite- cologie t-t d'obstc'trique, 1899. Amsterdam, v. 3, 1900. 8C. Congres international de pharmacie. [See Compt. rend. Cong. internat. de pharm., Par.] Congres international pour l'antelioration du sort des aveugles. Tenu a Paris du 1" au 5 aout 1900. Paris. 1 v., 1900. 8°. Congres international pour l'etude des questions d'education et d'assistance des sourds-muets. Tenu k Paris les 6, 7 au 8 aout 1900. Compte rendu des travaux. Paris. 1 v., 1900. 8L. Congris international d'homceopathie tenu a Paris, les 18-21 juillet 1900. Corbeil. 1 v., 1901. 8°. Congres international d'hygiene et de demographic a Paris en 1900. Compte rendu. Paris. 1 v., 1900. 8°. Congres international de ntedecine, xiii. Paris, 1900. Comptes rendus. Paris. 17 v., 1900. 8°. Congres international de ntedecine. Tenu a Paris du 2 au 9 aout 1900. Organisation; assemblies g6nerales; enonce' des tra- vaux; liste des membres. Paris. 1 v., 1901. 8U. Congres international de ntedecine professionnelle et de deonto- logie ntedicale. Compte rendu de la le session. Paris. 1 v., 1900. 8C. Congres international de la presse ntedicale. Compte rendu officiel des seances. Paris, 1900. Paris, v. 1, 1901. 8°. Congres des ntedecins altenistes et neurologistes de France et des pays de langue francaise. Comptes rendus. [v. p.] 9.-10. session, 1808-9. 8°. Congres periodique international de gynecologic et d'obstc'trique. [See Compt. rend. Cong. peYiod. internat. de gynec. et d'obst.] Congreso cientifico latino-americauo. [See Prim. reuu. d. Cong. cient. lat.-amer., Buenos Aires.] Congreso internacional de higiene y demografia. [See Actas y mem. d. ix Cong, internac. de hig. y demog., Madrid.] [4] Cong. med. region, ligure. Genova. Atti, Cong. naz. ital. d. deleg. d. ord. d. med. [etc.], Roma. Correo odont. internac, Madrid. ■Congresso medico regionale ligure. Atti 1899. [See, also: Atti Cong, region, ligure.] Genova. v. 5, 1900. 8C. Congresso nazionale italiano dei delegati degli ordini dei medici ed associazioni congeneri. Verbali delle sedute e relazioni. Roma. v. 1-3, 1897-9. 8°. Cornell University Medical College. [See Pub. Cornell Univ. M. Coll. Stud. Dep. Path.] Correo odontotegico internacional. Revista mensual. [Con- tinuation of: Correo internac. odont.] Madrid, v. 6,1901. 8°. D. Dental Summary, Toledo. Deutsche Klinik, Berl. & Wien. Deutsche zahnarztl. Ztg., Miin- chen. Dnevnik Syezda Obsh. Russk. Vrach., Mosk. Doctor Hyg., N. Y. Dolgozatok az egyet. borkort. intezetb., Budapest. Dental (The) Summary. A journal of practical dentistry. To- ledo, y. 22, 1902. 8°. Deutsche (Die) Klinik. Am Eingange des zwanzigsten Jahrhun- derts in akademischen Vorlesungen. Berlin & Wien. 1.-42. Lfg., 1901-2. 8°. Deutsche zahnarztliche Zeitung. Mtinchen. v. 1, 1902. fol. Dnevnik Syezda Obshtshestva Russkikh Vrachei. [Bulletin of the Congress of the Society of Russian Physicians.] Moskva. v. 2, 1887. 4°. Doctor (The) of Hygiene. [Continued as: Nat. Bd. Health Mag.] New York. v. 7-8, Dec, 1892, to Oct., 1894. 8°. Dolgozatok az egyetemi b6rk6rtani inte"zetbol. [Works from the public Dermatological Institution.] [Supplement to: Orvosi hetil.] Budapest. No. 1, 1901. fol. E. Educaz. d. frenasten., Siena. Electro-Therap. & X-Ray Era, Chicago. Evolut. med., Par. Experience, St. Louis. [See MeMecin. Org. de l'ecole nted. beige, Eteole ntedicale beige. Brux.] Educazione (L') dei frenastenici. Rassegna medico-pedagogica, Siena, v. 1, 1901. 8°. Electro-Therapeutic (The) and X-Ray Era. Chicago. No. 1, v. 1, 1901. 4°. [Continued as: Am. Electro-Therap. & X-Ray Era.] Evolution (L') ntedicale. Paris, v. 1-2, 1901. 8°. Experience. A monthly journal devoted to the interests of the general practitioner. St. Louis, v. 1-4, 1899-1902. 8°. F. Farm, polski, Warszawa. Feestbundel, Dr. Sape Talma [etc.], Haarlem. Festschr. . . . Moriz Kaposi z. Prof.-Jubil., Wien u. Leipz. Fiziol. sbornik ( Danilevski ), Kharkov. Farmaceuta polski; dawniej Przegl^d farmaceutyczny; czaso- pismo poswtecone farmacyi, naukom z nia zwia_zek majacym, oraz sprawom zawodu. [Polish pharmacist; formerly Phar- maceutical review; journal devoted to pharmacy, kindred sciences, and professional interests.] Warszawa. v. 5, 1902. 8°. Feestbundel, Dr. Sape Talma, bij gelegenheid van zijn 25-jarig hoogleeraarschap, den 6en October '1901, aangeboden en toege- wijd. door dankbare leerlingen. Haarlem. 1 v.. 1901. 8°. Festschrift gewidmet Moriz Kaposi zum funfnndzwanzigjahrigen Professorenjubilanm. In Verehrung und Daukbarkeit von Col- leger) und Schiilern. Ergiinzungsband zum: Archiv fiir Derma- tologie und Syphilis. Wien & Leipzig. 1 v., 1900. 8°. Fiziologicheskiy sbornik; statyi i rabotl po biologii i eksperi- mentalnoi meditsiuie iz laboratorii i pod redaktsiyei Aleksan- dra Danilevskavo i Vasiliya Danilevskavo. [Physiological collection; essays on biology and experimental medicine from the laboratories of, and edited by, Alexander Danilevski and Vasiliy Danilevski.] Kharkov. 2 v., 188^-91. 8°. [5] Frauenspit. Basel. Ber. Fiileszet, Budapest. Fiird6-es vizgy6gy£szat, Buda- pest. 1 Yauenspital Basel. Berichte. Basel. 2 Nos., 1896-8, 1899. 8°. Fiiteszet. [Otology.] Budapest. No. 1, 1902. fol. [Supple- ment to: Magyar orv. lapja.] Fin-dotes vizgyogyaszat. [Bath and water medicine.] Buda- pest, v. 1, 1902. fol. [Supplement to: Magy. orv. lapja.] u. Gac. balneol., Madrid. Gac. de med. zool., Madrid. Gazz. med. ital., Torino. Gynaek. Klin., Strassb. Gynaekologia, Budapest. Gaeeta balneologica. Climatologia. Hidrologia ntedica. Hi- giene. Madrid. Anos 1-2, 1900-1901. fol. Gaeeta de medicina zootegica. Madrid. 4. s., v. 25-26,1901-2. 8°. Galvani (E.) [See Clin. med. ital. p. il giubil. clin. d. E. Galva- gni, Milano.] Gazzetta medica italiaua. Torino, v. 53, 1902. fol. [Continua- tion of: (iazz. med. di Torino.] Gynaekologische Klinik. Hrsg. von W. A. Freund. Strassburg. V. 1, 188.-,. so. Gynaekologia. A Budapesti kir. orvosegyesUlet gynaekologikus szakosztalyfinak hivatalos kozlonye. [The official gazette of the Budapest Royal Medical Union of the Section of Gynaecol- ogy.] Budapest. No. 1, 1902. fol. [Supplement to: Orvosi hetil. ] II. Handel, v. de Vereen. v. homoeop. Geneesh. in Nederl., Zwolle. Heilstatten-Bote, Frankf. a. M. Hyg. Volksbl., Berl. & Leipz. Handelingen van de Vereeniging van homoeopathische Genees- heereu in Nederland. Zwolle. Aflev. 1-2, 1900-1901. 8°. Heilstatten-Bote (Der). Zeitschrift fiir Volksgesundheitspnege und Krankheitsverhiitung Frankfurt a. M. v. 1, 1902. 4°. Hygienisches Volksblatt. Berlin & Leipzig, v. 3, 1902. 4°. I. 'Iarpinbs nrjvvrooft, 'A^rjvat. Independ. scient. et med., Brux. Inst. Solvc.y. Trav. de lab., Brux. Irrenschutz, Halle a. S. fol. larpiKoc /nr/vvrup. 'Atif/vai. v. 1, 1901 Indcpendance (L') scientinque et ntedicak 1901. 8 . Bruxelles. v. 1, [See Ann. de lTnst. chir. de Bruxelles. 4 v., Institut chirurgical de Bruxelles Brnx.] Institut Solvay. Travaux de laboratoire 1896-1901. 8°. Instituto de hijiene de Santiago. [See Rev. chilena de bij., Sant. de Chile.] Instituto patotegico. [See Bol. d. Inst, patol., Mexico.] Irreuschutz (Der). Monatsschrift den Mitgliedern der Irrenhilfs- vereine des deutschen Sprachgebiets sowie alien Freuuden der Irrensache. Halle, v. 1, 1901-2. 4C. J. J. Advanc. Therap., N. Y. Jaffe (Max). [See Chem. u. med. Untersuch. Festschr. . . . Max Jaffe, Brnschwg. ] Journal (The) of Advanced Therapeutics. New York. v. 20, 1902. H'-. [Consolidation of: N. Y. Lancet and J. Electro- ther., N. Y.] [6] J. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S., Carlisle. J. Med. Research, Bost. J. Ment. Path., N. Y. J. nevropat. i psikhiat. . . . Kor- sakova, Mosk. J. Obsh. Russk. Vrach. v pam. Pirogova, Mosk. J. Obst. & Gynaec. Brit. Emp., Lond. Jahresb. d. Klin. f. Laryngosk. a. d. Wien. Univ. Jamsetji Jijibhai Hosp. Bombay, Rep. Juventud med., Guatemala. Journal of the Association of Military Surgeons of the United States. Carlisle, Pa. v. 10, 1901-2. 8°. [Continuation of: Proc. Ass. Mil. U. S.] Journal of Medical Research. Continuation of the Journal of the Boston Society of Medical Sciences. Boston. N. s., v..1-2, 1901-2. 8°. Journal (The) of Mental Pathology. New York. v. 1-2, 1901-2. 8°. Jurnal nevropatologii i psikhiatrii imeni S. S. Korsakova, izda- vayemly Obshtshestvom Nevropatologov i Psikhiatrov, sosto- yashtshim pri Imperatorskom Moskovskom Universitetie, pri blizhaishem uchastii Predsiedatelya Obshtshestva A. Ya. Kozhevnikova. [Journal of neuropathology and psychiatrics in memory of S. S. Korsakoff, issued by the Society of Neuro- pathologists and Psycbiatricians, at the University of Moscow, under immediate charge of A. Ya. Kozhevnikoff.] Moskva. v. 1, 1901. 8°. Jurnal Obshtshestva Russkikh Vrachei v pamyat N. I. Pirogova. [Journal of the Society of Russian Physicians in Pirogoff's memory.] Moskva, v. 1-4, 6, 1*95-8, 1900. 8°. Journal (The) of Obstetrics and Gvnsecology of the British Em- pire. London, v. 1, 1902. 8°. * Jahresbericht der Klinik fiir Laryngoskopie an der Wiener Uni- versity. 1870. Wien. v. 1, 1871. 8°. Jamsetji Jijibhai Hospital, Bombay. Hospital reports by the medical and professional staff of the Jamsetji Jijibhai Hospital and Grant Medical College. Bombay, v. 1, 1892. 8°. Juventud (La) ntedica. Organo de los intereses de la sociedad del misino nombre. Guatemala, C. A. Anos 1-3,1899-1901. roy. 8°. K. Kathol. Vlaamsche Hoogesch. Uitbreid. te Antwerp. Kozegeszsegugy, Budapest. Kozlem. a Tauffer V. egyet. nbi klin., Budapest. Kosmos, Leipz. Krankenpflege, Berl. Kaposi (Moriz). [See Festschr. . . . Moriz Kapozi z. Prof.-Jubil., Wien & Leipz.] Katholieke Vlaamsche Hoogeschooluitbieiding te Antwerpen. Antwerpen. v. 2-3, 1901. 8°. Klinik fiir Laryngoskopie au der Wiener Universitat. [See Jahresb. d. Klin. f. Laryngosk. a. d. Wien. Univ.] Kozeg6szs6giigy; kiilonos tekintettel az iskolaeg6szse'gugyre. [Public hygiene, especially school hygiene.] Budapest, v. 1, 1902. fol. Kozlentenyek a Tauffer Vilmos dr. egyetemi ny. r. tanaY ezet6se alatt £116 2. sz. ndi klinikaY61. [Contributions from the second Gynaecological Clinic . . .] Budapest. 1 v., 1900. fol. Korsakoff (S. Mosk.] S.) [See J. nevropat. i psikhiat. . . . Korsakova, Kosmos. Zeitschrift fiir einheitliche Weltanschauung auf Grund der Eutwicklungslehre in Verbindung mit Charles Darwin und Ernst Haeckel, sowie einer Reihe hervorragender Forscher auf den Gebieten des Darwinismus. Leipzig v 1-2 1877-8. 8°. is, Krankenpflege (Die). Monatsschrift fiir die gesammten zweige der Krankenpflege uud Krankeubehandlr.ng in Wisseuschaft uud Praxis. Berlin, v. 1, 1901-2. 8°. L. Lutte antituberc, Par. Laboratoire de physiologie de rUniversite" de Geneve Trav. du lab. de physiol. Univ. de Geneve.] Lancaster City and County Medical Society City & Co. M. Soc] Lutte (La) antituberculeuse. ris. v. 2, 1901. 8°. [See [See Tr. Lancaster (L'ceuvre antituberculeuse.) Pa- [7] I?I. Magy. orv. lapja, Budapest. Man, Lond. Med. Bl., Wien. Med. Bull.Wash. Univ., St. Louis. Med. Critic, N. Y. Med. leg. et jurisp. med. Trav. [etc.], Par. Med. napried., Sofiya. Medecin. Org. de l'Ecole med. beige, Brux. Mem. Acad. roy. d. sc., Par. Mem. de mathemat. et de phys. . . . Acad. roy. d. sc, Par. Mementos therap., Par. Midland M. J., Birmingh. Mil. gov. Porto Rico. App. . . . Epit. rep. [etc.], Wash. [See Wash. M. Magyar orvosok lapja. [Hungarian sheet for physicians.] Bu- dapest, v. 1, 1901-2. fol. Man. A monthly record of anthropological science. Published under the direction of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Londou. v. 1, 1901. 8'-. Medical Association of the Greater City of New York. [See Year Bk. M. Ass. Gr. N. York.] Medicinische Blatter. Wochenschrift fur die gesammte Heil- kunde. Wien. v. 25, 1902. 4?l. [Continuation of: Wien. med. Bl.] Medical Bulletin of Washington University. St. Louis, v. 1, 1902. 4°. Medical (The) Critic. New York. v. 1, 1901-2. 8°. Medecine tegale et jurisprudence ntedicale. Travaux, rapports, jugeineuts, etc. Paris. 1 v., 1902. 8-. Medical Society of the District of Columbia. Ann.] Medical Society of the State of Washington. [See Tr. M. Soc. Washington, Spokane.] Meditsiuski naprledok; mlesechno, nauchno-meditsinsko i pro- fessiqualno spisanie. [Medical progress; monthly scientific medical and professional magazine.] Sofiya. v. 1-2, 1900- 1901. 8°. Me"decin (Le). Organe de l'Ecole ntedicale beige. Bruxelles. v. 12, 1902. fol. Memoires de l'Academie royale des sciences. Annees 1666-99. Paris, v. 3-11, 1729-34. 4°. M6moires de matltematique et de physique, present6s a l'Aca- demie royale des sciences, par divers scavans, et lus dans ses assemblies. Paris, v. 1-11, 1750-86. 4°. Mementos tlterapeutiques. Paris. 1 v., 1902. 8°. Midland (The) Medical Journal sm. 4 . Publtes par le Journal des praticieus. Birmingham, v. 1, 1901-2. Military government of Porto Rico, from October 18, 1898, to April 30, 1900. Appendices to the report of the military gov- ernor. Epitome of reports of: 1. The Superior Board of Health. 2. The Board of Charities. Washington, v. 1, 1901. 8°. I*. N. med. Presse, Berl. N. raccoglitore med., Imola. N. York Univ. Bull. M. Sc. Nothnagel's Encycl. Pract. Med., Phila. & Lond. National Association for the Prevention of Consumption and other forms of Tuberculosis. [See Tuberculosis, Loud.] Neue medicinische Presse. Berlin, v. 1, 1901. 4C. New York Public Library. [See Bull. N. Y. Pub. Libr.] N'uovo (II) raccoglitore medico. Rassegna collettiva meusile di medicina e chirurgia. Imola. v. 1, 1902. 8°. New York (The) University Bulletin of the Medical Sciences. New York. v. 1, 1901. 8°. Nordischer Kongress fiir innere Medicin. [See Verhaudl. d. nord. Kong. f. inn. Med. zu Kopenh., Stockholm.] Nothnagel's Encyclopedia of Practical Mediciue. Philadelphia & Loudon. 2 v., 1902. 8°. o. Obshtshestvo Nevropatologov i Psikhiatrov, sostoyashtshiy pri Imperatorskom Moskovskom Universitetie. [See J. nevropat. i psikhiat. . . . Korsakova, Mosk.] [8] Obst. Soc. Bost. Papers ... 40. anniv., Bost. Ohrenh. d. Gegenw., Wiesb. Oklahoma M. News. Oklahoma M. News-Jour. Otchot o dieyateln. . . . prope- devt. khirurg. klin. [etc.], S.- Peterb. Obshtshestvo Russkikh Vrachei. [See Duevnik Syezda Obsh. Russk. Vrach., Mosk.] Obshtshestvo Russkikh Vrachei v pamyat N. I. Pirogova. [See J. Obsh. Russk. Vrach. v pam. Pirogova, Mosk.] Obstetrical (The) Society of Boston. Papers read at the meeting in commemoration of the 40. anniversary of the foundation of the Society. Boston. 1 v., 1901. 8°. Ohrenheilkunde (Die) der Gegenwart und ihre Grenzgebiete. Hrsg. von Otto Korner. Wiesbaden. Nos. 1-2,1899-1900. 8°. Oklahoma Medical News. Oklahoma City. v. 1, 1901. 8-\ Oklahoma Medical News-Journal. Official organ of the Oklahoma Territorial Medical Association. Oklahoma, v. 10, 1902. 8°. Oklahoma Territorial Medical Association. [See Oklahoma M. News-Jour.] Otchot o dieyatelnosti zavieduyemoi M. S. Subbotinim pro- pedevticheskoi khirurgicheskoi kliuiki pri Imperatorskoi Vo- yenno-Meditsinskoi Akademii. [Report of the work of the propaedeutic surgical clinic directed by Subbotin, of the Im- perial Army Medical Academy.] 1890,-92. S. -Peterburg, 1891-2. 8°. P. Petrus Camper. Nederl. bij dr. t. de anat., Haarlem & Jena. Philos. hist. & mem. Roy. Acad. Sc. Par. abr___1699 to 1720, Lond. Physik. gyogyitdm., Budapest. Physio-Med. Rec, Indianap. Polnisch. Arch. f. biol. u. med. Wissensch., Lemberg. Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb. Pratica d. med., Napoli. Prim. reun. d. Cong, cient. lat. amer., Buenos Aires. Progres med. beige, Brux. Pub. Cornell Univ. M. Coll. Stud. Dep. Path., N. Y. Pathologisch-anatomische Abteilung des konigl. hygienischen Iustituts zu Posen. [See Arb. a. d. path.-anat. Abt. d. k. hyg. Inst, zu Posen . . . R. Virchow zur Feier [etc.], Wiesb.] Petrus Camper. Nederlandsche bijdragen tot de anatomie. Uitgegeven door L. Bolk en C. Winkler. Haarlem & Jena. v. 1, 1901. 8°. Philosophical (The) history and memoirs of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Paris; or an abridgment of all the papers relating to natural philosophy, which have been published by the members of that illustrious society, from the year 1699 to 1720. With mauy curious observations relating to the natural history and anatomy of animals, etc. London. 5 v., 1742. 8°. Physikai gydgyitomddok. [Physical methods of cure.] Buda- pest. 1 v., 1902. fol. [Supplement to: Magy. orv. lapja.] Physio-Medical (The) Record. (Formerly the Indianapolis Polyclinic.) Indianapolis, v. 5, 1902. 8°. Policlinique centrale de Bruxelles. [See Ann. de la Policlin. cent. de Brux.] Polnische's Archiv fiir biologische und medizinische Wissen- schaften. Lemberg. v. 1, 1901. 8°. Prakticheskiy Vrach; yezhened. meditsinskaya gazeta, posvya- shtshonnaya nauchnlm i bltovlm interesam vrachei-praktikov, s yezhemiesyachnlm zhurnalom "Sovremennaya klinika". [Practical physician; weekly medical gazette, devoted to the scientific and lay interests of practicing physicians, with a monthly journal "Contemporary Clinic".] S.-Peterburg. v. 1, 1902. 8°. Pratica (La) del medico. Rivista mensile di medicina, chirurgia e scienze affini. Napoli. v. 1, 1900-1901. 8°. Primera reunten del Congreso cientifico latino americano. Por iniciativa de la Sociedad cientifica argentina. Buenos Aires. 4 v., 1898. 8°. Progres (Le) ntedical beige. roy. 8°. Bruxelles. v. 1-4, 1899-1902. Provinciaal Utrechtsch Genootschap van het Kunsten en Weten- schappen. [See Verhandel. v. h. Prov. Utrecht. Genootsch. v h. Kunst. en Wetensch.] Publications of Cornell University Medical College. Studies from the Department of Pathology. New York. v. 1, 1901. 8°. [9] «• Queensland Geog. J., Brisbane. Queensland Geographical Journal. New series. Including the Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia, Queensland. Brisbane, v. 15-16, 18'.)'.>_1901. ' 8\ K. Real-Encycl. d. ges. Heilk. [etc.], Wien & Leipz. Rep. Soc. Study Dis. Child., Lond. Rev. Asoc. med.-farm. . . . de Cuba, Habana. Rev. chilena de hij., Sant. de Chile. Rev. d. construct., Rio de Janeiro. Rev. gen. du lait, Lierre. Rev. med. du Canada, Montreal. Rev. pharm., Gand. Riv. magnet., Milano. Russk. Vrach, S.-Peterb. Real- Encvelopadie der gesammten Heilkunde; medicinisch- ehirurgisches Handworterbuch fiir praktische Aerzte. 3. Auii. Wien & Leipz. v. 1-23, 1-93-1900. ■-'•'. Reports of the Society for the Study of Disease in Children. London, v. 1, 1901.' 8 . Revista de la Asociacten ntedico-farmace'utica de la Isla de Cuba. Habana. v. 1-2, 1900-1901. 8\ Revista chilena de hijiene. Publicada por el Instituto de hijiene de Santiago. Santiago de Chile, v. 3-5,1896-7 to 1899-1900. 8-. Revista dos constructores. Rio de Janeiro. No. 4, v. 3,1889. fol. Revue generale du lait. ntedicale Revue 1902. (La) fol. Lierre. v. 1, 1902. *°. du Cauada. Montreal. v. 4-5, 1900- Revue pharmaceutique. la Flaudre orientate. Orgaue de l'Union pharmaceutique de Gand. v. 1-17, 1885-1901. 8°. Rivista magnetica. Milano.* v. 1-5, 1897-8 to 1901-2. 8°. Royal.Academy of Sciences of Paris. [See Philos. hist. & mem. Roy. Acad. Sc. Par. abr. . . . 1699 to 1720, Lond.] Royal Geographical Society of Australasia. [See Queensland Geog. J., Brisbane.] Russkoye Obshtshestvo Okhraneniya NarodnavoZdraviya. [See Trudi odessk. otd. Russk. Obsh. okhran. narod. zdrav. S.-Peterb.] Russkiy Vrach; yezhenedielnaya meditsinskaya gazeta, posvya- shtshonnaya vsiem otraslyam klinicheskol meditsinl, obshtshe- stvennol i chastnoi higienie i vsiem voprosam vrachebnavo blta. Organ, osnovannly v pamyat V. A. Manasse'iua. [Russian physician; weekly medical gazette, devoted to all branches of clinical medicine, public and private hygiene, and all ques- tions of the physician's life. Organ founded in Manassein's memory.] S.-Peterburg. v. 1, 1902. 8°. N. Sante humaine, Par. Schles. Aerzte-Corresp., Bresl. Script, ophthal. min., Lips. Sebeszet, Budapest. Soc. franc, de prophyl. san. et mor. Bull., Par. Saute (La) humaine; alimentation, hygiene et ntedecine. Paris. v. 1-3, 1-99-1901. fol. Schlesische Aerzte Correspondenz. Organ der Aerztekammer der Provinz Sclilesien. Breslau. v. 4, 1901. fol. Scriotores ophthalmologic! minores. Edidit Justus Radius. Lip- si;e. v. 1, 18-2C. 8J. Sebeszet. [Surgery.] [A Magyar orvosok lapja sebes/eti mel- teklete.] [Surgical supplement to: Magy. orv. lapja.] Buda- pest. No. 1, 1901. fol. Sklifosovski (X. V.) [See Yubil. shorn, v chest . . . Sklit'osov- skavo, S.-IVtersl>.] Soeiedad geograftea de Lima. [See Bol. Soc. geog. de Lima.] Soctetc" anatomo-clinique de Toulouse. [See Toulouse nted.] Noetete- francaise de prophvlaxie sanitaire et morale. Bulletin. Paris. 1 v., 1901. 8°. Soctete internationale de prophylaxie sanitaire et morale. [See Bull. Soc. internat. de prophyl. [etc.].] [10] South. Illinois J. M. & S., Me- tropolis. South. M. J., La Grange, N. C. Studi sassaresi, Sassari. Surg. Clin., Chicago. Szemeszeti lapok, Budapest. Sziileszet es nogyogy., Buda- pest. Soctete ntedicale de l'lle Maurice. [See Bull. Soc. nted. de l'lle Maurice, Port Louis.] Soctete mcdico-chirurgicale d'Anvers. [See Aun. Soc. m6"d.-chir. d'Anvers.] Soci6t6 ntedico-chirurgicale du Brabant. [See Ann. Soc. nted.- chir. du Brabant, Brux.] Soctet6 de p6diatrie de Paris. [See Bull. Soc. p6diat. de Par.] Society for the Study of Disease in Children. [See Rep. Soc. Study Dis. Child., Lond.] Southern (The) Illinois Journal of Medicine and Surgery. Me- tropolis, 111. v. 1-2, 1900-1902. 8J. Southern (The) Medical Journal. A monthly journal of medi- cine and allied sciences. La Grange, N. C. v. 7, 1902. 8°. Studi sassaiesi. Pubblicati per cura di alcuni professori della Universita di Sassari. Sassari. v. 1, 1901. 8°. Surgical (The) Clinic. Chicago, v. 1, 1902. 8°. Syezd Obshtshestva Russkikh Vrachei. [See Dnevnik Syezda Obsh. Russk. Vrach., Mosk.] Syezd Russkikh Vrachei v pamyat N. I. Pirogova. [See Trudi Syezda Russk. Vrach. v pam. Pirogova, Mosk.] Szenteszeti lapok. [Ophthalmological sheets.] Budapest, lv., 1902. fol. [Supplement to: Magy. orv. lapja. ] Sziiteszet e"s nogyogy&szat. [Obstetrics and gynaecology.] Bu- dapest. No. 1,1902. fol. [Supplement to: Magy. orv. lapja.] T. Texas M. Gaz., Port Worth. Therap. Progr., N. Y Thierarztl. Centr.-Anz., Berl. Torveny es rendelet., Budapest. Toulouse med. Tr. Am. Proctol. Soc, Allegheny, Pa. Tr. Lancaster City & Co. M. Soc. Tr. M. Soc. Washington, Spo- kane. Tr. West. Surg. & Gynec. Ass., Lincoln. Trav. du lab. de physiol. Univ. de Geneve, Geneve. Trudi odessk. otd. Russk. Obsh. Okhran. Narod. Zdrav., S.-Pe- terb. Trudi Syezda Russk. Vrach. v pam. Pirogova, Mosk. Tuberculosis, Lond. Talma (Sape). [See Feestbundel, Dr. Sape Talma [etc.], Haar- lem.] Tauffer (Vilmos). [See Kozlem. a Tauffer V. egyet. . . . ntti klin.] Texas (The) Medical Gazette. Fort Worth, Texas, v. 1-2,1901-2, 8C. Therapeutic Progress. New York. v. 1-7, 1896-1902. 8°. Thierarztlicher Ceutral-Auzeiger. Berlin, v. 7-8, 1901-2. fol. Tontenyek es rendeletek. [Laws and regulations.] Budapest. No. 1, 1902. fol. [Supplement to: Magyar orv. lapja.] Toulouse ntedical. Orgaue officiel de la Soctet6 anatomo-clinique de Toulouse. Toulouse, v. 1-4, 1899-1902. 8°. Transactions of the American Proctologic Society. Allegheny, Pa. v. 1, 1899. 8°. Transactions of the Lancaster City and County Medical Society. Lancaster. 1 v., 1901. 8°. Transactions of the Medical Society of the State of Washington. Spokane, 1 v., 1901. 8°. Transactions of the Western Surgical and Gynecological Asso- ciation, 1897-9. Lincoln, v. 7-9, 1898-1900. 8°. Travaux du laboratoire de physiologic de l'Universite' de Geneve. Annees 1899-1900. Geneve, v. 1-2, 1900-1901. 8°. Trudi odesskavo otdiela Russkavo Obshtshestva Okhraneniya Narodnavo Zdraviya. [Papers of the Odessa section of the Russian Society for the Preservation of Public Health.] S.-Pe- terburg. Nos. 1-2, 1900-1901. 8°. Trudi Syezda Russkikh Vrachei v pamyat N. I. Pirogova. [Pa- pers of the Congress of Russian Physicians in Pirogoff's mem- ory.] Moskva, v. 4, 1892. 8:. Tuberculosis. The Journal of the National Association for the Prevention of Consumption and other forms of Tuberculosis. London, v. 2, 1902. 8^. [11] I. Univ. Durham Coll. Med. Gaz., Newcastle. Univ. de Leide. Rec. de trav. anat.-path, du lab. Boerhaave, Leide. Univ. di Perugia. Ann. d. Fac. di med. Union pharmaceutique de la Flaudre orieutale. pharm., Gaud.] Universidad central de Venezuela. nezuela, Caracas.] University of Durham College of Medicine Gazette. v. 2, 19HI-2. 4-\ Ilniveisite de Leide. Recueil de travaux anatomo-pathologiques du laboratoire Boerhaave, 188H-JH, publte par E Siegenbeek van Heukelom. Leide. 2 v., 1899. 8->. Universita di Perugia. Annali della Facolta di medicina. rugia. 3. s., v. 1, 1901. 8\ Universita di Sassari. [See Stmli sassaresi, Sassari.] Uuiversite de Geneve. [Seek Pe- V. Verhandel. v. h. Prov. Utrecht. Genootsch. v. h. Kunst. en We- tensch., Utrecht. Verhandl. d. nord. Kong. f. inn. Med. zu Kopenh, Stockholm. Verhandl. d. Ver. d. Aerzte zu Halle a. S., Miinchen. Vestnik Khir., Mosk. Vortrags-Cyclus d. psychol. Ge- sellsch. zu Breslau, Berl. Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb. Vereeuigiug van homoeopathische Geueesheeren in Nederland. [See Handel, v. de Vereen. v. homoeop. Geneesh. in NederL, Zwolle.] [See Verhandl. d. Ver. d. Aerzte Verein der Aerzte zu Halle a. S. zu Halle a. S., Miinchen.] Verhandelingen van bet Provinciaal Utrechtscb Geuootschap van bet Kunsteu en Wetenschappen. Utrecht, v. 6-7, 1789- 94. 8\ Verhaudlungen des nordischen Kongresses fiir innere Medicin zu Kopenhagen 1900. Stockholm, v. 3, 1901. 8-. Verhandluugen der Vereins der Aerzte zu Halle a. S. voin 1. Januar 1900 bis 30. April 1901. Miinchen. 1 v., 1901. 8 . Vestnik Khirurgii. [Courier of surgery.] Moskva, v. 1-2, 1900- 1901. 8~. Virchow (Rudolf). Inst, zu Posen . . Vortrags - Cyclus der psychologischen Gesellschaft zu Breslau iiber die Entwickeluug der Psychologie und verwandter Ge- biete des Wissens und des Lebeus im neunzehnten Jahrhun- dert. Berlin. 4 Nos., 1900-190-2. 83. Vrachebnaya Gazeta; klinicheskaya i bitovaya gazeta dlya vra- chei. [Medical gazette; gazette of the clinic and daily life for physicians.] S.-Peterburg. v. 8, 1900. 4°. [Continuation of: Ejened. jour. " Piakt. Med.".] [See Arb. a. d. path.-anat. Abt. d. k. hyg. R. Virchow zu Feier, Wiesb.] w. Wash. M. Ann. Washington Medical Annals. (Bi-monthly.) Journal of the Medical Society of the District of Columbia. Washington. v. 1, 1902. 8\ Washington University. [See Med. Bull. Wash. Univ., St. Louis.] Western Surgical aud Gynecological Association. [See Tr. West. Surg, ct Gynec. Ass.] Wiirzb. Abhandl. a. d. Gesamt- | Wiirzburger Abhandlungeu aus dem Gesamtgebiet der prakti- geb. d. prakt. Med. schen Medizin. Wiirzburg. v. 1-2, 1900-1902. 8°. [12] Y. Year Bk. M. Ass. Gr. N. York. Yubil. sborn. v chest . sovskavo, S.-Peterb. Sklifo- Year Book of the Medical Association of the Greater City of New York. New York. 1 v., 1901. 12-. Yubileiuly sboruik v chest xl-lietiya vrachebnoi dieyatelnosti N. V. Sklifosovskavo. 1859, |?, 1899. [Jubilee collection in honor of the 40th anniversary of the medical career of Skli- fosovski.] S.-Peterburg. 1 v., 1900. 4°. z. Zacchia n. secolo xx, Bologna. Zacchia nel secolo xx. Bollettino per 1' ordiuamento delle perizie giudiziarie e per la pratica medico legale in armonia colla me- dicina scientifica. Bologna, v. 1, 1901. 8°. CATALOGUE. HERNIA. HERNIA. Hernia. [Includes inguinal hernia.] See. also, Artery (Epigastric'): Bladder, Blad- der {Female), Brain, Hernia of; Canal (In- guinal): Iris (Displacement, etc., of); Liver, Lungs. Muscles. Ovary, Pancreas. Hernia of; Uterus {Hernia into); Uterus (Hernia of). Ac ret (G. s.) A treatise on hernia, explain- ing its varieties, situation, symptoms, and causes; to which is added a full description of the construction and application of the most approved mechanical remedies. 8-. London, 1-3.'.. Arrighetti (P. J.) *De hernia inguinali. 4°. Genua', 1-13. Bauduin (D. -F.) " Considerations sur les hernies. 4°. Strasbourg, an XI (1-03). Becker (G. G.) Das wahre Noth- und Hiilfs- biichlein fiir Bruchkranke alter Art; worinnen uber das Weseu, die Entstehung, Verhiitung und Heilnngder Leisten-. Soheukel-, Nabel-, Wasser-, Fieisch- und aller anderu Briiche der fasslichste und vollstiindigste Unterricht gegeben wird. It;. TTien "». Ecclfs (W. M.) Hernia, its etiology, symp- toms, and treatment. 8D. New York, 1900. -----. The same. 8°. London, 1900. Franxo (P.) Petit traite sur les hernies. Premiere Edition, 1550. Iteiinpression identique au texte primitif„ 8°. [Paris], 18-4. See, also, infra, Albert. -----. Traite" des hernies, contenant une ample declaration de toutes lours especes et autres excellentes parties de la chirnrgie, a sa- voir, de la pierre, des eataractes des yeux, et au- tres maladies, des(|uelles comme la cure est rte- rilleuse, aussi est-elle de pen d'hommes bien exerceV; avec leurs causes, signes, accidens, anatomic des parties aft'ectees, et leur entiere giterisou. 8°. Lyon, [1561] ; Paris, 1895. Godfiiind. Hernies. 12°. Srilles, 1900. VOL VII, 2D SERIES-----1 Hernia. Goebell (P. C.) * Observationes aliquot et animadversionesde herniis. Itintelii, 1707. In: Wkiz (F. A.) Vollstaud.Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Bu dissin, 1709 i. 16-41. Heckel (C.) Compendium der Unterleibsher- nieu. •--. Stuttgart, 1880. Hfssflbach (A. K.) Die Lehre von den Eingeweidebriichen. 8°. Wiirzburg, 18-J0-30. Kikchner (E.) Die Lehre von den Uuter- leibsbruchen, zuuiichst zum Ciebrauch der Stu- dierenden im Umrisse dargestellt. 4°. Kiel, 1839. Lawrence (W.) A treatise on hernia; being the essay which gained the prize ottered by the Royal College of Surgeons in the year 1806. 8°. London, 1807. -----. The same. A treatise on ruptures, containing an anatomical description of each species; Avith an account of its symptoms, prog- ress, and treatment. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1-Ki. -----. The same. From the 5. Loud. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1843. -----. The same. Abhandlung von den Briichen, enthaltend: Die anatoniische Beschrei- bung jeder Art derselben, nebst einer Darstellung ihrer Symptome, ihres Verlaufs und ihrer Be- handlung. Nach der dritten, von Nenem durch- gesehenen, verbesserten und vermehrten Aus- gabe aus dem Knglischen iibersetzt von Gerhard von dem Busch. 8 . Bremen, 18b-. Macready (J. F. C. II.) A treatise ou rupt- ures. 8J. London, 1893. Mair (J.) Die Briiche und Vorfalle. Nach dem nenesten Standpunkte der Wissensehaft bearbeitet. 12°. Ansbach, 1856. Maydl (K.) Die Lehre von den Unterleibs- briichen (Hernien). 8\ Wien, 18(.»8. de Mayo (A.) * Contribution a l'e'tnde des hernies par glisseinent du gros intestiu (hernies inguinale*). 8 . Paris, 1897. Mekigot dk Tkeigny (<;.-M.-A.) * Etude sur les hernies du gros intestiu considerees speeiate- ment dans les regions inguinale et crurale. 4°. J'aris, 1887. Mi eg (L.) Gemeinniitzlicher und fasslicher Unterriclit fiir Bruchpatienten beidertey Ge- schlechts, worinnen sie besonders diesen soge- nannten Leihesschaden an sieli leieht erkennen, und dagegen zur "\'«'rhiituiig lebensgefahrlieher Folgen, die sichersten und zweckunissigsteu Vor- banungs- und Heilmittel angezeigt linden. 12°. Basel, 1-03. Moi.isox (T.) A probationary surgical essay on inguinal and femoral hernia. 8°. Edin- burgh, 18-2-2. Pe'j K/Et'.s (II.) * De herniis. Resp. Siinone Batkovio. In: Nosoi,. tiarmouica, doguiat. et hermet. 4°. Mar- purgi Oattorum, 1616, ii, 429-440. HERNIA. o HERNIA. Hernia. Pott (P.) A treatise on ruptures. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1763. Rath und Hiilfe fur Bruchpatienten jedes Al- ters und Geschlechts, oder: allgeniein fassliche Belehrungen, wodnrcli sie in den Stand gesetzt werden, nicht nur diese Gebrechen richtig zu erkennen und durch eine passende Behaudlung unschiidlich zu machen, sondern auch selbst radikal zu heileu, und bei statttindender Ein- klemmnng durch eigene Hiilfe deu Brnch bald zuriickzubriugen und sich so vor deu lebensge- fahrlichen Folgen derselben zu bewahren. Nach eigenen Erfahrungen und mit Benutznng der besten neuesten Schriften iiber diesen Gegeu- staud. Abgefasst von einem praktis*hen Arzte. 3. Aufl. 12°. Quedlinburg fy Leipzig, 1845. Raumberger (A.) * De herniis. sm. 4C. Gissw Hassorum, 1697. Reichel (J.) Die am hanfigsten vorkoninien- den Arteu der Unterleibsbriiche zur Beachtuug und Belehrung fiir Jedermann, insbesoudere fiir Bruchkranke dargestellt und durch Abbildun- gen erliiutert. 12°. Leipzig, 1854. Richter (A. G.) Abhaudlung von den Brii- chen. Neue Ausg. 12°. Gbttingen, 1785. Roser(W.) Herniologische Streitfragen. 4°. Marburg, 1887. Schmidt (B.) Die Unterleibsbriiche, mitbe- arbeitet und nach dessen Tode hrsg. von Georg I B. Schmidt. 8°. Stuttgart, 1896. SchCpbach (M.) * Beitriige zur Kenntnis der Hernien. 8J. Bern, 1898. Sheldrake (T.), jr. Remarks on Mr. Brand's chirurgical essays on the causes and symptoms of ruptures, their natural consequences if neglected, and the various dangers in applying trusses; with a short but true history of the invention of Mr. Brand's patent elastic trusses, intended to show bow well he is qualified to be the head of his profession and censure all others as ignorant and presumptnous. To which are added an at- tempt to establish a criterion to distinguish the empiric from the fair practitioner in rupture cases, aud queries to Mr. Brand on particulars that are said to constitute part if not the whole of his improved method of treatment aud cure. 8-. London, 1782. Siebeck (J. C.) * De herniis, speciatim oscheocele vera. 4°. Jence, [1762]. Also, in: "Weiz (F. A.) Vollstand. Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Leipz. u. Budissin, 1771, Hi, 454. Sultan (G.) Atlas und Grundriss der Unter- leibsbriiche. 12°. Miinchen, 1901. T. (W. H.) Appendix to a publication enti- tled : New inventions and directions for ruptured persons [etc.]; containing a familiar account of the nature of ruptures in both sexes. 8°. Lon- don, 1802. Teale (T. P.) Lehrbuch der Unterleibs- briiche; fiir praktische Aerzte, Wundarzte und Studirende. Nach dem Englischen von H. Hol- der. 8°. Stuttgart, 1848. _____. The same. Leerboek der onder- buiksbreuken voor praktische artsen, heelkun- digen en studenten. Naar de hoogduitsche be- werking van H. Holder, door A. G. van der Hout. 8:. Utrecht # Amsterdam, 1849. Wigger (B.) *Ueber Hernien mit besonde- rem Inhalt. 8C. Kiel, 1891. Albert (E.) Petit traite concernant une des parties principals [etc.|, par Pierre FraDco. [Rev.] Deutsches Arch f. Gescb. d. Med. u. med. Geog., Leipz., 1881, iv, 74; 161; 273; 385: 1882, v, 1; 147; 249.-----Ueber die Leis- tenhernie. Wien. med. Presse, 1887, xxviii, 1-3— Bol- j lance ( C 1.) Ob hernia. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep., Lond 1887. n. 8., xvi, 193-198.—Baron (J.) Az ligyne- < vezett hashartva-el6tti servekrdl. [The so-called pie- j peritoneal hernia. ] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1885, xxix, 789-798. — Bennett (W. H.) A clinical lecture on I Hernia. some points connected with hernia. Clin. J., Lond., 1*95-6 vi, 6-10. — Berger (P.) Hernies. Traite de chir. (Duplay et Reclus). 2. ed., Par., 1898, vi. 23-200. -----. Hernies ingnin.iles. Ibid., 201-270. —Bishop (E. S.) Remarks on inguinal hernia. Prov. M. J., Lei< es- ter, 1892, xi, 65-69. -----. Chronic inguinal hernia Inter- nat. Clin., Phila., 1895, 4. 8., iv, 208-219.— Bogdanik (J.) Szkice hernijologiczne. [Hernia sketches.] Wiadomosci lek., Lw6w. 1888-9, iii, 176; 207.—Bom-sier (A.) Hernies en general. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1888, 4. 8., xiii, 667-886.—Bremond (F.) Les hernies. J. lie la sante, Par., 1897, xiv. 303.—Broca (A.) Pieces relatives aux hernies inguinale.-; congenitales et acquises. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1868, Ixiii. 272-283. -----. Les varietes aua- tomiques et cliniques des hernies inguinales reductibles. Gaz. hebd.de med., Par., 1889, xxvi. 522-527. Also: Gaz. d. hop. de Toulouse, 1889, iii, 273; 281; 289. -----. Hernie inguinale. Diet, encyl. d. sc. med., Par.. 1889, 4. s., xv, 784- 813. —B run nor (< ) Herniologische Beobachtungen. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing^, 1888-9, iv. 1-39, 2 pi.—Bull (W. T. > & Colcy (W. B.) Hernia. Svst. Surg. (Dennis), Phila.. 1896, iv, 143-215. —Cardinal! ( E.) Erniologia. Monitore med. marchigiano, Loreto, 1889-90, iii, 261-270.— (Iiiene (J.) Hernia. Edinb. It. J., 1885-6, xxxi, 801- 804.—C'ristiani (A.) Le ernie ed il loro significato antro- pologico negli alienati di mente. Arch, di psichiat., [etc. |. Torino, 1894, xv, 401-407.—Buemling (H. A.) Hernia abilominalis. N. York M. J., 1900, lxxi, 949-951.—Fer- rari (P.) Ernie. In his: Sala chir. . . . d. Osp. magg.
  • , 1901, vi, 19*.—Kiisler (E.) Beitrage zur Lehie von den Hernien. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl.. 1886. xv, pt. 2, 291-310. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1886-7, xxxiv, 202-221. Also [Abstr.]; Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1880, xi, 283.—Lancastrensis. Hernial reminiscences. Liverpool M. Gaz., Loud., 1833, i, 314; 362. — I.iscnkoff ( N. K. ) Ogrizhakh zhivota, [Abdominal herniae.| In: Lekts. operat. khir. [etc.], 8°, Mosk., 1901. 48-114. — I.iicas-Chanipioiiuiere. De la hernie. Independ. med.. Par., 1899, v, 193.— I.iihe. Zur Frageder Bruchanlage. Deutsche inil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1900, xxix, 48-51.—I>utz (F. J.) Some remarks concerning hernia. Am. J. Surg. & Gynaec, "Wellston, Mo., 1895-6, viii, 153; 166. Also: Med. Rev., St. Louis, 1896. xxxiv, 37-40. Also: Tr. M. Ass. Missouri 1896-7, Kansas Citv, 1898, 255-263.— McLaren (A.) Hernia. Tr. N. Dakota M. Soc, St. Paul, Minn., 1899, 62-75.— Manlev (T. H.) Hernia? operative and non-operative. J. Am. M. Ass..Chicago. 1892, xxix, 182-192. Also [Abstr.]: Med. News, Phila., 1892. lxi, 118-122.— Marcinkowski (A.) Przyczynekdonaukioprzepuklinachscianybrzucha. [On abdominal herniae. ] Medycyua, Warszawa, 1899, xxvii, 124-126.—Marcy (H. O.) Inguinal hernia in the male. N. York M. J., 1893, lvii, 136-138.—Marion (G.) De la hernie ingnino-superficielle. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par.. 1899, lxxiv, 993-1012. — Marffuoflf (A.) Grizhi pakhovovo treugolnika. [Hernia.' of the inguinal triaugle.| Khirurjiia. Mosk., 1901, ix, 156-160.—Mendez (A.) Coutribucion al estudio de las fositas paracdlicas; heruia experimental. Rev. de med. y ciruj. de la Habana, 1898, iii. 3-8. — Mery. Observations sur les hernies. Hist. Acad, row d. sc. 1701, Par. 1719, Mem., 273-291. Also : Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc, 1701, Amst., 1707, Mem., 356- 380.1 pi. Also, transl..- K.Akad. d. Wissenseb. in Par. . . . Abhandl., Bressl., 1749, i, 669-688. — Monro ( A.) Re- marques sur les hernies inguinales qui survieunent aux homines. Essais et obs. de med. de la Soc. d'Edinb., Par., 1743, v, 341-376 — Obaliiiski (A.) Szkice herniologi- HHKXIA. 3 HEENIA. Hernia. czne. Medyc.vua, Warszawa, 1885, xiii, 273; 297; 313; 329.— Ostermayer tX 1 Herniologische lieitriigc. Wien. med.'\Vchns( lu.. 1891, xliv, 1167; 1207; 1253. -----. Her- niologiai kozlemenyek. (Horniological communications.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1899, xliii, 383. Also, tiansl.: Wien. med. Wchusehr., 1898. xi, 2215-2220.— Fa ill (R.) Hernia. Internat. Clin., l'h.ila.. 1892, 2. «., iii, 209-215.— Fean. Hernies. In his: Lemons do cliu. chir. [etc.], 8°, Par., 1888, vi, 765: 1890. vii. 601— I'oiiUoii (K.) llernio- logiske Afhandlinger. Hosp. Tid., Kjobenh., 1892, 3. r., x, 217: 245.—I'vc-Niuith iK.J.) Hernia. Med. Press \ Ciic. Loud , 18>,">. n. s.. xl. 420-424.—Bacovieeanu- Pilt'Mti (X.-G.) ^ .'line is I «'««<• u. Contributions il 1 etude dos hei nies inguinales. Koumanio med., Bucarest, 1894, ii, 123-128. — BeiiM«eii (W.) Eon en ander over breukeu. Med_ "Weekbl., Amst.. 1895-6, ii, 393; 408; 451; 473; 525.— Keutski (I.) Sluchai samoproizvolnavo vpravleniya pakhonio*hnochuol grizhi. (Spontaneous reduction of in- guiiKi-scrotal hernia.] Kussk. Med., St. Petersb.. 1891, xi, 53*. — Kickeils (B. M.) Inguinal hernia. Am. Med., Phila., 1901. l, 201-20".. Also: Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1901, n. $.. xlvi. 103-109.— Bideiiour (A. \V.) A further study of hernia. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Toledo. 1890, 166-182. Also : Columbus M. J., 1,-90-91. ix, 7-17. A ho: limes &. Reg., X. Y.& Phila., 1890, xxi,26-30.— Bol>in«ou (B.) Hernia. Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1894. vi. 015-018. -----. A review of hernia. Am. M. Compend, Toledo, 1895, xi, 384- 393. —Ko»«t (D.) Inguinal hernia. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Loganspon. 1901. 89-99.— Kmiyaii IP.) Hernia. Hot Spiings M. J., 1,-97. vi, 20.--21O —«»iilli van iM.) Hernia. Cauad. Pract., Toronto. 189j. xv. 367-374 — Wall on (K. M.) Hernia. Peoria M. Rec, 1896, i, 287-292.—Thorcn (A. V.) Biack-kasuistik. [Case-of hernia.] H\ giea. Stockholm, 1,-96, h iii, pt. 2, 313.- Thurston (E. '<>.) Hernia. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep., Lond.. 1898-9, n. s., xxvii. 190-201.— Tirniau iH.) Remarques sur quelques varietes de her- nies. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1860. xxxiii, 3,-5. Also, Reprint.— Treves (F.) Hernia. Syst. Sui g. (Treves), Lond., 1896, ii. 664-737.—Tucker (H.S.) Hernia. Chicago M. Times, 1896, xxix, 321-324.— L'hler iH. L.) Inguinal hernia. Columbus M.J.,1896, xvi,497-501.— Van ticnnep (W.B.) Hernia. Hahneman. Inst., Phila., l<-90-7, iv, 9-13.— IVathrn (W. H.) Umbilical and ventral hernia. Am. J. Obst., X. T., 1893, xxviii, 504-569. Also, Reprint.— Werner. Erfahrungen auf dem Gebiete der Hernien. Zt-chr. f. Wundaizte ii. Ceburt~h., Fellbach, 1890, xli, 306: 1891,xlii, 3; 105:210; 2-9: 1-82 xliii. 26; 97; 187; 249: 1893. xliv, 3- -1; 199: 283.— Wiedergpergu (G.J, rytir. K^la tfiselui. [Inguinal hernia.j Casop. l,'-k. cesk., v Praze, 1804. iii. 5.—Wood (J.) Hernia. Internat. Encycl. Surg. [Ashhui-t;. X. V., 1-85. v, 1115-1179. —Wyeth (J. A.) Notes upon inguinal and femoral hernia. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Montgomery, W5, xxxviii, 497-513. -----. A clinical lecture on inguinal hernia. Internat. J. Surg., X. V., 1889, ii, 210-213. -----. Hernia. Internat. Encycl. Surg. [Ashhurst|. X\ T.. 1-95, vii, 867-893. Hernia (Anatomy of). See Hernia (Causes, etc., of). Hernia (Anomalous or unusual forms of). See, also, Hernia (Ischiatic); Hernia (Littre'x); Hernia (Lumbar); Hernia (Obturator); Hernia (Perineal); Hernia (Prevesical); Hernia (Pro/ieri- toneal); Hernia (Retroperitoneal); Hernia Illicit- ter^s); Hernia (Sacral). Bard (P.) 'Contribution ;i l'e"tude des varie"- tes rares des hernies inguinales et eriirales au point de vue de leur siege et de leur contenu. 4°. Lyon, 1896. Best (P.) 'Einige Falle von Anomalien des Bruchsacks. ^ . " iirzburg, 1888. Boccard (F.) Etude sur les hernies du plan- cher du bassin. 4°. Lyon, l^J."). Clarac (E.) "Contribution a l'e"tude de la hernie enkystee d'Astley Cooper; hernie a sac intravaginal ou a double sac de Bourguet, d'Aix. 4°. Lyon, 1895. Grange (J.) 'Contribution a l'e'tude de quel- ques vari£te"s de hernies rares au point de vue de leur siege. 4°. Lyon, 1896. Kaufmaxn (O.) *Ueber abnonne Bauchfell- taschen und einen Fall von Hernia interna para- vesical incarcerata. 8°. Greifswald, 18(J7. Michelet (J.) *Du canal vagino-p6ritoneal, ses transformations et les hernies rares aux- quelles elles peuvent donner lieu. 8°. Lyon, 1897. Hernia (Anonialousor unusual forms of). rin.ENBHUCK (W.) *Ueber einen Fall von Hernia inguino-interstitialis, nebst vergleichen- der Betracbtung der Hernia properitonealis mid verwandterForuien. 8°. Kiel, IW0. Andre. Hernie enkystee de la tunique vaginale, (her- nie d'Astley Cooper). Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1898, lxxi, 901- 004.—Karon (•!.) Adata Cooper-tele servekhez. [Coop- er's encysted hernia of the tunica vaginalis.] Oydgyfiszat, Budapest, 1879, xix, 761-765.—Kayer (K.) Leber einige seltenero Varieliiten der Leisteuhernien. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1885, x, 109; 119; 130; 139. — Conker (K. W. J.) A case of sub-peritoneal sacless hernia con- taining the bladder. Lancet, Lond., 1899, ii, 1158.— Du- clieuc (L.) \ l.abaude (E.) Hernie du colon trans- verse au-dessus de I'ostomac. J. d. sc. med. do Lille, 1901, ii, 106-109.— I< {seller. Beobachtung einer Hernia peri- naalis; Hernia ischio-rcctalis. Ztschr. f. Wuudarzte u. Ceburtsli , KelMiaeh, 1894, xlv, 309-311.—Garrow (A. E.) Unusual cases of hernia, Montreal M. J., 1900, xxix, 908- 910.—Hernie (Sur uue) particuliere. Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. 1700, Par., 1719, 15-17. Also: Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. [de Tar.] Amst., 1700, 20-22. Also, transl: K. Akad. d. Wis- senseb. in Par. . . . Abhandl., Bressl., 1749. i, 279-281.— Koida (S.) | A nue case of hernia.[ Iji Shinbun, Tokio, 1900, no. 572. :;09-372.—Koalovski (B. S.) Hernia in- terna retro-vesicalis incarcerata. Khirurgia, Mosk., 1899, v. 243-251— l.e lt;iil. Note sur line vai iete rare de her- nie inguinale. Arch. med. d'Angers, 1898, ii, 259-202.— 'TIcOowcll (L. F.) Strangulated hernia in the pericar- dial sac. lirit. M. J., Loud., 1899, i, 16— Marconi (A.) Due varieta, rare di ernia addominale. Clin, chir., Milano, 1895, iii, 99-112.—.Mitchell (L. J.) Strangulated internal hernia through a mesenteric hole. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1899, xxx, 505. — ITIusuai (A.) Ernie diverticolari ed ernie parietali. Clin, chir., Milano, 1898, vi, 4-13.— Melckc (K.) Ueber die Hernia processus vaginalis en- cvstica. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1898, xxii, 149-168.— Tedenal (E.) Hernies diverticulaires etrangldes et puiceinent herniaire. Montpel. med., 1885, 2. s., iv, 407- 429. A ls». in his: Mem. de chir., 3. ed., 8°, Montpel., 1892, 2. s., 121-143.—Thomas (W. T.) Two complicated and unusual hernia?, one containing bladder, the other Fallo- pian tube. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1896, ii, 1202.—Treves (F.) Hernia at the seat of an artificial anus. Lancet, Lond., 1885, ii, 525. —Zahradnicky. Pfispevek ku zvl&stnim odrudam kyl. [Contribution on special forms of hernia.] Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1900, xxxix, 751; 777. Hernia (Bacteriology of). Hitter (K. ) * Ueber die Durcbgiingigkeit der Darmwaud fiir Mikroorgauismen bei kiinst- licb dargestellten eingeklenunten Hernien. 8°. Gbttingen, 1890. A rnd. Ueber die Durchlassigkeit der Darm-wand ein- geklemmter Briiche fiir Mikroorganismeu. Mitth.a.Klin. u. med. Inst. d. Schweiz, Basel u. Leipz., 1893, 1. R., 393- 427. Also [A bstr. |: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., Jena, 1893, xiii. 173-176.—Bonneckcn (H. B.) Ueber Bakterien des Bruchwasscrs eiugeklemmter Hernien und deren Beziehung zur peritoniialen Sepsis. Arch. f. path. Anat, [etc.], Berl.,1890, exx, 7-28.—Bosc (F.-J.) & Blanc (M.) Du passage des microbes k travels les parois de l'in- testin herni6; contribution k l'etude des peritonites her- niaires; deductions pratiques. Arch, de med. exper. et d'anat. path., Par., 1896, viii, 735-747.—Brentano (A.) Die Ergebnisso bacteriologischer Brnchwassernntersu- ehungen. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 18*6. xliii, 288-300.—C'atellani (S.) Contributo clinico alio studio del pasnaggio dei microorgauismi nelle ernie strozzate. niforiiiamcid., Palermo, 1898, xiv, pt. 4, 555; 567.—t'lado. Bacterie de linfection herniaire. Cong. fran9- de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc.] 1889, Par., 1890, iv, f.20-t',40—Fischer (F.) A;. I.«-vy (E.) Zwei Falle von incarcerirter Eangra- noser Dei nie mit complicircnder Broncliopneumonie; bac- teriologische 1'ntei sucliung. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz.," 1891-2, xxxii, 252-250.—*iarre (C.) Bacteriolo- eische Unlersuclnmgen des Bruchwassers eiugeklemmter Hernien. Kortsc.hr. d. Med., Berl., 1880, iv, 486-490.— lijuuKuren (C. A.) Bidrag till studiet af tarmbakteri- ci nas tdi liallande vid inklamda brack. [Contribution & l'6tude du rdle des bact6ries intestinales dans les hernies 6trangl6es. C.-r.] Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1893, n. F., iii, no. 33, 1-19.—Nepveti (G.) Presence de bacte- rids dans la serosite p6ritoueale des hernies etrauglees et des occlusions intestinales; casdefievre latenteetde septi- c6mie latente. Compt. rend. Sue. de biol., Par., 1883, 7. s., v, 403-108. Also, Keprint.—Oker-Blom (M.) Hiukan lisatutkimuksiabacterium commune coli'n ky'ystii tuukea, patoloogisesti muuttuneeseen suolenseiniiiin. [Experi- ments on the permeability of the intestinal wall for pen- etration of bacterium commune coli in incarcerated hernia.] Duodecim, Helsinki, 1894, x. 69; 94— Rovsin$ (T.) Bak- teriologisk UndersegelHe af Brokvsesken ved lkarcererede Hernier. /Bacteriological researches on the hernial sac in HERNIA. 4 HERNIA. Hernia (Bacteriology of). incarcerated hernias.] Hosp.-Tid., Kjebenh., 1892,3. R., x, 489-490. Also, transl. | A bstr. ]: Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1892, xix, 649 - 652. — Mehlofler (H.) Bakteriologische Bruehwasseruntersuchungen mit Riicksicht auf die, die Brucheinklemmung komplizierendePneumonic Beitr.z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1895, xiv, 813-849. Hernia (Bandages for). See Hernia (Radical cure of) by injections, etc.; Hernia, Hernia (Umbilical), Treatment of; Trusses. Hernia (Cwcal) [including hernia of ap- pendix vermiformis]. See, also, Appendix vermiformis (Abscess of); Hernia (Congenital); Hernia (Femoral, Compli- cations, etc., df); Hernia (Femoral, Treatment of, Operative); Hernia in children; Hernia in chil- dren (Radical cure of); Hernia in old age. Barg ( G. [J.]) * Ueber perityphilitische . Eiteruug in Bruchsacken. 8C. Greifswald, 1893. Bakiety ( L. ) Des hernies de l'appeudice coecal coinpliqu6es d'appendicite. 4°. Paris, 181).-). Bouillet (L.-J.-M.) *fitude de l'etrangle- nient des bernies de l'appendice ihfo-csecal. 8Z. Bordeaux, 1898. Brunslow (O. [K. H. T.]) *Uel)er Appen- dicitis perforativa in Bruchsacken. 8°. Greifs- wald, 1898. Charxois (J.) *Des bernies du caecum com- pliqnees d'appendicite. 4°. Lyon, 1894. Fleisch (L.) * Perityphlitis im Bruchsack. [Zurich.] 8°. Chur, 1896. Graziaxi (L.) * Contribution a l'e"tude des hernies inguinales et cruralesde l'appendice i\6o- csecal suivies d'appendicite. 8°. Montpellier, 1900. Herbig (F.) * Die Erkrankungeu des Proces- sus vermiformis im Bruchsack. 8°. Miinchen, 1900. Jackle (F.) * Die Erkrankungeu des Proces- sus vermiformis im Bruchsacke. 8°. Berlin, 1888. Klein (F. R.) * Ueber die ausseren Briiche des Processus veriformis caeci. 4°. Giessen, 1868. Lagershausen (O.) * Beitrage zur Casuistik der Hernien des Processus vermiformis. 8-. Wiirzburg, 1893. Mezaxgeatr (H.) " Contribution a l'6tude des hernies de l'appendice il6o-caecal. 8°. Pans, 1899. Paldrock (A.) * Zur Entwicklungsgescbichte der Dickdarmbriiche, im besouderen der Briiche des Blinddarmes uud des aufsteigenden Dick- darmes. 8°. Jurgeiv, 1898. Rahn (J.) * Ueber die Hernien des Wurm- fortsatzes. 8°. Erlangen, 1893. Rivet (A.) *Essai stir les hernies de l'appen- dice vermiforme. 4C. Paris, 1*84. Also [Abstr.], in: Gaz. d. bop., Par., 1898, lxxi, 721-724. Sauvage (C.) *Des hernies de l'appendice vermiforme; appendicite herniaire. 4°. Paris, 1*94. Se(;elmax (B.) * Contribution a l'e'tude des hernies de l'appendice ileo-csecal. 8°. Paris, 1897. YVeltz (K.) * Ueber einen Fall von Perfora- tion des Processus vermiformis in einer Leisten- hernie. 8-. Strassburg, 1889. Aldibert. Hernie inguinale droite du coecum k sacs multiples. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1887, lxii, 436-442.— Arene. Hernie appeudicniaire; cure radicale; guerison. Loire med., St. Etienne, 1896, xv, 67-70.—von Arx (M.) Ccecuin in einer linksseitigen Scrotalhernie. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1886, xvi,052-654.—Austin (J. E.) Strangulated coecal hernia, extraperitoneal; herniotomy, Hernia (Ccccal). necessitating abdominal section, complicated by mitral and aortic insufficiency; recovery. Med. Bee, N.l., 1891, xxxix, 021.—Bajardi (D.) Ernie dell' appendice vermi- forme del cieco. Sperimentale. Sez. elm., 1< irenze, 1895, xlix 323- 340.— Battle (W. H.) A case ot irreducible femoral hernia containing the vermiform appendix : opera- tion- recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1899, i, 1223. — Bennett (W. H.) A case of hernia of the caecum, entirely wanting in a peritoneal sac. in which strangulation at the internal abdominal ring co-existed with an intussusception through the ileocecal valve. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1890, lxxiii, 129-140. Also [Abstr.]: Proc. Roy. M. & Chir. Soc. Lond., 1889-90, 3. s., ii, 55-60. — Berard (L.) Hernie inguinale avec presence du caecum. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc^d. sc. m6d. de Lyon (1895), 1896, xxxv, pt. 2, 177. ---—. Her- nie primitive du coecum a sac incomplet (pathogenie; traitement). Province med., Lyon, 1896, x, 184-187. -----. Appendice trouve dans une hernie etranglee. Lyon med., 1900 xciv, 493.—Black (R. S.) A case of 1. itcaecal hernia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, ii, 1177. — Ba-rkel (E.) Un cas de hernie inguinale du caecum a gauche. Gaz. med. de Strash., 1898, lvii. 13. —Briefer (A.) Hie Hernien des Processus vermiformis. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl.. 1892-3, xlv. 892-911. —B roe a (A.) Hernie du caecum a gauche. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1891, lxvi, 547-550. Also: Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1891, 2. s.. xxviii, 490-41)2. Also, in his: Notes de chir., Par., 1892, 56-64.—Campbell (W.F.) Strangulated hernia involving a gangrenous vermiform appendix. Brooklyn M.J., 1897, xi, 492.—Carle. Hernie inguinale; sphacele du caecum ; corps etranger; guerison. Lyon m6d.. 1899, xc, 169.—Carlson. Fynd af processus vermiformis i br&cksiicken vid operation of inklamdt brick. [Vermiform process found in the sac in an opera- tion for incarcerated hernia.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1897, lix, pt. 2, 227 — Clicvassc (T. P.) Note on a case of her- nia of the vermiform appendix into an old femoral sac. Lancet, Lond., 1899, i, 1561. — Ciz (J.) Slede stfevo v levostrannych kyl&ch tiisenj'ch. [The caecum in inguinal hernias of the left side.] Lek. rozhledy, Praha, 1901, ix, 107-109. —Collan (J.) Ett nytt fall af framfallen pro- cessus vermiformis intestini coeci. [TJn second cas de hernie du processus vermiforme. C. r., no. 22.] Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1884, xvi, no. 14, 7-9. —Colle (P.) De l'appendicite dans les sacs herniaires. Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1894, xxxiii, 257-268. — Corson (E. S.) Case of left-sided inguinal hernia of cecum and vermiform ap- pendix. Phila. M. J., 1898, i, 439.—Court in (J.) Hernie inguinale gauche contenantle coecum; rejection du coecum; guerison. Bull. Soc. anat. etphysiol. .. . de Bordeaux, 1893, xiv, 239-241.-----. Hernie inguinale gauche du caecum, re- section de l'anse ileo-colique et enterorraphie par implanta- tion laterale. Gaz. hebd. d. sc.m6d.deBordeaux, 1896, xvii, 581.— Oavics-Colley (N.) On hernia of the appendix vermiformis. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1883-4, xiii, 429- 443. — B-ubourg. Hernie inguinale gauche du coecum fetranglee compliqnee de paralvsie intestinale, traitee et guerie par les ponctions capillaires. J. de med. de Bor- deaux, 1897, xxvii, 157.—Oujuricr <£:Castaigne. Her- nie inguinale droite de l'appendice ileo-caecal, avec situa- tion extra-p6riton6ale de l'appendice. Bull.etm6m. Soc. anat. de Par., 1899, lxxiv, 180-182.—Dupre (G.) Un cas de hernie appendicitaire. Clinique, Brux., 1892, vi, 753- 755.—Buret (H.) Sur les hernies du coecum. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1891, i, 193-199. — Durodic. Hernie in- guinale gauche du coecum etranglee compliqu6e de para- lysie intestinale, traite et gu6rie par les ponctions capil- laires. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1897, xxvii, 145-148.— Eccles ("W. McA.) Ou hernia of the vermiform appen- dix; with a series of cases. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep. 1896, Lond., 1897, xxxii, 93-105. -----. Hernia of the vermiform appendix in a right femoral sac. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1896-7, xlvjii, 87-89.-----. Noteon herniaof the vermiform appendix. Lancet, Lond., 1899. i, 1360.—Franeliomiue (A.) Hernie coecale volumineuse dans la region crurale; phenoinenesd'etranglement;hernio-laparotomie: guerison. Bull. Soc. anat.-clin. de Lille, 1891, vi, 13-17. Also: J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1891, i, 200-204. —Frank (E.) Her- nia inguinalis inflammata (Typhlitis im Bruchsacke?); Operation; Heilung. Jahrb. d. AYien. k. k. Kranken- anst. 189H, Wien u. Leipz., 1898, v, pt. 2, 252. — Oal- laudet (B. B.) Right inguinal hernia of (a) bladder and (b) caecum. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1901, n. s., exxi, 543.— Gibbon (J. H.) Cecal hernia, with a classification of sixty-three cases. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1898, xxx, 1385-1388. Also [Abstr.]: Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1898, xix, 57. Also |Abstr.l: Phila. Polyclin., 1898, vii, 166. -----. Left caecal hernia, with a report of two cases. Ann. Surg., Philn.. 1901, xxxiv, 155-158. [Discussion!, 444.—CSIasmaelier. EinklemmungdesWurmfortsatzes; Brochoperation; Verschluss des Ileum durch Aehsen- drehung; Laparotomie. Deutsche mil.-iirztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1889, xv, 434-440. — Close he I (C.) Ein Fall von Perityphlitis im Bruchsack; Resection des Coecum und Processus vermiformis. Miinchen. med. "Wchnschr., 1900, xlvii, 156.—Gorroon (G.) Hernie inguinale appendicu- laire; cure radicale. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1899, lxxii, 356-358.—CJray (W.) A case of strangulated caecal her- HERS 1 A. 5 HERNIA. Hernia (Caral). nia (left side) treated by herniotomy and laparotomy. Tr. M. A Phys. Soc. Bombay, 1887-9, n. s., xii, 6-12.—Giu»- senbaner. Eiu Fall von Incarceration des Processus vermiformis in einer rechtsscitigcn crnralen Hernie. Prag. med. Wchnschr., Lxsti. xi, 221.— lledrieli. Etude sur la hemic inguinale du caecum k gauche. Gaz. med de Strasb.. 1889, xlviii, 121; 133. Also, Reprint.—Ilepp. Appendice etrangle dans une hernie crurale. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1897, lxxii, 854-856.—Hill (L. L.) Hernia of the vermiform appendix. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1899, lvi, 303.—Hutchinson (J.), jr. On the vermiform appendix in relation to external hernia. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1899, ii, 1089-1094.—Jaja (F.) Eruie dell' appendice vermi- forme del_ cieco. Puglia med., Bari, 1899, vii, 137; 143.— Jalaguier (A.) Deux observationsde hernie du ciecuni; etranglement; kelotomie: guerison. Cong, franc, de chir. Proc.-verb, [etc.], Par., 1888. iii, 571-570.—Jopsou (J. H.) Hernia of the vermiform appendix. Proc. Path. Soc. Phila., 1899-1900, n. s., iii, 119-120. Also: Univ. M. Ma". Phila., 1900-1901, xiii, 94-101. — Jos»ernud ((i.-N.) Tu ineur de l'appendice vermiforme dcveloppeo dans un sac herniaire inguinal gauche contenaut le racum. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lvon (1881), 18!>2, xxxi, pt. 2.219-223. Also: Lyon med., 1892,' lxix, 14-18.—Kaiser (O.) _ Volvulus cceci mit Incarceration in einer I.eisteu- hernie. (Gleichzeitige Einklemmung eines Ileuiuab- schnittes mit intraabdomiuellem Voh ulus der zu diesem zufuhrenden Ileumschlinge.) Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1900. Iv, 443-452. — Keetley (C. B.) A case of hernia of the vermiform appendix; symptoms of strangu- lation: herniotomy; operation for radical cure; recovery; condition one year after operation. Med. Press & Circ, Lond.. 1890. xlix, 85.— Kiarr (A.) Et Tilfaelde af en Tarmsten iet d calbiok. [Case of enterolith and a caecal hernia.] Hosp. lid.. Kjobeuh., 1896, 4. R., iv, 445-448.— KnonlfNiJ. H.) Strangulated congenital inguinal hernia complicated with inflammation of the appendix vermi- formis contained in the sac. Boston M. & S. J., 1896, cxxxiv, 215.—Kraft (L.) Appendix vermicularis i Brok. Xord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1894, n. F., iv, no. 4, 1-18.— Kulenkamp. Coecum und Processus vermiformis in einer link-.-eitigen Inguinalhernie. Fiinfz. Beitr. a. d. Geb. d. ges. Med. Festschr. . . . d. Ter. d. Aerzte d. Rgmgsbz. Diisseld., Wiesb., 1894, 354-361. — L.e Bee. Hemic inguinale eontenant l'appendice ileo-coecaladherent et suppure; guerison. Coug. franc, de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc.;. Par., 1888, iii, 190-192. — I,e Drnlu (A.) Hernie enkys'ee de la tunique vagiuale constitute par le caecum; etranglement. In hit: Hop. Necker. fitndesdeclin. chir. 1890-91. i»-, Par., 1892, 274—I.ennander (K. G.) Hernia inguinalis sin.obstructa (coecum et colon ascend.). Upsala Lakaref. FSrh., 1891-2, xxvi, 427-431.—Martin (J. M. H.) Hernia of the vermiform appendix; operation; recovery. Edinb. M. J., >97, n. s., ii, 593.—ittaydl (C.) TJeber re- trogiade Incarceration der Tuba und des Processus ver- miformis in Leisten- und Schenkelhernien. Wien. klin. Rundschau. 1895, ix, 17; 33. — ,M iktaailotT(N. N.) Dva sluchaya grizh cherveobraznavo otrostka. [Two cases of hernia of the api>endix vermiformis.] Russk. chir. arch., S.-Peterb., 1895. i, 357-365.—.lloseley (H. P.) Strangu- lated inguinal hernia containing the caecum and appendix. X. York M. J.. 1900, lxxii. 1051.— .Yas«e. Eiu Fall von incarceiirter Hernia ileo-appendicularis. Arch. f. klin. Chir.. Berl., 1895-6. ii, 919-926. Also At b. a. d. chir. Klin. d. k. Tniv. Berl., 1*96. x, 159-166.—,'Vesrctto (A.) Tre casi rari di ernia atrozzata (vescica, nvario, cieco colla sua appendice vermiforme) operati con esito favorevole. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1894, Iii, 151-153. — Ombrednnne (L.) Deux observations de hernies inguinales eontenant l'appendice; un cas de perforation de l'appendice dans le ~ac h.-miaiie. Arch, g.'n.de med., Par., 1898, ii, 610-615.— Osier <\V.) Hernia of ca-cum and appendix; perfora- tion of latter; old perityphlitic abscess; recent larger one: general peritonitis. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1885-7, xiii, 04-66__Oweu (E.) A case of strangulation of the vermiform appendix in the sac of a femoral hernia; opera- tion: recovery. Lancet. Lond., 1899. i, 1222.— Pascal & Pilliet. Apoplexie de l'appendice hernie. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1898, lxxiii, 352-354. — Peterson ( K. ) Right inguinal hernia of the vermiform appendix. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1899, xxxiii, 1407. — Piersol (G. A.) Eaily infantile inguinal hernia of the vermiform appen- dix. Univ. Penn. M. Bull., Phila., 1901, xiv, 278-282.— Pitzorno iM.) Ernia inguino-scrotale dell' intestino cieco complicata da aderenze del medesimo col testicolo e da ernia dell' intestino teiiue; operazione; guarigione. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1896, xvii. 1317-1319.—Pollosson (M.) De l'etranglement herniaire de l'appendice ileo- ca;cal. Lyon med., I*93, lxxiii, 75-81.—Pujol (G.) Vo- lnmineuse hernie inguinale gauche eontenant le caecum. Gaz. d. hop., Par.. 1896, lxix, 304-300 -----. De la hernie inguinale gauche du < ;»-<:um. Ibid., 1121-1128.—Reynicr (P.) Cure radicale de hernie inguinale gauche du ecuoum avec resection de I'anse ileo-colique et enterorraphie par implantation laterale, par M. Courtin. [Rap.] Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1896, n. 8., xxii, 697-702.— Hernia (Cwcal). ■Coheris (\V. 0.) Four cases of caecal hernia. Med. Au. , Detroit, 1896, xiv, 43. -----. A case of strangulated cecal hernia., with a pin in the appendix. Tr. Kentucky M. Soc, Louisville, 1896, n. s., v, 223-225. Also: Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1896, xxi, 491-493.—Rubino (A.) Un caso raro di einia inguinale congenita del cieco e dell' appendice vermiforme; chelotomia e considerazioni anatonio-cliuiche. Sieilia med., Palermo, 1889, i, 963-971, 1 pl.—Waudeliu (10.) Ett fall af appendicitis perforativa i en iugviual bracksiick. [Un cas d'appendicite perfo- rante dans un sac de hernie inguinale. Res., pp. exxi- exxiii.] Finska liik.-sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1899, xli, 1113-1128— Scnlzi (F.) Intorno all' ernia dell't'intestino cieco. Gazz. med.di Roma, 1897, xxiii, 393-399.—Schui id (H.) Der Processus vermiformis mit einem Fremdkorper als Inhalt eines Bruchsacken. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1892, xxxix, 288. -----. Cystos erweitertor Processus ver- miformis in einem Bruchsack; Gangraii; Kothfistel; Hei- lung. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1892, lxii, 252.—Schmidt (W.) Ett fall af kronisk (produktiv- flegmonos) perityflit i bracksak, behandladtmed resektion af blindtarmen och en del af tunutarmen; patienten afliden 3 iuftnader efter operationen i cancer pylori et peritonei. [Case of chronic (phlegmonous) perityphlitis in hernial sack, treated by resection of caecum and part of small in- testine ; patientdied 3 months after theoperation, of cancer of pylorus aud peritonaeum.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1894, lvi, 415-420.—SendIcr (P.) Der Processus vermiformis im Bruchsack. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1896, xlvi, 96- 98.—Seyfried (J.) Appendicitis jobboldali lagyeks^rv- ben. [. . . in hernia on the right side.] Orvosi hetil., Bu- dapest, 1901, xiv, 152.—Shepherd (F. J.) A case of caecal hernia; symptoms of strangulation; herniotomy; wound of the bowels; suture; recovery. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1892, xv, 122-125.—Staunton (Ml C.) Vermiform appendix resembling supernumerary testicle. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1898, ii, 1428.—Stecchi (R.) Un caso di appendi- cocele inguinale senza sacco. Suppl. al Policlin., Roma, 1899-1900, vi, 753-756.—Stevens (W. H.) An old reduci- ble inguinal hernia complicated by appendicitis. Alabama M. & 5. Age, Anniston, 1893-4, vi, 521-523.—Symonda (C. J.) A case in which a vermiform appendix occupying a hernial sac was found perforated by a pin. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1898-9, xxxii, 18— Tacke (F.) Epityphlitis im Bruchsack. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1900, xxix, 61- 76.—Tenney (B.) Appendicitis in a hernial sac. Boston M. & S. J., 1900, cxlii, 4-6. [Discussion], 12.—Thiery (P.) Appendicocele inguinale; etranglement, kelotomie; guerison; reflexions sur l'etrauglement herniaire partiel. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1892, lxvii, 499-505.—Treves (F.) Hernia of the caecum. Proc. M. Soc. Lond., 1886-7, x, 11-25. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, i, 382-385.— Tro- yanoflT (A. A.) Sluchai gangreni sllepol kishki v grizhe- vom mleshkle s iskhodom v anus praeternaturalis; k kazuis- tikie grizh sllepol kishki. [Gangrene of caecum in a her- nial sac, terminating in anus praeternaturalis. J Boluitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1893, iv, 65; 95.—Vallee (P.) Hernie de l'appendice ileo-caecal dans le canal inguinal. Normandie med., Rouen, 1900, xv, 175-178.—Vanderhoof (F. D.) A case of strangulated appendical hernia. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1897, Iii, 703.—Van Hook (W.) Strangu- lated inguinal hernia of a cystic appendix vermiformis. Tr. Chicago Gynec. Soc, Nl Y., 1895-6, 47-59. [Discus- sion], 88-91. Also: Medicine, Detroit. 1896, ii, 177-189. Also: Am. Gynaec. Aj Obst. J., N. Y., 1806, viii, 337-349. [Discussion], 380-383. Also, Reprint.—Verde let. Her- nie etranglee de l'appendice caecal. Bull. Soc. d anat. et physiol. de Bordeaux, 1899, xix, 115.— Walker i A.) Fall von Coecalhernie. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte. Basel, 1899, xxix, 753.—Wrijjhl (G. A.) On hernia of the caecum. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, i, 506.—Zahradnieky. Incar- ceration des Coecum uud retrograde Incarceration des Pro- cessus vermiformis in einer Tinksseitigen Scrotalheruie. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1898, xii, 669.—Zuckerkandl (O.) Hernie inflammata in Folge Typhlitis des Wurm- fortsatzes in einem Leisteubruche. Wien. klin. Wchn- schr., 1491, iv, 305-307. Hernia (Cases and statistics of). See, also. Hernia (Anomalous, etc.); Hernia (Cwcal); Hernia (Complications, etc., of); Her- nia (Congenital); Hernia (Diagnosis of); Hernia (Diaphragmatic); Hernia (Eatty, etc.); Hernia (Femoral) [and subdivisions] ; Hernia (lschiatic); Hernia (Jurisprudence of); Hernia (Little's); Hernia (Lumbar); Hernia (Obturator); Hernia (Perineal); Hernia (Prevesical); Hernia (Pro- peritoneal); Hernia (Radical cure of) [and sub- divisions]; Hernia (Reduction of)in bulk; Her- nia (Retroperitoneal); Hernia (Richttr's); Her- nia (Sacral); Hernia (Spontaneous cure of); Hernia (Traumatic); Hernia (Treatment of) HERXIA. 6 HERNIA. Hernia (Cases and statistics of). [and subdivisions]; Hernia (Tuberculous); Her- nia ( Umbilical) [and subdivisions] ; Hernia ( Vag- inal and vulvar); Hernia (Ventral) [and subdivi- sions]; Hernia in animals; Hernia in children [and subdivisions] ; Hernia in the female; Hernia in old age; Hernia in pregnancy; Hernia in soldiers. von Czerwinski (B.) * Bemerkungen zu den in der Dorpater chirurgischen Universitats- Elinik beobacbteten Brucbeinklemmnngen. 8G. Dorpat, 1885. During (W.) * Historiam duarum observa- tion ura tbeoria illustratum proponit. Argento- rati, 1768. In: Weiz(F. A.) Vollstand. Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Leipz. u. Budissin, 1773, v, 86-88. VON Eck (A.) * Ueber die Haufigkeit der Hernien nach 1,675 Sektionen. 8°. Kiel, 1894. Emminghaus (J. F. C.) * Casus de hernia incarcerata. Jena, 1769. In: Weiz (F. A.) Vollstand. Ausz. [etc.J. 12°. Leipz. u. Budissin, 1771, ii, 456. Frankel ([J.] M.) * Ein Fall vou Hernia inguinal}* externa directa superficialis. 8;. Greifswald, 1891. Gusmitta ( M. ) Considerazioni statisticbe sulle ernie addominali. 8:. Pescia, 189f>. Linhart (W.) Vorlesungen iiber Unterleibs- Hernien, gehalten im Somuier-Semester 1864. 8°. Wilrzburg, 1866. Abstracts of cases of hernia. Middlesex Hosp. Rep. 1893, Lond., 1894, 119-146. — Adams (E. J.) Large scro- tal hernia. 0 Med. Times & Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1896, xxiv, 372.—Akerman (J.) Bidrag till brackstatistiken. [Contribution to statistics of hernia.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1894, lvi, 491-520. — Allingham (H. W.) A series of hernia cases. Lancet, Lond., 1891. ii, 864; 979. — Baron (J.) Adatok az inguinoescruro-iutra-abdominalis servek tan&hoz. [Contributions to the knowledge of inguinal and cruro-iutra-abdominal hernia. ] Gyogyiszat, Buda- pest, 1887, xxvii, 401; 413. — Berger' ( P.) Resultats de l'examen de dix mille observations de hernies re- cueillies a la consultation des bandages au bureau cen- tral du 4 fevrier 1881 au 14 aout 1884. Cong, franc. de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc.], Par., 1875, ix, 264-452. Also, Reprint. Also [Abstr.]: Presse med.. Par., 1895. 406 bis. Also [Abstr. J: J. de clin. et de therap. inf., Par., 1896, iv, 204-207. — Broca (A.) Note sur la frequence de la hernie inguinale directe et sur les enveloppes des hernies inguinales, couge-nitales et acquises. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1888, lxiii, 976-980. -----. Les varietes anatomiques et cliniques des hernies inguinales reducti- bles. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1889, 2. s., xxvi, 522-527.— Browne (J. W.) Notes upon a few cases of hernia. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1880, lxx, 71-83. Also, Reprint.—Bry- ant (E. R.) Unusual cases of hernia. Pacific Coast J. Homceop., San Fran., 1899, vii, 383-387, 3 pi—Callisen. Beschreibung zweyer seltener Briiche. In: Merkwiirdige Krankengesch. [etcl, 8°, Halle, 1795, 247-252. —Castillo (J. C.) Hernias inguinales. Monitor med., Lima, 1893-4, ix, 69-73.—Colzi (F.) Ernie. In his: Resoc.d.op.eseg. ... in Clin. chir. in Firenze, 8°, 1892, 101-138. —Cromp- toil (D.) Case of hernia; courage of the patient. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1887, 3. s.. xxix, 147. — Dandolo (A.) Ernia inguinale nell'nomo di rara grandezza. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1901, xxxv, 157.—De Garmo (W. B.) Clinical lecture on hernia. Virginia M. Mouth., Richmond, 1895-6, xxii, 266-270—Eccles (W. McA.) On some cases of hernia. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1896. n. s lxi 256-258.—Ellis (R.H. P.) A unique case of hernia. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1885-6, xiv, 481-483. [Discussion), 489 —Eve (P. F.) Report of two cases of hernia. South. Pract.. Nashville, 1896, xviii, 247-251.—Freeland (J. T.) Statistics of hernia. Indiana M. J.. Indianap.. 1886-7, v, 494 — Gbrlz. Ein interessanter Bruchunfall. Monat- sehr. f. Unfallheilk., Leipz., 1896, iii, 144-149.—Coodwin (H. T.) Hernia. Rep. Superv. Surg.-Gen. Mar. Hosp. 1891-2. Wash., 1893,127-13!.—Hall (G. A.) Observations and statistics of inguinal and tetuoral hernia. Tr. Am. Inst Homoeop., Pittsburg, 1886, xxxix, 580-598. — Hall (J.B.) Some unusual cases of hernia. Quart. M. J.. Shef- field. 1899-1900, viii, 25-29.— Hamilton (J. B.) Acquired inguinal hernia. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1897, 6. 8., iv, 172- 175. — Hernia. North Loud, or Dniv. Coll. Hosp. Rep. 1871-90, Loud., 1872-91, passim.—Hernien. Ber. d. k.k. Krankenh. Wieden 1874-90, Wien, 1875-91. passim.—Her- nien. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. 1892-7, Wien. u. Leipz.. 1893-9, i-vi, passim. — Hernien. Jahresb. ii. d. chir. Abth. d. Spit, zu Basel (1871-99), 1872-1900, passim.— Hernia (Cases and statistics of). Hernien. Jahresb. ii. d. chir. Klin. d. Univ. Greifswald (1888-9), 1890, 51: (1889-90), 1892, 75 — Horrocks (W. H.), jr. Cases of hernia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1898, i, 1015.— Hudson (L.) Abstracts of cases of hernia. Middlesex Hosp. Rep. 1891, Lond., 1892, 98-113.—Johnson (G. W.) Congenital with acquired hernia, and a report of five cases. Phila. M. J., 1899, iii, 230. — Kapteyn (H. P.) Hernio- logische mededeelingen. Nederl. Ti.jdschr. v. Geueesk., Amst., 1892, 2. R., xxviii, d. 1, 733-738—Knox (R.) Ob- servations on the statistics of hernia and on the anatom- ical causes -which determine its production. Edinb. M. & S. J., 1836, xlvi, 76-89, 1 pi. Also, Reprint. — Kdhler (A.) Hernien. Charite-Ann., Berl., 1893, xviii, 426-430.— Kovacs(J.) Servkepzddes ritka esete. [A rare case of hernia. ] Gyogyaszat, Budapest, 1887, xxvii, 581 - 583. Also, transl.: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1887, xxiii, 945-947.—Kumar (A.) Hernien. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. 1898, Wien u. Leipz., 1900, vii, pt. 2, 134-139. — £9 rov irepivaiov icai depaTrei'a. Ta\r}vos, 'AOrjvai, 1887. xvii, 137.— Pozza (P.) [Ernia inguinale destra.] Osp. S. Antonio Abate in Fivizzano. Resoc. clin. d. sez. chir. 1891-3,Pontremoli, 1894,73. -----. [Ernia inguinale sinis- tra.] Ibid., 74. — Pravostoronuyaya pakhavaya gri- zha. [Bight-sided inguinal hernia; 3 cases.] Otchot o dieyateln. khir. klin. [etc.] v. Mosk. (1899-1900), 1901, 261; 267. — Reined i (V.) Sopra alcuni casi di ernia. Atti d. r. Accad. di fisiocrit. in Siena, 1891, 4. s., iii, 435-476.— Benton (J. C.) Cases of hernia. Glasgow M. J., li«89, |5.) s., xxxi, 340-342. — Roberts (J. B.) Notes on some instructive cases of hernia. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1884-5, xii, 271-J73. (Discussion), 275. Also: Polyclinic, Phila., 1884-5, ii, 101-103. Also: Coll. & Clin. Rec, Phila., 1885, vi, 76 - 78. — Roberts (J. L.) Ou hernia, with cases. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1896, i, 1320.—Roberts (W. O.) Four cases of hernia. N. York M. Times, 1896, xxiv, 77-80.— Savitski (S. L.) K voprosu o chastofie grizh zhivota v muzhskom naselenii Rossii, v molodom i starcheskom vozrastakh. [On the frequency of abdominal hernia in the male population of Russia in youth and old age.] Voyenno- med. J.. St. Petersb., 1898, exci, med.-spec, pt., 180-190.— Schmidt (M.) Ein Fall von Gastrocele scrotalis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1885, xxii, 10. Also, transl.: Crdn.nied.- quir.de la Habana. 1885. xi, 304-307—Stirling (R. A.) Inguinal aud femoral hernia. Intercolon. M. J. Aus- tralas., Melbourne, 1899, iv, liil-lHO._Stonham (C.) A clinical lecture on hernia. Clin. J., Lond., 1898-9, xiii, 21-28.—Swiatecki (J.) Przyczynek do kazuistyki hernijologicznej. |Cases of hernia. | Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1893. xiii, 16; 43; 59.—Tappy (E. T.) Scrotal hernia. Physician & Surg., Detroit 6c Ann Arbor, 1897, xix, 69.— Tilmann. Hernien. Charite-Ann., Berl., 1894, xix, 337-347.—Turner (G. R.) Two interesting cases of her- nia. Lancet, Lond., 1900, i, 929. — I'ngauer. Hernie inguinale volumineuse. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1896, lxxi, 352-356.—Vnlerani (F.) Due casi di ernie rare. Osservatore, Torino, 1887, xxxviii, 625-628.—Vasilevski (S. L.) K kasuistiklepakhovikh grizh. [Case of inguinal hernia.] Yoyenuo-med. J.. St. Petersb., 1896, clxxxvii, 1. sect., 502-507.—Voss (F. H. V.) A case of hernia. Aus- tralas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1896. xv, 463.—Wallace (C. S.) Inguinal hernia; table of 160 cases. St. Thomas's Hosp, Rep. 1894, Lond., 1896, n. s., xxiii, 362-382. HERNIA. 7 HERNIA. Hernia (Causes and pathology of). See, also, Hernia (Bacteriology of); Hernia (Complications,etc., of); Hernia (Femoral,Causes, etc., of); Hernia (Traumatic); Hernia (Umbil- ical); Hernia in children. Arntzknius (D. J. A.) Comnientatio de cau- sis pnedisponentibus herniarum abdominalium. 8°. Traj. ad Rhenum, l8-27. Benkvoli (A.) Disserta/ioni. I. Sovral'ori- gine dell' hernia intestinale tiuora non stata avverita. II. [etc.]. s >. Firenze, 1747. Cathklin (H.) *Dn inecaniBiue de l'etrau- gleinent herniaire ]>ar le eontenu de I'anse. 4°. Lyon, 1895. Cloqvet (J.[G.]) Anatomical description of the parts concerned in inguinal and femoral her- nia; translated from the French . . .; with litho- graphic plates from the original etchings, and a few additional explanatory notes, by Andrew Melville McWhinuie. roy. 8\ London, 1835. Graser(E.) Die Unterleibsbriiche; Auatomie, Pathologie und Therapie; nach Vorlesungen bearbeitet. -;:). Wiesbaden, 1891. Guthrie (G. J.) On some points connected with the anatomy and surgery of inguinal and femoral herniae, being the substance of the lect- ures delivered in the theatre of the Royal Col- lege of Surgeons in February, 18:51. 4°. London, 18:w. Hesselbach (F. C.) Anatomiscb-chirurgi- sehe Abhaudluug fiber den Ursprung der Lei- stenbriicbe. 4C. Wiirzbnrg, 1806. -----. Neueste anatouiiseh - pathologische Untersucbungen fiber den Ursprung und das Fortschreiten der Leisten- und Schenkelbrfiche. 4 . Wiirzburg, 1-14. Heuduck (M. T.) * Ueber den Mechanismus der Einklemmung von Darmbriiehen. Sz. Ber- lin, [1-87]. Hille (P. F. I.) " Ueber den Beginn und die Weiterentwickelungerworbener Leistenhernien. 8-. Leipzig, 1-6-. Hufnagel (K. F. \V. V.) * Ueber die Aetio- logie tier Hernien. <■?-. Berlin, 1897. Ledwich (E. L'K.) Th«* descriptive and sur- gical anatomy of th<- inguinal and femoral re- gions considered in relation to hernia, sm. 8-. Dublin, 18-4. Lockwood (C. B.) Hnnteriau lectures on the morbid anatomy, pathology, and treatment of hernia. 8°. London, 1-89. Also, in: Illust. M News, Lond., 18*9, iii, 278; 298: iv, 14; 38; 58; 63; 86; 100; 137; 156; 211. Also [Abstr.J, in: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, i, 1336; 1398; 1459. Roskr (\V.) Wit; entstelien die Briiche? 1st ein Unterleibsbruch als Unfall zu betrachten? 8C. Marburg, 1-89. Sachs (H.) * Untersnchungen fiber den Pro- cessus vaginalis peritonei als priidisponirendes Moment fiir die iiussere Leisteuhernie. H\ Dor- pat, 1885. Also [Abstr.], in: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1887, xxxv, 321-372, 1 pi. Scarpa (A.) Traite" pratique des hernies, ou m6moires auatomiques ou chirurgicaux sur ces maladies; traduit de 1'italien par M. Cayol; auqnel on a joint une note de M. le professeur Laennec, sur une nouvelle espeee de hernie, et un me'moire du tradncteur sur une termiuaison particuliere de la hernie avec gangrene; suivi d'un supplement d'Antoine Scarpa, et d'un nou- veau memoire de cet auteur sur la hernie du peri nee; traduit par le docteur C.-P. Ollivier (d'Angers), avec des additions du tradncteur, et une observation de M. le professeur Beclard, sur deux 6piploceles diapbragmatiques; planches copi6es par Adam, [etc.]. fol. Paris, 182'.i. Hernia (Causes and pathology of). Sommerring (S. T.) Ueber Ursache und Ver- hiitung der Nabel-und Leistenbruche. Preiss- sehrift. »\ Frankfurt a. M., 1797. Struuck (P.) * De poro Galeni, tanquam herniie caussa proxima. 4°. Gronivgw, 1774. Tcso.v (E. W.) The anatomy and surgery of inguinal and femoral heruia. fol. London, 1834. Wechsler ( T.) * Historische Darstellung und kritische Erbrterung der fiir deu Mecha- nismus der Brucheinklemmnngen aufgestelten Theorieen. 8'. Berlin, 1891. Abadie (J.) Hernie inguinale par eraillure. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1901, lxxvi, 363.—AschoflT (L.) Ueber das Verhaltniss der Leber uud des Zwerchfells zu den Nabelschnur- und Bauchbriichen. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1896, cxliv, 511-547.—Barling (A. S.) On the contents of hernial sacs. Med. Press & Circ,Lond., 1898, n.s., lxvi, 298.— Karon (J.) A servkizar6das korta- nahoz. [The pathology of hernial exclusion.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1886, xxx, 1477-1480. Also, transl.: Pest, med.- chir. Presse, Budapest, 1887, xxiii, 377-379. Also, transl.: Wien.med.Presse,1887,xxviii.l737-1741.-----. Ujabbada- tok az inguino-es cruro intraabdominal servek tan&boz. [New contributions to theory of inguino- and cruro-intra- abdominal hernia.] Gy6gy£szat, Budapest, 1890, xxx,121; 135. Also, transl.: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1890, xxvi, 745-747.—Bauer (B. K.) Sluchal naslledstven- nosti grizhi so storoni materi i polidaktilii so storoni ottsa. [ Heredity of hernia from the mother's side and polydactyl- ism from the father's side.] Ejened.jour. "Prakt. med.", St. Petersb., 1901, viii, 229.—Bayer (K.) Beitrag zur Lehre iiber die Bedeutung der accessorischen Bruchsack- hiillen in Bezug auf den Mechanismus der Einklemmung. Prag. med.Wchnschr., 1886, xi, 231-233.—Beely (F.) Zur Lehre von der Brucheinklemmung. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1887, xiv, 249-251.—Bigg (H.) Hernia families. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, i, 591.—Bouchaud (J.-B.) Sur le mecanisme de l'etranglemeut herniaire. J. de med., chir. et Pharmacol., Brux., 1884, lxxix, 280; 376; 599: 1885, lxxx, 8; 71 ; 150; 223; 274 ; 343. Also: J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1884, vi, 793: 1885, vii, 508; 536; 637; 676.—Brush (F. L.) Two cases of inguinal hernia with unusual pathol- ogy. Post-Graduate, N. T., 1897, xii, 611-614.—Bryant (T.) On hernia, with an analysis of 126 fatal cases. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1856, n. s., ii, 71-93. Also, Reprint.— Cauthorn (F.) The pathology of some unusual condi- tions'in acute strangulated hernia. Proc. Oregon M. Soc., Portland, 1894-5, 173-184. Also: Med. News, N. T., 1896, lxviii, 95-98.—Clmput. Examen de la piece de hernie laterale etrangl6e avec plaque de gangrene. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1890, lxv, 108-111. -----. De la peritonite purulente latente, consecutive aux hernies gangrenees. Ibid., 160-163.—('hipault (A.) Hernie para-inguinale etranglee; autopsie. Ibid., 1889, lxiv, 67-69.—Eckley (W. T.) Reflections on the anatomy of inguinal and fem- oral hernia. Chicago Clinic, 1899, xii, 397-400.—Emnierl (C.) Der Mechanismus der Brucheinklemmung. Cen- tralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1887, xiv, 393-396.—Englisch (J.) Ueber die Beziehuug der angeborenen Pbimose zur Ent- Rtehung von Hernien. "Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1888, xxxviii, 890; 929; 961. Also, Reprint.—Eppinger (H.) Beitrage zur pathologischcn Anatomieder Hernien in der Leisten^egcnd. Internat. Beitr. z.wissensch. Med. Fest- schr. il. Virchow . . ., Berl., 1891, ii, 357-422, 2 pi. Also, Reprint. — Ferguwon (A. H.) Adipose tissue an etio- logic factor in hernia. Am. J. Surg. & Gynec, St. Louis, 1898-9, xi-xii, 215. Also: Illinois M. J., Springfield, 1899- 1900, xlix, 245-254.—Frank (K.) lieitrag zur Frage der Entstehung des ausseren Leisteiihniches. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1895, viii, 681; 609. — Fiemlcnthal (W.) Zur Aetiologie der Unterleibsbriiche. N. Yorker med. Presse, 1888, vi, 153-163. Also, Reprint,— Freelieh (R.) Contribution k l'etude du m6canisme de l'etranj;lement herniaire. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1893, xl, 597-600.— Oibnaii (A.) Hernia ten years after abdominal section. Canad. I'ract. A Rev., Toronto, 1901, xxvi, 483.—CJour- ■lon (Ij & Ciriiunrd (E.) De la frequence des hernies abdominales dans les deviations anciennesdu rachis. Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1892, iii, 199-206.—Oraser. Ueber die Entstehung der Leistenbnieho. Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg., I'.erl., 1900, ii, 73; 1(13; 128. — IIauiilton. Strangu- lated abdominal hernia. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1852-8, 68.—linn.........I <\V.) On the anatomy of inguinal her- nia. In: Essays, 8', Birmingham, 1833, 1-21.—Haynes ( I. S.) A consideration ot the anatomical construc- tion predisposing to inguinal and femoral herniae, and the measures to be taken in securing their radical cure. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1900, lviii, 566-571. Also, Reprint.— JordniiH (J.) InhnlteinerLeistenherniebeiMissbilduug derGenitalien. Funfz. Beitr. a. d. Geb. d. ges. Med. Fest- schr. . . . d. Vor. d. Aerzte d. Rgrnzshz. Diisseld., Wiesb., 1894, 512-517.—Koch (W.) Zur Entwicklungs^eschichte der Dickdarmbriiche, im Besonderen der Briiche des Blinddarmes uud des aufsteigeudeu Dickdarmes; ein Ver- HERNIA. 8 HERNIA. Hernia (Causes and pathology of). such iiber Weseu und Ursache der Eingeweidebriiche iiher- haupt. Arb. d. chir. Univ.-Klin. Dorpat, Leipz., 1899, 2. Hft., i-iv, 1-100. -----. Wann entstehen und was bedeuten Eingeweide-Briiche des Rumpfendes? Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1901, clxiv, 1-21.—Korher (T.) Ue- ber Hernien-Disposition. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. .aerzte, Ba- sel, 1898, xxviii, 354-361.—I.ane (W. A.) Some remarks on hernia, its causation and treatment. Clin. J., Lond., 1900-1901, xvii, 193-196.—I-ock wood (C. B.) The morbid anatomy and pathology of encysted and infantile hernia. [Abstr.] Proc. Roy. M. & Chir. Soc. Lond., 1885-6, n. s., ii, 117-119. -----. Some hernial sacs and their contents. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1888-9, xl, 115.—Lucas-Cham- pionniere (J.) Le role de la graisse dans les hernies. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1896, 3. s., xxxvi, 229-248. Also: J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1896, lxvii, 641-658. Also, Reprint. Also: Ann. de chir. etd'orthop., Par., 1896, ix, 238-241.—Maas (F.) Lipoma in relation to the etiology of hernia. Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Grand Rapids, 1896, xx, 224- 229. [Discussion], 237.—Makara (L.) Adatokaservek k6r-es gy6gytanalioz. [Contributions to the pathology and treatment of hernia.] Gy6gy£iszat, Budapest, 1894, xxxv, 25-27. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1894, xxx, lf>'.i-172.—.llauclaire. Hernie par glissement de la panic superieure de l'S iliaque dans le canal inguinal; sac incomplete Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1896, lxxi, 565.—Uliel (G. W.) Bicycle hernia. Colorado M. J., Denver, 1896, ii, 312-316. Also, Reprint.—Hoyni- han (B. G. A.) The Arris and Gale lectures on the anat- omy and pathology of the rarer forms of hernia. Lancet, Lond., 1900, i, 513; 596. Also [Abstr.J: Brit.M. J., Lond., 1900, i, 435; 503. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Press &Circ, Lond., 1900, n. s., lxix, 259-263. -----. Hernia. Practitioner, Lond., 1900, lxv, 524-534. — Neumann (J.) Kann das Tragen von Leibriemen die Bruchbildung begiinstigen! Ceutratbl. f. allg. Gsndhtspflg., Bonn, 1891, x, 391-393.— Niebergall. Beitrag zur Entstehung der Leistenbriiche. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1900. xxix, 330-338.— Perignon (L.) Hernie intestinale au niveau d'une cica- trice resultant de l'ouverture spontanee a. la peau d'un phlegmon du ligament large gauche; cure radicale; gueri- son. J. d. sc med. deLille, 1891, i, 539-541.—Power (DA.) Three specimens of encysted hernia. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1884-5, xxxvi, 216. Also, Reprint—Reichel (P.) Entgeg- nung auf Roser's Vertheidigung der Lehre von den Bruch- einklemmungsklappen. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1886, xiii, 857. — Rented! (V.) Sulla patogenesi dell'ernie e piuspecialmentedeir erniainguinaleobliquaesterna. Atti d. r. Accad. d. flsiocrit. di Siena, 1890, 4. s., ii, 421-470.— Robinson (B.) Thecausesof hernia, with a new theory. Buffalo M. . Carpentikr (P. J.) *De hernia inguinali incarcerata. 4°. Gandavi, [1830]. Casamajor (A.) * An alvi laxitas in herniosis ileum prsecavet? 8°. Parisiis, 1721. Chiapponi (A.) Un caso di ano contro na- tura per ernia inguinale gaugrenata, guarito spontaneantente. t°. Frosinone, 1897. Cluzax (F.-L.) *Dela paralysie intestinale suite de P^tranglement herniaire. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1869. Desbordes (C.) *Des hernies adherentes de l'S iliaque; adherences par glissement. 4°. Pa- ris, 1896. Deschamps (C.) * Dissertation sur l'e'trangle- ment de la hernie inguinale par les relrecisseniens du sac herniaire. 4°. Strasbourg, an AT(1803). Desir (J.-D.) * Des causes de la hernie ingui- nale recidivee. 8°. Paris, 1900. Dourif (L.-P.) *L'iunamniation dans les grosses hernies inguinales. 4°. Bordeaux, 1886. Dkansart(F.-P.-J.) *Desdechiruresduine'sen- tere dans les hernies 6tranglees. 8°. Lille, 1897. Also [Abstr.], in: Echo raed.du nord, Lille, 1897, i, 424. Dubuisset (C.-L.) * Contribution a l'e'tude de la hernie inguinale coinpliquee d'hydrocele. roy. 8C. Lille, 1896. Dufour (E.-J.-A.) * Que faut-il faire du tes- ticule en ectopie inguinale dans le cas de l'hemie inguinale 6trangl6e? 4C. Bordeaux, 1887. Fischer (E. ) * Einnndsiebenzig einge- kleuimte Leisten- uud Schenkelhernien. 8°. Bonn, [1871]. Francoz (C.) *R6tr6cissements de l'intestin grele cons^cutifs aux hernies 6trangle"es. 8°. Lyon, 1899. Frajjk (K.) * Incarceration und Strangula- tion eines Xieistenbruches dutch pseudoligamen- tose Strange. 8C. Wiirzburg, 1894. Gaye (E.) * Des hernies inguinales irr6ducti- bles par exces de volume ou de consistance et sans adh6rences. 4°. Paris, 1893. van Geuns (M.) &. Bonn (A.) Briefwechsel wegen einem ini Unterleibe eingesperrten Darm- bruche, welcher mit einem Wasserbruche verge- sellschaftet war. 12°. Amsterdam - benhavn, 1866. Poey-Xoguez (L.-D.) * fitude sur les grosses hernies inguinales. 4°. Bordeaux, 1886. Reichel (P.) Die Lehre von der Bruchein- klemmung. Klinisch experimentelle Studie un- HERNIA. Hernia (Complications and sequelce of). ter Benutzung von 160 in der Kgl. (hiring. Klinik zu Breslau beobaehteten Fallen von Brucheinklemmung. 8-'. Stutti/art, b-8ti. RlCHTER (A. G.) [l'r.] beriiiain i'ncarceratain una cum sacco mio repoui jut annnlnm abdonii- ualem posse, contra ehirtirgani gallnni, eel. Louis monet. 4°. Gotliugev, [1777], Also [Abstr.], in: Weiz ( F. A.) Xeuo Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Frank/, u. Leipz., 1780, xi, 63-08. Rizzoli (F.) Nuovo nietodo per la cura di ale une varieta d'ernia inguinale eongeuito as- sociate alia presenza del testiculo nel canale inguinale. 4°. [Bologna, I860.] Cutting from .- Mem. d. Aecad. d. sc. d. 1st. di Bologna, 1860. xii, 1-19. Seyfferth (H. A.) "De easu hernia' scro- talis, gangnena et passione iliaca comitibus. Bin. -1 \ Erfordia>, 1717. Traisnel (L. D. J.) *De variis inguinali in enteioeele straugnlationuni speciebus. sin. 4 . Paris, 1776. Trier ( H. ) * Eiu Fall von Eiuklemmungs- shok ut'bst Darniparalyse bei Hernia ingninalis externa incarcerata. 8-. Strassburg, 1890. Also [Abstr.1, in.- Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz. 1889-90, xxx, 561-573. de Yalcresson (E\ -T. ) "Contribution a Pe'tude des adherence* beruiaires. 8°. Luon. 1S96. Ziesemer ^S. 0.) * De herniis iucarceratis. 4C. Halw Maydtb.. 1761. Also, transl. [ Abstr. ], in: Weiz(F. A.) Vollstand. Ausz. [etc.]. 12;. Leipz. u. Budissin, 1774, ii, 273-284. Aievoli (E./ Sulla struttura linfangiomatosa di una cisti perisaccolare erniaria. Policlin., Roma, 1898, v, sez. chir.. 397-413. — Albert (E.) Spontane Ruptur von Bruchsacken. Internat. klin. Rundschau, Wien, 1892, vi, 2. Also, tran.4. .- Med. Press 6c Circ, Lond., 1892, n. s., liii. 101. -----. Die chronische Entzundung der Hernien. Alls:. Wien. med. Ztg.. 1894, xxxix, 1.—Albertin. Con- tribution k l'etude de la hernie etranglee; vingt-neuf observations pei>onne])es. Province med., Lyon, 1895, ix, lf4: 2-9.—Alexandre (P.) Enorme hernie gauche; elephantiasis du scrotum; hernie de la vessie (in- guinale droite). Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1886, lxi, 593- 596. Also : Progres m6d.. Par.. 1887, 2. s., v, 13.—Allen (D. P.) Strangulated hernia. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Toledo, 1891, 153-160.—Aires de Jloura (J.) Cura de hum anus artificial, consecutivo de huma hernia inguinal in- completa, nao obstante o intestino recto ter perdido in- teiramente o sen uso por 36 dias. Semanario de saude pub., Rio de Jan., 1831, i, 60.—Anderson (W.) Two cases <>t bvdui<-ele of hernial sac. Lancet, Lond., 1896, i, 161.—Anger iT.i Hernie etranglee, par M. Martinet. [Rap.j Bull, et mem. Soc.de chir.de Par., 1889, n. s., xv, 151- 153. — Bach ( V.) Hernia inguinalis libera; pfiznaky uskfinuti; smrt'. [. . . signs of incar<■•■ration, death. J Casop. 16k. cesk., v Praze, 1870, ix, 42.— Baker (O.) Three cases of strangulated scrotal hernia. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1889, xxiv, 45-47. — Briron (J.) A servki/.arodas egy Demerol. [A peculiar form of incar- cerated hernia.] Gyogy&szat, Budapest, 1897, xxxvii, 576. Also, transl.: Wien'. med. Wchnschr., 1898, xlviii, 1168- 1171—Karon (T. H.) Diarrhoe bei Brucheiukleminung. Dent-che med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1898, xxiv, 750.— Karr (H. A.) Two interesting cases of hernia, one of them strangulated; operation with recovery in each ease. Texas M. News, Austin, 1900-1901, x, 195-201. — Bates (T.) A case of inguinal hernia with bladdi i in the wall of the sac. Lancet, Lond., 1897, ii, 917.—Kaxier (G. A.) Hypertrophy of the omentum in hernia. Tr. South. Surir. &. Gynec; Ass. 1893, Phila., 1894, vi, 250-256.— Bayer iK.) Rechtsseitiger inguinaler Darmwandbruch mit Perforation des Darmes uud Bruchsacks durch ein 5 Cm. langes Ri|ppenstiick. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1886, xi, 241.— Beck i.\I.). Barker ic I'ollaid. Time cases of strangulated hernia in which the symptoms pei-sisted after red net ion. Lancet. I.ond., I89n, ii. 445. — Belkmeer (N.) Waarneeming van een worm, uithangende tot de opening van een verstnrvene zylinksgeknolde daimliesch- breuk. Verhandel. uitgeg. d. de Holland. Maatsch. d. Weetenseh. te Haarlem, 1708, x, pt. 2, 429-434.—Berber (P.) A propos des hernies enkystees. Bull, et m6in. Soc de chir. de Par., 1892, n. s., xviii, 787-800.—Berli (E.) [Tre ernie strangulate.] In his: Letter e chir., 8, Livorno, 1869, iii, 25-40.—Bishop (E. S.) Clinic on a case of strangulated hernia. Clin. J., Lond., 1890-7, ix, 22-20.— Bleynie. Hernie etranglee. Limousin mc-d., Limoges, 1893, xvii, 53 — It In men* I ok (L ) Przepuklina uwie- 9 HERNIA. Hern in (Complications and sequelce of). znie.ta; Snuerc z zapalenia otrzewny; szczegdlne usposo- bienie cielesno. [Incarcerated hernia; death from peri- tonitis; peculiar bodily predisposition.] Przegl. lek., Krakow, .885, xxiv, 010-612. — Boon (D. A.) Hernia incarcerata. In his: Versl. <1. heclk. klin. v. h. Rijks- Acad. Zickenh. te Leiden, 8°, Amst., 1892, 93-97.— Borbely (S.) Kizart lagyeksorvnek complicatioja belso helelzarddassal. [Strangulated hernia complicated with intestinal obstruction.') Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1898, xiii, 324. -----. K6t s6rv egyik oldali herezaesk6ban. [Double hernia of scrotum on one side.) Gy6gydszat, Budapest, 1900. xl„ 198-200.—Borehurd. Beit rag zur Casuistik der eingoklenmiten Briiche. Deutsche Ztschr. I. Chir., Leipz., 1896, xliii, 21, Lond., 1873, 333-350.—Fer- guson (A. H.) Strangulated hernia. Chicago M. Rec, 1896, xi. 19-24. — Finney. Multiple herniae. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1893, iv, 99, 1 pi. — Finu- eane ( M. 1.) Strangulated hernia; absence of local symptoms. Lancet, Lond., 1888, i, 720.—Fleury. Quel- ques considerations sur l'etat de l'intestin dans la hernie 6trangl6e. Bull, et m6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1886, n. s., xii, 733-735.— Flux (G. B.) Strangulated inguinal hernia complicated with double hydrocele and retention of urine. Lancet, Lond., 1890, i, 749. — Fortun y Andre (E.) Cuatro casos de hernia extrangulada. Rev. de med. y ciruj. de la Habana, 1897, ii, 151-153.—Frank (R.) Zwei seltene Falle von Brucheinklemmung. Arb. u. Jahresb. ri. k. k. erst. chir. Univ.-Klin. zu Wien (1888), 1889, 92-106. Hernia (Complications and sequelce of). Also: Wien. klin.Wchnschr., 1889, ii, 8:i; 256.—Freud'en- thai (W.) Ueber deu Zusammenhang von chrouischen Er- kraukungen der oberen Luftwege mit Unterleibsbriichen. Wien. med. Presse, 1891, xxxii, 1392; 1427. Also, Reprint [with additions] -Garre (C.) Ueber eine eigenartige Form von narbiger Darmstenose nach Brucheinklemmung. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1892-3, ix, 187-197.—Gar- rigue. Deux observations de hernies 6trangl6es. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1889, lxii, 988.—Garraw (A. E.) Ventral and umbilical hernia in the same patient. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, ii, 950.—Gaston (J. McF.) A case of stran- gulated hernia. Atlanta M. & S. J., 1885-6, n. s., ii, 20-26.— Gates (E. C.) An interesting case of hernia. Homceop. Recorder,Phila.,1893,viii,247-250.—Gay(G.W.) Strangu- lated hernia. Boston M. & S. J., 1893, cxxix, 637-640.— Gillespie (W. R.) Hernia with defective abdominal parietes and penis. Internat. J. Surg., N. T., 1897, x, 19.— Goodharl (J. F.) Acute ulcerative enteritis above a hernia. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1884-5, xxxvi, 204.—Grant (H. H.) Some unusual conditions in strangulated hernia. Louisville M. Month., 1897-8, iv, 4-6__Ground (W. E.) Strangulated hernia. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1893, xxi, 266-270.—Gruber (W.) Eine zu einem grossen Lipoma polyposum pendulum eutwickelte Appendix, epiploica der Flexura sigmoides als alleiniger Inhalt einer Hernia scro- talis sinistra. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Bed., 1885, cii, 541, 1 pi.—Gusniitta (M.) Un caso di ernie multiple strozzate. Clin, mod., Pisa, 1899, v, 28-31.—Harrison (V. W.) Strangulated hernia. Atlanta M. & S. J., 1896, n.s., xiii, 446-452. Also: MarylandM. J., Bait., 1896, xxxv, 365-369. Also: VirginiaM.Semi-Month..Richmond, 1896-7, i, 246-248.—Hartmann (H.) Quelques causes rares d'ir- r6ductibilit6 des hernies. France m6d., Par., 1887, i, 305; 317. Also: Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1887), 1888, xi, 18-26.— Haslam. Peculiar case of strangulated inguinal hernia. Lancet, Lond., 1890, i, 1015.—Havell (C. G.) A hernia family. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, i, 210.—Ilaward (W.) Irreducible hernia. Internat. Clin., Phila.. 1896, 6. s., ii, 196-205. -----. On irreducible hernia. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1897, lxxx, 389-408,1 pi. Also [Abstr.]: Proc. Roy. M. & Chir. Soc. Lond., 1896-7, 3. s., ix, 146-150.—Heath (C.) Clinical lecture on strangulated hernia. Lancet, Lond., 1890, i, 1107-1109.—Heaton (G.) Two rarevarie- tiesof strangulated inguinal hernia complicated by retained testicle. Ibid., 1894, 1, 197.—Hecht (A.) Prispevek ke kasuistice kyl uskfinutifch. [Cases of strangulated her- nia.] Casop. 16k. cesk., v Praze, 1872, xi, 65.—Heliumlh (K.) Uskrinuti kyly ve vaku kyin6m. [Strangulated hernia in the hernial sac.J Ibid., 1892, xxxi, 438.—Her- ueber. Kyste du canal deNuck et hernie inguinale droite; obliteration entre le kyste et le sac herniaire. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1897, lxxii, 393. — Hida (S.) [A case of perforative peritonitis caused by strangulated hernia. | Chiugai Iji Shinpo,Tokio, 1900,xxi, 1009-1013. Also: Sei-i- Kwai M. J., Tokyo, 1901, xx. 61-65.—Hitchcock (H. O.) Two series of cases of strangulated hernia contrasted; the lessons to be learned from them. Med. Age, Detroit, 1887, v, 481-484.—Hobbs(W.) Strangulated hernia; two puz- zling cases. Tr.Indiana M. Soc., Indianap., 1885, xxxv, 46- 54.—Holden (R. T.) Report of two cases of strangulated inguinal hernia. Maryland M. J., Bait.,1889, xxi, 147-149.— Holder ( E. M.) & UlcCown ( O. S.) [Strangulated inguinal hernia.] Memphis M. Month., 1899, xix, 505.— Honda (T.) [Two cases of rupture of the hernial sac] Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio, 1900, xxi, 878-880.—Horn- bogen (A. W.) Incarcerated inguinal hernia; incom- plete reduction; death. Med. & Surg. Rep. Cook Co. Hosp. 1890, Chicago, 1891, 108.—Howie. Case of stran- gulated hernia. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1890, ' . s., iv, 85.—Hulke (J. W.) A clinical lecture on cases „f stran- gulated hernia. Clin. J., Lond., 1894, iv, 8-12.—Hutsch- neker (L.) Ein interessanter Fall von Hernia incar- cerata. Wien. med.Bl., 1896, xix, 838.—Inguinal hernia; strangulated irreducible; no operation. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1899, Lond., 1901, 204-207.—Irreducible hernia; a discussion. Med. Communicat. Mass. M. Soc, Bost, 1890-92, xv, 139-174. Also, Reprint.—Jaboulay. La hernie k double sac. Lyon med., 1896, lxxxiii, 10-12.— Jarrett (H.) A case of complicated scrotal hernia. Med. Reg., Phila., 1888, iv, 437.—Jayle. Hernie ingui- nale gauche comprenaut la presque totalit6 de l'intestin; perforation de l'estomac; p6ritouite suraigue. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1893, lxviii. 42-44.—Jeanbrau. Hernie inguino-interstitielle. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1901, lxxvi, 284.—Jeannel. Sur la hernie Etranglee. Clin, de la Fac. de med. de Toulouse, 1896, ii, 28-37.— .IoIiumoii (M. M.) Complications in strangulated hernia with a discussion of the methods of operating for ventral and umbilical hernia. Vale M. J., N. Haven, 1901-2, viii, 46-53.—It alas (M.) Dva vza^n6 pfipady kyly uskrinut6 ajeden pfipad kyly sevfen6, z vlastni praxi se zdv6re6ni livahou. [Two peculiar cases of strangulated hernia and a case of hernia vstercoracea, from my own practice, with observations.] Casop. lek. desk., v Praze, 1869, viii, 225; 233.—KnlliontzesJE.) BovfiwvOK-qkr) (ei-Tepoe7n7rAoiC7JAr)). TaArj^bs, 'Affi^ai. 1889, xix, 17-20.—Kane (E. O'N.) Re- flex phenomena of inguinal hernia. Penu. M. J., Pitts- HERNIA. 11 HERNIA. Hernia (Complications and sequela' of). burg, 1900-1901, iv, 124-126.— Knlo (S.) [A cas.' of gen- eral cellulitis complicated with sloughing of the hernial sac] Tokyo Iji-Shiushi, 1900. 717 -Kellork (T. H.) A case of stricture of the small intestine tollowiug strangu- lated hernia. Tr. Clin. Soc. Loud., 1899-1900, xxxiii, 121- 126. Also [Abstr.]: Brit.M. J., Lond.,1900, i,384.~Kerbi- riou (J.-B.) Note sur un kyste du canal de Xuck coinci- dant avec une pointo de hernie inguinale oblique externe. J. d sc. med de Lille, 1898, ii, 466-470.—Ketchersid (J. N.) Strangulated hernia. Proc. Kansas M. Soc, To- peka, 1895, 221-229. Also | Abstr. |: Kansas M. J.,Topeka, 1895. vii, 548.—Kleniui (l'.l Zur Casuistik eiugeklemm- ter Darmwandbriiohe. St. Petersb. med.Wchnschr., 1890, n. F.,vii, 61-63. -----. Eingeklemnite Hernie und Lungeu- infarct. Ibid., 1897, n. F , xiv, 28-30. — Knnggn (R. L.) Four unusual cases of hernia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899, i, 1328.—Knight (S. H.) The lesson of a case of strangu- lated hernia. Med. Century, Chicago, 1897, v, 105. —Koch (C.) Ueber eingeklemnite Hernien. Ztschr. f.Wundarzte ii. Geburtsb., Winnenden, 1874-5, xxvi, 83 —Kblliker (T.) Ueber die Hernia processus vaginalis encystica. Fest-Scbr.. Albert v. Kdlliker, Leipz., 1887, 235-240.— Kohl (.].) Strangulated hernia complicated with re- tained testicle and intra abdominal hydrocele of the cord. Ti. M. Soc City Hosp. Alumni, St. Louis, 1899, 162-166. Also: Med. Rev.. St. Louis.1899, xl, 222. |Discussion],228.— Koidn (H.) [Perforating peritonitis following hernia.] Gun Igakn Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1900, 688-692.—Koli- scher (G.) Zur Frage des Volvulus im Bruchsack. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1889, xxxiv, 545.—Kopfslein (W.) Ueber eiueu Fall von retrograder Incarceration eines binde- gewebigen Stranges. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1898, xii, 213 -----. Dva vza-cnejsi n£lezy anatomicke pfi rezu na kylu [Two anatomical rarities in operation for hernia.] Casop. lek Cesk , v Praze. 1898, xxxvii. 454-457.—Kovacs (J.) Servkepzodes ritka esete. [Rare case of hernia.] Gy6gy4szat, Budapest. 1887, xxvii, 581.—Kozlovski (B. S.) Ekhinokokki gi izhevovo mleshka. [Echinococcus of the hernial sac] Chir. Laitop., Mosk., 1893, iii, 609- 614.—Ki imoff (A.P.) Gromadnaya,smleshnaya grlzba. [Enormous mixed hernia.] Voyenno-med. J., St". Petersb., 1900, lxxviii, med.-spec.pt., 2556-2561.—Kukula. L'eti- ologie des enterorragies consecutive* a l'etranglement des hernies. Ann. Soc beige de chir., Brux., 1899, vii, 190-228,2 pi. AU' transl.: Shorn, klin.,vPraze, 1899, i, 247-280,2pi— Kumar (A.) Zur Casuistik der eingeklemmten Her- nien. Wien. med. BL. 18-0, ix, 1383: 1888, xi, 1522; 1556; 1590: 1-92. xv, 183: 1893, xvi. 159; 183; 195 — l.abaude. Cystocele inguinale droite coiupliquee d'enterocele double. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1901, ii, 36-39— l.ainbrel (O.) Contusion herniaire et rapture intestinale. Bull. Soc. centr. de med. dn nord, Lille, 1897, 2. s., i, 141-152.— I Contusion herniaire Gaz. hebd. d. sc med. de Bordeaux. 1900, xxi. 544 - 547. Also: J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1900, xxx, 709-771. — Vcrdelct ( L. ) & Bocher. Tunieur epiplolnuc contenue dans un sac her- niaire .1. de med. de Bordeaux, 1900, xx\. 599-601.— Vernruil (II.) Trois cas d'etrangh incnt herniaire suivis do mort. Clinique. Brux., Is97. xi, 826-829.— Vincent. De la glycosurie dans le coins de la hernie etianglee et de retranglement interne. Bull. Soc d'anat. et pliy-jol. . . . de Bordeaux, 18Mi vii.280-2>4. Also: J. de med. de Bordeaux. 1»8i'i-7. \vi, 261.—Viitczslav (C ) () sdruieni siUone predko/Uy ( phimosis), s pi utr/.emi. [Phimosis associated with' hernia. 1 Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1896. xxxv, 453-456. —Vlndislavlcll'iS.V.) Slu- cbat usht-ibemleunoT gri/hi. eslo/lnu nnoi pei ekruehiva- nlem kishki. | Strangulated hernia complicated by twist- ing of intestine | P.olnitscli gaz. BoiUina. St. Petersb., 1898, ix, 1772-1774. — Wain r ((',. T.) Hydroparasalpinx in hernia inguinali externa. Xoderl. Tijdschr. v. Verlosk. i n Cvuaec, Haarlem. ls;)7. viii. 214-224, 1 pi. Also, transl. Abstr.]: Centralbl. f. Chir.. Leiiiz., 1897, xxiv, 771-774 — Vtall- (C. W.) Strangulated hernia. St. Louis M. A S. .!.. 1889. lvi, 358-360.— Weir. A cyst formed from thesac of a hernia. X. York M J 1—<; xliii. 645.— Weiss (V.) Srvrena kyla. v pravem ui-le: protrzeni streva; sturt. [Strangulated inguinalIn-msa on right side; intestinal per- foration; death.' Ca-oii lek < esK . v Praze. 1868, vii, 150- 152. — Werner. l'.\ tain ung.-n n h. i eingeklemnite Her- nien Meinoiabilieti. Heilnr.. 18'.»;. n. F.. xv, 19; 05.— W«'»l ( A. K. i Ai,i>nil mother nature's surgery. Mem- phis M. Month.. 1,-97. xvii, 115-117, 2 pi.—'w'inrt il'.) Double perforation intestinale; an niveau d'une heinie etranglee, nioins de 12 henres apres le debut de I'etrangle- nient; taxis; periionite; mort. Bull. Soc auat.de Par. Is'.'ti. lxxi. '127-929.— Wiart (P.) & Kcnon. <-123. 1 pi.— Wood (W.t'.l In- testinal obstruction in an hernial sac due to volvulus. Brookhn M. J.. li-97, xi. 490.—Wright <<>. A.) Ab-traet of a clinical lecture on some of the com plications of -t tang u lated hernia. Lanec-t Bond. 1889, i, 617-619. ----- Ke- marks on strangulated hernia. Med. Chron. Mam heater. 1895. U.S., iii. 340-349.—Xabe. De la dyspop-ie h.rnieuse. France nod. I'm. 1-94. xii, 1: 17. — Xahraduick). Dva fidci jiridp.nlv I-.;.'! .uskrinutyeh. [ Two rare casesof strangulate,! hoii.i.i. Ca-.op lek. cesk., v Praze, 1899, xxxviii, 325 ; 340. —Z ii log a 'A.O.i T'shtshetnleniepakho- vol grize pri shirokom giizhevum koltsie. | Ii i iducible in- guinal hernia with a luoad inguinal ting.J Khirurgia, Mosk.. 1*99. vi. 26-31. -Xarlarian. Hernie etranglee et ectopietesticulaire. Gaz. nod d Oi nni. Constant.. 1893-4. xxxvi 247 - Zubcr. So herniaire avec bride ti In euse an- I nulaire -icge.mr il,n^ h canal inguinal entre l'oritice in- terne. Bull. Soc an.it.de Bar.. 189:!, 1 xviii, 312.- Zuekcr- liiinill. Combination von innerer Incarceration dutch einen >i rang und Hernie. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1887 xxxii. '.10. Also: Jahresb. d. erst. chir. Klin. d. Prof. Al- lien in Wien (1887). 1889. 103-106. Hernia (Congenital). See. also. Hernia (CUreal); Hernia (Diaphrag- matic); Hernia (Umbilical); Hernia (Vaginal, etc.); Hernia in children; Hernia in the female. Back (H.) * Cine radicals ,»7. Bayer (C.) Der angeborene Erisdenbrnch. " . Berlin, 1901. Bkxnkti (E. \\.) &. C'cnmxgham (D. J.) The sectional anatomy of congenital ccecal hernia. 4C. London, 1-^H. Ciiauvkac (li.-L.-E.) *Des hernies iugni- j nah-s conge"nitale8. 4 \ Paris, If--1.. | Hernia (Congenital). L'noissANT (J. C.) *Diss. historian) incarce- rationis hernia' congenita' exhibens. s . (iro- ninga\ lsjl. Kkhtison ((i. A.) " licitnio- znr Pathologie der Hernia lunictilaris congenita. 8-\ Strass- burg, l>!i:i. Fkuntiikii, (0.) *" Ilistoriseli-kritische Dar- stellung tier Lehre von den congenitalen Iler- nieen am nervosen Axongebikle. ~^. Berlin, 1SH0. (iKi'\K,\VALI) (A.) * Leber die Radiealopera- tion angehorener Hernien. ~ . Wiirzburg, 1 .--.">. (it'TMANN (M-) "Die angoborenen Eeisten- hernien und ihre Behandlung. s\ Wiirzburg, 1*84. vax iNtiKN (V. Ci.) Yerliandeling over die aangeborene brenken. s . Amsterdam, l-^JG. Ki.I'cr (K.) * Teller Entst-lmng und Behand- lttiio .ingehorner Lcistenbriiehe. h-. Bremen, KitiKt; (F.) * Ueber die Endresultate der Radiealoperatiou angeborner Hernien. 8 . Wiirzburg, lwSii. Labauza (E.-M.-R.) *Snr un cas de hernie inguinale oblique interne cliez un nouveau-n6. 4:. Bordeaiu, lssT. Lrcri'OLD (W.) * lTeb(;r die Eutstehuno; der couoenitalen Hernien am nervosen Axenbilde im Anschluss an einen Fall eigner Beobachtung. w-. Wiirzburg, ls-9. Mkly (G.) * Ueber Vorkonnnen von Bauch- briichen bei Neugeborenenund ihre gebnrtshulf- liche Bedeutung. ti°. Strassburg i. E., 1898. Pott (P.) An account of a particular kind of rupture, frequently attendant upon new-born children, aud sometimes met with in adults, viz, that in which the intestine, or omentum, is found in the same cavity and in contact with the testicle. b-\ London, 17.7T. -----. The same. '2. ed. London, 1?<).">. -----. The same. 3. ed. London, 1775. QuyESTius (J. \V.) * De hernia inguinali con- genita, interne incarcerata, cum hydrocele com- plicata. 12:. Duisburgi, 180'J. Rutz (A. R.) *Behandlung der congenitalen Hernien des Processus vermiformis. 8 . Berlin, lsiKi. Saxdifort ( E. ) Tcones hernia' inguinalis congenitie. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 17*1. SPAXdKMAt'HEK (J.) * Leber das Kchicksal der angebornen Eeistenhernien. > . Kiel. H99. tilnm* (W. F.) Congenital inguinal hernia: obstruc- tion; recovery after two operations. Rrit. M. J.. Lond., 1900, i. 1400. ' Also: Indian M. Kec, Calcutta. 19on. xix, 101.- And■■«'>. HiTiiie inguinalecoiigenitale dmible: her- nie du (tecum a gauche. Hull. med.. Pat., 1897. xi. 333- 330— llinii ((I.) Dei angeborene I.eistenbi ueh. I5erl. Klinik. loon, 146. lift., 1-3,').-----. Wcitcrc Ueitriige zur Lehre voni ann.'Worenen Leistenbi uclie. Ztschr. f. ileilk.. Wien u. Lci|,/., 1901, xxii. Ahth. f. Chir. |ctc.|, 1-9.-Ite- ^oniii. Ileinic inguinale congenitale etranglee : icduc- tion par le taxin; mort. Hull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1891. xii, '_'.— IC«-II (.1.) Case of consionital hernia reduced en bloc. Ldinb. M. J., 1885-6, x\xi. li;>3- G5,">.— Iternrd (L.) Du retournetnent du canal vagino- peritoneal, ou de lavaginale, dans la cure radicate des her- nies inguinales eongenitales et do ceilaines hydroceles. Province m6d., Lyon, 1895, ix, 130: r.i>. — Keryri' (P.I Du traitement des hernies inguinales eongenitales par I operation de la cure rudicale. Met!, mod., Par., 1889-90, i. 3D5; 341. — Beviiii (A. D.) Operation for undescended testicle and congenital inguinal hernia. .1. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1899, xwih, 773-777 —Uobr«II'( A. A.) Chetirc sluchaya operalsii pri ushti heuilenii grizhi v luv.arosshem processus vaginalis(heriiia congenita). [Four cases of op- eration for incarcerated he.nia in an inclosed .. .] Laitop. khirurg. Obsh.v Mosk., 1889. viii, nos. 3-4,12-1!).—If reton. Kvsto hydal iquedu foiejcurerudicaledelierniecongenitale inguiiiaietltoite. Rev. mens. d. inal.de. l'enf., Par., 1889, vii. 410-410— Iliieno (J. B.) Hernia inguinal congenita ex- trangulada; ruptuia deur.apaqui vagiiialitisdeexudadohe- mdtieo eon irrupridn del liquido en la cavidatl abdominal; kelotomia ii las 18 boras- muertc por peritonitis y septice IIHRNIA. 14 HERNIA. Hernia {Congenital). mia intestino peritoneal. Progreso m6d., Habana, 1899, ix, 92-95.—t'aliier. Hernie inguinale droite congenitale (variete vaginaleenkystee) survenue subitementet etran- glee d'emblee; apparition siinultanee tr6s rapide d'une hydrocele voluinineiise; difficultes du diagnostic; keloto- mie et cure radicale. Bull, et mem. Soc. de cliir.de Par., 1900, n. s., xxvi, 750-753. — Caliari (C.) Ernia-inguino- scrotale congenita; ectopia del testicolo; cura col metodo del Prof. Hassini. Riforma med., Xapoli, 1892, viii, pt. 1, 426-430.—C'n*elli (A.) Sui metodi operativi radicali di alcuue ernie aderenti congenita. Rendic. somni. d. r. Ac- cad, d. sc. med. di Genova, 1885, i, 49-51. Also: Salute: Italia med., Genova. 1885, xix, 482-484. Also: Arch, ed atti d. Soc. ital. di chir., Roma, 1880, ii, 132-138. — 1'atta- neo (G.) Laparo-chelotomia per einia congenita interna intraparietale strozzata con anomalia ed ectopia del pro- cesso vagino-peritoneale. Ann. univ. di med. e chir., Milano, j888, cclxxxiii, 365-399, 2 pi. — C'lionx. Hernie inguinale cong6uitale etranglee d'emblee; kelotomie: cure radicale; gu6rison. [Rap. tie P. Berger ] Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1893, n. s., xix, 680-685.—Vlay (W. R.) Case of congenital umbilical hernia. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1897, xvi. 276. — t'oley (W. B.) Congenital in- giiino-periiical hernia. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1899, xxx, 337.— Collier (M.) A case of strangulated congenital caeca! hernia; reduction; radical operation; recovery. Lancet. Lond., 1890, ii, 1601. — Conlthard (G. E.) Congenital inguinal hernia including testis (strangulated). Maritime M. News, Halifax, 1888-9, i, 117. — t'outcaud. Hernie congenitale a, double sac du caecum; etranglement; cure radicale; sphacele du testicule; gu6risou. [Rap. de P. Berger. 1 Hull etniem. Soc.de chir. de Par.,1899, n.s., xxv, 288-291.—C'ushier iLli/abeth M.) (rural hernia in the foetus. Proc. X. York Path. Soc. (1891). 1892, 69. Also: Med. Rec, X. Y., 1892, xii, 471.—Daniels (C.) Congen- ital ventral hernia. Illust. M. News, Lond., 1890, vi, 2.— Del a n glade. Hernies abdominales congenitales. [Ab- str.] Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 3898, n. s., iii, 1011-1016.— Deinoiilin (A.) Hernie inguinale droite, congenitale ent6ro-6piploique; etranglement; kelotomie; resection de l'6piploon; hemorrhagic dans l'abdomen d'origine 6piploi- que; mort. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1880, lxi, 34-38.—Du- bourg. Hernie inguinale cong6nitale; etranglement du sac par une bride fibreuse; operation; reduction sans ou- verture du sac; guerison. [Rap. de Polaillon.] Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1884, n. s., x, 761-767.—Du- brneil (A.) Hernie inguinalecong6uitale etranglee; ke- lotomie; cure radicale. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. iu6d. de Mont- pel., 189U, xii, 181.— Dnrot (H.) Des hernies inguinales congenitales. J. d. sc. m6d. de Lille, 1889, i, 529; 553.— Esprit. Hernie congenitale du coecum k gauche; cure radicale; gueiison. Dauphine med., Grenoble, 1895, xix, 277-285.— Flake (E. L.) A case of congenital ventral hernia. Am. J. Obst.. X. T., 1900, xiii, 845-847.—Fortun (E.) Hernia inguinal congenita extrangulada y volvulus herniario; kelotomia; curacidn. Rev. de med.'y ciruj. de la Habana, 1898, iii, 1-3.—Goodwin (H. T.) A new oper- ation for congenital hernia. X. York M. J., 1894, lix, 498.— Gupta (S. X. D.) Congenital hernia complicated -with imperfectly descended testicle. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1890, xxv, 377.—Hamilton (J. B.) Congenital inguinal hernia. Internat. Clin., Phila, 1897, 6. 8., iv, 175.—Har- rison (D.) Successful operation for malposition of the testes aud double congenital hernia. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1894, xiv, 135-138.—HofinoltI (J.) Hernia inguinalis congenitalis sin.incarcerata; Herniotomia; Heilung. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien (1888), 1889, 382.—Huguenin (P.) Hernies congenitales et hy- droceles de la tunique vaginale et du cordon. Concours med., Par., 1898, xx, 270-272.—Inguinal hernia (congen- ital) ; radical cure. Abstr. M. ition; orcb.it c consecu- tive et vagiualite suppurce; t:ueiisou. Bull. Soc. anat.- clin.de Lille, 1893, viii, 93-95—Wr** (O.I Leber Her- nia veutralis lateralis congenita uud line Beziehiiugen zur Hernia lumbalis. Beitr. z. Chir. Festschr. . . . Theodor Billroth . . .. Stuttg.. 18' 2, 1-21, 2 pi. Hernia (Contusions and injuries of). See Hernia (Complications, etc., of); Hernia (Jurisprudence of); Hernia (Traumatic). Hernia (Cruroperitoneal). See Hernia (Properitoneal). Hernia (Diagnosis of). Sie, also. Groin (Tumors of); and subdivisions under: Hernia (Canes, etc., of). Paykac <. J. ) * Des conditions locales qui marquent le diagnostic de r'etranA. L ; A case of psoas abscess, mistaken during lite tm hernia. Daniel's Texas M. J., Austin, 1890-91, vi, >-Dl.-Dawbarn (K. IL M.| Cystic distention of the internal saphenous vein simulat- ing a femoral hernia. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1900, xxxii, 297.— De Gar mo (W. B.) Diagnosis of abdominal hernia. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1891, iii, 96-106. -----. Strangu- lated hernia: a few points ou diagnosis and treatment. Post-< iraduate. X. Y.. 1'JoO, xv, 150-156. — De Pew (H. H.) Classification and differential diagnosis of hernia. Med. Visitor, Chicago ]s98, xiv, 605-617. Also, Reprint.— Ecclew i W. Mi A.) The diagnosis of strangulated hernia. St. Barth. Hosp. J.. Lond., 1895-6, iii, 116; 133; 151.— Ere (F.) Absttact of a clinical lecture on some points concerning the vaiieties and diagnosis of inguinal hernia. Lancet, Lond.. 1899. i, 139- 141. — Fniicon (V.) Du diagnostic diff6reutiel, a propos d'un fait de ieduction incomplete, dans un cas de hemic inguinale etranglee. J. d. sc. m6d. de Lille, 1895, i, 193-202 — dandier (H.) Difficnltes de diagnostic entre l'etrangleineut herniaire et les kystes sacculaires ciiHamunSschez les viedlards. Hull. m6d. du nord, Lille, 1»95, xxxiv. 25- 32. — Uoodman (E. G.) A rare source of error in the diagnosis of inguinal hernia. Tr. M. Soc. X. Car.. Wilmington, 1890, 30. Also: North Car. M. J., Wilmington. 1896, xxxvii, 349.—Heath (G. Y.) Notes of a case of hernia in which a diagnostic sign not usually noticed was observed. Rep. Proc. Noi thumb. F.) Cases simulating inguinal hernia. Clinique, Chicago, 1888, ix, 353-360.—WnehV. I'iispevek k zkusenostem o liciuku mortia pfi kyle uski unite. [Contribution to the,, study of the action of morphia on incarcerated herniae. ] Casop. 16k. cesk., v Praze, 1888, xxii, 385.-Nyuix (P.) Strangulated hernia; some practical remarks concerning its diagnosis and its proper management. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1900, xxxiv, 319-321. Also, Reprint,—Thiery (P.) Ori- fice herniaire anormal tin grand oblique pris pour une hernie graisseuse tie la paroi; laparotomie: aponevrorra- phie. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1892, lxvii, 433-430.— ThonuiH (\V. T.) Extra-peritoneal fat simulating her- nia. Lancet, Lond., 1889, ii, 1224. — TiM*ier. Adeuite inguinale par effort, en avant impose pour une hernie cru- rale etranglee. Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1883). 1884, vii, 184- 187.—Tominasoli (F.) Della diagnosi e della cuia delle ernie. Raccoglitore med., Forli, 1900, 6. 8., v, 317; 341.— Verilelet (L.) &■ Kochcr (L.) Dequelques erreursdans le diagnostic des hernies. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. ni6d. de Bor- deaux, 19U1, xxii. 135; 147; 159.— White (J. W.) A note on two cases illustrating some minor difficulties in the diagnosis of hernias. Univ. M. Mag., Phila,, 1888-9, i, 28- 31. Also, Reprint.—Wight (J. S.) Three cases of sup- posed strangulated hernia. Physician & Surg., Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1892. xiv, 343-345. Hernia (Diaphragmatic). See, also, Diaphragm (Rupture of); Hernia in animals. Arxheiji (A.) *Znr Casuistik der Zwerch- fellshernien. 8°. Giessen, 1896. vox Bernstorff (E. F.) *Eiu cigentbiim- licber Fall von hernienartiger Verwolbung des Zwerchfelles. 8:. Kiel, D-90. Bischoff (M.) * Drei Falle von Heruia dia- phragtnatica congenita. 8J. Leipzig, 18>4. Also, in: Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1884-5, xxv, 437-452. Blondkau (A.) *Des accidents causes par l'e'trangleinent des bernies diapbraginatiqut's. (Etude anatomique et clinique.) s . Li/on. 189*. Dkinert (J. S. ) * Ein Fall von Hernia diapbragmatica traumatica. 8-\ Wiirzburg, 18*7. Fantozzi (C.) Storia di un'ernia diafragma- tica. 8C. Firenze, 1850. Flock (O.) *Ein Fall von Hernia diapbrag- matica congenita. 8°. Bonn, 188.">. Franz (O. H. J.) *Ein Fall von Hernia dia- fragmatica congenita, 8*-. Kiel, 1891. Gautikk (P.-T.) "Contribution a l'e"tude de la hernie diapbragmatique cong6uitale. 8°. Paris, 1897. -----. Tbe same. 8°. Paris, 1897. Kaup (J.) *Zwei Falle von Hernia diafrag- matica congenita mit Abtrennung eines Lungen- teils. H°. Kiel, 1891. Lacher ( L. ) #Ueber Zwerchfellsheruien. 8°. Leipzig, 1880. Leclkrc (C.) Les hernies diapbragmatiques congenitales. 8°. Paris, 1901. Mayer (O.J.) * Ueber Hernia diapbragma- tica congenita. 8°. Berlin, [1891]. Monnier (A.) *De la hernie du diapbragnie d'origine congenitale. 4C. Paris, 1889. MoRlN (A.-M.-E.) # Contribution a Peptide des bernies diaphragmatiques consecutives a des paralysies d'origine saturnine. 4°. Bordeaux, 1887. HERNIA. 16 HELIXIA. Hernia (Diaphragmatic). Mt'-LLER (K.) * Ueber Hernia diaphragmatica wiibrend der .Schwaugerschaft und der Geburt. * . Berlin, [1901]. Kamoixo (G. B.) Ernia diaframmatica. Nota, >■-'. [Genova, 1896.] Kafert ( C. ) * Ueber Zwerchfellsbernieu. [Freiburg.] 8 . Hannover, 1900. Saugau (C. [H.]) *Ein Fall von Hernia dia- fragmatica congenita. [Kiel.] 8°. Plon, 1895. Schrotek (G.) *Ein Fall von Hernia dia- pbragmatica bei einem Nengeborenen. 8°. Kbnigsberg, 18^9. Stefdel (H.) *Zur Casuistik der envorbe- nen Zwerchfellsbriiche. 8°. Kiel, 18.-9. Waldow (11. [F. K. F.)] * Ueber einen Fall von Hernia diapbragmatica spuria congenita. 8C. Berlin, [1895]. Aniieqiiin. Hernie diaphragmatique spontanee du colon et de 1'epiploon; etranglement; mort. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., isu.i, xxi, 33-40.—Asta-Bn- ruaga (L ) Sobre hernia diafragm&tica, con una obser- vacion clinica. Rev. med. de Chile, Sant. de Chile, 1888-9, xvii, 449-454 —It a I ton i' (T. A. G.) Case of congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Edinb. M. J.. 1808-9, xiv, pt. 2, 88:j-914. Also, Reprint.— Ballantync (J. W.) Two eases of congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Physician Sc Surg.. Lond., 1900, i, 891-893. — Barbieri (B.) Sc F,evi (V.) Un caso di ernia traumatica del tliaframma. Gazz. d. osp., Napoli, 1891, xii, 3ti7. — Bassotti (G.) Sopra un caso tli ernia diaframmatica in seguito'a ferita del torace. Raccoglitore med.. Forli, 1887, 5. s., iii, 315-327.—Bendn. Eiu Fall vou Zwerchfellshernie. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1900, xxvi, Ver.-Beil., 31. — Brrard (L.) Hernie diaphragmatique etranglee Lyon med., 1898, lxxxvii, 125.—Bt'iard (L ) &.Gallois (E.) Hernie dia- phragmatique 6trangl6e avec rupture du colon dans la cavit6 thoracique. Bull. m6d., Par., 1898, xii, 117-12(1. Also: Lyon m6d., 1898, lxxxvii, 215-224.—von Bcrsj- inann (A.) Ueber eiueu Fall von Hernia diaphragma- tica incarcerata. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1896, n. F.,xiii,427-429. -----. Plbtzlicher Tod durch Zwerchfell- bruch. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1898, xi, 147-149.— Bertholdt. Ein Fall von Hernia diaphragmatica. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Cult. 1897, Bresl., 1898, lxxv, 1. Abt., Med. Sect., 178.—Richi (M.) Due casi d'ernia da ferita del diaframma. Raccoglitore med., Forli, 1887, 5. s., iii, 393-396. —Binm (A.) & Ombre- danne (L.) Hernies diaphragmatiques d'origine trau- matique. Arch. g6u. dem6tl., Par., 1896, i, 5; 178.—Bon- net. Hernie diaphragmatique et cryptorchidie. Dau- phiu6 m6d., Grenoble, 1896, xx, 278-280.—Booker ("W. D.) A case of congenital diaphragmatic hernia, associated with recurrent attacks simulating asthmadyspepticum. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1897, xiv, 649-000. Also: Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc, N. Y.. 1897, ix, 100-111.—Botescn (H.) Hernie dia- fiagniatica congenital^. Spitalu), Bucuresci, 1897, xvii, 92-90. Also, transl.: Arch. d. sc. med. . . . de Bucarest, Par., 1897, ii, 77-84.—Bonraier (A.) Hernie diaphragma- tique. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1884,1. s., xxix, 1-37.— Captlepon & iHeitchinet tic Richeinont. Hernie traumatique de I'csiomac dans la cavite thoracique; d6chi- rures du foie et tie la rate. J. tie med. de Bordeaux, 1896, xxvi. 444—Cayla (A.) Hernie diaphragmatique chez un adulte. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par.. 1884, lis, 640-643. Also: Progres m6d., Par., 1885, 2. s., ii, 102. — Chainbrelent & Frincctcau. Sur un cas de hernie diaphragma- tique congenitale. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. de Bor- deaux, 1890, xvii, 303-310. 1 pi. Also: J.de m6d.de Bor- deaux, 1897, xxvii, 99-102, 1 pi. — Chandler (S.) Dia- phragmatic hernia. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1894-5, vii, 185.—Clorbin (F. G.) Two cases of diaphragmatic her- nia. Montreal M. J.,1900, xxix, 122-121.—C«rdier( A. H.) A case of diaphragmatic hernia. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1897, xxvi. 353-356. Also: Med. Herald, St. Joseph, 1897, n. s., xvi. 359-361. Also [Abstr.]: Am. J. Surg. & Gynec, N. Y., 1897-8, x, 114. — Corrado (G.) Ernia diaframma- tica congenita. Gior. di med. leg., Lanciano, 1896, iii, 9-20, 1 pi. ____-. Cinij ue nuovi casi di ernia diaframmatica con- genita. Gior. tl. A ss. napol. di med. e nat., Napoli, 1901, xi, 204-224, ,2 pi. —Walton (H. C.) Diaphragmatic hernia, traumatic. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1891. v, 104-106. Also [Abstr.]: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1891, xvi, 825. — Del- user. Herniediaphragmatiqueintra-m6diastinale; lesions d'autopsie; difficulte du diagnostic. Bull. Soc. centr. de m6d. v6t, Par., 1901, n. s., xix, 197-202. —Dickinson (W. L) Diaphragmatic hernia. Svst. Med. (Allbutt), N. Y. & Lond., 1897, iii, 577. — Faiinato (P.) Su di un caso di ernia diaframmatica; opera/.ion'e; guarigmne. Clin, chir., Milano, 1895, iii, 137-157.—Fuiuell (J. \\\ G.) Traumatic diaphragmatic hernia. Lancet, Lond., 1888, i, 1294 — Ferrnre»i 'O.i Sopra un caso di ernia diafram- matica. Bull. d. i . Accad. med. di Roma, 1886, xii, 245-248.— Hernia (Diaphragmatic). Fcrrario (F.) Di un' ernia diaframmatica congenita destra. Gazz.d.osp.. Milano, J88ii. vii, 034; 045.— FimImt (E. D.) Diaphragmatic heruia. Proc. N. York Path. Soc. (1890), 1891, 73.—Fisher (T. E. II.) Diaphragmatic hernia,- perforation of l lie stomach. Lancet, Lond., 1897, ii, 1584.—Flange (F. W.) & Front (T. P.) A case of diaphragmatic hernia of 14 years' duration, resulting in marked displacement of organs. Phila. M. J., 1899, iii, 1422.—Forlier (S. M.) Intestinal obstruction, caused bv strangulation of a diaphragmatic hernia. Tr. Louisiana M. Soc, X. Oil., 1896. 187-19U. Also: N. Oil. M. pay/AaTO(C7JA>)S Siayvoxr- Sei'trrjs ev rrj t,"u>>;. 'IaTpiicij 7rpdo8os, 'Ev SOpto, 1901, vi, 198.— It a 11 fin a n ii i E.) Zwerchfellherniemitlncarcerationdes Magens durch Axendrehung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1887, xiii, 616-618.—Keiin (d.). Kooen- thal (G.) & Huguicr. Hernie diaphragmatique con- genitale avec issue tl'une partie de I'estomac etde l'intestin tlans la pl6vre gauche chez une femnie primipare; dyspnee; lieinateineses ; mort. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1H98. 147- 16u.—Kelley (S. W.) A case of congenital diaphrag- matic hernia. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1899, xvi. i;u2-607. Also: Cleveland M. Gaz., 1898-9, xiv, 537-543.—Kelly (A. O. J.) Hernia of the diaphragm. Proc. Path. Soc. Phila.. 1900, n. s., iii, 256-259.—I.aeh. Contribution k I'etude de la hernie diaphragmatique. M6m. Soc. d6m6d. de Strasb., 1885, xxi, 164-173.—Lai lenient. Observation de hernie diaphragmatique chez uu homme de 47 ans. Assoc, franc. pourl'avance. d. sc. C-r.1886, Par., 1887, w. pt. 2.776-780.— I.a ITIonrc (C.F.) Report of acaseof diaphragmatic her- nia. State Hosp. Bull., Utica, 1896, i, 14U — l.ar*cn (A.) Et Tilfaelde af Hernia diaphragmatica congenita. Hosp.- HEKX.A. 17 HKiJNIA. Hernia (Diaphragmatic). Tid., K.jobenli . 1891, 3. R., ix, 287-289.— I.iun' (C.) Ein durch Laparotomie geheiller Zwerchfellbruch. Cor.-Bl. f. sehweiz. Aer/te. Basel, 1900, xxx, 231-240. — l.illle (T. K ) Diaphragmatic hernia. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1877-80, n. s . viii, 20-21 —I.neatello (I, ) Sopra due casi di ernia diafrainmatiea. (lazz. tl. osp.. Milano. 1893, xiv, 1068-1071.— Met lonki (A. J ) Strangulated dia- phragmatic hernia: necropsy. Lancet. Lond., 1895. i, 1116. tlaiHoiiiicll. Rapid emaciation willi peisist- ent \onn:iiig: jili\snal signs of phthisis; pneumotho- iax; attci ibaih a hernia of the diaphragm is found: the stomach lodged in the thorax; tubercular deposit in the lungs; ruptuie of a small cavity into the pleura. Can- ada M. .V S. ,L, Montreal, 1886 7,' xv, 481 488.— flaihill iH. T.) Congenital tliapluagniatic hernia: report of two cases. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. A- Gvncc. 1891, I'liila.. 1895 vii, 430-434, 3 pi — Tie Itae (K.W.t ' Hernia of the diapliragm, with ropoit ot a case. Tr. South. Surg. \ C.yncc. Ass. 1894. Phila.. 1895, vii, 77-82. —.tlaray I ia no' (E.) La diagnosi diretta dell'ernia diaframmatica. Hull. tl. clin.. Milano, 1897. xiv, 445-150. Also: Crou. d. clin. med. di Genova. 1896-7. iv, 65-72. Also : Gazz. tl. osp., Milano, 1897, xviii. 198-200.—Marshall (R. J.) Notes of a case of congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Glasgow M. J.. 1893 \1. 34-:;ii.- Maylard (A. E.) A case of strangulated itiaphiagii.atic heinia: symptoms of acute, intestinal ob- stiuetion: l.ipai otoniv; death. Tr. Glasg. Path. & Clin. Soc. 1895-7. vi, 78-81. Also: Glasgow M. J.. 1890. xlvi, 143-146.—Mendc* i,J.) Un caso de herniadiafragiiiatica. An. d. Circ med. argent., Buenos Aires, 1890. xiii] 264-269, 1 pi. Also: lo \ . Soc. med. argent.,Buenos Aires, 1892. i, 163-169. —Mixter (S. J.) Strangulated dinphiagniatic heinia. Boston M. A S. J., i960, cxlii. 301.— 'lonslin (H.l Heinie diaphragmaticpie. Bull, et mem Soc. anat. de Par.. 1899. Ixxiv, 1013-1018. —>ailor (II. A. i'.i Con- genital diaphragmatic hernia. Tr. South Indian Branch Brit. M. Ass.. Madras 1895, vi, 146-150, 1 pi.—cVaraya- iin«\vainv >aidn. Notes on a case of traumatic dia- plnagniatic hernia. Ibid.. ls97-8. vii. 303. > a n iii:i n n (G.' Heinia diaphiagmatica; laparotomi: ddil. H\giea. Stockholm, 1888. 1. 524-528-----. Ytterligaie oiii'dia phragniabrark. Ibid., 18'."'. Ii i, -121 - 4.9. - - .Xejjri (P.) Sull' ernia diafragmalit a ion .oiiita. Ann. di ostet., 2\I i hint). 18-5. vii, l..s-l-|,r>.— \icniitllei . I'.iu eigen- thiimlit her Fall von Htrnie diaphragmatica. Beil. klin. Wchnschr.. 1892, xxix, 355. — O'Bwyer (J.) Dia- phragmatic heinia. with opi ration. Tr. Am. I'ediat. Soc. 1888-9. [Phila.]. lvin. j. 119-124. Also: Arch. Pediat.,1889, vi, 882-ssg.— Oi;le (C.) Hernia of liver and stomach through diaphragm (card specimen). Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., l>96-7. xlviii, 114-110. — Oldriyhl. Tlerniaof r'ne diaphragm. Canad. Pract.. loronlo. 1885, x, 120.— Olm-ltil. I miplragmatie htini.i. Proc A Tr. Path. Soc. Toronto, iBUo-91. ii. 0.—Oinbon j (V.) Traslocazione dello stoniaco. colon etl omento ml eavo pleurico siiiistro per sfiancaiiiento tli cicatrice del diafiamma: diagnosi e cura chirurgica. Gn/z.med.crenionesc. 're......i a, 1894, xiv, 84: 130. Also. Reprint. — Onibreflanne (I..) Her- nie diaphraginatkjue etranglee. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par.. 1895, Ixx. 546.—Ord. Diaphragmatic hernia. Lan- cet, Lond., 18i-7. ii. 128. ------. Intestinal obstruction caused by a strangulation of a diaphragmatic hernia; nc- > io|,sy. Ibib. 913. — I'aciiii. Di una voluminosa ernia ili.rfi aioiii.il ii .'. (J.i/./.. tosc. tl. sc. med.-lis., Firenze, 1843, ; i;7.— Paitliy i-l. M.) Notes of a case of diaphiagmatic hernia. Aostr.il. M. J. Melbourne, 1889, n. s, xi, 5. Also: N. Zealand M. ,,'., Dunedin, lr-88-9, ii, 109.—Farl.ei- ((.'. A.i A description of the appearances in live cases of diaphragmatic hernia. Medicine. Detroit i9n|, vii, 446- 456. 2 pi. — I'ni'M'iNki (A. S.) A Mini in oil I A. P.) Slu- chal tliafragmaluol grizhi tiavmatichc-k.i\ o pioiskhozh- deniya. [Diaphragmatic heruiaof traumaticorigin. | Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1-91, xxxvi, 387-401.— I*:il Ett fall af hernia ilia phra gmat icaac<|iiisita. | A case of . ..) Hygiea. Festband [etc. |. Stockholm,18H9, no. 15,1-5.— FiltlG.N.) Deficiency of the left half of the cliaplnagin; I ilisplaci-iiienl of stomach and intestines into the thorax. Ir. Path. Soc. Lond., 1891-2, xliii. 79.- Forak (C.) A. I>nrnnte (C) Lucas tie hernie diaphraginatupH', con genitale. Compt. rend. Soc. d obst.. do g\ nee. et fie pu- iliat. tie Par., 1901, iii. 125-135. Also [Abstr.|: Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1901. Ixxvi, 354. FoNtempHhi (P.J Nuovo processo opeialivo per la riduzionc ci uenta delle einiediaframmatiidie da trauma e per lasiitura delle lerite, del diafiamma. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1888-9, xv. 191.------. Sutura del diaframma )icr ernia trau- matica cpiploica. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1889- 90, xvi. 433. ------. La suture du tliaphragnio dans les her- nies diaphragmatitpies par traumatismes. Verhandl. d. VOL VII, 2d series----2 Hernia (Diaphragmatic). x. internat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891, iii, 7. Abth., 188.— I'otoclii (.1.) II ci n lesiliaphraginatitpies congenita les par arret de tlc\ t'loppenicnt tin diaphraginc; absence do la nioitic droite tin niiiscle. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1886, lxi, 290-292. Also: Progios med., Par., 1S86, 2. s., iv, 677. —Frnt (J.) Observations d'un castle hernie dia- phraginaliipie et inlercostale. Arch, do med. nav., Par., 1885, xliv, 296-304. — l*r*e>vowki (E.) C/.tcry nowoprzy- padki pr/.epukliny przeponowej (hernia diaphragmatica) z ogolneini uwngami o tejze chorohio. ( Lour new cases of diaphragmatic hernia, with general remarks on I his disease | Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1888, 2. s., viii, 800: 829; 853; 874; 893, 1 pi. ------. Joszc/.e joden pr/.y p;:th k przcpukliny piveponowej. [Another case of diapliriignint ic hernia.] Ibid , 1889, 2. s., ix, 685-689. — ICn inoino i(L B.) Ernia dial'iagmalica. Morgagni, Milano, 1898, xl, 795-801.— ■{ciiilia id (C.) Ein Fall von Hernia diaphragmatica. Deutsche mod. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1891, xvii, 954.— ■Eol»iii*on (A.) A case of diaphragmatic hernia. Pioc. .\n;it. Sue. (Jr. Hi it. A Ireland, Lond., 1899-1900, pp. xxix- xx\ii. — ICoi hard (E.) Da iuterveneao na hernia dia- phragmatica cslrangulada. Brazil-incd., Rio de Jan., 1894,'213.— Koot (A. L.) Hernia of diaphragm. Med. Times, X. V., 1898, xxvi. 109— Sahalini (P.) Ernia dia- framinatica. Raccoglitore med., EoiTi, 1898. 6. s., i, 178- 182.—Mealxi (F.) Nuove osscrvazioni intoino all' ernia diaframmatica. Atti Accad. med. tli Roma, 1878, iv. fuse. 1,117-132. Also, Reprint.—ttchwalbe iL ) 1'ebcr einen Fail von linksseitigi m angeliorcncn Zwerchfell.-del'ckt (Hernia diaphragmatica congenita spin ia sinistra) mit, l;c- sondercrBerucksichtigung tier Banc Iil'i 1 la noinalien. Mor- phol. Arb., Jena, 1898. viii, 135-152. 2 pi. -----. Leber congenitale Zwerclilcllshernicu Miinchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1899, xlvi, 12-14.----—. Bt obaohtung eines Falhs von Hernia diaphragmatica vera. Centralbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat.. Jena, 19; 0. xi, 202--200.—tfehtvnrtie (K ) \ IS oc 11 aril (E.| Contribution a l't'tutlo dc la hernie diaphragmatitpie etranglee. Lev. de chir., Par.. 1892. xii, 75H-764. — Sear* (G. (L) A case of congenital diaphrag- matic hernia. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1895. exxxii, 107.— Wills ((J.) Eine seltencre Form von Heinia diaphragmatica. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1886, xxiii 321. — Wmejkal ( R. ) Hernia diaphiagmatica traumatica. Casop. lek. cesk.. v Praze, 1899, xxxviii, 566-568.—Spi n< i ■' (II. 11.) Thico cases of congenital diaphragmatic hernia (two being ou the light side). Tr. Obst. Soc. Loud. (U90). 1891, xxxii, 132. — Stewart (J. C.) Diaphragmatic hernia. Med. Standard. Chicago, 1890, viii, 178— Stoddard tC. II.) Diaphragmatic hernia. South. Calif. Pract., Los Angeles, 1890, xi, 4.5-47.—Strnppler (T.) Teller den pliysikali- schen Befuud uml die ncueren klinischen Hiilfsinittt 1 bei der Diagnose der Zweichftllsliei nie. I)ent.-.ches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1901, Ixx, 1-10, 2 pi.—Target! (J. n ) Traumatic heinia through diaphragm. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1885-6, xxxvii, 239 — B'i rrili- (I.) Id mi caso tli ernia diaframmatica congenita. (Jazz, d osp , Milano 1896, xvii, 591-594.—Turner (W.) Case of diaphiag- matic heinia. Lancet, Lond., 189(1, i, 1301. —'I'.i «on (I ) Diaphragmatic hernia. Tr. Path. Sue. J'lul.i. il88l-3), 1884, xi, 40. ------. Two cases of diaphragmatic hernia. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila., 1893,viii, 304-308.- \ it:.- dini (E.) Stutli nionografo-elinici intoino 1'ernia di frammatica. .'iior. med. di Roma, 1870, vi, 6U9: 689; 779- Vti'iiii' (E.) Hernia diaphragmatica. Med. olchet Imp. S.-Peterb.Vosp. Doinal 18801, 1882, 81, 2pl.—Walker.- (E. W.) Diaphragmatic hernia. «ith report of ;i ease. Internat..!. Surg.,'N. Y., 1900, xiii, 257 260. ------. Stran- gulated heinia through a traumatic rupture of tie dia- phragm: lapaioloin\ : icco\ci\. Tr. Am. Surg. As ., Phila., 1900, xxiii 216 256.— Wo.jila ( M . ) Pi ,-cpuklimi przeponowa (heinia iliaphragiuaiica). I'r/cgl. lek.. Kia. k6w, 1873, xii, 221: 229; 237: 217; 259. — Wood (A. J.j Case of congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Intercolon. M.J Australas., Melbourne, 1898, iii,96-102. [Discussion], lit" Hernia (Diverticular). Sec Hernia (Littre's). Hernia (Double). »S _ [Galveston, 18-Tt.] Lekoy (L.-1I.-J.) * De l'cpinlocele enkystee. ■1 -'. Bordeaux, ]SS">. Mark (L.) #£piploctlcs adh^rentes an sac. ■V. Paris, Is-;*. Simons ([V. W.H.I L.) * Ueber reiue Netz- ln-iiehe. 8°. Berlin, [Kstf]. Soxxicnbukg ( O. [C. A.]) * Beitriige zur Rartioaloporation der Xetzbriiche. 8°. Berlin, [1S90]. AbrazhaiioC Sluehai kisli salnika, ushtshcnilennoi v bedrenom kanalie. [Cyst of omentum impactetl in the in- guinal canal.] Chir. Laitop., Mosk., 1895, v, 942-944.—von ■ta racy, (L.) Retrograde Xetzinearceration mit Tor- sion iu der Lauchhdhle. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1900, liv, 584-589.—Baxter (iil>rni'il (A.) fipiplocele inguinale etranglee avec cnini •idence dun kyste du cordon; kelotomie; mort. daz. hebd. d. se. med. do Montpel., 1891, xiii, 145.—I>n- eote (C. J.) Report of a case of strangulated omental her- nia: operation; recovery and radical cure. Tr. Louisiana M. Soc, X. Oil.. 1896, 184- 187. — (iJ.-uaner (W.) Cases of cystic omental hernia. Proc. South Austral. Branch Brit! M. Ass., Adelaide, 1883-4, 39. — <;ii*l»«i* (P. A.) Ilcrniotoniie wegens nettbreuk. (icneesk. Tijdschr. v. Kederl. Indie, Batav., 1880, xxx, 17-23.—«offe (J. 11.) A very large inguinal omental hernia containing the colon and stomach. Am. J. Obst., X. Y., 1892, xxv, 818.— (*nibnl. Hernie epiploii|ue inguinale; etranglement; guerison. Gaz. hebd. tl. .sc. med. de Montpel., 188.">, vii, 109-171. — Hardie (J.) Hernia of sub-peritoneal fat. Med. Chron., Manchester, 18B8-9, ix, 105-107.—Hornitz (O.) Gangrenous omental hernia, with practically no con- stitutional symptoms. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc. Phila., 1900, n. s., ii, 43. Also: Phila. M. J., 1900, v, 1097. -----. Chronic hematocele of the tunica vaginalis test is associated with an encysted omental hernia resembling malignant disease of the testicle. Phila. M. J.. 1900, v, 923.—Hunt- inggton (T. W.) Badical operation for strangulated omen- tal hernia, and removal of an undescended testis. Occi- dental M. Times. Sacramento, 1893, vii. 503.—I in berl (L.) Fu cas de lipoct le inguinale. Bull. Soc anat. tie Par.. 1897, lxxii. 304.—JaiiK'N (E. M.) Irreducible and inflamed omental hernia; herniotomy; recovery. Austral. M. J.. Melbourne, 1887, n. s., ix, 317-319."-----. Congenital omental hernia, the unclosed sac of the tunica vaginalis being behind the testicle, with strangulation of bowel at the internal abtlomiual ring. Ibid., 319-322. — .lean- ni a ire (E.) Epiplocele cnflamniee; ouverture du sac; resection do l'epiploon et du sac herniaire; guerison. Arch, de med. ot pharm. mil., Par., 1836, xxvii, 319-321.— Klemin ( P.) lOiu Beitrag zurlCenutnissderiucarcerirten Xetzbriiche. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Leipz. u. Berl., 1891, xvii. (170-674.—Kob(P.) Audi ein Beitragzur Casu- istik der eingelilonimteii Xetzbriiche. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl.. 1893. xix, 1208. —Kumar (A.) Collaps nach Reposition eines Durmnetzbruches. Wien. med. BL, 18S5, viii, 1433. — I.e Dentu. Xeoplasme de l'epiploon hernie. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1889. Ixii, 796.— Lilian- C'haiiipioiniiere. La cure radicale d'une grosso hernie cpiplu'ique inguinale gauche congenitale in- coercible. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1885, n. s., xi, 707-769. -----. Presentation d'une piece relative a une 6piploite chroniqne ayant transforme tout le tablier fepiplolque en une masse iuduree occupant tout 1'abdomen, 18 HEUNIA. Hernia (Fatty and omental). l'inflammalion ckronique ayant une hernie inguinale pour point de. depart. Ibid., 1898, n. s.. xxiv, 195-197.— Maija- jjni. Sopra due casi d' antichissiiua ernia dell' omento, complic.itisi all' iniprovviso a strozzamentodi un' ansa del tenue. Pratico Firenze, 1896-7, i, no. 2. 3; no. 3, 1.—.Hon- lini (A.) Peritonite acuta purulenta da riduzione di ernia epiploic;!, cout usa tlal cinto. Gazz. d. os]>., Milano, lb99, xx, 203.—IVIorcHtin (H.) Hernies graisseuses a travers la gaine aponevrotique de la masse sacro-lombaire. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat.de Par.,1901,lxxvi. 202-205.— ITInsconifG.) Sopra un caso d' crni i adiposa strozzata. Gior. iuternaz. tl. sc. med., Xapoli, 1892, n. s., xiv, 933-937.—Ramoni (A.) Itaro caso tli dtippio cpiplocele inguinale e cruralo nel siiiis- tro Into. Gazz.med.tli lioma, Is97, xxiii, 111-147.—Rever- din (J.-L.) Epiplocole inguino scrotale iiTcductiblc; ope- ration do euro ditc "radicale"; cxainen histologique par A. Ma\or. Lev. med. tie la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1885. v, 240-24."!.— Riekc-tt« (It.M.) Omental tumor; herniotomy. St. Lou is Clinique, 1 -s)4. vii, 51.—Rodman (W.L.) Oper- ation for hernia. Internat. J. Surg., X. Y., 1898, xi, 2i9.— Rose. Two unusual cases of hernia. Lancet, Lond., 1896, i, 1711.—Mhenra (G. F.) Incarcerated omental hernia, following an operation for appendicitis; excision of appen- dix; operation for the radical cure of hernia; recovery. Clinique, Chicago, ls9S, xix, 674. — Monrier Sc Ji'ii'ImI- lot. Hernie graisscusc cpiploique iireductiblo; keloto- mie; guerison. Gaz. tl. hdp.,Par.,]889,lxii,411.—Stirling. Case of ventral cpiplocele, containingorgani-ed blood-clot. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1S85, n. s., vii, 261.—Tnflier. Une aiguille dans une cpiplocele. Presse med., Par., 1897, ii, 79.— Van Ar*ilale (W. W.) Acute strangulated omental hernia. Aled. Rec, X. Y. 1898, liii, 564. — Van Patten (L.) Strangulated omental heinia. West. M. lb-porter, Chicago, 1887, ix, 189. — "Walter, Cpiplocele sphacclce. Franco med.. Par.. 18*2. xxix, pt. 2, 61-63. Also: Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1882), 1883, vi, 155-157.— Weir (Ii. F.) Radical cure of a large congenital omental hernia bv extirpation. Med. News. Phila., ~\8,~^, xlvi, 364. Also: X'. York M. J., 18s5. xii, 307. — von Wild (C.) Ueber Fetthernien. Yorhandl. tl. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gyniik. 1891, Leipz., 1892. iv, 440-440. — de Wind ( P. ) Waarneeming over ceii netbreuk. Verhandel. uitgeg. tl. de Holland. Maatsch. d. Weetensch. te Haarlem, 1703, vii, pt. 1, 129-135, 1 pi. Hernia (Femoral). See, also, Hernia; Hernia (Cweal); Hernia (Congenital); Hernia (Diagnosis of); Hernia (Reduction of) in bulk; Hernia ('Traumatic); Hernia -in chi dren; Hernia in old age; Hernia in pregnancg, etc.; Hernia in soldiers. Axsixx ('(). (l. 8.) * Ueber Cvstocelo cruralis. 8L. Greifswald, ls-19. Lor.MEAl' (N.-VI.) * Des varietes rares tie la heniie crtnale. 4 . Bordeaux, ]-<:,. Mauciie (.1.-15.) " Sur la hernie erurale. 4J. Strasbourg, h-l-*. Uytteiuioeyex (A.) * De nierocele sen her- nia femoral i. 1 . Gandari, lrJ.'t. Wood OY.) A probationary snr»-ical essay on crural hernia. S->. Edinburgh, 1^0.">. Biihr (!■'.) Der aussere Schenkelbrueh. Arch. f. klin. Chir., ISerl., 1898, lvii, 59-72. — liataNhen" (I. S.) K ka- zulstikle bedreuikh giizh. [Cases of femoral hernia.] Khirugi'a, Mosk., 1900, viii, 538-541.—Rattle (W. H.) A clinical lecture on femoral hernia. [Abstr.] Lancet Lond., 1901, i, 302-305.—Berger (P.) Diagnostic et trai- tement tie la hernie cruralo chez la femme. Bull. med., Par., 1895. ix, 503-506. -----. Hernies eriirales. Traite de chir. (Duplay et Rcclus), 2. ed , Par., 189s, vi, 270-298.— lievan (A. D.) Femoral hernia. Internal. Clin.. Phila 1890. 0. s., ii, 225-228.—Bunker (R. E.) Femoral cpip!,,'- ceh- in a male. St. Louis M. A S. J., 1892, lxii, U9. — lie Bersaqni-M (C.) De la hernie erurale. Ami. Soc. beb>e dechir.. Unix.. 1895-6, iii, 103-114. —Denell'e (V. i Dc'Ta hernie erurale. Ann. Soc. de med. de Gaud, 1895 Ixxiv 156-166.— Drew (II. V.) Abscess in the femoral region simulating hernia. Lancet. Lond., Is88, ii, :si:s._Eckley (YV. T.) Dissection of femoral hernia. Chicago Clinic, 1900, xiii, 553.—Kpiplocele erurale destio. idrope del sacco; puncttira del sacco; guarigitme. Clin. chir. (Maz- zoui),Roma, 1884, viii-x, 345-347—iJJorlz. Siud Schenkel- hernien analog den Leistenbriiehen zu beurtheilen I Mo- natschr. f. Lnl'allheilk., Leipz., 1890, iii, 395-399.—Ham- ilton (J. P..) Femoial hernia. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1894, 4.a., ii, 204-206.—Hernia cruralis siu. Ber.d.k.k. Krankenh. Wieden 1889, Wien. 1890, 187. — Lrbriisnr. De la hernie erurale. Ann. Soc. beige tit! chir. Brux. 1899-1900, vii, 120-128. — I,oin. [Cas tie hernie erurale gauche] Ann. Soc. d'anat. path.de Brux., 1882, no. 31, 61.— Molloy i L.) Three cases illustrating the importance ot a minor point in the anatomy of femoral hernia. Lan- HEKMA. 19 HERNIA. Hl'l'llia (Femoral). ret. Loud., 1897, i. ."88- ISei vi «. Large femoral omental | hernia sinnilating a fatt\ tumour: fatty hernia. P.rit. M. J., Lontl., 1892, i, 1304 -Itnyyi (G.) ' Ln caso d'ernia erurale. Clin, mod . Firenze 189. i. 274-278. — >tin.n (E. P.) Three eases of femoral hernia. Proc. Coniiici M. Soc. Bridgeport, 1899, 2>8 .'i I'lin.....m (A.) Mr- ttioire sur rentoniioir feniorali-vasculairc et sur ces i-aj>- ports avec les causes. 1, s accidens, les especes, et le traite- niciit de la hernie erurale. J. tl. conn, med. prat.. Par. 18::,-S, v. 104: 140: 165; 197. — Vanee (A. M.) Femorai heinia Louisville Month. J. M. A- S , 1899-1900, vi, 199. - Van l.enni p ; W P.. ) A few desultory remarks on femoral hernia Med Cnturv. Chicago. Is98,vi. 2">7. Also. Reprint —Villi inin tl\» Hernie erurale. l>ict. enc\cl. il. seined.. Par., 1>89, 4. s.. x\, 762-7S4.—Wallace (C.'S.) Femoral hernia; table of 29 cases. St. fhomas's Hosp. Rep. 1891. Loud.. 1896. n. s., xxiii, 384-::89. Eleriisn (Femoral, Causes and pathology of). •Iii!;«"i G.i Di una modalitn anaoninpatoloiiica iara .1 .iiiii i rurale. Gazz. d. osp.. Milano, 1899, xx, 748- 751- Bellamy L) An obscure case of femoral hernia: operation; necropsy. Lancet. Loml.. lssii. ii.4:!3.- Bn«eh (F.) iHinoiistiation eiues Priiparates von Hernia cruralis diverticuli iutestinalis. Verhandl. tl. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir.. Berl., 1884 xiii 85 — I.any (W. S.i Notes on a case of femoral henna accidentally met with in the dead subject. Etlinb M. I. L-8--9. xxxiv, 785-787. > a in th (A.) Leber eine eigenarlige Form von Hernia cruralis (pra-vaseularis) im Anschluss,' an die unbliitige Behand- limg angebon ner Huftgeloiiksveirenkimg. Verhandl. d. deutsch Gesellsch. f. < hit.. Berl., 1899. xxviii. pt. 2. 273- 391, 1 pi. [Disc ussion], pt. 1. 38-48. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Beil Is99. Hx, 396-424. 1 pi. llcrisia (Femoral, Complications and sequela' or'). >«'. also, Hernia (-Etmoral. Treatment of, Oper- ative \\ Hernia (Littre's). Kellkk (O.) * Sclienkelhernie mit Mageti ills Inlialt. Eiu Beitrag zur C'.isitistik der Hernien. [Bern.] -°. Ziirich. 1—o. Mhlzek (F. C.) * De liernia crurali incarce- rata. sin. 4°. Jrgentorati, [IUVA]. Also, transl. [Abstr.J in: Weiz (F.A.i Vollstand. Ausz. [.-tc..]. 123. Leipz. u. Budissi,,. 1771, iii 431-441. Amlervon (A. R.t A case of stian^ulated femoral antt obturator hernite. Lancet. Loud.. 1892 i. 744.— Hut Ii. Het iiia cruralis dcxtra incarcerata: smrt za 24 hodinv. [ . . death after 2; hours. Casop. 1,-U. cesk., v Praze, lsii9. xiii, 113. — Barling ((..i Suppuratir. femoral heinia. Birmingh. M. K, v. 1--3, xxv, 341-344.—Itejjonin. Her- nie erurale eti.in^!,,-: coloration verte d. I'linse herniee; signification ib- 'M couleur au point ■•■■. DubL, 1873-5 n. 8., vi. 172. -----. Stiangnlated femoral hernia. Ibid., 1*75-7, n. s., vii, "(7-(;o. — Berber iP.i Sur 1 existence simultamSe d'une hernie inguinale et d une hernie erurale situeas flu memo ct'tteet sur la distension delaine. France med.. Par,, 1892, xxxix, 145-147. —Berjjh C. A.) Hernia cruralis dextr. in- carcerata; utvandi ing at tai inbakterier; peritonitis acuta diffi - i dt'id. Ilvgiea. Stockholm, 1»96, lviii. pt. 2, 217- 220.- Biiltvell iL. A.) Two cases of irreducible femoral hernia in which the vermiform appendix alone occupied the sac. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond.. 1-90-7. xxx. I Ml-189. Also | Abstr.]: Biit. M. J., I.oml.. 1897, i. 1284 -Blake (J. II.) Complicated case of femoral hernia Kansas M. J. To- peka. Is97, ix, 207-209. ISonanni (M.| A I'iii :n iiiii. Nota su due Casi di sti aim ohimontui] en, ia ci in ale. I'i at ico. Firenze, 1897-8, iii, 135 - 137.— Brolil. Ii. oliaeht ungen iiber den Processus vermiformis als Inlialt einer Hernia cruralis. Miincben. med. Wchn-chi , 18-7, xxxiv, 500.— Bin ni-11 (R.) Case of st i .iiuul.iied crural hernia. Dub- lin M Pi. ss 1844, xi, 51. — * alillani (S.) Note upon the pteseneeof the ciecuni and appendix in left femoral hernia'. Ann. Surg., Phila,, 1898, xxviii, 708-711, 1 pi.—C'hapnl. Hemic erurale droite volumineuse, chez une feinme, a\ n hernie du coecum et de l'epiploon ; clatgisseinent coii.-.jde- rable de laiiioau cruial correspondaut a la hernie, et tie l'anueau du cote oppose. Bull. Soc. anat.de Par.. 1887, Ixii. 9-12. — I'ioriiiin (P.) Hernia cruralis dextra incar- cerata. rcponirt durch combinirte Zug- und Durchtaxis. Wien. lnetl. I'd . 1897. XX, 111-113. .lLo tmnsl. : Spitalul, Bucuresi i, 1897, xvii, 137-141.— Clarke i Ii i Strangu- lated femoral hernia; gangrene of the ".ut and extravasa- tion offices iutothe peritoneum; herniotomy; subsequent abtlomiual section; flushing of the peritoneal cavity; death from pneumonia; no peritonitis. Lancet, Lond., 1890, i, Blt'l'lisa (Femoral, Complications and setiucla' of). 1240. 4'oll'iiiM (E. W.) Strangulated femoral heinia Proc. Path. Soc. DubL. 1877-80, n. s., viii, 88.—Corlej ( A . H. i Femoral hernia fatal by pneumonia. Ibid., 93-9.",.- I'/t'ini, Hernie I'emorale avec epiploon adherent. Se- maine med., Par., 1887, vii, 341.—Helhel i. P.) fttranglo- ment crural a forme fruste: tiaileineiit ties hernies gangic- nces. Gaz. d. hop., Par.. 1893. lxvi. 1098-1100. -----. De retrangleinent dans les hernies eriirales. Presse med., Par.. 1894, 112-144.— l>elore (X.) N'otc sur deux onormes hernies cruialcs. Gaz. hebd. tie med., Par., 1898, n. s., iii, 097-701.- Duiinin (J.) Strangiilated femoral hernia; gangrene: death. North. J. M., E.linb., 1844-5. ii, 27-31. Also. Reprint.— Fjjan (P. It.) Acute .strangulated fem- oral hernia on a Puerto Lican hillside. N. Vork M. J., 1901. l\xiii, 813.— Funnel. Hernie cruralo enorme pro- duite dans une flexion brusque e| forcce do la colonne ver- tebrate en avant. Gaz. hebd. tie med., Par., 1898. n. s., iii, 1069.— Femoral hernia; strangulated irreducible; no opciatem. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1 k:!<). Lond.. 1901, 208- 211.— I'ia niliiiii i A.i \ Bavalilini. Sopra uu raro asccsso stei coraceo della coscia perernio t rurale del Littr<5 inflainmata c peiloratn. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1901, xxii, 120-122.—Fro-lie6i. Hernie erurale tie vessie. [Abstr.] Gaz. d. hop. de Toulouse, 1890. x, 123.—t.airi^a (B.) Iutiamac on de una hernia crural cstrangnlada tpie ter- mini) por ganurena tlel saeo, con formaeidn cspontauca tie un ano aitilicial y fistulas estereoraceas consecutivas; curacidii. Gac. med. catal., BarceL, 1891, xiv, 104-100.— tl»f ill (W. M.) Een geval van hernia cruralis incarcerata, cevolgd door absccssns hepatis. Gencesk. Tijdschr v. N'ederl. Indie, Batav.. 1890, xxx,620-621.I.itiiiartl (A.) lie i nie erurale 6t ran glee: gangrene et perl or at ion de I'anse; injections alimentaires dans le bout int'ei ieur. Lull, et num. Soc. de Uiir. de Par., 1898. n. s., xxiv, 1003-1000.— ■Untierrez (J. F.) Hernia crural estranuulada del ci,-,,, Juventud med., Guatemala, 1899. i, 24 29 —llaikill (A.L.) A ease, of strangulated femoral hernia. Tr. South Indian Branch Brit. M. Ass.. Madras, 1891-2, iv, 110.— Ilanioiiic (P.) Deux cas de kystes cruraux de\ eloppes dans ties sacs herniaircs inliahitos. Rev. clin. d'androi. et de gynec. Par., 1899, v, 05-72. —Ilemsteil (II.i A case of strangulated vermiform appendix forming a femoral hernia. P.rit. M. J., Lond.. 1900, ii, 1610.—Henstoii (F. T.) Strangulated femoral heruia with gangrenous in- testine. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1897, n. s.. lxiii, 428.— llulke. Strangulated femoral hernia, pleases] ^liii- dlescx Hosp. Rep. 1892, Loud., 1894, 123 IIntili 111*011 (J.), jr. Fe.....ral hernia; perforation of Gimbernat's liga- ment by a fish-bone causing inflammation of the omentum in the sac. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1892-3, xliv, 09-71.— Kammerer (F.) Irreducible gangrenous femoral her- nia. Ann. Surg., Phila.. 1000, xxxii.299. —Kna««» (R. L.) A case of strangulated femoral hernia in which gangrene was precipitated by an intra-abdominal volvulus. Lancet. Lond., 1900. i. 1720. Kot I111. Hernia ermalis incarce- lata. In bit: Chir. Klin, zu Bern. Jena. 1891 55-58.— Boric. Eine Kranke, bei der eine sehr weite, Crural- bruchpforte durch Periostknochenlappen verschlossen ist. Deutsche mod. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1895, xxi, Ver.- BeiL, 63.—Iiiinihrel (O.) Hernie erurale etranglee; re- duction au bout de trente heiircs; mort par pciitonite. Echo m6d. du nord, Lille. 1898. ii, 355. —limit- (W. A.) A unique cast! of strangulated femoral hernia closely simu- lating the, obturator y. 11 iel \ . Mod. Press c. Circ..'Lond., 1893, u. s., Iv, 105.— I.e F illintre (G.) A l' III.) A case of hydiocle of the sue of a femo- ral he 1 nia. Lancet, Lontl., 1899, ii, 710. —.Tl 't-anyluv (J. B.) Lemoral hernia; sloughing: death. Tr. Minnesota M. Soc, St. Paul, 18H.,, 52-54. —.Tliller (A. G.) Case of fem- oral and obturator hernia; comprising its 1 ito history. Edinb. M. L, 1871, xvi, pt. 2, On:: 605. — iTIoore (J. A.) A case of strangulated femoral hernia Albany M. Ann., 1888, ix, 3t)2-3u|.._ Tloyroinl. Hernie erurale de l'appen- dice. Loire med.. Si - F,i icnne, 1898, xvii, 277.- Tln^nai (A.) Ernia erurale strozzata eon sacco, a 89. xxvi, 9i8. —I'nrker (R. W.) A case ofstrangu hit ed femoral hernia com plicated with volvulus, with special reference to the continuationof obstruction after herniotomy. Tr.Cliu. Soc. Loud.. 1893-4, xxvii, 189-193.—Paid, Anus contre nature consecutif a une hernie erurale gauche etranglee; eiiteroanasfomo.se avec bouton anastoniotique. Lyon med., 1901. xcvi. 602- 664. — Pi^^oll (F. C. H.) A Vase of hydrocele of the sac of a lemoral hernia. Lancet, Loud.,' 1899. ii, 157.— PitlN (P.. i A case of large femoral hernia, where sud- den rupture of its coverings occurred, anil a portion of intestine was protruding for several hours before reduction. Proc. M. Soc. Lond., ^3-4, vi, 382-385.— Poneel. Hernie erurale etranglee sans tiimeur appa- rente. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d- sc. med. tie Lyon (1886), 1887. xxvi, pt. 2. 78-81. Also: Lvon med., 1886.'Iii, 247-250.—Rami (11. W.) Perforation of the veimiform appendix iu the sac of an irreducible femoral heruia. Brooklyn M. J.. 1893, vii, 751-751.—ISomin (G.) Ein- kleinmuiig des Winmfortsatzes -in einem linksseitigen Sehcnkernrache. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir.. Leipz.. 1895, xii. 249.—Kiiiiliitti i A.) Ernia erurale cpiploica stroz- zata. cangrenata a deeorso subdolo, sti -nominal•iainente lungo. Gazz. d. o-p., Milano, 1901, xxii, 199. —Neluiiif t M.C.) Incarcerated femoral hernia curetl by high po- teiuies. Med. Advance. Chicago, 1890, xxv', 333-335.— Ncliiviut/. Deux cas de, hernie erurale etranglee. Bull. Soc. med. pnit.de Par. (1884-5), 1880, u.s.,i, 172-170. —WheN- vrell (O. B.) Strangulated femoral hernia,with entire ah- I sen ee of local lain. Lancet. Lond., 1888, i, 66.—Mimpvon (E.) Strangulated lemoral hm-nia. with entire absence ot' local pain. Ibid.. 517.—Snowball (W.) Two cases of strangulated femoral hernia. Austral. M. J.. Melbourne, 1885,n. s.. vii. 435.—Sonligonx. Hernie erurale double, avec cysiocede double. Arch. ge.u. de med., Par.. 1898, i, 749. — Slock*. <'oniplication,, in a case of femoral hernia. Brit. M. J., Loud.. 1888, i. 861—SI row (J.) Hernia crura- lis intestino■oiuentalis incaneiata. Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1867, \i. 9o. — Teii-linck i A.) fipiplocele erurale gauche doublcnieiit enkystee. P.ull. Soc. tie med. tic Gand. 1901, lxviii, 29-31.—Tillanx. Ln cas de hernie erurale eirauglee avec gangrene rapide; un cas de coxalgie a la deuxieme periode. Inilepond. med., Par., 19IH), vi. 385.— Tims (H. W. M.) Reduction of a strangulated femoral her- nia after the use of ether spray. Lancet. Lond., 1889, i,836.— Trepant. Hernie erurale etranglee. Gaz. med. de Pi- cardie, Amiens, 1885, iii, ss.—Tnliolske. Strangulated femoral hernia; an unusual complication. St. Louis Cour. Med.. 1890, iii, 278.—ITshtNliemlcniiaya pravostoron- nyaya bedrenaya grizha. [Impacted right-side femoral hernia.] Otchet o ilievateln. khir. klin. [etc.] v Mosk. (1899-1900), 1901, 271-275.—Van Hook (W.) Strangu- lated femoral hernia of the verniiforiu appendix. Am. J. Surg. A Gynec, St. Louis. 1898-9, xi. 172. Also: Chicago Med. Recorder. 1899 xvi. 321-323. —Verneuil. Queltpu-s doniiecs sur laheruie erurale edranglee. Gaz. d. hop. Par., 1888. lxi, 1025. Also: Cuz. nu'-d. de l'Algcrie, Alger, 1888, xxxiii, 155. -----. Cpiplocele et cystoeele eriirales. Ann. Soc. beige de chir.. Brux., 1896, iv. 37-45. — Wakefield (C.) A case of .strangulated femoral hernia. Lancet, Lond., 1890, i. 1717. — Weber (S. L.) Case of femoi A her- nia of a cyst of the broad ligaments. Tr. Chicago Gynec. Soc, 1894-5. iii, 16--17I. Also; Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1895, xxxii. 377-379. Also [Abstr.] : Maryland M. J., Bait., 1895- 6, xxxiii,383.— Weiswint'er (W. S.l A case of strangu- lated femoral hernia. X. Vork M. J., 1891. Ix. 430. — Wil- liam* i F. P.) Masked suppurative peritonitis following i violent taxis of strangulated femoral hernia. Am. Med.- Surg. Bull.. N. V., I896, x, 506. — WnlH". Strangulii ter M" u rm fort sat/, in einer Hernia cruralis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. n. Berl., 1901, xxvii, Yer.-Peih. 176.— Wyelh (J. A.) A case of acute inflammation of the sac of a femoral hernia from which theviseeial contents had es- caped back into the peritoneal cavitv: recovery. St. Louis Cliniijue. 1893, vi, lu3 — Ziickerkanill (O.) Volvulus und Strangulation in einem Schenkelbruche. Arb. u. Jahresb. d. k. k. erst. chir. TJniv.-Klin. zu Wien (1888), 1889. 80-91. Also: Wien. klin. Wchnschr.. 1889. ii. IL— Xwei Falle von Hernia cruralis dextra incarcerata mit Processus vermiformis als Inlialt. Jahresb. ii. d. chir. Abt. d. Spit, in Basel (1899), 1900, 55. Heriiaa (Femoral, Radical cure of). See, also, Hernia ( Radical cure of): Hernia (Radical cure of, Methods of, etc.). BASSIXI (E.) Xiinvo nietotlo operative, per la cura radicale deli' ernia erurale. <-. I'adoca, 1,-9:1. See, also, infra. Bi.KssF.f (M.) * Des rcsultats eloignes tie l.i cure radicale tie la hernie erurale. 4C. Paris, l-ii.'i. Iloriaia (Femoral, Radical cure of). -----. The same. S-. Paris, 18(J.">. L'amsox (C.) ~ De la cure radicale de la hernie erurale. 4C. L<:ion, P-lKi. De.miklkae (A.) * Les proceil6s inodornes de cure radicale de la hernie erurale et le nouvcati procede du Dr. II. Delageuiere. S-. Fails, IHilT. Douhaiket (L.) *£tude des precedes opera- toires appliques a la cure radicale de la hernie erurale. 4°. Lyon.^ lHlhi. Faijgax(C) * Elude critique: I'meeth's nio- dernes tie cure radicale de la hernie erurale. ric. Toulouse, l-9,\ Fockgous (L.-J.) * De la myopias! in dans la cure radicale de la hernie erurale. c-. Bor- deaux, 1^'Js. Gkslaxd (H.) De la niyoplastio dans la cure radicale de la hernie erurale. s°. Paris. 1 -'.17. Oidtmaxx (A.) " Ratlikaal operatic der cru- ralbreuk. S\ Amsterdam, 1-'.):!. Preto (A.) Contribute alia cura radicale dell' ernia erurale cei metodi Bassini e Ruggi. IJesiic into; consideration!; couclusioni. Sonnuo, 1-(J6. Also, in: Atti d. Ass. med. lomb., Milano, 1897, 53-67. RuGGl (,G.) Del nietotlo inguinale nella cura radii ale dell' ernia erurale. rov. eK Bologna, 189:5. Termet (A.) * Considerations sur la hernie erurale; sa cure radicale par le procede de J.-L. I'lianipionnieie. S-'. Paris, 1898. -----. The same. s-'. Paris, ls'.is. Aitki-ii (I). W.) Femoral hernia with c implication; successful radical operation. Scalpel. Lond.. 189b', i, 147.— A n n a nil all- i 1'.) Case of femoral hernia iu which a per- forated vermiform aupendix was found iu the .sac; exci. siou of sac and appendix; cure. Lancet, Lond., 1889, i, 027.—AproMio (It.) II metodo anatomico del Bas ini per la cura ratliealc dell' ernia erurale. Gior. med. d.i. esercito, Eomi, 1899, xlvii, 1149-1159.—Bacon (L. W.).,jr. Ou the radical cure of femoral hernia by means of Gordon's operation, with observations on the anatomy of the parts involved. Yale AL J., X. Haven, 1900-1901, vii. 4'J5—164.— Barrcnn (A.) Hernia crural extrangulada: kelotomia, seguida de la cura radical; ciiracion. Crdn. med. quir. de la Habana, 1838, xiv. s_-8 >.—Bassani (E.) None Opcra- tious-Mothodo zur Padiealbehandlung dor Schenkelher- nie. Arch. f. klin. Chir.. Perl., 1894. xlvii, 1-25, 1 pi. Sec. also, supra.—Battle (W. 1!.) Itadical cure of femoral hernia; case illustrating the usele.ssnoss of the pectineal flap. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1898. n. s, lxv. 493.— Berger. Sur l'operation de la cure radicale des hernies eriirales. Bull, et mem. Soc.de chir. do Bar., 1892, n. s., xviii, 311-319.— Bidwell (L. A.) A case of gangrenous femoral hernia; enterostomy; subsequent anastomosis by Halstetl's method and occlusion of the gut. Lancet, Lond., 1900, ii. 1200.—Itilhniit (M.) Cure radicale tic la hernie chez. une malade atteinte de hernie erurale etran- glee. Actualiie med., Par., 1890, ii, 201-205.—Bi»hop (YV. H.) A newmethod of closing the crural canal in tern- oral hernia in women. N. Am. J. Homoeop . X.Y.,1897, 3. s , xii, 364-367. — Bonoino, Per la cura dell' ernia crniale. Oa/z tl. osp., .Milano. ]>99. xx, 14S2-14S4. —von Bons. •lord" ill.) En nntod al t utfora radikaloperation af km- ralbrack. fMetbode d'une operation radicale des hernies eriirales. Pes., p. iii.] Finska liik.-siillsk. handl., Helsiug- fors, 1901. xliii. 15-30.—Boreliii* (J.) Bassinis radikal operation fiir kruralbrack. ( . . . for crural hernia] Hy- giea. Stockholm, 1-94. lvi. 2. Hltte, 346-349.—Braqne- Iiayc. Hernie erurale avec lipome preherniaire chez un hoiume; cure radicale; guerison. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physio], tie Bordeaux, 1897, xviii. 474. — Brenner (A.) Zur Padikaloperatiou von Cruralhernien nach Fritz. Salzer. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1899, xxvi, 1169-1174.— Kri^ys; (C. S.) Operation for the radical cure of femoral hernia. Nashville J. M. & S., 1896, lxxix, 110-112.— Brown (L. M.) Pa 'ical cure; operation for double lem- oral hernia. X. Am. Pract., Chicago, 1898, x. 381.—(add j (A.) The radical cure of femoral hernia. Indian M. Pec, Calcutta, 1R93, iv. 1 I -147 — 4 aim ion iK.i Padical cure for femoral hernia. .Montreal M. .1., 1890-91, xix, 5,-8- 591.—I'niniihellil i Constricted femoral hernia; treated by taxis, iullowed byojieration for ratlical cure; a success- ful result. Dominion JL Month.,Toronto, 1895,v, 303-305.— Cheyne ( W. W.) '1 he radical cure of hernia: with a description of a method of operating for femoral hernia Lancet, Lond., 1892. ii. 1039-1041. Also, Reprint.—t'odi- villa (A.) Zur Radicaloperatiou der Schcnkclhernien. HE KM A. 21 HERNIA. Hernia (Femoral, Radical cure of). Centralbl. f. Chir.. Leipz., 189S. xxv, 729-731 Cianila 11 (•LB.) Strangulated tenioral hernia: t>iieral ion foi unheal cure. Med. \- Sing. Reporter, 1'lnla . l.-.n;, Kxiv. 393. Croly (II. G.I Batlical cuie of t.moial hernia. Dublin ■ I. M. Sc, 1901, c\i. 70. — ililii lie. Hernie cruralo; cure radii .do; ctiolngie par- tieuliero. -Id. sc. mod. tic Lille. Is97, 1 otic 5U2.— Demon- lin (A.) Hernie cruralo etranglee tle]uiis 36 hcurcs; kelotomie; cure radicale: invagination par rannoau cru- ral, pendant la dissect ion du sac. d'une parti • do la por- tion c\t'a-pcritoneale de ia vissio ; guorisuii. Lnion med.. Par.. 189!. 3. s., lvi.229-2.il —Be<.!iin 1 \. A.) Korei nuva oper.nsiva betlrenoi giizlu t,o sposobu A. Piokiinimi. [prof. P. 1. D\ukouo\ iml. | Kadicnl , peiation of femoral heinia performed by Prof. .Oxakonotf aft. r Piokunin's method.| Khiriirgla, Mosk.. 189.), v, 237-212. Also: Otchot o die- yateln. khirurg. klin. [etc.] v Mosk. (18lii-8). 1899. 163- ■Oili holil* (C. M.) The inguinal opVratien for tenioral heinia. Po-t-Gr.iduate, X. v.. 1897, xii, 75-88. Ateo, Ke- pi int.—FiitirieiiiM nl.) Feber cine neue Methode tier Kadikal operation von Scheiikclhei nicu. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1894, xxi, 121-125. . I.'.,-,.. transl. [Abstr.]: Atti tl. xi Cong. med. internaz. 1891. Poma. Is9.>. iv, rhi- rnrg. [etc.], 150. — Fcr!;ii> 11 (A II.) Femoral hernia; its diagnosis and radii a I cure. X. Am. Pract., Chicago. 1894. vi. 431-435.—B-'errari (P.) Della cura r.ulicale del! ernia cruiab : stiu i > clinii o o proposta tli un nuovo •n,-r,.do opeiativo. Cl!n. chir.. Milano, 1893. i. 105-120.— Fimii'v iJ. M.T.) The radical cure of feunoal hernia. Maryland .M. J.. Bait.. 18.'9 xii. 151-153.— 8'«»« Icr (G. P.) The 1 ad teal cure of t-.-mnr.il hernia. Brooklyn M. J.. 1897, xi. ,28-710. -U_-o, l;, piint. A's>: Louisville M. Month., ', f.C-s iv, 361- \.) Ueli'i rnia crural ; piopost.idi i;n nuovo pioce^so operative ]tcr la cura radi- cale. Atti d. r. Accad. tl. tisi,,ei it. di Siena, 18 14. 4. s., vi, 225-244.—l-iordaiio 1D.1 Suili cura 1 adicale tlcll' ernia erurale. Gazz. ined.di Torino, 18 l. xii i, 63]-i;i;3.—|;ortion tie l.i yessie dans la euro radicale d'uno hein.o erurale scion le procede de Lucas-( 'liampionniero; suture tie Lcmbert; guerison. Bull. Soc. anat.-clin. tie Lille, 1892. vii, 1 ,5-li;7. Also: .1. tl. sc. med. do Lille, 1893, i. 113-115. — .f3onte- '.'iisuiii (A.) Intorno a <\ue casi tli ernia erurale. curali lailical.uciito col metodo ingu in ilod I Puggi, Atti tl. Ass. med. I,nub., Milano, 1891, 1-11.— Vlonlliu (('. W. M.) Five cases of i.dieal c ire of femoral hernia. Lancet, Loud., 1893, i. 4',9. —.Vliir.zarelUi (A.) A ja-Dposito di un nuovo met nlo di cura radicale tlcll' ernia cruralo nella donna. Paccogiitore iin-tl.. forli. 18.,9, 6. 8., iv, 149-142.— 5i'a»i (('.) Sul nietotlo inguinale nella cura radical/' del 1'ernia erurale. Clin, chir., Milano, 1900, viii. 1-9. — .\ew- boll ((;. P.) Case of femoral hernia in-wh ch Hie vermi- form appendix was found in the sac; excision of sac and appendix; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897. i. 781.— Von-slr:aci.\;:5!:i3cil femoral hernia; operations lor radi- cal cure. | 4 ca-es. ] Middlesex Hits]). Re\>. 1-52, Lontl., 1894, 134-15.'.. —Bsa«>«is (R.) Di un caso di crni.i cruralo operato col rm to.io inguinale del Prof. Ru gi. Gior. med. d. r. esercito, Roma, 1899, xlvii, 392-396.—l.*nrlnreeeliio (G.) Operazioni radicali tli ernia ci urale col metodo del Ruggi niodiiicato. Riforma med., Xapoli, 1893, i\. pt. 1, 496; 5U7. ------. Xuovo operazioni radicali tli ernia eru- rale colprocesso]tro]irio (metodo Ruggi, niodiiicato). Bull. tl. Soc. Laucisiana tl. nsp. di Poma (1897), P-!:8, xviii, 220- 230. ------. Llterioro modilicazione al processo ])io])iio per Ia cura 1 adicale tlcll' ernia cruralo. B11 1. tl. Soc. Lau- cisiana d. osp. di Roma, 1909, xx. 109. Al*o: Policlin., Pinna, 1900, vi, sez. chir, 334-338. — Haiitlitt. Dechirure de la vessie an coins d'une cure radicale tie hernie ci urale; suture a la soio; calcul vesical phosphatiip;c consecutif; taille; gue ison. Gaz. med. do lMcai die. A miens, 1897. xv, 252. — I'ieehanil. Hernie erurale etianglce, compliquee desphiiceledo l'intestin; operation ; reduction del intestin; cure radicile; guerison ]>er primam. Bull, it nieni. Soc. de chir. de l'ar.. 1891, 11. s., xx, 92-93. —IS eve rdi 11 (J. L.) A. Mayor (A.) Hernie erurale mm etranglee; cue radi- cale. (Coiilrii.utioii a la tiiestion tin siege tic l'clraiiiilo- inent tl ins les hernies eriirales.) Rev. med tie la Suisso Rom., Geneve, 1887, vii, 612-617.—iiSocj.v. iXouveau pro- cede do cure ratlicale tie la hernie erurale. Anjoani6d., Angers, 1899. vi, 21-23. — Sal/ir (F. A.) Kin Vorschlag zur Puilikalheilung grosser ('iiiralherni 11. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leip-.., P92, xix, 6;.5-6li9. Also, Peprint. —MeaO (E.) Pesezionc intestinale per erni 1 erurale strozzata-ecu applicazione del botlono di Murphv. Lull. il. Soc. Lan- cisiana d. o-p. tli Koma, 1897, xvii, fuse. 1, 155-1(12.— Seliopl" (IV) Hernia eruhilis incarcerata dextra; ller- iiioloniia : ]iriinare Darinrosoci inn : lie,lung. Jahrb. tl. Aien. k. k. Krankenanst. 1895, Wien u. Li ipz., L-97, iv, ]it. 2,446.—Nhearw (G. F.) Sirimgulateil femoral hernia; ri'sccti 11 of the intestine. Clinii]iie, (Chicago, 1898, xix, 28K-290 —Mil ver (II. M^.) Padical cure of lemoral hernia, with personal cxpiTioiiceot I ho inguinal mctliod. Tr. Soc. Alumni Btdb'vutt Ilns,,.. K. v., IM17-8. 123-151. Also: X. •York M.J., 1898. Ixviii, 221 : 259. |I)iS"IISsio!i], 1898, lxvii, 831-856. Also, PeiU'int. — NleeeSii (K.) IOrni.i erurale; coiitributo alia cura r.ulicale col metodo A"ovaro-Salt/.er. Kiv. veneta di se. med., Yonczia. 1897. xxvi. 217-223. ------. N'iiomi nietodo tli cura radicale nell' ernia cruralo de'.la d.....111. P ilic'in., Poma, 1899, vi, sez. chir., 145-118.— Mli.is->a (J. C ) The radical cure of femoral hernia, pref- erable operation; the surgh al ; natoiny of the transver- salis fascia at the internal inguinal and femora! rings. Meil. Rec, N. Y., 189 i, I, 81.7 809. JIso, Reprint.—Storrs (M.) Case of successful opera I ion lor the permanent cure of femoral hernia. N.K11". M. ^Ionth., Bridgeport, Conn., 1886-7, vi, 299-31)1. Also | Abstr. "|: J led. Advocate, N. Y., 1.-87, 11. s.. iv, 212. Also | Alistr. |: Med. Reg., Phila,, 1887, i, 297. —'IVniiet (A.) Fragment, d'opiploon rese.1116 dans 11110 cure radicale tie hernie cruralo ot rcproduisant le inonle du sue herniaire. Bull. Soc. anat. do Par., 1898, Iwiii, 646.- 'I'hiha 111S1I. tfpiploc^Je erurale irrcducti- lile par adherence au sac; coexistence tics deux varietes de kyst'es iirclicrniaircs; dillicultes du diagnostic: euro HEKXIA. 22 HEKNIA. Hernia (Femoral, Radical cure of). radicale et guerison. Bull. Soc. anat.-clin. tie Lille, 1890, v, 3-7. Also: J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1890, i. 137-141.— Tiiiomi iLi Nuovo nietotlo operative per la cura radicale dell' ernia erurale. Terap. mod.. Padova, 1891, v, 291-293. — Yaj;lia*iiidi ill.) Del metodo da preferire nella cm a radicale dell' ernia erurale. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1899, xxv, 85; 113; 169; 225. — Valcrani ( F.) Sopra venti casi di ernie erurale strozzate operate col nietotlo radicale. Osservatore, Torino. 1889, xl, 791-802.— Vaniiini (G.) Del metodo del Ruggi nella cura del- 1 ci ina erurale. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1897, 7. s., viii, 548-55- _ Wilcox (D. G.) Radical operation for femoral hernia. X. Am. J. Homoeop., X. Y., 1888. 3. s., iii, 050-052.—Xappnlla (A.) Sulla cura radicale del- 1' ernia erurale. (Jazz. d. osp.. Milano, 1893, xix, 229-231. HeraiflJl (Femoral, Treatment of. Opera- tive). Sec, also, Hernia (Femoral, Radical cure of); | Hernia in old age. (JORDEKO Y b'OMKZ (2.1.) *Estndio sobre la region del canitl crural y sns aplicaciones a la patologia y ii la medicina operatoria. tF. Ate'xico, 1-74. Poutillo (J.) *l'ne observation tie plaio tie la veiuc femorale an conrs tie la kelotomie erurale. 8°. Paris. l-'J'J. Polmier (J. P.-E.) "Contribution it l'dtiule tin traitenient ties hernies eriirales irrdductibles. 8C. Paris, lSi)<). l't)ZZA(P.) Kesezione tli intestino per ernia erurale cancrenata complicata tla a:io artiliciale antico a sinistra; drenngoio adtlominale; guari- gimie. SJ. Pontremoli. i.Sl)l. Tiuelert (A. P. K.) "Ueber einen Pall von Darmruptnr tlnreli Solbsttaxis Lei incarceriertt r Sehenkelliernie. nebst Peiiiiikungen liber Kcpo- sition eingeklemmter Briiche und Herniotomie im Allgemeinen. 8°. Greifswald, 1-;K Albert!. Bruchschiiitt einer Hernia pectinea. 1 lent-, die Ztschr. f.Chir., Leipz., 1.-91-5,xl.426-4313 — \ Ijjiinn» obs.-r- vaciones sobiv la anatomia quiriirgie i ile la hernia femoral. Rev.med.de Mexico. 1888,i, 87-89'.—Baneel id Ileruic erurale entero-epiploi.pie etranglee: Kelotomie: epiploon ties volumineux; adherences anciennes: reduction: gueri- son. Gaz.tl.hop., Par..1880, lix,609.—Bai;iiin::rd (U.) Hernie erurale dioite etranglee; entero- cele; cystocele: pi est nee tie l'ovairc dans le sac. Arch. gen. de med.. Par.. 1896. i, 87-92. — IleiiNton (F. T. ) Strangulated femoral hernia with gangrenous intestine. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, DubL, 1897, xv, 286-290.— Hi yilciii'iiih (A.) Sur une modification a- l'operation do la hernie erurale etranglee. Assoc. 11:1119. <1{' cnn- Proc.-verb. [etc.], Par., 1890, x. n 9 —saofmokl. Hernia cruralis incarcerata sinistra; llerniitomio; Heilung. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph Stiftung in Wien (1883), 1884,338. -----. Hernia incarcerata cruralis dext.; Bruch- schiiitt mit theilweiser Abtragung ties Xetzes; doppelter Bruchsack; circumscripte Peritonitis ill Folge partieller Xekrose des restirenden Xetzes mit Bildung einer Kothfis- tel; Heilung. Ibid. (18841,18S5, 389. Also: Med.-chir. Cen- tralbl. AVien, 1880.xxi,399.-----. Kingeklcmmtcrrechtssei- tiger Schenkelbrucb mit einer eigenthiimlicheii Bruchsack- bildung; Bruchschiiitt; Heilung. Ber. d. k.k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftungin Wien (1885), 1886.404.-----.Kothfistel, entstanden durch Brand eines eingeklemmten lechtsseiti- gen Schenkelbruches (Darmtlivertikel); Heilung durch ib 11 Bauchschnitt mit nachfolgender Darmresection. Ibid.. 407. -----. Hernia cruralis incarcerata; hochgradi. ger Collapsus; Herniotomie mit Excision ties Bruchsackes; Xaht tier Winnie, tdine Drainage; completo Heilung per primam. Ibid. (1886), 1887, 502 -----. Eingekleinmter rt'chtsseitig.r Schcnkelbruch mit doppelter Austritts- bruchptone uud t inlachein Bruchsacke; Bruchschuitt; Heilung. Ibid. 11,-8.-1. 1889.38). -----. Hernia cruralis incarcerata gangrenosa: Herniotomia; Rcsectio intestini llei; Heilung. Ibid., 380. -----. Hernia cruralis incarce- rata sinistra; Herniotomie; Heilung. [2 cases.] Ibid. (1889;, 189.), 380-382. -----. Hernia cruralis dextra iucar- HERNIA. 23 HE IIXI A. Hernia (Femoral, Treatment of, Opera- tive). cerata; Heiniotomia; Heilung. Ibid. (1890). 1891, 327. ------. Eingekloininter linksseitiger Schenkel Dariuwanil- bruch; Bruchschiiitt: Heilung. Ibid. (1891), 1892, 377. ------. Hernia cruralis iucai.. i ata sinistia; Herniotomie; Heilung. Jahrb. tl. Wien. k. k. Kiankenanst. 1891 Wien u. Leipz.. 1896. iii. 872.—von llo|>d';;nrleii. Ueber eine Dunndiunigeschwulst (Lytnphangiom) nls (tp. ratiniisbe- fund beieineni eiugeUleminten Sehenkelbriu he Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir.. Leip/.. ls98-9, 1, 419-426.- II nlke (.J. W.) Two cases of strangulated femoral hernia: up. nition; cure. Lancet, Lond.. 1885. ii. 714. ------. Si i nngulated fem- oial hernia: operation: recover}, i bid., i Tli; — .Inco- me! i A.) lit-., tionduca'eumct de l'nppendit e eti angles et spliacelesdans line hernie erurale ; sut are , n trois plans ; gueiison. tluz. d. hop.. Par., 19uo, lxxiii. 621.—laniin (R I't linuiiie ciui| jours apres lopeiatitin; evacuation du liquid.' intraperitoneal p:;r une sec.mile operation; guerison. France meil.. Par.. 1882, i, 182-185. Also- Hull. Soc. clin. tie Par. (1882). 1883. vi. 30-31—lohn»on (II.) Strangulated femoral hernia in the male: op.iation and recovery. Maritime M. News. Halifax. 1888-9, i, 118.— Kirk (0. Iv. R.) A case of -liangiilatctl femoral hernia "t -ix.l ivs; successful operation; scptica ania. etc. North. west M. .1., Minneap., Im.o, xviii. 2—Lallan. Strangu- lated feinoial hernia; aspiration, f.ai,,,.-, .1 bv temporary relief; operation: facal fistula; a t'lom phthisis.. Lancet, Loud.. ls>o. i, 758. — de l.ainhiic. IL inie erurale etrangb e: kelotomie: cpaiu hem. nt I. tide dans le sac. Gaz.med. de Xantts, 1889-90 \iii. 73—I.e Bail (A.) Kelotomie prati.piee pour une hernie erurale au septieme iour de retranglement. Bull. Soc. tie med. de la Sarthe 1*,»1. Le Mans. 1882. 31-37.— I.e Bee. Hemic cru- uile entero-epiploiipie etranglee: kelotomie; intestiu ma- lade; epiploon lais-e au dehors; rei I'niation intestinale; peiitonite mo: telle. (Liz. d. hop/i Par., 1886, lix, 535.— I.loyd (J.i A i'iim' of gangrenous femoral hernia, with renin ks ,.u the treatment of gangrenous bowel and of fatal fistula. Birmingh. M. Rev . Is8s, xxiv, 13s-|08.— L.ner. Strangulated right femoral hernia; hei niotoiuy; prolapse ot jrut and reduction ; hipaiotomy; recovery. Laucet. LoniL. 1>93. ii. 441. I.npi (L.) Sullo sbriglia- niento dull' ernia cnn le >trt.'/ata. Pammatone, Genova, 1900, iv. 107-174.— Tla.jetv.Eii (A.) Zgorzel jelita w przepiiklinie utlowej : pi. i wotne wyciecie jelita z natych- iniastoweni dornznem .j.-go zeszyciem; wyztlrowieuie. [Gaugiene of femoral In rnia; primary resection of the int.-tiue, suturing it in piace: recoverv.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 190o, 2. s.. xx, 715-7:9.—.Tlmiley (T. H.) Exomphalos and strangulated t'moral hernia in my own practice. Internat. J. Surg . X. V., 1900, xiii, 106.—tlan- /inii (A.) Ernia erurale distra strozzata; erni.-toinia ; morte. Gazz. med. lomb.. Milano, 1894, liii, 373. .Tlilli- ken S. E.) Dob'o heininton ia tenioral con reunion in- nn tliata. en una innjerdeOl antis. Rev. med.-quir. ainer., X. Y.. 1894-5. iii, L—Mitchell (S.) A case, of strangu- lated femoral hernia; operation; ret..very Alabama M. Sc S. J., Binuingh., lt-86, i, 321-323.— Home (W.) Stran- gulated femoral hernia. Austral. M. .1 M. lbourne, 1887, ix, 121.—.llorrow (A.) Strangulated femoral heinia in a woman- operation; recovery. Maritime M. News, Hal- ifax, l-8:i-a.i ii, 59.— Vaiiiuann (G.) Hernia cruralis dextra im,u .er.it a ; app* ii'tn ;,• i, n.-iitu; peritonitis seroti- briuosa. circumscripta; iierniotomia; h: purotomia. Hy- giea, Stockholm, 1898, lx, pt. 2. 94.— .\civnian (D.) Stiangulati d femoral hernia; gangrene; rupture: resec- tion; euro. 1 r. Glasg. Path.tfcClm. Soc., 1893-5. v 219-223. Also: Glasgow M. J.. 1895. xliv, 85-89. — Oiler-1;loin (M.) Omitaiiu-u i nrentiinut lcruraalikohjii. [A singular case of iucaicerat' .1 .a ur;:l hernia.1 Duodecim, Helsinki, 1894. x. 192.- Olli * iii- |>er. Strangulated femoral hernia: herniotomy; h.euioi rh .g. into peritoneal cavity; laparotomy; recovery. Lancet, Lond., ]8~8 ii, ](i(;6.— I'll ante* (Pi HepiwTux)jpOKr)A/)> Trr)pifiyiJ.£VT)i ; ii|/.or.i|un; iaixts. faAiji/os, 'Adqvai, 1892, xxii. 721 - 725.— I'iinril. Hernie erurale etranglee operation: persistance ties accidents: autopsie Lull. Soc. de in. .1. d'Angers (1879|, 1880, n. s., vii. 99 lot — l*o<>l<'iii|i»lii .1'.) Knteroanastomosi alia Ilellerieli per ernia erurale con sospetfodi caiigreini intestinale; guari gioue. Bull. tl. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1891-2, xviii. 539- 541. ------. Resezione intestinale per ernia erurale cangre- nata; riiinione col hottone tli Murphy; guarigione. Ibid., 1897-8, xxiii, 1 19. — I'oiiIncii (K.) Hernia cruralis gangre nosa; herniotomia ; fonnatio ani pr;e tcrnaturalis; Ilelbre delse. [. . . recovei \,] Hosp. Tid., Kjobenh., 1892, 3. It., x. 26; 19.— Brolimini iA.) K anatomii i operativnni khi iiirgii bediennikh grizh. [On the anatomy ami operative H('!'!iia (Femoral, Treatment of Opera- tive). surgery of femoral hernia ] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1898, i v. 80- 91,2 p'l. — 1'iiij; I alio. Hernia crural estrangulatla ; reduccion inteinpest i\ a ; auo contra natural; curacion. Lev. tie cieu. ni.il.. Parcel., 1884, x, 771-777. — Baherdy. Hernie erurale etranglee ; operation; debridement avec le iloigt ; guerison. ,1. tl. conn. meil. prat., Par., 1808, xxxv, 3u9..- Ball a i A.) Di imasiituraperla cura dell' c rnia eru- rale. Clin, chir., Milano. 1897, v, 19-53, 2 pi—Bii-ini-i- (A.) I Ierniecr n rale etranglee; kelotomie neuf jour.sain eslo debut desaci idents; guerison. Soc. d. sc. inctl. tleGannat. C. r., Par., 1882-3, xxxvii, 71-75.— Kiiion. Hernie eru- rale sphaeelce; etablissenient d'un anus centre nature; operation tie cct anus conn.- nature; considerations pra- tiques. Bull. Soc. tie meil. d'Angers, 1889, n. s., xvii, 2. seiii.. 6-16, 1 pi. — Bin in* (l'.),,jr. Full von Spou- tanheiliing eines widornatiiiliciien Alters nach Opera- tion eines brandigen Schenkellu uclies .....I nach Abstos- snng einer 15 Cm. langcn Diiiintlannschlinge. Prakt. Arzt, Wetzlar, 1887, xxviii, 121-123.- ICuhelol (L.-G.) Ilernie erurale etranglee; suture tie l'intestin; ginSrison. Lull. Soc. med.-prat, tie Par. (I87.S-82), 1883, 209-213.— KohiiiMon (H. 1>.) A casi. of strangulated lemoral her- hia; gangrene of bowel; primary resection; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1897, i, 1615. ------. Strangulated femoral hernia; successful primary resection of the damaged gut. Brit, M. J., Lontl., 1901. i, 2(3.—Boehel. Hernie cruralo gauche gangrence; lcsection intestinal.-; anastomose au inoyen du bouton de Murphy; guerison. Ann. Soc. de med. d'Anveis, 1896, lviii, 75. ------. Hemic erurale gan- grence; icscction tie l'intestin ; anastomose avec le bouton de Murphy : guerison. Ibid., 251-: 53.— Bunni-II. [Stran- gulated I'einoral hernia, with o]icratioii followed b\ a pneu- monia.) Yale M. J.. X. Haven, 1895-6, ii. 87.— Bydj- gier. Hernia cruralis incarcerata dextra; Herniotomia et resectio iutestini: Heilung. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1894, vii, 22o.— •"iayyiiii (G.) Un caso di ernia erurale strozzata di\ trticolai e, curat o con la resezione intcstinalo o coll' uso del hot tone tli ^lurphy. Su]i]d. al Policliu., Roma, 1897-8, iv, 789-791. — Schmidt (W.) Inkliimdt vensteisidigt kruralbrack; tarniresektion ; helsa. [In- carcerated crural hernia ou th i left side; intestinal resec- tion; recovery.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1898, lx, pt.2, 142.— Nelinitzler (J.) Ein Fall von doppelter Incarceration, nebst Bemerkungen fiber den Mechanismus der Darm- wandbruiheiiikl. uiuiung. Wiea. klin. Wchnschr., 1891. iv, 54".; 573. — Ni'liM-ai'lz (E.) Hernie erurale droite stran- gle.'; anus crural cousecutif & la kelotomie; entero anasto- mose par implantation. Presse med., Par., 1899, i, 293. Also [ Abstr. ] : Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par.,1899, n. s., xxv, 262.—Siioni (T.) Resezione intestinale per ernia cruralo gangrenata; guarigione. Atti d. Ass. med. loinb., Milano, 1894, 377-383. ------. Un secondo caso di resezione intesti- nale per ernia cruralo gangrenata. Ibid., 1895, 66-69.— N|iencc (J.) Case of femoral hernia, containing the caput cteruni, and complicated "with an irregular obturator artery surrounding and constricting the protrusion, and other eases illustrative of the operation for femoral hernia. Edinb. M. J. (1855), 1856, i, 26-29. Also. Reprint. —Nlir- lintf (It. A ) Case of strangulated femoral hernia . opera- lion; recovery. Austral. M. J., 'Melbourne, 1884. n. s., vi, 135. ------. Case of strangulated femoral hernia ; herniot- omy; recovery. Ibid , 188"., n. s., vii, 71. — Mtorehi ( l'\) Ernia cruralo destia, strozzata; enterocele; chelotonii i; medicatura Lister; guaiigione tli 1» intenzione. Spallan- zani, Roma, 18,sr,, 2. s., xv, 464-466. — Nirii-.n (il.) Et Tilfli'lde af Hernia cruralis giingncno.sa ; primar Tarnire- sektion; II. lltn tl.lse i 21 Dago. [Case of . . . primary re- section of Intestine; cure in 21 days. | N'orsk Mag. f. Liegtn i dens k., Chi istiania, 1886,4. IL, i, 5.33- 583. - Tilth it. (1 petal ion de la hernie erurale par voie inguinale. Lev. do chir., l'ar., 1896, xvi, 210-218. —Iherli (A.) (Isserva/.iono sopra un caso di ernia cruralo strozzata, die neeessito. I' opera/iono, e chc venue susscgiiita dn iscuria. Gior. tl. r. Accad. in..tl.-chir. tli Torino,'1856, 2. s., xxvi, 19-29.— Van tier Fn|»i (J.-II.) Kelotomie dans un cas d'epiplo- incrocclo etranglee: sortie dun ascaride loiuhrico'ide par la plaie le tpiatricmo j.uir apies l'operatittu; guerison. Ann. Soc. do med. d'Anveis, 1885, xlvi, 276-278. Vi- gnaid (E.) Hernie. erurale elranglee de(illis 60 licurcs; sphaeelo occupant les -| du pourtour tie l'anso au niveau de ranneaii; I laitement par Ic proeetle dit do renfouisse- inent (Daviers Mai t in.t) ; guerison. (Jnz. med. tie Nantes, 1898-9, xvii, 261.— Villard. Hernie erurale etranglee compliquee dt gangrene ; operation do Murphy; guerison. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. tl. sc. med. do Lyoii (1895), 1896, xxxv, pt. 2, 43. Vii I el I i (C.) Ernia cruralo t lest ra stroz- zata; gaiigrena intestinale; erniotomia; resezione di 13 centimetri del tenuo; enterorafni; guarigituio per prima intenzione. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1880, xii, 97-107.—Vine (I. G. ) Pi'ava\a ushtshemlenuaya betlrenaya gii/ha; giizhesiechenle; vipa.ileni'e i ushi.sheinleii'ie betlreiinoi grizhi slleva; vtoroye gri/.liesiecheni'e; vizdorovlenle. [Right im))iicted femoral hernia; herniotomy; left im- pacted inguinal hernia; herniotomy again; recovery.] Chir. Laitop.,:Mosk., 1891, i, 180-182.— Vlailar (M.) Her- IIEKN1A. 24 HEKNIA. Heriiin (Femoral, treatment of, Opera- tive). nia cruralis ot diverticuli parietoiiiguinalis cgy miitetott cscte. [.. . curetl byoperaiion.] Orvosi hetil.,'Budapest, 1894, xxxviii, 262. Also, trantl. [Abstr. |: Pest, med.-chir. Presse Budapest, 1894, xxx, 1049. — Wanncli (K.) Ein Ball von eingeklemmtem gangranosem Schciikelbruch, gehcilt durch Peseetion und Xaht des Darin. St. Petersb. mod. Wchnschr.. 1892, n.F.,ix, 325-327.—\Varin«(H. J.) A lull* (W. McA.) Right femoral hernia : strangula- tion; herniotomy; contents of sac being the vermiform appendix alone; recovery. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Loud., 1891, xxvii, 179.-----------. Left femoral hernia; stran- gulation: herniotomy; contents of sac being the caecum and appendix and small portion of ileum; recovery. Ibid., 180.— Warren (L. J.) A case of strangulated femoral hernia, complicated with enlarircment of the femoral glands. Kansas M. J., Topcka, 1889. i, 87. — Webb. Case of strangulated femoral hernia, .piploeele; operation; j tetanus; remarkably high temperature; death. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1884, n.s., vi,455-158. —Weiiileclnier ] (J.) Gangracniise Schenkelhernie: Herniotomie, Ycinah- ung des gangraentisen Darmes mit dem Bruchsacke in tier Absicht, den Darin erst nach geschehener Verliithung zu crtifl'nen; wiihrend eines Brechactes "\vurde eine frische Darmpartie mit soldier Gewa.lt herausgetrieben, tlass selbst ein Stiick des verniihten Bruchsackes mitgerissen wurtle; tliesi'i- Darm wurdo reponirt, der gangraenbse in- cidirt und schliesslich die Heilung des wiilcrnatiirlichen Afters durch Darin resection erzielt. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wicu (1883), 1884, 270. -----. Seit 6 Tagen incareerirter Schciikelbruch mit Erscheinungen tier Gaiigrieii; Herniotomie: der gaiigricnoso Diinndarm ging an tier Einkleinintnigsstelle b.ini Ilervorzielien theilweise eut/.wci; Anlegung eines widernatiirlichcn A ftcrs; zwei Tage darauf Wiederauftreten tier Incareerationserschei- iiungen; Tod am 7. Tage nach der Operation; citerige Peritonitis: das Recidive tier Incarceration war durch Compression des nng nahten Darmstiickes durch das Mc- seutei iuin hi'iherer I liunischlingen bedingt. Ibid. (1885). 1886, 233.— Weiss* (V.i S.-vfeud kyla stehenni; operacc; ztrnuti; snirt. [Strangulated vcrural hernia; opera- tion; pain in loins; death. | Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1868, vii, 309.—Werner. Lingeklemmter Schenkelbruch bei einer Vran; Herniotomie ; Porthestehen der Einklem- liiungserscheinungen; Xach-Operation; 1'od zwei Tage nach ileiflelben ; Sectionsbericht: Zwerchsacks-Hernie (Hernie en bissac). Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurttemb. iirztl. Ver.. Stuttg., 1885, lv, 185-189.—Wyclh. Incar.c ated femoral cpiplocele: removal of the ma«s; recoverv. Bull. X. York Path. Soc, 1881,2.s., i. 372.—Wytnan (H. C.) Treatment of a case of strangulated femoral hernia bv laparotomy. Med. Peg., Phila.. 1887, i, 99. Hei'SBSa (Gangrenous). See Hernia (Treatment of, Opera'', re, C::::>plica- tions, etc., of). Hernia (Goi/raiuTs). See Hernia (I'ropcritoneal). Hernia (Inguinal). See Hernia [and its subdivisions]. Hernia (Ingui no-interstitial). See Hernia (Properitoneal). Hernia (Inguinolabial). Sec Hernia ( Vaginal, etc.). Hernia (Inguinopcrineal). See Hsrnia (Perineal). Hernia (Inguinoproperitoneal). See Hernia (Properitoneal). llei'Blia (Interstitial). See Hernia (Properitoneal). ili'rnia (Intra-abdominal). See Hernia (Retroperitoneal); Intestines (Ob- struction of) by adhesions. Hernia (Intraparietal). See Hernia (Properitoneal). Hernia (Irreducible). See Hernia (Complications, etc., of); Hernia (Radical cure of). Hernia (Ischiatic). Mai:zi>lo (V ) J loll' ernia della- iseissura isclii- alica. 4-. J'adova, 1S71. Hernia (Ischiatic). ISn-ir (P.) Hernie ischiatiipie. Traite de chir. (Du- plav et Ueclus), 2. ed., Par., 1898, vi. 370-375. - C a sol I. Eiii Fall von eiugeklemmter Hernia ischiadic;!. I leutsch.- med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Burl., 1900 xxvi. 357 — «'rossle (F. C.) Ischiatic heinia. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl . 18,1-3, ii.s. v, 188-192, 1 pi. —«nrre (C.) Die Hernia is, lnadica. Beitr. ■/.. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1892-3, ix, 198-208, 1 pi — Oil on (J.) Observation d'une voliimineuse hernie ischia titpie. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1898, vii, 025-629.— fliSrogono (W. A.) A case of ischiatic henna. Lancet, Lond., 1899, ii, 1754. — I.anger (A.) Ueber einen Fall einer pitch nicht hcobachteten inncreii Hemic (Hernia ischiailicii iiu-.ipiens). Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1892. v,487- 491.— Ilailil (L.) Pointe de hernie, ischintique; impo- tence font tionnelle du membre inferiour pendant Smois; operaiion; guerison. Loire mctl., St.-Elienne, B100. xix, 105-174.— Uielescn. Sur la pathologic et thcrapie chi- rurgicale de la licnio sciatiquc Gaz. med. d'Orient, Con- stant., 1901-2, 638; 646.— I'orcyanko (C.) Hernia ischia- tica. Collect, mctl. chir., Yilna\ 1838, i, 268. — Schnab (A.) Sur la hernie ischinlique. Arch.gen.de med., Par., 1892. ii. 51 58. — Mctiwnb A Monbonyrnn. llornie isrhiatiijiio rcnferinee dans un fibro-lipome tie la fosse droite. Bull. Soc. anat. tie Par., 1892, Ixvii, 220-222.— Thomas (J. L.) A case of ischiorectal heinia due to dislocation of a sub-peritoneal fibroma. Lancet, Lond., 1897, ii, 191.—Wnssilicfl"(A.) Sur la hernie ischiatique. Rev. dechir., Par., 1891, xi, 199-215. Hernia (Jurisprudence of). See. also, Hernia (Traumatic); Hernia in sol- diers. Bayer (F.) Die Hernien in der Gerichts- und Ver- sicherungspraxis. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1899,xxxiv, 409.—Itimla (C.) Considerazioui medico-legali su un caso di ernia scrolale. bilat.rale voluminosissiiua. Mor- gagni, Milano, PMio, xiii, 4(16-412.—itlasins (H.) Bruch- schiiden unil I'nl'allvcrsicherung-ge.setz Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Xaturf. u. A.i'zie 1.-94, Leipz., 1895, lxvi.pt. 2, 2. Hlfte.. 458-430. —HSInme. Die Unterleibs- briiche in Beziehung zu dem Reichsunfaliversicheriings- gesetz. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1893. xxviii, 453; 170. — EEornlianjM. Ueber die kiintlischc Erzeugung von Hernien b 'huts Bcfreiung von der Wehrpflicht. Ver- haiidl. tl. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890. Berl., 1891, iii, 7. Abth., 182-184. — Brandenberg. Hernie und Unfall. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte. Basel, 1809. xxix, 74-78.— It li- lt inille. La hernie est elle un accident.' Bull. Soc. centr. de nieil. du nord, Lille. 19C0, 2. s., iv, 327-342. Also: Bull. med., Par., 19J0, xiv. 1396-1393. Also: Echo med.du nord, Lille, 1900, iv, 575-580.— ED n chain p. La hernie au point de vue medico legal. Loire med., St.-Eiienno, 190 , xix. 258-270.— «-alin (M. A.) O grizhakh pakhovoi oblasti travmaticheskavo (rcsp. iskusstvenuavo) proi'skhozbde. niya; klinichcskiya nablyudoniva i cksperiiuentalmrye izslledovanie na trupakh. [On inguinal herniae of trau- matic (or artificial) origin; clinical observations and ex- perimental research on the cadaver. | Laiiop. russk. chir., S.-Petersb , 1899, iv, 595-472,8 pi —<'.orlz. Zur Begut- achtung der Bruchunfiille. Moiiatschr. I. Unfallheilk., Leipz., 1898, v, 423-127.—Ilernif (La) est-elle un accident du travail? J.denied, de Par., 1901, 3. s.,xiii, 147-149. Also: Rev. de med. leg., Par., 1931,viii, 109-115.—Sl-.-riiicii (Die) in dei'Gerichts- und Yersicherungspraxis. C.r.-Bl.d.Yer. deutsch. Aerzte in Reichenberg, 1899, xii, Xr. iii, 1-3.— Hernies (Les) et la loi sur le travail. Gaz. med. de Par., 1901, 12. s., i, 140.—agiintoir ( A.) Materinli k voprosu oh iskiisstveiinikh iiakhovikh giizhakh. (Contribution to question of artificial inguinal hernia.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1891, clxxx, 1. sect., 1-47.-.lacquey (J.) La hernie est-elle unaci ident du travail ; Echo iu6d. tin nord, Lille, 1900, iv, 530-584— Joiioii. Accidents du travail; responsab bte pa ronale dans un cas tie hernie. [Rap.]' Gnz. med. de Xant.es, 1899-1900, xviii, 158 Ii an fm aim (C.) Die I'ntersuchnng und Begutacht nng di r sogeu. ' Unfallbriiche. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Lasel. 1898. xxviii. 713-725. I Discussion "|. 729-732. — Itolilcr (J.j Lingeklemmter Leistonbrueh: Unfall? Vrtljschr f tre. li.htl. Med., Berl., 1895, 3. F., vi, Suppl.-llft,, 87-90.— viiiipi n (A.) Die Beurtcilung der Unterleibsbriiche in t'.cr I'nfallspraxis. Deutsche Ai r/te-Ztg.. Berl., 1899, 346- 349. — Kries. Die Rethtspreehiing des Rciclis-Versicho- rungsamts mit Bezug auf Leisten- (Bauch-, Xabel-, JNetz-, Magcn-) briiche und die daraus hergclciteten Entschadi- giingsansprii.lie. Aerztl. Sachveist.-Ztg.. Berl., 1895, i, 217-222— I. anensiein (0.) Zur Beurlheiliing plbtzlicli entstehender Hernien vom Gesichtspunkte der Unfallver- sicherung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1890, xvi, 806.— I.opinion- (S.) L' ernia inguinale com- plicata a ritenzione del testicolo, in rapporto alia chi- rurgia ed alia medicina legale. Gazz. tl. osp., Milano 1900, xxi. 1195. — lTlnrcy (II. O.) Operation for the cure of hernia viewed from a medico-legal standpoint. J. Am. Ass., Chicago, 1896, xxvii, 979-981. — .Hare- ehanx ( E.) Leistenbriichc und Unfallversieheriings- gesetz. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg., Berl., 1899, v, 357-363.— HERNIA. 25 HEUMA. Hernia [Jurisprudence of). flalejovslii' (]■'.) Zthlni o k\ le vznikle pri pranici. .i i)iiiiion on hernia originating in a beating.) ('a-o)t. lek. ..-In v 1'i.i/e 1S■ i">, iv. 365-307. —.Tlorisaili ( D. ) Sul valoi e .1.11 ci ma inguinale acuta tpiale iiitortiinio. Gior. p. i in. d_ p. i:ti giuti. ed nil', sail. .ic._ Napoli, 1899. iii. 81- 1 .'i — > icbci-al I. Leber .leu Begritf ties eMveiteiten iiussereii l.eistenringes. l.ut-, he mil.-iirztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1809. xxviii, 4s3-4-7 — Kelim. Darni-Uuptiir durch Fusstritt gegen einen I • .-teiilu n, li. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med.. Niiriil... 1891. xiii. 43-3o. Also: Wien. med. Bl., Wip xiv. 217: 230. — Ku.n W*.) Offener Brief au Herrn Koll. gen Socin. Km B. mag zum Me chanismus tier Brio lilul.lui:_ Cenitalbl. t. Chir. Leip/. l8,ss. xv. ;«)3 ;i)o. ICnilolplii. Leber die Bourthei lung ,1,-r llcc'eii a ,ei 1' 13 111 ia a x is. Cor.-151.il. allg iiivtl. Ver. \. llnrm_, i, W.-ner. 1898, xxvii, 13-16.— Meiilel. ICiiini' A; Kmiia. Obcrgutachten. betref lend tin i: numitisi he l'nt>;. Iinng von Bauchbriicheu. Aerz;l. V. icin-l.l f. Deutschl.. Leipz.. 1897. xxvi. 51n- r<16. — Meslai in (M ) Material! k rlcsheniyu voprosa ob iskusstvt iink3 grizhakh. | Data for the solution of the question about artificially produced hernia.] Vo- y. nno nied. 3., *m Petcisb., 1897. cxc. med.-spec. pt.. 134s-' "■". Mli it in Im-■;; (M.) K vo].io-u oh iskusstven nikh gri ni\a Artticiai hernia'. Luitt.p. russk. chir., S.-P.-terb.. 1903. v, 765-770.— *ocin ..A.) Zur Inter- pretation des Haftpriichtgeset/es: [Ob Hernien die nach bcttigen Anstrengiiiigen erfolgt sind. Verletzniigen im Smile des Hatfpdichtgcset/.es sintl.) Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte. Basel, ls87. xvii. 545-554. See, also, supra, Roscr. — Moloinka . N V.) K voprosu ob iskiisstveii- nikh I'lknovik'u gii iiakh u liovobrantsev. [On arti- ficial Miguin il beiiii.e in recruits. | Dnevnik syezda Obsh. :ussk. \i.ol, \ pamyat Pirogova, Kiev. 1890.vi.no. 11, suppl., 22-24. —Staple* iA.i A ease of .strangulated :■ _,in.il hernia, with unusual nie.l.. >-l. gal aspect. Rail- v-av Surg.. Chicago. ls96-7. iii. 2;7-24'.'.--von Snrv- Hienx. H.ruie. Vrtljschr. f. g a i. litl. Med Berl. .1891. 3. I-" i, 111-117— Velere (G.) S all a ei a.logi i .Idle ernie in rappnrto alia legge sull assicurazione ol.ligat.uia degli operai tonii.. gf int'oi tunii del lavoro. Gior. iiii.r- naz.il.se e.i. N.ij.oli. 1900, n. s.. xxii. 1105-1119.—Vos- kiT>iii»ki N. M.i K v oprosu ob iskusst vennikh pa- khovikh giizhakh. [i hi artificial inguinal hernias. Lai- top, russk. . hii.. S.-Peterb. 1890. i, 612-624 — W rob I civ- ski J. i W kuestvi sztucznyeh przepukiin j (In tli. qu< - ; >ii of aititi.ial hernia /" Gaz lek., Warszawa, 1891. 2. 8.. xi. 355; 3,-5.— 1 ashl>liinsl(i . S. X> Po povotlu vo|,ii)>a ob iskiisstveiinikh pakbovikh giizhakh. |()n arti- tidal inguinal hernia-.] Bussk.chir.aieh., S.-Pet.i 1... Is93. i 272-293. Hernia (Labial . v< Hernia ( Vaginal, etc.). Hernia (Littrf's,. See, a'--". Hernia t Properitoneal); Henna spontaneous cnn of). L'ackk (P.) *ellie i i*-7. PltlKCK (A) " J)es >acs hernia ires i'.iv< rtiou- laiit s. Anatomic jiathnlogique et pathogenic. 4-. Coalommiers. 1>(J3. Kai.m yaa> (A. A.) *Du hernia. Littrica. 4 . Berolini. [ I-.V2]. Karbarin (P.) Hernie iiiguino-siipi-rliciellc route- Iiant !'■ tliveiticille de Meckel. Lull el mom. Soc. anat. de Par, 189*>. lxxiv, 921.-Kiijjiir1 (A. II.) Liltr6's hernia, paper aud .specimen. Lmokl n M. J.. 1900, xiv, 137-139.— lilieboin Hi.) Un- Liu. la ties .Mcckd'sclien lnverti- I kds. Arch. f. klin.Lhir.. Bill., Biol, lxiv. 115-1 '3 linn - len« iN.) Biding till tarim aggsbiaekens kasuistik. [Contribution to the statistici of hernia of the intestinal wall.] Linska lak.-sallsk. hamll.. Il.l.smgfoi-s. PJtil. xliii, 507-600.—Kail) an (A. A.) (Li/.Lii kishct hnol slleiiki. (Lateral enloror.lo iLittle's hetnia).] Protok. i trudi Kus.sk. Cliir.Obsh. Pirogova. Si. Petcisb.. 1891-2, \ 13 .37.— Keellcv iC. B.) Case ot Little's hei nia. Proc W. I.oml. M. 3. ' i,,; *.-.., Lond., Wl. i 05.— l.aizltovicli iK.i K.-iilr. ei te nimn-scrv kizani.hisanak egy esele. [Iiiear- terated Littles hernia.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest. Is94. xxxviii, 3. Also, transl. [Abstr ]: Pest. med.-chir. Pit sse. Hiidapest, i-.l xxx. 149. I.ai'ili. Six cas de hernie de Little. [Absti.| Gaz ni. .1 .1 < n i.-ni, Constant., ^91 -2. xxxiv. 217-252. 1 ]il l.illre. < »1 >--■ i cation sur une n.,u- velle fspece de hernie. Hist. Aeatl. row tl. sc. 1700, Par.. 1719, Mem.. 300-310. Also: Hist. Acad. roy. tl. sc. 1700, Amst.. 1706. Mem.. 581-506 I pi. Also, transl.: K. Akatl. d. Wi-sensdi. in Par. . . . Abhanil!. 1700, liressl.. 1749, i, 2-1-292, 1 pi. ------. Sur une hemic rare. His .Acad.roy. Hernia (Littres). tl. sc. 1714. Par.. 1717. Mem . 200-202. Also: Hist. Acad. row d. sc. 1714, Amst.. 1719, Mem.. 259-202. Also, transl. K.' Akatl. tl. U'issenscli. iu Par.....Uihai.dl. 1714. Bicssl., 1733. iv. 357-3.30.- .tlarlolli (. i angulatetl gangrenous Little's hernia; lap iiotoiuy : l.uigit uilinal . nteroi i haphy : recoverv. Ann. Sing., Phila.. 1MI3. wiii. 32 34.- .Morgan (J. IL) On a case of Little's heinia. Proc M.N.e lamd.. 1885-H. ix. 269- 275. Aho | Abstr |: Lane t. Lund.. l8«ii. i, 780. ------. Case of Little s hernia. P.rit. M. J., Lontl I.s8(i. i 782. Al.-o: Lancet, Lond.. 18m;. i, 1015. —Owen i L. i Case of Little's heinia. 13 it. M. ,L, Lontl.. !.s>7, i 332 l^i-n i-o»e iC. P.) Two eases of Littre s hernia. Mel. News, Phila., 18,-9, lv, 514.— I'relo (A.) Intorno ad un caso di vera ernia tliver- tieol ire .h In tie. a due casi tli ernia inguinale dell" appen- dice vcrinifoinie del cieco e ad unit svciitramento iiiguino- scrotalc ciiorine opcrati col classico metodo tlel Passini. Atti tl. As-, null, lomb., Milano. 1897. 117-130. [Discus- sion], 130-132.— ICoberls (.). P.) Strangulated Littles hernia at the femoral ling, followed by shiiighing of the intestine, with extrusion of a se\ balous mass which be nine encapsulated. Med. News. Phila., 1893, lxiii, 400 - «Mli!!- Uow (A.) Hernia cruralis Littre incarcerata; P.il.u.i. tiitii: Tod. St. Pet'isb. med. Wchnschr.. 1884 n I i 490.—Wiiencer ( W. Iii Strangulated feinoial hernia (Little si il..- sac containing a gangrenous diverticulum; s]iread of g-.n ji'elie to gut intei mil to stricture : peritonitis; resection of gangrenous gut. Lancet. Lou.!.. 1805. i. 1L-2.— .•ilalil . I'. A.) Littres hernia. Chi. a... M. Pec. I,s91, ii, 259-244. [Discussion], 261-266. — Zalli (C.) Contri- buto alio studio dell' ernia ilell.i paiete intestinale. Bull. d. sc. med. tli Bologna. 1891, 7. s. a. 219-234. Hernia (Lumbar). See. also. Hernia (Congenital i. Bkstkndoxk (II.) "Kin Fall von Lentlcn- lirucli. ~J. Marburg, ls-)i». Likukk (J. W. B.) ~ Uflter einen Fall von Lmnbalhernie. > . Berlin, [1—7]. Papex (C. H.) Episti.la ail AlLeitnm tie Htil- ler, sistens 8tti]ieni,2. ed.. Par.. 1898. vi. 349-354 -Biota . A.) Cure la.licale d'une laiiaro. tie. Gaz. hebd. tie med.. Par., 1891, 2. s.. xxviii, 42s - 43a. — Calvert (J. T.) A case of lumbar hernia in a . bild. Indian M. (,a/.., Calcutta, 1901, xxxvi. 19. — taslaiis- ,v S»lijli|)|»e (L) Un c.is de hernie load.aiie. fichu meil.. I oulouse. 1901, 2. s., xv, 313. — Coler (\V. B.i Liunbar hernia. Ann. Surg , Phila.. 19J1. xxxiii, 51. — Deinoiilin. Contri- bution a I'etude des hernies l.unbair. s. Cour.ier m^d., Par., P.iOl, li. 273. - Itrnon ('■:.) Voliunineuse U]taio- cele etranglee: aui..p>:e. .1. d. sc. med. tic Lille l,s98, i, 131-LI4 —l>ninesiiil (L.J llernie lombaire. Pull, med., Par.,ls99, xiii. 781-781.— Dmel. Des lajiaioceles ou her- nies latcrales de 1'alnloinen. fi. In. nied., Toulouse. 1891. 2. s,v, 325: 357. . 1 (,<» : .1. .1. -e. me. 1. de Lille, 1891. i, 529-339. Also, transl.: ("Liza. tl. osp.. Napoli. 1891. xii.523-520.—4>7- 391. ------. Conn ihuto alia Gloria tlel 1 ipaioeele inguinale. Clin, t Lie. Milano, 1895. iii, 217-223. — II naie |(L II.) Case ,.| strangulated lumbar hernia. Iirit. M.J.. Lond., 188.1, ii 75 - II nleliinson (.1.1. jr. Lumbar hei nia. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1888-9. xl. 117-119. Also [Abstr.]: P.rit. M.J. I.oml., l.-so ii, 71-73. Also 1 Abstr. | Lancet. Lond.. 1889, i, 1157. — .Tlaisonneii ve-I.acosi;>. IL i nie loin- bairc. Lit......sin med.. lainogts. i 9," \-.i. 71-73— .tlas> linlC 11.) (mlumleii 11 • ■ i.: i. Tr. Ain.Su.ga A-- l'lu'.a.. 1890. viii. 119-134. Also: Ann. Sing., St. Louis, ls!Ki. xii, 20-32. —Owi-n . Ii ) Case of lumbal- hi nia: radical opera- tion; recoverv. Proc. M. Soc. L.eal . 8-7-8 xi. 503. Also: Brit. Mi .1., Loud., 1888. i, 957.—i-.-Jil (0.) Sin un cas de heinic lombaire, pouvan* s.i vir ;i l'eluile ile la ]iathogeiiieile l'.ilfci'tion. Lull. Soc d anat. it })hv.-iul. . .. de Bordeaux. 1892, xiii, 28-30.-IMaI: (W. B.) A case of lumbar heinia. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1890-91. xxiv. 311, 1 pi — l£ii«*ell it!.)* Lumbar hernia. Intercol.n. M.J. Australas , Me ll.ou i no, 1898, iii. I 15 — S;i ha nieyed IF.) Ni.sk.31m. siiichayev o ratlikalnom liceheiiii l.nk,.\ iUh hiviishniUi giizh. | Uadiciil treatment of lateral abdom- inal hernia | l.aitop. russk. chir.. S.-Peterb., 1900, v, 50- 70 —Nli«'|iliei'«l I V. I ) Note on I lie dissection of a case of lumbar hernia. Ann. Sur ■.. Phila., 189.'. xvi, 137.— Wiarr (F.N. G.) A t use of lumbar hernia. Canatl. I'ract., Torontit. 1894. xix, 491.—Tnelter t\. li.) A case of lum- bar antl inguinal hernia ot the light side. Am. J. Obst., HEKXIA. 26 HEKMA. Hernia (Lumbar). N. V., 1893. xxvii, 380-584. — Weill (J.) Bemerkitugen liber einen Fall von Lumbiilheinie, nebst verschicdeuen Residuen eiin r pi iniaren infectitisen Osteomyelitis. Arch. f. klin. Chir.. Berl . 18mi. xxv. 908-924. 1 pi. Also. Repriut. -----. Ueber einen Fall von Lunibalhernie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1890. xxvii, 3-7. Hernia [Mesenteric) [of Astley Cooper]. See Hernia t Paraperitoneal). Hernia (Mesocolic). See Hernia (Intraperitoneal). Hernia (Multiple). See Hernia (Complications, etc., of). Hernia (Muscular). Sec Muscles (Hernia of). Hernia {Obturator). See, also. Hernia {Femoral, Complications, etc., of): Hernia im old age. Berger (C.) *De la hemic obturatriee. 4G. Lyon, 1^9.5. Clemens (H.) * Leber Bruchcinklerummig im Foramen obtiiratoriuin. t<°. Jena, les9. Deiinkr ( H.) ~ Zwei Falle von Hernia obtu- ratoria. *-. Lei[>zig-Rcuduitz, 1?97. KxtiLiscn (J.) Ueber Hernia obturatoria. Sc. Leipzig d' Wien, 1*91. See, also, infra. Fi'JitTH (K.) *Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von dor Hernia obturatoria. - . Mainz, 1*93. van Hkycop Ten Ham (J. C.) *Hijilragc tot tic statisttek van hernia obturatoria. S . Haarlem, 18*3. 1'ichekt (M.) * Ueber eiuen Fall von Heriiia obturatoria. *°. Berlin, [1*91], Splittgerber (C.) *Beitrage zur Lehre vou der Hernia obturatoria, mit Beschreibung eines durch Operation geheilten Fa-lles. 6°. Greifs- wald. 1-92. Alberlin. Hernie obturatriee etrauglee; intervention par double voie erurale et nbdoininale; guerison. Province met!., Lyon. 1808. xii, 124.—Ainlirwoii (\V.) Two cases of obturator hernia: one bilateral. Lancet, Lontl., 1890, i, [124-920.—Anei-liiieli (S.) Beitrag zur Lehre von tier Her- niaobturatmia. Miinclieii. med. Wchnschr., 1890. xxxvii, 737- 734: 774.—ICai'Ioil ol.) Case of double obturator hernia. Tr. Boy. Acad. II. Ireland, DubL, 1889. vii. 390.— Kami' (L.) Hernia forainiuis ovalis. Necrosis ties Schaiubeiiis uud Abscess. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Ge- burtsh., Winnenden. 1881, xx\ii, 05-08.—Ucriiril (L.i De la hernie obturatriee etrauglee. Bull. med.. Par.. 1898, xii, 261-203.—Bci-jjcr (P.) Rapport sur une observation de hernie obturatriee coniiiiuuiquee par M. le Dr Pictpie. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. tie l'ar., 1891, n. s.. xvii, 715- "24.-----Hernie obturatriee. Traite tie chir. (Duplav et Reclus), 2. ed.. Par., 1898, vi 354-309.—Berg man ii (W.) Leber einen Fall vou Hernia ..d uraturia. Brag. nied. Wchnschr., Is9a, xx, 514 — Ki-inliai-il (O.) Ein Fall vou Hernia obtuiatoiia incarcerata (Darmwand- hernie): Daringaiigran, Danniesection. iMurphyknopf. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1900, lv, 159-105.— Itoixk. Fin Fall vou Hernia obturatoria. Verhandl. d. dent-di. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl.. 1893. xxii, pt. 2, 194-197, 1 pi. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl.. 1893. xlvi, 309-372, 1 ,,i —|{i'e*lci' (J.) Ein Fall von Heinia obturatoria. 1 teiit>. lie nied. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1898.xxiv, 800.— Cliienc (•!.) Case of obturator In rnia. Ediub. M. J., 1870-71 xvi.pt. 2, 001.— I>i'civ iD.) Obturator hernia; Mraiigiilated. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond.. 1890-7. xlviii. 104.— fC lilei- (J. M.) Report of a case of strangulated obturator heinia. Ann. Surg.. Phila., 1900. xxxii. 285-288. Also, Reprint.— l-:nj;li*cli (J.) Leber Heinia obturatoria. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Riulolph-Stiftiing in Wien (1890), 1891, 214-225. See. also, supra. -----. Ein zweiter Fall einer Hernia obturatoria. Ibid. (1891). 1892, 330-340. Also: Wien. klin. Wchn-cl.r.. 1891. iv. 937-039. — Firth iC.' Case of strangulated light ol.turator heruia. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1890, i. »s7. — Fredei -V i. 055. -----. Three cases of strangulated obturator hernia. Ibid., 1897, i, 1742-1744 —<*ricr ((.'. W. M.) Case of obturator heinia succession treated by copious enemata. Ibid., 1890 i, 1793.—I icr«cn< A.) Herniaobturatoriaincarccrata; Lapa- Hernia (Obturator). roto.ni; Reposition : Peritonitis. GymeU. og obst. ^ledd., Kiobenh., 1888, vii, 157-H.l.-Korle (\\ .) Ueber 2 1 alle von Heinia obturatoria mil Demonstration eines I 1'apara- tes. Verhandl. d. tlentscli. C.-ellsol,. t Chir., Lerl . Boo. xxix lit 1 170-173. — liroiilciii (R. IT.) Ueber die Be- deu'tun"- ties Howship-Romberg si hen Symptomcnkoni- plexes bei der Hernia obturatoria incarcerata; zugletch ein weiterer Beitrag zur eifolgreichen opei atlvin behaiid- biu»- tier akuteu eiterigen Peritonitis. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing.. 1890, vi, 195--09.— I.ninlerer (A.) Beitrag zur differeutiellen Diagnose tier Hernia obturatoria. t estschr. . . Beirno Schmidt . . . Leipz., 1890. 190-192.- I.ans; (W S) A ease of obturator hernia. Ediub. M. -L, l8«9-9u. xxxv 5°" — .Vla»on (J.) A case of strangulated obturator heinia; recoverv. St. Barlh. Hosp. Rep., Loud., 1891, xxvii, 65-70. — von .Heer (A.I Leber wiederholte Eiuklem- miui" im Foramen obturatorium sin. (Darmwandhernie) coinbiiiiit mit Volvulus ilei. Deutsche Ztschr. t. Chir., Leip/.. 1901. Is. 583-587. — 7>ic:ii*c. Obturatriee (her- nie) Diet, encvcl. tl. sc. med., l'ar., 1880, 2. s., xiv. 105- r'4_Pieque (L ) \ Poirier (L.) Etude sur la hernie obturatriee. Rev.dc chir.. Par , 1891, xi, 093; 957: 1892, xii. 330. — Koehet. H rnic obtuiati ice, phlegmon ster- coral tie la euisse: mort, Cliniipie, Brux.. 1891, v, hi- 179.—von Kogiier-«n«eiitlial (V.) Ueberemeu Fall von Hernia obturatoria incarcerata completa mit Voilage- run"- der Tuba und des Ovariuins. Wien. med. Presse, 1893, xxxiv, 1009-1014.—Sinigar (H.) A case ot strangu- lated obturator hei nia. Brit. M. J., Lontl., 1897, i, 587.— Thriiig (E. T.) A ease of strangulated obturator her- nia; operation, followed bv death of patient. Australas. M. Gaz., Svtlnev, 18,-0-7, vi, 123. — Wyman (II. C.) On strangulated obturator hernia, with report ot case cured by operation. Ann. Surg., Phila , 1893, xvii, 57-00. Hernia (Omental). See Hernia (Complications, etc, of); Hernia (Fatty, etc). Hernia (Partial). See Hernia (Richter's). Hernia (Perineal). Sec. also, Hernia ( Vaginal, etc.); Hernia in pregnancy, etc. Folmkr (H.) * Over hernia perinealis. 8°. Amsterdam, l^sii. C'oley (VV. B.) Inguino-perineal hernia. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1890, xxiii. 192. — F liner (L.) Leber Pel inealher- nien. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir. L. ipz., 1887, xxvi, 48-112, 3 pi.—HoNtcr (Hi Ileus oeb perforatiiins]ieritoint pa gruiiil af on inkarcererad brandig hernia perinealis. | Ileus and perforative peritonitis from an incarcerated gangrenous perineal hernia.] Goteborgs Liik.-Siillsk. Ftirh., 1892, 140- 150. — tla«.«.i' (K.i Ileruie perineale et lipdine pre her- niaire; grossesse et accouchement. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux-, 1895, xvi, 555; 508. — Woollier I ( H. R.) Case of strangulated perineal hernia. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1901, ii, 900. Hernia (Phrenic). Sie Hernia (Diaphragmatic). Hernia (Post-operative). See Hernia (Traumatic); Hernia ( Ventral). Hernia (Prevesical). Hutchinson (Li. jr. On prevesical hernia, and its treatment by median laparotomy. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lontl., 1899, lxxxii, 321-323 —tlultins (G. IL; On prevesical hernia with the relation of a case in which subacute stran- gulation occurred. Ibid., 305-320, 1 pi. Hernia (Properitoneal). Sec, also, Hernia in the female. Bac.maxx (J.) "Eiu Fall \ tin Hernia iuguino- internitiscnhuis duplex. Su. Kiel, 1.S9*. Below (E. E. A.) * Ueber Hernia properito- nealis. 8~. Kiel, 1*90. Breitek (\Y ) Ueber die Heruia inguino- und cruro-properitonealis. [Zurich.] S\ Tubingen, l*9.i. Also, in: Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1895, xiii, 659-713. vox Chrzaxowski (A.) * Ueber die Hernia properitonealis inner Mittheilung eines durch Radicaloperation geheilten Falles. 8°. Greifs- wald, L**4. Holder (F.) "" Ueber Hernia properitonealis. [Heidelberg.] *-. Tubingen, Irt'JO. Also, in: Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1890-91, vii, 257-292. HERNIA. 27 HERNIA. Hernia (Properitoneal). UrxKXBURGEi; (H.) Kin Fall von Hernia inguino-properitonealisniit reelitsseitioem Kiyp- torchisinus. 8 \ Strassburg. 1.-93. Marseille (M.) "Ein Full von Heruia in- guino properitonealis. * . Berlin. [.1**1 J. Rumpel (K. A. T.) *Febertlen inters! itiellon Leistenbruell. - >. Marburg, 1 -ST. -----. The same. - . Marburg, 1**>. Wege (O. A.) * Ueber Hernia iugnino- und erurn-pitiperitonealis. ■.-'. Halle a. S., l>s?. Amlra««y. Hernia eriuo-propei itoncalis. Beitr. z. kliu. Lhh., Tubing.. l88ii, ii, 5o;s-5u9.—Binjiinsclii (A.) Supra un caso tli ernia rara. Ateneo n . .1 parniense. Parma. 1.-.-9. iii, 230-249, 1 pi.—Baldwin 3. — Bar7.—Butt- Bins, (R V.) K ucheniyu o pied- bi vusliiiinoi grizl.i. tin properitoneal hernia.] Chir. Vestnik. Si. 'Petersb.. Is" jv_ 419-442. Also, transl. [Abstr.t St. Petcisb. meil Wchnschr.. 1888. n. F.. v, 325-32- -Cambria (A.i Zur Kasuistik tier Hernia pro- li.-i itou.-.iiis. Wien. med. Wchnschr.. 1,-80. xxxvi. 1082.— t'ery |G.) De la hemic properitoiieale et en particulier d uue variete rare thernie para-iuguino-properitoueale). Union med. du nord-est. Reims, 1890. xiv, 155; 212. Also, Reprint. — Clarke (J.) rinterstitial hernia-:J Lancer. Loud., L-90. i. 103— C'oley (W. B.) Propei itoneal cpiplo- cele with large serous . li'usioii n, ,.u ■hour-glass '' sac re- sembling a cvstic tumor ot the a!.,luminal wall. X. York M. J., 1-91. Hii, 511—l»e i»aoli . E.) Contributo alio stiidiotlell' erniainguino-interstizialestiozzat.i e dell' itlro- cele del funicolo nella sua porzione iiigu:nale. Atti e | rendic. tl. Accad. n.ed.-chir. tli Penigia, 1890. ii, 11-20. ------. Cura ratlicale in caso tli antica ernia inguino-in- tetsiizialc gia operata tli resezione deli' intestino ; entero- toniiaallaDupuytreii . nteroratiaextr.i-perifoneale. Ibid., 1893. v, 203-2U5.— I>nbar. Occlusion intestinale par volvulus dans une hemic inguinale interstitielle actpiise. frlm mctl. du nord. Lille. 1898. ii, 447-449.— l>n lie* (C. W.) I Hei nia iugnino-properitonealis: with an account of a case. Med. News. Phila., 18r7, 1, 92-97. ------. Pn.peri- t..n.-nl hernia. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, ls-9 xiii. 557.— Feeler (W. McA.) Interstitial hernia; and their treat- ment. Lancet. Lontl., 1-9- ii. 1095-1097. I'cilii (G.) Ernia iiiguino intersliziale th-.-tra. Gior. mi-.I. .1 r. eser- cito [etc. J, Roma. lta.".. xliii. 15.— I'liuit i< i.\ G.) A case of interstitial hernia, with malposition of testis: op- eration for radical cure; lecomj. iniart. M. ./., Shef- field. 1893-4, ii, 217-224. 2 pi.—l-'roclich. Hemic prop.'- ritoneale etranglee sans tumeiir extei nine. Sue. tic nied. de Nancy. C.-r\. 1-99-1900, pp. Ixxxiv-lxxxvi. Also: Rev. nied. de'1'e-t. Nancy. 19n0, \x\ii, 282-2-4. - 4. ■ I < li ii«I (,L G.) Intra -parietal h.-iina. Med. Advam e. < li n ago. lr-8 xx, 3:i4 - 330. — (aohell iR ) Leber int.-rparietale Ld.-teiibriiche- Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz.. 1900, lvi. 1-45.- <- remj :■ l-lii ( I". V.) Hernia iiiguino- propcritoncalis tlextra.....arterata. Pi otok. zasaitl uhcr. zen-3 . vrach soveta. . . Kursk, 189u. vii, i-9-li)7.—<-n»n- i-oll (V. I.) SI achat pravoi pakhovoi pretlbryiishiniiol nshtsliemleiinol grizhi (iiernia iiigiiino-propei it.....alls dex- tia incarcerata). Meti. pribav. k morsk sbornikii, St. Peiersli.. I'-'a- pt.2. 302-376. Also [Abslr. | : Protok. zasaitl. ()li-h Minsk, vrai h. v Kronstatltc, 1897-8. xxxvi. 50 53.— Hartley (F.) Iiiguino pi ..peritoneal heinia. X. York M.J. 1---7 xiv. 455-457.—Ileilse. Hernie inguino inter- stitii-lle • traiiL'lee avec ectopic tin testicule; kelotomie; guerison. Bull. Sue d. med.de Besaiicon (188!»i. 1890. 3. s., no. 2. 01-71.— Kanf maim rCJ.i Kusuistiscliei lieilrag zur Gencsc tier Hei nia inguino properituncalis. ('entralbl. f. Chir. Leipz.. 1891. xviii, 709-773. ----- Frwietle- | rung auf die Bemerkungen von Dr. Meiiihanl Schmidt tXo. 41 p. '57), fiber tleli in No. 40 pul.lioirleii Fall von Hernia properitonealis. Ibid.. 929.— Knott (Van B.) Propi ritoneal ami interstitial inguinal ha nine Ann. Surg.. IMiiia.. 1899. xxx, 096 - 703 — Koch ol. A . i Een tweetal govallen van hernia properitonealis met hernio- laparotomie. Xetlerl. Tijdschr. v. Gem. sk . Amst., 1892, xxviii, pt. 2, 036-055. Also. Reprint.— Kmnvii'. I wee gevallen van hernia piopetilontalis. Netleil. 'I i.jdschr. v. Gt neesk., Amst., 1893, 2. R., xxix, pt. 2, 329-3.35.— Kroii. Hernia (Properitoneal). Iiin (R. L.) Herniologische Bcobachtungen ans der von Langenbei k'scLcn Klinik: Hernia ingiiino-proporitone- alis incarcerata. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., I87(i. xix, 408- 427, 2 pi. — I.nnjjcr (A.) Ueber einen Fall von Hernia iTiirii-proporiiouenlis mit Incarceration im piupei nonealen Bruchsack. lieuisehe Ztschr. f. Chir., Leip/... 1898. xiix. i)l_i)8.— I.ejni'N. Hernie inguinale pro-periioneale, etran- glee, tlu type pclvieii: lapiirotomi. : gneri-oii. Bull, et nit'in. Sue. de chir. de Par.. 1.-99, n. s , xxv, 77:>-770.—I.e- jtiiiic. Ln cas dc hernie ingiiino-interstitielle. Arch. 'im tl. beiges, Brux.. 1890, 3. s„ xxxvii, 380-381. I,e Boy ili'M Iliii'io. Observation dune hernie iiiguino - mt. r- stitiellc gauelie avec ectopic tcstic ulaiic. Bull. Sue. anat. de Par., 1881, lix, C54-050. Also: Progres nied., Par., 1885. 2. s., ii. 181.— l.inlt (I.) Zur Kasuistik der Hernia in- guiiio-propciiloiiealis. Centralbl. f. Chir. Leipz.. ls!)2. xix, 82-84. See, also, infra. Schmidt. — .Tl artel ( L. ) Note sur un cas tie hernie inguinale elianglee et de hernie properitoneale avec torsion du mesentere. Arch. prov. de chir., l'ar., 1893. ii. 47 - 54. .Tl it In I i G. i I'll cas de hernie properitoiieale etranglee. Lev. med. de lesi. Nancy, 1899. x\\i, Cud 0o5. — von Tlo-ilii;- .Tloorliof. Kail von Hernia inguino-properitoiiealis. Wien. meil. Wchnschr., 1885, xxxv, 257-260.— Tlonllin iC W. M.i Clinical h cture on a case of .strangulated her- nia into the post-ca-eal pouch. [Abstr.) Lancet, Lontl., 1899. i. 881. —.TInj»iini i \.) Ernia properitoiieale. Arch. ed atti d. Soc. ital. di chir. 1885. Roma, 1886, ii, 188-250. ------. Ernia inguim.-|.r.n.ci itoneale; gangreiia dell' intes- tino; resezione: guarigione. IM forma nietl., Napoli. 1880. ii. 17(i4. Also, Be].lint. .Tl array (F.W.) Piopei itoneal bet ilia. Aim. Surg.. Phila., 1895.xxi.594-597.—von .\iimh- banin. Hernia propel itoncalis; Biuch tier Linea alba und Leisl. nl.nidi ; Heilung. Ann. tl. sliidt. allg. Kran- keuh zu Miinchen. 1880. iii, 419-422— Oboli n.Ki (K. P.) Sluchal ushtsheiiil.nui.i licvo-storonncT pied l.r\ ushinuo- pakhovoi grizhi. [Hei nia ingiiino-properitoiiealis sinistra iiicm-reiata.-] Vrach, St. Peter-b., 1888. ix, louii : 1027.— Oliver id. C.) Report of three cases of pi ..pel itoneal hernia. Ann. Surg., Phila , 19ul. xxxiii,022-025.— I*Intra* (G.) Hernie interstitielle etranglee chez ladnlt. ditti culte de diagnostic entre la hernie inguinale interstitielle et la hernie erurale; kelotomie: guerison. Progres nied., Par.. 1880, 2. s., iii, 20-22.— Polnillon. Hernie iutra- parietale complii]iiee dun etranglement interne; taxis; kelotomie: guerison. Bull. Soc. de meil. de Par. il.-78i. 1879, xiii. 139-143.— Poulsiii (K.) Et 'I'ilfahle af Hernia iii'niino-pioperitonealis incarcerata. | A case of . . . J Hosp.-Till.. Kjoheuh., 1892. 3. I!.. x, 197-201. — Bivet. Sur un castle hemic mi raparieta'c. I laz. m6d.de Nantes. 18ti7-8, xvi. 25-. — Bonclicvski (A. D.) Liedkiy sluchai vnutiennel iiHlifinlciinol grizhi; hernia inguino- properitonealis. | Bare ca«:iiiiIii- (C.J.) Batlikaloperation ti'.r inteistitielt brack. Sv.-ns. Lak.-SiilLk. n. Handl.. Stockholm. 1889. 93-97.— Bn<.*cll (R. H.) The etiology of interstitial ami pro-peiitoneal hernia. Intercolon. .Si. •!. Australas., Melbourne, 1901, vi, 213-220.— Mnbiiiiirj'i'ir il. F.) K voprosu o predbrvu- shinnikh gri/.liakh. [On properitoneal hernia1.} Laitop. russk. chir., S.-Peterb.. 1-97. ii, 940-975.—Mnenz Vain/ l B.l Hernia entero epiploica, iiiguino-inteistitial estian- gula.la. derecha; reilne.ion p..r la taxis. I'rogreso rnetl., Habana, 1890, ii, 416-119. —Mamlelin (E.) Billing till tie ingvino properitoneala brackens kasuistik. (('ontribution a la catiiiistiipie ties hernies inguino pi ..peritoneales. Res.. p]i. xxviii-xxxi.) Fiuska l;'ik.-sall>k. handl., Hel- singfors, 1899. xii, 30H-414.—Wa wielii (B.l Oprzepu- klinieprzedotr/.ewiiowi.j. [Gn propel itoneal hernia. | Kron. lek.. Wars/awa, 1.-87, viii, 101; 175: 233; 485. — «>i liiniill (M.l Ki kliirungsversuch zur Genese gowisser Fiillc von Iiernia ingiiino-inteistitiiilis (Goyrand). und Hernia ingui- nopropei ilotiealis (Kninleiii). \erhandl. d. deutsch. Ge- sellsch. f Chir., Ibrl., 1885, xiv, pt.2. 188-212. Also: Aich. f. klin. (Jhir., Berl., 18.-5. xxxii, -98- 922. ------. Zur Auf- reehtcrlialtung nieincr Erkliirung fiir die Genese der Her- nia imniino-inteistitialis nnd Hernia inguino properito- nealis. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl.. 1891, xii, 292-304. ------. IS. inerkiiiigen zu der Mittheilung von Dr. C. Kaufnia n fiber Hernia :ngiiiiio-prti]ieritoueiilis in No. 40 il. Bl. Centralbl. f. Chir.. Leipz., 1891. xviii. 857. ------. Bemerkungen zu ilein von Ignaz Link in No. 4 d. Bl. iiiit'jothoilteii Falle von Hernia inguino -pi -op. a itoncalis. Ibid.. 1892, xix, 129.—Neott (N. S.i Pi ..pel itoneal her- nia. Columbus M. J., 1897. xix, 185-192.- Moninii liiiry. Hernia properitonealis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1887. xxiv, 335. - T:i iixin i (I.) Sopra un caso di ernia cruro- propi■ritone ile. Gazz. nied. ital. lomb., Milano. l-Sii. 8. s., viii, 173 leolili (R.) Un caso tli ernia iiiguino-pro- peritoneale col sacco einiario inteino iiidipeiidentemente dull estei no e con strozzinneiito dei collar.-tti tli aiiibcdue i sacchi. Gazz. d. osp., Milano. 1887. viii, 548-550. —Torrey l\V. S.) Iiigiiino-pro]icritiiiieal hernia. Ann. Surg.. St. Louis, 1888. vii, 101-170. Also. Reprint.—'I'r/.ebieky (R.) Przypadek przepukliny pachwinowo-pi ze.lotrzew- iiowej (hernia properitonealis). Przegl lek.. Krakow, 1886. xxv, 233-235. Also, transl : Wien. med. Wchnschr., HERNIA. 28 HEKXIA. Hernia (Properitoneal). 1.-80, xxxvi. Hi,,0-liin:;.— Veber (R. I.) Sluchai properito- .lealnoi grizhi, oslozhneiinoi krijitoi chizniom i vnutribryii- shnom hydrocele. | Case ot preperitoneal hernia, com- plicated with er\ ptorchitlism ami intra-abdominal hernia.) Russk. chir. arch.. S.-Petcrlt.. 1895. i, 330-340. — Villaril V. i Sit une variete rare de hernie transparieto-propfiri- l on. af. Arch. prov. tie chir.. Par., 1893. ii. 510-515. —Vul- liel. Uefoulenieiit d'une anse intestinale thins l'espace properitoneal. h travers une dechirnre du sac dans une lternie inguinale incarceree. Rev. med. tie la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 189i, xvi. 492-495— Wicsmaiin (P.) Eiu Fall von Il.rnia inguino -properitonealis Littriea incarcerata; Hernio-I.npai'.tomie; Tod (lurch Peritonitis. Cor.-Bl. f. schwciz Aerzte, Basel, 1885, xv, 409-414. Hei'iiia (Pudendal). Sec Hernia ( Vaginal, etc.). He I'll e a (Radical cure of). See, also, Hernia (Cwcal); Hernia (('ongeni- i tal); Hernia (Diaphragmatic); Hernia (Fatty, etc.); Hernia (Femoral, Radical cure of); Her- nia (Lumbar); Hernia (Properitoneal); Hernia (llttroj.eriloneal); Hernia (Umbilical, Radical cure of); Hernia (Vaginal, etc.); Hernia (Ven- tral, Treatment of, Operative); Hernia in children (Radical cure of); Hernia in the female; Hernia in old age; Hernia in pregnancy, etc.; Hernia in s >ldiers. Adler (8.) "Die Radikaloperation dor Un- t.erli'iltsbriii'lii'. *;. Berlin, [1889]. Agfilar (J.) Curacion radical tie la hernia iiio-i:inal por el inetodo operafnrin. *;. Buenos Aires, 18lJ7. Andekkoii (J.) 'Die Radicaloperation der Hernien. Bearbeitung tier an der Baseler Klinik geinachien Eifahrungen. *'■". Leipzig, 1**6. Also, in: Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir.. Leipz., 1886, xxiv, 207-325. Ba.siji firaz (J.-M.) * Contribution a l'dtude tie la euro ratlicale des hernies. [Geneva.] * . Sion, 1*»J0. Bkkkzov.ski (8.) 'Radikalnaya operatsiya naru/.knol pakliovuT grizhi. [Radical operation of external inguinal hernia. ] 8°. -l/os/.Tfl, l*9fi. Bittxer (W.) Leber die Radicaloperation ties Leistenbruciit's, nebst Benierkiingeti zm- Aetiuhtoii', Anatotnie, Klinik desselben. 8;. Berlin, l'AW. Also, in: Prag. med. AVchnsehr., 1900. xxv, 4; 17; 2!). Bodi: (K.) * Beitrag zur Ntatistik der radi- kalen lferniotomie. [Erlangen.] *°. Hildes- hcim. i*;ii». Caxkva-Zanixi (G.) A Montegxacco (A.) Din-cento ernie curate radiealniente. * '. Milano, 1-9 J. C'hicoi.i (T.) Cura radicale della ernia in- guinale congenita ed acquisita. 8 \ Palermo, 1X94. Ckkizot (A.) Traite sur les nioyens de gue- rison radicale ties bernies et des doseentes de niatriee [etc.]. *-'. Paris, 1*70. Ccknod (V.) * fitudo du resuUat definitif dans la cure, radicale ties bernies. [Basel.] *:. Lausanne. 1*^*1. Dfgorcm (M.) "De la suture en un seul plan dans la laparotmnie et dans la cure radicale des hernies inguinales. *'-\ Paris, 1-99. Di'itKT (E.) "Considerations sur les varietes anatoniiijUis et la cure radicale de la hernie in- guinale chez l'honinie. 4°. Paris, 1*111. Evku.s (K.) *Z\veiunddreissig Radikal-ller- niotoniieen aus der Erianger Klinik. 8~. Erlan- gen, [1*90]. Eyi.i:s(A.) *Ein Beitrag zur Radikal-Opera- tion der Hernien. [Heidelberg.] 8°. Diissel- dorf, 1**9. Ferrari (P.) Cura radicale dell'ernia ingui- nale. *°. Pergamo, 1*9. Kuxz (T.) * Herniotomie und Radicalopera- tion in der .Spital-und Privatpraxis. 8°. Basel, 1890. Lebexsohx (S.) * Radikaloperation der Her- nien. [Bern.] *G. Leipcig, 1898. Also, in: Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1.-98. xlviii, 538-590. Ee Brux (M.-P.-L.) * De la cure radicale des bernies. 4-. Nancy. 1*90. Lkuw (C.) "Die Radicaloperationen der nieht eingekleinmten Hernien in der Berner Klinik. [Bern.] 8J. Berlin, 1*9:?. Also, in: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Perl., 1893, xlvi, 10-89. Lociiwoon (C. B.) The radical cure of her- nia, hydrocele, and varicocele. 1\23. Edinburgh $■ London, 1*9*. Eucas-Ciiampioxxiere (J.) Cure radicale des bernies. *c. Paris, 1887. -----. Chirurgie opera toire: cure radicale des bernies; avec nne etude statistique de deux cents soixante-quinze operations. *°. Paris, 1*92. Also [Rcv.j, in: Ann. d. mal. tl. org. gGnito-urin., Par., 1892, x, 472. Mayor (E.) * Beitrao zur Kenntniss der Radi- caloperation der nieht eingekleinniten Hernien; Bearbeituug der an (It Beruisclien chirurgischen Klinik geinachten Erfaliniiigeii. [Bern.] 8°. Lausanne, l*-9. Mki.doi.a (E. E.) "Beitrag zur Statistik der nulikalen Herniotomie; 27 Falle aus der Erian- ger Klinik. *-. Frlangen. 1*94. Mktz (E. [R. O.]) "'l.'eber die Resultate der Radikaloperation bei I'literleihsbriichen. * . Halle a. S., 1894. Mofler (F. A.) *Die Radicaloperationen der Unterleibsbriiebe erortert an 33 Fallen. i-K Kiel, 1894. Also [Abstr.], in: Mi'uicheii. med. Wchnschr., 1895, xiii, 978-981. Mi (jxai (A.) Dieci casi di ernia inguinale operati radiealniente col processo proprio. 12°. Arezzo, 1894. Nksi (Iv.) *A hennintoinia e os processus ita- lianos da cura radical da hernia inguinal. 4°. Rio de Janeiro, 1*97. HKKN1A. 29 HEKNIA. Hernia (Radical cure of). Notmass (F.) " I'eber Entlerlulg,. Von h'adi- cal-Operattouen von I It-micu. *■'. Wiirzburg. 1 >'.>■.». RoTllMCM> (F. C.) Ueber Radical-Operation be\\eglieher Leistenluiiche. 8 . Miinchen, l-.d. Su'.mox (P.) Radii-ale Heilung der Briiche, oder Abhaiidlung iiber die Briiche und Vorliille, nebst Angabe eines neuen anfehlbaren Mittels, woduieb sie radical gebeilt untl also alle Bun- dagen unniitz gemaebt werden. Nacli dem Fran/iisiseben bearbeit.'l. ... 7. Autl. l'2°. Ouedlinbnrg d Leipzig, [n. d.]. Simon (().) " Feber Radicaloperationen bei Inguinal- und Ft'iuoialbernien. [Heidelberg.] - . Tiibingen, l-'.h'.. _JLJ*ii. in. Beitr. z.khu. Chir.. Tiibing.. 1890, xvii, 537-575 Siamkk (H.) * Ueber RatlicaloptM-ation del' Hernien. *-'. Berlin. [1*79]. Sikinmaxx (H.) "Zur Kadikal.inflation der Eeisien-und Seheukelbernien. 8 . Oberhansen, [1>97]. Sirt'Ki (lv.) " Ibitriige zur Radikaloperation der EeiMenbriiehe. ;itb tier t-liirurgiselien Ab- teilung des 1'rof. (iirard am Inselspital zu Bern. [Bern.] - . Than. 1 .-*»r>. Theyi--ex (J.) Radicale geuezing van lueu- keu. *-. Amer*foort, [n. d.]. TocLttx (L..) "Contribution a I'etude stir la cure radicale de la hernie inguinale. -P. Tou- loust, 1*95. Trf.shtshix (M. I.) 'Radikalnayaoperatsiya jtakhovoi orizhi. [Radical upcraiion of inguinal Iiernia.] -:. s.-Peterburg. 1-98. Wixoi'Ol"Koi'i (Jd *Cure ratlicale ties her- nies et des hydroceles congenitales. 4°. Paris, Wiilf (R.. " Beitriioe zur Radikaloperation der Lei-ten- untl Selieiikelliernien. [Heidel- berg.] .-.-. Tiibingui, 1-91. Also, in: li.itr. z. kliu. Chir., Tubing., 1--90-91, vii, 585- 0o4. Wolff (A.) 'Die Radicaloperation der Uu- terleibdjiiiche im Augnstahospital zu Berlin. 8-. P.erli,,, [1-9]. Ailv A ( aseof radical cure of hernia. Mod. \ Surg. Re|.oit.-i. Phila. .1-8- 1 viii, 1162.— 4;'iiin < 11. ll.i Tin-rail- ical tr.no.cut of hernia. Univ. .\1. Man.. Hula.. 1889-90, ii, 339—.% lieu (D. P.) The radical cure of hernia. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Cleveland, 1888.49-59. Also: Mttl. Pec, X. Y., lss-. xxxiv. 141-143 —Allro (Un) nuovo proccsso p*r la cura i .dicale th-U'ei ana. i .az/.. tl. o-.p.. Milano. Is90. xvii, 1405.- A mt'N I It. I*. M.) 1 'v... cases ol' hcriiiotoun ; radical cure. Rep. Superv. >uig..Oen. Mar. Hosp., Wash. ls.-5-0, 143-150. —An ili-rxoii ( A . li.) The rati ical cure of hernia; a paper ba-> .1 on 117 case* of operation for the radical cure of inguinal hernia. Meil. M;i:.. Lontl , 1899. viii. 353-302. ------. Some remarks on the radical cure of hernia: based ou 190 t■.!-••, .,I uperation for the cure of oblique inguinal hernia. Ai.-tt. | Iirit. M. J., Lond., 1901. i. 203-205 — Ainlrfto i V. \V. j Last autl present obstacles to the railical cuic of hernia with demonstrations. Am. Acad. KailwavSurg Pep. 1890.1'Imago. 1897. iii.97 10-. Also:.} Ani.M.'Ass.,('hieago. Is97.xxviii.8i;s-s7l. AUo : Lull. North- west. I'niv. M. Si h.. Chicago, 1900-1901. ii 533 528 Aiik- lin ill. \V.) Report of operation for the radical cure of In i ma. Hep. Super--. Surg. - (ien. Mai. Hosp., Wash.. 1M--3I xvii, 248.------. Operation I'.o tin radical cure of henna. Ibid., 18-9-90, xviii. 107. — B:i ■■!<•» (W.M.) Notes on the radical cure of hernia. Med. Times & (ia/.., Lond., 1881, ii, 10; 71. Also, Reprint. ------. Some .statistics of the operation for the, radical run: of hernia. Iirit. M. .L, Lontl. 1887, ii, 1259-1202. ------. Kadioal cure of hernia. Ibid.. 188s, ij, 1221.— Itamii.Kr ( .1. M. ) The radical cure of inguinal Iiernia. Kansas M. J., Topeko, 1897. ix. 281-287. ------. The modern surgical treatment of non strangulated inguinal hernia. Kansas City Lancet. 1898, iv. 219; 28!.—Barker (A. K.) A study of fifty consecu- tive cases of operation for the railical cure of lion-sti angu- lateil herni;e. Proc. Pov. M. ic Chir. Soc. Lond., 1889-90. 3. s., ii. 93-101. /U*n: Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1890, lxxiii, 273-295. Also [ Abstr. | : Iirit. M. J., Lontl.. 1890, i, 810 ------. A stutlv of two hundred consecutive operations for the radical cure of henna. licit. M. J.. Lond.. 1898, ii, 712-714— Bart (V. K.) Iv kazulstikle koicnnol opera- tsii gi-i/.h. [On radical operations for heruia.] Me.1 Ol>o/.r., Hernia (Padical cure of). Mosk.. 1898, xli.x, 852-857. —Bnrlou (J. K.) The radical cure of inguinal hernia. Tr. Acad. M. Ireland, DubL, 1883-4. ii, 151-157. — Kill in»n oil' (A. N.) <) korennol operatsii grizhi. [ Uathoal operation for hernia ] Med. Obozr.. Mosk., 1890, xiv, 318-357. — Bayer (K.) Lebeidie radilsale Vcrsorgnng incarccrirter, operirter Leistenher- nicn in del- Laiulpraxis. Acr/.ll. l'rax., Leipz., 1900, xiii, 1-4.— Bn/it ( L. ) Heinia. [1'iltccn operations for radical cure, j Tr. M. Soc. Calif, San Fran., 1891, xxi, 09 70. — Ba*> (P.) I>o la cure radicale des hernies. fiance med., l'ar., 1887, i, 121: 131 Ittiiii^nuiil. De la cure ratlicale des hernies par la in. t liode <|e M. lienlv. J. d. conn. med. prat.,Par., 1835-0, iii, 330-340.—Bellraac (K.) Nsigra onl mn radikaloperation fiir black. | Le marks on the radical operation for hernia. | (iiileborgs Liik.-siillsk. f.'.rli., 1894. 2. lift., 27-31.— Bcichom nhy |S.) Leber Kadikalopcration nieht eingckleininler I'.i iide und ihre Endresultate. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1894-5, xl, 295-305. —Bcvan (A. D.) Direct inguinal her- nia; opeialion for l he i adieu! cure. Pop. Superv. Siug.- Cen. Mar. Hosp.. Wash., 18,-3-4, 127. ------. The radical cure of hernia, l'roc. (lug. M. Soc. Portland, 1885. xii, 77-82—It iimiicriuaii (E. M.) Hernia inguinalis sinis- tra; radicale o]ieratki. (one si, .Tijdschr. v. Neder . In- die, liatav.. 1890, xxx 30— Bi»liO|> (f. S.) The etiology of chronic hernia, with special reference to the operation for railical cure. Lancet, Loud., 1894 i, 319-324. ------. Railical cure of hernia. Prov. M. J.. Leicester, 1895. xiv, 2.-2 292. Also, Reprint. Also [Abstr. |: Med. Chron., Manchester, 1K9C-7. n. s., v. 173-181. ------. A case of ir- reducible Iiernia; adhesion of intestine, .separation of mes- entery; radical cine; recovery. Lancet. Lontl., 1898. ii, 1550. ------. The rauical cure of inguinal hernia. X. York M. J., 1898, lxvii, 529-533. —Blake (J. A.) The relative bearing of the conjoined tendon and the iuteriuil oblique muscle uiion the radical cure of inguinal hernia. Med. Pec. X. Y., 1900, lviii, 321-324. Also. Peprint. -Bucliel (J.) Cure radicale ties hernies; resultats eloignes de 14 operations. Cong, frang. de chir. Proc. - verb. |etc. |. Par.. 1888, iii, 140-150. Also: Gaz. nieil.de fcjtrasb.. 1^-9 xlviii, 1-7. Also: Mem. Soc. de med. de Strasb. (1^87-8), 1889, xxv, 105-121. — llonloii ("\V. K.) Operative treat- ment of inguinal hernia. Me.I. Century, Chicago, 1894. ii, 55-57—ISoouc (11. \V.) Notes on the radical operation for the relief of hernia. Med. X.ws, Phila., 1891, lviii, 512—Borclin* (J.) Tva himdra radikaloperationer 1'iir brack, utl.iida pit Karlskrona- Lasarett 1891-1897. [Two liun.lr.d radical operations for hernia performed at the Karl-krona Hospital. 1891-7.1 Xor.l. med. Ark.. Stock- holm, 1898, n. P., ix, no. 1: 1899. n. P.. x. no. 4— Bonilly (G.) Hernie ingui.io-scrotile double incoercible; opera- tion de cure radicale: guerison. Gaz. med. de Par., 1885. 7. s., ii, 205-208—It ia u 11 (J.) Cure radicale tie la hemic inguinale: remaiqiies bases sur cent deux interventions. Gaz. d. hop. Par.. 1897, Ixx 334; 398: 434.—Bra mi (H.) Leber die Radikaloperation der Leisten- und Schenkel- biiiche, nebst eiuein Bericht fiber die in nieiuer Privat- klinik vorgekoinnieneii Iii'uclio|ieralioni n. festschr. . . . Benno Schmidt . . . Leip/... 1800 38-40. — Bi't'inii'i' (A.I Zur Radikaloperation tier Leisienheriiien. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1898, xxv, 1017-1023.— K roe a i A .) Vaiietes anatomii[iies et cine radicale de la li.a ni. inguinale chez l'hoinine. Cong, tranc.de chir. Proc.-verb. [etc.|. Par., 1891, v, 389-399.— lliooMiiil. De la cure radicale ties hernies. Lnioii 11161I. du Canada, Montreal, 1890, 11, s. iv, 501-501.— It row 11 iuy. Kadical cure of inguinal heinia, with notes of thirlv-.six cases. Tr. South. Indian I'.iancli Iirit. M. Ass., Madias. 1891-2, iv, 115 - 131.-- Itiuni |(3) Conl ributo alia cura r ulicale tlelle ernie. Gior. iuternaz. d. HC. nied.. Napoli, 1892, n. s.. xiv, 81-103. It lie ha nan (G.I Operation for the radical cure of hernia. Tr. Gla-g. Path. \- Clin. Soc, 1881-0, i , 23.------. Kadical cure ol hernia. Iirit. M. J.. Lond., 1894. i, 573. — von Itmiyiiei lO.) Zur Itailicalopeialion der Hernien. D.ui-. b. Zl-chi . f. Chir.. Leip/... 1893-1, xxxviii, 549 - 004.— Itnll (W'.'f.) On I he radical cure of hernia, with results ol one 11 untl red and thirtv four operations. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1890, viii.'99-1 17. Also: Mel News, Phila., 1890. lvii. 5- 13 Itiillin (IL T.) A clinical lecture on the ni.lical cure of Iiernia Clin. J., I.....tl., 1892-3, i, 148-151.- « aliol (A. T.) Large scrotal hernia; operation for radical cure. Poston M. .V S. J., 1880, cxv, 299._ 4'at i'io|>|»oli (II.) Sulla cura radicale delle ernie a.ldominali e sul tralta- mento dell' cpiplocele stro/.zalo. Morgagiii, Napoli, 1884, xxvi, 501 573. — 4'aut'|ia (It.) Delia, cura radicale delle ernie adiloniinali. (la/./., nie.l.di Torino, 1880. xxxvii, 97; 121; 151. — 4'ai'Nlen<* ( I II I The iiulical cure of hernia. Tr. Midi. M. Soc. Detroit, 1894. xviii. 307-317. 1 pi Also: Internat. M. Mag., I'liila.. 1891-5, iii, 489-193. -('a*ii»o ((}.) Observacioucs al trabajo de I. Plasencia sobie . 111a- ciiin radical de las hernias por eljiroce.lei tie L. Cliain- pionniere. An. r. Acad, de cicn. nied. . . . tie la Habiuia 1887-8, xxiv, 120-127. ------. Hernia inguino - escrotal derecha extrangulada : cura operatoria de la heinia; cura cion. Rev. de cicn. nied . Uai.ana, 1888, no. 30, 5. ------. Cura ojieratoria tie la heinia. An. r. Acad, de cien. mctl. . . . tie la Habana, 1888-9, xxv, 214-222. ------. Heinia HHKNIA. 30 HER MA. Hernia (Radical cure of). extrangulada; cura operatoria. Ibid., 272-276.— Clale* (B. P.) Radical cure of inguinal hernia, -with report of case-. Puiv. M. Mag., Phila., 1897-8. x. 601-003— C a val- ! canli (il.) Cura radical de lima hernia inguinal tlireita. Brazil-nietL, Rio de Jan., 1890, iv. 35.— 4'ciliola (G.) Cura radicale dell' ernie. Gior. nied. d. r. esercito fete). Roma. 1898. xlvi, 161-104. — Ceriie. Hernies inguinales enonnes et irreductibles: double cure radical.- Xorninn- diemed., Rouen. 1889. iv. 189-193.— (limn el. Observa- tions de cure operatoire de hernies inguinales, par M. "Wissemans. [Lap] Arch, dc med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1896, xxviii, 309-379. — Chi en e (J.) Mote on the opera- tion for the radical cure of hernia. Atti d. xi Cong. med. internaz. 1894, Roma, 1895. iv, chirurg. [etc.], 581.—Foley (W.B.) The operative treatment of hernia, with a re pint of two bundled cases. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1895, xxi, 389-437. -----. The radical cure of hernia, with a re- port of three hundred and sixty cases. Ibid., 1897, xxv, j 270-305, 2 pi. Also, Peprint. -----. The radical cure of hernia. Med. News. X. T.. 1899, lxxv, 289-295. Also: Montreal M. J.. 1899. xxviii. 082-697. Also, Peprint.— I t'orvin & Vicol. Compte-rendu de 200 operations radi- cales de hernies abdomiuales. Compt.-rend. Cong, inter- nat. de med. 1897, Mosc. 1899, v, 392-434.—1'oivle* (J. E.) Cases of strangulated inguinal hernia with operations for radical cure. South. Calif. Pract., Los Angeles, 1893, viii, 100-104.—C'roly (H. G.) Radical cure of scrotal hernia. Med. Press & Circ, Lontl., 1-98. u. s.. lxvi, 7.—F illusion (C. G.) Large inguino-scrotal hernia? and their radical treatment. Med. 6c Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1898, Ixxviii, 181-18I;.—4'nru (Per la) radicale delle ernie. Gazz. d. osp..Milano. 1 -90 xvii, 1459.—Fuelling (H.) The employ- ment of local anaesthesia in the radical cure of certain cases of hernia, with a note upon the nervous anatomy of the inguinal region. Ann. Surg.. Phila., 1900, xxxi,1-34. Also, Reprint.—Dalla Kosn (C.) Coutributo alia cura ope- rativa delle ernie inguinali e crurali con cento operazioiii. Riv. veii.ta disc. mid. Yenezia, 1899. xxxi. 497: 500: 1900, xxxii, 27. — Damns (L.) A proposde la cure radicale des hernies. Gaz. hebd. d. nied., Par., 1901, n. a., vi, 24L— Davic»-C'ollev (N.i Radical cure of hernia. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1893, ii. s., vii, 57-0n.— Bearer (J. B.) Report of a case of operation for .strangulated omental inguinal hernia, with remarks on the radical cure of both strangulated and non-strangulated hernia. Lniv. M.Mag., Phila., 1888-9, i, 401-465. -----. The radical cure of hernia. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1890, xi, 216-221. -----. Kadical cure of inguinal and femoral hernia. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1890, xiv, G29-636. -----. The radical treat- ment of hernia. Am. .1. M. Sc, Phila., 1895, n. s., fix, 660- 065. Also, Reprint. Also: Med. World, Phila.,.1895. xiii, 43-46. Also. Reprint. -----. Bilateral operations for rad- ical cure of hernia. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1896, xliv, 63.— Dilon taint- (L.) Cures radicales de hernies. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1889. Ixii, 1258-1261.—De Garnio (W. B.) A note on the advance iu the surgical cure of hernia. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1895, xxv. 53. -----. Have we found a radical cure for inguinal hei nia 1 Chailotte [N. C.] M. J.. 1897, xi, 282-285. Also, Reprint.—Dcjardiu (F.) Les dangers de la resection systeinatique de lcpiploon dans la cure radicale des hernies. J. de chir. et Ann. Soc. beige de chir., Brux., 1901, i, 535-514— Delbet (P.) Cure radi- cale de hernie inguinale. Bull. Soc. anat.de Par.. 1891, lxvi, 339-341. -----. Cure radicale dc hernie. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1900, n. s., xxvi, 871-870.—Dc- loriue (E.) Remarques sur une premiere serie de ciu- quante cures radicales de hernies. Arch, denied, et pharm. mil., Par., 1894, xxiii, 480-531. -----. Remarques sur une deuxieme et une troisieine serie de cinquaute cures radi- cales de hernie. Ibid.. 1895. xxv, 345; 465.—Di|ia;rr. A propos de la cure radicale tie la hernie. Ann. Soc. Inlg. de chir., Brux., ls95-6, iii, 3,49-355.—De Wilt (T. P. i The radical cure of hernia. X.utliu est. Lancet. St. Paul, 1897, xvii, 23-26. [DiscussionJ. 30.— Discussion on the radical cure of hernia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1b93, ii, 1037- j 1044. — Discussion sur la cure radicale des hernies. \ Bull, it mem. Soc. de chir. de Par.. 18-7 u. s.. xiii. 653; 004; 08-; 705; 729: 752.—Driiyi-wiu. Yalor.a procedelui Leonte iu cura radical;! a hei niihu ; r.suliatul a 57 ope- ratiuni. Spitalul. Bucuiesci. l--9n, x. 1118- 121.—Dubois (V'). Xote sur la cure radicale des hernies. J. de med., chir. et Pharmacol, Brux., 1885. lxxx, 481-489.—Dnbrneil (A.) Cure radicale ties hernies inguinales et eriirales. Gaz. hebd. tl. sc. med. dc Montpel.. 1890. xii. 145 —Dnbn- jailonx. Trois cures ladical.-s de hernie inguinale. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1893, xxi, 206-210.— Duncan (R. B.) On the palliative aud radical treat- ment of inguinal hernia. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1895, n. s.. xvii. 241-249. -----. The radical cure of inguinal hernia. Intercolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1900, v, 387-395.— Dnnlop (J.l Operation for the radical cure of hernia. Tr. Glasg. Path. & Clin.Soc, 1884-6,ii,39-4L—Du- play (S. i I )e la cure radicale ties hernies. Semaine med.. Par.. 1-90. xvi 121. Also, transl: Med. "Week, Par., 1890, iv, 145. —DiiplesNiH (G.i Cousideraciones sobre ia cura radical de las hernias inguinales. Rev. de cien. med., Ha- bana. 1895, x, 209-271. Also: An. r. Acad, de cien. med. i Hernia (Padical cure of). . . . de la Habana, 1895-6, xxxii, 455-462.— Kayleson f.T B ) The radical cure of hernia, with report ol cases. M.,1. Sentinel, Portland. Oreg., 1897. v. 147-153. Also, R-print. Also: Rep. Superv. Surg.-Gen. Mar. Hosp. 1-97-8. Wash.. 1899, xxviii, 207- 279. -----. Report of a second series of twentv five operations for the radical cure of heinia. Med. Sentinel Portland. Oreg.. 1898, vi, 103-108. Also, Reprint. — Keeles ( W. McA. ) The radical cure of inguinal hernia. Clin. J., Lond., 1896-7, ix, 54-58. —Edwards (F. S.) Radical cure of hernia. Proc. AY. Lond. Med.Chir. Soc, Lond., 1884. i. 63.— Efrcinovsui (Li Xieskolko slov po povodu radikalnoi operatsii hi viishuikh grizh. [On the .atlii al cure of ab- dominal heriiia.] Med. Sbornik Varshav. Fyazd vovenn. hosp., Varshava, 18,-8. i. no. 1, 1-8— Elliott (f. AT.) The conservative surgical treatment of certain forms of chronic hernias. X. Bug. M.Gaz., Bost.,1-90, xxxi, 28-34.—Ks-ai historique sur la cure radicale des hernies tie l'aine. J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1836-7, iv, 08-.-2. — Ewart (J.) The radical cure of hernia. Australas. M. Gaz.. Sydney, ]81i8. xvii, 206-209.— Fai-iimn t'E. J.) The radical cure of hernia.' Chicago M. Times, l,-98 xxxi. 449-450 — Fayrcr (J.) Radical cure of inguinal hernia. In hi*: < un. <5c Path. Obs. in India. 8-\ Lond., 1873. 310-333.—Feryiiion (A. H.) On the radical cure of inguinal and lemoral hei nia by operation. Canada Lancet Toronto. 1.-91-5. xxvii. 289-297. Also: Ann. Surg.. I'hila.. 1895. xxi. 54,-."04. Also: ChicagoM. Recorder. 1895.viii, 274-289.— -Eerj;ii»o■■ (E. I) ) Operative cure of inguinal hernia in men. Ti.X. York M. Ass , X.T.. 1898 xv. 368-380. Also: M d. P c. X. Y., 1898, liv. 058-661.—Fcsslcr (J.) Studieii iiber die Ba- dicaloperation der Heinieu. M iiuchen. med. Wchnschr., 1897, xliv, 799-8n2. — a I" Forselles (A.) Ltt fallal'Entero- cvstocele inguinalis. [Aca-oof. . .] fin-ka liik.-siillsk. handl., Hd sin dors, 1892. xxxiv. 457-402. —Fo*ler(\V.D.) Hernia; surgical treatment and radical cure Med. Coun- selor. Detroit, 1890. n. s., i, 272-275. Also: Xorth Am. J. Homteop., N. Y.. 1890. 3. s.,xi. 502-504—Fowler (G.R.) The question as to the radical cure of hernia in its present aspect. Brooklyn M. J., 1889, iii. 049-659. -----. Obser- vations ou the radical cure of hernia. Ann Surg., Phila.. 1893, xvii, 16-27. — de Francisco (G.) TJebcr die Yer- wendung des Goiddrahtes und einiger neuer Instruineute bei tier Radikaloperation del- lleini. n. (lentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1901, xxviii. 8-1-883. — FranU (R.) Padical..pern- tionen freier unit inoareei irt.-i Leistenh. ruien. .labile d. AVien. k. k. Krankenanst. 1890. 'Wien u. Leipz . 1898, v pt. 2. 253.—Fran*. Heruiologische Beobaclitungeii mit liesond. ler Beriicksicbtigung der Radicalopeiationen. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1899. li, 1-120. — von Frey (P.) Zur Radical-Operation der Briiche. Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark, Graz. 1893, xxx. 121-129.— nabtzewirz (A.) O doszczetneni leczeuiu wolnych przepuklin. [Ridical operation for hernia.) Pain. To- warz. Lek. Warszaw., 18i-7, lxxxiii, 571: 1888. lxxxiv, 272.— Giilidc. Praktische Bemerkungen zur f rage von tier Heilbarkeit tier Lnterleibshruche. Deutsch.' mil. iirztl. Ztschr., Berl.. 1889. xviii. 509-575. — Galtazzi (P.) I risultati deflnitivi nella cura operativa tlcll .rnia ingui- nale. Clin, chir., Milano. 1899, vii, 497; 577; 657—Gallay (H.) The radical cure of hernia inguinalis performed at the Pondicherry Hospital. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1895. ix, 8.—Garampazzi (i'.i Sui concetti doiuinanti nella cura operativa delle ernie inguinali. Policliu., Roma, 1897, iv, sez. chir., 26; 76. -----. Sui concetti domiuanti nella cura operativa dell' ernia erurale ed ombelicale. Ibid., 1898, v, sez. chir., 364-375— Gardner t\Y.) The iadical cure of inguinal hernia. Australas. M. Gaz.. Sydney. 1893. xii, 39.—Gelpke (L.) Beitrag zur Padicaloperatiou der maunlichen Leistenhernien. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, L-92. xxii,409-471.—(Gibbon (J.) The radical cure of inguinal hernia. Xorth Car. M. J., "Wilmington, 1896, xxxviii. 221-228.— Giles (\Y. A.) The radical cure of inguinal hernia. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1897, xvi, 490.—Gilis (P.) Cure radicale d'une grosse hernie ingui- nale. X. Montpd. med., 1897, vi, 981-987. Also | Abstr.]: Bull, et mem. Sue. de chir. de Par.. 1897, n. s., xxiii. 782- 784.—Gillou iG. G.i Radical cure in strangulated her- nia. X. Zealand M. J., Dunedin. 1893, vi,31.—G ionlano (G.) Yarieta delle ernie addominali o complicazioni che si possono incontrare nella loro cura radicale. Saggi di chir.. . . giubileo di L. Bruno, Torino. 1894. 115-119.— Girard (C.) Sur la cure radicale de la hernie inguinale. Arch. prov. de chir., Par.. 1900, ix. 660-603. — Goldin^- Bird (('. II.) The curability of hernia. Practitioner. Lond.. 1-90 lvi, 37 - 45. — Gieilfcuhayen (\V.) Ueber die Padicaloperatiou nieht eingcklemnitcr Briiche. St. Petersb nud. Wchnschr., 1893. n. P., xii, 429-434.— Grosse (L.) Zur Radicalbehaudlung der Leisteuhei ni.-n. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1900, lvii, 109-179.—G n i- nard A: Demars(A.) Notes pour servir a l'histoiredc la kelotomie et de la cure radicale des hernies. Gaz hebd.de med., Par., 1887, 2. s., xxiv, 248. — Haidenllialit r (J.) Die Radicaloperationen tier Hernien iu der Klinik des Prof. Billroth, 1877-89. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Beil.. l-9u. xl, 493-555.—Ilalsted (^Y. S.) The radical cure of iuguiual hernia in the male. Ann. Sing., Phila.. 1893. xvii. 542-556. ?KXIA. 31 HKKNIA. ernia (Radical cure of). 3 pi. Also: Johns Hopkins 1 lo-p.Bull.. Bait.. 1893, iv, 17- 24. 3 pi. Also, Kepiint — 11 amil Ion (.). A . G.) Padical cure of hernia. Au-trala- M (iaz., Svdnev, 1889-90. ix, 310-314. — Hamilton (.LB.) Gn the radii-ill cine of in- guinal hernia, a review of the existing status of the opera- tion, with remarks on its past history. .1. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1880, vii, 250-202. — IIniina (\Y. ,1.) Operative treatment of inguinal hernia. Occidental M. Times, Sac- ramento. 1898. xii, 472-470. Vim-die (.J.) The operation tor the radical cure of inguinal hernia. Med. Chrou., Man- chester, 1885, ii. 177-180. Ilalsmla. ( Remarks on the radical operation for hernia.) Kvo-rin-uo Sliiori, Tokyo ['|. 1900. xii, 394-418.- ■■ nuyliton (P. p.) Radical ciijo of heinia. Weekly M. Lev., Chicago, 1885, xii. 189.— Iliitm* (I. S ) A consideration of the anatomical con- st uicl ion predisposing to inguinal and femoral hernia1, and the measures to be taken in securing their radical cure. M.tl. Rec, X.Y., 1900. lviii. 500-571. '-----. Padical cure of strangulated inguinal and lemoral hernia*. .1. Am. M. Ass..Chicago. 1900, xxxiv, 322-324.- llealh (('.) four cases of hernia floated by the operaiion I'm radical cure. Brit. M. J., Lontl., 1885. i', 1041-1043.- lleddens (d. W.) Padical cure of hernia. Tr. M. Ass. Missomi Si Louis, 18--. 3-1-387. Also: South.Clinic, Richmond. 1888, xi, 302- 300 — lleyele. Zwei Falle vou Radicnloperation von Hernien mit definitive!' Heilung. Ztschr. f. Wuiuliir/te u. Gcbuitsh.. Fellbach, L-90, xii. 36-40. Also: Mid. chir. C.utralbL. "Wieu, L-90. xxv, ':.;$■, 351. Also: Med. Cor.- Bl. d. wiirtttiub. arztl.Yer.. Stuttg.. 1889, lis, 257-200.— Ilerriek . II. J.) The radical cure of bei nia. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Columbus. 1887. 171-178. Also: Columbus M. J., 18-7-8. vi, 2O5-208. Also, Reprint. — llension (f. T.) Observations on the radical cure of inguinal hernia. Tr. Rov. Acad. M. Ireland. DubL 1890. xiv. 195-202. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc. 1890. cii, 2.-3-287. J/.s... Me.l. Press ,v Circ, Lond., 1890. n. s., lxi. 394.- Ilcydcmcicli i A.) La valeur de l'operation de la curt r.ulicale ties hernies. Seinaine med.. Par., 1888. viii. 269: 329.— Hill iL.L.) The radical cure of hernia. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama. Mongoniery, 1888,369-375. — II i i'->i liniaii iL.J.) Phelps' operaiion for llie lailical cure ot hernia. l'li\ sician A. Surg., Detroit &. Ann Arbor. 1901, xxiii, 321 —llobbs (A. T.) A plea for the radical operation ft.rherniaaiiioiigthe insane. Am. J. Obst., X. Y., 1-97, xxxvi. 673-377. Als,,.- Cana.l. Pract.. Toronto, 1897. xxii, 507-572.— llofmolil (J.) Klinische Beitriige zur Syuiptoniatologie un.l Tlicrapie tier einge- klemuiten und zur Radical..p. ration .1. r trden Briiche. Wien. Klinik, 1890. xvi, 195-240. -----. Hernia inguinalis adnata libera dextra; Radicaloperation; Heilung. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. (1893), Wien. u. Leipz., 1894, ii, 052. -----. Hernia inguinalis adnata libera dextra; Padi. aloperation : Heilung. I bid., 1895. Wien u. Leipz.. 1897. iv, pt. 2, 270. — Honda (I.) [Padical operation for inguinal hernia and a int.- case of hernia.] Chiugai Iji Slnupo, Tokio, ls9-. xix, no. 447. 13-19. Also: Tokyo Iji- Shinshi, 1898 2701-27(17. Also: Ztschr. tl. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokvo, 1-9- xii, 401-412. Also, transl.: fSei-i-Kwai M. J., Tokyo, 3-as, xvii,563; 581. -----. [On the radical tieat- ,ment of inguinal hernia.] Tokvo Iji-Shinshi. 1898,2197; 2243— Hopkins (G. G.) Radical cure of hernia. Med. Pec. X. V.. 1899. Iv, 89. — Iloisley (J. S.) Report of op erations for the radical cm e of three unusual cases of ingui- nal heinia X. York M.J.. 1899,Ixx. 922. Also. Reprint.— Ilm wilz (O.i Radical cine of heinia. Phila. Hosp. Rep.. 1890, iii, 78.— Houzel. Hernie scrotale gauche etranglee; cure ratlicale; guerison. [Rap. tie P. ri.r. ] Bull, et meni. Soc. de chir. tie Par., 1880, n. s., xii. 945- 917--Hue (F.) Sur la cure radicale des hernien etran- glees. Xoriuandieined.,Rouen, 1885-6, i,417-421. — II nnl- iiiHton |T. W.) The. radical cure of hernia, with a re- I p..n of live cases. Occidental M. Times, Sacramento, 1891, | ",,316-319. -----. The radical cure of hernia. Ibid.,\x'M>. a.. 301-306. Ini/a (J. R.) L'u caso do ouracidn opera- toria de hernia inguinal; alg i mas reflex i ones a cere a .le . si,. operacidii. Gac. nied.. Mexico, 1897, xxxiv, 5-12.— .Iiiclt- son (Y.) fin the radical cure of hernia. Brit. \l. I Lond., 1885, i, 273. — .Inrvis |(i. C.) Observations on operations for radical cure of hernia, with report of cases. Proc Connecticut M. Soc, Bridgeport, 1895, 330-34].— ,li»>ilt (F. B.) Two cases of radical cure of hernia, one case of a laige double scrotal hernia, the other a large femoial hernia Proc. M. Soc. Lond., 1887-8, xi, 306- 309.—.!ones (]',. F.) Operation for strangulated hernia and radical cure. Coll. &Clin. Pec, Phila., 1890, xi, 50.— Jones (C. X. Dj The radical cure of hernia. Tr. M. Soc. X. V., Syracuse 1887, 287-301. Also: X. York M. J.. 1887. xiv, 051-550. Also, Reprint.— .lones (S.) A case of inguinal and two of umbilical hernia in which radical cure was performed. Lane, t, Lond., 1887, i, 69-71 .—.lones (\V. B.) The principles of the radical cure of inguinal hernia. Tr. M. Ass. Central X. Y. 1898, Hull-do, 1899, 27-31 —.Ionneseo (T.i Ein neues Verfahi■« n tier Ratli- kalbt handluug der Lcislenli. riucu. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz.. 1897. xxiv, 3.37 310— Knrslroin (W.) Radikal- oiteiation for I'ritt brack. [Radical operation for free hernia] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1891, liii, 243; 347. -Kan- daraiski i.M. F.) Operatsiya radikalnavo pakh..\avo Hernia (Radical cure of). giizhesiecheiiiya s analomicheskol tochki zrleniya; spo- sob Lassini. [ Radical operation of inguinal hernia from an anatomical point of view; Bassini's method.] Dnevnik Obsh. vrach. pri imp. Kazan. Lniv., 1894. 38- 51. Also, Reprint. Also. Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1894, xix, 0.13; 649; 060.- Kn> (T. W.) The radi- cal cure of hernia. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1887-8, xviii. 341-341. Also, Reprint. Keeliey (C. B.) The radical cure of hernia. Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1888, viii, 5-23. -----. A note on the radical cure ol hernia. Med. Press \ Circ. Lond., 1890, n. s., xlix, 192.—Kime (J. W.) The present status of hernia operations. Tr. Iowa M. Soc, Cedar Rapids, 1890. viii, 155-102.—Kin«»cole (E.) On the radical cure of hernia. Iirit. M. .1.. Lond., 1890, i, 1482.--Koc her (T.) Resul t a to der Hernien- Pad ikalopera- lion. Centralbl. f. Chir.. Leipz., 1897, xxiv, 529-533- liolliher. Leber Radikalopcral ion der Lei-tenliei ni. n. Schmidt's .Jahrb., Leipz., 1893, ccxl, 271.- liol ist Inr (lx.) fin \orschhig zur Ratlicaloitcration tier Ldsten- hernie. Allg. Wien. mctl. Ztg , 1890, xxxv. 315. —ICoviif (J.) Drcissig Radicaloperationen tier Hernien. Wien. nied. Wchnschr., 1900, 1, 2272-2274. —lioslovslti (If S.) Radikalnaya operatsiya mozgovoi grizhi. | Radical opera- tion for hernia.] Laitop. russk. chir., S.-Peterb., 1897. ii, 211-218. Kramer (W.) Ueber (lie Resultate und die Ausfiihriiiig tier Radicaloperation besonders grosser Pn- teileibsl,niche. A icli. I. klin. Chir., Perl., 1.-95. 1, 188- 259.—Kiilyablio-Cxorelski (A. G.) K voprosu o radi- kalnoni operirovanii iieushtshemlenuikh grizh. [On radi- cal operation of nonstrangulated heinia.] Eieiic.l. jour. "Prakt. med.," St. Petersb., 1897, iv, 653-050—14. ninar (A.) Hernia accreta. "Wien. nied. BL, 1885, viii, 1432.— Kuimiiei' (E.) La cure radicale des hernies abdomi- nal, s. Rev. m6d. dc la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1895 xv, 408- 505.—l.ant' (W. L.) Operations for the radical cure of inguinal hernia. Army M. Dep. Rep. 1894, Lond., 1890, xxxvi, 335.— Langton (J.) Radical operation for in- guinal hernia. Brit. M. J. Lond.. 1899, i, 004. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1899, i, 706 — Laplace (E.) On the radi- cal cure of hernia; report on eight \-seven cases. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1894, xxv-, 343-33n. -----. A report of one hundred and twenty-five cases ol hernia in which the radical cure was pei formed. Atlantic M. Weekly, Provi- dence. 1895. iv. 353-356.— Lardy. Cure radicale des her- nies; 2) observations. Rev. med.-pharm., Constant.. 1894, vii, 71 : 91.— Lariinoie (F. ('.) Tin■ radical cure of her- nia. Tr. OhioM. Soc, Toledo, 1894, 109-185.—I,e Di- bcrdcr (H.) Du role du tissu conjonctif sous-peritoneal dins le inccanisine de la guerison des hernies. Cong. franc, de chir. Proc.-verb, [etc.]. Par., 1888, iii, 157-169.— van l.clyvcld (L. P.) De radicaal operaties van breu- ken in de cliiriu gische cliniek te LJtrecht; casuisti-. he bijdrage. Xederl. Tijilschr. v. Geneesk.. Amst., 1.-95, 2. P., xxxi, d. 1. 1059-1002. —Leonlc. Xouveau procede de cure radicale des hernies. Cong, franc, .le chir. Proc.-verb, [etc.]. Par.. 1888, iii, 120-134. — Living* (A. 11.) Strangulated hernia and the radical cure ot hernia. Tr. M. Soc. Wisconsin, Madison, 1894. xxviii, 141-155. — Linon (J.) Contribution a I'etude de la cure ratlicale des hernies. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1898, xxxii, 233-252.— Lloyd (S.I The radical cure of inguinal li.rnia. Post Graduate, X. Y., 1889-90, v, no. 2, 11-20. —Loeli wood (•'. B.) On the importance of per- forming the radical cure after operations for strangulated hernia. Iirit, M ,1. Lontl., 189J, ii. 110-118. -----. Radi- cal euro of hernia. Lancet, Loud., 1892. ii. 1162. Also .- Tr. M. Soc. Lond., 1892-3, xvi, 315. -----. Clinical demonstra- t ion on a case suitable for t he radical cure of heiuia. Clin. J., Loud., 1890, viii, 401-403.—Lodjje (P. G.) Case of rad- ical cure of hernia. Med. Press .V Circ., Lontl., 1900. U.S., Ixix, 215.— I.iin;' iW. H.) Report of operations for the radical cure ol In rnia. Pep. Superv. Surg.-Gen. Mar. Hosp., Wash., 1887-8, xvi, 209-212. Also: Am. Lancet. Detroit, 1888, n. s., xii. 401-103. -----. Radical cure for heinia. Cincin. Lancet ('liuic. 1889, n. s., xxii, 349-353.— Liii iin-4 liu iii|»ioiniicre >.).) Cinq observations de cure radicale de hernie ('ong. franc, de chir. Proc.-verb. |etc] 1885, Par., 1886, i, 577-582. Also [ Abstr.|: Rev.de chir., Par., 1885. \, 416. -----. Cure radicale tie la hernie sans etianglenient ; conditions de .succes et indications opi'ratoires. Semaine med., Par., 1887, vii, 325. Also: Clinii|iie, Brux., 1887, i, 565; 575. -----. Cine radicale des hernies sans etraiigleiiicnt. J. denied, et chir. prat., Par.. 1887, lviii, 149-152. -----. De la cure radicale des hernies. Cong, franc, tie chir. Proc.-verb. |etc], Par., 1888, iii, 183- 180. -----. lttude sur la cure radicale de la hernie non dranglce, avec line statistiipie de centvingt operations. J. de meil. et chir. prat.. Par., 1888, lix, 577-032.-----. Sur la cure radicale des hernies; serie nouvelle tie 114 cas completaiit un total de 389 cas. Ibid., 1893, lxiv, 849-859. Also [Abstr.]: Assoc franc pour lavancc. d. sc. C.-r., Par., 1893, xxii, pt. 1 295. -----. Cure radicale tie la her- nie saiiB etranghinent. Atti d. xi (.'ong. nieil. interna/.. 1894, Roma, 1895. iv, chirurg. [etc.], 151-153. -----. Con- ditions de solidite ties rcsultats do l'operation de la cure radicale tic la hernie. Bull. Acad, de med.. Par., 1897, 3. 8., xxxviii, 140-154. Also: Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1897, Ixx. HKIJNIA. 32 HERNIA. Hernia (Radical cure of). 809-871. Also: J. de med. et chir. prat.. Par.. 1897, lxviii, 009-621. Also [Abstr.]: Compt.-rend. ('ong. internat. de med. 1897, Mosc. 1899, v, 380-389. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Wien. klin. Rundschau. 1897. xi, 804— Lnpd (P.) Chi- rurgia dell' eruia strozzata ed operazione radicale delle ernie. Riforma med., Napoli, 1895, xi, pt. 4, 51-55. Also: Terap. clin., Xapoli, 1895, iv. 471-475. -----. Altri 70 casi di cura ratlicale d' ernia. Gazz. iuternaz. tli nied. prat.. Xapoli, 1899, i, IL—.H'Ardle (.L S.) The operative treat- ment of hernia. Dubliu J. M. Sc, 1899, i vii, 14-30 — .Hm-ai'tniy (D.) Thirty-six cases of operation for the radical cure of hernia. Lancet, Lond., 1896, ii, 530.— Hc- Burncy (('.) Ratlical cure of inguinal hernia. Med. : Xews, Phila.. 1890, lvi, 343.—MeC'artney (J. H.) Ingui- I nal hernia; radical cure for same, witli report of ten cases China M. Miss. J., Shanghai, 1898. xii, 13-10.— llatCoi'- nine (.Sir W.) Remarks on the radical curt of hei nia. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1889-90, Loud., 1891, n. s.. xix, 107-116—IHaclSillivray (C. YV.) On the radical cure of heruia, with the statistics of seven veins' experience in the Royal Intirmarv. Tr. Med.-Chir.' Sue. Edinb.. 1899- 1900, n. s., xix. 35-43. Also: Kdinb. Hosp. Rep., 1900, vi, 248-257. — IHaclean (L>.) The radical cure of hernia. Am. Lancet. Detroit, 1887. n. s., xi, 241.—ITIcLeod (K.) Two cases of strangulated inguinal heruia. operated on for radical cure. Indian M. Gaz.. Calcutta. 18-5, xx. 147-149. -----. Operation for the radical cureof Iiernia. Ibid.. 18>-7, xxii, 234.—.Hacnainara (C. I The radical cure of hernia. We-tininst. Hosp. Rep.. Loud.. 1885, i, 73-82.— Haglioni (L. C.) Cura radical tie las hernias. An. tl. Circ. med. argent., Buenos Aires, 1892. xv, 305-311. -----. Cura radi- cal de las hernias; .segunda serie: diez casos operados con exito. Ibid.. 1893, xvi. 157-172. Also: Tr. Pan-Am. M. Cong. 1893. Wash., 1895, pt. 1, 655-061.— Itlauley (T. H.) The radical cure ofhernia. Intermit. J. Surg., X. Y.. 1890. iii, 180. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Xews. Phila., 18S0, lvi, 81. Also, Peprint. -----. A few observations ou the radical cure of hernia by surgical operation. Brooklyn M. J., ] 1890, iv. 309-378.—ITIann i F. W.i An operation for the radical cure of hernia. Iirit. M. J., Lond., 1695, i. 193.— .Tinrev (II. ().) The cure of hernia. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chi- ago. 1.-87, viii, 589-592. Also, Reprint.-----. The cure of in.'uinal hernia in the male. Tr. South. Sr.rg. A; Gynec Ass. 1892. Phila., 1893, v, -1-104. -----. Analysis of one hundred and thirty-three cases of hernia operated upon for the purposed' radical cure. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1893, I xxi, 256-261. -----. The cure of hernia. Boston AL £ S. J.. 1897. exxxvi, 381. [Discussion], .188. Also, Reprint. __.---. The cure of inguinal hernia iu the male. Tr. Ohio M. Sue, Xorwalk, 1897, 5.--71. Also, Reprint. Also: In- ternat. J. Surg., X. Y, 1898, xi, 157-161.—TIarlel (L.) Cure ratlicale des hernies. Loire med., Sf.-Etienne. 1901, xx, 238.—IHarlino ill.) Chelitoniia e cura radicale delle ernie. Ann. clin. tl. osp. incur., Xapoli, 18-7. xii, 192-210. _____. |,a cura radicale nelle ernie strozzate. Riv. clin. e terap. Xapoli, 1889, xi, 407-414—-Harliiiott" ( A. Y.) Ob anatoniieheskikh osnovakh koivnnikh operatsiy paklmvoi grizhi. [On the anatomical principles of radical operations for inguinal hernia.] Khirurgia. Mosk.. 1898,iv.44-55.-----. .Hasi (A.) Cura radical de hernias. An. tl. Circ. nied. argent., Buenos Aires, 1894, xvii, 49-52. — .Ha»lt riiian (j£ W. G.) A case of large congenital scrotal hernia: radicalcure; recovery. Lancet, Loud., 1897, i, 8811 — 'layo (W. J.) Radical cure of hernia. Northwest. Lancet. St. Paul, 1895, xv, 327-330. -----. Remarks on the radical cure of hernia. Am. Acad. Railway Surg. Tr. 1898. Chicago, 1899, v, 86-103. Also: Ann. Surg., Phila.. 1899. xxix. 51-61.—iUcars (J. E.) Ratlical cure of inguinal iiernia. Med. Xews, Phila., 1888, liii, 539— Henocal (R.) Xotas sob re cuatro casos de hernias curado-. Al.e.ja nied., Habana, 1892, i, 110.—Mercier (O. F.) A propos de quelques observations de cures radicales de hernies. Union med.du Canada, Montreal, 1896. xxv, 20-30.—.Hiles (A. B.) Strangulated inguinal hernia; herniotomy: ..p eratiou for the radical cure. X. Orl. M. & S. ,L. 1885-0, n s. xiii, 973-975.—Miller (A. G.) On the radical cure ofhernia. Practitioner. Lond., 1897, lviii, 491-493—.Hil- liken (S. E.) A review of the operative treatment fm the radical cureof inguinal hernia. Buffalo M. &. S. J.. 1893-4. xxxiii, 146-150— Molliere (D.) De la cuie ratlicale des hernies. Cong, franc, de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.], Par., 1888, iii, 136-139. —JHoiiaco (G.) Xote cliniche iutorno alia cura radicale delle ernie addomiuali. Riforma med., j Roma. 1888, iv, 1184; 1190.—Moore (J. E.) The radical cure of hernia, with illustrative cases. Noithwest. Lancet, | St. Paul, 1889, ix, 1-L—.Horean (C.) Xotes relatives au t.availde M.Thiriar surle tiaitement de la hernie. Ann. Soc beige de chir.. Brux.. 1895-0. iii. 197: 269.—.Horgan (W V.) The radical cure of hernia. Tr. Indiana M. Soc Indianap., 1898, 269-277. —-Horse (J. F.) The radical cureof hernia, with report often cases. Sacramento M. limes. 1887, i. 105-108—.Horlon (T. S. K.) Strangulated imniino-scrotal hernia of huge proportions; ratlical opera- tion- recoverv Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc. Phila., 1889.x, "iiii-;»13. Also: Maryland M. J.. Bait.. 1889-90. xxii, 1-3.— lloly Cure operatoire des hernies inguinales. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1900, iv, 335-342. — Honllin (C. M.) Hernia (Radical cure of). A clinical lecture on some cases of radical cure of ingui- nal hernia. Cliu. J.. Loinl.. 1895.vi.190-201.— VI iilclinnd. Radical cure of heinia. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta. 188,. xxii, 198.—.Hnnroe (-L P. 1 Some observations on ihc ratlical cure of inguinal hernia, with report of an unusual case. Xorth Car. M. J.. Winston. 1898. xii, 406-408 — >"ere (A.) Fifty-live cases of operation for the rad- ical cure of hernia. Lancet, Lond., 1887. ii. 1-13.— > i- eaise. Hernie inguinale gauche incoercible: cure 1 a- dicale: guerison. Bull, et 1116m. Sue. de chii. tie Par., 1880, n. s., xii, 412. -----. Hernie etranglee: kelotomie; cure radicale. Bull. Soc nied. de Charleroi, 1894, xv. 100- 167 —\oii-slran:jiilalc«l inguinal hernia: operations for radical cure. [14 cases.] Middlesex Hosp. Rep. 1892, Lond. 1894. 123-132.—JVormnii. Radical cure ot hernia. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1.-.-5, i. 78.—Xorloii (A. T.) Radical cure of irreducible hernia. Med. Press A: Circ. Loud., 1891, 11. s., Iii,515.—>ott (T.E.). jr. Strangulated hernia; operation ; radical cure. Tr. South Car. M. Ass.. Charles- ton. 1899, 95.—you !Vussbmini. Ein neuer Yersnch zur Radicaloperation tier I'nterleibsbruche: ein kliuischer Vortrag. Aerztl. Iut.-BL, Miinchen. 1885. xxxii. 651-655. Also. Reprint. -----. Die gcgi nwartige Radicaloperation der Lnterleibsbruche. Berl. Klinik, 1888-9.12. lift., 1-18.— ."Vydegsjer (J. A.) Oblique inguinal hernia (incite, r- ate.li; operation for radical cure. Rep. Superv. Sin g.-Geii. Mar. Hosp. 1?93, Wash., 1894. xxii. pt. 1, 69.-O'Brien (J.) Three successful cases of operation for the railical cure ofhernia. Indian M. (iaz., Calcutta. 18.-5, xx, 180.— Oliver (J. O.I The radical cure of oblique inguinal her- nia. Med.-Leg. Stud.. X.Y., 1891, ii, 155-174. -----. Rad- ical cureof oblique inguinal hernia. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic. 1890, n. s., xxxvi. 731-734.—Operations for the ratlical cure of heinia Rep. Surg. -Gen. Army, Wash., 1897. 136- 138.—Paije (F.) Two cases of old hernia radically cured reported. Rep. Proc. Xorthuinb. & Durham M. Soc. New- castle-upon Tyne, 1883-4. 30-32.—I'aiiaiu (P.) La cura radicale dell' ernia negli ospedali militari d' Italia. Gior. med. d. r. esercito (etc], Roma. 1897, xiv, 545-567.—I* a I'- ll a ill (F. W.) Strangulated oblique inguinal hernia: her- niotomy; opening of sac; recoverv with railical cine. X. Orl.'M. & S. J'., 1880-7, 11. s., xiv,'689-69L —Pariyski (N. Y.) O korennoi operatsii pakhovikh grizh. [Radical operation for iicuinal hernia.] Protok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. med. Obsh., Tiriis, 1895-0, xxxii 301-308.—Park ill.j The radical cureof hernia. Med. Press West. X. York llnffalo, 1889, iv, 55-63. Also: Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1.----9, xxi, 327: 360.— Parker C 13 1 1 lie cureof hernia bv surgi- cal means. Cleveland M. Gaz., 1839-1900, xv, 663-673.— Parker (R.) Remarks on strangulation and radical cure of hei ma based on over 120 operations. Liverpool M.-Chir. ,L, 18X8. viii, 191-200. Also, Reprint. -----. A paper in- troductory to the discussion on the radical cure of hernia. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1893, 3. s., ix, 592-595.—Parla- veeehio (G.) Considerazioni su cento-sessanta ernie cu- rate coll' operazione radicale. Bull. d. Sue Lancisiana tl. osp. di Roma, 1900, xx. 1; 157.—Parsons 1S.1, jr. Some deductions on the latlical cureof inguinal hernia Meil. Century, Chicago, 1897. v, 135-138— Pascalo iG.) Fna centuria di operazioni ladieali di ernie. Gazz. intei uaz. di med. prat., Mapoli, 1901, iv, 222.—Persiuuer (E.I.) The radical cure of hernia. Tr. Louisiana M. Soc. X. Oil.. 1896, 171-175.— Petrofl" (A. M.) Sto triiset devet sluchai ot ingvinalni kherni operiraui po sposoba na E. Bassini priez 1899 godiua. [One hundred and thiity-uine cases of ingui- nal hernia operated bv Bassini's method in 1899.] Spis. ua Soti.vsk. Med.Druzh.', 1900-1901. i, 4; 82; 405; 516.— Pey- rot (J.-J.) Xote sur un cas de hernie du gros intestiu ir- reductible, par suite de I'liypertrophie ties franges epiplo- iques: cure radicale. Bull, et mem. Sue. de chir. de Par., 1888, n. s.. xiv, 558-504. —Phelps (A. M.) Ratlical cure of inguinal hernia. Med. Rec. X. Y.. 1901, lix, 161-109.— Pichevin (R.) Deux cures ladicales de hernie. Gaz. d. hop, Par.. 1888, lxi, 1127-1129.—Pick (T.P.) The radi- cal cure of hernia. Internat. Clin., Phila.. 1895. 4. s.. iv, 192-202. — Pieehand (T.) Cure radicale de la hernie. Mem. et bull. Soc. de m6d. et chir. de Bordeaux (1892), 1893, 439. -----. Deux observations tie cure radicale tie hernie inguinale; hernie du ca'cuni et hernie de l'appen- dice ileo-caical. P. v.mens.de g.yn6c.|etc). Bordeaux. 1899, i. 82-84.—Plahl 1J.1 Ueber the Arten tier Radicalbehand- lung von Leistenheinieu uud den Liufluss tlerselben auf die Diensttaiiglichkeit der Officiere uud Soldateu. sowie auf die Eiguuug zur Militar-Erziehnng. Wien. Klinik. 1897. xxiii, 115-156. Also, transl.: Wien. Klinik IRuss. transl.]. 8°, S.-Peterb., 1898, 111-152.—Plaseueia (I.) Curacion radical de la hernia ; operacidii de Lucas ('ham- pionuifere. Au. r. Acad, de cien. nied. . . . de la Ha- bana, 1887-8. xxiv, 117-120. Also: C1611. 111ed.-quir.de la Habana, 1888, xiv, 207-213. -----. Replica & las obsi-rva- cionesdel Dr. Casuso sobre curacion radical de las hernias. An. r. Acad, de cien. m6d. . . . de la Habana, 1887-8. xxiv. 160-166. -----. Caso de hernia inguiuo-escrotal derecha incoercible y dificilmente reductible; cura radical: cura- cion. Ibid., 409-413.—Plall. Radical operation for cure of inguinal hernia. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull.. Bait.. 1892, iii, 74.— Pluimner (S. W.) £ Brrbner (C. S.) A HERNIA. 33 HERNIA. Hernia (Padical cure of). case of stiungulate.I iuguinal hernia in a man aged 80: op- eration; radical cure; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, i, 450. — Polaillon. Malade gueri.piuToperationde la cure radicale, d'une hernie inguinale droite incoercible et d'un volume enorme. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1885, n. s., xi, 281 2-4. Also: (la/ nied. de Par., 1885, 7. s., ii, 222. Also, transl. Boll.d. clin., Xapoli, 1885, ii, 277-279 — Poli«ailoll (I M i K voprosu o llechenii grizh koren- nim si.osolioui. On the radical treatment ofhernia.] Med. Obo/r.. Mo.-k.. 1894, xiii, 209-216. Poslempski (P.) Traitemeut radical de la hernie inguinale. Yer- liantll. d. x internat. med. Cong. 1890, BeiL, 1891, iii, 7. Abth., 186. -----. Cura radicale dell' ernia inguinale. Arch, ed atti d. Soc ital. di chir., Roma, 1890, x, 323-331, 5 pi. [Discussion], pp. lxxviii-lxxxi.— Poullet. Cure radicale des hernies (inguinales et eriirales) et fixation du rein mobile, en utilisant ties tendons. Assoc franc. de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.], Par., 1895, ix, 471-478.— PonNen (K.) [era?.]. Beretniuger til Kirurgkongressen i Kristiauia 1895 om Radikaloperationcr for Brok i Dan- mark, Finland og Sverige i Fcmiiret 1890-1894. [Reports to the Chirurgical Congress in Kristiania 1895 on radical operations for hernia iu Denmark, Finland, and Sweden for live \eais. 1890-94.1 Xonl. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1895, n. F., v, no. 24. 1-82. — Ponllon (B.) On radical operations for hernia. Au-tialas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1889- 90, ix, 314-31' —Preujjrncber. La cure radicale dans les hernies inguinales nou congenitales. Bull. nied.. Par., 1891, v, 117.5-1177. Also, transl. : Med. .x Surg. Peporter, Phila., 1892, lxvi, 521-523 —Rabnjjlinti. Padical cure of hernia. Brit. M. .7., Lond , 1884, ii. 902. -----. Ou the radical cure ofhernia. Ibid., 1887. ii. 1206.— Kacovi- eenno-Pilesli. Stati-tique portaut sur 102 cures ope- ratoires des hernies. Cult..-t m6m. Sue. de chir. tie Buca- re*t. 1-98-9. i. 99-lo4. — Kadical cure for hernia. South- west. M. Rec, Houston, 1897. ii, 213-216.—Kadical cure 1 ofhernia. North Lond. or Lniv. Coll. Hosp. Rep. 1889, Loud., 1891. 208-275.—Radical cureof heinia; 29 cases. Rep. Sui g.-Gen. Army, Wash.. 1896. 96-108 — Rndienl- operntion bei nieht eingckl.'iuraten Hernien. Jahresb. ii. d. chir. Klin. d. Univ (ii. ifswald 1889-90, Leipz., 1892, 75-77. — Raymond. Du tiaitement des hernies etran- glees oueutlaiuiuees par la kelotomie, suiviede cure radicale. Assoc franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r. 1890, Par., 1891, xix, pt. 2, 638-o47. Also.- Limousin m6d., Limoges, 1891, xv, 115-124.—Reali (F.) Ancora aulia proposta anulo- plastica aggiuuta alia erniotomia per la guarigione radicale dell' ercia". Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1884, 6. 8., xiv, 279-2-5.—Reed (R. H.) Some of the rare forms ofhernia and their railical treatment. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1899. xxxiii, 814-820. Al Hernie inguinale intestinale tr^s-volumineuse; operation de cure dit« radical.-; exainen histologique par A. Mayor. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1885, v, 237-24'i— Richelol (L.-G.) De la valeur de la cure radi- cale des hei nies au point de vue de la gu6rison definitive. Cong, franc, tb- chir. Proc-verb. [etc.], Par., 1888. iii, 178-182—Riehei. De la cure radicale des hernies. HScho med. Toulouse, 1888, 2. 8.. ii, 49-53. Also [Abstr.]: Bull. med., Par.. 188s, ii, 211 —Riekells (B. M.) The radical operation for hernia; with the report of^two unique cases. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1-91, n. s.. xxvi, 41-44. Also, Reprint. -----. An operation tor inguinal hernia. Cincin. Lancet- Clinic. 1898, u. s.. xii, 433— Ridenoni- (A \Y.) Radical cure ofhernia. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Cleveland. 188- 11-48. Also: Columbus M. J., 1888-9, vii, 10-15— Riellel. De la cure ratlicale api^s la kelotomie. Lev. gen dc rim. .t de therap.. Par.. 1890 x, 817-820.—Rivinjjloii (W.) Cases of strangulated heinia treated by ligature and re- moval of sac and omentum. Lancet, Lond., 1885, ii, 756- 758.—Roberta (J. B.) The radical cure ofhernia by op- eiatiou. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila , 1895, u. s., ex, 302-306.— Robcrloon (E. B.) Operation for the radical cure of inguinal hernia. Tr. M. Soc. Calif. San Fran., 1887, 305- 307. -----. Oblique inguinal hernia, with reports of cases and proposed operation for radical cure. Pacific M. J., San Fran., 1889, xxxii, 661-664.—Robinson (H. B.) Sixty-four cases of non-strangulated hernia treated by radical cure. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1889-90, Loud'., 1891, n. 8., xix, 33-56. —Roll so n (A. W. M.) A consecu- tive series of twenty-six opera lions for the radical cute of hernia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, ii, 1324-1326 —Roekey (A. E.) Observations on the radical cure of hernia. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894, xxiii, 28-33. — Rod in mi (W. L.) The radical cure of inguiual hernia. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1895, 5. 8., ii, 235-241. -----. Radical cure of inguinal aud femoral hernia. Tr. Kentucky M. Soc, Louisville, 1895, n. 8., iv, 153-171). Also: Am. Pract. &. Tx'ew.s, Louisville, 1895, xx, 176-189. Also: Canada M. Rec, Montreal, 1895-0. xxiv, 8-14. -----. Ratlical cure of inguinal hernia Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1897, x. 111. — Romeijn (D.) Radical operaties van ingewandsbreuken. Nederl. mil. geneesk. Arch. [etc.], Leiden, 1895, xix, 229-236.—Rose (W.) The radical VOL VII, 2D SERIES---3 Hernia (Radical cure of). cure of inguinal hernia. King's Coll. Hosp. Rep. 1893-4, Lontl., 1895, i, 202 201 Rosen berger. Ueber Incarce- ration und Padicaloperatiou grosser lleruien. Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch zu Wiirzb., 1884, 113-115—Ros- Nnndcr (C. .1.1 I>e lopeiation radicale des hernies non etranglees. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1894, n. F., iv, no. 33, 1-16. — Roller (J.) Ueber die inodernen Intlica- tioneii zur Padicaloperation freier Hernien. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1899, xxxvi, 141-145. [Discussion], 157. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1899), 1900, xxx, pt. 2, 55-07. [Discussion], pt. 1. 70. -----. Ueber die Radical- operationen freier llei nien. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1901, xv, 1-4.— Ron tier i.\.i Indications et r6sultats de la cure radicale des hernies. Cong, franc, de chir. Proc- verb. [etc. |. Par., 1888, iii, 139-143. — Ruggi (G.) Cura radicale delle ernie inguinali. ( lin. mod., Firenze, 1895, i, 445-450. Also: Riforma med., Napoli, 1890, xii, pt. 1, 315; 328.—Sucre. Hernieabdominale Irauinatique; cure ratli- cale; guerison. J. de med., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1890, xc, 781— Salistschcir. Zur Technik der Radikal- operation grosser Bauchwandbi iiclie. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz.. 1901. xxviii, 345-348. —Sanders (J. K.) Radical cureof heruia. Hahneiuau. Month., Phila., 1894, xxix, 438- 441.—Suylor (W. II.) Radical cure of hernia, with re- port of sixteen cases. Proc. Oregon M. Soc, Portland, 1897,28-36. Also: Med. Sentinel, Portland, Oreg., 1897, v, 479-487.—Schokninu (G. P.) [Three successful cases of operation for radical cure of hernia.] Ceylon M. J., Co- lombo, 1887-8, i, 74.—af Srhultcii (M. W.) Tva hiuidra sextio&tta radikaloperationcr for brack, utfortla pa Hei- singfors kirurgiska klinik aren 1891-4, saint deras resultat. [Two hundred and sixty-eight radical operations for her- nia performed at the Helsingfors Surgical Clinic iu the years 1891-4, and their results.] Fiuskalak.-sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1896, xxxviii, 149; 267, 1 diag. -----. S.tatis- tik ofver de p& kirurgiska kliuiken i Helsingfor aren'l891- 5 verkstalda radikaloperationer af brack. [Statistics of the radical operations for hernia performed at thesurgical clinic at Helsingfors 1891-5.] Foi'h.v.nord.kirurg.foren.3:jem6de i Helsingfors 1P">7, Stockholm, 1898, 20-40.—8 c hum pert (T. E.) Radical cure of inguinal hernia. Tr. Louisiana M. Soc, N. OrL, 1896, 165-171. — Sch walbe (K.) Die radikale Heilung der Unterleibsbriiche. Deutsche Med.- Ztg., Berl., 1891, xii, 179; 191; 203; 213. Also, Reprint.— Schwartz (E.) De la hernie peritontjo-vaginale; cure radicale. Rev. g6n. de clin. et de th6rap., Par., 1897, xi, 113. -----. Cure radicale des hernies du gros intes- tiu. Bull, et mem. Soc. dechir.de Par., 1901, n. s., xxvii, 192- 194—Scull)1 (T. P.) Inguinal hernia; comparative re- sults of radical treatment by operation and treatment by injection. Tr. M. Soc. IS". Y.. Phila., 1900, 346-354. Also: Medicine, Detroit, 1900, vi, 265-271.—Segond (P.) De la valeur de la cure radicale ties hernies au point de vue du r6sultatdefiuitif. Cong.franc.dechir. Proc-verb. [etc.], Par., 1888, iii, 169-178. — Sex'iou (L.) Successful opera- tion for radical cureof hernia. Louisville M. Month., 1895- 6, ii, 448-450.—Shears (G. F.) The radical cure of hernia. Homeop. J. Surg. & Gynec. Chicago & N. Y., 1898, i, 111-127.—Sheild (A. M.) The result of operations for strangulated hernia and the railical cure of hernia. Lan- cet, Lond., 1897, ii, 375-380.—Sheldon (S. E.) Operation for strangulated hernia, together with operation for radical cure. Kansas M. J., Top.ka, 1894, vi, 115. — Shepherd. Radical cureof hernia. Me.I. News, I'liila., 1889, liv, 415.— Sifton (H. A.) Radical cure of hernia. Clin. Bov.. Chi- cago, 1900, xii, 375-383. Also Tr. M. Soc Wisconsin, Mad- ison, 1900, xxxiv, 156-172.—Silcock (A. (,».) Padical cure of hernia. Clin. J., Loud., 1893, ii, 42-41.—Nklifosovski (N.V.) Radikalniyaizslecheniya gi i/.h, proi'/.voilyonniya v Imperatorskom klinicheskoin institutle v teclienie 1-kli pos liediiikh Het. [Radical herniotomies in the Imperial Clin- ical Institute performed during the tirst 4 years.] S\e/.l rossiysk. khirurg. 190o. Mosk., 1901, i, loti-'l 12. — Smith (J. G.) The radical cure ofhernia, inguinal, femoral, and umbilical. Bristol M.-Chir. J., 1890, viii, 1-17, 1 pi. Also, Reprint.— Smith (Mary A.) Padical operation for stran- gulated inguinal hernia ; recovery. Med.News,Phila.,1880, xlix, 200-202. Si ini ih (\V.) A few remarks on inguinal her- nia and its ratlical cure. N. Eng.M. Gaz., Bost., 1896, xxxi, 278-284.- -Winy I he (J.) The radical cure of strangulated hernia. Indian M..L,Lahore,1887, n. s.,i,140-144. Also: Tr. South Indian limn. It Brit. M Ass., Madias, 1888, ii, 13-16.— Socin. Sur les resultatr detinitifs de la cure radicale de la h. rnie Cong, frang, de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.], Par., 1888, in 119-126. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1888, lxi, 293- 297.—Souliyoux. A ppendicitc et cure radicale de her- nie inguinale droite iin duclible. Bull, et m6m. Sue. anat. de Par., 1900, lxxv, 608— *pnutoii (W.D.) Ou the oper- ative cure of hernia. Med. Times ifc Gaz., Lond., 1885, i, 142; 208; 244. Also [Abstr.|: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, i, 271-273.— S>|>ixliai'm> (I. K.) O korennom llechenii grizh. [On radical cure of hernia.] Russk. chir. arch. S.-Peterb., 1895, i, 141-201.—Sievenson (W. F.) Rad- ical cure of hernia. Army M. De],. Pep. 1892, Lond., 1891. xxxiv, 21)8.—Slinsou (J. C.) The tailicalcureof inguinal hernia. Pacific M. J., San Fran., 1897, xl, 1-14. — Sinker (W. T.) The theory and practiceof operation for the rail- HERNIA. 34 HERNIA. Hernia (Radical cure of). ical cure of hernia. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1887, ii, 1200- 1202.—Storchi (F.) Sulla curaradicale dell' ernia ingui- nale. Gazz. d. osp., Xapoli, 1891, xii, 542-544.—Slori. Contributo clinico alia cura radicale delle ernie. Clin. chir., Milano, 19on. viii, 951.—Sturrock (C. A.) An oper- ation for the radical cure for hernia. Edinb. M. J., 1899, n. s., vi, 353-355.—Sui ter (O.) Radical cure of inguinal hernia. Laugsdale's Lancet, Kansas City, 1897. ii, 103-106,— Svensson (I.) -99, xviii, 7-11. [Dis- cussion], 54-57.— Zvyagiiilsefl' (X. A.) O koreiinom llechenii pakhovikh grfzh v Kuncherovskoi zemskol boluitsie, Kuznetskavo uyevda, Saratovskoi guli [Radi- cal treatment of inguinal hernia iu Kunelierov Hospital.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1899, v, 357-368. Hernia (Radical cute of, Complications and sequelce of). See, also, Hernia (Femoral, Radical cure of); Hernia (Radical cureof) by infetious, etc.; Her- nia in Hie female. C'la'da (A.) * Resultats eloignes do la cure radicale des hernies inguinales et eriirales. 4°. Toulouse, 1895. Oibert(P.) Des suppurations tardives dans la cure radicale des hernies inguinales. 6 . Paris, 1900. Mauviez (L.) * Contribution a ]'6tude des r6sultats eloigne's do la cure radicale des ber- nies. 4°. Lyo:\, 1K)4. -----. The sume. 8°. Lyon, I8'.i4. Sacget (L.) * Contribution a I'etude des e"pi- ploites consecutive* a la cure radicale des ber- nies. s >. Paris, 1899. Taillens (J.) * Stir le resultat eloigne" de la cure radicale des bernies. [Lausanne.] 8°. Geneve, 1897. Also, in: Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom.. Geneve, 1897, xvii, 469-542. Weijeu (H.) "Ueber einen Fall von Hernia inuamniata mit Phleginone des Brucbsacks. K;ulic:ili)|ierutii)n. 8°. Strassburg, 1888. Adams (J. A.) A patieut on whom au operation for the ratlical cure of a direct inguinal hernia was performed two years ago. Glasgow M. J., If 96, xliv, 119.—Anion Id. Hernie inguiuiile congenitale etranglee, r6duite en masse avec le, testicule et la vaginale; kelotomie; cure ratlicale et fixation du testicule au fond des bourses; persistance HEKNIA. 35 HERNIA. Hernia (Radical cure of\ Complications and sequela' of). partidle de I'occliision par coudurede I'anse icduite; mort au 7' jour. Pull. Soc anat. de Par., 1890, lxv, 1H4-100.— A iii x. (A.) Cura radical de hernia inguinal derecha; lastraeidn parcial ; punehin de hidroccle izquierdo; os- queotomia; cm a. ion. Progreso med., Habana. 1895, vii, 173-175 —Kami »it. Sur deux cas de hernie de la vessie reneontrce an court* tie cure ratli- cale de hernie inguinale. £cbo m6d. du nord, Lille, lf97, i, 441-446.—Edward* (F. S.| A case of attempted ratlical cure for hernia; haemorrhage; abdominal section; death on the fourth .lay. Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1885, i, 120-123.— Estrada. Hernie inguinale gauche etranglee; opera- tion de cure radicale; disposition anorniale du canal de- ferent autour du collet du sac ayant occasionne sa section. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1888. lxiii. 487-490. Also: Gaz. d. hop. Par.. W*, lxi, 729. — Feilelienfeld (L.| Liu Fall ■.on Bhut-iili-iel. entstanden nach Kailicalop. ration einer Heinia inguinalis. Berl. klin. Wehnschi.. Iss7. xxi\. 40.— Frank ili.t Hernia inguinalis interna et externa; Li- pom mit Blasendn ertikel neben einem kleinen Bruch- sacke : Radicaloperation nieht vollentlbar. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. 1890, Wien u. Leipz., 1898,v, pt. 2, 254.— F rn ver. Results of operation for radical cure of hernia. /» his: Clin. Obs. in Surg., 8°, Calcutta, [n. d.], 21, 1 tab — <»alin (M. A.) Atipichnaya grizha pakhovoi ob- lasti i radikalnaya operatsiya yeya; k voprosu ob iskus Btvennikh grizhakh. [Atypical inguinal hernia and lis radical oiteration; on artificial hernia.] Vovenno-iin .1. J. St. Petersb., 1899, exciv, mid.-spec, pt., 1-21.—de la dieniere (11.) Hemic inguinale gauche hreduetible. ; lipoine .le l'epiploon hernie; ablation du lipome avec l'epi- ploon voisin; cure radicale. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1888, I Hernia (Radical cure of, Complications and sequeke of). lxiii, 738-741.—CSralscholl (L.) Luugiufarkt efter radi- kaloperation af ett fritt brack. [Ln cas d'einbolie apres une operation radicale d'une hernie libre. R6s., p. cviii.] Finskaliik.-siillsk. hiindl.,Helsingfors, 1900. xiii,1071-1074 — llauueenrt. liesection et suture iiuinediated'uue cysto- cele ouverte pen da nt la cure radicale dune hernie inguinale interne. Ann. Soc beige dc chir., Brux., 1898-9, vi, 109.— Hutchinson (J.), jr. A caseof incomplete red action of a strangulated inguinal hernia; operation by median abdom- inal sect ion ; recovery; acute intestinal obstruction one year later from volvulus and internal hernia through an aper- ture in tho mesentery. Lancet, Lond., 1898, i, 641. —Jones (S.) Strangulated inguinal hernia; omentum removed; bleeding from stump; opening up of the abdomen : radical cure. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1887, ii, 718— .lullinril. Cure radicale d'une hernie avec resect ion du gros intestiu. Lev. mctl. tie la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1895, xv, 540.— Kay (T.) Padical cure for heinia, complicated bv peri-tax-al abscess. Cleveland M. G;i/.., 1887-8, iii, 304-3i'(>.— Keen (\V. \V.) Macewen's operation for the radical cureof her- nia, followed bv a speedy return of the hernia. Proc Phila. Co. M. Soc. Phila., 1888. ix, 72-74. Also : X. York M. J., 1888. xlvii, 272. Also: Med. Xews, Phila., 188s, Hi. 274. Also: Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1888, lviii, 334-336.— Keel ley (C. B.) On the dangers of modern operative proceedings for the radical cure of hernia. Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1885, i, 129-131.—I.abougle (J.) Hernie ingui- nale droite; cure radicale; phlegmon gangreueux des bour- ses: guerison. Bull. Soc d'anat. et physiol. ... tie Bor- deaux, 1889, x, 18-22. Also: J. de nied. de Bordeaux, 1889- 90, xix, 125.—JLatis. Epiploite consecutiva a una cura radicale di epiplocele strozzato; laparotomia: guarigione. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1900, xxi, 1542-1545.—I.e Bee. Hernie vagino-peritoneale etranglee; ectopie testiculaiie ; cure radicale; guerison. Gaz.tl. hop., Par., 1889, Ixii. 579.— I.ebrim. Hernie inguinale droite; resection de l'appen- dice ileo.coecal; cure radicale. Ann. Soc. beige dc chir., Brux., 1894-5, ii, 372-377. [DiscussionJ, 397-400.—I.etoux. Cystoceles Inguinales pathologiques; deux cas de cysto- celes pathologiques exti a-sacculaires ouvertes au cours de cures radicales tie hernies inguinales. Anjou med., An- gers, 1899, vi, 259-265.— Lcw-in. Hernie inguinale gauche eontenant l'ileon, l'6piploon, le colon descendant et l'S ilia- que; operation de cure dite radicale avec interposition d'un os decalcifie; guerison. Ann. Soc. beige de chir., Brux., 1893-4, i, 129-131. —Lewis (J. P.) Undescended testicle; hernia: castration: radical cure. Clinique, Chi- cago, 1894, xv, 521-524. — Filobel. Hernia inguinal con mouorquidia; cura radical tie la hernia y orquidopexia. An. d. Circ med. argent., Buenos Aires, 1892, xv, 773-778.— Lock wood (C. B.) An unsuitable case for the opera- tion of radical cure of hernia. Clin. J., Loud., 1896-7, viii, 134. -----. A case of radical cure of inguinal hernia; in- jury to the bladder; formation of phosphatic calculi; litk- otrity; recovery. Med. Press iounierc (J.) R6sultats operatoires pour 42 operations de cure radicale pour hernie avec ectopie testiculaiie dont six cas d'ectopie double. Bull. Acad, tie nied.. Par., 1900,3. s., xliii, 620-628. -----. ltpiploite speciale constituant une volumineuse tumeur au-dessus dune hernie inguinale; lesions de torsion rappelant cellcs des kystcs de l'ovaire; deux operations pour ablation do ces tumeurs avec cure radicale; guerison. Bull, et nicin. Soc de chir. de Par., 1900, n. s., xxvi, 525-531.— tlacliownii (G.) Inguinal hernia complicated by cystic hernia and cancer of testicle; radical cure; rec.v. i\. South. Calif. Pract.. Los Angeles, 1896, xi, 92. — ITIassoiiust (V.) Kspcrienze ed esiti re- moti dell'operazione tlcll' .rnia inguinale sccondo Bassini. Atti. d. xi Cong. med. internaz. 1894. Roma, 1895, iv, chi- rurg. [etc.], 227.—.Tlulllicw s (S ) Operation on a case of strangulated inguinal hernia four months after a sup- posed radical cure. P.rit. M.I. Lond., 1895, i, 417.—ITIat- loli (A.) Ernia inguinale destra, strozzata e gangrenata; erniotoniia; resezione d'un tratto d' intestino gangrenato ed euteroirafla; cura ratlicale tlcll'ernia : guarigione. Atti e reiidic d. Accad. med.-chir.di Perugia, 1895, vii, 52-55.— .TIcucicrc i'L.) ftpiploi'tes tardives coiisecutives k la cure radicale ou a la kelotomie. Gaz. hebd. tie med., Par., 1897, n. s., ii, 459-461. -----. K\ ste du cordon pris deux fois pour une hydrocele vaginale, sac herniaire sus-jacent; cure radicate; guerison. Ibid., i'.75 — Tlonod (('.) Ob- struction partidle do l'intestin icolon transverse) par brides d'origine cpiploique (epiploito plastique) chez un homme ayant subi la cure radicale d'une hernie inguinale. Bull, et mt in. Soc tie chir. de Par., 1899, n. s., xxv, 144- 148.—.Monprofit. Resection tie trois metres dix ceuti- mcties d intestiu dans une cure radicale tie hernie volutin nense. Assoc, franc, de chir. Proc-verb. (etc.), l'ar., 1899, xiii, 427.—.Tloreuu (C.) Hernie inguinale compliqucc de HERNIA. 36 HERNIA. Hernia (Radical cure of, Compliceitions and sequelce of). gangrene de l'intestin ; resection primaire des parties gan- grenees; euterorrhaphie et reduction immediate; cure ra- dicale habituelle; guerison. Bull. Acad. roy. tie m6d. de Belg., Brux., 1891, 4. s., v, 674-684, 2 pi—Tlorisani (D.) Sulle lesioni accidentali della vescica urinaria durante la cura operativa dell' ernia inguinale. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Xapoli, 1898, n. s., xx, 867-987.— *loilon (T. S. K.) Strangulated inguinal hernia and epiplocde; radical oper- ration; excision of major portion of omentum ; recovery. Med. Xews, Phila., 1886, xlix, 457. -----. Strangulated inguino-scrotal hernia of huge proportions; radical opera- tion; recovery. Weekly M. Rev., St. Louis, 1889, xix, 703-705.—Owen (E.) Two cases in which the operation for the radical cure of strangulated inguinal hernia was performed, an atrophied testis being removed at the same time; recovery. Lancet, Lond.. 1887, ii, 959.—Paget (S.) The treatment of cases of strangulated hernia after opera- tion. Treatment, Lond., 1897, i, 28.—Parker (R.) Two unusual cases of strangulated heinia, radically cured. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1885, v, 482-485.—Peters (G. A.) Two cases of operation for radical cure of hernia, with un- usual features. Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1887, v, 15-18.— Puzey (C.) Some observations regarding the permanence of the radical cure of hernia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, ii, 1327.—Beverdin (J.-L.) Hernie inguinale, persistance du canal peritonei!-vaginal au-dessous du sac, sous la forme d'un cordon oblitere; cure radicale. Rev. m6d.de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1890, x, 593-596. -----. Cure radicale de hernie inguinale; cystocele mficonnue; ouverture de la vessie liee dans le p6dicule; gudison. Ibid., 698-706.— Reynier. A. propos des 6piploites, suites de cure radi- cale de hernie. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1899, n. s., xxv, 149-154.—Riche (P.) Cure radicale de hernie; occlusion intestinale; laparotomies wort. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1895, lxviii, 9. -----. Cure radicale de hernie in- guinale chez une variqueuse; phlebite; non-61iniination des tils. Ibid., 1896, lxix, 279.—Bichelot (L.-G.) Cure radicale de hernie inguinale gauche cong6nitale avec ecto- pie testiculaire. Union med., Par., 1889, 3. s., xlvii, 149- 152. -----. Des r6sultats 61oign6s de la cure radicale des hernies. Cong, franc, de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.], Par., 1892, vi, 277-284. Also: Union med., Par., 1892, 3. s., liii, 745-750. — Rodman ( W. L.) Radical operation for strangulated hernia; incomplete sac; recovery. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1894, xvii, 47.—Rose (W.) In- guinal hernia associated with hernia of the bladder; radi- cal cure. Lancet, Lond., 1894, ii, 194.—Russo-Travali (G.) Su due casi di resezione e sutura intestinale per ernia strozzata e cancrenata, scguita da guarigione. Atti d. r. Accad. tl. sc. med. in Palermo (1893), 1894, 30-36.— 8eliwarty. (E.) Cure radicale d'une grosse hernie de l'S iliaque irr6ductible chez un tuberculeux. Cong, franc, de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.], Par., 1888, iii, 186-189.—Shep- herd. Strangulated inguinal hernia; radical cure; recov- ery after a somewhat prolonged attack of mania coming on a month after operation. MontrealM. J.,1892-3,xxi,107-U0.__ Taillens (J.) Surleresultateloignedelacure radicale des hernies. Rev. m6d. de Test, Nancy, 1897, xxix, 469^491.__ Thiriar (J.) De la cystocde inguinale rencontree pen- dant une opferation de cure radicale de hernie. Clinique Brux., 1890, iv, 593-599. — Trelat. Hernie inguinale; cure op6ratoire suivie de recidive; deuxidme operation. Gaz.d. hop., Par., 1890, lxiii, 229.—Usiglio (G.) Giudizio intorno ai vantaggi dell' operazione radicale dell' ernia con riguardo agli esiti lontani ed osservazioni cliniche di altri 5 operati. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1889, x, 117- 123.—Vaughan (G. T.) Operation for radical cure of inguinal hernia; bladder opened. Rep. Superv. Surg.- Gen. Mar. Hosp., Wash., 1889-90, xviii, 111. -----. Oper- ation for radical cure of inguinal hernia; recovery: later death from anasarca. Ibid., 1890-91, xix, 118. — Wacquez. Volumineuse hernie inguinale etrangPee; cure radicale. Bull. Soc. anat.-clin.deLille, 1888.iii, 236-239. — Willigens (J.-G.) Hernie periton6o-vaginale testiculaire etranghSe d'emblee; kelotomie et resection du sac; cure radicale. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil.. Par., 1888, xii, 433-436.— Zaloga (A. G.) K kazuistikie raneniya mochevovo puzirya pri korenuol operatsii grizhi. [Wounding the bladder in radical operations for hernia. | Khirurgi'a, Mosk., 1899, vi, 310-319.—Zarraga (F.) Hernia ingui- nal estrangulada; quelotomia; reseccidn intestinal; extir- paci6n del saco; curacion. Gac. med., Mexico, 1893, xxx 153-158. Hernia (Radiced cure of, Methods of and instruments for the). See, also, Hernia (Femoral, Radical cure of); Hernia (Littrt's); Hernia (Umbilical, Radical cure of); Hernia in children (Radical cure of); Hernia in old age; Hernia in soldiers. Agier (G.) *De la cure radicale de la hernie inguinale par les ru6thodes ope"ratoires sau- IIernia (Radical cure of, Methods of and instruments for the). glantcs; revue technique et critique. 4°. Lyon, 1*95. -----. The same. 8C. Paris, 1895. Atjsdep.au (C.) * Die moderne Hernien-Radi- caloperation uuter antiseptischen Cautelen. [Bern.] 8°. Zurich, [1880]. Bassini (E.) Nuovo metodo operativo per la cura dell' ernia inguinale. 8°. Padova, 1889. Also, transl. in: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl.. 1890, xl, 429- 476, 1 pi. Becker ([H.] J.) * Ueber die Radicalopera- tion von Heruien mit besonderer Beriicksichti- gung der Maceweu'schen Operation. 8°. Bonn, 1891. Bernhardt (P.) *Die Radicaloperation der Leistenbriiche nach Kocher's Verlagerungs- methode auf Grund von Erfahruugen der S trass- burger chirurgischen Klinik. 8°. Strassburg, 1899. Blaise (P.) "Canal inguinal chez l'adulte; cure radicale de la hernie inguinale (proce"de" de M. Paul Berger). 4°. Paris, 1894. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1894. Bufnoir (M.) De la cure radicale des herniea inguinales par le proce'de' myoplastique. (Indi- cations, manuel op6ratoire, resultats 61oigue"s.) 8°. Paris, 1900. Chatard (H.) * Cure radicale des hernies par les m6thodes directes. 4°. Paris, 1885. Citernesi (P.) La cura radicale delF ernia inguinale col processo Mugnai. 8°. Arezzo, 1899. Dezon (P.) *De la cure radicale des hernies inguinales sans fils perdus. 8°. Paris, 1898. Dussuc (A.) *De la cure radicale de la her- nie erurale par la voie inguinale. 8-. Lyon, 1901. Faucojipre (M.) * Cure radicale des hernies inguinales et crurales par le proce'de" Duplay- Cazin. 8°. Lyon, 1899. Ferrari (P.) Sulla cura radicale dell' ernia inguinale col metodo proprio. Statistica per- sonale. roy. 8°. Bergamo, 1895. Also [Rev.], in: Arch, ed atti d. Soc. ital. di chir. 1895, Roma, 1896, x, 318-322. [Discussion], p. lxxxi. Fournel (C.) Cure radicale op6ratoire de ia hernie inguinale avec un nouveau proc6d6; ex- trait du cours de chirurgie abdomiuale professe" a l'Ecole pratique de la Faculte" de ine"decine de Paris. 8°. Paris, 1900. Gesland (H.) *De la myoplasie dans la cure radicale de la hernie erurale. 8°. Paris, 1897. Girou (J.-E.) *Cure radicale des hernies in- guinales sans fils perdus. 8°. Bordeaux, 1898. Hood (J. W.) A new and radical cure for heinia, with the description of an abdominal supporter for the treatment of female diseases. 12°. Philadelphia, 1848. Joachimczyk (J.) * Die Radicaloperation der Hernien nach Macewen. 8°. Wiirzbura 1891. *' Kaxxegiesser (J.) *Die Erfolge der Bas- sim'schen Operation der Leisteubriiche. 8°. Kiel, 1897. Lallement (M.-A.) * De la cure radicale ap- plique"e aux hernies par glissemeut du gros iu- testin. 8'--. Nancy, 1899. Marcy (U. O.) A treatise on hernia. The radical cure by the use of the buried antiseptic animal suture. 12°. Detroit, 1889. -----. The anatomy and surgical treatment ofhernia. 4°. New York, 1892. Nalpasse (V.) * Etude historique et opera- toire de la hernie inguinale; sa cure radicale par le proc&le" du professeur Berger. 8°. Paris, 1899. h ' HEEXIA. 37 HERXIA. Hernia (Radical cure of, Methods ofand instruments for the). Paucot (M."-E.) *Do la cure radicale .les hernies inguinales par la me'thode de Ba-sini et ses derivees. --\ Bordeaux, 1896. PayoT ^1.1 'Sur un nouveau procvilc de cure radicale tie la hernie inguinale. --. Paris, 1-97. PlCKEL (O.) *Die Radicaloperation der Her- nien uud ihre Endrcsultate mit besontlerer Ih- riicksichtignng der Maiewtn'stlien Operation. 8-\ Wiirzburg, 1-94. Ponath (P.) - Teber die Mcthodeu tier Ra- dikaloperationen der Hernien. *-\ Berlin, [l-9t']. I'iistemski (P.) Nuovo processo operativo per la cura radicale delle ernie inguinale. Sta- tistica personale delle prime cento operazioni. 4C. Roma, 1-91. Preto (A.) Cento quaranta operazioni per la cura radicale dill" ernia inguinale col nietotlo Bassini. v. Soncino, 1-94. Raduxz (P. H. F.) *Untersuchungen iiher die Eifolge einiger Metboden der Railiealopeta- tion der Hernien. - . Berlin, [1-92]. Reille (P.) ~Cure ratlicale de la heruie in- guinale par L- proce'de" de rabaissement mise en usage par le doctenr Schwartz. -\ Paris, 1-'.'-. -----. The same. - . Paris, 1-98. Reixuks (H.) ~ Ueber die Bassini'sche Methode der Radicaloperation freier Leisten- briiche. e-. Kiel, 1-9M. SciiCLTZE (F.) "'Radikal-Operationen der Hernien unter dem antisepti-chen Dauerver- bande. --. Wiirzburg, 1--•">. stllz (O.) *UeLer die Kocherische Radical- operation der Hernien. 8C. Wiirzburg, 1-97. Abbainondi (L.i Sui metodo Poullet per la cura ratlicale delle ernie senza estirpazione ,1, 1 -aero. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1*99. v. 838-843.—Ailnm* K '. i On the choice of operation for the radical cure of inguinal hernia in the adnlt. Med. Stamlard. Chicago, 1898, xxi, 83-87.— Albeitiui (G.) Pr> --• -nt.izioio- iii un caso di voluminoso ■-' ':.•-.....'■ operate ct'l nii-toih) Pa-sini. Atti d. Ass. med. ion 3 M :'..11.■ >. 1-93. 13-17.—Alexander i W.) Large ab- ilominal hernia, with adhesion of the contents to the wall of the sac; cured by the operation of invertingthe sac without opening it, and of -fitehing the recti muscles accurately together in the m • d..in line. Prov. M. J., Leicester, I*'-!), viii, 139-141. — A lliton iC C.) Donble inguinal heruia upon the same -hie: illustration. J. Am. AT. Ass., Chicago, 1900. xxxiv, 104;-. — Audictn 17. \V.) A now operation for the radical cure •( ia i na. 13 Illinois M. Soc., Chicago, 1895. 117-459. Also: Chicago M. Rct;order, 1895, ix, 67- 77. ------. The imbrication method; a new operation for the rada al cure of inguinal hernia. Tri-Stato M. J., St. Louis. i-'3. ii, 401—170. Also: Am. J. Surg. Sc (lynaec, "Wellston, Mo., 1895-6. viii, 9-14. ------. The radical cure- of hernia by the imbricated or lap-joint method. Indiana M. J., Indianap.. 1-95-6. xiv, 297-31.0. ------. Major and minor technique of Bassini's op.-ration, a.-, |iei■formed bv himself. Med. Rec. X. Y., 1899. I .i, o_<3-i;31. ------. i'lo modem operations for the radical cure of inguinal heinia Internat. Clin.. Phila., 19o0,10. s.. ii, 167-179. — A |>ro«io (R.) Sulla inutilita delle suti.rc amovibili nellacnra radi- cale delle ernie inguinali. Gior. nied. d. r. esercito, Roma, 1898, xlvi, 1141-1158—Arm««tioiitf 86i. 1887, n. s., Xo. iv, 13 - 27. Also: Indian M. .L. Lahore If87. vii, 18-22.—Bnldnnzn (A.) Cura radicale dell' ernia erurale (processo Bassini moditieat^). Gior. med. d. r. esereito. Roma, 1899, xlvii, 337 Kit II ((.'. p.) Radical cure of hei nia by the torsion ot tie- so . Iii if. M. Ilci'iiia (Kadical cure of Methods ofand instruments for the). ,L, Lond., 1887. ii 1:172. ------. Radical cure of hernia by an improved method of torsion of the sac. Ibid., 1898, h, 1479-1481 —Banh«. (W. M.) Statistics of the results of the operation by removal of the sac and stitching the pil- lars of the ring performed in 168 cases of strangulated and non-strangulated hernia. Ibid., 1893, ii, 1041-1044.- Ban- nister (-L M.) A report of two cases of Bassini operation for radical cure of hernia, with remarks upon the modern surgical treatment of this condition. Kansas M. J., To- peka, 1896. viii. 121-127. [ Discussion], I ■_':'.— Ihii;y (M.) D'une nouvelle methode de cure radicale tie la lounic in- guinale. Med. mod., Par., 1897, viii, 420.— Ita i Iter A. E.) On tliirtv-ftve operations for the ratlical' c,n ol hei nia by original methods. Brit. M. .L, Lond., I*s7, ii, 1203- 1205.—Kiiiltii' (F. ('.) Padical cuieof reducible ingui- nal hernia by operation under strict am isepi ic precautions; no untou aid symptoms. Indian M. lb e, Calcutta, 1895, ix, 320—It ii ron i I i Ueber die neueren Kail icalopera- tioneii an Hernien Witu. med. Presse, l(-.«9. xxx, 1281; l3'.'(t. — IIa»oini i i: i Nuovo un todo per la cura radicale dell' ernia inguinale. A tt i d. ( ong. d. Ass. med. ital. 1887, Pavia. lft.s'.i, ii, 17'.»-1-L3—Baxter Hi. A.) Baxter's oper- ation for the radical cure of inguinal heruia. Tr. South. Surg. \- Gynec. Ass. 1892, Phila., 1893, v. 69-74. 2 pi. Also: Ann. Sing., Phila., 1-93, xvii, 263-268. 2 pi. Also [Abstr. 1: Alabama M. Sc S. Ago, Anniston, 1892-3, v, 11-13.—Ben- nett i \V. II.) On the radical cure of heinia, with especial reference to certain methods of operating. Lancet, Lond., 1891, ii, 599; 648.—Bercero (F.) Hernias; operaciones que se practican para conseguir la cura ratlical de las mis- mas. Siglo med., Madrid, 1896. xliii, 629; 644; 660.— Bernabeo (G.) Due operazioni radicali di ernia, 1 una (ernia inguinale) col metodo Bassini; 1' altra (ernia erurale) col metodo Ruggi. Riforma med., Xapoli, 1893. i\-. pt. 2, 207-213.—Berti (A.) Contribute alia cura radicale del- 1' ernia inguinale col metodo tlel Prof. Bassini. Bas-egmidi sc. med., Modena, 1895, x, 282: 1896, xi, 43: 137 —Berjo- zovwki (S.) Radikalnaya operatsiya ko-oi pakhovoi gii- zhi Kocher'a i posliedniya yeya vidoizmien>-ni\3i. [Koch- er's radical operation of oblique inguinal hernia and its latest modifications.] Med. Obozr., Mosk.. 1898, xlix, 393-400. — Bevan (A. D.) Bassini and Halsted opera- tions for hernia.] J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1894, xxiii, 352. ------. Present status of surgical methods for the cure of hernia. Railwav Surg.. Chicago. 1894-5, i, 615-618.—Bibb (It. H. L.) Treatment of strangulated hernia with reference to its ratlical cure: a imw method. Tr. Texas M. Ass., Austin, 1889, 119 13.'. —Bird (F. D.) Some remarks upon the technique of operations de-igned to cure radically oblique inguinal hernia. Lancet, Lond., 1900, ii, 324 3_a' llinhop i P. S.) A modification of Mac- ewen's operation for the radical cureof hernia. Must. M. Xews, Lond.. 18.-9. v, 194-196. ------. The radical cureof hernia, with description of a new modification of Mac- ewen's opeiation. Lancet, Lond., Ic9(>, i, 1169: 1236.— Blake (J. A.) The relative bearing of the conjoined ten- don and the internal oblique muscle upon the ratlical cure of inguinal hernia. Metl. Pec, X. Y.. 1900, lvii, 700: lviii, 321.—Bloodjgoori (J. (.'.) The transplantation of the rectus muscle in certain cases of inguinal hernia iu which the conjoined tendon is obliterated. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1898, ix, 96-100. Also: Maryland M. J., Bait., Ic9«, xxxix, 525-528. Also.- Arid. Press A: Circ, Lond., 1898, n. s., lxvi. 479-482. ------. Operations on 459 cases of hernia in the Johns Hopkins Hospital from June, 1889, to January. 1-99; the special consideration of 26S cases oper- ated on by the Halsted method, autl the transplantation of the rectus muscle in certain cases of inguinal hernia in which the conjoined tendon is obliterated, dolm- Hopkins Hosp. P.p.. Bait., 1.-98-9, vii, 223-562, 17 ph—Boiivcc- t liinlo (U.) La cura radicale dell' ernia col metodo del Wood Kaeeoghtore med . l-'orli 1880. 5. s., i, 209-217.— Borcbai'ill (AL) Osteoplasti-cher A'erschluss grosser Biiichpfortcn. Beitr. z. klm. Chir., Tubing., 1898, xx, 305- 3!t. 1 pi Itollini. Di un nuovo processo nella cura i ad i rale dell,- ,.niie. Pi forma nied., Napoli, 1891. \ ii, pt. 4, 265.— Bri^^i iC.S. i Padical ojieration for large ii teduei- ble inguin il I a rnia by McBuriieys method. Xash\ ille.I. AL &S. ,1890. n.s., xlvi. 41 J I1-. Broca-A.) Techni.[Ucile la cure ratlicale tie la hernie inguinale < .1 ■ 11 ■ (■ <. externe. Lev. de gynec et do chir. abtl., Pin., 1-'- n 2.-7-300. — Bn- cb a n nn (IJ i Kadical cure of inguinal hernia by Pro- le—or Koch.-r's latest method. I'liila. M. J.. 189S. i, 1205- 1207 . — Bury; lin nl i V. I'.) IlaKted soperation for the ratl- ical cureof inguinal henna. Lancet, Loud., 1892, ii, 1196.— Burrell Ml. I..) A few points m Mace wen's operation for the radical euro of hernia. Boii.ui M .V S. J., 1888, cxi\,545. Also, Reprint.— Bull in i II I,; Clinical lect- ure on the radical cure of inguinal hernia ; with a detailed^ desei iiition of the o|it'i'atioiis and of the after treatment of the palients. St. Barth. Hosp. J.. Lond.. 1*93-4. i. 162.— Cabot (A. T.) Suggestions in regard to the operations for the cure of inguinal and femoral hernia Boston M. & S. J., 1895, exxxiii, 510.— ali iE.) Xuovasuturaprofondaamovibilenella cura radicale delie ernie inguinali alia Bassini. Atti Accad. d. sc. med. e nat. in Ferrara. 1898-9, lxxiii, 161.—Chavan- [naz, Cure radicale cle hernie par le procede de Bassini chez un sujet dejk trait6deux fois par la methode sclero- geue de Lannelongue. Bull. 8o< . d'anat. et physiol. de Bordeaux, 1899, xx, 169.|— Clarke (A. P.) Some points in the surgical treatment for the radical cure of hernia. Addr. . . . sect. surg. Sc anat. 42. meet. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1801. 227-235. Also : J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1891, xvii, 208-210. Also: Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1891, lxiv, i ill-, ,9.—Clarke (J.) Result of Bassini's operation for radical cure of heinia. Clin. J., Lond., 1895-6, vii, 221.—Cochran (J. P.) Letter from Persia; native meth- ods for radical cure of hernia. Med. Press West. X. York, Buffalo, 1885-6, i. 402.—Colin (E.) Zur Techuik der Radi- caloperation freier Hernien. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1888, xxv, 643; 670.—ColeyiW. B.i The disadvantages of non- absorbable sutures in operations for the radical cure of her- nia. X. York M. J., 1896, lxiii, 275-277. Also, Reprint.— Croly (H. G.) Radical cure of enormous oscheocele (congenital) by the displacement method. Med. Press & ('ire, Lond., 1898, n. s., Iwi 7. — Cure ( De la) radi- cale de la hernie inguinale reductible, par les proce- des de MM. Wutzer, Seutin et Sotteau. Exauiinat. med., Par., 1841, i, 267-274. — Curtis (B. F. ) Mac- owen's operation for hernia. Med. Xews, Phila., 1890, Ivii, 437.—dishing (H.) The employment of local an- jesthesia in the radical cureof certain ease-of hernia, with a note upon the nervous anatomy of the inguinal region. Ann. Surg.. Phila., 1900, xxxi, 1-34.—Cutler (E. G.) A case of McEwen's operation for a radical cure of hernia. Boston M. &. S. J., 1887. cxvi, 375. — ('/ajkowxUi (J. i O wyborze metody operacyjnej i wskazaniach do leczenia doszczetiiegoprzepuklin pachwinowych wolnych. [Choice of operative method and indications for radical treatment of free inguinal hernia.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1901, 2. s., xxi, 134; 169; 225.—Dalla Kona (C.) Intoino al nuovo metodo di cura del lapai occle inguinale proposto dal dottor O. Margarucci. Policlin., Roma, 1900-1901, vii, sez. prat., 577-579.— Dallas (A.) Xe\v instrument for the cureof hernia. .Med. Xews, Phila., 1892, lxi, 578. Also, Repiint. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Rec, X. Y., 1892, xiii, 629. -----. The treatment of inguinal hernia. Tr. X. York M. Soc, Phila., 1893, 387-402. AIso, Reprint. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 18D3, xxi. 203-206.—Davidson (A.D.) Council's suture; a ipiestion of priority, ff. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1900, xxxv, 1421.—Davis i B. B.) Some mechanical prob- lems in the operative cure of inguinal hernia. Ibil., 1896, xxvi, 03-66.— Davis (G. G.) Ou the treatment of the sac iu operations for the radical cure of hernia. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1895, 3 s.. xvii. 131-137. Also: Ann. Surg., Phila., 1896, xxiii, 32-37 — Danbnin (II. H. M.) The technique of Bassini s operation. Med. Pec, N. Y., 1899, lvi, 705.—Denver (J. B.) A modified operation for the ratlical cur of inguinal hernia. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1898, xxvii, 459-462. -----. Modified Bassini operation for in- direct inguinal hernia. Internac. Clin., Phila., 1901, 11. s., ii, 203-20'.).— Dcibutninc (L.) Procede tie cine radicale des hernies sans tils perdus. Arch. prov. tie chir., Par., 1897, vi. 80-81. A Iso. Reprint. — De _ Francisco (G.) Die Anueiidung des Golddrahtes bei tlen Radikalopera- tionen tier Hernien. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1900, xxvi, Therap. Beil., 25. Also: Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1900, xxvii, 177-179.—De Oaimo (W. B.) Two hundred and fifty Bassini operations for the cure of inguinal hernia; without mortality. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago. 1897. xxix, 672-675. Also: Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1897-8, ii, 180-182.— Dehner. Ueber die nio- dernen Radikaloperationsmethoden tier Leistenhriiche. Vereinsbl.d. pfalz. Aerzte, Frankenth.il, 1901,xvii, 19-24.— Delajjcnicre (H.). Etude critique ties precedes mo- dernes tie cure radicale des hernies inguinales et crurales. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1888, lxi, 97-101. —Demice (M.) Deux observations de cure radicale de hernie inguinale avec re- coustitution dela paroi posterieure et tie la paroi ant6ri- cure du trajet inguinal dans toute leur 6tendue par le pro- c6de de Bassini. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1894, xxiv, 229. Also: Meiu.etbull.Soc.de med. etchir.deBordeaux (1894), 1895, 251-256—von Ditlel. nerniainguinalis incarcera- ratasinistra : Herniotomie; Exstitpation ties Bruchsackes; Heilung. Aerztl. Ber. d k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1883), 1884. 206. -----. Zur Riickwirkung der Radikal- lernia (Radical cure of Methods ofand instruments for the). operation von Bassini auf die Herniotomie tier einge- klemmten Leistenhernien. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., li-95, viii, 569.—Duiismoor (F. A.» Wood's operation for radical cure of inguinal hernia Tr. Minnesota M. Soc, St. Paul, 1885, 42.—Duplay (S.) . El A . flap-splitting operation for the radical cure of inguinal I hernia. Med. Pec. X. Y.. 1891, xl, 62H-622. — llaUlead (W. S.l The operative treatment of hernia. Am. ,1. M. Sc.Phila., 1895. n. s, ex. 13-17. Also, Ucpt hit.— Hamil- ton (I. B.i 1 >n the radical cure of inguinal hernia, a review of the existing status of the operation, with re- marks on its past hislory. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1886, vii 256-262. [Discussion], 271. Also, Peprint.—Ham- mond (L. J.) The radical operation for the cureof in- guinal heinia, bv a method of Nelaton ami Onibre- ilaime. Penn. M. J. Pittsburg, 1898-9, ii, 184-187.— ILnnchett 'J. L.i The treatment of large scrotal her- nia bv the implantation of silver wire or silkworm-gut mat-.' Ti. Am. Inst. Hoinu-op. 1-98, X\ Y., 1899,300-303.— Ilarri* ill. L. 1 The longitudinal wire suture in the radical operation for In rnia. West. M. Rev.. Lincoln, Xeb., 1900. v, 148-150. — Hawley 1W. A.) Skin-flap operation for the radical cure ot hernia. Med. & Surg. Reporter. Phila.. 1889, lxi. 6»;. —Iliggius (C. W.) The buried sutuie in heinia operations; with report of three rases. Atlantic M. Weekly. Providence, 1896, v, 241-244.— Horwit* 'O.) Appendicular abscess rupturing into the gac "i areuueible inguinal hernia; operation by drainage, with permanent cure of the hernia. Proc. Pliila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1900. n. s., ii, 46. -Hulke (J. W.) Clinical lect- ure on an exceptionally complicated enseof inguinal hei nia, for the radical cure of which Bassini's opeiatiou was per- formed. Lancet, Lond., 1892, ii, 131-133.—Ivensen (K.K.) Sto pyatnadtsat slnchayev korennol opciatsii pakhovol grizhi po Bassini. 1 im- hundred and fifteen cases of radical operations for inguinal lu-inia by. . . method. ] Khirurgia, Mosk.. 1898, iv. 51-83—.lacob-on 1 X.) Recent advance in the radical treatment of lo-rnia. Times Sc lies-, N. Y. «fe Phila., l89o, x\i. 97-l(io.—Job 11 sou 1 A . B.) Double ingui- nal hernia, Bassini's epilation. Internal. J. Surg., N. Y., 1 e98,xi,366-308—Jon ncsco 1 ] ., Nouveaux precedes pour la cure ratio ah- de- hernies inguinales. Compt.-rend.C'ong. internat. de med. 1897, Mosc, 1899. v. 435-448. Also, Reprint. Also: Arcb. d. sc. med. . . . tie Buoaro-t. Par., 1897, ii, 333- 348. Also, transl.: Centralbl. f. Chir.. Leipz., 1899, xxvi, 65- 73. -----. Cure radicale des hernies inguinales, sans tils perdus; description d'un nouveau procede. Bull, et 1116111. Soc. de chir. de Bucarest, 1898-9, i, 4-23. -----. Cure radicale de la hernie inguinale par un nou\e,iu pro- cede de sutnre. Ibid., 1899-1900, ii, 132-134 —JulIiard (E.i Deux cas tl'oiiterei tomie pour la cure radicale tics hemies non etranglees. A-soc franc de chir. Proc- verb. fetc.]. Par.. 1895, i\. 4 .3 433 — Kanilariilshi (M. I'.) Topografiya pakhovavo sgiba i korennoye betlrennoye grizheslechenie Bassini 8 anatomicheskol tochki zileni\a. ['topography of the inguinal canal and Bassini's radical operation for hernia, from an anatomical point of view. | Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1895. xx, 1; 23.—Keen 1 \V. W.) Large scrotal hernia: operation for radical cure under spinal anesthesia with eucain; aluminum bronze wire used for buried sutures; operative recovery: death from exhaustion and urinary sepsis. Phila. M. J., 1900, vi, 863. — Kelt) l.J. E.) A jiew departure in tin: ratlical treatment of hei nia: the transplantation of the tensor vagina? feinori-. and a portion of the fascia lata. N. York Therap. Rev., 1894, ii, 39-41.— Kocher (T.) Zur Badi- calciirder Hernien. Cor.-Bl. f. sch weiz. Aerzte, Basel. 1892, xxii 561-576, 4 pi. Also. Peprint. Also, tmnsl. Ann. Surg.. Phila 1892, x\ i. 505-526 -----. Ueber die Erfolge der Railicaloperation freier Hernien mittelst, der Veila- gernngsmethoile. Arch f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1895, 1, 170- 176. 1 pi.— Koy.lovski (15. S.) Ratlikalnaya operatsiya pakhovik grizh no Kocher'u. [Padical operation for in- guinal hernia by Kocher's method] Dnevnik svczdaObsh. russk. vrach. v pamyat Pirogova. Kiev, 1890. vi. no. 10, suppl., 1-3. — Krajewwki ( W. II.) O tloszc/etnem leczeniu przepuklin niezacisnielych nietoda. MacEwen'a. Hernia (Padical cure of, Methods of and instruments for the). | Kadical treatment of imimpacted hernia by McKwen's method. | Przegl. lek.. Krakow, 1888, xxvii, 313; 325; 339. -----. deszc/.e kilka slow w kwestyi doszczptnegoleezenia pivepuklin metoda MacEwciia. | I'urthcr on the radical treatment, of hernia by MacKweus method.] Ibid., 1889, xxviii, 221; 239.—14 1:1 -i itt«.«• II 1 V.) K tckhnikle koren- nol operatsii pri gn/hakh iiakhovikh i bedrenikh. [On the technique of radical operation in inguinal and femoral herniie.] Chir. Laitop., Mosk.. 1895. v, 530-534.— li riloll (N. (I.) Sliest sluchaycv kort mnivo gi izliosieehoniya po Kocher'u. |Six cases of ratlical herniotomy bv Kocher's method.1 Vrach, St. Petersb., 1897, xviii, 759. — I.a- Uiiaite (A.) Nouveau procede pour la cure ratlicale de hi hernie inguinale. Mem. et conipt.-rend. Soc tl. sc. med. do L.\ou (1897), 1898, xxxvii, 87-91. Also: Lyon med., 1897, Ixxxv, 443-447. — I.ambret. Cure radicale des her- nies inguinales; perfcctioiinement au procede Duplay- i'azin Faure. Echo med. d 11 nord, Lille, 1898, ii, 152-154.— I.aiitlt iii' (A.) Ueber plastische Herniotomie Ver- handl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1891, xx. pt, 2, 289-291. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1891, xiii, 879- s>l —l.au|ibcar iE) A new operation for hernia. Kansas Cily M. Index-Lancet, 1899, xx, 491. Also: St. Louis M .v S. ,L. 18'.>'.i, Ixxvi, 247. — I.apeyrc iL.) Dc l'utilisation du ligament rond limit 1 operation tl'Al- gui6-Alexander et ia cure 1 adicale tie la hernie ingui- nale. Presse med.. Par., 1898 ii, 173. Also: Si maine gynec. Par., 1898, iii, 315-317.—I.arimore (E. C.) Radi- cal cure of hernia by the use of the buried antiseptic animal suture, with a report of tiiree cases. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Toledo, 1891, 94: 1892, 297. Also : Cincin. Lancet Clinic, 1891, n. s., xxvii, 1: 1892,11. s. xxix. 632.— l.auen- stein (C.) Ueber Macewen's Padicaloperation der Her- nien. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1890, xix, jit. 2, 25-38. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1890, xl, 039-652.—l.e l>entu (A.) Expose dun procede sp6cial tie cure radicale des hernies inguinales. Rev.de chir., Par., 1900, xx, pt. 2, 731-738.—I.ee (E. 11.» The Bas- sini operation for the radical cure of inguinal hernia without buried sutures. Chicago M. Recorder, 1899. xvi, 409-413. [Discussion], 429-436. — I.eonte. Etude statistiqne sur 160 operations de cure radicale tics hernies . . . (procede personnel). Roumanie iued., Bucarest, 1894, ii, 100-115.— liink (I.) Die im Garnisonsspitale Xo. 14 zu Lemberg ausgefiihrten ersten 30 Radikaloperationen freier Hernien nach Bassini. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1887, xlvii, 238; 279. -----. Eine neue Xahtmethode bei der Radikalope- ration der Hernien ohue bleibend versenkte Nahte. Cen- tralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1899, xxvi, 346-349. -----. Bericht iiber weitere 122 Radikaloperationen der Hernien. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1900, 1, 5u9.— Lockwood (C. B.) The radical cure of femoral aud inguinal hernia. Lancet, Lond., 1893, ii. 1297-13U2. — I.ucas (P. C.) Cases of stran- gulated hernia; operation for reduction and excision of the sac. Ibid.. 1886, ii. 917.— l.uens - Chnnipioil- nicrc (J.) Ceinture avec large pelote pour les malades op6r6s tie cure radicale de hernie. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1887, 11. s., xiii. 638. — l.udwig (A.) Zur Radikaloperation der Leisteiiluiichenach Bassini. Peitr.z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1897, xviii. 687-727.—l.ukasbell'(P.) Korennoye llechenie pakhovikh grizh po sposobu Bassini. Radical treat me nt ot inguinal hernia by Bassini's method.] VoMiinnmed. .1 St. Petersb.. 1894, clxxxi, 1. sect., 238- 251. — I.null ( K. B.) A case of Kocher's operation for the radical cure of hernia. Boston M. A, S. J., 1899, cxli, 547. [Discussion |. 551— I. j ub (V.) Devyat slnchayev koren- nol opeiaisii pakhoMii gn/.hi po sposobu Bassini. [Nine cases of radical operation lor inguinal hernia by Bassini's method.| Voyenno-med. .)., St. Petersb., 1897, clxxxviii, med. spec, pt., 669-675. — .TIclturuey (C.) The radical cure of heinia, with special reference to open tieatinent ot the operation wound. X. York M J., 1888, xlvii, 57-61. -----. The radical cure of inguinal hernia. Med. Rec, X. V., 1889, xxxv, 312-318. Also [Abstr. | Mod Xews, Phila., 1889, liv, 245-247. -----. Inguinal hernia, Bassini's operation. Internat. J. Surg., X. Y., 1896. ix, 43. — ITlnc- ilonalil (G. C.| The radical cureof inguinal heruia by invagination, giving six eases. Pacific M. J., San Fran., 189«, xii, 129 132.— tliiiiniii (W.) On the radical cure of oblique inguinal hernia by internal abdominal periton- eal patl, and the rest ration of the valved form of the inguinal canal. Ann. Surg.. St. Louis, 1886, iv, 89-119. Also: Biil.M. J., Lond., 1887, ii, 1263-1271 .—Jlcl.iilli- cuddy (T. J.) Report of operation for removal and rad- ical cure of a strangulated oblique inguinal hernia, with ligature of neck and nuioval of sac; recovery. N. York M. J., 1887,xlvi,737.- .Tlcl.uire (S.) Operative measures advocated for the cureof hernia before the days of anaes- thetics and antiseptics. Bi-Month. Bull Univ. Coll. Med., Richmond, 1899, iv, 163- 107.—.Tine I. a men (0.) The radical cure of inguinal hernia, with an account of 11 new operation. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1900, xix, 380-386. [Discussion], 388.— Mi-1,can (A.i Inguinal hernia; sche- matically demonstrated, with illustrations of the accepted modern operative methods for the radical cure. Med. HERNIA. 40 HERXIA. Hernia (Radical cure of, Methods ofand instruments for the). Age, Detroit, 1>98, xvi, 673-679. —McLeod (K.) Oper- ations for the radical cure ofhernia. Indian M. Gaz., Cal- cutta, 1888, xxiii, 236.— Vlaksimou" (V. V.) O noviei- shikh operativouikh sposob;.kh radikalnavo izliecheniya grizh. [ New operative methods for radical treatment of hernia.J Voyenno-med. J., St. Petcisb., 1890,clxviii,unoffic. pt., 1. sect., 175-221—-Tlanley tT. H.) The operation for strangulated hernia by the McBurney method, with report of three cases. Boston M. A. S. J., 1889, cxxi, 257-261. Also: Pittsburgh M. Rev., 1889. iii. 337; 375. -----. The Australian or O'Hara operation for the radical cureof her- nia. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1895, xlviii. 366-369. -----. Stran- gulated aud gangrenous hernia; kelotomy and laparotomy in strangulation, external and internal; artificial anns; enterostomy, primary or secondary resection; enterectomy, and end-to-end or lateral iointiug in gangrenous hernia. Phila.M.,T.,1901,vii,518; 5*76.—ITIarey ill. ().) Thecure of hernia bv the use of the buried animal suture. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1889, xi;i, 620-630. Also, Reprint. -----. The cure of inguinal hernia in the male. South. Clinic, Richmond, 1893, xvi. 321-329. Also, Reprint. -----. Anal- ysis of one hundred and thirty-three cases of hernia oper- ated on for the purpose of radical cure. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1893. xxi, 256-261. Also, Reprint, -----. The surgical treatment of hernia. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894,xxiii,26-28.-----. The surgical treatment of inguinal heruia. Tr. X. York M. Ass., 1894. xi, 140-158. Also, Re- print. Also: Med. Xews, Phila., 1895, lxvi, 35-40. -----. The operative procedures for the cure of hernia. Tr. Louisiana M. Soc, X. Orl., 1896, 175-182. -----. A crit- icism upon the cure of inguinal hei nia in the male by the complete transplantation of the cord, external to the ab- dominal muscles. X. Eng. M. Mouth., Danbury, Conn., 1890. xv, 106-108. -----. The cure of hernia. Tr. Ver- mont M. Soc 1895-6, Burlington. 1897. 260-268. Also: Boston M. & S. J.. 1897, cxxxvi. 381-383. [Discussion!, 388. — .Tlarliu. Hernie inguinale droite; cure radicale par le procede tie Bassini. Arch. tuelatou (Ci A Om- bredaiinc (L.) Du passage transptibien du cordon dans la cure radicale des hernies inguinales et 1 oivhidopexie. Presse m£d., Par., 1897, ii, 50.—."Velsou (D. T.) Discus- cussion of Weller Van Hook's paper: An operation for inguinal hernia without splitting the external oblique aponeurosis. Chicago M. Rec, 1898, xv, 431. Also, Reprint.—IN'icnise. Cure radicale de la hernia ingui- nale; rapports du sac herniaire avec la tunique filueuse des bourses. Rev. de chir., Par., 1886. vi, 569-574.—>ieo- Hernia (Kadical cure of Methods of and instruments for the). ladoni (C.) Hiindert Radicaloperationen von Leisten- hernien ausgefiihrt nach dem Verfahren Bassini's. Wien. med. Presse, 1893, xxxiv. 841; 887; 934; 975; 1018. -----. Zweihundertsechzig Radicaloperationen nach Bassini, nebst einer eigenen Methode der conservativen Vorlage- rungdesLeistenhodens. Ibid., 1895, xxxvi, 361; 412: 451; 489; 528; 609; 647.— .'\ouveaux moyens pour la cure radi- cale des hernies. J. d. conn. med. prat.. l'ar.. 1835-6, iii, 168-170.—IVovitski (A. K.) Sluchai pakhovol hernioto- mii po Bassini. [Inguinal herniotomy by the method of... i Russk. med.. St. Petersb., 1895, xx, 178-181.— von .>rii»sbaum. Ein neuer Versuch zur Radicalopera- tion der Unterleibsbriiche. Aerztl. Int. BL. Alriuchen, 1885, xxxii, 651-655— Obalifiski (A.) W sprawie dosz- czetnegoleezenia przepuklin zapomoca.nietody MacEwena. [Radical treatment of hernia by McEwen's method.] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1889, xxviii. 3-5. Also, transl.: In- ternat. klin. Rundschau, Wien. 1889, iii, 8; 116. -----. Dalsze uwagi nad doszczetna operacyja przepuklin metoda, MacEwena. [Further on the radical operation for hernia by MacEwen's method.] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1889, xxviii, 337; 351. —O'Brien (J.) Strangulated hernia with radical cure by excision of the sac. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1889, xxiv, 112.—Oebsuer (A. J.) Two cases of operation for radical cureof inguinal hernia bv Bassini's method. Chicago Clin. Rev., 1892-3, i, 18-23.— 6'C'onor (J.) Acquired oblique inguinal hernia; 150 consecutive cases of radical cure; one death and two recurrences; a new operation. Lancet. Lond., 1899, ii, 554. Also: Med. Press A: Circ, Lond.. 1898. n. s.. lxv, 28. — U'llaia (H.) Radical cine of hernia; a new method. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892, ii, 1279-1281.—Ostaszewski (L.) O stosowaniu szwu kanalowego (Canalnaht) przy operacj i przepuklin pachwinowych. [On the use of ... in operation for ingui- nal hernia.] Pam.Towarz. Lek. Warszaw., 1898, xciv, 43- 51.—Packard (J. H.) On the anatomy of oblique ingui- nal hernia with special reference to the operation for its radical cure, and a description of a modified procedure for this purpose. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1895, xiii, 313- 319. Also, Reprint. -----. On a modification of the in- vagination method of operating for the radical cure of her- nia. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1895, xxi, 718-721, I pi. A Iso, Re- print.— Page (F.) Case of radical cure of inguinal her- nia bv Halsted s method. Lancet, Lond., 1892, ii, 609.— Park i P.i A Kull ( YV.T.) Which is the better method of treatment for radical cure, theopen or the non-open method, and which is the best jlan of procedure iu each of these methods? Tr. X. York M. Ass. 1889, Concord, 1890, vi, 141-171. — Parkbill i C. I The MacEwen oper- ation for hernia. Tr. Colorado M. Soc, Denver, 1891, 244-246. Also: Denver M. Times. 1891-2, xi, 89-92.— Parana (F.) Delia cura radicale dell' ernia inguinale o tli un nuovo metodo per otteneiia. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano. 1891, 1, 527-531. — Pascal (A.) Indications et manuel operatoire de la cure radicale de la hernie inguinale. Concours m6d., Par., 1896, xviii, 171-173.— Penzo (R.) Cento ernie inguinali curate col metodo Bas- sini ed alcune particolaritk della sua tecnica operativa. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1898, xxix, 491-509.— Pe- ters (G. A.) Banks's operation for the radical cure of her- nia in the left groin. X.York M. J., 1886, xliv. 629-631. (Discussion]. 643.—Pbelps i A. M.) A new operation for hernia. Ibid., 18tt4. Ix, 291-296. Also, Reprint. Also: Post-Graduate, X. Y., 1897, xii, 267-280. -----. Hernia treated by the wire mattress method. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1894, xlvi, 537. -----. The Phelps operation for hernia and method of closure of abdominal wounds. Ibid., 1900, lviii, 441-443. -----. L'operation de Phelps pour la cure ties hernies et la fermeture des plaies de l'abdomen au moyen d'un surjet au til d'argent fin avec renforcement de la paroi au moyen do l'enfouissementde filigranes ii argent, ainsiquel'application decettem6thodeaux plaies du crane et a la reparation des plaies des muscles. [Transl. ] Rev. dechir., Par., 1900, xx, pt. 2, 667-676.—Pinipiiielli (P.) Osservazioni sopra ottantanove ernie inguinali operate nella R. clinica chirurgica di Patlova (Prof. Bassini) dal diceni- bre 1894 al giugno 1895. Gior. med. d. r. esercito [etc), Roma, 1895, xliii, 1211-1220.—Piatt (W.B.) The radical cure of hernia by implanting a section of sterilized sponge. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1897, viii, 44-46.—Po- ilrez (A. G.) Radikalnoye grizhesiechenie Kocher'a pri podvizhnikh i ushtshenilennikh giizhakh (36 sluchayev). [Ratlical herniotomy by Kocher's method iu reducible and strangulated hernias (36 cases).] Med. Obozr., Mosk.. 1898, 1. MJ6--31.—Poore (O. T.) Operations for the ratlical cure of hernia. X. York M. J., 1892, lvi, 145-147.—Possa (S.) Ernie inguinalala strangft complicata cu cistocel emiar, curS, radical^ prin pmcedeul lui Lueas-Championniere; incisia §i cusutura besicci, vindecare. Spitalul, Bucuresci, 1894, xiv, 275-280. i»o*letupski (P.) Xuovo processo operativoper la cura radicale delle ernie inguinali. Atti d. xi Cong. med. internaz. 1894, Roma. 1895. iv, chirurg. [etc.]. 173-175.—Potieyenko (V. V.) Tri sluchaya radi- kalnoi operatsii gi izhi po Bassini. [Three cases of radical operation for hernia by Bassini's method.] Med. Obozr., HKKNLA. 41 IIERNIA. Hernia (Radical cure of Methods of and instrumcntsfor the). Mosk., 1898, xlix, 199-204. ----. Pakhovaya pravostoron- uyaya priobiietytmnava griza; operatsiya po Bassini. [Right-sided acquired inguinal hernia; operation by Bus- mih's method (3 cases). | Khirurgla, Mosk., 1901, ix,110.— Poullet. Guerison ties hernies inguinales et eriirales par autoplastic t«ndineuse. Assoc franc- do chir. Proc- verb. ! etc |. Par.. 1 s96. x 475-477. Also: (Liz. d. hop., Par.. iwu, '\ix- I24d. — Pn lo i A.) Brevi note sui metodo Bas- sini nella cura radicale dell'ernia inguinale e su <|iialche moditicazione pt ..p..-ta. Couiere san. Settim., .Milano, 1897. viii. no. 36. ::. — Procede (Sur un) motlifie de cure ladicale de la hernie inguinale. Impart ialite med.. Par., 1895. xv, 351.— Kacoviccauo-Pitesli. Cure radicale dune hernie inguinale; anesihesie par injection de cocaine dans le canal rachidicn. Bull, et mem.' Soc tie chir tie Bucarest, 1900-W01, iii, 107.- Itar.n-niovski (V.I.) Ra- tlikalnaya operatsiya pakhovol grizhi bez pogruzhnikh shvov. [Radical operation for inguinal hernia without deep sutures.i Laitop. russk. chir.. S.-Peterb., 1898, [iii, 901-914.—Keen «'. A. L.) A new operation for the radi- cal cure ot inguinal and feinoial hernia. Tr. Am. Vss Obst. A Gynec. 1894. Phila., 1,-95, vii, 419-425. Ako: Cin- cin. Lancet-Clinic, 1894. n. s.. xxxiii, 295-297. -----. Fur- ther consideration of a new operation for the ratlical cure of inguinal and femoral hernia. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1894. n.s., xxxiii, 389-391. -----. Observations based upon two years' experience in the radical cure of hernia by the ntni-p. hie method. Ibid., 1895. n. s., xxxv, 333-337.— Roil m a u Iff. L.) Radical cure ofhernia by the Bassini method. Internat. J. Surg., X. Y., lS'.iO. ix, 274. _____. Ratlical operation for inguinal heinia bv the Bassini method. Med. Age, Detroit, 1898, xvi. 621-625. — Kose (W.) On some points in the treatment of strangulated hernia, especially as to its radical cure. Practitioner, Lond.. 1895, liv. 97-105.— Routicr. Hernies inguino- sciotales; quatre . as de . sie ladicale: ipiatre gu6risons; technique operatoiiv. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1-86. exi. 543-554.— Uug^i ii.Li Metodo operativo nuovo per la cura radicale d.31 .n ia erurale. Raccoglitore med.. Forli, 1892. 5. s., xiii. 277-2-L—Nacclii ill.)' Contribute anatomico alia en: i laiiieah- dell.- einie inguinali. Speri- nientale, Firenze.]--:' lviii. 15: 113.—Naehc Nieuha- nesco Sc .111 vara. Cine radicale de hernie- inguinales pir la combinaisiai des precedes de Bassini et de L[ucas]- Champ!i>iiii;.T> Bull, et mini. Soc. de chir. de Bucarest, 1-38-9, —Nacre. Hernie inguinale droite etrangl6e; cure ladicale avec castratiou; guerison. J. de med., chir. cr Pharmacol., Brux.. 1889, lxxxvii, 269. —Mnmuel (F. W.) lie i .nliu.nl cure of Is-rnia. with report of a case by the Hal-ted method. Louisville M. Month., 1895-6, ii, 5-7.— Na vnriaml. Hernie par glissement tie IS iliaque; pro- ced6 nouveau de cure radicale. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat., de Par., 190". lxxv, 772-777. — Nearcuzio i A. i Sulle re- centi innovazioni portate alia cura radicale dell'ernia in- guinale libera. R. 1st. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Reiidic, Milano, ]s89. 2. s., xxii, (358-662. — Nelieile (Mi Die versenkte Diahtnahtbei Uuterleihsbruchen. Festschr. z. Feier . Lr. von Esmarch, Kiel u. Leipz., 1893, 4O6-410.—Nebnilz- lei'(J.) Ceber die bis zum Miirz 1895 an dei Klinik Hot lath Albert's ausgefiibrten<'178i Ratlical-Opertitionen nach Ba — ini. Wien. klin. AVchnschr., 1898, xii, 1; 22; 39.— Nclnvart* ( E.) Sur un procede de cure radicale ties beinie- et en particulii-r des hernies erurale ct ingui- nale; myoplastie hei niaire. As-oc franc, de chir. Proc- verb. [etc.]. Par.. 1893, vii, 6-9-693. -----. Cure ratli- cale des hernies inguinales (procede tie la mvoplastiei. Rev. gen. do clin. et de therap.. Par., 1891 viii. 481 483. -----. Sur la cure radicale des hernie- inguinale.-; procede par abaissemeiit. Ibid., 1896, x, 513. — Necchi (E.) Contributo alia cura ratlicale dell' ernia ingui- nale col processo Bassini niodiiicato dal Po-tempski. Atti d. Ass. nied. lomb., Milano, 1/-91-2, 73 78.—Mel mi (M.) A proposito tli un nuovo processo tli cura ratlicale d'ernia inguinale senza flli perduti. Clin. chir.. Milano, 1897. v. 536-548. Also: ("orriere sail.. Milano, l>-98, ix, 29-32. — Menu (E. J.) Bassini's operation lor inguinal hernia put to the crucial test. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1896. xxvi, 872. — Nbanil* (A. R.) Bassini's operation for inguinal herni?, « ith the exhibition of two cases. Tr. M. Soc. Dist. Columh. 1896, Wash., 1897. i, 61-69. Also: Xat. M. Rev., Wash., 1896. vi, 72 77—Nhimwell (B. T. 1 Free incision in strangulated hernia. Phila. M. 'limes 1888-9, xix, 75-77. -----. Open division in strangulated inguinal hernia. Med. Xews, Phila., 1891, lviii, 293.-----. A scientific cure lor hernia. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1892, xiii, 160-164. Also: Xorth Car. M. ,L, Wil- mington, 1892, xxix. 193-198. Also: Times & Reg.. N.Y. A: Phila., 1892, xxiv, 317— Mlnjmei (E.) Peril lit Liber 150 Rail ica lope rat innrn ties freieu Leisti n britches na eh Wolfler. Arch. f. klin. Chir.. Berl, 1898, lvi, 893-923 Nmh cnuo- ■niiilii n>lii (X. V.) Chetiresluchavakorenniivogri/die- sic Im ihn.i po Bassini. [Four cases of1' ratlical herniotomy after Bassini.) Vrach, St. Petersb., 1897. Kin. —Nobo- levski (V.) Kkazi'stikleradikalnavo llecheniya gn/h po sposobu Bassini. [Cases of ratlical treatment of inguinal I Hernia (Radical cure of, Methods of and instruments for the). hernia by Bassini's 111 el hod. j Voyenno-iiied. J.. SI. Petersb., 1897, clxxxix, nied.-spec, pt., 333-341.—No I man (T.) Dos/.c/.etna operacya przepuklin pachwinowych podlug sposobu Kocher'a. [On the railical operation for in- guinal hernia alter Kocher's method.] Modvcywi, War- szawa, 1895, xxiii, 1041; 1001. — Mouthum (P. A.) On the treatment of omentum in herniotomy, and its use in the radical cure. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1885, ii, 180- 182. - Npaiiiioeilii (T.) Ernia inguinale tloppia; pro- lasso deli' utero; cura radicale delle ernie alia Bassini e con lonteinporaiiea tissazione laterale dell' utero. Rac- coglitore nied., Forli, 1895, 5. s., xix, 225 - 230. — Ntcclc (D. A. K.) Maceweii's operation for congenital inguinal hernia. Med. Xtiws, Phila., 1890, lvii, 297-301).—Nliiison (J. C.) The operative treatment of inguinal hernia; re- view of the various methods; preferable operation; a re- port of cases by the author's method. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1896, 2. s., xii, 795-801. Also [with additions]: Pacific M. J., San Fran., 1897, xl, pt. 1, 1-14. Also, Re- print. Also | Abstr. | : Med. Rec, X. Y., 1896, xlix, 329- 331. Also, lb-print. Also [Abstr.]: Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1896-7, xxix, 169-174. -----. The radical cureof inguinal hernia; some points in technic-; report of cases operated upon by the author's method. Phila. M. J., 1898, ii, 841-846. -----. Observations on the surgical anatomy and methods of cure of inguinal hernia?: preferable opera- tions. Ann. Surg., Phila . 1899, xxx, 459-485. -----. Anes- thetics, local autl general, as applied to taxis, herniotomy, and operations for the radical cure of hernia. Therap. Gaz., Detroit. 1899, 3. s., xv, 809-811.—Mtokes (C. F.) Herniotomy, McBur.lev's method, in Japan Med. Rec, X. Y., 1895, xlvii, 62L — St.okes 1W.1 (in the radical cure of hernia bv peritoneal and intt-reolumnar suture. Tr. Acad. M. Ireland, DubL, 1883-4, ii 142-150. Also, Peprint.—Stoyanoff (P. I.) Edna nova radikalna ope- ratsiya na k-bernitio (kilitie). [A new radical operation for hernia.] Med. shorn., Sofiya, 1898, iv. 193-196. — Mum- ■tiers (F. O.) Operation for the ratlical cure of indirect or oblique inguinal hernia. X. Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1892-3, n. s.. xx, 332.—Nvi jazhcniiiott' (G. A.) K voprosu 0 radikaluom llechenii pakhovikh grizh po soyedinyonnim sposobain Kocher'a i Bassini. [On the combined methods of Kocher and Bassini in radical treatment of inguinal hernia.] Bolnitsch. gaz Botkina, St. Petersb., 1898. ix, 1697-1703.—Nwift (K. L.I A new form of operation for the cure of inguinal hernia. X. York M. J., 1897, lxvi, 553-555. — Talbot (I. T.) fen cases of hernia treated by the Hentoniau method. Tr. Am. Inst. Homceop., Pitts- burgh, 1886, xxxix, 614-619.—Tanaka (X.i (Bassini s operation for inguinal hernia.] Cunlgaku Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1899. 479-488—Tansini (I.) Xuovi strumeuti per i' operazione radicale dell' eriiiaiiiguinale. Clin, mod., Pisa, 1901, vii, 130. Also: Rassegna internaz. d. med. mod., Catania, 1900, i, 211.3. Also: Riforma med., Palermo, 1900, xvi, pt. 2, 353. — Tbiriar. liilite dun transplant osseux dans la cure radicale des hernies. Assoc, franc, tie chir. Proc-verb. [etc.J. Par., i893. vii, 318-323. -----. De la cure radicale des hernies avec transplant osseux. Clini- que, Brux. b-93, vii, 289-295. Also: Men-red i med.. Par., 1893, iv, 249— Tbomas (J. L.) The radical cure of re- ducible hernia by Kocher's method of invagination, with lateral displacement of the neck of the sac. Bristol M - Chir. J., 1898, xvi, 307-311. —Thomas (J. P.) The radi- cal cureof three cases of inguiiio--crotal hernia; each by a different method. South-West. M.Caz., Louisville. 18,87, i, 65-71.- Thomson (J.) On the radical cure of ingui- nal hernia, with special reference to Kocher's method. Australas. M. Gaz... Sydney, 1895, xiv, 136-140.— Tile IV. A.) Sluchai radikalnol operatsii pakboinoshonochnoi grizhi po vitloi'zniTenennoiiui sposobu Kocher'a. [Case ol radical operation of hernia by a modified method of Kocher. | Chir. Vestnik, St. Petersb.. 1894, x, 473-481. — Tillaux. Du precede tic choix dans la cure ratlicale ties hernies inguinales. Union nied.. Par., 1894, 3. s., lvii, 362- 364.—Tricomi (K.j Xuovo metodo operativo per la cura radicale dell ernia 01 urale. Kil'urma nied.. Xapoli, 1891, vii, pt. 2, 556-558. — I rix /< w*ki (A.) Przyczynek do doszczetiiego lec/.t nia przepuklin paclrwinowNch podlug sposobu Bii-siiihgo. 11 in 1 In radical cure of inguinal her- nia by Bassini s method. | I'/asopismo lek., Lodz, 1899, i, no. 1,7 ; no. 2, 6—Try.ebicky ( R.) Zur Radicaloperation der Leisteiibi iiche nach Kocher. Wien. nied. Wchnschr., 1899, xlix, 17PI-1744. — Tseheriiinjt (E. A.) Oin nyere curative BroUoperationer. [Later operations for the cure of hernia.] Biblioth. f. Licger, Kjobenh., 1889, 6. R., xix, 406-468. -----. Phelps Metodo for ratlikal Brok- operation. Ibid.. 1895, 7. P., vi. 200 - 210. — Tussau. De la cure radicale de la hernie inguinale chez l'liomme iprocede nouveaux). Lyon med., 1894, Ixxvi, 569-574.— 1'ullle (A. II.) A study of the radical mire of hernin by Marey's method; with a report of eight cases, iiicludjng operations. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1893, xxi, 261-263. Also, Reprint. -----. The treatment of hernia by buried continuous silver wire suturing. Med. Times Sc Reg., Phila., 1900, xxxviii, 181-189.—I sijjlio 98. xv, 429-433. See, also, supra. Xelson (D. T.).—Vanvcrts (J.) De la cure radicale tie la hernie in- guinale sans fils perdus, en paiticulier par le procede.de A'illar. Echo m6d. du nord, Lille, 1899, iii, 505-514. Also [Rap. de Monod]: Bull, it mem. Soc. tie chir. de Par., 1899,n. s.. xxv, 812-810. —Van sets i (C.) Studio critico sui metotli italiani (Bassini, Ruggi) tli cura delle ernie ingui- nale e crurali. Clin, mod., Firenze, 1895, i. 411; 463, 2pl.— Vaii;;haii (G. T.) A new operation for the radical cure of inguinal hernia. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1896, xxvii, 210.— Villar (F.) De la cure 1 adicale tie la.hernie ingui- nale par le-procede de Bassini. Mem. et bull. Soc.de med. et chir. tie Bordeaux (1894), 1895, 21-26. -----. Cure radi- cale de lahernie inguinale par le procede tie Bassini. Ibid. (1895), 1896, 178-182. Also: J. tie med. de Bordeaux, 1895, xxv, 181. Also, transl.: AbejametL, Ha-bana, 1895, iv, 53. -----. Les nouveaux precedes de cure radicale des hernies inguinales. Assoc, franc.dei hir. Proc-verb. [etc.], Par.. 1897, xi, 394-494. Also | Abstr.] : Rev. de chir., Par.. 1897, xvii, 1038.—Villeuary (L.) Kelotomie dans une hernie p6ritoii6o-vagiuale droite etranglee; resection du sac: cure radicale. Arch, de m6d. et pharm. mil., Par., 1889. xiii, 454-463.—Vilrae (J.) Ectokelostomie; displacement du sac herniaire, suivi tie sa marsnpialisation, pour permettre a la fois. dans les hernies inf'ectees, le drainage tie la cavite. p6ritou6ale et la cure radicale de la hernie. Rev. dechir., Par., 1901, xxi, 98-111.— Walker (H. O.) Herniotomy; Bassini method. Harper Hosp. Bull., Detroit. 1897-8, viii, 42.-----. The radical cure of inguinal heinia by Fowler's method, with report of cases. Leucocyte., Detroit, 1898-9, vi, no. 1, 3; no. 2, 4. Also, Reprint.— Weber (A.) Vier Radicaloperationen von Leisteiibriichen nach der Methode von Bassini. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1898, xlviii, 592.— Weir (P. F.) A new operation for hernia. Med. Xews, Phila., 1890, lvi. 179. —Wells (T. H.) An intraperitoneal method for radical cure of inguinal hernia. Lancet, Lond., 190!, i, 318. —Wells il. Si (In the radical cure of reduci- ble inguinal heruia by a new operation; with cases and re- marks. Med. Chir. Tr., Lond., 1854. xxxvii, 75-85. Also, Reprint.—Wheeler (J. B.) Radical cure of hernia; ITal- sted's operation. Vermont M. Month., Burlington, 1895, i, 103 - 108. — Wheeler (W. I. de C.) The ratlical cure of hernia bv displacement. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1898, ii. 1408- 1410. Also \ Abstr.]: Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 189S. n.s., lxvi, 158.— Whitehead (R. H.) The anatomy of oblique inguinal hernia in the male, with reference to Macewen's operation. Tr. M. Soc. X. Car., Wilmington, 1895, 56.— Witzel (O.) Leber den Verschluss von Bauchwunden und Bruclipfbrten durch versenkte Silbertlrahtnetze (Ein- heilung von Filigranpelotten). Centralbl. f. Chir.. Leipz., 1900, xxvii. 257-260. -----. Xachtrag zur Mittheilung: Ueber den Verschluss von Bauchwunden und Biuchpforten durch versenkte Silbertlrahtnetze. Ibid.. 457. —Woods (G. W.) Report on Bassini's operation for the radical cure of hernia. Rep. Snrg.Gen. Xaw. "Wash., 1899. 150- 152. Also.- Proc. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S. 1899, Columbus, 1900, viii. 93-96. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1900, xxxiv, 273. Hernia (Radical cure of) by injections and mechanical means. See, also, Hernia (Congenital); Hernia ( Umbili- cal, Radical cure of). Becker (G. W.) Eiu Paar Worte an Brttch- krauke, die vou ihreni Leibesschaden befreit und deu damit verbuudenen Gefahren gtsichert seyn wolleu. Xobst einer Anweisung zum Gebrauch seiner elastisehen radikal heiienden Bruch-Ban- dageu. vMc. Leipzig, 1-07. dk Combes (G.) *Cure radicale dc la lieruie inguinale par la nieThode scleTOgene; resultats imiue'diats. 4°. Paris, l-'Jii. Glover (R.) A treatise on orthopedic snrgery and heruia; containing directions for adjusting and applying trusses to every species of rupture, for the purpose of effecting radical cures by the use of an improved instrument; with a theoreti- lernia (Radical cure of) by injections and mechanical means. cal view of the modus operandi of the same. > . Ncu- York, [ls")3, rel subseij.]. Lindii (A.) *Oni alkoholin.sprutuingar vitl underlifsbrack. [Injections of alcohol iu ab- dominal hernias] e-c. Halmstad, ls-*v>. Warren (J. H.) Heinia, strangulated and reducible, with cure by subcutaneous injections, together with suggested and improved methods for kelotomy. Also an appendix giving a short account of various new surgical instruments. > . London, lsso. Biggnr (H. F.) Radical cure for hernia by injection; clinical remarks and operation for the same. Clin. Rev., Cleveland, 1885-6, i. 39.—Browne (W. W.) Report of a few cases of hernia treated bv the injection method. At- lantic M. Weekly, Providence, 1898, x, 167. — Cooper (E. S.) Collodion, applied to the radical cure of hernia. Tr. M. Soc. Calif., Sacramento, 1858, ii, 125-128. — »e Garmo (W. B.) The treatment of hernia by subcuta- neous injection. Med. Rec, X. T., 1887, xxxi, 35-38 Also, Reprint. -Dernnrs. Dela cure radicale des her- nies par les injections tie chlorure de zinc. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc , Par., 1897, exxiv, 908-911. Also [with addi- tions] : Bull, med., Par., 1897, xi, 398. — Feitl (L. J.) Treatment of hernia bv injections. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1897, n. s., xxxix, 182.—Fcsslcr (T.) Ueber die Behantl- lung freier Hernien nach dem Verfahren vou Schwalbe. Aerztl. Centr.-Anz., "Wien. 1896, viii, 97. — Oillespie (W. R.) On the injection treatment ofhernia. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1894, n. s., xxxii, 673-676. — CJ rifle n (T.) Treatment of inguinal hernia bv injection. Internat. J. Surg., X. T., 1897, x, 355. — (i■■ in■■ (E. E.) Injection treatment of hernia. Texas M..L. Austin. 191)0-1901, xvi, 71-73. — Harvey (J. G.) Cure ot hernia by injection. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1888, xxxiv, 291.— II in It (A.) Alkohol- Injectionen bei freien Hernien; casuistische Mittheilung. TVmn. med. BL, 1891, xiv, 749-751. Also: Med.-chir. Cen- tralbl., Wien, 1891, xxvi. 677-679. — Hoi I (P. M.) A re- port of a case of gangrene of the foot following an injection for the cure of hernia. Xorthwest. Lancet. St. Paul, 1898, xviii, 464-466.—Keeiley (C. B. > The ratlical cure of in- guinal hernia by injection, and by the same combined with suture of the canal; also on the application of similar methods to umbilical hernia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, ii 543. Also: Maryland M. J.. Bait., 1885, xiii,501-503.-----. Further remarks on the radical cure of hernia by injection; including a description of a mode of operating without the use of an anaesthetic, and without confining the patient to his bed or to the house. Brit.M..I.,Lond.,1887,i,10s9.----—. Radical cure of hernia by open injections; results after a year and a half. Ibid., ii, 1205.—Kloman (W. ('.) The radical cure of hernia by hypodermic injection. X. York M. J., 1893, lvii, 18. -----. The treatment of hernia by injection. Maryland M. J.. Bait., 1898-9, xl, 167.—I,a- meri» (H. J.) Over de behandeling van hreuken met alcohol-injecties. Xetlerl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst. 1901, 2. R, xxxvii, d. 2, 592- 6t)l. — Lanncloiiguei Note sur la cure radicale des hernies. de la hernie ingui- nale en paiticulier, par la methode sclerogene. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1896, 3. a., xxxvi, 12-19. _____. Technique de la cure tie la hernie inguinale par la methode sclerogene. Ibid.. 1897, 3. s., xxxviii, 19-45. Also: Bull. med., Par., 1897, xi, 629-637. Also: Rev. de therap. med.- chir., Par., 1897,lxiv, 475; 501. Also f Abstr.]: Gaz. d.hop Par., 1897, Ixx, 793. Also, transl.: Wien. med. Bl.. 1897, xx, 479; 495. -----. De la cure de la hernie inguinale par la methode sclerogene. Rev. prat. d. trav. de nied., Par., 1897. liv, 225-227. -----. Application de la methode scl6ro- gene a la cure radicale ties hernies. Med. inf., Par., 1897, 5. -----. Xote sur le tiaitement des hernies, k propos de la communication de M. Demars. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1897, exxiv. 911-913.— I.nnphear (A. H.) The value of cryptodosis iu radical cure of reducible and retainable hernia. Kansas M. J., To- peka, 1894, vi, 101-105. — I.nnphear (E.) The radical cure of hernia. Kansas City M. Index. 1889, x. 233- 238. — ITIct'lane (F. E.) Hernia or rupture, anil the radical cure of same by hypodermic injections. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1897. xxv, 41-44.—Har-.il (C.-V.-E.) La cure radicale des hernies; m6thode Ileatonieune: electro- lyse. [Resume.] Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1889, n. s., iii, 393. — iVIooi-e (E. M.) What is the practical worth of the injection method of treatment for the ratlical cure of simple reducible hernia? Tr. X. York M. Ass. 1889. Concord, 1890, vi, 139. — > iniit i (H.) Xote sur le tiaitement de la hernie inguinale par la methode sclero- gene. Assoc franc.dechir. Proc-verb. [etc], Par., 1897. xi. 401-4H9. — Patchen (G. H.) A ratlical treatment, non-surgical, for hernia. Tr. Am. Inst. Homoeop., Phila., 1890, xliii, 532-543. Also: X. Am. J. Homceop., X. Y., 1890, 3. s., v, 634-646— *chmiilt (A.) Die radicale Hei- lung tier Unterleibsbriiche nach der Methode des Dr. Carl Schwalbe. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz.. 1892, xxxiv. HEKMA. 43 HERNIA. Hernia (Radical cure of) by injections and mechanical means. Festschr. . . . C. Thiersch, [etc.], 90-97. - Nchwnllte (K.) Die subkutanc Injektion tics Alkohols in die Uiiige- bung ties Bruches untl tier Bruchpforte. Deutsche Med.. Ztg., Berl., 1891. xii, 19L —Nexiou (L.) A radical cure . ofhernia without an oueiaiion. N. Orl. M. A- S. J., 1885-6, n. s., xiii. 602-604. Momlcr ;C. I'.) The injection irent'- ment for the lelief and curt-of hernia. Hahucmaii. Month., Phila.. 1896, xxxi. 595-599. Also, Reprint.—Nlelleii (K.) Erfahrungcii fiber die Bchantllung tier reponibeln Hernien nach Schwalbe. | Alcoholinjectionen. ] Cor.-Bl. I. schwciz. Aerzte. Rase), 1891, xxi, 361: 401. -----. Zui Si hwaibe'- scheu Heriiienbehandluu^ in tier Billroth'sehen Klinik. Ibid., 1.-92, xxii, 33-38. - W ailing (\V. II.) The injec- tion treatment of hernia: with formula for fluid. Med. A Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1894. lxxi, 388. ------. A case of strangulated hernia; reduction without operation: cure by the injection method. Med. Summary, Phila., 1895-6, xvii. 'Js3. ------. The treatment of henna' b\ the inject ion method. Ibid., 1896-7, xviii, 85.—Warden (A. A.) On systematic muscular development as a radical cure of her- nia. Lancet, Lond., 1899, i, 1559—Weir (R. F.) On the cureof reducible and irreducible hernias byHeaton's injec- tion method aud bv radical operation. Tr. M. Soc. XV. Syracuse. ls>7. 261-286. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1887, xxxi, 257-263. Hernia (Rectovaginal). Sei Heruia (Vaginal, etc.). Hernia (Reduction of) in bulk. Sei. also. Hernia (Congenital); Hernia (Fem- oral, Treatment of, Operatire); Hernia (Properi- toneal). Bracx (F.) * Ueber Eublocrepositiou, mit Bescbreibuug eines, durch Operation geheilten Falles. >~>. Greifswald, l--n. Dolbrere (P.-C.-A.) " Quelques consid^ra- tinns sur la hemic e"trangl£e reduite en masse et de son tiaitement par le taxis apres une expul- sion nouvelle. 4-\ Bordeaux, 1894. Si'knce (J.) Observations on the nature, symptoms and treatment of constricted or stran- gulated hernia:, reduced en bloc. 8°. Edinburgh, 1-79. Stahi. (\V.) 'Ueber die Reposition eu bloc der Unterleibsbriiche. 8°. Gdttingen, 1897. Barker (A. E.) A clinical lecture on median lapa- rotomy for reduction en ma--e of inguinal hernia. Clin. J., Lond., 1892-3, i, 69-71.—Bonrxier iA.j Hernie ingui- nale droite 6tranglee reduite en masse; kelotomie. J. de m6d. de Bordeaux, 1892, xxii, 552.—Dr iTInilino (S.) Dn caso di ernia inguinale ridotta in mas»a. Gazz. inter- naz. di med. prat., Xapoli, 1901, iv, 47. — Fnuron (V.) Contribution a l'6tude de la reduction en masse de la hernie inguinale oblique externe, non etranglee. Bull. Acad.roy.de med.de Belg., P.iux.. 1887, 4. s., i, 433-449. [Rap. de GallezJ, 381-3^3. — Fi»chcr. Herniotomie; Massenreductioii; Heilung. Ztschr. f. Wuntlarzte u. Geburtsh., Winnentlen, 1880, xxxi 107. —Foucher (A.) Hernie inguinale etranglee avec ieduction en masse tie la hernie et du sac dans 1 'abdomen. (Liz. med. tie Picar- die, Amiens. 1899, xvii, 71.— llol'mokl. Hernia incar- cerata inguinalis sinistra Massenreductioii (?); Peri- tonitis; Toil. Ber. d. k.k Ki.mUeu.iii-i. Rudolph-Stif- tungin Wien 11890), 1891, 336. —I.eriiard til A.) Hernia reduced en masse. Tr. Path Soc Lond 1886, xxxvii, 239—.Tlct'n mi (J i Successful laparotomy for the relief of a stiangulated inguinal heinia, which had been re- duced e,, masse. Pitul.ui-h M. Rev., 1886-7, i, 137-139.— .Tlynler n.|: Ungar. med. Presse, Buda- pest, 1899, iv, 33-35.—0« «'ii (E.) Reduction en masse of a strangulated inguinal In i ma in a woman; operation; recov- erv. Edinb. M. J., 1*78-9, xxiv, pt. 2, 1078-1981. Also i [Abstr.]: Proc. M. Soc. Lond., 1877-9, iv, 247 -I'lii/.o (R.) Un caso di ernia strozzata ridotta in massa. lvi\. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1898, xxix, 469-479. — Have (D. O'C.) Strangulated right inguinal hernia; reduction en bloc; operative formation of artificial anus; recovery. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1885, xx, 215.— Kob-on (M1.) Strangulated inguinal hernia; spontaneous reduction en masse ; returned by taxis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, i, 391 ,— Spencer (W. G.) Strangulated inguinal hernia; reduc- tion en masse; abdominal section; intestinal paralysis, death. Lancet. Lond., 1895. i, 1183 — I'ltoi Imrn i\V.) Two cases of reiliiction en masse, treated by laparotomy Med. Chron,, Manchester, 1891, xiv, 113 417. '1'rcvcn Hernia (Reduction of) in bulk. (W.) Strangulated inguinal hernia; reduction en bloc; operation. Lancet, Lond., 1889, i, 785. — WalNliam (W. J.) Auto-reduction of hernia en masse as a cause of abdom- inal oli-linction. | Abstr.] British AL J., Lontl.. 1901, i, i'31.— \\ illinniM (C. L.) A case of spontaneous i'-duc- t ion en masse of inguinal hernia. Tr. South Indian Liano-h Brit. M. Ass., Madras, 1895, vi, 156-158.—Zoja i.\.) Caso inibarazzantc tli ernia inguinale ridotta in massa per quattro volte consecutive. (Jazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1893, Iii. 403. Hernia (Retroperitoneal). See, also, Hernia in animals; Hernia in the female. Bkoesike (G.) Ueber intraabdominal (re- troperitoneal!') Hernien und Bauclifelltaschen, nebst einer Darstelluug der Entwicklung peri- tonealer Formationen. 8 . Berlin, 1891. Brlning (T.) * Ein Fall von Hernia duodene- iejunalis sinistra. Hernia retroperitoneal is Treitzii. 8\ Wiirzburg, 1894. Herix (A.-G.-H.) * Des hernies internes r6- troperitou6ales et particulierement de la hernie iutersigmoide. 8°. Lille, 1898. Krauss (F.) * Ueber Hernia retroperitonae- alis Treitzii. 8°. Frlangen, 1884. Kuppers (L.) * Hernia retromesenterica. 8 . Berlin, 1899. Lapeu (J.) * Ein Fall von Hernia mesocolo- nialis mit Einklemmung eines Sanduhrmagens. 8-. Greifswald, 1894. Moynihan (B. G. A.) On retro-peritoneal hernia, being the "Arris and Gale" lectures on "the anatomy and surgery of the peritoneal fos- sae" delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons of England. 8 . London, 1899. Pascal (E\) * Des hernies intestinales et ap- pendiculaires dans la fossette re"tro-ccecale. 8-'. Lyon, 1897. Poissox (F.) * Les fossettes peri-duod6nales et leur role dans la pathog^nie ties hernies 16- trop6ritoneales. [Paris.] 4°. Lille, 1895. RIipixg (K.) *Eiu Fall von Hernia retroperi- tonealisTreitzii,eineOvarialcyste vortauscheud. 8-. Tiibingen, 1895. Scheja (S.) "Ueber eine Hernia duodeuo- jejunalis. [Erlangen.] s\ Jena, 1895. Also, in: Morphol. Arb., Jena, 1895, v, 206-240, 1 pi. Staehenmayek (0.) * Duodeno-jejunal Her- nie mit Ersclieinungen von Darmverengerung. [Tiibingen.] 8 . Stuttgart, 188(5. Also, in: Med. Cor.-Bl. d.wiirttemb. iirztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1886, lvi, 129; 137. Theitz (W.) Hernia retroperitonealis. Eiu Beitrag zur CJeschichte iuuerer Hernien. 8 . Frag, 185?. Waedeyek (W.) Hernia retroperitonealis, nebst Bemerkungen zur Anatontie ties Perito- neunis. U. Breslau, IStis. Alice (Ci Leber Hernia duodenojcjunalis (Hernia re- troperitonealis licitz). Beitr. z. path. Anat. n. z. allg. Path.,.Jena., 1901, xxix, 117-141, 2 pi.—Han* (A. U.) A case of strangulatetl retroperitoneal hernia (mesenteric hernia of Cooper). Lancet, Lond., 1891, ii, 28(1.—BreiNliy (A.) Hernia retroperitoiia'alis. Casop. lek. desk., v Praze. 1802, i, 225.—Brown (W. I.) Case of strangu- lated internal hernia through an omental slit. Tr. Chicago Path. Soc.(1897-9), 1900, iii, 178.—5. DE Beaumais (R.-A.) * Etude sur retrangle- ment herniaire par pincement lateral de l'in- testin. 4 . Paris, 1889. Hernia (Richter's). Fekkier (J.) " De I'occliision intestinale dans le piuccinent herniaire. 4-. Bordian.r, 1884. Hekfukth (A.) *Ein Fall von Darniwanu- liruch bei gleichzeitig Yorliandenem Darm- nnhaug. 8L. Jena, 188(.». Mi'jller (E. G.) * Ueber Danuwandbruclie. 8-. hallea. S., 18U4. Ramm (E. R. M.) * Ueber Darmwandbriiche, nebst Beifugung eines Falles von eingeklemm- tein Darmwandbruch. 12°. Greifswald, 188IL Schlaxge (E. [P. V.]) Ueber Darmwand- briiclie. 8C. Greifswald, L-'JO. Tiedemann (W.) * Ueber Darnnvandbriiche sc. Jurjew, 1894. Topp (J.) * Beitrag zur Lelire von den Darmwandbriichen. 8°. Kiel, 18D0. Vernet (Q.) 'Contribution a l'dtude clinique du pincement de l'iutestin par les fissures sus- ombilicales. 4°. Paris, 1>91. Itattle (W. H.) A case of partial euterocele (irredu- cible) associated with double hernial sac; operation. Lan- cet, Lond., 1887, i, 413.—Bishop (S.) A case of Richter's hernia; sloughing of bowel; suture; recoverv. Ibid., 1898, ii, 410.—€oley (W. B.) Strangulated properitoneal (Richter's) hernia; partial euterocele. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1900, xxxii, 136.— Fodcrl (O.) Dariuwandbruehe; eine experimentelle Stutlie. Arch. f.klin. Chir., Perl., 1898, lvi, 373-417,1 pi.—Fowler (R S.) Tartial euterocele. Ann. Surg., Phila,, 1899, xxix, 533-55(1. — Fowler (W.) Notes of a case of Richter's i rnia. Abstr. Tr. Hunterian Soc, Lond., 1887-8, 66-68.—Knilyan (A. A ^ Grizhi kishech- noi stlenki. [Hernias of the intestinal wall (partial en- terocele).] Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkin,., St. Petersb., 1892, iii, 105; 134. — Livingstone (T. H.) Strangulated inguinal Richter's hernia, with hydrocele of the sac. Lancet, Lond., 1899, ii, 960.—I.yot (0.) Hernie inguinale etran- glee; pincement lateral de l'intestin. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1892, lxvii, 078-681. — HIiiller (E.) Ein Fall von Darmwandbruch. Med. Cor.-l?l. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver , Stuttg., 1894, lxiv, 25-27.—Owen (E.) On partial eutero- cele. Proc. M. Soc. Lond., 1886-7, x, 209-213. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lontl., 1887, i, 311.—Reverdin (J.-L.) Pince- ment herniaire; operation; guerison. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1890, x, 597-003.—Riedel. Ueber akute Darmwandbriiche, nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Re- position und Operation eiugeklemmter Briiche im Allge- meinen; Herniotomia aperta. Samml. klin. Vortr., n. S\, Leipz., 1896, No. 147 (Chir., Xo. 42, 433-466).—Koser (W.) Ueber Darmwandbriiche. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Go- sellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1886, xv, pt. 2, 143-148. Also: Arch. f.klin.Chir.,Berl., 1886-7, xxxiv,435-440.— Sheen (A. W.) Three cases of Richter's hernia. Practitioner, Lontl., 1*98, lxi, 360-361.—Slnhl (F. A.) Acute partial enterocele. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1897, xxix, 683-691— Sinn ((' ) Zur Casuistik der Richter'schen Briiche. Perl. klin. Wchnschr., 1892, xxix, 1022. — Mvcntsitski (V. A.) Sluchal pristienochnoi grizhi Richter'a. [Partial entero- cele.1 Laitop. khirurg. Obsh. v Mosk., 1897, xvi, 23-27.— Treves (F.) Richter'sherniaorpartialenterocele. Proc. Rev. M. A- Chir. Soc. Lond., 1885-6, n. s., ii, 166-168. Also.- Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1887, Ixx, 149-167. Also. Re- print. Also [Abstr. 1: Lancet, Lond., 1886, ii, 1176.— Vir.es (J.) Tiaitement general de l'etranglemeut intes- tinal herniaire et de ses complications et'plus sp6ciale- ment dans le pincement lateral de l'intestin. X. Montpel. med., 1895. iv, 576; 585; 605; 037. -----. Du pincement lateral tie l'intestin dans les hernies. Ibid., SuppL. 1WI7, vi,99; 201; 341 : 407.— Witllianer i K.) Eiu Fall von ein- gekloinintem Darniwandbruch. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1891, v, 474-477.— Xilioll (V.) K voprosu o pristienoi h- nikh grizhakh. [On partial enteroceles.J Chir. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1894. x, HS8-916. Hernia (Sacral). Hoclicncgg (J.) Ueber sacrale Hernien. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1WI6, ix, 1094-1099. Also, Reprint.— Robinson (F. B.) Sacro-pubic hernia. Am. Pract. & News. Louisville, 1893, xvi, 333-336. Hernia (Scrotal). See Hernia [and its subdirixions]. Hernia (Simulated). See Hernia (Jurisprudence of). Hernia (Societies for the relief of). See Ruptured (Societies for the relief of the). HERNIA. 45 HERNIA. Hernia (Spontaneous cure of). Caruciitier. Hernie omhilicale gangrenee; ahces stercoral; anus centre nature; guerison spontanee. Bull. nied. du nord. Lille, 1889. xxviii, 155-159.—Kllis ill. Li Spontaneous relief of an incarcerated umbilical hernia. Med. Rec. N. \\, 1886, xxx, 401. — Englisch (.1.) Kin Fall vou Spoutauheiluug eines iiusseren Leisteubruches bei Eutwicklung eines Psoas abscesses. Wien. med. BL, 1880. ix, 828-832.— Ilci rin^lon (\Y. J.) Spontaneous recovery from gangienous Little's hernia. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1899. xxx, 248.—Kar|tinski (J.) Heruia ingui- nalis sinistra incarcerata; gaugricna; anus pia'ternatura- lis; sanatio spontanea. Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1894, 2. s.. xiv, 1105. — .TIereier (A.) Guerison spontanee de hernie etran- glee. Lev. med. delaFranche-('onit6. Pesancou, 1892, i. 47- 50.— >ewinnn (D.) Patient who had strangulated in- guinal hernia, which ruptured externally, with the forma- tion of abscess followed by spontaneous cure. Tr. Motl.- t'hir.Soc.(ilasg..1895-7,i,95". Also : Glasgow M.J.,l896.xlvi, 22 — l'ion. Hernie inguinale etransilee depuis douze jours; rupiureilc lintestin et infiltration des gaz intesti naux dans le tissucellulaire de l'abilomen. de lacuissc it de la jambe; ouvertureduscrotum; anus contre nature; gueri- son spontanea. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 18s6. li\, 670. — Sy.i- layti J ' Kizart servnek dukent gyogyult esetc. |A case of spontaneous cure of strangulated hernia.] Gyd- gyiiszat, Budapest. 1898. xxxviii. 111. Also, transl.: Pest. med.-chir. Presse, Budapest. 1898, xxxiv, 801-803. Hernia (strangulated). See Heruia (Complications, etc., of); Hernia (Diagnosis of): Hernia (Femoral, Complications, etc.. of): Heruia (Radical cure of); Hernia i Treatment of); Hernia (Treatment of, Operative). Hernia (Traumatic). S>e, also, Abdominal section (Accidents, etc., of); Hernia (Diaphragmatic); Hernia (Femoral, Complications, etc., of): Hernia (Umbilical, Treatment of, Operative); Hernia (Ventral). Semi.er (P. [J. A.]) * Ueber Hernien nach Laparotomieen. --. Berlin, 1895. Bilfinger. Zur Frage von der Entstehung der trau- ruatischen Hernien. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1901, lxiv, 159-192 I hnrannaz Hi.) De 1'evisceration post-op6- ratoire spontanee. Rev. mens, tie gvnec. [etc.], Bordeaux, 1900, ii. 244; 294. —Clark ol. (Li Methods of closing the abdominal wound and tloir lelationship to post-operative hernia. Piogr. Med., Phila. A X. Y., 1899, ii, 169-182.— Collins (C. 17.i The prevention of post-operative hernia. Peona M. J.. 1900, v, 309-313.—Edebohls (G. M.) The hernia guarantee and the minimum of confinement after operations for appendicitis with and without pus. Med. Rec., X.Y.. 1899, Iv, 665-667. Also, Reprint.—Eula (1). ('.) L' ernia inguinale doppia come conseguenza d' infoi tumo. Riv. di diritto <■ ^iur. . . . s. infortuni tl. lavoro, Moilona, 1899, i, 302-304. —FiUri. Hernieetrangl6epar suite d'une 16g£re —-<-..ij —»-. chez un individu sans antecedents her- niaires. G.i/. no d.d Orient, Constant., 1^94-5, xxxvii, 2H2- 284.- Fitch i.M. £.) The prevention of postoperative hernia. Med. Times, X. Y., 1900, xxviii, l.is-UO - - str.]: Boston M. & S. J., 1899, cxli, 105-10-. —Iwrlin Un cas de hernie traumathpie traiis-iutcrcostale; cure opo- ratoire. Gaz. hebd. de mid., Par., 1898, n. b., iii, 1105 — I,.-i in nil'is (R.) Ein Fall traumatisch eutstantlencn Li in Ins. Moiiatschr.f.Unfallheilk., Leipz., 1897, iv, 215.— tinnier (T. IL) The relation of physical violence to her- nial protrusion* through the abdominal walls; the physio- logical, pathological, and medico-legal aspects id' the ques- tion. J.Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1892, xix„387-392. —.Tl oore (J. E.) Prevention and cure of post-operative hernia. Am. Med., Phila., 1901, i, 50.5-507. — Tloiilon-juel (A.) Spha- celeherniaretraumatii|uc Gaz.med.de Picardie. Amiens, 1898, xvi, 117-12L —■•rineelenu. Hernie inguinale (eu- tero-6piplocfele) d'origine irauinatique. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et phvsiol.... tie Bordeaux. 1888, ix. 53-55. Also f Abstr. j: J. denied, tie Bordeaux, ]«87-8, xvii, 543.—de l)uti vain (F.) De la hernie tie force. Semaine med., Par., 1900, xx, 87-90. Also, transl.: "Wien. meil. PL, 1901, xxiv, 117; 167.— I Kaniii'C/ Mnnlalii (A.) Herida penetralite de viontre con heinia intestinal considerable. Mctl. mil. espan., Ma- drid, 1899-1900, vi, 43. — Siiiif. Etranglement d'une her- nie tiauinatit|ue. J. de und.. chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1890. xc, 785 7.v.— Neelej (1,1!) Incisional hernia; its successfal m« dical treatment. Meil. Mirror. St. Louis, 1899.x, 125.—Wen ' DM.) Protrusion of intestine through accidental puncture of the abdominal wall; operation; Hernia (Traumatic), — recovery. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1900, xviii, 147.— Mliinioiick (F.) Post-operative hernia. Tr. M. Soc. Wisconsin, Madison, 1899, xxxiii, 348-362.—Sick (P.) Ein Fall von Pruchsackruptur durch Trauma. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1898, xlvii, 265-270.—Smith (A. L.) Hernia following abdominal operations ; its prevention and cure. Brit. Gyniec. J., Lond., 1899-1900, xv, 350-362. Also: Canada M. Rec, Montreal. 1899, xxvii, 197 206. Also: Pacilic M J., San Fran., 1899, xiii, 670-079.- Ward (J.W.) Post-operative hernia and its treatment. Tr. Am. Inst. Homii'op. 1898, N. Y., 1899, liv, 277-289. Also: Clin. Re- porter, St, Louis, 1899, xii, 401-408. Hernia (Treatment of). See, also, Enemata; Hernia (Diagnosis of); Hernia (Padical cure of); Hernia (Treatment of, Operative); Rupture quacks; Trusses; and under subdivisions, as Hernia (Cases, etc., of). Balin. I/art . de Lap nay (J.-P.) Instructions neeessaires pour ceux qui sont incommodes des deeentes, avec quelques remarques sur le remide du roy, et sur les moyens qu'on petit prendre pour en- voyer des bandages dans les provinces. 16°. Paris, 1690. -----. The same. 2. etl. 1*5°. Paris, 1730. Macilwain (G.) A clinical memoir on stran- gulated hernia, with the author's practice; to which are added, remarks on obstructiou of the bowels from other causes, and a postscript. 8°. London, 1838. Manley (T. H.) Hernia; palliative and rad- ical treatment in adults, children, and infauts. 8°. Philadelphia, 1893. Mignon (A.) *La bicyclette chez les her- nieux. 8". Paris, 1-99. [ Monza (A.)] L' elastico compressore del- 1' eruie inveutato per quelle, uellequali riescono iuutili o pericolosi i noti ripari. 8°. Parma, 17S7. Molton (G.-H.) * Des hernies adhereutes par glissement du gros intestin; leur th6rapeutique. 8°. Lille, 1899. Meyville (J.) Du traitement de certaines hernies dites irr^ductibles. 4°. Paris, 1**8. NLtzlich (Eiu) Bad uud Artznei, den Bruch an Alteu und Jungeu ungeschnitten zu heyleu. 12°. Strassburg, [1539]. Parker (A. H.) The rational treatment of rupture. A study of the causation, pathology, and varieties of heruia. The applicatiou of im- proved modern trusses, elastic stockings, etc. 8°. Chicago, 18*5. -----. The same. 3. ed. 8°. Chicago, 1887. Rainal p&re. Hernies; traitement par l'ap- pareil a bascule sans ressort; orthopedic 8°. Paris, 1870. Eamberd. Les hernies et leur gu6rison d'apres les d6couvertes scieutifiques les plus r6centes. Entretiens familiers. 2. partie. 13. 6d. 12°. Paris, [1890]. Savory (W. S.) Cases illustrating the use of chloroform iu the treatment of hernia. 8°. London, 1853. Snoep (J. P.) Proeve eener historisch-kriti- sche beschouwing van het wezen en de behan- deliug der breukbeklenmiiug. 8°. Goes, 1858. Spartali (D.) * Contribution au traitement des hernies inguinales recidivees. 8°. Paris, 1897. Stahr (J. B.) Die sichere Behandlung und Verhutung der hanfigsten Briiche des menschli- chen Korpers. Ein unentbehrlicb.es Noth- uud Hiilfsbuchlein fiir Bruchkrauke, und Alle, die es nieht werden wollen. 2. vermehrte Aufl. 16°. Berlin, [1841]. Sladicani (C. F.) *De remediis prtecipuis ad hernias iuearceratas. 4°. Gottingw, 1774. Also, in: Weiz(F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Leipz., 1776, v, 93-115. Sczeau. Xouvelle m6thode pour le traite- ment des hernies abdominales 6trauglees. 8°. Paris, 1890. Wickham i(L) Bandages de Wickham freres pour le traitement des hernies. 8°. Paris, 18~(j. -----. The same. 8-\ Paris, 1889. Albert (E.) Eiu eigeuthlimlicher Fall von Zerreis- sung des Bruchsackes bei tier Taxis. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1888. xxxiii, 47.—Aleksieyevski. K voprosu o vpravlenii ushtshemlennikh bryushnikh grizh. [Reduc- Hernia (Treatment of). tion of impacted abdominal hernise.] Ejenetl. klin. gaz., St. Petersb., 188.3, v. 497; 517.—Vlrxnmlio* (P.)_ ilpdra- 0"t5 vias fji€&68ov pt£iitj)s #epa7reia? twc fiovfZun>OKr]\iJi3v. Ta- Aijvbs,'Afloat, 1897, xxvii, IC—Allison (C.C.) Upon her- nia; including selection of operation, mechanical support. the injection method, aud a review of the O. E. Miller treat menr. Kansas City M. Index, 1890. xvii, 247-250.—«1*A I- mcida (D.) Tratamento das hernias. Pev. da Soc. de med. ecirurg.,Kio de Jan., 1897, i, 288-299.— Ashliui'»l (J.), jr. Personal experience in the treatment of strangu- lated hernia. Kansas City M. Index, 1894, xv, 193-197.— Basket! (N. M.) One of the complications which mnv follow the injection treatment for hernia. Med. Herald, St. Joseph, 1901, xx, 389-393. — IS shut (P. M.) A case of strangulated hernia redueed bv faradization. N. York M. J., 1888. xlviii, .372. — Bellamy (K.) The practical use of trusses, and the operations for relief of strangulation. [Abstr.] Prov. M. J., Leices- ter, 1889, viii, 22- 26. — Bcmieckc (E.) Zur Frage der forcirten Taxis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1898, xxxv, 253-255.—Bennett (W. EL.) Clinical lecture on the diffi- culties and dangers which may arise from indiscriminate attempts at the reduction of strangulated hernia? by ma- nipulation. Lancet, Lond., 189'i, ii, 410-414. Also: MeA. Sc Surg. Peporter, Phila. 1892, lxvii, 481-488. —Bertram (II.) Zum Capitel der forcirten Taxis. Deutsche med. Wi-lmsi-lir., Leipz. u. Berl., 1901, xxvii, 541.—Beryozov- mki (S. K.) O llechenii bolshikb grizh; massage pri eri- zhakh. [Treatment of large herniie ; massage in h«ruia. ] Syezd rossiysk. khirurg. 1900, Mosk., 1901, i, 112-121.— Bone (E. G.) [Pr.] de herniae inguinalis cura animad- versiones. In: Weiz (F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.], 12°, Fiankf. u. Leipz., 1780, xi, 19-22. — Bousquct. Hernie etranglee; injection intra-rachidienne d'euca'ine. Bull. et m6ra. Soc. tie chir. de Par., 1901, n. s., xxvii, 799.— Braisleil (W. C.) Treatment of inguinal and femoral hernia. Physician & Surg., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1890, xii, 14-26. | Discussion], 29. Also: Tr. Detroit M. Sc Libr. Ass., 1890, 52-66. Also [Abstr.]: Am. Lancet, Detroit, 1889, n. s., xiii, 401-406. -----. A service view of inguinal heinia. Med. Rec, K. T., 1899, lv, 116-121.—Brown (G. S.) A case of incarcerated hernia and its reduction by means of rectal taxis. Med. News, Phila., 1895, lxvi, 490. Also, Peprint.—Brown (J. S.) Accidental hut rational reduction of hernia. North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1896, xxxvii, 186.—Bryant (J. D.) Remarks introductory to a discussion ou treatment of hernia. Tr. N. York M. Ass. 1889, Concord, 1890, vi. 110-133. Also: Med. Rec, N. T., 1889. xxxvi, 505-511.—Bryant (T.) On treatment of ir- reducible hernia, and an improved method of adapting a truss in all forms of hernia. Proc. M. Soc. Loud., 1883-4, vii, 181-186.—Bull (W. T.) & Coley (W. B.) Observa- tions on the mechanical and operative treatment of hernia at the hospital for ruptured and crippled of New York. Ann. Surg.,Phila.,1893, xvii, 527-541,3 pi. Also, Reprint.— Burchard (T. H.) The modern treatment in strangu- lated hernia. Med. News, Phila., 1887, li, 745-747. Also: N. York M. J., 1888, xlvii, 61-65. — Burzagli (G. B ) Sopra la cura delle ernie strozzate con le compresse di etere applicate locahnente. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1901, xxii, 505.—Cabral. Hernie inguinale acquise; gu6rison par le bandage. Programed., Par., 1886, 2. s., iii, 192.—©a- nclla y Peirole (A.) Hernia inguinal estrangnlada; reduccion por la t&xis prolongada. Siglo med., Madrid, 1897, xliv, 469.—Cassine. De la conduite k tenir en pre- sence d'un etranglement herniaire. Rev. internat. de med. et de chir., Par., 1896, vii, 422-424— t'auchois. Dn taxis avec chloroforme dans les bernies etransilees. ITnion med. de la Seine-Iuf., Rouen, 1883, xxii, 114-120.—Chanel (K.) Case of strangulated hernia treated successfully by taxis. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1885, xx, 45.—Choisy. Du nouveau proc6d6 de M. Amussat pour la reduction des hernies 6tranglees. J. d. conn. iu6d. prat., Par., 1833-4, i, 163-165. — Colson. Traitement de la hernie inguinale chronique. Ann. de m6d. v6t., Brux., 1889, xxxviii, 596- 599.—Coiirtiii. Hernie inguinale gauche congenitale et orchidopexie. M6m. et bull. Soc. de ined. et chir. de Bor- deaux (1895), 1890, 35-38.—Croly (H. G.) Hernia and taxis. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, DubL, 1894-5, xiii, 232- 258. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1895, c, 1; 97. — Dallas (A.) The treatment of inguinal hernia. Med. News, Phila., 1891, lix, 622. Also, Reprint.-----. The treatment of inguinal hernia, Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Phila., 1893, 387-402. Also, Reprint. Also: Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1893, lxviii, 277-284. -----. Hernial instrument. No. 505818; Oct. 3,1893. -----. The treatment of heinia. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y, Albany, 1894, 315-319. —Davison (C.) Inguinal hernia. ChicagoClin., 1898, xi, 1-7.—De CJaruio (W.B.) The palliative or mechanical treatment of hernia, with illustrative cases; with a brief report on repeated injec- tions of oak-bark without confinement to bed. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1886, xxix, 386-388. [Discission], 402. —----. An analysis of one-thousand cases of hernia in private prac- tice," and the results of mechanical treatment. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Svracuse, 1888. 379-385. Also : N. York M. J., 1888, xlvii, 236. Also, Reprint. -----. The conservative treatment of irreducible and incarcerated hernia. N. York HEEXIA. 47 HEltMA. Hernia (Tnatment of). M. J., 18-8. xlvii. iiS-71. Also. Peprint. -----. The me- chanical treatment of inguinal hernia. Iiternat Clin Phila.. 1892. 2. s iii, 231-239. 1 pi. -----. A few points on the management of strangulated hernia. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1,-32 xix. 209-213. -----. The tieatment of stran- gulated hernia. PostGiatlnate. N. Y., 1891-2. vii, 3t;:i-:iti9 -----. Heinvi. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1899, 8 s , iv, 249- 257, 3 pi l»ela»»n«. Le traitement de la hernie etran- glee; taxis i i Im lotomie. Pratique jour., Lille. 1.-95-6.1, 145-160.— Mel ma*. Observation de hernie 'inguinale etranglee. trait* c avec succts par la glace. suivanfla me- thode d» M. lteuth'ii>. A i.st' Compt. rend. Acad.d. sc. Par..18."j. xl. 114:: — Duncan I Inguinal hernia; reduc- tion: intense inflammation of i..■« el; deal h Noi th. J. M.. Ediub.. 1-11-5, ii. 149-151 Also. Reprint - Itupir, De la contention des hernii s reductibles; narallele des trois prin- cipalis cysteines; batiilages-reiuturcs. bandages a ressort, bandages ligides. Compt.rend. Acad.d.sc, l'ar.. 1863 lvii, 472—Dyson (W.W.) Hernia and the mechanical applica- tion of the truss: an important suggestion regarding *ti an- ^nation. Coll. A Clin. Rec. Phila.. 1*91. xii" 53-5"."— Ka- iflcwon ( J. B. ) Treatment of ineducible hernia. L Am. M. Ass.. Chicago. 18.'4. xxiii. 18-20. Also, Peprint.— EccU» (W. MeA.l On the construction and adjustment nt trus-.s. Clin. -L. Lund., 1900, xvi, 177; 193. — Fich- acker «H. F.) Incarcerated heruia relieved bv washing out the stomach and the useof croton oil. Mid Pec, N. Y~ 1893. xliii. 204—Elder (W.) Case of irreducible inguinal ! hernia treated by elastic pleasure. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1886.1873. — Eiitcro-biibonocele strozzato: applica- I zione del ghiaecio. lidu/ioiie spontanea; niorte. Clin. chir. ' (Mazzonii, Roma. 1884. viii-x. 34*. — Erdmanii (J. F.) Treatment of strangulated hernia. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago. 1900, xxxiv. 32L —E«qnerrio (A.) Redueci6n delas hernias: lnauipulaeioues v.n ia* : taxis. Gac. sau. de Bar- ceL. 1889-1890. ii. 325; 3*4. — Ellinger (L.) Aetherbe- handlungbei incaicerirten Hernien. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte. .Basel. 1-32 xxii, 441-443.— Fa lire. La hernie inguinale i oiigenit.t'.e ; traitement. Independ. med.. Par., 1901. vii, '2-1 —Feiiii (C. M.) Au incarcerated hernia re- lieved on tii ritt'n day by local applications of ether: posi- tion, and manipulation .T. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1892 \-:: i-0. -----. Pediici i'L hernia. Ibid., 1894, xxiii, 17 — Fieovinuer. Le- appln ationsproloug^es de compresses ■ ic'er 'in - '. t heinie etianglte. Bull. Acad.de med., I Par.. 1900. 3. 8., xliv, 444-446. Also: Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., L..... x:v. .c ,8». — Fiiiln bei eingekleinmten Her- nien. Berl. klin. W..:,!,*, i :.. 1-91. xxviii, 494-498. Also: Ceutr.-BL. f. d. . . . Aerzte Oest.-Ungarn's.Wien, 1891 113 : 120.—Fischer 'C.i Reposition einer im an eiirten Scio- talbemie durch Punctioii. Ztschr. f. Wundiirzte u. lie- j burtsh., Winneiubn. 1881. xxxii, 120. -----. Leber die verschiedeuen Kepositions-Methoden eingeklemmter Her- nien. Ibid.. 1883. x\xiv. 51-57.—Fisher (C. E.) Conser- i vatism in the ti i-atment nf lu-i nia. Tr. Am. Inst. Homoeop. 1858 X. Y., I*'.i9, liv. 273-271;. -Forrest (J. R.) Irredu- cible hernia treated with -aline solution. Brit. M. J., | Lond., 1896, i, 463.— Fowler <>. B.j A case of strangu- lated ingnino-scrotal hem.a lelievi-d by taxis, ether, and cocaine. Nashville J. M. A: S. 1*33 lxxiii.248.—Fran li- no n (B.) Palliative treatment of inguinal Iiernia. Mid. Age. Detroit l-'"i 526. — Friedlaeniler (B.) Te- her zwei dui'h Ai-n • -r i• - haiidlung g.-heilte Falle von Hernia incarcerata. We n. m.-d. Wtdm-chr.. 1896, xlvi, 19. — C>ei«lenreikh (1. L. I Iv ka/ui-tikie vpravle- niya u*lit-lo uib-nniUh gnzh pomoshtshyu nprngavo binta. Ib-din ti"ii of iucaicerated heinia by means of the .-la-tic bandage. 1 Viach. St. Petersb, 1886, vii, 7< *■-• — fieijger (J.) The palliative treatment ofhernia. Med. H.-iald *t Joseph, Mo. 1-'.'I, xiii. H;3-U;*. AUo, lie- ],!:Iir — <;< iii*h (M. F.) 'I he I teniblenbui» position in tie- leduilion "I hernia. Proc Indiana M. Soc., Indianap., lOi.ii.i. 213 222—<•« r-»ter (A. G.) How should the genital pia. tituiiiei deal villi strangulated herniai' Med. Coin. mimical Ma-- M. See.. P.o.-t.. 1893, xvi, 147-iOI. I Iso Abstr.]: Boston M &. S. J.. 1893. cxxix, 61.-.) La cura tlel lapa- rocele inguinale. I'oliclin , Poma, 1900-1901, vii. sez. prat.. 193-197. — .TIaw*c (E.) Hernie etranglee et sou tint, i,nut. Tn his: Mem. de med. et chir.. 8°, Par., 1885, 5-lt; — Vla»tin (C. IL) Hernia; a comparison of the various methods adopted for its cure, inviting tliscussion of their respective merits. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass.. Phila., 18*9. vii, 25-56. Also: Caillartl's M. J., N. T.. 1889. xlix, 119-13- ?lnicjor*l. La curacion de las hernias; braguero el6ctrico y magnetico. Rev. encicl., BarceL, 1898, i, 17- 21. — IVikolaus (K.) Eine neuo Methode der Brnch- reposition (Spontanreposition). Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1886, xiii, 81-87.—Noble (R. J.) Strangulated hernia re- duced by aspiration and taxis. North Car. M. J., Wil- mington, 1889, xxiv, 372.—Ochsner (A. J.) Some gen- eral principles which should be borne in mind in the treat- ment of hernia. Iowa M. J., Des Moines, 1899, v, 230- 237. Also: Milwaukee M. J., 1899, vii, 181-185.—Oiry (E.) De l'intervention bative dans les hernies irreducti- hies. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1888-9, vii, 13-17.—Owen (H. C.) A new method for reduction of strangulated her- nia. Am. J. Surg. & Gynec, St. Louis, 1899-1900, xiii, 83.—Papon. Tiaitement des hernies 6trangl6es par les injections bypodermiques de chlorhydrate de morphine. M6m. et bull. Soc. de ui6d. et chir. de Bordeaux (1884), 1885, 61-65.—Parker (W. R.) A simple cure of hernia by medicine. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, i, 1443.—Pauehet (V.) Du traitement de la hernie erurale ou inguinale et fetranglee; de la conduite k tenir vis k vis de son contenu. Gaz. m6d. de Picardie, Amiens, 1899, xvii, 367-375. -----. Le traitement de la hernie etranglee. M6d. inf., Par., 1899-1900, ii, 465-470. Also: Nord med.. Lille, 1899. v, 268- 271. Also: Repert. de therap., Par., 1900, xvii, 375-380. Also: Rev. prat, d'obst. et de gynec, Par., 1900, xvi, 218- 223. Also [Abstr.]: J. de med. de Par., 1900, 2. s., xii, 212.—Payne (A. S.) Reduction of strangulated hernia by ice poultices without taxis or tho knife. Virginia M. Mouth., Richmond, 1888-9, xv, 389-391.—Pearse (H. E.) Hernia and its treatment: reducible, incarcerated and strangulated. Kansas City M. Index-Lancet, 1901, xxii, 311-316.—Perkins (C. E.) Some points in the treatment of hernia. Columbus M. J., 1890-91, ix, 145-150. — Pia- chaud. De la reduction immediate dans un cas de her- nie 6trangl6e avec peifiliation de l'intestin. Arch. g6n. de med., Par., 1851, 4. s., xxvi, 336-347. Also, Reprint.— Polls (A.) Traitement des hernies etranglees. Scalpel, Liege, 1897-8,1, 3; 10; 22; 28.—Poncet (F.) Dn bandage herniaire k l'epoque ph6nicienne, d'aprfes une terre cuite tronvee k Sousse (Hadrumete) et repr6sentant le dieu Bes ou Bizou. Progres med., Par., 1895, 3. s., i, 358- 361. Also: M6d. mod., Par., 1896, vii, 73. — Poulet. Sur l'emploi de l'acitle oxalique dans les etranglemeuts herniaires. Bull. Soc. med.-prat. dePar. (1884-5), 1886, n. s., i, 176-181. -----. De 1'acide oxalique contre retrangle- ment herniaire. Ibid., 1891, 511-515.—Price (M.) Stran- gulated hernia. Ann. Gynsec. & Psediat., Phila., 1891, iv, 43. Also: Proc. Phila. Obst. Soc, 1890-91,79-82.— Prieur de Cabriere. Remade pour les descentes, donne au public par la bonte du roy. J. de med. . . . d. pays etrang., Par., 1686, 15-20. Also, Reprint.— Rnniiolioff (J.) Treatment of strangulated hernia. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1894, xxiii, 20-26. Also, Reprint.— Rasuiusscn (M.) Oin Biokinkarceration og Taxis. [Incarcerated hernia and taxis.] Hosp.-Tid.. KJobenh., 1895, 4. R., iii, 1245-1253.—Reed (R. H.) The general practitioner and his duty in the treatment of hernia. Columbus M. J., 1895-6, xv, 625-637.—Rezzonico (A.) Osservazioni pratiche sulle ernie strozzate e sull' uso del ghiaecio quale potente mezzo per ottenerne la riduzione. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1870, ccxii, 41-62. Also, Reprint..—Ribera y Sans (J.) Juicio critico sobre el tratamiento de las hernias abdominales. Rev. de med. y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1886, xviii, 169; 239; 337; 393; 460; 514; 561.—Rota (A.) Caso d' ernia curato e guarito col- rinteroclisma. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1891, n. s., xiii, 905.—Routier (A.) Du danger des injections sous-cutan6es de morphine contre retranglement her- niaire, k propos de deux kGlotoroies ombilicales. Cong. franc, tie chir. Proc-verb. [etc.] 1886, Par., 1887, ii. 672- 678.—Rovsing (T.) Zur Behandlung brandverdJichtiger Darmbriiche. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1892, xix, 585- 587.—Rubtsoff (I. I.) K llecheniyu ushtshemlennikh grizh. [On the treatment of strangulated hernias.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1897, xlvii, 709-714.—Rustitski (0. A.) K voprosu o llechenii grizh. [Treatment of hernia.] Yrach, St. Petersb., 1890, xi, 767; 788; 820 —de Saint- Germain (L.-A.) Du traitement des hernies. Rev. mens. tl. raal. de l'enf., Par., 1890, viii, 10-23— Sawyer (C. E.) Physical measures and mechanical means in the treatment ofhernia. Tr. Am. Inst. Honutop. 1898, N. Y., 1899, liv, 290-299. Also: Med. Century, N. Y. & Chicago, Hernia (Treatment of). 1899, vii, 8-11.—Sehmilt (F. A.) On taxis in strangu- lated hernia. Texas ("our.-Rec. Med., Fort Worth, 1884-5, ii, no. 5, 259-262. — Sehnitzler (J.) Leber Hernienrup- tur durch Selbsttaxis. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1899, xlix, 16-19.—Schooler (L.) The treatment of hernia. Iowa M. J., Des Moines, 1895-6, i, 127-131.—Scay (R. W.) Strangulated hernia relieved by a novel method. N.Orl. M. A S. J., 1896-7, xlix, 264-Slieen (A.) Strangulated her- nia and its treatment. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, i, 387-389.— Simple (A) expedient in the management of strangu- lated hernia. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1885, xxvii, 9.—Smith (E.B.) Hernia; what to do, and when to do it. Physician A Surg., Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1897, xix, 539-541.—Smy the (F. D.) Remarks upon the treatment of hernia, strangu- lated and reducible. Memphis M. Month., 1899, xix, 155- 159.—Sorel. Hernie inguinale reduite par le taxis; per- sistance de l'obstruction intestinale; emploi du mercure m6tallique; garrison. Normandie m6d., Rouen, 1889, iv, 98-102.—Soupart (F.-J.-D.) Du taxis prolonge et de la herniotomie sans ouverturedu sac et sans induction; nou- velle classification tie l'incarc6ratiou herniaire. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux.. 1870, 3. a., iv, 580-624. Also, Reprint.—Spalding (W. E.) A severe case of inguinal hernia; tobacco used as a relaxant. TexasCour.-Rec. Med., Dallas, 1890-91, viii, 35.—Stafford (H. E ) A method of reducing an otherwise irreducible hernia. Pacific M. J., San Fran., 1895, xxxviii, 431.—Staudenmayer. Zur An- wenduug der Kalte bei eingekleinmten Briichen. Ztschr. f. Wuudarzte u. Gehurtsh., Winnenden, 1874-5, xxvi. 71- 76.—Stein (F.) Subcutane Morphiuminjectioneu bei in- carcerirten Hernien. Wien. med. BL, 1900, xxiii, 120.— Steinlhal. Die Beurtheilung der Leistenbriiche als Be- triebsmifalle. Med. Abhandl. Festschr. d. Stuttg. arztl. Ver.,1897,254-266.—Stewart (R.W.) Treatment of stran- gulated inguinal hernia. Med. &. Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1896, lxxiv, 586-593. Also .- Pittsburg M. Rev., 1896, x, 119-130.—Stewart (W. B.) The treatment of hernia. Am. Med.-Surg. Bull., N. Y., 1896, x, 602.—Slille. Zur Behandlung eiugeklemmter Hernien. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1885, n. F., v, 463-471.—Stinson (J. C.) Obser- vations on the mechanical treatment of hernia and its adjuvants. N. Eng. M. Month., Danbury, Conn., 1900, xix, 1-12. -----. Observations on the treatment of stran- gulated hernia, its complications and sequela*. Ibid., 137; 161. — Stott (F. W. A.) A hernia corset. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, ii, 710. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1897. ii, 728.—Thatcher (E.C.) Remedy for hernia. No. 295078; March 11, 1884.—Thiery (P.) De l'ahus des bandages herniaires dans le traitement de la hernie inguinale scro- tale chez l'adulte. Assoc, franc, dechir. Proc verb, [etc.], Par., 1899, xiii, 428-433.—Totinan (D. M.) & Brooks (L. J.) What medicinal and manipulative methods do you recommend for strangulated hernia, and "what reliance do you place on them? Tr. N. YorkM. Ass. 1889, Concord, 1890, vi, 172-178.—Troflmoff (M. M.) O llechenii grizh; kratkiy ocherknably udeniy iz bolnichuoi praktiki za vrem- ya s avg. 1891 po* noyabr 1898 g. [On the treatment of hernia; short sketch of observations from hospital practice, Aug., 1891, to Nov., 1898.] Khirurgla, Mosk., 1899, v, 179-236.—Turati (A. A.) Di alcuni accidenti del taxis nella riduzione delle ernie strozzate. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, ccxx, 75-262. Also, Reprint.—Valiere & Mabaret du Rasty. Hernie inguinale droite; taxis impossible; reduction par anesthesiechloroformique. Pro- fres m6d., Par., 1892, 2. s., xvi, 21.—Vandcnabcele. nfluence de la toux sur la reduction des hernies. Bull. Soc. de med. prat, de Par., 1889, 369-371.—Vanderlinden (0.) Du traitement des hernies. Belgique m6d., Gand- Haarlem, 1898. ii, 673-682.—Vandeweghe. Traitement des hernies abdominales. Flaudremed., Gand, 1895, ii, 105- 110.—Verineulen (C.) Les exercices ni6thodiques chez les hernieux. Presse med., Par.. 1899, i, 167.—Yilnin (L.) Ent6rocele inguino-scrotale 6trangl6e; htimorragie intesti- nale: injections abondantes tie serum artificiel; gu6rison. Clinique, Brux., 1897, xi, 745-749. — Villaret. Einige Bemerkuugen zur Frage der Heilbarkeit der Hernien. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1888, xvii, 532-538.— Walker (B.) Treatment of strangulated hernia. Lan- cet, Lond., 1890, ii, 18.—Walker (J. B.) Hernia and its mechanical treatment. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1894, xiv, 107- 109. Also, Reprint—Warren (J. C.) The management of large herniae. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1889, xiii, 696- 700.—Weii- (R. F.) On the treatment of the sliding her- nias of the caecum and sigmoid flexure. Med. Rec, N. Y.. 1900, lvii. 309-313. [Discussion], 343. Also: Dominion M Month., Toronto, 1900, xiv, 107-119. — Wherry (G. E.) On the value of coughing-taxis in the reduction of hernia. Lancet, Lond., 1894, i, 204. -----. Notes on the treatment of strangulated hernia. Practitioner, Lond., 1894, liii, 179- 182—Whiteford (C. H.) A neglected point in thetreat- ment of strangulated hernia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1500, i, 1468.—'Wight (J. S.) Some points on the reduction ofher- nia. Brooklyn M.J., 1890, iv,7-2L—Will* (L.) Dwaprzy- padki odprowadzenia uwie.zguietych przepuklin pachwi- nowych za ponioca, miejscowego znieczulenia eterem. [Two cases of reduction of incarcerated inguinal hernia by means of local anaesthesia by ether.] Krou. lek., War- HERNIA. Hernia (Treatment of). sawa. 1895, xiv, _n-28:—Willem» (C.) [et al.]. Traite- ui. nt des hernies etranglees. I;aii. Ann. Sec. beh'e de hn. Brux.. 1,-95-n. iii. 43; 103: 141; 227; 269; 349: 387.— Mi-hail (J.» The treatment of strangulated hernia. Canada Lancet. Toronto. 1894-5, xxvii. 197-202. Also: In- termit. M. Mag.. Phila . 1894-5 iii, 586-594. — Uollti- man■■ (II.) Die niecbauische l.elniiilluns; del Lntei- leibsiuiu In unter besomlerei Bcri'icksichtiiruni: ties Lei- sten- und SchciiUelbruchos. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1901. xxviii, P-5-193. — Wright (G. A.) Some points in the management of inguinal In i nia. Mid Chron.. Man- chester, 1S8,-." vii, 454-460. — Vakovltoll (M. P.) Up- rugiy hint pri ushtshemlennikh gjizbakli. [The elastic bandage in incarcerated hernia.| \ rath, St Petersb.. 1884, v, 741-714 — Znhradnicky (K.) Pfispewk ku taxi kvl uskfinutyeb. [Contribution to the taxis of strangulated hernia.] Lek. rozhledy, Praha, 1900, viii, 33-42. Hernia (Treatment of Operative). •Set, also. Cocaine as anasthetic in major oper- ations: Hernia (Circal): Hernia (Congenital); Hernia (Fiaphragmatic); Hernia (Fatty, etc.): Hernia {Femoral, Treatment of. tiperatire); Her- nia (Fchiatic): Hernia \Littre"s> : Hernia (Ob- turator): Hernia (Prt r< si<■« 1}: Hernia [Projuri- toneal); Hernia (Radical cure . Bacdry de Balzac (F.-M.) Propositions chirurgicales Mir les bernies du bas-ventre. 4 . Parh. an NIL [1-04]. Bottcher (C. [K. H.]) * Leber die in der Greifswalder cbirurgiscben Klinik im Etats- jabre l*9o-91 vorgekomnieneu Fiille von Her- niotomie. -J. Greifsicald, l-9-2. Brl-fwttz (E. [H. J. K.]) "Ueber die in j der Greifswalder cbirurgiscben Klinik im Etats- jabre l-9l-9"J voigt-koiiinieneu Kiille von Hernio- tomie. - . Greifsicald. 1-92. Blp.ii (C. ) Lt-zioni sulla cura chirtiigica delle ernie addominali sciolte e strangulate e ]iiii specialmente della erniotomia. -". Pisa, 1-7.'.. Cooper (Sir A. P.) Tbe anatomy anil sur- gical treatment of abiluiiiinal hernia. In two parts. '2. ed., bv C. Aston Key. fol. London, 18'JT. -----. Tbe same. Die Anatomic und chi- rurgische Behandlung der Liisten-Briiche untl der angtborenen Briiche. Aus dem Englischen lbs . . . Hr.^g. von J. F. M. Kruttge. fol. Breslau, 1-09. -----. 1 he same. Anatomist lie Beschrei- bung und chirurgisclie Behandlung der Unter- leibsbriiche. Nach tb-r zweiten von C. Aston Key bi-sorgten Ausgabe. Aus dem Englischen uber-itzt. 4-. Weimar, l-'.VA. fi.-ERBEK id. [R. F.]) Ueber die in der (ireits- walder cliirurg. Klinik in dem Zeitraume voiu October 1'"-") bi> 1. Ajiril 1?-- vorgikunimeuen Fiille von Iliiniotoinie. -\ Greifsicald, [1-90]. Hazemaxx (J. C.) * De operatione hernke inguinalis. 4 3 Lugd. Bat., 1-1L. Kaltsi h.mied (C. F.) * De necessitate extir- pationis chiriirgica- hcrniaruin spuriaium majo- runi imprimis hydroceles et snrcoeelcs vel hydro- sarcoceles. 4D. Jena-, [1749]. Also, in: IIai.i.er. Disp. t hir. fete.]. 4 . Lausannce, 17.35. iii, 378-380, 1 \>\. Also, transl. [Abstr.] in: Weiz (FA.) Vollstand. Ausz. [etc.). 12J. Leipz. u. Budissin, I 1771, iii, 442. I VOL VII, 2D SERIES---4 49 HERXIA. HtTiiia (Treatment of Operative). Klkmm ( T.) *Stndien iilicr die patbologisch- anatoniisclieu Yeriinderungen am Darin in Folge von Brucheinklemmung und ihre Bedeutung fiir die llerniotoniie. -°. Dorpat, 1--9. Koch iP.) * Die Geschichte der llerniotoniie bis auf Scarpa und A. Cooper. - . Berlin, [i-::j. Koch (W .) * Casuistische Beitriige zur Ope- ration eiugeklemmter Briiche. [Erlangen.] s1 . Leipzig. 1^-9. Also, in: Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1889-90, xxx, 136-164. Landa (D.) '[Breves consideraciones sobre el tratainitiito de la hernia inguinal estrangu- lada.] 1(L. Mexico, 1--'?. Le Goi'PiL(V.-F.-A.; "Dissertation sur ['ope- ration de la hernie inguinale etranglee. 4°. Paris, [an A'//11-04)]. Mahjolix (J.-X.) *De l'operation de la her- nie inguinale etranglee. 4 . Paris, lwpj. Xaviixf. (E.) * Still' operazione del bubono- cele di recente data. - . Genova, 1-1.">. Periuoi.i.at (A.) * Considerations etiologi- ques et aiiutoiiiiques sur le sic^e, le volume et la frequence des hernies suivant les sexes et suivant les ages d'apri-s 200 cas de hernies ope- rees. 4 . I.yon, l-9fi. 1'isAXo ((_'.) Nota clinica di un erniotomia eseguita nell' ospedale civile di Lentini uel- 1' anno 1S79. 1'2-'. Lentini, IS^S. Preys (G.) Wiirdigung des Bruchschnittes ohne Eroft'nung desBruchsackes. S-. Wien, 1-37. Keich (J. C.) *De herniis, cum sex observa- tionibus herniotomiae aduexis. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1794. St iii:i.ier(K.) 'Die in deu letzten fiinf Jah- ren in derErlanger Klinik vorgenommenen Her- niotomien bei Brucheinklemmung. [Erlangen.] b-. Niimberg, lS9li. Schcnemaxx (O. [R. E.]) "Die Hernioto- mieu iu der Greifswalder chirurgischen Klinik im Etatsjahre 1H-9-90. ■--. Greifswald, 1-90. Schwexcke (M. G.) "De operatione ingui- nali. 4. Lugd. Bat., 1731. Seckbach (Y.) *Funfuudzwanzig Hernioto- mien aus der Erlanger Klinik mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Radicaloperatiou. [Er- langen.] s\ Miinchen, lS9v?. Seeger (B.) * Beitrag zur Casuistik der Her- niotomie. - . Berlin, [18"\5]. Sikmdx (H.) * Zur Statistik der Herniotomie. 8°. Berlin, [1—4]. Vissciier (L. G.) "Beitriige zur operativen Behandlung der incarcerirten Hernien. -°. Wiirzburg, 1891. Wette (T.) "Die Herniotomieu im stiitlti- sclien Hospital zu Aachen von Ostern IS;*1:}--. mit Riicksitht auf Form und Inbalt der Briiche, Koinplikationen von seiten des Darms und Netzes, Behandlung tier gangrauiisen Briicbe, Entlresultiiti'der Radicaloperationen. ^°. Jena, 1-X9. Wiskklmaxx (K.) Die Unterleibsbriiche und ihre chirurgisclie Behandlnnn'. Kurze Ueber- sicht fur Aerzte und Stndirende. I'F'. Leipziq, [n. d.]. Abbott (L. J.) Strangulated hernia; report of all op- erations for Htraugulated hernia made in the Territory and State of Nebraska, from tbe organization of the Territory iu 1834 to this date, June 1st, 1877. Proc. Nebraska M. Soe.. Oiuaba. 1877-8n. 219-222. — Allen (J. II. L.) Strait- enhltcil liei nia : aspiration; recoverv. Brit. M. J., Lontl.. ls*4. ii. 107.3 AIM- ((). H.) Strangulated hernia; with cases and remarks upon early operative procedure in cases of doubtful diagnosis. Phila. 51. Times. 187G-7. vii, 460- 465. Also, Peprint.—Anders (J. M ) Strangulated her- nia; operation and ant"psy. Meil. & Siiru. Reporter, Phila., 18*8. lix, 1142.—A utici ><>■■ iT. K.) Suecessful op- eration for strangulated scrotal hernia. North Car. M.J., "Wilmington. 18f>:i, xxxi, 53. — A-IiIiiii-hI (J.), jr. Personal HERNIA. 50 HERNIA. Hernia (Treatment of Operative). experience in the treatment of strangulated hernia. Am. Therapist. X. T., 1894-5, iii, 61-65. Also: Internat. M. Mag., Phila., 1894-5, iii, 401-410. Also: Maryland M. J Bait., 1894, xxxi, 186-189. Also: N. York M. J., 1894, lx! 52-56.—Axtell (J. T.) Surgical treatmentof strangulated hernia. Kansas M. J., Topeka, 1891, iii, 388-390.—Baron (J.) S6rvmetsz6s ket esete. [Two cases of herniotoim.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1875, xix, 1004; 1053. — Basler. Drei Briichoperationen. Aerztl. Mitth. a. Batlen, Karls- ruhe, 1895, xlix, 57-62. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien. 1895, xxx, 254-256. —Battle (W. H.) A case of partial enterooele; operation; recovery. Lancet, Lontl.. 1899, ii, 214.—Beach (H. H. A.) Strangulated inguinal hernia; two cases; operation. Boston M. & S. J., 1889, cxx, 559.— Bealc (P.) Operation for irreducible hernia with symp- toms of .stianguhition. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1898, n. s., lxvi. 596.— Belti (G.) Alcuni casi di ernie adtlomi- nali operate: stxnia e reflessioni. Boll. d. clin., Milano, 1890, vii, 300-310—Bidwell .) Strangulated heruia; the importance of its early recogni- tion and advantages of prompt operative interference. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1894, xxii, 801-803. Also, Reprint — Kohler (A.) Die Herniotomicu ties Jahres 1885. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1887, xxvi, 113-124. -----. Herniotomien. Charite-Auu., ISerl. 1890, xv,457-463.-----. Herniotomien. Ibid., 1892, xvii, 377-386.—Langc if.i Inkarcererede Ilernier behandlede pan Frederiks Hospital fra 1865-87. Hosp.-ThL, Kjobenh.. 1889, 3. R., vii, 107; 129— I.edinrd ,11. A.) Remarks on hernia, with eight- een cases of operation. Edinh. M. J.. 1885-6, xxxi, 914- 920.— I.inville (M.) Peculiar case of strangulated her- nia: operation: recovery. Med. \ Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1888. lviii, 200.—I.ockVvood d'. 15.) "The operation for strangulated inguinal hernia considered in relation to re- cent advances in surgery. Brit. M. J., Lontl., 1896, i, 833- 835.— I.tieas-Cliampioiiniere. Cure radicale de la hernie inguinale d'apres neuf tent qiiatre-vingt-ueuf op6- rations; description de la methode; i|iieli|iies resultats. J. tie metl. et chir. prat.. Par., 1901, lxxii. '.'11 -252. — I.np- tou (II.) Herniotomv. or abdominal section? Lancet, Lond., 1891, i, 1037. —M'Ardle (J. S.I The operative treatment of hernia. Tr. Lov. Acad. M. Ireland, DubL, 1.-98-9. xvii. 210-231. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1898, cvi, 1; 122. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1899, u. s., lxvii, 33. — MncLinurcn it.) A criticism of Russell's operation for heruia. Austialas. il. Gaz., Sydney, 1901, xx, 284-286.—Mnuciui (F.) 'n voli'G.) Resoconto clinico di ventisei erniotomie. Gazz. metl. tli Roma. 1891, xviii, 1- Herilia (Treatment of, Operative). 15.—Oliver (J-C.) Report of three herniotomies. Cin- cin. Lancet-Clinic, 1893, n. s., xxx,1133-137. [Discussion), 110-14'J.—Owen (E.) An anomalous case of strangulated Iiernia; operation; iccovery. Med. Press Sc Circ, Loud., 1891. u. s., Iii, 551.— Packard (J. II.) Further considera- tions on the anatoiuv of oblique inguinal hernia. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1898, xx'iv, 16-26.—Page (F.) Xotos on two recent operations for the relief ol strangulated inguinal hernia. Rep. Proc. Xorthunib. Ac Durham M. Soc, Xew- castle-upou-Tyno, 1880-81, 93-96.—Paine (C. F.) Herniot- omy, with report of two cases. Texas Oour.-Rec. Med., llallas, 1892-3, x, 213.—Pant (IL D.) Reducible inguinal Iiernia; operation : recovery. Indian M. Rec., Calcutta, 1896, x, 418.—Pnpp (G.) S6rvmiitetek. [Opt-lations for hernia.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1901, xiv, 515-517.— Faqnel. Operation de la kelotomie avec resection du sac herniaire. l!u'l med. du nord, Lille, 1885, xxiv, 230- 237 I'ai'liiiiii (K. \V.) Enteroplasty by the Heineke- Miiulii/, method for the relief of a stricture in a case of strangulated hernia. X. Orl.M. &.S. J., 1898-9, li, 386-389.— Parker (R.) Remarks on hernia, based upon seventy- four operations. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1886, vi, 125-140. -----. Forty additional herniotomies, with remarks ou strangulation and radical cure. Ibid., 1888, viii, 191-200. -----. Modern herniotomy, with tables of 280 operations. Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1893, xii, 411; 460. Also, Reprint.— Pauchet (Y.) Du traitement de la hernie etranglee. Rev. internat. de med. et do chir., Par., 1899, x, 345-347.— Phocns (G.) Grosse hernie inguiu6e scrotale droite ac- compagn6ede ph6norue.iiestretranglenieut; op6ration ; en- gouement; mort le lendemain. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1884, lix, 445-449. -----. Traitement des hernies; indica- tions operatoires. Rev. de therap. m6d.-chir., Par., 1901, Ixviii, 505-519.—Piiupinclli (P.) Ernie inguinali ope- rate nella R.Clinica chirurgica di Patlova diretta dal prof. E. Bassini. Gior. med. d. r. esercito [etc.], Roma, 1896, xliv, 675-688.—Pinkerton (S. H.) [Nine operations for hernia.] In his : Synops. clin. Surg., 12°, Salt Lake City, 1893, 42.—PlotuikoflT(Y. A.) Chetire sluchaya grizhe- siecheniya. [Four cases of herniotomy.] Protbk. zasaid. Obsh. morsk. vrach. v Kronstadte, 1896-7, xxxv, 106-110.— Polk (W. M.) Operation for euterocele. N. York J. Gynsec. &. Obst., 1893, iii, 627 - 639. — Porter (C. A.) Hernia reduced "en bloc"; operation and lelief of in- ternal strangulation. Boston M. & S. J., 1901, cxlv, 406. — Powell (A. T.) A successful herniotomy. Al- bany M. Ann., 1893, xiv, 204-207.—Price (J.) A report of three cases of operation for strangulated hernia. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1888, ix, 116-118. Also: Cin- cin. Lancet Clinic, 1888, n. a., xx, 501-503. Also: Mary- land M. .)., Bait., 1888, xix, 1-3. [Discussion], 7-9.— Kaye il). ()'('.) Operations for hernia. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1891, xxvi, 227-229.—Beckitt (J. D. T.) A caso of strangulated oblique inguinal hernia; herniotomy; re- covery. Army M. Dep. Rep. 1891, Lond., 1893, xxxiii, 395.— Keclus* (P.) Sur sept kelotomies. In his: Clin. chir. de l'ltdtel-Dieu, 8°, Par., 1888, 275-291.—Bichard- koii (C. I!) Irreducible hernia; aspiration; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884, ii, 961.—Bicketts (15. M.) Re- port of twelve cases of herniotomy. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1892, n. s., xxviii, 813. [Discussion], 817: xxix, 755. Also, Reprint.—Bitch (O. S.) Herniotomy. X. Am. J. Ho- mceop., N. Y , 1895, x. 106-108.—Boberts (W. O.) Direct herniotomy. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1885. xxxii, 145-152. -----. Operation for hernia. Xorth Car. M. J., Winston, 1898, xiii. 327-329.—Bose (E.) Beobachtungen iiber den Bruchschnitt. Ann. il.Char.-Krankenh. . . . zu r.eil., 1808, xiv, 1-118, 2 pi., 3 tab. Also, Reprint.-----. Wettne lSeob- achtungen iiber den Bruchschnitt. Deutsche Ztschr. I". Chir., Leipz.. 1892-3, xxxv, 1-64. Also, Reprint. —Koseu- feld (S.) Herniotomio. Wien. med. Presse. 1885, xxvi, 210. — Budnll (J. T.) Two cases of herniotomv. Aus- tralas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1884-5, iv, 167. — Ntii.....pert (T. E.) Celio-herniotomy for irreducible inguinal or femoral hernia. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, ls'.U, xxiii,853-855. — Wci- belli (M.) Ernie operate. Ann. clin. tl. osp. incur., Xa- poli, 1887, xii, 402-121. — Nhalita (S. G.) Khiriirgicbe- Bkoye llechenle iishshemhniiikh gri/.h. [Surgical treat- ment of strangulated hernia.] Chir. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1894, x, 1-59, 2 pi.— Nhra (W. K.) Strangulated heruia; with fecal vomiting three and one-half days; operation; recovery. Med. ,V Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1891. lxv, 93.— Shepherd (F. .1.) Some experiences in the methods of treating hernia by operation. Montreal M. J., 1900, xxix, 753-756. Also, Reprint.—Sierra .Tl (L.) Deltratamiento quiriirgico tie las hernias. Rev. nied. de Chile, Sant. de Chile, 1898, xxvi, 99-108.-Silvestriui ((.'..) Due casi di erniotomia. Kassegnadi scnietl., Modena.1803, viii,26-29.— Nou t ham (F. A.) Statistics of eighty-live operations for strangulated hernia in hospital practice. Lancet, Lond., 1891,ii, 1217.—Stirling (R. A.) Oblique inguinal hernia; strangulation; operation; recovery. Austral. M. J., Mel- bourne, 1884, n. s., vi, 461. -----. Iiernia in the tunica va- ginalis; strangulation; operation; recovery. Ibid., 1885, n. s., vii, 365-368.—Strangulated hernia. Xorth Loud. or Univ. Coll. Hosp. lb p. 1889, Loud., 1891, 258-267.— MveiiMson (I.) Om operational' brack pil Sabbatshergs HERNIA. 52 HERNIA. Hernia (Treatment of, Operative). sjukhus under deeenuiet 1881-1890. [Operations for her- nia at the Sabbatsberg Hospital for tbe ten years 1881- 90.] Arsberatt.f. Sabbatsbeivs Sjukh. i Stockholm (1890), 1891. xii. 80-87. Also: Hygiea, Stockholm, 1891, liii, 496- 503.—Thomas (W. T.) Twenty-five consecutive cases of\straiigulateil hernia; one death. Lancet, Lond., 1896, i, 98,-99o—Thompson (J. F.) Herniotomy. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1.-85, xiii, 64-68.—T res hi a (F.) Biegliya zamletki po povodii dvukh slnchayev grizheslecheniya." [Remarks on two cases of littrniotmnv.; Ejened. Ulin. gaz., St. Petersb.. 1882, ii, 593-600.—Tseherning (K. A.) Kirurgiske Aforismer (Inkarcereret Hernie gjennem Her- niotomie). [Surgical aphorisms (incarcerated hernia from herniotomy).] IJgesk. f. Lseger, Kjobenh., 1885, 4. R., xii, 161-167. -----. Brokoperationerne paa Kommunehospita- let fra dets Begyndelse (1863) till 1887. Et kirurgisk sta- tistisk Studie. [Operations for hernia in the communal hospital from its beginning of 1803 to 1887.] Hosp.- TitL, Kinbenh., 1888, 3. 11., vi, 573; 597: 621; 651; 697.— von Vamossy (S.) Herniotomien. Wien. med. Presse. 1889. xxx, 1153-1156. — Van Hook i. W.) Inguinal hernia. Chicago M. Recorder, 1899, xvi. 320. — Ver- neuil. On the operation for strangulated hernia. Med. Xews, Phila.. 1885, xlvii, 235. — Vinkc (H. H.) A report of six herniotoj.ies. Med. Fortnightlv, St. Louis, 1893, iv, 429-432.—Vogel (H.) Zwei complicirte Inguinal-Herniotomien hei Mannern. Ztschr. f. Wuud- arzte u. Gehui-tsh., Hegnach, 1888, xxxix, 26-29.—Wal- ther. Cure radicale et orchidopexie. Bull, et m6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1901, n. s., xxvii, 852.—Ward (J.) A case of strangulated inguinal hernia treated bv aspiration. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1894, xiii, 404.—West- moreland (W. F.) A plea for early operations in ingui- nal hernia. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia. Atlanta. 1900, 192-201. [Discussion], 215-217. Al-o: Tr. M. Ass. Alabama. Mont- gomery, 1900, 465-475. Also.- Alabama M. J., Birmingh., 1899-1900, xii, 301-306. — Wight (J. S.) A case of ke- lotomy. X. York M. J.. 1887. xlvi. 462— Wild. Zwei Herniotomieen aus der Praxis. Miinchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1893, xl, 394.—Worner. Moderne Bruchopera- tionen. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemh. iirztl. Yer., Stuttg.. 1899, lxix, 459; 467; 475.—ZvyagintseflT (X. A.) O ko- rennom llechenii pakhovikh grizh. [Radical treatment of inguinal hernia.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1901, ix, 161-191. Hernia (Treatment of, Operative, Com- plications and sequelae of). Sec, also, Anus (Preternatural); Hernia (Fem- oral, Treatment of, Operative); Hernia (Radical cure of); Hernia (Reduction of) in bulk; Hernia (Treatment of, Operative) by abdominal section. Agostixi (G.) Invaginamentoartinciale del- 1' intestino in un caso di ernia inguinale gangre- nata; guarigione. 8J. Civitanova-Marche, 1895. Axdraud (L.) * Considerations sur la valeur de l'auus contre nature dans le traitement des hernies gangreuees. 8J. Paris, 1899. Ansel (G.) *De retrangleinent secondaire aprcs la kelotomie. 8°. Paris, 1899. Arix (E.-A.) * Traitement des gangrenes limit6es dans l'e'trangleinent herniaire par le proce"d6 de renfouissement. 8-. Paris, 1899. Bkrlix (E.) * Ueber brandige Darmbriiche nnd deren Behandlung. [Gottingen.] 8°. Fried- land, [1867]. Bertoldly (K.) *Ein Fall von Hernioente- rotomie. 8J. Erlangen, 1888. Bourbox ( H. ) *De la cystocele inguinale rencontr6e au cours de la kelotomie. 4°. Paris, 1892. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1892. Brenner (H.) *Beitrage zur Behandlung brandiger Briiche. 8°. Konigsberg in Pr., [1889]. Cipriani (A. G.) Un caso d' eruia inguinale strozzata con gangrena e perforazione dell' in- testinu; intervento; guarigione. 12°. Cagliari, 1898. 1-ikle (E. [R. L.]) * Ueber Gangriiu eiuge- klemmter Briiche. 8°. Bonn, 1870. Gibert (P.) * Des suppurations tardives dans la cure radicale des bernies inguinales. 8-. Pa- ris, 1900. Groll (L.) *Traitemeut des heruies gangre- n6es par l'eufouisseinent et Finvagination. 4°. Paris, 1895. -----. The same. 8C. Paris, 1>95. Hernia (Treatment of, Operative, Com- pliceitions and sequelce of). Jecxet (A.) *Du traitement de la gangrene keruiaire par l'ente*iectoniie et Fapplication du bou.on de Murphy-Villard. 8D. Lyon, 1899. Jourxes (M.-J.-C.) * Contribution ii I'etude de la gangrene de l'intestin dans les hernies e'traugle'es. 4°. Lille, 1884. Kleixschmidt (P.) * Ueber Gangriin incarce- rirter Hernien. 8J. [Berlin, 1892.} Korxer (E.) * Ueber die Behandlung bran- diger Briiche. 8-. Jew a, 1894. Lisyaxski (V.) K voprosu o llechenii gan- grenoznlkh grizh posredstvom rezektsii kishki i nalozkeuiya kiskechuavo shva. [On the treat- ment of gangrenous herniae by resection of intes- tine and using intestinal suture.] 8°. Kiev, 1^91. Malecot (H.) * Sur le traitement de la her- nie gangrenee. 8". Paris, 1899. Marix (J.) * De la enre des hernies 6tran- gle"es gangrene"es par 1'ente'rectomie, suivie de l'ente'rorrkapkie longitudinale. 4C. Lyon, 1891. -----. The same. 8:. Pan's, 1891. Poirier (G.-M.-S.-J.) *De l'enteYorrkaphie dans la heruie gangrenee. 4°. Bordeaux, 1^94. Spitta ([E. C. ] A.) * Beitrag zur Kenntuiss der Todesursacheu nach Herniotomie vregen Darmeinklemniuug auf Grund von 23 in den letzten 5 Jahren auf der hiesigen chirtirgisehen Klinik zu Greifswald beobachteten Fallen. 8?. Greifsicald, 1891. Tseidlkr (G. F.) *0 rezektsii kishki pii omertvienii yeya v ushtshemleunlkh grlzkakk. [Resection of the intestine for gangrene in incar- cerated hernia.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1892. vax dex Vruhoef (H. C.) *Overde heck- ting van den doorgesneden buikwand. 8°. Am- sterdam, 1895. Warholm (R.) *Om behandlingeu af in- klamdt braudigt brack med cirkular tarmresek- tion oeh tarmsom. [Treatment of incarcerated gangrenous hernia by circular enterotomy and enterorrhaphia.] 8-. Lund, [ls~9]. Weiler (J. F.) * Hernias gangraena correptae casum et epicrisin defendit. 4°. Argentorati, [1768]. Also, transl. [Abstr.] in: Weiz(F. A.) Vollstand. Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Leipz. u. Budissin, 1773, v, 89-92. Wilda (F.) * Ueber die Anlegung einer Entero-Anastomose, als Operationsverfahren bei eingekleinmten Bracken mit Grangriiu des Darmes. [Greifswald.] 8C. Anklam, 1890. Abbate (G.) La sutura d' Apolito-Lemhert in quat- tro casi di enterectomia ed enterorafla primitiva per gan- grena da strozzameuto eruioso, operati nell' Ospedale Incu- rabili. Incurabili, Xapoli, 1900, xv, 724-734.—Abbe (R.) Strangulated hernia; resection and anastomosis with Murphy's button: death from kinking and strangulation due to the weight of the button. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1895, xxii, 515. — Adam, ITeruie inguinale gangrenee; anus contre nature ; enterorraphie: guerison. Gaz. d.hop., Par., 1895, lxviii, 204.e Also, transl: Gac. san. de BarceL, 1895, vii, 90-94.— Akerinaii (J. H.) Behandlingen af brandiga tarmhrack (titlsperioden 1890-98). |Tlie treat- ment of grangrenous intestinal hernia, 1890-98.} Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1699, n. F., x, no. 30,1-50.—Alber- tin. De la th6rapeutique ehirurgicale de la gangrene herniaire. Province m6d., Lyon, 1898, xii, 277->4.— Andrews (A.) Strangulated hernia: third attack in one patient requiring operation; complicated with inter- nal haemorrhage and secondary hemorrhage. Intercolon. O. J. M. Sc S., Melbourne, 1894, i, 250-255.—Aubert. Etranglement interne persistant aprcs reduction dune luinie; debridements; sphaefele; anus contre nature; gue- rison apres plusieurs operations. Cong, franc, tie chir. Proc-verb. [etc.] 188G, Par., 1887, ii, C44-647. — Ballen- ghien (A.) Enterocele ombilieale etranglee depuis qua- rante-huit heures; larges plaques de sphaccle; resection de trente-trois centimetres tl'intestin grele; entferorrha- ])hie circulaire. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 19ul, ii, 97-106.— Banks (W. M.) The treatment of gangrenous intestine in strangulated hernia, with a successful case of resection of tbe small intestine. Proc. M. Soc. Lond., 1884-5, viii, 279-292. Also: Metl.Times& Gaz.. Lond.. 188.3, i, 5G7 : 602.— HERNIA. 53 HERNIA. Hernia (Treatment of, Operative, Com- lications and sequela' of). Bai-lx-r (0. P.) History of a herniotomy which proved to he a li\sterectoiny. Tr. Mich. M. Soc.) Detroit. 1891, xv, 321-32,: 1 |d. Also: J. Ciynec. Toledo, 1891, i. 233- 235, 1 pi.-—Barton. [Unusual hernia.] Proc. Path. Soc. DubL, 1871-3, n. s., v, 39-42.—Bai-ivell. Slrangu- l.ited congenital hernia with rupture id' tbe intestine ; her- niotomy; enterorrhaphy; cure. Lancet. Lond., 1887, i,52L— Banlty. Dc qlielques accidents rates au coins des opera- l ions de liciiiiectraiigleo. Arch. metl. tie Toulouse, 1899. v, t41-44i.—Bax. Hernie inguinale congenitale etranglee i-ouipliquecd'ectopiotesticuiaire; debridement; ablatioiiilu sac: castration ; gin-rison. Gaz. med. dc l'icartlie, Amiens, 1890, viii. 53-55.— Keek (('.) Leber Dariiiresectioii bei gangriinosen Hernien. N. Vorker med. Monatschr., 1892, iv, 249-263. Also, transl.: Med. lice, X. V.. 1893, xliii, 417-421.— It el I (J .) Some unusual conditions mot with in lu-mia opeiation-. Moutreal M. J., 1893-4. wii, 348-353.— Bennett i.s'iY W. H.) Clinical lecture on some points re- lating to the management of damaged bowel in stran- gulated hernia. Lancet, Lontl., 1890, ii. 805-807. -----. On cri tain complications occurring after operations for tin- cure of hernia. Clin. J.. Lontl., 1901, xviii, '.'41-240.—Ber- ijeriP.) Sui une variete tie fausse reduction des In t nie.-; fausse reduction par refouleiuent de l'intestin sous le peritoine k travels l'incisiou pratiquee pour le debridenient. dans l'operation de la hernie ctrangleo. Rev.de chir.. Par., 1*84, iv, 785; 959.— It jorliniuii (A. P.) Fall of brack och tarmresektion. [Case of Iiernia and rest rtion ..f inti'Stin.] Hygiea, Stockholm. 1894. lvi, 43-43(1.— Kuckel (K.) Formation d'uuo hernie vesicale apresune k. lotomio. Gaz. med. deStrasb., 18'38. lvii. 121.— Bogdnnik ij.l Leber die Behainlliuig gangianbser Hernien. Cent ralEL f. Chir., Leipz.. 1*90, .xxiii, 78.3-787. Also.- 'ro„»!. : l'r/eiil. chir., Warszawa, 1890-7, iii, 419- 423.— Koncaml. Etranglement herniaire persistant apns la reduction de la tumeur: debridement le sixieme jour; mort par perforation intestinale: nutopsie. J. tie metl. do Lyon, 1865, iii, 378-383.— Itowlhv A ) epic t mi the condition of the parts, found upon autopsy, six weeks after Bassini's operation for heinia. Am. Med.-Surg. Bull.. X. Y., 1896, ix, 281. AU*. .- -\L-il. .v Sure. Reporter, Phila., 1*90. lxxiv, 279.— Kii^uo i W.) The method of extra-abdominal intestinal sitigtiv applied in herniotomy in two cases where the intestines weie gangrenous from stiaugulatiou; recovery of both patients. St. Louis M. 6c S. J.. 1*91. lx, 14-17.— It row n i W.i Notes of a case of irreducible inguinal hernia in whieh a median incision had to be made. N. Zealand M. J., Dunedin, 1*92. v, 252-254. —Bryant. Intra-parietal strangulated inguinal hernia; operation; recovery. Lancet, LomL. 1**5. i. 983. -----. Irreducible suppurating bubonocele, exploration; reuio\al of sup- purating oriient iiiq : recoverv. Ibid.. 1888, ii, 814.—Biul- l)tiu-Bt)iniiii.'haii>iii .R. ,v Koch (W.) Glbssere Iiaimie-ectioueu «*egen eiiinekleiumter Hernie, Diiuu- ilarinvolviihis und Invagination. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1890, xliii, 118-127. — Bullet. Deux observations tie gangrene herniaire, traitocs, 1'une par la resection intestinale. lautie par l'aiiiis i:ontre na- ture, et restauratioii consecutive do l'intestin; gueri- son. [ Rap. de Paul Reynier.] Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. do Par., 1900, n. s'., xxvi 62-66.—It nil <\V.T.) The accidents which iua.\ follow removal of portions of the omentum in operation- loi Iiernia. Ann. Surg., Pbila,. 1893, xvii, 209 - 275. — Kureklinrtlt ( K. ) Zur Casui-tik und Therapie gangianbser Darmwand- bi iiche. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte. Basel, 1887, xvii, 577- ;>*o.— Itni'ijt".* (A. II.) A successful case of enterec- tomy for gangrenous hernia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, i, 381. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1900, i 3*1. —Buri-ell (H. L.) The management of gangrenous heinia. Boston M. Sc S. J.. 1892, exxvi. 209-211.— Knit* <):. V.| K vo- prosu o llechenii omertvievshikh grizh. [On treatment of gangrenous hernia.J Chir. Vestnik. St. Petersb., 1892, viii, 1; 309; 451, 1 pi— C'aird il'.M.) On the treatment of gangrenous bowel in stran^ul.iied hernia. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Ediub., 1889-90. n. s.. ix, 26-33, 4 pi. Also: Ediub. M. J., 1889-9(1, xxxv. 820-831, 4 pi.—lamoii IN. B.) Case of strangulated hernia; ex-ei tion ol intestine. St. Louis Cour.Mcd., 1887, xvii, 501. —•'arson IS. C; Herniotomy and appendit:et:tomy through the same, openine. Ala- bama M. J., Birmingh., 1900-1901, xii, 367.—Cietiiii (A.) Erniotomie e resezione intestinale. Riv. clin. o terap., Napoli, 1887 ix, 178-186. -----. Emia inguinale sinistra strozzata; gangrena dell' intestino; resezione di 18centi- metri di tenue; guarigione. Boll. d. clin., 'Milano, 1889, vi, 408-415. Also: Gior. internaz. d. seined., Napoli, 1889. n. s., xi, 355-302. — Catlett ( o stercoral cousecutif a unetraugleiiiont herniaireopei'6; guerison sans tistule. Union med.. Par.. 1888, 3. s., xlvi, 832-831. — Vcrhcck (J. II.) Versrhijnselon van ileus na herniolouiie. Med. Weekbl., Amst, 189^9. v, 81.—Vcr- rliere ( V. ) Hernie inguinale Etranglee ; hematomes du niesentiMe: reduction impossible apres kelotomie; resec- tion de 20cenliiiit'tresd'intestin ; anus contre nature : gue- iison. Bull. Sue anat. de Par., 1887, Ixii, 12-14. —Vcrilc- let (L.) Tumeur 6piploi'que contenue dans un sac her- niaire. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. nied. tie Bordeaux, 1900, xxi, 291- 293..— Vicenzoui (E.) Tie casi di resezione intestinale per ernia gangrenosa. Li forma med.. Palermo. Is99. xv, pt. 4. 370; 386; 398; 411; 422. —Villnrd iK.) Traitement ties gangrenes herniaires par renterectomie et le bouton auastomotique; quatre cas tie guerison. Assoc, franc, tie chir. Proc-verb. [etc], l'ar.. 1895, ix, 460-471. Also [Abstr.]: Lyon metl., 1895, Ixxx, 82-85. Also |Abstr.]: Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc tl. sc m6d. tie Lyon (1895). 1896, xxxv, pt. 2, 161-165. -----. Gangrene herniaire; enterec- tomie avec bouton auiistoiiiotiqiie; guerison. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. tie Lyon (1896), 1897, xxxvi, pt.2, 18-20.— VladiMlarleiriS.V.) Sluchai iishtshemle- niya grizhi; pervii hnava rezektsiya 72ctm. toukoikishki; vizdorovlenie. [Strangulated hernia; primary resection of 72 centimeters of small intestine; recovery.] Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petesb., 1898, ix, 2015.— Volkovich (E. P.) K kazuistikle rezektsiy kishek pri ushtsbeinlen- nikhgiizhakh. [Resectionof theintestinesin strangulated hern ia. ] Voyenno-med. J.. St.. Petersb., 1894, clxxxi, 1. sect., 225-2,38.— Volkovich (N.M.) K voprosu o llechenii gan- greiioznikh 1. v chastnosti, podozritelnikh tllya gangreni ushtsbeioli niiikh kishechnikh grizh. [Treatment of gan- grenous, and especially those suspected to be gangrenous, impacted intestinal hernias.) Laitop. russk. chir., S.-Pe- terb.. 1900, v, 214-237.— Walker (II.O.) Resection of intes- tine iii strangulated hei nia and approxim at ion with the Mur- phy button. Harper Hosp. Bull., Detroit. ls95-6, vi, 87 — Walker (W- T.) Complicated ca.-e of herniotomy; in- testine folded upon itself; recoverv. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1885-6, xii, 475-480.—Waring (H. J.) The treatment of gangrenous heruia by ii section and immedi- ate union of the intestiu", with an account of two cases. Edinb. M. J.. 1897, n. s., ii, 225-232. — Watkiu.x (A. H.) Gangrenous hernia; resection of bowel and restoration of continuity by Murphv's button ; cure. South African M. J., Cape Town, 1898. vi, 6— WatkiiiN (B. D.) Intestinal resection in three cases of intestinal gangrene due to stran- gulated hernia. N. Oil. M. &. S. J., 1894-5, n. s., xxii, 643- 647. — Webber (E. S.) A fatal case of .strangulated her- nia; sac opened; portion of omentum excised; knuckle of intestine reduced ; an undescended testicle autl sac re- moved; persistent l'iccal vomiting; death; obstruction of knuckle of intestine bv pedicle of omentum. Lancet, Lond.. 1884, ii, 952— Wehenkel. Hernie etranglee; gangrene Ann. Soc. d'anat. path, de Brux., Bull. no. 30, Ismi-81, 69. — Weil (('.) Zur Behandlung gangra- nbser Kriiehe. Prag. med. Wchnschr.. 188,. xii, 81: 89; 98. — Weinlechnei. Eine seit 30 Jaluen bei einem fetlh ihigen Iiidividiiuiii bestehende rechtsscitige Leisten- hernie wurde wegen lrropnnibilitat bei massigeu Incar- cerationseischeinuiigeii operirt; erst uachtleni man sich durch inassenhal'tes derbes Fctt durchgeai beitet hat to, traf man auf den tlem Durchbi ui ho nahen Wurmfortsatz, welcher iiiiterbunden wurdc; nun erst gclangte man auf den Bruchsack, dessen Hdhle derzeit leer, nach aussen von tlem prolabirten Blinddarmegebildet war; Heilung, sotlass eiu Bruchbanil getragen werden konntc Aerztl. Her. tl. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1883), 1884, 269. -----. In- fill corirte rechtsscitige Leistcnheiuie; Herniotomie, hei welcher vorgelagerti s Xetz unterbunden und reponirt wmtle; Darm wurde keiner vorgefundeii; die Incarcera- tionserscheinungen daucrten bis zum Tode fort; die Oh- duction ergab Duplicitiit der Leisteiioffuung durch eine pseudomemlnaiHise Mittelwantl, (lurch die aiissere Oett- nnng war cine Diinnilarmschlinge in den Bruchsack, durch die innere Oefl'nuug wietler in die Bauchhbhle zuriickge- treten gt;wesen ; tlie hieduich bediugte Incarceration war die Lrsacbe der allgcineinen eiiei igen Peritonitis und des Todes. Ibid.. 271. — Wilson (R. K.i Surgical treatment of inguinal hernia and variiocele on the same side. Inter- state M. J., St. Louis, 1900, vii. 2.36— /amnziil (J.) Bei- trag zur Aetiologie tier Darmbliitiingen nach Herniotomie. Wien.med. Wchnschr., 1897, xlvii, 1761-1764. Also, transl. HER XI A. 58 HEKNIA. Hernia (Treatment of, Operative, Com- pliceitions and sequelce of). [Abstr.]: Casop. lek. cesk.,v Praze, 1898. xxxvii, 238-241.— Zielewicz (J.) Eingeklemmter Leistenbruch; Hernio- tomie; circnlare Darmresection; Tod. Arch. f.klin.Chir., Berl.. 1888-9, xxxviii, 331. Hernia [Treatment of, Operative, Meth- ods of and instruments for). See, aho, Hernia (Treatment of, Operative) by abdominal section. Ckeve (C. C.) Verhandeling, over de ver- eischten bij de breuk-snijding, zo v66r als na dezelve. 8°. Amsterdam, 1807. Hesselbach (F. C.) Beschreibung und Ab- bildung eiDes neuen Instrumeutes zur sichern Eiitdeckung und Stillung einer bei dem Bruch- scbnitte entstandenen geflihrlicben Blutung; tin Anhang und Beitrag zu den neuesten auato- misch-pathologisclieu Untersucbungcn iiber die Leisten- und Scbenkelbriiche. 4°. Wiirzburg, 181">. Rochier (H.) *Des dangers et des contre- indications de rauesthesit' g6nerale cbez les snjets atteints de hernie 6trangle~e d'occlusiou intestinale. 4°. Lyon, 1896. Aghina. Over de beteekenis der aseptische opereer- wijze bij breukoperatien. Handel, d. Nederl. Maatsch. t. Bevord.'d. Geneesk., Amst, 1881, 88-92. — Ballance & Battle (W.H.) A seriesof cases illustrating the success attending the modern method of operation for strangulated hernia. Lancet, Lond., 1894, ii, 852; 911.—Beck (C.) A new operation for inguinal hernia. Metl. News, N. Y., 1899, lxxv, 359.—Bcrnays (A. C.) A new operative pro- cedure intended to supplant herniotomy. St. Louis M. ;. Fall von Hernia incarcerata mit Harniperforation und eilriger Peritonitis, durch Hernio- Laparotoiuie geheilt. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1892, v, 53.— Owens (K. M.) Herniotomy plus laparotomy success- fully performed under very unusual and difficult circum- stances. Lancet, Lond., 1899, i, 10.—Pototski (S. A.) Sluchai tsirkulyarnol rezektsii kishki pri gangrenoznom ushtshenilenii pakhovol grizhi. [Circular resection of intestine for gangrene of incarcerated inguinal hernia.] Trudi Obsh. KussU. vrach. v S.-Peterb. (1886-7), 1889, liv, 196-201.—Price (M.) Abdominal section for strangu- lated hernia. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1889, lxi, 198. -----. Strangulated hernia. Auu.Gyiia3c. & Psediat., Phila., 1890-91, iv, 43-45.—Biese (H.) Ueber einen durch Laparotomie geheiltan Fall von Hernia ileocoecalis incar- cerata. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1899, xxviii, pt. 2, 697-708. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1899, lx, 92-103.—Bobsou (A. W. M.) Abdominal section for hernia. Practitioner, Lond., 1893, I, 419-423.— Bodmau (W. L.) Laparotomy for strangulated hernia. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1890, n. s., ix, 408.—Sah- lin (L.) Fall af hernia interna incarcerata; laparotomia; helsa. TJpsala Liikaref. Forh., 1890-91, xxvi, 325-329.— Smith (H.) A case of strangulated right inguinal and scrotal hernia; laparotomy; recovery. Lancet, Lontl., 1899, ii, 341.—Sternberg (G.) Kizart lagyekserv; gan- gnEn&ra gyanus b61 perfoiatibja; b61resecti63 [Strangu- lated inguinal hernia; suspected gangrenous perforation of intestine; laparotomy.! Gybgy&szat, Budapest, 1896, xxxvi, 408.— Taylor (W. C. E.) Obstruction of the bowels caused by an incompletely reduced left inguinal hernia; laparotomy; division of internal abdominal ring from within the abdomen; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lontl., 1894, ii, 1363.—Ward (E.) Abdominal section for dis- placed hernia. Lancet, Lond., 1886, ii, 201-203.—Webb (C. F.) A case of laparotomy. 76td., 1895, i, 614.—Wil- lard (De F.) Laparotomy for concealed strangulated hernia; malposition of sigmoid flexure. Polyclinic, Phila., 1885-6, iii, 90. Hernia (Treatment of, Operative) icith excision of intestine. (See Hernia (Treatment of, Operative, Complica- tions, etc., of). Hernia (Treitz's). See Hernia (Retroperitoneal). Hernia (Tuberculous). NritDiN (C.) *De la tuberculosa berniaire et va»iiio-p6ritoneale. i-P. Paris, 18i»7. Kenault (E.-T.) *De la tuberculosa ber- niaire. 4°. Bordeaux, 1694. Roth ( K. ) * Ueber Hernien-Tuberkulose. [Heidelberg.] H1, Tubingen, l^.Hi. Also,in: Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1895-6, xv, 577- 002. Alberlin. Tuberculoso herniaire. Province m6d., Lyon, 1901, xv, 301.—Anlonelli (I.) La tubercolosi erniaria. Riv. veneta di sc metl., Venezia, 1899, xxx, 145; 206; 241; 289; 352; 385; 465; 494.—Barozzi (J.) Tu- berculose herniaire. Arch. gen. demed., Par., 1897, ii, 85- 97. —von Bracket (A.) Ueber Hernientuberculose. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1897, n. F., xiv, 395; 403.— Brims (P.) Tuberculosis herniosa. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1892-3, ix, 209-217, 1 pi.—('nvallnri (I.) Sopra un caso tli tubercolosi erniariae peiiloneale. Racco- glitore med., Forli, 1896, 5. a., xxii, 401-107.—C'urti (E.) Tubercolosi del sacco orniario e peritouite tubercolare. Ibid., 1897, 5. s., xxiii, 296-308.—Hauler (C.) Brueh- sacktuberculose. Cor. I'.I. f. schweiz. Aerzto, Basel, 1892, xxii, 761-767.—Joniicsco. Tuberculose berniaire. Rev. de chir., Par., 1891, xi, 185; 455— .fustian (F.) Ein Bei- trag zur Casuistik der Tuberculosis herniosa. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1901, lx, 64-70. Also, transl.: Med. Times & Reg., Phila., 19ul, xxxix, 269-211.—Pitts (B.) Two cases of hernia, complicated by tubercular implica- tion of sac or contents. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1891-2, xliii, 77-79.— PrcMiiilski (M. G.) K voprosu o tuberkulozle grizhevavo mleshka. [Sur la tuberculose des hernies. Extr., 622.] Russk. arch, patol., klin. med. i bakteriol., S.-Peterb., 1899, vii, 565-576. — Mnntucci (A.) Contri- buto alio studio della tubercolosi erniaria. Setiimana med.d. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1897, li,581-585.—Soiillinni I1EKNIA. 60 1.1HKN1A. Hernia (Tuberculous). (F. A.) Tubercle of hernial s.,cs, with notes of two cases. Tr. Path. Soc. Manchester, 1891-2, i. 104-106. Also: Med. Chron., Manchester, 1892. xvi, 19-21. —fciernbcrjj ij.i Leitrag zur Kenntuissder Bruchsaektul>erculo-, . Wien klin. Wchnschr.. 1898. xi, 210-214. —Teuderich (H.) Leber tlie Tuberculose der Hernien. Deutsche Ztschr. f. f.'hir., Leipz., 1803. xii, 220-232, 1 pi. Hernia (Umbilical). •Vc, also, Hernia (Spontaneous cure of\; Her- nia in the female; Hernia in old age; Hernia in pregnancy. Behrkndt (T.) * Hernia umbilicalis. [Wurtz- bur».] 8-. Xeuhaldensleben, 18.-5. Ukrwald (P.) * Ueber einen Fall von Nabel- sebnurbruch. > ■-. Marburg, 1879. Blocii (E.) * Zur Kenntniss der Nabelschnur- briiclie. 8-\ Berlin, 1895. Blschax (G.) * Ueber Hernia funiculi um- bilicalis. 8°. Breslau, 1887. Flf.ischmanx (A.) *Ein Fall vou Hernia fu- niculi umbilicalis mit Tumor sacral is. s-", Kb- nigsherg i. Pr., 1-94. Hertzfkld (M.) * Eiu Fall von Nabelschnur- brucli. 8°. Konigsberg i. Pr., 1.^9-2. Hummki.hiieim (E. [K. M. J.]) * Ueber Her- nia umbilicalis. 8°. Bonn, 1890. Jacobs (W.) *Ein Fall von Nabelschnur- brucb mit Spaltbildung ties Gesiclites. 8-\ Marburg, 1884. Kaarsberg(H. S.) *Herniauiiibilicalisadul- torum, in primis incarcerata. 4 \ Kjobenhavn, 1889. Klaveiix (E.) *Zur Casuistik des Nabel- schnurbrucbes. 8°. Halle-Wittenberg, 1890. Lan(;k (R.) *Ein Fall vou Hernia funiculi umbilicalis mit Hydrocephalus und Gaumen- spalte. 8°. Konigsberg, [1891]. Len-z (F.W.) *Der Nahelschnurbrnch. *■-. Rostock, 1870. Liciitexsteix (J.) * Beitriige zur Kenntnia tier Nabi'lhernien bet Erwacbsenen. 83. Ber- lin, 1894. Lokweniieim (J.) * Beitrag zur Kenntnia der Missbildungen mit Nabelschnurbrucb. 8°. Berlin, 1898. Luther (A.) * Ueber zwei Fiille von Xabel- bernicn. 8'-. j{;ejt 1900. Mkuxier (M.) "Contribution a l'tStude cli- nique de l'omphalocele congenitale ties nouveau- niSs. s'. Paris, 1899. Muhlack ( G. ) * Ueber irreponible Nabel- briiche. 8 . Berlin. [18c0]. Noury ( H. ) * Etude clinique des bernies 6pisastriques et onibilicales. 8-. Paris, 1900. Key (P.) * Des bernies onibilicales congeni- tales de l'adolescent et de Padulte. 4°. Luon, 1894. RotiiER (P.) * Etude sur les bernies onibili- cales qiLtm rencontre chez le nouveau-ne". 8^ Paris, 1898. Also [Abstr.], in: Rev. prat, d'obst. et depsediat., Par., 1899, xii, 121-127. Also, transl. [Abstr.] in: Frauenarzt Leipz., 1901, xvi, 7-10. Sakpe (A.) * Ueber tlen Nabelschnurbrucb. 8-. Halle, 1808. Sartorius (F.) * Ueber Omphalocele conge- nita. 80. Wiirzburg, 1897. Tiiorner (G.) Dreizehn Fiille von Nabel- sehnurbrncli. [Marburg.] 8°. Miinster, 187:5. Tribukait (F.) * Zwei Fiille von Hernia funi- culi umbilicalis. 8°. Konigsberg i. Pr., 1893. Vrolik (W.) & Lehmann (L.) Waarnemiug eener aangeboren hernia umbilicalis, gecompli- ceerd met tegennatuurlijken anus. 4J. Am- strrdam, 1857. Wilke (H.) * Ueber einen Fall von Nabel- sebnurbernie. &. Konigsberg, [1890]. Hernia (Umbilical). Wittiu(A.) *Ut'Le; einen Fall von Hepatom- pbalos sive hernia funiculi umbilicalis. °. Kon igsberg, 1888. Alain. Hernie onibilicale. Rev. mens, tie gynec. [etc.], Bordeaux, 1901, iii, 293-295.—Albert. Hernia um- bilicalis: tumores in hypogasti ico siiiistro; cor adiposum. Aerztl. Ber. d. Priv.-Heilaust. d. Dr. A. Etler J887. Wien, 1888, 33.— Ali 11 (E.) Demonstration af ett foster nied nafvelstriingsbrack. [. . . of a chiltl with umbilical her- nia.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1894, lvi. 41-45. — Aindt (('.) Ein Fall von Duunilarmprohips durch tlen oll'eii gebliehc- nen Ductus omphalo-entericus. Arch. f. Gvnaek.. I'eil., 1890, Iii. 71-77. — Arnold (A. L.) A report of a case of umbilical bei nia operated on successfully one hour after birth. Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Grand Rapid's, 1890, xx, 235- 238. — Andion (P.) Hernie onibilicale embryonnaire operee par M. I'orak, une heme apres la naissance; gueri- son. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1899, ii, 358. —Aiivai'd. Hernie onibilicale, avec anus contre nature congenital; mort par athrepsio progressive; autopsie; prolongeineiit diverticulaire de l'intestin par l'ombilic; si6ge; partie terminale de l'intestin grele. Arch, tie tocol., Par., 1888, xv, 311-315. Also: Bull. & ru6ni. Soc. obst. et gynec. de Par. (1888), 1889. iv, 58-G2. Also, in his: Trav. d'obst., Par., 1889, i, 331-33G. -----. Hernie onibilicale avec fistule intestinale. Bull. Sc 1116m. Soc. obst. et gynec. tie Par. (1888), 1889, iv, 10-13.—Benin* (M. X.) A peculiar case of strangulated umbilical hernia. Metl. Progress. Louis- ville, 1890. xii. 113-115. Also: N. York AL J., 1896, lxiii, 2>0.—Benedict (S. (J.) An enormous congenital umbili- cal hernia without cutaneous covering: operation ; recov- ery. Meil. Pec. X. Y., 18!l2. xii, 2(i3. — Bcni vcniiiw (A.) Umbilicus prominens. In Iris: De abditis nonnullis . . . cansis, 8°, Florentine, 1507, sign, b, i\ Also, in: Galen (C.) Liber tie plenitudine, 4°, [Parisiis], 1528, sign. AA4, f. 4a. Also, in: Dodonieus (It.) Metl. obs. exempla rara, 12°, Liigtl. Bat., 1585, 230.—Berger (P.) Valvules de l'in- testin grele dans une hernie onibilicale. Prance nied..Par., 1891, xxxviii, 179-181. -----. Hernies onibilicales. Traite tie chir. (Duplay et Reclus), 2. ed., Par., 1898. vi, 298-335.— ■ticlilioll. Fiinf Fiille von Hernia umbilicalis (Exom- phalus; Omphalocele congenita). Frauenarzt. Berl., 1890, v, 498-503. Also, Reprint.—Binniid. Hernie ombilcale etranglee; pr6sentation du sac herniaire. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1894, xv, 53-54.— Bodc( W.), jr. Ein eingeklemmter Xabelbruch. Deutsche metl. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1889, xv, 808. — Boggc«» (W. F.) Report of extensive congenital hernia info the umbilical cord, with multiple cysts of tbe cord. Arch. Pediat. X. Y., 1898, xv, 678-680.-Boi*e (E.) Operation for umbili- cal hernia on an infant seven hours old. Am. J. Obst. X. Y., 1897, xxxv, 223.—von Both (H.) Eiu Fall von Her- nia funiculi umbilicalis besonderer Art. Ztschr. f. Ge- biirtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1898, xxxviii, 1-7. — Bnist (R. C.) Hernia into the umbilical cord. Tr. Edinb Obst Soc, 1896-7, xxii, 25-27.-Bnrton (J. E.) Umbilical her- nia, with adherent irreducible omentum. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1885, n. s., xxxix, 301. -----. Umbilical her- nia. Ibid., 302. — Burzngli (G. B.) Una voluminosa ernia ombellicale del periotlo embrionario in un neonato a terraine. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1901, xxii, 47s._Cahier. Hernies ombilicales des nouveau-nes et des enfants. Rev de chir., Par., 1895, xv, 273-299. -Calbct. Hernie ombi licale chez nn foetus k terme, vivant, constitu6e par une portion tie I'estomac, et par tout l'intestin y compris le duodenum, sauf le rectum et une portion de l'S iliaque- absence totale tie sac ; pas d'autres malformations. BulL Soc.anat.de Par., 1891, lxvi, 163-167. — Caldwell (C.) Report of a case of hernia of the umbilical cord. J. A ra M. Ass., Chicago, 1886, vii, 104; 618. — Carle. Revue generale des hernies onibilicales d'origine diverticulaire. Province med., Lyon, 1900, xiv, 62; 74. — Chadwiclc (J. R.) Rare forms of umbilical hernia of the fetus. Tr Am. Gynec. Soc. 1876, Bost.. 1877, i. 364-382 5 pi Also Reprint.— Chapman (J. T.) Umbilical hernia in chil- dren. Alabama M. Sc S. Age. Anniston, 1800-91 iii 57- 60. — G'hcMclden (W.) [Rupture at navel which hurst.I Inhis: Anat. human hod v. 8'-, Lond., 1721), 324, 1 pi— Clopatt (A.) Oiu ett fall af hernia funiculi umbilicalis. [On a case of . .[ Finska Liik.-Siillsk. handl., Helsin (B.) Observation sur une exomphale avec gangrene. In his: CEuvres med.-chir., 8°, Lyon & Par., 1798, 304-372.—Crombie. Notes of a case of strangulated umbilical hernia. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1880, xxi, 183.—Chros (A.) Hernie onibilicale etranglee k la suite de 1 ingestion de Agues de Barbaric Rev. med. de 1 Afrique du nord, Alger, 1899, ii, 101-]oi;.—Dniidoi*. Hupture spontanee des enveloppes dune hernie onibilicale. J. de chir, et Ann. Soc. beige de chir., Brux., 1901, i, 84.— Dc bout. Sull' ernia ombellicale congenita. [Transl. from the French.] Gior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Torino, 1858, 2. s., xxxi, 273; 337, 2 pi— Delabane. Hernie ombi- HEKX1A. 61 HERNIA. Hernia ( Umbilical). licale tiiaimlce Gaz. med. tie Picardie, Amiens, 1889. vii, 35s.— Dclanglade. Hernies onibilicales du nou- veau-ne ei de I enfant. Lev. prat, d'obst. et tie pa>diat., Tar., 1899, xii, 25, : 321 — Demon* (A.) A It in a ml (W.) Delabeinieoniphalo-propeiitoneale. Arch. prov. dechir., Par., 1893 ii, 703-773. — Oenell'e (Y.) De la hernie om- bilcale. Ann. So! denied, ile (land, 1895, lxxiv, 100-175.— Uei'biindeiigliien. Uu castle hernie onibilicale. Bull. I So,, mt.l. dc C'hailci-oi, 1898, xix, 133-137. — IJexhin (A. A.) Anatomiya juipochnol oblasti prinileniteliio k voprosu o grizhakh etol oblasti. [Anatomy of the unibil- ] ical region applicable to the question of hern ire of this region | Svezd rossiysk. khirurg. 1900, Mosk., 1901, i, 101.—BiddeiiM -8. i 744. —Kceles iW. McA.) The causa- tion of m :'.nitile umbilical Iiernia. Ibid., 1898. i, 1014.— K iii^t'Lltiiniiit' Xabelbiiii he: 2 Fiille. Jahresb. ii. d. chir.'Abt .I. spit, iu La-el (1?97). 1898, 112. —Ferranti (S.) Sail'exonfalo. Policlin., Roma, 1900-1901, vii. sez. prat.. 65-69.—Ferreri. Un caso raro di ernia ombeli- cale. Bull. d. Soc. Lancisiaua d. osp. di Roma, 1884, iv, fast-. 4. 8-17. Also: Sp.-!;mentale, Firenze, 1884, liv, 368- 374.—Ficber iC i Kuptur eines Nabelbruehes mit mas- senhafteni G.-dai mvnrtall. Wien. med. BL, 1881, iv, 1484- 1486. Also Rept int — Fleisehniann (K.) Zur Ka- suistik der X.iiiil-, linurbriiche. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz.. 18,-7, xi. 1;9 — Foriuad (II. F.) ITmbilical her- nia. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila.. 1889-91, xv. 85.—Frank (L.) Report of a case of strangulated umbilical hernia. Am. Med.-Surg. Bull., X. T.. 1-90. ix, 487 - 4s.9. — Frills (J. li.) Exomphalismus. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri. Excel- sior Springs, 1890, xxxiii. 212-214. Also ■ St. Joseph M. Herald, 1890, ix. 390 - 292. 1 |i — «i« oiv_m »t n-tlau- giurea iS.) Eliniinaiea spontaiiata a splniel piin oriti- ciul unci liernii ombilicale: vimb-care. Spitalul. Bucu- resci, 1901. xxi, 331-333.—Gibson (W. J.) Report of a case of strangulated umbilical hernia. Canad. J. M. Sc S.. Toronto, 1898, iv. 218-220.—Glnck. Demonstration eines Praparates von Hernia umbilicalis congenita incarcerata. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1885. xxii, 43. Also : Verhandl. tl. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1-1-3 i ]s.-o xvi, 35. — Hab*. Ueber Nabelhernien im Kindt-sal ter. Miinchen. med. "Wchnschr., 1898, xiv, 346. —Ilallet (A.) Etude sur lis hernies onibilicales congenital s <\<- I.i periode erobryou- naire. Ibv. de gyn6c. et tie chir. abd., Par.. 1900. iv, 519- 55-.— HannK«H ■ A. i Lit fall af nafvelstrangshrack. fC'a.-e ot umbilical h«-ini.i.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1900, Ixii, 44-79.—Hartwell id. A.) Perforating ulcer of the ca.'cum. complicating irreducible umbilical hernia. Med. Sc Suig. Rep. Presbyterian Hosji.. X. Y., l>-97. ii, 207-210.— Ileeht (L.) Ein Fall von Xabelsoliiiuibruoh (angebore- nem Xabelhruch). Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1894, xii, 1037— Ileiiflrix. Umbilical hernia ; specimen. St.Louis M..V S.-L ls-.',xlix.H 1-113.—Hernia (uinbilical). Xoith Lond. oi Lniv. Coll. Hosp. Pep. W5, Lond.. 188(1. 54.— Iiernia into funicular pint en» and subsequent ha mato- i ele of sac. Abstr. M. Sc S. Cases Gen. Hosp. Sick Chil- di.n Peiidlebury, Manchester (1885), 1886, v, 150.— II irx bei y. Demonstration eines Falles von Hernia fu- niculi umbilicalis. Berl.klin. Wchnschr., 1892, xxix, 127.— llti/o:,' (W.i Ueber die Bildung des Xabelringes mit Lio k :eht auf die Xabelhernien. Sit/uugsb. d. ('e-ellsch. t Morpliol. u. Physiol, in Miinchen, 1890, vi, 43-50 —von Ilofnicn (S.) lallaf hernia funiculi umbilicalis. |Case of...] Hygiea. Stockholin. 18-0, xlviii, 24-34. —Howard (E. M.) Em hi \ onic umbilical heinia. Ilahnenian. Month., Phila., 1900, xxxv, 090. — Ilnber 11 •'.) Umbilical heinia. Pediatrics, X. T. & Lond., 1899. vii, 207 —I abonl.i >. La hernie ombilicale congenitale de 1'adolescent et de l'adulte. Lyon m6d., 1893, lxxiv, 181-185. — Johnston (G. B.) Acquired umbilical hernia in adults. Med Keg.. Richmond, 1897, i, 127-132. Also, Peprint.—Joyce of. fc'.j j A case of strangulated umbilical herniu. A ii-iral. M. J., Melbourne, 1H88, n. 8., x, 351.—KaiJMer (¥.) IA fall af hernia funiculi uinbiheili-.. Hygiea, Stockholin. 1-9- lx, pt. 2, 157-100. — li«".»«■ I iG.) Congenital heinia ol the i umbilical cord. Med. 13 . ., X. V.. 1900, Ixii, 303 - Kinjj (C.) Umbilical hernia. Internat. M. Mag., Phila., 1893 ii, 701-701. — limit (K i Przepuklina pr/.ypepkowa (hernia adiiinhilifali-,;. Przesl. lek., Krakow. 1x75, xiv, 3*5.— fin m ii no Sc Vanntomi. Zur Casuistik des comhinierten Xabelbruches (aus dem Xctz und einer niul- llci'iiia (Umbilical). tilocularen Ovarialc\ slei. (Japanese text.] Mitt. d. metl. GesclLch. /u Tokx'o. t19no, xiv, 859-862, 2 pi. — L,a- conchc A Oni. I'.xonipliale enibryoiiuaire. J. de metl. de Bordeaux 1-91. xxiv, 255. — l.cjnrs (F.) La hernie onibilicale etranglee. Presse metl., l'ar.. 1896, 81; 117.— I.cnnnndcr (K. (1.) Ett fall af nafvelstriingsbrackoch af varbiltlning (bacterium coli) iskrotum. [A case of her- nia ot the umbilical cord and of suppuration in the scro- tum ] UpsalaLakarof. Fbrh , 1899-1900, n. F., v, 416-420.— Levi (L.) Hernie onibilicale comprenant le grand Epi- ploon, une partie de l'intestin grele ot l'appendice ileo- cajcal, avec abaissenunt du Ibie: ih placcinent du rein droit; atlu'i onie tie la valvule tricuspidienne. Lull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1893, Ixviii, 212. — Lewis (I>.I A malig- nant tumor iu an umbilical hernial sac. with remarks on theetinlog\ of cancer. Med. Pec. X V., 1889, xxxvi, 394-390. Also: Posl -Graduate, N. Y., 1889-90, v, no. 3, 41-40.— l.indloi'H i.\. O.) Zur Lehre vom Nabel- sclinurbriich untl seiner Behandlung mit besonderer Be- riicksichtiguug der Fortsoln itte tits letzten Decenniunis (1882-91). Sainml. klin. Vorlr., n F.. Leipz., 1893, No. 63 (Gyniik., No. 26, 617-030).-I.onyec (H. W.) Umbilical hernia. Massachusetts M. J., Lost , 1898, xviii, 1-10.— liii<'ii«-4 iijimpioiinicrc (J.) La hernie onibilicale. J. tie no d.et chir. prat., Par., 1895. lxvi, 609-640. Also, Peprint.—IVIeCoah (A.J.) Congenital umbilical hernia. Med. \- Sur-. Rep. Presbyterian Hosp., X. T., 1897, ii, ls7. Also: X. York M. J., 1897, lxv, 248. Also, Reprint.— iVIncdonald (T. R.) Case of umbilical hernia, without a sac or other covering, complicated by intussusception and perforation of the bowel. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1897, xxxii, 400.—tie Mail (M. J.I Waarneeming van cene navelbn uk iu ecu eerstgebooren kind. Verhandel. uitgeg. d. tie Holland. Maatsch. d. Weeteiisoh. te Haar- lem, 1780, xix, pt. 3, 71-75.— Hanley (T. II.) Umbilical hernia. Med. Standard Chicago, 1893. xii. 73. -----. The morbid anatomy, pathology, and treatment of umbilical and ventral hernia, of the congenital and acquired types. Am. Gynec. J., Toledo, 1892, ii, 475-483, 1 pi. -----. Re- marks on incarcerated and strangulated umbilical hernia. Practice, Richmond, 1896, x, 49-55. -----. Embryonic, umbilical hernia, containingthe stomach, small intestines, the cecum and colon, with the liver, spleen, and pancreas, in a new-born female infant. Canad. J. M. Sc S., Toronto, 1899, v, 295-297. Also: Med. Times & Reg., Phila., 1899, xxxvii, 256-258. Also: West. M. Rev., Lincoln, Neh., 1899, iv, 339-341. Also: Kansas Citv M. Index-Lancet. 1900, xxi, 90-92.—ITIarcv (M. S.) Strangulated umbilical hernia. West. M. Reporter. Chicago, 1893, xv, 97-99.— ITIarta (G. B.) Un caso d' ernia del cordone ombelicale od ernia ombelicale congenita. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Vein zia, 1890. xii, 478-483.—yiery. Description de deux exomphales monstrueuses. Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. 1716, Par . 1718, Mem., 136-145, 2 pi. Also: Uist.Acad. roy. d. sc. [de Paris], Amst., 1719. 2o-22. Also, transl.: K. Akatl. d. Wissens, b. in Par. . . . Abhantll.. Pressl.. 1753, iv, 519.— M i lelie 11 i.I.W.) A case i if umbilical hernia with ascites. Tr. Rhode Island M. Soc. 1889-91, Providence, 1890-92, iv, 237-241, 3 pi.—.tlonjjie. Hernie ipigastrii|uo. Bull. Soc. d'anat et physiol. de I'.oideaux. 1-99, xix. 87-89. — .floor (J.) Ein Fall von Xabelschnut hi ucb. Sehwei/.. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Bern, lsO'S. ii. 250-205.— flooit- (J. T.) Repoitof a case of strangulated umbilical hernia. Univ. Med, Gal- veston, 1895-6, i, 57-60. yioiilonguet (A.) Hernie oni- bilicale ancieiine; etrangleineiit herniaiio par vive arete. Gaz. d. hop. tie Toulouse, 1894, viii. 26o. Also: Gaz. metl. de Picardie, Amiens, 1894, xii, 65-07.—.VIoii**oii«. Her- nie ombilicale congenitale. Lull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1891. xii, 149. — >i r Padikaloperationgrosser Xabelhemien. Centralb!. f. Clrr.. Leipz.. 1893, xx, 921-924. See. also, infra. 0>tei may. r— l.oldspohn lA.) Large ventral and umbilie al lurn;,i in the adult, with three cases of radical cure bv an imjuoved technique. Am. Gynaec. .v Obttf. J.. X. T.. If'7. xi, 3U1-32U. Hhscus-don], 605- il3.—f»uinard A.i m Vtron. Hernie ombilicale con- genitale lu-tale etranglee: operation radicale: guerison. Rev il'..rtlui|i.. Par., 1900, xi, 56-60. —Untrue t. Trois cas de cure radicale de hernie ombilicale chez des enfants n^gres; reflexions sur la frequence des hernies chez les Arabes des regions sahariennes. les populations berb^res (Beui-Mzabi et les nfegres. [Rap. de P. Berger.] Bull, et mem. Sue. de chir. de l'ar., 1900, n. s., xxvi, 920-922.— Jackson (V.) Large irreducible umbilical hernia of many years'tlui at ion.causing distressing s\ inptouis; radical cure; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1888, il,71 ^ — KIonian (W. C.) The radical cureof congenital umbilical hernia in child i en. MarylandM. J., Bait., 1891, xxv, 419-421— KriloflHX.G.) Korennaya operatsiya pupochnol grizhi po vitloizmlenen- nomu sposobu Dannac a. [Radit al npeialion for umbili- cal hernia hy the modified method if . . .] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1897, xviii, 805.—de I.arabrie (E.) Un cas de hernie congenitale de l'ombilic; rupture du sac avant la naissance; cure radicale pratiqu6e sept heurcs apres la naissance; guerison. Gaz. metl. de Nantes, 1890-91, ix, 111. Also: Bull, etniem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1891, n. 8., xvii, 450-452.— I.auenslein (C.) Znr Entstehung und Verhii- tnng innercr Einkleiniiiung nach der Radikaloperation grosser Xabelbriii lie. Fi stschr. z. Eroffn. d. n. allg. Krankenh. zn Hamb.-Eppentlorf, Hamb., 1889, 88-92.— Lniirtnt (O.) La cure radicale des hernies onibilicales. Scalpel. Liege. 1895-6, xlviii. 162.—I.e Dcntu. La euro radicale dans la hernie ombilitale. Gaz. d. Imp.. Par., 1893, lxvi, 29-31.—I.edo Dnnipc (A.i Xuevo piocedi- miento en la cura radical de la hernia umbilu al. Ib-v. de nied. ycimg. pract., Madrid, 1895, xxxvii, 654-657.—I.ucas (R. C.) Two cases of strangulated umbilical hernia treated by excision of the sac and skin covering, with suture of the ring. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 18*5-6, xix, 5-11. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885 ii. 741. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1885, n. s., xl, 349-351. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Times 6c (in-/... Lontl., 1885, ii, 547.— I.iicas-Championniere 1.1.) La hernie ombilicale; theraneutique et cure radicale; sur 18 cas de hernie om- bilicale et II cas de hernie epigastriqne traitee par la cure radicale; Apropos du bandage et de quelques soius pal- liatifs; la purgation. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1895, lxvi, 609-633. Also [Abstr.]: Ann. de gynec. et d'obst., Par., 1894, xiii, 378-381. Also [Abstr.]: Assoc, franc tie chir. Proc-verb. [etc.] 1894. Par., 1895, viii, 203-205.— HIcLeod (E.) Radical cure of a large umbilical hernia. Hernia (Umbilical, Radical cure of). Indian AL Gaz.. Calcutta, 1886, xxi, 181-183. -----. Oper- ation for i he radical cure of umbilical hernia. Ibid., 1887, xxii, 235. —.Harsh (n.) On the method of operating for umbilical hernia, whether for radical cure or when .strangu- lalionhas occurred. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899, i, 1460.— Martin ill. M.) Strangulated umbilical hernia; opera- iion for i fl it-1' nf strangulation and ratlical cure; death. X. York M. J., 1889, xlix, 691. — :?Iax. Do la cure radit ale ties heruies onibilicales chez les infants au mo- \eu de la ligature. Clinique, Brux., 1891, v, 433-440.— Vlnvdl. Hernia umbilicalis libera; Radicaloperation; I ledum:. Aerztl. Ber. d. l'riv.-Heilanst, d. Dr. A. Eder 1889. Wien, 1890, 54. — .Tlajo i W. J.) Au operation for ihe ladical cure of umbilical hernia. Ann. Surg.. Phila.. 19(11, xxxiv, 276-280, 4 pi— Tl it li ie (H.) A Case of ratlical cure for umbilical hernia. Lancet, Lond., 1887, ii, 169. .VIoi*N) (V.) Cure ratlicale dune voluuiineuse her- nie ian hi 1'u ale par la sui lire a trois plans tics herniotomies. Bull. Sue. anat.-clin. lie Lille, 1892, vii, Is9-I92. —>ola (A.) Coutributo alia cura dell' ernia ombelicale nei bambini. Arch. ital. di pediat., Xapoli, 1890, viii, 128-132. —Ostcr- innyer (X.) Beiuerkung zum Artikel des Dr. Gersuny, Line Methode der Radikaloperation grosser Nabelher- nien, in diesem Blatte 1893 ;No. 43. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1894, xxi. 97-11.0. —Owen (E.) A case of radical treatment of umbilical hernia in a child. Lancet, Lond., 1895, ii, 1224.—Petersen (A. H.) A case of large umbil- ical hernia: operation for radical cure. South African M. J., Cape Town, 1891-5. ii, 212.— I* hoc as. Note sur l'om- phalcetomif dans la cute iadit-ale des hernies onibilicales (deux observations). Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1898, vii, 391-396.— 1'ieeoIi (E.) Zur Kadikalbehandluug der Na- belhernien. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1900, xxvii, 36- 38.— Pick (T. P.) Strangulated umbilical hi rnia; ope- ration; radical cure; recovery. Lancet, Loud., 1885, i, 381.—Picqne (L.) Note sur "un cas devolumineuse her- nie ombilicale 6trane Ganno C\V. I!.) The treatment of umbilical hernia. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Phila., 1899, 168-176. Also: Internat. J. Surg.. N. T., 1899, xii, 95-98.—IMaUonoir (P.J.) Zur Frage von der Behandlung grosser Xabel- briiche bei Erwachsenen. Med. Woche, Berl., 1900, Cong. Nr., 13-15.— Builon. Hernie sus-ombilicale 6tranglee: induction; gangrene de I'anse herniee. Bull. Sue. d'anat. et physiol. ... tie Bordeaux, 1891, xii, 134. — Korgne. Tiaitement des- hernies onibilicales. N. Montpel. med.. 1898, vii, 973-983. —Hubbard (J. C.) Adhesive plaster strapping in umbilical hernia. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1901, cxlv, 92.—Htiiltl (H.) Adatok a koldokservek gy6gyta- n&hoz. [Contributions to the treatment of umbilical her- nia.l Sebeszeti adatok, Budapest, 1900, 10-13.—Keetley (C. B.) The management and treatment of umbilical her- niae. Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 1887, vi, 193-200.—Klauss- ner (F.) Ein Beitrag zur Behandlung der Nabelschuur- briiche. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1889, xxxvi, 859.— Krouig. Zur Behandlung desNabelschnurbruchs. Yer- hantll. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. zu Leipz., 1898, 69-73.— I.indfors (A.O.) Zur Behandlung untl Prognose des Nabelschnurbruchs (Kasuistik von 32 geheilten Fallen). Centralbl.f. Gynak., Leipz.. 1884, viii, 472-479. -----. Wei- teres iiber Behandlung untl Prognose des Nabelsclinnr- hruches. Ibid., 1889, xiii, 482.—I,oewy (H.) Eiu Nabel- bruchband mit regulirbarer Glycerindruckpelotte. Illust. Monatschr. d. iirztl. Polytech., Berl., 1897, 118—Mauley (T.H.) The management of huge congenital exumphalos; infantile. Phila. Month. M. J.. 1899.i.724. — >olai A.j Con- tributo alia cura dell' ernia ombelicale nei bambini. Arch. ital. di pediat., Napoli. ],■-'.in. viii. 128-13,2.—OI sh an sen (R.) Zur Therapieder Xabelschnurhernien. Arch. f. Gynaek.. Berl.,1886-7. xxix,443-447.—Picrmarini(P.) Un metodo semplice di guarigione dell' ernia ombelicale nell' eta cre- scente. Bull. tl. Soc. Lancisiana d. osp. di Roma, 1884, iv. fuse. 4, 20.—l*rolss. Behandlung der Nabclbriiche bei Kindern. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1899, xx, 2.—Bod- zevieh (G. I.) K voprosu v llechenii pnpochnikh grizh ii dietei. [On the treatment of umbilical hernia in chil- dren. ] Russk. Med.. St. Petersb., 1886, xi, 633.—Mcliliep. Die einfachise Nabelbruchbehandlung bei Kindeiu uud eiu neues Keponirungsverfahren fiir eingeklemmte Her- nien. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1898, xii, 497.—Sehilcan (P.) Tiaitement de la hernie ombilicale. Semaine m6d., Par., 1896, xvi, 510-512. Also: Gaz. metl.dePar., 1897,10. s.. i, 109; 121; 133. Also, transl..- Med.AVeek., Par., 1897,v, 3-5. ------. Traitement de la hernie ombilicale. Gaz. d. niai. infant, [etcl, Par., 1899, i, 3<>.—Nm-ct. Description of a new bandage for tho exomphalos. Mem. Roy. A cad. Surg. at Paris, Lond., 1759, ii, 372-377.—Tonrnier (E.) Traite- ment des hernies ombilicales chez les enfants. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap.. Par., 1895, ix, pt. 2, 275-277 -Mai. ravens (A.) Contribution a I'etude de la hernie ombili- cale chez le iiouveau-n6 et chez l'eufant,avec consideration speciale surle traitement tie cette affection aux differents ages. J. de chir. et Ann. Soc. beige de chir., Brux., 1901, i,"453-535, 1 pi. Hernia (Umbilical, Treatment of Oper- ative). See, also, Hernia in the female; Hernia in old age. Dacriac (J.-S.) * Paroi abdominale et cavite" I de Retzius: traitement chirurgical des hernies I Hernia (Umbilical, Treatment of Oper- ative). de l'ombilic et des eventrations. 4 . Paris, H96. Ebendorf (O.) * Operatiouen der Nabel- briicbe. 8°. Jena, 188f>. Gaston (J.) * De rintervention ehirurgicale dans le cas de hernies ombilicales adherentes. 4°. Paris, 189'J. Hiller ( T. ) * Zur Operation der Nabel- briiche. 8°. Tiibingen, 1898. Also, in: Beitr. z. klin. Chir.,Tubing., 1898, xxii, 191-218. Hufer (C.) *Ein Fall von totaler Abschnii- rnng eines Nabelschnurbruches. 8-\ Marburg, 1 8^4". Krausk ( F. W. E. R. ) ''Zur operativen Be- handlung der Xabelhernien. 8J. Greifswald, 1-88. Rkttig (O. R. R.) * Ueber angeborene Nabel- schniirbriiche und ihre operative Behandlung. -\ Berlin, 1894. Salixg ( \V.) * Casnistischer Beitrag zur operativen Behandlung der Nabelhernien. 8\ Wiirzburg, 1896. A rnill ( C. ) Nabelschnurbrucb mit Herzhernie; Opera- tion durch Laparotomie mit todlichem Ausgang. Cen- tralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1890, xx, 63'.— Barling ( G. ) Gangrenous umbilical hernia; immediate resection of gut, and union by Murphy's button; recovery. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1894-5, xxviii, 141-143.—Banghinan (J. A.) Case of umbilical herniolaparotomv ami hernioenterectomy. Tr. Illinois M. Soc, Chicago, 1895, 425-432. Also: Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1895, lxxiii, 725-728.—Beebc (G.D.) Strangulated umbilical hernia; mortification and removal of fifty-eight inches of intestine; recovery. U. States M. & S. J., Chicago, 1869-70, v, 54-60. — Belt (J. H.) Kelot- omy. Cleveland M. Gaz., 1887-8, iii, 332-336. — Berndt (P.) Hernia umbilicalis incarcerata; Hern'o-Laparotomie, Heilung. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1893, xxxvii, 145.—Besnel Hagen(F.) Zur Technik der Operatiouen bei Nahelbriichen und Bauchwand-Hernien. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1900, xxix, pt. 2, 696- 704. [Discussion], pt. 1,177.—Betz (O.) Eiugeklemmter mannsfaustgrosser Bauchwantlbruch nach Tags zuvor er- folgter Einklemmung eines pflaumengrossen Nabelhruchs; Operation ; Heilung. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1891-2, n. F., xi., 73-77.—Bilhaut (M.) Omphalocele congenitale dun volume considerable chez une enfant n6e k terme; irre- ductibilite; sphacele de la paroi; operation; inclusion par- tielle du foie dans la hernie. Ann. de chir. et d'orthop., Par., 1901, xiv, 97-102.—Birmingham (H. P.) Irredu- cible umbilical hernia (omental) simulating lipoma; opera- tion. N. York M. J., 1892, lv, 577.—Blake (J. A.) The operative treatment of umbilical hernia in adults. Med. Rec, N.T., 1901, lix, 803-807. Also, Reprint— Bourdeau d'Antony. Sur un cas d'exomphale; operation; mort. Limousin ni6d., Limoges, 1891, xv, 148-152.—Busse. Zur Radicaloperation der Nabelbriiche. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1901, lxiii, 627-669. — Cant. Case of epithelioma over umbilical hernia; removal; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1889, ii, 852. — t'erchi ( O. i Di un caso speciale tli ernia ombelicale e di unci speciale mezzo operatorio. Cong. med. region.ligure. Atti 1*99. Genova. 1900,73-80.—Chavasse ( T. F.) Laparotomy, for the relief of strangulated exom- phalos. Birmingh. M. Rev.. 1885, xviii, 14-19.— Chcatle (G. L.) Strangulated umbilical hernia; operation; shock and continuance of symptoms. King's Coll. Hosp. Rep. 1895-6, Lond., 1897, iii, 144. — t'oley ("W. H. ) Strangu- lated umbilical hernia: operation and recoverv. Med. Rec, N. T., 1H97, Iii, 239.—1 ondnmin (It.) (jmphalcc- tomie totale et hernies onibilicales; deux nouvcllcs obser- vations. Lyonmed..11-93, lxxii. 516-524.—I'otte rill < J. Ml Case of gangrene of the transverse colon in an umbilical hernia; removal of 22 inches of gut; suture of the intes- tine; recovery. Edinb. M. J., 1888-9, xxxiv, 602-607.— Cromuielin (C. E.) Strangulated umbilical hernia; operation; recovery. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1894, xiii, 116.—Crompton (D.) Operation for umbilical her- nia; wrong diagnosis. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1887, 3. s., xxix, 147. — Delannay. Sur un proceths op6ratoire de hernie ombilicale. Ass. franc, de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.), Par., 1898, xii, 406-408. —Deshin (A. A ) K voprosu ob operativnom liechenii grizh sukhozhilnikh peremicbek (tri sluchaya pupochuoi grizhi operirovani P. I. Dyakonovim). [On the operative treatment of tendinous arclies of herniae (three umbilical herniotomies performed by Dyakonoff). Khirurgia, Musk., 1899, v, 468-474. — l> ill ter. Entziiu- duug der Gedarme, Einklemmung eines grossen Nabel- hruchs mit I'ebergang in Brand, Abstossimg eines Stiickes des braudigen Netzes und einer Darmschlinge von 3 Zoll Lange; Heilung mit zuiiickbleihender Kothfistel. Prov. HEKXIA. 65 IIERNIA Hernia (Umbilical, Treatment of, Oper- ative). Sau.-Ber. tl. k. Med.-Coll. zu Kiinigsb. (183C, 1. Sem.), 1837, 59-64. — Dudon. He la kelotomie ombilicale. Mem. et hull. Sue. de med. et chir. tie Hortleaux, 1890-91, 481-486. Also: J. tie med. tie Bordeaux, 1890-91. xx, 3-5. —Eckcr- lein. Kin Fall ei folgreich operirter Nabelsehuurheiiiie. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Sttittg., 1888, xv, 440-44(1.— Iln^liveli. Hernia umbilicalis; Herniotomie; Heilung. Lei d k. k Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftuug in Wien (1884), ls85. 385— Frdheim (S.) Zur Casuistik der Anomalien bei tier Herniotomie (Herni i umbilii-alisi. Therap. Wchn- schr., Wien, 1805, ii, 653. - I't'i'iiiiioii i K.D.) Thesiiruical management of umbilical henna with larne ring. Phil i M. J., 1900, vi, 750-754. — Filippi (D. K.) Di due opera- zioni di ernia ombelicale incauerata dc»li athilti. cacmiite con felice successoin Firenze dal D. Filippo Cahiiii. Gazz. tosc. tl. sc. med.-tis., Firenze, 1843, i. 95-97. — list her. Umhilical-Hei'iiiotniiiie rait todtiichem Ausgang; Sections Ergebuiss. Ztschr. f. Wumlar/te u. Geburtsh.. Wiiinen- den, 1880, xxxi, 121-124.—Folkcr (W. H.) Strangulated umbilical hernia; removal nf si\ iuchesof small iniistine: recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1885. ii, 293.— Fowler (IL) Resection of intestine for strangulated umbilical hernia. Brooklyn M. J., 1898, xii, 636. — Franks (K.) Knterec- tomy for strangulated umbilical hernia, licit. M. J., Lontl., 1891, ii, 1097.—Frvlich. Sur l'operation de la hernie ombilicale etranglee. Soc dc un d. tie Nancy. C.-r. . . . Mem., 1898-9, pp. lx-lxii.—Geller i W.) Heruia umbili- calis ; Operation nach sieheutagigerlnkarzeration. Wien. metl. Presse, 1885, xxvi. 939-941.—Gill ion (L.) Un nou- veau procede tie herniotomie; laparotomie pour hernie oni- bilicale. Cliuitpie.Brux., 1891.v, 758-760.— linden (F. B.) Zur Techuik tier Operatiouen bei Nahelbriichen untl Bauchwantl-Himien. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl.. 1900, Ixii, 170-178.—Ilcflmaii (K.) Ett operativt behautlladt fall af hernia umbilicalis congenita hos ett nyssfbdt barn. [Un cas tl'heruie ombilicale congenitale. traite ope- rativemeut chez un enfant nouveau-ne. Res., p. lxxi.j Finska lak.-sall.sk. handl., Helsingfors, 1897, xxxix. 1743- 1745. — Ilemsted i II. i Ruptured umbilical hernia with exiru-i'iii of intestines. Brit. M. J., Lontl., 1900. ii, 1640. — Ilinkson i I. R.i Laparotomy ou a child ten hours old nu tie- cure of congenital umbilical hernia, with leeoveiy. N. York M. J., 1891, liii, 586-588— Ifofmokl (J.) Hernia umbilicalis incarcerata; Ulcus cruris ; Fhleg- roone femoristlextti: Herniotomie; Heilnng. Berd.k.k. Krankenanst. Rinlolph-Stiftung in Winn (1883). 1884.339. -----. Heruia umbilicalis incarcerata ingravitbi; Hernio- tomie; Heilung. Ibid. 118s7j, li>s8, 332. -----. Ht-rnia uiu- bilicalisincarcerata; Herniotomia; Heilnng. Ibid. (1887;, 1888.333. -----. Hernia umbilicalis incarcerata; Hernio- tomia; guter Heilverlauf tier Wunile, wegen spater sich einstellender Erscheinungen einer inneren Inearceration Laparotomie mit rousecutiver Darmresection; letaler Aus- gang. Ibid. il8-»). 1889, 383-385. -----. Hernia umbili- calis incarcerata: Hei uiotoinia; Heilung. I bid. (1888), 1889,3-5 -----. Hernia umbilicalis incarcerata; Hernio- tomie; Heilung. Ibid. (1890), 1891, 328. — llneltl (F.) Durch Operation geheilter Nabelschnuibruch lOmplia- locele congen.). Jahrb. f. Kinderh., BciL. 1901. n F. liii, 211-215 — Hulke(J. W.) Strangulated umbilical hernia; operation; removal of the sac after ligature of the neck; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1885, i, 747. — Icn/.ii (J. R.) Algunas consideraciones acerca de la iutervencibn opera- tor.a en las hernias umbilicales. Gac. m6d., M6xico, 1897, xxxiv, 250-254. —Idxerda (J.) Een navelbreuk operatic door omphaliiciomie. Xederl. Tijdschr. v. (ieneesk. Amst.. 1896. 2. 11., xxxii. d. 2. 777-779.- I mnrceraled umbilical hernia: laparotomy; recovery. Med. & Surg. Rep. Cook Co. Hosp. l'9o, Chicago. 1891. 11 4.—.laekson (A.I Lmbilical hernia; successful operation. Med. I'ie-,s A Circ, Lontl., 18*7, n. s., xliv. 571—Johnson I.I. T.) A successful operation for the cure of strangulated umbilical Iiernia, complicated by a large uterine mvoina Ann. r (M.) Erfolgreiche Operation eines Nabelschnurbruches HERNIA. 66 HERNIA. Hernia (Umbilical, Treatment of Oper- ative). durch Laparotomie. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1891-2, xii, 121-123.—Marariaud (M.) Pincement lateral dans une hernie ombilicale; accidents tardifs d'occlusion apr6s ke- lotomie; ouverture d'un abces pelvien: ent6rectomie; guerison. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1901, n. s., vi, 397__ Schopf (F.) Hernia umbilicalis incarcerata (Dickdarm- wandbruch); Herniotomia; Resectio partis coli; l'otl. Jahrb. tl. Wien.k. k. Krankenanst. (1893), 1894, ii, 780 — Shears (G. F.) Incarcerated umbilical hernia; opera- tion: recovery. Clinique, Chicago, 1898, xix, 290.—Sligfh (J. M.) Bilobed umbilical hernia; operation; recovery. Med. Rec, X\ Y., 1891, xl, 239— Southam. Strangulated umbilical hernia; herniotomy; ligature of neck of sac; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lontl'., 1887, i, 828. — Spencer & Mncnamara. Three cases of strangulated umbilical hernia. Westminst. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1895, ix, 75-77.— Stirling (R. A.) Case of strangulated umbilical hernia; resection of nine inches of transverse colon; recovery. Australas. M. Gaz.. Sydney. 1896, xv, 401.-----. Three operations for umbilical hernia. Intercolon. M. J. Aus- tralas., Melbourne, 1899, iv, 91.—Strangulated umbil- ical hernia; [autopsy]. Rep. Superv. Surg.-Gen. Mar. Hosp., Wash., 1885-6, 269.—Sympson (I'.) A case of strangulated umbilical hernia, with complications; oper- ation; recovery. Brit. M. J.. Lontl., 1892, i, 966.—Tay- lor (A. E.) Report on two cases of strangulated umbili- cal hernia, with recovery after operation. Westminst. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1899, v, 202-205.—Umbilical hernia; straugulatetl irreducible; herniotomy. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1899, Lond., 1901, 212-215.—Verebely (L.) & Iliiltl (H.) Koldokzsinorserv (omphalocele cong.) ket m(it6ttel gy6gyult esete. [Two cases of . . . cured by op- eration.] Gyerniekgyogydszat, Budapest, 1900, 5-7.— V'illenenve. Hernie ombilicale etrangl6e; kelotomie; gueiison. Marseillem6d., 1890, xxvii, 522-524.—Warren (J. C.) Two cases of congenital umbilical hernia with the cord; operation; recovery. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1893, xi, 353-361. Also: Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1893, x, 627- 635. Also, Reprint. — Webster (R. E.) Strangulated umbilical hernia: operation and recovery. Montreal M. J., 1897, xxvi, 359.—Wilkinson (G.) A case of excision of the sac and contents of a gangrenous umbilical hernia, with subsequent enferorrhaphy; recovery. Quart. M. J., Sheffield, 1899-1900, viii, 185-188. Hernia (Vaginal and vulvar). See, also, Hernia in old age; Hernia in preg- nancy. Cloquet (J.) Observation sur uue hemic vulvaire, 8uivie de quelques reflexions sur la nature et le traitement cle cette maladie. 8°. Paris, 1821. Misn (V. M.) * Herniae vaginales iuguiuales v (ITetskom vozrastle. [. . . in childhood.] 8°. S.- Peterburg, 1898. Tapie de Celeyran (G.) Sur un cas d'ely- trocele poste\rieure (hernie de"shabitde du cul de sac de Douglas). 8°. Paris, 1899. Barker (F.) Vaginal hernia, or vaginal euterocele. Tr. N. York Ohst. Soc. (1876-8), 1879, i, 64-78. Also, Re- print.—Berger. Sur une vari6t6 nouvelle de hernie inguinale congenitale chez la femmo (hernie enkyst6e de la grande levre). Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1892, n.s., xviii, 651-657. [Discussion], 671-675.-----. Her- nies vaginales et vagino-labiales (6lythroc61e et pudendal heinia). Assoc. franc, de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.], Par., 1896, x, 34-48. Also: Semaine gynec, Par., 1896, i, 297- 300. -----. Sur un cas de hernie vaginale ou elythrocdle. [Abstr.] J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1896, ixvii, 330- 333. -----. Hernies p6riu6ales, vagino-labiales, vaginales; felvtroceles et h6droc61es. Traite de chir. (Duplay et Re- clus), 2. ed., Par., 1898, vi, 373-383.—Berrut. Procidence du vagin: les deus parois (colpocfele v6sico-rectale); de la paroi ant6rieure (colpoc61e vesicale ou crystoc^le); de la paroi posterieure (colpoc61e rectale ou rectocele). Assoc. franc- de chir. Proc-verb. fete], Par., 1895, ix, 977-981.— Boursier (A.) Sur un cas d'enterocele vaginale post6- rieure. Ann.de gyn6c. et d'obst., Par., 1896, xiv, 277-281. Also: Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1896, xvii, 123- 125. Also [Abstr.J: Rev. m6d.-chir. d. mal. d. femmes, Par., 1895, xvii, 476-478. Also, transl.: Levatrice cond., Roma, 1896, v, 171-173. Also, transl.: Rassegna d' ostet. e ginec, Napoli, 1896, v, 205-208.— Daiglc !!(.>, Leipz., 1891. lxiii, pt. 2, 255.—Binaghi (R.) Sui! ernia epigastrica. Peril xxv anno d. iusegn. chir. di F. Durante u. Univ. di Roma, 8-~\ Roma, 189S, ii. 289-328. —Blake (J. H.) Traumatic ven- tral hernia. Boston M. \ S. ,L, 1898, exxxix. 409-413. [Discussion] 421.-Bogaycvski (A. T.) O giizhakh blelol linii zhivota. [Hernia in linea alba. | Ejenetl. jour. "Prakt. med."'. St. Petersb., 1900. vii. 195-197. Also: Syezd rossiy-k. kbirurg. 1900, Mosk., 1901, i, 102-107 — Bohlnnd (K.l Ueber die Hernia epigastrica und ihre Fol- i;e/ustande. Berl. klin Wchnschr., 1894. xxxi, 774-777.— Bouchard .v Bomirtl. Hernie veutrale 6piploique intraparietnle etian^be: abces du sac et fusion du pus dans la cavite pel itoiu ale ; mort par pcritonite. Bull. Soc. demed. d'Angers, 1883, n. s.,xi, 143-148. —Bonnie itr (A. I.) Ventral hernia. Cliu. Rev., Chicago. 1898-9. i\, 328. — Ronrn (W. S.) Ventral hernia. Am. J. Obst.. X. V.. ls'.K xxxviii. 547-550. [Discussion], 558-560.— Brial. ILiuie ilu colon transverse et d'une partie tie I'estomac it travers la ligne blanche sus-nmbilicale. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol---de Bordeaux. 1890, xvii, 221-224.— Cerf (L.) Hernie 6pigastrique embryonnaire; etioloijie de la hernie 6pigastrique: la hernie maladie h6r6ditaire. Anjou nied.. Angers. 1899, vi. 220-235.—Chislett (H. R.) Ventral hernia with adhesions and nephralgia. Clinique, Chicago, 1901, xxii. 235-238.—Currier (A. F.) Ventral hernia resulting after abdominal section, and its treat- ment. Ann. GvdiC A Pediat.. Bost.. 1896-7. x, 579-590. Also. Reprint. Also I Abstr]: Am. J. Obst . X. T., 1897, xxxv. 847^5C — Da.vid (B. 15.1 Hernia in the linea alba. Ann. Surg.. Phila , 1895 xxi, 404-467.—Oubar. Les her- uies epiiiastriqnes. ficho nied. du nord, Lille. 1901, v, 209- 213.—EadsiB. B.) Ventrafhernia following laparotom v. Tr. Mississippi Valley M. Ass., 1900, ii. 106-120. Als<,: Ann. Surg.. Phila., 1901, xxxiii, 1-12—Eastman (15. L.) Ventral hernia, secondary to an abscess of the abdominal wall. Med. Herald, St. Joseph, 1899, n. s., xviii. 384.— Edebohls (G.) Ein Fall von Ventralhernie. Frauen- arzt, Berl.. 1891. vi, 439-448. — Eichel. Ein Fall von Hernia epigastrica. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1*99. xxviii, 166-168. -----. Ueber Hernia epigastrica. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1900, xlvii. 426-428.—Empi*. Hernie ventrale 6tranglee; suppression tie la secretion urinaire; mort rapide; suppuration du sac herniaire et perforation de l'intestin sphacel6 tlans la bernie. Bull. | Soc med. d. hop. de Par., 1858-61, iv, 455-461.—Eid- ■nann (J. F.) Excision of gangrenous intestiu- due to torsion in ventral hernia. Ann. Snrg., Phila.. 19ol. xxxiv. 398.— Findley (P.) Strangulated ventral hernia. Am. J. Surg. Sc Gynec , N. Y.. 1897-8, x, 111— Fischer. Hernia lineae alba; mit todtiichem Ausgaiige. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Geburtsh., Winiienden, W4-5, xxvi, '.'65.— Fischer (C.) Eingeklemmter Bauchwandbi■ueb. Miin- chen.med. Wchnschr., 1895, xiii, 627.—Fischer (I).) Oin hernia liuese alba- och de s. k. prseperitoneala lipo- merna. [Hernia of the linea alba and the so called praepe- ritoneal lipomata.] Eira, Stockholm, 1896, xx, 238-248.— Franken (B.) Waameeming van eeue aanmerklyke hoeveelheid uitgevalleu darmen, floor eene van zelfs ont- staane doorbraak in den onderbuik, met gcvolg van volko- mene geneeziug. Verhandel. uitgeg. d. tie Holland. Maat- sch. d. Weetensch. te Haarlem, 1787, xxiv, 425-458, 2 pi.— (■arstang. A case of traumatic ventral hernia and one of haemophilia. Lancet, Lond., 1896, i, 1138. — (>ri/ha bieiol linii. [Hernia in linea alba.] Otchot o dievateln. khirurg. klin. [etc.] v Mosk. (1896-8), 1899, 155.—Oi-izha. rubtaa oryushuol polosti. [Hernia through a cicatrix of the abdominal cavity.] Ibid. (1899-1900), 1901. 275-277.— Hamnimfahr (A.) Die extraperitoneale Ratlikalope- ration medianer Bauch- und Bauchiiarbeubiiiche. Cen- tralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1901, xxviii, 929-932. — Hay nei (I. S.) Ventral hernia. X. York M. J., 1893, lviii, 796. -----. The treatment of postoperative hernia. Phila. M. J.. 1901, vii, 305-307. — Horn bora (A. F.) Om br&ck i linea alba. [Hernie de la ligne blanche. Res., p. cxv.] Finska liik.-sall.sk. handl., Helsingfois. 1900, xhi, 1139-1174.—Hntehinaon (J.), jr. Fattv hernia- in linea alba. Tr. Path. Soc Lontl., 1887-8, xxxix, 451—Idzerina (J.) lets o\ ei|lui nia epigastrica. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Genei sk., Au.st.. Mi4 '_'. R.. xxx, d. 2, 638-641. —John- >on IA. I'.i Ventral hernia following operation for appen- dicitis. Ann. Surg.. Phila., 1899. xxix, 625. — Johnson i.M M.) Ventral hernia aftor appendecloui\. .J. Am.M. As8., Chit:ago, 1898, xxxi, 402. — Keefe (J. W.j Ventral Hernia (Ventral). hernia. Tr. Rhode Island M. Soc. 1898, Providence, 1899, v. 582-593. Also: Boston M. A S.fJ., 1899, cxl, 153-156.— Kclling (G.) Leber die Entstehung ties iiervdscn Reiz- zustantles ties Magcus hei Hernia epigastrica untl iiber einen zweiteii epii;aslrischen neivosen Diiieltpuiikt. Wien. med. Wcluischr., 1900. 1.1875-1880. —Klrklcy (('. A.I Ven- tral hernia. Toledo M. A S. Reporter, 1S93, vi. 417-119.— von ltlicgl(F.) Ueber Dai inu antlbriiche. Wien.med. Liesse, 1S9U, xxxi, 201; 13 liornleltl (IL) Rente bei Bauchbruch. Mountschr.f.Unfallhoilk., Leipz.,1898,v,19.— Knltner(L.I Leber Veiilauunjissliiiungen, verursaeht durch versebit'ileiie Biuchfoiinen, besontlers durch Her- nien der Lima alba. Mitt. a. tl. Grenzgeb. d. Med. n. Chir., Jena, 1896, i, 061-687. — ■.ennlioll iR.) Ueber ein dem llvtlatitleiischwirren alinliclies Sprilzphannuieu bei Hernien tier Linea alba. Berl. klin. Wchnschr . 1*94, xxxi, 715-717. -----. Leber Hernien tier Linea alba Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg., Berl., 1897, iii, 134-136. — Lindner iH.) Leber Bauelitleekenbriiche. Berl. Klinik, 1892. 49. lift., 1-39—I.ittre. Sur une hemic rare. Hist. Acad. roy. tl. sc. 1714, Par.. 1717, 200-202. Also: Hist. Acad. roy. d. se. (de Paris], Amst., 1719, 259-262. Also, transl.: K Akad. tl. Wissensch. in Par. . . . Ahhnndl., BressL, 1753. iv, 357- 359.— l.othrop (H. A.) Heinia epigastrica, with a re- port of cases. Boston M. Sc S. J,, 1897, exxxvi, 175-17s. [Discussion], 185; 200. — I.yuh ( F. F.) Dva sluchaya grizhi blelol linii zhivota. [Two cases of hernia of the linea alba.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., If96. clxxxvi, 1. sect., 717-720.— McArdle (J. S.) Operative treatment of such hernia? as appear the result of congenital defect of the linea alba, or as the outcome of laparotomy. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, DubL. 1894, xii, 203-215. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1894, cxvii, 101-110. [Discussion]. 166; 446.— Macreaily (J.) On the rarer forms of ventral hernia. Lancer, Loud., 1890, ii, 963; M25. — Mantou ( W. V. 1 [Immense ventral hernia. ] J. Gynec, Toledo, 1891, i, 76-78. — Martin (J. AL H.) Rupture of the coverings of a ventral hernia. Illust. M. News, Lond., 1889. iv, 260. — .VIannuo (B.) Seibu naisei takusu no itji sitsu- ken. [Hernia of stomach and intestine through an aper- ture near umbilicus.] Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio, 1893, no. 322, 4-6. — Meyer ( W. ) Extensive ventral her- nia. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1901, xxxiv, 572-574. — Mohr (G.) Acuter Darmwandbruch tier Linea alba. Jahrb. d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst. 1895-6, Hamb. u. Leipz.. 1897, v, 2. Teil, 384-390. Also: Mitt. a. d. Hamb. Staatskran- kenanst., 1897, i, 3S4-390.—Tlongie. Hernie epigastri- que. J. de iued.de Bordeaux, 1898, xxviii, 175.—Morgan (J. H.) Enormous ventral hernia. Lancet, Loud., 1890, i, 1007. — Morris (R. T.) Post-operative ventral hernia. Am. M. Quart., N. Y., 1899-1900, i, 212-215.—Moty. Ob- servation de hernie graisseuse tie la ligne blanche. Bull. Soc. centr. de meil. du nord. Lille, 1897. 2. s., i. 281-283.— Mngnaii A.) Ernia strozzata di un di vei tieolo del ci assu; ernia parietale strozzata. Arch, edatti tl. Soc. ital. di chir. 1897, Homa, 1*98, xii, 8-19.—IVichnes (15.) Leber Hernien der Linea alba. Berl. Klinik, 1895, Hft. 80,1-25.—Obser- vations sur des d6phicemens des parties du bas-ventre. Collect, de diflf. pieces [etc.], Par., 1761, i, 69-77.—Ochs- ner(A.J.) Ventral hernia following appendectomy. Clin. Rev., Chicago, 1899, x, 363-365.—Pantzer (H. O.) Irre- ducible ventral hernia; report of a case. Indiana M. J., Indianap., 1894-5, xiii, 48-52.—Poulsen (K.) Om Parie- talhernier. Hosp.-Tid., Kjebenh., 1889, 3. R.,vii, 493 ; 525.— Pregaldino. Hernie 6pigastrique simulant un carci- nomn de I'estomac. Ann.Soc. beige dechir., Brux., 1896-7, iv, 302-304— Bae (A.) Ventral heinia following opera- tion for appendicitis. Brooklvn M.J, 1899, xiii. 703-705.— Baez (K. L.I De los abcesos be]>.aticos y his hernias ab- dominales. Monitor med., Lima, 1896, xi, 277; 307. — Kcn- notle (Marie). Ventral hernia; report of a case. Am. Cymec &Obst. J., N.Y., 1900, xvii. 228-232.— Kt vitlNOll (P. M.j Contribution a i'etude de la bernie epigastrii|iio de la ligne blanche. Rev. gen. tie clin. et de therap., Par., 1896, x, 707-710. —Roberts (.1. B.) Ventral hernia with abscess of the umbilicus simulat inghiliary flstule. Phila. Poly clin., 1892. i, 1-3.— Roth. Ueber die Hernien der Linea alba. Arb. a. d. chir. Klin. d. k. Univ. Berl., 1891. v, I 45. -1&0.- Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1891, xiii, 1-45.— Kiimmi-I. [Account of a singular varietv of hernia; dis- sected bv Mr. Thomson.] Tr. Row Soc. Edinb. (1798- 1804), 1805, v, pt. 3, 23.—Nato (S.) llyakuseu hernia kan- sha. |Hernia through linea alba.J .lundendo Ijikenku Kwai Hoko, Tokio, 1893, no. 159, 1-6. —Neliopf (F.) Rnp- tura herniie veutralis; Exenteiatio intestiniuum; Laparo- tomia. Heilung. Jahrb. tl. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. 1898, Wien u. Leipz., 1900, vii, pt. 2, 32.'.. Smith (A. L.) Her- nia following abdominal operations; its prevention and cure. Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1899, n. s., cxix, 104-107.— Nommer (I \. N.J.) Epigastric hernia|; report of two cases. 1'hila M. J., 1898, ii, 1097. —Npeneer i \V.G.) Two cases of a ventral form of inguinal hernia. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1896-7, xxx, 58.—Sternberg araiiipazzi (C.) Ernia parietale acuta in- gorgata da metaiatpiani di rane; resezione intestinale col bottone Murphy sconipouibile. Riforma med., Palermo, 19(10, xvi, pt. 3, 220 ; 230.—4»oleidhardt. Diagnose und Behandlung ties inneren Bruchs beim Ochsen. Wchn- schr. f. Thiei-h. u. Viehzucht. Miiuchen, 1886, xxx, 335-339. Also: C.-ntralbl. f. Yet.-Wis-cnsrli . Leipz., 1886, iv, 3u6- 309. — Pai-a»eandolo iC.) Cn caso di ernia doppia in un cane. Mod. zooiatro, Torino. 19ml. xi. 221-226.—Pecn*. De la hernie de l'iute.stin a travers l'hiatus tit Winslow chez le cheval. J. de uiEtl. vet. et zootech., Lyon, 1891, 3. s. xix. 138-14*.—Pero«ino >F.) Dell'uso dell'acido I azotico nella cura delle . inn-omlmlicali dei puledri. Gior. 3. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Torino. 1*50, 2. s., vii, 26-33. - Raanaii. Bauchbrach beim Pfertle und dessen Heilung 'luich Herniotomie. Ztschr. f. Veterinark., B.-rl., 1899. xi, 1U7-411. — Bind. Zwerchfellbruch und V. i M'achsuiig einer Diinndarmschlinge mit Lunge und llerzbeutel. Berl. thierarztl. Wchnschr.. 1*90, vi, 74. — Biii/.er. Kin Herniotom fiir den inneren Bruch des Ochsen. Ibid., 1901, xvii, 408. Also: Deutsche thieiiirztl Wchnschr., Hannov., 1901, ix, 314. Also: Wchnschr. f. Thieih. u. Viehzucht, Miinchen, 1901. xiv, 315-317. — Million i.I. B.) Inguinal hernias in monkeys. Tr. Puth. Soc Lond 1887-8, xxxix, 453-457. Also [Ahstr.l: Brit. M.J., Lond. 1887, ii, 1102.— Walt li. Beitrag zur Behandlung ties inneren Bruchs bei (><-h-en. Deui-che thi« riii/il. Wchn-cln. Hannov., 19iiu, viii, 205-267.—Vev«tie>enko (S. S i Sluchai pakho- moshonocbnol grizhi i henna inguiu. et sciotali-i i yeya operativnoye izllechenie. | Case of ... in a horse.] Arch. vet. nauk,'St. Petersb., 1*84, xiv, 3. sect.. 91-96. Hernia of appendix vermiformis. See Hernia (<«cal). Hernia en bissac. See Hernia ( Properitoneal). Hernia cerebri. See Brain (Hernia of) ; Dura mater (Tumors, etc., of) ; Head (Injuries of) with hernia cerebri. Hernia in children. See. also. Hernia (Complications, etc., of); Her- nia (Congenital); Hernia (Umbilical); Hernia ( Vaginal, etc.). Felizet (G.) Les hernies inguinales de 1'en- fance. 8°. Paris, 1894. Also (Rev.J, in: Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1894, ii, 74-95. Also [Rev.J, in: J. de clin. et de therap. inf., Par., 1894, ii, 375-377. Hernia in children. Golekf (I. M.) * De la hernie inguinale 6trangl*5e chez le noun isson. 8°. Xancii, l*-'.>9. Hermanns (.1.) * Ueber Brucheinklemmung von Adnexe-n im friiheu Kindesalter. 8°. Kiel, ISiti). Jaccji-emkllk ((L-A.) *Dii traitement des hernies et hydroceles congenitales chez l'enfant. 4°. Lille, lrt'.r.l. Meykk ((<.) * Ueber Brncheinklemmung im Kindesalter. H°. (liittingen, 1H.I7. I'etit.ie.w (M.) * De la hernie inguinale etraiigloe . l'on.AiNE (V.) * De la hernie inguinale avec ectopie testiculaire chez l'enfant. 4°. Paris, iS'.r.l. Kenault (P.) * I.is hernies inguinales dn cii'cum et tie l'S iliaque considere~e8 principale- ment chez l'enfant. 8°. Paris, 1811S. StHADE (('. H. W.) * Ein Beitrag zur Be- handlung der Hruclieinklemmnng im Kindes- alter. sc. Kiel, 1H<)Mii (U.S.) Hernia in an in- fant leii weeks of age. .Med. Kit., N. V., 1897, Iii, 577 — C-oley (W. B.) Double femoral hernia in a male child, aged tuo years. Ann. Surg., I'liila., 1897, xxvi, 246. -----. The management of hernia in infancy and chiltlhoo.i. Med. News, N. T., 1897, Ixxi, 791-795; Also, Reprint, -----. The management of hernia in infancy and child- hood. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1898, x\, 241 250. [Discus- sion], 280-288. -----. Strangulated hernia in. children. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1900, xx\iv, 324. -Con win* (J. W.) The treat.....nt of congenital hernia in children; with re- marks on a new washable trusH. Med. Press A Circ., Lond., 1886, n. H.. xii, 103 -C'riekx (A.) Pathogoneseet tiaitement de la hemic inguinale de reiifance. .1. tie nied., chir. et Pharmacol. Annales, Brux., 1892, i,331-368.—«'nil' lA.) A case of strangulated hernia iu an infant 5 months old. Brit. M. J., I......L, 1897, ii, SI 1— (iiihnIoii (C. G.) Inguinal hernia in children. Ann. Gvnec. A I'ediat., Bost., 1898-9, xii, 30-33.—l>alhiN (A.) "Hernia, in infancy and its correct treatment. Internat. J. Surg.. N. Y., 1892, v, 33; 89. Also, Reprint— DiuIn . Vassal ( P. ) * Considerations sur la cure radicale de la hernie inguinale chez la fenune, particnlierement chez la petite tille. 4°. Pa- ris, l-9.">. Adams ( C.) The operation for the radical cure of hernia in infants and children. Metl. Era. Chicago, 1896, xii, 179-187. — Alapy (H.) Kis gvermekek s^rveinek ra- dikalis mutete. (The radical operation for hernia in young children.] Orvosi hetil.. Budapest, 1900, xliv, 434.— Aleksandroff (L. P.) Radikalnaya operatsiya pakho- vol grizhi; smert ot vnutreunyavo krovatecheniya. I Radi- cal operation for inguinal hernia; death from internal hem- orrhage.] DIetsk. metl., Mosk.,1896, i, 122.—Bajardi (I>.) Ernie dei bambini curate radiealniente nella clinica pedia- trica di Firenze. Clin, chir., Milano. 1898, vi, 305; 353; 401; 569. — Bartholomew (J. N.) The indications for the radical cure ot' heinia in children. Chicago Clinic, 1900, xiii, 2*4-287.— Rastin. Heime inguinale etranglee ehez uu enfant de huit mois; kelotomie; cure radicale. Ann. Soc. d'anat. path, de Brux., 1890. no. 39, 65.—Bayer ( K. ) Zur Radicaloperation der freien Hernie bei Kin- dern. Prag. metl. Wchnschr., 1891. xvi. 405 - 407. — Bil- haut ( M.) Cure radicale de la hemic inguinale chez l'enfant; observation, traitement de la hernie par la me- thode sclerogene: reflexions; conclusions. Aun. de chir. et d'orthop., Par., 189G, ix. 193-198. — Bittner (W.) Zur Radicaloperation der Inguinalhernieu im Kindesalter. Arch. f. klin. Chir.,;BerL, 1894-5. xlix, 803-834.—Bonnet |L.) Cure radicale de la hernie inguinale non 6trauglee chez l'enfant en has &ge. Rev. prat, d'obst. et de pa'A.) Case of strangulated inguinal hernia in a boy 2J years old; operation; recovery. Brit. M. J., 72 HERNIA. Hernia in children (Treatment of, Opera- tive). Lond., 1899, i. 7*8. Also, transl.: Ann. de med. et chir. inf., Par., 1899, iii, 436. -----. A case of strangulated hernia in a premature ch'ld. aged five weeks; opeiation; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1901. i. 1536. —Prior (S.) Her- nia inguinalis incarcerata hos et 7 Uger gammelt Barn; Herniotomi; Helbredelse. [. . . iu a child 7 weeks old; herniotomv ; ivcovery.l Hosp.-Tid., Kjebenb., 1894, 4. R., ii, 261—Beckilt (J. D. T.) Strangulated inguinal her- nia (left) in au infant aged eight months; operation; com- plication; recovery., Lancet, Lond., 1893, i, 584. — Bc- petto. Hernia inguinal estrangulada en un nino dedos meses; herniotomia; operacidn radical; curacion. Rev. Soc. med. argent., Buenos Aires, 1896-7, v, 217-219.-Bob- inson (E. L.) Successful operation for strangulated in- guinal hernia in a child fourteen days old. Brit. M. J., Lontl., 1888, ii, 491.—Bussell (R. H.) Operation v. truss in the inguinal hernia of childhood. Lancet, Loud.. 1900, ii, 1128-1131. — Shcrrill U. G.) Operation for strangu- lated hernia in a child aged less than three, months. Arch. Pediat,, N. Y., 1897, xiv, 779.—Steele (E. A. T.) A case of strangulated inguinal hernia, of crecum and vermiform appendix, in a child six weeks old, successfully treated by operation. Lancet, Lond., 1899, ii, 279.—Stern (C.) Bei- trag zur Staiistik uud Prognose tier Herniotomie beiin- carcerirten Hernien im ersten Kindesalter. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1894, xxi, 425-438. Also: Ftinfz. Beitr. a. d. Geb. d. ges. Med. Festschr. . . . d. Ver. d. Aerzte d. Rgrngsbz. Diisseld., Wiesb., 1894, 430-447. -----. Zur Statistik und Prognose der Herniotomie incarcerirter Hernien im Kindesalter. Deutsche nied. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl, 1895, xxi, 356. —Steinbach (L. \V.) Double inguinal hernia in a male infant 38 days old; stran- gulation on tbe left side; herniotomy. Proc. Phila, Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1884-5, vii, 78-81. Also: Boston M. & S. J., 1884, cxi. 559. Also : Mary laud M. J., Bait, 1884-5, xii, 133-135.—Stowc (IL M.) Recurrent strangulation of a left oblique congenital entero-epiplocele in an infant six weeks old; herniotomy; recovery. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1899, lv, 748-750.—Stretton (J. L.) Herniotomy in a very young child. Lancet, Lond., 1887, i, 1029.—Werner. Herniotomie hei einem 14 Monate alten Knaben. Ztschr. f. Wuudarzte u Geburtsh.. Fellbach. 1894. xiv, 137-139. Hernia in the female. See, also, Hernia (Femoral, Radical cure of); Hernia ( Vaginal, etc.); Hernia in old age; Her- nia in pregnancy. Bot oaille (H.) * Contribution a l'e'tude de la hernie inguinale chez la femme et des hernies de l'ovaire. 1'. Paris, lf91. Delaris (L.) *Resnltats immeVliats et eloig- ned de la cure radicale de la hernie inguinale chez la femme. 4°. Lyon, 1892. ------. The same. «J. Lyon, 1892. Amman (G. C.) De uteri suftbeatione, mola herniis, earum speciebus et curatione. In: Rolfinck (W.) Epi- tome meth. cognosc. [etc ]., sin. 4°, Jenoe, 1655, 349-364l:.— Auvray. Hernie inguino-interstilielle chez la femme (hernie tleGoyrand). Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1900, n. s., v, 542-547.—Babagliati. Three cases of strangulated hernia in women; operation; recovery. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1887, n. s., xliii, 443. — Berger (P.) Sur quelques varietes dela hernie inguinale congenitale chez la femme; en particulier, des hernies compliqu6es d'un kyste du canal de Nuck et des hernies en bissac Bull, et m'6m. Soc de chir. de Par., 1891, n. s., xvii, 283-294. _____. Hernie inguinale chez la femme. Med. mod., Par., 1898, ix, 601.— Berger(P.) & Champion iii ere. Sur la cure radicale des hernies inguinales chez la femme. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1891, n. s., xvii, 399-407. — Blondel (R.) Ent6rocele adhesive et lesions annexielles; observation: salpingo-ovarite gauche; enterocele avec adh6rences dans le cul-de-sac tie Douglas; dilatation et enrage; laparotomie; persistance de l'enterocfele. N. Arch, d'obst. et gynec. Par., 1893, viii, 357-368.—Brad- don (W. L.) On a better method of applying inguinal trusses in females. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, ii, 989. — Buecking (E. F.) A unique case of inguinal hernia iu the female. Chicago M. Times, 1896, xxix, 81.—Cloley (W. B.) The radical cure of inguinal hernia in the female, with a report of 134 cases. Yale M. J., N. Haven 1900- 1901, vii, 204-209. Also: N. Albany M. Herald, 1901, xxi, 457.—C'ulleu (T. S.) Umbilical hernia; multinodular myomatous uterus; large ovarian abscess communicating with the small intestine; hysterectomy. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1897, viii, 216.—Davis (G. W.) Two complicated cases of inguinal heinia in women treated by radical cure. Lancet, Lond., 1895, ii, 152.—Dudley (A. P.) Umbilical hernia in the female, with a report of five cases. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc, Phila., 1892, xvii, 295-314, 2 pi. Also, Reprint. AUo: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1893, xxvii, 235-249. AUo [Abstr.]: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1892, xiii, 410.—Duke (A.) The frequency of ventral hernia HEKNIA. 73 HERNIA. Hernia in the female. in child-hearing women. Med. Press \ Circ, Lond., 1893, n. s., lvi, 56. -----. Note on the frequency of ventral hernia in child-bearing women. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, ii, HOT— Dicucnu. Strangulated inguinal hernia of the rightside in a female; operation of ratlical cure; recovery. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1p9!, h. s., xv. 231-233.— Dvustorounyaya pakhovaya grizha. [Bilateral in- guinal hernia.] Otchot o tllevatelu. khir. klin. [etc.] v Mosk. (1*99-1900), 1901. 255. — Englisch. Hernia in- fiaiuniati ovarii (.'); entziinileter Leistenbruch; Heilung. Ber. tl. k.k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftiing in Wien (1883), 1884 335.— Kscher (T.) Ueber den inneren Leistenbruch beim Weibe. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz.. 1899. liii.557- 562.—Faguart. D'engoiieinent herniaire tie list nle recto- vaginale et tl'anus contre nature consecutifs a la keloto- mie. Ann. Soc. d'anat. path, tie Brux., 1888, xxxvii, 90- 101. Also: Presse metl. beige, Brux., 1888, xl, 145-147.— FrncR>»ini (L.) l'rituo caso fiuora couosciuto die di- mostra la possibilita, dell' ernia inguinale diretta nella donna. Policlin., Roma, 1901. viii, sez. chir., 101 - 104. — Fredet (P.) Heruie inguinale droite, dout le segment in- guinal preseutait un enorme developpeiuent infra-parietal (heinie inguiuo-iuterstitielle en bissac) chez une femme. Bull, et mem. Soc. auat.de Par., 1901, Ixxvi, 154-158.—Fyfc (W. W.) Case of strangulated inguiual hernia (right) in a female; operation for ratlical cure (Maceweu's); recovery. Glasgow M. J., 1900, liv, 365.— Goldiug-Kird (C. H.) Two cases of ••hernie en bissac " iu women, one being also •intraparietal ". Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1883-4, xvii. 210-213.— (IrenkotTiS F.) Sluchai pakhovolgrizhi uzhenshtshini. [Inguinal hernia in a woman.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1900, xxi, 989. — Ilofmokl. Hernia umbilicalis post partum acquisita; lucarceratio; Herniotomia; Heilung. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Rudolph-Stiftiing iu Wien (1889), 1890, 368. — Kahn (Cornelia). Immense left inguiual hernia, with right inguinal and femoral hernia, iu a woman; reduc- tion; radical opeiation by Dr. W. W. Keen; recovery. Med. A Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1888, lix, 799-801.—Lucas- Championniere. Cure radicale tie la hernie inguinale chez la femme. et en particulier de la hernie congenitale. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1891. n. s., xvii, 388- 398. AUo: Mercredi med., Par., 1891. ii. 273-275. -----. Cure radicale de la hernie sans 6tranglemeut chez la femme. J. de med. et chir. prat.. Par., 1891, Ixii, 769-778.—Ulnnlcy (T. H.) Some features of hernia and herniated coutlitions in the female, especially femoral and umbilical. | Abstr.] Ann. Gynec. & Pediat., Bost.. 1899-1900, xiii, 98-108. -----. Hernia'iu the female. N. York M. L. 1899, Ixx, 925. -----. The therapy of feminine hernia in the adult. [Abstr.l Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1900, 3. s., xvi, 92-97. — Vlarcy (H.O.i Femoral and ventral hernia in woman. Tr. Am. Ass. nb-t. Sc Gvnec. 1891, Phila.. 1892. iv. 163-203, I pi. AUo X Kng. M. Month.. Daubury, Conn. 1^91-2, xi, 167- 18il.— V|u ■■ de (P. F.| Linbilical hernia, earlv menopause. Internat. Clin., Phila., lo94,4. s., i, 280-282.—Ol i ver i.I. C.) Strangulated direct inguinal hernia in a. It male: Little's hernia. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1895, n. s., xxxiv, 63.— Pravostoronnyaya pakhovaya grizha. [Right-sided inguinal hernia; 2 cases.] Otchot o dieyateln. khirurg. klin. [etc.] v Mosk. (1896-m, le!l9. 158; 160.—Pravostor. pakhovaya grizha. ; Right-sided inguinal hernia.] Ibid. <]«99-190'0), 1901, 263.— Kabagliati. Case of strangu- lated inguinal hernia in a female; recovery. Metl. Press A Circ. Lond., Is85, n. s.. xl. 408. — Kobin«on (H. B.) Cysts in relation with an inguinal hernial sac in a woman. l'r. Path. Sue. Loud., 189»-9. 1, 230.— Ko^ie. Examen d'un cas tie hernie it'tro-peritoneale observe chez une femme scoliotique de 51 ans. J. d. sc. metl. de Lille, 1891, i, 49; 73; 121; 169. —af Mchullen (M. W.) Bidrag till bukh&lans kirurgi; operationer af hukhr&ck, uppkomma efter laparotomy saint af eveniratio efter graviditet. [• 'ontribution to the surgery of the abdominal cavity; op- erations for abtlomiual hernia, sequela) of laparotomy, eventration after pregnancy.] Finska lak.-sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1896, xxxviii, 991-1005.--Mch warty. (E.) Hernies inguinales des deux cauaiix de M filler; cure ratli- cale; absence totale de vagin ; vagin artificiel. (.'ong. franc. de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.]. Par.. 1892, vi, 437-439—Strata (C. H.) Plastischer Verschluss einer Iiernia ventralis (lurch einen myomatdsen Clems. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1899, xxiii, 809. — Winckel. Ueber die Darin- briiche am Boden des weiblit Inn Beckens. Verhandl. tl. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891, iii. 8. Abth., 153- 161. — Zuckcrkanril (O.) Beit rage zur Lehre von den Briicheuiin lieieichetlesDouglae'scheii Raumes. Deutsche Y,i*i hi. f. Chir., Leip/.., 1890-91, xxxi, 590-608. Hernia into foramen of Winslow. See Hernia (Retroperitoneal). Hernia into -inter sigmoid fossa. See Hernia (Retroperitoneal). Hernia through linea alba. See Hernia ( Ventral). Hernia in old age. Nippkrdey (L.) * Dnrcliliruch des Wurin- fortsatzes im '.):». Lebensjahre. 8°. Jena, ls'.CL Kicvi (A.) Cistutele inguinale secondario ad ernia iutestinule congenita in vcccliio ottuage- nario cuiiilo con la puntnra della porzione estru- addomiuale. 8-. Firenze, 1^88. Si'Hooks (L.) La cure radicale des heinies est-elle contre-indique~e cliez les vieillards? "c. Bruxelles, [n. d.]. liepr. from: Ann.de lTnstituttdiir.de Bruxelles, [n. d.J. Allingham (H. W.) Strangulated hernia in a woman aged eighty; herniotomy necessitating abdominal section; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1890, i. 401. — Allison (C. C.) Treatment of hernia in the aged. West. M. Rev., Lin- coln, Neb., 1899, iv. 361. — Anderson (G. R.) Case of strangulated obturator heinia in a woman at. 75. Liver- pool M.-Chir. J., 1900, xx, 271-275. — Augener. Gliick- liche Operation eiiigeklemiuten Scheiikelbruchs bei 78 Jahre alter Fran. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1897, xviii, 136.—Battle (W. II.) A case of irreducible scrotal her- nia (in an old man) containing the appendix vermiformis; operation for radical cure. Lancet, Lond., 1899, i, 1631.— Bennett (\V. H.) A case of strangulated obturator her- nia in a woman aged seventy-eight years treated suc- cessfully by laparotomy. Ibid., 1895, i, 1105.—Bono (C. K.) Strangulated umbilical Iiernia in a man agetl 89; operation without general anaesthesia; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1898, i, 299__Boyd (J. A.) Operation tor strangulated hernia upon a man eighty years of age. Texas M. J., Austin, 1897-8, xiii, 217-219.—Braquchaye (J.) Hernie inguinale droite chez une femme dgee; pince- ment lateral del'intfstiu grele; accidents a. marche chi oni- que. France med. et Paris m6d., Par.. 1891, xxxviii, 515.— Cartwright (S. S.) Strangulated hernia in au aged subject; operation; recovery. Med. Rec, X. V., 1896, 1, 390.—Cassidy (P.) Report of operations in three cases of umbilical hernia in elderly people. Ibid.. 1897, Iii, 794.—Chavasse (T. F.) Case of an octogenarian upon whom herniotomy was twice successfully pei formed. Lancet, Loud., 1885, ii, 756.—t'liisliolm :iK (.1.) Mon- struiii herniic labialis sinistra' pri setlm thsatiletr vdove. [. . . iu a willow 70 years old.) Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1809, viii, 297. — O'C'allaghan (It.) Radical cure dur- ing operation for strangulated hernia in the agetl, with some practical remarks thereon. Prov. M. J.. Leicester, 1895. xiv 15-17. AUo [Abstr.]: Rrit. M.J.. Lontl.. 1894. ii, 971.-Oehsner (A. .1.) The treatment of hernia in old men. Internat. J. Surg., NY., 1897, x, 347-350. AUo, Re- HERNIA. 74 HERNIA. Hernia in old age. print.—Parry (T. W.) A case of herniotomy in a septua- genarian following immediately on an attack of hypostatic pneumonia. Lancet, Lond., 1899, ii. 278. — Philippe. Hernie erurale etranglee irreductible depuis trois aus. chez une femme de soixante-douze aus; einploi exclusif des in- jections hypodermiques de morphine. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1886, lix, 703-705. —Piatt (W. H.) Report of a case of strangulated femoral hernia in a woman eighty years of age; operation; recovery. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1888-9, xx, 306. — Poullet (J.) Guerison radicale des hernies memechez les vieillards; methode k lambeau fibro-perios- tique sans coverture du peritoine. Lyon med., 1893, lxxiv, 410^415. Also: Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1894, iii, 310-313. AUo: Atti d. xi Cong. med. iuternaz. 1894, Roma, 1895, iv, chirurg. [etc.], 526-531. Also: Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1894, xv, 172. Also [Abstr.]: Gaz. d. hop. de Toulouse, 1893, vii, 409. -----. Cure radicale des hernies, meme chez les vieillards, sans ablation du sac et sans ou- verture du peritoine. Assoc, franc, de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.], Par., 1898, xii, 395-398. —Quirk (H. W.) The ne- cessity of early operations in strangulated femoral hernia with the aged, vrith report of a case. Cleveland M. Gaz., 1891-2, vii, 436.—Roc key (A. E.) Operations for the radi- cal cure of hernia in persons over sixty years of age. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1897, xxviii, 349-353.— Shears (G. F.) The operative treatment of hernia in the aged. Tr. Am. Inst. Homceop. 1898, N. Y., 1899, lix, 261-265.— Spitzer (B. B. R.) Fiinf Tage dauernde Incarceration einer Leistenhernie bei einem 66jahrigen Manne operirt; Heilung per priiuam; am 14. Tage entlassen; Kreolinbe- haiidlung. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1889, xxxix, 885.— Tardif. Etranglement herniaire chez une vieille femme. Anjou med., Angers, 1894-7, 270-272.—Walker (J. B.) Strangulated caecal hernia, of one hundred and five hours' duration, in a woman aged sixty-seven years. Med. Rec, N.T., 1897, li, 227—Wile (W. C.) Herniotomy at 79; recovery.- Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Hartford, 1885, 176. AUo: N. Eng. M. Month., Sandy Hook, Conn., 1884-5, iv, 451.—Wilson (A. M.) Strangulated umbilical hernia in a patient aged eighty; operation. Lancet, Lond., 1893, i, 1515. Hernia into pericardial sac. See Hernia (Anomalous, etc.). Hernia in pregnancy and the puerperal state. Komakowsky-Mamutow (S.) * Ueber Koin- plikation der Darm- und Netzhernien mit Schwangerschaft, Geburt und Wochenbett. 8°. Bern, 1894. de Ryckeh (R. E. M.) * Les hernies pendant la grossesse. 8°. Lille, 1900. Schutz (G.) *Spontan ruptur einer Entero- cele vaginalis posterior im vii. Monate der Scbwangerschaft mit Vorfall von Darmschliu- gen. 8°. Miinchen, 18«6. Beebe (G. D.) Strangulated umbilical hernia; re- moval of fifty-eight inches of mortified intestine during pregnancy; recovery. IT. States M. & S. J., Chicago, 1869-70, v, 54-60. — Binnie (J.) Two operations for strangulated femoral hernia in tbe same patient, both dur- ing pregnancy. Tr. M. Soc. Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 1882, xiv, 82.—Bogdanik (J.) Eiugeklemmter Leistenbruch bei einer Wochnerin. Wien. med. Presse, 1897, xxxviii, 991.—Boyer (J.) La bernie accident du travail. Lyon med., 1901, xevi, 681-687.—Clayton (J. H.) A case of strangulated umbilical hernia, complicated with preg- nancy ; operation; abortion: recovery. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1895, xxxvii, 226-228.—Fischer (H.) Hernien und Herniotomieen wahrend der Graviditat nnd im Wochen- bette. Deutsche metl. Wchnschr., Leipz.u. Berl., 1898, xxiv, 141.—Friuk (F. L.) Herniotomy with ovariotomy in a patient four months pregnant. Louisville M. Month., 1895-6, ii, 12.—Gaudier. Heruie erurale 6trangl6e pen- dant la grossesse. Rev. de chir., Par., 1894, xiv, 859-863.— Hirst (B. C.) A large vaginal enterocele complicating pregnaucy and obstructing labor. Med. News, Phila., 1891, lviii, 439. Also, Reprint. -----. Vaginal euterocele in pregnancy aud labor. Tr. Am. Gvnec. Soc, Phila., 1893, xviii, 351-358. Also: Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1893, xxviii, 74-80.—Kidd (C.) Strangulated femoral hernia after parturition; operation; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1890, i. 1352.—IVlnnley (T. H.) Hernia in pregnancy and pregnancy in herniae, with note on umbilical hernia. Med. News, N. Y., 1900, Ixxvi, 130-133.—Masse. Hernie peri- n6ale et lipome pr6heniiaire; grossesse et accouchement. Cong, period, de gynec, d'obst. et de pasdiat. Mem. et disc. 1895, Par., 18y6, 582-590. Also: Rev. obst. internat., Toulouse, 1895, i, 193-195— Munde. (P. F.) Case of incar- cerated hernia in a woman two months pregnant, com- plicated with hematocele; abortion induced on account of persistent vomiting. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1886, xix, Hernia in pregnancy and the puerperal state. 1263. — Petersen (J.) Den dausk-norske Dronning Louises Sygdoni og Dddi December 1751. [Lamaladie mor- tellede la reine de Danemark et de Norvege, la princesse anglaiseLouise,dec,1751. C.-r., no.14,1.] Nord. med. Ark- Stockholm, 1892, n. F., ii, no. 9, 1-11. — Bedlikh (A. A.) Slachal korennol operatsii grizhi blelol linii vo vremya beremennosti. [Ratlical operation for hernia of linea alba during pregnancy.] Protok. zasaid. akush.-ginek. Obsh. v Kieve, 1894, vii, 153-160, 1 pi.—Sintenis (E.) Ein Fall vou inearcerirter Inguinalhernie bei Graviditat. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1899, xxiii, 248.—Smith (G. F.) Case of strangulated hernia in a multipara nine months preg- nant. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1893, xii, 372. — Touisa (A.) Prutrz v prav6m tfisle sevfena v tehoten- stvi, fit' neprirozend, porod pravidelny', iipln6 vyl6cent. [Hernia in right groin strangulated during pregnancy; pre- ternatural anus; normal birth; complete recovery.] Casop. lek. desk., Praze, 1866, v, 92-94. —Van Zandt (I. L.) Hernia; strangulation relieved by gaseous dis- tention cured by pregnancy. Med. Rec, N. T., 1895, xlvii, 238. Hernia in soldiers. See, also, Hernia (Jurisprudence of). Antonini (C. P.) L' ernia inguinale nei soldati e la enra radicale. Riforma med., Napoli, 1890, vi, 1688; 1694; 1700.—Banister (J. M.) The radical cure of inguinal hernia from tbe standpoint of the military surgeon. Proc. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S., Columbus, O., 1897, 478-496. Also: Compt.-rend. Cong, internat. tie m6d. 1897, Mosc, 1899, v, m6d. mil., 78-89.—Bohosicwiez (T.) Radicaloperation der freien Leis ten hernien in der Armee. Wien. med. Presse, 1897, xxxviii, 927-931.—Bonomo ( L.) La cura radicale delle ernie nei niilitari. Atti d. xi. Cong. med. iu- ternaz. 1894, Roma, 1895, vi, chir. e ined. mil., 66.—Bor- mans. Remarques sur quatre operations de cure radi- cale de hernie inguinale pratiqu6es k l'Hopital militaire de Malines. Arch. med.helges,Brux.,1901,4. s.,xviii, 92-102.— C'hauvel. Au sujejt des operations de cure radicale de hernie dans l'arm6e; rapport au comit6 technique de sant6 sur un travail de M. Delorme . . . intituhS: Remarques sur une qtiatrmme et une cinqui6uie s6rie de cinquante cures radicales de hernies. Arch, de m6d. et pharm. mil., Par., 1896, xjcvii, 449-452.- Deghilage. Considerations sur la hernie dans l'armee. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1900, 4. s., xvi, 217-236.—Belorme (E.) Remarques sur une premiere s6rie de cinquante cures radicales de her- nies. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1894, xxiii, 486-531. ■ Remarques sur une deuxifeme et une troi- sieme s6rie de cinquante cures radicales de hernie. Ibid., 1895, xxv, 345; 465.—Demosthen (A.) Laquestion des hernies inguinales et crurales dans l'armee. Atti d. xi Cong. med. interuaz. 1894, Roma, 1895, vi, chir. e med. mil., 55-64.—Frage (Zur) der Heilbarkeit der Hernieu, inshesondere voiu militararztlicheu Standpunkte. Wien. med. BL, 1889, xii, 89.—Froidbise. Quelques considera- tions sur la hernie inguinale au point de vue militaire. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1895, 4. s., vi, 73-89.—Oraser (E.) Die Bruchanlage und -Erkrankung in ihrer Bedeu- tung fiir die Militardiensttauglichkeit und der Entscbeid fiber Versorgungs-, bezw. Entschadigungsanspriiche. Khn.-therap. Wchnschr., Wien, 1899, vi, 144*-1454. Also: Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1899, xlvi, 1630-1692. Also: Wien. med. Presse 1901, xiii, 1616-1620. Also [Abstr.]: Monatschr. f. Unfallheilk., Leipz., 1899, vi, 378-381. Also [Abstr.]: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1900, xiii, 288.—Kras- non"(V. V.) K voprosu o chastotle grizh u prizivaye- mikh k voyennol sluzbble i ob iskusstvennikh grizhafeh. [On the frequency of hernia among recruits and on simu- lated hernia.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1895, clxxxiv 1. sect., 11-32.—L.ink (I.) Die im Gamisonsspitale Nr.' 14 zu Lemberg ausgefiihrten 30 Radikaloperationen freier Hernien nach Bassini. Wien. med. Wchnschr. 1897 xlvii, 238; 279— VI a mil (J.) Ueber die fortschreitende Vermehrung der Hernien in der k. und k. Armee. Mili- taerarzt, Wien, 1899, xxxiii, 65-69.—Marshall (H.) Contribution to statistics of hernia among recruits for the British, and conscripts for the French army. Edinb M Sc S. J., 1838, 1, 15-24. Also, Reprint.—ITIasi (A.) Hos- pital militar de la capital; clinica quiiurgica; hernias operadas durante el ano de 1x99. An. san. mil. Buenoa Aires, 1900, ii, 282-289—.Merlin (J.) Notiz fiber die Heilerfolge der Radicaloperation nach Bassini in Militar- Heilanstalteu. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1898 xlviii 838- 841.—Nagy von Bothkreuz (M.) Die Radicalopera- tion freier Emgeweidevorlagerung in den Militarspita- leru. Mihtaerarzt, Wien, 1901, xxxv, 57-61.— Panara (i?t iLa cura radicale dell' ernia negli ospedali niilitari d Italia. Gior. med. d. r. esercito [etc.], Roma, 1897, xiv 54o-567. Also, Reprint.—Plahl (M.) Die Radikalopera- tionen von Leistenbriichen nach Prof. Bassini im Trup- peuspitale zu Rovereto. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1894 xhy 835;_ 896; 941; 987.-----. Ueber die Arten Radi- calbehaudluug von Leistenhernien uud den Eiufluss der- HEENIA. 75 HEROIN. Hernia in soldiers. selben anf die Diensttauglichkeit der OfHciere und Sol- daten, sowie auf die Eignnng 7iir Militar-Erziehung. Wien. Klinik, 1897. xxiii, 115-156— Quiuzio (C.) Le ernie nei niilitari. Ann. uniy.di ined.e cliii., Milano, 1888, cclxxxiii, 337; 417—Snltikort" (X. N.) O sluehavakh grizh. bivsbikh v khirurgicheskom otdlelenii Yladikav- kazskavo voyennavo bospitalva v I89il gotln. [On the cases of hernia in the surgical division of the Vladikavkaz Military Hospital during 1896.] Yoyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1897, cxc. metT.-spec. pt., 54-61. — Nthol/c. Ueber die Beurtheilung der durch Unfall und der Diensthe- schadigung entstaudeuen Unterleibsbriiche seitens des Reichsversicherungsaintes bezw. nach den militiirtlienst- lichen BestimmiiUiien. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl.. 1898, xxvii, 403-411 —Molonika (N.V.) Pakho- viya grizhi u yevreyevv nashel arniii. [Inguinal Inrnias among the Jews in our (Russian) army.] Laitop russk. chir., S -Peterh., 1898, iii, 1022-1040. -----. O chastotle pakhovikh grizh wolskakli Kievskavo voyennavookruga. [On the frequency of inguinal hernia in the troops of the Kiev military circuit.] Dnevnik syezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v pamyat Pirogova, Kiev, 1,»9t>, vi. no. 11. suppl., 17-22.—Sternberg (G. M.) The radical cure of inguiual hernia in the United States Army. Compt.-rend. Cong. internat. de med. 1897, Mosc, 1899.V, med. mil.. 77—Tac- chetti (G.) Uncasodi tubercolosi erniaria con cousidera- zioni e proposte relative al servizio militate. Ann. di metl. nav., Koma, 1900, vi. 1021-1030.—von Vogl (A.) [et al.]. Die Brnchanlage nnd -Erkrankung in ihrer Bedeutung fiir die Militardiensttauglichkeit und der Entscheid fiber Ver- sorauims-, bezw. Eutschadigungsanspriicbe. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Natuif. u. Aerzte 1899, Leipz., 1900, lxxi. pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 515-523. Hernicke (Emil) [1-5-- J. *Untersucbun- geu iiber den Teniperatnrsinn bei Nerveukrank- heiten. 36 pp., '2 1. ?-. Bonn. L. Hiinewinkel, 1—7. C. Heniioenterotomv. Ste Hernia (Treatment of, Operative, Compli- cations, etc., of). Herniolaparotoiny. See Hernia (Treatment of, Operative) by ab- dominal section; Hernia ( Umbilical, Treatment of, Operative). Herniotomy. See Hernia (Femoral, Treatment of, Operative); Hernia (Treatment of, Operative). He I'll tl (Albin) [1-4'.'- ]. 'Contribution a I'etude des accidents couse"cutiis anxgyuatr<5sies coug6nitales. 204 pp., 1 1. roy. 8°. Lille, 1896, 4. ».,Xo. 151. Heroard (Jean) [1561-1628]. JTIiehaut. Jean Heroard, medecin de Charles IX, de Henri III et de Henri TV. Chron. med., Par., 1899, vi, 385-391. Herodes (Franz). *Zur Casuistik der Fiille von Sebuervenatropbie nach Erysipel. 29 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, Becker, 1888. de Herodiiioir Adele), ne'e Tergoukassoflf [1«40- ]. 'Essai .sur les myelo-euc^phalopa- thies ayphilitiques tertiaires diffuses ou diss^mi- nees. 116 pp., 1 1. 4C. Paris, 1887, No. 245. Herodiones. Shufeldt (K. W.) Osteology of tbe Hero- diones. Cutting from: Ann. Carnegie Mua., Pitteb., 1900, 158- 249, 2 pi. Herodotus [pseud.]. Een woord over bet ont- werp van wet rt^elende de voorwaarden tot verkrijgino der afzonderlijke bevoegdheid tot uitoefening der tandheelkunst. 18 pp. f*~. Amsterdam, C. G. van der Post, 18T6. Heroes of medicine. Matthew Baillie. An au- tobiography, entitled: A short memoir of my life, with a view of furnishing autheutic materials. Edited, with notes, by James Blake Bailey. 16 pp., port, i- . London, 18%. Ilepr. from.- Practitioner. LoniL, 189(1, lvii. Heroglielle (A[lexi8-Ange-Arseue]) [186-J- ]. "Contribution a I'etude du traitement de l'etat de mal e"pil< ptiijue. 4'.» pp., 11. 4:. Paris, 1895, No. WU. ' Heroin. See, also, Morphine (Derivatives of); Mor- phine-habit (Treatment of); Phthisis (Treat- ment of); "Whooping-cough (Treatment of). BortiiUKR (L.) * Etude chiniiqne, physiolo- "iqiie et clinique sur l'heroine. "Lther tli-aee- tique de la morphine." s\ Paris, 1899. AUo [Abstr.], in : J. de metl. int., Par., 1899, iii, 555-558. Lkhkdeh- i Marie). * Etude pharmacody- namique sur l'heroine. .•*-. (ieneve, 1899. Rlnki.l (J.) * leher die Verwertuug des Heroins in der Kinderpraxis. ■iC. Bonn, 19(10. Saint- Mautix (V.) *Etinlc exp6rimentale de pharniaeodynamie sur l'e"ther diac6tique de la morphine (heroine). ~^. Lyon, 1900. Basile(G.) Sui valoreterapeutico dell'eroina. Arch. internaz. di metl. e chir., Napoli, 1900, xvi, 329-35*- Beketon"(A. Y.) K voprosu o llechenii heroinom. [On the treatment witb heroin.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1899, xx, 276.—Biatobi-zeski (A.) O zastosowaniu heroiny w terapii. [Heroin iu therapv.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1899. 2. s., xix. 762-704.— Braum-r (H.) Erfahrungen iiber Heroin. Deutsebes Arcb. f. klin. Med.. Leipz., 1900, Ixviii, *7-9t. — Brown (S. H.) Sc Tompkins (E. D.) Heroin as an analgesic : a report of fifty administrations of heroin in the Howard Hospital. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1900,3. s., xvi. 519. — Carbonell y Soles (F.) Notas clinicas sobre la heroina. An. de obst., giuecopat. y pe- diat., Madrid, 1899, xix, 343-346.—Daly (J. R. L.) A clinical study of beroin. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1900, cxlii, 190- 192. — Dreier (IL) Ueber den experimentellen Nacb- weis der Vertiefung und Verlangsamung der Athemziige nach therapeutischen Heroingaben. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1900, Ixxx, 86-95, 1 diag.—Ein horn (M.) A few remarks ou the therapeutic efficacy of heroin. Phila. M.J., 1899, iv, 829.—Eulenburg (A.) Uebersub- cutane Iujectionen von Heroinum muriaticum. Deutsche med. Wclinschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1899. xxv, 187.—Fabozzi (S.) Contribute coll' applicazione dell' eroina iu terapia. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1899, xx, 1478.—Ferreira (C.) Le l'emploi clinique du chlorhydrate d'herolne. Bull. g6n. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1899, cxxxviii, ;>82-586. AUo | Abstr.]: J. de ni6d. de Bordeaux, 1899, xxix, 557. — Floeckinger (F.C.) Clinical observations on heroin and beroin hydro- chloride, as compared with codein and morphin. N. Oil. M. Sc S. J., 1899-1900, Iii, 636-646.— Floret. Klinische Ver- suche iiber die Wirkung und Anwemlung des Heroins. . Therap. Monatsh., Berl.,1898, xii, 512.-----. Weiteres iiber Heroin. J Wd., 1899, xiii. 327-329.—Fulton (H.D.) Heroin in affections of the respiratory organs. X.York M. J., 1899, Ixx,960.— Geis(N.P.) Heroine as an analgetic. Ibid.,1900, lxxii, 929.—Clifford (H.L.) Types of cases illustrating the action of heroin hvdiochlorid. Internat. M. Mag., N. Y., 1900, ix, 894-897.—(Gillies (B. D.) Notes of tbe action of heroin, as compared with that of the other derivatives of opium. MontrealM. J., 1901, xxx, 450-454.—Goldniann. Ueber das Heroin. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl. .1899, Ixviii, 391-393. AUo: Wien. med. BL, 1899, xxii. 545-547.—Her- wirsch(C) Heroin in cough. Therap. Gaz.,Detroit,1899, 3, s., xv, 728-730.—Holtkamp (A.) Weitere Mittheilun- . gen iiber therapeutische Versucbe mit Heroin. Deutscbe med. Wchnschr., Leipz.u.Berl.,1899, xxv,Therap.Beil.,25.— II rains (B.) Therapeutic studies of heroin hydrochlo- ride. Med. News, N. Y., 1900. lxwii, 846-848. — Jacobi (J.) Ueber die Wirkung des Heroins. Wien. nied. Wclinschr., 1901, li, 1853; 1924, 1963; 2017. — Kandel (G.) Un cas de tlemorphinisation pur l'h^roine. Nouv. remedes, Pur , 1900, xvi, 294-299—von K«tly (L.) Ue ber Heroin. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1899, xxxv, 1087; 1129. —Blink (W.) Grosse Herointlosen ohne In- toxicationsi rselieimingen. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1899, xlvi, 1376. — Kropil. Ueber die Unscbadhchkeit des Heroins. Allg. med. Oentr.-Ztg., Berl., 1900, lxix, 461. — Byner (D. T.) Heroin hvdrocbloride. South. Illinois.I. M. A S., Metropolis, 1900-1901, i, 173.— Lang (C.J.) Heroin. Med. Times & Reg., Phila., 1899, xxxvii, 79— IjRzarna (B.) A contribution to the therapeutic action of heroin. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1900, cxliii, 600-602.— I.eo (H.) Ueber den therapeutischen Werth desHeroins. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1899, xxv, 185- 1*7.—I.ewnnilowsky (M.) Mittheiluugen zur Ath- mungslebre; Versuehe zur Kenntniss der Wirkung des DiacetyJiuorphin (Heroin). Arch. f. Phjsiol., Leipz., 1899, 560-565.— Lewis iL ) A clinical study of heroin hydro- chloride. Med. I'.iiei St. Louis, 1901,xxix, 223.—Loevven- thai (M.i Heroin in the treatment of phthisical cough and whooping-cough. Phila. M. J., 1900, vi, 460-462.— Lout; ((.'.I Heioin in couch. Tr. Luzerne Co. M. Soc, Wilkesbitrre. 1900, viii, 117-120 — l.orot. Du cblorhy- drate d'herolne associe an bromofornie. Ind6pend. med., Lar., 1900, vi, 386.— Tlet.ee (J. B.l Heroin in coughs. Cleveland J. M., I90o, v, 263. — flanges (M.) The treatment of coughs with heroin N York M. J., 1898, lxiii, 76*:-770. AUo, Reprint. -----. A second report HEROIX. 76 HERPAIN. Heroin. on the therapeutics of heroine. X. Yoik M. J., WOO, lxxi, 51; 79. AUo, Reprint. —.VInuquat (A.) De l'eni- ploi tie l'heroine. Bull. srcn. imeli (A.) Wei- tere Mittheilungen iiber den therapeutist-hen Werth von Heroin und Aspirin. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1901, xlviii,457-460.—Ott (I.) Heroin. Med. Bull.. Phila., 1899, xxi,410-418. Also, iteprint.—Pasjnni(C) Alcuue osser- vazioui siiffli effetti terapeutici tlel! eroina. Riv. venetadi sc. med . Venezia, 1900, xxxii. I2n-I2:t.—Paulesco. Ac- tion tie l'heroine snr la res|iiration. J. tie m6tl. int.. Par., 1899, iii, 567-509.—Pawiii« . Bruxelles, G. Ma- yolez, [1864]. Repr. from: Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1M)3, xxxii. -----. Observations de meMeciue pratique. 12 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, H. Manceaux, 186."). Repr. from: J. de med., chir. et Pharmacol., Brux.. HERPAIX. 77 llerpnill (S-t'Lastien-Francois)—continued. ------. Contribution a Phygiene des maisons d'education correctionnelle. .">(• pp. 8°. Bru- xtlles, H. Manceaux, IS71. Repr. from : Arch. m£d. beiges, Brux., 1871, 2. s., xiv. Herpes. See, also, Dyspepsia (Complications, etc., of): Ear (Middle, Inftammatim ot, Acute, etc., Causes of). BiSKUPSKi (C.) * De herpete. 8°. Patavii, 1837. Fkxema (J.) *De herpete. 8\ Groninga-, 1821. Flatat (S. 8.) * Conspectus de cognosceiiila atque curanda psora herpetica. 8°. Halo-, 1821. G.KORG ( J. ) # De herpete. 4°. Strasbourg, an XI (1803). Gigoi'-Si'ard (L.) L'herpetisme. Pathogeniei manifestations, traitement; pathologic experi- mentale et t oinnare'e. s~. Paris, 1.-70. Kovkr de Rkthat^M.) * De herpete. 12\ Viennce, 1-19. de Ola vide (J. E.) Leeciones sobre las der- matosis herpetieas, dailas en el Hospital de San Juan de Dies en el afio IssO. -\ Madrid, H81. Caulet. S il fautconservirlett'inie herpetisme. Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. med. tie Par.. 1891, xxxvi. 6o-63. —Croua (J.) Herpes, herpetides y herpetisino. Bev. de med., chug, y farm., Barcel., 1899. xiii, 1-7. — Cuigneau (T.) Del'berptJtisnie; rapport fait a la SocieTe imperiale tie m6- decine de Bordeaux sur la question mise au concours 1866. Union ni£d. de la Gironde, Bordeaux. 1867, xii. Ill; 156; 193. AUo, Reprint.— Drej fou» (F ) Contribution k I'etude de l'herpes. Gaz. hebd. tie nied.. Par., 1876, xxiii, 4; 20. AUo, Reprint.— Ktymolojjic (L) du mot herpes. Tribune m6d.. Par., 1899, 2. s., xxxi, IL —Ferraris (C.) Studi sulla ezioloe-ja e cura delle erpeti. Gior. tl. r. Aeeail. med.-chir. tli Torino, 1802, 2. 8., xliii, 321; 385; 449: xliv bo.— Friilard ( H.) Herpes. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med.. Par., 1888, 4. s., xiv, 1-48. ------. Herpetides. Ibid.. 48-00.—Foamier. De l'herpes. Med. mod., Par., 18112. iii. 333; 349. ------. L'herpes. Gaz. med. de Par., 1891! 9. 8., iii, 25; 37; 49; 57; 69: 81; 105; 117; 129; 141; 153; 165; 201; 213. AUo [Abstr.]: J. de med. et chir. prat. Par., 1896, lxvii, 41.")-417. — Ciamberini ( P. ) Studi teoiieo- clinici relativi all' erpete. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1891, xxvi. 42-57.—Cancher(E.) Les herpes. Jthnied. int..Par.,1899. iii, 528; 538; 548.—Gnermonprez& One- rin. Herpes du doigt. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1897. i, 361-3(38. — Gutierrez (M.) Estudio critico de las diate- sis: heipetisiuo i.'i. Kev.de san.mil., Madrid, 1899, xiii, 73-80. Also: Lev. med. de Sevilla, 1899, xxxii, 167-174.— Lagont. I)e l'herpes. Sue. d. sc. m6d. de Gannat. (' i > 111 j > r. rend.. l'ar., IssO. xl, 114-121. — l.anccrcaiix (E.) Herpetisme. In his Leo. de elin. med. (etc |. W". Par., 189.'. 331-340. — I.nncci'OUX. Manit'eMations. evolutions et indications thcrapc utiiptes de I'herpetisme. Hull, med., Pat.. 18!il. v. 915-91*. —Luton. De la s6rie berp6tique aigue: hei pi'--,, eronp, pneiimonie et tie son traitement par rarseiiie. Lull. yen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1885, fix. 481- 490. — Tleiklen f I'. i II. I potisiue. Diet, encycl. d. c. med.. Par.. 1888, 4. s.. xiv. (in-71.— tlonin (K.) L'herpc- ti-im J. tie la saute. Par., 1899, xvi, 223.—Nelnvcnin- jjer'L) Ueber Herpes und Herpes zoster. Millh.a.tl. dermat. Klin. d. k. Char.-Kraiikenh. zu Herl.. 1887. i. 40- 48- Telau. L'herpetisme. Arch. metl. d'Angers. 1899, iii. 515: 19()i|. iv, 183; 21a.— Timinei'iiui ■■<* (A.| I.'nri- gine dn mot heip^S et son einploi dans I, lan^age medical .T. tl. mal. cutan. et .syph., Par.. 1898, x, 6.77-667.—Toi-iik (L.) Zur Infektioiislrage der Herpesarten. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermal., Hamb.. 1889, viii, 54-50 Vidal lE.) De l'hei p6s en general et du role de l'herpes grippal dans la pneiimonie on dans les antres maladies infeetieiiHcs. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1900. 3. s., xliv, •sir,- 238. — Wood- man ( B. ) Herpetic all'ections from a piaetieal point of view. Abstr. Tr. Hunterini Soc, Lond , 1887-8, 17-21. Herpes (Jiacteriologij of). See Herpes (Causes, etc., of); Herpes in pregnancy, etc. Herpe* (Causes and pathology of'). See, also, Arsenic (Poisoning by, Chronic); Herpes zoster (Causes, etc., of). DkLKTAXG fA.) 'Contribution a I'etude de la pathogenic de l'herpes uhlyct6uoi'de. 4 . Paris, lS*f>. i Herpes (Causes and pathology of'). St kin (1?.) * Uelier dt n Herpes zoster arseni- cal is. S'-\ Heidelberg, l«l..l. Aihnnl (U.), liOiper (M.) A. Laubiy IV,.) Le litpiide ccphaloriichiilieu tlans le zona. Bull, et niem. Soe. metl. d. bop. de Par., 1901, 3. s., xviii, 985.—Alorda (,).) j Puetlen las niii.jei'cs herp6ticas amaniauiar k sus hijos. y ennviene li estos la lactaneia niaterna? Rev. balear. de cien. ni6d., Pahna de Malloiva, 1893. ix, Kid; 193. — 4'niiiii (A.) Kipetismo c trotismo. l)i>sertaz. di laurea. Gior. ital. tl. mal. ven., Mihino, 1885. xxvi, 209-217.— Helionx. Des relations qui existent entre les atfeetions lierpel iipies, nerveiises et catarrhales. Gaz. med. de Par., ls.->;>. 3. s., x .">0(l; 542; liOli. Also. Peprint.— Kvnu«(W.) Meniiigilic herpes. Hrit.J. Derma t., Lontl. 1900. xii, 83-86. — Weiiltel. .Sur un staphylocoipie trouve dans les vesiciiles d uu herpes. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. tie Lyon (1891), 1892, xxxi, pt. 2, 115-117.— Jut t|iiet (L.) Contribution a I'etude pathogenique tie I'hei pes vulgaire. Festschr. . . . Moiiz. Kaposi z. Prof. ,1 uhil.. Wien u. Leipz., 1900, 373-376.— Knocveuagel. Zur I'rago von der infectiiisen Natur ties Herpes. Alls*. metl. Cenli Zig., Herl., 1887, lvi, 1801,-1HU4. — .fleuna- Condorelli (G.) Dell'erpetismo in rnpporto allealtera- zioni tlel ricaiiibio materiale. Gazz. metl. lomb., Milano, 1900. lix, 391; lul; 411. — Keuilu. Herpes generalise, synietritiue, consecutif a une intoxication par des monies ci lies. Bull, et ni6in. Soe. metl tl. hop. tie l'ar., 1899, 3. s. xvi, 775-781.— NyuinierN (W.Sl. C.) Preliminary note on a new chromojrenic iinero-orgiinism found in the vesicles of herpes labialis: bacillus viridans. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891, ii, 1252. — Wiilal (F.) Sc IjC Sourd (L.) Zona me- tamerique du membre inferiear; presence d'6l6ments cel- lulaires tlans le liquide cephalo-rachidien; analgesic par la methode 6pidurale de Sicard. Bull, et ni6m. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1901, 3. s., xviii, 997-1001. Herpes (Complications and sequelce of). See, also. Herpes iris. Le Quemknt (J.-F.-M.) * Contribution a l'etutle de l'herpes re"cidivant. 4J. Bordeaux, 1891. Hitot. Herpes rebelle chez un adulte. Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. tie Bordeaux (1888), 1889, 55-57.— t'antrell (J. A.) Appearance of zoster and syphilis in the same subject. Med. Rec, X. T., 1897, li, 159.— Crawford (D.) A case of herpes; gangrene; death. Lancet, Lontl., 1897, ii, 1114.—Deliguy. Contribuiion k I'etude de l'enterite pseudo-membraueuse chez les her- peticpies. Hull. Soc. de metl. tie Par. (1885), 1886, xx. 45- 51.— Drinkwater (H.) Remarks on a case of herpes of unusual distribution, biit. M. J., Lontl., 1895, i, 809.— l>u t'anlcl. Les herpes r^cidivants. Semaiuem6d., Par., 190U. xx, 439-441.—Feulnrd (11.) Fievre herpetique a manifestations cutan6es et oculaires. Ann. dedermat. et syph., Par., 1888, 2. s., ix, 167-169. — Fournier (A.i L'herjies vacciniforme (eruption vacciuo-svpbiloide ties ieunes enfants). Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1891, lxiv, 302. ------. Herpes vacciniforme du jeuneaire; gangrene vulvaire et pei i-\ ulvaire; mort subite. Hull. Soe. franc, dedermat et .syph.. Par., 1893, iv, 17-22. Also: Lnion med. Par., 1893, 3. s., lv, (H -65. — Gucncau lie tliiwoy (N. I Considerations sur les entlei nioses, on atfeetions her- petit|iies internes. Franec nied.. Par., 1879, xxvi 129; 193: 201; 2U9. Also, Reprint.— Hall (F. tie H.) Herpes of mucous membrane and skin. Lancet, Lontl., 1897. i M8 —llallopeau. Ilorpctidc exlbliatrice "g^nerali- see". Ann. tlotlennat. et s\ ]di., Par., 1889. 2. 8., x, 209 — II uleliiiiNou (J.» Notes on .some rare forms of herpes Arch. Win o. i.ontl , 1893-4, v, 58-62. ------. Cases illus- ti'atin font. De l'angine herp6tique, k quelle vari6t6 du genre erpes appartient-elle ? Soc. d. sc. m6d. de Gaunat. C. r. Par., 1885, xxxix. 65-71.—Ramon Castaiiedn. Herpes laringeo idiop£tico. Oto-rino-laringol. espafi., Madrid, 1898-9, 325-327.—TimofeycflT (P. V.) Zamletka o her- peticheskikh zhabakh, oslozhnennikh krovopodtyokami. [Note on herpetic anginas complicated by blood exuda- tions.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1896, clxxxvi, 1. sect., 906-910. Herpes (Labial). See Herpes (Facial). Herpes (Menstrual). See Herpes (Progenital). Herpes (Ophthalmic). See Herpes (Complications, etc., of); Herpes zoster (Frontal, etc.). Herpes (Preputial). See Herpes (Progenital). Herpes (Progenital). See, also, Herpes in pregnancy, etc. Pinto (N.) * Etude sur l'herpes genital chez l'boinnie et chez la femme. 4°. Paris, 1885. Bergh (R.) Om herpes genitalis saerligt om Herpes menstrualis. Kjobenh. med. Selsk. Foi h., 1889-90, 21-25. _____. Ueber Herpes menstrualis. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1890, x, 1-16.—Cooper (A.) A note on herpes progenitalis from a diagnostic point of view. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, i, 1219.—Daggett (W. G.) A case of neuralgic herpes progenitalis. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1888-9, i, 417.—Diday. De l'herpes progenital. France m6d., Par., 1885, i, 689-693.—Fournier. Formes, diag- nostic et traitement de l'berp6s genital. Rev. g6n. tie clin. et de th6rap., Par., 1896, x, 177. — Greenough (F. B.) Herpes progenitalis. Arch. Dermat., N. Y., 1881, vii, 1-29. [Discussion], 67-70. Also. Reprint.— Hutchinson (J.) Very troublesome, almost persistent, herpes of the pre- puce; long continued use of arsenic; great benefit. Arch. Surg., Lond., 1889-90, i, 351.—Jennings (E.) Herpes progenitalis. N. Zealand M. J., Dunedin, 1889-90, iii, 37- 40. — I.auwsedat (H.) Note sur un cas d'herp&s men- struel confluent de la r6gion sacro-lombaire. Bull. Soc. franc.de dermat. et syph., Par., 1891, ii, 257-259. AUo [Abstr.]: Ann. dedermat. et syph., Par., 1891, 3.s.. ii,407.— Eie Fur (R) Herpes g6nitalcompliqu6 d'herpes ur6thral Ptd'urethrite herp6tique. Ann.d. mal. d. org. g6uito-urin., Par., 1897, xv, 1105-1113.—I.ereddc. Herpes catamenial; 6rytheme polymorphe r6cidivaut. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1899, 3. s., x, 130-134. Also: Bull. Soc. franc. de dermat. et syph.. Par., 1899, x, 53-57.—L . Xeiv York, 1^74. Aruoznn (X.l Un cas d'herpes gestationis. Arch. clin. de Bordeaux. 189:;. ii, 551-560. Also: ficho 11161L, Tou- louse, 1893. vii. 577; .>!•. —Bnrcndl (F. H.) Herpes ges- tationis. Liverpool M.-Chir .1.. Is9:i. xiii, 466-468. — It a - taille. Herpes gestationis; dermatite polvmorphe pruri- I gineuse r6cidivante de la grossesse. Lull. Soc. franc de dermat. et syph., Par., 1892, iii, 281-284. AU": Ann de dermat. et syph.. Par., 1892, 3. s., iii. 64S-65L—Buwehke (A.) Ueber Herpes gestationis. Charite-Ann . Berl., | 1899. xxiv, 654-668. — D11 C'a-lel. Herpes o-estnti.niis. \ Gaz. de gyn6c, Pai., 1 -;'4. i\. :::;7-34l.— 1'oiniiier. IV l'herpes gestationis. Bull. med.. l'ar., l.-9'J. \ i. 1179 : ll>7. AUo: Echo med., T.>uLuim\ 1892, 2. s., vi, 469; 481; 49:1. Also: Union ni6d.. Par., 1892, 3. s., liv, 665; 678. Also : y. Arch, d'obst. et de gvn6c. Par, 1892, vii. 562-575. AUo. transl.: Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1892, xiii, 1072-1075.—«as- tou. Note an suiet de la presentation de M. Canuet dune I malade atteinte d herpes gestationis; exanien histologique j et bacteiiologique du sang, des bulles et du pseudo-6ry- siptde. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1896, 3. s.. vii, 732. Also: Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph.. Par., 1896. vii, 374.— llirigoyen (L.) Herpes g6n6ralis6 r6cidivant dans cinq grossesses successive?. Rev. mens, de gynec. [etc.], Bordeaux, 1900, ii, 120-125, 2 pi. — Eulnud. Une variety d'herpes pouvant donner lien k ties erreurs de diagnostic. Gaz. de srvuec, Par., 1896, xi, 161-171. AUo: J. de med. de Par., 18(.<5, 2. 8., vii, 663-666. AUo: Repert. de th6rap., Par., 1896, xiii, 97-103. — Pellegrini iL.) Heipes gestationis. Jioll. din.-scient. d. Poliambul. di Milano, 189s. xi. 4.—Perrin. Herpes gestationis. Bull. Soe. franc, de dermat. et svph., Par., 1894, v, 547. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph.. Par., 1894, 3. a., v, 1370. Herpes tonsurans. See Tinea tonsurans. Herpes zoster. See, also, Hysteria (Manifestations of, Cuta- neous^. Friedrich i C. C.) * De zostere. 4°. Lipsia, 1-2.".. Geyer (J. D.) Miissiger Reise-Stunden gute Gedaucken, von dem Zostere, oder Giirtel- Kranckheit. 7. Discours. 4C. Dresden, 1735. Polzin (E.) *Klinischer Verlauf, Folgen und Aetiologie des Herpes zoster. 8°. Berlin, 1—4. 8CHLITT (L.) * Ueber Herpes zoster. [Er- langen.] 8°. Cassel, 189f>. Staggemeyer (J.) "De zona. 6°. Gronin- gce, 1-10. von Wasielewski (T. [K. W. N.]) "Her- pes zoster. [Berlin.] -c. Weimar, 189-i. Barlow (T.) Herpes zoster. Clin. J . Lond., 1895-6, vii, 311.—Berbez (I'.i Le zona. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1892, Ixv 421-426.—Billi (L.» Zoster. Atti d. Accad. med.- fis. florent. 1872-4. Firenze. 1875. 242.—Blake (J. G.) On herpes zoster. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1889, xxvi, 338-343.— Bnlkley (L.D.) A clinical study on herpes zoster. Am. J. M. Sc., Phila.. 1876, lxxii, 21-30. AUo, Reprint — «ald well (C. E.) Herpes zoster; with a report of cases. Cinciu. Lancet-Clinic, 1890, n. s., xxv, 3-9. [Discussion], 13-15.—t'allari (I.) Sull' erpes zoster. Clin. moil.. Pisa, 1900, vi, 187-189. — Cnntrell (J. A.) The prevalence of herpes zoster. Phila. M. J., 1898, i, 560-562.—(ou. Ion (G.) Observations de zona. Med. inf.. Par., 1895. ii, .181-392.—Dvukhstoronniy opoyiisivaynshtshiy lishal, Herpes zoster bilateralis. Kn-sk. .j. ko/.hn. i ven. bo- llezn., Kharkov, 1901, i, 357.— Rgbert IA. IL) Herpes zoster. Am. M. J., St. Louis, 1-95. x\iii. 439-441.—Kp- Mlein (E.) Ueber zoster und Herpes facialis und geni- talis. Vrtljschr. f. Dermat., Wien, 188(1, xiii. 777-8U4.— Gaucher. Dn zona. Rev inteiDat. de med. et de chir., Par., 1899, x, 397. — Oerhardt I C.) Sensible Entar- tungsreattion bei Zoster. Vrtljschr. f. Dermat., Wien, 1884, xi, 347-352.—(>iiiaiidenn. Clinical lecture ou her- pes zoster fl 11 rintr convalescence from pneumonia. Med. Week, Par., 1897, v, 363-365— Council (\V. S.) Zoster. Atlanta M. & S. .!.. 1895-6, 11. s.. xii. :.'6t-269. AUo: Den- ver M. Times, 1895-6, xv, 8-13— <; 1 eeiionjjli (F. I'..) Herpe* zoster. Clinical notes ou herpes zoster. Boston M. A S. J., 18*9, exxi.549-552.—Hardy (A.) Zona. N. dict.tlemed. etchir. prut., Par., 1886, xxxix, 693-705.—llayw (J. E.) Herpes zoster. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1899, 9. s., iii, 285-290.— Head ( II. ) Herpes zoster, or zona. Svst. Med. (All- butt), Lond., 1899, viii. 616-636, 1 diag. — Henoch (E ) Feber Pemphigus aeutus und Herpes zoster. Charite- Ann., Berl., 1889, xiv. 610-622.—Hervouet. Sur un cas de zona. Gaz. metl. tie Nantes, 1*91 -2, x, 138. — Iloen- uieke ( E. ) Die Hantigkeit di s Herpes zoster. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1901,xxxviii, 78i;-78!i— .1 iiler(H.C) Her- )ies zoster. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, is!i:>.|n. s., xxxiv, 649- 657. ( Discussion |, 667-669. — Ka lemlei'ii. Borsieri k propos tie herpes-zoster. Spitalul, Bucuresci, 1895. xv, 127: 145. —Kocher. Herpes zoster. In his: Chir. Klin. zu Hern, Jena, 1 sui, 132-135.— I.croux (II.) Zona. Diet. encycl. d. SC. nied.. Par., 1889, 5. s.. iii. 936-966.—I.emlet. Le zona chronitjue. Arch.gen.de med.. Par., 1*87, i. 5- 21. Also, in his: tftudes de path, et de clin. med., *'-', Par., 1891. ii, 551-565. — Tint Ut n/it (J.) On a ease of herpes zost.T. Med. Chron., Manchester, 18*9, x, 288. -Iln- I'iani (J. M.) Cinco casos de herpes-zona y algunas con- sideraciones sobre los niismos. Rev. de med. y cirng. pract.. Madrid, 1895, xxxvi, 13-18.—.Hettcuheiiiicr (C.) EinigeEi fahrnngeu iiber Zoster bei Personen des inilth reu und hohereii Alters. Memorahilien, Ileilbr.,18-7-8. n. F., vii, 449-459. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1889, xxiv, 134; 146. — .Tloore ( W. O. ) A clinical lecture on herpes zoster. Quart. Hull. Clin. Soc. X. T. Posi-Grad. M. School Sc Hosp., X. T., 1**6-7, ii, 124-132. AUo, Ke- pi int.— IVekam ( L.) Herpes zoster; pityriasis ro- sea. Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1897. xii, 31.—©hmami- DumcMnil ( A. H. ) Zona, or herpes zoster. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1892, 2. s., i. 347-357, 1 pi. -----. Zona. Tri- State M. J. ,t Pract., St. Louis. 1*97, iv, 557-563. AUo, Reprint. — Perez Ordoyo (L.) Naturaleza, contagio y recidiva del herpes zoster. Rev. de med. y cirug. pr&ct., Madrid,1895,xxxvii,361-371.—Shoemaker (J.V.) Herpes zoster. Med. Bull., Phila., Is96, xviii, 443—Spitzer ( L. ) Xeuare Erfahrungen iiber den Herpes zoster. Centralbl. f. d. Grenzgeb. d. Med. u. Chir.. Jena, 1901, iv, 497; 545.— Travis (W. O.) Herpes zoster. Lancet. Lond., 1888, i, 271. — Vernrdini ( G.) Studi sullo zoster; tesi di lau- rea; Bologna, 1885. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano. 1885. xx, 327-350. — Weber ( L. ) A clinical consideration of herpes zoster. .1. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y.. 1898, xxv. 868-871. Also: Med. Rec, X. T., 1898, liv, 39-41.—Well- (E. F.) Herpes zoster; some of its vagaries and relations. Med. Standard, Chicago. 1898, xxi, 124-126. Herpe* zoster (Causes, pathology, aud topography of). See, also, Herpes zoster (Epidemic, etc.); Pneu- monia (Complications, etc.. of). Baldet (N.) *Patboge"nie du zona. Az. Pa- ris, I8i>.">. Boetticher ( E. H. P.) * Ueber den Herpes zoster, mit besonderer Rucksicht auf sein bila- terales Auftreten. H-\ Berlin, [1^87]. CoNixiitELLl (G. M.) Dell' erpetisino in rap- porto alle alteiazioni del ricainbio niateriale con osservazioni e ritiessioni cbiniico-eliuicbe sui saggio dell' orina. 12 . Catania, is9f). DoNGRADi [ P.-P. ] 'Considerations sur la topographic du zona. 4°. Paris. l^Oti. Kolbk (G. P. T.) *Ein Beitrag zur Aetiologie des Herpes zoster. b°. Greifswald, 189-\ Mounie (J.) *l)es ve"sicules aberrantes dans le zona. 4C. Paris, ls9f>. Zi.atoff (K.) *Fltude sur la fievre herpe"- tiijne a localisation cutanee. 8°. Paris, 1900. Aehnrd (C.) Sur la topographie du zona. Hull, et mem. Soc. metl. d. hop. de Par., 1896, 3. s., xiii. 246-250. AUo [Abstr.]: Gaz. hebd.de med., Par., 1896, xliii, 217.— Aehnrd (C.) -V l.trper (M.) Deux cas de fievre zoster avec examen microbiulogique du liquide c6phalo-rachi- dien. Bull, et mem. Soc. m6d. d. hop. de Par.. 1901, 3. s., xvii, 264.—Ai'k« rijjlit (J. A.) Twocases of herpes zos- ter witha generally distributed eruption. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1899-1900, vii, 172.—A»ch (I'd Contribution k 1'etiologie du zona. Independ. metl., Par., 1897, iii, 89.— Ballet (G.) L6sions nervenses tlans un cas de zona cer- vical (fievre zoster). Bull, et inein. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1900, 3. s., xvii, 706-709—Batut (L.) Du zona du cou et de in face sans herpes facial, en general, et sp6ciale- ment du zona double. Midi metl., Toulouse, 1892, i, 388; 402; 412.—BeeMley «'.) Ilerias zoster of the leg. Lan- cet. Lond., 1891, i, 540. — ItliiKchko (A.) Beitrage zur Topographic der ausscren Hauttlecke: zur Pathologic untl Topographie des Herpes zoster. A rch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1898, xliii, 37-86.—Boiitcmp*. Deux ob- HERPES. 80 HERPES. Herpes zoster (Causes, pathology, and topography of). seivations de zona d'origine traumati'pie. Hull. Soc. de nied. d'Angers. 1887, n. s.. xv, 104-108. — Itonrncville A Bontoui' (P.) Zona thoraco-brachial. Progres m6d., | l'ar., 1899, 3. £., x. 3-5. AUo: Reeherches clin. et therap. sur l'epileps. [etc.] 1899. Par.. 191)0, xx, 63-69. —Brad- than (T. R.i Herpes zoster affecting the frontal auddor- sal regions simultaneously. Lancet, Lond., 1894. ii. 851.— It in hi we 11 (B.) Herpes zoster: its causation and treat- ment. Stud. clin. med., Ediub., 1889-90, i, 43-50, 2 pi.— Brissaud (E.) Le zona du trouc et sa topographie. Bull, metl., Par., 1896, x. 27-31. -----. La metanierie^spi- nale et la distribution peripheriquedu zona. Ibid.. 87-92. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Gazz.d. osp., Milano, 1896, xvii, 189- 191. -----. Sur la distribution in6tameiique du zona ties membix's. Pressemed., Par., 1896, 17-20.—Brissaud i Iv) j & Sicard. Cvtolonie du liquide cepbalo-racbitlien au coins dn zona thoracique. Bull, et mem. Soe. m6d. d. hop. de Par., 1901, 3. s.. xviii, 260-264. — Buchanan (W.J.) Unusual distribution of heipes zoster. Indian M. Gaz., Cal- cutta, 1889, xxiv. 305.— C'autrell (J. A.) Xote on a case of bilateral zoster. Phila. Polyclin., 1898, vii, 141.—Car- penter (G.) A case of double zoster on the same level. Brit. J. Dermat., Lond., 1892. iv, 23. -----. A case of bilat- eral zoster. Arch. Pediat.. X.Y., 1895, xii, 121.—Caw (J. M.) Hei pes zoster of arm. Brit. M.J., Lond. .1890, ii, 733.— Behove. Le zona. Rev.g6n.de clin.etde therap.. Par . 1901,xv,657-659.—Be l.uca(U.) Contribute all'etiologia dello zoster trauniatieo. Sieilia med., Palermo, 1890, ii, 201- 203.—Bescroizilles. Dun cas de zona crural. Rev. mens. d. mal. tie l'enf , Par., 1887. v, 193-199. -----. Deux cas de zona tie l'enaule. Gaz. d. hop., Par.. 1893, lxvi, 1202- 1204.—Bopter (C.) Sur un cas tie zona thoracique a dis- position metainerique (cytologic bacteriologie). Bull, et m6m. Soc. med. d. hop.de Par., 1901, 3. s., xviii, 948-951.— Brcyfous (F.) Du role de 1'heredite dans la pathog6nie du zona. France med.,Par.,1889,1,182-186.—Bruelle (M.) Sur un cas de zona de la cuisse gauche conseeutif a l'ab- sorption d'eru'otine. Progres med.. Par., 1901, 3. s., xiii, 291.—Exlcy (I.) A Griffith (T. W.) A case of heipes zoster following on and probably due to injury. Med. Chron.. Manchester, 1892-3, xvii, 366-369.—Fere (C.) Note sur les vesicules aberrantes tin zona. Bull, et mem. Soe. nied. tl. hop. de Par., 1898. 3. s., xv, 659.—Finny (J. M.) A case of double, or bilateral, herpes zoster. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, i, 67.—Fournier (A.) Zona double et altern6. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1900, xi, 305-307. AUo: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1900, 4. s., i, 890-892.—Fournier (E.) Zona generalise k la presque totalit6 de la moitie iiauehe du corps. X. iconog. de hi Salpetriere, l'ar., 1895 viii. 173- 177, 1 pi.—Frederick (H.) A case of shingle- occurring principally on the star of a bum. Lancet. Loud.. 1>98. i, 1185.—Funk. Przyczynek do nauki o herpes zoster bila- teralis. Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1885, 2. s., v, 669-672. — Gamberini (P.) Contribuzioue teorieo-clinico alio stu- dio dello zoster. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med.. Napoli. 1886, n. s.. viii, 125-132. — Gaucher (E.) A Bernard (H.) Observations de zona traumatique par contusion, ou lesion cutanee superflcielle. Bull, et mem. Soc. nied. d. hop. de Par., 1901,3. s., xviii, 162-165.—Gibson (G. A.) Heredi- tary herpes zoster. Birmingh. M. Rev.. 1885, xviii, 180.— G lire a (Grace II.) Herp< s following the ilio-hypogastiic and ilio-inguiual nerves. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901. i. 85.— Gillet de Graudiuont. Zona du bras gauche; con- tracture correspundante des doigts. Bull. Soc. de m6d. prat, de Par., 1873, 154-156.—Gilliam* (J. S.) A case of herpes zoster, associated with dental trauma. Dental Cos- mos. Phila., 1897, xxxix, 116.—Giraudeau (C.) Sur les vesicules aberrantes du zona. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. tie Par., 1898. 3. *., xv, 649-652. — Griffith (W.) & Oliver. Distribution of the cutaneous uerves of the trunk, with special reference to herpes zoster. Proc. Anat. Soc. Gr. Brit. Sc Ireland, Lond., 1889, p. xi.—Gros- jean. Les diverses theories sur la nature et la pathoge- nic du zona. Gaz. d. hop., Par.. 1898, lxxi, 133, 161 — Hal- lopenu (H.) Sur un herpes en cocarde confluent du tronc; presentation d'un malade. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par.. 1890, i. 250-254. AUo [ Abstr. 1: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Pat., 1890, 3. *., i, 978.—Hallopeau (H.) ABarrie"(J.) Herpes febrile ou zona double. Bull. Soe. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1892. iii, 132. AUo: Ann.de dermat. et syph., Par., 1892, 3. s.. iii, 296.—Hart- zell (M. B.) The protozoa-like bodies ot herpes zoster; a contribution to the study of psorospermosis. Tr. Am. Dermat. Ass., X. Y.. 1894, xviii, 90-95. Also: J. Cutan. Sc Genito-Crin. Dis., X. T., 1894, xii. 309-374. — Haslund (A.) Om Zona, i Auledning af et Tilfalde med generalise- ret Eruption. [Sur le zona, a propos d'un cas avec erup- tion generalisee. C.-r., no. 38. 8.] Xord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1897. n. F., viii, Festhtl. Axel Key . . ., no. 6, 1_1U. -----. Zona als acute Infet tionskrankheit. Fest- schr. . .*. Moriz Kaposi z. Prof.-Jubil.. Wien u. Leipz., 1900, 169-182.— Hay (W. G.) Etiology of zoster. J. Cu- tan. & Genito-Frin. Dis., X. Y., 1898, xvi, 1-12. — Head (H.) A Campbell (A. W.) The pathology of herpes lerpes zoster (Causes, pathology, and topography of). zoster and it's bearing on sensory localisation. Brain, Lond., 1900. xxiii, 353-523, 17 pi.—Herpes i Leber) zoster mit ungewohnlichem Sitz. Cor. 111. tl. allg. arztl. Ver. v. Thiiringen, Weimar. 1893. xxii, 421-424, 1 pi.—Her- vouet (H.) Xote sur la cause et la natuie du zona, Giz. med. tie Nantes, 1896-7, xv, 288-292. — II uber (A.) Veiiileichentle Fntersuchuugen iiber den hisloloniseben Ban der Bliisclicn bei Herpes zoster und bei Herpes zoster hvstericus gangi aenosus. Festschr. . . . Moriz Kaposi z. Prof-Jubil., Wien u. Leipz.. 1900, 239-^42. — IIn«en- schmidt (A. C.) Observation d herpes zoster buccal et giii'ival. Compt. rend. Cong. dent, internat. 1889. Par.. 189L 113-117. Also, transl.: Med. Xews, Phila., 1890, lvi, 676.—Jeansclme A l.ereddc. Sur les vesicules aber- rantes du zona. Bull, et 1116m. Soe. metl. d. hop tie Par., 1898, 3. s., xv, 619-020.—J uliusburger (O.) Leber das Auftreten von Herpes zoster bei Arsenikgebrautb. Vrtlj- schr. f. Dermat., Wien, 1884, xi, 97-104— Kopyfowski ( \V.) Przyczynek tit) zmian anatomo-patologicznych w skorze przy polpastu (herpes zoster). | I'atho-anatoinical changes of the skin in . . .] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1900, 2. s., xx, 1289; 1319 1346; 1364. Also, transl.: Arch. f. Der- mat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz., 1900, liv, 17-52, 6 pi.—Les- ser (E.) Zur Pathogenese des Herpes zoster. Verhannl. d. deutsch. dermat. Gesellsch., Wien u. Leipz.. 1894. iv. 637-647.—t.etulle. Remarques a propos de letiologie dn zona. Fiance med., Par., 1889, i, 85-91.— l.iegey. Deux cas tie zona resultant de frictions irritantes. Hull. Soc. de med. prat, de Par., 1873, 99-101.—.Mackenzie (J.) Case of multiple symmetrical herpes zoster. Metl. Chron., Manchester. 1890-91. xiii, 356.-----. Herpes zoster and the limb plexuses of nerves. J. Path. A Bacterid., Edinb. Sc Lond., 1892-3, i. 332-34-— Tlahon (R. B.) On the occurrence of zona below the knee, with notes of two eases. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1896, ii, 1379.— 'lirallie. Un cas de zona metain6rique. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1898-9, xvii, 52.— Tlilantses (T.) Ilepi ipTr-nros ^oitT'TTjpo? tov Kop/JiOv ; nadoyepeta teat afaTOfxtKOS KaOopttr/ios ttjs eSpa? auroO. raArjfbs, 'Aflijfai. 1896. xxvi. 267-275, 1 pi.—IVIon tenuis. Zona crural et cei vico-brachial. J. d.sc. med.deLille, 1889,i,129-132.—Nielsen (L.) Ueberdas Auftreten von Herpes zoster wahreud Arsenikbehandiiing. Mouatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1890, xi, 302-310. AUo, transl: Select, monog. on dermat.. Loud., 1893, 167- 175.—Occurrence (The) of zona below the knee. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, i, 14—Ollivier (A.) Qnelques re- flexions sur la pathog6nie de l'angine herpetique a propos d'uu cas de zona de la face. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. 1871, Par., 1873, 5. s., iii, 227-235, 1 pi. AUo, Reprint.— Paggi (C.) Sulla natura del! herpes zoster. Settimaua med. d. Sperinientale, Firenze, 1896, 1, 459.—Pearson (D. R.) Remarks ou the tendency towards symmetrical completion in herpes zoster, explaining the gravity of ihe nature of the completed lesion. Brit. M.J.. Lond.. 18s5. ii, 240.— Petrccca(M.) Fnrarocasodi zoster hilaterale uni- versale. Gior. med.d.r. esercito [etc.]. Roma, 1896. xliv. 395- 418.—Pfeiflfer(L.) Ueber Parasiten im Blascheniubalt von Herpes zoster. Cor.-Bl. d. allg. iirztl. Ver. v.Thiiringen, Weimar, 1887, xvi. 399, 1 pi.-----. Sammelforschung iiber Herpes zoster. I bid.,480; 561.-----. Die Verbreitungdes Herpes zoster langsder Hautgebiete tier Arterien und des- sen Stellungzudeuaciiten Exantheinen. Ibid.. 1889. xviii, 301-337, 9 pi. AUo, Reprint.—PfeiflTer (L.) Sc I.iibbcu. Gehort Herpes zoster zu den Iufectionskrankbeiten / Cor.- Bl. d. allg. arztl Ver. v. Thiiringen, Weimar, 1887, xvi, 396-399.—Pochin (F. L.) Mental disturbance as a cause of heipes zoster. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895,i. 135.—Popcscn (Z.) Zona zoster dorso-pectoral& precedatH de uevralgie intercostala. Spitalul, Bucuresci, 1891,xi,63-68. — Potain. Sur nn cas de zona intercostal. Metl. mod., l'ar., 1*94. v. 1165—Folia. Zona d'omiue, traumatique. Gaz. franc. de med. et pharm.. Par.. 1886. ii. no. 32, 8-10.—Powell (A.) Herpes of second intercostal and iutercosto-hunieral nerve area. Indian M. Gaz.. Calcutta, 1899, xxxiv. 2s9.— Porsehe. Ein neuerer Fall vou Herpes zoster im Be reich tier Aa transversalis sc;ipnlse. hrachialis nud radialis. Cor.-Bl.d. allg.arztl. Ver.v. Thiirigen, 1 *89. xviii. 383.1 pi.— Bailtou (T. C.) Two cases of herpes zoster of pe- ripheral origin. Brit. J. Deriiiut., Lond., 1893, v. 309.— Bobinson (A. R.) Herpes zoster; iliustration of case with unusual distribution of lesions. J. Cutan. A Genito- Frin. Dis., X. Y., 18*7. v, 241, 1 pi.—Roche (A.) Mental distnroauce as a cause of herpes zoster. Brit. M. J., Lontl., 1894. ii. 8i>7. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1894, ii, 851.— Sabrazcs A .flathis. Etat du sang (formule h£tuo- leucocvta'ie) dans le zona idiopatbique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Par.. 1900, 11. s.. ii. 1015. Also: Rev. de med., Par., 1901, xxi. 251-266.—Saundby (R.) The sym- metrical distribution of herpes zoster. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, ii, 785. — Nchuchardt (B.) Verzeichniss der neue- ren Zoster- Litem fur; mit besonderer Beziehung zur Aetiologie. Cor.-Bl. tl. allg. arztl. Ver. v. Thiiringen, Wei- mar, 1889, xviii. 331-337.—Seifler (W.) Neuere Autfas- sungen iiber Wesen untl Bedeutung des Herpes zoster. Fortsehr.d. Med., Berl., 1901, xix, 405-409.—Tommasoli HERPES. 81 HERPES. Herpes zoster (Causes, pathology, and topography of). iP.) Sulla natura dell'erpeszoster. Cioi. iiiteriiaz.tl.se. metl., Xapoli.1886,u.s.,viii,539-55L—Tuekcr (J. I.) Case of herpes omo-brachialis. Chicago M.J. A- Exam., 1887, liv, 237-239. 1 pi. AUo, Repiint — Valdettaro (V. ) Un caso di herpes zoster studiato < linicaniente e speriniental- mente nelle proprieta de' suoi prodotti cutanei. Clin. dermopat. e sifilopat d. r. I'niv. tli Genova, 1892. ix, 10- 22.— Vidal Solares (Fl Casuistica y diagnosi ico foto- giAtico de las eut'ermetlades tie la piel; herpes zoster. Arch, tie giuecop., Barcel., 1901, xiv, 405-412.— Viol lei (P.) Zona an tours d'une diphterie pseudo membraneuse des fosses nasahs. Gaz. d. Ii6p., Par., 1900, lxxiii, 1203- 1206.— Weiss (M.) Zur Lehre des Zoster cerehralis und zur Pathogenese ties Zoster iiberhaupt. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Prag. 1885. vi. 479-502. Also [Abstr]: Wien. med. Presse, 1885, xxvi, 1481 — Wiufield pf. M.) Blood examinations regardinu the malarial origin of zoster. Tr. M. Soc. X. Y., Phila.. 1895, 156-161. AUo: X. York M. J., 1895, lxi. 429. Also, Reprint. Herpes zoster (Complications and seque- la? of). See, also, Herpes zoster (Frontal, etc.); Her- pes zoster (Kecurrent); Herpes zoster in children. Achard (L.) * Coiitriliution a l'e'tude ties atfeetions multiples des nerfs crauiens compli- nnaut le zona; considerations e'tiologiqne.s. 8°. Lyon, 1900. Boullaxd(E.) *Du zona bilateral coniplique* d'herpes oeueralise". 4C. Paris, isss. Champion (L.-J.) 'Manifestations a distance dans le zoua. 83. Paris, 1900. Dlbler (A.) * Ueber Neuritis bei Herpes zoster. S-. Berlin, l-~4. Dupau (G.) "Dn zoua, et en particulier du zona facial dans la paralysie ge'ne'rale. 8°. Paris, 18.K Meresse (ii-) *Dn zona dans les intoxica- tions, et en particulier dans l'tiremie. 8°. Paris, 1900. Patrv(0.) *Zona gangre"neux anormal. s°. Paris, 189*. Stacb (H.) *Ein Fall von atypischem Zoster gangianosus hystericus. [Zurich.] 8°. Uster- Ziirich, 1691. AUo, in: Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien, 1892, xxiv, 241-272. Barthelemy. Xote sur l'adGnopathie zosterienne. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1892, iii, 57-59- Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph.. Par., 1892, 3. 8., iii, 168- 170.—Baani (W. L.) Herpes zoster gangrenosus. Med- icine. Detroit, 1895, i, 1-5, 1 pi.— Bayet (A.) Contribu- tion a I'etude du zoster gangr6neux hysterique. J. tie ra6d., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1891, xcii, 140-145.— Br on son (E. B.) Zoster and paralysis. X. York Poly- clin., 1893, ii, 135-137.—Byron (J. M.) A case of reflex epileptoid convulsions following an eruption of zoster. X. York M. J., 1891. liii. 36— Fantrell (J. A.) A case of herpes zoster showing ervtbematous, papular, and vesic- ular stages. Med. News, Phila., 1894, lxiv, 428-430.— Oavnfv. Peculiar affection of the hand and arm, fol- lowing zoster. Brit. J. Dermat., Lond., 1895, vii, 352-358.— Charcot i J.-M.) & C'otard. Sur nn cas de zona du cou avec alteration des nerfs du plexus cervical et des gan- glions correspontlants ties ratines spinales posterieures. In: Charcot (J. M.) (Euvres compl., 8°, Par., 1889, viii, 181-190.—C'urtin (R. G.) Is heipes zoster a cause of pleurisy aud peritonitis? Tr. Am. Climat. Ass. 1890, X. Y., 1891, vii, 101-106. Also: Sanitarian, X. Y., 1890, xxv, 549-554. Also, Reprint.—Deas (F.) Bullous erup- tion due to antipyrin, occurring in a patient suffering from herpes zoster. Brit. J. Dermat., Lontl.. 1899, xi, 194.—Fb«tciii (\V.) Znr Lehre von tlen nervdsen Sto- rungen heim Herpes zoster mit besonderer Beriicksiehti- gung der dabei auftretenilen Facialislahmungeu. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1895, exxxix 505-538, lpl.—Eich- horgt (H.) Herpes zoster und Facialislahmuni;. f,'en- tral hi. f. innere Med., Leipz., 1897, xviii, 425-429. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: N. York M. J., 1897, lxv, 770—Fnlichi (G.) Zoster femoralis (varieta femoro-glutea) con adeno- patie zosteriane. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1892, lxix, 85-90.— Fere IC.) Note sur quatre cas de zona, et en particulier sur la douleur rachidienne tlans la zone thoracique. Rev. de metl., Par., 1890, x, 393-39*. -----. Halluciiiations uni laterales homonymes dans It; zona de la face. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psyc'hol. physiol., Par., 1891-2, vi, 321. —Frich (O.) Ft Tilfaelde af Herpes zoster cervicalis kompiicc- ret med total Facialpuralyse. f A case of . . . complr VOL VII, 2d series----6 Herpes zoster (Complications and seque- hr of) ealed bv . . .] Xorsk Mag. f. Lu-gevidensk., Kristia- nia, 1896, 4. R., xi, 1125-1132. — Gibson (J. L.) Case of herpes zoster, accompanied by paralysis of the auditory and facial nerves. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1895, xiv, 181-183.—(arassinniin. Herpes zoster mit gleichzeiti- get Facialis-Liihinung. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Metl., Leipz., 1897, lix, 616-627.—<1 iintz (.I.E.) Rcvac.cination bei gleit'hzeiligem Herpes zoster. Memorabtlien, Heilbr., 1889-90, n. P., ix, 460-462.— II iileliinson (J. H.) Her- pes zoster affect hig one arm and shoulder; phthisis; hyster- ical paralyses, with evidences of constitutional syphilis. Polyclinic, Phila.,1887-8,v, 225-229.—Kaposi (M.)' Ueber ntypischen Zoster gangrienosus unci Zoster hystericus. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Svph., Wien, 1889, xxi, 561-573, 1 pi. Also: "Wieu. klin. Wchnschr.. 1889, ii, 193-195. — King (W. H.) A rare case of herpes zoster. J. Electrother., X. Y., 1892, x, 14. — Fannois. Zona avec paralysie fa- t'iale. Lyon m6d.,1899, xci, 481.—Ijemonnier. Quelques cas de zona suivis de tuberculose. Bull. Soe. franc, de dermat. et syph.,Par., 1890, i, 135-140.-Fop (P.-A.) Zona heinorragique primitif. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. tl. hop. de Par., 1894, 3. s., xi, 456-458.— Mackay ( W. A.) An unusual case of zona. Glasgow M. J., 1897, xlviii, 278.— .Tlenrisse (B.) Zona alternant avec des manifestations rhumatisinales. -l.d. sc. m6d. de Lille, 1885, vii, 454-458.— lTlonton (G.) Zona et tuberculose. Eehom6d. du nord, Lille, 1899, iii, 19 — Vlnrphy ( H. II.) Heipes zoster of the face, with paralysis. Brit. M. J., Lontl., 1897, ii, 466.— Pen-in (L.) Paralysie faciale p6riph6rique consecutive ii un zona cervico-occipital. Marseille m6d., 1892, xxix, 580-584. Also: J. tl. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1892, iv, 626-629.— Fospieloll" (A. I.) Herpes zoster gangnEno- sus s neobichnoyu lokalizatsiyeyu. [ . . . unusually local- ized.] Protok. Mosk. ven. i dermat. Obsh., 1896-7, vi, 97- 99.—Bickell* (B. M.) Atypic herpes zo.iter gangrenosa, with report of two cases. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1890, xv, 778-780. Also, Reprint.— Bwua(S.) Heipes zoster gaugraMiosus hystericus Kaposi. Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1901, xiv, 97.— Striibiug (P.) Herpes zoster und Lah- mungen motorischer Xerven. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Metl., Leipz., 1885, xxxvii, 513-526.—Taylor (F.) A case of shingles followed by paralysis of the abdominal mus- cles. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1696, Iii, 37-43.— Trulli (M.) Un caso raro di herpes zoster. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven.,Milano,1898,xxxiii,610-614.—Van Someren (G. A.) A case of herpes zoster with long persisting neuralgic pain and Bell's paralysis. Lancet, Lond., 1895, i, 1372. AUo: Lancet, N. Y., 1895, 322.— Voijjt (E.) Ueber Com- plication von Herpes zoster occipito-collai is mit schwerer peripberer gleichseitiger Facialisparahse. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1884, n. F., i, 449. Herpes zoster (Epidemic or infectious). Boulanger (L.) * Contribution a I'etude de la fievre zoster, zona infectieux. 4°. Paris, 18-.~>. Breuek (M.) * Das epideinische Anftreteu der verschiedenen Herpesformeu (Herpes zoster, facialis, genitalis). 8°. Breslau, 1891. Debray (G.) 'Contribution a l'gtude du zona 6pide"inique et infectieux. 4°. Paris, 1894. Bayet (A.) Apropos d'une petite epidemic de zona. Clinique, Brux., 1893, vii, 273-276— Bopter (C.) Sur une 6pid6miede zona; reflexions surla notion tin caractere 6pid6mique et contagieux du zona essentiel. Rev. de med., Par., 1901, xxi, 406-413.—Epideiiiienrliye (Das) Auftreten des Herpes zoster. Deutsche med. Presse, Berl., 1898, ii, 75.—Onuthier (G.) Du zona epideinique et del'etiologietiecetteaffection. Lyon med.. 188!». lxii,47.">- 482.—HagopolT. Deux cas tie zona; contagion. Gaz. med.dePar., 1894, 9. s., i, 589-591.—Maslund (A.) Zona soni akut Infektionssygdom. Hosp.-Tid., Kjebenb.., 1900, 4. R., viii, 461-471 .— Kaposi. Bemerkungen iiber die jiingste Zoster-Epidemic untl zur Aetiologiedes Zoster. Verhandl. d. deutsch. dermat. Gesellsch., Wien, 1889, i, 57-72. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1889, xxiv, 543; 553. AUo: Wien. metl. Wchnschr., 1889, xxxix, 961; 1001__ Fnnge. Eine Zosterepidemie. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Herl., 1884, liii, 14ii!).—.Tlonro (T. K.) Herpes zoster oc- curring in several persons iu one district about the same lime. Glasgow M. J., 1898, xlix, 108. — ■■ lei Her (L.) Sc Fiil»l»en. Aufruf zur Betheiligiiug au einer Sammelfor- schungties Allgemeinenaiztlichen Vereius von Thiiringen iiber Vorkommeii, Silz untl Epideniicitatdes Herpes zoster. Cor.-Bl. d. allg. iirztl. Ver. v. Thiiringen, Weimar, 1887. xvi, 396-400, 1 pi. - Taylor (IL) An epidemic of herpes zoster. Brit. Al. J., Lond., 1889, ii, 13. — von Wasic- lewshi ('!'.) Herpes zoster und (lessen Einreibung untet die Infectionskrankheiteu, auf Gruutl tier vervollstantlig- ten Siimnielforschung ties Alliremeinen arzt lichen Vereius von Thiiringen, 254 Zosterfiille unifassend, beleuchtet. Cor.-Bl. d. allg. arzll. Ver. v. Thiiiiiigen, Weimar, 189.', xxi, 150-179. AUo, Keprinl.-Weis (E.) Ueber epide inischen Zoster. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wieu, 1890, xxii, 609-629, 4 pi. HEEPES. 82 HEEPES. Herpes zoster (Facial). See Herpes zoster (Frontal, etc.). Herpes zoster (Frontal, facial, and oph- thalmic). Dumkry (G.) Du zona ophthalniique et de ses manifestations graves. 8°. Lyon, 1^96. Dtrruty(E.) * L'herpes oculaire. 4C. Paris, 1887. AUo [Abstr.], in: Rec. d'ophth., Par., 1887, 3. s., ix, 516; 608. Fassbender (A.) * Ueber Herpes zoster oph- thalmicus, nebst einem Beitrage zur Casuistik desselben. 8°. Strassburg i. E., 1896. Kocks (J.) * Ueber den Herpes zoster oph- thalmicus. 8°. Bonn, 1871. Sulzer (D.) ^Contribution a l'6tude du zona ophtbalmique. 8°. Paris, 1898. Also, in: Ann. d'ocul., Par., 1898, cxix, 401: cxx, 16. Achard (C.) & ©astaigne (J.) Zona c6phalique. Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1897, n. s., ii, 1177-1179.— Armaiguac (H.) Zona ophtalmique grave avec com- plication de keratite et d'iritis; gu6rison. Rev. clin. d'ocul., Par., 1884, iv, 273-278.—Bonllochc (P.) Un cas de zona ophtalmique. M6d. mod.. Par., 1897, viii, 297.— Brissaud. Du zona ophtalmique avec h6mipl6gie crois£e. J. de mtt-i- and its treatment. Maryland M. J.. Bait.. 1899, xii. :;7::-375. — Diibousquet-Liabor- deiie. Traitement d> la nevialgie du zona par le sali- cylate de sonde. France med.. Par., 1HB5. i. e.»L—I.nnge, Chinin gegenHerpes zoster. Allg. med. Centr.-Zti: . Berl., 18i«8. lvii, 209-211.—Obinann-Bumesnil (A H.) A rapid and successful treatment of herpes zoster. .1. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1896, xxvii, 1273-1275. AUo: St. Louis M. A S. J. 1896, lxxxi, 73-80. AUo. Reprint— P (A.-F.) Le Tra,t> in. nt du zona. Gaz. d. Imp.. Par.. 1891. lxiv. 30- 32. — Mniith (G. K.) The treatment of herpes zoster. Med i:.-c, X. Y., 1891, xxxix, 426. —Vogt (E.) Tiaite- ment de la periode eruptive du zona pai les applications d'oitlmt,,]ii,e. Bull. »en de therap. [etc.), Par., 1899, cxxx^iii. "Ti^'sj. AUo: Lev. de therap. m^d.-chir., Par., 18'jii. lxvi, r.'9-';;—Weller ■ W.M.) Herpetic nerve dis- turbance. Med. R.-. \ V l>-96, 1, 642. Herpe* zoster in children. Provins (M.) *Le zona chez l'enfant. 8°. Paris, 1900. Comby. Quelques cas de zona chez les enfants. Bull. Soc. clin. de Par., 1885, ix, 142-147. AUo: France med., Par., 1885. i, 821-824. -----. Le zona chez les enfants. Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1*89, vii, 487-504. AUo, Reprint. -----. Le zona chez les en fan is. Bull, et m6m. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1891, 3. s., viii, 584-596. AUo [Abstr.]: Limousin m£d., Limoges, 1892, xvi, 42.—Dei- croizilles. Xote sur un cas de zona infantile. J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1886. 3. s., viii, 337—Fox (G. H.) Zoster occurring in pregnant mother and later in child. J. Cntan. & Ven. Dis., N. Y., 1885, iii, 145.-I.ee (R. J.) On herpes zoster in children. Med. Press & Circ, Lontl., 1888, n. s., xiv. 656.—Corner. Herpes zoster bei einem 4 Tage alten Kinde. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1889, xiii, 776. — .llettenheimer (C.) Ueber Zoster im Kin- desalter. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1888. n. F., xxviii, 69- 73.—ITIillon U. Contribution k I'etude du zona conta- gieux; deux observations de zona infantile dans la me.me famille. M.'d. inf. l'ar, 1895, ii, 267-272.—Taylor (J. M.) Herpes zoster in children. Pbila. Polyclin., 1894, iii, 511. Herpetism. See Herpes. Herpin (Eugene). Des nevres interniittentcH simples et pernicieuses chez les enfants dn pre- mier age, et de leur traitement. 16 pp. 8~. Tours, Ladevi-ze, l-.io. HerpiB ( Jean - Charles ) [ 1708-1 -72 ]. Re- cherches dconomiques sur le son, ou l'ccoree du fronient et des autres "mines cdrdales. 36 pp. 16°. Paris, L. Colas, lf-33. [P., v. 1-24.] -----. Recherches sur la destruction de l'alucite, ou teigne des grains. 30 pp. 8°. Paris, Mme. Hazard, 1838. [P., v. 1790.] -----. Destruction <5conomique de l'alucite et du ehaiancon vivant renferule's dans l'iutdrieur des grains au moyen du tarare a grande vitesse ou lirise-iusectts. Mt'iimiie (jui a obtenu la mddaille d'or de la Socidte" nationale et centrale d'agricul- ture dans sa stance gdndTale dn 12 mai 1850. 12 pp. *-'. Paris, Ve. Bouchard-Huzard, 1^50. [P., v. 1751.] ------. Tableaux analytiques comparatifs des principalis eaux inindrales, classdes d'apres les analogies de leur composition, de leur therma- litd; extraits de l'ouvrage intituld: Etudes nid- dicales scientifiques et .statistiiiucs sur les princi- palis sources d'eaux niindrales de France, d'An- gleterre et d'Allemagne. 10 pp., 2 tab. 16°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, ls>">. ------. Etudes mddicales et statistiques sur les principales sources d'eaux mindrales de France, d'Angleterre et d'Allemagne, avec des tableaux synoptiqnes et comparatifs d'analyses chimiques des eaux classdes d'apres les analogies de leur | composition et de leurs effets thdrapeutiques. xi, 371 pp., 2 tab. 12°. Paris, V. Masson, 18.">ti. ------. Mdinoire snr la conservation des bids dans les silos souterrains; inconvdnients et difficultds que prdsente ce mode de conservation en France. Moyens d'v remddier. 15 pp. 8°. [Paris'], Te. Bouchard-Huzard, 1856. [P., v. 1800.] Repr. from: Ann. de l'agric. franc, [etc.], 1856. ------. De l'avoine considdrde comme substance alimentaire pour l'bomme. 18 pp. 8-. Paris, re. Bouchard-Huzard, 1857. [P., v. 181-\] Repr. from: Ann. de l'agric. franc, [etc.], 1857. ------. Sur la nomenclature et la classification des eaux mindrales. 27 pp. 8C. Paris, Germer- Bailliere, 18.">8. [P., v. 1-18.] Repr. from: Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. m6d. de Par., 1857-8, iv. ------. De l'aeide carbouique, de ses proprietds physiques, chimiques et physiologiques; de ses applications thdrapeutiqnes comme anesthdsi- que, ddsinfectaut, cicatrisaut, rdsolutif, etc., dans les plaies et ulcdrations; dans les maladies des organes de la digestion, de la respiration, de l'innervation, de la gdndration, et spdcialement de l'utdrus, de la vessie, etc. xii, 564 pp. 12°. Paris, J.-B. Baillib-e d? fils, 1864. ------. La vigne et le raisin. Histoire botanique et chimique. Effets physiologiques et thdra- peutiqnes. 362 pp. 12°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere A-fils, [1880]. See. aUo. Kenvenuti (Adolfo). Snr lacuscute [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1850. — Faure (Hippolyte). Notice sur la source minerale de Sermaize [etc.]. 8°. Chalons, 1858. For Biography, see J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1872, xxxix, 205 (Caffe). Herpin (Octave) [1849-19001. IXecrologie. Arch. prov. dechir., Par., 1900, ix, 208. Herpin [The6dore]. Etudes sur le lactate de zinc dans l'dpilepsie. 3(i pp. 8°. Paris, Hen- nuyer, 1855. [P., v. 1666.] Repr. from: Bull. g6n. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1859, xlix. ------. Du chlorate de potasse comme spdeifique contre la salivation mercnrielle. 31pp. 8 . Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1856. [P., v. 1666.] For Biography, see J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1865, xxxii, 351 (Caffe). Herr (A.) [ -1836]. Theorie der Arzneiwir- kungen. vi, 144 pp. 8°. Freiburg, Gebr. Cross, 1H36. Herr (Adolf). Geschichte einer kleinen Kind- betttieber-Gruppe. Die sofortige Feruhaltung HERR. 84 ITEKGOTT. llerr (Adolf)—continued. der Hebamine von ihrer geburtshulflichen Tbii- tigkeit als eiuzig sicheres Mittel gegen die Weiterverbreitung der Krankhcit. 31 pp. 8°. Wetzlar, F. Schnitzler, 18H1 [1882], Repr. from: Prakt. Arzt, "Wetzlar, 1882, xxiii. Herr (Antoine) [1862- ]. * Contribution a l'dtnde de la mdningite cdrdbro-spiuale dpi- ddmique. 44 pp. 4°. Paris, 1885, No. 374. Heir (Franz) [1868- ]. * Beitrag zur Ent- wickelnngsgeschichte des menschlichen Auges. 23 pp., 4 1. 8°. Berlin, C. Vogt, [1893], Herr (Maurice) [1859- ]. * Morphologic et 'function dans le systeme musculaire de la Arie de relation chez 1'homme. 72 pp. 4°. Lyon, 1889, Xo. 480. Herr (Robert). * Ueber die Virulenz des Bac- terium coli commune. 23 pp. 8°. Heidelberg, J. Horning, 1896. Herran (Bertrand) [1869- ]. *De la syn- dactylie. 76 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Bordeaux, 1898, No. 102. Herraouy (Abd-el-Aziz). * Recherches pour servir a l'histoire naturelle, chimique et iudus- trielle du heund. 59 pp. 4°. Paris, Pillet fils, 1862. [P., v. 1703; 1728.] licole de pharmacie. Herrendoerfer (Gottfried) [1852- ]. *Phy- siologische und mikroskopische Untersuchungen iiber die Ausscheidung von Pepsin. 31 pp. 8°. Konigsberg, E. J. Dalkowski, [1875]. Herrenknecht (Wilhelm). *Beitrag zur Behandlung von carcinomatoser Strictnr des Halsteils des Oesophagus. 37 pp., 1 1. 8°. Freiburg i. B., C. Lehmann, 1891. Herrenschmidt (Henry) [1871- ]. 'Con- tribution a l'dtude de la streptococcic pdrito- ndale par apport vasculaire. 112 pp. 8°. Paris, 1900, No. 625. -----. Tbe same. 112 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Stein- heil, 1900. Herrenschneider (A[lbert]). * Ueber die Be- ziehungvon Scharlach, Diphtherie und Erysipel zum Puerperalfieber im Anschluss an einen Fall von Diphtherie in Puerperio. 35 pp. 8°. Strassburg, J. H. E. Heitz, 1886. -----. Die Pflege und Ernabrung der Sauglinge fiir Hebammen und Mutter, xii, 80 pp. 12°. Strassburg, L. Benst, 1901. Herrenschneider [Charles-Constantin]. See .*ie«l il loi (Charles-Emmanuel) [in 1. s.]. Compte rendu de la clinique ehirurgicale. 8°. Strasbourg, 1850. de Herrenschwand (Gianfederico) [ 1796]. Trattato delle principali e delle pin fre- quenti malattie esterne ed interne ad uso de- gl' iniziati in medicina, dei chirurgo-medici e dei praticanti che suppliscono in mancanza dei medici graduati, siccome ancora per le persone illuminate, le quali per motivi di bonta eser- citano la medicina nelle campagne, o che poco a portata di avere i soccorsi dell' arte sono obbli- gati di essere i medici di se medesimi e di medi- care i loro vicini. Opera tradotta dal francese, con note ed aggiunta di nuovi articoli. 2 v. viii, 493 pp., 3 1.; 423 pp., 3 1. 8°. Milano, G. Galeazzi, 17,-9. Herrera (Alfonso L.) [1838-1901]. Recueil des lois tie la biologie gdudrale. 146 (1 1.), xii pp. 8°. Mexico, 1897. See, also, Tlemloza (Gum.) & Herrara (Alfonso). Ohservaciones acerca [etc.]. 8°. Mexico, 1865.—Socie- daii I'armac6utica mexieana [in 1. s.]. Nueva farmacopea [etc.]. 8°. Mexico, 1884. For Biography, see Gac. med., M6xico. 1901, 2. s., i, 25- 28. port. (Si. S. Soriano). AUo: Mem. Soc. cient. "Anto- nio Alzate", Mexico, 1900-1901, xv, 319-360, port. -----A: Vergara Lope (D.) La vie sur les hauts plateaux. Influence de la pressiou baromd- trique sur la constitution et le ddveloppement des Herrera (A. L.) A: Vergara Lope(D.)—cont. etres organises. Traitement climatdrique de la tuberculose. Ouvrage couronnd par l'Institut Nmithsonien de Washington [E.-U. A.] [Con- tours Hodgkins, 1895.] Traduction francaise. 790 pp., 1 1., 69 pi., 18 tab. roy. 8°. Mexico, J. EscalanU, 1899. Herrera (Enrique). * Breve estudio sobre la toracentdsis por aspiracion. 4 p. 1., 34 pp. 8 . Mexico, E. Orozc.o, 1884. Herrera (Enrique). * Breve estudio sobre la estafilorrafia. 32 pp. 8°. Mexico, 1890. Herrera (Juan Nacle). See Nacle Herrera. 1 Herrera Bravo (Federico). * Ligero estudio sobre el mal de San Lazaro. 46 pp. 8J. Me- xico, Berrueco hermanos, 1883. Herrera Vegas (Rafael). * Etude sur les kystes de l'ovariotomie. 195 pp., 2 pi. 4°. Paris, 1864. No. 85. Herrera y Weixler (Jose). *Algnnas con- sideraciones sobre la accidn farmaco-dinarnica del cacao. 14 pp. Hc. Mexico, L. Paz, 1877. Herrera y Zambrano (Antonio). * Breve estudio inaugural sobre el estrabismo. 30 pp. 8°. Mexico, F. Diaz de Leon, 1886. Herrero (Abddn Sanchez). El hipnotisnio y la sugesti6u. Estudios de fisio-psicologia y de psico-terapia, seguidos de dos apdndices, a" sa- ber: Apdudice 1°. Aplicaciones de la sugesti6u hipndtica £ la pedagogia. Apdndice 2°. La.hip- nosc6pia judicial y la sugestidn hipnotico-iriqui- sitiva en el derecbo penal y civil, ix, 10-814 pp., 3 1., 18 pi. 8°. Valladolid, hijos de J. Pas- \ tor, 1889. ; Herrgott (Alphonse[-Lonis]). *Des maladies fcetales qui peuvent faire obstacle a l'accouche- ment. 280 pp., 2 tab. 8°. Paris, 0. Doin, 1878. [P., v. 2140.] Concours. -----. Le docteur Constant Saucerotte, de Lund- ville . . . Notice biographique. 15 pp. 8°. Nancy, Berger-Levrault <$• Cie., 1885. -----. Contribution a l'dtude des polypes du col de l'utdrus pendant l'accouchemeut. 15 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1889. -----. TJn cas de rdtention fcetale. 17 pp. 8°. [Havre, Lemale 4' Cie., 1890.] -----. Tuberculose et gestation. Etude clini- que. 38 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, [1891]. tRepr. from: Ann. degyn6c. & d'obst., Par., 1891, xxxvi. Herrgott (F[rancois]-J[oseph]) [1814- ]. Le professeur Bdgin. Notice historique. 16 pp. 12°. Strasbourg, G. Silberman, 1859. -----. Des gouttieres en linge platrd mouldes directement sur les membres, de leur emploi dans le traitement des fractures simples ou cotu- pliqudes, des rdsections et des affections chiru- gicales des membres. 50 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, Berger-Levrault, 1874. -----. De l'oblitdratiou du vagin comme moyeu de gudrisou de 1'iucontineuce d'urine dans les graudes pertes de substance de la vessie; dis- cussions soulevdes par cette mdthode opdratoire devaut l'Acaddmie de mddecine en 1845 et 1875. iii, 21 pp. 8C. Paris, Berger-Levrault i- Cie., 1875. ------. So ran us d'Ephese, accoucheur. Contri- bution a l'dtude de la version podalique. 51 pp. 8-. Puris, H. Lauuereyns, 1882. Repr. from: Ann. de gynec, Par., 1882, xvii. -----. Spondylizeme et spondylolisthdsis. Nou- veaux documents pour l'dtude de ces deux espe- ces de ldsions pelviennes. Avec une traduction dc l'dtude de l'etiologie de la spondylolisthdsis par le Dr Frantz-L. Neugebauer. 36 pp. 8°. Paris, H. Lamvereyns, 1883. HERGOTT. 85 HERRINGHAM. Herrgott (F[rancois]-J[osepb])—continued. ------. Les Cliambeilen, Jean Palfyn. Le for- ceps. 32 pp. 8°. Paris. 0. Steinheil, 18-8. Repr. from: Ann. de gynec. et d'obst., Par., 1888, xxix. ------. La pratique des acconcheinents obstdtri- que jourualiere par Henri Varnier. 16 pp. 8 \ Havre, A.-G. Lemale, 1900. Repr. from: Ann. de gynec. et d'obst., Par., 1900, Iii. See, ofeo, de Niebold (fidouard-Gaspard-Jacques). Es- sai tl une histoire tie l'obstetricie, [etc. |. 8°. Paris, 1893. For Bioaraphy, see M6d. mod.. Par., 1896, vii, Snppl., 74. Herrgrott (Georg). * Ueber die Natnr des Lu- pus ervtbematodes. 33 pp. 8°. Strassburg i A., C. Muh .,• Cie.. 1896. Herricll (Karl) [1808-54]. Einige Beobachtun- gen und Bemerkungen iiber Gebiirinutter-Poly- pen und deren Ausrottung. 67 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Begensburg, F. Pustet, 184i>. -----. Beobaehtungen und Untersuchungen iiber deu rascb verlaufenden Wasserkopf. 3 p. 1., 230 pp. roy. 8°. Begensburg, F. Pustet, 1847. Herrich-Schaefer (August). * Ueber Athe- tose. [Erlangen.] 21 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, A. Boeglev, 1894. Herrick (A[lfred] B[irch]). A rare anomaly of the arcli of the aorta, with an additional muscle iu tbe neck. 5 pp. 8C. Baltimore, 1897. Repr. from .- Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1897, viii. In: Papers Anat. Lab. Johns Hopkins Univ., Bait., 1897, i, no. 4. Herrick (C. Jndsou) [186.8- ]. Report upon a series of experiments with the Weigert meth- ods; with special reference for use in lower brain morphology. 31 pp. 8°. [ Utica, 1897.] Repr. from: State Hosp. Bull., 1897, ii. Contrib. Path. Inst. N. T. State Hosp., Utica, 1898, no. 20. ------. The peripheral nervous system of the bony fishes, pp. 315-320. roy. rc. Washing- ton," Govt. Print. Office, 1899. Gutting fcover with printed title] from: Bull. U. S. Fish Com., Wash., 1898. Herrick (C[larence] L[uther]) [1858- ]. The mammals of Minnesota. A scientific and popular account of their features and habits. 299 pp., 1 1., 1 pi. 8C. Minneapolis, Harrison fy Smith, 1892. ------. Report upon the pathology of a case of general paralysis. 24 pp., 5 col. pi. 8°. [Gran- ville, O., 1893!] Repr. from: J. Co nap. Neurol., Granville, O., 1893, iii. AUo, Editor of: Joarnnl (The) of Comparative Neu- rology, Cincinnati, lfeiil-1900. Herrick (Clinton B.) Rupture of the urethra in the male. 11 pp. 8'-. [Philadelphia, Lea Bros. 4- Co., 1893.] Repr. from: Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxiii. ------. Railway surgery. A handbook on the management of injuries, xiii, 265 pp., 1 pi. 8C. New York, W. Wood 6r Co., 1899. Herrick (H[enry]J[ustus]) [1833-1901]. The radical cure of hernia. 4 pp. 8°. [Columbus, 1887.] Repr. from: Columbus M. J. 18*7. vi. For Biography, see Cleveland M. Gaz., 1900-1901. xvi, 236, port. AUo: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1901, xxvi, 395. Herrick ( James B.) Diuntin. 16 pp. 12°. Chicago, 1893. Repr. from: J. Am. M. Ass., Cbicago, 1893, xx. ------. Observations based on an experience with nearly one thousand cases of typhoid fever. 16 pp. 12°. Chicago, 1893. Repr. from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago 1893, xxi. ------. Report of seven cases of rupture of the urinary bladder, with observations on diagnosis. 15 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, 1893. Repr. from: Med. News, Phila., 1893, Ixii. Herrick (James B.)—continued. ------. A handbook of medical diagnosis for stu- dents, x, 432 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Philadelphia, Lea Brothers 83. Repr. from: Vrach, St. Petersh., 1883, iv. ------. Ob osvidietelstvovauii postupayushtshikh na zheliezuodorozhnuyu sluzhbu lits. [Exam- ination of those entering the railway service.] 52 pp. 8°. [St. Petersburg, A. Benke, 1884. rel subseq.] ------. Material! k meditsiuskoi geografii i sta- tistikle Rossii. Tom I. Sifilis v Rossii. Chast 1. Sifilis syol i holshikh gorodov. [Data on medical geography and statistics of Russia. Vol. I. Svphilis in Russia. Pt. 1. Syphilis in villages and'large towns.] v, 524 pp., 11., 2 maps. 8°. S.-Peterburg, M. I. Rumsh, 1885. HERTSENSTEIN. 89 HERTWIG. Hertsenstein (Grigoriy Markovich)—cont'd. -----. Olislitsliiya osuovl borbi s opideiniyei cho lerl v Rossii. [General principles of the strug- gle with the cholera epidemic in Russia.] 31 pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1886. Issued hy Med. bibliot. -----. Chto takoye cholera i kak predokhranit sebya ot neya? s prilozheniein nastavleniy inedi- tsinsk. sovleta i dr. [What is cholera, and how to guard one's self from it? to which are added the instructions of the medical council, and others.] iii, 99 pp. 16°. S.-Peterburg, N. J". Vasilyeff, 1892. ■ Kratkiy ocherk domashnel gimnastiki. [Brief sketch of domestic gymnastics.] 26 pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1-98. Bound with: Med. j. Oksa, S.-Peterb., 1898, i. Also, Editor of: >oviv nieditsinskiy kalendar. 1890, 1891. 1893. S.-Peterburg, 1889-83. See, also. Putevoditel [etc.]. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1894.— Schulz (Ml Ospoprivivianie, organizatziya [etc.]. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1888.—Wothe (G.) Terapevticheskiy pute- voditel [etc.]. 8^. S.-Peterburg, 1897. For Biography, see Ejened. jour. "Prakt. med.", St. Pe- tersb., 1899, vi, 300 (A. G. Felnberg). van Hertum (J.) Een woord over het aan- weuden van aderlatingen bij de besmettende longziekte van het rundvee, benevens eenige nadere bescbouwingen omtreut de geneesbaar- heid dezer ziekte in het algemeeu, en de maat- regeleu om dezelve voor te komen of in hare beginselen te stuiten. 27 pp. 8°. Utrecht, J. H. Siddre', 1852. Hertwig. Ueber die Fleischschau im allge- meinen und die Ergebnisse dereelben in Berlin insbesondere. 12 pp. 8C. Berlin, E. Grosser, 18-5. Repr. from: Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1885, vi. Herlwi? (Carl Heinrich) [1798-1881]. Hand- liork tot de keunis en geneziug van de ziekten der hondeu bewerkt naar het Hoogduitsch en voorzien met eene inleiding, een register der ziekte-verschijusels enz. om het tot eene bruik- bare handleiding te makeu voor elken lief heb- ber der honden door W. J. E. Hekmeijer. xxiv, 400 pp. 12c. Utrecht, J. G. Broese, 1?54. -----. Einige Experimeute an dem Blutgefass- system der Siingethiere, insbesondere iiber die Empfindlichkeit des Herzens bei tramnatischen Einwirkuugen, iiber deu Rbythmus der Herz- bewegungrn, iiber den Artirienpuls, iiber die Sangekral't des Herzens und iiber das Absorp- tionsvermooeu der Venen. 24 pp. 4°. Berlin, A. Hirschxoabl, 1868. See, also, Erdmann a Ilertwig. Thieriirztliche Arzneiverordniiiigslehre. [etc.]. l'J°. Berlin, 1891. Hertwig (Francisciis) [1834- ]. *De ossiurn regeneratione uonnulla. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Lange, 1859. Hertwig (Friedrich Karl Alexander) [1874- ]. *Zur Casuistik der Beckenfraktureu. 45 pp., 2 pi. S->. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1898. Title-page reads: Fritz. Hertwig (Oscar) [1849- ]. Das Problem der Befruchtung und der Isotropic des Eies; eine Theorie der Vererbung. 1 p. 1., 43 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1884. Repr. from: Jenaische Ztschr. f. Naturw., Jena, 1884, xviii. -----. Lehrbuch derEntwicklungsgeschichtedes Menschen und der WirbeJthiere. viii, vii, 507 pp. 8 -\ Jena, G. Fischer, 1886. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. xii, 519 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 18*8. ------. The same. 3. Aufl. xiii, 554 pp., 2 pi. B°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1890. Hertwig (Oscar)—continued. -----. The same. 4. Aufl. xiv, 590 pp., 2 pi. 8\ Jena, G. Fischer, 1893. -----. The same. 5. theilweise unigearbeitete Aufl. xvi, 612 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1896. -----. The same. 6. Aufl. xviii, 634 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1-98. -----. The same. Traite' d'embryologie, ou histoire du devcloppement de l'honime et des vert<5br<5s. Traduit sur la 3. erl. allemandu par Charles Jul in. xiv, 601 pp. 8°. Paris, C. Reinwald 4- Cie., 1891. -----. The same. Text-book of the embryology of man and mammals. Transl. from the 3. tieruian id. by Edward L. Mark, xvi, 670 pp., 2 pi. 8°. London, S. Sonnenscheiu $• Co. ; New York, Maomillan <)'• Co., 1^92. -----. Ueber die physiologische Grundlage der Tuberculinwirkung; eine Theorie der Wirkuugs- weise bacillarer Stoffwechselproducte. 38 pp. 8°. Jena, C. Fischer, 1891. -----. Aeltere und neuere Entwickelungs-Theo- rieen. Rede gehalten zur Feier des Stiftungs- tages der militar-arztlichen Bildungsanstaltcn am 2. August 1892. 30 pp. 8-. Berlin, O. Lange, [1892]. -----. The same. 35 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirsch- wald, 1892. Notes and bibliography added on pp. 31-35. -----. Die Zelle und die Gewebe. Grundziige der allgemeinen Anatomie uud Phvsiologie. xi, 296 pp. RD. Jena, G. Fischer, 1893. Date on cover: 1892. -----. The same. The cell; outlines of general anatomy and physiology. Transl. by M. Camp- bell and edited by Henry Johnstone Campbell. xvi, 368 pp. 8°. London, S. Sonnenscheiu 4- Co.; New York, Macmillan 4' Co., 1895. -----. The same. Die Zelle und die Gewebe. Grundziige der allgemeinen Anatomie und Phy- siologic. 2. Buch. viii, 314 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1898. -----. Zeit- und Streitfragen der Biologie. Heft 1. Preformation oder Epigeuese? Grundziige eiuer Entwicklungstbeorie der Orgauismeu. iv, 143 pp. rO. Jena, G. Fischer, 1894. -----. The same. The biological problem of to- day: Preformation or cpigeuesis ? The basis of a theory of organic development. Authorized translation by P. Chalmers Mitchell, with an introductory by the translator, and a glossary of the technical terms, xix, 148 pp. 12°. Lon- don, If. Heinemann, 1896. -----. Die Lehre vom Organismns und ihre Beziehnug zur Sozialwissensehaft. Universi- tiitsfestrede mit erUliirindcn Zusiitzcn und Lit- teratur nachweisen. 36 pp. 8°. Jena G. Fischer, 1899. -----. Die Eleinentc der Entwicklungslehre des Menschen und der Wirhelthiere; Auleitung und Repetitorium fiir Studicrende uud Aerzte* vi, 406 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1900. -----. Die Entwicklnng der Biologie im 19. Jahrhundert. Vortrag auf der Versanimlung deutscher Naturforscher zu Aachen am 17. Sep- tember 1900. 31 pp. 8'\ Jena, G. Fischer, 1900. -----. Strittige Pnnkto aus der Keimblattlehre der Wirbelthiere. 6 pp. 8U. Berlin, G. Reimer, 1901. Repr. from: Sitzungsb. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wissen- schaft. zu Berl., xxiv. See, also, Krami (Arnold). Chromatin, Zellsubstanz und Kern. 8°. Marburg, 1885. HERTWIG. 90 HERV15. Hertwig (Oscar)—continued. -----& Hert Wig < Richard). Untersuchungen zur Morphologic und Physiologie der Zelle. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1884-90. CONTENTS. Heft. 1. Die Kerntheilung bei Actinosphaerium Eich- horni, von Richard Hertwig. 32 pp., 2 1., 2 pi. Heft. 2. Welchen Einfluss iibt die Schwerkraft auf die Theilung der Zellen? von Oscar Hertwig. 30 pp., 1 1., lpl. Heft. 3. Das Problem derBefruchtung und der Isotropic des Eies, eine Theorie der Vererbuug, von Oscar Hert- wig. 1 p. 1., 43 pp. Heft. 4. Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber din Be- dingungen der Bastardbefruchtung, von O. und R. Hert- wig. 1 p. 1., 44 pp., 1885. Heft. 5. Ueber den Befruchtungs- und Teilungsvorgang des tierischen Eies unterdem Einfluss ausserer Agentien, von O. und R. Hertwig. 156 pp., 7 pi., 1887. Heft. 6. Experimentelle Studien am tierischen Ei vor, wabrend und nach der Befruchtung, von Oscar Hertwig. 46 pp., 3 pi., 1890. Hertwig" (Richard) [1850- ]. Gedachtniss- rede auf Carl Theodor von Siebold, gehalten in der offentlichen Sitzung der konigl. bayer. Aka- demie der Wissenscbaften zu Munchen zur Feier ihres einhundert uud sieben uud zwangzigsten Stiftungstages am 29. Miirz 1886. 33 pp. 4°. Munchen, Verlag der k. bayer. Akademie, 1886. See, aUo, Hertwig (Oscar) & Hertwig (Richard). Untersuchungen zur Morphologie und Physiologie der Zelle. 8°. Jena, 1884-90. Hertyk. (Venc6slas). * Contribution a l'dtude de l'he'matoiny61ie. 47 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Geneve, 1892 Hertz (Andreas) [1852- ]. *Das Chloroxal- athylin, toxisch und pbarmakodynamisch unter- sucht. 1 p. 1., 39 pp. 8°. Bonn, C. Georgi, 1875. Hertz (Bruno) [1866- ]. * Ein Fall vou He- miathetosis spastica mit eigentiiiulichen Eeliex- krampfen. 30 pp., 11. 8°. Bonn, C. Georgi, 1892. Hertz (Carolus Reinerus) [1817- ]. *Quae>stio obstetricia: Quomodo naturae vires in illas pla- centa? humame particulas agant, qua? post fuetua expulsionem diutius in cavitate uteri occlu- duutur? 1 p. 1., 27 pp. 8°. Bonnce, typ. C. Georgii, 1843. -----. Bericht iiber die Wirksamkeit des Privat- Kraukenhanses zu Bonn fiir eine bescbraukte Anzahl von Gemiithskrauken nnd Irren, wahrend des Jahres 1850. 2 1. 4°. [Kdln, M. Du Mont- Schauberg, 1851.] ■------. Zu dem Inserate des Dr. Thesmar, in der Kolnischen Zeitung, Beilage No. 239, iiberschrie- ben : "Die Pflichten der Gesetzgebung und des f Staates gegenuber den Privat-Irren Austalten." 29 pp. 8°. [Berlin, J. Sittenfeld, 1858.] ■ Bound with: Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat. [etc.],Berl., 1858, xv. Hertz (Heinrich). Ueber die Beziehungen zwi- schen Licht und Elektricitat. Eiu Vortrag ge- halten bei der 62. Versammlung deutscher Na- turforscher und Aerzte in Heidelberg. 3. Aufl. 27 pp. 8°. Bonn, E. Strauss, 1889. Hertz (M.) De cauteriis. 22 pp. 8°. Kilice, C. F. Mohr, 1842. Hertz (Paul [Valdemar]) [1855- ]. Abnor- mitiiten in der Lage und Form der Bauchorgane bei dem erwacbsenen Weibe, eine Folge des Schuiirens nnd Hangelbauches. Eine patholo- gist anatomische Untersuchung. 1 p. 1., 55pp., 7 pi. 8°. Berlin, S. Karger, 1894. Hertzberg- (Conradin [Eduard]) [1860- ]. * Beitriige zur Behandlung von Oberschenkel- fracturen mit permanenter Gewichtsextension. 46 pp., 1 1. 8°. Halle a. S., Buchdr. d. Waisenh., 1885. Hertzberg (Edward F.) [1860- ]. * Ueber das Kystoma testis im Anschluss an einen Fall von Kystoma testis cougenitum. 24 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bonn, J. F. Carthaus, 1885. Hertzberg (Fridericus Guilelmus) [1816- ]. *De epilepsia. 28 pp., 2 1. sm. 8°. Berolini, tup. Nietackianis, [1841]. Hertzfeld (Max) [1863- ]. * Ein Fall von Nabelschnurbrucb. 1 p. 1., 26 pp., 2 1., 2 pi. 8U. Konigsberg i. Pr., M. Liedtke, 1892. Hertzka (Emmerich). Die Zuckerharnruhr. Mit einer ausfiihrlichen Diiitetik fiir Zucker- kranke. Diiitetiscbe Fiikrer. No. 1. viii, 181, 2 pp. sm. 8 \ Karlsbad 4- Nizza, H. Feller, 1884. ------. Zur Aetiologie und Kasuistik des Diabetes mellitus. 32pp. 8°. Budapest, J. Schlesinger,l885. Repr. [with additions] from: Wien. med. Presse, 1885, xxvi. _____. Karlsbad in Bohmen (Fuhrer durch Karls- bad und Umgebung). Fiir Aerzte und Kurgaste. 2. Aufl. x, 167 pp., 1 plan, 1 pi. 16°. Wien $ Leipzig, W. Braumiiller, 1894. Hertzog (Anastasius). Exercitatio medica naturalem sanguificationis in humauo corpore historiam exponens. 8 1. sm. 4°. Basilece, J. Bertschius, 1690. [Also, in : P., v. 8129.] Hertzog (fitienne-Antoine). * Considerations me"dicales sur la menstruation. 1 p. 1., 34 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1813, No. 387. Hertzog (Jon- Ludovicus Fridericus). *De hepatis obstructione. 61 pp., 1 1. sm. 4°. Halce Magdeb., typ. J. C. Hendelii, [1738]. [P., v. 1386.] Hertzog (Max [Adolf Berth old] ). "Einige Fiille letbaler Folgeerkrankuugen bei Otitis me- dia purulenta. 38 pp., 2 1. 8°. Halle a. S., C. A. Kaemmerer 4- Co., 1892. Hertzveld (Mauritius). *De hsemorrhagia ce- rebri. [Leyden.] 4 p. 1., 173 pp., 1 1. 8°. Zuollw, W. E. J. Tjeenk Willink, 1842. Hervas y Pandnro (Lorenzo). Escuela es- panola de sordomudos, 6 arte para ensenarles £ escribir y hablar el idioma espanol. 2 v. 2 p. 1., viii (2 1.), 335 pp., 4 tab.; 2 p. 1., 376 pp., 1 pi. sm. 4°. Madrid, F. Fillalpando, 1795. Herve. * Ruptures des tendons sua et sous-ro- tuliens; traitement par la suture. 88 pp. 4°. Paris, 1890, No. 258. Herve (Alphonse). *Symptdmes de l'aortite chrouique. 37 pp., 1 1. 4°. Montpellier, 1885, No. 30. Herve (Georges) [1855- ]. * La circonvolu- tion de Broca. Etude de morphologie c6r6brale. 166 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1888, No. 200. -----. The same. 164 pp., 1 1., 4 pi. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye 4" E. Lecrosnier. 1888. See, also, Salmon (Philippe) [in 1. a.]. Pr6cis d'an- thropologie [etc.]. roy. 8°. Paris, 1887. Herve (Henri-Marie-Victor) [1855- ]. #Des phlegmons du membre inf6rieur observes dans les hdpitaux de la marine et a bord des bail- ments de la flotte, et particuliereiuent de leur 6tiologie. 48 pp. 4°. Bordeaux, 1886, No. 60. Herve (Jean-Fern and) [1872- ]. *M6ca- nisme d'action des bains sal^s (absorption cuta- nee du chlorure de sodium). 72 pp. 8°. Bor- deaux, 1878, No. 117. Herve (Julien). * Considerations g6n6rales sur le diagnostic et le traitement des affections amaurotiques. 43 pp. 4°. Paris, 1851, No. 125. Herve (Paul) [1858- ]. Essai sur la sugges- tion mentale. 72 pp. 8°. Le Mans, E. Mon- noyer, 1890. Repr. from: Bull. Soc. d'agric, sc. et arts de la Sarthe, Le Mans, 1890, xxxii. ------. L'iufluenza; notes sur l'epide'mie du Maus pendant l'hiver 1889-90. 23 pp. 8°. Le Mans, E. Monnoyer, 1891. Repr. from: Bull. Soc. d'agric, sc. et arts de la Sarthe, Le Mans, 1890, xxxii. ------. Notes sur trois cas de plaies pe"n6trantes de poitrine, suivies d'autopsie. 15 pp. 8°. Le Mans, E. Monnoyer, 1894. HERVE. 91 HERZ. Herve (Paul)—continued. -----. Resultats obteuus par l'einploi du s6runi antidiphterique a l'Hopital du Mans. 14 pp. 8°. Le Mans, E. Monnoyer, 1895. Repr. from: Bull. Soc. d. sc. et arts. Herve de Lavaur (Henri) [1856- ]. *De la dyspcpsie nerveuse. Traitement des vo- niissements ahmentaires par le lavage de I'esto- mac et alimentation artificielle. 85 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1885, No. 78. Herveleu (Auguste-L.-J.) * Quelques conside- rations sur la paniticatiou et les qualites d'un bou pain. 35 pp. 4 . Paris, l*v3, No. 140. Herveou (Uustave-Louis-Gabriel) [1860- ]. * Contribution a l'dtude dn traitement des hemor- rhagies post-partum par les injections intra-ut^- rines d'eau chaude a 45°-50o et les bains cbauds a 34-, methode de M. le professeur Tarnier. 44 pp. 4C. Paris, 1884, No. 39. Hervey (Charles). Report on the crime of thuggee by means of poisons in British territory for the years 1864,1865, and 1866. 4, 17, 19, xx, 23, vi pp., 6 1. fol. Dehhi, Gen. Sup. Office Press, 1868. Hervez de Chegoin (Nicolas-Joseph) [1791- 1-77]. Recherches sur les causes et le traite- ment du be'gaiement. 40 pp. 8°. Paris, imp. de Crapelet, 1830. [P., v. 1652.] Repr. from: J. gen. de med., chir. et pharm., Par., 1830, cxi. ------. De la rigidit6 de la main apres les frac- tures de l'avant-bras et du moyen de l'dviter par un nouveau mode de traitement. 8 pp. 8°. [Paris, Maulde 4' Renou, 1848.] ! Repr. from: Union med., Par., 1848, ii. ------. Traitement de la brulure. 48 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1852. [Also, in: P., v. 1652.] See, also, Cclombat (Marc). Dn hegaiement [etc.]. 2. ed. 8°. Paris, 1831. For Biography, see Bull. Soc. de m6d. de Par. (1878), 1879, xiii, Jl. Hervier (Charles) le pere [1743- ]. Lettre sur la decouverte du magnltisme animal, a M. Court de Gebelin. Augmente'e d'une lettre de l'auteur anx habitans de Bordeaux, et de nouvelles notes, viii, 48 pp. 8°. Pekin [Bor- deaux], P. Pallandre, 1784. Hervieu (Paul-Ferdinand) [1853- ]. *Sur Taction du seigle ergote", et principalement des injections sous-cutanies d'ergotine. 94 pp. 4°. Paris, 187*, No. 488. He r vie li X (Jacques-Francois- Jfidouard) [1818- ]. i Biography.] Med. mod., Par., 1895, vi, Suppl., 593. Hervot (Henri) [1862- ]. * Contribution a I'etude de la pe>ime"trite; anatomie patholo- gique et traitement par la ponction capillaire aspiratrice. 47 pp., 11. 4J. Paris, 1887, No. 200. Hervouet (Prudent-Rene") [1*64- ]. *De l'emploi de la morphine dans les maladies du cceur. 70 pp. 4:\ Paris, 1891, No. 31. van Herwerden (Claudius Henricus). *iMi- cro-organismen bij epidemische cerebro-spinaal- meningitis. 2p. 1., ii, 119 pp., 1 pi. 8°. VlTer- togenbosch, Robijns 4' Co., 1893. Herwig (H[enuing] M[icliael]). The art of curing sympathetically or magnetically proved to be most true, both by its theory and practice, exemplified by several cures performed that way. With a discourse concerning the cure of mad- ness, and an appendix to prove the reality of sympathy. Also an account of some cures per- form'd by it iu London. Written originally in Latin. 7 1., 151 pp. 18°. London, T. JXeu- borough, 1700. Herwirsch (Charles). The medical treatment of phthisis. 2 sheets. 8°. Philadelphia, 1896. Repr. from: Codex med. Phila., 1895-6, ii. ------. Report of a case of osteitis deformans. 4 sheets, 1 pi. 8°. Philadelphia, A. Can Horn 1896. Repr. from: Codex med. Phila., 1895-6, ii. Herxlieimer (Gotthold) [1872- ]. # Zur Casuistik der Sclerodermie. 99 pp. 8°. Greifs- wald, J. Abel, 1896. Ilerxlieiiner (Karl). * Ueber Lues cerebri. 57 pp. 8 . Wiirzburg, Stiirtz, 1885. Hei'xheimer's fibres. Marnchalko ( T.) A Herxheimer - f61e rostokr61. [Hcrxhcinier's fibres.] Magy. orv. Arch., Budapest, 1896, v, 382-393. Hery (Francois) [1872- ]. * Contribution a l'6tude des tubercules de la protuberance. 100 pp. 8°. Paris, 1899, No. 300. Hery (Lucien) [1866- ]. *Sur l'allaitement des uouveau-ne's. 72 pp., 13 tab. 8°. Paris, 1897, No. 166. de Hery ( Thierry ) [ -1599]. La methode curatoire de la maladie vene>ienne, vulgaire- ment appellee grosse vairolle, et de la diversity de ses symptfimes. 7 p. 1., 273 pp., 15 1. 16°. Paris, M. David, 1552. -----. The same. 7 p. 1., 272 pp., 14 1. 16°. Paris, G. Gourbin, 1569. See, also, Quennay (Francois) [in 1. s.]. Lettres [i- xii] sur les disputes [etc.]. 4°. [n. p., 1737-8.] ------. Die Heilbarkeit der Larynxphthise und ihre chirurgische Behandlung. Eine anatouio- pathologische und klinische Studie. xvi, 192 pp., 2 pi. roy. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1887. ------. The same. La curability de la phtisie du larynx et son traitement chirurgical. Etude anatomo-pathologique et clinique. Traduit de l'allemand avec annotations, par . . . F. Schif- fers. xiii (11.), 191 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Paris, Carre' 4- Cie., 1888. Heryng (Theodore) [1847- ]. *Phlegmon udcrotique du larynx et ses rapports avec l'angine erysipelateuse. 50 pp., 1 1. 4°. Paris, 1888, No. 207. -----. Fernere Beitrage zur chirurgischen Be- handlung der Larynxphthise, auf Grund von 270 Fallen besprochen. 32 pp. 8°. Wien, 1894. Forms Hft. 2, v. 8, of: Klin. Zeit- u. Streitfragen. Herz (Albert). * Ueber die Behandlung der Syphilis mit subcutaaen Injectioneu von Sue- cinimid-Quecksilber. 70 pp., 1 1. 8°. Strass- burg, C. Goeller, 1893. Herz ([August] Oscar) [1865- ]. "Zwei Fiille von Extrauterinschwangerschaft. 33 pp., 1 1. 8°. Halle a. S, Plbtz, 1890. Herz (Cornelius) [1845-98]. Brouardel & Dieulafoy. fitat de sant6 de Corne- lius Herz. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1893, 3. s., xxx, 481-484.— Carri£re (La) medicate de Cornelius Herz. Chron. med., Par., 1898, v, 477-480.—Case (The) of Dr. Cornelius Herz. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, ii, 858; 864; 1069; 1125. Herz (Hans) [1869- ]. * Die Wirkungen des Monochloralantipyrins (Hypnals) vergliclieu mit denen des Chloralhydrats und Autipyrius. 37 pp., 1 1. 8°. Breslau, A. Schreiber, [1892]. ------. Die Storungen des Verdauungsapparates als Ursache uud Folge anderer Erkrankungeu. Fiir practische Aerzte. xviii, 543 pp. 8°. Ber- lin, S. Karger, 1898. Herz (Hermann). #Ueber einen Fall vou Darm- stenose (Ileus) und Achsendrehung des Darms. 19 pp. 8°. Miinchen, M. Ernst, 1887. Herz (Isaac). * Ueber Harnleiterfisteln. 69 pp. HJ. Freiburg in Baden, E. Kuttruff, 1896. Herz (Leopold). Leber Anwenduug des Ich- Ihyol bei Angina. 2 1. 8°. Hamburg, 1893. Repr. from : Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1893, xliii. HERZ. 92 HERZFELD. Herz (Leopold)—contiuued. -----. Ueber die Anwendung des Ichthyol bei Wunddrnck der Fiisse. 8 pp. 8°. Wien, 1894. Repr. from: Aerztl. Centr.-Anz., Wien, 1894, vi. Wie ware in Hinkunft im k. u. k. Heerc der Sanitiitsdienst der ersten Linie waliiend uud nach Gefechten zu organisieren und auszu- iiben? Vom k. u. k. Militar-Sanitats-Comite" gekronte Preisschrift. 68 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Wien, J. Safar, 1898. Herz (Ludwig). See Stclhvae von Carion (Karl). Xene Ahhand- lungen aus dem Gebiete der praktischen Augenheilkunde. 8-. Wien, 1886. Herz (Marcus) [1747-1803]. Briefe an Aerzte. Erste Sammlung. 2. Aufl. 298 pp. 12°. Ber- lin, C. F. Yoss 4- Sohn, 1784. -----. Versuch iiber den Schwindel. xliv, 292 pp. 16°. Berlin, C. F. Voss 4> Sohn, 1786. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. xxii (1 1.), 448 pp. 8°. Berlin, Foss, 1791. -----. The same, iv (3 1.), 257 pp. 8°. Wien, A. Doll, 1817. See. also, Schnfler (Joh. Ulrich Gottlob) [in 1. s.]. Versuch einer Theorie der englischen Pockenimpfung [etc.]. 12°. Nuremberg, 1802. Herz (Max) [1865- ]. Untersuchungen iiber Warme uud Fieber. 2 p. 1., 124 pp. 8°. Bien 4" Leipzig, W. Braumiiller, 1893. -----. Der Pulse der kleinsten Gefasse; onycho- graphische Untersuchungen. 48 pp. 8°. Wien, 1896. Forms Hft. 6 and 7, v. 22, of: Wien. Klinik. -----& Bum (A.) Das neue System der nia- schinelleu Heilgymnastik. 66 pp. 8°. Wien, 1899. Forms Hft. 4 and 5, v. 25, of: Wien. Klinik. Herz (Max Constantin). Editor of: Hygiea, Wien, 1894-1900. Herz (Maximilian) [1837-90]. See Steiner (Joh.) [in 1. s.]. Compendium derKinder- krankheiten. 3. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, 1878. ----. The same. Compendium des maladies des enfants, [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1880. For Biography, see Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1890-91, xii, 161 (Monti). Herz (Max[imilian]) [1870- ]. * Zur Kennt- nis der Loslichkeit von Mischkristallen. 43 pp. 8-\ Berlin, G. Schade, 1895. Herz (Norbert) [1858- ]. *Kritische Beitrage zur Lehre von der Lymphbewegnug. 46 pp. 8-. Heidelberg, 1899. Herz (W.) Kurze Anleitung zum chemischen Praktikum fiir Mediziner. 37 pp. 12°. Bres- lau, Preuss 4" Jiinger, 1899. Herzberg ( Christoph. Fredericus Gotthold) [1766- ]. *De constitutione corporum phy- sica qualis nostra aetate est ejnsque causis pro- babilibus. 23 pp. 4°. Jenoe, ex off. Fiedleriana, [1793]. [P., v. 1950.] -----. * Ungewohnlicbe Seuch- und Kriebel- krankbeit. 12 pp. sm. 4°. Jenoe, Fiedler, [1793]. Herzberg (E[rnst]). * Ueber Dauererfolge der Xephroraphie. 32 pp. 8°. Gbttingen, 1894. Herzberg (Georg) [1870- ]. ^Untersu- chungen iiber hitzbestiiudige Keime in Faeces. [Erlangen.] 68 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berlin, A. Dressel, 1899. Herzberg (Hermann). * Ein Beitrag zur An- gina tonsillaris follicularis im Kindesalter. 79 pp. 8\ Dorpat, H. Laakmann, 1893. Herzberg (Max). *Das Milchfieber. Eine statistische Studie nach dem Bestand an Woch- nerinnen in der konigl. Erlanger Frauenklinik vom Miirz 1887 bis Mai 1890. [Erlangen.! 51 pp. 8°. Magdeburg, D. L. Wolf, 1890. Herzberg (Paul) [1865- ]. * Vergleichende Untersuchungen iiber landwirthschaftlich wich- 8C. Halle a. S. Herzberg (Paul)—continued. tige Flugbranilarten. 33 pp. Terlag vom Waisenhause, 1-95. Herzegovina. Weisbach (A.) Die Herzegoviner verglichen mit Cechen uud .Deutschen aus Mabren nach Major Himmel's Messungen. 4-. Wien, 1889. Herzen (A[lexander]) [1839- ]. Lezioni sulla digestione fatte all' Istitnto superiore di Firenze. Anno scolare 1876-7. 158 pp., 1 1., 12°. Firenze, succ. Le Monnier, 1877. -----. Analisi fisiologica del libero arbitrio nmano. 3. ed. viii, 5-270 pp., 1 1. 12°. Fi- renze, A. Bettini, 1879. Altes und Nenes iiber Pepsinbildung, Magenverdauung und Krankenkost gestiitzt auf eigene Beobaehtungen an einem gastroto- mierten Manne. 1 p. 1., 58 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, E. Schweizerbart, 1885. The same. 20 pp. 8C. [Leipzig, 1885.] Cutting from: Kosmos, Leipz., 1885. ----. La digestion stomacale. fitude physiolo- gique et hygi^uique. 145 pp., 1 1. 8-. Lau- sanne, B. Benda, 1886. ----. Le cerveau et l'activite" ce"r6brale au point de vne psycho-physiologique. 312 pp. 12°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4' fils, 1887. Causeries physiologiques. 351 pp. 12°. Lausanne, F. Payot; Paris, P. Alcan, 1899. See, aUo, Waller (Augustus D.) Elements de phy- siologie humaine [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1898. Herzen (Pierre). *Les causes de mort apres la double vagotomie dans leur rapport avec les conditions de survie. 103 pp. 8°. Lausanne, L. Vincent, 1897. Herzen (V.) Guide et formulaire de the"rapeu- tique ge"n6rale et sp6ciale. 1 p. 1., 460 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4' fils, 1898. Herzen (Wladimir). * Ueber Behandlung der Kniescheibenfracturen. 67 pp., 21., 2 pi. 6°. Bern, F. Holler 4- Co., 1893. Hcrzenberg (Elie) [1867- ]. * Contribu- tion a l'dtude du mal de Pott (ouverture d'un abces par congestion dans la cavite" pleurale et le poumou suivie de vomiques). 40 pp. 4°. Paris, 1894, No. 357. -----. The same. 40 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Stein- heil, 1894. Herzenstein(-M7te.H£lene)[1866- ]. "Con- tribution a l'6tude de l'ictere catarrhal prolong^. 68 pp. 4°. Paris, 1890, No. 202. Herzeiistein (I'lrich). Beitrag zur Lehre der Augenmuskellabmuugen (Berechnung aller moglichen Combiuationen der ein- und doppel- seitigeu Augenmnskelparalysen). 31 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1881. Herzfeld (Ernst) [1864- ]. * Ueber chro- nische Quecksilbervergiftung. 30 pp., 11. 8C. Berlin, G. Schade, [1889]. Herzfeld (Eugeu). * Beitrag zu den Luxa- tionen der Tibia gegen das Femur. 32 pp. >c. Freiburg i. B., H. Epstein, 1892. Herzfeld (Georg). Hilfs- uud Taschenbuch fiir Vertrauensiirzte. 3. Aufl. 1 p. 1., 92 pp. 16°. Leipziq, A. Strauch, [1897]. Herzfeld (H.), Beer & Matzdorff. Repe- titorium fiir Chemie, Physik. Pharmakognosie und Botanik, fiir Apotheker, Mediciner, Chemi- ker, etc. 2 p. 1., 332 pp. 8°. Berlin, Fischer, 1900. Herzfeld (Joseph) [1863- ]. * Leber den Einfluss der Erkaltung bei Entstehung von Dia- betes mellitus. 31 pp. 8°. Greifsicald, C. Sell, 1886. -----. Rhinologische Mittheilungen. 2 1. 8°. [Berlin, 1893.] Repr. from: Monatschr. f.Ohrenh., Berl., 1893, xxviii. HERZFELD. 93 HERZOG. Herzfeld (Joseph)—continued. ■-----. Pie Eiterungen der Nebenhohlen der Na.se. in.- Sammi.. klin. Vortr., n. F., Leipz., 1896, No. 163 (Chir., So. J6, 5(51-582). Herzfeld (Julius). * Ueber Gesehwiilste des Glandula submaxillaris. 29 pp., 1 1. 12°. Ber- lin, C. Schade, 1893. Herzfeld (Karl August) [1861- ]. Leber die Behandlung des nachfolgenden Kopfes mit be- sonderer Beriicksichtigung des Manriceau'schen Handgrifies. 53 pp. 8°. Leipzig 4' Wien, F. Deuticke, 1890. ------. Ueber die Pflege des Wochcnbettes. 30 pp. 8°. Leipzig <>■ Wien, F. Deuticke, 1891. Repr. from: Allg. Wieu. med. Zt<;., 1891, xxxvi. ------. Kliuischer Bericht iiber tauseud Bauch- hohleu-Operationen als Bei I rag zur Lehre von der Indication und Technik der Koeliotomie. I p.1., 224 pp. 8C. Leipzig 4' Wien, F. Deuticke,18[K>. - Praktische Geburtshilfe. Fiir Studirende und Aerzte. 2 p. 1., 453 pp. 8°. Leipzig .,' Wien, F. Deuticke, 1-97. See, aUo, Kaiser8chnitt(Der)[etc.]. 8°. Wien, 1888. Herzfeld (Walter) [1864- ]. * Beschreibung eines Falles vou Sclerodermia circumscripta. 25 pp., 11. 8°. Halle a. S., Plbtz, 1889. Herzfeld (Wilhelm Eduard) [1867- ]. * Ue- ber die Eiu wirkung von Cumiualdebyd auf Ben- zoylpiperidiu. 28 pp., 2 1. 8:. Kiel, Schmidt j Klaunig, 1893. Herzfelder (Heinrich). *De angina membra- nacea. 21 pp., 1 1. 12°. Vindobonas, [1829]. [P., v. 2239. ] -----. Pathologische Beobaehtungen uud the- rapeutische Erfahrungen >jesammelt in den Jah- ren 1-53 uud 1854 im Spitale der israelitischen Cultus-Gcmeinde iu Wieu. 60 pp. 8°. Wien, C. Gerold, l-.">6. Repr. from: Ztschr. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1856. Herzfelder (Hugo). * Ueber Indole welche aus Parabrompbenylhydrazin, resp. Paratolylhydra- zin und Aceton resp. Acetophenon enstehen. [Erlangen.] 19 pp. 8-. Cassel, G. Landsiedel, 1892. Herzfelder (J[acobj). Ueber die Perforation des Blinddarni-Wurmfortsatzes. 132 pp. 8°. Berlin 4' Neuwied. L. Heuser, 1893. See, also, Jamaiu (M. A.) Handhuch der niederen Chirurgie [etc.]. 8°. Quedlinburg 8. Repr. from: Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissenscli. Math.-naturw. CI., Wien, 1858, xxx. ------. General indications and directions for the use of the mineral waters of Marieubad. 26 pp. 12°. Marienbad, J. Gschihay, 1875. ------. Marienbad. Statistischer Bericht iiber die -wichtigsten demographisi hen Verhiiltnissc. Verfasst im Auftrage des Biirgermeisteraintes. 27 pp. e°. Wien, C. Ceroid'8 Sohn, 1-". See, also, von Kieaiadecki (Alfred) 6c llcixig (August). Die ver,-«'lih-di'iirii Formin der quergestreiften Muskelfasern. <-J. ll'i'.-n. 1*58. Herzig (Leopold). Marienbad; its mineral waters and baths. 2. ed. viii, 116 pp. 12°. Leipzig, L. Denicke, [1863]. [P., v. 2203.] -----. The same. 3. ed. 86 pp. 8°. Vienna, W. Braumuller, 1873. [P., v. 2038.] Uraumulh-r's Bad-Bibliothek, Nr. 56. Herzniansky (Antonius). * De hamiorrhoidi- bus. 32 pp. 8°. Vindobonw, 1835. Herzog (Benno) [1863- ]. * Ueber den prak- tischen Nutzen des Wolffberg'schen Apparatus zur diagno.stischen Yerwertung der quantita- tiven Farbensinnpi'iifuiig. 42 pp., 9 1. 8 . Konigsberg, M. Liedtke, 1887. llei'ZOg (Carolus Henrieus Eduardus). See Weber (Ernst Heinrich) [in 1. s. |. [I'r.] epistola; Scarpa* de gangliis nervorum [etc.]. 4'. [Lipsice, 1831.] llerzog (LMouard). L'alcoolisme en Suisse d'apres un document ofliciel. Conference popu- laire. 27 pp. 16°. Lausanne, F. Regamey, 1*86. llerzog (Franz). [Beschreibung des k. und k. Garnisons-Spitals No. 17 in Budapest, nebst Stat istik, 1884-93.] 2 1. fol. [Budapest, 1H<>4.] llerzog (Hermann) A. Schiller (K.) Das Kind. Anleituugen zur rationellen physischen Erziehungswei.se und Winke zur Entfaltung des , Seelenlebens der Kinder. Fiir Mutter und ihre erziehenden Stellvei treterinnen. vii, 144 pp. j 8-\ Pest, Wien J- Leipzig, A. Hartlehen, 1868. Herzog (Joannes Gottlieb). * Do cyst itide. 32 pp. F. Lipsia; F. Bidder, 1809. | Herzog (Joseph). *Vierzig Fiille von Tabes dorsal is aus dem Basler Biirgerspital. [Basel.] a\ pp., 1 1. 8\ Solothurn, 1893. Herzog (Joseph Benedict). * De praxi obste- trico-medica. 32 pp. 16°. Vienna', C. Gerold, [1820]. Herzog (Ludwig) [1866- ]. * Untersuchun- gen iiber die Dvspcpsie bei Lungeuschwiud- | sucht. 33 pp. 8^. Berlin, G. Schade, [1888]. I -----. Diagnostische Sehwierigkeiten und Be- ziehuugen zwischen dem Coma der Zuckerkran- ken und anderen comaartigen Znstiiuden. 29 pp. 8°. Berlin, 1899. Forms Hft. 132 of: Berl. Klinik. Herzog (Max). *De arthritide. 20 pp. 8C. Miinchen, C. R. Schurich, 1854. i Herzog (Maximilian). Cough of nasal origin, with report of a case. 8 pp. 12°. Philadel- phia, 1893. Repr. from: Med. News, Phila., 1893, Ixii. ------. Study of an early placenta iu situ ob- tained from the living. 20 pp. 8C. New York, 1898. Repr. from: Am. Gynaec. & Ohst. J., N. T., 1898, xii. ------. Superfetation in the human race. 22 pp. —. Chicago, [1898]. Repr. from: Chicago M. Rec, 1898, xv. ------. A case of lymphangioma cvsticum. 5 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1899. Repr. from: Chicago M. Rec, 1899, xvi. ------. A case of oestrus homiuis. 3 pp. 8C. New York, 1899. Repr. from: Med. News, N. T., 1899, lxxiv. ------. A case of Paget's disease (malignant papillary dermatitis). 9 pp. 8°. Detroit, 1889. Repr. from.- Medicine, Detroit, 1899, v. ------. Lymphosarcoma of the mesentery. 11 pp. HP. Chicago, 1899. Repr. from: J. Am, M. Ass., Chicago, 18'.l!», xxxii ------. Remarks on the histopathology of syph- ilis. 4 pp. *°. Chicago, 1899. Repr. from: Cliir;igo M. Kit., 1899, xvi. See, also, Ilenrotiu (Fernand) & llerzog (Maximil- ian.) Carcinoma [etc.]. 8">. Chicago, ISll'.i.-----------. Myoma [etc.]. 8". New York, 181)9.-----------. Very early rupture [etc.]. 8J. \eu< York, 1899. — ITIcllish (E. j.) & llerzog (Maximilian). A peculiar ependymal cyst [etc.]. 8°. Chicago, 1899. llerzog (Ulricli). * Ueber traumatische Gau- irvlin durch Zerreissung der inneren Arterien- liiiute. 1 p. 1., 31 pp. 8". Tiibiugen, ]899. Repr. from: l'.citr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1899, xxiii. llerzog (W[ilhclm]) [l-.Mi- ]. Ueber nen- ere Wundbehandlungsmethodeii. 16 pp. 8°. [Miinchen, 1886.] Repr. from : Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1886, xxxiii. ------. Die Kiickbildung des Nabels und der Nabelgefiisse mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Pathogeueso der Nabelbernien. Eine aua- tomisch-histolooische Untersuchuug. 1 p. 1., 40 pp., 8 1., 8 pi. 8U. Miinchen, J. F. Lehmanu, 1892. HEKZSTEIN. 94 HESSE. Hei'ZStein (Moritz) [1854- ]. Ueber Ascites der Frucht. 35 pp. ~c. Berlin, O. Francke. [1891]. de lies (J icobus Hermannus). Dissertatio de functione hepatis duplici. 31 pp. 4C. Leido?, J. ran Thoic 1813. [P., v. 1578.] Heschl (Richard [L.]) [1824-81]. Sections- Technik. Anleitnng zur zweckmassigen Aus- fiihrung pathologischer Sectionen und znr Ab- fassung der Befundscheine. Fiir Studirende und praktische Aerzte, besouders Gerichts- Aerzte. vi, 70 pp., 1 1. 8-. Wien, W. Brau- miiller, 1859. For Biography, see Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1881, xxxi, I 655-659. Hesdorffer (Julius). * Ueber eine wahre Opti- cusgeschwulst. 19 pp., 2 tab. 8°. Wiirzburg, Becker, 1883. Hesekiel (Joh. Moritz Julius Adolf) [1861- ]. * Die Pyridinbasen in der chemischen Litteratur. Ueber /J-Picoliu, /J-Pipecolin und die Synthese einiger Homologen des Pyridins. [Kiel.] 148 pp., 1 1. 8°. Hamburg, L. Voss, 1886. Ilesemann (Hermann) [1870- ]. *Statis- tik iiber die Zangeugeburten an der geburts- hulflichen Klinik zu Bonn vom 1. April 1885 bis 1. Januar 1895. 41pp. 8°. Bonn, Hauptmann, 1895. c. HeslmsillS (Joannes). *De geueratione puris. 1 p. 1., 38 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., T. Haak, 1762. [P., v. 1938.] Hesnaut. Le mal francais a l'epoque de l'ex- p6dition de Charles VIII en Italie, d'apres les documents origtnaux. 208 pp., 2 1. 8C. Paris, C. Marpon 4" E. Flammarion, 1886. Hesper (Carl Theodor) [1866- ]. *Zwei Fiille von primarem Carcinom der Gallenaus- fuhrungsgange. 26 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bonn, Haupt- mann, 1893. II ess (Adolfo). * Ueber den Nachweis von Al- bnmosen in fieberhaften Organen. 28 pp., 11.' 8°. Jena, G. Neuenhahn, 1899. Hess (C[arl]) [1863- ]. Ueber Linsentrii- bungen in ihren Beziehungen zu Allgemein- I erkrankungen. 39 pp. 8°. Halle a. S., K. Mar- hold, 1896. Forms Hft. 2, v. 1, of: Samml. zwangl. Abhandl. a. d. Geb. d. Augenh., Halle a. S. Hess (E.) Die Fnsskrankheiten des Rindes und die Anwendung der Zwangsmittel. Praktische Winke fiir Landwirthe und Thierarzte. 59 pp. 8-. Zurich, 0. Fiissli 4- Cie., 1887. -----. Der Rauschbrand des Rindes. 21 pp. 8-. Halle, 1888. Forms Hft. 4, v. 1, of: Thiermed. Vortr., Leipz. _____. Der Stabcbenrothlauf und die Schweiue- senche. 24 pp. 8°. Halle a. S., 1888. Forms Hft. 1, v. 1, of: Thiermed. Vortr., Leipz. _____. Ueber Hufkrankheiten und ihre Behand- lung. 82 pp., 1 1., 2 pi. 8°. Leipzig, 1891. Forms Hft. 3-6, v. 11, of: Thiermed. Vortr., Leipz., 1891. Hess (Eduard). * Ueber das Ulnarissymptom (Biernacki) bei Geisteskranken. [Wurtzburg.] 12 pp. 8°. Leipzig, G. Thieme, 1896. Hess (Friedrich) [1871- ]. * Beitrage zur Geschwulstlehre. 30 pp. 8-. Bonn, C. Georgi, 1896. _____. *Vergahrung von Saccharose durch die Hefen Saaz, Frohberg und Logos unter verschie- denen Ernahrungsbedingungen. [ Erlangen. ] 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Niirnberg, 1897. Hess (Georg Otto) [1875- ]. * Fonnaldehyd als Desinfectionsmittel. 113 pp. 8°. Marburg, 1898. Hess (H.) * Ueber die specifische Warme eini- ger fester organischer Verbindungeu. [Erlan- gen.] 27 pp., 1 diag. 8C. Leipzig, J. A. Barth, 1888. He** (J. A.) Ue niechanische oogheelkuude, nailer toegelicht door theorie enervaring; beue- vens ecu aanhaugsel; handelende over de leein- ten, nog bestaande iu het onderzoek van de oog- gebreken derlotelingen voor de nationale militie en schutterijen. iv, 5-48 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, Cebv. Diederichs, 1849. Hess (Joseph). .See Anleitung zur ersten Hilfeleistung [etc.]. 16°. Frankfurt a. M.. [1894]. Hess (Joseph). * Beitrage zur Pathologie der Totalskoliose. [Zurich.] 34 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, Union deutscher Verlagsgesellsch., 1899. Hess (Karl). * Ueber einen Fall von multipler Sklerose des Centralnervensystems. [Heidel- berg.] 25 pp. 8°. Berlin, L. Schumacher, I8f8. Repr. from: Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1887, xix. Hess (Nathan). *Ein Beitrag zur Lehre vou der Verdauung uud Resorption der Kohlehy- drate. [Strasburg.] 40 pp., 1 1. 8°. Frank- furt a. M., Kumpf 4' Reis, 1892. Hess (Nikolai [Robert Fyodorovich]) [1855- ]. * K voprosu o potogouuom llechenii nefritikov. [ Diaphoretic treatment of ne- phritis.] 108 pp., 1 1. 8C. Sanktpeterburg, Glazunoff, 1885. Hess (Otto). * Synthese von Indolderivaten uud iiber eiue Verbiudung von Acetopheuon mit Phenylhydrazin. [Erlangen.] 21 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, Stahel, 1884. Hess (Robert J.) Memorial of Dr. Nathan Lewis Hatfield, prepared by resolution of the Northern Medical Association of Philadelphia. 8 pp., port. 8°. Philadelphia, Burk Sf McFetvidge, 1888. See, aUo, Cazeaux (P[ierre]). Obstetrics: the theory and practice [etc.]. roy. 8°. Philadelphia, 1884. -----. The same. The theory and practice of obstetrics. 8-. Philadelphia, 1886. Hess (Samuel) [1797-1837]. Nckioloj;. Med. Aim., Berl., 1839, 23-25. Hess (Theodor) [1863- ]. * Ueber Fremd- korper in den Luftwegeu mit einem Beitrag zur Casuistik derselben. 22 pp. 8°. Greifswald, F. W. Kunike, [1891]. Hess (Viktor) [1870- ]. *DieWegnakmedes inficierten, kreissenden oder puerperalen Uterus zwecks Erhaltung der Fran. 86 pp., 11. 8°. Marburg, J. Hamel, 1898. Hessberg (Leopold). * Beitrag zur Kenutniss der Hauthorner von Menschen und Thieren. 40 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Gbttingen, W. F. Kaestner, 1868. Hesse (Grand Duchy of). Hessische Medicinal- ordnung undGesetze, welche das Sanitatswesen im Lande iiberhaupt betreffen. Sammt einem Unterrichte, wie der Unterthan, bey allerhand ihm zustossenden Krankheiten, die sichersten Wege und die bessten Mittel treffen kanu, seine verlohrne Gesundheit wieder zu erhalten. 498 pp. 12°. Cassell, H Schmiedt, 1778. -----. Gesetzliche Vorschriften die Vorkebrun- gen gegen die ansteckende Brechruhr (Cholera morbus) betreffend. Zusammengestellt im Sep- tember^^. 30 pp. 8°. Cassel, Hof- und Wai- senhaus-Buchdruckerei, [1832]. -----. Beitrage zur Statistik des Grossherzog- thums Hessen. Hrsg. vou der grossherzoglichen Central-Stelle fur die Landes-Statistik. 10. Bd.; 15. Bd., 2. Hft.; 17. Bd.; 22. Bd., 2. Hft,; 23. Bd., 2. Hft.; 25. Bd., 3. Hft. 4°. Darmstadt, 1870-85. -----. Ueber die Augenuntersuchungen in deu hoheren Schulen zu Darmstadt. Referat und Memorial von Dr. Adolf Weber. Erstattet an die grossh. Ministerial-Abtheilung fiir offent- liche Gesundheitspflege im December 1880. Schriftlich eingereicht im Miirz 1881. Beilage zu dem Medicinal-Bericht der Grossh. Mini- HESSE. 95 HESSE-DARMSTADT. Hesse (Grand Duchy of)—continued. sterial-Abtheilnng fiir die Jahre 1877-80. 41 pp. 4°. Darmstadt. H. Brill, 1881. ------. Beitriige zur Mcdicinalstatistikdcs Gross- her/.ogthums Hessen in den Jabren 1887; 18." 1. Vom grossh. Obermedicinalratb Dr. Pfeiffer. 1 p. 1., 52 pp.; 1 p. 1., 54 pp. 4°. Darmstadt, H. Brill, 1881-85. Repr. from: Beitr. z. Statist, des Grossh. Hessen- Darmstadt. 1 SSI-85. xxii-xxv. -----. Arznei-Taxe fur die Apotheken des (Jross- herzogthums Hessen. 52 pp. 8 . Darmstadt, L. C. Wittich, 1885. -----. Die Typhus-Epidemie in Mainz im Soni- mer 1884. Bericht des grossherzoglichen Kreis- arztes fiir das Kreisgesundheitsaint Mainz, Dr. Helwig, an grossherzoghliches Ministerium des Innern und der Justiz. Abtheilung fiir offentli- cbe Gesuudheitspflege. 40 pp., 1 plan. 4°. Mainz, P. von Zabern, 1885. -----. Zur Geschichte und Statistik der Men- schenblatteru (Variola) und Schutzpockenim- pfung im Grosslierzogthum Hessen. Nach amt- lichen Quellen bearbeitet von Dr. Reissner. vi, 17:» pp. 4°. Darmstadt, H Brill, 1888. -----. Die lunueiiza-Epidemie vom Winter uud Friihjahr 1891-2 im Grossherzogthum Hessen. Nach den Berichterstattungen der Grossh. Kreis- gesuudheitsiimter. 68 pp. 8 . Darmstadt, 1893. -----. Zusammeustellung der Gesetze, Ver- ordunngen und Bekanntmachungen, welche das Apothekerwesen im Grossh. Hessen betreffen. ZusanimengestelltvonObermedicmalrathKraus- ser. Hrag. von dem hessischen Apothekerverein. viii. 182 pp. 8;. Darmstadt, 1898. Hesse » Grand Duchy of). Grossherzogliches Lau'les-Irrenanstalt zu Heppenheim. Bericht der Verwaltung der Unterstiitzungskasse fur be- diirftige Pneglinge der . . . 3., 1876. 34 pp. 8C. Darmstadt, E. Bekker, 1877. Hesse (Arthur). * Der Blutflnssmesser. 25 pp., 1 pi., 4 diag. 8°. Strassburg, Elsass. Dr. u. Vedags-Anst., 18-9. Hesse (Arthur). Sieben tausend sechs und sech- zig Todesfiille der Basler Lebens-Versicherungs- Gesellschaft medizinisch uud statistisch bearbei- tet. viii, 66 pp. 8-. Leipzig, J. A. Barth, 1899. Hesse (Bruno). *Ein Fall von primarem Carci- noma corporis uteri mit nachfolgenden Carci- nomen des Scheideneingangs. 37 pp. 8°. Jena, H. Pohle, 1886. Hesse (Carl). *Hernien-Radical-Operationen bei Kindern. 4U pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, P. Scheiner, 1884. Hesse ([Carl Adolf Merian] Richard) [1872- ]. * Ueber die Behandlung der akuten, all- gemeinen septischen Peritonitis. 46 pp., 1 1. 8°. Bonn, A. Henry, 1898. Hesse (Carl Gustav) [1795-1851]. Ueber das Schreien der Kinder im Mutterleibe vor dem Risse der Eihaute. Eiu monographischer Ver- such. vi, 113 pp. 8°. Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1826. -----. Ueber die Erweichnng der Gewebe nnd Organe des menschlichen Korpers. viii, 219 pp. 8°. Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1827. ------. Ueber das nachtliche Aufschrecken der Kinder im Schlaafe und die psychisch-gericht- liche Bedeutung des Aufschreckens in den spate- ren Lebeusaltern. iv, 148 pp. 8°. Altenburg, H. A. Pierer, 1845. Hesse (Emil [Friedrich Karl]) [1864- ]. *Zur Prophvlaxe dee Puerperalriebers. 27 pp. 8°. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1892. Hesse (Ernst). * Struma maligna (sarcomatosa) iu venas progrediens. 25 pp., 1 1. 8°. Wiirz- burg, lo95. Hesse (Friedrich Ernst). Gedanken beim Hiu- lilick auf das gcbiirende Weib. Ein Lehrbuch fiir Frauenzimmer. 5 p. 1., 164 pp. 16°. Koln, Haas 4' Sohn, 1801. Hesse (Gustav) [1856- ]. * Beitrag zur ope- rativen Behandlung plenritischer Exsudate. 27 pp. 8'. Greifswald, .1. Abel, 18,85. -----. Bericht iiber den Kongress znr Bekiim- pfung der Tuberknlose als Volks!:rankheit, in Berlin vom 24. bis mit 27. Mai 1899. 64 pp. 8C. Dresden, P. Kluge, 1900. Hesse ( H. ) Wasserheilaustalt (vormals Mar- tignv). BadLiebenstein bei Eisenach. 21. 8°. Buhl a, H. Debes, [1880]. Hesse (Henry J.) [1853-95]. | Biography.] Med. Rec, N. Y., 1895, xlvii, 653. Hesse (Julius). Erfahrungen und Beobaehtun- gen iiber die Auwendung des magneto-eleetri- schen Rotations-Apparates in verschiedenen Krankheiten. iv, 95 pp. 8°. Neubrandenburg

    5, 1 map. Hessel (F.). See Papillon ( Fernand) [in 1. s. ]. De Iudische cholera [etc.]. 8°. Oroningen, 1873.— Radclifle (John Nettrn) [in 1. s.]. Declioleraiu Europa. 8°. Oroningen, 1872. Hessel (Julius). * Ueber einen Fall von Endo- thelium der Pleura. 50 pp., 11. 8°. Kreuznach, F. Wohlleben, 1900. Hessel (Julius Adolph) [1847- ]. See Bad Kreuznach [etc.]. 163. Berlin, 1884.— HeiiMiier (Friedrich). Bad Creuznach [etc.]. sm. 8°. Berlin, 1885. Hesselbach. Gliickliche Entbindung. Rath- schlage fiir Schwangerschaft, Geburt und Wo- cbenbett. 43 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Dressel, [n. d.]. Hesselbach (Adam Kaspar) [1788-1856]. Die Lehre von den Eiugeweidebriichen. 2 v. in 1. xii, 251 pp.; viii, 274 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, K. Strecker, 1829-30. Hesselbach ([August Christian Magnus] Al- fred) [1860- ]. * Ueber die Entstehung des .ersten Herztones. 1 p. 1., 51 pp., 11. 8°. Halle a S., O. Hendel, 1884. Hesselbach ([Eduard Karl Friedrich] Willy) [18(i6- ]. * Untersuchungen iiber das Salol und seine Einwirkung auf die Nieren. 1 p. 1., 40 pp., 2 1. 8°. Halle a. S., Gundlach 4- Eggers, 1890. Hesselbach (Franz Caspar) [1759-1816]. Voll- siiiiidige Auleitung zur Zergliederungskunde des menschlichen Korpers. Osteologie. 1. Ban- des 1. Heft, x, 176 pp., 2 pi. 4°. Arnstadt 4 Rudolstadt, Langbein 4~ Kliiger, 1805. -----. The same. 2. Bandes 1. Heft. Myologie. xiv, 186 pp. 4°. Arnstadt, G. Kliiger, 1810. -----. Beschreibung uud Abbildung eines neuen Instrumentes zur sicheru Entdeckuug und Stil- lung einer bei dem Bruchschnitte entstandenen gefahrlichen Blutung; ein Anhang und Beitrag zu den neuesten auatomisch-pathologischeu Un- tersuchungen iiber die Leisten- und Scheukel- briiche. 16 pp., 2 pi. 4°. Wiirzburg, J. Stahel, 1815. Bound with: Hesselbach (Franz Caspar) [in 1. a.]. Neueste auatomisch-pathologischeUntersuchungen [etc.]. 4°. Wiirzburg, 1814. Ilesselbarth (Georg) [1858- ]. * Beitrag zur Keuntniss der malignen Complicationen und der atiologischen Factoren von Scarlatina. 31 pp. 8°. Berlin, H S. Hermann, [1883]. Hesseling:([Johann] Jacob) [1857- ]. *Ue- ber Tuborculose der Conjunctiva. 35 pp., 1 1. «-. Bonn, C. Georgi, 1883. Hcsselius (Andreas). Descriptio arteriarum corporis humani in tabulas redacta, cujus par- tem tertiam . . . exhibet. 30 pp., 1 1. 4°. Up- saliw, apud J. Edman, 1782. Hesselius (Joannes). * Diss. med. de morbis navigantinm, 28 pp. 4°. Harderovici, apud viduam A. Sas 4' A. Olofs, 1721. Hesse-Hassan. See Fever (Typhus, History, etc., of), Hygiene (Public, Laws, etc., of), by localities. Hesse-Nassau (Province of). Kurhessische Medizinal-Orduuug vom lOten Juli 1830, nebst deu darin angefiihrten friiheren Vorschriften, welche die Gesundheitspflege in Kurhesseu be- treffeu. vi, 424 pp. 12°. Cassel, Verlag des re- fonnirten Waisenhauses, [1830J. -----. Bedingungen der Aufnahme und Verpfle- gung der Geisteskranken fiir die Provincial- Hcsse-Nassan (Province of)—continued. lleil- und Pllegeanstalt Eichberg im Rheingau. 2 1. fol. [n. p., n. d.] -----. Haus-Ordnung fiir das Landeshos[»ital Merxhansen. 23 pp. 4 . [n.p.,n.d.] Hessenland (Fritz). 'Ueber die Zusammen- .setzung des Hefegnmmis. [Erlangen.] 19 pp. sm. 4°. Berlin, Kayssler 4- Co., 1892. von Hessert (Franz Ferdinand). See Samiiiluiig von Nachrichten, Beobaehtungen nnd Erfahrungen iiber die Kuhpocken-Impfung [etc.]. 12°. Qiessen, 1801. -----& Pilger (Friedrich). Ueber die Kuh- pocken uud deren Impfuug. 2. Aufl. 40 pp. 8°. Giessen, 1801. [P., v. 1222.] Hessert (William). See Church (Archibald) & Hesserl (William). Ac- romegaly [etc.]. 16°. New York, 1893. Hessiiig* (Friedrich). «3ortei-(A.) [Biography.] Bl. v. hyg. therap., Amst., 1900, ii, 167; 199.—von Jiirgensen (T.) Ein Wort fiir Friederich Hessing. Deutsch. med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1889, xv, 98. Also, Reprint. Hessler ([Franz Viktor] Paul) [1857- ]. *Zur Casuistik der Nervendehnung. [Berlin.] 63 pp., 1 1. o°. Greiz, O. Henning, 1881. Hessler (Franz) [1799-1890]. Commentarii et aunotatioues iu Susrut.e Ayurvedam. Fascicu- lus prior continens Susrutse ajtatem et medi- cines systema. 1 p. 1., 24 pp., 1852. Fasciculus second us continens notas ad totum Susrutaj Ayurvedam. x, 106 pp., 1 1., 1855. 8°. Erlangce, apud F. Enke, 1852, 1855. Bound with: SuSruta. Ayurvedas: id est, medicinae systema. 8°. Erlangen, 1844-50. Hessler (Joseph). * Ein Fall vou extremster Cavernenbildung der Lunge. [Erlangen.] 19 pp. 8°. Ulm, H. Frey, 1900. Hessler (Karl). *Zur Casuistik der diffusen phlegmonosen Oesophagitis. 25 pp. 8°. Gies- sen, C. von Miinchow, 1893. c. Hessler ([Karl Albert] Wilhelm) [1865- ]. *Die Iudikationen zur kiinstlichen Unterbre- chung der Schwangerschaft. 48 pp., 1 1. 8°. Halle a. S.t C. A. Kaemmerer 4" Co., 1891. Hessler (Robert). Norway itch (scabies Nor- vegica, H.). Report of a case. 4 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, 1893. Repr. from: Med. News, Phila., 1893, Ixii. -----. An extreme case of parasitism, pp. 346- 352. 8°. Philadelphia, 1893. Cutting from: Am. Naturalist, Phila., 1893, xxvii. '. Thyroid medication. A clinical report of a case. 5 pp. roy. 8°. Indianapolis, 1896. Repr. from: Indiana M. J., Indianap., 1895-6, xiv. -----. Notes on the flora of Lake Cicott and Lake Maxinkuckee. 14 pp. 8C. Indianapolis, 1896. Repr. from: Proc. Indiana Acad. Sc, Indianap., 1896. -----. A new laboratory and its work. 2 1. 8°. Indianapolis, W. B. Bnrford, 1897. Repr. from: Proc. Acad. Sc, 1897. -----. Epilepsy and erysipelas. 8 pp. 12°. Chicago, 1898. Repr. from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1898, xxx. -----. Notes on thyroid medication from experi- ence iu the Northern Indiana Hospital for the Insane. 3 pp. roy. 8°. Indianapolis, 1898. Repr. from: Indiana M. J., Indianap., 1898, xvii. Hessler (Traugott August Hugo) [1850- ]. Otitis externa ex infectione. 6 pp. 8°. Berlin, 1888. Repr. from: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1888, xiv. -----. Die otogene Pyamie. 1 p. 1., 500 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1896. -----. Der Einfluss des Klimas und der Witte- rung auf die Entstehung, Verhiitung und Hei- HESSLER. 97 HETEROPHOKIA. Hessler (Robert)—continued. lung vou Ohr-, Nasen- und Racheukrankheiten. 112 pp. 8-. Jena, G. Fisclur, 1-97. Forms 7. Hft.. v. 2, of: Klin. Vortr. a. d. Geh. d. Otol. u. Pharyngo-Rhinol.. Jena. ------. Witternng, Sounenseheindauer und In- fektionskrankheiten; Nachtrag zu: Ueber deu Einfluss des Klimas und der Witternng auf die Entstehung, Verhiitung und Heilung von Ohr-, Nasen- und Racheukrankheiten. 32 pp., 3 diag. 8 . Jena, 1900. Forms 8. Hft.. v. 3, of: Klin. Vortr. a. d. Geb. d. Otol. u. Rhinol. Hesslilljf (Elias Theodorns) [1744- ]. * De lethiilitate vulnerum capitis in infantibus reeens natis. Jeniv, 1769. In: WEIZ (F. A.) Vollstand. Ausz. [etc.|. 12°. Leip- zig u. Budissin, 1771, iii, 394. van Hc*f (J. J.) Bakterienlufttilter uud Bak- tfiienlut'tlilttTv-ersi-hluss. 1 p. 1., 31 pp. 8 . Jaia. C. Fischer. l>9-">. ------. Bacteriologie. Leiddraad bij de prac- tiseno voorbereiding voor bacteriologische stu- dien en bij het practisch werkeu. 2 v. iu 1. vii, 151 pp., 1 1.; 3 p. 1., IcW pp., xv. 8-\ Amster- dam, J. Boode, l?9->. HestailSt (Joseph). Observation d'un ac- couchement termine" avec le forceps, suivi de tievre gastrique niuqueuse puerpei'ale, et refle- xions auxquellt s il a donne" lieu. 1 p. 1., 32 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1-12, No. 34-. Hester iGcrgr P.) The town clerk's report re- specting St. Bartholomew's Hospital. [On the claim of the almsmen of Saint Bartholomew to have their present condition am nded.] 36 pp. 8\ Oxford. H. Cooke, 1-45. Hester (John) [ -1593]. The pearle of prac- tise, or practisers pearle, for pkisicke and chi- rumerie, found out by J. H. i a spagerickr or distiller) amongst the learned observations and prooveil practises of many expert men in both faculties. 7 p. 1., -3 pp. sm. 4-. London, R. Field. 1594. [P.. v. 1903.] .V< aUo, Flora vnnli (Leonardo) (in l.s.]. A short discourse. [• u ... sm. 4 London, l.>u. -----. A dis- course upon cb11 nrgerv. [etc. J. VI'-. London. 1620—I*a- raeelwu- Annulus Philippus Theophrastusi An excel- lent I real -,e teaching howe to cure tin- French - pockes, [etc.]. sm 4~. L'-ndon l-'.'Ju. ----- [in 1. s). The se- crets of phvsick and philosophy, [etc. J. 32-. London, 1633.—0,nerceiaini» i Joacphus). A hieel'c auuswere. 16=. ;.-„./. n. \:>'j\. For Hi'-g.iijd'.'i. see Diet. Nat. Biol., Lond., 1891, xxvi, I:'.1* id. I rondwm i. Hesterbei-^ VW.) [1875- ]. Mnlmrkulose de-, Ductus ihoiacicns undakute Miliaitiiberku- lo.se. 31 pp. -:. Bonn, C. Georgi, 1-99. [Ilestermann (Isaac;.] "Devario sanguinis liiotu, per pra-cipuas corporis humani partes. 34 pp., 1 1. 16"-. [Lugd. Bat., n. d.] [P., v. 1919.] Heterosenesis. .Vc Evolution. Heteromorphosis. See Evolution. Heterophoria. See, also, Epilepsy (Causes of). Comte-Lagautkkie (R.-F.-F.) 'Contribu- tion a l'<-tio]ogie de riusut'tisaiice des muscles droits internes et externes des yeux. 1 . Pa- ris, l~-3. (ducx (L.) * Contribution a I'etude de Tin- suffisance des muscles de 1'oil et de son traite- ment per la te"no-niyotomie partielle. 4 . Pa- ris, 1-8-". BarniH (J. L.) On symptomatic het.iopl.....a >". York M. J.. 1894, lix, 523-526. Also, Keprint.- Bnn (S 1) i A few cases of insufficiency ol the int. un and theii treatment. X.York M. J., 1890. li, 631.—Barton VOL VII, 2D SERIES----7 Heterophoria. (Ainv S. ) Heterophoria. Rep. Proc. Alumnae Ass. Woman's M. Coll. 1'enn., Phila., 1891, 35-45. — Kale* (F. D. \V.) The trciitnient of insufficiency of the iiitcrinil recti nmscles by systematic exercise with prisms. J. Ophth.. Otol., &'Laryngol., X. V., 1893, v, 45-47.— Bi»- • ell (IC. J.) A cciinparison of tests in heterophoria. Ibid.. 1892, iv, 127-112.— HiadlicM (J. A. L.) He- terophoria. 'l'r. M. Soc. Wisconsin, Madison, 1899, xxxiii, 164-173.— Bnriiell (S. M.) Contributions to the study of heterophoria and its relation to asthenopia, headache, anil other nervous symptoms. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, Hartford, 0-91 -3, vi. 217-235. AUo: Med. News, I'liila., I>92, lx, 146-151. — Campbell (J. A.) Ocular re- Ilex neuroses. J. Ophth.. Otol., & Laryngol., N. V., 18!I3, v, 197-208.— Coiuior (I..) Heterophoria as a cause of acute rhinitis, loss of sun-ll. and linnil us am iutu. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1S'.I2. xix, 3iKi.—Bendy (C.) Observa- tions on the methods ol exercising the ocular musch s with prisms in heterophoria. Tr. Am. Inst. Homo-op., I'liila., ] 889.220-220.— Oewclin nips. I.'heleropliorie. DaiiphiniS med.. Greiiohh-. 1893, xvii, 49-56. Bnane (A.) The parallax test for heterophoria. Arch. Ophth., >'. Y.. is0.">, xxiv 258 262. -----. The treatment of heterophoria; an answer to Dr. Gould. Ann. Ophth. &. Otol., M. Louis, 1894, iii, 229-235. AUo, Reprint.— Daion (F. 15.) Physio- logical torsion veisus insufficiency of the uhliipies; a re- ply. Ophth. Rec, Nashville, 1891-5, iv, :;:sii-346.- ICilctt (K. C.) Some cases of a high degieeof hcerophoria with- out symptoms. Ibid., 1895-6, v, 3(i6-37n._Klli* ik, nle.in zukete. [Orthophoria and heterop hoi ia ] Chiugai Iji Shiniio, Tokio, 1893, no. 319. 24; no. 324. 23; no. -J", 21 — Hotz (F. C.) Is the disturbed e^nilihi iuin of the eye muscles a cause of headache and other retlex neuroses? Chicago M. Recorder. 1896, x,255-262.—Jnek- hoii (K.) Tests for heterophoria and their comparative value. Med. Ma"... Phila., 1893. lxiii. 451-4."ili.—lciiiiiii«« (J.E i The relation of insufficiencies of the ocular musch s to functional nervous diseases. Med. Uev., St. Louis. 1894. xxiv 2.-5.- Kali n id.) How I deal with heteioplioiia. Optic.I.. N. V.. 1899. vi, 18-20. — Kelly i\V. J.i Insuf- ficiency of Ihe ocular muscles as a caic■ of the I'uiicl ioiial neurons. Milwaukee M. J., 1893, i. 155.- I.rwin d'. P.) Indications for operative interfeience in hcierophoria. T. Am. Inst. Iloimi'op., Phiia., 1889, 227. Also: ,) (iphth . Oiol., &. Laryngol., X. Y., 1889, i, 255-261.- i l.oriny i L.) | Insiilliciencies i m,o- patia atrolica piogressiva con pnrteeipa/.ioiio di un mus- colo ocularc. Clin, mod., Pea, 1897, iii, 317-321 . — .tieKay (K. J.) Insufficiencies of the ocular niuscles and I heir treat .ment with prisms and hy graduated tenotomies 'limes & Reg., Phila., Is89. xx,'(i27; 651. — .Tine Lean. Helen.phorie accmn.....l.ilixe. Ann. d'ocill., Par.. 1896, cx\i, (20-122.— Tlaildo.v (IC. IC.) A new lest for hetero- phoria. Ophth. Kev . Lond , 1890, ix, 120-133. — .Tlni-low (K. \V.) Some remarks on In teiophoria and its tr atiucnt. N. York M. J., 189:;. h ii. 4IH-I09. Also. Keprint. -----. Note on the use and non-use of the occlusive bandage in casi s of belt lophoria. Ophth. Ilcc. Chicago. 1897, vi. H5- 118. — .Tlilluii'v il•'. S.) Insufficiency of tho ocular nn:s- i les and tre.luiciit. Krooklyn M. J*., 1897. xi, 46S-484.— Tl■■■'■-ii'v iG I) i Heieroplioria co.rec ed bv alne ia sul- pbalc j. IC\e K.n ii Throat Dis., Bait, 1898. iii, 180- 1>4.— l\eiiMclmlci- i Li Un cas d'odonialgie resu.tant d insul- lisance des droit- inteniPS. Rec. d'oplith.. Par., 1889, 3. s., xi. 657-660 -.\orloii (A. 15.) Adviin'a^cs of systematic exeicisc over tenotomy in the lieitnient of lieleni)ihoria. Tr. Am. Inst. Homreop., Phila.. 1889, 215-210. -----. The non-operative treatment of heterophoria. Ilonucop. Eye, HETEROPHORIA. Heterophoria. Ear \- Throat J.. X. Y.. 1901, vii, 8-19— Aoilon (G. S.i An analysis of seven hundred and forty-four consecutive cases of muscular in-ulliciencies. ,L Ophth.. Otol., & Laryngol., X. V., 1890. ii, 28-41. — .Xoycs (11. D.) On the tests for muscular asthenopia and on insufficiency of the external recti muscles. Cong, peiiod. internat". d. sc. nied. C.-r. 1884, Copeiih., 1886. iii, sect, d'ophtli., 162- 2u7. — Oppcnheimei- (II. S.) The use of strychnine in insiillicieiic of the intend. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc. 1894-6, Hartfoid. ]s97, vii, 361-372. — Park (J. W.) Practical points gained in the treatment of one thousand cases of in sufficient u s ol the ocular muscles. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago. Is93. xxv. 7s;>. Also: llefractiouist. Lost., li-9.->-ti. ii, 33-36.—Parker ( W. 11.) A short review of the methods of diagnosis and treatmentof ocular muscle insufficiencies. Physician & Surg.. Detroit Sc Ann Arbor. Is97. xix, 14f>- 149. [Discussion]. 176-178.—Payne (S.M.) Insuthciency of tbe ocular muscles due to errors of refraction. X. York Polyclin.. Is9:;, ii,0—11. AUo, Keprint.-----. Insufficiency of the ocular muscles. Med. lice. X. Y.. 1898. Iii. 5u7- 513.—Price (G. H.) Correction of heterophoria. Ophth. Rec. Nashville, 1801-2, i, 291-306. — Prince (A. E.) 1 he fourth degiee prism in the correct ion of hyper- phoria. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1892, xix. 2.">3-257.— Savage (G. C.) Heterophoria; a safe line drawn be- tween operative and non-operative cases. Ophth. Rec, Nashville, 1891-2, i, 228-239. Also, Keprint. -----. In- sufficiencies of the oblique muscles and how to correct them. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1892. xix, 331-334. AUo: Ophth. Roe, Nashville, 1892-3, ii, 1-9. Also, Re- print. Si-e, also, svpra, Eaton. -----. Insufficiency of the oblique muscles, a new method of testing. Ophth. Rec. Nashville, ls95-6, v, 290-294. -----. Tests for hete- rophoria Ophth. Rec, Chicago, 1901, x, 453-460. — bl. 4-. London, Gilbert <)'• Ri'rington. 1885. Iletliey (Paul). *Zur Casuistik des Tnbenhae- niatonis. 28 pp., 1 1. s-. Wiirzburg, F. Schei- ner, 1899. Hetier. Rapport snr la contamination de la Seine en aniont de Paris. 17 pp. 4?. Paris, Imp. Chaix, L-90. ------. Alimentation en can potable des com- munes de la banlieue parisienne. Couseil d'hy- giene publique et de salubrite du departement dc la Seine. 16 pp., 1 map. 4-'. Paris, Imp. Chair, ls92. Hetol. See, also. Tuberculosis (Treatment of). K walil iC. A.) Ueber Hetolbehandlung. Berl. klin. "Wclinschr.. 1901). xxxvii, 449-453. [Discussion], 306-308. AUo: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. il9i>ui. 19U1. xxxi, pt.2, 111-123. [Discussion], pt. 1, 92-97. — <3-38;j.— Ilaentjens (A. H. ) Len eerste serie hetoliiijeclies. Xederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1901, 2. R. xxxvii, d. 1, 119-130.— Holm. Beitrag zur Hetolbehandlung vom Standpunkte des prakt ischen Arztes. Mitth. f. d. Ver. Schlesw.-Hoist. Aerzte. Kiel, 1900-1901. n. F., ix, 143-151. AUo, transl: Therapist, Lond., 1901. xi, 172-170.—Kra- mer (C.) Zur Hetolbehandlung. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirt- temb. iirztl. Ver., Suittg.. 1901. lxxi. 127. — .?! mala. Kliuische Beobaehtungen iiber Hetol Therapie. [Japan- ese text J Mitt. d. med. Ges> Ilsch. zu Tokyo. 1901, xv. 7. lift., 1-16.—Piliijjcr. Subconjuuctivale Hetolinji ctio- iMi. Klin. Monaisil. f. Augeiih.. Stuttg., 1901, xxxix 78(1-792. AUo. transl.: Arch.'d'opht., l'ar., 19ui, xx 399- 405.—Schroder (G.) Entgegnung auf Kriimer's lie- inerkungen zur Hetolbehandlung. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wurt- teinb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1901, Kxi. 127. —Tortlay (A.) A fahejsavas (hetol) kezeles niai allasa. [The present status of hetol treatment.] Orvos. lapja, Budapest. 1901, xii, 478; 494. Hetrii. sl)i' l'aclion des substances colorant es sur les charbons. 12 pp. 4 . Paris. Poussielgue, IS!?. [P., v. 1711; 1712; ls.it;.] Ecole de pharmacie. HetSCh (Heinrich) [1873- ]. *Die Behand- lung der Pneiimonie mit grossen Digitalis-Do- sen. 2'J pp. 8~. Berlin, C. Vogt, 1S9.>. Hi'tselllcr (Julius). Ueber die Erfordernisse zur iirztliehen Pi axis. Kine boi der btientlichen Priifung und Prainien-Yortheilung an der nicdi- ciuisch-ehiruvgischen Lchr-Anstalt den 5. Sep- t nibcr ls4() gcbaliini: Rede. 16pp. -°. Bres- lau. Cratz, Barlh .)• Co., [1-40]. Hfttillget* (Karl). *Ein Beitrag zur patholo- ' gi> h n Anitomie des Parotistumor. 35 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, N. Ba:,er. Landcztg., 1-92. Hettlei'(.Joanm s Philippus). " De liquoris am- nii natura ac indole. 34 pp. sm. 4~. Ciessa:, J. J. Bravu, 177f>. AUo, transl. [Abstr.] in: Weiz (F. A.) Xeuo Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Frankf. u. Leipz., 1781, xiii, 8-16. Hetton- Le-Hole. .See Scarlatina (His org, etc., of), by localities. Hl'ttstedt (Saxony). See Hospitals (Description, etc., of), by locali- ties. Hetzel (Karl). *Eiu Fall von Melauosanom der Leber. 43 pp. S-. Erlangen, F. Junge, 1894. HETZER. 99 HHl'LHAKD. Hot/.ei" (Christophorus LudovicnsV Nee Mebi'Ain» (Melchior) [in 1. s.]. Galeni ipiinipie primes hbii de siinplicium [etc.J. x. 16°. A roe n to rati, 1649. Her/.tT (Fritz HennanHls~-i- ]• *1)iisV.t- lireclit'ii der \ ergifiung. ,M pp. s°. Greifs- wald, J. Abel. ls;»7. lleubai'll (Fritz). * Ueber Infusioncn von C. Paal'sihoin salzsauren Glutinpepton in die Blut- balin. 51 pp. 8 . Erlangen, E. T. Jacob, 189:?. Ht'ilbacll (Hans) [1-13- ]. * I'eber Aus- sclit'idung des Weingeistes durcli den Hani bei Fiebernden. 22 pp., 1 1. 8 \ Bonn, C. Georgi, l-7:>. -----. Antagonistnus zwisclien Morpbin und Atropin. 13 pp. S . Berlin, L. Schumacher, 1-7S. Repr.from: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1878. xv. Ne<. also. Kiin|»«lfin i Adam ). Sind Atropin und Morpbin Antidote 8 . 1! an, 1879. Hetibacli (HanO. 'Beitriige zur Kenntnia der Haloid veibinduugen des zweiwcitigen Zinns nnd illief Doppelverbindungeii. [Erlangen.] 1-pp.. 11. S\ [Koniiz, II'. lhipont, P9J.] Hcubel i Heinrich). *Fcber ein mit dem Duc- tus Wiisiingianus coniniunicircndcs Traetious- divcrtikel des Magtiis. 17 pp. .--'. Leipzig, J. B. Hirschfeld, 1 -;'.">. c. Iteubcs (Arthur). * Ueber die Kesektion der Pippen bei gesunden Brnstorganen. "27 pp. 8°. iVHrzburg, Becker. 1—ii. Hi'tibe* (Eduard) [J-.VJ- ]. *Die Wirkungen koh i iisiurebaltiger Sool- und Eisenbader bei chroniseher Heizkrankhriten. 40 pp., 1 1. Berlin, G. Schade, [1—4]. Ht'iibuer (Joh. Otto Eeonhard ) [1-4:!- ]. *Felier die uuvollstiiutlige Peaktion nach deni Chol.raanfalle. 36 pp., 11. >c . Leipzig, O. H'igand, l-t>7. -----. C A. Wnnderlich. Xekrohg. 1 p. 1., :>2 ]ip. -J. Leipzig. W. II igand, H7-. ------. Die experimentelle Diphtherie. ('•<- kriinte Preisscbril'I. 00 ]>p., 1 pi. s:. Leipzig, Veit 4- Co.. 1--:;. ------. Tbe same. Experimental diphtheria. 'Iransi. by H. G. Beyer, v, ->8 pp. S . Detroit, G. S. Davis, ls-.">. Leber Scharlaclidiphthei ie und dcren Bi handluug. 8 pp. 8:. Wiesbaden, J. F. Berg- mann, 1~H>. Repr. from: Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., ^Viesb., 18s6. v. Ueber die Scharlachdiphtherie und deren Behandlung. In: Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1888, Xo. 322 (Innere Med.. XV 107, 2919-2940). ----. Bemerkungen iiber Blutsei timtherapie. 7 pp. 8-. [n. p., M14.] Kliniscbe Sindien iiber die Bi'liandlnng rler Diphtheric mit dem Belliiugschen Hiil- seiutu. 2 p. 1.. 121 pp., 2 pj. nr-. Leipzig, J. A. Barth (A. Mdner). 1895. -----. Die Syphilis im Kindcsaltir. In: Haxdb. d. Kinderkr. (Geihardt). Tiibiii"., 1896, Nachtlag i, 283-f-'l -----. Phe same. Sifilis (hereditaria, acquisita, tarda) v dletskom vozrastic. Perev. (). Bir- steiiia. [Transl. by Birsttin.] 120 pp. s . St. Petersburg. M. M. I'nzenocr, l-9s. Boom/with: Meditsina, St. Petersb., 181)8, x. ----. The same. Sifilis (naslledstvennly, pri- obrTetyonniy, pozdniy) v dietskom vozrastic. (Syphilis (hereditaria, acquisita, tarda) im Kin- desalter.) Pcrevod s nlemetskavo M. B. Blue- menau. [Transl. from the (brman by . . .] I p. 1., 140 pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, V. S. Ettinger, 1*118. Issued by: Prakt. med. ■ liner (Otto). Die «. 8 . Miinchen u. II«'llbllor (.lob. Olto Lconhard)—continued. ------. rober chronisclit' Nephritis und Albu- minuric im Kindesalter. 7(1 pp. S' . Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1S«I7. ------. Siiiiglingecrniihrung und S;ingling8S|iitil- ler. I p. 1., 711 pp. Ss\ Berlin, A. Ihvschwald, 1- p]i. 8'-. Berlin, A. IPirschwald. f-!»-'. Also, Editor of: Arbfiten aus der piidiat rischen Kli- nik v.\i Leip/isi, 1894. Sec, also. Knbner (Max) ,V III' iiatiii Iiche Kriiiilii'iing eines Siiuglinu Leipzig. 1S97. lit lit It (F. If. <;.). >Viv rVorwny. Love, rosolutioner. Departenientsskri- wiser. 8 '. Christionia, 18.">l-62. HoiM-liei' (J [oh.] H[cinrich]) [1(177-1747]. Ma^ic plants; being a translation of a curious tract entitled " De vi gctalibus magicis." Edited l>v F.dniund (ioldsniid. 39 pp. s->. Edinburgh, E. 4- G. Gold.mid, lssc. Ilriit'k (Hans). Beitrag zur Frage der diu- retischen Wirkung des Calomels bei renalem Hydrops. [Heidelberg.] 27 pit. 8°. Rostock, A diet's Erben, 18S<). Heucke (Alexander). * Beitrag zur Lehre von der Aetiologie und Behandlung der Lnxationen der Krvstallinse. 40 pp., 1 1. ,-°. Strassburg, C. Goeiler, ls<>;{. Heacke (Karl). * Ueber p-Amidodipheny- lamin. [Erlangen.] 31 pp. 8 . Qiiedlinburg, C. Voges, 1--9. ------. Die Gefahr der Quecksilbervergiftung in den Ilutstoif- nnd Hut-Fabriken. Ein Beitrag zur Gewerbehvgiene. 4:? pp., 1 pi. 8°. Frank- furt a. M., Kua'iur, [1-99]. Heuckin;? (Eduard) [18f>8- ]. * Ueber die Organisation di s Thrombus. f>4 pp., 1 1. - . Dorpat, H. Laakumnn, is-tj, Heildtick (Martin Thomas) [ls<>7- ]. 'Ue- ber den Mechanismus der Einklemmung von Daniibiiiehen. 31 pp. 8\ Berlin, G. Schade, [b-87]. Heuel (Franz) [lsiS-9-]. An electro-therapeu- tical cabinet. (5 pp. 12°. New York, 18!KS. Repr from: X. York M. J.. 1896, lxiii. For Biography, see N. York M. J., 1898, lxvii, 58. lienor (Wilhelm). * Ueber nianuelle Placen- tarldsung und ihrcn Einfluss auf das Wochen- bett. 32 pp. - . Wnrzbuni, N. Seubert, l-'.i'.i. H<»ll«»l*llianil (Adolf) [l-(i.V ]. *Fclierdie konservienuide Bchandliingschwcrcr Finger- und Zehenvei Ict/,iingcn. 29 pp., 1 I. s°. Berlin, O. Fruncke, [18<)1]. Ileiicriliailil ((Jcorg) [1722-C-]. Abhandlun- gen der vorneinstcn cliirurgisclien Operatiouen am uieuschlichen C'drper. mit Abzeichnungen dn hie/,u ei 1'orilcrlii'ln'ii notigen und neuen In- Struinenteii. 3 v. 12°. Copinliaqcn <)■ Leipzig, F. C. Pelt, 17.-.4-7. ' ' ' Ex rimentelles iiber bei der Tuberku- Bern, A. Beuleli d'' llt'iiki'sliovi'ii (R.) ' die Wirkung des ''Thioe lose, (it! pp., (i diag. H Co., ls'.Hl. vail der llt'ltl (Aric Terne). *l.)e invloed der rcs|iiiatie-pliascn op den duur der harts- jicrioileii. 1 p. ]., ,">:i pp., o diao. h°. Utrecht, P. W.vuude Weijcr, ls(!7. [P., v. 1H99.] Hcil!(>r (Fr. M[i'ehael]) [1-T>7- ]. * Beitrag zu der opi'iatiyen Behandlung der Pseudarthro- sen. 21 pp. s\ Miinchen. B. Heller, 1882. Ileillliard (Arthur). Kabelais, chirurgicn. Ap- plications deson glossocomion dans les fractures du fe"mur; et de son Myringotome dans le traite- HEULHARD. K)0 HEUKTELOUP. Healliard (Arthur)—continued. ment des plaies pe'ne'trantes dc Fabdomen d6- crites. 7s pp. s-\ Paris, A. Lemerre, 18s."). Heulhard D'Arcy [Simon-Gabriel]. Du ser- vice medical des pauvres taut a la ville qu'a la campagne etde la maniere dont il devrait etre eStubli pour r£pondre a la ibis aux ne"cessit6s des malades indigents et aux exigences legitimes du modcein. 95 pp., 1 pi. 8-. Versailles, irnp. Cerf, 18(18. Ileulin (Vincent) [1S69- ]. * Cancer primitif du dnod6num. 72 pp. s-. Paris, 1897, No. 514. Ileulot (fimile). * Etude sur un cinchona suc- i irubra des Indes anglaises. ."18 pp. 4:. Paris, J. Boyer <,• eie., 1873. [P., v. 1709.] £cole de pharmacie. lit lily (L.). See Traite pratique d'hydrologie medicale. 8°. Paris. 1896.—Traite pratique d'hydroloirie m6dicale. Prakti- cheskove rukovoilstvo po meditsinskoi hidrologii [etc.]. *'-. S.-Peterburg, 1901. ----- & Catlielineaii ales de la Bourboule. 92 pp. 8-. Paris, Langlois «V- Cie.. [n. d.]. Heiiilianil (Karl) [18(57— ]. * I'eber die typische Kadiusfractur und ihre Behandlung mit der Mitella. 18 pp., 1 1. 8°. Kiel, C. Donath. 1894. llt'iin (Fiideiicus Wilhelm). See Titin* (Joannes Daniel) k. Ilenn (Frid. Wilh.) [in 1. s.]. Artis iiistitueiidi observatioues meteorologicas prima; lineae. 4°. Wittebergce, [1769]. Heiliieiaaaii ((iiiilielmus). * De cornea? mor- bis. 31 pp. 4°. Gottingw, tup. J. F. Riiueri, [1810]. Henpel (Albert). "Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Propargylaniins und des Isobutylproparg\ la- mins. [Erlangen.] 36 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, Becker, 1892. Heill'ioil (Joannes Baptista Jos.). Sc Kepeliiio medica thesium duodecim de morbis renum [etc.]. 8°. Lovanii. 1776. If t'lll'ililis (Joannes) [1543-1601]. Praxis medi- ci use nova ratio: qua, libris tribns methodi ad praxin niedicam, aditus facillime aperitur ad nmui'8 morbos curandos. Recognita et emeu- data ab auctore, et auctior et melior reddita; ita nt jam extrema nianu hcta, et manuniissa ab co sit.' 7 p. 1., 643 pp., 91. 16°. Lugd. Bat., apud C. Raphelengium, 1599. -----. The same. Ex accurata recensione Za- chariie Silvii. 16 p. 1., 721 pp., 10 1., 1 pi. 12°. Roterdami, A. Leers, 1640. -----. De morbis oculorum, auriuni, nasi den- tium et oris, liber editus post mortem auctoris ab ejus filio Othone Heurnio. 7 p. 1., 95 pp., 2 1., 1 tab. sm. 4°. [Lugduni], ex off. Planti- niana Raphelengii, 1602. Bound with his: De morbis pectoris, [etc.]. sm. 4D. [Ley den), 1602. -----. De morbis pectoris liber, editus post mor- tem auctoris ab ejus filio Othone Heurnio. 7 p. 1., 1-1 pp., 1 1. sm. 4°. [Lugduni], ex off'. Plan- tiniana Raphelengii, 1602. -----. In Hippocratis Coi de hominis natura libros duos coinmentarins. Edidit postmortem auctoris ejus filius Ottho Hernius. 3 p. 1., 52 pp., 1 1. 12c. Lugd. Bat., ex off. Plantitiiana Raphelengii, 1609. -----. In Hippocratis Coi de victus ratione in morbis acutis libruiu primum et secundum coin- mentarius. Edidit post mortem auctions ejus filius Ottho Hernius. 1 p. 1., 87 pp. 12°. Lugd. Bat., ex off. Plantiniana Raphelengii, 1609. Bound with the preceding. ■leuruins (Joannes)—continued. -----. The same. Librum tcrtium et quartum eommeiitarius. 1 p. ]., 120 pp., 2 1. 12-. Lugd. Bat., ex off. Plantiniana Raphelengii, 1609. Bound with the preceding. ------. Institutiones mediciine. Editio altera priore emendatior opera auctoris filii Otbonis Heurnii. 11 p. 1., ")S-pp. 1--. Raphelengii, ex off. Plantiniana, 1609. —■---. Opera omnia. Edidit auctoris filius (Ittlio Heurnins. 7 p. 1., 3 tab. sm. 4°. Raphelengii, ex off. Plantiniana, 1611-15. CONTENTS. 1. Institutiones medicina?. 2. ed. 3 p. 1., 176 pp., 4 1. 1611. 2. Praxis mediciine nova ratio, ed. postrema. 3 p. 1., 176 pp., 61. 1609. 3. De morbis qui in singulis partibus huniani capitis insidero consueverunt. 3 p. 1., 245 pp., 6 1. 16(18 4. De morbis oculorum, auriuni. nasi, dentimn et oiis. 3 p. 1.. 95 pp., 2 1. 1602. 5. De morhis pectoris liber. 3 p. 1.. 181 pp., 1 1. 1602. 6. De febribus liber. 3 p. 1., 124 pp. 1610. 7. De peste liber. 37 pp.. 11. 1615. 8. De gravissiinis morbis niulierum liber, item de mor- bis ventriculi. 18, 32 pp., 2 1. 9. De humana felicitate. 39-61 pp., 11. See, also, Hippocrates. Prolegomena et prognos- ticoruin libri ties [etc.]. 123. Lugd. Bat., 1593. -----. Aphorisini [etc.). :i2D. Raphelengii, 1607.----. The same. 12°. Lugd. Bat., 1609. ----. The same. ]->°. Cantabrigiee, 1631. -----. The same. 16-. Cautabrigice. 1633. -----. The same. 4. ed. Amstclodami. Pigs. Heni-iiius (Otho) [1577-I6r.2]. See lleui'iiiiiN (Joannes). De morbis pectoris liber. sm. 4°. [Lugduni\, 1602.-----. Institutiones medicina} 18°. Raphelengii, 1609. -----. Opera omnia, sm. 4°. Raphelengii, 1G11—1"5. Heiiroth (Theodor Friedrich) [1771- 181'8]. ShinigelKki (M.) [Biography.] In hU: I»torieh. ocherk k;if. hosp. terap. klin. Imp. Voyen.-Med. Akad. 8°. St.-Peterb.. 181)7. 44-50, port. Heurtesill (Edouard) [1862- ]. * Contribu- tion a I'etude des consequences tardives des lesions Irauniatiqnes de la moelle <5piniere. 127 pp. 4-'. Paris, 18110, Xo. (.9. Heiirfeloiip [Charles-Louis-Stanislas] le baron [1793-1864]. Lettre a l'Ai adeinie des sciences. Exanien critique de l'ouvrae-e de M. le doc t cur Civiale, intitul6: De la lithotritie, ou broie- nient de la pierre dans la vessie. 104 pp., 1 pi. bc. Paris, Bailliere, 1827. [P., v, 18np,.] -----. Lettre a M. le president de l'Acarie'iiiie des sciences, en reponse a quelques assertions e'mises par M. le docteur Civiale, dan< un me- moiresurlastatistique des calculeux. 4 pp. 8-. [Paris, 1KM.] [P., v. 1745.] Repr. from: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1833, vii. -----. Lithotripsie. Me"nioires sur la lithotrip- sie par percussion et sur l'iustrumeut appele" percutenr courbe a marteau, qui permet de mettre en usage ce nouveau systerue de pulveri- sation des pierres vesicales; le tout appuve de nonibreux exemples de guerisons bien authen- tiques. 158 pp., 1 pi. 8-. Paris, Bechet, 18:;:?. [P., v. 1809.] -----. Rctrecissements de l'urethre. L'otat de la science deVoil6 a l'occasion d'un nouveau pro- ce\16 tie-roce, avec un court m6moire pour servir d'antidote. 78 pp., 1 1.. 1 pi. 8°. Paris, Lobe, 185."). For Biography, see J. d. conn. m6d. prat., Par., 1864, xxxi, 511 (Caffe). Iletirteloiip (N[icolas]) [1750-1*12]. Eapport de la commission meVlico-chirurgicale, institute a Milan, en vertu des ordres du gouvernement cisalpin, ou resultats des observations et experi- ences sur l'inocnlation de la vaccine faites dans le grand hopital de la meme ville. Traduit de HEURTELOrP. 101 HEUSSEK. Heurteloup ;N[icolas])—continued. 1'italicn, avec des notes sommaiies et analytii|ucs des meilleurs ecrits publics sur eette importanto matiere. xx, 26- pp. 8-. Paris, Testu, an X (1802 \ Heuscll (Henri) [1873- ]. * De la p6ritonite trauinatique par contusion de l'abdomen sans lesions viseerales apparentes. 45 pp., 11. 8 . Lyon, 1898, Xo. -s. HeiiM'liert (Franz [Carl Wilhelm]) [ 18ii" Me/ielinntj-eu des Typhus abdomiualis zur Tuberculose. 30 pp., 1 1. 8-\ Berlin. G. Schade. [1892]. Heuschkel (W[ilhelm]) [1864- ]. *Krank- hafte Voiiiiinge an den Kiefem und ilir Zusain- lueuhany: mit Anomalieen der Ziihne, betrachtct im A na'diluss an einige Falle aus tier eh irurgisehoii Universitiitsklinik des Prof. Kiedel zu Jena. 30 pp. - . Jena, H. Pohle, ls'.rj. Ileiisclilillg' ( [Philippe - Francois] Xaviei- [Theodorep [1802- ]. Nouvelle table de mortality de la Belgique. 7 pp. 8\ Paris, Panckoucke, 1-51. Repr. from : Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1851. van Heusde (Johannes). * De diureticorum usii et abusu. 1 p. 1., 42 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., apud T. Haak et socios, 1774. [Also, in : P.. v. 1923.] van Heusdeii ( Antonius Joanms Marti- uu>j. Venlediging der vaccine te»en de be- stri.jding van den Heer A. Uapadose, lnedego- deeld aan zijnen vriend. iv, 89 pp., 1 1. 8. t" Breda, W. van Bergen

    . IleiiM'l' (Emii). Beitrage znr Geschichte der Lniveisitatsbibliothek Giessen. 74 pp. 8Z. Leipzig, <>. Harrassouitz. 1891. Forms Hft. 6 of: Beihefte z. Centralbl. f. Biblioth. Heusgen (Paulus Hubertns) [181G- ]. * De catil' psi. 32 pp. 8 . Berolini, typ. Xietackia- uis. [1-41]. Hensiiiger C. W. L.) Over bet nut en regt gebruik der eenvoudige koude en warine baden en der dampbadcii. 127 ]>p. 8C. Tiel, Gebr. Campagne, 1-51. lleusiiiffcr (Joannes HenricusCliristian). * De dolorum partus spasticomm natura et niedeln. 1 p. 1., 28 pp. 4 . Jena:, lit. Mankiauis, [1780]. -----. * De recta hirudinnm applicatione. 16 p]i.. I 1. Az. Jena', lit. Maukianis, 17^0. Heiisiii^er ([Job. Christian] Carl Friedrich) [1792-1--3]. System der Histologic Ersfer Theil. viii, 278 jip., 4 pi. 4°. Eisi nach, J. F. Bdrecke, 1822. -----. Grundriss der physischen und psychi- schen Anthropologic fiir Aerzte und Nichtiirzte. xxx, 352 pp., 1 1. '^°. Eisenach, J. F. Bwiecke, 1829. -----. Grundziige der virgleichenden Physio- logie mit besonderer Riicksiclit auf die nutz- baren Haus-Siiugetliiere. vii, 260pp. -'. Leip- zig, Pmumgartner, 1831. -----. Yier Abbildiineen des Scliiidels der Simia satyrus, vou verscliieilineiii Alter, zur Aufklii- rnng der Fabel vom Orafi utan. 1 p. 1., II pp., 4 pi. fol. Marburg, C. Gar the, 1838. -----. Grundriss dei Eneyolopadie nnd Metho- dologie der Natur-und Heilkunde, nebst einer Lebersieht tier Geschichte der Medicin und des gegenwiirtigen Standes des Medicinal - Unter- richtswesens in den europaiechen Staatcn. xiii, 548 pp., I 1., 3 tab. rf-. Eisenach, C. F. Bdrecke, 1"39. Ilt'iisin^t'i' ([Job. Chris.] Carl Fried.)—cont'd. -----. Meletemata qmedam do antiqiiitatibus eastorei et moschi. 31 pp. fol. Marburgi Cat- torum, Eluert, [lHf>2]. -----. Commi'iitatio de Joachiino Cureo, sunimo sa-cul. i\cc. sext. medico, tlieologo, philos'ipho, historico. 1 p. 1., 56 pp. 4 . Marburgi, Bai/r- It offer, [1853]. See, also, Koyle (J. Forbes). * EinVersueh iiber das Alterthuni [ etc. |. 8°. Cassel, 1839. — Stntlnuioi i (Charles) |i'/i 1. s.J. Ein Versuch iiber das JJlut, [etc. J. 8-". Wiirzourg, 1826. — Willi* ( Kobert) [in 1. s.J. Die Krankheiten des Ilai nsysleins, [etc. |. 8°. Eisenach, 1841. For Biography, see Herl. klin. Wchnschr., 1883, xx, 340. Also: Cori-Hl. tl. ally;, iirztl. Ver. v. Thiiringen, Weimar. 18S7, xvi, 205-284 (15. Scliuchardt). VOll Heiisillgei* (0[tto Daniel Ferdinand Er- win]) [18b5- ]. * Leber die anatomischen Veriinderungen tuberkuloser Lungen nach Be- handlung mit Koch'schen Injectionen. 42 pp., 1 1. 8-\ Marburg, J. A. Koch, 1891. VOll Heiisillger (Theodor Otto) [1830- ]. Studien iilier den Ergotisnius, insbesondere sein Auftreten im neunzehutcn Jalirhundert; aus Anlass einer Epidemie iu Oberbessen im Winter 1855-6. 3 p. 1., 76 pp., 1 tab., 2 pi. 4J. Mar- burg, J. A. Koch, 1856. -----. Ueber die Getriinke. Ein Yortrag. 27 pp. 8~. Stuttgart. Vranckh, I8(i2. HeilMlei' (Paul). * Statistische Beitriige zurMor- biditiit und Mortalitat der Stadt Basel wahrend der Jahre 1881-90. [Basel.] 30 pp. 4°. Bern, Stiimpfii 4- Cie.. 1897. Repr. from: Ztschr. f. sell weiz. Statist., Bern., 1897, xxxiii. HeilSler (Rudolf Ernst Otto Max) [1868- ]. " Leber die Wirkung des Cblorkohlenstoffs CCI-i und des Dreit'achchlorkohleustoffs C-CltJ auf den Warmbliiter. 32 pp. 8°. Bonn, C. Georgi, 1891. Heusner (Friedrich) [1835- ]. * De sangui- nis analyst chemica. 32 pp. 8°. Berolini, G. Schade, 1857. -----. Bath Creuznach. Handbook for phy- sicians and visitors. The medical part with the cooperation of J. Hessel, J. Molthau, H. Prieger. [et al.]; the descriptive and economical part by Paul Foltynski. 2 p. 1.. 96 pp., 1 map. sm. 8 . Berlin, J. H. Maurer-Greiner, 1-85. -----. Ein Fall von Mal perforaut du pied. pp. 8 . Birlin, 18sr>. Repr. from: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Herl., 188.">. xi. See. also, It ml Kreuznach, [etc.]. 12°. Berlin. 1884. IfeilMH'l' ( L[ud\vig] ). 1'eber trauinatische Lvniplicvsten. 5 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Berlin, J. Sit- tenfeld, |V-9|. Repr. from: Deutsche mod. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 188!), xv. ------. Ueber Oberkieferresection mit mogliehster Sehonung der Weichtlieile. 4 pp., I pi. 8J. Berlin, J. Sillenfeld, [1880]. Repr. from: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Fori., 1889, xv. IIeii!Siier(Takol. Chr.) [1H02- ]. *Descriptio monstroruin avium, ampliibiornm, piscium qute extant in.Mus'o Univ. Lit. Berol., eortunque euni monstris iiiamnialium coinparafio. 44 pp., 1 1. 8 . Berolini, formis Briiscliianis, 1824. Ileiiss (Ernst). * Leber das Yorkomraen von Milelisiiuie im menschlichen Harne. [Hern.] H pp. 8 . Leipzig, ./. B. Hivschfeld, 1889. Ileiissel (Friedrich). "Leber die Ertblge der Castration bei Osteomalacic. 35 pp. 8". (lies- sen, W. Keller, 1*92. lleiisser (Johannes). *Ein Beitrag zur Casui- stik der Hypophysis! umoien. [Bern.] 23 pp., 1 pi. 8'3. Berlin, 1-87. Repr. from: Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1887, ex. BEUSSER. 102 HEWITT. Heusser (Theodor). Ueber die Behandlung der Tuberculose mit Zimmtsiiure. 38 pp. 8C. Da- vos, H. Rich ter, 1>9<. HeilSSi (Paul). * Ueber das Wachstuiii des Adeno-Carcinonis der Leber. 26 pp. 8J. Zurich, O. Fiissli. 1-98. Heiisti* (James Fountain) [1828-91]. Mooi !• (T. F.) Life and character of Prof. J. F. Heus- tis. et Mobile. Alabama M. & S. Age, Anniston, 1892-3, V, 141-14-. Hen*ti*icli. Xkckomm I.M.) Bad Heustrich im Berner Oberland ; seine Heilqnelle und sonstigen Kur- mittel und seine I nijjebung; balneologische Skizze. 12°. Thun, 1-97. Rapport sur la saison d'ete" 1874 aux bains deHeustricb.au pied du Niesen, par A. Chris tel- ler. 12:. [Berne, 1-74.] vran den Heiivel (Cornelius Guilielmus). " Dissertatio nosologica sistens tenlamen divisio- nis lnorboruin a vitio vis vitalis practicie, a maxinicfuudainentali niorbi parte, quantum fieri potest, desumtie: cui priemissa est synopsis clas- sium et ordinum, et ulterioruni quarundam sub- divisionum, pronosolo^ia completa practica, ex eodem fonte tlesumenda. 3p. L, 428, viii pp., 1 1. 8'-. Lugd. Bat., A. 4' J. Honkoop, 1787. [P., v. 1861.] Villi den Heiivel (Hendrik Lndwijn van Lin- den). See van Linden van den Heuvel (Hen- drik Lndw i.jn ). vail den Heuvel (Jan Francis). "Eenige opmerkingen over bet chinine-exantbcein. 1 p. 1.. 40 pp. 8-. Utrecht, P. W. van de Jfeijer, [1879], vail «len Heuvel! (H.) De leefregel, hygiene der kinderen in Oost-Indie, benevens de voor- namste ziekten die aldaar bij hen vorkommen, met hare lehandeliug, tip practische ondervin- ding gegrond. 2 ]i. 1., xiii, 190 pp. 8C. Soera- baya, Gebr. Gimbtrg 4' Co , 1851. Heuyer (Louis). *Essai sur les melanoses du poumon. 1 p. 1., 35 pp. 4°. S rasbourg, 1869, 3. s., No. 20-. Ileii/.ai-d Robert) [1872- ]. * De la phlebite svphilitique. 82 pp. 8C. Paris, l-^-. No. 179. Heuze (Amaury-Marie) [1854- ]. 'Contri- bution a I'etude des troubles int' llectuels pen- dant la fievre typhoitle et de la folic consecutive. 115 pp. 4-. Bordeaux, 1-87, No. 45. Hcva Vliegeil tot Meurs. Portrait. [Crispin de Passe sc] 4;. [ti. p., Jan Tiel excud., 1615. Portrait of Eva Vliegen, of Meurs. known under the name of "Besje van Meurs," who pretended to have lived for 17 years without nourishment. Fourteen lines in verse beneath the portrait describe her case. Hevei'OCll (Antonio). O katatonii. pp. 187- 2uii. 8-. v Praze, Bursik tp Kohout, 1899. Forms no. 77 (8. s.. no. 7) of: Sbirka pfedniisek a rozpr. z oboru lekarsk., v Praze, 1899. ------. () niikroskopickyeh nalezeen v mise pri projjressiviii paralyse. [Microscopic discoveries in the spinal cord in progressive paralysis.] 53 pp., 2 pi. 8-. v Praze. 1899. Forms no. 3 of: Rozpr. eeske Akad. cis. Frautiska Jo- sefa [eie], v Praze, 1898-9, 2. t.. viii. ------. Myasthenia gravis pseudoparalytica. pp. 201-235/ --. v Praze, [1-99]. Forms no. 49 of: Sbirka pfednasek a rozpr. z oboru le- karsk., v Praze. [1899]. ------. Paroxysnialni obrny rodinne. [ Congenital paroxysmal paralysis.] pp. 05-r*8. 1 tab. v Praze. [1>99]. i onus no. 54 of: Sbirka pfednaaek a rozpr. z oboru 16- kafsk.. v Praze, [1899J. ■------. O jisvcliologii davu. [The psychologv of crowds.] pp. 21-40. -. v Praze [1899]. Forms no. 2 of: Sbirka pfeilnasek a mzpr. z oboru le- karsk., v Praze, [1899J, 7. s. Hewer (Annie M.) Antiseptics, a handbook for nurses. 78 pp. L2C. London, Crosby, Lock wood 4 Son, 1888. Hewer (Mrs. Langton). Our baby. Formotiiers and nurses. 5. ed., revised. vii, 140 pp. 12 . Bristol, J. Wright 4 Co., 1-97. Hewes (Henry F[ox]). The chemical analysis of tbe gastric contents. I. Method of analysis for use in clinical work. II. Record of the analyses of the gastric contents of fifty healthy individuals. 43 pp. 16°. Boston, Damrell $ Upham, 1897. Revr. from-. Boston M. & S. J., 1897, exxxvii. ----. Ou the classification of the leucocytes for clinical work. 9 pp. 8. Boston, 189-. Repr. from: J. Bost. Soc. M. Sc, 1898. ----. The examination of stained specimens of blood in its application to clinical work. 28 pp. 12:. Boston, Damrell # Upham, 1899. Repr. from: Boston M. Ac S. J., 1899, cxli. -----. Auatomy, physiology, and hygiene for high schools. 320 pp. 12°. Xcw York, Cincin- nati 4- Chicago, [1900]. See. also, 4»oodale (Joseph L.) &. Hewes (HenryF.) A case of isolated urticaria [etc.]. 8°. Boston, 1898. HewetSOil (H[enry] Bendelack) [1850-99]. The treatment of catarrhal deafness. 6 pp. 8-. Leeds, Goodoll I[ilbry] ) & Hevrish (E. M.) A case of glaucoma simplex. 8°. Philadelphia, 1894. Hewitt (Abram S[tevens]) [1-22- ]. Profits and possibilities of the proper organization of charity. An address, delivered at the 4th an- nual meeting of the Charity Organization Society of the Citv of Buffalo, April 14, 1885. 8 pp. 8^. [Buffalo, 1-87.] Hewitt (Frederic \V[illiam]). The selection and administration of amesthetics, with remarks concerning certain forms of respiratory failure. 16 pp. 8-. London, [le87]. Repr. from: Practitioner, Lond., 1887, xxxix. ------. Select methods in the administration of nitrons oxide and ether; a handbook for prac- titioners and siudents. vi, 7-48 pp. 12-'. Lon- don, Bailliere, Tindall 4' Cos, [188-]. ------. Table showing the various points to be considered in the selection of an anaesthetic. 2 1. 4-. [London, 18,-').] ------. Clinical observations upon respiration during anaesthesia; with special reference to the causes of embarrassed and obstructed breathing. pp. 107-128. --. London, Adlard 4- Son, 1891. Repr. from: Med.-Cbir. Tr., Lond., 1891, lxxiv. -----. Amesthetics and their administration. A manual for medical and dental practitioners and students, xx, 357 pp. 8°. London, C. Griffin 4- Co., 1893. HEWITT. 103 HKXMAER. Hewitt (Fiederic W[illiam]1—conlinued. ._____. Tbe same. A text-book for medical and dental practitioners and students. [2. ed. ] xxiv, 528 pp., 4 pi. -^ . Loudon, Macmillan A Co., 1901. -----. Amesthetics. In: Syst Surg. (Treves). Phila., 189:>, i, 27J-'.'9:i. ( .______. The administration of nitrons oxide and ox\ gen for dental operations, xv, 108 pp. 8\ London, C. Ash 3'- Sons; Philadelphia, 1897. Hewitt «G[eorge] A.) (Jlyeo-thymolinc (Kress) in nasal catarrh. 11. 4°. Philadelphia, 1896. Repr. from: Lniv. M. J., Phila., 189U-7, ix. Hewitt (3. F.) History of the physicians, and of the sun-god as the great physician, pp. 357- 387. sV [London, 1-96.] Cutting from: Westminst. Kev.. Lond., 1890. cxlv. Hewitt (William Morse (iraily) [1828-93]. On tlie pathology of hooping-cough. 27 pp., 1 tab. 12°. London, J. Churchill, 1855. ______. Nutrition the basis of the treatment of disease. 22 pp. - . London, Longmans. Green d- Co., 1867. ------. The pathology, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases of women, including the diagnosis of pregnancy. 3. ed. xxii, 730 pp. 8°. London, Longmans, Green d Co., 1-72. .______. The same. Edited with notes and addi- tions by H. Marion SiniB. 3 v. New Am. from 4. ed. **\ Xeic York, < hicago 3'- London, E. B. Treat. 1—7-93. ______. The same. Diagnose, Pathologie nnd I lte- rapie der Frauen-Krankheiten. Deutsch hrsg. von Hermann Heigel. viii, 57-pp. -. Erlan- gen, F. Enke. IhIP. The same. 2. Aufl. xx, 770 pp Erlangen, F. Enke, 1^73. On abnormal softness of the nulliparous uterus, as a factor in the etiology of uterine dis- tortions, and as a cause of impairment of power of locomotion. 19 pp. >3. London, 1877. Repr. from: Brit. M. J., Lond.. Is77 ii. _____. The exciting cause of attacks of hysteria and hystero-epilepsy. 13 pp. 8. London, J. W. Kolckmann 1 — 1. Repr.from: Tr. Internat. M. Con?:.. Lond., 1881, iv. _____. On the severe or so-called "uncontrol- lable'' vomiting of pregnancy. 4'J pp. - . London, J. E. Adlard, W Repr.from: Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1884), 1885, xxvi. _____. Clinical notes on sterility in women. 16 pp. 8-. London, Longmans, Green 4' Co., 18-7. Repr.from: Lancet, Lond., 18^1. i. On severe vomiting duri pregnancy: a collection and analysis of cases, with remarks on treatment, ix. 147 pp. 8°. London, Longmans, Green 3/ Co., 1890. Experiments on the production of HeWM'l' (Paul H. A.) L.'hrbuch der Electro- lloiiiuupalhic. xxvi (1 1.), 590 pp., 1 pi., 2 port, p>° Leipzig, W. Friedrich, 189b. _____'-. The same. 2. ed. xxvi, 581 pp. 12' . Uegensberg. J. H abb el, 1901. . Hewsoil'(Addinell) [1828-8'j]. Electric light as an aid !<> diagnosis in surgery, or externum allectcd parts. 9pp. ^ \ Philadelphia,!^. Repr. from : Tr. M. Soc. Peim., Pbila., 1885. ______. Larth as a topical application in sur- gery. Being a full exposition of its use in all the cases requiring topical applications admitted in the men's and women's surgical wards of the Pennsylvania Hospital during a period of six month's in 1S69. 2. ed. xx, 25-309 pp., 4 pi. 8 . Philadelphia, 1**7. ______. Some results of excessive conservatism in the treatment of disease in large joints. 25 pp., 1 pi. 12°. Chicago. 1-K». Repr. from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1X89, xix. ______ Medical and scientific library of Dr. . . . L> pi) 8'-1. Philadelphia, [l«l, rel subseq.]. ~See 'also, llolilen (Luther). Manual of the dissection of the human bod v. (5. ed. 12". PhiladelphiaASQi.----- The same. 7. ed'. 8 >. Philadelphia, 1901. I For liionraphu, see Med. \- Surg. Reporter, Phila.. lxs'.l. I lxi 336. Also: Tr. Coll Phys. Phila., 1890, 3. s., xii, pp. xxxiii-xliv (J. 0. Morris). HeWSOIl (Thomas). I), script ion of the Leeds sewage works, and of the various processes which have been tried for the purification ot the sewage. 27 pp., 1 pi. ^; ■ Leeds, Goodalt J- Snddick, 18-4. . Hewsoil (William) [1739-74]. . Experimental inquiries. 2. ed. 2v. xvi, 223 pp.: xvi, 239pp., 6 pi. 8. London, J. Johnson, L/2-4. CONTESTS. v 1 Pt I. Containing an inquiry into the properties of the blood, with remarks ou some ot its morbid appear- ances, and an appendix relating to the discovery ot the lymphatic system iu birds, tish, aud the animals called amvP " pt'II. Containing a description of the lymphatic svstem in the human subjects and in other animals ; to- gether with observations on the lymph, and the changes which it undergoes in some diseases. Another copy of pt.2. bound u-ith: Ykats(G. D.) Obser- vations on the claims of the moderns [etc,]. 8°. London, 1798. _____. The same. Vom Blute, seinen Eigen- scha'ften, und einigen Veranderungen desselben in Krankheiten; nebst einem Anhang, bet i of- fend die Entdeckuug der lymphatiscben (ie- l'iisse, in Vogeln, Fischen und Amphibu n. 1 p. 1., 162 pp. * \ Xiiinbcrg, Lochncr 3 Grat- 1cuau,\l^). [P-. v- 1:',ill-l The same Disquisitio expenmeutalis imita'ion of sea sickness by complex visual dis- turbances. 8 pp. re. London, 1-Ui. Repr.from: Iirit. M. J., Lond., 189J, l. For Biography, see Brit. M. J. Lond., 189:!. ii 58.V Also . Lancet, bond.,' 1893,■ ii. H«5-0ii7. Also Med.-Ch.r. lr., 'Lond.. 1894, lxxvii, 17-20 <\V. S. Churcln. AUo: 1 roc. Key. Soc. Edinb.. 1s9i>-5. xx, p. xxvii ( \. K. Simpson). Hewlett (Richard T[anner]). A manual of hacteriologv, clinical and applied; with an ap- pendix oiMiadorial remedies, etc. viii, 43,',) pp. 8-\ London, J. 4' A. Churchill, 1898. ______. The same, viii, 43,9 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, P. Blakiston, Son 4 Co., MM. See alto, Thomwon (St. Clair) & Hewlett (K. 1.) The fate of micro-organisms [etc.]. 8°. London, 189ti. Hewlett (Thomas Gillham). A report of a sanitary tour. 69 pp. 8°. London, G. E. Eyn tie sanguinis natnra, vanisque ejus per morbus mntalionibus. Lx Anglico Latine vertit et prad'ati me additisque nonnullis observationibus illnstravit Jacobus Tliiensius van de Wyn- persse. xxviii, 138 pp. 8\ Lugd. Bat., A. A-I. Honkuop, 17-."). Opus postliuninm, sive rubraruni sang"' 4- W. Spotliswoode, 1869. nis particiilarum, et f'abricie ususqiie glandula- rum lyuiphat.carum, fbymi et lienis descriptm. Anglico edidit Magnus Falconar. Latine. vertit et notas mldidit Jacobus Thieusius van deWyn- j.eisse. xx, 126 p|i.. 4 tab. 8°. Lugd. Bat., apnl A. A- J. Honkoop. 17^3. For Bionraphu. see Kiehiu 8. He \a methylene compounds. S e Urotropine. He\aiitliu«. See Jaws (Morphology of). H e xoil compounds. Ilnalniit (H. C.) Quantitative Th'stimniting der Hexon- hasen iu Heteroalbumose nnd Pe]iton. Ztschr. f. plivsiol. Chem.. Strassb.. 1901. xxxii 54-58.—Henderson (T.) Ein Beitrag zur Kenniniss der Hexonbasen. Ibid., 19(10, xxix. 3:!0-:rJ8. — Kiawrow ( D. ) Ueber Ben/.oyliriuig der Hexonbasen. Ibid., lso9. xxviii. ."85. — .11 iineli (A.) Leber das Verhalten einiger kiiustlicher Hexosen im Thierkorper. Ibid., 1900. xxix. 493-516. Hey (FriedrichV " Leber Driisen, Papillen. Epi- tliel und Blntgetasse der Harnblase. [Basel.] 26 pp., 2 pi. 8 . Tiibingen, H. Lanpp, 1-894. Hey (Julius) [1874- ]. * Leber Aneurysmata an der Basis cerebri mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung eines Falles von Aneurysma arterise coniniunicantis posteriori* dextra'. 57 pp. 8-'. Ileilin, M. Giinther, 189.-. Hey {Samuel) [1815-88]. |*OI)ininiv.| Brit. M. J., Lond., 188S, i, 220. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1888, i, 201. Hey (William) [1736-1-19]. Practical observa- tions in surgery, illustrated with cases. 1 p. 1., v, .">:17 pp., 7 1., 10 pi. 8-. London, T. Cndell,jr., 4- W. Da vies, 180:!. ------. The same. 2. ed.. corrected and enlarged. xi. r>78 pp.} 6 1., 16 pi. '40. London, T. Cad-ell 4' IT. Dorics, 1810. ------. Tracts and essays, moral and theological; including a defense of the divinity of Christ, and of the doctrine of the atonement; with obituaries, etc. xxix', 616 pp. 8-. London, Hurst, Robinson

    '.. H. Epstein, 1895. Heybrock (Petrus). * De pneumonia. 51pp., 2 1. 8-:. Amstekedami, C. G. van der Post, 18A*. Ilevcock (Francis Raivorth) [18-42- 1900]. Obiliiai-y. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, ii, 4; pripadki i teehenie, raspozn ivanie, juedskazaiiTe, prichini, bakt riologiclit >kiya i mikii'skopieheskiya i/.sliedovaniva. bei lieni'e i predokhraneuie voisk ot zabolievaniya | Pentl- jeh sore: s\ mptonis aud course, diagnosis, prog- nosis causes, bacteriological and microscopical in\ estimations, treatment and prophylaxis of troop-.] ii. 116 pp. 4. Atlas. 11 pi." fol. £.- Peterburg. I. T,ei. 1 —[-9]. von Heydenreieli (Theodor ,. Si hussverle- tzmiL;cn der Hiintle und Finger. Line Kriegs- chirur-isi he Studie nach Benbachtungeu in zwei Fehlziigen. 2 p. 1., lo'.» pp., 1 1., 5 pi. 8 . Wien. If. Braumiiller, 1 — 1. Heydeiiryrk (Antonius Bernardus Jacobus). l"> s,. meil. virii argumenti. 2 p. 1.. 55 pp. 8 . Lugd. Bat., J. W. van Leeuwen. 1-25. [P., v. 2o77.] Heyder (Carl Heinrich). 'Die Operations- methoden des Rectumcarcinoms. 4- pp. 8 . <; >e>-en, < . von Miimhon-. 1-9H. Heyder (Conrad [1-61- ]. * Leber Enu- cleation tie- Bulbils wegen epibulbaren oder palpebralen Carcinoms. 46 pp. 8-. Bonn, C. Geo oi. 1--5. Heyder (Gustavus Lndovicus Theophron). ' Diss, sisteiis quaedam de staphylomate. 2 p. 1.. 26 op. 4 . Lipsiai, typ. C. A. Deutrichii, i*:i:>. Heyd rich (Erwiu). "Beitrag zur Lehre der hya iinu I )■ l" n ration der quergestreiften Mus- kuia'ur. 4- pp. - . Strassburg, Hertz ,) Miin- j del. 1—7. He>diicll (Irielericus Carolus Alexander). '>,»ec. sistens qiuedain circa pathologiam mor- borum contagiosDiiim generalem. 3 p. 1., 55 pp. 12 Hahr. J. C. Hendel, [1790] Heyd weiller. Die Volksheilstiitfe des Kieises A e ia bei Liuh nscheid; Mitteilungen ties Yor- sir/.entleu des Kreisaussilnisses. viii, 96 pp., 1 1., 1 pi., 13 ilia-., 1 map. 1 . Liidenscheid, Til- gckamp des Lei seiibeins. [Heidelberg.] 13 pp. - . Leipzig. J. II. Hirsehfrld, Ir'X). Heylelder i.loh. F.rdinantl Martin) [1798-1-69]. lie pi4 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, J. Kriuzer. 1845. [P., v. 1678.] -----. The same. Vom 1. October 1-15 bis zum 30. September 1846. 77 pp. >\ Berlin, tl. Reimer, 1846 [1348]. [P.. v. 167-.] Repr. from: Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1818. lxvi. For Biography, see J. d. conn. nied. prat., Par., lst>9, xxxvi, 3G7 (Catfe). Heyfelder ^Oskari [1-2--90J. Die Kindheit tics Menschen. Ein Beitrag zur Anthropologic nnd Psychologic. 2. Autl. x, 11-pp. 8-. Er- langen. P. Enke, 1-58. ------. Traite complet de la resection des maxil- laires snperieurs. Traduit de l'alleinaud par Felix Petard. 151pp. 8-. Paris, F. Chanierot, 1-.",-. ------. Operationslehre und Statistik der Re- sectionen. viii, 399 pp.,- pi. 8 . Wien, W. Braumiiller, 1-61. ------. Bericht iiber meine arztliche Wirksam- keit am Rhein nnd in Frankieich wiibrend des deutsch-franzosischen Kriev.es 1-70-71. 2 p. 1., 96 pp., 2 pi. --. St. Petersburg, II. Schmitzdoiff, 1-71. Repr. from : St. Fetersh. lued. Ztschr.. IsTl, n. 1".. ii. Bound vith: Steinberg. Die Kriejtslazarethe. 8:. Berlin. ISTL'. See. also, Rroen. Rapport sur les travaux de M. Heyfehl. i Hull. Sue. de chir. de Par.. lsDL'-;i, iii, 4C4-40U. Ileyken ((i.-org [T.jards]) [1-64- ]. »Ana- tomisehe Lntersuchungen iiber die Muskulatur der brcitcn Mutterbiinder. 13 pp., 11. hi'I. 1-90. Heyl (Albert (i[al!atin]) [1-47- *]. Metastatic tei.otitis in diphtheria. 6 pp. 8 '. [Philad'l- phia, II. C. Lea's Sons ,,- Co.. 1—0.] Repr. from: Am. J. M. Sc, I'liila., lSsu. u. s., lxxix. ------. On purulent ophthalmia aud its treat- ment by hot-water apulieations. pp. 311-:>17. ■- . [ Xew York, Putnam's Sons, 1--6.] Repr. from : Arch. Ophth., X. V., 1886, xv. Heyl (Christophorus). [Hoe iu voluinine luce coin iueiitur: Artiticialis medicatio, eonsians pa- ra phrnsi in Galeni librum de art is medica- eon- stitntione, autore C. Hevll. Methoili eo-nos- eendornni t.im pinticulnriuni, quam universalinni niorbormn, et.-.. autore Bertruiio Bononii usi. De idoneo auxilioriuu usu (|iiiedam ex Joanne de Saneto Aniando. Index in Mcsiia-i et Xicolai Antidotaria.] 9», 287 pp., 6 1. sm. 4-. [Mo- gilalia', J. Schoeff r, 15:54.] 'l'itle-pa^e wanting: ahove tide copied from British Mil- -emu Caialosue. See. also, iinlvn (Claudius). Dc usu paitiuni corporis, [etc J. fol. Batileie, l">:!:i. HEYL. 106 HEYMANS. Heyl ([Hermann] Richard) [1867- ]. *Kli- nische Beobaehtungen iiber das coffeinsulfosaure Natrium als Diuretieum. ."8 pp., 1 1. 8 . Ber- lin. <). Francke, 1894. Heyl i ( Richard Heinrich] Eduard) [ 1857- ]. * 1'eber einen Fall von periostealem Ostcosarkom am Oberschenkel. :55 pp. s-. Berlin, W. Moeser, [1886]. Heylen (Joannes-Baptist a-Joseph us) [1814-92]. T Dissertatio chirurgica. [De quelques maladies de la machoire superieure, ohse'vees a l'hopital civil de Louvain, et de Palliation complete de cetos.] 97 pp., 1 I., 4 pi. 8-. Lovnnii, Valin- thout A- Vandenzaude, [1841]. For Bionraphy, see Hull. Soc. med. d'Anvers, 1S92, liv, 95-100, port. (1). M.|. Ileyler (Job. Gottlieb). For Biography, see Flatner (Joh. Zacharias) [inl. s.]- Heylisei'S (Philippus Franciscus). * Qmestio- nes nieilicie inaugurales. 10 pp. 4°. Traj. ad Rhenum, 0. J. ran Paldcubnrg, 1802. [P., v. 1932.] ------. Oratio, de vero chirurgo. 48 pp. s Traj. ad Rhenum, 0. J. van Paddenburg .p J. ran Schoonhoven, 1821. HeyII. Sec Heyl. HeyOles (Raymond) [18(59- ]. "Considera- tions physiologiques et therapeutiques sur l'eau chaude en lavements. 72 pp. 4C. Lyon, 1806, No. 1192. Heym (Jacobus). Het schat der arnien. Oft een medecijn-boeexken, dienstelijck voor alle menschen, inhoudende hoenien sijn ghesnnt- heydt omlerhouden sal. Daer by veelderbande siinpele remedieu en lnedicamenten, om veelder- bande sieekten met cleyne costeu seer lichte- lijck te genesen. 1 p. L, 184 pp., 1 1. 24°. f Amst el red am, H. Barentssz, 1609. Bound with : Follinis (Hermannus). Deu Nederlandt- sche sleutel, [etc ]. 24:. t'Haerlem, 1613. Heym (Karl). Anzahl und Daner der Krank- heiten in gemischter Bevolkerung. Fiinfund- zwanzig Jahre Erfahrun»en der Veisichernngs- Gesellschaft Gegenseitigkeit zu Leipzig. Ein Beitrag zum Reichsgeselz, betreffend die Kran- ken-Versichernng der Arbeiter. 2. Aufl. 51 pp. 8°. Leipzig, E. Strauch, 1884. Hey ill a il (Carl). Mineral-Quellen und Winter- Aufcnlhalt in Wiesbaden. Hisg von dem Cur- Verein der Siadt Wiesbaden. 81 pp. 8°. Wies- baden, [L. Srhcllenberg], 1875. lleyillilll (Elias) [18^0--9]. Om luften i vara bostiider. [The air of our houses.] 77 pp. 8. Stockholm, Samson 4' Wallin, 1881. Bibliotek for halsovard, no. 1. For Biography, see Hygiea, Stockholm, 1890, Iii, 53-C2 (K. Billroth). Heyilian (Gustave) [1868- ]. * Des indica- tions actnelles de la traeheotomie dans le croup de l'enfant. Contre - indications du tubage. 112 pp. 8 -'. Paris, 1807, No. 210. Heyilian (Jacques) [1-68- ]. * L'adenome- <>a*lie dans la cirrhose biliaire hypertrophique. 64 pp. 8°. Paris, 1-98, No. 657. Heyilian (Johannes Guilielmus). * Diss. med. de' pracipuo literatorum niorbo affectu hypo- chomlriaco. 26 pp., 3 1. 4°. Lugd. Bat., apud A. Kallewier, 17:12. [P., v. 1625.] Heyiliailll (Eduardns [Romanus Robertas]) [1-11- ]. * De eclampsia parturieutinni. 1 p. 1., 36 pp., 1 1. 8°. Fratislaviw, typ. Grassii Barihii A- s0r., [1835]. Heyiliailll iFugen). * Bacteriologische Lnter- siu'liung einigcr (bdirauchswiisser Dorpats, mi- ter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der im Jahre 1871 von der Cholera verseucht gewesenen Be- y.irke. 69 pp., 1 1. 8-. Dorpat, Schnakenburg, 1802. Heyiliailll l Kugen)—continued. ------. Ophthalinologisehc Op> rationslehre spe- ciell fiir prakt. Aerzte untl Landiirzte. v, 105 pp s-\ Halle, C. Marhold, 1901. lleviiiaim (Felix) [1872- ]. * Leber die Wirkung subkutaner Injektionen von Albu- niose und Pepton. 56 pp. 8°. Berlin, L. Schu- macher, 180li. Heymaini (F[riedrichJ M[oritz]1 [1828-70]. Das Auge und seine Ptiege im gesuuden und kranken Znstande; nebst einer Anweisnng iiber Brillen. xii, 215 pp. 12 . Leipzig, 1. I. Wber, 1870. Heyiliailll (Gustav Chiistoph). Das Neueste iu der linpffrage. (Nachdruck unter Quellen- anoabe erwiinscht. ) 14 pp. 8°. [ Hamburg, .I.E. Rich lev, 1878.] Heymaini (Hugo) [18')6- ]. * Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Fibroins der Mamma. 31 pp. s-. Berlin,G. Schade, [1888]. Heymaini (Paul) [1849- ]. Die Untersu- chung der Nase und des Nasenrachenraums. 24 pp. sJ. Berlin, E. Grosser, 1884. Repr. from: Deutsche Meil.-Zij:., Berl., 1884, i. ------. Uu cas de lordose des verfebres cervicales. Communication fa ite a la Societe" ni&licale de Berlin (traduite par le Dr. Luc). 4 pp. 8-\ [Paris]. G. Steinheil. [1-90]. Repr. from: Arch, de laryngol., de rhinol. [etc.J, Par., 18(111. iii. ------. Recherches sur le traitement des mala- dies du larynx par le cantharidaie de potasse. ('» pp. 8 . * [Paris], G. Steinheil, [1891]. Repr. from: Arch, internat. de laryngol. [etc.J, Par., 1890, iv. ------. Leber die Anwendung einiger neuer Aln- niiniuiiiverbiiiduiigen iu Nase und Hals. 2 1. *'. [Berlin, ^93.'] Repr. from : Monatsclir. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 18!i:!. xxvii. ------. Die Bedeutung der Galvanokaustik fiir die Behandlung der Krankheiten der Nase und des Sehlundes. 20 pp. s-. Berlin, 1893. Forms Hft. 01 of: Berl. Klinik. Heyiliailll (Sanuel Louis) [1804-59]. Versuch einer patologiscli-therapeutischen Darstc Hung der Krankheiten in den Tropenlandein. viii, 229 pp.. 1 1., 1 pi. 8\ Wiirzburg, Stahel. 1855. Heyiliailll (Wilhelm). 'Editor of: IVIeriiciiiiNclic Reform, Berlin, 18(13-4. HeyiliailS (J[ean]-F[rancois]) [1-59- ]. Me~- nioiie d'anatomie gendrale presente au concours de 18-8 pour la collation des bourses de voyage et agree par le jury. Expose de l'eLat actiel de nos connaissances et observations personnelles sur la terminaison des nerfs dans Is muscles lisses de la sangsue, precedes de la bibliographic des travaux partis sur l'iunervation des muscles liss"s en general. 63 pp., 4 pi. rov. 8J. Lru- ■xelle<, E.' Guyot, 1889. ------. Metdiodes pour preparer de l'eau asep- tique. 5 pp. 8°. [Gaud, 1891.] Repr. from : Ann. Soc. tie nieL de Gand. 1891. Ixx. ------. Sur Taction toxiquo et antiseptique du chloroforme et de 1'ether. (i pp. 8 . [Ga ,d, 180.'.] Repr. from: Ann. Pee. de med. de Gaud, 1802. lxxi. ----. Reeheii his experiinentales sur l'inanifion rh ■/> le lupin, pp. 3l5-3."i3, 3 pi. 8\ Gand 4' Paris, 189,i. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Arch, de phar- macoil., (iand \ P.ir., i89.V(l. ii. Also, Co-Editm of: Archive* de pharmacodynamic, Gand & I'm is, 1894. See. als, <«ad (Toll.) &, llcym:ui* (J. F.) Kurzes Lehrluich iler Physiologic des Mensclu 11. roy. 8r. Ber- lin. ISil'J. ------ —----. The.siune Tr.iitede']ih\si.ilo;:ie liuniaine. [elc.|. roy. 8:. Lovrnin <(■ Boris. 1>9"i.— I»en- zolfll (Kr.) Traite de pharmacologic clinique p-tc | s . Gand d: Paris, [ls'.i:;J. HKYMAXS. 107 HEYWOOD. Heyilian* (J[ean]-F[rancois]Ni—continued. ------ A DeillOOTtL. ' Etude tie rinnervation du cceur di s vendues a l'aide de la methode de Golei. 55 pp., 25 pi. --. Bruxelles. F. Hauez. 1-91. In: Mem. couron. Acad. roy. de metl. de Belt; . Brux., >"4 xiii. ------ A. Ha*oill (Paul). £tntle jihysiologiquc sir les diiMiiihs normaux; t >xicite relative; pheiioiuenes et nieeanisine de l'iiitoxicatiou ; ac- tion antitoxique de l'hyposulfite de sonde \ is-a- vis de Taction toxique des dinitriles. 116 pp. 8-\ Bruxe'lts, Hagez. 1-96. Forms fasc. 4 of: Mem. couron. Acad. roy. de nied. de Belg.. Brux.. lsVHi. xiv. ----- A Van der Strieht (0.) Sur le sys- teme nerveux de Taniphioxiis et en particulier snr la constitution et la genese des racines sensi- bles. 74 pp.. 13 pi. 4.' Brnxtlles. 1-P7--. Forms n- >. of: Mem. conron.. . . Acad. rov. d. sc. de Bel.u'.. Brux.. lsV»7-s. hi. Heyilier (Kaspar). * Beitriige zur Kenntni- des Glioms der Retina. 54 pp., I 1. --\ Strassbuni, r. Caller. !-!•:!. Hey III on* (Richard . Beitriige znr Morpholo- u:e nd LntAvickliin^seesehichte der Rhyucho- t.-n. 1 ]■. 1., pp. 55:1-455, 2 tab. 4C. Halle, E Karros. 1-99. Cuttina [cover \rith printed title from: Xova acta; Ahh.d. k. Leop.-Carol. deutsch. Akad'. d. Xaturf.. Halle, ls99. lxxv. Heyil (Justus Gottltibl [ 1-65- ]. *Ein Bei- trag zur Mnskel - Eehinokokkns. 26 pp.. 3 1. 12 . B rlin, C. Vogt, 1-94. Heyne (Christian Gottlob) [1729-1-12]. Pro- gtannua quo meinoriain G. C. Richttri eivibus posteiitatique commendat. Gottingw, 1775. In: Eichter (G. G.) Opnsc. med. 4°. Francof. et Lips.. 17-0. i. 1-11. ------. Opu-enla academiea eollectaet animadver- sio.-ibis l.icupbtata. v. 3. viii, 442 pp. 8 . tlntti- ■■'. J. C Dutirieh. 17--. Hey il** J".nn.es Christianas). Tentamen chei- riiigico-inetlicum, de piiecipuis ossium morbis, scilicet, intlamm.itione, :ib«rr--ii. et ulcere peri- u i -n m-ta : ntc nou tie carie <>^is >pina ventosa et rachitide. 4 p. 1., 76 pp., 1 pi. l-~. Amst'lo ami a Gedani, Jan*- sonio- Waes' > r-, ins. 17i '5. See. also. Haves'* (Clojiton.. Xovfe qusedani observa- tiones de ossihus [etc.]. lij:. Lugd. Bat., MM. Heyne (Lr.dxvi-). Praktische Erfahrungen im V' 6-t: dills i A[driaan])—continued. ------. l.a preuve directe que les globules du sang fouruissent de la librine. 12 pp. - . La llagi. 1-70. AVer, from : Arch, neerl. d. sc. exnetes [etc.], I>i Have. 1MH1.'v. ' ------. Over de oorzaak tier artei ietoneii. 50 pp. 8 . Amsterdam, C. G. ran der Post. 1-7-. Repr. fr,on . Vers]. . . . d. k. Akad. v. WeteiiM-h. Afd. Xatuuik Amst.. 1S78. xiii. ------. The same [with additions]. Feb r die Lrs;uhen tier Tone und Geriiusche im (lefiiss- systeiu. 90 pp. - . Leiden, E. •/. Brill. 1-7-. For Bioaraphg, see Neilerl. Tijilschr. v. Geneesk.. Amst., IsSS xxi, S.VT-S.V9 (tl. D. L. Huet). Ileynsill* .Cornelius Everardus). De bodeni van Amsterdam en de omliggende polders in be- scherniing ui nonien. 30 pp. ^-'. Amsterdam, ,/. \o,o-deo,h,rr. 1-65. Heyiisins ( irnelis Everhardus). *I)oindica- tie der ovariotoinie naar aanleiding eener serie van 50 ovariotomieon. 2 p. 1, 115 pp. 8 . Lei- den, S. C. van Doesburgh. 1892. Heynsiiis ^Petrus). * Disp. med. continens ea- sum de pleuritide vera. 5 1. 4-. Lugd. Bat., apud viduam A ha>redes J. Elsevirii. 1669. [P., v. 1949. ] Heyii**eii vBerthold) [1-69- ]. 'Beitrag zur Keimtniss tier Wirkung des Cocaincklor- methxlar. 24 pp. 8°. Kiel, A. F. Jensen, 1-95. Hey'* operation. Sn Amputations (Tarsal, etc.). Heys van Zoiilevern (H.-H.) observations sur les coefficients du vol chez les insectes. 6 pp. 8C. [». i'.. n. d.] Heyse (Tiislave Roderich) [1872- ]. "Ein Bei trail zur mikroskopischen Anatomie der Ova- rien Os'eiunalacischei. [Halle.] 26 pp., 1 pi. - . Berlin, L. Schaniaclur, 1-97. Repr. from: Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., liii. Heyse [Lothar] Otto [Heinrich]) [1859- ]. Zur Casuistik der Blasens;eine und Steinope- rationeu. :>9 ]ip. - . Berlin. M. Xiethe,[\—2]. de Heysern Lloaqiiin). La apropiacii u tie las dosis pondt-ral>!es y graudes llamadas macizas y de las dosis niinimas e imponderables llamadas infinitesiuiales tie los niedieainentos al trata- miento curat ivo homeopatico de lasenfcrinedades hunianas considerada bajo el doble punto de vista de la restauraeion y del progreso de la doc- trina mediea hahneina.iniana. xvi, 17-127 pp. 8\ Ma-hid, T. Fortamt, 1-6.-. [P., v. 1L5] ll<-> singer (I[saac] W.; The scientific basis oi m'-tlieine. 122 pp. 12- . Philadelphia. Boe- ricl.e <(■ Taj el, l-'.t7. Villi lle>sl (Franciscus Petrus Hubert usl. * Ee- nige i;ei • gtelijk - geneeskundige opinerUinjren omlrent veiwondiiigcn. [Ltrecht.] viii, 52 pp. Ams'erdam, M. Ilcs'eruninj-Zoon, 187-1. van lleyst iLaurentius Johannes Baptista). Le n^teu-enesi naturali et pra-lernaturali. vi, 101 pp.. 5]. -J. Lugd. Bat.,./. IV. van Leen- wen, 181(5. Hey*»ler (Laurentins). Kort ontleedkundig he- grip. Iievattende op de bcknopste wvse de ge- he le onile dkunde. I'it liet Latyn vertaalt door Amos Lainbrechts. 47 p. 1.. 314 pp., 7 1., 4 pi., port. - . Amsterdam. J. van Egniont, 172-. Heywood (E. H.) Cupid's yokes; or the Bind- ing frees of conjugal life. An essay to consider some moral and physiological phases of love and marriage, wherein is assorted the natural riulit and necessity of sexual -elf-uovernnient. 5o. Ihousand. 2:! pp. 8-. Prim eton, Mass., Co-Op. r b. Co.. [n. d.]. HAZARD. 108 HIBERNATION. Ilezard (Fdlix-Se'bastien-Didier) [1866- ]. " Contribution a l'6tude du traitement des frac- tures de riiumerus. 1 p. 1., 76 pp., 2 1. 4°. Xancg, 18-p, No. 302. Ileze (liaston-Reue') [1873- ]. "Contribu- tion a l'6tude de la diazoreaction d'Ehrlich. ! 55 iip. 8°. Lille, 1900. No. 4. Hezel (Arthur) [1860- ]. "Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Ketone. 1 p. 1., 49 pp., 1 1. 8'-\ Kiinigxlurg in Pr., B. Lenpold, 188'J. Ht'/.el (.[Friedrich] Otto). Die Zuekerkrank- lieit. viii, 333 pp. 16°. Leipzig, C. G. Xau- mann, [1899]. Med. Bitdiog., Leipz., Nos. 148-152. Hezel (Hans [ITrich Waldemar]) [187(1- ]. Beitrag zur Aetiologie, Pathologie und Thera- pie tier gynatresien. 32 pp., 2 1. 8". Konigs- berg i. Pr., M. Liedtke, 1900. Heziliaiiseder (Oeorgius). Disputatio insti- tulionuin anatoniiearuni iii. De partibus in- linii'ventris continentibus coniinunibus et pro- piiis. 14 1. sm. 4'-'. Witebergw, 1607. In: Knohloch (T.) Disp. anat. [etc.]. sin. 4°. lVite- bergce, 1608. voii Iliutrophilos (T. A.) [pseud, of von Hell wig (Theodor Andreas)]- Kluger untl lustiger Medicos, welcher durch anniuthige His- toricn, Gespriiche und Fragen, nieht allein tlen jetzigen Zustand der edlen Medicin vor Augen leget, die groben Spiihne von selbiger, als Metli- castros, Empiricos, und Pfuse her abhobelt; son- dern aucb tlen reebten Grund, zum wahrhafften Studio medico zu komnitii, anzeiget, audi ein ziemliches von guten untl siclieien Medicamenten und Recepten mittlieilet. 3 p. 1., 354 pp., 3 1., 1 pi. 12°. Zit an, J. J, Schbps, 1721. See, also, von Ilelltvig (Theodor Andreas). Hibbai'd (Cleon Melville). Heart comjilica- tions in diphtheria. 21 pp. 12°. Boston, Dam- rell 4' Upl-am, 1-98. Repr. from: Boston M. &. S. J., 1898, exxxviii. Hibbard (David R.) A treatise on cow-pox, in which the existence of small-pox or vario- loid in any form, subsequent to vaccination, is shown to arise from some imperfection in its perlo;mance, and not the result of ineffieacy on the pari of the vaccina to shield the system en- tirely from these diseases. 69 pp. 12°. New York, Harper 4' Brothers, 1835. Hibbard (E.) & Drant (Emma). Diet for the sick. To which have been added diet tables for various diseases and conditions, as given by the highest authorities. 2. ed. 103 pp. 24°. De- troit, [1-97]. Hibfoeril (dames F[art]uharj) [1816- ]. The relations of matter and mind. 12 pp. 12°. Chi- cago, 1804. Repr. from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894, xxiii. ------. Essential relation between biology and medicine. 10 pp. ,— . Indi mapolis, 1899. Repr. from: Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Indianap., 1899. ------. The sanitary conditions and necessities of school-homes and school life. 20 pp. 8J. Indianapolis. W, B. Burford. [n. d.]. HibbertL-Ware] (Samuel) [17-^-1-48]. "De vita humana. lp.l.,75pp. 8 . Edinburgi, Xeill et socii, 1-17. [P., v. 1514; 1526.] -----. Andeutuiigen zur Philosophic derCJeister- E'scheinungeu,oder: Versuch, tin; luerbei statt- liabeuden Tauschungen auf ihre natiirlichen Frsachon zuriickzufiihren. Aus tlem Englischen. x, 4^6 pp., 1 tab. - . Weimar, 1825. For Biogrnji/np see Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1891, xxvi, 344 (C. \V. Sutton). IlibbS (Russell A.) The treatment of abscess in connection with tuberculous joint disease. 13 pp. 8°. X~ew York, 1897. Repr. from: S. York M. J., 1897, lxv. Hibbs (Russell A.)—continued. ------. The relation of suppuration to shorten- ing of the limbs in tuberculous diseases of the hip joint: a studv of 106 eases. 9 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Xew York, b-98. • Repr. from.- N. York M. J., 1898, lxxiii. ------. A study of shortening of the tibia and femur in fifty cases of tuberculous disease of the hip joint. 12 pp. 8°. Xcic York, L-99. Repr. from: X. York M. J., 1899, Ixx. Hibernation. See, also, Heat (Animal); Hedgehog. Bi:8-9, i, 38-40. -----. Sur la ventilation pulmonaire chez les bibeinants. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par , 1889, 9. s.. i. 280-2S2. Also: Univ. dc Lyon Trav. lab. physiol.. igsS-9, i, 40-42. -----. Sur le luecauismedu r6vcil chez les animinix liibcrnants. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par. ISs9 i ix, 820-823. AUo: Univ. de Lyon. Tiav. lab. physiol.. 1888-9, l, 55-58 -----. In- fluence du foie sur le ivcliautfenient autoniatiqiie de la niarniotte. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1893. 9. s., v, 235. -----. Ue 1 'influence de lean contenue dans l'orga- nisrae de l'liibernant sur les plienoinenes do la tliermoce- nese. Ibid., 1894, Hi. s., i, 87-90. -----. Sur le frisson nmsculaire chez I'hiberuant qui so rechauffe automatique- ment. Ibid.. 115-11,. -----. Sur rinfluence du systeme nerveux abdominal et des muscles thoraciques sur le ri1- chauttemont de la niarmotte. Ibid., 172-174. -----. Va- riations du glycogone du foie et du sucre du sang et du foie dans l'cta't de vcillc ct dans l'etat de torpeur, chez la HIBERNATION. 1 Hibernation. luarniottc et de l'iiitiuenoe des nerfs pneuniogastriqucs et synipathiques sur le sucre du sang et du foie pendant le passage de la torpeur a l'etat de ville. Ibid., 219. -------Variations des gaz du sang chez la niarinotte pend.iit Thibet-nation en etat de vi ille et en etat de torpeur. Ibid.. 821. ------. Le soniineil liivernal de la niarinotte. Rev. de l'liypnot. ct psychol. phvsiol.. Par., 1894-5. ix, 257-259. ------. Autonarcose carbonicoacetone- niiquc, ou soniineil liivernal de la uiarmottc. Compt. rend. Acad.d. sc, Tar., Is95, exx, 4."8-4(iO. Also: Compt. lend. Soc. de biol.. rar.. 1895. 10. s.,ii, 149-151. ------. \ propos d une note dc critique experiment ale sur les muuvemcuts respiratoin s chez les hivernants, presentee a I'Academie des sciences medicates ct natuivllcs do Bcrrare. par M. Patrizi. Compt. rend. Soc.de biol., Par.. 1898. 10. s.,v, 179. ------. Xouveiles recherches sur lory thine rcspiratoire de la niarinotte en etat de torpeur liivcinalc. /Mi/., 1S99, 11. s., i, 624. ------. Nouvelles recherches sur la physiologic de la niarinotte. J. dc physiol. et de path. gen.. Par.. Is99. i. 1020-1029. ------. Influence de la temperature ambiante sur les depenses de l'organisme, chez les animanx a tem- perature variable, pendant le soniineil liivernal. Compt. rend. Soc.de biol.. Par.. 19C0. ll.s.u ;k;s. — l»ini» (A.) Zur Uebcrwinteruug der l'riiscln . i .niral 1. f. Physiol., Leipz. u. Wien. 1901, xv, 153.— l*ntfo if.) Quelques re- cherches calorimetriques sur une niarnioltc. [ Transl. from: l:, mlic d. r. Accad. d. Lincei, is'.iti, 5 s v.j Arch. n.il de biol., Turin, 1897, xxvii, 210-22e —<*iii;o- reseu n > Diniinution de l'excitahilite -on-u ivo cutanee de la hienouille pendant l'hibernati n. Ami d. xi Cong. nnd. interna/.. B ma, 1894. ii, fist 1.. 177— 31 all i .M.) On lnbernaiioii. I'll il. Tr.. Lond., ls:;2, pt. 1, 335-3iin. Also: Ab-ti . Phil.Ti. Key. Soc. LoikL.IS'.o-: 7. iii, 106— llnnsr. maun ill.' Leber den Einfluss des Wiutci-dilates auf die Zelltheiluug. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz.. 1898, 202.— lleyer. Preparations niicroscopiques du cerveau d'aui- inaix eiidormis et du cerveau d animanx eveiHe-. Hull. A. ad. i-V. de med. de Belg., Brux.. 1897, 4. s.. xi. 831-835.— ■ Imiiaii hibernation. Brit. M. J.. Bond.. 1900. i, 1554.— ■voeiiiiieb (A.i Yersucbe und Beobaehtungen an B.ci.■rimiiis u. Arch. f. Physi.il.. Leipz., Is99. 3s'.l-415.— I.apoeie ' V.) Suspen-inn of vitality in animals. [Transl. fiom: Le Monde de la science et d-i'mdiistrie. | Pop. Sc. '.Month . X.Y.. ls-9-90. xxxvi, 257-259.— I,cg»r (F . Sidle | variazioni della fine struttiira che pr. -cntano. durante j 1' ibernazione. le cellulecerebrali dei pipi-ti-'-lli. Monitore zool. ital.. Firenze, !-''.' x, 152-159.— Levi (C ) Sulle moilificazioiii niorfologiche delle cellule nervose iii animali a sangue freddo durante 1'ibernazione. Kiv. di patol. nerv.. Fiienze, 183.-. ii . 443-159 2 pi.-.flare* .!». a., iv, )>t.2, 313-320.— .Tlanrel i B.i i, tie Kit - Pa illiade. Influence des sur- faces s r les ii'-p. n->■- de I'oi u-iin-nic chez les animanx a. temperature ■ arai.l' i.. ndant l'liiberiiation. Ibid.. 1900, IBs. ii, I061-l"i:t -flill« \V.) Hi! ii nation and allied States in animal.-. 1'. Pan A m. M. Cong. 1-93 Wash.. 1895. pt. 2, 1274-12*5. 1 id. — .floiiti (Bimo A: flonli 'A.I Su i'epitelio renale delle .narniotte durante il .-onno. Yer- handl. d. anat. Gesellsch., Jena. 1900. xiv, 82-87.—Olio (A. Ct.) De auimaliuni quor.....lain, per hveinciii doriuieii- tiuni, vasis cephalicis et aure interna. Nova acta phys.- nnd. A ad nat. curios.. Bonn., 1826, xiii. 25-80', 1 pi.— I*ap|teiiheim (A.) Beoba< htungen iiber rlas Verhalten dc- Kiim iiemiiarks beim Wintei -■ hlaf. in liii-muli ivm Hinblick auf die Vorgange der Bluthildniig Zischr. f. klin. Mel.. Herl. 19ul, xliii, 303-376.— I»n»lre (T ) Be la cause de l'h> la rnai a.n chez les aiiiinaux doriiii-iirs. Nova act |)livs.-nii d. Arid nat. curios.. Bonn., 1829, xiv. pi. 2. 659-670. — Paliizi iM. L.) Coutributo alio studio dei movimenti n-,p rai.i ii nugli ibernanti. Atti Accad. d. sc. metl. e nat m Y<■ir.n.i, ls90-7,lxxi. 181-191. See. also, supra. Dubois.—Pciiibrcy (M.S.) \ Piein ( A. (1.) 1 he relation between the internal temperature and the respira tory movementsof hiln i nat ing animals. .1. I'h\siol . Lond., 1*99, xxiv. 31)5-316 — l»embi-ey 'M. S.i & While i \V. II i The regulation of tempi-ratine iu li i I >• ■ ii i. 11 ing animals. Ibid.. Cambridge. 1895-6. xix, 477-495.- I'oik liii if. A.) XouvoHes c\| eiiencfs sur les aiiiinaux pscu.lo-i eHsusci- tants. Compt r nil. Acad. d. sc. Par, I8'>9, xlix. 492- 494 — (^iieilon (P.) Pe soniineil hibernal etles modifica- tion- d. - ii.-iiroiies eel cbrnux. Anil. Sue. my. tl. sc. tiled. ft nut. d- Brux., 1898, vii, 147-204. 4 pi. AUo | A bstr.] : Bull. Soc. r..v. d. sc. med. ct nat. de Brux., 1898, hi, 31-33.— Riehct (C.'i ,\ Koiidesin iP.) Sur 11 vie des animanx enl'einns dans dn plain-. < ninpt rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1882.7. s., iv.692-09s. —NltorielienlioML) I /. nalil \ udeiiiy nad zimnei -pvaohkol. [ Besean In son hibernatioii. | Meii. Obozr.. Mosk'., Is88. xxix. 1 17s-1 193. — Valentin ((B) Bei- tragezur Kenntniss des W'inlerschlales der \1iii nicll hiere. But or.such. z. Xaluil.d. Mensch. u d. Thiere, (Hessen, 187(1, xi. 149; 392; 450: l*'l. xii. 31: 239; 460: lsH2, xiii. 31 — Volkov. Le summed liivernal chez lis paysans russcs. I Bull, et mem. Soc. da nth top. de Par , 19a0, 5. s., i, (i7. I HICCOUGH. Ilifoler (J. Phelps). Pathology antl therapeutics of dentistry: with miscellaneous essays on den- tal subjects, vii, 9-'J.r>8 pp. sC. St. Louis, J. Hogan, printer, ls?4. Ilircoii^ii. See, also. Fever i Malarial, Complications of, Xcurolic); Hysteria (Manifestations of) by dis- orders oi' million. Dackkh.I.aN (.F.-F.) *Du lioquet duns le cours do la, lievro typlioidc. 4°. Bordeaux, ls(.)r>. Ddi'.i'UK (('. [E.K.]) *rcber Singultus, s . Berlin, \*\)'±. Hll.i.AHY. The true cause of the singultus or hiccup. S-;. [London, 17(il.] Cutting from .- (ientleinau's Magazine, Lond., 1761. M.UM'tio (A.) * Sur le lioquet. 4°. (lines, 18K!. Sciikidt (C. T. G.) *De singultu. 4°. Dnis- hurgi, 1?8*2 Allele* (V.I Leber Singultus Epidemiol!. AY ion. klin. Bundschaii, 189G, x, 867; 885 — Itawline & Denliaene. Cas de hoquet rebellc Audi. med. beiges, Brux.. i895. 4. s. v. 311-316. — Iterdneh (C.) Singultusendeinic. Wieu. klin. Ituinl-chaii 1S97. xi, 193. —I'a vnwwe. lio- quet grave ayant dure plusii urs mois, tenant ii l'cxistence de vers intestinaux. Bull. Sue. de med. do l'ar. (1867). 18(18. iii. 152-155.— Uhrislina* (R. W. S.) A caso of obstinate hiccough. Brit. il. J., Bond., 1899. i, 596.— Dalmul (J.) Hiccough i'or eight days occuriing in the coinse of typhoid fever. Univ. M. Mag.. Phila., 1892-3, v. 186.—lleh'io iK.) Singultus als lielLximuruse. Berl. klin. Wchns.-hr.. 1889, xxvi, 487-490 — EPaeltinxom iC. S.) Obstinate singultus. Med. Bee, N. Y. '891. \lv. 367. Ilillee (T.)' Hiccough with pbaryng. al and diapluag- matic -[iasni characterizing a case of hy-lei ia. Phila. M J., 1898, i, 697. —Iloehe. Hoquet persistant chez un tu- berculeux. Bull. Soc d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1881, ii. 169.— Kiev (C.) Hoquet. Bit. encvcl. d. sc. m6d., Par., 18ss. 4. s.. xiv, 425-432— Felce (S. G.i Ob- stinate hiccough. Brit. M. J., Bond.. 1S99, i. 66(1.—Fer- <-iimoii 11).) A prolonged case of hiccough. Lancet, 1......P. 1895. i, 402. — Flici*bui'jj It). A.I Singultu-. Xoitliwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1893. xiii, 50.—French |W. I!) Case of ]iersistcn(, hiccoughs following pneiimonia; n coverv. Virginia M. Seini-Monlb.. Bichinond, 1896-7. i, 653.—<«aje. lioquet ineoi;rcil le. Bull. Soc. med. du Pantheon dc Par. (1863). 1864, 27. Hnirisoii (A. "NY.) A case of continuous hiccough. Brit. M. •!., Lond.. 1895, i 417— lleidenhain (A.) Zur si hwcren Form des Sin- gultus. Berl. klin. '\Ychnsehr., 1891. xx\i, 551-556.—Hub- bard (('. C.) An obstinate case ol' hiccough. Med. New-, N. Y 1901. lxxviii, 6.34.— .loliey (\Y. A ) Hiccough j report ofaca.se. Denver M Times, 1838-9, xviii, 399.— I.afevee (K. B.) An obslinaM ca-e of hiccoii h. Kan- sas M. J.. Topeka, 1893. v, 360.—I.eonliai-dt (J. O ) On hiccough. Lancet. Lond., 1895, ii, 452-451. — I.evieu (II.) Is hiccough a symptom only or a disease per se ? Med. Bee, N. Y.. 1895. xlvii, 17.—.HcC'n elie (L). B ) A i asc of fatal hiccough of unknown oi igin. / hid., 1891, xlvi.700.— »lii«l«r(li llcftiger Singultus duich vier Woeluii; lautes Spn i h< n mil I buck auf einen bestimmt. n Punkt In iiiniten ilenselbeii; I[eiluii<£. Jahrb d. Wien. k. k. KranUenanst. 1895, Wien u. Leip/.., 1897. iv, pi. 2. 247.— .Vlinclln (I'.I I'n caso di singliioz/.o sintom.ti o O - servatore. 'I'm ino. lss7. xxxviii, 715-755— Tlolleni (M.) I'n caso di singhio/.zo d'origine , . -« icalc. (ia//,. d. osp., Milano. islis, xi\. 654. — .Tloiee ill. X.) Chronic hie- .....gh. Northwest. Lancet. Si. Paul, 1898, xviii, 436-438 - Vliii;;;in (A.i I'n caso ill singhiozzo i ithsso dalla vc- scica. Gazz. med. di Torino, 1892, xliii, 321— \ointau ((P) Caso of continuous hiccough. Westminst. IIcsp. Kip.. Bond.. 1833. viii. 125-129.—O'l.enry (C.) Hic- cough. Tr. Rhode Island M.Soc IS'.U. Plo\ idcnce, 1895, v, 91-1(16. AUo: Atlantic M. Weekls. Providence, IS!1"), iii 2S9-29I.—Pnrwonw ill. W.I A case of hiccough. Med. Pec. X. Y., Is'.i.'. x 1 \ ii. 23!i — lJ«-leD- (It.) Perplex- ing singultus. Colin,,bus M. .P. 1-31 2. x, 100-404.— l»o«ell(Al Olislinate hiccough aft r operation. Biit. M..L, I......I.. 189!). ii. 851. — ICieliai u i 1!. ~\X.) Hiccup as a sMiiptoin in acute dis. asc. Asclcpiad, Lond., 1888, v, 13.— KobertN (K.) lli'iough. Iinliin M. Bee, Cal- cutta. IKili. \ 2-5. Also: Indian Lancet, Calcutta, 1897 i\, 56-59.—ICoHenbei'V (II. I..) Persistent s ngultlls. Med. Bee. X. V., 1S93, xliv, 425— Me lime in an (A.J.) Hiccough. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1896. xiiv, 396.— Slniili (I!. B ) Persistent hiccough, with a report amiie (P. i lln cas de lioquet incoercible chez un tube- lique; etl'ets d'inhibition par la compression du nerf nine- nique. (iaz. med.-chir. do Toulouse, 1892, xxiv, 201-2*03.— Itiehiai-.-i (P.) Singhiozzo ribelle at pitt em rgici riinedi guarito in cinque sedute di corrente indotta. Gazz, clin. Mi elettruter., Palermo. 1885, iii, 39.—Drmch. Moyen bien simple d'arreter le hoquet. Bull. gen. de tb6rap. |ctc.|. Par.. 1888, cxiv, 84-86.—Fleming (L.) Hiccoughs and their treatment. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1897. Iii, lib— Fogarly (T. L.) The utility of cupping in an obstinate cwse of persistent hiccough. Brooklyn M. J. 1S32, vi. 367.—Gallant (A. E.) Persistent singultus: lavage of the stomach. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1893, xliv, 234. -l.ibNon ((>. A.) A classical remedv. Edinb. M. J., 1885-6, xxxi, 912-914— Oi-ccu (C. L.) The feasibility of controlling pernicious vomiting by means of intubation of the larynx with a specially adapted tube; with a refer nee tofhe possible relief of otherwise intractable hiccough and per- tussis. Iirit. M. J., Lond., 1897, ii, 1058.—Griawolri (E.) A case of singultus treated successfully with nitro-gly- cerin. J. Am. M. Ass , Chicago, 1894, xxiii. 646.—Gro- ignot. Traitement dn hoquet par lacoinpi cssion des nerfs phrenique et pueumogastriquc Bull. gen. de the.rap. [etcl, Par., 1885, cviii, 253-256.—Herschel I (G-) Case of hiccough of unusual duration and severity: successful treatment by galvanism. Bancet, Lond., 1897, ii. 1451. Also: J. Electrother., X". Y., 1898, xvi, 200-202.— .li Iks (J. L.) Bandages in cases of obstinate hiccough. Mem- phis M. Month.. 1895, xv, 492. -Kolipiuslfi (L.) Ar- rest of hiccough by depressing the tongue. Mar\ laud M. J., Bait., 1899, xii, 122.—I.eloir. Inhibition du lioquet, par une pression sur lc nerf phrenique. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Bar., 1892. cxiv, 138. AUo: (ia?.. tl. hop., Par., 1892. lxv, 100. — I.eon a ml (I. G.) Summary of treatmentof hiccough. Bancet. N. Y., 1896, 49.— l.epine (12.) Sur lc traitement du hoquet par la traction de la langue. <:onipt. rend. Soc. de biol., Bar.. 1896. 10. s., iii, 135-138. AUo: Tribune med., Par.. 1896, 2. s., xxviii, 132. — I.ibottc. Bo hoquet et son traitement. Cong, in- ternat. de ueurol., de psychiat. [etc.] 1897, Brux., 1898, i, fasc 2, 45 Resume, fasc. 3, 64.—l.iejjoi* (('.) La cu- rieuse histoire d'un lioquet incoercible gueri apres l'ex- traction de neuf aiguilles situecs dans le lissu cellulaite a droite du crux epigastrique chez une fille de 21 ans. Rev. nied. de Pest, Nancy, 1885, xvii, 19-25.—B.oebl (J. M.) Em wirksames Hausmittel gegen Singultus. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1889, xxxiv, 369. - tladee (.T ) Auff;iils\veis-'. London, J. E. Adlard, 18H8. Repr. from: Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1867), 1868, ix. ------. On a rare case of intermural betation. ] 4 pp., 1 1., 1 pi. 8'. London, J. E. Adlard. 18(58. Repr. from: Tr. Obst. Soc. Loud. (1867), 1868. ix. ------. Report of forty-one cases of uterine polypi. ■-'."> pp. 8 . London. 18(58. Repr. from Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1868, 3. s., xiii. ------. Ca-es of transfusion, with some remarks on a new method of performing the operation. 14 pp. - . [London, lxiii.] Repr. from: Guy's Hosp. Rep., Loud., 1869, 3. s., xiv. ------. Cases of successful version after failure of the forceps. > pp. - . [London, 187(1.] Repr. from: Guy's Hosp. Rep., Loud., 1870. 3. s., xv. ------. A contribution to our knowledge of puer- peral diseases; being a short report of eighty- nine cases. 1 p. 1., 70 pp. ?". London, J. E. Adlard, 1-71. ------. Some observations on an outbreak of diphtheria in the obstetric wards, tj pp. 12c. [London, 1~71.] Repr. from .- Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1871, 3. s., xvi. ------. On the tension of the abdomen and its variations. 1- pp., 4 pi. .--. London. 1-81. Repr. from: Proc. M. Soc Lond. ilssl-3), 1884, vi. ------. Puerperal diseases. An explanation. - pp. l'J'. London. ./. Bale 4' Sons, lSstf. Repr. from : Am. J. Obst., X. Y . 18*6. xix. For Biography, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 18>7 ii, 61s. AUo: Guy's Hosp. Gaz.. Lond., 1897, xi, 40.V408. Also: Lancet, Lond.. 1*97. ii. i;9J. AUo: Tr. Am. Gvnec. Soc, Pbila., 1898, xxiii, 477-4MI. port. (P. F. Mumlei. ------. See. also: I iilliiiC"oi (Mil . J.) List of Br. J. Braxton Hicks' published writ in us arranged chronologically. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (Is98i. 1M<9 xl,'1(12-111. Hick"* fJ[ohn] l.j The germ theory of disease pp. lvi-18. 8'-. Lansing. 1-94. Repr. from: Ii<-p. lid. Health Mich.. Lansing, 1*94. Hick* (John Male) [1840-1)7]. Obituary. Biit. M. J., Lond., 1^99. ii. 1140. AUo : Lancet. Bond.. 1899. ii, 1130. Hicks General Hospital, United States Army, at Baltimore. Regulations for the government of. . . 17 pp. 8-". Baltimore, Hicks Gen. Hosp. Press. l*r>.">. Hicqiiet (Diexdonne) [1828-95]. Tl!i»in«. Biography.) Mem. Acad. roy. de m6d. de Belg., Brux.. 1809-96. v, 300. Hidaksi 'Takashi) [l*(i2- ]. * Beitrag zur S.atistik der Stuaroperation. 150 pp., .'5 1. 8 , Halle a. >'.. >'. A. Kaemnnrer 4' Co., 1-97. Ilidal^O y C'arpio (Luis). Introduction al estudio de hi medicina legal mexicann. vii, 2'.\\) pp., 2 1. Bi-. Merica, I. Esatlaute. . IlicillStra (Siebolt Tjipke). * Dc ferro ejusqne pra'paratis, et eoruni in medieina usu. 1 p. 1., .~>4 pp.. 2 1. 8°. Groninga; H. Eckhoff, lslil. Tl'., v. I960.] Hicpp (Dominik). * Ueber Myxosarcom der Wa.ngc ausgehend von der Stihmucosa. 19 pp. r-■■'. IViirzbnrg, Bonitas-Bauer, l-'Jl. Hicrl { Georgi us Joseph. Anton. ) Thermo- graphin physico-chyniico-medica, triplicis fontis medicati Wembdingaui. Das ist: Ansfiihrliche Beschreibung des wahren mineralischen Gehalt nnd da von abhiingentlen Heilungs-Krafft. uud fiirtreiHichen Nut/.barkeit dess uralt-lieriihmten dreyfachen Heil- nnd Gesundbrunnen der Chur- Bayrischen Stadt Wembding, sammt der Art densellien 8owohl innerlich als iiusserlich ge- horig zu gebraucheu, vorgestellet, umstandlich erkltiret und gezeiget, audi zugleich mit einem Anhang einiger wahrhafiten Exemplen bestiitti- get. 8 p. 1., 178 pp., 2 1., 1 map. 12°. Xbrd- lingen, 1752. -----. The same. 7 p. 1., 179 pp., 2 1. lfi -. Xeuburg, F. A. Griessmayer, 1780. Hici'OJflifoflf (A. A.) Kratkaya patologiya i terapiya kuzlmikh bolieznei dlya vrachei i stu- dentov. [Brief pathology and therapeutics of skin diseases for physicians and students.] 48 lip. -D. S.-Peterburg, Y. A. Tikhanoff, 1893. Hicroklcs (Konstantinos Xantes) [1800- ]. 'Ein Fall von Tumor colli cougenitus. 44pp. 8 . Berlin, M. Driesner, [1886]. Hicronyimi* (G.). See Melilc»i*chc (Die) Gesellschaft fiir vaterlandische Cnltur. Kigiinzuugsheft zum 08. Jabresbericht. 8°. lire^lan, !8!KI. Hierta-Ificfy.ins (Anna). La lutte contre l'alius de 1'alenol. Sur les systomes do Gothem- bourg et lleigen. Apres les exposes de JIM. Axe] Ramm el (i. II. von Koch. Rapport an Connies des ii'iivres et institutions femiuines a I'aris en Lino. 1(1 pp. roy. 8°, Stockholm, 1900. HiCSClCI" (Laiilentius). * Disp. nied. de seor- buto. 17 1. .- . Helmestadi, Kill. [P., v. 24:?.] Hicsland - .1100 re ( Khanor M.) Reform iu the government of medical schools. 12 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 18!I6. Repr. from: Bcp. Proc. Alumna} Ass. Woman's M. Ooll. Beiin., Phila , 1*96, xxi. Hicstci-(John 1'.), M. D. Notes of I ravel; being a,journal of a- tour in Europe, iv, 272 pp., 1 pi. 8'. Philadelphia, J. M. Campbell, 18IT>. Ilidclslicilll [Kdnioud-l.eoiiee] [l8-.>8-().r)l. La syphili-at ion, ('Iniliee. comme methode curative et comme moyen prophylaetique des maladies ve'ne'iiciines. l'ar le Dr. C. Sperino. Traduit de l'ii.ilien |iar A. Tresal. [Rev.] 4 pp. 8°. [Paris. Mognct, ]8:>:\.] c. 1,'epr from : Bev nied. franc, et ct rang., Bar . 18.r>3, i. ------. Des applications mc'dicales ih* la pile tie Volta; preei'ili'i's d'un exposd crili«|ue des tlif- f<^rentes m61hode8 '"1'Electrisation. 1">2 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere ,('• Jils, 18(>1. For Bioi/rapliy, see J. d. conn. mod. prat., Par., 1805, xxxii, 189 ('('n(l'e). H1GADAXI. 112 HIGIENE. Iligadani (Itagawa). Shogan ronko kunden. [Ivearraiigcinent of an old treatise on acute febrile disease.] 5 v. 8~\ [Tokio, 18i»4.] Higui'edo (Alfredo). *La tisis pulmonar. •.'7 pp. .-J. Mexico, 1-70. Higgens (Charles) [1846- ]. A form of mus- cular asthenopia. 7 pp. ? . [London, 1875.] LP., v. 1442.] Repr. from: fluy's Hosp. Rep., Bond., 1875, 3. s., xx. -----. Remarks on the ophthalmoscopic ap- pearances met -with in intracranial disease. 4 pp. 8. [London. 187.").] [P., v. 1439.] Repr. from: Guy's Hosp. Rep., Bond., 1875, 3. s., xx. -----. On the causes of preventable blindness. 34 pp. .--. [London, 1.-76.] Repr. from: Guy's Hosp. Bep., Bond., 1876, xxi. -----. Handbook of ophthalmic practice. 2. ed. viii, 116 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston, Son A Co., 188-2. ------. The same. Pratique journaliere de l'oph- talinologie. Traduit sur la 3. ed. auglaise par le Dr. Gendrou. ii, 120 pp. 16°. Paris, G. Masson, 1887. ------. A manual of ophthalmic practice, viii, 314 pp. 8-. London, H. K. Leivis, 1888. ------. The same, viii, 314 pp. 12-. Phil a del phia, P. Blakiston, Son 4' Co., 1888. I ------. Table of one hundred and fifty operations ! for extraction of cataract. 14 pp. obi. 8°. [London, n. d.] Higgin (George). Old water-supply of Seville. if pp. 8°. London, published by the Institution, 1884. Repr. from : Proc. Inst. Civ. Engin., 1883-4, lxxviii. Hissiiibottom (Marshall Hall) [1X22- 95]. Obituai-v. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, i, 621. AUo: Lancet. Loud., 1S95, i, 649. HiggiiiS (Charles). Notes sur l'emploi des alterants dans les maladies aigue's et ehroniqnes. 38 pp. ,--. Paris, Labe, 18.")9. [P., v. 16ti6.] Also, in: Bull, g6n.de therap. [etc.], l'ar., 1859, lvi. Hittgin* (Charles Hayes) [1811-98]. Obiliini y. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1898, i, 340. Also: Lan- cet, Lond.. 1898, i, 333. Higgiiis (F[riiiik] A[lbert]) & Ogden (J. B.) Traumatic glycosuria; observations made in two hundred and twelve cases of head injuries. ■J8 pp. l(iJ. Boston, Damrell 4' Upham, li-95. Repr. from: Boston M. &. S. J., 1895, exxxii. Higgiiis (Godfrey) [1773-1833]. A letter to the Right Hon. Earl Fitzwilliam, etc., respecting the investigation which has lately taken place, into the abuses at the York Lunatic Asylum. To- gether with various letters, reports, etc., and the new code of regulations for its future man- agement. 1 p. 1., 29 pp.; 46 pp.; .r>2 pp. 8°. Doncatter, W. Sheuvdoivn, 1814. Bound c.-ith: Gray (J ) History of the York Lunatic Asylum. 8-. York, 1815. Higgins (Godfrey). *Tentamen physiol. qiue- dain tie sanguinis circuitu complectens. 2 p. 1., 23 pp. 8-. Edinburgi, J. Moir, 1823. Higgiiis (H[enry] H[ngh]). On vitality. 19 pp. - . Liverpool, A. Hoi den, 1866. Higgiiis (I. J.) Insomnia. 2 1. 12°. Port- land, Maine, 1898. Repr. from: J. Med. & Sc, Portland, 1897-8, iv. Higgiiis ( 8.13.) Ophidians: zoological arrange- ment of the different genera, including varieties known in Xorth and South America, the East Indies, South Africa, and Australia. Their poisons, and all that is known of their nature. Their galls, as antidotes to the snake-venom. Pathological, toxicological, and microscopical facts; together with much interesting matter hitherto not published. 1. Am. ed. 239 pp. 8-. New York <[• Philadelphia, Boericke S-1829]. Pietas Londinensis: The history, design, and present state of the various public charities in and near London. In six parts. I.hospitals; II. dispensa- ries,lying-in and medical charities; III. colleges; IV. alms houses; V. school charities, charities for binding poor apprentices; VI. miscellaneous charities. 2 v., paged consecutively, xxix (11,), 9-4 pp. 8°. London, C. Cradock ]. Exercita- tiones time, quarum prior de passione hysterica, altera tie affectione hypochondriaca. Editio tertia priori emendatior. 4 p. 1., 248 pp. 32°. Jence, typ. Gollnerianis, 1677. Bound with: Mali'Iohus (M.) Exercitationes de structura viscerum, etc. 32°. Francofurti, 1678. For Biography, see Diet. Nat. Bio, l88r> to April, I88ti. 4°. Madrid. Higiene (La). Semanario dedicado ii los inte- reses de la salud. Director: Manuel Deltin. v. 1-5, May 3, 1891, to Dec. 22, 189."). fol. Ha- bana. v. 4 commenced Jan., 1894. Higiene (La) popular. Director-propietario: Mariano Belmas. [Monthly.] Nos. 1-.", v. 1, March lo July, 1896. sm. fol. Madrid. Higiene (La) para todos. v. 4-9, 1885 to June 15, 1889. fol. Barcelona. HIGIEK. 113 HILDEBRANDT. Higier (C.) [186.V ]. *Experimentelle Prii- fung der psychophysischen Methoden im l!e- reiche des Raumsinms der Netzhaut. 123 pp., 1 1., 1 diag. r»-~. Dorpat, Schnakenburg, 1890. de la Hignera (Miguel). See .Tlalon. El conservador de la saugre huniana, [etc.], 16°. Madrid, 1780. Hijniaiis (H[endrik] Sfimon]). Crondhegiu- selen \ an eene algemeene physiologie, of mituur- kunde van deu niensch. 1 p. 1., 138 pp. -^ . Dordrecht. F. Boekee, 1820. .Sir. aUo, It rod it- (.Sir B[eii,jatuin] C[e>lliii>)). Over de ziekteu der aewricbteii. 8\ Haarlem. 18J3.— Tlalllinci tCarl Christian). Onderzoek uonens dc »-ele kooris. 8°. Rotterdam. 18^8. Hijniaiis (Hermannus). * De placenta pne- via. 3 p. 1., 77 pp., 1 pi. > . Traj. ad Rhenum, X. van der Monde. 1-33. Hijniaiis van den Bei*gh(H. A.) Over voe- ding en voedingssloornissen in het eerste levens- jaar. 36 pp. - . Haarlem, de erven F. Bohn, 1-9-. Forms no. 3 of : Geueesk. Bl. u. Klin, en Lab. v. de nrakt., Haarlem. 1898. v, 51-86. Hijner ^Jacobus Reinier Sebo). "Over morbus Bi.glitii. 3 J pp. --. Leiden, J. Hazenberg, 1>02. Hikan. .llori (M.) [On hikan. a kind of marasmus.] [Japan- ese text.] Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio. 1896, xvii, no. 1186. 6-10. 11 iluriiis Spina [pseudon.]. >. c Tone und (.lerausche \in 1. 8.]. 12°. Berlin, 1879, Hilbei'S (J( s-pli Johan Paul'. * De diagnosti- sclie waaide der wortclsvmptouien voor de ope- ratieve behandeling der spondylitische para- ph-eii*. ">7 pp., 4 pi. - . Amsterdam, Delsman A Xolthenius. 1900. Hilhei't (Hemann). "Ueber die Einwirkung von Melhylen lilorid auf Koh- uud a-Picolin. 32 pp.. 2 1.* 8 . Jena. J. Hosst'eld, l-*9. Hilbert (Paul) [lMi".- ]. leber das physio- logische und clum s he Verhalten des Acetani- lids und einiger verwandter Sulwanzen im Ticr- korper. 3-pp., 11. ? . Konigsberg, R.Leupold, 1—. c. Hilbert (Richard) [1 *."'.'- ]. * Zur Kenntni s der 8pinaliiet ven. oo pp., 11. 8'. Konigsberg i. Pr., Hurtling, 1-7-. ------. Die Paihologie des Farbensiiines. Eine klinische Studie. ( 9 pp. - . Halle a. S., K. Marhold. 1-97. Forms Hit. 1. v. 2, of: Samnil. zwaugl. Abhandl. a. d. Geb. d. Amienh., Halle a. S. Hilcheilbach (Hubert Josef). "Prurigo. 20 pp., 1 1. ■"-. Wiirzburg. F. From me, 1*94. Hilcker (Wilhelm). " Versucbe iiber die Fiihig- keii der Sehatzung nach <;er Tiefcndimension bei den verschiedenen Brechungszustandeii der Augen, bei Selisi harfeherabsetzung und beim Fehlen des binoiularen Sehactes. 28 pp., 7 tab. --. Marburg. G. Sehirling, 1**9. HildailllS (Cuiirlielmus I'abi icius). See Fabri- cius Hildanus ((iiiilhelmusj. Hildebrand Aloys) [1867- ]. * Ueber lue- tische auf tlie Tunica vaginalis propria testis beschrankte Xcuhildangeii und deren Beziehun- gen zur Entstehung der Hydrocele. 22 pp. 8°. Halle a. S., C. A. Kaemmerer «,- Co., 1*9">. Hildebrand (Bernhard). ' Statistisches und Kliuisclies iiber Scharlach. Aus der medicini- sclien Klinik zu Freiburg i. B. 47 pp. 8 \ Freiburg i. B., C. A. Hagner, 1893. Hildebrand (Carl Hildemar). Zur Kenntniss tier Magenvetdanung bei Phthisikern. 9 pp., 2 pi. 8-. Leipzig pi. - . Ber- lin. E. Mecklenburg, [n. d.]. Hildebrand (Max) L1*I4- ]. 'Ueber die AugeiiunteiMieliung der dienstpllichtigen Mann- schalt. 29jip. *'-. Berlin, ll. S. Hermann, [18*0]. Hildebrand (Otfo) [1858- ]. * Beitrag zur Lehre von der Aetiologie der Meningitis trauma- tica suppurativa. 37 pp. 8 ; Jena, H. I'ohle, 1*80. I -----. (Jrundriss der chirurgisch - topogiaphi- sehen Anatomic mit Einschluss der Untersu- chungen dm Lebcmlen. Fiir Aerzte und Studi- remle, mit einem Vorwort von Franz Konig. xii, 324 pp. 8 . Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1^.14. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. xx, 336 pp. Wiesbaden, .1. F. Bergmann, 1900. Also, Editor of: .Inlircsbci'iflit iiber die Fort-chritte auf dem (jebiete der ( liii in i;ie Wiesbaden, 1895. Hildebrand (Olio Heinrich) [i860- ]. * Sechsundseelizig Magnetoperationen mil er- folgreichcr Extraction von f>3 Eisrnsplittein aus dm Augeninncrn. [Marburg.] 48 pp. -:. Wiesbaden, L. Schellenbirg, 1891. Hildebrand (Richard Christian Hermann) [I8i'>4- ]. *Z\vei Fiille von priinaien malig- nen Lungentuinoren im Anschluss an Luugeu- Tuberkulo.se. 31 pp. 8'-. Marburg, G. Sehir- ling, H-7. c. Hildebrandt (Arnold) [1873- ]. * Beitrag zur Lehre vom Ulcus cornea; serpens. 12 pp., 1 1. *°. Kiel, P. Peters, 1-99. Hildebrandt (Arthur [Albert]) [I860- ]. " Ueber Tabes dorsalis in den Kinderjahren. 32 pp. b. Berlin, G. Schade, [1892]. Hildebrandt (Gfeorg] Fiiederich). (ieschick- te der Unreinigkeiten im Magen nnd den Ge- darinen. 2 v. xii, 390 pp., 11.; 2 p. 1., 523 pp., 11. 8 '■. Braunschweig, 1789-90. -----. Primie linca> ]iathologiie generalis. 5 p. 1., 09 pp. 12 . Erlangw, in libraria Walthe- riuna, 1795. ------. Lclirliueh der Anatomie ile-, Meiischen. 3. verbesseite Ausg. 4 v. 8 . Braunschweig, Schulbuchhandlung, 18()3. -----. The same. Lehrbuch der Ph\siologie. 4. Ausg. HI p. 1., .">22 pp. 8°. Erlangen, J. J. Palm, 18(9. Hildebrandt (H[ugo Alfred Otto]) [1-33-8J]. Die Krankheiten der anssern weiblichen Cenita- lien. i33pp.,ll. 8l -. [Stuttgart. P. Enke, 1877. ] Forms 8. lag. of v. 4 in: Uandb. d. allg. 11. spec. Uhir., Erlaii):. 11. Stuttg. Hildebrandt (Ludwig). *l'eber Aueurysmen der lb uslaorta. 27 pp. 8°. Giittingen, IV. P. Kds'ner, l-9.">. Ilildehraildt (Maximilian Frdmann Eduard) [l-.")4- ]. *l'eber eiiigeUleminle 15i iiche. 30jip., II. 8. Berlin. G.'Schade. [WA]. Hildebrandt [Paul] [I80O- ]. Nerveml. h- nung. .Neiinklomie und Nervennaht. Kin 15ei- trag zu Nerveiiehii uigic. 'A'< pp , 1 1., 10 pi. 8 . Berlin, T. Fischer, 1881. ------. Casuist ischer licit rag zur Neurektomie. 2 pp. 8. [Berlin, J. Siltenfeld, 1887.] Repr. from: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leijiz. u. Berl., 1887, xiii. HILDEBRANDT. 114 HILL. Hildebrandt (Paul)—continued. -----. Ein Beiirag zur Tracheotomie. 1 pi. 80. Berlin, J. Littenfeld, [18,-9], 5 pp., Repr. from: Deutsche metl. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1889, xv. Hildebrandt (Robert Oskar ) [1863- ]. Die vaginale Totalexstirpation des carciuo- iratii.sen Kierus mit Anwenduug der Miillor'schcn Zaneeti, nebst casuist ischen lieitragen. 31 pp., 1 1." 8\ (irtifswaid, C. Sell. 1887. Hildebrandt (W.) * Ueber den therapeuti- schen Worth der Borsiiure bei Mittolohreitei uu- gen. 27 ftp. 8- Gbttingen. /I". F. Kdstner, 1888. Hildebrandt (Werner [Kduard Anton]) [18b6- ]. " Xervose Stormigen im Gefolge von Magenkrankheiten. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, [189(1]. Hildebrailt (li.) * Experimented Untersu- chungen iiber Antisepsis bei der Staroperation. (Aus der Ziiricher Universitats-Augenklinik.) [Freiburg i B.] * . Hamburg, L. loss, 1*93. Hildegard. See Saint Hildegardis. Hiideniailll (Curt [Carl Paul]) [1867- ]. * Zur Casuistik der Radikaloperation der Her- nien. 30 pp., 11. *°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1890]. Hiideniailll (Ferdinandus). * De cancro oc- culto et apeito. 26 pp. 4C. Harderovici, J. Moojen, 1766. [P., v. 1933.] VOll ' Hiideiibraiid (Joh. Valentin), Edler [I763-1-18J. Ein Wink zur nahern Kenntniss, und zur sichern Heilart der Hundswuth. 96 pp. *~. Wien, J. T. von Trattner, 1797. ------. Institutiones pharniacologiie sive materia' niedica'. 5 p. ]., 652 pj>. 8-. Vienna, J. G. Bin:. 1*02. ------. Batio inedendi in schola practica Vindo- bonensi. 2 v. xvi, 267 pp., 1 1., 1 tab.; xiv (11.), 225 pp., 2 tab. 8°. Vienna', J. G. Binz, 1809-14. Principj d' istituzioni cliniche, ossia intro- duzione alia pratica clinica per nso dei princi- pianti. Versione dal latino del dottore Fran- cesco Tantini. ix (1 I.), 185 pp. 8-. Pisa, X. Capurro, 1818. [Also, in: P., v. 2229.] ------. The same. Manuel de clinique medicale, * ou principes de clinique interne. Traduit du latin et augments d'une preface, de notes histo riques. critiques, dogmatiques et pratiques par G. DupriS. lvi, 300 pp. 12°. Par-is, Germer- Bailliere, 1849. Hildesheini. See Hygiene (Municipal, Laws, etc., of), Hy- giene {Public, Laws, etc., of'), Medicine (Clin- ical, Statistical reports of), Small-pox (History, etc.. of), Statistics (Vital), by localities. Hildesheilll (Kegieniiigsbeziik). General-Be- richte iiber das otfentliche Gesundheitswesen im Iiogierung.s-Be.ziik Hildesheini. Erstattet von dem Begieruiigs- und Medicinal-Rath. 1., 1*82; 3., 18-0-S 9 i pp., 1 I.; Ip. 1., 103 ]>p., 7 tab. 8\ Hildesheini, 1884-90. The title of 1882 reads: Das offentliche Gesundheits- wesen, etc., aud by Dr. Wittichen. Iteport for 1886-8, by Dr. Gruu. Hildesheini (Franciscus) [1551-1614]. De cciebii et capitis morbis intends spicilegia, in quiluts prime morhi cujus(|ue catholica pro- ]»onuntur. Inde eonsilia et curationes varite attexuntur. Denique empyrica morborum re- nicdia ipsiusque autoris experimenta historica adferuntur. 7 p. 1 , 7*4 pp., 23 1. 16°. Fran- cofurti. sumpt. E. Emmelii, 1(512. Ilihlrt Hi (Charles Cook) [1811-89]. fiilbcrlsoii (H.) In menioriam. The life and char- acter of C. C. Hildreth. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1889, n. s., xxiii, 314-316. AUo, Keprint. Hildreth (Eugenius Augustus) [1821- 85]. Uickcy (J. L.) Obituary. Tr. M. Soc. W. Virg., Wheeling. 1886, 335-337. Hildreth (John L[ewis]) [1*3*- ]. The nurse's work from the point of view of a general practitioner. 7 pp. 8J. Xew York, 1895. Repr. from: Trained Nurse, N. Y., 1895, xv. _____. The public care of the insane in Massa- chusetts. 43 pp. 8°. Cambridge, 1*97. _____. How Russia cares for her foundlings. 10 pp. 8°. Boston, 1898. Repr. from: Boston M. & S. J., 1898, cxxxviii. Hilf (Gustav). * Ueber putride Intoxication im Wochenbett. 29 pp. 8-. Wiirzburg, P. Scheiner, 1892. Hilgeineier (Carl). * Bericht iiher einen Pseu- dotumor, als ein Beitrag zur Casuistik der Ab- doniii.altuuioren beim weiblichen Geschlechte. [Wurtzburg.] 31 pp. 8°. Leipzig, tl. Fock, 1*94. Hilg-enstock (Julius). * Ueber Carcinoma uteri. 39 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Xeuenhahn, 1890. IlilneilStOCk (Karl). * Der Sehwefel im Eis.-u. 14 pp. 8. Erlangen, F. Junge, 1893. Milder (Albert) [1839- ]. Vereinbarungen betreffs der Untersuchung und Beurleilung von Nahrungs-und Genussmitteln so wie Gebrauchs- gegenstiinden. Hrsg. im Auftrage der freien Vereiniguiig bayerischer Vertreter der ange- wandten Chemie. xii, 2*3 pp. 8°. Berlin, J, Springer, 1**5. ------. liede beim Antritt des Prorectorats der konisil. bayerischen Friedrich-Alexanders Uni- versitat Erlangen am 4. November 18*7 gehal- ten. 12 pp. 4C. Erlangen, E. T. Jacob, 1*87. Also, Co-Fditor of: Zcilsclirift fiir Untersiichiuig der Nahrnngs- und Geiiussinittel, Berlin, 1898. See. also, IliiNcmsinti (A.), Hilifcr (A.) &. Iln«r- iiiann (T.) IMlanzenstoll'e, |etc], 8j. Berlin, 188'J-4.— I*h:ii-mncenli»cli<-» Institut und Laboratorium fiir !iii"ewaiidte Chemie der I'niveraitiit Eilangen. Mitthei- lungen, [etc.}. Heft 1-2. 8->. Miinchen, 18*11. ■ filler (lirnst) [1803- ]. * Ueber Liihmung yeisihiedener Riickenninskelu, besonders ties Musculus serratus amicus major. 49 pp., 1 1. 8 ■■. Pioun, C. Georgi, 1888. Hill. See Aston Union. Hill (Alexander) [18."><>- ]. *The plan of the central nervous system. 56 pp. *°. Cambridge, D. Bell 4' Co., 188">. ------. Abstract of three lectures on the mutual relation of ihe grey masses of the cerehro-spinal system, and their connections with peripheral nerves. Delivered at the Boyal College of Sur- ge, ns of England. * pp. *°. London, 1-8"). Repr. from: 111 it. M. J.. Lond., 1885, i. See. also, Obersteiiit'i- (Heinrich). The anatomy of the central nervous organs, [etc.]. 8°. London, 1890. -----. The same. 8°. Bhiladelphia. 1890. Hill (Alfred Bostoek). Annual reports on the health of the rural district of Aston by the medi- cal officer of health for the years 1884-9. 8°. Birmingham, 18*."-'.'0. ------. Annual reports on the healih of the borough ol Sutton Coldrield by the medical offi- cer of health. 1.-4., l**li-9. 8°. Birmingham, 1887-90. Hill (Annie Elizabeth) [1830-97]. Bknton (S.) In niemoriaui. 4^. [London, 1*77.] A trained nurse. Hill (Arthur Edmund Breton). The new West- minster waterworks. 7 pp. 8°. London, [ W Clones 4- Sons], 189."). Repr. from: Proc. Inst. Civil Engin., Lond., 1894-5, exxii. HILL. 115 HILL. Hill (Bfenjamin] L.) An epitome of the hoimeo- pathie healing art, containing the new dis- coveries and improvements to the present time, designed for the use of families and traxeleis ami as a pocket companion for the physician. Re- vise.1 ed. xii, 13-142 pp. l(i\ Detroit, 18i)f>. Hill (D[aniel]). Practical observations on the Use of oxygen, or vital air, in ilie cure of dis- eases; to which are added a few experiments on the vegetation of plants. Pt. 1. iv yI 1.), .">* pp.,.">pl. 4\ London, B/,e ,y Law, 1 —('t>. ------. The same. 2. ed.. with an appendix. v (1 l.i, 102 pp., 5 pi. 8\ London, F. C. A J. Rivington. 1—JO. ------. Observations and cases, illustrative of the etneaey of oxygen or vital air, iu lite cure of cancerous and other glandular enlargements. ">6 pp. - . Loudon, C. A J. Rivington, 1821. ------ A llllllt i,.lames t;[eorge]). The homeo- pathic practice of surgery, together with opera- tive surgery. 2 pis. in 1 v. vii 431 pp. ; 22'.' p.. S-''. Cleveland i 0.\ ,/. B. Cobb d'- Co.. 1-.V>. Hill (Edward C> A chait of diseases of the lungs, pU-uue, bronchi, trachea, and larynx. 6 I. fol. Boston, Mills d'- Knight Co.. [n. d.]. Hill itiiorge Henry >. Tne Thirlinere works for the water-supply of Manchest r. And the Vyrnwy works lor the water-supply of Liverpool, by (ieorge Frederick Deacon. T27 pp.. (i pi. ec. London. l*9i>. Repr. from: Proc. Tnst. Civil Engin.,Lond.,1895-6,cxxvi, Hill .<;. isliom H[yde]) f l-4i- ]. For Portrait, see C'ollerlion of Poitr. (Libr.). Hill (Hamilton E[ugeue]) [ W>u-94]. Reasons foi diainage iu ovariotomy. 7 pp. - . Phila- delphia. W. J. Dornun, 1-9. Repr. from: Tr. Am. A-s. (ib-t. ,y Gynec. Phila., 1889. ii. For Bioiraphg. see Buffalo il. A: S. J.. 1894. xxxiii. .">5o. Als" .- Ti. Am. Ass. (ibsi. A; Gynec. IS'.if. I'liila.. 18_.",io (A. Vauder Veei i. AUo: Tr. Maine M. Ass., Portland, 1892-4. xi :.7:;-.r.> Hill i Henry Barker) [1-49- ]. Lectuie notes on ipialita'tive analysis, xii, .">3 pp. 16°. Xew York. G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1-74. ------. The same. xii. .">3 pp. 16-. Xeir York, G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1"-'2. ------ A: ll Storey (C. F.) On the ethers of uric acid Second paper. Dinietkyluric acid. pp. •2oi'i-2''>ii. *°. [Boston, 1-hi.] Cutting from: Proc. Am. Acad. Arts 6c Sc, Bost., Is80 d. > . vii. Hill (Hibbert Winslow). On the regulation re- (|iiiring two consecutive negative cultures for the release of diphtheria cases. 7 pp. 8\ Bos- ton, 1-9-. Repr. from: J. Ma-s. Ass. Bd. Health, Bost., 1898, viii. ------. Branching forms of bacillus diphtheria'. 7 pp , 1 pi. * . Boston. 1*99. Repr. from: J. Bost. Soe. M. Sc. 1898-9. iii. ------. A method for making the thr> <• - rincipal artificial media, based on the hart -r.illogical committee's recommendations, pp. 301-304. 8 . Rochester. X. Y., [1*99]. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: J. Applied Mier.. Rochester. 1899, ii. ------. A method of preparing test objects for disinfection experiments. 4 pp. 8 . Colum- bus, O., 1-99. Repr. from: Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep., Columbus, lr9", xxiv. ------. A modification of the fermentation tube for bacteriological work. 2pp., 1 pi. 8°. Boston,l^'A. Repr. from: J. Lost. Soc. M.Sc., 1898-9. iii. ------. Health department bacteriological lab- oratory. 2 galley sheets. [Boston, 1899, vcl snbse'i.] See /Ko, Brooklyn. Department of Health Report Of the RoeUville Centre Lubinitory of the department of health . On the Hrookhu water supply. 8°. Brook lyn. 1^97. Hill (Hiram //.) [1810-89]. Compli.mkmahy banquet to H. H. Hill, M. 1)., given at the Augusta House, Tuesday, June 1.", l-*li, il being the odth anniversary of his con- tinuous practice of the medical profession. 8 '. Augusta. Maine. 1**7. For RioQ-raphu. see Tr. Maine M. Ass.. Portland, 1890, x, 3:t(i-'i:i9 (J\ (). Websler & I. T. Damn. Hill (J. Rutherford b See Mcot'ewliv-.larltsoii ( K. E.) Notebook of ma- teria niediea i eie.! VI . Edinliurgh <£■ London. 189."). Hill (James P.) A contrib .t.on to a further knowledge of the e\sii>- eeslodes. pp. 19-81, :; pi. - '. sgduen. i-9i. Cutting from: Proc Linn. Sue. X. S. Wales, 1894, 2. s., ix. In: Ki.l'U. papers sc lab. Univ. Sydney. Anat., biol. [etc), ls9.',, i. ------. On a new species of enteropneusta (Pty- chodeiM australiensis) from the coast of New- Son! h Wales. 4-Jp;i.,*pl. * . Siidnri/.\X'M. Repr. from : Proc l.iun. Soe. N. S. Wale-. 181)4. 1'. s.. ix. 7)1: ltEPlt. papers se. lab. Univ. Sydney. Anat., biol. [etc.], 1890, i. ------ A .11 a I'll ll iC. J.) On a platypus embryo from the intra-uietine egg. pp. 4:1-71, dpi. -3. St/duel/, l-.M. ' Cutiimj from : Proc Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1894, 2. s.. ix. In: llti'it. i>a|iers sc lab. Univ. Sydney. Anat., biol. [etc.], 18911. i. Hill (Sir John) [1716?-75]. A review of the works of the Royal Society of London, contain- ing animadversions on such of the papers as de- serve par icnlar observations. In eight parts, under i he several heads of arts, antiquities, medicines, miracles, zoophytes, animals, vege- tables, minerals, viii, •Jli.") pp., 1 1. 4-. London, R. Griffiths. 17.-.1. ------. The story of Elizabeth Canning. With remarks on what has been called a clear stale of her case, by Mr. Fielding; and answers to the several arguments and suppositions of that writer. •">:> pp. *:. London. M. Cooper. 17.">:'>. ------. An account of a stone in the possession of the right honourable the Earl of Stafford, which on being watered produces excellent mush- rooms. With a histoiy of the Solithos, or vio- let-stone, of the (iernians. v-viii (1 1.), :>8 pp., 1 pi. *-. London, 17.">*\ [P., v. '>221 ] ------. The distinct symptoms of the gravel and stone explained to the patient in all their stages and circumstances, with the conduct of life necessary to prevent the encrease of the complaint, the most proper management in the tits and during the intervals, and safe and effectual medicines, easily prepared at home, for the several states ot the disorder: particularly the u-e of Sparry waters, the greatest of all rem "dies, hit lierlo not. rightly understood. To which is added an appendix, containing the opinions of I lie most einiueiii physicians on the disorders of the gravel and stone, etc. With a full account of the medicines of Mr-. Joanna Stephens, etc., and other remedies, extracted from the best physical treatises extant, li* pp. 12 \ Dublin,./. I/oey. jr., 17C>H. [ P., v. 'J-'19. ] I ------. Century, the great stomachic, in prcf r- ence to all other bitters, in that it gives an ap- petite nnd good digest ion and neil her heats nor binds the body; with an account of the plant, and the method of gathering and preparing it, and for such as have weak stomachs. 40pp. *'-'. London, 17(1."). [P., v. ^l. ] ------. Polypody. The ancient doctrine of the virtues of that heib, iried and confirmed. 40 pp. *. London, 17ii*. [P., v. -i^l."] ------. Vii tues of British herbs. With tlie his- tory, desciip'ion, and figures of several kinds, an account of the diseases they will cure; the HILL. 116 HILL. Hill (Sir John)—continued. method of giving them, and management of the patients in each disease. Containing cures of head-achs by feverfew tea, with two singular instances; cures of consumptions by coltsfoot tea, hectic fevers by the daisy, colics by "leaves of chamomile, and agues by its flowi rs. A re- commendation of the Bidens cernua to supply the place of Ceylon achinella, so celebrated in the gravel, but not to he had with us. And a case, with all its circumstances and syinp'oins, of the hooping-cough, cuied by a tea of the fresh root of elecampane. The whole illustrat- ing that important truth, that the plants of our own country will cure all its diseases. To which are added cautions against the two othannas, destructive of sheep. A work intended to be useful to the sick, and to their frien Is. to pri- vate fannies, and to the charitable who would help their neighbours. Xo. 1. To be continued occasionally as new virtues are discovered in plants, or neglected or doubtful ones ascer- tained by experience. 3. ed. vii-x, 11-55 pp. 9 pi. *-.' London, 177(1. [P., v. 22^1.] -----•. '1 he same. 4. ed. x, 12-50 pp., 1 1., 31 pi. - . Loudon, R. Baldwin, 1771. -----. Cautions against the use of violent medi- cines in fevers, and instances of the virtue of petasite root, so far as have yet come to the author's knowledge. 112 pp *-. London, 1771. [P., v. 2221.] -----. The old man's guide to health and longer life; with rules for diet, exercise, and physick; for preserving a good constitution and prevent- ing disordets in a had one. 2. ed. 54 pp. 8-\ London, M. Cooper ,)'• J. Jolliffe, [n. d.]. ------. The same. (i. ed. 54 pp., 1 1., 1 pi. - . London, E. <)'■ C. Dilly, 1771. [Also, in: P., v. 2221.] -----. The management of the gout in diet, ex- ercise, and temper; with the virtues of burdock root, taken in the manner of tea, first us'd in the year 1700, in the author's own case, and since in many other successful instances to the present time. *. ed., corrected and enlarged. 75 pp. l"2°. London, R. Baldwin, 1771. [Also, in: P., v. 2221.] -----. The virtue of wild valerian in nervous disorders; and the manner of taking it, against vapours aud melancholy as tea: against tits, and hysteric complaints, in the powder; and against confused thoughts, and paralytic com- plaints iu the tincture. With direction for gathering and preserving the root; and for chusing the right kind when it is bought dry. Shewing that the uncertainty of effect in this valuable medicine is owing to adulteration or ill management. 12. ed. 32 pp. ft-. London, 1772. [P., v. 2221.] ■-----. Hypochondriasis. A practical treatise ou the nature and cure of that disorder; commonly called the hyp and hypo. 2. ed. 39 pp. *-. London, 1775". [P., v.*2221.] -----. The family herbal, or an account of all those English p'ants, which are remarkable for their virtues, and of the drugs which are pro- duced by vegetables of other countries, with their descriptions and their uses, as proved by experience; intended for the use of families. viii, xl, 37(5 pp., 03 pi. 8 . Bungay, C. Brightly 4' T. Kinuersley, [n. d.]. -----. Plain and useful directions for those who are afflicted with cancers. By which they may save themselves a great deal of pain an I dan- ger, pass every hour of their lives more com- fortably, and obtain all possible relief. With Hill (Sir John)—continued. an account of the, Vienna hemlock. 2. ed. 39 pp. * Loudon, [n. d.]. [P.. v. 2221.] See. also. John won lAbiabam) \ pseud.]. Lnciua sine coneubiln. 8-\ London, 1750. For Riot/rapliii. see Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1891, xxvi, 397-401 K-T. K. It. Barker). Hill (John W[illard]) [1853- ]. New water works for Cincinnati. 23 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, R. Clarke A- t o , 1-93. -----. Sewage disposal and water supply. 16 pp. * . Cincinnati, W. B. Carpenter 4' Co., [1893]. -----. Sewerage and drainage. Some remarks to th> eitv council of Hamilton, O., Jun ■ 27lh, 1*93. * pp. *°. [Cincinnati, 1893.] -----. The quality of water supplies. With dis- cussion, pp. 130-170. *-. [Xew York. 1*91.] Cutting from: Tr. Am. Soc. Civil Engin., N. Y.. 189f xxxii. -----. Bacteria and other organisms in water. With discussion bv Robert L Harris [et al]. pp. 423-4(ii;. 8°. [Xew York, 1*95.] Cutting from: Tr. Am. Soc. Civil Engin., N. Y, 1895, xxxiv. -----. The purification of public water supplies. x (I 1.), 304 pp. S3. Xew York, D. Van Xostrand Co., 1-98. Hill (Johu Woodruff). The management and diseases of the dog. xii (I 1.), 383 pp., port. 8-. Xeic York, A. Cogswell, [187*']. -----. The management and dis asesof the dog. 5. ed., to whi> h are added the standard of points for judging dogs and a table of medicines ami their doses, viii, 531 pp., 11 pi. 8°. London, S. Sonnenscheiu 4'- Co., 1900. -----. The diseases of Ihe cat. xi, 123pp., 7 ]d. 12-'. Loudon, Bailliere, Tiudall 4- Cox, 1901. Hill (Katharine St. J Hands of celebrities or studies in palmistry; with an introduction by Charles F. Rideal and a reproduction of 'De- bates on pal mi-try", x, 11, 174 pp., 34 pi. 12°. London, Roxburghe Press. [1890]. Hill (Leonard '[Erskine]) [1806- ]. The physiology and pathology of the cerebral circu- lation. Au experimental research, xvi, 208 pp. 8-\ London, J. 4- A. Churchill, 1*90. Hill (Levi Gerrish) [1812-98]. Obituary. J. Med. <5c Sc, Portland, 1897-8, iv, 205. Hill ( L[uther] L.) Elephantiasis. 9 pp. 12-. Philadelphia, 1894. Repr. from: Metl. News, Phila., 1894, lxiv. Hill ([Matthew] Berkeley) [1*34-92]. Syphilis and local contagious disorders, xxviii, 17-407 pp. S-. Philadelphia, H. C. Lea, 1869. -----. Treatment of the sick and wounded, illus- trated by observations made at the seat of war; being the introductory address in University College, October 3rd, 1870. 32 pp. 12°. Lon- don, J. Walton, 1870. -----. The essentials of bandaging; with diie - tions for managing fractures and dislocath us, for administering ether and chloroform, and lor using other surgical apparatus. 3. ed., revised and enlarged by a new chapter on surgical land- n arks, xii, 304 pp. 12°. London, Smith, Elder 4' Co., 1*76. -----. The same. With a chapter on surgical landmarks, (i. ed. xiii, 365 pp. 12°. London, H. K. Lewis, l*-7. -----. The same, xiii, 365 pp. 12°. Xew York, J. H. Vail 4- Co.. 1**7. -----. Chronic urethritis and other affections of the genito-uiinary organs. Three lectures deli\ eie 1 at the Royal College of Surgeons iu HILL. 117 HILLE. Hill ([Matthew] Berkeley)—continued. June, 1**9. viii, 47 pp., 0 pi. S\ London, H. K. Lewis, 1*90. Repr. from: Illnst. M. News. Lond., 1890, vi. For Biairaplin. see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892. i, 148. Also: Lancet, Loud.. (892, i, 171. Also: Med. Chir. Tr., Lond., 1891-:!, lxxv, 'JO-'29 (T. Holmes). ----- A Cooper (Aithur). The student's man- ual of venereal diseases: being a concise descrip- tion of these affections and of their treatment. xiii. 97 pp. 10-. London, Smith, Elder d' Co., H77. ----- -----. The same. 4. ed. xiv, 11* pp. 12c. London, H. K. Lewis. 18*0. --------------. The same. 4. ed. xiv, 17-132 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston, Son 4' Co., 18*0. --------------. The same. 4. ed.. revised, xiv, 17-132 pp. S-\ Philadelphia, P. Blakiston, Son A- Co.. 1-87. Hill i Octavia). Homes of the London poor. A new edition. 95 pp. 12C. London. Maemillan A Co.. 18-3. Hill ^Richard S.) Apioline in amenorrhea! and dysmenorrhea. 8 pp ^ Richmond, 1*91. Repr. from : Virginia M. Month., Richmond,1891-2. xviii. Hill (Robert Gardiner) [1811-7-]. A concise his- tory of the entire abolition of mechanical re- straint in the treatment of the insane; and of the introduction, success, and final triumph of the non-restraint system, together with a reprint of a lecture delivered on the subject in the year 1-3*. and appendices containing an account of the controveiMes and claims connected there- with, viii, 11-31- pp.. 1 1. -\ London, Long- man [and others], 1-57. For Biography, see Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond.. 1891, xxvi, 41 is (O. C. Boase). Hill (Robert M. C). Editor of: Clinical (The) Register. Knoxville, Tenn., 1890. Hill Samuel). An essay ou the simple treat- ment of syphilis; illustrated bv cases and tables. 20 pp., 5 tab. e". [Edinburgh, 1*22.] [P., v. 1575.] Repr. from: Edinb. M. . port. Hill (Seth). For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Also: Centen. . . . Faiitield Uo. M. A-s., Danbury, 1892. Hill (Thomas). Cod is light. A sermon for the benefit of the London Infirmary for Curing Dis- eases of the Eye, May 31, 1-1*. 35 pp. « \ Lon- don, Longman, [and others}. 1818. Bound with: Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital. Re- ports, 1805-6 to 1820, v. 1. Hill Thomas Eustace). Council of the county palatinate of Durham. Annual reports of the medical officer of health to the chairman and members of tlie health committee. Including a summary of the annual reports of the district medical officers of health, aud other records. 1., 1*91; 3., 1-9:'.; 5.-7., 1*95-7. 8 . Durham, 1-9'--. Hill (liarrhmt. See Diarrhoea (Tropical). llillairet (Andrei). Rapport sur l'e'tat actnel et l'entretien des fosses d'aisances des prisons du d<5partement de la Seine; sur les proceMes de desinfection en usage et les proce'des a employer. 1* pp. 4°. Paris, imp. (hair, 1**2. llillairet (J[ean]-B[aptiste]) [1815-82]. No- tice historit|ue sur l'einpoisonnenient par l'arse- nic, sur 1'emploi de 1'appaieil de Marsh, et des autres moyei s de doser ce toxique. 90 pp.. 1 pi. 8-. Paris, A. Bailly, 1847. [P., v. 1*02.] llillairet (J[ean]-B[aptiste])—continued. -----—. Note sur un cas d'amputation spontanee incomplete du tronc et du con par enronleinent et striction du cordon ombilical chez nn fietus de trois mois. 10 pp., 1 pi. 8 . [Paris, E. 77m- not 4- Cie., 1857. | [P.. v. 170H.J Repr. from: (Jnz. meil., Par., 18.">7, II. 8., xii. ------. De l'hemorrhagie cerehelleuse. 79 pp. 8°. Paris, Rignoux, 1*58. Repr. from : Arch. gen. de nied., Par., 1858, i. ------. Rapport fait ii la Societe medicale des hopitaux de Paris sur un melnoire de M. Henri Cintrac, ayant pour titre: De la pellagre dans le thqiartentent de la Giromle. 24 pp. *\ [Paris, F. Malteste pp. 8■'. London, Whitehead, Morris . Wigaml, 1808. Hiliehiaiid (Caspar) [1802- J. *Ein Fall vo Tens noma. 24 pp. * . Greifswald, J. Ab i*94. Hillebrand (Franz [Friedrich]) [1800- ]. ~ Unter.suchnngen iiher die Milchznfuhr und ulier die Jodkaliuinaiisscheiduiig des Sauglings. [Bonn.] 33pp. 8C. Leipzig, A .T."Engelharat,l88o. Repr. from: Arch. f. Gynnek.. Berl., 1884-5. xxv. Hillebrand (Julius) [1872- ]. *Stieltor- sioneii von Ovarientuinorcn, nebst Anfiihrung von 0 Fiillen. 23 pp., 2 1. 8 . Greifswald, J. A het, 1900. Hillebi-cclit (Georg Michael Feidinand) [1874- J. * Experimeutelle Beitriige znr Bedeu- tung tier Alloxni ki'u pei im Eiweisstoffwechsel. 4* pp., 1 1. 8 . Berlin, G. Voqt, 1S9'». Hillebrecllt ( Hermann ). * Ueber sypbilit. (Jelenlv-Erkrankungeu. 36 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, A. Memminger, 1*80. ------. Die Behandlung der Skrophnlose nnd Tuberkulose mit Solveol (einer neutralen wiiss- rigen Kreosollosung). 2 1. 4C. [Miinchen. 1-94.] Repr. from: Aerztl. Kundscliau, Miintlien, 1894, iv. ------. Weitere Beobaehtungen und Bemerkuu- gen fiber Behandlung der Skrophnlose und Tu- berkulose mit Solveol. 2 1. fol." Munchen, 1894. Repr.from: Aerztl. Rnndschau, Miinchen, 1894, iv. ------. .Skrophnlose und Tuherkulose ein ein- heitlich.es Krankheitsbild. 23 pp. 8°. Miin- chen, Seitz 4' Schauer, [1*90]. Hillejjas* (G. W.) [1*65- ]. # Contribution ii lY'tiide de 1'enteialgie. 112 tip. 4°. Paris, 1-95, No. 111. Hilleiliaild (Coi.stant) [1859- ]. * Intro- duction a lY'tiide de la specitieite cellulaire chez rhonime. 70 p:>. 4°. Paris, 1889, No. 344. -----. The same. 90 pp., II. *-. Paris. G. Steinheil, 1**9. See, also, .TIo> nac (Leon), Manuel do p:n ■.'■ne- ral [etc.], 8". I'aiis. Is9s. Hill-. Bonna; F. Krilger, [1805]. Hiller (Arnold) [1*17- ]. Die Lehre von tier Fi'iuluis.s. Auf physiologischer Grundlage ein- Iieitlich bearbeitet. xii, 547 pp. 8°. "Berlin A. Hirschwald, 1*79. ------. Lecoupde chaleur frappaut les troupes en marche. Causes, mesures preventives, symp- tomes, traitement. Trad, de l'alleinand [Bei- heft zum Militar-Wochenblatt] par . . . D. Jun<>. 40 pp. 12-. Bruxelles, E. Guyot, l*-7. ------. Die Wirkungsweise tier Seebader. Eiu Wegweiser fiir Aerzte und Kebildete alter Stiimle. 2. Aufl. 1 p. 1., 52 pp. 1 map. 8 . Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1*90. tiller (Arnold)—continued. ----. Der Hitzschlag. 50 pp. * -. Berlin, E. S. Mittler .j1- Sohn, 1*91. Repr. from : Deutsche mil.-iirztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1891, xx. ----. The same. El coup de chaleur. (De las actas de la seccion niedica del ministerio de la giierra.) Tradncido del aleinan por el P. Bar- bieri. 54 pp , 1 1., 5 tab. 8°. Buenos Aires, An. de san mil., 1900. Repr. from: An. san. mil., Buenos Aires, 1900, ii, Xo. ix. Hiller (Carolus Chiistoph.) "De vegeiabilinm ulteriori indagine ejusdemque necessitate et ntilitate. 22 pp., 1 1. 4°. Tubinga; typ. Putsi- anis, 1769. Hiller (Ernst) [1*59- ]. * Ueber die Hydra- ziiiverbindung der Orthotoluidin - Parasillfon- satire und die Orthotolnidin-Paradisulfon«aure und einige ihrer Derivate. 39 pp. *-. Greifs- wald, J. "Abel, 1*86. Hiller (Eugen). * Ueber ein Sarcom tier Clavi- cula. "29 pp. 8~. 11'iirzburg. X. Bai/er, 1*8*. Hiller ([Friedrich] Robert) [1856- ]. * Ueber die Elastieifat der Aorta. 32 pp., 1 1. 8°. Halle a S., Plotz, 1*84. Hiller (Jacob). * Die Hydrotherapie des Hippo- krates. 34 pp. 8J. Freiburg i. B., C. Strijcker 1*92. Hiller (Joh. Henricus). Disp. med. anat. tie huinoribus uteri. 20 pp. 4-. Tubingw, typ. ,1. H. Reisii, 1677. Hiller (Theodor) [1870- ]. * Znr Operati. n der Nabelbriiche. 28 pp. 8°. Tiibingen, 1-9-. Repr. from.- Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1898, xxii. Hiller-Bonibieu (Otto). "Beitriige zur Kenntniss tier Geoffrovarindin. 70 pp., 1 1. 8-. llorpat, 1*92. Hillhoiise (W.). See Winrile (Uertram C[ogliill] Ajlau]) & Hil IIioiinc (W.) The Birmingham School of Medicine. Hi1-. Ii-r- mimjham, 1890. Milliard (Charles Eugene) [18C4-98|. ffiiinemoriaiii. Tr. M.Soc. X. Cur., Charlotte, 1899, 174. Hilliard (William Buxton). Observations on lithotomy instruments, with description of new iiistrunients designed to simplify and expedite the operation of lithotomy. 8 pp. 8°. Glas- gow, W. Macki nzie, 1859. Repr. from: Glasgow M. J., 1859, xxvi. Hillier (Alfred). Tuberculosis; its nature, pre- ven ion, and treatment, with special reference to the open-air treatment of phthisis, xii, 24:5 pp., 1 pi. 8\ London, Cassel I 4- Co., 19U0. HiHiiiif (Gregorius). See ttcbiziiis (Melchior) [in 1. a.]. Collegii thera- peutici. \. 8in.4°. Argentorati, 1C34. Hillingdon Cottage Hospital. Annual reports of the coinmiitee to the sulisciibers, for the vears 18-5; 189:2-7. 1(K Fxbridge, 1**0-9S Established ls(18. Hilliselier ( H[emiann] Th[eodor] ). Sanim- lung von Vortriigen und Aul'siitzen fiber Schlaf- gas. 62 pp. S"-\ Wien, II. Frick, 1*91. Hillmailtel (.1. L.) A case of distoma hema- tobiuni. 4 jip. 8 \ Chicago, McClure Print. Co , 1*9:5. Repr. from: Chicago M. Recorder, 1893. v. Hills (Monson). A short treatise on the opera- tion of cupping. 88 pp., 1 1., 3 pi. 10c. Lon- don, E. Cox, 1*32. ------. The same. 2. ed., enlarged, iii, 9- pp., 1 1., 3 pi. 16°. London, E. Cor, 1839. Hills (William B.). See Puiiip<-||y (II.). Hill* (W.B.) i- Nioi-rr (H. R.) 1 he il.ingers of impure ice. S3. [New York. Wl.) Hillyard (William Heard). Kecollections of a physician; or, episodes of life. Collected from thirty year*' practice. vi (1 1.), 371 pp. 103. London, Ward <)'• Lock, 1*61. HILSCHER. 119 HINCKLEY. Hilselier (Simon Paul) [1682-17 IS]. * De phil- ' tris. 51 pp. 4°. Hala; [1704]. ------. * Diss, exhibens tlieoriam abortus et i ac- tus pneeocis. 46 pp. 4 . Jena.', stanno Mulleri- ano, [1727]. [P., v. 1951.] ------. [ Pr. ] de unico in homine reperlo rene pragrandem continente calculum. [Cum vita candidati Joannis Tlieophili Fischer.] 12 pp. sm. 4 . [Jeniv], lit. Mnlleriauis, [1733]. ------. |Pr.]de permutatinne linteorum in morbis acutis et noxia et salubri. 8 pp. 4\ Jena; lit. Croekerianis, 1745. Bound with: Trai.i.k.s (Balthiisar Lndovicus). Viriiim, qua? terieis [etc.]. 4°. Vratisl. et Lips., 1740. ------. *[Pr.] prolusio qua demonstiatur niedi- cum non esse debere hieinopliobuni. [Cum vita candidati Johannis Frieder. Amoldi Vordanck.] * pp. 4 \ Jena', lit. Tennemannianis, 171*. Hilsmaii (P. L.) Double ovariotomy; opera- tionr death from tetanus. 6 pp. *J. Atlanta, J. P. Harrison .,■ Co., [I-*'"]- Repr. from : Tr. M. Ass. Gn.. Atlanta, 1880. HilSlliailll (Friedrich .loseph). Physiologische studien und Entdeckungen an Lelu nden durcli Beobaehtungen bei chirurgischen Operaiiouen. Ein Beitrag zur'Physiologic d s 19. Jahrhun- j derts. viii, 88 pp. S-. Padirborn. F. Sehoningh, 1*81. Ililsiliaillt Stephanl. "Untersuchungen iiber j die Betiin erung der Speisen aus dem Magen in den Darin unti r versi hiedenen Einfliissen. 24 pp. --. Erlangen, E. T. Jacob, 190(». Hilsillll iM.) ' Baeteriologisch onderzoek van een zweuibad verband met y.elt'reiniging. 3 p. 1., 74 pp. --. Amsterdam, H. G. van Dorssen, 1900. Hiltbriimier von Eritwyl (Ernst). *Die I I-chias und ihre Itehauilluug. 166 pp., 1 1. *'". Bern, X'eukomm 4' Zimmermaim, 1*9-. Hillebrand tE.V . See Franklin Institute. Subject catalogue of the Memorial Library 'etc]. 8". Philadelphia. 1884. Hillenbrand (Valentin). * De morbo aphro- disiaco. 16 pp. 1»>~. Vindobonw, C. Salzer, 17-4. Hilteriliann (Ignaz). *Ueber Mel astase eines CallertkrebMS des Ma^ens in die Lungen. 20 |,p. - . inirzburg, /'. Scheiner, 1-95. Hiltiiiami (Philippus,. Se, We hi sin- (Melchiui i [in 1. s.J. Exercitationes me- dica xxxiv sm. 4"-. Anjentorati. 1626. Hiltlier CEorenz). Untersuchungen iiber die Gattung Subularia. 9 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, [H*0]. Bounilwith the following. Repr. from : Botan. Jahrb. CEiijder), Leip/,.. 1886, vn. ------. * Einige (lurch Botrytis cincrea er/.eugte Krankheiten giirtnerischer und landwirthschaft- licher Culturptlanzeu und deren Bekiinipfung. [Erlangen.] 14 pp. *G. Tharand, B. Weissir, 1K12. Hilton (John) [1*07-7*]. Oration delivered before the meiubers of the Hunferian Society, at the twenty-fifth anniversary. 15 pp. *°. Lon- don, 1-14. Repr. from : Lond. M. Gaz., 18111-4, xxxin. ------. The Hunterian oration for the year 1807. 40 pp. *\ Loudon, Bill 4' Daldy, 1*07'. ______. pest and pain: a course of lectures on the influence of mechanical and physiological rest in the treatment of accidents and surgical diseases and the diagnostic value of pain. Edited bv \V. H. A. Jacobs.,u. 5. ed. xv, 514 pp. 12^. London if Xew York, G. Bell J. It. (A. R.) In menioriam. Tr. Ohio M. Sue.. Toledo, 1811.), 1, 49-">l. Hiillly (Gustav). See l>:ii'MtclI■■■■;: der Grippe (Influenza) vom Jahre 1782 [etc.]. 12°. Ilonnorer, 1833. Hiillly (Karl [Gustav]) [1772-1,-37]. Abhand- lung iiber den Brand der weichen ur.d harteii Theile, neb-t einigen Grundziigen der medicini- schen Theorie. xxxi, 128 pp. 16°. Giittingen, J. C. Dieterich, 18(H). ,sv'c, also, Koonc (II.....ilor Georg August) [in 1. s.|. Tiiselienliiieli fiir gericlitlioho Aerzte [etc.]. 1(1°. Fri.nk- fnrt a. .1/., lsll. ------. The same. 12°. Frankfurt a. M. isi'.i. Iliininel. ,svc Wciwlnicli (A|lliin)) [in 1. s.]. Die Her/.ei;oviiier veiulielien mil ('eclieii [etc.]. 4°. l»7en, 1889. Hi ill ■•*«'■ |-4'i<- ll (Xaver). * Kin primiires Drii- sencarcinoni des harten Gauinens. 34 pp. 8 . Wiirzburg. P. Scheiner, 18(.I'>. HilllllM'ishUCll (G[eorge] A.) Large doses of nitro-^lscerin. 2 pp. 12". [ Philadelphia, 18*.i:>. ] Repr.from: Med. News, I'liila., 1893, Iii. voii Hillisel (Nicolaus) [17-29-61]. * De virtu silubri ex auiuialibus et vegetabilibus tempe- ra ndo. 32-f pp. sm. 4°. Gotlingw, ti,p. G. L. Schulzii [1751]. Seems to be incomplete; subsequent pages wanting. Hinckley. See Diphtheria (History, etc., of), by localities. Hiliekley (Frederic A.) The relation of the sexes; an address at the annual meeting of the Moral Education Association of Iloston, June 1, I87(j. 3. ed. 12 pp. » . Washington, 1887. HINCKLEY. 120 HINKIUHSKX. Hinckley Cottage Hospital and Nursing Insti- tute. Annual report of the committee to the subscribers. 6., 1896. 16 pp. 8*->. Hinckley, J. Baxter 4' tons, 1K)7. Hind (G[eorge] W.) [1802-85]. A series of twenty plates illustrating the causes of displace- ment, in the various fractures of the bones of the extremities. 2. ed., corrected. 46 pp., 20 pi. imp. fol. London, Taylor 4' Walton, 1836. For Biography, see Lancet, Lond., 1885, ii, 96. Hindeilblirg (A.) Om Danmarks Apo heker- viesen. 15 pp. 8°. Kfybenharn H. Hagerup, 1896. Hindenbiirs (P[aul'] G[eorg]). * Ucb r einen Fall von Pustula maligna. 28 pp. 8C. Greifs- wald, J. Abel, 181)3. Hilldenbui'S" (Walther). *Zur Kenntniss der Organveriimlcriingen bei Leukiiinie. 56 pp. 8-. Jena, Erommaun. 1-94. HJlldeiTeld ( Eberhar.l ). * Ueber Mastitis. 2d pp. 8-'. Wiirzburg, Boegler, 1m-<-. Hiilderinck (Geianius Joannes). * De calculo renali et vesicali. 9 pp. 4°. Hardervici, J. Moojen, 1757. [P., v. 1934.] Himless (Theophil). * Ueber Zusamiuense- t/.ung und Entstehung dei Harnsteine. 56 pp.. 2 I., 4 tab., 1 pi. 8°. Doipat, IL Laakmann, 1886. IliiKlley. Sec Scarlatina (History, etc., of), by localities. Hilldley (Charles). See Brighton (flu) murder, [etc.J. 12°. Brighton. I87.-). Hindoo*. See India (Ethnology of). Hinds (Clara Bliss). Child growth. Women's Anthropological Society, Washington, D. C, 1886. 8 pp. 8°. [ Washington'], McCalla 4' Stavely, [1886]. ------. The same. 7 pp. 8-. Washington, Gib- son Bros., [1886]. Hinds (.John). The veterinary surgeon, or, farriery taught on a new and easy plan; being a treatise of all the diseases and accidents lo which the. horse is liable; the causes and symp- toms of each, and the most approved remedies employed for the cure of every case. With in- structions to the shoeing - smith, farrier, and groom, how to acquire knowledge in the art of farriery and the prevention of diseases: pre- ceded by a popular description of the animal functions in health, and showing the principles ou which these are to be restored when disor- dered. With considerable additions aud im- provements, particularly adapted to this coun- try, by Thomas M. Smith, xiv, 284 pp., 4 pi. 12 . Philadelphia, J. Grigg, 1830. ------. The same, xiv, 224 pp., 4 pi. 12c. Phil- adelphia, J. Grigg, 1833. ------. The grooms' oracle, and pocket stable directory; in which the management of horses generally, as to health, dieting, and exercise, are considered, in a series of familiar dialogues, be- tween two gioomsengaged iu training horses to their work. From the 2. Lond. ed.; with notes and tin appendix, including extracts from the receipt book of the author, xii, 13-228 pp., 1 pi. 12 . Philadelphia, E. L. Carey tp A. Hart, 1831. Sec. also, Nkimiei' (J. 8.) Supplement to Mason and Hinds' Popular system of farriery [etc.]. I^D. Philadel- phia, 1860. Hinds (JLohn] I[redelle] D[illard]) [1847- ]. The use of tobacco. 138 pp. 16. [Lebanon, Tenn.], 18so. II lids (Richard Brinsley). The regions of veg- etation; being an analysis of the distribution of vegetable forms over the surface of the globe in connexion with climate and physical ag< nts. 14Upp. 8;. London, G.J. Pa liner, 1-43. Hinds (William) [1811-81]. On pericarditis and pericardial murmurs. 22 pp. 12-'. Birming- ham, A. B. Matthews, 1865. Hindustan, .See India. Hillgestoil (James Ausley). Topics of the day : medical, social, and scientific. 1 p. 1., xi, 410 pp. 8 . London, J. Churchill 4' Sous, 1863. ------r. Tlie dropped arm. 19 pp. 8^. Brighton, G. Wakcling, 1865. Hillgiais (Louis). * De la simulation, et en particulier de la simulation de maladies chez les fernmes neiveuses. lp.l.,32pp. 4-. Stras- bourg, 1866, 2. s., No. 912. Hinglais (Manuel) [1866- ]. * Essai sur l'actinomycose appendiculo-coecale (appendicite et typhlite actinonivcosiques. 1 p. 1., 62 pp., 2 pi. 8 . Lyon, 1897, No. 78. HillgSt (Jan). *Korte geschiedenis d«r ,-eetio Ciesarea van 1896-99. [Groningen.] 3 p. ]., 214 pp., 3 1. 8°. Sneek, J. Campen, 1899. Hiilg-Stoil (Thomas) [1799-1837]. See Hnrvey (William). Exercitationes de motn cordis [etc.]. Edinhnrgi. 1824. For Biogruphg, see Diet. Nat. Biog , Lond., 1891, xxvii, 4 (G. (.'. House). " Kingston (Sir William H[ales]i [18-29- ]. Vaccination. 39 pp. 8~. [Montreal. 1876.] Suppl. to: Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1876, v. ------. The climate of Canada and its relations to life and health, xxiv, 25-2(56 pp. ■—. Mon- treal, Dawson Brothers, 1.-84. ------. Paper on certain forms of club-foot. 8 pp. 8°. Montreal, Gazette Piinting Co., 18-4. Repr. from: Camilla M. & S. J., Montreal, 1883-4. xii. ------. Remarques sur la vaccination. 30 pp. 8°. Montreal, Perrault Co., 1885. ------. Lithotrity. In: iNTKUNAT. Encycl. Surg. (Aslilmrst). 8:. New York, 1880, vi, :;ul-322. ------. Stone in the bladder: choice of operation. 5 pp. 12c. Philadelphia. 1-94. Repr. from: Med. News. Phila., 1891, lxiv. Hillkel (Frank Whitehill). A review of the re- fill ions let ween the state and the medical pro- fession in New York. 11 pp. 8 . [Buffalo, 18',)4 ] Repr. from: Buffalo M. & S. J., 1894-5, xxxiv. ------. Report of a death following immediately an operation for nasopharyngeal adenoids un- der chloroform, with remarks on chloroform an- esthesia in this operation. 12 pp. 8°. Xew York, 1--98. Repr. from: N. York M. J., 1898, Ixviii. Hinlopeil (Petrus). *Ltruni aer cum sanguine per pulmones transeunte misceatur et de pabulo vitie ae'reo. 1 p. 1., 46 pp., 7 1. 4°. Traj. ad Ilhennm, J. Broeddet, 1755. [P., v. 1931.] Hiiiinan (C. I.) See Wiley (Harvey W[iisliin. Kpib-psv trom peiipln-ral irritation. Cures by removal of an inii'iieil ami d;-.a-cl testicle and a foreign body from the nose. (J pp -- Philadelphia, i8-'.i. [Repr. from: Am. J. M. Se Phila. :S>9. n. s. x.vii. E'ectriiitv in a case of fiecal inipai thm. [Cutting from: Med.'News. Phila.. >:-". lvi, ■J5o--j:.2.1 Observations on station w.ih ref.ienie to i'es]uration. [Ci'finafrom: N. York M. .1 lM'o li. l".0-l".'4. 1 Influence- niodifMim the occuriience ot certain nervous art etioiis in the 1'nit.d Starrs. ^Cutting from : J. Nerv. .v Ment. l>i- . N. T.. l-:c xix. •Jti--J73.1 The 're.itmeiit ot .-pil-p-y : with -pecial reference to the i-' of pota-.-ium In innate, magnesium bromide, nitro- "lvieiin aniifelirin. -ulphonal. etc. 8 pp. 8-. [Phila- delpli-e 1S92. !/.'»'./"■. from .- internat. M. Mag.. Phila.. l-'.'-'-.l. i ' Nin-ill" in iierviio> di-eas, . pai tienlai lv in hysteria. [Ci>>ti,,g/rom: Internat. M-d. Mai;., Phila.. 18a:i-4. ii. .114- :tJJ. o pi.' The comparative rarity of pulmonary tubciculosis m the highlands of Pennsylvania ami the adjacent count is of New York. Id pp. ' C2'. [Philadelphia. Lei Cms. d Co.. 1891.] ' Repr. from: Med. News. I'liila.. 1-1 Ixv.j Crossed kn.e jerk, or cntra-lateral ailducior n flex. BvCuv IT isila1. -md John M disou Taylor, -pp. ■'•■ Phi'i-i'li I" i. Is1'. [Repr. from: Internat. M. Ma-.. Phi ., I-'.'" •' iv. I'.eeent m--a>uies for the prevention and treatment ot tulieiciilosi>. Ctpp. 1 tab. *'-. [Philadelphia. 1895] \R.pr. r',om: Tr. Am. (limat. Ass..Phila.. 1895. xi.) 1 ( u>e'of foreign body in the larynx: death from -nfloca- tiou Cutti, gfrom: Tr. Col. Phys. Phila.. l-9i;, 3. «., xviii ■-'■-'«. 1 pi 1 . _ T .. Case of hyperostosis cranii. [Cutting from: J. -Nerv. i Ment Dis'.. N. Y., l'l". xxiii. sh:i-m»;.] Infect, d atmo.s;,tiere. 9 pp. 1- ■ Aeu- 1 ork. ls%. Ueyr.from: Med. News, N. V. 189.1. Ixviii.] lie occniiatiou neuroses. [Cv'ttmi from : Am. 'lext- Bool. Apidied Therap.. Phil ... l"9li. 11 LVI Ul-l ParaK >is a'Mtans. [Gutting from : Am. Text-Book Ap- plied Therap.". Phila.. Is9t>. 11J-'1 12:1.] Tetany. [Cutting from: Am. Text - Book Applied Tin rap.'. Phila.. l-9(i. IKis] D. nue. The lever now epidemic al Ocean springs. The chaiaiterof the disease and lis relation to other well- known levers. [Cutting from : Puld. Ledger. Phila.. Sept. 15. ll-97.] llemiirks on the treatment of tuberculosis by the antt- tubercle serum. [Cutting from : Huston M. .v S. J., Is9,. exxjvii. 4K1-417.] Syringomyelia. 74 pp. h". Philadelphia, ls!l7. [Repr. from: Internat. M, M.i;. Phila., 18911-7. v.] Purulent enccphaiiti- and cerebral abscess in the new born, due to infection thioimh the umbilicus. 4 pp. 8° Philadelphia, 1*99. [Repr. from: Am. J. M. Sc. Phila. 1*99. ii. s.. cxviii.] .-------. Acromegaly. [ Boylston prize essay, 1-98.] 5 p. 1., -- i'p. --'. Detroit. W. M. Warren, 1-9-. Repr. from-. Medicine, Detroit, 189s. iv. . The cold wave of February, 1-99. 5 pp., Hinsdale (Guy)—continued. ------. Tn' eivnle-is in Pennsylvania. 14 pp. 8J. < hictgo. P. Ml. Repr. from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1900, xxxv. See oh.. Kiv.lilll A i "f plnsiohigic Iheiapi nil. s 8'. Ph tadi/oA i«, "i'.i" i. -Willuril (iu- l'oresii.V lliii-ilale ((Jin) m Is.1 .\ niero-lalelal sclerosis, [cle.]. I'J°. Phi -'ltd, I -Im 1-91. ------ -----. Anterior poliomyelitis. 8-\ rial <■:■■!,.i.io 1 -94. — -A Anders (Howard SA A visit to the Looinis S.ni ariuin for Consumptives. pp., II. - . Beilin. (). Pranche. [1-'.»!]. Hiliseil ([Karl] Joh.) * Die chi-oi.iselie katar- rhalisi he Erkrankiing der l\aeliensclileimliaut. 40pp.. -'1. s-. [Bonn. Kblm-r, 1-811.] Hins'M'lwoo*! (.lames). Litter-, word- and mi:n!-b iinie-s 2 p. 1., -- pp. - . London, H. li. /.»l.■^. i;io.'. See. aUt, Anderson (T[homas] M'i'alli. Contribu- tions io clinical medicine. s~. Edinburgh <(■ London. Is'.i8. Hinton. >'■ i' Pcrhey (John) [inl.s.]. Some observations ma«le upon the Maldiva nut. sm. 4 . London H94 Hinton (James) [lS^-Ciii]. Dr. Watters' Doc- trines of life. Letter from ... 31. 8-. St. Louis, [l,-(i.8]. Repr. from: St. Louis M. £ S. J., 1808. v. ______. ( Miservations on some of tlie affections class d a-m rvous deafne-s. :!4 jip. 1"2;. [Lon- don, 18 i-.] Repr. from: Guv's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1.-68, 3. s . xiii. On accumulation of mncus within the tympanum, and its treatment liy incision of the lneinbrana tympani. 16 pp. 8. [ London. 18n8, rel snbseq.] -----. Life in nature, xvi. "258 pp. 1^-. Xew 3 maps. -'. [Philadelphia, l-'.»'.».] Repr. from: Tr. Am. Climat. Ass., Phila ls99. xv York. !>■ Appleton 4' Company, 1-7'J. HilltOll (.I^m.s T[liomasJ i. I'eber die verschie- deneu Meihoden tier Behandlung von l"i aituren. Hi lip. 8-. Miluehen. E. Miihlthaler, 187-. HilltOll (sir John) [1603?-8-2]. Memoires by . phvsitian in oidinary to his ina.je-tie- ]ier- si.n, 1679. 36 pp. 1'2C. [London. T. I enxhy, 1-14.] For Iiiography. see Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., IsiU. xxvi, 7 iii. (ioodwin). Hints Elek). Az izoinnidkodes iillal okozott vml i/iileti ticzamoilasok lnechanisiuusaidl. [The me lianism of luxations of the slioulder-joiut cau-eil liv nmscular work.] 16 pp. fol. [/>'«- dope A. l'Ji'L] snppl. to: Orvosi hetil., P.lldapest. 1901, xiv. Hints t" bathers. Tremont Turkish hath. 16 pn. oWl. 16 . Boston, [n. d.]. Ilillls hearing on the Tinted is ales army, with an aim at the adaptation, availability, elliciency and economy theieof. liy a late captain of in- fantry. o2 pp., 1 pi. - . Philadelphia, H. B. Isliniead. 1-5-. II plates wanting. Hints for clinical clerks in medical cases. 30 pp. \2 London, J. Churchill, l^ii-j. Hints on digestion. A brief resnmi of the lat- ent ].li\-iolooieal investigations. I'roni various Mii-1 sii. American, French, and German phy- siolooical writings. 2.1 pp. >-. Xeir York, [i—il. Hints to mothers [etc.]. See Aunt Peggy. Hints relative to the life, writings, and char- acter of the late Dr. John Mason (Jood. pp. 57-(;4. - . [Loudon, Ibotson «| rainier, 1--7, vel snbseq.] [P., v. -.',:!. ] Hints submitted to the consideration of the court of contributors of the Royal Infirmary of HINTS. 122 HIP-JOINT. Hints submitted [etc.]—continued. Edinburgh, relative to a letier lately addressed to them by Robert Listen. By a member of the court. 15 pp. 8-\ Edinburgh. J. I'illaus, 18-2-J. [Also, in: P., v. 1506.] Hints with a view to the formation of a society among the medical profession of Scotland. 7 pp. 8. ['Edinburgh.!^.} [P., v. 1617.] Hints to young physicians. 12 pp. 8°. [n. p., n. c..J IlilltZ (Ernst). See l'i <»«'iiiiiN (Carl Remigius). Chemische Analyse der Cirola-(liit-lle [etc.]. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1889. ----- & Hint* iKrnst). Chemische Analy-e des Wassers der (ieririiilis - (luelle [etc.]. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1890. ----- -----. Chemische Uiitcrsiichiinir der Trink- oder Berg- quelle [elc.]. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1891.----------. Unter- suchuug des grossen Spiudels [etc.]. 8°. Wiesbaden. 1894. ----- -----. ('liiiniscle. Tnlersncbiinu der Euleliofer- Quelle |etc.J. s-. Wiesbaden. 1895.-----------. t'lie- inisclie t'ntersiicliung des Crefelder Spiudels [etc.]. 8°. Wiesbaden. 1890. ---■-------. Chemische Untersuchung der Thermalqiielle [etc ]. 8°. Wiesbaden. 1890. Hintz (Heinrich). Kurort Bad Bartfeld in Un- garn, Saroser Comitiif, nnd (lessen alkalisch- niiiiiatische Eisen-Saueilings-Quellen. Vom geschichtlichen, balneologischen nnd therapeu- tischen Stamlpunkle. 2 p. 1 , 58 pp., 1 pi. 12-'. Wien 4' Liipzig, W. Braumiiller, ll"95. Hilltze (Gebliard). *Klinisclie Beitrage zur Keuntnis der tonischen Kraniptformen. 36 pp. 8c. Erlangen, A. Vollrath, l-'.»4. Hintze tKourad Paul Richard) [18 6- ]. * Yier Fiille von Ovariolomie iu der Graviditat. (Aus der Marburger Entbindungsanstalt.) 31 pp. 8'-; Marburg, 11. Friedrich, 1891. Hilltze (Kurt). * I'eber die Entwicklung der Zungenpapillei; beim Menschen. 18 p]i., 1 1. 8 . ' Strassburg, J. H. E. Heitz, 1890. Hintze vlt.) Ueber einen mit Tuberculin he- liaiiilelten Fall von Urogenitaltuberculose. 34 pp. 8U. Gbttingen, W. F. Kaestner, 1*1>1. Hilltze (Kobert) [1876- ]. * Lebensweise und Fut wiekelungvonLankesierella minima (Chaus- sat). 46 pp., 1 1. 8:. Berlin, G. Schade, [1901]. Hintze (Walther Georg Erich) [W3- ]. *Mit- teiluugeu aus dem Gebiete tier gerichtlichen Medizin znr Beurteilung tier Kurpfnscherei nnd ilea Geheiininittelweseus. 28 pp., 2 1. 8°. Ber- lin, E. Ebering, 1-117. Hilltze ( Wilhelm) [1S72- ]. * Ueber Sensibi- litiiisstiii ungen am Rumpfe hei Tabes doraalis. -'7 pp., 1 1.. 1 pi. 8J. Bonn, A. Henry, lr'J6. c. Hintzelniitiin (Paul). See l*niv«'i'!»iiBt Heidelberg. Almanach [etc.]. 12°. Heidelberg. 1886. Hintzy (Ernest). * Etude sur la cauterisation ponctuee dans le traitement de l'erysipele phleg- moneux. 1 p. 1., 26 pp. 4-\ Strasbourg, 1866, 2. s.. No. 903. IliilZ. Ursachen und eine neue Methode zur vollkoinineiien Heilung der chronischen Gonor- rhoe (yerschleppter Tripper). 22 pp. 12°. Leipzig, E. Demme, 18(.I9. Hinz (Friedrich). Die Ratsel der Entstehung und Entwickelung des Menschen und dereu Lo- snng. In nener Beleuchtung dargestellt fiir Aerzte nnd Laien. 36 pp. 8-. Xeusalz a. Oder, 18117. ------. Kritik der antikonzeptionellen Mittel, Halh fiir Eheleute, zugleich ein Beitrag zur Steiierung der sozialen Not. 2. Aufl. 25 pp. f—. Leipzig, E. Demme, 1900. Hinz (Gottfried). "Experiniental-Untersnchun- gen zur Frage der Yerwendbarkeif des Formalde- hvdgases zur Desinfektion von Kleidungsstiicken nnd von Wohnraumeu. 28 pp., 1 1. .-j-. Kiel, H. Picucke, 1900. Hinze (August Heimbert) [1765-1832]. Versuch einer chronologischen Uehersicht aller fiir die Hinze (August Heimbert)—continued. Gcliui'tsliiilfc erfundenen Instrninente, mit tlem Namen ties Ertinders, der Beschreibung der Frtin- dung oder Verbesseruug, uud einer Anzeiye der- jenigen Schriften, worinn des erfundenen oder Vei besserten Instt uincnts Erwalinung geschehen ist. Vou Hippokrates an, bis auf un.sic Zeiten, oder bis znm .Jahre 1792. 109 pp. 8, Liegnitz d'' Leipzig. D. Siegcrt. 1791. See. also, Tej land iKr.) Abliaiullung iiber den Trip- per [etc.]. 12°.' Leignit: d- Leipzig, 1801. Hinze ([Hugo] Eugen) [1867- ]. "Ein Fall von embolischer Hemiplegie mit corticaler Epi- lepsie. 29 pp. 8 . Berlin, G. Schade, 18'.I5. Hilize ([Job. Gustav Adolf] Friedrich) [1867- ]. * Ueber den Verscliluss des Foramen ovaledes Herzens. 40 pp. 8-. Berlin, G. Schade, [lS'.Ci]. Hilize (Maximilian Gustav) [1868- ]. * Ueber die Biilbarsyinptonie der Tabes dorsalis nnd ihre pathologisch-anatoinische Grundlage. 29 pp., I 1. 8°. Berlin, U. Francke, [1-90]. Hinze ([Theodor] Ernst) [1864- ]. * Ueber Limenluxation. 29 pp., 1 1. 8C. Berlin, G. Sc'iade. [1888]. Hinze (V.). See Siltorski (J. A.) Ueber das Stottern. 8°. Ber- lin, 18:)1. Hiort (Janus Johannes). *l)e functione retime, particula secuuda. 3 p. 1., 131 pp., 1 pi. 16-. Christianiw, ex off. Lehmanniana, 1830. Hioi'tll (Joannes). * Plant a1 eculenta- patriae. Upxuliie, 1752. In: mslect./E ex . . . Oaroli Linusei diss, ad nat. hist. pertinentes. 4°. Grcecii, 1766, ii, 15-43. Hip. See Bursae of hip. Hip (Tumors of). See, also, Bursae of hip; Hip-joint (Tumors of). vom, Baracz (It.) Ein seltencr Fall von Ncubildung der linkcn Hul'tgelenksgegend. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1887, xxiv, 610-01^. —C'havnimay, i(i.) Kyste hydatique dc l'os coxal; diagnostic avant l'interventioii; operation; guerison. Coin.'', period, do gynec. d'obst. et de pa'diat. Mem. etdisc. 1895, Pur., 1896." 4.">f)-460.—«3ill«tlr (A. .1 ) A. report of cases of osteosarcoma of the hip. Tr. Am. Orthop. Ass., Phila., 1896, ix, 94-99. — IIanionic (P.) Un kyste hydntique de la handle ayant siniulc chez un infant un abces par congestion d'oritiine potiique I!ev. clin. dan.li ol. it de gynec, Par.. 1910, vi. 19 -19(>. — I.e. bi-iin. Deux cas de tumeur blanche coxii-femorale traites par le procede dc M. Liicas-Chainpiounicre. Presse nied. beige, Brux.. 189:i, xiv, 190-192. — I.ouvu-re (J.) Peri- trochnnterit^ chez un enfant. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 18119, ii, :;93-397.—Poiricr (P.) Kyste synovial d'origine arti- eulaire au pourtmir de l'articulatiou de la hanche. (Gan- glion coxo-feniornl.) Bull. Soc. anat. de Par , 1888, lxiii, ib'5.—Nchwartz (E ) Resection dela region condylienue du femur pour une tumeur a my61op!axes ; pseudai throse consecutive gu6rio par relectrolv.se; icsultat au bout de 4 ans J. Kev. d'orthop., Par., 1899, x, 89-911. Hip-joint. Bakbe (E.-J.-Y.) "Physiologie du ligament de Berlin. .8°. Bordeaux, 1-97. BhaUiNE (G.) Ueber die Function des Liga- nientuni teies am inenscliliclien Hiiftgelenk. 4°. Lipsiu; [1875], Bnssox (G.-P.-E.) * Contribution a l'dtude des fonclions du ligament lond de rarticulation coxo-letnorale. (Peelierclies d'anatomie com- paiee.) 4°. Bordeaux, 18^. Gassmaxn (A.) *Ein Beitrag zur Mecliauik nnd Geometric des Hufrgeleuks. 8-. [Bern, 1895.] May (P.) * Beitriige zur Casuistik der Hiift- gelenksarticulation. 8°. Heidelberg, 1881. Vvki:yuziiski (D.) *0 fornite i vzaimnom otnoslienii sostavnlkh poverkhnostei x tazobe- drennom sochlenenii. [Form and mutual re- lationship of th■'. articular surfaces of the liip- joinr.] 8'-. Sanklpeterburg, 1875. II LP-JOINT. 123 HIP-JOINT. Blip-joint. Alii* (0. H.) A brief account of the mechanism of the hip-joint, with diagnostic points upon dislocation and fract- ure'of the neck of the femur. M.d. .V Siuy. Reporter, Phila.. 1877, xxxvi, 303-107. .Usu. lb print. — Bade (I'.i Die Kn.icheiistrnktur des coxalcii Kcmuiviid.s bei A r- thritis deformans, nebst Bemerkungen zu «1« i YVollVschen Kralintheorie des Oberschonkcls. Kortschr. a. d (ieb. d. Hoiitm'iistrahlcn, Hamb., 1110,1-1901, iv, 61-74, 1 pi.— itiilir (F.i Beobaehtungen iiber die statistiseheu Be/.ie- hunui n do Beckons zur unteren Extremitiit. Ztschr. f. ortliep. Chir.. Stutti;-.. 1897-8, v. 52-59. -----. Erwiderung an Julius Welti'. A bid . 295-30:;. — Bellini ( M.) Sur uu ligament non deceit de 1 ai liculation co\o-fcinoralo. Bull. Soc. auat.de Par., 1891. lxvi, 299.— Itrowiiiii^ (YV. WO Au examination of the influence of the iliopsoas muscle upon the rotation ot t lie thigh. Ann. Surg.. Phila., 1894. xix, 223-230.—C'liaiidclnx i A.I Xote sur les nerfs de rarticulatiou coxo-feinorale. l.yon nied., 1880, li, 551- 554. Also: Mem. et eoiupt.rcn.l. Sue. d. sc. mod. de Lyon (1880). 18s7. xxvi. pt. 2, 01-0K. — 1'lt-lnnd (■!.) The so- calleil teudino-lrocbanterian ligam lit. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891. ii, 477. — Connexion* du fascia lata et du petit fessier avec la capsule de I'm ticulation coxo-feinorale. J. de med. de Bordeaux 18.ii. xxix 413.— Ouv.ru (IM Note sur les nerfs de l'at ticulation coxo-feniorale I.\on med.. 188ii. Iii, ;i.">-::s. Also: Mem. ct compt. rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1.-801. 1887, xxvi, pt. 2. (S6-7o. - ENclicn. Musculus iliopsoas sum Rotator. Kjo'ienli. med. Selsk. Forh., 1892-3. 25. — Fatvccll (K.) The l'.iinacula ol' Wcitbrecht-. what is their function? J. A::at i.V Physiol., Lond., lf-95-0. xxx, 53-58. — Ucikcn (X. A.) Tazolio- dreuniy sustav i atmosfeinoye davleiiie. [The hip,joint and ajinospherii ]>ressurc.] Viacb. St. 1'etersb., 1894, xv, 678-'ixi. AUo. transl.: Anat. Anz., Jena, 1894-5, x, 35- 42 <;ili« (P.) Role du ligament rond dans l'nrticula- tior eoxo-ieniorale. Compt. fend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1892, 9. s., iv. G1G-G1? AUo: X. Mont; el. med.. 1892, i, 503- 565.—llaiiopoll". Sur l'origiue ct le mode de developpe- meut .1. la i i].- ilc feniorale . xii, 171-432. ~B:jm«' 'IM Die Mecbanik des Hutt el, iikcs. Arch. f. Am.i . Physiol, u. wissensrh. Med . Leipz.. Is05. 521-557. AU" llepriut.—Million (.1. Ill The li'amentum teres. J Ana'. &. Physiol., Lond., 1*82-3. xvii, 191-193. 1 pi.— Willi- V.) Finn.is Inda- drotatorer. [Internal rotators of femur.] Bibhoth. 1. La-ger, Kjebeiih., 1893, 7. R., iv, 472-479.— WolnMI.) Bemerkungen zu der vorstehendeii Arbeit des llr. Biihr. Ztschr. f on hop. Chir., Stuttg., 1897-8, v, 00-05. Ilip-joicBl (Abnormities of). s,e, also. Hip-joint (Dislocati .« of. Congenital). IJi:cni:t (J.-P.-O.) * De la malformation con- ge iitah- de la liiiiielic. ses rapports iivoc In lu- xation congenitale; etude pat liogeniqne. f '. Bordeaux, l-.f). Branfiiot (A. M.) Congenital malposition ol the hip jobIs I i. South Indian Branch Brit. M. Ass. 1884-0, Madias, 1887, i, no. 9, 10, 2 pi. Hip-joiiat (Abscess in or around). Cassaigneac (J.-M.-.J.-M.) * Des abces froids ossillneiits de I'os eoxal duns leura rapports avee la coxulgie on pseudocoxaigies d'origine iliaque. 1°. Bordeaux. MM. Kalischek (M.) * Krkiankungen der Arteria femoialis bei eiirigen Proccssen der Jliifige- leiiksgcgi-iid. 8-. Wiirzburg, l-Sl. Taili.ard (E.) * .Snr les complications efc le trnitenieiit des abces de la coxalgic Y . Paris, 1-:*:'.. Ascc««n periarticolare subacuta della articolazione coxoteiiioiale sinistra; asperazione (on 1'appaieccbio del Potain ; in viadi guarigione. Clin. chir. (Mazzoni), Konia. Ilip-joillt (Abscas in <■■)' around). 1884, viii-x, 18.— Baltic (W. II.) Siip])uriition iu the left hip-joint treated by incision and erasion of an abscess cavity in the neck (if the femur on which the suppuration depended, and in which primary union was obtained, and the patient recovered with a perfectly movable joint. Brit. M. J., Lond , 181)0, ii, 898. Also: Med. Press .VCirc, Lond., 1891, n. a., li. 32l.-.liul»oii (A. B.) The manage- ment ot the abscesses of hip disease. X. York M. J , 1885, xii, 110-120. A Iso, Keprint. -----. The question of inter- feting with the abscesses of hip disease. N. York M. J., 1889, xlix, 235 237. Also, Reprint— l.ovelt (R. W.) &. <«oirithwnit (J. E.) The abscesses of hip disease ; their prevention and treatment. Tr. Am. Orlhop. Ass.. Phila., 1889, ii. 82-93. AUo: Boston M. & S. .J., 1889, exxi, 50::- 505 — l»ee Oihnin (P. E.) A study of fourteen hip ab- scesses. I'.oslo i M. .t S. ,L, 1899, cxli, 413-415. —Mayrc (U. II.) The result of antiseptic treatment of abscesses i onnecteil with disease of the hip joint. N. York il. J., 1888, xlvii, 004. AUo, Reprint. — Mchmiilt (M.) Zur Behandlung der acetaluilar-ostitischen Berkenabsr esse. Aich. f. klin. Chir., Berk, 1893 xlvi, 855-861.—Ville. iiiiivi. Alices ostropathique de la fosse iliaque, ouvert dans lai ticulation coxo IVinorale droite : incision; mort. Marseille med., 1897, xxxiv, 165.—Walker ( H. O. ) Tubercular abscess of the hip-ioint. Internat. Clin., I'liila., 1898, 8. s„ i, 225, 1 pi. Hip-Joint (Amputation at). Nee" Amputations at hip-joint. Hip-joiBlt (Anlt/losis of). See, also. Excision of hip. AtiCT (A.) * De l'osteotoiuio lin6aire sous- troebantirienne dans l'ankylose de la bauche. 4-. Paris, 18-'J. Coyille ( M.) * Coutribution a l'dtude du traitement des ankyloses vicieuses de la hanche. 8°. Paris, 1 >«><). Eisexbergeu (L.) * Ueber die Behandlung kuochernerHiit'tgelenks-Ankylosen. 8 , Wiirz- burg, 18-4. Hkll.manx (W.) * Beitrag zur Behandlung der Atik\ lose nach Coxitis. 8J. Wiirzburg, 1884. Lokenz (A.) Ortliopiidie der lliiftgehnks- Contracturen und Ankylosen. ^°. Wien, lr-8a; resezione collo scalpello; guarigione. Arch, di oitoji., Mil.mo, 1885, ii, r.01-510. —Chenieux. Osteoto- mie trochanterieune du femur droit dans un casd'ankylose de la liancho avec flexion et abduction. Assoc, franc, dc chir. Proc-verb. [etc.]. Par.. 18S6, x, 788.—t'ondainin & Jabonlny. Ankylose osseuse coxo-femorale. Mem. ct compt. rind. Soc. d. sc. nied. (le L.yon (18s9). 189a. xxix. ]>t. 2, 121-1.:;.—i'oltiiii; 111. lv) Dr. Sayre's ca esof artb ficial hip-joint. Boston M. \- s. J., 1809, n. s., iii, 58. AUo, Ilepi'iiit. — Coxalgie droite avec flstule; aggravation apr6s une rougeole; ankylose en mauvaise attitude : injec- tions de tuberculino Til; amelioration de 1 etat local; re- dress, nn nt sous le chloroformo; immobilisation: gueri- son. Ann. de ch'r. et d'orthop., Par., 1898, xi, 225-233.— Dollinuci- (J.) Die Behandlung der tuberculose n Hiil't- geleukscin/.iinUung, Conti nctur und Auchylosc. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1891-2, i, 347-373. -----. O-tcoto- mia subtrochanterica ket csete esipoiziileti csoutos me- revseg 6s zsugorodas miatt. [Two cases of subtrochan- teric osteotomy for osseous ankylosis of hip-joint and its atrophy.] Gyogvaszat, Budapest, 1899, xxxix, 180. Also: Orvosi hetil., Budapc-t. 1839, xliii, 97.—Godarl. Anky- lose angulaire do la hanche; redressement par la lenot'o- mie et 1'extension continue. J. de med., chir. et Pharma- col., Brux., 1890, xc, 38-43.—Gritli (Ii.) Claudicazione da anchilosi angolare del cotile siiiistro p?stuniudi cotilite con lussazione postoriore superiore; resezione dell' artico- lazione ileo-fcinorale col metodo di Volkmann a scalpello (Meisselresectioni; guarigione colla conservazione dei moviinenti del feinorc. Arch, di ortop., Milano, 1885, ii, 1-7, 1 pi. —Heath -jj«^iit (Ikformitits of). Klinik Krlangyn. [Ei langen.] s'. Freiburg, 18i>.->. BrChl (W.) Velicr Coxa vara. 8°. Bonn, I8i»;». Bcsse (0.) * Ein Beitrag zur Coxa vara. Zw( i Fiilio aus tier cbirurgiscben Klinik Erlan- gen. 8 . Erlangen. 1S<)»), Ciiakpkniikr [v..) *Do riucurvation du col femoral aitrilmce au racbitisnie (ou coxa vara). S . Paris, l^'.'T. -----. The same. -^ . Paris, 1M»7. Also, in: Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1898. ix, 222; 299. Kkkis (H.) * Des attitudes vicieuses tlans la coxalyic; patbosjonieet traitement. .-"-. Paris, 18'»T. Lvss i A. i * Anatoiniscbe Beitriige zur Coxa vara. - . Wiirzburg, Wlf Marty (P.) *l>es rosultats eloionos tie la coxalgie au point tie vue ortliopeilique ; deduc- tions tberapeutiques. - . Paris, ls(.l;i. Mordhorst (A.) *Zur Coxa vara. sJ. Halle a. >'., 1-i'S. ' Mi'-LLKis (ii. [J. F.]) *Drei Fiille von ''Coxa vara", S-\ Kiel, W.'.~>. Xkuschmidt tC.[H.(i.]) " Feber Coxa vara. --'. 7vi'ei, l-'.Hi. Peters (H.) ' 1'elier Coxa yara. w. Miin- chen, l-'.K PiCQfK (R.) * La hanche bote et son oste-o- arthrite. [Lyons.] ?-. Dijon, 1-W. -----. The same. * . Dijon, 1 -'.19. Ql'ETTlER (L>.) *De la t'herapentiqr.e du raccourcisseiiient dans les coxaljjies gn6ries. [Lille.] 4-. Montreuil-sur-Mer, l-'.i,">. S( IILElTHEU (I. H.) "Beitrag Zlir Osteoto- inia subtrochanterica. ?". Greifsicald, lS-!». Siahke (H.) "Operative Behandlung der Coxa vara. - . Fill, 1-1V-. Strcbel (R.) * Ein B itrag zur Casuistik der rachitischen Schenkelhalsverkruniinungen. Zwei Fiille aus der Heidelberger cbirnrgischen Klinik. lvi-. [Hid, Iherg. 1-9-1.] Ticiiauer (B.) r lebi 1 die Anwendung der schiefen < >~teotoini • bei Deforinitiiteu des Hiift- gelenks. 8-'; Wiirzburg, iSilli. VAX WiJK (T.) *Hi8toriscb-kritiselie Uebcr- sicbt der stat ischen Schenkellialsverliiegung (Coxa vara) und Therapie. h;. Leiden, \r*'J7. Abbott iK. (I.) Oblique subtrochanteric osteotomy, for the lengthening of tbe femur, iiml collection of the de- formity of flexion n-niiltiiig from Inp joint disease. Bos- ton M. &. S. J.. 1901. cxliv, 351. — Al»b«ijf (A.i Anato- misi In- und kliuische Botrncbtung' 11 ui.er Coxa vara. Ztsclir. f. oiiln.p. Cliir.. Stuttg. MM. vi. 106-172. Also, transl. [Al.sti.j: Ann. Surg. Phi In.. 1*99. xxix. 121-127. -----. Zur Theorie und Diffcniitialiliagiiosi- der Coxa vara. Zischr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg. Is99, vii, 364-374.— Bahr (F.) Zur I.ebre von der Coxa vara. Arch. f. klin. Chir.. Berl., 1900, lxi, 533-541. AUo: Verhandl. d.deutsch. (i.-ellsoli. f. Chir. Perl.. 1900, xxix, pt. 2, 191-199. — Bauer (F.) Om Coxa vaia. Hy-iea. Stockholm, 189."). lvii.pt. 2,722-744. Also. p. print.-Bauci- (J. L.) De formity alter hip Joint dKciise following tin- extension treatment- osteotomy for its condition: recovery with a useful e\n . iiiily. Internat. Clin., Pbila.. 1892, 2. s.. ii. 227-232, 1 pi.— Kaycr (J.) Zur Therapie der Coxa vara. Deutsche Zt-clir. f. Chir., Leipz., 1897, xiv, 502-583. — Bennett i\V. K.) Coxa, vara. Birmiiu:h. M. I!ev.. 1900, xlviii, 321-331. I pi.— Berger (P.) Osteotomie tiochan- t6rienne ohliipie pour la cu icction d'une attilude vicieuse et dune deformation extreme du nieiubre inferimir droit conseciitives a une c xalnie anciennc Rev. d'orthop.. Par.. 1898, ix, 258-209, 1 pi. — Kigrlon (H. J.) Perma- nent flexion of the bin joint. In his.- Orthop. Sur;:.. 8'. Post., 1900, 118.— Killiaul (M ) Cnxa-vara. Ann. de chir. et d'orthop.. Par., 1*99. xii, 97-110. — Booth (.». Ml Double osteotomy of hip fur de I'or mit v. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1900. 10. .-..'ii. 18S-I93. 1 pi — Korc-hard. Zur Symptom.ttologie nnd Therapie der Coxa vara. Cen- tralbl'. f. Chir., Leipz., 1897, xxiv, 089-094.—dc Bovin (R.) Contribution a la pathologie de la hanche (incurva- tion du col du femur, coxa vara). Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1898, lxxi, 1040; 1045.— Bradford (E. H.) Subtrochanteric osteotomy for tho deformity following hip disease. Am. liip-.ioUlBf (Deformities of). Mcd.,'Phila., 1901, i 590-a! 18.— Ki au< 1 (L.) TJeher Coxa vara und die sic boglcitende Mu.skelatrophie. Milt. a. d. (iion/iM'b.il. Med.u. Chir., Jena, 1898, iii,275-282, 1 pi.— Iti-ma (K.) I'n cas de coxa vara. Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1898, ix 425, 1 pi. Ji*'0.[Abslr.]: Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par.. 189S, n. s., xxiv. 501.-----. Un c is dr coxa vara. Pev. doll hop., Par., 1899, x, 241, 1 pi.— R ■■ tli ■■<;<-1' (K.) Linea re Osteotomie des Selienkellialses hei statisclu-i Sclieiikelhalsveikiuinmung (Coxa vara). Wien. lilin. AVchnschr., 1890, ix, 727-7.9. — <'a!ol iF.) Sur la correc- tion des gi anils r.iccouicisseme its con.secutil's a la coxal- gie. Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1895, vi, 109: 176. ----. La coxalgie doit guotir sans boiterie. Assoc. franc. <1. chir. Proc .'-verb, [etc.], Par., 1890, x, 802-805.—»'li«-j ri«-< W. W.) Two cases ol coxa vara, showing tbe result ol di\ is ion of the femur below the trochanters. I'rit. M. J , Lend., lf-99, i, 400. 4'inti ((}.) Delia coxa var.i. Sctlimana med. d. Sperimentalc, Firenze, 1897, li, 189; 200.— Dnvy (R.) ()n osteotomy if the femur, to rectify distortion consequent upon the hip joint disease. Proc. M. Soc. Lond , l*;9-81, v, 23-J1. -FrdDiciiii (S.) Coxa vaia; Sannni li i lerat. Wim. klin. Wchnschr.. 1900, xiii. 5n2-5l)9.—Fabi-ikaiil (M. I!.) Ob iskrivlcimakh sbelki bedrs (Coxa vara). Trudi Kharkovsk. mod. Obsh., 1897, i, 217-220. Also, transl.: Pev. de chir., Par., 1898, xviii. .".77; 1012.—Firth (■I. L ) On incurvation of 1 he neck of the femur (coxa vara), with notes of a case. Biit. M. J., Lund., 1898, ii, 1422-1421. — IFoi-tcscuc (W. I.) A case of coxa vara; with remarks on the mdiographv of the hip j lint. Arch. Roeutg. Pay. Lord. 1899- DO i. i'i, 49.—Fia/ici' (C. H.) Curvature of the in ck of the femur, i oinetin.es called coxa vara. Aim. Surg., Phila., 1898. xxviii, 22-06, 1 pi. Also, Repruit.— Frti'lich. He la coxa vara des adolese, nt■-. Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1900, 2. s , i. 405-418. AUo | Absir.| : Soc. denied, do Nancy. C.-r.,1899-19i)H.p. exxv.—(«liiBliiii (C.) Coxa vara. Bull. d. sc. nied. di Pologaa, 1897, 7. s., viii, 479-480.—<*ibnry ( V. 1'.) The immediate correc- tion of deformities n suiting from disease of the hip. X. York M. J., 1889. xlix. 110-120. Also, Reprint -----. Subcutaneous osteotomy of lemur for correction of de- formity at hip. Arch.'Pediat., X. Y., 1893, x, 41. -----. The correction of the deformity of hip-disease; its value during the progiess of the disease; its importance on the subsidence of all disease: one bundled cases ana- lyzed. Internat. M. Mag., Phila., 1894-5, iii, 710-719, 2 pi. Also: Tr. Am. Orthop. Ass. 1891, Phila., 1895,v.i, 19(1-210. -----. Three cases illustrating tho diagnosis of a coxa vara. Me.i. Pec. X. Y., 1899,' lv, 49S.—CJIoyuii, Ein weiterer Beitrag zum Yorkuininen von Coxa vara in der Armee. 1 leutscbe mil. iirztl. Ztschr ,Bctl.. 19U0. xxix, 512- 514. — <>ioldlli»ait (I. E.) & Paintrr (,J. F.) Subtro- chanteric osteotomy for tho correction of deformities re- sulting from hip disease; report of cases. Tr. Ain.Orlhop. Ass., Phila., 1898, xi, 280-291. AUo, Reprint.—Gourdon (J.) Coxa vara. Rev. inens.de gynec. [etc.], Bordeaux. 1899, i, 33; 100; 224.—HcilioM. Ueber die Yerbieguiig des Schenkelhulses, Coxa vara, bei den Mannschafti n des IIeere->. Deiitsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl.. 1900, xxix, 255- 201.— Ilrvrroch (A.) Pripad nepohyblivosti u obott klouliei h _k\ celnich. [A case of coxa vara in both hip- joints.l Casop. lek.cesk.. v Pia/.e, 1900. xxxix, 517-521.— Holla i A i lag. iilliuinli. he Dcforinitiit des Schciikel- h.dso .....1 S.■henkelkopfes. operirt. Sit/.ung.sb. d. jihys.- me.l. lies. IN. h. zu Wiir/li.. ]hit 1, 4-7. -----. Die Nacbbe- haudliuiu dir nach aliurlaufener Coxitis zuruckgcbliebe- neii Defoimi.aleu. Saninil. klin. Yorii.. n. F., Leipz., 1890, No. KiOiChir., No. 47, 5-3-001). Also \ Abstr.): Sitzungsb. d. pbvs.-med. Ccsellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1890, 2-0. -----. Die Osteotomie bei der Behaiidlimg der Hiiflgeleiiksdeforini- lilten. Festschr. z. Feier. ..V. d. ])h s.-meil. (1, sellscli. zu Wiirzb., 1899. 79-102, 5 ]il. — HoI'iik i«l< i (F.) Coxa vara: cine t\|iisrhe Form der Schenkelhalsverbieguug. Beitr. z. klin.'Chir.. Tiiliing.. 1894, x ii, 245-317, 3 pi. -----. Zur Aetiologie del Coxa vara. Ibid.. Is95, xiii, 289-'.94. -----. Zur Pa I holic. ie uml Therapie dor <'ox a vara. Ibid., 1*98. xxi, 299 301. 4 pi. —.la boil la). La li allelic bote et son ostioaribrile. L\on med.. 1898, 1 xxxix, 409-472. Also: Cu/.. hebd lie med.. Par., IS99. n. *.. iv. 111). -----. Coxa vara et les angles .i iuclinaisou el (U> ileclinaison du col du femur. I.\ on med , 1WK lxxxvii. 431-437. Also: Meui.et compt.-rend. Soc d. s-. nuil. do Lyon (189s), 1899, xxxviii, 3-9 —.loacbiniMthal (G.) I'd el Wesen und Behand- lung di r Coxa vara. Samml, klin. Vortr., n. F., Leipz., 1898, No. 215 iCbir.. No. 02, 1043-1058). -----. Ueber Coxa vara traumatica infantum. Veihandl. d. deutsch. Cc- sellsch. f. Chit'., Berl., 1899, xxviii, pt. 2, 052-000. AUo: Arch. f. kliu. Chir., Berl., 1899, lx. 71-79 — JuiIhoii (A. P..) The prevention of the short leg of hip disease. Tr. Am. Orthop Ash., Phila., 1889, ii, 175-1 SI. AUo, Reprint. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 189], xvi, 510-514. -----. A method of prevent ng shortening after hip-disease. Am. Med.-Surg. Bull., X. Y., 1895, viii, 4-6. Also, Reprint. -----. The reduction of moderate degrees of deformity in hip disease. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1895, xlviii, 13.-----. Men- suration of the deformity of hip-disease. Tr. Am. Orthop. 'Ass. 1895, Phila., 1890, viii, 247-253. Also, transl.: Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg.. 1895-0, iv, 520-531. Also, Repriut. H IP-JOINT. 126 HIP-JOINT. Ilip-jOIBlt (Jkfvrmities of). Also, transl.: Arch, di ortop., Milano, 1896, xiii, 65-71. A Iso, Reprint. ------. A further view of the management of the'deformity of hip disease. Tr. Am. Oithop. Ass.. Phila., 1899. xii, 203-210. Also, Reprint. AUo: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1899. lvi, 469-471. AUo. transl.: Pev. d'orthop., Par., 1899, 429-43J. ------. The management of tbe d.-fortuity of hip disease. Lancet, Lond., 1899. ii, 878-883. AUo, transl.: Auu.de chir. et d'orthop.. Par., 1.-99, xii, 299-305. AUo, transl.: Arch, diorton., Milano, 1899, xvi, 159-105.—Hrct- lev (C. B.) Coxa vara. Tr. M. Soc. Loud., 1899-1900. xxiii, 220 239. AUo: Lancet, Lond., 1900, i, 1115-1118.—Mir- uiiiMOn (E.) Nouveaux faits pour servir a I'etude de l'iucui vation rachitiquedu col femoral; coxa vara d'origine congenitale. Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1897, viii 302-313, 1 pi. ------. Documents pour servir h. I'etude deratfaissement.dti col i'enioral(coxavara). /iid.,1898. ix,459-400 lpl.—Hoch (C. F. A.) Verkromming van den dijhals (coxa vaia). Ge- ueesk. Bl. u.Klin.en Lab. v.de prakt., Haarlem, 1897, iv,79- 98. — Korhci'. Ueher Coxa vara, eine Berufskrankbeit ih r Wacbstbuins])criodc. DeutscheZts hr.f.Chir., Leipz., 1893-4, xxxviii. 521-548. ------. Zur Coxa vara. Ibid., 1894-5, xl, 411-425. — Moiiig. Die Erklarung der Kon- tiakturstellung bei Coxitis. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1893, xx, 1145-1150. — Kraslte (P.) TTeber die opera- tive Behandlung der siatiscln n Si In nl. lhalsverliiegung. Ibid., 1890, xxiii, 121-127.—KrcdcI iL.) Coxa vara con- genita. Ibid., 909-973. ------. Leber 98xviii, 41-18. — Ktilard (P.) Dela correction des attitudes vicieuses i l du laccourcissement dans la coxalgie. Assoc, franc, de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.]. Par., 1897. xi, 765-775. Also: Med. inf.. Par., 1898. ii, 152-161. AUo [Abstr.l: Rev. dechir., Par., 1897,xvii, 1059.— lip-joint (Deformit-hs of). Rciimmcii (W.) Coxa vara (collum I. moris varum). Med. Weekbl., Amst . Is94. i. 253-255.-RoseiiNtirn (J.) On subtrochanteric osteot.....y. Pacific M. &. S..L. San Fran., 1888, xxxi, 129-139. — Ku;','i. La spasinouica contra- zione periarticolare die. mcnie un ancbilosi da cossalgia al 2" stadio. Arch, ed atti d. Soc. ital. di chir. 1886. Poma, 1887, iii, 79-90. — Ruggicro (E.) Delia coxa vara in generale. Ann. di rueiL nav., Poma, 1898, iv, 902-918.— Itutgcrs (M.) Coxavara. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. (ieneesk., Amst., 1.-95. 2. P., xxxi, d. 1, 297-3a2. — Sainton (P.) Du tiaitement orthop^diquo des attitudes vicieuses per- manoates de la c xalgie. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1893, lxvi, 1217-1224. -----. Lc la collection des attitudes vii ieuses de la coxalgie par le reilressunent force, sous lc cbloro- forme. PeC. d'orthop., Par., 1897, viii, 266-289. — r'ay re (R II ) Coxa-vara as a uianifestatii n of late rickets. Tr. Am. Orthop. Ass., Phila, 18.(7, x, 190-199.------. The treatment of lingular deformities at the hip-joint. Tr. N. York M. Ass., N. Y., 1893, x. 177-182. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, ii, 1198-1202. —Sc lianas (A.) Anfaugsstadien der Coxa va a. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1900, viii, 130-141. — Schneider (J.) Ein Fall von Coxa vr.ra. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1857, xxii, 465; 479.—Sclinitzlcr. Demonstration ein, s Fallcs von Coxa vara. Wien. klin. "Wchnschr., 1894, vii, 872.— Scboiiiialtcr (J.) Coxa vara. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geueesk , Amst-., 1897, 2. R , xxxiii, d. 2, 1015-1057, 1 pi.— Schwarz (D.) Coxa vara. Liec vii slnik, u Zagrebu, 1899, xxi, 46.—Sliaiids (A. P.) Gaul's femoral osteot- om \ for the correction of hip deformity in adults, with report, of cases. Tr. Am. Oithop. Ass., Phila., 1896, ix, 84-93. AUo: Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1890-7, i, 131-134. — Spi^.liiai nil v ( I. K.) Coxa vara. Laitop. russk. chir., S.-Peterb.. 1897. ii, 234-244.— Kprcnjjcl. Leber die trauiiiatische I.d.-ung der Kopfcpiphyse des Femur und ihr Yeihaltniss zur Coxa vara. Verhandl d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1898, xxvii.pt. 2,510- 515, 2 pi. [Discussion], pt. 1, 152-154. ------. Ueber einen operirten und einen nieht operirteu Fail von Coxa vara traumatica. Ibid., 1899, xxviii, pt. 2, 624-034. [Discus- sion], pt. 1, 62-68. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1899, li\, 937-947. —Steele (A. J.) Coxavara. Tr. M.Ass. Missouri 1900, St. Louis, 1901, 195-204.—Saicda (A.) Zur Coxavara. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Be, 1., 1901, lxiii, 743-750 — Stoker (Sir T.) On coxa vara. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1898, ii, 1001-1004. Also: Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, D,,bl., 1898-9, xvii, 195-209.— Suileck (P.) Zur Anatomie und Aetiologie der Coxa vara adolescentiuin; zugleich ein Beitrag zu der Lehre von dem arehitektonischen Ban des coxaleu Feinurendes. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1899, xxviii, pt. 2, 381-401, 3 pi. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1899, lix, 504-524, 3 pi. Also [Abstr.]: Deutsche med. Wclinschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1-99, xxv, Ver.-Beil., 248. ------. Statische Schenkelhalsver- biegung nach Trauma (Coxa vara traumatica). Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1899. xxvi, 382-385.— Sutherland (G. A.) A f the neck of the femur in early life; including fracture of the neck of the femur, separation of the epiphysis, and simple coxa vara. Aun. Surg., Phila., 1900, xxxi', 145-162, 3 pi — Willard (De F.) Coxa vara. Univ. M. Mug., 1900-1901, xiii, 340-343. Hip-joint (Diseases of). See, also. Bubo (Complications, etc., of); Fe- mur (Diseases of). HIP-JOINT. 12 Hip-joint (J>i.satse* of). An nan dale (L.) On the pathology aud op- erative treatment of hip disease. S-'. Edin- burgh, IS, (5. von Hoxspoupf (H.) *Studier ofver den tuberkuli'isa liot'tledsinllatnniiitioiio-ii. [Studies on the tuberculous iiiHaniniation of tlie lap- joint.] s\ Helsingfors, 1»8. Vuk HARD i A.-B.-A.) * De la coxalgie die/ les adolescents. 4-"". Paris, lSf>i). Coi.iinn.-v tti.i La eoxite tubereolare. S-. 'Torino, l-'.'i.i. (."ori-sox (W.) On diseases of Ihe hip-joint; with observations on affections of tlie joints in tbe puerperal state. "J. ed. S-. London, 1-M1. von Devextek (A. W. M.) * Over coxitis. Leiden, l--:>. tJiRARD (V..) "Quelques considerations sur rosteomveiite nigne de la hanche. 4-. Paris, 1 -.»:;. Hai'skh (F.) Das freiwillige Hinken (Coxal- ota \ -.eineEntsteliniio,Kikeuntiiis> und Behand- luno. -\ Olmiitz, 1-1-. Kaxzlkr (0.) * Ein Fall von Yorknticheruug de> Ligamentuin ilio-fe morale auterius. Halle, [1-77J. Labbe(L.) * De la coxalgie. - . Paris, 1><>:>. Laxxeloxgue. Coxotuberculose; lecons fai- tes ii la Faculty de inedet ine. Recueillies par le Dr. Menard. -\ Paris, 1-So. I.avis'I'a (E.N ~ Estudio sobre la coxalgia. It) . Mexico, 1-74. Lovktt (R. W.'i The etiology, pathology, aud tieatinent of diseases of tbe hip-joint. >~. Boston, W.U. MuXXlEK ( L. ) Sur (juelipH's points de physiologic ehirurgicale du menilire inferieur coinine introduction k I'etude de la coxalgie. 4-. Paris. 1--''. -----. Tho snme. S-. Paris. ls-(5. XElBEii (.1. E.) * De eoxitide. 12°. Cas- sellis, 1-:;.). Phei.ps (A. M.) A clinical lecture ou hip- joint diM-a-e and club-foot. -J. [Xew York], 1-:':>. PKii.oLEi i A.-V.) fhinles stir la nniladie de la ham he. roy. 8-. Bruxelles, li-4r>. K'oTH (A.) Sulla eoxite fnngosa. con speciale rign.-inlo alia tubercoli'S; dell' anca. 8-. Sas- sari, 1—4. ------. The same. - . Cagliari, 1~.^(>. RtGtii (O.) Conferenze teorico-praticbe di chirurgia. La co>>algia dove distinguer.si in estra eil intra cotiloidea. -°. Bologna. 1--•">. ScilLEl'SXEK ( E. ) * De CCX.il'tliroi ,iee. ^ -. FratislarUe. [1-50]. S'iaiil Hi. E.j [Pr.] liistoriaiu patliologicam aftectnuiii cum coxarum dolore syinbolizant iuin Hippocraticam exliibeu-. 4-. [Hahe Magdeb., 170-.] -----. The same. 4 . I lulu Magdeb., 1122. Wei'.xiiek ( A.) Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Krankheiten des Hiif'tgelenkes, Malum coxa- se- nile, Coxalgie und Fractura iutraca))sularis colli fcinoris. 4°. (liessen, Is 17. A I«'Ii«riiNMioii sur la coxalgie. Lull, et mem'. Soc.dc chir.de l'.n ., 1S97. n. s., xxiii, 415: 433; 487.— ltuplat. De la coxalgie. Prog! es med.. Par., 1.-98, 3. s., \ iii. 24!i; 2i'.5; 2s9. Also. ICcho med., Toulouse, 189s. 2. s , xii. 529: 541; 553; 505; 577.— Buret (II.) Lecons clini- i|iies sur la coxalgie. J. d. sc. nied. tie Lille. 18s7. ii, 385- 392.— Knrli (The) symptoms of liip-joiut disease and treatment. Post I i rail iiate. X.Y., 1897. xii. 245-255. — Fa r- nillll 115. ,l.i Hip-joint disease. Lclccl. Al. J., Cincin.. 1890 lvi. 39:;-408. — «»illilli' (A..I.) Diseases of tbe hip- joint. Med. News, PhiLi.,1891, lix, 30-:i8 AUo, Reprint.— Ilnyitard (YV. D.i Hereditary s\ philis and ttibeiculo- sis of the hip joint. South. Pract'., Nashville, 1899, xxi, 7-11.—Hill (S.' It.) Hip-joint disease. Alabama M. & S. Age. Anuision, 1891-2, iv 283-291. — IIowkc On pulpy disease of lb. Inp.joint. Guy's llo-p. ilnz., Lond. 1892, n. s.. vi. 305-:>u, -JiicnliKOii iN ) A lOUtiibnlion tothe stiulv of hip joint .li-ca-e. Tr. N. Yoik M. A-s. 1887, Oon- cord'.X.II.,l888,iv.70-s3.—Kocher. Coxitis. Inhis: Chir. Ivlin.zn Pern, Jena. 1891. 147.— liiiniy. Erkranknng. n iles Hiiftg. lenks. Perl. klin. Wclinschr.. 19"1, xxxviii, 05- 70—l.ovctt iP. W.i A clinical classification of hip dis- ease. Tr. Am. Oithop. Ass. 1892, Phila.. 1893. v, 59-70. AUo: Boston M ,v S. J..1-92.exxvii,354-35,. AUo. Peprint. -----. Acute arthritis of hip-joint, with dislocation of fe- mur; incision and reduction of dislocation. Boston Al. \- S. J., 1901. cxiv, 355.—I.ovcll (P. \V.) & ,TIoi"»«' i.I. L. A transi. nt or ephenieial form of hip disease. Ibid.. 1892, exxvii, 161-1G3. AUo, Peprint.—illcnaid iV.i Tuber- culose juxta-coxale. Assoc, franc, de chir. I'roc.-verb. |etc.]. l'ar.. 1897, xi. 743-765.—lloorr (J. E.) Hip joint dis. a--. Internat. Clin., Pbila., 1895, 5. s.. i, 216-219.— IVcville i-l.l Hip disease. Omaha Clinic. 1^91-2, iv, 180- 187. —T. Haven, 1894-5. i, 101- 108.—1£:; mUin (A. C.) Alorhus coxarius. Tr. Illinois AL Soc. Chicago, 1870, xxvi, 114-120.—Rcclas (P.) De la coxotuberculose. Ill his: Clin. chir. de l'Hotel-Dieu, 8. Par., i8^8. 178 - ls8. — Kciioii. Coxalgie guerie. Bull. Soc.d'anat. et physiol. de Bordeaux. 1890. xvii. 70.— Billion l.J.) Diagnosis and principles of treatment of hip .joint disease. Internat. .1. Surg.. X. Y.. 1896, ix, 144- 14!i. — Billion (.J. i ,V Jones (R.) Hip disease. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago. 1.-92. xx, 170; 220, AUo: Prov. Al. J., Leicester, 1892. xi, 512; 1,-93. xii. 58. AUo, Reprint.— Bohi'il* (G. W.i Hip disease, its early diagnosis and me- chanical treatment. Tr. llonncop. Al'. Soc. Penn. 1.-90, I'liila. 1,-97 217 225 — Bohini'i'. Hanche; pathologic. Dill. ciicm-I. if sc. med.. I'll'.. 1.-80. 4. s.. xii, 190-379 — lie Nainl-4»i'rinaiii. Diagnostic ct traitement i\e la cox- algie. Bull, med., l'ar.. 1892. \i. S83-885. Also: Clinique, Alonlreal. Ih95-(i, li, 72-78. — Miilaz.ai' ill' No 11/a (J.) Coiisidcraedes sobre a coxo-t u bei cuius,.. K,v. juu tugue/.a de med. e'cirurg: prat. Li-b . 18>.i0-7. i, pt. 2. 292-300.— Ni'iiu ( N. ) Tulicrcnlar coxitis. Clin. Pev., Chicago, 19iil, xiv, 250.- Nhiillei iX M.) A consideral ion of the neuromuscular elements in hip-joint disease, with especial reference to the question of the abolition of protective treatment. (Pev.] X. York Al. J., 1900. lxxi, 549: 588.— N mi Hi \ rest and fixation. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland. DubL. 1890 xiv, 107-18(1. -----. Tu- berculous diseases of the hip joint. Aled. Press ,x- Circ, Lond.. I 890,11. s., lxi 157; 181; 231: 315: 490: Ixii 80; 355 — l'i.......in (15.) Malum coxa; senile. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1880, xxxi, 37; 03: 75.—M"atcrlioiiai' (15. P.) Hip II IP-JOINT. 128 HIP- JOINT. Hip-joiait (Dixeasts of). disease. Eclect. Al. J , Cincin., 1890. lvi, 545.—WHmoii (H. A.) Karly symptoms of hip disease and ictiology ol hip disease; treatment of abscess in hip disease. Arch. Pediat., X. Y., 1892, ix, 622-630. Also, Reprint. ------. Hip-joint disease. Coll. & Clin. Rec, Phila.. 1897, xviii, 50. Hip-joiilt (Diseases of Apparatus and instruments for). See. also. Hip-joint (Diseases of, 'Treatmentof). Bixliop (E. S.) Morbus coxse; with description of a new bed. Lancet, Lond , 1892. i. 575.—Blancharil (W.) A splint for hip disease; with remarks on mechanical treatment. Tr. Am. Orthop. Ass. 1894, Pbila., 1895, vii, 230-238. Also: Chicago M. Recorder, 1894, vii, 26-33.— Bradford (E. II.) Appliance for the treatment of con- genital dislocationatthe hip Tr. Am.Orthop. Ass., Phila., 1891, iv, 308-313.—C'hnrier. Gouttiere phitree silk atee pour inimobiliser la hanche dans la coxalgie. Arch. metl. d'Angers, 1898, ii. 108-121. —folson (C.) Modification de l'appaieil platre dans le iraitcinent de la coxalgie. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Liege, 1894, xxxiii, 303-307, 1 pi. Also: Ann. d'orthop. et de chir. prat.. Par., 1895, viii, 14-19.— Crawford (A.J.) "Alechanico-therapy" iu hip disease, with the report of a case, and the presentation of a new hip splint. Internat, J. Surg. , viii, 39-41.— Tliorndikc (A.) A modification of the long traction splint for lup disease, designed to provide a light apparatus for little children. Ibid., 1893, Phila., 1894. vi, 145-147. AUo: Am. Med.-Surg. Bulk, N. Y.. 1893. vi, 1056. AUo, Reprint, AUo: Boston M. ich I Inherit ulowc, cluoiiischc Entzundung des Hiiftgeleuks, ;; Lalle. Jahresb. ii.d.chir. Abt, d. Spit, in Basel (1897), 1898, 194.—Owen (E.) A clinical lecture on three cases of hip-joint disease. Clin. J., Lond.. J895, vi, 05-72.—Page. Malignant disease of hip. Rep. Proc Xonhumb. & Durham M. Soc, Xewcastle- upon-Tyne, 1880-7, 114.— Billion (J.) A report of sixty-two cases of hip-disease, observed in the practice of Hugh Owen Thomas, of Liverpool. Tr. Am. Orthop. Ass., Phila., 1890. iii, 162-181. AUo: X. York M. J., 1890, Hi, 369-374. Also, Reprint. — Bubio (V.) Xotas clinicas sobre un enferino do coxalgia aguda: influ- eucia de la posicion en las enferiucdades articularesj nueva clasede reflejos 6 reflejos inverses; importancia de estos hechos. Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1882. xxix, 714-716. AUo [Abstr.]: Yoz de Hipocrates, Mexico, 1883, i. 178- 180. — Senile degeneration, cartilage of hip joint. Rep. Superv. Surg.-Gen. Alar. Hosp. 1897-8, Wash., 1899, 213.— Seufert. Caries des link.-u Hiiftgeleuks. Ztschr. f. 'Wuudarzte u. Geburtsh., "Winiienden, 1876, xxvii. 332- 334.—Sliands (A. R.) Tubercular osteitis of hip joint, with an analysis of 158 cases illustrating its three stages. Virginia M. Alonth., Richmond, 1894-5, xxi, 43-57.—Slier- man(ILM.) Eight cases of hip-joint disease, their treat- ment and results. Pacific Al. J., San Fran., 1889, xxxii, 71-80. — de Sousa rYeves (A.) Nota sobre um caso de poly-aithrite deformaute com pseudo-ankylose da articu- lacao coxo femoral esquerda; reduccao sob o cbloroformio n'uma sessao; melhora consideravel. Coimbra med., 1894, 302; 312. — Tubcrkuloac Entzuudungcu des Hiiftge- lenks, 3 Falle. Jahresb. ii d. chir. Abt. d. Spit, zu Basel (1897), 1898. 194-196. — Tuberkulose des Hiiftgeleuks, 6 Falle. Ibid. (1892), 1894, 131-133.—Tubcrkuloac des Hiiftgeleuks, 5 lalle. Ibid (1893), 1894, 141-143.— Vance (IL A.) Injuries of the hip and absorption of the neck of the femur. Cleveland M. Gaz., 1889-90, v, 277-284.— Wcisz (E.) Coxitis-Fiille. AVien. nied. Wchnschr., 1900,1,1030.—Wirt (W.E.) Hipdisease; operative treat- ment in old and neglected cases; sixteen cases reported. Columbus M. J., 1891-2. x, 385-395. AUo, Reprint. Hip-joint (Diseases of, Causes and pa- thology of). Dklmond-Bebet (S.) *De l'innuence ties lesions du cotyle et de l'os iliaque sur la uiarche de la coxalgie. 8°. Paris, lrt99. HIP-JOINT. 129 HIP-JOINT. Hip-joiilt (Diseases of Causes and pa- thology of). UnsMANS (L.) * Ueber die Ausgiinoc der tulierkuliisen Coxitis. [Heidelberg.] - . I'ii- bin gen, 1S91. AUo, in: Beitr. z.kliu. Chir.,Tiibing., 1801-2. viii, 15-52. Leveqck iO.) * De la coxalgie osteoinye- litique suppuree d'origine feninrale. 4 . Lyon, 1^9... Lovett (R. \V.) The etiology, pathology, and treatment of diseases of tlie hip joint. > . Boston, 1S91. Santksson (('.) Om hoftleden och l.dbros ken nti anatoiniskt, pathologiskt oeh chirur- giskt hiinseeude, jenite en kritisk ot'versigt of ver n.igra bland iiiHainniatious-liirans vig- tigaste punkter. [On kip-joint and cartiliige of the hip from an anatomical, pathological, and surgical point of view, aud a critical review on the most important points of the theory of in- flammation.] s\ S'ockholm. 1SH». "Weitzel (L.) *l>es osteite* du pubis et de leuis rapports avec la coxalgie. >:. Lyon, 18[l\). Wilson (H. A.) The pathology of hip-joint disease: -with illustrative eases. UL. [Philadel- phia, n. d.] Vreoli'o (E.) Su di un caso di eoxite a gonococco. L.v. sicul.i di med. e .-hit . Palermo. 1897. iv. «»T — lu2. — Aohhurwt i .1 ), jr.. \- I iini- (J. P.) Tuberculosis of tin- hip i. ut. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1808. xviii, 2-21.— Bade 1' Die Knocheustructut des coxalen Femurendes bei Ai i 'nitis deformans. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Xatui I u. Aerzte 19oo, Leipz.. 1901. lxxii. pt.2, 2. Hlfte.,87- s.i. Kaitoii .J. K.i Diseaseof the bip-jnint. Proc.Path So,-. DubL. 1877-80. n. s . viii. 11)0. - Bennett (E. H.) Morbus coxa-. Ibid.. 1*75-7. n. s.. vii. 92-9G.------. Hip- joint disease. Ibid.. l*77-so. n. s.. viii, 188-190.—Bidder (A.) Bemerkiiiigen zur Pathologic und Therap.e der fungbsen Huf'tg.b-nkstntziindung. Herl. klin. Wchnschr., 1879. xvi. 179; 199. — Rlood <;ood (J. <\l Tubercular arthiitis of left lii|. with c in i..-ul:ing from general infection thro gh tie- bl.....i ,i .i i iiiiilj.it;.- sxstem. Tr. Path. Sue. Phil,i. i894>, 1^95. 21. — llamilloii (K.) Chronic arthritis of tin- hip. Proc Path. Soc DubL, 1*75-7. n. s , vii. 9u. 1 pi.— Iliifttfi-li'iilixcrhrmiIt ■■■■:; ; ob (lurch Schliige mil ein. m Sto. k> verui-saebl .' Sum nil. geriehtl. med. (ibergutacht.. Bell.. 1»91, 182 — I.ill onr- cailc (.J.) Decolh■incut epiphysaire de la tete du le mur sui v.ime ii 7 ans tniuve chez un homm.- moit a IT ans; description de I articulation i -.. -o I. .....i -..].■ 1' 'II Soc. nn.it.de Par.. 1*91, lxvi, 313-319.- Tli I :n l:in< il. , Causation of bip-joint disease. Canad. Pract., Toronto. 1880, xi, 05- 09.— Tlonlii't. Kystes hyilatiques multi- ples: arlhrite suppuree de l'articiilalion coxo-h morale. Bull. Soc anat. de Par.. 1*87, Ixii, 481 4-8 — »l> liter (II.) Pathology and treatmentof later stages of coxitis. Buf- falo M.A S.J. 189o -!H. xxx, :i85-::90. \oiinel. Femoio- coxalgie; antupsie. Arch. med. beiges. Brux.. 18,sii, 3. s., xxx, 3«l-292. —Otven (L.) Wbai is the explanation of tin- wasting of the limb in disease of the bip-joint? Tr. Am. Orthop. Ass., Phila.. 1900 xiii, 116-148. Also 'Abstr.]: Clin. J., Lond.. 19.')u-19u|, xvi, 05.-PIm-I|»n (A. M.i Etiology of the various deformities of hip joint dis- ease St. Louis M. Era. 1897-8, vii, 189-206. — I'oiilil. fitiologie et nature (le la coxalgie. Cong, franc de chir. Proc -verb. [etc. | 1885, Par.. 1880, i. 507-510. Kiindon (H. ii.) Hip disease: unusual causation. Liverpool M.- Chir. -L. 1*88. viii. 510-519.— Ki-I'Iiih f|>.) Anatomic | patliiilogi(|iie de la eoxo-tuberoulos.•. (ia/.. hebd. de me,I Par., 1*80.2.8., xxiii. 322-325. —Robert* (A. S.) Karly osteitis of the hip-joint; from a case of bilateral coxalgia. Tr. Path. Soc. Phi'la. (1883-5), 1886, xii, IL—Shaffer (X. M.) Tbe neuro-iiiiisciilar dements in hip joint disease. Med. Dial. Minnoap.. 19J0, ii. 117-120. -Nuiith (K. W.) C Ii ionic rheumatic arthiitis ot the hip-joint. Proc Path. Soc DubL, 1852 8 51. —Mtokex (W.) Coxo-femoral ar- VOL vii, 2d series---9 Hip-joint (Diseases of, Causes and pa- thology of). thritis." 'ibid.. 1877-89, n. s., viii, 192-195.—ThorudiUe (A.) A case of acute arthritis of the hip. with some re- marks on the etiologv of the affection. Tr. Pan-Am. M. Cong. 1893. Wash., 1895. pt. 1, 595-597.—Verehere (F.) Coxalgie ancienne; redressement. et immobilisation dans une bonne position; meningite tubeteuleuso; tubercu- lose miliaire generalise!'; autopsic. Lull. Sue. anat. de Pa., 1880 lxi, 100-170.- -WallN (F. X.) Pathologv of hip joint disease. Chicago M. Kecorder, 1*99. xvi, 488-493.— \Vil»ou il). 1).) 'I'lin osseous origin of liip joint disease. Kansas M. J., Topeka, 1897. ix, 43-45.—V onii". (.1. K.) A pathologic classification of hip-disease. Med. News, Pbila.. 189.1. Ixii, 403-490. Ilip-Joilll (Diseases of', Complications and sequel a' of). See, also, Hip-joint (Abscess in or around); Hip-joint (Ankylosis of); Hip-joint (Deformi- ties af); Hip-joint (Diseases of, Treatment o'); Hip-joint (Discuses of, Treatment of. Operatire); Hip-joint {Dislocations of, Pathological, etc.); Hip-joint (Neuroses <>f). Lkcomtk (V.) * Enule sur les osteo-niyclites de In hunclie live.' abces intru-pelvien. 4°. Pa- ris, IK) I. Karliiijr Hi.) Charcot's diseaseof hip-joint: synovi- tis of knee joint, probably l he commencement of the same condition in this articulation. Birmingh. M. Kev., 1892, xxxi, 10s. — Itruni. Coxalgia ed emiplegia istcric:'. Lavuri d. Cong, di med. int. 1889, Milano. 1890. ii. 279-2*4.— 4'hii'iie (J.) Note on lameness after h'p-joint disease Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Ediub., 18*9-90, n. s.,' ix. 100-169. AUo: Edinb. M..L, 1890-91, xxxvi. 218-221. -OoiiuIiInoii (K.) A case of hip-joint disease with porphoral neuritis and epilepsy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, i, 100 '.—diburv < V. IV) Incipient coxitis, subluxation of clavicle in liok.ts, and coxalgia. Internat. Clin.. Phila., 1893, 2. s.. iv, 239-241.— <». xiii. 502. ill' Na iu t-4< ernia in. L'avciiir des co- xalgii|ucs. Lull. med.. Par.. 1892. \ 1.897. Also: Clini- que, Montreal, 1895-0. ii, 110-121. - Nleex" ijk (R.) C„x- ai throcace, gecoinpliccerd door ecu /.eer mocijelijk le diagnosi icci-reii bekkeiiabsccs. X. ih-i 1. mil. gi'iiecsk. Al ch. |.-tc | Leiden 1891, xv, 221-228. Tullii'r.' Coxalgie an- cienne; abces dc l'os iliaipic ouvelt dans la vessie : calcill vesicil s.-coielaire.; li I hoi i il ie ; autopsic Hull. Soc. anat. ilc Par., 1**4, lix. 500• 57u. Wi-inlei'liuer. Fisnlgiingo nach Coxitis. Aerztl. I'.cr.d. I'ri\. IL i ianst. d. Dr. A. Kder 1*85, Wien. 1880, 58. Hip-Joillt ( Discuses of, Diagn sis and xeaieiology of). Sec, also, Hip-joint (Deformities of): Hip- joint (Diseases of), in chil inn ; Hip-joint (dm i*- prndence of i; Hip-joint (Neuroses ol'). liimi) ( M, ) *Zur Dirterentiiililitignosc. der lliiftoelenkserkrankungcn. H . Wiirzburg, l--i)7. i)K.si>oi!i i:s (P.) *Pseiulo-coxiilgic; coxalgie di croissance. *< . Lyon, 1899. HIP-JOINT. 130 HIP-JOINT. Hip-joint (Diseases of, Diagnosis and semeiology of). (Jakdkttk (V.) * Application de la radio- I <>raiihie il l'dtude de la coxalgie. 8-'. Li/on. MK (iitKXiER (C.) * Etude sur les affections qui peuyc.'t siniuler la coxalgie. 4?. Pari*, 1>>1. ilKSNARD (H.) Etude sur les pseudo-coxal- gies dejun I ant d'ni e difference dc. longueur des deux meiiibres infi'Mieurs. 4°. Paris, lf(H. Xicai.se (E.) Diagnostic des maladies de la handle. *1-'. Paris, 1*<(',9. Roskxbai'M (W.) * Aklinograui i e als diag- nostisclies Hilt'stnittel bei Hiil'tgelenkserkran- kungen. *°. Erlangi-u, is<)7. A ieliMamli'oli' (L. P.i O raspo/.navanii nachalniUh koksitov. [On the diagnosis of primary coxitis.] Di.tsk. mod. Mosk., 1890 i, 341-351.—Bilhaii*. Coxalgie simu- lee. Hull, et mem. Soc do med. prat, de Par., 1888, 849_ 854. Also [Abstr.J: J. de me!, de Par., 1889, xvi, 23.— ISracltelt iIO.G.) Reflexes in hip disease Bos'on M & S. J., I.v2. exxvi, 305.—Bradford (P. II.) Keflex symp- toms in hip disease. 'Med. Coinmunicat. Mass. .M. Soc, Lost.. 1875 81, xii. 203-281. Also, Pepi-int. —uplny (S.) Des pscudo-eoxalgies. Ua/. d. hop . Tar., 1892, lxv, 941-943. -----. Des pseudo- coxalgies. Soimine med., Par., 1895, xv,.537. AUo,transl.: Med. Week, Par., 1895. iii, 013-015. Also, transl: Med. Press &, Circ . Lond.. 1890. n. s., Ixii, 507-509. AUo, transl. [Abstr.|: Allg. "Wien. med. Ztg.. 1890, xii, 90. AUo. transl. (Abstr. |: Gaz/.. d. osp.. Milano, 1895, xvi, 1025- 1028. ----. Pseudo-coxalgia. Me.I. Press & Circ, Lond., 1890, n. s, lxi, 53.-----. Sur un nieinoire de M, le Dr. Criv'elli, eoncernant uu cas de pcriarthrite coxo-femorale (osteite Gpiphysaire dc l'extreiuite supericure (In femur) simulant la coxalgie el snr diversos autres commiinica- tons. IKap.] Puill. Acad, do mod., Par., 1896,3. s.. xxxvi, 551-563—Florani ((L) Sull' importanza iii al- cuni sintoini dello malatliedcll' anca. It 1st. Lomb. disc e lett. Ucndic, Milano, 1884. 2,s., xvii, 159-107. —-joillt (Diseases of Diagnosis and semeiology of). stageufhip-iusiase. Practitioner, Lond., 1893,1,401-410.— tlarliiicv. Angel (A.) Estado patoldgicoilelacoluinua vertelual que puede simular una coxalgia Arch, de ginu- cop., Bnrccl., 1901. xiv, 272-284. Also: Lev. Ilieio-Am.de cien. metl., Madrid, 1901, v, 10 29 flillol. Pseudo- coxalgie; adherence ba'ano-prepucialc Ann. de chir. et d'orthop., Par., 1900, xiii, 105-107.- .Tloore (J. K.) Early diagnosis in hip-joint disease. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul. 1888, viii, 141-144.—.\npier (C. D.) Diagnosis of hip-disease. Brookhn M. J.. 1899. xiii. 415-421.—IVove- ,loM»erand ((L) De l'application dela radiographic au diagnostic et au traitement de la coxalgie. Lyon med., 1898. lxxxix. 329-325. AUo: Province med., Lyon, 1899, xiii, 98.—O'/niix. Des attitudes vicieuses dc la coxal- g e (inecaniijue et theorie). Arch, de med. d. enf., Par., 1899, ii, 321-344.—Patel. Des empreiutes plautaires de coxalgie et de luxation congenitale de la hanche. M6m. it compt.-rend. Soc d. sc med. de Lyon (1898), 1899, xxxviii, pt. 2, 143-145. AUo: Province med., Lyon, 1898, xii, 523. Also: (laz. d. hop. de Toulouse. 1899, xiii 20. Also: Lyon med., 1898, lxxxix, 345 - 348. — Phelps (A . M.) Karly and important symptoms of hip-joint dis- eases. X.' Eng. M. Month., Danbiirv, Conn., 1892-3, xii, 215-217. -----. Purulent tuberculosis and rheumatic hip joint disease. I bid., 1898, xvii, 545-553. Also: Peoria M. .L, 1898, iii, 405: 1899, xiv, 19. Also: South. Pract. Nashville, 1898, xx, 500: 1899, xxi, 12. — I'lioi.is. Diag- nostic dela coxalgie au (16!>ut. Nord med., Lille, 1890, ii, 81-84. Also: Rev. prat. d. trav. de med., Par., 1890, liii, 234. — Putnam (J. J.) Absolute increase of measure- ment from the anterior superior spine to the malleolus as a sign of hysteric hip dis. asc. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago. 19()j, xxxvi, 1237- 12:31.- Itid.-ini (P.) De l'utilite de la ladiographie pour lc diagnostic ct, lc traitement de la cox- algie parlieulierement de la coxalgie au debut. Cong. p. l'euule (le la tuberculose, Par., 1898, iv, 137-139. —Kom- uii-iauo ((1.) & Boliiilineano (A.) La man-he dans la coxo-t iiherculnse, etudiee a I'aidc du cinematogi aphe. Rev. mens. d. mal. de 1'eiif, Par., 1900, xviii, 588-003. Also [Abstr.| : Lull. et. mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1900, n. s., xxvi, 919. — Hour (W.) A clinical lecture on some points in the diagnosis and treatment of hip joint disease. Clin. J., Lond., 1892-3. i, 53-50. —Runnel! (R. H.) The early diagnosis of hip-joint disi asc Intei colon.M.J". A ustralas., Melbourne. 1897', ii,582-."92 — ttchaiitz (A.) Feher den diagnostischen Weitb der LTntei suchung per rectum bei Coxitis. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leip/,., 1880, xLi. 177-179,— Nrlnriii'lz, Note sur un cas (le pseudo-coxalgie. Hull. Soc. nied.-prat, de Par. (18S0). 1887 n. s., ii. 23-20.— Sher- man (II. M.) The probable cause of the limp of the first and second stag s of hip-joint disease. Tr. Pan-Am. M. Cong. 1893, Wash., 1895, pt. 1. OnO-010. — Slit no w.hi. Ein ca uistischer Biting zur Kenntni-s der "Coxitis luetica" nnd dercn klinischc Different al Diagnose mit spi- nalen Arthropathien. Internat. klin. Rundschau. Wien, 1894, viii, 1081; 1117.—Steele (A. J.) Ou the early recog- nition of hip disease. St. Louis (Jour. .Med., 1887, xviii. 17-24—Thomas (H. O.) The physical signs of disease (and recovery) of the hip joint, with a demonstration of the mechanical fixation of tho joint. Brit. AL J , Lond., 1887, i, 1100.—TowiiNeuri (\V. R.) The symptoms of hip-joint disease. Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1897, xxv, 307- 371. -----. The diagnosis of hip-joint disease. N. York Polyclin., 1890, vii. oil. Trelat. Diagnostic de la cox- algie; despseudo i-oxalgics. Union nied., Par.. 1885. 3. s.. xxxix, 181-180. AUo: Gaz. me.(l.-chir. de Toulouse 1885, xvii, 25-2i—Villemiii. Diagnostic de la coxalgie au debut, (luz. (I. mal. infant. |etc |. Par., 1899, i, 109-171.— Vincent (P.) Adduction initiate ou prcpnndgrantc, sigue de lesion acetabulaire piimitive ou pi.'ponde- ranle. dans la coxalgie. Lyon med., 1895, lxxviii, 208-211. AUo I Lap. do 10. Kirmis'son | : Lull, et mem. Soc de chir. de Par.. 1895, n. s., xxi, 195.— Werner. Line zwoifilkafte Diagnose. M.niorahilien, Heilbr., 1892-3, n.F.. xii, 05-70—Willard (De V.) Sarcomatous or other tumors which may. m the early stages, be confounded with hip disease. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1894, Ixx, 424 — Wood (\V. C.) The initial symptoms of the hip-joint disease; with report of eases Brooklyn M. J., 1894, viii, 4U6-413. ilig»-joJiit (Diseases of, Double). See Hipjcint (Diseases of, Compl cations, etc., of). Hip-joiilt (Diseases of, Hospitals for). Alkxandka Hospital fur Children with Hip Disease, London, W. C. Xew hospital build- ing. Appeal for £9,000 to complete the new hospital. 4°. [London, 18{Mk] ------. A quiet luivcn. [A special appeal for ddiiii'inns and annual subscriptions.] p,' . [Lonfon, n. d. ] HIP-JOINT. 131 HIP-JOINT. Hip-joint (Diseases of, Hospitals for). Hospital for Children with Hip Disease, Tlie Vine, Sevenoaks. Annual reports of the coin- rrittee to the subscribers. i»., ISHvJ; 10., iss:>. i"2°. Serenoaks, 18^'A-A. Hip-joiilt (Diseases of, Treatment of). See, also, Femur (Xeck of. Fracture of, Treat- mentof); Hip-joint (Abscess in or around): Hip- joint (Ankylosis of): Hip-joint (Deformities of): Hip-joint (Diseases of. Apparatus, etc., for); Hip-joint {Diseases of) in children. Berofgnat (L.) La guerison . Lyon, l>'.,-2. Billet (A.) * fitnde critique sur les methodes de traitement de la coxo tuberculose; extension continue avec l'appareil du professeur Lanne- longue. 4°. Paris, 1-04. Binder (R.) * Die conservative Behandlung der Coxitis nnd ihre Resultate, insbesondere die Conservativbehandluuo mittels portativer Ap- parate. >°. Wiirzburg, 1900. Calot 1\) l.etraitement dela coxalgie. 1J°. Paris, l-',i.,. AUo [Abstr.], in: Rev. sen. de clin. et de th6rap.. Par., 1*95. ix, pt. 2. 105-107. Eschex (J.) Om Behandlingen af tubercnl0s Coxitis sa-rligt nied Hens\n til Resultaterneefter konservativ Behandling og efter Resektion. [The treatment of tuberculous coxitis with es pecial reference to the results after conservative treatment aud after resection.] 4°. Kjobenharn, 189:i. Falciiner (W.) A dissertation on iscbias; or, the disease of the hip-joint, commonly called a hip case; and on the use of tlie Batli waters as a remedy in this complaint. - . Loudon. 1H)">. AUo, in: Mem. M. Soc. Lond., 1805. vi, 174-220. Govea (C) * Ligero estudio sobre el trata- niiento de la coxo-tuberculdsis. 8°. Mexico,\8-l. Giinand (P.) * Beitrag znr Coxitisbehaud- lung. [Bern.] --. Lausanne, 1^91. Hoffa (A.) Die ambiilante Behandlung der tuberkulosen Huftgelenkentziindung niittelst port at i ver Apparate. - . Kiel <»■ Leipzig, l89'.\. Liksegang (F. H. I.) "Ein Beitrag znr Be- handlung der ('oxitis tuberculosa. 12°. Berlin, 1-1M. Mahscii (E.) * Zur Therapie der Coxitis tu- berculosa. t~z. Marburg, 1-97. Mf.xakd (V.) Coxalgie. t nlierculeuse et son traitenient. 12 . Paris, [1^-94]. Mivhokffek (K.) * I'eber die mechaniHclie Beliandlung der Hiiftgelenksentziindung. ~°. Greifsicald, 1^-1. Mummixtiiky (P.) * Beitrag zur Behandlung der Coxitis. rs°. Kiel, l-'.»5. Petit (M.-L.-E.) * Traitement dela coxalgie. 8-. Paris, 1898. Re.vaud f A.) * Du traitement de la coxalgie a son premier e"tat. 4°. Strasbourg, l-?0. Schmidt (F.) * l>i>er den Verlauf der Hiift- gelenkentztinduiig bei nicht-operativer Behand- lung. 8'-'. Erlangen, lH'M. Stillma.v (C. F.) A practical resume of mod- ern methods employed in the treatment of chronic articular ostitis of the liip. -<0. Detroit, l'-'.tl. Taylor (C. F.) Ueber die mechanische Be- handlung der Erkrankuug des Huftgidenkes. Nebst einem Anhangc iiber die mechanisclie Be- handlung der Synovitis des Kniegelenkes. x°. Berlin, 1873. Ilip-joiill (Diseases of Treat men f of). Valknzfkla (K.) * Breves consideraciones sobre hi enxotubercnlosis y sn tratamiento. S°. Mc.rico, 1S9."». Vancf. (R. A.) Tlie radical cure of hip-joint disease. I '. [Columbus, 1h>-J.] Arngon ((!.) Coxalgia; curacion por el tn6todo del Dr. Ami. « Crdn. ni6il.-i)uir. do la Habana, 1885, xi, 6- lO.-Kiiiloir (15.) The direct treatment of malposition in flu ■ on rlici stages of hip disease not essential. Tr. Am. Orthop. Ass., I'liila., 18*9, ii, 187-206 — Kiiinr (L.) Acute coxitis and its treatment, wilh a report of a case. St. Louis M. X S. J„ 1886, 1, 205-209. -----. Muscular trac- tion in liip disease. St. Louis < 'liniiiue. Is!):!, vi. 251. -----. Hydraulic pressuie a lioqucnt phase in coxitis; its pionipt relief an essential measure in its successful tieatineat; the traumatic, most fri'i|iient form of coxitis, iiineiiable to local remedies. St. Louis M.X S.J., 1894. lxvi, 221-220. AUo, transl: Ztschr. f. oil Imp. (Jhir., Stutt-.. 1893-4. ni, 197-200. -Ba.....I»si< h. Znr ambulant* n IVhaiHllunnilerCoxitis. Cor. Bl. .1 all:', iir/ll. V. r. v. 1 liii- ringon. Weimar, 1S91, xxiii. :ii)l-::n!i.- Itimlii (It.) Hie conservative ltoliandlung der ('oxit is und ihre Rcsultate, insbesondere die Conservativbehandlung niittelst porta- tiver Apparate. Ztschr. f oil Imp. ('hir., St.ntt.ir-, 1899. vii, 270-297. —Blaiichardl W.) Mechanical treatmentof hip- joint disease. Cliica-o M. J. &, Kxam., 1*89, lviii, 321-325. 'Also: West. M. lteporter, Chicago, 18*9, xi, 121-12:1. AUo [Abstr.]: Med. Standard, Chicago, 1*89, vi. 135.— Brad- ford (E. H.) Traction in hip disease. Tr. Am. Orthop. Ass. 1893, Phila., 1894, vi, 127-144.—Bradford (E. II.) X I. ox-It (R. W.) A study of traction in hip disease. Med. & Surg. Rep. Child. Hosp. 1809-94, Lost., 1895, 297-318. ----------. Distraction in the treatment of hip disease. X. York M. J.. 1*94, lx, 129-135, 3 pi. Also. Reprint.— Itrackctt iK. (!.) An experimental study of distraction of the hip-joint. Tr. Am. Orthop. Ass., I'liila. 1**9, ii, 2(17-219. Also: Boston M. & S. J., 1890, exxii. 241-244 — Brcinmrr (W. W.) 'Lhe open-air treatment of bip- .joint and spinal disease. Med. Rec., X. Y, 1895, xlviii. 174.—Bruns (P.) Feber die Ausgiin^c der tubei kuld.-en (Coxitis bei conservative!1 Behandlung. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Herl., 1894, xxiii, pt. 2, 1-10. [Discussion], pt. 1, 13-21. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1894, xlviii, 213-222. AUo: Ber. ii. d. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Leipz., 1894, xxiii, 90-105. Also: Deutsche med. Wclinschr., L.-ipz. it. Berl., 1894, xx, 374-370. AU». transl. [Abstr.]: Med. Week, Par., 1894, ii, 193.—Bryant (T.) On lhe value of parallelism of the lower extremities in 1he treatim lit of diseases and injuries of the hip-joint. Proc. M. Soc. L-md., 1*79-81, v, 50-01.— von Biingncr (O.) Zur Wahl der Einstichstelle bei del Jodoforininjekt ion in das 1 iiberkulds erki ankte Huftjjc- 1. nk. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1892. xix, 1057-1004.— C'ulot. Sur le traitemenr de la coxalgie et sur la valeur de la in6thode de l'extension continue. Assoc, franc.de chir. Proc-verb. [etc. |, Bar., 1*93, vii, 720-735.—< li i*. holiail. \Y.) For pains of hip-jointdisease. Columbus M. J.. 1892-3, xi. 439. —4'ln-vNiio (T. .M. L.) Muscular traction for hip-joint dis.asc. l'i. N. York M. Ass.. 1892, ix. 00-03—Cooper (E. H.) Coxalgia; a new fonn of treatment, with report of cases. Phila. M. J., 1901, viii, 70-72— fondray (P.) Sur les diverses methodes du traiicment de la coxotuberculose et en particulier sur l'ex- tension continue a l'iiido de l'appareil du professeur Lan- nelonnue. Bull, med. Par., 1894, viii, 037-040. AUo: Auu. il oiibo]). etde chir. prat.. Par., 1*94, vii, 193-203. — Cour- rciil (P.) Du traitenient do la coxotuberculosi par rex- tension continue. Ann. d. orthop. et do chir. prat., Par., 1889, ii, 257-203. Croft (.1.) Hip-joint disease and its early tieattnent. Biil. M.J., Lond., 1.-85, i, 1143-1145.— Davis (II. (1.) Boa-ons why some attempts to apply tractionilonot.siic.i ed. Tr. Am.Oithop Ass., Phila., 1890, iii, 222-220.— Dcx-roizillcM. Artlirilc coxo-femora le suivie dc paralysie passa^crc (In ineinbre inferieur du cote affect e ; guerison par lis coi mints colli inns, puis in term it- tents. Gaz. il. hop., Bar., 1885, lviii, 42- I L— l>i»(ns-ion sur le traiteni.nl de la eoxaliiic. Bull, et mean. Soc. de chir. de Bar., 1897, n. s. xxiii. 394-400.—Buret (II.) Le- cons cliniqiies sur la coxalgie J. d. sc. med. dc Lille, 1887, x, 505-513.—|Im-. Osteite luberculcu.se cervico-tro- I'lunitei ienne ; inlerventiou hative. Mem. et cnnipt .-rend. Soc. il no. med. de Lvon (1896), 1897. xxxvi. jit. 2. 118. Also: l.\on med.. 1890, lxxxii, 390. — ii ibnvy (V. P.) Some comparative results of treatment in chronic ostitis of the hip. Pbila. M. limes, 1*84-5, xv, 190-195. -----. Remarks on the management of hip disease. Canad. Pract , Toronto, 1889, xiv, 305-30*. Also: Montreal M. J., HIP-JOINT. 132 HIP-JOINT. Hip-joinl (Diseases of, Treatment of). l,-,-9-!i'u, xviii, 241-247—Gibney (V. P.). Waterman (.1. H.) A. Reynold* ('.V. G.I A contribution to the study of hip-joiut disease; on the ultimate results of the mechanical and operative treatment, with an analysis of 150 cases ohserved at the hospital for ruptuied and crip- pled. Tr. Am. Oithop. Ass.. Phila.. 1*98, xi. 257-273. Also: Ann. Surg.. Bliila.. 1898. xxviii, 435-454.—Gold- fhwail (.1. E.I A casein which the night-cries of hip dis.-ase were stopped by flexing the leg. Boston M. & S. J.. 1889, exxi, 280.— Griffith' (B. M,)' Immobilization in hip joint diseases. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1887, viii, 024. Also: Med. & Sing. Reporter. Phila., 1887, lvi, 587.— (•ro*N (S. I).) Practical observations on the nature and trcitment of tuberculosis of the hip-joint. N. Am. M.- Chir. Kev.. Pbila,, 1858. ii, 658-698. Also, Peprint— Hay- ivard (W. T.) Treatmentof hip-joint disease. Broc. South Austral. Branch Brit. M. Ass., Adelaide. 18.-3-4, 12-18 —Hitchcock (('. W.) Yeast nuclein in the treat- ment of hip-joint disease. Am .1. Sm g. &. GyiiiecWclls- tou, Mo., 1895-li, viii. 80.—Hoadley (A. IC.)' Mechanical fixation of the hip-joint bv anterior splint, with report of cases. Chicago AL Recorder. 1893, v. 289-2!!*.— Holla i A.) Die anibulante Behandlung der tiiberkulosen Hiift- geh-nk.-iitziiiidung niittelst portativer Apparate. Fest- schr. z. Feier . . . Fr. von Esmarch, Kiel u. Leipz., 1893, 173-245.—Hubbard (L. W.) The prognosis of hip dis- ease under efficient treatment. Tr. Am. Orthop. Ass.. Phila,, 1897, x. 115-122. — Ilnddleston (J. H.) An analysis of twenty-one cases of hip diseise treated bv the Thomas splint. Ibid, 1889, ii. 220-222. — Jen kin* (11.) Some observations on the treatment of hip-joint disease. Tr. Am. Inst, Homa-op. 1899, X. Y.. 1900, 343- 351. — .loin-. (B.) On the prevention and corn ct ion of short leg in liin-disea«e. Lan et, Lond., 1*9*. ii. 1624— 1027. AUo: Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1898, xviii. 337-345. Also: Tr. Am. Orthop. Ass.. Phila., 1898, xi. 219-232.— .■ikImoii (A. 15.) A piaetieal point in tbe mechanical therapeutics of hip-disease. Med. Gaz., X. Y., 1881, viii, 413-415. Also, Keprint. -----. The after-treatment of hip disease. Tr. Am. Orthop. Ass., Phila., H89, ii. 173. -----. Comment agit la traction dans le traitenient de la coxalgie? Kev. d'orthop., Par., 1890, i, 134-137. -----. Historical no'es on the question of the value of traction in the treatment of hip disease. Tr. Am. Orthop. Ass. 1893, Pbila,. 1894. vi, 87-117. Also: X. York M. J., 1893, lviii. 649-060. Also, Peprint. -----. Practical points in the treatment of hip disease. Tr. Pan-Am. M. Cong. 1893, Wash., 1895, pt. 1, 549-553. 1 pi. Also: Med. Bee. X. Y., 1893, xliv, 545-548. AUo. Reprint, Also, transl.: Rev. d'orthop.. Par.. 1893, iv, 419-432. Also. Keprint. AUo, transl.: Ztschr. f. oithop. Chir.. Stuttg., 1893-4. iii. 49-62. AUo. Reprint. -----. The management of hip disease. X. York M. J., 1893, lvii, 577— Lane (W. A.) The treatmentof some of the consequences of diseaseof the hip-joint. Practitioner, Lond.. 1897. lix, 584-593. -----. The principles that should guide us in the treatment of tubercular disease of the hip-joint. Clin. J., Lond.. 1899, xiv. 134-139 — liimdiart (L. N.) The treatment of hip- joint disease. Tr. Ass. Physicians Long Island. Railway, N. J., 1899-1900. i. 51-01.—I.ee (ll.) A clinical illustra- tion of the value of combining motion with extension in the treatment of disease of the hip-joint. Tr. M. Soc. Penn.. Phila.,1**4.xvi,412a-412c. Also, Reprint.— lavns- i»ort (('.) Traitement de la coxalgie. ,T. de med. de Par.. 1900. 2.is., xii. 168-171— f.ieriiiami (W.) Leber die Ent- wicklung und den heutigen Stand der mechanisrhen Be- handlung der tiiberkulosen Iliit'tgelonksentziinduiig, neOst einem Beitrag zur ambulanteii Behandlung dersel- ben. Ztschr. f. arztl. Landpraxis, Frankf. a. M , 1*95. iv, 41; 73; 110. Also, Repiint. — I.orcnz (A.) Fiber die niechanische B handluug der Coxitis und der fungosen Gelenks-Eikrankiingen der untercu Extteiniliit iibcr- haupt, Wien. Klinik. 1892. xviii, 273-318. Also: Wieu. klin. Wchnschr., 1892, v, 638; 1721.—I,oth<'i*eii (G.) Zur Behandlung der tahisclieu Huftgelonkserkrankiing. Beitr. z. klin. Chir, Tiibing., 1898, xxii, 531-537.—I.ovell (R. W.) The place of fixation in lhe traction treatment of hip disease. X. York M. J., 1891, li -, 141-143. Also, Re- print. -----. The need of rest in the treatment of hip dis- ease. Tr. Am. Orthop. Ass. 1894. Phila., 1895, vii. 225-229. Also: Med. Xews. Phila., 1894, lxv, 510-518—L ml I off (K.) Die Bebaiidlung der tuberculosen Coxitis. Arch. f. Ulin. Chir.. Berl.. 1901, lxiii, 728-742. Also [Abstr.]: Deutsche med. Wclinschr., Leipz. u. Berl.,1901. xxvii, Ver.-Beil.,121.— .UcC'okIi (A. J.l Iodoform injections for tuberculosis of the liip j int. Internat. J. Sing., X. Y., 1892, v, 154.— tlcC'iirdy (S L.) The importance of early treatment in hip-joint disease. Internat. J. Surg.. X. Y., 1894, vii, 318- 321. -----. Hip-joint disease and its modem tientment. Am. Pract. A: News. Louisville, 1890 xxi, 125-130. Also: ColumbnsM.J.. 1*90. xvi, 157; 202. AUo: Med. & Surg. Re- porter. 1'hila., 1890, lxxiv. 170-173. [Discussion,], 184-187.— .lIcGraw, Modifications iu treatment of hip disease, in ule in cessai v bv poverty. Tr. Detroit M. e of Thomas'splint. Tr. M. Soc. Virg., Richmond, 1889 186- 193. Also: N. Eng. M. Month., Danbury, Conn.. 1**9-90, ix, 143-147. Also, in his: Contrib. to Orthop. Sur"., 8°, X. Y., 1888-90, 81-87. -----. Mechanical treatment of hip joint disease. Chicago M. Recorder, 1899, xvi, .'04- 508. — Robert* (M. J. j The fundamental principles of mechauico-therapy in hip disease. Tr. M. Soc. X. Y. Syracuse, 18*5, 345-400. Also, Reprint, Also: X. York M J., 1**4, xxxix, 289; 489; 573.—Roth (A.) A coxitis i-s kovetkezmenyeinek g6pgy6gydszati kezelese. [Cases of successful treatment of coxilis by mechanical means.] Gyakorlo orvos, Budapest 1*90, i, nos. 6; 8; 9; 10: 11.— Sawsc. Die conservative Behandlung der tuberculosen Coxitis und deren Rcsultate. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1*95-0, li, ,17-.95. Sayre(L. A.) Results in cases of hip- joint disease treated by the portable traction splint with- out immobilization, except during the inflammatory stage of the disease. N. York M. J., 1892. lv, 477-482, 2 pi. AUo, Reprint.—Siijic ( R. H.) Hipjoint disease contrasted with flat-foot ami epiphyseal separation of the femur; the treatment of coxalgia. Internat. Clin., Bhila., 1894 4. s., ii, 186-196, 2 pi. Mhafter (N. M. ) On the principles of the mechanic il treatment of hipjoint disease. Tr Am. Orthop. Ass., Bhila., 1889, ii. 94-111. Also: N.York M.J., 1889. I. 566-572. -----. What are the indications for the discontinuance of the mechanical treatnient of bin joint disease? N. York M. J., 1891, liv, 594-601. - Shaffer (N. M ) A: I.ovctt (R. W.) Tbe ultimate results of lhe mechanical treatmentof hip-joint disease; an analysis of Hir-.ioixr. 133 HIP-JOIST. Hip-joint (Diseases of, Treatment of). tilt \ -one cases occurring in' the service of the New York Oriliopa-dic lHspons.irv and Hospital. Boston M. \- S. J.. Is87. , -xvi. 0:;;-0::5. Also: Med. News. Phila., 18*7,1, 550- 559. AU.': N. York M. J., 1**7, xiv, 501-500. AUo. Re- print.— Mhaiid« i All.) Treatnient of tlie suppurative stage of tubi'i cnlar osteitis of tin' hipjoint. Tniernat. Clin, Phila.. 1*99.9. s.. i. 51-56. Also: Vii gmia M. Month. Bichmond. 1895-0, xxii, 1197-12n:t —Mimliny - l.arNeii j (K. M. F.) Behandlingal' coxit under amluil.-i ing | Am bulant treat cent of coxiti- | 1 id-kr. I.d. Not-k. Iarg.- for.. Krisliania, 1*95. xv, 451-171 —NU-i-a. Trait.'incut do I In coxalgie tuherculeuse. Mormaudic med.. Bouen. 1*97. xii, 173; 216.--Steele A J.i The cailv treatment of hip disease Tr. Am Oithop. Ass.. Bhila". 1**9. ii. 118-127 AUo: Si. Tom- ('.ui. Med . 1890. ii. 315 - 325. — Slill- inan if. F.) A contribution to the treatment of hip joint .l;-iise X. Am. Pract., Chicago. ls9l. iii, 449; '511.— Swan R. L.) The treatment ol tub. i colons dis- ease oi tin hip iii its early stages. M..1. Br. ss \- Circ, Loud., 1897. n. s., lxiv. 51.— 'I'ayior (H. L.) The mechan- ical tuatinent of -enile coxiti- l'i. Am. Oithop. Ass. 1887-8. Post., 1889, i. 100-170. AUo: X. York M. •!.. 1888, xlviii, 05*. AUo, Reprint. -----. A new method for over- coming adduction at the hip joint. X. York M. J., 1**7. xlvi, 569. A Iso, Reprint. -----. The rational treatment of hip-joint disease. Tr. Am. Orthop. Ass.. Phila., 1*89. ii, 112-117. AUo: Times A: Reg.. X. Y. A: Phila.. 1*90, vii, 390-392. Also. Reprint. -----. The prevention and treat- ment of crural adduction. Med. News. Bhila .1**9 liv. 315-320. AUo. Reprint. -----. Adjusted locomotion in the treatment of the lecovering stage ot hip-joint .lis, asc. X. York M. J., 1*91. liv. 33-30. Also. Bepriiit. — Than* sin;; i 11.) Ueber die Eudresultate einer conseivativen 'I'heiapie bei tuberculbser Hiiftgelenkeiitzunilung. Arch. f. klin. Chir.. Berl., 1*93. xlvi. 243-271. -----. Die Thera- pit- d.r ('oxitis tuberculosa an der Klinik des Herrn Hof- rates Billroth. Beitr. z. < hir. Festschr. . . . Theodor Bill- roth . . ., Stuttg.. i-''_'. 152-359. — Tovvusend ( W. R. i The treatment of h:i> .lis,-ase. N. York M. J.. 1893. lvii. 193. At«o. Reprint. — H'aanrr(A ) Uelei die A n-giinge der tiiberkulosen Coxitis bei kouservativcr Beliaudl nng. Beitr. /. klin. Chir., I ub;i _ 1895, xiii. 103-208.—Webb (J. H.) Ticatment of hi|. di-.-is,.. Austial. M. .1. Mel- bonrne, 1**9. n. s.,xi 52-01 — Whitney ill. T.) Tin best | treatnient of hip-joint disease among Cliin.se patients. China M. Miss. j.. Shanghai, 1890, iv, 1 5*-164 — White- head (W R.) The value of motion iu Tin ticatment of ] b:].-i.dnt oi-ei-..-. Tr. Am. Oithop. Ass.. Phila., l*-:i. ii. 1-4-'-.:. —Wictinsj (J.) Zur 1. ohnik und Anwendung des Gehg'qisveiiia: .i> s Lesondei s l.ei Coxitis. Ztschr. f. orthop. (hi Stuttg.. 189*-9.vi. 219-22:i—Wilcox (R.W.) The ii e. I inc i! treatment of hip disease. St. Louis M. A: I S.J..:8-4. xlv:i 49--502. AUo, Peprint. -----. The thera- peutic and operative treatment of hip disease. St. Louis M. & S. J.. 1*85. xlviii. 400-463. Also, Reprint. — W!rl ( W. E.) Treatment of old cases of hip disease. Med. A: Sing. Reporter, Phila.. 1894, l\x. 1-4. AUo, Reprint.— Young (.1. K. ) The cure of hip disease with perfect motion. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1892-3, v, *25-*27. 1 pi. -----. Traction in the treatment of hip-joint disease. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1*94. 3. s., x, 441-443. Hip-joint (Discuses of Treatment of, Operatire). See. also, Hip-joint (Diseases of) in children: Hip-joint (Deformitiis of). 1'kitznek (if. • * Ueitriige zur operativen Be- liandluno der tiibcrculoseii Coxitis. [Wurtz- burg.] 8-. Leipzig, 18'J~). Polzix (M.) * Uie operative Belinndlting der Hiiltg. l.iiksciitziindnng. [ Wnrtzbur.g. ] - . Peel linghanstn, 1 — 4. Stxiiil. i * De nan l'crri candentis in coxnr tbrocace. 12°. [I'indoboiia], 1-17. Wilson (H. A.) Free incision of abscess of ostitis of hip, and closure without drainage. ^. [Philadelphia. 1 -IC!.] Rrpr.jcom : I'roc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1893, xiv. Km Kei- (A. E.) The after-history of 41 cases treated by opeiation for destructive hip joint disease. Lancet, fLond., 1900. i. 1499-1500. — Baltic (W. H.) Suppuration in the left hip joint treated by incision and erasion of an abscess cavity in the neck of the femur on which the sup- puration depended, and in which piimary union was ob- tained, and the, patient recovered with a perfectly movable joint. Tr Clin.Soc. Lond., 1890-91. xxiv, 1-5. Also Med. Press & Circ. Lond., 1890, n. s., 1, 3*4— It i I hunt. Traite- ment chirurgical dela coxalgie. Ann. d'orthop. etde chir. pint.. Par.. 1W1. vii, 225-234. Also: Assoc franc, pour favanee. (1. -i . C.-r. 1894, Par., 1*95. xxiii, pt. 2. 859-800.— Blooil^ooil (I. C.) Early exploratory operations in tuberculosis of the hip. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Pull., Bait., lip-joint (l>iseases of, Treatment of, Operatire). l'.ioo. xi, 11 2n—Bradford ( K. H. ) Two casi s of in- cision into the hipjoint. with observations as to distrac- tion in hip-disease! I'.oston M. & S. ,L, 1888, cxix. 147. -----. New procedures in the treatment of hip disease; operative dislocation and diaina^e of the acetabulum in acetabular disease. Ibid., 1901. cxiv. 240. — Bl iwtow (A. T.) Present.itiou ol a ease of hip-joint disease with abscess, treated bv aspiration. Brooklyn M. J., 1898. xii. 644 640. — I>«'liijj«'iii< i«- (II.) Nouveau traitenient de la coxalnie pai l'artln otoinie. l'evideiiient de la tete et du col du femur et le drainage t ransti ocbanterien. Assoc franc. dechir. Proc. v, rh. |, i,-.]. Par.. 1*90. x. 797-802. AUo: Arch. prov. de chir., Par.. 1896, v, 717-727. Also [Abstr.] : (iaz hebd. denied . Par., 1890, xliii, 10.-:; - I'ciriu (L.i Zur Coxiti-beliaiiillun-. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leip/... 1892, xix, 105 107. 4>iiillcinol. Guerison ]>aradoxale dune coxalgie t iiberculeuse apres un ti aiiinat isn.e oporatoire. ,1. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1893, lxiv, 917. AUo: Ann, d'orthop. et de chir. prat., Par., 1894. vii. 15-17. —Hamil- ton (J. 11.) Tuberculosis ol' the hip-joint: temporary re- section of the trochanter. Internat. Clin.. Phila.. 189J. 4. s.. ii. 210-212. — llaii'ix iM. L i Hipjoint disease treated bv incision and injection with pure carbolic acid. Ann. Sni-o., Pbila., 19of. xxxiii. 057 -059. — ll« ii-ncr. reber orthopiidische Pehandluiig tl. r llul'l^ch-iik-i rki an kungeu. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir.. P.-rl. 1*91. xx, pt. 2, 163-169, 1 pi. Also.- 7.\ -i In f orthop. Chir., Stutti;., 1*91-2, i, :;uo-:;ii9. — Ilownc. < >n the operations for hip disease. Guy's Hosp. Ca/. Lond , 1896, n. s., x, 189-192.— .lonaw (A". F.) Operative management of tu- beic.ilar hip-joint disease: a ciitbpie. West. M. Pev., Lincoln, Neb., 1901, vi, 01-05. —Kocher (T. i Arthroto- inia coxie. Arch. f. klin. Chir., B.-rl.. 1*8*. xxxvii, 797- 800. —Konig. Die Bedeutuim des P.'.nti;. nbildcs fiir die operative Beliandliing der tuberciilii-en Coxitis, nebst Bi'inei-kun^en ,ur operativen Behandlung grosser Beckenherde. Dents.-he Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz.. Is9*. xlvii, 281-29. 1 pi. — I.crii'hf. Sur l'emploi de l'aspi- rateur dans les coxalgies snppnrees. Cong. franc, de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.] 18*5. Par., 1880, i. 502-507.— I.ovctt (P. W.) A case of hip disease treated by tre- phining the femur. Boston M. & S. J.. 18-9. ixx. 436.— .VicArthur (L. L.) Hip print tuberculosis : its surgical aspect. Chicago M. Recorder, 1899. xvi, 501-504.—Ha- I'icn l A.) L osteotomie trochanterienue. Tnion med. du Canada, Montreal. 1901, xxx, 207-213.— .Ui'iini'd, Arthrotomie de la bancbe et curettage inteur.il ilan- la coxalgie conipliqneo d'un abces rebelle k la methode des injections. Bull, ct mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., Is97. n. s., xxiii, 274. Also [Abstr.]: (iaz. d. bop., Par., 1897, Ixx. 484— .Tloiiiiioniir (•). N.) Report of twelve cases of coxalgia, at various stages, in which osteotomy and exci- sion were performed and tin- weight and pullev emploved. South. Clinic. Bichmond. 1880, ix. 1 -19. — IV«■ v«- (E.' 1-'.) Six cases illustrating the operative treatment of sonic forms of hip-joint disease. Lancet. Lond., 1900. ii. 1497.— Phclp* (A.M.) The treatnient of tubercular and puru- lent hip-joint di-ea-c with large glass speculum drain i-c and pure carbolic acid; with a report of 70 cases. l'i. Missis-ippi Vall.y M. Ass., 1900. ii, 284-301, 1 pi.—I»ie- trziltowttlti iL.i Die gegeiiwiirtiiie ebirurgiscb nucha nisi he Behandlung bei tubercu iiser Huftj;eli nksi rki au- knng. Prag. med. Wchnschr.. 1*94 xix. 437: 451; 402.— I* In miner (C. (1.) The radical licatmeiit of disease of the hip-joint. J. Am. M. Ass , Chicago, 189'.i, xxxii, 422- 125 Also: Denver M. Times, 1898-9. xviii, 424-431.— I'iiiiii iC. 'I'.) Statistics of operations upon tuberculous liip joints. N.York M. J., 1892, lv. 449- 152 — I'riH hell (G. L.) Acaseofhipjointdisea.se: opera i inn. Proc Ne- braska M. Soc., Lincoln, 1885, 123-128.—({iicnn. Traite- ment de la coxalgie suppuree par le drainage de l'articu latimi a travers le grand trochanter, le col et la tete du femur (tunnellisalion du trochanter, du col et de la tete du femur), (iaz. meil. de Par., 1880, 9. s., iii, 525.—Kin- ihcval. I'ebcr operative Behandlung der Coxit is. Yer- hainll. .1 deutsch. (i. sellscb. f. Chir., I'.eil 1895, xxiv, pt. ii, 377-395. [Discussion], pt. I, 81 8:;. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir.. Perl., 1*95, I. 687-705.— ICivin^lou. Cases ofopei.iiion for disease of the hip-joint in which the up- pei epipb\-1-was separated. Lancet. Loud., 1*90, i, 9011- 902. Mhnllcr (X. >I) A case of hip-joint disease com- plicated by a fracture of the femur; Adam's subcutane- ous section of the neck of the femur. Ann. Anat. .x Sui"... Brooklyn, 18*3. viii. 243-253. Also, Reprint.— Minlii'r iW.T.) On bone-drainage in hip-joint disease. Tr. Acid. M. Ireland, Dubl.. 1**0, iv. 144-151. AUo: Dubl ll J M. Se., 1886, 3. 8., lxxxi 3*5-392.—MloliCM (W.) Bone t? Findet dagegen eine Heilung statt. wann und wo findet sie statt, nnd durcli welche Mittel wird sie irzielet? 4°. Wien, 1807. Etiknnk (L.-C.) Traitenient ovthop<'< 80 ------ Sacro-coxalgie clu'/. un enfant d. n. ut ans. Clinique, Biux.. 1888. ii, 81-4— thai on i K.) \ Givnii'l. IV la resection de la liam lie cli.■/, 1. s sujets de la seconde en- fance. J. de nied., chir. et pliaiinacol. Brux., 1887, lxxxiv, 161; 201; 235; 264, 2 pi — Dri«rhrid (Marie). Un cas de psendo-coxalgie clu/ une i. une tillc de 15 ans. Clini- que. Brux.. 1896, x, Osl-6s5.— Oi« w . IV) The early signs of hip disease m children. Med. Times &. Hosp. Gaz., Loud.. 18'..'.', xxvii, 589-591.—Frcrlich. Du traitement orthop£dique de la coxalgie infantile et eii paiticulier de l'appareil de lnarche. K. v. med. de Test Xancv. 1900, xxxii, 233-243, 2 pi. —(Sibm-v ( V. P.) The surgical treat- ment of acute arthritis ot the hip in infants. Med. Kic, V Y.. Is92. xiii, .r05— Ili|».di»-98. ii. 1615. Also [Abstr.) : Lancet. Lond. lsliS. ii, 1399.— Phocam, [La resection de la hanche dans la coxalgie chez l'enfant.] Bull, et mtni. Soc. de chir. de P.r.. Is99. n. s., xxv, 005. ------. De la resection de la hanche dans le traitement de 1» coxalgie de l'enfant. Nord nied.. Lille. 1900. vi, 1-3.— I*i«'li (T. P.) The operative treat mentof diseases of the hip-joint in children. Clin. J., Lond 1*90-7 viii, 161-108.— I'inlo Hoi'tella (J.) A coxalgia nas criancas. Ann. A«iul. d.- me.i. .n, Kiode Jan.. W9-9U. 6. s.. v,'321-356.— Plait (W. B.) A report of thirty-five cases of hip-joint di-ease. treated at the Lobert Carrelt Hospital for Chil- dren. Baltimore. Tr. Soul h. Sui - ,\ C\ inc. Ass.. I'liila., 1*9*. xi, 443-453. AUo. Keprint.—Poland i.J.) Suppuia- tive arthritis of right hip-.joint of an infant. Tr.Pnth Soc. Lond.. 1*83-4, xxxv, :;j9. — Kiniy (('.) De, l'appaieil pla- tre pour calmer les ci i~.-> d.- doulenr dan-, la coxalgie chez l'enlaiit J. de din. et .1. tlui.ip. inf., Par.. 1894, ii. 6-9.- Mi'licpclf-rii (V.) Den konservati\ e Behandling af tubeikulos Coxitis i Barnealderen. | The conservative treatment of tuberculous coxitis in childi. n. 1 losp.-Tid., Kjobenh., 1*98. 4. It., vi. 601; 685.— Myiuomli (C. -I.) Two cases in which a sequestrum was i.-ihom d Irom the neck of the femur without injui \ to the hip joints: recov- ery in both, and in one with a p.-i I'.-ct joint Tr. Clin. Soc. Loud.. l*9o-91, xxiv, D-7-I9L —Thoriidike f A.) Acute infantile arthiitis in the hip. Iloston M. .V S. J.. 1894, exxxi. 432; 456.— Vo»\\inLcl (Bertha M.) 'J he care of children with hip joint 'li-.-..-.-. Trained Nurse, X. V., 1*90. xvi. 82; 202— William- (B. ¥.) A case of con- genital hipjoint disease, with remarks on diagnosis and treatment. Med. Beg., Bichmond, 1897. i, 12-22.— Wright (G. A.) On hip disease in childhood. .Arch. Pediat.. Phila., 1885. ii. 153; 219; 330; 402; 649; 720: 1886. iii, 4: 80: 152; 263; 357: 450. Also, Bi pi hit, with additions. Ilip-joint (Diseases of)—Coxa vara. See Hip-joint (Deformities of). Ilip-joint (Diseases of) in pregnancy uud the puerperal state. Pucrpcrali', eiterige Coxitis; 1 Fall. Jahresb. ii. d. chir. Abt. d. Spit, zu Basel (1892), 1894, 129. Hilt-joint'^Dislocations of). AriTiir (A.) * liciin'ige /.n der Lehre von den tnuinnitischeii Verrenkiingen des Hiift- oclenks. so, Wiirzburg, 1HS4. Bkrkndks (J.) * I'elier die Luxatio obtnra- toriii. s . Wiirzburg, issii. Klkiin (C. (i.) [Pr.] Apollinii Citiensis de articnlis reponendis (•ominenlationis e cod. bi- bliotli. Laurent, criita'. Pars ii-xiv, IKiH-lO. sm. I . [Lipsiw, 1H40.] Lkcaduk (J.-.M.) *])c,s luxations iliii(|iies ex- ternes tratiniatiques. 1 . Strasbourg, lMUi. Li nknboiu; (H.) *Ein Heitrag zur Lehre von den Luxationen des Huftgelenks. H . ll'iirzburg, 1890. MoNtm: (P.-L.) * C'ontriluit ion a l'dtude de la luxulion ilio-pubienne traumatique rdcente et tie sou traitenient. 8°. Bordeaux, isil!l. Petit (J.-P.-C.-A.) * E.ssai sur la luxation sus-eot vloi'dietine aut6rieure du f6niur. 4W. Paris, 1SP.I. Pinailt (M.) *l)cs luxations ovalaires de la hanche. s°. Paris, 1898. Roiidkn- (B.) *Die trauniatische Luxation des Feniurkopfes. [Wurtzburg.] 8'-'. Leipzig- Beudnitz, 18[Y.i. Wattmaxx (J.) Ueber Verrenkung am Hiift- gelenke und ihre Einrichtung. c^c. Wien, \ 182(\. i Wkrer (A.) *Luxaiio jier foranien obtura- tuin. [Heidelberg. J s. Darmstadt, 1901. Alli» (O. H.) The mechanism and reduction of dislo- cations of the hip. Med. Bull., Phila., 1898, xx, 41-46. ------. Demonstrations upon the cadaver illustrative of the various dislocations of the hip. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1900. xviii, 355-369.—Bi««" low (H. J.) On dislo- calion of the hip. Lancet, Lond., 1*78, i. Mil); 894; 930. AUo, in his: Mech. disloc. . . hip. etc., Bust.. 1900, 118- 136. ------. Dislocation of the hip. In his: Mech. disloc. . . . hip. etc., Bust , 19U0, 9-108.— Bouxqiirt. Luxation intra-pelvienne dela hanche. Bull. Soe. d'anat. et physiol. de Bordeaux. 1896. xvii, 320-322.—Kcklcy (W. T.) Dis- locations of the femur. Chicago Clinic, ls99, xii, 305-311.— van dec Ilaar i.l.) Ueber die Vernnhuii^ des Scheie kclknochciis in il.in Hiiftgelelike dm cli innei Iiche 1'r- sachen. In his : Au-erl. med. u. chir. A bhaiull. u. l!i ol... 8:, Leipz., 1800,i, lS'9-248. — Ilninphi'v (li. M.) A lecture on dislocation of tbe hip. Lancet. Lond., 1886, ii, 1011-1014.— lileiiiM achlcr (L.) Das Luxationsbecken, die Ent- stehiin^ seiner I'orni. erlautcrt an der Hand zweier Falle. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1873, cxviii, 163-188 — I.ynde (D. C.) Observations on dislocations of the hip. Tr. N. York M. Ass. 1889, Concord. 1890. vi. 183-187.— 'I:ii'lin (E. D.i \et al.]. General di-cussion on disloca- tions and fractures of the hip joint. Proc. Oilcans Pai ish M. Soc. 1897. N. Orl.. 1898, 46-49.— Paicii (A.) Sullo slogainento del femore; hlteia . . . al di liii fratello (liu- sepjie 1'area. X. gior. d. pin recenlc h tt. med.-chir. d' liuropa. Milano. 1795. viii. 165-175. — Kit'dingcr (J.) 1'eher Luxatio fenioris perinealis. Miinchen. nied. Wchnschr., 1*92, xxxix, 58::-5s7. Also{ Abstr] : Sit/ungsb, d. ph\s. med. (iescllsch. vm Wiirzb., Is92, 86 -90— Mt-alxi (F.) Lussazioni dell' anca. Oa/z. nied. di Bmna. 1901. xxvii, 85; 113. — Mliiiixon (L. A.) ('pward dislocations of the hip. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass.. Phihc. 1892, v 157-161. Also: Ann. Surg., Phila., 1892, xvi, 52i-5:il.- Warren I (.LC) Dislocations of the hip. Tnternat, Text l.k Suru. (Warren & Oonld), Phila.. 1899. i. 650-664. II i|» -joilll (Dislocations of, Cases und statistics of). Sec, also, Hip-joint (Dislocations of. Causes. etc., of); Hip-joint (Dislocations of, Complica- tions, etc., of); Hip-joint (Dislocations of, Con- genital); Hip-joint (Dislocations of. Diagnosis, etc., of) : Hip-joint ( Dislocations of, Pathological, etc.); Hip-joint (Dislocations of. treatment of); Hip-joint (Dislocations of, Treatment of, Opera- tire); Hip-joint (Dish>-c. Tubingen, 1^.-9. n Also, in: Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1888-9, iv, 513- 536, 1 pi. Aczcl (K.) I'sipoiziileti ficzamok esetei. [Cases of luxation of tbe hip -joint. ] Gvogyiiszat Budapest. 1896, xxxvi, 126-128—Alii* ((>. H.) Dislocation of the hip- joint; a brief resume of eight lectures. Coll. ^Clin.K.c, Phila., 1896. xvii, 250: 1897, xviii. 7: 51 ; 71.— Bci's«li'oiii (().) Eriis luxatio leninris nbtuiatoria tapans. | I'n cas de luxation sous-puiii imc Pes., p. viii. | Dnoi ecim, Ilelsingissa 1889. v. 233—Berry (J.) Iliopubic disloca- i i,,n of the femur, lllust M. News, Lond.. 1889. v, 145.— Bolte* (('.) Deux cas de luxation coxo-femorale. Bull S ,c. d med. et nat. (1 ■ Jassy. 1889-90. iii, 97-114 — Boiis- qncl. Luxation nilra-i cl\ ieiinc de la hanche. Conrrier med., l'ar.. 1897, xlvii. 160. — Brian. Luxation iliaque de la hanche gauche chez un vieillard. Lyon med.. 1897, lxxxv, 192-194.—Case (A) of pubic dislocation of the hip joint, (luy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1890, n. s., iv, 273.— 4 oiiiiiiaeini (M.) Fn caso di lussazione ischiatica in- direlta o lussazione del Fabbri. Sup]d. al I'oliclin., Koma, 1891-5, i. 377-379.—von Ficandt (K.) KaUsi reisiluum sijoilt'uiiiuieuo tapausta. [Deux cas de luxation de la ham-he. lies,p. vii.) Duodecim.Helsingis a 1889, v, 175- 1M>.—Fischer (E.) Luxathn des re. hten Oberscbeiikel- kopt'esiuil'deii bori/.ontalen Ast des rechten Sclmmbeines. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 18ss. xxiii. 13'i. - - Ilayncx (G. S.l' A ease of dislocation of the head of the lemur into the periineuni. St. Bai th. Hosp..].. Lond , 1898-9, vi, 42.— Iluinnhrv. Dislocation of the hip. Lancet. Lond., 1886, ii, lili-1014. AUo | Abstr.] : J. Anat. ^V Physiol., Lond.. 1886-7, xxi, 331. — Hunter (J. E ) Ilio-Sf iatic dis- | location of the femur: n duct on after nine weeks. Brit, j M •!., Lond., 1890, ii, 790.—Hyde I !•'.) Xotes on disloca- tion of the liip, based upon two lniudied and seventy- three cases occuriing iii New York State Tr. N. York M. Ass. 1884. N. Y., 1885, i, 89-101.—I nonyc (II.) [Dis- location ot the hip-joint.] Tokyo lji-Sbinshi. 1897. no. Iul9, 1-4. —KoclicrJ Luxatio coxa". In his: Chir. Klin. zu Bern, Jena, lsill, 159-163.—I.aniarquc (II.) Sur un cas dc luxation coxo-femorale; des luxations de la hanche en bant; leur classification; leur traitement. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1888, ix. 257-275. .!/*...- J. de iued.de Bordeaux, 1888-9, xviii, 378; 389.— I.illlewood (II.) Dislocation into the sciatic notch. Lancet. Lond.. 1894, ii, 136— l.loyil (J.) Dislocation of the femur into the sciatic foramen. < 'lin. sketches. Lond., iso.". i. 42.- Tlanlcv (T. M.) Dislocation of the hip d-i-lit). N". York M. Reporter, Bochester. 1895-1;. ii, 245.— tin (G.| I'll caso di lussazione posteriori' th-I 1.more siiiistro. Boll. d. clin.. Napoli, lssi;. iii. 353-357. Also: Gazz. (1 clin.. Torino. 1886, xxiv. 209-214 ------. Sopra un altro caso di lussn/.ione posteriori! del feinore siiiistro. Gazz. d. clin., Torino, 1886, xxiv, 229.—Morris (H.) Dis- location of the hip. Lancet, Lond., Iss6. ii, 1165.—von IViiMKbaiiiii. Luxation des Femur iu das Foramen ob- tiiratoiiuni. In his: Ein Yademecuni f. d. prakt. Chir., Miinchen. 1883, 8-10. — Pngcl (S.l Direct backwaid dis- location of the hip without lracture of the acetabulum. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1884-5, xxxvi, 336.—Finhciio (J.) Fm caso de ltixacan coxo tenioral. Arch, denied., Lisb., 1897-8, i, 481-487.—Foncct. Luxation iliaipie. Mem. et conipt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1890), 1891, xxxN pt. 2, 96-98.— Kichel. Luxation sous-cotvloidienne du femur. Gaz. d. Imp.. Par, 1880. lix. 093. Also [Abstr.): Gaz. nied. de Par.. 1886. 7. s, iii. 450.—Kidlon (J.) Su- pracotyloid dislocation. X. York M. J., 181)1. liii 589. Also, Reprint. — Ki vinglon. Obturator dislocation at hip-joint with shortening of limb. Gaillard's M. •(.. X. Y., 1889, xlix, 59-61. Also: Lancet, Loud., 18-9. i, 1031.— Borers (H. C.) A case of puhic disloc ition of the femur. Brooklyn M. J., 1893, vii, 199-201.—Bnllicrfnrd. Case ot recent dislocation at the hip. Tr. Glasg. Path. & Clin. Sue. (1886-91), 1892, iii, 169. AUo: Glasgow M.J.. 1889, [5.]| s., xxxi, 374-370.— Snhatini (P.) Lussazione posteriore consecutiva del feinore. Raccoglitore med., Forli, ls97, 5. s., xxiii, 353-364. — Schoinnnii. En Fall von Luxatio obturatoria. Ges. l.eitr. a. d. Gib. d. Chir. u. Med. d. prakt. I.ehcns. Wiesb.. ldi:i. 223-228.— ••harp (E. B.) Quick lecovery from dislocation of the hip. Phila. M. J., 1898, ii, 639. — SiliniMon (L. A.) Five cases of dislocation of the hip. X. York M. J , 1-89, 1, ■ 118-121.— Wight (J. S.) Sub-pubic dislocation of the left femur. Tr. M. Sue. X. Y.. Syracuse, 1887. 150-159. I Hip-joiill (Dislocations of, Causes and pathology of). Sec, aUo, Hip-joint (Dislocations of, Congenital, Causes, etc., of). <;kly(J.-A.) Exanien anatomique d'une an- cienne luxation du fthnur en hunt et en nviint (iieo-iuibienne). 8. [Xanies, 1-10.] Hip-joint (Dislocations of, Causes and pathology of). Grinkvitski (L. [F.]) *Materiali dlya trav- nimiclieskicli vlvikliov tazobodrennavo sostava v patolog. -anntoinielieskoni otnosbenii; eksperi- nientalniya i/.sliedovaniya u sobak. [I'alhologi- e;il analiuny of Uaumatic liip-joinl dislocations; experimental risen relies on dogs.] H . S.-Pe- terburg. l>/8. Hoffmann (<».) *Qua'dani ad doetrinain de luxatione feinoris ex causis intends orinnda s])('(tantia. t^. Dorpati Lironorum. lHf>i;. Alii* (O. H ) Tbeincchaiiiesot hip dislocations. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1901, xxxiii, 75-78. — van der Ilaar (.1.) Yerhandeling over de ontheuping of ontwrigting van bet dyeheen, door inwendije oorzaaken. Verhandel uit^eg. d'. de Holland. Maalsch. (1. YVeotensch. te Haarlem, 1765, viii, pt. 1, 307-379. — l.aunay (P.) & Honchet (A.) Deux autopsies (le luxation ischiatiipie dc la ban. he. Bull. Soc. anat. dc Par., 1895, Ixx, 07. ix. 511. — liolenil ; A i Zur Casni-i ik ib r bei.lci seitigeii li auinatischen II ut i g. lenks- luxainnn Wien. klin. Wchnschr.. 1896, ix, 77^- 774.— I.an 14 I. (li. W.) Dislocation of the hip. with extra- capsular fracture of the neck of the femur; reduction and replacement of the head of the bone in the socket, and recoverv. Tr. M. Soc.Vim., Richmond, 1894, xxv, 129-i::2. A'.-o.- Virginia M. Month.. Richmond, ls94-5.x\i.743-716 — TJant laire \ Frevowl. Luxations sinnillanees ct traiinathpies des deux hunches. Assoc, franc, de chir. Proc.-veil). iele.|, Par. ,1898. xii .581-581. —.M ilehell iU.J.) Dislocation of the femur < omplicati d with fra.-Miv. Tr. Illinois M. Soc. Chicago. Is91. xii 251-25li. —.Morales y > lincz-t at ho (.1.) Luxacibn coxo-femoral: leduecidn; inuelte. S glonied.. Madiid. 1894, xii, 422-4.'.'.. — .M ii Her. Luxation .1.-- iiuken < ll.ei-chenkels im Hiiftgeienk na. li iniien und uuteii auf das Km amen ovale uu.l Iinppeifiac- tur des r.-chten (.>liers"henkels. Ztschr. i W nndiii /le u. Oeburlsh.. Wiiincudeii. 1.--4. xxxv. 26.-2.1.- I'aci (A.) >econdo caso di liis-.i/.ioiie traumatica iiiaca ...inline av- veiiuta con laceia/ione della capsula in l...~-o. >pirinien- tale. l-'iien/.e, Ispo, lxi 12-19. — Perkins -I. W.i A case of compound dislocation of the hip. with recoverv. Bos- tou .M. A S. J.. 1.-9H, exxiii. 362-36. —I3 lc ille r (O.J.) A ca>e ol double dislocation of the 1.ij■. / "' lss7. cxvii, in.;. — Police! (A.) Not.- ,-oir Tin. in i.iil.t.j des luxa- ■ ■ ■- de la hanche. Rev. d'orthop., Par., ls:.u. i, 3,s-3>4.— I'n rot. Luxation svmctriipie des deux hanehes. Med. ,u Par.. 1-99. x, 4).— Kobert* (J. B.) Iliac dislocation complicated with fracture .1 tin head and neck of the femur and of tin •!-■ of tin a. etabulum :.arthrotoiny Ann. Surg.. Phila >'■"'■. xxiii, 207-212. —Kolfe (\V. A.) A case ot~ s'u.i.ii.ui... . -location of tbe left femur and compound tract i- of tin- coccyx. Med. Rec, N. V.. Is94. xiv. :s60 — Wc-alzi K 1 .lustraaione d' un caso raro di lus- sazione iiiaca del M'.uteggia. Policliu.. R. ma, ls93-4. i-C. 96-9-. Also Arch, ed atti d. Soc. ital. di chir. lloina, 1894, ix. 196-198. •idavarlz (E.) Des loxatioiis de la hanche compliances de fracture du femur. R. v. g. n. de clin. et de therap.. Par., 1-97. xi 8o9--ll.—Sedillol M'.i Luxations traiiniatii|iies soiis-pubiennes ou ovalaires du femiii. avec conservation immediate des usages du nitmbie. Compt. r.nd. Acad. d. sc.. Par.. 1MJI. Iii. 279-2.-4.- *lisi*v .Ii. Si A raie form of dislocation of the hip; even* i dor-.d 6i- location. Montreal M. J., 1.-95-6. xxiv, 278 — Sottoeasa. Iii un caso raro di lussazione del Mont, ggia Boll. d. Soc. med. prov. di Bergamo, IMJ6. vii, 2-6.-Wlili". (W. II.) Dislocation of the "hip with fracture of the run of the ace- tabulum. I'n ilic Coast J. Homo-op., San I ran.. H-i). n..-,.. i. 213-216.- I' ill a nx. Luxation do la ham In Urlnat i.|iio incomplete. Med. mod., Par., 1893. iv. n.io.- Woodiiill (.1. il.) Report of a ease of dislocation of load oi tin lemur; also fracture in its upper third, with treatment. and recoverv in a ladv 73 years old. Tr. South Car. M. Ass . Charleston, 1894, xliv, 113. Ili|>-joint I Dislocations of, Congenital j. Hailleul (lx. A. i * I'l-ber Luxatio congenita i'emom ini* Anselilti-s ;m einen Fall von scltiner Heilnng. --'. Berlin, [l--tij. LoPST (M.) 'Die congenitale lliiflgclenks- luxation. '•P. Wiirzburg, 1^9' CoxitAD.s (A.) * Feliur Luxatio feinoris con- genita. 8!-. Wiirzburg, \88~>. Dklaxglauk (K.) * De la luxation congenitale dn femur. ■!"-. Paris, l-'Jii. -----. The same. 8J. Paris, 189i\. FiiOMXti (H. ILL.) "Kin Fall von conge- nitaler Hiiftgeleiik.sluxation bei eineni -inoiiat- lichen Fonts. 8'\ Kiel, I-'.HI. ('■[ eklaix (L.-S.-M.) lb- la luxation con- genitale dc la hanche chez l'adulte. -1-. I'< ris, InM. Hip-joint (Dislocations of, Congenital). -----. Tlie .same. ^ . Paris, l>'.Mi. ■lAdiKLSKi (V.) *J)e lnxatione fenmris con- genita. Sv\ Berolini, l~5s MC'iiLKNUHdCK (V.) * Leber den Einllnss der einseitigen congenitalen oder ci worbenen lliift- oclenUsluxation suit" das kndcherne Becken. [Wurtzbiug.] 8rene Luxation des Hiiftgelciikes. 4°. Hamburg, 19(H). Sciiri./.K (\V.) * Teller die congenitale Iliilt- oelenksluxalion und deren Behandlung. ~ . Halle «. >'., 1>H 1. Simkock (V.) * Teber angeliorene Vtrreii- kung der lliifte. [Bonn.] S. Koln, 1HSH. Wai./ki: ( F.) * Teller angeliorene Hiil'ige- lenUsluxationen. s. Wiirzburg, 1HH7. \. 3. s., Ixxix. 216-248. — ltillhant (il.) Luxation congenitale de la hanche; a.iualili A nn. de chir. et d'orthop., far., 1896, ix, 97-101.—Kradford iE. II.) Congenital disloca- tion of the hip. St. Louis Cour. Med., I9ni. xxv. 81-87.— Broca. Luxations congenitales de la handle, (iaz. d. hop, Par.. 1896. lxix, 317. — B rod hiir* I (li. L\) Con- genital dislocation of the hip. Lancet, Lond., 1885, '271. ------. Observations on congenital dislocation of the hip. Tr. A in Ortlmp. Ass. 1895. Phila., 18:16, viii. 327-331. Also: J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1896, xxvi, 121-123. Also: Canada Lancet, Montreal, 1898-9, xxxi, 9,18-912. AUo, transl.: Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1896, vii, 42-51. ------ Fur- ther remarks on congenital liis'oeaiion of tbe hip. Tr. Am. Orthop. Ass., Phila.. 1896, ix. 214-248. Also, trmisl.: Rev. d'orthop., Par.. 1896, vii 257-262. — C'arnoi han (J. M.) Congenital dislocation of lhe lip joint. Tr. In- teinat. M. Cm".. Wash.. 1887. i. 632-6:.8.—C'larlt (H. li.) On congenital dislocation of the hips. Clasgovv .M..I..ls90. xxxiii, 102-H)i.—Conilra)' (P.) Luxation congenitale de la hanche. Cong, internat. de nnd. C. r.. Par., 1900, sect. de chir. de lent'.', 67.— Klliolt (G. 11.) Congenital di lo- cation of the hip. Arch. Pediat.. X. V , ls!i.s. xv, 939.— Erniii (C. S.) Congenital dislocations of the hip. Med. News. Pbila., 1889, lv, 534-538.— Freclaiid (J. 1'.) Con- genital dislocation of the hip. Indiana M. J . Indiauap.. 1887-8. vi, 51.— Ilciiwiicr (L.) Leber t'rsacben, (ie- scbichte und lScliaiiillung der angehorenen Hiifiluxai ion. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir.. Stuttg., 1897, v, 276-294.—IIor- viith ( M. ) Luxatio coxa; congcnitalis. Orvosi hetil. r,iul.i|ie-.t, 19nl, xiv, 328. Also, transl.: Pi st. iiicd.-cbir. Presse. Budapest. 1901, xxxvii, 761.—.1 alionlny. Varic tei de la luxation congenitale do la ham he. Lyon nied.. 1900, xcv, :".. — .loa<'liiin*tli:il. Hcitriige zum Verbal. ten (les lliil'lgehnks bei der angeboienen Veirenkung. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Perl., 191)1, lxv, 1 -21.—Kollikci (T.) Die Luxatio feinoris congenita siipracolyloidca. Cen- tralbl. f. Chir., Leip/.., 1895, xxii, 1017. — Kiinijg. Die cou- jicnilale Luxali.....les Hiiftgeleuks. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1.-97. xxxiv. 21. Sec. also, infra. Lorenz — Kurt* (J.) Congenital dislocations of the hip joint. Tr. M. Soc. Calif, 1898. xxMii, 57-64. Also: South Calif. Pract. Los Angeles, IK98, xiii, 2H1-20.5. - l.i-pa^o ((!.) \ . i Luxa ions congenitales de la handle. Mem. ct compt.lend. Soc d. sc. nnd. de L\ ou (1886), 1887, xxvi, pt. 2. 279-281 > it nm:i nil. Leber angcboreiie Hiil'tgi lenkslu xation. Jahresb. d. C.seiNeh f. Nat.-n. Heilk. in Ilresd.. 1S97-8, 30-::3 — Obove.« (K.) Sulla lussazione congenila ib-lla coscia. Moll. nnd. tren- lino Tienlo. 1899, xviii, 89-94.— Park (ID Congenital dislo, alion of the hip. Med. News, Phila.. 1894, lxv, -36- 239.— I'imnil (A.) Luxation congenitale de la hanche. HIP-JOINT. LHS HIP-JOINT. IIi|t-jointt (Dislocations of Congenital). Conco'iiis med, Par , I Mill, xviii, 509-513.— E'licipw (A. M.i Congenital dislocation of the hip. Tr. Am. Or hop. Ass., I'liila. 1891. iv, 132-147. A Iso. Reprint. Also: Host on M. \ S. J.. 1892, cxxvi, 77-80. ------. Congenital disloca- tion of the hip. Intermit. .1. Surg., N. V.. 1.-97, x, 109. Also: Med. Times. X. Y., 1901, xxix, 173.— Phoca* (G.) De la luxation congenitale de la hanche. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1892, lxv, 169-178. —Ra«cr (W.) Einige Bemcr- kungen iiber Subluxationsslcllung bei Luxatio coxae con- genita. Ztschr. f. oithop. Chir.. Stuttg., 1900, viii, 191- 201. Also, transl. : Hosp.-Tid., Kobciih., 1901, 4. 11., ix, 25-31—Sherman (IL M.) Congenital dislocation of the hip. Tr. Am. Orthop. Ass., I'liila., 1899, xii, 132-134.— Mini tli (X.) Congenital dislocation of the hips. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, ii, 1707. Also: IT. Mi it. Orthop. Soc. 1896, Lond., 1897, ii, 8.—Stern (\Y. G.) A case of congenital dislocation of the hip with unusual family history. Cleve- land J. M., 1901, vi, 299. — Wharton (H. R ) ' Congeni- tal dislocation of the hip-joint. Meil. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1886, liv, 513—Wiener (A. C.) Congenital dislo- cation of tlie hip in children. Am. Gynec. &. Pediat., Host., 1898-9, xii, 763-771. Hi|»-j<>Dllt (Dislocations of Congenital, Causes and pathology of). Dci'ttK (M.-fi.) * De la luxation congenitale de la hanche; edude aiiatoiiio-]iatliologiijiie, pa- thogeMiique et cliniiuie. 4 . Paris, 1891. -----. The same 8 . Paris, 1891. van deu Hagkx (J. C. I ) Het bekken bij luxatio i'eiiiornni congenita duplex. b°. 's Bosch, IS8j4. Pkknder (A.') " fitiologie des luxations con- genitales de la hanche. 4°. Paris, i(S;l(i. -----. The same. 8 . Paris, lHi'0. Sainton (K.) * De ranatoniie de 1'articula- tion de la hanche chez l'enfant ct de la luxation congenitale de cetie articulation; dtude patho- ge'nique. 4°. Paris, l89'.i. -----. The stinie. 8>°. Paris, 1893. AUo |Ahstr.], in: Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1893, iv, 262; 352. Adn mn ( \V. ) Remarks ou congenital displace- ments or so-called dislocation of hip joint. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1886-7, xxxviii, 300-303, 7 1., 7 pi. ------. The late Dr. Can ochan's specimen of the so-called congenital dis- locntiou of both liip-joiuts: sent from New York. Ibid., 1888-9, xl, 237-244, 2 L. 2 pl.-AUbcrj; (A.) Einige Be- merkungen zur nencsten Theorie der Eulstehung ange- borener Iliiftluxationeii. Miinchen. mid. Wchnschr., 1897. xliv, 1014. Also, transl. : Ann. de chir. et d'orthop., Par., 1897, x, 3l>s-:;:;:;._ Bailr i P.) Zur Aetiologie der aiigeborenen Hiiftvei renkung. ('entralbl. f. Chir.. Leip/,., 1900, xxvii, 705-707.— Ka»liaiiclli i 1! I Sulla posizioue e diiezione della testa d.-l feuiorc uelia lussazione con- genita dell'anca. Bull. d. Sue. Lancisiana (1. osp. (li Roma (1897). 1898, xviii, 367.—Bennett. Some specimens of congenital dislocation of the hip-joint. Lancet, Loud., 1885. i, 477.—Bilhant. Anatomic pathologique de la luxation congenitale de la hanche; considerations sur les divers traitenients de cette affection. Cong, period, de gynec, d'obst. etde psediat. Mem. et disc. 1895, Par., 1896, 950 957. ------. Contribution h lanatomie pathologique de la luxation congenitale de la handle 11 son traite- ment. J. de med. do Par., 1896, 1'. s., viii, 18; 34. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Tr. Am. Orthop. Ass. 1895. Phila., 1896, viii, 265-274. — ICowlby (A. A.) Congenital dislocation of the hip. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond. 1886-7, xxxviii, 295- 298.—Krniu'l (P.) Pat:iog6nie des luxations congeni- tales de la hanche. Ann. de-la Policlin.de Bordeaux, 18 .7, v, 421 ; 460 — Urrlimaiiii (G.) Zur Aetiologie der kongenilalen Hiiftluxation. m list Bemerkungen iiber die unblutige Bclian.ilung dcrseibcn nach Paci-Lorenz. Cen- tralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1899, xxvi, 378- ;-.'.— I>m roquet. Pathogenic de la luxation congenitale de la hanche. Ann. de chir. ct d'orthop.. Par., Is98. xi. 52: 86. Also: Inde- pend. med.. Par , 1898, iv, 49; 57.— I)urct (H.) Equi- uisine et luxation feniora'.e par lesions lnedullaires con- lonitales. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1892. i, 1-9. Ilin*- bei-j; iV.) Beitriige zur Anatomie der congenilalen Hultuelenksliixation. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir.. Stuttg., 1898. vi >6-lu5. —IIirs.cn ill. H.) l)ie Entstehung der angeborneu Hiiftvei renkung. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl.. Is97. cxlviii, 500-522.------. Znr Erage der Entste- hung der aiigeborenen H ii ft \ ci renkung. Miinrlicii. med. Wchnschr.1897.xliv,l:;-i;. — llolla (A.) reberden Stand des Schenkelkopfes bei d.r angeboienen liiiftliixation. Forlschr. a. d. G.b.d. Kontgenstralilen, Hamb.. 18;)7, i, 2-4, 2 id —liiiinicwon (E.) Contribution a l'etudede la pa- i oogenic et du ti aiteineiit (les luxations congenitales de la liain he. Kev. .1 oithop., Par., 1894, v, 186-215. Also: Attid. xi Cong. med. interna/.. 1894, Roma, 1895, iv, chi- r.ug. [etc.!. 361-378. — I.amicloiigue. Luxations con- liJ|»-joint (Dislocations of, Congenital, Causes and pathoLgy of). geiiiiales do la hanche: dc la pathogenic et. de quelques va- rietes rares; observations avi c autopsic. Cong, period. de gynec, d'obst. et de psediat. Mem. et disc. 1895, Par . 1896, 960-972. AUo [Abstr.]: France m6d., Par., 1895, xiii, 584.------. Sur la nature et. 11 pathogenic des mal- formations de la hanche (luxations congenitales des an- teiirsi. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par, 1896, exxii, 580- 5s2.—tiockwoofl (C.B.) Two specimi us ot fictus, illus. trating absence of the margin of the acetabulum, with and without displacement of the head of the femur. Tr. Path. Soc. Lund., 1886-7, xxxviii, 303-311.—Ijorcnz (A.i Pa- thulugisi ho Anatomic der angebon nen Hiiftvei renkung. Wien. klin. Wclinschr.. 1894, vii, 191; 216; 234. -flout- joinery (\V. P ) The paibology and treatnient of con- genital dislocation of the hip; a ciitical digest. Med. Chron.. Manchester, 1896-7, n. »., v, 325-337. —Morgan (.1. H.) Congenital dislocation of hip. Tr. Path. Sue. Lond., 1880-7, .xxxviii, 298—Nichols (E. 11.) Tbe pat ho- logical anatomy of congenital dislocation i f the hip-joint. J. Post. Soc. ".M. Sc, 1896-7. no. 14, 8-10.—NichoU (E. H.) A: Bradford (10. H.) The surgical anatoiny ol congenital dislocation of tlie hip-joint. Am. .1. M. Sc. Phila . 1900, n. s , cxix. 62.1-650.— \ovi-,lo»si rami (G.i Relation de 1 autopsie d'une luxation congenitale de la hanche opeie.e suivant la methode de Lorenz. Rev. mens. il. mal. de l'enf.. Par., 1900, xviii, 529-540.—I»ati (A.) Nota preveutiva del conipletamenlo dello studio auatonio- patologico e speriincntale della lussazione femorale conge- nit i e del nuovo processo per la cm a razionale incruenta della sua varieta iiiaca anteriore o del Monteggia. Boll. nied. treutino, Trento, 1901, xx, 93-19. Also: Riforma med., Roma, 1901. xvii, pt. 2. 110-113.- 1'fender (A.) De la patbog6nie des luxalions congenitales de la hanche. Rev. mens. d. mal. de lent'., Par.. 1889. vii, 312-323. Also, Reprint. — Power (D'A.) Congenital (1) displacement of the hip. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond.. 1886-7. xxxviii. L99.— Rcgmtiilt (F.) Alterations dans la forme dn femur en cas de luxation c mgenitale de la hanche. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1894. 10. s., i, 567. ------. Modifications (le la forme du femur dans la luxation congenitale. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1896, lxxi, 453-455.—Bower (K.) Zur Pathologic un.l Therapie der angeboienen HiilIveiren- kung. Deutsche nied. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1897. xxiii, 61-63. — Nelianz (A.) Die Aetiologie der angebo- renc Hiiftvei renkung. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir.. Stmtg., 1898, v, 359-374.------. Der Stand des Sehenkclkoples bei der angt Imrenen Iliiftverrenkung und deren Bedeutung fiir die Lehre vou der Aetiologie der angel.on nen Hiift- vei renkung. Ibid., 1900. vii, 531-537. — Schede. Zur Anatomie und Behandlung der aiigeborenen Luxation des Hiiftgeleuks. Deutsche med. "Wchnschr.. Leipz. u. Berl.. 1901, xxvii, Vi-r.-Beil , 85.—Taylor (H. L ) Laxity of lhe ligaments with congenital hip luxation. Tr. Am. Orthop. Ass, Phila. 1897, x, 167-i6.l— Valletle. D, s luxations congenitales de la hanche; anatomie pathologi- que ct traitement operate', re curat if. (iaz. med.de Pai., 1894, 9. 8., i, 397: 409; 421; 433; 445. — Waiholm (It.) Den kongenitala hoftleds luxationens etiologi och pato'o- giska anatomi. [Etiology and pathological anatomy of congenital luxation of hipjoiiit.J Hvgiea, Stockholm, 1894, lvi, 301-412. Hip-joiilt (Dislocations of, Congenital, Complications and sequelce of). See, also, Hip-joint (Dislocat ons of, Congeni- tal, Treatment of); Labor (Complications, etc., of) with contracted, etc., pelris; Pelvis (Deformi- ties of). (Juste (J.) *De rosteo-iirthrite tnliercnhu e cuiupliqnant la. luxation congenitale de la hanche. s°. Lgon, 18-J9. (Ieiek (H ) " lelier ein Becken mit doppel- seitiger cougvnitaler iliiftgelenkslnxation. -1-. Halle a. S., 1S>.'). Itrenincr (D. C.) A case of congenital dislocation of the hipjoint and spina bifida. Kdinb. M. •!., 1901, n, s.. x. 59.— It row ■■ (B.) Doiiblecongenital displacement ot the hip: description of a case with treatment resulting in cure. Boslon M. A- S. J., 1885. cxii, 541-546. 2 pi. AUo, Keprint.—Canirn .p.) Ln cas ile luxation coxo-feino- rale congenitale, coin, idant avec des malformations mul- tiples. Rev. d'ortbop.. Par.. 1892. iii. 457-459. — C'hapnl (IL) Luxation congenitale double de 11 hanche, chez une femme. Bud. Soc anat de Par., 1885, lx. 418-421.—Clarke (J.) Double congenital dislocai ion of the lip. Clin.-L, Lund.. 1899. xiv. 3 8-3'jo — t iiwiii i'f. P.) Bilaleial dis- location of the hip. piesuinably congenital. Lancet. Lond.. 1900. i, 1716.—Unbrenil. Des accidents douloureux daus la luxation congenitale de la hanche. Rev. d orthop.. Par., 1890, i, 185-187. —Eujjliwh (E ) Double congenital dislo- cation of hip. QuarL M.J., Sheffield, 1896-7. v, 139, 1 pi.— Graham (D. W.) Bil teral congenital dislocation of HIP-JOINT. 139 HIP-JOINT. Ilip-joillt (Dislocations of, Cougeuitul, Complications anil sequela1 of). the hip. Chicago M. Recorder, li-98, xiv, 437-444. — Hop- kins i \\ . B.) Report of a case of double congenital luxa- tion of tin hip-joint. Internal. M. Mag.. Pbila., 1895-6, iv, 418-420, 1 pi.—ki'iiiiNc 11-' ) Zwei l':ille von sogenannter acutor katarrlialischer Gelenkeitening bei gleiehzeitiger an 'cborener Hiiftgel nksliixatiuii. Verhandl. il. deutsch. Gesellsch f. Chir., Berl. 1889, xviii, pt. 2, 192-196 1 pi. Also: Arch. f.klin. Chir.. Berl.. 1889. xxxix, 477-481. 1 pi.— I.ane (W. A.) A case illustrating a condition of con- genital partial displacement of belli hip joints upwards and forwards. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond . 1895 6 xxix. 185-187.— l.aiineloiiune. Rachitisme et luxation congenitale double de la luuicho. Bull.med.. Par., 1S!I5. ix. 839. — Lord i.I. P.) Congenital hipjoint di-local ions, wit li report of two bilateral cases. Omaha Clinic. l>9!-4. \i. 537-539.— .Tlnnelaire. Le traitenient de la luxation l.i l.iterale it congenitale >h> la hanche par ln methode de Lorenz doit-il I £trc sunultaiie ou alternatil'.' Cong, internal. de in. .1 ('. r. Par.. 1900. sect, de chir. de l'enf.. 65. — l»> e-Minilli i K.J.) A . ase of cougeuitul displ icemcnt of both hips. Quart. M. .1 . Sheffield. 1.-96 7. v 137-139 1 pl-K>aii. Double congenital dislocation of the hipjoint. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic. 1889. n. s., xxii, 67.—Mhaltock . S (i i l!i lateial dislocation of the hip-joints. piolmbU congenital. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond.. l-Sii-7. xxx viii, 299. —Tnhby i A. II.) ] A case of double congenital dislocation..! the hip. Tr. Brit. Orthop. Soc 1896. Lond.. 1897. ii. 1H-I6. —Wile i W. <'.) | A case of double congenital dislocation of the hip. l'i. N. York M. Ass.. 189■', vii, 269 —Zenker |E.) Ueber iu- komplete angeboiene Huftluxalioiieii. Forls.hr. a, d. | Geb. il. Uonlgenstrahlen. Hamb . ls9,-8. i. 231-235. 1 pi. Hip-joint (Dislocations of. Congenital, Diain >sis and se.i.eiology of). Albert F . Zur Diagnose d.-r angeboienen Luxation des Huftg. 1. nk. s besondci s nut Riicksicbt auf eine Form | der Luxation, da- uu (>t t'.d.e der acuten Osteomyelitis des obi-ren Fei.nii.-n.i.-s auftriit. Wieu. med. Pl.sSe. 1887 xxviii 433-4 7. Bnilr • I'.i Kami uns die Rbntgogra- phie Aiilsehl iss geben fiber die Aeliologie der angeb. re- nen liii ft vein -nkuug .» Wen. klin. Kmidschau, 1900, xiv, 893; 918: 955—t-eraril .Tliloi.T.) Een geval i n eenige ra io'iainmcii v.in luxatio conge ila feinoii- sinistra M.d. W.-.-kbl., Amst. l>9s-9. v, 121-124. — Hildebrand (Hi Die kou_. niM.e Hiiftgelenkslnxation im stcr. osko- piscben R(')ii'_. n n .1.- Culiab:. f Chir.. Leipz.. 1900, xxvii. 609-6 :;. —liiiiiinii'll. Die congenitale Hiiftluxa- tion iu Uoulgen'sciier Lurcleiicbtiiug und die Kesultate ihrer !■> .audlung. Deutsche med. Wclinschr.. Leipz. u. Berl.. >:u. xxv. Ver -Beih. 13: -.02.— Luini (J. li.) A case of con.'euital dislocation of light hip. with skiagraph. Tr. Clin. So". Lond, 1899-1900. xxiiii. 214. 1 1., 1 pi. —Kedaril ,'!'.) De la l.uliographie priucipaleio. ut dela ia io^raplre sieieoscopiqiie, dans letilde lies luxa ions congenitales de la hanche. Ann. delicti .biol. [etc.]. Par.. 191-0. iii, 749-755. t'- (iaz. d. mal. infant, [etc.]. Par. .1900. ii, 393-396. Also: li, . , e .,,. si,, ,-t d'electrolbei.. Par., 1900, ii, 207-211.— I an Hook W | ThediagnosisofcongenitaldiNlocitioii oi tlit- iii]■ |..int. X. Am. Pract.. C'bicago. 1890 ii. 491-493.— Vernenil iA.| Sur b s luxalious preteudilcs congeni- tale, ,i. la hanche. Kev. dorihop., Par., 189) i, 23-35.— j Villi mill. Diagnostic de la luxation congenitale de la hanche. (iaz. (1. mal. infant, [e c]. Par.. 1^99. i, 257-260.— I Wirt (W. K.i The diagnosis and ticatment ot ■ ongeni- i i dislocation of tbe hi|. Clevelaml M (ia/... 18.»9-19()n. x. 2s9-::n'i. 2 pi. — Wolll id.) Die redeulimg der Bout- I .'tnbilder fiir die la In. von der iiiigebon-neii II iifi verreu- kun" Forts h . a d. Geb. d. Rdntgeiistrahleii, Hamb.. ls97-8. i, ■>•>■ Kti; 211 4 pi. Ilip-joillt ' Dt-I'teations of, Congenital, Dotilili■■). >ie Hip-jcint (Dislocations of, Congenital, t',,,,,1 li< u lions, etc., of). Hip-joint (Disl-icatious of Congeni a', Pathology of). i >('• Hip-toil, t (Dislocitions of, Congenital, Causes, etc., of). Ilip-joint (Dislocations of Congenital, Treatnient of). See, also, Hip-joint (Diseases of. .Ij>i>aralus, e'c., for); Hip-joint (Dislocations of, Congenital, Causes, etc., o) )■ BOCKLU X (X.J.) *])'- l'itlliTN cllti' 11 Silll- glante dans In luxation congenitale dc l;i ham-lie. 1 -. Bordeaux, 1■■!*.>. Casai.X (J.) *l>c In transposition des us iluuiiies. Nouveau tniitcinent d<- la luxation | Ilip-joillt (Dislocations of Congenital, Treatment of). congenitale dc. la lianclic che/, l'iidiilt'. 8°. Lgou, 11(01. Ciimtk (F.) * Contribution a lY'tiide dn traite- nient dc la luxation congeni I ale de la hanclio par la methode dc Linen/,. (50 observations iucMiit.'s.) s . Lgnu, 11)01. Dkciii.hi' (J.-B.-X.-E. ) * Conlrilintion a Fetnde dn Irailcnicnt de la luxation congeni- tale de la liiinclic par la reduction sanglaute. s . Lille, ls!>7. tioi.A/. (II.) Osteotomie soiis-trochanteYicnno duns les luxations congenitales de la hanclie. S■'. Paris, l-".>7. Hoi'i'A (A.) l>ie blnligo Operation der im- gchomicn 1 liiflgelenksluxation. s\ Wiirzburg, 1000. .Jociikm (C.) * Weitere Milflieilungen iiber die operative Behandlung der aiigeborenen Hiift- oolenksverrcnknno'. <;. Wiirzburg, lf-9.i. KiiximiNG (J.) * Ueber O.steotomia sub- trochanteric:! I'bl'nuia bei Luxatio coxa' con- genita. K . Wiirzburg, 1-09. I.K Fkl (F.-Y.-M.) *Essai sur le traitenient des luxations congenitales dela Inmclie par la nidthode sclerogene. 1 . Bordeaux. 1-'.>-2. Lorkxz (A.) Pathologie mil T. erapie der angebornen Hiiftverrenknng auf Grnnillage von linndei t opevativ behandelle.i Fallen. 8-. Wien .)• Leipzig, 1897k ------. The same. Pathologie et tiaitement de la luxation congenitale de la hanche. Tra- duit par J. Cottet, precede d'une preface de F. Brnn. ^c. Paris, 1-1)7. ------. 1'eber die Hei 1 nng der augeboreiien Hiiftgeleuks-Veirenkung durch nnblutige Kin- reiiknng und fnnctionelle Belastung. <<:\ Leip- zig cV- Wien, 1(.»00. Natalklli (F.) Etude critique sur les traitement-; actuels de la luxation congenitale delah.nche. >\ Lijo>, 1-W. Pikojkoki (OlgaV ' t o itribntion a I'etude dc la luxation congenitale de la hanche, et du traitenient par la methode dc Paci. 8C. Centre, \<99. Poki'o (M.-F.) * Des luxations congenitales de la hanche envisagecs au point de vue th6- rap utique. 1". Paris, 18.-7. Tkli-'kl ((J.) * I'ebor einen Fall von multi- jilen .Missbildnngen rait besondeter Isenicksich- ti^ung der congeiii alcn Iliiltluxation nnd deren operativer lieliandlup.g. -\ Slrasshurg. 1-H-. AUo | Abstr.], in: Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1889, xsix, :nn-:r«t>. AiIiiiiim (W.) On the treatment of congenital dis- lihiceinent. the to-called congenital dislocation, of the hip- joint bv loin: conliiiued recumbency and extension. Brit. M. .1, Lond., 1887, i, 8iif. 8ii8. ------. On the successful 11 eat ment of cases of cougeiiitnl displacement of the hip- joint bv complete recumbency Willi extension for two veins. I hid.. 1890. i, 4IM1-411.------. Observations ou con- genital ili-placenii'iit (the so-called couuenilal dislocation) at the hip.i dill ; and tbe .success of Dr. Huckiuinster Ihown's t na 11 in nt by rec million y with extension for two years. Tr. Am. Hi limp. Ass. 18'l.">, I'liila.. 1H96. viii. :i()2- ill8. li ])1. A :a-on. Zur unbluliLien Kinrenkting der aiijeboicn n lliifi verrenkuiig. Deutsche n ed. Wclinschr., Leipz. u. llerl.. 1001, xxvii, Ver.-I!eil., 4ii. - Anyeici-. Congenitale Hiifigelenksluxation ; (Ip.r.tti. n nach II.Hi. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1894, xii, Mil. ,ll»...- Si- t/.mi'jsb. d. iiiv.tl. Ver. Miinchen (1891). ISIi'i. iv, 79— Bar- ker (A. K.-I.) Case of congenital dislocation of tin- hip. Tr. M.8,i-. Lond., 1899-1909, xxiii, :i:s7.—KarwHl (K.) On the treatment of congenital dislocation of lhe hip. with two cases. Iirit. M. .1.'. Lond., 18^7. i, 1150-1 ]."»2. ------. The operative Iteatinent. of contienitiil dislocation of the hip. Med -Chir. Tr., Lond.. 1891 2, lxxv. 2(11-274. Also [Abstr. | : 1'ioe. Rov. M. \- Chir. Soc. Lond.. 189 -2. iv, 91- 97. ,1/k-i [Absli.]:'Liiicet. Lond . 1892, i. 1190. —Itillinul (Ml L'lXiitiou co igenitnle de la luui. b"; leiitatives dc redii lion par la n cl bode de I'aci; insucces; opeiation de Holla; reduction; guerison par premiere intention. Ann. HIP-JOINT. 140 HIP-JOINT. Ilip-joillt (Dislocations of, Congenital, Treatment of). d'orthop. et de chir. prat,, Par., 1893, vi, 3-12. ------. 'Traitement de la luxation congenitale (te la hanche. Ann. dechir. et d'orthop..Par.. 1896, ix, 101-107. Also: Re pert, de therap., Par., 189(5, xiii, 42-49. —Bittncr (VV.) Zur Behandlung der aiigeborenen Huftgelenksverrenknng. Meil. Rundschau, Berl, 19 il, 876; 90(5. - Bradford (E.H.) Treatment of congenital dislocation of the hip. Ann. Surg.. Phila., 1894, xx, 129-137. 2 pi. AUo, Reprint. Also: Tr. Am. Orthop. Ass. 1894, I'liila.. 189,1, vii. 88-98. -----. Lore nz's operation in congenital dislocation of the hip. Mod. ('oinmiinieat. Mass M. Soc. Bost., 1896, xvii, 275-286. Also: Huston M. .V S. ,L, 1896, cxxxv, 205-207.------. Congenilal dislocation|of lhe hip. Tr. Cong. A.m. Phys. & Surg.. X. Haveu, 1897, iv, 207-236, 4 pi. Also: Am. j. M. Sc. Phila.. 1897. n. 8.,cxiv, 503-526. Also [Abstr.]: J. Bost. Soc. M. Sc, 1896-7, i, no. 14, 5-8.------. Congenital dislocation of the hip joint. Tr. Am. Orthop. Ass., Phila.. 1898. xi. 429-438.------ Coiigenitaldislocatiouof the hip-joint. /£.£iicio9. Also, tninsl.: Ztschr. f. ortlmp. Chir., Stuttg., 1901, ix, 138-112.—Calol (F.) Traiteinciit de la luxation congenitale de la h inche. Gaz. ni6d. de Par., 1895. 9. s., ii, 42:!. Also: Cong, period, de gvnec. d'obst. et. de pse.liat. Mem. et disc. I8!l.">, Par., 1896, 947-949. -----. Le traitement de la luxation congenitale de hi baiiche. Assoc franc, de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.], Par., 1895, ix. 163-171. ------. Tr iteinent des luxations congenitales de la hanche. Gaz. d. hop., P. r.. 1895, Ixviii, 1295. -----. Sur la possibility d'arriver a la guerison de la luxation congenitale de la hanche par intervention sanglaute. Arch. prov. de chir.. Par., 1896, v, 208-215. AUo. Reprint. -----. Traitement de la luxation congenitale de la hanche. Cong, internat. d. med. C. r., Par.. 1900. sect, dechir: de lent'., 66. — Charon. Luxation congenitale de la hanche chez un enfant do 9 ans. Sic. rov. d. sc nied. et nat. deBrux. Bull.. 1897. lv, 101-110 .—Ch«->nr (\Y\ W.) Congenital dislocation of the hip. Kings Coil. Hosp. R-p. 1896-7, Lond., 1898. lv. 115-122.—CliiY*o«paf Ins (I. (i.) Ne'a <=7rt.Tv;(r)s Separret'a toO ervyyei-oO,- TOii icrxiov efapOpjjmaTO? Kara tt\v fxido&ov Toil ev Bievvrj x^'poupyou Adoljill LorellZ. Ta\r)i>o<;, 'A6r)vat. 1897, xxvii. 481: 513.— Clarke (J. J ) A case of congenital dislocation of the hip. Clin, s'-etches, Lond.. 1896. iii. 3-ii. — Codivilla. Contributi) alia tecnica della cura crnenta radicale della lussazione congenita de 1' anca. Cong, internat. de med. C. r.. Par.. 1900, sect, de chir. He l'enf, 09-82. A Iso, transl. .- Kiforma med.. Roma, lnOl, xvii. pt. 1. 618: 651. Also, transl.: Z schr. t. orthop. Chir.. Stuttg.. 1901. ix. 1L'3- 137.—Collet (J.) Luxation congenitale de la hanche; operation de Lorenz. Presse med.. Par.. .1896. iv. 61-63.— CoikIi.m. Quelques applications de la met bode sclero- gene; luxation congenitale de la 'bundle. Assoc franc. de chir. Proc-verb [etc.]. Par. 1893. vii, 806. _____. Des luxations congenitales dela hanche et de leur tiailment. Semaine med.. Par., 1895. xv, 384. ----. Quelques re- marques sur les diverses methodes de tiaitement des luxa- tions congenitales de la hanche. Cong, period, de gvnec d'obst. et de piediat. Mem. et disc 1895. Par., 1896, 913- 921. -----. Nouvelle contribution a I'etude du traitement delaluxation congenitale de la hanche; reduction par la methode non sanglaute. Ann. de chir. et d'orthop.. Par., 1890, ix, 207-21:!. -----. Nouvelle contribution h I'etude du traitenient non sanglant de la luxation congenitale tie la hanche. Assoc, franc, de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.), Far. Hip-joint (Dislocations of, Congenital, Treatment of). 1899. xiii, 724-~4n.— Cuccolini (C.) II metodo Lorenz in confronto colla cura ineruenta razionalc del Prof. Paci della lussazione congenita d. 11 anca. Arch, di ortop., Milano,1897, xiv,:!20-:!36. — D'Ambro«io(A.) Lussazione posteriore coxo-femorale congenita e p.ilologica, curata col metodo del Prof. Paci. Riforma med., Napoli, 1894, x, pt. 4, 52-58. —On vi* (B. B.) The management of congcuital dis- locations ot tli. hip. West. M. Rev., Lincoln, Neb., 1896, i, 171-174.—Davis (G. G.) A case of double congenital luxa- tion of the hip.s; one replaced by manipulation and the other by operation. Arch. Pediat., N.T.. 1900, xvii, 380.— Dejace ( L.) Traitenient orthopedique de la luxation congenitalo de la hanche. Scalpel, Liege, 1895-6, xlviii. 279. — Delassus. Le traitement de la luxation congeni- tale de la hanche par Ia reduction sanglaute (procede du Dr. Calot). J. d. sc. nied. de Lille, 1897, i, 400-408— Del. croix. Trois ohsei vations de luxation congenitale de la hanche. Ann. Soc beige dechir., Brux., 1898-9, vi, 105- 107.-----. Le traitement de la luxation congdiitale de la hanche. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1899, li, 109-114. Also: Ann. de chir. et d'orthop.. Par., 1899. xii, 205-209. -----. Le traitement de hi luxation congenitale de la hanche. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1901, liii, 591-593.—Dc IVobele (J.) Traitement de la luxation congenitale de la hanche. Ann. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1896, lxxv, 148-151. Also : Belgique med.,Gand-Haarleni,189(i,iii,pt.2,449-455.— Deniico (til.) Luxation congenitale de la hanche gauche; operation d'Hoffa; gueiison. Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1893, iv, 108-114. -----. Xote sur lo traitemeut chirurgical de la luxation congenitale de la hanche. Cong, period, de gynec, d'obst. et dc picdiat. Mem. ct disc. 1895, Par., 1896, 958-960. -----. Deux cas de luxation congenitale de la hanche traites par le procede de reposition non .sanglaute de Lorenz. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1898, xxviii, 352 — Do l*aoli (E.) Coutributo alio studio della cura radicale della lussazione congenita dell' anca mediante 1' artrecto- mia. Gior. d. r. Ace ul. tli med. di Torino, 1886, 3.8., xxxiv, 840-850.— Doicija (M.) Zur orthopadischen Behandlung der angeborencu liii It vei renkung (Luxatio congenita coxa?). Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl.," 1895, xxi. 604-607. Also: Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir , Perl., 1896. xxv, pt. 2, 249-259. [Discussion], pt. 1, 61-65._ Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Herl.. 1S96, liii, 278-288.— Dollinger iG.j Czointbres ujsziildttnel, gybg.sttlas rdvidiiles nelkiil. [Hip dislocation iu the new-born; cure without shortening. | Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1897. xii. 43. -----. Vdesziiletett csipoiziileti iiczain v6rea millet nelkiil helyretett esete. [A case of congenital lux- ation of the hipjoint reduced without operation.] Ibid., 243. -----. Cjszuldttnek rdvidiiles nelkiil gydgyult czoinb- tiire.se. [Dislocation of hip in lhe new-borii cured without shortening.] Ibid., 559. Also: Gydgyiiszat. Budapest, 1897. xxxvii, 727.— Doyen. Neue 'Methode zur blutigeu Einrichtuiig der ang.boi enen Hiiftgilcnksluxatioii. Ver- handl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1898. xxvii pt, 2, 414-417. AUo: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1898; lvii, 698- 702. AUo, transl.: Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1898, ii, 1396. -----. Traitement operatoire de la luxation congenitale de la hanche. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de chir. de lent'., 64 —Dnbrucil (A.) De la therapeu- tique des luxations congenitales do la hanche. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. nied. de Montpel., 188,, ix. 4u: 49 — Due roquet. Luxations congenitales de la handle; reduction non san- glante; gueiison; nouvelle met bode de traitenient. Bull. Acad, de nied. Par., 1900. 3. s., xliii, 593-598. Also [Abstr.] : Gaz. il. hop., Par., 1899, lxxii, 410. -----. Apres r6ductiou de la luxation congenitale de la hanche on doit obtenir une guerison anatomique it l'onctionnelle complete; causes des 6checs. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de chir. de l'enf.. 59-64. -----. Quelques remarques sui mon procede de traitement de la luxation congenitale (methode de Lorenz modified. Progres med., Par., 1900, 3. s., xi, 33-36. -----. De la reduction de la luxation congenitale de la hanche. Med. mod., Par.. 1901, xii, 17-19.- Duret. Traitenient de la luxation congenitale de la hanche. Bull. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lille (1892), 1894, 28. KEIiolt (G. 11.) Congenital dislocation of lhe hip joint, with special refer- ence to the new non-cutling operation of Lorenz, for repo- sition of same; presentation of patient under treatment. Med Rec. N, V., 1897, li, 757- 7r.0.—K ly ( L. W.) The treatmentof congenital dislocation of lhe bin joint. Am. Med.. Phila., 1901, i, 000-602. — loi'ifiic (E.)" Traitement des luxations congenitales dc la handle. N. Montpel. med., 1897, vi, 61; 81, 4 pi. — Froc-lich. Contributions au traitenient et k l'aiiatoinie pathologique radiographique de la luxation congenitale de la handle. Cong.internat.de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de chir. de l'enf., 51-59. Also: Rev.med.de lest. Nancy. 1901, xxxiii. 1'11-171.— Kaudirr (H.) Traitenient operatoire de la luxation congenitale de la hanche; modification au procede de Hoti'a. Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par.. 1895. xiii, 324-328.—Oeiidi-ou (F.) Sur le traitenient orthopedique des luxations congenitales de la hanche; perfectionnement apport6 aux iippareils portatifs. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. nied. de Bordeaux, 1892 xiii, 171; 207. -----. Luxation congenitale uuilat6rale HIP-JOINT. 141 HIP-JOINT. lli|»-joill( (Dislocations of Congenital, Treatment of). dela hanche: traitement orlhopediquc Ann. do la Poli- din.de Bordeaux 1893-t. iii, 159-167 — 4-iliilliiii (C.) Ope- razioni per la lussazione congenita dell' anca. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna. 1897. 7. s.. viii. 281-302. Also \ Abstr. ] : Soc. med.-chir. in I'.ob.gna. K.-soc. (1s97). 1898, 10. ------. Trattaniento incruento della lussji, ion.- conge- nita dell anca. Arch, ed alti d. Soc iid di chir 1897. Roma, 1898. xii, 91 94 AUo, Keprint. AUo: Bull. il. sc med.di Bologna. 1898,7. s., ix, 34 38. AUo [Abstr): Soc nied.-chir. d.i Bologna. Besoc. (1-98). 1899, 3. Also [Abstr.l: Suppl. al Policlin , Koina. 1-97-8 iv, 193. AUo. transl: Kev. d'orthon.. Par., 1898. ix 89-92. .lira, transl.: Arch, f klin. Chir.. Berl.. 1898. lvi. 413-146. ------. Lussa- zione congenita dell'anca. Clin. chir.. Milano Hltin. viii, 915-947. ------. Leber di'iiiiblutige l'.chandluug dei auge boren. n Iliilt elcnksvci renkung. in Be/.ug auf die lie- form itiit des Femurs. Miiiiehen. med. Wchnschr.. 1901. xlviii, "10 <;il>»i<> (V. P.) Lorenz opeiation lor eon- genital dislocation of the hip. Arch. Pediat., X. V. 1892. ix, 911-913. ----- Congenital dislocation of tie hi;.. In- ternat. C'in., rinla.. 1894, 4. s. iii, 20! _u4.—<-r:i iiilin< lli (A) Sulla cura im ritenta dell i lussa'ionc longeuita dell' anca; metodo Lorenz o metodo 1'i.i S, ppl. ; 1 I'oli- din., Roma. 1899-1909. vi, 041-640 II :^o|ioll. Le la valeur du traitement orthopedique euratif non .sanglant dans la bixalion congenitalede la hanche. Gaz. d. hop Par.. Is96. lxix. 1009-1015. ------. Quelques lemarqiies ii propos dun nouveau precede de traitenient ortbi.pediquo non sanglant. dit methode de Lorenz. dans la luxation co..- genitaledela hanche. Ibid.. 1897, Ixx, 1094-1096. ------. Des conditions i ssentielles pour le succes de la methode non sanglant.■ dans la luxation congenitale dela hanche. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par.. 1901, n. s.", vi. 25't '_."7.— II :i*r- brock. Cher den neucsten Stand der Behandlung di r J angeboreiieii 11 m : g. l.-nk-luxation. Deutsche Med-Ztg., Berl.. 1,-9,, xviii. 1-3. Ili-mlrix. Le iraitement dela luxation con . nit ,1. .it- i i ham-he au xxviii' congtes des (•hiiuigiens allemamls. Policlin., Biux., 1.-99. viii. 253-261. ------. Le tiaitement de la liixition congenitale de la I hanche: me bode de S.h.dc J. de chir. et Ann. Soc beige de chir.. Brux.. 19n|. i. 351-353, 3 pi.- livn/cl iM.) Velesziiletett c>ipoiziilete tic/am veres lit on npoualt esete. [A ca-e of congenital dislocation if the liip-joiut replaced bv the "bloody" method , Oivosi hetil., Buda- pest, 1897. xii. 156. AUo. >ro,,,i..- !'. st. nn d.-chir. l'i esse. Budapest. 1897 xxxiii, 795.- Iliu iu i (L.i Beitrag zur orthopiidischen Beli.iiidluiig iter aiigcbor in n Hiiftlnxa- tion. Verhandl. d.dciitscli.G. sells, h. f. Chir.. Beil.. 1895 xxi' pt. 2. 28--J97, 1 pi. [!;iscu-sii.iij, pt. 1. 75-81. AU^: A i. ;, f. klin. Chir.. B rl.. 1895. 1. 0:16-045, 1 pi - llevdcn- i-i-iili (A ) Du traitement des luxations congenitales dc la hanche par 1 . methode sanglant '. S.maine med., Par., 1"93. xiii. 11. AUo, transl.: M. .1. We , l'ar., 1893, i, 25.— Ho tin i A.i Zur opeiu liven Behandlung der iingehnrcneii Hiiltgi ienksverienkiingen. mit Krankenvoi stellung. V.-rhandl. (I. deutsch. Ge-ellsch. f. Chir., I'erl.. l8!iu. xix. 44-5.4. Alto [Abstr.]: Wien. med. Wchnschr. 189.1. xl. 926-928. AUo [Abstr.]: Wien. med. Presse. 1890. xxxi, 763. -----. T*. in r di.- operative Bdr.udluiig d.-r angebo- n-ni-ii HiiftgeleiiksvciTeiikiingen. Sitzinig-li. il. pbys.- med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb. Is9n. 140. Also Keprint. ------. Conti ibiition an l initeinent o|ieratoire des luxa- tions congenitales de la hanche. R.-v. d orthop.. Par.. 1891, ii, 21; 95. ------. Zur operativen Behandlung der angeboienen Iliiltg. lenksverrciikiiiig. Centralbl. t.Cbit., Leipz.. 189.'. xix, 921-924. ------. Weitere Mitl heilungeii iiber die operative Bebaiidlung der iingeborenen Hiiltge lenksverrenkiiiigen. VerhaiiilL d. deutsch. Gesi ll-oh. t Chir., Berl . 189:: xxii. 12-21. Also: Miinchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1-9:; xl, 337-339. Also: Wien. lied. Bl., 1893 xvi, 279-:>I. AUo: Mitth. a. d chir. orthop. Privat- kliu. . . . Hoffa zu Wiirzb.. Miinchen, 1894, 79-87. ------. Patimlogisi li anatomische Demoiislralioncn zur Operation der angeboienen IliiltgolenkHverrenkung. Verhandl. d. d.-uisch. Gesdl-ch. f. Cbii., Berl.. 1891 xxiii, pt. 1, 21-29. Also [Abstr]: Ber. ii. d. Ver- handl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. I. t'liir., Leipz 1894. xxiii. 112-116. ------. Einige Beiuerkuiigen zur Lorenz - sclien Operation der angeboienen JluTlgelonksver- renkung. Wien. klin. Wchnschr.. 18 94. vii. 411. ------. Ueber die operative Behandlung derange!)..lencii Hiiltge lenksluxalion. Atti d. xi Cong. nied. interna/.. 1894 Roma, 1895, iv, chii urg. [etc]. 360. -----. Die Endresiil tale der Operatiouen der nugehoreiieii lliiflgelenksvcr- lenkungen. Verhandl. il. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl, ls95. xxiv, pt. 2, 706-730. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Bill, 1>95. ll. 60-90. Also: Berl Klinik. 1895. 84. Hft., 1 3i'. AUo [Abstr.]: Per. ii (1. Vei handl. d. dculscn. G.■-.-llsi-li. f. Chir.. Leipz., 1895, xxiv, 133-136. AUo, transl.: Ann. n'o thop et de chir. prat.. Pur., 1895 viii, 197; 227. ------. Zur iinbliitigeii Behanillniig der angeboienen Hiil'tgeleiiksverri'iikiingeii. Veihamll. il. deutsch Ge- sellsch. f. Chir.. Berl., 1896, xxv, pt. 2, 479-184. [Discus- sion], pt 1, 65-70. Also: Aicli. f. kliu Chir.. Berl.. 1896, liii, 565-570. ------. Die Endresuliatemeiner letzt.cn bluti- Ili|»-joI_it (Dislocations of, Congenital, Treatment of). gen Operatiouen der aiigeborenen Hiiftgelenksluxation. Deutsche nied. Wclinschr., Leipz. u. Berl.. 1897, xxiii. ::o.-.; 3-j(i. 1 p|. -------. Die Lndresultate der blutigen und unblutigen Operation der angelmrencii lliil'tgclenksluxa- tionen; Vorst.-lluiig von 30 operirleii Patienten Vor- handl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. A.-i /.to 1896. Leipz., 1897, Ixviii, pt, 2. 2. Hlftc. 104. | Discussion], 131. ------. Traitenient, chirurgical de la luxation congenitale dc la hanche. Gaz. d. hop.. Far., 1897, Ixx, 318. Also: Ale h orient., Par., 1 97, i, 78 si. ------. Die moderne Behand- lung der aiigeborenen Iliiltgdenksluxationen. DeuGche l'r.ix , Miinchen, 1-98, i, -J9J; 333; 369. Also. Keprint. ------. Die nioderiie Bebaiidlung der iingeboreiien Hiil'tge- lenksvei reiikiingen. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gcs. llsch f. Chir., Herl., 1899, xxviii, pt. 2. 402-419. Also: Arch. I. klin. Chir.. Berl., 1899, lix, 525-542. -----. L'operat o \ sanglaute de la luxation del i hanche. Cong, iutcrnat.de nu-d. C r., Par., 1900, sect, de cbir.de lent'., (i-'J5. — llorvalli (M. Velesziibtctt rsipoi/iilcti fic/.atnodas opcriilt escte;. [Ope- rations for congenital dislocation of the liip joint. | Orvosi belli.. Budapest, 1898, xiii, 242. ------. A velesziiletett csipoi/.i'ili'ti liiv.atnri'il. [Congenital dislocation of the hip- joint. | Ibid.. 19(11. xliv, 530.—I|in«'ii (E.) Om den ope- ralive Bchandling af Luxali i coxa' congenii.i. Mid. Aavsskr., Kjobenh., 189-', 25 !-2i;3.—Jonliiiix il:.) Some obs.'ivalions on cn-.igenital disloc tion of the hip. v.ith a roniparLon of tbe Lorenz ; nil Hotfa operations. Tr. Am. Inst, llomeeop., N. Y., 1897, 28I-.93.— Iti-cllcy (C KB.) Congenital ilispcaiion of (lie hip; ouen opeiaiimi: suc- cessful result. Tr. Brit. Orthop. Soc 1896. I......1., 1897, ii, 50-52.—li ii-missoii |F„) Luxation congenitale de la hanche gauche; operation dc Holla; ruei-ison; parDenuce. [Rap.] Bull, et, mem. Sue. (le chir. de Par., I803, n. s., xix, 49-52. -----. De 1 osteotomie sous-trochauterieiine appli- ijuee a certains cas do luxation congenitale de la hanche (tlexion de la cuisse avec adduction considerable). Kev. d'orthop.. Par., 1894, v, 137-146. ------. Goutiiere de Bonnet articulee pour le irai tenu nt (led ux.it ions congeni- t des de la hanche. Ibid, 1895, vi. 3S8-:;9n. —----'. he- sultats des operations sanglantcs dans le traitenient dc la luxation congenitale de la hanche. Bull, med., Par.. 1896, x, 353-356. -——-. Traitement inecanique ou methode non sanglaute de la luxation congenitale de la hanche. Ibid., :i7.")-378. ------. Traitenient de-t luxat.on.s congenitales de la handle Bull, et mem. Soc. de chic de Par.. 1896. n. s , xxii, 331-310. ------. Traitenient des luxations congeni- tales de la hanche. Ibid., 1899, n. s., xxv, 2ul-203. [Dis- cussion], 341-348. ------. Traitement des luxations c. n- genitales de la hanche. Cong, internet, dc med. C r., Par.. 1900, sect, de chir. do lent'.. 30-41. AUo: K v. d'orthop., Par., 1900, 2 s., i, 289-303.—Koch (('.) Zur Operation der angeboienen Hiiftlitxatiou. Vi'mc'ln n. med. Wchnschr., 1891, xii, 281. Also: Sitz.-Protoi-. d. iirztl. Lokalver. zu Numb. L93. Miinchen, ls94. 71-74.— Koclii'i'. Zwei congenitale Hiiftgelenkluxalionon. In his: Chir. Klin, zu Bern, Jena, 1891, 115-117 — Kollil.cr (T.l reber die operative Belunidlung d r angebo, en.-n Iliiltg.■lenksluxalion. Verhandl. d. x. internat. med. Cong: 1890, Berl.. 18(1. iii. Ahth. 7a, 19-24. ------. I'dier die Behaiidlung der kongenitalen Hiil'tliixation mit der iinbliitigeii 1,'epos i ion. Centralbl. f. ChT., Leipz., i8:l8, xxv, 1041- liiiiii^. Osteoplastisi h ■ Belianillung der congeii'taleii HullgeleDksluxation (mit Demonstration oiiei Priiparati'S). Vi rbandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl.. 1-91. xx, in. 1. c".-8ii. AU<> [ Abstr.]: Ber. ii. d. Verhandl. (1. ilcuisdi. G.-seil-di. f. Chir., Leipz.. I.'91, xx, 110 Kiiii^iiiilalr 11 ii li gden ksluxation, 1 fall. .lahresb. ii. d.cliir. A bl. d. Spit, in Basel (1897), 1898, 2n7. — l.ii to iiic :i ale. Luxation congenitale de la handl. ; ope- ration de Lorenz. Cong, period, de gvnec, d'obst et de p:eili.il. .Mem. ct disc 18 5, Par., 1890, 921-924.—I,am- |*ii^ii:iiii (C ) La ibcapitazionc del feinore nella lussa- zione congenita dell' anca; studio pratico di ortopeilia chirurgica mil isettica. Arch, di orlop., Milano, 1885. ii, 337-348. ,ll»ii: Gior. tl. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, P-85, 3 K, xxxiii, 538-551. -----. Aurora sulla cura della loss-.- zioue c ng nita dell' anca. Gior. d r. Accad di in. d di Torino. 1880, 3. s., xxxvii. 347-2.2.—I.a n«<- (p.) Die liebandlungdel'aiigeborenen Hiiftverrenkiiiig. Miincben. null. Wclinschr., I8IW xiv, 451; 491. Also: Saininl. Klin. Voitr. n. V., Leipz, 189.1, No. 210 (Chir., Xo. 72. 1273-1318). ------. Zur Behandlung der aiigeborenen lliili vcrrcnknng ; Ki wioilorung. Bi rl. klin. Wchnschr., 1899, xxxvi, 359.— I,:i iiikIoii^iii'. Note sur un traitement de hi luxation ciiiegenilale in- la hanche par la met bode sclerogene. Bull. et iiiem. Mie. de eliir. d- l'ar.. 1891, n. b., xxii. 770-775. Also | Abstr. | : Bull, med.. Par., 1891, v, 1190. Also [Abstr |: Cie/.. uied.-ehir. do Toulouse, 1892. xxiv, 1(1.— I.aval (K) Traitement de la luxation congenitale d la hanche. Hull. gen. i|e therap. [etc.], Par., 1901, cxlii, 243-257.— l.t'jiii'M. Contribution h la cure operatoire des luxations congenitales de la hanche. Assoc. Iianc.de chir. Proc-verb. [etc]. Pur., 1893, vii, 525-.VJ8.—lii-wrr (10.) Einige Ei labiungvii zur operativen Behaudliing der eongcniialen lliiftgeleiikbixation. Berl. klin. \\'chnsehr., II IP-JOINT. 142 HIP-JOINT. Hip-joiilt (Dislocations of, Congenital, Treatment of). 1895, xxxii, 981; 1004.— I.oiiiiIm i". (I.) Lorenz' opera- tion for inedfddd hSt'tleds-luxntion. [ . . . for congenital dislocation of hip-joint.] Lpsala Liikarel. Forli., 1894-5, xxx, ::o-35.—l.orc'iiz (A.) Operative Therapie der an e- boiviien Huftverreiikung. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz.. 1892, xix, 633-639. -----. Zur blutigen Reposition der aiigebo- renen Hiiftverrenkung. Ibid., 1041-1045.-----. Vorstel- lung operativ bekandelter Falle von angcboreiier Hiiftver- ren kung. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1893, vi. 479. —■---. The operative treatment of congenital dislocation of the hip-joint. Tr. Am. Orthop. Ass. 1894, Phila., 1895, vii, 99- 103. AUo, transl.: Mcrcredi med., Par.. 1894, v, 157. -----. Erwiderung auf die Bemerkungen Jloffa's zur Lorenz'schen Operation der aiigeborenen liiiftverrenk imp. Wien. kliu. Wchnschr., 1894, vii, 461. -----. TTeber die niechanische Behandlung der angeboienen Hiiftverren- kung. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1895, xxii, 153-162. -----. TTeber dio unblutige Bebaiidlung der aiigeborenen Hiiftvei renkung mittels der funktionelleii Belastungsine- thode. Ibid., 761-764. -----. Ucbenlieoperativc Behand- lun" der angeboienen Hiiftverrenkung. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1895, xxiv, 74. Also [Abstr.]: Ber. ii. d. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Leipz., Ie95, xxiv, 130. -----. Die hlutige Reposi- tion der angeboreiieii lliiftverreukung (Luxatio coxaB con- genita). Saiuinl. klin.'Yortr., n. F„ Leipz., 1895, No. 117 (Chir., No. 32, 169-188). -----. Die operative Therapie der Luxatio coxie congenita. Atti d. xi Cong. nied. inter- nuz. 1894, Poma, 1895, iv, chirurg. [etc.], 357-360. -----. Heilung der am oborenen Hiil'tluxation (lurch unblutige Einrenkung und functionello Belastung. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1896, xxv, pt, 1, 57-61. -----. Ueber die unblutig-chirurgische Behandlung der aiigeborenen Hiiftverren ung mittels der fuuktionellen Bilastungsinethodc. S.iinnil. klin. Vortr., n. P., Leipz., 1896, Xo. 151-152 (Chir., Xo. 44, 483-540). -----. Leber die unblutige Behandlung der angeboienen Huftverreiikung durch Repositiou uud Belastung. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Xaturf. u. Aerzte Is'.iii, Leipz., is: 7, Ixviii, pt. 2, 2. Hlitc, 192-104. -----. Cureofcoiigenitalluxation of the hip by bloodless reduction and weighting. Tr. Am. Orthop. Ass., Pbila., 1,-96, ix, 251-273. -----. Zur Prioritat der unblutigen Reposition der aiigeborenen Hiiftvei ren- kung. (Offencr Brief an Herni Agostino Paci in Pisa ) Wieu. klin. Wchnschr., 1896, ix, 658-600. -----. La riduzione della lussazione (oxo femorale congenita did lato posteiiore del ciglio co.iloideo. Arch, di ortop., Milano, 1897, xiv, 1-9. AUo, transl.: Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1897, viii, 135-146. -----. Unblutige Hiifti .-position. Compt.- rend. Cong, internat. (le med. 1897. Mosc. 1899, v, 717. -----. Allgemeine Erfahrungen iiber die niccbanischo Reposition der aiigeborenen Huftverreiikung. Berl. klin. Wclinschr., 1897, xxxiv, 933-956. -----. Ueber die bis- herigen Erfahrungen mit der unblutigen Einrenkung der angeboienen Huftgelenksluxation. Therap. Monaisb., Berl., 1899, xiii, 413; 490. AUo [Abstr.]: Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1899, xxviii, pt. 1, 31-35. -----. Bemerkungen zur Therapie der angeboienen Hiiftverrenkung durch unblutige Reposition. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1899, xxxvi, 55; 85i 101; 123. Also [Abstr.]: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1898. Leipz., 1899, Ixx, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte.. 95-97. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 19G0, n. s., Ixx, 158. -----. Rapport sur le traitement non sanglant de la luxation de la hinclie. Cong internat. de med. C.r.,Par., 19U0, sect, de chii. de l'enf., 25-29.—Liming. Erfahrun- gen iiber Bdianuluiig der congenitalen lluttgelenkluxa- tion. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1898, xxviii, 589- 592.— Heliciizic ill. IC.) Congenital dislocation of the hip. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1898-9, xxxi, 1013-1020.— von llaiii-idill. Vicr Kinder mit angehoreuer Hiift- gelenksluxa'tion. Jahiesh. d. Gesellsch. f. Nat.-u. Heilk. iu Dn sd 1897-8. 63.—Marjjary (F.) Cura operativa della lussazione congenita dell' anca. Arch, di ortop., Milano, 1884, i, 381-391, 2 pi. Also | Abstr.j: Gazz. med. di Torino, 188., xxxvi, 193-197. AUo, transl. [Abstr.]: Cong, internat. period, d. sc. mod. C.-r. 1884, Copenli., 1886, ii, sect, dechir., 217-221.—Martin (E.) Zur Behandlung der ,'ingeboreueii Huftgelenksluxation, uud zwar ganz besonders der einseitigen. Deutsche med. Wclnisohr.. Leipz. u. Berl., 1889, xv, 314. Also, Reprint.—Menciere (L.) Nouveau procede pour la reduction non sanglaute de la luxation congenitale de la hanche. Med. mod., Par., 1899, x, 529; 537.— Mikulicz (J.) Die unblutige Reduction dtr aiigeborenen Huftverreiikung. Arch. f. kliu. Chir.. Berl.. 1,-94. xlix. 308-386. -----. Die hlutige und unblutige Reduction der congenitalen Huftluxation. Atti di xi Cong. nnd. internaz. 1894, Roma. 1895, iv, chirurg. [etc.], 411. — tlonod (C.) Luxation congeni- tale de la hanche; reduction par le procede de Lorenz; gu.rison fonctionnelle. Bull, et m6m. Soc de chir. de Par:. 1899, n. s., xxv, 196-199. — Motta (M.) Sulla cura ortopedica.....ccanica della lussazione congenita dell' anca. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1886, 3. 8., xxxiv, 675- Hip-joiait (Dislocations of, Congenital, Treatment of). 678. -----. Coutributo alia cura della lussazione congenita dell' anca. Arch, di ortop., Milano, 1889. vi. 304-311. ___.—. Sulla cura incruenta della cosidetta lussazione con- genita dell' anca. Ibid., 1898, xv, 259--J61. — .tl joi* (T. H.) ireatmcnt, of congenital disiocaiion of ihc hip. lr. Am. Orthop. Ass. 1894, Phila., 1895, vii, 104-124. Also: Ann. Surg.. I'liila., 1894. xx 138-152.-----. Congenital disloca- tion ol the hip, with presentation of a c ise cnn (1. Tr. M. Soc X. V.. [Phila.], If9fi, 345-354. AUo: Am. Mcd.-Mirg. Bull., N. Y., 1896, ix, 489-492.—.> nsjcollc-Wilboin lie- vitcli. Traitenient de la luxation congeniialc dc li hanche. ap; es F. Lange. Pi es.-e med.. Par., 1899, i, 22.— .\aiiman ;i (G.) Luxatio iiiaca coxa; congenit lis bila- teralis; Holt'is operation. Hygiea. Stockholm, 1896, lviii, pt. 1, 153-155.—iVota (A.) Coutributo i.llai ura razionale della'lussazione iiiaca com une congenita del ii more secondo il metodo Pad. Arch. ital. di pediat,, Napoli, 1892. x, 53- 03. _____. i'n po' di storia nella questiono della liduzione incruenta della lussazione congini'a dell'anca seconded metodo di Paci e (li Lorenz. Gior d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1900, 4. s., vi, 2,-3 -292. — ."Vo v«~'-.Iiofc*ci'and (G.) Traitement des luxations congenitales de hi handle par hi methode de Lorenz. Province med., L\on, 1899, xiii. 5t'u. -----. Cinquante cas de luxation congenitale de la hanche traites suivant la methode de Lorenz. Lyon nied., 1901, xi vii, 141-148. Also: Province m6d., Lyon. 1901, xv, 386- 3s9. Also: Kev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1901, xix, 245-270, 4 pi— Opcnwlmw (T. IL) A case of unilateral congenital dislocation of hi]); reposition by operation. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1895-0, xxix, 250-252.—Orccchia (C.) La lussazione congenita del lemore e la sua cura operativa. Arch, (li oitop., Milano, 1886, iii, 387-436.—Paci (A.) Sulla cura razionale ortopedica della lussazione, iiiaca co- mtine congenita del feinore. Ibid., 1890, vii, 161 - 197. -----. Lussazione ischio-iliaca traumatica primitiva ri- dotta dopo 33 giorni con nuovo metodo. Ibid., 1891, viii, 301-310.-----Terzo couttibuto alia cura razionale della lussazione iiiaca comuiie congenita del femoiecol nuovo metodo. Ibid., 1891, viii, 381-401. -----. Quarto c niri- buto alia cura razionale della lussazione iiiaca congenita del femore, con nuovo moiodo. Ibid., 1892, ix. 401: 1893. x, 1. AUo, Reprint. ----. Tiaitement rationnel dc la luxation iliaque congenitale du fiimur. [Transl. from the Italian.] Gaz. med. de Par., 1-91, 8. s., ii, 137; 150; 181; 194. -----. Della lussazione iiiaca, comune congenita del feinore; illuslrazione clinica e anatomo-patologica; cura razionale ortopedica. Attid. xi Cong. med. internaz. 1894, Roma, 1895, iv, chirurg. [etc.J, 378-411. Also, transl. : Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1894, v. 321; 426. -----. Delia lussa- zione iiiaca comune congenita del feinore e della sua cura razionale incruenta. Arch, di ortop., Milano, lh96, xiii, 305; 385, 5 pi. Also, Reprint. -----. Osscrvazioni sui 16- cente metodo del Lorenz per la cura incruenta della lussa- zione femorale congenita Policlin., Roma, 1896, iii—C, 309-328. AUo, transl.: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1896, ix, 567-573. Also, transl. [Abstr. j : Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1896, vii, 489-498.—Paci (A.) &. Nota (A.) I'rcsentazionc cd illustrazkme di un pezzo anatoiuo-patologico a eonlernia della efficacia del metodo l'aci nella cina della lus- sazione iiiaca comune congenita del femoio. Policlin., Roma. 189::-4, i, 157-168, 1 pi. Also: Arch, ed atli d. Soc ital. di chir., Roma, 1894. ix, 180-191.—Panzeri (P.) A: It iii — Kovcnfcld (L.i Zur operitiven Behandlung der aiigeborenen Hiiftgel.-nks\. i- renkuugen. Miinchen. nied. Wchnschr.. l-'.O xxwu. 115: 437: 455. Also: Mittb.a. d. chir.-orthop Pnvalkbn. . . . Hott'a zu "Wiirzb., Miincb.n, ls94. 11-42.- Kid? ".mi . O I lec/eniu zwicnisc wrodzouych stawu biodrowego. |dn the treatnient of congenital dislocations of the hip joint.| Przegl. lek.. Krakow, 189.,, xxxv, 517; 531. —Nt-han* (A.i Zur blutigeu Reposition der aiigeborenen Hult\ ei ren- kung. Ztschr. f. oithop. Chir., Stuttg.. ls95-6. iv, 207- 24i - Sclude (M.) Leber die nieht operative Behand- lung .i.-r angeboienen Vci renkung des Iliitigeleiiks. Ver- liaudl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Beil., 1,-94. xxiii.pt. 1 29-39. Aiso | Abstr.l : Ber. ii. d. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir.. Leipz.. 1.-91. xxiii, 116-120. ------. Zur unblutigen Reposition der an .eborenen Hut'tgelenks\. r renkung. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Xalurf u. ..it lsoii. Leipz.. 1897. Ixviii. pt. 2. 2. Hlfte., 95-102.— <«cli l<->i ii^ii . Beitrag zur Technik der Lorenz'schen l.ejio- --ii e.i cuigenitalen Hiiftgeleiiksiuxationeii. M-.uc , n mod. "Wchnschr.. 1901. xlviii. 461.— Mi-hou di Behandlingen af Luxatio coxae congenita. Biblioth. f. La- er. Kiohenb. 1.-91 7. R.. ii. 111-135. AUo [Abstr.]: Koheiih. med. Selsk. 1 orb.. 1890-91. 19-24. ------. Den operative Behandling : f Luxatio coxa- congenita. Med. Aursskr. Kjebenh., 1893. vii. 264-269. -----—. Bidrag til Behandlingen af Luxatio coxie congenita. Ug.slf.L--e- ger. Kiolieuh.. 1895. 5. R.. ii, 793-802.— Miliii<«.l< r (H.) Rebel ■ Hii ft resect ii m wegen angeborener Luxation. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 18-7. xxiv, : 98-4oo. ——.. Zur operati- ven Behniidlung der kongenitalen Hultluxation. Cen- tialbl. f. Chir.. Leipz.. 1891. xviii, 49-52.—Sect-Iii iE.) Coutributo alia cura della lussazione congenita d. 1 t. inure. Morgagni, Milano, 1895. xxxvii. 369-390. Also. Reprint.— Ni-nyi'i' i K.i Uebei die opeiativ.- Bdiandlinigder ange- boienen Hiiftluxation iilt. • • -i Patienten, hei dem n die Re- duction nit-lit gelingt. Ai- -i. I l...tli. Anat. [etc ], Bed., , 1898 cliv. 203-273, 1 pi. — !">li< i'imiii (II. M.) A prelimi- uarv report ou ibf treatment of congenital dislocation of the hip by o])irati\ e and manipulative methods. Pacific Rec. M. &i S. San Fran.. 1897-8, xii. 353-3.59. Also, R. pi int. Also: Tr. M. Soc Calif.. l,-9s xxviii. <:4-74.------. uues- atioiis in the treatment of congenital dislocations "i the hip. J An M. A >s.. Chicago. 1"9^ xxxi. 451-453. Also, Reprint—*iroiii (T.i Di capitazione di auibo i femori Ioperazi.iic Mai garv) penb.ppia lus-azione congenita ilel- I' i-i-i-a, Boll. d. Poiiainbiil. di Milano, 1--8. i 50-54.— »milli (X.l Congenital d slocalion of the hipjoint. Bi.i M. J.. Lond., 18 7. ii. 1324-1327- Xilern (W. G. ) Longenitiil dislocation of the hipjoint, with especial ref- erence to Lorcnz's bloodless red net on. Cle\ eland J. M., 1901, vi, lo:i-123 — Mubboliu (M. S.» Oboperativnom lle- chenii (artmpI.isi ika) vrozhuenuikh vivikbov bedra. |On the opera!i\ >■ ti.-at ment of congenital dislocations of the femur] Tiiidi obsh. russk. vrach.v S.-Peterb.. 1893-4, lx, no. 3, 18-23. - -Taimrli (I'" i Die inodernc Behiindlung del congenital.il Hiift luxationen mitii 1st der imbliitig mechanischen liehaiidluiig inch Loienz. Miinchen. med. \Vohn»ehr.. Is97 xliv 705-767. Also: Sitzungsb. d. iirzil. Ver. Miinchen >1897i i8.is. vii, 70-79.—Tcili'iiat. Luxa- tion congeni ta led. la ha in-he; operation ib- Lorenz. < ong. period.de gynec " Hip-joint (Dislocations of), Hip -joint (Dis- locations of, Congenital"), Complications, etc., of. Ilip-joillt (Dislocations of, Old). See Hip-joint (Dislocations of, Cnreduced). Ili|> .joillf (Dislocations of Pathological, recurrent, and spontaneous). See, also. Fever (Tg/ihoid, Complications of, Osseous). J'ltii'.DHKLM (H.) * rebcrdie S])()iitiiiiluxatioii des Hiif'tgi'lcnks nacli TypliUH nnd Hire Hchand- Inng. *'-. Berlin, 1S<>. .Ji-:S( iiinskv (I. .j I'cber die Reposition H|iontaii(ii' I.uxiitidiien des Hiiftgeleuks, nebst ciucin Knlle vim mit (iliick tepimiiter luxntio feinoris iscliKidicii spontanea, in Folge vmi aentem (ii le ikrhi'iiinal isinns entstsintlen. \2 . Dalle. l*..ll. HIP-JOINT. 144 HIP-JOINT. Hip-join! (THslocations of, Pathological, recurrent, and spontaneous). Keen ((■.) *Z\vci Fiille von spoutaner Luxa- tion des Hiit'tgelenkes naeli akutem Gelenkrhen- inatisinns. [Strasbnrg.] 8-. Leipzig, 1H92. AUo, in: Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1891-2, xxxiii, 594-611. Sagramoka (J.) *Dc spontanea feinoris luxa- tionc. P2°. Patarii, \827k Saint-Aiinks (F.) * Contribution a l'dtude de l'6tiol(ioie de la luxation dans la coxalgie. 4°. Paris, 1h-.">. Thomas (F.-J. ) "Essai sur les luxations spontanecs du lemur. -P'. Strasbourg, an XI (1802). Wildiikhgkr (J.) Neue orthopadische Be- handlnngsweise veraltetcrspontauer Luxationen im Hiiftgclenke. h-\ Wiirzburg, 1855. ------. Tlie same. 8-'. Leipzig, is,r>r>. Also, in: Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1857, 46• 59; 67. ------. Zelm photographisclie Abbildungen zum Nachweis der giinstigen Heiln sultatenieiner Beliandlung vcralteter Mpontaner Luxationen im Hiiftgelenke; mit einer historisclieii Einleitung iiber die Foi tsclnitte der Orthopiidie, nebst zwei Krankeng'scliicliten. ,^c. Leipzig, 18(\'.\. Albert ( E. ) Ein Fall von paralvtisrher Luxation im Huftgclenke. Internat. klin. Rundschau, Wien, 1892, vi, 809-811. Also, transl.: Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1892, n. s., liv, 161.—Alliiitiliam (H. WT.) Case of dislocation of the hip-Joint: "Charcot,'s disease". Proc. M. Soc. Lond.. 1887-8, xi,' 30.").—Aupel < lv.> Lin sei tener Fall von para- lytischer lliil'tgclenkluxation. Miinchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1895. xiii, 923-927.— Bitrbe. Arthrite ancienne; luxation iliaque droite; production d'une nouvelle cavite cotylohle dans la fosse iliaque, et d'une nearthrose dc la petite tuberosite du femur avec l'ischion a dioite; defor- mation du bassin en general. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1897, xxvii, 136-138, 1 pi.—Banvcll i Ii.) On spontaneous hip dislocation, with remarks ou a class of disease often mistaken for rheumatism. Proc. Roy. M. ..V Chir. Soc. Lond.. 1893-6, viii, 181; 239.—Battle (W. 11.) Recurring dislocation of hip ; operation. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1893-4, xxvii, 293. — Billiaut (II.) Les luxations soudaines dc la hanche dans les periotles de (16but de la coxalgie. Ann. de chir. et d'orthop.. Par.. 1900, xiii, 353-357.— Bowlby. Charcot's disease ol' the hip with dislocation. Lancet. Loud., 1894, ii, 1158. — Uiruiiet (P.) Des luxations para- lvtiques de la hanche. Ann. de la Policlin. de Bordeaux. 1897, v, 389-393.—Bullitt (J. B.) Spontaneous disloca- tion of the hip lollowing sarcoma of head of femur. Am. Pract ac News, Louisville. 1900. xxx, 412-416.—laboclie (H.) Des luxations subites de Participation coxo-femorale se produisant au coins de la coxalgie et de certaines ma- ladies aigues. Kev. d orthop.. Par., 1898, ix, 283-298.— la lot (1.) Du tr.itcinent des luxations spontauees du femur, survenues dans le cours d'une coxalgie, Cong. franc-, (le chir. Pioc.-verb. [ctc.|, Par., 1892. vi, 567-577. -----. Traitenient des luxations pathologiques de Ia hanche. Assoc, franc, de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.]. Par., Is95 ix, 161. AUo: Gaz.d. hop., Par., 1895, Ixviii, 1473.— (oilier i U.S.) Dislocation of the hip-joint arising in connection wiih acute fevi rs. Brit. M. J., Lord., 1898, ii, 1138 Also: Pediatrics. N. Y. & Lond , 1899, vii, 22-27.— I>c|>r<".. Luxation ovalaiie iatennittente de la cuisse. I iaz. d. hop., Pur.. 1885, lviii, 1051.—Duplay (S.) Luxa- tion spontanee de la hanche. Presse ine.d.. Par., R98, i, 257; 281.— ICini'■■ Coutributo alia cura della lu!-s;i/n>!ie dell'anca col metodo razionale del Prof. Paci. * . [Lecco]. l-'.C Catoik i S.-P.-J.) "Methode de douceur dans la reduction . i N..t. on an easy method of reducing dislocation ol the liip. Au-tial. M.J ..'Melbourne. If'.ej u. ».. xiv. 159.— Kimi iD.) I>i un sing.oaie caso di iii-.i/i'.ii.' i-.hio iiiaca am . i cu- rato col nietoilo di ridu/ione d. 1 Pint. A. Paci. Arch, di ortop.. Milano. ]9oii, xvii, 170-176.—C'hi'ii«o»»i>:if hc« ;I.) Ilepi flepmrcias too avyysvoix; rov iu\i.ou .,;'i/)l)i.)//tiTO?, 'IaTpotij irpoofios, 'Ei- 1vpu>, 1901.vi. 197. - l»e«|iri"«. Luxa- tion de la cuisse ilio-pubionne : from tentative- inlinctn- eusesde reduction fi) province; reduction le aeptieinejour. (Li/., d. hop.. Par.. Is94. Ixvii, 957-961.— Oiirrjr. Eine nein- Repositioiisiii. thode bei Luxatio iii o a posterior. M.d Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttenib. arztl. Ver., Stuttg.. ls9o, lx. L'i.9. — KnncIt iW. T.) Reduction and treatnient ol dis- location ot lii|. joint. Xorth Car. M. ■)., Wilmington, lss5. xvi, 147. —Fi»cher. Meine seit vielen Jabren angeweii- dete Repositionsiuetliode bei Luxation ib- Obcrsohonliels nach hinten und oben c f den Riicken des Darinbeini s. I Ztschr. f Winnliir/to u. < ■• inirtsh., Winnenden 1879. xxx. j 319-322.— (aoliiii-lli iL.) Di una lussazione poste riore consecutiva del feinore ridotta con ttn-todo italiano Raccoglitore med. di Fatm. ]s.5-. xviii, 6*!^;. Also. Re- print. — f.iiei'iiioiipi'i'z - la hind., .-n ;.....-i,- par des manoeuvres de douceur, et sa coroparaison avec !•• procede de Kocher pour l.i luxat'on de 1 . j.aui. . Bull. Soc. anat.- clin. de Lille, 188- iii, _J«l-272. AUo: J. d. sc. med. dc Lille. 1888. ii, i;il-6;z.— Herbert (II » A simple met hod of reduction iu l.aiku.nd hip dislocations. Brit. M -I. Lond.. 1890. ii, lnO'—.Incob. Traitement des luxations traumatiques VOL VII, 2D SERIES----10 45 HIT-JOINT. Hip-goilBt (Dislocations of, Treatment of).' Tin mid luxa'ion of the hip joint reduced by manipula- tion, (laniard's M. J.. X. V., 1880. xii, 4.-0-4,-:: l.euliy (A.) Two cases of dislocation on to the dorsum ilii re dliced b\ nianipidaliou. Indian M. Gil/.., Calcutta, 1885, xx, 248 l.iber. Luxation i ecenle do la hanche gauche duns le tieu omiIc ledu.iioii par labductiou dans la fle- xion sans aid. in nnesthesie. Bull. Soc.anat.-clin.de Lille, 18-9 iv. :;-">. AUv: J.d. sc ined.de Lille, 1880. 1,514-517 — Hulmsrcn I A.) Pall af luxatio obturate! ia. it pone- null otter Mestcitons nictod iitim Uloroform. Kna, (idle. burg. lSMi. x. 595. tl n iiloch (.LB.) The relative value of niaiiipuliitioii and extension in the reduction of disloca- tions of the hip I rM So,-. Pent).. Pbila.. 1880, xviii. 100- 205 ^Rii^-ell i L. Li A new met hod of reducing dislo cations of the lup joint. Ldoct. M. J.. Cincin.. 189:', li'. 211-214— -Ncttlxi il'.l Lussazione I......ro iiiaca tiaiiuui- tiea inveteiata guarita col metodo rilnttivo razionale. Gazz. nied. di Roma, 1-90. xxii. 1-5.—Nihn arty, 'frails- formation d'une luxation ovalairede hi hanche en luxation iliaipie; ti Nation de la tete par la traction h.ih une amelio- ration considerable des functions du uicinio. Rev gen. deelin. etde therap.. Par., ,189s. xii. 545 Kilim-on . I. A.) An easy method of reducing dislocations of tin- -boulder and hip. Med. Rec. X. V.. 1900 lvii, 350.- •imnil (J. R.) A new met hod to retain in position alter i .,iu, i i.,n at I be hipjoint. Southwest. M. 1,'e .. Houston, lsoti. i. 357.— Mtn'rriM'k (C. A.) A method forthe reduction of disloca- tion- "I the hip. Brit.M. J.. Lond., 1899. i. -C — Tbiriar (.1.1 IL- !a methode de douceur dans hi reduction ties luxa- tionsdela handle. Clinique. Brux . ls:m, iv. 1-6. — Voi- lurie*. Luxation traumatique de la hanche chez l'adulte; nn, ini-ine et procede de reduction. Bull. Soe. auat.-clin. lie Lille, lsss. iii. 108-171. Hi|>-joiDlt (Dislocations of, Treatment of Operatire). Sie, also, Hipjoint (Dislocations of, Complica- tions, e'c. of); Hip-joint (Dislocations of. Con- ginila'. Treatment of): Hip-joint (Dislocations of. Pathulogi'-al. etc. '); Hip-joint (Dislocations of, Lnreduced); Hip-joint (Dislocations of) in chil- dren. Dkxnktikkks i F.) * Causes des luxations ir- rednetibles < 1 e la hanche; leur traitenient par la methode sangl.inte. -P. Paris, 1~,'!. Exdlicii (I'.i * Ueber die hlutige Reposition der Luxatio iiiaca et obturatoria. [Jena.] - . Berlin, 189-. 1-rktix ( P. ) * L'interveutiou ehirurgicale sanglaute dans le traitement des luxations tiauniatiques irre'ductibles de la hanche. 4C. Paris. 1—:7. AUo [Abstr.],in.- Therap. contemp., Par.. 1888.viii. 193; 202; 210. Hoflku.k (F.) *l)ie operative Bfliandliing irreponihler trauinatischer Hut'igelenksluxa- tionen. [Hern.] >\ Ziiruh, 1900. liiisKXBKRt; (E.) *Zur operativen Behand- lung der irreponihlen trauniatisehen Hiiftgc- lenksluxationen. [Giiltingen.] -'. (Uiiabi tick, IX'. 17. |{:ij:ir

  • , xvii. 145-102.—Bloeh it).) Beniicrkniiigi'i' i Auledningat et 1 illahb-af irrepoiiibelLuxntiocoxie. bcbandlet med Ope- ration. [Observations on a case ol irieiiiicible luxation of the hip-joint, treated by opeiation. I Hosp -Till.. Kjnhenh.. 1889. 3. R. vii. 05; 97: 141. .l/*o. transl. (Abstr.]: Rev.d'or- thop.. Par.. 18:io, i. 101-184. - Itrimo (L.) La rese/.ione della testa leinorale nella lus-azionc i liaca traumatica an tiru. Riforma nied.. Xapoli. 1889. v. 1004: 1010: 1010.—I»e- loriiM- d'.l Luxation ischiatiqiie traitee \w la decapita- tion I. iii.uale. Cmz. d. hop.. Par.. 1890 lxix. 593-505.-- ■>i«< u»-ioii sur lis luxations in cdii. tides de la hanche. Bull, et iiiciii .Soc de chir. de Par., 1,-98. n. s., xxiv. 205- 213.- I> i
  • ii pa n. h'eiluet ion non sandante apres quatre mois dune hixtitipn pubienne dc la handle. Arch. med. (le Toulouse. 1898, iv, 301 -3oii. — Vooh (0.) A dislocation of tbe hip, of thirteen mouths' standing, re- duced by an accident. Indiana M. J.. Indianap.. 1885-6, iv, 125.—Cloplin (YV. M. L.) Report of case of disloca- tion of the femur of twenty-three years' standing. Am. Lancet, Detroit, 1893, n. s., xvii, 41— Ueloriue (E.) Sur un cas de luxation isihiatique ancienne et irreductible; excision dc la tete femorale; remarques sur une cause d'irreductibilite de ces luxations. Hull, et 1116111. Sue. dc chir. de Par., 1890, 11. s., xxii, 307-375. Also: Bull, med., Par., 1890, x, 449-451.—<»allozzi (C.) Lussazione in- veterata tuhcro-cotiloidea dei feinore sinistro; riduzione; guarigione. Atti d. r. Ace id. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1890, 11. s.. 1, 333-3;:0. AUo: Gior. internaz. d. se. nied., Napoli. 1897, 11. s.. xix, 329-333. Also [Abstr.]: Roll. d. clin., Milano, 1898, xv, 8-10.—GSerster (A. P.) Old dislocation of hip joint reduced by artbrotomy Ann. Sing., Phila., 1893, xvii, 586-588. <;olisIiev*lii (E. I.) Vpravhii'ie zastarlelavo vivikha hedra chrez razriez. fCorrection of an old dislocation of the hip by operation.] Dnevnik Obsh. vrach pri imp. Kazan, univ., 1898, 05-0!i.—<3rows. La luxation ancienne de la hanche et son traitement. Bull, med., Par., 1897, xi, 153. —Hall (J. II.) & Hall (L. T.) Hip-joint dislocai ion ; successful reduction after twelve weeks. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1885, xiii, 28.— Harris (M. L.) The operative treatment of old unre- duced and irreducible dislocations of the hip. Ann. Sui l'., Phila., 1894, xx, 319-354, 1 pi.—.falaguicr. Ancienne luxation obturatriee: oste domic sons - Iroclnuiterienuc: guerison. Bull, et mem. Sue. de chir. de Par., 1892, n. s., xviii, 580.—Jo fire (II.) Menioire sur le traitement rc- ccni nent propose par les medt rins orthopedistes pour coniiialtre les luxations ancieunes eL congenitales dn fe- mur en haut et en dehors. J. d. conn, med.-chir., Par., 1837-8. v, pt. 2, ISO-188. See, also, supra. Humbeit— I.ainbotte. Luxation ancienne de la hanche; fracture 11011 consolidee de la erete iliaque; autopsic. Ann. Sue. de nied. d'Anvers, 1891, lvi. 207.— Lane (A.) Xew opi r- ation for old unreduced dislocation of the femur. Pi it. M. ,L, Lond., 1893, i, 401. — :V3 ieiselmore (G.) A case of old unreduced dislocation of hip. L.ncet. Lond., 1889, ii, 1224. — .tlorcau. Sur lis ressources de la natuie, dans les cas des luxations de la cuisse qui n'oni pas etc. retinites. [1753.1 Ann. de chir. et d'orthop., Par., 1890. ix, 107-112. Also, transl.: Mem. Roy. Acad. Surg, at Pa- ris, Lond., 1759, ii, 45-55. — \«latoii (C.) Des causes de riirediictibilite des luxations ancieunes de la hanche. Audi. gen. de nied., Par., 1880, i, 280; 435.—Neumann. Reposition eines seit di ei YVochen luxirtcn Sdienkclbeiiies. Prov. San.-Ber. d. k. Med.-(loll, zu Kouigsb. (1841, 2. Seni.), 1843, 53-55.—I*m lie* (0. T.) Two cases of old irreducible dislocations of lhe hip, treated by open incision. N. Am. Pract., Chicago, 1890, ii, 499.—i»oore (C. T.) Old dis- placements of the upper end of the femur and their treat- nient. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1894, xx, 27-34. [Discussion], 80.—Port!'. Luxation iliaque d'origine traumatique de la hanche droite, daianl dc 13 ans. Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1892, iii, 61-65. — I'oirlct. Luxation ovalairo ancienne; production dune nouvelle cavite cotyloiide dans la fosse ovale; ankylose. Bull, ct mem. Soc. do chir. de Par., 1885, 11 s., xi, 90-93.—'..—Trzobicky (R.) Zlamanie s/.vi UosVi udowej powstale pivy odpiow ad/.on in zudawnioncgn zwic hniccia w stawie hioiltowym. [ Fracture of the neck ot' the femur product (I in reduction of an old dislocation of the hipjoint.] Przegl lek., Krakow. 1885. xxiv, 569.— Turner ((I. R.) Case of unreduced dislocation ol the hip into the obturator foramen. Tr. M. Sue. Lond., 1895-0 xix, 404 \t«-in lee li- ner. Zwei und ein halbMonatebestcheinle Luxatio iliaea; die verschiedeneu energiscben Repositionsversuche miss- 1 ingen und batten die Lahmung des Isehiatlicus zur Folge. Aerztl. Ber.d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1883). 1884, 276. -----. Re btsseitige. 14 Wocheu alte Luxatio iliaea; erfolglose Repositionsversuche: Resection des Schenkcl- kopies; Heilung, ver/.ogcrt (lurch langwierigo Kiterung aus der Operationswunile und einen liachtriiglicb aufge- tietenen Kniegelenksabseesse. Ibid. dSs:,., issti, 224. -----. Vier Wocheu alte rechtsscitige Iliiltgeleiiksluxa- tion auf dem horizontalen Seliambcm.ist; 4 bald nach geschehener Vtrletznng geniadite Peposit .ons\ .rsucbo blieben erfolglos: Complication mit Fraeturdcs Collums, Ibid., 239. Hip-joillt [Dislocations of) in animals. Froliiier. Tier Falle von Huftgelenksluxation beim Pf.rde. Monatsh. f. prakt. Tbierh.. Stuttg , 1901, xii, 199- 2dl!. Hip-joillt (Dislocations of) in children. See. also, Hip-joint (Dislocations of. Con- t,enituC Clark iA.i A ca~e of dislocation of the hip joint in a child of four yens. Brit. M. J.. Lond.. 1896. i. 786.— C'riailo y Agnilar. Luxa. ion sacro-iliaca izquierda y de la sintisis pubiana, y auquilo-is coxo-femoral del lado izquierdo. I'rogreso ginec. Valencia, 1884-ii. i, 405-472. Also: Anh. d.- gin.-.. v enfenu.de la inf., Madrid. 1885, ii. 235-242. — I)nvi■■ (C L.) Dislocation on to Tho dorsum liii in a ,1,1 -,x years old. Lancet. L.....L, 1.-89. ii 902.—l>ol- liiiU i G.) A czoin litotes gybg.v k. /.eh se ii j n-/uli'il t ml es ki -my gyerineknel. [The treatnient of di ■!••.-at ion of the hip in new-born and young children.] i-jyei'mekgyo gvaszat. Budapest, ls9-, 1—l>oiiala» (T. K.) Disloca- tion of the. right hip in a boy aged seven years and a halt. Lancet, Lond.. Is89. ii. 952.—Farrant. Dislo- cation on to the dorsum ilii in a chii.I. Ibid.. 741.— Oibuey (V. P.) Operative procedures in congenital and traumatic dislocations of the hip in children. Ann. Surg., Phila.. I.vi4. xx, 621-041— I.eilionl. Dislocation of tho hip in a child of five years: easy leduclion three months after. Med. Times &. I iaz.. Lond., 188.5. ii. 317 —.llorgan (J. H.) Double displacement of the head of the femur in a child. Tr. Path. Soc. Loiul.. 18i-5-6, xxxvii. 383— Mebilean (I'.I Subluxation iliaque gauche chez un enfant nouveau- ne. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Rouleaux, 1882, iii. 151-154.— Wenaer (E ) Vorsdilag zu einer Modifica- tion des Lortn/ si-lu-n Verfahrens der iinbliitigeii Hiiffge- leiik-Eiuienkimg bei altercn Kindern. Ib-rl. klin. Wchn- schr.. 1-97. xxxiv. 50-53— Mhermnn (II. M.) An old traiiuiaticdislocation of the hip in a child reduced through an incision. I'm itic R'-o M A.- S.. Sin Fran.. 1897-8. xii, :i40. -----. Traumatic dislocation of the hip in children, old and t.-n-nt Phila. M. J., Is98 ii, 386-388. Also. Re- print.—Smith (K.) A cas ■ of dislocation of the hip in a child .12.d live. Lancet. Lond.. 1887. ii, 417.—Tubby (A. H.) A case of anterior dislocation of the hip (.'eon- genital), let. three year? and live months. Tr. Clin. Soc. Loud., 1898-9. xxxii. 268. —Turner (A. J.) Note on dis- locations of the hip in clnhMiood. Australas. M. Oaz., Sydney, 1891 2 xi, 306.— Voifnriez. Luxation iliaque die/. I'eiit.uit J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1885, vii, 293-297. Ilip-joillt (Excision of). Sec Cocaine as anaesthetic in major operations; Excision of hip; Hip-joint (Ankylosis of); Hip- joint (Diseases of. Treatment of, Operative) bg ex- cision; Hip-joint (Dislocations of, Treatnient of, Operatire). Ilip-joint (Fracture of). See Acetabulum (Fracture of); Femur (Xcck of, Fracture of); Hip-joint (Wounds and injuries of). Hip-joiilt (Hysterical). Sec Hip-joint ( Xcn roses of). Ilip-joilll (Inflammation of). Sec Hip-joint ( Diseases of). Hip-joillt ('Jurisprudence of). IS on ■■ a ire. Coxo-tuberculose et manage. Presse med., Par., 1893-4. 6. Also: Arch.de tocol. et de gynec, Pur., 1894, xxi, 88-92.— Hamilton (J, P..) Feigned hip- joint disease. Internat. Clin, Pbila., 1897, 7. s., i, 219- 251. IIip-jOiIIi (^euroses of). Id■-././.i iNico (A.) Lit, cosciiilgiii. s . [Milano, is?7.] Iiepr./rom .- Kncicl. mod. ital. Bauer (L.) Traumatic neurosis of the hip-joint simu- lating coxitis. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1892. 2. s.. i. 211- 216.-- Krnilloi'd (E H.) Forced flexion and adduction iu cases of extreme sensiti\ cness of the hip-joint. Boston M.&.S. J.. 1901. cxiv, 10 —Ilajoil. Rapport de hi com- mission chargt'e de 1'exanien de la note de M. le Dr Joiirct, il Bruxelles, relatant un cas de coxalgie spa-niodique avec ciiiitraciure de la .jainbe, d origine trauinatupie, chez une ieune lille atteinte de clilorose. Bull. Acad. roy. dc med. 'de Bolg., Brux., 1889, 4. s., iii. 245-249. Hip-joillt (Surgery of). See, also. Amputations at hip-joint; Excision of hip; Hipjoint {Abscess in or around); Hip- joint ( Ankylosis of ); Hip-joint (Diseases of. Treatment of, Operatire ); Hip-joint (Diseases of, Treatment of, Operatire) by amputation; Hip- joint (Diseases of, Treatment of, Operatire) by e.reision; Hip-joint (Diseases of) in children; Hip-joint (Dislocations of, Congenital, Treatment of); Hip-joint (Dislocations of, lathological, etc.): Hip-joint (Dislocations of, Treatment of, Operatire); Hip-joint (Dislocations of, i'n re- duced ): Hip-joint (Dislocations of) in children; Hip-joint (Tumors of); Hip-joint (Wounds, etc, of). Kass (F.I * Uclier Ostcotomiii sn'Mrochanie- ri.-a. s°. 'Bonn. 1898. .la^erink (M.) Acetabulolom. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1895-6. iv. 517-520.— I.ane (YV. A.) An un- described method by which the superj-icent weight of the body is transmitted in an united or ununited fracture of the neck of the femur through an acquired iliofemoral articu- lation; and the bearing of the principle involved, upon the surgery of the hip-joint. Me.1.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1887-8. lxxi, 69-80. »(\V. F.) A new emergency hip bandage. Med. Senlinel, Portland, Oreg., 1899, vii,'251.--Bull (YV. T.) Compound fracture of lhe ii......ninale hom. opening the hipjoint; recovery with perfect use of Hie limb. N. Vurk M.'.L. 188", xii, 71'.. —('aiiipenoii. Diagnosi ic des conlu- sions de la hanche. Prance med . Par., 18,s!i, ii, 1217-121!!.— Chilli I V Le C.) | Remarkable instance of recovery after severe joint injury |bip|. SI.'I'limnas's TIosp. Rep. Lond.. 1887 n s xvi. 27-29.—('iniiMtoii (C. G.) A case of traumatic ell'ic-inn of the hip joint. Internat. M.Mag.. N. Y., 1899, viii 101-109. AUo. transl.: Bull. med.. Pur , 1899, xiii, 459-461. —Fixeher (G.) Leber Slich\ ci let/nn- gen des Hiiftgeleuks Deutsche Ztschr. f Chir.. Leip/.., 1891-2, xxxii, '409-415. — Harrington (CD.) Bullet in HIP-JOINT. 148 II IP roc It AT ES. Ilip-joillt (Wounds a'id injuries of). hip-joint located l,\ x-rays. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 191)0 xx 441 -lliilmer (M.) The diagnosis ol injuries •it the hin X York M. J.. 1898, Ixviii, 703-766. Also. Re- in-hit. AUo: Indian M. Rec.Calcutta, 1899, xvi 160-162 - JudkiiiM. Injury of the hip-joint followed by atrophy and partial loss'of motion and sensibility in the thigh and le" Cincin. Lancet & Clinic, 1885. n. s., xiv, .>9,-;>99.- Kane ( J. J. ) A studv of gunshot wounds ot the hip- joint • with in, port of three cases. Cincin. Lanc.-M linic, 1S9U n.s.,xsiv, 1-8. [Discussion], 14-1*. — l.ewi« ( h. II.) Gun-shot fracture of the hip-joint. Virginia M. Mouth., Richmond, 1888-9. xv, 810-813.- .Ma/./oni. LOntusione a carico dell' articolazione coxa-femora le destra, raccor- riamento apparent* dell' arto; circonduzione Galenica; apparecehio ad estensione continua- ill \\ olkniann ; giiim- gione. Clin, chir., Ronia, 1884, viii-x, i97.-.»Iy«-r* (l.H.) traumatism of the hip, simulating thyroid ilisUication. Atlanta M. i. S. .1.. 1889-90, n. s., vi, 5 i:i-5::;> —Owens (J E ) Complications in fractures involving; the hip-joint. Ann Sui--..Phila., 190-, xxxiii, 726-7:12. [ Discussion |. 801- 805 —Koberls. iff. O. ) Gunshot wound ot the hip; a case -Vm Pract. &. News. Louisville. 1889. n. s., vii, 225- 227 - -^nvrc i i- A.) A caseot old gun-shot wound ot the hip. Proc N. York Path. Soc. (1892), 1>93, 46-4S.—Seml- iler iC L) Injury to hip and abdomen; subscipient acute staphylococcus' infection; osteomyelitis of ileum; opera; tion i 'autopsy. Boston M. ., 3 eh., 7 tab. 8-. tluss hygieuisclier Leipzig', 1890. Sec, also: Massregeln fell 8°. Hamburg <£ HippiilS (A. E.) Pisma vracha k uchitelvn. J. () picpodavanii. [Letters of a physician to a teacher. I. On instruction.] 71pp. 8-. Mos- kva, I. X. Kitsch nereff i Ko., 1*89. See, also, FilntoflT(Nil [Kiodoiovich]). Semiotik und Diagnostik der KiiiderkranUbeiten. 8°. Stuttgart, 1892. HippiliS (Johannes Christianns). * De liectica. IU 1. sin. 4°. Lipsiw, lit. Wittigavianis, lf>(>8. Hippie (A. Hugh). Tlie medical aspect of dis- eased teeth. 10 pp. 16°. [Xew York, 1893.] Repr. from: K. York M. J., 1893, lviii. The teeth during pregnancy. 7 pp. VI-', Beitkagk znr Angenlieilknnde. Als Fest- gabe ihrem hochvciclirten Lehrcr dem Geb. Medicinalrath Herrn Prof. A. von Hippei znr Feier seines ftinfiindzwauzigjalirigen Professo- renjubiHinins gewidniet von W. Hiibner, G. Brandenburg [et al.~\. S1-. Halle a. S., 1899. von Hippei (E[ngen]) [1866- ]. * Zur Aetiologie der Keratitis neuroparalytic;!. [Got- tiugen.] 33 pp. S~. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, \8>9. ------. Ueber Siderosis bulbi uud die Beziehun- gen zwischen siderotischcr und hamatogeuev Pigmentirung. Habilitationsschrift. [Heidel- berg.] 161 ]ip. 8°. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1894. ------. Das Gesch-wiir der Hornhaiithinterflaclie (Ulcus internum cornea}); ein Beitrag znr Kennt- niss tier aiigeborenen Hornhauttriibungen sowie des Megalophthalmus nnd Hydrophlhalmus. 17 pp. 8~. Halle a. S., 1900. von Hippei (Ivichard). * Beitrag zur Casui- stik tier Angiosarkome. [Heidelberg.] 33 pp., 1 pi. >--. 'dena. C. Fischer. 1893. voii Hippei (Theodor Gottlieb) [1741-96]. I'd er die Ebc 212 pp. '11°. Leipzig, Bibliog. Inst., | 188,-?]. Hipper (Anton). * Ueber Onocerin, ein Be- s andtheil der Haul echelwurzel (Ononis spi- uosa). [Erlangen.] 15 pp. 8°. Kiel, A. F. Jtusen, 1891. Chicago, 1893. llepr. from: Med. Standard, Chicago, 1893, xv. ______. The effect of exercise upon the teeth. 7 ])p". 12 . .Yeic York, 1894. Repr. from: N. York M. J., 1894, lix. Hippmailii ([Engclbert] Gerhard) [18(17- j. Ueber die Ligatur bei Varicen der nnteren Kxtreinitiit. 31 pp. '-°. Greifsicald, ■!. Abel, U94. Hippocninpii^. Hover (H.) Leber den Ban dos Integumpiits von Hippocampus. Bull, internat. Acad. d. sc. de Cracovie, 1901, 143-158, 2 pl.-l.avcian. Dcgenerescence granu- leuse des hematics de l'hippocainpe. Compt. rend. Soc debiol.. Par., 1900, U.S., ii. 353.—Ranrici' (L.) Note sur les muscles de la nageoire dorsale de l'hippocainpe. ficole prat. d. hantes etudes. Lab. d'histol. du Coll. de France. Trav., Par., 1874, 12-14, 1 pi. —Sabrazci* (J.) &. tlnratct iL.) Heniatozoaire endoglobulaire de l'hip- pocampe. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1900, xxi, 160. '----------.Granulations mobiles des globules rouges de l'hippocampe. Ibid., 171. ----- -----■ Cor- pusculesinol.ileseiidoglobulairesderhippocampe. Compt, rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1900, 11. s., ii, 305-307. Hippocrate. Keviie mensuelle de niedecine historiqne, patriotique, anecdotupje. Dr. So- crate Lagoudaky, directeur-re"dactenr en chef. v. 1-2, Feb., 1898, to March, 1899. 8°. Paris. Hippocrates [460-375 B. C.]. I. OPERA OMNIA. fl.) WITH GKKKK TEXT. -----. Tot) !lf}d?iOV 'lTT-K0K.p6.T0VC . . . ra. evpioKOfisva. Mtigni Hippocratis . . . opera omnia qua;- ex- ta t, in viii sectiones ex Erotiani niente distri- bnta. Nunc denno Latina interpretatione et annotatiouibus illnstrata Annutio Ftesio. Ad- jecta sunt ad. vi sectioncin Palladii scholia (iiieca in librnm irepl aypuv, el sua Latinitate don at a. His prajterea accessere varias in onines Hippocr. libros lectiones Giiccie, ex reconditissi- mis nianiiseriptisexemplaribiissuinniadiligentia collecta?, antea, quideni partim Frobeniano co- dici, partim vero ipsisainiis Galeni comnien- tariis; nunc auteni ipsissiniis textus jiaginis ac lineis summo cum labore applieatai; necnon etiam (juorundam doctiss. virornni in ali- quot Hippocr. libros observationes. Huic no- vissimaj oinniuinque emendatissimae editioni acce-sserunt Hippocratis libri de niedieanientis inugantibus, cum conimentariis Joannis Ileurnii, et de strnctnra hominis. Item Erotiani et dic- tionuin Herodoti lexica cum Galeui giossarum Hippocratis explicatione: et deniqne gemino indice eornm qui iu Hippocratis scripta coni- mentati sunt, vel cum quavis alia ratioue illns- trarunt. 22 ]•. 1., 1344 pp., 27 1. fol. Genevas, typ. et sumpt. S. Chouet, 1657. Greek autl Latin text. b.) LATIN TRANSLATIONS. ------. Hippocratis Coi . . . opera quae ad nos extant omnia; per Janum Cornarium Latina lingua conscripta et denuo ex toto recognita 7 p. 1., 859 pp. 12°. Basileee, H. Froben extant om- nia. Jano Cornario. .. interprete. Xovisetar- gutnentis in singtilos libros, ct iudice copiosis- simo per Joan. Lulnian (ieppingen; editis illus- trtita: postreinoque ad iidem castigatisdiuorinn veterum Gnecoruni exeinplariuiu colhiia. et quam diligentissime restituta. 3 p. 1., f)S8 pp., ">7 1. fol. Lugduni. apud handes ,/. Junctw, l.Mi7. ------. Hippocratis Coi . . . opera, qnibns addidi- mus cominentaria Jnann. Marinelli, in qnibns niorbe onines, eornmi|iie canste, signa ac oura- tiones, (jnie in libris Hip. dispeisini seribuntur, una copulantur, atque tractantnr. Deinde vo- ces, ac loea in Hip. libris obscnra, et ditricilia ex Galeni sententia declarantnr: postea sententiie I liluriime, qua- ab Hip. dignitate ob trauslationcs perperam fact as alienie videntur, antiquoruni auctoritate sunt correcta-: . . . Nova, et argu- nienta in singulos libros per Joan. Cnlman i .enpingen sunt addita. 3 p. 1., •21.") pp. fol. Cinvcntia; sumpt. F. I.eiiii et <>. Jadra', 1(110. ------. Hippocratis Cqi opera, quibus addidimus cominentaria Joann. Marinelli. In qnibns morbi onines, earumque cau>;e, signa, ac curationes, qtue in libris Hiji. dispeisini seribuntnr, una copulantur, atqne tractantnr. Deinde voces, ac loca in Hip. libris obscnra et dittieilia ex Galeni sententiie decliirmtur: postea sentential pluri- mae, qua? ab Hip. dignitate ob trauslationcs per- peram factas alienie videntur, antiqnorum auc- toritate sunt correctie. Nova, et argnmenta in singulos libros per Joan. Culinan Geppingen sunt addita. 3 p. 1., 2ir> ff.; 1 p. 1., 140 If. fol. \ Cenetiis. apud H. dr A. Polum. 1619. -------. The same. 3 p. I.. '21.. fi.; 1 p. 1., 140 ff. fol. Venetiis. typ. A. Menafolii, 1679. ------. Hippocratis opera < mnia lecensnit. pr;e- fatns est Alberfns de Haller. Editio altera, einendatior et nova prtefatione aucta. 4 v. 8:. Lansanna', sumpt. J. H. Pott «| soc, 1T-4. ------. Hippocratis Coi opera (|ine extant iu sec- tioned vii divisa. Ex iuteipietafcione Anutii Fce^ii recudi enravit prolegomena de conditione artis niedica} ante Hippocratein, Hippocratis vita, scriptis et merit is, nee non cuique libro pra-factinnculam pneinisit, verborumque diffici- lium minusqne cognitornm indicein exjilicantem adjei it Jo. Frid. Pierer. 3 v. ~". Altenburgi, l'-dJb. A second title-pug.- reads: Bibliotheca iatrica usui medicorum omnis n-vi dicata sen collectioo])erum a prima- tibus artis medicie . . . relictorum ant omnium ant selec- tiorum. inchoavit et disposnit J. F. Pierer. ------. Hippociatis opera, ex interpretations La- tina A mil ii Foesii. enrante J. F. Pierer. (En- vies d'Hippocrate, traduites en francois snr le texte grec, d'apres l'etlition de Foes, par J.-B. Gardeil. 2 v. iv, 6;V82 pp. 8 . Paris, 1*36-7. Latin and French, forms v. 1 and 2 of: Encvcl. d. sc. med., Pai.. 18:14-46, 7. div. C.) OTHER TRANSLATIONS. ------. CEnvre.s d'Hippocrate. 6 v. 16"■-. Paris, A. flgron, ('rochard, A.M. Ebcrhari, Hll-lrj. v. 1. French text; v. 2, Greek, Latin, and French; v. 3- G, Greek and French. CONTENTS. v. 1. Xouvelle traduction des aphorismes d'Hippo- crate, confi'ies sur I edition yrecque publico en 1811, oil 1'od trouve les variantes des inanuscrits de la ilihliut deque du roi et cominenlaires spCicialement applicahles k lY'tiide de la iiu'deciiie pratique, dite la clinique, par M.de Mercy. 1 p. 1., xv. ")•_'!! pp. If 17. v. 2. 'lmroKpdTovi; acfioptafjiOt. Hippocratis aphorismi. Aphorismes il'Hippocrnie. truduits sur le texte grec, d'a- pres la collation des manusorils de la Hibliolheque inipe- riale; avec une dissertation sur ces maniiscrits et les va- riantes, par M. de Mercy, exxiv (1 1.), 302 pp., 1 1. 1811. i|»|»o«*rsit«'*—continued. v. ;i. I'rognostics et prorrh6tiques d'Hippocrate, tra- duits sur le texte grec . . . avec une dissertation sur ces maiuiscrits et les variantes, par M.de Mercy. 1 p. 1., xlix, 451 pp. 181">. v. 4. Prognostics de Cos, d'Hippocrate, ti ail nil s sur lc texte grec . . . par M. dc Mercy. 1 p. 1.. xvi, 4fiC pp. 181;"). v. 5. l'raitcs d'Hippocrate, du regime dans les mala- dies aigues; des airs, des eaux et des lieux . . . avec une dissertation sur les inanuscrits, les variantes et des obser- vations Riiulyliqiifs sur la doctrine d'Hippocrnte. une nic- nioire sur la naiss;ineo des sectes dans les divers ages de la niedecine, par M. de Mercy, viii, Ix, 581pp., port., lmap. 1818. v. 6. Iqiiileinies d'IIi|)|iocrate; premier et troisieme li- vres, des ciiscs, et des join s critiques . . . avec une disser tation sur les inanuscrits et les variantes; une analyse des epidemics el des coinnientaires, par M. de Mercy. 1 p. 1., ;>;i9pp. lsi.'i. ----. Werke. Aus dem Griechischen iibersetzt und mit Erliiuterungen von Dr. J. F. C. Grimm. Ivcvidirt und mit Anmerkungeu versehen von L. Lilienhain. 2 v. 1 p. 1., xviii, 43--; pp., 2 1.; 4li8 pp., 1 1. 8°. Glogau, H. I'rausnilz, 1837. ------. Opere compiute d' Ippocrate. Prima versione italiana di M. G. Levi col texto latino a fronte di Autizio Foesio. 2 v. 795 pp.; 7.riii pp. 8C. Venezia, G. Antonelli, 1838—41. Date of v. 1 is 1841. ------. Sammtliche Werke. Febersetzt von Dr. Upinann. 3 v. in 1. 8~. Berlin, A. Nauck 4 Co., 1,-47. ------. I libri proprii di Ippocrate: prima ver- sione italiana di Stefano Bissolati. xxiii, 176 pp. 8-. Cremona, G. Feraboli, 1860. CONTENTS. Giuraniento. Legge. Dell' arte. Della antica medi- cina. Delle arie, delleaque, dei luoghi. Pronostico. Delia resola di vitto nelle nialattie acute. Delle rualattie po- polari. Aforismi. ------. The genuine works of Hippocrates. Translated from the Greek, with a preliminary discourse aud annotations; by Francis Adams. 2 v. v (I 1.), 390 pp.,3 pi.; 1 p.l., 366 pp., 5 pi. 8 . New York, W. Wood cf Co., 1886. -----. The same. 2 v. in 1. v (1 1.), 390 pp., 2 pi. ; 1 p. 1., 366 pp., port. 8^. New York, W. WoodiS Co., [1891 J. -----. Siiinnitliehe Werke. Ins Deutsche iiber- set/.l und ausfuhrlich comnientiert von Robert Fuchs. 3 v. 8°. Miinchen, H. Liinebitrg, 1897- 1900. II. COLLECTIONS OF TWO OR MORE WORKS, WITH COMMENTARIES. ----. Hippocrates de natura honiinis. De victu. De tuenda valetudine. Medicine lex. Hippocratis jusjiirandtim. Ilippocral is demon- strated quod artes sunt. Hippocrates invoctiva in obtteciatoies medicina'. . . Cnravii; Andreas lirentius Patavinus. In: CilAMt'Kitn 8 (S.) Index lihroruni |etc.]. sm. 4°. [Lyons, 150i>.'|, sig. aaa, ff. 1-14. ----. The same. 19 1. sm. 4°. [Ilonur, S. Plan nek, u. (..] -----. Aphorismi cum Galeni conimentariis, Ni- colao Leoniceno interprete. Pra-dictiones, cum Galeni comnientariis, Laurentio Laiirentiauo in- terprete. l-"> p. 1., 218 1. 16c. I'arisiis, in udi- bits C Cheralloni, 1iVJ6. -----. lhe same. 18 p. 1., '-'83 I. l(r . [Pari- siisf], c.rcnsuni anno a mundo redempto, l;VJ7. ----. The same. Ad gra'cuni codicem suninia diligentia recognita. ,r> p. 1., 174 ff. fol. Pa- risiis, apud S. Coliua-nm, l.">3'2. Hound with: Ai.kxam'KK ah Ai.kxandko. Genialium dieruin libri sex (etc.]. fol. Parisiis, lniisi. ----. 'iTTKOKgdrovc Kwoii irpoyvuoTiKuv fiiQdoi y. tov aino'v lie pi (fvocuc avr)jii,nxov. Tow avrov 'Cipnoc. H1PPOC1JATKS. 150 HIPPOCKATKS. IlippOITJllOS —eoiltiliueil. Accessit his Aihani Torini in Hippocratis prog- nostica pnefatio. 35 1. 16-. Basilea, per H. Pe- trum. l.)3ii. ---■_—. Emanuel. Le livre des presaiges. previ- sions oupr, nostiqu sdu divin et maistres Hyppo- eias de Li>le diele, Cos, eii trois jiarties nil par- ticnles. Translate de latin en francois, par M. Pierre Yerney, iirofesseur en medecine et astro- phile concordant les trois translations et com- ment de Claude Galicn. Item, la protestation, promesse et jurement dudict Hyppoeias qii'il I faisoit aussi fa.ire a ses e^coliers, dont est faicte mention en sa legende. Precedente le diet jure- j ment. Le tout translate par le diet M. Pierre. ! 18 1. -24°. Lyon, J. Mousnier, 15:59. j -----. Lihelli aliquot, ad artem medicam pne- paraforii, recens per Januin Cornarium Latina lingua conscripti, et niinqiiain antea Latiuis ho- minibus visi. 3 p. 1., Iu5 pp., 6 1. sm. 4°. Ba- silea', [e.r off. ,1. Oporini. 1543]. -----. Aphorismi digesti in ordinem secundum lo- cos eongruentiuni secum niateriarum; cum brevi et diluciila expositione singulis aphorismis ex Galeno supposita, quie integrorum vice com- nientariorum esse possit. Ejusdem Hippocratis piaenotioueni libri tres, cum explanatione ( o lem ex fonte, hausta. Insigniorcs aliquot sententiie seleetie ex libris Aurelii Cornelii Celsi, medici inter Latinos eloquentisshni. 348 pp., 7 1. 16°. Lugduni. apud J. Tarnamum <)'' Gazeium, 1555. -----. Aphorismi Graece, et Latine, una, en in prognosticis, prorrheticis, Ccaei.s. et aliis decern ejusdem opusculis: pleraque ex interpretaiione .Johannis Heurnii Ultrajectini. 1 p. 1., 715 pp. 32°. Raphelengii, ex off. Plantiniana. 1607. -----. Hippocratis aphorismi Xicolao Leoniceno Vicentino interprete, una cum annotationibiis quibusdam et circa textum pra-cipue Joannis Manelphi. Accessere et prognostii a itemque aphorismi selecti ad singulos morl.o.s. Qnibns accedunt, qua'dani inedica apophthegniata. siitu in primis necessaria non antea typis iradita. 5p. 1., 194 pp. 32-\ Venetiis, apud Tnrrinum, 1663. In: Schola medica. 32°. Ventdiis, 1663. -----. De humoribus purgandis liber et de di- ;eta aciitoruin libri tres, cum eommentariis inte- gris Ludovici Dureti Segusiani; accessit consti- tutio prima libri secundi epidemion cum ejus- dem auctoris interpretatione Petrus Girardetns . . . emendavit, in ordiuem distribuit, ac pri- nnim in lucein protulit iterum recensuit, emen- davit, paraphrasin, notas pnefationeni et indi- cem novum ad jecit Justus Godofredus Giinz. 2b p. 1., 444 pp., 8 1. 8:. Lipsia?, sumpt. haredum Lankisianorum, 1745. ----. Aphorismi a Leoniceno versi, nunc vero recognili, et notis aucti ab Andrea Pasta. Ac- cedunt pnesagia Latine a Ciqio reddita. nunc similiter recensita, et notis illustrata eodem anctore. "252 pp. 16°. Berqomi, Lancellottus, [1748], ----. Hippocrates upon air, water, and situa- tion; upon epidemical diseases; and upon prog- nosticks, in acute cases especially; fo which is added the life of Hippocrates from Soranus and Thucydides's account of the plague of Athens. The whole translated, methodis'd and illustrated with useful and explanatory notes. By Francis Clifton. 2. ed. 3 p. 1., xxiv, 3.*9 pp., 9 1., port. 8-\ London, J. Whistnn [and others], 1752. ----. 'I-7ro/c/3(iroDc dipopiGpol Kai irpoyvuoTinov. Hippocratis aphorismi et pr;e .otionum liber. Recensuit, notasque addidit Kduardus Fraucis- IIil»|>OCr:it«'S—continued. ins Maria Bosquillon. 2 v. 255 pp.; 270 pp., 11. 24. Parisiis, J. P. lalade, 1784. Greek and Latin. -----. The same. Adject a* sunt anonymi auto- lis Institutiones Ionicie medicie. 255 pp. 24°. prostat Parisiis, Crochard, 1814. -----. Aphorismi atque pnesagia, Latine versa cum recognitione et notis Andreie Pasta?. Edi- tio novissima ab anctore einendata, et observa- tionibus qtiampluriinis medicis aucta. Aece- lunt ltuic ipsi editioni prolegomena in qnibns de aphorismornm pnesagioruiiiqne anctore, de utrorumque scriptorum pnestantia, deque sen- tentiarnmin eisdem contentaruni usu disseritur. xlviii, 276 pp. 12°. VeuetH, imp. P. Q. ./. Gatii, 1791. -----. Les aphorismes, les pronost ics et le traite: De Fair, des eaux et des lienx; classes et reunis par maladies, et suivant Ford re alphabetique, par J.-L.-M. Guillemeau. MS. 240 pp. s . [w p.], 1803. -----. The same, xii, 210 pp. 16°. Xiort, A.-P. Horisset, 1818. -----. Aphorismes et prognostics d'Hippocrate; trad, par M. Bosquillon. xxxvii (1 ].), M48 pp. 24°. Paris, Crochard, 1814. -----. Kippokrates des Zweyten achte medizi- nische Sehriften, ins Deutsche iibeisetzt. Mit einem alphabetischen Repertoriuin der Siitze und Materien. Ein Taschenbuch liir junge Aerzte; hrsg. von Fr. von P. Grnithuisen. xxx (1 1.), 407 pp. 10°. Munchen, I, J. Lentner, 1814. CONTENTS. Aus dem Buche von der Luft, den Wassern und deu Gegendeu. Von den Landseuchen (1. u.3. Bneh). Sechs- zehn Krankengeschichten. Lehrspriiche. Das Much der Vorhersehimgeii. Das lliich vou der Lebensordnuiig in hitzigeu Krauliheiten. -----. Epidemies d'Hippocrate, premier et troi- sieine livres; des crises et des jours critiques; traduits snr le texte grec, d'apres la collation des inanuscrits de la Biblintheque royale, avec une dissertation sur les manuscrits et les va- riantes; une analyse des epidemics et des com- mentaires, par le chevalier de Mercy. 1 p. 1., 539 pp. 16-. Paris, J.-M. Eberhart, 1815. Greek and French. -----. Hippocratis deofficina medici etde frac- tis libri duo, edente Fr. Mar. Bosquillon. 1 p. 1., 85 ff. fol. Parisiis, A. A. Beuouard, 1816. Greek and Latin. -----. Traites d'Hippocrate, du regime dans les maladies aigue's; des airs, des eaux et des lienx; traduits sur le texte grec, d'apres la collation des manuscriis de la Binliotheque du roi, avec une dissertati.-n sui les niannscrits; les variantes et des observations analyliques stir la doctrine d'Hippocrate; un nicinoire sur la naissance des sectes dans les divers ages de la meMecine, par le chevalier de Mercy, viii, lx. 581 pp., 1 pi., 1 map. 16°. Paris, J.-M. Eberhart, l8]8. Greek and French. ----. Trait6s d'Hippocrate, des pr6ceples, de la de"cence, du medeciu. Trad, en francois, et le texte en regard, revue et corrige sur les manuscrits de la Bibliotheque du roi, avec Fanalyse de ces traites, par le chevalier de Mercy, ix, 135 pp. 8. Paris, .I.-M. Eberhart, 1824. Greek and French. ----. OZtivres d'Hippocrate. Traduction nou- velle, collationne'e sur les manuscriis et routes les editions precedentes. De rancienne ntede- cine; traite des airs, des eaux et des lieux; le prouostic. Du regime dans les maladies aigties. HIPPOCKATES. 151 HIPPOCRATES. Hippori'tttt'M -continued. Par E. Little. 87 pp. roy. 8 . Bruxelles, Soc. enciicl. d. sc. med., 1842. -----. Chirurgie d'Hippocrate, par J.-E. Pelre- quin. [Greek text, with French translation and coiumeiitaires.] 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1878. CONTENTS. v. 1. Serinent. Du niedecin. Des plaies. Des hemor- rotdes et des tistules. Des plaies de tete. v. 2. Dc l'otticine. Des fractures. Des articulations. Mochlique. ■------. Aphorismi; liber prognosticorum. MS. 52 1. K)°. [n. p., n. «".] ------. .Sec, also: B(»S(jfii.f.<>N (E. F. M.) Notre et emenda- tioncs, in Hippocratis aphorismes et pnenotio- nuni libruin. (Qnibns pnefixa est versio antiqua apliorixinornm. a vulgatis niultuin discrepans, cum ( ouunentariis ex Oribasio exoerptis, et ad- ditus index eontpendii iustar in aphorismos et pra-notiones. 16". Parisiis, 1784. CHAMPEUirs (S.) Quie hoc iu volumine con- tinentur. Epithonue comnientariorum Galeni in libios Hippocratis Cohi. Primus aphorismo- rum. Seeundus pronosticorum. Terlius legi- miuis acutorum niorborum. Quartus epidemia- runi. Ejusdem domini Simphoriani Centilo- quiuru i.-agogictim in libios Hippocratis, opus variuni ac doeiissinium. 16°. Lugduni, 1516. ------. Symphonia Galeni ad Hippocratem, Cornelii Cel'ci ad Avicennam: una cum sect is antiquorum medicoruin ac recentiuni. 16 , [Lugduni, 1528.J Epitome coniinentariorum daleni in Hippo- cratem ab A. Lacuna, fol. [Lugduni, 1643.] Galen (C.) De Hippocratis et Platonis dog- iuatibus libri ix. Jano Cornario interprete. 32c. Lugduni, 1550. ------. Galeni de decretis Hippocratis et Platonis liber primus. Joanne Caio interprete. In. Caiis (J.) Opera aliquot [etc.]. 1(P. Lovann, 1556, 329-355. ------. De placitis Hippocratis et Platonis libri no vein. Recensuit et explanavit Iwanus Mueller. Vol. I. Prolegomena critica, tcxtum Gnecum, adnotationem criticam versiouemque Latinain continens. Hz. Lipsiie, 1874. Hi'.uiiNits (J.) In pneci]iuos libios Hippo- cratis Coi eommentaria. Edidit auctoris films Ottho Heurnius. Y . [Lugd. Hal.], 1609. Mkrci-1!Iai.is (Ii.) Commentarii eruditissinn iu Hippocratis Coi prognostic,!, prorrhetica, de victus ratione in morbis acutis, et epidemicas historias. fol. Fraucofurti, 1602. Spi:( ti.UM Hippocraticum, notas et pnesagia j niorborum necnon varia medendi pnece|ita ex magni Hipoocratis Coi monumentis, pnesertim aphoristicis. ordine alphabetic!) simul(|ue ad praxin coinmodo, digest.a ob oculos ponens, in usum sacra' gentis Asclepiadi-te concinnatum. 16°. Basilea-, 1747. ______. The same. Ed. italica prima. 8°. Florent'ue, 1760. Taddko Fiorentino. Expositiones in arduum aphorismoruni Ipocratis volumen ; in divinum pronosticorum Ipocratis libruin; in pmeclarum regiminis acutorum Ipocratis opus, [etc.]. fol. Venetiis, 1527. Valla I'laccntinus (C.) Galeni qua-stioncs in Hippocratem. In his: De urin.-n significatione [etc.]. 10'. [Argen- tina:, 1.728|, Sig. A VIb-l'.b. de Valles [Vallesh-s] (F.) Corarrubianus. In aphorismos, et libellum dc alimeuto Hippo- cratis, cominentaria. 16°. Compluti, Y>r>l. EinicriiiH (F. Z.) Eniendationcii zum Galenischen Text des Hippocrates und Galen's Commentar zum Prog- uostikon. Janus, Brcsl., 1847, ii. 1-15. Hippocrates—continued. Ill SINGLE WORKS (INCLUDING THOSE ATTRI1UTTED TO HIPPOCRATES) WITH COMMENTARIES. {See, also, titles under Sec- tion II.) 'Apopiouoi (Aphorisms). ------. Liber aphorismoruni. In: .TOANNlTlis. Incipiunt isagogso. fol. Venetiis. 1487. ff. 8-16. ______. Hippocratis aphorismi in ordinem col- lects [cum conunento Galieni]. In: ART1CEI.I.A. In hoc pnrclaro lihro [etc.]. fol. Venetiis. 14*7, ft". 9-45". Ibid.: fol. Venetiis, 1493, j)l. 2, ff. 1-381'. Ibid.: fol. Venetiis 1513, pt. 2, ff. 1-38". Also, in- Akticku.a nuperritneimpressa[ete.]. 12°. Lugduni, 1515 ff 23>'-tl. Ibid.: 12°. Lugduni. 1519, ff. 24-51. Ibid.: 12\' Luaduni, 1525, ff. 21b-40. Ibid.: 12°. Lugduni, 1534, ff. 21"-46. ----. Aphorisniorum Hippocratis libri i-—vii, interprete Nicolao Leoniceno Vicentino. In: Leonicknls (N.) 111 libros Galeni [etc.]. fol. [fVi-rnrirt'l, 1509, sig. g ii-g viiib. ----. Quie in hoc volumine continentnr. Anti- qua Hippocratis translatio supra septem sectio- nes aforisiniorum: una cum eruditissima Galeni commentatione. Nova ejusdem Hippocra is translatio supra easdem septem sectiones per Theodorum Gazam habitacum Jacobi Forliyieu- sis Marsilii(]ue exposifionibus. Quiestioues eorundem Jacobi et Marsilii supra prsedicias septem sectiones: cum lida, omnium auctorita- tum collatione niiperrime magna diligeutia cor- recta atteiitiorique cura emendata. 197 tf. fol. Venetiis. impensu haredum quondam Domini Octa- viani Scoti, . . . ac sociornm, 1519. -----. Hippocratis aphorismi, cum Galeni com- mentariis, Nicolao Leoniceno interprete. :50p. 1., 304 ff., 7 1. 3"2°. Venetiis, [per Alouysium de Tortis], 15:18. _____. Aphorismi Hippocratis, noviter natorum adfeetus eiiarrantes. In- AL'sibils (S.) De infantum! [etc.]. 12°. Busilece, 1540 si"- a'. Also, in his: De puerorum morbis [etcl. 24-.' Luqduni. 1549, 10. Also, in: Fontancb °. Parisiis, J. Bogardi. 1542. _____. Tbe same. Nicolao Leoniceno Vincen- tino'interprete. 521 pp., 9 1. 24\ Lugduni, apud G. L'ooilliuin, 1549. _____. Thu same. Necnon Joan. Signoretti, e\- cerpta aphoristica, cum symbola. Aceesserunt adnotamenta marginalia, index (pie alphabet ica serie (li-esiur. Editio }iostreina prioribus ninlta castigiUior. (120 pp. 10 1., 191 pp. 24c. Lugduni, L. Anisson, Kif>s. -----. Aphorismoruni sectiones septem, ex Franc. Rabela-si reeoguitione. Quibus ex Ant. Music conimentariis ad.jeciinus et octavani: et ([inedain alia, qme sequens indicabit pagella. 1518 ]>p., 32 1. l(!c. Lugduni, apud S. Grg- phiitnt, 1543. Greek and Latin texts with separate title-pages. _____. The same. :118 pp., :'»2 1. 21°. Lugduni, apud S. Gii/phium, 1515. This is the 1543 edition, with merely a change ot date on the first, title-page; on the second, or Greek, title-page the date remains 1543. ------. Hippocratis Coi . . . aphorisniorum sec- tiones septem, reeens e Gneco in Latinuni scr- monem con versa", et luculenlissimis, ijsdemque; brevissimis coinmcntariis illustratie et expositie: adjectis aniiotationibus, in quibus qnotquot sunt in Galeni cominentariis hei difficiles, ad un- HIPPOCRATES. 152 HIPPOCRATES. Ilippocrat*'*—continued. . - ff. 1G°. Venetiis, V. Valgris, 154(5. ------. Les aphorismes. Trauuyctz en Francois par.Iehan Breche de Tours. Plus, le coinmen- taire de Galien, avec les annotations sur le pre- mier livre desdictz aphorismes, ensemble cer- taines petile- iiaraphrases, depuis le second livre iusques a la fin du septieme pour les mieulx donner a entendre. 14 p. 1., 2*6 1. 18-. Pan's, /. Kerr.er, 1550. ------. The same. Les aphorismes d Hippo- crates, avec le coinmentaire de Galien sur le premier livre. Traduits de grec en francois par M. J. Breche. Avec annotations sur ledict premier livre; ensemble certaines paraphrases servans de brief coinmentaire, depuis le second livre jusqnes a la fin du septieme, par ledict Breche. Plus, les aplu rismes de I. Damascene, mtSdecin arabe; ensemble une epitom6 snr les trois livres des tempcramens de Galien [par .16- reniie Triveris BracbeliusJ. Le tout nouvelle- inent reveu et corrig6. 1 p. 1., 254 pp. 24°. | Li/on, J. A. Huguetan, 1600. ---_. The same. 1 p. 1., 254 ff. 24 . Lyon, .1. A. Huguetan, 1(505. ------. The same. 1 p. 1., 5-479 pp. 24°. Lyon, G. Chastellard, 1628. ------. The same Ensemble les aphorismes de J. Damascenus et un Epitome sur les trois livres des temperaments de Galien. Demi ere ed., augnientee des Flours du grand Guidon, par Mattre .lean Raoul. 1 p. 1., 571 pp.; 142 pp. 10°. Bouen, J. Besongue, 1G(10. ------. 'iTXTToKpdrovc roe Kuov dtpopiopav rpl/para. Aphorismi Hippocratis Latino sermone expressi. Guilielmo Plmtio Cienoinano, interprete. 104 ff. :52c. Parisiis, apud Martimtm jurenem, 1555. Greek and Latin. ------. Hippocratis aphorismi, id est, selectie, maxinieque ra-tie sententite, Guilielmo Plantio Cenomano interprete. Galeni iu eosdem com- mentarii septem, eodem Plantio interprete. Jo- annis Marinelli coninieutarii in aphorismos, qui cum Galeni conimentariis a>quo animo conferan- tur. 2:\8 ff., 2 1. :12\ Venetiis, 1582. ------. Aphorisniorum Hippocratis niethodus nor va, ab Achille P. Gassaro . . . primum quinque libris distiucta: deinde vero Conradi Gesneri . . . opera illustrata. Huic accedunt pneteren libelli de re nie.licit aliquot, finis non cdita . . . Omnia nunc primum opera et studio Caspari Wolphii ... in lumen data. 7 p. ]., 174 pp. 24°. Sangalli. L. Slraub, 1581. -------. Hippocratis Coi aphorismi Grtece et La- tine brevi euarratione, tidaque ltvterpretatione ita illustrari. nt ab omnibus facile intclhgi pos- sint; cum historiis. observationibus. cautioui- bus, et remediis select is, a J. Heurnio. 161 pp., 2 1. 12°. Lugd. Bat., ex off. Plantiniana Raphe- lengii, 1609. Pound with : Heuknh s (J.) In Hippocratis Goi de ho- minis nutura, [etc.J. 12-. Lugd. Bat., 1G09. | ------. The same. 4. ed. 512 pp., 8 1. 16°. Amstelodami, G. Schagen, 1688. ------. [Aforismid'Ippocrate nella vol gar lingua.] In: Kosaccio (G.) II medico. 4". Venetia. 1621, 32-55. ■------. Aphorisniorum Hippocratis liber primus. Heurnio interprete. Singulis aphoristuis sub- jungitur nunc primum carmen alteinuin Gr;c- cum. 2 p. 1., 14 pp. 12°. Cantabrigiw, 16.51. [ippoc rati'*—continued. ____. Hippocratis aphorismi versibus Grsecis et Latinis expositi, per Gerardum Denisotum, eujus selectiora aliquot ep'grammata addita sunt huic operi, studio et suniptibns Jaeobi Denisot, nepotis in lucem editi. Front., 5 p. 1., 1(5(5 pp., 1 1., port. 8'. Parisiis, F. Dehors, 16:54. ____. Les .sept livres d'aphorisines du grand Hippocrate en latin et en francois, enrichis de ties-beaux et tres-doctes discours en forme de paraphrases, et d'explications tres-judicieuses prises des auciens et nouveanx autheurs. (Euvre aiana editione editio prima. 3 p. 1., xv, 336 pp. 4?. Xeapoli. apud F. Mnscain, 1731. ------. Les aphorismes d'Hippocrate, range/ scion l'ordte des parties du corps humain. Avec de nouvelles explications, divers retnedes, et plu- Mt'in- observations de pratique sur les maladies, par M. Dttfour. 2. ed. (5 p. ]., 596 pp. 12°. Paris, L. d'Honry. 1724. ------. Aphorismi Hippocratis conimentariolo illustrati. Ed. nova. 7 p. 1., 3-1 pp. 16-. Tnhingw, in off'. Bergeriana, 1744. ------. Magni Hippocratis Coi opuscula apho- ri»tica seineiotico-tlierapeutica viii, una cum jurejurando, Gnece et Latine ex interpretatione Anntii Foesii, aliorumque, in usum sacra* gentis Asclepiadeie exarata. 23 p. 1., 448 pp., in 1. 16-. Basilea:, snmpt. J. J. Episcopii, 1748. ------. Oi rov 'l~7Z0KpaToce 'Aijopinaoi, Hippo- cratis aphorismi. Ex editione Theodori Jansso- nii ab Almeloveeii. Ill* pp. 24J. Glii8gnii', 11. Y A. Fouiis. 174-. Greek and Latin text ------. Hyppocrates Luzitano, ou tiforisnios de Hyppocrates, traduzidi.s tielmente do Latini jiata o idioina portiiguez. Obra util e neces- saria a todo o gene.ro de pessoas, que dezejao instruir-se na verdadeira e genuina intelli- geiieia das sentencas do primeiro e major most re da medicina. E principalmenie para os ciriir- gioein que iguorao a lingua latina; pois le-rao explicados no sen proprio idioma por modo claro, e succinto aqiiclles inesmos textos, que primeiro conipoz em (irego sen author. Parte primeira que offerees . . . Francisco Daniel Xo- ^ueira. 7 L, 248 pp., f> 1. HY. Lisbua, P. Fer- reira, 1762. ------. Aphorismi notati-niibus variorum illus- trati. Digessit et indices necessarios addidit Jo. Chr. Rieger. 2 v. xvi, 6-7 pp.; 56s pp. ri-. Ilagre Comitnui, P. Van Cleeft 1767. ------. Hippocratis aphorismi ad fidem veterum monimeiitoruni eastigati, Latine veisi a J. B. Lefebvre de Villebrune. xx, 371 pp. 16-". Constantinujwli t)'- Parisiis. (lousier, 1779. Lar^c paper; text margined. II i|>poc rates—continued. ------. Versio antiipia aphorismoruni Hippocra- tis, ex versione commeutariorum Oribasii ex- ccrpta. In his: 'lnnoKpa.Tov<: atfropitrfioi, [etc.]. 24°. Parisiis. 1784, 1-77. ------. (Euvres d'Hippocrate. Aphorismes; tra- duits d'apres la collation de vingt-deux manu- scrits et des interpretes orientaux, par M. Le- febvre de Villebrune. xvii, 156 pp. 32°. Paris, T. Barrois, 1786. ------. Tlie same. Nouvelle ed. x, 93, xxiii pp. 16-\ Paris, an I.X [1801]. ------. Aphorismes d'Hippocrate sur la dietc in: Counts (P.) *Diss. sur la eoliijue nerveuse. 4°. Paris, an XII [ 1S01], 3D-47. ------. ' l-rnroKpdrovc atpopiopoi. Hippocratis apho- rismi. Aphorismes d'Hippocrate. Traduits sur le texte grec, d'apres la collation des inanuscrits de la Bibliotheqne imperiale, avec une disserta- tion sur ces manuscrits, et les variantes, par M. de Mercv. exxiv (1 1.), 3f>2 pp., 1 1. 1(5'"-'. Paris, Crochard, 1811. Greek, Latin, and French. ------. Nouvelle traduction des aphorismes d'Hippocrate, confers sur l'tklition grocque publiee en 1811, oil Ton trouve les variantes des manuscrits de la Bibliotheqne du roi; et eomnientaires specialement applicahles a I'etude &de la me'decine pratique, dite cliuique, par le chevalier de Mercy. 1 p. 1., xv, 529 pp. 16°. Paris, A. Egron, 1817. ------. Aforismos. Traducidos, ilustrados y pues- tos en verso eastella.no por Don Manuel Casal y Aguado, alias Don Lucas Alemtin. 231 pp. 16^. Madrid, Repulles, 1818. —. The same. 231 pp. 1(5°. Barcelona, J. Tomer, 1843. ------. The aphorisms, with a translation into Latin and English, by Thomas Coar. viii, 314 pp. 4°. London, A. J. Valpy, 1822. ------. Aphorismes, lafin-francais; traduction nouvelle, par E. Pariset. Derniere 6(1. vii, 179 pp. 16 ;. Lourain, H. Baumans, 1822. ------. Hippocratis aphorismi. Editio ultima maxiine correcta. 108 pp. 32 . f'alentia; in typog. J. Mom pie, 182."). ------. The aphorisms, translated into Arabic by Hosain Ben Ishak, physician to the Caliph Motawukkul. Ip. 1., 53 1. 8. Calcutta, 1^2. ------. Aphorismes, traduits en francais avec le texte en regard et des notes, par F. Lallemand et A. Pappas. xi, 263 pp. 24°. Montpellier, lioehm Y I'ie., 1839. -----. Die Aphorismeu des Hippokrates. Deutsche Minialur-Aiisgabe, nut Aniiierkungeu von W. Buclienwald. 193 pp. -1(5°. Xiirdlin- geu, Heck, 1840. Resume do la ou aphorismes d'Hijq niedecine hippoe rati que, ocrate, classes dans un irdie sysleinatiqiie el precedes d'une introduc- tion historiquc par.J.-E. Di zeimeris. \,iii, 2,-0 pp. zl'-1. Paris. Foriiu, Masson »y- Cie, lsil. ----. Hip|iokralovy aforisiny vydal Ondivj Schrutz. xii, 9(5 pp*. 8°. r Praze, 1899. Bohemian text. —. The aphorisms 1 onker [1901*]. of Hippocrates. Y., Arlington Che, Co., Tlie obstetric aphorisms of Hippocrates. Willi short comment on each by Galen, Fuehsius, and others, translated from the best edition of Aldus, A. D.1526, andconriared with the beautiful Latin edition of Viccntino, also of 1526, expressly for the "British Record" by Charles Clay. 4 pp. 8*-. Manchester, [n. d.~\. HLPPOCKATKS. 154 IIIPPOCHATES. II ippocra !«'*•—continued. ------. See, also : Albaxksh's Patarinns ((1. A.) Aphorismoruni Hippocratis expositio peripatetica. sm. 4°. Patavii, 1649. Baimsax'S (F. D.) Magnus Hippocrates tnedico-nioralis ad utramque corporum scilicet atque aniniaruni saluteni per geminam ejusdem aphorisniorum expositionem aceoinodatns. sm. 4°. Augusta; Taurinorum, 1682. Bkkkxds (C. A. G.) Lectiones in Hippocratis aphorismos. 8°. Berolini, 18:50. Forms v. 2 of his: Operum postumoriim [etc.]. BoSQUiLi.ox [E.-F.-M.] Lettre a M. sur la nouvelle 6dition in-12, petit format, des Aphoris- mes d'Hippocrate qui se trouve a Paris chez Clousier t.V Segand, 1779. l(ic. Paris, 1779. HHKxma (J. Ci.) LE1'-] ,,e paresi atrabiliai ia Hippocratis ad aphorismiim xl, sectionis vii. 4-'. Gaittingai, [1752]. Cachktun (C.) Controversise theoricse prac- ticie, in priinam aphorismoruni Hippocratis sec- tionein. Opus in duas partes divisuni, philoso- pbis ac niedicis perutile ac perjucundiiin, in quo qiuecumpie ad venae seetioneni, purgationem, et probani victus rationem pertinent, non minus accurate, quain acute ac eleganter in utramque partem disputantur ac euodantur. 1(5 . Tulli, 1612. Cagnatcs Veroneusis (M.) In Hippocratis aphorismum secundte sectionis vicesimuni quartum coinmentarins. 4°. Roma', 1591. Canonherius (P. A.) In septem aphorismo- runi Hippocratis libros, medica*, politica1, mo- rales, ac theologieie interpretatioues. 2 v. 4°. Anlrerpite, 1617-18. Cigalixi (P.) In aphorisniormn Hippocratis libruin |)i'imum et secundum lectiones. fitl. Norocomi, 1653. Ckispcs (P.) In Hippocratis aphorismoruni lib. i. cominentaria. sJ. Roma', 1575. CnrciGKK (J. F.) * Certissiina f.-briuni prog- nosis ex aphorismo lxix, sect iv, una cum rationali therapia ad nietitein aphoristic insti- tuenda. sm. 4U. Erford'ue, [1722]. Curio (J.) Hippocratis Coi. de nat une, tein- poruni anni,et aeris irregiilarium constitutionum propriis, hominisque omnium letatum morbis, theoiia, ita in enarratione terthe apborismorum sectionis exposila, ut non solum rei medica'., sed et omnibus valetudinis ac vitie tuenda* studiosis inagno Usui, coniinodoque esse queat. 16°. Francofurti ad Manum. 15(59. Di:sciiami>s(P.) * Cominentaires sur quelques iqiho isun-s d'Hippocrate, relatifs a rinfluence des saisonssur la production tie certaines mala- dies. 8°. Paris, 18(16. Dkki.ics (9.8.) Magni Hippocratis Coi apho- rismi vi, sectionis vi, in quo vitioruin rcnuni et vesica* in senioribus prognosis traditur reso- lutio. 4L. Jeiue, [1670]. Diktkiiich (J. C.) Aphorismi Hippocratis il- lustrati, et iatreo ejusdem prtemissi. 4°. Lima:, 1(561. Fkakk (J.) "In Hippocratis aphorismum 51, sectionis 2. 4C. Lugd. Bat., 167u. Foukrol.-ki'S (F.) Method us in septem apho- risniorum libros ab Hippocrate observata om- nibus tamen retro sieculis inandita; jam primum mirabili schematon artificio denionstrata. 8-', Parisiis, 1(512. a Foxsixa (R.) In septem libros aphoris- moruni Hippocratis cominentaria, eo online con- texts quo doetoratus (ut ainnt) juncta exponi consuevere. 3. ed. 4°. Venetiis, 1621. i -----. The same. Cominentaria [etc.]. 4°. Patavii, 1708. lippot'l'atOS—eon (in lied. dk l'oXTKNirii ks (L.) Hippocrates dcpais6 ; ou la version paraphrasee de ses aphorismes en vers francois. 4L. / aris, 1654. Fuciis (L.) Pra'stautissinii in Hippocratis Coi medicoruni principis sejitem aphorisniorum libris cominentaria, nuper reeastigata, adjectis adnotationilius, et locorum dimeilium Galeni explicationibus. 12°. Lugduni, 1558. Galen (C.) Comment uiii Galieui super libro aphorismoruni Hypocratis. Expositio Jaeobi Forli viensis et Marsilii super libro aphorismoruni Hipocratis. Qusestiones Jaeobi Forliviensis et Marsilii super libro aphoiisimoruni Hipocratis. fol. [Papice, 1501.] The Qnaistiones of Jacob von Forli and Marsilio Santa Sofia are in a separate treatise. ------. The same. [Libri septem] Galeni in aphorismos Hippocratis, ab ipso Xicolao Le- oniceno Vicentino interprete, diligentius emen- dati et reeogniti, simulatque cieteri sequentes. 4°. Venetiis, 1524. ------. The same. Galeni in aphorismos Hip- pocratis comnientarii septem, recens per Guliel- niuni Planlium Conomanum Latinitate douati ejusdemqiie; annotation ibus illustrati. 12°. Lugduni, 1552. ------. The same. In aphorismos Hippocratis commentaria; ex interpretatioue Antii Foesii et Gulielmi Plantii, cum aniiotationibus ejusdem. Ed. nova, a niultis, quibus antea scatcbat nien- dis, diligenter repurgata ab Adriano Toll. 24 . Lugd. Bat., 1633. Also, in: Hutocrates. Quae in hoc volumine conti- nentur [etc.]. fol. Venetiis, 1519. -----. Aphorismi [etc.]. 12°. Parisiis. 1521!. Ibid.: 16°. Parisiis, 15L-7. Ibid.: fol. Parisiis, 15X!. Ibid.: 24°. Venetiis. 1537. Ibid.: 32°. Venetiis, 1538. Ibid. .-24°. Lmnluni. 1549. Ibid.: 8°. Venetiis, 1550. Ibid.: Vl°. Lutjdiuii, 1 .->(>!. Ibid.: 32°. Venetiis. 1582. Ibid.: 24°. Lugduni, ], expositio et qiuest iones ijiiam eniendatissi- nue. Additis Marsilii de Saneta Sophia inter- pretationibus in eos aphorismos qui a Jacobo ex- positi non fucrint. fol. Vene'iis, 1547. Laxgwedkl (B.) Colloquium Romano-Hip- pocraticuni inter Marforium et Pasqninum, pa- tritios Romanos. auscultante Bernhardo Lang- -\vedelio. Hippoerat. sect. 1. aphorism. (5. Ad extremes morbus extrenia exquisite remedia op- tima. 16-'. Lugd. But., 1648. A satirical dialogue hetween the two statues. Lemaitre (R.) Doctrina Hippocratis. Apho- rismi: novainterpretationeac methodoexoinati. | Leges medicinje. Arcana-.indicia. Liniiteshuni. partus. Patrociuiuui. 16°. Parisiis, 1613. Meih-(>mii.'s (B.) Programiiia de rei medica* per observationes incremento, earuni fallacia et recto usu pni'lectionibus publicJs in aphorismos Hippocratis pnemi^sum. sin. 4^. Helmstadii, 1712. Mei*CUKIALIS(II.) In oninesHippocratis apho- rismos pralectiones Patavime, in quibus in 1111- meri ]iene ipsius Hippocratis obscuriores loci ac sentenlia* elucidantur, problemataque permulta absiiusiora facili methodo euodantur. Xunc primum a Maxiiniliauo authoris filio pnblici ju- ris factie, atque in postiema hac editione opera Pancracii Marcelliui notis niarginalibus dilatie; denuo siiinina cum diligentia et labore revisie et emendata*. 4°. Lugduni, 1631. Mestayei: (A.) * Observations liiedicales sur plnsieuis aphorismes d'Hippocrate. 8-. Paris, an V/[l-n:;]. Moxtaxi s (J. B.) Expeclati-siime in priinam et secuiidam partem aphorisniorum Hipiiocratis lectiones summa cura colleeta*: cxactissimnqiie diligentia recognit-a-, ad medicina' studiosoruin usum. 1(5°. Venetiis, 1555. ------. Idea ct cliaracierisinns doetrinte Hip- pocraticie, propositus studiosus in pnelectione aphorismi ruin Hippocratis. In: CllATO (J.) Methodus depanevTiic'r) [etc.J. l'J°. liasih-te. [1555], 70-141. ------. Iii secundum libruin aphoiisiiiorum Hippocratis lectiones summa cura colleeta*, ex- actissinii.que diligentia nunc denuo neognitie. 10-. Venetiis. 1555. in; Moon (B. H.) * Diss, in aphorisnioruin Hippi'Ci-aticuui xxviii, sectionis vi. Kivor^oc oh —01)0] pi un iv. ovde (fra/iaKpoi yiyvovrai. sin. 4°. Lugd. i at., 1736. XavaI'KO di-: A.NDitAiiK (J-) Distribulio methodiea inlerjiretandornm aplioi isniorum Hip- pocratis. -°. ( oninibrictv, IH 19. AB OlKOXOMOS (S. C.) Ihpt Aldpnov roi' Ke- lt piov sal rf/q *';—' avrov acyypaQtiagc sic t?/i> noivfiv f)id7.eiR Vai.i.f.s (Vai.i.k.sii's) Corarrubianus (F.) In a|)Iiorisnios et hbelluni de aliinento Hippo- ci alis (•oinmentaria. Iti . Compluti, 1561. Yastapaxi (J. P.) Cominentaria, in pra*ei- puos Hippocratis aphorismos pathologico-prae- tica piiecepta coniplectentia. Opus posfuinuni typis vulgaluin anno 1-22 curante Amedreo Testa. 8J. Augusta' Taiirinorum, 18-J2. Vixaciik (A.) * Essai d'un coninientaire snr l'aphorisine d'Hippocrate concernaut les mala- dies des vieillards. 4'-'. Paris, 181(5. Vist'iiEK (J.) Enarratio brevis aphorisniorum lli|»poerutis, monstrans quam eoncinno ac bono online seirenticB ista* aphoristicas depositie sint, [etc.]. Studio Hieronyini Visccri. 4 . Tn- bingi\LdTpa>v. Parisiis primo editie. anonyrao anctore, circa annum Kiliu. e tvpiiLiraphia (J. Sassier. In: Hippocrates. 'lmroKparovs Kwoc Aop 107101 [etc.], 213, Parisiis, 1814, 203-255. — >:iriliu> (J.) Illata rohorautur: explicatur aph. 6. In his : Noctes geniales, 4D, Uonouise, 1656, 344- 349. ------. ltedargnntiir evasiones; perpendit-ur aph. ii. et 19. sect, i libro quos, et quando, pristina conciliatur dignitas. Ibid., 675-684. 'E-rziSgpicjv (iifi/Aa {Epidemiorum libri). ------. Iucipiiiut epidimiai Hypjiocratis et com- inentaria Joannis Alexandrini super epidimias easdem. In: Joannitius. Iucipiiiut isagoga-[etc.]. fol. Vene- tiis, 14S7, tf. 120-sig. v 4h. ------. Liber epideiniaruin Hi (ipocratis cum coni- mentariis viii particulas continens. In: Akticella. In hoc piseclaro libro fete.], fol. Venetiis, 14H7, ff. 120-1521'. Ibid. : fol. Venetiis, 1493, pt. 2, H. 105-1341'. Ibid. : fol. Venetiis, 15l3.pt. 2, fl'. l()5-134b. Also, in: Akticella nuperrinie impressa [etc.). 12°. Lundani, 1515, ft'. 61-67. Ibid. : 12°. Lugduni, 1510. tf. G3-701'. Ibid. .-12°. Lugduni, 1525, ff. 57-63b. lhid.:Yla. Lugduni, 1534, ff. 57-63''. ------. Hippocratis . . . epidemiorum liber sex- tos jam ncens Latinitate donatus, Leonardo Fuchsio interpiet-e. Addita est luculenta uni- versi ejus libri expositio, Leonardo Fuchsio au- thore. Atljecta iiisitper sunt ad calcem Gneca, ut, diligens lector hiec ipsa cum L itinis conferre jtossit. 3 p. 1., 1(,0 li'., 4 1. 4°. Haganoce, ex of. J. Secer, 1.">:12. ------. The same. Hippocratis . . . i-nh/piior li- ber sextus, a Leonardo Fuchsio medico Latini- tate donatus, et Incident issinia enairatione, in lnceiii editus. 5 p. L. 18- ff, 6 1. fol. Basi- leiv, apud J. Bebelium et M. Isingriniuin. 1537. ------. A-oOKpaTOvg 'tTzulgpiuv to ektov. Hippocra- tis epidemiorum, liber sextus. 111. Y. Haga- noa', ex off. J. Seeer, 1532. lUnend vnth his: Hippocratis . . . epidemiorum liber [etc.J. 4°. Haganoce, 1532. Greek text. ------. 'I——oKpdravq enidgpajv to —pt.irav, nai to rpirov. Hippocratis de morbis popularibus liber primus, et tertius. His accomodavit novein de febribus commentaries Johannes Freind. xxix (1 1.), 111). 174 pp. sm. 4°. Londini, imp. G. Innys. 1717. ------. Epide"iniques d'Hippocrate, traduites du grec; avec des reflexions sur les constitutions cpideaniques; sui vies des quarante-deux histoi- res rapportees par cet ancien niedecin, et du coniuieiitaire de Galien sur ces histoires. On y a joint un memoire sur la niortalite des nioutons en Boulounois, dans les amides 1761 ct 17(52, et une lettre sur la niortalite des chiens. dans Tan- nee 1763, dans laquelle stmt developpees lesvues d'Hippocrate snr les constitutions, par M. Des- mans, xii, 359 pp. 8'-'. Paris, Ve. d'Houry, 1767. ------. Las obras de Hippocrates mas selectas, traducidas al castellano e ilustradas por An- dres Piquer. v. 3. El libro de las epidemias. viii, 200 pp. sin. 4°. Madrid, J. de Ibarra, 1770. Bound with: Piql'KU (A.i Praxis medica. sm. 4°. Matriti. 1770. ('reek aud Spanish. ------. The history of epidemics, in 7 hooks. Transl. into English from the Greek, with notes and observations and a preliminary dissertation on the nature and cause of infection, by Samuel Farr. xliii, 375 pp. 4-. London, T. Cadell, 1780. Hippocrates—continued. ------. 'l7r7ro/c/i>dT0i>c (Tvtthjpiuv. Epidemics d'Hip- pocrate (l8. Mkkcukialis (H.) Prieleeliones Pisauae in epidemicas Hippocratis historias, non minus ad theoricam atque practicani niedicinam utiles (luani ob eruditionein jucundaj. fol. Venetiis, 1597. -----. In secundum lib. epid. Hipp, pradec- tiones Bonouienses. Opus mnltiplici eruditione, doetrina, tic fere innunieris problematibus refer- tum [etc.]. fol. Forolivii, 1626. Phkygius (P. F.) Comnientarii in historias e.pidemicas Hippocratis, in tres partes digesti. 1\ Lugduni, 1(544. Thili-kr (D. W.) [Pr.] pnemissa nova vera- (pie explicatione loci cujusdam Hippocratici hactenus obscurissinii e lib. vii. de morb. epidem. [etc.]. 4-. [Vitembergee, 1758.] dk Vau.es (Vaeeesius) Covarrubianus (F.) In libros Hippocratis de morbis popularibus cominentaria. fol. Colonia; li>8. -----. The same. Cominentaria in septem Hippocratis libros epidemiorum, sen de morbis popularibus. fol. Xeapoli, 1652. -----. The same. Nunc priinam in Galliis excusa, multoque quain antea eniendatioia, tex- tu Hippocratis ad Gnecuin exemplar recognifo, et innunieris erroribus repurgato, nonnullisiiue additis scholiis, opera et studio S. Gaudei. fol. Anrcliiv, 1(554. taaslus (T.) Morhorum iiatmii'. medicatrices. Hip- poc. lib. vi. ilc morb. popul. sect. 5. aphoris. 1. In his: Yarin o])iiscula. fob, Francof. ad M., 1590, 174-lsl.— p. 81 . Venezia, Alvispoli, 1835. ------. Lettre ii, it Damagotc ; nouvelle traduc- tion sur le texte grec, par F.ticnne Pariset. 15 pp. 8 . Paris, de llignoux. [n. d.~\. 'E-kioto'Xij npoc Uro/.epaiov HaotAhi {Epistola ad Pto- leina'um regem). ------. Hippocrates de pneparatione hominis, ad Ptoleniii'tini regem, nuper e (Jreco in Latinnni traduetns a Joanne Reuchlin Phorcensi. 5 1. 4°. [Tubingiv, in a'dibus Thoina Aiishelmi, 1512.] ------. Hippocratis di* hominis structura opus ad Perdicam iMacedonuni regem. In: Mki.etiI'S. De nat lira strncturaiiue hominis opus. sm.4-\ Venetiis. 1552. 180-184. Essentially the same as succeeding. -------. Hippocratis Coi epistola ad regem Ptole- niieiini de vera hominis formation.- et amissie sanitatis recuperatione, per Ant. Codruin Ur- ceiun Florentinuiu carmine heroico versa. In: PlCTOKIl s (G.) Sanitatis tueiiihv methodus. 12°. Basilece, 1561, 53-57. ------. Hippocratis epistola ad Ptoleniieum regem de hominis l'ahrica. He pi /corner/a iv/c avttpu-oc. In: Ekmekixs (F. Z.) Aneedota med. Grajca. 8 . Lugd. Bat., 1840.278-297. l--iaTptnd {Veterinaria). ------. Trattati di mascalcia atiribuiti ad Ippo- erate. Tradotti dull'arabo in latino da Maestro Moise da Palermo, volgariz/.ati md secolo xiii. Messi in luce percuia di Pietro Delpratn, cor- redati di due posteriori compilazioni in latino e iu toscano e di note tilologiche ]ier cura di I.uigi Harbieri. exxix, 300 pp., 1 1. 8 . Bologna, G. Romagnoli, 1-65. Kar' ir/rpehir {De officina medici). ------. Hippocratis Coi de medico, medicine officio, lib. 5 1. 16". Basilar, ex off'. B. Westhe- meri, 1539. Bound urith: A.;ricola(J. A.) Mediciiiaeherhariie libri duo. 16-. Basilece. 1539. ------. See, also: Galex (C.) Galeni in Hippocratem de ofiieiua medici, conunentaria i-iii. Vido Vidio inter- prete. In: Yunrs (V.) ('hiiurgia e Grueo [etc.]. fol. Lu- tetite Par., 1544. 343-414. ------. The same. Coinmentaire sur le livre d'Hippocrates, intitule: De l'officine du medecin. In: AxciEN'S iLesjet r.-iioiimies aucteurs [etc.], HP. Lyon, 1555. 919-1117. Ibid.: 16-. Paris, 1634, 773-946. TRILLER (D. \Y.) [Pr.] priemissa exercita- tione medico-critica ad illustrandum anibiguum (piendam et obsenrus Hippocratis locum ex libro pneceptionuin de probi medici officio in coii- servauda potius (|uam imiuutanda nattira. 4°. [ JViitebergce, 1772.] Kojcmdi TTpoyvt'oneic (Coactcprienotiones). ------. Magni Hippocratis Coaca pnesagia, brevi enarratioiie illustrata, decerpta a Caleuo, Hol- lerio, Dureto, 1'oiisio, Jacotio, et aliis non inl'erio- ris notie \ iris. In i'oriiiam encheiridii ad usum faciliorcm coinposita. Authore D. Lud. I en ant . . . discrepitantes reconciliante, variantes ex- plicante, dubios deiii(|ueobfirinaiitc. 5 p. 1., 679 pp., 301. 16^. Lutetue Parisiorum, J. Pocquct, 1657. -----. Prognostics dc Cos. Traduits sur lc texte grec, d'apres la collation des manuscrits de la Bibliotheqne royale, avec une dissertation sur ces inanuscrits, des variantes, des notes ex- plicative-s, et une tiibie analytique, par M. le Hippocrates—continued. chevalier de .Mercv. xvi, 466 pp. 16°. Paris, J.-M. Eberhart, 1815. -----. See, also: Bkexdei. (J. G.) [Pr.] commentarioli prac- liei in Coaeas Hippocratis prienotiones. Pen- sum i-iii. 4^. [ Gotttngtr, 1752.] ------. I'lieleetiones de Coacis praniotioni- bus. 8 . Berolini, 1796. Diret(L.) lnterpretationes et enarrationes in magni Hippocratis Coaeas prienotiones, opus admirabile in tics libros tributum. Cuiante (|tii et priefationeni adjecit, Adriano Peleryn Chmuet. Kditio nova, ad earn (jute a. nidlxxxv prodiit recensita. fol. Lugd. Bat., 1737. ------. 'lhe same. Prioribus longe aecura- lior atque emendat tor. fol. Lugduni, 11*1. IIorsth's {('•.) Prognosis febrium potissi mum continuarum et malignaruiu, juxta, textum Hippocralicum in principle ('oaearuni pneno- tionnin hrevissiinis notis in gratiam auditorum siurum propositi!. Ed. 2. 4'. Gissiv Hessurn-ui, lti22. No//or {Lex). ------. Incipit liber Hyppocratis de lege qui introductorius dicitur, traduetns per Arnaldum (h* Villa de Greco in Latiuum. In: Joannitius. Iucipiuntisa^oga; [etc.J. fol. Venetiis. 1487. f. 21R ------. Libellus de lege Hi [ipocratis. In: Akticella. In hoc pricclaro libro [etc. |. fol. Venetiis. 1187, f. 211. Ibid.: fol. Venetiis, 1493, pt, 3, f. 50. Ibid.: fol. Venetiis, 1513. pt. 3, f. 50. Also, in: AK- TICELLA uuperrime impressa |etc.J. 12°. Lm/duni, 1515, f. 17h. Ibid.: l'i?. Luqduni, 1519. f. 18. Ibid.: 12°. Luii- duni, 1525, f. 16b. Ibid.: 12°. Lugduni, 1534, f. 16h. ------. Lex; Jano Cornario interprete. In his: Libelli aliquot, sm. 4°. Basilea:, [ 1543J, 3. ------. See, also: v Foxseca (R.) In Hippocratis legem coni- mentarium quo perfect! medici natura explicat. 8°. Roma', 1586. Chirac (D.) La loi d'Hippocrate (vo/u.os). In his: ♦Considerations sur la combustion [etc.], 4°, Par., an XIII [1S05], 25-27. 'Opiate {Jusjurandum). ------. Libellus qui dicitur jusjurandum. In.- Akticella. In hoc prieclaro libro [etc.]. fol. Venetiis. 1481, f. 211. Ibid.: fol. Venetiis, 1493, pt. 2. f. 50. Ibid.: fol. Venetiis. 1513, pt. 3, f. 50. Also, in: Aim- (El.I.A niip.i riineimpressa. 12°. Luqduni, 1515.1'. IS. Ibid.: 12. Luqilnni. 1519, f. 181'. Ibid.:'V2\ Lugduni, 1525. f. 17. Ibid.: l'S'. Lugduni, 1534, f. 17. ------. Hippocratis jusjurandum. In: PEXEDiCTlstA.) Anatmuice [etc.J. sm. 4°. [Pa- risiis, 1514], ff. 81''-82. Ibid.: 16°. Argentorati, 1528, ff. lllb-112. ------. Jusjurandum; Jano Cornario interprete. In his: Libelli aliquot, am. 4°. Basilece, [1543], 1. ------. Jusjurandum. Iii: "VVOKKL ( L. ) * Majrni Hippocratis secundi vita [etc.]. 8°. Friburgi Br.. 1X35, 50-53. ------. Facsimile d'un exi niplaire du scrnient Hippocratique de Montpollicr. 1 p. 1., pp. viii, 10 1. 4°. Renncs, A. Lcroy, 1867. ------. Sec. also: Boeknki: ( 1). F. ) Sttiier locum Hippocratis injure jurando maxime vexatum meditationes. sm. I '. Lipsiiv, 1751. Hisiae (K.M.) Le serment d'Hippocrate et, hi litliotomie. *°. Paris, 1873. Smith (F. R.) The oath of Hippocrates. Johns Mop- kins Hosp. Bull., Bait., ls!)'2. iii, 33-36.—Trn wick (A. M.i Hippocratic oath. Memphis M. Month., 1899, xix, '213-216. TlapayyeMai (Privcepiiones). ------. I'neceptiones; Jano Cornario interprelc. In his ■ Libelli aliquot. sm.4J. Uusilew. [1543J, ,".7-ii4. HIPPOCRATES. 158 HIPPOCRATES. Hi|>|MH r;it<*s -continued. Ylepi depur. vdaruv mi to-ttuv (De acre, aquis et locis). ■------. De ai:re et aqua et regiouibus liber. //..- Khazes. [Tractatus x.] f..l. Mediolani, 1481, ff. si>;. 1f:h-~llHU. AUo. in . Coxtknta in hoc volumine. fol. Venetiis, 141>7. ff. 154-156''. AUo. in: Hoc in volumine. fnl. Venetiis. 1508, ff. 42''-45. Also, in: Akticella nuper- rime impressa [etc.]. 12°. Luqduni. 1515, ff. S0-S5. Ibid.: 12°. lugduni. 1519, ff. 85-00". Ibid: 12^. Lvqdu ui, 1525. ff. 77-82''. Ibid.: 12°. Lugduni, 1534, tf. 77-82''. ■------. 'l—~oKpaTovQ rb Trepi aepuv, vdaruv, totzuv; devTepov kudotiev perd ttjc TaAAiKfjQ peraippdaEuq, u rrpooertth/ he tov avrov 'l~7roKpaTovc Kai 6 vopoc, ptri) Tip; Ta'/.MKTjQ peraippdoEuc, Kai to tov TaAt/vov: J 'Oti dpiorog \a~pbc Kai ipiAoootpOQ. vc', 1">1 pp., 1 1., port. 8 , Tlapioioic, T. Barrois pere, 1816. Greek and French text. ------. 'lTiTTOKpaTovq TTe/u aepuv, vdaruv Kai ronuv. Traite d'Hippocrale des airs, des eaux et des lienx. In: Hippocrates. Traites [etc.]. 16°. Paris, 1818, 312-441. ------. De acre, aquis et locis liber; denuo recen- situs et \ arietate leetionis Foesiana et Coraiana instructiis a Christiano Petersen, xx, 40 pp., interleaved. 8-. llamburgi, sumpt. Perthesii Y Besseri, 1833. ------. -Traite" des airs, des eaux et des lieux. In: HlPPOCRATE, Par., 1898, i, 14; 55; 80; 103. ------. Hippokrates: O vzduchu, vodach a mis- tech. Pfelozil Dr. O. Scbrutz. In : Smrka pieilnasek a rozpr. z oboru 16kafsk., v Praze, [1899], no. 52, 17-38. ------. See. also: Caiihaxi's (H.) Coinmentarii, ill Hippocratis de acre, aquis et locis opus, quo nullum, teste Galeno oinnibusquo medicis et philosophis. pne- staniius extat, iu quo sine dttbio sicut Hippo- crates autor, ita Cardanus commentator seipsuni superat [etc.]. fol. Bcsileie, [1570]. Fickel (C. G.) * Hippocratis de acre, aquis et locis libri nova* editionis specimen. 8-. Lip- sin; 1831. s.ki'1'alies (L.) In libruin Hippocratis Coi, de aeribus, aquis, locis comnientarii v. Appo- situs est Griecus Hijipocratis contextus, ope an- tiqiioruni exeinplariuni restitutus, et in multis locis emendatiis; una cum nova ejusdem iu La- tinuin versione. fol. Colonial, lo'jo. «lt? .Tlcrcy [F.-C.-F.] Analyse du trait6 des airs, des eaux et des lienx. In: Hippocrates. Traites [etc.], 16°, Far, 1818. 304-311. -----. Observations analytiques sur le traite des airs, des eaux et des lieux. Ibid., 443-490. Tlepi dypuv {De fracturis). ------. Van de fracturen en sommige luxatien, met desselfs verbindingen, spalken, etc. In: Veiiduc ( L.) Het Parische verband-huis. 16°. Amst.. 1691, 239-306. ------. Set; also: (Jalex (C.) Galeni in Hippocratem de fractu- ris, cominentaria, i-iii. Vide Vidio interprete. In: Viuics (V.) Chirurgia e Grueco [etc.]. fol. Lute- ticv Par., 1544, 131-244. ------. The same. Coinmentaire sur le livre des fractures d'Hippocrates, traduict de grec en fiancois. In: Anciens (Les) et renomm6s aucteurs [etc.]. 16°. Lgon. 1555. 353-583. Ibid.: 16°. Paris, 1634, 300-492. Maximim'S Romanus (A.) In Hijipocratis . . . libruin de fracturis cominentaria. 4°. Roma3, 1776. Ilepi apdpuv {De articulationibus). Apoei.omes Citiexsis. Apollonius vou Ki- tiiim : Illustriei ter Kommentar zu der hippo- krateisclien Sell lift \hp) iiptipuv, hrsg. von Her- mann Scheme. 4 . Leipzig, ls(J6. Hi ppotiates- continued. Cai.kn \(\) (ialeni in Hippocratem de arli- culis, conimentaria i—iv. Vido \'i«li<> interprete. In : VllMl s (V.) Chiriirj'ia eCneci) [etc.]. fol. Lute- fur Par., 1514, 215-342. ------. The same. Coinmentaire sur le livre des articles d'Hippocrates, traduict de grec en francois. In: Axciexs (Les) et renommes aucteurs [etc.]. 16°. Lyon, 1555, 58:i-918. Ibid.: 16°. Parts, 1634, 493-772. Tlepl apxaigq ir/TpiKfjc {De reteri medicina). ------. Liber de veteri medicina, Jano Cornario interprete. In Iris: Libelli aliquot, sm. 4°. Basilece, [1543], 18-41. ------. Verhandeling angaande de oorzaak der ziekten, ende de oiule geneeskonst. In: Massakd (J.) Verscheide verhandelingen |etc.]. 16°. Amst., 1687, 113-132. ------. See, also: Poktius (L. A.) In Hippocratis libruin de veteri medicina paraphrasis; accedit ejusdem dissertatio logica. 1"2°. [I'llrajecti, 1703.] tex Kiiijne (W.) Aleditationes in Magni Hippocratis textuni xxiv. de veteri medicina, quibus traduntur brevis -nvevuaToAoyia succineta pc7o'/n]io, intercalaris xupo?ioyla [etc.]. 16°. Lugd. Bat., Iiu2. Sciioknfeld (G.) * Diss, sistens meditationes de medico vehementer laudari digno ad dnctuiu Hippocratis de veteri medicina § xvi. 4C. Halce Magdeb., [17:!.")]. Ilepi yovf/c {De genitnra). ------. Livre de la geniture de I'honime, traduict de grec et, mis en francois par Guillaunie Chres- tian. pp. 63-(.!6. 2Y-. Pans, G. Morel, 1 r>r>i». Also, in: Sylvius (J.) Livre de la generation [etc.]. 16°. Paris, 1559, 01-96. Ilepi yvvaiKeiuv {De morbis muliclriim). Cokd/Ees (M.) Comnientarii in libruin prio- rem Hippocratis Coi de muliebribus. In: GYNiEClORUM [etc. |. sm. 4°. Basilece, 1586, iii, 1- 514. Ibid.: fol. Argentina', 1597, 492-744. Fraendoukfeu (P.) Opusculum (le morbis mulieiuni, ad mentein receutiorum constructuni, et pluribus selectioribusquo Hippocratis textibus munituni. 16°. Xorimbergw, 1696. Ilepi diairng {De diala). GESNER (J. M.) irvxai 'I-n-oKpdrovc ex libro i. de dia*ta in Academia Georgia Augusta ef atiov te to tpuc Tvpoi/yperai ac disputatue a. Jo. Ma-tthia Gesuero et Carole Philippo I. M. F. Gesnero. 4°. Gottingai, [1737]. Ba-oscltx (C.) Commentaire de ,T.-B. Van Helmont sur le pr.mier livre du regime d'Hippocrate: Ilepi Sicu'tjjs. Ann. Soc. de med. d'Anvers, 1849, x, 497-530. Also, Reprint. Tlepi dia'ngq bi-'euv {De victus ralione in morbis acutis). ------. Incipit liber de regimine acutorum nior- borum Hyppocratis. In: JoANN'inrs. Incipiunt isagogie. fol. Venetiis, 1487, ff. 75"-119. ------. Liber regiminis acutorum continens qna- tuor particulas. In: Akticella. In hoc praiclaro libro [etc.]. fol. Venetiis, 1487, ff. 75l'-1191'. Ibid.: fol. Venetiis. 1493, pt. 2., ff. 66-1041'. Ibid.: fol. Venetiis, 1513, p. 2., ff. 66-104h. Also, in: Akticella imperrime impressa. 12°. Lugduni, 1515. tf. 49-61. Ibid.: 12°. Lugduni. 1519, ff. 51-63. Ibid.: 12-. Lugduni, 1525. ff. 46-57b. Ibid.: 12°. Lug- duni, 1534, ff. 46-57. ------. Y~77oi9 HIPPOCRATES. ip por rates—continued. ---. See. also: Gai.ex (C.) In librum Hippocratis, de victus ratione in morbis acutis, coinnientarii quatuor a Joanne Vatt'eo Meldensi Latinilate donati. fol. Basilea; 1,">33. ------. Tlie same. 2Y . Venetiis, l.">37. ------. Galeni de ratione victus Hippocratis, in morbis acutis, liber; Joanne Caio interprete. In: Cars (J.) Opera aliquot [etc.]. 16\ Loranii, 1556, 293-328. Lokuy (A.-C.) Sur les aliinens, pour servir de coinmentaire aux livres dietetiques d'Hippo- crate. -2 v. 1*2°. Paris, 17M-7. -------. The same. Saggio sopra gli alimenti per serviie di coininentario ai libri dietetici d' Ipp..crate. 2 v. - . J e e:ia, 17-7. Scuxrrr.K.u iE.) Leber Hippokrates und de>sen Heilvei lahren bei acuten Krankheiten. c* . Wiir:burg, 1-66. de Tlei-iy (F.-C.-F.) Analyse du regime dans les maladies ainues. In: Hippocrates. Traites [etc.], 16°, Par., l-is. 1-25. -----. Notes sur le trait6 du regime. Ibid.. 255-270. Tiepi diairr/c v}tetvrjc (De salubri victus ratione). Hippocratis tie salubri victu libellus cum conimeiitario tialeni, Hennauuo Ci us. rio Caui- pensi intei pr.-te. In: (Ialex (C.l In libruin Hippocratis de uatura hu- mana lommentarius. 24D. |[VenetiU. 1587], 161-206. -----. De salubri diieta incerti autlioris liber Hippocratis quondam false ads.-riptus. Jano Cornario interprete. In: Schola Saleinitana. 24;>. Roterodami, 1667,433-440. For other editions ..I this work, see Polybilio. to whom it has also been attributed. Tlepl e'/Kuv {De uleerihus). -----. De uleerihus; Vido Vidio interprete, cum ejusdem Vitlii coininentario. In: Vidius (V.) Chirurgia e tlneco [etc.]. fol. Lute- tice Par., 1544. 1-46. -----. Des uleeres et playes. traduict de grec en francois. In : Akciens . Lesi et reiioniines aucteurs [etc.]. 16°. Lyon. 1555, 7-129. Ibid.: 16'-. Paris. 1631. 1-123. Tlepl ivvnvtuv {De iusomniis). De iiisoinniis. In: Contkma iu hoc volumine. fo'. Venetiis. 1497, ff. 157-15-'. AUo. in: Hoc in volumine |etc], loi. Ve- ni-tiis. 150S. l5''-47. -----. Liber de insonniiis. In: A imichi.la niiiierrime ini]iressa [etc.J. 12°. Log. diini. 1515. ff. 8.7'-s7. Ibid.: \2'->. Lugduni, 1519, If. 91-93. Ibid.: 12 Luqduni. 1525, ff. s3-85. Ibid.: 12^. Luqduni 15:4, ff. s';-85. Hip]iocratis liber de soinniis cum Julii Casnis SealiLteri conimentariis. 6 p. ]., 96 pp. mil -4'-. Liigtlununi, S. Gryphius, 1">'.'>9. -----. De iiisoinniis liber. In: Fekkerii.>(A.) LiherdesomniiH. 32J. Lugduni, 15-19. 81-105. -----. Sie. also: Colle (■).) De cognitu difficilibus in praxi ex libello Hippocratis tie iusomniis, et ex libris Avenzoaris per cominentaria et sentcntias dilu- citbtav 4°. Venetiis. 1628. S( aligei; (J. C.j In librum de iusomniis Hippocratis coininentarius. 163. Amstela'dami, 1(>:>9. Ilepi ETVTafx-rjvov {De septimestri partu). -. Libellus Hipp, irepl i-T. Antrerpiie. 156*. pt. 2, 1-74. HipporraK'S—continued. -------. See. also: Cakdaxes (H.) In librum tie septimestri partu Hippocratis cominentarius In his: In Hippocratis Coi prognostica. fol. Basilete, 1568. 632-715. Takiw {('.) In libellos Hippocratis de septi- mestri el oetiinosiri partu, coinnientarii (piibus nniversa partunni doctriiia propriis nitionibns demonstralur. 1 . Parisiis, 16f>l. ------. The same. Quibus nniversa partuin doctriiia propriis rationibus denionstratur. 1J. Paris, 1651. Thillek (D. \V.) [Pr ] pnemissa exercita- tioue medieo-critica ad einendanduin obscurissi- niuni hactenus et eorruptissiinuin quentlam Hip- pocratis locum ex libro de septimestri partu de- suinptuni. I . [Wittebergie, 177:2.] Tlepl evexvaoavvne {De decenti or nat it). ------. Liber de decenti ornatu, Jano Cornario interprete. In his: Libelli aliquot, sin. 4°. Basilece, [1543], 49-56. See. also: Matthi.e (<;.) * De habitu inedicime ad religionem secundum Hippocratem Tlepl ei'ax'ipooiivgQ t. vi, 2 seqq. Lind. dissertatio epis- t.dica. sui. 4°. Gottingo?, [1739]. Tlepl inrp'tov {De medico). -----. Liber de medico, Jano Cornario inter- prete. In his.■ Libelli aliquot, sm. 4°. Basilece. [1543J, 41-48. -----. See. also: Sell in I x. .().) Hippokratovsky spis o l£kafi. [Hip- pocrates s w.n-U on the phvsician"(with Bohemian trans- lation).] Casop. lek. cesk'., v Praze, 1901, xl, 43-46. Tiepi Kapding {De corde). Xarihi's ( J. ) In librum Hippocratis de corde. In his: Xoctes geniales. sm.4°. Bononice, 1656, 086-748. Tiepi Kpioipuv {De diebus criticis). -----. '[--ciKparovg nepl Kptaiuur. Des jours cri- tiques d'Hippocrate. Inhis: £pidemies [etc.]. 16°. Paris, 1815, 346-365. Tiepi Kpiaiuv {De crisibus). 'l--t>KpdTovg tts pi Kpiaiuv. Des crises d'Hippocrate. Inhis: fi|.idemic8 [etc.]. 16°. Paris, 1815, 310-345. See, also: •It' Mercy (F.-C.-F.) Sur les crises, la coctiiui. et l'o- rigiue de la contagion. In ■ Hippocrates. Epidemics [etc.]. 16°. Paris. 1815, 283-30!). tiepi oiptog {De visa). -----. 'ltrTTOKpdriicr rrrpi oij'/oc. Hippoeratc de la vision. Par.I. Sichel. Hxtiait du tome ix des (1'iivres d'Hippocrate de M. K. Littre\ :19 pp. 8^. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere A fils, i860. [P., v. 1410.] Hep] vo'vnuv {De morbis). Divr.iisrs (P. S.) Comnientaria in Hippo- cratis libros tpiatuor de morbis liiculentissinia; (piibus non solum difncillima artis medica) capita explicantur. set! Hippocratis quoqne obseuriora ioca t|uaniplurima ita enarrantur. fol. Frauco- furti, HH12. ------. The same. Commentaria liiculentis- sinia in Hippocratis Coi, niedicoruin patris, de quasitis universalibus ad niedicinam spectanti- bus, sive de morbis libros iv; in quilus author HIPPOCRATES. 160 HIPPOCRATES. Hippocrates—continued. quasi manuductiouein niedicain proponit ad ea>- tera Hippocratis et Ualeni scripta turn recte intelligenda tuni rite explicanda. fol. Franco- fordiiv, 1612. ------. The same. Commentaria in Hippo- I cratis libros quatuor de morbis luculentissinia. fol. Francofnrii, 1646. I'oiniiicr , I'.) Note sur un passage d'Hippocrate, du livre 2me des Maladies. X" 8 et 25. In his: *Sur la dysen- teric |etc.j, 1 -. Tar., an XII [1804], 36-38. j Tiepi napdeviuv {De morbis rirginum). Doxaties (J. B.) Rei medica* studio stipen- diuni quintum. Commentaria in magni Hippo- cratis Coi librum de morbis virginum. Inhis: Rei medicse stipendia sex. 16°. Francofurdi, 1591, 211-245. Tiepi ipappdKuv {De remediispurgantibus). ------. De phannaciis libellus. In: Rhazes. [Tractatus x.] fol. Atediolani, 1481, sig. HI. ------. De farmaciis libellus. In: Contenta in hoc volumine. fol. Venetiis. 1497, f. 156b. ------. Liber de farmaciis. In: Hoc in volumine [etc.]. fol. Venetiis, 1508, f. 45. ------. De phnrmaciis libellus. In: Akticella nuperrime impressa [etc.]. 12°. Lug- dnni, 1515, f. 85. Ibid. : 12°. Luqduni. 1519, f. 90b. Ibid.: 12°. Lugduni, 1525, f. 82b. Ibid.: 123. Lugduni. 1534. f. 82". ------. Hippocratis Coi de medicaimntis purga- toriis libellus, nunquam prius tempesiate nostra in luceni teditus, ab Jun. Paulo Crasso conversus. In: Tueophilis Protospatharius (S.) lie corporis hu- mani fahrica [etc.]. 24°. Venetiis. 1537. 111-114. ------. Libellus Hipp, de inedicaiueutis purgan- tibus; interprete Ferdinando Mena. In: Mena(F.) Methodus fehriuin. 8°. Antrerpiee. 1568. 75-110. ------. 'l~~oKi>a~ovg we pi ~t~n> ibapgaKuv Ka6aip6v~uv. Hippocratis de phannaciis purgantibus libellus. Ex Cuiaciano cod. a K. P. S. I. exscriptus hac- tenus in plerisque Hippocratis editionibus de- sideratus. Fed. Morellus . . . Latine vertit et notis illustravit. Aeeessit Galeni corollarium hactenus inedituni e Bibliotheca Regis, eodem interprete. 6(1 pp. 24 '. Luietitv, apud F. Mo- rellum, 1617. ------. 'lTTTTOKparovg -Kepi (pappaKuv. Traite d'Hip- pocrate des purnatifs. In: Hippocrates. Traites . . . du regime [etc.]. 16°. Paris. 1818, 278-295. Set-, also, tie :VI« icy (F.-C.-F.) Analyse du trait6 des purgatifs. In: Hippocrates. Trait6s ... du regime [etc.]. j HP. Fin is. 1818, 271-277. -----. Reflexions sur l'origine de ces traites [etc.]: [De l'usagedes purgatifs etde 1'ellehore.] Ibid., 297-300. | Tiepi voiog dvOpurrov {De natura humana). ------. De humana natura vel de dementis liber. In: Rhazes. [Tractatus x.]. fol. Mediolani, 1481 sig. 1Il--ti2. ------. De humana natura vel de dementis liber. In: Coxtexta in hoc volumine [etc.]. fol. Venetiis, 1497, f. 153. ------. Liber de dementis sive de humana i natura. In: Hoc in vobiinine [etc.]. fol. Venetiis. 1508, f. 42. ------. De humana natura vel de dementis liber. In: Articella nuperrime impressa |etc.]. 12 D. Luq- duni. 1515. ff. 78--0. Ibid.: 123. Lugduni, 1519. tf. 83-85. Ibid: 12°. Luqduni, 1525, ff. 75-77. Ibid.: 12°. Lug- duni, 1534, tf. 75-77. .------. De natura hominis, ah Andrea Brentio Patavino versus. . In: Gai.en (C ) De sectis medicorum [etc.]. 8°. Pa- risiis, 1518, sig. dmi, ff. 28-31'1. Hippocrates—continued. ----. De natura hominis, liber Grace et La- tine. Acce.-serunt Blasii Hollerii commentaria, jam primum recognita et acuta. Item alite docti cujusdam viii annotationes, in eundein. 111.") pp., 6 1. 1.6°. Basilea', per J. Oporinum, ir>6-,>. ----. See. also: Galen (C.) In librum Hippocratis de natura humana coinnieutarius, Herinanno Crnserio Cainpeiisi interprete. 24°. [ Venetiis, 15:17.] ------. In Hippocratis librum de natura hominis commentarius, Joanne Guinterio Ander- naco interprete. Accesserunt Jaeobi Sylvii me- dici scholia niultoqiiain prius locnpletiora. 16c. Lugduni, 154(J. ------. The same. 2Y. Lugduni, 15515. Paparella (S.) In Hippocratis librum de natura humana commentarii duo. In his: Opera omnia, fol. Maceratce, 1582, 7-119. Qukkcetaxi'S (E.) Acroamaton in libruin Hippocratis de natura hominis commentaria nuns. 16°. Basilea!, [1549]. Saldus (J. F.) Artis medica* liber primus, in quo ex Hipp, de natura humana, ea quie ad cog- nitionem siibjecti medicinae faciunt accurate tractautur. 8°. Genuie, lV-,28. Tiepi (pvciog -naidiov {De natura fictus). ----. Incipit liber Hyppocratis de natura pue- rorum vel de natura fetus ant de natura eni- bryonis. 7ji: Joannitius. Incipiunt isagogie, [etc.]. fol. Vene- tiis. 1487, sig. U4b-sig. u6". -----. De natura pueroruin vel de natura Ictus. In: A micella. In hoc pra'claro libro [etc.], fol. Venetiis. 1487, tf. 152b-154'\ Ibid.: fol. Venetiis. 1493, pt. 2.. ff. 134b-136b. Ibid.: Venetiis, 1513, pt. 2.. ff 134b- 136b. Also, in: Articella nuperrime impressa [etc], 12°. Luqduni. 1515. ff. 67-721'. Ibid.: 12°. Luqduiii. 1519, ff. 70b-75''. Ibid.: 12°. Luqduni, 1525, ff. 63MI9b. Ibid.: 1.2°. Lwjdun; 1534, 63b-691\ -----. De la nature de l'enfant au ventre de la mere, traduict de giee et latin en francois, par Guillauine Chiestian. Avec une preface de l'iiitcrpr6teur, sur le diet livre. Traicte ties utile a touts ceulx qui sunt studieux des nier- veilleux secrets de philosophie uaturclle, et d'une partie de m^decine physiologiqne. 5*-' pp. 16°. Reims, X. Bacquenois, 1553. -----. See, also: del Gakbo (D.) Scriptum Dini super libro de natura fetus Hypo. In: Jacobus Forliviensis. Expositio [etc.]. fol. Ve- netiis, 1502, 45-89. Tlepl avpiyyuv {De fistulis). -----. De fistulis, Vido Vidio interprete, cum ejusdem Yidii coininentario. ' In: Vidius (V.) Chirurgia e Gneco |etc.]. fol. Lute- tiee Par.. 1544, 47-60. -----. De fistulis, traduict de grec eu fraucoys. In: Anciens (Les) et renommes aucteurs [etc.]. 16°. Lyon, 1555, 130-168. Ibid. : 16°. Paris. 1634, 108-139. Tiepi TExvng {Dc arte). -----. Liber de arte, Jano Cornario interprete. In his: Libelli aliquot, sm. 4°. Basilece, [1543], 5-17. -----. See, also: Laxuguth (G. A.) [Pr.] de paradoxo Hippo- cratico ad libr. de arte, v. 20 pauca prafatns. 4-. Wittenbergie, 1754. Ilepi tuv iv KeipaAy rpupdruv {De vulneribus capitis). ------. De vulneribus capitis, Vido Vidio inter- prete, cum ejusdem Vidii commentario. In: ViuiusfV.) Chirurgia eGra*eo [etc.]. fol. Lutetict Par., 1544, 61-130. HIPPOCRATES. 161 HIPPOCRATES. Hippocrates—continued. ------. Des playes de la teste. In: Axciexs (Les) et renoium^s aucteurs [etc.]. 16°. Lnon. 1555, 169-352. Ibid.: UP. -Pans. 1634, 140-299. ------. Hippocrates van die wooden des hoofts, uu cerst uytteu Latyne overgheset in' t Neder- duytsch, door Peter Hassardus. Met een korte verklaringe door den selven P. Hassardus. 71pp., 3 1. lv}0. V Ainstelredam, 16:14. Bound with : I'atiis (C.) Uant-boeck der chiruryyen [etc.]. V2J. f Amst., 1634. ------. The same. 71 pp., 3 1. Ill . /' Amster- dam, J. van Ravtsteyn, 165:>. Bound with: Batti's (C.) Uant-boeck der cliiriirgveii [etc.]. 16c. f Amst., 1653. ------. See, also : Auaxzi ((}. C.) In Hippocratis librum de vulneribus capitis coninientaiius brevis. Ex . . . lectionibus collectus per CI. Porraliuin. una cum ejusdem aunotatiuiiculis marginalibus. 12°. Lugd. Bat, 15S0. ------. The same. 16-'. Lugd. Bat., 1664. Cortk.su-s (J. B.) Tractatus de vulneribus capitis iu quo omnia, quie ail coguitionem, cura- tioneinque hesionuni calvaruc attinent, accurate considerantur, et singula, qua* ab Hippocrate tradita sunt in libro Tiepi tuv rpavparuv ti~c Keipalijg, uberrimis comnientariis illustrantur. cJ. Mes- sana; 163->. Fallopus (G.) In libruin Hippocratis de vulneribus capitis expositio, Petri Angeli Agathi opera atque diligentia edita. In his: Opuscula tria. 4:. Venetiis, 1569, 97-180. Jolikt (C.-M.) * Doctrines des anciens sur les plaies de tete, extraitc des livres d'Hippocrate. 4-. Paris, 1811. Containing a translation of: De vulneribus capitis. Parma (H.) Praxis chirurgica. iu qua onines operationes ex usu artis ad caput spectantes, dilucide et exquisite ad meutem Hippocratem describuntur, nee non et- ejiisdemmet Hippocra- tis libellus de capitis vulneribus comnientariis illustratur. 16-. Venetiis. li)ti*. Petrequix (J.-P.-E.) Etudes nouvdles sur la cbirurgie d'Hippocrate, et spdcialemeut snr le traite' des plaies de tete; ou l'ou rectifie l'inter- pr^tation de plusieurs chapitres. In his: Melanges de chir. roy. 8°. Paris. IsTii 173- 187. Hepi To-i.n- tuv Kar' dvOpunov {De locis in homine). 1 Rabe (J. C.) * De fortnna medica ad Hip- pocrat. de loc. in bom. text, lviii. sub fin. 4 . Helmstadii, 1122. Tiepi rpoof/g {De alimento). ------. Liber de alimento, cum (•oiniiientariis Francisci Vallesii Covarruviani. In: Vallks (VALLE8IUS) Covarrubianus (F.) In apho- rismos ... commentaria. 16°. Complute, 1561. ff. 255-3ii4b. ------. See, also : Cardanus (H.) In librum Hippocratis de alimento, commentaria pneleeta dum profitere- tur supraordinariam medicina*. 16°. Roma; 1574. IVardiuM (J.) Locus Hipp, in lib. de alimento expen- ditar. In his: Xoctes geniales. 4°. Bononiee, 1656, 326-328. Tlepl xpfjoiog iypuv i De usu liquidorum). Nardil's (A.) Comment, in lib. Hippocratis de usu liquidorum. In his: Xoctes geniales. sm. 4°. Bononitf, 1656, 5-109. Tiepi xvH-uv (&e humoribus). Galen (C.) Galeni in Hippocratis librum de humoribus comnientarii tres. Ejusdem reli- VOL VII, 2D SERIES-----11 Hipporratos—continued. quuui scxti coinnientarii in sextuni de vulgari- bus morbis; itcniquc Septimus, et oetavus' nuper in liicem editi, ac Lat nutate donati, Jo. Bap- lista Kasario interprete. 16°. Venetiis, 156:2. Ki'iix (C. (}.) [Pr.] inest specimen commen- tariorum Galeni in Hippocratis librum de hu- moribus, nonduni Gricce edituin. 4°. Lipsia; 18\9. lthi}vi,iaT/i,tni {Prognostica, Prienotiones). ------. Liber pronostieoruin divini llypocratis incipit. In: JoAXMTIUs. Incipiiint, isagogie. fol. Venetiis, US7. ff. 47-75'. ------. Liber pronostieornni ejusdem divisus in tres partieulas. In: AUTKEU.A. In hoc prieclaro libro [etc.]. fol. Ve- netiis, 1487, tf. 47-75. 1 bid. : fol. Venetiis, 1403, ft'. 40-65h. Ibid.: fol. Venetiis, 1513, pt. 2, ff. 40-651'. AUo, in: An- ticei.la nuperrime impressa [etc |. 12°. Lugduni, 1515, ff. 18>'-2:1. Ibid.: 12°. Luqduni, 1519, ff. 19-24. Ibid.: 12°. Lugduni, 1525, ff. 17-21''. Ibid.: 12°. Lugduni, 1534, ff. 17-21". ------. Hippocratis Coi pnesagiorum libri tres. Guilielmo Copo JJasiliensi interprete. 15 ff. 16°. Parisiis. apud J. Bogardum, 154:5. Another cojn/. bound ieith his: Aph. risnii. 16°. Pari- siis, 1542. ------. TlpoyvuoTiKur B.fj'/ot T. Prognosticoruin Hippocratis Coi libri ties, cum Claudii Galeni tribns in eodeni coiuuientariis, Laurentio Lau- rentiano interprete. 7 p. 1., 87 If. 16°. Pari- siis, J. Bogardum, 1543. Bound ivith his: Aphorismi. 16°. Parisiis, 1542. ------. Pnesagioruin libri tres. '.\98 pp., 7 1. 24-. Lugduni, apud G. Ronillinm, 155*2. ------. Le livre des presages. [Traduit par Jean Canaphe.] In: OPU6C. de divers autheurs med. 32°. Lyon, 1552, 493-539. ------. Hippocratis Coi prolegomena et proguos- Ticorum libri ties cum paraphrastica versione et brevibus conimentariis JohannisHeurnii. 5 p. 1., 285 pp., 4 1. 1*2U. Lugd. Bat., ex off. Plantiana, apud F. Rapheleng'ium, 1593. Boioid with: Ueuunhs (J.) In Hippocratis Coi de ho- minis natura [etc.]. 12°. Lugd. Bat., 1609. ------. The presages of divine Hippocrates di- vided into three parts; with the protestation or oath which Hippocrates caused his scholle s ;o make at their entrie with him to their studies. The whole collected and translated bv Peter Lowe. 16 1. 6-. London, T. Purfoot, hill. Bound with: Lowe (Peter). A discourse of the whole art [etc.], 8J. London, 1612. ------. Hippocrates Coiis van de voorkeiiningcn der ziekten. Drie boeken. Agtervolgens hot Griex en Latijn, naa de uitgeeving van llemi- cus Blacvodcus. In bet Neerlands vertaald door Henricus Buy/en. 58 pp., '.I 1. 16 . Haarlem, W. van Kcsse'l, 1714. Bound with: Sydenham (T.) Hrevis morhos citrandi mcthodus. 16'J. Haarlem, 1714. ------. The same. 58 pp.. 1 I. 16°. VAmster- dam, I. Spaan, 1741. Hound wiih: Sydenham (T.) Hrevis morhos curandi mcthodus. 16°. V Amsterdam, 1741. ------. Pronostiques et prorrhdtique. 1. Aver tons les passages paralldes; traduits par Le- febvre- Villebrune. v} p. ]., 5-171? pp. 24°. Paris, '/'. Barrois lejeune, an III [17(.»5]. ------. Prognostics et prorrheJiqued'Hippocrate; traduits sur le texte grec, d'apres la collation des inanuscrits "de la Bibliotheqne imperiale, avec une dissertation sur ces manuscrits et les variantes, par M. de Mercy. x]ix, 451 pp. 16°. Paris, Crochard, 18P5. AUo [Kev.|, in: J. g6n. de nied., chir. et pharm., Par.. 1813, xlviii. 173-179 (Bosquillon). Also, Reprint. HIPPOCRATES. 162 HIPPOCRATES. Hippocrates—continued. -----. Prognosricafio Ypocratis. Von den bo- sen platern, was die betiitens in ainet sucht. Und vii giirer lere nnd regel zu der sucht. Und obain menscli sterben sol das nierck. Von dem adcrlasseii und \va oder wenn der Menscli lassen sol, und das pliit zu erkennen von den vier Llementen, und von der natur" oder com- plexion der menschen. Und von den vier lass- man [etc.]. 61. sm. 4-'. [n. p., n, d.~] -------. See, also: Bosquillon (E. F. M.) Notie et einenda- tiones in Hippocratis prienotiones. In: HllTOCRATES. 'l7T7roKpaTOvs a^opicr^oi. 24°. Par., 1784, 137-194. Cakdaxis (H.) Iii Hippocratis Coi prog- nostica . . . atque cfiain in Galeni prognosfi- coruin expositionem, coniinentarii absolutissimi. fol. Basilcw, 1568. EitASTts (T.)' Explicationes in lib. i, 2. prog- nosticoruin Hippocratis. In his: Varia opnscula. fol. Franco/, ad 21., ]f>90, 139-174. KPhlew kin (H.) De prognostici Hippocra- tici libris manuscript-is. sc. Nordhansen, 1*H>. Sponii's (C.) Sibylla medica: Hippocratis libellum prognosticon, heroieo carmine latine expriniens. 8°. Lugduni, 1661. Stkpiianus Atheniatsis. 'Egtjynotc elg to Trpoy- vootik6v tov 'IniroKpa-ovg. Stephani philosophi expositio in prognosticum Hippocratis. P2--'. [n. p., n. ti.] Also, in: Apolloxils CiriENBis [et al.]. Scholia in Hippocratem [etc.). 8°. Regimonti Pr., 1834, i, 51-232. Victorius Faventinus (B.) In Hippocratis prognostic:! comnientarii. fol. Florentite, 1551 Tlpop'prjTLKov {Prcvdictiones). -------. Prorrhctique i, ou predictions sur les signes des maladies aigues. Inhis: Prouostiques [etc.J. 24°. Paris, an III(IT.Kp, 93-173. -------. TlpoppT/rcKov. Prorrbdiques. In his: Prognostics [etc.]. 16°. Paris, 1813,112-373. Capsula eburnea. ------. [Prognostica Ypocratis qui fuerunt in- venta in suo sepulero in capsula eburnea.] In: Janus Damascenes. Aphorismi [etc.]. sm. 4°. Bononie, 1489, si;;, cvii-eviii. ------. Liber pronostieornni Hypocratis dictus cai>sula eburnea. In: Content a in hoc volumine fete.], fol. Venetiis 14117. f. 153. ------. Liber qui dicitur capsula eburnea Ipocra- lis. In: Hoc iu volumine [etc.J. fol. Venetiis, 1508, f. 41b. ------. Liber Hippocratis dictus capsula eburnea qui iu ejus sepulero inventus fertirr. In: Articella nuperrime impressa [etc.]. 12°. Lug- duni, 1515, ff. S7-88. Ibid.: 12°. Luqduni. l.")19, ff. 82-83. Ibid.: 12°. Lugduni, 1525, ff. 74-75. Ibid.: 12°. Luq- duni, 1534, ff. 74-75. De medicorum astrologia. — —. Libellus de niedicorum astrologia, a Pie- iro de Abano in Latinum traduetns. In: Opusculum repertorii pronosticon fetc.l. sm. 4° VenetiU, 1485, ff. 45M9. ------. Libellus de esse egrorum secundum lu- naui existentium ac dispositiones. In: (ontenta in hoc volumine. fol. Venetiis, 1497 ff 15lb-153. ------. Liber proguosticationis secundum liinam in signiset aspecta planetarum Ipocratis. In: Hoc iu volumine [etc.l. fol. Venetiis, 1508 ff 39M1". Hippocrates—continued. ------. Prognostica secundum lunani. [De esse egrorum secundum lunani existentiam ac dispo- sitionem.] In: ARTICELLA nuperrime.impressa [etc.]. 12°. Luq- duni. 1515, ff. 73b-77. Ibid.: 12°. Lugduni, 1 ."> 1 !>. ff. 77h- 81b. Ibid.: 12°. Lugduni, 1525. ff. 7u''-75. Ibid.: 1"° Lugduni, 1534, tf. 70b-75. ------. Astronoinia Hipocratis de infi.mitatibus. In: Mac.xixi Mediolanensis. Regimen sanitatis. sm. 4°. Lugduni, 1517, ff. 62-64". Ibid.: 4°. [n. p., n. d.] ff. 89b-93b. ------. De significatione mortis et vitue, secun- dum motuin lume, et tisjiectus planetarum, Guli- deolo Mordieo interprete Prisco. In : Gaxivetus (J.) Amicus medicornm. 24-. Lug- duni, 1550, 551-585. Also, in: Bovio (Z. T.) Jlelampigo [etc.]. sin.4°. Verona, 1595, ff. Sli-ilO. AUo, in his: Opere [etc.]. 16°. Venetia, 1626, 340-351. Secrela. -------. Pronosticoruuf liber qui dicitur liber se- cretoruin. In: CONTENTA in hoc volumine [etc.]. fol. Venetiis, 1497. f. 151. Also, in: Hoc in volumine [etc.]. fol. Vene- tiis. 150S, f. 39b. -------. Liber secretornni. In: Akticella nuperrime impressa [etc.]. 12°. Lug- duni, 1515, ff. 72"-73b. Ibid.: 12°. Lugduni, 1519, f. 77. Ibid.: 12°. Luqduni. 1525, ff. 69b-70b. ibid.: 12°. Lug- duni, 1534. ff. li!»l'-701'. -------. Secrela Hippocratis feliciter incipiunt. In: Maoxini Mediolanensis. Regimen sanitatis. sm. 4° Lugduni, 1517, f. 84. Ibid.: sm. 4°. [n. p., n. d.], IV. COMMENTARIES UPON THE DOCTRINES AND TEACHINGS OF HIPPOCRATES. Baldingkr (E. G.) Selecta doctormn viro- rum opnscula in quibus Hippocrates explicating denuo edit a. l-2°. Gottingir, 17.—2. Ballonius (G.) Consiliorum niedicinaliiim libri ii . . . In quo pleraque continentur qiue et ad niorborum coguitionem eorumdemqne cu- rationem propositis exemplis et obsciirormn Hippocrates locorum infelligentiam pertine- bunf. 4 -'. Parisiis. 1635-6. ------. Definitionem medicaruni liber, in quo . . . loci Hippocratis et Galeni ol scuri expli- cantur, ut coniinentarii ad instar esse possit. 4°. Parisiis. 1639. ------. De virginuni et nmlierum morbis liber. In quo niulta, ad mentem Hippocratis ex])licantur, qua* et ad cognoscendum et ad me- dendum peitinebiint. 4°. Parisiis. 1643. ------. The same. 4°. Venetiis, 1736. Havli; (F.) Tractatus de apoplexia . . . Ex d.ictrina Hippocratis. 16°. Tolosce, 1677. ------. The same. Ed. seeunda einendata. '24°. Hagee-Comitis. 167H. Bknei>i6. Chacvet ([J.-A.-]E.) Memoiro sur la philo- sophie d'Hippoerate. S-\ Paris, 1S56. Coxkadi (.1. W. U.) Ueber die von Hippo- krates o. sehilderten Eicber mit Eiicksicht auf Littn's Meinung vou denselben. 4. Gbttingen, 1-11. Ii'e/ie from: Ablianrtl. d. kiinigl. Gesellsch. tl. Wis- scum-Ii. zu Cottiujuen, 1844, ii. [Crs.-vc t,L.)] Reflexions sur la theorie et la pratique d'Hippocrate et de Galien: avec la me- thode de guerir les malades par les voves de transpiration et de l'cvaeuation. 2. ed. Kb. Paris, 169:'.. Dkchai'X (P.M.) La saio-nee d'Hippocrate. 12-. Paris, 1--6. Deuex (F. H.) De ratione medicina* Hippo- craticte. 4°. Lipsiu, [1-:>!']. De Rexzi (S.) Delia storia della medicina e delle dottrine tl' Ippocrate. rov. S-. Niqwli, Ermerixs (F. Z.) * De Hippocralis doctrina a prognostic!* oriunda. -Y. Lugd. Bat., lsc>-2. Febkibus (De) liber, ex conimentariis Joan. Marinelli iu lib. Hip. In: Feiirihi > (De) opus sane aureuiu [etc.|. fol. Ve- netiis. 157(1. ff. 1-8. Fontaxi'S (G.) De veritate Hippocratica? mediciua* nriuissiinis lationuin et experimeuto- runi niomentis stabilita et denionstrata. 4". Lugduni, 16.")7. FnuiKE (H. W.) ' De tabescentibus ad uares ducenda iiuxione. Super locis nonnullis Hippo- cratis. sm. 4C. Gottinga; [1756]. Fkoklicii (G. L. F. .I.J De Hippocratis Coi medendi niethodo. 12-. Yratislaviw, \l*2l~\. Gaxdixi (C.) Perquisitiones methodi per quam Hippocrates ad mediciine suinmain poste- ros perventuros eniinciavit. 12-. Finarii, 11*2. vax Gesscuer (D.) Die Wundarzneykuust (bs Hippocrates. Aus dem Holliiudischen iiber- | setzt. --'. Hildburghausen, 1795. Goiil (J. D.) * De Ineniorrboi'dum iuterna- rum motu et ileo hainatite Hippocratis. sm. *. . Hal a- Magdeb., [169-]. i;ur\KR(C. G.) [Pr.J explicatur locus Hip- pocratis de uteri orificio jira-pingui caussa ste- rilitatis probabili. sin. 4 . Jenn; [U90'\. HlLl.KK (J.) * Die Hydrothcrapie des Hippo- krates. ■•*'-'. I'reiburg i. B., 1K>2. Katzsciiies (J.) De gubernandasanitate, se- cundum sex res non naturahs ex Hippocratis et Galeni libris placita qua-.dam desumpta . . .jam reeeus edita. 16^. Franeoforti, 1557. LORDAT (J.) Kappel des ptincipcs doctrinaux de la constitution de riiomme, ('nonces par II ip- pocrate, de~inontres par. Bart hex et developpes }iar son ('-cole, et application de ces v6rites a la thf-orie des maladies. 8'-. Montpellier. in 57. Maii:r (J. C.) Pemone ac impedimenta pur- gitionis, exercifationibus aliquot ex scriptis Hippocratis delecta . . . oft'ert. 4°. [Altor/ii, 1672.] Maxelphcs Ere/anus (J.) Prognostica iu fe- bribus in communi, et ad inentem Hippocratis. 24'-. Roniw, 1623. II i]>|MM'lilies—eonl in lied. ---■—. Tbe same. In hae seeunda editione recognita atque ainpliata. 21°. Ronue, 16-16. Marinello (G.) Coinnientai ia iii libris Hip- pocralis, in quibus niorbi omnes, ebriim(]iie causa*, signa ac curat iones, qua* iu libris Hip. dispersim seribuntur, una eopulaiitur, atque Iractantur. . . fol. Venetiis, 1575. -----. The same. fol. /"niceniiu; 1610. Maktiaxo (P.) Magnus Hippocrates Cons notationibus cxplicatus. Opus desideratum. fol. Roma; 1626. -----. The same. fol. Veneliis, 1652. -----. The same. fol. Pauirii, 1119. M.vssimi (V.) Ippocrate ed Hahnemann, o le due seuole. Studio critieo. 12 . Foligno, l*l'A. Miciic (J.-L.) Doelrine medieale expliqude d'apres les theories enseignees depuis IIippo- iTatejusqti'a Broussais. 8 . Paris, 1*21. Piun.uva (A.) Delia medicina Ippocratica. S°. Milano, 1858. Pet cinotti (V.) Delia sapienza d' I|»pocrate e della necessita di ristabilire la medicina Ippo- cratica in Italia. 2. ed. 12 . Fnligno, 1*'M. R[estai'raxd] {H.) Hippocrate, de l'usage du china-china pour la guerison des lievres. 16-'. Lyon, 1681. -----. The same. Hippocrates de usu chime chinie ad febrinm cnrationein. In: Febris china china. 4°. Ferrarice, 1(187, 89-138. -----. Hippocrates de inustionibus, sive fon- tieulis. Opus historiis medicis refertuin, et in praxi utilissiniuin. 16c. Lugduni, 16-1. Richard de Laprade (J.-J.) Discours sur l'institutioii du me~decin suivant Hippocrate. H-\ Lgon, 1822. Rikdigeuus (J. B.) * Programma de ictero Hippocratis. 4°. Jenae. 1725. Roxsskus (B.) De niagnis Hippocratis lie- nibus, Pliniique stoinaeaee ac sceletyrbe, sen vulgo dicto scorbuto coiiiinenlariolus. 16°. Wi- tebergee. 1585. Also, in his: De hominis primortliis [etc.). 12°. Lo- vanii, 1559, 152-179. Rorarius (X. ) Contradietiones, dubia et paradoxa in libros Hippocratis, Celsi. Galeni, Ai'tii, .Kginetie. Aviceniue, cum earundein cou- siliationibus. 16-'. Venetiis, 1566. ------. The same. Xuper recognitis, casti- gatis, ac nuinero auctis. 12 . Venetiis, 1572. Schramm (F. H.) De morbis adolescentiuni et juvenum Hippocratis. sm. Y . Helmstadii, [1722]. Secer (G.) De Hippocratis orthodoxia in doctriiia de nutritioni Itetus humani in utero. sin. 4 . Basilea; 1666. Skidknsciixur (C. O.) *l)e Hippocratis mc- tliodo alvuin purgaudi. 4 . Lips'w, Ll"*4:>]. Si.EVOtJT (J. H.) [Pr.] de enibryulcia Hippo- cratis. sm. 4W. Jeniv, [17011]. ------. [Pr.] qua orraduv Hippocratis exjien- ditur. 4 . [Jena; 1112.] Soerlancas (M.) T Etude sur 1'Hippocrate : son (cuvre, ses idees sur Tin lection etses nioyens aiifisfptiqucs. 4°. Paris, lwqi. -----. The same, s, . Paris, lt*91. Stahi. (G. I'..) [Pr.] de anoordaeog et ti-ooTt- parog Hippocratis differentia. -P. [Uahv Mag- deb., 1701.] -----. Tlie same, 4 . [Ilala- Magdeb., 1714.] -----. [Pr.] historiain patliologicnin aft'ec- tuuni cum coxaruni dolore symbolizantiuni Hip- pocraticam exhibens. 4°. [ Halie Magdeb., 170H.] -----. The same. 4°. [Halie Magdeb., 1722.] Stextzel (C. G.) [Pr.] Hippocratem fuci non mali male accusatum defendit. 4°. Vitem- bergie, 1745. HIPPOCRATES. 164 HIPPOCKATKS. Hippocrates—continued. STRXTZEL (T. B. ('.) * De Hippocratis studio anatomico singulari. 4°. Vitemberga; [1754]. Sylvius (J.) In Hippocratis elenienta com- mentarins. fol. Parisiis, 154s*. -----. The same. 16°. Parisiis, 1561. -----. De febribus commentarius ex libris aliquot Hippocratis et Galeni parte plurima se- lectns. fol. I'arisiis, 1554. -----. The same. 16°. Venetiis, 1555. -----. Tin; same. 16°. Parisiis, 1561. -----. Viesani cujiisdain caluinniarnm in Hippocratis (Jalenique rem anatomicam de- pulsio. In .- Hexeki s(R) Adversus Jaeobi Sylvii [etc.]. 16°. Venetiis, 1555. 71-134. Titus (J. G.) *De febre lethifera Hippo- cratis. 4°. Hake Magdeb., [1711]. Toerli i [R. ] Fondation de la doctrine Hip- pocratique, ou traites d'Hippocrate, traduits en Irancais . . . ptir M. le chevalier de Mercy, Paris, 1823. [Pev.] 12-. Paris, 1824. Repr. from : Mouitenr, 6 Jan. 1824. Triller (I). W.) Hippocrates atheisnii false aecusatus contra . . . Nieol. Hieron. Gnndlin- gium. 16c. Rudohtadii, 1719. ------. [Pr.] de gibbo ex ncphritide potius quam ex phrenitide orto, ad Hippocratem atque Orel. Aiirelianum illiistrandum et cniendandiim. 1°. [Vitemberga-, 1754.] ------. [Pr.] de scarificatione et ustione ocu- lorum ab Hippocrate descripta. 4°. [ Witte- berga; 1754.] AUo [Abstr.]. in: Weiz (F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Prank/, u. Leipz., 1775, iii, 45-56. ------. [Pr.] de febre miliari, potissimum fuMiiinaruni, priscis medicis Gnecis baud incog- nita, ad qmedam Hippocratis loca illustranda. 4 . [ Wittebcrgce, 1766. ] ------. LPr.] pneinissa exercitatione altera de senilibus morbis diverse modo a Salomone et Hippocrate descrijitis atque inter se comparatis. 4°. [Witteberga; 1771.] ------. [Pr.] de diversa dulcedinis significa- tione ab Hippocrate acute observata. 4°. Wit- teberga.', [1777]. ------. [Pr.] de allnvione alinientaria ab Hippocrate apposite descripta. 4°. [Wit'e- bergu; 1781.] ------. [Pr.] de aptissima lnediciime delini- tione ab ipso Hippocrate sapienter proposita. 4°. [Witteberga:, 11*1.] Trexcoxius (J.) De custodienda puerorum sanitate ante partum, in partu et post partuin. De curandis eorumdem morbis ex Hippocrate*, quousque Caninos dentes emiserint. 4 . Flo- r entice,, 15P3. Wedel (G. W.) [Pr.] de morbo crasso Hip- pocralis. sm. 4°. Jena; 1688. -----. [ Pr. ] de tetragono Hippocratis. sm. 4°. .lenie, 1688. -----. De mazii Hippocratis. Inhis: Excrc. med. pliil. sm. 4°. Jence, 1694, 65-72. -----. [Pr.] de holoconitide Hippocratis. I. A: II. sm. 43. Jence, [1715]. Wehle (E. S.) *De veritate paradoxi Hip pocratici nullam medicinam interdum esse op- timam. sm. 4°. Vitemberga', [1754]. Also, in: Haller. Disp. ad morb. [etc.]. 4° Lau- sanncv, 1760, vii, 22-50. I.. (E.) Les fievres liemiti ices d'Hippocrate. Rev. meil. de l'Afrique du nord, Alger, 1901, iv, 1211-1214__«!«• .Mercy (F.-C.-F.) Precis de la doctrine d'Hippocrate touchant les maladies aigues. In.- Hippocrates. Traites .. .du regime, [etc.|. 16^, Par., 1818. 227-254.—rVardius (J.) Hippocratis normaperpenditur. Inhis : Noctes geniales 4", BononiiE, 1656, 226-232.—Pelicquin (J.-P.-E.) Clii- rurgie d'Hippocrate. Restitution et interpretation d'un chapitre jusqu'iri incompris d'Oribase, eontenant un coinmentaire de Galien sur les luxations du coude d'apres Hippocrates—continued. II ippocrate. In his: Perniers melanges de chir. [etc I S^, l'ar., 1877, 365-381. -----. Cliirurgied'Hippocrate. lie la determination des points de faissclle oh Hippocrate n)i- pliquait le fcr rouge apres les luxations de 1 £paule pour combattre la disposition aux recidives. Ibid.. 391-460.— Kiolnn (J.) fils. Les sciitimens d'Hippocrate sur la doctrine des os tirez de ses eerits. In his : (Em res anat 4°. Par., 1628-9, ii, 334-349.—Troilzky (J. VV.) Hippo- crates als Kiiiderarzt. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 19110, xxix, 223-247. Also, transl.: Ann. de med. et chir. inf Par., 1900, iv, 363; 412; 445; 479. V. BIBLIOGRAPHY, COMPENDILMS, AND INDEXES. Axgf.lucci (T.) Ars medica, ex Hippocratis Galenique thesauris potissimum deprompla ac singulari quodani et perspicuo senleutiaruin online exposta. sm. 4°. Venetiis, V>**. Acker (T.-C.-E.-E.) Institutions d'Hippo- crate, ou expose' philosophique des principes traditionnels de la medecine [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1-Q1. Bariliis (J.) Physiologia humana et patho- logia per tabulas synopticas ex Hippocratis et Galeni genio. fol. Cadomi, 1653. Beckers (N. G.) Florilegiuin Hippocraticum et Galenicuni pnecipua tarn theorica quam practica Hippocratis ac Galeni dogmata conti- nens, lucubrationibus immensis ex eornni volu- minibus smitentiose conciunatain. P2°. Vi- enna; Austria; 1677. BiCAissirs [Bicaise] (H.) Mannale- medico- rum, seu tjvvdgig aphorismoruni Hypocratis, pne- notiouum Coacarum et pnedictionuin, secuu- dum propriam niorborum omnium nonienclatu- ram, alphabetico digesta online. 'A2°. Londim, 1659. -----. The same. De novo recolhctuui, plurimis novis accessionibus auctum, et insigni- oribns Aurelii Cornelli Celsi sententiis locuple- tatuin a Henrico Guyot. 16c. Lutetian Parisio- runi, 1739. Bloxdus [Bioxdo] (M. A.) Ex libris Hyppo- cratis de nova et prisca arte medendi, deque diebus decretoriis epithonue ad honorem Dei, et utilitateni generis humani, lucido perornata* sermone, et clarissimis seuteutiis Hyppocra- tis; nunc primum vigilantibus expositse. 24°. Roma; loll. Boerhaave (H.) Oratio de commendando studio Hippocratico. Ed. altera. 12°. Lugd. Bat., 1709. -----. The same. Ed. tertia. 4°. Lugd. Bat, 1721. Burxet {Sir T.) Hippocrates contractus, in quo magni Hippocratis, medicoruin principis, opera omnia in brevem epitomen summa dili- gentia redacta habentur. 16°. Londini, 1686. -----. The same. 4°. Venetiis, 1733. -----. The same. Ed. nova, diligenter cor- recta. 16°. Argentorati, 1765. Casteli.i (B.) Lexicon niedicum Gneco-La- tinuin ex Hi[ pocrate et Galeno desiimptum. 16°. Messanw, 1598. -----. The tame. 12°. Venetiis, 1642. -----. The same. 12°. Roterodami, 1644. -----. The same. 12°. Rotirodami, 1651. -----. The same. 12°. Roterodami, 1657. -----. The same. 12°. Rotirodami, 1665. -----. The same. 16°. Patarii, 1685. -----. The same. 4°. Patavii, 1755. Coxcioli (O.) Mici studj Ippocratici; let- tera. 8\ Firenze, 1846. Dieterich (J. C.) Iatreum Hippocraticum: continens narthecium medicinae veteris et novie . . . juxta ductnm aphorisniorum Hippocratis ita compositnin ut et aliarnm facultatum stu- tliis queat iuservire. 4°. Ulnw, 1661. HIPPOCKATES. 165 HIPPOCR A TKS. Hippocrates—continued. E.mkricis (>p2>avianus (F.) Medicoruni auxi- lioruin dexter usu*. ad verain Hippocratis et Ga- leni nientein deproniptus. 12". Norimberga; 15:?7. Ermerixs (F. Z.) Continuatio epimetri ad editionem Hippocratis. 4 \ Traj. ad Rhenum, 1-67. Erotiax A: Galex. Lexica duo in Hippocra- tem . . . nniiin, Erotiani, nunqiiam antea cdi- tnni: tilt ruin Galeni, niulto emendatius quam antea excusuin. In: SrEl'HAXl*. Diet. med. am. 8-. [P(tri'*ii'«], 1564, 5-1H-.'. ------, ------ A. Herodou s. (;los*aiia iu Hippocratem ex ieeeu.*ione H. Stephani, tinece et Latine. Acc.sseiunt emeudationes IL Ste- phani, B. Eu*taehii. A. Heringa', etc. Keceu- suit, varietatem lectionis ex mauuscriptis codd. Duvillii et Mosquensi addidit. suasque animad- veisiones atljecit J. G. F. Frauzius. 8\ Lipsio3, 17-0. FtEsirs (A.) (Economia Hippocratis alpha- bet *erie di*tincta. in qua dictionum apud Hip- pocratem omnium pnesertim obscurioruni, usus explicatur [etc.]. fol. Francofurti, 15—. ------. The Mime. fol. Genera; 1662. FoXTAXts (J.) Opera: in quibus nniversa1 artis niedicse secundum Hippocratis et Galeni doctrinaui parte* quatuor libros explieantur. -:. Parisiis, 1612. Fucus (L.) Mcthodus. >eu ratio compendia- ria cognoscendi veram solidainqne nielieinam, ad Hippocratis et Gab ui *.ripta reete intelli- getitla mire ntili* [etc.]. 12-'. Parisiis, 1550. (LARfiA DE Arboi.kya (J.i LYpertorio de I medicina Hipocnitica. --. Cadi:, 1-54. Hfli.wig (J.) 'A'/x,a/5i,roi iciTpiKov, hoc e>t brevis t ifiu* luediciiue Hippocratica* in paucas tabella* redactaj delineatio. fol. Noribergee, 1631. VAX DER Hoevev v C. P. ) Chrestoinathia Hippoi ratica. 12-". Haga'-Comitis, 1*21. Hoy. is Limox (M.) Espiritu del Hipocra- tiMiio en su evoluciou contemporanea; obra e>crita.paraservir de introduccion al Rcp-rtorio universal de medicina Hippocratica. -°. Se- rilla, 1-54. Lange i J. F.) * De eauso Hippocratis et Aretiei. x . Berolini. [1-36]. Lutheritz (K. [C] F.) Hippokrates. Ascb- piades uud Celsu* Sv*t>ine der Medi/.in. 12,J. I Dresden. 1-10. ' -----. The same. 2. wohlfeilere Ausgabe. 8 -. Dresden, 1-1- Maxl'EL de* medecins. ou recueil d'apho- rismes choisis, tires des ouviage* d'Hypocrates et deCelse: recneillis par Guyot et traduit en francois par L. IL 12. Paris. 1754. Marchaxt (P.-C.j Dictionnairc de inc'decine tlogmatiqiie, ou recueil de* principales lnaximes d'Hippocrate, rangees selon l'ordre alphabet i- que des malieres auxquelles dies sont applica- { hie*, [etc]. -"-. Paris, 1-16. Mercerialis (II.) Censura de Hippocratis operibiis. 12°. Basilea; 1584. ------. The same. OiiMira et dispositio operuin Hippocratis. Denuo edita locnpletior atque emendatior. 12-. Francofurdi. 1585. ------. Tlie same. Censura operuin Hippo- crati*. 4~. Venetiis, 1585. de Mercy [F.-C.-F.] Ib-mamle d'exi-cution de la loi du 14 frimaire. an 3, pour le retablisse- j ment d'une chaire d'Hippocrate. fonde'e aux e-colc* de me~decine dc Paris, portce sur le pro- gramme (hs cours et les theses, et reclamation d'encourageineii* pour la continuation de la tra- ' Hippocrates—continued. duction francaise et edition grecque complete des tvuvres d'Hippocrate. 4 . [ Paris, 18-jn. ] ------. Au roi. Considerations sur le rap- port de la Faculte de nieilecine de Paris, pour le maiiitien de la chaire d'Hippocrate, fonde'e aux ecoles dc medeciue. [2 ineinoirs.] 1-. [Paris. 1-20. vel snbseq.'] ------. Demande du r] (R.) Magnus Hippocrates Cans, niedicoruiu omnium facile princeps, redi- vivus. Tomus ntiuins physiologica continens. Ui . Lugduni, 16-**1. Sancassam (D. A.) Dilucida/.ioni fisico- mediche teudeuti a richiamare la medicina pra- tica alia preziosa purita, iu cui ce ia lascio il grande Ippocrate, con altri trattati concernenti a tale iiiiportantissimo argoniento. 4 v. fol. Roma, 1731-8. Sophia ( Tacheir.us. His Hippocrats chyinicus discovering the ancient foundations of the lale viperine salt, with his Clavis thereunto annexed. Transl. by .1. AV. sin. 4 . London, 1677. ------. Antiquissima Hippocratica- niedici- me clavis. 16 . Venetiis, 166P. -----. The same. Ed. tertio. 16 . Lugd. Bat., 1671. ------. Tlie same. llr-. Lutet'uv Parisiorum, 1672. Zwixgkr (J. K.) Speculum IIippoeraticuin, notas et pnesjL'ia inorboruni, nee non varia nie- dendi pnecepta, ex ina^ni Hip])ocratis monu- lnentis, pra-seitini aphoristicis; online alphabe- tico, simulque ad praxin commotio, digesta ob oculos iioncns in usum sacra- gentis A.*elepia- dea* concinnatum. - . Basilea; 1747. Zwiniikr (T.), si. Hippocratis Coi, Ascle- jiiadie gentis sacra* corvpha-i vigiuti duo com- HIPPOCRATES. 166 iiirx. Hippocrates—con i in "ed. meuiarii labulis illustrati: (iiieeus confextus ex fleet iss. codicibus emendatiis, Latina versio Jaui Cornarii iunumeris locis correcfa. fol. Basilea; 157'.I. C'lii■'•■■-<£■«- (La) d'Hippocrate et la Bibliotheqne des nie.le.ins grecs et latins. In: Piitrequin (J.-E.) Der- niers melanges dc cliir. fete], 8°, Par., 1877, 383-390.- Fctlrli iC i Die Hippoeratischen Commentatoren an dei- Iloclisclnilo in Pisa. Janus, Amst., 19U0, v, 101-107.— Finla;«.oii (I.) H'ppocrates: a bibliographical detnon- stratinn in the library of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of lilasirow. (llas-nw M. J., 189.', 'xxxvii, 251- —~ 1. Also. Reprint.—Fiicli* (It.) Die Hippokratisehe Eclitlieitsfiasjeaiif Grund der S.-hrift " Die geschichtliche Entwickclunjr der sogenannten Hippokratisohen Medeein im Lichle der nenesten F..rsrhui>!:; eine geschichtlich- medicinisclie Studie", von Franz Spaet. [Rev.] Janus. Amst., 1897, ii, :!8 - 48. — I.ctiiosiii* ( L. ) Judicium operuin magni Hippocratis. In his: De optima priedi- cendi ratione, 10^, Ven. tiis, 1592, pt.2. ff. 1-20. — I.iba- viiis (A ) Schi'iua medicitiie Hi])pocratis et hermeticae Simul. In his: Appendix nccessaria [etc.], fob. Franco- furti, 1015, 1 ,8-129.—«1«* tlrrcy (F.-C.-F.) Considerations sur la naissance des secies, dans les divers ages de la niedecine, et sur la neressite el observations d'Hip- pocrate sur l'apoplexie. In: I'oiiiuier (P.) * Sur la dy- sentene [etc.|. V, Par., an XII |isn4|, 25-35.—Npnet (F.) Der gegeiiw-iirtige Stand der Hippokratesfraue un.l das Corpus Ilippocratiruni vom Standpunkt der Meiion-Ari- stotclisclien Ecbeilict'criiii^. Janus, Amst. 18!.0-7 i -4i Ml Sliph:...... (H.) Hippocratis loci aliquot, quorum alios omnino et picne ad verliuui. alios ex parte Uelsus interpietatus est. ab . . . collecti et inter se collati. In: Celsus (A. ('.) De. medicina. 8', Lugd. Bat., 1746 714- 749. Ibid., 8°, Rotterodami. 1750. 714-749. VI. BIOGRAPHY AND PORTRAITS. BorLi-.r (J.-B.-J.) *Dubitationes de Hippo- cratis vita, patria, genealogia, frsan mytholo- gies; et de quibusdam ejus libris multo anti- quioribus (]iiam vulgo creditur. 4°. Paris an XII [1804]. OiAi'VEi ([J.-A.-]E.) Cons Hippocrates qualis fuerit inter philosophos. s . Caen, 1,-C>5. _Commaxi)Eer (J.) * De Hippocrate vera ine- diciiiie instauratoie. optimo natura* observa- tore, rile colendo. s°. Lugd. Bat., !*:',•>. ]>ks-Aixkui's [C-A.-A.-H.] his. Du genie d'Hi|i]ioi-ra,te et de son influence sur l'art de gue'iir 12°. Paris, 1H*>4. Gksxkr (C. P.) De divino Hippocratis. 4" Gottinga; 11W9. In: 1'iciiter (G. G.) Oprtsc. nied. 4°. Francof et Lips.. 1780, i, 42-93. GiiEtioiiAS ( D. ) * Kritische Betracbtungen iiber das Leben und die Lehreu des Hippokrates. >■* \ Erlangen, [1885]. Gkosshacser (F.) Aesculap und Hippo- krates. s . Wien, [ls<)U]. Rasohi (('.) Analisi del pretest) genio d'Ip- pocrate. Discorso recitato nelF assuineie la cattedra di clinica in Pavia il giorno 10 Frigi- fero, anno vii. Coll' aggiunta di alcune osser- vazioni sui discorso recitalo dal professore P Moscati. 8-. Milano 1199. Woehl (L.) * Magni Hippocratis secundi vita et seripta. 8°. Friburgi Br., 1835. Itnrlht'z (P.-J.) Discours sur le uenie d'Hippocrate. In his: Xouv. elements de la science de l'liomme 3 ed 8°, Par., is.-.s, 233-281.—| Biojjraphy.J Abbild'. . . . «i' Ar7.uk. verd. (lelclirten [etc. |. 4", Aunsb.. 1805, 70, port. Also: Clin Sketches. Lond., 18115, ii, 140, port.— Bi. ojjraphy and portrait. 7/i.- Hundreil (The) greatest men, fol., Lond., 1880, no. 0.—4 ahull (\V. C.) A day at Hippocrates—contained. the clinic of Hippocrates. Med. Uec, X. Y.. 1901 lx 512-517.—G'ornariuH (.1.) Hippocrates, sivc doctor ve- ins, oratio. In his: Medicina [etc.], 12°, Hasileav 1550 71-95. Also, in: Hippocrates. Libelli aliquot |etc ], sm! 4°, Basileie, I54:i. 05-SO. — Uimcnii (J. M.) 'lhe father of medicine. Edinb. M..I., 1870, xxii, 4.-1 199. Also Re- print.—Harris (A. C. E.) The father of lui'dicine. Liv- erpool M.-Chir. J., 1890, xvi, 397-408.—Ilippocrait-N in the li;:lit of recent researches. Iirit. M. .)., I......|.. 1897, ii, 1749— I.CifulloiM (C.-J.-J.) Recherches clironi.iogiques sur Hippocrate In his.- CEuvres, s-', Par.. 18:;n ii 303- X'.l.— dc Tlcrcy [F.-C.-F.] De l'existence d'Hippocrate prouvec par lui-ineine. In: Hippocrates, 'l'i ait.-s . . . .Iu le^ime. [etc.], lip, Par., 1818, pp. xxxvii-lx. — Prlti- Sjrctv. [liiouraphy.] In his: Med. port, {inHery, 4"-', Lond.. |1S10|. iii, no. 8. 12 pp., port. —Vita d' Ippocrate! Rac. di op. nied. mod. ital., Bologna. 1827, v, pp. i-ix. For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Hippokl'atCS. Magazijn toegewijd a an den gebeelen omvang van de geneeskunde, bc- sohouwd als wetenschap en kunst. L'itgegeven door Christian Aug. L. Sander, Jacob J. YValop, en George IL Wachter. v. 1-7; st. 1, v. "*, 1814- 28. 8°. Rotterdam. Ended, v. 2, "Walop dropped; v. 7. A. Nortier added. Hipponiaiie*. Vater (A.) [ Pr. ] hippomanes quid sit? sm. 4'■■'•. [Witienbergee, 1725.] Hippoplia#y. See Horse-flesh as food. Hippopotamus. Ai.essaxdrixi (A.) Descrizione delle ossa componenti il teschiodiun ippopotamo d' Eoit- to. ed osser\ azioni di confronto still' intero sche- letro dello stesso aniinale cogl' altri gia i ono- sciuti. su. [Bologna], ],s*>!). Repr. from: Ann. di storianat., Bologna, 1829, i. C'hapman (H.C.) Observations on the liiiipopotanms. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila. (1881). 1882, 126-14S. — «arro«l (A. H.) On the brain and other parts of the hippopotamus (Il.amphibiiis). Prom: Tr. Zool. Soc. Lond.. IS79, \i, 11.] /// his: Collect, scient. pai>crs, 8°, Lond., 1881, 512-518, 2 [il.—Cratiolet (P.) Recherches sur le system.' vascu- lare saniiuin de l'liijipopotanie. [Abstr.] ' I 'nmpt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1800. li, 524-528.—«lc Jiinsjcii. Ob- servations sur qiiehiues ossenicnts dune teste d hippopo- taine. Hist. Acad, roy.d.sc 1724, Par., 1720, 209-215, 2 pi. Also: Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. [de Paris] 1724. Amst., 1731, Mem., 3()9-:il7. Also, transl.: K. Akad. d. Wissensch. in Par. . . . Abhandl. 1724, Bressl., 1755, vi, 348-354, 2 pi. Hipp uric acid. See Acid {Hippuric). Hippairoflaviii. Feiiliiahkr (F.) ' Ueber Homologie der Hip- pursiiure und des Hiiipuroflavins. s'. Kiel, lbuy. Ki'-sel (A. H. M. T.) * Ueber die. Constitu- tion des IlippuroHuvins. ,**°. Kiel, l,-*i)4\ Happaiioi. See Pupil (Semeiology of). HiradziiBlli (Senan). Sanka zokuhun. [A popular treatise on midwifery.] ;?5 pp. rtJ. Kioto. 1129. Japanese text. Hil'ag'a (Kuninori). Butsurui hinshitsu. [The natural history and preparation of drugs. ] (iv, 8-. Yedo, 17(53. Hil'ano (MitsuLiro). "Leber zwei Fiille von Gehirni unioren in der Cegend des einen Cms cerebelli .-id pontem. 35 pp. 8 . Erlangen, F. T. Jacob, 1892. Ilii-ano (S). See «ato ( S.) & Ilirano (S.) Insho sintanho. 8° Tokyo. 11-94. Hing:oyeii (Pierre-Marie-Gabriel) [1SH3- ]. * Valeur comparee de la tiach^otomie et de l'iu- terci ieo-thyrotoniie. 5*i pp. 4°. Bordiaux, 1 ,-*'.)<;, No. 95. Ilii'il (Adolf). *Zerreis.sung di r Bicepssehne bei Luxatio humeri subglenoidalis traumatica mux. 167 HIK«CH. Hi I'll (Atlolt'l—eon tinned. direct a, sowie gleichzeitige Einieissung des M. quadriceps cruris mit idiopathischein Wuntl einphvseni. 34 pp., 1 1. 8°. Wiirzburg, Becker, 18-b.' 111 I'll (Joseph-Geofroi). * Fssai sur les lievres inteiinittentes, et particulierement sur celles tiui out regit e parmi les troupes franeoises dans le departeincnt (ie l'Enis oriental (ci-devant Ost-Frise), dans le cours de l'anuee lSll. 1 p. 1., 'J- pp. 4-". Strasbourg. 1-13, No. 3i»7. IIil'll(Karl F.) l>ie linliindischeu Zygiioinaceen. 15 pp., 1 pi. --. Htlsingfors, 1895. Forms no. 10 of: Acta Societutis pro fauna et flora foil- nica, xi. -----. Yerzeichnis tiuliiudi.seher Oedogoniaccen. 29 pp., I pi. -J. Helsingfors, 1>95. Forms no. 6 of: Acta Societatis pro Fauna et flora fen- nica. xi. HirilllUllll (Ilieronymus). De typho generis humani, sive seientiarnni hunianariini, inani ac ventoso tninore. dittieultate, labilitate. falsitate, jactantia. pra*Miiuptione. ineonunodis. et peri- culis. Tractatus brevis. in quo etiani vera sapientia a falsa disiernitur, et simplicitas innntlo coiitempta exndlitur, idiotis in solatium, tloctis iu cautelam eonscriptus. 3 p. 1., 44** pp., 3 1. 4-\ Praga. G. Curuoeh, 1010. Ilil'OJilllU Ijishinshi. [llirojima Medical News.] [Montlily.] No. 5, 1-'.•:'>. Q\ Hirojima. Japanese text. Hil'OSllIci Koshijiro). Saiban igaku soso ken- saron. [Surgical examination of police eases of injuries, etc.] 2.6, IW, 0 pp., 1 tab. 1*2 . Tokio. S. Maruya, 1--3. Hil'Ota (Jio). Jika hikkei. [Handbook of dis- eases of children.] 3,'J--. 6 pp. 12-. Tokio, S. Matsumot'i. 1-8-. llirscll (Alfred) [18(,4- ]. 'Beitriige zur Bestiniiuuug tier Acid it lit des Magvnsaftes beim Gesunden. Experimental untersuchungen ans ibui niediciuisehen Lai oratorium der nicdicini- sehen Klinik zu Wiirzburg. 36 pp. 8-. Wiirz- burg. Becker, 1—7. Hirscli (Arminius) [1-31- ]. * Ue funiculi umbilicalis prolapsi respositiom*. 21 pp., 2 1. 8 . Berolini. F. ti. Nietack, [1-56]. Ilirsi-h (Artur Pavlovich)] [1-51- ]. Dif- feieunialnly diagnoz krasnukhi. [Differential diagnosis of rubeola.] "Jl pp. 2Y; [Orel, Mine. N. A. Srmipiuora. 1—9.] Hil'M-ll (August) [1817-94]. Die ('hol.-ra-Epi- demie des Jahres I-06 in Berlin, vom st.it isti- sehen STandpuiikt- geschilderf,. 35 pp., 1 eh. -'. Berlin, IV. Gronau, [1-ftfi]. -----. Ueber Sclijitzniaasregelii gegen die vom Aualaude drohenden Volksseiichen, mit beson- derer Beriick-ichtigung von Greiizsperre und Quarantiiiie. Sowie Verliaiidlungen auf tier siebenten Versainmliing des Ueiitschen Vereius fiir offentliche Gestindheitspflege zu Stuttgart am 15. September 1-79. 3(5 pp. * '. Braun- schweig. F. Vicueg A Sohn, 1--0. Repr.from: Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. (iff. (isjullitspflg., Brnschw;:., Ismi. xii. -----. Handbuch der liistorisch-geographischen Pathologic. 2. volistiindige Mearbeitnng. 3 pts. in 3 v. - . Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1881-ti. CONTENTS. 1. Ahth. Dieall^emcineiia. uten Infectioiiskiankheiten, vom histi.risch-i;i'oi.'raiihischeii Stainl|)iinkte unil mit be- Bonilerer I'eriicksichtiguiiK tier Aetiologie. viii, 481 pp., 11. 1881. 2. Abtli. Die chronischen Infections-und Intoxications Krankheiten. parasitare Krankheiten, infectiose Wuuil krankheiten unil chronische Eiiiiilirunjis-Anoiualien. vi. 407 pi>. 1888. 3. Abtli. Die Organkrankheiten vom historiscli-jicogra- phi-cli. n Standpunkte und mit besonderer Beriieksicnti- gnu-^ ilei Aetiologie. iv, 557 pp. 1880. IIii'tM'll i August)—continued. -----. The same. Handbook of geographical and historical pathology. Transl. from the 2. German ed. by Charles Creighton. 3 v. 8 , London, Xew Sydenham Soc, iss3-li. CONTENTS. v. 1. Acute infective diseases, xvi'. 710 pp. 1883. v. 2. Chronic infective, toxic, parasitic, septic, and con stitutional diseases, xii, 081 pp. 1885. v. 3. Diseases of organs and parts, xv, 780 pp. 1880. ------. I'eber die historische Fntwickelung der oll'ontichcii Gesundheilsiitlcge. "rl pp. >' . Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1*~9. See, also. It io'ini |>h i»clic« Lexikon der hervorrai'cn- den Aer/.te |elc, |. 8. Wien ,f: Leipzig, W84.-HrcU.rr (l[ustus| Fi icdi -idi Carl). Die grossen Volkskraukhc iten iles Mittelalters. S; Ili-rlin. 180... — Zero 11 i (Heinrich) \inl. s.|. Das Auftreten der Cholera [etc. |. so. Mann- heim. 1874. Por I!io4 pp. -\ Leip- zig. E. Giinthcr, 1**1-90. See. also, ItccliiirlN (Heinrich) &. 11 ■■'»<-li (Bruno). Handbuch der praktischen Pharmacie |ctc.|. roy. sD. Stntttiart. 1888. —llailflkoiiiiucnlur [etc. |. S\' Gbt- tingen, HIOl). -----«.V Sfliiifitlfi' (Alfred), ('oniinentar zum Arziieihnch fiir das Deutsclie- Reich (Pliarinaco- jiiia Gennauica, editio III), mit \ eigleichender Bei iicksichl igung der friiheren tleutscheii u. a. I'hat'inakopi'icn. iv. 7*2(1 \i\k *':. Giiltimp n, Vaut/euhoeck Y Ilnprccht, \*9l. von llirs<*ll iC-irl), Freiherr [1-"*71- ]. * Ih-ber einige I'asisclie Derivate der /i-Broma- miiic der I', ti reilie. 10 pp., 11. 8 . Berlin, A. W. Schade, \*90. \ <»ii llii'srli ((Jliristian Friedrich) [1778- ]. See l.crov ( Alphonse). Hvijea als Mutter [etc. ]. 12°. Iliigri'utb. I .so:,. Ilil'St'll (David). * Diss, sistens nieleteinatuiu ex arte obstetricia sectiones ii. 31 pp., inter- lea veil. 1113. Ilcgiontonli Bortissorum, typ. Har- liingianis, [1-04 J. ' lliistli tEnianuelj. * Ueber luetische Knic- gel.-iikentztinduiig. (14 pp. 8'. Wiirzburg, F. lliihrl, 18,-H. Ilii'scli ((ieorg). * Ueber einen I'all von schein- har spinaler spastischer Hemiparese mit Erwei- ihungsherdcn im Grosshirn und Scle ose im KiicUeuuiark, bcides auf der der Lahniung ent- gegengesetzen Seite. [Freiburg i. B.] 28 pp., I I. 8,J. Chemnitz, A. Wiede, 1^)3. IIIKSl'Il. k;s HIRSCU. llirscll ((J[ustav] I[vanovich]) [1829- ]. K voprosu oh organoterapii i spenninie Pclya (speriniiiuin — Poehl). [Ou the question of or- ganotherapy aud . . . ] 36 pp. 10°. Sankt- peterburg, 1891. Repr. f rum : J. med. chim. i farm., St. Petersb.. 1897. llirscll (Heinrich) [1844- ]. * Einige Fall- von freinden Kiirpeni. 18. pp., 11. 8-. Leipzig, Breitkopf Y Hiirtcl, 1870. llirscll (Henricus) [1810- ]. " De sarcomate annulaii. 1 p. 1., lb pp., 1 pi. 4\ Vratislavice, L. Fremiti, 1837. llirscll (Hugo). Ein Beitrag zur Lehre vou den traumatischcn Nenrosen. 38 pp. s . Wiirzburg, F. Fromme, 189W. llirscll (Hugo Hieronymus) [181)11- ]. "" Ueber Ainpiitationsstiinipfe im allgemeinen uud eine neue Ampiitationsinethode iiu besonde- ren. 43 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1893]. llirscll (H[ugo Pavlovich]) [18(59- ]. * Ob izinieneniyakli pulsa i dikhaniya pri niekoto- rlkh |)sikhicheskikh sostoyanivakh; pletizmo- graticheskiya izsliedovaniya. [Changes in the pulse and respiration in several psychical condi- tions; plethisinographic investigations.] 102pp., 2 1., 2 pi. [with diag.]. S>. Yuryer, shnaken- burg, 1-99. One plate wanting. llirscll (I[guaz]). Teplitz-Srhonau, sein Ein- lliss bei Haiitkranklieiteii und den spiitercn Forinen von Syphilis. 2. Anil. 1 p. 1., K»8 pp. 8■-'. Prag, H. Dominions, 1810. -----. Die Diphtherie und ihre erfolgreiche Behandlung auf Grund vieljiihriger Ertahrnn- gen. 35 pp. 8\ Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1*91. -----. The same. De diplitheritis (besmettelijke keelziekte) en hare hehandeling met hijzondere veriiiehling van eene door den schrijver toege- pas'e geneeswijze. Vrij bewerkt uaar het Duit-cli door een cand. arts. 00 pp. 12'. Amsterdam, Seyffardt, [189:!]. llirscll (J.) * Ein Beitrag zur Chirurgie des Occipitalhirus. 45 pp. 8 . Wiirzbiirii. P. Scheiner, ls91. llirscll (Job. J) Wie win! man schief ? Wie j wird man gerade? Eiue Belehrungsschrift fiir Eltern zur Verhiitung der Missgrifle in der physischen Erziehung der Jugend. xvi, 230 pp., 1 1., 2 pi. 10°. Leipzig, G. J. Vurfiirst, [1863]. -----. Der homoopathische Arzt in der Kinder- stnbe, cine Belehrungsschrift fiir Eltern und jiingere Fachgenossen. xii, 208 pp. 8:. Leip- zig, T. Fleischer, 18i>5. Ilil'SCh (Jose L'.) A report of four cases of epidemic cerebro-spinal meningitis, with special reference to the value of lumbar puncture as a means of diagnosis. 13 pp. 8\ New York, 1-99. Repr. from: X. York M. J.. 1899, Ixx. llirscll (Josef) [1848- ]. * Ueber Cholera, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Caolera- typhoids; Heobacbtungen aus der jiiiigsien Epidemic Siebenhiirgeiis vom Jahre 1-73. •„'}') pp., 1 1. 8-. Berlin, A. W. Schade, 1875. llirscll (Julius). Ueber gichtische Augener- krankunoen. 1G pp. -^. Halle a. S., 1-99. Forms Hft. 2, v. 3, of: Samml. zwan»l. Abhandl. a. d. (Jell. d. Augenh. llirscll (Karl). * Beitriige zum Verhalteti der llautrellexe an den unteren Extieuiitiiten bei Erkrankungeu des Riickeninarks. [Strasburg.] 73 pp. S\ Berlin, J. Horrwitz, Xachfolger, 1*90. Hi sell (Lopold Theodor Wilhelm) [1874- ]. * Uiiiersuclitm ;cn iiber die Ent wicUelung der Haare bei den IMlanzen. [Berlin.] 42 pp. 8-. [Stuttgart, A. Bonz Erben, 1*09.] llirscll (Louis). * Ueber den Einflus-i der Mi- kroorganismen auf die Zersefzung organischer Substanzeu im Erdboden. 30 pp., 1 pi. 8-. Erlangen, A. Vollrath, [lK»n]. Ilil'SCh (Louis). *Die Behandlung tier epide- misch auftretenden Conjunctivitis granulosa (Tracliom) mit Excision der Tarsi und der Ueber- gangsfalteu. 21 pp. 8 . Wiirzburt/, Becker, 1892. llirscll [Ludwig]. Dat Galenus opes. 9 pp. 8 . Berlin. 1-99. llirscll (Mauritius) [18-29- ]. * De cystidum ovarii in conceptionem, graviditatem, partiini efficacitate. 55 pp.. 1 tab. 8°. Berolini, B. Schlisiuger, [ 1 -54]. llirscll (Max) [18(i5- ]. * Ueber Blutung- gen bei Leberkirihose. 30 pp., 1 1. K. Ber- lin, 0. Francke, [1891]. -----. Suggestion und Hypnose. Ein kurzes Lehrbucli fiir Aerzte. vi, 209 pp. 12 . Leip- zig, A. Meincr, 189:!. llirscll (Max) [181)7- ]. * Ueber Enteritis inenibranacea und mucosa. 3*2 pp. so. j;er. Im, C. Vogt, [189-2]. llirscll (Max) [1-73- ]. * Beitrag zur Frage der trauinatisehen Hiiftgeleiiksluxatioiieii im Anschluss an 14 Falle aus der cliirnrgischen Klinik zu Greifswald. 44 pp., 21. 8*-\ Greifs- wald, H A diet; 1-99. llirscll (Max). " Zur Casuistik des Scharlachs, [Freiburg.] 83 pp. ,-"-. [Leipzig, 1900.] Repr. from : Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1900, Iii. llirscll (Max) [1877- ]. * Ueber den Trans- port von ansteckenden Kranken in Berlin. 23 pp., 4 1. 8°. Berlin, G. E. Kitzler, [1901]. llirscll (Raphael). * Zur Statistik des acuten Gelenkrheuniatismus. 43 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, I'liciu, 1885. -----. Xeueres iiber Rhenmatismus. 14 pp. 8-. LeipYuj Y Berlin, G. Thieme, 18*9. Repr. from : Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1889. xv.'35l)-:i(i(i. -----. The same. Recent views on rheumatism. A translation from the Germau and comments, bv John C. Spencer. 15 pp. 8'-". [San Fran- cisco, 18,-9.] llirscll (Raphael). *Ein Fall von Atresia va- gina*. 29 pp., 1 diag. 8J. Wiirzburg, P. Schei- ner, 1887. llirscll (Robert) [1870- ]. "Ueber die Zer- legung des Zimintsauredibroiiiids in die op- tisch-activen Modificationeu. 58 pp., 1 1. 8J. Wiirzburg. Becker, 1894. llirscll (Salomon). * Diphtheritische Entziin- dung der Paukenschleimhaut. [ Wurtzburg. ] 14 pp. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 18,-8. llirscll (Salomon). * Ueber einen Fall vou Ruptura recto-vaginalis bei spontauer Geburt. 32 pp. 8-. Strassburg i. E., C. <,- J. Gceller, 1899. llirscll (Samuel). * Ueber substernale Kropfe. 2* pp. 8. Wiirzburg, F. Rbhrl. 1**9. llirscll (Theodor). * Die Gelenkerkraiikungcn bei Haernophilie nnd deren Behandlung. 43 pp. 8-'. Wiirzburt), P. Seheincr, 1*97). llirscll (Victor [li. K. H.]) [1872- ]. * Ein Bei rag zur Prognose der Diphtherie auf Grund der in der koniglichen cliirnrgischen Uuivcrsi- tiits-Klinik zu Berlin in den Jahren 1884-94 gesatnmelten Erfahrungen. 28 pp. 8'. Ber- lin, C. Vogt. 1894. llirscll (Wilhelm). * Untersuclmngen iiber die Frage: Welche Einrichtuiigen bestehen behufs Ueberliihrung der in dem Speichergewebe der Sainen niedergelegten Reservestoffe in den Eni- brvo bei der Keiinung? [Erlangen.] 57 pp., 2 1., 2 pi. 8°. Berlin, J. S. Preuss, 1890. HIKSCH-. 169 HIKSOHEL. Hirscli (Wilhelm)—continued. ------. Genie und Eutartung. Eine psycholo- gisehe Studie. Mit einem Vorwort von Prof. E. Mendel. 340 pp. 8 . Berlin Y Leipzig, O. Coblcntz. 1891. llirscll i. William). Transitory disturbances of i consciousness in their medico-legal aspects. 24 pp. 12■'. New York; 1*91. Repr.from. Med. llec, X. V., 1897, Iii. ------. A studv of delirium. 22 pp. 8 . Xew York, 1-99. Repr. from: N. York M. J.. 1899, Ixx. llirscll (Wolff). * Ueber Dailiiocclusion nach Ovariotoniie. [Wurtzburg.] 28 pp. - . Leipzig, A. T. Engelhardt, 18**. Hirscliberg*. So Scarlatina {History, etc, of), Small-pox y History, etc., of), by localities. llirscll ber £ (Arminius) [1-3.V ]. * De im- perforatiouc glandis ejusi|ue operatione me- thode galvanocaustiea. viii, 21 pp., I pi.. 1 1. Vratislavia>. L. Freund, [1858J. Hirschher;; (Heinrich) [l-i>2- ]. "Opera- tic Beliaiuilung der Caries der Fusswurzel- knochen, mil besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Talus und Calcaneus. 38 pp., 1 1. S:. Berlin, P. stunkiewicz, 1--5. ------. Der Zucker als Xahrungs- uud Heilmit- tel. A'iii, 02 pp. - . Jena. FL. Costenoble, 18,-9. ------. Die Zuckerration der Soldaten. 32 pp. 8 . Berlin, H. Steinitz. 1-95. Ilil'SCh be l'^ (Hermann) [ I8(i4- ]. * Ueber Mil/e. bin.), iiecen. 31pp. - . Berlin, G. Schade. [1 — ]. Hirscliberg (Jacobus;. 'De sanguinis motu ]irogns-ivo tain regulari, quam irregulari in- de(]iie pendente cachexia. 24 pp. 4 -'. Halo Magdeb.. J. J. Curt, 1751. Hirschberg: (Julius) [ 1-43- ]. Ein Fall von Melanocarcinoma polvposuni pnecorneale. 5 pp., 1 pi. --. Be Un. [f-rOL Repr. from . Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1870. li. ------. Klinische Beobaehtungen aus der Augeu- heilanstalt. Nebst einem Anhaug iiber diop- trisehe und catoptriM be Curven. 1 p. 1., 12b pp., 1 1., 3 pi. 8°. Wieu, W. Braumiiller. 1-74. ■------. Ophthalmolngische Studien. 28 pp. 8 . Wiesbaden. C. W. Kreide', 1-71. Repr. from: Arch. f. Augen- u. Ohrenh., "Wiesh.. 1S74-5 iv. ------. Ueber die Anwendung der Wahrsehein- lichkeitsiechnung auf die iherapeutisehe S;a- tistik. 7 pp. - . [_ Berlin. L. Schumacher, 1*17.] Repr. from: Berl. kliu. "Wchnschr., 1*77, xiv. ------. Cas.iistisi'her Jahrcsbcrieht aus J. Hirsch- berg's Augenklinik iiber das Jahr 1-7*. 00 pp , 2 pi". S-. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1S7!I. Repr. from: Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 187!i. \ iii. ------. 1. Ueber operative Behandlung der Netz- liaiitablosnng. 2. Beitrage zur Anatomie und Pathologic des Auges. 4- pp., 1 pi. 8-; Wies- baden, J. F. Bergmann. U79. Repr. from: Arch. f. Augenh., "Wiesb., is"!), viii. ------. 1. Leber puerperale septische Embolic il.s Auges. 2. Ueber Freindkdrper im Augen- innern, nebst gelegentliclien Bemerkuiigcn iiber Xeurotomia opticociliaris, von J. Hirscbberg u. E. Vogler. 25 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1—0. ------. Der Electromagnet in der Augenlieil- kunde. Eine Monographic. 3 p. 1., 157 pp. - . Leipzig, Veil Y Co., 1.-85. ------. Wot terbuch der Augenheilkunde. viii, lib lip. r*j. Leipzig, Veil Y Go., \**1. ------. Ein Fall von pulsirendein Lxoph'.halmus. 3 pii. -. Berlin. .I. Si lien feld, [1**0]. R"j,r. from: Deutsche nied. Wchnschr., Leipz. ti. Herl., lrfs'.i, xv. Hi rsr libera (Julius)—continued. ------. Aegypten. (ieschichtliche Studien eines Augenar/.tes. 1 p. 1., 111! pp. 8 . Leipzig, G. I'liieine. 1890. ------. Einfiihrung in die Augenheilkunde. 1. Hlfte.' 231 pp. 8 . Leipzig, G. Tltiime, 1-92. ------. The same. 2. Hlfte. I. Abtli. 1 p. I., x, 249 pp. 8 . Leipzig, G. I'liieine, 1901. -------. Fiinfuiulzwanzigjahriger Bericht iiber die Augenlieilanstall. lib pp., 1 1. 8-. Berlin, R. Friedldnder ,\ Sohn, 1895. ------. Die Magnel-Opeiaiion in der Angenheil- kunde nach eigenen Erf'ihrungen dargestellt. viii, 134 pp. .v. Leipzig, Veil'■ Y Co., b-99. See, also, von CSrncIV (F. W. E. A.) [in 1. s.J. Klinische Vortriige [etc.). S . Ucrlin, 1871. Hirscllbcrg (Leopold) [isii7- ]. *Eine Frucht mit angebercnein Hydrocephalus und Missbildungen des ('esichts und aussern Ohres. 19 i»j»., 21., 1 p 1. 8 . Konigsberg i. Pr., M. Liedtke. 1891. Hirscbberg (Leopold) [1872- ]. * Die maligne Lues, h. Bonders vom geschichtlichen und etlinolou'iselieu Standpunkte beurteilt. 31 pp. S*\ Berlin, G. Schade, [BMuJ. llirscll her;; (Magnus). Ueber Staub nhala- tionskiaiiklieiten. 48 jip. 8 . Wiirzburg, Becker, 18-ii. llirscll ber;? (Max) [18(14- |. ~ Ueber die elironisclie iixsiiilativ-Peritonitis der Kinder. 42 pp., 1 1. 8'-. Berlin, G. Srhade, [1887], Hirscbberg (Oscar) [1-G6- ]. * Beitrag zur Keniitniss der Tricuspidalstenose. 42 pp., 1 1. 8\ Berlin. G. Schade, [l8-'.i]. Hirscliberg (Peter). 'Die pathologische Be- deutung der Gallensteine. [Erlangen.] 33 pp., 1 1. 8\ Dresden, B. G. Teubner, 1898. Hirscbberg (Rubens) [l-ii'2- ]. * Leber eine abnorine Form von Meningitis tuberculosa. [Heidelberg.] 44 pp., 2 pi. - . Leipzig, J. B. Hirschfeld, 1887. ------. "Massage de l'abdomen: I. Application au traitement des maladies de l'e.stmiiac. II. Influence sur la diurese. £tude phy.siologi(|ue et tkerapeutique. 55 pp. 4°. Paris, 1—9, No. :'.b7. ------, Tbe same. Massage of the abdomen. Iu: Wood's M. &. S. Mono"'. 8". Xew York. 1890, vii, -J-j:i-249. Ilirscliberg ( Wilhelm )[ 1-5-- ]. *Drei Fiille von acuter gelber Lebeiatrophic. 7t'> pp., 11. 8 . Dorpat, C. Matlicscn, l-s.i. Hirscbbcrg i. Z[ebi] Jacobus). * De nephritide. 21 ]ip. 4 . Uegiomonti, G. L. Hartnngh, [1781], IlirsclllM-r-J-ci ( Alfms Maria). "Ueber an- geoiirene Skoliose. [Wurtzburg.] 2]). 1.. 28 pp. hlj. Stuttgart, I'nion deutsche Verlaiimiesellseh., Is9). Hirst.iber^er (Karl). *Experiinentelle l.ei- n age zur Infect iositiit, der Milch tuberkuliiMT Kiilie. [Munich.] 23 pp., 1 col. pi. --•'. Leipzig, J. B. Hirschfeld, H-9. Hirsrllbriicll (Ali.crl) [1872- ]. "Das Problem der herzlosen Missgeburten, nebst Be- schreibung eines Amorphus acartlius. 45 pp., 11. 12 . Berlin, C. Vogt, 1*95. c. Hirscbel (Beuno) [l-b7- ]. * Experimen- telle Unlersiiehungeii iiber einige neuere D.-siu- fectionsinittcl. L pp., 2 tab. - . Freiburg I i. II., F Wagner,1-90. Hirscbel (Hernhard) [1-15-74]. Heilsame Wir- kung der vor.sendeteii Eger- Wiesenquelle bei einem chronischen Maii'eniibel. 4 pp. 8 . [Ber- lin, 1*12.] Repr. from: Allg. nied. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1S4_», xi. A supplement to: Hecht t.I. A.) Die neiicslen Erfah riuiKen iiber die Heillual'le der versen.lcteii Mineral- wasser von Kger Fiauzenabiul. 8\ Prug. 1847, llIKSCIiKL. 17 Hirscbel (Bernhard)—continued. -----. Geschichte der Medizin. in den (Irund- ziigen ihrer Entwickelung dargestellt. 2. Ausg. viii, 392 pp. * . Leipzig. Arnold. 185(1. -----. Die Homeopathic Fine Anleitung zum richtigen Verstiindniss und zum Selbstsiudiuin tlerselben. xvi, 367 pp. -c. Dessau, M. Kalz, 1851. -----. Die Homoopathie und ihre Bekenner. Lin Mahnungsruf am Denknial Hahnemann's. 50 ]>p. .--■. Jena, M. Katz, 1851. Bound with: HEK1NG (('.) Hoinoopathische Hausarzt. 8°. Jena, 1851. -----. Tho same. 2. ed. 1 p. 1.. 54 pp. ,-'\ Dresden, L. Ehlermann, 1*0)9. ------. Grundriss der Homoopathie nach ihrem neiifstcn Standpunkte, und Anleitung zum Stn- dium und zur Prax:s tlerselben. 2. beileuiend vermehrte und verbesserte Aufl. xx, 483 pp. 8 . Leipzig, E. Hag nel, 1854. ------. Der hoinoopathische Arzneischatz in sei- ner Ainvendung am Kraukenbette fiir Fainilie und Hans, xvi, 174 pp. 12°. Dresden, C. C. Meinhold Y Sdhne, 1856. ------. The same. 2. Aufl. xvi (1 l.),2i>s pp. - . Dresden, C. ('. Meinhold .)'■ Sdhne, 1859. ------. The same. 7. Aufl. xxii, 304 pp. sm. 4°. Leipzig, F. Fleischer. 1*10. ------. The same. t). Anil, xxii, 324 pp. sm. 4°. Leipzig. F. Fleischer, 1*73. ------. Tin* same. Guide du nieilecin homceo- pathe au lit du malade et repertoire de thera- peutique honiccopalhique. Trad, de l'alleniand par M. Le'on Simon tils, xi, 331 pp. 16". Pa- ris, J.-B. Bailliere Y fils, 1858. See, also, llumlei-tjiihrigcii (Zuin) Gelmrtstage Samuel Hahnemann's. 8D. Dessau, 185."). Hirscbel (Leon Elias) [1741-72]. Briefe iiber versehieib ne (iegeiiatiinde aus dem Reiche der Arznevwissenscliaft. 1. Theil. 2 p. 1.. 82 pp., 1 I. 16°. Berlin, C. M. Vogel, 110*. Hirseilfcld (Adolf). *0 plies-ennoi moloch- nitsie novorozhilennlkh i grudnikh dietet. [Thrush in the new-born and nurslings.] 70pp.. 1 1., 1 pi. 8°. Sauktpelerburg, [Korolef i Ko.], 1859. HirscEJifelri (Adolf) [1863- ]. * Zur Patho- genese der tertiiiren Lies. 41 pp. 8C. Brislau, 1890. HirscElfcld (Arnold). * Iiitennittierendes Fie- be. bei chioniselieii Leberkrankheiten. 30 pp., 2 diau'. 8\ Freiburg i. B., H. Epstein. 1892. Hirscllfeid (Berthohl) [1874- ].' "Ueber Zungeiigiinimata. 33 pp., 1 1. - . Berlin, E. Kbe ing, 1697. Harscblcld (Lduard). See ISall (Franz Joseph). Atlas zur Erlauterung der Lehre vou den Vcrrichl ungen des Gehirns. fol. Heidel- berg, 1S44. Hirscllfeid (Eugen). * Untersuchungen iiber die schwarzen Farbstofte der Choroidea und vcrwandte Piginente. 27 pp. 8°. Strassburg, K. J. Triibuei; 1889. Hirscllfeid (Felix) [1863- ' ]. Grundziige der Iviankeiieniiiliruiig. 55 pp. -c. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1-92. ------. Die Behandlung der Feltleibigkeit. 40 pp. 8 . Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1893. Repr. front: Ztschr. f. kliu. Med., Bei I., 1893, xxii. ------. Nahiungsiniltel und Erniihruiig der Ge- sundeu und Kranken. vi, 261 pp. 8- Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1900. Hirscllfeid (Felix Victor Birch) [1842- ]. j * Ueber einen Fall von Hirudefect in Folge eines Hydrops septi lucidi. 28 pp., 1 1., 1 pi. 12°. Leipzig, O. Wigand, 1-67. Hirscllfeid (George-Ludovic). Contribution a i 'elude des injections h\podei'nii(| ues des ferru- giueux. s2 pp. 4~. Paiis, 1--6. No. 189. IIIKSCIIFKLD. Hirscllfeid (Gotthardus Ernestus) [183-2- ]. •" De eclampsia paiturieiitium. 29 p|>.. 11. Berolini, F. G. Nietack; [1856]. Hirscllfeid (Gustav) [1856- ]. 'Beitrag zur Therapie der Speicheltisteln. 2- p|lv 1 ], Berlin, G. Schade, 1-89. Hirscllfeid (Hans) [1873- ]. * Beitriige zur vergleichenden Morphologie der Leucocy ten. 37 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, 1^91. Hirscllfeid (Henricus) [18-27- ]. *l)e mor- bis arthriticis. 31 pp. -°. Berolini, G. Schade, [1852]. Hirscllfeid (Hermann) [1870- ]. # Ueber die Natur der Vokalc 31 pp. 8-'. Konigsberg i. Pr., L. Krause cf Ewer lien, 1898. Hirscllfeid [Hermann Emanuel]. Was leisten Bailer iiberbaupt und was Colberg insbesondere? 23 pp. 8°. Colberg, C. F. Post, 1870. Hirscllfeid (Hermann [Fridrich (ieorgj) [1-67- J. * Enucleation breitbasiger Uterustumo- ren per vaginam. 32 pp., 11. 8°. Halle a. .**•'., C. A. Kaemmerer Y Co., 1892. Hirscllfeid (Heymann) [lsi.O- ]. -Ueber M.iladie des tics convulsifs. 46 pp., II. > . Berlin, [1891]. Hirscllfeid (Imanuel Hermann). * Ueber die Behandlung der eareinoiiiatosen Oesopbagus- Striktureu mit Morphium. [Strasburg. ] 23 pp. 8y. Leipzig, G. Fock, b-9u. Hirscllfeid ilsidor; [1872- ]. *Blutunter- suehungeii tiei cronpo-er Pneumonic. [Wurtz- burg.] 43 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Grossmann, 1-97. Hirscllfeid [Jacob Hermann]. Konig Lear, eiu poetisches Leidensbild von Shakespeare zum ersten Male im Lichte arztlicher YYissenschaft und gleichzeitig im Zusaniineiihange sowohl mit der iisthetischen Kritik als mit der Biihnen- daistellung der gleichiiamigeii Tragodie. Fin.; Monograpbie fiir gebildete Leser aller Stiiude. 203 pp. sm. lc. Danzig, E. Gruihn,1**2. Hirscllfeid (Joannes G.orgius Christiauus). De uteri scirrho. I p. 1.. :>5 pp. 4-. Gottiu- guz, typ. J. C. L. Schulzii, 1755. [P., v. 1872.] Also, transl. [Abstr.J in: Weiz (F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.J. 12°. Frankf. u. Leipz., 1782. xv, 22. Hirscllfeid (J[osef]). Les eaux minerales les plus freqiientees de la Hongrie. viii, 146 pp. 12'-. Vienne, G. Brauiniiller, ls76. ------. Gallerie beruhniter Kliniker nnd hcrvor- ragciidcr Aerzte unserer Zeil, mit deien Biogra- phieii, als Beitrag zur Geschichte tier Medizin. 83 I., 39 pi. 4'-'. Win, M. Perlcs, 1876-7. Hirscllfeid (Julius) [1858- ]. Leber die acute Lrweichung des Kropfes. 32 pp. .-°. Berlin, L. Scliunuuher, 1--6. Hirscbf'eld (Ludwig). Compendium der Frau- enlieilkunde fiir Studirende. viii, ^"2- pp Leipzig, G. Thieine, 1891. Hirscllfeid (Ludwik [Maurycy] ) [ 1816-71)]. Anatomia opisowa ciala ludzkiego. [Descrip- tive anatomy of the human body. ] 4 v. -c. - Warszawa, 1861-70. CONTENTS. v. 1. Opis uklailu kostnego i atawowego (osteologia i arthrologia) wraz z uwayami tizjologicznenii. |.. . loueilier with physiological notes.) ti.Vti. xiii pp., 3 I. Warzsaira. druk. Spblki. C. D. X.. 1MI7. v. 2, pt. 1. Opis ukladii nii(*sniowego i powieziowego (myologia ct aponeurologiu) wraz z uwagaiui tizjoh.^i- cznetni. [. . . together-with physiological notes] xxxvii, 352, xii pp., 1 I. Warszawa. J. Goldman, 18(19. v. 2, pt. 2. Opis uklailu trzewowego cz.vli naitka u wnetrznoSciach (.spl'tiiclmolngi.i) wraz ■/. uwaganii fi/,|,,lo- giczuenii. [. . .together with physiological notes.J ;i23, v pp., 11. Warszawa, J. Goldman, 1870. v. 3. Opis uklailu naczvinowego czlowieka (angi.i- logia) wraz z uwagaiui fizjologicznemi. [. . . together with physiological notes. | vi, 440, xv pp. Warszawa, K. Koiealewski, 1863. v. 4. Uklad nerwowy l przyrziply zinyslowe (neu- rologia i icsthesiologia) wraz uwagaiui fizjologicznemi. HIKsrHFKhiO. 17L UIKSST. 11 rsi*bl'eld(Ludwik [Maury cy ]'— contiinu d. [. . . to-.lli. r wilb physiol..-ical noles. | \, 72(i pp.. 5 1. Warszaieu. K. Kowaleivski. 1SH1. >'.'.■ aUo. kioiirjjrn I J [ can | Xl[ arc ] ). B.iiim.l (Claude) \ Jacob .N. 11 ) Traite complet de 1 imiitonue del'lioinine .. t. I'ol. Paris. lSt>7-71. ----- A- Leveiile (J.-B.) Nevrologic, ou de- scription et ieoiu giapbie du systeme nerveux et des oro-anes ties sens de l'honime, avec leur mode de preparai ion : . . . oiivrage adopte par lc Conseil superit-nr tie I'instruction publique. i_tv. 5-367 pp., 92 pi. roy. 8 . Paris, J.-B. Bailliere. W>3. ____________. An atlas of the central uervons s\stem and cranial nerves. From the larger work of. . . Edited in Engli-h by Howard 11. Tooth. 1 p. 1. '-51 ph. 31 1. n>y. 8 . London, J. Y A. Chin chill, 1-90. Hirscllfeid i.M. V.). >'• i IIIjiii iLouisi. TUi-'iiostika i terapni [ etc. 1 8-"*. .<■)'■'. i-i.in o n,-."i — von ll«hi:i i Hans), l'.oliczncnni.va lziui, nci.iv'a ko/hi et.i. 1. 8. S.-Peterburg. 1SS5. - m;i l.iilMli)iri>lit .Carli. I.ektsii po chastnoi pat,■!..mi letc. 1. v. 1. Sr. S.-Pt tri /.",,/. Issa — toil >i«'iii«'>«'i' iK|eli\]i.' Kukovodstv.i k chasiii..! |.ai..lo-ii l.-ic). :: \. 82 S -Peterburg, lssl 2 — Schini«ll - It iiiiplcr (Her- mann), ("llazniya li.'lie/ni [etc.j. 8D. *.-!'■ t, , I,oro. Is8.>. Hil-SCllfeld '( Magnus ) [ 186- - ]. * Leber Erkrankungeu tics Xervensystenis nn Gehdge der Inflm nza. 36 pp.. 11. " • Berlin, G. Schade. [1892]. ----. $ i; homosexiitv des Kiielissiralgeset/buehs. Die e Frage im Urteile der Zeitgeiiossen. Leipzig. M. Spohr, 1-98. i)1;.m [1-7.)- ]. * Ueber das -lpp. Hirscllfeid , .-cliailachdiphtheioid und desseu Behantllung. 3,1 pp. - . Berlin. E.Ebering, 1-97. Hirscllfeid (Maximilian). Ueber Ptlege uud Beliandlung der Ziihne im gesiinden und kian- ken Zustande. 64 pp. 16-. Karlsbad, H. Feller, 1-92. Hirscllfeid !<>tto) [l-ti2- ]. M eber Lu- pus und Hauituberculcs.'. 3;> pp. - . Bonn, J. Bath Wive.. 1-***-. Hirsu lifeld > 8. Ed.) U- ber das Athnien und .1, ->.-n oeMinilheitsgeina-s Le lingungen uud Liber Homoopathie. 3 p. 1., 1-4 pp. ~ • Bre- men. C. Sehiinemann, 1*12. [P., v. 14-)0.] Hirscllfeid ,'Sa.iiiH-l) [K»- ]• * Leber einen 1'a.l von .Spaltbeckeu beim Xeiigebi renen. 29 pi... 11- - . Birliu, G. Schade. [1-79]. Hirscllfeid , Siegmuiul). * Ein Beitrag _ zur Siee|,arinl'iage. 42 pp. - . Erlangen, L. I. Jutob, 1-91. Hirscllfeid (William). Etude sur la cane den- taiie et sou traitement par le plombagc 10 pp., 1 ] -° Paris, J.-B. Bailliere. YjHs, 1~9*. Hirsclifeld«'riJL"-|di]<)[akliiii.l])[l:<.>- ]• 'lhe cureof tubentulo-i- by ox\ tuberculine, with expeiim. nts on patients, animals, and culture-. 1h pi, 4 pi -c. San Francisco, 1-97. - Id pr. iron, : Tr. M. Soc Calif., S,m Fran., 1*97. Hirscllfeldt (Hermann) [1866- ]. * Lin lieinag zur Frage der Peptonune. 39 pp. - . hnn„il. //. Leal.maun, 1892. von Hirscblieydt (L. nst) [1838- ]. * Ue- ber die Wirkung des Crotonols. 11 > pp. >• ■ Dorpat, C. Matin sen, 1-86. Hirscliliolfer (Julius Friedrich). I eber die Uiifiuehtbaikeit des weiblichcn (bsclilechtes mit besonderer Beriicksiebiiguug der l'.lcu h- sucht und des weissen Flosses, sowie uber a it ilire Heilung beziigliche diiit< ti-- lie und inei.i- kamentose Verfahren. Fiir Aerzte und Linen. vornehinlich die Liaucnwelf, nach dem Manil- punkte dirneuesten Wissenschalt. vii, 114 pp. 12-. Zurich, J. Sehndelilz, 1-6-. Hirscllkopf (Mo.iiz). ' Znr liadicalop.ialion der Hernien. [Wurtzburg] 43 pp. ■-■'. Leip- zig, J. B. Ilirschfeld, 1900. Hirsclikron (.Johanu). He Nei veiiscbwaebe i Neiuastliiiiie). Ib'im Frwachseneu und im Kindesalter, ihre Lehandlung (lurch Willenscin- lluss anoemesscne Fi/.iehung und andcrwctlige modcriie^CurbeheU'e. 1 p. L, !•■* l'i'-, 1 *■ ■ — Wien Y Leipzig, W. Altmann, 1-93. Title-page tcads: Hanns. _____ Leber einige Fingerzeige zur diiitetischen unifn.edicainentosen Bel.auditing Magcnkran- ker. 11. 4 . Wien. 1900. Repr. from: Allg. Wien. nied. Ztg., 1000, xiv. _____ The same. Fgynt-mely utnmtatas gyo- niorbctenek diiitetikus c\s gydgyszcrcs kezeh-se- l.cz. 1 I. 8 . [Budapesti WHO. _____ Tlieinpic tier Nervenkranklieiten. viii, 128 pp. - . Wien Y Leipzig, F. Deuticke, 19/ci. 1'udap.st, 1891. 7 .9-11-,, L..- ™U> (L.) I".....-/. Hirschlei. Orvosi hetil.. Budapest,, 1-91 w\v 574 —Obituary. Lancet, Lond., 18'Jl, u, 1 s-Vidoi (S.) Ueiikredc. Pest, med -chir. Presse, kudap,\J, "''2. xxviii, 108.1; 11V2: W.Vl; 1161; 1206; 1230. Hirsclllliailll (Alfred). * Leber vaginale To- talexstirpat.ion des eareinoiiiatosen Items. /- P]>. 8-. Wiirzburg, P. Scheiner. l-9.>. Hirscliinaiiii (Eu»en) [^>:-„ ]• . ' l",'1,*'r tlie Dciitung der Pulscnrven beim \ alsalva. scben und Miiller'scheu Versuch. [Breslau.] 19 pp., 1 1 8^. Bonn, E. Strauss, 1*91. Hirsclllliailll (Moriz) [1*7»- ]. •Anato- mic des Sarcoma mucosa* uteri. 31 pp. s . Berlin, G. Schade, 1*08. . llirscll Wield (August), /wciter antiqnarischer Lager-Catalog. Medicin. xviii, 320 pp. 8-. Berlin, 18S(i. ._____ Dritter antiiinarischer Lager-1 atalog. Medicin. l.-:..Hi-t. ''liGpp. r . Berlin, l***-92. HirsiDiwcb (Hermann) [lrtif.- ] Able- IimI .ililuiigingiiineiiBliiltein bei verschiedener lirlichiung. [Erlangen.] 44 pp., 2 1. 8-. Birlnt, /•.'. Streisiud, 1899. Hirst (Ibirton (' okc) [L-lil- ]. lhe death- rate of 1\ icg-in hospitals in the I nited 8t;ites. 12 lip. 1-2 [Philadelphia, 1**1. ] Repr. from: Med. Xews, I'liila., 1S87, 1. _____ Large vaginal enterocele complicating pre.-'nancv and (distmet ing labor. 5 pp. 8-. Philadelphia. \*9\. Repr. I'r.ou Med. News, Phila., 1801, lviii. _____ Syinphvsiotomv, with the icpn't of an operation. 8 pp. 12 \ [Philadelphia. Lea Bros. Y Co., 1-92] Repr. from : Med "News. Phila., 1892, lxi. The ultimate results of a pubeotoinv ; a ruptured uterus; injury to lhe luinbo-sacral plexus in labor; multiple absce-ses in the ab- dominal cavity. 0 pp. lr. [Philadelphia, Lea Bros. Y Co., 1892.] Repr. from: Med. Xews, Phila., 1802, lxi. Long-continued hemorrhage in the latter half'of pregnancy, due to detachment of a nor- mally situated placenta, and. accompanied by septic, intoxication; with a, report of two cases. r\ pp 12 '. Philadelphia, 1893. Repr. from: Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxiii. HIRST. 172 HIRTZ. Hirst (Barton Cooke)—continued. ------. The lowest limit of pelvic contraction admitting of symphysiotomy. 2pp. 8C. [Phila- delphia, Lea Bios. ,('• Co., 1893.] Repr. from: Med. Xews, Phila., 1893, lxiii. ------. Symphysiotomy. 10 pp. 12°. [Phila- delphia. Lea Bros. i> n.l pregnancy. 1 1. 8•■, New York, 1895. Repr. from: Am. J. O.s;.., X. Y., 1895, xxxii. ------. A remarkable case of acquired atresia of the vagina. 2 pp. 8°. New York, IV. Wood Y Co., 189... Repr. from: Am. J. Obst., X2 Y., 1895, xxxii. ------. A specimen of defective development of the abdominal wall and eventration, cyllosoina. Presented to the "Wistar Museum, bv Dr. I. Leo- pold. 11., 2 id. 12°. [Philadelphia. 1895.] Repr. from : Med. Xews, Phila, ls95, lxvi. ------. Colpocleisis. 2 pp. ,-v. New York; W. Wood Y Co., 1890. Repr. from: Am. J. Olist.. X. Y., 1890, xxxiii. ------. Clinical notes. ."> pp. 8°. New York, 1*91. Repr.from: Am. J. Obst., X". Y., 1S97, xxxv. ------. The comparative value of celiohysfeiot- oiny and celiohysti-rectomy in cases requiring a Ciesarean section. 8 pp. s> . Actr York, 1*9*. Repr. from .- Am. J. Obst., X". Y., 1898. xxxvii. ------. The history of pain and the menstrual history of extrauterine pregnancy. 1 pp. 8C. Ni w York, 1-9.-'. Repr. from: Am. J. Obst.. X. Y.. 1898, xxxvii. ■------. A text-book of obstetrics. . Hirt (Willi [Victor]) [1871- ]. "Ein Beitrag zur Benrteilung der Alexandei'sehen Operation aus der Breslauer Frauenklinik. 39 pp. 8°. Breslau, 1--95. Ilirtli (Georg) [1841- ]. Les localisations cerebri les en psychologic Pourquoi somnies- nons distraits? 'Trad, de l'allemand par Lu- cienArreat. viii, 133 pp. 12°. Paris, F. Al can, 1895. ------. Entropie der Keimsjstcme und erbliche Entlastung. 2 p. 1., 175 pp. s'--. Miinchen, G. Hirth, 1900. ------. Die Mutterbrust; ihre Unersetzlichkeit und ihre Gewohnung zur friihen Kraft. 2. Aufl. 107 pp., 1 pi. 8-. Miinchen, G. Hirth. 1900. Hirtll (George Jacob) [ls(i5- ]. Teberzwei Fiille von tiefen Cervix-Incisioiien. 29 pp., 1 1. 8C. Berlin, G. Schade, [1893]. Hirtz (Udyard) [1850- ]. I Biography.] Med. mod., Par.. 1896, vi, Suppl.,273. Hirtz (Eugene) [1-69- ]. * Recherches an- ihropologi(jues sur le plan horizontal de la tete, methode pour le determiner. 68 pp., 2 pi., 1 1. 4°. Lyon, 1893, No. 792. -----. The same. 1 p. 1., 08 pp., 1 L, 3 pi. 8°. Paris, (). Doin, 1893. Hirtz (Henri-Prosper). *Des convulsions dans Hemorrhagic ce'rebrale. 1 p. 1., 49 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1*0)1, 3. s., No. 1. Hirtz (Hippolyte). *Essai sur la fievre en ge- neral. 1 p. 1., 86 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, 1870, 3. s., No. 289. Hirtz (Richard). * Ueber Cholelithiasis und ihre Folgen. 26 pp., 1 1. 8C. Wiirzburg, Mem- mi ngu; 1899. !I KT. 173 HlsCHMAXN. ISil'tZ (Salomon). * Leber einige Fiille von Pleu- ritis. 36 pp. - . Freiburg i. li., C. Lehmanu, 1893. Sairudo. >'< e Leech. Hirz vReinhold) [1875- j. * Leber L.lenker- kiankuiigen bei krupiiser Pueuinoiiie. 3U pp.. 11. - . ' Berlin, G. Schade. 1900. Hirzel (H[einrich]) [1-2-- ]. Das Opium i\\\0 seine Bestandtheile. Eine Zusaininenstel- limg der bis zum heutigeu Tage hieriiber gesam- melten Erfahrin en. 4- pp. - . Leipzig, W. Baensch, H.'l, [P., v. 2156.] Hir/.4*E (Heinrich). 'Untersuchungen iiber den Ban der -og.nannten Wiiiteisehlafdriisen. 16 pp.. 1 pi. 4 . Ziirich. J. J. Fl rich. If 01. Hirzel yJ. Conradiisi. 'Diss, sistens observa tioues circa hydropeni, maxime anasarca. 20 pp. 4-'. Tubinga, tup. Reis- Y Scluniaianis. [1-08]. Hil-zel (Job. Casi ar) [1725-1-03]. see TiNaot (Siiuon-Ainlre-I).. [in 1. s.]. Lettre a Mon- sieur Hirzel [etc.j. :r> Lansmine. 17ii2. por Portrait, see t'olteclion Portr. tl.ibr.). Hirzel (Leonardos;. rDiss. nied. sistens nexus nervi sympathetic! cum nervis cerebralibus. x, 41 pp. 4-'. Heidelberga; typ. A. Ossiraldi, 1-24. [P.. v. 15-2.] ------. Tlie same. Untersuchungen iiber die Verbiiidnngen des syinpathischen Ncrvens mit den Hirnnerven. 42 pp., 1 pi. 4C. Heidelberg, A. Osswald, 1-25. [P., v. 15-2.] Repr. from. Ztschr. f.Phj-siol . Heidelb.. Is24. i. His (Wilhelm) [1-31- ]. Ueber das Epithel der Lyiii]ihe.etTi--\vurzeln nnd iiber die von Reeklin^hausen'scheu Safteautilcheii. 20 pp., 1 pi. - . [Berlin, 1-6:!.J Repr. from: Ztschr. f. wiss. nsch. Zool.. Berl., lsiij, xiii. ------. Ordinis niedicoruiii Lip->ien>is decanus et reliqui profi s-oi'-s memoriam Ernesti Gottlobi Bosei die xxii. Septeinbris a. mdccclxxiv, hora x in conclavi facultatis inedieae pie celebraii- duin indicunt. Inest dissertatio: Ut berdie Eut- deckunu (les Lyniphsysteins. 19 pp. 4 . Lip- sin; typ. A. Edelmanni, [186-1]. ------. Beobaehtungen iiber den Ban des Sau^e- thier-Eierstoeke^. 52 pp., 4 col. pi. - . [Bonn, 1-65.] Repr. from: Arcli. f. mikr. Anat.. Bonn, ISC"., i. ------. Beschreibung eines Mikrotoms. 4 pp. 4 . [Bonn, 1-70.] Repr. from: Arcb. f. mikr. Anat.. Bonn. ls.u. vi. ------. Gutachten der Special-Commission fiir 8cliulgesiinillieitspib-^e und Bericht iiberden ge- genwiirtigen Stand der Schulbaukf'rage in Ba- sel. 61 pp., 3 i>l. ~J. Basel, G. Bauer. 1-71. ------. Leber die Aufgaben und Zielpunkte der wisseiisehaftlichen Anatomic. 1-pp. - . Leip- zig, F. C W. Vogel, 1*12. ------. Ueber die Entdeckiuig des Lymphs*, s- tems. 19 pp. Y. Lipsia; typ. A. Edelmanni, [1-74]. ------. Zur Fra^e von der Zusammciiliigung des Lmbrvo. 11 pp. 4°. Lipsia;, typ. A. Edelmanni, [1876]. ------. Anatomie menschlicher Luibryonen. I. Euibryonen des ersten Monats. 1*4 pp. 8 . Alias, - pi. fol. Leipzig, F. C W. Vogel, 18.-0. ------. The same. II. Gestalt- und Crossenent- wicklung bis zum Sehluss des 2. Monats. viii, 104 pp. - . Leipzig. F. C. W. Vogel, \**2. ------. The stime. 111. Zur Geschichte der < )i - gane. iv, 260 pp. *\ Atlas, pi. 9-14. fol. Leipzig, /•'. C. W. Vogel, 1-85. ------. Rectoratswechsel an His (Wilhelm ;—coin intied. ------. Beitriige zur Anatomie des inenschlichcn Her/ens. llerrn Prof. Dr. Fr. Micscher-His zum 9. Januar 18,-6, dem 50. Jubeltage seiner Pro- niotion an der Universitiil - Berlin gewidmet. 20 pp., 3 pi. ,- Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1886. ------. Die Entwickelung der Zoologischen Sta- tion in Neapel und das wachseude Hediirfniss nach wisseiisehaftlichen Ceniralaustalten. 7 pp. 4°. Berlin, L. Schumacher, [18-6]. Repr. from: Taj;cl>l. d. Veraamnil. deutsch. Xaturf. u. Acr/.te. 1886. lix. ------. Die Neuroblastcn und deren Entstehung im eiubryonalcn Mark. pp. 3Li-372, 4 pi. ro\. 8 . Leipzig. S. Hirzel, 1-89. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Abliandl. d. math. phys.CI. d.k. siiclis. (lesellscli. d.Wissensch., Leipz., der Uni ver.sitiit Leipzig am 31. October 1882. II. Rede des antre- tenden Lectors, pp. 17-44. 4:. Leipzig, A. Edelmann, l"8l. 18S9. XV. Di. Lntwickelui menschlichen Kautenhirns vom Ende des ersten bis zum Be- ginn des dritten Monats. I. Yerlangertes Mark. 74 pp., 4 pi. roy. s< . Leipzig. S. Hirzel, 1-90. Repr. from: Abliandl. d. k. siiclis. llcsellscli. tl. Wis- senscb. zu I.ciiiz. Math.-phys. CI.. Is9l), xvii. -----. Der lnikrophotograpbisehe Apparat der Leipziger Anatomie. Festschrift Albert Ki'illi- ker zum 26. Miitz 1892 dem 50. Gediichtnisstage S'iner liiediciniscben Promotion an der Univer- sitiit Heidelberg gewidmet. 22 pp.. 3 pi. 4°. Leipzig, /'. C. W. Vogel. 1*92. -----. O stroyenii nashei nervnoi [Structure of our nervous system.] 2: [Moscow, 1-94.] Bound ivith : Bibliot. vrach., Mosk., 1894 i. -----. Die anatouiische Nomenclatur. sistenn. pp. 8 .. anatomica, Verzcichniss der von der anatomi- schen Gesellschaft auf ihrer ix. Versaiiniilung in Basel augenouiinenen Nainen. Lingeleitet und im Einverstandniss mit dem Redactionsnu-- sehuss erliiutert. iv, 180 pp., 2 pi. 8 . Leip- zig, Veil . LMpzig, 1895. -----. Xliesame. 2. Autl. 8". I.eipzoi. IS'.i'.i. ------. The same Hand atlas [,i c. ]. rov. »'. L.eipziu, London d- Xen- Vmk. ltmo. —Th«-il«- . Fiic'd- rich Willi, -'inn | in 1. s.]. (iewiclilsli, stiiiiniuimcii etc.], \ . 1Mb \s.-t. --------. See, also: Mpji Itcliolx (W.) Zum sieh/.i^Hteu (rebnrtsta^ von W'illi.-liii His. Muuclien. nied. Wclinschr., 1901, xlviii, li:> I 1 11. port. His (Wilhelm) jr. [186:!- ]. Die Entwicke- lung des Ilerznei \ < n->stein bei Wirbeltbieren. 64 pp , 4 ]d. roy. h . ' Leipzig, S. Hirzel, 1891. Repr. from: Aliiian.ll. d. math.-plivs. CI. d. k. siiclis. ('cscllsc'h. il. VVissensch., Leip/... 1891,' xviii. ------. Die ht'iitigen Ansiehten iiber den Heil- werth der Mineralw iis>er. Acadeinisclie An- Irittsvorlesiiiig. 24 ]»p. 8'-. Leipzig, S. Hirzel, 1*91. ------. Geschich'e der medicinischen Klinik zu Leipzig zur Feierdes KMijiihrigeii Besteheiis der Klinik. Mit einem Vorwort von II. Cursch- iiiaiiii. 35 |ip., 2 pi., 7 jiort. 8-. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1899. Hisrlllliailll ( Camillc-Henry) [1858- ]. * Intoxications ct hysteric. 89 pp. 4*. Paris, 1*8*, No. 133. UISLOP. 174 HISTOLOGY lli*3op (J[ohn] B[lackbnrn]). Two cases _of murrain (aphtha cpizooticu) in man. With remarks bv Geoi-e W. Balfour. 11 pi>. 8 . Edinburgh? Oliver Y Boyd, 1-03. [P., v. 1620.] Repr. from: Ediub. M.J., 1862-3, viii. Hiss (A. Ennl). Thesaurus of proprietary prep- arations and pharmaceutical specialties. In- eluding "patent" medicines, proprietary phar- maceuticals, open formula specialties, synthetic remedies, etc. 279 pp., 1 1. 8°. Chicago, G. P. Enqelliard Y Co., 1-9-. . See. alio. Ibcil (Albert E.) & His* (A. E.) lhe sti.n.Urd f.-riuulaiv [etc.]. 2. ed. 8°. Chicago, 1897. __________. The same. 10. ed. 8C. Chicago, 1900. Hi*ti1. Histoire et description de la taille laterale [etc.]. See Thompson (John)-[hi 1. s.]. Histoire des drogues espiceries et, de certains ni6dicanieus simples, qui naisseut e's Iniles et en rAm6rique, divis6e en deux parties. La pre- miere comprise en quatre livres: les deux pre- miers de M. Garcie dn Jardiu, le troisiesnie de M. Christophle de la Coste, et le quatriesine de l'histoire du baulme adjonstee de nouveau en eeste secoude 6dition: oil il est prouve que nous avous le vray baulme d'Arabie, contre 1'opinion des auciens ctmodernes. La secoude, composee de deux livres de maistre Nicolas Monard, traic- tant d ■ ce qui nous est apporte' de l'Aine"ritiiie. Le tout tidellenient translate en francois par Antoine Colin, par lui augineiite de beaucoup d'annotations de diverses drogues estrangcres. 2.dd. 7 p. 1., 369 pp., 71. 12c. Lyon, J. Pille- hotte, 1619. Histoire merveilleuse et espouventable, d un nionstre engendre dans le corps d'un homme nomine Ferdinand de ia Febue. au marquisat de Ceiiete en Espagne. Impriniee premierenienfc a Madrid. 12 pp. 12. Paris, F. du Vol, 1622. Histoires prodigieiises et niemorables, cstraic- tes de plusieurs fameux autheurs grecs et latins, sacrez et prophaues, divisees eu six livres. Le jiremier compose par P. Boaistuau, le ii par C. de Tesserant, le iii par F. de Belleforest, le iiii par Rod. Hoyes, le v, traduit du latin de M. Ar- nault! Sorbin, evosque de Nevers, par F. de Belle- forest ; y est adjoustd le vi, eontenant plusieurs histoires, la pluspa'rt advenues de nostre temps, avec leurs portraits et figures convenahles. 11 p. 1., 1282 pp. 24°. Paris, G. Buon, 1598. Histologiya. [Histology.] 2 pts. in 1 v. 178 lip., 17 pi.; 282 pp., 23 pi. -'. S.-Peterburg, 1883. CONTEXTS. Pt. 1. Oiishtshaya. [General.] Pt. 2. Chaslnaya. [Special.] Hi*to9osy. See. also. Altmann's granules; Cell; Cell (Giant); Elastic tissue; Epithelium; Horn; Nervous system {Histology of); Protoplasm; and under names of organs, as Brain {Histology ' Ckllilk (La), Keeueil de cytologic et d'his- tologie generale, publie par J.-B Carney, G. Gilsouet.L Denys. v. 1-13. 4°. Lierre, 1884-97, Conguks international de medecine. XIII. Paris, 190). Comptes rendus. Section d'anato- mie descriptive et compuee. Section d'bistolo- gie et d'embryologie. Section de physiologie, physique et 'chimie biologitines. 8. Paris, 1900. . Klexcke (P. F. H.) Entwurf eines neuen geiietischen Systems der Histologic, zugleich als Grundriss einer philosophischen Anatomie. Versuch einer Lehre von der Qualitiit des menschlichen Orgauismus, im Sinne einer neueren Physiologie. Fiir Natui forscJier, Aerzte und denkeiide Freuude der Wissenschaft cnt- worfen. 12°. Leipzig, 1840. Kolkwitz ([G. J.] R.) * Untersuchungen iiber Plasmolyse, ElasticLat, Dehnung und Wachstuiii an iebendem Markgewebe. 8". Ber- lin, ls95. Lkydig (F.) Zelle und Gewebe. Neue Bei- triige zur Histologic des Thi rkorpers. 8°. Bonn, 1-8."). Mayeh (C.) Ueber Histologic und eine neue Eintheilung der Gewebe des menschlichen Kdr- pers bei Gelegenheit der Eroffnung seiner Vor- lesungen iiber Anatomie auf der konigl. preus- sischen llhcin-Uuiversitat. 8-'. Bonn, 1819. Motta Maia Contribuicao para o estudo dos progresses da histologia em Franca; se- gundo relatorio semestral aprezentado ii Facul- tade de medicina do Eio de Janeiro. 8°. Vienna, 1*11. Mvi.ns (J. G.) *De fibne simplicis natura. 12°. Argent ,rati, 1792. Nagel (C.) Fragment.' aus der gesaniniten microscopischen Anatomie. 4°. Wien, 1839. Osxovaxiya k izucheniyu mikroskopicheskoi anatomii chelovieka i zhivotnikh sostavlennlya pri uchastii K. A. Arnshteina. X. M. Bekh.te.reva [et al.] pod redaktsiyei M. D. Lavdovskavo i F. V. Ovsyaunikova. [Fundamental principles of microscopic anatomy of man and animals, prepared by Arnsteiu, Bekhtereff [et al.]. Edited by Lavdovski and Ovsyannikoff.] 8°. S. -Peterburg, 18*1-8. ItEiCHHKT (K. B.) Bericht iiber die Fort- scbritte der mikroskopisehen Anatomie im Jahre 1836. 8\ [Berlin, 1801.] SacaNELLA (D. E.) Memorandum de anato- mica general. (Histologia.) obi. 12'. Barce- lona, 1901. Soi.gi-'.ij (B.) Ueber die Architektur der Stiitz- substanzen. 8°. Leipzig, 1*92. Talat (M.) * Recherches sur la coloration des tissus chez les animanx vivants au point dc vue histologiijue. 4~. Paris, 1*86. Altinaiiti (K.) Einifjes uber die Miltrolonic. Arch. f An it. u. Entwckln»sj;esch . Leipz., 189,"., 225-224. See, also, infra. His. — Atkinson (W. H.) Histology and microscopy; an essay. Tr. Am. Dent. Ass.. Chicago. 1873, xiii, 111-158. Also, Keprint. — C'unli«*l«l (W. B) On the Stiulv of uornial histology. Mar.vlautl M. J., Bait., 1KS7. xvi, 197. Also. Keprint.—C'lnypolc (Edith J.) Notes on comparative histology of lilood and muscle. Tr. Am. Micr. Soc. 1896, Buffalo, 1897, xviii. 49-71.—C'oiscours HISTOLOGY. Hu^toQotfy. pour r.-mi.loi'd'asrei'e tl'liistoloirie. Arch, de med. nav., Pai i*-:. xli\.-';;ti 2:;:;. — I»«-I»i«*rr«*. Ili-n.lo^ic Diet. eiicy'cl. d. se. med.. l'ar.. ISsS. 4. s.. xiv. 1152 1-1. Uutnl (Mi Cours d'liistologie. Tribune nied., l'ar. lSSii. w iii. ;;s: 52. — voil Ebnor (V.i A nti it t-\ oil. sun^. Wien. klin. Wcluwhr., ISSS, i, (.7 , -t'.,9.- Kllcnlxiijn. Mit- theilungen aus dem physiolo^ist-lu-n und hisiolo^ischen Lalioratorium. licr. ii .1. V, tri iniirw. un Konisrr. Sachs., Dresd., 18s.">. xxix. 118-12.S. AUo. K«-)>- im ■ «■.*«««' Is. II.) The limitations and value ol hi-toloui al investigation. Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Se.. Ann At hoi. 1885, ;I4">-;I49. ______. The pioeess of lite icvealed by the mieroseope; a plea for physiological hislologv. Am. Month. Tllit-r. ,T Wash.. 189.")'. xvi, 292-311. AUo: Science, X. Y. .V Lancaster, Pa.. 1895, u. s.. ii. '209-218. Also: Tr. Am Mirr Soc. 189."), Buffalo. Is96, xvii. ;i-29. Also: K.p. Sniithson. Inst. 1895-6. Wash . 1898. ;iM-;!9ti, li pi.- «- »a»- ber (E.) llistol.wisch.r bofuncl bei der p.irti. lien Knt- ar tun "-read ion und bei llerabsct/.uiuiiler eleki i U.licn Kr- res-Wkcit. Sitziingsh. il. Gesellsch. f. M..i|.h..l. u. : hy- siol. in Uiinehen, 1887. iii. 118-12ii. — ill< i«l< i»hum (Ml Schleiden Schwann und die (i.-w.-l). 1 lire. Sit/unnsh. d. phys. med. ties llsch. zu Wiir/.h.. 1899, 16-:!6—lli» (W.) I'.i iiieikuiiucn zu Prof. Abinanu's Aufsatz iiber MiUrolo- •iie. Arch. f. Anat.n. Kilt wcklngsgescb., Leipz., 1895. 2;>5- 29— Iticklufcl (ti.) Zur Histologie und zur s\ stema- 1 ischen Siellung t'.er s bleimigen oder jiiillertigt-n Gewebe desMenseh. n. Anli I path. Anat. [etc. |.Berl.,1892.c\xix. 45ii-5; 2 " pi.— vou lvollilt«-r. 11 -i.l ,-isclic Mitthei- liuu.ii. SitzimirsK d. phys.-nicd. Gis. ^-cli r.u Wiirzb., ls»!i. (',0-1(9. Also. Beprini. —Koiii|»!iiu-«'»U!iysi-Ko- vali'ii»Uayn ( Katerina 1. ) Ni.-kol i,o na M\ u.leu i\ o sia-.nit. luoi mikroskupielieskol anati.inii clu-lo\ i.-U.i i m. kotorikh ml. kopitayusbtsliikh. [Comparative microscop- ical anai.miv of man and certain mammals.] Arch psi- ,l,i.ir. etc. . Kh.nkow 1887. ix. no. 2. ;i!l: no. 3. l.">.— KiiiK< iiixi ^ i F W.i ZiirKeuntnissilcrorgauischen Besian.ltheiloiiertlii.riscli.il rteriistsuhstanzen. 2. .Mit- theilung. Inhis: Ver-lcirh.-physiol. Smd.. 8°, Hci.lell.., . 1882. 2 It.. 21-7.").—I.t-yilitf iF.i Altcs nnd Nrurs iiber I Zellen Uli.i Gcwel.e. Z""l.'Anz.. Lei])/... 188S. xi, 251: 274; 3U9; :;2». —I.ojuIoii 98-9 vii 215-220. AUo, transl.: Arch. d. .-c. biol.. St.-Pe- tersb l.-ns- 9. vii, 215-220. ------. Histolo-idieskiya za- mietki. -Histological notes ] Arch hi. .1 nauk .... S.-Pe- terb., ls.''i-1900, vi i. 2 11-270.—.Tlncl«'0«l (J. M. II) On the value of general principles in the .study ofnnci ..scpu-al a'l.toiov. Brit. J. Dermat.. Lond.. !9nl, xiii. 41 - .1 -l"a- «ini , 1 I Csa e ed ache e huona 1' anatomia microsco- pic) del corpo uiuano' Qui si..no vivameute aetata in Toscana or.t un poco dilucidata. Gazz. tosc. d. -c nied., tis l-'ir.nze 1-47. v. 19:-201. AUo, Reprint.— Pfli-onc (I.'M.) Istolo-ia della polpa del inidollo osseo, rosso, e | della polpa dellamilza. Anat. Anz.. Jena. lssl). iv. ;>67-.>io. ______. Istoloiria del sauirue, del miilollo osseo. rosso, e della p.,]pa splenica del piccioue e del polio. Ibid., (iii 1-671 .— I»it-i-»oI tG. A.) Ahalf . eiiluivof histology. 1 mv. M. , Mi- I'liila. ]s.-c-9. i -2-«7. — B»i-«-iiaiit lA.) Laplace a.-tu.-l- , tle8teudane..s.leriii-tolo-i' IL v. nied. de 1 est. | Vaucv I-'"* xxx 449-171.------. 11 i-t, louiodes organea et des pei-sonin-s. Ibid.. 1900, x:;xii. 16I-1S0. ------. L'lnsto- lo'ie science bio'lo-iquc. Zt.iV/ . 1.01, xxxiii, 19:s-21'i.— Rabi. Leber die Prin/.ipieii d"- Uisn....:..■ \ erhandl. d anal. Ge-ellsch.. Jena, l-s9. :t9 '.2. —BSs-anlii* '*.) Bei- trii"e zur Ilrstolugie ties Alenschen. Arch. I. mikr. Anat.. P.onn 1S96. xlvii. :51-44.1pl.-K«ir.'-«-!4» < v■) Hislolome al.iolo-'i.(odstol.xvii.dor. ls'ili.. II i-tolo.uy and hiol- icv .li".iii 17. century to 18(1. < .'as. .p. lek. cesk., vPraze, 1 "fit. xxxiii. 679; 718.—WchallVr (J ; P.eitra^.'ZiirHistolo- L'ie m.nschlicher Orpine. I. Duodenum II Diinndarm. Iii Mastd .nn. IV.Zunue. V. M iindhohle—Schlunilkopt. VI O.sopha.nis. VII. Cardia. Sitzun^sb. d. k. A kad. d. AVi'ssens.-h. TMath.-natuiv < l.Wi.-.i.^91. c,440.2pl.:ls97 cvi 35:i 4 pi.—McotllJ. 1 i Ili-tolo'^y; its importaiK c. to the "ener.il practitioner. Med. A Siiil*. Monitor. Indianap., 18'n" ii :i*7-:!9l. —.Mi.-mlt :i.—!"*:nirncir(A. K.) Stto, yenic i iitpravh-ii'j'e Iliistolo-icheskiy eskiz). [Structure and function: histological studs. I/.vIcst. Imp. Tomsk. Lniv, 189s. xiii.no. 5, 1-15.- .^tolir (P.) P.citriige zur mi- kroskoriischen Anatomic des iiien.schlichen Korpers. V er- handl (1. pb\8.-mcil. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb., 1--8H. n. V . xx, ]_S 1,,1—SlowrI! ((J. H.) Studies m histology. Micro ■ro|ie.Allli All.or. Micll.,lsS4. iv. 19;>0; 123; 149; 171; 265.— fni.on i-I.i D ■» ava-itages des sciences histoln»-iipios daiisl'i'iisci'iieincnt et dans la pr .liipie dc la nicdeciiie, et dela methode-onci -ale a sui\i' - 'G.i.. l.-ui etude. .I.d.sc. nied. de I.ill.-, ]S9u. ii, 217-225. —'I'oj iiIm*- ll.) Kesearelies tendin.Mo prove the non-vascuiai it . ami tin- peculiar uni- form mode of organization and nutniioii of certain animal tissues nane Iv articular cartilage and the cartilage ol the different clashes of libro -cu tilage ; the cornea, the crystal- line len- and the vitreous humor; and the epi.lei moid iip- p.n.la"es bond. M. Gaz., 1843, xxxii, 67-71. AUo, lie- piint. —Vtin Kambck** tC.) Quelq es considerations HISTOLOGY. sur la marche de Ihistolo-ie depuis vinyl -euii| ans. Ann. Soc. de med. de Gand. IS'19, Ixxviii, 51-lili.—Vnriol ((t.) I e traite pratique d'histoloyie. du ]iiofesseiir J. Kenant. [Kev.] .Pile clin. et dctheiap. inf, Pur., Is97, v, 107. IliwIuEoK'V {Comparative). See, also, Anatomy, Embryology. Com para- tire; Morphology. Kl.l.KNBKKGKlt (W.) A (i V N"l IIEK {(i.) Grillltl- riss der V(*ro,b'i('b('ii(len llistiolooie der Ilnus- siiug.*tie:(>, s . Berlin, P.><>1. Oi'PKi. (.V.) Lebrbucli dcrvei-oleicbcnd 'ii nii- kroskopischen Aniitoinic tb-r Wirbulticrc l.Teil. Der M.-ioen. S . -leua, Is1.),;. It«i"h (K S.) I'.eilriin'e zur veruleichenden IIistolo<;ie. Anat. II.-Ite. Wiesb.. 1898, x. 100: 190(1. xiv, 379,.". pt—«isi««■ (S. II.) 1 he linn tat ions and value of histological in vest Ra- tion illusirat.-.l l.\ a consideration of the structure of a re- spiratory membrane in lhe pharynx of soft shelled Unties ( \m\da niutica and Aspidoneeti-s spinifcr) Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1885, Salem, lssd, xxxiv. 3ir>-:;4l}.—Kolli- k«-i- (A.) rnlorsueluinncii znr vernleicheiiden (jcwelic- Ichre an-.-si. Ill ill Ni/./a im ll.-rl ste ls.'.li. Verhandl. d. ph\ s -iu. .1. Gesellsch. in Wiirzb., 18.V, viii, 1-124. Also, lie- prini — licei T.G.I A course in animal histology. Odont. .1., Kochcstcr. 1SS7. viii, 19; 171: 18SS. ix, 30. HiwtoBo^y (Manuals and atlases of). Sec, also, Photomicrographs. Aschokk (L.j A: (iAYi.tiui) (.H.) Knrsus der ptitliolooislien Histologic, mit cineni niikro- skopiscben Atlas, roy. S-. Wiesbaden, PJnO. llANXWAifi'ii ( E. ) Hist'olooie. Ein kurzes Lehrbucb fiir .Stndierciidc nnd Aerzte. 8". Leipzig, 1*91. 13km>a (C.) M- (Igkntiier (P.) Histologi- sclier Hand-Atlas. Eine, 8:iinnilung inikrosko- jiiscber Zeicbuungen nach dem l'raparat fiir den Gebraucb bei praktiseben Uebungen. S'-'■. Leip- zig tf Wien. 1890. -----. Tl e same. An atlas of practical bisiolooy, containing a series of drawings, copied from specimens, to assist in the practical work in tbe laboratory. Transl. by C. TV. F. Mueucbebot'e 8°. Clcrcland, [189G]. 13ekdal (H.) Nouveiiux elements d'bistolo- oie normale a l'lisagedes <5tudiants en nicdeciiie. 4. <*d. l'i. Paris, 1894. _____. Tbe same. ">. ed., entieroinent revue et eoiisiili'iableincnt augnientce. 8°. Paris, 1899 [l--'!^]. ]3kkgii (R.) Foreliesninger over deu dyriske Zelle og de simple dyriske Viev lioldte ved Kjo- benbavns Universilct. Udgivne nied Under- st^ltelse af Alinisteriet for Kirke og Fii(lcrvis- liinosva'senet. 8'-'. hjnihenharn, 1892. ----—. Tbe same. Yorlesitngen iiber die Zelle und die einl'aeben Gewebe des tbieriscben Korpers. Mit einem Anbang: 'lVeliniscbe An- leituii"- zu einiaclien hislologisi'lien Unteisu- chunoen. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1S9-1. l'u hat (M.-F.-X.) Traite ties membranes en general, el do tliveiscs membranes en particu- lier. s . Paris, an VIII [17U9-1SU0J. -----. Tbe sanie. Nouvelle 6d. S. Paris, lSlf,. -----. Tbe same. Nouvelle cd. 8°. Paris, 18:31. Mii:cn (De 13.) A class book of (elementary) practical pliysiology, including histology, clietn- ical and experimental physiology. Hi*''. Phila- delphia, 1*99. 13lzzo/.KKo (G.) Istologia norniale. Le/.ioni raccolte dallo stntlente Lnigi Pesce. 8 . [To- rino], 18H-4-8. 13(")iiM (A. A.) \ vox DaVidoi-k (M.) Lebr- bucli tier Histologic ties Menschen, einscbliess- lich der mikroskopisehen Techuik. 8U. Wies- baden, 1H!I.). HISTOLOUY. 176 HISTOLOGY. Histology (Manuals and atlases of). -----------. The same. 2. Autl. ,-c. Wies- baden. 1*9*. -----------. The same. A text-book of his- tology, including microscopic technic. Edited, with extensive additions to both text and illus- trations, by G. Carl Huber. Authorized transl. from the 2. revised German ed., by H. ll. dish- ing. ,-G. Philadelphia, 1900. -----A Oppel (A.) Taschenbuch der mikro- skopisehen Technik. 1'2J. Miinchen, 1890. ----- -----. The same. 2. durchgeseheue und vermehrte Autl. 12°. Miinchen, 1.-9:3. -----------. The same. 3. Aufl. 1*2°. Miin- chen, i-'.»<;. j -----------. The same. 16°. Paris, 1894. Boxeval (R.) Nonvelles notes d'bistologie j normale a l'liaugc des etudiants en nicdeciiie. I -\ Paris, 18*0. Brass (A.) Kurzes Lehrbuch der normalen Histologie des Menschen und tvpischer Thier- forinen zum Gebrauch fur Aerzte, Studirende der Medicin nnd Naturwissenschai'ten, etc. H-. Cassel 4' Berlin, 1885-8. -----. Atlas der Gewebelehre des Menschen fiir Studirende und Aerzte. 2. Aufl. 1. ;;Bd. Normale Geweholehre. 4-. Braunschweig, 1*91. -----. The same. Alias of human histol- ogy. Authorized transl. from the German, with additions, bv R. A. Young. 4°. London, 1891. -----. The same. 4 2 Xew York, 1897. CaRazzi (D.) Tecnica, di anatomia micro- scopic;!. 2Y. Milano, 1894. Ciaccio ((". Y.) Lezioni di notomia minuta generale e degli organi dei sensi, dettate nella | Regia Universita di Bologna. 8°. Bologna, [1890-95], Clakksox (A.) A text-book of histology, descriptive and practical, for the. us.* of students. I 8~. Bristol Y London, 1-90. -----. The same. 8°. Philadelphia, 1896. Couiax (W. 8.) Section cutting and stain- ing; a practical guide to the preparation ot normal and morbid histological specimens. 1*2°. London, 1***. -----. The same. A practical introduction to histological methods for students and practi- tioners. 2. ed. 8 . London, l»9f>. Despises. *I)e la valeur des recheiches mi- croscopiques en anatomie. 4C. Paris, 1846. Dissk (J.) Grundriss der Gewebelehre; eiu Compendium fiir Studirende. 8°. Stuttgart, 1892. Dcxiiam (E. K.) Histology: normal and morbid. 8C. Xew York Y Philadilphia, 1898. Duval (M.-M. 1 La technique microscopique et histologique; introduction pratique a l'anato- mie gen6rale. 1*2°. Paris, [1891]. -----. Precis d'bistologie. 8C. Paris, 1897. -----. The same. 2. cd. 8->. Paris, 1900. Eteknod (A.) Guide technique du labora- toire d'histologic normale, et dlements d'bistolo- gie generale a l'usage des etudiants en me'de- cine et en sciences naturelles. 8°. Genere, 1880. Exxeh IS.) Leitfaden bei der mikroskopi- sehen Untersuchung thieriseher Gewebe. 8C. Leipzig. 1*10. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 8 . Leipzig, 1818. Fearnley (W. ) A course of elementary practical histology. 1*2°. London, 1887. Four (J.-A.) Anatomie descriptive et dissec- tion, eontenant uu precis d'embryologie avec la structure microscopique des organ es et celle des tissus. 12!'-. Paris, 1866. -----. Tlie same. 2. e"d. 8°. Paris, 1808. French (G. H.) A manual of dissection and hi-tology for the use of classes in physiology in Histology (Manuals and atlases of). high schools, normal schools, and academies. 123. Philadelphia, [189.-]. Frky (H.) Histologic nnd Histochemie ties Menschen. Lehre von den Form- und Mi- schungs-Bestaudtheilen des Kbrpeis. 8". Leip- zig, lc-59. -----. The same. Traite* d'histologie et d'histochimie. Trad, de l'allemand snr la 9. e"d. par P. Snillmann. Avec des notes < t un ap- pendice sur la .spectroscopic du sang, par Dr. Ranvier. roy. 8-. Paris, 1871. -----. Grundziige der Histologie zur Einlei- tung in das Studiuin tlerselben. 3. Aufl. - >. Leipzig, 1885. -----. The same. Compendium of liis- t .logy. Transl. from the German. 3. ed. 8 -\ Xew York, 1*19. Fusari (R.) & Monti (A.) Compendio di istologia generale. Volume di complement!) al Trattato tli anatomia comparata deg!i animali domestici di Chauveau ed Arloiug. roy. ***'-". Torino, 1->91. Gage (S. H.) Notes on histological methods, including a'brief consideration of the methods of iiatbological and vegetable histology, and the application of the microscope to jurispru- dence. For the use of laboratory students iu the anatomical departments of the Cornell Uni- versity. 8 '. Ithiua, 1885-0. -----. The microscope and histology for the use of laboratory students in the anatomical de- partment of Cornell University. 3. ed. Pt. 1. 8°. Ithaca, 1891. -----. The same. 4. ed. 82 Philadelphia,! *92. -----. The fame. 5. ed. Ithaca, 1891. -----. The same. 6. ed. 83. Ithaca. \*90. Gaucia (L. L.) Consideraciones sobre la tec- nica histologic;! nioderna, su iinpoitancia y apli- caciones. 2. ed. 82 Madrid, 18*1. Geklach (J.) Handbuch der allgenieinen und speciellen Geweh-lehre des menschlichen Korpers fiir Aerzte uud Studirende. 2. Aufl. 8°. Mainz, 1801. Gibbes (H.) Practical histology and pa- thology. 3. cd. s°. Philadelphia, 18-5. -----. The same. 3. ed. 8 . London, 1--5. Gottheil (W. S.) A manual of general his- tology. 1*2°. Xew York, 1894. Hallsten (K.) Handledning for nybegyn- nare vid histologiska ofningar. [Manual for students iu histological studies.] 8 . Hei sing- Jors, 1877-8*2. Hassall (A. H.) Mikroskopische Anatomie des menschlichen Korpers im gesunden und kranken Zustande. Aus dem Englischen iiber- set-zt von Otto Kohlschutter. 2 pts. iu 1 v. 8°. Leipzig, 185*2. Heusinger (C. F.) System der Histologie. 1. Theil. 4°. Eisenach, lr22. Histologiya. 2 pts. in 1 v. 8 . S.-Peter- burg, 1885. Hoge (M.D.), jr. Outlines of histology. 16°. Bichmond, 1897. Janosa'k (J.) Histologie a mikroskopickti anatomie. 8°. r Praze, 1892. von Kahlden (C.) Technik der histologi- schen Untersuchung patbologisch-anatomischer Priiparate fiir Studirende und Aerzte. 8°. Jena, 1890. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. 8°. Jena, 1893. -----. The same. 0. Anfl. 8°. Jena, 1900. -----. The same. Methods of pathological histology. Transl. by M. Fletcher. 8°. London -'. Ltipzig.l-iil. -----. the same. li. ed. 8°. Leipzig, 1-89. -----. The same. A manual of human mi- croscopic anatomy. -J. Lnovi prakricheskoi histo- logii. [Elements of practical histology.] 2 pts. -7 Kharkov, 1—9. Kurzes Repetitorinin der Histologie als Vade- mecum fiir die Studien und Priifungeu. 1. Nor- male Histologic gearbeitet nach den Vorle- sungen untl Werken von Ebuer, Exner [el al.]. 1*2-. Ltipzig Y W,,n. [1-93]. Lauxoi- (P.-E.j Manuel ties travaux prati- ques d'histologie. '-:. Paris, [1896]. ----- A: Moral" (H.) Manuel d'anatomie microscopique et d'bistologie: preface de Ma- thias Duval. 16 . 7'fin's. 1892. Lee (A. B.) The niicrotomist's vadeiiiecuin. A handbook of the methods of microscopic anatomv. 2. ed. 8-. London, 1-90. ------. The same. 3. ed. - '. Philadelphia, l-9'.l. Leiokt (P.) Aide-memoire d'bistologie, d'a- natomie (osteologie. sphim hnologie et orgams des sens) et d'embiyobigi.- pour la preparation tin detixienie exanien. 16. Paris, le90. Lehoy (L.) Essentials of histology. 12 . Philadelphia. 1900. Leydig (F.) Lehrbuch der Histologie tie- Meuscben uud der'i'liiere. 8'-. Frankfurt a. M., 1857. -----. The same. Traits d'histologie dc I'homme et ties animaux. Trad, de 1'ailemand par R.-[P.J Lahillonne. -. Paris, 1-66. -----. Zelle uud lieuebe. Neue Beitriige zur Histologie des Tliierkdrpers. 8-. Bonn, 1--5. Maestri: de San Juan y Minoz (A.) Tratato elemental de histologia normal y patoldgica, precedido de un resuinen de tecniea de labora- torio. 2. ed. roy. 8-. Madrid, 1**0. Miller (M. N.' Practical microscopy. A course of normal histology for students and practitioners of medicine. 8J. Xew York, 18-7. -----. Tlie same. Students'histology. Re- vised by Herbert U. Williams. 9. ed. 8. Xew York; 1898. Mondino (C.) Lezioni di anatomia generale e di tecniea per la microscopia. *-'; Torino, 1-9:',. Morel (C.) Pr6cis d'histologie humaine. Dessins d'apres nature par A. Villemin. -J. Paris, i860. VOL VII, -D SERIES----12 Histology (Manuals and atlases of). Ortii (,.!.*) Cuisus der norinalen Histologie zur Einl'iilu ung in d> n Gebrauch des Mikro- skopes sowie m das practisclie Studium der Gewebelehre. 5. Aufl. 8 . Berlin, 1*8*.^ Pai.adino (G.) Lezioni di istologia e fisiolo- giageneiale. 2. cd. roy.-. Xapoli. 1-71. PiEitsoi. (G. A.) Text hook of normal his- tology ; including an account of the developinenl of the tissues and of the organs. 8 . Philadel- phia, 1890. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8 . Philadelphia, 1-94. -----. The same. 4. ed. - . Philadelphia, 1896. Porcm-'.T (G.) A TonsNEfX (F.) Precis d'his- tologie humaine ct d'histogenie. 2. ed., entiere- inent refondm*. 8 . Paris. 1878. Prudden (T. M.) A nianmil of practical nor- mal histology. 16-". Xew York. 18*2. Kabaud (E.) A Monpillard (F.) Atlas d'histologie normale. principalis, tissus et or- ganes. ,-'. Paris, 1900. Ram6x Y Ca.ial (S.) Manual de histoh gia normal v tie tecniea inicrogratica. 4*-. Valmcia, 18*1. -----. The same. 8*-'. lalencia, 18-9. -----. Elementos de histologia normal y de tecniea microgranca para uso de estudiantes. 8-. Madrid, 1.895. Ranyier (L.) Traite technique d'histologie. Fasc. i-v. 8-~. Paris, 1875-8. -----. The same. - . Paris, 1-89. -----. The same. Technisehes Lehrbuch der Histologie, iibersetzt von W.Nicati und H. von Wyss. s-\ Leipzig, 1811. -----. The same. 8-. Leipzig. 188"*. Rawitz (B.) Leittaden fiir histologische I ntcrsuchungen. 8-. Jena, 1-89. -----. The saine. 2. Aufl. 8°. Jena. 1-95. -----. Grundriss der Histologic. Fiir Stn- dierende untl Aerzte. -". Berlin, 1-94. Kkmy (A.-C.) Manuel des travaux pratiques d'histologie; histologie ties elements des tissus. des systemes. des organes. 8-'. Paris. 1---9. Rknaut (J.) Traite d'histologie pratique. Tome I. Fascicule I. Le milieu intdrieur et le tis- su conjonctif lache et modele". sc. Paris, 1—9. Repetitorii.m der norinalen Histologie. Mit einer kurzen Anleitung zu histologischen Inter- suchungen. 12. Leipzig Y Wien, 1891. RciHEi'i•okd (W.) Outlines of practical his- tology. 2. ed. 1*2°. London, 1876. Sai i i:rthwaite (T. E.) Amanual of histol- ogy, edited and prepared by . . . in association with Dis. Thomas Dwight, J. Collins "Warren \ctal.]. 2. ed. s . Xew York, 1— 2. Senakkk (E. A.) The essentials of histology, descriptive und practical. For the use of stu- dents. *J. London, 1885. -----. The same. 2. ed., revised. - . Lon- don, 1887. -----. The saint*. Iked. S. London, i -92 -----. The same. 5. ed. 8 . London 0' Bombay, I-9-. -----. Tlie same. - . Philadelphia. 1885. -----. The same. :?. ed. 8 . Philadelphia, 189*2. -----. The same. New (5.) ed., revised and enlarged. 8 . Philadelphia Y Xew York; 1>9*. -----. A course of practical histology. 2. cd. 12'. Philadelphia, 1*91. Sciienk (S. L.) Grundriss der norinalen His- tologic des Menschen fiir Aerzte und Studirende. 8 . Wien Y Leipzig, 1885. -----. The same. 2. umgearbeitete und veiinehrte Aufl. 8 . Wien Y Leipzig, 1.-91. HISTOLOGY. 178 HISTOLOGY. Histology (Manuals and atlases of). Si niEii'i-udkckki: (P.) A Kossel(A.) Gewe- belehre mil, besonderer Beriicksichtigung des menschlichen Korpers. 1. Abtli. 8-'. Braun- schweig, 1-91. Sola (K. G.) Tratado elemental de histologia e histo •iiiiiiianorinalis. 8-'. Barcelona, [18-8], Stirling (W. ) Outlines of jiractical his- tology. A manual for students. 12°. London, 1-90. -----. The same. 2. ed. 12 . Loudon, 1*90. -----. The same. 12°. Philadelphia, 1890. -----. The same. 2. ed. 12'. Philadelphia, 1893. Stoiir (P.) Lehibuch der Histologie und der mikroskopisehen Anatomie des Menschen -mit Einschluss der mikroskopisehen Technik. 8°. Jena, 1881. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 8■-. Jena, 1*8*. -----. The same. 4. Aufl. 8-'. Jena, 1-91. -----. The same. 5. Aufl. 8°. Jena, 1892. -----. The same. 6. Autl. 8-. Jena, 1-91. -----. The same. 8. Aufl. 8°. Jena, 189*. -----. The same. 9. Aufl. 8°. Jena, 1901. ------. Tlie same. Manuel technique d'histo- logie. Traduit sur la derniere Edition allemande par MM. H.Totipet et Critzman, avec une prdfaee du professeur Cornil. .--. Paris, 1.890. •-----. The same. Text-book of histology, including the microscopical technique. 6. cd. Transl. by Emma L. Billstein; edited, by Alfred Schaper. 8 ■-''. Philadelphia, 1896. -----. The .-aine. 2. Am. from 8. German cd. Edited, with additions, by Alfred Schaper. 8°. Philadelphia, 1898. -----. The same. 3. Am. ed. from s. German ed. *-'*-". Philadelphia, 1900. -----. The same. 4. Am. ed. from 9. German cd. 8°. Philadelphia, 1901. S POWELL (C. H.) The students' manual of histology, for the use of students, practitioners, and microscopists. 12°. Detroit, V81. -----. The same. 3. ed. 8°. Ann Arbor, 18--4. S/.v.monowicz (L.) Lehrbuch der Histologie und d"i- mikroskopisehen Anatomie, mit beson- derer Beriicksichtigung des meuschlichen Kor- pers einschliesslich der niikroskoiiischen Tech- nik. Lfg. 1-6. 8C. Wiirzburg, 1900-1901. Tagi'ohi (\V.) Sotei sodu kaibo ranyo. [His- tology, with illustrations.] v. 1. 8°. Tokyo, 1-94." Toldt (C.) Lehrbuch der Gewebelehre mit vorzugsweiser Beriicksichtigung des mensch- licheu Korpers. Mit einer topographischen D.irstellung dei Faserverlaufes im Centraliier- vensysteni, von 0. Kahler. 3. Aufl. 8°. Stutt- gart* 1*88. Vialleton (L.) Precis de technique histolo- gique et einbryologit|ue, guide de l'etudiant aux travaux pratiques d'histologique. 8°. Paris, b-99. Viguie (G.) Guide de travaux pratiques d'hi-t dogie pouvaut s'executer en une s.'iile seance. 8 . Xuntts, 1894. "Wkxzel (E.) Atlas der Gewebelehre des Men- schen und der hdbereu Thiere fiir Aerzte und Studirende der Medicin, auf Stein gezeichnet von Fr. Foedisch. 3.11ft. 8-. Dresden, [n. d.]. Whitman (CO.) Methods of research in microscopical anatomy and embryology. 8°. Boston, 18-5. Histology (Methods in). See, also, Fuchsine; Haematoxylin; Histol- ogy {Manuals, etc., of); Methyl {Salicylate of'); Methylene blue; Microscopy (Methods in); Histology (Methods in). Nervous system {llislologn of); Pathology (Mi- eroscopicul, Methods in); Pyoctanin. Bekgonzini (C.) Sopra alcuni metodi nuovi di coloiazione multipla in istologia. 8;. [Mo- dena, l89n.] lie-pr. fro in : Atti d. Soc. d. nat. di Modena, 1890, 3. s., ix. BRt'N'ETTi (L.) Notice sur une notivelle 1116- thode de conservation macro-microscopi(]uu des pieces anatoiniques, suivie d'un catalogue de ses di verses iiroparations anatoiniques phicoes k l'expositien universelle do Paris. 8 . Paris, 1867. Geumer (K.) * Ueber den Einfluss der ge- braiichliehen Konscrviernngs- und Fixationsnie- Ihoden auf die Grossen vei'liiiltnisse tierischer Zcllen. 8°. Berlin, [1893]. Jacoi'sox (b'.) "Leber die Wirkung flnore- scierender St offe auf Flininierepithel. 8°. Miin- chen, 1901. Monti (A.) Presentazione di preptirati ana- tomici percollezione allestiti, con un metodo che conserra la struttura istologiea degli organi, 8°. Paria, 1-99. Wagnf.u (R.) Mittheilung einer cinfachen Methode zu Versnchen iiber tlie Veriinderungen thierischer Gewebe in niorpliologiscfer und cheinischer Beziehung. 12°. [Gbttingen, 1,-51.] Cuttinti from: Naclir. v. d. k. (Icsclis.-l). il. Wisscnscli. u. il. Georg -Aug. -I'niy., Gotting., 1851, 97-109. A«-liar. — Ai-j-.toflT (V.) Okraska tioninoni mikroskopicheskikh sric/.ov i kusoch- kov (en masse). [Staining of microsci pical si ctions and pieces with thionin.] Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb. .18!)8, pt, '2, 244-253.—Arnold (J.) Ueber Gr.niuhi Farbung lcbciulcr und nberlcbocder Gewebe, Arch. f. path. Anat. [ctc.|, Berl.. 1900, clix, 101-116; 1 pi. - Ai-iiMtciii (C.) Die Motlr, lenblaufarbimg als histoiojM-lie Methode. Aunt. Anz.; Jena, 1887, ii. 125. 5.">]. —Anelie. Pain a icactifs. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physi.,1 ilc Pordcaux, 1 .-00, xvii. 248-251).— A aid (A. G.) Pols fluid for rapid hardening. Tr. Glasg. Path. & Clin. Soc, 1891-3, iv, 89 —Aseou'lay (L.) Coloration dc la myelinc des tissus nerveux ct dc la graisse par l'aeide osmique et lc tanin on ses analogues. Anat. Anz., J. na, 181)4. x, 2">-28.—Kalst-M. Nouvelle coloration des tissus normaux ct pathologiques. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., IKSfi, lxi. 73—liacearani (U.) Intoino al inelodo del Dott. Bci-gnnzini di colorazione niultiplalii istologia, Kassegna di sc. mod., Modena, 1895, x, 173-177.—Beiula (('.) Eine neue Hartungsniethode zu histologisclien Untersuchun- gen. Anat, Anz., Jena. 188-2 iii, 7H(i. ----. Die "Mito- chonilriafarbiiiig und andeie Mcthodcn zur Uiitcrsuchiing der Zcllsubstan/i n. Verhandl. d. anat. Gesellsch., Jena, 1901, xv, 155-174 —KlawchLo (A.) Teller pliysi<>logi- sclie Versilberung des elastisrhcn Gewebes. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1886, xxvii, 651-656, 1 pi. — Boiierul (K.) Microscopical technique applied to histolojv. Am. Month. Mier. J.. Wash.. 1895, xvi, 337; 382.—Koi-iwoff (P. 1.) Okraska protei'novikh veshtshestv. [Staining protein compounds.] Trudi Obsh. russk. vrach. v S- Pcierb., 189".-6, no. 2, 41-.".() — t'amiieu. Kcchorches sur la conservation de pieces sech.s anatoiniques dc petit volume par la inelhodo dc la paralline. Bull. Soc. d'aiiat. et physiol. de Bordeaux, 1899, xx, 153-155.—Cavazzani (A.) Metodo tli colorazione multipla: contubuto alia tecniea istologiea. Kiforma med., Napoli. Is9i. ix pt, 3, 604-607.—Coals (J.) Koto on a rapid method ot harden- ing and prenaring tissues for microscopic examination. J. Path. i-hlin\ zen ( M. 0. j Ueber die Tinctiou. Centralbl. f. d. mod. Wisscnscli.. Berl., 1886, xxiv. 931; 945. -----. Ueber das 'I'.i pent miil in tier histologisclien Technik. Centralbl. f. Physiol.. Leipz. u. Wien. 1888-9, ii. 533-535. — Dell' Inola (G.) Snl valine della forina- linii in istologia e sui inodo tli usarla. Boll. d. r. Accad. med tli Geneva, 1895, x, 84-94.—De \:ibia» (B.) & Nnliiu/is (J ) Re-marques sur quelques points de tech- HISTOLOGY. 179 HISTOLOGY. Bii*toEo£;y (Methods in). nique liist,.l.._iquc . t bactci iologiqiie. An h. clin. de Bor- deaux, 1893. 11. U.5- 172.— 5)i<»ni-io (1 ) Methode zur Ilcr- slcllung von Sei u nscliuitten von iu Celloidiu ciugeheltc- ten Stiiekeu. Metl. Jabrb., Wien, 188^, n. K, iii, '32S1-333. Also: Mitth.a.d.enibryol. Inst.d. k. k.l'niv. in Wu n (18SS), B-89. n. F., 3. lift., 80-84. — Doyiel (A. S.) Ueb, r Pnter- siiehuiigsmeihodeii. die Sehnenzellcn und das lockcre Fn- terhautzcllgewebe lietrefleiul. Anal. Anz., it/,iingsb.d. k. Akad.d. Wisscnscli. Math, naturw. l'i.. Wi.-u. 1-97, cvi, 58-05.—Ferria (L.) Lit colorazione delle libit* elastiche coll' a.i. lo cromico e coila sat'ianina. Gior. d. r. Accad. di nnd. di Toriuo, ls88. 3. s.. xxxvi, 341-343.—Fash (P. A.) Neutral red: histology and bac- teriology. Am. V, t. Bev.. X. Y., 1,-90. xx. 020-0_9 AUo. Reprint. — Flec;at;icuu (W.) Ucher die Ldsliclikcit osmirleu Peites und M\elinsiu Ternentindl. Ztschr. f. wissenseh. Mikr.. Biusohwg.. 1889. vi, 39. -----. Ueber die Wirkung von Chi omosmiunicssigsaure auf Zellkeine. Ar.-h. f. mikr. Anat.. Bonn. 1.-95. xiv. 102-lt.O.—Fraii- cotte (P.) Tableaux synopliqiies lepiesentaul les princi- pal, s manipulations dans les laboiaioires d'histologie ct d'auatomie compart e. J. d. conn. med. prat.. Par.. ISsli 3. s.. viii. CO; 71.— Freeborn (G. C.) Van Giesoii's ))iero-acid fuchsin as a -.1 c ive stain I'm count c:i\ e lissue. Med. Pec. X. Y., Is94. xiv. 2; -«hii!c (P. G.) Deu his- tologiske l-'arvniugs Maal og V.ie. [Histological means and methods «>f stainiug.] .Norsk Mag. f. Liegevidensk., Chri-tiauia. 1,-91. 4. R.. vi. 10-43. —ISajjc (S. II.) Picric and chromic acid for the rapid prepare! i gie.:l elements isolated by means of caustic potash (K( >! 11 or nit; ic acid (IIX03). Proc. Am. Soc. Micr., Buffalo, 18-9 xi. 34-45. Alio [Abstr.]: Am. Mouth. Mi r.J2. Wash.. 1890. xi 149-152. AUo. transl.: J. d. microg , Par.. 1891. xv. 43: lo2—«aleolti iG.) Pi- cerche sulla oolorabilita delle cellule viventi. Ztschr. f. wisscasch. Mikr., Brnschwg., 1894, xi, 172-207.—Gnlin iM. A.i O piizhiziiennoi iuipregnatsii elasticheskikh volokon. [Staining of elastic fibres during life.] Med. Obozr . Mosk.,l-s9.xxxi.1214-1224. AUo [Abstr]: Unevnik sy, /da obsh. russk. vrach. v painvat Phogova S.-Peterb., I----9. iii. 334.—von 4 .-Usu transl : Ztschr. f. wissensch. Mikr., Leipz.. 1901 xviii, 101-10,"..—Jliiaot (C. S.l Xotes on histological technique. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Mikr.. Brnschwg., 1880, iii, 173-178. — Moare (V. A.) A note on the use ot anise oil in histological methods with special reference to its value in cutti ■''- s -i 'al sections on the freezing microtome. Am. Mont'll". Mi.-r.J2. Wash.. 1894, xv, 373-376.—Jlcair (E.) On a method of examining blood, bone, marrow, etc. J. Anat, vV Physiol., Loud., 1891-2, xxvi, 393. -Noiduianti (O.) I'eitrsb'e zur Keuntnis und namentlich z :r Fiirbung der Mistzellen. Internat. Monatsehr. f. Anat.u. Histol.. Pi-rl., 1885, ii 107-128.—©hlmaeh^r (A. P.) A modified fixing lluid' for "-eneral histological aud neuro-histological pur- poses. J2 Pxper. M.. N. V., 1897. ii, 671-674.-----. A staining combination of gentian violet and pure acid l'uchsin Ibid.. 075. —Ortli (J.) Xotizen zur larbeiech- nik. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1883, xx. 421. — Onsjaniu- Itow (P.) Leber die Eimvirkung der Osmiamuh erhiu- 111111"- Preinv's auf thierisrhe Gewebe. Mebnges biol. Acid imp. il. sc. da St.-Petersb., 1819, vii, 41-45.— 6»an- dolncii (R) & Biastnotti (G ) Alcuue osservazioni sulla maniera di alt.ccare sui vetro le sezioni in parafhna per mezzo dell' acquit. Ann. d. fae. di nied. e mem. d. Accad med.-chir. di Perugia, 1898. x. 101-103.—IPapnen- lieii'i (A.) Eine neue, cheaiiseli-elektive Doppelfarbung fiir Plasimizellen. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1901, xxxiii. 79.—Patellani (S.) Modilieazione ad un metodo di Mallorv per la colorazione del tessuto connet- tivo. Gazz. d. osp.. Milano, 1901, xxii, 99.'-995.— vou Ferenyi (1.) Mikrolektron, neuer Apparat zur Iliir- tun"-, Tinction und Einbettung histologischer und em- bryoio.nscher Gewebe. Zt-chr. f. wissensch. Mikr., Bru- M'iiwg., 1887, iv, 1-18-152.—Fokrovski (M.) Prihor dlya histravo obezvodneniya kusochkov tkanei. [Apparatus for rapid dehvdration of p.ieces of tissue.] Med. Obozr., Mosk. 1899, Iii, 415-417.-----. O zadielkie kusochkov tkanil v tselloidin. [Embedding of tissue in celloidin.] Ibid, liii.779-782.—P«l;3!L3«rt"v5noff i U.) Kmetodikle okras'ki Xissl'evskikh ti.-l. [On the method of staining Xissl's bodies.] Xevrol. Vestnik. Kazan, 1899, vii, no. 1. 49-51.__BiamtiEii y C'a.jaE. Xuevas aplicaciones del metodo de eoloracion de ciolgi. Gac. med. eatal., Barccl., ls89. xii, 013; 0-13. — Ranvicf (L.) De l'emploi de l'alcool diliii'- en histologie. ft. ole prat. d. hautes etudes. Lab. d'histol. du Coll. de Prance. Trav.. Par., 1874. 282-297. _____. Methode n uvelle pour etudier au microscope les elements et les tissus des animaux a sang chaud k, lent temperature plivsiologique. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par.. 1890. ex, i;8i'.-i'>,-9. Also: J. de microg., Par., 1890 xiv. 109-172.—K a "it v. (B.) Die Verwendung der Aliza- rine und Alizariucyanine iu der liistologischen Technik. Anat, Anz.. Jena. is95, xi. 294-300. -----. Bemerkungen iiber Karminsaure und Hatnatein. Ibid., 1898-9, xv, 437- 441 __Keevew (IP A.) The iron process in histology lU-it. M. J., Lond., 1885, i, 279.—Regaiul (C.) .V Fonil- liantl (R.) Bain de paraffine a, chaun'age eleclrique_ J db l'anat. et physiol. [ctc.l, Par., 1900, xxxvi, 574-5,9.— Rischplet- (A.) Ueber die liistologischen Veraiidenin- ecn nach der Erfrierung. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1900, xxviii, 541-592, 1 pi. — Killer (C. ) Hartung vou Blut, Sputum, etc., auf Objeettragern. Ztschr. f. wiisensch. Mikr., Brnschwg. 1898, xv, 159-101.— Koowevelt (I. W.) A method of rendering thick sec- tions of tissues transparent. Proc. X. York Path. Soc. (1891), 1892, 44. —Ko«scn (II.) Ucher eine Gruppe von Aniliiifarbstoli'oii, ihre Bedeutung' fiir die Biochemie der Zelle uud ihre Yei wendbarkeit fiir die Gewehsfiirbung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1899, xxxvi, 251. — Sabrnzrii, Methode de coloration histologiquo par la thionine et l'aeide picrique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par.. 189.. 10. s., iv, 51. — Salgc & Wloellzner. Eine neue Me- thode der Anwendung des Silbcrs in der Histologic Perl. kliu. Wchnschr.. 1900, xxxvii. 298-30H. — Saiifelice iF.) Dell' uso dell' iodo nella colorazione dei tessuti con 1. ematossilina. Boll. d. Soe. di nat. in Napoli. 1889. iii, 37. -----. Dell' uso della ematossilina per nconoscere la rea- li*flolog'Y (Methods in). zione alcnlma o acida dei tessuti. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Mikr., Brnschwg., 1S89-90, vi, 299-3H1. Also trawl. [Abstr ]: J. de microg.. Pai.. 1890. xiv. 21.- Sehi.L "-' •• ( I.) Eine einfache Vorriciitung zum raschen Entwiissero Ids. toloiischer Objecte. Ztschr. f. wissensch. .Mikr., Brn- schwg.. 1900, xvi, 422-425. — Schultzc (O.) Die vitalo Mcihylenblaiircaktionder Zellgrauula. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1887. 'ii, 084-088. — Siniarro (L.) Nuevo metodo histo- logie.) de iinpregnacion por las sales fotografieas de plata. Kev. Ihero Am (le cien. med., Madrid, 1900. iv, 332- 358 — Mulish (P.) Flagella staining with night blue. J. Med. Research. Bost, 1901, n. s., i, 341-313, 1 pi.— Smith (S.) Xote on the staining of sections while em- bedded in p raffin. J. Anat. .v. Physiol., Lond., 1839-19110, xxxiv, 151.—Starlanger (-T.) Zur Marchi-Behandluiig; ein Apparat, zur Zerlegung in diinne, vollkommen planpa- rallele Schciben. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Mikr.. Brnschwg., 1899, xvi, 179-183.—S«ebfl»iiis (J. H.), jr. Cohlhorn's new polychrome stain for blood, bacteria, etc. J.X. Vork Micr. Soc., 1901, xvi, no. 3, 3-5, 1 pl.-Slepaiiow (P. M.) Eine neue Einbettungsriiethode in Celloidiu. Ztschr. t. wissensch. Mikr., Brnschwg., 1900, xvii, 185-191. -----. Ueber die Anfertignng feint r Celloidinsehnitte vermittels Anetbols. Ibid., 181-184.—Sternberg (C.) Zur Verwen- ibin" des Formalins in df r liistologischen Technik. Cen- tralbl. f. allg. Path. n. path. Anat,., Jena, 1899, s, 230-238.— Stirling (W.) Some recent and some new histological methods." J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1889-90, xxiv. 001- 010 AUo: Stud. Physiol. Lab. . . • Owens Coll., Manches- ter, 1891, i. 225-238. —Strnnsky (E.) Zur Conservirung von Faseifiii-oiiiigen. Xeurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 19111,xx, 983.—>«!i.-iiki (P.) Palshi yenshakuho ni zukete. [Pal's staining method. | Ztschr. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1893 vii, no. 14. 15-21. — Tmynbce (J.) Researches, tending to prove the non-vascularity and the peculiar uni- form mode of organization and nutrition of certain animal tissues, viz: articular cartilage, and the cartilage of thedif- ierent classes of nbro-cartilage; the cornea, the crystalline lens and the vitreous humour and the epidermoid appen- dages. Phil. Tr.. Lond., 1841, 159-192, 4 pi. AUo, Re- print.—Unna (P. G.) Eine neue Darstellungsmethode des elastischen Gewebes der Haul. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb. ii. Leipz., 1880, v, 243-246. AUo, Re- print. -----. Eine alte, aber noch nieht verotfentliche "Vorschrift zu einer guten Karminlosung. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb. it. Leipz., 1886, v, 333. AUo, Reprint. -----. Ueber Erzeugung von Vesuvin im Ge- webe und iiber Metaplieiijleiidiaiuiii als Keriifarbeinit- tel. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1887. vi, 02-60. -----. Ueber die Reining unseter Parbstoffe. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Mikr.. Brnschwg.. 1891-2, viii, 475-4^7. -----. Elastin und Elacin. Mon .tsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1894, xix, 397-402. Also, transl: Am. Month. Micr. J., Wash., 1895, xvi, 340-351. Also, transl : St. Louis M. & S. J., 1896, lxxi, 284-289. -----. Tinctonelle Praoecupation uud suhtractive Tinction. Ztschr. I. wis- sensch. Mikr.. Brnschwg., 1895, xii, 154-457. AUo, Re- print. -----. Ueber Verwendung vou Aniliumischungen znr tinktoriellen Isolieruug von Gewcbselenicnten. Mo- natsh. f. prakt. Dermat.. Hamb. ii. Leipz., 1895, xxi, 215; 271. AUo, Reprint. — Webster (J. C. I An improved method of preparing large sections of tissues for micro- scopic examination. J. Anat. &. Physiol., Lond., 1890-91, xxv 278-281. AUo: Bop. Lab. Rov. Coll. Phys. Edmb., 1891, iii, 200-270.—Weil (L. A.) Methode der llerstellung von Zahn- und Knochensehliffen mit Erhaltung der Weiehtheilc. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Mikr., Brnschwg., 1888, v, 200-202. — White (C. P.) A diffeiential stain for mus- cular and fibrous tissues. J. Anat. & Physiol.. Lond., 1900-1901, xxxv, 145.— Wolkowicz. O przygotowj wa- nitt i przeehowywaniu przekrojow ciala ludzkiego. [On preiiaration and preservation of sections of the human hodv. | Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1891, xxx, 377-379. — Wood (F. C.) The preparation of haniatein staining solutions and on the technique of staining. Proc. X. York Path. Soc. (1899-1900), 1901, 170-175—Wynne (E. T.) Permangan- ate of potash in theprepaiation of fresh sections. Lancet, Lond., 1892, ii, 710.-Z»eln>ltltc (E.) Ueber einige neue Farbstofle beziiglich ihrer Verwemlung zu liistologischen Zwecken. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Mikr., Brnschwg., 1888 v, 405-470. Histology (Pathological). See Pathology; Pathology {Methods in). Histology (Teaching of). See, also, Education {Medical). Bkale (L. 8.) A descriptive list of tbe micro- scopical specimens illustrating seven lectures on tbe structure and growth of tissues, etc, deliv- ered at tbe Koyal College of Physicians, April- May, lS:il. 8J. London, 1861. Bknnf.tt (J. H.) < lutlines of a course of lect- ures on his:ologv, or the intimate structure of healthy and morbid tissues. *r-\ [n.p., n. d.] HISTOLOGY. 1S1 HISTORIES. Histology [Teaching of). HfPKi: v(i. I1.) Laboratory work in histol- ogy. ** . Ann Arbor, 1900. Kpks nomialnol histologii. sosiavlen studen- tami iz kursa Imperatorskoi \ om nno-Meditsin- skoi Akademii. [Course of normal histology, compiled by tbe students of the fourth class of the Imperial Army Medical Academy.] 2. ed. ■**--. S.-Peterburg, 18"!. Lekkkt (P.) Aide -memoire d'histologie pour la preparation du deuxieme exanien. lb -. Paris. 1-01. Microscopical preparations illustrating the structure of certain tissues and organs of man tupl animals iu health aud disease. •**-. [Lon- don, ii. d.] Eeed (C. B.) A Xovi.s (F. B.) A tuiiz man- ual of histology, general and dental, lvb-'. Chi- cago, 1-91. Kohin (C.) Programme du cours d'histnlo»ie proteose a la Faculte de nicdeciiie de Paris pen- dant les annees L-ii-J-b;? et l-b3-t:4. S-'. Paris, l-f,4. Barker iL. F.) An outline of the course iu normal hi-tohwy and microscopic anatomy. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Pull.. Halt.. 1.-90. viii. 100-109. Also. Reprint.—von I:li- ner , V., l>.-r histol..gis.-lie Unterrieht iu Deutsehlaiid. Berl. kliii.Wchuselii.. 189., xxxiii. 794. — Foole (J. S.l A simple :i. iiod of tc.hing histology I.v models and out- line-. I. 2: Am. Acad. M.. [ Easton. Pa.]. 1900-1901. v, a4"->t- — (.iii'i- ( S. H. ) Histology and methods of in- struction. Ti. Am. Micr. Soc. 1M».">. Buffalo. l,-9ti xviii. 299-310—Jo n r«l a n .E.) t'ours d histologic de l'ecole ,1, medecine: pi.inieie lecon de l'anuee scol.iii.- lt>87-8. Marseille mid. 1-87. xxiv. 713-724 — Koellilitr (A.) Die Aufgabcu der anatomisciien Institute. Verhandl. d. phys. med. Gesellsch. in Wiirzb.. 1884. u. F., xviii, 79-99. Alt-t, Peprint. — .'la re Iii (V.) Prelezioiie. Corso d is- tob.eia nella R. Un \ oi-ti di Mndena. Pifoima med., >>"a poli V--- iv, 596; 603: 01-. AUo, Reprint. Hi*toiy*i*. Sic. a'--.i. Pathology. Bohn iG. L li;-t,,l..j.ie saisonnieie. l'.,mpt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par.. 19oi. cxxxiii, 646-1,48. — II (F.i lie corps sulipeux des nmsoides ].endant lln-toiv-e Ibid.. 190.'. ixxxi, 9's-'.il0. — .Moetzel (\V.) Zur Ke'imt- uiss der li;-',,l\.-.-. Aich. f. path. Anat. [etc.]. Berl., 1,-98, cli. 7-22. — Terre (L.) Sm lhi-toly-e du corps adi- peux chez ; ...>■■ i!>- Compt. lend. Soc tie biol.. Par.. 1900, 11. 8., ii. 10O-102.— Vnney (C. )A lonle (A.) Sur des plieiioniem-s d histolvse ct d'histogene-. accoinpagnant le ileveloppement des ti-eniatoiles emloparasites de niollus- qu.-s teir.sir.s. Coiujit. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1901, cxxxii, 1062-1064. Histon. S-e. aho, Nucleohiston. H:\ita .'I , Studien iiber Histon. Zt-.-lir. f pliv-ml Cli>-ni -ii:i>-Ii. Is99. xxvii, 4'21-4s0.—Fh|-»troin . II. Ueber ein neues Histon aus I'is. hsperma. Ibid.. 1901, xxxii. 35C 2.".4. — l.n wi-ow ( D. i Uebei die Spaltungs- produkte .l:s Histons vou Leuiocyten. Ibid., 1*99. xxviii. 3s*—39- — >ov v iF. (j.) Tlieiniinuniziug power of nucleo- histon .ml ot l.iston. J. Exper. M., X. Y., 1890, i, 693-716. Historia admiranda, de prodigiosn Ap|iolonia' >. breiene [etc.J. Sn Lentulus (Paulusj. Historia nagellantium de recto et pcrveiso rin- grorinii u-ii apud Christiauos, ex antiquis serip- inra*, patrum, pontificuni, concilioruui ct scrip- torum profanoruin nioiiunientis cum cura et tide expre-sa. ** p. 1., :>11 pp., 9 1. 12°. Parisiis, J. Anisson, 170H. Historia ftetus Miissipontani extra uterum iu ; bloinine re|ieiti et lapidesceiitis. Cum adjectis varioruiii exrilhiitissimoriini viioruui coniinen- tis. [Antonii Deusingii, Laurent ii Straussii, Honorati Maria- Lautier, et al.] 17-2(1 1.) 7(1, 09, 12 pp. 4->. Francofurti. J. P. Znbrodt, KIH9. liovmi vith: SlXIBALDLs (J. li.) tJeneauthropeiie . . . decateiichon. 4°. Francofurti, 1069. Historia generalis ]ilatitariini in libros xviii per cert as classes artifieiose digesta, lia*c, plusquam uiille imagiuibus plantaruni locupletior snperio- ribus, onines piopenioduin (jua* ab antiquis scrip- toribus, Gnecis, Lai inis. Arabibus, noiiiinautur: Historia generalis plantaruni [etc]—continued. uecnon eas (|iia* in orientis atque occiib ntis partibus, ante scculuin nostruni ineognjiis, re- jierta- fiicrunt, tibi exbibel. Habesetiani earuu- deni plantai'iiiii peeuliaria di\ersis nationibus noiiiiiia; babes aniplas descri]itiones. e (juibus singularniu genus, forniani, ubi creseant et quo tempore vigeant, nativum temperamentum, vires deniijue in ineilicina propria* cognosces. 2 v., paged con.secutively. 5 p. 1., \922 pp., lib pi., 90) |i|i., 2 1. fol. Lugduni, apud ti. Houilliuni, 10*0-1. llisloria morbi et mortis nob. Doui. Anionii Lomellini. lb pp. "* . Genua; Scionici ha're- des, 11*1. [V., v. 'Jl-17.] Historia liioi'bortim qui annis mdcxcix. mdcc, indeci, nidceii Yrutisla\i;e grassati sunt, a Uolleg. Acad. Leopold. Nat. Cur. Yral islaviens. in lucem edita. Opus vai iis casibus et cautelis practiciis, judiciis item de remediis, et vera cu- randi ratione instructuin. Aceedit appendicis loco I. Tractatus de experientia iu quo natura experientiie describitur, et ([1111111 caute coinpa- randa ea sit. explicatur. II. Observat iones practica* de hydrope pectoris. Iba-fatus est Albertus Haller. front., x. 4H0 pp. 1~. Lait- sauna- Y Genera; sumpt. M. M. Bousgiiet et t-oc, 1110. Ilisloriil ]iatliologica singularis cutis [etc.]. Si, Tilesius von T[ilenau] (Wilhelm Gottlieb; [111 1. s.]. IIistui'i:i<« de clinica (]uirurgica. 2' Curso d cargo del Dr. Alejandi'o San Martin y Satruste- i|iii. Kecogidas |>or los alumnos del curso de l*->() ii 1--7. l-aLI pp., 2 ]. >:. Madrid, F. Xozal, 1**1. Historic (f uebec (British Medical Association). 2f>pp. obi.,"-. Quebec,Chateau Frontenae Co., 1890. Historical account of the plague at Marseilles. P2-. London. 1121. See. also, Relation historiuue de la peste de Marseille. Historical illustrations of the origin and prog- ress of tbe passions and their influence on the conduct of mankind; with some subordinate sketches of human nature and human life. [By Samuel Walter Burgess.] 2 v. viii, 507 pp.; 1 p. I., 4U5 pp. SJ. London, Longman [and otheis], 1-2?.). Historical material for tbe biography of "NY. T. G. Morton, discoverer of etherization, with an account of ainestliesis. Compiled by Ben. IVr- ley Poore. 114 pp., interl. ■-*■ . Washington, (,. S. Gideon, l-.jtj. Historical (A) relation of the jilague at Mar- seilleB. See Relation lustorique de la juste de Mar-eille. Historical and statistical account of the Cincin- nati waler depai 1 nienl, written for the benelit of the 1:>. meeting of the American Assoeial ion for the Advancement of Science, held in Cin- cinnati, Aug. 17, 1--1. 11pp. 2Y'-, Cincinnati, 1--I. Hisloricns [pseud. ]. Cocoa: all about it. 4 ]». 1., !*!• pp., ■-')> pi. ."?-. London, Sampson, Loir Marston Y Co., ls'.Hi. HistOi'i<'S of American schools for the deaf, l«l7-'.»::. I'lepared for tlie \olta Bureau by lhe principals and superintendents of the schools, and published in commemoration of the four hundredth anniversary of the discovery of America. Edited by Edward Allen Fay. 9 v. n°. Washington. Volta Bureau, 1-90. v. 1. Public schools in the 1'iiited States. Established 1817-54. v. '2. Public schools in the United St.ites. Established 1854-93. v. 3. Denominational and pricale schools in the United States. Schools in Canada and Mexico. Schools which have been discontinued. Supplement. HISTORIES. 182 HITOHMAN. Histories of gouty, bilious, and nervous cases I i-ic.]. See Scot (John) [in 1. s.]. Historisehc Studien ans dem phannakologi- schen Institute der kaiserlicheu Universitiit Dorpat. Hrsg. von Rudolf Robert, v. l-f>, 1ss;i- p. 1., 48 pp. 12 0 Stuttgart, J. C. Ethardt, 111*. History of the amnioniaphone. 3. ed., 19:?. thou- sand. 1)4 pii. lb-. London, [1**1]. History of the Boston water works from 18(H to 1876. 'Being a supplement to a '' History of the introduction of pure water into the city of Bos- ton, with a description of the Cochituate water works, vi {2 1.), 290 pp., 15 pi., 1 map, 2 tab. 8=. Boston, Rockwell Y Churchill, 1876. History ot the Brooklyn and Long Island fair, February 22, 1*01. Prepared and published by authority of the executive committee. 1-9 pp., 2 plans. 8C. Brooklyn, "The Fnion" Steam Presses, l*0r\. In aid of the United States Sanitary Commission. Histoi'y (A) of dental and oral science in Amer- ica. Sie American Academy of Dental Science. History (A) of tbe discovery of the specific, cure of respiratory diseases, consumption, bronchitis, asthma, etc. (by Dr. J. F. Churchill's methods), for non-professional as well as professional read- ers, from the Dutch of Dr. J. J. Kerbert and other sources, xvi, "214 pp. 12--'. London, J. W. Kolckmann, 1*18. History (The) and effects of vaccination. [Kev.] pp. :C.:i-:i(iH. 8°. [Edinburgh, 18'»9.] Cnltii oi from: Edinb. Kev., 1899, clxxxix. History (The) of the first inebriate as\lmn in the world [etc.]. See Turner (J. Edward). History of the introduction of pure water into the city of Boston, with a description of its Cochituate water works. Compiled by a mem- ber of the water board, xxi, 299 pp., 17 pi. H 2 Boston, A. Mudge <)'■ Son, 1*0,8. History of the late vaccination controversy in the city council of Rock Island, III. 42 pp. S-. Bock Island, Fnion Printing Co., 1880. History (The) of the most remarkable tryals in Great Britain and Ireland in capital cases, viz, heresy, treason, felony, incest, poisoning, adul- tery, rapes, sodomy, witchcraft, pyracy, mur- der, robbery, etc. Both by the unusual methods of ordeal, combat, aud attainder, and by tbe ecclesiastical, civil, and common laws of these realms. Faithfully extracted from records, and other authentick authorities, as well manu- script as printed. 2 v. 4 p. 1., 4.V2 pp., 2 1. ; 9 p. I., 530 pp. 8°. London, A. Bell, l/ln-lG. History (The), natural and exiierimental, of life and death aud of prolongation of life. 77 pp. 8'-\ Xew York, Wilson pp. 8J. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, M. cp M. W. Lambert, 1*51. Repr. from: Newcastle Chron. History of tlie yellow fever epidemic in the I'..urlli* district. See Holt (Joseph) [in 1. s.]. Hitchcock (Edward) [l*''**- ]. Hygiene at Amherst College. Experience of the depart- lifdlCOCk (Edward)—continued. ment of physical education and hygiene in Am- herst College for the past sixteen years, broad- side fol [n. p.], 1877. Repr. from: Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep., Bost, 1877, iv. ----. The need of anthropometry. Also, the report of the committee upon the method of physical measurement, consisting of D. A. Sar- gent, Edward Hitchcock, and William G. Ander- son. 17 yip. 8°. Brooklyn, \**1. Bound with: Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Phys. Educ, 1885-91. -----. Average and mean anthropometric data of Amherst College students, March, 18***. 1 1. 8°. [Amherst, 188*.] ---- A- Hitchcock (Edward), jr. Elemen- tary anatomy and physiology, for colleges, acad- emies, and other schools. Revised ed. vi, 5- 44:? pp. 12°. Xew York, Irison, Phinney -443 pp. 12°. Xew York, Irison, Blakeman, Taylor Y CO., 1811. -----A Seelye (H. H.) Amherst College. An anthropometric manual, giving the average and mean physical measurements and tests of male college students, and method of securing ihein. Prepared from the records of the department of physical education and hygiene in Amherst Col- lege during the years lHil-2 and l-*-(i-7, inclu- sive. 2(> pp., 1 h, 2 tab. S1--. Aynherst,.J. E. Wil- liams, 1.887. ____________. The same. ln(>l-2 and 1*81-8, in- clusive. 2. ed. 01 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Amherst, J. E. Williams, 1889. Hitchcock (Edward), jr. Report of tbe pro- fessor of physical education and hygiene to the trustees of Amherst College for the year 18b2-:i. 3 pp. *vJ. [Amherst, 1 .-»li:?.] See, also, Hitchcock (Edward) &. ISiulicot-lt (Ed- ward), p\ Elementary anatomy and physiology, [etc.]. 12°. Xew York, 1861.----------. The same. ]'2'. Xew York, 1871. Hitchcock (Harlyn). Editor of: Journal (The) of Homoeopathies, New York. 18S9-90. Hitchcork (Homer 0[wen]) [1*27-88]. Re- port on criminal abortion, pp. f>f>-(>2. **-". Lan- sing. W. S. George Y Co., 1*10. Cnttiini [cover with printed titlej from: Rep. Bd. Health Mich., L'nnsing, 1875-6, iv. ------. Heredity in its relations to public health, and to legislation in the inteiests of public health. The fourth annual address to the State board of health. 19 pp. **-. Lansing, W. S. George <)'■ Co., 1*18. Repr. from: Rep. Bd. Health Mich. 1876-7, Lansing, 1878, v. ------. Privies and water-close!s at railway sta- tions. 8 pp. 8°. Boston, Baud. Areru Y ^o., 1879. Repr. from: Rep. Bd. Health Midi.. Lansing, 1878-9, vii. ------. Report on slaughter-houses, rendering establishments, etc. pp. b.'WO. 8°. Lansing, 1879. Cutting [cover with printed title] from .- Rep. Bd. Health Mich., Lansinsr. IS 8-9, vii. For liioijraphi/ and Portrait, see Tr. Mich. M. .Soc, De- troit, lssui xiii, :i03-:;ii6, port. Hitchcock (Romyu). The action of light on silver chloride. 6 pp. 8°. [Baltimore, 18*9.] Repr. from : Am. Chem. J., Bait., 1SS9, xi. HitchCDSS (Arthur P.). Ser Yarrow (T[homas] J.) & Hitclu'ii* (Arthur P.i On the clinical estimation [etc.]. «°- Philndelidiin. Is99. Ilitchlliail (John). Pipe, drain, sewer; or the separa'ion principle applied to the sanitary drainage of towns, giving the rainfall to the river, the sewag • to the Ian.I. pp. [1:'>]-17. 24J. [Warwick, H. Sharpe, 1*60.] HITCH MAX. 183 H.J'ELT. Hitchlliail (John)—continued. ------. Letters for the consideration of land- owners and farmers, and the governing bodies of towns. I. On sewage water—the food for the soil. II. Why not irrigate tin* fields by steam power and pipes with the sewage of towns 1 III. A hint on the necessity for farm leases iu reference to the appropriation of town sewage. 30 pp. 1G°. Warwick, H. Sharpe, 18H4." Hitchllian (John). Clinical observations on the diagnosis of the general paralysis of the insane. Also a paper on the " Pathology of insanity ". 02 pp. 8°. London. IU• in rose Y Sous. 1871. Hitchlliail (William). Consumption: its na- ture, prevention, and honncopathic treatment. viii, 190 pp. 12 2 Manchester. H. Turner, \809. Hiticr Auguste-Francois* [ 18.">7- ]. 'Del'ani- blyopie liee a l'heiniancsthosie et specialement de l'amblvopie hysterique. Si jip. 4 . Paris, 18-0. No. i-lf). HitOll"(8inieon)[l-*7(')- ]. * Desosteo-arthro- pathies d'orieine sviingoiiiv^lique. 101 pp., 1 1., f>pl. 8'. Lyon, 1901, No. 129. Hitsclld* (.Oeorgius). *De angina* nieinbrana- ceie diagnosi. 14 pp., 11. 8-. Kilia; e.r off. <'. F. Muhr, l>7>2. Hitschiiiaiin (Richard). .St. l.niMlcMinaiiii (Ernstl. Die Therapie an den Wie- ' uer Kliniken [etc.]. 12°. Leipzia d- Wien, 1896.-----. The same. l-2°. Leipzig & Wien, 1900. Hittchei* (Karl Hermann Oustav) [180r>- ]. * I'n ersuchungen von Schiiileln der (tattling Bos. unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung einiger iu ostpreussischen Torfmooien gefundener Riu- derschiidel. 150(1 ].). --"> 1»1>. 8 . Konigsberg, M. Liedtke, 18—. Hitzegl-ad([Carsten] Feodor [Wilhelm] i[1801- ]. "Welcher Art sind die Endei bilge der Kniegeleukresectionen, seir Einfiihrnng der anti- sei>tischen Wundbehand lung and der kiinst lichen Blutleere? 64 pp., 1 1. 8°. Kiel, Lipsius Y Fischer, 1-8-. II if'AC m nil ll (Carl Ernst Franz) [l-td- ]. * ISeitriige zur vergleichenden Anatomie derTern- stroemiaceen, Dilleniaceen, Diptemcai paceen und Chlaenaceen. [Kiel.] 97 pp , 11. ft-". <)s- terode a. H., Giebel 0 Oehlsehldgel. 18**0. ------. Die Kola, das Oenussinittel der Zukunft. Der Wert uud die Bedeutung der Kolamiss. 1.- 10. Tau-i-iid. > pp. 12 . 'Chemnitz, CA.IIa- t;er. [\X92~\. Hilziu (E.) A Hitzi'.r (Ed.) Die Kostordnung j dei ps\ chiatrischen und Net \ enklinik der Uui- \ e: siiiii Halle-Wit, ei;b rg. x, 237 pp. - . Jena, G. Fisclnr, 1897. Forms Hft. 1, v. (i. of: Klin. Jahrb., Jena, 1897 s. Hilzijf (Julus Kduard) [183-- ]. * De urete . oi igine nonnulla ex experimentis ]»«tita. 92 pp. f^. Berolini, G. Lange, [1H>2]. ------. Studien iiber Bleivergiftung. 72 j»p. s . Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1*08. ------. Fntersiichungen iiber das (ieliirn. Ab handlungen ph\ siologischen und patliologischen Inlialts. xiii. 270 pp., 1 lab. 8-. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1-74. ------. Hypertrophic und Atrophic des (0 hirns. In- Handii. d. spec. Path. (Ziemssen), Leipz., 1876, xi, 1. Hlfte.. 7."-x19. ------. The same. Hypertrophy and atrophy of the brain. In: Oct.. Pract. M. (Ziemssen), N.Y., 1K77, xii, 821-887. ------. Ziole und Zwecke der Psychiatric. '90 pp. *-°. Zurich, (). L'iissli Y Co., 1870. ------. Feber den heuligeu .Stand der Frage von der Localisation im (irnsshirn. In: Sammi,. klin. Vortr., Xo. 112, Leipz., 1877 (Inn. Meil., No. 40, 9ti:i-978). Ilit/.i;; (Julius Filuard)—continued. ------. Memorial iiber die Organisation . L'iis-'li YCo., 1*18. ------. Iloiieht iiber die Wirksamkeit der Fniver- sitiits l'sycluat t ischen und Xerveiiklinik zu Halle a. S. fiir die Jahre b-8.",-(> und l**-6-7. :>1 pp. 8°. Halle a. S., Gebaner-Sehwctschki; \*8~. ------. Kin Kinesia'sfhi'sioineler, nebst einigen Hcnierkungen iiber tlen Muskelsinn. 1.6 pp. 8 2 Leipzig. \8*8. Re in-', front : Neurol ('entralbl., Leipz., 1888, vii. ------. K'.'de gehallen zur Einweihung der Psy- cbiatrisclien und Nervenklinik zu Halle a. S. am 29. April 1**91 und Statistik der Klinik in den Jahren 18^7-91. 28 pp., 0 pi. 8*-'. Halle (S.), Gebauer-Scliwetschke, 1891. ------. Ein Heit rag /ur Hirnchirurgie. 10 pp. m°. Berlin, L. Schumacher, H92. Repr. from: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1892, xxix. ------. Morphiuni, Absfiiienzerscheinuiigen und Magen. 9pp. s^. Berlin, L. Sehninachei; [\-92], Repr. front : Berl. klin. Wehuschr., 1892, xxix. ------■. Feber trauinatischc Tabes und die Patho- gen use der Tabes im Allgemeinen. 49 pp. rov. 8 . Berlin, 1891. Repr. from : Fcstsehr. (1. Fac. z. 200jahr. Jubelf. il. Univ. Halle. ------. Feber den (Juiiruluntenwahnsinn, seine nosologische Stellung uud seine foiensische Be- deutung. Fine Abhaudlung fiir Aerzte und Juristen. vi, 140 ]ip. 8-. Leipzig, 1\ C. IV. Vot/el, 1890. ------. Der Schwindel (Vertigo). 1 p. 1., 101 pp. 8 . Wien, A. Holder, 1898. Forms 2. Ahth., 2. Th., v. 12, of: Specielle Pathologie u. Therapie, Wien, 1898. ------. Hughlings Jackson iind die motorischen Rindenceiitreu im Lichte ph\ siologischer For- schung. :59 pp. 8°. Berlin. A. Hirschwald, 1901. Ser. also, Colelln (R.) La psicosi polineuritica. sr-. Napoli, 1894.—Ililaia (E.) & Ilitzij; (Ed.) Hie Kost- ordnung | etc.]. 8°. Jena, 18H7. ------. See, also: Fkstschuift Herrn Prof. Hilzig in Halle zu seineni 00. (Jeburtstage gewidmet von seinen friibcrcn und jelzigen Assistenten. S°. [Ber- lin. 1898.] Hivct (Gaston). Contribution a I'etude du trai- tement des retrodeviations de i'uterus par le raccoureissenient intra-abdominal des ligaments ronds (voie sus-pubienne). 12-1 pp. 8-\ Paris, G. Steinheil. 1901. Ilpanie {turban) [1641-1724J. BrolM'i-jj (.1. V.I Om "lljiiriios testi.iiionte ". nyL'ica, Slockholm, isstt. xiii. 2s:i-28li. — ■ .•vcrliu (A.) Om I'r- ban Hjarno sum halneolog. [I'l-hnm H.jarne coinnie lial- ncologislo. C.-r., no. 118. 40.] Nord. med. Ark., Slock- holm. 1897, n. F., viii, Festbd. Axel Key . . ., no. 1I4, 1- 14 II jultillill (J [('mi]). Fm barnaveikina og nte- di'd ban er viS henni eiga. [The ailment-i of children, and remedies to treat them.] 8 pp. s . licgkjucik, LL ftirdorsiini, lsf>f>. ------. Hai'iisf irasdl tin (Febris pnei peralis) i ("dluin hennar leguuduni. [. . . ami its compli- cations. | 40 pp. sin. 8J. Ileyki irik, K. Jufna- tliu sjodniina, lHOo. Ilj«'llllin:ill (J. V.) * Studier ol'scr amyloid- iijuri'ii.s etiologi och syni])tomatologi. [Sitidies on the etiology and symptomatology of amyloid degeneration of the kidnev.] I p. 1.. 61 pp., 1 diag. 4 '. Helsingfors, J. C. Ftenckell Y Son. 1890. ------. *Om hjiirnsyfilis, dess frekvens, kro- nologi, etiologi och prognos. [Syphilis of the brain . . .] 1 p. ]., 160 pp. 8°. lhlsingfors, Wei'lin Y Ciiiis, 1 -92. Hj<-ll (Otto Kdward August) L 1^2:5- ]. * Mi- ll rag till liiran om (let kalla \allnet, siisoin lake- HJELT. 184 HOARSENESS. Iljelt (Otto Edward August)—continued. iuedel. [Contribution to tlie use of cold water as a remedy.] 70 pp. **\ Helsingfors, J. C. Frenckell Y Son, 1855. ------. ATaimon synnyttimista ja raskauden ti- lasta. Kriitiloiden hyodyksi kirjoitti ja nyt tarkasteltaraksi esittelsee E. Winter. [De- scription of the female sexual organs and ap- pendages. Applied to the course of obstetrics bv E. Winter.] 00 pp. 10°. Helsingssd, J. C. Prenckell Y Pojan, [I860]. ------. Die Verbi-eitung der veuerischen Krank- heiten in Finnland. Mit besonderer Be- riicksichtigung der Statistik und Gesetzgebung der nordischen Lander . . . aus dem Schwedi- schen iibersetzt. vi, 87 pp., 1 map. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1874. ------. Svenska statens inkop af hemliga liike- inedel, och siirskildt kirurgen Guy's medel mot kriifta. [Purchase of secret remedies, by the Swedish government, especially Surgeon Guy's cancer remedy.] 28 pp. 8°. Helsingfors, 1888. Repr.from: Bid. till kannedom af Finlands natur och folk. ------. Medicinska forhallanden 0i Abo pa 1700- talet. [Medical conditions iu Abo in 1700.] 30 pp. 4-\ Helsingfors, J. C. Frenckel Y Son, 1890. Repr. from: Comment, variae in mem. act. ccl annorum Univ. Helsingfors. ------. De medicinskt-vetenskapliga institutens uppkotnst och forhallande till liikekoustens utveckling. [The existence and relation of the inedico-scientific institute to the development of medicine.] 34 pp. 8 :. Helsingfors, 1890. Repr. from: Patol.-anat. Inst, festskr., Helsingfors, 1890. ------. Svenska och (inska niedicinalverkets his- toria, 1663-1812. [History of Swedish and Fin- nish medical science, 1603-1812. 3 v. 8°. Hel- singfors, Central -Tryckeri, 1-91-3. Iljei'tliiaii i, Christ. Kudnlphus). 'Exanien theorise celebeirimi a Goethe, de coloribus phy- siologicis. Pars 1. 1 p. 1., 10 pp. 4°. Abow typ. Franckellianis, [1819]. For Part 2, see Fubiitiuw (Joh.) [in 1. s.]. Hjort (Gustar Fredrik) [1818-70]. [In memorial!).] Goteborgs k. Veteusk. o. Vitterhets S.inli. Handl., 1891, 26. Hft., 3-6. Hjort (J[ohann Storm Aubert]) [183.V ]. See Klinisk Aarhog [etc.] [in 1. s.]. 8°. Eristiania, 1884. ] HjOl'tberg (Gustaf Frederik). Swenska bos- kaps-afweleu til sin rdlta ward och skoisel uti helsos och sjukdoms tid, igenom profwade medel och nyttige riid, til laniltinanna tjenst ihoiisainlade.' [8 wed;- b cattle breeding; proper care of animals in health and disease, as well as approved remedies and useful advice; col- lected for the use of fanners.] 536 pp., 20 1. 10c. Gbtheborg, 1. Smitt, 1776. Htasko (Bernhard) [1858- ]. * Beitriige znr Beziehung des (bhirns zum Magen. 45 pp., 1 pi. --. Doipat. F. J. Karon; 18*1. Hliiva (. J[aroslav] ). 0 krvaeeni, zan.vtu a ganu'i-aene mikteru. (L'heinorrhagie, l'innain- m.iiion et la gangrene tin pancreas.) 50 pp., 2 pi. - . r I'raze, 1*98. Forms no. 8. v. 7, 2. t, of: Rozpr. cesk6 Akad. cis. Fran- tiska Joset'a [etc.], v I'raze, 1897-8. ------. O nekterycb affekcich mikteru a nadile" stiu ti pfi nich. [Some affections of the pan- creas, and sudden death from tneni.] 111-122 pp. 8°. r Praze, [1899]. Forms no. 16 of: Sbirka pfedndsek z oboru 16kafsk., v Praze, [1899], ------. Oehranne ockovani, bakteriotherapie a immunita. [Preventive vaccination . . .] 28 pp., 2 1. - . r Praze, 11899?]. Forms no. 2 of: Sbirka pfednasek z oboru lekarsk., v Praze, (1899'J II lava (J[aroslav])—continued. ------. lllava-obzutova vseobecmi a speciiiluf. Auatomie pathologicka\ [General and special iconography of the head.] 2. vydani. Pts. 1-6. 384 pp. 8iJ- v Praze, Bursik Y Eohout, 1899- 1901. -----A Obl'ZUt (Ondrej). Pathologicksi anato- mie a bakteriologie. vi (1 1.), 780 pp., 2 pi.; 1 p. 1., ii, 914 pp., 1 pi. 8°. v Praze, Bursik Y Eohout, 1*91-1. Hlllbek (Engen) [1858- ]. * Tabes dorsalis beim weiblicheu Gescblecht. 32 pp. 8°. Ber- lin, H. S. Hermann, [1886]. Hlwacck (Eduard). Karlsbad in geschicht- licher, medicinischer und topographischer Be- ziehuno. 14. Aull. Hrsg. von Julius Hol'niann. xii, 355>pp. 12°. Karlsbad Y Xizza, H. Feller, "[18,84]. -----. The same, xii, 372 pp., 1 map. sm. 8°. Karlsbad Y Xizza, H. Feller, [1884]. ------. A guide to the mineral waters of Karls- bad, its walks and drives. 2. ed. 53 pp., 1 map. 12°. Karlsbad, H. Feller, [n. d.]. Ho seki zen sho. [Complete manual for the care of children.] 3 p. I., 14, 90 pp.; 103 pp. 8°. [». p., n. d.] Printed in Chinese characters with a few connective katakana. Hoatllev (Albert Edward) [1847- ]. [Biography.] West. M. Reporter, Chicago, 1894, xvi, 104, port Hoag: (Ernest B.) & Kalill (H.) Elementary technique in histology and bacteriology. 2 p. 1., 130 pp., 1 tab. 12'-. Chicago, E. H. Colegrore cf Co., 1895. Hoag-( J[unius] C.) Puerperal mastitis. 11pp. 8°. [Chicago, 1892.] Repr. from: Chicago M. Recorder, 1892, iii. ------. A successful method of treating follicular tonsillitis. 11. 8^. Chicago, 1893. Repr. from : Chicago M. Recorder. 1893, iv. Hoag land (Cornelius JYevins) [181*8-98]. Raymond (J. H.) [Biography.] Brooklyn M. J., 1899, xiii, 119-127. Hoang-iian. Bakthklkmy (F.) Notice sur le hoaug-nan. 8°. [.YaH/f», 1884.] LitssEKTF.iH (E.-C.) Le hoaug-nan; remede tonquinois centre la rage, la lepre et autres maladies. 8°. Paris, 1879. -----. The same. 2. 60. 12°. Paris, 1890. Biirtli) lemv (F.) fitude sur le hoaiig-nan d'apres une brochure de M. [E.-C] Lesserteur et d'apres nuel- ques essais thtjrapeutiques. J. deni6d.de l'oiuvt. }>'sui- tes. 1881, xv, 92-107. AUo, Reprint.—Thomas (W. D> Iloainr-iian, and the palliative results produce.1 by its administration in cancer of the tongue. Gaillard's M. J., N. Y„ 1S95, lxi, 142-147. Hoar (Leonard) [ -1675]. [Biography.] In: Siblev (J. L.) Biog. sketches [etc.], 8°, Cambridge, 1873, i, 228-252. Hoar (Robert). * Der angebliche Mysticismus Kants. [Bern.] 04 pp. 8°. Brugg, Buchdr. Effingerhoff, 1890. lloarcail (Edouard-Joseph-Rochecourt). ' Dn traitement des hstnles v6sico-vaginales par le precede dit de dedoublenient. 58 pp., 11. 8 . Paris, 1890, No. 103. Hoar*ene**. See, also, Aphasia. Barker (A.) * De raucedine. 4°. Harde- rorici, 1704. Brksgen (M.) Die Heiserkeit, ihre Ursachen, Bedeutung und Heilung. Nebst einem Auhaug iiber die Bedeutung bellinderter Nasenatmung. 8*-1. Berlin, \88{). BtMchoinei' (O .i Zur Puthologie der Stinune -. Hei- serkeit. Deutsche Ztschr. f. pract. Aled., Leipz., 1878, v, HOARSENESS. 185 HOCART. Hoai**ene**. 1ST: 4911. A iso, Reprint. Also: Jahresb. d. Gcs. Us.li f. Xat.-u. Heilk. in Dresd.. Leipz.. 1879, 127-148. —Boliomi' (F. A.) 'L'reatinent ot hoarseness in singers and speakers. N.York M.J.. 1898. Iwiii. 1 l-i:;.—ChnIc-x. La mucin'' vocale. Kev. hebd. de larwigol. [etc.]. Par., 1890, xvi. pt. '_'. 852-sot'). — Omul (i'.i Sur l'ciuploi de certains exercices vocaux dans le traitenient des roucites surve- nues a ia suite du sui menace de la voix. Rev. internat. de rhinol.. otol. et larvmol.. Par.. 1S9S. viii, 130-139.— ] OltoiK.i I'cli.r 11, iserk.it. St. Petersb. nied. "Welm s. In.. Is9:«. u. V.. xii. :i9:;-;i9."i.—Palmer (A. \V.) Apho- nia ami raueedo or hoarseness. lloniieop. Kye, Kar .V Throat J.. X. V.. 1898. iv, *2T4-28:i Pviiclion (K.) The I bete noire of the vocalist. Alkaloid. Clin.. Chicago, ls99. vi. 222: ;.M William* (P. W.) The cliuieal signiti- ranee of. luonic hoai-eness and loss of voice, liristol M.- Chir. J., 1901, xix. 2o;i-208, 1 pi. Hoal/.in. <«nrrotl (A. H.) Notes on points in the anatomy of the lioat/iii (Opisthocoinus cristatus). [Proc. Zool. Soe. Loud.. 1>79. 109.] In hit: Collect, scient. papers, 8 I.oml.. 1881. 4ti.")-470. Ilohaii (Charles J.). See Mills (Charles K.) .V lloban (Charles J.) Re- marks on two eases |etc.]. s3. [A>ie Ym k, 1890.; Hobai't (Japhet) [IG47- J. It io^i apliy. I In: Sibley (J. L.) Biog. sketches [etc 8 Cambridge. 1881. ii, 234. Hobiirl Tbomas). .Set- t'ole (William). Consilium setiologicum [etc.]. s;. Li'icUii', 17U2. Hobai't (William Kirk). The medical language of St. Luke ; a proof from internal evidence tbat "The gospel according to St. Luke" and "The acts of the api»tle>'' were written by the same person, and that the writer was a medical man. xxxvi. 305 pp. 8-. Dublin, Hodges. Figgis 0' Co., 18-2. Hobai't Town General Hospital. See Tasma- nia. Hobart J'oim General Hospital. HobbcliJ.) Uehomen wij de lijken onzer afge- storvenen le begtaveu of te verbranden? 69 pp. --. Amsterdam. -/. F. Silken, [n.d.]. Hobbc* (Stephen^. See !"*cliylnii«lrr (Cornelius). His chirurgerie [etc.], sm. -C. London. 1596. IIoMm s .ThumaO [L>--1679]. I',,, /;,,, iraphu. •-• ■ Blackburn ilt.i. Thoiuie Hob- oes . . vita. fol. ''-'.- '-/■■-'.' P',-2 For Portrait. see PI 1 P..-t -or Chii-ago. l.-9s. pt. 1. Hohhin* (Joseph) [ISW-'.U}. Obilu:ir>. Tr. M. Soe. Wiseonsin. Madison, ls!U xxviii. 472- 17.',. Hobbs(Arthur G.) The voice and its treatment. 9 pp. -J. [London, Witherby Y Co., 1-91.] xRepr.from: J. Laryngol.. Lond.. 1891. v. ------. Adenoids, with a lis. ription of new in- struments f>r their excision. 1 pp. **J. [-lt- lanta, Gu„ 1-91.] Hobbs (Charles E.) Botanical hand-book of common local, English, botanical, and pharma- copoeia! names arranged in alphabetical order, of most of the crude vegetable drugs, etc., iu common use: their properties, productions, and uses, iii an abbreviated form. Especially de- signed as a reference book for druggists and apothecaries. In three parts. 2 p. ]., 271 pp. **:. BtiSton, ('. <'. Roberts, l-7<>. Hobb* (■ Joseph I.inc.,In) [IH\*- ]. *Dela nivocardite typhiqne ct de son role dans la mort subite et le collapsiis cardi ique. .">2 pp. 4°. Paris. l-9:i, Xo. 1. Kaciilte de nii'decine et d<* pliarmaeie de I'.ordeaux. Hobby (C[icero] M.) [I**!-- ]. A case of ipiinine amaurosis manifest ing- itself primarily in one eyeonlv. pp.:il-:><'>. - . [Xew York, 1**2.] Repr.froui: Arch. Ophth., X. V.. 18>2. xi. ------. --Oils an'l fats" in surgical dressings. \ ])|i. •--. [Cedar Rapids, 1-92.] Repr. from: Ti. Iowa M.Sor. Cedar Rapids, ls92, x. ------. Operative prociilnii s in corneal lesions. 1 galley (-beet. [//. p., ll. d. \ Hobday (Frederic T. G.) Canine and feline surgery, x, 11-15*2 pji. H . Edinburgh Y Lon- don, W. Y A. K. Johnston, 1900. Hobcika (Assad) [1872- ]. *H6niaturies par varices de la vessie. 4b' pp., 1 1. ri°. Lyon, 189*, No. 1 :>.">. Hobeill (Max). * lTeber den systeniatiseheii Weitli der Cystolithen bei den Acanthaceen. [Erlangen.] 21 pp. 8°. Leipzig, W. Engel- mann. 1881. Hobci ff (Josef) | 1874- ]. * Ibitrag zur Ca- suistik ties anoeboreiu'ti Riesenw uchses. 20> pp. s . Gieifswiild, J. Abel, 189*. llobllous<> i l'.dinund i. * The scientific basis of medicine. Its prospects and limitations. May, 1.-9:!. ;").-> pp. 8 . Oxford, B. II. Blackwel'l; London, Simpkin, Marshall [et al.], 1X95. Hoblyil (Richard D[ciiuisJ) [1-0:!--(!]. A dic- tionary of terms used in medicine ami the col- lateral sciences. 11. ed., revised throughout, with numerous additions by John A. V. Price. viii, -Ob pp. 12 . London, WhMaker 0Co., 1—1. ------. The same. \2. ed. viii, -22 pp. 1*>-. London, Whitiaker Y Co., 1-92. ------. The same. lib ed. xii, 898 pp. 12°. London. Whittaker cf Co.. 1-99. ------. The same. Revised, with numerous ad- ditions, by Isaac Hays. .">22 pp. 12 . Phila- delphia, Blanchard

    22 pp. 12-. Philadelphia, Blanchard Y Lea, 187>8. For Bioitraphit, see Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1891. xxvii, 50 (F. Watt). llobokeil. City ordinances now in force, passed by the mayor and council of the city of lloboken from March 28th, 1800. to January 1st, 1-72. 220 pp. 8. Hoboken, A. O. Erans. 1-12. Hoboken. See Hospitals {Description, etc., of). Hobokdl (Nicolaus) [l(i:52-7s]. Anatomia se- cundum* hnmanse repetita, aucta, roborata, et ipiadraginta quatuor figuris, propria antoris mauu delineatis, insuper illustrata: qiwe pneter novissime observatani naturam ac constitutio- nuiii, universa* secundum*illius, ac partium singu- laruni usum quinine et utilitatem docet. Pne- niittuntur litene . . . Hem*. Kxssonii . . . cum autoris responsionibus. 14 ]i. 1.. .">4- pp.. 6 ]., l:i pi. lb°. Fltrajccti, apud J. Bilibium, 10)10. Hobiccllt (Jacob). See I,irrmir (Charles F.) Die pnemnatische Kauali- salion und ihre (U'uner |etc.]. 8-"1. Frankfurt a. J/., 18T0. Iloltsoil (Benjamin) [181<>-7:1]. A medical vo- cabulary in English and Chinese. 74 pp. 8-'. Shanghai, Mission Press, 1 ,-.">>. Hobsoii fhfewis] J[ohn]). Psoriasis. l."> pp. - . I.mulon, Mcthmn Y ( o., 1891. H[obM>Gi| (\V[ilIiain] F[iaser]). Longevity; ur, Professor Owen and the speaker's commen- tary. b"> pp. 12°. Oxford Y London, J. Parker Y Co., I"*'2. Repr. from: lilackwood's Ma^., Edinb. lc Hoc (Ludovieus' Petrus). See Arrrlin .I'.-tiusi. An ai|iia vine aqua mortis/ In: Sii.vvakt (('• I'.i i.iioi'-iioiies mod. Par. 4°. Iu- bingn: 1789, i, 1XVUU Col «lc Viliu-v 1 Al.iahain Fian- 1 ois I.eon). (jiiicstio meil i hir., an ... uli onni'tio rata- raitani pra'C.aveiil ? In: Shiwakt (II. ¥. 1 fUicsliones med. Par. 4\ Tubinaii; ITs'.i. ii. 171-179.- BCoIx 1 1 (Ma- rians Jacolius Clarus) \in 1. s.|. *.\n a vai lolai 11111 ino- culatioue ai'i iusaluhris? C Parixiis, 17.">7. Hoc ( In) opere contenta. Ant. Mnsa* de herba vctonica liber i. L. Apnlei de niedicaniinibus lierbarum liber i. Per (bibrielem Hunielber- giuni Ravenspurgenseiii, recogniti ct emendati, adjuncto (■oniinentariolo ejusdem. 3 p. 1., :W:'{ pp., 14 1. 12. [Zurich,'1001.] HocUl't (J. Hamelin). Antiseption. Chemical agency directed against the sonic, of sewer-gas; it or AI IT. 186 HOCHHEKZ. Hocai't (J. Hamelin)—continued. illustrating why mechanical agency alone docs not prevent the vitiation of house air by sewer- gas, and why the germicidal action of chloride of zinc has been resorted to as an auxiliary to the water-carriage system. Also, a paper relat- ing to a new method for the production of chlo- ride of zinc for the germicide, read before the New York Academy of Sciences, Dec. 13, 1889. bv H. A. Mott, jr. 2 p. 1., iv, 25 pp., 3 pi. roy. 8°. [Xew York, 18*0.] Hocli (Albert). * Ueber Inversio uteri, nebst Mitteilung eines Ealles von Inversio uteri coni- pleta complizirt mit Prolapsus uteri totalis ge- heilt durch Totalextirpation per vaginam. [Strusburg.] 2 p. I., 60 pp., 1 1. 8°. Hagenau, L. G. IJlrich-Gilariione, 1899. Ilocll (August). Kraepelin ou psychological ex- perimentation in psychiatry. 10 pp. 8°. Utica, X. Y., 1890. Repr. from: Am. .7. Insau., Utica, N. T., 1895-6, Iii. See, also, Ilirt (Ludwig). The diseases of the nervous system. 8°. Xew York, 1893.-----. The same. 8°. Xew York, 1899. ----- A- Kraepelin (Emil). Ueber die Wir- kung der Theebestandtheile auf korperliche und geistige Arbeit, pp. 378-488. 8°. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1897). Cuttintj [cover with printed title] from: Psychol. Arb., Leipz., 189o, i. Ilocll (E.) Nye Ltegemidler. Supplement til Pharmacologisk Compendium. [Xew remedies . . .] 1 p. 1., 123 pp. 8J. Kristiania. A. Cummer - meyer, 18*~. Hot'll (Peter). * Ueber hyslerische Blasenlah- nmngeii. 29 pp. 8°. Wiirtzburg, A. Gob cy Cie., 1*97). Hocllbaillll(D[niitri Avraainovitch]) [181.7- ]. See I'olnin ( C. ) Klinichcskiya lektsii [etc.]. 8°. S.-I'cterburii, ls97. voii UovUbevger (Gollus) [1803-1901]. IVckroloj;. Pra;r. med. Wehnsclir., 1901, xxvi, 65. Hoclie (Alfred) [1865- ]. * Zur Lehre von tier Tuberculose des Gentralnerveusy.steins [Heidelberg.] 29 pp. 8*;. Berlin, L. Schuma- cher, 18-8. Repr. from: Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 188<, xix. ------. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des anatomischen Verlialtens der nienschlichen Riickenmarkswur zeln im norinalen und im krankhaft verander- ten Zttstande (bei der Dementia paralytica). .73 pp., 1 p. 1. 80 Heidelberg, J. Homing, 1891. ------. Die Eriibdiagnose der progressiven Para- lyse. 44 pp. 8J. Halle a. S., K. Marholtl, 1*96. Forms Hft. 1, v. 1, of: Sannnl. zwanjd. Ahhaudl. a. d. (!el). d. Nerv.- n. Geisteskr. ------. The same. Kanneye ra.spoznavan'ie pro- o-ressivnavo paralicha. 32 pp. 8°. [Moscow. 1*91.] Bound with : Bihliot. vrach., Mosk., 1897, iv. ------. Ueber die leichteren Eormen -.les perio- dischen Irreseins. 39 pp. 8°. Halle a. S., C. Mar hold, 18117. Forms lift. 8, v. 1, of: Sannnl. zwangl. Abhandl. a. d. Geh. d. Nerv.- u. Geisteskr., Halle a. S. ------. The same. The milder forms of period- ical insanity. 2ti pp. 8°. St. Louis, 1*9<. Repr. from: Alienist & Neurol., St. Louis, 1898, xix. ------. Die Neiironenlelire und ihre (jlegner. 1 p. 1., 52 pp. 8-'. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1899. ------. Die Aufgaben des Arztes bei der Einwei- sung Geisieskrauker in die Irrenanstalt. 32 pp. 8°. Halle a. S.. C. Marhold, 1900. Forms Hft. 4, v. 3, of: Sannnl. /.wangl. Abhandl. a. d. Geb. d. Nerv.- u. Geisteskr., Halle a. S. Hoclie (C.-A.-Leon) [I860- ]. *finidephy- siologiqne des effets primitifs des emissions san- guines sur la circulation de la lymphe. 1 p. J., 72 pp. roy. 8°. Xancy, 1-96, Xo. 8. ! Hoche (Edward) [1862- ]. Uleber Infec- tioiiskrankheiten auf Sehiffen und ihre Verhii- tung. 32 pp. 8°. Berlin, H. S. Hermann, 1**0. Hoclie (Ludwig). *Ein Beitrag zu der Lehre von der Radicaloperation von Hernien, speciell bei Kindern. 13pp., 11. 8°. Kiel, A. F. Jensen, 18,-s, Hoclicdleil (Eines) und hochweisen Paths des heil. Rom. Reicbs Stadt Augsburg erneueite Heb - Aniinen - Ordnung. 3 p. 1., 96 pp. 4°. [Augsburg], A. Brinhausser, 1750. Hocheg'g'er (Philipp Rudolf). Die geschicht- liche Entwickelung des Farbensinnes. v, l'.!4 pp. 8~. Innsbruck; Wagner, 1884. HoclieiseiB (Paul [ Karl Friedrich ] ) [1*70- j. * Der Muskelsinu Blinder. 9,8 pp., 1 1. 8 . Berlin, G. Schade, [1892]. Hoclieiieg-g-[Julius] [1859- ]. Beitrag zur I Magenchirurgie. Bericht iiber die vorgenoninie- nen Operatiouen am Magen, von R. Porges. 19 pp. 8°. [Wien, 1890.] Repr. from: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1896, ix. ------. Chirurgisch - casuistische Mittheilungen aus der Praxis und dem Spitale. 1. Ueber sa- crale Hernien. 13 pp. 8°. Wien cy Leipzig. 1896. Repr. from: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1890, ix. ------. The same. 2. Droheuder Verblutungs- tod nach verschluckteni Freindkorper. 21 pp. 8°. Wien Y Leipzig, Y96. Repr. from: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1896, ix. ------. Ueber eine neue typisclie Form des aeu- ten Darniversehlusses (Conibinationsileus). 24 pp. 8°. Wien $ Leipzig, W. Braumiiller, 1,-9-*. Repr. from: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1897, x. ------. Zur Therapie des Rectiinicarcinoms. 22 pp. 8°. Wien Y Leipzig, W. Braumiiller, 1891. Repr. from : Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1897, x. See, also, Albert (Ed uard). Jabresbericht der ersten eh i- rurgischenKlinik. Schuljahrl887. 8°. Wiendt;Leipzig,lHi9. Hochet (Edouard) [1864- ]. "Contribution a I'etude des kystes synoviaux articulaires du poignet. 58 ]>p. 4°. Paris, 1894, No. 32. Hocllfeld (Leopold). *Die medicamentoso Be- handlung des Keuchlmstens. 38 pp. 8°. [ Frei- burg i. B., 18-7.] Hocllfiirstliclie Wirtzburgische Ilebainniin- Ordnung vom Jahr 1739. 4 1. fol. Wirtzbnrg, M. A. Eugmaun, 1739. HocIlgeiiMicii ( [ Fcrdinandus ] Arininins) [1833- ]. * De chirurgia consorvativa quoad pertinet ad tracturas cnmplicatas. 30 pp., 1 1. 8-'. Berolini, typ. frat. Schlesinger, [1855], ■locllgesaild (Ludwig). *Die Kropfopera- tionen an der cliirnrgischen Klinik zu Heidel- berg in den Jahren 1878-88. [Heidelberg.] 36 pp. 8C. Tiibinaen, H. Letup/), 189). HocllllSlUS, ( H[eini'ich] ) [1860- ]. Zur .. Wiirdigung des therapeutischen Werthes der Slrophanthustinctur. 19 pp. 8 . Berlin Y Leipzig, G. Thieme, 18*1. Repr. from : Deutsche nied. Wchnschr., Leip/.. ti. Herl., 1887. xiii. ------. Ein Beitrag znr Kenntniss der Meningitis spinalis chronica. 23 pp., 1 pi. 8° Kiel Y Leipzig, Lipsius if Fischer, 1*89. Hocli haii ser. See W«'lch<* Lehensweise hat der HainorrhoidalUranl.c zn fiihren |elc.]. 2. Aufl. 12°. Berlin, 1841. Hoclllieilll ( [ Arnold Heinrich ] Wilhelm ) [ls68- ]. * Ueber die teniporaturerniedri- gende "Wirkung krampferregender Gifte. 6' pp., 1 1., 1 pi., 1 eh. 4J. Halle a. S.,C. A. Kaem- nterer . Wien, M. Pales, \889. Repr. from: Centralbl. f. d. j-es. Therap., Wien, 1888. vi. ------. Die Auscultation des kindlichen Her- zens. Ein Beitrag znr physikalischen Diagno- stik der Krankheiten des Kiudesalters. x, 194 pp. —\ Wien, M. Pale*, 1-99. Forms Hft. 2 of: Beitr. z. Kiuderh. a. d. 1. off. Kinderkr.- Inst. in Wien. ------. Studien iiber die hereditiire Syphilis. 1. Th. xi, 440 pp.. 4 pi. - \ Leipzig Y Wien, F. Deuticke. 1-9*. Beitr. f. Kinderh. (Kassowitz). n. F., v. HodlStatt (,loh. Wilhelmusl. * Disp. nied. de uiinam causis in generedequeearuin ditferentiis. 101. sin. 4*". li if ntorati.apud E. Welperus,h 08. See, also, Webisiu* iMelchior). Kxamiuis vulueruni dissiruilariuni purs iii. 4°. Argentorati. 1637. HocllStetter tClnistophorus Lndovicus). " De remediis lnoil.ioruin superstitiosis. 34 pp., 1 1. sm. 4°. Halo? Maodeb., typ. J. C. Hendelii, [1737]. [P., v. 1386.] HocllStetter (Ernst) [1872- ]. *Em Fall von Morphinismus mit Chorea in der Abstinenz- periode. 32pp.. 11. 12°. Berlin, G. Schade, 1-91. von Hochstetter (Ferdinand) [1829- 811. von -Vndrian (F.) [Biographical sketch.] Mirth. d. anthrop. (iesells.-h. in Wien, 1884, xiv (Verhandl.) [..- 82]. HocllStetter (E[er.linand]) [H61- ]. Bei- triige zur Entwickeluiigsgi-.-cliii-hte des Gehuns. lp~l.,26 pp., 4 pi. 4°. Siuttaart, E. Xiigele, 1*9*. j Forms Hft. 2, Abth. A. of: Bihlioth. med., Stuttgart. | Hochstetter (Max) [l->- ]. * Ueber die Fractnren des Processus coronoideus ulna'. 31 pp. 8. Berlin, M. Xiethe, [1— 1]. HocllStetter (Theodor) [1-73- ]. "Ueber die behandlung des cystdsin Eclnnoeoeeus. 98 pp.. 11. - . Tiibiugen, F. P'n-lzcker, 1**99. Hocliverdienteii (Threm) Collegen dem II.■tin D. Ernst August Peeh . . . widmeu zur Feier erfiillter fiinfzig im Staatsdieuste vollbrachter Jahre diese Denkschrift ale C.-dachtiiiss ihrer gemein-anien Wirksatnkeit und als Ansdruck ihrer Verehrung die Prol'essoreii der chiiurgisch- mediciniseben Akadeinie. Am xxv. September l-.')6. 2 p. 1., 46> pp. 4°. [Dresden, E. 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Hock i, Josef). * Weiteres Schieksal tier in deu letzton Jahren zu Erlangen operierten tiiber- kulosen Lymphdriisen. | I'.rlangen. 1-*)<>.] 48 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, A. Seclmcyr. 1-91. Hock (Valentine). * Ueber syphilitische Trache- alstenose. [Erlangen.] 39 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, F. Proinnu; 1*^9.". Hock de Brackenau (Wcndolinus). Mm- tagra, sive tractatus de causis pra-serval ivis, reoiniine et cura morbi (iallici. vulgo malafran- co'sz; ingenio, peritiaet experientiis . . . exact is- simis diligentia et studio comporiatus. Quern subsequitur tractatus ejusdem utilissimus de curandis uberibus hunc niorbuin u( in plurimuiii consequentibus. .".2 If., 4 1. 8J. [Argent na; J. Sehotto impressore, l.">14.] ______. 'lhe same. Mentagra, Mentagra, sive tracttitus excellens de causis pr;eservat ivis regi- mine et, cura morbi (iallici: sive ut Calli dieiiuf, Neapolitani: capita xvii, ac recepta quinque, necnon varia unguenta contim'iis. Ejusdem per- utilis tractatus de curandis ulceiibus hunc nior- buin, ut, plurimuiu, consequentibus, capita vi complectens. lxv ff. 34-. [Lugduni, suniptu honesti riri B. Trot, in osdibus A. Blanchardi, 1529.] Hocke (Iman). * Vreemde lichamen in het oog. [Levden.] 2 p. 1., 50 pp., 1 pi., 2 1. --'. Zie- rikz'ee, A. M. E. ran Dishoeck, 1-86. Hocken (Edward Octavius). An exposition of tlie pathology of hysteria. 32 pp. 12 . Lon- don, S. High ley, 1-42. ______. On the comparative value of the prepara- tions of mercury and iodine in the treatment of syphilis. 48 pp. 8°. [Edinburgh, stark $ ]>us) An cujuslihet causa morbi [etc.]. 42 [Parisiis. 1 COO. | Hodeiipyl (Antonius Gvsberti). *Deaphthis. 46 pp., 11. 1 . Lugd. Bat., J. Bos, [1759]. [P., v. 1472.] Hodeiipyl (Eugene). A case of adeno-sarconia of the dura-mater spinalis. 4 pp. 8Z. [Phila- delphia, 1H88.] Repr. from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1888, n. s., xcv. ------. Actinomycosis of the lung, being the Joseph Mather Smith prize essay for 1890. 12 ii])., 1 pi. 8:. Xew York, 1890. Uepr.from: Med. Rec, X. Y., 1890, xxxviii. Also, in: Stud. path. lab. Coll. Phys. . Xctc York, Knickerbocker Prexs, 1897. In: Stud. dep. path. Coll. Phys. i Sin.,'.. Columbia Coll., X. V.. 1897-8. v, no. 14. ------. A case of apparent absence of the spleen, with general compensatory lymphatic hyper- plasia. 8 pp. 8-'. Xew York.189^. Repr. from: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1898, liv. In: Stud. dep. path. Coll. Phys. A: Surg., Columbia Coll. N. Y., 1898-9, vi, no. 1. ------. A modification of Cullen's method of pre- paring fresh sections for microscopic work. 2 1. 8-. Sew York, 1898. Repr. from: Med. Rec, X. Y., 1898, liii. In: Stud. de|). path. Coll. Phys. &. Surg., Columbia Coll., X. V.. 1897-8. v. no. lo. See. also. IT ml . viii. ,S,v. also. B«*ll» (Mrs. James). A letter to Hugh I.. Hodge .etc. i. 8*. Philadelphia, 1844. , Hodge (H[ugh] Lenox) [ 1-36--1]. Subcuta- neous osteotomy, illustrated by a case in which the femur was sawn through the neck, and also through the shaft. 15 pp. 16 2 Philadelphia, J. A. 'Moore. 1-7-. I Repr. from: Me-iL.v Surg. Reporter, Phila.,1878,xxxviii. Hodgen (John T[hompson]) |.l---Ji;--_»]. An apparatus for suspending the superior extremi- | ties in case of extensive injuries about the wrist. fore-arm, and elbow. 1 1. •**--. [Leavenworth, 1868.] Repr. from : Leavenworth M. Herald. 1868, i. -----. Ulcers. In: INTKRN'AT. Encvcl. Surg. . Asliiiurst). X. Y., 18s2. ii, 277-291. ------. The same. Ulceres. /»».- Encycl. internat.de chir. (Ashhurst). Par.. 1882. ii, 093-700. For Bioaraphy and Portrait, see Med. Mirror. St. Louis. 1890, i, 24-33, port. Hodden Moseph D.2 K'-o-or. Pacific 4'o»«t d'hei Dentist, Sa.i Fran- cisco. ;s'.' ,-t. Hodge** (Fred Jenner). Some unusual fractures of tie- leg. [Also:] An aid to tbe diagir sis of surgical atfeetions of the urinary bladder. 11 pp. 16-. [Xew York, 1-91.] Repr.from. X. York M. J.. Is'.H. liv. ------. Reparative surgery of the peripheral nerves. *22 ])p. 12J. [Philadelphia, Lea Bros. 0' Co.. 1-92.] R-j,r from: Med. Xe-ws, Phila.. 1892. lxi. AUo. Co-Editor of: *iVe*l«*ni (The) Clinical Recorder- Chicago, 1899. Hodges J. Allison i. K.i.:,,,- r C'liuic Kullclin (The), Richmond Ya., 1900. Hodge* (James) [lsr^-fwj. Obituary. Lancet. I.oml., 1899. ii. 1049. Hodges (John Frederick) [1-15-i 9]. See finlhrie (Willi.mi). P. in irks upon claret, bnr- gnndy, and champagne |etc.]. I2-. London. [ 187r>|. For Biography, see Brit. M. J. Lond., 1899. ii. 1773- AUo: Lancet, L..nd . Is99. ii, ]8i;:;. AUo: J. Chein. So.-.. Lond.. 19. o. lxxvii-lxxviii, 593. Hodges (Nathaniel) [16*29—**]. Loimologia: or an historical account of tlie plague in London in 1665: with precautionary directions against the like ciiiitaoion; to which is added: An i -s iv on the different causes of pestilential diseases and bow they become contagious; with remarks on the infection now in France ami the n o-i probable means to prevent it spreading here, by ] John Quincy. vi, 2-** pp., 1 tab. 12-. London, ! E. Bell [and others \, 1720. [P.. v. 211-.] For Biography, see Diet. Xat. Iliog., Lond., 1*91. xxxvii, 59 iN. Moore). Hodge* (Kichard if.) The excision of joints. viii. 2uI pp. .-'. Boston, 1-61. [P., v.' 1621.] ------. So-called concussion of the spinal coid. •27 (ip. 12 . Cambridge, L'irerside Press, 1--1. Repr. from: Boston M. *c S. .1., 1881, civ. -----. Undercurrents of modern medicine. The aiinualdis.oitr.se. 59 pp. --. Boston, ]). Clapp Y Son. 1--6. Repr. from: Mid. Communicat. Muss. M. Sor.. Bost., Iss20, xiii. ------. The same. 45 pp. 12 . [Boston, 18-tj.] Repr. from: Boston M. &. S. J., 1881). c\iv. ------. A narrative of events connected with the introduction of sulphuric ether into surgical use. vi, 7-159 pp. 4-. Boston, Little, Brown ty Co., 18,91. Hodge* i William l)[onnison] ) [l-*51-9:!]. Mas- sachusetts General Hospital surgical eases. Antiseptic treatment. Services of Drs. Bigelow, Hodges, and Beach. 4 pp., 1 tab. 8 . [Phila- delphia, 1--6.] lr.from: Physician's Mag., Phila., Is8.".-(i. i. For Biography, see Boston M. .v. S. ,L, 1893, exxviii, 274. HodgillS (J. George). Methods for resuscita- tion from an electric shock, etc., by l'et-cr J. Gibbons. Prepared under the direction of the Royal Canadian Humane Association, s pp. -\ liirnnln, W. Prions, 1*97). Hodgkill .Thomas) L 179--1-66]. * I »«■ absor- bemli functione. :'. p. 1., 7-'pp. * . Edinburgh, .1. Pillaus Y tilins. \*2:'). [ P., v. 1522. ] ------. A catalogue of the preparations iu the anatomical museum of <>uy's Hospital. Ar- ranged and edited bv . . . xvi pp., 290 I. - . London, S. Highly. 1829. ------. A lecture hit t oiluctory to the course on the practice of medicine. Delivered at St. Thomas's Hospital, at the commencement of lhe session lspi-ii. *>■> pp. S\ [London, Ii. Watts, 1-12.] [P.. v. i:!5-.) ------. Die Krankheiten der serosen und niuko- sen Haute mit Riicksicbt der n.-uesten Erfahun- gen und Ansichten anatomisch-pathologiseh dargestellt in einer Reihe von Vorlesungen jrehalten an Guy's Hospital in London. Ins D utsche iibeitragtn unter Bevorwortnng des Dr. Fr. J. Behrend von Dr. Levin. 2 v. in1. ii tl 1.), W6 pp.: 2 p. 1., 504 pp. S-. Leipzig. C. /*.'. Kollmann, 184:>-l. ------. Biographical sketch of William Stroud. 2:> pp. s~. London, Judd Y Glass, 1-58. Nie, also, Eihvai'il* (W[iiliain] F[rederici). On the influence of ph\ an-,.i agents on lite [etc.]. 8:. London, 1832. -----. The same [i»l.s.] 8~. Philadilphia. 18::s. For Biography, see Diet. Xat. Biog., Lond.. 1891, xxvii, 63 (X. Moon). Hodgkill'$ disease. BitorssKst J.) A.- (iKRARDix (A.) Du lyinpha- denouie. Memoire couronn6 par l'Academie ue medocine. 4*-. Paris, l-*u. AUo, in: Meni.Acad.de med., Par.. 18s7. xxxv. 1-148. Cf.kvksato (D.) Sopra nn caso di inorbo d' Hodgkin. **°. Padova, 1896. DE Champeai'X (P.) 'Dn lyinphad^nonie. 4-. Paris. \-90. (.'Ron* (J.) tils, fdude sur l'ad^nie, onpseudo- leuceniie (nialadie de Hodgkin). **-'. Bruxtlles, 1-91. Also, in: Presse nied. beige. Prux., 1891. xliii, :!2(i; 343; :is.-); 411: 43(1: 4f>8; 494: Mo: 516; .".29; .VT>. 1'salidas i M.) * f.tude (Unique et hist"logique sur le lyinphadeiiome en general et en particulier sur une forme rare observee dans la niainnielle. Y. Paris. 1-90. tbboll I .J.) Hodgkin's dis.-a-, . Northwest. Lan- cet. St Paul, J 891, xiv, 81-83— A l>r;i Im in- (K.) A ense ol Hodgkin's disease associated with multiple neuritis. Med. News X. V, 1MH, lxxii, 10-12.- A.hini (II.) Ein l-'all von maligncm I.\ mplionie. Mitt, a .1. llaiub. Slaats- kraiiken.ui-t.. 189s 9. ii '298-21-2, 1 pi.—.Idler 11. II). jr. A caso of Hodgkin s disease accompanied with a possible i. -nlting paraplegia. Mid. News. Phila., Iss'.l liv, 41.— \llcn IU'. I-:. L.) A .im- of Hodgkin's dis, a- Iirit. M..I.. Lond.. ls9C. ii. 74.". AiiiiaI «ii<; (S. I'.i A case of l\ nip ha. Lin. nia. Uep. Superv. Sui ^i ien Mar. Hosp., \\'a'-li. l88a-0, 119-122. 1 pi., 2 ilia- Aii'-iei. L\ni|.ha- h. n..me visceral. J. d. sc. ini'd. dc I.ill,- 18*8. xi. 299 — ItniiM* \ II.) Case of Hod-kin's di-ca-c. l.-mpoi ar\ cure. Iirit. M J.. Lond.. 1890. ii. IO118.— liiiuloi i A I I ,\ Koo|H' i.\.I'| Ho.1-kin's disease. Indiana M. 1., In- dian.ip. I--9(-.".. xiii. 177 — Riiiniiuiii-K'ii (P.) Mvelo- Ueiic Ps,-iiiloleokaillie mit Ausgang in alkeiii.-in.' Osti'.i- sklero.se. Arli. a. (I. (joh. d. path. Anat. . . . Inst, zn Tu- bing., brnschwg.. ls94--9, ii. 499-.'>29. —Benle (E. ('.) A case of lymphoma ii fleeting the larynx. e\ ■ did. and ceiehral membranes. Lancet, I.oml.. Iss7, ii. 749. ISt-nlon'G. W.) .x Thoi'iilon. An atypical case ..! lloil-Uin's disease. Texas Coin. bee. Med.'. Fort Worth. 1898-9. xvi. 83-81)— B<-ri-y.ov»lii (S. Y.) K voprosu o stroyeiiii i kliniches- HODGKIN'S. 190 HODGKIN'S. II <>ath. Inst, in Getting., Berl., 1893, 159-166.— Cr«>*.«t (W. A ) A case of lyiupliadenouia (Hodgkin'sdis- ease) accompanied by features characteristic ol'ni vxu'.lenia. and otliers suggestive of acromegaly. Med. Hoc. N. Y., 1894, xlvi. 209-271. —»a«ron. Lymphadenome malin; forme infect ieuse. Bull. Soe.anat.de Par., 1889. lxiv, 522- 527. — Del bet (P.) Des hypertrophies ganglionnaires gcneralisees; origine infeetieuso do laiiipliad6ii.nuo malin. Seinaine med.. Par., 1893, xiii. 430-432. Also transl: Med. Week, Par., 1S93, i, 452-455.—Dietrieh (A.) Poller die Boziehuiig. u der inalignen Lyinplionie /.nr Tuherkulose. Beitr. /,. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 189(i, xvi, 377-396, 1 pi.— DreNehfeld (J.) Acute lyiupho-areomatosis (acute Hodgkin s disease). Brit. M. j., Lond., 1891, i, 8."i8. -----. Clinical lecture, on acute Hodgkin's disease. Ibid., 1892, i, 893-896.— Diiplay. Lymplnidenonie et adenopalhie tuherculetise. Fiance nied. et Paris med.. Par., 1892. xxxix. 113-115. AUo. trand.: Gaz/,. d. osp.. Milano, 1892, xiii, 522-524.— K i<-libi'i', Reprint.—llo (A.) Tabatsu akusei lymphoso. |()n mul- tiple malignant lymphoma.] Chiugai Iji Shinpo. Tokio 1893, no. 324, 8 - 13.—Ranter (I.) Leber das Vorkom- nien von eosinophilen Zellen im inalignen Lvniphotu und bei cinigen andereu Lyinphdrusen-EYkraiikiingi n. ('en- tralbl. I. allg. Path. u. path. Anat,, Jena. 1S94. v, 299-310.— Kiu'cn-wki. Yorstellung zweicr Fiille von malignem Lyinphom. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., lss(. _\\i. £]()_ AUn: Verhandl. d. Herl. med. (lesellsch. (1884-5), 1886. xvi, 15.— Kerr. Case of (lowers' 1\ niphadt-noiua, splenic leucocy- tha'iuia Mul. Press &-. Circ, Lond., 18<)3, u. s.. lv. 91.— Ivormoci (E.) Ein Fall aout. vcrlaufeiider Pseiidolcu. kiimie. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1898, xxxiv, 247; 269.— Ko»lei- (H.) Ett hidrag till hehnndliiigcn af psrul doleuchaniia lienalis. [A conlribution to the treatment, of . . .] Gotehorgs Liik.-siillsk. Forli., 1895. 16-20. [Discus- sion |, pt. 2, 10-14. — l.ecq (T.) Observation de lympha- dcnoine. Gaz. med. de Picardie. Amiens. 1895, xiii, 186- 188. — I.iewi*i (C. H.) A case of Hodgkin's disease compli- cated by pulmonarv tuberculosis. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1897, Hi, 313-315.— I.imont. Hodgkin's disease. Rep. Proc. Northnmb. iV Durham M. Soc Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 1888-9,125; 163.—I.loyd (J.) Residual lyniphaden'iiis.' Scab-el, Lond., 1890.i, 145-147.—Lyons. A caseof Hodg- kin's disease. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1901. xx, 303.— tliirUonald (It. L.) Hodgkin's disease. Internat. CI in. Phila.. 1891, iii. 29-36. Also: Proc. Mod -Chir. Soc. Mom fieal (1889-91), 1892, v. 94-97. AUo [Abstr.]: N. York M. J., 1890, Iii. 444.—.Tlacready (J.) Malignant lymphoma, or Hodgkin's disease, with pneumonic complication. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phil i., 1887, lvii, 141-144.— VI ai-a-.-lin no (E.) Linfoadenia. (iazz. d. osp., Milium, 1901, xxii. 442- 445. — Jlni'Mlon (Alice K. ) A case of Hodgkin's dis- ease. China M. Miss. J., Shanghai, 1900, xiv, 3.—.Tlerritt (Emnia S.) A case of lyiiiphadenonia. Tr. M. Soc. Calif., San Fran., 1893. xxiii. 159-165.— H im nda (C.) Su di un caso di pseud.dene mi.i. Ann. di med. nav., lio- ma, 1899, v. 229-245. — .Tlorri.o-.4-v i-I. .).) A case, of Hodgkin's disease. Med. lUc. N. Y. 1898, liv, 313.— Vloii-^iii. Un cas de lymphadenome cutane. Urion med. et sciont. du nord-est, Reims, 1888. xii, 166. 1 pi.— Vim ■:■> (G. R.) Hodgkin's disease. S\sl. Med. (All- butti. N. V*. & Lond., 1897, iv, 573-596.—.\ajfalonii (J.) (lteinarks on malignant lymphoma. | (Ikavama Igaku- kwai Zashi ls97. 397: 1898, 4. — IVaiiimack (('. E.) A case of Hodgkin's dis, ase. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1895, xlvii, 330. —."Vienise (Iv) Note sur la leucocyt heinie, 1'ailciiie et les tumeurs lymphatiques. Gaz. mod. de Par., 1800, xxi, 74-78. AUo, Reprint, — von > ollhalll (A i Kin Fall von Pseudoleukiimie. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1899. xxv, 309-321, 1 pi.—Osier (W.) Clinical remarks on a case of Hodgkin's disease. Canada M. & S. J. Montreal. 1882-3, xi, 712-717, 1 pi. AUo. Reprint.— Palatini' de Chainpcaiix. Cn cas de lymphadenome aigu generalise. Arch, de med. nav., Par.. 1888. xlix, 2ol- 270. — l*i i>|M i (\V.) Hodgkin's disease. Med. .V Surg. Reporter. Phila.. 1890. Ixii, 192. — S'ichcvin (R.) Hyper- trophic ganglioiinaire generalisee; lymphadeiiomes 'mul- tiples, (iaz. d. In.)).. Par., 1889, Ixii, 1204. — Pilcher (L. S.) Two cases of malignant lymphoma. X. York M. J.. Is84, xl. 605-667. Also: Ann. Surg., St. Louis, 18s5. i. 123- 128. — l'i*eiit«ki ( lv. I). ) K. kazuistikie zlokachest- vennikh limfoin. [ JMaliguant- lvinphoiiia. ] Med. Sbor- nik, Tiflis, 1884, no. 38, 1-14.—Porter. Lymphadenoma. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1889, i. 29.-. — Porter (W. S.) A caseof (?) Hodgkin's disease. Med. Press .V Circ, Lond., 1894, n. s., lviii, 639.—Pi-eiliei'i (A.) Un caso non comune di liufoma maligno. Boll. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Pavia. 1898, 235-238,1 pi.— Kccaseus. Algunascoiisideraeiones cliui- cas sobre los linfoadeiioinas malignos. Arch de ginccop., Barceb, 1895, viii, 539; 569. — Keeln* (P ) Diagnostic et traitement, (In lyinphadeiiome cervical. In his: Clin. chir. de l'Hotel-Dieu. 8-', Par.. 1888, 239-254. —Kex ((). P.) & Ciirtin(R, G ) H< dgkin'sdisease. Univ. M.Mag., Phila., 1891-2, iv, 138.—Kiviere. Lymphadeiiomes. Bull. Sue. d'anat. etphvsiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 188.1. vii, 7-17.—Rob- erts. A well-marked ease of lyiiiphadenonia which ter- minated fatally. N. Zealand M..I., Dunediu, 1800. ix, 160.— Kobins (G. D.) &, A mill (J. V.) A case of so-called acute Hodgkin's disease. Montreal M. J., 1896-7, xxv, 310- 314.—KolleKtoii (H. D.) Lyninhadenonia and allied dis- eases. Clin. J., Lond., 1896-7. 'ix, 7-10.- Kiidel. Ue- ber einen Fall von acuter Pseudol. ukaiuia lymjihatica. Deutsche nied. Wchnschr., Leipz. u Berl., 1897, xxiii, 629.— MaiiKOin t E. A.) A case of lyiiiphadenonia. Proc. M. Soc. Loud., 1883-4, vi, 150. — M.-uiiidby«( R.) On lymphadenoma. Physician & Surg.. Lond.. 1900, i, 849-852. — van der Nihici (A.) Eon geval van ps.udoleiikaeinie met ge.l, ellolijk l'ecurreereiid koorts- type. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. (Icneesk., Amst., 1899, 2. R., xxxv, d. 1, 42-48.— Wehelleiiin (G.) Een geval van pseudoleukaemie, type Pel met gi'wrichtsaandoeniiigeii. I hid.. 503-509. — I«im i lli (J. \V.) A case of multiple malignant lymphoma (or Hodgkin's disease). Med. Rev., HODGKIN'S. 1!)1 HODGKIN'S. llotl^kiu's disease. St Louis, 1900. xii, 428-430. -Spencer (W. G.) Intro- duction to a discussion on l\ liiphadenoina and its relation to ot tier morbid growths, 'l'.rii M. J., bond., 1890, i. 133- 130 — Kpreny.hiii (K.I I.vinph..... i lnaligiiuin. luissk. Med. M. P.t.'rsb.. 188-. viii. 318. Si, ny, I (A.) Hodg- kin's dis, a>e Progr. Mel.. Phila. A: N. \ 1899. ii. 297.— ixiiidv (I N.i A'cas,-of Hodgkin's disease. Med. lice, X. \'| til, 0, 1 \ iii. 192. — Sullivan (.1. I>.) Pseudoleu- kemia or Hodgkin's disease. Brooklyn M. J.. 1900. xiv, 4-3,-480.—Tambiii'i-iiii (N.) I'n caso di inoi bo di Hodg- kin. Ann. din. d. osp. incur., Napoli, 1887. xii. 125-135.— 'I'avlor (K.) On an unusual caseof II ilgkin's disease. Clin". ,1. Lomb, 1896-7, \ui 31 37 liili •.« hi (A.) Un caso di linfoma inaligii,. I,' is-ogua di sc med., Modeiia, 18,-9, iv, 540; 581.- Thoiua* (C I ) Ca-c ot 1\ inplia- denomata. Tr. South Indian branch l'rii. M. Ass.. Sladr s. 18SI3-5. v. 194, 2 pi.—Tyler .1,.) A case of Hodgkin's dis- ease in a child. Am. J. ol.-i.. N. V , 1880. xix. 701; 725. AUo. Keprint. —Vaqnerc \- Kibierre. Lv uiphadclionio iitvpique avec p.d\ niicleoso : rapports avec la leuccniie. Hull, ci iium Sue. me.l.d. hop.de Par.. 1900. 3. s.. xvii, 1191- 1197 —Viponil . A. 1-: ) \ Tlarlin (('.P.I Notes from a de- batable caseiit Hodgkin's di-, as, . Montreal M..I I.-95-6. xxiv,960-962. Vire* i-I.i Diath«>se Ivniphogene 11\ mplia- ileno-e!. Gaz. d. hop , Par., 1897, lxx,1345: 1373. W(i« t.I.i Fine Pseiidoleiikiiniie. Jahrb.d. Wien. k. k. Ki ink. n ans'. 1895, Wieu u. Leipz.. 1897. iv. pt. 2. 87-89—While (H.) Hodgkin's disease. Guv's Hosp. Gaz.. Lond . 1,-93. n s.. vii, 117-120.—While (J. C.) A case of lympha- I ilenoma (Hodgkin's di-. a-.-. in a native. Indian M Ree.. | Cilcuttn. l,-'.'5. ix. 313. Als,'.- Lancet, bond., 1895, i 189. ———. A case of lyiuph.ulciionia (Hodgkin's disea-ei in a native. Indian Lancet, Calcutta, 1897, x, 579.— While (J. W.) Lvinpbaueiionia with ahistoi v of hernia. Med. & Surg. Repoit.r, Phila..I888.lix.4s7.—Wilson (C.) lteport of a case of Hodgkin's disease, showing long periods of fever. A ui. J. M. Sc. Phila., 1899, n. s.. cxviii. 411-414.— Wood (E.G.) 11, ilgkin's di-ease : with reports of cases. >'. York M. J., 189-.' Ixx. 266-269.- WH uhl i W. M. A.) Case of 1, niphadenoma. Tr. Roy. A, a.i M. Ireland, DubL. 1888. vi, l_6. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1s8s. 3. s., lxxxv. 106-1.0. [Iiisciission], si -s3. Yaveiu (G. I.) Svoye.dirazniy sluchai anseinhe s])leniea' pst-udoleiiea'- inicie. [Peculiar case...] Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb.. 1-97. vii. 7s4 : 8Jn.— l'i.....a (\Y.) Notes on a case of l\ niphadenoma [Hodgkin s .ii-.-isel in a native. Indian M. Gaz. Calcutta, I8i.»5, xxx. 2 8 — Zelimler. Leber maligne Lymphoma Jahrb. d. Hamb. Staats- kraukenanst. Is'"'. Leipz., 1-02. ii. 319-335. Hoi clou v. I.vinphadtiiioinecon genii 11 generalise chez un uou vi -.. u m. Bull. Soc. d'obst. | de Par., 1900 iii. 168-174. — Kn-earlel. Lvmpliadeiioine.s j multiples. Lull. Soc. anat. de Par.. 1890, lxv, 496-199.— Chaplin (A.| L. mphaileiioma of the lungs and other | organs. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond . 1892-3. xliv, 13 —Weiiinr* j (A.) Adenite sous-inaxillait e gauche simple. Inp.rtro- j phiipie (lymiiliadeiioiiiei. Pull. Soc. anat. de Par Ii-,-0 lxi, 170-172. — I'iiiln)-.oil. Specimens from a case .,I Ilodg- kin .sdiseai,.-. Cla-g..u M. J . 1900, liii, 382-385. — *i n iium (l-.i Lyiiiphadeiiomedes ganglions mcs'iileliipics .1. Lin- testiu. de la capsule siirrenale droite. propage aux ganglions thoi aciipies. au corps thyroi'de. avec, noyaux second aires | dans lis reins, loreillette droite; compiession du cuniil | choledoijiie de la trachce, de 1'norte, de la v cine cave supe- rieure; integrito (les ganglions suii.-rficiels. Hull. Soc anat. de Par., 1888, lxiii. 309-312. — Madden (W. 15.) In- testiue in lymphadenoma. Tr. Path. Soc Lond., 1885-6, | xxxvii, 261. -----. A case of lymplindenoma in which the inte-linal glands u roidine ;i haule dose, ainsi (pie son a, I ion pri'Sliiuee dans un cas de lymphome. Ann. Soc de mc! do Guild, 1806. lxxv, 212- 215. — Vlarhwald (I!.) Fin Full von Hoilgkin'schcr Krankheit mil eigentiiinlii'liein Verhiuf; zugleich Peitrag zur Keuntnis der Nebcn wii kuiig.n d< s Arsons. Ztschr. f. ]irakl. Aerzte, Frank!', a M., 1807. vi, 12-2(1. AUo [Abstr.] : Ber. d. oberhess. Gesellsch. f. Nat. II. Heilk., Gics-sen, 1897-9. xxxii, l.'.ii. —.Tlnlterji (A. l'i L\ niphadenoma treated with liipior arsem. alis , recovery. Indian M. lite., Calcutta, 1809, xvi, Ts] —Kii Ins (!'.') Traitement, des IviiiphaibJnoines cervicinix par l'uisenic il haute do-e. Pull, el mem. Soc. de ch r. do Par.. 1880. n. s.. xv. 700; 714. Also: Gaz. lu-bd. de med., Par., 1889, 2. s., xxvi, 753-757.— \ «»li i-ewcii'-li i (X. M.) K lie.hi-niyu zlokiiclicstA-euiiol limfoini (lymphouia maligniini). (On the treatment of . . .] Protok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. med. Obsh., Tirlis, 1895-0, xxxii, 188-PI5. Horig'kill'w tlisease in animals. Ilelbel (P.) Production experimentale d'un lympha- dC'lionie ganglioiinaire generalise chez un eliien. Compt. rend. Acad.d. sc, Par., 1895, cxx. 1373-1375.-.I nlia de Koig (II.) Keproduction expel inientale du lyuiphade- iioiiio; biologie de I'agont pafhogene. Marseille mod., 1899. xxxvi, 545-503. -----. Production experimentale d'un lympliaih'uome ganglioiinaire generalise che/, le chien, le chat el la souri.s blanche. Cong, t'rang. de nied. Lap., Par., 1899, v, 439-441. HODGKIN'S. 192 HOECHSTETTER. Hodgkin's disease in children. See, also, Hodgkin's disease (Causes, etc.. of). (zci'iiv (A.) Ein Fall von malignem Lyinphom bei einem 3.\,j:ihrigen Knaben. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1891, xvi, 77 79. —von Frisch. Ein 14jahriges Madchen mit malign, n I,\ niphonien und Metastasenhildung. Wien. med. Wchnschi., 1889. xxxix, 555. — Ki*el (A. A.) Tri sluchaya bollezni Hodgkin'a (ps-ndol.ukamiia) it dietei 4, 4J i 11 Hot. [Three rases of Hodgkin's disease in children of 4. 4J, and llvearsl Trudi Obsh. dietsk. vrach., Mosk., 1893-4, ii, 142-148.—Rolleston (H. D.) \- l.alham (A.C.) A case of lymphadenoma involving the stomach in a child aged eighteen months complicated by rickets and closely simulating Icnkremia. Lancet, Lond., 1898, i, 1313-1315.'— Kothe. Pseudoleukamie (Hodgkin'.-che Krankheit) auf hereditar-lu. tischer Grundlage; Heilnng. Frauenar/.t, Perl.. 1891. vi, 433-439.—Momma (E.) Un caso di rachitisnio, scrofolosi o catarro intestinale cronico che mentiva una forma di malattiadi Hodgkin. Pediatria, Napoli, 1893. i, 128-136.—Taylor (J. M.) A case of Hodgkin's disease in a boy of seven. Pediatrics, N. T., 1900, ix, 137.—Tvler (L.) Case of Hodgkin's disease iu a child. Tr. Wash. Obst. .V Gynec. Soc. 1885-7, [1889], i, 49-57. lIo pp. Hc. Bruxelles, Sue. encycl. d. sc. med., 1**1(). -----■ Verhandelingover de niiskraain. Uit het Fransch vertaald door C. Ph. Meyer en G. C. Terlaak. 219 pp. 8~. 's Gravenhage, J. H. Bissehop. 181W. ----- «.t Dcniqne (E.) Genecskumlig dag- boekje; klein zak-reeentenboek ten behoeve van hospitalen, apotbeken, lief-dadigheids-gestieh- ten, enz. Naur het Fransch. viii, 71 pp., 7 ]. 1(>°. Fiel, Gebr. Campagne, 187)0. Hoebeil (Gerardns Wilhelmns Marie). *Over een centriini oeulo-spinale. [Utrecht.] 60 pp. roy. ,**"■'. Xijmegen, W. Fellinga, 1890. c. Die egvptisehe Aii^cnent- 1°. Wiirzburg, C. J. Becker, Hoel>er (Franz). ziiiidung. 20 pp. 18()9. -----. Bad Homburg and its resources, for the use of English visitors;, vii, 67 pp. *-'°. Hom- burg, L. Schick, 1810. [P., v. 2202.] -----. The same, vii, 72 pp. i-v-. Homburg, C. J. Schick, 1818. [ p., v. 2093.] -----. Bad Homburg und sein Heilapparat. viii. ")H pp., 1 map. 8°. Homburg ror dir Hohe, F. Schick, 1887). -----. The same. Dem neuesten Standpnnkt entsprechend dargestellt. 9. Ann*, viii, 74 pp 12 . Homburg, F. Schick, 1901. Hoeber (L[eopold] ). * Ueber die Lebensdauer der Cholera- und Milzbrandbacillen in Aquarien. 35 pp. **°. Wiirzburg, J. M. Richter, 1890. Holier ( Rudolf ). * Ueber experinieiitellen Shock durch Reizung der serosen Uiiute. [Er- langen.] 34pp. 8°. Leipzig, J. B. Hirschfeld.1891. -----. * Ueber Concentrationsiinderiingen bei der Diffusion zweier geloster Stoffe gegen einan- der. [ Ziirich. ] 21 pp. 8°. [Altenburg, S. Geibel Y Co., ]s99.] Hoeber (Wilhelm) [1876- ]. * Ein Beitrag zur Casuistik der multiplen Exostosen. 2."> j>p., I 1. 8 2 Miinchen, M. Ernst, 1901. Hoeber (Wilhelm Richard). *Zur Keuntnis der globuliciden Wirkung des Blutsernin. 92 pp. *«"-. Wiirzburg, Stahel, 1899. H och nI. See, also, Medicine (Clinical, Statistical re- ports of). Gkandhomme (W.) Der Kreis Hdchst a. M. in gesnndbeitlicher und gesundheilspolizeilicher lleziehung, einschliesslich einer gescliichtlichen und oeologischen Beschreibung desselben. 8°. Frankfurt a. ill., 1881. Uoclist (Ferdinand [Adam]) [lsbfi- ]. "Ein Beitrag zur Lehre vom Atherom. 48 pp., 1 1. 8°.. Bonn, C. Georgi. 1890. Hocchstciibach (Jo-efj. * Ueber Metritis dissecans. [Heidelberg.] 24 pp., 1 pi. Leipzig, A. T. Engelhardt, 1890. HocllStetter (Christian) [1844-07J. <-■ mere ■ (W.) [Biography. ] Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wtirt- temb. iirztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1897, lxvii, 209. HocllStetter (Friedrich). *Eiii\virkung der Bewegung auf die Temperatur der heberfreien Lungentnberkulosen. [Erlangen.] 29pp. ,** . Miinchen, Knorr

    4 pp.. 8 1. 12°. Francof. 4' Lipsia, imp. L. S. Ciirncri, 10)11. -----. Rararum observationnm niedicinalium pars postbuina, continens decades quatuor, nimi- rinn se])tiinam, octavam, noiiam et deciinam. In quibus historia?, qmesita. olnsei'vatii, monita medica varia, jucunda, salutaria, utilia, neces- sariaque, tain speculanti medicinam quam ope- ranti continentnr. 4;")ti pp., 4 1. 12°. Francof. cf Lipsia>, imp. L. S. Cbrneri, 1011. Bound with the preceding. HOCHSTFUKTKEFLICHSTES. 193 HOEFLER. IlocllStfnrti-eflicllStes chiroinantisch- und pliysiognomisi lies Klee-Blat, bestehend aus drey heirlichen Tractaten und /war erstlich des kunstberiihintesten Ronphyle Hand-Wahrsa- gung; zmn andern Xielas Spadons Schauplatz der Curiositiiten; und dann drittens Johann Sigmund Eltzholi/ens Anthropometric cder Moss-Knnst des meiischlichen Korpers. welehen wegen Gleichheit der Materie lbnninici de Rnbeis Pbysiouomisclu* Tat'eln. Cardani Moto- poscopie rind Molainpns von den Miihlern des niensclilichen Cdrpers initeingenickt,. etc. Albs aus den FrantzosiM-heii. Italiiinis. lien, Lateiniscben und Griechisehen goirenlioh iiber- setzt. audi mit darzu gehdrigen Kuprt'ern ge- zieret. und den curidseii Liebhabcrn eidtt'net und gewiedmet durch I. ti. D. T. 14 p. 1., 2 pi., 112 pp.: 208 pp.: 550 pp. 16*-'. Xiirnberg, J. Ziigera, U'.'.t.'.. Hoehstiiotliiije Bt lehrung und Warming fiir junge Madchen zur friiheu Bewahrung ihrer Unsi huld, ven einer erfahrenen Freundin. Eine gekrdute Preissihrift. Aus dem ceclisten Theilc des Revisionswerks besondeis abgedruckt, und hrsg. von J. H. Campe. 2. Autl. 76 pp. 12 . Wrilfiubiittel. in der Schulbuchhandlung, 11-1. Hociistwiclltitfe Ants, hliisso, dassdie Cholera morbus von den Je-uiten nach Europa gebracbt. vou ihnen geb net uud zu ihren Zweken be- nutzt wird. Aus dem ganzen (Jange der Krank- heit, wie er mit den wichtigsten politischen Ereignis-en im genauen Zusainnieiihange stebt, und "aus nielireren auderen auffallenden Griin- den auf das Ueberzeugetidste dargetliau und im Name11 der leidenden Men-elineit alien enro- paisehen Polizeibehorden diingeiidsr tins Herz gel.gt. iv, 5-27 pp. **-. Leipzig, J.G. Schlade- ho,Fl-02. Hoeclltl (Joh. (ie.ug . " Ueber einen Fall von aiisgedehnter Yeuen: Thrombose und Lungenein- bolie bei Chlorose. 17 pp. - . Miinchen, J. Got- t sicinfer, l-'.t'.t. Hoeck f Franz). * Ueber peri.'stale Ries.nzel- leu^arkome auf zumeist spindel-, aber audi rund- zelliger Grundlage. 24 pp. 8-. Wiirzburg, P. Scheiner, 1-91. Hockendorf (Paul) [1-61- ]. * Ueber die Wecbselbe/.iebiiugen z\vischen den Baktenen nnd den Z.-llen des tierisi hen Korpers bei Infek- tionskrankheiteii. :57 pp., 2 1. **-. Berlin, AL. Stolzemvahl. 1-92. Hd. Hoefer ([Job. Christian] Ferdinand) [1-11- ]. Observations et recherches experimentales sur le platine, considere" comme a^ent physiologique et therapeutique, ou de l'efticacito di s prepara- tions de platine dans le traitement des mala- dies syphilitiqnes, dart reuses et rhuinatisinah s. iv. 32 pp. 8-. Paris, Fortin, Masson Y <""-, 1-41. _____. Histoire de la chiinie depuis les temps les plus recul6s jusqu'a notre epoque. 2 v. x,5in pp.; viii, 51- pp. 8'-. Paris, L. Haehette, 1*12. VOL VII, 2l> SERIES----13 Hoeier ([Job. Christian] Ferdinand)—cont'd. _____. Dietieunaiie de chiinie et de physique. 2. ed. iv, 192 pp. 12 . Paris, F. Didot freres, See nUo A. (L.) Compendio de historia de his cien- liiedioas. (ctcb 8°. Madrid. IsTI. — .'N'onv«*ll«- bio- [inl.s.]. 4C v. 8°. Pa ris, 1852-8:!. Diss, tractans cia eriqihi Hofei (K). Iloilliiio-cr (K.) .v Pan/cr (T.) .ensbailer Miii.-ialiii.".i *'\ Wien dc Leip. lcas. ".oneral ( Join unes ISaptista ). Erfolge und Xe . Halle aineninrbieani. 32pp. 12°. f'iudobonn, F. l.ud- w'v, | \*O0], lloeler (Paul) [1-73- ]. * I cberdn der operativen Behandlung der Hoth n- benh.ideiitnbeikulose. 32 pp., 2 I. ■- a. .**.. C. A. Kaenuncrer Y ' "•< 1*90. Hofer (Wilhelm ). Verghicliend-anatomische Siudieu iiber die Xerven des Amies und der Hand bei den Allen und dem Menschen. UHi pp., 5 pi. ** • Miinchen. J. F. Lehmann, 1-92. Miinchen. med Abhandl., lift. 30. Hoeflel (Johannes Theophilus). * Historia bal- sanii mineralis Alsatici sen potrolei vallis Saudi Lamperti, Gernianice, der Hanauische Erd-Bal- sani. Lamperslocher Del- oder Bib hel-Brunn. 6 p. 1., 42 pp. Argentorati. lit. hered. J. I'astorii, 1734. Hoeflel (Tiniotheiis). * Dystrophia iiiuseiilaris progressiva. 1 p. 1., ">'.) pp. *J. Strassburg, J. H. /.. Heitz, 1**'.H. HofliliS'er (Curl). Gries-Bozen in 1'enisch-Sud- tir.il. als klimatiseher Terrain-Kurort und Tou- risteiistation. Vadeinecnm fiir Einheiinischo, Kurgiiste. Reisende und Tonrisleu in Gries-Bo- zen und im Etsch- nnd Eisaek-Gebiete. x, 102 pp., I pi.. 4 maps. 16-. Innsbruck, Wagner,!—1. ------. The same. Ein Begleiter fiir Kurgiiste, Reisende und Touristen. 2. Autl. x, 492 pp., 1 pi., 1 ch. 16-'. Wien Y Leipzig, W. Braumiiller, 1,-9.".. . . ------. Der Curort Gleichenberg in steiermark. 6. Autl. 3 ]>. 1., 144 pp , 5 pi., 2 maps. 16c. iricn Y Leipzig. W. Braumiiller, 1892. H©eflY(Carl Moritz). .Sichere Heilung der Di].h- theritis. Ein iherapeutisiher Eestgi u.ss an die Aerzte der Xatnrforscher-Yersammlung im 8e\>- tember l-**76 zu Hainbnrg. 2. Autl. 31 pp. sm. 4J. Hamburg, H. Griining. 1810. Ilotill [Carl Robert]. * Ueber einen Fall von i:iseusplitter- Extraktion niittelst des Elektroniagneten. 28 pp. hahn, 1<*,'>-_ _______. 'i'be same. Xai It eigenen und auswiirti- gerAer/.te Erfahrungen dargestellt. v, 126 pp., 1 lab. 12 . Freiburg i. Br., Herder. 1-70. -------. Eaux alcalines acidules iodosulfurees de Krankenheil, pros Tiilz. dans la Haute Bavieie. -< pp. 4°. [Frilionni, (.'. Schmidt, n. d.] Hoefler (M[ax]) [1H48- ]. Krankenheil bei Eiauenkrankheiten. 56 pp. **\ Miinchen, E. Miihlthaler, l-**o. Uepr.from: Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Miinchen, ls79, xxvi. HOEFLER. 194 UOLKEK. Hoefler (M[ax])—continued. -----. Krankenheil by Scrophulosis. 1 p. ]., ■13 pp. 8\ Miinchen, C Wolf Y Sohn, 1-89. -----. Ueber den Einfluss des Krankenkeiler ^uellsal/es (Lange) auf den Stotfwechsel. 5 pp. ri-'. Berlin, Sit I enfeld, 1***. Uepr.from: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1.-8S. xiv. -----. Bad Kraukenheil-T61z inden bayerisclieii Voralpen und seine Wirkungeu. 2. vermehrte Autl. 2 p. 1., 199 pp., port. 8°. Tblz, E. Stahl, 1889. ■-----. Der Isar-Winkel, arztlick-topographisch geschihlert. 280 pp., 1 pi., 1 map. 8°. Miin- chen, E. St alii sen., 1801. -----. Wald- und Baumkiilt in Beziehung zur Volksmedicin Oberbayerns. viii, 170 pp. 12°. Munchen, E. Staid, 1892. -----.' Deutsches Kiankheitsnanien -Buch. xi, !I22 pp. 4J. Miinchen, Piloty Y Loehle, 1899. Hoeflig-er (Ferdinand). *Die operative Be- handlung irreponibler traumatischer Huf'tge- b-nksliixationen. [Bern.] 74 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Ziirich, A. Markwalder, 190(1. Hoefliiig (Eugenius). *De ichthyosi priemis- sis nouuullis de cutis aff'ectionibus iu genere. [Marburg.] 38 pp. 12°. Fuldw, t,/p. Miillcria- ■uis, [1**3U]. Hoetlill*; (Franz). *Zur Frage iiber den Zu- saiiinieuliaug von Ovulation und Menstruation. 15 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, Boegler, 188*. Hoefllisill (Cornelius). ".Spec. chir. pract. con- tinens duos casus, alteruin: de partu difneili capite prajvio inclavato, sectione Ca'sarea, vel separatione syuchoudro-eo.s ossium pubis unice solvendo; alteruin de bronchotouiia feliciter instituta. I p. 1., 55 pp., 1 1., 1 pi. 4°. Lugd. Bat., apud C. van Hoo/ere n, jr., 1774. [P., v. 1926.] Hoe ft III a ll (Heinrich) [1851- ]. * Feber Ganglion uud chroiiiscb fungose Sehnenscheiden- Enlziindiiiig (Hygroma proliferum, Virchow). 84 ]ip., 1 1. 8°. Konigsberg in Pr., J. Jaeobi), 1810. Hoegel (Josephus). *De epinyctide, gennanice von dem Rachts-Braud. 12 pp. sin. 4°. Mo- gilalia', J. J. Alef, 1776. Hogyes (Entire) [1847- ]. Die experimentelle Basis der antirabischen Schutzimpfungen Pas- terns, nebst einigen Beitrageii zur Statistik der Wiithhehandluug. viii, 108 pp. 8J. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 18-9. Title-page rends: Andreas. -----. Emlekbeszed Markusovsky Lajos a M. T. Akadeania tiszteletbeli tagja felett. [Memorial discourse ou Louis Markusovsky, member of the Hungarian Academy of Science-*.] 12 pp., port. 4°. [Budapest, Pesti Lloyd-tdrsulat, 1896.] Snppl. to: Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1890, xl. -----. Emlekbeszed Pasteur Lajosrdl. [Memo- rial discourse on Louis Pasteur.] 10 pp. fol. [Bulcpcsl. Pesti Lloyd-tdrsulat, 1900.] Hoehl (Max Carl Julius) [1**71- ]. * Ueber zwei Eormen von typiseh lokalisirter angebore- ner Verengerung der Vagina. 36 pp., 2 1. 8-. Greifstt-itld, C. Sell. 1-95. Hohiein (Nicolai). * Ueber die Einwirkuug der Milzzellen auf das Hiimoglobin. 34 pp., 11. 8 . Dor pat, Schnakenburg, 1891. Hoehler ([Hermann] Max) [186(5- ]. *Eiu Fall von Leberabscessen mit todtiichem Aus- gang verursacht durch einen Spuhvurm. 27 pp. 8 \ Greifswald, J. Abel, 1890. Holllilianil (Oscar) [1858- ]. * Ueber die in der Zeit von Ostern 1885 bis Ostern 1-86 iu der Frauenklinik zu Breslau operirten 35 Urin fisteln. 43pp. 8:. Breslau,O. Gutsmann,[1880]. Holm (Joseph) A: Keinenscliiih (A. IA Der Curort Radein iu Kteiennark mit seinem Xatron- Lithion-Siiuerliug (das steirisehe Vichy), viii, 125 pp. 12°. Wieu, 10. Braumiiller, lsiiil. Holme ([Friedrich Albert] Ernst) [1871- ]. * Leber die Heilung des Rectuiiicarciuuiiis durch Exstirpation. 39 pp., 1 1. 8°. Halle a. S., C. A. Kaemmerer Y Co., 1-94. VOll HoBliiel (Franz). Die Mikroskopie der teebnisch verwendeten Fasersfol'te. Fin Lehr- nnd Haidbuch der Faserstoffe, (Jewebc untl Papieie. viii, 169 pp. 8\ Wien, Pest, Leipzig, A. HarHeben,l-81. Hoing (Theodor S.hulze) [1845- ]. * Ueber die kiinstliche Friihgeburt. 1 p. 1., 42 pp., 1 1. 8-. Bonn, P. Xeusser, 1869. Hojer (Axel). See Koiiiiiiison (Henri "Wilhelm) [in 1. s.]. Myolo- giska dissectioner [etc.]. 4°. Vpsala, 1820-28. Hoi'k (A.) Aanteckeningen en opmerkiugen betreftende het leveiis-inagnetismus, in het be- lang der nienscbheid en tier wetenscliap open- baar gemaakt. xii, 79 pp. 8°. Gravenhage $ Amsterdam, Gebr. ran Cleef, 187)1. -----. Geueeswijze der longziekte bij rundvee. 14 pn. 8'■-. Graccnhai/e, H. C. Susan $• C. Hzoon, 187)2. Villi Hoek (J.) lots over den slaap on daar- mede verwnnte toestanden. 39 pp. 8°. Xij- megen, H. C. A. Fhieme, 1-62. Hoek. (P. P. C). See ©l>*l (B. IT.) \in 1. s.]. Schets van de ontleed- kunde, [etc.b 8°. Atlas, 4°. Leiden, [I887J. Hoek (Petrus Martinus). * Over het voorkomen van verschillenile eiwitstoft'en in de urine bij nierlijden. 1 p. 1., 54 pp. 8°. Leiden, J. W. ran Lceuwen, 1*8\. Hoel (H[enri-J.-S.]) [1853- ]. Annuaire de- niographiipie de la ville de Reims. 18*8; 1889; 1894. 8°. llcims, Matot-Braine, 1S-9-U-I. -----. Annuaire deinographique de la ville de Reims pour l'minee 1-9(1, pr6c6d6 des resultats oeneraux du lecons ;iiient de L-91. 58 pp., 1 1., 2 maps. 8°. lieims, IL. Matot, 1891. -----. Annuaire deinographique de la ville de Reims pour l'annee 1891. 46 pp., 1 1., 2 maps. 83. Be ms, Matot-Braine, 1892. -----. Epidemic dc typhus a Reims (juillet- deoeinbre 1893). 20 pp'. 12. Paris, Chair., .891. Hoick (Rudolf [Karl Hans]) [1,-6(1- J. "Ue- ber Abd iminalgraviditat. 34 pp., 1 J. 8:>. Berlin, G. Schade, [1887]. Holder (Friedrich). * Ueber Hernia properito- nealis. [Heidelberg.] 38 pp. 8'. Tubingen, H. Lanpp, 1890. Holder (Hermann [Friedrich]) [1819- ]. Lehi buch der Kinder-K ran khei ten fiir praktische Aerzte nnd Studirende nach James Milmau Coley's Practical treatise of the diseases of chil- dren, und den einschlageiiden Werken von Cop- land, Evanson, Marshal 1 Hall, Maunsell, Un- derwood, Barrier, Barthez, Billard, Rilliet, Rees, Gdlis, Meissner u. A. frei bearbeitet. x, 469 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, J. B. Miiller, 1.**'49. See, aUo, A*li\vell (Samuel). Lehrbuch der Krank- heiten des weihlichen Gcschlechts, [etc.]. 8°. Slutttiart, 18f>:'.— Tenlc (Thomas Pridfibi) [inl.s.]. Lehrbuch der Uiiti-rh'ihshriichc, [etc.]. 8°. Stuttgart, 1848. -----. The sunn; [in 1. s.]. Leerboek der ouilerbuiksbreukeu [etc.]. 8°. Utrecht c£ Amsterdam, 1849. j Hoelder (Philippus Fridericus Benjamin). See .TlancliRi't (Bui-chard. David.) l)iss. de staphylo- mate [etc.J. 12:. Tubingen, 1783. Holderlili ( Wilhelmus Fridericus ). * Diss. med. posterior de cichorio. pp. 21-29, 1 1. 4°. Tubingen, typ. M. Rommeii, 1691. Holker ( Heimaun ). * Ueber carcinomatose Lebercirrhose. 48 pp. 8°. Freiburg i. Br., H. Epstein, 1898. HOLLDAMPF. \y~, HOKPFFNKR. 1l6lldani|»( (Franz) [1-66- ]. * Ueber Leberveiiindernngen bei Typhus abdominalis. 22pp. - . Wiirzburi. P. Scheiner. 1-9(5. Hoelper (Wilhelm [Oito]) [18ti6- ]. * Indi- cation uud Prognose der Encheii eso bei Diabetes I mellitus. 26 pp., 2 1. 8. Bonn, J. Bach lPtee., j 1 -9 '. Holseher (Adolf) [l-;,9- ]. * Ueber einen Fall von Darinverschluss durch perl'oriiten Gal- lenstein. 33 pp., 1 1. - . Freiburg i. />'., H M. Poppen 0- Sohn, 1--7. Hoist her (Adolf) [1874- |. * Ein Fall von luvi r-io uteri puerperalis. 26 pp. 8\ Greifs- wald, J. Abel, 1-99. Holsclier (Fritz) [1867- ]. ~ Beitrag zur Kenutniss und Behandltuig biisartiger Meien- Geschwiilste. [Bonn.] 42 pp. ■--'. Guben,F. Krollmann, 1-90. ------. Die Behandlung des Typhus mit Guaja- kolearbonat. Fxperimenteller und kliuischer Bei rag zur Daruiantisepsis. 7 pp. --'. Berlin, 1-9::. ltepr from: Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1893, Ixii. llolochci1 (Joannes Christianus). *Dissertatio ph:l.i-..phico-inedica. varii arguinenti, quam . . . siibmitiir. 2 p. 1.. 74 pp., 2 1.. 1 pi. ,-*■'. Lugd. Bat.. J. W. van Leeutctit. 1—25. [Also, in: P., v. 2074.] >'•<'. aUo, dn l*ui (Meinardns Simon, [in 1. s. . Allo- cntio, [etc.]. 4:. [Load. Bat., 1841.] HoolM'her lulins H.) A study iu perspira- t uu; oi initial research iu one hiimlre I aud thir- teen ea>es. lb pp. --. Chicago, 1-99. Hepr. from: J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago. 189U, xxxii. II6l«. A: Waltz (Johannes Casparns). *Qu[,*m] f.etnina non est homo, vulgo. Ob die Weiber Menschen seyn o.ler niclit.' 11 1. 4 . Witteberga-. typ. C. Schrci- d'eri. 16--. [Also, in: P.. v. 19-0.] lloltlin^ (Ceor- Wilhelm) [1-7:!- ]. * Fe- ber tabisi lie Gel-nkerkraiikuiigeu. 27 pp., 1 1. Bonn. J. Trapp, 1-9-. llo«':t/.«'l (Andreas Aiminius [1-16- ]. "De een -..-Ui coinpressione. 27 pp., 2 1. *»-. Bero- lini. iiiji. Xietuelcianis. [1-4"]. Ho?ltzk<> ([Joseph Ludwig] Heinrich) [1855- ]. Ueber partielle Augeninn.skel-Abscbnii- rung. 22 pp., 1 1., 1 pi. - . Marburg, 11. Fried- rich. 1-1-. Hoelzer (CarF. * Ueber den Zusamineuliang von Herz-und Xierenkrankheiten. 43 pp. *v. Wiiiz ','tirg. liecku; 1-79. Ifoelzl Maieeilus . De staphyloma!*- cornea*. 45 jip.. 1 1. 12-. Findobona, typ. Congregatio- nis Armeuorum, l—>\\. Hoi'il (A. G.) The photo-iiiiciiigiiipbie room ami apparatus in tbe anatomical laboratory of the Johns Hopkins Univeisity. 1<» pp.. 4 pi. -c. Baltimore, 1-96. Uepr.from ■ Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull.. Bait.. 189(5. vii. In: Papers Anat. Lab. Johns Hopkins Univ.. Bait.. 18H3-6. i. no. 13. VOll Hoen (Max R.). >" KiiNiiiaiM-k (Herman) &. von llocn iM;.\ II.) Der Sanitats Llienst im Kriege [etc.]. 8'-. ll'ien. Is97. Honek (Ernst) [1862- ]. *Drei Fiille von allgeineinen fotalem Hydrops. 16pp. 8. Kiel, Lipsius ei-;j (Benedict). Wildbad Ga- stein im Jahre 1-56. iv. 147 pp.. 2 maps. 8:. Wien, C. Gerald's Sohn, 1-57. Repr. from . Ztschr. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1857, iii. ------. Fiir Curgiiste von Gasteiu. vi (1 1.), 88 pp: 12~. Wen. A. Schweiger, ]-t'>2. ------. Gasteiu. Ein Fuhrer fiir Curgiiste nnd Reisende. Nebst einer Febersichts- und Reise- karte von Gasteiu und Uingebitng, von Fr. Keil. 11 p]i., 1 map. 12-. Salzburg, Muyriseh, 1>64. ll., n. d.] von Hoeniku i Oscar). See l''i«.«'iil»nliii-Ti'mi»i>orl (Der) [etc.]. 8~. Lands'- berg a. H". Iss2. -----. The same. 8-2 Berlin. 1883. Hoililltf (Carl) [1-61- ]. * Feber das Auf- treten Her Bacillen bei Darmtuberkiiloso. 24 pp., 1 1. -°. Bonn, C. Georgi, 1*87). Hoeiliilg [Heinrich] [1844- ]. VierOvario- toiuien. Beschreibung eines neuen Trokars, 1* pp. 8. [Berlin, J. Sittiulild. 1810.] Uepr.from: Herb klin. Wilms, lir. Is70 vii. Ilomi (Ernst). * Feber hereditiire Syphilis. 9* pp., 1 I. S\ Wiirzburg, Becker. 1*90.' Iloenow ([Ferdinand Karl] Hugo) [1800- ]. "Ueber einen Fall von int i autei in geheilter Bauch-Blasen-Scliauibeinspalte. 32 pp. - . Birlin, L. Schumacher, 1**1. Hoeofel (Wilhelm) [h**72- ]. * Ein Beitrag zur Casuistik der congenitalen elephantiasti- schen Tunioieu. 53 pp. 8\ Erlangen, A. Foil- rath, 1896. Hoepff'lier (Johann Carl Cuilelnms) [1-32- ]. * De hydroceles operatione. 28 pp., 2 1. 8:. Berlin, F. W. Xielack, 1-7)0. Hoepfl'ner (Theodorus). * De variolis, vnlgo von denen Pocken. 11 pp. sm. 4°. Begio- I monli, lit lieusnerianis, [1729J. HOJiPFSEH. 19 Hoepflier (Ludwigl. * Ueber Vorkoinnien und liiikio-kopisches Veihalten uberziihliger Brust- warzi-n beim Menschen. bcsonders beim Manne. 29 pp., 1 1 , I pi. ** • Jena, B. Fopelius, 1-99. Hoepker (Alexander). *Alkylketone des Me- sitylens und Pscudocumolo und ihrer Derivate. [Bern.] 4(1 pp., I 1. 8-\ Heidelberg, J. Hor- ning, 1-95. Hoepker (Friedrich). * Ueber Roteln. 49 pp. >-. Freiburg i. B., C. Lehmann, 1897. HoepiK r (Kurt [Friedrich Wilhelm Karl]) []-;,-_ ]. 'Fe'er Salieylliehantllung bei Pneiimonien. 3') pp. 8 . Berlin, 0. Franeke, [1881]. Hilling- (Adolf). * Versuche iiber das Untcr- scheidungsvernibgen des Hdrsinnes fiir Zeit- gr.'issen. " 26 pp. ■--'. Tubingen, Ll. Lanpp, 1801. LP., v. 1897.] Holing (Carl) [1867- ]. *Eiu Beitrag zur Kenitniss des Cbloroins. [Tiibiiigen.] lb pp. 8C-. Braunschweig, Appelhans 4 pp., 1 pi. 8-. Heilbronn, J. F. Landlurr. 1844. Hocrle (Carl9 [b**65- ]. Znr Statistik des Kaiserschnittes. 55 pp. ,8:. Bonn, C. Georgi, 1**9. Hoerling (Alberius). * De carcinomate. 39pp. 12-. Halberstadii, ti/p. J. Hoerling vidua-, 1*7)1. Horliug [J<»h. Conrad] [1819- ]. Kurze Darstellung dor Wiikungen und Heilkriifte des Bades Lippspringe. 15 pp. >'-\ Paderborn, P. Herle Y Co., 186 5. -----. Lippspringe nnd Inselbad. 11 pp. 12°. [Dortmund, W. Crdwell, n. d.] Hoeriliailll (August). - Feber Derivate des Phenacyl- und des Diphetiacyl-acetessigaethers. [Erlangen.] 41 pp. - . Erlangen, F. Junge, 1*91. Horilianii (Enrique) [1866- ]. * L'eau froide et les injections de serum en chirurgie. 75 pp. -'. Paris. 1897, Xo. 0U9. Horilianii (Georg). DieKontinuitat der Atom- verkettung, ein Strnkturprincip der lebendigen Substanz. 118 pp. 80. Jena, G. Fischer, 1-99. Hoermaim (Joannes Casparus). See Jan die (Joh. Gottfried). * Ue foraminihus calva- riic. 4:. [Lipslce, 1762.J Horner (C.) Die Tuherkulose und ihre Be- kiiinpfung. 25 pp. 8;. Leipzig, M. Heinsius, Xachfolger, 1-99. Hoernes (Moriz). Urgeschichte der Mensch- heit. 2. Vull. 157 pp., 1 pi. 24-. Ltipzig, G. J. Gbschen, 1897. VOll Hornig-k (Ludwig) [1600-67]. Politia medica, oder Beschreibung (lessen was die Me- dici, so wold ins geniein als auch verordnete Hof-, Statt-, Feldt-Hospital- und Pest-Medici, Apothecker. Materialisten, Wundartzt, Barbie- rer, Feldtscherer, Oculisten, Bruch- uud Stein- schneider, Zuckerbecker, Kriimer und Bader, dessgleichen die obriste geschwohrne Frawen, Hebammen, Filter Frawen und Kranckenptle- gere, wie nieht weuiger allerhaudt unbefugte, betriegliche und angemaste Aerzte, darunter alte Weiber. Beutelschneider, Crystallenseher, Dorrtgeistliche, Einsiedler, Falliinentirer,Gauek- ler, Harnpropneten, Juden, Kalberiirtzt, Lan 1- j IIOKSSLIN. VOll Horilijjk I Ludwig)—continued. streielier, Marcksehi eyer, Nac hi it-lit. r Ofen- schw aimer, P.-eudo-I'nraeelsisten, <.,» unci, sal ber, Ralt'.'iif'iinger, Segensi recher, Teutbls! under, Uuholden, Waltbeintzen, Ziegeuner, etc. 8o dann endlichen: die Patienten oder Kranckc selbsten zu thun, und was, auch wie sie in Obachtzunehinen, alien Herni, Hdfen, Republi- ken und Gemeinden zu sonderbahrem Nutzen und Gnten ansH. Scbrifft, Gcist- uud weltlicliem Rechten, Policey-Ordnungen und viclen bewehr- ten S.briit'ten ziisaininengetragen. 3 p. 1., 222 pp., 7 1. 4°. Franclfmt a. M., bey C. Schhiehen mid Mitverwandten, 1638. Hoei'lligk (Knttger Gottlieb). *Diss. med. qua induratioueai partiuin pnematurain exponit. 30 pp., 11., 1 pk 1 ■ [Lipxhe], ex off. Langen- hemiana. [1750]. [P., v. 19.0.] Hoerscliellliaiill (Ferdinand). Festiedezur Jabrcsfeier der Stiftung tier Universitiit Dorpat am 12. December 1888, nebst den Mittheilungen iiber die Preis-Aufgaben sowie dem Uiiiversitiits- Jahresbericht fiir das Jahr 1888. Hrsg. vou der kaiserliehen Universitiit Dorpat. 60 pp. 4'. Dorpat, Schnalenbiirg, 18-9. Hoiscliellliailii (Maitin) [1862- ]. 'Bei- trag zur Casuistik dor Myomotoinie. 61 pp., 1 1. 8C. Dorpat, C Mattiesen, 1891. Hoiseher (Ferdinandus). Se„ ScbiziiiN (Melchior) [in 1. s.l. Exercitationes oic.lica- xix. sin. 4°. Anjentorati, 11)2:1. ----- [in 1. s.]. Tin- same. xxv. sin. 4°. Argentorati, 1624. Hoerseii (Emil) [1869- ]. *Ueber einige Fiille von haemorrbagischer Diathese. (Mor- bus maculosa Werlhotii, Scorbut und Haemo- philie ) 31pp. 8-\ Boni, .1. Bach Wwe., 1895. Hoseli (Benedict). Versuch einer neuen Zeu- giingsiheorie. 2 p. 1., 140 pp. 16°. Lemgo, Mei,er, 1801. Ildsell (Hugo). *Ein Gumniii im Ritckeninark. 23 pp. .**°. Miinchen, M. Ernst, 1>99. Hoescli (Julius) [1853- ]. * Ueber Erkran- kungeu der Gefasswandungen in der Retina, insbesondere in Folge von Erysipelas faciei. 35 pp. 8-. Berlin, C. Feicht, [1881]. Hoescli (Wilhelm). * Ueber einen Fall von reactionslosem mehrjiihrigen Verweilen eines ungewohnlich grossen Messingstiickes im Auge; ein casuistischer Beitrag zu den Verletzniigen des Auges durch Kupfer. [Wurtzburg.] 47 pp. 8-2 Jeua,B. Engau, 1895. H«escliel (David). See Pterins Valcriann* (Joannes) [in 1. a.]. Hiero- ghphica [etc.l. 4'-. Francof. a. M., 1678. Hoess (M.) Hygienischer Reise-Begleiter. 91 pp. 16°. Miinchen, Seilz ef Schaner, 1-9-. VOll Hoessle (Johann Georg) [174*-- ]. Lehrsiitze der Geburtshilfe. 8 p. 1., 3-4 pp., 12 1. 12°. Augsburg, M. Biegers sei. Siihnen, 1794. Hu'ssli (Anton). * Geschichte und .Stammbanin tier Bluter von Tenna (Canton Graubundeu). 48 pp., 1 1., 2 tab. 8°. Basel, Schultze, 1880. VOll Hoesslili (Gustav). 'Hydrocephalus con- genitns alsGeburtshinderniss. 29 pp. >'\ Miin- chen. ('.Wolf 4- Sohn, 1879. VOll Hoesslili (Konrad). * Ueber Verletznii- gen des Kindes; Vorzugsweise des Schiidels bei spoutauer Geburt mit casuistischen Beitriigen aus der Frauenklinik der Kaiser-Wilhelins-Uni- versitat Strassburg und deren Saninilungen. 56 pp., 2 pi. 8 . Slrassburg, C. Goeller, L-9U. roil Hoesslili (Rudolf j. Feber die Behandlung chroniseher Riickenmarks-Krankheiten und die Vortheile localer Kaltereize bei denselben. 23 pp. 82 Miinchen, J. F. Lehmann, 1891. Repr. from: Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1891, xxxviii Also forms 7. Hit. of: Miinchen. med. Abhan.ll. HOESSL1N. 197 ik)xti:k. Von Hoesslili (Rudolf)—continued. -----. Ueber die Behandlung der Fettleibigkeit, | mit Anhang 1: Nahrungsniitteltabelle fiir Fett- leibige, und Anhang II: Menus fiir Fettleibige. 39 pp. **-. Miinchen, J. F. Lehmann. 1900. Sic. aUo, Kiirnuslnlt Xcnwittelsbach hoi Munchen. Aci/tlicher Bericht. lie Hoest (Daniel). * De vomitu. 7 1. 4•''. Lugd. Bat., apud rid nam .1 harcdes J. Elsecirii, 1670. [P.. v. 1949.] Hoesteriiiaun (C[arl] E.) [ls»7- ]. Zur li inn.•rung an die Feier ties fiiiifzigiahrigeti 15,■-;, liens der Wasserheilanstalt Marienberg zu Boppard am Rhein. 01 pp.. 4 pi. 8-'. Boppard, Bic-iter. 1—9. lloesteriiiaim (Gottlieb) [1877- ]. * Das primiire Scheidensarkoin der Kinder und Er- -wachsenen. [Bonn.] 42 pp., 1 tab.. 2 1. 8 . Gummersbaeh, F. Luyken. 1901. Hoesteriiiaun (Theophilus Gtiilelnius Ernes- tus) [1-31- ]. * Laparotomia* et hiparo- b\ sterotomia? nounulla specimiua. 32 pp. 8-2 Bti'diui, G. Lange. [1*58]. Hoetillk (H. R.) * Ueber einen Krankbeitsfall mit eiuer eigenihiimlichen Tremorforin. [Hei- delbero.] 32 pp. 8 . Leiden. A. H. Adriani, 1-8-. Hiitte (Clemens) [18i 9- ]. * Ueber Compli- c.itionen lei Dystrophia niuscularis progiosiva. 33 pp.. II. - . Bonn, J. Bach Wire . 1>99. c. vail der Hoove iGulielmus). "'De morbis a laxis -.li.li- i .up.Tis humani ortum ducentibus. 25 pp.. 1 1. 4:. Lugd. Bat., apud G. Potrliet, [17311. [P.. v. 1950.'] Hoveler ([Job.] Wilhelm) [1**6::- ]. te- ller die Yerwerthung des Humus bei der Erniih- rung der chlorophyllfiihreuden Pllanzen. [Er- lang n ] 3 p. 1., 34 pp.. 2 pl. --. Berlin, Gebr. Bornlraeger, 1-91. Uepr.from : Jahrb. 1'.-wisscnscli. Botan., Berl ,Is92, xxiv. Iloeveler (Wilhelm) [1-75- ]. * Welche I'liiwandlung hat die S. riiintherapie iu der Be- baiidlung der Diphtherie gesokatten 1 20 pp. *■'- Ureifsnald, J. Abel, 189**. llovell tGe rgius). >'.-<- 'laoiiio M. Joh.i [in 1. s.]. Decas positionum ,etc. . 12J. Le.tiomonli. 1G:19. Vail del" Hoeveii A: Buys, Rotterdam. Cata- logue d'anatomie huniaiiie. Aiiatomie normale et path ilngique. Preparations naturelb s et artineielles. 64 pp. 8-. Botterdam, ran der Hoe ten .' Buys. [1—0]. van der Hoeveii (Corneiis [Pruys]) [1792- 1-71]. * lie constitutionis epidemioa' doctriiia. i 1 p. L, 166 pp., 3 1. 4-. Ln,/d. Bat., L. Her- dingh $Jil„ 1-16. [P., v. 2065.] —----. Cliiestmnathia Hi|»pocralica. xxii, 218 pp. 12*. Hag(e-< omilis, J. Allart, 1-11. -------. Histoiische lessen over de cholera. 2 p. 1., 116pp. - . Leiden, ('. ('. ran der Hoek, 1832. -------. Initia discipline; ]iathologicte anditorum in usu edita. 354 ]ip., 11. r* . Lugd. Bat., S. Y J. Lnchtmans, 1*01. ------ Oratio de perfecta medici siiecie. //. .- OKATIOXE6 vir. in med. fete.]. 4°. Ltu/d. Bat., 1841, 1-21. ------. Oratio de simplicis sensii, niedieime cul- toribus imprimis excolendo. In: Obatioses vir. in med. [etc.]. 4°. Lugd. Bat., Is41, 1-27. ------. Aiitliropologisih onderzoek. 4 v. in 2. &-. Leiden, E. J. Brill. 1851-3. CONTENTS. v. 1. Stndie der patbologische anthropologic. v. 2. Studie der historische anthropologie. v. 3. Studie der klinische anthropologie. v. 4. Studie der christelijke anthropologie. See. also. Ilollmmi (Petrus Isaiicus). "S|iec. med. continent) .ili'piot sclcctas iiiorhoriiiu historias [etc.] s~. Lugd. Bat., lMo. van der Hoeveii (Jan) [1-02-68]. i*-hp. anat. physiol. do organo auditus iu homine. 107 pp. 8 . Traj. ad Bhenum, 0. J. ran Pudden- burg Y I. ran Schoohoven, 1-22. [p., y. 2H72.] -------. * De sceh-tio piscium. 1 p. I., 1 l'i pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 4 . Lugd. Bat., L. Herdingh .,- fil., 1822. [P., v. 2062.] ------. * De morbis auriuni auditusquo. xii, 112 pp., 2 1. - . Lugd. Bat.. L. Herdingh Y til., 1824. [P.. v. 2077.] -----. Levensberigt van den Baron Cuvier. 38 pp. 8C. [Amsterdam, l-'>2. ] liepr. from: Bijtlr. Natuurk. WtieiiM li Amst. ls!2,\ii. -----. Sehets tier natiiurlijke g.sehioilenis van den menscli. 24 pp. ■-*-. Leiden, J. H. Gebhanl Y Co., 1844. -----. O\or het gcslacht Icticyon van Lund iCvnalicus Cray). 10 pp., 1 pl. 4 . Amster- dam, C. G. ran der Post, 1-55. [P., v. 1610.] ------. Beschrijving van drie meikwaardige nienselielijke schedels uit het RijUs Museum van Xatuurklijke Historie te Leiden. 10 pp., 2 pl. 8-. [Amsterdam. 1-59.] Uepr.from . Ver-1. . . . d. k. Akad. v. "Weteusch. Afd. Natuurk., Ainst., ISj'.i, ix. ------. Catalogns crauioruni diversarum gen- tiuin. 65 pp. - . Lugd. Bat.. E. J. Brill. 1-60. ------. Beschrijving A'an eeneu Magyaren- en van eeuen Esthlander-sehedei. 12 pp., 2 pl. 8 . [Amsterdam, 1-61.] li'epr. front . Yersl. . . . d. k. Akad. v. Wetensch. Afd. Xatuiirk'.. Amst., 1861, xii. ------. Beschrijving van schedels van inboorlin- gen der Carolina-Eilanden. 16 pp.. 2 pl., 1 lab. >-'. Amsterdam, C. G. van der Post. 1-05. liepr. from: Versl. . . . d. k. Akad. v.'Wetensch. Afd. Xatnnrk.. Amst.. 186-">-6. 2. R., i. ------. Over de taal en de vergelijkende taalken- nis, in verband met de natiiurlijke geschiedenis van den niensch. 16 pp. 8-'. [«. p., n. d.] See, also, Hopkins itv\) Over natiiiirUiiuili-.- theo- rien. S:. Haarlem. 180".—Vrolik (Willeini .v van iler Iloovcn (J.) [in 1. s. |. Beschri.iviii:: en Mt'l.i-.-l.ling van eenen te I'onipcji op^egraven meuschebjken sche:Ief 4°. [Amsterdam. 16.">7. van der Hoeveii (J[an]i, Jz. Over afwijkin- gen in dot vonn der nensbeendereu. 6 pp. -\ [Amsterdam, 1-60.] Repr. from ,- Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Genecsk., Amst. 18(1(1. iv. -----. Racbitische bekkenvernaauwing; seetio Ciesarea; dood; beschrijving van het bekken; verdubbeliug der tepels. 16 pp. 8*-'. [Amstn- dam, 1-62. ] liepr. from: Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geueesk., Amst., ls.'.2 vi. van der Hoeveii (I.eendert). * lots over l.\ stei-otoniie. [Leyden.] 2 p. 1., 63 pp. -**-. L'utli niaui. J. ran der Hoeren. 1--I. van der Hoeveii (I'etrus). T Do ha>inonboi- dibus. 1 p. L, 37 pp., 11. 4 . Ilurdi rrici, /-:. Tyhoff, 1801. [Also, in: P., v. 1937.] von der Hoeveii (Willein). * Ueber die Wirkung des Km h'seben Heilmittols. Beobaeh- tungen im Kraiikenhause am Coolsingel zu Rot- terdam. [Freiburg i. B] 1 p. 1.. -2 pp., 1 1. 8-. L'olterdam, J. De .long. 1-91. Hoeveiiasir (Hnbertus Paulus). * Posit nines niedic.e iuaugurales. 1 p. 1., 59 pp. 4 . Lugd. Bat., apud rid. M. Cyfreer, l-< -. [P., v. 1946.] Hdvener . Otto) [L-67- ]. " Sectionsbefunde bei Tiiberi uldseii nach Koch'schoi Methode Be- handelten. 30 pp., 11. .8 . Kiel, L. Handorf, 1-91. Hover (Otto). * Kin seltener Pall von Magen- knbs mit seknndiirer Lnngengangriiii. 27 pp. 8-\ Miinchen, Kastncr .)' Losseu, 19i]l. Hotter (Oscar). "Beitriige zur quantitativeii Harnauiilyse bei O.steoinalacie. 29 pp. 8-'. Wiirzburg, F. llbhrl, 1—. HOEY. 198 HOFFA. vail Hocy (Joannes). * De i.ra-cii u.o vaiietatis tonoruin in cantu organo. 14 pp.. 11. 4 . Lugd. Bat., S. Y J- Luehtmans, 1775. [P., v. 1930. ] Hocy (Thomas). On the collection, removal, and' application of town sewage; and also the saving of water. 40 pp., 1 pl. 8-. Glasgow, W. Munro, 1801. Hoezer (Franciscus Xaverius.) Pharmaciasim- plicia niineralia, juxta pharmacopteam Aus- triaco-provincialein Boheruke regno indigena. 69 pp., 1 1. 8-. Pragoz, W. Gerle, 1778. Hof (Adolf Carl) [1873- ]. * Hisrologische Studien an Yegetationspnnkten. [Bonn.] 22 pp., 1 1., 3 pl. 8°. Cassel, Gebr. Goithelft, 1.898. Uepr.from: Botan. Ceritralhl., 1898. Hof ([K. E. H.] Hans) [ 1-70- ]. * Beitrage zur Beurtheilung vou Moleeulargewickts-Be- stimiiiiingen in Ldsungen. 33 pp. 8°. Erlan- gen, F. Junge, 1895. Hofacker (J [oh.] D[aniel]) [1788-1-28], Ueber die Eigenschaften, welche sich bei Men- schen und Thieren von den Eltern auf die Nach- koiiniien vererben; mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die Pferdezucht, mit Beitriigeii von Friedr. Notter. x, 158 pp. 8°. Tiibingen, C. F. Osian- der, 1828. Hofbauer (Joannes). *De diureticis. 26 pp. 8J. I'indoboine, typ. Cong. Mechitaristicce. [1837], Hofdauer (Julius Theodor). Homdopathiscb.es Heilverfahren in chirurgischen Krankheitslal- len. Nebst den reinen Arzneiwirkungen eines neuen wichtigen Antipsorictini. v, 249 pp. 8°. Leipzig, A.fReimann, 1835. Ilofer (Bruno). * Untersuchungen iiber den Ban dor Speichehlriisen und des dazu gehoren- den Nerveiiappaiats von Blatta. [Halle.] 2 p. 1., pp. 349-390, 1 1. 4°. Dresden, E. Blochmann Y Sohn, 1*81. Cutting [cover with printed title] from : Nova Acta d. K. Loop. Carl, deutsch. Acad. d. Nat in Torscher, li. Ilofer (Bruno). See Kanaliantion und Entwasserung von Ortschaf- ten an Uiiinensecn, |etc.]. 8°. Miinchen, 1898. Hofer (Franz Joseiih) [1745-94]. Lelnsiitze der praktischen Geburtshilfe, die Manualopera- tionen betreffend, zum Gebrauche der Vo lesun- gen bey dem Chirurgischen- und Hebaniinen- Institut. Nebst einem Anhange. 7 p. 1., 335 pp. 8-'-'. Augsburg, M. Riegers sei. Sbhnen, 11*8. -----. Lehrsiitze des chirurgischen Verbands. 3 pts. in 3 v., A atlas. 8°. [Atlas, 4 .] Erlangen, J. J. Palm, 1790-92. Hoff(Carl). * Zur Aetiologie der septiscben und pyiiniischen Erkrankungsprocesse. 32 pp. 8\ Strassburg, G. Fischbaeh, [*90. Hoff (Ernst). * Ueber die Finfiihrung dor Xitro- gruppe in die Seitenkette aromatiscber Basen. [Hern.] 44 pp. *\ Berlin. A. W. Sehade, l-9ii. Hoff ([Hans] Emil Madsen) [1844- ]. Medici- nalbt'iotiiinger for Kongeriget Danmark for Aa- re.ie 1877-90. Udgivet af (let kgl. Suudhedskol- legiuni. [Medical reports for the kingdom of Denmark, 1877-90. Published by the royal board of health.] 8°. Kjobenham, 1,884-92. -----. Dot kongelige Sundhedskollegiums For- handlinger i Aarene 1--6-99. [Transactions of tbe royal board of lieall h for 1886-99. ] 14 v. 8°. Kjohenbacii, 18-7-1901. -----. Den civile Medicinallovgivning i Kouge- rigetDanmaikniednordligeBilande og Kolonier, eller kronologisk Sanding af dersteds gjteldende Medieinalvtesenet vedkommende Love, Anord- ninger saint and re offentlige Aktstykker. 1890- 98. [Tlie civil medical legislation of the king- dom of Denmark and the northern provinces and colonies; or chronological collection of reg- ulations and laws relating to medical affairs Hoff ([Hans]) Linii Madseic—continued. therein with other public acts. 1.8.i()-98 ] Ill'le 1-9, v. 6,640+pi>- I2-. Kjobenham, P. H. Eibe, 1891-1900. -----. Aarsberetninger angaaende Sundhedstil- standen i Kj0beiiliavn for 1895-9. [Annual re- ports relating to the sanitary condition of Co- penhagen, 1895-9.] rov. 8^. Ejobenharn, 1896- 1900. See. also, Strnssciihygiene in europaischen Stadten. 8°. Berlin, 1898. -----A Carlseii (J.) Medicinalboretninger for Kongeriget Danmark for Aarene 1891-7. Cdgi- vetafdetkgl. Sundhedskollegiuni. [Medical re- ports for the kingdom of Denmark, 1891-7. Pub- lished bv the royal board of health.] 8\ Kjo- benham', 1893-9. van 't Hoff (Jacob Marius). * Over carbolin- toxicatie. [Leyden.] 2 p. 1., 175 pp. 80 Rot- terdam, P. M. Bazendijk, 1881. Hoff (JacobusTheodoras). *Decertoin medicis, xii, 83 pp. 8°. Lugd. Bat., J. W. van Leenwen, 1819. [P., v. 1954.] Hoff (Joannes Nicolaus). *De vertigine. 24 pp. sm. 4°. Halie Magdeb., typ. J. C. Hilligeri, [173.!]. Hoff(John Van Rensselaer). Notes on bearer drill with hand-litter, ambulance-wagon, etc, mii ple- nieutary to a provisional manual of instruction for the Hospital Corps, U. S Army, and company bearers. 1 p. 1., 53 pp. 16°. [Fort Reno, I. T., 1889.] -----. Outlines of sanitary organization of some of the great armies of the world. 60 pp. roy. 8°. Detroit, 1895. liepr. from: Med. Age, Detroit, 1895, xiii. -----. What is the most practicable plan of sani- tary organization for the active service in the United States Army? 12 pp. rov. 8-2 Detroit, 1890. Repr. from: Med. Age, Detroit, 1896, xiv. -----. The share of the white man's burden that has fallen to the medical departments of the pub- lic services in Puerto Rico. 11 pp. 8*-. Phila- delphia, 1900. Uepr.from: Phila. M. J., 1900, v. vail 't Hoff (Lambertus). * Klinische waarne- mingeii op het gebied der acute infectieziekten. [Amsterdam.] 2 p. 1., 70 pp., 1 1., 5 diag. 8°. Rotterdam, P. M. Bazendijk, 1.-92. Hoff (0[liver]). On hematuria as a symptom of diseases of the genito-urinary organs, vi, 7-50 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, Lindsay Y Blakiston, 1878. Hoff (Sylvius) [1863- ]. * Ueber einen Fall von Diplegia facialis. 31 pp. 8-. Bonn, J. Bach Wire., 1893. C. Hofft Wilhelmus Theodoras). * Do camphoric na- tura et geuuino effectu. 1 p. 1., 26 pp., 1 1. 4°. Harderocici, E. 'I'i/ho(f, [1810]. Hoffa (Albert) [1859- ]. Die Natur ties Milz- brand-Giftes. 2 p.i.,52pp. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. P. Bergmann, 18*0. -----. Ueber den sogenannten chirurgischen Scbarlach. In: SAMML.klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1887, No. 292 (Chir., No. 90, 2U79-2694). -----. Ueber die Folgen der Kropfoperationen. 17 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Wiirzburg, Stahel, 1*88. Pepr. from: Verhandl. d. phys.-nied. Gesellsch. in Wiirzb., 1888, 11. F., xxi. -----. Lehrbuch der Fractuien und Luxationen fiir Aerzte und Studirende. iv, 632 pp., 29 pl. 8\ Wiirzburg, Stahel, 1888. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 714 pp., 29 pl. 8 . Wiirzburg, Stahel, 1891. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. viii, 716 pp. 8J. Wiirzburg, Stahel, 189(5. -----. Miitbeilungen aus der chirurgisch-ortho- padischeu Privatklinik des Privaldocenten Dr. HOFFA. 199 HOFFERT. Hoffa (Albeit i—continued. Albert Holla, /u Wiirzburg. 2 p. 1., Ill pp., 1 pl. 8°. Miinchen, J. A. Linsterlin, 1889. ------. Schema der antiseptischen Wundbeliand- lungsmethodo. 1 broadside, folded in 8 . Stutt- gart, F. Enke, 1889. ------. The same. Scheme of the antiseptic method of wound treatnient. Transl. from tlie German, with additions, by special permission of the author, by Aug. Schachner. 1 broadside, folded in **--'. Louisrille, Ky., Bradley <» Gilbert Co., 1*90. ------ Ueber die operative Behandlung tier aiigeborenen Hiiftgelenksverreukungeu. 2 pp. - . [Wiirzburg. Stahel. 1*90.] liepr. from: Sitzuugsh. d. phys.-nied. ('osollsch. zu "Wiirzb., 18H0. ------. Casuistisehe Beitriige zur Chirurgie. 8 pp. - . Wiirzburg. 1-91. Repr. from,: *>it/.iiiu;-sh. d. phys.-nied. Gesellsch. zn Wiirzb.. 1S91. ------. Lehrbuch der orthopjidischen Chirurgie. xii, 748 pp. 8-'. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1891. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. xiv, 771 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, l?-94. ------. The same. 3. Aufl. xiv, -;,8 j>n >;. Stuttgart. F. Enke, 1-9-. ------. The same. Rukovodstvo ortopedicheskoi khirurgii. Perevod s nlemetskavo S. B. Oiiecli- kina. [Transl. from the German by Oiiech- kin.] vi, 7-663 pp. - . S.-Peterburg, [P. S. Ettinger], 1-90. Issued by Prakt. nied. ------. Weitere Beitriige znr Kenntniss der Fiiul- niss-Bacterien. Ueber einige Stoftwechselpro- dukte des Bacillus tiuorescens liipiefaeiens. 4 pp. 8-. Wiirzburg, 1-91. Uepr.from: Sitzun'*i. ------. Die ambnlante Behandlung der tuberku- loseu Hiiftgelenkentziinduiig niittelst portati- ver Apparate. 73 pp. --. Kiel

    3-G04). ------. Die moderne Behandliing dor angebore- iieii Hiil'tgelenksluxationen. 29 pp. -J. Miin- chen, Seitz ,y Sehaner, ]*'.>-. ------. Die chronisch ankylosirende Fntziindung der Wirbelsiiule f Sti iimpeli). In: Samml. klin. Vortr., n. F., Leipz., 1899, No. 247 (Chir., Xo. 74. 1249-1374). ------. Der inetischliche Fuss und seine Beklci- dung. 16 pp.. 5 pi. 8. Wiirzburg, Stahel, 1899. ------. Die moderne Behandlung des Klump- fusses. 22 pp. -'. Miinchen, Seilz <('• Schuner, 1899. Uepr.from: Deutsche I'rax., Miinchen, 1»99. Hoffa (Albert)—continued. ------. Alias und Grundriss dor Veibandlehre fiir Studirende und Aer/.te. 2. Anil. 131 pp., 143 pl. 12°. Miinchen, J. F. Lehmann, 1900. ------. The same. Atlas tuanuel des bandages, pansements et appareils Edition francaise par Paul Hallopoau. Preface de Paul Merger. 160 pp., 128 pl. 12°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere Y tils, 1900. ------. The same. Uehoni'o o povyazkakh dlya vrachei i studentov. Perevod s niemetskavo IL (I. Frantsa. [Transl. from the German by (J. (J. Frants.] 1 p. 1., 152 pp. 8°. s.-Peter- burg, P. N. Etlingir, 19(10. ------■• Die hlutige Operation der ange'ioreiien Hiiftgelenksluxalion. pp. 63-81, 2 p1. *''. Wiirzburg, A. Slabcr, 1900. Forms Hit. .'!, v. 1, of: Wiirzb. Abhandl. a. d. (Ic- samtgeh. d. prakt, Med., Wiirzb., 1900. ------. Die modei no Behandlung dor Spondyli- tis. 28 pp. 8 \ Miinchen, Svitz t)'- Sehaner, 1900. AUo, Editor of: '/.. ( lupp, 1849. [P., v. 1400.] von Holler (Ludwig). Die Lcukiimie. 8 pp. - . Bei I'm, /'.'. Grosser. 188 I. Uepr.from : Deutsche Mcil.-Ztg., Berl., 1SS4, y. ------. Klinische Propadeutik. Fin Lehrbuch der klinischen Unterstiohungs- Mel linden mit einer kurzgefassten Diaguostik der wichtigsteu Lnngen- und Herzkrankheiten. viii, 203 pp. Hi . Graz, Lcii8chner Y Lubensky, 1891. Hoffei't (9. H.) Ansiehten eines Wundarztes erster (Masse iiber des Herin Geluiinrath J. II. Schmidt Reform derMedieiual-Verfassung Preus- sens. *9 pp. 12 . Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1-47. ------. Krilik dor hauptsiieliliehsteu gegen Kuh- poeken-Iinpfuiigeu angefiihrlen Einwiirfe. 62 | [ip. 8D. Danzig, A. W. Kafcmann, 1868. IIOFFHEINZ. 200 HOFFMANN. Hoffheinz ([Otto] Bruno [Theodor]) [1859- ]. * Ueber Gosichtslagen. 1 p. 1., 40 pp.. 2 1. 8C. Konigsberg in Pr., R. Leupold, 1885. Hoffman (Cfharles] 8.) Gonorrhea of the vesicula* seminales. 4 pp. 12°. [ Philadelphia, 1*92.] Repr. from: Med. News. Phila., 1892, lxi. Hoffman (Frederick). A treatise on the teeth [etc.]. See Hoffmann (Frederick). Hoffman (Frederick L.) [1865- ]. Race traits and tendencies of the American negro, x, 329 pp. 8-. Xew York, Macmillan . Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1852. -----. L'homd'opathie exposee aux gens du month*. 48 pp. 8'\ Paris, Appert Y Farasseur, 1800. -----. The same. L'omiopatiaesposta allegonti del mondo e confutazione delle obbiezioni che le niuovono contro i stioi detrattori, [s.'guita dalla cura del cholera morbus secondo le istruzioni di Samuele Hahnemann]. Traduzione dal fran- [Hofflliailll (Achille)]—continued. cost* siill' edizione di Parigi del 1834. 66 pp., 1 1. 8'-'. Roma, tipog. Marini, 1836. [P., v. 1453.] -----. La syphilis ddbarrasseo de ses dangers par la medecine homceopathique. Avis impor- tant s pour les femmes, et considerations non- velles sur la gale, les scrofules, les dartres et autres affections de la peau. 32 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1858. [P., v. 1444.] Hoffmann (Adolf). *Hat das enge Beckeu der Mutter Einfluss auf das Geschlecht des Foe- tus? 2*2 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, Becker. 1881. Hoffmann (Albert). * Klinische Beobaehtun- gen iiber die Wirkung der Condurangorinde bei Carciuom. 55 pp. 8-. Basel, L. Reinhardt, 1881. Hoffmann (Albin). Die traumatische Neurose und das Unfallversicherungs-Gesetz. In: Samml. klin. Yortr., n. P., Leipz., 1891, No. 17 (In. nere Meil., No. 7, 155-17S). Hoffmann (Albrecht) [1803- ]. * Beitrag zur Keuntniss der Darniveranderungen beson- ders der Bildung des Sehorfes bei Typhus abdo- minalis. [Marburg.] 3*2 pj>., 2 pl. 8 . Braun- schweig, F. Vicing $• Sohn, 1890. Hoffmann (Alfred). *U.ber die Virulenz der Bubonen nach Ulcus niolle. [Strasburg.] 30pp. 8-. Leipzig-Reudnitz, M. Hoffmann, 18**. Hoffniailll (Alois). * Die zur Zeit herrscheu- den Ansichten iiber die Aetiologie der Carci- nome. 45 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, X. bayer. Lan- desztg., 1-95. Hoffniailll (Anton). * Ueber Neubildungen an der Bauchdecke. 25 pp., 1 1. 8°. Wiirzburg, Becker, 1895. Hoffniailll (Anton). * Beitrag zur Lehre von der Tabaksamblyopie. 31 pp., 1 diag. ,-'-. Strassburg i. E., C. Miih Y Cie, 1-98. Hoffmann (August). ~ Ueber die wahrsehein- licben Uisachen der Geburt nach dem lode der Mi.iter. 28 pp. 8°. Giesscn, G. D. Briihl, 1*1*. Hoffmann (August). *Ein Fall vou nmltipler Neuritis, [flottingen.] 28 pp. 8-. Helmstedt, J. C. Schmidt, 1881. -----. Ueber die Anwendung der physikalischen Heilniethoden bei Nervenkrankheiteu in der Praxis. *-5 pp. 8°. Halle a. S., C. Marhold, 1898. Forms Hft. 3 and 4, v. 2, of: Samml. zwangl. Ablnindl. a. d. Geb. d. Xerv.- u. Geisteskr., Halle a. S.. -----. Die paroxysmale Tachycardie (Anfiille von Herzjagen). 215 pp. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1900. -----. Pathologie und Therapie der Herzneuro- sen und tier functionellen Kreislaiifstdrungen. ix, 307 pp. 8 '. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1901. Hoffmann (August). * Ueber einige seltenere Fornien von .syphilitischen Geschwiiren der iius- seicn Genitalien und deren Umgebung. [Slras- bnrg.] 52 pp. -\ Weimar, 1*80. Hoffniailll (August). * Kliuischer Beitrag zur ij.-hre vou der Halbseitenliision des Riickenmarks und der Spiualapoplexie. [Erlangen.] 20 pp. 8 . Miinchen, J. A. Finstrlin, 1881. Hoffniailll (Augustus Guilelmus) [1818- ]. " De biemorrliagia uteri. 27 pp., 2 1. 8°. Bero- lini, typ. Xietackianis, [1843]. Hoffmann (Bernard). * Beitrag zur Casuistik der Gallenblasentisteln mit spontaner Perfora- tion von Gallensteinen durch die Bauchdecken. [Wurtzburg.] 32 pp. 8". Erlangen, Junge $• Sohn, 1887. Hoffmann (Carl Ernst Emil) [18*27-77]. Bei- triige zur Anatomie und Physiologie des Nervus vagus bei Fischen. 31 pp., 11., 1 pl. 4-. Gies- scn, J. Bicker, 1X60. -----. Die Lace dor Eingeweide des Menschen. Nebst Anlcitung zu ihrer Untersuchung uud HOFFMANN. 201 HOFFIUANX. Hoffniailll (Carl Ernst Emil)—continued. llerausnahnie aus dem Kdrper. viii, 118 pp., 1 1., 15 pl. 8-'. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1863. -----. Lehrbuch der Anatomie des Menschen. 2. unigearbeitete und vermehrte Aufl. der Bear- beitung vou Quain's Elements of auatoiny. 2 v. in 3. vii, 778 pp.; viii. 1026 pp.; xiii, 570 pp. -*-0. Erlangen, E. Besold, 1877-87. CONTEXTS. v. 1. 1. Abtli. AcussercKorperforni, eiufacheKorperbe- standtheile und Beweisuugsorgane. 2. Ahth. Eiiureweide- lehre. v. 2. 1. Ahth. Gctiisslchre. 2. Ahth. Die Lehre von dem Xervensvsteni. Title-page 6f 3. Lfg . 2. Ahth. (1881 i, reads: Fortgesetzt von G. Schwalbe. 3. Ahth. (fortgesetzt von G. Schwalhe, Erlangen. 1". Enke, lr8;i-7): Die Lehre vou den Sinncs- organen. ------. The same. 3. theilweise unigearbeitete und vermehit* Aufl. v-viii, v-vii, v-vii, 778 pp.; v-viii, v-vi (1 1.), 830 pp. 8 . Erlangen, E. Besold. 1**0. See. aUo. Qnnin (Richard) [in 1. s.V Lehrbuch der Anatomie [etc.|. s;. Erlangen, 1870-72 — Vaimiilznki (Geushiu) [in 1. s.J. Ikadzenshino Uaiholien. S . Tok-io, lsso. Hoffniailll i [Carl] Richard) [1797-1877]. Die Triebfeder der Geburt. Eine physiologiseho Abhandlung. 40 pp. - . Landshut, A. Weber, 1-2.-.. Hoffniailll (Caspar). Sei -Galen (Claudius). Vita medica. 4r. Francofurti, lr.S'c Hoffmann ([Caspar Armin Gottfried] Max) [l-i. I- ]. Ueber Daiininvagination. 24 pp. >-. GrtifS't-uld. J. Abel. l-'0o. Hoffniailll (Christian). Paper on the eucalyp- tus of Australia. 39 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Montreal, Mi'ehell o Wilson, 1-73. Hoffniailll .Christian Karel) [1-41- ]. *On- derzoekingcn over den anatoinischen bouw van .le nieinbrana olfactoria en het peripherische uiteinde van den nervus olfactorius. [Utrecht.] viii, 54 pp., 2 1., 1 pl. 8°. Amsterdam, W. J. De It. Krbber, 1866. ------. Bijdragon tot de pathologisehe anato- mieen histologie der centraalorganen van bet zenuw stelsel. 42 pp., 1 pl. -°. Amsterdam, l-'.9. liepr. from .- Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geueesk., Amst., 1869, 2. K\. v,2. Aid. ------. Bijdta^e tot de kennis der morphologie van den s> houdergoedel en het borstbeen bij reptilien, vogels, zoogdioren en den niensch. 69 pp., 7 pl. 4 . Amsterdam, J. Miilhr, 1819. ------. Die Bihlnng des Mesoderms, die Anlage der Chorda dorsalis und die* Entwiekelung des Canalis neurenteiicus bei Vogelembryonen. 107 pp.. 1 1., 5 pl. 4-. Amsterdam, J. Midler, ------. Etude sur le doAeloppenieiit de l'appareil nro-genital des oiseaux. 54 pp., 1 1. *'z. Am- sterdam, J. Midler, 1892. Verhandel. d. k. Acad. v. Wetensch., Amst., 2. sect., ihcl 1. no. 4. ------. Untersuchungen iiber den Ursprung des Blutes und der blutbereitonden Orgaue. 26 pp., 4 pi. -;. Amsterdam, J. Miilhr. 1 -93. Verhandel. d. k. Akad. v. Wetensch., Amst.. 1894, iii, 2. sect., no. 4. ------. Die Entwicklungsgescbichte des Sympa- tliicus bei den Selaohieru (Aeanthias vulgaris). roy. 8 . Amsterdam, J. MiiVer, 1900. Forms no. 4, deel 7, 2. sect., of: Vcrlmndel. d. konink. Akad. v. Wetensch. te Amst. Hoffman is (Christoph. Lndovicus) [1721-1807]. Prolusjo novam proponons inethodum caleuluin vesica' sine vita- periculo in maribus secandi. 13 x>|>. sm. 1 . Burgo-Sle nfurfi, A. Wellenberg, [117,9], Hoffniailll (Christoph. Lndovicus)—con tinned. -----. Vennisclite medicinische Schriften. Hrsg. von Heinrich Chavei. 1 v. 12°. Miiusta; P. C. Thcissing, 1790-95. ------. Abhandlung von der Empfindlichkoit und Rei/.bai kiit der Theile. 2. Aufl. xvi, 296 pp. 12* . Mainz, J. P. Fiselur, 1792. Hoffniailll (Conradus Philippus). Traotatio juridica de niatrimonio sexagenarii ciiin ipiinge- naiiasenis cum juveiicula, et, vetube cum juvone, sive vom lleyratlien alter Personen. Cui an- nexa traotatio do notabilioribus circa nuptias contrabendtis temporibus. Sive von denen Zeiten der Verlobungen. 112 pp. sm. 4 . lie- qiomonti Y Lipsia; imp. F. Bortoletli. 1743. llofflliailll (David) [1851- ]. "Die Refrac- tion ileiAiigen der Schulkinder in versehiedenen Stiidten Eutopics. 31 pp. 8'-'. Breslau, Genos- senscli.-liuehdr., 1875. Hoffmann (E. F.) Ueber den Zusanimenhaiig der Nerven mit Bindegewebskdrperchen und mit Stoniiita des Poritoneiims, nebst einigen Bemcr- kungen iiber das Yerhalten dor Nerven in dem letzteren. 11 j>p., 2 pl. 8 . Wien, 1881. Repr. from: Sit/.iuiiish. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-iuiturw. 01., Wien, 1887, xcv, 3. Ahth. Hoffmann (Egon) [1855- ]. #Zur ortho- piidischen Behandlung des Genu valgum. 36 pp., 1 pl. 8-. Greifswald, J. Abel, 18,-2. ------. Zur Casuistik der secundiireu Trepana- tion bei neuropathischen Stdrungen nach Kopf- verletzungcn. 5 pp. 8°. [Berlin, J. SittenOld, 1888.] Repr. from: Deutsche nied. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1S88, xiv. ------. Ein Fall von Frenidkdrper im Oesopha- gus mic Pivoitikelbildung dieses Organs. 5 pp. 8°. Berlin, J. Sittenfeld, [1-89]. Repr. from: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1889, xv. ------. Zur Pathogenese der nach Entziindiiiigen des Gehororgans auftretenden Erkrankungeu ties Schiidelinnern. 8 pp. 8°. Berlin, J. Sitten- feld, [18-9]. Repr. from: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz.u. Berl., 1889, xv. ------. Zur Behandlung der beweglicken Sco- liose. 27 pp., 3 pl. 8J. Berlin, 1-97. Forms lift. 106 of: Berl. Klinik. llofflliailll (Erich) [l8(i-- ]. * Ueber eineu sebr jungen Anadidvnius des Hiihnchens. 30 p ... 1 1. 8-2 Berlin, G. Schade, [1-92]. Hofflli:iiill (Ernst). 'Die Bestandteile der llaiibocbelwurzel (Ononis spinosaj. [Erlangen.] 13 pp. 8 . Wiesbaden, R. Bechtold Y Co.. 1890. llofflliailll (Ernst) [I8f,5- _ J. 'Ueber das Verhahen des Diinndarmsaftes bei acutem Daimcatarrh. 23 pp. 8\ Dorpat, Sehnaken- burg, 1-91. Hoffmann (Ernst) [18C.8- ]. * Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von derspinalon und primiir niyopa- t ischen progressiven M uskelat rophie. 63 pp. 8 . Bonn, J. Bach Wire. 189:'.. Hoffmann ([Ernst J Edmund) [1-C2- ]. Pie l's\ cliologie l'i ieilrioh Adolf Trendolen- Imrgs. bl pp. 8 . Greifswald, P. 10. Kunike. [1-92], llofflliailll (Ernst Emil). *Das Gofangnis- wesen in Hessen. Seine goschichlIiche Entwick- lung und jet/.igo Lag.*. [Gicssen.] 71 pp., 4 pi. 8°. Mannheim, M. Hahll Y (■(>■'■ 1-99. llofflliailll (Ferdinand). *Ein Boit-rag zur Physiologie und Pathologie der farblosen Blut- kdrperehen. 105 pp., 1 1., 3 pl. 8°. Dorpat, II. Liiakmaiin, 1831. llofflliailll (Franciscus .losephus Antonius). Do morbis ex debilita'e libra-rum oriundis. 32 pp., 1 1. -P. Luqd. Bat., J. Luzac, [1737]. [P., v. 1950.] HOFFMANN. 202 HOFFMANN. llofflliailll (Franz). * Ueber H.vporp*. rexie. 4- pp. -. Freiburg i. B., C. Lehmann. 1890. Hoffmann (Franz), Hitter ron Vesleuhoff. In- . struction fiir den Saiiitats-Dienst im Felde, und iiber die Organisation dei- hiezu berufenen Truppen und Anstalteu. 243 pp. 12°. Wien, K. k. Hof dr.. 1801. llofflliailll \ Frederick). Editor of: Popular (The) Health Almanac for 1876, 1877. 12°. Xeie York-. 1875-6. Hoffmann (Fridericus) [1626-75]. *Dedyson- teria. 21 1. sm. 4°. [Jena], stanno C. Prey- schmidii, 1651. -----. Opus de methodo medendi, jnxta seriem Walbeianani, annexis fuudamentis astrologicis, et veterum ac recentiornm scriptis concinnatum, dogtnaticis, Paracelsicis, Helmontianis, Harveia- nis princiiiiis et propriis observationibus illus- tratuni, elegantissimis chyniicis fiosculis adorna- tum, cum pnefatione Magni istius medici Domini D. Johannis Micbaelis. 13 p. 1., 448 pp. sin. 4°. Lipsia; imp. C. Kirch neri, 1668. -----. Appendix de modo iusultnm apoplecticum curandi lethifero ob salutein iiublicam ad inci- pientium practicorum et alioruni informatioiiem et ex ejus modi cura orientis majoris mali evi- talionein. 7 1. sm. 4°. Lipsias, imp, C. Kirch- neri, 161)8. Bound with the preceding. -----. Clavis pharinacentica Sehrdderiana, sen auimadversiones cum aniiotationibus in phar- macopceiam Schrdderianam Baconianis, Cariesi- anis, et Helmontianis principiis illustrata* . . . Johannis Micbaelis . . . et alioruni celeberrimo- runi medicornm arcani.s concinnat;e; in quibus medicainentoruin simplicinm, tarn exoticorum, quam vernaciiloruin, et coinpositorum ex regno minerali, vegetabili et aniinali desumptoruni natura, origo, (*t genuinae pneparatioues cum eo- runi virtutibus et usu deinonstrantur et declaran- tur cuin thesanro iibarmaceutico quorundain medicornm nostri seculi. 24 p. I., 706 pp., IS 1., 2 (il. sin. 4°. [Halo?, Sax., sumpt. C. Mylii, 1010.] -----. Thesaurus pbarmacenticus niedicoruni nostri seculi principuni. 3 p. 1., 117 pp., 5 I. sin. 4°. Halw Sax., 1075. Bound %vith the preceding. -----. Exercitatio medico-chymica de cinnaburi antimonii, ejusque eximiis viribus, usuque in morbis secretion, quo ipso via ex ilia veratn pa- naceani conticiendi aperitnr. Adjecta sunt ex- ])eriiuenta ac ratioeima varia curiosa. 157 pp. 24°. Lugd. Bat., P. van der Aa, 1685. -----. Cardianastrophe admiranda, sen cor.lis inversio ineinorabilis tarn physicis, quam theolo- gis ac medicis scitu admodum juennda et utilis observata a collegio medico civitatis Hallensis iu anatomia cadaveris fceniiuei. 48 pp., 2 pl. sm. 4°. Lugd. Bat., G. Corts, 1740. Bound-with : Nicoi.ai (EL A.) De directione vnsoruni [etc.]. sin. 4°. Argentorati, 1725. See. aUo, Scliro<*d«'r (.Toll.) [in, 1. s.]. Pharmacopoeia universalis Letc.]. fol. Niirnberg, 174(i-8. Hoffniailll (Fridericus) [1660-1742]. * [Pr.] de tebrium nova hypothesi. [Cum vita candidati Christophori "Wilhelmi Sattler.] 3 1. sm. 4 2 Halce, lit. Sulfeldii, 1694. -----. [Pr. ] de modo veterum balsamandi cor- pora. [Cum vita candidati Jaeobi Frid. du Fay.] 4 1. sm. 4°. Hahv Magdeb., C. Henckelius, 1695. -----. Fundamenta medicinie, ex principiis ine- chanicis et practicis in u.-um philiatroruin sue cinte proposita. Jam recognita, niultis in locis aucta et emendata. 7 p. 1., 213 pp. 12°. Halo- Magdeb., J. G. Benger, 1703. Bound with his: Dissertationes physico-niedicae [etc.l. 12°. Lugd. Bat., 1708. loffmaiin (Fridericus)—continued. ----. Kiirtzlicher und griindlither Uiiterricht, wie bey denen anitzo grassirenden gefiihrliclien Seuchen ein jeglicher sein demselben sich gc- biihrend verwahren konne. 20 pp., 11. 4 . Halle, C. Henckel, 1709. [P., v. 765.] ----. * De diaboli potentia in corpora. 10 1. sin. 4°. Halce Magdeb., typ J. Gruneri, 1712. ----. The same. Dissertatio physico-medica curiosa. Eniendatiorjamedita. 19 1. 4°. Halce Magdeb., typ. J. Gruneri, 1725. [P., v. 1921.] ----. Griindliche Anweisung wie ein Mensch ver dem fruhzeitigen Tod und allerhand Arten Kraukheiten durch ordentliche Lebens-Art, sich verwahreu konne. 11 p. 1., 946 pp., 22 1. SJ. Halle im Magdeb., 1715. ----. Medicina rationalis systematica. 2 v. in 1. 14 p. I., 658 pp., 12 1., port.; 5 p. 1., 472 pp., 11 1. sm. 4 '. Halee Magdeb., ex of. Reugeriana, 1718-20. ----. The same. 4 v. and supplement in 2 v. 4°. Venetiis, ex typog. Balleoniana, 1737-41. ----. The same. 4 v. sm. 4°. Francof. a. M., F. Varrentrapp, 1729-38. CONTEXTS. Tomus prior, quo philosophia corporis humani vivi et sani ex solidis physico-mechanicis et anatomicis princtphs methodo plane (iemonstrativa per certa theoreniata ac scholia traditnr et pathologist ac praxi medica? clinica* ceu veruin finidamentiun pi remittitur in usum docentium et discentiuin. Editio nova. Tomus secundns, quo philosophia corporis humani nior- bosi ex accurati.s ohservationihus solidisque anatomicis et mechanico-physicis principiis methodo plane demonstra- tiva per certa theoreniata ac scholia traditnr et vera pa- thologia? fundamenta nee non prseservatioab oninis uene- ris morbis clare expoiiiiutur in usum doceutium et, dis- centium. Editio seeunda. Tomus tertius. quo vera therapife fnndanienta inedeiiili methoilus et leges tain nature quam artis nee non sel.-i tis- sima remedia cum eorunileni physico-mechanico operandi et dextre applicandi modo fideliter traduutiironinia solidis ratiociniis denionstraiitnr et comphiribus practicis ohs r- vationihns ilbistrantur opus non tarn ad praxin vulgarein quam rationaleni tutani et compendiosam adornandani perutile ac necessarium. Editio seeunda. Tomus quartan, quo specialis niorborum pathologia et huic siiperstructa solida therapia cum medendi metliodo cautelis clinicis et morhoriim enarrationihus ndjuueta epi- crisi exhihentur. Editio seeunda. ----. The same. La nicdeciiie raisonnee. Traduite par Jacques Jean Bruhier. 2 v. xevi, 453 pp.; viii, 430 pp. 12J. Paris, Briassou, 1739. ----. The same. 9 v. 12c. Paris, Lriasson, 1742-51. ----. The same. A system of the practice of medicine. From the Latin by William Lewis. Revised and completed by Andrew Duncan. 2 v. viii, 591 pp.; vii, 584 pp. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1783. ----. The same. Tomus quartus quo specialis niorborum pathologia et huic siiperstructa solida therapia cum medendi methodo cautelis clinicis et niorborum enarrationihus ad.juncta epicrisi exhibent ur. 3 pis. 4°. Haloe Magdeb., prostat iu officina Reugeriana, 1729-34. CONTEXTS. Pt. 1. Doctrinam deomuis generis I'ehrihus tain intcrinit- tentihus quam continuis et acutis intlanitiiatoriis perspi- cua et demonstrativa methodo tradens. 1729. Pt. 2. Doctrinam hseiiiorrhagiaruin et deloritin . . . tradens. 1732. Pt. 3. Doctrinam spasmoilicorum et coiivulsivorum morborum . . . tradens. 1734. ----. The same. Toini qnarti . . . Pars tenia. 9 p. 1., 664 pp. 4°. Hake Magdeb., proslat in officina Reugeriana, 1737. ----. The same. Toini qnarti . . ., pars quarta doctrinam niorborum ex viscerum labe partiuni- i|iie solidarum atonia perspicua et demonstra- tiva methodo tradens. 7 p. 1., 560 pp. 4°. Halos Magdeb., 1737. HOFFMANN. 203 HOFFMANN. llofflliailll (Fridericus)—continued. ------. The same. Toini qnarti . . . pars quinta doctrinam inorboruin ac vitiorum externas potis- sinium partes anligentium perspicua et demon- j strutiva methodo tradens. 3 p. 1., 320 pp. 1 . Halo-Magdeb., 1739. Hound with the preceding. ------. The same. Medicina* rationalis systema- tica* supph'ineiitum de privcipuis iufantuin mor- bis cui accedit index reruni pnecipuaruni in quinque posterioribus systematica* toinis oeeur- rentinm et vita auctoris a Jo. Henr. Sebultzio consio-nata. 3 p. 1., 120 pp., 01 1.; 56 pp. 4*. Halo? Magdeb., 1740. ------. Medicina consul!atoria, worinnen untor- schiedliche iiber einige schwere Casus amgear- beitete Concilia, auch h'esponsa Facilitates me- I dica? enthalten, und in fiintf Doeurien einge- theilet. dem Publico zum Boston horansgegehon. 12 pts. in 4 v. 4 . Halle im Magdeb., lieuger, 1721-39. ------. Vollstiindige Anweisung zu einer sichern, vernunif'tigen und in Erfahrung stehenden Praxi medica. ans Fiiedrieh Hotfinann's Scriptis und Maniiscriptis mit gros-em Fleiss verfertiget, ! zu Befdrdornng doss genieinen Bestens herausge- zogen nnd inOrdnung gebracht von Georg Frie- derich Keiinann. 6 p. 1., **55 pp., 13 I. 16°. rim, D. Bartholomai, 1724. -----. 1 h • same. -55 pp., 13 1. 12°. Flm, D. Bartholomai Y Sohn, 1743. ------. Opnscula physico medica [de elementis, viribus, utilitatibus et usu niedicatoruin fon- tiuin] antehac seorsim edita jam revisa. aucta, emendata et delectu habito reensa. 2 v. lip. 1., 524 pp.; 9 p. 1., 507 pp. 12 . Flnm, apud 1). Bartholomai, 1725-6. -----. The same. 2 v. 9 p. 1., 4-9 pp.; 9 p. L, 463 pp. 16°. Flma; apud I>. Bartholoman et ftlium, 173b. ------. Thesime. xii, 311 pp. 4 . Venetiis, ex typog. Balleoniana, 17:!-. ------. The same. xii. 412 pp. 4:. Venetiis, ex typog. Balleoniana, 119*. ------. Griindlicher Bericht von dem Selter- Brunnen dessen Cobalt, Wiirkung und Kratft, auch wie deiselbe sowohl ailein, als mit Milch vermischt. bey verschiedeiK-n Krankheiten mit Nntzen zu gebranchen. 36 pp. 4J. Halle, J. ('. Hilliger. 1727. ------. Griindliche Nachricht und Anweisung von Wiircknng und (iebrauch einiger lewiihr- ten Aitzeneyen bey allerhan I Alton Kranck- heiten zu einer Hauss- und LVise-Apotheke (ien- lich. 7 I. 10 llalh; J. C. Hilliger, 1727. Bound with his: Medicina con-ultntoi ia. j etc.]. 4°. Halle im Magdeb., 1730. ------. Griindlicher Uiiterricht vom Xutzen nnd Gebranch, einiger sehr bowiihrten Aitzeneyen als eiiios Lebens-Balsams, liiubTiiden ^piritus und balsamisclier Pillen. 7 1. 4°. Halle, J. C. Hilliger. 1728. Bound icith his: Medicina consultatoria, [etc.], 4 . Halle im Magdeb . 1730. ------. Conspectus dissei tafionuin libioiutn oin- iiiiim(|iie scriptorum, quie ab anno 16-1, nstjiu; ad annum 1734 edidit . . ., curnnte E. G. 8. 44 pp. 4°. Ha he Magdeb., tup. J. C. Ilillii/eri, 1734. ------. Knrlzer end griindlicher Bericht von dor vortreniichen Krafft und Wiircknng des Carls- Bad-Saltx.'s. 16 pp. 4. Halle, J. ('. Hilliger, 1191. lio-nud with his: Medicina consultatoria, [etc.], 11. Theil. -p. Halle im Magdeb., 1738. ------. Coiisnltationuin ot responsoruin mediei- naliuni [eontuiia' tres]. 9 y. 16 . Amslela:- dami, snmpl. Societatis, 1734-5. llofflliailll (Fridericus)—continued. ------. 'I'be same. Centuria* ties, qunrum prima eoniplectitur morbos capitis, et pectotis; seeunda inorbos abdominis: it morhos arfiium externo- ruin tertia. xvi, 752 pp. 4°. Venetiis, ex typog. Balleoniana, 1737. ------. The same. Sammlung anserlesener Ca- suuni von donen vornehuisten Kranckheiten, in gehdriger Ordnung zusanimen g-ctragen und mit udthigon Aumcrckungon verselien. Aus dem Luleiniseben ins Deutsche iiborsetzt von Samuel Schaarschniidt. 7 p. 1., 822 pp., 21 I. sin. 4°. Halle, Reuger, 1735. ------. Opnscula medico-practica, sou dissertu- tiones selection's antea diversis temporibus edi- tio nunc revisa> et auctiores. 9 p. 1., 592 pp., 8 |. 4 . Hula; in off. Reugeriana, 173(5. ------. The same. Opnscula puthologico-praetica. Accedit ejusdem auctoris inedicus politicus. 1 p. 1., 334 pp. 4°. Venetiis, ex typog. Balleoni- ana, 1739. ------. Tin* same. 2 p. 1., 284 pp. 4°. Xeapoli, B. (lessarns, 1102. ------. Dissertationes physico-medico-eh \ mica1 curiosa' selectiores ad systema in medicina la- tionali traditum exact a-, et ad sanitate in tuen- dani inaxime portinenti 8. 5 p.i., 547 pp. 4-. J'cncliis, ex typog. Balleoniana, 1737. ------. Medicua politicus, sive regula* prudential seeiindain quas inedicus juveuis studia sua et vita- rationem dirigere debet, si faniani sibi leli- cemque p rax in et cito acquirere et conservare cupit. 2 ]i. 1., 243 pp., 12 1. 12°. Lugd. Bat. P. Bonk, 1738. AUo. inhis: Opusc. path, pract. 4°. Venetiis, 17311. 271- 323. Ibid..- 4°. Xeapoli. 17G2. 241-284. ------. The same. La politique du meMoem. Traduite du latin par Jacques-Jean Bruhier. 2 p.i-, 240 pp. 16 . Paris, Briasson, 1751. ------. Obsirvationuin pliysico-cbyiiiicaruni se- lect iorum libri tres, in quibus niulta curiosa experiinenta ot lectissiime virtutis medicanienta exliibentiir, ad solidam et rationabin chyiniam stabiliendam iiriemissi. 7 p. 1.. 292 pp. 4°. Venetiis, ex typog. Balleoniana, 1740. Bound with his': Opnscula pathologico-practica [etc.]. 4°. Venetiis, 17.29. ------. Opnscula medica varii aiguinenti sen dis- sertationos selectiores antea diversis tempori- bus edita* nunc revisa* et auction's. 3 p. 1., 311 pp. 4°. Venetiis, ex typog. Balleoniana, 1741. Round with his: Opnscula pailiologico-practica [etc.]. 4\ Venetiis. 17211. ------. Coinmenta ins do differentia inter ejus ibietrinani medico met: anicam, (t Georgii Kr- nesti Stahlii nictli. o-organicani. Cum ]inefa- tione Salentini Erncsti Fugonii Cohauscn. [Opus p.-sthuuium.] ~ P- •-, 286 pp., 8 1. 8 Francof. ad Minium, P. I arrentiapp, 1746. ------. Exeroilatio medico - ch\mi a de cinna- bari antiinonii ejusipie 1< git'nia pnejiaratione, virtntibus it ineilioanientis, exinde pa amis in Jenensi Acalculia olim publico ventilata, nunc ob insignom utllitnt m 'i- coliii (Ernst Anton) [in 1. s.]. Mcthodus conciiiiiaudi I'oriiuihis li.e.li. mini ntortim [etc.]. 16°. Halce Magdeb.. 1747.— I'oiei-iiiM il'etrns) [in 1. s.]. Opera omnia [etc.]. 4<-. Francof. ad M.. 1698. ----- [in 1. s.]. The same. 4°. Venetiis, 1741. — Trail*** iBaltlmsar Lndovicus). Exer- cit:itioiieph\sico-ineilicii. s . YratislarieeetLipsiee. 1734.— Venus il.esi mcli.males de l'eau [etc.]. 2 v. 16°. Pa- ris. 1720. For Ilionraphy and Portrait, .see Abbilil. . . . d. Arznk* | verd. (i.-lelirten [etc. |. 4". Angsb., iso,"). .'IU. port. See. also, I,oven (Nils Heuiik) [in 1. s.l. lie Frederico Hott'inanno, ejnsijtie medicina rationali systematica. S:. Lundce. 1846. -----A Kaili:iZ'#.iili (Bernardino). A disser- tation on endeniial diseases, or, those disorders which arise from particular climates, situations, and methods of living; together with a treatise on the diseases of tradesmen, to which they are subject by their particular callings. With the method of avoiding and treating them . . . Transl. with a piefaee and an appendix, by Dr. James, xv, O'Al pp., 4 1. 8~. London, T. Os- borne. 1110). ----- -----. The same. Health preserved, in two treatises: I. On the diseases of artificers, which by their particular callings they are most liable to, with the method of avoiding tlieni, and their euro. II. Ou those distempers which arise fioin particular climates, situations, and methods of life. With directions for the choice of a healthy air, soil and water, by Frederick Hoffmann. Transl. and enlarged with an ap- pendix, by R. .lames. 2. ed. xv, viii. 1Y1 pp. 1I. KJ. Wien, A. Holder, 1896. Forms 1. Ahth., 3. Tbeil, v. 13, of: Spec. Path.u. Therap. (Nothuagel), 83,Wien, 1896. ------. Einphx sem und Atelektase. Ill pp. 8°. Wieu, 1900. Forms 3. Ahth.. 2. Theil, v. 14, of: Spec. Path. u. Therap. (Nothuagel), 8:, Wieu. 1900. llofflliailll (Friedrich Albin)—continued. ----- A Liailgfei'liail* (P.) Feber den Yer- hleib des in die Circulation eingefiihrteii Zinn- ohers. 23 pp. **-". Berl hi, G. Reimer, [18(59]. Repr. from: Arch. f.path. Anat. [etc.], Perl., 1869, xbiii, llofflliailll (Georg). Bad Alt-Haide. 1 pl. froutisp., 56 pp. 1*2°. Glatz, L. Schirmer, 188*3. Hoffmann (Georg Franz) [1766-18:21]. For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Hoffmann (Georg Friedrich). Yet-such einer Abhandlung iiber die Ursachen nnd Heilmittel der sogenannten Gichter oder Konvulsioneii bey Schwangern, Gebiihrenden und Kindbetteriu- nen. 64 pp. L2-. Frankfurt am Main, Andrea, 1795. von Hoffmann (G[eorg Pbilipp W.] ) [1843- ]. Sicberer Nachweis der sogenann- ten Utcriuinilch beim Menschen. 30 pp., 1 pl. -* . [Stuttgart, 1882.] Repr. from.- Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. it. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1882, viii. Hoffniailll (Georgius Godofredus). *De pne- cipuis medicatis Gerniania* fontibus eorumque examine chvmico-inechanico. 48 pp. 4°. Hahe- Magdeb., tijp. J. C. Hilligeri, [1121]. [P., v. 1914.] Hoffmann (Georgius Job.) * De victus ratione, in -t'grotis curandis, usui niedicainentorum, a niedicis acconiinodanda, aliisijue hue pertiuen- tibus. 1 p. 1., 39 pp., s 1. 8>. Groningw, J. Rbmelingh, 1810. [P., v. 1959.] Hoffmann (Gottfried) [1808- ]. *Experi- nientelle Untersuchungen iiber die Wirkung der Anieisensauie. 47 pp. **" . Greifsicald, J. Abel, 1881. Hoffniailll (Gottfried Stepban) [1753-1829]. See Nanchi'z (Antonio Nunez Ribeiro] [in 1. s.]. Beobaehtungen iiher die Lustseuche [etc.]. 12°. Nitrn- berg, 1788. Hoffmann (H.) Das Protein und seiue Yer- bindungen in physiologiscber und nosologischer Beziebung. 73 pp. 8\ Gie*sen, J. Richer, 1812. Hoffmann (Heinrich) [1-09-94]. Der Badeort Salzloch, seine Jod-, Broni-, Eisen- und salzhal- tigen Schwefelquellen und die tanninsauren aniinalischen Lul'tbiider, nebst einer Apologie ties Hasardspiels. viii, 144 pp. s-*. Frankfurt a. il/., Riitlen Y Lbuing. 1S60. Written under the pseudonym of "Polykarpus Gast- fen»er'2 The author was also the originator of "Straw- weljieter''. For Biogiaphii, >,ee Ztschr.| f. Psychiat. [etc.], Berl., • 189.3, hi. (195-,on (Sioli). Also: Brit. M. J., Loud., 1894, ii, 734. Also: Lancet. I.oiul.. 1S94. ii, 765. Hoffmann (Heinrich) [1-57- ]. "Unter- siicliungeii iiber den -weissen Infarct der Pla- centa. -2-2 pp., 11., lpl. ,-o. Hallea.S., Heyne- mann. 1-82. Hoffniailll (Heinrich Fritz August Wilhelm ) [1875- ]. * Atresia (esophagi congenita et conununicatio inter oesophagum et tracheaiu. 40 pp. .«*-'. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1899. llofflliailll (Hermann). Giundlinieii dor phy- siologischen und pathologisclien Chemie. iv, 340 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Heidelberg, C. F. It inter, 1**15. -----. Ueber Accommodation. *2*2 pp. 4°. Giessm, F. C. Pietsch, 1876. llofflliailll (Hermann) [1858- ]. *Phar- niakologische Studien iiber die Alkaloide der (^uebrachorinde mit besonderer Beriicksichti- guug der niuskelliiliinenilen Wirkung. 79 pp., 1 1., 3 pl. .-J-. Halle a. S., Flbtz, 1881. llofflliailll ( Hermann) [1-6 »- ]. * Ueber das Schicksal einiger Fermente im Organisnitis. [Tiibingen.] 31pp. ,-:. Bonn, C. Georgi, 1890. Hoffmann ([Hermann Wilhelm] R[ichard]) [ 18(53- ]. Die Fremdkdrper des Obres, ihre Beziehungeu zur Nachbarschaft und ihre Be- HOFFMANN. 205 HOFFMANN. llofflliailll ([H. W.] 11.)—■•■ ntinned. handiiii g. 35 pp. -*. Halle a. S . K. Marhold, 1890. Samml. ztvangl. Abhandl. a. il. Geb. d. Nasen-, Ohren-, Mun.l- u. Halskr., Halle a. S.. 189(i. i. Hit. 12. -----. Ueber don chroniselien Ohronlluss. I. 17 pp. 8\ Halle a. S.. C. Mm hold, 1900. Samml. zwangl. Abhandl. a. d. ('.eh. d. Xasen-. Ohren-, Mund- u. Halskr., Halle a. S . 1900, iv. -----. Ueber den chroniscben Ohronlluss. II. •24 pp. -8*'. Halle a. S., C. Marhold, 19no. Sannnl. zvrangl. Abhandl. a. d. (ieb.d. Nasen , Ohren-, Mnuil- u. Halskr.. Halle a. S . 1900. iv. voii Hoffmann [Hugo | a Lan^o [Max]. Beobachiungen iiber das Ichlhyol nach drei- jiihrigei Anwendung. 10 pp. - . Berlin, 18-9. Uepr.from: Therap. Monat.-h., Berl.. 1889, iii. Hoffmann (J. Theobald). * De vaccina. 14 pp. 4*-. Argentorati, an. XI (1-031, No. 74. Hoffmann (Joannes Christian.) ~ Pe ossium cylindraceoruin tis^ura. Lipsia; 1101. 'in: "WEIZ (V. A 1 Vollstand. Ausz. [etc.J. 12-. Bvdis sin, 1769, i, 169-1 Tit Hoffmann Joannes Jacobus). * De ossium fracturis in uni\ ersuni et de Doris. Faust ossium cruris tracturaruui niachiiue recenier additis partihus in specie. 51 pp. - . Marburgi, typ. Bayrhoffi ii ueademieis, 1800. Hoffniailll Johann). *Ein Fall von neuter aut'sti'ii-i-n.li'r Paralyse. [Heidelberg.] 15 pp. - . Purlin. /,. Schumacher, 1--4. llofflliailll (J[ohann]1. Zur Lehre von der Tetanic. Habilitation.ssehrit't. [ Heidelberg.] i'.9 pp. - . Lepzig, J. 11. Hirsehfeld, I—. Ripe, from: Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med.. Leipz., Isss. xlii'i. ----—. Syi ingomvelie. In: Samml. klin.'Voitr.. n. F.. Leipz., 1891, No. 20 (In- nere Mtd.. No. s 1T:i-212). Hoffniailll (Johannes) [l-.V.f- ]. * Ueber Enipv.-iu-B.-li.indlung. ol pp. 8 . Berlin, G. schade {(>. Francke^. [1—0]. llofflliailll (Johannes) Ll-74- ]. "* Ueber Dei un'iue des Eieistockes. 54 pp. 8C. Berlin, W. Riiwer. [1-9-]. Hoffmann (Johannes Bombard) [184:!- ]. 'Ueber birtelltirmige Schadeliinpressionen bei Neugeboruen. '29 pp., 11. .-~. Halle, IV. I'liitz. [1809]. Hoffmann ([Johannes Christian] August) [179ii-l*":'.7J. Die unvollkommene Fu-sg.burt, eine praktische gebuitsliiililiohe Abhandlung. viii, 79 pp., 1 tab. 12 . Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1-29. Hoffniailll (Johannes (Gottlieb). "Do dysuiiu senili. 3-2 pp. 1~. Hahe Magdeb., typ. J. ('. Hendelii, [111-]. Hoffniailll (Johannes Mauricius) [1653- ]. Anatomen corpi ris fceniinini in theatro anato- micoexhibiturus. Quot(|UOt sacra istha-c aniant et teslimant, primuin([Ue viventium hospitimn pia curiositate nosse cupiunt. 3 I. sm. 4J. Altdorfi. typ. H. Meyeri, 16--2. -----. Disijuisitio corporis humani anatomico- pathologica, nitionibns et observntionibus vete- rum ie lleilwirkung der Seliwei'elthermon Badens. x, 144 pp. 1*2 . Wien, W. Braumiiller, 1-82. llofflliailll (. In set") [1855- ]. *Zur Semio- logie des llarns. 40 pp., 1 1. 8--'. Berlin, G. Bernsttin. 18-1. llofflliailll (Julius) | 1810- ]. 'Die vascu- lar.'ii und perivaseulnron Spa.ltriiuiue des (le- hirns. 30pp., 11. 8*-\ Berlin, G. Schatle, [\*10], llofflliailll (.Julius T. ('.) Ueber das Wi sen dor chroniscben Krankheiten. 22 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, E. P. Fhein, 1870. llofflliailll (Karel Berthold). *,, I'llttiiiiinn (Robert) \- lloldiiii ■■■■ (Karel Ber- lliol.li. llanilleiiling tot het on.l.-r/.oek der urine, [etc.]. s\ Amsterdam. 1812. llofflliailll (K[arl]). Das Buch der jungen Fran und Mutter, enthallend: Belehrung fiir junge Frauen nnd Miitter iiber die ersten Muf- terpflichten und die ersfe Kindesptlege, ferner iiber die Kinder- und Frauenkrankheiten, deren Veihiitung und Heilung. vii, 14*2 pp. 8-. Ber- lin, A. Sehnlke, 1897. See. also, von Amnion (A. F.) Die ersten Mutter- pnichten [etc.]. 82 Berlin, 1897. llofflliailll (Karl) [1868- ]. *Ueberdie I'vsten der NierenkapsoL 37 pp. 8 . Konigs- berg i. Pr., M. Liedtke, 1-95. Hoffmann (Karl Oscar) [1846- ]. * Ueber den vorzeitigen Fruclitwasserabgang vorziiglich nach seinem Einfluss auf das Kind. 19 pp., 1 1. *J?. Liipzig, F. Andrae's Xachfolger. 1870. llofflliailll (Karl R.) * Beitrag zur operativen Behandlung der CholedochussTeino. 67 pp. - . Basel, E. Birkhiiuscr, 1900. Hoffmann (L.) Ueber allgemeiue Narkose und lokale Aniisthesie in der Thierheilknnde. 4Li pp. 8 --. Halle, V-8. Forms Hft. 5-6 of: Thiermed. Vortr., Halle, i. ---—. Ueber kiinstlicben Terpentin. 1*2 pp. - . Stuttgart. Greimr Y Pfeiffir, [1890]. . Repr. from: Monatsh. f. prakt. Thieih. Stuttg.,1889-90. i. -----. Tieriiiztliche Chirurgie fiir praktische Tieriirzte uud St udierende. 2 v. xvi, 982 pp.; viii, 578pp. 8 . Stuttgart, Schickhardt Y Ebmr, 189[l-|-2. s----. The same. Veterinarnaya khirurgiya dlya vetei inarov-praktikov i studentov. lYrev. Va. M. Hbinulevii ha. [Transl. by Shniulevieli.] '2 v. 780 pp.; v, iv, 451 pp. 8 . S.-Peterburg, 1892-3. -----. Ueber die Kast ration dor Haustliiere. ■U". i>p. «-. Leipzig. A. Felix, \892. Forms Hft. 12 ol2 Thiernied. Vortr.. Leipz., ii. -----. Koinpetidium der inneren Tietinediziu. Knrzoel'assies Hand- und Lehrbuch fiir Tieriirzte und Stiidierende. xii, 306 pp. 1*2*-'. Stuttgart, Schickhardt . **'. Erlanipn, P. T.Jacob, ]8*1. llofflliailll (Martin) [1857- ]. • Feber die Verdaulichkelt des Caseins ans erhitzter Milch. 3*2 )ip. -. Berlin, M. Xie(he,\ 1**1]. llofflliailll (Martin Frnest.) Do pingiiedine animali. 2 p. 1., 137 pp., 2 I. 8'-. Groninqa; typ. rid. B. ran der Kamp, [1812]. [P., v. 1968.] HOFFMANN. 206 HOFFSTADT. llofflliailll (Martinns Ignatius). Continnatio piielectionuni Haenianaruni in Herni. Boerhaave paihologiam quam adnexis thesibus practicis . . . dispntabitur. 2 p. 1., pp. 433-512. **•*-'. Vien- na-. M. A. Schmidt, [17811]. llofflliailll (Mauritius) [10*21-98]. Synopsis insttt. medicina} ex sanguinis natura vitam longiorem, arteni breviorem, promittentis me- thodo nova perfacilique; in Universitate Alt- dorftina Noriuibergensiuin disputata. 311. 16*-. Altdorffi, G. Haqen. 1663. llofflliailll (Max). *Eine Mischgeschwulst des barton Gaumens. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von den Driisen-Enchoudromen. [Jma.] 33 pp. 8C. Berlin, L. Schumacher, 1888. Uepr.from: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1888, xxxviii. Hoffniailll (Max). Satzungen und Bedingun- gen fiir die Erwerbung des Doktorgrades bei den philosophischen Fakultiiten der Universita- ten des Deutschen Reiches. Nebst einem An- hange enthalteud die Proinotionsordniingen der inatheniatischen uud naturwissenschaftlichen Facultitt Strassburg und der naturwissenschaft- lichen Fakultiit Tubingen. Nach anitlichen Interlagen. 1 p. L, 60 pp. 8°. Leipzig-Reud- nilz, M. Hoffmann, 1889. Hoffmann (Max) [1868- ]. * Zur Keunt- nis der Pseudothioharnstofife. 34 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, A. (Mrowski, 1899. Hoffniailll (Nicolai) [186-2- ]. * Einige Beobaehtungen betreffend die Functioneii der Leber- und Milzzellen. 20 pp., 1 1. 8°. Dor- pat. Schnakenburq, 1890. Hoffniailll (Paul) [1859- J. * Zur Casuistik der Knochenerkrankiingen nach Typhus abdomi- nal is. 32 pp. 8°. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1888. llofflliailll (Paul). * Ueber den Hornei'schen Syniploineueoinplex (Ptosis, Myosis, Anidrosis, Enophthalmus unilateralis). 42 pp. 8°. Strass- burg, C. Caller, 1891. Hoffniailll (Paul Max Theodor) [1859- ]. 'Fiihrt die in der Nahrung gesteigerte Eiweiss- zufuhr bei an chronischer dift'nser Nephritis Leidendcn zu einer Steigerung der Eiwcissaus- scheidiing im Hani ? 27 pp., 2 1. 8-\ Konigs- berg, M. Liedtke, 1888. Hoffniailll (Phil.) Original methods for de- tecting and measuring abduction and adduction of the'thigh. 16 pp. 12°. St. Louis, 1897. Uepr.from: Med. Rev., St. Louis, 1897, xxxv. -----. A treatment for acute serous synovitis permitting of joint functions. 7 pp. 8°. New York, 1900. Repr. from: N. York M. J., 1900, lxxi. Hoffniailll (R.) *Statistische Mitteilungen iiber geburtshiilfliche Operatiouen an der Frauenklinik zu Jena in den letzten 25 Jahren. 35 pp. 8°. Jena, G. Neuenhahn, 1889. Hoffmann (Reinhard) [1871- ]. 'Die Arzueimittel Radeniachers. Ein historischer Beitrag zur Arzueimittellehre. 50 pp. 8°. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1895. Hoffmann (Reinhold) [1866- ]. *Beitriige zur Ketintuis der Keratitis parenchymatosa. 24 pp.. 1 1. **>■-. Strassburg i. E., C. Gceller, 1891. Hoffniailll (Robert). * Ein Fall von Lepra. 38 pp.. 11. 8\ Wiirzburq, P. Scheiner, 1883. llofflliailll ([Rudolf] Richard) [1805- ]. * Ueber das Verhaltnis der Sehuerven-Atrophie zur Tabes doisalis. 30 pp., 1 1. ,*"°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1888]. Hoffniailll (Samuel) [1868- ]. * Influence du traitement prophylactique antisyphilitique daus les avorteinents a r6p6titiou de cause ineonnue; syphilis soupcounee. 72 pp. 8°. Paris, 1900, No. 408. [ Hoffniailll (Theodor). * Beitrage znr Kennt- niss der -y-Ketonsauron. [Erlangen.] 31 pp. 8-. Berlin, Eayssler

    , Marburg, 1880. Hoffniailll (Wilhelm). * Ueber Perispermatitis purulenta funiculi spermatici (Pyocele funiculi spermatid). 20 pp. 8\ Wiirzburg, H. Stiirtz, 1892. Hoffmann (Wilhelm) [1872- ]. * Ueber die Frage der Regeneration des Riickeninarks. 29 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, C. Vogt, [1894]. Hoffniailll (Wilhelm Hermann) [1864- ]. *Ein Beitrag zur Prognose der Beckenendlageu mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der operativen Fiille. 30 pp., 1 1. 8r. Berlin, G. Schade, [18*1]. Hoffmann (Woldeniar). Beitriige zur Kennt- niss der physiologischeu Wirkungen der Carbol- siiure und des Kampfers. 80 pp. 8°. Dorpat, H. Laakmann, 1806. Hoffmann (Wolfgang [Gerhard]) [1870- ]. * Ueber Hemiplegia diabetica. 45 pp., 11. 8°. Konigsberg i. Pr., M. Liedtke, 1895. Hoffmanil-Doiinei' (II[einrich]). Znr Erin- nening an den (bheimen Sauitiits-Ratb Gustav Adolf Spiess. 17 pp. 8". Frankfurt a. M., Mahlau Y Waldschmidt, 1810. Repr. from : Jahresb. ii. d. Verwalt. d. Med.-Wes., d. Krankenanst . . . d. Stadt Fraukf. (1875), 1876, xix. Hoffman's anodyne. See Ether. H©ffmei«-r (Max). See Be nc Iii ser (A[lfons]) 6c Iloflmcicr (M[ax]>. Beitrage. zur Anatomie des Schwaugereu, [etc.]. fol. Stuttgart. 1887. Hoffiiieistfi* (George Bernard) [1S59- 011. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891, i. SS.'i. Also: Lancet. Lond., 1891, i, 909. Hoffmeister ([Julius] W[ilhelm]) [1867- ]. Ueber die Wirkung der Her ha* Thuja* occiden- talis und der Herbse juniperi sahime. Eine von der medicinischen Facultiit zu Gdttiiigen gokidnte Preisschrift. 46 pp. 4°. Gbttingen, TV. F. Kdstner, 1889. -----. * Ueber kongenitale Cysten am Boden der Mundhdhle. 22 pp., 1 1. 8°. Marburg, 0. Ehrhardt, 1891. Hoffineyer (Karl [Heinrich Ludwig]) [1866- ]. * Ueber Verbandstoffe. und ihre Ver- wendbarkeit zu Dauervorbiinden. 39 pp. 8-. Berlin, [1889]. Hofflier (Karl). *S(.'h\vangerschaft.sveriinde- rungen ausserhalb der Genitalsphiire. [Heidel- berg.] :54 pp. 8\ Leipzig, A. Georgi, 1901. Hoffnilllg (Julius) [1861- ]. * Ueber Ha- moptoe bei Kindern. 30 pp., 1 1. sJ. Berlin, G. Schade, 1885. Iloffstadt (Joh. Bernhardus). *L>e morbis cer- tisregionibusetpopulis propriis. 32 pp. sm. 4'-. Halce Magdeb., litt. C. Heiickelii, [1705]. Iloffstadt (Joh. Didericus). Panacea codestis Hotfstadiana, oder kurze Beschreibung dess hinimlicheu Theriaks, welcher nuinnehro zum an- HOFFSTADT. 207 HOFMANX. HottVfurit (Joh. Diderieus) — continued. dern M«i hi. nnd zwarinweit guiss rer Qnantitiit nnd Qu.iluiit als znvoien, ist dispensiret worden, mit seinen kostbahrcn Ingredientien, deren Gc- wicht, Nainen, herrliclieii Kraii'ten. und nutz- barem Cebrauch. Its pp., 4 1. 16*-. Hanau, J. A. Anbry, 1693. HoffYeniii* [Pehr) [h;;jo-sl»j. Hwn«o*cr ii.) l'eln llotlVenius. Deu svenska iuedi- ciiuiis tad. i och giiindla-u.ire. (. . . the father and founder of Swedish in. dicioc.) In his: Valda skrifler. Stockholm. IsTo. v, li-lit. HoflieiilK-i' iJLustiuiau] A.) Alcoholic gastri- tis. 2 1. ** . St. Louis, [1900]. Uepr.from: Med. Minor, St. Louis. 1900, xi. Ilolins (Heinrich WilheluO [1-63- ]. * Ueber Exstirpation von Uterusmyoiueu. 17 jip. Bonn. J. Bach IVwe.. 1—8 Hoflaildt (Justus). "He pleuritide. 3 1. 4\ Lugd. Bat., apud viduam et hivredes J. 1'lseririi. 1067. [P., v. 1916. ] Hoflll'lil (Janus de Vrios). * Spec, exhibens collectanea varia medici, chinugici. obstetricii arguaienti. iv, 31 pp. - . Lugd. Bat., L. Her- dingh, 1791. [Also, in: P.. v. 1859.] -----. The same. :•- pp. 4 . Ilarderv'ui. J. Mo'leu. [1794]. [P.. v. 1946.] Hotmail (Johannb S.hlen Artzney wider die Sucht dei IN stilentz und alle ihre Zufiille aus- der Apotecken des H. Geistes von den kriiftigsten Wurt/i in. Kreutern uud Blnmen des Paradeises Gdttliches Wortes zusauimen gezogeu uud in rey- nieu vei lasset. 11 p. l.,352 jip.,4 1. 24-. [Augs- b'ifi,J. r. Sehouigk, 1627.] Hof man 'Yakov [Mikhallovich]) [1856- ]. " K pati.b.gi.-heskol anatomii serdtsa prisklerozie vieii. cliinkh arteriy. [Pathological anatomy of the heart in sclerosis of the coronary arteries.] 7o pp.. 1 1. --. S.-Peterburg, Shredtr, 1--0. Hofiiianii A . .*>■ • vou I.ii-bis (Justus). Baron [in 1. s.]. Beobaeh- tungen and Ei tahruugeu [etc.]. f-'. Xiirnberg, 1874. Hofmanii A.) Pie Rolle .1.- Kiseiis bei der Blutbilduiig. Zugleich ein Beitiag zur Kennt- niss ties Wis. ns der Chlorose. H ibilitations- schrift. [Halle.j 73 lip. -c. Berlin, G. lU-imer, VOW. Hofiiianii (Adolphns Fridericus .1. * Do rebus |.h\-i.)lo^iei> novie hypoiins s. 24 pp. 4 . Er- fiirdi't-, J. < . Heriugius, 1731. Hofiiianii (Albert). * S. ch.«, Fiille vou wieder- holter Laparotomie bei derselben Person. 57 pp. ---. Gie^sen. C. ron Miinchon; 1*91. Hoflll'iiin (Arnold). * Leber maligne Luiigon- ges.-liwiilste. f Zurich.] -7 pp., 2 1. ** . Fz- nacli. K. Oherhflzer, 1*93. c. VOll Hofmanii (.\ugu-t Willielmj [1-1--92]. Inir. duction to modern cbeinistry, experimental and theoretic. En.b "lying twelve lectures de- livered in the Royal College of Chemistry. Lon- don xv, 233 pp. 12-. London, Walton o. 2. ed., with an appendix containing two opinions on the admission to the university of graduates of Roalschulen. presented to his ex- cellency, the royal minister of public instruc- tion, by the philosophical faculty ol the K'o\al William University, in the years l-i>9 and 18-0. viii, 77 pp. 12c. Boston. Ginn. Heath &. Iloliiimni (Aug. "Wil- helm). Ou stymie. 8. I I.oml,■„, Isi:,., For Biography, see A 111. ('Ii.-m. ,1 bait.. Isu2, xiv, 329 (I. l'.-insen). AUo: Am..I. I'liano.. I'liila.. 1892, 4. s.. xxii. 335. A Un: Bull. Pharm.. Detroit. 1892. vi, 244-2-14, port. (J. Stieg- litz). AUo: Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. iitl'. Gsndhtspng., Bin- schwg.. 1892. xxiv, 3. lift., pp. iii-vii (E. Sell). -------. See, also : Al-lllV ill. V.I The II.Ill,I,I Phil ... 19 H. ]xxi,i,:i'9-:;:,] —B. uiaiinliaiist-s. Xt-M-hr. t. an^.l h "•ipeiei-. Krilifninn:-f.-i. i .1.-- W'.che I!, rl.. 1900. 427-429. Hofilimiii (Carl). * Ueber einige Fiille von ver- /.("igeiter liesulutiou bei croupdsergeiiuiner Pneu- monic. 24pp., 11., 1 ch. - . Erlangen, A. Voll- rath, 1-91. Hofiiianii (Caspar) [1572-1(14-]. Variarum lectionmn lib. vi, in quibus Pica ninlta Diosco- ridis, Atbeinei, Plinii. Hi|>pocratis, Aristotelis, Galeni, alioruni. qua illustiautur, qua explican- tur. 10 p. 1 . 332 pp., 7 1. Id-. Lipsia; imp. E. Belief eld ii Y -L Grosii, 1(119. ------. Comnientarii in Galeni de usu partium corporis humani libros srptendecini; cum variis bctionibiis in iitrunique codicem Giacuiu et Litinuni, et indice geinino. Opus, non niedieis taut mil, soil et philosophic, nee minus philologis para!uni. 7 p. L, 3(14 pp., 24 1. fol. Franco- furti ad Minium, apud 1). Y I>- Aubrios. 1(525. ------. De thorace ejusque partibus coininenta- rius trii»ar.itus. In ipio disculiuntur pnecipue ea, quie inter Aristut"lem et Galenum contro- versa sunt. 3 p. 1., ldl pp. sm. fol. Franco- furti ad Manum, typ. Wcciielianorum, U'rll. ------. Do genoiatione hominis libri quatuor, contra Mnndinnin Mundiniuiu. Adjecinius sen- tent iam ejusdem ilefonnaiuin origine secundum Aristoielein. 4 ]». L. I 15 jip. sm. fol. Franco- furti ad Mo num. tyj). IVechcliaiii*. ll!29. Bound with the preceding. ------. De usa lionis cerebri ot 0v ichoribus. 7 j). L, 294 pp., 12 I. 16-'. Lugd. Bat, apud llegerum ,\- Hackium, Wf.VO. Another copy, bound with: Akms.eus (II.i Hisiinisi- tioiics de partus humani, [etc.]. 22°. Francofurti, Hi41. ------. Pathologia parva in qua inethodus Ga- leni practica explicatur, quam olim Fr. Frisi- inelica promiseiat. 143 pp. Hi . Jena; typ. 10 Slciiintauni, imp. J. Reiffenbergeri. 1 (iHI. -------. De locis affect is libri Ires, quilius prie- missus si pienarius controversiaruni hue lacien- tiuin. 3 p. I.. 213 pp. 32J. Xoribergtv, ti/p. W. Eudleri, 1(112. Another eojig, bound with: Kiolants (Joannes) tilius. Knclieiriiliiini anatoiiiiciim. [etc 1. 2,2. RarUiis. 1618. HOFMANX, 208 HOFMANN. Hofiiianii i Caspar)—continued. ------. Relatio historica judicii acti in Campis Elysiis coram Rhadamaiito contra Galenum, cum approbatione Apollinis in Parnasso; com- niunicata per Mercuriiiin. <>5 pp., 2 1. 32°. Xorimberga; typ. W. Endteri, 1012. —. Institurionnm medicarum libri sex. frontisp., 14 p. 1., 779 pp., 45 1. 4°. Lugduni, J. A. Hugetan, 1645. De medicamentis ofticinaliUus, tain sim- plicibus < pi a m compositis, libri duo. Accesse- runt quasi paralipoinena, qua* vel ex animali- btis, vel ex iniueralibus petuntur. Opus tri- ginta aimornin. 11 p. L, 709 pp. 4°. Parisiis, C Meturas, 1(519. Tractatus tres de usu lieuis, secundum Arist[oteleni], cerebri, secundum enndein, et de ichoribus aucti et, correeti. 14 p. 1., 302 pp., 12 1. 24-. Francofurti, apud T. M. Gbtzium, 1604. Bound with : Schola Saleruitana. [etc.]. 24°. Rotero- dami, 1667. The same. Tractatus de usu lienis, cere- voil Hofmanii (Eduard). Hitter—continued. -----. The same. Atlas of legal medicine. Au- thorized translation from the German. Edited by Frederick Pe'orson, assisted by Aloysius: 6. J. Kelly. 12 pp., 78 1., 139 pl. 12°. Phila- delphia, IV. B. Saunders, 1898. ------. The same. Atlas-inauuel de medecine legale. Edition francaise par Ch. Yibert. In- troduction par P. Brouardel. 108 pp., 143 pl. 12°. Pari*. J.-B. Bailliere Y fils, 1899. For Biography, see Aerztl. Centr.-Aii/.., Wien, 1897, ix, 391. AUo: Auu. d'hyj:.. Par., 1898, 3. s., xl, 8-11 (Critz- mann). AUo: Ann.d. Lab.(limed, leg. d. Univ. di Bologna, IuioIh, 1900, i. 1-16. port. (P. Pellacani). iiso: (Jvd>rv4- szat, Budapest, 1897, xxxvii, 585 (H. Szigeti). Also': M.-d.- chir. Centralbl., Wien. 1897, xxxii, 493. Also: Miinchen. med. Wchnschr.. I8U7, xliv. 1105, port. AUo .- Pran. nied. Wchnschr., 1897,xxii,453-4.")5(l,.I)iiti-ich). Also: Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., berl., 1S97. 3. F., xiv, Supplhft,. 1 1. (F. Stra-smann). Also: Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1897. xi, 6ufi (J. Tandler). AUo: Wieu. klin. Wchnschr., 1S97, x, 789 (A. F.). AUo: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1897, x, 791-799 (Heherda). Also: Wien. nied. BL, 1897, xx, 584. AUo: Wien. nied. Presse. 1897. xxxviii, 1112. AUo : Wien. nied. Wchnschr., 1897, xlvii, 1680. bri, ot de ichoribus; adnexo insinml Francisci de le Boe: Collegio practice. Omnia et singula auctius, conectitis, liinalius, edita. 10 p. 1., 302 pp., 12 1. 12-*. Lipsia-, apud T. Oehrlingium, 1682. [Also, in: P.. v. 1638. J See, also. I.alen (C.) Praxis medica curiosa. [etc.]. 4°. Francofurti. 168(1. -----. Vita inedica, [etc.], 4°. Francofurti. 1689. For Biography, see Abbilil. . . . d. Arznk. verd. Ge- lehrten [etc.J. 4°. Ausgb., 1805, 71. port. Hofmann (Conrad) [18:17- ]. "Ueber Ton- sillenhypertrophie und die nach der Tonsilloto- mie auftietenden Blulungen. 44 pp., 1 1.' 8°. Bonn, C. Georgi, 1-92. VOll Hofiiianii (Eduard). Ritter [1837-97]. Coinitebericht iiber die Cb akenfrage in Ins- hruck. 38 pp. 8-. [Innsbruck, 1870.] Repr. from: Ber. d. natimv.-med. Ver. in Innsbruck, 1870, 1. ------. Zur Kasuistik der intranterinen Verle- tzniigen der Fruclit und der Bel'unde, die dafiir gehalteu -\verden kouuen; Versnche, betretfcnd die Entstehung von soginannten ldnelfdrniigeu Eindriicken am Schiidel des Neugeborenen, und Bemerkungen iiber Briiche des letzteren. 30 pp. 8 . [JOien, Urban ty Schwarzenberg, 1880.] Repr. from: Wien. med. Presse, 1885, xxvi. Affaire do Tisza-Ezlar. Consnllation sur Texamen d'un cadavre de jeune fil'e retire de la Tboiss. 38 pp. 8°. Lyon, A. Storck, 1880. -----. Lehrbuch der gerichtlichen Medicin. Mit gleichniiissigei- Beriicksichtigung der deutschen und I'lSlerreichischen Gesetzgebung. 4. And. viii, 1012 pp. 8-. Wien . niemetsk. izd. A. G. Feinberga. S predislovi'ein i glavoya "Obrya- dovaya chart", V. I. Shtoltza. [Transl. from 5. German ed. by Feinberg. Preface aud chapter, " Formal part", by shtoltz.] 804 pp. 8G. S.-Peterburg, [Ettinger], 1891. Issued by Prakt. med. Atlas der gerichtlichen Medizin nach Originalen von Maler A. Schmitsoii. 8")1., 139 pl. 12-. Miinchen, J. F. Lehmann, 1898. Carci- 22 pp., The ana- roy. 8°. 1. Die Hofmaiin (Eduard). * Ein Fall von noma ventricnli im jngendlichen Alter. 1 I. 8-'. Wiirzburg, Becker, 1893. [Hofmanii (Ernst F.)] [1832- ]. toinical pelvic pessary. 1 1., 1 pl. [Xew York, n. d.] Hofiiianii (Franz [Adolf]) [1843- Wasservi rsorgung zu Leipzig. Gutachten dem Kathe der Siadt Leipzig, iv, 62 jip., 1 I., 3 pl. 8 . Leipzig, Duncker ty Huniblot, 1811. HofillHllll (Friedrich) [ -1783]. Abhand- lung, dass der bdsarttge Tripper vvirltlich ve- nerisch sei. Aus dem Lateinischen iibersezt. 52 pp. l(i'. Frankfurt

    8.] Repr.from: Ztschr. f. d. Staatsar/iik.,Erlaiig.,1858,lxxvi. ------. Die Re fori n frage der Physikate in Bayern. 72 pp. 8 \ Erlangen. J. ,1. Palm .1 E. Enke, 1861. Repr. from : Ztschr. 1. d. Staatsai/nk.", Erlnng., 18til, xii. Ho fill a ll ll (Juliusb * Do limitanda laude aus- cultatiouis. iv, 72 pp. - :. Lipsia', ll. Wuttig, 1836. Hofmanii (Julius). .v, II In <.vjK'<'k (Eduard). Karlsbad [etc.], sm. S 2 Karlsbad d- .\i'.-:n. |18sll. Hofiiianii v .Julius Albertl. Uiiterricht fiir alle Diejenigen. welche sich der Abwaitnng und Pdege t'bolerakranker unter/.iehen, oder diesel- ben beaufsielu igon wolleii fiir Wiirter, Aerzte, Land- nnd Stadi bow ohner. viii, tio pp. 12 . Ltipzig. C. H. F. Hartmann, 1832. ------. Encyclopiidie der Diatetik, oder allge- nieines Gesuudheits-Lexicon. Kin vollsiiindiges Real-Wdrterbuch des gcistigen und kdrperlichen Verhaltens im gesunden und krauken Zustande fiir Jederniann, jodes Alter, Gesehlecht, Toinpo- ranient, jeden Stand und alio Verhaltnisso des Lebens. Ein Yolks, mid Ililfsbnch /inn angen- blicklichen Xachschlagen nnd zur steten Beleh- riing. wie man Gesuudheit und Leben bis zum spiitestoii Alter erhalteu nnd bewahren, Krank- heiten vorheugen, sie niildern und heben kaun. Beendet von Jonathan Braun. 1401 pp. *-. Leipzig, Baumgdrtner. 1-34-42. Hofiiianii (Karl i. "Beitrag znr Lehre der Be- handlung regelwidi iger Kindeslagen. in pp. -:. Giessen. G. D. Briihl, l-'O. VOll Hofinailil ( Karl), Ritter. Die moderne Therapie dor Cystitis. 1 p. I., 93 pp., 1 1. - . Leinzig Y Wien. F. Deuticke, 1901. Hofiiianii K[.rl] B[erthobl]) [1-12 - ]A I'It'/, ill a ll ll {ll.) Anulysis of the urine, with special lefeienceto tbe diseases of the genito- urinary organs. Tr;insl. by T. Barton Bruno and H. Holbrook Curtis. 2. ed. 310 pp., -: pl. &-". Xt'ie York, D. Appleton Y Co.. 1-h;. --------------. The same. 3. ed. 322 pp., 8 pl. -:. 'New Yirrk, D. Appleton Y •'<>., 1-90. Hofiiianii (Ludwig) [1-62- ]. * Ueber die Vi-rweudung antiseptiM lu-r Dauerverbiinde im Felde. 34 pp., 1 1. 8~, Berlin, M. Goedecke, A-0]. HofHianil (Ludwig) [1-7:!- ]. 'Beitrage znr Pathologie des Diverticulum Meekelii. 27 pp.. II. 8 . Kiel. P. Peters, 1-97. Hofmanii (Oitmar) [183.V-1900]. Beitrage zur Morbiditiits-Statistik Bayerns, 1-83. I. Morbi- (litii.ts-.Statistik der Oberpfalz. 20 pj>.. 4 maps, 2 pl. - . Miinchen, J. Gottemi-inter, ( 1--3]. For Biography, see Biol. Centralbl., Leip/.., 1901, xxi, 405-40* (A. Spider). Also: Miinchen. med. Wehn.scLr., 1900, xlvii, 200 (Brauser). Hofmanii (Rudolf). *Zur Casuistik dor vom Pharynx au-gehenden Aktinoinyko.se. 22 ]ip. -:. Giessen, C. ron Miinchou; 18^9. Hofmanii (Theodor). "Ueber die Dihydroxy- benzole, Brenzcatechin, Ilydrochinon und Kesor- ciu und ihre Anwendung lei Oonoirhde. 7>2 pp. 8 2 Wiirzburg, P. Scheiner. 188"). Hofllians'Adrianusj. * De ortu et increment.! tietns humani. 3"> pp. 4 . Lugd. Bat., C. de Pecker, 117,8. [P., v. 1472.] Hofllieier (Carol us) [1822- ]. "Demelritide chronica ejnsi|iie exitu. 38 ]ip. 8C. Berolini, typ. frat. Sehlesinger, [184">]. Hoflliciei* (Max) [1*7,1- ]. Die Verhiitung des Kimlbeitliebei's in den geburtshiliiichen Uii- terricht;sanstalten. In: Ham.mi.. klin. Vortr., n. F., Leipz., 1879, No. 177 (Gynakol., Xo. 05, 813-844;. VOL VII, 2D SERIES---14 209 HOFMEISTER. HofllH'icr (Max)—continued. ------. Die Gelbsucht der Xougeboreneu. Eine klinisck-physiologis'-ho Studio. (19 pp., 1 diag. 8 . Stuttgart, P. Enke. l**-2. Repr. from : Ztschr. I'. ('ohm tsh. 11. Cyniik., Stuttj;., 1882, viii. ------. Die Myoinotoinie. Dargestellt an 100 in tier kdnigl. l'ni\ orsitats-Kraiienklinik zu Berlin itnsgei'iilirten Operatiouen. vi (1 I.), 112 pp. s . Stuttgart, P. Enke, 1*81. ------. Zur Statistik des (bbarinutterkrebsi s und seiner operativen Behandlung. 32 pp., 3 pl. 8 . Stnttgurl, Gebr. Kriiuer. { l*>i]. Repr. from: Ztachr. f. (Iclnutsli. u. (Iyniik., Stutt-;., 1SS4. x. ------. Ueber die endgiiltige Heilung des Carci- noma cervicis uteri (lurch die < Iperation. 23 pp., 3 pl. ,- . Stuttgart, Gebr. Kriiuer. 1-86. Repr. front: Ztschr. f. Gehiutsh. u. Cyniik., Stuttj:. ISM), xiii. ------. (lodiiobinissrede auf Karl Sehrueiler, -e halton beim Wiederbeginn der Klinik am 11. Februar 1887. 8 pp. - . Berlin Y Leipzig, G. I'liieine, 18,-7. liepr.from: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1SS7, xiii. ------. Grundriss der gynakologiseben Operatio- uen. x, 3.">2 pp. S*-. Leipzig ,\- Wien, /•". Deuti- cke, L-,-8. ------. The same. 2. Aud. xix, 4:11 pp. - . Leipzig Y Wien, F. Deuticke, 1892. ------. The same. 3. vielfacli vermehrte und unigearbeitete Anil, xi, 40s pp. - . Leipzig 0' Wien, F. Deuticke, 1-9-. ------. The same. Manuel de gynecologic opera- toire. Traduit par le docteur Lauwers. xvi, 4."5 pp. - . Paris, G. Steinheil, 1**>9. ------. Zur Behaudlnng und Heilung dor Carci- noma uteri. <8j. Wiirzburg, Stahel, 1*90. liepr. from.- Sitzumrsb. d. plivs.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb. 1890. xiii. ------. Die niensehliche Placenta. Beitriige zur norinalen und pathologischen Anatomie de'sel- hen. Unter Mitarbeit von . . . G. Klein und P. Stetfeck. 4 p. 1., 16** pp., H 1., 10 pl. 8 . Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1-90. ------. Anatoniische und klinische Beitriige zur Lehre von tier ektopischeu Schwangeisihafi. 32 pp., 1 pl. 8\ Wiirzburg, 1-91. Forms No. 4. n. F., v. 28, of: Verhandl. d. phys.-nied. Gcsellsch. zu Wiirzb. ------. Die Entwickelung der doutschen gehurts- hiiltlichen Unterrichtsanslalten in ihreni Yor- hiiltnis zum Puerperallieber im 19ten Jahrhun- dert. l'islrede. 35 pp. roy. 4°. Wiirzlnirg, II. Sliirlz, 1900. ------. Handbuch dor Frauenkrankheiti n. Zu- gleioh als 13. Aullage des Ilaudbuchs der Krank- hoiien dor woiblicben Coschleehtsorgaiie. von Karl Scbroeder. xii, i>00 pp., 0 pl. 8 . Leipzig, F. <\ W. Vogel, 1901. See. also, N< liio. .I< i il'arl Ludwig Ernst) fiiil. s. |. Ilandiinch der Kiaiikh.il.il iler weihlichcn Gesclilechts- organe. !l. Autl. s°. Leipzig, 1SSII.------[in 1. s }. Tlie .same. 10. Anil. S '. loipziij, Is'.io.------. The .same. II..\ull. s. Leii-ot !.-!■::----- The same. 12. Autl. H°. Lei/izig. ls'.iiv- *« li« niu'crc 111. i i und kreissendo Tterus \in l.s.|. roy.K». llmui. IHS0. — Vojjel . Gustay). Lehrhiich der Gebiirtshill'e fiir Hehaniinen. 8:. Stutt- gart, 1(101. Hofmcistcr (('hristiaiiits Henricus). * De crisi febris variolosa-. 1 p. 1., 30 pp., 1 1. lc. Got- tinga; H. M. Grafe, L1790J. In: Coi.I.hot. diss. nied. in Acad. Clotting., 1790. i, pt. 1. lloriiH'islt-r ( Franz ) [1867- ]. "'Beitriige zur Lehre vom Kreislauf der Kaltbliiter. 1 p. 1., 6s pp. 8. Tiibingen, 1890. ------. Ueber Mieroorganismen im Urin gosundor Menschen. Hipp. H*-. Berlin, Fist her, b-93. I liepr. from : Fortschr. d. Med., Berl., 1893, ii. HOFMEISTER. 210 HOGG. II of minister (Franz)—continued. ------. Leitfaden fiir den praktisch-cheinischen Uiiterricht der Modi einer. vi (1 1.), 104 pp. 12°. Braunschweig, P. Vieweg «)'• Sohn, 1899. ------. Verbandleelinik. vii, 106 pp. 8°. Tii- bingen, H. Lanpp., 1901, Also. Editor of: Beili'iijje zur cheniischen Physiolo- gie und Pathologie, Braunschweig, 1901. Hofllieister (Frideric. August. Guilielm.) *De calculis urinariis collectanea quiedam. 1 p. 1., 31 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Lipsue,typog. Gliickiano, [1821]. Hofllieister (Herniann Emil). * Statistik iiber 232 Fiille vou Placenta pitevia. 61 pp. 8°. Strassburg, J. H. F. Ihitz, 1*90. Hofllieister ( Richard ). Die Thompson'sche zwei Gliiser-Hariiprobe and ihre diagnostische Verwertung, schematisch dargestellt. 29 pp. 8C. Wieu, J. Saftii; 1899. Hofllieister (V.). See *>>i<'0-7. CONTENTS. v. 1. Die Lehre von der Pflanzenzelle, von "Wilhelm Hot- nicister. v. 2. Morphologic und Physiologie der Pilze, Flechten uud Myxomyceten, von A. de Bary. v. i. Handhiieh der Experimental-Physiologic der Pflan- zen. Uiitersiicliungcn iiber die allgenieinsten Lehensbe- tliiigiing. n der Ptlanzen und der Fitnctionen ihrer Organe. Hoflliokl [Job.] [1840-1900]. Zur Frage der chirurgischen Behandlung des Pyothorax mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Biilau'schen Opeiationsinethode. 32 pp. 8-. Wieu, 1891. Forms Hft. 5, v. 5, of: Klin. Zeit- u. Streitf'ragen. ------. Klinische Mittheilungen iiber Darmocclu- sioneu. 9(i ]ip. 8-. Wien, 1-92. Forms Hft. 5 1. 8-. [n. p., n. d.] [P., v. 1439.] For Biography, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899, i. 1007. Also: Diet. Nat. Biog., SupnL Lond., 1901, ii, 432 (1TA. Power). Also: Lancet, Lond., 1899, i, 1263. Hogg (James). See Ventilation of the Madison Square Theatre [etc.] [in l.s.]. 8°. New York, 1880. Hogg (John). London as it is; being a series of observations on lhe health, habits, and amuse- ments of the people, xx, 389 pp. 8°. London, J. Mat-rone, 1837. Hogg [Thomas Paul] [1815- ]. Etude sur l'liuiJe de foie de morue naturelie, ou du meil- lenr procede d'extractiou de eette substance destinee aux usages de la medecine. viii, 105 pp. 8°. Paris, V. Masson, 1856. [P., v. 1765; 1802.] Title-page reads: P. T. Hogg. Hogg (Walter Douglas). De Fusage therapen- tique de l'aeide salicylique; ses composes et ac- cessoircment de la salicine. 103 pp., 2 diag. 8\ [Paris], V.-A. Delahaye $ Cie., 1877. -----. Premiers secours aux malades et aux blesses. 87 pp. 16°. Paris, G. Masson, 1886. -----. L'hygiene scolaire dans les etablisse- ments d'enseignenient secondaire de la Grande- Bretagne. Rapport adresse a M. le ministre de linstrnction publique des beaux-arts et des cultes. 1 p. ]., 100 pp. 12°. Paris, A. Colin $ Cie.. 1892. See, also, l.utaii. ------. On spennatorrhtea and incipient hyper- trophy of the prostate, and a proposed method for its treatment. 9 pp. 12c. Boston, 1891. Repr. from .- Boston M. A: S. J., 1894. cxxx. ------. On cellulitis or panniculitis adiposa and myitis occurring as usual complications to gynecological diseases. 7 pp. ,*»-. Philadelphia, l,**9b. Uepr.from: Med. Times & Bey:.. Phila., 1890. xxxi. ------. A contribution to the treatnient of as- phyxia neonatorum. 2 1. >-'. Philadelphia, Repr. from: Times i Beg., Phila.. l89s, xxxv. Hogrebe (Anton) [1873- ]. *Ein Fall von Agnatbia partialis mit Verbildung des iinsseren und mittleieu Ohres. 2** pp. .- . Gnifswald, J. A I.el. L**9**. Hogrefe (Karl). * Ueber Scopolaminuiii hydro- bioinicum und seine Anwendung in dor Augen- heilkunde. 39 pp. az. Gbttingen, W. F. Kast- ner. l*-93. .**'.. nl-',. Pork. Arago li.) Cria lncraliva del cerdo, razas, consnuccion de pocilgas, reproduccidn, aliinen- taciou y engorde: productos, enferme.lades y su curacion, seguido de la matanza, salazdn, ela- boration de toda elase de einbutidos y aprove- chainiento de les difereutes productosdel cerdo. 8-. Madrid, 1-91. Coisxkvin (C) Traite dezootechnie speciale; le- pores. *-J. Paris, 189-. I'i.attkx (W.) # Untersuchung iiber die Haut des Sellweines. [Giessen.] .**-'. Berlin, 1891. Moork (V. A.) Powdered soap as a cause of death among swill-fed hogs. **-.-. Ithaca, X. Y., 1-97. Repr. from: Agric. P>xper. Station, Bull. 141, 409-418. Poi'OFF (I.) Ob uluehshenii krestyanskavo sviiiovodstva; kratkiya obshtsheponyjitnlya s\ioilioniya ob ukhodfe, vospiianii, kormlenii i sodmzhanii svinei. [On improving swine raising by peasants; short, simple data concerning at- tendance, raising, feeding, and keeping pigs.] 8J. Kazan, 1897. Soiu't/. (.1. \V.) "Zur Kountuiss des Torf- schweins. sm. 8'-, Berlin, [1*0,8], Schweitzer (P.) Feeding wheat to pigs. 8°. Columbia, 1 -97). Wklty (II.) *Diss. sistens anatomiain suis scropha*. 12 '. Tubiugu; [1810, rei snbseq.]. Banlccn <<'■ B.) The development of I ho nuiseiila- tnreof the body wall in the pi:.', including its histogenesis and its relations to the myotomes and to the sUchtnl and nervous apparatus. Contrib. sc. med. . . . pupils YV. II. Ho^'s Welch. Halt., 1900, 207-399,10 pl.— KII cube rye r a.-, liof- ■ in i-ler. llie Darinvordauung und die Besorption im Darinkanal der Schweine. Arch. 1'. wissensch. u. prakt. Tloerh., berl., 1888, xiv, 137-171 — l.aiioil (A. II.) Note on the solidhiioCcd })igs in the | Zoological | Society's collec- tion. [/'Vom.'l'roc. Zool. Soc. Lund.. 18,7, XI. \ In his .- Cob lect.scient. papers, 8 2 Lond.. 1881.407.—II iiycmaim (O.) Influence oi" different protein compounds on the gain of Hosh in swine. [From: Milch-Zt^.. 1897, 7C2-7IM.J U.S. Dep. Aj-Tic, Off. Exper. .Stations, Wash.. 1898, x, 280.— ■liiidekopc! (U. S.) Aire of the hog. J. Comp. „M. Sc Vet.Arch., I'liila., 1891, xii, 001-U7o.- Iteiltcl (F.) Ueber die Kiiiwicki'lium-snesc-liiclito den S.-h v, .-in.-s. Verhandl. d. x. internal, mod. Cong. 1890, I'.eil., 1891. ii, 1. Ahth., 127. -----. Studien zur Ent wieklnnnsia schichte des Scliwcines (Sus scrota domesticus). iMorplml. Arh.. Jena. 189! 4. iii, I: l<9.*>, v, 17. 12 pl.— Ol'lilllkc. Anatoinisch- plnsiolosjischo I'liteisucluiugen iiber den Nahellieutel des Scliwcines. Arch. I', wissensch. u. prakt. Thierh., Herl., 1897, xxiii, 140-179, 1 pl. HOSSX (Discuses of). See. also, Courade; Trichina, etc.; Tubercu- losis iu animals. Ilii.i.iMi.s (F. S.) Hog cholera and swine plague two distinct diseases. Report of the de- partment of agriculture, 188(>. Reviewed by. . . broadside. [Lincoln, Xelir., 1887.] ------. Swim* plague with especial reference to the porcine pests of the world. An et iological patho-anatoinieal, prophylactic, and critical con- tribution to general pathology and state medi- cine. 8*\ Lincoln, Xebr., ls',-8. ------. .Swine plague and hog-cholera criti- cally considered. " Department, of agriculture." "Report of 18,-7." 8°. Lincoln, Xibr., 1889. ------. Concerning the porkers. The swine plague commission's report. Some correspond- ence given; Dr. Smith as the football of the chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry. 1 broad- side, fol. [Lincoln, Yebr.. 1**9H.] Brown (G. T.) Report ou swine-fever in Great Britain. 8°. London, 1*80. Uav.m.os v Pardixas. La pintadilla. Con- tribucion al estudio de las enferniedades del ganado de cerda con la isla de Cuba. 8. Ha- bana, 1889. Davids (H.) * Ueber die sogenaunte Aktino- niykosis musculorum suis. s-. Giessen, 189-. Also [Abstr.j. in: Ztschr. f. Fleisch-u. Milchhvg., Herl., 1899, ix, 181 ; 212. Great Britain. Board of Agriculture. Swine fever. Rot urn to an order of the House of Com- mons, dated 16 April, 1**91, for return '•show- ing the number of outbreaks of swine fever in each county in Great Britain iu each of the last three years, the number of diseased and healthy animals slaughtered, and the sums returned as paid for compensation, after deducting any re- ceipts for salvage", fol. London, 1891. ------. Swine fever. Report of the depart- mental committee appointed by the ... to in- quire into the etiology, pathology, aud morbid anatomy of swine rover, fol. London, 1*90. Gi'audia (.I.-M.) La hulrerie du pore dans rantiquito. 8; Paris, 1800. Hot; cholera. 1 galley sheet. Lansing, Mich., 1 *■■<). From: Tho Lansing Republican, Nov. 18, 1880. Information in relation to disease prevailing among swine and other domestic animals, com- municated to the Senate by the President of the United Slates, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of February 20, 1878. 8°. Wash- ington, 1878. New Jki:sky. State Board of Health. Circu- lar xliii. (A: as to animals. ) Infectious pnou- nio-enteritis; swine plague. Oct. 1, 1884. 8°. [Trenton, 1884.] SCHTi'i'ER. Abgendthigte Bekanntmachung einer KrankengcBchichte der Schweine, welche HOGS. 212 noc;s. Httii'- (T)isc(Mxof). iin'jahr 17-.") in und bei Fuld beobachtet wurde. ll, . Fuld, 17-.'.. S( ii.MCTZER (R.) * Ueber das soge-iannte Lufthlasengekriise der Schweine. ,**'-. i,ies*en, 1*9-. Smith (T.) \ Mooiti- (V. A.) Additional in- vestigations concerning infectious swine dis- eases. 8 . Washington, 1894. United States. ' Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Animal Industry. Hog cholera; its history, nature, and ticatment, as determined by the inquiries and investigations of the bureau. 8 . Washington, 1—9. ------. Report of the U. S. board of inquiry concerning epizootic diseases among swine. ■**"-. Washington, 1-89. ------. Farmers' bulletin Xo. 21. Hog cholera and swine plague. By D. E. Salmon, chief of the bureau. - . Washington, 1-91. Ban,; tl'.i Leber Rotlilauf-Eudocarditis hei Schwei- nen. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Thiermed.. Leipz., 1891-2.xyiii, 27-43,1 pl. —Beisswansjei'. Ergebtiis der statistischen Erhebiingen iilier .las Y.rkomuien des Schweinerotlaul's in Wiuttemberg mi Jahre 1891. Ih-pert. d. Thieih., Stuttg.. 1892. liii, 225-220.— Bci'iiir. Seucheiiliaftes Ver- wcrl'cn hei Schweiuen. Deutsche tliierarztl. Wchnschr.. Karlsruhe, 1*9.". iii, 1 17.—Berinbacb. Allerlci iib -r die Schweiueseu.hi n. Herl. thieiiir/.tl. Wchnschr., 1899.49- :,-)— Billings d'. S.) Are the German Schweineseuche and the swino iihmue ot the Government of the United States identical diseases? Am. Naturalist, Phila.. 1889, xxiii, 88S-901. Also: Vet. .7. .V Aun.Conip. Path., Lond., 1890. xxxi. 232,-244. ------. The swill and filth diseases of swiiie. Times .V Beg.. N. Y..V I'liila., 1891, xxiii, 51-61.— Blciscb i Fie«lelrr. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Schweineseuche. Ztschr. f. Ilyg., Leipz.. 1889, vi. 401-452. __________. lieim-i kuiigen zur Aetiologie der Schweine- seuche. Ibid., 1890-91, ix, 540-550.—Bowliill (T.) Hog cholera, or swine plague; first report, of the work of Dr. Billings ,!))oii swine plague. Am. \ret.Rey., X. T., 18,-6-7, x,410; 44'.'.— Biicli'-f. i licit rag zur Kenntniss der Schwei- neseuche. Deutsche thieriirztl. Wchnschr.. Karlsruhe, 1894. ii, 41-42. — Bii!izl-Fc-:!8.—Otincati (11.) Castration tumors in swine. J. Coiiip. M. .V Vet. Arch., Phila., 1901, xxii. 233-237. — Felri- uinii (I'.) U zhirovoiu pererozhdenii u porosyat Wintl- sor'skoi porodi. | Fatty degeneration of Windsor pigs] .\rch. vet. nauk-. St. Petersb.. Is76. vi, 4. sect.. 81 : pj9.— Fieileler Sc Bleisch. Die Schweineseuche in Krzano- witz. Arch. 1". wiss. nsch. u. prakt. Thieih.. Beil.. 1889. xv, 321 - 375. — Flciscli rotlilaut'kranker Schweine. D.-'ntsche tliierarztl. Wchnschr.. Karlsruhe, 1895. iii. 224.— Ford (T. S.l The cuuiiuiinical ion of hog cholera by car- ii.ui crows. Hep. Bureau Animal Indust. 1895-6, Wash.. 1897, xii-xiii, 325. — Fonqnc (J.-B.) Surledeveloppement ei la marche .le la pneuinonie contagieuse des pores dausle miili. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1888, cvi, 670-673.— (Saltier (V.) Determination des especes animales nptes a contracter. par contagion spontanee et par inoculation. la pneumo-eut6iiie infectieuse. consideree jusiju'a present comme une nialadie speciale du pore. Ibid., 1889, cviii, 626-628. -----. Pneumo-enterite du pore : sa transmission an moutou. J. de me.l. v.'f. et zootech.. Lyon. 1889, 3. s., xiv, 57 - 113.—ficnernli ifi.l Intoino al mal rossino dei suiui. 'Riv. d ig. e san. puhb.. Roma, 1895, vi, 881-889.— Hgj;* (JJisettscs of). <*ilrnlli (J. A.) Swine fever. (Abstr.) Veterinarian, Lond.. 100.1, lxxiii. 419-439.—li I age. Leber die 1'isache der bei S.-hlaclitsehweinen hiiuligen Milzatrophio. Ztschr f. Fleisch- u. Milchhyg., Perl.. 1897. viii, 4. — «.«ll/ i.I.i Wie sind die mit Backsteiiiaiisschlag hehaftcten Schweine in den Schlachthiifen zu behaiul.-ln ,' Ibid.. 1001, xi, 289- 995 —(jumcz (I. b.i Fiifcrnic.lad del cisticerco en el puerco. Gac. med.. Mexico. 1889, xxiv, 57-64. ---—. Mill rojo del "amnio porcino en Mexico. Ibid.. 1892, xxvii, 188: 201. AUo. transl. | Abstr.]: Am. Pub. Health Ass. Pep. 1890, Concord, 1891. xvi, 1(18-171. — OraflTiimler. Zur Kenntniss der Schweineseuche. Deutsche Ztschr. f Thier- med , Leipz.. 1888-9. xiv, 391-410. -----. Die Schweiiiepest in der Xcuniark. P.i rl. tliierarztl. Wchnschr., 1894, x, 39- 43. — llaase ((.'.) Zur Keuntnis des Schwehicuessellie- hers. I'rticaria suis. Ztschr. f. Fleisch- u. Milehhyg.. Berl.. 1890. x. 35. —Harris (T. A.) Hog cholera; swine plague. Pep. lid. Health W. Virg., Charleston, 1887-8. 101- 1U6!- Hassall 1 A.i .v Sliles (C. W.) Strongylus ruhi- dns a new species of nematode, parasitic in pi-s. J. Conip. M. ,V Vet. Arch.,-Phila.. 1802, xiii, 207-209.—Ilert- wig. I'eber den Actinomyces musculoruni der Schweine. Arch. f. wissenseh. u. prakt. Thierh., Berl., 1886, xii, 365- 372, 1 pl. — Herz (G-.) Das Gebiirfieber hei Scliweinen. Ibid., 1882. viii, 3 9-318. — Hog cholera. Pep. Bd. Health Iowa. Des Moines. 1891. 161-168. — HikIsoii (L.) (in the possible relation of swine fever to gcneial or sim- ple ulcerative colitis. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1894-5. xlvi, :i:!i_:;:;7. — Israel (O.) Demonstration von Actinomyces im Schweinelleisch. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1884. xxi. 189. AUo: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1883-4). 1 So."), xv, 153-150.— Jeffries (J. A.) Etiology of two outbreaks of disease among hogs. J. Conip. M. &. Vet. Arch.. Phila., 1890, xi, 681-61I6.—Jensen (C. O.) Die Aetiologie des Nes- selfiehers und dei ilii'tiisen Hautnekrose des Scliwcines. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Thiermed.. Leipz.. 1891-2, xviii. 278- 305.—J oh ne. Znr Frage der Act inomykose beim Sell wein. Ibid., 1886-7, xiii, HO--145. — Joly ( G. ) La Schniiffel- krankheitdu pore etudioe en Alleinagne. Pi esse vet., An- gers,1890,x,123-125.—de Jong Izu (I). A.) letsovervar- kenziektc en hare bestrij.ling.. Ti jdschr.v.veeartseni.jk. en veeteelt, Utrecht. 1800, xviii, 1-20.—Itantorowiez (b.l Eiu beiiierkenswcrtlier Itothlauttall. Berl. thieriirztl. Wchnschr., 1899. 495— Kailinski (J.) Experinientelle I'nteisuchungen iiber Schweiiiepest und Schweilies.-u.lie. Ztschr. f. Ily^.u. Iiitectionskrankh.,Leipz.. 1898. xxviii, 373- 408. Itaspnrcli (T.) Die Schweineseuche. Oeslerr. Monalsehr. f. Thierh.. Wien, 1899, xxiii, 181 : 529.—Klep- Isoll' (K.) K uclieniyu o pm-vmo-entcritic, ih chiunio svinei. | On pneunio enteritis, or swine plague.) Arch. vet. nauk. St. Petersb., 1898, xxviii, 2. sect., jll-20. -----. Material! k ucbeniyu o lieinorragicheskoi septitseinii (sep- tikainia haniorragica Huep]ie). 1. Heniorragicheskiy plevro-pneimo-enterit svinei (jih-uro-piiBUino-enteritis ha- morragica). |. . .of swine.1 rdieu. zaniski Kazan. Vet. Inst., "1899, xvi, 247-334. — ICnoll. Allgeineine Actino- mycosis des Schweines. Perl, thieriirztl. Wchnschr.. 1891, vii, 213.—K rabbc (H.) Nyere Unilersogelseraiigaaende Podsyge og Svinesyge. |Xew researches iu splenic ery- sipelas and hog epizootic.| Tidsskr. f. Vet., Kjohenh., 1886. xvi, 159-179, 1 pl.—I.esiiier. Ueber den Milzbrand der Schweine. Mem. d. Heilk., Staatsarzneiw. u. Thierh., Zullichau. 1818. ii, 118-133. — I.ivon (C.) Le professeur Cornil ii Marseille. La pneiimonie contagieuse des pores. Marseille med., 1888, xxv. 3-8. — l.oeffler. Experinien- telle Untersiichungeu iiber Schweine-Rothlauf, ausgefiihrt in der Zeit vom Juli 1882 bis December 1883 im kaiserli- chen Gesundlieitsanite. Arb. a. d. k. Gsudhtsanite, Berl., 1885, i, 46-55. — l.iibe (M.) Ueber den Schrotaitsschlag der Schweine und das sou.unante Coccidium fuscuin. Ceutialbl. t. Bakteriol. [etc. |, 1. Abt., Jena, 1901, xxix. 693- 698.—l>mig<'rslianseii ill 1 Ueber Hypotrichosis lo- calis cystica (Schrotauss.-hlag des Schweines). Deutsche Ztschr. f. Thiermed., Leipz... 1894, xxi, 1-24—I.jatiii. Le ronget du pore dans le dm he de Bade. Ann. de med. vet., Brux.. 1885, xxxiv. 608; 662: 1886, xxxv. 82; 199; 267: 319; 387; 442. J.lso \ Abstr.]: Pec.de nied. vel.. Par., 1885, 7. s.. ii. 539: 702— .VI'Fariyeau (J.) The symptoms and lesions of swine-fever. J. Conip. Path. 6l Therap.. K.liub. & Lond., 1888, i, 101-113. 1 pl.-----. A contribution to the morbid anatomy of swine-fever. Ibid.. 1800, ix*119-108. 1 pl.- .Vlarek (J.) Bcitra-je zur pathologischeii Hi.-tologic derScliw ein. seuche. Ztschr. I'. Thierined., Jena. ls97. i. 10; 92; 185.—.Tleynin (P.) t)bser\ ations snr les rong.-ts. Compt. rend. Acad. .1. sc. Par.,1897, exxv, 967.— Tlemlel- son ( W.) On guanin gout in the hog. and its relationsto the sodium urate gout of man; a contribution to compara- tive pathology [etc.]. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1888. xcv, 109-122.— Ukoic (V. A.) Remarks on the nature and the differentiation ol the infectious swine diseases in the United Slates. Am. Vet. Rev., X. Y., 1897-8, xxi, 813-829. Also, Reprint. -----. Outbreak of a nonspecific disease among swine. Rep. I'tiroau Animal Indust. 1895-6, Wash.. 1897, xii-xiii, 219-227. —.tloorc ( V. A.) i: Dawson (('. F.) Tuberculosis in swiue; the nature of the disease with a report of three cases. Ibid., 207-218, 4 pl.-j.Uorot (C.) Quelq-ies considerations sur le diagnostic de la ladreiie HOGS. 213 HOGS. HogS (Diseases of). porcine apres l'abatage. Bull. Soc. centr. dc nied. vet., Par., 1889, n. s., vii, 110-115. -----. (Juelques considera- tions sur la d6g6ii6iescencc des cysticenpics ladriques du pore. J. dc med. vet. et zootech.. Lyon. 1890, 3. s., xv, 529-532. — IViles ( W. B.l Hog eliolera in Iowa. Rep. Bureau Animal Indust. 1898, Wash., 1899, xv, 500.— Oil. Ueber die Eutstohimg des sog. Schrotaitsschlages beim Schweine. Ztschr. f. Fleisch- u. Milehhyg.. Perl., 1835-6, vi, 5-8. -----. Die cntozoischen Follikiilarcrkran- kung n im Darine des Schweines. Ibid.. 1808. viii 121-123. ---—. Si ron cry 1 us pa rail ox us in den Liuigen des Sell weines ; eine pathologi'seh- histologischo Studie. Deutsche tliier- arztl Wchnschr., Karlsruhe. 1898. vi, 73-76. -- Orcsle. Sui cosi detto mal rossino dei suini. Gior. di ..mil. lisiol. e patol. d. animali, Pisa, l8!»0, xxii, 181; 201—Osirriny. Zu 1'., in teilung lokaler Tuherkulose beim Schwein. Zl schr. f. Fleisch- u. Milehlng.. Beil., 1897. vii. 231 -238.— I'elcrs i 1'".) 1 >ii- Schweineseuche. Arch. I". wissensch. J u. prakt. Tin. rh.. Perl.. 1890, xvi. 64-72. — I'reisz (II.) | Aetiologische Studien iiber Schweiiiepest und S. hwoino- septikiimie. Ztschr. f. Thiermed., Jena, 1808. ii. 1 66.— I'rentier (M.) Experimentelle Scliweiiieseiiche. etc. Uentialiil. f. Bakteriol. [etc |, 1. Abt.. lena. 1899. xxv, 714 — von Kill/ iS ) Parasiteu im Ma-en des Schweines. Zi-,-hr. t Thiernied.. Jena. 1809. iii. -22 029—Kcis Mar- tin* -A.. A piieumo .melite im'e,-iuosa .1.. porco cm P..ri,.gal. Arch, de nied. Lisb.. I .-97-8. i. 121-124.— Biels«li. .1 obeli ,v Tl ;i it ilia ll J. L epidemic (les pores a Marseille en 1887. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1888. cvi, 296: 1096. AUo [ A bstr. i : Coiiipt.reiid.Soc.de biol.. Par.. 1888. 8. s.. v, 65-08. Also, transl [Abstr.]: J. Conip. Path. „v Therap., Edinb. & Lond., 1888. i. 133-136.— Kit/er. Zur Differeiitiahliagnoso: Schweinespuche- s.-ii ••. ■ uepest. Wchnschr 1". Thierh. u. Viehzucht, Mini chin '901,xiv, 13-15— Botb «h i llin <.'. Der Rothlauf der Schweine uud seine I'.- k.'iinptuug. lo rl. tliierarztl.Wchn- schr.. 1901. 575-581.— «»

  • on ietviez. Die Schweineseuchen. Oester. . Moiiatsehr. I 1 ■ ii., Wien, 188D. xiv. 145-157. 2 pl.—Nilbersclimiill o." . ..11r i ibution a 1'etude de la swine plagu.-,, du hog- cholera, etde la pneuinoentei ite (lea pores. Ann.de I 'Inst. Pasteur Par. Is95. ix. 65-103. AUo, transl. : Am. Vet. Pev., X. V.. 1895-6. xis, 323; 421; 562; 622: 097. — Winilh (T.) Zur Kenntniss der amerikaiiisclien Schw. inceu. he 'At- ari-. 1". Hyg., Leipz., 1891, x. 480-50-. Nmilli i'!' ) .v .Hum-,' (V. A.) On the variability of infectious disea-.es asillu- rated hjhog-chol ra and swine plague. U.S. Dep. Agrie. Bureau Animal Indust., Wash.. 1894. Hull. no. 6, ftl-95.— «»i u< Lilian (S.) Tuberculosis of inu^.le in the pi. Veteunariaii. Lond., 1896,Ixix, 213-216. «ilii>>n (A.) &. Hi ine (P.) Beitriige zur Kenntniss d>r Katarrhal- pneiiin mi.- des Schweines. Ileuis-h. t hi.-i ill/.tl. Wolui- sdir.. Karlsruhe, ls9-\ vi.313; 321. — Wnlli van < \V J ) Hog cholera. Rep. Bd. Health Connect. 1-81 N. Ilav, n. 18s5 vn, 251-256— Tai I er (Louise). Our present knowledge ot the kidney worm oelerostoma pingiiicobu of swine. Rep. Bll- reau Animal Indust. 1899, Wash.. 1900, xvi, 612-637. AUo. Reprint. — Voices tl).) Weitere Uiiteisuchiingen fiber Schwein. s.u. hen. Berl. I lneiarztl. Wchnschr., 1897, xiii, 170; Isl. Also: Centralbl. f. Pakt.-iiol. [etc. 1, 1. Abt., Jena. 1«97. xxi. 594- 606. - Welch (W. IL) ,\ Vlenient ' (A. W.i Remarks on hog cholera and swine plague. Vei. J. Si Ann. Coinp. 1'ath.. bond., 1894, xxxix, 235; 324; 385. A Iso. Reprint.- Wernielte (II.) Tiiherculos piilmonaros del cerdo. Re.. Soc. uicl. argent., Buenos Aires, 1895, iv, ' 410-412. -Zabala (J.) La tuberculosis en el cerdo. Ibid.. 275-301 —Zschokkc (E) Ueber die Celahrlich- keit des Genusscs von mit Sciiweineseuche iutiziertein Fleisch-. Schweiz.-Arch. f.Tierh., Zurich, Ih97, 108-174. Hog's (Diseases of, liarteriology of). See, aho, Hogs {Diseases of, Prevention and treatment of). Jjiplixg.s (F. 8.) Hog eliolera. D. E. Sal- mon, chief of tlie Huicau of Animal Industry. Hi.s investigations into tbe cause and nature of Hogs (Diseases of, IJacteriolot/i/ of). hog cholera critically considered. ** . [Lincoln, Xcb., 1*80.] lh'.ss (L.) Der Sh'ibclienrothlauf und die Seliweineseuelie. ** . Halle a. S., 1888. Skuu'.ki; (F.) * Ib-ii riigc zur Keuntnis der (Jiltwirkung der Sclnveincseiiche-Bakterien und anderer luikteriologisch verwandtcr Arten. 8°. Purlin, lS'.M'i. Arslan t Y.) Aliricinipiccasidi angina orinitopseudo- difteriea inlel ti\ o-coniagiosa da hucillo della sei ticemia dei suini. Atti d. dug. d. Soc ital. (li laringol. [etc| 1897, Eiren/.e, 1800. iii, 176-170. Itiliin-js (F. S.) The etiolog\ of Ainericnn swine-plague: review of report of the Ueparliuent of Agriculture lor 1886. Am. Lancet. Detioit, 1887. n. s., xi, 370; 411. -----. The etiological movement in American swine plague; report of the work done in the laboratory of tbe Stale University of Nebraska for i ho experimental stud \ of contagious and infectious ani- mal .lis, a-.-s Am. Vet. kecNV.. 1887-8. xi, 55; 124; 163; 258. .1/*,,. Am. Lancet. Detioit. 18c7, n. »., xi, 87; 132; 170.— Itoiier. Beil rug zu vergleichciiilen Uiitersiiclran - gen liii die Hakterieu der Scliweinepest und Schweine- seuche. Arb. a. d. k. (Isndhtsanite. Berl., 1899, xv, 373- 280. - 4'ornil A ChniUeiiicsse. Sur lea proprietes hiologn|iies et, l'attenuati.....In \ irus de la pneumoente ritc .les pores. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1888. cvi. 612-614.—"Dawson (C. F.) Tbe serum diagnosis of hog cholera. N. York M. J., 1897, lxv, 253. AUo, Reprint- Din wiililie (It. R.) Gruber's reaction in bog cholera. J. Com]). M. A: Vet. Arch., Phila., 1900, xxi, 528-532.- Ferricr. Cils vibratiles et mouvements du microbe de la piieumo entente infectieiise du pore ou hog-cholera. Lyon med., 1894, lxxvii 179-181. AUo: Mem. et compt.- rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1894l, 1895, xxxiv, pt. 2, 131-133.—Froscli (P.) Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der 1'isa.he der amerikaiiisclien Schwein-Seuche und ihrer Be/iehung zu deu hacieriologisch verwandten Procrssen. Zts.-hr. f. Hyg.. Leip/,., 1890-91, ix, 235-281.—llniien- sieiii (E.) Nickotoriya danniya otnositelno batsiliarnoi rozhi svinei. [Some data concerning the hacillary form of erysipelas in lions, j Uchen. zapiski Kazan. Yet. Inst., 1895, xii, 287-294.—Jensen i'\ ().i Zur Kenntniss des Rothlaufliacillus. Ii.-ui^.he /ischr. f. Thiermed.. Leipz., 1892-3, xix, 40-44.—Kilt t'l.i B.-iirage zur Kenntniss des Stabehenrothlaufs der Schwein,- und (lessen Schut/.- iiiililiing. Rev. f. Thierh., Wien, 1886, ix, 145: 161. -----. Die Streptothrixform des Rotlaufbacillus. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1897, xxii, 726-732, 1 pl. ------. Bei ichtigung meiuer Mitteilung iiber die Strepto- thrixfornien des Rotlaufbacillus. Ibid., 1898, xxiii, 601 — Klein (E.) Bemerkungen iiber die Aetiologie der Schweineseuche. Fortschr. d. Med.. Berk. 1888. vi. 929- 931. Also, transl.: Yet. J. & Ann. Com]). Path.. Lond. 1888, xxvii, 393. -----. Ueber die Diffeientialdiagnose der Mikrobon der englischen Schweineseuche (Swine fever) und der infektidseu Huhnerciiteritis. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasiteuk., 1. Abt,., Jena. 1895, xviii, 105- 107. — Laser (H.) Ein neuer, fiir Yersiichsthiere jiatho- gener Bacillus aus der Criuppe der l-'reltchen-Schweiue- seuche. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasiteuk., Jena, 1892, xi, 181-189. — l.or<'iiz.. Beob.u hiungen iiber die Miki oorganisineii des Scliweinei ot hlan Is und verwandter Krankheiten. Arch. f. wis-ens.-h. u. ]irakl. Thierh., Berl. 1892, xviii, 39-62, 1 pl—Moore (\\ A.) A non motile pathogenic bacillus closely resembling the bacillus of hog oho era toun.l in the lung and the spleen of a pig. U. S. Dep. Agiic. Bureau Animal Indust,., Wash., 1893, Bull. no. 3. 31-37. -----. Can lhe bacillus of hog cholera be increased in virulence by passing it through a series of rabbits' Ibid., 1*91, Bull. no. 6, 97 102.----- What becomes of hog-cholera and swine-plague bacteria injected in small numbers into the subcutaneous tissue of pigs? Ibid., 103-107. -----. On a pat hog, nie bacillus of the hog- choiera group associated with n fatal dis.-a-e m pigeons. Ibid., 1895, Bull. no. 8, 71-70.—VI nraUo d.i [Rules bli- the investigation of the origin ol' . polemic hog cholera.] (inn Igaku Kwai Zasshi. Tokyo, 1898, 719-721. — >'o- ■ iii'il. Rapport de commission sur le charhon bacte- ri.li.ii du pore; a pro])os dui.e cominii'-cat ion de M. Yil- lain. Bull, et nieiu. Soc. centr.de med. vet., Par., 188.5, n. s., iii, 289 295 — \oiicwilNili. Die Mikromgaiiismen einer cn/.oot ischen Leberenl/.undung bei l-'.-i k.-lu, Hepati- tis en/.oolica porcellortun. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. ll. I'liiasiteiik., Jena, 1888, iii, 233-235.- ,\oiy i K (i.) The toxic, products of llm bacillus of hog.cholera. Med. News, I'liila., 1890, lvii. 231-237—Oil. Leber das regelinassige Vorkoniiiien der Rotblaiifbacilh-n im Darmedcs Schw eines. Deutsche thieriir/.tl. Wchnschr., Ilauuov., 1901, ix, 41-43. AUo, transl. i de med. vet. et zootech., Lyon, 1901, 5 s., v, 211-219.- ■>:■ inponUis. Les bacilles du ronget. Arch, de physiol norm, et path., Par.. 1886,3. s. vii. 88-92, I pl.-l»elri (R. J.) Ueber die Widerslandsfahigkeit der Bakl.-i i.-n des Schwi-iiierotlilaiifs in Reinkultnreii mill im Fleisch rothlaufkranker Schweine gegen Kochen, Schmoreu, Brateu, Salzen, Einpiikelu uud Riiuchern. HOGS. 214 HOGS. Hoik's l, Diseases of, Bac,'< ri.dugi; tf). Art), a .1 k. Usndbtsainte, Berl.. iSOu. vi'266-293.—Petri (R.J.) \- .Tlanssen (A.) Ccber die Bildung von Sehwefelwasserstoff durch die Kr nkheiterregenden Bacterien unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Schweinerothlaiifs. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl.. 1892, xviii, 149. AUo: Voroffi-ntl. d. k. Gsnd- htsamtes, Berl., 1892. xvi 119. Also: Tliierarztl. Mitth., Carlsruhe, 1892, xxvii, 49- 52. — Pouchel. Das Bac- teriinu der Schweineseuche als Erregcr einer Flcisch- v.-i gitiung. Miinchen. nied. Wchnschr., 1807. xliv, 244. AUo.- B.il. thierarztl. Wchnschr., 1897, xiii, 162.— Prett- ner i M. ) Experimentc iiber die Infektiositiit des Ba- cillus der Schweineseuche. Ztschr. f. Fleisch- u. Mileh- hyg., Berl., 1900, x, 193-198. AUo: Tliierarztl. Cen- tralbl., Wien, 1900, xxiii, 362-369.—Kaccn«lia (F.) Ueber die Bacterien der deirtschen (LofHer-Schiilz'scheii) Schweineseuche, der amerikanischen Swine-plague und der dauischen Schweiiiepest. Arb. a. d. Gel), d. path. Anat. . : . Inst, zu Tiibing.. Brnschwg.. 1891-2. i, 223-262. AUo |Oiitline|: (Vntralhl. f. Bacteriol. u. Parasiteuk., Jena, 1890, viii, 2s0-293. —Konx. Presentation de photo- graphies du microbe du ronget du pore. Compt. rend. Soc. debiol., Par., 1885, 8. s., ii, 684-087.—Salmon (D. E.) The virus of hog cholera. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1885, Concord, N. IT., 1886. xi, 73-77. Al*n.- Sanitarian, N. Y., 1886, xvi, 390-396— Salmon (D. E.) £ Smith (T.) The bacterium of swine-plague. Am. Month. Micr. J., Wash., 1886, vii, 204. — de Schvreiiiitz ( E. A. ) A fireliniinary study of the ptomaines from the culture- iquids of the hog cholera germ. Med. Xews. Phila., 1890, lvii, 237-259. AUo. Reprint. -----. The en/.y me-, or solu- ble ferments, of the hog-cholera genu. Hep. Bureau Animal Indust. 1898, Wash., 1899. xv, 200-20-. Also: Med. Xews, Phila.. 1892, lxi, 576. AUo. Reprint. Selan- dcr. Ueber die Bakterien der Schweinepest. Centralbl. f. Bakterial. u. Parasiteuk.. Jena, 1888, iii, 361-365. Also, transl.: J. Conip. Path. Sc Therap.. Edinb. & Lond., 1888, i, 136-139.—ShafnitsUi (L.) Batsilyarnaya rozha svinei i yeyadifferentsialnaya .li'agnostika. | Baci'llnrv erysipelas of hogs and its differential diagnosis. | V.-stnik obsh. vet., St. Petersb., 1897. ix. 725, 701. Smith, I On tho varia- bility of pathogenic organisms, as illustrated bv the bacte- rium of swine-plague. Am. Month. Micr. J . Wash , 1886. vii. 201-203. -----. The hog-cholera g'oup of bacteria. U. S. Dep. Agric. Bureau Animal Indust., Wash., 1894. Bull. no. 6, 9-40. -----. Notes on the evolution of hog cholera outbreaks. Rep. Bureau Animal Indust. 1895-6, Wash., 1897, xii-xiii, 161-166. -----. Swine erysipelas or mouse septicemia bacilli from an outbreak of swine disease. Ibid., 166-174.-----. Ueber einen unbeweglicheii Hog- cliolera-(Schweinepest-)Bacillus. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc. |, 1. Abt., Jena, 1899. xxv, 211-244. -----. Zur Kennt- niss des Hogcholerabacilhis. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasiteuk., Jena. 1891. ix. 253; 3u7 ; 539.—Welch (W. H.) Preliminary report of invest igat ions concerning the causa- tion of hog cholera. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull.. Bait. 1889-90, i, 9. AUo, Reprint—Widcisiaiirisinhigkcit (Die) der Bakterien des Schweinerothlaiifs. Arch. f. animal. Xahriingsiuittelk., Wiesb., 1889-90, v, 1(19-112.— Wicting (J.) Ueber Flagellaten (Trichomonas) in der Lunge eines Schweines bei lolmlarer Pneiimonie. Cen- tralbl. f. Bakteriol. fete.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1897, xxi, 721-725. Hoi;* (Diseases of Prevention and treat- ment of). Forui'Ks (T.) *De la ladrerie du pore au point de vue de l'liygiene privde et liublioue. 8°. Toulouse, \*10. Frkym.vdl (J.) * Ueber Ichthvolbehnuulnno- des Kotlaufs. ,-'°. Miinchen, 18-1. Lydtix (A.) A: ScHOTTELirs (M.) Der Roth- lauf der Schweine, seine Entstehung und Ver- hiitung (Scliiitziiiipfuno nach Pasteur). Nach aintlichen Erinitteliingen im Grosslierzogthniu Badeu im A lift rage des grossher/.'igl. Ministe- riuin des Innern. 8:. Wiesbaden, 18*5. Moore (V. A.) Blood serum iu the preven- tion and treatnient of infectious swine diseases, with a report of an experiment with swine plague, antitoxin. **'". [n.p.], 1897. Cutting from: Proc. Soc. Proruot. Agric. Sc, 1897,26-34. -----. A report concerning the nature of in- fectious swine diseases iu the State of New York with practical suggestions for their prevention and treatment. ■"*''. [n. p. ], 1**<>7 Repr. from: Rep. Com. Agric. N. Y., 1897, 1-53, 5 pi. Rkctkr (M.) Die Schweineseuche nnd deren wirksame Bekampfuiig. Nach den neucsten Forschungen und praktischen Erfahrungen zur H<>;> (Diseases of, Prercothni and treat- ment of). Heilung und Edrdcrung der Schwoiiiezuclit. 8°. Miinchen, 1887. Salmon (D. E.) Report on inoculation as a preventive of swine diseases, s1. Washington, 1890. -----. Results of experiments with inocu- lation for the prevention of hog cholera. *■>-. Washington, 1892. Smith (T.) Special report on the cause and prevention of swine plague. Results of experi- ments conducted under the direction of Dr. D. E. Salmon, chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry. **c. Washington, 1891. Allen (I. M.) Hog cholera; cause, cure, and preven- tion. Led. er- inient (An) to test the value of subcutaneous inj. .-ti.-ns of hog cholera bacilli as a means of preventing hog ch.il- era. Pop. Sec. Agric, Wash.. 1890, 110-115. - Experi- ments in 'stamping out" hog cholera in Page County, Iowa. Pep. Bureau Animal Indust. 1898, Wash.. 1899, xv, 249-265. — Echsemneier (A.) Die Impfungen g.-gen den Rothlauf der Schweine iu Baden 1900. Mitth. .!. Ver. hadisch. Thit-rarzte, Karlsruhe, 1901, i, 89-91. — Eolh. Die liekamijfung des Schweinerothlaiifs. Perl, thieiai/tl. Wchnschr., 1899. 347-351. -----. Rothlaiifschiitziroplitn- gen. Ibid . 1900, 5C(i-5C8.— i uehs (P.) Ueber den Poth- lauf der Schweine, seine Entstehung und Verliiituiig (Schutzimpfuug nach Pasteur). Jahresb. d. Ver. f. Xa- turk. zu Mannheim (1885-8). 18s!i. ]ii_lv, 88-101.—<*ncrt- in'i'. Bekanipfung der Schweineseuche durch Impliing mit Ildchster Serum. Perl, tliii-iiirztl. Wchnschr., 1901, 1(15-1(19.—Oraiil. Praktische Erfahrung hei der Poth- laufinipl'uiig. Ibid., 1900, 577-599. — Hafiier. Die Schiitzimpfung gegen den Rothlauf der Schweine in Ba- den im Jahre 188(i. Tliierarztl. Mitth., Karlsruhe, 18s7, xxii. 49-58 -----. Die Schiitzimpfiiiigen gegen den Roth- lauf der Schweine in Baden im" Jahr 1887. Ibid., 1888, xxiii. 17-22. —Hess i.F.) Vorlaufige Mittheilungen iiber die Schiitziinpfungeii gegen Rothlauf der Schweine im Kanton Bern. Schweiz. Arch. f. Thierh., Zurich, 1885, xxvii, 205-222. —Hoflicli (Ci Beitrag zur Bekanipfung der Schweine-Pest niittelst I'lutserum pestkrank gewese- ner Schweine. Wchnschr. f. Thierh. u. Viehzucht. Miiu- chen. 1898, xiii, 133-139. —Hoelinc. Die Porhlautimp- fungen mit Susserin und ihre Erfolge. Berl. thieriiiztl. Wchnschr.. 190 i, 447.—llnlyra (F ) Schutzimpfuug ge- gen Milzbrand und Pothlauf der Schweine. Monatsh. f. prakt. Thierh., Stuttg., 1894, vi, 193-205. Also: Cong, in- ternat. d'hyg. et de demog. C. r. 1894, Budapest. 1890, viii, pt. G, 217-224.— .Isicobi (W.) Beitrag znr Schutzim- pfiing gegen den Pothlauf der Schweine. Berl thierarztl. Wchnschr., 1888. iv, 125.—.Foes. (E.)& Hellers (A.) Ergebnisse der Lorenz'schen Rothlaufgchutzimpfuiig nit Prenzlauer Impfstotl'en in den Jahren 1897, 1898 un.l l.sii.r Berl. thierarztl. Wchnschr., 1900, 121 - 124. — J onus (O.) Ockovaui vepfovehu dobytkaproti cervence. [The inoculation of swine against measles.1 Casop.cesk.zvero- lek., ve Valas. Mezifici, 19(U-2, vii, 269- 273. — .fosi (H.) Impfiingeii gegen den Pothlauf der Schweine nach Lorenz und mit Susserin. Berl. thierarztl. WclniM'hr., 1899 493-495. -----. Beitriige. zur Rothlaufschuf/.im- pfung Ibid.. 1900,37-39. Also: Deutsche thierjii-'.tl. Wehiisehr.. Hannov., 1900, viii, 45-47.— li amp m ami. Tilgung der Rothlauf Schweineseuche. Deutsche iln.i- arztl. Wchnschr., Karlsruhe, 1894, ii, 201. — Kinsman (D. X.) Sc illoore )H. M. W.) Immunity; notes on hog HOGS. 215 noes. HO£i> (Diseases of Prerention and treat ment of). cholera." IT. Ohio M. Soc. Toledo. 1894, xlix, 213-222.— 14. i 11 (T ) Die Schutz-und Heibinpfiing gegen Sehweine- rothlauf. Monatsh. f. prakt. Thierh., Stuttg.. 1901, xii, 87 100,— It lent soil'(Iv. Z.) K voprosuopredokhrauiteluikh i Uecheluiikh svoistvakh sivorotki zhivotnikh iinmuiiizo- vannikh pr..ti\ povalnol rozhi svinei. [On the preventive and medicinal action of serum of animals immunized against epidemic erysipelas of swine. | Arch.-\et. nauk. St. Petersb.. 1898.' xxviii. 2. sect.. 501-509.—Konell' (D. F.) Xiekotoriya ukazaniya pri privivkakh hatsilyar noi ro hi. (Some indications for inoculating hacillarv orv sipelasof swine.] Vet.obozr.. Mosk..l900.ii,(>59-0i>.:.- ' Ko- valevslii (I.) Ojiit prodokhraiiitelnol vaktsinatsii svim-i protiv rozhi v Kurskol gubernii v 1895 godu. lBc-ult of prophylactic inoculation of hogs against erysipelas in Kursk government in 1895.1 Arch. vet.nauk. St. Petersb., 1896, xxvi, 2. sect.. l."3-li'.8. — Ii.ui/e Mittheilungen iiber Schiil/inipfung gegen den Stalirliciirothlauf der Schweine in Bayern. i Aus den Jahresberichton ba\ erischer Thier- iirzte voiu Jahre 1898-9.) Wclinschr. f. 1'hi.ili. u. Vieh zuclit. Miinchen, 1901. \lv, 87-90. — l.cclainchc ( IC. ) The measures to be taken to combat the epi/oot u diseases of the pig. J. Conip. Path. A: Therap . lv.linb. a. l.ond., 1899, xii.'20ii-216. -----. La seiothorapio du ronget du pore, t'ompt. rend. Soc. de biol., l'ar, lsH9. 11. s., i. 340- 348. Al,-o: Ann. de med. vet., Brux., 1899 xlviii, 307-370. -----. La seiotherapie et la soro-vaccination du ronget du pore dans la pratique. Rev. vet., Toulouse, 1901 lviii, 149-161.— I.eimei'. Schutziinpfung gegen Stain -In n- rothlanf dei S.-hweiiie mit Porcosan. Wchnschr. f. Thierh. u. Vieh, u, ht Munchen 1901, xiv, 73; 8.1.— I,oil .v Panel. Sur la serotherapie du rouget du pore. t.'ompt. rind. Soc. de biol.. Par.. 1897, Id", s.. iv. 542 — laiK-n/. liiumini-ii ung-vei suche gegen Sehweinerotli- laul. 'I'h'.eiai/.tl. Mitth.. Karl-iulie. 1892. xxvii, 33-47. AUo: Thienmd. Kuiidscuau, Hall.-a.S.. 1891-2, vi. 145 ; 157. -----. Eiu Schutzinipfungsverfahreii gegen Sehweine- rothlauf. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasiteuk.. Jena. 18:13, xiii. 357-364. -----. Sehutzirupfiiiigsveisucho gegen Sehweinerothlauf mit Anwendung eines aus Blutse- ruiu immunisirter Thiere lu-rgestellten Impipriiparates. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Thiermed.. Leipz.. 1,-93-4 xx. 1-40. AUo: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasiteuk., Jena, 1894, xv. 278-2-1 -----. Schiuziniptiingsvcrsuclie gegen Sehweinerothlauf mit Anwendung eines aus Blutserum immunisirter Thiere hergest. lit. n Impfpriipaiates Deutsche thierarztl. Wcliii-chr. Karlsruhe, 1894. ii. 9-12. See. also, infra, Sander, Vogel. -----. Die Bekanipfung des Schweinerotlaufes durch Schutziinpfung. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt.. Jena, ls90. xx. 792-790. -----. P. li.htigung zu dem Aiifsatze iiber Impfungen zum Sclmtz gegen den Rothlauf der Sehweine und zur K. nnt- ni-s des Rothlaufbacillus von O. Yoges und W. Sehiitz. j Ztschr. f. TT\_. u. Tnfection-kraukh. Leipz, l-O- xxix, | 149-152. — .tlalkmi's. Schiitzimpfung gegen Schweine- seuche n... h Pern.iicito. Deutsche ihi.-i ,ii ztl. Wchn- schr., K.uisiu'e 1897. v, 195-198. — .Tlarciijjlii M". I Cura della piicuitioenterite dei majah con h- ini.zioni endovenose di bicloruro di mercurio tun t...h. Baci-lh). Boll. d. S..c. med.-chir di Pavia, 1^9-. 157-174. Also: Gior. d. r. >...-. ed A. . ...I vet. ital Torino 1898, xlvii. ](iii-l(Ms. — llarkrt-ieh lO. I.j Itogi prakl icheskavo prunieiieniya Pasteur ovskikb predokhraniteliiikh privi- vok proiiv rozhi svinei. |Results ot tbe Pasteur prophy- lactie inoculations again-t hog erysipelas | Arch. vet. nauk. St. Petersb., 1899. x\i\. 2. -ect.. 321-331.—.Tlaz- sini di.) Le malattie infettive dei suini e loro vaccma- zioni preventive, (iior. d. r. Sue. ed Accad. vet. ital., Torino 1897, xlvi. 550; 502: 57s -----, La cura della pneiimoenteiite dei suini on le iniezionl endovenose di suhlimalo coirosivo. Ibid.. 1899, xlviii. 817-820 —ties. nil (F.i Sur le mode d action du serum iireventif contre le iouget des pons. Ann.de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1898 xii, 481-500.—.TIaselioUl tl'.j l.'nti-rsiichiiiigeii iiber "Porkosan'' Arh. a. d. k. (i.iiidhtsainte. Berl., 189s xiv. 36-52.—>ill-« (W. 15.) Practicability of the serum ther- apy in tin- treatment of hog-cholera. J. Conip. M. \ Vet. Arch.. Phila.. 1899. xx, 151-154. AUo: Am. Vet. Pev., X. Y.. 1899-PJOo. xxiii, 15-19— Osipoll iZ.j Privivki batsillyarnol rozhi v orlovskol giibernii. | Inoculations of hacillarv ervsip«-his of hogs in Orlov government. I Vestnik obsh. vet. St. Peter-b.. 1900, xii. 9.-5.— Oslcrla «. Zur sanitat-polizeilichen Benrteilung des I-'leis. h.-s i.,i laufkianker Schweine. Ztschr. I. Fleisch- u. Mikh hyg. Perl.. 1897. vii. 211-214. — Pesicey (K.i Some dith- | ciilti. s associated with the eiadic ition of swine fever. J. Conip. Path. i)». 'I h.i,i|... Edinb. ,V Lond.. 1900. xiii. 236-239 — l»ei ioik i!<» t E. I ,\ IS ins< hellini (A.) | Die Vaccination g.-g< n die CIimIh;. .hi S. 11\s eine. Con- j tralhl. f. Bakteriol. [.-l.-.j I, Abt. Jena. 1-98 xxiii. 392 I 395.- I»caer A. Jess. Iii,- Bekampfung der Schweine seucben. Berl thi [iUreases of, Prerention and treat- ment of). 199. — S'llanz.. Eino neue Iinplspritze. fiir Rolhl.iuf- hezw. Schweiiieseiicheii - Iinpl'ungeii. Berl. thieriirztl. Wchnschr.. 1900, 303.—IMimn (II. P.I A propos de quel- ques inoculations preventives du ronget du pore. O.ng. intermit, d'hyg. et dc dcniog. C. r. 1891. Budapest. 1890, viii. pt. 0, 22.1-230.—Kollee (A.) Schw einpesl Tilgungs- \erfaliieii. Thiciir/.tl. Centralbl., Wien. 1901, xxiv. 321- 327 -M:iliiinn ill. Iv) Why Pasteur's vaccine Pils to prevent hog cholera. [From': Breeder's (Iaz , 1880. May 20 \. 27. and Juno 2 \-. 10.| Am. Vet. Pev., N. Y „ 188li-f, x, 175; 232.-----. Peport on inoculation as a prcventiveof swine diseases. Il,id., 1890-91, xiv, 07 70.—Niiiiilcr. Das Loreuz'sche Schiit/.iiiipl'ungsverfahieii gegen Sehweine- rothlauf; einige nachpriileiide Yrrsurhe. Arch. f. ui-sensch. u. prakt. Thierh., Berl., 1895, xxi, 52-61.— Wchlcycl (M.) Bxperiinenlcllc und praktische Un- lersuchungen d.-s von Penoncito und Bruschettini ge- gen Schweineseuche empfohlenen Schul zinipfstoffes. Deutsche thieriirztl. Wchnschr.. Karlsruhe, 1897, v. 355- 3."iS.--.*ichrcibci' ((). ) Zur Schiitzimpliuig gegen die Schwi'ineseuchc und Heilung derselhen durch Serum. Berl. thierarztl. Wchnschr., 1899. 119. -----. Beitriige zur Bekanipfung der Schweineseuche und Schweiiiepest. Ibid., 190(1 589: 601.-----. Die Rotlllaul Im|.liiiigei) mit Landsbergcr Serum. Ibid.. Oil -613. — Wchu! r (.1. W.) t'eber den Rothlauf der Schweine und die impfung desselben. Arch. f. wissensch. u. prakt. Thieih.. B. rl., 1885, xi, 272; 361: 1880. xii. 30, 1 ]>I. Also | Abstr. |: Arh. a. d. k. Gsndhtsainte, Berl., 188.1, i, 56-76, 1 pl. —de Neh weiaiitx (E. A ) The production of immunily to hog cholera by means of the blood serum of immune animals; antitoxic serums for hog cholera and swine plague. X. Yoik M. J.. 1890, lxiv, 316-318. Also: Centralbl. f. Bakte- riol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1896, xx, 573-577. -----. The serum treatnient for swine plague and hog cholera. Pep. Bureau Animal Indust. 1898, Wash., 1899, xv, 225-248, 2 pl. Also: Veterinarian, Lomb, 1899,lxxii, 565-579. -----. The production of immunity in guinea pigs from hog cholera by the use of blood serum from immunifieil animals. Rep. Bureau Animal Indust. 1898. Wash.. 1899.XV,209-272. -----. The production of immunity with the chemical substances formed during the growth of the bacillus of hog cholera. Med. News, Phila., 189(1, lvii. 332-335. AUo, Peprint. AUo : Vet. J. \ Ann. Conip. Path., Loud., 1890, xxxi. 393-399. -----. The production of immunity in guinea pigs tioiu hog choleta by lhe use of blood-serum from iinmunified animals. Med. News. Phibi., 1892, lxi, 346. AUo. Peprint. -----. The production of immunity to hog ch.dei a by- means of the blood serum of immune animals; aniiioxic serums for hog cholera and swine plague, iv. York M. J., 1896, lxiv, 316-318. AUo. Reprint. — Seicjiair ( F.) Fangvon iclitiing beim Schweine, • Impfcn. Beil. ihier- iirztl. Wchnschr.. 1901, 400. — Scrbinoflf .t Gorilzra- liovski. I/-liedovani\ a predokhraniteliiikh vaktsiu rozhi svinei. [ 1'esearches on immunizing vaccines of hog erysipelas.) Arch. vet. nauk, St. Petersb., 1897. xxvii, 2. sect'., 417-422. — Smith (T.) .v .Moore ( V. A. ) Ex- periments on the production of immunity in rabbits and guinea-pigs with reference lo hog-clioleiaaml swiue-plague bacteria. I'. S. Dep. Agric. Bureau Animal Indust., Wash., 1894, Pull.no. 0. 11-80. —Wprayne (J. D.) Serum as a remedy for hog-ch.ih-ra. J. Conip. M. A; Yet Arch., Phila., 18119! XX, 342-340. Also - Am. Vet. Pev.. X. Y.. 1899- 1900, xxiii. 24.1-350—Nviellod' ((.. I.) Seroterapiya pri rozhle Hvi'ucl. | Serum therapy in erysipelas of hogs | Arch. vet. nauk, St. Petersb., 1890, xxvi, 2. sect.. 109-173 — 'I'siiboi (l\) |S\vino h.ivakusa ; immunity anil pi ophy- laxis with laws of its extension. | Dai Nippon Sluntsii Ki-ei Kwai Zassln, Tokyo, 1895, 333-247 — Vo«el. Die Lo- renz sche Seliiitziiniilllllg gegen Sch weinei ul lilauf. Wchn schr. f. Thierh. u. Viehzucht, Muiichcii, 1895, x\xi\. 417- 419.— Vouch (O.l Praxis und Theorie der Bol Ida u I sclmtz- impfuiigen und Pothlaufimmunitiit. Ztschr. f. Ilyg. u. Infeetioii-krankh., Leip/.., 1896, xxii. 515-535.— Vo«i'« (().) Sc Nehiilz (W.) Peher die Krgehnisse von liniiuinisi- rungsversiiclien beim Pothlauf der Schweine. D.ulsclio med. Wihnschr.. beipz. u. Berl., 1828. xxiv 49. ----- -----. rebcr Inipfungen zum Sclmtzc gegen den Itothlauf der Schweine und zur Ki nnlniss des Pothlauf bacillus. Arch. f. wissensch. u prakl. Thierh., Bell., 1898, xxiv, 173- 256. Also: Ztschr. f. ILg u. Infectioiiskraukh Leipz., 1898, xxviii, 28-i'24. —'Aanfnl (II.) Schiitzinipfiingeii "e.'cn Rothlauf del' Schweine. Ocsterr. Monaischr. f. Thi.-rh., Wien, 1893. xvii. 49-58. Hoi;-* (Pisrases of) communicated to man. Sic, also, Trichina, etc. Itl'iicUcr. Sur le rouget de l'lioiiime. ('ompt. rend. Acad. d. sc Par., 1897, exxv, 879. - «'asper. Lebcr- tragung des Schweineioililaufs auf den Menschen. Deutsche thier-irztl. Wchnschr.. Hann >v. 1899. vii. 445 — llillehi and. Pebertragiing des Schweinerothlaiifs auf den Menschen. Ztschr f Med. Beamte Berl.. 18!I9, xii,544- 547. See. also, infra, Mayci.— l.nbo«slii (P.) Befuud HOGS. 216 IIOHMANN. Bl..^> {Diseases of) communicated to man. von Sehw . iuerothlaufbazilleu im Stuhle eines ikteri.-cheii Kind. -. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Perl.. 1901. xxvii, 116.— I.ulz (A.) Heber in Brasilien beohachtete I Darmparasiten des Sehwoiues und andeier llausihiere, sowie iiber das Yorkommen tlerselben Arten beim Aien sclien. Deutsche Ztschr. I. Thiermed., Leipz., 1885-6, xii. 61— .flayer. Uebertragung des Schweinerothlaiifs auf den Menschen. Notiz zu dem Aufsatz des Dr. Hillebrand. ZtM'hr. I. Me.l.-Beamte, Berl., 189!), xii. 611.—Tanfer (J.) Pathogennl licinek hakterii morn vepioveho na cloveka. | Pathogenic .eft'ects of the bacterium of hog cholera in man. ) Casop. cesk. zverolek., ve Valas. MezifPii, 1899-1900, V, 85-88. H■!»&'* (Diseases of) [Patent specifications j or remedies for\. A.e.vanilcr (A. J.) Remedy for hog and chicken choleia. Xo. 3381)13; March 16, 1886.—Arnold (T.) Hog- choler.i eonipouiid. No. 223429; Jan. 13, 1880.-Keck- willi i('. II.i Pemedy for hog-cholera. Xo. 361741; April 2(1. 1887. — li en Ion (W.) Hog-cholera compound. Xo. 22t:i,-9: March 2. lssu. —IJc VierlK.W.) Hog-cholera remedy. X... 2.-2949; Aug. 14, 1883. — Ki iiii.'e (H.) Rem- edy for hog-cholera. Xo. 341312; May 4, 1880. —Brown 0'.) Improvement in hog-cholera compounds. Xo. 217772; July 22. 1879. — Cooper (I). T.) Hog-cholera remedy. Xo. 282i,,-ii; Aug 14. 1883.—Dorn (H.) Hog- choleri r.-ine.lv. Xo. 205770: Oct. 10, 1882. — Eaclms (G.W.I Pemedy for hog-cholera. No. 310771; April 27, 1880.— E2mci'ick (W. II.) Hog-cholera remedy. Xo. 233083; Oct. 12. 1880. — Einiyh (G. V\\) Hog-'eliolera remedy. Xo. 309281; Aug. 30, 1887.— l.'i'cy (M.>, jr. Hog- cholera medicine. Xo. 300460; June 17. 18.-4. — ii rillith (C. S.) Hog-cholera remedy. No. 347482; Aug. 17, 1886.— Kasey (T. A.) Remedy for hog cholera. Xo. 3.75999; Jan. 11, 1887. —Knox iJulia A.) Remedy for hog and chicken cholera. Xo. 345788; July 20, I8o0. — l.aflin (W. G.) Improvement ill hog-cholera compounds. Xo. 221832: Nov. 18, 1879. — I.orenz (G.) Process of pre- paring remedial .substances from swine-blood. No. 045110; March 13, 1900.—.tl iller (W. P.) Sc Stover (C. W) Hog- cholera coinpoiind. Xo. 244043; July 19, 1881.-Roberts (KAI.) Peine.lv for hog-cholera. No. 300303; March 29, 188,. — Kobnck (W. 15.') Impioved composition f, r the cure of hog-cholera. No. 87855; Jan. 12, 180'.). —Rohsiiny (('.) Medicine for hog-cholera. No.327412: Sept. 19. 1885.— Malinon (E. T.) Hog-cholera compound. Xo. 230072, Aug. 3, lssu.—Maxfoii ((I. W.) Remedy for hog cholera. No. 224 418; Aiig. 18. 188.7. —Sch ii Ite (D.) nog-cholera remedy. Xo.314.745: March 24.J885.— Slci:;lil .vi.) Remedy for hog-cholera. No. 320096; June 10. 1,-8.1. - Mmilh (0. P.) 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Holl Johannes). *Zur Kenntniss der Wirkung der Ei-enptiiparate. 33 pp., 1 1. 8*2 Freiburg i.B., C. Striicker, 1-90. Holl (M[oritz]) [1-52- ]. Ueber die Blutge- fa's-e der meiiscblicheii Xaehgebnrt. 42 pp., 2pl. -;. [Wien, 1--L] Repr. from: Sitzmigsl, Math.-naturw. CI.. -----. Utbei k. Akad. d. Wissensch. lxxxiii. die Entwickelung der Stelliiug der des .Menschen. 50 pp., 1 pl. **-. Hollander vBernard)—continued. derer l!ei iicksichtigung der Lebren Gall's. [Freiburg i. B.] 32 pp. 8 . Berlin, L. Schu- macher, 1-99. ------. The same. Die Localisation der ps\chi- schen Thiitigkeiten im Gehirn; Ergebnisse der Experimental- Physiologic, vou Sectionsbefun- den, von anatomisclien und klinisehcn Beobach- tungen. verwerthet fiir die Localisatiouslehre und Psychiatric. 32 pp. **J. Berlin, A. Hirsch- wald, 1990. "The revival of phrenology", lhe mental functions of the brain; an investigation into their localisation and their manifestation in health snd disease. 512 pp., 24 pl. ■--'. London, ti. Rich- ards, ,,- \ne York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1901. Ilollaender ( (ieorg [Henry]) [L-TiO- ]. * Experiinentelle Versnche iiber Unschadlich- niachung tubercnliiser Sputa. 24 pp., 11. - . Hallea. S., Gebauer-Schwelm-hkc, 1884. Hollaeilder (L[ndwig] H[e;nrich]> [1833- ]. Die Extraction der Ziibne, fiir Aerzte und Studirende. 3. Autl. viii, 73 pp. - . Leip- zig, A. Felix. 1-8*. -----. Tbe same. 4. And. viii, 97 pp. Leipzig. A. Felix, 1*91. -----. Das Bromaetbyl in der zahniiiztlicben Praxis. 14 pp. ,--'. Halle a. S., Beyer d L'onn- ger, 1-90. -----. Das Pental (C5Hi0) als Anaestbeticum. 6 pp. ,-J. Wien, R. Spies 0' Co., J.-91. Repr.from: Allg. Wien. nnd. Ztg., 1891, xxxvi. .Si-1. aUo, IImidbncli der Zahnheilkunde. 8:. Wien, ls'.Hi. —I4a*iiriiov*Ui (A.) Oplomhirovauiizuliov [etc.]. s:. S.-l'eti rl'iu-'i. l.*>88. —KinsjsU'v (Norman W.i Die Amuiialieii d.-i Zahnstflluiig [etc.|. 8-. Leipzig. 1881.— Tome* (Charles S[issmoreJ) [in 1. s.j. Uie Anatomic der Zahne [etc.]. i~°. Berlin, IS". - A Seliiieidemiihl. Handbuch der znhnarztlichen Heilmittellehre. 1 p. L, 254 pp. 8-. Leipzig. A. Felix, 1-90. Hollander (Martin). * Ueber den spiiteren Gang der Entwickelung der chronischen Hirn- absc( sse. 17 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, P. Scheiner, l-9o. Hollanditoclie Beitriige zu den nuatmnischtn und iilivsiulugischen "Wissenscbaften, hisg. von J. van Deeu, F. C. Donders und Jac Mob-si hott. Pt-. 1-3. v. 1. -". Diisseldorf t( Pirecht. 1-46--. Hollandisehes Museum fiir Deuiscblands Aerzte und Wundiirzte und andere Liebhaber dieser Wissenscbalt. [Von t'br. Fr. Nicens. ] v. 1, 1794. 8*-. Breslau. Ended. Holland. See Netherlands. Holland (Edmond) [1S75- ]. *Endotho- lioiue des maxillaires. [Lyons.] 55 pp. --'. Chamlnni. 1900, No. 1. Holland ((.(eorge] Calvert) [1-01-65]. The vital .statistics of Slntiield. xvi, 263 pp. -2 London, II. 'Igas, 1-43. ------. 'J he plagiarisms of Julius .lelfreys in his treatise on tin statics of the human chest. 36 pp. **-'. Loudon. .I. Churchill, 1841. ------. Tbe nature and cure of consumption, in- digestion, scrofula, and nervous atfeetions. xvi, 17-208 pp. - . London, W. S. Orr 0- Co., 1*00. ■------. Tbe constitution of tbe animal creation as expressed in structural appendages, xxiv, 25-310 pp. ,-\ Lt>udtin,.I. Churchill. 1**57. ------. 1 be origin and nature of disease, and the physiological action of auxiliary remedies in connection -with honni'opathic treatment. xxviii (1 1.), 387 pp. *-. Edinburgh. T. C. .lack, I860. For Ilioiirofilni. see Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., Is'.ll. xxvii, 139 (A. Nicholson). Holland tH.) Medical statistics, and statistics of population. 1 broadside fol. [Wesljield. is--7.) HOLLAND. 220 HOLLEKHTS. Holland (Heinrich) [1S65- ]. * Ueber die Verweudbarkeit des Chininuni biniiiriaticum zur subcutanen Injection, insbesondere bei Kiu- dern. 34 pp. **. Bonn, J. Bach Wwe., 1891. Holland {Sir Henry) [ 1788 - 1873 ]. Medical notes and reflections, xi. 628 pp. 8°. London, Longman [and others], 1899. ------'. The same. 2. ed. xvi. 638 pp. 8°. Lon- don, Longman [and others], 1840 ------. The same. 3. ed. xv, 615 pp. 8C. Lon- don, Longman [and others], 1855. ------. The same. From the 3. Lond. ed. xvi, 493> pp. S-. Philadelphia, Blanchardif- Lea, 1807. ------. Essays on scientific and other subjects, contributed" to the Edinburgh and (Quarterly Re- views. New ed. xi (1 1.), 504 pp. 8-. London, Longman [and others], 1862. -------. Recollections of past life, viii, 346 pp. - . London, Longman [and others], 1872. See. also Parisli (The) will case [in 1. s.) 8C. Xeu: Tork; 1857. For Biography, see Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1891. xxvii, 14f> (G. T. I'cttaiiy i. Also : Lancet, Lond., 1872. ii, 050. Holland (J[ames]W.) [1849- ]. The urine. Memoranda, chemical and microscopical, for lab- oratory use. 43 1. obi. 12°. Philadelphia. P. Blakiston, Son if- Co., 18*7. ------. Tbe same. Tbe urine and the common poisons. 2. ed. vi, 65 pp. obi. 16c. Philadel- phia, P. Blakiston, Son ty Co., 1888. ------. The same. The urine, the common poi- sons, and tbe milk. 3. ed. vi, 7-84 pp. obi. 12*-. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston. Son 9'- Co., 1*89. The same. Tbe urine and clinical chem- istry of the gastric contents, the common poi- sons, and tbe milk. 5. ed. vii, 115pp. obi. 2!4C. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston, Son tj'1 Co., 1890. ------. The same. 6. ed., revised and enlarged. viii pp., 124 ft', obi. 24°. Philadelphia, P. Blak- iston's Son 0Co., 1900. ------. The scientific work of Benjamin Frank- lin. An address. 9pp. 8U. [Philadelphia,1*90.] liepr. from: Proc. Am. Phil. Soc., Phila., 1890, xxviii. ■------. The Association of American Medical Col- leges. 59 pp. 8°. Easton. Pa., 1**-9S. Uepr.from: Bull. Am. Acad. M., Easton, Pa.. 1898. Holland (Mary A. Gardner). Our army nurses. Interesting sketches, addresses, and photographs of nearly one bundled of lhe noble women who served in hospitals and on battlefields during our civil war. 01* pp. 8°. Boston, B. Wilkin* 9-Co., 1,-2)5. Holland (P. H.) A report of the trial and ac- quittal of Mary Hunter, for the alleged murder of ber husband by arsenic; with arguments in proof of ber innocence, and strictures upon some parts of the medical jurisprudence of this coun- try, vi, 7-44 pp. 8 . Manchester, J. Gill ett. 1819. [P., v. 1358.] Holland (Philemon). See USsitiricron (Bricius). Pharmacopeia feti*.]. fol. Londini. 1029. Holland (Philip). See iVImldock (■). E.) \in\\. s.]. The "J. E. M." guide to Davos-l'latz. 12 . London, 1882. IloLaild (Robert G.) Pharinacopieia medico- cliinirgica in usum niedicinani faeientiuni. xi, 177 pp. 8°. Etlinburgi, apud .1. t'arfra- etfilium; Londini, apud Longman, Rees et al., 1831. Holland (Siegfried) [1-70- ]. *Zur Behand- lung des Struma. 21 pp., 1 1. Sw. Halle a. S., C. A. Hammerer if- Co., 1890. Holland (T. S.) A course of lectures on hydro- pin, bia; its history, pathology, and treatment. Compiled from manuscript notes of the late . . . delivered in 1he theatre of the North Chari- table Infirmary and City of Cork General Hos- pital bv T. C. Shinkwin. 68 pp. 12-'. Dublin, T. Decy, [1865], Holland*' (Paul) [1872- ]. * Du dosage de l'aeide lactique dans le contenu stomacal. [Lyons.] 52 pp. ,-''. Chambcry, 1,-98, No. 1. Eaculte de pharmacie. von Hollander (Paul) [1865- ]. * Ein Beitrag zur Anatomie der Scbeitelbeine des Menschen. 57 pp., 2 L, 1 pl. ,- . Konigsberg i, Pr., M. Liedtke, 1894. Hollands Magazyu, voorzien van aardryks- kundige, kistorische, philosophische, geneeskun- dige . . . aanmerkiiigen, beschryvingeu, [etc.], v. 1-3, 1750, 1756, 1761. S*-. Haarlem, J. Bosch. Hollaiidsche Maat.schappye der Wcotenschap- pen te Haarlem. Verhandelingen . . . 1754-93. v. 1-30 bound in 37. 8°. te Haarlem, 1757-93. v. 1, 3. ed.; v. 2, 2. ed. ------. Register, ofte hoofdzaaklyke inhoud der verhandelingen, enz. die in de twaalf eerste deeleii van de . . . voorkonien; op dor/elver verzoek opgemaakt door Job. Flor. Martinet. xxvi, 146 pp. sc. te Haarlem, J. Bosch, 1772. ------. Beredeneerd register ofte hoofdzaaklyke inboud der verhandelingen, die iu xxviii deelen van de . . . xxxii, 246 pp. 8°. te Haarlem $ Amsterdam, C. Plaat if-./. Allart, 1793. Bound with the preceding. ------. Natunrkuindige verhandelingen van de ... v. 1-24, 1799-1844; 2.8., v. 1-25, 1841-1866; 3. s., v. 1-4, Hft. 1-2, 5, 1870-91. 24 v., 8°; 30 v., 4°. Amsterdam

    . Miinchen, O. Back, 1892. Holledei'Ci' (Heinrich). * Feber beweglicbe Nieren un Kindesalter. 34 pp., 11. 8°. Erlan- gen, A. Vollrath, 1897. Hollefeld (Albert). * Beitrag zur Kenntniss der eoinpensiitorischen Leberbypertropliie beim Menschen. 29 pp. -°. Gbttingen, W. F. Kaest- iu r, 1896. Hoilefreillld (Paul). "Beitriige zur Ermitte- lung des Phosphois bei gerichtlich-eheiuisclien Untersuchungen. 35 pp. 8°. Erlangen, [R. Isaac, Charlottenburg], 18*90. Holleinan (Wonter). * Bijdrage tot de kennis der paihologie van bet deciduoma nialignuiu. 3 p. 1., 74 pp. 8°. Leiden, II. Klegu, 1-97. Ilolleillbaek (Henry). Tbe American eclectic materia, medica, containing one hundred and twenty-five illustrations of trees and plants of the American continent. xvi, 17-676 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, H. Rittenhouse, [1S65]. Hollen (Heiiuich) [1863- ]. * Zur Casuistik der Nieiengi'scbwiilste. 31 pp. 8°. Greifs- wald, .1. Abt I, 1890. Holleilleltz (Louis). * Des deviations rachifi- ques du thorax et, de leur influence sur les mala- dies du co'iir. 100 pp. 4-. Paris, 1*80, No. 194. Hollei-bllM-h (Joseph). * Ueber die intiaute- rinen Unterschenkelbruche. [Erlangen.] 44 pp. s-. Fiirth i. B., G. Rosenberg, lt-90. Hollerith (H[erniann]). An electric tabulat- ing system. pp. 239-256. s . [New York, 1889.] Cutting front: School of Mines Quarterly, N. Y.. 1889, x. Lsed in the preparation of statistics of the United States census. Ilollerius (Blasius). i .vie Hippoci-atrs. De natura hominis [etc.]. 16°. 1 Basilece, [15G2]. •221 HOLLICK. Holleiius SUmpanus [Hoilllier] (Jacolos | [ -lo..-]. De nu.riioriiin ctiiatione. KjiimI.-iii de febribus, de pesle. Ue remediis Kara ra-occ iu I Galeni libros. De materia ohyrurgica. Desi- | derii .lacotii Vandoperani et Cbrystophori Bur- oetisis Confolentanei opera nunc primuin quieter chyrurgiani) in lncem ivdita. et scboliis illus- tra'ta. 3 pts. in 1 v. I- p. 1., l**l 1.; L'S, 11 1. 16*-'. Parisiis, apud J. Maceum, 1565. ------. De niorborum internoriini cii ratione liber i, illustratus ernditissiinus Ludovici Dineti . . . •idversariis. opera Antonii Valetii Junianensis selectis. suisque locis digostis. Ejusdem Hollerii de febribus. peste. de remediis Kara ro-avc in Galeni libros, de materia chirurgica. Omnia priiuuin (pneter chirurgiani) Desiderii Jticotn Vandoperani et Clnistophori Burgensis . . . cura et diligentia in lncem edita, et s. holds e manii- sciiptis authoris codicibus depromptis locuple- tata. Adinonitio ad lectorem de viatieo novo nuper iuGermani a LaspariWolphii furto i*xcuss>. 3 pts. in lv. 23p. L, l-l pp.; 10-ff.. 111.; lie? ff. 12- Parisiis, apud J. Ma< eum, 1567. ------. The same. De nior.us inteini- libri ii. Auto. Valetii opera jam nunc niu to qnaiii an- tehac auction's et eiiiaculatior.s lacti. n-'ction (pneter antoris in priorem lib. scholia, aiqiie observationes scitu diguissiiuas. non ante excusas. et Ludovici Dineti ... in euudeni adversaria) Incident is ejusdem Valetii exercita- tionibus illustrati. Acce>s.*riuit ejusdem Hol- lerii ad lib. Galeni Kara -o-nvc Periodic viii, itemque de materia chirurgica lib. iii. singula eastigatiora. 3 pts. iu 1 v. 7 p. L, 296 1.; -3 I.; 132 1., port. 16°. Parisiis, apud C. Macaum. 1571. ------. The same. De morbis intenii<. libri ii. illu-trati doctissimis ejusdem aulhoris M'holiis et observationibus non antea excussis: deinde Ludovici Dnreti ... in euudem adveisariis: et Antbonii Vab t:i . . . exercitationibus luculentis . . . Qua* omnia Anthonii Valetii, medici opera aiu-Tiora et eastigatiora in lm-eiu prodeunt. 8 (16 I.), 297, -3 tf. 12-. Parisiis, apud C. Ma- co'iim, 1577. ------. The same. His recens accessif Tberapia puerperaruiii auotore Joanne Lebon. Omnia niulto coirectius quam autea unquain edita. 15 p. 1.. **64 pp. 24 . Francof urdi, ex off. J. Wecheli, 1591. -----. The same. 15 p. 1. -64 pp. 24=. Iron- cofurdi, N. Hoffmann, 1603. Le Bon: Therapia piiei-pei-arum wanting. ------. Ad libros Galeni de compositione niedi- cauientoruin Kara ro-ove, Perioelue viii. Nunc denuo mnlto quam antea unquain casiigatioics edttse. 4-0 pp.. 8 1. 24 2 Francof urdi, apud J. Wechelum, 10-9. Also contained iu editionsof 1565, 15(37, 1571, 1.377. of his: ' De niorborum iiiternorum curatione [supra]. ------. De materia chiruigica libri iii. Nunc nmlto correctius quam antea uinquain in lncem editi. Inhis: Ad libros Galeni [etc.]. 2-P. Francof urdi, lo6'.) 149-442. ------. In aphorismos Hippocratis coinmenlarii septem, illustrati scboliis doctissimis per Joan. Liebautium. 3 p. 1., **54 pp., 16 1. 1(1. Lipsin, inqj. H. Osthausii, 1597. ------. The same. Kecens per Joan. Liebautium ... in lncem editi, ejiisdemque scholiis doctis- simis illustrata. 7 p. 1., 472 ff., 14 1. 12 . [n.p.], P. 51. Sc. aUo, l»mel i Ludovions). Comnientai ins fete.]. >">. Parisiis. Kill. — Tiugiinll (Foam \in 1. s.). schi- rurgica institution!* [etc.]. l.d. Parisiis. 1542. ----- .'lhe same. Hi . IV.i.ti'.K. 1544. ------ |i/i 1. s |. The same. 12°. Venetiis. l'.lil.------[in, 1. *>|. The same. 12°. Lugduni 1500. ----- [in 1. s.|. The same. 12°. Lug- ,,11/n', 15li7. ------ [in 1. s.]. The .same. Instil utiomim i'hirur«;ieariini libri ouiuque. In: Ufkknkacii (P.) The- saurus (■hiriirsiiii'. fol. Francofurti, 1610. ------ [in l.s.). The same. Der chirurizijen instructie [etc.]. fol. Ant- werpen. |1595).------[oi 1. s. ]. Tho same. Institutions iii eirusiia [etc.]. IIP. Venetia, 1607. For 'liiouraphu. see (ia/.. med. dePar., 1889, 7. s.. vi, 229; 241: 265 i Albert us). -----. N. e, a Iso . Fies«inyei- (('.) La therapoutique de Jacques Hoiil- lier (1562). Gaz. med. de Par., 1S90. 9. a., iii. :i_s:i-285. AUo. in his: Therap. d. vieux maitres. Par.. lsOi. 7,-82. Hollestelle (A.) Gescbiedkiindige beschrijving van Tholen tn onistreken, samengesteld naar de oorspronkelijke bronnen en de pla.itselijke ge- steldheid van het land, viii, 471 pp., 1 map. **:. Middelburg, .1. C. A W. Allorffer, 1897. Hollett (Arthur P.) [1-47- ]. Annual direc- tory of homoeopathic physicians, societies, and institutions, in the State of New Fork. May, 1—1. 33 pp. *•". [Harana, N. Y., 1-**1.] Hoiletille (Marguerite-Caroline) [lTSil- Delaeoiix A.I Marguerite-Caroline Ilolleville. In his: r.i"2. .1. sanes-lciniiies. 4-. Par., 1834. 84-s7, port. Hollick (Arthur). s.r ,\iwberry (J. S. ) The later extinct floras of Xorth America. 4;. Washington, 1898. Hollick (Frederick). Outlines of anatomy and physiology, illustrated by a new dissected plate of the human organization and by separate views. Designed either to convey a general knowledge of these subjects in itself or as a key for explaining larger and more complete works. 4o pp., 1 pl. 4°. Philadelphia, T. B. Peterson, [1-16]. ------. Diseases of women, their causes and cure familiarly explained; with practical hints for tbeir prevention and for the preservation of female health. 63. ed. xiv, 15-166 pp., 2 pl. 16-. New York, Am. News Co., [1-49]. ------. Tbe family physician: or, the true art of healino- the sick' in all diseases whatever. 195 pp. lli-J. Philadelphia, T. 11. Peterson. [1-51]. ------. A popular treatise on venereal diseases in all tbeir forms; embracing their history and probable origin; their consequences, both to individuals and to society, and the best mode of treating them: adapted for general use. vii, 8-315, 797. ix pp., ti pl. 16-. New York. T. W. Strong, [1852]. ------.' The marriage guide, or natural history of generation; a private instructor for married per- sons and tluse about to marry, both male and female, iu everything concerning the physiol- ogy and relations of the sexual system and the production or prevention of offspriug; including all new discoveries, never before given iu the English language. 200. ed. 483 pp., 4 pl. 16*. New York, T. W. Strong, [1800]. HOLLIDAY. 222 HOLM. llolliday ( Benjamin Wliitcley ) [ 1817 - ]. The civic aspect of some of the common neuroses. 5 pp. •*i°. [Detroit, W. M. Warren, 1897.] Repr. from: .Medicine, Detroit, 1897, iii. HolKifla% (Charles H.) [1822-91]. V. (A. C.) Necrology. Tr. Illiuois M. Soc, Chicago, 1892, xiii, 33, port. HoIEiriav (Daniel Chemiere) [1824-89]. (Obituary.) X. Orl.M. .r>6T-161*2]. Medieamen- toruin oicononiia nova, sen, quod idem est, nova medicamentoriim, in classes, sedes, atque fa- milias, distribuendorum ratio. 303 pp. 16 . Ingolstadii, 1610. For Biography, seeDict. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1891, xxvii, 172 (T. Cooper). [HolliilSS(Jehn)] [1683?-1739]. Status huma- na* nat une expositus iu oratione coram medicis Londinensibus, habita festo D. Lucie die 1734. 48 lip. 4 . Londini, J. Tonson, 1734. For Biography, see Diet. Nat. lliog., Lond., 1891, xxvii, 172 (G. Goodwin). HolliiiKSWOrtli (Jesse). See AJ. Montreal, 1800. Holmes (Mrs. Basil). The London burial grounds. Notes on tbeir histon from tbe earli- est times to the present day. Illustrated. 339 pp. 12-. New York, Macmillan . — |OI>iliiurv.| Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, Hurt lord, 1900, ix pt. I, 199—iv. (C. D.) Dr. Kdward L. Holmes. 0|ililh. Hoc Chicago, 1898, vii, 1.22. Holmes (Gordon). The hygiene of the throat and ear. A popular guide to the causes, preven- tion, and curability of their diseases, viii, 77 pp. 12. London, J. (;-<)6]. Kelly (H. A.) Horatio Peese Holmes. Tr. Am. Gynoc. Sue, Phila., 1897, xxii, :!10-:*12, port. Holmes (HowardM.) Incineration of the dead; a paper read before the U and I Club, Lansing, Mich., October 11, 1880. 11 pp. 8°. [Lancas- ter, 1887.] Repr.from: Modern Crematist, Lancaster, Pa., 1887. Holmes (Hoivland) [1815-93]. Portkk {Rev. E. G.) Howland Holmes, M. D. 8-'. [n.p., I89n.] Holmes (Oliver Wendell) [1809-94]. Response of Oliver Wendell Holmes to [a] toast, proposed at tbeenteitaiiinient given to the American Med- ical Association, by the physicians of the City of New York at Metropolitan Hall, ou the 5th of May. 1**T)3. 11. fol. New York, Baker, Goodwin ty Co., [\8-)9]. ------. Address delivered at, the dedication ot the Boston Medical Library Association, on De- cember 3, 1878. 39 pp. sm'. l'J. Cambridge, Riv- erside Press. 18-1. ------. Medical essays, 1842-82. xvii. 44.1 pp., port. 12 . Boston t,- New York, Houghton, Mif- flin cf* Co., 189\. Lines on the presentation of his portrait to the Philadelphia College of Physicians, .Sat- urday, April 30, 1892. 2 1. 8*-. [n.p., 1892.] See, nl to. lulcriniiral burials, [etc.]. 8°. [Boston, 1879.|-i\«'i«lliai'€l (Charles) [in 1. s.]. An answer to the lIoinii'o]iiiilii.-ilclusions [etc.]. 8°. Philadelphia. 1842.— Okie (A. Iloward) [ml. a.). Homoeopathy, [etc.]. 10°. Bouton, 1812. For Biography, see I.ee (H.) Oliver Wendell Holmes. 8:. [Boston, 18()4.|—lHor»«' (J. T.), jr. Life, and letters of Oliver Wend.-ll Holmes. 2 v. 12°. Boston <£■ Neie Tori.-. 1891).—Aoye* (I. P.I Oliver Wendell Holmes. Callev shoot. From: Kai rauansett Times, Nov. 2, 1894.— Oliver Wendell llolcne*. Cutting from: Travellers line, Hartford. Nov., 1891, no. 8. See, also: Boston M. &-. S •!.. 1894, exxxi, 375-380. port. AUo: Iirit. M. J.. Lond., 1894. ii, 829-841 (W. T. Gaird- ner). AUo, Reprint. Also: Fortnightly Rev.. Lond., 1886. u. s.. xl, 235-242 (E. Delille). Also: Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Ball., 1894, v, 85-88 (W. Osier). AUo, Re- print. AUo: Lancet, Loud., 1894, ii, 882. AUo: Practi- tioner, Loud., 1901, lxvi, 73-78. AUo : Prov. M. J., Lei- cester, 1894, xiii, alii, port. See, also Complimentary dinner to Professor Oliver Wendell Holmes, M. 13., LL. D., by the medi- cal profession of New York City. Delmonico's, April 12th, 1*83. 12°. New York, [1883]. Fakkwkll address of Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Parkman professor of anatomy in the medical school of Harvard University, delivered Nov. 2*, 1882. 1 pliotog. pl. Heliotype Printing Co., Boston, [18*2]. Mitchell (S. YV.) Verses read on the pres- entation by ... to tlie Philadelphia College of Physicians of Sarah YV. Whitman's portrait of Oliver Wendell Holmes, associate fellow. April 30th. 1892. sm. 4\ [Philadelphia, 1892.] Abbot (S. L.) A reminiscence of Dr. Holmes. Bos- ton M. \- S. J., 1895, exxxii. 267.—Boston Medical Li- brary Association; Holmes memorial mooting. Boston M. & S. J.. 1894. exxxi, o84-.".9().-l>wislit (T.) Remi- niscences of Dr. Holmes as professor of anatomy. Scrib- ner's Mag.. N. Y., 1895, xvii, 121-128.—Em l-y's-Joiica (A.) The medico-ethical teachings of Oliver Wendell Holmes Prov. M. J.. Leicester. 1889, viii, 650-654. For Portrait, gee Collection of I'orlr. (Libr.). -. Haxall (Robert W.) & Bell (Luther V.) Dissertations ou the question how far are the external means of exploring tbe condition of the internal organs to be considered useful and important in medical practice? For which premiums were adjudged by the Boylston medi- cal committee of Harvard University, 183G. viii, 9-288 pp. 8C. Boston, Perkins j- Marvin, 1836. Holmes (Stephen). The book of lhe goat. Containing practical directions for the manage- ment of the milch goat in health and disease, 60 pp. 8°. London, [1874]. Holmes (T. K.) On the treatnient of some febrile diseases by the externa! application of cold. 14 pp. 8~. Montreal, Lorell Print. ,(' Publ. Co., 1879. ------. Puerperal mania. 10 pp. 12c. [Toronto, I8**r>.] Repr. from: Canad. Pract., Toronto, 1885, x. ------. The president's address delivered before the Canada Medical Association, August, l-**l>. 16 pp. 12°. [Toronto. 1880.] Uepr.from: Canad. Pract.. Toronto, 1886, xi. Holmes (T[imothy]). Tbe surgical treatment of tbe diseases of infancy and childhood. 2. ed. xxxv, 087 pp., 9 pl. 8°. Philadelphia, Lindsay Jj- Blakiston, 1**69. —■----. On provident dispensaries, proof-sheet. fol. [London, 1878.] ------. A treatise on surgery, its principles and practice. 2. ed. xlvii, 976 pp. 8°. London, Smith, Elder $ Co., 1878. ------. The same. 5. ed., edited by T. Pickering Pick. Iii, 1004 pp. roy. 8°. London, Smith, Elder ty Co., 1*88. ------. The same. 5. ed., edited by T. Pickering Pick, xxiii, 33-1008 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Lea Brothers ty Co., 18*9. ------. An address on medical education and medical institutions, delivered at the opening of the St. George's Hospital Medical School, Octo- ber 1, 188.">. 23 pp. 8°. London, J. K. Adlard, 1880. ------. Address of the president of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society of London, at the annual meeting, March 2, 1891. 37 pp. 8-\ London, Adlard cy Son, 1891. ------. Sir I'enjaiiiiii Collins Brodie. 25") pp., port. 12°. London, T. F. Unirin, 1898. See. also, l»ixon (James). Diseases of the eye [etc.]. 8°. London. Hull. -----. Pathological Society of London. A general index [etc.]. 8°. London, 1864.—Sywtein (A) of surgery. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1870. Holme* {Walter Hamlin) [l. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Waterhury, 100o. 257. Holmes (William H[enryJ) [184(1- ]. Tex- tile fabrics of ancient Pern. 17 pp. 8°. Wash- ington, Govt. Print. Office, 1889. Smithsonian lust. Bur. Ethnol. [Occasional papers. | ------. An ancient quarry in Indian Territory. 19 pp., 12 pl. 8J. Washington, Gort. Print. Office, 1894. Holuiestraiicl. See Waters {Mineral), by localities. Holmgren (A. W.) Om de officinela och om de nyare liikemedelus dosering, lbsningsforhal- landen, anviindnings satt m. m. Om gifter och motgifter. Handbok for liikare, med. stud., apotekare, veteriuaier och tandliikare. [The officinal and the later remedies, doses, ratios of solubility, manner of administration, etc. Poi- sons and antidotes. Handbook for physicians, students, apothecaries, veterinarians, aud den- tists.] 149 pp., 1 1. Interleaved copy. Hi*-. Malmb, Enroll 0- Full, [1893]. Holmgren ([Alarik] Fritbiof) [1831-97]. Om den hvita blodcelleu. [The white blood cells.] 122 pp. 8-. [Upsala, 1801.] Repr. from: Upsala Lrniv. Arsskr. Med., 1861. ------. Ueber die elektrische Stromschwankung am thiitigen Muskel. Vorlauhge Mittheilung. 11. 8°. [Berlin, 1801.] [P., v. 1892.] Repr.from: Centralbl. 1". d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1864, ii. HOLMGREN. 225 HOLEOYR Holmgren ([Alarik] Eritbiof)—continued. -----. Ueber die negative Sehwankung des Muskelstromes im nervenfreien Mnskelgewebe. Vorlantige Mittheilung. 1 1 8 . Berlin, H. S. Hermann, [1801]. [P., v. 1892.] Repr. from: Centralbl. f. d. mod. Wissensch., Herl. 18C4, ii. -----. Om ophthalinoni! trar. 40 pp. s . [Up- sala, P.. Berling. 1871.] Repr. from: I'psala Liikarcf. Forh., 1870-71, vi. -----. Om retinas riiinnien. [Retinal impres- sions.] 37 pp. - . [Upsala. E. Heeling, 1871.] Repr. from : Upsala. Liikaref. Fiirli.. 1870-71. vi. ------. Xagra ord om vigteu och betydelsen af kroppsi'iliiingai-. [On the importance and sig- nificance of gymnastics. ] 32 pp. - . U)>salu, E. Berling, 1**73. Repr. from: Upsala Liikaref. Fiirli., 1873-4. ix. ------. Om fargblindlieten i .less fbrhallande til jernaviigstialiki'ii och sj«"»\ iisendet. [Color- blindness and it^ relatiou to railway traffic and seamanship.] 1 p. 1.. 172 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8-. Upsala, E. Berling, 1-77. Repr. from : Upsala Liikaref. Fiirli., ls7i',-7, xii. ------. Om de fiirgade sknogonia och fargblind- lieten. [Color peiception and color blindness.] 110 pp., 1 L, 1 pi. 8 . Upsala, E. Berlin/, 1878. Repr. from: I'psala Liikaref. l'orh., 1*77-8. xiii. ------. The same. Color-blindness in its relation to accident- by rail and sea pp. 1:51-200. ■-'". Washington. Govt. Print. Office. 1-78. Cuttiii'i [rover with printed title] from: Rep. Smith- son. Inst. Is77. Wash.. 1878. ------. The same. Die Farbenblindheit in ihren liezielnmgen zu den Eisenbahnen nnd der Ma- line. iv, H')2 pp.. 1 pl. 8*. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1-7-. ------. 1-Jidrag till belysning af fragau om fiirg- siniiets historisk.i utveckliug. [Contribution to the illustration of the question of the historical development of color-blindness. ] 3- pp. 8^. Upsala, 1-79. Repr. from ■ Cpsala Lakaref. Forh.. 1879-80. xv. ------. Hum de targblinda se fiiigirna. Fiirut- skiokadt ineddehmde. [How t !<■ color-blind seecolnis.] 7pp. **-. Upsala. F. Furling, 1-8*0. Repr. from: Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1-sn-si. xvi. ------. Tankar om kroppsi">!'i,;.|oai -a.siim ett af viii t folk- angeliiguaste beliof. [ Thoughts on the | necessity of physical exercise for our people. J 27 pp., l'pl. 12 ". .**/.,< koohn, A. Bonniers, [l-^l]. Also, Editor of: "»I. :i u .- ICiimnciiiiin ( W. ) PeLer den Worth d.-s llolocni'iis Iii i- r 1111111 -1 a l v 11U < 11 *»ii i s e 11 o Opcra- tionen. ('haute-A nn. I'.erl ls97. xxii, l.".s-4(is.— <'«»«■.«•- man« iK.i I, IioIoimh.o en oto-larynuolonie. Pull. Soe. hef.'oilolol.otdolarynLo,]., Unix., 1890-7, ii. 92-107. AUo: Kev. hehd. de laryni'iil. [ete.|. Par.. 1897, xvii, 1472-11,-8. AUo: Kev. internal, do rhinol., otol. et, hirvnjrol., Par, 1897. vii, J08-512.— I>alen (A.) Om holokamet. siirskildt nied hiinsyn till doss inverkan |iii hoi lihinnoepitelot och pa liikuingeii af pcrl'orer.in.lo snitt i horn li in nan. | L'holo- I'ai'iie, considmee princ pal. inent au point de vue de son influence sur lepitlieliuni et sur la jiiirrison des plnics perl..unit, s do la cornee. C.-r., no. 21, l.| Nord. med. Ark., Sioekholm, 1S98. ii. F., ix, 4. Hft., no. IC, 1-2.".. 2 pl.— I»e l,uiil«lieere (.1.) I/holoc.Ine. Presse nied. beige, Unix., 1898. 1. 130-133.— I»erli) (II.) The now local an- esthetic, holocain. I'.osiou M. a S. ,L, 1S97, exxxvi, 540. ------. Holocain in opt lit lialnue surgery; its superiority over cocaine; its therapeutic value. Arch. Ophth.. X. Y., 1899, xwiii. 4", 12 ■<:ili'ii!ia<,'. cocaine. J. Am. M. Ass.. Olnca.no. 1897, xxix. 1012. Knapp (II.) Noli/, iiber die Anv. endiing vou Holocain. Arch. f. Aii.uenh.. Wiesh.. It Oil. xl, 2(i8.— Iiiivraml ill.) I. Iiolocine coinine anc.^thesiipie locale en oto-Ian-iiLiolo^io. J. d. sc. nied. de Lille. 1898. i, 31)5- 341.—IVn In n »o n (AY.) (I dielstvii i priinieiienii novavo sredstva dl.ya miestiioi anestezii: holokainu. |Oti the ac- tion and npplication of the new remedy, holoc iii), for local ana'stliesia.] Ejened. jour. ' Prakt. ined.". St. Petersb., 1MI7. iv. 437-444. AUo, trunsl..- St. Pot. rsb. med. WMin- schr., 189.. n. F., xiv, 304-307. AUo, transl. |Abstr]: Compt.-rend. ("onu. internat. do med. 1897, Mosc, 1898, vi, sec*-. 11. 284-287.— Randolph (R. L.) Conclusions from clinical and bacteriological experiments with holo- cain. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Pull., Halt., b*98, ix, 154.— Kieelii (G ) llell' olocaiua quale anestctico dell' occhio. Aim. di ottal., Pavia, 1901, xxx, 202-21] —,»>lici'ci' (J. VY.) Holocain. the new local anicstlietic. Kansas City M. Index, 1898, xix, 167-170. Hololliurit. rend. Soc. de biol., Par.. 1884, 8. s., i, pt. 2, .".78-.".80. — ICiimko (A.) Sui valore morfologico c funzionalo deuli oi oaui di Cuvier delle olo- turie. Monitoro zool. i 1 al., I'iien/.c, 1899, x. 133-141. 1 pl. -----. Sulla fun/.ione lenale dell' orgauo uenilnle dello olotnrie. Kicerche n. lab. di anat. norm. d. i. I'niv. di Koma, 19(10-1901, viii, 83-91, 1 pl. .lto [Abstr.|: Moni- toro zool. ital., Pireu/.e. 1900, xi, siippl.. 38-11. .*>< hullx (K.) Leber d. n Pio/.ess dor Kxkrelion bei deu Holothu- rien. Piul. Contralhl., Leipz., 189."), xv, 390-398. Ilolollivrus. fit-^iiiii (P.) Un acai ien dan^eri'iix des iles do la mer des Imles. Pull. Acad, de mid., Par.. 1897, 3. s., xxxviii, 187-193. <1« llolowinski (A.) A d<> Paw inski. L'eclieiclies canliograpliiiines. 99 pp.. 1 tab., 2 cli. L. [Saint- Petcrsbonrg, 1-iL'.] Repr. from: Arch. biol. nauk . . . S .peterb., 1892, 1. Ilolowko (Anton) [18C4- J. * Kin Beitrag znr Prophylaxe dor PnerpcralerkTanknngon mit liesonderer Hcriicksielitignng; der Lehre vou der Sellistinlectioii. 78 pp., 1 1. 8 2 Dorpat, C. Matliesni, 1890. IIoll'0) medico. 5 p. L, 136pp., 11. 8 . Christiania:, •I. Lehmann, 1810. -------. Om de sanitaire Forholde i Fssngsler efter nyere Systeiner. [On the sanitary conditions of prisons under later systems.] 30 pp. 8°. [ Christiania. Gnldberg Ly Dzwonkowski, 1840. ] [P., v. 199L] Repr.from: Norsk Mag. f. Lsegevidensk., Christiania, 1840. i. ------. Om Sygepleien i Straffeanstalterne i Norge. [The nursing of the sick in the prisons of Norway.] iv, 112 pp. 8-\ Christiania, Gnld- berg d* Dzwonkowski, 1841. [P.. v. DDL] Repr. from: Norsk Man. f La>sevidensk., Christiania, 1841, ii. VOll Hoist (Heinrich) [1858- ]. * Zur Aetio- logie der "Puerperalinfeetion" des Foetus und Neiigehoreneu. 47 pp. 8°. Dorpat, Schnaken- burg, 1 •***—* 1. Hoist (Jacob). De ilaiunmla cordis dissertatio. 7n . Bartiioi.inls (Thomas). De tlammula cordis epis- tola (etc.]. 12°. Hafnice, [1(567], 15-115. VOll Hoist (Johannes) [1823- ]. Concep- tionstermin und Schwaugerschaftsdauer. 55 pp. 8*-'. Dorpat cf Fellin, E. J. Karow, 1881. VOll Hoist {Leopold Heinrich) [1834-88]. Obituary.] St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1888, n. P., v, 75. voil Hoist (Max) [186.")- ]. * Ueber die Rav- naiid'sche Krankheit svinnietrischer Hautgau- graen. 60 pp., 2 1. 8°.' Hidle a. S., C. A. Kaem- nurer ty Co., 1896. von Hoist (Rudolph). *Zur Frage iiber die Extraction des nachfolgenden Kopl'es mit der Zange. 30 pp., 11. 8rj, Jena, G. Xeuenhahn, 1891. von Hoist (V[alentin]) [1839- ]. Ueber die Bedeutung der Behandlung vou Nerveiikranken in besonderen Anstalteu. 22 pp. 8°. Riga, A. Stieda, 1889. ------. Die Behandlung der Hysteric der Neu- r.sthenie und ahnlicher allgenieiner functio- neller Neurosen. 2. Autl. 7.") pp. 6°. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 18**3. ------. The same. 3. Aufl. 98 pp. 8J. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1891. Hoist.- (Arnold). * Ueber Harnleiterunterbin- duiig. 46 pp., 1 1. 8-. Gbttingen, W. F. Kdstner, l,**8s. ------. Trockene und nasse Flechti-n uud Haut- ausschliige, ihre Entstehung, ihr Wesen und Ihre Heilung. Hrsg. von ... 26 pp. 8°. Leip- zig, Picker, [1900?]. Holstein. See Dithmarsch disease; Plague {History, etc., of), by localities. H| Olstcili] {Mrs. [AnnaM.]) Three years in held hospitals of the Army of the Potomac, vii, 9-131 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, J. li. Lippincott ,('■ Co.. 1*0)7. de Holsteill (Vladimir) [1847- ]. * Les in- jections d'6ther iodoforni6 dans le traitement des abces froids. 43 pp. Y. Paris, 1887, No. 309. See, also, Kovnlrvaky (P.-J-) Ivrognerie [etc.]. 12°. Kharkoff, 1889. -----. Hygiene et traitement des maladies mentales. 12°. Paris, 1890. IfolSteil (George D.) Eruptions from iodide of potassium, with report of a case of dermatitis tuberosa from- the iodide. 19 pp. 12*-. [New York, 1892.] Repr. from: N. York M. J., 1892, lv. ------. Acne. 14 pp. 12'*-'. [Philadelphia, Lea Bro*. j- Co., 1893.] Repr. from: Med. News, Phila., 1893, lxiii. -------. Report of a case of dermatitis medica- \ nientosa from iodoform, potassium iodid, and aristol. 0 pp. 12°. [Philadelphia, 1893.] Repr.from: Med. News, Phila., 1893, Ixii. HolSti (Hugo). Bidrag till kannedomen af den granulara njuratrofin. [Contribution to the knowledge of granular atrophy of the kidney.] 99 pp., 1 pl. 8 . Helsingfors, J. C.Freuckell <$■ Son, 1883. Holswortliy. See Statistics ( Vital), by localities. Holt (Alfred F.) [1838-'J0J. Catalogue of the medical library of tin* late Dr. ... 8 pp. 8C. I [n.p.], 1891. For Biotjraphy, see Boston M. & S. J., 1891, exxiv, 22. Holt (Barnard [Wight]) [1816-94]. Opinions and statistics ou the immediate treatnient of stricture of the urethra by the employment of the "strictine dilator". 56 pp. 12°. London, J. Welch, 1865. Fur Biography, see Lancet, Lond., 1894, i, 715. AUo: Westminst. Hosp. Rep., Loud., IS95, ix, 9-11 . New Haven, J. H. Benham, 1845. Holt (E[rastus] E[ugone]) [1-49- ]. Otitis media suppurativa. 15 pp. 8°. Po Hand, S. Berry, 1878. Repr. from: Tr. Maine M. Ass., Portland, 1877-9, vi. -----. Orbital cellulitis. 12 pp. 8°. [Hartford, 1892. ] Repr. from: Ir. Am. Ophth. Soc, Hartford, 1891-3, vi. -----. Removal of steel from the vitreous by the electro-magnet. 3 pp. 8-. [Hartford], 1893. Rtpr.from: Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc. Hartford, 1891-3, vi. AUo.Editorof: Journal of Mediciueand Science,Port- land, Me. , 1894-6. Holt (Joseph). Analysis of the record of yellow fever in New Orleans in 1876. 16 pp. 8°. [New Orleans, 1876?] [P., v. 2034.] -----. Yellow fever in New Or eans during the year 1879. 11pp. 8°. Neic Orleans, L.Graham, 1**79. Repr. from: N. Orl. M. &. S. J., 1879-80, n. s., vii. ------. Board of health of the State of Louis- iana; its policy declared in the resolutions adopted at the reorganization, April 12th, 1884; inaugural address of the president. 9 pp. 8°. New Orleans, 1884. Repr. from: N. Orl. M. i S. J., 1883-1, n. s., xi. ------. Quarantine and commerce, their antago- nism destructive to the prosperity of city and state. A reconciliation an imperative necessity. How this may be accomplished. [Together with an act presented by tin* board of health for the consideration of the general assembly of the State.] 19pp. .8°. [Xew Orleans, 1884.] Repr.from: Picayune & Times-Democrat, N. Orl., 1884. HOLT. 227 HOLT. Holt (Joseph"!—continued. ------. Tbe new quarantine system. 12 pp. 8 . JWir Orleans, L. Graham 9- Sou, 1-85. Repr. from: X.Orl.M. .V S. J.. lsS4-.">, xii. ------. Prevention of yellow fever. [A letter to George M. Sternberg.] 3 pp. 8*'. [Xew Orleans, 1*80.] ■------. A reply to a letter entitled "Dr. .Joseph Holt and steam as a disinfectant".1 Commer- cial relations with Brazil as affected by quaran- autine regulations.- 15 pp. 8°. New Orleans, 1—5. * Repr. from: X. Oil. M. \- S.J., 18S.">-r>. n. s., xiii. 1 Repr. from: X. Orl. Press. Oct. 20, lsS.V ------. The sanitary relief of New Orleans. 15 pp. **\ New Orleans, L. Graham d'- Son, 1880. Repr. from: X. Orl. M. \- S. J., lsS.Vti. u. s., xiii. ■------. "some quarantine reflections. 7 pp. 8 . [Xew Orleans. 18-5.] R,pr. fri'in : X. Oil. M. \- S. J., JsS.-). j,. s., xiii. ------. Excerpt a from lhe biennial report of the board of health to the general assembly of the state of Louisiana, 18-4-5. 44 pp. ,-*\ New Orleans, E. A. Braudao d'- Co . 1--6. ■------. The National Board of Health in its rela- tions to the Mississippi Valley and states of the Cult. 10 pp. -~. New Orleans, F. A. Brandao 4- Co.. 1-80). Repr. from: Rep. Bd. Health Louisiana ls84-,">. Baton Rouge, 1886. ------. Prevention of yellow fever. Commercial relations with Brazil, as affected by quarantine regulations. Brazil and New Orleans. 12 pp. t-. New Orleans, L. Graham cf Son. [1886]. ------. The proposed yellow fever commission and the National Board of Health. 0 pp. - . [Atlanta, 1-80.] Repr. from: Atlanta M. i S. J., 1886-7, xxvii. ------. The sanitary protection of New Orleans, municipal and maritime. 15 pp. - . [JYeti1 York, 1—6.] Repr. from: Sauitarian, N. T., 1886, xv. ------. 'In shipping all industries unite." Con- ference of the American Shipping aud Industrial League, held at Pensacola,Fla., Nov. 10-12,18-ij, Addie-s on relation of quarantine to shipping interests. 15pp. .**>-. [Pensacola, 1—-6.] ------. The quarantine system of Louisiana. Methods of disinfection practised. An adden- dum to the report of the committee of the Ameri- can Public Health Association. 20 pp., 9 pl. obi. 16-. Neir Orleans, L. Graham p. 12*-. London, Field , J. B. Waylandt, 1757. Holtli(Hi*e (Carsten) f 1810-90]. Obituary. Pi it. M. J., Lond., 1901, ii, 350.— Obit- nary. Lancet, Lond., 1901, ii. 319. Holtiliami (Gustav) [1872- ]. 'T Multiple Polvpen des Colon mit Gallertkrebs. 15 pp. 8°.* Kiel, P. Peters, 1896. Holtllieier (Friedench) [1861- ]. * Leber Arthrodesis, nebst Beschreibung einiger neuer Fiille. 31pp. 8*-. Greifswald, J. Abil, 188>i. Holtoil (Henry D[wight]) [183**- ]. Medi- cal legislation. 14 pp. 8-. [Burlington, 1-89.] Repr. from: Tr. Yermont M. Soc, Burlington, 1889. Holtz [Eduard] [1844- ]. Leefregels voor lijders aan jicht en rheumatisme. L)e ontvet- tings methoden van Ebstein en Oertel-Schwe- ninger. Xaar het Duitsch door A. Arn. J. Quan- jcr. 64 pp. 12~. Amsterdam, Seyffardt, [1888]. Holtz (Heinrich [Karl Ernst]) [1859- ]. "Die Varicen und ihre Behandlung, mit beson- derer I'eriicksichtigung der Vena saphena. 22 pp. 8 -'. Greifsicald, J. Abel, 1886. Holtz (Hermann) [1873- ]. #Kasuistischer Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Ibomausschlage. 26 pp. 8^. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1896. Holtzapffel (Jacobus). Medicina ab appro- briis vindicata et inedicus indigne vapulans. 10 1. roy. 8°. Lipsia; J. Wittigau, 16(51. -----. * Lie febribus in genere. 27 pp. sin. 4°. Heidelbergce, J. C. Walter, 1665. Holtzc (Joannes Richaidus) [1-24- ]. * De febriuin intern ttentinm geographia. 1 p. 1., 36 pp. 8°. Vraiislaviee, typ. C. H. Stonhii ,('• soc, [1849]. Holtzemius [Holtzlieim] (Petrus) [ 1659]. Essentia hellebori extracta, in giatiam novorum hujus pat r he et sieculi niedicoruni, mm minus faceta, quam necessaria. 46 pp. 12s Colonial Agripphue, in off. Birckmaunica, 1616. -----. The same. 68 pp. 16°. Coloniw Agrip- phue, iu off. Birckmaunica, 1623. Holtzer (Emil) [1-61- ]. *Zur doppelsei- tigen SerratnsliUiinung. 33 pp. 8*-'. Berlin, H. S. Hermann, 1885. Holtzin^er (Ernst). Zur Casuistik der per- forirenden Sarcome der Dm a mater. [Tubin- gen.] 16 pp. -°. Rudols'adt, F. Milzlaff, 1-(J3. Holtzinger (F[ridrich] F[ridricliovitch] ) [1,-65- ]. * Chuvstvnyushtshiye piiti v spin- uom mozgu; eksperinientalnoye izsliedovan'ie. [Sensory i>alhs in the spinal cord; experimental research.] 64 pp., 1 1. 8-. S.-Peterburg, M. S. Person, 1890. Holtzkluil (Adolph). * De cuiationibus he- roicis, maxima cum circuinspectioue adlnbendis. 19 pp. 4°. Lugd. Bat., C. Wishof, [1723], [P., v. 1916.] Holtzinann (Alt'ons). * Ueber die Varicen tier unteien Extreiuitaten und ihre operative Be- handlung, nebst Mitleiliing einer neuen Modifi- cation der bisherigen Behandlungsmethoden. 131 pp., 1 1. 8°. Strassburg i. E., W. Fritdrich, 1898. Holtziliami (G[einakh] A[vramovicli]) [1864- ]. ~K voprosu o leikotsitozie. [On leuco- cytosis. ] 52 pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, A. Mutchnik, 1899. Holtziliami (Heinrich). * Die Entstehung der congenitalen Luxationen der Hiifte und des Kuies und die Unibildung der luxirteu Gelenk- theile. [.Slrasbuvg.] 59 pp., 1 pl. 8C. Berlin, 1895. Holtziliami (Joannes Fridericus). * De nien- struationis statu sauo et morboso. 62 pp. 12°. [Wiicebnrgi], ti/p. I. P. Bayrhoferi, 1809. Holtziliami (K[arl] M[atvieyevieh] ) [ l-**54- ]. Kratkiy kurs chastnol patologii i terapii vnutrennikh bolTeznet domashnikh zhivotnikli. [Brief course of special pathology and therapy of internal diseases of domestic animals.] 2. ed. Pt. 1. 97 pp., 1 1. 8°. Kazan, B. L. Dombrorski, 1900. Holwell (Edtcard Baines) [1855-1901]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1901, i, 249. Holwell ( J[ohu] Z[ephaniah]) [1711-98]. | An account of the manner of inoculating for the small-pox in the East Indies, with some obser- vations on the practice aud mode of treating that disease in those parts. 40 pp. 8*. London, T. Becket cy P. A. De Houdt, 1767. [P., v. 1875.] Holy Trinity Ragged Schools and Holy Trinity Certified Industrial Schools, Liverpool. Annual report of the committee to the subscribers. 2., 1870. 42 pp. 8°. Liverpool, G. Philip ty Son,1871. Holyhead. See Hospitals {Naval), by localities. Holyhead Sailors' Hospital. See Sailors' Hos- pital, Holyhead. Holyoke. Board of Health. Annual reports to the'mavor and city council, for the years l8<)3-4; 1-95-6'to 1899-1900. 8°. Holyoke, 1895-1901. Holyoke City Hospital. Annual reports of the executive committee to the association. 2.-5., 1S05-8. 83. Holyoke, 1896-9. Holyroyd (Arthur Todd). *De homceopathia. 25 pp., 1 1. 8J. Edinburghi, J. Walker, 1830. HOLY-WATKK. 229 HO MAN. HolV-water (Microbes in). \bbn (F.) Sulle pessiiue condizioni butteriolo^icho dell' acqua henedettii nelle ehioso. Atti d. Cons- na/.. o' ig. letc 1 1898 Torino. 1899, 31I.-222. AUo: Riv. d' ig. e sun pubh. 'I'orino. 1899. x, S79-Ss5. 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(Robert) [1-63- ]. " Ueber ph'itz- li< hen Tod bei Pleuritis exsudativa. 36 jip., 11. 8 . Halle a. S.. C. A. Kaemmerer <)'' Co., 1 — . Holzt'l*. Aerztlicher Tasi henkaleuder mit Ta- gesnotizbuch. Ein unentbchrliches Tasclien- buch fiir praktische Aerzte mit besonderer Riick- ~.nht auf Uni\itaten, Jiadeiirzte und Curorie, 3., 1876; 7., 1-0; 13., 1-8,8; 18.-20., 1-91-3. [1 —: 1891-3, hrsg. von Dr. Steinschneider.] 16 . Wien, M. Pales, 1876-93. Holzer (Anton). * Ueber das Auftreten von jauclugen Abseessen in den Lungen und jauehi- ger Pleuritis nach aspiiiiten groheu Fremdkdr- liern iu die Ibonehicii. l'i pp. **°. Strassburg, J. H. E. IP it:, 18-5. HolzlliillSer (Karl;. *Blascnsteine nut Sei- denfaden. 38 pp.. 1 1. 8-. Strassburg i. E., C. ty J. Goilier, 1-98. Holziuger (Jakob) [1*7--- ]. * Feber eiu Fibroin des Ductus hepatieus. '23 pp., 11. 8 . Miinchen, M. Ernst, 1901. Qloi/uiol. KoMiibii'i (P.) Ueber die Wirkung von Hol/.in, Hol/.iiiolund Sieiilonn. Deutsche nied. Wchnschr., Leip/. u. Kerb, 1897, xxiii, Therap. I'.eil. 53-56. -----. Weitere Ileitiiige zur l'chandlung- mit Ilol/.inol und Stenlorm. Allg. med. Contr. Ztg.. Herl.. 18!I8. lxvii, 479 482. llolzkliecllt itJuido). Die n'mlgenolngische Diagnostik der ErUrankungcn der Brusteinge- weide. viii (1 1.1, 229 pp.,* pl. fol. Hamburg, Grii/e A- Sillcu, I'.IUl. Forms Krjinzngshft. No. li of: Fortschr. a. d. Ceb. der Rontgeustrahlen. Holziiiami (.[Karl (iustav Oskar] Ernst ) [186-1- ]. " Fibroma niolluscuin pennagiium labii maioris dcxtri. [Marburg.] "27 pp., 2 pl., iv pp. S-\ [Magdeburg, J. Bruckner], 1-96. Holziiiami (Max) [1869- ]. "Zur klini- schen Keuntnis der akuten Endokarditis. 2- p]i., 2 I. 80 Herlin, C. Vogt, [1894]. Holziiiami (Menachim) L1874- ]. * Ergeb- nisse der Lumbalpuuction an Kindern bei Me- ningitis tuberculosa. -1*2 pp., I 1. 8. Berlin, G. Schade. 1900. Holziiiami (Moritz). " Ueber Tetanus. 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[St. Louis, 1890.] Repr. from: Weekly M.Kev., Chicago A: St. Louis, 189o. xxii. ______. The relation of land monopoly to popula- tion health. 9 pp. *\ Concord, N. H., Re- publican Press Ass., 1891. liepr. from: Tr. Am. Tub. Health Ass. 1890, Concord, 1891, xvi. ______. Extension del uso del vapor ii elevada temperatura a la disinl'occidn municipal y do- mestica. 7 pp. 8 >. Mexico, Murgniii, b-92. Am. Tub. Health Ass. K.I).. Mexico, 1892. ------. Land liberation as a public health meas- ure. 7 pp. H-'. Concord. N. H., Republican Press Ass, 1*92. liepr. from: Tr. Am. Pub. Health Ass. 1891, Concord, 1892,'xvii. ______. The extension of the use of live steam lo municipal and household disinfection. 0 pp. i-'■-. Concord, Republican Press Ass., 1899. Repr. from .- Tr. Am. I'ub. Health Ass. 1892, Concord, Is92, xviii. ______. The fundamental conditions of public health in civilization. ** pp. 8 . Concord, X. IE, Republican Press Ass., 1899. Repr. from: Tr. Am. Tub. Health Ass. 1892, Concord, N. II., iso:!, xviii. ------. A contribnlion to the study of water- borne cholera. 16 pp. 12°. New York, 1895. Repr. from : N. York M. J., 1895, lxi. HUMAN. 230 HOMBUUd. llOlliail (Georg, )—('..Utilillcd. ------. The sanitary redemption o.' Havana : the need anil the means. 16 pp. ■--. -St. Louis, Mo., 1898. Repr.from: Med. Rev., St. Louis, 1898, xxxvii. ------. Some medical and other gleanings from old-time chronicles aud records. 12 pp. -**' -. SI. Louis, 1900. Repr. from: St. Louis Cour. Med., 19; 0, xxiii. ------. Our daily bread. 24 pp. 8°. St. Louis, 1901. Repr. from: St. Louis Cour. Med., 1901, xxiv. See, also, Sanitary I A) survey of St. Louis |elc.j [in 1. s.]. 8". Concord, lss.">. lloiiiami (Christian Horrebow]) [1*26-80]. Om Lungetuberkiilosens Arvelighed st0ttet til egue Iagitagelser. [Heredity of tubercnlo is of lungs based upon personal observations.] 2 p. L, 227 pp., 1 tab. 12c. Christiania, C. C. Werner, cf Co.. 1867. Repr. from : Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Christiania, 1867, 2. K., xxi. lloiiiami (Friedrich). *Ein Fall von Leber- Adenoin. 23 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, Schmidt ty Klauniq, 1888. HomaiiS (John) [1836- ]. Three hundred and eighty-four laparotomies for various dis- eases, with tables showing the results of the op.-rations and the subsequent history of the patients. A r6suin6 of the writer's experience in abdominal surgery during the last lift een years. 56 pp., 26 tab. 8°. Boston, N. Sawyer tf Son, 1887. ------. A case of successful removal of a retro- peritoneal fatty tumor. In the course of the operation a vein, supposed to be the left common iliac, torn and tied. 4 pp. ■**'-*, [Philadelphia, 1-UL] Uepr.from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1891, n. s., ci. ------. The treatnient of fibroid tumors of the uterus after the method of Dr. Apostoli. 38 pp. 12*-. Boston, 1891. Repr. from: Boston M. &. S. J., 1891, exxiv. ------. An extraordinary case of twisting of the uterus as the pedicle of a large fibroid tumor of many years' existence. 5 pp. 8*-. New York, W. Wood 0' Co., 1892. Repr. from: Am. J. Obst., X. Y., 1892, xxv. ------. Fibroid tumors of the uterus. 13 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1892.] Repr. from: Med. News, Phila., 1892, lx. ------. Cases of extra-uterine pregnancy. 5 pp. 16°. [Boston, 1899.] Repr. from: Boston M. & S. J.. 1893, exxyiii. ------. The surgical treatment of fibroid tumors of the uterus. 12 pp. 16°. Boston, l**9,">. Repr. from: Boston M. & S. J., 1895. exxxii. ------. Recurrent gall-stones. Angioma of spleen. Excision of c-91, exxiv. Homali(Stanislao). Antilogia apoiogeticacon- tro all' apologia di Filippo Troinbetti. 9 p. 1., 536 pp. 8°. Piacenza, G. Bazaihi, 1677. Hoinatro|»iBi. See, also, Heart (Effect of drugs on). \m Gloppkr (J. L. J.) *L)e liydrobromas homatropini. [Leyden.] 8*\ Haarlem, 188*2. Dabney (S. G.) On the hydrohroinate of homatropia as a mydriatic for determining errors of retraction. Med. Rec, N. T., 1888, xxxiv, 290.— Kllcii (E. C.) The rela- tive value, of hoinatropin as a c\ elople^ie; a clinical study. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1900, xxxv. 0i>9 - (172. - l^roc noun-. Ephedriu-Hoiiiatropinldsung ein Mydriiitieum vou rasch voriihergehender Wirkung Deutsche nml. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1895 xxi, 161. — llsii-lnm (G. C.) A case of transient pulse, of the retinal artery in- duced hv the application of homatropiii. Ophth. lie, ..Chi- cago, 1898, vii. 21. AUo: Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc. Hartford, 1890, v, pt. 3, 053.—Jackson (E.) Experiene s i.i i he use of homatropiii as a c.ycloplegic. Ann. Ophth., St. Louis, 1901, x 16-21. —.Mayo (K.) The comparative values of homatropiii and atropin as mydriatics. M.-d. News, X. v., 1890, Ixviii, 722-724.—dc Schweinitz (G E.) A casi- in which the effect of homatropine upon the accommo ution was unusually prolonged. Ophth. Rev , Lond . :s!io. ix, 353-35:). —«lc Sch we in ilz (G. E.) ct Ilai-c (H. A.i A contribution to the physiological action of lhe h\ dr.,Ino- rnate of homatropine. with a summary of its action ..n ilie eye. Med. i\'e\\s, Phila., 1887, li, 731 -733. — Nl:i i hey (H. M.) An experimental study of the comparative my- driatic effect of atropia and homatropia. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1891, xvii, 463-405. AUo: Tr Ophth. Sect. Am. M. Ass., [Chicago], 1891, 331-330. 1 tab —Salter (li. F.) Ephedrin-lioniatropine, the new mydriatic; a review of the work of Dr. Oroenouw and Dr. Geppert. X. York M. ,L, 1895, lxi, 714. Ho ma tropin (Accidents from). Cheney (F. E.) A case of hysteric.il mydriasis, par- alysis of the accommodation and blindness following the use of the hydrohroinate of homatropine Boston M. & S. J., 1890, cx'xii, 82-84. AUo, Reprint.— E\. Ann. Ophth. & Oiol., St. Louis, 1894, iii, 297.—fcicin. Intoxi- cation durch Homatropiii. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augeiili., Leipz., 1887, xi, 236, Hoillherg (Andreas). *De cephalalgia. 21 1. sm. 4°. Hehnstadi, H. Mullen, l(i?2. Hoilibei'g' (Johann David) [1752-85]. Ciiirnr- gtsche KranUheitsgcsihielite, welche die vor- z'ugliche Ileilkral't der iiiisserlicli gebraucliton peruanischen Kinde in allerhand 8eliiiden be- stiitigen. Anfgezeichnet nnd hrsg. von . . . lliy pp. 12°. Frankfurt an der Oder, C. G. Strauss, 1?7:L Homberger (Ernst). " Lnterstichungen iiber Verwertiuig der Haiitteniperatiirunterseliiedezu diagnostiselien Zweaken. Ill pp. 8°. Giessen, C. v. Miinchow, 1891. Ho in berg's sedative salt. See Acid {Borucic); Borax. Homhiirg'. Fkksenius (R.) Analyse des Stahl-Brunnens zu Homburg vor der Holie. 8°. Wiesbaden. 1879. Hoeber ( F.) Bad Honilmrg and its re- sources, for the use of English visitors. **-'. Bad Homburg, 1870. ------. Bad Homburg und seiu Heilapparat. Dem neuestcn Standpunkt entsprechend darge- stellt. 9. Anil. 12-. Bad Hamburg, \99l. Hiimihirg, celebrated wateiing place and health resort. 8. Homburg, [1900]. Will (H.) The climate (if Honilmrg vor der Hohe, wiih reference to gout and scrofula. 8J. Hamburg vor der Hohe, 1**70. ------. Homburg vor der Holie, its mineral spr ngs and climatic enrattvts. A guide lor visitors and residents. Transl. from the Ger- man. 8. Homburg r. d. Hohe, 1880. Ki'DiGER (K.) 'Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Gesteine im Quellengebiet von Homburg v. d. Hiihe. [Erlangen.] 8°. Frankfurt a. M.,[1891], HOMBrRG. 231 HOME. Hoinbui £. vou \oor«l«'ii (C.) On the influence ol the suit springs ol'Honibuisi. Kissingeii,elc..onuietivbo]isminiuan. Piacti- tiouer, Lond.. 1896, lvi. 249-2(0. -Solicrk ((.» Die Wir- kmi" des Hombunier Elisabelhbruniieii In 1 Gicht- und Ziickerkraiiken. Arch. d. lialne.-ih. u. 11 \droIh Halle I a S 1898-9 ii. 3. Hft.. 1-48.-WU'incr. I'ebei die Quellen- veiiialtnis-e von Homhuii;. Veuilt. ntl. d. Hiiteland. tie- sellsch. Ill Berl., 1900. 191-209. Al.-o : Deutsche Med.- , Ztg.. Herl., 1900, xxi, 1>0.V|>07. Homlmrgr ([Gcrg] Friedrich [Wilhelm])! (js.'w- ]. * Beitriige zur Casuistik und Sta- tistik der Augeti-Yerletzungen. 110 pp. ** Berlin. L. Schumacher. 1**0. Hoiliblil'^ (Martin [Anton Hinrich]) [I808- ]. *Znr Statistik der Cholera nostras. 24 pp.. 11. *■ • Fiel, Schmidt 9 Klaunig, 1 *->•">. Hoillblir?. celebrated watering place and 1 ealth le-ort. 21pp. **'. Homburg, [WOW]. Hoillblir^er 1 August). * Feber die Bo/.iehun- geu des Morbus l'.ascdowii zu Psychosen und t'svchoi eurosen. 107 pp. ** . •>' rassburg i. E., C.\y J. Gccller, 1-99. Hoillblll^er (The >dor). Ueber die mitiir- liche Beleuchtung in den Schulen. [Heidel- berg.] 00 pp. ** . Karlsruhe, J. Liepmann- sohn, 1-90. Home iCharh s\ Serious thoughts on the mis- eries of seduction and prostitution, with a full account of the evils that pro nee them, plainly shewing seduction and prostitution to he con- trary to the laws of nature; and a method pointed out whereby these two dreadful r\ ils niav be totally exterminate!, [etc.]. 2** p. !.. 81 pp., 1 1. 1*2C. London, Snift ,0 Son, 17*;'.. Home (David Milne). On social i dorms needed in Scotland. 121pp. **. Edinburgh d London, W. Blackwood d Sons. I**'". Home iSir Everard) [17i'>3-l**32j. A disserta- tion on the properties of pu>; which gained the prize-medal given by the Lyceum Medicnm Londinem-e for the year 17--. aud was ordered to be printed for the* use of the society. «">:S pp. S . London, J. Richardson. 17****. _____. The same. Abhandlung von den Eigen- sehaftcii des Liters: eine Beantwortung der von dim Lvceo medico liir das Jahr 17*-** aufgegel e- nen Pieistriige, welche dem Preis erhielt. Aus dem Englischen. **" pp. l'i". Quetllinburg, F. J. Ernst, lT-'J. ______ Observations on the structure o! mus- cles. 19 pp. 1". [London, 1799.] [P., v. L'>-1. ] Repr. from : Phil. Tr. _____. Observations on certain horny excies- cemes of the human body. 1;} pp. I • [Lon- don, 17U1.] [Also, in: P., v. l.V-1.] Uepr.from: Phil. Tr.. Lond., 1791, lxxxi. -----. Some facts relative to the la'e Mr. John Hunter's preparation for the Croonian lectnre. 9 pp., 1 pl. 4-. [London, 1793.] -----. The Croonian lecture, en the adjustment of tie eye to see objects at different distances. 26 pp., 1 pl. 4. [London, 1790.] [P., v. V)*9.] Repr. from: Phil. Tr., Lond.. 1796, pt. 1. -----. Experiments and observations on the blood when mixed with urine. 8 pp. 8C. [London, 1796.] Repr. from .- Phil. Tr.. Lond., 1796. ______. Practical observations on the treatment of .strictnres in the urethra, and in tin- u*si phn- .rus. 2. cd. xv, 528 pp., 3 pl. *-. London, G. Nicol, 1797. ------. The same Praktische Bcnierkungeii uber die Heilart der Harnrolirvcren»ei-iingeii durch Aetzmittel. Aus dem Englischen iiber- setzt und mit Annierkungeu von Samuel Hahne- mann. 1 p.i., 147 pp. 12-. Leipzig, G. Fleischer, 1600. Home Ksir Everard)—continued. _____. An accmnt of lh" orilice in the retina of the human eye, discovered by Prof. Soemmer- ing. To which are added, proofs of this ap- pearance being extended to the eyes of other animals. Id pp., 1 pl. 4 [London, 1798.] LP., v. lo-L] Repr. from: Phil. Tr., Lond., 1798. ------. The Croonian lecture. Experiments and observations upon the structure of nerves. 12 lip. I. [London, 1798.] [P., v. U**2.] Repr. from: Phil. Tr.. Lond., 1798. ------. Sonic observations on the head of the Oinithorhyiichiis paradoxus. 8 pp., 2 pl. 4 . [London], Buhner tS' Co., 1800. [P., v. i:>77.] Repr. from: Phil. Tr.. hood., 1800. ------. On the struetuie and uses of the mem- brana tympani of the ear. 21 pp. 4J. [Lon- don], W. Buhner 9- Co., [18(»0]. [P., v. 1.">**L] Repr. from: Phil. Tr.. Lond., 1800. ------. On the irritability of nerves. 22 pp., 1 pl. I . London, W. Buhner . .8:. Loudon, W. Bulmer <,- Co., 1801. ------. ' The same. Praktische Beobaehtungen iiber die Behandlung der Fussgeschwiirc. Aus dem Englischen iibeisetzt von Ludwig Fried- rich Froriep, mit einer Vorrede von .Just Chii tian Loder. xvi, 214 pp. 8. Leipzig, ti. J. Gbschen, 1799. ______. Description of the anatomy of tbe Or- liithorhvnchus hvstrix. 19 pp.. 4 pl. 4". Lon- don, W.'Buhner «,• Co., 1-02. [P., v. L">77.] Repr. from .- Phil. Tr., Lond , 1802. ------. A description of the anatomy of the Or- nithorhynchus paradoxus. 20 pp., 3 pl. 4 . London, W. Buhner ,f- Co., 1802. [P.. v. l.">77.] Repr. from : Phil. Tr., Lond.. 1802. ______. On the power of the eye to ad.ji st itself to different distances when deprived of the crystalline lens. 11 pp. 4°. Loudon, W. Buhner ■I- Co., 1,-02. [P., v. l.VL] Uepr.from: Phil. Tr., Lond., 1802. ______. observations on the structure of the tongue; illustrated by cases in which a per.ion of that organ has been removed by ligatuie. 11 pp. Y ■ London, W. Buhner .f Co., 1-09. [P., v. LV 1.] Repr. from: Phil. Tr., Lond., 1803. _____. An account of a small lobe of the human prostate gland, which has not before been taken notice of bv anatomists. 12 pp., 1 pl. 4°. London, W. llnlnur

    1.] Repr. from: Phil. Tr., Loud., 180(;. ______. The Hunterian oration in honour of sur- gery and in memory of those practiti -ners by whose labours it has been advanced; instituted by tin* executors of John Hunter, delivered iu the theatre of the college, February 14, 1-44. 1 p. 1., 37 pp. 4 . London, G. d' W. Nicol, 1814. ______. Praktische Px-obachtungen iiber die Be- handlung der Krankheiten der Vorsteheidriise. Aus dem Englischen iiberse'/.t von W. Spivngel. 166 pp., 4 pl. -\ Leipzig, Dyk, 1817. ------. The same. Traite, 011 observations prati- ques et pathologiques, sur le traitement des ma- no ME. 232 home. Home {Sir Everard 1—continued. ladies de la, glande prostate. Traduit de l'anglais par Leon Marehant. xxxii, 308 pp. 8-. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1820. ------. The same. Trattato sulla cura delle ma- lattte della prostata. Tradnzione di Ghimba- tista Caimi. iv, 331 pp., 1 pl. 12-. Milano, P. E. Ginsti, 1821. ------. The Hunterian oration in honour of sur- gery, and in memory of those members by whose labours its celebrity has been advanced; insti- tuted by the executors of John Hunter, deliv- ered in "the theatre of the college, February 14, 1822, and published at the request of the coun- cil, vii, 36 pp. 4~. London, Longman [and others], 1822. ------. On tbe coagulation by beat of the fluid blood in an aneuiismal tumor. 13 pp., 4 pl. 4C. London, W. Nicol, 1-20. Repr. from: Phil. Tr., Lond., 1826, pt. 3. See. also. Cooper (Sir Astley Paston). Observations on the effects, [etch 4°. L iulon, 1800— Granville (A111 iru.st us] Ii[ozzil). Ou a mal-con format ion of the uterine system. | etc. ]. 4°. London, 1818— II ll liter (John). Account of some remarkable caves in the principality of Bayreufh, [etc.]. 4°. [London, 1791!.] -----. A treatise on the venereal disease. 3. ed. 4D. London, 1810. For Biography, see Diet. Xat. Biog., Lond., 1891, xxvii, 227 (ll. T. Bettaiy). Hoilll' (Francis) [1719-1813]. Medi, inische Be- obaehtungen und Versnche. Aus dem Engli- schen lihersetzt von George Heinrich Kdnigs- dorfer. xxiv,2i0pp. 8C. Altenburg, L'ichter,1708. ------. Principia niedieime. 4. ed. xvi, 3215 pp. 8-. Amste'odami, sumpt.frat. de Tournes, 1775. ------. The s.line, viii, 232 pp. 12*. Venetiis, apud J. Orlandelli, 1797. Hound with: Baiueu.otti (G.) Epitome di medicina, [etc.]. 12°. Visa, 1810, ii. ------. The same. Principes de nie'decine, tra- duits du latin en francois, par M. Gastell.er, auxquels on a joint un extra-it d'un autie ou- vrage du nieine anteiir, intitule: Experiences et observations de niedecine, traduit de l'anglois. xvi, 623 pp. 16°. Paris, Vincent, 1772. ------. Clinische Versnche, Krankeugeschicliten un.l Loichenoft'nungen. Ans dem Englischen iib rsetzt. x (1 L), 532 pp., 15 1. 8°. Leipzig. M. G. IVeidmanusErben ty Rei-h, 1781. ------. Mcthodus materia* medica*. Editio nova. xvi, 90 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Bell, Bradfute . Organized Jan., 18s:i, and incorporated May 29, 1884. Opened June 12, 1884. Home for Aged Females in lhe City of "Worces- ter. See [infra] Home for Aged Women [etc.]. Home for Aged and Infirm Coloie.l Persons, Philadelphia. Annual report of the board of managers to fife contributors. 17, lSsp-Hl. 40 pp. 8 . Philadelphia, Castle <)'■ H il man. 1-81. HoElie for Aged and Infirm Hebrews of New York. Annual repoits of the board of trustees to the members 1L-27., 1--3-4 to-1--96-7 : 29. 1-9--9. - . yew York, 1-8J-C9. Founded by the Ladies' Hebrew Benevolent S >eiety, and opened May 24, 1870. Pu-port for 1872-4 is 12°. Home for Aged and Infirm, at Vonkers on the Hudson. Annual reports of lhe board of gov- ernors and officers to the District Grand Lod<>e of the I. <>. B. B. 1.-18., 1--S2-99. - Xew York, 18-3-1900. Organized April 13, and opened June 20, 1882. The first report from opening to Jan. 6, 1882. See, also, Independent Order Benai Berith, District Number One. Home for Aged Men, Boston. Annual reports of the directors to the corporation. 22., 1880. 2L-4(»., 18-4-1900. 8\ Boston, 1883-1901. Home for Aged Men, in Worcester. Act, of in- corporation, by-laws, and rules and regulations. 20 pp., 11. 8-. Worcester, C. Hamilton, 1-92. Incorporated March 28, 1874. Opened October 1, 1891. Home for Aged Women, Boston. Annual re- | ports of the managers to the corporation. 2* 1877; 33.-35., 1882-4; 39.-49., 1888-98. 8°. Boston, 1878-99. Home for Aged Women in the City of Worces- ter. Devise of the founder; charter and by- laws of the corporation; sale of revision and purchase of home; constitution of hoard of vis- itors, and names of original trusties and visi- tors elect. 18 pp., 1 1. 12°. Worcester, C. E. Nye, 1873. Created by will of Ichahod Washburn. Incorporated May 10, 1809,' and opened Oct. 1, 1873. Prior to 1888, title was -'Home I'or Aged Females" [etc.]. ------. Annual reports of the secretary of visi- tors to the board of trustees. 1.-8., 1874--1: 14., 18,-7-8; 17., 1890-91. 12°. Worcester, 1882-91. Reports for 1874-81 in one, and published iu 1882. Home for the Blind, Brooklyn. See Church Charity Foundation of Long Island, Brooklyn. Home for Blind Women, Bristol. Annual re- poits of the committee to the subscribers. L, 1*74-5: 3.-10., 1876-7 to 18,-:',. s\ Bristol, 1875-84. Formerly Blind Orphan Home. Home (The) book of health and medicine: ,ie- ing a popular treatise on the means of avoiding and curing diseases, and of preserving the health and vigour of the body to the latest period; including also an account of the nature and properties of remedies, the treatment of the discuses of w men and children, and the man- agement of pregnancy and parturition; by a physician of Philadelphia, viii, 3-47,6 pp. '.**"'. Philadelphia, Key 9' Biddle, l-v>4. ------. 'lhe same, viii, 9-63(1 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, Desilrcr, Tliomas «('■ Co., 183 i. ------. The same, viii, 456 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia. J. Locken, 1842. Hume for Consumptives, Chestnut Hill. Opin- ing of ihe . . . and the address of Pev. Benjamin Walson on the occasion, Monday, May 3, 1,-8(1. 8 po. 8C. Philadelphia, Burk <)'■ McFetridge, [1-li]. Heme for Consumptives and Sick Diet Kitchen, Philadelphia. Annual report of the superin- tendent to the boaid of council of the Protes- L-n Episcopal City Mission. 2., 1877-8. 16 pp. 8 . Philadelphia, McCulla <.y Sturdy, 1*78. Appendix to Annual report of the Philadelphia Prot- estant Episcopal City Mission, which see, also, tor con- tinu lion. Home for Destitute Colored Children, Philadel- phia. Annual reports of the managers to the subscribers. 29., 1,-83-4; 30., 18->4-5. 9, 9 1. 8 '. Philadelphia, Friends' Book Assoc, 1881-5. Incorporated April 11, 1856. Home doctoring: a guide to domestic medicine and surgery, liv a M. K. C. 8. 2 p. L, 160 pp., 3 pl. 12;. ' London. F. Warm- ty Co., [1877]. Home for F.eed Children and Others. Brooklyn. See Brooklyn. Howard Colored Orphan Asylum Society. HOME. 233 HOMKX. Home of the flood Samaritan. Convalescent Home for Men, Women, and Children, Coatliam, Redear, Yorkshire. Annual statements of the committee to the subscribers. 19.-22., 1879-8*2; 24.-35., 1-84-95; 37., 1897 : 38., 1898. 8 . Leeds, 18-0-09. Home and Health; a monthly magazine devoted to health and the home circle. Nos. 2-5. 7, v. 1; No. --, v. 2, Apiil, 1-71, to August, 1-72. - . New York. Home Hospitals Association. The home hospi- tals movement. For tin* establishment of pay- ing hospitals and convalescent institutions in England. 3> pp., 1 1. 24*. [London, Harrison d'-Noii-, .1-2.] S-e, also, Hospital* Association, London. Home fo:- Incurable Children. Maida Vale, Lon- don, \Y. Annual reports of the committee of management to the go\ernois and subscribers. 9.-1 L. 1—3-5. 8*\ London, 1-84-6. ------. Statement of general income and expen- diture for the year 1884. 2 sheets. MS. 1 . [Londtu, 1—5.] HoiiK' for Incurables of Baltimore City. Annual rt-por-s of the managers to the contributors. L. 1—4-5; 5.-15., 1—--9-. 12 2 Baltimore, 1—5-99. Incoip..rated Nov. 1. Is82. Organized and opened in Xov .1-81. ' Home for Incurables for the Border Counties. Carlisle. Annual reports of the committee of management to the subscribers. -.-12., 1-84--: 14.-19. 1-90-95. -. Carlisle, l-85-9o. Instituted 1*77. Home for Incurables, at Fordhani.New York City. Aunual reports of the board of managers to the socieiv and the contributor.-. 9.-34., 1874-5 to W.i-1'.inO. 12-. Netr York, 1**7:.-1900. Incorporated April 6, Isilii. Sixth to 17. bound in 2 v. Home for Incurables, [at] Newark, X. J. Sie Young Women's Christian Association of New- >i k. N. J. Home of Industry and Refuge for Discharged Convicts. New York. The first public report [li.-ni its opening in 1-79 to De'j. 31, 1-83]. ;!''. pp. 12;. New York. Gray Brothers, 1—1. Incorporated Feb. 17, 1-82. Home and Infirmary for Sick Children, and s nth London Dispensary for Women, London. Annual reports of the committee to the sub- seiibeis. 12.-21., 1—3-92: 23.-26., 1-91-7. •12-. London. 1—4-98. Instituted 1872. Home and Infirmary of Western Maryland, in i the City of Cumberland. Annual and biennial reports of the board of directors and officers to the corporation and the public Annual, 2.-4., l—9-9o to 1-91-2. Biennial, 1.-3., 1-92-3 l<> 1-P7--. '-", 12 , ct sin. 4°. Frostburg 0' Cum- berland, 18.10-9**. Incorporated in March. ls-8 and opened May 1, same year, under the title nl2 I'lutr-tani Home and Infirmary of Western Maryland. In 18.'2 the word "Protestant'' was dropped from the title. A training school for muses is connected with the hospital. Ilojiic Journal of Health. Devoted to science and other useful knowledge. [Monthly.] No. 1, v. 1 June, 1-95. 8°. New York. Iloiiii* for Little Wanderers, Boston. Set Bald- win Place Home for Little Wanderers, Boston. Home (The) modification of cow's milk. 30 pp. sm. 4 . Boston, Mellin's Food Co., 1-99. Home for Old Men and Aged Couples, New Yo k. Annual report, of the managers to the public. Hi.. l****7-8. 21 pp. 12-. New York, (.. J. Clayton ty Co., 1**8. Incorporated Dec. 14. 1872. Home of Rest. L'amsgate. [A privr/;3 Lome for male convalescents only. « ircnlai of me in n- agers.] 1 sheet. <- . [ Loudon, n. d] Home rule wrinkles. See Ami! Itt-tMy. 22\ London, 1887. Home sanitiition. A manual for housekeepers by the Sanitary Science Club of the Association of Collegiate Alumna-. **0 pp. 12°. Boston, Lirknor .1 Co., 18-7. Home for Sick Children, Cincinnati. Medical and statistical report. 1., 1883-4 to 18-(i-7. 21 pp. 8 , Cincinnati, Ohio J'alley Press, 18-7. First report for I years. Home for Sick Children, h'yde View, Southsea. Annual reports of the secretary to the subscribers. 7.-10., 1-.-4-7. 12J. Southsea, 1*80-8, Established 1878. Home Teaching Society for the Blind, London. Annual report of the committee to the sub- scribers. 28., 1883. 32 pp. 8 . London, E. T. Olver, 1-84. Home Training School for Nurses and Finer- genev Hospital in Fall Iii ver. Annual report of the board of managers to the public, for the year 189.5-6. 8. Pall Hirer, 1*90. Home for tlu* Training in Speech of Deaf Chil- dren before they are of school age, Philadelphia. Biennial reports of the trustees and otficeis to the govtrnor of th ' State, and to the contrib- utors. 1.-5., 1891 to 1-99-190H. - . Philadel- phia, 18H3-1900. Organized iu 1891, aud opened Feb. 1, 1892. Third re- port tor 21 months, ending Sept. 30, 189G. Home for Unemployed Resident, Daily, and Necessitous (ioveriiesses. London, W. Annual report, of the officers to the subscribers, for the year 1875. 10 pp., 1 1. 12°. [London, 1876.] Home (The) vapor bath. Disiufector, inhaler, aud needle bath, W. W. Rosen field's patents. 20 pp. 8*-. Nete York, Caulon, 1885. ------. The same. 36 pp. - . X'etc l'ork, W. McDonald 9- Co., [1886]. ------. The same. 48 pp. 8-'. Neic York. [is-ti, nl subseq.]. Home wanning and ventilation ; a collection of articles by Nathaniel C. Fowler, William J. Baldwin [et al.]. 63 pp. 8\ Genera, N.-Y., Herndeen Mfg. Co., [1892]. Homeister ( [Andreas Heinrich] Franz) [1,-5-- ]. * Feber die- Todesursachen der s-ing- linge bis zum 6. Lebensinonate inch 10 pp., 11. 8 . Kiel, Srhmidt d'- Klannig, 18-6. Hoilieistei' (Heinrich). * Fiber die diagno- si is he Bedeutung von Tiunoren im Douglas'- sclicn litiuiue 26 pp. ** . Giittint/en, E. Holer, 189-. Iloilieil (F. A.) Om Fstlanders metod aft be- liaudla kronska fall af empyein medelst tesek- tion af'rcf ben. | l'.st lan(b*i's method of treating chronic empyema by resection of rib.] 51 pp., 1 tab., 1 pl. ' 8 . I'lclsingfors, J. C. Frenckell 3' Son, 18 9. Repr from: Finska liili.-siill.sk. handl., Helsingfors, 1879, xxi. ------. Flude experimentale des lesions de la moel'e epiniere. detenuineos par l'hoinisection de cot organe. 4 pp. 4 . Paris, Gauthier-Vil- lars, l-8:{. ------. Fntersuchungen iiber die Regeneration der (ixeti Hornhaiif/elIon durch iudirecte Kern- theiliing. 3 pp. 8 . [Berlin. W. Issleib, 18-3.] Repr. from: Fortschr. d. Med.. Herl., 18s2. i. ------. Contribution experimentale a la patho- logic ct a ranatomie jiatliologiipie de la nioelle Epiniere. 112 pp., 7 pl. 8*-'. Helsingfors, J. C. Frenckell <\-Jils, 1-85. ------. Fine eigenthiiinliche Faiuilienkrankheit, unter der Form einer piogressiven Dcinentia, mit bcsondi'iein anatomischen Belund. 6 pp. s . L'-ipzit/, VeV ty Co.. 1890. Repr. front : Neurol. Cen t nil 111.. Lei))/.., 1890, ix. HOMHN. 234 HOMICIDE. Homeii (F. A.)—continued. -----. Zur Kenntniss der Hemiatrophia facialis und des Frspiungs des Nervus trigeminus. 12 pp. 8°. Liipzig, Veit ty Co., 1-90. Repr. from.- Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1890, ix. -----. Fine eigenthiiniliche bei drei Geschwi- stern auftretende ty pise he Krankheit unter der Form einer progressiven Dementia in Ver- bindung mit ausgedehnteu Gefassvoranderun- gen (wohl Lues hereditaria tarda). 38 pp., 1 pl. 8 . Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1892. Repr. from: Arch. f. Psychiat., lierh, 1892, xxiv. See, also. Alias der pathologischen Histologie des Nervensystenis. roy. 8°. Berlin, 1892-5. Homeopatia (La). Periodica mensual desti- natlo & propagar la doctriiia hahnemanniana en el Peni. Redac or: J. E. Deacon. Nos. 19, 23, afio 2, Sept.. 1-87, to Oct., 1888. sm. fol. Lima. Homeopatia (La). Periddico mensual de propaganda. Organo de la Socicdad "Hahne- mann". Nos. 1, 2, 4, v. 5, Sept. to Dec, 1897. 8->. Mexico. Homeopaticheskiy vestnik. [Honueopathic Courier.] v. 4-8, 188ii-90. 8 . S.-Peterburg. Ended. Homer. Tliqui'l (F. A. W.) Tentamen florte homericse, of hi.jdragcn tot de kennis der plan ten, die in de gedichten van Homerns voorkomeu. Tijdschr. v. nat. Gescliied. en Physiol.. Amst,., 1835, ii, 111-165. Ilomershaill ( Samuel Collett). Review of the report by the general board of health on the supply of water to the metropolis; contained in a report to the directors of the London (Wat- ford) Spring Water Company. 71pp. 8°. Lon- don, J. Weale, 1850. -----. Filtered Thames water and spring water from chalk strata. 3 pp. 4°. [London, 1-75.] Repr. from: J. Soc. Arts. Lond., 1875. Homes for Inebriates Association. Annual re- port of the committee, together with the annual report of the Dalrymple Home at Rickmaiis- worth. L, 188 1-5. 20 pp. 8*-'. London, H. K. Lewis, 18*7). Opened October, IsS'i. Ho in fray (D.) See Kiiijjzcll (C. T.) .t Homlrav (II.) A pocket dictionary of hygiene. 2-P. London, 1898. Homicide. See. al-o, Anthropology ( Criminal) ; As- phyxia, Blood, Cadaver, Jurisprudence of; Crime (Statistic of); Criminals {Mental condi- I Hon, etc., of): Drowning {Jurisprudence of); Inebriety (Jurisprudence of); Insanity {Horn- I . ieitlal); Hanging; Head (lujiuies of, Jurispru- dence of); Mind (Enquiry into condition of): Mu- tilation; Rape; Sacrifices {Human); Sadism; Sexual instinct (Perrersions of); Strangula- tion; Suffocation; Toxicology. ArnitY (P.) *La contagion du meiirtre. Etude d'anthropologie crimimlle. 4°. Paris, -----. The same. - . Paris, l8r<8. -----. The same. Precede d'un preface de A. Cone. 2.6d. -. Paris. 1891. Barket. Note sur l'homicide par flao-ella- tion. -^ Lyon, 1890. P^ehri (F.) L'( mieidio-snieidio: responsabi- I lita ^'iuridica. 2. ed. s-'. Torino, 1-84. -----. The same. 3. ed., con aggiunte pole- miche. 8 . Torino, 1*92. -----. L' omicidio nell' antropologia crimi- nale (omicida nato e omicida pazzo), con atlante antropologico-statistico. ---*. Totino, 1895. AUo fltev.], in: Ann. nied.-psycho!., Par., Is90. 8. s iv. 57-70. Also [Rev.], in.- Pop. ISc. Month.. X. Y , 1890"' I xlix, 078: 828. Homicide. Hazkmann (R.) *Les homicides chez le8 ah- sinthi(|iies. 8,J. Paris, 1*97. MoHKAU (P.) Do l'liomicide eonmiis jiar les enfants. 8°. Paris, 1882. van Oostekwyk (G. J.) *De homicidio, ex voluntate, non ex exitu dijudicando. 4 Lugd. Bat., 1763. Ravoix ( L. ) *Dn depecage criminel an point de vue anthropologique et me'dico-jndici- aire. *J. Lyon, 1888. -----. The same. [Notes et commentaires par A. Lacassagne.] 8°. Lyon, 1888. United States. Congress. House of Represen- tatives A bill to define the crimes of murder in the first and second degree and manslaughter, and providing punishment therefor. 52. Cono- 1. boss. 6791. March 2, 1892. Rep. by Mr. Ezra B.Taylor, as a substitute for H. R. 5137. roy. bc. [ Washington, 1,-92.] -----. Report. [To accompany H. R. 0791.] [Beg leave to report a substitute for said hill, and to recommend the passage of said si.Insti- tute.] 52. Cong., 1. sess. Report No. 504. March 2, 1892. Rep. by Mr. Ezra B. Taylor. 8->. [ Wash- ington, 1892.] -----. A bill to define the crimes of murder in the first and second degree, and manslaughter, and providing puuishnient thereof, and to abol- ish the punishment of death. 52. Cong., 1. sess. March 14, 1892. Introd. bv Mr. Curtis, roy. [Washington, 1892.] -----. A bill to define the crimes of murder in the first and second degree, and niauslai gliter, and providing punishment thereof, and to abol- ish the punishment of death. 53. Con"., l.sess. H. R. 273. Sept. 6, 1893. Introil. by M. Cur- tis, roy. 8. i Washington, 1893.] -----. A bill lo define the crimes of murder in the first aud second degrees, and manslaughter and rape, mutiny and desertion, and providing punishment therefor, and to abolish the death penalty on other crimes. 53. Cong., 2. sess. II li. 0890. Feb. 16, 1,-94. Introd. hv Mr. Curtis. roy. 8-. [Wa-hington, 1-94.] -----. The same. Reported, March 6. I 94. roy. 8'. [Washington, 1894.] -----. A bill to provide punishment for the crimes of murder, rape, aggravated mutiny, and desertion to the enemy in tini • of Avar, and to abolish the penalty of death for other crimes. 53. Cong., 2. sess. * H. R. 7248. May 28, 1,-94. Introd. by Mr. Curtis, roy. 8°. [Washington, 1894.] 3 L J Watson* (A.) A medico-legal trea ise on hom- icide by external violence, wiMi an account of the cmumstances which modify the medico- legal cha:acters of injuries, and exculpatory p'eas. 8 . Edinburgh, 1837. Aubiy (P.) La contauion dn nienrtre. Actes Cong. internat. d'aiithrop. criin. 1889, Lvou et Par.. 189n. ii. 481- 488. — Bmlholow (P.) Homicide in the United States. Bull. Ami. Acad. M.. [Easton, Pa.], 1890. ii, 022-0;14. AUo: J. Am. XI. Ass.. Chicago, 1890, xxvii, .Oa.'-HCli.— Bell (C.) Dying declarations. Med.-Leg. Stud.. X. Y.. ls98, iv, 15-18. — Bone© (A.) Gli oinicidii in a euni stati d' Enropa : appimti di statistic;! ceinpa- rata. Bull, de l'lnst. internat. do statist., home, 1889, iv. 191-245. -----. Delia statistica dell' omicidio ne^li Stati Fniti d' America. Ibid.. 1897, x, pt. 2. 8-75.— Cook (W. L.) Murders in Massachusetts. I'nl,. Am. Statist. Ass, Bo.st., Is92 -3. n. s., iii, 257 - 278. — Irolc- ri*. He la i esponsahilite niedicale en imitiere d'lioiiicide invnlontaire. Bull, et lneni. Soc. ohst. et gynec. de l'ar. 1897, 300-204.—Feiri (K.) 1/ inipieviilenza negli oniicidi coiinini. Arch.di psidiiat. [etc.], Torino, lt-85. vi, 258-273. -----. Psicopntologia dell omicidio; il niomeiito deliberative negli oniicidi pazzi. Ibid., 1880. vii. 112- L28. -----. Senlitnenti ed att'etti negli oniicidi. Ibid., 424-448 — Finzi (J.) II vah re psicologieo della pie- meditazione. Scuola positiva. Fusnle, 1897, vii, 285-- 39.3.—Francis (W. II.) Expert testimony in homicide HOMICIDE. 235 HOMICIDE. Honik'ide. cas s. Bull. Internat, Med.-Le-. Cong. 1889. X. Y.. 1891, LM6-2i.il 4;i-«>«-ii» 1 .Vlnnoii- vricr. Studio su^li ass..ssiui. Art, s r.in;. inn-rnai. d'authrop. crini. 1885, Home. 1880-7, lin .IU" . Auli di psichiat. [etc.], Toiiuo. lsSti. vii, 22 — fl ml i ■■ (K.i Leib- zeichen. Arch. f. KriiiL-Autluop. u. Ki iminuli t.. Leipz., 19.HI-1901, vi, 321-224 —>iim-lto.lii1;ii««. Des eondi- ti.ms ]>> , ehologiipies du .Up, cam- ciiniinel. Aieli. il'iiii- tIn <>).. criin.. Lyon et Par.. Is9.«, \iii, 5-33. AUo, K. print.— Kcjjis i.K i i lie regicides. ,1. Ment. Path., .\ . V.. 1901. i, no. 3. 15-25. — Wlavili , V., Vra/ihi. zabiti nelio tiv.kc usk,./cii mi teh-»' .: M urdcr. mauslaii^iiter.oi'gi ie\'ous in- ,iur\ totheho.l.\ | t'.'i>..p. h-U. eesk.. v l'ra/.e, ls99. xxxviii, 37si-.'i-2. — WiratU .v 'laii u». Le mem tre i it i el. | A li- st r. ] France med., Par.. 1U00, xlvii. 444. Aim: At cli d'antlnop. crim., Lyon et Par. 1901, xvi. 100-112. — Tom- «lc»(G.) Homicide: n.e.lei ine legale. Diet, encycl. d. sc. nied.. Par., 18s8. 4. s . xiv, 224-2-7. Horn icicle (Cases of). See. also, Criminals {Mental condition, ite., ojO ; G-uiteau {Charhs J.\ —Case of: Mind {Enquiry into condition of ; Toxicology (Ca.-es. etc., of): Vacher (Joseph)—Case of. Affaike Goutte. PioeesEyraud-Bompard, tire du compte-rendu in-extenso de la Gazette des tribunaux. 8 [Paris], 1-90. Andrews (J. IL) Case of C'hailes Stoekley, convicted of lnurder. Plea: temporary insanity. -;. [Utica, N. Y., 1—:;.] Brighton (The) niurder. An authentic and faithful history of the atiocious murder of Celia Holloway, with an accurate account of all the niys eiious and extraordinary circumstances which led to the discovery of her mangled body in the copse in the Lover's Walk, at l'r. ston, near Brighton, including, als-o, tin trial for the ninrihr ai.cl the extraordinary confessions of John Wiliain Holloway. together with his life and execution: al.-o. the leading featuies of the trial of Ann Kennett, his paramour. Edited bv Charles ILndlev. 12-. Brighton, 1-:.".. Ct'RKixi Ai ) Aleiine os-ci vazioni sopra il j veto deila Facolta medica di Padova nel proccs- o della L. !>.. conjugicda. fol. Lreriso, l-.">7. Di'XTox (A. R.) The true story of the Hart- M.-M-rvev murder trial, in which light is thrown upon dark deeds, incompetency, and perfidy; and crime fastened upon those whose position, if not manhood, should have commanded honest dealing. - . Boston, 1—2. Duju'.axi (The) murder case. (The Slate of California vs. Durrant.) Reported by Kdgar D. Peixotto. 8Z. Detroit, Mich., 1 *■!)!!. Flu. (A) and authentic report of the trial of John Bellinghani, esi|., at the Sessions' House, in the Old Bailey, on Friday, May l.">, 1-12, for the murder of the Right Hon. Spencer IVroevaI, chancellor of the exchequer, etc., in the lobby of the House of Commons, on Monday, May 11, 1-512, [etc.J. -. London. 1*12. Gi'Ekxhaj.<;k(F. '1'.; Massachusetts. Middle- sex ss . . . Supreme judicial court . . . Dec. 1(5, l--""i'.. lie vens and Holmes, J.J. Common weal tli r. (borne F. Baker and Mary A. J. Bilker. Indictment for murder [of Mrs. Susannah I'rcs- ci.tt]. Closing argument for the prisoners. From stenographic report. 12. Huston, 1-8?. John P. Piiaik: a complete liistmy of Ver- mont's (elebrated murder ease, containing a I report of the trial and conviction for the niurder of Ann F. Freeze, at Rutland: the lie: ring on | exceptions; the sentence; dying, staten ent; two reprieves; legislative proceedings; pet tions for I Homicide {Cases of). new trial, an 1 linal elibit to stay execution. Compiled by 1). C. Cariigan. 8". Boston, 1-7!!. I.acassaoxh (A.) L'alfaire Goutte. Acte d'accusation. Rapports de MM. les Drs. Paul Bernard, Lacassagne, Br mardel, Mot tet et, Bal- let. Documents divers. 8°. Paris, 1891. Life (The) and career of James Greenaere, partly written by himself, and compiled from authentic sources, [etc.], up to the lime of his being charged, with Si,rah Gale, with t he murder of Hannah Brown and horrid mutilation other hotly; also anecdotes of Sarah Gale, chaiged as an accessory to the niurder, and an authentic life of Hannah Brown, the unfoitunate murdered victim. 1*J* . London, [LSI? ]. Lii'i: and confessions of 11. N. Thorpe, alias John C. Collins, Harvey N. Miller, and other mimes. Written by himself when under sen- tence of death for the murder of William F. Howard. -°. Auburn, 1877. Like (The), trial, confession, and execi tion of Albert W. Hicks, the pirate and murderer. Executed on Bedloe's Idand, New York Bay, en the Llth July, lHifl, for the, murder of Capf. Burr Smith and Oliver Watts on board the oyster sloop E. A. Johnson. 8°. New York, 1800. Mary Sianxai:i>'s murder. The Madison hor- ror. The only full and authentic account of the arrest and trial of the Rev. Herbert H. Hayden. 8 . New flarcu, 1871). Moi'ski.i.i (K.) L'uccisore dei bambini, Car- lino Grandi. Kelt,zione del processo e degli sti - dii medico-'egali dei periti Prof. Livi, Prof. Bini e Dott. Morselli. - . Reggio-Emilia, 1879. Official, report of the trial of Fanny Hyde, for the murder of George W. Watson, ii eluding the testimony, the arguments of counsel, ami the charge of the court, reported verbatim. 8-. New York, 1872. Official, (The) report of the trial of Thomas W. Piper for the niurder of Mabel H. Young, in the supremo judicial court of Massachusetts. From notes of Mr. J. M. W. Yen ington. Pub- lished bv the attorney-general under chapter 214 of acts of 1*80. 8\ Boston, 1-87. Pakkman (The) niurder. Trial of Prof. John W. Webster for the murder of Dr. George Park- man, Nov. 23, 18411, before the supreme judicial court, in the citv of Boston. 8 \ Boston, [1809]. Rkfoht of the trial of Willard (lark, indictid for the niurder of Richard W. Wight, before the superior court of Connecticut, hidden at New Haven, on Monday, Sept. 17, ls.V>. By H. II. Mcl'arland, assisted by the counsel for the Sta'e and defense. 8°. Neir L'aren, 1800. Riool'T of the trial of William Burke Kirwan, for the murder of Maria Louisa, Kirwan, his wife, at the island of Ireland's Kve, in the county of Dublin, on the (ith September, 1S.V2, before I lie Hon. Judge Cranipton aad the lit. Hon. Baton Greene, at the commission court, Gieensircet, on 8th and i)th December, ]s.">2. Bv John Simpson Armstrong, esq. ** , Dublin, 1*X9. Koisf.kisox (('. L.) A Maiiisi.ky (II.) In- sanity nnd crime; a medico-legal commentary on the ease of George Victor Townley. b-. London, 1801. S.\.M)Yi(ii:i) (The) murder. A plea for Mrs. M'Lachlan; by a clergyman of the Church of Scotland. 12'-'. Glasgow, l8t>2. SantI)Yfoi:d (The) murder case. Trial of Mrs. M'Lachlan for murder, at (ilasgow circuit court, September, 1st52. 12*'. Glasgow, 1802. HOMICIDE. 236 HOMICIDE. Homicide (Cases of). Sr.coxi) trial of John Francis Knapp, by a new jury, recommenced at Salem, Aug. 14, 18:50, for the murder of Capf. Joseph White, before the supreme judicial court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, at a special session commenced at Salem, July 2', l-llll. 8*\ Boston, 1899. Shout (K.) An answer to a pamphlet enti- tled: A review of the trial of Andrew Hill, for murder, by Edward D.Worthingtoii, A. M., M. D., one of the governors of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, L. C, etc. 8 . Sherbrooke, 1871. do Souto (A. A.), de Azevedo (J. P.) [et al.] 0 caso medico-legal Urbino de Freitas. 2. ed. 8*'. Porto. 1899. Statement (A) of reasons showing- the ille- gality of that verdict upon which sentence of death has been pronounced against John W. Webster for the alleged niurder of George Park- man; bv a member of the legal profession. ■**■". New York, 1809. Trial (The) of Albeit John Tirrell for the mnderof Maria A. Bicklord. Including a sketch of his character, personal appearance, etc., to- gether with a faithful and minute report of the arguments of the prosecuting officer and coun- sel; the chain of evidence, charge of the judge, and veidiet of the jury. 8J. Boston, 1846. Trial (The) of Daniel McFarland for the shooting of Albert D. Richardson, the alleged seducer of his wife. By a practical law re- porter. Containing a comprehensive history of tho case: the preliminary movements; opening and closing speeches of the counsel; the disposi- tion of the parties implicate,!, together with the letters, etc., ottered in evidence,with full and un- abridged testimony of all the witnesses, together with the evidence suppressed by the press. With a preliminary essay on medical jurispru- dence, by Dr. William Hammond, and the ex parte statement of Mrs. McFarland. Sc. New York, [1**70]. Trial of Henry Phillips for the murder of Gaspard Dennegre. Supreme judicial court, Boston, January 9, 1817. 8\ [Boston, l**!?.] Trial ('lhe) of John Bellinghani for the wil- ful murder of the Right Hon. Spencer Perceval, in the lobby of the House of Commons, on Mon- day the 11th of May, 1812; with the speeches of counsel; Bellingham's defence; Lord Mansfield's able charge to the jury, and the recorder's im- pressive speech ou pronouncing- sentence of death [etc.], and an account of his execution, which took place on Monday the IStli of Mav, 1-12. --. LI,dl,[l8l2]. Trial (The) of John Gordon and William Gordon, charged with the murder of Amasa Sprague. u.'fore lhe supreme couit of Rhode island, Match term, 1-44 . . . Reported by Ed- ward C. Larn.'d and William Knowles. 2. ed. 8C. Providence, 1**84. Trial of Lieut.-Col. Thomas R. Crawley. Chirgis, op iiing address, and reply on the part of the prosecution before a general court-martial, hei 1 at Al ler.shot, Nov. 17. lsii:5, for the trial of Lieut.-Colonel Thomas R.Crawley, 6ih Innis- killiag Dragoons. 8:\ London, [n. d.]. Tkial of Pasach X. Jiiihonstein for the niur- der of Sarah Alexander in the town of Xew Lots (near Brooklyn, Xew York), on the 12th day of December, l-?f>. Commenced at the Kings County oyer and terminer, on the 31st day of Jaam.r,', 1-7(1. With the evidence, arguments of coin si, charge of the court, verdict of the jury, and sentence of the prisoner. 8°. New York, I-7ti. Trial of Professor John W. Webster for the niurder of Dr. George Parkinan iu the Medical Homicide (Cases of). College, Xov. 20, 1819. Supreme judicial court i'or Suffolk, March term. S*\ Boston, L-fiO. Trial of Thomas A. Selfridge, counsellor at law, before lhe Hon. Isaac Parker, esquire, for killing Charles Austin, on tho Public Exthango, in Boston, Aug. 4, 180(1; taken in shorthand by T. Lloy, esq., reporter of the debates of Con- gress, aud Geo. Gaines, esq., late reporter of the State of Xew York, and sanctioned by the court and reporter to the State. 2. ed. 8°. [Boston, 1806.] [Trial of Thomas J. Cluverins, at Richmond, Ya.. for the murder of Fannie Lilian Madison, March 1:5, is-r>. Daily record of the irial from May 8 to June .">, 18s."). Verdict, guilty in the first degree.] Cuttings from : The Richmond "Wliijj. Walworth (The) parricide. A full account of the astounding niurder of Mansfield T. Wal- worth, by his son, Frank Walworth, with the trial and conviction of the parricide and his sen- tence for life tn the State Penitentiary at Sing Sing. 8'. New York, [1879]. Yerrixtox (J. M. W.) Report of the caseof Geo. C. Hersey, indicted i'or the murder of Betsy Frances Tirrell, befoie the supreme judicial court of Massachusetts. 8 2 Boston, 18(52. Zaxda (L.) A: Skrra(L.) Nella causa contro C. M. P., imputato di grassazione con omicidio. Relazione medico-legale. -c. Cagliari, 18--45. Zfccarelli (A.) Lo sl'regio di villa Borghese e i reduci dalla galera. 8-\ Roma, [l-i)3]. Aicllo (S.) In una causa di omicidio. Gazz. med. sic I.. Catania, 1900, iii, 65; 72. -----. Revisione delle perizie nii'dico-le-'.i2S.—Anloiiiiii (li.i Coutributo alia psicopati.h.i'ia .1.11' omicida e))iletlico. Gazz. nied. di Torino, 1901 Iii, 121-131. —A**a.«.>.iii (Fin de treize ans. Arch, de l'anturop. criui., Par., 1893, viii, 493-503, 1 pl.—Aiibry (P.) De l'lioiiiicide eomniis par la feniine: etude medico-legale. Ibid., 1891, vi, 206; 370.— vou Aiilem ielli (J. Ii.) & Aiileiiriclli (H. F.) LTn- zuiechiiungst'iihigkcifc aussprecliende Gutachien wegen Tii.ltung und Vi'i-sm lis der I'iidtung. In their: Gericktl. nied. Aufs., Tiibing., ]840. 55-117.-----------. Zurech- iiungsfiiliigkcit erkeiinende Gutachten. Wencii Todtung. Ibid., 252-2K'.—Azziiiiiari (G.) I lvati di sinigne nei Mazzoni di Capua. Hi v. mens, di psicliiat. f„ reuse, Xapoli, 18!i!i. ii, 16. — IE. (A.) Caserio devant la cour d'assises du Rhone. Arch, il'autlirop. crini.. Lyon &. Par., l<-94, ix, .-,0s-587.—Bairns (IL) & Vlaclnrcn (II.) The case of William Kerr. Lancet, Lond., 1891. i. 512 —Balti*ln .V l'ar., 1901. xvi, 474-494. — (a»t(|. lini. Uxoricidio: peri/.ia niedico-legale. Boll. d. Ass. med. tridentina, Trento. 1885. iv, 229-233. — C'aiiMa dm di omicidio volontario prcnieditalo. Diario d. San Bene- detto in Pesaro, 1895, xxiv, 1 ; 5: 9; 13; 17; 21; 25.— Cham- berlain (K. \V.) Some aspects of the Uruse ease. Med. Leg. J., N.Y.. 1887-8. v, 22-31.-Cliaiininjj (W.) Med- ical expeit testiinoin in the Kcllev niurder trial. Am. J. Insan., Bait., 1897-8, liv, 3s5 414, 2 pl., 2 dint:. Also [Abstr.]: Boston M. \ S. J.. 1898. exxxviii. 206. | Discus- sion],379-381.—Clice«.iiina (\V. S.l .V II a mi I ion (A. II.) The Sheldon murder trial; resume of the expert test miony for ihe State. X. York M. J„ 1900, lxxi, 301; 408: 618.— Chi'i'i'ii - Le) revelateur. Arch, de lanthrop. ciim.. Par., l.-SS. iii, lu9 — Cotlelupui (V.) Manealo omicidio pre meditate a seopo di I into. S, uola positiva, Koma. 11)01, xi, 285-21 '4. -----. Mancato uxoricidio peralcoolismo cronieo. Ibid.. 161-107.- Corin (G.) I'll crime passionne]; stran- filiation. egorgcinent on submersion. Ann. Soc. de med lei;, de Belg.. Charleroi. ls99-1900, xi, 197-210. —Coiling (B. K.i A murderers dying confession dispioved b\ suigr cal and anatomical facts. Boston M. .V S J. 1889. exxi, 3-s — Crailt . R. i Reply to Dr. Hingston's comniunica- tion ou lhe in. .leal evidi ucc in the Wellington Stieel nun der. is.. Bin -Am. L, Montreal, I860, i.'I45-I."'f>.-- Cra- mer i A.) Moid mi Zustand des pathologisehen Kau>chcs Miinchen. m.d. Wclinsclir.. 1895 xiii. 366-369. — CroNlon (J. F.) The Crosby homicide. Tr. Mass. Med.-Leg. Soe.., Bost.. 1888-90, ii. 281-285. — I>«- Kycliiic (R.) Annie Dyer: la tueuse dei.tints di Re.mine. A i cli. d'anthrop. crim , I.youet Par., 1.-97. xii, 1 "8- 181.— !>«•««'> (R.) Some observations on the case ot I'r< ndeigast the slayer of Carter II. Harrison, mayor of Chicago. Proc. Am. Med.- P-y, hoi. Ass. 1894, Utica. N. Y., !S:i5, i, 294-30"..—Dicta- men ,1, la prim, ra comision de inedicina forense en causa por hoiuici.li... An. r. Acad, de nied., Madrid, lssil ix, 232-230. — Draper .F. AY.i The Gilbert niurder trial; a medico 1. _,il i. view. Tv. Mass. Med.-Leg. See, Bost., 188--90 ii. 2-7 _')'■ .1'.-■ . Boston M. .V *?..!.. 1-8,'. exxxiv, 157-161— K»Lri«luc 1 T.) A strange homicide case. Alienist A: X, urol. >i Louis, ls'ss. ix, 03-.-5. — F ialowski i I!.. Verbreekendesvorsatzlichen Mortles ; Einslelluiigdes UliterseheiilungsveiinOgen. .est, l,-'.i8. xxxiv, 1182-1184.- detei mina/.ioli ■ deiraimn fe- Gior. di med. le*g.. Lanciano, Some medico-legal points ill V, ifahr.-nsw. g. nm.mg.-liid, I',-r. n.i-.l.-chii. l'i. --,-. Binl. Filoiiin«i-i; nel li ,t; i I. i itnce in un caso di omicidio. lssti, v. 186-194.— FI ini (A.) the Fr.i.chy murd. r trial. X.York M. J.. 1-91. liv, 39-41 AUo | Abstr.]: Besion M. sa-siiio-nato. Arch.di psicliiat. jetc.j.'l o: ino, 189a xx,597-€"0.— Fi-cycr. Welcher der beiden Angcsrhuldigten ist der Mdr.ler .' Ob- ductious-Bei-icht. Vrtfjschr. I. gerichtl. Med., Berl 1886, n.F.. xiv. 51-57.— l-'nka (F) Zd.ini lekafske o pficet- nosti Yacsl. M. pro vni/.lu. | Medical opinion in the case ot Yiie-1. M. as to minder. . Casop. lek. cesk . v Praze, 1865, iv, 98-101. Fmiaioli (P.) In causa di parricidio (i-teii-ii:0). Iti loi nia meil., Napoli, 1890, vi,218; 254; 20ii; 200. — ii. (A. A.) Un assassin de treize an- Arh. d'an- throp. crini , Lyon eri/.iii medico-lc- gale. Ibid., 1885, xi, 78 ; 91. — l.aiulgrnf (K.) Zwei liutachten in I'ntersiicluiiigen gegen sogenanntc Ein- richter wegen Vergehen der falirliissigen Todtung. Fried- reich s Bl f. gerichtl. Med.. N'wrnb , 1890, xii, 254 209.— I.cwiu (L.) Zwei gutachtliche Aeusseriingeii iiber den Blul bel'nnd bei dem I'olnaer Mordprozess. Deutsche med. W.-lni-clir., Leipz. 11. Berl., 1899, xxv, 691. — l.itilc- johii ill.i A case of niurder and suicide. Edinb. M. J., '19(10. n. s., vii, 363-369.—I „oIik in « tli.) Der Fall Zieihcn ■ iii l.icbte der Ivriminalistik. Arch. f. Krim.-A ui hrop. u. Krimin .list., Leip/... llinti, iii. 218-254. ", (G.) Due parrieidi. Arch, di psicliiat. |etc.]. Torino. 1S93, xiv, 131-134. -----. Fiatiicidio in stato d' .-pilessia osichica. Ibid.. 1901, xxii, 408 -473. — laipr/ K l.i Un delii-anti: a-.e-.ino. Cron. med. .|nir. de la Habana, 1-91. xvii, 0>7- 019. —.TlrC'naia iJ. lv) Homicide and suicide. Kansas M. J.. TopeUa. 1895, vii, 589-5!)2. —ItlarOonald (C. F ) Execution and autopsy of C/.olgos/. Med. Roc, X. Y., 1901, lx, 743.—ITIaiorli (G.) in (ansa di omicidio e fen- tativo di omicidio premedititi; perizia medico-legale. Crou.di manic, di Siena, 1891, xvii. 84; 106; 122. — .flair. Todtung- in Xothwehr. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1883, xxxiv, 172-189.—.VI a lie (La) sanglaute; Au- belt et Marguerite Dubois a la cour d'assises de la Seine. Proces celeb.. Par., 1896-7, iv, 60-87.—.VIarc. Du proces en Ceiidaniuatiou. icvisionet rehabilitation de Regis Ris- pal, jiropi ietaire habitant du lieu de Huni. r.s, canton de Montfaucon, et Jacques Galland, propi ietane, habitant du lieu de Chattavernc, monies commune et canton, departe- ment de la llaule-Loire. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1832. vii, 569- 621.— VI a iii ■■ ■ (R. .T. .V.) Giitacht'en uud Erkenutnisse iiber den Bruilermdrder J. C. Sch—r aus A,.; nach den Aden mitg.-theilt. Mag. f. d. Staalsarznk.. Leipz.. 1842, i, 105-159. — .Vlarly. Rapport inedico-legal; autopsic a la suite d'assassinat. Moiiaco-ined., 1901, v, no. 81, 5-7. -- .Vli'fiical (The) evidence ill the case of the Queen against .lames Council for lhe murder of his wife. l!rit.- Am. J., Montreal, 1860, i, 93 — Vlinlal . ]iilepsy as a de- fense for niurder: the Barry trial. Xorihwe-,1. Lancet, Minn, ap., 1901, xxi, 333-3 :0. - 'lei'U » iirili^cr Fal' eines Homicidii in volentem. Kcpert. f. .1. .'ill', u. gerichtl Aiv.- neivv., Berk, 1812, 76-87.— Vli-slri'. Contusion del craneo del nioreno Luis R.; muerte; atribuida al alcoholismo. An. i. Acad, de cien. inc.I. . . . de la Habana, 1887-8. xxiv, 506 577. IVIoi'can (C.) Conl roverso a propos de l'as- sassinat d hi enfant dc 7 mois. Ann. Soc. domed, leg. dc Belg., Charleroi, 1889-90, i, 68-101. — VlurriVr of a missing link. | Edit. | Medicine. Detroit. 1899. v. 1011-1013.— Vaiiinoll' i I. 1.1 Sinlc.hno-psikhiatrickcskiy sluchai; ubiystvo, so\ ershonnoye e]iilept ikoin. | Forensic-]>sy- chiai i ic.iise; niurder con unit ted bv an epileptic. | Xevrol. Vestnik, Kazan, 1901, i.x, no. 1, 114-134. — »**«■!. Verur- thcilung oh vetsuohten Moid ohne Fund des Erniordoten. Arch. f. Krim.-Aiitrop. ti. Kriiiiinnlist.. Leip/... 19O0-1901, vi, 315. —!\iiiif'iK (E.) Ilomicido del nifio Rafael II. que so eneontid ahorcalo. An. r. Aca'l. de cien. med. . . . de la Habana, 1887-8, xxiv, 500-500.- OImIim Iiuiislx ■ i< hI inder rntersuelniiigssachc widerdie Kathartua ver.-liliclite Kahlowska u. Cons w. gen N'orwandteninordes. Ver. deiitsche Zlschr. f. d. Siaal s Ar/.nk., Freili. i Br.. 1850, n V., vn, 343-370- Olloli n^lii (S.) I' xoi ici.la. Arch. dlpsiehiat. |etc. |, Torino, 1890, xi. 201.- l>ail(l-., 1891, 3. s., xxvi. 53- I'i3. — KoHcioli (R.) & Pieraiimtzi (C ) Perizia psi- chiatrica in causa di parricidio. Cron. d. manic, di Te- raino, 1895, iii, 33-37.— Ros.«*e (I. C.) Some medico-legal features of the Schneider case. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1895, xxiv, 154-158.— Ko»i (C.) Iu causa di omicidio; relazione psichiatrica. Corriere san. Settim., Milano, 1897, viii, no. 6, 1-4.—Rnata (A.) Iu causa di mancato parricidio e mancato omicidio. Ann. di freniat. |clc], Torino. 1891-2, iii. 182-190.— SaSi tni Pace (B.) Rela- zione di due casi di parricidio e di uxoricidio: coutributo alia criniiuologia. Pisaui, Palermo, 1889, x, 121-176. AUo, Reprint. -----. Uxoricidio ed epilcssh. psicliica. Pisani. Palermo, 1890, xi, 87-129.— Schneider (P.J.) Obergerichtsiirztliches Gutachteu iiber die zweifelhafte Tddesusache der Ehefrau des Steueraufsehers D. zu D. Vi-r. deutsche Ztschr. f. d. Staats-Ai znk., Freiburg i. Br., 1818. n.F.. iii. 203-380. —von Nclu-ciick-Nofzinj;. Dei- Fall Sautei : M'irdversueli und suggei arte Aiistiftimg zu neunfachein Alor.le. Zis. hr. f. Hypnoi. |etc.]. Leipz., 1900, ix, 321-352.—Semeleder (F.) A stiangc medico- legal case. M.d. Rec. X. Y., 1892, xii, 402.—ttcpnilli (G.) Epilettico omicida. Arch, di psichiat. [etc. |. Torino. 189:7 xiv. 500-570. — We'veri (A.) Omicidio; sevi/.ie gravi; brutal- malvagiifi; ipiestion.- complessa; ubbriachezza scusanie; incoiiciliabilii a. 1'iy. di med. leg.,Milano, 1898-9, ii, 74-76.— Shtolls (Y. I.) O suilebno-ineditsinskoi eks- perti/.ie po dielu ob ubiystvle Sarri Bekker. [ The niedico- forensic expert testimony in the murder ease of Sarah Bekkei.l Soobsh. i piolok. S.-Peterb. med. Obsh. (1885), 1880. iii, 129-161.—Mmilli (H. R.) En drabsag; knivhugg gjennem steriiniu. viilnus aorta*. [Homicide; blow with knife against sternum.) Tidskr. f. d. norske Lajgefor., Kristiania, 1899, xix, 155-159.—Sniilli (R. P.) A caseof I epileptic homicide. J. Ment. Sc., Loud., 1901, xlvii, 528- 540. — Mpitzltn (E. ('.) The Czolgosz case. Phila. M.J., 1901, viii. 0!i2-695. — Kiookm (('.) Ein fataler Ind'cieiibe- weis : 1',,-inei kiing.-n zu diesem Falle. Arch. f. Krim.-An- throp. u. Kiiininalisi.. Leipz.. 1901, vii, 312-82:*. —Sulli- van i W. U.) Alcoholic homicide. J. Ment. Se., Lond., | 1900. xlvi, 737-749.—Tainl»roni (It.) Uu caso di doppio suiculio trasformatosi in omicidio-mancato suicidio. Boll. il. manic, prov. di Ferrara, 1901. xxix. 76- 86.—Taiiibn- rini A.) Oniicidi peraffetto. Riv. sp.-i . di freniat., Reg- gio-Emilia, 1898, xxiv, 800-807.—Tarile (G.) A propos de deux beaux crimes. Arch, do l'anthrop. crun., Par., 1891, vi 452-465.—Tirelli (Y.) Tentato uxoricidio per acido -.olf.u-ieo. Ann.di freniat. [etc.],Torino, 190u,x 39-00,1 pl.— Tin iiuib (G. E.) The Butters homicide affair. Boston M. \ S. J., 1898, exxxviii, 395-397.—To*li t A.) L' assassi- nio pi ovocato. Scuola positiva, Fiesole 1897, vii, 157-166.— Tower (CO Reportof a case of homicide. Boston M. & S. J., 1882. cvii, 430-441. AUo: Tr. Mass. M.-d.-Lee. goc ( Cambridge. 1878-84. i. 229-238.—Trial for murder: plea of insanity. Boston M. i S. J.. 1852. xiv. 521-522. — Valcle* (Y. B.) Infornie en causa por parricidio y cinco asesi- natos mas. uno de estos consumado. An. r. Acad, de cien. med. . . de la Habana, 1892-3, xxix, 357-3s3. — Ver- ■irllieiluii'i u.gen fahrlassiger Todtung. Pest, med.- chir. Pivssc Budapest. 1899, xxxv. 37-39— Viiial* (F.) Facultad de medicina do Madrid; un triste episodio del cuiso de 1880 a 18-7. Corresp. med., Madrid, 1887, xxii, 122: 130: 138.— Vi r-ilio (G.) In causa di uxoricidio per fu- rore passimiale. -Vnomalo, Xapoli, 1890, ii, 198-219. -----. Paler.- psiehiatrico-legale sti F—P—, imputato di omicidio pivnie iiiato trior, di med. leg., Lanciano, 1899, vi, 193- 214—Vii jjilio [G.J [et al.]. Perizia sullo stato di niente di Em il 10 ('aporali, autore dell attento A. S. E. il Miuistro Ci-ispi. Riv sper. di freniat.. Reggio-Emilia. 1890, xvi, pt. 2, 22U- 54. — Vleiniuckx. I.aroche [et al.]. Rapports medico leg.nix relatifs ii I arl.ure P. l.zer. J. denied., chir. et Pharmacol. Brux., 1884, Ixxix, 143; 266; 353; 496, 2 pl.— von Wagner. Todschlag veriibt von einem trunk- siichtigeii elbisch depravirten Individuum ; angeblicher pathologis. hei Rausc'hznstaiid und Schl. ftruukeuheit; Yerurtheiluug. Wien. kliu. Wchnschr., 1900,xiii, 134-139.— Walker (G.) The Otto case; a medico legal study. Weekly M. Rev.. St. Louis. 1886. xiv, 253-258.—Walker (P. H.) An unpunished crime. Caledon.M. J., Rochester, Homicide (Cases of). 1891-4, n. 9., i, 259-271. — Whitney (W. F.) The Gilbert murder trial; the microscope as a witness. Tr. Mass Med. Leg. Soc, Bost., 1888-96, ii, 256-266. Also: Boston M. &. S. J., 1896, exxxiv, 165-168. |Discussion], 171.— Ziehen (T.) Ueber die Zuverlassigkeit der Angaben der verletzten Person iiber die Yorgiinge bei eine von ihr erlittenen selrweren Seliadelverletzuiig (1'aubinordver- such in Oldisleben). Cor.-Bl. d. allg. iirztl. Ver. v. Thii- ringen, Weimar, 1900, xxix, 65-79 —Zncchi iC.) Cimi- niesso omicidio; desisteuza della procedura criminale per mancanza d' imputabilitk. Gaz. med. di Milano, 1847, vi 59-61. HomiSiiiS (Gustav Ferdinand Emil) [ls.ltl- ]. "Bedeutung der Darniverwachsungen Lei der blutigen Operatiouen eiugekleininter Briiche. '21 pp., 1 1. 8°. Leipzig, C. G. Nanmann, 1870. Hommages rendus a la niemoire de deux homines de bien. [Edotiard Petit, fils.; L6o- nard-Edouard Petit, pere. ] 14 pp., 1 1. 8°. Melun, Desrues, [1819]. Iloiiime (L;). v. :i-4. l*-8ii-7. 8C. Pan's. Ended. 11 online (L) machine. See de La Mettrie (Julien-Oliray ). Hoilllliel (Adolf). Die Traguspresse, ein neues einfaches Ohrenheilverfahren. (37 pp. s°. Ziiri h .)'• Leipzig, A. Midler, 1*89. Hoilllliel (Max). * Hypertrophische Lebercir- rhose. 30 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, P. Scheiner, 1892. Homilicy (Joseph) [18(51- ]. "Contribution a I'etude anatouiique des kystes dn rein. 67 pp., 1 1. 4J. Paris, 1*87, No. 3.».">. Homo versus Darwin. See [Lyon (William P.)]. Homocoiiiiii. Jacobi (F. ["\Y.]) * Feber Homoconiin und die Condensationsfahigkeit von a-M.thylpyridiu mit Ketoncii. 8°. Kiel, 1-99. Scholtex (E.) "Beitrag zur Keuntnis der Wirkung des Homoc miin. 8°. Kiel, 1890. Homoeopath (Th ■). Edited by Charles E. Blumenthal. [Monthly.] Nos. 1-2, 5, 7. 1*2-19, •21-23, v. 1, July 1, 1*n>8, to June l.">, 18 .9. 4°. New York, C. f. Hurlburt. Homoeo|>a.tlie (L') beige. Journal consacre a la defense et a la propagation de riiomii'oiiathie en Belgique, v6dig6 par une societe de iu6deciua. [Monthly.] v. l-:{, June, 187)8, to May, l8(il. 8-. Bruxelles. llouiosoputlie (L') ulmois. Nos. 6-12, March, 1884, to March, 188o. 4. Nimes. No. 13 wanted, to complete. Homoeopathic (The) Advocate and Health Journal. Edited by Flora A. Brewster, E. C. Price [et al.]. [Monthly.] v. 9-0,1*-91 to April, 1893. 8°. Baltimore. v. 1, 2, under title: Baltimore (Tlie) Family Health Journal. Homoeopathic Convalescent Home, East- bourne. Annual reports of the board of manage- ment to the subscribers. 2.-9., 189i»-97. 8°. London, 1j**91-*\ Opened Aug. 25, 1888. Homoeopathic Directory for New England. See Massachusetts Homoeopathic Medical Society. Homoeopathic Directory Publishing Co., Philadelphia. Directory of homoeopathic phy- sicians in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, and District of Columbia. Compiled and published by the . . ., 188."). 31 pp. 8-'. Philadelphia, 1880\ Homoeopathic Dispensary, London, W. [Regulations and report of cases treated.] 16 pp. 12°. London, Langley $■ Son, [n. d.]. Homoeopathic documents; being the authen- tic bases of homoeopathy, in its reformed and no longer mystical state; namely, the declaration of the German Central Homoeopathic Congress HOMOEOPATHIC. 239 HOMOEOPATHIC. Ho in ICO pat hie documents—con tin tied. an.i the propositions of Ran. Transl. and an- notated bv W. Hro.'ickes. 152 pp. 12 . London, T. Hurst [and others], 1839. Homoeopathie (lhe) Echo. A journal of health and disease Conducted l>.v C. F. Fischer. [Monthly.] v. 1, March, 1800. to February, 1800. '■)9\ pp. **\ Auckland, New Zealand, J. Bell. HoillO'Opatllic (The) Envoy. For propa.u'at- in» the true medical faith. Published by F. 1'. Ansbutz. [Monthly.] \.2-12, March, 1891-1901. 4 . Lancaster, Pa. Current. HoiiMCOpatllic (The) Expositor. Edited by the homoeopathic physicians of Milwaukee. J. s Douglas, editor. [Monthly.] Nos. 3, 5, 7, **-U, v. 1, Sept., 1800, to May, 18(57. ** . Mil- waukee. Wis. Dis. I loin-las and Perrinc, proprietors. Each number paged ,-eparately. HoilllE'^palhic (The) Eye, Far. and Throat Journal. F.iifors: A. B. Norton. C. H. Helfrich, and J. 11. Harrison. [Monthly.] v. 1-7, 1895- 1901. 8*. New York. Current. Homoeopathic (The) family guide, for the use of twenty-live principal remedies in the treat- nient of the more simple forms of disease; com- piled from the best authorities. 17-li pp. 1(5°. Chicago, Halsey 0 King, 18(51. Homoeopathic Free Dispensary Association of "Washington, D. C. Annual reports of the offi- cers to the association and friends. 1., l**8*2-3; •2.. 1**-3-4; 4.-6., l-*8r>-(5 to 1****7-*-. ■**-". Wash- ington, 1883-8. Organized Nov. 7 and incorporated Dec. 10, 1882. Homoeopathic Guide. A journal for the peo- ple. Edited by A. Clokey [etal.]. [Monthly.] v. 1-2, May, 1**9.">, to February, 1-99. 4:. Louis- ville, Ky. Want no. 5, v. 1; no. 3, v. 2. Homoeopathic handbook aud guide to the dome-tie use of the medicines. See Tuckett (diaries.. HoilKi'opatllic lbspital, Minneapolis. An- nual up..it <>1 the officers to the corporation. 1., l*-84. Including report for 1-83 (lirst year's work). 31 pp. -r. Minneapolis. H. M. Hall, l**-5. Incorpoiated in 18,-1 and opened Jan. 9, \**'.i. HoilMCOpatllic H' spital, Ward's Island, N. V. Rules and regulations of the . . . Adopted by the boa id of commissioners of public charities and cone tion. 28 pp. 8 . [New York], Bells- vue Press, 1-7(5. ------. Annual reports of the chief of the medical staff to the commission! r> of public charities and collection. 9., 1^3: 12., 1—'0; 13., 1^7. 8. New Yo,k, 18-4--. Homu'0|»'itliic Hospital Association of Dela ware, Wilmington. Annual reports of the boaid of maiia.n-rs and officers to the association. 1.- 3., 1—7- to 1889-90: 6.-11., 1892-3 to 1**97-**. 8°. Wilmington, 1****--99. Organized iii November, 1887, and opened February, 1888. Homoeopathic Hospital Association of Mis- souri. Constitution and by-laws, lo pp. 1<5 . [St. Louis. 1**9**2] Incorpoiated Marcb 15, 1897, under the title of: Free Honneopatbic Hospital Association of the State of Mis souri. Adopted tbe pre.-e.nt title March 17, 1898. -----. Annual leports for the years 1K)7 ; M17-8. fol. [St. Louis, 1899.] Homoeopathic Hospital College, Cleveland. Annual announcements for the sessions of 1854- 5 (5.); 1-5(5-7 (7.); 1858-9 (9.); 1H13-4 (14.); 18(54-5 (15.); W4-5 (25.); 187(5-7 to l**93-4 (27.- 44.). 8-, 4C, & 12-. Clereland, 1-52-93. Homeopathic Hospital Envoy. Devoted to the interests of the Denver Homoeopathic Hos- pital. [Monthly. 1 Nos. 1, 9-11, v. 1; No. 11, v. 4, January, 1,-9(5, to November, 1899. **^°. Den- ver, Col. Homu'opatllic Infirmary of Philadelphia. Annual report of the board of managers to the contributors for the year ls<>3-4. 9 pp. K'>°. Philadelphia, (Juinn, 180>1. Homoeopathic (The) Journal of Obstetrics and Discuses of Women and Children, v. 6-23, 1--4-1901. 8J. New York. Current. Homoeopathic (The) Journal of Obstetrics, (iyna'cologv and Piedology, New York. 'Title of v.' S, lSsli, et seq., of: lionnropalhic (The) Journal of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Chil- dren, New York Homoeopathic (The) Journal of Surgery and gynecology. Edited by Charles E. Fisher. [Bi- monthly.] Nos. 1-2, v. i, Januaiy to March, 189,8. 8°. Chicago ty New )'ork. No more published. Merged in: .»!« dicnl Century, New York. Homoeopathic League tracts. Nos. 1-54. 8 . Loudon, [n. d.]. No. 1. Why should the friends of homoeopathy form a league J No. 2. What is homoeopathy 7 No. 3. The origin of homoeopathy. No. 4. Hahnemann's achievements in medicine and the allied sciences. No. 5. Statistics of homoeopathy. No. 6. Per*, cutions of homoeopathy. No. 7. Testimony of opponents in favor of homoeopathy and its founder. No. e. Influence cf homoeopathy on ordinary practice. No. !». Allopathy judged by its professors. No. 10. Eminent medical converts to homoeopathy No. 11. Official trials of homoeopathy. No. 12. Dangers of modern medicine. No. 13. From empiricism to homoeopathy. No. 14. The Loyal College of Physicians of London and homeopathy. No. 1">. Keuiarks on the explanation given by Dr. Lau- der Bruntou, examiner in materia medica, to the Eoyai College of Physicians of London (etc. |. No. 16. How they were converted. No. 17. How to study homoeopathy. No! 18. Allopathic misconceptions of homoeopathy. No. 19. (Jains of niedic.il liberty in fifty years. The Times on homoeopathy. British homoeopathic hospitals. The small doses of homoeopathy. Ilomeeopalhy in the old school. Economy of homoeopathy. Progress of taonnisopatliy. 20. Allopathic and homoeopathic treatment con- 27. The common sense of homoeopathy. 2s. What homoeopathy has saved us from. 29. The reign of law in medicine. 30. How the power of drugs were determined. 31. The power of the infinitesimal. 22. The revolution in medicine. 33. Anecdotal hoinieopathy. 31. The peculiar features of homoeopathic materia No. 20 No. 21 No. 22 No. 23 No. 24 No. 25 No. 21: trust N< N< N< N. N. Ni N< Ni medica. No. 35 No. 3(1 No. 37 No. 3* The two ways in medicine. Hoinieopathy and blood letting. Twenty years of lioino'opathy. The superiority of homieopathie medical treat- ment in chionie forms of disease. No. 311. The two pathics ; a dialogue. No. 40. The tioal incut of pneumonia, allopathic and honiiropiithic. _ No. 41. lloiiHiopathy the rational system of medicine. No. 42. The cholera. No. 43. Homoeopathy in veterinary practice. No. 44. Epochs in medicine. No. 42. Two decades i.....edicine. No. 40. Hahnemann on cholera. No. 47. Allopathic approaches to homoeopathy. No. 48. The evolution of homoeopathy. No. 49. Hahnemann's spirit of homoeopathy. No. 50. Homoeopathy in India. No. 51. HoiiKeopathy in America. No. 52. The propaganda of homoeopathy. No. 53. Historical sketch of the Londou homceopathio hospital. No. 54. Summary of the League s work. HOMOEOPATHIC. 240 HOM(EOPATHIC. Homoeopathic Medical College of Missouri for Men and Women. St. Louis. Annual jin- nouncenieiits for the sessions of lStiS-9 (7.); 1875-0 (17.): l**7(',-7 (18.); 1881-2 (23.); 188*2-3 i-'l ): 18-4-5 (■>!». i : 1889-90 (31.); 1891-2 (33.); l>92-3 (34.): 1--91-5 (3(5.); 1-95-H (38.); l**08-9 (41.). - cV 1*2". St. Louis, 1-08-98. List of students and graduates for 186(i-7; 1807-8; 18,0- 71; 1*74-5; 1875-6; 18*0-81: 1S81-2; 1883-4; 11-88-9; 1890- 91; 1891-2: 1893-4; ls94-5; 1S97-8, ill announcements for subsequent years. In 1KS0 a portion of the faculty seceded and reestalilished the St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons, bin after the second session (1881-2) it and tbe Heriug .Medical College were consolidated with this school. See. also, Nniiit l.oui* Homoeopathic College of Medi- cine and Surgery. Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsyl- vania. Charter, by-laws, etc. 15 pp. 80 Philadelphia, J. II. Chandler. 1805. Homoeopathic Medical College, Philadelphia. [Circular letter of the president to homoeopathic physicians, requesting their advice and assis- tance in the foundation and endowment of a hospital for the treatment and cureof the sick poor on the homoeopathic principle.] Aug. 30, 1808. 1 1. 4~. [Philadelphia. 1808.] Homoeopathic Medical College of the Uni- versity of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Annual an- nouncements for the sessions of 187.")-() to 1880- 81 (!.-(>.); 1881-7) (10.); Hs.V-o (IL); 188S-9 (14.): 1-90-91(15.); 1,-91-2 to 1894-5 (17.-20.); l-9,.-7 to 1-98-9 (22.-24.): 1900-1901 (20.). 8C cV 12°. Ann Arbor, 1875-1900. List of students and graduates for the sessions of 1875-6 to 1879-80; 1883-4; 1884-5; 1887-*; 1888-9; 1890-91 to 1893-4, in announcements for subsequent years. -----. Bulletin. Midwinter, 1897. 34 pp. 8°. Ann Arbor, Inland Press. 1-97. -----. Phials. Published annually by the junior | class of the hoinir-opathic department of the University of Michigan. Xos. 1, 2, v. 1. - . Ann Arbor, 1899-191)0. HoHMPOpatllic Medical Depaitinent of the State University of Iowa, Iowa City. .Sie Iowa. State University of Iowa. Homoeopathic Medical Department, Iowa City. Homoeopathic (The) medical directory of Great Britain and Ireland, and annual abstract of British and American homoeopathic serial lit- erature. To which has been added a list: of for- eign physicians in homoeopathic practice. 1872. 8, 42," pp. 8-. London, H. Turner ty Co., 1872. Homoeopathic Medical Dispensary, Boston. Annual reports of the secretary fo the corpora- tion. 1., 187)7-8: 33., 188-; ;>4.,' 1889. 8--. Bos- ton, l-5*.-90. Homoeopathic (The) medical library. Ma- teria medica. [Prospectus.] ii, 3-24 pp. o°. Phila lelphia, E. G. Horsey, 1843. Homoeopathic (The) Medical Record. A re- view of the progress of homreapathic medicine, surgery, obstetrics, and the allie:l sciences. Edited by J. C. Lahiri. [Monthly.] Xo. 3, v. 2, March, 1893. 8-\ Calcutta, Lahiri f Co. Homoeopathic Medical Society of the County of Xew York. List of active members. 7 pp. 8*-. [New York, 1*78.] -----. The same. May, 1880. 11 pp. 12;. New York, M. J. Rooney, [1880]. -----. Report of committee on revision of con- stitution and by-laws. Presented October 14th, 1885. 8 pp. 8-. [New York, 1885.] Homoeopathic Medical Society of the County of Philadelphia. Sanitary hints for the sum- mer; published for distribution by the . . . June, 18-5. - pp. 04j_ [Philadelphia, 1885.] -----. Fee bill for the use of homoeopathic phy- sicians adopted by the ... 11 pp. 16°. Phila- delphia, [n. d.]. Ilomo-opatllic Medical Society of Ohio. Pro- ceedings of annual sessions. 21.-25., 1-8.5-9; 2*., 1*92. * . [r. p.], 1885-92. Homoeopathic Medical Society of Pennsyl- vania. Transactions of annual sessions. 15., 1-79; 25.-35., 1-85-99. 8*-. [r.p.], 1879-99. -----. Repertory to lleritig's condensed materia medba. 432 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 18*9. Homoeopathic Medical Society of the State of Michigan. Transactions of annual sessions. 2., 1871; 15.-23., 1884-92. .«■-. [r. p.], 1-71-92. Homoeopathic Medical Society of the State of New York. Proceedings: 1850-1. 12 pp. 8°. Albany, J. Munsell, 1851. -----. Transactions. v. 19-27, 1884-92; 29-35, 1,894-1900. 8°. [r.p.], 18-4-1900. Homoeopathic Medical and Surgical Dispen- sary of San Francisco. Annual reports for the years 1809-70 to 1871-2. 8 pp. 12c. Sun Fran- cisco, J. F. Brown, 1872. Established August 5, 1869. Reports for 1869-70 to 1871- 2 in one. Homoeopathic Medical and Surgical Hos- pital and Dispensary of Pittsburgh. Act of in- corporation, rules, and regulations. 17 pp. 8°. [Pittsburgh], W. G. Johnston . Saint Louis. Current. Homoeopathic (The) Physician. v. 5-19, 1885-99. 8°. Philadelphia. Ended. Homoeopathic provings, containing the Vi- enna provings of eolocynth and thuja-occideu- talis, aud the symptoms of lethusa-cynapium, alcohol-sulphuris, aniphislia*na - verniicularis, anagallis-arvensis. apis-inellihca, aristolochia- nnlhomens, arsenicuni-inetallicuni, artemisia- vulgaris, asterias-rubeus, cinuabaris, tiirpethum, coccus-cacti. ii, 418 pp. 8°. New York, W. Radde, 1853. Forms appendix to: N.Atu.J, Homceop., X. Y. Homoeopathic (The) Record. Medical, so- cial, and scientific. [Monthly.] N. s..v. 1-3; Xos. 1-2, v. 4, Nov. 1, 1855, to Dec, 1858. ft-. London; Northampton. Homoeopathic (The) Recorder. Edited by J. T. O'Connor. [Bi-monthly.] v. 1-16, 1886- 1901. 8°. Philadelphia. Current. HOMOEOPATHIC. 241 HOMEOPATHY. Homoeopathic text-book of surgery. Edited by Charles E. Fisher and T. L. Macdonald ix, xxi, ix, 1661 pp., 52 pl. rov. 8*. New York 9- Philadelphia, Bocricke #• Tafel, 1890. Homoeopathic treatnient of diseases of the sexual system [etc.]. Translation of: lIomoopjitlii»<-li«» Kepertorium [etc.]. infra. Homoeopathic (The) World, v. 20-30, 1885- 1901. - . London. Current. Homoopathie (Die). Volkshllitter fiir honiiio pathisehes Ueilverfahren. Hrsg. von F. A. Cumber. [Semi-monthly.'] v. 1-3. April 2, 1-58. to Dec. 15. 1>00. 4°. Sondei shausen. Kmled. v. 2 commenced Jan., 1859. HoillU'opatllie (1/^ militante. Organe de la Societe lieli'e (le nie'decine hoinn'opathiquo. Re- dacteur: M. le Dr. (Oiilliard. [Monthly.] v. 1-3, 1-7---0. **- . Bruxelles. TTant no. 8. v. 1: no. 12, v. 3. Homoeopathic (De) in de Xedorlandcn en de uieuwe wetsontwerpen. reg.lende de uitoefe- uing der geneeskunst en der artsnijberoidkunst. 40 pp. -:. Utrecht, Gieben ,j'- Dumont, 1-57. Homoeopatllie (L') populaire. Journal inter- national de propagaude. [Seini-monthlv.] v. 1- 2 t Xos. 1-40). May. 1 •***•-, to Dec.. 18-9. fob Paris. Homoeopatliieiis hufvudlaror. med anledning af Dr. V. I. Li. dOecks skrift. *'<<• D. [in 1. s.L Homoeopatlliscll Maandblad. Uitgegeven vainM-iie de '* Verecuiging tot bevordering der | homoeopathie in Xelerland"'. v. 1-12,1890-1901. >in. 4~. 's Gravenhage. Current. Homoeopatliische (De) geneeskunst. Popn- j lain* si bets voor het niet geneeskundig publiek, door eene vereeniging van vooistanders der ho- moeopathie. vi (1 i.), 42 pp., 1 1. -°. Rotter- dam, H. Nijgh, 1-'-. HomdopathiM'lie Hauhecheln. Alt und Xeu fur Freund und Feind. [By Constantin Hering.] 70 pp. -c. Jam, F. l'iommann, 1810. HoiiioopathiM'he Heilversuclie an kranken Hatisthieien. Lister Brief: Heilung der Pferde. Zweiter Brief: Heilung der Rind^r. Von einem | Laien. vi, 136 pp.; xxxviii, 295 pp. - . Magde- burg, W. Heiniichshofen, 1-30-7. ------. The same. 2. ganz unigearbeitete Ausg. xxxviii, 295 pn. - . Magdeburg, W. Heinrichs- hofin. 1837. Iloiiioopatliischc Monatsbliitter fiir volks- thiimii. In i .•-inn heitspllegc und Heilkunde. ' Organ des hoinoopaihisehen Vereius in Bayern. Hisg. von Dr. Kolbe und Jos. Lindner, v. 1-0, 1875—0. - . Regensburg. v. G last published. Dr. Lindner died June 10, ls79. ('. Oerster became editor. Hoinoopathische Monatsbliitter. v. 1-2, Julv. 1-Tii. to Dec, 1-77; v. 10-26, l8ft5_1901. j --. ' Stuttgart. ■ Current. Hoiiioopatllische Vieiteljahreschrift. Cen- tral-Organ fiirdiegi'saminte Homoopathie,mil be- sonderer Beriicksichtigung aller medicinischeii | Hilfswissenschaften. Hrsg. von Klotar Miiller uud Veit Meyer, v. 1-14, 1850-03. 8°. Leipzig. v. 15-16 wanted to complete. IloilldO' atllisclier Kalender fiir die Jahre l**9l-3. Hrsg. von WillmaiSchwabe. 12". Leip- zig, 1890-2. Hoilioopatliisclies Kepertorium der in der Geschlechtssphare des Mamies wie des Weibes vorkoininenden Kranklieitserscheinungen, mit Angabe des jedein einzelnen Falle entsprechen- den Heilinittels. Fin Hand- und Hiilfsbiichlein fiir den Laien, der des Arztes sich zu bedieneu keine Celegenheit hat, sowie fiir angehende lio- VOL VII, 2D SERIES-----Iii HoriloopathisehcsKepoitoriuni[etc.]—cont. moopathische Aer/.ie. MiteinerEinleitung iiber den Cebrauch del hoinoopathischon Arzneiinittel im Allgenieinen. Bevorwortot von Carl Han- bold sen. xiv, 79 pp. 16*. Leipzig «p Gent, J. M. C. Armbrnsler, 1-40. [P., v. 14.57.] ------. The same. 2. unigearbeitete, vermehrte und verbesscrtc Anil, xiv, 90 pp. 12*. Ilild- bitrghauseu ty Leipzig, F. Kesselring, 1851. ------. The same. Honueopathic treatment of diseases of the sexual system; being a, complete repertory of all the symptoms occurring iu tin* sexual systems of the male and female. Adapted to tho use of physicians and laymen. Transl., arranged, and edited, with additions and im- provements, by F. Humphreys, ix, 10-141 pp. 16'. .Xew York, W. Raddc; Philadelphia, ('. L. Rademacher, 1850. ------. The same, ix, 114 pp. 10°. Philadil- pltia, Rademacher ty Sheek, 1854. HoillOOputllis-'lH's Yadeiiiceiini, mit Beitra- geii von vcr.-chiei'enen Autorcn, hrsg. von Will- mar Schwabe. 2. Autl. viii, 212 pp. 12'-. Leipzig. W. Sehwabe, 1875. Cover reads: 1S7(>. Hoilloopathi*chcs Vademecum. Berichti- gung der fiber die hoinoopathische Heilmcthode bestehenden irrigen Anschauiingen uud Vornr- theile, nebst L'iicklilicken auf die Geschichte und Statistik der Homoopathie. Mil Anhang: Klei- ner honiiiopathischer Hausarzt, nebst, Charakte- ristik von vierzig -wichtigen hoiiioopathischeii Arzneiniitteln und genauer Angabe der Gabcn- grosse fiir jeden Einzelfall. v, 222 pp.. 11.. port. (of Hahnemann). 12-. Leipzig, W. Schwabe, 1890. Hoindopatlliska Underrattelser fiir Svenska Folket. Manadsblad af Doktor Liedbeck. [Hoinii'opathic instructor for Swedish people.] [Monthly.] v. 1-2, 1855-0. sm. 4°. Stockholm. Hoiiioeopathist (Tbe). Published by Dioclc- sian Lewis. [Semi-monthly.] Xos. 11-12. 19, v. 1; Xos. 1-6. 8-9. v. 2, Oct. 1, 1850, to March, 1852. 83. Buffalo, N. Y. In v. 2 became monthly. Homoeopathy. Report of the speeches on irregular practice, delivered at the nineteenth anniversary meeting of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association, held at Brighton, August 13 and 14, 1-51. 32 pp. - . London, J. Churchill, 18.51. Homrcopatliy. See., also, Bibliography {Medical)—Booksellers' catalogues ; Directories {Medical); Electro- homoeopathy; Ethics {Medical); Homoeop- athy {I'ontrorersial literature of). Addkkss (An) to the friends of honueopaiby in Ne*v York, from the trustees of the Xew York Homo'opathic Dispensary Association. - . .Win York, 1852. Axm'aikk lioino'opathique par Catellan fre- res. (Jet ouvrage compreml: 1. Un expose coinparatif des principes el des nioyens de l'homieopathie et de l'allopathie. 2. Une serie d'arguments et de faits qui deniontrent la su- peYiorite lie la nouvelle doctrine, et constituent des documents a I'usagc de eenx qui desirent la propagcr oil la, defendre. 3. La lisle generale des inedecins et, des phaimaciins honuropathes de la Fianee et deTY>tranger, ainsi que 1'indication des societes et des journaux qui out pour but le developpenient, ou l'etiulede la roTornio hahne- mannieniie. 4. I'n coup d'odl sur la mareho de l'lioni(i'o])alhie dans les di verses contrees du globe, et la statistique des li6]iitaux, dispensaires et autres etablissements dans lesquels eette nie- deeine est prnt.iqnee. 12 . Paris, |-63. Bailky (B. F.) HoiiMiop'ithy in the public service. -°. Lincoln, Neb., [1901]. HOMCEOPATHY. 242 HOMCKOPATHY. Homceopathy. dk Ballkns (C*) Sinqde comparaison medi- cal'. 8 . Florence. 1850. Bayard i,E) Obligation of the world to ho- ino'opathy; an address delivered before the American Institute of Hoinieopathy. 8'■-. Phila- delphia, 1-53. hayks {NO.) The position of homoeopathy in the rational practice of medicine. 12°. Lon- don. 1-75. Bkchkt (J.-J.) Les harmonies medicales et phil isophi(]ues de l'honiceopathie. 8°. Aci- gnon, 1873. Picking (F.) Die Verirrungeu der Medicin von illiem Grundprincip und die Feststellung ilesselhen in der honiopathisch - specilischeu Heillehre. 8 . Berlin, 1843. Bidule (J. T.) Answers to questions con- cerning homoeopathy. 12 5 Philadelphia, 1*98. Bigel. Exanien th6orique et pratique de la methode curative de Hahnemann, nominee ho- nieopathie. 3 v. 8 5 Uarsorie, 1*27. vox Bonningiiausex (C.) Die Korperseiteu und Verwandtschaften; hoinoopathische Stu- dien. 8 ■'. Minister, 18.53. Bo.ianus (C.) Die hoinoopathische Thera- peutik in ihrer Anwendung auf die operative Chirurgie." 8. Stuttgart, 1*80. Bowers (B. F.) Reasons why homoeopathy should receive an impartial investigation from the medical profession and the public. 8°. New York, 1840. Brazol (L.) O homeopaticheskoin zakone podohiva. [On the hoiiKeopathic law of simi- lars.] "s . S.-Peterburg, 1887. ------. The same. Publichniya lektsii o ho- mcopatii. 1. O kotneopaticheskoin zakone po- | dobiva. 2. O homeo|iaticlieskoi farniakelogii. j 3. O homeopaticheskiUh dozakh. [Public lect- ures on lioimeopathy. 1. Ou homceopathic law of similars. 2. Homoeopathic pharmacology. 3. Homoeopathic dose.] 2. ed. 8°. S.-Peter- burg, 1-89. AUo, transl. in: Ztschr. d. Berl. Ver. homoop. Aerzte, 1890, ix, 1-70. Bkowx (D. D.) Introductory lecture at the j opening of the wiuter session 1878-9, at the Lon- don School of Homoeopathy. 8\ London, 1878. ------. The reign of law in medicine, being the Hahuemaiiu oration for the year 1885. 12^. London, 18*0. vox Bkuxxow (E.) Eiu Blick auf Hahne- mann und die Homoopatbik. 12°. Leipzig, 1844. Bursciii (D.) Esposizioue coiupendiosa del medico sis'ema omiopatico di Hahnemann illus- trata con diverse anuotazioni; lettere due indi- rizzate al signor direttore del Giornale scienti- fic©-left erario di Perugia, con 1' aggiunta della biogralia di Hahnemann e di alt re due lettere sull' argomento stesso indirizzate all' autore dai 1 Luigi Riboni e Francesco Talianini. 8*-. Mi- lano, 1-39. BrciiNKR (J.) Fragmente aus den hinter- lassenen Schriften des Hofraths Hahnemann. Pc. Augsburg, 1848. Bui:nett (J. C.) Fifty reasons for being a homoeopath. 16°. London, 1888. Cexaro (C. G.) Laboratorio especial de ho- meopatia. 12°. Madrid, ]*78, Clausen* (D. W.) Pure homoeopathy, pro- gressive hoinieopathy, and the Irue homceo- patlncian. 1(1 . Auburn, N. Y., 18*2. Coi>i>e(L.) Strenna omeopatica dedicata agli amatori illuminati della propi ia sanita e dei migliori inezzi di oonseivarla. 8°. Torino, 1851. ------. The same. [Anuo 2.] 12°. Torino, 18.53. Homoeopathy. ------. The same. [Anno 3.] 12C. Chieri 1855. ------. The same. [Anno L] 1*2°. Genora, [185(5]. ------. The same. [Anno 5.] 12°. Torino 1859. Comet (R.) La doctriiia homoeopiltica ante las ciencias positivas. 12s Mexico, 1**92. Ckuxens (C) Consideraeiouescritieas acerca de los prineipios fundamentales de la homeopa- tia. 8 . Barcelona, 1809. Curtis (J. T.) The relations of homoeopathy to chemistry. s°. Neiv York, 1852. D. Honia'opathiens hufvudliiror, med anled- ning af Dr. P. I. Liedbeeks skrift: Homceopa- thiens viirvarande st alining i frammande lan- der (2 :a upplagan). Bihang: I'pplysningar om fdregifna anfall mot P. H. Ling och svenska gynmastiken. Eft sjelfforsvar. [The principal doctrines of homoeopathy with regard to Lied- beck's "Tlie present standpoint of honneopathy in foreign countries".] 8 Stotkholm, 1855. Dansi(G.) Lettere intorno 1'oniiopatia. Kac- colte per cura di G. G. Bruui. 2. ed. hc. Mi- lano, 184(5. Declaration of honueopathic principles. 8°. [Liverpool, 1878.] Repr. from: Orsjauon, Liverpool, 1878, i. Des Guidi (S.) eomte. Lettre aux iueclecins francais sur riioiiKeopathie. 2. ed., suivie des nioyens de guerir le cholera et de s'en pr6server. 8°. Paris, 1836. Dessaix (J.-M.) Homceopathie. De Part de gueYir et de ses progres. 8°. Paris, 1812. Dickinson (W. H.) Honneopathic principles and practice. 8 . Des Moines, 1889. Dowlixg (J. NO.) Annual address before the Now York State Homoeopathic Medical Society. 8'*. New York, 1873. Drysdale (J.) Address on modern medicine and honneopathy. 12°. [Birmingham, 18711.] Dunham (C.) Homoeopathy the science of therapeutics; a, collection of papers elucidating and illustrating the principles of honneopathy. 8°. Philadelphia, 18-5. Dunnel (H. G.) Inaugural address; deliv- ered before the Xew York Homoeopathic Physi- cians' Society on the 6th of January, 1847. 8". [New York, 1847.] van Eden (P. 11.) Homoeopathic enpraktijk. Voordracht gehouden in de Afib eling Friesland der Nederlandsche Maatschappij tot Bevorde- ring der Geneeskunde. 8 . te Groningen, 1899. Eekma (B.) De rationeel-etnpiiische genees- wijze in de geneeskunst verdedigt tegen J. F. P. Schonfeld, en de geest, der homoeopathische ge- neesleer van S. Hahnemann getoetst aau rede en ervaiing. S-. Groningen, 1800. Ehrmann (B.) What is homoeopathy? 12°. Chillicothe, 1848. Elias (K. H.) Hoinoopathische Gurkeumo- nate, oder Hahnemann's des Hoinoopathen Le- ben und jetzte Thaten; zur Unterhaltung und Belehrung fiir Aerzte und die es nieht sind. 8°. Halle, 1827. Escallier [E.-A.] Pourquoi je fa is de Fko- mceopath e. 2. ed. s '. Paris, 1855. Fehreira Montiniio (A.) A homceopathia perante os factos, ou resposta as informaccoes das escholas niedico-cirurgicas de Lisboa e Porto acerca do requeriinento que o consultorio ho- moeopathico portuense. 8 5 Porto, 1858. Gatchell (C.) The key notes of medical practice. 2. ed. 12-. Chicago, 1880. Glkiwitz (G.) The realities of homoeopathy. 8*5 Middlebury, Ft., 1859. HOMOEOPATHY. 243 HOM(EOPATHV Houiceopatliy. vox Gmelin i. F. G. ) Critik der Principien der Homoopathie. 8°. Tubingen, 18:15. GuegoroviUS. Homoopathie, tierischer Mag netisnius. Xaturheilverfahren. Was haben wir davon zu halteut 12*'. Dresden, 1-97. Gkiesski.icu ( L.) Hahnemann und Eisen- mann. Sendschreiben an Dr. Eisenmann in Miinchen. 8 5 Karlsruhe, ls'36. _____. Vier Frageu aus dem Gebiete der ho- moopatischen Medizin, nebst den speeitischeu Antwoiten dazu. 8°. Karlsruhe, 1847. Guoos (E. A.) Die Erfahrungen eines alten Ar/.tes, vor/iiglich auf dem Gebiete der Homoo- pathie. Fine' liiogiaphisch-niedizinische Skiz/.e. *--\ Iserlohn, 1880. Guernsey (H. K.) The key-note system. 8 . [n. p.. n. d.] Haas (A.) Die Homoopathie lichtvoll in der Theorie und heilvoll iu der Praxis. Zur Beleh- run<>- ami Beherziguug fiir Jeue. denen das wahre Wesen dieser Heilinethode nieht nalier bekannt ist. - . Wien. 1801. Hahnemann (S.) Fragment;! de viribns nie- dieainentoruiu posiiivis, sive in snno corpore hu- mauo observatis. -'. Londini, 1*01. -----. The spirit of the honiieopathic doc- trine, and a letter to a physician ou the neces- sity of a reform iu medical practice. Transl. by Ge'ddes M. Scott. -~. London, 1-38. -----. The same. The genius of the homoe- opathic healing art. Transl. by A. Lippe. S-. Liverpool, 1-78. Itepr. from: Organon, Liverpool, !*>.£. AUo [Rev.], in: Am. Observer, Detroit, 1878, xv, 473- 479. Hempel (C. J.) Organon of specific homoe- opathy, or au inductive exposition of the prin- ciples'of the homieopathie healing art, addressed to physicians and intelligent laymen. 8°. Phil- adelphia, 1-54. -----. Homoeopathy, a principle in nature. Its scientific universality unfolded; its develop- ment and philosophy explained; aud its appli- cability to the treatnient of diseases. --. New York, [1-iiO]. -----. The science of homoeopathy; or, a critical and synthetical exposition of the doc- trims of the'homoeopathic school. 8". New York, 1-74. Hencke ( C.) Die Homoopathik Hahne- mann's; oder die Heilkunde der Eifahrung. Aus Hahnemann's Sehritten kurz ziisainmenge- stellt. 8-. Riga, 1801. HinseiiEL (B.) Die Homoopathie und ihre Bekenner. Ein Mahnungsiuf am Denkmal Hahnemann's. s3. Jena, 1-51. -----. Die Homoopathie. Fine Anleitung zum richtigen Veistiindniss und zum Sclbststu- diuin deiselben. 8J. Dessau, 18.51. -----. The same. Grundriss der Homoopa- thie nach ihrem neuesten Standpunkte, und An- leitung zum Studium und zur Praxis deiselben. 2. Anil. **c. Leipzig, 1854. HiI'schfeld (S. E.) Leber das Athmen und dess.-n ge.siindlieitsgemiis.se Bedingungen und uber Homoopathie. 8 . Bremen, 1842. Hoffmann (A.) L'homceopathie exposee aux gensdu monde. 8->. Paris, 1856. Holcombe (W. H.) The scientific basis of homoeopathy. 12 . t'incinnati, 1802. -----. How I became a homoeopath. 8°. New York «'onnis (C. E) Continiiazione agli studj sul- 1' omeopatia, colla risposta a Tonimaso Scardas- sal. 8°. Cagliari, 1854. Omeopatia (Sulla) del Samnele Hahneinaun. 85 Milano, 1835. Orme (F. H.) Address delivered by the pres- ident of the American Institute of Hoina-opathy, at the session on its forty-eighth anniversary. 8°. Atlanta, 18-7. Paine (H. M.) Is the homoeopathie school uusectarian? Is its practice based on an exclu- sive dogma? -~. Albany, 1,-79. Peabody (E. P.) Memorial of Dr. William Wesselhiifr, to which is added his last address to the Homoeopathic Association. 12-. Boston, 1859. Perrussel (F.) Lettres a un ami du progres sur 1'houHeopathie, suiviesde plusieurs guerisons reinaiquables, obtenues a l'aide de ses precedes. 8-. Paris, [18:is], -----. L'hoiiHeopathie, ou la verit6 en mede- cine. 8- Nautis, 1843. -----. Lettres nonvelles, ou nos conferences sur l'houiceopathie, ou verity en me'decine. 8*'. Paris, 1800. Placci (,G. B.) Saggio sulla reazione vitale. 8*5 Bologna, 189*. Poi.n (M.) Delle cagioui che ritardarono e ritardano il progresso dell' omeopatia. 8-5 To- rino, 180*. -----. Leltera al dottore Dansi sopra la pro- posizioue del dottor Caranielli, f'atta al Congresso scientifico di Firenze, quali siano i fatti positivi e fond amen tali della medicina. 8°. Torino, 184 2. Potter(S. O. L.) Modern honnBopathy viewed lionueopathically; the grounds of a homoeopath's loss of faith. 8*-'. [n. p., n. d.] Praciisciie Beitriige im Gebiete der Home- opathic Hrsg. von den Mitgliedern des Lau- sitziseh - Schlesischen Vereins houioopathischer Aerzte, durch Dr. S. T. Thorer. 2 v. in 1. 8°. Leipzig, 1-34-5. Pratt (E. H.) Introductory lecture to the sixteenth session of Hahnemann Medical College of Chicago. 8*. Chicago, 1875. Puig y Monserrat (M.) "Apercu snr l'ko- mceopathie. 8*-'. Toulouse, 1877. Pure hoiiKeopathy defined. An address on the question : Is the homoeopathic remedy always sufficient to relieve suffering in incurable casesi By a coininiitee appointed by the president of the Rochester Hahueinannian Society, and (din- posed of YV. G. Browned, Julius G. Sehniitt and YV. G. Baker. -'. Rochester, N. Y., 1889. Rau (G. L.) Xouvel organe de la nicdeciiie specifique, ou exposition dela methode homeo- pathii|iie. 8°. Paris, 1839. Recht(Ueberdas) der homoopathischeii Aerzte ihre Arzneimittel selbst zu bereiten und den Kranken zu reichen; mit Riicksicht auf die prenssischen Gesetze erortert von einem practi- schen Juristen. --. Berlin, 1809. Reed (D. M'C.) Reasons for embracing homie- optithy, and impediments to the more general success of the practice. 12*. London, 185-. Riforma medica in couciliazione colla oniio- patia. Opera di uu dottore fisieo-omiopatico ingl.se, trad, sulla 4. ed. dal Prof. T. P. Ros- setti. 8-. Milano, 1857. HOMOEOPATHY. 245 HOMCEOPATHY. Homoeopathy. RiCtLER (J.) Die Homoopathie und ihre Be- deutung fur das offentliche Wold. -\ Berlin, 1882. de Rinaldis (B.) La medicina moderna in quauto arte di guarire ,11011 ha nessun prinoipio scieniifico questo lo possiede la sola omeopatia. Prolnsione aduu corso di eonfereuze sulla riforma onieopatiea. 8 . Lccce. 1875. Roberts (J. B.) Modern medicine and ho- moeopathy: two addresses. 12*. Philadelphia, 1-95. Rohy (H. W.) The treatment of disease from the homeopathic standpoint. 8 . Topeka, 18*0. Rodman (YV. YV.) An address delivered at the eighteenth annual meeting of the American Institute of Honneopathy. -\ Chicago, 1*00. Rodzayevski (D. K.*- Hoineopatiya kak me- diko-tilosofskaya sistcma v yeya proshlom i v nastoyashtsheni. Kritiko-istoricheskiy ocherk. [Homieopathy as a medico-philosophical system in its past and present. Critico-historical sketch.] 85 Kiev. 1-91. Russell (J. R.) A contribution to medical literature. --. London, [n. d.]. Salevert de Fayolle (L.) Principes de la doctrine medicale hoiiiteo]iathi(|iie. 8-. Paris, Londrs. New York, Madrid, 1-53. Salinger . L. 1 *Kriiische Darstellung der Homeopathic Halineinanus und der Neuzeit. -*. Berlin, [I — 2]. Schmid . U.) Mein iir/tliches Testament. Nothwendige und wichtige Aiifschliisse uber die Homoopathie. - . Wieu, 1—2. Schron (F. L.) Die Hauptsiitze der Hahne- maun'schen Lehre, mit Riicksicht auf die Praxis betrachtet. -5 Erlangen, 1-34. Sharp (YV.) Tracts on homoeopathy. Xo. 1. What is honneopathy? Revised with additions and published for gratuitous distribution by William I. Mansfield. --\ Philadelphia, 18(17. -----. The same. 6. ed. 8:. New York, [n. il.]. -----. The same. Xo. 2. The defence of homeopathy. •">. ed. -j. New York, [n. d.]. -----. the same. Xo. 3. The truth of ho- ' mieopathy. 0. ed. - . New York, [n. d.]. -----. 'I'be same. Xo. 4. The small dose of j honneopathy. -. ed. - . Nen- York, 1-55. -----. The same. 9. ed. - . New York, [n. d.]. -----. The same. Xo. 5. 1 he difficulties of honneopathy. 2. thousand. X-. London. 1-5:!. -----. The same. 3. thousand. 8 . London, 1-5:1. -----. The same. 13. ed. * . New York, [n. d.]. j -----. The same. Xo. 6. The advantages of homoeopathy. ,-"->. New York, [n. d.]. -----. The same. No. 7. The principles of hoinieopathy. *-. New York, 1-50. -----. The same. (!. ed. - . Netc York, [n. d.]. -----. The same. No. -. Tlie controversy on honio'opathy. <>. ed. 8 . New York, [n.d.]. -----. The same. Xo. 9. The remedies of hoiiid'opathy. 6. ed. - . New York, [n. d.]. -----. Tlie same. Xo. 10. The provings of honneopathy. ti. ed. - . Xew York, [n. d.}. -----. The same. Xo. 11. The single med- j icine of homoeopathy. (I. ed. 8-. New York, j [n. d. }. -----. The same. Xo. 12. The common sense ofhonneopathy. 6. ed. *J. New York, [u. d.]. -----. An investigation of hoimi'opatliy. 7. ed. 8 , London, 1-56. Homoeopathy. -----. Fssays on medicine; being an inves- tigation of hoinieopathy and other medical systems. 10. ed. 8 . London, [1874]. Short (A) sketch of the life of Hahnemann, with an outline of honneopathy and cases suc- cessfully treated. 5. ed. 12 . London, 1851. Sii.uenhaar (F. J.) Der llahneniannianer als (ieschiehtschreiber nnd Criliker. Als Erwi- derung auf . . . Moritz Miiller's Abhandlung: Zur (ieschicbte der lloinoopathie, aus Aden go/ogvn mit Annierkungen, Leipzig, 1831. 12 . Leipzig, 1831. Simon iL.) Hoino'opathie. Expose succinct des precept es de la doctrine. 12-5 Paris, 1847. Small (A. F.) The past and present; an in- troductory lecture, delivered to the class in Hahnemann Medical College. 8*5 Chicago, 18(15. Smith (J. H.) Thoughts for the tinies. An address delivered before the Hoino'opathie Med- ical Society of Massachusetts. 8°. Boston, [1872 |. Soeterik (D.) Jets over homeopathic en hare uitoefeuaren voor niet geneeskundigen. -\ Dordrecht, [n. d.]. Sollier (J.) La verite sur Phonueopathie. K'etlexions critiques et observations pratiques. 8°. Marseille, 1838. Sorge (W.) Die Homoopathie, befreit von Febeitreibungen und gestiitzt durch viele be- wiihrte Heilanzeigen. Zur Verstandigung mit der opponirendeu Arztwelt. 8 . Sondershausen, 1804. van der Stempel (M. L.) De grondbegin- seleu van de homoeopathie getoetst aan de groud- wettenvan de orgaantherapio volgens H. Schulz. 8-5 Zaandam, 1-99. Stens (W.) Offenes Sendschreiben au Seine Excellenz . . . Dr. von Bettiinann-Holhveg. 8°. Leipzig, 1861. Sturmer (T. ) Zur Vennitteluiig der Ex- treme iu der Heilkunde. 3 v. - . Leipzig, 1-37-43. -----. Ueber l'reisl'ragen zur \'eiiiiittelnii(j. Tessier (J.-P.) Ftudesde medecine giMierale. -:. Paris, 18.55. Ti:s]E (A.) Comment on de\ ient honueo- piifhe. 12 . Paris, 1805. Thomas (A. L'.j Inaugural address delivered al the Hahnemann Medical College of Phila- delphia. 8-J. Philadelphia, 180,*. Trunks (C. V.) Samuel Hahnemann's Ycr- dienslc 11111 die Ileilkunst. Ein Vortrag in der \'ersauiuilung hoinoopatkischer Aerzte am 10. August 1843 in Dresden gehalten. 8 . Leipzig, 1810. Triul/.i (A. i La riforma onieopatiea c i soui principii. - . Geuora, 1--I. Truths and their reception considered in rela- tion to the (bictrine of honuiopathy ; to which are added various essays on lhe principles and statistics of honueopathic practice. 8°. London, 1819. Varlez. Discours prononce en favour de I'lionueopathie a l'Academie royale de mddecine de Belgique. 8°. Bruxelles, L-49. HOMCEOP ATHY. Homoeopathy. VkrweY (L.-H.) L'hoino'opathie en presence des autres methodes curatives. Traduit du hol- landais par P. de Molinari. 10*. rails, 1800. -----. The same. Die Homoopathie gegeu- iiber den andern Heilinethoden. Aus dem Fran- zosischen frei iibertragen nnd mil eiliiuternden Zusiitzen fiir gebildete deutscho Leser bearl eitet von Dr. Altschul. 16-. Prag, 18.58. Waciismann (P.) rfKritische Beitrage zur geschichtlichen Entwickelung und zu den Prin- zipien der homoopathischen Lehre. 8C. Berlin, [188:5]. Waison (W.) What is homoeopathy? 10*-. London, 1852. Wesselhceft (C.) A lecture ou homoeopathy before the members of the Boylston Medical Society (of Harvard Medical School). 8C. Bos- ton, 18-5. WieseckE (H.) De l'homceopathie. Memoire justificatif present^ a MM. les membres de la cour royale. 8;. Paris, 1-38. Wisl'icenus (O.) Wie Prof. Dr. C. E. Bock iu Leipzig das Volk iiber Homoopathie aufkliirt. 8 . Eisenach, 1850. Wolf ( C. W. ) Hoinoopathische Erfahrun- gen. Erstes Heft: Das Bienengift. Zweites bis fuuftes Heft: Die Grundvergiftungen der Menschheit und ihre Befreiung davon. 2 v. in 1. 8-5 Berlin, 1800. Wouters (J. T.) Similia similibus curantur. Populaire voordracht over honioeopaihie. 8 5 Groningen, 1-98. Y. Hoinoopathische Bekehrungs-Episteln fiir angehende praktische Aerzte. Hrsg. vou Carl Friedrich Trinks. 1. Hft. *■■-. Dresden ty Leipzig, 1837. ICrt'iiier (J.) De l'homceopathie. Bull. Soe. denied. de Gand, 1867, xx xiv, 67-113. AUo, Keprint-Brin k man (Mary A.) Tbe relation of homoeopathy to u.\ meeolouy or sectarianism in medicine. Iloimeop. J. (il.si.. X. Y., 1890, xii, 100-174. Also. Reprint. — t'liiidnovsUi (I. T.) Clito takoyehomeopatiyai sushi sheslviiyet li ona .' [What is liomieopathy and does it exist?] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1895. xvi, 1--J. AUo, Reprint.—Cooper (1*.) The rela- tion of physician and oculist. Hahneiuan. Month., Phila., 1894, xxix, 9-12. AUo, Reprint. — tiiinford (A. K.) Halineinann and hoiiid'opathy. ('Unique, Chicigo, 1897, xviii, 559-500.— Diidyeoii (ll. E.) La bactcnologie et l'homceopathie. Com:, internat d'honneop. 1900. Corbeil, 1901, 52-811. —Dudley (P.) Hahnemann. 1790-1896. Halineinan. Mouth., Phila., 1896, xxxi, 4:)3-457.—Fallot. Deuxieine discours sur l'hoinceopatliie. Hull. Acad. roy. de med. de I'.el-., Brux., 1848-y, viii, 114S-1180. AUo, Reprint.— I'.-iyc (A. L.) Oiu boindopatien, dens udvik- ling og niivarende stilling. [Homoeopathy; its develop ment and present position.) Xord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1888, xx, no. 14. 1; no. 21, 1. — Fincltc (B. i Homo- osis. J. Homceop., I'liila., 18>9. i, K10-140. AUo, Reprint. -----. Hahnemann, Paracelsus und Dr. Katsch. Ztschr. d. Herl. Ver. homoop. Aeiv.te, 1892, xi, 211-230.— loslei (R. X.) The logical basis of the law of similars; does it commend itself to our reas n? Tr. Am. Inst. Homceop., Phila., 1890, 145-1.10.—<»al::-272. AUo, Reprint. — I.utzc (F. II.) Glean inns. limine..ii Phys., 1893, xiii, 300; 474; 551: 1894, xiv. 52; 80; I0S; 1,12; 208'. AUo, Reprint— .Tlack (C. S.) Hahnemann's erro- neous explanation of cure. Hahneiuan. Month., Phila., 1897, xxxii, 433-435.—ITIiIIcr (R. G.) A synopsis ol ho- inreopathic philosophy. J. Homceop., Phila'., 190a, iv, 194- 214. AUo, Repiint. — JTIohr (C.) HoiiKcopathy as re- lated to picdology. Hahneman. Mouth.. Phila , lh99, xxxiv, 565-571. Also, Reprint.—Morgan (J. (J.) j he study of homoeopathy, a distinct, and coinini.ndin- depart- ment of medicine. Tr. World's Homceop. Cong. Chicago 1893, Phila., 1894, 858-912. AUo, Reprint.—.Tl iii Ut (('.) Zur Richtigsteliung des Urtbeils. Internat. h.....oop. Presse, Leipz., 1877, ix, 129-147. AUo, Reprint.—Ponic roy (T.F.) lhe elementary principles of medicine. Am. J. Homceop. Mat. M., Phi'la., 1874-5, viii, 417-428. AUo, Repiint.—Pop* (A. C.) The influence of the therapeutic teaching of Hahnemann in 1790 upon the study and prac- tice of medicine in 189C. Tr. Internat. Homoop. Con.r Loud., 1890, pt. 2, 1-20. —I»rit-c (E. C.) Medical progress. A revision of the paper read at the sixth annual meeting of the Maryland Honui'opathie Me.lieal Society, Xov. ,oth, 1880. Xorth Aid. J. Houneop.. 1889-81, xi', 4(11-425 — Qui'Mxe. Theoretisches zu Dr. Schiissler's Biochemie. Ztschr. d. Berl. Ver. homoop. Aerzte, 1892, xi, I93--10.— KobcrtN (J. B.) Points of similarity between is and liomicopathic physicians. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1893, xx, 5so-5s4. Also, Reprint. -----. The present uiiitude of physicians and modern medicine towards hoinieopaihy. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1895, xxvi, 43-69. AUo: J.A111. M. Ass., Chicago. 1896, xxvi, 299-307. — Kocliaiil (E.) Ho- moeopathie. Diet, encvel. (1. sc. med., l'ar., 18-8, 4. ., xiv, 239-254.—Kodzayt-VMki (I). K.) Homeop.Uiya s i.auch- 1101 tochki zrienya. [ Iloma-opathy, from a scieiit tic, p iut of view.] Protok. zasaid. Obsh. Kievsk. vrach. (1,-89-90), 1891, siippl., pt. 4, 1-23. -----. Znacheui'e oligo.iinami- cheskikh yavleniy dlya zhivotnavo orginizma. [Signifi- cance of oliiiodMiamic phenomena in the anim I o;gan- ism.J J. med. i big., Kharkov, 1894, i, no. 1, 03-94.— Mldlim-j (Die) der lloindopathie zur Scliuline.licin. Kor -Bl. il. iirztl. Kreis- u. Bezirks-Ver. im Kiiuur. s.achs., Leipz , 1897, lxiii. 88-93.—looker (It. X.) llomu; .j iithy aml its relation to the germ theory. Med. Era. ('I,u ago, 1884-5, ii, 370: 1885-0, iii, 19. AUo, Reprint.— Van l»< 11- bur'i (M. W.) The experimcnlal demonstration of the law of similars; can its existence and operaiion be proved £ Tr. Am. Inst. Homceop., Phila., 1890, 157-190.—Walton (W. H.) The inaugural and annual addresses before the Honneopathie. Medical Society of the Stale of X.w Y5.i k. Tr. Homceop. M. Soc. X. V., 1869, vii, 1; 18. AUo. Re- print.— WHIm (P. P.) What is homoeopathy, aud what the possibilities and duties of its practice,' X. Am. J. Homceop., X. Y., 1878-9, ix, 90-104. Also, Reprint. Also, transl.: Riv. oniiop., Roma, 1880, xxvi, 6.1-82. Also, Re- print. -----. The philosophy of homoeopathy. Homieop. Phys , Pbila., 1881, i, 277-287. AUo, Reprint.— Wi'sM'i- liu'fl (C.) lhe relation of homceopatliists to their own school, to the old school, aud to the state. X. Am. .1. Ho- mieop., X. Y., 1890. 3. s., v. 201-214. —Wetiiiort- (S. W.) AVhat is modern honueiipaihy '! Am. Observer, I> itoit. 1878, xv, 81-88. AUo. Reprint.—Wood (J. C.) The. rela- tions of honiiei.pathv lo allied systems of therapeutics. Hahneiuan. Month.. Phila., 1899, xxxiv, 609-620. Also, Re- print.—Yeager (R. L.) Homoeopathy, as practiced and taught h\ Hahnemann, its founder. Univ. Med., Galves- ton, 1897 8 iii, 174-181. HoillCBopatliy (Cases and clinical re- ports in). Sec Homoeopatliy {History, etc., of); Homoe- opathy (Matiria medica, etc., of). Homoeopathy (Colleges of) [including college hospitals]. ])kwky(\V. A.) Homuioputhy in universities. 8-. [n. p.. 1899, vel subscq.] Repr. from: Michigan Alumnus. Essai de synthese clu compose liuinuin, on aplioi ismes jiistifiant Lopport unite' d'etalilir des cliuires (IMiomeopatliit*) dans les univcrsites liel- ges, par un parti-au de Vhom^opatliie. ** . Pa- ris, 1899. -----. The suine. 1*>-'. Bruxelles, [*'. d.]. Hoppe (J.) Die Dispeiisirfreiheit, oder das Kecht uucl die Verpfiiclrnuy;- dor Iiouk")"':)'' ;- HOMCEOPATHY. 247 HOMEOPATHY. Hoiiiceopatliv (Colleges of) [including college hospitals]. schen Aerzte, wie auch aller Aer/.ie, die von ihnen verordneten Ar/.neiinittel selhst auszu- theilen. -\ Ltipzig. 1801. McMpkkay (R. i 'Medical education. Annual address delivered before the Homoeopathic Med- ical Society of the State of New York. 8-5 [n. p., 1-71'.] Ny-sens (E.) Rapport sur 1 enseignenient do riiomuMipathie a l'Universite royale hongroise de Budapest, adresse au ministrede l'interieur et de rinstiuctiou piiblique en Belgii-ue, M. F. Sehollaert. -5 Bruxelles, 1*90. Fri ■< htnnu (Zur) ein. s Lelirstnhls tut Homoopathie in 'liibiujien. ileutscbe u ed. Wclinschr.. l.eip/. u. Berl., 1901. xxvii,807.—Leonard (W. 1-5) Honucopathie med- ical education. Hahneiuan. Month Phila.. ls'.H, xxvi, 290- 295. AUo. Reprint.—I.icorish ill. V ) How best to tit the medical student for his work; a plan for the bounce. pathic . oileu. X. Am. J. Hoiuieop . X. Y., '.892,3. s.. vii. 577-590.— Pellicer i'15* .v <3nrcia Lopez i.\.I Propa- gation, enseiguement et hopitaux; hoiuieopathiqnes en Es- pa>-ne. Compt. reud. Coin;, internal, d'hoiuteop., Par., 1889, 106-112. Hoiiiceopatliv (Colleges of) [including college hospitals], by localities. ANN ARBOR. Palmer iA. 15. > A statement of the relations of the faculty of medicine and surgery in tlie University of Michigan to hoinceopathy. "*-. Detroit, 1;75. University of Michigan. Homaopathic Medi- cal Collate. Annual aunouuceineiits for the ses- sions. 1.-6., 1-T5-6 to 18-0--1: 1<5, I—4-5: IL, 1—5-i'.; 14., 1—-9: 15.. ls-9-00: 17.-2U.. 1-;»1--J to l-'.'4-5: 22.-21.. l-9t\-7 to 1-.--9. -- it 12~. Jnn Arbor, 1875-9-. BOSTON. BOSTON University School of Medicine (Ho- mcEopathic). Annual announcements and cata- logues for the sessions. 4., 1-7C-7; 5., 1**??-**; 7., 1879-hi; 9.-27., 1--1-2 to l-9;i-19C0. 8:. Bos- ton, l-70-'.»9. BROOKLYN. Brooklyn Homieopathic Dispensary. An- nual report of the board of trustees for the year l-i->'.»-70. 8*:. Nw York, 1**70. CHICAGO. Baldwin (H. X.) Hahnemann Medical Col- lege and Hospital, Chicago. Seventeenth annual commencement, February 27, l*-77. The class valedictory. --. Chicago, 1**77. Chicago Homieopathie Medical College. An- nual announcements for the sessions. 9., l-*78-9; 7.. 1****.'-:?; 10-22., 18"5-»i to L~97-s. *'. Chi- cfl'/o, 1 -'7***—97. Hahnemann Medical Colleoe and Hospital of Chicago. Annual announcements lot the ses- sions. 4.. i->;:;-i: 7.. 1-0.-7; 9.,i- ;--«>; •>■>.. 1--1- 2; 5':!., 1*82-0; 2.5.-10., 18-4-5 to l-<99-19■<'-. Chi- cago, [1872]. CINCINNATI. I'fLii; Medical College, Cincinnati (Homreo- pattiic). Annual announcements for the ses- lloillO'opatliv (Colleges of) [including college hospitals], by licalitics. CINCINNATI—continued. sions. 1.-10., 1872-9 to 1881-2; 14., l-s.5-0: 19.- 2!!., 189H-91 to l**94-.5. 8°. Cincinnati. 1-72-91. -----. To the alumni. [On the present fa- cilities for clinical instruction, and the recent gift of $100,000 towards the establishment of a hospital iu connection with the colleoe. 15y the faculty.! *** 5 [Cincinnati, 1891.] CLEVELAND. Cleveland Medical College (Homoeopathic), Cleveland, Ohio. First commencement exer- cises. 1-91. 8°. Clereland. 1891. Homieopathic Hospital College at Cleveland. Annual announcenients for the sessions. 9., 18.52-:!; 9., lMiO-01; l:?.-2L, lH'»2-:i to l**7:i-4; 2t!.-40., 187.">-. H°. Cleveland, 1-52-89. DETROIT. tttet liu-.' i(5 F.) Grace Hospital, Detioit, Michigan. | X. Am. .1. Ilomicop., >-5 Y., 1889, 3. 8., iv, 601-011. EUROPE. Ste, in this list, London; Naples. IOWA CITY. State University of Iowa, Homieopathic Medical Department of, at Iowa City. Annual announcement for the sessions, 1.-10., 1877-8 to 1892-:?. 8. Di8 Moines $• Iowa City, 1*77-92. | KANSAS CITY. Kansas City Homoeopathic Medical College. Annual announcements for the sessions. L, 1*****8- 9; 2., 18-9-90; 4., 1891-2; 55, 1892-:?. 8°. Kan- sas City, 1-88-92. LONDON. London Homieopathic Hospital Medical ■School. Prospectus for the session of l**84-.5. 8-. London, 18-1. NAPLES. Migi.ioue (C.) Prolusione alia ripertura dei corsi nell' Istituto omiopatico in Napoli per l'anno H9D-91. 4°. Napoli, [1891]. NEW YORK. Xew Yoi:k Hoino'opathie Medical College and Hospital, Xew York City. Annual announce- ments for the sessions. 4.-20., 186:1-4 to Is7'.l-S(l; 2:?.-:i2., is-1-2 to 1-91-2; :1L, ls9:'.-4; 90., 1891- 0. -- & sm. 4-. New York, lsOrf-94. -----. Plan of proposed new building. Ciiiiiuo from: Daily Graphic, Feb. 7, 18SS. -----. Annual report of Flower Hospital, medical and snigieal departments, for the \ear 1*97-8. s . Xe,w York, 1898 New York Medical College and Hospital for Women. New York City (llonio'opathic). Annual announcements for the sessions. 2.. 1-04-5; .5.-15., 1807-8 lo 1877-8; 17.. 1879-sO; 20.-29., 188->-;{ to 1891-2. --. New York, 1801-91. PHILADELPHIA. BhaDEOud (T. L.) History of the Homn*o- pathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. The Hahnemann Medical Colleoe and Hospital of Philadelphia. 8. Philadelphia, 1898. Hahnemann Medical College and Hospital, Philadelphia. Annual announcements for the sessions. l:?.-28. (or :?2.-:l7. by consolidation), iojy-cU to 1-91-5. 8'--. Philadelphia. 1-70-91. _____. Programme of Masonic ceremonies of the laying of the corner stone, Nov. ti, 1884. 8°. Philadelphia, [le*84]. HOMOEOPATHY. 248 HOMCEOP ATHY. lloiliceopatliy (Colleges of) [including college hospitals], by localities. PHILADELPHIA—continued. -----. Annual reports of the trustees and medical board, and of the Hahnemann Hospital Association, for the years 1885-6; 1887 to 1898-9. s . Philadelphia, 1880-99. -----. Charter with statutes and by-laws. A consolidated corporation, s . Philadelphia, 18-9. Homceopathic Medical College, Philadelphia. [Circular letter of the president to homoeopathic physicians, requesting their advice and assist- ance in the foundation and endowment of a hospital for the treatnient and cure of the sick poor on the homoeopathic principle.] Aug. 30, isiis. 40. [Philadelphia, 1808.] Homceopathic Medical College of Pennsylva- nia. Charter, by-laws, etc. 8°. Philadelphia, 1805. Women's Hospital Association of the Hahne- mann Medical College of Philadelphia. Annual reports of the officers to the members and con- tributors. 1., 1880; 2., 1880-7. 12°. Philadel- phia, 18,80-7. ST. LOUIS. Homieopathic Medical College of Missouri, for Men and Women, St. Louis. Annual announcenients and catalogues for the sessions. (5., 1807-8; 14., 1871-2; 17., 1875-6; 91., 1889-90; 39., 1891-2; 91., 189*2-3; 41., 1898-9. 8° & 12°. St. Louis, 1867-98. Saint Louis Homoeopathic College of Medi- cine and Surgery. Thirteenth annual announce- ment, being the second of the St. Louis Hoino'- opathie College of Medicine and Smgery, the tenth of the Homceopathic Medical College of Missouri, and the third of the St. Louis Colleoe of HoiiKeopa'hic Physicians and Surgery; com- prising a catalogue of the corporators, fellows, professors, lecturers, alumni and students of the united colleges from the date of the act of incor- poration in 1807. Session of 1872-3. H°. St. Louis, 1872. Women's Medical College of St. Louis (Homoeopathic). Annual announcement for the session. L, 1883-4. 8°. [St. Louis, 1883.] SAN FRANCISCO. Hahnemann Hospital College, San Francisco. Annual announcements for the sessions. 1., 1884; 3.-6., 1886-9; 8.-11., 1*91-4. 8- & 12. San Francisco, lssl-94. .Manning (G. E.) A history of the Hahnemann Hos- pital College of San Francisco. Pacific Const J. Honncop., San Frau., 18iii). vii, 341-:r>3, 1 pl. UNITED STATES. Set, also, in this list, Ann Arbor; Boston; Brooklyn; Chicago; Cincinnati; Cleveland; Detroit; Iowa City; Kansas City; New York; Philadelphia; St. Louis; San Fran- cisco : Washington. < IcimiM'i' (J. W.) Medical education and legislation. President's address. Med. Counselor. Grand Rapids, 1884- 5, ix. 551; 603. Also. Reprint. — Iloimropathit- medi- cal colleges iu the Linted States. Tr. Am. Inst, liomipop Phila., 1880-1900, xxxiii-lvi, passim. —Talbot (LT.) Medical education in the homoeopathic hospitals and col- leges of the United States. Tr. World's Cong. HomceoD Rhys. & Surg. 1893, Phila., 1894, 108-116. WASHINGTON. Hahnemann Homieopathic University, Wash- ington, D. C. Annual announcement for the session. 1., 1894-5. S-. [Washington, 1894.] National Homceopathic Medical College, Washington, D. C. Annual announcement for the session. 3., 1895-6. 8-. Washington, 1895. [Olliceopathv (Controversial literature of). Andry (F. ) Homoeopathie et allopathic Lettre a J.-P. Tessier. s . Paris, 1800. von Bakody (T.) Hahnemann redivivus, Apologetische Analekten aus den Schriften des Dr. Samuel Hahnemann und das Wesentliche aus sei nen Organon. s\ Leipzig, 1880. -----. Scientific medicine in its relation to honneopathy. Transl. from tlie German hy Ru- dolph F. Bauer. 8J. Philadelphia, 1*91. Bahras [J.-P.-T.] L'enipirisine devoHe", ou examen d'un traitement empirique pour les ma- ladies chroniques de I'estomac et des infesting, suivi de quelques r6Hexions sur riioraeeopathie. 8-5 [Paris, 1840, rei subseq.] Barthes (F.) Exanien de la doctrine honioeo- pathique. 8-5 Montpellier, 1808. Batchei.ocr (W.) Homoeopathy compared with the usual practice of medicine, and its su- periority vindicated; exemplified hy statistical facts, and cases successfully treated. 8°. Lon- don, 1845. Bayard ( E. ) Homceopathia and nature against allopathia and art. s\ JSfeiv York, 1858. Belluomini (F.) Esame analitico del libro del dottore Luigi Rossini cli Livorno, intitolato: La medicina et la societa; il medico instruito; il ciarlatano e 1' omiopatia. 8°. Livorno, 1857. Bolle. Populiirc Anweisung zur Kenntniss nnd Beurtheilung der Heilkunde im Allgemeinen nnd der Homeopathic im Besondern. 1. Theil. Wie lernen die Allopathen und Homoopatheu die Wirkuugeu der Arzneien kennen ? 8°. Pa- derbom, 1808. dk Boxneval (H.) L'homceopathie dans les faits. 8-5 Bordeaux, 18-5:!. See, also, infra, Jeannel (J.). Brag a (A. A. F.) RenexOcs ao opuscnlo do Snr. ,1. P. Keis: A homceopathia; o que e, e o que vale. 8°. Porto, is.5*>. Brenier (J.) De riioniieopathie. R6pon.se a M. Stockman. 8°. Mons, 1807. -----. De riioniieopathie. Reponse a M. Bernard, s 5 Mons, 1868. Bhodie {Sir B. C.) HoniO'opathy: a letter to J. S. S., esq. 8°. London, 1H51. See, also, supra, Moore (J.) & Sharp (W.). Buowx (D. D.) Hoinceopathy in the light of common sense and modern science. 8°. Lon- don, 1870, Browning (W. W.) Modern homeopathy; its absurdities and inconsistencies. 8C. Phila- delphia, 1899. -----. The same. 1*2*. Philadelphia, 1891. Buchner (J. B.) Rcsultate der Kranken-Be- handluiig, allopathiseher nnd honioopathischer Sehule. 1*2. Miinchen, 1819. BrsiixAN (J. y.) Homoeopathy and the ho- moeopaths. 16c. London, 1802. 0 Ceuni sopra 1' omeopatia e sopra la dieta o rginie che per essa si presence. 8*5 Torino, L5\ngiano (E.) Doctrinie medica? hoiuoeopa- thicie exanien. 4°. Neapoli, 1*99. Liiarge(A.) Etudes me'dicales, ou memoireen rcpou.se aux accusations portCes contre la doc- trine medieale honneopathique. **>■'. Paris, 18-Is. -----. L'homceopathie et ses detracteurs a l'occasion de l'epidemie de cholera qui a rc.one' a Marseille e.i 1854. 8°. Paris, Londres, New York, ls.55. -----. De l'homceopathie. Encore une fois qu'est-ce que l'homieopathie? II fanf en tinir avec elle! ,--■. Paris, Londres, Madrid, New York, 1864. HOMOEOPATHY. 249 HOMOEOPATHY. Hoiiiceopatliv (Controrcrsial literature of). Codde (L.) Osservazioni sull' opera del Sig- ner Fleury, intitolata: L'oniiopatia adattata all' intelligenza di ogni classe di persone. 8°. Mantova, 18 10. Compte-reniu' du proces de Mine. Hahne- mann, docteur en honueopathie. Question d'ex- eivice illegal dc la medecine. 8* . Pari*, 1847. Dade a (B.) L'allopatia e l'omiopatia giudi- cate dagli allopatici, risposta al Giovainbattista Borelli suU'artieolo intitolato: Cio che (5 l'oniio- patia. 8 5 Torino, 18,57. De Hysekn (.1.) Carta :i los medicos homeo- patas respondieudo a una provocation de El t'riterio medico. ■— . Madrid, 1-82. Des Giidi i,S. (1. S.) Lettre aux membres de la Societe royale de niedeeine, snr la reponse J qu'ils out adressee au miiiistre de rinstruction | publiqne, en avril 1895, au sujet de l'honueo- pathie. 8°. Lyon, 1890. Dewey (W. A.) A quarter century of allo- pathic progress viewed homeopathieally. 1*2-5 [m. p.. n. d.] Die/, razones iiara preferir la homeopatia al sistenia coinun dei trataniiento medico. Por un padre de familia. 1'2°. Guatemala, 1—9. Doctor Lowe's sacrifice; or. the triumph of homoeopathy. L*2C. London, 1-75. Doppelmops (Der) in der Honueopathie; ein Beitrag zur Erkeuntniss des Staudpunktes. 8-'. Philadelphia 9- Leipzig, 1800. Drummond (J.) Honneopathy as practiced in Manchester iu harmony with its alleged prin- ciples a reply to Dr. Roberts' pamphlet. 8*-. London 9' Manchester. l-i>2. Dumas (J.-B.-A.), Bonjean A Depin. Les allopathes et les hoimeopatlies devant le senat. Discoui-8. Seance du ler juillet. -24. Paris, l-i 15. Ki.wf.rt ("W.) Die Homoopathie und Allo- pii hie auf der Wage der Praxis. 8 . Bremen, 1-44. Kscallier (E.) Rencontres hoina-opathiqiies dans nia promenade snr le terrain de la presse medieale. 8-. Paris, 1855. ------. Lettie a M. le docteur Diday. Etude et observations (.-Uniques. - . Paris, [l-1 0]. Ks< iiENMAYER(C. A. A.) Die Alh'xipathie nnd Homoopathie verglichen iu ihrcn Principien. 8-5 Tubingen, 1-91. 1'iizwilliams (H.) The medical touchstone; or, niediciii. extricated from the errors and em- piricism, the fallacies and futility, the ignorance and incompetency, of "lhe surgical and medical crafts", whether regular or empirical, orthodox or heterodox, legitimate or illegitimate; and in which are elucidated the true and natural sys- tem of therapeutics and the principles, philos- ophy, and practice of honneopathy. 16-. Lon- don] [1*19]. Flower ( R. C ) The allopathic czar. A seven* indictment of tlie allopathic school of praciice. An expose of the treatnient and bar- harities the sick of our country have to submit to. - . Boston, Mass., \**-. FooTR (E. B.) 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Transl. from the German by George E. Shipinan. 8'. Chicago, 1*79. Griesselich (L.) Kleine Fr.seogeiniilde aus den Arcaden der Heilknnst. 2 v. 8-. Carls- ruhe, ls:i4. ------. Der Sachscnspiegel. Freimiithige Worte iiber die Medizin des Herni Ritter Sachs in Ki'inU sberg und I lahi.emaniis. Nebst einem Seiulschrciben an Herrn Ritter Sachs. -'. Carlsrnhe, l-;55. ------.. The same. Anderer Theil. Freimii- thige Worte iiber die Medizin des . . . Stieglitz zu Haiinoverund des . . . S. Hahnemann. Nebst Bemerkungen iiber die . . . Gmelin, F. Jahn, und Damerow. - . lUtrlsruhe, 1800. Bound with his: Der Saelisenspie-el. 8°. CarUruhe, 18-15. Kritisch-polemische Bliitter iiber die uatui get roue und die hoinoopathische Medicin des I'Tof. von Toltenyi in Wien, and iiber das b.iyeiiselie Ver'hot VOIU 17. April 1842. 8 . Karlsruhe, 1-4*2. (Jitii'i'iTiis (T. J.) Thoughts on honneop- athy, or facts for the people, s \ l.oui*cillc, 185*2. (if seen (M.) 1st die Homoopathie Sch win- del? 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Traitement pr6serva.fif, et curatif, precede d'un dialogue entre nn allopathe et nn homceopathe. 8°. Paris, 18.5*2. Homceopathy. Report of the speeches on ir- regular practice. 8°. London, 1851. Homoopatische Hauhechelu. Alt und Xeu fiir Freund und Feind. s-5 Jena, 1846. Hooker (W.) Homoeopathy; au examina- tion of its doctrines and evidences. 2. ed. 8°. New York, 1802. See. also, Murey (E. E). Hoi'i'E (J.) Auch die Allopatheu sollen selbst dispensiren. 8°. Leipzig, 1863. Hou.E honio'opathicie. By an amateur. 16°. Loudon, 1853. Horner (F. R.) Horaicopalhy. Reasons for adopting the rational system of medicine; being a letter to the governors of the Hull General Infirmary. "2. ed. 8°. London. 1857. -----. The same. 3. ed. s . London, 1808. Hegcet (H. A. B.) La nicdeciiie qui guerit. Exposed de medecine homeodynauiique bas6e sur la loi cle similitude fonctionnelle et appli- qu<*e au traitement des affections aigues et chroniques. 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Breve esposizione del siste- ma medico di Saniuele Hahnemann in risposta all' opuscolo intitolato: Antioiniopatia di pro- fessore auoninio, etc., dedicata a il maresciallo duca cli Saldanha, con note dello stesso autore. 8°. Roma, 1863. -----. Le dosi infiiiitesinialidei medicamenti hahneniaiiiiiani considerate in rapporto degli agenti iinpoii'lerabili. roy. 8°. Roma, 1-86. Repr. from : Atti d. Accad. Ponteficia de' uuovi Lincei, 1886, xxxix. -----. Risposta alia critica fatta dal Dott. Attilio Mattoli al sno discorso letto nel terzo congresso teuuto dai soci dell' Istituto ouno- patico italiano iu Roma il *24 ottobre 1883. 8°. Torino, IrtsH. Repr. from: Atti ((ff. Ist. oiniopat. italiano. LebouCHER ( A. ) Reponse a Th. Lahbey. Refutation de ses reflexions critiques sur l'ho- moeopathie. 8°. Paris, 1855. Lee (E.) Hydropathy and hoinceopathy im- partially appreciated, with an appendix of notes illustrative of the influence of the mind on tbe body. 1*2°. London, 1847. -----. 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Der uiisterlilicben Narihcit Sainuelis Hahnemanni Pseudoniessi.-e medici seahiosi kot' kijoxTjv des Yerdiinners andrer Theil, oder desseu Yicrgespann von den chronischen Kiankheiten der unuinstosslichste Beweis, dass die Psora, zu deutsch Kpaer^e, die cigentliche Erl siinde des Meiischengeschlechts ist, die Prima causa vou j seiner phyMsehen und nioralischen Gehrecheu, die Haiiprursache der franzi'isischeu Revolution, der Julitagi* nnd desjetzt grassirenden republi- kanisch -n Schwindels, fiir Staatsmiinner, Theo- logen, Aerzte nnd gebildete Nichtarzte. S-5 Hamburg, 1-33. ------. Der unsterblicheii Narrheit Sainuelis Hahnemanni Pseudoinesshe medici seahiosi aaf izoxgv ayvprov drilter Tbeil erste Abtheiluiig, oder kritische Betrachriingen iiber Herni . . . Kopp Krfahriingeu und Beinerkungeu bei einer priifenden Anwendung der Homoopathie am Krankenbette. Ein Privatissinnun fur Lehrer der Arzneykunst und praktische Aerzte. 83. Hamburg, 1-34. Simon (L.) LettieaM.leniinistiedel'instruc- tion publique, en reponse au jugenient de l'Aca- demie royale de medecine. sur la doctrine me- dieale lionioeopathique, au nom de l'lustitut honioeop.ithique de Paris. 8:. Paris, 1815. Simon iL.) fils. L'honueopathie sans l'allo- pathie. Let tre a Felix Audry. ■-'-. Paris, 1850. Simesox (J. Y. ) Hoinieopathy. Speech at j the Edinburgh Medico - Chirurgical Society; with notes on the peculiar theological opinions of some of Hahnemann's disciples; and remarks on the alleged law, '•'Similia similibus curan- tur", etc. 8Z. Edinburgh, 1-52. ------. Homoeopathy; its tenets and tenden- cies, theoretical, theological, and therapeutical. 3. ed. - . Edinburgh, 1853. Homoeopathy (Controversial literature of). Smith (A.) Bedenkingen tegen de homoopa- thie, benevens eene beknoptc schets dier leer. 8°. Winschoten, 1-34. Smythe (G. C.) Medical heresies, historically considered. A series of critical essays on the origin and evolution of sectarian medicine, em- bracing a special skelch and review of hoino- opathv, past and present. -"5 Philadelphia, 18*0. Soctete de medecine honioeopathiquede Lyon, L'homceopathie et ses agresseurs. An noin de la . . . parson secretaire general J.-M. Dessaix. s . Paris, 1*90. Sollier (J.) L'honueopathie et le jury me- dical. ,-'-. Marseille, 1854. Somolinos (C. M.) Copia literal de la memo- ria que el farniaceutico Don . . . remitid al Con- greso honieopat ico internacional, celebrado en Paris los dias 9, 10, 12 y 13 del mes de agosto ul- timo, y que su autor hace publica para probar las inexactitudes, falsedades y calumniosas su- posicior.es que se estami an en nn suelto chaba- cano burlesco de El Criterio medico, periodico oficial de la Sociedad Hahnemanniana mat ri tense del 25 de noviembre del corriente alio. 4:. [Madrid, 1867.] SomiE (W.) 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La verita della omeopatia, meiiioria. 8°. Ascoli, 1857. Temple (J. T.) Reply to Professor Palleu; attack on hoinieopathy in his valedictory be- fore the Saint Louis Fniversitv. "* *. Saint Louis, 1803. Tcttle (J. B.) Hoinceopathy vs. allopathy, in the Michigan State prison. 24°. Jackson, Mich.. 1-76. I wins ( D. ) Hoinieopathy and allopathy? or huge, small, and atomic dosesf s . London, [ll. rf.j. Yanni (F.) In difesa dell" omeopatia aggre- dita in Casale, coll' aggiunta di scritti analoghi dei dottore Giuseppe Virgilio Pinelli, Lorenzo Granetti e Maurizio Poeti. 16*5 Casale, 1-51. Repr. from: Gazz. omeopat., no. 12. Yernois (M.) Homceopathic Analyse com- plete et raisoun6e de la matiere medieale de Sa- muel Hahnemann, on sont exposes les principes et le< consequences de l'expeiiineutation hoimeo- pafhique, ainsi que la nullite de cette doctrine. 8". Paris, 1835. HOMCEOPATHY. 253 HOMCEOPATHY. HoitlCPOpaflllY (Controversial literature of). Yeewey (L.-ll.) Llioiiueojiathie en presence des autres methodes curatives. Traduit du hol- landais par P. De Molinari. 16°. Paris, Lon- dres. Nnv York, 1,-56. Yolgo (11) e la medicina. Discorso popolare del medico-poeta. 8*. Milano, 1*10. \Yalser (E.) ^Yas ist Allopathie nnd was Homoopathie? Kin otf'eutlicher Yortrag gehal- tcii am 22. Februar 1-71 im Saale des oheren Museums zu Stuttgart. ,**■'. Stuttgart, 1871. Wat/.ke iP. A.i Erwieihrung auf Prof, von Toltcnyi's Aufsatz betitelt : Das Heilprincip und die Hoiubopathio. 8\ Wien, 1812. Suppl. to: Oesterr. nied. Wchiiseln., Wien, 184:5 -----. Ein Tag ans nieiner Praxis, l'aral- lelen zwisehen Alldoputhie unci lloim'iopathie fiir angehende praktische Aerzte. s-'. Leipzig, 1-00. \\ Eiisi'ER (F. P.) Allopathic opinions of hoinceopathy. 8*. Norfolk, [1^89], YYi.inhkrg (W.I Professor ("ust.-iv Jiigei und seine hoinoopathische Potenziruiig. 4C. [ Stutt- gart, 1891.] Wesseliioeet (C.) A lecture on hoinieopa- thy before the members of the Boylston Medical Society (of Harvard Medical School). 8 . Bos- ton, 18-0. -----. The same. 2. ed. 12*5 Boston, 1886. YYie-eckk VH.) Parallelc de riioniieopathie et de l'allopathie. v». e\l. 12*'. Paris, 1899. Winkler (A.) Zur Theorie der phvsiologi- sclien Arzueiwirkuugen mit Beriicksichtigung des allopathisehen nnd hiundopathischen Heil- verfahrens. *v. Berlin. 1-61. Wisext. Vorschlau zur volligen Vertilgnng der sogenannten Homoopathie auf wissenschaft- lichein AYeue. 12-. Leipzig, 1-46. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 8~. Philadel- phia, l-i')' K \YisLicExrs (O.) Wie Prof. Dr. C. C. Bock iu Leipzig das Yolk iiber Homoopathie auf- kliirt. ■**-\ Eisenach, 1-56. Wolerixg tM. C.) Kritik der S< hrift "Die Alldopathie und Homoopathie veiglichen iu ihren Prinzipieu, von C. A. Esclieuinayer, Pro- fessor in Tiibingen'", in kurzen Unirissen ge- zeichnet. 8 5 Eichstdtt. 1-35. Wood (A.) Hoimeopathy unmasked; being an exposure of its principal absurdities and con- tradictions; with an estimate of its recorded cures. 12-. Edinburgh, 1*11. Also [Rev.], in: North. J. M.. Edinb., 1844, i, :s77-:;'.is. Wt NDER(Die)der Homoopathie. Allen I'reun- den der YValirlieit insbesondere deu Regierungen an's Herz gelegt vou einem Kenner dersclhen. 12-. Sondershansen, 1802. Ye cannot serve two masters. - . [«. p.t n. d.] Zekenet (Die) der Homoopathie. von einem wiirttembergischen Arzte. *"'. Tiibingen, \***. ISayes (W.) Medical terrorism in 1*02. Iirit. J. II.. nucoj).. Loud., 18G2. xx, 420-141. Also. Reprint.-Boiv. ditch (H. I.) The past, present, and future treatmentof homo-opathy, eclecticism, anil kindred delusions which may hereafter arise in the medical profession, as viewed from the history of medicine and of personal experience. Tr. Rhode Island M. S..c |sn:i-n. I'roviilence. 1889, 287-302. AUo, Reprint. — Kowilileli tX. Y.) Honneopathy as viewed by a membcrof the Massachusetts Medical Society. I'nstoiiM.A-S.J.. 1880, cxiv, 584; 605. AUo, Reprint. — It re- nier A.) He 1 honueopalhie. Bull. Soc. de med. de I land. 1807, xxxiv, 07-1 EL—Brown (IL D.) The allopathic dileiunia. Month. linmKsnp. I'e\-., Lond., 1875, xix. 721-734. AUo, Reprint.—Clarke l \\5 15.) The ticatment ot snake bites; Jlr. S. VV.ir Mitchell, "undignified dig" at limine opathy. Med. Current, Chicago, 1800, vi. .54 - 00. Also, Repi int. — Colien (S. S.l I*. ilosophv and houiiBoparliy. Med \.-u--. I'liila., 1891, lix, 57-00. —---. The dissimilar- ity between physicians and homeopathists. Ibid., 1803, Hoill<9kOB»;tt liv (Controversial literature of). lxiii. 470-472.— Heritor (W. M.) Some. tlierapeutie prin- ciples, now and prcvioush held by the new school of medi- cine, which are unsound. N York M. Times, 189,1-91. xviii, 225-227.— Dc <»«i-M«lorll 5 Ii. i Conservatism in its relation to homo-opal h\ ; the i ise and triumph of hoiuii:- opathy. Pub. Mass. Honneop. M. Soe. 181)0-7(1, Taunton, 187"., iii, 52-7.'!. AUo, Repiint.— Drmmiioml (.1.) A fact ill favour of hoinieopathy. Month. Ilomieop. Lev.. Lond., 1802, vi, 185-191. xL.se,'Reprint.— [ l'aii|»hi >■ (.1 i\ The doctrines of liomiropathy. Prov. M >fc S. .;.. I.oml., 1848, xii, 215; 330. Also, Keprint.— Fallot. Disoours sur riioinoepathie. Bull.Acad.rov.domed.dc I'el...,I'|-ux., 18)8- 9, viii, 1148-llMi. .lto, Re print.--*'or be* (Sir.J.) Iloinii'- opathy, allopathy, and "young physio". Iirit. & Lor. M. Rev., Lond., 1840, xxi, 225-205. Also, Keprint. — <™ivcn (A.) Horn.eopathv. as it appears removed from lhe all.. pathie. dissecting table. N. York M. Times, 1SS2-3. x,270- 272. Also, Keprint. — d- ran ville (M.) Hoiuieopathic claims to discoveries of medicines. .Med. Press A: Circ.. Lond., 1894. n. s., lvii, li>7; 104—v|on] Giaiivo^l |K.| Die Homoopathie und plivsioloiiisehe .Medicin, vulgo Allo- pathic, vor dem Richtcrstulilc der Statistik. In liis: Lehrbuch der I lonmopal hie. 85 Numbers,', 1800, pt.2. 34 354. Also. Keprint. — Ileinen way (H. I!.» Modem home- opathy and medical science. J. Am. M. Ass , Chicago. 1894. xxii, 367-377.— Ilempel (C. J.) Kepl.y to a critical review of Hempel's repertory. Phila. J. Hotuojop., 1 s.r»2—:; i, 407: 549. AUo. Keprint. See, also, infra, Lippe (A.).— l.ippc (A.) The reply to a critical review of Ilem- pel s repertory. I'liila. J. Homceop., 18.">2-3, i, 518-521.— .'lack ( C. S. ) Stille and honneopathy. Hahneman. Month., I'liila.. ls!»8 xxxiii. 21G-219. — Oilinin medicuni. Nature, Lond.. 18,-7-8, xxxvii, 289. — Owens (H5), sr. Why we are entitled to have charge of one of the Slate insane asylums. Proc Homceop. M. Soc. Ohio, Hamilton, 1887, xxiii. 85-98. — Parmentcr (J.I [Medical politics and hoiiHEopathy. | Ihiffalo M. .V S. J., 1891-4, xxxiii, 449-450. — l*rrsernlioii for opinion in medicine. P.rit. J. Homieop.. Lend., 1874. xxxii. 741-750. AUo, Kept int.— Qiiestione i !.a) onieopatiea in Milano. Bull. mod. cre- nionese. Cremona, 1893, xiii, 1-12.—<{iiinn (W.E.) The medical profession, the causes of its division into discord- ant elements, and ilie reasons I am not a honn opath. J. Med. & So., Portland, 1898-9, v, 399-413.—Reybnrn (K.) Curiosities of hoiuieopathic pharmacy. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1890. x, 500. A Iso, Keprint. ' AUo: Mai viand M. J., Halt., 1890. xxiii, 108-110. AUo. Reprint. — | Nocieli"' de medecine I mime. >pat hi. | i.r de Paris.] Lettre a Messieurs les membres de la Laeuhe de medecine de Paris, en re- ponse aux atta.pies dii ig. . s contre la doctrine homieopa- thique. dans la seance solennelle dela ficulte du 3 noveni- bre 1842. Ann. de la med. homceop., Par.. 1842, ii, 103-320. Also, Reprint.,— Niokvi.* ( B. J.) Yoordrachteu over homoeopathie. Nederl. Ti jilschr. v. Geueesk., Amst., 1837, 2. R., xxiii, 2. d., 547; 573; 597; 617. AUo, Reprint.— Mtrickler (I). A.) Comparative vital statistics: Honne- opathy vs. allo])iithy (supplemental to a report to tlie World's Congress of Homoeopathic Physicians and Sur- geons of ls93). Tr. Am. Inst. Hoinoiop.. Phila.. 1894, 207- 212.—von Tolleuyi. Das Heilprincip und die Homdo- pathie. Med. Jalirii. il. k. k. listen. Staatcs. Wien, 1842, xxxix, 129-150. See. aUo. supra. Wat/kc -War (The) of the New Yoi k County Homieopathic Medical Society. N. York M. Times, 18895m. xvii, 373 -382.- Wc-sellioe'ft (C.) Comparison of results ofvaiious methods of medical prac- tice, chiefly of those known as homieopathic and allopal hie. Hahneman. Month . Phila., 1895. xxx. ('25-035. — Wilkia- moii f.LJ.ti.) Fnlicensed medicine, with a plan for ex- tending liomiropathy. Iirit. J. Homieop., Lond., 1855, xiii, 529-50(1. AUo. l*ipi:iiit. IloilHrogtaf hy (FainHi/ tjuides in). Sec Homoeopathy i Popular treatises on). HoillWOpafllV (Histon/ and statistics of). LIkiij. An essay (in houui'(i]iii,i,hy: A synopsis uf the history ami principles (.1 the science, with the author's opinion of palliative remedies, (le- sion, il pr.nciiialiy for lay readers, s . Phila- delphia. ]*\2. (Jkiimaxis (F.C.) [pseud.]. Dr. Hahnemann und die Hoiuoopathie in ihren YYiderspriichen. 2. Autl. 8 5 Dresden, 1895. (iniAUO (X.) De l'hoiuu'oputhiect do ses pro- gres. 1*-. Sondershausen, 1808. Hering (C.) Breve trattato della dottrina onieopatiea, della sua orioine e del suo presente ]i. rfe/ii.nainento, letto nella Societa degli Hahne- nianni-ti in Filadellia il xviii aprile 1835. Tra- duzione dal tedesco con poche aggiunte. 8°. Milano, 1*99. -----. Fhigblatter. II. Leporello als Ho- meopath. Eine Novellct e mit obligator Musik- beilage. .*■*-. Sondershausen, 1863. -----. Fhigblatter. III. Schande und Ehr- losigkeit, oder Homoopathie und Alloopathie auf der Goldwage. 8°. Sondershausen, l**ii3. -----. Fhigblatter. IV. Ein Jahrohne Jahr, oder iiberwundene vveibliche Einwenduugeii ge- gen die Homoopathie. 8°. Sondershausen, 1-5:4. Homoeopathie (De) in de Nederlandcn en dc nieuwe Avetsontwerpen, regelende de nitoefening der geneeskunst en der artsnijbereidkunst. 8J. Utrecht, 1**57. HoitxEU (F. E.) Warum ich der Homoopathie den Xdrzug gegeben. Oti'enes Sendschreii.en an die Directoreti ties Hull'schcn General-Hospitals. Aus (bun Englischen iibersetzt von K. .Si. Clair Mussiah. 8°. Sondershausen, 1860. Jones (J. E.) Hoinceopathy and its piacti- tioners [IrtGs] in Chester County, Pennsylvania. ,**°. West Chester, 1869. Kaspek. Ueber die Stellung der Homiiopa- thie iu der preussischen Medicinal-Yeii'assung. Vortrag gohalten am 12. October 18(i5. 8°. [n.p., 1SC5.] Cutting. Klkixekt (G. O.) Geschichte der Homoopa- thie. Ll'g. 1-7. 8°. Leipzig, 1861-3. Lku'esdouf (M.) Eagione lilosofiea delle con- dizionc attuali della dottrina omeopatica in Ita- lia, discorso. 8*5 Lucca, 1*11. Liedueck (P. J.) Kort I'ramstailning af ho- meopathiens niirvarande stiillning i f'riiiniiiande lander. [Brief representation of the present standing of hoinceopathv in foreign countries."] 12*". Stockholm, 1846. Lirzzi(L) Progressi sulla medicina oniiopa- tica. >-. Roma, 1808. Medical reform in the direction of homoeop- athy. 4. ed. 8\ London, l*-5ti. Xkidhard(C) Hoinieopathy in Europe, 1878. Genu theories of disease. 8-5 [Philadelphia, n. d. ] Xoxxis ( E. ) Priiui studj in Sardegna sul- 1' omeopatia. **'-5 Cagliavi, 1854. Peiuh'ssel (F.) La me'decine et la loi de Pat- traction universelle, suivies des biographies il'Haliiiemaun et de des Guidi, avec portraits. 8*. Paris.1*17. -----. Aux repre"sentants de la nation. Ee- i'ornic pour la meilecine, suivie des biographies de Hahnemann et de des Guidi. 8°. Nantes, 1818. -----. L'hoiiKcopathie au s6uat. Uneve"rite mise a l'ordre du jour. ,**°. Paris, 1865. Pekhy(.L) Lettre sur le progres en hoinceo- pathie, adresse5j en reponse au docteur Audouit. *°. Paris, 1855. Pope (A. C.) Notes on the position and prog- ress of homoeopathy in the United States of America. 8Z. Loudon, 1879. Progress (The) of hoimeopathy; a series of papers, illustrative of the position and prospects of medical science. 8J. London, 1817. Kapol'(A.) Histoire de la doctrine m6dicale homu'opalhique, son etat actnel dans les princi- pales (..ntieesde l'Europe; application pratique des principes et des nioyens de cette doctrine au traitement des maladies. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1817. Hoiiiceopatliv (History and statistics of). DE Einaldis (B.) La riforma omiopalica, os- siatrattainentooiniopaticoeceletticodelleiualat- tie basato s ui recenti progressi della somiottica dell' anatomia patologica e dell' analisi cliimica microscojiia delle urine come diagnosi; e sui ri- niedi omiopatici, sussidiati dull' idioterapia, elet- troterapia, idroternioteraiiia, ginnastica terapeu- tica, niedieatnra topica e palliativa come cura. 8°. Napoli, 1809. Eosenrerg (H.) Fortsehiitte undLeistungen der Homoopathie in und aussi r Ungarn. nebst einer Darstellung ihrer Grundsiitze von ihrein "c- genwartigen *,vissensehaftlichen Standpunkte, und Hin weisung auf die Vortheile, diedaraus fiir Staat und .Staatsbiirger resultiren. **°. Leipzig, 1843. Euckert (T. J.) Klinische Erfahrungen in der Homoopathie. Eine vollstiindige Satnnilung aller, in der deutschen und ins Deutsche iiber- tragenen homoopatliiscben Lileralur niederge- legten Heilungen und praktischen Bemerkungen vom Jahre 1822 bis 1861. 5 v. 8°. Dessau $• Leip- zig, 1854-61. -----. The same. Supplementband zu Ab- schnitt 1-12 der klinischen Erfahrungen iu der Homoopathie. 1822-58. 8°. Leipzig, 1860. Semi-centennial celebration of the introduc- tion of hoinceopathy west of the Allegheny Mountains, held at Pittsburgh, Pa., Septem- ber 20th, 1887, under the auspices of the Homoe- opathic Medical Society of Allegheny County, Pa. Published by the society. Edited by J. (J. Burgher. *■>. Pittsburgh, 1*88. Sick (P.) Die Homoopathie im Diakonissen- hause zu Stuttgart. Eine Festschrift zur Feier des 25jiihiigen Bestehens der genannten An- stalt. 8;. Stuttgart, 1879. Siegel (F.) Die Stellung der Homoopathie zur Wissenschaft und zur ostericichischen Me- dizinalvcrfassung. 8 . Prag, 1859. Stkickler (D. A.) President's address before the Minnesota State Homoeopathic Institule. The work of hoinceopathy. -5 Minneapolis, Minn., 1892. Tessier (J.-P.) De la medication honiceo- pathique, suivi d'un relevd coniparatif des ma- lades traites a l'Hopital Sainte Margueriie par la uieLhode de Hahnemann ct par la methode ordinaire pendant les annees 1819, 1850, 18.51; reponse alalettredeFrc51ault. 8 . Paris, 1852. Voohhoeve (N. A. J.) Is de homoeopathie kwakzalverij 1 Uitgegeven door de Vereeniging totBevordering der Homoeopathie, in Nederland. 8°. Gravenhage, 1887. Bigelow (J.j Report ou homoeopathy. In his: Mod. Inquiries, 8°, Bost., 1867, 326-3:i2. — Bojanei*. (C), sr. Lie Homoopathie in Russland; eine histoiische Skizze liir das .jiiugstverstricliene Quinquennium von 1886 bis 1891. Ztschr. d. Berl. Ver. homoop. Aerzte, 1891, x, 369- 414— Bradford (T. L.) The beg, nuinj;: of homeopathy in the United States. Med. Century, Chicago, 1893, i. 42.— Brown (D.D.) Homoeopathic literature; its present con- dition and future requirements. Tr. Internat. Homceop. Cong., Lond., 1896, pt. 3, 3-10.—t artier (I<\) Situation de I'homoeopathie ii l'etranger. Art med., rar., 1894, Ixxix, 401-423. AUo, transl.: Tr. Internat. Honneop. Cour., Phila., 1891, 1008-1049.—Clement (J. A.) A brief outline of Maryland's homoeopathic history. Homo-op. Recorder, Lancaster, 1899, xiv, 353-3.")9.—Code of medi- cal ethics of the American Institute of Homoeopathy. Tr. Am. Inst. Homceop., Phila., 189:!, 273-293.—Dudley (IM 1796—Hahnemann—1890. Tr. Am. Inst. Honneop.. l'hila., 1896, 123-144.—Dnllicld (A. M.) The Alabama reforina tion. South. J. Homceop., N. Oil., 1891, ix, (ili-Gti.— »n- fresne (fi.) Histoire de l'homiEopathie. Le Dr. Pierre Diifresne. Art meil., Par., 1890, Ixx, 321; 401: lxxi. 11; 92; 161; 336.—Gregg (S.) The, eatly annals of homoeop- athy in Massachusetts. Pub. Mass. Honiueop. M. Soc, Cambridge, 1867, ii, 324-333.—Hale (E. M.) A c. itieal period for homoeopathy. Am. llomoeop., Chicago, 187., i, 179-182. AUo, Reprint.-Blanscu (0) The history of HOMfEOPATHY. HoiiMropatliv (Histon/ and statistics of). honneopathy iu Ileuniark. Tr. Internat. Homreop. Con;., Phila.. ls'il.\>S-l-!H*4. AUo: Med. Advance, Chicago. 189S-9, xxxvi. 349-362.—Jiii'obxoii (X.) Hoimeopathy and medi- cal progress during the present century. .1. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago ls'io. xiv, 361-369.—Jaeger'(Mi Bericht iiber deu Stau.lpuukt der so;. I.omoopatliiselicn Heilmethode an der k;!. nng. Universitiit zu Budapest, au den kgl. ■wiutteiob. Minister des Inneni. Dr. K. von Seluuiri. Pest u.ed.-chir. Pi*esse, Budapest. 18ss, xxiv, 621-636.— Join* . K. C) The early history of homoeopathy iu Massai husetts. Pub. Mass. Honioeop. M. Soe., Taunton, 1871, i, 2S-98.— Kafka (T.) Die Hoiuieopathie in Oes- teireieh-Ungarii vom August 1881 bis Juni ls80. Tr. In- ternat. Honiieoi). Convent.. Lond., 1886. 20-22. — Knllui (T.) fcf ni.]. Reports on the history of homeopathy. 1891-6, and its present state in the several countries of the world. Tr. lot, mat. Homceop. Cong., Lond., 1896, pt. 2, 27-113.— Kalleabaeh (F.W.O. i /.iTi'iieschichtedes Fortscluittes der Honuiopathieiiideii Ni, .1. rlauden. Allg.hoiuieop.Ztg.. Leip,-.. 1901, cxliii, 4IW1 — l.ellor* of Halinemaiin. Ho- j ma*..p. World, Loud., 18*9. xxiv, 245-253.— .Vl:i jmudar (P.I.) History of hoimeopathy iu India from Issii 91. Tr. Internat. Homceop. Cong . I'hiia., 1891.958-965.-----. His- tory of lioniieopat liv in India. Tr. World's Cong. Homa'op. Phys. i Sui-g. 1893. Phila.. 1-94. 1.V2-15S. —.Hoore (J. M.) Homoeopathy in the colony of 2s5\v Zealand. 15 Intermit. Honneop. Cong.. Phila.,'l891, 944-9.">l.—IVeiriliiiiil (C.) Honneopathy in France. Germany, and England, iu the year 1869. Hahiiemau. Month.. Phila., 1869-70. v, 34."); 385; j 438. AUo. Repiint.— OrineiF. H.) Hoimeopathy ami honioeopathic physicia!.--in (,.oi i;ia. S,nth. J. Homceop., 2C. Oil.. 11-91. ix. 1-7. —Parker i W. W.l The rise and de- ! cliue of homoeopathy. IV M. Soe. Virir., Richmond, 1890, 1 .">.-. - 166. — Pct-li (G. B.) Homoeopathy in The United states. Haliueman. Mouth.. Phila . 190o.'xxxv. ,""»5!i-.">i"i>.— Plan for Tii.- organization of a homoeopathic pul.lieation society. Am. Honneop. Rev., N.Y., 1864-5,v, 57 ; 88. Also. Reprint. — Potter (S.O. L.) Modern homoeopathy viewed honiceopalhically : the grounds of a homoeopath's loss of faith. Pacific M. J.. San Fran., 1890, xxxiii, 513: 577; 641 —Preciii»enrs i Le.-i de Hahnemann. Chron. med.. Par.. 1900. vii, 461-166.—Pro|gi-e» de l'homceopatliie dans le momle depuis l,--96. (' iu internat. d'honneop. 1900, Corheil. l'.".l. i-lxxviii.—*cliiuii1. Die Homoopathie im wiirttemb. i iiselieu Lan.ir _e Med. Cor.-111. d. wiirt- (.•ml), iirzt). Ver., Smttg.. 19iii, lxxi, 429-4)4. —von .Nick. Riiekblick auf die Ehitwickluug der Homoopathie in Wurttcmberg. Ztschr. d. Berl. Ver. homoop. Aerzte. 1892. xi. 411-430.—Mmilh (T. F.) Homoeopathic organi- zations ai d insiitulions in the Lniled States. Tr. Inter- nat. Homce..p. Cong.. Phila., 1891. 130-191. -----. Homoeo- pathic ot _.ini/.ations aud institutions in the Tnited States. Tr. Am. lint. Homceop., Phila. Is94 noii-1148. -----. HoiiKeopatliic organizations and institutions in the Pnited States. Tr. Am. Inst. Homceop. 19o0. 2*7. Y.. 1901. 611- 689.— Villeis i A.) Ceschichte der Homoopathie in L*.-ut«chl..Ml. Arch. f. Homoop.. Dresd., 1894, iii, 2-11. AUo. transl.: Tr. World's Com;. Homceop. Phys. A: Sii'-g. 1893, Phila.. 1894 117-124. Hoilicropnthy (Hospitals and dispensa- ries conducted under), by localities. See, also. Homoeopathy (Colleges, etc.); Hos- pitals i Statistics "i,; Insane (Asylums for); Phthisis {Hospitals for); Surgery {Clinical, Cases, etc., of). ALBANY. Albany City Homoeopathic Hospital and Dis- pensary. Constitution and by-laws, rales and regulations of the . . . 1'2 . Albany, 1*-***-*. BALTIMORE. Makyland Honueopathie Hospital and Free Dispensary, Baltimore. Annual reports of tlie hoard of directors and officers to the corporation and contributors. 6.-8., 1895-6 to 18J7-8. 1*2*5 Baltimore, 1-95-9. BOSTON. Homoeopathic Medical Dispensary, Boston. Annual repoits of the secretary to the corpora- tion. 1., 1-57-8: 33., Id8-; 34., 18-9. *°. Bos- ton, 1"*5--;k). Massacfu'sktts Homii'opathic Hospital, Bos- ton. Annual reports of the trustees, the niedical board, ami of tlie Ladies'Aid Association. L, 1*^70-71: 7.-28., 1875-6 to 1897. 8°. Boston, la72-9ft. HOMfEOPATIiY. Homoeopatliy (Hospitals and dispensa- ries conducted under), by localities. BOSTON—continued. -----. Statement in favor of the petition of tlie Massachusetts Homoeopathic Hospital. ,<;. [Jloston. 1899.] Roxm'KY Ifoinn'opathic Dispensary. Annual report of the hoard of trustees to the subscribers and public. L, 1887. 8*5 Boston, 1887. BOURNEMOUTH. Hahnk.mann Convalescent Home and Hoino'o- pathie Dispensary. Annual report of the com- mittee. ">., 1-83. \2J. Bournemouth, 1881. BROOKLYN. Bkdiord Disponsary and Hospital. Brooklyn. Annual reports of the officers to the members of the corporation. 1*1.-18., 189(5-8. 8*-. Brook- lyn, 1897-9. Bhooklyn Honueopathie Hospital. Consti- tution, by-laws, and regulations. 8- . Brook- lyn, 1890." Buooklyx Homoopathie Hospital and Train- ing Sehool for Nurses. Annual reports of the board of trustees and officers to the public. 17., 18*6-7; 19.-22., l*-*-9 to 1891-2; 26., l,-95-C>. *~. New York, 18*8-97. Brooklyn Honueopathie Maternity and New- York State School for Training Nurses. Annual reports of the managers and officers to the pub- lic and subscribers. 1., 1871; 11., 1-*1; 12., 1882; 14., 18*3-4: 17.-2*., 1886-7 to 1897-8. 8°. Brook- lyn, 1871-98. Central Homeopathic Dispensary, Brooklyn. Auntial report of the officers to the members and friends. 15., 1-97-8. 85 Brooklyn, 1898. CALCUTTA. Calcutta Homoeopathic Charitable Dispen- sarv. Annual reports of the executive commit- tee'to the public. 5., 1-88-9; 8., 1891-2; 10.-13., 1-95-4 to 1896-7. 16-. Calcutta, 18-9-98. CAMDEN. Camdex Homoeopathic Hospital and Dispeu- sai■>■ Association. Animal report of the officers to the shareholders and contributors. 4., 188*. *-°. Camden, 1-89. CLEVELAND. ChKVKi.AXD Homceopathic Hospital. Annual reports of tlie officers to the board of trustees and the public, for the years 1-91-2; 1892-3; 1-91-5 to 1H9H-190U. *° A: rov. 8 . Cleveland, 189:2-1900. DETROIT. Ghacr Hospital (Homceopathic), Detroit. An- nual reports of the officers to the trustees. 1.- 10., 1*89-9*. ,*°. Detroit, 18*8-99. Vlcllillnn (The) and Xcivlienv Free Hospital. IKdit, | Med. Counselor, Ann A rhor, 1887-8, xii, 2(11-269.— M[i<>rliny| (C. F.) IJ race Hospital, Detroit. Ibid., 1888, xiii, ".21 - .".28. EASTBOURNE. Homieopathic Convalescent Home, East- bourne. Annual reports of the board of man- agement to the subscribers. 2.-9., 1890-97. 8C. London, 1891-8. EUROPE. .S5c, in this list, Bournemouth; Eastbourne; Liverpool; London; Northampton ; Paris; Turin; Vienna. INDIA. .Sec, in this list, Calcutta. HOMEOPATHY. 256 HOMCEOPATIIY. Homoeopathy (Hospitals and dispensa- ries conducted under), by localities. LIVERPOOL. New (The) homieopathic hospital, Liverpool. Builder, Lond., 1880, 1, 742. 1 pl. LONDON. Everest (T. R.) A sermon preached in the church of St. Augustine, Old Change, Cheap- side, on 'Wednesday, April 9, 1851, in aid of the Hahnemann Hospital. 8°. London, 1851. Homceopathic Convalescent Home. Annual reports of the board of management to the subscribers. *2.-9., 1890-97. 8°. London, 1891-8. Homceopathic Dispensary. Regulations and report of cases treated. 12°. London, [n. d.]. London Homoeopathic Dispensary. Report of the cases treated from Oct. 1 to Nov. 30, 1839. 8°. [Loudon, 1*40.] London* Homceopathic Hospital, Bloomshury, W. C. Annual reports of the board of manage- ment to the governors and subscribers. 10., 1*59; -20., 1*69; 29., 1878-9: 33.-35., 1882-3 to 1884-5; 37., 188(1-7; 4(5, 1*89-90; 43.-48., 1892-3 to 1897. 8°. London, 1,-00-98. -----. Historical sketch. 8°. [London, 1895.J Homoropatliic Hospital Great Ormond - Street. Builder, Lond., 18ICI, lxv, 192, 1 pl. MINNEAPOLIS. Homceopathic Hospital, Minneapolis. An- nual report of the officers to the corporation. 1., 18*4. Including report for 1*83 (first year's work). ,*°. Minneapolis, 18-5. MISSOURI. Homceoi'athic Hospital Association of Mis- souri. Constitution aud by-laws. 1(1 . [,S7. Louis, 189*.] -----. Annual reports for the years 1897: 1*97-8. f„l. [St. Louis, 1*99.] NEW YORK. Bond .Street Homoeopathic Dispensary, New- York City. Annual report of the mauagers to the public. 19., 1*72-3. 8°. New York, 1874. Central Homoeopathic Dispensary of New York. Report of tlie attending physicians to the subscrihers and the public. 1., 1854-6. 8°. New York, 1*50. Hahnemann Hospital of the City of New York. Trustees, charter, and by-laws of the Ladies' Association, 1870. 12°. New York, [1876]. -----. Annual reports ot the trustees, in- cluding reports of the various departments of the institution, for the years 1*7(1-7 to 1*97-8. i". New York, 1877-98. Hklmuth House, New York City. Annual reports of the house surgeons. 2.-4., 1887-8 to 1*89-90. 8°. New York, 1888-90. See, also, infra. Helinuth. New York {City). Department of Public Chari- ties. Homieopathic Hospital, Ward's Islaiid. Rules and regulations. Adopted by the board of commissioners of public charities and correc- tion. 8J. [New York], 1876. -----. Annual reports of the chief of medi- cal staff to the president commissioners of pub- lic charities and correction. 5.-7., 1879-81; 9., 18*3; 12., 188(1; 13., 1887. 8°. New York, 18-9-89. New York Homoeopathic Dispensary, New York Cits. Report [for the first 16 months, Oct., 1845, to Jan., 1847]. 8-. [New York, 1847.] Homoeopathy (Hospitals and dispensa- ries conducted under), by localities. NEW YORK—continued. -----. Annual report of the trustees to the members and the public. IU., 1869. *° Yen- York, 1870. New York Homoeopathic Dispensary Associa- tion. Constitution and by laws. 16°. A eie York, 1818. -----. Annual reports of the hoard of trus- tees. 1., 1848; 4., 1851. ho. Xew York, 1*49-52. -----. An address to the friends of homeop- athy in New York from the trustees of the . 8°. New York, 1*52. ■Iclmiith House, New York City. Half-yearly re- port of the surgery at ... 1.. Dee. 20, 1886, to June 20, 1887. Hahnemann. Mouth.. Phila., 1887, xxii,593-G03. AUo, Reprint.—Responsibility for the Ward's Island Hos- pital. N. Am. J. Honneop., N. V., 181)0, :i. s., v, 242-244. NORTHAMPTON. Northamptonshire Homoeopathic Dispen- sary. Annual reports of the committee to the subscribers. 5., 1855-6; 14., 1864-5. 8°. North- ampton, 1856-65. ORANGE. East Orange Dispensary (Homceopathic). Report of the officers to the associatiou for the years 1888-90. 24°. Orange, 1891. PARIS. Charge (A), Escallier [et al.]. Dispensaire homo'opathique (paroisse Saint-Laurent). Rap- port adressee a l'Abbe Duquesnay. 8°. Paris, 1860. PHILADELPHIA. Chili-ken's Homoeopathic Hospital of Phila- delphia. Animal reports of the board of direc- tors to lhe contributors. 1.-21., 1877-8 to 1**98. 8°. Philadelphia, 1878-99. Homceopathic Infirmary of Philadelphia. Annual report of the board of managers to the contributors, for the year 1-1)3-4. 16°. Phila- delphia, 18()4. Pennsylvania Homoeopathic Hospital for Children, Philadelphia. Annual reports of' the directors aud officers to the contributors. 1.-3., 1877-8 to 1879-80; 5., 1881-2; 7., 1883-4; 8., 1884-5. 8J. Philadelphia, 1878-85. Women's Homieopathic Association of Penn- sylvania, Philadelphia. Annual reports of the medical, surgical, and maternity hospitals of the ... to the public. 1.-16., 18*3 to 189--9. 8°. Philadelphia, 18*4-99. Hahnemann (The) Hospital, Philadelphia. Hahne- iuan. Month., Phila., 1890, xxv, 780, 1 pl. PITTSBURG. Homceopathic Medical and Surgical Hospital and Dispensary of Pittsburgh. Act of incor- poration, rules, and regulations. 8°. [ Pitts- burgh, 1806.] -----. Annual reports of the executive com- mittee and officers to tlie board of trustees and corporators. 3.-12., 1868-9 to 1*77-8; 18.-25., 1883-4 to 1890-91; 29., 1894-5; 32., 1897-8; 33., 1898-9. 8°. Pittsburgh, 1869-99. -----. Charter, rules, and regulations of the . . . Adopted July, lh84. 8°. Pittsburgh, 1884. -----. History of the new building aud its dedication, with the 18.-20. annual reports, 1883-4 to 1**5-6. 8°. Pittsburgh, 1880. PROVIDENCE. Rhode Island Homoeopathic Hospital, Provi- dence. Annual reports of the trustees aud offi- HOMOEOPATHY. 257 HOMOEOPATHY. Hoiiiceopatliv (Hospitals and dispensa- ries conducted under', by localities. PROVIDENCE—continued. cers to the corporation. 5.-14., 1--5-0 to 1894-5; 16.-1*.. 1*90-7 to 1-98-9. And the 13.-22., 24.- 20.. of the Ladies' Aid Association. 12° A: * Proriitence, 1—6-1900. ROCHESTER. Hakgols Memorial Hahnemann Hospital of the City of Rochester. Act of incorporation, constitution, by-laws, and rules of the . . . --'. Rochester, 1-91. I Rochester Homa*opathic Hospital. New York. Annual report of the officers to the board of supervisors. 7., l-9<'>. --5 Rochester, 1-97. ROXBURY. S«c, in this li-t. Boston. SAN FRANCISCO. Homceopathic Medical and Surgical Dispen- sary of San Fraucisco. Animal reports for the years 18(19-70 to 1-71-2. 12°. San Francisco, 1-72. Pacific Homoeopathic Dispensary Associa- tion. San Francisco. Constitution and by-laws '■ of the . . . with names of the members, physi- cians and officers [and animal report of the | directors] for the year 1-90-91. 125 [San Francisco, 1-91.] SCRANTON. Hahnemann Hospital of the City of Scranton. Report of the officers to the corporation and the public, for the years 1-97-- : 1898-9. 8°. Scran- ton, 19o ft. SYRACUSE. Syracuse Homoeopathic Hospital. Annual report of the otin-ers to the board of trustees. 2., 1-98. -'. Syracuse. 1-99. TURIN. Istitito omiopatico italiano. Atti umciali. Fasc. 2. 1—»'.. -°. Torino, 1—•'>. UNITED STATES. See, also, in this list, Albany; Baltimore; Boa- ton: Brooklyn: Camden: Cleveland: Detroit; Minneapolis; Missouri; New York; Orange; Philadelphia; Pittsburg; Providence; Roch- ester; San Francisco: Scranton; Syracuse; Washington: Wilmington. Pfeifeek (G. 85 F.) A memorial for the es- tablishment of a homoeopathic military hospital. e-. [Philadelphia], 1801. Homoeopathic hospitals in the Tinted States. Tr. Am. Inst. Honneop., Pittsburgh, IS"'.* 1900, xxxiii-lvi.pa*- sim.— Talbot (I. T.) The homceopathic hospitalsof New Lii^l.m.l. N.Am. J. Homceop., N.Y., 1894,3. s., ix, :no-345. VIENNA. Eigenbrodt (C.) Ueber die Resultate der offentlicheu homoopathischeu Heilanstalt in der Leopoldstadt zu Wien, nebst einigen Worten iiber die Verhiiltnisse, welche die Existen/. der Homoopathie moglich macheu. *•". Giessen, 1804. WASHINGTON. Homceopathic Free Dispensary Associalion of Washington, D. C Annual reports of the offi- cers to the association and friends. 1., 18*2-:5; 2., l*-3-4; 4.-6., l-*5-0 to 1*87-^8. *°. Wash- ington, l--:>-8. VOL VII, 2D SERIES----17 HomcropatliV (Hospitals and dispensa- ries conducted under), by localities. WASHINGTON—continued. National Homcvopathic Hospital, Washing- ton. Hy-laws, rules, and regulations. *°. [ Washington, n. d.] National Homceopathic Hospital Association of Washington, D. C. Hy-laws, rules, and regu- lations. *°. Washington, 18 fi). -----. Appeal to lioino'opathic physicians and friends of homoeopathy in the United .States, in behalf of the National Honueopathie Hos- pital, Washington, 1). C. Including first report of Ladies' Aid Association of. . . , the constitu- tion, and a list of officers, members, and sub- scribers. 12c. Washington, [1887]. -----. Annual reports of the hoard of trus- tees and officers to the association. 7.-11., l***-92; l:{., 1804: 15.-18., l-OC to l-9*-9. 8J. Washington, 1—9-99. Wasiiinuton Honueopathie Dispensary. An- nual report of the officers. 1., 1800. 8-. Wash- ington, 1857. WILMINGTON. Homieopathic Hospital Association of Dela- ware, Wilmington. Annual reports of the board of managers and officers to the association. 1.-9., 1*87-8 to 1889-90 ; 6.-11., 1-92-3 to 1807-8. 8-. Wilmington, 1888-99. Homoeopathy (Journals and transac- tions of congresses and societies relating to). See, also, Electrohomoeopathy. Allgemkine hoinoopathische Zeitung. v. llu-14;}, 18*5-1901. 4-. Leipzig. Current. Alumni Association of the New York Homoeo- pathic Medical College. " Constitution and by- laws, list of members with addresses, together with lists of officers for 1-8:5-4 aud l***4-5. 12-. New York, 18*4. American Homoeopathic Ophthalmological and Otological Society. Transactions. 7.-9. meetings, 188:*-.~>. <**. [ r. _p.]. 1883-5. American Homoeopathic Publishing Society. Annual reports. 1.-2.(1*78-9). ,* . Philadel- phia, 1*79-80. American (The) Homo'opathist. v. 11-27, 1885-1901. sm. 4-. New York. Current. American Institute of Hoinceopathy. Record of the World's Honueopathie Convention, to be held iu Philadelphia, June 26, 1870. 8 . Phila- delphia, 1*7.5. American Institute of Hoinceopathy. Trans- actions, v. :U-5<;, 18*1-1900. * . Philadelphia, 18*1-1900. American (The) Medical Monthly. Formerly: Southern Journal of Hoiiid'opathy. v. 15-19, 1-97-8 to 1901-2. 8°. Baltimore, Md. Current. Amkkican (The) Observer, v. 21, 18-5. Detroit. Ended. Amerikanisciie (Der) Hausarzt. Hrsg. von Dr.M.-il.Staads. L Monthly.] v. 1, Oct., 1894, to March, 189.5. * . Essex, Iowa. Elided. Anales de la homeopatia. Red.: J. P. San- miguel. No. 2, v. 1, 11876]. 8°. Bogota. Ann caire d'hoino-honiceopathie, par le doc- teur M. Conau. v. 1-3, 18d6-91. 12°. Paris. HOMOEOPATHY. 258 HOMOEOPATHY. HoiiiwopatliY (Journals and transac- tions of congresses and societies relating to). Annuario di omeopatia, conipilato da una societa di medici omeopatici. Auuo 1. 12°. Torino, 1847. Archiv fiir Homoeopathie. Hrsgr.: Alexan- der Villers. [Monthly.] v. 1-8, Oct., 1891, to Dec, 1899. 8J. Leipzig. Ended. Art (L') medical, v. 60-93, 1885-1901. 8°. Paris. Current. Bibliotheque homceopatliique. v. 17-20, 1885-90. 8 . Paris. Ended. Blatter fur Electro-Hoiuoopathie. v. 5-21, 1885-1901. 8-. Regensburg. Current. BoletIn de honieopatia. Director: Jose A. Foutela. [ Monthlv. ] No. 4. v. 4, May, 1892; No. 1, v. 5, Nov., 1892; Nos. 4-5, v. 7, Dec, lr-95; Nos. 1-4, v. 8, April-Sept., 1896. 8°. Montevideo. Bradford (T. L.) Complete list of homoeo- pathic medical journals published in the United States, between the years 1835 and 1888. 8°. Philadelphia, 1889. -----. Homoeopathic bibliography of the United States, from the year 1-25 to the year 1891, inclusive. Part I. Alphabetical list of homoeopathic books aud pamphlets [etc]. Part II. Condensed histories; data and bibliography of the homceopathic societies, colleges, hospitals, asylums [etc.], in the United States. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1892. British Homoeopathic Congress. Transac- tions. 1870; 1*73. 8"\ London, 1870-73. Bulletin of Medical Instruction, v. 1-2, 1894-7. 8°. Boston. California (The) Homoeopath, v. 3-10, 1885- 92. 1 A 8°. San'F'rancisco. Carnival (The) Record. [Daily.] Nos. 1-7, Oct. 2* to Nov. 4, 1*87. fol. Philadelphia. Cincinnati Journal of Homo-opatliy. B. Ehrmann, A. Miller, aud G. "\V. Bigler, editors. [Monthly.] v. 1, March, 1851, to Feb., 1852. 8°. Cincinnati. "Want pp. 159-160, 169-176, v. 1. Clinical (The) Record. Edited hy W. A. Chatterton. [Monthly.] No. 1, v. 1, Jan., 1889. sm. 4°. Chicago. Clinique (The), v. 6-22, 1885-1901. 8C. Chicago. Concre.s internationald'homoeopathie. Comp- tes rendus . . . (Proces-verbaux et memoires.) Tenu a Paris, les 21, 22 et 23 aout 18*9. 8°. Paris, 1890. Conures international d'homoeopathie tenu a Paris. 8-. Corbeil, 1901. Critique (The). Edited bv S. 8. S my the. [Monthly.] v. 4-8, Oct., 1897-19U1. 8*5 Den- ver, Col. Current, v. 1-3, under title: Denver (The) Journal of Homoeopathy. Denver (The) Journal of Homoeopathy. Edi- tors: S. S. Smythe and S. S. Kehr. [Monthly.] v. 1-3, Oct., 1894-7. 8°. Denver, Col. Continued as preceding. Deutsch- amerikanlsche hoinoopathische Zeitschrift. Red. vou K. Puscheck. Nos. 9-10, v. 4, Sept.-Oct., 18-8. 8°. Chicago. Franklin (E. C.) Address before the Ameri- can Institute of Homoeopathy at the thirtieth session, held at Lake Chautauqua, N. Y., June 26, 1877. *°. Philadelphia, 1877. Hahnemann Academy of Medicine [ New York]. Constitution and by-laws, adopted. No- vember 28, 1849. 8°. New "York, 1819. Homoeopathy (Journals and transac- tions of conqresses and societies relating to). Hahnemannia. Hrsg. vou R. Criiwell. [Monthly.] v. 28-37, 1*92-1901. 4. Berlin. Current. Hahnemannian (The) Advocate. Edited by H. W. Pierson. v. 34-40, 1895-1901. 8 5 Chi- cago. Current. Continuation of: .Wedical (The) Advance. Hahnemannian (The) Institute. By students of the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadel- phia. [Monthly], v. 1-8, Nov., 1693-1901. sm. 4°. Philadelphia. Current, v. 1, under title: Institute (The). Hahnemannian (The) Mouthly. N. s., v. 20- 36, 1885-1901. 8Z. Philadelphia, Current. Herald (The) of Health and Homoeopathy. [Monthly.] No. 1, v. 1, Sept., 1891. 4°. San Francisco, Cal. HomeopatIa (La). Organo cle la Sociedad "Hahnemann". Nos. 1, 2, 4, v. 5, Sept. to Dec, 1*97. 8J. Mexico. HoMi'.oPATlCHESKil vestnik. [Homoeopathic Courier.] Year 4, No. 1-2. ,*-. St. Petersburg, 1886. Homozopathe (L') beige. Rcjdige" par une so- ciete de m^decius. [Monthly.] v. 1-2: Nos. 1-3, v. 3, June, 1858, to Aug., i860. 8:. Bruxelles. Homueopathe (L')"nlmois. v. 1, 1885. 4-. Nimes. Euded. Homceopathic (The) Advocate aud Health Journal. Edited by E. C. Price [et al.]. [Monthly.] v. 3-5, 1891-3. 8°. Baltimore. v. 1-2, title: Baltimore (The) Family Health Journal. ••Homoeopathic (The) Echo": a journal of health and disease. Conducted by C. F. Fischer. v. 1, March, 1855, to Feb., 1856. 8°. Aukland, New Zealand. Homceopathic (The) Envoy. Published by E. P. Anshufz. [Monthly.] v.2-12, 1891-1901. 4°. Lancaster, Pa. Current. Homieopathic (The) Eye, Ear, aud Throat Journal. Editors: A. B. Norton, C. H. Helf- rich, and J. B. Garrison. [Monthly.] v. 1-7, 1895-1901. 8-. New York. Current, Homceopathic Guide. Edited by A. Clokey [et al.]. [Monthly.] v. 1-2, May, 1895, to Feb., 1-99. 4J. Louisville, Ky. Homoeopathic (The) Journal of Obstetrics aud Diseases of Women and Children, v. 7-22, 1885-1901. 8°. New York. Homoeopathic (The) Journal of Surgery and Gynecology. Edited by Charles E. Fisher. [Bi-monthly.] v. 1, 189*. 8 . Chicago <)'• New York. Ended. Homieopathic (The) Medical Record. Edited by J. C. Lahiri. [Monthly.] No. 3, v. 2, March, 1893. 8-5 Calcutta. Homceopathic Medical Society of the County of New York. List of active members of the . . . 8°. [Neiv York, 1878.] -----. Report of committee ou revision of coustitution aud by-laws. Presented October 14, 1885. 8°. [New York, 1*85.] -----. List of active members. May, 18-0. 12°. New York, [1880]. Homceopathic Medical Society of the County of Philadelphia. Sanitary hints for the sum- mer, published for distribution by the . . . June, 1885. 24°. [Philadelphia, 1885.] HOMOEOPATHY. 259 HOMOEOPATHY. Hoinceopathy (Journals and transac- tions of congresses and societies relating to). ------. Fee bill for the use of homceopathic physicians, adopted by tlie . . . 10*. Philadel- phia, [n. d.]. Homceopathic Medical Society of Ohio. Pro- ceedings. 21.-24., 1*85--. *■> . [r. p.], 1—5-s. Homceopathic Medical Society of Pennsylva- nia. Transactions annual sessions. 15., 1**79; 20.-35.. 1--4-99. **-'. [v. p.], 1-79-99. Homceopathic Medical Society of the State j of Michigan. Transactions annual meetings, j 2., 1*71; 15.-23., 1-84-92. S-\ [v. p.]. L-71-92. Homoeopathic Medical Society of the State of New York. Proceedings. 1-50-51. * . Al- bany. 1-51. -----. Transactions, v. 19-27. 1-84-92; v. 29-5.5, 1-94-UKX». -. [r.p.]. 1—4-1900. Homieopathic Messenger, in connection with Grace Hospital. [Monthlv.] No. 1, v. 1; Nos. 2. 3, 9-11, v. 3; Nos. 1. 2,'0. v. 4. Jan. 15, 1-90, to July 15. 1-97. >-. Toronto, Canada. Homceopathic News. v. 10-17, 1—7-;**: v. 21-30,1-92-1901. **:. >7. Louis, Mo. Current. Homieopathic (The) Phvsiciau. v. 5-19, 1—5-99. --. Philadelphia. Ended. Hc»m>ant le premier et le quinze de chaque mois. v. 1-2, 1----9. fol. Paris. Homoeopathisch Maaudblad. v. 1-12, 1-90- 1901. sm. 1-. 'a Grarenhage. Current. Homoopathische Monat-ldatter. v. 10-20. 1—5-lnul. -:. Stuttgart. Current. Homoopathischer Kalender fur das Jahr 1893. Hrsg. von Willmar Schwabe. 3. Jahrg. 12*-. Leipzig, 1-92. Homoopatisk Tidsskrift. Red.: P. P. 0rum. v. 1-5, l-9i"-19on. - . Aarhus. Cm lent. Humphreys' Journal of Specific Homceop- athv. [Monthlv.] Y. Humphreys, editor. Nos. ' 8-9, v. 3; No. 6. v. 4, March-April, 1-59, Jan. j 1, 1860. fol. New York. Indian (Tlie) Homeopathic Keview. Edited by P. C. Majumdai. [Monthly.] v. 4-10, 1-91-1900. x-. Calcutta. International Hahnemanniau Association. Consti'ntion aud by-laws of the . . . Organized , at Milwaukee, June, 1—0. 10°. Ann Arbor, 18-o. ------. Proceedings of the . . . for the years 1—4-5. -. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1880. ------. Transactions, meeting of 1893. Chicago, 1893. International Honueopathie Annual. Edi- tor: Alexander Villers. v. 1. 8J. Leipzig, 1*91. International Homceopathic Congress. Transactions, 1-90. s~. London, 1*90. International Homo'opatliic Convention. Transactions of the . . ., held in Basle, August, l*,i0. 8j. London, 1—0. loillO?opatliy (Journals and transac- tions of cont/resses and societies relating to). Interna iioxales liomoeopathisches Jahr- buch. Hrsg. von Alexander Yilh-rs. v. 1. 8°. Ltipzig. 1*91. Jaiireshericht iiber die Fortschritte und Leistungcn der Homoopathie im In- und Aus- lande. Hrsg. von Fr. Hektor Arneth und Adolph Moienzeller. v. 1, July, 1*45, to July, lr*40. -. Wien, 1*1*. Journal beige d'hoino'opatliie. [Quarterlv.] v. 1-*. 1894-1901. 8*-. Jlruxelles. Current. Journal (The) of Honiu'opathics. Harlyn Hitchcock, editor and publisher. [Monthly.] v. 1: Nos. 1--. v. 2, April, l*-9, to December, 1-90. 8- . New York. Ended. Journal of Honucnpathics. Edited bv J. T. Kent. [Monthly.] v. 1-5, 1*97-1901. --. Philadelphia. Current. Journal de la medecine hoinoeopathique, pu- blice par la Societe halineiiiannieune dc Paris. v. 1-4, 1845--. 8 . Paris. Journal (The) of Ophthalmology, Otoh gv and Laryngology. [Hoina'opathic. J Geo. S. Norton, editor. [Quarterly, then bi-monthlv.] v. 1-13. 1-99-1901. 8-. New York. Current. Keynote (The) of Homoeopathy. Editors: S. C. Delap and T. H. Hudson, v. 1, 1892. -:. Kansas City, Mo. No. 1. v. i, under title: TI<«Iicnl (The) Standard. Continued as: Itledical Arena. Leipziger Monatshefte fiir Homoopathie uud allgemeine Heilkunde. Hrsg. von R. Micbaelis. v. 1-6, 1895-1900. 8-5 Leipzig. Leipziger populiire Zeitschrift fiir Homoo- pathie. Hrsg. vou Willmar Schwabe. [Seini- mouthly.] v. 23-32, 1892-1901. sm. 4*. Leipzig. Current. Massachusetts Homceopathic Medical So- ciety. Publications, v. 1-8, 1*40-85. 8-. [r.p.], 1871-80. -----. Act of incorporation and by-laws of the . . ., with the rules aud regulations, and a list of members. 8 . Taunton, 1-73. Medical (The) Advance, v. 15-34, 1—5-95. 8 . J mm Arbor. Mich., 4 Chicago. Continued as: Ilaliiic-miiiiiiinii (The) Advocate. Medical Arena. Kditors: S. C. Delap and W.D.Foster, v. 2-10, 1*93-1901. 8 5 Kansas Pity, Mo. Current. Title of v. 1, !•*'.»-. was: Keynott* (The) of H0lll(L*0]l!ltb.V. Medical (The) Argus. Devoted to honuvop- athy and the collateral sciences. Editor: FrankF. Casseday. [Monthly.] v. 1-8. 1 .-90-98. sm. 4 Minneapolis, Minn. Medical Century. An international journal of homeopathic medicine, surgery, and collate eral science, v. 1-9, 1-93-1901. 'roy. --. Chi- cago. Current. Medical (The) Counselor, v. 10-14, 1-85-9. 8'-. Grand Rapids, Mich., 1885; Ann Arbor, 1*80-9. Ended. Medical (The) Counselor. A journal of ho- nui'opatliy and collateral sciences. Editors: H. Wilson and S. H. Knight. [ Monthly.] N. s., v. 1-0. 1890-1901. 8°. Detroit, Mich." Current. HOMEOPATHY. 260 HOMEOPATHY. Hoiucropatliy (Journals and transac- \ tions of congresses and societies relating to). Medical Current. Henry Sherry, editor. [Monthly.] v. 3-12, 1.-80-90. 8C. Chicago. Id April, 1896, continued as : Uedical Era. Medical Era. Ch. Gatchell, editor. [Month- ly.] v. 12-17, 1890-1901. 8°. Chicago. Current. Medical (The) Era. v. 3-11, 1-85-93. 8°. Chicago. Medical (The) Times. [Honueopathie] Ed- itors: Egbert Guernsey and Alfred K. Hills. [Monthly.] v. 25-29, 1897-1901. fol. New York. Current, v. 9-24, under title: New York Medical Times. Minneapolis Homceopathic Magazine. Ed- itor: Heury C. Aldrich. [Monthly.] v. 5-10, 1-90-1901. 8°. Minneapolis. Current. "Want nos. 1-4, v. 5. Monthly (The) Homceopathic Review, v. 29- 45, 1,*,*5-1901. 8-. London. Current. New England (The) Medical Gazette, v. 20- 36, 1885-1901. 8C. Boston. Current. New York Medical Times, v. 13-24, 1885-96. 4°. New York. Continued as: Jleilical Times. North American (The) Journal of Homoeop- athy. N. s., v. 15, l-*5; 3. s., v. 1-16, 1886-1901. 8°." New York. Current. Northwestern (The) Journal of Homoeop- athy. By A. C. Cowperthwaite. [Monthly.] v. 1-4, 1**9-92. 8°. Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 1889- 91; Chicago, 1892. Omiopatia (L') iu Italia. Fasc. 2-12, 1*86-9. 8 . Torino. Pacific Coast Journal of Homoeopathy. Ed- ited bv H. R. Arndt. [Monthly.] v. 1-9, 1893- 1901. 8°. San Francisco. Current. Pacific Homoeopathic Medical Society of the State of California. Transactions of the . . . from 1874 to 1-70, with constitution and by-laws. v. 1. 8°. San Francisco, 1-70. Physicians' (The) and Surgeons' Investiga- tor, v. 6-10, 1585-9. 8°. Buffalo, N Y. Ended. Populare Zeitschrift fiir Homoopathie. v. 16, 18.-5. 4°. Leipzig. Programme of the centennial celebration of Samuel Hahnemann's birth-day, by the friends of homoeopathy in Philadelphia, at Sansoin Street Hall, on Tuesday evening, April 10, 1*55. *°. Philadelphia, 1855. Pclte (The) Quarterly. Editor: Thomas M. Stewart, v. 1-4, April, 'l-90, to October, 1893. sm. 1:. Cincinnati. Ended. Rapp & Fischer. Yortrage gehalteu bei der Generalversanimlting der " Hahnemanuia" am 24. Februar 1870 im grosseu Saale der Lietler- halle zu Stuttgart. 6°. Stuttgart, [1870]. Repertorium der gesammten homoopathi- schen Jourualistik [etc.], von D. St. 1 v. 298 pp. 12°. Leipzig, 1836. Revista hoineopaLica. Redactores: Dr. Jaime Abreu [el al.]. [Monthly.] v. 6-11, 1-95-1900. 8-. Barcelona. Revista homeop^tica. Organo oficial de la Sociedad hahueuianuiaua nruguaya cle beneti- ceucia y propaganda. [Monthly.] Nos. 2-10, v. 1, Jan. 6 to Dec. 31, 1882: 2. epoca, Nos. 1-3, July to Oct., 1888. fol. & 5°, Montevideo. "Want no. 1, v. 1. loilMKOpatliy (Journals and transac- tions of congresses and societies relating to). Revue hoinceopathique beige, v. 11-25, l*-.>- 99. 8 5 Bruxelles. Revue hoinceopathique fraucaisc Nos. 1-2, v. 1, Jan.-Feb., 1-90. 8°. Paris. Ended. Revue hoinceopathique dn Midi, publiee a Marseille, par une societe" de nie'decins. [Monthly.] No. 1, v. 1, Jan., 1848. 8 . Mar- seille. Revue internationale de la doctrine hoinceo- pathique. Red.: Dr. Jorez. [Monthly.] v. 1- 2, July, 1851), to June, 1858. .*-. Bruxelles. Rivista omiopatica. v. 31-35, 1885-90. fol. &-. 8°. Roma. Saint Louis Journal of Homoeopathy and Clinical Reporter. Y\\ A. Edmonds, editor, v. 1-3, 1*95-7. 8;. Saint Louis, Mo. Societe cle medecine hoinceopathique de Paris. Bulletin, v. 1-6, 1845-*. 8°. Paris, 1845-8. Societe medieale hoinceopathique de Paris. Bulletins. 22.-30., 1881-9. s-\ Paris, 1**1-9. Society of the Alumni of the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia. Constitution. 24°. Wilmington, Del., 1871. Society of Homoeopathic Physicians of Iowa. Proceedings for 1870-71. 8°. Keokuk, 1571. Southern (The) Honueopathie Pellet, v. 3- 4, Aug., 18*4, to July, 1885. 8°. Austin, Tex. Continued as: Southern (The) Journal of Homoeop- athy. Southern (The) Journal of Homoeopathy. C. E. Fisher, editor. [Monthly.] v. 5-9, Aug., 1885, to Dec, 18*7; u. 8., v. 1-15, 1888, to Oct., 1-97. 8-5 Austin, Texas; New Orleans, Balti- more. Continued as: American (The) Medical Monthly. Syracuse (The) Clinic. Edited by E. E. Kee- ler. [Quarterly.] v. 1-4,1898-1901. 8-5 Syra- cuse, N. Y. Current. United States (Tbe) Medical Investigator. v. 21-23, 1887. 8°. Chicago. Yerein deutscher hoinoopathischer Aerzte America's. Verhandlungen und Statuteu des . . . Chicago, am 16. und 17. November 1804. 8°. Chicago, 1805. Volksblatter fiir homoopathisches Heilver- fahreu. Deutschlands Nichtiiizteu gewidmet und in zwanjilosen Heften hrsg. vou C. E. Wahr- hold. v. 1-2; Nos. 1-5, v. 3, 1835-7. 8°. Leipzig. Vrach-Homeopat. [The homoeopathic physi- cian.] Edited by D. A. Henik. [Monthly.] v. 1-4, 1*91-4; v. 10-11, 1900-1901. 8J. S.-Pe- terburg. Cui rent. World's Congress of Homceopathic Physicians and Surgeons. Transactions. Held under the auspices of the World's Congress auxiliary of the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago, 1-93. Published by the American Institute of Homceopathy. 8°. Philadelphia, 1894. Zeitschrift des Berliner Yereines hoinoopa- thischer Aerzte. v. 5-14, 18*5-95. 8C. Berlin. Zooiasis. Zeitschrift fiir hoinoopathische Thierheilkuude. Hrsg. vou J. J. W. Lux. v. 1: No. 1, v. 2, 18:54-6. 8°. Leipzig. looliiitiiry, Chicago, 1893, l, 184-2J4.—VeiiawNiilis*1"rkmnle d.i Xoidameiikaui- selien Akademie der homoopathisiln-n Heilkuu.st. Ge- .u-iindi't am 10. April, eriitl'nct /.u Allcntown den 27. Mai 18:55. Arch. f. d. homoop. Heilk., Leipz., 1835, xv, 3. Hit., 1-20. AUo, Repiint. Homoeopath* (Manuals and institutes of). See. also, Homoeopathy {Materia medica, etc., of); Homoeopathy {Popular treatises on). Burt (\Y. H.) Clinical companion to ''Phy- siological materia medica''. A compendium of diseases, their homceopathic and accessory treat- ment, with valuable tables and practical hints ou etiology, pathology, hygiene, etc. ?*-. Chi- cago, 18-9. COCTV DE LA POMMERAIS (D.-E.) CoiirS d'hoimeopathie. 8\ Paris, 1809. Dake (J. P.) Acute diseases, and tbeir homceopathic treatment; also directions for the treatment of injuries received by accidents aud from poisons. 24--. Pittsburgh, [1859]. -----. The scieuce of therapeutics in out- line; a systematic arrangement of principles concerned iu the care of human health, showing their several departments. ?-. Nashville, 1878. -----. Therapeutic methods. An outline of principles observed in the art of healing. 8C. Boston $■ Providence, l*-0. Dudgeon vR. E.) Lectures on the theory and practice of homoeopathy. 12-. London, [1853]. -----. The same. 12c. Manchester, 1*54. Dime iY.) Traitenient homceopathique, hy- drotherapy iiie, on de l'emploi combine* de plu- sieurs methodes curatives. -~. Paris, 1-09. Elements of homceopathic practice of physic: an appendix to Dr. A. G. Hull's Laurie's "Homoeopathic domestic medicine". Arranged as a practical work for students. Containing also the diseases of the uriuary aud genital organs. -"-. New York, l-5u. Espanet (A.) La pratique de Phomoeopathie simplifiee. 16°. Paris, 1-74. -----. The same. 12 . Paris, ln Simon. 4 v. 8°. Paris, 1885-91. -----. Die chrouischen Krankheiten, ihre eigenthiimliche Natur und hoindopathische Hei- lung. 4 v. * 5 Dresden ed aud greatly en- larged by Arndt. 3. ed. 2v. - . Chicago, 1880. Hering (C.) Amerikanische Arzneipriifun,- gen. Yorarbeiten zur Arzneilehre als Naturwis- senschaft. 1. Tlieil. 8*5 Leipzig ,y Heidelberg, 1-57. -----. The twelve ti>sue remedies, and their u»e iu trituration of Dr. Sehiissler, recom- mended for investigation. 16-5 Ntw York, [1874]. -----. The same. 3. ed. 16-. Nac York 9- Philadelphia, [1-75]. -----. Analytical therapeutics, v. 1. rov.- . New York, 1-75. -----. Kurzgefasste Arzneiinittellehre. 3. Au>g., revidirt, verinehrt und l.estiitigt durch E. A. Farrington. Ueberset/t von Gisevius. f- . Berlin, 1—9. -----. Review of the guiding symptoms of our materia medica. -pp. r-5 [n. p., n. d.] -----. Condensed materia medica. New ed. £-'. [n.p., n. ---. A manual of pharmacodynamics. 2. ed. - . London, 1-70. -----. The same. Action des medicaments honuvopathiqiies, on-elements de pharmacody- namique. Trad, de 1'anglais et annotd par I. Gueiin-.M.n.ville. 12^. Paris, 1*74. -----. On the sources of the homoopathie materia medica. 8°. London, 1887. Jahr (G.-H.-d.) Nouvelle pharmacopde et posologie homtcopathiqucs, ou de la prepara- tion des in&lioainens honiceopathiqucs etde l'ad- ministration des doses. 16*-'. Paris, 1*41. -----. The same. 12*-. Paris, London, New York, Madrid, 1-53. -----. Systeniatiscli-alphabetiscbes Reper- torium der honii'iopatischen Arzneimittel lehre. 2 v. 8-5 Leipzig, 1*1*. -----. Jahr's clinical guide; or, pocket-rep- ertory for the treatment of acute aud chronic diseases. Transl. and edited, with annotations, by Charles J. Hempel. 16°. New York, 1*50. Jahr's aud Possart's new manual of tbe ho- moeopathic materia medica, arranged with ref- erence to well authenticated observations at the sick Led. and accompanied by an alphabetical repertory to facilitate and secure the selection of a suitable remedy in any given case. 4. ed., revised and enlarged by the author, aud transl. and edited by Charles J. Hempel. 8C. New York, 1-53. Jenkinson (E.) Die homoopathische Hei- lung der hiiutigsteu Mageiileiden, besonders: des Magenkrampfs, verdorbeneu Magens, Durch- falls, Schlucksens, Brechens, Heishuugers, der Yerstopfung, Kolik uud der Bliihungeu. Nebst Abhandluugen fiber homoopathische Dietetik und die richtige Anwendung der homoopathi- schen Mittel. >■-. Nordhausen, l>97. Joslin (B. F.) Evidences of the power of small doses and attenuated medicines, including a theory of potentization. 8-. Nashua, N. H., 181*. Jousset (P.) Lecons de cliuique me'dicale professees a l'Hopital honueopathique St.-Jac- ques 1*77 h 188.5, [etc.]. 8*-'. Paris, 1886. -----. Lectures on cliuical medicine, de- livered in the Hospital St.-Jacques, of Paris. Transl. by R. Ludlain. * . Chicago, l-*0. -----. Traite' el6nientairo cle matiere medi- cale expdriinentale et de therapcutii|iie positive. Avec la collaboration des docteurs Bon, Claude, Gabalda, Oucrin-Mdneville, M. Jousset, Pied- vacheet J.-P.-Tes.>,ier. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 18*4. -----. Hoino'opathie et therapeutique posi- tive. - '. Paris, 1-92. Keil (W.) Kin lei t nng in das Studium der ieimn Arzneiinittellehre. 12*. Sondershausen, 1855. Kleinkrt (G. O.) Quellen-Nachweis der physiologischrn Arzneipriifungen. 12 . Leip- zig", 1809. Lank (I. J.) Convallaria majalis. A thesis. 8 . [n. p., n. (?.] La Rata (N. V.) Elemeuti di farmacopea omiopatica, estratti dalla materia medica di Hahnemann e dagli Archivi della medicina omi- opatica da . . . Coll' aggiunta di un indice com- parative dei fenomeni piodotti nell' uomo sano HOMCEOPATHY. 268 HOMCEOPATHY. Hoinceopathy (Materia medica and therapeutics of). dalle sostanze terapeutiche; con quelli di alcune malattie naturali, per agevolare 1' esercizio della clinica omiopatica. 12°. Pesaro, 1831. Lawshe (J. Z.) Proving of Chiouauthus vir- ginica. 8°. [Atlanta, Ga., 1883.] Lilienthal (S. i Honueopathie therapeutics. 8°. New York 4' Philadelphia, 1878. Lippe (C.) Repertory to the more character- istic symptoms of the materia medica. 8*-. New York, [1879]. . List of Jenichen's high potencies. \ erzeich- niss der Hoehpoteuzen Jenichen's. [With notes by C. Hering.] 12°. Philadelphia, [n. d.]. Liuzzi (L) Un ceuuo intorno alia potente azione delle dosi atomistiche della nuova medi- cina. 8-\ Roma, 1*42. Lodge (E. A.) The legality of drug provings recognized. 8°. Detroit, L-62. M. Ordine dietetico omeopatico e trattato esteso dei doiori dei denti e dei relativi rimedii omeopatici. 8-5 [Capolago. 1810.] McCoy (W. B.) The n.-wer remedies. *■*-. [St. Louis, n. d.] Magnan (A.) De l'homceopathie et particn- lierement de Taction des doses infinitesimales. 8'-. Paris, 1855. Massy (R. T.) Practical notes on the new American and other remedies. 3. ed. 16-5 London, 1870. Materia medica, physiological aud applied. v. 1. 8°. London, 18*4. Meyer (Y.) Neues Repertorium zur homoopa- thischen Arzneiinittellehre. Probehef't: Ziihne. Hrsg. vom Centralverein hoinoopathischer Aerzte Deutschlands. 8. Leipzig, i860. Migliore (C.) Prolusione al corso di materia medica e terapia clinica omiopatica per 1' anno 1888-9 nell' Istituto oiniopatico iu Napoli. 8°. Napoli, 18*9. _____. Prolusione al corso di materia medica e terapia clinica omiopatica per 1' anno 1*89-90 nell' Istituto omiopatico in Napoli. 8°. Napoli, 1890. Mohr (C.) The incompatible remedies of the homoeopathic materia medica. 8-. New York <$■ Philadelphia, [1*79]. Monroe (A. L.) Method of memorizing the materia medica. Hi-. Louisville, 1882. Morgan (W.) The homoeopathic treatment of indigestion, constipation, and haemorrhoids. 8°. London, 1852. MUller (C.) Charakteristik von dreissig der wichtigsten honioopathischen Heilmittel behuf's ihrer Anwendung in den gewohulichsteu Er- krankuugsfallen. 16°. Leipzig, 1873. Muller (C. M.) Systeinatisch-alphabetisches Repertorium der gesaminten houioopathischeu Arzueiniittellehre nach den saniintlichen alteru und bis auf die neuste Zeit herab genau zusain- niengestellteu Quelleu der Pharmakodynamjk. 8*-. C'Leipzig, 1848. Mueller (H.) Das Arznei-Dispensir-Recht der homoopathischen Aerzte. *-. Berlin, 1*62. New provings of the following remedies: Cis- tuscanadensis by Constantine Hering, cobaltum by Constantine Hering, zmziber by C. Gunder- lach, mercurins proto-jodatus by W. James Blakely. * 5 Philadelphia, 1*0)0. Nichols (C. F.) Quantum sufficit. A sum- mary of cases chiefly treated by the higher ho- moeopathic attenuations, with comments. Tract 4. 12-. Boston, [1877]. Pathogenesie des medicaments, v. 1,1845-50. 8°. Paris. Hoinceopathy (Materia medica and therapeutics of). Pathogenesie symptomatique de la biblio- theqne hoinceopathique. Secoude serie. 2v.ini. 8-. Geneve. Paris, 1839-41. Pathogeneses nonvelles. Math-re medieale pure. Ouvrage publi6 dans le journal de la Societe hahnemaunienne federative, v. 3. 8. Paris, 1*88. Pathogenetic (A) materia medica, based upon Dis. Hughes' and Dake's Cyclopaedia of drug patbogenesy. By the Medical Invest iga- tioirClub of Baltimore. **5 Philadelphia, 1895. Pauvim (P.) Avveitimento agli autori del- l'Etfenieridi cli medicina omiopatica. 12-. Na- l)oU> 1"-'J- , *. ,, Perrussel (F.) La suette et le cholera epi- demiques traites parl'honiceopathie. 8-5 Paris, Londres, New Yoik, Madrid, 1*56. Perry (J.) De l'aualg£sie et de l'emploi therapeutique des ui6taux a l'exteneur. 8°. [Paris, 1*51.] _____. De la difference d'action sur l'orga- nisme des medicaments naturels ou att6unes par les precedes de rhomoeopathie. 8 5 Paris, 1856. Pharmacopee bomoeopathique francaise re"cli- g£e sous le patronage de la Society francaise d'homoeopathie par H. Ecalle, L. Delpech [et al.]. 8°. Paris, 1&98. Pharmacopeia of the American Institute of Homoeopathy. Published for the committee on pharmacopeia of the American Institute of Ho- moeopathy. 8-5 Boston, 1897. Possart (A.) Alphabetisches Repertoriuui zur Charakteristik der homoopatischeu Arz- ueien. Ein Handbuch zum schnelleu und si- cheren Anffinden der fiir jeclen einzeluen Fall passendcu Arzneimittel, nach Priifuugen an Ge- sunden und nach deu bisherigen Erfahruugen am Kraukenbette. 1. Hft. 8°. Sondershausen, 1852. Potter (S. O. L.) Au index of comparative therapeutics, with tables of differential diagno- sis, a pronouncing dose-list in tbe genitive case, a list of medicines used in homoeopathic prac- tice, [etc.]. 8-. Chicago,1-80. Proving (A) of the arseniate of soda (hydro- disodic arseniate), by the Homceopathic Materia Medica Club of Alleghany County, Pa.; the prover's record, arranged by J. F. Cooper. 8-\ [Philadelphia], 1876. Proving of carbolic acid, by T. Bacmeister, Temple S. Hoyne, T. C. Duncan, S. P. Hedges, aud C. W. Bovce. 8*>. Chicago, 1869. Provings of Cauabis indica, published by or- der of the American Provers' Union. 8-. Phila- delphia, 1*5*L Quin(F. F.) Pharmacopceia homceopathica. 8°. Londini, 1834. Raudnitz (L.) Die arzneilicheu Heilkratte uud Wirkungen des steirischen Krautersaftes unci dessen spezielle Anwendung. 8\ Leipzig, 1853. Regimen during homoeopathic treatment. 16-. [n. p., n. d.] Reglements fiber Priifung, Approbation und Ausfibiing des Gewerbes fiir Aerzte, Zahniirzte und Thivrarzte; Heildiener unci Chirurgenge- hiilfen; Hebammen; Hiihueraugen-Operatcure und Bandagisten und chirnrgische Iustrumen- tenmacher, uebst den Reglements fur das Kreis- physikats-Exameu unci die Priifung als beain- teter Thierarzt und deu Bestimmungen fiber die Berechtignng der Aerzte zum Selbstdispcnsireu hoinoopathischer Arzneieu, 3. Aufl. 8-5 Ber- lin, [1883]. HOMCEOPATHY. 269 HOMCEOPATHY. Hoinceopathy (Materia metlica and therapeutics of). Reil (W.) Bey. Monographic des Aconit Eine Zusainnienstellting dessen physiologischen uud therapeutischen Wirkungen mit Benutzung nnd genauer Angabe aller Quellen der gcsainm- teu niediciuischen Litteratur. 8 . Leipzig, 1-5*. Remedies (The) we use. An impartial view of tbe present state ot the materia medica, with suggestions for its improvement. 8-. Nash- ville, Icnn., 1-70. Repertory ener hoinoopathischer Heilungen und praktisdier Notizen, ge-ainnielt aus den wichtigsten Zeitschriften dei neuen Heillehre. Bearbeitet fiir Aerzte und l-'n-uude der Homoo- pathie. 8. Leipzig, 1*37. Ruckert (T. J.) Klinische Krfahrungen iu der Homoopathie; eine vollstiindige Sumnilung aller, in der deutschen und ins Deutsche iiher- tragtnen honioopathischen Literatur niedeige- legten Heilungen unci praktischen Bemerkungen vom Jahre 1823 bis 1-60. 4 v. A; 2 suppl. v. 8-. Prag, 1-54-77. Ruoff (A. J. F.) Repertory of homoopathie medicine nosologically arranged. Transl. from the German by A. Howard Okie, with addi- tions aud improvements by Gideon Humphrey. 2. Am.ed. 12J. New York, 1*4.5. Russell (J. R.) Hints on diet, with .special reference Lo homoeopathy. 3. ed. 8 . London, [18.;:-,]. Ryan (J.) Homoopathie infinitesimal doses, and their analogues in nature 16°. London, Manchester, 1-01. Schmid (G.) Homoopathische Arzneiberei- tung und Gabengro-se. * . Wien, WW. Schussler (W. II.) Speeielle Anleitung zur homoopathischen Anwendung der physiologi- schen Fuiictionsmittel. 8 . Oldenburg, 1874. HoillO'opathy (Materia medica and therapeutics of). Sciiwaiize ( (5 F. ) Hoinoopathische Hei- lungen, nebst Beinerkuiigcn iiber die Grosse der Aivneigaben und deren Wiederholung; beson- deis fur angelicnde homoopathische Aerzte. 8 . Dresden A Leipzig, 1890. SciiwEiKKirr (Cx. A. B.) Materialien zu einer vergleichendeii lieilmittellelire zum Gebraucli fiir homiiopathisch hcilende Aerzte, nebst einem alphabet ischen Register iiber die posi liven Wir- kungen der Heilmittel auf die verschiedenen einzelnen Organe des Korpers und auf die Func- tionen deiselben 5 v. 8<--. Leipzig, 1826-30. Sharp (\Y.) The small dose of hoiiid'opathy. 8*5 Ntw York, 1*55. ------ Essay LII. Thernpentics ought to be- come a science. 8*5 London, 1888. ------. Essay LIV. Therapeutics can become a science. - . London. 1*89. Siiipman (G. E.) lloiiui'opathia worthy of examination. Addressed to the graduating class of Rush Medical College, Feb. 17, 1*4*. Together with evidences of the power of small doses and attenuated medicines, including a theory of potentiation, by B. F. Joslin. 8-5 Chicago, 1*48. ------. The homceopathic guide for the use of twenty-five principal remedies in the treat- ment of the more simple forms of disease; to- gether with directions for the treatment of dengue and yellow fever, by W. H. Holcombe. 2. ed. 12°. Chicago, 1800. Sikffert (G.) Formulaire de th6rapeutique positive (hoino'opathie), avec un expose" soni- maire de la doctrine et cle la maniere de foriim- ler, suivi d'un repertoire therapeutique d'apres les nieilleurs auteurs francais et ctrangers. S?. Paris, 1*99. Sperling ( A.) Die homoopathische Arzuei- mittel-Lehre. Ein kritische Studie. ■*-'. Wien <>■ Leipzig, 1-91. Stevs (YV.) Die Therapie unserer Zeit in Briefeu. *'1'. Sondershausen, 18.54. Suggestions for the proving of drugs ou the healthy. Report of the committee appoiuted for that purpose by the American Pro vers' Un- ion. 8-. Philadelphia, 1853. Sur (R. L. ) A manual of homceopathic phannacopo'ia for the use of homoeopathic prac- titioners, chemists, and druggists. 9. ed. 12 . Calcutta, 1***. Swan (S.) Catalogue of morbific products, nosodes, and other remedies, in high potencies. 8°. New York, l*-6. ------. A materia medica, containing prov- ings and clinical verifications of nosodes and morbific products. Collated, arranged, and pre- pared for publication by K. W. llerridge. 8°. New York, 1***. Tessifr (.J.-P.) Recherches cliniques sur le traitement de la pneumonic et clu cholera sui- vant la methode de Hahnemann, procedoes d'une introduction sur Pabus do la statistique en ineilecine. 8 . Paris, 1850. ------. De, la medication hom(i'opathh|iie, suivi d'un relevd comparatif des malades traites a PH6pit.il Saiute-Marguerite par la ni6thode de Hahnemann ct par la methode ordinaire, pen- dant les annees 1849, 1*50, 1851. Reponse a la lettre du docteur Fiedault. s*. Paris, 1852. Teste (A.) S,\st6inatisatiou pratique de la matiere mddicale houKeopathique. 8C. Paris, 1853. Thomas (H.) Arnica calendula, cantharides, ledum, rutii, and rhus tox. as external remedies in cases of accident, etc. 3. ed. 32-. Chester, 1856. HOMCEOPATHY. 270 HOMCEOPATHY. Homoeopathy (Materia medica and therapeutics of). -----. The same. Die iiussere Anwendung von homoopathischen Mitteln bei Unfallen und Krankheiten, nanientlich von Acouituui, Arnica, Calendula, Cantharis, Caustictun, Hanianielis, Hydrastis, Hypericum, Ledum, Rhus toxicoden- dron, Rnta, Symphytum, u. s. w.; mit einem An- hang Uber den Gebrauch des Camphers, beson- ders in der Cholera. Nach der siebeuten Auflage des euglischen Originals, mit vielen Verbesserun- gen und Zusiitzen, fiir Aerzte and Laien deutsch bearbeitet von A. Raron. 16 5 Leipzig, 1872. -----. Additions to the homoeopathic mate- ria medica. 16°. Manchester, 1-58. Underwood ( B. F. ) A materia medica of differential potency. 8-. New York, 1884. Yernois (A.-G.-A.) Homoeopathie. Analyse complete et raisounee de la matiere mCdicale cle Samuel Hahnemann, ou sont expose"* les prin- cipes et les consequences cle Fexperinieutation hoinceopathique, ainsi que la nullity de cette doctrine. 8°. Paris, 1-35. von Yillers (C.-F.-D.) A: von Thumen ( F. ) Die Pflanzen des homoopathischen Arznei- schatzes. 1.-52. Lfg. 8:. Dresden, [1889-93]. Walker (A. de N.) On the therapeutic ac- tion of atomic closes. 8°. Loudon, 1862. Weber (G. A.) Systemafische Darstellung der reiuen Arzueiwirkungen aller bisher ge- priiften Mittel. Mit einem Yorwort vou S. Hahneuiann. 8Z. Bvaunschweig, 1834. Weber (G.-P.-F.) Dynaniologie organiqne et therapeutique, ou traite cle rinflueuce physiologi- que et pathogenic* tie des fluides imponderables, et du pouvoir iiioclificateur des agents therapeu- tiques sur la nature, Paction et la distribution de ces fluides dans Pecouomie, suivi cPun nou- veau mode de preparation des medicaments ca- pable d'augnienter, dimiuuer ou modifier a vo- lonte leur action dynamique. 8-. Paris, 1847. -----. Codex de medicaments homceopathi- ques, ou pharmacopee pratique et raisonuee a Pusage des medecius et de pharmacieus. 12°. Pa vis, 1854. Welch ( R.) Chemical commerce and its commodities. A valedictory address at com- mencement of Hahnemann Medical College, 1866. 8°. Chicago, 1*66. Wesselhoeet (C.) The effects of tritura- tions, with observations on the limit of mechan- ical divisibility of metals and hard substances. 8C. [Boston, 1880.] -----. A (ilea for a standard limit of attenu- ated doses. 8°. Boston, 1881. -----. The law of similars; its dosage and the action of attenuated medicines. 12°. Bos- ton, 1883. Windelincx. Hoiuceopathische geneeswijze, met saniengestelde bomceopathische middelen. Uit 't Fransch vertaald door Dr. Euthoven. 12*^. Amsterdam, [1*90]. Woodward (A. W.)~ A new similia. First principles of homceopathic therapeutics. 8°. Chicago, 1881. Worcester (S.) Repertory to the modali- ties, in their relations to temperature, air, water, winds, weather, and seasons. Based mainly upou Heriug's Condensed materia medica, with additions from Allen, Lippe, and Hale. 12°. New York, 1880. Wcrmb (F.) & Caspar (H.) Honioopathisch- klinische Studien. 8°. Wien, 1852. Allen (H. C.) Secale cornutum. A fragmentary proviug. Tr. Am. Iiist. Honneop., Pittsburgh, 1885 117- 132, 1 pl. Also, Keprint— Alieu (T. F.)~ A critical examination of our materia medica. N. Am. J. Homceop., N. Y., lssd-Sl, n. s., xi, 232; 482; 659.—Bojanus (C.j Honiceopatliy (Materia medica and therapeutics of). "Wit- soil man homoopathische Arzneiinittellehre studiren und wie soil man sie lehren? Ztschr. d. Berl. Ver. Homoop. Aerzte, 1894, xiii, 394-440.—von Bokody (T.) Zur Reform der tnedizinischen Therapie. Seudschreiben an Professor Kudolf Virchow. Ztschr. d. Beil. Ver. homoop. Aerzte, 1H82-3, ii, 219-248. Also, Reprint__ Dake (J. P.) Drug attenuation; its influence upon drug matter and drug power. Tr. Internat. Homojop. Convent., Lond., 1881, 71-105. AUo, Reprint. -----. Materia medica as a science. Tr. World's Honiceop. Convent., Phila., 1881, i, 254-273. AUo, Reprint. -----. Introductory to the report of the bureau of materia medica, with synopsis of the papers presented at the 36th annual session of the American Institute of Homoeopatliy. Tr. Am. Inst. Homceop., Pittsburgh, 1883, 165-182. AUo, Reprint.—Dudley (P.) A study of the scope and limi- tations of the law of cure. Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1895, xxx, 337-356. AUo, Repriut.—K» factos clinicos do Brazil. 3. ed. 12-. [Rio Janeiro], 1-93. Bryant (\Y. C.) Popular considerations on boiuceopathia. -J. New York, [1841], Carbonelli (G. P.) L'omiopatia. 3.ed.,ac- crescinta del Piccolo omiopatico, mannaletto per le fainiglie, conteueutc le principali carat teristi- cbe de' rimedi oiniopatici piii usitati. e 1' indice delle inalatfie con le rispettive procrizioni se- condo le seili anatoiniche. 1"^-. Nujxili, 1**(J5. Caspari [C. G.] Hoinoopathischer Hans- und Reisearzt. Hrsg. von F. Hartinaun. 7. verbes- serre und stark vermehrte Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, 1-45. -----. The same. Rei-earzt. Ein unent- bebrliches Hiilfsbuch fur Jederniann, insbeson- dere fiir alie Hausvater [etc.]. 10. Autl. 8°. Leipzig, 1-56. -----. Tbe same. Homoopathie domestic physician. Edited hy F.Hart maun. Transl. from the ,~. German ed., aud enriched by a treatise on anatomy and physiology, by W. P. Esrey; with additions and a preface by C. Hering. contain- ing also a chapter on mesmerism and magnetism ; directions to enable patients living at a distance from a homceopathic physician to describe their symptoms, a tabular index of the medicines and the diseast-s in which they are used, and a sketch of the hionTaphv of Samuel Hahneinaun. 12^. Philadelphia, 1-52. Cavallako (05), abate. L' omeopatista in viaggio, guida. 16-. Palermo. 1-16. Chepmell (E. C.) A domestic homoeopathy, restricted to Its legitimate sphere of practice; together with rules lor diet and regimen. 1. Am. ed., with additions and improvements, hy S. B. Barlow. 16-. New York, 1*19. Claude (A.) Premieres notions d'honm-opa- thieal'usagedesfauiilles. 4.e51. 12 ^ Paris,1*91. Cloud (J. A.) Homoeopathy: its difficulties and some of the principal errors against it; with bints on dietetics, viewed in relation to the laws of digestion; also, the practice of hoiiueopathic medicine simplified, for the use of families, and a history of the Cincinnati Homn-opathic Medi- cal Dispensary. 12°. Cincinnati, 18(J'J. [Codde (L.;] Igiene omiopatica. 8°. [Man- tor a, 1-L').] Repr. from: Gazz. di Mantova, 1844, no. 1. lloill«KM>|>atliy (Popular treatises on). -----. Anno onieopatico, o la medicina di i'-.i niglia fiat fa dalla scienze uuova dei simili. 1-57. 3. ed.,conaggiunteescguitada unrapporto medico, e di una circolare ai medici allopatici. tv. Genova, 1857. -----. The same. 4. ed. 8°. Torino, 1K57. Cruxknt (C.) Cartasediticantes 6instructivas sobre la homeopatia, diiigidas a una persona del hello sexo. 8*. Barcelona, 1857. Curik (P. F.) Domestic honici'opathy; with additions and improvements by Gideon Hum- phrey. 16 . Philadelphia, 1*59. Daidki, (I.) Le tresor dc la inaison. Formu- laire honui'opathi(|Ue perinettant do fruiter soi- menie un bon nonibre de maladies et dc donucr les premiers secours dans les cas graves en atten- dant l'arrivee du niedccin. Traiteinciit special du croup, du charbon, do la rage et du cholera. Maladies des femmes et, des enfants. 12 . Pa- ris, 1*8*. Deiiio (K.) L51>er Homoopathie. Ein popu- liirer Vor t rag. 8*-. Reval, 1—6. Douglas (J. S.) Practical hoiiui-opathy for the people; adapted to the comprehension of the non-professional, and for reference liy the young practitioner, including a number of the most valuable new remedies. 10. ed. 16°. Milu-au- kee, [n. d.]. Ellis (J.) Family honueopathy. 12°. New York, 1-64. » -----. The same. 9. ed. 12c. Cleveland, Ohio, 1-72. Elwkrt (F.) Die Homoopathie gegeniiber den verschiedenen inediziuischen Schulen unci Curnietbodeu ; populate Vortriige, nebst einem praktisehen Auhange fiir Laien. 2. And. 12 5 Hannover, 1864. Epps (J.) 1 )oni('stic hoinceopathy, or rules for the domestic treatment of the maladies of in- fants, children, and adults, and for the conduct and the treatment during pregnancy, confine- ment, and suckling. 6. ed. 16°. London, [1-63]. -----. The same. 4. Am. from the 4. Lond. ed., edited and enlarged by G. W. Cook. 12 -\ Boston, 1*19. Epps (R.) Appendix to the Homceopathic family instructor, on the special diseases of the British possessions. 12 5 [Edinburgh, 1805. ] Family (The) adviser from Jahr's manual of homeopathic medicine. Transl. by C. Hering, 24°. Camden, IK!*. Flkiry (L. [J. D.]) L' omiopatia adattata all'intelligcnza d'ogni classe di pcrsone; vcr- sionc dal franccse, con note ed aggiunta del tra- duttore. *-. Milano, 1899. Frankkl(L.D.) Pointy prakt icheskiy ltecheb- nik; rukovodstvo k domashneiuu pol/ovaniyu bolfeznei prirodntini spnsohami i hoineopatiches- kimi liekarstvanii. [Complelc practical man- ual of domestic treatment of diseases by natural methods and hoino'opathie remedies.] 85 S.- Peterburg, lilOO. (ioui.LoN (H.) Darstellung der Homoopathie vom praktisehen wie vom naturpliilosophischen Standpunkt, nebst einer Anleitung zur einfach- sten hoiiioopathischen Behandlung der hiiufig- sten Krankheiten, fiir Nichtiirzte und Anfiinger. 12-. Leipzig, 1*59. (ioi'RK. L'hoiiiii'opathie mise a la portee ties gens du monde, ou exposition dc ses priucipes et descslois. 2. ed. 16*. Aim, 1846. Gkabau([J. H.] \V.) Waruni ich Homiiopath wurde. Eine kurze Mnsterung der gangbareu Heilkunst, der YVasser-Cnr und der Honiiiopathie fiir Aerzte uud Nichiaizte. 8°. Hamburg, 1801. HOMCEOPATHY. 272 HOMCEOPATHY. Homoeopathy (Popular treatises on). Griem (C.) De'r Homoopathische und hydro- pathische Sclbstarzt. Eine Anweisung fiir Je- dermann, sich bei vorkommendeu Krankheiten auf die schnellstc, sicherste und doch wohlfeilste Weise durch hoinoopathische Mittcl, unter Mit- gebrauch des kalten Wassers zu heilen. 16°. Quedlinburg 1]. Practical guide to hoinceopathy, for family and private use; compiled from the standard works of Pulte, Laurie, Hempel, Ruddock, Burt, Verdi, and others, for the use of twenty- eight homieopathic remedies. 16°. St. Louis, Ofo., 9- Cincinnati, 1889. I'kost-Lacuzon (J.) Fonniilaire pathogene- tiqite usuel, ou guide hoinceopathique pour trai- tor soi-nieme toutes les maladies. 8°. Paris, 1858. -----. The same. 2. e\l. 12 5 Paris, 1801. -----. The same. Fonniilaire honueopathi- que, ou guide pathog6n6tique usuel pour traiter soi-nieme les maladies. 7. 69., pr6c6dee de l'ex- posc de la preparation des niddicanients homa'O- pathiques. 12 . Paris, 1>>97. 1'ulte (J. II.) Hoimeopathic domestic phy- sician containing the treatnient of diseases; with popular explanations of anatomy, physiol- ogy, hygiene aud hydropathy; also an abridged uniteria medica. 12°. Cincinnati, 1851. -----. The same. [2. ed.] 16°. Cincinnati, 1852. -----. The same. 3. ed., revised and en- **.*-. Cincinnati, 1852. The same. A treatise on domestic surgery, and abridged materia medica. With important additions, especially in surgery and the diseases of women and children. Illustrated in anatomy and surgery. 8. ed. 8°. Cincin- nati, 1863. The same. And surgery with illus- larged. trations aud an abridged materia medica, with HOMCEOPATHY. 274 HOMOEOPATHY. Homoeopathy (Popular treatises on). full explanations* as to the use of the new rem- edies. 50. thousand. ***5 Cincinnati, 1872. Ruddock (E. H.) The lady's manual of honueopathie treatment in the various derange- ments incident to her sex, with a chapter on the management of infants. 1. Am. from the 3. Loud, ed., with notes and additions by R. Lud- lam. 12-. Chicago, 1870. -----. The stepping-stone to honueopathy aud health. 7. ed., 60. thousand, much im- proved and enlarged. 24*5 New Yovk, 1870. -----. The same. 2. Am. from the 7. Lond. cd. With alterations aud additions adapting it to the climate, diseases, and customs of Amer- icans, by the American editor. 8-. Chicago, 1872. ------. The same. 10. Am. from the 7. Lond. ed. [one hundred thousand]. With alterations and additions adapting it to the climate, dis- eases, and customs of Americans, by the Ameri- can editor. 12c • Chicago, 1885. -----. The same. 2. Am. ed., edited and enlarged with the addition of a chapter on dis- eases of women, and the tissue remedies, by W. Bo'iicke, M. D. 12 5 Philadelphia, 1*90. -----. The homieopathic vade ineciim of modern medicine and surgery, with clinical directorv. Newed. 05. thousand. ,--". London, 1890. Salud (La). Manual de homeopatia para uso do las familias. 5. ed. 16°. Madrid, 18*7. Sherman ( L. ) Therapeutics and materia medica for tbe use of families and physicians. 12*5 Milwaukee,Wis., 181*. Siiei'rill (H.) A treatise on homieopathic practice of medicine; comprised in a repertory for prescribing, adapted to domestic or profes- sional use. 3. ed., improved and enlarged. 12°. Xew York, 1*51. ------. The same. Family physician, or homieopathic practice of medicine; adapted to domestic and professional use. 4. ed., improved and enlarged. 12*. Xew Yovk, 1860. Siei'fert ( G. ) Medecine homceopathique d'urgetice a l'usage des families. 8°. Paris, 1900. Small (A. E.) Manual of homoeopathic prac- tice for the use of families and private individ- uals. -■'. Philadelphia, 1-54. -----. The same. 3. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1-55. —. The same. 4. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1850. 1857 1- The same. 6. cd. 8°. Philadelphia, The same. 7. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, The same. 10. ed. 8°. New York f 13. ed. 8-5 JVeir York $ Philadelphia, 1864. -----. The sume. Philadelphia, 1-09. -----. The same Handbuch der Homoo- pathie fiir Familien und das Publikum im Allge- meinen. In's Deutsche iibersetzt vou Karl Julius Hempel. 4. Ausg. 8C. Leipzig, 1850. -----. The same. 11. Auli. 8°. New York, 1-71. -----. The pocket manual of homceopathic practice, arranged from the Manual of homoeo- pathic practice of. . . by Jacob F. Sheek. 16-. Philadelphia, [I-55]. -----. The same. 3. ed. 16°. Philadelphia, [H55]. The same. 5. ed. 16°. Philadelphia, 1**63. 1864. The same. 6. ed. 8-. New York, Homoeopathy (Popular treatises on). ------. The same. 11. thousand. 16-. X'cw York ty Philadelphia, 1870. Steen < A.-L.) Guide homceopathique (Steen's Family guide) pour l'usage domestique. La traduction est revue par Ph. cle Molinari pere. 16*-. Bru.itlies tl'- Paris, 1*58. von Sur (C. E.) Praktische Antlentiingen in Bezug auf das erfolgreichste Verfahren am Krankenlager, nebst jatrocbemiscben und eini- gen honioopathischen Notizen fiir Aerzte uud Patienteu. 8-. ll'ien, 1852. Tanner (J.) The homoeopathist's pocket-ref- erence. Transl. from the German. Compiled aud arranged with considerable additions and improvements. 24-5 Philadelphia, 1-:'-. Tarbell (J. A.) The pocket honiceopathist aud family guide. 24-. Boston, 1-49. ------. Homoeopathy simplified, or domestic practice made easy; containing explicit direc- tions for the treatment of disease, the manage- ment of accidents, and the preservation of health. 4. ed. 12-. Boston, 1859. ------. The same. Revised ed. 12°. Bos- ton, 1807. Tuckett (C.) Homoeopathic hand-book and guide to the domestic use of the medicines. 12-. London, 1*59. Visiidi (T. cle S.) Special diagnosis and ho- moeopathic treatment of disease for popular use, including such functional disturbances as are peculiar to girls and to maternity, roy. *--. Philadelphia, 1*90. Homoeopathy (Therapeutics of). Sec Homoeopathy {Manuals, etc., of); Ho- moeopathy {Materia medica, etc., of). Homoeopathy explained, and objections an- swered. |_By a non-medical homieopath.] 2. thou- sand. 16 pp. 8 5 London, T. Hurst, [1841]. -----. The same. [Am. ed., edited by A. H. Okie.] 24 pp. 8-. [Philadelphia, 1841.] Homoeopathy in the University of Michigan. Students' resolutions on the honiceopatliy com- plications. 7 pp. 8°. Detroit, JP. A. Scrippe, [1876]. Uepr.from: Penins. J. M., Detroit. 1876, n. s., i. Homoeopathy in veterinary medicine. Boehm (C. L.)* Repertorium der Thierheil- kunde nach homoopathischen Grundsiitzeu, oder Saminlung der neueren und bewahrteren ho- moopathischen Kraukheitsheilungen und Er- fahrungen an okonomischen Nutzthieren. in alphabetischer Ordnuug dargestellt. 16°. Dres- den, 1861. Epitome (An) of veterinary homeopathy. Compiled from Haycock, Moore, and others, and adapted to the use of farmers and breeders of stock. 16°. Chicago, 1866. Fischer (H.) Kleiner hoinoopathischer Haus- thierarzt. Eiu Rathgeber fur Viehbesitzer. (Krankheiten der Pferde, des Rindviehes, der Schafe, Ziegen uud Schweine.) 12°. Hagen i. W., [1886]. Genzke (J. C. L.) Homoopathische Arznei- mittellehre fiir Thierarzte, nebst Anweisung zur Bereitung der hoiuoopathischeu Arzeneieu und Hinweisung auf deren Anweudung in verschie- denen Krankheitsformen. 8C. Leipzig, 1857. Gorges (H.) Kleiner homoopathisclier Thier- arzt, oder Anweisung fiir Viehbesitzer, Kulscher, Stallbedieustete und Hirten, welche die am hiiu- figsten vorkommenden Krankheiten ihrer Pferde, Kinder, Schafe, Schweine, Ziegen unci Hunde mit honioopathischen Mitteln sicher und billig selbst heilen wollen. Nach laugjahrigen eige- nen Erfahrungeu und unter Anwendung der HOMCEOPATHY. 275 HONCAMP. Homoeopatliy in veterinary medicine. besten Hiilfsquellcii bearbeitet. 2. Autl. 16*5 Ltipztg. 1891. fit ni her (F. A.) Die Krankheiten des Pferdes unci ihre homoopathische Heilung. Ein Hiilfsbuch fiir Cavallerie-Otnciere, Landwirthe nnd Pferdebesifzer, mit Beitriigen von Johann Friedrich Kerl. Des homoopathischen Thier- arztesl. Tbeil. 4. Aufl. 8C. Sondershausen, 1844. -----. The same. 1. Tbeil. 14. Autl. 8 . Liibeck. 1*70. -----. Thesame. 3.Theil. 3.And. ,-*-. Son- dershausen, 1848. -----. The same. Nouveau manuel de me- decine veterinaire hoina*opathique, ou traite ment homceopathique des maladies du cheval, clu bceuf, de la brebis, du pore, de la chevre el clu chien. Trad, de rallemaud Mir la 3. e"d. par P.-J. Martin. 8 . Paris. Londres, 1-10. -----. The same. New manual of homceo- pathic veterinary medicine; or the homoeopathic treatment of the horse, the ox, the sheep, the dog. aud other domestic animals. Transl. from the 3. German cd., with considerable additions; reprinted from the Lond. ed. - . Boston, 1847. ----- A Prost-Lacuzon (9.) Nouveau ma- nuel de medecine veterinaire homceopathique. 12-\ Paris, 1*92. Homocii'athische Heil versiu he au kraukeu Hausthiereu. Zweiter Brief: Heilung der Riu- der. Von einem Laien. --. Magdeburg, 1-36. -----. The same. Lister Brief: Heilung der Pferde. Von einem Laien. 2. Aufl. Magdeburg. 1-07. Moore (J.) Handy book of veterinary ho- moeopathy. 12°. New York, 1-49. Sohafer (J. C.) Homoopathische Thierheil- kunst. Ein ganz eigeuthiiinlich eingerichtetes nnd dadurch -ehr leicht lassliches unci schnell rathgebendes Hiilfsbuch fiir jeden Viehbesitzer, zunaehst aber fiir deu bei vorkoninieuden Vieh- krankbeiten nieist ohue Rath uud Hiilfe da- stehendeu Landinaun, wonach er seine erkrank- ten Pferde, Rinder, Schafe, Schweine unci Hunde auf die eiufach>te, schiiell.ste, sicherste und woblfeilste Art auf liomoopathiM-hem Wege selbst heilen uud worin er vieles Wi>>euswerthe in Bezug auf diese Thiere erfahren kann. J 5 Nordhausen, 1-53. -----. The same. 12. Aufl. - . Leipzig, 1-7.',. -----. The same. New manual of hoino'o- pathie veterinary medicine; an easy and com- prehensive arrangement of diseases, adapted for the use of every owner of domestic animals, [etc.]. Transl. from the German, with numer- ous additions from other veterinary manuals, by C. J. Hempel. *•-. Philadelphia, 1856. -----. Thesame. - . Philadelphia, 1871. -----. Hoiu0opathisk Dyrlageliog, eller An- visniug til syge Hu.sdyr«. Behandling efter honiOopathi.ske Gruiidsastniiigcr. 3. ed. [Ho- mceopathic veterinary manual, or direction-, for treatment of sick domestic animals according to homo-opathic principle^] 12\ Banders, 1883. Sciioch (C. G. W.) Anweisung wie der Nicht- arzt die meisten Krankheiten seiner llansthieren durch sorgtaltige Auftassung der sicht-, fiihl- und horbaren Krankheits-Eisclieinungen mit den dauach so schnell als sicher aufzutindeiiden erprobten und zweckdienlichen honu'iopathi- scheu Heilmitteln auf einfache uud fast kostlose Weise >elbst heilen kann. 12°. Leipzig, 1810. SchrOter (F.) The hoiiKi-opathie poultry physician (poultry veterinarian); or, plain di- rections for the homoeopathic treatment of the most common ailments of fowls, ducks, geese, turkeys, and pigeons; based on the author's Homoeopatliy in reterinary medicine. large experience, and compiled from the most reliable sources. Transl. from tbe (iernian. 12°. Xeu- York, \889. Homoopatischo (Der) Hausfreund. .VeGiiii- ther (Friedrich August). HomoopatiM-ho (Der) Thierarzt. See Giin- ther (Friedrich August,). HoillOCt (J[anus] J[acobus]). Over kliniato- tberapie bij phtliisis. 3(i pp. 8 . Haarlem, de ernn /'. Holt it, 1-97. Forms no. (!. v. 4, of: Geueesk. III. n. Klin, en Lab. v. de prakt.. Haarlem, 1897, 09-134. Homoot (Louis Christ iaanj. *<)ver do pneu- niatische bchandeling. [Utrecht.J 9 p. 1., 81 pp. 8 . Avnhem, G. J. Thieme, 1876. Homogaiiiy. See Marriage. Hoiliolka (Bcnno). " Leber das Chinisatin. [Erlangen.J 26 pp. 8 . Miinchen, P. Slraub, 18-4. Homolle (Augustin-Eugene) [1808-75]. Me- moire sur la digitale pourpree. Ce memoire a etc couronne par la Soei6te de pharmacie. 32 po. 8 . Paris, Fain :iptiste|). Memoires sur ladigitaline. 8 . J'aiis. 1851.—.lord .v llomolle. Hemoii-e sur l'apiol, [ft.-.]. 8°. Paris, 1855.—Kiiyri' (l'i. ire- FraiKjois-Oliv.-i, Woubciraii & Bouillaud [in l.s.]. Memoires sur la digitaliue. 85 Paris, 1851. Homolle (Simon-Georges) [1845-83]. Kiiiilii. flloji." de Georges Homolle. Bull, et luem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par. (1883), 1884, 2. s., xx, 246-249. Homology. .SVe Morphology. Hoinoiiioi*|»lii*iii. See Morphology. Hom0opatisk Tidsskrift. Udgivet og redi- geret at'P. P. Oriiin. [Semi-monthly.] v. 1-6, 1-96-1901. 8 . Aarhus. Ciirrent. Homopyrocatecliiii. IIoiifl<* (A.) A; Di'NvigncN. Sur rhomopyroeate.- cbiue et sa cotubiiiaison qimiique; doses et judications therapeutiques. Atti d. \i Uoug. med. internaz., Koma, 1894, iii, fiiiiiiacol., 101-llMi. Ilomosinii [pseud.]. Zum Kanipfe gegen die Kurpt'uschcr. I. Die mangel haft c• A uabi ldung der Aerzte. 3- nigsberg i. Pr., M. Liedtke, 1890. ab Hoilll'iKll (Isaacus). * De vesicantiiim utilitate et, noxa. 11) pp., I 1. 4 5 Hardervici, .7. Moojcn, 1757. I P.. v. 1936.] Horns y l*as«'.ii«»ls (Nicolas). Programa de patolo^ia niddica. 104 pp. 4*5 Barcelona, J. .Lpus, 18sj;{. Ilonaii (James Henry) [18.59- ]. * Leber die ('an-innine der (Uanduhe Bartholini. 39 pp. 8\ Berlin, E. inhering, 1897. Ilonaii (William Francis). Edtltirof: lloiiiH-opiillii<- (The) Journal of Obstet- rics, [etc. |. Ntw York l'.nil. HoiM'Mllip (Ernst). * Eiu Fall von spontaner Gaiigriin dei linken Halsgegeud mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der coiisecutiven pathologi- schen Felseulieniveiiinderungen. [Wurtzburg.] 24 pp. 8J. Miinchen, J. A. Finsterlin, 1885. HONC/AMP. 276 HOXIGMANX. lloncamp (Franz). * Beitriige zur Atniung und Wainieentwicklting der Scliiinmelpilze mit Beriicksichtigung der Pnanzenatniung im Allge- meinen. [Erlangen.] 91 pp. 8°. Erfurt, J. G. Cramer, 1899. Hoiicamp (Matthias). .See Ncarlatimi* (Octavius) [Mil. s.]. Homo et ejus partes [etc.). t'ol. Augustce Yindelicorum <£- Dilimjoz, 16(15. Honduras. BtiiEAU of the American Republics, Washing- ton, U. 8. A. Handbook of Honduras. Bulle- tin No. 57. 1892. Revised to March 1, 1894. 8-5 Washington, 1-91. Qunrniitimi. Health conditions in Honduras. Med. Council, Phila., 1899, iv, 365. Honduras (British). See Belize. HonecKer (Cassius) [18.52- ]. * Ueber Fiacturen der Patella, ein Beitrag zur Lehre von den Knochenbriichen. 65 pp. -*•. Bonn, C. Georgi, 1877. Honcggei' (Jacob). " Vergleichend-anatomi- sche Untersuchungen iiber den Fornix und die zu ihm in Beziehuiig gebrachten Gebilde im Gehirn des Menschen und der Siiugethiere. [Ziirich.] 201-434 pp., 10 1., 10 pl. 8**. Genf, A. Schuchardt, 1890. C. Uepr.from: liec. zool. snissc, Geneve. 1890, v. IIOIM'I. Svr .TIonch Tl n iiiioiiidCH. Hygiene Israelite. 8°. Aljer, 18H7. I'llonni (The'obald-Joseph-Marie) [1859- ]. * Contribution a l'dtude de l'ulcere de Cochin- chine. .56 pp. 4 . Bordeaux, 1880, No. 24. Ilonei't [Eberhard] [l8;i:i- ]. Ein Hieb ins Blane. 1 p. 1., 24 pp. - . Iserlohn, J. Badeker, 1870. ------. Die Cholera und ihre Ursache. 2. Autl., neu durchgesehen. 4** pp. ■*» . Iserlohn, J. Badeker, 18*5. vail den lloneit (Joan). Geschiedenis en beginselen der Nederlandsche wetgeving betrek- kelljk de gestichten voor kraukzinnigen, en cle wijze hunner opneming in en ontslag uit dezelve. [Met 4 bijlagen.] xii, 262. 85, 3, 68 pp., 1 tab. 8-5 Amsterdam, C. G. Snlpke en Gebr., 1841. Honey. See, also, Dextrine; Erysipelas {Treatment of, Mechanical). Houdhine (A. M.) * Snr leniiel. 4°. Paris, lt.5i>. Lanzoxi (G.) Due ragionamenti, 1' uno in- tornoall'eccellenzad el niele, l'altro, se il hime Sia necessano alia vista. In: Rac d' opusc. scient. e filol. 10°. Venezia, 1730, iii, 485-550. de La Vignk de Frkciievii.le (C.) An senibus mel? 4-5 [Parisiis, 1717.] Lixard (R.) * Du miel en pharmacie. (Mel- lites ) 4-5 Montpellier, 1888. Madek (\V.) * Beitrage zur Keuntnis reiner Honigsorteu. [Erlangen]. 8°. Miinchen, 1890. AUo. in: Arch. f. Hyg"., Miinchen u. Leipz, 1890 x 399-444 , Mro.Eit (P. A. E.) Hvorfor bhver Honniu- gen mi saa meget efterspurgtf Sinaa Pluk om Honningeus store Va-rdi baade som Nierings- nuddel og som Liegemiddel, tillige om dens Anvendelse i den daglige Husholduing. [Whs- has honey become so scarce'! X few remarks oil the great value of honey as an aliment as well as remedy.] - 12 5 [Ejolnnhavn, 1-91.J (onaii (T. \V.) Honey as an article ot food. Tr. Brighton Health Cong. 1881, Lond., [1882J. 200-204. — Heh- ner iO.) Note on honey. Analyst, Lond., 1885, x. 217.— HoiliM-ma (C.j Homganalysen. Ztschr. f. anal Chem., Wiesb., 1899, xxxviii, 439-441.—iN'rntwig; (S.) 1st der Honey. Honig eine Nascherei oder ist er mehr ein Heilmittel? Kurber. ii. Kifol<:ed. physik.-diatet. Heilfuktoren, Leipz 1900, iv, 2H4. — *cl«l«ii (H.) Om honing ftan niedicinsk och dict.tiskt synpiinkt. [Honey from a medical and die- tetic point of view.J Helsovanneu, Stockholm, 1890 v 217: 232. Honey (Toxicology of). Atllee (J.) Poisonous honey. Lancet, Lond., lsiiii ii, 111! — Biiilgion (It. E.) Poisonous honey. Ibid.] 1420.—Keblcr (L. F.) Poisonous honey. Meil. \ Sm -tr Reporter, Phila., 1890, lxxv, 332-337.'—O'iVcill (WJ Poisonous honey. Lancet, Lond.. 18!lG, ii, 12<;s. —Miork- luaii (R.) Poisonous honey. Therap. I'a/.. Di-troit 1898. 3. s.. xiv, 58G. — Talieoka (Y5) [On poisonous honey.J Tokyo Iji-Shinshi, 19U0, 40.—Voorliccit (('. D.) A caseof poisoning by honey. Indian Lancet, Calcutta 1898. xi. 473. Honey-dew. Bonnier (G.) La miellee produitc par les feuilles, compare)' a la miellee des aphidiens. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 189(5, 10. s., iii, 82. Hongkong. Medical report on the prevalence of bubonic plague in tbe colony of Hongkong during the years l**95 and 189(i. Laid before the legislative council by command of the governor. 18 pp., 1 ch. fol. [Hongkong, 189?.] Hongkong*. Sec, also, Fever {Malarial, History, etc., of), Hospitals {Description, e'e, oj), by localities. Alkoiii) (R. (J.) Tropical sanitation with special reference to Hong Kong. 8J. London. 1900. Itepr. from.- Proc. Inst. Civil Engineers, cxii. Aycis (J. G.) Sanitary notes relating to Hongkong. Rep. Surg.-Gcn. Navy, Wash., 1897, 239-244— M mini off (F. V.) Prebivani'e klipera "Nayezdnik" v vodakh Ki- tayavl884g. Hong-Kong. [Sojourn of clipper Nayezdnik in Chinese waters in 1884. | Med. pribav. k morsk. sbor- niku. St. Petersb., 1887, 89-119. Hongkong' Medical Society. Transactions. Papers and cases read during tbe first two years of tbe society's existence. Edited by G. P. Jor- dan, P. Manson, and Jobn C\ Thomson, viii, 264 pp., 11. 8 . Hongkong, Kelly c)'- Walsh, 18>9. Hongo (Hokiku). Yakushi nayose shiu. [A lexicon of medicinal substances. ] 140 pp. obi. 12 5 Osaka, 1818. Japanese text. For second part, see Oknmoto (Hongo). Hongo (Mas-it oyo). Ido nichiyo bomoku. [Tbe principles of cverv-dav medical practice.] 172 pp. obi. 12°. Osaka, 1709. Japanese text. ------. Shin kiii choho jikki komoku. [Hand- book of moxa and acupuncture.] 7, 170 pp. obi. 12-5 Osaka, 1718. Japanese text. Honignerger (J[oh.] M[artin]) [1794-18(39]. Cholera, its cause and infallible cure, and tbe epidemics in general, xxiv, 2f> pp., 1 1., port. 8*-'. Calcutta, 11. C. Lepage ty Co., 1801. Hoiiiginanii (Franz) [1869- ]. *Bacterio- logische Untersuchungen iiber Frauenmilcb. [Breslau.] 46 pp., 1 1. 8. Leipzig, VeitS-Co., 1899. liepr from: Ztschr. f, Hyg. u. Infectionskr., Leipz., 1893, xiv. Hoiiiginanii (G[coig Gabriel]). Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Stryclininvergiftung. 6 pp. 8*". [Berlin, J. Sittenfeld, 1-89.] Uepr.from: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1889, xv. ------. * Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Wirkung vou Sanerstofieinatliiniingen auf den Organisnins. Haliilitationsschrift. [Giessen.] 26 pp. 8°. Berlin, L. Schumacher, 1891. AUo. Editor of: Zcilsehrift fiir praktische Aerzte, Frankfurt a. M., 1896. Also, Co-Editor of: Deutwche Praxis, Miinchen, 1901. HOXL. 277 HOOF. Hoill (Ivan). Aetiologicky ro/.bor zanetu plic- nich. [Etiological analysis of pulmonitis. ] pp. 141-199. 8. r /V«.*v,* [1-99]. Forms nos. 47-4S of: Sbirka ptedmlsek a rozpr. /. ..born lekarsk.. v Praze, [lt9U]. ------A Bllkovsk) (J.) Leceni vredu l.erco- vych proteidy bakteriellninii. [Treatment of ulcers of tlie tibia bv bacterial proteid.] 59 pp. 8-. r Praze, 1899. Forms no. 2, v. S, of: Kozpr. Oeske Akad. cis. Frautiska J,.seta [etc.], v Pra/e. 1898-9. Honiief. von 0«'felc. Die Dracheiiquelle in Honnet'ain Uhein inilueii 1>. ziehungenzuBad Nciienahr. Allg. med. Centr.- Ztg.. Herl., ls9S lxvii, 152. Hoillierlag (Bartholouiuus). "De lnemor- rhoidilius. 22 pp. sm. 4 . JUisilea, typ. J. Hof- fianis, 1763. Hotlliorat (Jules). - LroeesMis hisiologi(]iie dc l'ledeine pulnionaire d'origine cardiaqiie. 100 pp. 1. Lyon, 1—7. No. 351. ------. Thesame. 103 pp.. 2 1., 2 pl. - . Li/on, J. Galltt. 1--7. ------. Thesame. 103 pp., 2 L, 2 pl. ,-J. /'a/-i5x, ./. B. Bailliere ,i jils, 1--7. HoiillOl'Slly i Andre M.iriu>). * l_)'uue prepara- tion antipsoi i.iue employee en Egypte. 9 pp. 4 . Paris, I'oussielgue, 1-99. [P., v. 172-; 1-36.] ficole de pharmacie. HoililOl'aty (Armand). Lettre a uu medecin de Pans s ,i Hyc*i.s: son climat . t son influence dans lo maladies de poitrine. etc. (v>pp., I tab. 12;. Toulon, De Canquoin, 1-91. Honolulu. See. also. Cholera {History, ett.. ../.. Hos- pitals \ Manugtmi ut. etc.. of), Vaccination {Hi-tot ti. ite. of , by localities. t ln««iliciilioii ,.f the dis.us.-s which have caused the .":. atli ..i tllc -lapan.-xe in Honolulu. Sei-i-Kwai il. J. Tokyo. I,-:..;: xv, 1 .7 Honorat iLoui>-,l5»eph-Frai)cois) [1-74- ]. "(Joutri'iution a I'etude du petiole; action sur Foiua Mile, jiropii.'te therapeuti.'iie, valeur a .li-eptaiue; petrolisiue piofe^sionuel. petro- li-meaiuu. t'>4 pp. --. Pordeau.r, 1-9-, No. 18. flonoi'iblis doctoralibus meritis-iaiis perillus- tris. a'lpie excellentissimi viri Dn. Thomie C'a- demani An^li. iuclst e nationis anglica*, iu alma Uuiveis.it ate Patavin.i consiiiarii dignissimi. 1 broad-ile. Patavii, typ. J. IS. de Martinis, lii20. Honour i Tli.-) of tlie gout. See Philander Mi- saurus [pseud.] [in 1. «.]. Hoiim-II B[ernhard]) [1-7(1- ]. * Ueber ma- 1 i.iii e Tnmoren der Tonsille. [Heidelberg.] ;52 | pp. * . Tubingen. H. Lanpp. 1-9.5. Uepr.from: Beitr. z. kliu. Chir.. Tubing.. Is9.">, xiv. IIoiiSZ ([L.-A.-]£[do.iard]) [IhiJii- ]. L'hy- eiei.e publicjiie et privec. expiree au point de vue de la vulgarisation. 2-4 pp.. 1 pl. 12 . Paris. Lib. gen. ite vulgarisation, | It-m]. Iloiitang (Paul-Louis) [1 -5-- ]. * Kougeole ct sueite miliaire. De la suette iniliaire a tonne rubeolicjue (son idle dans les epidemics,). 115 pp. lz. /'avis, l--», No. Tli. Hontliin. Frir^er (J. W.) EiniL')' Bemeiknngon zur Behand- lung uei liaiiukatarrhe; Holltllin. ein vel bess, I te^ Il.nni- adsuingeiis. .Wien.med. III.. lilOO. xxiii 458-ICo. liolltl (F.) Unt< isik -lumpen iiber ilcn therapcutischeii W. rth.les i ncnen Darmad.sti in^ens Honthin. Wien. kliu. Bundscliau ' 1900. xiv, 4!)(i-4!»8.— K«-icln-ll 1.1.) Honthin, ein Dai ma.I striiigens. und -. iue th.-iapeutiscbe \5i weiidung in d. i Kin.leiheilkun.i. "Wien. klin. Wclinschr.. 19oo. xiii, 813- 815. — ttzl:uilt:iy (A.i Honthin. .^ \ uj beladsti in^. -ns. [Honthin. a new intestinal astringent.] Gybjijaszat I'.u dapest, 18!)!i. xxxix, 708-710. Honvcdarzt (Der). Monats-Beilage zur " Un- gai i-eben iiiediziniscb-chiiurgischen Presse"'. v. 0. l-7u. 4 . Pest. Is-.ue«l with: I'ngariNche mediziuischchiruigisehe Presse, v. 0, Is;.) Honvedoi'VOS a hazai katonaorvosi intezmeny tudoinanyos es tarsadalini erdekeinek kcizlbuye. A ni. kir. honvedininisteriiini rendeleteivel. * A (•yogyaszat melleklete. [The army surgeon ; a guide for military surgeons, and communica- tions of interest to civilians. By order of min- istry for the arinv. Supplement to Gvdgvaszat.] v. 1-14, 1-S--190L * . Budapest. Cm rent. Hood (C. T[odd)). A manual of electro-thera- peutics, fur students and general practitioners. xiv, 1*1 pp. 8*5 Chicago, Gross J- Delbritli/i Co., 1-95. Hood (Charles). A practical treatise on warm- ing buildings by hot water, steam, and hot air. On ventilation, and the various methods of dis- tributing artificial heat, aud their effects on animal and vegetable ph\>iology; to which are added an inquiry into the laws of radiant and conducted heat, the chemical constitution of coal, and tbe combustion of smoke. 5. ed. xiii, 462 pp. - . London, Simpkin, Marshall 9- Co., 1*79. Hood (Donald W[illiain] Charles) Ll-47- ]. Diseases und their commencement. Lectures to trained nurses, delivered at the West London Hospital. xi, 13- pp. 12 . London, J. <$■ A. Churchill, 1**9. —:----. On the treatnient of acute.rheumatism, with special references to the use of the salicy- lates, (iti pp. - . London, Harrison 9 Soii8,l---. Hood (Edwin Paxton). The palace of pain. 31 pp., 1 pl. ** 5 London, 1-85. A description of the Royal Hospital for Incurables, West Hill, Putney Heath. Hood (J[ohu] \Y.) A new and radical cure for hernia; wiih the description of an abdominal supporter, for the treatment of female diseases. - pp. 12°. Philadelphia, U. S. Job Print. Office, 1-1-. Hood (P[eter]) [1-09-90]. On the treatment of sprained ankle. 30 pp. 8-. London, J. Churchill, ------. A treatise on gout, rheumatism, and the al.ied affections. 2. ed., with a chapter on lon- gevity, viii, 431 pp. - . London, J. 9- A. Churchill, 1879. ------. The same. 3. ed. (revised and enlarged), witb a chapter on sleep. viii, 419 pp. 12°. London, J. 9 A. Churchill, 1-85. For Uioiira/ihi/. see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, ii, 701. Hood (Thomas Beal) [1829-11)0(1]. Obiluai v. Xat. M. Lev., Wash., 1000-1001, x, 156. Hoof. s e, also, Horse. Klein (F.) " De shut ciitaneoungularuni ovis et capreie. 8 . Berolini, [1-5S0]. ,\oi'ii<-i' (('j Heitra.' zur Kenntniss des teineren Banes der Hull, .lerhaut. Oest.rr. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Veteri- niiik. Wien, lsS7, i. 217-239.- 15ni|M'l (M.) Die llriisen in der Zwiseiicnklaucnhaul der Paai vcher; vel uleichend anatoiiiisch physii.lo^i«che rnteisiicliiuigen. Arch. 1'. wis- senseli. u. ]>rakt. Tliicrh.. li, rl.. 1.-1I7, xxiii, 1-18,2 pl. Hoot'(Abnormities tf). Ailoin^ iS) Alcnioire sui la pcntadacl \ lie cli.v le <-lie\ nl. .1. .1. m.-d. de L\on, 18U7. viii. -Jii'i: 240.-- Iton.o (J. K v., I,In I "all von \ ..llsliiinli-er Ausbildunj: des 2. unci:.. Metacai pile beim Kind. Mm phol. Jalirb., Lei])/.., 1890. xvi, .r>:!0 y.'.'.i. — Ki-iol (A.i Cas de poly, lad > lie eliez un chcval. Compt. i end s,„, ,],. biol.. Par.,'lS'.ls.'In. s., v, 41)0-4114. < ikICjk. All.hi-, nient extraofdinairo des (piatre sabots chez un ane. .(.dc med. vel. et zootech., Lyon, ls9!l. ">. s., iii, 403. — (iolli (A.) Kudiinenti di uu piede simulaiiti un tumoie osseo wotioiut.ineo al davanti del carpo sinistro di uu puledro. Mem. r. A. .ad d. sc. d. 1st. di i'olojjua, 1W11-2,... s.. ii, lio'.l-illii.—,lol> (N.i\ l.:i. vo<-iil (A.) Note sur uu mulct tissipede au\ puds ante- ri. ins Coin|,i rend. Acad. d. se , Par.. 1S.V7, xliv lO'iO.— VI-nitons Iti (Z.) Pr/\cz\iek do kwestyi v ielopaleo- woSci u koni. | On pohda. t\lism in tlie horse. | Pr/.enl. u. t Lwow. 18!»s, xiii, 201: 2;i3i 27:s: ,309.- von .Tloj»i..o. vi«-«. (A.) Uebci einen scltcii n Pall you Polyilactylisnius HOOF. 278 HOOPER. Hoof (AbnormHies of). beim Pferde. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1889, iv 2.V. -Pill* (H.) sen. Eine iiberzahlige Zehe bei einem Plei d.-. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Thiermed., Leipz., 1889-90, xv, 224-232, 1 pl.- lori'i'iiiaiii (G.) Di un magiiinco caso di polidatti- lismo in un cavallo. Gior. d. r. Soc. ed Accad. vet. ital., Torino, 1898, xlvii, 506-508. Moot'(Diseases of). See Horse {Diseases of locomotive system of). Hoof-cancer. See Horse {Diseases of locomotive system of). Hoog (Lambertus Vincentius). ~ Bijdrage tot bet histologisch onclerzoek van iiiggeinergsscle- rose. 71 pp., 1 pl. s:- Leiden, S. C. van Does- burgh, 1885. -----. lets over halswervellnxatics. 26 pp., 11., 1 phot. 8J. Leiden, S. C. van Doesburgh, 1888. See also. Kltaimi (C|ornelius]) .V. Hoo« (L.-V.) Catalogue des bibliotheques, [etc.]. 85 Leide, 1891. Hoogeveeit (Henricus Tbeodorus). *De fe- briuui omnium ratione interioris indolis inter se convenientia. 3 p. 1., 77 pp.. 2 1. 4-5 Lugd. Pat., apud rid. M. Cgfveev, b-Oti. [P., v. 1482.] Hoogeveen (Tbeodorus). Tractatus cle fietus humani morbis, cui a*cedit observationuiii ana- tomicaruin fasciculus. 7 p. 1., 148, 21 pp. 8°. Lugd. Bat., S. 5 Orl., 1899, 19. Hooper (Franklin Henry) [1850-92]. »>n the treatnient and recurrence of papilloma of the larynx. 10 pp 8-. [New York, 1882. ] a. l. a. Uepr.from: Arch. Laryngol., X. Y., 1882. iii. -----. Exiierimental researches on the tension of the vocal hands, (a) The action of the ihyro- cricoid mu>cle. (h) The action of the expiiaiory blast of air. 20 pp. 8J. [Xew York, 1>*9.] liepr from: Arch. Laryngol. X. Y.. 188:». v, suppl. In : Physiol. Lab. Harvard M. Sell., Bost., [1887], ii. -----. A case of cavernous papilloma of the vo- cal band. 3pp. 8:. [New York, 1881.] a.l.a. Repr. from: N. York M. J., 1884. xl. ----. The respiratory function of the human larynx. From experimental studies in the physi- ological laboratory of Harvard University. 20 pp. 12°. [Neiv York, 1885.] liepr from: X. York M. J5. 1885. xiii. in: Physiol. Lab. Harvard M. Sch., Bost., [1887], ii. HOOPER, 279 HOOPER. Hooper (Franklin Henry)—continued. -----. Adenoid vegetations in the nasopharyn- geal cavity. 16 pp. 8*. [Boston. 1—6.] a.l. a. Uepr.from: Boston M. .v S. .1.. 18sc. cxiv. -----. Concerniiiii the positions of paralyzed \ il- eal hands. 16 pp. 12*. [.Veir York, 18-0.] Ut or. from: X. York M.J., 1886. xliii. -----. Thesame. 11 pp. 125 [ New York, 1— 0.] In: Puymol. Lab. Harvard M. Sch.. Post.. [IsSTJ, ii. -----. The anatomy and physiology of the recur- rent laryngeal nerves. 40 pp. - . [Boston, 1—7.] Ii-.pr. front: X.YorkM.J.. 1887. xlvi. in: MED. Pub. Harv. M. Sch.. Post. I--:. -----. Effects of varying rates of stimulation on the actiou of the recurrent larvneeal nerves. 11. 4 . [New York. 1--7.] a. i.. a. Repr. from: X. York M. J.. 1887. xlvi. -----. Adenoid vegetations in children: tbeir diagnosis aud treatment. 19 pp. - 5 Boston, CupphsJl' Hurd, 1-88. Repr.frotn: Boston M. .t S. J., IS-s cxviii. Effects of varvino; rates of M imnlation on the action of the recnrient laryngeal nerves pp. -c. [JYt-ic York. 1 — .] Repr i,i,m : X. York M..L. Is8s. xlviii. In: Mel. Pub. Harv. M. Sch. 'Po*:."" 1-.'" [uo.8]. and ras ur. o -----. A combined nasal sunn pp. 12J. Boston, l-*9. Repr. from : Boston M. .V S. J.. i»89. exxi. -----. The niechauical ett. .ts of adenoid vegeta- tions in children. 15 pp. >-. Boston, Pockwell f Churchill, 1—9. Repr. from: Med. £ Sm^. Rep. Bost. Citv Hosp.. is-;' i. s. -----. Methode de demonstration des mouve- lienislarvngiens 15 pp. - . Paris. G. Masson, 1-90. liepr. from: Ann. d. mal. de 1'oreille et du larynx, Par., li-9o. xvi. in .- Meh. Put). Hm v. M. Scli., Post. j. 1890. no. 15]. ------. A ca-e of tumor of the larynx, showing amvloid defeneration. - pp. 12-. New York, Trow.1-91. Repr. from: Med. Rec, X. Y.. >f'l, xii. ------. Multiple papil'oma of the larynx in young children, and its treatment. 11pp. - . Phila- delnhia, 1-91. Repr. from: Intemat. Clin.. Phila., is'.'l. iii. .>■>.-. a.U'- Bowtlilch (H[enry] P ickerin^' .. The ac- tion of sulphuri.- ether [etc... '*-. [FhilatMphia. I»s7.] For ISn, iraphy. see Boston M. Sc S. J.. 1 -,ij exxvii, 538. Hooper (George S[ vines]). Observations on the to| ography, climate, and prevalent diseases of the island of .Jersey, tlie i e-ult of m 1. - . London, The same. 2. ed., g improved, xv, 331pp., II pl Longman [and others], 1-11. -----. The same, xviii, 275 pp., 5 1. —. Al- bany, /•.'. E. Backus, [1-13]. -----. The same. (Jhiruigischcs Hilfsl.uch ; oder fassliehe IVbersicht der Symptoine und I'rsa- chen, des Ganges und der Behandlung aller chi- rurgischen Krankheiten. Aus dem Englischen von C. \Y. Meeker. [Nebst Anhang.] xi, 279, 3 pp.. 12 pl. -\ Leipzig. Harlleluii. 1-21. -----. Examinations in anatomy, physiology, practice of physic. Mirgecv, chemistry, materia medica, and pharmacy: for the use of students. 4. ed. 1 p. 1.. 204 pp. 16c. London, Longman [and others], 1*29. -----. The same. from tbe latest Lond. cd., with upwards of one hundred additional ques- tions and an entire new chapter on poisons. 1-2 pp. 16-. New York, Collins iV Co., 1-29. -----. The same. From the last Lond. ed.. with one hundred and fortv-rive additional questions. 190 pp. 16-. New York, B. t\- S. Collins, 1-05. -----. Lexicon medicuni, or medical dictionary ; containing an explanation of the terms in anat- omy, botany, chemistry, materia medica. mid- wifery, mineralogy, pharmacy, physiology, prac- tice of physic, suigeiy, and the various branches of natural philosophy connected with medicine. Selected, arranged, and compiled from the best authors. 5. cd. 1 p. 1.. 1297 pp. 85 Loudon, Longman [ami others], 1-2.5. -----. The same. ti. cd. viii, 1311 pp. - . London. Longman [and others]. 1-51. Thesame. -. ed., revised, corrected, and improved, by Klein Grant. 2 p. L. 1390 pp., 1 1. London, Longman [and others], 1-I-. —■—. The same. Ouincy's Lexicon-niedicuni. A new medical dictionary. Arranged and com- piled from the best authors. 3 p. 1., -70 pp. -c. Philadelphia, P.. 5 R. Parker [and others], 1,-17. ----. The sjime. Lexicon-niedicuni. From lhe 4. Loud. ed. viii, 9.53 pp. - 5 Xeu- York, E. Pliss [and others], 1-22. ----. The same. 2. Am. from the 1. Lond. ed. .Ycic York, E. Duyckinck [and viii. 9.>2 pp. - . others], 1821. ----. The same. viii. 952 pp. others], 1-24. ----. The same. by Samuel Akerh 2. Am. from the 4. Lond. ed. Philadelphia, Carey [and 1. Am. from last Lond. ed., 2v. 172 pp.; 36--pp., 24 1. - . Nnr York, J. .1 ./. Harper, 1*29. ----. The same. 4. Am. from the last Lond. ed., with additions from American authors on botany, chemistry, materia medica, mineralogy, etc., by Samuel Akerly. 2 v. in 1. viii. 472 pp.; 5i,spp', 24 1. -J, Sac York, Collins New York, Harper «)'• Bros.. 1*51. ----. The morbid anatomy of the human brain; being illustrations of tbe most frequent and im- portant organic diseases to which that viscus HOOPER. 280 HOOYMANN. Hooper (K[obcrt])—continued. is subject. 36 pp., 15 pl. 4°. London, Long- man [a>id others], 1826. ------. Hooper's physician's vade-mecum; or, a manual of the principles and practice of physic. 4. ed., considerably enlarged and improved, with an outline of general pathology and therapeutics, by William Augustus Guy. xi, 660 pp. 12°. London, II. Ben show, 1854. ------. The same. 6. ed. xiii, 676 pp. 12°. London, H. Benshaw, 1858. ------. The same. With additions by James Stewart, x, 533 pp. 12 . Philadelphia, E. Bar- rington o'' O. D. Haswell, 1850. ------. The same. The principles and practice of physic, being a modi tied Tamil version of Hooper's Physician's vade-mecum, by William Paul; supervised and amended by Samuel F. Green, of the American Ceylon Mission. 917 pp., 2 1. 8-. Naaercoil, London Mission Press, 1872. See. also, Gardner (L>. Perreira). A new medical dictionary [etc.]. 8°. Xew York, 1855. For Biography, see Diet. Xat. Biog., Lond., 1891, xxvii, 300 (G. T. Petta'ny). Also: Lancet, Lond., 1831-5, ii, 493. Hooper (Thomas Everard). Spermatorrhiea; its cause and cure, vi, 170 pp. 12°. London, 1855. Hooper (M'iUiam H.) [18l>4-83J. l.ee(I5.) Obituary. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1884, xvi. 505-507. Hooping-cough. See Whooping-cough. I loo pill ami (Wilhelm). * Ueber Fremdkorper im Ohi. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Tubingen, P. Pietzcker, 1,-91'.. Hoor (Karl). Genieinfassliche Darstellung der Kefractions-Anoinalien, mit. Riicksicht auf Assen- tirung nnd Superarbitrirung nach dem gegen- wartiueu Standpunkte der Ophthalmologic und mit Beriicksichtigung der einschlagigen In- sfructionen und Verordnungen seit dem Jahre 1871. ('ekreinte Pieisschrift. 1 p. 1., *6 pp., 1 1. - 5 Wien, A. Holder, 1891. ------. Prophyhixc und Ueseitigung ties Trachoius ! in der k. u. k. osterreichisch-ungarischeu Armee. 76 pp.. 1 1. - 5 Wien, J. Safdr, 1893. villi floorn (C. A. W.) Trichinen-ziekte en trichinen-vrees. 19 pp. 8 . Amsterdam, D. B. Centen, 1801. vail Hoorii (Johan) [1662-1724]. Den swenska wal-ofwade jord-giiminan hwilken grundeligen underwijser hum med en bafwaude handlas, en wandande hielpas, en barna-qwinna handteras, och dc nylodda barnet skiotas skal. [The S vedish well-experienced midwife, with thor- ough instructions how to act in pregnancy and to assist in labor pains, and how to manage lying-in women; also how to nurse the new-born infant.] 9 L, 328 pp., 10 1. 16-. Stockholm, N. Goldenaus, 1697. ------. The same. Then swenska walofwade jorde-guininans andra deel. Bestaende uti ottatijo niiirckwardige forlosuingar. forriittade, och pa fransoska beskrefue, af Paul Portal. [The Swedish well-experienced midwife. Second part. Consist ing of 80 remarkable cases, ex- tracted from the French of P. Portal.] 15 1., 233 pp., 3 1. 10*5 Stockholm, H. C. Merckell, 1723. ------. Wahrnehmnng von einem Kaiserschnitte, welcher gbich nach dem Tocle der Frau vor- geiiommen ist. In: Levret. Wabrnehiiiungen [etc.]. 12°. Liibeck it. Altnna, 1758, 499-502. ------. Siphra och Pua; eller handbok for barn - inorskor, och med liiiorika handelser af h inom- fcirsedd. [. . . a handbook for midwives; with an Hoorii (,Johan)—continued. instructions loi their guidance.] 3. upl. 3 p. L, 25;5 pp. 16 . Stockholm, J. G. Lange, 1777. -----. The same. Die zwo um ihrer Gottes- furcht undtreuc Willen von (loft wohl belohnte Weh-Mutter, Siphra und Pua. Welche in Frag uud Antwort treulich unterwiesen wie man einer mit Leibesfrucht gescgncten Frauen in der Gebtirth recht beysteh n, dencn schwereu Zu- fiillen bey Zeiten vorkonnnen, und wann dieses versauniet ist, sie hernaeher mit geschickter Hand aus der No'.h und Lcbcns-Gefahr helffen solle; denen Hebaininen zum Dienste, meisten- theils aus eigner Eifahrung verfasset, und mit dreissig anserlcsenen historischen Anmerckun- gen bekratftiget. 7 p. L, 320 pp., 4 1. 16°. Stockholm 9' Leipzig, 1726. -----. The same. Andere Autl. 7 p. L, 313 pp., 3 1. 12°. Stockholm o'- Leipzig, G. Eies, 1737. -----. The same. Die durch Fragen und Aut- worten treulich anweisende Webemutter [etc.]. 6. Aufl. 7 p. L, 368 pp., 4 1. 12°. Leipzig, Heinsius, 1771. -----. The same. 8. Aufl. 7 p. L, 346 pp., 31, 12°. Leipzig, J. S. Heinsius, 1786. For Biography, see Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1895-0, n. F., i 1-26 (O. A. Liudfors). AUo, transl.: Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Berl., 1890, iii, 58-08. ten Hoorii (Johan). *De niorbo hypochou- driaco. 22 pp. 4 5 Harderorici, apud vid. .—<»iir«linc>r .1.1) Report of the sa'nitiiiv condition and sewi-r ge of Hoosick Falls. Ibid., issii, 'Albany, 1887, vii, 372-1(74. Hoover (Charles Frank). A clinical study of the pulse. 12 lip. 8-5 Cleveland, L-97. Repr. from: Cleveland J. M.. 1897, ii. ------. The diaphragm phenomenon, or Litten sign. 6 pp. 8:. Cleveland, 1897. Uepr.from: Cleveland J. M., 1897, ii. ------. Cardio-pnlnionarv murmurs. 23 pp. 12°. New York, 1898. Ji.pr.from: N. York M. J., 1898, Ixviii. See. uUo. llonnril (William Travis) & Hoover (Charles Frank). Tropical abscess of the liver (etc.). 8°. Philadelphia. 1897. -----A Sollmami (Torald). A study of me- tabolism during fasting in hypnotic sleep. pp. 405-411. 8°. New Yovk, 1-97. Cuttintj [cover with printed title] from: J. Exper. M., K. Y.. 1897, ii. Hooymailll (Johannes) [1-55- ]. * Ein Fall v.n Aorlenhogenaneurysma. 42 pp., 2 1. 8*-. Bonn, Hauptmann, [1890], HOPE. 281 HOPFNBKUS. Hope [Anne]. Memoir of the late James Hope. To which are added, remarks on classical edu- cation by Dr. Hope, and letters from a senior to a junior physician, by Dr. Buriler. The whole edited by Klein Grant. 2. ed. xv, 365 pp., port. 8*. London, J. Hatchard A- Son. 1-10. Hope (Edward WillianO. Annual reports on the health of the eit\ of Liverpool, by the medical otheer of health to the lualth commit- tee, for the vears 1-94-1900. - . Liverpool, 1-95-1901. ----- A Browne (Edgar A.) A manual of school h\gienc; written for the guidnme of teachers in da\-schools, xi. 207 pp., 3 diag., 4pla;.s 12. 'Cambridge. I'nir. Press, 1901. Hope (George H.) Till the doctor comes, and how to help him. iv, 5-160 pp. 1- . London, Beligious Tract Soe.. [l-7n]. Repr. [with revisions and addition* from: Cottager A Artisan. Lond. Hope (James) [l-ul-41j. A treatise on the dis- cas s of the licart and great vessels, compris- ing a new view of the ph.\ siology of The heart's action. According to which the physical signs are explained, xxx. vi (J L), 612 pp., 1 tab. -\ London, W. Kidd. 1-32. ------. Thesame. A '.realise on the diseases of the heart and great vessels, and on the affec- tions which may 0e mistaken for them; compris- ing the author's view of tbe physiology of the he irt's action aud sounds, as demonstrated by his experiments on the motions and sounds in l-3o, and on th ■ sounds iu 1-54-5. 3. ed. xxxv, 639 pp.. 7 pl. - . London, J. Churchill, 1809. ------. The same. Yon den Krankheiten des Herzens und der gross, n (iefasse. Uelx-ise- tzuug aus dem Engli-i hen ; mit einem Vol worte, Annieikuiigen und Zusiitzeu, hrsg. von Ferd. Wiih. Becker, xxx, 505 pp., 1 pl. 12-. Berlin, T. C. F. Ensliu. 1-35. ------. The same. Trattato delle malattie del cuoie e (hi vasi maggiori. Tiaduzione dal- 1' iuglese del dottore Francesco Airoldi, fatta sulla terza ed ultima oli/ionc di Londra. corretta ed ampliata ilall" autore c corredata di tavole. 2. ed. xvi, 4-2 pp., 1 1., - pl. roy. ■--. Milano, E. Oliva, 1-50. ------. Grundziige der pathologist-hen Anatomie, in ihrer Yeibindung mit den Kraukheitssymp- tomen. Aus dem Englischen, mit einer Einlei- tung von M. 8. Kriiuer. xx, 404 pp. 8 . Her- lin, W. Schiippel. 1-50. Fur Biograplnj. see Hope [Anne]. Memoir of tin* late James Hope. To which aie added, remarks ou classical education by Dr. Hope, and letters from a senior to a junior plivsicinu by Dr. P.m.I. i. Tin- whole edited b\ Klein Gi.nt. 2. ed. 8'-. Lmt don. 184;;. Set-, also: Did. Nat. 15..-.. Loud.. Is9). xxvii, 316 (W. A. ('i.. nhill). Hope (Josef) [1869- ]. * Beitrag zur Keunt- nis der "Wirkung des Me. hyleouiin. 24 pp. 8-. Eii-l, A. P. Jensen, 1-93 Hope otto) [1864- ]. "Leber einen Fall v. >ii Tumor der Vicrhiigel. [Halle-Wittenberg.] 34 pp.. 1 1. 8°. Halle a. S., ('. A. Kacmmerir A Co.. 1*—. Hope (SO' William j. .*•., Mollf'Vnl-l [.';( 1. S.]. [etC.]. ?-. London 1711. Hope (William;. Sewa-j.- irrigation. Letter to the editor of the Times. Cuiti 10/ from : London 1 im Tin- compleat horseman .- irrigation. Lett. Nov. 2, 1870. ■-. Xov. 4(5, 1870. ------. The waste of water in public supplies, and its prevention. 17 pp. - . London, W. Clones «)'• Sons, 1-92. liepr. fro.n: Proc. Inst. Civ. Eugin., Loud., 1891-2, ex, pt. 4. Hopeclale Public Library. Annual report of the trustees. 3., 1*8*. 20 pp. -\ [Hopedale, 1-9.] II ope in. It ii ■'lon. Nouv. rcmedes, Par., ISSli, ii. fil-58. AUo: Hop. Cochin. Compt. rend. .1. Mm v. .Iu lab. do therap.. Par. 1S8U, ;i!)-45.— l>u jjiid in-Ilea n iim-I*. Snr 1'hopeine blanche cri.slalli.see." Hull. Acad.de in.-.I, Par., 188l>, 'J. s., xv, IMi-iaO. Msn : Bull. ;:eii de therap., [etc.], Par., 18811, ex, UT- H)J. Kloy (C.) De lhopeine, de ses proprietes h\pnotii|iies et dc son emploi (-Unique. Union med., Par ,' 188G, :s. »., \li. 121-125. ------. IJu'o.st-ce (|iie l'hopeine. Ibid., -81. —<.*rii.«M<-t (J.) t'n nouvel livpnotiiiue: l'h..| cine, pi im-i]>■■ nareol i.|iic du lioubh.n. Semain.' nied.. Par.. 1SS."., \, :::!.".. Ilirl (L.) Notiz.be liell'end llopein. Preplan, a.i/ll. Ztschr.. ll-8(). viii. 25.— llo|M'ina triija.Y alkaloid . linii. In c/.y niortina ? | Is In. pein the poisoii..iu alkaloid ..I' h.......Ins. or is it morphine .' C/.asopismo towarz. apleU., I,wow, 1880, xv, r.5-r,9. l*«til. Note sur un corps re])amlu dans le coinin.-i.. sous le nom "hopeine blanche crislallis. -e ". Iiull. et mem. Soc. d. therap.. Par., 188(1, 2. s., xiii. 111 24. -K«»l»«'i-I» (M.i 15- ber llopein. Deutsch.' Med.-Zl^. P.erl. lSs.\ ii. -7s AUo, transl.: (iaz. med. de Par., 18S5. 7. s.. ii 5U> — Niiiilh (\V. T.) Versnche iiber di)! Wirliiinj; des narkotisehei] I'liuzips des llopt'ens ( llopein ). Deutsche Med.-Xte... Herl.. 1885, ii, (iS5; 877. AUo, transl.: Uaz. mod. de Par., I,-'S5, 7. s.. ii, 545. Ilopeiilieildler (Hnyein-Klioser) [1800- ]. * 1 >c I'artlirntoiiiic preeoee dans le traitenient de i'arthi-ite blennorrliagi([ue du ]>oiguet. 108 pp. 1 . Paris, 1891, No. 51,-. Hoper-Dixoil (A. L.) Tlie art of breathing as applied to physical development, with respi- ratory exercises for both children and adults. 42 pp. 21 . London, Gale 9-Polden, ltd., [1899]. Hope Valley. See Diphtheria (History, etc., of), by localities. Hopf (Christian Got,lob) [170.5-1^42]. Versuch eines I'nn isses der Haiiptguttuugen des Schlag- flusses und ihrer Behandlung. viii, 96pp. 12-5 stiittt/arl, J. D. Satiler, lslti. Hopl'ifieorg Wilhelm). See IliimU'lsjjcwoi'b-^i* huic iiiXiiriiberj;. Jahres- herielit. 4*. Xiirnberi,. [lsau!. Hopf (Hermann). * Ueber das Vorkoininen des virulentcn Diphtherie-BacLlus auf der Schleiin- baut des Kachens ohne typischc klinische Kr- scheiuungen. 24 pp. fol. Pern, Stdntji/li 5' Cie., 1900. Uepr.from: Ztschr. f. schweiz. Statist., Hern, 1900,xxxvi. Hopf (L'obert). * Ueber die Bedeiitung der Athcioiuatose fiir die Aetiologie des cbronischen Magenoeseliwiirs. 34 pp. <**'-. Erlangen, LOT. Jacob, 1900. HopfeiiKartnei- (Felix) [lsiiil- ]. #Die ang« boreueu Anomaliecn der Darnicndigung und ilereii operalive Behandlung. 31 pp. 8 . Herlin, G. S hade. [I *•-><]. llopr<>ii^;M'liiei° (Ilerinann). * Ueber Morbus I'.aseilow ii. | \\ Hiizburg.] 21 pp. -* . Cann- s'nll, ti. P. Lapp. | \899]. llopfeiiKai-tiier ( Philipp Friedrich) [1771- |-n7|. I nieis icliung.n iiber die Natur und Behandlung d« r \cr^ehieileuen Arten der Ge- hirnwasscrsiiclit. xvi, 1-2 pp., 1 1. 12*. Stult- gnrl. J. IS. Metzler, 1-0.'. Il<»|>ri>lislailr$;-artiier (Leonid) [l«siir»-U7J. |KioKi->ipli)'.| Alilth. d. Wien. Doet. - Coll., 1897, xxiii, 44-49. Hopfnei'lis (Job. Wilibaldusi. * De hieninr- rhagia iu genere. 11 1. 4 . Jane, typ. E. Stei- manni, 1040. HOPGOOD. 282 HOPKINS. Ilop^ood (Thomas Frederick]). Notesjon sur- gical treatnient and minor operation; specially designed for house surgeons and students. 1 p. 1.. 79 pp. 12c. London, Bailliere, Tindall 9- Cox, 1882. Hopital de Baviere, Liege. Ser l.ii'-igc Hospices civils de Liege. Rapport dela coiiimission speciale. 8°. Liege, 1867. Hopital de la Biloquc. >V>'«jhent. Kapport du college [etc.]. 83. Gand, 1801. Hopital cantonal cle Geneve. Rapports de la commission administrative au couseil d'etat, pour les annees 1873; 1874; 1870. 8°. Gent-re, 1-74-7. Hopital civil des anglais a, Liege. Service chi- rurgical. Statistique des operations pratiquees du 1" avril 1890 au 31 decernbre 1892. 17 pp., 1 pl. fol. Liege, Imp. liegeoise, 1893. Suppl. to: Gaz. m6d. de Liege, 15 juin 1893. Hopital pour les enfants malades. De la crea- tion a Geneve d'un ... 24 pp. 12°. Geneve, Bamboz $• Schuchavdt, 1809. Hopital d'enfants du Prince Pierre cl'Olden- bourg a St.-Petersbourg. Preface de la pre- miere livraison des Conseils aux meres, publics (eu russe) par 1' . . . [Dr. Ch. Kauchfuss, direc- teur. ] 21. 4°. [S.-Peterburg, Frenke cj- Fusnot, 1882.] Hopital d'enfants Sainte-Olga s\ Moscou. De- sciiption de rii6pital et coniptes-rendus de son activity pendant 1887-93, par L.-P. Alexaudroff et A.-A. Kissel. Edition clu fond ate ur de l'ho- pital, Cointe S.-V. Orlotf-Davidoff. 104, ii pp. 8-. Moscou, S.-P. Jakowleff, 1894. .Sec, also, Dictskayn Boluitza Sv. Olgi, v Moskve. Hopital gdne'ral de la Charite' d'Aix. Regle- nient autorise ct homologe par arret, de la cour du 14 mai 1779. 95 pp. 12 5 Aix, E. David, 1779. Hopital gendral de la Cliarite' et anmone. gd- nerale de Lyon. Statuts et reglements. xiv, 262 pp. sin. 4J. Lyon, Delaroche, 1700. Hopital general Saint-Jacques. Hotel-Dieu cle cette ville d'Aix. Regleinens pour 1' . . . autori- se/. et honiologuez par la cour de parleuient, le 29 mai 1742. 93 pp. 16°. Aix, R. Adibert, 1742. Hopital international polycliuique, Paris. [l'losnectiis and r. port.] 32 pp. 8-. Paris, A. Peltier cy Cie., 1895. Hopital du Locle. Rapports annuels pr6seute\s anx electeurs en asscinblee g6nerale annuelle, par le conseil d'administratiou. 20., 1881; 27., 1-82; 29.-33., 1-84-8; 35., 1890; 36., 1891. 8- A 4*5 Locle, 1882-92. Hopital Notre Dume, Montreal. .Sec Notre Dame Hospital, Montreal. Hopital ophtliahniqiie a Geneve. Rapports presentes a M. le baron Adolphe de Rothschild par Aug. Barde. 2., 1877--; 4., 1881-2. 39 pp.; 23 pp. 8°. G( neve, 1879-83. Fondatiou Rothschild. Each report for 2 years. Hopital royal de la marine de Brest. St-i- France. Departemcnt de la -marine. Formules pharmaceittiques. 8°. Brest, 1780. Hopital Saint-Andre de Bordeaux. Commis- sion administrative des hospices civils cle Bor- deaux. Rapport general sur la construction du nouvel hopital .Saint-Andre de Bordeaux. 79 pp. 4J. Bordeaux, Lanefranque, 1812. -----—. Compte rendu clinique des maladies cbi- rurgicales oliservees pendant 1'ann^e 1857 dans le service cle M. lc Dr. Denuce. Par M. Rabaine, interne du service. 56 pp. 85 Bordeaux, G Gounouilhou, 1858. Repr. from • J. de nied. de Bordeaux, 1858, 2. s., iii. ------. Comptes-rendus generaux des services de merlec-ine, de chirurgie et d'accouchenients par Hopital Saint-Andre" de Bordeaux—continued. les niedecins de l'hdpital, suivis des rapports dc service hydrothc-rapique; vieillards; incurables; materuite; enfants assistes. Pendant les annees 1863; 1864; 1871; 1878; 1880-84. 4. Bordeaux, 1801-85. Keport for 18(i:i. by Lacaussade; 1864, by J. Sairamea' 1871. by Alontalier: 1878, by Demons; 1880, bv Dudonj 1881, bv Vergelv: 1882, by Gervais; 1883. bvSoiles: 1884, by Lan'de. Keport for 186:J, 1804, 1871, 1878. 1880-81, in Coniptes-rendus de radministration des hospices civila de Bordeaux. Hopital Saint-Jean, Bruxelles. Observations medicales recueillies dans le service de M. le Dr. E. Destree. 1 p. L, 71 pp. 8 Bruxelles, H. Lamertin, 1892. Hopital Stuiveuberg d'Anvers. Plan et notice. Le 25 aout 188-5 13 pp., typewritten copy. fol. 1 plan. 4°. [Anrers, 1888.] Hopital de Val-de-Ruz a Lande.yeux. Extrait des rapports pr6sente5s en 1878-82 a la coininis- sion generale par le coniite adininistratif de l'dta- blisseinent. 12. amide. 12°. Cernier, 1-84. Hopital Victoria des diaconesses au Caire. Rapport historique et financier sur sa fondation coinine sur sa premiere annde. 31 pp. -°. Le Caire, Boehme ty Anderer, 1880. Opened Jan. 8, 1885. HdpitailX (Les) a Constantinople. 30 pp., 1 ]. fl*-. Paris, G. Masson; Constantinople, lib. Weiss- Heydrieh, 18e6. Repr. from: J. d. debats, Par. Hopkins (Frank T.). Editor of: IVIediral (The) Advertiser, New York, isas-!i. Hopkins (F[rederick] E.) The recurrence of lymphoid hypertrophy in the nasopharynx. 16 pp. 12*-'. [New York, D. Appleton >. Ilcriiiaiiii (Richard). *Ueber die alkalimetri- sche Aletbode (etc ]. 83. Berlin, 1898. Ho kills (Grant S[heiman]). Structure of the stomach of Ainia calva. pp. 165-169. -°. [Washington, D. C, l>-90.] Cuttinq [cover With printed title) from: Proc. Am. Soc. Mice, \V5isb., 1890, xiii. ------. The heart of some luiigless salamanders. 7 pp. 8 . [Philadelphia], 1890. [Also, in: P., v. 2212.] Repr. from: Am. Naturalist, Phila., 189G, xxx. .Sec, also. Gage (Simon Hfenry]) .V llopliiu* (Grant S.) Preparation and imbedding' the embryo cluck. 8°. [Washington, D. C, 1890.] Hopkins (H[enry] R.) An improved sphyg- inograpli and its work. 10 pp. 8C. [Buffalo, 1886. ] Repr. from: Aled. Press AVest. N. York, Buffalo, 1885-6, i. ------. The relations of mind and body. 7 pp. 8°. [Buffalo, 1887.] Repr. from : Med. Press West, X. York, Buffalo, 1887, ii. Hopkins (John H[enry]) [1792-1868]. The relations of science and religion. 30 pp. 8J. Albany, Van Jlenlheuysen, 1850. Hopkins (Samuel A.) The habit of thumb sucking. 16 pp. 12°. Cambridge, J. Wilson <)'• Son, I,-9.5. Hopkins (S[amuel] D.) A case of hysteria simulating organic disease of the brain, -pp. 8-. [St. Louis, 1897.] Repr.from: Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1897, xii. HOPKINS. 2X3 HOPP. Hopkins (S[anuiel] D.)—continued. ------. Nervous disorders simulating peritonitis. 4 pp. 8*5 [Denver, 1-97.] Repr. from: Colorado M. J., Denver, 1897. iii. ------. Respiratory paralysis from haemorrhage around the medulla. 4 pp. >-. [Denver, 1897.] Repr. from: Colorado Al. J., IVmv.-i, 1897, iii. ------. Extradural spinal meningeal lueinor- rhage, with report of a case. 5 pp. 8 \(H, York, 1899. Repr.from: X. York At. J., 18H9. Ixx. Hopkins 0l\ s.) Thomasville as a wiuter home fcr invalids. A letter to Rev. S. A. Heilner. 12 pp. -. Atlanta, J. P. Harrison 9-Co., [1882]. Repr. from: Atlanta AL Reg., Atlanta, 188'J 3. n. s.. ii. Hopkins (W[illiam]) [1793-18i'6J. Over na- tuurkuiidige theorien ointrcnt cle versehijnsels van bet leven, en bepaaldelijk over Darwin's theorie aangaande het outstaan der soorten. Lit het Engelsch vertaald door J. van der Une- ven, xvi, 62 pp. - . Haarlem, A. C. Kruseman, l-oo. Hopkins (William Barton). The roller band- age. 95 pp. 12*. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott ty Co., 1-5. ------. The sain.. With a chapter on surgical dressino. 4. ed. 130 pp. 12*. Philadelphia, J. B. lipjiimott .'■ Co., 1-97. ------. Report < f a case of Wladiinirotl'-Miku- licz osteoplastic resection of the foot. 7 pp., 1 tab. >. [Philadelphia, 1—7. | Repr. from : Med. News. Phila., 18,-7. li. ------. Tlie same. 9 pp. - 5 Philadelphia, W. J. Dornan, 1-—. Uepr.from: Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., >»8 3. s.. ix. ------. Repoit of a case of detachment of the ligament of the patella; treatnient by suture; recovery. 7 pp. s . [Philadelphia], 1-95. ------. A preliminary note ou a new method of correcting inveterate talipes varus by the arti- ficial production of Pott's fracture deformity. 4 pit. - . Philadelphia. 1-95. Uepr.from : Ann. S11 r ^.. Phila., 189"). xxi. ------. A clinical treatise on fractuie-. 268 pp. - . Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Co., 19u0. ------A Penrose (Charles B.) On the organi- zation and al.-orption of siei ili/ed dead bone dowels. - pp. 12 . Chicago, ls-90. Repr.from: J. Am. AL Ass., Chicago, 189(1, xiv. Hopkins (William Fleming) [1.SG4- 19U0J. Obituary. Brit. AL J., Lond., )9".i. i, 1321— Obit- uary. Intercolon. Al. J. Australas., Melbourne. 1900, v, J1 vii7 port. Hopkins' chalybeate water, with analysis, cer- tificates, [etc.]. 7 pp. -'■'. Baltimore, J. ff. Woods, 1~5>8. Hopkins Railway Library. >'■•■ I.eland Stanford Junior University. Publi- .-..tion- of the librar\. I. Catalogue, sin. 4-. Palo Alto, 18!>.r>. Hopkins Sea Side Laboratory, Pacific Grove, (. al. See Leland Stanford .Junior University. Hopkins Sea Sid.- Laboratory, Pacific (Jrove. HopkillSOll (Oliver). A labor complicated by congenital hydrocephalus. 4 pp. 12-. [Phil- adelphia, 1892.] Repr. from: Med. News, Phila., 1892, lxi. Hopley (Eclward). The syplionic theory, or brief observations on the circulation of the blood, and on respiration as connected there- with, vii, 9-40 pp. - . London, Longman [and o hers], 182.5. Ilopley (Thomas). A lecture on bodily exer- cise; ining the second of a series of plain and simple lectures on the education of man. 3- pp. 8 -. London, J. Churchill, l*b.57. llo|»lo|»liyton. Altimiirano (Fi | Accion fisiolouiea de la hierba do la cucarn.-ha, i lloph>|>h\ ton ciniicidiiui).] An. d. Inst. nied. nac Me\ic.., l'.inl, v, 11-13. Hopinaiill (Arthur). ■ Dactylclhra Miillcri S. Peters. Beitrag zum Extrcinitatenskelett und Urogenitalapparat. 59 pp. 8*5 Freiburg i. B., /•'. Wagner, 1-96. Hopinaiill (C[arl] M[elchior]) 11844- ]. (Jrundziigo einer Pathologic und Therapie der Nasen-, Mundrachen- und Kehlkopf-Krankhoiten fiir Aerzte und Studierende, von Dr. Maximilian Bresgen (Wien und Lei]izig. 1-84): Kritische Besprechiing einzelncr Alischnitte unter princi- pieller l-'.roiternng einiger Pimkte von allge- meiner Pcdeutung. 8 pp s . [Herlin, Marsch- uer 9- Stephan. 1881.] A. L. a. liepr. from . Monatsehr. f. Ohrenh., Hell., 1881, xviii. ------. Uelxr Xasenpolvpcn. lo pp. 8 . [Her- lin, Marseltner .f- Stejihan 1, 1885. a. l. a. Repr. from : Monatsehr. f. Ohrenh., Herl., 1885, xix. ------. Zur Operation und Statistik der adenoi- den Tumoren des Xasenrachenraunis. s pp. - . [Berlin, G. lieimer, 188.5.] a. I., a. Repr. from: Deutsehe nied. 'Wclinschr.. Herl.. 188."., xi. -------. Ueber Rellexneurosen und Xasentumoren. 7 pp. 4 . [Strassburg, G. Fisehbach, lrH5. ] a. l. a. Repr. front: Tajjebl. d. Versamnil. deutsch. Xatiiil'. u. Aerzte, Strassb., 1885, lviii. ------. Kurze Beinerkuug zu der Frage gros>er Kreosotdoseu hei Kehlkopf- uudLungensi hv. ind- suclit. 4 pp. - . [Berlin, L. Schumacher, 18-7.] A. L. A. Repr. from : Berl. klin. AVchnschr., 1887, xxiv. ------. (L Scheff. Krankheiten der Nase, Hirer Xebenhohlen und des Rachens und ihre li.ter- suchungs- und BchuiiiUmigsmetlioilen. B rlin, 18,86. '[Hev.] 4 pp. 8 5 [Berlin, L. Schu- macher, 1--7.] a. L. a. Repr from .- Internat. Centralbl. f. Laryngol.. Khinol. [etc.], Berl., lssti-T, iii. ------. Was ist man berechtigt, Xasenpolyp zu nenneii ? Zugleich eine Antwort auf verschie- dene Beniangelungen meiner Classification der gutartigen Nasenpolypen. 15 pp. 8°. [Herlin, Marschner 0 pp. -°. Halle a. S., L\. Mar- hold, 1-05. Forms No. (i. Hft. 5, of: Sannnl. zwaiigl. Abliandl. a. d. (ieb. d. Nasen , Ohren-, Alund- u. Halskr. Halle a. S Hopilimin (Max) [i860- ]. *Uebei die pri- iniiren Al vnpathicn. 37 ]ip., I 1. 8 . lit rlin, O. Framkc, [\**0\. Hopinaiill (Williclm i. ' Ueber die Herkunft des Fruchl wassi'is. 22 pp., I 1. ***. Wiirzburg, Ha I,, r, 1-88. Ho|»p i Adolf) [i860- ]. * Beitrage zur Lehre von den Selineiiseheiden-Eiitziinclungen, beson- deis der elironisch fiingiiseu an der untern Ex- tremitiit. 44 pp., II. - . Berlin, G. Schade, [1-86J. I HOPP. Hopp (Richard Gottfried Georg) [1-74- ]. * Casuistischer Beitrag zur Keuntnis der bys- terischen Liihinungen hei Kuaben. 25 pp. 8C. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1890. Hoppe (Arend) [1875- ]. *Die (iasgahrung im S-iuglingsmagen. 3.5pp. 8°. Bonn, A. Henry, l*-97. Hoppe (Bernhard Eduard) [1866- ]. "Die inalignen Geschwiilste d.s Pharynx, mit beson- derer Beriicksichtigung der Sarkonie, und Mit- theilung eines Falles von Pliarynxsarkoni. 28 pp., 2 1. 8°. Berlin, 0. Francke, [1891]. Hoppe (Birgcrus Antonius). *De vi vaccina- ruin antivariolosa. 1 p. 1., 103 pp. 12c. Haf- nitr,A. Seidelin, 1819. ------. ' De origiue caloris animalis. 76 pp. 8°. Hafnitr. A. Seidelin, 1819. Hoppe (C[arlJ). Kort overzigt van de leer der pcrcussie en auscultatie en haie beteekenis voor de (tiagnostiek. Ten dienst • van prakusercnde geiieesheeren en studenten in de genecskunde. (ievolgd naar het Hoogduitsch door A. Drielsina. viii, 108 pp. 8°. Utrecht, C. van der Post, 1866. Hoppe (Carl) [i860- ]. * Ueber Behandlung i'ei Aneurysuien an den grossen peripher.en Ge- fassstammen. 31pp. 8 . Greifswald, J. Abel, 1885. Hoppe (Ferdinand) [1-49- ]. * Ueber die physiologische Wirkung des Glycerins nachYer- suchen am Froschc. 29 pp. 8°. Greifswald, F. W. Kunike, 1873. Hoppe (Fritz) [lb76- ]. * Ueber Iukuba- tions- und Latenzzeit bei Syphilis. 27 pp., 2 1. 8'. Kbuigsbevg i. Pr., H. Jaeger, 1900. Hoppe (Hugo). Die YVarterfrage. 12 pp. >**-. Coblenz ,\- Leipzig, 1*92. Repr. from : Centralbl. f. Neivenb. u. Psychiat., Coblenz & Leipz., 189l', iii. See, also, Kurd In (H.) A- Hoppe ( H.) Taschenka- lender fiir ifcrven-Aerzte, 1901. 12°. Berlin t£- Leipziq, 1901. Hoppe (J[anus]). Die Nervenwirkungen der | Heilmittel. Therapeutisch- physiologische Ar- j bcitcn. 4 Hft. in 1 v. xii, 226 pp.; xvi, 240 pp.; xvi, 258 pp.; xx, 280 pp., 1 ]. 8J. Leipzig, H. Bethmanu, 1,8,55-7. ------. Medicinische Briefe. Beobachtungeu und Erfahrungen in der YVissenschaff nnd am Krankenbette. 388 pp. 8-. Freiburg i. Breis- gau, Herder, 1850. ------. Die Dispensirfreiheit, oder das Recht und die Verpnichtung der homoopathischen Aerzte, wie auch aller Aeizte, die von ihneu vcrordnc- ten Arzneimittel selbst, auszutheilen. iv (1 1.), 133 pp. 8 3 Leipzig, 0. Pnifiirst, 1861. [Also, in: P., v. 1458; 0167.] ------. Auch die Allopathc-n sollen selbst dispen- siren. 40 pp. 8*-. Leipzig, 0. Purfiirst, 1863. ------. Die Daukbarkeit der Kranken. vi(ll.), 151 pp. 8-. Leipziq, F. Fhiseher, 1864. Hoppe (J[ob. Igna/.]) [1-11-91]. Zur Behand- lung der fressenden Flechle (Lupus;. 2ti pp 1 pl. 4 . Bonn, E. Weber, 1849. ------. Classification der chirurgischen Krank- heiten, zum Gebrauche fiir seine Zuhorer eut- worfen. broadside, eleph. fol. Bonn, C. Georgi 1-49. ------ Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der Wirkung des Urari. 66 pp. 8-. [Wien. 1857.] Repr. from: Ztschr. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien 1857, xin. ------. Die Cur der chroniscben Gelenkentziiu- dung. 43 pp. 8-. Basel, H. Amberger, 1879. Repr. from . Deutsche Klinik, Berl.. 1869, xxi. ------. Die Zurechnungsfiiliigkeit. Begriff, Ent- stehung und Herkunft. vii, 154 pp. 8°. Wiirz- burg, A. Stuber, 1-77. noppirs. Hoppe (.I[oli. Iguaz])—continued. ------. Die Schein -Bewegungen. xii, 212 pp. 8J. Wiirzburg, A. Stuber, 1879. ------. Hallucinatiouen nnd lllusionen (Sinnes- tanschungeu ). 2. Aufl. 28 pp. s°. Berlin, E. Grosser, 18-4. Repr. from: Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Perl., 1884, i. ------. Erklaruug der Siunestaiiscbungen (Hal- lucinatiouen und lllusionen aller fiinf Sinne) bei Gesunden und bei Kranken. Beitrag zur Lehre von den Geisteskrankheiten. Ausfulnli- che Untersuchung und Darstellung auf Grund eigner Beobaehtungen fiir Aerzte, Juristen, Theologen, Studierende, etc. 4. Autl. viii, 306 pp. 8 . W-iirzburg, A. Stuber, 1*88. Hoppe (Julius [Heinrich Joh]) [1863- ]. * Ueber den 81 reck apparat des Unterschenkels und die Behandlung der Querbriiclie der Knic- scheibe. 27 pp. 8°. Greifswald, J. Abel, 18-7. Hoppe (Michal) [1«60- ]. *Eiu Beitrag zur Castration der Frauen bei Uterustibioideu. 33 ] p. 8-. Greifsicald, J. Abel, 1881. Hoppe (Wilhelm) [1869- ]. * Ueber akute nieht eitrige Encephalitis. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, C. Vogt, [1893]. HoppeilStetlt (Christ. Casp.) "De visione per cataractuni iiupetlita. l(i pp., 2 1. 41-". Helm- stailii, lyp. G. If. Hammii, [1713]. Hoppe-S«'yler ([Ernst] F[elix ininianuel]) [1-25-95]. Ueber die Quellen der Lebenskriifte. 35 pp. -r5 Berlin, C. Habel, 1-71. ------. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Stoffwechsels bei Saueistoliinangel. 16 pp. fol. Herlin, 1891. Festschr. Iiudolf Virchow, Perl. ------. Handbuch der physiologiscb- und patho- logisch-cheniischc'ii Analyse fiir Aerzte und Studirende. 6. Aufl., nen bearbeitet von F. Hoppe-Seyler und H. Thierfelder. viii, 548 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1895. ------. The same. Traitd d'analyse cliimique appliiiue~e a la physiologie et a la pathologic; guide piati(|ue pour les recherches cliniques. Trad, de l'allemand sur la 4. ed. et annote par F. Schhigdenhauft'en. 544 pp. 8 . Paris, F. Sary, 1877. See, also, KinUciibcij,' (C. Fr. W.) [in 1. s.l. Die eigenariigeii Methoden [ctu.|. 8;. Heidelberg, IS™. For Bioiiraphy. see Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Perl., 18!):.. exlii, 386-388 (K. Virchow). Also: Perl. kliu. Wchnschr., 1895, xxxii, 928-930 (H. Thierfelder;. Also: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leip/.. n. Berl., 1895, xxi, 563 (I. Alnnk). AUo: Internat. med.-phot. Monatsehr .Leipz., 1895, ii, 369 (M. Heiz). Also: Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1896, xliii, 274, port (('ruber). Also: Pop. Sc. Month., if. Y., 1898, liii, f>42-552 (A. P. Mathews). AUo: Ztschr. f. physiol. Chein., Stiassb., 1895. xxi, pp. i-lxii, port (E. baumanu &. A. Kossel). Hoppe-Seylei* (Georg [Karl Felix]) [I860-- ]. "Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Indigo bildenden Snbstauzen im Ham nnd des kiiust- lichen Diabetes mellitus. 36 pp., 11. 8 uir. Un, G. Schade, [1-83]. -----. Feber die Ausscheidung der Aetber- schwefelsiiureniniUrinbei Krankheiten. Habili- tationsscbrift. [Kiel.] 34 pp., 11. 8-\ Strass- burg, K. J. Triibuer, 1-87. See, also. Quincke (HleinrichJ) A: Iloppc-Seyler (G.) Die Krankheiteu der Leber. 8-. Wien, 1896. Hoppe-Seyler's Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chcinie, Strassburg. Title, after v. 19, of: Zcitaclu-ift fiir physiologische Chemie, Strassburg. Hop-picker*. A'<(, ttlso, Acid{LupulinU■); Hopein; Lupulin. Bkmukxs yd.) "Physiologische Studien iiber den Hopfen. Uabilitationsschrift. 8 . Miin- chen. 1-91. Repr. from. Flora, oder allg. hot. Ztg.. 181U, Hft. 3. Bryaki.y (W."i "On tlie Lupulus communis of (iautner; or the common hop. 7»j.- Caldwei.i. (C5) Mod. theses [etc.], 8*. Philadel- phia, 180('.. ii, -.'().">--js:!. Fiieakk (A.) Observations on the Hamulus lupulus of Linnaus; -with an account of its use in gout and other diseases. With cases and communications. 8o London. [1-06]. ------. The same. 2. ed. s , London, [1-06]. Kni I Ion (H.) \ l-:iov (C.) Houblon (Hniiiulus L.). Di. t. iiicn.I il. sc. nieil. l'ar.. lt-sS. 4. s.. xiv. 4:iCi-44'.i.— Kii^elninnn (E. K.) Ucher die Wii-kung des Hopt'ens. L. i, li>-Me.l.-.\n/., Leipz., 18!H, xvi. •_'">."): "JOT: '.'7."); L'S 7: It-ir.' xvii, 1; 13; 33 - Piiyrii |AI A- t'h<-> nlliri- (A.) Meinoire snr le honblon, ^.i culture en Franco et son analyse, etc. J. de y\\-.\\ in.. I 'ar.. 18H2. viii.-.'nii-'J-j.s. AUo. Kepi int.— Vicliorlicvicli . 1:.. .V It > :ilol>r'lM-«l.i (M.) Letuclii'a k:-5,u Unii.ha. .V.'.l.iulc acids of hops). Famuts., Mosk.. 18:'S vi, rr.Wo'JT. Hops (Patent specifications for the treat- ment of). Bonlo (L.) Tioeess of treating lioi)s to obtain ox- tracts therefrom. Xo. 3;>M)27; Mm, I, 1.;. 1,-,-c. — *>< Imei- der (J.I In proved apparatus i..i ;.i...|:i. m; .\ti,i,t ,,f [hops, etc. No. .V.9i:.; June 20. 1 *. > - TImiiiii- -1. 1-5 ) Apparatus for extracting lupuline iiom h,.p~. N5.. 4i:;!i8J: Oct. 29, 1889. Hops (Toxicology of). Dnulo*. 15■/. nia artiticiel provoijue par le I1011I.I..11 Ann. de .1. in at et sypb.. Par., 1900. 4. s.. i, 392— Eclt- feldt i.r. \\5. cm the poisonous action of hops. Meil. Bull., I'liila.. WU. viv, 9. Hopson (Charles Kivingtonj [1744-96]. >■ • Ximiiirrmaiiu (Job. ('eorgp |in l.s.5 A trea- tise on the dvs.-nterv. [etc.]. f5 London, 1774. Fur Biography, see Diet. Xat. Bi.'g . Lond., 1891, xxvii. 344 (W. A. J. Archboldi. Hopst<'in (Carl Hubert Joseph) [1868- ]. '\ 5-li. 1 Zuugentubcrkulose. 36 pp., 1 I. 8:. Bonn, J. liach Wire.. IDOL llo|>>to< k (Halfdan). Kiiiiur ff 'he thirtl general index of: >oi-«k Magazin for Lag. viden-kaben. for 1-71-1900, Kristiania. 1901. Hopwood (Charles Henry). See Tnylor(P[tter A.; . lio|i»-ooillC.H.)[inl.s.|, Sp.-e.-i.. - |cto.J. 8- /.,„,,/„„. ].-■-:;. Hopwiod (Edward). See Karl of Mcftou v. Hopwood. 85. Manchester. 18.-,.-.. Hopwood (James) [175-2 M-L9]. Se, Lawrence (William). Anatomico-chirurgical views. |etc.]. fol. London, 1854. Hopwood (Kobertus) [ -176-2]. Oraiio an- niversaria in amphitheatro Colbgii Kegalis Me- dieorum Londinensium, ex Harveii instituto, hahita die xix Octobris, 1741. 19 pp. 1 . Lon- dini. J. Bettenham, 1741. Horace. 1 oiili'll (K. F.) The medicine and doctors of Horace. •Ti.Iuih Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1901. xii, 2:s:s-24U. AUo, I;.print. Horace IIa 1111 School for the Deaf, Boston. Annual reports of the comini I tee ( f i'n city coun- cil. 11., I8.7!t-8(j; lo., l^-D-hl; 21.-29., lS-'J-JHl to 1-91-2; 31., 1899-1900. -. Boston, lr-t>-1900. Iloi'iic/ek (Paul Joseph). Diegallige Dcscra- sie (ietirus) mit acuter gelber Atropine der Le- ber, xvi, 143 pp. 8 . W'iin, Eaulfuss If we., Prandel «J* Camp., 1*15. flora; homu-opathica*. By an amateur. 57 jip. 16-. London, Aylolt <)' Co., 1-.53. Horaiid [ Marius-Antoine ]. Cours de mede- cine protease' aux hospitalicn s de l'hospice de Horaiid [Marius-Antoine]—continued. rAntiquaille, 1-8 1-7. iii, 341 pp. 12°. Lyon, A. Walter er ,y Cie., 1-88. ------. Dispensuire general de Lyon. Rap- ports sur le service medical pendant des amides 1-8-; ls-lt. 36 pp.; 3-2 pp. 8 . Lyon, Mougin- Rusaud, 1,8-9-90. See, aU". 4-11 It in 11 iL[oiiis|). Histoire de la grippe. 8 . Lyon, \\s:;~. ,-,l suh>, [1856- ]. * Contribution a lVtude de la choree lhythmde. 90 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Pa- ris, 18-.-, >5). *;9!i. von dor lloi'4'k (Alexander H[uniboldt] von H[<>rii]) [1-54- J. Meine Pcise nach clem I'olaiineei- und iiber die Bewohuer der Nord- kiiste. 15 jip , 1 pl., 1 tab. 8°. Berlin, Gebr. L'ngcr, [l-76|. liepr. front : Verhandl. d. Herl. (icwllsch. f. Anthrop., 1*7«. ------. Meiue E\]iedition nach dem Polarnner und die Kiicknise von Vadsi) durch Lappland und Filmland. 15 pp. 8 . Berlin, A5r.s7.es ,y Hohmann, 1876. ------. Leber die Implantation von organiscbeu Frenidkoipern in die vordere Augenkaniiiier. 52 pp. ,-'-. Herlin, G. Schade, [1877J. Hold ( William Taliaferro) [1832-1901]. Obiliinrv. Hrit. M. J., Lond., liltll, i, 1179. Iloi'das y ValhiK'iia (H[enito]). M.'-todo curativo ort. H ore III* (Ananias). Artzney-Teuflfel, oder kurtzer Discurs, darin diesem Ertz-Morder seine Larve abgezogen, und wie tiickiscb, bosshafft, uud arglist ig er durch seine Dienstbotten bin und wieder in der "Welt so viel Meuchel-Mords uud Elend anrichte, kliirlicb entdeekt, und niannig- lich zur treuherzigeu Warming vor die Augen gesiellct wild. 64 pp. 16°. [n. p. ]. 1721. Hoi'Ctzky (Franciscus). * De creosote. 16 pp., 1 1. 8C. Pesthini, J. Beimel, [1834]. Hori (J.). , ,, See von Xicmwii'ii (Kni!o[Wilhelm]» [in 1. a.]. Cho- lera bioron. 12". Tokio, 1889. Iloringius (Michael). See Dorn ((ierhard). Theophrastische Practica [etc.]. 10°. [Halle], 1018. Horiuclli (Keukicbi). * Ueber Fractur unci Luxation des Elleubogengeleuks. 15 pp. 8C. Freiburg i. Br., C. A. ffagner, 1894. Horlaclier (Conrad). Tbeatrnm arcanorum divina* sapiential, oder giiadenreicher Scbau- platz der gottlicheu Weissheit und uncrsclTopff- lichen Barinhertzigkeit, welche erbellet in und auss deuen vielfacben Wiiuder-Gebeininiissen der wabren Medicin, als neiulich der ungeinei- nen unci iu die>en letzteu Zeiten (lurch den Gcittlicheu Gnadeu-Geist kundt gemaeht oder gelehrteu Erbrter- und Erotihung der siehern, ohnscbincrtzlichen, und nieht kostbaren YVas- sersucbts, Podagrischi r Krauckbeit ob Zipper- leins, der Fieber, Pest, Ruhr und Hals Briiune, wie auch der Kriitzc, uud Luis venere oder so genanntcn Frantzosen-Cnr und Heilungs-Art. In viercrley Classes unci Gattung abgetheilet, auch Chrisiniitleidigsfc vorgezeigct. und PHick niassigvoigestellet. 6p. 1., 520pp. 12 . Franck- furt am Mayn, J. D. Zwnner, 1699. See, also, Alelopliiln* (Janus Modestinus). Unvor- greiffliches liedencken [etc.]. 16°. Franckfurt, 1696. Horlbeck (H[enry]Buckingham]) [1839- ] Maritime sanitation at ports of arrival. 18 pp. 8 pl. 8 5 Concord, X. H., 1891. Uepr.from: Am. Pub. Health Ass. Eep. 1890, Con- cord, 1891, xvi. Horilianii (Adolf Christian Georg) [1866- ]. * Ueber Iretliiotoinia externa. 31 pp. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1888]. Horinayer (Francisco de Paula). *De febri- bus interniittentilius. 46 pp., 31. 16°. Vienna), lit. Eirchbergerianis, 1774. Hor monaster. Piizoriio (M.) Sull' apparato circolatoi-io dell' Hor- niogaster Kedii, Kosa. Mouitore zool. ital., Firenze, 1899, x, suppl., pp. xlvii-lxiii, 1 pl. Hormiitli (Pbilipp). * Beitrage zur Lehre von den hereditiiren .Schuerveiileidcn. [Heidelberg.] 165 pp., 1 pl. 8-. Hamburg 9j- Leipzig, L. loss, 1900. Horn. See, also, Hoof; Onygena equina. Grosse (U.) * Ueber Keratohyalin nnd Elei- din uud ihre Beziehuug zmu Verhornuiigspro- zesse. 8°. Konigsberg, 1892. Apolant (H.) Ueber deu Verhornuugspiocess. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1900-1901, lvii, 766-798, 2 pl. AUo [Ab- str.] : Arcb.f. Physiol., Leipz., 1901,183.—It elm. Studien iiber die Verhornung der menschlichen Oberhaut. Arch. f'.mikr. A nat., Bonn, 1892, xxxix, 581-595,1 pl. — Klaschko (A.) Ueber den Verhornungspioeess. Verhandl. d. deutsch. dermat. Gesellsch., Wieu, 1889, i, 232-235.—Ernst (P.) Studi, n iiber normale Verbornung mit Hiilfe der Gram'schen Methode. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn. 1896, xlvii, 669-706, 2 pl.— Hcilin (S. G.i Ueber ein i.euea Spaltungsproduet des Hornsiibstau/.es Ztschr. f. physiol. niein .Strassb., 1894, xx, 186-192.-.MacLeod (J. M. H.) Horn. Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Baues der norinalen Hornzellen mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Ernstschen Keratin- grmiula. [Tiansl. from English.] Monatsh. f. prakt. Her mat., Hamb., 1899, xxviii, 1-18, 1 pl.-lTloriH-r (K. A. II.) C.vstin. ein Spaltun»sprodukt der Iloinsubstanz. ZNehr. f.'physiol. Chem., Strassb.. 1S!>9. xxviii, 595-615. — .TIol«-- schott (J.) Zur Uiiteisuchungihr veihoruten Theiledea menschlichen Korpers. Untersuch. z. Naturl.d. Menscli. u. d. Thiere, Frankf. a. M.. 1858, iv, 97-123. -----. Ueber den Wassergebalt einiger Hornuowobe des menschlichen K6rj)eiS. Ibid.. Giessen, 1881 xii, 175-186. -----. Leber das Wachsthinn der Horngebilde des nienschlicheii Kor- pers und die dainit veibuu.leue Stickstoffausgabe. Ibid., 187-238.—©Ishauscii. Homsubstanz iu vor- mid friih- geschichtlichen Fundeu. Verhandl. d. Berl. Gesellsch. f. Auihrop., 1892, 448-454. —Rabl (H ) Ueber Verhornung. Verhandl. d. anat. Gesellsch., Jena, 1896, x, 32-37.— RaiiMt'h (H.) Tinktorielle Verscliiediuheiteu nnd Relief der Hornzellen. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1S97, xxiv, 65-73, 1 pl. —Reiiiktr (F.) Unteisuehungeii uber die Horngebilde der Saugetliierhaut. Aicli. f. nukr. Anat., Bonn, 1887, xxx, 181-204, 1 pl.-Saxer (F.) Leber das Verhalten tod ter Horuhaute im Thierkbrper. Cen- tralbl. f. allg. 1'atb. u. path. Anat., Jena, 1897, viii, 753- 777. — Unna (P. G.) Die Faibuug der Microorgauisnien im Horngewebe. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1891. xiii, 225; 286. AUo, Kepi int. AUo, transl : Select.monog. ou dermat., Lond., 1893, 140-144. -----. Leber das Wesen der norinalen und pathologischeu Verhornung. Wien. med. Presse, 1896. xxxvii. 1105-1107. AUo: Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1897, xxiv, 1-21, 2 pl. AUo, lie- print. — Walileycr (W.) Untersuchungen iiber die His- togenese der Horngebilde, insbesondere der Haareund Fe- dein. Beitr. z. Anat. u. Ecnbiyol. als Festg. Jacob Henle . . ., Bonn, 1882,141-163, 1 pl.— Zaiuli-r (U.) Uutersu- chungen iiber deu Verhornuugspiocess. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch., Leipz., 1886, 273, 1 pl.: 18S8. 51, 1 pl. Horn (Workers in). Dombkovski (F. A.) "Rogovoye i perlaniu- trovoye proizvodstva s higienicheskoi tochki zrieuiya. [ Horn aud mother-of-pearl manu- factures from a hygienic point of view.] 8*-. Varshava, 1899. Horn [Anton Ludwig Ernst] [1774-1848]. Syphi- litisihe Krankheiten. MS. notes hv Moritz Leo-Wolf. Ill pp. 4. Berlin, 1821-l>. -----. Geistes-Krankheiten. MS. notes bv Moritz Leo-Wolf. 1-27 pp. 4C. Berlin, 1825. Horn (Bernardus Lndovicus Carolus Georgius) L 183*2— ]. *De tracheo-et laryngotoiuia iuter chloroforniylo-narcosin iustitueucla. 31pp. 8-'. Berolini, F. G. Nietack, [1856]. Horn (Carl). *Experimentelle Beitriige zur physikiilisch.cn Diagnostik der Respirations- organe. 33pp., 11. 8-. Hovpat, C. Mattiesen,l88l. Horn (Caspar). Kurtzer unci uothwendigcr Be- richt von der frembdeu, vorhiu bey uns unbe- kaudten, jetzt aber allhier eingreifteuden Krank- heit, dem Schorbock. Miinniglich zur Nachrieht gestellet. 68+ ]>p. 16°. [Xiirnberg, 1633.] Bound with: Rotini'.eck (Joh.) Bericht vom Schorbock [etc.J. 16°. [Xiimberg, 1633.] Horn (Caspar) [1583-1653]. See fieber ( Abou Moussah Djafar al Sali). Gebri Arabis chimin, sive traditio [etc.]. 24°. Lugd. Bat, 1668. Horn (Christian). *Eine Sublimat-Intoxication uaeh einer Danimrissnaht. [Erlangen.] 34 pp. 8-. Niiruberg, J. Grohrock, 1891. Horn (Ernst) [1774-1848]. *De niutatione atque transitu catarrhi iu phthisiu pulinoualem ejusque prohibitione. 3 p. 1., 48 pp. 12°. Got- tingcv, in off. Barmeia'iana, 1797. -----. Beitriige zur niediziuischen Klinik, ge- saminelt auf meinen Reiseu durch Deutsehiaud, die Schweiz und Frankreich. 2 pts. in 2 v. lvi, 558 pp.; xl, 536 pp. 16*. Braunschweig, K. lieichard, 1800. -----. Thesame. Saggio di osservazioni cliniche raccolte ne' niici viaggi di Germania, Svizzera e Francia. Trad, dal tedesco. 3 v. in 2. *-. Firenze, G. Piatti, 1803. -----. Versuch eiuer praktisehen Nosologic der Fieber. 58 pp., 1 1. 1'2C. Braunschweig, E. \ Beichard, 1800. HORN. 287 HOKNCASTLE. Horn (Ernst)—continued. ------. Grundriss der niediziuisch-ehirurgischen Arzneiinittellehre. Zum (iebrauche bei Vorle- sungen. 316 pp. 1*2° [interleaved, 4*]. Berlin, W. Oehmigke. 1**04. ------. Handbuch der niediziuischeu Chirurgie. 2 pts. xvi, 431 pp.; viii, 440 pp. 8J. Berlin, ff. Oehmigke, 1-U4-6. ------. Versuch iiber die Natur und Heilung der Ruhr, iv (41.), 209 pp. T2°. Erfurt. Henning, 1*H<6. ------. Leber den Werth der niediziuischeu l'.r- fahrung und iiber die Mittel, sie zu ei'langen. 54 pp. -*-. Berlin, F. Brannes. 1-07. ------. Aufangsgriinde der niedizinischen Klinik. 4 pts. in'-' v. viii, iii, -Mo pp.; *J7-J pp.: iv, iv, 201 pp.; 212 pp. *". Erfurt, Henning, 1-H7-8. ------. Erfahrungen iiber die Heilung des au- stcckeudeu Nerveu- und Lazarethiielieis unci iiber die Mittel, seine Entstehung und Verbrei- tung von den Lazarethen aus zu verhiiten unci sich vor Austeckung zu sic-ln-m. viii, 110 pp. 16*. Berlin, J. F. Luger. 1-14. ----- A He like (Adolph). Klinisekes Ta- schenbucli fiir Aerzte unci Wuudarzte. x, 364 pp. LJ-". Berlin, F. Braunes, 1**07. Horn (F.) ~ Leber einen Fall von kryptogeue- tisehei Septiciimie. 1** pp. --. Giittingtii, if. F. Kiistner, 1-95. Horn (Friedrich). *Feber das Vorkoumien von Proteus vulgaris bei jauchigeii Eiterungen. "i"J pp., 11. **:. Erlangen. F. Junge, 1807. Horn (Georg) [16;!'5-70]. Area Musis, sive his- toria niiindi. Ojne oiniplectitur priinordia reruiu naturaliuui omniunique urtium ;ic scientiiirum. 15 p. 1., -.'■jo pp., 10 1. *J4 . Lugd. Bat. d- Botero- dami, ex off. Jim liana, 166-. ------. The same. i'routisp.. 16 p. 1., *2*20 pp., LJ 1. 21-'. Lipsia;, inq). fiat. J. 9- F. Liiderwald. 1675. See, aUo. Oebcr i Abou Moussah Djat'ar al Sali). Gebri Arabis chimia. sive traditio tete.]. 'li-. Lugd. Bat., 16158. Horn vf'cotg). *Zur Toxicologic des Aethylen- broiiinis. 21 pp. 8C. Wiirzburg, Becker. 1-96. Horn i Georg [Hermann Friedrich]) [1-66- ]. 'Beitrag zur Histngenese der aus aberrierten Nel)i nnieieu-Keimeu entstandenen Nierenge- sehwiilste. 57 pp. --. Greif'sinild. J. Abel, 1-51. Horn (George). An entire new treatise on leeches, wherein the nature, properties, and use of that most singular and valuable reptile is most clearlv set forth, v, 7-29 pp. 8-. London, H. 1). Symonds, 179-. [P.. v. 292a.] Horn .f.eorge Henry) [1-40-97]. Sue I.oconle (John Lawrence) A: Horn (George H.) [in], a.,. The Kliyiichopbora ot North America. 8'--. Philadelphia. lfeTCi.-----------. Uassitication of the Coleoptera of North America. sJ. Washington. 18s3. For Biography, see I'roc. Acad. Xat. Se.. Phila., 1897-8, 515-535. Horn (H. K. Waltlur) [1*71- ]. "Laparoto- mie bei Vei wachsung des Xetzes. 4** pp., 2 1. 8°. Herlin, C. Vogt, 1-93. Horn i Ibi uiann;. Das Leben des Blutes und die (,'esetze des Kreislanfs, nach neuen Unter- suchungen. 2. AutL iv, 171 pp., 2 pl. - . Angxburg, Jenisch Jj- Stage, 1*44. ------. Leber die Urs.-u-lie uud Entsteliuug der individuellen Dispo-iion zur Cholera, mit cincin auf inagnetiselic und elektrischc Veihiiltnis.se gestiitzten Nachweis deiselben. 5'4 pp. *,-. Miinchen. G. A. Fleisehmann, [1855]. Horn (Tsicloij [ lsfoD- ]. * Leber retroperito- neale Myxolipoine. 2* pp., 1 1. - '. Breslau, T. Schatzky, 1*94. C. voii Horn (Job.) Si-e van Hoorn. Horn (Joh. Pliilipp) [1774-H45]. Bemerkungen uud Erfahrungen iiber einige Gegeustande der Horn (Joh. Philipp)—continued. praktisehen (icburtshiilfe, ills wesentlicher Ali- biing zu seinem tlieoictiscli-praktischen Lehr- bnehe der (icburtshiilfe fiir angehende Geburt s- hclfer. vi, 76 i>p., 1 1., 2 pl. " 8-. If ten, J. B. Wallishausser, 1820. ------. Lehrbuch der Geburtshilfe, zum Uuter- richt fiir Hebannnen. 5. Autl. xviii, 3v>5 jd, 8°. Wien, J. B. Ifallishausser, 1*16. ------. The same. 6. Aufl., neu umgearbeitet vou Franz Baitseh. 5-0 pp. *-\ Wien, lfallis- haussir, 1*59. Horn i Ludwig) A Srlilliuiis (Hans). Leber den Ausgaug der cyanotisehcn induration der Niere in Cranulaiatrophie. Ilcrrn Obermedi- zinalrat Professor Dr. Bollinger zur Feier seines liinfzigsten (.eluirtstage.s gewidmet. 1. Teil. Leber das Yorkoniinen von Niereusi-lirauipfiing bei Zustiindeii ullgenieiuei venoser Sunning, von Ludwig Horn. 2. Teil. Weitere histologische Mil tcilungeii iiber <'ranularatrophie als Au.sgiiug cyanotischer Induration, vou ILuis Sclnnaus. 9 p. 1., 102 pp., 3 1., 5 pl. ,---. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1895. Horil (Max) [1*61- ], * Beitrag zur Xach- bchandlung der Urethrotomia externa. 35 pp. Greifmould, J. Abel, 1—6. Horn (Mux). * Myoma cetvieis uteri gangneno- sum. 57 pp.. 1 pl. 8-. Jena, B. Engau, 18--. Horn (Oskar) [1-44- J. - Leber die Exstir- paiion einer Geschwulste aus der Aeliselhohle, mit Diirchschueiduug siiuimtlielier Nerveu unci Gellisse. -29 pp., 1 1. ,*-. Breslau, H. Lindner, [1-6-]. Horn (Philipp Samuel). Abhandlung von der TruneUenlieit. 3 p. L, 86 pp. T,>c. Stralsuud, Greif'xwald o' Leipzig, J. J. Weitbrecht, 1747. VOll 'Horn (Wilhelm) [1*03-71]. Ueber Gc- schuiacUssinu des Menschen, ein Beitrag zur Physiologic desselbcn. vii, L»4 pp. 1*2°. Hei- delberg, K. Gross, 1825. [P., v. 1543.] ------. * italite liiorocoiiiioruiii descriptio. [Pro venia legendi.] 23 pp. 4 . Berolini, typ. frat. Unger. [1*30]. ------. Zur Charakterisirung der Stadt Erfurt. x, 444 pp., 1 pl., 11. *-. Erfurt, 1-43. ------. Das preussische Mecliciuahvesen. Aus anitliebeu Quellen dargestellt. Supplement zur 1. Aufl. viii, -J*'2 pp. 8 . Berlin, A. Hirsch- wald, 1-63. ------. Die Stellung der prenssischen Medieinal- Vei'f.issung zum Hcilpersonale. 25 pp. -'. Berlin, J. Sittenfeld, 1*67. Uepr.from: Vrtljschr. f. gcriehtl. Med., Berl., 1867, n. 1-5. vi. vail der Horn van den Itos (Wilhelinus Eveiardiis Henricus). Versing omtreut de vrouwen-kliuiek geclurende den acadeniischen cursus 1-00-61. 1 p. 1., 91 pp. 8-. Leiden, C. G. Mcnzel. 1-61. Honililower (William B[utler]) [1851- ]. Duties and responsibilities of medical experts. In: Svsi. Legal M. (Hamilton \ Godkin), N. Y., 1894, ii, 13-ls. Hornborg ( Bogislaus ). *Transinutatio fru- nientoruin. 4 5 Fpsalier, 1757. In: Ski.ectve ex . . . Caroli Linnsei diss, ad nat. hist. ])ortinentes. 4 -■. Qrcec'ue, 1769, iii, 'I'l-'Si. Hornby iJohu). On alcoholic liquors predis- liosing tin- system to the generation of syphilis and gonorrliu'a. 10 pp. 8°. Albany, 1870. I Horn-cancer. .Sec Horns ( Cutaneous). lloi'lK'M^f l«' Public Dispensary. Annual reports of the committee to tlie subscribers. 95.-97., 1*85-1 to 1**5-6; 103.-110.. 1891--2 to 1899. 8°. Homeastle, 1**1-1900. The 106. report for 17 mouths, ending Dec. 31, 1895. HOKNK. 288 HOKNEK, de Home (D. R.). See [Brllet (Isaa< ■)]. Exposition des effets dun nou- veau remeile [etc.). 16°. ParU. 1770.—Effets de la tisane carai'be, [etc.]. 12°. Pari'*, 1779. -----, de L.a Servolle A Gonlin. £tat cle la medecine, chirurgie ct pharmacies en Europe, ct principalenient en France, pour l'annee 1777. xxxi, 634 pp., 2 1. L2G. Paris, Tre. Thiboust, 1777. Another copy, with which is bound: Chaw de MONGER- het. Observations curieuses . . . sur la goutte. 12°. Bourg-en-Bresse. [1761-3]. AUo: LEROY ue La Faudi- gxeke. Maniere de prevenir et guerir les maladies des gencives, [etc.]. 12°. Nantes, 1778. van Home (Job.) [16*21-70]. Kortbericht over de waarschouwinge. Aan alle liefhebbers, etc. Als mede antwoord op cle aannierkingen van Paulus Barln tte op d' anatomische schriften van Lodewijk de Bils. 4*2 pp., 1 pl. sm. 4°. Bot- terdarn, J. Nor anus, 1660. [P., v. 1626.] ------. MiK.poK.6og.oc sen brevis manuductio ad his- toriain corporis humani. In gratiam discipulo- riun seciinduin edita. 2 p. L, 142 pp., 8 1. 32°. Lugd. Bat., J. Chovet, 1662. -----—. The same. In gratiam discipulorum quart um edita. Accessit huic editioni epistola ad Guerneruni Roltineiuin perscripta, observa- tioinim in sexus utriusque partilms genitalibus specimen exhibens et index priore loctipletior et auctior. 4 p. 1., 156 pp., 1 pl. 16^. Lugd. Bat., 1675. Bound with: Wedel (G. "W.) Theoremata medica, [etc.J. 16°. Jence, 1677. ------. Kort-begrijp der outleed- eu heel-konst. Vertaald door Quiryn van Vissendiep. 6 p. L, 253 pp., 1 tab. 12J. " Leyden, P. van der Meersche, 1669. See aUo, «l«* Itiln (Louis). Eesponsio ad admonitiones [etc.]. 4°. Roterodami, 1661. Home (John Fletcher). The mirage of two buried cities, xii, 354 pp., 9 pl. roy. 8°. Lon- don, Hazell, Watson [et al.], 1900. Home (Robert Main) [1869-8<>]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, i, 946. AUo: Edinb. M. J., 1895-6, xii, 1077-1079. AUo: Lancet, Lond., 1896, i, 1035. Home [Thomas]. Report to the local govern- ment board, on diphtheria at, Derry Hill, in the Calne and Chippenham rural sanitary districts. July 10, 1893. 5 pp. fol. London, Eyre $ Spo'ttiswoode, 1893. ------. Report to the local government board, on the sanitary condition of the Usk urban sanitary district, and on prevalence of diphtheria there. October 2, 1*93. 7 pp. fol. London, Eyre <)'■ Spottiswoode, 1893. ------. Report to the local government board, on scarlatina prevalence in the Hueknall Tork- ard urban sanitary district; aud ou administra- tion by the sanitary authority. September 13, 1-94. 64 pp. fol. [London, Eyre i)'- Spottis- woode, 1894.] Horned men. Jlncalixier i A.) Further evidence as to tbe existence of horned men in Africa. I'roc. Koy. Irish Acad. (Science), Dubl., 1877-83, 2. s.. iii, 771-773, 1 pl. Horneffer (Curt) [1*00- ]. * Ein Fall von rohrenformiger Abstossnng der Oesophagus- schleiinhaut nach Schwefelsaurevergiftuug. 30 pp. 8°. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1895. Horiieinaiiii (Clans Jacob Emil) [1-10-90]. * De fungo articiilari. 1 p. 1., 116 pp. 12°. Havnin, Schieller, 1836. ------. Hygieinische Ahhandlungen. Beitrage zur praktisehen Gesundheitspflege. Autorisirte dentsche Ueber.set/.ung von Eugen Liebich. 451 pp., 1 diag. 8°. Braunschweig, F. Fieiveg fy Sohn, 1**1. If oriieiiisinn (Clans Jacob Emil)—continued. ------. Vom Zustande des Menschen kurz vor dem Tode. 8. Aufl. 3-pp. 12°. Gotha, G. Schloess- maun, 1898. For Biography, see Biblioth. f. Lieger, Kjebenb.., 1890, 7. R , i. 401-408. lloi'iieiliailii ([Theodor Bernard Gustav] Max) [1*6*- ]. * Znr Kenntnis der Blukfeld- bestinnnung. Beitriige zur Methodik der Blick- feldbestimniung, sowie perimetrische Messun- gen von niouoculiiren Augenbewegungen im horizontalen und verticalen Meridiane. 50 pp., 1 I., 2 pl. 8 5 Halle a. S., C. A. Kaemmerer .j1- Co., 1891. Horner (Fewster Robert). Homoeopathy. Rea- sons for adopting the rational system of medi- cine; being a letter to the governors of the Hull General Infirmary. 3. ed. 78 pp. 8°. London, Groombridge $• Co., 1858. -----. The same. Waruin ich der Homoopathie den Vorzug gegebeu. Otl'enes Sendschreiben au die Direetoreu des Hnll'schen General-Hospitals. Aus dem Englischen iibersetzt mit Genehmigung des Verfassers von K. St. Clair Massiah. 43 pp. 8°. Sondershausen, F. A. Eupel, 1860. [P., v. 2162.] Horner (Friedrich). * Ueber die Endresultate von 172 operierten Fallen maligner Tumoren der weiblichen Mamma. Eine statistische Zusam- menstellung aus der chirurgischen Klinik und derPriviitpraxisdesProfessor Kronlein inZiirich. [Ziirich.] 85 pp. 8°. Tiibingen, H. Lanpp, 1894. c. Horner {Joh. Friedrich) [1831-80]. JBsenzigcr (T.) jr. EinNachriif. Cor.-Bl. f. sebweiz. Aerzte, Basel. Ie87. xvii, 193-210. -----. [Nekrolog.] Ver- handl. d. sebweiz. nauirf. Gesellsch., Lrauenfeld, 1887, Ixx, 126-143.—Dufour (M.) [Xecrologie.] Ann. d'ocul., Brux., 1887, xcvii, 125-136, port. -----. >Jekrolog. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenb., Stuttg., 1887, xxv, 95-103. —L,an- dolt (E.) Notice biographique. Arch, d'opht., Par., 1887, vii, 31-64. Horner (Jonah). Instruction to the invalid on the nature of the water cure, in connection with the anatomy aud physiology of the organs of I digestion and nutrition, xxiv, 236 pp., 9 pl. I *-. London, Simpkin, Marshall 5- Co., 1*55. Horner (Josef). Die praktische Geburtshilfe fiir Aerzte unci Studirende. vii, 243 pp. 8°. Leipzig if Wien, Toeplitz <.|- Deuticke, 1887. ------. Die erste Hilfeleistung bei Ungliieks- fiillen und plotzlichen Eikrankungen. nebst Vorsiehtsniassregeln zur nu'igliclisteu Hintan- haltnng soldier Zufiille fiir Feiierwehren und Feuerwehrarzte zum Gebrauche beim Unter- richte. 2 p. 1., 116, viii pp. 12°. Leipzig ;, contournec, enlevee sur la cuisse d'une fem- me qui en avait 7 ou 8 semblables.] Bull. Soc. anat. de l'ar. 1852, xxvii, 110. — Camp* (F.) Una produecidn eornilorme. Kev. de cien. med.. Barcel., 1888, xiv. 198 202. — fniiti'4'll (J. A.) Several rases ol cutaneous horns. Coll. .V Clin, hoc, Phila., 1897, xviii, 113-115. -Cnru. «loi-i ill 1 (Isservazionc fisiologica sopra due coma nuiaiie. Gior. per si-rv. a. storia rag. d. med., Venezia, 1799. xii, 137- 140. —i'arl Theodor, llerzog in Bayern. Em Fali von Cornu cutaneum pali>ebnc sii])erions dextrie. Festschr. z. Feier . . . H. von Helinholtz, Hamb. u. Leipz. 1891,42-44. AU,,: Klin. MonatsbI. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1892 xxx, 310- 317.- 4' la si inni'. Net ice sur les excroissanees corneesde I'll..niiiie. J. d. conn, nidi prat., Par., 1S33-4, i,269-:71.- 1'hicoli (N.) Produzioni cornee anomali sulla su)iertieie cuiauea. Innrassia, Palermo, l>-85, i, 05-70. — C'liiMoliti (J..1.1 II..t n v tumor growing from tin* eyelid. Viigima M. Month., Biclnnond. 1877-8. iv, 201-203. — t h n <.tnu 111 reel . . .'] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1899, xx, 1253-1250.— OhlnltMvicx ( F.) O rogu skdrnym (cornu . utaneum) ilosi r/.c/onvm i operowanvm. |... operated on I Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1886, xxv,479. AUo, transl.. Villis.hr. f. II, im.ii Wien, 1886. xiii, 025-630. — Olimami- IIiiiihn- nil 1 \. II.) Cornu ciitaiieinn and cornu uunuale. Tii- State M. J., St. Louis, 1896, iii, 519-527. AUo, Keprint. Also | A bstr. |: (^uart. Atlas Dermat., St. Louis, 1895-0, iii, 57-60. — IN'i'aii-c i.M.) Conies des mains et de l'avant- bras; ablation; guerison Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1896, lxxi, 404-408. ------. Deux tumours eorne.es de la main et HOKXS. 290 HOKSCH. Hoi'll^ (Cutaneous). de 1 avant-luas. Ibid., 486-488.— Pluyello. Corne du cuir cbevelu. Marseille med., 18S0, xxiii. 739-741. — Poel- iiiiiii (C.) Note sur une tiiuieur cornee developpee sur la tete d'une femme de vingt-huit aus. Bull. Soc. de nied. de Gand. 1800. xxvii. 22-24, 1 pl. Also, Reprint— Kuswcli i A. \Y. i Specimen of a cutaneous horn removed from the cheek of au old woman. Glasgow M. J., 1894, xiii, 138- 140. AUo: Tr. Glasg. Path. & Clin. Soc, 1893-5, v, 101- 103 — Nangalli (G.) Smgolari produzioni cornee del corpo iimaiio. Mem. r. Ist. Lomb. di sc. e lett. CI. di sc. matemat. e nat.. Milano. 1884, 3. s., vi, 155-165, lpl. -----. Grossissimo corno del capo cli vecchia, staceatosi da se. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1893, Iii, 443. -----. Lnngo corno cresciuto sulla cute della glabella d' una donna; ap- pendice ad altri fatti di straordinarie corna annunciati in questo istituto. Mem. r. Ist. Lomb. d.sc. e lett. CI. disc. matemat. e nat.. Milano, 1894, 3. s., viii. 142. Also: Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1894, liii, 501. — School (J.) Vor- liiufige Richtigstellung der gegen menie Arbeit iiber Coi-nua cutanea gerichteten Augrift'e Mitvalsky s. Arch. f. Hernial, u. Syph., "Wieu u. Leipz.. 1894, xxix 49-56.— Wcliopf (F.) Cornu cutaneum et atheroma capitis; Ex- siirpatio; Heilung. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. 1898, Wien n. Leipz., 1900, vii, pt. 2, 333.—Shaw (H.) Case of cutaneous horn of eyelid. Boston M. & S. J., 1869, lxxx, 17, I pi. — WpiclNcliita (T.) Beitrag zur Histologie des Cornu cutaneuin. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Svph-, "Wien u. Leipz., 1898, xiii, 29-58, 2 pl.—Sue ha rd (E.) Exanien ile deux papillomes comes de la peau. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1888, lxiii, 752-754. — Minion (J. B.) Cutaneous horns of pathological origin. Illust. M. News, Lond., 1889. ii, 123-125.—Takczaki (K.) Leber das Hauthorn. [Japanese text.J Ztschr. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1890, x, 321-327, 2 pl.—Tci'won (A.) Un cas de corne palpebrale. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1895, vi, 54. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1895. 3. s., vi, 131—Thibierge (G.) Corne epitheliomateuse ties volumineuse de la region iron tale chez une femme iigee atteinte d'epitheliomatose disseminee du visage. Ibid.. 1898, 3. s., ix, 584.—l'idal. Production cornee du cuir cbevelu, envo.yee par le Dr. Dubraudv. Bull. Acad. de med. Par., 18sii. 2. s., xv, 088-091. Also': Bull, ei mem. Soc. need. d. hop. de Par.. 18SD 3. s., iii. 322-324.- Villai- (F.) Corne trifoli6e siegeant au niveau cle la queue du sonrcil droit. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par , 1888, lxiii, 431.— Walsham (W. J.) Horny growth from the lower eye- lid of an old woman. Tr Path. Soc. Lond., 1879-80, xxxi, 306. — Y«>v«'i8ki ( F. O.) Cornu cutaneum palpebrae. Vestnik oftalniol., Kiev, 1900, xvii, 417. Hornsey. See Sewage {Disposition of), by localities. HoniM'j Local Board, Highgate. Catalogue of the sunitary appearances at the museum of the Hornsey Local Board, Highgate. 166 pp., 1 plan. ****->. London, E. Fisher J)'Co., [1895]. -----. First supplement to the catalogue of the Museum of Sanitary Appliances of the Hornsey Local Board, Highgate. July, 1894. 36 pp. 8°\ London, E. Fisher 4; Co., [1891]. de Honistciii (Edouard). La cremation de- vant l'histoire, la science et le christiauisme. 4-16 pp. S'-\ Paris, E. Dentu, 1880. HorilSteill (Jacoh). Sterbensflucht, das ist, christ liclier und cutholischer Bericht von Ster- benslucuff der Pest, sampt augeheugter Frag und Antwort, ob man derselbigen Zeit fliecheu soil oder nit; autfs kiirzest und einfaltigest zusam- meu getragen und geprediget. 3 p. 1., 0* pp., 2 1. 16°. Ingolstatt, W. Eder, 1593. HorilSteill (Sophie). ^Ein Fall von halbseiti- gem liieseuwuchs. [Bern.] 26 pp., 1 pl. 8C. Berlin, 1899. Ilorilllllg (Anton Michael). *De fungo me- dullari oculi. 39 pp. 1'2C. Vindobonw, [18291. [P., v. 2211.] -----. Ja'hresbericht iiber die medizinisehe Ab- theilung unci Klinik des St. Johannes Spitales in Salzburg im Jahre 1837. 225 pp. 8J. Salz- burg, Oberer, 1840. Horn mi* (Joannes). Cista medica, qua in epistnlaj clurissimoruin Germanise niedicoruin, familiares, et iu re medica, tarn quoad hermetica ct cbymica, quam etiam Galeuica principia, lectu jucuncbe et utiles, cum din reconditis ex- perimeutis asservautur. Potissimum ex post- huma clarissimi quondam . . . Dn. Sigisniuudi lloniuiiif (Joannes)—continued. Selinitzcri . . . bihliotheca, publico medicornm bono communicata, et tideliter, non noeessariis omissis, ad pnelum elaboratie, etc. 11 p. 1., 516 pp. sm. 4-. Norimbergee, sumpt. S. Halbmayri, [1625]. Hornuilg(Joannes). *De efficaciaerrhinorum. vi, 7-28 pp., I 1. 8-5 Tindobono3, typ. lutredum a Ghelen, [1857], Horilimg (Oscar). * Ueber Perichondritis la rvngea. [ Wurtzburg. ] 30 pp., 1 pl. ,«'°. Steckborn, L. Keller-Steffen, 1**99. Hornycli (Jaroslav). Tuberkulosa hrtanovd, jeji diagnosa a leceni. [Tuberculosis of throat; its diagnosis and treatnient. ] pp. 22:1-242. h , v Praze, [1899]. Forms no. 30 of: Sbirka pfednasek a rozpr. z oboru lekafsk., v Praze, |1899|. Horowitz (Leopold) [1875- ]. * Ueber die Behandlung der Diphtherie mit dem Behring'- seheu Heilserum in der medizinisehen Klinik zu Bonn. [Bonn.] 52 pp. 8-. Crefeld, H. Mah- ler, 1895. Horowitz (Moritz). "Ueber eine neue Bil- (lungsweise der Xylylsauren und der Dimethyl- acetophenone. 23 pp. ** . Bern, stumpfti, ln90. llorr (1». G. M.) The medical assistant, a large and valuable family work, containing in plain and simple language the nature and treatmentof diseases ... It also contains a materia medica, a dispensatory, nurse's guide and diet for sick. A glossary is attached to explain the medical terms used in the book, iv, 889 pp., 3 pl. 8-5 Xash- ville. J. G. Shcpard, 1818. Horrebow (Clnistianus) [1718-76]. [Pr. de athletanini in public-is gra?coruni ac romanorum ludis, eertaminibus; item de athletnruin dneta.] [Cum vitacandidati Joan. ClemensTode.] 15 1. 8-5 [Hafnia; 1769.] Horri^an (L. B.) & Thompson (Seymour D.) Select American cases ou the law of self- defence, xiv, 991 pp. ** . San Francisco. Ban- croft-Whitney Co., 1880. Forms v. 1 of: Defences to crime. 85 San Francisco, 1886-7. Horrix (Paul). Open brief aan den Herr J. Menno Huizinga, arts, inspectenr van het ge- neeskundig staatstoezicht te 's-Giavenhagc naar aanleiding zijiier op 16 Maart 1899 in dc Vereeui- ging Toynbee gehoudeu rede over: Een en ander over spiriiisme. 15 pp. 8-5 's-Gravenhage, H. de Voogd ran der Straaten, [1899]. Horrocks (William Heaton). An introduction to the bacteriological examination of water, x, 300 pp., 51., 5 pl. 8-5 London, J. 4'A.Churchill, 1901. See. also, IVotter (James Lane) & Horrocks (W. H.) The theory and practice of hygiene [etc | 85 London, 1900. ---:-----. Thesame. 8°. Philadelphia. 1900. Horror. See Pear. Horror (The) of the century. Burning of a Montreal insane asylum; over one hundred lives lost. [St. Jean de Dieu, Longue Pointe.] Cu.itiii'i from: The Evening Star, Washington, D C, May 7 1890 Horsblirgli (A[udrcw]). Sketches in Borneo. 46 pp. >'-. Anstruther, L. Russell, 1858, Horsclt (Carl Hermann) [is^-91]. Baktlett (J. W.) A short biographical sketch and iu meuioriam of Dr. Carl Hermann Horsch. 12°. Cambridge, ls93. Horscli (Friedrich Wilhelm) [1871- ]. 'Ein- fluss der Verdauuug auf das Drehungsvei niogen von Eiweisslosung. 16 pp. 85 Wiirzburg, A. Boegler, 1898. HORSCH. 291 HORSE. Hoi'SCll (Gustav). * Ueber den Einfluss der Dehnung auf den Ruhestroni des Muskels. 19 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, A. Boegler, 1899. Horse ll (Jakob). 'Die gcschichtliche Ent- wicklung der wissenscliaft lichen Ansiclit von dem Zustandekommen der anMeckenden Krank- heiten. 27 pp. 5-5 Wiirzburg, A. Hocgler, 1891. Ho I sell (Philipp Joseph) [ 1772-1820 ]. Beleh- riiug und Beiiihignngsgrunde in Hmsicbt der Gefahr des gelben Fiebers m Dent>clilaii pp., 1 1. 10°. Arnstadt lf- Ru- dolstadt, LangbeinJ- Kliiger, 1-05. ._____. Beobaehtungen iiber die Witternng und die Krankheiten in Wiiizburu im Jahre 1807. Nebst einer ausftihrliehen Nachrieht von der kliuisch-tcehnisclien Bilduugsanstalt des Arztes uls Kliniker und als Staatsdiener. 102 pp., 1 1. - . Rndolstadt, Kliiger, 1-0-. Horsclielt (Joannes Heimannus). * Prima? linea* duetetic-a* de aere. esculentis, et ednca- tionc phvsica*. Ip. 1., 134 pp. 12-. II ircebttrgi, F. E. Xiiribitt, 1782. Hor*e. Set, also. Bites: Digestion (Comparative phys- iologti of); Hoof (Abnoiuntie* of); Horse (Care, etc, of)$ Horse {Vomiting of); Mule; Hippomanes. Armstead (H. W.) The artistic anatomy of the horse. A brief description of the various anatomical structures which may be distin- guishedduriug life through lhe skiu. obi. 4-. London. 1900. Aizmx (L.-T.-J.) Insuftisanee des chevaux forts ct legcrs, du cheval de guerre et de luxe. Possibility de l'obtenir en creant dans chaque departeineut des ecoles d'eleveni-. 8: Paris, l8|iU. Ballot (W. R.) A compend of ec|uine anat- omy and plivsiology. 12c. Philadelphia, 1890. Bocley (H.-M.) 'Traite de ^organisation du pied du cheval, eomprenant l'«'*tude cle la struc- ture, de> functions et des maladies de cet orgaue. 1 v. A atlas, b . Paris, 1-51. Chacon (C.) *De los medios de coutencion en nuestros animates dom^sticos y principal- mente en la e-peeie equidea. *'-. Me'xico, vox Chelchowski (F.) Ueber die Grund- ziige fur die Beurtheiluug der Pf-rcte auf Lei- stungsfiihigkeit. - . Leipzig, 1-93. Clark (B.) A short history of tin- horse, and progress of horse knowledge. 4-5 London, 1821. -----. On the knowledge of tlie age of the horse by his teeth. 4-. London, 1-2(5. ------. Some account of the circulation of the blood in the foot of tbe horse. 2. ed. 4G. London, l-*-4«"•. -----. A description of plate the first, ex- hibiting a longitudinal section of the head of the horse, of its natural size. Description of plate the se.-ond, of the head of the horse. 4-5 [London, n. d.] -----. The muscles of the posterior extrem- ity of the horse and other domestic quadrupeds, with the synonyma to human and veterinarian authors. 4-. [London, n. d.] Cuyer (E.j & Alix (E.) Le cheval: ext6- rieur, regions, pied, proportions, aplombs, allures, age, aptitudes, robes, tares, vices, vente et achat; exanien critique des o-uvres (Part equestre, etc. Structure et fonctions, situation, rapports, structure anatomique et rOle physiolo- gique de chaque organe; races, origine, divi- sions, caracteres, production et amelioration. 4°. Paris, 1886. Horse. Daiid (G. H.) The advocate of veterinary re- form, and outlines of anatomy and physiology of the horse. S5 Boston, l*5a. Deckoix (H. ) Pro jet d'une lange hippique universelle. 8 ■'. Paris. 188\). EiciuiAi'M (F ) Beitriige zur Statik und Me- chanik des Pferdeskeletts. Festschrift zur hun- dortjiilingen Stiftungsfeicrderkoiiiglichentlne'r- iirzt'lichen Hochschule in Berlin. H . Berlin, 1890. Ellenbergi.r (W.) A Baitm (II.) Topogra- phisehe Anatomic des Pferdcs, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der tieriirzllichen Praxis be- arbeitet. 1. Tlicil: Die Gliedmassen. roy. 8*5 Berlin, 1890). Fki.isCH ( C ) 'Beitrag zur Histologie der Schleinihaute in den Lufthohlen des Pfercle- kopfes. - . Berlin, 1878. ('ensox. Traite sur la connaissance du che- val, en deux parties. MS. 4 . [n. p.], 1778, Giraro [F. N.] A treatise on the teeth of the horse, shewing its age by the changes the teeth undergo, from a foal up to twenty-three years old; especially after the eighth year. Transl. from the French by T. Irwiu Gauly. 12-5 Lon- don, 1829. Havkz-Montlaville. Physiologic de toutes les races de chevaux du monde; organisation des haras etraugers et la question cbevaline en France. 8\ Paris, 185(1. Hawkins (B. W.) The artistic anatomy of the horse. 9. ed. 12"'. London, 1885. Lafosse. Observations et decouvertes faites sur des chevaux, avec une nouvelle pratique sur la ferrure. 8 . Paris, 1754. Le Hello (P.) Priiicipales clonuses qui ser- vent dc base a. la connaissance du cheval. 8°. Suresnes, 1896. Liautard (A.) Vade mectira of equine anat- omy. For the use of advanced students and veterinary surgeons. 12°. Ven* York, 1879. -----.' Thesame. 2. ed., revised. 8-. Xew York, 18*0. Liegeard (C.) * Etude de la m^canique ani- male appliquee a, l'exterieur du cheval, suivant les divers services auxquels il est employe. 4°. Paris, 1-43. Marek (J.) *I)as helvetisch-galhsche Pferd und seine Beziehung zu den praehistorischen nnd zu den ivcenteu Pferden. 4C. Ziirich, 1-98. Mignon (J.) Quelques reflexions sur la me- canique animale appliquee au cheval. 8°. Paris, 1811. MoN'i'ofX (A.) Le cheval; ext6rieur et ana- tomic*, f [with elephantine phantom pl.]. Paris, 1901. Morris. Essai sur rexterieur du cheval. 8°. Paris, 1855. Nrcn.'s (L.) Een sehoon tractaet, van alder- hande paerdeu, om te leeren kennen de natuero ende cijgenschap derselver: ende welekte de Bchoons'te, beste, sterckste ende cloeckste zijn . . . Uijt bet ltaliaensch verdiujtsclit. Noch een cleyn tractaetjen van veelderh-y diereu . . . 4 . Dordrecht, 1022. Pietrement (C.-A.) Les chevaux clans les temps piehistoriques et histonques. 8°. Paris, 1883. vox Pissarekk (B.) *Die russische Pferde- zucht. 8°. Jena, 1900. Reverciiox (H.) Anatomie du cheval. Ost6- ologie et inyologie. dessinees et publiees par . . . fol. Paris, Lyon, 1825. Romichon della Gueriniere [F. ] La cogni- zione perfetta del cavallo e della cavallenzza, in HORSE. 292 HORSE. Horse. tutte le sue parti, ossia il signore della Gueriniere, dementi di cavallerizza, tradotti dal francese, ed acciesciuti da molti articoli, e riflessioni im- jiortantissime dal visconte di Milleville. 12°. T'enezia, 1794. Schmaltz (R.) Die Lage der Eiugeweide und die Sektions-Teclinik hei dem Pferde. 2 v. 4C A fol. Berlin, [1*88]. -----. Ossa extremitatum equi et insertiones niuscnloruin. Die ('liedmassen - Knochen des Pferdes. Mit Emzeichnung der Insertionen von Muskeln. Sehnen und Biindern. Atlas, roy. 8 5 Berlin, 1-98. -----. Praparirubungen am Pferd. Eine ausfiihrliche Anweisung zur Anfcrtigung sammt- licher fiir das Studium der Anatomie des Pferdes erforderlichen Praparate, nebst anato- niischer Repetitionen. 1. Theil. 8°. Berlin, 1900. -----. Atlas der Anatomie des Pferdes. Erster Theil: Das Skelett des Runipfes unci der Gliedmassen mit Zeichnungeii von V. Uwira. roy. **u. Berlin, 1901. Schwarz (A.) The horse; its external and internal organisation. An illustrated represen- tation and brief description of the horse, dedi- cated to lovers and owners of horses, and de- signed for the instruction of non commissioned officers and volunteers in cavalry regiments. Revised and edited by George Fleming, obi. 1(5-. Xew Fork, [1895]. Sxape (A.), jr. The anatomy of an horse; con- taining an exact and full description of the frame, situation and connexion of all his parts (with their actions and uses), exprest iu lorty- nine copper plates. To which is added an ap- pendix, containing two discourses; the one, of the generation of animals; and the other, of the motion of the chyle, and the circulation of the blood fol. London, 1085. Stuangeways (T. ) Veterinary anatomy. 3. ed., revised and edited by I. Vaughan. 8 . Edinburgh, 18-0. SrssixiRF (M.) Equine anatomy. Diagram of the horse. Transl. by W. Owen Williams. eleph. fol. Leipzig, 1890. TorssAiNT (H.) & Ducrost (L'abbe'). Le cheval dans la station pr6historique de Solutre. 8°. Lyon, [L-73J. Umrerto (Z.) Coutributo alia conoscenza della struttura e delle variazioni regionali del- V endocaiclio del cavallo. 8J. Parma, 1901. Yoigtlander (C. F.) Die Anatomie des Pferdes. Fiir Kiinstler und Pferdeliebhaber. obi. fol. Dresden 9' Leipzig, 1870. Youatt (W.) The horse. A new edition. Together with a general history of the horse; a dissertation on the American trotting horse, how trained and jockeyed, an account of his remarkable performances, and an essay on the ass and the mule, by J. S. Skinner. b°. Phila- delphia, 1*16. -----. The same. On the structure and the diseases of the horse, with their remedies; also practical rules to buyers, breeders, breakers, smiths, etc., being the most important parts of the English edition of "Youatt on the Horse," somewhat simplified; brought down to 1849 by W. C. Spooner; to which is prefixed an account of the breeds in the United States, compiled by H. S. Randall 8-. Auburn, 1852. Zuxtz (N.) & Hagemaxx (A.) Untersuchun- gen iiber den Stoffwechsel cles Pferdes bei Rube und Arbeit. Neue Folge unter Mitwirkung von Curt Lehmann und Johannes Frentzel, 8-. Berlin, 1898. Horse. AnIon■ ■■ i (A.) Ricerche anatomiche sopra le inser- zioni terniinah del musculo tihio-preinetatarsico nel cavallo. Gior. di anat., fisiol. e patol. d. aniniali. Pisa. 1891, xxiii, 301-314, 1 pl.- Baiiici' (G.) Do l'imperforation du mediastin post.rieur . t de l'iiidepeudance des deux sacs pleuraux chez le cheval; consequences pratiques. Bull. et mem. Soe. centr. de med vet., Par.. 1886, n. s., iv, 67- 75. -----. Role de la corde fibreusefenioronietatarsienue des equides. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1899,11. s., i, 847-850.—Bieler (S.) La fonction de genou dans le meca- nisme dn cheval de gros trait. Ann de nied. vet., Brux., 1900, xlix, 233-239.— Blanc (L.) Sur hi valeur morpho- logique des cornes chez le cheval Hull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Lvon (1893), 1894, xii, 87-90. AU,,: O.npt, rend. Soc. de biol., Par.. 1893, 9. s., v, 725. —Bon»i (V.) Dell'ap- parecchio tegunientario del piedc nel cavallo. Gior. ui aDat.. fisiol. e patol. d. animali Pisa 1890, xxii, 3; 74; 121, 2 pl. Also [Abstr.]: Gior. di vet. mil., Roma, 1891, iv, 241-256. 1 pl.—Coriieviii (C.) Etude sur lesquelette de quelques chevaux de course. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Lyon, 1884, iii, 77-130.—€ yon (E.) Leber den Xervus Depressor beim Pferde. Melanges biol. Acad. imp. d. sc. de St.-Peteisb.. 1870 vii, 459-462, 1 pl. AUo, Reprint.— Delperier. Demonstration des eigenthiimlicheii Ein- flusses d.s Jlesehliiii-fS auf die Empfindlichkeit des Hufes. Wchnschr. 1. Thierh. it. Viehzucht, Miinchen, 1899. xliii, 501; 509—Dumas. Etude sur le manque de resistance du tissu osseux des chevaux des niarais cle l'ouest. Rec. demem. et obs. s. 1 hyg. etlamed. vet. mil., Par., 11-99, 2. s., xx.218-228 — Duncan (J. T.) The effect of age on the organs of tbe horse |weight). A. Comp. M. &. Vet. Arch., Phila., 1894, xv, 437-439—Eiehbaum (F.) Die Fascien des Pferdes. Arch. f. wissensch. u. prakt Thierh . Berl., 1888, xiv. 280: 1889, xv. 66; ls7— Ellen berger \ Hof. mcister (V.) Ueber die Verdauungs>lift e middle Veidau- ung des Pferdes. Ibid., 1881, vii.265; 433: 1882,viii,395: 1883, ix, 177; 201: 1885, xi, 141; 381: 1886, xii. 332, 1 pl.-Enail (J.C.) The development of the skeleton of lhe limbs of the horse with observations on Polydactyly. J. Anat. & Phys- iol., Lond., 1893-4. xxviii,236; 342,1 pl." AUo: J. Conip. Path. & Therap., Edinb. & Lond., 1894, vii, 17-31,1 pl.-----. The second and fourth digits in the horse; their development and subsequent degeneration. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1892-5, xx, 18.")-191. AUo: Veterinarian, Lond.. 1895, Ixviii, 1-7.— Fellick (O.) Ist der Harn der Thiere unter physiologischen Verhaltnissen eiweisshaltig ? Ztschr. f. Thiermed.. Jena, 1899. iii, 330-333.—Flower (\V. H.) The evolution of the horse [From: J. Hoy. Agric. Soc.| Veterinarian, Lond., 1890, lxiii, 438-457.— <»oldbeck. Die Nathusiussche Pferdemessmethode in ihrer Bedeutung fiir die Armee. Ziscbr. f. Veterinark. Berl., 1901, xiii, 481-487. — Hngemaun (0.) Der Stoff- wechsel des Pfeides bei Rube und Arbeit, nach den Un- tersuchungen vou Zuntz, Hagemann, Lebmniui und Fren- tzel. Ibid., 1899, xi. 105; 161 ; 225. — Holmes (J. D. E.) Native beliefs regarding the hair-marks . n horses and cat- tle. Veterinarian, Lond ,1901, lxxiv, 176-1-1. Hopkins (G. S.) The relation of the ligamcntnm nucha- to the first cervical vertebra in tbe home' .1 Comp. M & Vet. Arch.. Phila., 1899, xx, 271-273—II uidokopcr (R. S.) Oiigiu of the domestication of the horse. J. Comp. M. &S., Phila., 1888, ix, 377-389.—Joly |G.) De Intelligence clu cheval. Rec. demem. et obs. s i hyg. et la med. vet mil., Par., 189u, 2. s., xiv, 019-816. -----.'Dc la solipedisation des equides dans les temps aetuels. Rev. scient., Par., 1897, 4. s.. viii, 652-655. AUo: Ann. de med vet, Brux., 1898, xlvii, 69-78 — Joly (N.) 91. xv. 293: 389; 437; 4s". AUo, Reprint —I»ie- Iremeul .(.A.) Les chevaux des Arvas vediques et le uombre de l.urs c.'.t. s. Bull. Soc. d'antlnop. de Par., 1897. 4. s., viii. 279-283.— I'olapenko d N.) Slaieriali k vo- prosu o noruialnol tempeiatuile u loshadel. [Normal tem- perature of horses.] Arch. vet. nauk, St l'.teisb 1893. xxiii, 2. sect., l-lo.—Knvich (I.) K voprosu o stroyenii i rostie kopitnavo roga. i Structure and growth of the hoof.) Ibid., 1873. iii. 2. sect.. C>5-82.—Keul (A ) Le cheval anieri- cain introduit en Belgique; ses origincs varices, son accli- matatiou, son aptitude au travail, ses qualites et ses de- fauts; ecouoruie de son emploi. Ann. de med. vet., Brux., 1901. 1, 353-367— Kie card i (P.) Un caballito peruviauo. Arch, per 1' antrop., Firenze, 188('>. xvi, 459-461.— Kudert (A.) Der Ramus coiuinunioaus der beiden Nn. plantaie- des Pferdes. Deutsche tliierarztl. Wchnsclir., Hannov. 1901. ix, 407. — Muiioou (A.) Travail musculaire du cheval actiounant un manege a plan in cl, n. J.del'anat. et physiol. |.t,.]. Par., 1894. x\x, 241-246.—Wclnualix. Leber die Pai s luni balls oder die >o_, i; .mini n 1'ieil, -riles Zwerchfells beim Pferde. Berl. tlueiaivt! W, Im-, In-., 18'.'7. xiii, 421- 423. — SimvHI. (in the use of a substance called the false tongue iu t'..al- Abstr. Phil. Tr. Rov. Soc Lond.. 1830-37, , iii. 130. -Smilli F 1 The chemistrv oft he hoof of the horse. Vet. J. & Ann. Comp. Path, Loud. is»7 xxv,313-317.-----. The refi active character of the eyes of horses. Proc. Roy. Soc. Loud.. 1»'.'4. lv 4.4-422. -----. On the structure and function ..f the louse's foot. Notices Proc. Roy. Inst. Gr. Brit. ls93-5. Lend.. IP'."',, xiv. 554-563. -----. Cataract in the horse. J. Comp. Path. A: Therap.. Edinb. A. Lond., 1896, ix. 138-146. 1 pl. AUo, transl: Deutsche thierarztl. "Wclinschr.. Karlsruhe. 189,s vi, 128-130. -----. Relation between the weight of a horse and its weight-carrying power. J. Comp. Path. &. Therap.. Ediub. i: Lond., 1898, xi. 287-2:"'. — Nlanrenghi ((5) Osservazioni anatomiche intornoallacrauiogenesi del cavallo u.ssi pieinterparietnli ed interparietal!, fessnre e solcature dell' osso iioutale. vacnoli membranosi dell' osso parietali. niancanza di ossa pre e postfrontali e di centri complementari dell' orbito- sfenoide). Atii d. \i r,.ng. med. internaz., Roma 1894. ii. anat.. 31-36.—Nhcl ,5 H.) Anatomical and jihysioloui- cal observations on l...i ->-s in India; [the weiglits of some j of the body organs in pounds avoirdupoidsj. Vet. J. d: Ann.Comp.Path.. Lond.. ls»:i. xxviii. 70-79.—Mlorch -7. x.ii U'i 160.—Sn.». dorf (M.. Beitrage zum Situs del I'.au. le -im;. u. i.i. des Pter.les. Deiif-ehe Ztseln. f. Thaiiu.d L.-i|.z... 1882. viii, 1-39, 3 pl.—Szakall (J.) Beitrage zur Anato- mie und Function des oberen Gleichbeinbandes beim Pferde tM. inteios^. u- iii.. Ztschr. f. Thiermed., Jena, 1899, iii, 334-33". — Tcl/.iirr. Studien iiber die Blatt- B< hicht der 1 leischwand des Pferdehufes. Ztschr. f. Ve- terinark., Berl., 1900, xii, 153; 201, 4 pl.—Vara Id i (L.) Sui rapporti tra le andature normali del cavallo ed i movi- nienti respiratori. Mod. zooiatro. Torino 1-93, iv In4-lu9, . 1 pl. AUo. transl.: Arch. ital. de biol.. Turin. 1893, xix, 261-269, 1 pl. ----- ( ..nti-ibuto alio studio delle varieta | anatomiche um-. ..lari del ..-avallo. Mod. zooialio. Torino, 1897, viii. 306-311. — Vogt. Leber Hufrebe uud Horn- wachsthum. Wchnschr. l. Thieih. u. Viehzucht. Miiii- I chen, 1899, xliii. 405; 473. -----. Entwicklung des Huf- | horns, -|>ey.iell der flornblattchen beim Pfeide. 1). ut>.-he thieraiztl. Wchns.hr., Hannov., 1901, ix.281 ; 295 -Wil- ckeiiH i M.) Gibt es warm-und kaltbliitige Plerde/ Oe- ] sterr.Monatsehr. f. Thierh..Wien. 1892,xvi.211-251. —Zliu- rawUi. Pa.ssivnaya i aktivnaya fazidvizheniya loshadi [Pa«-i\.- and active phases of movement of the horse.) Arch. vet. nauk, St. Petcisb., Is75, v, 2. sect., 1 ■ 1877, vii, 2. sect., 30. See, aUn. an/era. Novopolski. — Zimiin-r- maiin (A.| &. Mal t-J.i Die Veraiidet-iingiler'l > mpi-i at nr, Puis- uml Athemfrequenz bei eesunden und dampfigen Pferden wahn-nd der Arbeit. Deutsche Zt-chr. f. Thier- med.. Leipz., l"94-5, xxi, 317-330. Ho I* we (Breeding of). .See Horse (fare, etc., of). Horse (Care and management of). See, also, Horse (Castration, tic, of-,; Horse {Diseases of, Manuals of); Horseback-riding; Horse-shoeing; Hygiene {leterinary); Medi- Horwt* (Care and management of). cine {Veterinary, Manuals of); Medicine ( Vet- erinary, Military). Basskiue (P.) Lc cheval coniinc il le faut, quelle iniVn soit la race, quel que soit le service iiuqucl on lc* destine. 12 5 Paris, 1891. Benvkniti (G.) Killessioni sopra gli effetti del nioto a cavallo. 8 . Lucca, 1760. he Bi'fkon ((L L. L.), (omtc. Tlie natural history of the horse. I'd which is added that of tlie ass, hull, cow, ox, sheep, goat, and swine, with accurate descriptions of their several parts, and full directions for breeding, chusing, feed- ing, and improving those useful creatures. Transl. from the French. 8°. London, I70rl. Clark (B.) A treatise on the bits of horses (t'halinologia.) 2. ed. 4 . London, 185.5, -----. On the vices of horses. [Five es- says.] 4*. London, 185-. ------. The same. I . London, 1859. -----. Original remarks on the general training of the horse. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1812. -----. On tlie conditioning of horses. Hip- pocomia. 4 . [London, n. d.] -----. A short history of the celebrated race-horse Eclipse. 4 . [London, n. d.] Clark (J.) A treatise on the prevention of diseases incidental to horses from bad manage- ment in regard to stables, food, water, air, and exercise. To which are subjoined observations on some of the surgical and medical branches if farriery, c* \ Edinburgh, 1788. -----. The same. 4. ed. •*--. Edinbunih. \8°. Xew York, 1852. Sacne (P.-E.) *De l'61evage du poulain. 8°. Toulouse, 1877. de Sixd (J.-B.) Manuel du cavalier, qui ren- ferme les counoissances ne^cessaires pour con- server le cheval en sanfe", et pour le gue"rir en cas de maladie. 2. 65:1. 10-. Paris, 1766. -----. Konsten at utwalja betsel-stanger til alia hastar, efter deras munnars skapnad, som ock at wal besta clem; jiirmte en kort anwisniug, hum unga hastar till allmant bruk, men i syn- nerhet til krigs-tjeusten, skolaskickeligen tilost- was. Ofwersatt fnin Tyskan. [The art of choos- ing bridle-bits for all horses according to the shape of their mouth as well as how to shoe them well; with short directions as to how young horses should be prepared for general use, but specially for service in war. Transl. from the Germau.] 16-. Stockholm, 1774. Skinner (J. S.) Supplement to Mason and Hind's popular system of farriery; comprising an essay on domestic animals, especially the horse; with remarks on treatment and breeding [etc.]. 1*2C. Philadelphia, 1800. de Solleysel. Le parfait mare"schal, qui enseigne a connoistie la beaute, la bonte", et les defaults des chevaux, les signes et les causes des maladies; les moyens deles preVenir, leur gue- rison, et le bon ou mauvais usage de la purga- tion et de la saignee. La maniere de les con- server dans les voyages, de les uourrir et de les Horse (Care and management of). jiauser selon l'ordre. La tenure sur les desseius des fers, qui retabliront les in6chans pieds et conserveront les bous. Ensemble un trait6 du haras, pour eMeverde beaux et de bons poulains; et les pre"ceptes pour bien emboncher les che- vaux. 9. M. 4°. Bruxelles, 1691. -----. The same. The compleat horseman or perfect farrier. In two parts. Part I. Discov- ering the surest mark of the beauty, goodness, faults, and imperfections of horses . . . Part II. Contains the signs and causes of their dis- eases, with the true method of curing them. Abridged from the folio done into English by Sir William Hope. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1711. Stewart (J.) Stable economy: a treatise on the management of horses, in relation to sta- bling, grooming, feeding, watering, and work- ing. 3. English ed., with notes and additions, adapting it to American food and climate, by A. B. Allen. 12°. Xew York, 1859. Thary(A.) Mare"chalerie. 16°. Paris, 1896. Trac'K.R (T. ) Studien und Erfahrungen im Bereiche der Pferdekuude. Eine Sammlung vou Beohachtuiigen iiber das Wesen des Pferdes, die giinstigen und ungiinstigen Resultate der Ziich- tung, Erziehung, Pflege, Training und Reiinen, sowie auch iiber das Wesen der Erbfehler, die Mechanik des Ganges und Belehrung iiber Ge- bnrtshiilfe uud Jugendkraiikheiten wie iiber- haupt iiber die Krankheiten des Pferdes uud deren homoo athische Behandlung, etc. 8°. South rshausen, 1851. United States. Congress. Senate. A bill to purchase and publish in a book, for the use aud improvement of the military service of the United States, the written manuscript, by Prof. 0. R. Gleason, ou the great art of training and educating horses. 50. Cong., 1. sess. S. 772. Dec. 14, 18*7. Introd. by Mr. Hampton, roy. 8*-. [Washington, 1887.] Vollblutiskrage ( Ueber die ). Ausicht, Kritik und Antikritik mit einem ausfiihrlichen Vorwort, hrsg. von D. M. 8°. Berlin, 1833. Wallis (T. ) The farrier's aud horseman's complete dictionary, containing the art of far- riery in all its branches; with whatever relates to the manage and to the knowledge, breeding, feeding, and dieting of horses, as delivered by the best writers upon these subjects. 8°. Lon- don, 1764. Zschokke (E.) Anleitung zur Kenntniss und Gesnndheitspflege des Pferdes. 12°. Ziirich, [1885]. Alwaler (G. E.) & Eld retire (T. C.) Horse vapor- bath. No. 624420; May 2, 1889.—Canity (P.) Th6ra- peutique speciale des chevaux de courses. Bull. Soc. centr. de med. vet., Par., 1899, n. 8., xvii, 296-303.—De- ci'oix (E.) Inconv6nients du vert pour les chevanx de l'aruiee. Bull, et inein. Soc. centr. dem6d. vet., Par., 1872, 3. s..vi, 60-73, 1 pl. Also, Reprint.—Eberlcin (R.) Die Geschichte der preussischen Pferdezucht und deren Bezie- hungen zur Thierheilkunde. Arch. f. wissensch. u. prakt. Thierh.. Berl., 1899, xxv, 298-311. — Heape (W5) On the artificial iusemiuation of mares. Veterinarian, Lond., 1898, lxxi, -202-212.—Lemons (J. A.) Combined and medical hit. ?s5>. 617583; Jan. 10, 1899—Polansky (S.) & Kornautli (K. ) Ueber Futteiungsveisiiche mit "Robin". Oesterr. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Veteiiniirk., Wien u. Leipz., 1893-4, n. F., v, 75-96.—Keul (A.) Les unions consanguines en zootechnie; histoire cle la creation des races celebres. Ann. de nied. v6t., Brux., 1897, xlvi, 1; 05; 125; 181: 237; 293; 349; 463, 1 pl.—Shirokikh (I.) Osnovniye printsipi kormleniya loshadel pri lyokhkol i usilenno'l rabotle. [ Fundamental principles of feeding horses during light and bard worK-l Arch. vet. nauk, St. Petersb., 1900, xxx, 2. sect.. 64; 122. —Smith (F.) Ex- periments on the essential diet for hoi ses, and the digest- ibility of hay and oats. Vet. J. & Ann. Comp. Path., Lond., 1886, xxiii, 314-318.— WeHtrinjj ( G. ) Om Heste- avl. [ On the breeding of horses. ] Tidsskr. f. Vet., Kjebenb., 1894, 2. R., xxiv, 1-74. HORSE. 295 HORSE. Horse (Castration and docking of). Bruchku (P. K.) Die subcutane Myotomie des Schweifes bei Pferden. 8°. Berlin, l!»94. Clark (B.) On casting horses for operations, with a -.ascription of the new casting hobbles. 2. ed. 4C. London,1812. Reeks H. C.) A brief comparison of the various methods whereby horses are castrated. .T. Conip. Path. &. Therap.. F.dinl>.5&. Lond., 1899, xii. 3i>7-31.">.— WillianiH (W. L.) Caudal myotomy vs. clitoridotomy. Vet. J. \ Aun. Comp. Path., Lond.,'1898, xlvii, 19-21. Horse (Diseases of). See, also, Aneurisms (Verminous) in horses; Brignt's disease in animals; Bursatti; Colic in animals; Cornea (Diseases of) in animals; Dia- betes in animals: Dourine; Epizootic diseases; Eye (Disetistsof) in animals; Farcy; Fever(.l/d- larial) in animals; Fever (Typhoid) in animals; Glanders in horses; Hemoglobinuria in ani- mals; Heart (Diseases offin animals; Hemera- lopia, etc., in animal*; Horse ( Diseases of the di- gestive system of); Horse [Diseases of the locomo- tive system of); Horse (Diseases of the nervous sys- tem of)• Horse i Diseasts of the respiratory system of); Horse (South African sickness of); Loco weed {Toxicology of); Medicine (Veterinary); Mule (Diseases of'); Obstetrics {Veterinary); Surra; Tsetse fly. Beksti. (S.) Ueber Pferde- und Rinderkrank- heiten, die erste Hilfeleistuug bei denselben uud iiber Geburtshilfe. 1'2°. Briinn, 1901. Champetier (P.) Les maladies clu jeuue che- val. P2J. Paris, 1-92. -----. The same. 1*2C. Paris, 1896. Fiedeler (G.) * Beitrage zu den physiolo- gischen und pathologisch-anatoniischen Unter- lagen der Adenitis equorum und ihrer Complica- tioiien, unci iiber die haufigsteT.'desursache jeuer Krankheit. Demonstrirt an eigeuen Beobaeh- tungen. 8~. Ohlau, 1-78. Hofacker (J. D.) Leber die Eigenschaften, welche sich bei Menschen und Thieren von den Eltern auf die Xachkoumien vererben, mit be- souderer Riicksieht auf die Pferdezucht, mit Bei- ti.igen von Friedr. Xotter. 8-. Tiibingen, 1828. Laxcisi (J. M.) Dissertatio hi-torica de bo- villa peste, ex CJampaniae finibus anno mdccxiii Latio importata: deque prasidiis per . . . Cle- mentem xi . . . ad avertendam aeris labeni, et annouie caritatein opportune adhibitis, cui ac- cedit consilium de equoruin epidemia, (juie Ro- ma? grassata est anno mdecxii. 4-. Colonial Allobrogum, 171*. Martin (C.) fittide sur la pyogenic spe'einqne, appelee la gonnne du cheval. Monographic couronne'e ]iar la Societe du Calvados et de la Manche. V2 . Troyes, 1-79. Michigan. Agricultural College of Michigan. Veterinary Department. Bulletin Xo. 29. A new contagious disease among horses iu Amer- ica. Oct. 1, 1*77. 8°. [Lansing, 1«77.] Mitaut. Maladie d'installation dite typhoi'de des chevaux de l'armee. *"'. Paris, 1870. Pallet. Ricerche storico-fisiche sopra le ma- lattie epizootiche, con i modi di rimediarvi in igui caso. Pubblicate a Parigi per ordine del re 1' anno 1775; tradotte nell' italiana favella da Ignazio Lotti. In 2 pts. fol. Venezia, 17«5-t). Prussia. Eriegsministerium. Pllege verletz- ter und lahmer Pferde, Massage, Hiilfeleistung bei Kolik. Anleitung zum liuterricht der Fah- nenscLmiede. lo-. Berlin, I'-*'*. Ross-Artzxey-Bucii. Dariiiuen allerhaudt Eigenschafften, Kranckheiten der Pferde inner nndt ausserhalli des Leibes, sampt liewerthen Remedien begriffen sein. [M.S.] 4:. [n. p.], 1606. Horse (Diseases of). United States. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Animal Industry. Special report on diseases of the horse. Prepared under the di- rection of D. E. Salmon, chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry. By Drs. Michener, Law, Har- baugh, Trumbower, Liautard, Holcombe, Huide- koper, and Dickson. 8". Washington, 1890. Zehda (L.) Hipiiitrica; tratado de medicina del eaballo. 12*'. Bogotd, i860. RariK-lirllo ( L.) II virus dell'adenite equina. Gior. di anat., tisiol. e patol. d. animali, Pisa, 1887, xix, 241-271, 1 pl.— It och hi (L.) Die Mccbanik der Oitsveriindening mit besonderer ltariicksichtigung des Pferdes. Arch. f. wissensch. u. prakt. Thierh., Roil., 1887, xiii, 290: 1888, xiv, 24. —•'ajjiiy (P.) Quelques observations sur les a licet ions typhoides du cheval. lice, do med. v6t., Par., Is91, 7. a., viii, 277-290.—C'aiialia (P.) Sopra una malattia degli equini confondibilc col farcino causata da coecidi. Roll. d. r. Accad. nied.diC.enova, 1891, vi, 205-207.—Chaiimmpc (P.) Contribution & I'etude de la gournie. Arch. med. d'Angers, 1900, iv, 411; 402; 527; 564:1901,v,33.—togrowHi (C. F.) Discorso in difesa d' un suo parere sopra un vesci- cantc, da lui escluso nella malattia d' un cavaliere. Rac. d' opusc. scient. e fllol., Venezia, 17:!4, xii, 257-288.— l> a m mi a ii n. Zur Aetiologie der Polyuria des Pferdes. Deutsche thierarztl. Wchnschr., Karlsruhe, 1898, vi, 125- 128. — Dexlcr (H.) Anatomische rnteisuchuugen iiber die eombiniite, chronische Schweinabmung und Sphincte- ren paralyse des Pferdes. Wieu. klin. Rundschau, 1897, xi, 5.")0; 504; 583—Dieckt-rhoflT. Multiple infectidse Zellge- webseutziindutig bei Pferden. Berl. thierarztl."Wchnschr., 1888, iv, 141. -----. Die Behandlung der Blutfleck. n- krankheit des Pferdes mit Anrentum colloidale Ciede. Ibid., 1898, xiv, 541: 1899, xv, 14:s. AUo, Reprint. — Dic- ckerhofl' (W.) & Wagiicr (A.) Ueber die Dositung uud Wirkung des I'.ivchweiusteins bei Pferden. Berl. thierarztl. Wchnschr.. 1S93. ix, 473-477. — Dothter- mini n. Ueber die im Jahre 1887 bei dem Dragoner-Regi- ment Kdnigin Olga, No. 25, und im Oberamtsbezirk Lud- wigsburg herrschende Inltiienza. Repert. d. Thierh., Stuttg., 1888, xlix, 81-89. -Ebcibach (K.) Eine sel- tene Complication bei Druse. Mitth. d. Ver. badisch. Thierarzte, Karlsruhe, 1901, i, 193-195—Kberlein (R.) Zwei Falle von primiireni Carcinom der N'lisenniiischclii beim Pferde. Monatsh. f. prakt. Thierh., Stuttg., 1898, x, 1- 9.—Elliott |H. B.) Epidemic among the horses on Maui. Vet. Rec, Lond., 1900-1901, xiii, 214.— EmIihIom portu- guezes sobre a horse-sickness. Correio med. de Lisb., 1896, xxv, 112- 115. — Fi-ohncr. Hundert weitere Ge- schwiilstebeim Pferde. Monatsh.f.prakt.Thierh., Stuttg., 1901, xiii, 1-38.—<»aIti<-i-& Violet. Notes sur les mala- dies infectieuses du che\ alcoininunemeht designees sous le iiom generique.de fifevre typhoide. J. de und. vet. et zootech., Lyon, 1889, 3. s., xiv, 281; 347. — (Janler. Ueber die Schweinsberger Krankheit (Lebei verhartuug) beim Pferde. Thieriirztl. Mitth., Karlsruhe, 1890, xxv, 38-42. Also [Abstr.L Berl. thierarztl. Wchnschr., 1890, vi, 91 —Ilaiiptiiiami ( E.) Therapie der Bursitis heini Pferde. Thieriiivtl. Centralbl.. Wien, 1901, xxiv, 353; 369; 385.— Ilrmlrichx (1-5) Contribution k I'etude de la tuberculose du cheval. Ann. de med. vet., Brux., 1900, xlix, 575-584. — llrebik (J.) Ke kasuistice melano- sarkoiiiuvu konc. [Statistics of melauosarconia in the horse.] Casop. cesk. zverol.k., ve Valas. Mezirici, 1901-2, vii, 273-278.— I milliliter. Die sogenannte Schweins- berger Krankheit des ITerdes und deren therapeutische Behandlung. Berl. thieriirztl. Wchnschr., 1889, v, 355- 357. — Jaroulcl (J.) Cardiopathies chez le cheval; observations (-Uniques; lesions iiecropsiqnes. Rec. de med. vet., Par., 1901, 8. s., viii, 337-349.- .Irnoeii (C. 0.) Fine bisher nur wenig beacbtete Inl'octionsweise der Pfenlestaupe. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Thiermed., Leipz., 1893-4, xx, 47-5S—Jiiimii (C. O.) & Hand. Ueber ma- lignes Oedeni b.-iui Pferde. Ibid., 1886-7, xiii, 31-45,1 pl.— Klenrh (J. P.) General lymphangitis. Am. Vet. Rev., N.V., 18*9-90. xiii. 214; 246. Also: J. Comp.M. &.S., Phila., 18x9, x, 360 -:i73. l.ii. Berlin,1892. Ehrenfried (W.) Der vollkouimene Pferde- kenner, welcher nieht nur alle Schonheiten, Fehler uud verschiedene Laiule>arteu der Pferde mit schcineii Kupfern zu erkennen giebt, sondern audi anweist wie man mit dem Pferd vou sei- nem Ursprung an umgehen muss, wie es zum Reiten und Fahren auzugewcihnen ist: wie Sattel, Ziiiiinung nnd Beschlag beschaft'en seyn muss; wie alle Krankheiten zu erkennen unci mit deni'ii bewiihrtesten Mittel zu heilen sind: wie man bey dem Wallachen, Englisiren und audern chirurgischen Operatiouen an denen Pferden verflihret, nebst vollstandigeu Registern und Anhang, wie auch alphabctisches Verzeich- niss derer von den Judeu, souderlich auf Ross- miirkten gebrauchlicheu, liebraischen Worter, Redensartcn und ihrer Art zu ziihlen. Zum Theile durchgeselien und mit einer Vorrede be- gleitet. 4-. Anspach. 17**0. Fogliata (G.) Manuale di ippopodologia. 3. ed. 2v. 12°. Milano. [1-9-]. de Garsault (F.-A.) Le nouveau parfait niare'chal, ou la connoissaiice geue>ale et uuiver- selle du cheval, divisc-e cu sept traites. 1°. De la construction. 2". Du haras. 5". De l'ecuyer et du harnois. -1 . Du me'decin, on traite des maladies des chevaux. 5°. Du chirurgien et des operations, ii". Du marlchal ferrant. 7°. De l'apothe'caire. ou des remedes. Avec un dictiounaire des tennes de ( avalcric 4-. Paris, 1771. -----. The same. 6. e"d. 4 . Paris, an XIII[l-0b]. Giiison (\V.) A new treatise on the diseases of horses, wherein what is necessary to the knowledge of a horse, the cure of his diseases, and other matters relating to that subject are fully discussed in a plain and easy manner from many years' practice and experience, with the cheapest and most efficacious remedies. 4 . London, 1751. Gresswell (A.) iV Gkesswell (J. B.) Dis- eases and disorders of the horse. A treatise on equine medicine and surgery; being a contri- . bution to the science of comparative pathology. Revised, with an introduction, l>v George Gress- well. 80. London, 1886. ----- ------. The equine hospital pre- scriber. Drawn up for the use of veterinary practitioners and students. 16°. London. 18*0>. Hanson (H. D.) Practice of equine medicine. A manual for students and practitioners of veterinary medicine, arranged with questions and answers; with an appendix containing pre- scriptions for the horse aud the dog. 8°. Xew York, 18U'J. Horse (Diseases of Manuals of). Hayes (M. H.) Veterinary notes for horse owners. A manual of horse medicine and sur- gery, written iu popular language. 5. ed. 8°. London, 1897. iLU'S'i"Rated American horse book, contain- ing a plain, practical, aud improved modern treatment, profusely illustrated with explana- tory engravings of the various diseases of the horse; also, a history of the breeds of horses, and the origin, development, and remarkable performances of the trotting horses of America. Lately enlarged, revised, and improved. 8°. Chicago, 1887. .Ienmncs (R.) The horse and his diseases. Embracing his history and varieties, breeding and management and vices, with the diseases to which he is subject and the remedies best adapted to their cure; to which are added Rarey's method of taming horses, and the law of warranty as applicable to the purchase and sale of the animal. i-'°. Philadelphia, 1**(I0. Kirry (F. 0.) Veterinary medicine and sur- gery in diseases and injuries of the horse. *J. Xew Yovk, 1*89. Knowlson (J. C.) The complete farrier, or horse-doctor. A treatise on the diseases of horses. ** . Neiv York, 1819. -----. The same. 8*5 Cleveland, Ohio, 1859. Lafosse. Manuel d'hippiatiiqne, eontenant 1" une instruction sur la maniere d'elever, de soiguer et de connaltre les chevaux; 2° deux ta- bleaux indicatifs des diffdrentes inorves; 3° une description dc toutes leurs maladies, avec une fonnule de in^dicauiens; 4" un cate'chisnie pour tons les marechaux a l'usage des officiers de ca- valerie, possesscurs, amateurs de chevaux, et priucipaleinent des mar6chaux de re'gituens. 5. 6d., revue, corrigde et augineut6e par U. Leblanc. 16°. Paris, 1824. Lawrence ( R. ) The complete farrier and British sportsman; containing a systematic en- quiry into the structure aud animal economy of the horse; the causes, symptoms, and most ap- proved methods of prevention and cure for every disease to which he is liable; a detection and exposure of the erroneous and bad methods of treatment generally adopted; with numerous approved aud original recipes for various dis- eases. 4°. London,1810. Leclainche (E.) Precis de pathologie ve"te- rinaiie; maladies internes du cheval. 12°. Pa- ris, l-lll. Manual de veterinana y equitacion para el uso dc los saigentos y cabosdel anna de caballe- rfa v para los aspirantes a esta clase. 16°. Ma- drid. 1-54. Makkham ('!.) Maister-pecce, contayning all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leech, touching the curing of all diseases in horses; drawne with great paine, and most approved experience, from the publicke practise of all the forraine horse-marshals in Cliristen- dome; and from the private practice of all the best farriers of this kingdoine. Ileing divided into two bookes. The first contayning all cures physicall; the second all belonging to chyrur- gery . . . Now the fifth time newly imprinted, corrected, and augmented, sm.4*-. London,1696. Mayiiew's illustrated horse doctor; being an account of the various diseases incident to the equine race; with the latest mode of treatnient and requisite prescriptions. A new ed., revised and enlarged by James Irvine Luptou. 8 5 London, 1 :><)(). Megnin (P.) Precis des maladies de la peau du cheval. 8 . Paris, 1*76. HORSE. 298 HORSE. Horse (Diseases of Manuals of). Qt'iMBY (J. \V.) Veterinary tablet; being a synopsis of the diseases of horses, with their cause, symptoms, and cure, broadside fol. Tren- ton, [n. d.]. Robertson (D.) Konsten at curera hastar, eller grundelig underrattelse, at utur sielfwa gruuden kanna, helaoch bota hwarjehanda bade ut- och inwartes haste-krampor, brackligheter och sjukdomar; jamte auwisning, liuru nnga fohlarskola ansas, skjoras och handteras, tils de hinna den alder, at de finas dugtige och tjiiulige til cle behof, hwartil man tanker bruka dem. Ny och forinerad uplaga tryckt i Berlin ar 1767, til allmanhetens tjiiust if ran Tyskau ofwersatt ar 1771 af P. L. [The art of curing horses; or, full directions how to diagnose and treat the different diseases of horses; with directions how to rear foals until they are capable of work. New and enlarged ed. Transl. from the Ger- man.] 16°. Stockholm, 1772. Robinet. Dictionnaire d'hippiatrique prati- tique, ou trait6 complet de la medecine des che- vaux. 4C. Bruxelles, Nancy, 1777. Klini (C.) Anatomia del cavallo, infer mita et suoi rimedii; opera nuova, degnadi qualsivoglia prencipe, e cavaliere, e molto necessaria k filosofi, medici, cavallerizzi e marescalchi; adornata cli bellissime figure, le quali dimostrano tutta 1'anatomia di esso cavallo, [etc.]. fol. Venetia, 1618. Scacco da Tagliacozzo (F.) Trattato di mescalzia, diviso in quattro libri, ne' quali si con- teugono tutte le infenuita de' cavalli, cosl inte- riori come esteriori, e li segni da conoscerle, e le cure con potioui, e untioni e sanguigne per essi cavalli, [etc.]. sm. 4°. Venetia, 16U3. von Sind (J. B.) Deu nti fait och pa resa hastigt helande hast-liikaren, hwilken meddelar en grundelig underrattelse om cle wanligaste hiiste-sjukdomar nti fait och pa resor, som och et utwaldt forrad af de nyttigaste och igeuom arfarenhet mast beprofwade liike-medel. Of- wersatt fran Tyskau. [The quick-healing horse doctor, for field and travel, instructing iu the commonest diseases of the horse iu the field and on the road; also a selection of the most useful aud approved remedies. Transl. from the Ger- man.] 16°. Stockholm, 1774. Taplin (W.) The gentleman's stable direc- tory, or modern system of farriery; compre- hending all the most valuable prescriptions and approved remedies, accurately proportioned and properly adapted to every known disease to which the horse is incident; interspersed with occasioual references to the dangerous and al- most obsolete practice of Gibson, Bracken, Bart- let, Osmer, and others; . . . with a successful method of treating the canine species, in that destructive disease called the distemper. 11. ed. [v. 1.] 8°. London, 1791. -----. The same. 13. ed. v. 1. 8°. Lon- don, 1796. -----. The same. 15. ed., corrected, [v. 1.] 8*. London, 1803. -----. The same. v. 2. Containing experi- mental remarks upon breeding, breaking, shoe- ing, stabling, exercise, and rowelling. 4. ed. 8C. London, 1796. -----. The same. 6. ed. v. 2. 8°. Lon- don, 1**05. -----. Thesame. A new ed. 2v.ini. 8°. Philadelphia, 1812. -----. A compendium of practical and expe- rimental farriery, originally suggested by reason aud confirmed by practice, equally adapted for the convenience of the gentleman, the farmer, the groom, and the smith; interspersed with such Horse (Diseases of Manuals of). remarks and elucidated with such cases as evi- dently tend to insure the prevention as well as to ascertain the cause of disease. 16°. Rich- mond, 1803. Trichter ( V. ) Zweyter Theil tier Pferd- Anatomie, oder neu-anserlesen- vollkouimen- ver- bessert- und ergiinztes Ross-Artzeney-Buch, in welchem griindlich vorgestellt, erkliiret und ge- lehrt wird : was von dem Geschlecht der Pferde, dero verschiedenen Arten, Complexion, Xatur und Alter, nebst guten und bcisen Eigenschaff- ten, Mangel uud Gebrechen, auch welcher- und wie vielerley soldier seyn . . . Allen Liebha- bern der Cavallerie. als Fiirsten, Grafen, Frey- Herren, Rittern, Edlen, Kriegs-Officieren, Stall- meistern, Bereitern, Aertzten, Stutt-Meistern, Marstallen, Ross-Handlern, Schmieden, Biir- geru, etc. . . . 8-'. Franckfurt 4'- Leipzig, 1716. Vennerholm (J.) Grunddragen af hastens operativa speciella kirurgi. [Fundamental lines of special operative surgery of the horse.] k\ Stockholm, 1901. White (J.) A compendium of the veterinary art, containing plain and concise rules for the treatment of all the disorders and accidents to which the horse is liable; with observations on growing, feeding, exercise, and the construction of stables. Also a brief description of the struct- ure, economy, and diseases of the horse's foot, with principles and practice of shoeing. 3 v. 12°. London, 1823-5. -----. A complete system of farriery, and veterinary medicine. Containing a compen- dium of the veterinary art, or an accurate descrip- tion of the diseases of horses and their mode of treatment; the anatomy and physiology of the foot, and the principles and practice of shoeing. 2. Am. from the 10. Lond. ed. 12°. Pittsburgh, 1832. von Wlassim (I.) Pferd-Artzney-Bnch. fol. [n. p.], 1763. Aboii-beltr ibn Bedr. El Nace-ri, trait6 d'hippo- logie et d'hippiatrie arahes. Traduit par le Br. Perron. Analys6 par M. Dutreilh. Gaz. m6d. de 1'Algeria, Alger, 1864,'ix, 20; 31; 55; 66; 80. Horse (Diseases of digestive system of). Clark ( B. ) A description of the gripes of horses, and of a better mode of treating it; also human cholera explained; shewing its identity with the above, and a more successful manner of treating it; its history, etc. 4°. London, 1837. Gamgee (J.) On colic, or indigestion, in the horse; on the diseases of the domestic animals in Kincardineshire; being two essays published in the Highland Society's Transactions for July and October, 1857. 8°. Edinburgh, 1857. Gilbert (F.-H.) Instruction sur le vertige abdominal ou l'indigestion vertigineuse des che- vaux, les caracteres auxquels on peut reconnal- tre cette maladie, les moyens de la pr6venir et de la combattre. 8°. Paris, an IV [1796]. Bostrom (A.) Cornstalk diseases. Am. Vet. Rev., N. T., 1899-1900, xxiii, 250-254. — Dreymnnn. Die Kolik des Pferdes in diagnostischer, genetischer und the- rapeutischer Hinsicht. Die Ursachen, Vorbeugung und Heilung derselben niittelst Massenirrigation gewisser Flussigkeiten. Berl. thierarztl. Wchnschr., 1899, xv, 251- 254.—Ootti (A.) Ricerche sulla eziologia patogenesi e Biero-terapia del cosidetto balordone addominale del ca- vallo. Mem. r. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1899, viii, 213-262. AUo [Abstr.): Rendic. r. Accad. d. sc. d. 1st. di Bologna, 1898-9, n. s., iii, 102-104. AUo [Abstr.]: Bull. (1. sc. med. di Bologna, 1899, 7. s., x, 507-009.—Ilinebauch (T. D.) Millet disease in horses. Am. Vet. Rev., N. Y., 1893-4, xvii, 398-409. Also: Vet. J. & Ann. Comp. Path., Lond., 1894, xxxviii, 1-10.—Honre (E. W.) Remarks on the diagnosis and treatment of the gastric aud intestinal affections of the horse. Vet. J., Lond., 1900, n. 8., ii, 212- 218. — l.nlschfiibrrgcr (J.) Der Gallenfarbstoff in Geweben und Fliissigkeiten bei schweren Erkrankungeu der Pferde. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss seiner Entste- HORSE. 299 HORSE. Horse (Diseases of digestive system of). hungsweise. Ihsteir. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Veterinark., Wieu, 1887, i. 47-71 —Poilltopnyt'H'i Al Baryum ehlo- ratuiu pri kolikakh u losh.ulel. ... in colics el horses. | Vestnik Obsh. vet.. St. Petersb.. 1896, viii, 486-489.— Schollz. t'eben Baroinetersi liwanknngen einen Ein- fluss auf die Anzahl der Koiikerkrankuu^i u aus J Ztschr f. Veterinark.. Berl., 1898, x, 5.-7-410— *!«•«■ (,LG.) Sand coli,- as seen in Florida. Am. Vet Rev., X. Y., 189s-9, wii. 7(1:5 — Voroiil«oll5Y ) Sipnaya forma mita u losh.ulel. I The eruptive tonn of diarrhoa of horses.] Vestnik. Obsh. v ^L.) * De la fourbure aigue. 8 . Toulouse, 1-70. Delperier (J.-B.) Etude speciale du sabot dn cheval et des alterations uugueales. Pan*. 1 -;'**. Delwart (L.-V.) Du carcinome du pied du cheval (crapand) et de ses moveus curatifs. - . Bruxelles, 1843. Dem illy [L.-X.] aine. M^moire sur la con- tracture pelvieune comparee a la paraplegic sur le cheval. - . Chalons, 18.55. Eberleix (R.) * Ueber den Spat der Pferde. 8:. Berlin. 1-97. AUo with additions in .• Monatsh f. prakt. Thierh., Stmt;:.. 1897-*, ix, 1: 40. Als- . tranti in: J. Comp. Path. & Therap., Edinb. of horses and dis- I eases of the locomotorv apparatus. lfP. Xew York, [1-97]. Mercier. Du crapaud ou podoparencliyder- mite chrouique du cheval, suivie du piltin, ou podoparenchydeiiiiite du mouton. l'i0. Evnus, ■ 1841. Minkrevich (G.) *Razsiizlidei)Tc o nieko- toiikh bolieznyakh slvorofochiio-siikliozhilnavo sostava na konechuostyakh loshadi. [Diseases of the sero-tcndinous joint ou the horse's ex- tremities.] -~. S.-Peterburg, 1859. Moller ( H. ) Die Huf kraukheiten des j Pferdes; ihre Erkennung, Heilung uud Verhii- tung. 8C. Berlin, 1-90. ' -----. The same. 3. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1895. Pellerin (C.) Median neurotomy iu the treatment of chronic tendinitis and periostosis I lorse (Diseases of loeomotire system of). of the fetlock. Transl., with additional facts relating to it, by Prof. A. Liautard. 8 5 Neiv York 1890. PrcriTA (K.) Coutributo alia cura della ma- lattia navieolare o podotrochilite cronica. 85 Fossonibrone. 1895. Si'uhr. Die Bein- und Hufleiden der Pferde; ihre Entsteliuug, Verhiitung und ar/.ueilose Hei- lung, nelist einem Anhange iiber arzneilose Hei- lung von Druckschiiden und Wuuden. 4. Aufl. 6*. Berlin. 1889. AVymax (\Y. E. A.) The clinical diagnosis of lameness in tlu* horse. 8 . Xeiv York, 1898. ZCndei. (A.) The horse's foot and its dis- eases. Transl.by A. Liautard. 1*2 . XeicVork,l899. VA kn ( F. A.) Die Lelire vom Huf beselilag und von den wichtigsten iiusseren Krankheiten des Pferdes, wie deren Heilung. 7. Aufl. S . Weimar, 1-84. It 1111 ha 111 ii;. A.i Spavin. Vet. J. & Ann. Comp. Path.. I.oml.. 1-vi. xxi. 75 15'!—Raiiici'. Snr l'etiolo- lth- et ,ia p.uhci^eiiie 5, ■ 1 i |,,n \ in. Rec. < I * - med. vet.. Par., 1898. 8. s.. v, 339-371.— Ka--i R.) Fibromi parassitari desrli stiuchi del cavallo e zoppicature croniche da essi ca- giouate. Medico vet., Torino, 188"), xxxii, 1-13. ------. Sulla vera causa deterniinante le stimmate nel eavo esterno dei garretti del cavallo. Mod. zooiatro, Torino. 1900, xi, 362- 367.—Biol. Un cas probable d'inoculation au coq des eaux au\ jambes .In cheval. Ree. de med. vet.. Par.. 1*>9!», s.s., vi. ::4S-::."0. — Bum ,v Vlouqnet. Sur les erevassed et la maladie de la In nie. Hull. Soe. centr. de med.v£t..Par., 1900, n.s., xviii, 154-165.—Cadrac. Sur les vessigons des extenseurs de-, phalanges. J.dc med. vet.et zootech., Lyon, 1900, 5.s., iv, :;94-::fiii.—Corne via (C.) Le bai iement de la veine dans le traitement de l'eparvin et , xii, ::.— Eb«'rl«*iu iK.i Leber den Begriff und die For- men der Pododeiinatiti> beim I't'eide. Monaish. f. prakt. Thierh.. Stuttg.. Iv7-S. ix, 410- 464 — F li'lincr. Die eitrine uud jam-bine Eutziiiidung des Huf gelenks. 7',<',/., ls!is-5i. x. 289-3ns —CJoubcnml ML J.) New tlmoiv of tlie etiology of slme-boil. Am. Tet. Rev., N. T., 1S99- 1900. xxiii. 615-i'5'6.— <« uNiiiitbci-. Ein Beitrag znr patheloL'isehen Anatomieder Hut'rehe. Monatsbl.f.prakt. Thierh., Stuttg., ls98-9, x, 337-350.— Jacoulet. Boite- ries d'origine osteitiiiiie ou ost6o-arthriti<|ii> ehez les che- vaux de Mute espeeo et de tout service. Hull. Sue centr. de m6d. vet.. l'ar.. 19oo. n. s., xviii, 316-329.— Joly ill.) £tude bildiogiaphique. anatoreiiqueet clinique sur les jar- des. Ibid.. 142-148. —Karnbarh. Zur pathologischeu Anatomie der Hufge], nk,ehale de- I'l.ides Monatsh. I". prakt. Thierh., Stuttg., moo. xi .">ii;_;,r,,._Kirilloir id.) 0 mishechnom pereutomh nii 1 <■ ~ 11a. 1 <• i. .Mu^ular over- work in the horse. Fclien. /apiski Kazan. \5 t Inst , 1891, viii. 120- 129. — Klein in. Eine neue Spatopera- tion. Arch. f. mi-m-hmIi. u. juaki. Thierh., Berl., 1887, xiii, 109-113. — Knip>.<-In-«■!• (J. M ) Spattheorieen en spatbebandeling. 'l'ijdschr. v. veeai isenijk. en veeteelt, Utrecht, ls'JS-9, xxvi, 354, 433. — I.Miigwitz (A.) Bei- trair zui Verknocheriuig der Hufknorpel beim Pferde. Deutselie Ztschr. f. Thienned., Tai]i/.. 1,-88, xiv, 21-44, 1 j>1. .Tlm'ki'j- (S. W.i Sprin^-ehiinp I'or treating hoof- cracks. No. i'.'7'.ii'i; Julyi!. limn.— fln«'<|iie4ii (J.) The pathologv and ti eatinent of spa\ in ; acriiicisiu. J. Comp. l'ath A 15m rap.. Edinb. .v I.oml., Is'.m xii. 119-125.— .T|iill««-H , M A.) K etiolo^ii mokretsa loshadei; bakte- i'iologicheska3'e lzslledovauie. | Etiology of paronychia of horses; bacteriological study.] Shorn, trod Kharkov. vet. Inst. (ls**8|, 18,*!l, ii, 1-54, 1 pl. — »l urliii i YV5 J.) Spavin; its etioloev and treatment. Am. Wt Ke\.,N'.Y., l!'i'0-1901, xxiv, 164-474.—1*11 u« (G.) Einige Bemeikun- gen zur Aetiologie und Therapie der Hufrehe liii Thier- iirzte und Cavalleristen. Oesterr. Mouatsclu. I. Thieih., Wien, ls93, xvii, 385; 433: 481. AUo, 15 print.— I'iyoi ini (O.) Sulla curability della podotuichilite cronica colla cauterizzazione nl luale a punte ji, netranti. Ilior. di vet. mil , Ldinc, 1889. ii. 73-79. — I»l«-.z d'..l (iperative Entfer- nung eines Ueberheines am M<'tacai']ius beim l'ferde. Monatsh. f. jirakt Thierh. Stutlg.. 19im. xi. 241-245.— I*o)«it (R.) Rln umaloid aithritis (so-called kumree. pai aple^ia, etc.) \ Ci. .1 ,v Ann. Comp. Path., Lond., |s,s", x\. 167-172. — I'rilchni'tl. Some of the diseases of horse'b foot Vet. J., Lond., 1900, n. s, ii, 9-13.— Piilz (H.) Zui Theiapie des Hufkrebses. Deutsche Ztsclu. f. Thiermed Leipz 1886, xii, 299-302. ------. Zur Behand- lung der Sehneuerkranknngen und des sogenannten Huf- krebses des Pferdes Ibid., Is94 xxi, 25-33.— K<-<*kie (W ) Plantar neurotomy. -T (dni|i Path. A. Tin rap., Edinb. & Lond. 1888. i. 329-332 — Mit-riumgrotzky Sc Born. 1st das Sal/streuen bei Schneefall deu Eussenden der Pferde nacht h. ilig ' Deutsche Ztschr. f. Thiermed., HORSE. 300 HORSE. Horse (Diseases of locomotive system of). Leipz., 1885-6, xii, 180-199. —Smith (F.) The pathology of navicular disease. Vet. J. .v. Ann. ( oinp. Path., Lond., 1886, xxiii, 73; 160: 242. — I'rii'ixki (G.) Die patho- logische Anatomie der Krongelenkschale des Pl'erdes. Monatsh. f. prakt. Thierh., Stuttg., 1900. xi, 337-355. AUo, transl.: Ann. de med. vet., Brux., 1900. xlix, 457-475.— van dc Veldc (J.) Herhaalde kreupelheid, zonder ken- m-li.jkeoor/.ak en ontsteking van eenige watervaatsklieren. Tijdschr. v. veeartsenijk. en veeteelt, Amst., 18s5, xiii, 90- 94—tie V«»ian (H.) Notes d'un sportsman sur le cla- quage des tendons. Presse vet., Par., 1891, xi, 304-313.— Znlewitky. Die Gonitis chronica deformans des Pferdes. Monatsh. f. prakt. Thierh.. Stuttg., 1901, xii, 4S1-532. Horse (Diseases of nervous system of). Apostolii>ks (B.) Meniugite cerebro-spiuale epid6iuique du cheval observee en Egypte en l-7o. 8°. Alexandria, 1-80. Dkxler (H.) Die Xcrveiikrankheiten des Pferdes. H*-. Leipzig 7. -----. Kumri, or paraplegia. J. Conip. M. & S., N. V. i Phila., 1887, viii, 367 -373. — 1'ndenc. Sur la meniugite cerebro-spinale du cheval. J. de med vet. et zootech., Lyon, 1899, 5. s., iii, 523-526.—Diecker- hoflT. Le tic du cheval. Presse v£t., Anders, 1897 xvii, 340; 393; 417; 463: 1898, xviii, 193; 213; 328.—Has- lam (A.J.) Hurried breathing or blowing; a neu- rosis of the thermotaxic nervous mechanism. J. Comp. Path. &. Therap., Edinb. &. Lond.. 1895, viii, 10-20.—Iosi- foflT(X. A.) K voprosu o mnozhestvennikh abstsessakh v golovnom mozgu. [Multiple abscesses in the brain of a horse.] Vet. obozr., Mosk., 1900, ii, 737-742. —It lett. Pie infectiose Cerebrospinalerkrankung der Pferde (sog. Borna'sche Krankheit). Deutsche thierarztl. Wchnschr. Karlsruhe, 1898, vi, 329; 341.—Leimer. Geniiu-Riicken- marks- Hautentzuiidnii". ((5 rebrospinalmeuingitis ) der Pferde im Reg.-Bez rk Niedeibayern in deu Jahren 1899 bzw. 1900. Wchnschr. f. Tliierh.'u. Viehzucht, Miinchen 1900, xliv, 297; 309; 317; 327; .',39.—Lignicres. Contribu- tion k I'etude dela paraplegic dn clieval. Rec. de med. vet Par., 1898,8. s.,v, 744-760.-----. A propos de la paraph-ie du cheval. Ibid.. 1899, 8. s., vi, 465-474 - Mae Call n in (W.G.) & Buckley (S. S.) Acute epizootic leucoencepha- litis in horses J. Exper. M.. X. V., 1901-2, vi, 65-74. 2 pl.— iHalinovslii (K.) Xserebrospinalniy nienhujit u losha- dei. [Cerebrospinal meningitis in horses.] Vestnik obsh. vet.. St. Petersb., 1900, xii, 759-762. — Ostertag. Ueber die Borna'sche Krankheit. Berl. thierarztl. Wchn- schr., 1900, 433-435.—Plant (E.) Meniere's disease in the horse. Vet. Rec, Lond., 1900-1901, xiii, 433— Schiminel (W. C.) Paralysis van den nervus obturatorius bij een paard. Tijdschr. v. veeartsenijk. en veeteelt,Utrecht, 1894, xxi, 139-149.— Schncidemiilil. Xeueres iiber die seu- chenartigeCei-ebrospinalmeningit is der Pferde. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.]. 1. Abt.. Jena. 189s. xxiii, 892-899. AUo, transl.: .1. Comp. M. Wi' Gcnther (K.) Studien iiber das Kehlkopf- pfeifen der Pferde. 12*. Karlsruhe, 1895. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 8-5 Karlsruhe, 1896. Marchionnksciii (E.) La diagnosi della hol- saggine nel cavallo. 8 . J olterra, I**-. Kegrie\ Etude sur les maladies de poitrine et sur la gonrnie des jennes chevaux cle 1'annee 8J. Paris, 1871. Ball (G.) Quatre cas graves de maladie de poitrine chez le clieval traites par les abces de fixation. Bull. Soc. m6d.-chir. de la Drome |etc], Valence &. Par., 1901, ii, 38- 40.—Barrier (A.) Au sn.jet de lagiavite dela pleuresie aigue du cheval. Bull. Soc. centr. de nied. vet , Par. 1901, n. s., xix, 216-220.—Bartke. Ueber Complicatioiieii und Nachkrankbeiten der Brustseuche. Ztschr f Veterinark., Berl., 1891. iii, 52; 100. AUo, transl: J. Com]). Path. & Therap., Edinb. & Lond., 1891, iv, 295-309.— Bongarlz. Leber einen infertiosen Catarrh der Pferde. Berl. thierarztl. Wchnschr., 1S88, iv, 133-135.— Cailrac. Contribution a I'etude de la pleuropneumonie contagieuse du cheval. Lyon med., 1889, Ixii, 5-17. — Cadiot. Les nouveaux traitemeuts chirurgicaux du coinage chronique du. a la paralysie lai yngienne. Rec de m6d. vet., Par., 1889, 7. s., vi, 238-253. -----. Pleuro pneumonie contagieuse du cheval. Bull. Soc. centr. de med. v6t., Par., 1899. n. s., xvii, 361-377.— C'hantemease & Delaiiiolte. La pneiimonie infectieiise des chevaux. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1888, lxiii. 691. — t'sokor (J.) Ueber die Influenza der Pferde. Wien. klin Wchnschr., 1890, iii, 226-228.— De l.uvck. Quel- ques observations cliniques sur la pneiimonie infec- tieuse des chevaux, faites dans le service de M. Vander- schueren. veterinaire de regiment au 4"" d'artillerie. Ann. de med. vet., Brux., 1894, xliii, 185-197.—Diecker- hoflT(W.) Die Lnngenemphysenie uud ihr Verhalmiss zur Diimpfigkeit bei Pferden. Wchnschr. f. Thierh u. Viehzucht. Aiigsb., 1884. xxviii. 357; 369; 377. AUo, transl.: J. Comp. M. & S., X. Y„ 1885. vi, 168-180.— Dieudonne. Zur Aetiologie der Influenza beim Pferde und ihreni Caiisalznsammenhang mit der Pneumonie des Menschen. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl.,1892, xxi,99- 108.—Dopheide ( T.) Zur Behandlung der influenza- kranken Pferde. Berl. thierarztl. Wchnschr., 1900, 375.— E«lStar (H.) Notes of influenza in horses, 1889 and 1890. Month. Homceop. Rev., Lond., 1890, xxxiv, 335-338.— Ficdeler. Ueber die Brustseuche im Koseler Landge- stiite und iiber den Krankheitsei reger derselben. Cen- tralbl. f. Bakteriol. n. Parasiteuk.. Jena. 1891, x, 310; 341; 380; 408; 454.—Fleming ((".) Infections pneumo- nia of the horse. Vet. J. x Ann. Conip. Path., Lond., 1891, xxxiii, 1-13. —Friedberger. Einige Bemerkun- gen iiber die Behandlung infeetiiiser Pneumouien beim Pferde, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Autifebrin als Antipyreticum. Jahresb. d. k. thierarztl. Hochsch. in Munchen 1890-91. Leipz., 1892, 30-40. — Frii* |S.) Pilo- karpin sserlig med Hensyii til (lets Virkning paa Forfau- geuhed. [Pilocarpine; effect on broken-winded (horses).J Tidsskr. f. Vet., Kjebenb., 1887, xvii, 20-36. — Coring (P.) Ueber die Bewegung und den Stand der Influenza unter deu Pferden in Bayern im Jahre 1890. Wchnschr. f. Thierh. u. Viehzucht, Munchen, 1891, xxxv, 321; 329.— Cratf under. Beitrage zur Casuistik der Sealma. Berl. thierarztl. Wchnschr., 1891, vii, 157-160. -----. Ge- •wahrt das Ueberstehen der Brustseuche nieht nur Iin- munitat gegen dieselbe alleiu. soudern zu sjleicher Zeit audi gegen die Pferdestaupe (Rothlaufseuche) und Sealma? Ibid., 1893, ix, 461 -464. — Hoflmaiui ( L.) Tabelle iiber das Wachsthum und die Gewichtszuuahme der Pferde zwischen dem J 5. und J 6. Jahre und die Beeinflussung desselben durch die Influenza. Arch. f. wissensch. u. prakt. Thierh., Berl., 1885. xi, 130; 287.— Iloge (M. D.), jr. I he urine of the horse in pneumonia. Atlanta Jour.-Rec. Med., 1900-1901. ii, 744—Hnidekoper (R. S.) Sealma. J. Comp. M. & S.. X. T. & Phila., 1887, viii, 344-349. — KiseleflT. Dlelstvie testikulyarnol vi- tyazhki na loshadi i pri povalnom vospaleuii lyokhkikh (pleuro-pneumomiu. contagiosa). [Action of "testicular extract on horses during an attack of . . .] Arch. vet. nauk, St. Petersb., 1900, xxx. 2. sect., 18-25.— I.eclninche (M.E.) Influenza, or la grippe, in the horse. Vet. J.A: Ann. Comp. Path., Lond., 1893, xxxvi, 81; 171. — I.ignici« *. Contribution a I'etude des pneumonies du cheval Pull. Soc. centr. de med. vet., Par., 1897, xv, 335; 450 AU» transl: J. Comp. Path. & Therap., Edinb. ,v Lond. 1898 xi. 312-341. AUo, transl [Abstr.]: Am Vet. Rev., X. Y., 1899-1900, xxiii, 245-250. -----. Nouvelle contribution 4 HORSE. 301 HORSE. Horse (J)iscases of respiratory system of). I'etude de la pasteurellose equine ilievie typhoide. pneu- monie. etc.). ficho vet., Lit-ee, 1898-9, xxviii, 451: 1899- 1900, xxix, 6.— l.iiideiibeig (lv. li.) Llcclienic poval- nol plevro-puevniouii loshadei testikulyarnol vityazhkol. [Treatment of epidemic pleuropneumonia of horses by testicular extract. | Yet. Obozr., Mosk., 1901, iii, 344 349.— ■ iUwlig (A.i Pas Contagiuni der Influenza (Brustintlu- enza, BVustscuche, Influenza pectoralis) der Pferde. Cen- tralbl. f. d. nied. Wissensch., Berl.. 18S5, xxiii, 401-494. -----. Das Contagiuni der Influenza der Pferde. Arch. f wissensch. u. prakt. Thierh., Herl., 18.-8. xiv, 423-455.— UiiiliH iE.) Ueber Influen/a der Pferde und Grand- wasseischwankuug. IVutscho Ztschr. f.Thiernicd., Leip/.., 18,-,-, xiv, 161-178.—lleyer ol. ('. I. si'. A few general re- marks on equine enzootic pleuro pneumonia. Am. Yet. Rev. N5 V.. 1-84-5. viii, 427-4:;:;. —I'een*. Relation d'une epizootic de pneunio-euterite infectieiise chez. le jeune cheval. Rec. ue mem. et obs. s. l'hvg. et la nied. vet. mil.. Par., 1899, 2. s.. xx, 85-179.- Perrin. Kpizootie de pneumonie contagieuse. Ibid., 372-385.— Peter* (F.) Eiu Beitrag zur Entstehungsweise der Brustseuche der Plerde. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Thienned.. Leipz., ls93-4. xx, ll'7-14ti — Kciuliiiiuer. Brustseuche und Brustseuche- Iiuiifungen hei dem Oldeiibui gischen Dragoner-Regiment Nr. l'i nnd den Oldeiibui gi-chen Grossherzojdicheu und Eibgrossherzoglichen Maistalh-n. Zisclir. f. Veteriniirk., Berl., 1901, xiii, 53-62.— Koiii il.) Iufluenza du cheval. Ann. Soc. de med. de Gand. Ic90. lxlx. 252-2", I.—Me liii Iz (J.W.) Die genuine Lunge nen tziindung der 1'l eld,-. A rch. 1. wissensch. u. prakt. Thieih . Berl.. 1882, viii. 16-70. -----. Die Ursache der Brustseuche der Pferde. Ibid , 1887. xiii, 27-94. AU'i. transl. [Abstr.]: J. Comp. M. .v S., Phila., 18,-7, viii,248-257.—Miorcli (C.) Der Ah-:iiii; der Brustseuche der Pferde iu P> amu Oesterr. Ztseln . t. wissensch. Vete- rinark., Wieu, l.-8;c n. F.,iii. 173-2"ii —Tuepper (P.) Die Brustseuche dei Pferde und die l'.ekampfung deiselben durch luipfung. Herl. tliierarztl. Wchuscln., 1893. ix, 341; 353. — Trim-hern iA.i L'influenza e il ti lo del ca- vallo. Clin, vet Ml.mo. 1885. viii, 49U-"i'l.—Troester (C.) Impfungen gegen die Brustseiieli, del Pferde. Zt-chr. f. Veteriniirk., Berl., 1,-99, xi, 356-304.—I »ollseflf (EN.) Opiti sivorotochnavo liecheniv a pri pleuropneu- monia contagiosa u loshadei. LE\periinents of serum treatmentof. . . in horses.] Arch. vet. nauk, St. Petersb., 1899. xxix, 2. sect., 49-62. —Voronlsoll" (V.) K terapii knntagioznol plevro-pnevmonii u loshadei (Brustseuche). I Treatment of contagious pleuropneumonia in horses.] Vestnik Obsh. vet.. St. Petersb., 1890, ii, 227; 243. -----. K etiologii Kontagioznoi plevro-pnevmonii u loshadei; bakteriologicheskiyetyud. [Etiology of contagio us pleuro- pneumonia in hoi -• -: bacteriological study] Ibid.. 1892. iv, 310; 352; 38s.— Weber. [Tiaitement de la pneumonic du cheval pai de^appiicaiioiispeiuianeutes de glare. J Rec. de med. vet., Par., 1898, -. s.. v, 292-302. — Wei-bopf. Auftreten der Influenza in einem giosM ren Pferde bestaude Augsbnrgs. "Wchnschr. f. Thieih. u. Viehzucht. Miin chen, 1901. xiv, 361; 373; >",. Velene vxki ( E ; K vopm- su o sivorotochnom llechenii plevro-pnevmonii u loshadei (pleuro pneumonia contagiosa). [Serum-therapy of . . . of horses.] Arch.vet. nauk, St. Petersb., 1901, xxxi, pt.2,1-13. Horse (Foot of, Diseases of). See Horse {Diseast-s of locomotive system of). Horse (Influenza in). See Horse (Diseases of respiratory system of). Horse (Jurispnulence of). Barton {V. 'I'.) l.'nsound horses, and how to know them; also, the examination of horses; conformation and defective conformation of tho horse; buying; and selling; the law of war- ranty; vice, fraudulent practices; age of the horse; the various breeds and the selection of animals fur special purposes, etc. obi. 24J. Glasgow, [1-90]. Lawrence (ll.) Observations on tbe causes which constitute unsoundness in horses, consid- ered in regard to the sale and jiurclia.se of those animals. 8'^. Birmingham, lnu'J. Maury (G.) * Des ruses einploy6es dans le commerce des solipedes. *.-. Toulouse, 1877. Pierre (A.) Guide des achcteurs; mar- t-hands de cheval et marchauds de chevaux. 8 . Saumur, 1891. Sewell (E.) Tlie examination of horses as to soundness, and selection as to purchase. *"J. London, 1898. Barncr (M.) Die Verantwortlichkeit des Thierarztes am sogenannten Chloroforintode eines Pferdes. Ztschr. f. Thiermed., Jena, 1900, iv, 28; 81. Horse (Parasites of). ( See, also. Dourine; Mule (Parasites of); Piro- plasma; Surra. JioDix (V..) Les teignes tondantcs du cheval et leurs inoculations humaines. *■ 5 Paris, 1890. van dkr Koi.k (J. L. (J. S.) Meinoire sur l'a- natoinie et la physiologic clu gastrus equi. 4°. Ani8ttrdani, 1-115. Ncman' (A.) Waarneiningen onitrent de bor- zel-inaskers, welke in de maag van het paard hnisvesten. I 5 [Amsterdam, l8'.V9.\ Cnttinq front: N. Verhandel. d. eersle Klasse v. h. K5- Nederl. liist, v. AVctensch. te Amst., 1833, iv, 139-281, G pl. Als,,, transl. in: Mag. f. d. ges. Thierh., Berl., 1838, iv, 1-140, 2 pl. Prussia. Publicaiiduin die'in der Kurinark sich verbreitende Kaude der Pferde bctreffend. Potsdam, cbn 15. May 1810. Polizei-Deputution der Kuriniirkisclicii Kegicrung. Ibl. [Berlin, 1SUI.] Vai.lisxkri (A.) Nuove osservazioni fisiche, e mediche nella costituzione verminosa, ed epi- demica seguita nolle cavalle, cavalli e puledri del Mantorano, e di questo sercinssinio domiuio di Venezia. *■>-. Venezia, 1715. Itaraiiwki (A.) Ein Beitrag zum Vorkominen des Actinomyces beim Pferde. Arch. f. wissensch. u. prakt. Thierh., Berl., 1889, xv, 242-217 — Ka*»i (R ) Aucoradei tibromi parassitari del cavallo. Medico vet,, Torino, 1885, xxxii, 145-150.—Kerna r life-history of Sclerostomum tetracan- thum Diesing, and on sclero^tomiasis in equine animals; iu connection with a so-called outbreak of surra at Shillong. Scient, mem. med. oil'. India, Calcutta, 1892, vii, 1-23, 1 ch., 3 pl. — <»olti (A.) ^ Itraxxola (Fi Sopra un caso di bla^t.....ic-o^i nasale iu una cavalla. Mem. r. Accad. d. sc. d 1st di ilologna. 1897, vii, 721-754. — ii nyoi (J.) Con- iriluition a I'etude des larves de gastrophiles (cestrides) parasites ile I'estomac du cheval. Arch, de parasite!., Par., 1901, iv, 169-221.—Hamburger ill. .1.) Actino- myces im Knocheusystciue eines Pferdes. Arch. f. path. Anat, [etc.]. Perl., 1889, cxvii, 423-427 —11 iiiricli«cu. reherdie Iliiutigkcit des Vorkoiiuneiis t lnerisclier Para- siten im Hodensack der I'lerde, hierdun li vcrursaclilo liathologisch-anatoniische Veriinderungen an der Schei- ileiihaut des Hodens. uud iiber den niiithinassliclien Zu- saniineiihaiig dieser Parasiten mit deu bekannteu Exkre- scenzen uud anuereii YVucherungoii am Peritoneum der Plerde. Arch. I « issciiM-h. u. prakt. Thierh.. Berl., 1897, xxiii. lsn-186.—Jerke (M.) /.ur Keuntnis der Oxynreu des Pferdes. Jenaische /.tschr. f. N'aturw., Jena, 1901, n. V., xxviii, 347-408, 1 pl Koilii iY.) [Parasites of the hoist, 1 dun Igaku Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1900, 353-368.— V|<5",iiiu (P.) Un cas de pai asilisine, chez le cheval, par le l.epiotena cervi. Compt. rend. Soc. do biol., Par., 1899, 10. 8., vi, 231. —.Tlurr.nyell'iP.I Pri.sutsvic lichinok ga- strophilus uasali.s v /levie loshadi, simulirovavsheye sap. | Presenceml' hu \ a- of . .in the fauces of a horse, simu- lating ghinder,. | Arch. vet. nauk, St. Petersb.. 1900, xxx, 2. sect.. 405.—."Voenrtl. Affection parasitaire simulant la dourine. Hull. Soc. centr.de m6d. vet.. Par.,1900, n. s., xviii, 197.— I'ailcr (J.) Uu cas mortel d'heliuiuthiaso oho; le clieval. Iter, de med. vet., Par., 1893. 7. s., x, 287- 2s9— IN-rroncito (E.) Inoculation d'actinoinyces acci- denlclleinent, sui venue ii, un cheval. Arch. ital. de biol., Turin. 1886, vii, 143.—von Kill:/. (S.) Zur Kras;e net Ankvlostomiasis des 1'1'enh-s. Ceiiiralhl. f. ll.ikteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1898, xxiv, 298-305. -Hi volla iS.l Sopra un niicroinicete del cavallo; nota pie\ciitiva ('u- glielnio da Saliceto, Piacenza, 1879-80, i, 115— Kchneiilcr (ll.) Ac Itnllaril. Le trypauosome de la dourine (maldo coit). Arch, (h parasito'l., Par., 1900, iii, 124-133. ----- HOKSE. 302 HORSE-FLESH. Horse (Parasites of). -----. La dourine et sou parasite. Rec. de med. vet.. Par., 1900. 8. s., vii, 81; 157; 220.—Nh a drill (N. A.) K kazuiatikle Maria.- oculi (filarial multipapillosaj) loshadi. (. . . of the horse.] Vet. Obozr., Mosk., 1901, iii 7-12.— Valentini iL.) Caso interessaute di ascariasi in un cavallo. Boll. d. Soc. rom. per gli stud, zool., Roma, 1897, vi, 96. Horse (Pleuropneumonia in). See Horse (Diseases of respiratory system of). Horse (Pneumonia in). See Horse (Diseases of respiratory system of). Horse (Roaring in). See Horse {Diseases of respiratory system of). Horse (South African sickness of). See, also, Fever (Malarial, Parasites of). Ellington (A.) South African horse-sickness; its pa- thology aud methods of protective inoculation. J. Comp. Path. & Therap., Edinb. A Lond., 1900, xiii, 200; 281. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1900, ii, 1568-1572. AUo, transl: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1901, xxix, 133-144. AUo [Abstr.]: Vet. J., Lond., 1901. iii, 27-36.— IlavcN. South African horse sickness. Vet. J. &. Ann. Comp. Path., Lond., 1892, xxxv, 153-160. — ITI'Failyean (J.) African horse-sickness. J. Comp. Path. Az Therap., Edinb. & Lond., 1900, xiii, 1-20. AUo [Abstr.]: Veterina- rian, Lond., 1900, lxxiii, 323-325.-----. A further contribu- tion to the pathology of African horse-sickness. J. Comp. Path. & Therap., Edinb. & Lond., 1901, xiv, 103-118.— rVocard. I.a horse sickness, ou maladie des chevaux de l'AClique du Sud. Bull. Soc. centr. de med. v6t., Par., 1901, n. s., xix, 37-51.—Prevention and cureof Cape horse sickness. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, i, 1365— Kickinaiiu. IlerErregerder Pferdesterbe(hor.-esickness; paardziekte). Berl. thierarztl. Wchnschr., 1900, xvi. 314-31(1. -----. Pas Wesen der Pferdesterbe. Ibid., 337.—Tlieiler. Die si'ul- afrikanische Pferdesterbe. Deutsche thieriirztl. Wchn- schr.. Hannov., 1901, ix, 201; 209; 221: 223; 241. — Kiirn. Die Plerde Siidafrikas und deren gefahrlichsteu Krank- heiten. insbesondere die Malaria. Ztschr. f. Thiermed., Jena, 1900, iv, 143-163. Horse (Training of). See Horse (Care, etc, of) Horse (Vomitingof'). Renin. M6nioire sur la structure de I'estomac du cheval ct sur les causes qui empechent cet animal de vo- mir. Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. 1746, Par., 1751, 23-54. 5 pl.— <»nmgee (J. S.) An inquiry into the reasons why the horse rarely vomits. Lond. J. M., 1852, iv, 549-564. "Also, Reprint. -----. A contribution to comparative pathology, being a further inquiry into the reasons why the horse rarely vomits. Veterinarian, Lond., 1857, xxx, 121-133. AUo, Reprint.—Lamoricr. M6moire oil Ton donne les raisons pourquoi les chevaux ne vomissent point. Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. 1733, Par., 1735, 511-516, 1 pl. Also: Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. Mem. 1733, Amst., 1737, 687-696, 1 pl. AUo, transl.: K. Akad. d. Wissensch. in Par.. . . Abhandl. 1731-4, Bressl., 1757, 497-503, 1 pl.—ITIoller (O.) Ein Pall von Erbrcchen beim Pferde. Berl. thierarztl. Wchnschr., 1901, 444. Horse ( Wounds and injuries of). Adrian. Quelques observations se rapportant a, des plaies de.chirees ct graves; r6sultats de l'antisepsie ehi- rurgicale. Rec. de mem. et obs. s. l'hyg. et lamed, vet. mil., Par., 1898. 2. s., xix, 532-548.—Ei (S.) [Wounds of horses by edged weapons.] Gun Igaku Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1899,149-189.-.H illcr (W.C.) Comminuted fract- ure of the os suffraginus in a race horse. Am. Vet. Rev. N. Y., 1901-2, xxv, 756-758.—Tweed ley (H.) Fractures of the os suffraginus from slight accidents. J bid., 358. Horse in military service. See Medicine ( Veterinary, Military). Horseback-riding. See, also, Medicine (Veterinary, Military). Belleteste (J. J.) *An sanitatis presidium equitatio? 8°. Parisiis, 1737. Durant(G.) Horse-back riding, from a medi- cal poiut of view. 1*2°. Xew York, 1878. Guilbekt de Preval (C.-T.-G.) * An ad sauitatein equitatio? 4°. [Parisiis, 1705.] vax Heemskerk (D.) * De equitatione. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1791. Laffoxt (L.-J.-F.) * Essai sur l'6quitation. 4J. Montpellier, [an XII (1804)]. Horseback-riding. Legay (F.-J.-A.j * Essai sur l'equitation, considered sous les rapports hygieuique et thera- peutique. 4°. Montpellier, 1834. Monteilh (E.-J.-A.) * L'equitation, ses effets physiolooiques, psychiques et p6dagogiques. 8°. Bordeaux, 1899. Pierron (P.-P.-A.) *Sur l'equitation. 4J. Strasbourg, 1828. Puxix (N. M.) #0 vliyanii verkkovol yez- di na azotistiy obmlen i usvoyeuie azotistlkk veshtsliestv pishtshi u zdorovikk lyudel. [Influ- ence of horseback-riding- on nitrogenous metabol- ism and assimilation of nitrogenous substances of food in healthy men.] 8-. S.-Peterburg, 1891. Kamzeeius (A.) *De equitatione, ejusque in medicina usu. sm. 4C. Upsalicv, 1738. Renoult (A.-J.) Essai stir les maladies des gens de clieval. V2Z. Paris, an XI [1803]. Bichter (G. G.) [Pr.] cle salutari, limitando tamen equitationis exercitio. 4°. Gottingce, 17.57. Also, in his: Opusc. med. 4°. Francof. & Lips., 1780, iii, 367-391. TIminski (S. L.) * Material! k voprosu o vli- yanii kavaleriyskolsluzhbina razvitie orgauiznia u zdorovikh lyudel. [Iuflueuce of cavalry serv- ice upon the development of the organism in healthy men.] [St. Petersburg.] 8°. Kovna, 1892. Astcgiano (G.) Sulle malattie prodotte dalla equita- zione. Gior. med. d. r. esercito [etc.], Roma, 1893, xii, li- 40.—Botlenhanicr (W.) Equitation and bicycling con- sidered as charming, graceful, and healthful exercise, as •well as valuable remedies in the treatment of some chronic affections. N. York M. J., 1895, Ixii, 554-559.—Ferron. Osteome des cavaliers. Bull. Soc. d'anat. ct physiol. . .. de Bordeaux, 1890, xi, 104.—Hall (J.N.) A contribution to the studv of accidents from equestrianism. Med. News, Phila., 1892, lx, 228-230.—Ken ling (J. M.) Sanitary horseback riding;. Med. Rec, !N5 V., 1892, xii, 27.—Nils- son (E.) Nagra anmarkningar om kavalleriexercis och ridofningar fr&n mediciusk synpunkt. [Some remarks on cavalry exercises and riding, from a medical standpoint.] Tidski-. i mil. Helsov., Stockholm, 1886, xi, 378-387.— Parker (AV. T.) Accidents from equestrianism. Gail- lard's M. J., N. T., 1897, lxiv, 265-273.—Perron. Des affections provoqu6es par l'equitation; hygiene de cet exereire. Rev. san. de la Province, Bordeaux, 18S9, vi, 10- 14.—Rosenberger (J. A.) Ueber das Vorkommen von Reitweh an der Patella. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1900, xlvii, 247-249. AUo [Abstr.]: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1899, Leipz., 1900, lxxi, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 529.—S. (K.) & F. (F.) TTeber den Sitz der Da- men zu Pferde. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1901, xxvii, stlj.—Zimmerman■■ (A.) Ein Beitrag zur Casuistik der operativen Behandlung vou Reitknochen. Milituerarzt, Wien, 1897, xxxi, 169-172, Horse-chestnut. See J33sculus. Horse-colic. See Horse {Diseases of digestive system of). Horse-flesh as food. Bonora (D.) L' ippofagia. Note d' igiene alimentare e zootecnia. Memoria. 8^. Man- tova, 1896. Decroix (E.-F.) Conference sur l'usage ali- mentaire de la viande de cheval, 26 septembre 1878. 8°. Paris, 1879. -----. Recherches experimentales snr la viande de cheval et sur les viandes insalubres au point de vue de Talimentation publique. 8°. Paris, 1885. Fuciis (C. J.) Over het gebruik van paar- denvleesch als voedsel voor deu uiensch. Ge- schied-, leefregel- en zedekundig ouderzoek om- trent deze zaak. Eene voorleziug . . . nit het Hoogduitsch door F. C. Hekineiier. 8°. Utrecht, 1859. Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire (I.) Lettres sur les substauces alimeutaires et particulierement sur la viande de cheval. 1*2J. Paris, 1856. HORSE-FLESH. 303 HORSE-SHOEING. Horse-flesh as food. Great Britain. Parliament. House of Lords. Horseflesh (,sale for foodv A bill intituled An act to regulate the sale of horseflesh for human food. April 9, 1 **-'.». fol. London. \*-9. Kreltzer (J. M.1 Das Sehhu hten der Pferde uud derGeiiuss des Pt'crdetleisches, in gesehiehf- licher, okononiiseher und gesundheits-polizeili- cher Bezielmngbetraclitet. r* . Augsberg. 1-17. Morot(C) Des progres de l'hippophagie en France et ii Fet ranger (documents statistiqiies i. 8C. Troyes, 1-91. Repr. from: Pull, du com. agric. depart, de l'Auhe. ls'.M. AUo, transl. in: J. Rov. Statist. Soe.. Lond., 1891, liv, 519-527. Minaret [J.-M.-P.] Lettre Mir l'hippophagie aM. Key. 12-. Lyon, 1-5-. Recordon (G.) L'hippophagie. son histoire, son aveuir. son etude au point de vue cle l'hy- giene publiqiic. 8C. Paris. l—~). Rnstiau i A. ■ Les chevaux de Paris au point de vue de I'aliineiitatioii. 1'ie-sc v6t.. Angers. 1899, xix. 229- 241. — Bastien i'1'.i Sur la reeheicho de la viande de cheval dans les sauciss(m>. J. de pharm. et chiin., l'ar., 189s 6. s., viii, 540- .2 Batlelli (K.i Sulla ditfereuza fra le canii di cavallo e quelle 5i be, o di maiale fresche e leiisrivat,. Ann. d'ig. sper. i;,,m;i 1898. n. s.. viii, 222- 22?.—Bell (J.) Mode ot distil.;:^l,in_ borsetVsh from beef, ijhem Xews. Lond.. 18*7 1\ ','• — It riiiiii<;aiii .v Eilclniiiiin. Zum chi ischtn Nachweis i,m I'teide- rl. i-, Il Zt-, ' -. i Fleisci u Milehhyg.. Berl lv'4-' v l-'T-l!" —loollioi -»:iinl-ll ilaire (I.) lie 1 usa^i- aliiuentaire •'■<- 1 i \i.!i ■ ee ■ ■ ■ va'. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par.. 185ii. xliii. 455~i5y.—4*riolet aiu£. De quel- ques consequence^ de lhippopha^ie. As.-oc. franc, pour ' l'avane. . d. sc. C.-r. 1896. Par.. 1897. xxv. pt. 2, 735- 742. — Horseflesh as human food; our experience of a horseflesh banquet. Health News. Loud., 1897-8, xii. ! 315.—HniileLoper (R. S.i Horseflesh for our t,>,'i J. Comp. M. m Ver Arch.. Phila., 1?95. xvi. 6.5-70.—«!«■ .lon<* (D. A.) Jzn. Het aantiioneii van paardenvlees, h lan-s chemischen weg. Ti.id»< hi. v. veeartsenijk. en veeteelt Utrecht, 1898-9. xxvi. 3D: 125.— I.abat (A.) Sur les mo- yens de reconiiaitie la viande de elu-val. Arch. med. de Toulouse. Is95. ::49-3.">i'i. — .llorot (Ci liuerre et hippo- phaslie sous le consulat et i empire. J. d'hyi:.. Par., 1897, xxii. 531-534.—.llonle. Sur un pmcede chimique pour reionnaitre la viande de cheval. Lull. Soc. centr. de m6d. vet. Par., 1895. n. s.. xiii. 57-60.— >iebel W.) Ueber den Nachweis des Pfenlefleisches in N.iin ungsmitteln. Zt- schr. f. Fleisch- u. Milehhyg.. Beil.. lstio-91, i. 185: 210. —---. Zur Frage des chemisi hen Nachweises vou Pferde- rieis.i,. Ibid., ls94-5, v, sG - c — \o< ar.l iE.i De l'em- p5'i de la viande de clieval d,m- < i-i la.us .-.aucissons. [ Ii.ij». j Ann. d'hyg.. Par., }>•'■•'>. ... s., xxxiii, 289-294.— Olxi'^ulat liten iiber das Stelzersche Verfahren zum X,niiweis iIhs l'i.T'leih-isches. Z'-, i r. f. Fleisch- u. Mih-hh.'.g., Berl.. ls94-5. v. ls3-ls(J. —OiiolT(V. D.) Ko- mi,.t na kazauskoio tatarskom nnkle. [Horse-flesh in the Kazan Tartar market.] J. ru>sk. Obsh. okbran. na- rod. zdrav.. St. Peters!, *8'i2 ii. 545-553. Also, Rej'iint — OxtertRS. Oh. : _'ut.i< ht.-u iiher das Stelzersche \ • • 11";111- reu zum N5n -.v.,-.- ,\, s I Met d>-tieiscfaes. Ztschr. 1. Lh ,-cle n. Milehhyg., Berl., 1894-5, v, 183-1 SO. —de Ffanville (H.) La viande de cheval et la noun iture du chicn. Na- ture. Par., 1900-1901, xxix. pt. 2. 130. — I* tinner (E.) Ueber die Gesundheitssrhiidigungen. welche durch den GenussvouPferdefleischverursacht werden. (Nebst eiuem Beitrag iiber die Resorption der Fette.) Aieh. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1900, lxxx, 111-138.— tie T. (M.) Moyen de reconnaltre la viande de clieval, nieme nielangce a la chair d'autres animaux. J. d'hyg., Par., 1897, xxii, 364.— Trotter (A. M.) On Niebel's method of detecting horse- tb-h. J Comp. Path. A: Therap., Ediub. Sc Lond., 1896, ix. 95-101. AUo [Abstr.]: Rep. Lab. Roy. Coll. Phys., Edinb., 1-97. vi, 198-202. Horse-hair. See Hair ( IVorkers in). Horse-hail* in surgery. See, also, Drainage (Surgical). Daniel* (C. M.) The u^e of uoiseh.iii in 8iin.r'iv. •J. Am. M. Aus. Chicago, 1895. xxiv, 325. — Thompson (C. O.j Horsehair in minor surgery lio-tun M A; S. I , 1893, exxix, 315-347. [Discussion], 351. AUo, Reprint. IIoi-m -knacker*. Payex. Notice sur les moyens d'utiliser toutes les parties des animaux morts daus les campagnea. 81-. Paris, 1830. Horse-knacker*. Peyxal. l.)e I'equairissage sous le rapport de l'hvgiene publique et de la police sanitaire veterinaire. s . Paris, 18(i0. Weiimer (H.) Abdeckeieiweseu. *?-. Jena, 1*95. IVoeard. L'in.stallation des clos d'equurrissage; rap- port sur un jirojet de deplaceinent du clos diMiuari issage exploitc par M",r veuve Merlin ii Ivrvsiir-Seinr. Ann. d'hyg.. Par., 1894, 3. s., xxxi, 193-204. — ,*ieli nel I. La rrainpe des equarisseuis. Marseille med., 1889, xxvi, 193-197. Horse-nettle. See Epilepsy ( Treatment of) with Solatium caro- linense. 1101>C-1>0\. 1'ai.ai (J.-B.) Le horse-pox, ou variole equiue. >'. Arras, l*>?:>. Tkasbot. De la goiinnc, ou variole clu clie- val; formes nalurclles et irregulieres de cette affection; son inoculation comme moyen pre"- veutifdes complications (pi'elle peut presenter. S . Paris. 1780. Ail ami (J. G.) Upon horse-pox affecting the cow. Proc. Med.-Uhir. Soc. Montreal (18'.i2-4j, 1895, vii, 193- 198. — 4*nltici- (P.-V.) Horse pox simulant la dourine; enzootie de variole equine dans la Haute-Loiie. J. de m6d. v6t, et zootech.. Lyon. 1887, 3. s.. xii. 341-302. AUo, Reprint. — .11 a lion (F.'C.i Variola equina ihorse-poxc Vet. J. .v Ann. Comp. Path., Lond., 1890, xxx, 243; 4cs._ llartiii. Case of variola ecjiiiua'. Boston M. Jc S. J., lssl, cv, 424. — ITlorenn. Sur une epidemic de hoise- pox. [Rap. de Hervieux'.] Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1901, 3. s., xiv. 58C-568. — Peupion. Experiences sur l'inoculation preventive de la gourme. Rec. de niein. et obs. s. 1 by-, et la med. vet. mil., Par., 1898, 2. s.. xix, 750- 754.—I'll ilippe (J.) De la variole du cheval (hm-se-pox). 1'rp.de la Seine-Inf. Cons, centr. d'hyg. [etc.] 1879. Roiu-u, 1-sc 82-1U9.— W'alley (T.) Variola equina. J. Comp. Path, i Therap.. Ediub. -V Loud., 1890, iii, 230-237. Horse-shoeing. See, also. Horse (Care, etc., of). Alasoxikki: (L.) Nouvelle methode de ferrer les chevaux pour preVenir l'eucastelure et les autres maladies cle leurs pieds en ajontant an fer ordinaire le frog-stay 'arrete-fourchette). ?-. Xnpolcon, 1863. Balassa iC\) L5art de ferrer les cbevaux sans faire usage de la force selon les moyens ra- tiounels deduits de la psieologie du cheval. Trad, par Fortune? de Brack. 8-. Paris, ls'5. Charlier (H.) * Du pied du cheval. de sa conservation physiologique et de sa regenera- tion par la tenure periplantaire dite lerrure Charlier. ** . Paris, 1*6)*. Clark (15.) A series of original experiments on the foot of the living horse, exhibiting the changes produced by shoeing, and the causes of the apparent mystery of this art. 4 . London, 1-09.' Diversi (Delle) ferratuic secondo la confor- mazioiie di versa de' piedi. MS. 4°. [n.p., n. d.] Kalxin<; (K. I.) I (heni'e o ratsionalnoi kov- kle loshadei. [Kational shoeing of horses] 2. ed. - . Kazan, l**t)0. Laxi.exhakhkk (L.) Zapiski teorii kovki; kins ohfserskol kavaleriyskof shkoli. [Notes on the theory of horse-shoeing; course of'officers' cavalry school.] - \ S.-Peterburg, 18**. Lkiskimnii, Hartmaxx A. Li'xiaviTZ. Xoga loshadi, yeya stroyeni'e, otpravleuie i kovka. (Der Fuss des Pferdes..') S T-vo nleinetskavo izdauia. [The foot of the horse; its structure, function, and shoeing. From the 7. German ed. J 8J. Kharkhov, l"<):5[-5]. Metiiiidk (ioodenough. 1'erragc des chevaux. S-. Tours, 1877. OsKui.Koi'i' (I. V.) Kovka i bollezni kojiit. [Shoeing aud diseases of tho hoof.] *.*-'. S.-Pe- terburg, 1900. HORSK-SBOEIXCr. 304 HOHST. Horse-slioeiiii;. Peuch (F.) &■ Lesbre (X.) Precis du cheval et cle sa ferrure, avec appendice sur la ferrure du mulet, de l'ane et du bcenf. 6 . Paris, 1896. Pillwax (J.) Lehrbuch des Huf- und Klauen- Beschlages. 4. Aufl. 8-5 Wien, 1*81. Rodkt (J.-B.-C.) De la ferrure sous lo poiut de vue de l'hygiene, ou de sou influence sur la conservation tant des animaux que de leur apti- tude au travail, suivie des moyens d'agir sur la corne dans Fintention d'eiitreteuir ou cle r6tablir les bonnes qualit^s des pieds des animaux. 8°. Paris, 1811. Repr. from: Ann. de l'agric. franc., 1839-40. Saixz y Rozas (J. A.) Tratado completo del arte cle herrar y forjar. 3. ed. 8\ Zaragoza, 1890. Ilnret. [Contribution k I'etude de l'encastelure. ] [ Kap. de Delperier.J Rec. de med. vet., Par., 1898, 8. s., v, 'i84-394. — Koetiiers. Historische Hufeisen. Ztschr. f. Veterinark., Berl.. 1901, xiii, 197; 253. Horse-shoeing'. [Patent specifications Hughes (J.V.) Nailless horseshoe. No. 656979; An". 28. 19(H).—Voelkcr (G. TV.) Improvement in horse.shne. pads. Xo. 219327; Sept. 2, 1879. Horsey (V.). See tlott (Frederick W.) &. Horsey (V.y On the ex- istence of bacteria [etc.]. 8°. [London, 1880.J II oi stall (T. p.). See Proceeding!* of the conference on education [etc.] [i'*il.s|. *Q. Manchester, 1885. Horsfoid (E[ben] N[orton]) [1818-93]. Con- nection between the atomic weights and the physical and chemical properties of barium, strontium, calcium, and magnesium, and some of their compounds. 9 pp. 8°. [Xew Haven, 1-50.] Repr. from: Am. J. !Sc. ,.v Arts, N. Haven, 1850,2. s.,ix. -----. The theory and art of bread-making; a new process without the use of ferment. [A new method of making bread, by Justus von Liebig.] 47 pp. 12*-5 [Cambridge, 1861.] Si-e, also. Dann (Samuel L[nther)). Lead pipe; its danger [etc.]. s5 Ion-ell. 1848.—von l.icbig (J[us- tus]) [in 1. s.]. Researches on tlie chemistry of food [etc.]. 12°. Loive.ll, 1848. For Biography, see Pop. Sc. Month., ^ST. Y., 1892-3, xiii 720. Horsley (J. Shelton). Some remarks ou ampu- tation at the hip-joint, with report of a case by Wyeth's method. 11pp. 16*-'. Xew York, 1895. Repr. from: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1895, xlvii. -----. A new method of intestinal anastomosis.1 Some remarks on amputation at the hip-joint, Avith report of a case by Wyeth's method.2 Co- caine in surgery.3 21 pp. 12°. Danburu, Conn., 1898. 1 Repr. from: ~8. York Polyclin., 1897, x. 2Repr. from: Med. Rec, X. Y., 1895, xlvii. 3Repr. from: Tr. M. Soc. Virg., Richmond, 1897. -----. Reports of operations for the radical cure of three unusual cases of inguinal hernia. 3 pp 8-. Xew York, 1899. Repr. from: N5 York M. J., 1899, Ixx. Horsley (J. W. ) Advance, Australia! Wake up, England! In reference to the work of the state children's relief department. 1 sheet fol. [Sydneii, 18*0.] Pall Mall Gaz., Jan. 1, 1886. Horsley (John). Medicated cod-liver oil his- torically aud chymically considered. With some account of several new methods of imparting to it greater medical efficacy. 15 pp. 12C. London, J. Churchill, 1856. Horsley (Reginald). Cyst of the posterior ex- tremity of the inferior turbinated body. 8 pp. 8-. Edinburgh, 1890. Repr. from: Edinb. M. J., 1889-90, xxxv. Horsley (Rosamond Brunei). Si-.e lit ron-Allen (Edward). A manual of cheiroso- phy [etc.J. 125 Xew York, 1885. lorsley (Victor [Alexander Hayden]) [1H.-.7- ]. University of London. Report to the committee of the Brown Institution for the year 1885. 13 pp. 8°. [London, 1886. ] ----. Brain surgery. 27 pp. 8°. London, J, Bale <$• Sons, 18,-7. Repr. from: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, ii: 1887, i. ----. On hydrophobia and its treatment, espe- cially by the hot-air bath, commonly termed the Bouisson remedy. 12 pp. sm. 4°. London J. Bale 50. Bound with his: Observationum medicinalium singula- riuni libri iv, (etc.]. 45 Ulinre, 1828. -----. Opeium medicornm [tomus primus er secundus]. 2 v. 7 p. 1., 4i>5 pp., 14 1., port.; 7 p. 1., .591 pp., 12 1. 4-5 Goudw, sumpt. G. van- der Hoeve, 1661. Title of v. 1: Tomus primus, qui continet institutiones medicas. et reliqua scripta theorica hue spectantia. cum triplici indice disputationum scil. quicstiouum. ac rerum verborum que magis notabilium. Cura Gregorii Horstii, junior is. Title of v. 2: Tomus secundus, in quo observation?s et epistohe mediciuales, . iv, 2-109 pp. 8-. London, J. 4- A. Churchill, 1900. -----. Urotropin; iiber Tvphns-Bacillus und Typhus. [Abstr.] 16 pp. " -*0. [n.p., 1900.] Transl. from: Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1900, i. HortSCliansky (Paul [Friedrich Wilhelm]) [1865- ]. * Zur Kenntniss der brouchopueu- monischen Erkrankungen, namentlich im An- schluss an Influenza. 20 pp. ***. Kiel, Schmidt 4- Klaunig, 1895. Hortus sanitatu8. De herbis et plantis. De aniiualibus et reptilibus. De avibus et volati- libus. De piscibus et natatilibus. De lapidibus et iu terra* venis nascentibus. De minis et earum speeiebus. De facile acquisibilibus. Ta- bula medicinalis cum directorio generali per omnes tractatus. [Anctore Joh. Cuba.] 366 1. fol. Venitiis, B. Penalium 4' J- de Lereto de Tri- clino alius Lacuiuum, 1511. -----. Thesame. 353 1. fol. [n. p., n. d.] -----. The same. [ De herbis et plantis.] 320 pp. 4°. [n.p.,n.d.] First page mutilated. Last pages wanting. German black-letter, with illuminated capitals. See, also. Choiilant (L.) Ueber drei oft mit einander vei wecbselte Arzneibiichei des Mittelalters Allg. med. Ann.. Lei))/... 1829, 1153-1168. Horvald (Eugeu). * Ueber die Aethernarkose iu der Gebnrtshiilfe und Gvniikologie. 16 pp., 2 tab. *°. Bern, S. Collin,1890. Horvatli (Alexis). See Khorvat. Horveno (Pierre) [1874- ]. * Les paralysies dans la coqueluche. 18 pp. *» ». Paris, 1899, No. 243. Horwiez (A[dolf]). Zur Xaturgeschiehte der Gefiihle. Vortrag <>ehalten im Verein "Athene" zu Magdeburg. 39 pp. 8-'. Berlin, C. Habel, 1876. Horwitz (Hermann Adolphus). * De aphthis neonatorum. :i2 pp. 12°. Dorpati Liv., typ. J. C. Schiinmanni, 1829. Horwitz (Ludwig). * Ueber eine neue Methode zur Bestimmung des Aetherdampfes in der Luft. 32 pp. 12°. \\ iivzburg, Stahel, 1900. Horwitz (M[artin Isaycvitch]) [1837-83]. Zur Lehre von der kiiustlichen Unterbrechuug der Schwangerschaft (kunstliche Friihgeburt und HOKWITZ. 307 HOSPITAL. Horwitz (M[artin Isayeviteh])—continued. kiiiistlicher Abortus). 1 p. 1., 92 pp. 8°. Gies- sen, J. Bicker; St. Petersburg, K. Bicker, 1881. Horwitz (Orville). A compend of surgery. For students and physicians. 3. ed., thoroughly re- vised, enlarged, aud improved, viii, 9-210 pp. 12*5 Philadelphia, P. Blakiston, Son 9■ Co.,18*8. ------. The same. Including minor surgery and a complete section on bandaging. 5. ed. xv, 324 pp. 12*. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston, Sou 5 Co., It93. ------. The same. 2. ed. vii, 9-156 pp. 8 . Edinburgh, Y. J. Pentland, 1886. ------. Reunion of a portion of an amputated finger. 2 pp. 12°. [Philadelphia, 1892.] Repr. from : Med. News. Phila.. 1892, lxi. ------. Spinal aniemia, due to syphilis. 25 pp. S-\ Detroit, G. S. Paris, \*92. Repr. from: Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1892, 3. s., viii. ------. A clinical in\cstigatiou to determine the value of corrosive sublimate aud the gray oil ad- ministered hypodennically in the treatment of syphilis. 10 pp. >:. Detroit. G. s. Davis, 1-91. ' Repr. from: Therap. Gaz.. Hetroit, 1894, 3. s., x. ------. Organic stricture of the urethra. Meth" ods of treatment recommended, with indications for their employment. 1,- pp. 8 5 [Philadel- phia, 1-01.] Repr. from: Med. News. Phila., 1894, lxv. ------. Complete extirpation of the penis for epi- thelial carcinoma. 4 pp. S-. Xeiv York, 1*M- Repr. from: J. Cutan. 8 HOSPITAL. Hospital de alieuados em Rilhafolles. Rela- te! rio sobre a orgauisacao do . . . pelo Dr. Fran- cisco Martins Pulido, medico director do niesino hospital. 142 pp., 3 1. 8*. Lisboa, Andrade tf Co.. 1-5-J. Bound with: HosriTAL nacional e real de S. Jose, de Kilhafolles, e annexos. Relatorio do estado. 8°. Lisboa, ls">2. Ilosiiital (The) almanac, 1888. Compiled by F. C. Carr-Gomm, chairman, the London Hos- pital. Metropolitan hospitals in the year of jubilee. [Containing the name and address, governing body, medical staff, etc.] broadside, 2** by 30 inches. London, Whiting 4' Co., 1888. Sup-pi to: The Hospital, Jan. 7, 1888. Hospital Association of Concord, X. H. See Margaret Pillsbury General Hospital of Con- cord, N. H. Hospital (The) Bulletin. Devoted to the inter- ests of the Brooklyn Homceopathic Hospital. [Monthly.] No. 8,* v. 3, December, 1897. 4°. Brooklyn, X. Y. Hospital Bulletin of the Rochester State Hos- pital. [Minnesota.] Title after May, 1891!, of: Hospital Bulletin of the Second Minnesota Hospital for the Insane. Hospital Bulletin of the Second Minnesota Hos- pital for the Insane. R. M. Phelps, supervising- editor. [Quarterly.] v. 1-2; No. 1, v. 3, No- vember, 1891, to November, 1893. 8 5 Roch- ester, Minn. Ended. After May. 1893. title was: Hospital Bulle- tin of Rochester State Hospital. Hospital de Caridad cle Montevideo. Resefia retrospectiva desde su ftindacidn, escrita con niotivo de celebrarse el primer centenario el dia 17 de junio de 1888. 89 pp., 7 pl. 8°. Monte- video, tipog. de la Escuela nacional de artes y oficios, 18-9. ------. Reglameuto de la farmacia del . . . 8 pp. 10°. Mouterideo, tipog. "Al Libro ingles", 1-99. ------. Servicio medico interno del ... 7 pp. ltiJ. Montevideo, tipog. " Al Libro ingle's", 1899. ------. Memoria correspondiente al aiio de 1898. v, 430 pp., 24 pl., port. 8°. Montevideo, tipog. de la Escuela nacional de avtes y oficios, 1900. Hospital ears. See Railroads (Medical service on); Sick and wounded {Transportation of). Hospital cie Cartago. Informe del presidente de hi junta de caridad del-. . . Correspondiente fi los alios de L-*94 y 1-95. 22 pp. roy. 8 . San •Lose, Tipog. nacional, 1890. Hospital for Children with Hip Disease The Vine, Sevenoaks. Anuual reports of the com- mittee to the subscribers. 9., 1882; 10., 1883. 25 pp.; 25 pp. 12 5 Sevenoaks, J. Salmon, 18,-3-4. Hospital for Children and Training School for Nurses, San Francisco. Annual reports of the officers to the association, for the years 18-0-90; 1900. 8~. San Francisco, 1888-1901. Incorporated Dec. 7, 1885, as the successor of the Pacific Dispensary Hospital for Women and Children. Reports for 1886 aud 1SS7 in one. aud contains also the last report of its predecessor for the year 1885. ------. Rules for nurses. 8 pp. 18°. [SanFran- cisco, 1-89.] ------. Objects of the hospital. 1 sheet, sm. 4 . [San Francisco, n.d.] Hospital for Chinese, at the American Episco- pal Mission, Sbanuhai. Annual report of the officers, is., 188.vt;. 19pp.,3pl. 8°. Shang- hai, Chinese Hook 4' Tract Society, 1886. Hospital de cholericos de N. S. da Conceicao em C/>. Hospital funds -Saturday and Sunday funds]. Bradford Joint Hospital Fund Committee. Annual reports for the years 1873-4 to 1-94-5. 8-. Bradford, 1-75-90. Hospital (The) Saturday Fund, London. An- nual report of the council. 11., 1—4. 123. London, lQi5. Hospital Sunday. By the governor of a hospital. 8~. London. 187.5. -----. Thesame. 2. ed. --. London, 1875. Hospital Sunday in Leeds. [Notice of the I church collection for the year 1--J.] Newspaper cutting. Laing (D.) Gratitude to God shewn iu love to man. A sermon, preached in aid of the funds of the Middlesex Hospital at the Church of Holy Trinity, St. Pancras, on Sunday morning, May It, 1-56. 8*-. London, 1-50. Mkthodist Episcopal Hospital in the ( ity of Brooklyn. [A circular letter of the .superin- tendent to the pastors of Methodist churches, callingtheir attention to Hospital Sunday and to maintain their conference beds iu the hospital.] 8-5 [Brooklyn, 1-89.] MktioiI'oi.itax Hospital. [Circular soliciting subscriptions.] obi. 105 London, [1894]. Metropolitan* Hospital-Sunday Fund, V. C. Annual reports of the council and the committee of distribution. 1.-5., l-*73 to 1870-7. 7.-10., 1-7--9 to 1--1-2; 13., 18-4; 14., 1—5. sm. 4 . | London, 1873-X6. -----. [List of various churches, chapels, and congregations to appeal to in London and suburbs. Corrected to the 28 October, 1-79] :i-(ii». AUo, Keprint. — I.aiiccl (The) first special supplement, in .support ot tlie Metropolitan Hospital .sun- day Fund. Lancet, l.ond.. lssil. i. 1 li»:s - l'JOS. Alsn, Re- print. —I*anc«'l (The) second special supplement, iu sup- port of the Metiopolilan Hospital Sunday Fund. Lancet Loud., I8SD. i. 1249-12511. AUo, Reprint, — I,nnc-et (The) special supplement, in support of the Metropolitan Hos- pital Sunday Fund. Lancet, Lond., 1888, i, 116:1: 1889, i, 122;'.: 1890, i, 1217: IS91. i, 1239; 1353: 1892. i, 1337: 1893. i. 13.V.I; 1123: 1894, i. 1I-J5: 1895, i. 1487: 189(1, i. Ilil3: 1897, i. Hi51: 1898, i. 15S9: 1899, i. 15(17: 1900, i, 1771: 1901, i, 1651— Wnlerlow iSir S. H.) Sixteen years of the Met- ropolitan Hospital Sunda\ Fund, and its influence on the medical charities ot the metropolis. Illust. M. Xews, Lond., 1888-9, i, 180-lsl. Hospital (The) Gazette and Journal of the General Practitioners' Alliance, London. Title, in 1892. of: HoHpitnl (The) Gazette and Stu. dents' Journal, London. Hospital (The) Gazette and Students' Jour- nal; a weekly review of medicine and surgery. and chronicle of hospital and college news [Weekly.] v. Ll-20, 1885-92. sm.4:. London. Title of v. 1-12 was: MIihIciiIh' (The) Journal and Hospital Gazette. In 1892 title became: Ho»|»ilnl (The) Gazette and Journal of the General 1'raci itiouers' Al- liance. Iu 1893 continued under title: .M«-«li Antonio do Porto. For- mul iiio g> rai de medicina e cirurgia para as eiifermarias do . . . e outros estabelecimentos administrados pela Santa Casa da Misericordia. "fi pp.7 l 1. 12"-. Porto, F. Grimardes, 1851. [P., v. 1252.] -----. Regulaniento do . . . ordenadoe niandado per em execucao pelas mesas do Santa Casa da Misericordia, que servirao nos aunos de 1-56-7, e L-57—, depoNde competentemente approvado, na parte em que depeudia de o ser. Levando em appendice o regulaniento das enferniarias de clinica da Esehola un-di(•<»-( iruigicad'estamesma cidade. -*9 pp., 1 1., - tab. *-. Porto, S. J. Pereira. 1-58. [Also, in: P., v. 1252.] -----. Relatorio da lavanderia do . . . 24 pp. --. Porto, M. J. Pereira, 1-05. [P., v. 1265.] -----. Relatorios do servico clinico da enferina- ria homceopathica, estabehcida do . . . desde 25 de dezembro de 1-07 ate" 25 de julho de 1808. 133 pp. 12 . Porto, M.J. Pereira,'l86*. [P., v. 1267.] Hospital (The) Record, Saginaw, Mich. See Saint Mary's Hospital Record, Saginaw, E. S., Mich. Hospital records. See Hospitals {Management, etc., of). Hospital Relief Association of Maryland. An- nual report of the president to the friends and membcr> of the association. 1., 1-80-81. 32 pp. '■' . Baltimore, Curry, Clay tf Co., 1--1. Hospital for the Relief of Crippled and De- formed Children, Baltimore. Prospectus of the ... 16 pp. sm. 4 "5 [Baltimore, 1890.] Opened October 2, 1895. Incorporated May 20, 1896. -----. Annual reports of the trustees and offi- cers to their patrons and the public. 1., 1895-6; 3., 1898; 5., 1900. sm. 4° &, 8'. Philadelphia 4- Baltimore, 1897-1901. Hospital (The) Review. See following. Hospital of Saint Barnabas, Newark. The Hospital Review. Devoted to the interests of the sick and suffering at the . . . Publishing committee: Mrs. William Spciden [et al.]. [Monthlv.] v. 1-15, April, 1877, to March, 1892. 8-. Xewark, X. J., 1877-92. -----. Annual reports of the board of trustees and officers to the patrons and friends. 33., 1898-9; 35., 1900-1901. so. \ewark, 1899-1901. There is a tiainiiu: school for nurses connected with the hospital. See, aUo, llo*piiul (Thci Review. Hospital of Saint Cross and of the Rugby Hos- pital, Castle Street. Annual report of the board of management to the subscribers for the year 1884. 14 pp. 8 . Rugby, A. J. Lawrence, 1885. Hospital of Saint, John of Jerusalem and Saint Eli/aOeth of Hungary, London, \V. C. Annual reports of the mother prioress to the public and subscribers. 28.-32., 1883-7. 12. London, 1-84-8. Hospital Saint Nicolas cle la Ville cle Met/,. Ltat «le situation de 1' . . . 1782. 16 pp. 4°. [Mit:, 178-2.] Hospital Saint Vinceut de Paul, Norfolk, Va. [Prospectus of the sisters iu charge.] 12 pp. 12*. [Xorfolk, 1901.] Hospital de San Juan de Dios, San Jose", Costa Rica. Informe del presidente de la juuta de caridad del . . ., correspondiente £ los ahos 1891- 8. roy. 8-5 San Jose' de Costa Rica, 1892-9. These reports include three hospitals: 1. Hospital de San J uan de Dios. 2. Hospicio nacional de locos. 3. Hos- picio de leprosos. Hospital de Santo Antonio da Misericordia do Porto. Regulainentos infernos do . . . 100 pp., 1 tab. 8*5 Porto, tipog. do Jornal do Porto, 1-85. Hospital (The) Saturday Fund, Loudon. An- nual report of the council to the board of dele- gates. 11., 1884. 144 pp., 1 tab. 12°. London, H. Good tf Son, 1885. Hospital Saturday and Sunday Collection. See New York Hospital Saturday aud Sunday As- sociation. Hospital and School for the Indigent Blind, at Norwich. See Norwich Asylum aud School for the Blind. Hospital ships. See Hospitals (Floating); Medicine {Mili- tary, History, etc., of)—Campaigns, etc., Spanish- American war; Sick and wounded {Transporta- tion of). Hospital ships (Atlas and Castalia, for small- pox patients). Annual report of the superin- tendent to the committee on management, for the year 1885. 2(3 pp. -~, London, McCorquo- dale 4' Co., 1886. Hospital tor Sick Children, London and High- gate. Between tho cradle and the grave. 11pp. 16°. London, Blades, East 4' Blades, 1802. [P., v. 2205.] Repr. from: Dickens All the Year Round, Lond., Feb., 1 so-;. Founded 1851. Opened February 16, 1852. -----. Statements of income and expenditure for the years 18,82-7. MS. fol. [London, 1883-8.] -----. Annual reports of the committee of man- agement to the subscribers. 32., 1883; 33., 1884; 35., 1886; 36., 1887. 12-. London, 1884-8. -----. Regulations for pupil nurses. 1 sheet. 8 . [London, 1888.] -----. The wants and work of the hospital. 11 pp. 32 5 [London, Trnslove 4' Hanson], 1895. -----. Diet table, with receipts for preparation. broadside. [London, n. d.] HOSPITAL. 312 HOSPITAL. Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto. Annual reports of the trustees and officers to the public and subscribers. 1., 1875-6; 3.-6.. 1878-81; 8.-15., 1883 to 1889-90; 18.-20., 1892-3 to 1894-5; 23.-25., 1897-8 to 1899-1900. 12° & 8*-. Toronto, 1876-1900. The 1. and 6. are 12°. The 1. for 16 months ending June 30, 1876; the 11. for 9 months ending September 30, 1886. In 1883 the convalescent branch of the hospital was opened on the island opposite Toronto, and called the Lakeside Home for Little Children. -----. Christmas in the Hospital for Sick Chil- dren, Toronto. A letter to the well children of Canada, who helped to make Christmas a happy time for their little sick friends. [By L. Mc- Master, president of the hospital.] 8 pp. 16°. Toronto, Hart tf Co., 1888. -----. The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto. The Lakeside Home for Little Children. The convalescent branch of the hospital, on Gibral- ter Point, Toronto Island. History of these in- stitutions. 94 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Toronto, 1891. Hospital sketches of the Maltine Mfg. Co., con- taining pictures of American hospitals. 24 pp. 16°. [Neiv York, 1893.] Advertisement. Hospital for the Small-Pox and for Inocula- tion, London. A representation from the gov- ernors of the . . . [Being au appeal for meaus to extend the usefulness of the charity. Jan- uary 28, 1756.] 7 pp. 8°. [London, 1756.] [P., v. 1344.] Hospital stewards. Sec Army (United States, Hospital corps of). Hospital Sunday. See Hospital funds. Hospital Sunday. By a governor of a London hospital. 2. ed. 16 pp. 8°. London, Wyman tf Sons, 1875. Hospital Sunday in Leeds. [Notice of the church collection for the year 1889.] Newspaper cutting. Hospital Tidings. Devoted to the interests of the sick aud suffering at the Hahnemann Hos- pital, Philadelphia. [Monthly.] No. 1, v. 1; Nos. 1, 8, v. 2; Nos. 1, 8, v. 3; Nos. 1, 4-6, 8, v. 4; No. 2, v. 5. Nov., 1895, to Dec, 1899. 8°. Philadelphia. Ended. Hospital trains. See Railroads (Medical service on); Sick and wounded (Transportation of). Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Rules for the internal govern- ment of the . . . Approved May 14, 1878. 12 pp. S~. Philadelphia, Collins, 1878] -----. The same. Amended March 10, 1892. 25 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Allen, Lane tf Scott, 1892. -----. Annual reports of the board of managers and officers to the contributors, the board of trustees, the mayor of the city of Philadelphia, and the State of Pennsylvania. 11., 1885; 13.- 24., 1-87-98. 8*5 Philadelphia, 1886-99. -----. By-laws and rules for the internal gov- ernment of the . . . Adopted Nov. 13, 1890. 20 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Collins, 1890. -----. By-laws. Adopted Juue, 1891. 10 pp 8-5 Philadelphia, Collins, 1891. -----. The same. Amended March 10, 1892. 9 pp. **°. Philadelphia, Allen. Lane 4' Scott 1892. See. also. Training School for nurses of the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Hospital for Women, Loudon, YV. Annual reports of the committee of management to the Hospital for Women, Loudon, W.—continued. governors and supporters. 41.-43., 18-5-5; 45 1887; 53., 1895. S-. London, 1 ,-84-96. -----. Receipts and expenditures for the years 1884; 1885. MS. fol. [London, 188.5-0.] * -----. [Appeal to the public for additional an- nual subscriptions.] 2 1. 4°. [London, 1889.] -----. The same. Christmas, 1894. 2 1. 4° [London, 1894.] -----. [Report of the working of the out-patient department of the . . . Marked confidential.] 4 1. MS. 4°. [n.p., n.d.] Hospital for Women, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Annual reports of the medical staff to the sub- scribers, for the years 1885; 1886; lS-c. 8^, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1886-9. Hospital for Women and Children, Newark, N. J. Annual reports of the secretary aud hos- pital staff to the subscribers. 1.-18., 18*1-2 to 1898-9. 12 & 16-. Xewark, 1882-1900. Organized in May, 1881, as the Women's and Children's Hospital of the Home for the Friendless. Incorporated Oct. 8, 1884. Adopted above title in 1886. The 3. report was not printed. Hospital work at Fort Monroe, Virginia, 1898-9. Report and notes of personal observations. [Made by Mrs. F. M. Armstrong and Miss Wal- cott.] 40 pp. 8°. Hampton, Va., Hampton Inst. Press, 1899. Hospital-Cottage Friend. Edited by Mrs. Emilia E. Foster. [Monthly.] No. 11, v. 9: Nos. 8, 12, v. 10. Aug., 1896, to Sept., 1897. 4°. Worcester, Mass. Hospitale di S. Maria Nuova di Fiorenza. Modo di adoperare le pezze lavorate dell . . . Dispensate da me, Francesco Sacco. Con privi- legio di detto hospitale. 1 sheet. 12°. Ferrara, G. Pauoni, 1641. Hospitalism. See Hospitals (Dangers, etc., of). Hospitallers. Regulations (The) of the old hospital of the Knights of St. John at Valetta, from a copy printed at Rome and preserved in the archives of Malta; with a translation, introduction, and notes explanatory of the hospital work of the order by the Rev. W. K. R. Bedford. 8°. Edin- burgh 4' London, 1882. Hospitals. See, a Iso, Dispensaries; Hospital fund; Hos- pital muses; Hospitals (Abuse of privileges of); Hospitals (Construction, etc., of); Hospitals {Dangers, etc., of); Hospitals {Descriptions, etc., of); Hospitals (Furniture, etc., of); Hospitals {History of); Hospitals (Importance of); Hos- pitals (Inspection of); Hospitals (Liabilities of); Hospitals (Management, etc., of); Hospi- tals (Pay-patients in); Hospitals (Special); Hospitals (Statistics of); Pharmacopoeias {Hospital, etc.); Sanitariums. Aikin (J.) Reflexions sur les hdpitaux. 8°. [Paris, 1799.] Alcott (L. M.) Hospital sketches. 16°. Boston, 1863. Besaxt (W.) Life in a hospital; being an East End chapter. 8°. London, [1883]. Repr. from: Gentleman's Hag., 1883. [Borgnana (C.)] Dei nosocomi e della ospi- talit& nosocomiale. 8 . Roma, 1861. Burdett (H. C.) Hospitals and asylums of the world; their origin, history, construction, administration, management, and legislation; with plaus of the chief medical institutions ac- curately drawn to a uniform scale, in addition to those of all the hospitals of London in the jubilee year of Queen Victoria's reign. 4 v. roy. 8° [atlas fol.]. London, 1891-3. HOSPITALS. 313 HOSPITALS. Hospitals. Bi'Siiu(A.) Stu dii teorii o-]u-atici, con niouo- gratie sugli osped; iii ed os pizii moderni fol. Milano, 1**1. Cakonkli.i (P.) Saggio sopra 1 ospitalita e gli spedali. - \ 1 ~cne:ia, 1 7i»2. Dame now (H.^ Ueber i lie rel.i tive Verbin- dung der Irren-, Heil- und Pflene- Anstal ten in historisch-kritiseher, so wie in moral ischer, wissenschaftlicher und adinmistr itiver Bezie- Drovixeau (G.) Du classeinent des etahlis- sements hospitaliers. - . Paris, 18-9. GranekiiF.) Miserie uniaue. 8 5 Torino, 1-90. Gvssekow (A.) I'eber Krankenhiiuser uud Gebaranstalten. - . Ziirich, 1-6*. LAXGsnoRF (J. H.) Oliscrvavoes sohre o me- Ihoramento dos hospitaes em geral. 8 . Lisboa, l-i i0. Maktyx , s.' A discoutse on hospitals, past aud present. -\ London, 1-52. Meimcinai.-Axstaltex. 12-. [Berlin, 1-02.] Cuttina from: Kninitz. Oekon.-technol. Eucvkl. 12-5 Berlin. 18H2. lxxxvi. Th.. 520-700. MortfxiH.) Sketches of hospital life. 12*. i Loudon, 1-88. da Mosth (S. i Saggio >opra 1' ospitalita. e gli spedali. 12°. Venezia, 1792. Mizio (P.) Gli ospitali; almanacco igienico ninanitario clell'iinfermiere. Anno primo. 1-7-. 1-5 Mantora, 1-7-. Oppert (F.) Die Eiurichtung von Kranken- hiiusern. Auf wissenschaftliehen Reiseu ge- machte Studien. 4;. Berlin, 1-59. -----. The same. Hospiriiler uud Wohl- thiitigkeits-Austalteu. 4. Aud. - . Hamburg, 1-75. Tellez(L) ~ ContrihiK ion al estudio cle los hospitales. s~. Mexico. 1--0. Vacher (F.; Tenement hospitals. A paper read at the conference of the Not rh-West< in and Yorkshire Association of Medical Officers of Health. 16*-. Loudon. 1—0. Wii.ks i S. Relationship of hospitals to medi- cal school-. 8-. New York, 1901. Cutting from : Nineteenth (>nt.,X. Y.. 1901,xlix.7sl-788. Wool-kv (Jane S.) Hospital davs. - 5 New Yovk, 1-6-. Aii^el I (E. B.) Iii' modern hospital; its value to the patient ami tothejiliv-iriiiii. Am. J. Nursing, Phila., 1900- 1901 i 7' 1-712. — Kenhan (A. L.i Hospitals in the smaller towns. Biitl.tlo M. J. 1901-2. n. - , xli.l84-I8s — Bibei-feltl. I'rivatkiankenanstalten. Miinchen. med. Welm-chr. 19ci. xlviii. llM'-ll- : -Ki-owii (W.L.) The modern lin»]iii.ii: a <-<>utia~r. i'-.\- < i.iii a Sur;;., Lond., l&wo, i.:;22- ■ ,-'>. — Biinn i A.'' L ■ ■; > • li h>,-pitals. Brook- lyn M. J.. 19cl. xv 506-515. — I>ni>rn (J. T. t City versus independent hospitals. Ibid.. I.' 50).— •' l-'nkc" hospitals, biit M. J.. Lond., Ic95. ii. ..)_. Fo««cl i V. j Ueber Spitiiler. Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in St.■ierm.irk. Graz, 1893, xxx, 215; 245. — Ilnrrignn (J.; The ari- vantage tn tin- public and the city ot lhe non-munic- ipal hospital. Brooklyn M. J.. 19ul, xv, 501-505.— Hawlcv i.T. 8.) The natural history of the hospital in- terne. S5 York M. J. l-s9 xlix 701-711. — llemmin (W.) Themodein lm-piral. 5\li-tr.; Pli' -:, i.u, ifal* [Abuse of prieileyes of). Hardy (H. N.) Hospital ont-palitut reform. Xo. 1. Facts and figures. - . London, [1*72]. L'wvi.iMis (B.l?.) The chronic indigence of our hospitals. 1*2C. London, 1892. Whitfield ( R. (■• ) The administration of medical relief to the out-patients at hospitals. 1*2 5 London, l-5(i. Abuw iDe 1') des consultations gratuites dans les hopi- taux parisiens. Key. du prat., l'ar.. Is9s. i. 289-292.— Alms i beside la uratuite dans les ho])itaux. Courrier nied , I'ai 1899. xlix. 7:1. —A1>uim> (The) of our quasi-pub- lic hospitals and clinics. Am. Gynae. Sc Obst. J.. X. Y., 1895, vii, 22-25. —Another step towards the]>au]ieiization of the public ami the iinpnvei ishment ct the ]>rotessiou. Therap. Gaz. Detroit, 1889, 3. s.. v, 335-3:18.—A ■ in-iron i: (G. E.) Hospital abuse. Montreal M. J.. 189- xxxii 4J-- 427.—Barrett id. W.) The abuse of hospitaU an,i the lodge s\ stein. Austral. M. J.. Melbourne, ls9o. n. s., xii, 1965205—Battel ham (J. W.) On the abuses of hospi- tal charity. Birmingh. M. Rev., Issii. xix, 147-158.— Kemictt (A. IT.) Out-patient hospital alius,,. Brit. M. ,1 . Lond., 1894, i, iiu4 —Black (C.) On the so-called breakdown of tlie hosjiital system. Glasgow M. J.. li-Sit, [4.] s., xxxi, 101—10:i. — Konacorwi iC.) Note sni riordi- naiiieutu e coordinaiuento della beueticenza ospedaliera in Cieinona. Bull. meil. creinonese, Ciemona, 1889, ix. 180; 227; 279 —Brora iA.) Quelques gaspillages hospita- liers. (iaz. hebd de med.. Par., 1893, 2. s., xxx, 25— (air (T.) The Ho-)>ital Reform Association and its renort on the working ol special Im-pitals. Med. Mag.. Lond., 1897, vi. 451-454.—l'on Our dNpensaiies. hospi- tals, phihmtliropy. frauds, and the uecessitj* of medical reform. Brooklyn M. J.. Is9:i. vii. ::iiti-373. — Erskine (J.) The breakdown of the hospital system; remedies suggested. Cla-gow M. J., Is89. 4.] s. xxxi, 103-107 — Flemiiii; 5V. J.i Are hospitals a failure? Ibid.. 92- it7. — I<.\. .I to mitigate or arrest them. Ibid., 1901, Ixxix, 7 _': - 7 -: i > — ■■■■■•> (T. .T.) What must we do to be saved.' Being au inquiry into and a brief summary of the caii~es leading to the hospital and dispensary* abuse of medical chatit\. Med. Rec. X. Y.. Is97. Iii. 72." - 73li.— ■ ■ ■ i-l i i;. i i I'ossilile abuses in private hospitals. Med. News, Phila., 1893, Ixii. 54 — HoIiim-m ( T. ) The abuse, of hospitals. Brit. M J.. Lond.. 1895 i, 14U9.— ■ foi'flei' (T. C..I Hospital reform. Med. .Mag.. Lond . 1896, v, 1177-1184. ------. On hospital reform. Lancet. Lond., 1896, ii. 1742-1744. ------. Hospital reform. Ibid., 1898, i, 292-291. ------. Hospital reform iu Scotland. Med. Mag., Lond.. Is98. vii, 623-628. ------. Hospital reform from a sanitary point of \ u\v. Pub. Health Engin., Lond 1898. iii 274.— Hospital abuse. Lancet. Loud., I896,ii be l-97,i, 193: ii 5,5 1218; 1609; 1685: 1898. i. OSO; s.'n. 9i:j. 102;:; ii,58ll; 1154; 1492: 18(10: 1900. i, 129; 1304.— IloHpiinl i The) out-patient question. Med. Mag., I.oml.. 1S99, viii. 826; sr>4. — J nine* (J. B.) Hospital re- loiin. Ibid . 1-97, vi. 28-30— K< Klrviii (W. H.) Sug- gestions as to the reform of the casualty and the 0Ut-pa- tient departments of London hospitals. Ibid., 1898. vii, 511-515.—Kordn (K.) Takarekossiig a kozkdrhazi sell kezelesekml. |Economy in the surgerv at public hospi- tals.] Orvosi h, til., Budapest. 1899, xlii'i, 410.— I.nlit liimjih-h. Cm/., d. hdp., Par., 1892, lxv, 1335.— Mai-Kenr.iv i M . i The use and abuse of hospitals. Contemp. Kev I.oml.. 1890, lviii. 501-519.— Tint eille (L.) Les abus dans les hopitaux. Gaz. med. de Lie-e 1892-3, v, 529 - ■" 5 AUo: Presse med. beige, liriix., 1893, xiv, 257-260. —.»li«»ii»e (The) of hospitals; consultants and general practitioners. Hospital, Loud., 14 HOSPITALS. HOSPITALS. Hospital* (Abuse of privileges of). 1895, xviii, 263. — Montefiore ( E. ) Hospital reform. Med. Mag., Lond., 1896. v. 1113-1123. -----. L'abna de la charite medieale. Cong, internat. de med. profess, [etc.]. C.-r., l'ar., 1900, 178-180.— Tloican. Etude sur des modi- fications desirees au reglement actnel de l'hopital de Mns- tapha concernant l'admission des malades aisds h la con- sultation et dans les salles. Alger m6d., 1888. xvi, 194- 200.—Nixon (W. J.) Difficulties associated with the ad- ministration of the out-patient department, and how best to deal with them. J. Hosp. Ass., Lond., 1884,1-25.— Reform (The) of the out-patient departments of our medical charities. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, ii, 1424-1427.— Rentoiil (K. R.) Defects in the Manchester system of checking out-patient hospital abuse. Lancet, Lond., 1889, ii, 1310. -----. Tlie reform of the out-patient department of our medical charities. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1890,x,448- 455—Kiehai'ilMon Ml.) Hospital reform. Med. Mag., Ic97. vi, 12U-135.— Holland iE.i La ipiestion des ma- lades aises et riches dms les hopitaux. Cong, inter- nat. de med. profess, [etc. J. C.-r.. Par., 1900, 255.— KooNcrcll (J. VY5) Concerning the custom of abusing the abuse of medical charity: a protest. Med.Rec, N. Y., 1894. xiv, 134.—Shattiu'k'(F. C.) Some remarks on hos- pital abuse. Tr. Ass. Am. Phvsicians, Phila., 1898, xiii, 1-7. AUo. Reprint. AUo: Boston M. & S. J., 1898, exxxviii, 413-415. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y.. 1898. liii, 649- 651. AUo: Phila. M. J., 1898, i. 839-841.— Steele. The charitable aspects of medical relief. J. Roy. Statist. Soc, Lond., 1891, liv. 263-310.— Steven (J. L.) The medical out-patient room, in its relations to the public, the stu- dents, aud the hospital authorities. Lancet, Lond., 1888, i, 9Hi.—Surgeon (G. P.) Are not general practitioners mainly lesponsible for hospital abuse? Med. Times al Academy of Sciences.] 8*. Stockholm, 178*. Iberti. Observations gen era les sur les hopi- taux. sui vies d'un pro jet d'hopital; avec des plans detailles, redig^s ct dessines par Pelannoy. 8*. Londres, 1788. Jeffehsox Medical College Hospital. Fur- ness A: Hewitt, architects. 10 plans. fol. Philadelphia, [n. d.]. Jcihns Hcu*kixs Hospital, Baltimore. Reports aud papers relating to construction and organi- zation. Xo. 13. Summary of work for the year 1^84. --. [Baltimore, 1885.] -----. Suggestion for the block-plan of the Johns Hopkins Hospital ou the one-story rec- tangular pavilion plan, with the main building j fronting on Broadway. 2 plans, "J4 by 18 inches. [Baltimore, n. d.] -----. Common ward. First-story plan. de Lamothe (L.) Instructions Mir les nieil- leurs dispositions hygieuiques a adopter daus retablissemeiit des hopitaux et des hospices; suivics d'un projet d'hOpital dc soixante lits. s . Bordeaux. 1-44. Loxnox Hospital, Whiteehapel, E. Ground plot of the London Hospital intended to be erected in afield nearWhiteehapel Mount, l'i*". [London, l?.5-„\] Maksimovich (M. I.) ~K voprosu o zagryaz- nenii niikrooiganisniaini polov lTeehebnikh za- | vecleniy. [Soiling the floors of hospitals with microorganism*".] 8C. S.-Pehrburg, 1-91. j Mannkopff (E.) leiier das Piogiamni zum Neubau der niedicini-chen Klinik zu Marburg. r*:. Marburg, 1-79. Marcaxielli i A. D.) Per la storia della igiene ospitaliera; uli ospedali di Fireuze, cou- siderazioui e propo-te. 1*2-. Firenze, [n. d.]. Mencke. Welche Aufgabeu eifiillt das Kran- kenhaus der kleinen stiidte und wie ist eseinzu- richtenf Nach langjiihriger Erfahmng clarge- st.llt. --". Berlin, 1—9. -----. Thesame. 3. Aufl. --. Berlin, 1-91. -----. Thesame. 4. Aufl. - . Berlin, 1891. Moxgiaiidixi (G. A.) Saggio sugli spedali. 12°. Genova. 1-05. Naldoxi IA.) A proposito della convenienza ed utilita o ineno di erigerc un piccolo ospedale nel castello di Soci. lvJ-5 Bibbima, l*-9'». Nn et (V.) Rapport sur l'assainis-eineiit de l'Hotel-Dieu de Clermont-Ferrand. - . Cler- mont-Ferrand, 1890. Pavlovski (A. K.) Obshtshiya osnovaniya nstroistva bolnit> i opisanie novbishikh iz nikh, nakhodyaslitshikhsya v Patis'le, Berlin'fe i Hamburg'ie. [General principles of hospital construction, and description of flu- most recent ho-pitals of Paris, Berlin, and Hamburg.] 8°. S.-Peterlmrg, 1*91. Relazione del consiglio sulla attuale organiz- zazione sanitaria degli istituti ospitalieri; pro- poste di miglioramento organico modiheato; re- golamenti. roy. *"°. Bergamo, L*-99. Ritchie (R.) Additional report as to who was architect of Heiiot's Hospital; being a se- quel to his report. ■-". Edinburgh, 1*56. Robert sox (J.) On the defects, with refer- ence to the plan of construction and ventilation, of most of our hospitals for the reception of the sick and wounded. -'-. [n.p.], 1*56. [Sai.ko (A.)] L'strolstvo pavilionnoi i ba- rachuol sistem bolnits s proyektoin Smatovskol gorodskol bolnits). [Construction of hospitals of the pavilion type, with a project for a Sara- tov city hospital.] fol. Saratov, 1885. Hospital* (Construction and hygiene of). Socteta veneta por imprese e costiuzioni pub- bliehe. Treno ospedale. Ksposizione di Mi- lano, 18S1. 10* . Milano, 1*8\. Siilovyofk (I. P.) * Baktcii'(ilogi( heskoye i/sliedov.iii'ie plli bolnichulkh tseikhhausov. [Bacteriological investigation of the dust of hospital store-rooms. ] K-. S.-Peterburg, 1895. Summa (L.) Trattato d' igiene |ier gli ospi/.ii degli espo.sti, con soinmarie applicazioni alle malattie dei bambini, e con applicazioni sulle cause della grande mortalita degli esposti, e sulla parte che spetta al governo nell' amini- nistrazione delle case dei trovatelli. 10 . Na- poli, 1871. Untied States. Treasury Department. Ma- rine Hospital Service. Designs. No. 1. For a marine hospital on Western waters to accommo- date 100 patients. Washington, [n. d.]. -----. The same. No. 2. To accommodate 50 patients. Washington, [n.d.]. -----. Plan of a first-class U. S. marine hos- pital, designed for the Western waters, to accom- modate 140 patients, besides offices, etc. [n. p., n. d.] United States. War Department. Surgeon- General's Office. International Exhibition of 1-76. Hospital of Medical Department, United rotates Army. Description of the models of hos- pitals. J. J. Woodward, Asst. Surg., U. S. A., in charge of the representation of the Medical Department, U. S. A., Philadelphia, 1870. 8D. [ Washington, 1*»70.] -----. Specifications of workmanship and materials to be used in the erection and con- struction of a regulation post hospital for the Army. [Preliminary.] 8-'. [ Washington, l*-8.] -----. Geueial specifications for the con- struction of regulation hospitals. 8*5 [ Wash- ington, n. d.] Velasco (A.) ^Higiene de los hospitales generales de Mexico. 8:. Mexico, 1872. Wagner (J. F.) Orientirungs-Plan des Wie- ner k. k. allgemeinen Krankenhauses, nebst Daten iiber dasselbe, iiber das Gebiirhaus uud die pathologisch-anatomische Anstalt in Wien. HP. Wien, 1-86. Westminster Hospital, London. Specifica- tion and description of the several works re- quired to be done in erecting and finishing a new hospital on a site in the broad sanctuary opposite Westminster Abbey, agreeable and conformable in all respects to the plans, eleva- tions, sections, and drawings made for that pur- pose, with the several figured dimensions and explanations marked thereon and to this speci- fication, fol. [London, IK!'.).] Wolfinukr ( F. X. ) riiterstieliungen iiber den stanb in den Krauken-Siilen der ersten nie- dicinischen AOtheilung des stadtischen Kran- kenhauses Miinchen 1. d. I. .»> . Miinchen, 1877. Zei.eneff (M. F.) *K voprosu o zagryazne- uii liolnichnol mebeli mikroorgani/inaini. [On the soiling of hospital furniture by microorgan- isms.] ** '■'. S.-Peterburg, 1895. AUo [Abstr.J, in: Vrach. St. IVtersb., 1895, xvi, 349. Albrecht (II.) Xcucre Krankcnhaiisbaiiten. Ge- sundh.-Iii'iciiieui, Miinchen, 189(1. xiii. 729; 7(i9; 801.— Alljf«'iii«*iiU'ii (Die) dtl'ciitlichen KrankeiiiuiMtalteii zu I'.i -iun (Ips Jahres 189'_' nnd die Vol ptlofi.sgcliiihreii in ilcn- Bcllien. O.'strrr. Siiu.Wes., Wien, 1S92. iv, 10:1-107.—An- ■■<'ital« (Construction and hygiene of). kenhauser. Deutsches Arch. 1. klin. Med.. Leipz., 1889-90, xlvi, 1-ls. —Buginsliy (A.) Aus dem Kaiser- nnd Kai serin-Friedrich-Kintlei krankenhauseiu Berlin ; technische Verbesserungen im Krankenhause. Arch. f. Kinder!]., Stuttg., 1893, xvi, 145-148.—Baudoiliu (M.) Souvenirs trausatlantiqiies; le futur hopital francais de San-Fran- cisco. Progres med., Par., 1893, 2. s , xviii, 436-439. -----. Un projet il<- maison de saute ehirurgicale d'apres les plans de M. M. Kochet'rette. Kev. d. instriun. de chir.. Par., 1894, iv. 00-09. AU": Arch. prov. dechir., Par., 1895, iv, 70-80. — Krrk (K. J.) Wahl des Bauplatzes fiir ein Ar- men- und Krankenhaus iu Mengen. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1891. lxi, 234-238, 1 pl.— Kelgium. Construction et arrangement iuterieur des hopitaux ei (les hospices. Ann. d'hyg., Par.. 1885. 3. s., xiii. 3.12-303.—Bertenson (I. V.) Hospitalnaya higi'ena v svyazi svopiosom o profilaktikfo infektsionnikh zabo- lleznlevaniy. [Hospital hvgienein connection with thepro- phylaxis of infectious diseases.] Trudi vtor. syezda russk. vrach. v Mosk., 1887, i, hyg., 46-02. — Billings (J. S.) The plans and purposes of the Johns Hopkins Hospital. Med. News, Phila., 1889, lie, 505-510. AUo, Keprint.-----. The relations of hospitals to public health. Hosp. dispens. & nursing. Internat. Cong. Char. fete. J 1893, Bait.; Lond., 1894, 1-7. -----. Some ideas in hospital construction; be- ing the report made to the Memphis city council upon plans proposed for the new citv hospital. Memphis M. Month., 1897, xvii. 193; 249; .109—Black ford (15.) Econ- omy in hospital building. Am. J. Iusan., Utica, N. Y., 1892-3, xlix, 72-75. — Boi*»ean. Hopitaux; hospices. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med.. Par., 1888. 4. s., xiv. 273-425.— Bonuafbllt. Hygiene conipareedes hopitaux en Fiance et il l'etranger. 1'uion nied.. Par.. 1S62, 2. s., xiii. 245-252. AUo, Keprint. — ltri'zo.«n y Tabliii-e* (P.) Desinfec- cidn nosocomial. Key. de san. mil.. Madrid, 1900, xiv, 213; 245.—Brown (J.i On circular hospital wards. Builder, Loud., 1885, xlix, 700.—Budde (V.) Hygiejuisk-tekniske Benuerkninger med sserligt Hensyn til Indretningen af ruiudie Sygehuse paa Landet. [Hygienic-technical obser- vations, with special regard to construction of small hos- pitals in the country.] Ugesk. f. Laeger., Kjobeuh., 1888, 4.R., xvii, 709: xviii, 1. -----. Forslaget til Lov om Opfo- relse af nye Bygninger for (let Kgl. Fredericks Hospital, den Kgl. Fodsels- og Plejestiftelse og de laegervideuskabe- lige Undervisuingsanstalter. [Proposal for a law on erec- tion of new buildings for Royal Frederick Hospital, Royal Lying-in Hospital, and medico-scientific institutions.] Ibid., 1889,4. R.,xix, 257: 285.1 tab.—Burdelt (B.C.) Cir- cular hospital wards. Lancet, Lond., 1885, ii, 684-686. -----. The cost of the circular hospital at Antwerp. Ibid., 1116.—Byjfiiingcn (Om) af nye Hospitaler i Kjobenhavns Anil. [On construction of new hospitals in district of Copenhagen. | I'gesk. f. La'ger, Kjobeuh., 1887, 4. R., xv, 311; 397.—Castle iF. A.) Design'for an isolat- ing pavilion lor use in connection wiih a hospital, or as one of a seiies of cottage hospitals. N. York M. J., 1886, xliv, 340-342. AUo, Keprint.—Can be I. Rapport a la commission administrative des hospices civils de Toulouse sur l'etat actuel des hopitaux et sur les r6formes qui de- vraieut y etre introduiies. Rev. med. de Toulouse, 1885, xix, 461; 481.—Chnvauis. Rapport sur l'etat hygieni- que de l'Hotel-Dieu de Saint-T5tienne, presente au conseil central d'hygiene du depai'teiueiit de la Loire. Loire med., St.-Etienne, 1888, vii, 261-271. -----. Rapport sur la re- construction de l'Hotel-Dieu de Saint-fitienue. Ibid. 1889, viii, 111; 159, 1 pl. -----. Plans du futur Hotel-Dieu de Saint-Etienne. Ibid.. 1890,ix, 276-284, 6 plans.—€[he- ron] (P.) Hopitaux el dispensaires. Union med.. Par., 1890, 3. s., 1, 565-568.—Coiicoi'so per un progetto di ospe- dale civile pei la cittii di Spezia. [Edit.] Ingegner. san Torino, 1893, iv, 141-148, pl. p. 150.—Conner (P. S.) Hos- itals for the sick: their construction and management. roc. Xat. Coiit'.-r. Char., Bost., 1886, 237-250. AUo, Re- print—C'owles (E.) Construction and organization of hospitals. Internat. Encycl. Surg. (Ashhurst), N. Y., 18s(i. vi. 1089-1119. Also, iriinsl.: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1887, 3. s., xvii, 305; 496. AUo, Reprint. -----'. Construction and organization of hospitals. Internat. Encycl. Sur°- (Ashhurst), N. Y., 1895, vii, 1039-1059.—Criticism (A) on the hospital plans issued bv the local government board. Pub. Health, Lond., 1888, 142.—Ciiiscliiuann [et al.]. Weleheu Einfluss hat die heutige (Jesuudheitslehre, be- Bonders die neuere Auffassung des Weseus und der Ver- breitung der Infectionskrankheiten auf Ban, Einrichtung und Lage der Kraukeuhauser* Deutsche!- Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspflg. Ber. 18*8, Brnschwg., 1889, xiv, 139-161.— Design for Clarence wing, St. Mary's Hospital, Paddiu°-- ton. Builder, Lond., 1893, lxv, 68, i plan.—Benign for proposed hospital, West Ham, Essex. Ibid., 1890, lviii, 44, 1 pl. — Be timet (E.) La question des hopitaux et l:hy- giene. Clinique, Brux., 1889, iii, 737-740.— De Nmel (E) iu-j. Das Victoria-Hospital (Krieger-Denkmal» zu Godesberg, nebst Benierkungen iiher Errichtung tind Organisation limdlicher Kranken- hauser. Centraibl. f. allg. Gsudhtsptlg., Bonn, 1888, vii, 329-340.—Flindt (X.) Beniajrkningeroni de h.vgiejn'iske Forhold i Holbaek Amis Sygehus ved Holua*k. [Observa- tions on the hygienic conditions in the county hospital of Hollisek. ] Fgesk. f. Lager. Kjobeuh., 1887 4 K xvi, 253; 2S1; 309.— Flint (E. X.) Hospital construc- tion. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1894, xiv, 21-24.— Foville (A.) Note snr le prix de revieut des con- structions hospitalieres. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1S86, 3. s., xv, 424-435. — Friedenwald (A!) The modern hos- pital. Marx hind M. J., Bait., 1890, xxiii, 1-8. — Gas- ton (.1. McF.) Advantages of hospital treatment, with a plan of construction for natural ventilation. Pioc. Nat. Confer. Char., Bost., 1890. 109-176. —Gerhard (W. P.) The plumbing, water supply, and drainage of hospitals. Albany M. Ann., 1898, xix, 80-117. AUo: Nat. Hosp. & San. Rec. Detroit, 1S98-9, ii, no. 5, 14-17.— Gonzalez de Segovia (M.) Yentajas y progresos que ban aportado los adelantos de la higiene moderua ii la construccion y entretenimiento de los hospitales. Rev. Soc. espan. de big., Madrid, 1883, i, 299; 342: 1884, ii, 112; 406.—Grcsswell (D. A.) Hospital construction and management. Praciit oner, Lond., 1894, Hi, 152-160.—von Gruber (F.) Skizze fiir ein iu einer kleinen Gemeimle zu erbauendes Kraukeuhaus. Oesterr. San.-Wes., Wien 1897, ix. Beil. z. Nr. 15, 1-11, 1 pl— Grundke. Feber Bau und Einrichtung von Krankenhauseiu. Fortschr. d. Krankenpfl , Berl., 1891, xiii, 401; 441.—Guttinami (P.) & Merkc (H.) Bemerkungen zur Aufiecht'schen Mit- theilung: Das geeignetste Bansystem fiir allgemeiue Krankeuhiiuser. Berl. klin. "Wchnschr., 1890, xxvii, 98- 100.—Hall (E. T.) Fever hospital construction. J. San. Inst. 1897, Lond., 1898, xviii, 491 -514. — Hettinger (A. C.) Report upon the construction of the hospital at "Widow's Island, Penobscot Bay. Rep. Surg.-Gen. Navy 1884, Wash., 1885, 303-307. —'■—. The pavilion m hospital construction. Boston M. & S. J., 1886, cxiv, 73; 100. AUo, Reprint.—Henderson (J. B.) American notes; medical and hygienic. Glasgow M. J., 1895, xliv, 358-363.—Heiuuan ( W.) Developments iu hospital planning aud construction resulting from the employment of " Plenum " ventilation. J. San. Inst., Lond., 1899-1900, xx, 599-608.—Henrot (H.l De l'assaiiiisseiueut des salles d'hopital par Jes pulverisations pheniqiiees. Assoc, franc. pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r. 1*84, Par.. 18*5, xiii, pt, 2, 603. [Discussion], pt. 1, 287.— Hcydweiller. Wer soil Heilstiitten bauen? Veilmndl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1898, Leipz., 1899, Ixx, pt, 2, 2. Hlfte., 410-419.—Hilse (B.) Einfluss erlassener Polizeiverord- nungeu auf die Genehmigung der Antrage zum Errichten von Privat-Kranken-, Entbiuduugs- uud Irrenanstallen. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg., Berl., 1900, vi, 86-88.—II in ter- berger (A.) &. von K rails* (F.) Wie soil man eiu grosses Krahkenhaus im Centrum einer Grossstadt, beispielsweise in Wien, reconstruiren I Wien. klin. "Wchnschr., 1899, xii, 224-231.—Holker. Hygienische Auforderungeu an kleine Kraukenhauser. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1891, Leipz., 1S92, lxiv, pt. 2, 450-455.— Hospital at Baltimore, Md. (From a statement by the architect.) Rep. Superv. Surg. Mar. Hosp., Wash., 1884-5, 18-20, 1 plan. — Hospital construction: the Homce- opathic Hospital. Great Onuond street. Hospital, Lond., 1894, xvi. 282— Hospital contraction; the new wing at the "Warneford Hospital, Leamington. Ibid., 1900, xxvii, 358.—Hospital construction: the Parsee Lying-in Hospital. Bombay. Ibid., 1895, xviii, 365. — Hospitals with circular wards lighted from above. Builder, Lond., 1885, xlviii, 9. Also [Abstr.]: San. Engin.. X Y., 1884-5, xi, 330.—Honze (E.) La question dos hopitaux. Clinique. Brux., lss9. iii, 673; 705.—Howell (S. Y.) Nosocomial hygiene. Buffalo M. J., 1895-6, xxxv, 320- 325.—Hun (H.) A atudv of a hospital plan. Albany M. Aim., 1897, xviii, 437; 541, 9 pl. AUo. Reprint.—la'nn- ticfl' (Y.) Destruction par le Merulius lacrymaus du plaucher d'une salle d'hopital & Moscou. '[ Transl. ] Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1896, xviii, 10-22. — Improvements in hospital construction. Lancet, Loud., 1895, i, 715. — Jastreboft" (Y.-W.) Communication sur les antisep- tiqiies et l'installation d'un hftpital, au point de vue nntiseptiqiie. Ann. d'hyg., Far., 1885, 3. s., xiii, 80-82.— Kaminski (A. S.) Proyekt deievyannol boluitsi na 30 kiovatei. [Plan of a wooden hospital for 36 beds.] HOSPITALS. 317 HOSPITALS. Hospital* [Construction and hygiene of). Med. Obozr., Mosk.. i-77 vii i Protok. Moskov. med. Obsh.. no. 7. 6-10. 1 pi.).— Kelerstein. Feber Neubau kleiner Krankeiiliauser. Ztschr. f. Med.-Reunite, Berl., 1894, vii, 313-324.—Kranken- und Wohlthiitigkeitsan- stalteu iu Wiii tteinberg : Die Xeubauten des Kiirgcrhos- pitals in Stuttguit. Med. Cor -Bl. d. wiirttemb. iirztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1S94. lxiv. 217-220.—lirnpin , S ) Obez/a- l-azhivaiiie i udalcu'ic uechisiot v Oorodskol Baraehnol bolnitsle v pamyat S.F liotkina y S-Peterluii gle. [Disin- | fection and removal of sewage of the City 1'ayilion Hos- pital in l'otkin s memory in St. Petersburg. ] Bolnitsch. gaz. liotkina, St. Petcisb.. 1893. iv, 1217-1230. AUo. Ue- I print —KiiIiii 11-5 i Die \5 ru eiiduug der Glasbau-tcine I (Falconnier) beim Ban von Operations- und Aibeitsiau men. Miinchen. nied. Wchnschr.. 1899. xlvi. 98-5 — I. n Hi- lee i H.) Note sur un projet dc petit hopital. Ke\ . il hyg.. l'ar.. 1893, xv. 235-241 l.aidier. De la trans- I format ion de l'Hopital de Rumbrrvillers au point de vue ) lie rhygiene et de l'as-ainissenient. Bull. nied. d. Yosges, Spinal 1,-92-:!. vii. no. 28. 22-39. 1 ch.— I.arret (H.) Dis- cussion sur I'hygie.....les hopitaux. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1805. 2. s., v. 59ti-00S. AUo, Reprint.—Law ii; ) Hospital reform (IS».',i. Some occasion, papers. . . 15, h inoiid Athenieum, 18-0, 145-157— I. e Foil (L.) Note sur quelques points de riiygicne lio-pi ta 1 u'-re. [Hopitaux anglais.] In his.- (Eiivres. 8-*, Par.. 1895, i, ::-42 ------ Discussion sur I'hvgiene des hopituix. Ibid . 42-00.— l.e- lulle 'M.i I. h'. -5ne it les refornies ho-pitaliorcs de 1 a-.sist.iiu'•■ pnlilii|iie. Rev. d'hyg.. Par.. 1895 \\ ii )S2- 499. — l.opi's Vicira. O revestimento das paiedes da- riu,i ni.ii las. Coimbra nied ls99. xix, 139-141.— Lorente i.J. I Notas sobre ho-p't.d. s l'.ol. de med. nav., Madrid. l-*7. x, 145; 169 UrIHIl (J.R.) Hos- pitals; theii construction, organ: at,.n and manage ment. -I. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, , 899. .wxh. 99-iOv- 2tl'<;iiie I i Remarks on the site and < ,,u^ti uc' i.iii of hospitals, with reference to the n, 'a -ui_i,a! h,,-pit,ii of the Glasgow Royal Intiriuary. ui.i^nH M.I i-ui-01. 2. s.. viii. 403-424, 4 plans.' AUo. l:,j,i::t Mania (A.-J l Rapport sur un projet de construction cle services j d'isoiemeut a l'Hopital Trousseau. Bull. Soc. de m£d. pub.. Par., ls-7 \ :>9-4.'l>. Also: Rev. d'hvg., Par., 1**7, ix, 1000-1101 — .Uei.enbach (A. H.) Our new city hos- pital, where sln.uld ir he located and how constructed? Med. Rev.. St. I.,,ii s. 1*96, xxxiv. 127-132. [Discussion], 137-139. — flinoliii (F.I Si-t.-mi di cessi e fognatura adottati nel Nemo, oinio piivatoci Messina. Bnll.d.Xeu- rocomio piiv. di Me-Miia. 1 ~'.'T. iv, 17-20.—.Tlonteverdi (A.) Que-tioue spedaliera. Bull, d. Coniit. med. crenio- uese. Cremona, l-s7. vii, 43-78 —>a|»ia» II , Sur les conditions de 1'hvgiene hospitalise en Ki ,nn-,-. Hull. Sue. de med. pub., Par.. Is92. xv. 234-263. .1'..,. .• K.-v. d'hvg., Par., Js'.fj, xiv. 945-9',* [Di-cussionj 1001-100-.\ewcll (O.K.) New hospital construction for the public institu- tions of BOstmi Boston M. .v S. J., 1891. cxxv. 620 — >fw Voili 1 iie St, ,te Charitio, Aid Association; )>lans loi •, flag, li,,-i, • ,1 and almshouse. San. Engin.. N. Y., 18-4-5 xi. 4">3 — \ielly H.) Tne .|iie-tioii d'hygiene hos- pitalieie Miq, i mear.li-.ition des plain-hero. Assistance pub., Par., 1*99. 2. .-... viii, 9; 17— Paper (A) hospital. Boston M. .v S. J.. 1892. c\xvii, 563.—I*an Ins. Vorscblag zu einem Bezirk-kiankenhaus. Med. < or.- 151. d. wiirt- temb. arztl. Ver.. Stuttg., 1**9, lix, 137-139.— Pbilipp. Revision der Kiankenhauser. Pieu,- Med. Beamt,-n- Yer. Off. Ber.. Berl.. Is94. xi, 113-135.— Pilcbei- <\.. S.j Hospital construction. Hosp.. dispells. .0. — le Koy. Precis d'un ou rage sur les hopitaux, dans lequel on expose les prin- HON|>itals [Constructionand hygiene of). cipes resultant des observations de physique et de mede- cine qu'on doit avoir en vue dans la construction de ces editic.es; avec un projet d'hopital dispose d'apres ces principes. Hist. Acad. rov. d. sc. 17*7, Par., 1789, 585- 600. 2pl.—Rnbner (M.) Erfaliriingen iiber den Ban und Betrieh von Kiankenliiiiisern. Klin. Jahrb., Berl., 1S92, iv, S8-107. ------. reher die Entwickelung des modernen Kraukeiihaushaiies. Ztschr. f. Krankeuptl., Berl.. 1895, xvii, 41-40. ------. Ueber Krankeiiliauser uud ihre zweck- niiissige Anlage. Ibid.. 321-333. ------. Giitachtcn der kdnigl. wissenschat'tl. T)c]iutation fiir das Medicinal- weseus iiber die Einlcitiing der Abwiisser des Landkran- k, nh ni^es zu H. in die Fuhla. VrtlJHchr. f. gerichtl. Mul.. Beil., 1897, xvi. Suppl.-Hti. 10-20." AUo, Reprint.— Kinn il P.) Hospital construction. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1*87, n. s.. ix, 200-210.- .*>. (D.) Costrii/.ione dei piccoli ospedali. Ingegner. san., Torino, 1901, xii, 27- 31.-«. i.I. ().) Pavilion v. block hospital. Iirit. M. J., Loud.. 1SH5, i, 1123.—Nanitarv delects ol' the hospital La Pi'ie at Paris. Lancet, L.....I.. 1891, i, 1331-1333.— Wehabi'i'iK \-. Piehl. Die Errichtung von Kraukeii- hausern. Centralbl. f. allg. I Ismlhtspllg., Bonn, 1891, x, 57- 77. Mcbaper (11.) I'eberdie ('runilsiit/.e fiir die Neu- baulen von Krankenbiiuseii mit Kiicksicht auf einen Neu- bau der Charilc Berl. klin. Wchnsehr., 1893, xxx. 1201- 1207. -----. I'eher Krankenliaus-Sanaloi ien. Ztschr. I'. Krankelipn.. Beil.. 1S08, xx. 7S-K1.—Mebniieden. Neuei,! Erfahruugen und Eortschritte auf dem (iebiete des Kran- keiihaiisbnu's. Hyg. Rundschau. Berl., 1*95. v, 421-444. .l/.vo,Reprint. AUo: Ztschr.f. KrankenpH. Berl.,1895,xvii, 301; 411; 452. -cU.vofwith additionsj : ('e^.....Ili.-lngenieur, Miinchen, 1890, xix, 49; 69.—Melineider (l.i Das Land- krankenbi'us zu Fulda in hygienisclier Bezii hung. Deut- sche Vrtljschr. I (iff. Gsndiitspflg.. Brnschwg., 18J3. xxv, 207-221.—»< daily (H.) Das Badehaus. Jahrb. d Hamb. Staatskraiikeuaiist. 1**9, Leipz., 1890, i 2-9 —Mehuiu- bni'tf. Hygienische Gruudsiitze beim Ho^pitalbiui und die Beruck-.iclitigung derselhen iu englischen Kranken- hiiusern. Yrtljsehr. f. gerichtl. Meil., Berl., 1*92, 3. F., iii, 375: iv, 130; 295. AUo, Reprint.—Mebwartz (O.) Die hvgicnischen A ut'gabendesKrankenhausar/.tcs. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndlitsprlg., Brnschwg., 188", xix. 147- 153.—Nail III (P. C.) Notes ou modern hospital construc- tion. Practitioner. Lond., 1888, xl, 469-480, 2 pl.—Mmytb (C. E. (I.) Hospital construction. Rep. Australas. A-s, Adv. Sc. 1893. Sydney, 1894, v, 621-626, 2 plans.— Nmll fH. S.i Uu circular hospital wards. Ir. San. Inst. (Jr. Biit., Lond.. 1*85-0, vii, 205-217. -Iko.- Lancet, Lond., 18*5, ii, 590-593. ------. On circular hospital wards. Lan- cet, Lond., 1**5, ii, 091. — MolovyoflT (I. P.j Bakteriosko- picheskoye izslledovanic ]iili bolnichnikh tslekhhusov. [. . . investigation of hospital store-rooms.) Vrach, St. Pe- tersb., 1895, xvi, 321.—Moper (W.) The hospital drain disiufector. San. Rec, 1......1.. 1878, ix, 207-209. — Moykn (J.) (iutachten, betretl'end die Wahl eines I'litzes zur Erbauung eines Krankenhauses in Bohmisch-L, ipa. Oesterr. San.-Beamte, Wien, 18*8, i, 71; 103. — *pc« ili- ciilioiKi of the work and materials to be used iu the construction and completion of a one-story hii,k hos- pital, two-story brick building for disinfecting plant and a high masonry wall, to be located ou reservation No. ! i, District of Columbia. Ibid., 983 - 9S8, 5 diag. — Mteele (J. U. ) Observations on the construction and ventila- tion of hospitals for the sick, with reference to the pro- posed addition to the Glasgow Royal Infirmary. Glasgow M. J.. 1853-4, i,322-337. Also, Reprint—Wli-iiiiibio i(J.) Sulle uioiliiica/ioiii piop,,-,ie dal cons-iglio degli Utituti nspitalit-ri di Milano al i egolanienlo igienu o-sanitano dello Spedal uiaggioiv. i;a//. med. lomb., Milano, 1892. li, 211; 221; 231 ; 202. - Wvir-Ui ( V5 F.) K voprosu ob ozdo- rovlruii zeinskikh i fabrichnikh bolnits putyom udale- niya necliistot. [ Saniuition of hospitals owned by the zenistvos and factories by and removal of impurities.] Trudi 6. guber. syezda vrach. Vladimir, zemstva, 1890, 152 498 2 plans. - Tniinkn il.) [Hospital coustruc- lion.| I run Igaku K«ai Za-shi Tokyo, 1896, 413-424.— 'I'l'lle^en. Kenige beschou w ingen over gosiichtsbouw en g, sti, lits\, rpleging. Psychiat. HI., Amst., 1895, xiii, 131-139. I isoii i.I.i L'jiopilal moderne. J. d'hyg., Par., 1*90, x\i. 557; 50*; 593. —Toilet |('.I Etude com- parative (les plans geneiaux dis hopitaux. Rev. d'hyg., Par.. 1**!). xi. 210-237. .1/*-.,. Keprint.------. Des salles de malades et des annexes deslinces k loger, leurs set vices particiiliers, position relative, formes, dimensions, sur- faces d'cclaireineiit, placement des lits. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1*89. xi, B16-83U. Alsn, Kept int. — I xieUhaiixlii (G.) Kleklricheski\ a syietolieelieliuitsi V znpadnol Veviopie. [Elect tic light hospitals in western Europe. | Med. Obozr., .Mosk., 1S9*. xlix. 277-2.s2.- I'kela (K.) [Report on the hygiene ot tin- public hospital. | Kyoto Iji Kisei Shi, 1895, no. 13. 2. —U» nroll" i M. S.) (I iiormaliioin lijilc bolnits. [On the normal typo of hospitals.] Vestnik obsh. big., sudeb. i prakt. meil., St. Petersb., 1898, no. II, 2. sect., 933- 93*. 21 plans [on 12 1.].— Van der Veer (A.) A descrip- tion of hospital buildings on the pavilion plan. Albany M. Ann.. 1*9*. xix. 49-63, 4 plans, I pi. Also, Reprint.— Vina j (G. S.) Ac I.ohio (C.) Un ist iiuto per cure fisiche HOSPITALS. 318 HOSPITALS. Hospital* (Construction and Itygiene of). da costrusi in Torino. Ingeguere igieu., Torino, 1901, ii, 39-45.—Vleniinebx. Rapport de la commission a la- qnelle a ete remove l'examen du m6moire de M. le Dr. Gilbert, intitule: Considerations hygieniques k propos de l'erection d'hopitaux et d'hospices k la canipague. Bull. Acad. roy. de m6d. de Belg.. Brux.. 1*93. 4 s , cii, 346.— Ward (A) in the Hospital Conception Beistigue Louis- ville M. Month., 1894-5. i. 33 1 pl —YVnrfvingc (F. W.) Om den elektriska belysningen a Sabbatsbergs sjukhus. [Electric illumination in Sabhatsberg Hospital] Hvgiea. Stockholm, 1885, xlvii, 540-54*. — White (J. S.) Modern hospitals and asylums; being a paper on the designing fdanniug. and construction of modern hospitals and asy- uius. St. Louis Clinique. 1*911. ix. 408-414.— Wilson (J. M.) The new pavilion ward of the Presbyterian Hos- pital of Philadelphia. J. Frank! Tost., Phila., 1875, lxix, 215-217, 2 pl. Also, Reprint.—Wise (P. M.) The con- struction of hospitals. Albany M. Ann., 1898, xix. 64-71. AUo, Reprint. — Wvnian (H. C.) Hospital cleanliness. Proc. Nat. Confer. Char.. Bost., 1891. xviii, 53-61.—Young (K. D.) On recent progress in hospital planning and arrangements. Am. J. M. Sc. Phila., 1886, n. s., xci, 441- 449. -----. On the planning and construction of hospitals. Builder. Loud., 1890, lviii, 337-339. Hospitals (Convalescent). See, also, Children (Hospitals, etc., for); Homoeopathy (Hospitals, etc.. conducted under). Albert House Institution, Saint Leonards-on- tbe-Sea. Annual reports of the trustees to tbe subscribers. 5.-14, 1867-76; IT., 1-79: 19.-25.. 1-81-7. 8C &1\ [St.Leonards-on-Sea]',1868-8-. All Saints Convalescent Hospital, East- bourne, Sussex. Annual reports of tbe treas- urer to tbe subscribers, for tbe years 1-83; 1885; 1893. 8-'. [London, 1-81-91.] * -----. [Statement of receipts and expendi- ture for tbe year 1884.] 8-5 [London, 1--5.] Bradford. Tbe Seinon Convalescents' Home at Ilksley, near Bradford. [Circular giving a brief account of the institution and its regula- tions.] fol. Bradford, 1885, Convalescent Home, Folkestone. Design j of Mrs. Mearus's proposed new Convalescent Home, East Cliff, Folkestone. "YV. A. Hughes, architect. 1*2°. [London., 1891.] -----. New Convalescent Home, East Cliff, Folkestone, June, 189.5. [Appeal for funds to complete the new building.] 1*2°. [London, 1895.] Convalescent Home for Gentlewomen, Hy- gei.i Lodge, Wadhurst, Sussex. [Circular de- sciibing objects and giving rules.] 8-. [Wad- hurst, n. d.] Convalescent Home at Hauwell. Annual reports of the committee to tbe society. 17.-19., 1889-85. fol. [London, 1889-6.] Convalescent Home and Home of Rest for Men, the Hermitage, Hastings. Statement of receipts and expenditures. 5., 1895. sm. 4°. [London, 1896.] Convalescent Home for Men, St. Luke's Lodge, Higher Lincoinbe Road, Torquay. Pro- spectus. 8°. Torquay, 18*9. Convalescent Home for Poor Children, St. Leonard's-ou-S'a. Annual reports of the com- | mittee of management to the subscribers. 14.- 18., 1883-7. 12°. London, 1884-8. Convalescent Home of the Victoria Hospital for Children, Chelsea; Churchlields, Margate. Anuual report of the committee of management to the subscribers. 8., 1-83. 1*2-. London, 18*5. Convalescent Institution for Women and Children, New Brighton, near Liverpool. An- nual reports of the committee to the subscribers, for the years 1-84-6. 12°. Liverpool, 18-5-7. -----. [Circular, stating terms of admis- sion.] 8°. [Liverpool, 1884.] Convalescent and Invalid Home, Jeviugton, Polegate, Sussex. [Circular announcing estab- lishment and rules.] 8-5 [n. p., 18-4?] Hospital* (Convalescent). -----. Hawthorne Lodge; its surroundings and what I did there. [By E. C. P. C. Includ- ing the annual report for 1883-4.] 16°. Lon- don, 1884. Convalescent Sea-side Branch of the Bristol Hospital for Sick Children, Weston-super-Mare 1., 1894; 2., 1895. 8°. [Bristol, 18'Jo-ti.] Convalescent Society for Newcastle-upon- Tyne aud the Counties of Northumberland and Durham. Annual reports of the committee to the Association. 25.-36., 1-83-4 to 1895 58 1-97; 39., 1898. 12° & 8°. Newcastle-upon- Tyne, 1884-99. Cookhidge Convalescent Hospital, Leeds. [Notice of anuual meeting of 1889.] Newspaper cutting. -----. Opening of the Edward Jackson wing. Cutting from: Leeds Mercury. June 19, 1894. Cottage Convalescent Home for Children, at Burstead, Essex. Annual reports of the com- mittee of management to the subscribers. 14. 1883-4; 15.. 1884-5; 17., 1886-7. 10~\ [London, 18-4-7.] Evans Convalescent Home, Solihull. Annual report of the committee to the governors and subscribers. 1., 1895-6. 8:. [Birmingham, 1896.] Herbert Convalescent Home, Bournemouth. Annual reports of the committee of management to the governors aud subscribers. 16.-22., 1883- 9; 24.-33., 1891-1900. 8°. Salisbury, 18-4-1901. Home of the Good Samaritan Convalescent Home for Men, Women, and Children, Coatbam, Redcar, Yorkshire. Annual statements of the committee to the subscribers. 20., 1880; 21., 18-1; 24.-35., 1884-95; 37., 1897; 38., 1898. -5 Leeds, 1881-99. Home of Rest, Ramsgate. [A private home for male convalescents only. Circular of the managers.] 8°. [London, n. d.] Hosking (R. A.) Quiet work in a quiet cor- ner; as published iu "Woman's Work" July, 1880, with alteration and addition, completing the story of the Invalid Home, Finsbury House and Cottages, Ramsgate, Dec, 1880. 24 \ [Ramsgate, 1880.] Hunstanton Convalescent Home for Men, Women, aud Children. Annual reports of tbe committee to the subscribers. 13., 1*81; 16.- 18., 1-87-9; 20., 1891; 24., 1895: 25., 1896. 8-\ King's Lynn, 18f-5-97. Ilkley Hospital and Convalescent Home, Yorkshire. Annual reports of the managing committee to the subscribers. 22.-34., 1883-95. 8°. Ilkley, 1884-96. Inselheim. A summer home for invalids, at Nantucket, Mass. [Circular letter of the pro- prietor, W. H. Workman.] 12*-. [ Worcester, n. d.] Jewish Convalescent Home, South Norwood, S. E.Loudon. Annual reports of the committee to the governors and subscribers. 13.-18., 1884- 94. 12*5 London, 188.5-95. King's College Hospital Convalescent Home, at Hcmel Hempstead, Herts. Annual reports of the managers to the committee of King's Col- lege Hospital. 6.-19.. 18-3-96; 21., 1898; 22., 1899. 8-. London, 1,-84-1900. Kraxichfeld (F. W. G.) Das Hygiocomium, oder Beschreibung eines mediciuischen Institu- tes fiir die Pflege des beilenden Gesunden im Kranken, nebst einer eiuleitendeu und durch Tabellen erlauterten Uebersicht der gesammten Medicin, ihrein Iuhalte, ihrer Bestimiuung und ihreni Wertbe, so wie ihrer gegenwiirtigen HOSPITALS. 319 HOSPITALS. Hospitals (Convalescent). Eutwickelungsstufe nach. 1. Tbeil. 12°. Ber- lin, 1839. Llandudno Sanatorium and Convalescent Home for Women. Annual report of the com- mittee to tbe subscribers. 14.-16., 1-83-5; 18.- 27., 18-7-96. 8°. Llandudno, 1-84-97. London and Ascot Convalescent Hospital. [Circular appealing for aid.] 8\ [London, I n. d.] \ London and Brighton Female Convalescent Home. Crescent House. Brighton. Annual re- I ports of the committee to the subscribers. 14 - 16.. 1883-5; 1-.-26., 18-7-95; 2-5. 1-97: 30., H99. 16*. London. 18S4-190O. I London and Brighton Kemp Town Invalid Home, Brighton. Annual report. 17., 1883. 12 5 Brighton, 1**1. London Samaritan Society and Hamertou Mission. A few particulars of the four conva- lescent homes, at Sandgate and Bournemouth. 18-. [London, 18--.] -----. Particulars of Beach Rocks Sea-Side Convalescent Home, Sandgate, Kent. - . [Lon- I don, 1-92.] -----. Thesame. 8-. [London. 1-92] Metropolitan Convalescent Institution, Pic- cadilly, W. Annual reports of the board of management to the iiovernois and subscribers. 43.-45.. 1—3-5: 47., 1--7. .--. London, 1—4---. Metropolitan Hospital, London. Munifi- I cence of Mr. Passmore Edwards. [To build a convalescent home in connection with the hos- pital. An account of the festival dinner, held April 30, 1-94.] -. London, 1-94. Ciittimifrom : Charity Record, Lond., 1894, 181-183. Monti (A.) Reeonvalescentenhatiser, Special" heilanstalten nnd Ambulatorien in Oesterreich* sc. Wien, 1901. Morley House Sea-Side Convalescent House j for Working Men, near Dover. Aunual reports of the committee of management to the sub- scribers. 1., 1—3-4 : 2., 18-4-5 : 4.. 1—6-7. 12 5 London, 18-4-7. Mrs. Gladstone's Free Convab-seent Home for the Poor, Ravensbnry House. Mitcham, Es- sex. Animal reports of the committee of man- aoeiuent to the subscribers. 1.-33., 1867-? to 1-99. 12*5 London, 1-•','. i-19t)0. Mrs. Kitto's Free Convalescent Home, Rei- gate, Surrey. Annual reports of the committee to the subscribers. 12.-14., 1—3-5. 12-5 Lon- don, 1*--4-6. -----. Balance sheet for the year 18-5. MS. fol. [London, 1—6.] New York Home for Convalescents, New York City. Annual reports of tlie managers to tbe society. 2.. 18-0-81; 4.-6., 1—2-3 to 1*84-5; 11.-13., Ih-9-90 to 1891-2. 12 . New York. 18-1-92. Prudhoe Memorial Convalescent Home, Whitley, North Shields. Keport of the building committee of the . . .. with a statement of the. account and list of subscribers. 8°. Newcastle- upon-Tyne, 1871. Ramsoaie. Saint Luke's Invalid and Conva- lescent Home. Finsbury House and Cottages, Finsbury Road. Annual reports of the secre- tarv to the subscribers. 5., 1879-80; 7., I*--1-2; 9., 1883-4; 10., 1884-5; 12., 18^6-7. 12-5 Rams- gate, 1880-87. -----. Rules. 16'5, Ramsgate, 1**7). "Rest" (The). Convalescent Home, Porth- caw], South Wales. Annual reports of the ex- ecutive committee to the general committee of the " Rest " for the years 1884 ; 1885 ; 1887. 8-. Bridgend, 1885-8. lospitals (Convalescent). Saint Andrew's Convalescent Home, Folke- stone, Kent. Annual reports of the tieasurer and medical officer to the trustees and subscrib- ers. 10., 1883; 11., 1881; 13., ls,87. s. Folke- stone, 1884-8. Saint Andrew's Convalescent Hospital, Clewcr, near Windsor, Berks. Annual reports of the council to tbe subscribers. 20., 1S8.J; 21., 1885; 23., 1887. 8*->. 7 J'incisor. 18-5-8. Saint Andrew's Convalescent, Hospital, New York ("it v. Annual reports of the officers to the subscribers and tin* public. 1., lS8i;-7; 3., 18*')- 90; 5.-9.. 1*92 to 189.-6; 11.-13., 1897-8 to 1899- 1900. 16°. New Yovk, 1ssh-1<)0(). Saint Anne'* Convalescent Home, Bridling- ton <7nny. Annual report of the council to the subscribers. 8., 18*3. 12'-. [Bridlington Quat/, 1884.] Saint Barnaras' Convalescent Home, Rains- gate. Annual reports of the committee to the subscribers. 1., 1885-6: 2., 1886-7; 5., 1889-90. 12°. Ramsgate, 18*6-90. Saint Luke's Home for Convalescents, Bos- ton. Annual reports of the trustees and officers to the corporation. sm 1877-8; 12.-30., 1882-3 to 1900-1901. 12°. Poslon, 1878-1901. Saint Michael's Home for Men aud Women. Annual reports of the council to the subscribers, for the vcars 18-4-5 to ls-6-7. 8-. London, 18-5-7. Sea Shore Home at Winthrop, Mass. An- nual reports of the directors and physician to tbe association for the summers. 7.-15., 18-3-9. 12-5 Boston, 1884-90. Sea-Side Convalescent Home, Bexhill, near St. Leonard's-on-Sea. Annual reports of the board of management. 3.-5., 1883-5; 7., 1887. 8-. London, 1884-8. Sea-Side Convalescent Hospital. Seaford, Sus- sex. Annual reports of the committee of man- agement to the governors. 24., 18-:'_4; o.5., 1884-5; 27., 1-86-7. 12-5 London, 1*81-7. -----. [Circular by the secretary, soliciting new contributions.] 4 . [London, n. d.] -----. The same. 4°. [London, 1893.] Sea-Side Home, Whitby. Annual reports of the committee to the subscribers for the Years 18-2; 1885; i,-w.5. 12°. [ Whitby, 1-83-6.] ' South Coast Medical, Surgical, aud Convales- cent Home for Women, Southsea. Annual re- ports of the committee of management to tlie subscribers. 3.-9.. 1879-80 to 1885-6: 11.-14., 1888-91. 8°. Southsea, 1880-92. -----. Blank forms, fol. [Southsea, 18*-.] -----. General rules and regulations. ■J°. Portxea, [n. d.]. Sot throkt Convalescent Hospital and Sea- Bathing Infirmary. Annual reports of the com- mittee to the governors and subscribers. 78., 1883; 79., 1K«<4. 8, . South port, 1884-5. Sefi-'olk Convalescent Home and Sea-Bath- ing Infirmary, Felixtowe. Annual reports of tbe committee to the subscribers. 19., 1886; 20., 1-87. 8U. Ipswich, 1887-rt. Villa Bethanie, Maison de Saute" Evangeli- epic, Florence Notice sur la fondation et liste des donateurs. - . Florence, 1877. -----. Prospect. 8 . [ Florence, 1879.] -----. Bericht des Comite der Villa Betania. 1., 1877-8. - . Florenz, 1879. -----. Rapport sur I'd'iivre. 8., 1887-8. 8°. Florence, 1889. -----. Circular [relating to the object of its establishment]. 8J. [Firenze, 1889.] -----. Bitte fiir das Evaugeliscbe Kianken- liaus in Florenz. 8'-. [Florenz, u. d.] HOSPITALS. 320 HOSPITALS. Hospital* (Convalescent). Waldheim Sanatorium, Oconomowoc, Wis. [Descriptive circular.] obi. 16-. Chicago, [1899]. West of England Sanatorium or Convalescent Home, Weston-super-Mare. Annual report of the committee. 16., 1884. 8 5 Weston-super- Mare, [1885]. Wingfield Convalescent Home. Annual re- ports of the committee to the subscribers. 1.- 13., 1872-1-84. 8 . [Headington, 1873-85.] Women's Convalescent Home Association, London. Special appeal for funds. 12-". [Lon- don, n. d.] Woodlands Convalescent Home, Rawdon, near Leeds. Report of the committee for the year 1-84. 8°. Bradford, 1-85. American (An) convalescent home. Lancet, Lond., 188:2, ii, 728.— Anstalfen znr Fiirsorge fiir Genesende. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. iift'. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1890, xxii, 61-82— Barmikon-. Ueber bffentliche Reconvale- scentenptlege. Verhandl. u. Mitth. d. Ver. f. off. Gsnd- htspflg. in Magdeb., 1888, xvi, 29-54.—Rui-riett (H. U.) The Sister Dora Convalescent Hospital, Milford, Stafford. San Engin., N. T., 1885-6, xiii, (id!).—Citron (H.) Ueber offentliche Reconvalescenten ■ Anstalten. Kortsclir. d. Krankenpfl., Berl., 1893, xv, 461-463. — Early (An) con- valescent home. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, ii, 92. — Ger- hardt. Die Errichtung von Heimstatten fiir Genesende (Recoiivalescenthauser). Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1901, 3. F., xxi, 167-174.—4»<-i'va1 (O.) i Worhi'- Iiti (A.) Das Reconvaleseentenhaus Ho.spiz Lovisa. Bericht iiber die secbs ersten Verwaltungsjalne. Arch. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Strassb., 1887, xi, 63-84. — Girola. Dei vantaggi degli ospedali succursali civili e niilitari per i convalescents Atti <1. Soc. med.-chir. di Torino, 1844, i, 323-330. —«Suetei'book (P.i Ueber offentliche Reconva- lcseentenprli-ge mit besonderer Riicksicht auf Berlin. Berl. klin. \Vrlinsrlir.,ls*7, xxiv. 476-480.—Hartlicli (H.) Ueber Heimstatten fiir Genesende. Deutsche nied. Wehn- Bclir., Leipz. u. Berl., 1889, xv, 747-749. AUo: Verhandl. d. deutsch. fiesellseli. f. off. Gsndhtsplig. zu Berl. (1889), 18!iu. 1-17. — Ho«pil:il Convalescent Home, Parkwood, Swanh-y. Kent. Hospital, Loud.. ls9!-4, xv, 141.—Kos- ter (\\5> Hei-stellings-Oni-den. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Ge- ueesk.. Amst., 1890, 2. 15. xxvi, 553-563.—'iTIarggraflf (A.) Die Entwicklung der stadtischen Heimstiitten fiir Genesende Berlins. Ztschr. f. sociale Med., Leipz., 1895, i. 20-26. — .Hiilillesex (The) Hospital Convalescent Home, Clacton-onSea. Hospital, Lond., 1897, xxii, 100.— .Vlooi-c (J. W.) H.iw are we to deal, by isolation or otherwise, with convalescents from acute infective dis- eases, so as to prevent the spread of disease? Dublin J. M. Sc. 18711. Ixviii, 189-19H, 2 plans. Also. Reprint. — Opening of the Bristol Jubilee Convalescent Home by the Queen. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1899, ii. 1439— Proposffl convalescent home for Charing Cross Hospital. Hospital, Lond , 1893, xiv, 141.—Thomas Walker (The) Conva- lescent Hospital, near Sydney. Australas. M. Gaz., Syd- ney, 1893, xii, 350. —Valence (A.) Des maisons de con- valescence en Grande-Bretagne. Mem. Soc. de med. de Nancv. 1891-2, 14-20. AUo: Rev. m6d.de l'est, Nancy, 1892, xxiv, 230-236. — Wohrlin. Das Hospiz Lovisa (Re- convalesceiileii-Austalt). Topog. d. Stadt Strassb. (etc.], 2. Autl., 1889, 381-384.—von ZieniNisen. Ueber die Be- deiitung stadtischer Iteeonvalesceutenanstalteii. Ztschr. f. Krankenpfl., Berl., 1895, xvii, 81-87.—von ZieniMsen [etal.]. Anstalten zur Fiirsorge fiir Genesende. Deut- scher Ver. f. off. Gsndhtsplig. Ber. 1889, Brnschwg., 1890, xv, 61-82. Hospitals (Cottage and village). Adirondack Cottage .Sanitarium, Saranac Lake, N. Y. Annual reports of tlie officers to the hoard of directors. 1.-16., 188.5-6 to 1899- 1900. 16°, 12°, & 83. [New York, 1886-1901.] -----. [Circular of information, stating ob- jects, etc., of the institution.] sm. 4°. [n. n n. d.] Aiken Cottages, S. C. Report of the officers to the subscribers. 1., 1897. 12-. Boston, 1897. Axdover Cottage Hospital. Annual reports of the committee to the subscribers. 8 _ig 1—4-94. 12°. Andover, 1885-95. Bartox-under-Xekdwood Cottage Hospital. Annual reports of the committee to the subscrib- ers. 8.-10., 1886-7 to 1888-9. 8°. Burton-on- Trent, 1887-9. Hospitals (Cottage and village). Beckexham Cottage Hospital." Annual re- ports of the committee to the subscribers. 1*2 - 17., 1885-8; 24., 1895. 12*5 London <,- Becken- ham, 1884-96. Bixgley Cottage Hospital. Annual reports of the committee to the subscribers. 1., ls9o- 2., 1891; 4., 1893; 6., 1895. 12°. Bingley, 1*91-6. Blackheath and Charlton Cottage, Black- heath. Annual reports of the committee to the subscribers. 1.-6., 1884-9; 9.-12., 1892-5. 8-' [London, 1885-96. ] -----. Report, together with treasurer's ac- count from 1. May to 91. Dec., 1885, and the rules and b\e-laws, adopted at the general meeting held the 8. .Jan., 1884. 8°. Blackheath, [1884]. Boston Cottage Hospital for Boston and tbe neighbouring parishes. Annual reports of the committee to the subscribers. 12.-15., 18e2-3 to 1885-6. 8-. Boston, 1883-5. Bourton-on-the-Wati:R Cottage Hospital. Annual reports of the committee to the sub- scribers. 26.-40., 1886-1900. 8°. Stow-on-the- Wold, 18-7-1901. Bromley Cottage Hospital. Annual reports of the committee to the subscribers. 26., 1*91; 27.. 1895. 8°. Bromley, 1895-6. Buchanan Cottage Hospital, St. Leonards-mi- Sea. Annual report of the board of manage- ment to the subscribers. 5., 1885. 8*-'. Hast- ings, 1886. BuckhurstHill, Chigwell,Chingford, Lougli- ton and Woodford Village Hospital. Annual reports of the committee to the subscribers, for the years 1868-9; 1882-4; 1895. 12° & ,- -. London $• Woodford, 1870-96. Budleigh Salterton Cottage Hospital. An- nual reports of the committee to the subscribers. 1.-7., 18,-9-95. 16°. Budleigh Salterton, 1890-96. Bcrdett (Sir H. C.) Cottage hospitals, gen- eral, fever, and convalescent; their progress, management, and work in Great Britain and Ire- land, and the United States of America. 3. ed. 12°. London, 1896. Chesham Cottage Hospital. Annual reports of the committee to the subscribers. 22.. 1-90- 91; 24., 1892-3; 27., 1895-6. 12°. Chesham, 1891-6. Cheshunt Cottage Hospital. Annual reports of the committee to the subscribers and donors. 5.. 1894; 6., 1895. 8°. [Cheshunt, 1895-6.] Chislehurst, Sidcup and Cray Valley Cottage Hospital, St. Paul's Cray. Annual reports of the council to tlie subscribers. 1.-4., 1883-4 to 1886-7. 8 5 St. Mary Cray, 1884-87. Cirencester Cottage Hospital. Annual re- ports of the, committee to the subscribers. 10.- 15., 1884-9. 8°. Cirencester, 1885-90. Cleveland Cottage Hospital, Brotton. An- nual reports of the council to the subscribers. 15.-21., 18-8-9 to 1894-5. 8^. Saltburn, 1-90-96. Copland Sudbury Village Hospital. Report of the committee for the year 1884. sm. 4°. [Sudbury, 1885.] Cottage Hospital, Blandford. Annual re- ports of the committee to the subscribers, for the years 1890-95. 8°. Blandford, 1891-6. Cottage Hospital, North Allerton. Annual reports of the committee to the subscribers. 8., 1884-S5; 11.-18., 1887-8 to 1894-5. b:. North Allerton, 1,-85-95. -----. Rules revised at the annual general meeting, held on the 31st October, 1895. 8°. [North Allerton, 1895.] Cottage Hospital, NTorth Ormesby, Middles- brough. Annual reports of the council to the HOSPITALS. 321 HOSPITALS. Hospital* (Cottage and village). subscribers. 36.. 1-91; 37., 1895. 12* A Middlesbrough, 1 -94-6. Cottage Hospital and Provident Dispensary J for Tcdduigton, Hampton Wick, and their vicinitv. Annual reports of the comniittee to the subscribers. 7.-9., 1882-4; 17.-20., 1,-92-5. 12 \ Teddington, 1-83-96. ' Cottage Hospital and Training School for Nurses. Des Moines. Ia. Annual reports of the officers to their friends and patrons, for the years 1891: 1-93. 16* A - . Des Moines, 1892-4. Cottage Hospital and Training School for Nnr-es, Peoria, 111. Constitution, by-laws, aud rules. 16*. [Peoria, 1-85.] -----. Annual reports of the board of direc- tors to the Peoria Hospital Association. 1.-3., 1^-3-4 to 188.5_tj; 12., 1-94-5. 8 . Peoria, 1—6-95. Cottage Hospital at Watlingtou. Annual reports of the committee to the subscribers. I 10., 1—5: 11.. l*-4. - . Watlingtou, [1—4-5]. Craxleigh Village Hospital. Annual reports of the trustees to the donors and subscribers. 25.-27.. 18,-3-4 to 1—5-6; 34.-36., 1-92-5 to 1894-5. 12:. Guildford. 1—4-95. Cromer Cottage Hospital. Annual reports of the comniittee to the subscribers. 25.. 1>90-91; 27.-29., 1-92-3 to 1-94-5. 4*. [Norwich. 1-91-5.] Dartmouth Cottage Hospital. Rules of the ... 12. [Dartmouth, 1—7.] -----. Annual reports of the committee to to the subscribers. 1.-4.. 1*87 _<>0; -.. 1-94: 9., 1-95. 12 . Dartmouth, 1-8--96. Dawlish Cottage Hospital. Annual reports of the committee to the subscribers. 24., 1894; 25., 1-95. 12\ Dawlish, 1-95-6. Devizes Cottage Hospital and Provident Dis- pensary. Annual reports, with statement of ac- counts, to the subscribers. 1-.-26., 18-9-90 to 1897--. 16-. Devizes. 1*90-9-. Dupoxt (£.) Les hopitaux cautonaux. 8'-. Paris, 1900. Egham CDttage Hospital. Annual reports of the comniittee to the subscribers, for the years I 1-7:'.: 1-84-5; 1892-3 to 1-95-6. 12-. Egham. 1-74-96. -----. Rules and regulations. --. Egham, 1—5. Einrichtung (Ueber die 1 kleiner Hospitaler in mittlern und kleinern Stiidteii. 12-. Ham- burg $• Kiel, 17-4. Eltham Cottage Hospital. Annual reports of the committee to the subscribers. 4.-6.. 18-3-5; 8., 1—7. 12-. London, 18-4--. Emsworth and District Jubilee Cottage Hos- pital. Annual reports of tbe committee to the subscribers. 1.-9., 1-8- to 1895-6; 12.-14., l*-9--9 to 1900-1901. 8-. Harant, 18-8-1901. Enfield Cottage Hospital. Annual reports of the committee to the subscribers. 9.-12., 1-83-6: 1-.-21., 1-92-5. e-. Enfield, 1—1-96. English (K.) Hints on hut hospitals. Ad- vocating their more general use. - . London, 1—•;. Epsom and Ewell Cottage Hospital, Haw- thorn Place. Annual reports of the committee to tlie subscribers, in.-12., l*-82-3 to l-H-5; 14., 1886-7. 12 . Epsom, 1-83,-7. Fairkori) Cottage Hospital. Annual report of tin- committee to the subscribers. 2-., 1-95. 8~. Fair ford, 1896. Faringhox Coitnge Hospital. Annual re- ports of the committee to the subscribers. 1.-4., 1-92-5. -". Faringdon, 1899-6. Hatfield Broad Oak Cottage Hospital. An- nual reports of tlie committee to the sub- VOL VII, 2d series----21 Hospitals (Cottage and village). scribcis. 17.-22.. 1-85--; 25., 1891. 12*. Hish- op'8-Stortfo'd, 1-84-92. Hayes Cottage Hospital, London. Annual rcpoit of the committee. 1-XI--1 to 1883-4. 8*. [London, 18-1-4.] Herne Bay Cottage Hospital. Annual re- ports of tlie governors to the subscribers. 1.-5., 1892-6; 9., 19nii. - . Heme Pay, 1-95-1901. Hii.i.iXGDON Coitage Hospital. Annual re- ports of the committee to the subscribers, for the years 188.5: 1,-92-7. 16. U.ibridge, l**i\-98. Hinckley Cottage Hospital and Nursing In- stitute. Annual report of the committee to the subscribers. 6., 1896. 8\ Hineklei/, 1-97. Iver, Langley, and Denhain Cottage Hospital, Iver. Annual reports of the managing com- mittee to tlie subscribers. 22.-27., 1--1-.5 to 18-9-9H. 8°. I'.rliridgc. 18-5-90. -----. Interesting ceremony. [Account of laying the foundation stone in a wall in front of the hospital.] 8. [ Pxbridge, 1891.] Repr. from: Fxlniilne Gaz.. Feb. Jl, 1891. yox Kfrschensteiner (J.) Krankenliiiiiser fiir kh-inere Stiidte nnd landliche Kreise. 2. Aufl. - . Braunschweig, 1*92. Ladies' Union Aid Society. Annual reports of tlie officers to the members of the society. 7.-14., 1892-3 to 1899-1900. And the annual re- ports of the Claremont Cottage Hospital. 1.-7., 1893-4 to 1899-1900. -. Claiemont, 1,-93-1900. -----. May Morning. Ladies' Union Aid Society, in the interests of the Claremont Cot- tage Hospital. NTo. 1, v. 3. May 1, 1-99. 4 . Claremont, 1899. Livingstone Cottage Hospital for Dart ford and District. Annual reports of the committee and medical superintendent to the subscribers. 1.-6., 1895-1900. 8 ■'. Dartford, [1-96-1901]. Llangollen Cottage Hospital. Annual re- ports of the managing comniittee to the sub- scribers. 1., 1-76; 2., 1-77: 4.-9., 1879-84. 8:. Llangollen, [1877-85]. Ll.OYii Cottage Hospital and Dispensary, Bridlington. Annual reports of the comniittee. 16., 1883-4. 8^. Bridlington, 1884. Longton Cottage Hospital. Animal reports of the directors to the governors and sub- scribers. 20.-31., 1-86 to 1-96-7. 12*5 Longton, 1887-97. Lytham Cottage Hospital and Convalescent Home. Annual reports of the comniittee to the subscribers. 15.. 1-86-7. 12. Preston. 1-87. Mei.ksham Cottage Hospital. Annual re- ports of the comniittee to tlie subscribers. 19-21.. 1886-7 to 1888-9; 28., 1896. 12°. Melks- ham, 1—7-97. Memorial Cottage Hospital, Mildmay Park, N. Annual reports of the management for the years 1886-7: 1*87-8. sin. 4° A> 21 . [London, 1-87-8.1 Mikfiei.ii Memorial Cottage Hospital. An- nual reports of the committee to the sub- scribers. 1.-3., 1-9:;-I to 1895-6. -. Mil field, 1891-6. Mold Cottage Hospital. Annual reports of the committee to the subscribers. 4.-6., 1-82-1; 14., 1-92; 16.-20., 1894-8. 8. Mold, 18-5-99. -----. Rules of the ... 8 . Hold, [1896]. New tun Cottage Hospital and Dispensary. Annual report of the committee. 12., 1-84. - . Newton Abbot, 18-55. North Camkriih'Kshike Cottage Hospital, Wisbech. Keports of the coininiitee of manage- ment to the subscribers. 1., 1873-4; 2., 1874-5; 4., 1876-7; 5., 1877-8; 7., 1-79-80; 9.-12., 1881-2 to 1884-5. 8. Wisbech, 1874-85. HOSPITALS. 322 HOSPITALS. Hospitals (Cottage and village). NFNeaton and District Cottage Hospital and Nursing Institution. Annual reports of the com- niittee to i lie subscribers. 4.-6., 1893-4 to 1895-6. 8 -'. Nuneaton, 1891-6. OtterY St. Mary District Cottage Hospital. Annual reports of the committee to the sub- scribers. 1.-3., 1-95-4 to 1896. 12-'. Ottery, [1-95-7]. Pennsylvania. Cottage State Hospital, Mer- j cer. Annual report of the board of trustees and | surgeon-in-charge. 2., 1897--. «*5 Mercer, 1-98. Petworth Cottage Hospital. Annual reports of the comniittee of management. 14.-16., 1880-82. --. Petworth, 18,-1-3. Portsmouth Cottage Hospital. [Sketch of the beginnings of the hospital.] 8-'. [Ports- mouth, 1885.] Repr. from: Portsmouth Journal, Nov. 7, 188T>. -----. Annual reports of the board of direc- tors to the public. 1.-15., 1885-6 to 1-99-1900. 8 . Portsmouth, 1886-1900. Kkigate and Redhill Cottage Hospital, Sur- rey. Annual reports of the comniittee of man- agement to the subscribers. 19., 1884-5 • 21.-24., 188(1-7 to 1-89-90; 30., 1895-6. 8-. Reii/ate ,,- Redhill, 1885-96. K'li'ox Dispensary and Cottage Hospital. An- ! nual reports for the years 1883; 1884; 1886-8. fol. [Ripon, 18,-4-9.] ' Boyst-on Cottage Hospital. Annual reports of the committee of management to the gover- nors and subscribers. 14.-27., 1884-97. 8° & 16°. Roysion, 1,-8,5-98. -----. Rules and regulations. Revised April, 1885. 12°. Poyston, [1885], Saint Mary's Cottage Hospital, Burford, Tenbury. Annual reports of the committee of management to the subscribers. 13.-16., 1882-5. 8L. Jenbury, l*f'5-6. Skacomish Cottage Hospital. Annual reports of the committee to the subscribers. 14., 1884; 16.. 1886; 18.-25., 1888-95. 12 5 Liverpool !i2. 1 plan— 4«i-ofl (G. G.) Village and emergency hospitals. Med News Phila., 189:*, Ixii. 533-536.— Hold* ■■ (.J. s.l Piesidentiai address on the history and work of a cottage hospital dur- ing twenty years. I'.i it. M. J.. Lond., 1889, ii, 231-234.— von K-. [Cannale, 1800. ] Beaumont (A.) * Dissertation sur la fievre elite d'h6pital. 4°. Paris, au XII (1865). Gskll-Fels (V.) *Die Hansinfectionen in Kinilerspitalern, undspeciell im Kinderspitaleiu Zurich, vou 1874-1*(J7. 8°. Ziirich, 1897. Hunter (J.) Osservazioui sulla febbre di prigione o d 'ospedale, lettc nel Collegio dei me- dici di Londra. 12 . Londra, 179-2. HOSPITALS. 323 HOSPITALS. Hospitals (Dangers and evils of). Marschai.l (.). H.) *I>iss. med. descriptio- neinepideniiie febris nosocoiniornin, cum anuexa epicrisi exhibeus. sm. 8 . Marburgi Cattorum, [1796]. Maspyeu [M.-tJ-.] Observations faites a l'Ho- pital militaire de Strasbourg, pendant la tin d'avril, les mois de mai, juin et juillet ISO1.), principalenieut sur la maladie dite fievre des hopitaux; adressees a l'lnstitut. Avec un rap- port des cominissaires de la classe des sciences physiques ct niatheniatiqiies, ct des observa- tions snr ce rapport. 8\ Paris. l**ll. Kalon (J.) Hospitals and hospitalism San. Rec, Lond., 1885-6, n. s., vii, 262-266.— i On hospitalism. P.rit. M. J.. Lond.. 1886. ii, 250. — H n jj«*ii bach-Burr It lmr«lt (K5i Ueber Spitaliu- ' t'ektionen5 Tagebl.d.Vei.samnil.deutscli.Natuit.il.Aerzte, Stiassb.. 1885, lviii, 470-483. AUo: Verhandl. d. Yeisaniinl. d.Gesellsch. I'. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Xaturf. n. Aerzte 1885, Dresd., 1886, iii, 52-78. [Discussion], 136-147.— I .nreran (A.I De la contagion dans les salles d'hopital; quehpies desiderata de l'lngiene liospitaliere. Med. mod.. Par., Iss'.i-'.hi. i. 221-225. — I.«■ Fort i L. i ll\ sjiene liospitaliere; doetriue contagionniste Inhis: C15i\i,-- 8-5 Par.. 1895, i, 1-651, 6 dia- Rate of mortalitv iu hospitals. San. Rec, Lond.. Is89-9t>. n. s., xi, 213 Kijjci i K I 1 lie "Wei- terverhreit ung verschiedeuer con tag iiisi r lull ktionskrank- heiten, insbesondere der Eiterkrankhritcn in iieschlosse- nen Anstalten. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1894. xlviii. 585- 592. AUo [Abstr.]: < 'ong. internat.d'hyg. et dedeniog. C. r. lt>94, Budapest, 189ii. viii.pt. 2.493.—Re vii liod (L.I De la eoutagion a l'liopital cantonal de Geneve. Pev. med. de la Suisse Roru.. Geneve, 1888, viii, 413-427.—Nimp«on (J. Y.i Hospitalism. Inhis: Works (Pis. ot woinen], 8-, EdinU. 1871. ii. 289-4D5. — Torileu* iE.) He la conta gion a I'ln'mital Saint-Pierre. I Unique, Brnx.. 1900, xiv, 113-122—Wy** (O.) lie 1'infeetioii daus les hopitaux et specialemeiit daus les hopitaux d'enfants. Cong, internat. d'hyg. et de deiuog. C. r. Is82. Geneve, 1883, ii, 205-221. Hospital* (Dental). Si-e Dentistry (Colleges, etc., for), by localities. Hospital* (Descriptions and reports of). See Children (Hospitals, etc., for); Dispensa ries {Descriptions, etc., »f ; Homoeopathy (Hos- pitals, etc., conducted under); Hospitals (Con- struction, etc., of); Hospitals > Conratisicnt); Hospitals (Cottage and village); Hospitals (De- scription, etc.. of', in/ localities; Hospitals (Di- rectories of); Hospitals Emergency, etc.); Hos- pitals ( Floating); Hospitals (Cynncolog'u-, etc); Hospitals (Management, etr., of); Hospitals {Military^; Hospitals (Naral. etc.): Hospitals (Ophthalmic, etc.); Hospitals < Oil ho\nrdic); Hos- pitals Portable); Hospitals (1,'urol,; Hospitals (Special) [and its reference<]: Hospitals for chronic, etc., patients; Hospitals for lontngiou* diseases; Scrofulous children < Seaside hospitals for). Hospital* (liesciiptions and reports of), by localities. AALBORG. I(<'ib«*rg (E. T.) Aalbborg Amta og Bvs Svgehus i 1^4. The district and city hospital of Aalborg in 1884.] Uge.-k. f. Lager, Kjubenh., 1885, 4. R., xi, 203-206. AARHUS. Arbor iT.) A arh us' ny Kommuuehospital. [The new city hospital of Aarhus.] Ugesk. f. Lseger, Kjebenb., 1894, 5. K., i, 2s9-:;oO. ABERDEEN. Aberdeen Dispensary, Vaccine and Lying-in Institution. Annual reports of the committee of manage- meut to tlie subscribers, for tlie years 184*2-5; 1849; 1850; 1 853; 18.55-64; 1807-91; 1896. 4 A 8 . Aberdeen, 1843-97. Hospital* (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. ABERDEEN—continued. Royal Infirmary. Annual reports of the directors to tlie corpora tion, for the years l88;'-'|v>. 8' . Aberdeen, \884-95. Hkpout on Aberdeen Koyal Infirmary. Hy Drs. lxiissell and Simpson. Nov. 10, 1885. 8 5 [Aberdeen, 1885.] Hlank forms, v. s. [Alurdeen, n. d.] Abcnleen Koyal Iutiruiary. Builder, Loud., 1887, Iii, 867. ADELAIDE. Athlaide Hospital. Perk* (It. H.) Tlie new wing of the Adelaide Hos- pital. Australas. M. Ga/.., Sydney, 1894, xiii, 2(13-205 AFRICA. See, in this list, Alexandria; Cairo; Free- town; Madagascar; Morocco; South Africa. | AKRON. City Hospital. Annual repents of the officers to the friends and subscribers. 1., 189-2-3; ti., le97-8. 85 Akron, 1895-*. ALBANY. Albany Hospital. Announcement provisional program. Clin- ical days, 1901. 85 Albany, 1901. Kepokt of board of governors to the corpora- tion, for tbe years 1878-9; 1879-80; 189*2-3. 8-. Albany, 1880-93. t'oulc-y (AV. H.) Keport of patients treated and oper- ations performed in the Albany Hospital, Albany, N. T., from Januarv 1.1892. to January 1,1893. Albany M. Ann., 1893, xiv, 78.' ALBERT LEA. Wilcox Hospital. Ten mouths' business at . . . H. H. Wilcox, proprietor. 10 . [Albert Lea. 1898.] ALESSANDRIA. Ospedale civile di Alessandria. Rendiconto statistico sanitario della sessione medica dell' . . . nel sesseunio 1-80-91, per il Dott. Pieiro Tarchctti. fol. Alessandria, 1-91. l'i i^erio (L.) 11 nosocoinio di Alessandria e le attuali sue 1 il'ni mi' edilizie. Gior. d. Soc. ital. d' ig., Milano, 1886, viii, 837-848, 1 plan. I ALEXANDRIA. Greek Hospital. itlorynn (V. J.) Notes on the surgical practice of the Greek Hospital at Alexandria, Kgypt. Army M. Dep. Rep. 1895, Lond., 1890, xxxvii, 323-334. ALLAND. Heilanstalt Alland. von Wcimnayr (A.) AVas wild die Heilanstalt Al- | land zu h-isten vcrinogi 11'.' Wien. klin. Hundschiui, 1899, xiii, I5U 108. ALLEGHENY. Allegheny General Hospital. Annual leports of tlie officers to the contrib- utors. 1.-14., 1885-99. -\ Pittsburgh A'-Alle- gheny, 1887-1900. Saint John's General Hospital. Annual reports of the board of directors and officers to tlie friends aud patrons. 1.-2., 1890-7 to 1898; 4., 1900. 8 . Allegheny, 1898-1901. ALLENTOWN. Allen I own Hospital Association. Annual report of the officers to the association and the public. 5., 1900. 8. Allentown, 1901. HOSPITALS. 324 HOSPITALS. Hospital* (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. ALTOONA. Altoona Hospital. Annual reports of the board of trustees and of- ficers to the members of the corporation. 1.—11., 1-84-94; 13.-15., 1-90-8. 8-. Altoona, 18-8-90. AMSTERDAM. Buiten-Gasthiiis. Biiileii-CwaKthiiiM te Amsterdam. Rapport over het . . ., ingediend aan H. H. regenten van voornoemd gesticht, door Prof. G. E. V. Schueevoogt. Nederl. Weekbl. v. ge- neesk., Amst., 1853, iii, 281-291. AUo, Reprint. Eostelooze Amsterdamsche Polikliniek. Ykkslao over hetjaar 1893, uitgehracht op de algen.eene vergadering gehonden 20 April 1894 te Amsterdam. 8-. [Amsterdam, 1894.] Rooinsch-Katholieke Ziekenvevpleging te Am- sterdam. Jaaiiverslage. 5.-9., 1885-89. 8°. Am- sterdam, 1-8*2-90. AMSTERDAM, New York. Amsterdam City Hospital. Annial reports of the officers to the board of trustees and donors. 1.-10., 1889-90 to 1898-9. 12c A - . Amsterdam, 1890-99. ANGERS. Audra (E.) Histoire des hospices d'Angers. 18c. Angers, [1880, vel subseq.]. Clinique ehirurgicale. Monprofit (A.) La cliuique ehirurgicale d'Angers. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1896, v, 161-167. Hopital de Durtal. Bnqiiiu (R.) L'Hopital de Durtal (1672-1900). Arch. med. d'Angers, 1900, iv, 387-406, 1 pl. Hopital Saint-Jean. Parrot (A.) Notice sur la dcScouverte du la- vatoriuin cle l'ancien hopital Saint-Jean d'An- gers. -5 Paris, 1877. Repr. from: Rev. med.d.soc.savantes, Par.,1876,6. s.,liv. ANN ARBOR. University Hospital of the University of Michigan. Annual reports of the officers to the board of regents for the years 189*2-3; 1893-4; 1896-7; 1897-**. 8-. Ann Arbor, 1893-8. ANTWERP. Hopital civil. Black (U. G.) The new city hospital, Antwerp. £an. Rec., Lond., 1884-5, n. s., vi, 576-578. Hopital Stuirenberg. Antwerp. Hopital Stuirenberg ci' Anvers. Plan et notice, fol. [Anvers, 188-.] Blnckall (C. II.) The Stuyveulierg Hospital, Ant- werp. Am. Architect, Lost., 1886, xix, 63-65. AREZZO. Si orzi (F.) Narrazioue nosologica del servi- zio sanitario dei rr. spedali riuniti d' Arezzo dal 1849 al 1858. 8-\ Firenze, 1858. ARCHANGEL. Bolshcsolaki (P. K.) Meditsinskiy ochot Arkhan- gelskol bolnitsi prikaza obshtshestveniiavo prizrieniya za 1892 g. [Medical report of the Archangel hospital of the board of public charities.] Protok. i trudi Obsh. Arch- angel, vrach.. 1893, i, 32-49.—iaechebiiitga Imperatora Al^ksandra II. [ Hospital of Alexander II. 1 Otchoti [Reports.] 1884-92,1894-6. Ibid., 1885-93, 1895-7. pt, 1, passim. ARLEN. Walther ( E.) Das Heinrich - Hospital in Arlen. Aerztl. Mitth. a. Baden, Karlsruhe, 1890, xliv, 25-31,1 plan. Hospitals (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. ARONA. Civico ospedale, Rattaiku (G.) Nel nostro Civico ospedale. Note. - . Arona, 1895. ARTERN. Penlicri. Das stiidtische Kraukenhaus zu Artern. Cor.-Bl. d. allg. arztl. Ver. v. Thiiringen, Weimar, 1886 xv 226-236. ASCOLI. Ospedale Costanza Mazzoni. Operazioni (Le) chirurgiche di 14 mesi. Rendiconto di chirurgia operativa pel dottor Storchi Federico, direttore dell' ospedale, 1895. -,J. Modeua, 1895. ASIA. See, in this list, China; Corea; Japan; Je- rusalem; Sumatra. ASOLA. Ospedale civile, Relazione sui servizio medico-chirurgico. Pel bienno 1897-8. Dott. Cesare Salvetat. 8°. Mantova, 1-99. ATLANTA. Grady Memorial Hospital. Annual report of the superinti ndent and offi- cers to the board of trustees, 1900. 8\ Atlanta, [1901]. Beport of Grady Hospital, Atlanta. Rep. com. . . . Atlanta (1892), 1893, 287-290. AUBURN, Nebraska. Auburn Infirmary. Oppermann (A.) The Auburn Infirmary, Neb. [Account of the infirmary and statistical medi- cal report of patients treated during the years 1883-8.] ltic. Auburn, 1889. -----. Statistical medical reports of pa- tients treated during the years 1886-8. 8° & 4°. [Auburn, 1*87-9.] AUBURN, New York. Auburn City Hospital. Annual reports of the officers to the board of managers. 2., 1880-81; 4., 1882-3; 5., 1883-4; 9.-11., 1887-8 to 1889-90; 16.-19., 1894-5 to 1897-8. 8". Auburn, N. Y., 1881-98. AUCKLAND. Auckland (Province of). Annual report of the medical depaitment [together with re- turns of the patients at tlie provincial hospital, lunatic asylum and Auckland gaol], for the years 1855-60. By the provincial surgeon, fol. [Auckland, 1856-61.] Cutting from: Auckland Prov. Gov. Gaz. Auckland hospital inquiry. N. Zealand. M. J., Dun- edin, 1890-91, iv, 207-227. AURORA. Aurora Hospital. Statement for five years ending Oct. 12,1891. 8°. [Aurora, 1891.1 AUSTRALIA. See, in this list, Adelaide; Melbourne; Syd- ney. AUSTRO-HUNGARY. See,also, in this list, Alland; Bohemia; Buda- pest ; Dobling; Graz; Gurkfeld; Innsbruck; Klausenburg; Lemberg; Modling; Ostran; HOSPITALS. 325 HOSPITALS. Hospital* (Descriptions and reports of \ by localities. AUSTRO-HUNGARY—continued. Pistyan: Salzburg; Sarajevo: Teschen: Trieste: Vienna. Austria. K. K. Mini*terium des Innern. sta- tistik des Medicinal-St amies der Kranken-nnd Huiiianitiits-Anstalten, der Mineralwiisser, Bii- der, Trink- uud (iesnndbrunnen von Vngarn. S-\ mV»i,1859. Bekesy ((J.) Les hopitaux et les inaisons de saute de la Hongrie. - . Budapest. 1960. A. Oesterreichs Krankenanstalteii in den let/ten ."»0 Jahren. Wieu. nied. "\V5 Imschr., Is9s. xlviii, 2337-2339. AUTUN. I.nlourli ( F.) La ciiuique eliirnrsilcale d'Autuu. Arch. prov. de chir.. Par . 1894. iii. 7(17-781. AYLESBURY. Bucks General Infirmary. Annual reports of the committee to the gov- ernors aud subscribers. 51. -59.. 1-83-91: til.. 1-93: 63., 1>95: 64., 1896. imp. fol. [Aylesbury, l*-l-97. BAARN. ran Bcvmn. Het Nieuwe Diaconcsst lmis te Baarn MaainU5. \ ' ziekenverpleg.. Amst 1.-98-9, ix, 181. BADIA POLESINE. Ospedale civile di Badia Polesine. Relazione dei dottori G. Finzi, medico, ed A. Matteucci, chirurgo, dal sett. 1-91 al 31 die. 1>9>. " . Mantova, 1-93. BAHIA. >ovo Oi Hospital da Mistrricordia. Gaz. med. da I'.-iliia. I81CJ-4. 4. 8.. iv, 1-12. BALTIMORE. Church Home and Infirmary. Annual reports of the trustees and officers to the contributor.-. 6.-13., l-t'>2-3 to 1-69-70; 15.-5:-., 1-71-2 to 1-95-6. -5 Baltimore. 1-63-96. Hebrew Hospital and Asylum Association. i Annual report- of the secretary to the a—ooia- tion. 22., 1-89; -55.. 1-92. -^ Baltimore, 1-90-93. Hospital of the Good Samaritan, Annual report of the officers. 1., 1-K5-6. 12-. Baltimore, 18-7. Johns Hopkins Hospital. Addresses at the opening of tlie hospital, Ma\ 7,18-9. 8 . Baltimore. I—9. Arrangement- for the opening, May, 1—'.». fe:. [Baltimore, 1—9.] Blank forms, v. s [Baltimore, 1--9.] Hospital service and dispensary service. May 30, 1— 5. 12. [Baltimore, 1 —9. ] Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin, v. 1-12, 1—9-1901. 4 . Baltimore. Current. Johns Hopkins Hospital Reports, v. 1-9, lrLto-1901. 4 . Baltimore. Current. Medical instruction. 1^9-90; 1-91-2. 16 A 8'-. Baltimore, 18-9-91. [Plan (A) of tlie hospital buildings, with ex- planations.] 12-5 [Baltimore, 18-9.] Program of tlie inaugural exercises. De- scription of the buildings. Cuttin'jfrom: Baltimore American, May 7, 1889. Reports and papers relating to construction and organization. Nos. 5, 13. 8. Baltimore, l?7c-85. lospitnl* (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. BALTIMORE—continued. Reports of the superintendent to the board of trustees. 3.-10., 1891-2 to 1-9--9; 12., 190H- 1901. 8*. Baltimore, 1892-1901. Statistic ai. tables to accompany the superin- tendent's report of the Johns Hopkins Hospital for the years 1-90-91; 1-91-2. - . [Baltimore, 1891-2.] Albrecht (II.I Johns Hopkins Hospital in Bultiinnre Cenlrnlld. I all-. GsndhtsphV. I'.i.nn, 1891. x, 209: 249- IInid (H. M.) Report ot the Johns Hopkins Hospital for the fiscal year endinir January Hist. 1899 (May 15th, 1889, to January list. 1890). Julius Hopkins Hosp. Bull- Bait., 1889-90, i', 77-89. -----. Superintendent's report of the Johns Hopkins Hospital tor tin- year ending January 31. 1891 Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., Bait., 1891, ii, PJ4- 132. Provident Hospital, Free Dispensary and Nurses' Training School. Annual reports of the board of directors to the friends and the public. 1.-3., 1894-5 to 1897; 4., Ir99. 12 A -5 Baltimore. 1S96-19U0. Saint Agnes1 Sanitarium, Baltimore. Annual report; a synopsis of the records. 33., 1-96. fol. [Baltimore, 1-97.] [Circular of the sisters in charge.] 4°. [Baltimore, n. d.] Prospectus of the . . . By the sister supe- rior, obi. 12-\ [Baltimore, 1-97.] -----. The same. obi. 12*. [ Baltimore, 1901.] Saint Joseph's Hospital. Annual reports c f the trustees and physician in charge to the patrons. 1.-5., 1-71-5: 1-92-3 to 1-94-5. 12- A 8°. Baltimore, 1872-96. Saint Vincent's Hospital. Circular of [the managers, calling attention to its condition generally, and its advantages for the care anil comfort of the sick], s . Bal- timore, 1--1. [CIRCULAR, saying it is now open for the re- ception of patients.] 8°. [Baltimore, n. d.] BAMBERG. F.klwkin (H.) Das chirurgisclie Kraukeu- haus zu Bamberg eroft'net am 21. April 1901. roy. -~5 Bamberg, 1901. Pieuier (C.) (ieschicbte des allgemeinen Krankenhauses zu Bamberg, von seiner Entste- hung bis auf die gegeuwartige Zeit. 8. Bam- berg, 1*25. BANGALORE. Madras Presidency. Report on tic station, barracks, and hospitals of Bangalore. [By Robert S. Kllis, president, sanitary commis- sion.] fol. Madras, 1865. Rijir. from . l'i or. San. Com. Madras. BANGOR, Mitine. Fu*tern Maine General Hospital. Annual reports of the trustees and directors to the members of the corporation. 1.-6., 1-92-3 to 1-97--; -., 1-99-1900. ?-. Bangor, 1,893- 1900. BANGOR, Wale*. Carnarvonshire and Anglesey Infirmary and Dispensary. Annual meeting. [Account of the proceed- ings of the meeting held Nov. 12, 1891.] broad- side. [Bangor, 1-91.] Uepr.from': Noitli Wales Chron., Nov. 14, 1891. HOSPITALS. 326 HOSPITALS. Hospital* (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. BANGOR, Wales—continued. Annual statements of accounts of the coni- mitte" to the subscribers, for the years 18^3-4 to 1-95-6. 4° & 12-5 Bangor, 18-4-96, BARI. Ospedale eonsorziale. <*i»aische Abteilung und die chirurgische Po- liklinik des Spitals in Basel, in den Jahren 1-70-1900. Erstattet von A. Socin, O. Hilde- brand und Assistenten. 8-. Basel, 1871-1901. BATH. Royal Mineral Water Hospital. Annual statements of the comniittee to the annual court of governors. 9-., 1834-5; 148.- 150 18-4-5 to 1886,-7 ; 153., 1889-90; 154., 1890- 91; 159., 1895-6. 8°. Bath, 1835-96. BATLEY. Batley and District Hospital. Annual reports of the committee to the sub- scribers and friends. 7.-19., 1885-97. 12°. Bat- ley, 1**6-9*. BAUGE. Bull. L'Hotel-Dieu deBauge. Arch. nied. d'Angers 1900, iv. 99-105, 1 pl. BAYONNE, New Jersey. Bayonne Hospital and Dispensary. \nnual reports of the officers to the board of directors. 1.-5., 1890-91 to 1894-5. 8C. New York, 1891-5. BECCLES. Beccles Hospital. Annual reports of the committee to the sub- scribers, for the years 18*7-8 to 1894-5. 4°. Beccles, 1888-95. BEDFORD. Bedford (The) County Hospital. Brit. M. J., Loud., lsli'.i. ii, 29. BELGIUM. See. also, in this list, Antwerp; Brussels; Ghent; Liege; Malines. Thijm (P. P. M. A.) Les hopitaux en Bel- gique au moyen-age. 8Z. Louvain, 1883. Repr. from: Rev. eathol. de Louvain. BELLUNO. tupcdale civile. Curvellini (F.) Resoconto morale-statist ico- sanitario dell' Ospedale civile di Belluuo per gli anni 1897-9. 8C. Belluuo, 1900. Hospitals (Descrijitions and reports of), by localities. BERGAMO. Polio mb nl an za di Bergamo. Poliambulanza (La) tnedico-chirurjrica gra- tuita dal 2 febbraio 1-88 nl dicembre 1899. roy. 8C. Bergamo, 1891-1900. BERGEN. Wt li««iib« rjj (E.) Sankt Jergens Hospital. Tirtsskr. f. d. norske LaJgefor., Kristiania, 1894, xiv, 241-264. BERKELEY. Berkeley Hospital. Annual reports of the committee to the sub- scribers. 6., 188>; 7., 1883; 10., 1886; 12.-14., 1888-90; 16.-19., 1892-5. fol. & 8-. Berkeley, 1889-96. BERLIN. Berlin. Venvaltungs-Berichte des Magis- trals zu Berlin fiir die Jahre 1896-7 bis 1899-1900. No. 16-17. Berichte der Deputation fiir die stadtischeu Kranken-Anstalten und die oft'eut- liche Gesundheitspflege. 4-. Berlin, 1897-1900. Deutsche Naturforscher und Aerzte. Die Austalten der Siadt Berlin fiir die offentliche Gesundheitspflege und fiir den naturvvissenschaft- lichen Uiiterricht. Festschrift dargeboten den Mitgliedern der 59. Versammlung deutscher Na- turforscher und Aerzte von den stadtischeu Be- horden. 8°. Berlin, 18*6. Jayle. Les cliniques et lesgrands hopitaux de Berlin. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1892. lxv, .581-590. -I.ipliaw*ky (b.) Das russische Institut fiir medizinisehe Consultationen zu Berlin und seine Thatigkeit in deu ersten vier Monaten .seines Bestehens. Deutsche nied. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1901, xxvii, 697. Bethanien. von Sleinan. Beitrage zur Eutwickluug der^Heil- anstalt des Centraldiakonissenliauses Bethanien in Berlin 1847-97. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 189,. xlvi, l-7o. Charite-Krankenhaus. Berlin. Charite-Aiinalen. Hrsg. von der Di- rection deB koniglichen Charite-Krankenhauses zu Berlin. Redi»irt von dem arztlichen Direc- t-ren. 10.-25. Jahrg., 1883 bis 1899-1900. 8°. Berlin, 1885-1900. Berlin. Kbniqliches Charite-Krankenhaus zu Berlin. Sumniarischer General-Bericht vom Jahr 1817, nebst Bemerkungen von den Aerzten und Wuudarzten desselben, Hufeland, Horn, Mursinna, Rust und Kb ge. 12°. Berlin, 1818. Chirurgisc'ie KLnik. Hnc»c<-I«*. Krweiteriingslmu der chiiurgischen Kli- nik in Berlin, Zicgelstrasse 10/11. Klin. Jnhrb., Berl., 1892, iv, 147-154. Friedr'tchshain. Berlin Stddtisches allgemeines Krankenhaus im Friedrichshahi. Verwaltungs- Berichte des Mao-istrats zu Berlin fiir die Jahre 18*l-o bis 1899-1900. Bericht der Deputation fiir die sta- dtischeu Krankenanstalten. I. Krankenhaus im Friedrichshaln. 4°. Berlin, 1885-1900. Hagemeyer (A.) Das allgenieine Kranken- haus der Stadt Berlin im Fricdrichshain, seine Einrichtung und Yerwaltung. *-• Berlin, 181 J. A/.», & t UmIo. Le g and hopital municipal de Berlin. Progres nied., Par.. )88(», 2. «., iii, 193; 219. Heimstdtle fur Verletzte zu Nieder-Schbn- hausen bei Berlin. Jahresberichte iiber die Thatigkeit. 1., 1891; 3., 1-93. Von Dr. G. Schiitz, dingi- rend'em Arzte. 8°. Berlin, 1891-3. HOSPITALS. 327 HOSPITALS. Hospital* (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. BERLIN—continued. Kaiser und Kaiserin Friedrich Krankenhaus. Dorrnbrrgrr (£.1 Beschaflenheit uud Wechsel der Luft in den Kraiikeuziuiinein des Kaiser und Kaiserin Friedricli-Kraiikenhauses in Berlin. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Iufectiouskrankli.. Leipz., 1892. xii. 205-226. Koniglich - PolikHni*ches Institut der Uni- verxitfit :u Berlin. Jahresrkriciitk von Dr. K.Osann. 12., 1823- 5; 13., l*2i>-9. 12*. Berlin, 1*26-91. Langenbeck-Haus. HncKrclir. Das Langenbeek-Haus. Klin. Jahrb., Berl.. 1892. iv, 154-158.—liaiigeiibeck-llnn* i Has), dor Kaiserin Augusta letzte Stiftung. Berl. klin. Wcliiiselir.. 1890. xxvii. 2ti::. Moabit. HerUe. Das stacltischeKrankenliaus Moabit. Anst. A. Stadt Berl. f. d. off. Gsndhtsplig. [etc.], 18Sii, 102-122. Stadtische Siechenanstalt. .Mever (L.) Bericht der stiidtischen Siecheunnstalt. Deut-i'he Klinik. Berl., Is74. xxvi, 330; 3.'!8; 348; 356. Urban. Hagemeyer (X.) Das neue Krankenhaus der Stadt Berlin am Urban, seine Einrichtung nnd Yerwaltung. *'. /it rlin. 1-91. A. Hi.) l>as Berliner stiidtis, lie Krankenhaus am Urban. Gesiiiidh.-Ingenieiir, Miinchen. 1891 xvii, 75.— Kelouel iH I L'hopital niunieipal dTrban a Berlin. Ann. d'hvg.. Bar.. 1S92. 3. 9.. xxvii. 523-551. Victoria-Hans. Fahi-iiiniin (Luise). The Victoria House for the care of tlie Mrk at Berlin. Hosp.. dispeus. and nursing. Internat. (on.. Char, [etc.] 1893, Bait. .v. Lond., 1S94, 4mi-4>7. BERN. Kocher (T.) In-elspital, Hochschule und Publikum. -:. Bern. 1-7-. Mi.ssmer (B. L.) Der Insel-Spital in Bern. 12:. Bern, 1825. ------. Das Siechenhaus. oder aussero Kran- kenhaus von Bern. 1*2 . Bern. 1-2- ------. Dei Biirgerspital von Bern. 12°. Bern, 1-31. Jochncr iG ) jun. Ein Bt-iu li an der cliirnrgischen Klinik in Bern. Sii/.nti-»b. d. iirztl. Ver. Mi'inchm M*9>o, 1899, viii. 141-153.-I.iehthrim. Die niedizinisi-lie Kli- nik der Fnivcisitat i:>-in. Kim. Jahrb., Berl., 189(1. ii, 406-418. -2 pl. BERWICK. Berwick /lispensary and Infirmary. Annual reports of the committee to the sub- scribers, for the vears 1-7--9 to 1*93-1; l*9*-9 to 19UU-19U1. 4"-.' Berwick, 1*79-1901. BEVERLEY, England. Beverley Dispensary and Hospital. Annual reports of the trustees and officers to the governors and subscribers. 5.-9., 1891-5. 12-. Beverley, 1-92-f'.. BEVERLY, Mnss'iclitisetts. Penrly Hospital. Anxi al reports of the directors and officers to the corporation and subscribers. 1.-6., 1*93—1 to l*9*-9. 8 . Bererly, 1891-9. BEZIERS. Son aii.le (A.) Notice, sur l'Hopital general Saint-Joseph de Beziors, depuis son origine jusqu'a sa reunion a l'Hot<-1-1>i, to April 1, 1900. 8 . Binghamton, [1990]. BIRKENHEAD. Birkenhead Borough Hospital. Axxr.u, reports of the committee to the gov- ernors and subscribers. 41.-II., 1883-0. 1*>> . Birkenhead, 1**4-7. BIRMINGHAM. General Hospital. Anniai. reports of the committee to the gov- ernors. 100.-121., 18,85-1900. 8 :. Birmingham, 1-80-1901. Statistical reports of in-patients for the years 1-92-0: 189*; M>9. 8 . Birmingham, 1893-1990. Kii-iiiingham (ieneral Hospital. Buihlei. Lond. 1892, Ixii, 24('i: 1893, lxv, 37G, G plans.-.Xew (The) Gen- eral Ilo-pital. Birmingh. M. Rev., 18!»7. xiii, 311-47. 3 pl.— I'ropoKcd new general hospital in Birmingham. Lan- cet. Lond.. 1891, i, 388. tjueen's Hospital. Annual reports of tlie general comniittee to the governors. 30., 1870; 15., 1885. >°, Bir- mingham, 1*71-8(1. Workhouse Infirmary. New (Tlie) workhouse intirinarv. Birmingham. Illust. M. News, Lond., 1888-9, i, 17.—New workhouse intirni- ary, Birmingham. Lancet, Lond., 1888, i, 391— Rj land (F.) A report of the out-patients attended at the Uirming- ham Town Infirmary between 25th Dec, 1837. and 12th Dec, 1839. Tr. Prov.'M. & S. Ass., Lond., 1839, vii, 432-444. BITONTO. Kogadeo (V.) L' Ospedale civile di Bitonto nel 1*95. 12*-'. Bitonto, 1896. BOHEMIA. See, also, in this list, Carlsbad: Leiha; Prague; Schonlinde; Tannwald; Toplitz. BelolirnilMky (V.) K upraveni chorobnictvi v kra- lovstvi CesUem. [On theairnngenient of hospitals in the kingdom of Bohemia.1 Casop. lek. cesk., v I'ra/.e 1887 xxvi, 109; 18G; 201 ; 220; 235; 2.">2; 2li9; 284.— Ve*cl>. Z Kutliohorske. neuiocnice. | Kroin tlie hospital at Kiitna- hora.l Ibid.. 1891, xxx, 93-97. BOMBAY Presidency. Iio.mhay Presidency. Administration and progress reports on tin- Mofuasil civil hospitals and dispensaries under the government of Bom- bay. 1'roin the snrg.'on gem rai to the chief sec- retary to government. I'm- the years 1891-9. fob 'Bombay, 1H92-1900. ------. Administration and progress reports ou the civil medical institutions in the city of Bombay. From tlie surgeon-general to the chief secretary to government. For the \ ears 1891-9. fol. Bombay, 189J-I900. ------. Annual administration and progress reports on the civil hospitals and dispensaries under the government of Bombay for the years 1-8J-90. fol. Bombay, 1885-91. Mlnvell (M.) Statistics ot the more important diseases admitted into the European general hospital at Bonibav, during ten years, from 1st April. 1846, to 31st March. 18.ri(i. Tr. M. \ Phys. Soc. Bombay (1855-6), 1857, iii. 1-79. AUo, Reprint. Jamxetji Jijibhai Hospital. Hospital reports by the medical and profes- sional staff of the . . . and (Jrant Medical Col- lege, v. 1. * . Bombay, 1892. HOSPITALS. 328 HOSPITALS. Ho*|»ital* (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. BOMBAY Presideneg—continued. Hunter (\Y. G.) Medical report of the Jamsetjee Jejeebhov Hospital, Bonibav, 1874-5. Tr. M. itals (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. BOSTON, Massachusetts—continued. -----. Medical and surgical reports. 1.-12 series. 12 v. 8*. Boston, 1870-1901. -----. Report of the trustees on the advisa- bility of establishing cottage or branch hos- pitals in the several wards of the city. 8-. Boston, 1893. -----. Roster for hospital year 1*97-8. 24c [Boston, 1*97.] Blake (C.J.) The Boston City Hospital. Boston M. & S. J., 1890: exxiii, 1. AUo, Reprint. Carney Hospital, South Boston. Annual reports of the Sisters of Charity, in charge, and of the medical staff to the public, for the years 1879; 1881-1900. 8-\ Boston, 18«o- 1901. Charlestons Free Dispensary and Hospital. Annual reports of the board of managers aud superintendent to the contributors. 1.-9., 1*72- 3 to 1880-81; 13., 1884-5; 15., 1-80-7; 1*., 1**9- 90. 8-. Boston, 1873-90. Deaconess Hospital. Annual reports of the . . ., in connection with New England Deaconess Home and Training School. 1., 1*90-7; 2., 1*97-8. 24-". Boston, 1897-8. Beer Islam! (The) Hospital of Boston. San. Engin., N. T., 1886, xiv, 509. House of the Good Samaritan. Annual reports of the board of managers and officers to the association. 23.-40., 1883-1900. 8°. Boston, 1884-1901. Massachusetts General Hospital and McLean Hospital. Annual reports of the board of trustees to the corporation. 71.-87., 1884-1900. 8\ Bos- ton, 1885-1901. Brief (A) statement of tlie origin, growth, and scope of the . . ., and its most important contri- butions to medical and surgical science. 8°. Boston, PJ00. Beach (H. H. A.) Tbe surgical records of the Massa- chusetts Geneial Hospital befoie 1846. Boston M. & S. J., 1897, cxxxvi, 10-17. AUo, Reprint.— Bescriplion of the new McLean Hospital. Rep. Mass. (Ien. Hosp. A McLean Hosp. 1893. Bust , 1894, lxxx, 18-20. 4 pl.. 4 plans.—Gal- lagher (J. V.) The Massachusetts General Hospital. Ann. Gyniec. & Pediat., Bost., 1901. xiv. 022-031. — l.c- vasMeiir. Le Massachusetts General Hospital et les iu- firinieres aux Etats-Uiiis. Bull. Soc. de med. pub., Par., 1893, xvi. 248-201. Also: Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1893, xv, 1034- 1048. New England Baptist Hospital. Annual reports of the trustees and officers to the corporation. 4., 1*97 ; 5., 1*98 ; 7., 1900. 8°. Boston, 1898-1901. Rainsford Island Hospital. Massachusetts. Rainsford Island Hospital, Boston Harbor. Annual reports of the inspec- tors and superintendent. 3., 1855-0. 8*-. Bos- ton, 1856. Saint Elizabeth's Hospital. Annual and triennial reports of the directors and officers to the contributors. 21.-24., l*-9- 90 to 1892-3. 8;. Boston, 1*90-93. Saint Joseph's Home for Sick and Destitute Servant-Women. Report of the St. Joseph's Home for Sick and Destitute Servant-Women. 3., 1*70-^*0. 12c. Boston, 1-81. HOSPITALS. 329 HOSPITALS. Ho*|>ital« (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. BOSTON, Massachusetts—continued. United Hospital and Dispensary. [Circular letter, requesting subscriptions towards a fund of $10,000, for immediate use.] fol. [Boston, 1887] Vincent Memorial Hospital. Annual repotts of the directors and officers to the subscribers. 1.-8., 1-91-2 to 189*-9. 1(1 5 Boston, 1892-9. Woman's Charity Club and Hospital. Annual reports of the trustees and officers to the contributors and the public. 1., 1-90; 7., L-9(i. - A 12-5 Boston, 1891-7. BOULOGNE. Houzel (G.) Jt 'leurillon. L.i clinique ehirurgicale priree de Ilouloum ■-•.ur-Mrr. Ar, h prov. de chir. Par., 1899 viii, 7:;4-74">. — 1 iiiiii^iiiazioiie (L') dell'Ospedale di Faeuza e 1 Ospedale Sunt Louis a Boulogne. [Edit.] Ingegner. san . Tnrnio, ls93 iv, 111. BOZZOLO. Ospedale di Bozzolo. Kela/.ione igienico-statistica-saiiitaria per 1'annul— 9. Dott. Paolo Hignami. fol. Bozzolo, 1-90. BRADFORD, England. Bradford Infirmary and Di*pen*ary. Annual reports of the board of management to the governors. 54.-58.. 1*7--1—2; 00.-71., 1—4-95. And of the Woodlands Convalescent Home, Rawdon, 1-92-5. --. Bradford, 1879-90. Bradford Joint Hospital Fund. Annual repot t> of the committee, for the years 1-77-* to 1-94-5. - . Bradford, 1-7--90. BRADFORD, Penns-ylvan'm. Bradford Hospital. Annual report- of the directors and officers to the stockholders. 0., 1-92-3; 13., 1-97--; 14., 1-9--9. 12- A - . Bradford, 1-93-9. BRAZIL. See. also, in this list. Bahia. Revista do oremio dos infernos dos hospitaes, [Monthly.] Nos. 1-4. v. 1, June-Sept., 1890; No-. 1-9,'v. 2, Jan.-Sept., 1891; Xos. 1-4, v. 3, May-Aug., 1-92; No. 1, v. 4. April, 1893. 8". Rio de Janeiro. >ova enferniaria construida junto ao hospicio de No>sa Seuhoia do Soccorro, situado a praia de S. Christo- vam. Rev. d. construct.. Rio de Jan., 1«89, iii, 5G. BRESLAU. Medizinisehe Klinik. Herrmann iE.) Jahresbericht der medizinischen Klinik zu Breslau 1888. Deutsche Med.Ztg., Berl., lWln. xi, 577: 589; 599; 611 — WaldhaiiMii (J.) Die klini- sclien Xenbanten in Lie-Ian. Klin. Jalnl* Berl., ls9L', iv, 158-lfU. Stddtisches Krankenhaus zu Allerheiligeu. Bkeslau. .StiidtiseliesKrankenhaus zu Aller- heiligeu in Breslau. Statistische Jbriclite von Dr. von Pastau, fiir die .Jahre 1815-17; 1*00. 4 & - . Breslau, 1*10-0*. firaetzerl.T.) DasKrankenhospitalzu Allerheiligeii. In hin: Lebensbilder hervorrag. schles. Aerzte. 8"--, Bresl., 1889. 193-'-'0-.'. BRIDGEPORT. Bridgeport Hospital. Annual reports of the directors to the corpo- ration. 1.-3., 1879-80 to 18*1-2; 5.-17., 18-3-4 to 1*95-0; 21., 1899-1900. *-. Bridgeport, 1880- 1900. lospital* (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. BRIDGNORTH. Bridgnorth and South Shropshire Infirmary. Annual reports of the committee to the sub- scribers, for the years 1885-95. 81-. [Bridgnorth, 1880-90.J BRIGHTON. London and Brighton Kemp Town Inralid Home. Annual report to the subscribers. 18., 18^4. 8 . Brighton, 1885. Sussex County Hospital. Annual reports of the committee of manage- ment to the governors and subscribers. 44.-50., 1871--3; 00., 1887; 62., 1889; 00., 1*93. 8°. Brighton -1828. Bristol M. Chir. J., 1890, vii, 165-191. BROCKVILLE. Saint Vincent de Paul Hospital. Annual reports of the Sisters in charge to the public, for the years l89*-1900. *\ Brock ville, 1899-1901. BRONI. Korini (C.) II nuovo ospedale di Broni. Ingegner. san.. Torino^ 1890, i, 36-44, 1 plan. BROOKLYN. Hospital and Dispensary in Brooklyn. To the medical profession of Brooklyn. [Circular relating to the establishment of a hospital for the treatmentof nervous and mental disease] 8-. [Brooklyn, 1*78. J Schkcedkr (W.) Dispensaries, hospitals, and medical societies of Kings County, 1830-1800. 8C. [n.p., n.d.] I'ileher (L. S.) The public hospitals of Brooklyn. Broi. N;it. Confer. Char., Bost., 1890, 177-189. Also: Brooklyn M. J., 1890, iv, 531-543. Brooklyn Eastern District ltisgenxary and Hospital. Annual report of the president and officers to the board of trustees. 40.. 1*91. 8 . Brooklyn, 1892. Brooklyn Hospital. Orthopedic Dispensary, Low Maternity, and the Training School for Xurses. Annual reports of the trustees and officers to the corpoialiou and the public, for the years 18-4; 1,-90; 1*92; 1*94-*; 1900. 8-. Brooklyn, 1885-1901. Brooklyn (The) City Hospital, in 1858, and the address of J. C. Hutchison. 8 . Brooklyn, 1859. Kings County Almshouse. Keport of Kings County Almshouse, 18.-6-7; 1859-00 tol*7L'-3: ls7.->-G to 1878-9; 1881-'J; 1**7-8. Rep. Superin- tend. Vina, Co. Kings. Brooklyn. 1857, 31; 1860, 39; 1861, HOSPITALS. 330 HOSPITALS. Hospital* (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. BROOKLYN—continued. 41; 1862, 37; 1863, 33; 1864, 37; 1805. 35; 1806, 21; 1867, 39; 1808, 23: 1809, 27; 187(1. 27; 1871. 27: 1872, 41; 1873, 41: New York, 1877, 21; 1878, 23; 1878, 17; 1879, 17; 1882, 15; 1888, 31, 18 pl., 15 tab. Kings County Hospital. IliNtory of Kim's County Hospital. Brooklyn M. J., 1899, xiii. 3SS-393.—Report* of Kings County Hospital, 1881-2 to 1883-4; 1880; 1887; 1890; 1891. Rep. Dep. Char- ities & Corrections, Kings Co., N. Y., Brooklyn, 1882, 33; 1883, 31; 1884, 43; 1880, 49; 1887, 87; 1890, 56; 1891, 55. Methodist Episcopal Hospital. Anneal reports of the officers to the board of managers. 1.-10., 1887-8 to 1*90-7. 8°. Brook- lyn, 1*88-97. General instructions for the guidance of architects in preparing designs for the ... 8:. [Brooklyn], 1881. George I. Seney's great gift formally dedi- cated. Addresses by Professor Horatio C. Wood, Kev. Dr. Luther Y. Townsend, Kev. Dr. James M. Buckley, and others. Cttttinij front: Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec. 16, 1887. Its origiu, purposes, needs, roy. 8 . [Brook- lyn], 1885. Reports, v. 1, 1*87-97. 8-. New York, 1898. Breekinriilue (J. S. ) The Methodist Episcopal Hospital in the citv of Brooklyn : historical note. Metho- dist Episcop. Hosp. Kep. 18875(17. N. Y.. 1898, i, 3-13, 1 pl., port. — New (The) 'Methodist Episcopal Hospital. Brooklyn M. J5, 1888, i, 10-4.5—Noble (K. A.) The build- ings and the administrative and medieal organization of the hospital. Methodist. Episcop. Hosp. Kep. 1887-97, N. Y., 1898, i, 14-27, 3 pl. Norwegian Lutheran Deaconesses'' Home and Hospital. Annual reports of the board of managers and officers to the corporation. 14., 1-95-0; 10., 1897-*; 17., 1898-9. 8°. Brooklyn, 1897-1900. Saint Catherine's Hospital. Annual reports of the medical and surgical staff to the hospit d association. 10.-28., 1*80-98. 8*5 Brooklyn, 1887-99. Saint Mary's Hospital. Annual reports of the executive comniittee aud medical staff to the public, for the years 1*83-8: 1,-93-5. 8*-' A 12-. Brooklyn, 1*84-90. Saint Peter's Hospital. Annual reports of the medical and surgical staff to the public. 15., 1881; 21., Is87; 23.-32., 1-89-9*. 8°. Brooklyn, 1882-99. BRUNSWICK. Pfeifer (H.) Die Gebiiude der Neuen her- zogliclien Krankenanstalt in Braunschweig. *\ Braunschweig, 1*97. liepr. from: Braunschweig. Festschr. z.69. Versamnil. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, le97. Nclmlz (R.) Rede gehalten hei der Einweihungsfeier des neuen Herzogl. Krankenhauses am 27. April 1895. Monatshl. f. off. Gsndhtspfig., Brnschwg., 1895, xviii, 77-98. BRUSSELS. IIo»pice», Bruxelles, 1876-7 to 1887-8. Ville de Bru- xelles. I'ap. . . . d. hourgniestre [etc.]. 1877,91-100; 1878, lu.".-122: W!i, 111-121; 1880, 110-127; 1881, 137-154; 1882 128-142; 1883, 122-133; 1S84. 140-151; 1885,145-161; 18*0 143-161; 1887,100-181: 1888, 162-177. — New (A) hospital in Brussels. Lancet. Lond., 1885, i, 174. BUDAPEST. Budapest (A) K. M. T. egyetemi 2 szaiini se- heszeti klinikum betegforgalma 1*94, lw95, 1*90, 1-97. e[vekbc*n]. [The work of the Budapest Royal Hungarian Public Surgical Clinic, 2. sec- tion, for the years 1894-1-97. J Sc. Budapest, 1899. Hospital!!! (Descriptions and reports of). by localities. BUDAPEST—continued. Hungary. Die Interne Klinik der kiin. iinss, 1-15. BUENOS AYRES. IVIovimirnto de hospitales y hospicios. Reg. estadist. de la prov. de Buenos Aires (1875), 1882, 2. ep., xxii 113- (1877), 1882, 2. tp.. xxiv, 117: (1878), 1882, 2. ep., xxv, 99. Hospital de Clinicas de la Capital. Informe anual. 1884-5. roy. *--'. Buenos Aires, 1885. BUFFALO. Buffalo General Hospital. Annual reports of the officers to the board of trustees. 17., 1*75; 23., 1881; 20.-40., 1884-98: 42., 1900. 8°. Buffalo, 1870-1901. Buffalo Hospital of the Sisters of Charily. Annual reports of the . . .. including the Emergency Hospital. 1.-6., 1883-4 to l*8*-9. 8 ■-. Buffalo. 1885-90. Histokical sketch of the . . . and the three foundresses of the hospital. Written by B. H. Daggett, M. D. sin. 4 5 Buffalo, 1899. " Lexington Heights Hospital. [Circular of tho directors, presenting its ad- vantages and the terms.] obi. 10 5 [Buffalo, 1890. J Piversitlc Hospital. Annual announcement. 12-. Buffalo, [1*99], Reports of Riverside Hospital, North Brother Island. Rep. Bd. Health N. Y. (1889), 1890, 20: (1890), 1891, 93: (1892), 1894, 240. BURMAH. Burma. Annual and triennial reports on lhe civil dispensaries and police hospitals of Burma to the chief commissioner, for the years 1**9-99. fol. Rangoon, 1 -90-1901. BURNLEY. Vietoi ia Hospital. Proceedings at the opening, Oct. 13, 1*80. Cutting from: Burnley Express and Clitheroe Division Advertiser, Oct. 10, 1880. Victoria Hospital, Burnley. Lancashire. Lancet, Lond.. 1880, ii. Sin.—Waildiiig'toii (J. A.) The Victoria Hospital, Burnley. l'roc. Ass. Municip. & San. Engin., Lond., 1884-5, xi, 14.-153. — [Waridiiiglon A: Hon.] Description ol Vict u-ia Hospital. Ibid., Lond. ,5c N. Y., 1889-90, xvi, 129-139. BURTON-ON-TRENT. Burton-on-Trent General Infirmary. Annual reports of the committee to the sub- scribers. 15.-27., 18*4-90. 8-5 Burton-on-Trent, 1885-97. Extension of Burton Infirmary. Special re- port, February, 1895. 4*. [Burton-on-Trent, 1895. ] BURY. Bury /lispensary Hospital. Annual reports of the committee to the sub- scribers. 4.-14., 1*85-95. 8-5 Bury, 1*80-96. BURY ST. EDMUNDS. Suffolk General Hospital. Annual reports of the comniittee. 41.-59., l8t>0--4. 4 -Ac fbl. [Bury St. Edmunds, 1*07-85.] HOSPITALS. 331 HOSPITALS. Hospital* (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. Hospital and Buxton Bath BUXTON. Deronshin Charity. Annual reports of the committee of manage- ment fo the subscribers. 25.-42., 18*3-1900. 8*\ Buxton, 1-84-19(0. Quarterly statement of the comniittee of management. 3. qr.. 1900. ,-*'. [Buxton, 1900.] Statements for the half-years ending June 30, 1900; 1901. *c. 7?«x/o»','[1900-1901]. CAGLIARI. Ospedale civile di Cagliari. Relazione sui risultato morale della gestione, 1-91. Letta dal presidente, E. Marongiu. roy. 8-\ Cagliari, 1*93. Se/.ione chirurgica. Rendiconto clinico del biennio 1-95-6 per i dottori R. Binaghi, E. Zoc- cheddn, chirurghi assistenti. -*. Cagliari, 1897. CAIRO. Hopital Victoria des Diacontsses. Rapport historique et financier ^ur sa fonda- tion comme snr -a premiere annee. 8°. Le Caire, 1—6. CALCUTTA. Bengal. Annual report on theCalcntta med- ical institutions. By tlie inspector-general of civil hospitals to the secretary to the govern- ment of Bengal, for the vear 1^93. fol. Calcutta, 1-94. Calcutta Native Hi»pital and its dependent dispensaries. Report of the transactions during the year 1-72. --'. Calcutta. 1*7$. »w (The) Presidenev (ieiieral Hospital in Calcutta. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta. 1901. xxi. :;73-:;7">. 1 pl.—Presi- dency (The) General Hospital, Calcutta. Lancet, Lond., 19i'U. ii. 907. CAMBRIDGE, Mfts. Cambridge Hospital. Dedication of the Cambridge Hospital, April 29,l*-0. Order of exercises at the hospital. -°. Cambridge, 1—6. Reports of the trustees to the corporation for the years 1—7-- to 1*89-90; 1-92-3. 12-5 Cambridge, 1----95. CAMDEN, Nn- Jersey. Cooper Hospital. Reports of the managers and medical officers to the contributors. 1.-3.. 1887-91; 5.-8., l-9(i-9. *". Camden, 1-93-190ii. CAMERINO. Clinica chirurgica propedeutica di Camerino. Catteimna (A.) Kesoconto della Clinica chi- rurgica di Camerino, anno scolastico 1*95-0. - 5 Camerino, 1*96. [Documenti. Serie II0.] * . ('amirino, 1*91. Re-oconti per Prof. A. Salomoni. Anni 5-8, 1-90-91 al 1-93-4. *-. Camerino, 1-90-94. Cattfriiin (A.) Clinica chiniriiica propedc utica di Camerino; resoconto dell anno 1894-5. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1895. xxiii, 315; -Jul; 409; 519. Ospedale di Camerino. Resoconto del servizio chirurgico dal 15 ln- glio 1*94 al 6 gennaio 1895. Dott. C. Oasparri. 8'. Camerino, 1*90. CAMPIGLIA. Ambulatorio medico-ehirurgieo. Mnihili (G.) A lmio< enli (L.) Resoconto dell' anno 1899. i'ifortn;. med.. I'alenno, 1900, xvi, pt. 2,818; 830; 844; 855. Ho*|>i(al* (Descriptions and reports of), by local Hies. CANADA. See, also, in this list, Halifax; Montreal; On- tario ; Quebec; Saint John; Victoria. lIoMpitnlN in Canada. [Edit.] Northwest. Lancet, Minneap., 1901, xxi. :«>">. CANNETO. Spedale civile di Canneto sull' Oglio. Cokdero (A.) Spedale civile di Canneto sull'Oglio. Un anno di servizio chirurgico. 8-5 Piadena, 1*99. CANTERBURY. General Kent and Cantirbury Hospital. Annual reports of the board of management to the subscribers. 93.-95., 1885-7; 104., 1*90. * 5 Canterbury, l**ti-97. CANTON. lie it (J. (}.) Historv of the Medical Missionary Soci- ety's Hospital. China M. Miss. J., Shanghai, 1890, x. 55; 95, 1 diaj:. CAPETOWN. IV«'W (The) Somerset Hospital, Cape Town. [Edit.] South African M. J., Cathcart, 1887-8, iii, 134-130. CARBONDALE. Carbondale Hospital Association. Annual report of the officers to the board of trustees. 4., 1895-0. &-. [Carbondale, 1-90.] CARIGNANO. Ospedale Sanf Andrea Apostolo. Rendiconto clinico-chirurgico pel 1° semestre 1*91 di una sezione chirurgica diretta dal Dott. C. Costa. - . Genova, 1895. CARLISLE. Cumberland Infirmary. Annual reports of the committee of manage- ment to the governors and subscribers. 45.-55., 1885-95. 8'. Carlisle, 1886-90. CARLSBAD. Carlsbader Fremdenhospital. IIormmi■■ (A.) Aerztlicher Bericht iiher die Thatig- keit ilea Carlsbader Fremdenhospitales in der Saison ls87. I'rajr. nied. Wchnschr., 18s", xii. 4O'_'-405. -----. Zweit«r iir/.tlicher Bericht iiher die Thatigkeit. des Carlsbader Freiiidenliospitales. Ibid., 1889, xiv, 170; 182. CARMAGNOLA. Ospedale degli infermi sot to il titolo di S.in Lorenzo. Relazione [per Oiovanni Ohietti ]. ro\. - 5 Torino, 18*6). CARMARTHEN. County and County of the Borough of Car- marthen Infirmary. Annual reports of the house committee to the governors and subscribers. 38.-49., 18*4-5 to l*! 1.5-1;. fol. A 12 . Carmarthen, 18S5-9t>. CARTAGO. Hospital de Cartago. lxi uit.Mi: del presidente de hi junta do caridad del , . . correspondiente & los anos cle 1894 y 1*95. roy. 85 San Jose, 1896. CASTELFIORENTINO. Spedale di S. Vt-rdiana. Relatione al consiglio sulla nuova costru- zionedi nno spedale secondo il progetto partico- lareggiato dell' archifetto, Luigi Fusi. [II re- latore, A. V. Tassiuari.] 8°. Castelfiorentino, 1891. HOSPITALS. 332 HOSPITALS. Hospital* ( Descriptions and reports of), by localities. CASTELFRANCO VENETO. Ospeilale civile di Castelfranco Veneto. Riparto (II) chirurgico dell' . . ., dal 1895-0 al 189--9. Kesoconti del Dr. A. Dandolo. 8°. Venezia $• Padova, 1-95-9. CATANIA. Spedale Vittorio Emanuele. Relazione al eonsiglio direttivo. [Durante il triennio 1890-92.] Presentata dal direttore G. Bonajnta Paterno Castello. fol. Catania, 1-93. Siatistica nosologic;! per gli anni 1*87; 1888. Redatta dal Dott. Pietro (ialvagno, medico iu- terno. roy. 8~. Catania, 1888-9. CAYENNE. Hopital de Cayenne. Segonri (A.) Clinique de 1' . . . Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par., 1830, iv, 161; 329. AUo, Reprint. CEDAR RAPIDS. Saint Luke's Hospital and Training School for Nurses. Anneal reports of the officers to the board of directors and contributors. 8., 1891-2; 9., 1-92-5; 12.-15., 1-95-0 to 1898-9. 8 . Cedar Rapids, 1892-9. CEPRANO. Ospedale civico Ferrari. Ncifoni (E.) Nuovo ospedale civico Ferrari in Ce- prano. Ingegnere igien., Torino, 1900, 101-100. chAlon-sur-saone. Batault(H.) Notice historique sur les h6- pitaux de Chalon-sur-Saone avant 1789. 8°. Chdlon-sur-Saone, 1884. CHAMPTOCE. Goubault(H.) L'Hopitiil de Champtoce. Arch. med. d'Angers, 1901, v, 147-154, 1 pl. CHARLESTON. A1iiinIioii»<- repoits. Charleston, 1871-5. Mayor's rep. |.-te.J. Charleston. 1872, 100: 1873, 37: 1874, 71: 1875, 101: ls70, 118— Keport of the city hospital, Charleston! 1871-;;. Ibid., 1S7-J. 03: 1873.80: 1874, 39. CHARLOTTE, North. Carolina. Saint Peter's Hospital. Annual report of the board of managers to the public. 25., 1900. 12-. Charlotte, 1901. CHARLOTTESVILLE. [.Tlallot (J. W5)] The new hospital. Alumni Bull Univ. Virginia, Lynchburg. 1899, vi, 33-35, 2 pl. CHATEAUDUN. Hotel-Dieu. l.amouienx (A.) Un hospice niixte avant la revolu- tion; l'Hotel-Dieu de Chateaudun. Arch, de med et ; pharm. mil., Par., 1900, xxxv, 142; 231. CHATEAU-THIERRY. Hotel-Dieu. Fondation de l'Hotel-Dieu de Chateau-Thi- erry. Lecture par M. le docteur Corlieu, du tes- tament de la Reine Jehanne, tin* des manuscrits de Ja Bibliotheque nationale. Lecture par M. Barbey, de la charte cle fondation de Hotel-Dieii de Chateau-Thierry, tiree des archives de l'Hotel- Dieu. 8 5 1-72. Cutting from: Ann. Soc. historique archeologique de Chateau-Thierry, 1872, 165-174. Hospital* (Descriptions and reports of) by localities. CHELMSFORD. Essex and Chelmsford Dispensary and In- firmary Institutions. Annual report of the committee for the vear 1883. 8°. [Chelmsford, 1**4.] CHELSEA, Massachusetts. Rufus S. Frost General Hospital. Annual reports of the board of trustees and officers. 1., 1890-91; 2., 1891-2; 10., 1899-1900 8-. Chelsea, 1893-1900. CHELTENHAM Cheltenham General Hospital and Dispen- sary. Annual reports of the board of governors to the subscribers, for the years 1884-0; 1888-95 8°. Cheltenham, 1*85-90. CHESTER, England. Chester General Infirmary. Annual reports of the board of management to the governors and subscribers. 130.-143. 1884-97. 8-\ Chester, 1885-9*. CHESTER, Pernisglraina. Chester Hospital. Anneal reports of the board of managers aud officers to the corporators and contributors. 4., 1895-0; 5., 1*90-7; 7., 1898-9; 8., 1&99-1900. 8°. Chester, 1*90-1900. CHICAGO.- Campbell (Anna F.) Two Chicago hospitals and training schools. Trained Nurse, N. T., 1899, xxiii, 130- 133. Alexian Brotheis1 Hospital. Annual reports of the officers to their friends and the public. 19., 1*85; 20., 1880; 20., 1892; 29.-32., 1895-8; 34., 1900. 8\ Chicago, 1886- 1901. Augustana Hospital. Annual reports of the officers to their friends and the public, for the years 1*97; 189*. 8°. Chicago, 1898-9. Augustana Hospital, Chicago. Chicago Clin. Rev., 1890-7, vii, 203, 1 pl. Chicago Baptist Hospital. [Descriptive circular aud appeal for dona- tions.] 12°. Chicago, 1900. [Descriptive circular, including the annual report for 1890.] obi. 10°. Chicago, 1897. [Historical sketch of its origin and prog- ress.] 8°. [Chicago, 1898.] Chicago Hospital. [Descriptive circular of the management to the public and the medical profession.] 16°. [Chicago, 18'!,-.] Chicago Lying-in Hospital Dispensary. Annual reports of the board of directors and officers to the members and the public. 1.-4., 1895-0 to 1898-9. *\ Chicago, 1896-9. Cook County Hospital. Medical and surgical reports for the six months ending July 31, 1890. Edited by Louis J. Mitchell, registrar. 8°. Chicago, 1890. Medical and surgical reports for the six months ending Jan. 1, 1891. Edited by Louis J. Mitchell, registrar. 8°. Chicago, 1891. Cook Comity Hospital. Chicago.' Chicago Clin. Rev., 1890-7, vii, 87,1 pl._Hekloen (L.) Medical statistics of HOSPITALS. 333 HOSPITALS. Hospitals (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. CHICAGO—continued. the Cook Ceimix Hospital. 2 ii, 125: 212 — UiMhell ( L.J pital. hospital IMHi. 11- X. Am. Trad.. Uhieago, 1890, ) The C5>ok County Hos- 'd.. 1.-89, i. ;!93-401. -----. Description of the Med. i Surg. Kep. Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago, founding of the Illi- licago, ls'.i.'i. xxiv. 995. Illinois Hospital. Bishop (S. S.) Address on th nois Hospital. J.Am. M. Ass., (' Also, Keprint. Maurke Porter Memorial Hospital. Annual reports of the board of managers and officers, for the years 1891; 1-97. 10° A 80< Chicago, 1-92-*. Mercy Hospital. Annual reports of the officers to their friends and the public, for the years 1-9-1-5 to 1-9*-9. 8-5 Chicago, 1895-9. Presbyterian Hospital. Annual report* of the board of managers and medical superintendent. 5.-14., 1--7— to 1890-7. With the annual reports of the Ladies' Aid So- ciety. 4.-13., 1--7--to 1-90-7. 8*. Chicago, 1&5S-97. Provident Hospital and Training School for Nurses. ' Annual reports of the board of trustees and officers to the association. 1., 1-91-2; 3.. 1-93-4; 5.-9., 1-95-6 to 1899-1900. ?-. Chicago, 1-92- 1900. Saint Joseph's Hospital. Annual report of the officers to the public. 20., 1-95. -\ Chicago, 1-90. Saint Luke's Hospital. Annual report- of the trustees and officers to the contributors. 24., 1-80-7: 27.-37., l*-9-90 to 1-99-1900. 8- A rov. --. Chicago, 1—7- 19"U. Locke (C. ) The story of St. Lukes Hospital. St. Luke's Hi,.-p Kec, Chicago. 1*95. i, no. 1, 2: no. 2. 2; no. 3, 1; lio. 4, 2: n.i. .">. 2: no. 6. 4; no. 7: 3; no. *. 3; no. 9, 2. lVesliy Hospital of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Annual reports of the officers to the -om t\. 2.-3., 1—8-9 to 1-90-91; 7.-10., 1*94-5 to 1-97-8. --. Chicago, 1-90-9-. CHINA. See. also, in this list, Foochow: Hong-Kong; Shanghai; Tientsin. Burns Memorial Hospital. (on»laiid (P. B.) The Burns' Memorial Hospital, Ch ao-i now t'u. China M. Miss. J., Shanghai, 1897, xi, 101-104. CHRISTIANIA. Kristiania Kommunesygehus. Infirmary division. 1891. Rep. dep gov. 'city Cleve- land(1891) ink. 1017-1044—Beporl ot infirmary depart- ment, Ibid. (1890), 1891, 919-939. Bethesda Dialonissen- und Hospitahereins. Jahhksbeiuchte. 7., 1898-9; 8., 1899-1900. 8'*5 Cleveland, 1899-1900 In: Bethesda Diakomssen-lreunrt. i. o, i»y», -■■ c 1900' , ,, •, 7 Cleveland General Hospital. Annual report of the officers to the board of managers for the year 1895-1!. 8 . Cleveland, l**9ii Lakeside Hospital of the City of Cleveland. Annu \.l reports of the officers to the corpora- tion ' 22.-27., 1888-9:5: 29., 1895; 34., 1900. 12- A R3. Cleveland, 1*89-191*1. New (The) I.akeMile Hospital iii, 09-71. 1 pl. —K. (II. Lakeside Hospital. C'l 4(19 — Kobb (Hunter). The opening Hospital. Ibid.. 1897-8, xiii, 3(51-304. Also, Keprint. CLINTON. Clinton Hospital Association. Annual reports of the trustees aud officers to the association. 1.-0., 189:1-4 to 1898-9. 8°. Clinton, 1894-9. COBLENTZ. liiirgerhospital. Bakmhluzigen (Die) Schwestern in Bezug auf Arnieu- und Krankenpflege. Nebst einem Bericht iiber das Biirgerhospital in Coblenz uud erlautemden Beilagen. 8-5 Coblenz, 1851. Cleveland J. M., 1898, A brief description of the new viand M. Gaz.. 1895-0, xi. 402- 1'he opening of the new Lakeside COIMBRA. da Costa Simi5es (A. A.) Noticia historica Kot ha (A.) Hospitaes da Universidade de Coimhra Coimhra med., 1887, vii, 37; 49. -----. Os hospitaes da Universidade. Ibid., 1890, x, 85; 101; 117. COLBERG. Jiidisches Kurhospital im See-, Sool- nnd Moorbade Colberg. Jahresbericht iiber die Verwaltung. 15., 18,-s. 4:. Colberg, 1889. COLCHESTER. Essex and Colchester General Hospital. Annual reports of the committee to the sub- scribers. 05.-78., 1884-97. sm. 4-5 Colchester . 22, 4— itlally. Bericht des (isterreichisch-iinsiariselien Nationalspitales in Constanti nopel pro 1MH. Mitth. d. Wien. med. Doct.-Coll.. 1S92. xviii 186-191.—.•ililshepolyeff (V.) & Frniikov»l-98.— I*i< chilli (L.) L'ospedale m.ig-inie di Cremona nel- 1 .iiino l.-yn : relazione al consiulio ospitaliero. Bull. med. creiiiniiese. (,'reinona. 1891. \i, 5 ",i,; lln: 14*: 212; 2">4. -----. L Ospedale maggiore di Cremona nell' anno 1892. Ibid. 1-93. xiii. 13; 60; 129. -----. Appendice alia rela- zione sull Ospedale maggiore cli Cremona nel hiennio ls9-3- 96. Gazz. med. i-remonese, Cremona, 1S97, xvii, 130-152. Ospedale Ugolani-Dali di Cremona. Kkndicunti ccouoniici niorali della aininini- strazioue, per yli e^er/.ici 1--2-5; l*-7; 1891: 1-95-7. fol. Cremona. 1— fi-99. Pia Istituzione di Santa Corona Serafiea. Kleni <> "bile sostanze e preparazioni inedi- cinali pt-r u»«> di . . . 12 . Cremona, 1—5. .Ylonle veriii i A ., I mediei di S. Corona Serafiea. Bull. med. creinonese. Cremona. Is9u. x. 1-13. CREWKERNE. Crewkerne Hospital. Annual reports of the committee to the gov- ernors and subscribers. 29., 1-94-5; 30., 1*9.5-0. 8-. Crewkernc, 1*95-5. CROYDON. Borough Hospital Kepoiit of tlie hospital department for the year 18.11-5. - , Croydon, 189.5. Croydon General Hospital. Annial reports of the committee to the gov- ernors and subscribers. IT., 1--3-4; 1*., 1**4-5; •27., 1-9:5-4; 28., 1894-5. r. Croydon, 1884-95. CUBA. See, a iso, in this list, Havana; Puerto Principe. (•onziilcz (J. I Ureves roiisideracioiies sobre los hos- pitaliu y enfi-i iiihi ias en los paises inieriropicales e.spwial- iiniiti' in la isla de Cuba. Cron. med.-(juir. de la Habana, 189ii. xxii, 167; 185; 271 ; :'<)<>.—Uorgan (M. C.) The hos- pitals of Cuba. M. Vork M. J., 19ul, lxxiv, 855. IO«pit«llw (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. CUMBERLAND. Home and Infirmary of Western Maryland. Annial and biennial reports of the board of diiectors and officers to the corporation and the public. Annual: 2.-J., 1889-90 to 1891-2. Bien- nial: 1.-3., 1*92-'.! to 1 s; 17-8. ,**-", 12°, A: 8U1. 4 . Frostburg .,- Cnmln rlund, 189(1-98. CUNEO. Ospedale dei cionici. Kelazioni del presidente sulla presenta/ione del bilancio preventivo per le annate 1890-92. [Per A. Bernardi.] roy.* 5 Cu 11 eo, 18*9-91. Kkla/kini del presidente sui lne lendiconti morale e tinanziario degl' exercizi 1888; 1*90; 1*91. [Per A. Bernardi.] roy. 8U. Cunco, 18*9-92. DALSTON. Sie, in this list, London. DANBURY. Danbury Hospital. Annual repoits of the directors to the public and contribiitois. 1.-15.. 18*5 to 1899-1900. fol. A sm. 4J. Danbury, 1*9(1-1900. DARLINGTON. Darlington Hospital and Dispensary. Annual reports of the committee to the sub- scribers. 20.-31., l-*4-95. 8-5 Darlington, 1*85-95. DAVENPORT. Mercy Hospital. Annual reports of ihe officers to their patrons and the public. 27., 1,890; 2b., 1*97. 8°. Dav- enport, le97-8. Saint Luke's Hospital and Training School. Annual reports of the board of managers and officers to the subscribers. 1.-4., 1894-7. Davenport, 1*95-8. DAYTON. Protestant /leaconess Society. Annual reports of the officers to the members and friends. 1., 1*90; 2., 1891; 4.-9., 1*95-*. 8-. Dayton, 1*91-9. Saint Elizabeth Hospital. Annual reports of the medical staff to the public. 0.-22., 1881-1900. 8 A 12°. Dayton, 1*85-1901. DEAL. Deal and Walmer Dispensary and Infirmary. Annial report of the comniittee to the sub- scribers. 35., 1*9.5. \2 . Deal, 1896. DENBIGH. Denbighshire Infirmary and General Dis- pensary. Annual reports of the committee of manage- ment to the governors and subscribers. 83.-88., 1890-95. fol. Denbigh, 1891-6. DENMARK. See, aho, in this list, Aalberg; Aarhus; Co- penhagen; Odense; Varde. Brun (P. M.) Voie Hospitales. [Our hospi- tals.] 8°. Kjfbenhavn, 1894. HOSPITALS. 336 HOSPITALS. Hospitals (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. DENMARK—continued. Stkuck.mann. Aarsberetning fra Dr. Strnck- rnanns Privat-Klinik i Xykjobing-Falster. [An- nual report of. . .] 8°. Nykj^bing p. F., 1889. Hound with: Ugesk. f. Lajsrer, Kjobeuh., 1889, 4. K., xix, no. 16-17. law (F. L.) Det nye Sygehus i Love Herred. Ugesk. f. Laiger, Kjobenh., 1893, 4. R., xxviii, 97-108.— llna>j (H.) Aarsberetning for 18*5 tor Prsesto Amts- svgehus. [Annual report of . . .] Ibid., 1886, 4. R., xiii, 257-259. DENVER. Arapahoe County Hospital. Annual reports of the superintendent to the board of county commissioners. 1.-7., 1891-7. 85 Denvev, 1892-8. Saint Luke's Hospital. Annual reports of the president, treasurer, and resident physician, for the year 1890-91. 8D. Denver, 1891. DERBY. Derbyshire Royal Infirmary, Derby. Annual reports and statement of accounts of the weekly board to the subscribers. 82.-91., 1890-91 to"l-99-1900. 8°. Derby, 1891-1900. Derbyshire General Infirmary. Builder, Lond., 1891, lx, 412, 1 "pl.—Gwii (E. C.) The new Derbyshire Roval Infirmary. Quart, il. J,, Sheffield, 1893-4, ii, 248-254, 2 pl. DETMOLD. Landkrankenhaus zu Deimold. Petri. Geschichte des Landkrankenhauses zu Detmold. Zum 25jiihrigen Jubclfeste 1887. 8?. Detmold, 1888. DETROIT. [Wight (O. W.)] A municipal hospital. San. News, Chicago, 1886-7, ix,101. Harper Hospital. Annual reports of the president and superin- tendent to the trustees. 24.-36., 1887-99. 8°. Detroit, 1*88-1900. [Contains the act of the legislature approved March 20, 1803; the Harper deed; Ann Martin's deed; by-laws and regulations.] 8*-. Detroit, [n. d.]. DIJON. Barbieu (A.), Cottin (E.), &Broussolle (E.) La clinicjue ehirurgicale de la rue de la Prevot6 a Dijon, son but, description sominaire, installa- tion antiseptique. 12°. Dijon, 1*95. Infirmerie des Filles de Sainte-Anne. Salgues. Conimenioratif pathologique de 1' . . ., pour les annexes 1835 et 1830. 8*.- Dijon, 1*41. DOBLING. Rudolfinerhaus. Rudolfiiierhaus (Das) in Unterdobling. Vom Schrifttiilirer. Wien. freiw. Rettungs-Gesellsch. Sieben gemeinverstandl. Vortr., etc., 1888, 65-77. DOMINICA. See. in this list, Roseau. DONCASTER. Doncaster General Infirmary and Dispen- sary. Annual reports of the committee to the gov- ernors and subscribers. 17.-30., 1883-4 to 1896-7. ~;. Doncaster, 1884-97. Hospitals (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. DOUGLAS. Noble's Isle of Man General Hospital and Dispensary. Annual reports of the comniittee to the sub- scribers. 45., 1894-5; 4ti., 1895-0. •*-. Douglas, 189.5-6. DOVER, New Hampshire. Ham (J. R.) The necessity for a hospital in Dover, N. H. 8'*. Dover, 1892. DRESDEN. Stadtkrankenhans. Blaiii'kmciNtei- (F.) Zur Geschichte des alten Stadt krankenhauses in Dresden 1508-1849. Festschr. z. Feier . . . d. Stadtkrankenh. zu Dresd.-Friedrichstadt, Dresd 1899, pt. 1, 2. Abschn., 3-12, 1 pl. —Fiedler (A.) Zur Geschichte des Marcolini'schen Palais, jetzt Stadtkran- kenhans zu Friedrichstadt-Dresden. Ibid., 13-32, 3 pl.— Kulin. Bericht uber das Stadt-Krankenhaus. Verwalt.- Ber. d. Rathes d. . . . Dresd. (1891), 1892, 187-210. DUBLIN. Adams (R.) Richmond, Whitworth, and Hard- wicke hospitals. Introductory lecture. * . Dub- lin, 1860. Banks (J. T.) Richmond, Whitworth, aud Hardwick government hospitals. Introductory address. 8 . Dublin, 1885. Dublin. Report of the committee on city hospitals. Presented Sept., 18*3. Councillor Shackleton, J. P., chairman. 8°. Dublin, 1883. Cheat Britain. Lord Lieutenant and Privy Council of Ireland. Annual reports of the board of superintendence of Dublin hospitals which re- ceive grants from Parliament, to the lord lieu- tenant-general of Ireland. With appendices. 1.-5., 1856-7 to 1*00-61; 9.-1,8., 1804-5 to 1875-0; 27.-39., 1884-5 to 1896-7. 8^. Dublin, 1*58-97. Stoker (W. T.) The hospitals of the House of Indus- try ; a historical sketch. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1885, 3. 8., lxxx, <«69-486. City of Dublin Hospital. Annual reports of the directors to the gov- ernors and subscribers. 54.-59., 1885-90; 61.- 65., 1892-0. 8°. Dublin, 1886-97. Dr. Steeven's Hospital. Annual report of the governors to the sub- scribers and to the public, for the year 1*93-4. 8°. Dublin, 1*94. Meath Hospital and County Dublin Infir- mary. Annual report of the committee to the sub- scribers. 124., 1*75-0. 8 . Dublin, 1876. Richmond Hospital. New Richmond (The) Hospital in Dublin. [Edit.] Brit. M, J., Lond., 1901, i, 1039. DUBUQUE. Finley Hospital. Annual report of the officers to the board of trustees and subscribers. 5., 1894-5. 12°. [Dubuque, 1895.] Saint Joseph's Mercy Hospital. Annual report of the managers and medical staff to the public, for the year 1*97-8. 8°. [Dubuque, 1898.] DULUTH. Saint Luke's Hospital and Training School for Nurses. Annual report of the officers to the corpora- tion. 14., 1894. 12-5 Duluth, 1895. HOSPITALS. 337 HOSPITALS. Hospitals (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. DUNDEE. Dundee Royal Infirmary. Annual reports of the directors to the gover- nors and subscribers. 77.-91'., 1875-6 to 1*97-8; 101., 1-99-1900; 102., 1900-1901. 8-'. Dundee, 1870-1901. DUNEDIN. Dunedin Hospital. Otago ( Province of). Reports by the pro- vincial surgeon to the superintendent of the province for the years 1861-2; 1802-3. fol. [Dunedin. 1862-3.]* Cttttiny from : Otago Prov. Gov. (Iaz. EASTBOURNE. Princess Alice Memorial Hospital. Annual reports of the comniittee of manage- ment to the noveruors and subscribers. 1.-16., 18-4-99. 8*T Eastbourne, [1885-1900], Report of the executive comniittee, with list of governors, annual subscribers, statement of accounts, and constitution and rules [from April 19, 1879,] to Dec. 31, 1-83. 8°. Eastbourne, [1-1]. EASTON. Easton Hospital. Annual reports of the trustees and officers to the association. 1.--., 1-90-91 to 1-97-8. 8-. Easton, 1-97--. EDINBURGH. Edinburgh Hospital Repoits. Published un- der the supervision of the editorial committee of the Royal Infirmary, Royal Hospital for Sick Children, and Royal Maternity and Simpson Memorial Hospital. Edited by G. A. Gibson. C. W. Cathcart, John Thompson, and D. Bern- Hart, v. 1-6. 8'-. Edinburgh, 1-95-1900. Deaconess Hospital. Gib*on (G. A.) The Deaconess Hospital, Edinburgh. Edinb. Hosp. Rep., 1393 iii, 7-12. Edinburgh Surg inn Hospital. *ym«' ie. d I'^ypte et de Syria. Marseille med., 1897, xxxiv, 119-124. ELGIN, Illinois. . Sherman Hospital. Reports of the board of managers to the El- gin Woman's Club, in charge of the hospital. 1., 1896; 6., 1900-1901. 16° & * 5 Elgin, 1*90- 1901. VOL VII, 2D SERIES----L'li lospital* (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. ELIZABETH, Xew Jersey. Alerian Biothers' Hospital. Annual reports of the brothers in charge and hospital staff to the public, for the years 1*97; 1898. 16° A-4 \ Elizabeth, 1898-9. Elizabeth General Hospital and Dispensary. Annual reports of the board of managers to the association. 4.-9., 1882-3 to 1888; 12.-18,, 1891-7. 10 A 12 \ Elizabeth, 1884-98. ELMIRA. Arnot-Ogden Memorial Hospital. Annual reports of the officers to the board of ma miners. 1.-12., l*,**-9 to 1900. 8°. Elmira, 1*90-1901. EL PASO. Hiitel-Dieu. (iKNKRAL (A) hospital. [Descriptive circular.] 16*. [El Paso, 1*99.] EMPOLI. Spedale di Sun Giuseppe. Cenni statistici eclinici intorno al movimento nosologico del triennio 1884-6. Pubblicati a cura del Dott. Luigi Paladini. fol. Firenze, 1*88. ENGLAND. See, also, in this list. Aylesbury; Bake-well; Barrow-in-Furness; Bath; Batley; Beccles; Bedford; Berkeley; Berwick; Beverley; Birkenhead; Birmingham; Bootle; Boston; Bradford; Bridgnorth; Brighton; Bristol; Burnley ; Burton-on-Trent; Bury; Bury St. Edmunds; Buxton; Canterbury; Carlisle; Chelmsford; Cheltenham; Chester; Colches- ter; Coventry; Crewkerne; Croydon; Dar- lington ; Deal; Denbigh; Derby; Doncaster; Eastbourne; Exeter; Falmouth; Grantham; Greenwich; Grimsby; Hartlepool; Hast- ings: Hemel-Hempstead; Hereford; Hert- ford ; Huddersfield; Hull; Huntingdon; Ilkley; Ipswich; Kidderminster; Lancas- ter; Leamington; Leicester; Lewes; Liver- pool; London; Lowestoft; Macclesfield; Manchester; Marlborough; Newbury; New- castle; Northampton; Norwich; Notting- ham ; Oxford; Penzance ; Peterborough ; Portsmouth; Rotherham; Rugby; Saffron Walden ; St. Albans; Salford; Salisbury; Salop; Sheffield; Southampton; Southport; South Shields; Spalding; Stamford; Stock- port; Stockton-on-Tees; Stoke-upon-Trent; Stratford - upon - Avon ; Stroud; Sudbury; Sunderland; Teignmouth; Torquay; Tun- bridge Wells; Wakefield; Walsall; War- rington; Whitehaven; Wigan; Wolver- hampton; Worthing; Yeovil; York. Home Hospitals Association. Homk (The) hospitals movement. For the establishment of paying hospitals and con- valescent institutions in England. 24°. [Lon- don, 1880.] Concerning hospitals and their supporters. [Program for 188|. Press notes, etc.] 10°. [London, 1*84.] Narrative (A) of the origin and foundation of the . . ., with an account ot the inaugural meet- ing, held at the Mansion House, on Feb. 1, 1*84. 4 . London, 18*4. Annual reports of the council. 3.-5., 1886-8. With reports' of the annual meetings, 1887-9. 8. London, 1887-9. HOSPITALS. 338 HOSPITALS. Hospitals (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. ENGLEWOOD. Englewood Hospital Association. Annual reports of the officers to the members of the association. 7., 1*90-7; 9., 1398-9. 16G. Englewood, 1897-9. EPERNAY. Hopital Anban-Moet. «. (O.) L'Hopital Auban-Moet a Epernay. "Union med. du nord-est, Reims, 1894, xviii, 1-6. ERIE. Hamot Hospital Association. Annual meetings of the . . ., with reports of managers and officers. 1., 1881; 2., 1*82; 4., 1884: 5, 1885; 7., 1*37; 9.-18., 1889-9*. 8*5 Erie, 1882-99. Saint Vincent's Hospital Association. Report of the officers to the public, from June 1, 1895, to March 1, 1897. 8-. [Erie, 1897.] EUROPE. See, also, in this list, Austro-Hungary; Bel- gium ; Bulgaria; Denmark; France; Ger- many ; Great Britain; Italy; Monaco; Neth- erlands ; Norway; Portugal; Russia; Spain; Sweden: Switzerland; Turkey. Landi (P.) Gli spedali e gli ospizj di Parigi e di Londra visitati nella primavera dell' anno 1852. 8-. Firenze, 1855. Privat-Heilanstalten (Die), Privat-Klini- ken und Pflege-Anstalteu Deutschlands, Oester- reichs uud der Sebweiz. 2. Aud. 16°. Berlin, 1890. Bemerltiiugen iiber einige neuere Krankenhauser des niirdlichen Europa. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenh. Wieden 1866, Wien, 1867, 38:1-394.—European hospitals. Rep. Superv. Surg.-Gen. Mar. Hosp., Wash.. 1889-90. xviii 44-55,28 pl.—Goldstein -.-,9j. Also, Re- print.— Sabatier (Z.-L.) Hopitaux de Milan et de Bru- xelles. In his: Quelques mots sur renseignenient de la medecine |etc.], 8°, Par., [1884], 19. EVERETT. Whidden Memorial Hospital. Hospital souvenir. The work at Whidden Memorial Hospital from April, 1897, to March, 1898. Nurses'Training School. Hospital Guild. Bazaar program. 8°. Everett, 1*9*. Partial report for the year 1901 By the board of management, obi. 24*-'. [Boston, 1901.] EXETER. Devon and Exeter Hospital. Annial statements of the comniittee to the subscribers. 143.-154., 1883-4 to 1894-5. *G. Exeter, 18*4-95. FAENZA. Ospedale infermi di Faenza. Delibkrazione e relazioni sulle modificazioni e ristauri da farsi al locale dell' Ospedale infermi di Faenza. roy. 8*. Faenza, 1*99. Bifli CU.) Note sperimentali e relazione del servizio durante 1 anno 1899 nell'Ospedale civile di Faenza. Rac- coglitore med., Forli, 1900, 6. s., v, 385; 409. FALKOPING. Went n-be rg (A. P.) Beskrifnins ofver nya lasaret- tet i Falkiiping. [Description of the new hospital at Fal- kopiug.] Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1895-6, n. F., i, 30-49. FALL RIVER. Fall River Hospital. Annual report of the trustees and officers to tho association. 12., 1896. 8°. Fall River. 1897. lospital* (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. FALMOUTH. Falmouth Hospital and Dispensary. Annual reports of the committee to the sub- scribers. 5.-7., 1*99-1900. 16°. Falmouth, 1899- 1901. FERRARA. Poliambulanza Medico-Chirurgica. Rendiconti sanitarii statistici - econoinici. 1., 1895-6; 2., 1896-7: 4., 1898-9. 8*-. Ferrara, 1896-9. FIGLINE. Spedale Senistori in Figline, Valdarno. Resoconti clinici statistici degli aminalati accolti durante gli anni 1*01-4, per il Dott. Giulio Ciuti. fol. & 8 . Firenze, 1893-5. FINLAND. See, also, in 1his list, Helsingfors; Joensuu; Uleaborg; Viborg. Soderbauiu (P.) Om Finlauds offentlisja sjukhus. [The public hospitals of Finland.] Upsala Lakaref.Forh., 1892-3, xxviii, 03-74. FITCHBURG. Burbank Hospital. Annual reports of the trustees and officers to the mayor and citv council. 6.. 1890: 10., 19(10. 8:. Filchburg, 1897-1901. Crocker (S. E.) The new Burbank Hospital building at Fitchbui n, Mass. Nat. Hosp. Rec, Detroit, 1901-2, v, 21-24. FIVIZZANO. Ospedale S. Antonio Abate. Resoconti clinici della sezione chirurgica dell' anni 1891-2 al 1*94-5, del Dr. Pozza Pietro. 8°. Pontremoli, 1*91-6. Spedale cirile di Firizzano. Rendiconto sonimario degli atti operativi piu importanti praticati nello spedali dal 1° settem- bre 1883 al 31 deceinbre 18*5, pel Dott. A. Bra- chini. 8°. Pontremoli, 1*86. FLORENCE. Luctani (L.) Sull' opuscolo "Gli spedali di Firenze; considerazioni". Osservazioni e que- siti. 8-. Firenze, 1890. Ueber die Spitaler in Florenz. (Ein Auszug aus einem Brief.) Arch, gemeinniitz. phys. u. med. Keuntn., Zurich, 1790-91, iii, 1. Abth., 455-466. Guardia medieo-chirurgica. Guardia medieo-chirurgica permanente, Fi- renze. Bollettino della . . . 1890. 8°. Firenze, 1891. Regio Arcispedale di Santa Maria Nuova e Slabilimenti riunitl di. Firenze. Rendimenti di conti degli anni 1*83-8. fol. Firenze, 1885-90. Statistica nosologica per gli anni 1**3-5, 1887-9. Compilata dal Dott. G. Marcacci. fol, & roy. 8C. Firenze, 1885-90. Villa Bethanie, MaisondeSaute Frange'lique. Notice sur la fondation et liste des donateurs. 8°. Florence, 1*77. Bitte fiir das Evangelische Krankenhaus iu Florenz. 8°. [Florenz, 1**7.] Rapport sur l'ceuvre. *., 1887-8. so Flor- ence, 1889. FOLKESTONE. Public Infirmary and Dispensary for Folke- stone and its neighborhood. Annual report of the committee for the year 1884. 8-5 Folkestone, [1885]. HOSPITALS. 339 HOSPITALS. Hospitals (Descriptions and reports of). by localities. FOOCHOW. Fooehow Hospital of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the Methodist Epis- copal Church. Annual report of the physician in charge. 1., 18*5-0. s *'. Shanghai, 18*6). Ponasang Missionary Hospital. Annual reports of the ph\ Meian-in-charge. 12.-21., 18-2-3 to 1-92-3; 23.-29.. 1.-94-5 to 1900. 5 , 12°, A 16*\ Fooehow, 18-4-1900. FORRES. Forres Leanchoil Hospital. Lancet, Loud., 1893, i, 55. FOUNTAIN SPRINGS. Pennsylvania. State Hospital for Injured Persons of the Anthracite Coal Regions of Penn- ! sybania, at Fountain Sprinos. near Ashland. Of- cial reports of the board of tni-tee*. and super- intendent to the governor and legislature. 4.- 17.. l*-0-7 to 1-99-1900. 8J. Ashland. Pottsville, etc.. 1888-1901. FRAMINGHAM. Framingham Hospital and Training School for Nurses, South Framingham. Annual reports of the officers to the a»ocia- tion. 2.. 1-94-5: 6., 1-9--9. -\ South Fram- ingham, 1895-9. FRANCE. See, also, in this list, Angers: Autun : Bauge; Beziers: Bordeaux; Boulogne: Chalon-sur- Saone; Champtqce; Chateaudun: Chateau- Thierry: Dijon: Epernay; Havre: Issoudun; Le Creuzot; Le Mans; Lille ; Limoges; | Lyons; Melun; Montpellier; Nancy: Nimes: Niort; Paris; Reims; Rennes; Rethel: Sainte Hyacinthe ; Saint-Etienne ; Saumur; Segre; Tullins. Arnonld (E.) Les nouveaux hopitaux de Belfort et (U Mi.ml.eliard. Rev. d'hyg.. Par., 1898. xx, 788-810.— ilc I lixiior |J.| Les hopitaux cautonaux d'Eure-et- Loir l;.-v. d. etab. de bienfaisance. etc.. Par., 1886. ii, 321; 353.—."Voir i.J.i L'assistance des vieillards dans le departement de la Seine; 1'Hospice Fa vier de Bry-sur- Marne. Progres med., Par., 1--99, 3. s.. ix, 1-9-91. FRANKFORT on the Main. Jahre>iiericht iiber die Yerwaltung des Me- dicinahvesens, die Krankenanstalten uud die offentlichen GeMindheitsverhaltnisse der Stadt Frankfurt a. M. Hrsg. von dem arztlichen Vei- ein. v. 27-44, 188:M9UU. 8°. Frankfurt a. M., 1884-1901. ! Dr. Smkenberg aches Biirgerhospital. Dr. Mi-iK'kciibri'ji'M'hi'o Biirgerhospital. 1857-19iflal« (Descriptions and nports of), by localities. FRANKFORT on the Main— continued. Stiitllisches Krankenhaus. *ta«* Francisco (G.) Cliniche ed ospedali della Ger- mania; iiupi-essiuni di viaggio. Rassegna internaz. d. nied. mod., Catania, 1900-1901, ii, 109; 136; 168; 204; 240; 256; 272; 286; 303.—Eitel (G. G.) The hospitals of Ham- burg and Berlin. Northwest. Lancet, Minneap., 1901, xxi, 359-302. — Engelmann. Die Heilanstalten des Deut- schen Rt-iches nach den Erhebungen der Jahre 1895, 1896 und ley?. Med.-statist. Mitth. a. d. k. Gsndhtsanite, Berl., 1899-1901. vi. 227-264; 171'-196*,—Pislorins. Die Heilanstalten des Deutschen Reichs und Elsass Lothrin- gens. Arch. f. off. Gsudhtspflg., Strassb., 18t>9. xiii, 180- 194.—Rahts. Die Heilanstalten des Deutschen Reiches nach deu gemiiss Bundesrathsbeschluss vom 24. OUtober 18.."> stattgehabteu Erhebungen der Jahre 1883, 1884 uud 1885. Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte.Berl., 1868, iv, 224-494. GHENT. Hopital civil. Projet de r6organisation de l'Hopital civil de Gand, par un meaecin. 8J. Gand, 1858. Sm part. R6ponse au rapport adress6 inu- la commission des hospices au conseil communal de Gand sur les difficulte's qui ont surgi a l'hopi- tal. 8°. Gand, 1879. GIESSEN. Medizinisehe Klinik. Riegel (F.) Die klinischeu Xenbauteu in Giessen. Klin. Jahrb.. Berl., 1894, v, 126-137, 5 plans. lospital* (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. GLASGOW. Belvidere Hospital. Glasgow. Report of proceedings at the offi- cial inspection by the lord provost, magistrates, and council of Belvidere Hospital, as finally completed 4th March, 1887. 8C. Glasgow. 1--7. Glasgow Hospital. Glasgow Hospital Reports. Edited tor the committee, by George S. Middleton, Henry Rutherford, aud Walter K. Hunter, v. 1-3. 8. Glasgow, 1898-1901. Glasgow Royal Infirmary. Annual reports of the managers. 73.-77., 1-157-71; 8-2-3; 104., 1— 6-7. 1*2- A 8-. Green- wich, 1805-^7. Poland (J.) Records of the Miller Hospital and Roval Kent Dispensary. 8-. Greenwich, 1*99. GRIMSBY. Grimsby and District Hospital. Annual reports of the managing committee to the governors and subscribers. 17.-22., 1894-9. - Grimsby, 1-95-1900. GRONINGEN. yosocoinium Clinician van de Hoogeschool Thomassen a Thukssink (E. J.) Waarne- mingen omtrent de ziekteu, welke in cle jaren 1797 eu 1801 in het Nosocoinium Clinicuin van de Hoogeschool te Grouiugeu zijn behaudeld. 8'J. [ Groningen], 1 -1.5-24. GUASTALLA. Ospedale civile di Guastalla. Riassunto statistico del settenmo 1-90-9*), del Direttore L. Garovi. fol. Guastalla, 1-97 ------. The same. Del biennio lKC-r fol. Piacenza, 1901. GURKFELD. Kaiser Franz Joseph-Privatkrankenhaus. Kallasch (B.) Das Kaiser Franz Joseph Pnvatkran kenhaus in Gurkfeld Oesterr. San. Wes. \Vien, 1900, xii 353-357. HALIFAX. Victoria General Hospital, Halifax, Nora Scotia. Annual reports of the medical superintend- ent to the commissioner of public works and mines. 27.-33., 189.'! to 1898-9. 8°. Halifax, 1-91-1900. New infirmary at Halifax. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, i, 813. lospital* (Descriptionsand reports of), by localities. HAMBURG. Hamkukg. Jahrbiiclier der Hamburgischen Sfaatskrankenaiistalten. Hrsg. von den Aerzten dieser Anstalten unter Redaction von Dr. Alfred Kast und Dr. Th. Rumpf. v. 1-C, Jahrg. 1889-98. 8°. Hamburg, 18. transl. [Abstr. |: Aun. d'hyg., Par., 1890, 3. s., xxiii, (iii-72. —Kortiiisj. Das neue allgenieine Krankenhaus /u Hamburg. Deutsche mil. arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1889, xviii. 211-2.">7 — Nelteibom (E.) Eppendorfer- sjukhuset i Hamburg. |The Eppendorf hospital in Ham- burg. | Eua, Stockholm, 1893, xvii, 191-201. HAMPSTEAD. See, in this list, London. HANAU. Landkrankenhaus. von BCngner (O.) Das Landkrankenhaus zu Hauau. Rede zur Erdfiuuug der Neubauten desselbeu am 11. October 1897. 8-. Leipziq, 1898. Roser(K.) Zwei Jahre chirurgischer Thiitig- keit als dirigierender Arzt des Laudkranken- hauses zu Hanau. 8°. Marburg, 1-91. HANOVER, Germany. Clemen tinenhait8. Bkkicht fiir das Jahr 1900. Dem Aufsichts- rath und Vorstande eiugereicht von Schwester Olga Frenu von Liitzerode, Oberin. 8 5 Han- nover, 1901. HANOVER, Nen- Hampshire. Mary Hitchcock Memorial Hospital. Annual reports of the trustees and officers to the corporation. 1.-6., 1893-4 to 1898-9. 8*. Hanover, 1897-1900. [Ciisci'lar of tlie treasurer, calling attention to the work aud claims of the hospital.] 12 5 [Hanover, 1900.] HARRISBURG. Harrisburg Hospital. Annual reports of the board of managers to the contributors. 5., 1877-8; ii., 1,878-9, 8 1880-81; !»., 1881-2; 12.-26., 1884-5 to 189H-9! 85 Harrisburg, 1878-99. Historical souvenir of the Harrisburg City Hospital, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid Society. Compiled by E. \V. Stone, obi. 16°. Harrisburg, l-<97 HOSPITALS. 342 HOSPITALS. Hospitals (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. HARTFORD. Hartford Hospital. Annual reports of the executive committee to the directors. 1.-10., 1855-6 to 1864-5; 12.- 15., 1866-7 to 1869-70: 17., 1871-2; 20., 1874-5; 22., 1876-7; 26.-46., 1878-9 to 1900-1901, includ- ing annual reports of the Old People's Home, 1.-16., 1884-5 to 1899-1900; and of the Hartford Hospital Training School for Nurses, 1.-23., 1877-8 to 1899-1900. 8C. Hartford, 1857-1900. HARTLEPOOL. Hartlepool Hospital, Annual report of the managers to the sub- scribers for the year 1896. 6°. Hartlepool, 1897. HASTINGS. East Sussex, Hastings, and St. Leonard's Infirmary. East MngMex, Hastings, and St. Leonard's Infirmary, Hastings. Builder, Lond., 1884, xlvii, 773. 1 pl. Hastings, St. Leonard's, and East Sussex Hospital. Hastings, St. Leonard's, and East Sussex Hospital. Builder, Lond., 1887, Iii, 179-197, 1 pl. Also.- San. Engin., N. Y.. l>-87, xvi, 124. — Hastings (The) St. Leonard s, and East Sussex Hospital, Lancet, Lond., 1887, ii, 830. — New (The) hospital at St. Leonard s. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, ii, 903. HAVANA. Hospital Reina Mercedes. Vlcmorin nistoncoadiuinistrativa v estadfstica me- dica del hospital Reina Mercedes. Cron ru6d.-qiur. de la Habana, ls89. xv, 317-319. —Tamayo (D.) Descripcion del hospital Reina Mercedes Ibid., 1880 xii, 50-56, 1 pl., 1 plan. Quinta del Rey. Casa de salud "Quinta del Rey" de los here- deros de D. Ramon Vila. Reglameuto . . . apro- bado por el gobierno civil de la provincia con fecha 17 de Julio del corriente ano. 16°. Habana, 1*82. HAVERHILL. Haverhill. Haverhill City Hospital. An- nual reports of the board of trustees and hos- pital staff. 1. -10., 1888-97. 8°. Haverhill, 1889-98. HAVRE. Follet (P.-J.) "La reorganisation des hopi- taux du Havre. 8-. Paris, 1899. Norel iR.) Organisation des services de chirurgie pour les hopitaux du Havre. Normandie nied., Rouen, 1895 x 145-15j Maison de saute ehirurgicale. Sorel(R.)i Widmaier (0.) De lorganisation dune clinique ehirurgicale priv6e au Havre. Arch prov de chir.. Par., 1895, iv, 97-116, 3 plans. Non vel hopital. KouriKville. Inauguration du nouvel hopital dn Ha* vi e. Progres med., Par. 1885. 2. 8., i, 503-505.—Dn Ties- nil (O.) Le nouvel hopital du Havre. Ann. d'hyg , Par., 1 *■*•.->. 3. s., xiv, 55-63.—IMotice sur le nouvel hopital du Ha- vre. Progres nied.. Par., 1885, 2. 8., i, 514-517.—Pini (G.) D nuovo ospedale della Havre. Gior. d. Soc. ital. d' ig. Mi- lano, 18*5. vii, 705-716. HAZLETON. Pennsylvania. Board of Commissioners of Public Charities. Miner's Hospital, Hazleton. Plan. By Benjamin Linfoot, architect, broad- side. Boston, 1889. Pennsylvania. State Hospital for Injured Persons of the Middle Coal Field District, Hazel- Hospitals (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. HAZLETON—continued. ton. Biennial reports of the trustees and officers to the board of public charities of Pennsylvania for the years 1894-5 to 1899-1900. 8U. [Hazle- ton, 1896-1901.] HECHINGEN. Krankenspital su Hechingen. Jahresbericht iiber die Jahre 1890 nnd 1891, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der chirurgi- schen Abteiluug von Wcirner, Oberarzt. 8°. Tubingen, 1892. HEIDELBERG. Chirurgische Klinik. Czerny (V.) Jahresbericht der Heidelberger chirurgi- schen Klinik fiir das Jahr 1898, mit einem Vorwort. Beitr. 7,. klin. Chir.. Tiibing., 1900, xxvi, Suppl. Hft., pp. i-xiv 1-239. 3 pl.—.Ylnrweclel (G.) Jahresbericht der Heidel- berger chirurgischen Klinik fiir das Jahr 1897. Ibid 1899, xxiv, Suppl. Hft., 1-245. HELSINGFORS. Allmanna Sjukhus. Sievers (R.) Summarisk redogorelse for sjnkvarden a Allmanna Sjukhusets i Helsingfors medicinska afdel- ning under ar 1885. [Report of General Hospital in Hel- singfors; medical section.] Finska lak.sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1S87, xxix, 32-44.—Zilliacus (W.) Summa'. risk redogorelse for sjukvarden a Allmanna Sjukhusets i Helsingfors medicinska afdeluing under ar 1883 [och 1884). [Report of diseases in General Hospital in Helsingfors; medical section.| Ibid., 1886, xxviii, 297-328. Maria Sjukhus. c Helsingfors. Maria Sjukhus i Helsingfors. Arsberiittelse for aren 1895-1900 Afgifven af Dr. R. Sievers, sjukhusets ofverlakare. [An- nual reports for the years 1895-1900. J Nos. i-vi. 8°. Helsingfors, 1896-1901. HEMEL-HEMPSTEAD. West Herts Infirmary. Annual reports of the committee. 50.-58., 1876-7 to 1883-4. 8°. London, 1876-84. HEREFORD. Hereford General Infirmary. Annual reports of the board of management to the governors and subscribers. 109.-113., 1884-8; 115.-124., 1890-99. 8*5 Hereford, 1885- 1900. HERTFORD. General Infirmary. Annual reports of the weekly board to the governors and subscribers. 57.-64., 1889-96. 16°. Hertford, 1890-97. HETTSTEDT. Mansfelder Knappschaftskrankenhaus. Hildebrandt. Mittheilungen aus dem Mansfelder Knappscuaftskraukenhause in Hettstedt. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1885, xxii, 581-592. HOBOKEN. Saint Mary's Hospital. Annual reports of the officers to the benefac- tors and friends. 24.-29., 1888-93; 31., 1695; 33.-36., 1897-1900. 8°. Hoboken, 1889-1901. HOLYOKE. Holyoke City Hospital. Annual reports of the executive comniittee to the association. 2.-5., 1895-8. 8°. Holyoke, 1896-9. HOSPITALS. 343 HOSPITALS. Hospitals [Descriptions and reports of), by localities. HOLYOKE—continued. House of Providence Hospital. Annual reports of the Sisters iu charge and hospital staff to the public. 2., 1896-7; 3., 1897->. 8 5 Holyoke, 1897-9. HONG-KONG. Buiiiii (A. A.) O hospitalyakh v Hong-Kong'Te. [On the hospitals in . . .1 Med. pribav. k morsk. shorniku, St. Petersb., 1897, [ii], 258-268. Tung Wah. Campbell (C. A.) A visit to the Tung Wah or native Chinese Hospital at Hong Kong. Canada Lancet, To- . ronto. Riiii'-iiini, vxxiv, 64-66. HOT SPRINGS. Barry Hospital. Annual reports of the management. 1., 1890; 2., 1891. 12c. Hot springs. Ark., 1891-2. HUB. Badist he Kreis-Pfiegeanstalt. Eschle. Die Aufgaben der bad ischen Kreis- Pflegeaustalten im kommeuden Jahrhundert; eine Festschrift zum 25jahrigeu Besteheu der Kreis-Pflcgeanstalt Hub. **". Freiburg i. B. §• Leipzig, 1899. HUDDERSFIELD. Hudderstield Infirmary. Annual report of the board of management to the governors. 65., 1895-6. 8-. Hudderstield, 1896. HUDSON. Oliver Wendell Holmes Hospital, Hudson, Wis. Announcement [of its organization on the first day of May, 1--?]. -:5 Minneapolis, 1887. Description of the . . . Addresses delivered by the founder of the institution and others. Ceremonies attending the exercises. Culling from: The Minneapolis Tribune, June 8, 1887, HUELVA. Hopital de la Compania de Rio Tinto. 4., 1856; 27.-32., 1859-64; 36.-06., 1868-iH. fol. A 8-. Leamington, 1850- 99. LEBANON. Good Samaritan Hospital. Annual reports of the officers to the corpora- tion aud contributors. 1.-12., 1889 to 1899-1900. 8°. Lebanon, 1*92-I9titut>. Annual reports of the council to the subscrib- ers. 3.. 1—4: 4.. 1-85: t>., I—7; -.-19.. 1--9- 1900. 12* A -*. Humpstead A-London. 18*5-1901. \ ■Iaiup»tea«i Hospital. Builder, Lond., 1892, lxiii, 521. Highgate Infirmary. Highgate (The) Infirmary. Illust. M. News, Lond., 1889. ii. 112-114. Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem and St. Elizabeth of Hungary. Annual reports of the mother prioress to the public and subscribers. 2-.-32., 1-83-7. 12J. London,1--4-8. Hospital of St. John and St. Elizabeth. Ito«pi la 1 The) of St. John ami St. Elizabeth. [Opened J■ i!y 15. 1'j"]., Hospital. Loud.. 19ul. xxx, 266. Hostel of St. Luke. Inaugural meeting held March 21, 1-53. 8°. [London, 1*99.] Italian Hospital. Annual reports of the committee to the gov- ernors. 1., 1884; 2., 1—5; 4., 1--?; 13., 1896. 8?. London, 18-5-97. Ospedale Italiano in Londra. Relazione del coiisiglio direttivo. 5., 1-88. --. Londra, 1889. Kensington Infirmary. Ken-iugtou (The) Infirmary. Illust. M. News, Lond., 18-'.i iii. ><5-67. Kilburn Provident Medical Institute. Annual reports of the committee of manage- ment to the members. 2.-11., 1-76--5; 13., 1-87. 4:. [London, 1877--8.] King's College Hospital. Annial reports of the committee of manage- ment to the court of the corporation. 4.5.-48., I 1—5-6; 50.-58., 18-8-96; 60.-62., l898-19"0. —. London. 1—4-1901. King's College Hospital Reports; being the annual reports of King's College Hospital and the medical department of King's College. v. 1-4,1-93-4 to 1896-7. 8-5 London, 1895-*. Receipts and expenditure for the year 1887. obi. 16°. [London, 1—-.] Report of a meeting held at Grosvenor House under the presidency of the Duke of Westmins- ter in support of a special appeal in behalf of the hospital. July 20, 1893. 16. London, 1-93. Report of a meeting held at the .Mansion House, under the presidency of the lord mayor Ho*|>ilal* (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. LONDON—continued. in support of a special appeal in behalf of the hospital. March 13, 1886. 12°. London, 18*6. Ciirnon- (J.i Kind's College and King's College Hos- pital ; a historical sketch. Kind's Coll. Hosp. Kep. 1896-7, Loud., 1898, iv, 1-9, 2 pl. La m beth I nfirm a ry. Lambeth (The) Infirmary. Illust. M. News, Lond., 1889, ii, 232; 259. London Hospital, Whifechapel Road, E. Pathologist's (Tlie) report to the house- comuuttee, for 1874. 12 . [London], 1875. Annual reports of tlie committee. 145.-1.50., 18-1-9; 154., 1893; 156., 1895. 8°. London, 1*85-96. Works (On the) of the . . . [Fourth quin- quennial appeal of the comniittee. January, 1893. 8 . [London, 1893.] London (The) Hospital. Illust. Loud. News, 1888, xciii, 72-74. London Temperance Hospital. Annual reports, mcludiug the reports of the board of management aud the medical officers. 12.-16., 1884-5 to l.s-8-9; 18.-20., 1890-92; 22.- 25., 1-94-7. 8-. London, 1885-98. Metropolitan Hospital. Annual reports of the committee of manage- ment to the governors and subscribers. 47., 1*82; 48., 1883; 52., 1-87; 55., 1890; 58., 1893; 59., 1-94. 12- A 8~. London, 1883-95. [Appeal to the Jewish community for funds to furnish the Jewish wards.] sm. 4°. London, 1888. [Brief history from 1836 to 1889.] 12°. [London, 1890.] Jubilee year. Special appeal. 8°. [Lon- don, 1886.] -Vletropolitan Provident Hospital. Builder, Lond., 18*7, liii, ',1b. Middlesex Hospital. Annial reports of the weekly board to the eovernors and subscribers, for tlie years 18-3; 1-84; 1887; 1893; 1894. 8°. London, 1-84-95. Income and expenditure for the year 1-87. 80. [London, 1888.] Repoiits of the medical, surgical, and patho- logical registrars for the years 1867; 1875; 1876; 1-7--99. - . London, 1-68-1900. Work (About the) and wants of the Middle- sex Hospital, obi. 16 . [Loudon, 1891.] 4 oiipln ml (S.| Tlie storv of the Middlesex Hospital. Middl. m-x llo^p. J., Lond., 189S, ii, 85-139, 3 pl -i\«mv huilcliugs, Middlesex Hospital. Iliiilder, Loud., 1890, lix, 309. Mildmay Mission Hospital, at Bethnal Green. Annual reports of the commit,tee to the sub- scribers, for I lie sears 1883—1 to 1888. 16*-. Lon- don, 1--I-9. Statistics of patients for nine years, ending 31st December, 188.5. broadside. [London, 1886.] Miller Hospital and Royal Kent Dispensary, Greenwich. Annual reports of the committee to the gov- ernors and subscribers. 22., 1804-5; 96., 1878- 9: 100., l8,-v!-3; 104., 1886-7. 12* & 8°. Green- wich,1^*5-87. Statement of receipts and expenditure, for the year- 1883-4; 1--6-7 to 188S-9. * . [Green- wich, 1-84-9.] HOSPITALS. 350 HOSPITALS. Hospitals (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. LONDON—continued. North London or University College Hos- pital. [Accounts of receipts and expenditure, for the years 1884; 1885. sm. 4C. [London, 1885-6.] Annual reports of the committee to the gov- ernors and subscribers, for the years 1868-9; 1-74-5; 1885-7; 1890; 1892-5. 8C. London, 1870-96. Annual reports of the surgical and medical registrars, for the years 1882-90. 8°. London, 1883-92. Draft report for the year 1883. 8°. [Lon- don, 1884.] University College Hospital new buildings. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, ii, 931. Northivest London Hospital. Annual reports of the committee of manage- ment to the governors and subscribers. 5.-7., 1883-5; 9.-22., 1887-1900. 12°. London, 1884- 1901. Financial statement for the year 1884. MS. fol. [London, 1885.] Paddington Infirmary. Paddingfion (The) Infirmary. Illust. M. News, Lond., 1889, ii, 39. Park Hospital, Hithergreen. Hall (E. T.) The Park Hospital, Hither Green, Lon- don, S. E. J. State M., Lond., 1897, v, '.'41-245, 1 pl. Rotherhithe Infirmary. Rotherhithc Infirmary, St. Olave's Union. Builder, Loud., 1892, Ixii, 288, 1 plan. Royal Free Hospital. Annual reports of the committee manage- ment to the governors and subscribers. 20., 1847; 22., 1849; 56.-60., 1883-7; 62., 1-89; 65., 1892; 66., 1893. 8°. London, 1848-94. Report of the proceedings at the annual meeting of the governors on Feb. 13, 1890. 4°. [London, 1890.] Repr. from: Charity Rec. Saint Bartholomew's Hospital. Baker (W. M.) The two foundations of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, A. D. 1123 and A. D. 1546. Being an introductory address given at a meeting of the Abernethiau Society, October 8, 18-5. 4°. London, 1885. General (A) index to the first twenty vol- umes of reports, from 1865-84. Compiled by W. S. Church. 8 5 London, 1885. Moore (N.) The progress of medicine in St. Bartholomew's Hospital. 8G. London, 18*9, Reports, v. 21-36. 8*. London, 1885-1900. Saint Bartholomew's Hospital Journal. [Monthly.] v. 1-9, Oct., 1893-1901. sm. 4°. London. Current. Statistical tables of the patients under treatment in the wards. By the medical aud surgical registrars, for the years 1871-99. 8° London, 1-72-1900. Vlooi-e (N.) Tbe foundation of St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Monthly paper of the Guild of St. Barnabas for Nurses. Lond., 1884, ii, no. 14, 24-29. St. George's Hospital. Account (An) of the proceedings of the gov- ernors from its tirst institution, October 19, 1733, to December 31, 1829, with a list of the govern- ors and subscribers, 8:>. London, 1830. lospitals (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. LO N D O N—continued. Annual reports of the weekly board to the governors aud subscribers, for the years l8*->- 1887. 8°. London, 1889-8. Pollock (G. D.) The history of St. George's Hospital, with some remarks on idiosyncrasies. Brit. M. J.. Lond 1895, ii, 819-822. '' Saint Marylebone Infirmary. Clendinning (J.) Report ou the experience of the St. Marylebone Infirmary, since 1827, with respect to admissions, duration of treat- ment, mortality, aud other statistical results, according to age and sex. 8 . London, 1845. Repr. from: Quart. J. Stat. Soc, Lond., 1844. Snell (H. S.) St. Marylebone Infirmary, Notting Hill, London, W. Description of the hospital for the sick poor of the parish. 8°. London, 1886. St. lTIai*yl«*bone (The) Infirmary. Illust. M.News, Lond., 1889, ii, 281; 300. Saint Mary's Hospital, London, 77". Annual reports of the governors, including the balance sheets, list of the governors and subscribers. 33.-37., 1883-7. 8Z. London, 1884-8. Ceremony of laying the foundation stone of the new wing bv H. R. H the Prince of Wales, on May 23, 1865^ 12-. [London, 1865. ] Repr?from: The Standard, May 24, 18C5. Saint Olave's Infirmary. St. ©Iav«*'s (The) Infirmary. Illust. M. News, Lond., 1889, iii, 185-187. Saint Peter's Home and Sisterhood, Kilburn. [An account of the home, from its foundation in June, 1861.] 12°. [London, 1883.] [Object and rules for patients.] 12°. [Lon- don, n, d.] Under the shadow of St. Peter. 12°. Lon- don, 1-84. Saint Saviour's Union Infirmary. St. Saviour's Union Infirmary, Champion Hill. Builder, Loud., 1887, Iii, 638, 1 pl. Saint Thomas's Hospital. Reports. N. s., v. 13.-27., 1883-98. 8°. Lon- don, 1884-99. Statistical report of patients treated, from the year 1857 to 1865. roy. 8°. London, [1861-69]. Bristowe (J. S.) An address on St. Thomas's past and present. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, ii, 666-670.—New wing (The) at St. Thomas's Hospital. Lancet, Lond., 1901, i, 1857.—Phillips (S.) St. Thomas's Hospital, London. Nat. Hosp. Rec, Detroit, 1901-2, v, no. 1, 3-7.— St. Thomas's Hospital; opening of the new medical school buildings. Lancet, Lond,, 1894, i, 1522.—St. Thomas Southwark. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, ii, 1590. South London Medical Aid Institute. Annual reports of the committee of manage- ment to honorary subscribers aud members. 3.-5., 1881-3. 12°. London, 1882-4. Union Infirmary. Union (The) Infirmary, Whitechapel. Illust. M News, Lond., 1889, ii, 64. West London Hospital, Hammersmith, W. Annual reports of the board of management to the governors and subscribers. 28.-41., 1884- 97; 43., 1899; 44., 1900. 8C. London, 1885- 1901. Royal charter of incorporation of the . . . Nov. 1, 1894. 8°. Hammersmith, 1894. HOSPITALS. 351 HOSPITALS. Hospitals (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. LONDON—continued. Wells (C.) Recollections of the West Lon- don Hospital; beiug the presidential address delivered before the West London Medico-Chi- rurgical Society. 12-\ London, 1891. Westminster Hospital. Account of the income and expenditure for the year 1-85. fol. [London, 1-86.] List (A) of the governors and subscribers, with an abstract of the receipts and expenditure, and a statement of the receipts and expenditure of the Westminster Hospital Samaritau Fund. 156., 1-5-3: 163.-168., 1—0-5: 170., 18-7. 8 . London, 1874--8. Reports, v. 1-11, 1-84-9-. - . London, 1—5-99. Specification and description of the several works required to be done in erecting and fin- ishing a new hospital on a site iu the broad sanctuary opposite Westminster Abbey, agree- able and conformable in all respects to the plans, elevations, sections, and drawings made for that purpose, with the several figured di- mensions and explanations marked thereon and to this specification. MS. fol. [London, 1839.] LONG BRANCH. Hon mouth Memorial Hospital. Annual reports of the governors to the asso- ciation. 2.-11., 1—9-1900. 8~. Asbury Park $ Matawan, 1-92-1901. LONIGO. Ospedale de Lonigo. C'orradiui iF.) II nuovo ospedale di Lonigo. In- gegner. san. Tnriiio 1898, ix, 61-66. LORETTA. Ospedale di S. Casa. Casali (T.) Cenni storici dell' Ospedale di S. Casa. Boll. d. Osp. di S. Casa di Loreto, Loreto, 1887-8, i, 5-10. LOUISVILLE. City Hospital. Report of the citv li.i-i.it..: I...ui-ville. 1876: 18/7; 1878: 1--1.1. 18*2; 1**3-1: 1**4-5 I*-',-., l-8.;-7; 1889-90. Louisville municip. rep.. 1*77. 557. 1878 571: 1*79. 447: 1881, 379: 18*3. 435: 18*0. 347: 18->i 291: 18*7. 295: I*** 35; 1891, 57. John N. Norton Memorial Infirmary, Louis- ville. Annual reports of the board of trustee* and officers to their friends aud the public. 1., 1—6; 2.. 1—7; 5., 1-9"; 9.-13., 1^94-8; 15., 1900. 8-. Louisville, 18-7-1901. LOWELL. Lowell General Hospital. Report of the officers to the corporation and the public. 1., 1893-4 and 1894-5. 8°. Lowell, 1896. Lowell Hospital Association. Annual reports of the trustees, including the reports of the treasurer and superintendent. 47.-60., 18-7-1900. *°. Lowell, 1888-1900. Saint John's Hospital. [Announcement of the opening of the . . . under the charge of the Sisters of Charity.] 16°. [Lowell, 1-67.] Annual reports of tlie medical staff to the public. 14.-17., 1880-81 to 18-3-4; 24., 1890-91; 27., 1893-4; 29.-32., 1895-6 to 1898-9. -' A 12;. Lowell, 1881-99. lospital* (Inscriptions and reports of), by localities. LOWELL—continued. [Appeal for annual subscriptions, to extern! the benefits of the hospital to the meritorious poor of the city. The means of support are to be voluntary contributions exclusively. It is to be, to a large extent, an "emergency hospital".] 12-. Lowell, [n. tl.]. Appeal (An) to the citizens for St. John's Hospital. [With report for the year 1869-70.] sm. 4 . [Loire/?, 1870.] Claims of. . . [An appeal to the public for means to alter and extend its capacity to ac- commodate the* increasing applications made for admission. April 4. 1—-J.] 8^. [Lowell, 1-2.] Souvemi; history, written for the quarter-cen- tennial celebration of the founding of the insti- tution. By V. J. Lynch. 8-'. Loxvell, 1892. LOWESTOFT. Lowestoft Hospital. Annual reports of the comniittee of manage- ment to the governors. 1—3-4 to 1893-4; 1895-6. 8°. Lowestoft, 1884-96. LUCCA. Bonardi (E.) Fn quadriennio di medicina interna nell' ospedale di Lucca. Os-ervazioni cliniche, semejologiche, anatomo-patologiche e terapeutiche. s;. Milano, 1898. LtiDINGHAUSEN. St. Marie-nhospital. Piepor. Das neue 8t. ilarienhospital zu Ludinahau- sen. Centralbl. f. allg. Gsndhtsplig., Bonn. 1897 xvi, 143-154. LYNN. Lynn Hospital. Annual reports of the managers and officers to the corporation. 3., 18-4-5; 4.. 1--.5-6; 6.-16. 1-87-- te 1-97--: 18.. 1899-1900. --. Lynn, 1*86-1961. Report of the visiting committee of the Lyuu Hospital. --. Lynn, 18-4. LYONS. Lyons. Hospices civils de Lyon. Conseil gene- ral d'administration. Compte moral adniinistra- tif lies exeicices, 1875; 1-76. Presente an Con- seil general d'adniinistratiou des hospices civils de Lvou par sa commission executive. 4 . Lyon, 1876-7. Ton mid- (C.) Quelques documents pour servir a l'liisiniiB de l'iiiternat des hopitaux de Lvou. Province med.. I.noii 1HI*. xii, 240; 261; 4(Mi; 413. Hopital Sa iu t-Poth in. Coiiriiionl (J.) Un h&pital hyfjienique dans une nia- sure. Province nied., Lyon, 1901, xv. 493-497. Hotel-Dieu. Desgaultieke i 1'.) Compte rendu tie* obser- vations faites a l'Hotel-Dieu de Lyon, par MM. les liii'decins de cet hopital, sur les maladies regnantes depuis le l'r juillet 1811 jusi'ii'au ler juillet 1-12. Iu en seance jiubliijue le 16 mars 1-13, en ]ircM'iice du conseil general d'Admiuis- tration des Hopitaux. 12°. Lyon, 1-13. .Tlollii'it- i If i Topographic ancienne de l'Hotel- lii.u I aiimiuiei le ; les cimetieres ; les deux Magdeleinea ct lc Tiercclet L\on med.. 1897. lxxxiv, 567-575. Infirmerie protestante evangeliqne de Lyon. [.Notice y compris uu extrait du legleinent.] 4°. [Lyon, n.d.] HOSPITAL'S. 352 HOSPITALS. Hospitals (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. MACCLESFIELD. Macclesfield General Infirmary. Annual reports of the governors to the sub- scribers. 12., 1884; 13., 1885; 15., 1887; 24., 1896. H-. Macclesfield, 1-85-97. McKEESPORT. McKcesport Hospital. Annual reports of the executive committee and officers to the trustees. 1., 1894-5; 3.-6., 1896-7 to 1899-1900. 8". McKeesport, 1896-1901. MADAGASCAR. Hopital indigene de Tananarive. Jourdi-aii. Organisation et fonctionnement de l'Ho- pital indigene de Tananarive. Arch.de med. nav., Par., 1897, Ixviii, 143-147. MADRAS Presidency. Madras Presidency. Annual returns of the civil hospitals and dispensaries iu the Madras Presidency. From the surgeon-general to the chief secretary to government. For the vears 1852; 1883; 1885-99. 8° & fol. Madras, 1853- 1900. -----. Annual reports aud statistics of the state hospitals in the presidency city of Madras. By the surgeon-general to the chief secretary to government, for the years 1892-9. fol. Madras, 1893-1900. -----. Annual report on the working of the police hospitals in the Madias Presidency. By tlie surgeon -general to the chief secretary to government, for the years 1894-5 to 1897-8. fol. Madras, 1895-8. MADRID. K. Hospitale* para Madrid. Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1887, xxxiv, 584; 610; 625. Hospital general. Hernandez Briz. El Hospital general de Madrid; bosquejo histoiico-descriptivo. Siglo in6d., Madrid, 1896, xliii, 785-791. Hospital provincial de Madrid. Memoria acerca de las vicisitudes que bajo el punto de vista de la medicina 6" higiene de la cirugia y la farmacia ban ocnrrido durante el afio de 1874. 8°. Madrid, 1876. MAGDEBURG. Magdeburger Krankenhaus. Aufreciit (E.) Einige Bemerkungen fiber Krankeiiliauser uud das Magdeburger Kranken- haus. In his: Path. Mitt. 8°. Magdeburg, 1881, 194-214. Stadtisches Krankenhaus. ,\eue (Das) stadtische Krankenhaus zu Magdeburg. Verhandl. u. Mitth. d. Ver. f. off. GsndtSDflg., in Magdeb., 1894, xxix, 7o-b4, 1 plan. MALDEN. Maiden Hospital. Annual reports of the trustees aud officers to the corporation. 1., 1892-3; 2., 1893-4; 4.-9., 1895-6 to 1900-1901. 8°. Maiden, 1893-1901. MANCHESTER, England. Manchester Royal Infirmary and Dispensary and the Royal Lunatic Hospital or Asy- lum. Annual reports of the board of management to the trustees and subscribers, tcir the years Ih.53-4; 18-3-4 to 1900. --, Manchester, 1854- 1901. Hospitals (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. MANCHESTER, England—continued. [Details of expenditure, deductions and ap- portionment in the Manchester Koyal Infirmary. With statistics and remarks relating to the work done, aud the cost at which it has been accom- plished during the last three years, 1873-4 to 1875-6. By William W. Hulse. May 5, 1*77.] fol. [Manchester, 1877.] Royal (The) Infirmary and the Owens Col- lege. [Report of the medical board approving the action of the board of management in re- jecting the offer of the council of the Owens College of a site for the extension of the hospi- tal on the Stanley grove estate. April 27, 1891.] fol. [Manchester, 1891.] Saint Mary's Hospital. Radford (T.) Remarks on the former and present aspects of Saint Mary's Hospital; to which is prefixed some general observations. 8°. Manchester, [1864]. MANCHESTER, New Hampshire. Sacred Heart Hospital. Annual report of the Sisters iu charge and officers to the public. 2., 1893-4. 8°. Manches- ter, 1-94. MARBURG. Medizinisehe Klinik der Universitiit. Neue (Die) medizinisehe Klinik fur die TJniversitat Marburg. Klin. Jahrb., Berl., 1889, i, 201-255, 3 pl. MARLBOROUGH. Savernake Hospital. Annual report of the committee of manage- ment, for the year 1883. 8°. Marlborough, 1-84. MASSA DI CARRARA. Ospedale di Massa-Carrara. Rendiconto clinico dell' anno 1892. 8-5 Massa, 1895. MASSAFRA. Ospedale Pagliari. Statistica degli infermi en rati nell' Ospedale Pagliari. Relazione letta innanzi la comuiis- sioue dal diiettore Dott. Stefano Tramonte. [Dal 1° maggio 18-6 al 31 dicembre 1889.] 8-. Ta- ranto, 1-90. MEADVILLE. Meadville City Hospital and Training School for Nurses. Annual report of the officers to the stock- holders and contributors. 1., 1898-9. 8°. Meadville, 1899. Hopital de Malines. Van I>i<»l. Extrait du rapport medical semestriel de l'Hopital de Malines. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1881, 3. s., xix, :i29-:':it;. MELBOURNE. Melbourne Hospital. Electoral reform at the Melbourne Hospital. Aus- tral. M. J., Melbourne, 1893. n. s., xv, 306-309.—Mel- bourne hospital. Ibid., 1885, n. a., vii, 562-568. MELROSE, Massachusetts. Melrose Hospital Association. Annual reports of the officers to the associa- tion. 3.-7., 1-95-6 to 1899-1900. To which are added the aunual reports of the Melrose Hospital Guild. 8-5 Melrose, 1897-1900. MECHLIN. HOSPITALS. 353 HOSPITALS. Hospitals (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. MELUN. Hotel-Dieu Saint-Nicolas. Gresy (E.) Ancieu Hotel-Dieu Saint-Nico- las cle Melon. 8 Paris, 18,54. Repr. from: Rec. Soe. de spliragistiuuc, 18.r>:t. MEMPHIS. Memphis City Hospital. Annual reports of tlie surgeon in chief to the legislative council, for the vears 1889-92. 8 . [Memphis, 1890-9:'..] Memphis. Anuual report of hospital depart- ment of taxing district. Slielbv Countv, Teun. 1., 1890-91. S -'. Memphis, 1891. Saint Joseph's Hospital. Annual reports of the medical start' to the sister superior. 1.-4.. 18-9-90 to 1-93. 8 . Memphis, 1890-94. MENDRISIO. Ospedale cantonale di Mendrisio. Resoconto clinico del primo biennio d' eserci- zio 1887—. Pel Dott. Brechetti Luigi. 8 . Va- rese, 1-92. MESSINA. Clinica chirurgica della R. Universita. Cnminili-Vinci (G.) Clinica chirurgica della K. Universita di Messina, diretta dal prof, incaricato A. Sala- moni: resoconto dell anno l;>98-9. Kilbrinanied., Palermo, le99. xv. pt. 4. 235, 200: 279. MEXICO. Pasalagua !.M. A.i "Estudio para la forma- ciou de hospitaler generale* en la ciudad cle Me- xico. ". Mexico, 1-74. Yei.asuo (A.) " Hie iene <]e los hospitales ge- nerales de Mexico. 8 . Mexico, 1*72. Hospital Juarez. Ro.MEiio ,8. i "AlgniMir apuntes sobre la his- toria, higiene y estadistica del hospital Juarez. cc. Mexico, 1877. MIDDELBURG. Inrigting voor Z'ukenverpleging. Vereeniging van genees-en heeikundigen in Zeeland. Verslagen van de Inrigting voor Zi<- kenverpleging te Middelburg. 2., 1-60; 4.-7., 1862-5; 9.-11., 1867-9; 13.-18., 1871-6. sm. 8-. Middelburg, 1861-77. MILAN. Guandi (E.) L' Ospedale Maggiore, il Pio Istituto di S. Corona e 1'Ospedale Cicerci ne- gli anni 1-84-95. Rendiconti statistici-sanitarii. 3 v. rov. --. Milano, 1891--. Ambulatovio policial ico. Primo rendiconto morale e statistico. 4 . Milano, [1900]. Ospedale Maggiore. CanETIa (P.) Cronologia dell' Ospedale Mag- giore di Milano. roy. 8'. Milano, 1884. llnnzoni (A. i He ml icon to stiitistico-clinicodella sula annunciata dell' (Kpe.lale Majjjjiore di Milano |»el biennio 1892-:*. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1894. liii. 283; 291; 301 ; 311 j 322; 337; 343; 3">2; 307; 372, 1 tab. Pia Istituzione Provridenza baliatica. Scopo dell' Istituzioue. fol. Milano, [1893J. Poliambulanza, Bollettino della Poliambulanza di Milano. 4 v., 18-8-91. -d. Milano, 1888-91. Panzeri (P.) Poliambulanza delle specialita, medico-chirurgiche, premiata con medaglia d' ar- VOL VII, 2D SERIES-----23 Hospitals (Descriptions and reports of), by localitias. MILAN—continued. gento all' esi osizionc di Torino. II primo anno di vita (1° ottobre 1KH3-30 setteinbre 1884). KY- lazionc dei medici della Poliambulanza al eomi- tato d(*i patroni. 16 5 Milano, 1885. Pouamiulanza (La) dal maggio 1882 al geu- najo 1891. Relazione dei medici dirigenti al consiglio di ainniinistrazione. Relatori i dott. [Pietro] Panzeri e [Angelo] De-Vinceuti. 8J. Milano, 1891. MILWAUKEE. Tas8avant Hospital. Milwaukee Hospital (commonly known as the Passavant Hospital). Annual reports of the officers lo the board of visitors. 32.-36., 1894-8. 8. Pittsburgh, 1895-9. MINNEAPOLIS. Asbuvy Methodist Hospital and Rebecca Dea- coness Home. Statements of the officers to the corporation. 1., 1892-3; 3., 1894-5; 4., 1895-6; 6., 1898. 8°. Minneapolis, 1893-9. City Hospital. Annual reports of the city physician to the board of charities and correction. 2.-11., 1-89- 98. 8-5 Minneapolis, 1890-99. Minneapolis Medical and Surgical Institute. Why it exists; what it does; who does it. 16°. Minneapolis, [n. rf.J. Northwestern Hospital. Annual reports of the officers to the corpora- tion. 1., 188v;-:j; 3.-11., 1884-5to 1892-3; 13.-16., 1894-5 to 1897-8; 18., 1899-1900. 8°. Minneap- olis, 1884-1901. Saint Barnabas Hospital. Annual reports of the officers to the corpora- tion. 26.-28., 1894-5 to 1898-9. 8C. Minneapo- I lis, 1897-9. Swedish Hospital. ,»w (The) Swedish Hospital of Minneapolis. North- west. Lancet, Minneap., 1901, xxi, 218. MIRANDOLA. Ospedale di S. Mavia Bianca. Breve rendiconti degli infermi curati all' am- bulatorio e al riparto chirurgico dell' ospedale. Per il Dott. Sgarbi Emilio dal 1896-7; 1-98-9. 8 5 Miraudola, 1897-9. Rendiconto (. Miinchen. med. Wehnschr.. 1889, xxxvi, 77.-von Ziemssen (H.) & Xeneiii (A.) Das niedicinisch-kliuische Institut der Universitiit Miinchen. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1 **79, xxiii, 31-40, 2 pl. HOSPITALS. 355 HOSPITALS. Hospitals (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. M UN ICH—continued. Privatheilanstalt Maxbrunn ( Miinehcn- Haidhausen). Aeuztlicheu Semestral - Berichte, eistattcl von Dr. (.5 org Fischer, iirztl. Director der An- stalt. 2.-6., 1. Mai 1878 bis 1. Oct. 1880. 8 . Miinchen, 1-78-80. Stiidtisches allgemeines Krankenhaus. Annalen. Im Verein mit den Aerzten dieser Anstalten, hrsg. von Prof, von Ziemssen. *,. 3- 11, 1-7--99. 8- . Miinchen, 18l3. Allgemeiner Bericht iiber die stiidtisi-hen Kranken- hiiuser ill Miinchen links und rechts der Isar und sk'hwabing pro 1898 nnd 1899. Ann.d. stadt allg. Kran- kenh. zu Miinchen .189s 9). 1901, xi, l-'JS.-On .A.i Kur- zer Bericht iiber die medicinische Abtli.-ilung de-. allge- meinen Kiankenhauses zu Munchen vom KiaNjahiv 18a.V 6. Deutsche Klinik, Berl.. 1858, x, 147 H5">, l"^i '-97; 237. Also, Repiint. NANCY. Rapport au conseil central d'hygiene pnblique ot de salubrite sm-un avaiit-projet d'agrandisseuieiit des hopi- taux 8 unt-Chai les et Saitit-Le.m. Hap. gen. trav. Cons. d'hvg. pub. deMeiirthe-et-Mo^elle. Nancv. 1876. 134: 1879, 212: 18-u. 12a. NAPLES. Arciconfraternila ed Ospedali della Santis- sima Trinitd dei pellegrini e convalescenti. Esercizio 1890. 8C. Napoli, 1-91. Ospedale clinico di Gesii e Maria. Perrino (F.) Relazione al consiglio provin- ciale sulla fondazione e svolgimento dell' Ospe- dale clinico di Gesii e Maria. 8C. Napoli, 1899. Ospedale clinico di Najwli. Relazione all' ill"10 sij*;. ministro dei lavori pubblici intoino all' Ospedale clinico di Napoli. [Per Federico Travaglini. ] 4~. Napoli, 1805. Ospedale Domenico Cotugno. ^Ionlefuaco ( A. . L O-pedale Domenico Cotugno. Gazz. di med. pubh., Napoli. wi;. xvii. -.'sii-.'iiiu. Ospedale Internazionale (Villa Bentinck). Rapporti del comitato. 11.-14.. 1—7-90. 8°. Napoli, 1—8-91, Ospedale Una. Salvia ( E. ) L'Ospedale Lina. Rendiconto statistico. 1881-6. - . Napoli, 1--7. Ospedale del Pio Monte della Misericordia. Relazione delle cure termo-minerali del Gor- gitello praticate in Napoli da fanciulli infermi ricoverati nell' . . . durante la state del 1884. 8C. Napoli, 1884. Ospedale di Santo Eligio. Statistica per gli anni 1883; 1885; 1888-90. Con note etiologiche, cliniche e terapeutiche pel dott. Luigi Romanelli. roy. 8°. Napoli, 1884-91. Poliambulanza Salvatore Tommasi ed assis- tenza pnbblica della citta di Napoli. Resoconto amministrativo, statistico e clinico per il biennio 1889-90. 8°. Napoli, 1891. Hospitals (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. NAPLES—continued. I'rima clinica medica dell' Universita. Oe Rnui (K.i ('ronnca della 1". clinica medica del- l' Universita di Napoli. Riv. clin. e terap., Napoli, 1890, xviii, 1; 57; 113. NETHERLANDS. See, also, in this list, Amsterdam; Baarn; Gro- ningen; Middelburg; Rotterdam; Utrecht; Zutphen. van Spnnje ( N. I*.) Ziekenliiiizen in Xederland ge- durende de hint sic viftig juar. Nederl. 'Tijdschr. v. Ge- ueesk. De /.ieki'iiverpleg.' [etc.]. Artikeln . . . Catalog. d.Hist.-i'eiiecsk. Tcntoonst. to Ainuem, Amst..1899, C9-1U9. NEUCHATEL. Hospice de Beau-Site. Hospice de Beau-Site. Rapports annuels par le coniite". 0.-8.. 1883-1 to 18S5-0. 8 . Neuchd- tel, 1881-7. NEW AMSTERDAM. Public Hospital. Kowlnml (E. D.) A description of the Public Hospi- tal. New Amsterdam. Brit. Guiana M. Ann., Deiuerara, 1*94. vi, 66-78, 6 pl., 1 plan. NEWARK, New Jersey. Hospital of St. Barnabas. Annual reports of the board of trustees and officers to the patrons. 33., 1898-9; 35., 1900- 1901. 8~. Newark, 1&99-1901. Hospital (The) Review. Devoted to the in- terests of the sick and suffering at the . . . Pub- lishing committee: Mrs. "William Speiden [et al.]. ""[Monthly.1 v. 1-15, April, l8?7, to March, 1892. 8. Newark, N.J. Newark City Hospital. Anneal reports of the officers to the hospital committee of the board of health. 1.. 1883; 2., 1881; 4.-9., 1880-91; 1*2.-16., 1,-94-8; 18., 1900. 8-. Newark, 1884-1901. Saint Michael's Hospital. Annual reports of the directors and medical board to the contributors and the public. 1-- 35., 1—3-1900. 8\ Newark, 1884-1901. NEWARK, Ohio. Newark Hospital Association. Annial report of the officers to the associa- tion and the public. 1., 1898-9. 8\ Newark, 1899. NEW BEDFORD. Saint Luke's Hospital. Anneal reports of the trustees and officers to the corporation. 9.-17., 1-92-3 to 1900-1901. - 5 New Bedford, 1897-1901. NEW BRIGHTON, New York. S. II. Smith Infirmary. Anneal reports of the trustees and Women's Auxiliary Association to the subscribers and the public. 5., 181,8-9; 8.. 1871--2; 10., 1873-1; 1*2.- 36., 1875-0 to 1899-191 »0. 8. Stapleton ,y New Brighton, 1809-191 ih. S. K. Nniiih (The) Infirmary. A general hospital, located at New Brighton, Slaten Island, N. Y. Nat. Hoap. &.San. Kec, Detroit, 1S98-9, ii, no. 5, 13. NEW BRIGHTON, Peioisylriinia. Beaver Valley General Hospital. Annual report of the board of trustees and officers to the public. 4., 1898. 8°. Beaver Falls, [1899 \. HOSPITALS. 35(1 HOSPITALS. Hospitals (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. NEW BRUNSWICK, New Jersey. John Wells Memorial Hospital. Reports of the . . ., and reports of the Ladies' Hospital Aid Association for the years 1889-90 to 1-92-3. 16- & 12 ~. New Brunswick, 1891-3. NEWBURGH, Saint Luke's Home and Hospital, Newburgh and New Windsov. Anneal reports of the officers to the corpora- tion. 22.. 1*95-6; 26., 1899-1900. 8\ New- burgh, 1800-1900. NEWBURY. Newbury District Hospital. Turner (H. G.) Newbury district hospital. Builder Lond., 1885, xlviii, 412, 1 pl. NEWBURYPORT. Anna Jaepies Hospital. Annual reports of the officers to the board of trustees, for the vears 1894; 1895; 1900. 8*-. Newburyport, 1895-1901. NEWCASTLE. Newcastle Royal Infirmary. Newcastle Royal Infirmary. Hospital, Lond., 1893-4, xv, 489-491. Walker Hospital. Annual reportsof the committee to the govern- ors. 1.--26., 1870-71 to 1895-6; 28., 1897-8; 29., 1898-9; 31.. 1900-1901. 8C & 1*2°. Newcastle upon Tyne, 1871-1901. NEW HAVEN. General Hospital Society of Connecticut. Annual repents of the directors to the society. 46., 187*2; 51., 1877: 5*2.,l87c<; 54.-74., 1880-1900. 8°. New Haven, 1873-1901. Grace Hospital Soiiety. Annual report of the committee and officers to the contributors, for the year 1-98; 1900. 8io [New Haven, 1899-1901.] New Haven Hospital. C'armalttW. H.) The Georae Bronson Farnani ward, New Haven Hospital. Yale M. J., N. Haven, 1894-5, i, 34- (s 1 pl— Fai'iinm (The) ward of the New Haven Hos- pital. N. Eng. M. Month., Danbury, Conn., 1889-99, ix, 1-0.—iV'ew Haven (The) Hospital. City year-book N. Haven, 1.-73. 4:i8-4t:>. NEW LONDON. Memorial Hospital Association. Annual repoits of the officers to the associa- tion. 3.-6., 1-95-0 to 1898-9; 8., 1900-1901. 8 Neic London, 1895-1901. NEW ORLEANS. Charily Hospital of Louisiana. Annual reports of the board of administrators to the general assembly of the State of Louisiana, for the years 1879-98; 1900. 8 . \cW Orleans 1-80-1901. ' Caatellaiios (J. J.) The earlv Charity Hospital. N Oil. M. & S. J., 1897-8, 1, 20-30—Parker (W. E.) The Charity Hospital from 1877 to 1894. Ibid., 1899-1900, Iii, 65-72.—Report of the building and sewerage fund of the Charity Hospital. [Rev.] Ibid.,\ 1885-6, n. s., xiii, 480-486. Truro Infirmary and Hebrew Beuevo'ent Association. Annual reports of the officers to the members and patrons of the association. 9.-11., 188*2-3 to 1884-5; 13.-15., 1-86-7 to 1888-9; 17.-25., 1890-91 to 1898-9; -27., 1900-1901. 8*-. New Orleans, 1-3-1901. Hospitals (Descriptions and reportsof), by localities. NEWPORT. Newport Hospital. Annual reports of the trustees, presented to the corporation at their annual meetings. 1.-3 1873-4 to 1875-6; 5., 1877-8; 6., 1878-9; 9.-26!' 1881-2 to 1898-9; 28., 1900-1901. 8°. Newport, 1874-1901. NEW ROCHELLE. New Rochelle Hospital Association. Annual reports of the officers to the members and subscribers. 1.. 189*2-3; 3., 1894-5; 5., 1896-7; 6., 1897-8. 1*2°. New Rochelle, 1893-8. NEWTON. Newton Hospital Corporation. Annual reports of tbe . . . With the reports of the officers, statistics of the hospital. To -which is added the annual reportsof the Newton Hospital Aid Association. 7.-15., 1885-6 to 1894; 17.-19., 1896-8. 80. Newton, 1887-99. NEW YORK. New York {City). Annual report of the Blackwell's Island hospitals to the governors of the alms house, for the year 1854. 8°. [Neiv York, 1855.] Bniidouin (M.) Les grands etablissements hospi- tallers de New-York. [Abstr.] Union med., Par., 1894, 3. s.. lviii. 51-56.—Folks (H.) Public hospitals; with special reference to New York Citv. Municip. Affairs, X. Y.. 1898, ii, 271-285.— I.e«ter (F) "W.) Report of the Willard Parker and Reception Hospitals for the year ending December 31, 1892. Rep. Bd. Health N. Y. (1892). 1894, 233-240.—IVew (A) million dollar hospital for New York. Med. Kec. N. Y., 1893, xliv, 564. Bcllevue Hospital. New York (City). Department of Public Char- ities and Correction. Belle vue Hospital. Cata- logue of house staff from 1850 to 1873. 1'2°. [New York, 1873. J Inauguration (The) of the pathological building. October 25, 1856. N.York J.M., 1856, 3. s., i, 428-433. Also, Reprint. Beth Isvael Hospital. Annual reports of the board of directors and officers to the members of the association. 1.-6., 1891-2 to 1897-8; «., 1899-1900. 1*2- & S=. New York, 1-93-1901. Colored Home and Hospital. Annual reports of the board of managers to the members aud subscribers. 13., 185*2-3; 15., 1854-5; 20., 1859-60; 21., 1860-61; 25., 1804-5; 27.-35., 1866-7 to 1874-5; 37., 1876-7; 38., 1-77-8; 40.-57., 1879-80 to 1896-7.' 12°. New York, 1853-97. Columbus Hospital. Annual reports of the medical board to the benefactors and friends. 1.-3., 1896-8. 8°. New York, 1897-9. German Hospital and Dispensary. Annual reports of the board of trustees and officers to the members of the society. 7.-9., 1876-8; 13.-31., 1882-1900. 8 5 New York, 1877- 1901. Deutsches Hospital uud Dispensary in der Stadt New York. Geschichtliche Uebersicht, 1869-94. 8'\ [Xew York, 1894.] Statistical review and other information regarding the work of the . . . 16°. [Xew York, 1899.] German Poliklinik. Annual reports of the board of trustees and officers to the public. 1.-5., 1883-7; 8.-15., 1890- 97. 8?. New York, 1884-98. HOSPITALS. 357 HOSPITALS. Hospitals (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. NEW YORK—continued. ,/. Hood Wright Memorial Hospital. Annual reports of the board of managers and officers to tbe patrons and members. 33.-37.. 1896-1900. 8C. New Yovk, 1897-1901. Lebanon Hospital. Reports of the officers to the members of the association. 1.-3., 1890, to Mav 1. lr-97. 10 A 8*. New York, 1893-7. McDonough Memorial Hospital. Annual reports of the directors to the asso- ciation and the public. 1 , 189-; 2., 1899. - . New York, 1900. Mount Sinai Hospital. Annual reports of the president and board of directors to the patrons and members. '21., 1-74-5; 27., 1880-81: V-9.-44.. 1—2-5 to 1-97--. 8-5 yew York, 1-75-99. Reports. Edited for the medical board. v. 1, 1-98. 8°. New York, 1*99. New' York Hospital and liloomingdale Asylum. Annual reports of the governors of the society of the ... on tlie several institutions under their charge. 70.. 1-40: 77.. 1817; 79., 1-49: -;•., is53; 114.-150.. 1—4-1900. s . New Yovk, 18.17-1901. Hoo.n (D. B. Si J.) The old Xew York Hospital. Post -(.'; a.luate, X. Y.. 1900, xv, 7-21, 3 pl. Xeir York Post-Graduate Hospital. Annual reports of the directors of the .... including the babies'wards. 3., l-?0-7 : 4., lx-7- -; t',.-10., 18>9_9o to l-99-19(»0. - A 12J. New York, 1—7-1900. Presbyterian Hospital. Annual reports of ihe board of managers and officers to the society aud t<> the public 14.-:>:!., 1881-2 to 1900-1901. 8-. New York, 1—2-1900. Medical and sm-gi< al reports, v. 1-4, 1-00-9. 8*-'. New York, 1-90-1900. i Outlink of tlie work. 16°. | New York], 1-94. Prewb) lei-ian < 1 he, Hospital affair. [A letter to the editor ot the M.-dieid l;. i .nil on the removal of Dr. White us piiMihtir ot 'tlie ni.-ilir.il board, signed a citizen. Nov. 7, 1X75.J Med. Itec. N.Y., 1875. x, *n99-1900. - . Nieastro, 1900. NIMES. Ri'boul (J.) Le nouvel hopital de Xinies. ficho med.il. Cevennes, Ninies, 1890, i, 13. ------. Xeeessite d'un nouvel hopital ix Nones. Ibid., Par., 1901, ii, 155-101. 2ch. NIORT. Hopital- Hospice de Niort. Frappier (A.) Notice historii|ue sur PH6- pital-Hospice do Niort. - . Niort, 1-15. NOCERA. Poliambulanza Noeerina. ('iun-i;i: (C.) A Petrosini {8.) Poliambu- lanza Noeerina. Relazione e statistica dello anno 191 0. - . Xocera, 1901. NORFOLK, Virginia. Hospital SI. Vincent de Paul. Annual reports of the sister superior and medical staff to the public. 37.-39.. 1,-93-5; 41., 1897--. ,- . Norfolk, 1891-9. [Prospectus of 1 he Sisters iu charge. | 12*5 [Norfolk, 1901.] NORRISTOWN. Charity Hospital of Montgomery County. Annual reports of the board of directors and officers to the members and contributors, to- gether with the annual reports of the Women's Auxiliary. 1.-12., 1-89-1900. 8*. Norristown, 1890-1901. NORTH ADAMS. North Adams Hospital. Annual reports of the board of control and officers to the corporation. 1.-7., 18.-4-5 to HOSPITALS. 358 HOSPITALS. Hospital* (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. NORTH ADAMS—continued. 1890-91; 13.. 1896-7; 16., 1899-1900. 8*-\ North Adams, 1880-1900. Charter and amended bye-laws and regula- tions. 8. North Adams, Mass., 1*86. NORTHAMPTON. General Infirmary at Northampton. Annual reports of the committee. 111.-112., 1853-4 to 1854-5; 114.-141., 1856-7 to 1883-4, - . Northampton, 1854-84. NORWALK. Nor walk Hospital Association. Annual reports of the directors and officers to the association. 1.-6., 1893 to 1897-8. 8°. South Norwalk, 1891-8. NORWAY. See, also, in this list, Bergen; Christiania. Alibi')' (P.) Les hopitaux en Scandinavie. Progres med.. Par., 1885, 2. s., ii, 14;). — Cijestlnnd. Lidt om sygehuset paa Voss. [Remarks on the hospital at Voss. | T/idskr. f. d. norske Laegefor., Kristiania, 189". xv, 114- 116.—Thiery. Le personnel medical subalternedans les hopitaux scaudinavea. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1891, lxiv, 441; 401; 489; 490. NORWICH, Connecticut. William W. Backus Hospital. Annual reports of the executive committee to the board of corporators. 1.-5., 1893-4 to 1807-8; 7., 1899-1900. 8-. Norwich, 1895- 1900. NORWICH, England. Norfolk and Norwich Hospital. Annual statements of th■> board of manage- ment to the governors and subscribers, for the years 1884-1900. And of the Fletcher Conva- lescent Home, Cromer, for 1893-1900. 8 . Nor- wich, 1885-1901. Hirth and parentage of the new . . . By a memb r of the building committee. [Adopted bv the building committee as their final report. Aug. 14, 1-83.] 10-. [Norwich, 1883.] Some particulars of the work and progress of the . . . during 60 years of the reign of Her Maj- esty Q M-cn Victoria. 10-5 [Norwich, 1897.] Norfolk (The) and Norwich Hcspital. Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1*80. v, 16-21. NOTTINGHAM. General Hospital. Annual reports of the weekly board to the governors. 104.-118., 1885-6 to 1899. sc. Not- tingham, 1886-1900. Nottingham Friendly Societies' Medical In- stitution. Annual reports of the managing committee 1., 1-75: 3.-6., 1877-80; 8.-12., 1882-6. 8=. Not- tingham, 1875-87. NOVARA. Ospedale Maggiore. Ospedale maggiore di Xovara. La la sezione chirurgica nel trienuio 1-90-9*2. Relazione del Dott. Francesco Parona, all' onor. amministra- zione. 8-5 Novara, 1*95. NUREMBERG. Allgemeines Krankenhaus. Nurniikrg. Festschrift zur Eroffnung des neuen Krankenhauses der .Stadt Niirnberg. Hospitals (Descriptions and reports of) by localities. NUREMBERG—continued. Hrsg. von den stiidtischen Kollegien. roy. i*>c. Niirnberg, 1898. ITIerkel (G.) Bericht iihef das Allgemeine Kranken- haus der Siadt Niirnberg vom 15. October 1845—6. Septem- ber 1897. Festschr. z. Eroffn. d. n. Krankenh. d. Stadt Niirnb , 1898, 123-134. 3 diag.— Ualliaff (H.) Bail und Einriehtungen des neuen stadtischen Krankenhauses Ibid., 137-324, 12 pl. Hospital zum Heiligen Geist. Slich. Jahresbericht iiber das Hospital zum Heiligen Geist (Pfriindneranstalt). Ber. ii. d. Gsndhtsvrhlt.... in Niirnb., 1890, 140-144. OAKLAND. Fabiola Hospital Association. Fabiola Hospital Association. Annual re- ports of the officers to the members of the asso- ciation. 10., 18-J7-8; 13., 1890-91; 17.-19., 1894-5 to 1896-7; 22., 1899-1900. 8°, 16°, & 24°. Oak- land, 18-8-1900. ODENSE. Odense Sygehus. IVI^llei- (P. K.) Beietning om Odense Sygehns i 1885. [Report on the Odense Hospital in 1885.) Ugesk. f. Laeger, Kjehenh., 1886, 4. R., xiii, 398-401. ODESSA. Evangelisches Hospital. Evangelisches Hospital. Rcchenschafts-Be- richt der Yerwaltung fiir 1892. **J, Odessa, 1893. OLEAN. Glean Hospital. Olean Hospital. [Circular of the proprie- tors. F. H. Bartlett and J. C. Clark.] 8-. [Olean, n. d.] OMAHA. Creighton Memorial St. Joseph's Hospital. Annual reports of the Sisters iu charge and hospital staff to the public and contributors. 17., 1.-96; 19.-21., 1-9--1900. roy. 8C. Omaha, 1897-1901. Presbyterian Hospital. Annual report of the boaid of directors to the contributors and patrons, for the \ear 1898, e;. Omaha, 1899. ONTARIO See, also, in this list, Brockville; Toronto. Ontario (Province of). Annual report of the insiiectors of prisons and public charities upon the hospitals of the Province of Ontario. 24., 1892-3. 8°. Toronto, 1*91. -----. Hospitals and charitable institu- tions. In: Rep. insp. ns>lums [etc.J, 1871-4; 1876-80, Toronto, 1873-82, passim. OPORTO. Hospicio de Creangas. Relatorio pelo medico, Jos6 Fructuoso Ayres de Gouvea Osorio. 8°. Porto, 1872. Hospital de Santo Antonio. Breves retlexoes [sobre a Hospital Santo An- tonio a Porto]. - . [n.p., n. d.] da Costa Slmoes (A. A.) Ohospital de Santo Antonio da Misericordia do Porto. 8-. Porto, 18*5. Relatorio da lavauderia do . . . 8°. Porto, 1865. HOSPITALS. 359 HOSPITALS. Hospitals [Descriptions and reports of), by localities. OPORTO—continued. Santa Casa da Misericordia. Relatorio dos tralialhos de mesa adniinistra- dorada. . . durante <> annus economicosde 1853-4 ; 1-55-0; 1850-7: 1804-5 a 1800-7. 8*. Porto, 1-54-67. Relatorio e resoluciies que a mesa da . . . j propo/ ao detinitorio, approvadas mis S"sm5cs de 28 e 29 de maio de 1-55. 8 Porto, 1855. Relatorio que leu ;i mesa da. . . o conselheiro A. O. R. Lopez Bianco provedorda inesma Santa Casa, no tim do anno 1855-6. 8-5 Porto, 1856. ORANGE. Orange Memorial Hospital. Annual reports of the board of governor aud officers to the public and subscribers. 9., 1^8*2: 10., 1-83 ; 14., 1-87; 1.5.. 18-8; 17.-27., 1-90-1900. 16c A 8-\ Orange, 1883-19ol. OREL. Lieehebnitsa t>b*htshestva Orlovskikh Vrachei. Obshtshestvo Orlovskikh vrachei. [Society of Physicians of Orel.] Otchot po lleclicbnitsie za 1—7 g. [Report of their hospital for H-7.] 24-'. Orel, 1 — . OSAKA. t >saka Medical Work of the Japan Mission. A. B. C. F. M. Under the care of Wallace Tay- lor, M. D. For 1-90-92. -. Osaka, [1-91-3]. OSTRAU. Kaisev Franz-Joseph-Krankenhaus. KniHcr (Das) Franz -Joseph -Krankenhaus in Miih- i>. hosti-au. Oesterr. 8an.-\Ves.. Wien, 1S99. xi, 339; 347. OTTAWA. Knrisa*. Hospital of the Santa Fe Railway Em- ployees' Association. "SanU IC. W5) The Ottawa Hospital of the Santa Fe Railway Employees' Association. Boston M. A: S. J., 1891, cxxv. 135. OXFORD. Radcliffe Infirmary. Annial reports of the comniittee of manage" ment to the governors and subscribers. 114., 1—4; 116.-130., 1—6-1900. - . Oxford, 188.5- 1901. PADUA. Istituto di Clinica chirurgica propedeuiii-a della R. Universita. Rendiconto dell' .. . Anno ^91. 8*-'. Fellre, 1892. Ospedale civile. Antonelli (A.) Cenni storici sull' origine e sulle vieeude dello Spedale civile di Padova, e rendiconto morale-ei onouiieo per gli anni 1872- 83. *'. Padova, 1885. Comparetti (A.) Saggio della Scuola clinica nello Spedale di Padova. "\ Padova, 1793. ( onsic'lio amministrativo. Resoconti inorali degli esereizii 1881-9*2. 8'-. Padova, 1-80-93. Rp;i.azione illustrativa il bilancio preventivo 1891; 1-95. 8. Padova, 1890-93. Poliambulanza medieo-chirurgica. Rendiconto morale e statistico. -°. Pa- dova, 1900. Hospitals (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. PAINT CREEK, West. Virginiu, sheltering Arms Hospital. Annual reports of the board of directors fo the contributors, for the years 1898-9; 1900-1901. 8 . [Charleston, 1899-1901. ] Retorts of cases from .July 10, 1893, to April 1, 1-95: July 1, 1895. to April 1, 1896; January 1, 1897, to May 1, 1898. 8 a.. f()|. Charleston, 1*95-8. To all whom it may concern. [Appeal to the miners and other workingmen of the region, to subscribe ten cents a month for the use of '.lie hos- pital. April, 1889.] sm. 4 . [Charleston, 1889.] Statement of the receipts and disbursements for the year 1893. 8°. [Charleston, 1894.] PALERMO. Istituto di clinica medica generale. Istitiilo di clinica medica generale di Palermo, diretto dal Prof. G. Ruiiimo; resoconto coinpendiato dei lavori esegniti durante 1' anno scolastico 1890-7. Riforma med., Xapoli. 1S97, xiii.pt. 3,339; 353; 3G3; 374. Ospedale civico. Maggiore-Pernt ( F. ) Sulla uecessita che 1' Ospedale civico di Palermo ritorni sotto 1' am- minislrazione del comune. Storia e critica (1431-1805). 12°. Palermo, 1881. PARIS. Hopitaux et hospices de Paris. Service me- dical, 1896. broadside. Paris. l-9i>. James (J. B.) The hospitals of Paris. An in- augural address delivered before the West Kent Medico-Chirurgical Society. 8-'. London, 1-87. Paris. Administration generale de Vassistance publique a Paris. Collection de documents pour servir a l'histoire des hopitaux de Paris, com- mence!** sous les auspices de M. Michel Monng, coutinuee par M. Charles t^uentin, directeur de l'administration generale de ('assistance publi- i-iie, publiee par M. Briele, arehiviste de rad- ministration. 4 v. 4 . Paris, 1881-7. -----. Statistique medieale des hopitaux de Paris. Mesures relatives a son organisation. 4 . Paris, i860. Paris. Conseil general d'admiiiistration des ho- pitaux et hospices de Paris Plans ties hopitaux et hospices civils de la ville de Paris. Leves par ordre du conseil general d'aduiinist ration de ces etablisseinens. fol. Paris, 18*20. Kniidoiiin (M.) Projet d'une maison de saute chi- i-urgirale par M. M. Uorhet'rette. Rev. d. instruni. dechir., l'ar., ls:i4, iv. ii»i *>!). —Kcrlhoil (P.) Le nouveau regime des hopitaux de Paris; 1 esparisianisation. Rev. d'hyg., Par. 1900 xxii, .">32-538.-lloiii* y l»ni «lln«lu (J. > Una visita a los hospilales de Paris. Knciclopedia. Parcel., 1890, iii, 1; 7."i; Ki'l. Hopital lieaujon. I-'ournki. (().) * L'Hopital Heaujon; histoire depuis son origine jnsqu'a nos jours. 4°. Pa- ris, 1-8J. Hopital Bichat. I>.<< imaiK (Le) de l'Hopital Bichat (1882-1892). As- sistance, Par., 18!»2, ii, 3K7. Hopital Boncicaut. Boni'lieville. L hopital Boncicaut. Progres nied., Par., 1*97. 3. s., vi. I49-4.">4.—lii>l«'lF.| L'hopital I'.on eicaot. Pi-esse mod., Par. 1MI7. ii, 337 -342. — fliirtin (A.-.1.1 L'hospitilisutioii moderne; le nouvel hopital Bon- cicaut a Paris. Kev. d. hyg., Pa,-., 1H98, xx. 134-154.— IVnini inn L-172.— Tlichnut. Hiatorique des hopitaux parisiens; l'Hopital Trousseau. Chron. med., Par., 1900, vii, 23G->!ipisiM ( H.) Hopital Trousseau. Exposit. univ. internal de 1889 a Par. Rap.. . . Classe 04. Hy- giene |etc.l, P..r.. 1892, 483-487. Hospice des Quinze-Vingts. Boukdon (I.) Les Quinze-Viu-ts, notice his- torique et statistique. 8 Paris. 1848. liepr. from : J. d'econom., [Par.], 1848, no. 79. Fieuznl. Description de la clinique. Bull.-clin. nat. opht. de l'liosp. d. Quinze-Yingts, Par., 1883, i, 10-20. Hdtcl-Dieu. Coi;nu(G.) *A l'hopital il y a deux siccles; l'Hotel-Dieu; les compagnons chirurijiens et ex- t ei lies. 8°. Paris, 1-97". Hospitals (Descriptions and reportsof), by localities. PARIS—continued. Rousselet (A.) Notes sur l'ancien Hotel-I)ieu de Paris relatives a la lutte des adininistratcnrs laiques centre le pouvoir spiiituel et aux alms et desordres commis par les religieuses et les chape- lains de 1505 a 1789. Extraites des Archives de ['assistance publique. Avec une preface par le Dr. Bournevilie. 8C. Paris, 1888. (oi-licu (A.) Les lits de I'Hntel.Dieu avant la revo- lution. Gaz. nied. de Strash., 1*90, xlix, 110. — Uclan. nay (P.) L'ancien Hotel Dieu de Paris. Janus, Amst. 1901, vi. 405; 471 Notre-Dame de Pitie. B. Hopital de la Pitie: Notes retrospectives; sainte routine; personnel laique en 1790. Progres nied., Par. 1895, 3. a., i, 261.—Ouilliet- (0.) Histoire de l'Hopital de Notre-Dame de Pitie de Paris (1612-1882). Gaz. d. hop. Par., 1882, lv, 533: 547; 557; 613; 029; 645; 660; 676. Also, Reprint. Also [Rev.], in: Progres med., Par., 1884, xii, 875. PATERSON. Paterson General Hospital Association. Annual reports of the executive committee and officers to the board of managers and mem- bers of the association. 17.-2*2., 1887-92; 24.-30., 1-94-19H0. 12° & 8°. Paterson, 1888-1901. To the public, the city of Paterson. the county of Passaic, the societies aud benevolent organiza- tions, the corporations and their employees and all fri-nds of the sick and suffering. [An appeal to prevent the suspension of the hospital.] 4J. [Paterson, 1894.] Saint Joseph's Hospital. Annual reports of the Sisters in charge and hospital staff to the public and friends. 22.-26., 1889-9:5; 28.-32., 1895-9. 8*. Paterson, 1890- 1900. PAVIA. Ospitale di S. Matteo. Resoconto degli animalati che furono iu cura nella divisioiie cliirnrgica C. E. dell' Ospitale di S. Matteo in Pavia durante il qnadriennio I8s4- 87 del dettor Angelo Mazzucchelli. 8-. Paria, 18-9. ------. The same. Pt. 2. 8J. Paria, 1890. MlniiNiica sanitaria dell' Ospitale di S. Matteo in Pavia per »li anni 1890-91. Gazz. med. di Pavia, 18D2, i, 176; 212; 230; 244; 272: 1893, ii, 56; 108; 137. PENZANCE. West Cornwall Dispensary and Infirmary. Annual reports of the committee. 10.-12., 1882-4. 8°. Penzance, [1883-5]. PERTH. County and City of Perth Infirmary. Annual reports of the directors to the con- tributors and subscribers. With the medical reports, state of accounts, etc. 17., 1854; 57., 1894; 59., 1&96; 60., 1897. 8-. Perth, 1855-98. PERUGIA. Ospedale civile. Teyxeira (V.) Un nuovo ospedale civile in Perugia. -°. Perugia, 1-90. Teyxeira (V.) L' Ospedale civile della citta di Peru- gia. Gior. d. r. Soc. ital. d' ig., Milano, 1*97, xix, 4*9-490. PETERBOROUGH. Peterborough Public Dispensary and Infirm- ary. Annual reports of the offhers to the govern- ors and subscribers. 60., 1-75; 61., 1876; 63.-66., 187--81; 69., 18-4. 8°. Peterborough, 1876-85. HOSPITALS. 361 HOSPITALS. Hospital* (Descriptions and reports of). by localities. PETERBOROUGH—continuec. Triennial report (11.) of the physician and the triennial report of the surgeon il. ■* made to the meeting of governors held .Inly 1819. for the years l-*4t*e^-. 16 . Peterborough, [1819]. PFORZHEIM. Siichenanstalt. .Hiiller. Ucher die Noihwendigkeif von Sichcnair stalten. mit hesondeier I'e/'eluiug auf die Siechenanstalt in Pforzheim. Ter. deutsi he Ztschr. f. d. Staats-Arznk., Freih. i. Br. !8i>. u. F.. iii. 17-52. PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia. Department of Charities and Correction. Philadelphia Hospital Reports, v. 1-3. - . Philadelphia, 1-90-96. IIo«|>il:i l« I'll,-, ut' Philadelphia. Times A. KeiT.. N. V. .v PIip i l-.M xxiii. ::71 : ::9.">. Christ Church Hospital. Annual reports of the board of managers to the corporation, for the years 1--5-4; 1—-5-6 to 1-99-19 '0. -5 Philadelphia. 1— 1-U'on. Proceedings on the occasion id* laying the coi ne:-stone of tie new hospital iu Belmont, Philadelphia, including the addresses of the Rev. Alon/o Potter and Kev. Benjamin Dorr. - . Philadelphia. 1-56. Report of the managers on the completion of the new building at Belmont. 8:. Philadel- phia, !-'>4. Frederick Douglass Memorial Hospital and Training Si hool. Annual reports of the board of managers and officers to the contributors and friends. 1.-3., 1-95-6 to 1-97--; .">., 1-.»'.i-19i»0. *--. Philadel- phia, 1-9il-1900. German Hospital. Annual reports of the tnist. , s and the contributors. 22.-1".. 1 —1-95. - delphia, 1—J-1900. Sii'iUT (A) history and description. adelphia, 1-95. Tiedemann (H.) Rede iiber das Teut-clie Hospital in Philadelphia welche Dr. H. Tied.■- mann nieht gehalten hat, uud die zum Besten des Tciitschen Ho8i»itale-fiir '2.5 Cents verkauft wird. -. [Philadelphia], l-i'.r.. Germantoun Dispensary and Hospital. Annual reports of the managers and resident physicians to the contributors. 9.-30.. 1-7--99. 8 . Philadelphia, l-79-190n. Auction sale of autograph books, litters. MS-., music, and paintings, for the benefit of the Geriiiautown Hospital. - . Philadelphia, 1900. Harper Memorial Hospital and Dispensary. Annual report of the officers to the contribu- tors. 1., 1*91-5. - . Philadelphia, 1-9.5. Hospital and Dispensary of S. Clement's Church. Annual reports of the board of managers to the subscribes. 5.-7.t ]—7_s ),, l-. Philadelphia, 1—-93. Hospital of the Protestant Episcopal Church. Annual reports of the board of managers to the contributors. .">., 1-56: 2*.-19., 1-79-1900. 12- A -\ Philadelphia, l-57-19nl. Hospital of the Inirersity of Pennsylvania. Annual reports ot tlie boa id of manageis and officers to the con lib.itois. 11., H85; 15.-21., 1**7-9*. ■-'. Philadelphia, 1--6-99. tlicers to Phila- Phil- llo*pital* (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. PHILADELPHIA—continued. Jefferson Medical College Hospital. Annual reports of the trustees and officers to the public. lt;.-*J'J.. 1-92-3 to 1809. 8. Phila- delphia, 1-93-1900. Jewish Hospital Association. Annual reports of the president and resident physician to the association. '20-31.. 1 — 1 to 1898-0; 50., 1900-1901. 8 . Philadelphia, 188.5- 1901. Medico-Chirurgical Hospital. Annual report of ihe board of trustees and officers to the contributors. 12.. 1-90; 16., 1900. sm. 4 . Philadelphia, 1897-1901. Ii.i.usi i:a i ed (An) description of the clinical amphitheatre, sin. 4 5 [Philadelphia]. H97. Methodist Episcopal Hospital. Annual reports of the trustees .and officers to tin* Philadelphia Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. 1 -12.. 1-87-8 to 1-98-9; 14., 1900-1901. -°. Philadelphia, Iss-MlMl. Dedication of the Charles K. Coulston memo- rial building to provide a separate operating room. 8. [Philadelphia, 1-92. ] Dedicatory services. April *21, 1892. - . [Philadelphia. 1*92.] Penhosk (C. B.) Methodist Episcopal Hos- pital, in the City of Philadelphia. Opinion de- livered in regard to Scott Stew ait's estate. 8\ Philadelphia, 1887. Municipal Hospital. A ii nun I report of the physician in charge. Message mayor I'liila 1180.5). 1894. UC'-l'lU : (18941, 18115, 158-174.— Kosoilhal K > The Municipal Hospital of Philadel- phia 1'ioc. I'liila. Co. M. Soc. Phila.. 1897. xviii, 145-152. Alsn .- Mel. i Surg. Keporter, I'liila.. 1897. Ixxvi, 700-709. [Discussion|. 7-'8-7:il. Pennsylvania Hospital. Annual reports of the board of managers to tlie contributors, at tbeir annual meetings. Comprising the reports of the department for the sick and wounded and of the depart ment for the insane, together with the accoiinis of the treasurer atid stewards. 131.-150., K-q-o to 19H0-19H1. - . Philadelphia, l-s-J-1901. Mkius (J. V.) A history of' the first quarter of the second century of the Pennsylvania Hos- pital. 8 . Philadelphia, 1-77. Some account of the origin, objects, ami pres- ent state of the ... [ Prepared by Wm. (C Ma- lin.] 1-2 5 Philadelphia. 1-J-. I>n CoMln (J. M i . Philadelphia, 1-86-99. l.'oliEltis (J. B.) A retrospect or short history of the Philadelphia Polyclinic. Extracted from the report of the proceedings al the laying of the corner-stone of the new building. 8°. Phil- adelphia, 1-90. Presbyterian Hospital. Annual reports of the board of trustees and superintendent to the corporation. 14.-30., 1 — 1-1900. -\ Philadelphia, I—5-19nl. Children'* ward, Pivshyterian Hospit 0 l'liiladel- phia. Kngiu. .V liuihl. Uee. N. V ls.-ir-s, xvii. 2.19. HOSPITALS. 362 HOSPITALS. Hospital* (Descri2>tions and reports of), by localities. PHILADELPHIA—continued. Saint Agnes' Hospital. Annual and biennial reports of the sister su- perior and officers to the contributors. 3.-12., 1891-1905. With reports of St. Agnes' Hospital Training School for Nurses. 8°. Philadelphia, 1893-1901. Saint Joseph's Hospital. Annual reports of the board of managers and officers to its patrons and the public. 07.-47., 1875-95; 49., 1897; 50., 1898. 8°. Philadelphia, 1881-99. Saint Mary's Hospital. Annual and biennial reports of the superioress and medical director to the friends aud benefac- tors. --., 1875; 9., 1876; 13.-19., 1880-84; 23.-25., 1890-92: 28.-30., 1895-6 to 1898. 8°. Philadel- phia, 1877-99. Samaritan Hospital. Annual reports of the officers to the board of trustees and contributors. 4.-6., 1896-8; 8., 1900. 8°. Philadelphia, 1897-1901. Southwestern Hospital., Annual report of the board of managers to the subscribers. 1., 1881-2. 8 . Detroit, Mich., 1882. Union Mission Hospital. Reports. - . [Philadelphia, 1894.] PISA. RR. Spedali riunili di Santa Chiara. Annuario dei . . ., perl' anno 1900. 8°. Pisa, 1900. Bii.ancto consecutivo degli anni 1885-90. fol. Pisa, 1--6-91. Relazione sui servizio degli esposti e sulle j modificazioni da apportarviei Giuseppe R. Cerrai, relatore. 8-. Pisa, 1-98. PISTYAN. • A pbstyeni Munkds-Pensionatns. IVcisz (E.) Casuistikus kozlemenyek a postveni Biunkas-pciisionatiishdl. | Clinical communications on the woe kintrnian's hospital at Pistyan.] (jyogy&szat, Buda- pest. ls'.C>. xxxv-1898, xxxviii, passim. Also, transl. [Ab- str.]: Pest med. chir. Presse, Budapest, 1895, xxxi, 809; 837; 8G0. PITTSBURGH. Mercy Hospital. Repohts of the management to the public, for the years 1889-9(1; 1891-2 to 1898-9. 8-. Pitts- burgh, 1890-99. Pittsburgh Infirmary. Annual reports of the board of visitors, under the care of the Institution of Protestant Dea- conesses, to the subscribers. 5., 1854. 871. Pitts- burgh, 1855. Presbyterian Hospital of Pittsburg and Al- legheny. Annual reports of the officers to the associa- tion. 2.-4., 1-96-7 to 1898-9: 6., 1900-1901. 8C. Pittsburg, 1897-1901. South Side Hospital. Annual reports of the officers to the members and the public. ?.. 1-95-6; 11., 1899-1900. 8". Pittsburg, l*-96-1900. Hospital* {Descriptions and reports of), by localities. " PITTSBURGH—continued. Western Pennsylvania Hospital Annual reports of the managers to tho board of public charities of Pennsylvania. 36.-46., 1882-3 to 1892-3; 49., 1895-6; 53., 1899-1900. 8°. Pittsburgh, 1884-1901. PITTSFIELD. House of Mercy. Annual reports of the officers to the corpora- tion. 4.-2*;., 1877-8 to 1899-1900. 8-. Pitts- field, 1879-1900. PLAINFIELD. Muhlenberg Hospital. Annual reports of the officers to the board of governors. 9.-19., 1889-90 to 1899-1900. 12°. New York, 1890-1900. Organization, history, purposes, and work. [With the treasurer's report from 1877 to 1884.] 8°. New York. 1*81. POLTAVA. Liechebnitsa prakticheskikh vrachei. Booatski (I.) Liechebnitsa prakticheskikh vrachei v g. Poltavie za perviy god yeya sn- shtshestvovauiya. [Hospital of practicing physicians of Poltava; the first year of its ex- istence.] 16°. Poltava, 1888. POPPI. Spedale della Misericordia. Morgiien (G.) Sei niesi cli servizio chirurgico nello speciale di Poppi. 8~. Arczzo, 1-98. Resoconto dei malati accolti nella sezione chirurgica dal setfenibre 1884 a tutto dicembre 1888. Pel Dott. Guilio Cinti. 8-. Poppi, 18-9. PORT ELIZABETH. Provincial Hospital. Elisor & Harris (W. T.) Provincial Hospital, Port Elizabeth. Descriptive account of the institution. South African M. J.. Cape Town, 1896-7, iv, 89-92. —Provin- cial (The) Hospital. Port Elizabeth. [Edit.] Ibid., Cathcart, 1887-8, iii, 158. PORT JERVIS. Povt Jervis Hospital. [Bhiek (A) account of the hospital from its establishment to 1886.] 12°. Port Jervis, 18*6, PORTLAND, Maine. Maine General Hospital. Annual reports of the directors, with the ac- companying reports of the treasurer and resident physician, to the corporators. 15.-30., 1884-5 to 1899-1900. 80. Portland, 18,85-1900. PORTLAND, Oregon. Good Samaritan Hospital. Annual reports of board of hospital trustees of the diocese of Oiegon, together with the re- ports of . . . for 'h-.; years 1-91-2 to 1899-1900. 8. Portlmd, 1892-1900. <«oo«*w i'1'he) Roval Portsmouth Hospital. Brit. M.J.. Lend. 1897. ii. 409. PORTUGAL. Nte, also, in this list, Coimbra; Lisbon; Oporto. Ministeiuo dos negocios da marinha e ultra- mar, l'.statistica medica dos hospitaes das pro- viucias ultramarinas referida ao anno de 1-70. fol. Lisboa, Wo. POSEN. Stadtisihts Krankenhaus. Behicht der Obi riir/te des stadtischeu Kran- kenhauses fiir den Verwaltungs-B< richt der Stadt Posen fur das Jahr 1*87-8. 1 . Postn, 1888. POTTSTOWN. Pottstown Hospital. Repokts of the board of mamigers and officers to the contributors. 1.-3., hl'3-5 --. Potts- town. 1*91-9. POTTSVILLE. Pottsville Hospital and Dispensary. Annual report of the officers to the members and friends. 6 ,1900-iyul. --. Pottsville, 1901. POUGHKEEPSIE. Vassar Brothers' Hospital. Annual report of the officers. 1., 1--7-5. - . Poughkeepsie. I**-. Report of the medical board to the trustees for the year l-9(i-'jI. -. [Poughkeepsie, 1-91. ] PRAGUE. Alibitinek Hospital. ^Iichl iF.) Zprava h";kar>k;i z nemocnice Alzbetinek v Praze za rok ls-5 1880 ls-7. [Medical report of the Alzbetinek Hospital in Prague fur the vears 188-"). 18-n. 1887., Coop lek.cesk., v Praze, 1888. xxvii. »1",7; 673; 094 . 727: 7-HC 7.56; 7sl: 79.">: sl3. -----. Dodatky kll spra\e h- kafskc z neinocuice Alzbetinek v Praze za rok 1*85-1*87. [Supplements to the medical reports of the Hospital Alzhe- tinek . . .] Und... 18«9. xxviii, U59: 9s2: moi: hj-j:j. Kaiserlith-kiinigliches allgemeines Kranken- haus. Aekztliche Berichte in den Jahren 18-3-93; 1-9-. --. Prag, 18-4-1900. Kaiser- (Der) Kran/.-JoM f-Pavillon im k. k. I allgemeinen Krankeuhause zu I'rai:, hrsg. \ 9: 4"!: 411; 475; 485; .119: 542: 554: 59s. (122, 1 pl.— VI•-■Tinut (A.) Novo isolaCni pavillonv nemocnice. i New jaoiailon j.avillion hospital J Zdravi.t. vestnik, v Pra/.e \r*Nsi.K,Ni:uu de Saint-Vallier et l'Hopital general de (lueliec. Histoire du monastere de Notre Dame des Anges ij-eligieuses hospitalieres de la Misericorde cle Jesus), ordre de Saint-Au- gustin. roy. 8-. (Jue'bec, 1882. QUINCY, Illinois. Blessing Hospital. Medical and surgical reports, to the lady managers, for the years 1882-3; 1894-5. -3 Quincy. 18-4-95. Saint Mary's Hospital. Annual reports of the Sisters and officers to its friends and patrons. 19., 1884- 21., l«-il; 24., 1—9; 27., 1-92; 28., 1>93; 32., 1897. 8J. Ottincy, 1-85-9-. QUINCY, Massachusetts. < ity Hospital. Annual reports of the trustees and officers to the corporation, l.-ll., 1-90-191 «1. 8. Boston, 1-91-1901. RAAB. Stiidtisches Armenspital. (•InlK-r (K.) Organisation ns tat ut des stadt ischen Ar- menspitals in Knah. Ztschr. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. iu Ungarn, Pest. 1853-4, iv, 114; 121; 129; 138. RADNOR. Hospital of the Good Shepherd. Annual reports of the vestry and officers to the contributors. 1.-28., I87;{i4 to 19UO-1901. - . [Philadelphia, 1S75-190L] RAJPUTANA. Civil Hospital. Minim (K. D.) Extract from the annual returns of the Civil Hospital. Abu Uoad, Rajputana. Indian Lancet, Calcutta. 1899, xiv, 413-415. RATISBON. Katholisehes Krankenhaus. tC*f'r 11. ) Hei icht iiher das Katholische Krankenhaus /n Ke^en^hiirg nn Jahie 188il. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., I8s7, \\\iv 592; 609. HOSPITALS. 364 HOSPITALS. Hospital* (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. READING. Reading Hospital. Annual reports of the board of managers and officers to the contributors. 25., 1891; 26., 1892; 30., 1896; 34., 1900. ti*. Reading, 1892-1901. RENNES. Mai son de SanU ehirurgicale. Dayot tils Sc <« nil la lime. Une niaison de sante chirnrgicale &, Rennes. Arch. prov. de chir., Par., 1897, vi, 488-510. RETHEL. Hopital general de Rethel. Lacaille (H.) Documents sur la fondation de l'Hopital general de Rethel. Extraits des archives communities et hospitalieres de cette ville. s-. Reims, 1-93. RHEIMS. Lnnglct. Hopital ou Musee. Union med. et scient. du nord-est, Reims, 1889, xiii, 1; 25, 1 plan. RICHMOND, Surrey, England. Royal Hospital. Annual repents of the committee of manage- ment to the governors and subscribers. 17., 1884; 23., 1890; 25.-31., Is92-s. 8 . Richmond, 1885-99. RICHMOND, Virginia. Old Dominion Hospital. Annual reports of the officers to the board of managers. 1.-5., 1895-ti to l*-98-1900. >■', Rich- i mond, 1890-1900. Saint Luke's Home. Drs. Hunter and Stuart McGuire's private hospital. Announcement of the training school. Circular of the hospital. 8 5 [Richmond, 1897.] Virginia Hospital. Annual report of the officers to the corpora- tors, stockholders, and board of directors. 1., 1-93-4. 8~. Richmond, 1895. RIGA. Stadt-Krankenhaus. Riga. Aerztlicher Bericht des Rigaschen Stadt Krankenhauses fiir die 10 Jahre von 1886 bis 1-90. --5 Riga, 1-97. RIVAROLO. Ospedale Celesia. Oipollixa (M.) Brevi cenni sull' ospedale Celesta in Rivarolo Ligure. sm. 4°. Genova, ROCHESTER, Minnesota. Saint Mary's Hospital. Annual reports of the Sisters in charge and hospital .stuff to the public. 7.-10., 1890-9. 8 Rochester, 1-97-1900. ROCHESTER, New York. Lee Pi irate Hospital. First report of the board of directors and officers to ihc public. Jan. 9, 1-98, to p*ec. 31, j 1899. --. [Rochester, 1900.] ROCKFORD. Rockford Hospital Association. Reports of the board of trustees and officers to the association. 1.-2., 18-3-4 to 1892-3. 8:. Rockford, 18-6-93. lospifals (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. ROCK SPRINGS. Wyoming General Hospital. Reed (R. H.) The Wyoming General Hospital. Nat. Hosp. & San. Rec., Detroit, 1898-9, ii, no. 6, 1-4. ROME, Italy. Papal States. Commissioue degli ospedali di Roma. Resoconto statistico degli infermi ospedale di Roma dipendenti dalla cominiBsione istituita dalla santita di nostro signore Papa Pio IX felicemente regnante. Anno primo, 1804. fol. Roma, 1805. Rome (City of). Rendiniento di conto del- 1' amministrazione ospitaliera tenuta nell' anno 1871, [by D. Pantaleoni]. fol. Roma, 1872. Rastinnclli [et al ]. Coinunicazioni e discussioni sulle condizioui igienivhe degli ospedali di Roma. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma. 1885, xi, 109; 181— l.nbrnzzi (F.| Gli ospizi di niendicita in Roma Bull. d. Coin. spec. d' ig. d. municip. di Koiua, 1887, viii, 43-87. — Mauley (T. H.) Rome and her hospitals. Boston M. &. S. J., 1891, exxv, 390. — Valvntiner (W.) Die Kranken-Hos- pitaler in Rom sowie die Saiiitats-Eiurichtungen, climat- ischen und Salubritat^Verhaltnisse der Stadt. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1870, vii, :iJ8; 341; 353; 426; 437; 535; 557; 569. Also, Reprint. Dispensario generale. Tanrni (R.) Dispensario generale, collocatoin Roma nella Pia Casa dette dello Zoccolette. Breve resoconto degli anni 1869 e 1870. Gior. med. di Roma, 187U, vi, 745-752. Also, Reprint. Ospedale di S. Giacomo in Augusta. Eseuctzio aniininistrativo dell' . . . dell' anno 1875 e riepilogo cjmnquenuale dell' aminiuistra- zione del suddetto istituto dal 1871 al 1875. fol. Rnma. 1-876. ('Estkine morale aniininistrativa dello . . . durante 1' anno 1874. Pel Dott. A. Angelucci. roy. -5 Roma, 1875. Ospedale di Santa Maria della Consolazione. Ospedale (L') della Consolazione a Roma dall' ultimo triincstie dell' anno 1887 a tutto il^ 1. semestre del 1 -s< . comporto del chtrurgo pri-" niario Prof. Rostcnipski. Resoconto clinico e statistico pel Dott. Giuseppe linpsillotneni, chi- rurgo assistente. roy. 8-. Roma, 189ih Pericoli (P.) L' ospedale di S. Maria della Consolazione di Roma, dalle .-ue origini ai giorni nostri, con allegati. fol. imola, 1879. Ospedale del Sanlissimo Salratore. Palica ( A. ) Origine e successive) sviluppo dell' Ospedale del Ssino. Salvatore in Laterano. Appunti storici. 8-. Roma, 1892. Policlinico Umberto I. Iliclu- (E.) Die Bauten der neuen Poliklinik Um- berto 1 zu Rom. Gesundh.-Ingenieiir, Miinchen, 1891, xiv, 769-780.—Policlinico (II) "Umberto I." in Roma. Ingegner. san., Torino, 1894, v, 61-63, 1 pl. — Posner. Das Policlinico zu Rom. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1894, xxxi, 783-785. ROME, New York. Rome Hospital. Reports of the officers to the members and subscribers. 1.-6., 1884-5 to 1889-90. ,-"5 Rome, 1891. ROSEAU. Roseau Infirmary. Dominica. Medical reports [including reports of the Roseau infirmary, gaol, and the lunatic asylum]. For the three years 1874-5. fol. Roseau, 1876. HOSPITALS. 365 HOSPITALS. Ho«pital« [Inscriptions and reports of). by localities. ROTHERHAM. Rotherham Hospital. Mhci'iunn (E.J.) Description of the Rotherham Hos- pital Lancet, Lond. 1875. i, 579; 631. Also, Reprint. ROTTERDAM. >'itfershnry, 1*61. -----. Bolnit-i i priyomniye pokol s posto- yannlnii krovatyami gta/hdanskavo viodonistva v Rossii po sviedleniyain k naclialu 1899 g. [Hospitals and reception wards, with permanent beds, of civil hospitals in Russia towards the be- ginning of 1-99.] 4 . [S.-Peterburg, 1900.] Brrgh (C. A.) Om Finland- och Rys.slands sjukhus. [The hnsjijtals of Finland and Rus-ia Hv_iea. Stock- holni l-9s lx pt. 2. 97-112 — K nl? o«holl. Otchot po bolnitsle rudnika Riisskavo i iW-lit-Utstva I'.u okuodstva i Tomovli za 3-kh lletniy period Us!U-!i6 g.i. 1 Report of the lm-pital of the mine ot the Russian Navigation and Trade C.....ji.my for the tine.- years . . 1 Mcditsina, St. Petersb.. ls'.'U. si, nos. 2"i-2ti, l:i-2U; nos. _'7--.> l'J-23; nos. 2»-3(.i. 10-li;. — .V|f-rkul>«-ir .1*. V.) I.lechehuiya zavede- niya Rossiyskei luipti.i ~|,ct-ialiiiya llechelmiya zavede- i niya. [Hospitals of the I'u-sian Knipire: spe<-ial hospi- tals."' Vestnik Ohsli. hig.. sudeh. i prakt. nod.. St. IV- tersli., 1896. xxx. 2. sect, 1-27.—I'varoff (M. S.. Lie- chebniya zavedeniya Rossiyskol Imperii. Hospitals in the Russian Empire.] Ibid., xxix. 2. sect. S7-121. 4 tali. RYBINSK. Mivorolkin. Meditsinskiy otchot p<> boluitsie pri Ri- binskom tynreninom zamkle za 18s2 i 1-•''* gg. |Medical report fro in the prison hospital of Rybinsk.] Vestnik su- deh. med. [etc.], St. Petersb., Wl. iii, 3. sect, 55-73. SACRAMENTO. Sinramrnto Slate Hospital. California. Sacramento Slate Hospital. An- nual report of the trustees to the legislature for the year 18.52. -"-. [Sacramento], 187^5. SAFFRON WALDEN. Saffron Walden Hospital. Anm AL reports of the committee of manage- ment. 13.-18, W8-9 to 1--5-4. - 5 Saffron Walden, 1879-84. Hospital* (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. SAGINAW, Saginaw General Hospital. Anntal reports of the officers to the board of trustees and friends. 2., 1-90-91 ; 9., 1-97-8. 8-. Saginaw. 1*9\ —. SAINT ALBANS. Saint Albans Hospital and Dispensary. Annual statements, with reports of the com- mittee of management to the subscribers. 41.- 48.. 1—4-91; 50., 1-95. 12- A --. St. Albans, 188,5-94. SAINT AUGUSTINE. Alicia Hospital. ANNiAi.reportof the managers. 1., 1.-90. 24 . St. Augustine, 1-91. SAINT-ETIENNE. Hospice du Calvaive. riinrnnia, Le nouvel hospice dn Calvaire. Loire nied. St.-fitienne, 1893, xii, 3-10, 1 pl. Hdtel-Dieit. t'havnnis. Rapport sur l'etat liygienifpie de l'Hotel- Dieu de S,iiut-l5tieiine. Cons, centr. d'hvg. pub. . . . de St.-£tienne > 18.-7-8). Issii. 60-79, 1 tab. SAINT-HYACINTHE. Hdtel-Dieu. Rapports annuels del'. . . par les so-urs de la charite. 1.-3., 1-9--9 to 1900-1901. - . St.- Hyacinthe, 1899-1901. SAINT JOHN. Saint John General Public Hosjiital. Annial report of the lesident physician and the secretary. 13., I>78. - . Saint John, 1-79. SAINT LOUIS. Alexian Brothers' Hospital. Annual report of the brotheis iu charge and the hospital statt' to their patrons and benefac- tors. 29., 189-. - . NL Louis, 1*99. Augusta Free Hospital. AiiKUMtn (The) Free Hospital. St. Louis. Mo. San. Engin.. N5 Y., 1H86-7 xv, 515. Er angelical Deaconess Home and Hospital. Annual reports of tlie officers and board of directors to the members and patrons of the so- ciety. 11., 1-99: 12.. 1900. 8'. St. Louis, [1900]. Lutheran Hospital. Annual report of the medical officers, for the year 1-9-. - st. Louis, 1-99. Missouri Baptist Sanitarium. Annual reports of the superintendent to the board of managers, for the years 1-90-7; 1897-8. s . St. Louis. 1897-8. [ Di.si rip i i v k circular, b v the superintendent. ] 16'. [St. Louis, 1-97.] [Illisi i:a i un and descriptive prospectus of the sanitarium.] obi. Hi . [ St. Louis, 1899.] '' What they say of us." [ A circular and two reports relating to the. sanitarium.] 8 5 St. Louis, 1897. Protestant Hospital Association Riport. 10., 1-90-91. ~ lS5/. Louis, 1.-91. Saint John's Hospital. [Ri.roim of the Sisters in charge, from its open- ing in 1-71 to 1-91.J S . St. Louis, 1-92. HOSPITALS. 366 HOSPITALS. Hospitals (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. SAINT LOUIS—continued. Saint Louis Baptist Hospital. Annual report of the superintendent to the association. L, 1893-4. 16°. [St. Louis, 1-93.] Saint Louis City Hospital. Annual reports of the superintendent. 1.-18.. 1867 to 18s3-4. Rep. Bd. Health St. Louis. 1877, x, 13-50. Con- tinued in: Rep. Health Dep. St. Louis. 1S7S. i, 55-76: 1879. ii. ni.].., 1-19: 1880, iii, 61-81 : 1881, iv, 49-73: 1882. v, 41-63: 18s:s. vi, 29-51: 1884, vii. 339-::t>:: — Report of the manager [with some account of the management, progress, and history]. Rep. Bd. Health St. Louis, 1868, i, 56-78. Saint Louis Mullanphy Hospital. Annual reports of the Sisters in charge and hospital staff to their friends and benefactors, forthevears 1884; 1886: 189,8; 1?99. 8C. St. Louis, 1885-1900. Saint Luke's Hospital. Annual reports of the officers to the associa- tion. 24.-26., 1889-90 to 1891-2; 30., 1895-6. 8-. St. Louis, 1-90-96. Saint Mary's Infirmary. Annual reports of the sisters in charge and hospital stuff to their friends and benefactors. Is., 1895: 20.-23., 1897-1900. 8C A 12°. St. Louis, 1896-1901. SAINT PAUL. Saint Joseph's Hospital. Annual report of the managers aud hospital staff to the public. 45., 1897-8. 8-. St. Paul, 189.8. Saint Luke's Hospital. Annual reports of the officers to the contribu- tors. 16., 1888-9; 19., 1891-2; 22.. 1894. 12° A 8:. St. Paul, 1889-95. SAINT PETERSBURG. Putkvoditel po vracliebuim sanitarnim uch- rezhdeniyam S.-Peterburga, sostavleunly po predlozheniy u pravleuiyalll syezda obshtshestva russkikh vrachei v pamyat N.I.Pirogova, pod re- daktsiyei V.V. Pashutina. [Guide to the medical and sanitary institutions of St. Petersburg, com- piled,on tlie suggestion of the directorate of the ' III. Congress of the Society of Russian Physicians in Pirogoffs memory, under the editorship of < Pashutin.] 16°. S.-Peterburg, 1889. S.-Peterburgskaya gorodskaya bolnichnaya komissiva. [City hospital commission.] Ot- chot i. '[Reports!] 1890; 1894: 1885; 1897. 8-. S.-Peterburg. 1891-8. 1> vi/.liciiic holnikh v grazhdanskikh holnitsakh S.- I'cterbui-ira. [Movement of patients in St. Petershurg hospitals.] Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1890-1901, i-xii, passim.—Vrrekundoff (S.) Dvizheniie holnikh v holnitsakh i klinikakh za avgust 1900 goda [po okt. 1901 goda.] [Movement of the patients in the hospitals and clinics.] Izvlest. Imp. Voyenuo-Med. Akad., S.-Peterb., 1900-1901, i, passim. Aleksandrovskaya govodskaya barachnaya bolnitsa v S.-Peterburgie. [Alexander City Pavilion Hospital.] Meditsinsk'ie otchoti. [Medical reports.] 1882-9. S~. S.-Peterburg, 1883-91. Galanin (M. I.) Gorodskaya Aleksandrov- skaya bolnitsa dlya rabochavo naseleniya v pamyat 19 fevralya 1861 goda (bivshaya dlya chernorabochikh). [City Alexander Hospital for Laborers, in memory of Febr. 19, 1861.] 8°. ' S.-Peterburg, 1886. Smolenski (P. O.) Aleksandrovskaya go- rodskaya barachnaya bolnitsa v S.-Peterburgie. lospitals (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. SAINT PETERSBURG—continued. [Alexander City Pavilion Hospital in St. Peters- burg.] 8-. S.-Peterburg. \*85. Diijnrdiii-Benuiiietz. Des hopitaux-baraques rus- ses et en particulier de ]\H6pital-hara-\ S.-Peterburg, 1886. Gorodskaya Obitkhovskaya Bolnitsa. German (F. [S. L.]) Istoricheskiy ocherk Obukhovskoi bolnitsi za 100 liet; statistika i etiologiya glavnikh bolteznei. [Historical sketch of the Obukhov Hospital (luring 100 years, October 14,1784-1884. Statistics and etiol- ogy of principal diseases.] 8-. S.-Peterburg, 1881. Ugrytj.moff (P. K.) Gorodskaya Obukhov- skaya bolnitsa v S.-Peterburgie. [City Obukhov Hospital of St. Petersburg.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1886. Gorodskaya Petroparlovskaya Bolnitsa. Bukkoff (P.) Gorodskaya Petropavlovskaya bolnitsa v S.-Peterburgie. [City Hospital of Peter and Paul in St. Petersburg.] b°. S.-Pe- terburg, 1887. Kalinkinskaya Gorodskaya Bolnitsa. Kapustin (M. Y.) Kalinskinskaya gorod- skaya bolnitsav S.-Peterburgie. [Kalinkin City Hospital in St. Petersburg.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1885. Klinicheskiy Institut Velikoi Knyagini Yeleni Pavlovni. Nliliglita (N. N.) Ocherk dieyatelnosti Zasluzhen- navo Professora N. V. Sklifosovskavo v Imperatorskom Klinicheskom Institutle Velikoi Knyagini Yeleni Pav- lovni. [Activity of Professor Emeritus Sklifosovski in the Imperial Clinical Institute of Grand Duchess Helen.] Tubil. Shorn, v chest. . . . Sklifosovskavo, 1900, 436-446. Sankt Peterburgskiy Gorodskoi Rozhdest- venskiy Barachnoi Lazaret. Bertenson (I. V.) Istoricheskiy ocherk S.- Peterburgskavo gorodskavo rozhdestvenskavo barachnavo lazareta, v pamyat Gosndarlni Im- peratritsi Marii Aleksandrovnt za 1866-90 g. g. [Historical sketch of the St. Petersburg City Pavilion Hospital of the Nativity, in memory of Empress Maria Alexandrovna, for 1866-90.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1891. Sanktpeterburgskaya Birzhevaya Barachnaya Bolnitsa v pamyat Imperatora Alexan- dra II. [St. Petersburg Exchange Pavilion Hospital, in memory of Emperor Alexan- der II.] Meditsinskiy ochot . . . za 1893 god; sosta- vlen sostoyashtshimi pri sei bolnitsle vracham HOSPITALS. 367 HOSPITALS Hospitals (Descriptions and rejwrts of), by local it its. SAINT PETERSBURG—continued. P. 1". Ycrneroin i I. I. Foininiui. [Medical re- port for 189:.. prepared by the hospital physi- cians P. F. Verner and I. I. Foniin.] 8". N.- Peterburg, 1891. Ochot ob obshtshem sostoyanii . . . za 1899 god. [Report of its general condition.] 8 . S.-Peterburg, 1*91. Sanklpeterburgskaya Mariinskaya Bolnitsa dlya Bieduikh. [St. Petersburg Maria Hos- pital for the Poor.] Medicinische Jahresberichte vom Marien- Kiankenhaus fur Anne iu St. Petersburo-. Yon H. U. L. vou Rons. L. 1-30: 2., 1.-37. 8 . 55 Petersburg, 1-37--. Ochot za 1—4-6 godi. Sostavleno Y. Al- i»hev>kiiii. [Report for 1—4-6 by ALhevski.] 8*. S.-Peterburg, 18-7. SiioiiMK trudov vrachei. [Memoirs of the physicians.] Pt. 1. 8*. S.-Peterburg, 1*92. SALEM. Salem Hospital. Annual reports of the trustees and officers to the corporation. 3.-25.. 1-77-- to 1-99. s . Salem. 1878-1900. SALFORD. Lady well Sanatorium. Detailed description of the hospital. Saiford, 1*9-2. SALISBURY, England. Salisbury Infirmary for the Relief of the Sick and Lame Poor. Annual reports of the state of the . . .. by the committee of management. 91.-95., 18.56-7 to l8.58-'.»: 'J6.-100.. 1-61-2 to 1-65-6; 105.-109., 1-70-71 to 1874-5; 111.-113.. 1-7H-7 to 1878-9; 115.-11-., l-8ii-81 to 1885-4. ,=~. Salisbury, 1857-84. SALISBURY, Maryland. Peninsula General Hospital. Annual reports of the board of directors and officers to the members and tlie public. L, 1897-8; 2.. 1-9---9. 8 . Salisbury, 1898-9. SALOP. Salop Infirmary. Annual reports of the directors to the sub- scribers. 138.-140., 18-2-3 to 18,-4-."). - . Shrewsbury, 1885. SALT LAKE CITY. Saint Mark's Hospital. Reports of the officers to the board of trus- tees, for tlie vears 1894-5 to 1-99. 8'-. Salt I Lake City, 1-95-1900. SALZBURG. St. Johannes Spital. Hoknuno (A. M.) Jahresbericht iiber die medizinisehe Abtheilnng und Klinik ties St. i Johannes Spitales in Salzburg im Jahre 1837. 8-. Salzburg, 1840. SAN FRANCISCO. Allgemeiue Deutsche Unterstiitzungs-Gesell- schaft. Jahresberichte. 33.-37., 1887-91; 39., 1893. 8°. San Francisco, 1888-94. Hospital* (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. SAN FRANCISCO—continued. City and County Hospital. San Francisco. City and County Hospital of the City and County of San Francisco. An- nual reports of the superintendent physician to the .supervisors of the citv and count v.' 22.-24., 1874-5 to 1876-7; 28., 1880-81; 30., \88>-5; 31., 1883-4: 34., 1886-7; 36., ls«8-9. 8'. San Fran- cisco, 1879-89 ----—. [Blank forms used iu the hospital.] v. s. [San Francisco, 1894.] IIoNpiml report, San Francisco, 1870-71. [Citv and County Hospital.] San Fran. luunicip. rep., 1871, 317-330. Lane Hospital. ■Vnnual report of. . ., including dispensary oper Medical College as out-patient clinics of ( department. L, 189: San Francisco, 1-96. Saint Luke's Hospital. Announcement [by the lady managers to the public on the piesent condition of the hospital. Also, information relating to the Training School for Nurses]. 8°. San Francisco, 1890. Annual reports of the officers to the board of managers. 5.-9., 1889-90 to 1893-4; 11., 1895-6: 15., 1-99-1900. 8°. San Francisco, 1890-1900. SAN GIOVANNI VALDARNO. Spedali Alberti. Resoconto statistico del servizio medico-chi rurgico, nell' anno 1895 Novel li. Pel Dott. Yaleutino N. Giovanni Valdarno, 1896. SAN JOSE. Costa Rica. Junta de Caridad. Informe del presidente de la junta de caridad refereute al Hospital de San J nan de Dios, Lazaieto, Asilo Chapui, etc., correspondiente ii los alios 1891-8. roy. 8°. San Jose, 1892-9. SAN MINIATO. RR. Spedali rlunifi. Relazioni sui consnntivi dell' esercizio degli anni 1891; 1-92. s~. San Miniato, 1892-5. Rkla/.ionk di corredo al conto consuntivo dello spedale infermi dell' anno 1886. [II Ra- gioniere A. Cazzarrini.] 8D. S. Miniato, 1887. Rki.a/.ione del diiettore sanitario Antonio Delli. 8 . San Miniato, 1,-91. Rki.a/.ionk, del regio cotnniissario straordina- rio Ing. Nicola Focardi. 8 . S. Miniato, 1890. Relazione del scgictaiio-ragioniere Antonio Caz/.nrrini. [Dal lu. gennaio 1860 a tutto 1' anno 1889.] 8\ S. Miniato, 1890. SAN REMO. Kaiser Friedrich-Krankenhaus. Berichtk. L, 1888; 10., 1897-8. 8°. San ( Remo, ]ssp-<.i,8. SANTIAGO DE CHILE. Hospicio de Santiago. Tloiiiiiiiliiiii (A.)2°. Ll hospicio de Santiago. Rev. nied. .lc Chile, Sant. (le Chile, 1887-8, xvi, 49; 97. SAN VITO AL TAGLIAMENTO. Ospitale civile. Resoconto statistico dei primi 17 mesi di esercizio della sezione chirurgica e doll' ambula- torio. Y. Fiorioli Delia-Lena. Anno 1891-2. roy. 8 . S. l'i to al Tagliamento, 1893. HOSPITALS, 368 HOSPITALS. Ho«|»ital* (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. SARAJEVO. Bosuiseh-herzegovinisches Landesspital. Bosnia. Jahrbuch des bosnisch-hercegovini- Bchen Landesspitals iu Sarajevo, fiir 1894-6. Hrsg. von der Laudesregierung fur Bosnieu und die llercegovina. roy. 8-5 Wieu, 1898. SARATOGA. Saratoga Hospital. Annual reports of the managers and officers to the members and the public, for the years 1897; 1898. 8°. Saratoga Springs, 1898-9. SARATOV Government. ^Iolleson (I. I.) Obshtshiy obzor zeinskikb bolnits y Saratovskol gubernii. [General review of country hospi- tals in the government of Saratov.] Saratov, san. obzor, 1892, ii, 17-44. 2 tab. SAUMUR. Hospice general de Saumur. Pi'lou. Hospice general de Saumur. Arch. med. d'Angers, 1901, v, 403-407, 1 pl. SAVANNAH. Telfair Hospital. Abstract of cases, medical, surgical, aud ob- stetrical, for the years 1886-90. fol. Savannah, 1892. SAXONY. See. also, in this list, Dresden; Hettstedt; Leipsic. Rci'ichtc uber die Morbiditat und Mortalitat in den sachsischen Kraiikenanslalteii, 1882-1900. Kor. - HI. d. arztl. Kreis- u. Bezirks-Ver. im Konijir. Sachs., Leipz., 1884-1901, xxxvi-lxxi,/>v R. McNeill. From Nov. 1, 1882, to July 1, 1**5. 8°. Edinburgh, 1886. HOSPITALS. 369 HOSPITALS. Hospital* (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. SOLMONA. Ospedale dell' Annunziata. Resoconti clinici delle operazioni e cure eseguite negli anni 1*94-*. Dal Dr. Odoardo Manara. 8-5 Roma, l-9i'>-9. SOMERVILLE. Soinerrille Hospital. j Annual reports of the finance committee aud | officers to the corporation. 4., 1896-7; 5., 1*97-8. 83. Sonurville. 1-97-8. SOUTH AFRICA. See. also, in this list, Cape Town; Port Eliza- beth. t'ni'ltvriiflit-Rred (S.) South African hospitals. South Aim, .in M. J.. Cathcart, 1887-8. iii, 143. -----. South Atii< ,m hospitals. N'o. 2. Midland Hospital. Graff Reiuett. Ibid., 155. SOUTH AMERICA. Ste. in this list, Brazil; Buenos Ayres; Cayenne: Georgetown; Lima : New Amster- dam; Santiago de Chile; Valparaiso. SOUTHAMPTON. I Royal South Hants Infirmary. Annual report of the committee of manage- ment to the governors. 47., l-r.5. -\ South- ampton, 1--6. SOUTH BETHLEHEM. Saint Luke's Hospital. Annual reports of the executive committee tj i the board of trustees, together with the reports of the officer*, ami the Ladies' Aid Society. L- 27., 1-7:3-4 to 1-99-1900. 8-. Bethlehem] 1-74- ' 1901. SOUTHPORT. Southport Infirmary and Local Dispensary. Annual reports of the committee. 11.-14., 1881-4. --. Southport, [l-82]-5. SOUTH SHIELDS. Ingham Infirmary and South Shields and Westoe Dispensary. Annual reports of the committee to the gov- ernors. 12.-2-.. 1--4-5 to 1900-1901. -5 South Shields, 1—5-1901. SPAIN. See, in this list, Huelva; Madrid. SPALDING. Johnson Hospital. Annual report', of the trustees to the sub- scribers. 4.-15., 1--4-95. 8°. Spalding, 1*85-96. SPELLO. Ospedale di Spello. Muziakklli (C.) Contributo al risanamento dell' ospedale di Spello. roy. 6°. Foligno, 1890. SPEZIA. Ospedale Civile di S. Andrea. Operazioni (Le) eseguite nella sezione chi- rurgica nel primo quadrimestre 1*91 dal dottore Carlo Paladini. 8°. [Spezia, 1*91.] Rendiconto statistico della sezione chirurgica delP anno 1*90, e nuovo contribute alia pratica della chirurgia addominale pel dottore Carlo Paladini. -/'. [Spezia, 1*91.] VOL VII, 2D SERIES----24 Hospitals (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. SPOKANE. Sacred Heart Hospital. Annual report of the Sisters in charge and hospital staff to the public, for the year 1898. **\ Spokane, 1899. SPRINGFIELD, Illinois. j Saint John's Hospital. Annual report of the officers to tlie public, for tho year 1*99. 12 5 Springfield, I960. SPRINGFIELD, Massachusetts. Mtrcy Hospital. Annual reports of tlie Sisters in charge aud the medical staff to the corporation and the public. 1.-3., 1896-7 to 1*99. 8'-. Springfield, 1*97-1900. Springfield Hospital. Annual reports of the officers to the corpora- tors. 1.-4., 1889 to 1*91-2; 7.-10., 1894-5 to 1-97-8; 1-2., 1899-1900. 8<-. Springfield, 1890- 1900. STAMFORD, Connecticut. Sound View Hospital. Entire records of medico-surgical practice with auxiliary blood supply; "Hiemotherapy" (or otherwise). T. J. Biggs, M. D. Abstract Xos. 1-8, 10. 8°. [Stamford, 1897-8.] STAMFORD, England. Stamford, Rutland, and General Infirmary. Annual reports of the committee and the medical staff. 54.-56., 1882-4. 8-. Stamford, 18>3-5. STATEN ISLAND. See, in this list, New Brighton. STOCKHOLM. Konglig Serafimerlasarettet. Arsrapport for aren 1885-7; 1894. [Annual reports for the years... ] 8°. Stockholm, 1886-95. IIiixn (M.) Summarisk redogorelse for den cliniska undervisniugen jemte sjukvarden S, Seraphimer-Lazaret- tets afdelning for inviirtes s.juke, uuderloppet at ar 1840- 4'2. [Summary report of the clinical instruction and the careof the sick in the section for in-patients of the Seraphim Hospital for the years 1840-42.J H.vgiea, Stockholm, 1841, iii—1844, vi, pansim. Also, Reprint.—«le Kon (M.) [etal.]. Rapport ofvor de vid K. Serafinierlasarettets nied. at'del ning vardade sjuke och sjukdomar under ar en 1874 (1875; 187G; 1877; 1878). [Report of the patients cared for and diseases in the medical department of the Seraphim Hospi- tal, for the vears 1875-8.] Svens. Liik. Siillsk. n. Handl., Stockholm, 1*79, 2. s., vi, pt. 3, 1; 49; 91; 171; 189. Sabbatsbergs Sjukhus. Arsberattklsk. [Annual report.] 1.-14., 1-79-92; 19., 1*97; 20., 1*98. "Afgifven af Dr. F. W. Warfviuue. 8*5 Stockholm, 1880-99. I.n;.'< r^ri-ii (J. E.) Summarisk rapport iifver de & Sahhuisli, i i;s sjukhus' medicinska afdelning vardade sjuke och sjukdomar &r 1*91. [Sin.....ary report on the patients cared for aud diseases, Salibatsboig Hospital, department of medicine, 1891.] Arsheratt. f. Sahbat.shei <_*s Sjukh. i Stockholm (1891), 1892, xiii, pp. xxiii-xxviii.— KiujjNti-ill ((). T.) Summarisk rapport ofver de ii Sahbatsbeii's sjukhus' kirurgiska afdeluing viirdade sjuke och .sjukdo- mar ftr 1891. [Summary report on the patients cared for and diseases, Sahhatsherg Hospital, surgical department, 1891.] ibid., pp. xvi-xxii. Stockholms Sjukhem. Wisinii (P. J.) Om .Stockholms sjukhem. [Stockholm's home for sick persons. J 4°. Stock- holm, 1897. HOSPITALS. 370 HOSPITALS. Hospital* (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. STOCKPORT. Stockport Infirmary. Annual reports of the committee to the sub- scribers. L, 1833-4; 3.-52., 1835-6 to 18*4. 8-. Stockport, 1834-85. STOCKTON-ON-TEES. Stockton Hospital. Annual reports of the committee to the an- nual general meeting. 2.-5., 1*77-8 to 1880-81; 7.-8., 1882-3 to 1883-4. 8*\ Stockton-on-Tees, 1878-84. STOKE-UPON-TRENT. North Staffordshire Infirmary and Eye Hos- pital. Annual reports of the committee to the sub- scribers. 67.-70., 1881-2 to 1884-5; 72., 1*86-7; 76.-83., 1890-91 to 1897-8. 12Q. Newcastle, 1882-98. STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. Straits Settlements. Annual medical re- ports of the civil hospitals in tlie Straits Settle- ments, 1886; 1891. fol. Singapore, 1887-92. STRASBURG. Burger-Hospital. Gerval (0.) Das Burger-Hospital von Strass- burg und seine Umgestaltungeu in der Zeit von 187*Fbi8 1898, nach amtlicheu Quellen bearbeitet. j 8°. Strassburg, 1898. Klein (J.) Das Biirgerspital. Topog. d. Stadt Strassb., [etc.l, 2. Aufl., 1889, 368-372. Maison des diaconesses. Maison de sautd attached a la Maison des diaconesses a Strasbourg. [Circular.] 83. [Strasbourg, 1844.] STRATFORD-UPON-AVON. Stratford-upon-Avon Infirmary. Annual reports of the committee of manage- iuent to the governors aud subscribers. 56.-61., 1878-9 to 1883-4. fol. [Stratford-on-Avon, 1879-84.] STROUD. Stvoud General Hospital. J Annual reports of the committee for the vears 1882-4. 8°. Stroud, 1883-5. STUTTGART. Karl- Olga- Krankenhaus. von Felzer. Kranken- und "Wohlthiitigkeitstan- stalten in Wurtteniberg; das KarlOlga-Krankenhaus iu Stuttgart. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1894, lxiv, 57-60, 1 pl. Katharinenhospital. Heller (C.) Jahresbericht iiber die innerliche Ab- theilung desKatharinenhospitales vom Jahre 1884. Med. Cor.-Bl. d.-wurttemh. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1885, lv. 217; 225; 233; 241,1 diag., 1 plan.—Sch nab (E.) Bericht von der innerlichen Abtheilung des Katharinenhospitals in Stuttgart iiber das Jahr 1888. Ibid., 1889, lix, 241; 249. Ludwigs-Spital Charlottenhilfe. Bericht iiber den Betrieb in deu Jahren 1884- 7. 8°. Stuttgart, 1885-9. Bericht iiber die innere und gyniikologische Abtheilung des ... in den Jahren 1879-83, von J. von Teuffel. 8D. Stuttgart, 1884. Marienhospital. Rembold. Das Marienhospital in Stuttgart, (Kran- kenanstalt der Barm hei zigeu Schwestern). Med. Cor.-Bl. d wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1898, Ixviii, 80. Lospitals {Descriptions ami reports of), by localities. SUDBURY. Saint Leonard's Hospital. Annual report of the committee of manage- ment. 16., 1885; 17., 1884. 12-. Sudbury, 1884-5. SUEZ. Hopital francais. Liegrand. L'Hopital francais de Suez en 1889-91. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1892, xiv, 1127-1152. SUMATRA. Coolie (A) hospital in Sumatra. Lancet, Loud., 1899, ii, 1315. SUNDERLAND. Sunderland and Bishopweavmouth Infirmary. Annual reports of the committee. 76.-86., 1874 to 1*84-5 8J. Sunderland, 18*5. [Notice of the proceedings of the anuual meeting of 1884.] 24*-. Sunderland, 1881. Rounthvvaitc (R. S.) Sunderland Hospital accom- modation. Proc. Ass. Municip. i San. Engin., Lond. &. NT, Y., 1888-9, xv, 28-33. SWEDEN. See, also, in this list, Falkoping; Stockholm; Upsala. Sweden. Bertittelse till Kongl. Medieinal- Styrelsen angilende inspektioner verkstalda un- der aren 1867-9; 1872-4; 187,8-81 a rikets ltins lasarett och kurhus. [Report to the royal med- ical board, on the inspection iu 1867-9, 1*72-4, 1878-81, of the kingdom's district hospitals. ] 3 v. 8°. Stockholm, 1869-82. -----. Bidrag till Sveriges ofticiela statistik. k.) Helso- och sjukvarden. II. Ofverstyrelsens ofver hospitalen underdaniga berattelse tor aren 1883; 1*84; 1886-9; 1891; 1892; 1893; 1*95; 1896. [Contribution to the official statistics of Sweden. k.) Care of the well and sick. II. Report of the superior hospital board for .. .] 4°. Stockholm, 1884-98. Boiling (G.) Om lasarettsviisendet i Sverige ar 1888. [Hospital affairs in Sweden in ls8s.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1890, Iii, 457-495. — Ilallin iO. 15) Lasarettsvasendet i Sverige 1861-86. Ibid., 1*0,-87, xxix-xlviii, passim.— Kolascns fjallpension i Jamtland. [Tbe boarding moun- tain infirmary at Kolasen in Jamtland.] Halsovannen, Stockholm, 1899, xiv, 230-233.—Kallmann (G.) Sjukhu- set i Bjuf. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1886, xlviii, 516-521, 2 pl. SWITZERLAND. See, also, in this list,, Basel; Bern: Geneva; Landeyeux; Locle ; Mendrisi; Neuchatel; Ziirich. Basel (Canton of). Siechenhauser (altcii Spitiiler) (Die) und der neue Kautous-Spital zu Liestal. Bruchstiicke aus der alten und neuen Geschichte der Spitiiler uud Armeubesorgung in Baselland. [Vou J. J. Heiin.] 8°. Liestal, [1851], SYRACUSE. Hospital of the House of the Good Shepherd. Annual reports of the trustees to the corpora- tion aud the public. 6., 1877-8; 16., 1887-8; 22., 1893-4; 27., 1898-9. 8°. Syracuse, 1878-99. Saint Joseph's Hospital. Annual report of the officers to the contribu- tors and friends. 31., 1899-1900. 8°. Syracuse, 1900. TACOMA. Saint Joseph's Hospital. Annual report of the Sister in charge and hospital staff to the public, for the year 1897-8. 8-. Taeoma, 1-9*. HOSPITALS. 371 HOSPITALS. Hospital** (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. TAMBOV Government. Gubernskaya Zemskaya Bolnitsa. Tambov. Government Zemstvo. Tambovskaya Gubernskaya Zemskaya Bolnitsa. [Hospital of the Tambov Government Zem.stvo. ] Otchoti, sostravlennlye vrachami bolnitsi. [Keports by the hospital physicians.] l-9»>; 1-92: 1*93: 1896: 1897. 5 v. 8*5* Tambov, 1891--. TANGIER. Tulloch Memorial Hospital. British (A) hospital in West Africa. Brit. M. J., j Lond.. 1894, i, 922-924. TANNWALD. Kaiser Franz-Josef I. Bezirkskrankenhaus. Schwertassek (F.) Bericht iiber die Wirksauikeit am offentlichen Kaiser Franz Josef I. Bezirks-Krankeu- hause iu Tannvrald.im Jahre ls'>.>. Prag. nied. Wchnschr., 1901, xxvi, 450; 460: 474; 480: 498: 509; 545. TAUNTON. Morton Hospital. Annual reports of the trustees and officers to the Taunton Hospital Company. 1.-1L, 1——9 to 1898-9. -\ Taunton, 1--9-99. TEIGNMOUTH. Teignmonth, Dawlish and Newton Infirmary and Dispensary, and Convalescent Home. Annual report of the committee of manage- ment, for the year 1-84. -\ Tdgnmouth, [1**5], TERRE HAUTE. Saint Anthony's Hospital. Annual reportsof the management and medi- j cal statt to the public. Under the charge of the j Sisters of St. Francis. For the vear-- l-92-19|,u. -:. Terre Haute, 1-93-1901. Union Hospital. Annual report of the board of directors aud I officers to their friends. 6., 1900-1901. 8°. lerre Haute, 1901. TESCHEN. Allgemeines Krankenhaus der evangelischen i Genieinde. Fizia (B.) Das allgeineine Krankenhaus der evan- gelUcheu Genieinde in Te-chen. Oesterr. San.-Wesen, Wieu. 1892. iv. -.'44-24';. THURINGIA. See, aho, in this list, Weimar. Verzeichnio* und Beschreibung der Zivilkranken- hiiuser Thiiiin^ens im Jahre W5 vol■« iezend nach deren eii'enen An^slit-n. Cor.-Bl. d. all::, arztl. Ter. v. Thiirin- gen. Wt-itnar. 1*85. xiv, 138-224. TIENTSIN. Viceroy's Hospital. Report of Doctor Kin. ot the Viceroy s Hospital, Tien- tsin. China M. Miss. J.. Shanghai, 1895, ix, 213-115. TIFLIS. Tiflisskaya Mikhailovskaya Bolnitsa. [Mi- chael Hospital oj$Tiflis.] GodovIye otchoti po . . . za 1--7-90 g. g. Sostavlenl bolnichnim komitetom. [Annual reports of the . . . Compiled by the hospital committee.] e°. Tiflis, 1889-91.* j TOPLITZ. Kaiser Franz-Josef Bezirkskrankenhaus. WiMMliaiipl (F.i Allgemeines offentliches Kaiser Franz-Josef' I'e/.ii kskrankenhaus in Teplitz. Prag. med. W'eluischi., 1698, xxiii, 2i;*-271. llo*|>ilal* (.Descriptions and reports of), by localities. TOKIO. Okail.-i i\V.) Daini iyen kaikafu kansha no josha hoko. | Keport of the surgical departinent of the second hospital of the Imperial Univeisitv of Tokio for the year 1891-2. j Ztschr. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1893, vii, no. 0, 4: no. 8, 25; no. 10, 28. TOLEDO. Toledo Hospital Association. Annual reports of the board of trustees and officers to the association. 17., 1891; 21., 1-95. - 5 Toledo, 1*91-6. TOMSK. Imperatorskiya Tomskaya Unirersitetskiya Kliniki. Dochevvlii (I. I.) Otchot po terapevtichoskoi fakul- tetskol klinikle Imperatorskavo Tomskavo Universiteta. za perviyedva godayeya suslifshosuo\ aniya (s 1 okt.l»91 po 1 mava 1893g.). 1 Keport of the medical clinic of the Imperial University of Tomsk, for the tirst two years ol' its existence.] Izvlest. Imp. Tomsk. Univ.. ls'.i?'. xi, no. 3 , 1-91. — Kiliiiiinoli (K. A.) .\ Kogovich (X. A.) Otchot fakultetskoi kliirur.i;iehe>koi kliniki Impeiatoi- skavo Tomskavo Universiteta /a 1S91-2 uelieliniy god. [ Ke- port of the surgical elinie of the Imperial Universit v of Tomsk, for the scholastic year 1p91-2.| Ibid.. 1894. vi". pt. 2,65-131. 2 pl. — I.cvnMliofl'iT. M.) (Itchot po terapevti- cheskol fakultetskoi klinikle Imperatorskavo Tomskavo Universiteta za 3.-5. godi yeya sushtshestvovaniya. [Re- port of the therapeutic clinic of Tomsk University, for the 3d-5th vears of its existence.] Ibid., 1898, xiv, no. 10, 1- 58, 3 pl. TOPEKA. Atchison, Topeka cf- Santa Fe Hospital As- sociation. Annual reports of the chief surgeon to the trustees and members. 1.-7., 1*91-5' to 1-97--. 8-. Topeka, 1-91--. TORONTO. Toronto General Hospital. Annual report of the medical superintendent and registrar to the board of trust, for the year 1-90-91. - . Toronto, 1892. TORQUAY. Torbay Hospital and Provident Dispensary. Annual reports of the weekly board to the governors. 1-.-20.. 18iil-3; 3-.-4L, 1*81-4. -"\ Ton/nay, 1801-85. KiikIi tl (H. (5) Torbay Hospital. San. Engin.. N. Y. 18s.">-r>. xiii. 273. TRAPANI. Ospedale Civico. Ovpi'ilnle civico di Trapani. Boll. d. ord. d. san. d. prov. di Trapani, Trapani, 1901, ii, no. 2, 3-14. TRENTON. Mercer Hospital. Annual report of the officers to the associa- tion. 2., l*9li-7. 12-5 Trenton, 1*97. Saint Francis Hospital, Annual report of the Sisters in charge and medical stati to the benefactors aud friends. 25., 1898. * . Trenton, 1-99. TREVES. Hospital of St. Elizabeth, Brief (A) account of the Hospital of St. Eliza beth, annexed to the imperial monastery of St. Maximin, of the Benedictines, iu the electorate of Treves. Transl. from the Latin; with notes and miscellaneous observations. 8°. London, 17*0. HOSPITALS. 372 HOSPITALS. Hospital* (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. TRIEST. Ospedale di S. Maria Maddalcna,. Resoconto sanitario. Pubblicato per cura del Dott. Antonio Marcovich. 1° febbraio-31 di- cembre 1897. 8*5 Trieste, 1899. Spedale civico. Resoconti sanitarii per gli anni 1882; 1889- 91. Per cura della presideuza del collegio me- dico dell' Spedale civico. 10., 17.-I9., annate. -3. Trieste, 1884-92. TROY. Samaritan Hospital. Annual report of the executive committee and officers to the board of directors. 1., 1898-9; 3., 1900-1901. 8°. Troy, 1*99-1901. TULLINS. Hospice du canton de Tullins. Ferret (M5) Un petit hopital de province il Tullins (Isere). Cong, internat. d'hyg. et de demog. C.-r. 1889, Par., 1890, 251-254. TUNBRIDGE WELLS. General Hospital. Annual report of the committee. 50., 1884. 8°. Tunbridge Wells, [1*85]. TURIN. Clinica medica generale. .Un n gin ut ■ (E.) La Clinica medica generale di To- rino nelr anno 1895-6. Morgagni, Milano, 1897, xxxix, 1-52. Ospedale maggiore di San Giovanni Batiista. Mia (La) sezione chirurgica nell' . . . Rendi- conto clinico degli anni 1889-90. Del Amedeo Caponotto. 8:. Tovino, 1891. Resoconto economico-morale dell' ammiui- strazione dell' . . . per 1' esercizio 1888. [Per G. Dutto.] fol. Torino, 1**9. Ospedale Maria Victoria. RArroitTO anuuale sanitario economico edam- miuistrativo. L, 1887. 8-. Torino, 1888. Berriiti (G.) L' ospedale Maria Vittoria nei primi trenta mesi di esercizio. Osservatore. Torino, 1890, xii, 537-568, 11. -----. Resoconti annui dell' Ospedale Maria Vittoria; 1892-5. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1893, 3. s., xli-1896, 4. s., ii, passim, Ospedale Mauriziano Umberto I. Spantigati (G.) A Perincioli (A.) Ospedale Mauriziano Umberto I. fol. Torino, 1891. Policlinico generale. Rendiconto sesseunale (dalla sua fondazione al 30 giuguo 1*95). 8°. Torino, 1890. TURKEY. See, in this list, Constantinople. UDINE. Osj)edale Civile. Berghinz (G.) Ospedale civile di Udine. II reparto medico-pediatrico nel suo primo bien- nio 1898-9. 8°. Udine, 1900. uleAborg. Ldnessjukhus. Gratschoff (L.) Fran Ule^borgs lanesjukhus; sta- tistik. [Compte-rendu pour l'annee 1900; de l'hopital de l'Etat ii Uleaborg. Res., p. xiv.] Finska lak.-sallsk. handl., Helsingfors. 1901, xliii, 156-173. UNITED STATES. See, also, in this list, Akron; Albany; Albert Lea; Allegheny; Allentown; Altoona; Am- Hospitals (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. UNITED STATES—continued. sterdam; Ann Arbor; Atlanta; Auburn* Aurora; Baltimore; Bangor; Bayonne; Beverly; Binghamton; Boston; Bradford; Bridgeport; Brooklyn; Buffalo; Cambridge; Camden; Carbondale; Cedar Rapids; Charleston; Charlotte; Charlottesville; Chelsea; Chester; Chicago; Cincinnati; Cleveland; Clinton; Columbus; Concord, Council Bluffs; Cumberland; Danbury; Da- venport; Dayton; Denver; Detroit; Dover; Dubuque; Duluth; Easton; Elgin; Eliza- beth; Elmira; El Paso; Englewood; Erie; Everett; Fall River; Fitchburg; Fountain Springs; Framingham; Frederick; Galves- ton ; Gloversville; Grand Rapids; Hanover; Harrisburg; Hartford; Haverhill; Hazleton; Hoboken; Holyoke; Hot Springs; Hud- son; Indianapolis; Ironton; Jacksonville; Jersey City; Johnstown; Joliet; Kalama- zoo; Kansas City, Kansas; Kansas City, Missouri; Keene; Keokuk; Knoxville; Lancaster; La Salle; Lawrence; Lebanon; Lewiston; Lexington; Long Branch; Louis- ville; Lowell; Lynn; McKeesport; Mai- den; Manchester; Meadville; Melrose; Memphis; Milwaukee; Minneapolis; Mont- clair; Morristown; Mount Holly; Newark; New Bedford; New Brighton, New York; New Brighton, Pennsylvania; New Bruns- wick; Newburgh; Newbur, port; New Ha- ven ; New London; New Orleans; Newport; New Rochelle; Newton; New York; Nor- folk; Norristown; North Adams; Norwich; Oakland; Olean; Omaha; Orange; Ottawa; Paint Creek; Paterson; Philadelphia; Pitts- burgh; Pittsfield; Plainfield; Port Jervis; Portland; Pottstown; Pottsville; Pough- keepsie; Providence; Quincy; Radnor; Reading; Richmond; Rochester, Minnesota; Rochester. Neiv York; Rockford; Rock Springs; Sacramento; Saginaw; St. Au- gustine; St. Louis; St. Paul; Salem; Salis- bury; Salt Lake City; San Francisco; Sara- toga; Savannah; Scranton; Shreveport; Sioux City; Somerville; South Bethlehem; Spokane; Springfield; Stamford; Sudbury; Syracuse; Tacoma; Taunton; Terre Haute; Toledo; Tompkinsville; Topeka; Trenton; Troy; Utica; Waltham; Washington; Wa- terbury; Wauwatosa; West Chester; Wheeling; Wilkes Barre; Williamsport; Wilmington; Winooski; Woonsocket; Worcester; Yonkers; York; Zanesville. Northern Pacific Beneficial Association. An- nual reports of the officers to the board of man- agers. [On the operations of the Brainerd Hos- pital, Minnesota, aud the Missoula Hospital, Montana, maintained by the association.] 8.- 17., 1889-90 to 1898-9. 8°. St. Paul, 1890-99. Kaiuloniii (M.) Quelques remarques sur les hopi- taux aux Etats-Unis. Assistance, Par., 1894, iv, 161; 180; 193; 209; 225; 241. — Durante (F) Gli ospedali degli Stati Uniti di America. [Abstr. from.- Boll.uff. d.istruz., 1888, No. 2.) Ann. univ. di med. e chir., Milano, 1888. eclxxxv, 314-336. Also; Spallanzani, Roma, 1888,2.8., xvii, 93-121. UPSALA. Akademiska Sjukhuset. Arsberattelse. [Annual report.] 10., 1892. Afgifven af Prof. S. E. Menschen, verkst. direk- tcir. 8'-. Upsala, 1899. Mesterton ((J. B.) Om Nosocomium acadenii- cum och den kiiuiska undervisuingeu i Upsala. HOSPITALS. 373 HOSriTALS. Hospitals (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. UPSALA—continued. [. . . and clinical instruction in I'psala.] 4*-. Upsala, 1*69. -----. Thesame. - . Upsala, 1*70. I.eiinander ., Upsala Lakaref. Fiirli., 1893-4, xxix, 343-377. " URUGUAY. Nee, in this list, Montevideo. UTICA. Faxton Hospital. Annual reports of the officers to the corpora- tion and contributors. 11., 1-85-t;; i;i., 1—?--; 19.-24., 1-93-4 to 189-. --. Utica, 1— 0-9'.'. Saint Elizabeth's Hospital and Home. Reports of the Sisters in charge and hospital staff to the public. 14.-10., 1—1-2 to 1885-4: 21.-25., 1----9 to 1-92-3: 30., 1897-8. 8-, l'i-. A galley sheets. Utica, 1884-98. Saint Luke's Home and Hospital. Annual reports of the board of managers aud officers to the corporators. 15., 1--3-4: 10., 1884-5; 1-.-23., 1-80-7 to 1-91-2; 25.-32., 1893-4 to 1900-1901. -:. Hica, 1 - 84-1901. VALPARAISO. Hospital de San Agustin. Asta-Buruaga (L.) El nuevo hospital de San Agustin y los s> udo-hijienistas. -\ Val- paraiso, 1*91. Valpakai-o. Consejo departamental de hijiene. Documentos refereute- al existente y al proyec- tado hospital San Agustin. 8:. Valparaiso, 1*91. VARDE. Amtessygehiis. I>ar>»eii 'C. A.) Spredte Bemsrkninger fra Virksom- hedtrn pua Amtssygehuset i Varde. [Random observa- tions on the work of the public hospital at Varde.] Hosp.- Tid.. Kjebenh.. 1895, 4. R., iii, 1106; 1141. VENICE. Spedale civile. i Venice. Lo Spedali' civile di Venezia negli anni 1-88-92. fol. Venezia, 1*95. t'alza (C.) Relazione medica statistica sull' Ospitale civile de Venezia pel qninqnennio 18^-92. Riv. vent-ta di si. med., Venezia. 1895, xxiii, 285-289. -----. Lo Spe- dale civile di Venezia negli anni l^n6—7; note statisti- che. Ibid., 1898, xxviii. 377-386.-----. L' (Npedale i civile di Venezia el' Ospedale d> i Lamhini : note -tati-tn he j ed osservazioni. Ibid., 1896. x\ir, 147-1>;:;._||ieU«- 11-51 Die Erganzungabanten des ()>pi-dal<- civile in Vt-nt-diir uud | deren Versorgung mit Wasser. Warme, Luft uud Licht. Hyg. Rundschau, Berl.. 18:i3. iii, 49; 97. Spedale civileprovinciale. Venice (Province of), f^uadro storico-statis- tico dello Spedale civile provinciale di Venezia. Preceduto da ceuni storici sulle antiche origiui degli ospitali del medico-direttore Dott. Pietro Beroaldi. 8=. Venezia, li50. VERCELLI. Poliambulanza. Poliambulanza. Anno 5, 1897--; 7, 1899- 1900: 8, 1900-1901. 8-. Vercelli, 1898-1901. VERONA. Spedale civile maggiore. Tnrazza (G.) Sc ItnjcllR (B.) Ospedale civile mag- fiore di Verona; resoconto del riparto chirurgico del Dr. urazza (dal 5 agosto lo97 al 31 diceiubre 1898). Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, \r'.r.i xxxi, 3*5; 433. lospitals (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. VIBORG, Denmark. Amtessygehiis. Ilritx'i'x (P. V.) Meddelelse fra Yiborg Amtssyge- hus for Femaaret 1880-81. [Communication from the Vibors Public Hospital for the five vears 1880-84.] Hosp.- Tid., Kjebenb., 1885, 3. R., iii, 1209;' 1237; 1288; 1319. VIBORG, Finland. Ldiiesjukhus. von \Xv> innni (15) Kasuistika meddelanden fran Lfiue.-iulvhuset i Wiborg. [... from the department hos- pital at \55,,i_'5 l'inska lak.-siillsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1895, xxxvii, r>24-629. VICENZA. Ospitale civile generale. Resoconti sanitarii negli anni 1-90-8; 1900. Redatto dal chirurgi e medici. 8 . Vicenza, l897-19i0. VICTORIA, British Columbia. Provincial Royal Jubilee Hospital. Annual reports of the directors and officers to the subscribers and the public. 1.-4., 1890-91 to 181W-4: 9.-11., 1898-9 to 1900-1901. 8J. Vic- toria, 1-93-1901. VIENNA. See, also, in this list, Dobling; Modling. Vienna. Jahrbuch der Wiener k. k. Kran- kenanstalten. Hrsg. von der k. k. N. O. Statt- halterei. 1.-7. Jahrg., 1892-8. roy. 8:. Wien 9- Leipzig, 1-93-1900. Berit'ht iiher die Privatspitaler, Reconvalescenten- an-t.iltrii Onlinationsinstitute fur Unbeinittelte, Anstalten fiir Kaltwas«en uien, etc. Ber. d. Wien. Stadtphysik. ii. seine Amtsthatigk. . . . d. k. k. Reichshaupt- . . . l;94-6, "Wien. 1898, xxiv-xxvi. 220-251.—Stellung (Zur» der Se- kundararzte in den drei urossen Spitiilern Wiens. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1881. xxxi. 1353-1355. Allgemeiue Poliklinik, Jahresbericht fiir 18-0. --. Wien, 1-81. Eutate hung (Die) und Entwicklung der allgemeinen Poliklinik in Wien 1872-92. Internat. klin. Rundschau, Wien, 1893, vii. 34-43. Also, transl.: Assistance. Par., 1893. iii, 33; 49: 05.—Eulenbiirg (A.) Die allgemeine Poliklinik in Wien. Deutsche nied. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1894, xx. 764-760.—Kayinoml (P.) La policlinique de Vienne. Pi-onres med., Par.. lst>8. 2. s., viii, 295-297. Bezirks-Krankenhaus in Sechshaus. Aerztlicher Bericht des offentlichen Bezirk>- Kraukenhauses iu Sechshaus fiir das Jahr 18-3. 8-5 JTiew, 1-84. Israelitische Cultusgemeinde. Spital (Das) seit der Eroffuungam 10. April 1873 bis Ende l--<3. roy. -5 Wien, 1**5. Kaiser Franz-Josef-Krankenhaus. Scitopf (F.) A Skhnal (E.) Das neue Kaiser Franz-Josef-Krankenhaus in Rudolfsheim, Wieu. 85 I.iipzig ital der Barmherzigen. Npiial dei Barmherzigen. Med. Arch.v.Wien. u. Oest. 1799. Wien, 1800, 86, 1 tab. VLADIMIR Government. Vladimirskaya Gubernskaya Zemskaya Bol- nitsa. Vladimir. Government zemstvo. Vladimir- skaya gubernskaya zemskaya bolnitsa. [Hospi- tal of the Vladimir Government zemstvo.] Go- doviye otchoti. [Annual reports.] 1888-9; 1669-90. 8°. Vladimir na Klyazmie, 1689-90. VOGHERA. Ospedale di Voghera. Resoconto statistico-cliuico della sezione chi- rurgica. Dal Dott. L. Oclisio. Quadriennio 1890-9. 8°. Voghera, 1900. VORONEZH. Ooncharoflf (G. A.) Material! dlya istorii bolnits Voronezhskol gubernii v doreformennoye vremya. [Data on the history of the hospitals in the government of Voro- nezh before the reform.] Med. besleda, Voronezh 1898 xii, 596; 637; 664. — Tezyakofr ( K. I.) Stariy boluk-h- niy vopros v g.Voronezhle. [The old hospital question in Voronezh.] Ibid., 624; 659. Hospitals (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. WAKEFIELD. Clayton Hospital and Wakefield General Dispensary, Annual reports of the committee to the sub- scribers. 100.-102., 1860-7 to 1888-9. 8°. Wake- field, 16-7-89. WALES. See, in this list, Bangor; Carmarthen. WALSALL. Walsall and District Hospital. Annual reports of the committee to the sub- scribers. 3.-9., 1805-0 to 1872; 11.-33., 1674-96. 8C. Walsall, 1866-97. WALTHAM. Waltham Hospital. Annual reports of the trustees and officers to the corporation. 1.-14., 1887-8 to 1900-1901. 16°, 12°, A 8-. Waltham, 1889-1902. WARRINGTON. Warrington Infirmary and Dispensary. Warrington Infirmary aud Dispensary. An- nual reports of the board of management to the subscribers, for the years 1863-7; 1889-93. 6J. Warrington, 1684-94. WARSAW. Dun in (T.) Z powodu zamierzonej budowy nowego szpitala zydowskiego. [On the proposed new Jewish hos- pital.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1887, 2. s., vii, 833; 852; 874.— Polyak (I. V.) Bolnichniy vopros v Varshavle. [Hos- pital question in Warsaw. ] Vestnik obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1899, pt.2, 808; 942.— Poworiu (Z) menioryalu komisyi i podkomisyi w sprawie poprawy szpitalnictwa w Warszawie. [Apropos of the memorial of the commission and subcommission with regard to im- proving the hospitals in Warsaw.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1901, 2. s., xxi, 459-468. Imperalorskaya Varshavskaya Univevsitets- kaya Ginekologicheskaya Klinika. Rrzhczinski (V. A.) Obshtshiy meditsinskiy otchot o dieyatelnosti ambulatorii giuekologicheskol kliniki prof. N. V. Tastrebova pri Imperatorskom Varshavskom Uuiversitetie, s sentyabrya 1885 g. po 1K>4 god vklyuchitelno. [General medical report of the ac- tivity of the out-patient department of Prof. Yastre- boff's clinic at the Imperial Warsaw University, from Sept., 1885, to and including 1894.j J. akush. i jeiisk. bo- liez., St. Petersb., 1896, x, 743-760. Sep ital Dzieciqtka Jesus. Krajewski (\V. H.) Sprawozdanie statystyczne z ru- chu chorych w Szpitalu Dzieciatka Jezus w ciijgu 1883 roku. [Statistical report for 1883 of the Infant Jesus Hospital.] Pam. Towarz. Lek. Warszawa, 1886, lxxxii, 381; 489; 785.— IV©wy Szpital Dzieciatka Jesus w Warszawie. [New Hospital of Infant Jesus in Warsaw.] Zdrowie, Warszawa, 1901, xvii, 531-593, 12 pl.. 21 plans. Szpital sw. Lazara. Cricdi-ojc (F.) Wykaz statystyczny lekarski tyczacy sie. chorych leczonych w szpitalu sw. Lazarza w Warszawie w cifjgu 1887[-1889] r. [Statistical report for 1887-9 of St. Lazarus Hospital.] Medycyna, Warzawa, 1889, xvii, 837; 853: 1890, xviii, 705; 721. —-—. Eys historyczny szpitala Sw. Lazarza w Warszawie. [Historical sketch of the hospital of St. Lazarus in Warsaw.] Pam. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw., 1896, xcii, 207; 561; 1023. Szpital Wolski. Jasiewicz. L'Hopital de Wola &Varsovie. Bull, et mem. Soc. de med. et chir. prat, de Par., 1894, 367-372.— Jawornhi (J.) Szpital Wolski; kartka historyczno- prawna. [ Warsaw hospital; historical sketch. ] Kron. lek., Warszawa, 1898, xix, 110-115. Szpital Zapapasowy. Szumlaiiski (W.) Sprawozdanie z ruchu chorych w Warszawskiin Szpitalu Zapasowym w ci%gu r. 1887 z opi- sem kilku ciekawych spostrzezefi. [ Keport of Warsaw Re- serve Hospital for li-87. with description of interesting cases.] Medycyna, Warszawa, l>-87, xv, 591; 609; 624. HOSPITALS. 375 HOSPITALS. Hospital* (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. WASHINGTON. United States. Congress. Senate. A bill to establish a botanic hospital and home and a free school in the District of Columbia. 51. Cong., 1. >ess. S. 3591. April 19, 1890. Introd. by Mr. Call. roy. 6*5 [ Washington, 1890.] ------. Thesame. 5*2. Coiio-., 1. sess. S. *2-n5. March 30, 1-9*2. Introd. by Mr. Call. roy. s . [iri(.s'/li//;//0H, 189*2.] Keport [to accompany '2605. To establish a botanic hospital and home and a free school in the District of Columbia]. 5*2. Cong., 1. sess. S. Kep. Xo. 595. Subm. bv Mr. McMillan, April 22, 1892. 6--. [ Washington, 1?92.] Freedmen's Hospital and Asylum. United states. Department of the Interior. Freedmen's Hospital, Washington. Annual reports of the surgeon-in-chief to the Secretary of the Interior, for the vears 1—2-3 to 1900-1991. -\ Washington. l-63-i901. Garfield Memorial Hospital. Annual reports of the board of directors to the incorporators. 3.-19., 1-64-1900. - 5 Wash- ington, 1—5-1901. [Circular relating to the Training School for Nurses iu connection with the hospital.] 4 . [ Washington, n. d.] Report of special committee on the expendi- tures of the hospital for the four vears ending Dec. 31, 1890. *-. Washington, 1-91. Georgetown University Hospital. Annual reports of the committee and officers to the henefac tors aud subscribers. 1.-3., 1-9--9 to 19o0-19ol. 8:. Washington, 1-99-1901. Providence Hospital, Washington, D. C Annual reports of the board of visitors and the committee of the medical board. "2'2.-39., 1--3-4 to 1900-1901. 6-. Washington, 1884-1901. University Hospital (fJolumbian). Annual reports of the board of governors and offic rs to the members and contributors. 1.-3., l-j--.t to 1900-1901. 6-5 Washington, 1899- 1901. WATERBURY. Waterbiiry Hospital. Annual reports of the executive committee to the directors, l.-ll., 1890-1900. 6-. Water- bury, 1691-1901. WAUWATOSA. Milwaukee County. Milwaukee County Hos- pital, Wauwatosa. Annual reportsof the super- intendent to the board of supervisors. 37.-13., 1888-94 ; 45., 1896; 46., 1897; 49., 1900. 8°. Mil- waukee, 1-89-1901. WEILHEIM. Stddtisches Krankenhaus. Angerer (E.j 'Bericht iiber das stiidtische Kraukenhaus Weiiheim vom Jahre 1682 bis 18-5. [Wurtzburg.] 8°. Weiiheim, 1886. WEIMAR. Sophienhaus. Mophienhau* (I'ebcr das) zu Weimar. Cor.-Bl. d. allg. arztl. Ver. v. Thiiringen, Weimar, 1889, xviii, 3C1-364. Hospital* (Descriptions and reports of), by localities, WEST CHESTER. Chester County Hospital, West Chester. Annual reports of tho board of managers and officers to the contributors. Together with annual reports of the Women's Auxiliary. 3., 1894-5: 5.-7., 189('i-7 to 1698-9. 8°. Westches- ter, 1895-9. WEST INDIES. See, in this list, Cuba; Porto Rico; Roseau. WHEELING. City Hospital and the Woman's Hospital Association. Kepoims from the date of organization [May, 1890, ] to Feb. 9, 1695. 8°. Wlieeling, 1895. Wheeling Hospital and Orphan Asylum. Annual report of the committee to the stock- holders for the year 18716. 16°. TVheeling, 1877. WHITEHAVEN. Whitehaven and West Cumberland Infirmary and Fever Hospital. Annual report of the committee, for the year 1684. .--5 Whitehaven, 1885. WICHITA. Wichita Hospital and Training School for Nurses. Annual announcement, sm. 4:. [Chicago, 1699.] WIGAN. Royal Albert Edward Infirmary and Dis- pensary. Annial reports of the board of management. l.-ll., 1673-4 to 1683-4. 8°. Wigan, 1874-84. WILKESBARRE. Wilkesbarre City Hospital. Annual reports of the board of directors to the contributors aud the public, for the vears 1879; 18,-0; 1883; 1880; 1888-1900. 6-'. Wilkes- barre, 1880-1901. WILLIAMSPORT. Williamsport Hospital. Annual reports of the board of managers to the contributors. 1.-18., 1881 to 1899-1900. 8°. Williamsport, 1881-1900. WILMINGTON. Delaware, Hospital. Annual reports of the board of trustees to the corporators. 1.-8., 1890-91 to 1897; 10., 1899; 11., 1900. 8°. Wilmington, 1891-1901. WILSTER. Krankcnpjlegehaus. Mkncke (W.) Das Krankenpflegehaus in Wilster. Seine Entstehung, Einrichtung uud einjiihrige Thatigkeit. Kechenschaftsbericht. 8\ Wilster, 1871. WINOOSKI. Hotel-Dieu of St. Joseph, Fanny Allen Hos- pital. Annual reports of the trustees and officers to the public, for the years 1694-5 to 1896. 8°. Burlington, 1896-7. 76 HOSPITALS. HOSPITALS. Hospital* (Descriptions and reports of), by localities. WOLVERHAMPTON. Wolverhampton and Staffordshire General Hospital. Annual report of the weekly board. 36., 1884. 8°. Wolverhampton, 1885. WOONSOCKET. Woonsocket Hospital. Annual report of the trustees and officers to the corporation. 1., 1892-3. 8°. Woonsocket, 1894. WORCESTER. City Hospital of the City of Worcester. Annual reports of the trustees to the mavor and city council. 14.-30., 1883-4 to 1899-1900. 8°. Worcester, 1885-1901. Deed of gift. George Jaques to city of Wor- cester, for city hospital, dated March 12, 187*2. 8°. Worcester, 1880. Samuel (The) Wiuslow Surgery. Equipped and given to the Worcester City Hospital, by Samuel E. Winslow. In memory of hi.s father, the late Samuel Winslow. July 22, 1896. 16°. [Worcester, 1896.] Will of George Jaques. Signed May 29, 187*2. Admitted to probate, Oct. 1,1872. 8°. Worcester, 1873. Report of the City Hospital, Worcester, 1877-8; 1878- 9. City doc. Addr. mayors Worcester, with rep. dep., 1879, 331: [1880], 253. Memorial Hospital. Annual reports of the executive committee and officers to the trustees. 1.-12., 1888-9 to 1899-1900. 8°. Worcester, 1891-1901. Annual reports of the treasurer to the trus- tees. 10., 1882-3; 13., 1885-6; 14., 1686-7 ; 16.- 18., 1888-9 to 1890-91; 20., 1892-3; 21., 1893-4. 4° & 8. [ Worcester, 1683-94. ] Investments of the ... as reported by the treasurer, at the annual meeting in Dec, 1882. 4°. [Worcester, 1883.] Saint Vincent's Hospital. Annual reports of the trustees aud officers to the corporation and the public. 1.-6., 1894-9. 8°. Worcester, 1895-1900. WORTHING. Worthing Infirmary and Dispensary. Annual report of the committee, for the year 1883-4. fol. [ Worthing, 1884. ] WURTZBURG. Julius-Spital in Wiirzburg. Fundation des Julier-Spitals in Wirtzburg. 8-. Wiirzburg, 1851. YEOVIL. Yeovil District Hospital and Dispensary. Annual report of the committee, for the year 1864. 8°. Yeovil, 1685. YONKERS. Saint John's Riverside Hospital. Annual reports of the board of managers and officers to the public for the years 1874-5 to 1879-80: 1889-90 to 1893-4; 1895-6; 1899-1900. 8° & 12°. New York, 1876-1901. YORK, England. York County Hospital. Annual reports of the house committee and officers. 126.-134., 1866-74; 136.-144., 1876-84 8°. York, [1867]-85. York County Hospital. Civil Eng. & Archit. J., Lond., 185U. xiii, 145, 2 plans. Hospital* (Descriptions and reports of). by localities. YORK, Pennsylvania. York Hospital and Dispensary. Annual reports of the board of managers to the contributors. 3.-5., 1897-9. 8°. York 1898-1900. ZANESVILLE. Zanesville City Hospital Association. Annual report of the trustees aud officers to the members of the association. 6., 1695-6. 8°. Zanesville, 1896. ZHELIEZNOVODSK. Kazcm-Bck (P. NT.) Meditsinskiy otchot chastnol Hetsehnitsi g-zhi Bielyavskol v Zhelleznovodskle, sosto- yashtshei v viedenii upravleniya kavkazskikh mineraluikh vod. [Medical report of the private hospital of lime, Bielyavskaya in Zhelieznovodsk, being under the super- vision of tlie administration of the mineral waters of the Caucasus.) Vrach, St. Petersb., 1898, xix, 893-895. ZURICH. Kantonal-Krankenhaus. Schramli (J. J.) Das neue Kantonal-Kran- kenhaus zu Zurich. 8°. Zurich, 1855. " Paracelsus." Neues Privatkratikenhaus und Augenheilanstalt. Erster Bericht iiber den Zeitraum vom Au- gust 1896 bis Dezember 1898, erstattet von Dr. Kselin-Benziger. roy. 8°. Einsiedeln, 1899. Hospital* (Dietaries of). See Diet (Scales of), etc. Hospital* (Directories of). Berger (P.) Fuhrer durch die Privat-Heil- anstalteu Deutschlands, Oesterreichs und der Sebweiz. Mit ausfiihrlicher Darstellung der modernen Behandlungsmethoden. 2. Aufl. 12°. Berlin, 1890-91. -----. The same. 6. Aufl. 16°. Berlin, 1898-9. Burdett (H.) Burdett's hospitals and chari- ties, being the year book of philanthropy and the hospital annual. 1.-7., 1889-96; 9., 1896; 10., 1899; 1901. 12°. London, [1889-1901]. Guttstadt (A.) Krankenhaus - Lexikon fiir das Konigreich Preusseu. Die Anstalten fiir Kranke unci Gebrechliche und das Kranken- haus-, Irren-, Blinden- und Taubstummenwesen im Jahre 1885. Hrsg. vom koniglichen statisti- schen Bureau. 8°. Berlin, 1685-6. -----. Krankenhaus - Lexikon fiir das Deutsche Reich. 8*5 Berlin, 1900. Hennig. Illustrirter Fuhrer durch Bader, Heilanstalten und Sommerfrischen. 8°. Berlin, 1901. Krankenanstalten (Die) Oesterreichs dies- seits der Leitha in den Jahren 1848-90, offent- liche und private, mit Ausschluss der Epidemie- spitiiler, der Kinderspitiiler, der Special-Kran- kenanstalten und der Krankenabtheilungen anderer Staats- und Wohlthiitigkeitsanstalten. Zusammeugestellt von A. Ullman. Die Kinder- spitiiler Oesterreichs, von B. Uuterholzuer. 8°. Wien, 1901. Mayer (W.) Die Genesungshauser im Deutschen Reich, Juni 1901. 12°. Fiirth i. B., 1901. Privat-Heilanstalten (Die), Privat-Kliui- ken und Pflegeaustalten Deutschlands, Oester- reichs und der Sclrweiz. 2. Aufl. 12°. Berlin, 1890. Tollet (C.) Les hdpitaux modernes au xixe siecle. Description des principaux h6pitaux francais et Strangers, les plus recennnent 6diti6a divise"s en dix sections par coutrees. Etudes HOSPITALS. 377 HOSPITALS. Hospitals (Directories of). comparatives sur leurs priiicipales conditions iretablissement. Memoires divers so rapportant a 1'hygiene et a feeonoinie des constructions hospitalieres. H6pitaux permanents, demi per- nianents, h;irai*nes, ambulances sous toiles. Situation cle l'assistance publique en Europe, son extension en France et a Paris a, diverses (5poques, causes priucipales du pauperisme, valeur sanitaire des materiaux de construction, leur emploi. 4°. Paris, 1894. Hospital* (Emergency and accident). Boston Emergency Hospital. Annual report of the officers to the trustees and subscribers. 1., 1-91-2. 60. Boston, 1-92. Central Dispensary aud Emergency Hospi- tal. Annual reports of the officers to the con- tributors and the public. 1., 1671-2; 7., 1877-8; 9., W9-s0; 11., 1-61-2; 14.-15., 1-84-5 A: 1865-6; 24., 1-9.5; 2t;.. 1896-7; 27., 1897-6. 8-\ Wash- ington, 1672-96. -----. [Circular announcing the completion of the new building, with a statement of cases treated from March 1. 1891, to March 1. 1-92.] 16c. [Washington, 1892.] -----. [Statements of work done during the years 1665 to 1—7--; 1--9-90 to 1-92-3. >- ^ 4C. Washington, 1--7-93.] Detroit Emergency Hospital Keports. A quarterly journal of medicine and surgerv. Edited bv Hal C. Wymau. v. 1-6, March, 1690, to Dec, 1695. 85 Detroit. Heimstatte fiir Verlctzte zu Xieder-Schon- hanseu bei Berlin. Jahresberichte iiber die Thatigkeit. 1., 1691; 3., 1-93. Von Dr. G. Sclmtz. 6D. Berlin, 1692-4. Ladbrook (E. S.) An hour in Poplar Hos- pital for Accidents. A record and an appeal. 16°. London, 18*6. Poplar Hospital for Accidents, London, E. Annual reports of the comniittee of manage- ment to the governors and subscribers. 19.-31., 1873-85; 33., 16-7: 39.-42., 1893-6. 6. London, 1674-97. -----. Financial account for the year 1666. 6 . [London, 1687.] Rhuabon Accident Hospital. Annual reports of the comniittee to the subscribers. 2., 1671-2; 4., 1-73-4 ; 11.-15., 1880-81 to 1—4-5. fol. & 12=. Wrexham, [1672-8.5]. Soctete des ambulances urbaines de Bor- deaux. Fondee en l69n et autorisee par arrets prefectoral en date du 15 juin de la nieme annee. Compte rendu de la troisieme anude, 1693. 8-5 Bordeaux, 1694. United States. Congress. Senate. A bill providing for the erection of a building for the Central Dispensary and Emergency Hospital in | the City of Washington. 51. Cong., 1. sess. S. 2686. Feb. 17, 18905 Introd. by Mr. Faulkner. roy. 6°. [Washington, 1890.] Warren Emergency Hospital, Pa. [Keport of the superintendent, for the year 1899.] Cutting from: Warren Mail, Feb. 8, 1900. Emergency hospital at the Pan-American Exposition. Buffalo M5J., 1900-1901, n. s., xl, 701-704.- Emcrgi-iicy hospital for the I'an-American Exposition. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1901, lix, 599.—Fiiiiiuiiii) hospitals. Kep. lid. Health Iowa, Des Moines, 1893, 219 25(;.—French (8. AV5) The Johnston Emergency Hospital at Milwaukee. Med. News, Phila., 1894, lxv, 448.— Gnlvin (G. W5) The ne- cessity of an emergency hospital in the business district of Boston. Boston M. u Emergency Hospital during the past year. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1893-4, xx, 497-512.—0rum (H. I'.i Om Lsegevagtstatiouer i Kjo- benhavn. [Medical .stations in <'oj..nli.i^<-n | Ugesk. f. Lager, Kjobenh., 188ti, 4. It., xiv, 177-181 —I'vlc (W. L.) The emergency hospital; with n ph-a tor muim ipal gov- Howpital* (Emergency and accident). erninent. Hull. Am Acad M., [Easton, Pa.], 1895, ii, 56- 114. -Nhi'iiri'i' (H.) Kineri'ency Hospital at the Pan- American; how exposition visitors will be taken care of when they fall ill. Brooklyn M. J., 1901, xv, 290-298. Hospital* (Expenses of). See Hospitals i Management, etc., of). Hospital* (Fictitious). Nl. Iiiikr'n Hospital of Niles, Michigan; a symposium. Cleveland J. IM.. 1899, iv, 492-497. Hospital* (Field). Nee Hospitals (Military). Hospital* (Floating). See. also, Hospitals {.Xaval, etc.). 1U)ston Floating Hospital. Annual reports of the board of managers and officers to the public. 2.-4., 1891-5 to 189U-7. 1*2 A 8 . Bos- ton, 1895-6. -----. [Circulars of the board of managers, announcing the arrangements for the summer seasons of 1897-9.] 8°. [Boston, 1-97-9.] •-----. Prospectus for the season of 1-95. 16°. [Boston, 1895.] -----. .Special notice. Admission of pa- tients. July 14, 1898. 1*2 . [Boston, 1*98.] -----. [Ticket for admission, containing rules to be observed during the trip. ] 16-. [Boston, 1-97.] -----. The same. For 1898. 16°. [Boston, 189*.] Metropolitan Asylums Board. Hospital ships (Atlas andCastalia for small-pox patients). Annual report of the medical superintendent to the committee on management, for the year 18-5. 8°. London, 1886. United States. Congress. House of Repre- sentatives. A bill to construct, maintain, and sup- port a doating ward or hospital iu connection with the United Stales Marine Hospital at Xew Orleans. 47. Cong., 2. sess. Dec. 11, 188*2. In- trod. by Mr. Ellis, roy. 8-. [ Washington, 188*2.] Woodward (J. J.) Description of the models of hospital steam-vessels exhibited in room No. 2, International Exhibition of 1876. Hospital of tlie Medical Department, United States Army. 8J. Philadelphia, 1876. A«hton (G.) The hospital ship Nubia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, i. 34.").—Andrei (C.) Appareils de trans- port des blesses maiitimes de la gouttiere-haiuac. Compt.- rend. Cong, internat. de med. 1897, Mosc, 1899, v, nied. mil., 18-21. — Karioiic. (M.) Breves rettexiones acerca de los biupies hospitales. Bol.de med. nav., Madrid, 1898, xxi, 242-244—Bi'lliimj- (R.) Mrs. Chadwick's earlier litter. N. York M. J., 1900, lxxii, 568-570. —K«-lli (M.) Progetio Bchcmatico di ospedale per nave da hattaglia di 2* classe. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1900, vi, 993-ioo7.— Kcllot. Le navire-hopital americain le Relief. [Abstr.] Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1901, Ixxvi, 220-225.—Bon- mily. Malades rapatrics de l'lndo -Chine; transports- hdpuaux de l'etat; batinients affrotes du commerce. Ibid., 1X97, Ixviii, 241-262.— Koolli-t'luilt»ou (J.) Ilen- cral repoil. [Massachusetts hospital ship Bay .State.] Boston M. A: S. J., 1899 cxl. S4-S-9 — Itollomlv (,I. T.) Tlie medical and surgical histoi v ot tho hospital ship Bay State. I bid., tili-70. — l»oy«l l-I.'T.) Construction ol'Mas sachnselts hospital ship I'.ay State. ZW(/.,,')7-li(l.-Hl'lnl- fon-d (10. II.) Medical e(|i'iipment [of the hospital ship Bay State]. Ibid., I50-C.2. — Bniidwood (P. M.) litis- pital ships. I'rov. M. J., Leicester, 1885, iv, 28.".-290. -----. Hospital accoininoilation bv the use of ships (hos- pital ships). Lancet. Lontl., 1896, i, 914-918. — Knrk (S.) The Boston floating hospital. Boston M. &. S. J., 1S98, exxxviii, 003. — Itiirol (K.> Les iiavire.s-hdpitaux dans les expeditions coloniahs. Ann. tl'liy•;., I'm., 1897, 3. s., xxxviii, 312-321. Also | Rap. de Le Roy de Moncourt]: Bull. Acad.de mod., Par., 1897, xxxviii, 138-140. -----. Les nuviies-hopitaux dans les expeditions colouiales. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Pur., 1900, Sect, de med. nav., 1-16. — Uiirrcll (II L.i The hospital ship Bay State. Boston M. & S. J., 1809, cxl, 53-57. -----. The method aud character of work done by the Massachu- setts hospital ship Bay State. Ibid., lii'-iiii.—(nl»/«n (J. M.) Los buques-hospitalesen la guerra hi.spauo-norte- americana y en la conferencia de La Hava. Au. san. mil., BuenosAir'es,1899,i,903-910.1pl.—«:iiiiipniiil«'(V.) Tras- HOSPITALS. 378 HOSPITALS. Ho*pital* (Floating). porto dei feriti a bordo deile navi da guerra. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1900, vi, 1325-1328, 1 pl.—tnro (A. F.) Neutralidad. (Buques-hospitales. heridos y miufragos en las guerras maritimas.l Bol. de nied. nav.. Math-id. 1-93. xvi, 5-13.—C'nyford {Miss C. W.) The nursing care on a hospital ship. Boston M. & S.J.. 1899, cxl, 71.—Cramer (H.) Ueber die Beforderung Erkrankter und Vt rwunde- ter zu Wasser. Deutsche mil.-iirztl. Ztschr., herl.. 1900, xxix, 444-459. Also: Ztschr. f. Krankenpfl . herl.. 1900, xxii, 537: 597.—Daviil. Les pontons-hopitaux an Ga- bon. Areh.de med. nav., Par., 1891, lvi, 233; 257— l>ick. Notes on hospital ships iu naval war. Verhandl. d. x. in- ternat. nied. ( ong. 1890, Berl., 1891, v, 18. Abth., 68-71.— ■ >n Itois Mninl-Neviiii, ittnde sur le materiel ser- vant au transport et au couchage des malades et blesses a bord des batinients de la flotte. Arch, de med. nav.. Par., 1899, lxxi, 448-457.—Ellenbogen (K. A.) Opisanle hos- pitalDavo paiokhoda 'Gera'5 [Description of the hospi- tal ship "Geia, 5J Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb.. 1901, pt. 1, 128-136.—Gentis. Wachtschip of kazerne! Nederl. mil. geneesk. Arch, [etc.], Leiden, 1896, xx, 445-45H.--CJolovelski (R. I.) Obzor glavnieishikh, sposohov transportirovaniya ranennikh na sudakh fran- tsuzskavo flota, s soobrazheniyaini po etomu povodu. [Re- view of the most recent methods of transporting wounded on vessels of the French fleet.] Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1899, 10; 87, 3 pl. -----. Nie- skolko slov ob apparatie C. Auflfret'a. prednaznachonnom dlya transportirovaniya ranenikh na sudakh flota. [On the apparatus of. . . for transporting the wounded on war- ships.] Ibid., pt. 2, 41-46, 1 plan.—Gi-ibbon (G. C.) Report on the hospital ship Ganges, February to Septem- ber, 1885. Army M. Dep. Rep. 1884, Loud., 1886, xxvi, 327-350, 4 pl.—4*uezenncc. Appendice au memoire re- latif au transport des blesses a, bord des navires de guerre au moyen du hamac. Arch, de inpcl. nav., Par., 1897, lxvii, 332-337.—Hospital ship Relief. Trained Nurse, N. Y5, 1900, xxv, 218-220— Kravt licuho (V.) Oplavu- chikh hospitalyakh "Relief" i "Nakuaj-Maru". [On the hospital ships .. . and . ..] Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1901, pt. 1.117-127—Law* (W. G.) The float- ing hospital of the River Tvne port sanitary authority. Proc. Ass. Municip. .V. San. Engin., Lond. &N. Y., 1887-8, xiv, 7-18, 2pl.— I/i'o. Note sui le transport des blesses au poste de combat a bord des batimentsde la flotte. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1899, lxxii, 358-304.—f.ochelongnc (J.) Les chalands lazarets du canal de Suez. Presse med., Par., 1900, i, 149.— Halt oiii.oii (J. H.) A Moating hos- pital. Brit. M. ■!.. Lond.. 1X93. ii, 414 — Merlin. Das neue Seeanibiilanzschiffder osterreicliisclnn ('iselischafi vom Rotheii Krt-u/.e. Militaerar/.t. "Wien, 1899, xxxiii, 121-123.—iXiiini-. i h.) Floating hospitals. Brit. M.J., Lond., 1901, ii, 450. — Petella. Sur la participation de la Croix-Rouge dans les queries maritimcs. Verhandl. d. x. intermit, med. ('"iig. 1X90, Berl., 1891, v, 18. Abth., 65- (IX. — I'oi'leiijjlieii t.I. A.) Het hospitaalschip der ma- rine Filips van Marnix tijdens de tweede Atjeh-expeditie. Ntdeil. mil. geneesk. Arch, [etc.], Leiden, 1896, xx, 429; 1897, xxi. 1. -----. Het hospitalschip van het Indisch leger Kosmopoliet III ti.jdens de eerste Atjeh-expeditie. Ibid., 1809. xxiii, 90-95.—Raoul (M.-E.) fituile pratique sur l'assainissement des navires et particulierement sur l'assainissemeut des transports-hopitaux. Arch.de med. nav., Par., 1885, xliii, 2x0-302. Also, Reprint— Muntiui. Nutzbarmachung des schwimmenden Materials der Fluss- dampfschifffahrt fiir den Krankentransport im Laudkriege nnd (lessen entsprechende Verwendung als schwimmendes Lazarett, nameutlich im Falle einer Seeschlacht in der Nahe von Flussmiindungeu. Verhandl. d. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891, v, 18, Abth., 62-65. —Shea (T. B.) The shipwreck of the steamship Lewiston. Bos- ton M. & S. J. 1899, cxl. 89.—Siegfried (C. A.) Hospi- tal ships; the Bay State. Ibid., 1898, exxxix, 125-128.— *>!:■ iiillioi'iM- fi. W.) The floating hospital belonging to the Kimi lees port sanitary authority. Proc. Incorpl Ass Municip. \ Co. Engin., Lond. &, N.' Y., 1894-5, xxi, 55-08, 4 diag.—Stick (E.) Kranken-Beforderung auf EisenhahnenundSchiflen. [Ref.l Cong, internat. d'hyg. et de demog. C. r. 1894, Budapest, 1896, viii, pt. 5. 4-1L — "Xlolici (C. F.) The United States ambulance ship Solace. Med. News, N. T., 1898. lxxii, 545— Towiiseml (E.| Report on the hospital ship Coromandel. Army M. Dep. Rep. 1x95, Lond., 1X90. xxxvii, 317-322.— Wen'zcl. Ueber Lazarettschiffe im Seekriege, ihre Aufgabe, Ver- wendung, Einrichtung und Ausriistung und iiber die Betheiliguug der freiwilligen Krankenpflege im Seekriege. Verhandl. d. x. internat. nied. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891, v, 18. Abtli., 50-61. Also, transl.: Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1891, lvi, 69-73. Hospitals (Furniture and equipment of). Appareils sp6ciaux pour hopitaux. Flico- teaux & Cie., constructeurs. *ic. Paris, 1897. Bkamhall, Deane Co. Addendum to illus- trated catalogue of issue of April 1st, 1895, of Hospitals (Fnrnitureand eeiuipnient of). cooking, heating, aud ventilating apparatus, and hospital specialties, obi. 8°. New York 1897. Dehaitre (F.) Machines et appareils pour 6tablissements hospitaliers, religieux, inilitaires- maritimes; etablisseiuents d'inslructiou, lyce"es colleges, etc. Renseigneinents pratiques snr le chautfage, ventilation, l'eau, appareils divers pour bains, hydrotherapie, blanchisserie, dosiu- fection, cuisines a vapeur, pharmacies, pauifica- tion, chaudieres et macliines a vapeur, eclairage electrique. 8°. Paris, 1888. Kaysax (H. A.) Aseptic hospital furniture. [Catalogue] 8-5 Brooklyn, [ls94]. Kny (11.) &■ Co. Descriptive catalogue No. 2, of aseptic furniture for hospitals and physicians' offices. 8J. New York, [n. d.]. Lalaxce and Grosjean Manufacturing Co. Illustrated catalogue of agate ironware and other articles for use in hospitals, asylums, steamships, prisons, sick rooms, etc. 4°. New York, 1*81. d'Ardeiiiie. Description d'un appareil nouveau des- tine aux malades perclus qui se trouvent dans l'impossi bilite de se soulever sur leur lit, et surtout de le quitter sans le secours d autrui. Rev. nied. de Toulouse. 1890, xxiv, 161-164.—Bullitt (J. B.) Some remarks ou hos- pital beds, with demonstration of a new model. Tr. Ken- tut ley M. Soc., Louisville, 1897, n. s.. vi, 249-254, 1 pl.— Fisher (C. I.) Hospital equipment. Albany M. Ann., 18'.ix. xix, 117-137, 1 pl. Also, Reprint.—New surgical dressing wagon. Lancet, Lond., 1891. ii. (116.— Rich- ard* (Ellen H.) The hospital kitchen. Nat. Hosp. Rec, Detroit, 1901-2, v, no. 1, 11-15. Hospitals (Gyncecologic and obstetric). Sec, also, Gynaecology (Cases, etc., of); Ho- moeopathy (Hospitals, etc., conducted under); Labor (Statistics of); Puerperal fever (Preven- tion of); Women (Diseases of, Hospitals for). Atthill (L.) Extern maternities and lying- in hospitals. IB'-. Dublin, 1867. Brennecke. Bauet Wochneriunen - Asyle! Ein Ruf an Deutschlands Frauenwelt. 8~J. Magdeburg, 1884. -----. The same. 2. Autl. ** . Magdeburg, 1885. -----. Die sociale und gebiirtshilflich-refor- matorische Bedeutung der Wochnerinnen-Asyle. 8C. Magdeburg, 1*88. Bumm (E.) Ueber die Entwickelung der Frauenspitaler und die moderne Frauenklinik. Zwei Reden. fol. Wiesbaden, 1897. Charrier (A.) Des maternitcs. 8'*-. Paris, 1869. Delore (X.) De l'hygiene des maternitcs. Discours d'installatioii. 4°. Lyon, 1866. vox (ii:i:xEWALDT (O.) Ueber die humaui- tiire und wisseuschaftliche Bedeutung kleiner Gebiirasyle, nebst einem Bericht iiber die Vor- kommnisse in dem Gebiirasyle des Verfassers iu St. Petersburg. 8~. St. Petersburg, 1884. Lagxeau (G.) Une question d'assistauce. Les meres delaisse^es. Maternit6s-ouvroirs. 8^. Orleans, 1891. Ore. Hygiene des maternitds; resultats de huit anuees d'observation a la luaternite de Pel- legriu (Bordeaux). 8 . Paris, 1*86. Sarabia y Pardo (J.) Estudio hygienico- me"dico de las casas de maternidad. 8°. Ma- drid, 1899. Acker ■■■ nn ii (J. C. H.) Ueber Bildungsanstalten fiir llebuitshelt'cr unci Hebammen. In his: Pol.-med. Mis- zellen. 8'-, Posen u. Leipz., 1806, 1-102, 1 tab.—Ancelel (1».) Hygiene des maternites; conditions generales d'hy- giene que doit remplir une maternite modele. Ann. d'hyg., Par.. 1896, 3. s., xxxvi, 216-240.—Kaliantyiic (J. W.) A plea for a pro-maternity hospital. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, i, 813.— Bufliii. Sur un memoire deMM. Ledru et Nivet, relatif & la construction d'une materuite. Bull. HOSPITALS. 379 HOSPITALS. Hospital* (Gynevcologic and obstetric). Acad, de med., Tar., 1891, 3. s.'sxv, 798-800.—t'lmrrier. Des materuites. Bull. Soc. de med. de l'ar. (1809). 1870, v, 65-77. [Discussion]. 88-92.—1'oelh© (1-5) Sobioacon- venieucia de se representar ao podcr legislative pela cre- acjaode umacasa de niaternidade. Ann. Acad, de nied. do Rio de Jau., 1886-7. 6. s., ii. 373-43(5—< olliiiciiu. Les niateruites. [Eap.l Biill.Soi.iiud.-prat.de l'ar. (1808-721, 1873. no. 63; ">5.—Colt (H.) Obstetrical work in a cottage hospital. Boston M. & S. J.. 1890. exxiii, 380-388- Delore (X.) Dc l'livgiciie ilcs materuites. J. de med. dc L\on, lsiiS, v, 81; 198. 1 cli — Feliliii" ill.) Feber die LiUian- kungszitfern der Entbinduiigshfinser. Deutsche med. Wchuschr.. Leipz. u. Berl, 1896, xxii. 420. — von 4*riine- iviililt (C> ) Kleine Gebai.isyle oder giosse ('chiiranstal- tcii .' Sannnl. klin.Vein No. 12:> iC \ niikologie. N'o. 38), Leipz., 1877. 847-802,— llir«l < 1',. (' i The construction of maternity hospitals. Hosp. dispens. & nursing. Inter- nat. Cong. Char, [etc.] 1893. Bait, .v Loud., 1894, 328-332.— Hubert (E.) Rapport (et discussion) sur la question des maternites. Cong, period, internat. d. sc. med. C.-r., 4. sess.. 1875; Brux. et Par.. Is70, 320-341.— I.e Foil (I..) Etude sur les mateinites ct les institutions chari- tables d'accouehenient a domicile daus les principaux fitats de l'Emope: France, Autriche. Prusse, Russie, An- L'leterre, Belgique, Daneiuark. Hollande, fitats alleiuands. 7/i his: (Euvres. 85 Pai.. 1895, i, 07-400. 6 diag.- Lying- in hospitals. IInspit.il. I.oinl., 1887-8. iii, 437.—I,) ina- in hospitals. iL'dit. Meil. Press \ Circ.. Lond.! Iss8. n. s.. xiv, 328.— 'Innlon. On the construction of small l\;ng-in hospitals, with reference to septic infections. Physician A. Surg.. Ann Arbor .v Detioit, 1890, xii, 294- ■'"". Also. Tr. Detioit M. & Libr. Ass., 1,-90. 172-178.— .'Iiirsi. (4 stosunku zakladdw polozniczych i poloznika do gospodarstwa krajowego z wozglednieuieni na-zego kraju. [On the relation of obstetrical institutions and ob- stetrics to the economy of a country, and particularly that of ours.] Przegl. lekl, Kiak6w, ls'.O. xxxviii, 81; 101.— jYIartin (A.) Zur Frage der Phegestatten fiir unbe- niittelte Wochneriunen. Cor.-Bl. d. Ae: ztekani. u. d. Aerztever. d. Prov. Brandenb. [etc.]. Berl.. 188s. i, 117-129. -----. Skizze eines Programms fiir die Wochnerinnen- Asyle. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Crvnak., Stuttg., 1889, xvi, 39»-4t>2. —.Martin i E ' Leber den Xeubau einer geburts- hulflich-gyuakologischen Klinik. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Frauenkr!. Stuttg.. 1875-6. i. 442-447. Also, in his: Lit. Xachlass. hrsg. von A. Martin, 85 Stuttg.. [1876], 08-73, 1 plan.— .Maleriiitc* ( Des ' rDiscnssion.I Cong, pe- riod, internat. d. sc. med. <5-r.. 4. -es*.. i«7.~>: Brux. et Par.. 1876, p. lxxii; p. ex.— >auia« ill.i Note sur les conditions d'insalnbi ite des inatt-imte, d,-, quehjues hopi- taux de province. Rev. d'hvg.. Par., 1*87. ix. 4n2-410.— Fin a id i A.). I.nllollyc iA.) 9-392. Also.- Tr. Pan Am. M. Cong. 1893, Wash., 1*95. pt. 1, 931-935. -----. Private hos- pitals and their manageiuent Am. J. Obst.. X. V. 19oo, xiii. 708-711. [Discussion], 73*-740. AUo: Tr. Am. Ass. j Obst. .V Gynec. 1900. I'liila. lnOl. xiii, 171-191.— Priest- ley iW. O.) Notes of a visit to some of the lying-in hos- pitals in the north of Europe, and particularly on the ad- vantages of the antiseptic system in obstetric practice. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1**5. ii. 102. Also: Med. Times 6c Gaz., Lond..l885,ii.92-94. -----. On the improved hygienic con- dition of maternity hospitals. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1891. n.s., Iii. 175-17*. Also: Tr. vii. Internal .Om: H\g. & Demog. 1*91, Lond., 1*92. i, 218-231.—Konsselel i A .) Les a-ibs pour les femineseneeinteset i eie van t d crouches. Assistance, Par., 1*92, ii, 227-237.— Suiidrknl ( F.) O pfijimani rodifiek do neinocuic. , The reception of parturients in hospitals. >J,is,,|,. p. vefej. zdravot., Praha, 1901-2, iii. 157-159.—Mperlinu (M.) \Vochnerin- nenasyl und Reform der Geiuuts. und Wochenbettshj*- giene. Centidbl. t Gyniik., Leip/... 190U, xxiv, 226-231.— Tarnier. Ifvgiene des mateinites Bull. Soc. de chir. de p;,r.. 1*07, 2. s. vii, 110; 121; 148; 175; 194; 210; 236; 241 — The venot. Rapport sur les nonvelles mateinites. Bull. So., de med. pub. 1**2. Par., 1883, v, 250-283. Ho*pital* (Gynacologic and obstetric), by localities. See, also, Gynaecology (Cases, etc., of). ABERDEEN. Aberdeen Dispensary, Vaccine and Lying-in Institution. Annual reports of tin- comniittee of manage- ment to the subscribers, for the years 1842-5; 1819; 1850; 1^5.*i; W..5-f,4; l*-07-91; 1896. 8°. Aberdeen, l-4:>-97. Hospitals (Gynecologic and obstetric), by localities. ABO. Barnbbrdshusct. von lleiileUeii ( C.) Fran barnbordshusct i Abo; arsbcrattelsc 1890-97. [Thel\ing-in hospital atAbo; re- ports for 1890-97.] Kinskalak.-siillsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1891-1898, xxxiii-xl, passim. ALLEGHENY. Dr. Sutton's Private Hospital for Women. [Circular letter of the proprietor to physi- cians, stilting its conveniences for the treatnient of female patients.] 4°. [Allegheny, n. d.] AMSTERDAM. Anisterdamische Kraaminriehting. Berns (A. W. C.) ])e ophei'lino der Amster- dam ischt*- Kraaminriehting. ■- . Amsterdam, ATLANTIC CITY. Mercer Memorial House for Invalid Women. Annual reports of the board of managers of the .Seaside House for Invalid Women, to the contributors. 15.-*:>()., 189*2-7. 8 5 Philadelphia, 1*95-8, AUSTRALIA. See, in this list, Brisbane. AUSTRO-HUNGARY. See, in this list, Briinn; Budapest; Laybach; Prague; Reichenberg; Salzburg; Trent; Vienna. BAKEWELL. Bakewell Dispensary and Lying-in Institu- tion. Annual reports of the committee and officers to the subscribers. 51.-5:!., 1880---2; 55.-d(i., 1-84-95. 4". Bakewell, 1881-96. BALTIMORE. Baltimore Sanitarium and Maternity Home. Baltimore Sanitarium and Maternity Home of Baltimore City. A private institution for ladies during parturition and for the treatment of uterine diseases. 8°. [Baltimore, n. d.] Free Lying-in Hospital. >enle i L. E.) Medical report of the first three years ot the l-'ieo Lying-in Hospital of the University of Mary- laud. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1890, xxiii, 259-200. BASEL. Frauenspital. Bericht uber die Jahre 1-1M'--. h . Basel. 1899. BELGIUM. See, iu this list, Brussels; Liege. BERGEN. Fpdselsstijtel. Vo«i iH.) Beietning om Fodsclsstiftelsen og Jorde- modei.sUoleii i Bergen fra 1871-80. [Report of lying-in institution and school for midwives in Bergen, 1871-86. | Norsk Masr. f. Lasgevidensk., Christiania, 1888, 4. K., iii, 297; 361; 403; 522; 041; 751. BERLIN. P riv at-Heilanstalt fur Frauenkrankheiten, Frnenkel ( M. ) Die neue Privat-Heilanstalt fiir Frauenkrankheiten von Dr. Leopold Landau, Berlin. Berl. kliu. Wchnschr., 1892, xxix, 1293-1295. — Iliim- mcrich. Gebar-Anstalt. Jahresbericht pro 1883. Cha- rite-Ann. 1883, Berl., 1885, x, 580-629. HOSPITALS. 380 HOSPITALS. Hospitals (Gyna'cologic and obstetric), by localities. BERN. Entbindungsanstalt. Salvisrerg (F.) Die Entbindungsanstalt in Bern. 8°. Zurich, 1877. Hermann (T.) Jahresberichte iiber die Leistungen der Entbindungsanstalt zu Bern, in den Jahren 1858 und 1859. Sebweiz. Monatsehr. f. prakt. Med., Bern, 1860, v, 1; 69; 117; 129; 225; 257. Also, Reprint. BIRKENHEAD. Birkenhead Ladies' Charitable Institution and Lying-in Hospital. Annual reports of the committee to the sub- scribers. 58.-40., 1883-6. 1*2°. Birkenhead, 1884-7. BOLOGNA. Ospedale Esposti e Maternita. Kegolamento per le nutrici e pei custodi degli esposti fuori dello stabilirnento. 16c. Bologna, 1888. Pinzani (E.) Rendiconto statistico-sanitario dello Ospedale Maternita ed esposti di Bologna dal 10 marzo 1888 a tutto il 1889. 8°. Bologna, 1890. Bruers (E.) & Iterti (G.) Rendiconto statistico dello stabilirnento Esposti e Maternita di Bologna, pelqua- driennio 1879-82. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1885, 6. s., xv, 19; 164; 270. Also, Reprint.—Pinzani (E.) Ospe- dale Maternita. ed Esposti di Bologna ; rendiconto statis- tico-sanitario per 1' anno solare 1890. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1891, xiii, 681-708. BONN. Bonner Frauenklinik. Genneper ( J. ) * Die Geburten und puer- peralen Todesfalle der Bonner Frauenklinik 1885-94. (Casnistisch-statistische Mitteiluugen.) 8°. Bonn, 1894. BORDEAUX. Oui. l5tude sur l'assistance des femmes enceintes k Bordeaux. Bull, et mem. Soc. d'hyg. pub. de Bordeaux, 1894, ii, 53-66. Also: Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1894, xv, 366; 374. — J*ery. Recherches historiques sur l'ficole d'accouchements, l'Hospice de la Maternite de Bor- deaux et la Clinique d'accouchements de l'Hopital Saint- Andre. M6m. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1893), 1894, 652-674. Maternite" de Bordeaux. deux. Fonctionnement de la nouvelle Maternite de Bordeaux (service de M. le Dr. Lefour); statistique detaillee pour 1896. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. cle Bordeaux, 1897, xviii, 412; 426; 435; 461.—Hirigoyen (L.) Notice sur la Maternite de Bordeaux et l'ficole d'accouchements. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1*>98, xxviii, 529; 541. Maternite' de Pellegrin. Ore. Hygiene des mateinites; re'sultats de liuit anuses d'observatiou a la Maternity de Pellegrin (Bordeaux). 8°. Paris, 18*6. BOSTON. Boston Lying-in Hospital. Annual reports of the executive committee and visiting physiciau, to the board of trustees. 51.-68., 188:3-1900. 12° &. 8°. Boston, 1875-1901. Chaiming Home. Annual reports of the directors to the corpo- ration. 17.-33., 1884-5 to 1900-1901. 12°. Bos- ton, 1885-1901. Free Hospital for Women. Annual reports of the officers to the board of trustees. 1.-26., 1875-6 to 1900-1901. 12°, 8'-, & sm. 4°. Boston, 1876-1901. [Circular of the finance committee soliciting help to establish a building fuud of oue hundred thousand dollars.] 8~. Boston, 1881. Its past and its present, sm. 4°. [Boston, 1895. ] Iospital* (Gyncecologic and obstetric), by localities. BOSTON—continued. .Yeic England Hospital for Women and Children. Annual reports of the officers to the society and subscribers. 22.-39., 1883-4 to 1900-1901 8~. Boston, 1884-1901. Private Lying-in Hospital. [Circular announcing opening, Jan. 7, 1891. John ^y. Johnson, M. D.] 8*. [Boston, 1891.] Woman's Charity Club and Hospital. Annual reports of the trustees and officers to the contributors. 1., 1890; 7., 189(5. 8° A: 12° Boston, 1891-7. BRESLAU. Gebdv-Ansialt des Kbnigl. Hebammen-Insti- tuts. Bnrchard. Summarischer Bericht uber die Gebiir- Anstalt des konigl. Hebammen-Instituts i. J. 1855. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Cult., Bresl., 1854, xxxii, 133-136. KbnigIiche Frau en klinik. Wawrzik (J.) * Statistische Uebersicht der in der Zeit vom 1. April 1883 bis 1. April 1889 iu der Poliklinik der koniglichen Frauenklinik zu Breslau ambulant zur Behandlung gekonmienen Fiille. 8 5 Breslau, 1890. BRIGHTON. Brighton and Hove Lying-in Institution, Hospital and Dispensary for the Diseases of Women and Children. Annual reports of the committee to tbe gov- ernors aud subscribers. 45.-48., 1875-8; 50.-53., 1880-83; 65., 1895. 8. Brighton, 1876-96. BRISBANE. Lady Bowen Hospital. liove (\V.) Records of the Lady Bowen Hospital [maternity], Brisbane. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1893, xii, 145-147. BROOKLYN. High-Class Maternity and Woman's Sani- tarium. [Circular stating its facilities and terms.] 8°. [Brooklyn, n. d. ] Memorial Hospital for Women and Children. Annual report, of the officers to the members of the corporation. Report of the Memorial Training School for Nurses, and the Memorial Dispensary. 8., 1895-6. 8°. Brooklyn, 1896. BRUNN. Bericht iiber die mahrische Landesgebaranstalt in Briinn, 1887-92. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1893, xviii, 96; 108.—Riedinger. Die neue mahrische Laudes-Gebar- anstalt in Briinn, ihre Geschichte und Beschreibung. "Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1891, iv, 634; 670. Also, Reprint. BRUSSELS. I>e Itlocrloowe (Henriette). Maternite de Bruxelles; statistique des annees 1890-93. J. d'accouch., Liege, 1891, xii, 17: 1892. xiii, 25: 1893, xiv, 15: 1894, xv, 33.'-----. Ma- ternite de Bruxelles, section des sages-femmes; service de M. le professeur Tournay; releve statistique de 1'aunee 1894. Rev. obst, internat., Toulouse, 1895, i, 33; 47; 49.— Tom-nay (G.) Maternite de Bruxelles; section uuiver- sitaire, service de M. le professeur Kufferath; compte rendu des annees 1886-8. Clinique, Brux., 1887-9, i-iii, passim. BUDAPEST. Eross (G.) Kozlem6ny a budapesti egvetemi I-so sziileszeti es n6gy6gyiiszati k6rodar61. [Communication from the 1. General Obstetrical and Woman's Infirmary.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1886, xxx, 287: 318; 349, 1 diaij.— Wzabo (S.) Kimutatas az Elischer loorvos vezetese alatt HOSPITALS. 381 HOSPITALS. Hospitals (Gynacologic and obstetric), by localities. BUDAPEST—continued. ■ all6 szt. R6kus-k6rk(lzi sziilo-es nobetegosztaly 1896. evi niiikodeserol. [Report of the work for the year 1896 of the St. Roche Consolidated Hospital, obstetrical and gynieco- hcncal section, under the management of Elischer, gymr- cologist.] Ibid., 1897, xii, 507; 519; 531. BULGARIA. 8(f, in this list, Sophia. CANADA. $< e, in this list, Montreal; Toronto. CARACAS. Hospital de Caridad para Mujeres. '/,. Nuestros hospitales. Hospital de Caridad para Mujeres. Ensayo med., Caracas, 1883-4, i, 02; 69. CATANIA. R. Istituto ostetrico-gineeologco dell' Uni- veraita. Allegrn . ii, 33; 177: 303; 341; ;;98.—C'o»ciitino (G.) Istituto ostetrico-ginecologico della R. University cli Cata- nia. Rendiconto degli anni scolastici 1894-5 al 1897-8. Rass.-gna d' ostet. e ginec, Xapoli, 1899, viii, 160; 208; 283; 334; 403; 458; 528; 58j. CHICAGO. Chicago Lying-in Hospital and Dispensary. Annual reports of the board of directors and officers to the members aud the public. 1.-4., l»95-r> to 1898-9. >°. Chicago, 1*96-9. Mary Thompson Hospital of Chicago, for Women and Children. [Circular of the board of managers, announc- ing the change in title, aud the facilities for the care aud treatment of female patients.] 24°. [Chicago, 1-96.] Rkport of the board of managers and officers to the public, for the years l~9o-4 to 1-95-6. 8-. Chicago, 1-96. Woman's Hospital. Annual reports of the officers to the board of managers. 9., 1879; 18.-21., 1888-91; 26., 1890; 27., 1897. Sz. Chicago, 1—0-98. CHRISTIANIA. Fddselsstiftel. Fayc (F. C.) Ber6tning om Fodsolsstiftelsen i Chris- tiania i Sexaars-Tidsrummet fra 1858 til 1803. [Report of the Obstetrical Institute in Christiania, for the six years 1*58 to 1863.] Norsk Mag. f. Lsegevidonsk.. Chris- tiania, 1>>64. 2. R., xviii, 597; 817; 919. AUo, Reprint.— Kjel«berj; (H.) Statistik Beretning om Kristiania Fini-,el8stilu lies Virksomhed i Fireaaref 1887-95. [Rap- port snr lc lonctionnement de la cliniqne obsteti-ii-ah- de Christiania 1887-95. Res., 573; 1043.] Ibid., 1897, 4. R., xii, 521; 1002.—Sch^nberjj (E.) Kristiania Fodselsstif- n-lie 1*76-83. [Report from Lying-in Hospital Christiania, 1870-8-'i.l Klin. Aarbog. Kristiania, 1884 i. 159-178. -----. Kristiania Fodselsstiftelse 1818-1837-1887, med Beretning om Fodselsstiftelseus Virksomhed lsteJJuli 1883 til 31te December 1880. [The Christiania l.ving-in Hospital in 1818, 1837. 18S7, with report of activity from July 1, 1883, to December31,1880.] NorskMag. f. La*gevidensk., Chris- tiania, 1887, 4. K., ii, 201-267. CORK. Cork Maternity. At kin* (T. G.) Obstetric report of the Cork Mater- nity lor the three years ending September, 1880. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1880, Ixx, 297-301. Also, Reprint. CREMONA. Maternita di Cremona. Bit;n:tmi (E.) Maternita di Cremona; come si debba convenientemente prowedere nei piccoli centri alia pubblica igiene ostetrica. Rassegna d. ostet. e ginec, Napoli, 1896, v, 357-360. Also, Reprint. lospital* (Gyneccologic and obstetric), by localities. DETROIT. Woman's Hospital and Foundling's Home. Annual reports of the officers at the annual meetings. 6., 1874; 10., 1878; IG., 1884; 19.-2:5., 1-S7-91. 4 Al 8°. Detroit, 1875-92. Womnn'H Hospital and Foundling's Home, at De- troit, Mich. Xat. Hosp. .t San. Rec, Detroit, 1897, i, no. 2, 1-0. DRESDEN. l-'ruuenkHnik. l>ienHi-Orilnuu. Monatsehr. f. Oeburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1860-07, xv-xxix, passim. DUBLIN. Coombe Lying-in Hospital. Patknt granting royal charter of incorpora- tion to the ... 8°. Dublin, [1867]. Rotunda Lyiny-in Hospital. Clinical reports of the . . ., by the master and assistants. 1896-7. 8-. Dublin, 1898. Lying-in Hospital, in Dublin. An abstract of the registry kept at the . . ., from the 8th day of December, 1757 (the day it was first opened), to the 31st day of December, 1841, each year dis- tinguished, broadside. [Dublin, 1842.] C'liuicnl reports of the Rotunda Lying-in Hospital. 1890-99. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1893, xi, 294; 332: 1898, xvi. 239; 264: 1899, xvii, 375: 1900, xviii, 236. AUo: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1893, xevi, 5; 256: 1895, xcix, 6: 1898, cv, 295; 465: cvi, 11; 97; 169; 366; 545: 1899, cviii, 161; 334.—Lane (J. L.) Report of the Rotunda Hospital for the three vears ending 3d November, 1886. Tr. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1887, v, 223-242. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1887, 3. s., lxxxiv, 472-488. Western Lying-in Hospital and Dispensary. Churchill (F.) Second medical report of the Western Lying-in Hospital and Dispensary, 31 Arran-Quav, from November 1, 1836, to De- cember 31, 1637. 8°. Dublin, 1838. EDINBURGH. Memorials, etc., in relation to Mr. John Watson's charity for an in-lying and foundling hospital. [First memorial, 1781; second, 1783. Recommending the establishment of a lying-in hospital as tho most appropriate disposition of the fund.] •-i'\ [Edinburgh, 1783.] Plan of a general lying-in hospital in Edin- burgh; submitted to the public by the professor of midwifery in tho University. 8°. [Edin- burgh, n. d.] Edinburgh General Lying-in Hospital. Address (An) to the public, from the directors. Feb. 24, 17!t2. sm. 4°. [Edinburgh, 1792.] Laws, orders, and regulations. To the public. 8°. [Edinburgh, 1793.] Edinburgh Royal Maternity and Simpson Memorial Hosjrital. Annual report of the directors. 40., 1884. 8°. Edinburgh, l,->5. Kriioi'iH of the Royal Maternity and Simpson Memo- rial Hospital. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc, 1883-4-1894-5, ix- xx, jiassiia.—HimpHon (A. R.) Sketch of the history of the Koyal Maternity and Simpson Memorial Hospital. Edinb. Hosp. Rep., 1893, i, 42-47. HOSPITALS. 382 HOSPITALS. Ho*]>ital* (Gynacologic and obstetric), by localities. ERLANGEN. Roepke (O.) * Ueber Morbiditat und Mortali- ty in der Erlauger Entbindungsansfalt iu den Jahren 1890 bis 1894. [Erlangen.] 8°. Greifs- wald, 1895. FERRARA. Malago (P. P.) Proposta per la costruzione di uiki stabilirnento di maternita iu Ferrara. 8-. Venezia, 1856. Repr. from: Gior. per serv. ai progr. d. patol., Venezia, 1836. FINLAND. See,in this list, Abo; Helsingfors; Viborg. FLORENCE. Guardia ostetricia permanente. Note e considerazioui scritte nelle ore di Guardia dal Dott. Alessaudro Roster. [Trieunio 1896-8.] 8°. Firenze, 1899. Regio Istituto ostetrico-ginecologico. Inverardi (G.) Rendiconto somniario del- 1' Istituto ostetrico-ginecologico (maternita) di Firenze. roy. 8°. Firenze, 1892. Gelli (G.) Regio Istituto ostetrico-ginecologico di Firenze diretto dal prof. Domenico Chiara; breve rendi- conto clinico dell' anno 1888. Ann. di ostet., Firenze, 1889, xi, 182; 232; 254. FRANCE. See, also, in this list, Bordeaux; Lille; Li- moges; Marseilles; Montpellier; Paris; Pau; Rheims; Toulouse. IVapins (H.) Note sur les conditions d'insalubrite des materuites de quelques hopitaux de province. Bull. Soc. denied, pub., Par., 1887, x, 138-145.—Perisse (S.) Xote sur le pavilion d'hopital temporaire de lTJiaon des f'enmies de France. Ibid., 1889, xii, 115-126.—^ueirel. rue transformation de maternite en province. Ibid., 281-294. FRANKFORT on the Main. Glockler [et al.). Dr. Christ's Kinder-Hospital und Entbindungshaus. 1857-1900. Jahresb. ii. d. Verwalt. d. Med.-Wes. d. Krankenanst. .. . d. Stadt Frankf., 1859-1901, i-xliv. passim.—Krug. Stadtische Entbindungsanstalt und Frauenklinik. 1860-1900. Ibid., 1863-1901, iv-xliv, passim.—Lorey (C.) & Glockler (A.) Dr. Christ'sche und die von Miihlen'sche Entbindungsanstalt. Bericht. Ibid. (1886), 1887, xxx, 169. GENOA. Guardia ostttrica permanente, ANNodifunzionamento. 2., 1892. 8°. Genova, 1893. Statcti i e regolamento interne 12°. Genova, 1891. Istituti di Maternita nello Spedale di Pam- matone. Regolamento pel servizio interno. 8°. Genova, 1889. Maternita di Genova, Macaki (F.) R. clinica ostetrica di Genova, anno accademico 1880-81. 8°. Genova, 1881. Michelini (G.) La Maternita di Genova nel triennio 1891,1892, 1893. 8°. Genova, 1894. Also [Abstr.], in: Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1892, xiv, 260- 294. Gualco (G.) II biennio 1881-2, alia Maternita di Ge- nova. Rivista, Genova, 1883, ii, 64; 204. — llacari (F.) B. Clinicaostetrico-ginecologicadi Genova ; 1883-4; 1885-0; 1887-8. Spallanzani, Roma, 1884, 2. s., xxii, 449: 1886, xxiv 400: 1888, xxvii, 269. GERMANY. See, also, in this list, Berlin; Bonn; Breslau; Dresden; Erlangen; Frankfort on the Main; Gbttingen; Innsbruck; Jena; Kiel; Kdnigs- Hospitals (Gynacologic and obstetric), by localities. GERMANY—continued. berg; Landshut; Magdeburg; Marburg; Mu- nich; Nuremberg; Olmiitz; Stettin; Stras- burg; Stuttgart; Tubingen; Wurtzburg. Keneki«.ei (A.) Die Wbchneriunenasvle Deutsch- lands. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl. 1897 xxiii, 693-095. GLASGOW. Glasgow Maternity Hospital. Annial report of the directors. 36., 1869-70. 8C. Glasgow, 1871. Black (M.) A year's work at the Glasgow Maternity Hospital, with notes of cases. Tr. Glasgow Obst. & Gymcc. Soc, 1896-8, i, 71-8*.—Jaiiline (It.) Reports of the west end branchof the Maternity Hospital; 1893; 1894• 1897. Glasgow M. J., 1894. xii, 175:"l895, xliii. 206: 1898 1 89. AUo [Abstr.]: Tr. Glasgow Obst, & Gynaec. Soc' 1896-8, i, 136-158.-----. The Glasgow Maternity Hospitals! past and present. Glasgow M. J., 1901, lv. 28^42.—Kerr (J. M. M.) A resume ot two years' work at the west-end branch of the Maternity Hospital. Tr. Glasgow Obst. & Gynaec. Soc, 1890-8, i, 37-45. —Sloan (S.) The Glasgow Lying-in Hospital. Glasgow M. J., 1888, [4.J s., xxx, 32- 42. GOTHENBURG. Bambbrdshus. Hjort (G.) Redogorelse for Barnbords-Afdelningen af Allmanna och Sahlgrenska Sjukhuset i Goteborg for ar 1858. [Report of the obstetrical section of the General and Sahlgren Hospital in Gothenburg for 1858.] Hygiea, Stockholm, I860, xxii, 577-585.—ITllinaiui ((J. M.) TJr lusberattelsen Iran Goteborgs bambbrdshus, 1880-83. [Annual report from Gothenburg Lying-in Asylum. ] Ibid., 1881-4, xliii-xlvi, passim. GOTTINGEN. Akademische Entbindungsanstalt. von Siebold (E. C. J.) Die akademische Ent- bindungsanstalt zu Gottingeu in ihrer Wirk- samkeit seit der Grundung dersclben 1792 his zum Schluss des Jahres 1855 dargestellt. 12-. Gbttingen, 1856. Repr. from: Nachr. v. d. k. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch. u. d. Georg-Aug.-TJniv., Gotting. Kbnigllche Entbindungsanstalt. Berichte iiber die in der Koniglichen Ent- bindungsaiistalt vorgefalleneu Ereignisse. 2.-8., 1835-52. Von Dr. Eduard Casp. Jac. von Siebold. 12c. Berlin, 1*37-53. GREAT BRITAIN. See, in this list, Aberdeen; Bakewell; Bir- kenhead; Brighton; Cork; Dublin; Edin- burgh; Glasgow; Hastings; London; Ox- ford; Sheffield: Southampton. GREIFSWALD. Geburtshilfiiche Klinik und Poliklinik. Benmer & Pciper. Mittheilungen aus der geburts- hiiltiichen Klinik und Poliklinik zu Greifswald. Arch.f. Gynaek., Berl., 1884, xxiii, 28-58. HAGUE (The). St in I z (C. H.) Tweede integrale statistiek van de Gyuaecologische Kliuiek te 's Gravenhage, van 1 Maart 1899 tot 5 December 1900. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Verlosk. en Gynaec, Haarlem, 1901, xii, 125-136. HASTINGS. Hastings and St. Leonards-on-Sea Home for Invalid Gentlewomen. Annual reports of the committee to the gov- ernors. 21.-30., 1883-5; 32.-34., 1887-9; 36.-41., 1891-6; 43., 1898. 16°. [Hastings, 1884-99.] HAYTI. See, in this list, Port-au-Prince. HOSPITALS. 3N3 HOSPITALS. Hospital* (Gyneccologican<1 obstetric), by localities. Hospitals (Gynacologic and obstetric), by localities. HELSINGFORS. PirriXc'SKoLn (J.) Rapport sur la nouvelle Maternite de Helsingfors pendant sa premiere annee d'existence, 1879. >*. [Helsingfors, 1880.] Kerionins* Helsingiu lapsenpiiiistohiitoksen toiini- n.ista vuonua 1897. [Report of the work of the Helsing- tors L\iiigm Hospital for the \e.ir 1897 ; Kiitilo-Lohti, Helsiu'gissii. 1*98, iii. 7;i. 12:;. —I*i|i|iiiiJi»kol«l i-J.) Re- dogbrolse tor l)Y;l bai tihdnKhl'.sets 1 I leUiliiilors lorstll vei'ksaiuhetsar. 1879. (Report on ilie new l\in^-in hos- pital m Helsiimfors. 1879 ; Finska lak.-siillsk" handl.. Helsingfors. 1880. xxii. 210-221. Also. Keprint. — Mien- foii ck iM.l Om liyabarubordshuset i lltlsinuli.i s oelul, ss verksamhet under aren 1879-1887. [The new Lying in Hos- pital at Helsingfors and its activity for 1*79-1*87.] Ibid., 1891. xxxiii, 1-42. 2 pl. IMOLA. Istituto di Maternita. Lolli (L.) Istituto di maternita per le douue povere miolesi. 8-. Imola, 1887. INNSBRUCK. Landesgebarklinik. Ehremlorfer. Die neue Landesgebarklinik in Inns- bruck. Wien. klin. Wchnschr.. 18.'i1 iii. 490. ITALY. See, also, in this list, Bologna: Catania; Cre- mona : Ferrara : Florence : Genoa : Imola : Messina; Milan: Naples : Novara : Padua; Palermo: Pavia: Perugia: Pisa: Rome: Tu- rin : Udine; Venice: Vicenza. Schiff i Pauline) & Scodnik (H.) Les caisses de pre- voyance et d'assistance pour la maternite en Italie. (.'ong. internat. d. accidents du travail 1900. Par., 1901, i. 075-081. JENA. Gebaranstalt der Universitiit. Martin (E.) Zur Uyniikologie. Erstes Heft. Die Gebiiranstalt und die geburt>hiiltiicheu Kli- niken der Universitiit Jena. - . Jena, 1*1*. KAZAN. Kazanskaya Gubernskaya zemskaya Bolnitsa. Kazan. Gorernment Zemstvo. Medit-inskiy fptchot Likhachevskavu rodilnavo otdieleniya Kazaiiskoi gubernskol zemskol bolnitsi. 300 slnchayev. Vvedenie i fiziologicheskaya cliast. A. X. Solovyova. [Medical report of the Liklia- chelf maternity ward of the hospital of tlie Kazan government zemstvo. 300 cases. Introduction aud phvsn.logical part. Bv A. N. Solovvoff.] *:>. Moskva, 1879. KIEL. Geburtshiilfliche Klinik. daeveclte. Bericht iiber die Thatigkeit der geburts- hiilflichen Kiinik zu Kiel in den letzten drei Jahren 1883-6. Mitth. f. d. Ver. Scblesw.-Holst. Aerzte, Kiel, 1**7. xi, 99- 113. KIEV. Akushorsko-Ginekologicheskaya Klinika Im- pevatorskavo Universiteta Sv. Vladimira. Abulndze (D.) Meditsinskiy otchot akushorskavo otdieleniya Akushorsko-Ginekologicheskol Kliniki Impe- ratorskavo Universiteta Sv. Vladimira za 1893-4 akademi- i cheskiy god. [Medical report of the obstetrical division of the obstetrico-gyna.'cological clinic of the Kiev lTniver- sity for 1893-4. | Protok. zasaid. akush.-giuek. Obsh. v Kieve (1895), 1896. ix. suppl. J, :;-53, 2 tab. -----. Otchot akushorskol kliniki Imp< •ratc>i.-ka\ o Universiteta Sv. Vla- dimira za 1894-7gg. [15poit ot tin obstetric clinic of the Kiev University dining 1894—T.J J. akush. i p-nsk. bo- liez. St. Petersb., '.898, xii 1372; 145:i. 15 tab — Kein (G.) & Hi yuno (G.) Pervoye pyatilletie akuslierskoi poli- kliniki pri Imp. TTniv. Sv. vladimira. |First quinquen- nial of the obstetrical polyclinic of the University of Kiev.J Protok. zasaid. akush.-ginek. Obsh.v Kieve, 1*91, iv, pt. 2, 13-59, 1 tab. KONIGSBERG. Geburtshilfliche Unirersitiits-Poliklinik. Schloi)TMAnn(LE.]W. ) * Die geburtshilfliche Universitiits-l'oliklinik zu Konigsberg wiihrend iles Lustrums 1*1*0-94. ■** 5 Konigsberg i. Pr., 1*95. LAIBACH. Gebiir- und Findelhaus. Wiifaclicr (S.) Bericht iiber die Eruebinsse in dem unter der I.eitune des Professors Alois \5ilenta stehenden Gebiir- und Kindelhauso in I.aibach vom 1. October 1*57 bis 30. Septemlper 1*5*. Ueitr. /.. Geburtsk. u. Gynaek., Wiir/.b.. 1800, iv, 250-274. LANDSHUT. Entbindungsanstalt. Ulsamek (A.) Die Entbindungsanstalt in Landshut und ihr Wirken als Attn but der chi- rugischen Schule, von ihrem deinialigen Vor- standc. 4 . Landshut, 1855. LEYDEN. Verloskundige Klinik en Polikliniek. Heeg (S.) "Versing der Verloskundige Kli- niek en Polikliniek nan de Kijks-Universiteit te Leiden. Cursiis l-'.H-vi. Benevens eenige sta- tistisclie optraven nit de jareu l--l-fi en l-*-7-'J*2. 8°. Amsterdam, 1*91. Kuuimel (.ti. M.) " Verslag der Verloskundige Kliniek en Polikliniek van het Kijks-Aeade- miscli Ziekenhuis te Leiden, gedureude den cursus 1—5-ii. «-'. Leiden, 1*90. Metzlar (C.) 'Veislag der Verloskundige Kliniek en Polikliniek vau het Pijks-Aeade- misch Ziekenhuis te Leiden, cursus l-~-7-6. 8*5 Leiden, 1889. LIEGE. Maternite' de Liege. .Vluternite de Liege: statistique des annees 1883-99. J. d'accouch.. Liege, 18*4-1900, v-xxi, passim. — Stati»- liqne de la Maternite de Liege depuis sa fondation (180,">) jusqu'au 30 juiii 1890. Ibid., 1890, xi, 197; 221; 233. LILLE. Maternite' Sainte-Anm. Enotnchc (G.) La Clinique d'accouchements a la rue du Marche. 23 iMateruite Ste.-Anne) (du 18 mars 1881 au 15 juillet 1**9). J. d. sc. mod. de Lille, 1889, ii, 393; 417; 441; 465; 541 ; 1890. i, 25. LIMA. Maternidad de Lima. Pall-on (J. (5) Breve revista tocoldgica de la Mater- nidad de Lima, ano de 1894. Crou. med., Lima, 1895, xii, 123-127. LIMOGES. Clinique obsle'lricale. Klejnie iL.) Installation, foiictioniieiuent et statisti- que anahtiqtie de la cliniiiue obstetricale de l'Ecole de niedecine ile Limoges. Limousin med., Limoges, 1899, xxiii. 53; 70; 80; 110; 134. LONDON. Kyax (T.) The origin, history, work, and present state of metropolitan lying-in hospi- tals. -J. London, 1"*-*5 British Lying-in Hospital for Married Women. Account (An) of the . . ., situate in Brown- low-street, Longacre. From tlie time of its in- stitution, in Nov., 1/49, to tlie 31st of Dec., 1789, fol. [London, 1790.] -----. The same. From its institution, in Nov., 174'.), to Dec. 31, 1804. 8*5 London, 1805. HOSPITALS. 384 HOSPITALS. Hospitals (Gynacologic and obstetric),by localities. LONDON—continued. Annual reports of the board of management at the annual meetings, for the years 1879; 18M3-7; 1894. > \ London, 18,-0-95. Laws (The), orders, and regulations of the . . ., collected together, revised, enlarged, and digested under proper heads, by the weekly com- mittee, in pursuance of an order of the quar- terly geueral court held at the hospital the 26th day of July, 1769. 83. London, 1781. Mmitli (H.) & Barnes (F.) Report of the British Lying-in Hospital for 1881 and 1882. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1883, i, 52. Chelsea Hospital for Women. Annual reports of the council to the govern- ors and subscribers. 12., 188*2-3 ; 14.-16., 1884-5 to 1886-7; 23., 1893; 25.-29., 1895-9. 12° & 8°. London, 188:5-1900. Brief (A) chronological sketch of the founda- tion and work of the . . ., by J. S. Wood. sin. 45 [London, 1883.] Chelsea (The) Hospital for "Women. Lancet, Lond., 1894, ii, 871; 1299. City of London Lying-in Hospital, City Road, E. C. Annual reports of the committee of manage- ment to the governors and subscribers. 132.- 146., 1882-96. 8°. London, 1883-97. East London Hospital for Children and Dispensary for Women, Shadtoell, E. Annual reports of the board of management to the governors aud subscri bers. 16.-18. t 1882-3 to 1884-5; 20., 1886-7; 27.-29., 1893-5. 8G. Lon- don, 1869-96. Farringdon General Dispensary and Lying- in Charity, Holborn. Annual reports of the committee oi manage- meut to the governors and subscribers. 51., 1878; 56.-58., 1883-5; 60., 1887. l*-2°. London, 1879-88. General Lying-in Charity. Account (An) of the nature and advantages of the . . ., for the delivery and support of poor married women, at their own habitations; insti- tuted in the year 1778. fol. [London, 1788.] General Lying-in Hospital, Lambeth, S. E. Annual reports of the committee of manage ment to the governors and subscribers. 120.- 124., 1884-8; 127.-133., 1891-7; 136., 1900. 8° & 12-5 London, 1885-1901. [Circular letter of the committee of mana- gement, and appeal for assistance.] 4C. [Lon- don, n. d.] Short (A) account of the institution, plan, and present state of the new General Lying-in Hos- pital, in Store-street, Tottenham Court Road. 8°. London, [1787], -----. Thesame. fol. [London, 1789.] Laws, rules, and orders for the government of the . . ., near AVestmiuster bridge, instituted in the year 1765; collected and revised by a committee, appointed at a special general meet- ing of the governors of Westmi nster New Lying- in Hospital, and confirmed 6th of March, 1793 8°. London, 1793. Grosvenor Hospital for Women and Chil- dren, Westminster, S. W. Annual report of the committee of manage- ment to the subscribers. 18., 1883. 16°. Lon- don, 18-4. Statement of receipts and expenditure for 1--4; 1887. MS. fol. [London, 1885-8.] Hospitals (Gyneccologic and obstetric), by localities. LONDON—continued. Guy'8 Hospital. Gnlabin (A. L.) & Horrocks (P.) Sixth report of the Guy's Hospital Lying-in Charity from October 1, 1875 to September 30, 1885, collated from the records by p' Horrocks. Presented by . . . Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond 1888, 3. s., xxx, 1-90. Hospital for Women. Annual reports of the committee of manage- ment to the governors. 42., 1884; 43., 1885- 45., 1887; 53., 1895. 8°. London, 1885-96. [Appeal to the public for additional annual subscriptions.] 4C. [London, 1889.] -----. The same. Christmas, 1894. 4°. [London, 1894.] Receipts and expenditure for the years 1884; 1885. MS. fol. [London, 1885-6.] Invalid Asylum, at Stoke Newington, for Re- spectable Females. Annual reports of the committee to the sub- scribers. 54., 1883; 55., 1884; 57., 1886; 65., 1894; 69., 1898. 12°. London, 1884-99. Mothers' Lying-in Home, Shadwell, E. Annual report of the committee of manage- ment to the court of governors. 1., 1884-5. 8°. London, 1885. New Hospital for Women. Annual reports of the committee to the sub- scribers. 5., 1876; 12.-14., 1883-5; 16., 1887. 8°. London, 1877-88. Notting Hill Provident Dispensary and Ma- ternity. Annual reports of the committee to the gov- ernors and subscribers. 24.-26., 1883-5. 12°. London, 1884-6. Balance sheets for the vears 1882-5; 1887. sm. 43. [London, 1883-8.] Princess Frederica's Convalescent Home for Married Women after Childbirth, Hamp- ton Court. Annual reports of the committee of manage- ment to the governors and subscribers. 4., 1884; 7., 1887. 16°. [London, 1885-8.] Queen Charlotte's Lying-in Hospital, Mary- lebone. Annual reports of the committee of manage- ment to the governors and subscribers. 129.- 131., 1880-82; 133.-136., 1884-7; 138., 1889; 140.- 145., 1891-6. 8°. London, 1881-97. Royal Maternity Charity. Account of receipts and expenditure for the year 1884. 8°. [London, 1885.] Annual reports of the general committee to the governors and subscribers. 127.-129., 1883- 5; 131., 1887; 133., 1889. 16° & 12°. London, 1884-90. Barnes (R.) Clinical history of the eastern division of the Royal Maternity Charity, during the year ending Sept. 30, 1858. Dublin Q.'J. M. Sc, 1859, xxviii, 99-119. Saint Saviour's Hospital and Nursing Home. Annual reports of the board of management to the subscribers. 11.-13.,.1883-5; 15., 1887. 8°. London, 1884-8. Statement of receipts and expenditure for the year 1885. MS. fol. [London, 1886. ] Saint Thomas's Hospital. Reports of the in-patient department for dis- eases of women, for the years 1888-90. By C. J. Cullingworth. 8°. London, 1890-92. Repr. from: St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep., Lond., xviii-xx, 1890-92. HOSPITALS. 385 HOSPITALS. Hospitals (Gynacologic and obstetric), by localities. LOUISVILLE. Fonst Hill Lying-in Hospital. Report of the Forest Hill Lying-in Hospital, Loirs- ville. Is78. Louisville nmnicip. iep.. 18"9. 467-472.— Ke- port of superintendent Female Hospital. St Louis. 1878-9. Mayor's message & doc, St. Louis, 1679, 1-14. [sig. 20J. LOWELL. Woman's Hospital. Annial report, with clinical record. 1., l-.m- 91. --. Lowell, 1*91. MAGDEBURG. Prorinzial-Hebammen Lehr- und Entbin- dungs-Anstalt. R—I. Die Provinzial Hebammen-Lehr- und Entbiu- dnngs-Anstalt zu Magdeburg. Verhandl. u. Mitth. d. Ter. f. off. Gsndhtsplig. in Magdeb., 1901, 83-91. MALVERN. Malrern Lying-in and Samaritan t^harity. Annual report of the committee. 24., 1---4. 8*-. Malvern, [l-~5]. MANCHESTER. Manchester Clinical Hospital for Women and Children. Annual reports of the committee of manage- ment to the governors and subscribers. 42.-45., 18'J7-1900. -:. Manchester, 18'J--1901. Manchester Southern Hospital for Diseases of Women and Children, Chorlton-on-Med- lock. Annual reports of the committee to the sub- scribers, and of the Manchester Maternity Hos- pital in connection therewith. 2-5.-30., 1-90-91 to 1895-0: 32., 1897--. --. Manchester. 1-91--. Saint Mary's Hospital and the Manchester and Salford Lying-in Hospital and Dis- pensary for Women and Children. Annual reports of the board of management to the subscriber^. To which are added, reports of the Ladies' Auxiliary Society, for the years 1842-3: 1845-6; 1—0; 1^2: 1—5. ?'-. Manches- ter, l-4:i--4. Remakes on the former and present a-pccts of St. Marv's Hospital; to which is prehxed some general observations. By T. Radford. 8C. Man- chester. 1-64. MANTUA. Cirico Ospedale di Mantova. Rep-auto ostetrico-ginecologico del . . . Ke:i- diconto del movimento clinico nel biennio 15 febbraio 1897—15 febbrai" 1^99. Pel (iiuseppc Roucaglia. *z. Modena, 1**99. MARBURG. Frauenklinik der Unirersitat, Ahlfrlil. Die Frauenklinik der Univeisitiit zu Mar bnrg nach ihrer Erweiterung. Klin. Jahrb., Jena, 1897-s vi, 585-605. Marbnrger Entbindungsanstalt. Ahlfehl. Ziu Geschichte der (iriiiiduiig der Marburgcr Euthindungsaustalt. Kliu. Jahrb., Berl., 1894, v, 62-U9. MARSEILLES. Maternite de Marseille. Queirel. Histoire de la Maternite de Marseille. Marseille med., 1888, xxv, 577; 051; 743; 1889, xxvi. 42; 9>-- 215; 284 4 pl -----. Rapport sur le service de la Ma lernite en 1887. Ibid.. 223-232. Also, Reprint. ----- Une transformation de maternite en province. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1890, xii, 6-19. VOL VII, 2D SERIES----5 Hospital* (Gynacologic and obstetric), by localities. MESSINA. Grande Ospedale civico, Rkpakto ostetino ginecologico del . . . Ren- diconti clinici dnl 1" giugno 1899 al 31 dicenibre 1900. Del Dott V. Cordaro, direttotc. 8°. Messina, 1900-1901. Istituto ostetrico-ginecologico della R. Uni- versita. Coi'dnro (V.) Istituto ostetrico-ginecologico della r. Uuiversitii di Messina; rendiconto clinico dal 1° ottobre 1898 al ,10 aiiigno 1899. Kassegua d' ostet. e ginec, Napoli, 1900, ix, 145: -.Ml : 338. MEXICO. See, in this list, Puebla. MILAN. Guardia ostetrica diurna e notturna di Mi- lano. Fkrki (A.) Relazione clinica del lavoro ese- guito dalla Guardia ostetrica di Milano nel 1-95. 4°. Milano, 1-95. 1'kimi (I) giorni ('ella Guardia ostetrica di Milano. ,-*-. Milano, 1887. Relazione del lavoiv compinto nel 1° Iriine- stre 1892. 8J. Milano, 1892. Rendiconto statistico e amininistrativo dal 1--7-91. -*-'. Milano, 1892. Cnnrvii iG) Cenni storici e dati statistici della Guar- dia ostetrica di Milano. Morgagni. Napoli. 1887, xxix, 701-7OS. Also: Atti xii Cmig. d. Ass. med. ital. 1887, Pa- via, 1888. i, .>!i-5«i].— Ferri (A.) Rendiconto statistico dell' Opera pia ("-uanlia ostetrica, 1899. Arte ostet., Mi- lano, 1900. xiv 145: 101. Maternita di Santa Calerina. Trnzzi (E.) Movimento clinico nella Maternity di S. Uaierina in Milano, diretta dal prof. Edoardo Porro. 1883-8. (Ja//. lin.'d. lomb., Milano, 1884-9, xliv-xlix. passim. Ospedale maggiore. Pokko (V-.) Progetti e pronoste perl' Ospe- dale maggiore e per 1' Ospizio provinciale degli e-,jio>ti e delle partorienti in Milano. 8 . Mi- lano, 1885. Plnniiiielrin del coniparto ginecologico ostetrico nell (Kpi'ilale maggiore di Milano. Ann. di ostet., Mi- lano, l'-'.m xii, no "J. 1 plan, following p. 104. Ospizio provincial! degli esposti e delle par- tor ien te. Rklazmxi generali ]>er gli anni 1-70; 1874-5; 1-577; 18-4; 1-85; 1-87-92, dai direttori. -*. Milano, 1871-93. Pio Istituto di maternita e dei riooreri pei bambini latlanti e slattate. Rela/.ioni ed atti peril Dott. Giovanni Ver- gani. 36 -39., 1—5--; 41., 1890; 42., 1891. roy. 8 . Milano, l-8i>-92. MINNEAPOLIS. Malirnity Hospital. Annual report of the otimers to the members nnd the public. 13., 1-9--9. 8C. Minneapolis, [1-99]. Xorthtvestern Hospital for Women and Chil- dren. Annual reports of the officers to the corpora- tion. 1., 1—2-3: 3.-11., 18-4-5 to 1S92-3; 13.- U>., 1-94-5 to 1-97--; I*., 1899-1900. 8°. Min- neapolis, 18H4-1901. MONTPELLIER. Clinigitc obstelrieale. (irrniter (P. W. T.) Die gebiirtsliiilfliche und gyniiko. logische Klinik zu Montpellier. Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk, HOSPITALS. 3*6 HOSPITALS. Hospitals (Gyneccologic and obstetric), by localities. MONTPELLIER—continued. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1867, xxix, 198-214.—Guiltier. Compte rendu de la clinique obstetricale de Montpellier (pendant l'annee scolaire 1887-8). Montpel. med., 1889. 2. s., xiii, 308; 363, 1 tab.—Puech (P.) Compte rendu de la clinique obstetricale de Montpellier. pendant l'annee scolaire 1891-2. N. Montpel. med. Suppl., 1893, ii. 17-72.— Y;illoi«. Compte rendu de la Clinique obstetricale de Montpellier du 1" aout au 26 novembre 1897. N. Mont- pel. med., 1898, vii, 1-10, 1 pl. Maternite' de Montpellier. DmnnN (L.) La question dela Maternite h, Montpel- lier. Montpel. med., 1887, 2. s., viii, 381 ; 520, 1 plan. Also, Reprint.— Vallois. La nouvelle Maternite de Montpel- lier. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1901, lxxiv, 233-238. Also: N. Montpel. med., 1901, xii, 545-552. MONTREAL. Montreal Maternity Hospital. Smith (W5 A.deW.) Abstract of statisticsoi „ne Mon- treal Maternity Hospital. Lancet, Lond., 1887, ii, 187-189. University Lying-in Hospital. itincf nllmii (D. C.) Report of the University Lying- in Hospital. Montreal, from October 1st. 1875, to'October 1st, 1883. Canada M. &. S. J., Montreal, 1886-7, xv, 705-712. MOSCOW, Imptratorskiy Moskorskiy Vospitatelniy Dom. [Imperial Moscow Foundling Asylum.] Meditsinskiy otchot rodovspomogatelnavo zavedeuiya . . . za 1875-7 gody. Soslavlennly F. K. (iugenbergerom. [Report of the obstet- rical section of tbe . . ., compiled by .;. .] 8°. Moskva, 1876-8. Moskovskoye Rodovspomogatelnoye Zavedenie. [Moscow Lying-in Hospital.] .Short historical description of the ... of the institutions of her majesty tbe Empress Mary, by P. Dobrynin. broadside. Moskva, l*-93. Short (The) statistical table for 25 vears. lHfirf-9-2, by P. Dobrynin. broadside. Moskva, 1895. Stavo- Yekaterininskaya Bolnitsa. GrniK-rmnii (G. L.) Meditsinskiy otchot rodilnavo priyuta pri Staro Yekaterininskol holnitsle za 1898 g. [Medical report of tlie lying-in asylum of the old Catherine hospital for . . . | Vrach. zapiski, Mosk., 1899, vi, 183-223. Zhcnskaya Liechebnitsa i Rodovspomogatel- noye Zavedenie s Bezplatnimi Koikami. [ Woman's Hospital and Lying-in Institute with free beds. ] Meditsinskiy otchot . . . za 1886-8 godi; za- vieduyushtshavo uchrezhdeniem A. A. Mura- tova. [Medical report for 1886-8; bv the direc- tor, A. A. Muratoff.] 8°. Moskva, 1890. MUNICH. Geburtshiilfiiche Poliklinik der Universitiit. Itci'linei'. Jahresbericht der geburtshlilflichen Poli- klinik dei-k. I.uilwigs-Maximilians-Dniversitat. Miinchen 1851-9. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., lS5:!-60, v-xii, passim — llolinniiu. Rechenschafts-Bericht der gehurtshiifli- clieu Poliklinik der k. Ludwigs-Maximilians-Universitat in Miinchen fiir die Jahre 1849-59. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt Heilk, Prag, 1800, lx vii, 73-110. —Win mpf ( M.) Die . -*\ New York, 1895-9. An ron (C. D.) Methods of recording in the Lying-in Hospital of the Citv of Xew York. Phvsician A Surg., Detroit &. Ann Arbor. 189.".. xvii, 361-371." Metropolitan Dispensary and Hospital for Women and Children. Annual reports of the directors to the mem- bers and contributors. 9., 1888-9; 9., 1894-5. 8*. New York, 1889-95. Midwifery Disjieusary. Annual reports of the medical staff and treas- urer. 1., 1-9U: 2.. 1-91. ,--. New York, 1^91-2. Mothers' and Babies' Hospital. Annual reports of the officers to the members aud friends, for the vears 1894-6; 1-9-. New Yovk, 1*95-9. Netc York Female Asylum for Lying-in Women. Annual reports of the managers and resident phvsician to tbe subscriber* aud lhe public. 6., 182--9: 9., 1SU-2; 14.. l-:?6-7; 17., l85'.M0; 23., 1845-H; 40.. l-i'.2-:i: 60.-71., 18-8-9 to 1895-4. 8:. -Ycip York, l-2'.»-94. Continned as following. Old Marion street Maternity Hospital. An- uual reports of tbe board of managers and offi- cers to the corporation. 72.-7o\, l-'J4-5 to 1-98-9. 8. -Yuperinteudent to the >ul»criber>. 14.-19., 18H7-7?: 24., 1-77; 27.. 18-0: *,'-., 1—1; 30.-47.. 1—5 to l-'5'.i-190U. -J. New Yovk, 1-68-1900. New York Maternity Hospital. Moore (W.) New York Maternity Hospital, and a case of labor as there conducted. St. Louis Cour. Med., 18-5. xiv, 500-505. Neiv York Post-Graduate Medical School. von Kamdohi* (C. A.) Erster Jahresbericht der gelniit^hiiltiichen Poliklinik der New York Post-Graduate Medical School. N. Yorker med. Monatsehr., 1893, v, 475-17?. Saint Andrew's Infirmary for Women. Annual report of the officers to tlie contrib- utors nnd the public. 6., 1-1*4. 8°. [New York, 1895.] Sloane Maternity Hospital. iTIcEimie (J. W.) The Sloane Maternity Hospital. Report ou the tirst series of one thousand successive con- finements from January 1st, 18ss. to October 1st. 1890. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1891, xxiv, 385-418. Aim,. Reprint.— TliomnM il'. G.i Address at the inauguration of the Sloane Maternitv Hospital and of the Vanilerbilt (Clinic, December 29, 1-87. N. York M. J., 1888, xlvii, 29-33. Woman's Hospital in the State of New York. Annual reports of the board of governors and board of ladv supervisors at the anniversarv meetings. 20., 1-70-71; 21., 1871-2; 2.5., 1879- 80; 27.-15., 18-1-2 to 1899-1900. 8 \ New York, 1871-1900. K niinet (T. A.) Reminiscences of the founders of the Woman o Hospital Association. Am. Gvusec. & Obst. J., N. Y., 1899, xiv, 363-382, 10 pl. Woman's Infirmary and Maternity Home. [Circular, stating the aims, advantages, and terms of the institution.] 8:. [ Niv York, n. d.] llo*piflal* (Gyna'cologicand obstetric), by localities. NEW YORK (City)—continued. Training department. Announcement and catalogue of the New York Schools of Mid- wit'er\. Nursiug, and Massage. ,-*-. New York, [». rf.]. Wojians Inlirmary and Maternity Home cf the City of New York. James O'Reillv, nnilical director. 16. New York, [1887]. NEW YORK (State). Set, also, in this list, Brooklyn; New York (City); Syracuse. New Yohk (State). Assembly. An act to found a State woman's hospital. No. 619. April 8, 18,57. Introd. by Mr. Varuum. fol. [Albany, 1^57.] NORWAY. .Sir, in this list, Bergen; Christiania. NOVARA. Clinica ostetrica. Bosui (L. M.) La clinica ostetrica di Novara nel trien- nio 1M14-,"). 1895-6, 1896-7. Rassegna d' ostet. e ginec, Na poli, 1898, vii, 65; 129; 218; 257; 333; 390. R. Scuola pareggiata di ostetrica. Relazionk soniinaria sui movimento clinico- didattico nell' anno scolastico 1890-91. Pel Et- tore Truzzi, direttore. 8C. Novara, 1-91. NUREMBERG. llbehnerinnenheim. Minion (M.) Das Wocbnerinnenheim Niirnberg. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1899, xlvi, 1498. OLMUTZ. Landes-Gebdranslalt. Frank (E.) Die neue Olmiitzer Landes-G-ebaranstalt. Wieu. klin. Wchnschr., 1901, xiv, 344; 365. OXFORD. Oxford Medical Dispensary and Lying-in Charity. Annual report of the committee for the Year. 76., 18*55. 8-. [Oxford, 1884.] PADUA. Istituto ostetrico-ginecologico della r. Uni- rersitd di Padova. Rendiconto clinico statistico. Diretto dal Prof. Giovanni Inveradi per 1' anno 1895. ,--'. Padova, 1894. Accomi (I..) Istituto ostetrico-jritiecolojrico della r Universita di Padova. Rendiconto c linico dal 1° gennaio al .',0 novembre 1892. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Veue/.ia, ls9;i, xviii, 1; 103; 199. PARIS. Ancki.ki(G.-P.) "Essai historique et criti- que sur la creation et la transformation des ma- teruites ii Paris. 4-5 Paris, 1890. ------. The same. H-. Paris, l89ii. Bock (J. A.) r.eschreilning der neuen Pariser Entbiinlunos- und Findelanstalt und der mit deiselben verbundenen Hebaniinenschule. 12 . Berlin, 1804. Bournkvillk A Blondkau (A.) Des services d'accouchements dans les hOpitaux de Paris. 8 '. Paris, 1881. Connor (15) The maternities of Paris. Australas. M. (ia/. S\dney. 1901, xx, 72.—Thevcnol. Rapport sur les nou velles nmtei nites au uom dune commission. Rev. d'hyg.. Par., 1882, iv, 668-695. Asile de convalescence Ledru-Rollin. Koi»»ai-«l i A.i Del'aHsi stance lies femmes accouchees; Asile de convalescence Ledru-Rollin. Obstetrique, Par., 1897, ii, 512-517. HOSPITALS. Hospital* (Gyneccologic and obstetric), by localities. PARIS—continued. Asile Michelet. Dn iTIesnil (O.) L'asile Michelet pour les femmes en- ceintes. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1894, 3. s., xxxi, 166-171. Hopital Bretonneau. Jayle(F.) L'Hopital Bretonneau. Presse med., Par., 1901, i, 109-115. Maison d'accouchements Baudelocque. Fonctionnemknt de la . . . Clinique de la faculty, dirigee par le Prof. Adolphe Pinard. Annees 1892-4; 1896-9. Dr. G. Lepage, accou- cheur des hopitaux. 4°. Paris, 1893-1900. Maternite de l'Hopital Beaujon. Debrabant (G.) * La maternite de l'H6pital Beaujon clu lerjanrier 1885 au ler juillet 1691. 4°. Paris, 1891. Bellouet. La nouvelle maternite de l'Hopital Beau- jon. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1895, xvii, 575-597.—Nouvelle (Lai Maternite'de Beaujon. Progres nied., Par., 1895, 3. s., i, 356-358. Maternite' de l'Hopital de la Charite. Boissard (A.) Fouctiouneinent et statistique du ser- vice d'accouchements de la Charite. Arch, de tocol. et de gvnec.. Par., 1895, xxii,lll-117.—Bmlin. Sur la Maternite cle l'Hopital de la Charite. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1887, ix, 492- 497.—Merle & liciiaull (Mile. C.) Statistique du ser- vice; d'accouchements de la Charity, d'octobre 1891 au 21 decembre 1894. Bull, et mem. Soc. obst. et gynec. de Par., 1895, 160-168. Maternite de VHopital Saint-Louis. Grossieh ( P.) * La Maternit6 de l'Hopital Saint-Louis, du ler Janvier 1883 au ler juillet 1889. 4°. Paris, 1890. Maternite' de VHopital Tenon. Annee 1896. Service cle M. Champetier de Ribes. P. Baron, interne des hopitaux. 4°. Paris, 1897. Maternite de l'Hotel-Dieu. Maternite de ]'H6tel-Dien. Service de M. Champetier de Ribes. Annees 1897; 1898. sta- tistique re51ige~e par les internes des hdpilaux. 4°. Paris, 1898-9. Maternite de Lariboisiere. Pinnrd. Du fonctionnementdela Maternite de Lari- boisiere et des resultats obtenns depuis 1882 jusqu'en 1887. Bull. Soc.demed. pub.. Par., 1887, x, 121-137. [Discussion], 193-198. AUo: Ann. de gvnec., Par., 1887, xxvii, 429-447. AUo: Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1887. ix. 386-102. AUo, Reprint. -----. Du fonctionnenientde la Maternite de Lariboisiere et des resultats obtenus pendant les ann6es 1887 et 1888. Bull. Soc. de med. pub.. Par., 1889, xii, 89-100. Also: Ann. de gvnec. et d'obst., Par., 1889, xxxii, 81-98. Also: Ann. d'hvg., Par., 1889, 3. s., xxi, 423. Also: Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1889. xi, 298-309. Maternite de Saint-Antoine. Fournier (C.) -> Reielienberger Stefaushospitales. (Jahr«aiisr 188*., Ibid.. 18-9 xiv, 351. RHEIMS. de Bovin (R.) Quelques reinarf|iU's »nr le fonctionne- ment dela Cliuique obstetricale a R(ims du l"aofit 1900 au 1" mai 1901. Union med. du nord-est, R<>. RUSSIA. See. in this list, Kazan; Kiev; Moscow; Saint Petersburg; Tiflis; Warsaw; Yekaterinburg. SAINT-LEONARDS-ON-SEA. See, in this list, Hastings. SAINT LOUIS. Female Hospital, Report of lhe Female Hospital for the years 1875-90. Rep. lid. Health St. Louis, 1875-6, ix, 72: 1876-7, x, 51. Hospital* (Gyna'cologic and obstetric), by localities. SAINT LOUIS—continued. Continued in: Rep. Health Dep. St. Louis, 1877-8 to 1878-9, iii, passim, ('ontinued in: Rep. Health Com. St. Louis, 1879-80 to 1889-90, iii-xiii, passim. Xenland's College of Midwifery and Lying-in Institute. Annual announcements of. . . for the spring and fall sessions of tlie vears 1885 (1.); 1,887 (3.). 8 . St. Louis, [1885-7]'. SAINT PETERSBURG. I'liahliiiiu (Kvycniwi L.i Meditsinskiy otchot po Peterbuijrskiin 1890-91 akad. g. [Medico-statistical report cf the gynaecological ward of lhe obstetrical academical clinic of the Hospital of Baronet Villie [.Sir James Wvlie], for 1884-5 to 18H0-91.] 8C. S.-Peterburg, 1*92. Imperatorskiy Klinicheskiy Porivallniy In- stitut. Chapin (D. 8.) * Meditsinskiy otchot aku- sherskavo otdieleniya Imperatorskavo klini- cheskavo povivalnavo instituta, za chetiryokh- lietniy period yevo dieyatelnosti (s 1 seut. 189:] g. po 2:! a]>r. 1897 g ) [Medical report of tlie ob- stetrical division of the Imperial Clinical Lying- in Institute, for four years.] 8*5 S.-Peterburg, 1898. Kannegiser (N. S.) * Meditsinskiy otchot ginokolooiclioskavo otdTeleniya Imperatorskavo klinicheskavo povivalnavo instituta, s osnova- niya yevo po 1 sentyabrya 1897 g. [Medical report of the gynecological department of the Imperial Clinical Obstetric Institute, from its foundation to Sept. 1, 1-97.] so S.-Peterburg, 1>98. Viridarski (S. T.) * Meditsinskiy otchot aku- sherskavo otdieleniya Imperatorskavo klini- cheskavo povivalnavo instituta za 10-ti lietniy ]ienod yevo dieyatelnosti (s 1-vo yanv. 18-:> g. po 15-c upr. 189.'} g.). [Medical report of the obsletiicul (lepartinent of the Imperial Clinical Midwifery In finite, for ien years (Jan. 1, 18-:i, to April 1.5. 1X9:1).] **-. S.-Peterburg, 1897. Olt (D.i Iv postrolkle novavo Imperatorskavo klini- clM'skavo povhnluavo instituta. [ N5 w Imperial Clinical Lviii;: 111 Institute, j J. akush. i jensk. bo he/. St. Petersb., 1S99, xiii. lit'.il-llii;!, 4 plans. Also, transl : Monatsehr. f. ('eburtsh. u. I'ynaok , Perl., 11)01). xi, 809-820, 3 pl. Mariinskiy Rodorsponiogtitclniy Dom. Meditsinskiy otchot Mariiuskavo rodovspo- niogateln.i vo doma sostoyashtsbavo pod vlso- chalsliiin [lokrovitelstvom Ycya Imperatorskavo Velicliest va (iosudarlni linpcratrilsi; s :!0-vo ap- rlelya INTOg. po 1-e yanvarya 1891 g. Sostavil A. E. Shmidt. [ Medical report of the Maria Lying- in Institute, from April 50, 1870, to January 1, 1-91.] H-. S.-Peterburg, 1889-92. Pokrovskiy Uodilniy Priyut. FiMlirr 1 A. R.) Otchot o dvizhcnii 1 odov v Pokrovskom rodilnom priyutle za 1884-5 g. [Labor in the Pokrov Lving-in Asvliiin.| Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1885, x, 557; 574; 592; 606. Sanktpelerburgskoye Rodorspomogatelnoye Zavedenie. BIelyayeff (I.) *Etyud razbora sanitar- navo sostoyaniya Rodovspomogatelnavo zavede- HOSPITALS. 390 HOSPITALS. Hospital* (Gyneccologic and obstetric), by localities. SAINT PETERSBURG—continued. niya. (Otchot za zimu 1882-3 g.) [A study of the sanitary condition of the St. Petersburg Lying-in Institute. (Report for the winter 1882-3.)] - \ S.-Peterburg, 1885. Geijakanstalt (Ans der) des kaiserlichen Erziehungshauses, gegenwaitig unter der Di- rektion des Dr. A. Krassowsky. Medicinischer Bericht fiir die Jahre 1873-80. 8C. St. Peters- burg, 18S1-4. Gebakanstalt (Aus der) des kaiserlichen Erziehungshauses zu St. Petersburg, gegenwiir- tig unter der Direction des Prof. A. Krassowsky. Klinischer Bericht fiir die Jahre 1840-71. Ver- fasst von E. Bidder uud W. Sutugin. 8C. St. Petersburg, 1874. Meditsinskiy otchot S.-Peterburgskavo ro- dovsponiogatelnavo zavedeniya viedomstva uchrezhdeniv Iinperatritsi Marii za 1877-80; 1886-8; 1890-97. [Medical reports of the St. Petersburg Lying-in Institute of the jurisdiction of the cabinet of Empress Maria for . . . ] S-. S.-Peterburg, 18S3-98. -----. The same. Meditsinskiy otchot. . . za 1891-4. [Medical report for 1891-4.] S-. S.-Peterburg, 189J-5. Otchot Mariinskavo ginekologieheskavo otdieleniya S.-Peterburgskavo rodovspomogatel- navo zavedeniya za 1889 i 1890 gg. [Report of the Maria gynaecological ward of the St. Peters- burg L\ing-in Institute for the years 1-89 and 1890.] Pt. 1. 85-. S.-Peterburg, 1891. Sbornik trudov vrachei Sanktpeterburgskavo rodovs])oinc)gatelnavo zavedeniya, izdavayemly pod redaktsiycyu pomoslitshnika direktora I. M. Tarnovskavo. [Collection of memoirs of the physicians of the St. Petersburg Lying-in Insti- tute, edited by the assistant, director, I. M. Tarnovski.] Nos. 1-6. 8-. S.-Peterburg, 1895-8. Stoi.iktie . . . Rodovsponiogatelnavo zavede- niya Imperatorskavo S.-Peterburgskavo Vospita- teluavo dotiifl. Istoricheskiy ocherk. [Lying-in Institute of the Imperial St. Petersburg Orphan Asylum. Century.of . . . Historical sketch.] roy. 8°. Sanktpeterbnrg, 1872. Tarnovski (I. M.) Istoricheskiy ocherk dieyatelnosti Rodovsponiogatelnavo zavedeniya so vremeni yevo osuovaniya. [Historical sketch of the activity of the St. Peterburg Lying-in Institute from the time of its founda- tion.] c\ S.-Peterburg, 1895. -----. The same. A historical sketch of tbe Lying-in Hospital in St. Petersburg since its foundation. 8°. -St. Petersburg, 1893. Kra»»ov*lii (A.) Kratkiy otchot o dieyatelnosti S.- Petci Inn yskuvo lodovspomogatelnnvo zavedeniya za 18*5 g. | Short report on the work of the St. Petersburg L.ving- in Institute during 1885.1 Vrach, St. Petersb., 188(i, vii, 388:407. AUo, Reprint. -----. Kratkiy otchot o dieyatel- nosti S. - Peterburgiivo rodovsponiogatelnavo zavedeniya za 1886 nod. [. . . during 1880.] J. akush. l jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 18S7, i, 428-445. Spasskiy Gorodskoi Rodilniy Priyut. Nazonovn (Mariya G.) Meditsinskiy otchot Spass- kavo gorodskovo rodiinavo priyuta s 1. yanvarya 1890 g. po 1. yanvarya 189:; g. [Medical report of the Citv Lying-in Asylum of the Saviour. Jan. 1.1890, to Jan. 1.1893.J Shorn. rabot. akush. i zhensk. bolez. . . Slavyanski [etc. I, St. Petersb., 1894, i, 137-195. AUo, Reprint'. Viborgskiy Rodilniy Priyut. Krivoshe'i'n (M. P.) *Oprizrienii rozhenits vgorodskikhrodilnikhpriyiitakh S.-Peterburga. (Meditsinskiy otchot Viboigskavo rodiinavo priyuta za period yevo dieyatelnosti s 1. okt. Hospital* (Gyna'cologic and obstetric), by localities. SAINT PETERSBURG—continued. 1S89 g. po 1. yanv. 1897 g.) [On the care of lying- in women m the city lying-in institutions of St Petersburg. (Medical report of the Vtborg Lying-in Institute for the period of its existence Oct. 1, 1888, to Jan/1, 1897.)] bc. S.-Peterburg SALZBURG. Landes- Gebaraustalt. I. uinpe (R.) Die Landes-Gebaranatalt in Salzburg Oesterr. San.-Wes., Wien, 1901, xiii, 257; 265; 274. SAN FRANCISCO. Alexander Maternity Children's Hospital. Brown (Adelaide). Report from the Alexander Mater- nity Children's Hospital. Tr. M. Soc. Calif., San Fran 1900, xxx, 130-142. California JVoman's Hospital. Annial reports of the surgeon in charge and the hoard of lady managers to the president aud trustees. 11.-29., 1881-91!; :&., 1899; 355, 1900. 8°. San Francisco, 1HS*2-1901. Constitution and by laws of the California State Woman's Hospital. 16°. San Francisco, 1874. SANTIAGO DE CHILE. Maternidad de Santiago. iTIui'illo (A.) Ligeros apuntes sobre la maternidad de Santiago en 1892. Rev. med. de Chile, Sant. de Chile, 1893, xxi, 255-201. « SHEFFIELD. Jessop Hospital for Women. Annual reports of the committee to the sub- scribers. 21.-5:1., 1884-1H;. 8°. Sheffield, 1885-97. SOPHIA. Aleksandrovskata Bolnitsa. StmnatcflT (D.) Kom istoriyata na ginekologiches- koto otdielenie pri Alexsaudrovskata bolnitsa v Sofiya. [Gynecologic department of Aleksander hospital in So- phia.J Spis. mi Sotiysk. Med. Druzh., 1900-1901, i, 249; 350. SOUTHAMPTON. Women's Free Hqspital. Forbcn (A. F.) & Phillips (H. C.) The Women's Free Hospital. Southampton. Lancet. Lond., 1895, i, 955- 957.— Gwilliin (It. I). H.) & Aid ridge (N.) The Women's Free Hospital, Southampton. Ibid., 833. STETTIN. Kbnigl. Hebammen-Inslitut. Behm. Hericht iiber die Leistungeu des Konigl. Hebammen-Institiits zn Stettin wiihrend der Jahre 1834- 59. Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl., 1801, xvii, 302-320, I pl. AUo, Reprint. STOCKHOLM. I.iiiilMii'oiii (i;.i Rapport ofver de vid Sabbatsbergs sjukhus jiym-kolojiiska afdelning vardade sjuke och sjuk- iloinai ai 1891. [Keport on the patients cared lor and dis- eases. 0Sabbatsberg Hospital, gvna?cological de]iartuient, 1891.] Arsberatt. f. SiibbatsbergsSjukb.i Stockholm (1891), 1892, xiii, p. xxix. STRASBURG. Bodoii'C.i Strasburg Hospital for Women. Hospital, Lond., ]s9."i-(i, xix. 171— Fi-cund (H. W.) Die geburts- hiilflich-i'viiiikoloi'ische Klinik zu Strassburg i. E. Arch. f. off. Gsii'dhtspti-., Strassb.. 1888, xii, 127-140, STUTTGART. Kbnigliche Landeshebammenschule und Ent- bindungsanstalt. Jahhesberichte iiber die Ereignisse in den Jahren 1877; 1880. 4C A5 8C. Stuttgart, 1878-81. HOSPITALS. 391 HOSPITALS. Ho«|>itnl* (Gyneccologicand obstetric), by localities. STUTTGART—continued. Ludwigs-Spital Chai lottenhilfe. Bkhiciit iiber die innere und gyniikologische Abteiliun>- in den Jahren 1-79-8:?. Von Dr. J. v. Teutt'el. '8*-. Stuttgart, 1**1. SWEDEN. See, in this list, Goteborg; Stockholm; Up- sala. SWITZERLAND. &r, in this list, Basel; Bern; Zurich. SYRACUSE. Syracuse Hospital for Women and Children and Training School for Nurses. Annual reports of the officers to the members aud subscribers. 1., 1-87-8 : o.% 1-8<_.|; (j.-H., j 1*95-9 to 1897--. 8J. Syracuse, 1**9-98. TANGIER. Hope House. Mkath (M. J.), Countess. The lirst woman's hospital iu Morocco. Cutting from: Nineteenth Cent., N. Y., 1898, xlviii, 1002-1007. TIFLIS. Zakarkazskiy Povivalniy Institut. Xauchniya besieJt vrachei Zakavkazskavo Povivalnavo Instituta. [Scientific communica- tions of the physicians of the Caucasian Lying- in Hospital.]' gg. 1-t'. 1—5-90. --. Tifiis, 1--0-91. TORONTO. Burnside Lying-in Hospital. Wright AH.) Notes on methods and results in the Bums'!, I. ym_'in Hospital, connected with the Toronto lieiitiui H 5|,ital, Toronto. Canad. M. Rev., Toronto, 1*97, vi. l.">5-lij*J. TOULOUSE. Clinique d'accouchements. Clinique d'accouchements de Toulouse; statistique des annees 189U-s. Kev. obst. internat., Toulouse, 1898, iv, 73: 85: 1-99, v, "9. TRENT. Istituto di maternita. Esteki.e (C.) Rappoito clinico sull' anda- mento sanitario dell' I. K. Istituto de'.le parto- rienti e degli e^po>ti alle Laste ]ne-Mi Trento, nell' anno scola-ti-7. * . Milano, 1858. Uepr.from: Ann. univ. di med. e chir., Milano, 1808, ' clxiii. ------. Rendiconto clinico dell' Istituto di maternita alle Laste di Trento per il biennio sco- lastico 1.-57-- e 18.5--'.). 8-. Milano, l85\. Repr. from: Ann. univ. di med e chir., Milano, 18G1, clxxv. von llclly (C.) Klinischer Bericht iiher die Krueli- nisse ini k. k. Gebiirhause alle Laste bei Trient im Jahre 18C1-2. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Pi a-, Iso.'i, Ixxx, 1-27. j TUBINGEN. Universitdts-Frauen-KHnik. Kissing (F.) '"Die gebm tshilflicheu Opera- tionen der kgl. wurtteinbergischen Universitiits- Frauen-Klinik zu Tiibingen in der Zeit vom 1. Jantiar 1-1)5 bis 1. Januar 1900. 8°. Tubingen, 1900. TURIN. Istituto ostetrico-ginecologico della R. I'ni- rersitii. Tibonc (D.) Istituto ostetrico-ginecologico della K. Unier-iia di Torino; movimento clinico del! anno sco- lastieo Wfi-7. Osservatore, Torino, 1887, xxxviii, G7G ; 701; 731. Bo«pit;il* (Gynacologic and obstetric), by local it its. TURIN—continued. Osjetlnle muliebre ed infantile Maria Vilto- ria. Rl'.socoN ro dell' assemble:1, generale 19 giugno 18,-5. S . Torino, 188.5. Bciiiili ((>.) II primo trienniodi clinica ginccologica e pediatriea nell' ospedale Mnriu Vittoria. (lior. i('(iN'i'o clinico statistico delle se/ioni nubile pel quadriennio 187-J-5. Redattodal Cav. C. l'e\ r< tti, niedico-ostetrico capo. - . Torino, 1877.' Tchin (Province of). Kegia Opera della ma- ternita,. Relazione lctta dal rcojo coiiunissario siraordinario Aw. Cav. Alfonso Badini-Con- falouiiie in occasione dell' inseilianiento della nuo\a aniiiiinistrazione; '.l gennaio l-v(i. - . [Torino, lssi;.] ( aiboiielli (O.) It. Maternita di Torino; rendiconto clinico degli mini 1S98-9. Unione med. ital., Torino, 1900, iv, 18(1; 194; -JO:'; 210; 218; 22(i; 234; 242; 200; 208; 2(1(1; 274. — 4*iortlaiio ( S. ) Statistic,:! della sezione seconda dell' Ospizio di maternita di Torino dal 1*01 al 1857. Gior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Torino, 1S57. 2. s., xxix, 193-210. UDINE. Mantica (N.) L' Ospizio provinciale degli esposti e delle parturienti di Udine. 8-. Udine, 190(1. UNITED STATES. See, in 1his list, Allegheny; Atlantic City: Baltimore: Boston; Chicago; Detroit: Lou- isville; Lowell; Malvern; Manchester; Min- neapolis; Newark; Newcastle; New York (State); Philadelphia; Providence; Saint Louis; San Francisco ; Washington. UPSALA. \Vi«l«- ( A. ) Redogorelse om barnbordsanstalteu i I'psala ar 1S83. [Report on lving-in hospitals in Upsala.] Cp-ala Lakaref. Fiirli., 1884, xix, 407-413. VENICE. Cakli (,(..) II trasporto dell' Ospizio di ma- ternita in Venezia dall' ospitale, al Brefotroiio proposto dalla deputazione provinciale e dit'eso dul dottor . . . contro il voto della coniniissione. 8-5 Venezia, ]87v». .\i'iji i ( 1'. ) La clinica ostetrica, di Venezia nel II. seine-in' 18s!). Riv. veneta di sc. nied.. Venezia, 1890, xii, 2t<»i-275. VIBORG. I.in5., 1-85-4 to 1900- 1901. 8C. Washington, 18-4-1901. Report of the [work done during the year 18,87-8, by W. P. Carr ]. s:. [Washington, 1-8-.] Ciiakteu and by-laws. 8°. Washington. 1876. -----. Tin* same. 8-5 Washington, 1877. -----. Tlie same. 1-2-5 Washington, 1884. -----. The same. 12 . Washington, 1885. ------. The same. o°. Washington, 1-91. ------. The same. -\ Washington, 1892. IVIm-pliy (P. J.) Report of the Columbia Hospital for Women and Lying-in Asylum. Obst. Gaz., Cincin., 1888, xi, 393-426. AUo, Reprint. — Kipoii of the Columbia Hospital for Women and Lyinji-in Asylum, 1879-80; 1883-4. Rep. Com. Dist. Columb', Wash.. 'l8cU. 173-182- 1884 101-107. WURTZBURG. Kreis-Entbindungs-Anstalt. Satzungkn. Hausordung uud Instruktionen. 8 . Wiirzburg, l85e. Gyna'cologic and obstetric), by Hospital localities. YEKATERINBURG. Yekaterinburgskiy Rodilniy Dom. Meditsinskiy Olchot s 1 apiielya 1877 g. po 1 sentyabrya 1891 g. Nostavil V. M. Onufrieff. [Medical report of tlie Yekaterinburg Lying-in Asylum, from April 1, 1877, to September 1,1891. Compiled by . . .] 8-5 Yekaterinburg, 1888-93, ZURICH. Ziircher Gebdranstalt. Breslau. Bericht iiber die Ereignisse in der Ziircher Gebaranstalt im Jahre 1860. Jahresb. ii. d. Verwalt. d. Med.-Wes. d. off. Krankenanst. . . . d. Kantons Ziirich (1860), 1861, 58-102. AUo, Keprint. Hospital* (Heating and ventilation of). Auhakd (F.) De la ventilation a Lyon; ap- plication de la ventilatiini renveiscSe aux hopi- taux d'isolement et a pavilions isol6s. 4°. Lyon, 1888. -----. The same. 8 . Lyon, 1888. Delahousse ( L.-A. ) # Quelques recherches sur les niicro-orgauisiiK s de l'air dans 'es hopi- taux de Lille, roy. 8°. Lille, l-9<;. Fcnk. Die neuen lltliainiuen-Lehianstalteii zu Hannover und Hildesheini, insbesi ndere die Heizungs- und Ventilations-Anlagen derselbeti. 4°. Hannover, 1864. Repr. from: Ztschr. d. Architecten- und Ingeuieur-Ver. f. d. Konigreich Hannover. Grassi (C.) Etude du systenie cle chauffage et de ventilation (5tabli par M. le docteur Van Hecke dans Fun des pavilions cle l'H6pital Beau- jon. 8:. Paris. 1857. Latapie (J.) Nouveau systenie de ventilation des hopitaux et moyen pratique d'arretcr la.pro- pagation des maladies contagieuses epid6niiques. 12-. Lonrdes, 1878. Nahcvs (A. P.) De qualita'e noxia aeris in nosocomiis et carceribus, cjusipic remediis. 8'. Harlemi, 1770. Portal (G.) * De la ventilation, du chauffage et de l'6clairage dans les hopitaux. 4C. Lyon, 1895. Pormet (J.-Y.) Memoire sur la ventilation dans les hopitaux. 8°. Paris, 1-44. Seine-Ini-erieire (Departement de la). Asile public des ali6nes. Appareils de chauffage et de ventilation. Rapports de la commission insti- tute jiar arrets de M. le pielet en date du 11 no- vembre 1850 dans le but de rcchercher le mode de chauffage le plus convenable pour la succur- sale de l'asile en construction h Sotteville-les- Rouen, hanicau cle Quatre-Mares. 8 . Roam, 1851. Unite 1 > .States. War Department. Quarter- master-General's Office. Specification for beating and ventilating apparatus for a brick regulation hospital of eight (8) beds. 8 5 [ Washington, 1888.] Wittke (O.) A- Lenzxek. Die Ventilations- Anlagen in dem Garnison-Lazareth zu Pasewalk. 8°. Danzig. 1881. Wy.vian (M.) Experiments and observations on the summer ventilation and cooling of hospi- tals. 8'-. [Boston, 1891.] Repr. from: Proc. Am. Acad.Arts&Sc, Bost., 1891 xxx. Abbott (A. C.) Report upon the heating and ventila- tion of the Johns Hopkins Hospital for the year ending February 1st, 1891. Hull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., Bait., 1891, ii, '129-131. — Dctiiil* of ventilation and heating iu the hospital of the National Home for Disabled Vol- unteer Soldiers at Hampton, Va. San. Eogin., N. T., 1885, xii, 270. — Dornberger (E.) Luftverhaltnisse im Kaiser- uud Kaiseriii-Friedrich-Krankenhaiise (aus- zuglich nach Untersuchungen). Arch. f. Kinderh., HOSPITA1 S. 393 HOSPITALS. Hospital* (Hiat i ,g and ventilation of). Stultg.. 1891. xiii, 2-0 - •>!. — Droiiiiicuu ,(i ) ' Un cii c d'air a atl'ecter a < haipie lit dan- les ~-.il 1 * - -~ de mala- des. C'onu. intermit. d'h\-. et de deinog. C oinpt. rend. 5-.-.i. Par., Is9i>. 24(i-2."il.—Fin-iI'll. Le lole d'un eclai- tage defectueux daus le mephiiisme nortui ne de- salles de malades. Rev. san de Bordeaux. 1»6. iii. 28.—Finmrcn (A.) Iiacterioseopia aerea e poeir.is hospitahiri-s. t'oim- bra med., lOi'O. xx. 419; 4.15: 451: 467; 487; 5im; ,"19: 534; 5.-,0: iii _<;nlliiril (T.) Aeiati• n ventilation et chauf- fage des salles de malades dans les hopitaux. Union med . Par.. Ist*.",. 2. s.. wvi. s; 22",; (8-1 xxvii. 99; 276; ;i77. AUo. Keirni.—Ileal iiiy and laundry apparatus. 15 S Marine Hospital. Baltimore. Mil. Rep. su|>ri\ Sur«-- Gen. Mar. Hosp.. Wash.. 1,-85-6. 12. 1 pl-lleizun g*. und Liit'tuni;s inlai:!' der chii uri;isrli.-ii Klinik in Honn. Gesundh.-Iiigi-iiieiii. Miinchen u. Leipz.. 1,-,-S xi. 20: 7;i. 2 l'i —llri/.nuy.- uud Liit'tiin-s-Anlai'.e liir das Kian- keiiha is d.s Suit. - Rethleh,m in I.iuhM-shist (Mi-i-klcn- bnri'l. /'•/:,-:m 2 plaT - -llinti*i-b«'i'sji*i' i A.) iicdanUen iiber die Wie- ner Krankeiihaustra-e; Yeniil.it ,>n. Wien. kliu. Wchn- schr.. 1S99. xii. ;i75-::80 lloivilcii (J.) The heating. ventilation, and electric li_linn_; of the hospital at the Moiitiost. Royal Asylum. .1. Ment S, . Lond, ls'.in xxxvi. '-9-494.-l.niicet Thei special sanitary coinmis- | siou on the ventilation 01 ho-pnals and the tl eat ment ol infected air. Lanci I. Lond.. 1-9". i 120 ■'!-12015.— I.inrolh ( K.) Om ventilation och tippvainiiiin^' .11 sjukhus. |. . . of ho-pitas Fdih. allm. -vens. liik.-imiiet l-s7 Stockholm, 18— ii. 2U-34.—I.loyd it". \V.) The Inatinu system of drae, Hospital in Detroit, Mich. En-in. .v Build. Rec N V.. lsss-;i. xix. 21s—.Tloiijui-ri- ~l. E 1 Ventilation: the necessity of isolating tin- linU in hospi- tals bv means of windows placed betw, , n t 11. - U, ,1s Am I Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 189ti. Concord. l,-:>7. xxii. ;'. 2-5 ;.— Niiiuiaiiii ( H. ) Feber den Keimgrhalr der Lutr iiu stadtischeu Krankenhause Moabit in Berlin. Yrtii-dir. | f. -erii-Iitl. Med.. Berl . ]>-',. n. F.. xiv. .'iln-:»17. —Porlal (G.i ('haufiaue et vent dation dans quelques hopitaux de la Frame et de 1 , !:aiij,ei. Ann. d'hyj;.. l'ar., l-'.Mi, 3. s., xxxvi, 97-1C" — !">miih (F. P.i The warming and venti- lation of a .emal lc-pital. Albany M. Ann.. >:•-. xix, 71-.-0. —Mdilcrbaiiin 1'. Om ventilationen viii la-ant- teu och sDiiini.ii 5 rai k.Mi vid Falu Lasaiett. I-'i\t ]■,. allm. sens. liik.-motet 1--5. i'oteboi_r ls-c. i. ni-i;-. :: pl.__ «oloinin (P. A.) Rezultuti izslledovaniya C(>. \,, ,: 1 k 1 ■ a vhospilalnikh pni iiakh. 15■-5t- of examining tlie air of hospital wards for 1 ' 5, ' l'i,,to5 Omsk. med. Obsh. ls','8 '.'. xvi, 124-12H ">I;iIiiii;iii. I he Ventilation in Kiankeii- hiiusern unil andcrn ort.ntlicheii Anstalten. Vrt! i ~< In . f. . *htl. Med 1'., rl ISO; xxiv,7-; 227. AUo. Ri pi mt — ] TiuinvheOTiS. M.j l/.-liedoranie vnzdukha palat ho-oi- 110I terapevticlii-kol kliniki Tomskavo Uiiivei siieta. | E imination of the air iu the hospital wards of thei apeu- ticclinic "t T,,i,)>k Fnivcrsitv ] Vrach. St. Petersb.. I»94. xv. -4": 8',2.— Vi'iitilalion ,f the consurai,!: e hospital iat Bioiupton . Builder, l.md l«47 v, 472 —Ziniinlc Ieiziui2-- una Liiftnng8-Anlage im neuen Fieiimiurer- I krankenhause zu Hamburg Gesundh. Ingeuieur, Miin- chen, 1»*>6. ix, s: 49. 2 plans. Hospital* (History of). See. also, Hospitals < De-< ripti-,ns. etc.. of). Badek vim liadcii bei Ziiiidi, Scliwei/. Ein roinischer Militiir-pital. x . Ziirich. [l-.i-?]. Baletti (L.; Le spedalita in Italia prima e dopo la legge <\v\ 17 luglio \*90 >w\\,- opi re pic, con speciale riguardo alia reciprocita di tratta- mento nel Lombardo-Veneto pei colpiti da ma- j lattia acuta. lvP. CJomo, 1900. BouiK'OUix ( L.) Exposition rai-onnife des institutions saiiitains depuis leur origine jus- qu'a mis jours. -'. Paris, 1-29. Calcftta Meilical College Hospital. Inscrip- tion on tbe plate dejio^iteil in ilic foundation -tone of the Medical College Hospital. l'ol. Calcutta, 1-4-. fiKEAT Buitaix. Tin- charter of King Henry the First to St. Bartholomew's Piiury, addressed to th'- Archbishop of Canterbury and to t'ilbcrt the rniveisal, Bislioji of London, in the year ll:'>:5. Edited, with note-, from tbe copy in the record office l>\ Norman Moon- on tin* occasion of lhe restoration of the smith transept to tlie I use of the church by the Right Kev. the Lord 1 Hospitals [History of). Bisl op of 1..union on Mar.-h 14, 1*-!U. s . [Lon- don] 1*91. IIowaiu) (J.) Histoire des principaux laza- rets de l'Europ,', ir-t ompiignee de din'erens iu6- moires relatifs a la peste.it suivie (('observa- tions ulterieurcs sur ('iioli|iU's prisons et hopitaux ainsi que dc reinari|ius additioiinelles sur 15 tit present de ceux de la (iiaiide-Bretagne et de 1 Ir- lande. 8 . Pari*, an VII [17't')]. LoM.nois. 11\ giene liospitaliere et assistance publique a.Joignv du xiie siecle a nos jours, s . Joiguy, 1899. Mai.adk (I'n) dc l'H6tel-Dieu de Paris, aux ilmes scnsildes, avec le pio-pectus inpriiuc par ordre du roi, pour I'etaldisseiiient de quatre noitveaux hopitaux. 8 . Paris, 1787. NosiicoMiiM acadeinicum, das ist: Pia desi- deria von Antichtung eines Lazareths zum Nutzen der krancken Ariuen und Etablirung der niediciniscbeu und physicalisc'ien Wissenscliatt- ten, kiirtzlich entwortfen. 15 . [n.p., n. d.] Tou.r.r (C.) De rassistauce publique et des hopitaux jusqu'au xix*- siecle. plan d'un Hotel- Dieu attribue' a Philibert Delonne. fol. Paris 18*9. -----. Les hopitaux au xixe siecle. Etudes, projets. discussions et ]irograiumes relatifs a leur construction. L'Hopital civil et militaire de Montpellier. fol. Paris, 1*89. -----. Les edifices lnspitaliers depuis leur origiue jusqn'a nos joins: de ras-istance pu- blique et des hopitaux jusqu'au xixe siecle; les hdpitaux au xixe siecle: etudes, projeis, discus- sions et programmes rei at it's a leur construction; description de l'Hopital civil et militaire subur- bain cle Montpellier. 2. ed. fol. Paris. 1*92. This is the 2. ed. of the two preceding works. Aiiliiv (P.) Les hopitaux, les asiles d'alienes et lea leproseries en Orient Gieee. Tuiqiiie. fiiivnte. Rev.inter- nat. d. se. med.. I'ar.,1 -.-7.1 v. 1 ; I!7 : 8."?; 1 !'.">;' "l"88 ; 221; 2,".:i;285; 325; llti'.i. — Bl'llilll't | M. 1 Ilepi af>\ai.0Tr)T0<; tuiv votroKO- fxeiuif. 1'aArjroi. \Si)i-a.L, ls87. xvii. ti4."i; (i.i-: 075; 690 — Onllon 1 K.i Hos|iitals: their origin nnd historv. Dub- lin J. M. Sc. 19011 eix 17-27.— Fill cli 11 m (E. C.) The oldest hospital in Fn-laml. l'livsnian .v Smt;.. Lond., 190(1. i, illii-ljis. —<;ninju.\. i.es lioiutanx a l'e\p,si. t ion. Bull. med.. I'.ir l'i" xiv, 751-75(1. — Ilospini |« in ancient (Ireece. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 18:i7. 11, 173.- Ilo-pi- ■ 311 i-NOlutioii iu the Victorian era. Ibid.i n;",!i-it;ii|._ f|:ii. (C.) Hospital' treatment a quarter of n century -one compared. Med. Kress A: Circ, Loud., 11-91. 11. s.', Iii. 41.1. Ho*|H I a I ^ (Hoinuopitth ic). See Homoeopathy i Colli g>s of), etc.; Homoe- opathy {Hospitals, etc.. ciiinlui ted under). Hospital* {Hygiene oi'). See Hospitals •Venstmetion, . < intinnali, 1*95. (iAi iikt. L'hopital et la t'ainille dans les ville- secondaires. 8. Strasbourg, [n. d. ]. Ri-pr. from : (Jouri ier du Bas-Khiii. Lkcsslkr (J. T.) * 1 >e utilitate xenodochio- rum. sin. 4°. Argentorati, 1719. Mik iikll (T. D.) The annual oration of the Ohio Medical Lyceum, delivered in the Medical College of Ohio, January 1, 1-51. 8 . Cincin- nati, 1854. HOSPITALS. 394 HOSPITALS. Ho*pital* (Importance of). Paris. Administration generate de Vassis- lance publique de Paris. Const il de surreillance. Rapport sur lYiiseigneinent clinique hospitalier et la 1 ('organisation du stage, presente par M. le Dr. Millard an uom de la commission de l'en- seigneinent clinique hospitalier, 1*2 mai lsfl-J. 4*. Paris, 189 i. Winckel (F.) Vorschliige betreffend die Be- nutzung griisserer Kiaukenliauser zur weitcren Ausbildung der Aerzte. 6. Dresden, [n. d.]. Abbott (G. E.) Justice to hospital graduates; a pro posal to adopt, the title of H. G. S., hospital graduate, Biu: Med. Kec. X Y.. 1889, xxxv, 505-509. Also: X. York M. J., 1889, xlix, 505- 510. -----. The relations of hospitals to public health. Lend a hand, Bost., 189,'!, xi, 168-175.-Bouriieville. Creation d'une nouvelle ecole municipale d'intirmieis et d'infinnieres a l'hopital Lariboisiere. Progres med., Par., 1895, 3. s.,i, 2(12.—('ampa. Los hospitales y laenseiian/a de la medicina. Cron. med. Valencia, 1884-5, viii, 389; 421.—dawn (L.) Dell' utilita desM spedali. Corriere san., Milano, 1893, iv, no. 14. 4; no. 16, 2: no. 17. 2; no. 18. 2; no. 19, 2: no. 20. 2; no. 22, 2: no. 2.1. 1.- C'hapin (H. D5) The sphere of the physician and the hospital. Med. Kec, X. Y., 1896, 1, 733-735. —Oielrieli. Hie Be- deutung der Krankenhauser im Gemeinwesen. Gesund- heit, Frankf., 1888. xiii. 1-7.—Draper (\V. H.) On some of tlie collateral functions of a hospital. Med. & Surg. Kep. Presbyterian Hosp., X. \5, 1898, iii, 1-7. —(iiihon (A. L.) The hospital; an element and exponent of med- ical education. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1892, xviii, 375- 381—Cirillilli (F.) Hospitals as consultants. X. York M.J., 1900, lxxi, 1016.—Ileibcijj (H.) Om rigshospita- let som iiiidervisiiingsinstitiit. [The natiomd hospital as an educational institute.] Tidskr. f. d. norske Liegefor., Kristiania, 1890, xvi, 443-462.—IIui-il (H. M.) The nia- tion of hospitals to medical education. Boston M. & S. J., 1893, cxxix, 141-143. -----. Laboratories and hospital work. Bull. Am. A cad. M.. Easton, Pa ,1895-6,ii.483-495.— Knight (S. H.) Hospitals in their relation to medical education. X. Am. J. Homceop., X. Y.. 1888. 3. s., iii. 300- 304.—Osier \\V.) On the intliieiice of a hospital upon the medical profession of the common ty. Albany M. Ann., 1901, xxii. 1-11.—True (H.) Quelques points d'or- Utilisation liospitaliere intercssant; l'liygiene publiipie ou reuseiu.-nemeiit clinique. X. Monipel. nied., ls!i:i, ii, 465- 472. —Waller (V.) C) vy/.namu v.\ ponionych nemocuic v ohcich, | 1'lie signification of subsidiary hospitals in com- muni'S.l Zdravi, v Praze. 1900, vi. 175-lSu. — Ziele (Die) und die lliimlhahungder Staatsaufsicht iiber Einrichtung uud Betrieb der dtl'eotlichen und der Prival Krankenan- stalten. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1896. 3. F., xi, 358-423. Ho*pital* (Inspection of). Billings (J. 8.) cv Hukd (H. M.) Sugges- tions to hospital and asylum visitors. AVitli an introduction by S. Wei'r Mitchell. 16°. Phil- adelphia, 18'.t5. State Charities Aid Association 'So. 5. Ques- tions relating t ■ poorliouses, hospitals, and in- sane asylums. Prepared for the use of the vis- iting committees bv John Ordronaux. 8 . Xew York. 18:74. Iiicitlent (L1) de l'Hopital Saiiit-Antoine. Pratique med.. l'ar.. 18!i2. vi. 567-572.— Russia. Ministry of War. (Prikaz X". 34o.) Proyekt izmleneniya statel 279-297 kn. II svoda voyennikh postanovleniy i860 goda (i/,d. 2 ), kasa\ ushtshikhsya okruzhnavo inspektora hospitalei! [lOn'ler Xo. 34,i.) Projected change of articles concerning ciicuit inspector of hospitals.] Voyenno-med. J., St! Petersb.. 1900. lxwiii, offic. pt., 95-104. Ho*pital* (Isolated). Sec Hospitals for contagious diseases. Ho*|»ital* (liabilities of). Si'Kixc'FELD. Die Rechte uud Pflichten der Unternehiner von Privatkranken-, Privatentbin- dnngs- und Privatirrenanstalten (§ 50 R.-G.-O ) 10*. Berlin, 1898. Da I y. The question of the liability of hospital officials for injuries imputed to their negligence. [From- N Y Law J. June 13, 1891.] X. Yoil M. J., 1891, liv, 24-26.— Decision in the case of Ward vs. St. Vincent's Hospital Med. Kec, X. Y., 1900, lvii, 1013.—Hospital (The) re- Ho*pital* (Liabilities of). sponsihilities of local authorities. San. Jour.. Glasg..is95-6 n. s., ii, 1-6.— Liability of various classes of hospitals and their patrons. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894. xxii 852. Ho*pital* (Loci-). See Contagious diseases acts; Venereal dis- eases (Hospitals for). Ho*pital* (Lying-in). See Hospitals (Gyna'cologic, etc.). Ho*pital* (Management and regulation of). See. also, Disinfection; Hospital nurses; Hos- pitals (Abuse of privileges of); Hospitals i^e- scriptioHS, etc., of); Hospitals (Furniture, etc., of); Hospitals (Heating, ite, of); Hospitals (Pay-patients in). Address to a patient on entering a hospital. 21-. Oxford, 1842. Address to a patient on leaving a hospital 24 . Oxford, 1812. dal Kosco (F.) La pratfica dell' inf'enniero, nella quale, con osservationi fondate nell' uso di moltissimi anni, s' addottrina 1' assistente, e cari- tativo inferiniere per ben conoscere, e ne casi repentini applicar li reinedij proportionati a' mali de' suoi infermi. Con indice publicato, uno delle osservationi, e 1' altro delle cose notabili. 10 . Bologna, 1077. Boi'RNisiEN ((4.) La lai'cisation des hopi- taux. 10 . Paris, 1881. Brain [F. E.] Feber Spitaleinrichtungen als Uiiterricht fiir Kranken waiter und solche, Avelche sich dazu bilden wollen. 16-. Heil- bronn, 1808. Burdett (H. C.) Is it desirable that hos- pitals should be placed under state supervision? 8-'. London. [1881]. -----. The uniform system of accounts, audit, and tenders for hospitals and institu- tions, with certain s"ggested checks upon ex- penditure, and tender and other forms for secur- ing economy, and the index of classification compiled by a committee of hospital secretaries, and adopted by a general meet ing of the same, 16 January, 1-92. 8°. London, 1895. -----. The uniform system of accounts for hospitals and institutions. Special series. Analysis journal, fol. London, [1899], -----. The same. Cash book. fol. London, [1895]. Tbe same. Linen register, obi. 10J. London, [1895]. -----. The same. subscribeis. obi. 12*5 -----. The same. List or register of annual London, [1895], Subscription register. fol. London, [1895]. -----. The hospital problem; hospital in- come expenditure, book-keeping, and audit. 8-. London, [n. d.]. Calpuini (C.) * Sui doveri dei giovani medici-chirurgi praticanti negli ospitali. **.J. Paria, 1818. Cuos- Mayren ieli.e (G.) Trait6 cle ['admi- nistration liospitaliere, precede" d'un historique, des dtablissements de bienfaisance. s-. Paris 1885. Dksportes (E.-H.) Considerations sur la convenance et l'utilite' de confier a tour de role le service medical dans les hopitaux ct les hos- pices, a tons les doeteurs en me'decine <-t en chi- rurgie qui out leur domicile dans le ressort des villcs qui possedent cle parcils dtablissemens. 8*5 Paris, 1829. Dri.AURK.vs [J.-M.] Essai sur les elablisse- mens n6ci s-aires et lesmoins dispendieux pour nosriTALS. 395 HOSPITALS. Ho*pital* (Management and ra/iilation of). re ml re le service des malades dans b s hopitaux vraiment utile a riminauite. * . Paris, 1787. ERICHSEX (J. E.) . ■*-'. Baltimore A London, 1*91. Marabelh s , F.) Apparatus niedicaniinnin nosocomiis, ac generatiin curationi a'grotorum panpernin maxinie accomodus, exhibito sub tineni operis specimine sen norma turn pharina- copea? pro castrensibus nosocomiis, turn genera- lis apparatus niedicaminuni pro tota republica. - . Brixia', an. F/[179~]. -----. Tbe same. Pro omnibus personaruin classtbu*. -->. Venetiis, 1799. Merke (H.) Yerwaltung, Betrieb uud Ein- richtung der Krankenbiinscr. --. Jena, 1*99. Oppert. Die Einriclitung von Krankenhiiu- sciu. Aufwissitischaftlichen b'eisen gemachte Studien. 4-5 Berlin, l*~>9. Poi'LARD,S5 Manuel du service des hopi- taux a l'usage des candidats aux emploi> d'ofti- ciers d'adiniuistration dans la i'>-eive er dans l'annee ti rritoriale. - . Paris, I***. Sibthorpe (C.) Manual compiled for the use of students iu tlie (icneial Hospital, Madras. - . Madras. 1**0. Sikvekixg (E. H.) The employment of the hospital patient after his discharge. - . Lon- don. 1**". Siaxski i G. P.) De rinntilite d'isoler les ma- lades dans les hopitaux. ■*-". Paris, 1-70). Yerite (De la) sur les hopitaux de fondation catholique ou protestante et de l'erreur des libres-">ensetirs. Expose bisioriqiie et juridi- que. Etat actnel de la question. - . Paris, [n.d.]. Wharton (J. H.) Hospital training. Intro- ductory addre>s delivered at the Mc ith Hospital and County Dublin Infirmary. - . Dublin, 1-70. Wilmax- [J. A. A. ] Ki.iiikenkasst-n und Krankenliiinsei gi'i-si-ier Betrielie. - . Berlin, 1901. YVoolsey (A. II.) Hand-book for hospitals. 3. ed. 12-. New York 9'London, 1*95. Arimi«>ion (A propos de 1') des malades riches ou aisesdansleshopitaux. Gaz. med.de Liege. Is92-3.v. is:: — .4 n ,,, fiorent.d' ig., Firenze, 1800. vi, 57-05. IS I:i lie tC. J.) A hospital clearing house. Poston M. & S. .1.. ls!);i. cxli. 180- l^s. AUo: Med. Communii at. Mass. M. Soc, Lost., Is99 xviii, llo-l-'l.— Koin-iievillc. Laicisation des hopi- taux; (16penses. Proxies med., Par., 18!i0. 2. 8., xii, 28:;.— Bi-oca'A.) La reorganisation des hopitaux; les assis- tants. Oaz. hebd. de nnd.. Par., 1*90 2. s.. xxvii. (100. ------. Les reformes hospitalieres. 7 i>/<-/.. 1895, xiii, 181.— ■trillion. De I'admissiou des malades a l'hopital. Xor- mandiemed.. Rouen, 18*12. vii, 273-2sl.— Iturtlell (II. C.j Hospital finance and method of keeping accounts. Hosp., Ho*|>itaE« (Management and regulation of). dispens. \- nursing. Internat. (5uig. Char, [etc] 1893, Halt. & Lond.. 1891. 42-45.—«'iUlcll ill. "\V.) The relation of the clinical lahoratorvto the hospital. Bull. Am.Acad. M5. Easlon. Pa. 1900-1001. v, 652 dill.— t'liaiillaiil (A.) De la reloinie du regime alimi'iilaiic dans les Imp.taux. Billl.et mem. Soc med. (I. hop. de 1'nr.. lilul, xviii, s92-s97.— ('heiraMeo i K.) Sgmn do igii nico sugli osjieihili. (!ior. d.r. Accad med chir. di I'm iuo. 18.58, 2. s.. xxxii 359: 416.— (It cobalt, /.ur Ki-ankciiliaiisl'ragc Wi, n. klin. Wclm sclu.. Isi'li xii. :t4H—:tSU. - rim. Her iii/tiichi' Dieii-t in den Iv i ankenhiius, rn Aei/.tl. Verein-1 1 t. Di ntschl. Leip/. , 18:i:i. xx, Beil •/. Nr. .'ili'i, 0-18. — Coivlt-« i 15) The l el at ions of the nn dical si all to the governing bodies in hospitals. Hosp.. dispells. \- iiurs- ing Int.-i ii.k . Cong Char, [etc], Is9:i. Halt. & Lond.. 1894, i.;i-7d — I rtiiloi' iS. K.i The invalid in home and hos- pital. Nat. Ilnsp ,v San. Kec. Detroit, ls'.is-'.i. ii.no. s. 7- ' —l>anW. ,JS9-L".i.">.— I»enl (C. T.) Medical relief; the hos- pital. Ab-tr.; Mid. Mag. Lond., 1898. vii, 927-931.— l>eoiitol<>i-;ie i La i liospitaliere. Bev. de med. leg., l'ar.. I,*!'- v. 71 7n. — l><—plalx. Devoirs des etudiants covers les malades. Abstr. J d. sc. med. de Lille, 1894, ii. 513 -.MS. Di-kIi-hci ion iThc; of hospital re- fuse. Hospital, Lond., 189(1-7, xxi. -MO. — l>i«cu««ion (A) on the better governance of a pinvinoial intii ni.irv. Brit. M J.. Lond., 1890, ii. 1109. — l>i<.<-ii»«ion sur l'o'r- ^ani-ation du service medico - chirurgieal d, a hopitaux. j Hull Soc med.-prut, de Par. (1808-72i. 1873 no. 05: 81.- DnriMOii. Ilapports du service de lassi^tam, a domi- cile avec le- services hospitaliers. ('ong. im, i n.it. de med. profess, [etc.]. C.-r., Par.. 1900. _o--2_4 — l>nl>ois ifi.) Iiapport an nom de la 5" commission ain 1, - i el'm m. - li,,-- pitalieivs. Assistance, l'ar.. 1894. iv. 49 71. — Fcono- iiinlx i I esi hospitalieis. Lev. il. etalc dc bieiif lUance et,.!. l'ai.. l.ss.-i. i. lli'l: :;5:i.—Flli« ill. I'..i Hospitals and sanatoria fiunided. cwned. and controlled h\ the ined- ical jnofession : a case in hand. Lull. Am. Acad. M.. Eas- ton, I'll., 1900-1901, v, 610-620, 1 pl.-Ei.le.. - W. I..) Hos- pi'al nianageinent. Gaillard's M.J. N Y. Is9." lxi, 1811- 195. ------. The phvsician and hospitals Lehigh Vallev M. Mag., Easton. Pa., 1898. ix. 4~ .,0 — Feilei-n , I'.) Zur lie form des iirztlichen Spitaldienstes. Wien. klin. Itund- schau. 1901. xv, 270; 29:;.—I'cr.ler i A. G.i The svstem of medical service in hospitals. Med Kec.. N. V.. 1894. xiv, I 124. ------. On surgical and other hospital service: a teu- , tative and critical essay on hospital management. Ibid., j !s98. liii, um-l 14. —(>olflHpolin i A.) Hospital misman- [ ag.-ineiit Lull. Am. Acad. M.. East on. P;l., 1900-1901, v. (do- ll 15.— II ill i» iT. .1.) The hospital governor and his stall': being a glance at lhe personnel of a modern hospital and a plea tor a permanent resident staff. Mel. Xews, X. Y., 19oo, lxxvii, 1-12.— Holmes i II i Hospital internes; the.r appointment and privileges. N. Am. Pract., Chic igo. 189I1 ii, 112-115. — Holme* 51 i Sir H. Burdelt c !„i-|,tn! finance. Brit. M J.. Lond., 19oo. i. 584-580.- Ilo.piliil I'xpendituie. The commissariat. Hospital. Loiid. sir, 7 xxi .Tl: 51:115: LIT 201: 209: H19; 402. .lino, Keprint.— 11 •■ ill (II. M.) llos]>ilal organization and management. I 5. i \. M. Mag.. I'lnla.. 1890-7. ix. 4>8-5n0. ------. The med- ical service of hos])itals. Albany M. Ann.. 1898. xix, 1H7- 142.- .Iinlbin- III. l Hospital nianageineni. l'roc. Xat. Confer. C!i.n . Host., 18i)ii. 163- 109.— J ii noil. Sur un moyen d olii.nir une grande economic dans h s hopitaux, les hospices et autres ctablisscinents de bienfaisance. A bstr. | Compt. rend. Acad.d. sc. Par., 1850. xxxi, 449.— Kellv (I. K.i (In the relation of our hospitals to the medical piotes-don. Glasgow M. J.. lMl.l. \lv. '_>sl.-8il._ l.aiM nsli eiiois. On the iiianigein, nl of hospitals. Liverpool M. (ia/,., Loud. 18.;:!. i. 1:1:1-4:1.'.. I.amliaii (L.N.i Small hospitals and their administration. Med. Kec. N. \.. 1901, lix. 560-509.—I.arilier. De la regie- mentation liospitaliere au point de vue medical. Lull. med. d.Yosges. Kamliervillers. lss7 8, ii, no. 5. 1.3-31.— I. a I lu-op (J. 11) Hospital accounts and methods of bookkeeping Hosp., dispens. cV 11111 sing Internat. Cong, ch.u , etc I89f. Bait. \- Lond. 1894,100-121.— I.anensleiii 1C.1 Die Stellung der Assistenzar/.lo in den Ki anki nluius.i n. Zlschr. I. Kranketiiill., Keil., 1898, xx. 170-1 78— l.e «;en- ili-e il'.i Etude de deoiitologie hospitalier, : coinmeut pen I 011 pioliter le mieux du temps d cxternat et d inter- nal ' Ci/.. hclid. do med.. Par., 1898, 11. s.. iii, 17,--l-ii- l.i-liille l.\l.) Lo peisonnel interieur ih's ho]iitau\. Presse med.. Par., Mini, i, annexes, 232 - 214. — l.ife- leintn..... hospital hoards. Med. Bi c, X. Y., 181U xiv, 1 1 .i.— I, il t inoir (M P.I Is. voprosu o |ioryadkie uprav- len.va liolnitsanu. [On order in the management of hos- HOSPITALS. 396 HOSPITALS. Hospital* (Management and regulation I of). pitals. | Vestnik klin. i sudeb. psicliiat. i nevropatol., St. Petersb.. 1885, iii. pt. 2, 281-287.—»lac»lurcliy (Helen). Hospital appoiul incuts: are thev open to woim-n ? X. York M. J.. 11*01, lxxiii. 712-716. — Mansfield (A. D.) Our present hospital systems. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1895-6, xxxiv. 397-4U3 —.VI a pot her (E. D.) An address on our hospitals and the iuterests of patients and pupils. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1888, i. 281 - 284. — IHaicl-I.cliche (J.) Lalcisatiuti liospitaliere. Medecin clin., Par., 1886, ii. 375- 378.— >l a iii n i A.-J.) Lavage etdesin fed ion dans les eta- blissemciits hos]»italieis des linges en tissus tie coton; pro- cedes applicahles pour empecher la deterioration de ces tissus. | Bap.] Kec. d. trav. Comite consult, d hvg. pub. de France 1900, Melun, 1901, xxx, 16-19.— .Halani (A.) Dc uosocomioruni regimine cominentarius epistohiris. In: N.rac. d' opusc. scient. e filol., 16°, Venezia, 1708. xvii, 1- 48.—.Tleilieal (The) Press impiiry into the organisation of food and medicine supplies for the Paris hospitals. Med. Press &. Circ, Lond., 1893, n. 8., lvi, 191; 218; 245; 306.— Tleilieal (The) profession and the hospitals. Med. Bee, X. \5, 1894, xiv, 16. Heike (H.) dehor die Verwaltung vou Kraiikenhausern. Hosp..dispens. & nurs- ing. Internat. Cong. Char, [etc.] 1893, Bait. & Lond., 1894, 76-86.—Merltel (G.) Die Ausbihlungder Assistenza'rzte fiir den Anstaltsdienst und fiir das praktische Leben in den nichtklinischeii Kraiikenaiistalten. Deutsches Arch. f. kliu. Med. lv. Festschr. . . . F. A. von Zenker [etc. |, Leipz., 1895, 531-539. -----. Aerztlichir Director? Ver- walt iingsdirector? Eine Krankeiiliaiisstudie. Ztschr. f. Krankenpfl., Berl., 1898, xx, 138-141.-rVapias. Bnpport sur le recrutement du personnel secondaire des etablisse- j mentshospitallers. Assistance pub.,Par., 1899. 2. s. viii.40- 44.—TN'cve (A.) Some notes on uirgical economv in hospi- tals. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb..1893-1, n. s„ xiii, 203-268. Also: Edinb.M.J., 1894-5,xl.303-307. Also: IndianM.Rec, Calcutta, 1*95. viii, 128. — Perier. Rapport sur les re- formes hospitalieres. Bull, med., Par., 1894. viii, 173-175.— ■Mlchei- (L. S ) On the organization of the surgical staff in general hospitals. A nn. Surg., St. Louis, 1885, ii, 389-408—Pnlido Fernandez (A.) Sobre nfoi mas de los servieios dc los hospiialos ]nm inciales de Madrid. Siglo nied.. Madrid. Is89. xxxvi. 214: 2.57; 274.—QnelqiifM reformes necessaires a la faeulte et dans les hopitaux. J. de iiied.de l'ar., 1894, 2. s., vi, 587. —«Jne*lioii (The) of hospital management from the lay and medical point of view. Practitioner, Lond., 1901. lxvi, 619-674.—Roose- velt (J. W.) The medical profession and the hospitals. Meil. Rec, N. V., 1894, xiv, 62. -----. The private-room question in hospital treatment. Ibid., 96.— KoiimmcIcI (A.) L'hospitalisatioii des vieillards. Assistance, Par., 1894, iv, 321-326.— Kubner. Leitende (irundsiitze fiir die Anlage vou Kraiikenhausern uud fiber notwendige P.eforinen der Zukunft. ('esundh.-Iiigeiiieur. Miinchen, 1895. xviii. 106: 123; 139.—N< humana (Johanna). Vor- schlage, den Xachtwachtdienst in Hospitalern betreffend. Deutsche Kiankenpflg. - Ztg , Berl., 1900, iii, 225-229.— Sila» I'liaiiloni [.pseud.\. Letters to undistinguished persons. III. To the lady-superintendent of a hospital. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1885, i, 765. — Noiua donues dans un hopital. Le blesse, qui ne participe pas au ser- vice dc l'assistance medieale gratuite, pent etre tenu d'ho- norer le medecin. J. de med. de Par., 1897, 2. s., ix 467.__ Toilet (C.) L'hospitalisation dans Tavenir. J. d'hyg.. Par., 1891, xvi, 25-27.—Towlrr (S. S.) Why general prac- titioners semi cases t) the hospitals. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1894, xxii, 298.—Tweedy ( H C.) Some points in connection with the administration of hospital relief. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1894, xii, 332-342. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1894 xcvii, 490-437—Vanx (T. L.) The interne service in modern hospitals; a comparison of the Canadian and American systems. Canad. Pract. & Rev. Toronto. 1900, xxv, 8-13.—Wilson (YV5 E.) Public insti- tutions for the caie of the sick and injured. Atlantic M. "Weekly, Providence, 1897. vii. 165-169.—Wood (R.) The trustee of the hospital Hosp., dispens. & nursing. In- ternat. Cong. Char, [etc.) 1893. Bait. & Lond., 1894, 54-68.— Wymaii (YV5) Hospital records: with a description of a new system. X. York M. J., 1885. xii, 384-386.—Vvon, Les medicaments de la pharmacie i entrale des hopitaux. France nied., Par., 1899. xlvi, 497. Ho«|>ital* (Management and regulations of), by localities. ABERDEEN. Aberdeen Dispensary, Vaccine and Lying-in Institution. Rules of the . . . - . Aberdeen, H-2. AIX. Hopital general de la Charite. Rikilemens pour l'Hopital general Saint Jacques H6tel-l)icu de cette ville d'Aix. Auto- Howpital* (Managmient and regulations of), by localities. AIX—continued. rise's et homologuos par la cour dc Parleineut le 29 mai 1712. liv-. Aix, 1712. -----. The .same. 12-. Aix, 1771». Alezai*. I'n reglemcnt hospitalier en 1720. France med.. Par.. 1901, xlviii, 262; 281. Also: Marseille med 1901. xxxviii, 401-410. AJELLO. Ospedale di Ajelli. Statcto organico e regolamento del servi- zio interim e di culto nell' Ospedale di Ajelli. roy. H-. Agnila, 1871. ALBA. Ospedale di S. Lazzaro. Rkgolamknto aniininisttativo ed igienico dell' . . . *5 Alba, 1*^91. Rocjca (C) II dottore inteino e necessario nel nostro ospedale. 12-. Alba, 1889. Statuto organico del pio istituto fondato per il ricovcro delle povere partoriente nell' . . ., tipprovato con ilecreto reale 29 agosto l87'9. Regolamento interno ]>el raddotto provinciale con decreto 25 maggio 1871. 8:. Alba, 1**74. -----. Thesame. 8. Alba, 1819. -----. The same, d . Alba, Wl. ALMENNO SAN BARTOLOMEO. Ospitale Be'.toni. Regolamento di amministrnzione interna. fol. Bergamo, 1 **-:'. ALTOONA. Altoona Hospital. Charter of into poration and by-laws of the . . ., with the act of assembly making an impro- priation t iwards its erection and furnishing. 12c. Altoona, 1881. ANCONA. Ospedale civile, Ancona (Province of). Regolamento interno per 1' Ospedale civile di Ancona. roy. **5 [An- cona, 1899.] ANGERS. Hopital Saint-Jean. Pout (C.) L'inventaire efc lc cLaitrier de l'H6pital Saint-Jean d'Angers. Lettre a M. P. Marchegay. ** . Angers, 1877. AREZZO. Ahk./.zo. Ceuuo storico, statuto e regolamento degli spedali riuniti cli Arezzo. 8C. Atezzo, 189*. -----. Regolamento geneiale intirno degli spedali riuniti di Arezzo. fol. Arezzo, 1*71. -----. Statuto per gli spedali riuniti S. Maria sopra i Ponti cli Arezzo. Appiovato cou r. decreto del 1° setteinbre 1-52. fol. Arezzo, 1872. « AUSTRO-HUNGARY See, in this list, Bohemia; Vienna. BALTIMORE. Baltimore General Dispensary. GTIAKTEK (TlieI, by-laws, etc. Revised 1^'J'J. 12-. Baltimore, 1^99. Johns Hopkins Hospital. [Blank forms used in the hospital.] v. a. [Baltimore, 18*9.] By laws rules, and regulations. Adopted Nov. (i, L-ey.t. a:. Baltimore, [1889]. HOSPITALS. 397 HOSPITALS. Hospitals (Management and regulations of), by localities. BALTIMORE—continued. Regulations respecting visits. May :?0, l*,-9- 12*5 [Baltimore, 18*9.] Woodruff (C. E.) Methods of work at Johns Hop- kins Hospital. Med. Sentinel, Portland, Oreg., 1894, ii, 4M1-48I5. BANGOR. Carnarvonshire and Anglesey Infirmary and Dispensary. Blank forms of recommendatory letter. I . [Bangor, n. d.] Rills for the government of the . . . 12 . Bangor, 1-77. ------. The same. Revised, corrected, and settled at a special meeting of governors held 20th January, 1899. *- . Bangor, 1899. BARBERINO DI VAL D' ELSA. Spedale Naldini in Tavavnille. Baruerino di Val i>' Elsa. Regolamento in- terno dello Spedale Naldini in Tavarnelle. S*\ Poggibonsi-Firt u:e, 1891. BARI. Ospedale con*orlile. Bari. Statuto e regolaniento generale. ** . Bari, 1—7. Regolamciito interno del servizio sanitario-igienico dell Ospedale consoiv.iale di Bari, proposto. dopo niodiii- cato all appiova/ionedelconsiglioairettivo. Pugliamed., Bari. 189s. vi, 130-190. BATH. Bath United Hospital. Falconer (W.) Hospital economics: includ- ing an analysis of the expenditure of the Bath United Hospital for l-ti.5. 12. Bath, 1*57. Bellot's Hospital. Abstract of accounts for the year I"*:}, fol. [Bath, 1**1.] BELGIUM. See, also, in this list, Ghent. de Gronckel (C.) Hospices civils et bu- reaux de bienfaisance. roy.*-. Bruxelle8,l8fi. .llerrrille (L. i Encore no- hopitaux. Gaz. med. de Liene 18'.'2-:;. v, .541.—Mchleit-her. L*n motsurl'organi- sation de nos administrations hospitalieres. Ibid., 1&S8-9, i, suppl. to nos. 12-15. BELMONTE PICENO. Ospedale di Belmonle. Regolamento di amministrazione e di servi- zio interno. roy.*-. Pernio, 1*89. (• fnllmaiin | iS.) Organisation der Verwalt'ing des Krankenhauses auf dem Urban. Deutsche med. Wchn- sehr. Leip/. n. Herl.. 1889. xv. 243. Also, Reprint.— Krhwnlbi' |J.| Rebelling der Krniikenaiil'nahme indie orl, ntli, Inn Hospitaler I'.erlins. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. n. Berl., 1895, xxi, 488-491. BIELLA. CJspedale degli infermi. Stati "To organico dell' ... 14 febbraio 1-90. 12-. Biella, 1*90. BIRMINGHAM. Birmingham Workhouse Infirmary. [Deties and requirements of nurses.] 12°. [Birmingham, 18*9 .;] Xtl'SEs' time-table, fo]. [liirmingham, 1**9. ] ------. The same. For night nurses, fol. [Birmingham, l-*9.] Tp.aixing of sick nurses. [Schedule of ques- tions to be answered by candidate.] 4 . [Bir- mingham, 1**9.] Hospitals (Management and regulations of), by localities. BIRMINGHAM—continued. Gent rai Hospital. TitANscniPT of shorthand writer's notes of evidence, taken before tlie special comniittee, appointed l*4h Septeinber, 1 *.(>:>, for the purpose of considering the general, nied ical, and finan- cial condition and administration of the hospital, and the laws and regulations affecting its con- stitution and management, 18(>4. 2. ed. fol. [ liirmingham, 18ti4.] t)neen's Hospital. Stueet list of subscribers. * . Birmingham, 18*1. BOHEMIA. See, also, in this list, Prague. Horner (J.) Znr Lage der dauernd angestellten Kiankenhaiisai/le in Lolimen. Brag. med. Wchnschr., 1900, xxv, 99-101.—Kejjelmijj der ISe/.iige der Kranken- huiisarzte in Hi'dimeii. < listen . San.-Wes., Wien. 1895, vii, 01-63. — I'prava pomeru vseobeinych vefejnych nemoc- nic v kralo\ stvi ('esketii. I Arrangement of the public hospitals in the Kingdom of Bohemia.J Vestnik, v I'raze, 1901, xiii, 19II-195. BOLOGNA. l'iiizaiii ( E. ) A proposito della sentenza della r. coi te d° apello di Bologna nella ipiestione Bagnacavalli- Spedali; alcune eonsidera/.ioni dei sanitari dell'Ospizio esposti e di Maternita di Bologna. Raccoglitore med., Forli, 1894, 5. s., xviii, 261; 28:>; 313; 345; 377; 413; 445. BORDEAUX. Boi:dkai5\. Conip: es-rendus de l'adtninistra- tion des hospices civils de Bordeaux pour l'exer- cice l*()'5-t)5; 1*<>7-71 ; l*73-*4. Arret6 par hi commission administrative. 4 . Bordeaux, 1851-85. Boudon. Defense des observations publioes par l'abbd . . . snr les changements que la com- mission administrative des hospices civils cle Bordeaux se propose d'operer dans plusieurs cle ces etablisscnients. 4°. Bordeaux, 1*57. Leviklx (C.) Commission administrative des hospices civils de Bordeaux. Etm'e sur l'assistance liospitaliere et la loi du 7 aout 1851. *-. Bordeaux, 1880. Hopital general. Fiiance. Renouvellenient des privileges en favour de l'Hopital general de Bordeaux, roy. - . [Bordeaux, 171(i.] Hiipila 1 Sa in t-. I ml re. Bokde.u x. La commission administrative des hospices a M. Diifl'our, m-iire de Bordeaux, h; 110 ileceinbre 1*12. [ Upon tbe disposition to be made of the legacy left, for I lie benefit of the Hospital Saint-Andre, by Mr. Nathaniel John- ston.] 4U. [Bordeaux, 1*42.] ------. Commission administrative des hos- pices civils de Bordeaux. Kapport general sur hi construction du nouvel Hopital Saint-Andre de Bordeaux. 15 Bordeaux, 1*42. ------. Kxtraif dital* (Management and regulations of), by localities. B O STO N—continued. Hospital. Citv Doc. No. 12*. Dec. 2d, 1*75. *• [Boston. 1*75.] Boston. City Hospital. Action of the trus- tees upon the petitions for the introduction of honueopathie treatnient and for the admission of medical students to surgical operations and clinical instruction. *2. Boston. 1**6. ------. Rules and regulations, with rules of the trustees, the act authorizing the city to es- tablish the City Hospital, the act of incorpora- tion, and ordinances of the city relating to the City Hospital. Revised Jan., 188:?. 16°. Bos- ton, 1**3. ------. The same. Revised 1*90. IH0. Bos- ton, 1-90. Massachusetts Charitable Eye and Ear In- firmary. By-laws of the corporation and rules of the board of managers. Established in 1900. *-. Boston, 1900. Massachusetts General Hospital. [Blank forms in use at the hospital.] v. s. [Boston, n. d.] Regulations of the . . . broadside. [Boston, n. ft7.] Report of a comniittee on the financial condi- tion of the . . . Feb. 15, 1**('5. 4-. [Boston, 1*65.] Statement (A) iu regard to the charge of nep- otism at the . . . 4°. [Boston, 1**4.] .Ha»Macha»ctls General Hospital. Clinical meeting of the stall'. Huston M. .V S. J., 1897, exxxvii, 491; 623". Alsn. Reprint.—IHaNKnclmaelts General Hospital. Reg- ular clinical meeting of the medical board. December 15, 1899. Boston M. & IS. J., 1900, cxlii. '.'74; -J97 ; 4*J3. Also, Reprint. BOURNEMOUTH. Bournemouth General Dispensary and Cot- tage Hospital. Rules and regulations. *-. [Bournemouth, 18*5.] BOVES. Boves. Regolamento del servizio sanitario complessivo del Comune ospedale e congrega- zioue de carita di Boves. 12-". Cuneo, 1885. BRADFORD. Bradford Infirmary and Dispensary. Laws (The) of the ... as agreed upon at the annual meeting of subscribers, Feb. 15, 1850. 12-. Bradford, 1850. BRESCIA. Brescia (Province of). Bilanci concuntivi dell' ainniiuistrazione degli spedali e luoghi pii uniti in Brescia, degli anni 1**6-9 ; 189^. fol. [Brescia. 1**7-93.] ------. Regolamento del Brefotrofio e della pia casa cli maternita in Brescia, roy. 8~. Brescia, 1885, Ospizio Marino Bresciano. Statuto organico. roy. 8J. [Brescia, 1*82.] BRIDGNORTH. Bridgnorth and South Shropshire Infirmary. "'Tis sixty years since." [An appeal from the comniittee for £1,000 to complete the new buildings. December, 1893.] 4°. [Derby, 1895.] lo*pitnl« (Management and regulations of), by localities. BRIGHTON. Sussex County Hospital. Special appeal [for funds, both for the efficient maintenance of the hospital, and for the essential improvements of the buildings. November 1894]. 4°. [Brighton, 1*94.] BROOKLYN. Kings County Hospital. Keport of committee on the organization of the medi- cal service of the Kings County Hospital. Brooklyn M J., 1891, v, 103-lOti. Long Island College Hospital of the City of Brooklyn. Charter and by-laws. * . Brooklyn, 1882. Methodist Episcopal Hospital. Charter and by-laws, with lists of officers, medical faculty, etc. *-. Brooklyn, 1888. BULGARIA. Ooliemaiioff (A.) Po nasheto boluicharsko dlelo. [On our hospitals.] .Meil. besieda, Vidin. 1897-8. iv, 161; 199.— Ivaiioll (D.) Otsovoryat li uashitie bolnitsi na naznacheiiiyeto si' [Do our hospitals answer their pur- poses?] Ibid., 13-22. — IVaziiaeheiiiyeto na uashitie bolnitsi. (Destiny of our hospitals.J Ibid., 514-520.— ToncheflT (S G.) Za bolnichnuta prislnjra u nas. (On the hospital service anion", ns.| Ibid., 65-71. — Zololo- vich (G.) A Russeff (M.) Bolnitsi. [Hospitals (in Bul- garia).] Med. shorn., Sofiya, 1898, iv, 529-580, 20 pl. CAGLIARI. Ospedale civile. Programma d' inseonaniento per la Scuola degli infermieri, 18*9-90. 12-5 [Cagliari, 1890.] CANADA. See, in this list, Montreal; Toronto; Winni- peg. CANINO. Spedale di Canino. Canino. Regolamento amniiuistrativo, sani- tario e disciplinare dello Spedale di Cauino ain- niinistrato dalla locale congregazioue di carita. 8°. Foliguo, 1888. CARAVAGGIO. Ospedale civile. Regolamento di amtninistrazione per 1' Ospi- tale civile di Caravaggio. roy. *:. Treviglio, 1888. Statuto organico. fol. Treviglio, 1**7. CARBOGNANO. Venerabile Ospedale di S. Antonio Abbate. Stateto organico e regolamento di aminiui- strazione e di servizio interno. 8°. Foligno, 18*9. CASTEL FRANCO DELL' EMILIA. IUcovera-Ospedale. Regolamento d' anuninistrazione e d' ordine interno. 8C. Bologna, 1889. CATANIA. Spedale Vittorio Emanuele. Catania. Spedale Vittorio Emanuele iu Cata- nia. Regolamento del servizio sanitario. Ap- piovato del cousiglio direttivo con deliberaztone del di 1° geuuajo 1*87. roy. 8-. Catania, 1**7. CHILI. See, in this list, Valparaiso. HOSPITALS. 399 HOSPITALS. Hospital* (Management and regulations of), by localities. CINCINNATI. Cincinuaii Hospital and Bolt's Hill Branch Hospital. Laws, rules, regulations, and by-laws. * . Cincinnati, 1859. Hospital of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Southern Ohio. Charter and regulations. 8 . [Cincinnati, n.d.] CIVIDALE. Ospitale Civile. Cividale. Regolamento interno dell' Ospitale civile cli Cividale. Approvato dalla onorevole deputazione provinciale di Udine con delibera- zioue 5 dicembre 1****7. X. 31717-5592. roy. * . Cividale. 18**. -----. Statuto organico dell' Ospitale civile di Cividale. * . Cividale. 1—■:'>. CLINTON. Clinton Hospital Association. Constitution and bv-law>. 12-. Clinton, 1*95. COCCONATO. Ospidale Mandameutule Sara. Statuto organico e regolamento interno del- 1' . . . eretto nel comune di Coconato. - . Asti, 1*90. CODOGNO. Civico spedale di Codogno. Regolamento ammiuistrativo e sanitario del . . ., approvato con nota 24 niarzo 18*9, X. 5763 B, del cousiglio sanitario e con decreto 12 aprile 1*89, X. 2227 B della deputazione pn>- viuciale di Milano. roy.8 \ [Codogno, 1889.] COIMBRA. da Costa Simoes (A. A.) Dietas e rac»5es coin applicacao aos hospitaes da Universidade de Coimhra pelo adininistrador dos mesinos hos- pitaes. *-. Coimhra, 1****2. COMO. Ospedale Santa Anna e Luoghi Pii Uniti. Regolamento pel servizio sanitario. Appro- vato e reso esecutivo con delibetazione 24 mag- gio l~-~, X. 3211, D. II. Delia deputazione provinciale cli Corno. * . [Corno, 1~*8.] Statuto organico dell' . . . Approvato col r. decreto 25 gennaio 1*71 e niodiiicato con altri n . decreti 5 luglio 1*73 e 12 marzo 1-;91. 8-. Corno, 1,91. CORK. South Infirmary. Woodroi ee ( J.) Observations on Dr. Bul- len's htter to the trustees of the South Infirm- ary. *°. Cork, 1*20. CREMONA. Cremona. Rendiconto economico-morale della gestione 1**2, 1*83), 18*4 degli istitnti ospi- talieri di Cremona, roy. 8°. Cremona, l*8f>. .Monteverdi (A.) Questione speilaliera. Bull. d. f.'oioit. med. cieiiionese. Cremona, 1s8b, viii, 101-107.— Kelazione della aultu commissione tecniea pel coordino e riordino ilell assisten/a ospedaliera in Cremona. Bull. med. cremouese, Cremona, 1«93, xiii, 155-180. Ospedale maggiore. Progetto di regolamento igieuico-sanitario. fol. Cremona, 1889. lospital* (Management and regulations of), hy localities. DENVER. Saint Luke's Hospital. [Charter, constitution, h\-laws, and rules.] 1(5-. Ihnvtr, [1*91]. DETROIT. Saint Luke's Hospital and Church Home. Rules for the infernal government of . . . * . Detroit, 1*71. DOLO. Ospitale civile. Dolo. Relazione e progetto di statuto organico propostn della direzione ed aniministia- zione dell' Ospitale civile di Dolo. 8°. Dolo, is**. DUBLIN. Cheat Britain. An act for the better regu- lalion of the House of Industry Hospitals and other hospitals in Dublin supported wholly or in part bv Parliamentary giants. 19 &, 20 Vic- terhe, Cap. 110. [29th July, l*5i;.] fol. [Lon- don, l*5ti.] Great Britain. Lord Lieutenant and privy Council of Ireland. Dublin Commission Hospi- tals. Report of the committees of inquiry, 1887, together with minutes and evidence, fol. Dub- lin, 1*87. Great Britain. Parliament. House of Com- mons. Dublin Hospital board, etc. A bill to provide for a Dublin hospital board, and for other purposes. Ordered, by the House of Com- mons, to be printed, 29 June, 18*7. fol. London, 1**7. -----. Dublin Hospital board. A bill for the establishment of a Dublin hospital board. (Prepared and brought in bv Mr. Jackson and Sir Herbert Maxwell.) 22 Aug., 1S*9. fol. [Loudon, l*s9.] Cameron (C. A.) The recent failure of hospital accommodation in Dublin. Tr. Rov. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1897, xv, 4:s7-44'>.—iTIapothe'r (E. D.) Our hospi- tals and the interests of patients and pupils. Dublin J. M. Sc. 1888, 3. s., lxxxv, 110-122. Meath Hospital. Collis (M. 11.) A lecture, given at the Meath Hospital, on the occasion of the opening of the session, November 4th, 1S(>7. ? . Dublin, 1*117. DURHAM. Sherburn Hospital, near Durham. Regulations. * . [Durham, n, d.] EDINBURGH. Iluyal Infirmary. Clerks (The). [Regulations for their con- duct.] 8->. [Edinburgh, IS III.] Hints submitted to the consideration of the court of contribiitots to tlie Royal Inlirmary of Edinburgh, relative to a letter lately addressed to them by Robert List on. By a member of the court. 8 . Edinburgh, 1*22. Lis ion (R.) Letter to the right lion, the lord provost, as chairman of the court of con- tributions to tlie Royal Inlirmary of Edinburgh, in regard to tlie proceedings at their last meet- ing, on Monday, the 7th January, 1*22. 12°. Edinburgh, 1*22. Regulations respecting the admission of patients into the house. l*5l>. * . [Edinburgh, 1855. \ Regulations respecting dressers. 18)!1. 8°. [Edinburgh, 1*:U.] HOSPITALS. 400 HOSPITALS. Hospital* (Management and regulations of), by localities. EDINBURGH—continued. Regulations respecting the inspection of dead bodies in the infirmary. 1-51. s-\ [Edinburgh, l-'il.] Trinity Hospital. Edinburgh. Charters aud documents relat- ing to the Collegiate Church and Hospital of the Holv Trinitv, and the Trinity Hospital, Edinburgh. A. D. 1460-1661. sm. 4-5 Edin- burgh, 1*71. FERMIGNANO. Ospedale Brama n te. Fermignano. Congregazione cli carita. Sta- tuto organico dell' Ospedale Bramante per gl' in- fermi poveri del comune cli Fermignano. 12°. Urbino, la90. FERRARA. Ospedale civico di Cento. Chiappini (R.) Origiui, vicendi e statuti dell' ospedale civile di Cento. 8°. Ferrara, 1900. Poliambulanza medieo-chirurgica. Statuto e regolamento interno. 12-. Fer- rara, 1*95. FIVIZZANO. Spedale di San Antonio Abate. Fivizzano. Congregazione di carita. Rego- lamento interno per lo Spedale di San Antonio Abate in Fivizzauo. 8-. Castelnttovo Garfa- gnana, 1890. FLORENCE. Ambulatorio medico-chirurgico d' oltrarno e serrizio permanente di soccorso. Statuto. --. Firenze, 1*98. Ambulatorio policlinico delle specialitd me- dico-chirurgiche. Statuto. 8-. Firenze, 1899. Istituto Umberto I. Statuto e regolamento. Approvati nelle adunanze generali del '11 niaggio e 11 luglio 1900. II prescnte statute) e regolamento aunulla il precedeute. 16-. Firenze, 1900. Regio Spedale di Santa Maria Nuova. Modo cli adoperare le pezze la lavorate del- 1' Hospitale d. S. Maria Xuova cli Firenza. Dispensate da me Francesco Sacco. Con privi- legio di detto hospitale. 12*-. Ferrara, 1641. Collezione di regolanienti lisginirdanti il governo, assistenza e cura de' poveri uomini in- fermi che si ricevono nel . . ., fatti e raccolti dal . . . Cav. Francesco Maggio. MS. fol. [Firenze, 1746-7.] Okdini cli medicheria da osservarsi nell' eserci- zio e nello studio della chirurgia da i maestri, e dalli studentidi i ssa nel. . . fol. Firenze. 1747. Regolamento della spezieria del . . . appro- vato da sua altezza reale con benigno rescritto del di 20 maggio 1780. sm. 4-5 [ lirenze, 1780.] Regolamento da osservarsi nel . . ., per 1' am- missione, pulizzia, trattamento, vitto, ed as- sistenza de' malati. sin. 4°. [Firenze, n. d.] Speciali (Degli). Gli speciali sono otto gio- vani stndeuti cli farmacia abitante nello spedale ed un maestro che loro pusiede, e che gli dirige nelle loro operazioni, [etc.]. fol. [Firenze, n. d.] Statuto organico. 8-. Firenze-Roma, 1*86. [o*|»itAl* (Management anil regulations of), by localities. FLORENCE—continued. *5talnto del R. Arcispednle di Santa Marin Xuova e stabilimenti riuniti, approvato con i RK. decreti 11 agosto e 27 settembre 18965 Pratico, Firenze, 189C-7, i, no. 1. 51-62. FOGNANO. Ospedale infermi di Santa Caterina. Fognano. Statuto organico dell' Ospedale in- fermi cli Santa Caterina in Fognano. 8-. Faenza, 1*87. FOLIGNO. Spedale San Giovanni Battista. Statuto oriranico e regolamento aniniinistra- tivo. 12°. Foligno, 1*91. FOSSANO. Ospedale maggiore del poveri infirmi. Regolamento . . . 16°. Fossano, 1*8.5. FRANCE. See, also, in this list. Aix; Angers; Bordeaux; Grasse ; Hyeres; Lillebonne; Lisieux; Lyons; Paris; Saint-Chamond; Saint-Eti- enne; Toulouse. Bai:baux(A.) Legislation liospitaliere. Re- cueil des lois, de"erets, ordonnances, circulaires, instructions, decisions niinisterielles, avisducon- seil d'e"tat, etc., etc., concernant 1'adininistration des hospices et hopitaux, suivi d'un extrait des codes civil et forestier et d'une table ge"u6rale des matleres. * . Paris, 18*6. Blockhekgkr (F.) Etude sur l'orgauisation des hospices cantonaux. * . Darne'tal, 1*90. Delaporte. Rapport fait an nom de la com- mission des hospices. Secours anx hospices ci- vils et aux enfans de la patrie. *°. [Paris, an VI-119*.] Delarue (F.) De la necessity et de la possi- bilite d'ameliorer le service de san to dans les grands hopitaux civils de France. * . Paris, 1825. France. Assemblee nationale legislative. Rap- port et projet de loi sur les hopitaux et hos- pices, presenters an nom de la commission d'as- sistance publique par M. de Melun. Seance clu 21 decembre 1850. .--. Pavis, [1*50]. France. Convention nationale. Deeret de la Convention nationale, clu ls'jourdu ler mois de Tan second de la Republique f'rancoise, relatif aux fonds destines a lYntretien des hftpitatix, an siilaire des fonctioniiaires des iuunicipalite'a et des districts, et aux secours en ble" et en ar- gent. No. 1107. sm. 4-5 Chaalons, [1794]. -----. De~cret de la Convention nationale, du 13e jour do bruniairo, an second de la Republi- que f'rancoise, relntif au pavement des rentes et inteietsaiinuelsdusaux hopitaux et, aux pauvres. No. 1221. sm. 45 Chaalons, [1794]. Franck. Depavlement de linte'rieur. Comite consultalif d'hygiene ct du service medical des hopitaux. Rapport au nom de la commission du regime alimentaire dans les hopitaux. 4°. [Paris, 1864.] France. Parlement. Arret de la cour de Parle- ment. qui ordonne que la declaration du roi, du 12 decembre 169*, sera exe5utee taut pour l'ad- ministration des biens et reveniis de I'Hospifal de La'iques en Champagne, que pour la composi- tion du bureau de direction et d'administration d'icelui. Extrait des registres du Parlement Du 4 mai 17*9. 4 5 [Pan's, 1789.] Horteloup. Rapport fait du conseil general des hospices dans la seance du 10 mai 184*3, par la commission m6dicale cle 1841 et 1842. 4D. Paris, 1815. HOSPITALS. 401 HOSPITALS. Ho«pitnl« (Management and regulations of), by localities. GEMONA. Spedale civico S Miehiele. Gemona. Statuto organico dello spedale civile detto di S. Miehiele in Gemona. 8*5 Gemona. 1881. GENOA. Genoa. Statuto organico degli ospedali ci viii di Genova. S . Gmora, 1888. ------. The same. * . Genova, 1*90. ------. Regolamento sanitario per gli ospe- dali e per la casa di salute dell' opera pia de Ferrari Brignole Sale in Genova. roy. **. Genova, 1*88. ------. Regolamento interno per le fannacie degli ospidali civili di Genova. rov.S . Genora, 1*89. ------. Progetto di statuto organico degli ospedali civili di Genova. fol. Genova, 1*90. ------. Regolamento sanitario per gli ospe- dale civili di Genova. Deliberato dalla com- missione atiiniiiiistratrice in seduta, 21 novembre 1891; approvato dalla R. Prefettura di Genova con decreto, 10 marzo ls92. roy. 8°. Genova, 1*99. Ospedale di Pammatone. Genoa. Ospedale di Pammatone e la sua am- niiiiNtiazione nel quinquennio dal l**o al 1>*4. II presidente della connnissione ainininistratrice Giacomo Falcone, roy. 8*-. Genova, 18*6. Ospedale Protestanh. Statuto organico e regolamento interno. 8°. Genora, l**-5 GERMANTOWN. Set. iu this list, Philadelphia. GERMANY. See. in th is list. Berlin: Hamburg; Illenau; Metz; Munich; Nuremberg; Oldenburg; Sonnenstein; Stuttgart. GHENT Hopital de la Bilogue. Ghent. Reglement de l'HApital de la Biloque. - . Gand, 1-59. GIFFONE SEI CASALI. Giekoni Sei Casali. Statuto organico del- 1' Ospedale Abate Francesco conforti del comune di Gitfoni Sei Casali. 8J. Salerno, 1885. GRASSE. Hopital general de la Charite'. Reglement pour l'Hopital -general de la Cha- rite' de la ville de Grasse, autorise par la delibe- ration du bureau geai^ral du 12 octobre 17*8. *-. Aix, 178*. GREAT BRITAIN. See, also, in this list. Bangor; Bath; Bir- mingham; Bournemouth; Bradford; Bridge- north; Brighton; Cork; Dublin; Durham; Greenwich; Grimsby; Hemel Hempstead; Huntingdon; Leicester; London; Manches- ter; Mold; Newcastle; Norwich; Notting- ham; Peterborough; Southampton; Teign- mouth; Tottenham; Wakefield; Wantage; Wigan; Worcester. Comparative (A) statement of the economy of thirty-two provincial bospitals and infirma- ries, with notes and observations; to which are added an analysis of the income and expendi- ture, and a statistical table of the number of in VOL VII, 2D SERIES----l'iII«'n. Du sei \ iio medical (Inns les liopitaux d'An- fjlctcrrc. Mursi'ille nnid., 1890, xxvii, 7:5:1-787. GREENWICH. Miller Hospital and Royal Kent Dispensary. Statement of receipts and expenditure for the vears l,**:!-4; l**tl-7 to 1888-9. 8C. [Green- wich, 1**4-9.] Seamen's Hospital Society. Annual reports of the committee of manage- ment to the governors and subscribers. 17., 1*37; 52.-57., 1*72-7; 59., 1*79; 61., 1**1; 62., 1882; 64., 1*81; 65., 1*85. 8C. London, 1858-85. GRIMSBY. Grimsby and District Hospital. Rules for the government of the ... *c. Grimsby, 1*99. GROSSETO. Antonelli (I.) Studi e proposte sui riordi- nameuto dello Spedale di Grosseto. 8J. Gros- seto, 1900. GUALDO TADINO. Gualdo Tadino. Congregazione di carita. Statuto organico del Pio istituto Ospedale civico di S. Lazzaro in Gualdo Tadino. 12*-. Gualdo Tadino, 1890. HAMBURG. Xeues allgemeines Krankenhaus. Acrztliche Haiisor, for the Charing Cross Hos- pital, fol. London, 1855. Deaconesses' Institution and Hospital, Tot- tenham. Donations to the building fund account. obi. lbv. Tottenham, 1*87. French Hospital and Dispensary. [Accunt of its foundation, with the stat- utes.] - . [London, 1*5*.] [Circular, appealing to the benevolent for assistance in forming a depot of clothing and linen, to be given to poor in-patients on their being discharged when cured.] 8C. [London, 1-7-.] [Circular letter of the committee, soliciting a contribution towards the new building fund, June, l-s-7.] 4C. [London, 1**7.] [Circular, soliciting donations or yearly sub- scriptions, as the committee do not deem it op- portune to hold the customary banquet to com- memorate the foundation, in cousideratiou of the French and German war.] Nov. 15, 1870. 4:. [London, 1-70.] [Notice of the first annual meeting of the governors. Insetted in the London Times.] 12-. [London, 1*6*.] Great Northern Central Hospital. Rules and regulations, Dec, 1884. 8°. Lon- don, [1^4]. Gniy's Hospital. [Appeal of the governors to the public for contributions and donations. Including a let- ter from W. E. Gladstone, the oldest governor, on the financial condition of the hospital. Oc- tober, 1895.] 4C. [London, 18U5.] -----. The same. With an additional let- ter of Samuel Wilks, consulting physician of the hospital, and chairman of the sustentat ion fund. December, 1895. ] 4°. [London, 1*9.5.] Hospitals (The) committee. Guy's Hospital; evi- dence of tin- treasurer and of the dean of the medical school. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1891, i, 248-251. Hampstead Home Hospital and Nursing In- stitute. Rules. 1,°. Hampstead, l-8:'>. King's College Hospital. Appeal for £50,000. July, 1893. sm. 4°. [London, 1893.] Receipts and expenditures for the year 1887. obi. 15-. London, 18**. Report of a meeting held at Grosvenor House under tbe presidency of the Duke of Westmin- ster in support of a special appeal in belialf of the hospital, July 20, 1893. 16°. London, 1893. Hospitals (Management and regulations of), by localities. LONDON—continued. London Hospital, Whitechapel, E. Charter (The) of incorporation (1758), the London Hospital act 1*84, the by-laws of the governors, and the standing orders of the house comniittee. 8 . Loudon, 1888. Maintenance fund appeal, 1893. 8°. [Lon- don, 1895.] Metropolitan Hospital. [Notice of a special meeting of the govern- ors, held .June 14, 1**7, adopting the provident principles.] sin. 4°. [ London, 1887.] [Remarks on the appeal of Mr. Joseph Fry, on behalf of the Metropolitan Hospital.] Cutting from : Philanthropist, xiii, no. 9. IFildmay Mission Hospital, Bethnal Green. Statement of expenditure for nine years, ending31 Dec., 18*5. broadside. London, [18*0]. North London or Unirersitg College Hospital. Christmas appeal. I . London, 1889. Royal Hospital of Bridewell. Waddinciton (W.) Considerations on the original and proper objects of the Royal Hos- pital of Bridewell. Addressed to the governors. 8°. Loudon, 1798. Saint Bartholomew's Hospital. [Blank forms in use at the hospital.] v. s. [London, u. d.] Orders aud ordinances for the better govern- ment of the Hospitall of Bartholomew the lesse . . . 8°. London, 1652. Reprint, London, 1884. Third year (The) student's correspondence on the existing abuses at St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Corrected from tlie Lancet. With an address to the governors respecting the man- agement and present condition of St. Bartholo- mew's Hospital. * . London, 1*53. HoDtpilnlH (The) comniittee. St. Bartholomew's Hos- pital; evidence of the clerk and warden. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1891. i, 24S-J.'l. Saint George's Hospital, Lee (E.) The St. George's Hospital medical staff considered with reference to the conse- quences of the prevailing mode of determining hospital elections, with prefatory remarks on the new medical act. A supplement to the med- ical profession iu Great Britain and Ireland. 8 5 London, 1859. -----. Notes, corroborative of the remarks in tlie St. George's Hospital medical staff, ex- emplifying the state of the medical profession. 8 . London, 1*59. Letter to the governors and other subscrib- ers to St. George's Hospital, by one of their number. 8°. London, 1872. Saint Pancras ( Workhouse) Infirmary. London. Saint Pancras. Saint Pancras ( Workhouse) Infirmary, Dartmouth Park Hill, N. Duties of the medical superintendent, fol. [London, 1894.] Saint Thomas's Hospital. Account (An) of the circumstances attend- ing the imprisonment and death of the late William Millard, formerly superintendent of the theatre of anatomy of St. Thomas's Hospital, Southwark; in which will be found some au- HOSPITALS. 404 HOSPITALS. Hospitals (Management and regulations of), by localities. LONDON—continued. thentic and interesting details respecting the purposes to which the hospitals in the metrop- olis, and particularly those of St. Thomas's, Guy's, and the London Hospital, are applied; with particulars of such abuses, peculations, and misapplications of the funds of these insti- tutions, as have hitherto been discovered; and of the barter and sale of the patients' dead bodies for the purposcsof dissection ; with strict- ures on the conduct of Sir Astley Cooper, Sir William Blizzard, Mr. Green, and also an ex- posure of the proceedings of Mr. M rgau, Mr. Webbe, surgeon to the Middlesex County jail; the tire-proof aud invulnerable Mr. Wakley, ami other subordinate members of the medical pro- fession; accompanied by some original letters and documents in support and confirmation of the whole. 8:. London. 1825. HowpilalN (The) committee: St. Thomas's Hospital; evidence of the receiver, the steward, tlie dean of the med- ical school, tlie treasurer, a nurse, and the matron. Brit. il.,J., Lond., 1891, i, *J08-311. H est hi i nster Hospital. List (A) of the governors and subscribers; with abstract of the receipts and expenditures. 141., 1-5* ; 154., 1*71: 155., 1872: 162., 1*79; 166.- 158.. 1*8:1-5; 170., 1887. 8°. Loudon, 1859-88. LORETTO. Ospedale di Santa Casa. ?I a re hei (E.) Riforme nell' Ospedale di Santa Casa. Boll. d. Osp. di S. Casa cli Loreto, Loreto, 1887-8, i, 64-73. LOWELL. Lowell General Hospital. [Appeal of the trustees for subscriptions, with form of agreement for a term of five yenrs, beginning Jan. 1, 1893.] 4°. [Lowell, 1892.] LUCCA. < (rsulixi ((!.) Sul riordinamento del servizio sanitario nei rr. spedali cli Lucca. 8*-. Lucca, 1889. LUINO. Ospedale Luin i- Confalonieri. Luino. Statuto dell' Ospedale Luini-Confa- lonieri in Luiuo proposto dalla giunta munici- pale di Luiuo. 8C. Luino, 1890. LYONS. Imbkrt (¥.) De l'observation dans les grands hopitaux et specialeuient dans ceux cle Lyon. Discours prononce" devant l'adniinistration des hopitaux de Lyon dans sa seance du 27 aout 1830. 8°. Lyon, 1*3(1. Lyon. Hospices civils de Lyon. Conseil ge"- neral de ^administration. Compte moral admi- nistrntif des exercices 1*75; 1*76. Presents au conseil gen6ral d'admiuistration des hospices civils de Lyon par sa commission executive. 4°. Lyon, 1876-7. Hopital general de la Charite et Aumone ge- nerale. France. Lettres patentes accordeVs par sa majesty a l'H6pital ge"ue"ral de la Charite' et Au- m6ne uenerale de Lyon, au mois de septembre 17*29. sm. 4°. Lyon, 1775. Statcts et reglements. sm. 4°. Lyon, 1766. Hospice de VAntiquaille. Onilleton. Des conditions de l'admission a l'hospice de lAntiiiuaille. Lettre k if. P. Joly, administratenr-di- recteur. J. de med. de Lyon, 1866, vi, 241-249.—Joly (P.) Des conditions d'admission a l'Hospice de 1'Antiquaille. Ibid., 241-249. lospitals (Management and regulations of),by loottlilies. LYONS—continued. Hotel-Dieu. Barrier. Lettre au conseil d'admiuistra- tion des h6pitaux de Lyon sur l'organisation du service chirurgical de l'Hotel-Dieu en reponse aux ecrits publics par Us doctours Desgranges et Valette sur cette question. 8°. Lyon, 1*54. Statuts et reglements gene'raux de l'Hopital general de Notre-Dame de Pitie" dn Pont clu Rlidne et Grand H6tel-Dieu de la ville de Lyon. 4°. Lyon, 1756. MADRID. Analyse des statuts de l'Hospice royal de Madrid. *°. Paris, an IX [1801]. MALDEN. Maiden Hospital. By-laws of the . . . with the list of officers, incorporators, and trustees. 24*5 Boston, 1890. MANCHESTER, England. Manchester Lying-in Hospital. Rulks for the government of the . . . fol. [Manchester, 1793. ] MANTUA. Hospedal grande di Mantova. Ordini (Gli) dell' . . . 12-. [Mantova, 1560.] Spedale di Mantova. Statuto organico dello . . . e delle cause pie annesse, approvato con regio decreto 6 geunaio 1874. roy. 8-. 9Iantova, 1874. MARYLAND. Hospital Relief Association of Maryland. Annual report of the president to the friends and members of the association. 1., Ic80-81. 8C. Baltimore, 1881. METZ. Grouvelle (P.) Lettre a Monsieur Emile Bonchotte, niaire de la ville de Metz, sur les ameliorations a introduire dans les hopitaux et les prisons du departenient. 8°. Paris, 1850. MIDDELBURG. Vereenigixg van genees- en heelkundigen in Zeeland. Reglement van de inrigting voor ziekeverpleging te Middelburg. 16-. Middel- burg, 1859. MILAN. Milan. Consiglio degli islituti ospitalieri di Milano. Regolamento amniiuistrativo adottato dal consiglio nelle sedute 1, 5 e 7 aprile 1**7, N. 1435 del 1884, e approvato dalla deputazione pro- vinciale di Milano col decreto 6 maggio 1**7, N. 2901 B. fol. Milano, 1**7. ------. Regolamento igienico-sanitario degli istituti ospitalieri di Milano. Adottato dal con- siglio ospitaliero colia deliberazione di seduta 6 novembre 1886, X. 2982, ed apnrovato dalla provinciale di Milano con sua deliberazione del 23 dicembre 1886, X. 1249 B, coinunicata colla nota prefettizzia 30 die. detto anno, N. 24342. 8°. Milano, 1**7. ------. Regolamento igienico-sanitario degli istituti ospitalieri di Milano. Adottato dal con- siglio ospitaliero colla deliberazione di seduta 6 novembre 1886, N. 2982, ed approvato dalla de- outazione provinciale di Milano, con sua deli- berazione del 23 dicembre 1885, N. 1249 B . . . Approvato dalla giunta provinciale ainniinistra- tiva di Milano col decreti 29 agosto 1*«9, HOSPITALS. 405 HOSPITALS. Hospitals (Management and regulations of), by localities. MILAN—continued. N. 15419—312 B, e 30 gennaio 1889, N. 24109-175— 820 B, e da ultima colla deliberazione 16 febbraio 1*93, X. 3616, del 1*90, alleg. 42. fol. Milano, 1*93. -----. Regolainento sanitario e di anda- uiento interno degli ospitale fatebene-fratelli in Milano. [Approvato dalla giunta provinciale atnininistiativa con deliberazioni 2* dicembre 189*, X. 5397.] roy. * . [Milano, 1899.] Kezzonico (A.) Ospedali coinuuali e beneti- ceuza cittadina. Pensieri e voti. * . [Milano, 1*95.] Bnnli (G.) Ospedale niaudameutalc e i suoi vantasiii in relazione alle idee moderne di ilecentraiueiito d' ifiiene, d'umanita. ed alia istruzione praticoscientitica dei medici condotti. Boll.d. Ass. san. niilanese, Milano, 1899, i. •J1;VJ2'1. Asile Evangelique de Milan. Rappokt du conseil d'administration. 14., l***-'.i. 12. [Milano, 18*9.] Ospedale maggiore e case snccursali di Mi- lano. Doveri del personale di .servizio pre.sso 1' . . . Lettighieri, iuferinieri, inlermiere necrofori, por- tiuaj. *J. Milano, 1**7. Istruzioni per il personale sanitario. * . [Milano. I*e6.] Milan. La beneticeiiza dell' Ospedale mag- giore di Milano. (Jsservazioui del consiglio degli istituti ospitalieri alia lelazione della comnissione nominata dai sindaci della provin- cia di Milano col tito'o: La questi'im ospita- liera esposta dai coinuni di campagna. fol. [Milano, 1**8.] Nuovo (Sui) schema di regolamento igienico- sanitario per 1' . . . e per 1' annessovi istituto di S. Corona. Relazione al consiglio sauitario pro- vinciale di Milano. *-. Milano, 1*84. Pio Istituto di Santa Corona, Milano. Pro- getto di statuto per il . . . ri< ostituito in ente autonomo. Relazione al consiglio comunale di Milano. 4°. Milano, 1-92. MOLD. Mold Cottage Hospital. Rules. *-. Mold, [1-96.]. MONTE PULCIANO. Spedale di S. I'ristoftino. Xuovo regolamento per lo . . . Appiovato con benigno referitto de 14 novembre 1777. MS. fol. Montepulciano, 1777. MONTE SAN GIUSTO. Ospedale civico. Statuto organico. * . Macerata, 1*92. MONTE SAN SAVINO. Ospedale di Santa Alalia della Pace. Regolamento perl' . . . fol. Siena, 1**8. Statuto per lo . . . fol. Siena, l*-5. MONTEVIDEO. Uruguay. Comision nacional de caridad y benejiccncia publico. Hospital de caridad. Rkglamento de la farmacia. 16-. Montevi- deo, 1*'39. Ski:\tcio medico interno. 16-. Montevideo, 1«P9. MONTREAL. Montreal General Hospital. By-laws, as amended and finally passed by the governors aud approved by the corporation of the society of the Montreal (Jeneral Hospital on the 19th May, 1**5. * \ Montreal, [l*"-<]- Hospitals (Management and regulations of), by localities. MORROVALLE. Ospedale cirico. Morrovalle. Statuto organico dell' Ospe- dale civico di Morrovalle. Approvato con de- creto regio in data maggio 1**4. S-. Civitanora- Marche, 1*84. MOSSO SANTA MARIA. Ospedale Borsetti-Sella-Facenda pci eomuni di Mosso Santa Maria, Pistolesa e I'alle Superiore Mosso. Statuto organico. 8°. Xovara, 1892. MUNICH. Tl<-ui< niili (<;.) A l'rnu§nilz (W.) Die Kost des rviaiikeiiliiiiiMs Miinchen 1. I. Ann. d. stadt. allg. Kran- kenh. zu Munchen (1S!!0-(.'2V, 1894, 31i-6(J. NAPLES. Mkmoria per servire al miglior ordiue e trat- taniento degli espositi della Sautissima Annun- ziata di Xapoli e del regno, sin. 4*-. [Napoli], 1791. Pepe (V.) Pa re re dato al goveruo della Sau- tissima Annunziata cli Xapoli, in cui si esaniina il progetto cli far nutrire tiitt' i suoi espositi Col latte d' bruti; lo stato preseute clella casa, della loro fisica educazione; e si propougono i mezzi i piii proprj ed i piu atti a liiigliorare la sua condizione. sm. 4'-"-. [Napoli, 1785.] Osj)edale Internazionale (Villa Bentinck). Statuto e regolamento. 3. ed. 16*-. Najioli, 1**8. NAVE. Ospitale Civile. Statuto organico doll' . . . eretto in ente mo- rale con r. decreto 24 giugno 18**. *:. Brescia, le**. NETHERLANDS. Sec, in this list, Middelburg; Rotterdam. NEWCASTLE. Walker Hospital. Rules. [With amendments to June 3, 1**5.] 8C. Newi-astle-on- I'yne, [1*85]. NEWPORT. Newport Hospital. Appeal lot a ward for women and children at the Newport Hospital. UK [Newport, 1890.] Charter, by-laws, and rules and regulations. Iii . Nen port, 1**5. -----. The same. 16. Xctrport, 1*93. -----. lhe same. Amended 1*95. 16*v New- port, [1895]. NEW YORK. Bellevue Hospital. New York (City). Department of Public Char- ities. Bellevue Hospital. Majority and minority reports of the select committee of the board of ten governors, to whom was referred the subject of introducing hoimeopathy into Bellevue Hos- pital. Submitted January 19, 1-5*. Repub- lished by J. T. P. Smith.' *J. Brooklyn, 1*5*. Ail i Am to provide for the appointment of a board of t iustces ul I'.i Uevin and certain other hospitals iu the city ol New Yoik, ami Id prescribe their jurisdiction, power. anil duties. N. York M. J., l'JOn, lxxii, lo-JS. Kcpoil of the coininiitee of tho medical hoard of Bellevue Hospital, appointed January 2, 1901. to investigate and report upon questions relating to the ireneral administration of the hospital. Med. News, N. Y., 1901, lxxviii, -lsj-4'JO. HOSPITALS. 406 HOSPITALS. Hospitals (Management and regulations of), by localities. NEW YORK—continued. Charity Hospital. New York (City). Charity Hospital, Black- wells Island. Rules aud regulations of the . . . adopted by the board of commissioners of pub- lic charities and correction, Nov. 20, 1875. 12°. [New York], 1875. Church and Hospital for British Emigrants. Appeal on behalf of the ... 8J. Cornhill, [1*4*,]. Colored Home and Hospital. Charter and by-laws of the Colored Home of the City of New York. 16°. Xew York, 1863. Methodist Episcopal Hospital. List (A) ot the officers and others connected with the hospital from its organization. Methodist Episcop. Hosp. Rep. 1887-97, N. T., 1898, i, 28-33. Mount Sinai Hospital. Act of incorporation and by-laws of the Jews' Hospital in Xew York, 5618, corresponding with the year 1*57. 16°. Xew York, 1*57. Ceremonies attending the laying of the cor- ner-stone of the new building, May 2.5, 1*70. *-. New York, 1870. Proceedings atteudiug the ceremonies of laying the corner-stone of the new building, May 25, 1870. 8 5 [New York, 1*70.] Rules and regulations for the officers and superintendent. March, 1869, Adar 5627. 16°. New York, 1869. Xew York Hospital. By-laws and regulations ordained and estab- lished by the governors of the . . . for the bet- ter government of the officers, members, pa- tients, and servants of the hospital. Revised and passed April 5, 1825. 8-. New York, 1826. Charter of the society of the New York Hos- pital, aud the laws relating thereto. With the by-laws and regulations of the institution, and those of the Bloomingdale Asylum for the In- sane. Revised aud passed Dec. 2, 1845. 8°. New York, 1846. Roosevelt Hospital. Hospital accounts and methods of book- keeping by Mr. James R. Lathrop, superintend- ent. [Specimen pages iu portfolio.] v. s. [n.p.], 1893. Saint Luke's Hospital. Account (An) of . . ., being the charter, con- stitution, and by-laws, report (1.) of the board of managers, rules and regulations, history of i origin and progress of the hospital, names of contributions, etc. 8C. New York, 1*60. -----. The same. 8°. St. Johnland, 1868. House regulations. *-. New York, 1**4. [Preamble and resolutions introduced by the president and unanimously adopted by the board of managers, Oct. 28, 1*95. Relating to the endowment of the pathological depart- ment.] 8°. [New York, 1*95.] Thomas (H. O.) An argument with the cen- sor at St. Luke's Hospital, New York. 8°. Liv- erpool, 1889. NISCEMI. Ospedale civico. Statuto organico. roy. 8--. Niscemi, 1886. NORWICH, England. Norfolk and Norwich Hospital. Rules aud orders. *'-. Norwich, 1785. Hospital* (Management ana regulations of), by localities. NOTTINGHAM. General Hospital. Statutes aud directions for the government of the . . ., open to the sick and lame poor of anv county. Revised, corrected, and adapted to the present practice, by incorporating the later enactments with the original statutes. 16°. Nottingham, 1850. NUREMBERG. Stadtisch es Kra n ken h a us. Kaisenberg (H.) Yerwaltung nnd Betriehdes neuen stadtischeu Krankenhauses. Festschr. z. Eroffn. d. n. Krankenh. d. Stadt Numb., 1898, 325-410. OLDENBURG. Erangelisches Krankenhaus. Schutzler. Die Aer/.te-Frage beziiglich des Evaugelischeu Krankenhauses. 12°. Oldenburg, 1893. OPORTO. Hospicio de creancas do Porto. de Gouvea Osorio (J. F. A.) A junta geral do districto do Porto e as creancas soccorridas no Hospicio do Porto. 8°. Porto, 1*70. Hospital real de Santa Antonio da cidade do Porto. Regulamento do . . . ordenado e niandado por em execucao pelas mesas da Santa Casa da Mise- ricordia, que servirao nos annus de 1*50-7 e lb57-8, depois de coinpetentenieute approvado, na parte em cjue dependia cle o ser. Levando em appendice o regulamento das eufermarias cle clinica da, eschola medico-cirnrgica d'esta niesina cidade. 8*5 Porto, 1858. Regulamexto* interims do . . . 8°. Porto, 1883. ORVIETO. Ospedale di S. Maria della Stella. Regolamento interno. 12~. Orvieto, 1892. PADUA. Ospedale civile. Bilancio pre ven tivo. 1893. roy. 8°. Padova, 1893. Padua. Nuovo regolamento amininistrativo e sanitario dello Spedale civile di Padova. 8 . Padova, 1888. -----. Resoconto niorale-econoinico premesso alia presentazione dei conti consuutivi 1885 e 1886 dello Speciale civile di Padova. nJ. Pa- dova, 18*8. Relazione illustrativa il bilancio preveutivo 1891. **5 Padova, 1890. Patronato della Scuola per gli inftrmieri. Statuto del . . . Id0. [Padova, 1**7.] Poliambulanza medieo-chirurgica, Statuto della Poliambulanza niedico-chirur- gica di Padova. 24u. Padova, 1896. PAINT CREEK. Shelttring Arms Hospital. [Circular letter of the board of directors, soliciting additional contributions. Oct. 10, 1894.] 4°. [Charleston, 1894.] -----. Thesame. 16-. Charleston, 1899. Statement of the receipts and disbursements for the year 1*93. 8*5 [Charleston, 1*94.] To all whom it may concern. [Appeal to the miners and other working men of the region, to HOSPITALS. 407 HOSPITALS. Hospitals (Management and regulations of), by localities. PAINT CREEK—continued. subscribe ten cents a month for the use of the hospital. Hy the board of directors. April, 1889.] sm. 4*5 [Charleston, 1889.] PARIS. France. Lettres patentes du roi, portaut continuation des privileges de rHosiel-lbeu et tie I'Hospifal des incurables de Paris. Donnees a Paris an mois de may 1720. Registries en Parlement le 15 juin, chambre des comptes, le 22. et cour avdes le premier juillet 1720. sm. 4C. [Paris. 1*720.] -----. Lettres patentes. portant etablisse- nient d'un hospital a Versailles. Avec, le regle- ment concernant ledit hospital. Donnees A, Paris au mois de juin 1720. 4°. [Paris. 1720.] -----■. Edit du roi, portaut 6tal>lissenient d'un hospice dans les ccoles de chirurgie do Paris. Donne ii Versailles au mois de decembre 1774. Registre en Parlement le 7 Janvier 1775. Bin. 4-5 [if'cin's, 1775.1 -----. Pecret imperial relatif aux pensions de retraite des aiiministrateurs et employes des hospices et secours de la ville de Paris. 12 5 Paris. 1809. Ckimm (T.) Les hopitaux de Paris et l'assis- tance publique. Cuttimi from: Petit (Le) journal. Par., 1884. xxii. April 111. 1884. Xicaisk. Le bureau central des hopitaux; rapport presente a la Societe des chirurgiens des hopitaux au uom de la commission chargee d'e'tudier la question de la suppression du bu- reau central. - . Paris, 1*17. Paris. Administration generate de Vassistance puhliubli3], ------. Rapport sur les operations du conseil central d'adinission dans les hopitaux; imprime par arrfite" du conseil general d'administration des hopitaux civils de Paris. 4 . Paris, [ 1*01]. ------. Rapport fait au conseil general des hospices, par un de ces membres, sur l'dtat des hopitaux, des Iiosjiices et des secours a domi- cile a Paris, depuis le 1" Janvier 1*04 et le P'r Janvier 1814. 4 . Paris, 1*16. ------. Projet de reglement sur le service de santd dans les hopitaux, hospices et bureaux de charite. 4°. [Paris, 1-29.] ------. Extrait des deliberations du conseil general du departement de la Seine. Session de 1*3*. Seance clu 25 octobre 1858. 12 . Paris, 18558. -----. Rapport lu le 20 mars 1839, au con- seil general des hopitaux et hospices civils de la ville de Paris, par la commission nominee dans l'assembleo generale des medecins, chirurgiens et pharmaeieiis des h6|>ita: x, convoqiiee, le 25 Janvier 1838, en execution de Particle 1* du re- glement sur le service de saute. Co ninissaiies: | Hospitals (Management and regulations of), by localities. PARIS—continued. MM. Humeri], Roux, Forms, Gueneatt de Mussy, Moreau Pius, seeretaire-rapporteur. Paris, ce 23 mars 1*39. I. [Paris, 1899.] -----. Rapport fait au conseil general des hospices dans la seance du 14 avril 1*11, paria commission medieale de 1*39. A . Paris, 1841. -----. Rapport fait au conseil general des hospices dans hi seance du mai 1*41 et 1842. [_H. J.F.] Horteloup, rapporteur. 4*-'. Paris, 1843. -----. Rapport fait au conseil general des hospices civils de Paris, dans sa seance du 5 juillet 1*43, sur les observations presentees par la commission inddicalede 1840-41. 1 . Paris, 1*43. Sek\ ices hospitaliers de Paris 1900. Issued as supplement to Bulletin medical, .March 7, 1900. eleph. fol. Paris, 1000. 4'oiiNfil municipal de Paris. La direction de 1 'assis- tance ]iiililii|iie et lo lecruteiiieiit ties inlii'miers. ProgrtSs nied.. Par., 1S8I. ix, lii:i:i-l(i:iC — MciIm-iI ( A.-P.i & llolee nationale, sur l'admi- nistration de Monsi.tir le ('ardinal cle Rohan de l'Hopital royal des (.hiin/.e-Vingts. Par tons les I'reres aveugles des f^uinze-Vingts. 8°. Paris, 1790. Hotel-Die u. Pi'ance. Parlement. Lxtrait des registres du Pai lenient. Du vingt juin mil sept cent soixante-quinze. [ Rules and regulations for l'Hotel-Dieu de Paris.] sm. 4s [Paris, 1775.] I'oyet, Ronouvelleinent du projet de trans- ferer l'llotelDieu de Paris a file des Cvgnes, d'apres l'approbation des mddecins les plus dis- lingues. 4-. Paris, [n. d.]. HOSPITALS. 408 HOSPITALS. Hospitals (Management and regulations of), by localities. PAVIA. Ospedale di San Matteo. Istkuzioni pei uiedici-chirurghi secondarii per gli a-piranti al seeondariato e pei praticaiiti e frequentanti sanitarii. 8°. Pavia, 1*90. PEORIA. Cottage Hospital. Constitution, by-laws, aud rules. 10°. [Pe- oria, 1**83.] PESARO. Orciana di Pesaro. Regolamento interno dell' Ospedale degli infermi nel comune di Orciano cli Pesaro. Ap- provato dalla eongregazione di carita neiradu- nanza del 19 giugno 1891. 8-. Pesaro, 1891. PETERBOROUGH. Peterborough Public Dispensary and In- firmary. Annual reports of the officers. (>0., 1*75; 01., 1*70; 03.-60., 187*-* 1; 09., 18*4. * 5 Peterbor- ough, 1*70-85. Laws of the ... as revised at a meeting of the governors, Jan. 4, 1*30. * 5 Peterborough, 1859. -----. Thesame. 8 . Peterborough, 1881. PHILADELPHIA. Christ Church Hospital. Extracts from the will', and codicil thereto, of the founder, Dr. John Kearsley ; with the acts of assembly having relation to the institution; together with the by-laws of the board of mana- gers, and the rules and regulations for the gov- ernment of the house. Sept. 9, 1850. 8°. Philadelphia, 1*50. Germantown Dispensavy and Hosiiital. Ciiaktku and amendments, with by-laws and organization and rules; adopted bv the board June 1st. 1891, to take effect July 1st, 1891. 8°. Philadelphia, 1891. Hospital of lhe University of Pennsylvania. By-laws and rules for the internal govern- ment of the . . . Adopted Nov. 13. 1*00. 8°. Philadelphia, 1*99. By-laws of the . . . Adopted June, 1*91. * . Philadelphia, 1*91. -----. The same. Amended March 10, 150*5 8*. Ph i ladelph ia, 1892. Rules for the internal government of the . . . Adopted May 14, 1*7*. 8-. Philadelphia, 1878. -----. The same. Amended March 10th, 1892. * . Philadelphia, 1*9*2. Jefferson Medical College Hospital. Rules and regulations. Adopted Feb. 21, 1877. *-. Philadelphia, 1877. -----. The same. Suggested by the medi- cal staff and approved by tlie board of trustees. 8*. Philadelphia, 1*78. Methodist Episcopal Hospital. Admission of patients. [Kind of cases to be admitted and charges for treatment.] 8°. [Philadelphia, 1*92.] [Collection of blank forms used in the hos- pital.] Admission cards; application for copies of hospital report; bed card; contract to pay hospital charges; dispensary ticket; history of case: order for stimulants; patient's clothing list; physician's certificate for admission ; requi- Ho*|>itals (Management and regulations of), by localities. PHILADELPHIA—continued. sition; subscription blanks; weekly reports. v. s. [Philadelphia, 1890-02.] Red (The) Cross Tens in aid of the . . . By- laws. 10°. [Philadelphia, 1*92.] Regulations respecting visitors. *. [Phil- adelphia, 1892.] Rules for private patients. * . [Philadel- phia, 1892.] Pennsylvania Hospital. Charter (The), laws, and rules. *-'. Phila- delphia, 1*75. Philadelphia Hospital. Philadelphia. Philadelphia Hospital. Rules for the medical department. 12°. Philadelphia, 1807. PIACENZA. Piacenza. Amministrazione degli ospizi ci- vili di Piacenza. Regolamento pel ricovero nell'ospidale civile cli infermi non poveri in qua- lita di pensionanti. Approvato dal consiglio ainministrativo in seduta 12 dicembre 1890. 12*^. Piacenza, 1890. PISA. UR. spedali riuniti di Santa Chiara. Bilancio consuntivo degli [anni 1*8.5-90. fol, Pisa, 1880-91. Cliniche universitarie. Convenzione, regola- mento generale delle cliniche nei rapporti con lo spedale, e disposizioui regolamentari degli ain- bulatori medico, dennosifilopatico, oftaltnoia- .trico, ed ostetrico giuecologico. 8°. Pisa, 1808. Pisa. Regolamento da observarsi nel regio Spedale degli iiomini di 8. Chiara cli Pisa per 1' ammissione, pulizia, assistenza, et rattamento demalali. [MS.] fol. [n. p., n. d.] PISTOIA. Regi spedali riuniti. Norme sui servizio delle iufermerie approvato del cousiglio d' amministrazione con delibera- zione del 17 ottobre 1892 in online all' art. 451 del regolamento. 8-. Pistoia, 1*92. Statuto e regolamento. ,*-. Pistoia, 18*5. PITTSBURG. Mercy Hospital. To the honorable the members of the senate and house of representatives. [Application for State aid.] fol. [Pittsburgh, 1889.] Western Pennsylvania Hospital. Rules and regulations of the . . ., together with the act of incorporation, list of officers, and physicians and surgeons 8J. Pittsburgh, l*.5o. -----. The same. **-. Pittsburg, 1*57. POGGIBONSI. Spedale di Poggibonsi. Sin azioNE economic;!. 18**. roy.,*-. Pog- gibonsi, 1**0. POGGIO SAN MARCELLO. Spedale civile Bramati. Statuto orgauico. 8°. Cingoli, 1**90. PORTUGAL. See, also, in this list, Coimbra; Lisbon; Oporto. Vaz do .Unceilo (A.) Hospitalagao nos ]>ei]ueuoa centres. Med. cou temp., Lisb., 1898, xvi, 194; 202. HOSPITALS. 409 HOSPITALS. Hospital* (Management and regulations of), by localities. POTENZA. Ospedale di San Carlo. Regolamen to di amministrazione e di ordine interno dell'Ospedale di San Carlo in Potenza. 12*. Potenza. 1*97. POUGHKEEPSIE. Vassar Brothers' Hospital. By-laws and rules and regulations. . . 8*. Poughkeepsie, 1*89. PRAGUE. Stastny (J.) Die Bekostigung im Prager k. k. allgemeinen Krankenhause, mit Beriicksichti- gung der BeUostiguug in anderen offentlichen Krankenanstalten des Pachtsystenis und der Eigetitegie dargestellt. 8*5 'Wien .)• Leipzig, 1*03. PROVIDENCE. Rhode Island Hospital. Rules and regulations. - . [Providence, 1*74.] ------. Thesame. **•-. [Pvovidence, 1887.] RICHMOND. OM Dominion Hospital. Rules and regulations . . . 1-90 Richmond, RIPE. Ospedale ptr gl' infermi poreri della Par- rocehia di S. I'ellegrino. Statuto organico dell' . . . ,*J. Senigallia, 1890. RIVAROLO FUORI. Ospedale crile. Rivaholo Fuohi. Statuto organico e regola- mento interno per I' Ospedale civile di Rivarolii Fuori. -:. Casalmaggiore, 1*87. RIVAROLO LIGURE. Ospedale Celesta. Brevi ceuni sull' . . ., compilati dall' aw. Marcello Cipollina ed approvati dal consiglio d' ainministrazione di tale pia opera nella sua adunanzadelli 12luglio 1*85. 4J. Genova. 1**0. Regolamento interno dello . . . Approvato dalla deputazione provinciale cou deliberazione 3 giugno 1**55, niodiiicato dalla commission** nni- ministrativa con deliberazione 11 aprile 1**9, approvata dalla giunta provinciale ammitiistia- tiva con decreto 15 ottobre 1*89. 8-. Genova, 1**9. ROCCASECCA. Civico Ospedale di Iloccusecca dei Vol sei. Statuto organico. * . Fvosinone, 1**0. ROCHESTER. Rochester City Hospital. Acts of incorporation, by-laws, and rules of the . . . Amended Aug., 1-90. 8-. Rochester 1*90. ROME. Arcispedale del SS. Salvatore ad Sancta Sanctorum. Regolamento sanitario interno dell' ... 8°. Roma, 1**5. Ospedale di S. Giacomo in Augusta. EsEitcizio amministrativo dell' . . ., dell' anno 1*75 e riepilogo quinqueiinale dell' amministra- zione del suddetto istituto dal 1871 al 1875. fol. Roma, 1870. Hospital* (Management and regulations of), by localities. ROTTERDAM. Kegl<*iii<>iit<>ii der vorschillende ziekenhuizen; Rot- terdam. Maandlil.v. /.iekenverple^., Amst., 1896-7, vii, 36. RUSSIA. Russia. Vlsochalshe utverzhdyonnly 10 - vo iyunya 1*93 goda ttstav lieehebnlUh zavedeniy vtedoinstva ininisterstva uiintreniiikh dlel. Dopolnenniy uzakoneniyami, mi kotori\a sdie- laui ssilki v ustavle. ('osudnrstvennlya lie- ehebnlya z- edenlya sostoyashtshiya v zavledi- vanii zemstv i gorodskikh uptavleiiiy, prikazov obshtshestveniiavo prizrieniya iii zaiiiien vayu- shtshikh ikh ustanovleniy i .soviet ov obshtshest- vennavo prizrieniya v guberniyakh Tsarstva Polskavo. Cliastnlya liechebnlya zavedeniya, uchrezhdyonnlya i soclerzhiinlya sosloviyami, blagotvoritelnlini, uchonlini i inimi obshtshest- vaini, a takzhe chastntini litsaini. (Xeoftitsial- noye izdani'e P.Y. Chichinadze.) (('ode of laws to govern the hospitals under the.jurisdiction of the ministry of the interior, approved by his majesty the lOthof June, 1*93. .Supplemented by enactments, to which references are made in the code. (loverninent hospitals which are under the jurisdiction of zemstvos and city govern- ments, of boards of charities or institutions tak- ing their place, and of councils of charities in the governments of Poland. Private hospitals, organized and sustained by guilds, benevolent. learned, and other societies, as also by private individuals. (Unofficial edition, by D. V. Chi- chinadze.)] 12°. S.-Peterburg, 1894. SAINT-CHAMOND. Hopital de Saint-Chemond. Duclminp. L'Hopital de Saint-Chemond. Loire med., St.-tftieime. 1888, vii, i'2*J-231. SAINT-ETIENNE. Rapport des travaux de la commission du transfert de l'liopital. Loire med., St -fitienne. 1889, viii, 281; 325. SAINT LOUIS. Saint Louis Baptist Hospital. [Cikculai! of the directors presenting its ad- vantages, nnd an appeal to the public to assist in the good work.] 10°. [St. Louis, 1895.] SAINT PAUL. Bithesda Hospital. Constitution and rules of order made and adopted by the Minnesota conference for the government of . . . 1(5°. Minneapolis, 1898. SAN CATALDO. Ospedale Maddalena Raimondi. Statuto organico. - . < altanissetta, 1889. SAN FRANCISCO. City anil County Hospital. Minor regulations, instructions, and superin- tendent's orders. In accordance with the regu- lations of the board .of health. April 20, 1894. 24 5 \San Francisco. 1*04. J Riles ami regulations for the government of the City and County Hospi.al of Sun Francisco. Adopted by the board of health, April, 1893. **-. San Francisco, 1*03. Saint Luke's Hospital. [Blank form for record of respiration, puloe, aud temperature.] fol. San Francisco, 1890. Questions to lie answered by applicants for admission to training class, roy. H-. [ San Framisco, 1*00.] HOSPITALS. 410 HOSriTALS. Hospital* (Management and regulations of), by localities. SAN MINIATO. RB. Spedali riuniti. Relazione di corredo al couto consuntivo dello spedale infermi dell' anno 1880. 8 \ S. Mi- niato, 1*87. Relazione del segretario-ragioniere, Antonio Gazzarriui. [Dal 1" gennaio 1800 a tutto 1' anno 1889.] --. S. Miniato, 1890. SAN PIERO. Spedale Angioloni di San Piero Capo-Luogo del comune di Bagno. Regolamento d' amministrazione e cli servi- zio interno. Coinpilato 1' anno 1877 ed appro- vato con deliberazione della regia deputazione provinciale cli Firenze nel di 28 settembre 1877. 8-. Rocca San Casciano, 1888. Statuto organico dell' Ospedale Angioloni di San Piero Capo-Luogo del comune cli Bagno. Coinpilato 1' anno 1870 ed approvato con regio decreto il di 23 dicembre dell' anno sudetto. 8°. Rocco San Casciano, 1888. SAN REMO. Ospedale civile e mauriziana. Sanremo. Statuto organico dell' ... 8°. Sanremo, 1*80. SARZANA. Ospedale di S. Bartolomeo. Statuto organico e regolamento d' ammini- strazione interna dell' . . ., annninistrato dalla Conyregazioue di carita di Sarzana. 12°. Sar- zana, le90. SASSOFERRATO. Ospedale di S. Antonio Abbate. Statuto organico dell' Ospedale di S. Antonio Abbate amniinistrato dalla Congregazione cli carita di Sassoferrato, provincia di Ancona. fol. Fabriano, 1*90. SCANSANO. Spedale civile d' infermi. Scansano. Congregazione di carita. Amnii- nistrazione dello Spedale civile d' infermi. Bilancio ossia conto preventive dell' entrata e dell' tiscita dello Spedale civile d' Infermi di Scansano per 1'esercizio 18. fol. Scansano, 1890. SCIACCA. Os2>edale della Pista. Sciacca. Statuto organico dell' Ospedale della Pieta. 8°. Sciacca, 1887. Ospedale di San Calogero. Sciacca. Congregazione di carita di Sciacca. Statuto organico dell' Ospedale di S. Calogero. 8 . «Sciacca. 1875. -----. The same. 12°. Sciacca, 1889. SCOTLAND. See. also, in this list, Aberdeen; Edinburgh. [JohiiMlon (H.)] Scottish hospitals and tbeir means of support. [From: Glasgow Herald, March 3.] San. Jour., Glasg., 1886-7, n. s., x, 33-39. SERVIA. Lazarerif (I.) O prenstrojstvu nasih bolnica. [On the reorganization of our hospitals.] Srpski arh. za celok. lek., Beograd, 1898. iv, 103; 158. SIENA. Spedale policlinico di Santa Maria della Scala. Discorso d' inaugurazioue della scuola per gli infermieri. Regolamento e programmi per la scuola stessa. 12°. Siena, 1*88. Hospital* (Management and regulations of), by localities. SIENA—continued. Regolamento per lo . . . *\ Siena, 1*90. Statuli dell' ospedale di S. Maria della Scala di Siena. In: Puccinotti (F.) Storia della medicina, 85 N5ipoli, 1860, ii, p. lxvii. SINALUNGA. Spedale diS. Maria delle Nevi di Sinalunga. Regolamento ainministrativo, igienico, sani- tario e discipliuare in data 11 novembre 1*04. Approvata daflla onorabile giunta provinciale amministrativa di Siena nell" adunanza del 4 dicembre 1894, N. 586. 8°. Siena, 1*95. SOMAGLIA. Ospitale della Somaglia. Statuto organico. *°. Codogno, 1889. SONDRIO. Ospidale civile di Sondrio. Statuto organico. 8°. Sondrio, 1889. SONNENSTEIN. Saxony. Kbitiglich-sdchsische Heilanstalt Son- nenstein. Statut fiir die . . . Genehmigt, durch Verordnuug des Ministeriums des Iunern vom 25. November 1870, No. 2387, iv. A. 8°. [Dresden, 1876.] SOUTHAMPTON. Royal South Hants Infirmary. Abstract of rules, and directions for the rec- ommendation of patients. 8°. Southampton, [n.d.]. SPAIN. .Sec, in this list, Madrid. SPELLO. Ospedale civico. Spello. Statuto organico e regolamento interno dell' Ospedale civico di Spello. 8°. Foligno, 1*88. SPRINGFIELD, Massachusetts. Springfield Hospital. By-laws and regulations. *G. Springfield, 18*9. STOCKHOLM. ljitsui-cttalnkai'iira petition ang§,ende andringar i gallande foreskniter lor lasaretteu i riket. [Petition of hospital surgeons, concerning changes in prevailing regu- lations for government hospitals.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1890, IH, 77-96. STUTTGART. lloNpitnlliau<- (Zur) iu Stuttgart. Meil. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirtteinb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1885, lv, 90-92. SWEDEN. See, also, in this list, Stockholm. Hallin (O. F.) Lasarettsvasendet i Sveriire ar 1884. Hygiea, Stockholin, 1885, xlvii, 702-744. — Sodcrbaum (P.T Lasarettsliikarestatistik. Eira, Gotelmrg, 18*0. x, 206-209. TEIGNMOUTH. Teignmouth, Dawlish and Newton Infirmary, Dispensary and Convalescent Home. Rules for the government of the ... 8°. [Exeter, 1884..] TORONTO. Toronto General Hospital. Report of au investigation by the trustees of the . . . into certain charges against the man- agementof that institution. *c. Toronto, 1*55. HOSPITALS. 411 HOSPITALS. Ho*pital* (Management and regulations of), by localities. \ TOULOUSE.. Bmlgct (Le) des hospices de la ville de Toulouse. Gaz. d Imp. de Toulouse. 1891, v, 34."-.S48 -Nrrlicyroii. Le prix de la joiuuee des maladies des linpitaux de Tou- louse au debut et a la tin du xix* siecle. Arch. med. de Toulouse, 1901. vii, 403-467. TOURNON. Hopital de Tournon. Reglrmenl inlerieur de l'Hopital de Tournon, destin6 a recevoir el a traiter les malades du eantou et des com- munes rattachees. Assistance pub., Par.. 1899, 2. s. viii, 2(i9-2 lti TREVIGLIO. Ospedale di S. Maria. Statuto organico. fol. Treriglio, 1**7. Saxgalli (U.) II progetto del nuovo statuto dell' Ospitale di Treviglio, approvato dal con- siglio comunale. Commenti. * . Pavia, 1885. -----. Che cosa e nell ammiuistrazione del- 1' Ospitale di Treviglio. Fatti ed osservazioni. 6-. 1'reviglio, 1**5. TURIN. Ospedale cooperatiro operaio. Relazione della seduta di lunedi sera 28 gennaio 1—9, tenuta nel locale dell' Ospedali cooperativo operaio tra 1' onorevale direzione di qnesto e la coninussiune noininata nell' assem- blea dei presidenti e dei segretari delle Societa di mutno socorso di Torino del *25 dicembre 1**8. Stesa dal professore Vittorio Da Caniino, [etc.]. *-. Torino, 1*89. Ospedale Maria Vittoria. Regolamento interno. (Art. 1*2 dello statuto organico approvato con r. decreto 1° settenibre 18-0. - . Torino, 1—. Statuto organico. Approvato con regio de- creto 1° M'tteinbre 1—0. - . Torino, 1*--. Spedale Mauriziano Umberto I. Ordixe dei Ss Maunzio e Lazzaro. Disposi- zione circa 1' e>;itta usservauza dell' orario nello Spedale Mauriziano Umberto I in Torino, fol. [ Torino, 1-*-.] -----. Regolamento per le conferenze perio- diche del corpo sanitario addetto alio Spedale Mauriziano Umberto I m Torino, fol. Torino, I 1**:*. UNITED STATES. See, in this list. Altoona; Baltimore; Boston; Brooklyn; Cincinnati; Clinton, Denver; Detroit; Indianapolis; Lowell; Maiden; Maryland; Newport; New York; Paint Creek; Peoria; Philadelphia; Pittsburg; Poughkeepsie; Providence; Richmond; Rochester; Saint Louis: Saint Paul; San Francisco: Springfield: Washington; Wilkes- Barre; Worcester; York. URUGUAY. See. in this list, Montevideo. VALPARAISO. Hospital San Augusiin. Valparaiso. Consejo departamental de hi- jiene. Permuta del Hospital "San Augustiu". Replica de la connsion del Consejo departa- mental de hijiene de Valparaiso, al voto espe- cial de sehor inteiidente, Don Osvahlo Renjifo. 8°. Valparaiso, 1894. lo*pilal* (Management and regulations of), by localities. VAPRIO D' ADDA. Ospitale Crotta-Oltrocchi. Vai'KIo i>' Adda. Statuto organico dell'Ospi- tale Crotta-Oltrocchi in Yaprio d' Adda. Ap- pro v;i to con sovrano decreto 8 giugno 1865. 8-. Tnviglio, 1***. VARESE. Opera Pia Mera Don Ambrogio. Vakese. Statuto organico dell' Opera Pia Mera Don Ambrogio iu Varese. * . Varese, 18-5. VENICE. Ospitale civile di Venezia. Venice. Statuto organico dell' Ospitale civile di Venezia. 8-. Venezia, 1882. Pia fondazione Carlo Olivotti. Pia fondazione Carlo Olivotti. [ Statuto. ] *-. [ Venezia, 1885.] VERONA. Opera pia ospitalieria. Veuoxa. Istruzioni interne per 1' eseenzione del regolamento sanitario, disciplinare ed ecouo- mico dell' Opera pia ospitalieria di Verona. roy. 8r. Verona, 1*81. Spedale maggiore. Rkgolamento. 8°. Verona, 188.5. VICENZA. Vicexza. Regolamento dell' Ospedale della Pia Opera di Carita e della Fondazione Cronici in Vicenzo. fol. Vicenza, 1*91. VIENNA. Dienai (Fiir den) in den Wiener k. k. Krankenanstal- ten wichtige Gesetze. Verorduuugen uud Nonnalerliisse Igesammelt bis Ende 1892). .Jahrb d. Wien. k. k. Kran- kenanst. (1S02). 1893, i,894-101(l. — f5la« des k.k. Staats ministeriums vom 20. Juni lSOli, Z. iii.'.HiS iStatth.-Kil. vom 22. Juni lsiili. Z. 21.901), hetretlend die A nst'erti•• un-829.— lliiilei-lx-i-jjcr (A.) |e£ ai. |. Gedanken iiber die Wiener Krankenlinii^liaue ; Vorschlatt eines Aut- uahms und Entlassuiitismodus, nahere Besprechunj: der Operatioussale Mobel ailnunistrative Bemerkungen. Wien klin. Wchnschr.. 1899 xii, 2S7-29C. Allgemeines Krankenhaus. Kiia viii 11' ) Oiganisatiou hospitalieie de l'Hopital gen6ial »le Vienue. Progress m6d., Par., 188G 2. s., iii, ">21. VITORCHIANO. Yitoim iiia.no. Statuto organico dell' ospe- dale. 1*2^. Ronciglione, 1892. VOGOGNA. Ospedale dei poveri infermi. VododXA. Stututo organico dell' Ospedale det poveri lnfirnn del comune di Vogogna (No- vara). *u. logogna, 1888. WAKEFIELD. Clayton Hospital and Wakefield Central Dis- pensary. Rules and regulations for the government of the ... * . Wakefield, 1**0. WANTAGE. Wantage Cottage Hospital. Rules of the . . . 1"2C. Wantage, [n.d.]. HOSPITALS. 412 HOSPITALS. Ho*pital* (Management and regulations of), by localities. WASHINGTON. Columbian University Hospital. By-laws. Officers and medical board. 12c. Washington, 1*9*. Rules for the government of the hospital. 1*,':. Washington, 189*. Garfield Memorial Hospital, District of Columbia. By-laws and rules relating to the administra- tion of the hospital and duties of its officers. 1*>;. Washington, D. C. 1**9 Charter of the . . . By-laws of the incorpo- rators, revised Jan. '.M, 1891, and rules adopted by tbe directors, Feb. 5, 1894. 8 . Washington, 1894. Hofsk rules, broadside. Washington, [1*,**]. [Proposed] regulations for the internal man- agement of the Garfield Memorial Hospital. Submitted by the medical staff to the board of directors. [May 1, 1884.] 8°. [Washington, 1**4.] Rules for the admission of patients. Adopted by the executive committee, May 30, 1884. 8C. [ Washington, 1*84.] WIGAN. Eoyal Albert Edward Infirmary and Dis- pensary. Rules and regulations. Adopted April 5, 1*75. r>* . Wigan, 1-75. -----. The same. April *27, 1881. 8-. Wigan, lr*81. WILKES-BARRE. Wilkes-Barre City Hospital. Coxstitutiox, by-laws, and regulations of the Wilkes-Barre City Hospital. 81-. Wilkes- Barre, 1**7. -----. The same. 8°. Wilkes-Barre, 1894. WINNIPEG. Winnipeg General Hospital. By-laws. Xo. 9. Oct. *, 1,-,-S. *-. Winni- peg, 1*8*. WORCESTER, England. Worcester General Infirmary. Ilcbb (W.) To the medical and surgical officers of the Worcester General Infirmary. Lond. M. & S. J., 1831, vii, 306-312. WORCESTER, Massachusetts. Worcester. City Hospital of the City of Wor- cester. Deed of gift. George Jaques to City of Worcester, for city hospital, dated March 12, 1872. 8C. Worcester, l*-0. -----. Specification of work and materials required iu building the City Hospital build- ings, for the city of Worcester, Mass., accord- ing to the accompanying drawings. Fuller A Delano, architects. 4G. Worcester, 1880. -----. Rules and regulations. Adopted by the trustees, June 4, 1*81. 16-5 Worcester, 1**1. -----. Rules and regulations of the City Hospital of the City of Worcester. Adopted by the trustees, Nov. 5, 1*8:!. 16°. Worcester, 1*8:1. -----. By-laws of the . . ., with the rules and regulations. *-. Worcester, 1891. YORK, Pennsylvania. York Hospital and Dispensary. By-laws, rules, aud regulations . . . 1*2C. York. 1-95. Hospitals (Maternity and women's). ■See Hospitals (Gynacologic, etc.). Hospital* (Military). Sec, also, Hospitals (Ophthalmic, etc.), by local- ities; Hospitals (Portable); Hospitals (Tent); Soldiers' homes. Bass (E.) Mittel und Wege /air Sehaffnng und Erhaltung eines entsprechendeii Sanitiits- Hilfspersonals fiir die Militar-Sanitiits-Anstalteii und die Truppeu im Friedeu und im Kriege. * . Wien, 1900. Billet (C.) Aide-memoire du medecin-chef des salles militaires dans les hopitaux mixtes. 1*,^. Par i8, 1*97. Bilouet (V.-H.) 'Essai sur la constructiou des hopitaux militaires. 4°. Lille, 1885, Cardron (L.) & Lemoixe (A.) Aide-me- moire de l'officier d'admiuistration du service des hopitaux militaires. lfic. Paris, 1«97. Great Britain. Army Medical Department. Report on tbe military medical and surgical field hospital equipment at the universal exhibition at Paris, and on certain other matters connected therewith. By T. Longmore, deputy inspector- general. Netfey.,July, 1867. fol. London. 18(17. Lauenstein (C.) Der Assistenzarzt. Winke fiir angehende Hospitalassistenten, Volontiir- iirzte und zum Garnisoulazareth kommandirte jiingere Militiirarzte. *'-. Berlin, 1897. McCartie (C. J.) A new system of Held hospitals and ambulance for hill warfare. *-. London, [1^98, vel snbseq.]. American (The) hospitals in Pekiu. Brit. M. J., Lond., li)0l. i, 907.—Andrew* (E.) In future battles where shall tlie field hospitals he placed? J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 18!)6, xxvii, 593-595. —Baumann (G.) Vom Ge- fechtsplatze in das Felilla/.areth. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Beil .1889. xviii. 545-509.-----. Vom Feldlazareth zurBahustation. Ibid., 1891. xx, 6113-65(1.-Clarke (A.) & Bell (E. I ) A projected military hospital [for a hot cli- mate] Builder, Lond. 18-T>, xlviii. 669. 3 pl. Also: San. En- gin.. N. Y.. 1885, xii. 209-211.1 pl. A Iso, Reprint.—Con va- leHcent homes for sohliers. Brit. M. J., Lond., 190U, i, 165; 207.— Uevine (\V. H.) Management of afield hospital. Proc. Ass. Mil. Surg.U.S.1899.(.'olunibus, 1900. viii,97-105.-- DueliaiiMNoy. Quelles sont, dans l'etat actnel de la sci- ence, les conditions generalesque doit reiuplir le materiel d'hospitalisalion des societes francnises de secours aux blesses militaires ! Bull. Sue. de nied. prat.de Pin.. 1M-9, 702-708—Ed liolm. Tortoise faltsjukbus. [Tort, iselielil hospital ] Tidskr. l mil. helsov -., Stockholm, 1892, xvii, 254- 266. — Fornooil IW. II.) The management!)! a post hos- pital. J. Mil. Serv. Inst. U.S., Governor's Island, X. V.H., 1894. xv, 553-555. — Foul lie* (T. H.) A- B lo \v u i u:,' (D.) Suggestions for officer?, in charge of field hospitals. Indian M. Gaz , Calcutta, 1901, xxxvi. 401-404.—Fowler (G. R.) Observations upon the organization aud equipment of mili- tarv field hospitals in the volunteer army. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass .Phila. 1899,xvii.29-42. [Discussion], 57-71.—Oion»- heim. Ueber Militiirlazaretho. Hus|>.,ilisnens. icnursing. Internat. t'ong. Oliar. [etc.| 1893, Bait . & Lend., 1894,290- 298. Atso: Ztschr. f. Krankenpfl., Berl., 1895..xvii.161-165.— IloflfiJ. Van R.) The mnuagemeutof a post hospital. J. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S , ('overuor's Island. >5 Y. H., 1894 xv, 296-311. — Inefficiency (The) of nonconsoliilated field hospitals. Indian M. Gaz.. Calcutta, 1898 xxxiii. 257-201 Also | Abstr. |: X. York M. J., 1898, Ixviii, 239.-Lev j (M.) Sur la salubrite des hopitaux en temps de paix et in temps de guerre. Disoours. Bull.Acad.de med. Par., 18(5 xxvii, 593-620. Also, Keprint. .Marque* (J. A .) Service de saudeinilitar nos Paizes-Baixus, em luglaierra e na Bel- gicn ; irmas de caridade nos hospitaes militares francezes. In his: Kesultas d'unia coin. nied.-mil. em Inglatena [etc.l, Lisb., 1*59. 141-267. —.Tl.trsloii (J. A.) On hospi- tal aud other huts, wiih designs for tropical and other service Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Wash., 1887. ii, 65-71 — Military ho.spit 1 equipment. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, ii, 1049. — .tloraud (J.-S.) La transformation en sanato- ria des hopitaux therniaux tie l'armee. Rev. scient., Par., 1896, 4. s., v, 17-19.—NciitlSrfor (J.) Die inoderneu For rlernugeu an stabile und mobile Kriegs-Heilanstiill* n. Tr. Internat. M. Cong.. Wash., 1887, it 81-88.—xur \ie8-5ii4.—de Oliveira (M. J.) Hospitaes militates. Ann. Brazil, de HOSPITALS. 413 HOSPITALS. Hospital* (Military). med.. Kio de Jan., 1.-84-5, xxxvi. 5-28. —Port, feber Selin iiilietten und Ereiluttlazarethe. Deutsche mil arztl. Ztschr. Berl.. 1888 xvii. 539-550—Kcjjime (Du) alimen- taire dan* les hopitaux niilitanes. Med mod., l'ar., 1896. vii, 115 — Kolli 80 xx 129-131 Inlei- bci-jjer (S.i leber die Notw ciuligkeit der Enn iclitun gen von Haus-Sanatorien in den Militai liospitiilern. Compt. rend. Cong, intei nat. dc med. 1897, Mosc. 1899 v, med. mil., 174-177 — Vcrtuua* ;C. C.) lets over veld hospitalen. Mil. gciiee-k 1 l.uUclir Haarlem. 1901 v 195- 207.—WiikIiizii ili.i Yeisei tui ovobi yajeu bioyen no roveho. [The met hod ot establishing Miniiarv corps and field hospitals.] Kikukun Kunik. Kai Zat.n. Tokio. 1891, no. 42 7. 1 plan.— Wood hull (A A.) Management of a post hospital. J. Mil Serv Inst F5 S., Governors Island, X. Y. II. Is94. xv, 1007. ------. General hospitals Proc. Ass. Mil Sing. 15 S 1900. Chicago. 1901. ix 133-150. Hospital* (Military), by localities. AFRICA. Ste, in this list. Algeria; Egypt; Madagas- car : Soudan; South Africa. ALGERIA. C'muua (K.) De 1 organisation des lazarets militaires de Sidi-Fcrrueb et de Matifou en 18m\-7. Arch, de nied. et pharm. mil.. Par.. Iss8, xii. 258; 343. ALICANTE. Fernandez I.opez , P5) Los abuses de la farniacia. Biicursal del hospital militar de esta ciudad [Alicante] Fraternidad med tann Alicante 1886-7, i, 337-341. Also: Kev.nied.de Se\iiia 18--7. x. 225-230. ALSACE-LORRAINE. I.aval (E.-C.) T5n sanatorium militaire allemand en Alsace-Lorraine iSoldateii - Geuesuugsheim Lettenbacb). Bull. med.. Par., 1899 xiii, 2-4. AMIENS. Fournie. Un hopital royal ponr les soldats sous Louis XIV. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil , Par., 1900, xxxv 471-482. ANTWERP. Gaudiftsart. Observations recueilliesa l'Hopital mi- litaire d Anvers. dans le service dn m6deein piincipal de 1" classe (tiuinait Aich. med. beiges, Brux.. 1890 :i. s., xxxviii, 12-25. —Quinarl. Hopital militaire d'Anvers. Rapport medical i2" -emestre U>9). Ibid. 5-15. ASIA. See, in this list, India: Japan; Philippine Islands. ATHENS. SabbaM (K. G.) ^.TpaTimTiKov voaotcofjitlov 'ASrivutv. XlevratTr)^ cttotio-tikt) avrov t 1882 -7 ). ra\r)v'o<;, 'AOrjvai, 1889 xix. 49; Go: 81; 106; 118. AUSTRO-HUNGARY. See. also, in this list, Budapest; Laibach; Prague. Al5STHO - HUXOAUY. h'iiniglieh - kaiserin lies Reichs - Kriegs-Ministcrittni. lieispiel fiir die Anlage emes Truppen - Sjnt ;il»*s. Im Auftrage des . . . Auf Gimid der "Anleitung liir die .Vil- lage von mil zu erbauendcn Marodcn-HiiUMin und Truppen - Spitiilern" ( zu Paragraph 5 des Einquartierungs - Gesetzes), ansgearbeitet vou Franz Cruber. Hrsg. vom k k. teihnischen und adininistrativen Milttiii - Koinit6. lie ft 5. obi. fol. Wien, 1**0. ------. Oiganische Bestiiniiiiingeii fiir die Militar-Sanitafs-Anstalten. fol. [ Wien, n. d.] Organinchrn (Die) Beetimmunuen fiir die Feldsiini tats- Anstalten ex 1894. Wieu med. HI.. 1898. xxi 5, til — Nlein (J.i Znr Iieoi^aiiisation unserer Ti uppenspitaler. (Eine okonomiscb -administrative Studie.) Militaeiaizt, Wien. lr.Hb. xix, 172-174. lo*|>i1al* (Military), by localities. BELGIUM. See, also, in this list, Antwerp; Brussels: Liege; Louvain; Mons: Ostend. Hki.i'U'M. Minislire de la guerre. Reglement sur riidniinistration des hopitaux militaires. [Modelcs i|ui font suite au reglement.] Annexe a rarreti* royal du ler aout 1877, No. 47*2. I.o l*'orle i l'i I,' ospedale militare di Tempelhof. Rivista di ai tigheria e genio, Roma, 1886, iv, 105-211. 8 pl. BRUSSELS. Pit/kys(F. i it Pl'TZEYs (E.) Description dc l'Hopital militaire de Bruxelles. ,*-. Liege, l**(.i. Vlullier. Notice sur l'Hopital militaire de Bruxelles. An b. med bel»v>. Brux. 18811 :t. s., xxxv, 73- 107. 4-pl — PhIzi'vn 11-5) \- I'iiIacvm -7. Account of the re- ceipt and expenditure of the commissioners of Chelsea Hospital, in respect of army prize and legacy funds, for the year ended list March, 1-77; together with the report of the comp- troller and auditor general thereon. 19 March, 1878. fol. [London, 1*?*.] HOSPITALS 414 HOSPITALS. Hospital* (Military), by localities. Hospitals (Military), by localities. CHELSEA—continued. Lek (S.) A proper reply to the Serjeant sur- geons' defence of their conduct at Chelsea Hos- pital. ■- 5 London, 1754. Narrative (A) of some proceedings in the management of Chelsea Hospital as far as re- lates to the appointment and dismission of Sam- uel Lee, surgeon. 8°. London, 1753. Kanuy (J.) A- Hawkins (C.) The true ac- count of all the transactions before the right honorable the lords, and others, the commis- sioners for the affairs of Chelsea Hospital, as far as relates to the admission and dismission of Samuel Lee, surgeon; to which is prefixed a short account of the nature of a rupture. 8°. London, 1754. CONSTANTINOPLE. llalitl Izzct bey. Clinique ehirurgicale de l'Hopital militaire de Haidar-pacha; statistique des operations du 14 juillet 1897 au 2 avril 1899. Caz. med d'Orient, Cou stant, 1900-1901, xliii, 158-160.—II acrid} pacha. No- tice sur les hopitaux militaires de Constantinople. Gaz. il. hop. de l'empire ottoman, Constant., 1887-s, i, nos. 13-17. COPENHAGEN. IVI^IIer (J.) Oversigt over Garnisonssygehusenes Virksomhed i aaret 1884. [Garrison hospital report for the year 1884.] Ugesk. f. Lseger, Kjebeuh., 1886, 4. R., xiii, 32-37. CORDOVA. Ariwloy y Baro (E.) Memoria descriptiva del mate- rial sanitario construido para la remonta de C6rdoba, con- forme al proyecto y bajo la direccion del medico mayor. Med. mil. espan., Madrid, 1896, ii, 180-184, 1 pl. CUBA. de Larn C'erezo (A.) Les hopitaux militaires de l'ile de Cuba et iiotamment, l'Hopital d'Alphonso XIII de la Havaue pendant la guerre. Actas v mem. d. ix Conu. internac. de big. y demog. 1898, Madrid, 190(1, viii, 199-22S. DUBLIN. Charter of the Royal Hospital, etc., near Dublin, for the relief of antient and maimed officers and soldiers of the army of Ireland. 16°. Dublin, 17ti0. DUSSELDORF. Hecker. Organisation desDiisseldorferMilitarspitals unter tran/osischer Verwaltunj; im Jahre 18(18. Deutsche mil.-iirztl Ztschr., Berl., 1899, xxviii, 449-462. EGYPT. See, also, in this list, Suakim. Corliaii (I..) Report on the Abu Fatma Hospital and line of communication with Nile expedition, 1884-5. Army M. Dep. Rep. 188.V Loud., 1887. xxvii, 391-395.- IVlarshnll (J.) Hospital of one story, with circular wards, for Egypt. Builder Loud., 1885, xlviii, 9. FORT SNELLING, Minnesota. United States. Congress. House of Repre- sentatives. A bill making an appropriation for the construction of a military hospital at Fort Snelling, Minnesota. 53. Cong., 5. sess. H. R. 8150. Dec. 11, 1894. Introd. by Mr. Kiefer. roy. *5. [ Washington, 1891.] United States. War Department. Surgeon- General's Office. New post hospital tit Fort Snel- ling, Minn. Letter from the Assistant Secretary of War, transmitting plans and estimate of cost for the erection of a new post hospital at Fort Snelling, Minn, ; also report of officers convened to select a site therefor, etc. 53. Cong., 3. sess. H. of R. Kx. Doc. No. 174. Jan. 5, 1*95. 8°. [ Washington, 1*95.] FRANCE. See, aha, m this list, Amiens; Chalons; Le Mans; Paris; Saint-Cyr. FRANCE—continued. France. Ordonnance du roy, portant regle- ment general concernant les hopitaux mili- taires.' Du premier Janvier 1747. 16°. Paris, 1747. -----. Ordonnance du roi concernant les hdpitaux militaires et ceux de charite' au compte de sa majeste. 4-'. Paris, 17S0. FRANKFORT on the Main. Wiluraxd (L.) Die Kriegs-Lazarethe von 179^-1815 und tier Kriegstyphus zu Frankfurt am Main. Nach den Akten des Stadtarchives bearbeitet. 8°. Frankfurt a. M., 1884. GENEVA. Julliard. Baraques de l'Hopital cantonal deGeneve. Cong, internat. d'hyg. et de demog. C. r. 1882, Geneve, 1883, ii, 193-197 1 pl. GERMANY. See, also, in this list, Alsace-Lorraine; Pots- dam; Prussia. I.iiKlemaiui &. Krauwe. Xahrwerth der Kranken- Bekostignn;', in den Krieilens La/.aretheii nach Beilnge 14 y.n §. 84, 1 der Fiieileiis-Saiiitatsordnting vom 16. Mai 1891. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1894, xxiii, 337-359. GOUDA. Voorggevel van het Militair Hospitaal te Gonda. Statist, overz. d. b. h. Nederl. leger . . . behand. zieken 1891, Leiden, 1892, 2 pl. opposite p. 364. GREAT BRITAIN. Great Britain. Secretary of State for War. Army hospital services inquiry committee. Re- port of a committee appointed hy the secretary of state for war, to inquire into the organization of the army hospital corps, hospital manage- ment, and nursing in the held, and the sea transport of sick and wounded; together with iiimiit.es of evidence, appendix, and index, fol. London, 1*83. Great Bhitain. Secretary of State for War. Medical Department. Papers submitted for Lord Panmure's perusal, by Dr. A. Smith, in view of the necessity for the establishment of a new general army hospital. Jan. 1, 1856. fol. [Loudon, 1856.] GREECE. See, also, in this list, Athens. Bokiiaxn (J.-A.-E.) Observationes qusedam de Nosocoinio niilitari Methenensi ac praecipuis, qui in ipso obvii fuerunt, morbis. sm. 4°. Lip- sice, [18,28]. HOT SPRINGS. United States. Congress. Senate. A bill to regulate the Hot Springs Reservation, in the State of Arkansas. 48. Cong., 1. sess. S. 2631. Feb. 11, 1**5. Introd. by Mr. Garland, roy. 8°. [ Washington, 18*5.] United States. War Department. Army and Navy Hospital at Hot Springs, Ark. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting an estimate from the Secretary of War of an appropriation to complete the Army and Navy Hospital at Hot Springs, Ark. 48. Cong., 2. sess. H. R. Ex Doc. No. 165, Jan. 31, 1885. 8°. [Washington, 1885.] INDIA. Bengal. Papers relating to a sanitarium upon Mount Parisnoth. 8°. Calcutta, 1861. Army station hospitals; how they are woiked. Indian M Rec Calcutta. 1897. xiii, 429; '482; 1898, xiv, 40. — Hamilton (J. B I The interior economy of army hos- pitals in India. Indian M. Gaz , Calcutta, 1887, xxii. 225. HOSPITALS. 415 HOSPITALS. Hospitals (Military), by localities. ITALY. Nee, also, in this liet, Padua; Rome. Italy. Ministero della guerra. Regolamento il' istruzione e di servizio d' ospedale per il corpo sanitario militate. (20 maggio 1*75.) Iii . Ro- ma. 1*75. -----. Thesame. (5 aprile 1887.) 16°. Ro- ma, 18*7. JAPAN. See, also, in this list. Osaka; Tokio. Japan. Minister of War. Anni/ Medical Bureau. Kuniiimoto yeisei bioyen kaikwabu kinko it jiban. [The latest improve • ents of the suruieal department of tho KiimainotnMilitar\ Hospital ] l'lkukun Kunik. Kai Zatji, Tokio, 1891. no 48. 79-8r> t'yanui iT I Fukuoka eisei byoyen shinsetsu josha hokokusho. |Report on construc- tion ot new military hospital at Fukuoka.] Ibid., Is9.'l, no. 65. 429-435, 2 diag. KAMIENIEC. .\arlii«'« iez 2: 1882. 3. s., xxii. 202 : 1884, 3. s.. xxv. 150: 18"."). 3. s., xxvii, 156: 1*80, 3. s., xxx, 96: 229 241: 18s7. 3. s.. xxxii, 242: 1889, 3. s., xxxvi, 170: 1890. 3. s.. xxxvii. 302: xxxviii. 25: 1891, 3. s., xxxix, 221; 220: Xl, 302: !"'.5\\ 111, 169. LISBON. Perdigao (E.) O hospital militar de Lisboa. Rev. de med. mil.. Poito, l-"6-7, i, 161; 193; 225. LOUVAIN. Hopital militaire de Louvain. Rapports m6dicaux. Aich in,.i beiges. Brux., 1877. 3. s., xi, 441. 1878, 3. s., xiii, 15: xiv. 104: ]"79, 3. s. xv. 113: xvi, 369: 1881.3.8., xix, 433: 1882 3. 8., xxii, 192: 1889, 3. 8., xxxv, 83: 1890, 3. 8., I xxxvii, 289 xxxviii, 73. MADAGASCAR. Dnrbec. Hopital improvise de la marine a Tamatave (l"9"-tii_ Auh de med nav., Par.. 1897, Ixvii, 26-50.— Sabalier. 1. hopital de campayne no. 2 a Madagascar. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1898, xxxii, 384: 1899, xxxiii. 44. MADRID. I.. La coniliirrioii de enfermos al nuevo Hospital mili- tar de Madrid. Med. mil. espafi., Madrid, 1896, n, 177-180— .llaflriri iThei M ilitarv Hospital. Lancet. Lond., 1898. i 17,9— .llarlinez faelieeo |M.) Projet du nouvel Hopital militaire de Madrid. Tr. vn. Internal. <'(>uital* (Military), by localities. MINSK. ArliliaiigclNlii (j. j) Minskiy voyenniy hospital v sanitarnoin otiioshenii. (The military hospital of Minsk from a sanitarv standpoint.! Voyenuo-san. dielo, St. Petersb., 1886, v'i, 113; 125. MONS. Viiiirierlimleii. Ext rail du rapport medical semes- triel de l'Hopital militaire de Mons. Arch. mod. beiges, Brux., 1881, 3. a., xix, 336-365. NETHERLANDS. See, also, in this list, Gouda; Willemsoord. Holland. Modellen liehoorende hij de voor- schrit'ten unpens'dc instelling van het toezigt, de ilirei tie [etc.] over de militaire zieken-inrig- tingen. *'\ '8 Gravmhage, 1880. ------. Yoorschriften unpens de instelling van alsiuede het toezigt, de directie en het ad- niinistratief helieer over de militaire zieken- inrigtingen. H-. 's Gruvi-nhage, 1880. v. O. cle .TI. Nieuwe modellen vau paviljoenen tot het veriile^en van zieken en gekwetsten. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1885, xxi, 81-85. NETLEY. Slevennoii (W. F.) List of operations performed at the Roval Victoria Hospital, Netlev dui-in<; the year 1896. Army M. Dip. Rep. 1895, Lond., 1896 xxxvii. 291-299. NEW HAVEN. Vxitki) States. War Department. Surgeon- General's Office. Knight U. S. A. General Hospi- tal, New Haven, Conn. General orders [relating to lhe hospital], 1*2 . [Xeic Haven, 1*55-5.] OSAKA. Japan. Report of Temporary Osaka Military Hospital, Japan. 1*2C. [Tokio, n. d.] OSTEND. I.ejcune. Institut baln6aire de l'armee, a Osteude; periode 1887. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1888, 3. s., xxxiii, 73-94. PADUA. Sforza (C.) Descrizione dello Spedale militare di Padova. Gior. med. d. r. esercito [etc.], Roma, 1898, xlvi, 773-776. PARIS. Skkvikr. Le Val-de-Graee. Histoire du mo- nastereet de l'hopital militaire. 8C. Pains, 1*8^. PHILADELPHIA. United States Army. Gem rai Hospital West Philadelphia. Scries l*(i*J. General orders Nos. 1-24; special orders Nos. 1-IW; circular Nos. 1-*. June 7 10 Dec, l*iiJ. 1*2-. f Philadelphia, 1852.] ------. Rules and special orders. **-. Phila- delphia, lX(i5. PHILIPPINE Islands. Army (An) hospital in the Philippines. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 190(1 xxxiv 1506 Owen i \\5 <).) Some of the trials and tribulations of a medn.il officer of the United States Army. [Constiuction ot a hospital at Corregidor Island, P. 1.1 Proc. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S. 1900, Chicago 1901, ix, 38X-393. PONCE. I'once Hospital (The); a model in its way; a sight for visitors. Cuttiinj from: The San Juan News, Oct. 14, 1899. PORTUGAL. See, also, in this list, Lisbon. I'okti(-ai.. Regulaniento para os hospitaes militares. *°. Lisboa, 1*13. POTSDAM. S. (R.) L hopital militaire de Potsdam. Nature, Par., 1900-1901, xxix, 378. HOSPITALS. 416 HOSPITALS. Hospital* (Military), by Idealities. Hospital* (Military), by localities. PRAGUE. Slrejicelt (J.) Z vyroeni zprAvy vojenske nemocnice cis. 11 v Praze (Karlovo nam.) pro rok 1882: cast chi- rnrgicka. [From the annual teport of the military hos- pital no.ll in Prague (Charles) for the year 1882; surgical part.j Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1883, xxii, 165; 202; 233; 262; 293. PRUSSIA. .Sec, also, in this list, Berlin; Diisseldorf; Frankfort on the Main. Pkissia. Kriegs- Ministerium. Leitfaden zum Unterrichtc der iu der koniglich preussischen Annee auszuhildenden Lazarethgehiilfeu. 5. Aufl. 12-. Berlin, 1858. -----. I'nterrichtsbuch fiir Lazarethgehiil- feu. * . Berlin, l*-i>. Menma■■ n. Die Entwickelung des Garnisonlazareth- wesens m Preiisscn. Deutsche mil.-iirztl. Ztschr.. Berl., 1900. xxix .-..VT-SW. — von Tranlfetler (I).) Pruskie psleviye lazareti v posliednyuya voinu s Avstriyeyu. [Prussian camp hospitals in the late war with Austria.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1867, 1, 7. sect., 1-102. ROME. Thanikllo (V.) L' Ospedale militare del Celio a Roma in relazione ai moderni concetti d' igiene ospitaliera. S°. Roma, 1901. Hnniillon (J. B.) The new military hospital at Rome. Brit. M.J., Lond.. 1893 ii. 126. Also.- Med. Mag., Lond., 18!):;—I, ii. 718-.-J6. — \novo (III ospedale militare di Roma al Monte Celio. (iior. med. d. i. esei cite [etc | Roma, 1894. xiii. 257-278. Also. Keprint.—TmcIiikIi. Das neue Mililiirhospital in Rom. Militaerarzt, Wien, 189."). xxix, 17. 37. RUSSIA. See, also, in this list, Kamieniec: Kazan; Minsk; Saint Petersburg; Tiflis; Warsaw, Russia. Katalog medikamentam i aptecliuini pripasaui dlya postoyannikh hospitale!, inileyu- shtshikh pri aptekie ustroyennuyu laboratoriyu na 10U holnikh v godovol propnrtsii. [Catalogue of medicaments and apothecary stores for per- manent hospital, having a laboratory in con- nection with its dispensary, for 100 patients a year.] fol. [St. Petersburg, 1858.] -----. The same. Dlya vremenno-uchrezh- dayemikh hospitale!. v mnnoye vreniya v go- dovol proportsii na 100 cheloviek holnikh. [For temporary hospitals, in time of peace, for 100 patients a year.] fol. [St. Petersburg, 1*58.] -----. Dlya podvizhnavo divizionnavo laza- reta na 160 holnikh. v chetiryokh niiesyachuo! proportsii. [For a movable divisional hospital for 100 patients, for four months.] fol. [St. Pe- tersburg, 18(>-*.] -----. The same. Dlya voyenuo-vremen- nikh hospitale!, na 200 holnikh v tryokh inle- syachnoi proportsii. [For hospitals in time of war. for 200 patients for three months.] fol. [St. Petersburg, 1858.] -----. Katalog niaterialam i pripasaui in- tendantskavo dovolstviya dlya voyenno-vre- inennikh hosiiitale! na *200 holnikh v niiesyach- uo! jiroportsii. [Catalogue of articles and com- missary stores for hospitals iu time of war, for 200 patients per month.] fol. [St. Petersburg, 1858.] -----. The same. Dlya postoyauuikh i vre- inenno-uchrezdyonuikh v niiinoye vreniya hospi- tale!, po ikh klassam, v nilesyachnoi proportsii. [For permanent and temporary hospitals in time of peace, according to their class, per month.] fol. [St. Petersburg, 1858.] -----. Tahel predmetaiu raskhodnavo pe- revyazoehnavo yashfshika divizionnavo pod- vizhnavo lazareta. [ Articles of a bandaging chest for a divisional movable hospital.] fol. [St. Petersburg, 1*5*.] RUSSIA—continued. -----. Tabel niaterialam i perevyazochnim pripasaui, kotorimi postoyanno dolzhen hit snahzhen intendantstvom podvizhno! divizion- niy lazaret. [Contents and bandages with which a movable divisional hospital must be constantly supplied by the commissary depart- ment.] fol. [St. Petersburg, 1858.] -----. Tabel khirurgicheskim insTiiinentain i apparatam dlya postoyannikh i vremenno- uchrezhdayeniikh v niiinoye vreniya hospitale! po ikh klassam. [Surgical instruments and ap- paratus for permanent and temporary hospitals in time of peace according to their class.] fol. [St. Petersburg, 1858.] -----. The same. Dlya podvizhnavo divi- zionnavo lazareta na 160 holnikh. [For a mov- able divisional hospital for 160 patients.] fol. [St. Petersburg, 185)8.] -----. The same. Dlya voyenno-vremen- navo hospitalya na 600 holnikh, s tlem chtobi kazhdiy hospital podrazdielilsya na tri samosto- yateluiya coasti na 200 holnikh. [For a hos- pital in time of war for 600 patients, each hos- pital to be subdivided into three independent parts for 200 patients.] fol. [St. Petersburg, 1858.] -----. Sanitarnaya chast v voiskakh; voi- skoviye i mlestniye lazareti, priyomniye pokoi i okolotki v chastyakh voisk vslek rodov oru- zhi\a. Sostavtl F. Rein. [Sanitary part in the army; army and local temporary hospitals, re- ception wards, and those sick in quarters, among the troops of all arms. Compiled by . . .] *'. S.-Peterburg, Lt9. Russia. Ministry of War. Army Council. Katalog inedikameutani i aptechnim pripasaui dlya podvizhnavo divizionnavo lazareta, na 160 holnikh v chetiryokhinlesyachuoi proportsii. [Catalogues of medicaments and apothecary stores for a movable divisional hospital for 160 patients for four months.] fol. [St. Petersburg, 1*71.] -----. The same. Dlya postoyannikh hos- pitale! i usilennikh lazaretov, iinleyushtsliikh pri aptekie ustroyennuyu laboratoriyu na 100 holnikh v godovol proportsii. [For permanent hospitals, having a laboratory in connection with its dispensary, for 100 patients a year.] fol. [St. Petersburg, 1675.] -----. The same. Dlya vreiuenno uchre/.h- dayemlkh hospitale! i usilennikh lazaretov, ne iiiiieyushtshikh laboratorii pri svoyei aptekie, v godovol proportsii na 100 holnikh. [For tem- porary hospitals, having no laboratory in con- nection with its dispensary, for 100 patients a year.] fol. [St. Petersburg, 1*75.] -----. The same. Dlya voyenno-vrenien- nikh hospitale! na "200 holnikh v tryokh mies- yachnoi proportsii. [For hospitals in time of war, for 2i'0 patients for three months.] fol. [St. Petersburg. 1875.] KiiM«ia. (1'rikaz po voyennomu vledonistvu 10-vo niarta 19U0 g., no. 80.) Yledoroost voyenno-vrachebnim zavedeniyam, s raspredleleii'iein iUh nadvle ocheredi dlya postepennavo uveiicheniva chisla sestvor miloserdiva. s pnkazanicni sbtatnavo chisla bolnichuikh nileat i chisla sestyor mdoserdiya. [Order to the ministry of war of March 10, 1900, no'. 80. List of military hospitals divided into two series, for the gradual increase of the number of nurses, with indication of stated number of hospital places and number of nurses] Yoven.io-med. J.. St. Petersb., 1900, lxxviii, off. pt.. 235-240. -----. Piikaz po voyen- nomu vledonistvu 19-voaprielya 1900g., no. 130. Tabel my- akhkim veshtsham diva psikhiatricbeskikh otdleleniy vo- yennikh hospitaler [Order to the ministrv of war of April 19, 1900. no. 130. List of linen and bedding for p-ychiatric divisions of military hospitals.] Ibid.. 28,">-2uG Hiihxin. Ministry of War. Otchot glavnavo voyeuuo-hospitalnavo HOSPITALS. 417 HOSPITALS. Hospital* (Military), by localities. RUSSIA—continued. komiteta za 1884 g. [Report of the chief army hospital committee for 1884.) Ibid., 18s0. clvi. 7. sect., 2153-31,v -----. [O vvedeniitraktirnavosposobadovolstvi.vaboluikh vo v>lekb voyeuno llecbebnikh zavedeniyakh.v vidleopita, na tli goda.] [Introduction for a three'year's trial of the method of feeding patients ii la carte in all army hospitals.) Ibid.. 1899. csciv. off. pt., 98-117. -----. Prikaz po voyen- noniu vledonistvu, no. 45. Yvesti v (Heist vie prilagayomiye pri syom trinadtstat shtatov, tri tabeli. dva rospisaniya, i tri viedomosti, a ravno proyekt izmi, u,niya st. st. 2, 14, 37, 40. 96 i 5?2 kn. xvi S,-. Yoyen. Post. 18i">9 g. izd. 2., st. st. 415, 4j7 i 436 knigi, Postanovleniy o voyenno-vrachebnikh zavedeniyakh, izd. 1878 g.: st. st. 4 i 7. Polozheniya o Ma- liiuskom' priyutle diva anipiitiiovannikh i nvlechnikh voinov i st. 4 otdlela 1>. Nastavleniya o sposobakh predu- prezhdeuiya i ograuicheniya razviti.va kholeri v volskakh. [Order no. 45. lo brins; iuto operation the lists of officers aud employees, supply tables, and classification of the Russian military hospital-;, and the proposed changes in the military code of lst',9 .'. ed., and iu the Regulations of j the army medical institutions, ed. of 1>78. and in the Hides of the Maria Institute for amputated and crippled soldiers, and in the Orders of the methods of preventing and limit- ing cholera outbreak in the army.] Ibid.. 1901. Ixxix. off. pt., suppl., s3-215. — I4ii«»iii. Ministry of War. Chief,. Army Sanitary Cmnm■"■ on 5,>i . . . za 1899 god. I. O dieyatelnosti voyenno-vrai l, eniki zavedeniy i o polzova- nii bobiikh voyennavo viedomstva v grazhdanskikh i Ka- zachyikh holnitsakh [Report . . forlj-99: I. Activity of the army medical institution and care of army patients in civil hospitals and tlx>-e belonging to the Cossacks.] Ibid.. 241-262. SAINT CYR. _ Reoryani-alion du service de saute a, l'ficole spe- ci .e :ai.::,c.:-- a >a-.n:-Cyr. Bull, du serv. de sante mil., Par., if86. xxxv. 112?-! 131. SAINT PETERSBURG. Kolodezxikoff iV. P.) Materiall k isforii Peterhuruskavo Nikolayevskavo voyennavo hos- pitalya 1-4U-9U. [History of the Nicholas Mili- tary Hospital of St. Petersburg. ] --. S.-Peter- burg, 1*90. El"5>ia. Ministry of War. Spi»ok veshtshei dlya otdieleniya dnskevnobolnlkh v Nikolayev- skom voyennom ho-pitalie. [List of supplies for the iii>aue department of the Nicholas Military Hospital] ~\ [St. Petersburg, 1*95.] Kolvaiikor>l(i ill. A.) Barak dlya zaraznikh bol- nikii *>.iiiynuc>v-.k.i\,, Aleksandrovskavo voyennavo hos- pital a v S. IVteruurgle. fPaviliou for contagious dis- eases of the S>-myon-Alexander Military Hospital of St. P^-r-burg.1 Yovenno-san. dielo, St. Petersb., 18e9. ix i-j-. 400. SAN FRANCISCO. Girard (A. C.) Report on the United States Army General Hospital, Presidio of San Francisco, Cal.. for the year ending June 30, li '■ Rep. Surg.-Gen. Army, Wash., 189'.>-i:.«'0. 29-">3. — *>onlhai-«l ,\V. F.i Opening of the new militarv hospital at the I'r,-idio, July 9,1899. Pacific M. J., San Fiau., Ie99. xiii, 454-4>;4. SAN LUIS POTOSI. Oicro (M.) L'Hopital militaire de San Luis Potosi iMi-x.ij ,e). Verhandl. d. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890, lierl.. l-:'l, v, 18. Abth., 203-206. SOUDAN. William- (W. D. C.) Military hospitals in the Sou- dan. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney. *1 rco-ii, v, 1-3. SOUTH AFRICA. Ba>c hospitals; Xo. 5 general hospital, Woodstock [South Africal, Ph\»i■ .,e.— Ihonixon (Sir W.) Notes on the ba-e hospitals in Cape Colony. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1900, i, SPAIN. See, also, in this list, Alicante; Carabanchel; Cartagena; Cordova; Madrid. KiisjcJ') Zustande in spanischen Militiii luzaiethen der alien und neuen Welt und die Kranki-nbi we-ung sowie Sterbliehkeitsverbaltnisse des span i-<-hen Heei-es auf der Insel Cuba wahrend des Jahres 1--97. Arch. f. Schiffs- u. Tropen-Hvg.. Ca.-iel. 1898. ii, 218-233. Also, transl.- J. Trop. M., Lond. ]*9--9. i. 49. VOL VII, L'D SERIES----27 Hospital* (Military), by localities. STOCKHOLM. Allmanna Gariiisons-Sjukhnset i Stockholm. [General garri-on hospital in Stockholm.] 1 broadside fol. Stockholm, 1*56. Instkiktion for under-liikarne vid Kongl. Allmiinua Garnisous - Sjukhuset i Stockholm. [Instructions for assistant surgeons at the Koyal General (hirrison Hospital in Stockholm. J 1*2°. Stockholm, 1851. Kongl. Maj: ts nadiga instruktion, hvarefter direktionen ofver allmanna giirnisons-sjukhuset i Stockholm liar sig i underdanighet att riitta; git'ven Stockholms slott den 1* Maj 1*5*2; med uppgift pa sedermera deri niidigst anbefallde foriindringar. [His majesty's instructions, ac- cording to which the General Garrison Hospital in Stockholm will be governed.] 1*2-. Stock- holm. 1855. K<-»Lrifiling ofver en ny sjukbarack i Stockholm. Description of a new hospital barrack in Stockholm.] lygiea. Stockholm, 1885, xlvii. 304-310, 1 tab.— Edholm (E.) Flyttbar sjukbarack vid Sabbatsbergs sjukhus i Stockholm. [Movable hospital barracks in connection with Sabbatsberg Hospital in Stockholm; description of.] Tidskr. i mil. Helsov., Stockholm, 1887, xii, 315-319. SUAKIM. Description of huts for troops at Suakin. Arrjy M. Dep. Rep. 1,-84, Lond., 1886, xxvi, y78, 3 pl. SWEDEN. See, also, in this list, Marieberg; Stockholm. ITlililara helsovanlskomitens fiirslag om sjukhus i fair. [Project submitted by the military medical com- mittee on field hospitals.] Tidskr. i mil. Helsov., Stock- holm, 18s7, xii, 1-136.—IVordeii*van (C. O.) Det nya forslaget till den militara sjukvanlens ordnande. [New proposition regulating military hospitals.] Ibid., 1888, xiii, 18-28. SWITZERLAND. Switzerland. Eidg. Militdrdepartement. Re- gulativ iiber die Krankenwarter- Spitalkurse. Den 1*2. Juni 1877. Sc. [Bern, lc77.] The same in French. TIFLIS. r.yiib. Repr. from: Penn. Mag. Hist. &. Biog., 1896, July. Unitkd Stati;*. Congress. House of Repre- sentatires. Claude H. Mastin. Report: [To ac- company H. ll. 1051.] [For the relief of Claude H. Mastin. Compensation for use of property as a hospital by Tnion forces in the spring of 1*65. ] 5*2. Cong., 1. sess. Report No. 150. Feb. 5, 1892. Kep. by Mr. Stone. 8'-'-. [Washington, 1892.] -----. Methodist Episcopal Church, Martins- burg, \V. Va. Report: [To accompany H. R. i2539. ] [For relief of the trustees of the . . ., heiug occupied as a hospital by the Union forces for seven months during the years 1S63 aud l.*()4.] ')2. Cong., 1. sess. Report No. 21:5. Feb. S. 1*9*2. Rep. by Mr. Dolliver. ~ . [ Washington, 1*9*2.] HOSPITALS. 418 HOSPITALS. Hospital* (Military), by localities. UNITED STATES—continued. United Status. War Department. Surgeon- General's Office. Appendix to circular No. 10. War Department, S. G. 0., 1*77. Additional approved plans and specifications for post hos- pital and hospital stewards' quarters. Dec. 1, 1888. 4°. [ Washington, 1888. ] ------. World's Columbian Exposition, Chi- cago, 111., 1*9*2-3. War Department exhibit. Medical Department United States Army. No. 1. Description of the models of hospitals. 8°. Chicago, 1*93. Vkrmont. Headquarters First Brigade, Ver- mont National Guard, Burlington, Vt., Sept. 1*2, 1*9*2. Circular. [Authorizing a paper ou "The necessity of a properly organized hospital corps in the National Guard", prepared by Lieut.-Col. C. R. Greenleaf, Dep. Surg. Gen. of the Army, to he read before the medical staff of the brigade at its annual encampment, Aug. '23-27, 1*9*2. And recommending the adoption of the sugges- tions contained therein.] 12c. [Burlington, 1892.] Collins (J.) On the construction of field hospitals, as illustrated in the depot field hospital of the Army of the Potomac, at City Point, Virginia, iu 1864-5. Tr. Iiiternat. M. Cong.,Wash'., 1887, ii, 72-80.—Hoff (J. Van R.) [etal.]. A brief description of the organization and equipment of a field hospital, TL S. Arm v. Tr. Pan-Am. M. Cong. 1893, "Wash., 1895, pt. 1, 707-724, 10 pi.—Waters (\V. E.) A United States Army field hospital. Proc. Ass. Mil. Surg. II. S. 1896, Columbus, Ohio, 1897, 407-410 -Wiley (C. C.) Field hospital service of the national Guard of Pennsyl- vania at the 28th national encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic. Ibid., 1895, Cincin., 1890, 254-258. WARSAW. Russia. Ministry of War. Chief Army Medi- cal Bureau. Meditsinskiy Sbornik Varshavskavo Uyazdovskavo voyennavo hospitalya. [Medi- cal magazine of the Warsaw Uyazdov Military Hospital.] v. 1-13, 1888-1900. 8-5 Varshara, 1888-1900. Dombrovski (F. A.) Materiali dlya kharakteristiki bolieznenuosti v Varshavskom Uyazdovskom voyeunom hospitalie za 1-e polugodie 1896 goda. (Data on the mor- bidity in the Warsaw Uyazdov Military Hospital during the first half of 1896.] Med. Sbornik Varshav. Uyazd. vo- yenn. hosp., Yarshava, 1897, x, no.l, 41b-54b.—I.obasoft (N. I.) Materiali dlya kharakteristiki bolieznenuosti v Varshavskom Uyazdovskom voyeunom hospitalie za 2-e polugodie 1894 goda. (Data on the morbidity of the War- saw Uyazdov Military Hospital for the second half vear of 1894.] Ibid., 1895, viii, 185-200. —Skvorlsoff & Lillet*. Noviya zdaniya dlya holnikh v Uyazdovskom voyeunom hospitalie i yevo te'rritoriya. [New buildings for patients in theUyazdov Military Hospital and its territory.] Ibid., 1897, x, no. 1, 67-81. Hospital* (Naval and marine). See, also, Hospitals {Floating). Tkottek (T.) Remarks on the establishment of the naval hospitals and sick quarters, with hints for their improvements. 12J. [London, 1795.] Administration (L') et la police des hopitaux ma- ritimes attributes aux directeurs du service de sante de la marine. Gaz. d. bop., Par., 1890, lxiii, 365-:ii!8 —C'aro (A. F.) El nuevo regimen aliraeuticio de los hospitales de marina. Bol. de med. nav., Madrid, 1892, xv, 253-256.— <»atewood (J. D.) Notes on naval hospitals, medical schools, and training schools for nurses, with a sketch of hospital history. Rep. Chief Bureau M. & S. . . . Navy, Wash., 1892-3, 161-203. Also: Hosp., dispens. & nursing Internat. Cong. Char, [etc.] 1893, Bait. & Lond., 1894, 212- 290, 16 pl.— lianglct. Les hopitaux maritimes. Union ine-d. et scient. du nord-est, Reims, 1889, xiii, 181-188.— Leroux (C.) Hopitaux marins et sanatorium^ marins. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1892, 3. s., xxvii, 431-443—Kho (F.) Le moderne navi-ospedale. Anu. di med. nav., Roma, 1901, vii, v 2, 5-39, 2 pl—Thomson (W. F.) The naval hospital steward. Phila. M. J., 1900, vi, 50 —Van Uler- ris. Encore les sanatoria maritimes. Bull. ni6d. du j nord, Lille, 1889, xxviii, 198-210. Hospital* (Naval and marine), by locali- ties. BELGIUM. Belgium. Ministre de la marine. Hopitaux maritimes. [Blank forms used bv . . .] v. s. [Bruxelles, 1850-89.] BROOKLYN. United States. Congress. House of Repre- sentatives. A hill to provide for the enlargement and improvement of the United States Naval Hospital, Brooklyn, New York. 53. Cong., 2. sess. H.R. 5191/ Jan. 1*2, 1*91. Introd. hy Mr, Cummings. roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1894. ] United States. Congress. Senate. A hill to provide for the enlargement and improvement of the United States Naval Hospital, Brooklyn, New York. 53. Cong.,'2. sess. S. 1112. Jan. lfi, 1*94. Introd. by Mr. Gorman, roy. f0. [Wash- ington, 1*94.] CANADA. See, in this list, Quebec. CHATHAM. Royal Hospital, Chatham. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, i, 1415. CHEBOYGAN. United States. Congress. Senate. A bill for a public building for a marine hospital at Cheboygan, Michigan. 5*2. Cong., 1. sess. 1791. Jan. 2.5", 1*92. Introd. by Mr. McMillan, roy. &°. [ Washington, 1^92.] CHICAGO. United States. Congress. House of Repre- sentatires. A bill for the improvement of the United States Marine Hospital at Chicago. 5*2. Cong., 1. sess. 4001. Jan. 1*, 1*92. Introd. by Mr. Newberry, roy. 8-5 [ Washington, 1892.] ------. United States Marine Hospital, Chi- cago, 111. Keport: [To accompany H. R. 4001. For the improvement of the U. S. Marine Hos- pital at Chicago.] 5*2. Cong., 1. sess. H. R. Rep. No. 855. Subm. by Mr. Newberry, March '25.1892. 8J. [Washington, 1892.] ------. A bill for the improvement of the United States Marine Hospital at Chicago. 5*2. Cong., 1. sess. H.R. 4001. Jan. 1*, 1*92. Introd. by Mr. Newberry. Rep. March 25, 1*92. roy. 8°. [Washington, 1892.] United States. Treasury Department. Ap- proaches to Marine Hospital, Chicago, 111. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, trans- mitting a communication from the Supervising Architect, recommending an appropriation for payment for work in connection with approaches to the Marine Hospital, Chicago, 111. 53. Cong., 2. sess. H. R. Ex. Doc. No. 115. Feb. 14, 1594. 8°. [Washington, 1894.] CHINA. See, in this list, Taku. DETROIT. United States. Congress. Senate. A bill to increase the accommodations at the Marine Hos- pital at Detroit, Michigan. 51. Cong., 1. sess. S. 298. Dec. 4, 1**9. Introd. by Mr. McMillan. Rep. by Mr. Stanford, March 24, 1890. rov. 8°. [Washington, 1*90.] ------. A bill to increase the accommodations at the Marine Hospital at Detioit, Michigan. 52.Cong., 1. sess. 297. Dec. 10, 1*91. Introd. bv Mr. McMillan, roy. 8°. [Washington, 1891.] Hution (W. H. H.) Historical sketch of the United States Marine-Hospital Service at Detroit, Mich. Rep. Superv. Surg.-Gen. Mar. Hosp., Wash., 1896, 204-206. HOSPITALS. 419 HOSPITALS. Hospital* (Naval and marine), by locali- ties. EUROPE. See, also, in this list, Belgium; Great Britain; Italy; Netherlands; Refsnaes. Dean (It. C.) Keport on military and naval hospitals; naval medical schools of Engl.in,1 ami Fiance. Kep. Surg.- Geu. Navy, "Wash., 1894. 7:s-8u.— Moninldo (F.I Los hospitales de marina en Franeia \ ai Italia. Bol. domed. nav., Madrid, 1898, xxi, 297-302. " EVANSVILLE, Indiana. United states. Congress. An act for the erection of a marine hospital at Evansville, In- diana. 50. Cong., 1. s.ss. H. R. 1321. In S. July 28. 1*88. Rep. by Mr. Spooner, July 31, 1*8-*. roy. 8°. [Washington, 1*88.] C'arriiijjlon (P. M.) Historical sketch of the United States Marine-Hospital Service at Evansville, Iud. Rep. Superv. Surg.-Geu. Mar. Hosp.. Wash., 1896, 286-288. FLORENCE, Alabama. United States. Congress. House of Repre- sentatives. A bill to establish a marine hospital at Florence. Alabama. 52. Cong.. 1. sc-s. 55(17. Feb. *, 1~92. Introd. bv Mr. Wheeler, rov. 8J. [Washington. 1892.] -----. A bill to establish a marine hospital at Florence, Alabama. 53. Cong.. 1. sess. H. R. 203. Sept. 6, 1*95. Introd. by Mr. Wheeler. roy. *-. [Washington, 1893.] FRANCE. Lesquendieu (E.-L.-J.-E.) * Considerations hygi6niques et pathologiques sur Poutaue5zeu.- 4-. Bordeaux, 1**8. GERMANY. See, in this list, Hamburg. GREAT BRITAIN. See, also, in this list, Chatham; Greenwich; Holyhead; Liverpool; Ramsgate; Walmer. ' Great Britain. Parliament. House of Com- I mons. Mercantile marine hospital service bill. A bill for the organization of a mercantile ma- rine hospital service and the medical examina- I tion of merchant seamen. 10 March. 1*75. fol. [London, 1*75.] Royal naval hospitals recently built and building. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1900, i, 1415, ii, 1507. GREENWICH. Great Britain. Admiralty. Medical Depart- ment. Royal Hospital for Seamen, at Greenwich. Bye-laws, rules, orders, and directions for the better government of His Majesty's Royal Hos- pital for Seamen, at Greenwich, made and con- firmed at three general courts of the commis- sioners and governors of the said hospital, held at the admiralty office, on the Kith and 18th Dec, 1775, and 16th of Feb., 1771). 43. London, 1776. -----. State of facts relative to Greenwich Hospital. 4-5 [London], 1779. -----. Statement of the estimated income and expenditure of Greenwich Hospital for the year 1885-6. fol. London, 18*5. -----. Description abrege'e de l'Hopital royal de la marine 4 Greenwich. Extraitr dela rela- tion historiqne, publide par messieurs les ehape- lains, et traduite par Madame W. Charron. 12°. [n. p., n. d.] Seamen's Hospital Society, Greenwich, S. E. Annual reportsof the committee of management to the governors and subscribers. 59., 1879; 64., 1884; 65., 1885; 67.-69., 1887-9. fcK London, 1838-90. Hospitals (Naval and marine), by locali- ties. HAMBURG. Olio (M.) Das Seemanns-Krankenhaus und Institut i'iir Sch ill's- und Tropenkrankheiten zu Hamburg. Arch. 1. Sclntl's- u. Tropen-Hyg., Leipz., 1901, v, 239-244. HOLYHEAD. Sailors' Hospital. Annual reports of the committee for the years 1*7H-9; 1H79-80; 1881-2 to 1883-4. 12°. Holyhead, [1*79-84]. ITALY. See Scrofula (Hospitals for). JAPAN. See, in this list, Nagasaki. LIVERPOOL. Liverpool Sailors' Homes, Dispensary aud Nautical School. Annual report of the commit- tee to the supporters aud friends. 35., 1*79. 12-. Liverpool, [1880]. LOUISVILLE. Louisville. Louisville Marine Hospital. An- nual reports of the trustees and superintendent to the general council of the city, for the years 1*6*: 1869. *-. Louisville, 1*69-70. iflclmoNh (\V5 P.i Historical sketch of the United States Maiine-Hospital Service at Louisville. Kv. Rep. Superv. Surg.-(Jen. Mar. Hosp., Wash., 1896, 289.' NAGASAKI. Chei-emshanski (A.E.) Otchot po Nagasakskomu beregovomu lazareti! za 1894-5 gg. [Report of the Naga- saki shore hospital for 1894-5] Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1896. 223-242. NETHERLANDS. See, also, in this list, Willemsoord. Pei'vi'n, Asiles pour les vieux marins de commerce enHollande. Arch, denied.nav., Par., 1897, Ixviii, 352-357. NIKOLAYEV. Treibci-g (I. I.) otchot o bolnikh khirurgicheskavo otdlelenia Nikolayevskavo morskavo hospitalya za 1895 I god. [Report of the patients in the surgical ward of the Nikolayev marine hospital for 1895.] Med. pribav. k morHk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1897, |i], 53-06. PORTSMOUTH, Virginia. United States. Congress. Senate. A bill making an appropriation for the improvement of the naval-hospital ports at Portsmouth, Vir- ginia. 49. Cong., 2. sess. S. 3246. Introd. by Mr. Mahone, Jan. 31, 1*87. Rep. by Mr. Came- ron, Feb. 2, 1**7. roy. 8°. [Washington, 1887.] QUEBEC. Quebec (Province of). Return to an address of the legislative assembly to his excellency the governor-general, relating to the Marine aud Emigrant Hospital, Quebec. Printed by order of the legislative assembly. 8°. Toronto, 1851. IIo|»iinl d< marine, Quebec. Rapport annuel du se- crtniin -tri'soi icr pour l'aun6e 1865. Rap. Bureau d. iiisp d asiles, prisons [etc.], [Canada], Ottawa, 1866,v, app., 10.— ITIariiM* and Emigrant Hospital, Quebec. Annual re- ports <>! tbe trustees for the years 1861; 1864. Rep. Bd. nisp. asyl., prisons [etc.J, Canada, Quebec, 1862, ii, 90-95: 1805, v, 100. RAMSGATE. Ramsgatk Seaman's Infirmary and General Hospital. Annual report of the comniittee. 37., 1**4-5. 16°. Ramsgate, 1885. RUSSIA. See,in this list, Nagasaki; Nikolayev; Saint Petersburg. HOSPITALS. 420 HOSPITALS. Hospital* (Naval and marine), by locali- ties. iriiii*inoflT(D. A.) Otchotpo kbirurgicheskomu otdie- leniyu S.-Peterburgskavo morskavo hospitalya za 1893 g. [Report of the surgical division of the St. Petersburg Naval Hospital.] Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1895, 393-406. SAVANNAH. United States. Congress. House of Repre- sentatives. A bill to authorize and require cer- tain land in Savannah, Georgia, known as the old public building site, to be used for a marine hospital. 53. Cong., 3. sess. H. R. 8282. Dec. 19, 1894. Introd. by Mr. Lester. roy. 8°. [Washington, 1891.] TAKU. Decker (C. J.) Report on temporary naval hospital at Taku, established during recent disturbances in China. Rep. Surg.-Gen. Navy, Wash., 1900, 213-219, UNITED STATES. See, aho, in this list, Brooklyn; Cheboygan; Chicago; Detroit; Evansville; Florence; Gallipolis ; Louisville; Portsmouth; Savan- nah; Vineyard Haven. United States. [Public—No. 164.] An act extending the benefits of the marine hospitals to the keepers and crews of the life-saving stations. Approved Aug. 4, 1894. 8°. [ Wash- ington, 1*94.] United States. Navy Department. Docu- ments submitted by the chairman of the Com- mittee on Naval Affairs, in relation to the hill in addition to an act establishing navy hospitals. 18. Cong., 1. sess. S. Ex. Doc. No. 65. April 15, 1824. 8^. Washington, 1824. United States. Treasury Department. Lab- oratory attendant, Marine-Hospital Service. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treas- ury, requesting that there be added to the esti- mates for 1893, under the head of Marine-Hos- pital Service, one laboratory attendant at $600 per year. 52. Cong., 1. sess. H. R. Ex. Doc. No. 2.52. June 1,1892. 8°. [ Washington, 1892.] United States. Treasury Department. Ma- rine-Hospital Service. Official list of medical officers of the U. S. Marine-Hospital Service, in- cluding acting assistant surgeons and hospital stewards; also, lists of U. S. marine hospitals and quarantine stations. Jan. 1, 1886. 16°. Washington, 1885. -----. The same. Jan. 1,1889. 16°. Wash- ington, 1889. -----. The same. January, 1894. 16°. Washington, 1894. -----. Revised regulations for the govern- ment of the United States Marine-Hospital Ser- vice. Approved May 20, 1889. 8°. Washing- ton, 1889. New York (State). Assembly. Communica- tion from the comptroller, transmitting sundry reports relating to the investigation of the Sea- men's Fund and Retreat, Marine Hospital, etc., etc. Assembly, Feb. 13, 1840. No. 214. 8°. [Albany, 1840.] St«>nor (G. W.) Marine-Hospital ration. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1892, xix, 707-714. VINEYARD HAVEN. United States. Congress. Amendment in- tended to be proposed by Mr. Dawes to the bill (H. R. 12008) making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the year 1888-9. [For the purchase of land adjacent to the grounds of the U. S. Marine Hospital at Vineyard Haven, Mass.] 50. Cong., 2. sess. H. Hospital)!) (Naval and marine), by locali- ties. ll. 12008. Iu S., Feb. 6, 1*89. roy. 8°. [Wash- ington, 1889.] United States. Congress. Senate. A bill to improve the Marine Hospital at Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts. 51. Cong., 1. sess. S. 2481. Feb. 4, 1890. Iutrod. by Mr. Dawes. roy. 8°. [ Washington, 1890.] WALMER. Royal Marine Infirmary, Walmer. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, ii, 1507. WILLEMSOORD. Hellema. Waarnemingen uit de interne kliniek van het marine-hospital te Willemsoord. 8°. [Nieuwediep, 1872.] Hospitals (Ophthalmic and aural). See, also, Ear and eye; Ear, eye, nose, throat, and\laryux; Bye (Diseases of). de Vest ( G. ) Sopra gli stabilimenti desti- tinati alia cura delle nialattie degli occhi iu ge- nerale ed iu particolare sopra quello aperto a Spittal (regno Illirico). 8°. Padova, 1837. Repr. from: Comentarii di med. del Dott. G. F. Spongia, fasc, luglio 1837. Davis (A. E.) The necessity of special hospitals for the treatment and care of contagious diseases of the eye. Post-Graduate, N. T., 1893, viii, 373-381. Hospitals (Ophthalmic and aural), by localities. AIX. Augen-Heilanstalt fiir den Regierungsbezirk Aachen. Bericht des dirigirenden Arztes. 4., 1882. 8°. Aachen, 1883. ANGERS. .TIotniN. Compte-rendu du Dispensaire et de la Clini- que des maladies des yeux (1887-1900). Arch. m6d. d'An- gers, 1900, iv, 106; 165. ASTI. Ospedale militare ottalmico. Barrago. Rendiconto bimestrale dell' Ospedale mili- tare ottalmico d' Asti (aprile e maggio 1864). Gior. di med. mil., Torino, 1864, xii, 697-708. AUSTRO-HUNGARY. See, in this list, Insbruck; Prague ; Salz- burg; Vienna. BALTIMORE. Baltimore Eye, Ear and Throat Charity Hospital. Annual reports of the officers to the board of managers and subscribers. 1., 1882-3; 3., 1884; 4., 1885; 17., 1898. 8°. Baltimore, 188:3-99. Maryland Eye and Ear Institute. Bericht iiber die funfjahrige Wirksamkeit der ersten Deutschen Augen- und Ohren-Klinik, in den Vereinigten Staaten. Von G. Reuling. 8°. Baltimore, 1875. [Circular of the surgeon in charge, stating the conditions of treatment for indoor and out- door patients.] 4°. [ Baltimore, 1888. ] Presbyterian Eye. Ear and Throat Charity Hospital. Annual reports of the board of governors and medical executive committee to the subscribers. 6.-21., 1884-98. 8°. Baltimore, 1885-99. Reports. No. 1, Jan., 1896. 8°. Baltimore, 1896. SAINT PETERSBURG. VINEYARD HAVEN—continued. HOSPITALS. 421 HOSPITALS. Hospitals (Ophthalmic and aural), by localities. BASEL. Augenheilanstalt in Basel. Jahresberichte im Auftrag des Comite" ver- oftentlieht vou dem Anstaltsaizte. 6., 1869-70; 9., 1872; 21.-26., 1*84-9; 31.-35., 1894-8. - . Basel, 1870-99. BATH. Bath Eye Infirmary. Annual reports of the comniittee to the sub- scribers. 76.-89., 1*87-1900. 16*-'. Bath, 18*8- 1901. BELFAST. M'Keown (W. A.) Medical and surgical re- port of the Ulster Eye, Kai. and Throat Hospi- tal, for the year 1-79; with a tabular statement of the last series of fifty operations for senile cataract performed in hospital prior to the 1st Octoher, 1880. 8C. Belfast, 1—0. BELGIUM. Sic,also, in this list, Louvain. AiiMian.v (J.) Comptereudu de lTustitut ophtbalmi- qnede Lieire et duLimbourg. J.d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1861. xxviii. 287. BERLIN. Hirschberg (J.) Klinische Beobaehtungen aus der Augenheilanstalt. --. Wien, 1*71. ------. Fiinfunilzwanzigjiihriger Bericht iiber die Augenheilanstalt. 8:'. Berlin, 1-95. Jahresberichte iiber die Wirksamkeit der (friiher Ewers'schen) Augen-Klinik vou Dr. H. Schoeler zu Berlin. In den Jahren 1-76; 1878- -1. '- . />Vr/i/i. 1-77--2. Greeflf A: Brcrht. Die Neueiurichtnnsen auf der Abtheilung fiir Augt-ukranke in dem Koui^l. Charite.- Krankenhause. Charite-Ann., Berl., la'Js. xxiii, 483-494. BERN. Un i vevsitats-Augenklinik. Pfluger (E.) Universitats-Augenklinik iu Bern. Berichte iiher die Jahre l-7s--b. -°. Bern, 1*79-87. BIRKENHEAD. Birkenhead Eye and Ear Hospital and Dis- pensary for Birkenhead and District. Annial reports of the committee to the sub- scribers. 4., 1**4-5; 5., 1--.5-6. 8-. Birkenhead, 1-5-5-6. BIRMINGHAM. Birmingham and Midland Ear and Throat Hospital. Annual reports of the committee to the gov- ernors and subscribers. 39.-56., l,-*3-19U0. 12-. Birmingham, 1884-1901. ITliddlemore (R.) A report of the cases attended at the Birmingham Eye Infirmary dining the vears 1838 and 1839. Tr. Prov. M. the sub- scribers. 27., 1-39; 71.-73., 1**3-5; 75.,18-7: 77.- 79., 1889-91; 83., 1*95. 12-, 1J, & fol. Bristol, 1*540-96. BROOKLYN. Brooklyn Eye and Ear Hospital. Annual reports of the board of directors and medical officers to the contributors and the pub- lic. 16.-32.. 1**4-1900. ,-G. Brooklyn, l*-5-1901. First quarterly report of the directors aud medical officers to tlie friends of the institution from its opening, April 15, to July 16, 1-6-. 12-. Brooklyn, 1*68. Report of special comniittee on the abuse of the clinic. ,--. New York, 1*97, BUFFALO. Buffalo Eye and Ear Infirmary, Annual reports of the surgeons and treasurer to the trustees. 1., 1*76-7; 5.-24., l*80-,-l to 1-99-19H0. *o. Buffalo, 1877-1900. CAGLIARI. Istituto ottalmica della R. Universita. Cannas-Boy (X.) Clinica oculistica della Regia Universita di Cagliari. studi sui sintomi ocuhiri nella ineningife epidemica della base. j 8 . Cagliari. 1**6. Istituto (L') oftalmico della Regia Universita di Cagliari, nel suo biennio scolastico 1*85-6 e 1**6-7. Brevi cenni dell'assistcnte Dott. Salva- toraugelo Ledda. 8°. Cagliari, 1887, CHELTENHAM. Cheltenham Eye, Ear, and Throat Infirmary. Annual reports of the committee and medical officers to the subscribers. 2.-6., 1891-5. 8-. Cheltenham, 1892-6. HOSPITALS. 422 HOSPITALS. Hospital* (Ophthalmic and aural), by localities. CHICAGO. Illinois. Illinois Charitable Eye and Ear In- firmary, Chicago. Annual and biennial reports of the trustees and officers to the governor of the State. Annual: 11., 1868. Biennial: 10., 1874-5 aud 1875-6; 12.-18., l-7*-9 to 1691-2; 21.-22., 1^96-7 to 1899-1900. 8°. Chicago, 1*69- 1900. -----. Annual announcements of systematic courses in diseases of the eye, ear, throat, and nose, by the attending surgeons for the sessions 1887-8 (1.); 1*88-9 (2.). 8~. [Chicago, 1887-8.] -----. By-laws. [Adopted Sept. 11, 1877.] 8C. Chicago, 1«77. CINCINNATI. Miami Medical College. Annual reports of the eye and ear clinic held at the Miami Medical College. 5., 1883: 6., 1884; 8., 1886. 8°. Cincinnati, 18*4-7. Ophthalmic Hospital of Cincinnati. Annual reports of the officers to the board of trustees and friends, for the years 1-92; 1895; 1*97. 12° A: 8-. Cincinnati, 1*93-8. CLEVELAND. Cleveland Eye, Ear, and Throat Institute. Biennial report of the medical officers. 1., 1*73-4. 8°. Cleveland, 1875. COLOGNE. Kblner Augenheilanstalt fiir Arme. Mamcltohii (J.) Die Kolner Augenheilanstalt fiir Arme. Centralbl. f. allg. Gsndhtsplig., Bonn, 1888, vii, 260-272. COLUMBUS. Eye and Ear Dispensary of Starling Med- ical College. j Cornwell (H. G.) The first quarterly report of the | Eye and Ear Dispensary of Starling Medical College. July 1. 18b2. Cincin. Lancet & Clinic, 1882, ix, 73. Also, Reprint. DETROIT. Saint Mary'8 Hospital and Saint Mary's Free Eye and Ear Infirmary. Annual reports of the eye and ear department. 2., 1878-9; 4.-6., Ic80--1 to 1882-3. 8°. Detroit, 1879-83. DORPAT. Ophthalmologische Klinik, von Oettinger (G.) Die ophthalmologische Klinik Dorpats in den drei ersten Jahren ihres Besteheiis. *'-. Dorpat, 1*71. Adelmami (G.) Geschichtliche uud statistische Riickblickeauf die Augeukliuik der kaiserlich russischen Universitiit zu Dorpat von ihrem Begiune bis zum Jahre 1867. Deutsches Arch. f. Gesch. d. Med. u. med. Geog., Leipz., 1881, iv, 88; 182; 283. DUBLIN. National Eye and Ear Infirmary. 8wanzy (H. R.) & Fitzgerald (C. E.) Medical report of the National Eye and Ear Infirmary for the year 1875. 8°. Dublin, 1876. Saint Mark's Ophthalmic Hospital and Dis- pensary for Diseases of the Eye and Ear. Annual reports of the board of governors to the suhscribers and the public. 13.-17., 1858-9 to 1862-3; 19., 1864-6. 8°. Dublin, 1859-66. Hospitals (Ophthalmic and aural), by localities. EDINBURGH. Edinburgh Eye Infirmary. Hamilton (R.) & Bell (B.) Quarterly report of cases occurring at the Edinburgh Eye Infirmary. Edinb. M. J., 1857, ii, 1000-1007. Also, Reprint. EGYPT. A much. La statistique de la Clinique ophtalmologi- que nationale de Kalawon et la conjonctivite pseudomem- braneuse en Egypte. Rec. d'opht., Par., 1896, 3. s., xviii, 157-165. ERLANGEN. Universitdts - Heilanstalt fiir Augenkranke. Eversrusch(0.) Die neueUniverBitats-Heil- anstalt fiir Augenkranke in Erlangen. I. Be- schreibung der Anstalt. II. Die hentige Augen- heilkunde in ihrer Stellung zu den ubrigen Zweigeu der Heilkunde. 8C. Wiesbaden, 1893. FLORENCE. Dispensario dell' Opera Pia Spedale oftal- mico fiorentino. Resoconti sommarii degli anni 1881-94. Per Dott, E. Pereyra. 8°. [Firenze, 1886-96.] FRANCE. See, in this list, Aix; Montpellier; Paris. FRANKFORT on the Main, Augenheilanstalt. Jahresbehicht. 1., 1845-6. 8°. [Frank- furt am Main], 1846. Kriigcr. Frankfurter Augen-Heilanstalt. Jahresb. ii. d. Verwalt. d. Med.-Wes., d. Krankenanst. . . . d. Stadt Frankf. (1870-98), 1871-99, xiv-xlii, passim. Dr. Stephan''sche Augen Heilanstalt. Steffan. Dr. Steffau'sche Augen-Heilanstalt, 1866-92. Jahresb. ii. d. Verwalt. d. Med.-Wes., d. Krankenanst. . . . d. Stadt Frankf. (1875-92), 1876-93, xix-xxxvi, passim. FREIBURG. Bericht iiber die Einrichtung und die Ergeb- nisse der chirurgisch-ophthaluiologischen Cli- nik zu Freiburg wain-end der leztverflossenen neun Jahre unter der Leitnng des verstorbenen Dr. Beck, nebst dessen Lebensheschreibung, hrsg. von J. Schworer. 4°. Freiburg, 1838. GENEVA. Hopital ophthalmique a Geneve. Rapports pr6sent6s a M. le baron Adolphe de Rothschild, par le Dr. Aug. Barde. 2., 1877-8; 4., 18*1-2. 8°. Geneve, 1879-83. GENOA. Srcomli (R.) Clinica oculistica nella r. "University di Genova. Lezione riassuntiva del corso. Clin, mod., Pisa, 1896, ii, 273: 1897, iii, 261. GERMANY. See, also, in this list, Berlin; Breslau; Co- logne ; Erlangen; Frankfort on the Main; Freiburg; Greifswald; Halle; Jena; Kiel; Konigsberg; Leipsic; Ludwigsburg; Mar- burg ; Miinster; Munich; Neisse; Posen; Stuttgart; Wiesbaden ; Zittau. von Zehender (W.) Die neuen Universitiits- Augenheil-Austalten iu Deutschland. 8°. Leip- zig, 1888. GLASGOW. Glasgow Eye Infirmary. Annual reports of the directors to the con- tributors. 25., 1848; 26., 1849. fol. [Glasgow, 1849-50.] Fergus (F.) The Glasgow Eye Infirmary. Glasgow M. J., 1888, [4.] s., xxx, 42-45. HOSPITALS. 423 HOSPITALS. Hospitals (Ophthalmic and aural), by Hospital* (Ophthalmic and aural), by localities. localities. GLASGOW—continued. Glasgow Ophthalmic Institution. Annual reports of lhe directors to tho sub- scribers and contributors. 16.. 1**4-5; 1?., 1*85- 6; 19., 1**7-8. 8*\ Glasgow, 18*5-*. Brief history of the . . . Appeal for sub- scriptions towards extension of the premie s. 8-5 [Glasgow, 1*77.] Report of proceedings iu connection with the opening of the extension to the institution, Nov. 7.18-1. * . Glasgow, 1881. GREAT BRITAIN. 5(», in this list, Bath; Belfast I Birkenhead; Birmingham ; Bradford; Bristol; Chelten- ham : Dublin; Edinburgh ; Glasgow ; Liver- pool ; London : Manchester; Nottingham; Plymouth; Shrewsbury; Stoke-upon-Trent. I GREIFSWALD. Mr li inner (R.) Die neue Ainrenklinik der rniveisitat Greifswald. Klin. Jahrb., BerL.'lsstf. i. 263, 2 pl. HALLE. Blasius (E.) Sclilu^bericht iiber die chirur- gische augenarztliche Klinik der koniglichen Universitiit zu Halle, vom 1. Mai 1-31 zum 1. Mai 1-67. 4C. Halle, 1*5*. Bunge. Die neue I'niv.rsitats-Augen- [und Ohren-] Klinik zu Halle a. d. S. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg.. 188j. xxiii, 118-121, 6 plans. HEIDELBERG. Becker (0.) Die Universities-Augenklinik iu Heidelherg. Zwanzig Jahre kliuischer Thii- tigkeit. --. Wiesbaden, 1888. Knapp (J. H.) Jahresliericht iiber die Augen- heilanstalt zu Heidelberg. 1., 1-62-3; 4.-6., 1865-7. - . Heidelberg, lc63--. INNSBRUCK. Picnic 'F.) Bericht iiber die kaiserlichkonigliche Aug> nkliui_k der Universitat zu Innsbruck fiir das Stu- dien jahr l»,2-3. Ber. d. naturw.-med. Ver. in Innsbruck, 1875, v, 77-93. ITALY. See, in this list, Asti: Bologna; Cagliari; Florence; Genoa; Lodi; Lucca; Messina; Milan; Modena; Naples; Palermo; Pavia; Piacenza; Rome; San Remo; Siena; Turin. JENA. Kcwwcl. Rede zur feierlichen Eroffnung der neuen Univei-itiits-Ohrenklinik in Jena am 14. December 1900. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1900-19ul. li. 177-180.— Wiii*. n- mann. Die neue jjrossher/.ogliehe Augenklinik in l< hi. Cor.-Bl. d. allg. arztl. Ver. v. Thiiiingen, Weimar, l*-!)' xxviii, 113-128. JERUSALEM. British Ophthalmic Hospital, Jerusalem, be- longing to the Grand Priory of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England. Report of the committee and officers to the mem hers of the order and the public. 7., 18*8- 94. 8°. [London, 1895.] KIEL. Hanssen (R. H.) * Die AngenMiniTf zu Kiel. 8'-. Kiel, 1*89. Jess (R. [C. E.]) *Morbiditafs-Statistik der koniglichen UniversitJits-Augenklinik zu Kiel vom Jahre 1872 bis zum Jahre 1896. 6°. Kiel, 1*97. Neuban der Augen- nnd Ohrenklinik fiir die Universi- tiit Kiel. Klin. Jahrb., Berl., 1890, ii, 377-382, 1 pl. KIEV. KozlovNki (M.) Otchot glaznol bolnitsi N. i E. Po- povikh v Kievle za 1890 god. [Report of the eye hospital of N. and K. Popotf in Kiev for 1896.] Vestnik oftalmol., Kiev, 1897, xiv, 269-275. KONIGSBERG. Kbnigsberger Univcrsildts-Augenklinik. Mittheilunuen aus der . . . 1877-9 von Prof. J. Jacobson, unter Mitwirkiing der Assistenz- tirzte Dr. Treitel uud Dr. Borhe. 8°. Berlin, 1880. Jni'obxoii (J.) Einrichtung der Klinik. Mitth. a. d. Kenigsb. I'uiv.-Augeuklin. 1877-9, Berl., 1880, 201-210. LEIPSIC. Heil-Anstalt fiir arme Augenkranke. Jahresbericht. 69., 1889. 4°. Leipzig, 1890. LIVERPOOL. Liverpool Eye and Ear Infirmary, Mount Pleasant. Annual report of the comniittee to the suh- scrihers. 48., 1*67. *c. Lirerpool, 1868. LODI. Ambulanza ocnlisii a. Breve rendiconto clinico e statistico. 8., 1892. Redatto dal Dott. Pietro Boggi. * . Lodi, 1*93. LONDON. Central London Ophthalmic Hospital. Annual reports of the committee of manage- ment to the subscribers. 40.-46., 1883-9; 50.. 1*93. 12°. London, 1*84-94. London Temperance Hospital, Report upon the surgical and onkthalmo- logical cases admitted during the year 1*94. 8°. [London, 1895.] Roydl Ear Hospital, Soho. Annual reports of the committee of manage- ment, for the years 1886; 1887. 24c. London, 1887-8. Royal Eye Hospital, or the Royal South London Ophthalmic Hospital, Southwark, S. E. Annual reports of the council to the govern- ors and subscribers. 28.-30., 1883-5: 32., 18-7; 38., 1893; 39., 1*94. * A: 12-. London, 1**4-95. Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital, Moor- fields, E. C. Annual and biennial reports of the commit- tee of management t<> the governors and sub- scribers. 1.-81., 1805-6 to 1*85; *3., 1*,*7. 85 London, 1808-8*. Great Britain. Parliament. House of Com- mons. Report from the select committee on the Ophthalmic Hospital. Ordered to be printed, 3 July, 1821. 8^. London, 1821. Official papers of the London Infirmary for Curing Diseases of the Eye, No. 40 Charter- house Square, in which certain statements con- tained in the official papers published by order of the hon. directors of Greenwich Hospital, af- fecting the rights of the infirmary, and the mer- its of the late John Cunningham Saunders, esq., its founder and surgeon, by setting forth the pretensions of one of his pupils, Mr., now Sir, William Adams, are scrutinized and disproved hy the correspondence of Mr. Saunders, and other documents [etc.]. 85 London, [1815], HOSPITALS. 424 HOSPITALS. Hospital* (Ophthalmic and aural), by localities. LONDON—continued. Origin (The), objects, and progress of the . . . 16°. London, [n. d.]. Report of the committee of the London In- firmary for Curing Diseases of the Eye, occa- sioned by the false and calumnious statements coutained iu a letter addressed by Sir William Adams to the right hon. and hon. the directors of Greenwich Hospital. 8-5 London, 181*. Rules and regulations. 8°. High Holborn, 1844. ------. The same. 8~. [n. p.], 1856. Posey (YV. C ) A description of the Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital. Ann. Ophth., St. Louis, 1900, ix, 422-426.—Koyal London Ophthalmic Hospital. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899, ii, 30-32. Royal Westminster Ophthalmic Hospital, Charing Cross, W. C. Annual reports of the committee of manage- ment to the governors and subscribers. 18., 1834; 68., 1884; 69., 1885; 77., 1893. 8°. Lon- don, 1835-94. [Blank forms in use at the hospital.] v. s. [London, n. d.] House surgeon. Rules, fol. [London, n. d.] [Special appeal for rebuilding the hospital. Issued in pursuance of a resolution passed at a public meeting, held March 6, 1893. With a statement shewing 10 years' work of the insti- tution.] 4°. [London, 1893.] Urgent special appeal [of the committee for subscriptions or donations to carry on their use- ful work]. MS. loi. [London, 1881.] Western Ophthalmic Hospital. Annual reports of the committee of manage- ment to the governors and subscribers. 28.-30., 1883-5; 32., 1887; 39., 1894. 12°. London, 1884-95. LOUVAIN. Y.oiMcnu. Hopital militaire de Louvain. Institut ophthalmique. Compte rendu des op6rations relatives aux miliciens envoye,s en observation par les coiiseils de revision, pendant les annees 1880-87. Arch. me-d. beiges, Brux., 1881-8, 3. s., xix-xxxiii, passim. LUCCA. Dispensario oftalmico. Simi (A.) Un cenno sulle malattie osservate al Dispensaiio oftalmico. 8°. Lucca, 1867. ------. R. R. Ospedali riuniti di Lucca, ser- vizio oftalmico. Rapporto all' ill"10 sig. so- praiutendente sulle cure praticate nell' anno 1885. 8°. Firenze, 1885. LUDWIGSBURG. Augenheilanstalt in Ludwigsburg. Jahresbericht. 2., 1860-61. 8°. Ludwigs- burg, 1861. LUXEMBURG. Augenheilanstalt zu Luxemburg. [Bericht von Dr. Zartmann. 1., 1867-8.] 8 5 Luxemburg, 1868. MANCHESTER. Manchester Royal Eye Hospital. [Account of a meeting held Oct. 21, 1814, to establish a public charity, to be called the Man- chester Institution for Curing Diseases of the Eye. Including a letter from Mr. Wm. Jas. Wil- son, a prospectus, and the resolutions adopted.] fol. Manchester, 1814. Annual reports of the board of management to the trustees and subscribers. 2.-17., 1816-32; Hospital* (Ophthalmic and aural), by localities. MANCHESTER—continued. 19.-23., lr34-,»; 25.-27., 1*40-42; 29.-32., 1844-7; 36.-42., 1851-7 ; 44.-48., 1859-63; 51.-53., 1866-8; 56., 1871; 58., 1873; 63., 1878; 65.-67., 1880-82; 69., 1884. 8-, 12°, & 16°. Manchester, l*17-*5. Eye Institution. [Statement of the commit- tee to the public, soliciting co-operatiou and support.] sin. 4r. [Manchester, 1890.] Regulations, 1863. 8°. [Manchester, 1863.] MARBURG. IVeue (Die) A ugenklinik der TJniversitat Marburg. Kliu. Jahrb., Berl., 1889, i, 267-269, 2 pl. MESSINA. R, Univevsitd di Messina. Rendiconto della clinica oculistica diretta dal dottor Tornatola Sehastiano, libero doceute d' oftalinoiatria iucaricato dell' insegnamento nell' anno scolastico 1888-9. 8°. Messina, 1889. MILAN. Istituto oftalmico di Milano. Rendiconto morale, sanitario ed amministra- tivo all' assemblea generale. 11., 18*4; 12., 1885; 14., 1887; 15., 1888; 17., 1890; 18., 1891. 12°. Milano, 1885-93. Rosmini (G.) U Istituto oftalmico di Milano ed il suo nuovo padiglione. 8°. [Milano, 1892.] Rosmini tG.) Rendiconto clinico dell'Istituto oftal- mico di Milano per il quinquennio 1874-8. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1881, xii, 83. Also, Reprint. -----. L' Isti- tuto oftalmico di Milano. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1882-4, xlii-xliv, passim: 1887-95, xlvii-lv, passim. Pio istituto ototerapico di Milano. Regolamento. Approvato dal comitato pro- motore nella seduta tenuta il 2 gennaio 18*9. 16°. Milano, 1889. Statuto. Approvato dal comitato promotore nella seduta tenuta il 25 novembre 1888. 16°. Milano, 1888. MODENA. Snllini (G.) Clinica oculistica della E. University di Modena; anno scolastico 1884-5. Spallanzani, Modena, 1885, 2. s., xiv, 346-360. MONTPELLIER. True (H.) Etude gene-rale des b&timents de la clinique opbtalmologique de la Faeulte tie Montpellier. N. Mont- pel. m6d. Suppl., 1892, i, 129-148, 1 pl. MOSCOW. C'hemoloMoflf (A. S.) Dva miesyatsa zanyatiy v Mos- kovskol glaznol klinikle. (Tablitsa.) [Two mouths'work in tbe Moscow Eye Clinic. (Table). J Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1895, pt. 2, 375-388. MUNSTER. Pvovinzial-Augenheilanstalt. Jo*ten. Die Provinzial-Augeubeilanstalt [in Miin- ster]. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 188:1, xxi, 77- 79, 3 plans. MUNICH. Augenheilanstalt in Miinchen. Berichte fiir die Jahre 1876; 1880. 8°. Miinchen, 1*77-81. Heilanstalt fiir A uejt nkvanke. Jahresberichte der unter arztlicher Leitung von Professor August Rothmund juu. stehenden, vom Dr. Schlagintweitgegrundeten . . . 34.-36., 1855-6 to 1*57-8; 40., 1861-2. roy. 8°. Miinchen, 1856-63. Universitdts-Augenheil-Anstalt. Kurzer statistischer Bericht der . . . fiir das Jahr 1883. Nebst einem Berichte iiber 1420 von HOSPITALS. Hospital* (Ophthalmic and aural), by localities. MUNICH—continued 1'rof. von Rothmund ausgefiihrte Staar-Opera- tionen. *". Wiesbaden, 18*4. Mittheilungen aus der kgl. Universitiits- Augenklinik zu Miinchen. Hrsg. von A. von Rothmund nnd O. Eversbusch. v. 1. 8 5 Miin- chen $• Leipzig, 1882. NAPLES. L.woiu della clinica oculistica della r. Uni- versita di Napoli. v. 1-5, 18*7-9 to 1897-,*. ,*-". Napoli, 1*91-8. NEISSE. Dr. Klein's Augenheilanstalt zu Neisse. Jahresbericht. 6., 1*88-9. 8 . Neisse, 1889. NETHERLANDS. See, in this list, Luxemburg; Utrecht. NEWARK. Newark Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary. Annual reports of the trustees aud officers to the subscribers and the public 5.-21., 1884- 1900. 8C. Newark, 1885-1901. NEW ORLEANS. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital. Annual reports of the officers to the board of trustees. 1.-9., 1S-9-90 to 1-9?. 8 5 New Or- leans, 1-91-9. NEW YORK. Harlem Eye, Ear and Throat Infirmary of the City of New York. Annual reports of the board of trustees to the public and subscribers. 1. - 17., 1882 to 1-9--9. -- & 12c. New York, 18*3-99. Manhattan Eye and Ear Hospital. Agnew (Dr. C. R.) memorial fund. [Circu- lar letter of committee, soliciting contributions.] 8l. [yew York, 1*89.] Annual reports of the board of directors to the contributors. 15.-32., 18-3-4 to 1900-1901. 12:. New York, 18-4 -1901. Manhattan Eve and Ear Hospital Reports. v. 1-4, 1-94-7. 8:. New York, 1-94-7 New Amsterdam Eye and Ear Hospital, icith Nose and Throat Department. Annual reports of the board of trustees to the members and the public. 1.-6., 1**8-9 to 1893-4; 8.-11., 1895-6 to 1898-9. 8°. New York, 1889-99. New York Eye and Ear Infirmary. Annual reports of the board of directors and surgeons to the governors and the public. 4., 1-24; 10., 1830, 17., 1837, 19., 1839; 22.-24., 1812- 4; 26.-30 , 1846-50; 52., 1852; 34., Iri54; 35., 1855; 37., 1*57 38., 185*; 42-44., 1862-4; 4* , 1868; 49., 1869; 54.-56., 1874-6; 58., 1878, 63 -74., 1882-3 to 1893-4. 8 & fol New York, 1825-94. New York Eye and Ear Infirmary Reports. v. 1-^, Jan , 1*93, to Jan., 1900 85 New York, 1893-1900 Summitry of diseases presented for treatment at the New Yoik Eye and Ear Infirmary from October 1, 1892, to Otober 1 1893. N York Eve & Ear Infirm. Rep., 1894. n. 1U-J New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Annual "reports of the board of trustees and medical staff. 14.-25., 1883 to 1893-4. 8°. New York, 1884-94. Dwight (T. W.) The opinion of . . concern- ing the New York Ophthalmic and Aural Insti- IIOSPITALS. NEW YORK—continued. tute, read before the New York Ophthalinologi- cal Society. 12°. New York, 1872. New York Ophthalmic Hospital. Annual reports of the directors to the mem- bers and the public. 1., 18.52; 13., 1864: 14., 1865; 23., 1*73-4; 21., 1874-5; 27., 1877-8; 31., 18*1-2; 33.-37., 18*3-4 to 1*87-*; 39.-48., 1**9-90 to 1*98-9. 8°. New Yovk, 1*53-99. Annual announcements of the College of the New York Ophthalmic Hospital for the sessions of 1879-80 to 1**1-2(1.-3.); 18*4-5(6.); 1885-6 (7.). *J. New York, 1*79-85. By-laws of the New York Ophthalmic Hos- pital and College. Adopted June 12, 18*2. 12 5 ATcic York, 1**2. Ferris (I.) Anniversary address delivered to the officers and students of the New York Ophthalmic Hospital on the 0th of March, 1*56. [■With the fourth annual report of the surgeons of the New York Ophthalmic Hospital.] 8°. New York, 1857. NIKOLAYEV. ?IatiiNovMl:. Stavropolte (Kavkazskoin) (s 1 sent. 1894 g. po 1 sent. 1896 g.). [Report of the private eye hos- pital in Stiivropol (in the Caucasus) for two years', Sejit. I. 1804. to Sept. 1. 1896.J Vestnik oftalmol., 'Kiev, 1896, xiii. 495-515. STOKE-UPON-TRENT. North Staffordshire Infirmary and Eye Hos- pital, Htirtshill, Stoke-upon-Trent. Annual reports of the committee to the sub- scribers. 67.-70., 18>l-*J to 1—4-5; 72., 1*86-7; 76.-83.. 1890-91 to 1-97-8. 12- & --. Newcastle- under-Lyme, 1**2-9*. STUTTGART. Dr. Konigshoffersche Augen-Heilanstalt in Stuttgart. Bericht. 1.. 1-78-9. -■>. Stuttgart, 1880. SWITZERLAND. St(,in this list, Basel; Bern; Geneva; Zii- rich. SYRACUSE. Syracuse Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary. Annual report of the surgeons to the board of directors. 1., 1-81-2. 8Z. Syracuse, 1882. TOKIO. Privata mien klin ik. Lnouye (T.) Privataugeuklinik. Berichte uber die Jahre 1—:!; 18-4. 8°. [Tokio, 1-84-5.] TOMPKINSVILLE. Staten Island Eye and Ear Hospital. Reports of the directors and surgeon iu charge to the subscriber-, from May 12 to Nov. 1, 1--3. 8:. [Tompkinsville,l**'5.] ! TORONTO. Tovonto Eye and Ear Infirmary. Annual reports of the officers to the sub- scribers. 4., 1-70-71; 7., 1*73-4; *., 1-74-5. 8'->, Toronto, 1-71-5. TRENTON. Trenton Eye and Ear Infirmary. Annual reportsof the trn-tees and surgeon t<> the managers, l.-l., 1*^9-90 to 1892-3. 8°. Trenton, 1890-93. TROY. Troy Hospital. Reports of the eye and ear department of the Trov Hospital. In charge of lhe .Sisters of Charity. For the years 1876; 1*77; 18*0-82. - . Troy, 1-7--83. j TURIN. Bajardi (P.) Resoconto clinico sommario (novembre l*93-luglio 1896) dellaseconda sezione dell'Ospedale oftalmico di Torino. 8'. Torino, 1-96. Hospital* (Ophthalmic and aural), by localities. UNITED STATES. See, in this list, Baltimore; Boston; Brook- lyn; Buffalo; Chicago; Cincinnati; Cleve- land ; Detroit; Newark: New Orleans; New York; Paterson; Philadelphia; Pittsburg; Portland; Providence; Syracuse; Tomp- kiusville; Trenton; Troy; "Washington. UTRECHT. Coppc/. (H.) fils. Une visite k l'institut ophtalmique du prut'esseiu- Snellen A Utrecht. Clinique, Brux., 1895, ix, 4M--IS7. Ncdevlandseh Gusthuis voor Behoeftige en Minrermogende Ooglijders. Actit en twintigste-twee en dertigste jaar- lijksch versing, met Xo. 21-32 der weteuschap- pelijke bijbladen. * . Utrecht, 1**7-91. Jaarlijksch versing betrekkelijk dc verple- '.i. — Kui n« I til. W.) &. Vla< ready t.\.) The pay wards at the Gieat Northern Cential ilo-pital. Brit. M. J. Lond., 1894. ii. 1201. Also [Abstr. : Lancet, Lond., 1894, ii, 1236.-C'olliii-. (W.J.) &. U'hcatly 1, Liege, 1894-5, --. I vii. 67.— itloore (J. W.i Private hospitals or home hospitals. Duhlin J. M. Sc. 1895. xci\ :;*--::94.—Pay (The) system at the Great Northern Cential Hospital. Lancet, Lond., 1894. it, 993; 1304.— I'ol icliniqiie (De la; et des malades payants dans les hopitaux de Liege. Scalpel. Liege, 1888- 9, xii, 83. — Ntale appropriations I'or piivate hospitals. Med.News, I'lula.. 1895. lxvi, 273.—Twe«;«ly (II. C.) Pay- patients and ont-patients in hospitals. Med. Press uclicoi table i Die) Baracke im Dienste der ofl'entlichcii Kiankenpileue. Oesterr. Sau.- Wes., Wien, 1901, xni 31U-315, 2 pl - Villa (E.) Ospe- dale traspoi taliile pei coutagiosi e pei leriti in gnerra. Ga/./.. d. osp., Milano, 1885, vi. 497; 505.— IVnrl'vitise (F. W.) Om en Hyttbar triibarack tor sommai vcntila- tionen vid Sabbatsbergs sjukhus. [ Movable wooden bar- racks with Slimmer ventilation in Sabbatsherg Hospital.1 Hygiea, Stockholm, 18x7, xlix 31*-5J2 — Werner. Die transportable Lazarethhai acke. Deutsche mil.-iirztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1886, xv, 469-477. —WilleNdcn patent port- able infectious diseases isolation hospitals. Lancet, Lond., 1885, ii, 301. Hospital* [Reports of). See Hospitals i Descriptions, etc., of). Hospital* (Iiiiles and regulations of). Nee Hospitals (Management, etc., of). ' Hospital* (Rural). See, also, Hospitals for contagious diseases. di-: (Jkisenoy (J.) Les 6tablisscmeut.s liospi- taliers tlans les campaniles. rt • Paris, 1885. Societe de mddeciue publique et d'kygitme professiounelle. L'hospice rural; sa n6cessite5, sa d^pense, ses voies et moyens. I. Proposition. Par O. Du Mcsuil. II. Rapport. Pur E. Cheys- HOSPITALS. 430 HOSPITALS. Hospitals (Rural). son. III. Communication. Par A. Foville. 6-. Paris, l->6. C'lieyMNon. Rapport sur un projet d'hospice rural. Bull. Soc. de m6d. pub.. Par., 1886. ix, 94-113. |Discus- sion], 114-119. Also: Ann. d'hvg., l'ar. 1886. 3. s., xv, 328-347. Also: Rev. d hyg Par. 1886, viii, 252-271. [Discussionl, 333-338.—Droniaeaii. Des hospices ru- raux. Rev. san. de Bordeaux, 1886, iii, 41.—Dn .llesnil (O.) 15i projet d'hospice rural. Bull. Soc. de nied. pub., Par.. 1886. ix, 11-23. Also: Ann. d'hyg. Par., 1886, 3. s.. xv. 316-347. Also : Rev. d'hyg., Par.. 1*80. viii, 127-139.— Telcjjdi (Z.) Videki korhiizaink 6s az ehnebetegiigy. [ Our rural hospitals and the care of the insane. ] Gyo- gydszat, Bndapest, 1900, xl, 748. Hospitals (Seaside). See Children (Charitable care of): Children (Hospitals, etc., for), by localities; Hospitals (Convalescent); Hospitals (Gyna>cologieal, etc.). by localities; Hospitals (Special^; Scrofulous children (Seaside hospitals for). Hospitals [Special). See, also, Blind (Asylums, etc., for); Cancer, Chest (Diseases of), Children, Cholera, Hos- pitals for; Deaf-mutes (Asylums, etc., for); Epileptics, Fevers, Hospitals for; Foundlings (Asylums for); Heart {Diseases of). Hip-joint (Diseases of). Hospitals for; Hospitals (Emer- gency, etc.); Hospitals (Gynacologic. etc.); Hos- pitals (Ophthalmic, etc.); Hospitals (Orthopa- dic); Hospitals for chronic and incurable dis- eases: Hospitals,/or contagious diseases; Hydro- phobia (Institutes for prevention, etc., of): Hy- drotherapy (Establishmentsfor): Idiots, Inebri- ates, Insane, Asylums for; Leprosy, Lungs ; (Diseases of); Miners (Accidents to), Hospitals for; Narcotic habit (Institutesfor treatment of); Nervous system (Diseases of). Nose (Diseases of), Pellagra, Phthisis, Plague, Railroads (In- juries on), Rectum (Diseases of), Rickets, Hos- pitals for; Ruptured (Societies for the relief of the); Scarlatina (Hospitals for); Scrofulous children (Seaside hospitals for); Serumtherapy (Institutes for); Skin (Diseases of), Small-pox. Throat (Diseases of), Tuberculosis, Venereal diseases, Women (Diseases of), Hospitals for. Chiara (G. D.) L' Istituto medico di Torino per gli infortuni sttl lavoro. 12-5 Torino, [1*55]. London*. Metropolitan Asylums Board. An- nual reports of the statistical committee aud the medical superintendents of lhe infectious hospitals and imbecile asylums, and of the am- bulance and training ship "Exniouth'' commit- tees. 1.-4., 1S-7-90; i'.-10., 1*52-5; 12., l-i****. 11 v. 8J. London, l>'S~-'.)[t. Mendelsohn* (M.) Ueber die Xothwendig- keit der Erriehtung vou Heilstiitten fiir Herz- kranke. 8°. Berlin, 1901. Mindsease, cottage homes for mental diseases, alcoholic aud other drug cases. 2-P. [Portland, Ore., n. d.] Pkospkctus der geneesinrigting Keuneuburg bij Esslingen a. d. Neckar te Wurtemberg, bijzou- der ingerigt tot verpleging van borstlijders, zenuwlijderseu zielsziekeu. 8:. Arnhem,[n.d.]. Royal Northern Sea-Batbiug Infirmary, Scar- borough. Anuual reports of tbe committee. 21.-23., 1*561-3. 12°. Scarborough, 1882-1. Saint Peters Hospital for Stone and Urinary Diseases, Loudon, "W. Reporfs of the comniittee of management to the generals and subscribers. 15., 1879-80; 19., 1885. 1*2- & fol. London, 1-1-4. -----. Income and expenditure account for the year 1882. MS. fol. [London, 18*5.] Special vs. general hospitals; a verbatim re- port of the speecbcs delivered at the meetings of the Metropolitan Branch of the British Medi- Hospitals (Special). cal Association, held February 28 and March 17, 1*59. *:. London. 1-69. I.eyden (E.) Ueber Specialkrankenhauser (nebst Bemerkungen iiber Kost und Comfort der Krankeu). Arb. a. d. erst. med. Klin, zu Berl., 1891, ii. 1-28. Also: Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. off. Gsndhtspflg. zu Berl. (1890), 1891, 12-31. [Discussion], 114-1:25 -Jlendel- sohn (il.) Ueber die Notwendigkeit der Erriehtung von Heilstatten fiir Herzkranke. Monatsehr. f. livir. Aufkl. u. Reform, Stiittn-.. 19iu>-]901, xiv, 321-334— "Vntionnl (The) Hospital for the Paialvsed and Epileptic. Lancet, Lond.. 1900. ii. 5.'l-">58—>alionaI (The) Hospital for the Paralysed and Epileptic; special general meetin-; of governors and subscribers. Ibid., 1901, ii, 110-113. —I*n. ■iu■■■ (P.) Samtundet for Vanfere og Lemltestede [Report of the asvlum for cripples and paralvzed] Ugesk. 1. Lager, Kjobenh., 1889,4. R., xix, 201: 229.—Kecrule- meiiI (Le) des medecins dans les hopitaux speciaux J, d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1892, iv, 97-101. ♦ Hospitals (Statistics of). See, also, Hospitals (Dangers, etc., of): Hos- pitals (Descriptions, etc., of), etc.; Hospitals (Directories of); Hospitals i Special); Medicine (Clinical, Statistical reports of). Bavaria. Kbnigliches slatistisches Bureau. XXXX. Beitrage zur bayerischen Medizinal- statistik. Morbiditat in den Heilaustalten des Konigreichs Bayeru. Jahresbericht fiir 1-S77 and 1-78 in 2 Abtheiluugen. roy. 8-. Miinchen, 18*1. Dobrzycki (H.) You der Benutzung der Hospitaler fiir die Statistik, Metcorologie und Geophysik in arztlicher Hinsicht. otler das Pro- jekt zur Organisation der Vertheilung der Arbeit fiir die Samnilnng statistischer, meleorologischer und geophysischer Materialien mittelst Hospital- Anstalteu. 8°. Warsehau, 1873. Gairdner ("YV. T.) Homoeopathic hospital statistics. 12°. [London, 1-52.] Italy. Ministero di agricoltura, industria e commercio. Direzione generale della statistica. Movimento degli infermi negli ospedali civili del regno. Anni lr-3-7. roy. - \ Roma. 1-S5--5 New York {City). Health Department. The vital statistics aud sanitary condition of the hos- pitals and other institutions in Avhich medical care is systematically provided, in the metro- politan sanitary district. 8C. New York, 1858. Repr. from: Rep. Registr. Vital Statist.. N. T. Tablou graphicu morbiditatei si mortalitatei spitalelor Ephoriei pe anul 18-1. Referend sta- tistic, X. G. Cherubach. broadside. Bucuresci, [18*2], Bericht iiber die Pri vatheilanstalten, die Isolirspitaler in den ehemaligen Vororten. Reconvalescentenanstalten, Ordinatiousinstitute fiir unbemittelte Kranke, Anstalten fiir Kaltwassereuren, etc. Ber. d. 5V ien. Stadtphysik. ii. seine Anitsthatigk. . . . d. k. k. Reichshaupt- . . . 1891-3, "Wien, 1896, xxi-xxili, 312-425.—Bodio i L.) A proposito dell'articolo: La statistica sanitaria ib-^li ospedali. Rac- coglitore med., Foili, 1884, 4. s., xxi. :;-;)-399. -----. Se- conda lettera al direttore del llaccoirlitore medico. Ibid., xxii, 141-157. —[Hospital capacitv of cities of the United States.) Northwest. Lancet. St. Paul. 1893. xiii. 191.— JVIinnrri (Eliza J. Ci Clinical .statistics; a word in favor ot tree dispensary and hospital work. J. Am. M. Ass , Chicago. 1,-90. xiv,'678-681. —.Tlonlalli (C.) La statistica sauitaua degli ospedali. Raccoalitoie med., Forli. 1884. 4. s., xxi, 213-236. -----. Risposta alia sccouda lettera del comtu. Luigi Bodio, direttore della statistica generale, in- torno alia statistica sanitaria degli ospedali. Ibid., xxii, 313-322. -----. Ancora della statistica sanitaria degli ospedali; risposta alia lettera del com. Luigi Bodio. Ibid., xxi. 581-628. -----. Sulla rinnovata statistica sanitaria degli ospedali. Ibid.. 1,-85, 4. s.. xxiii. 49-57. -----. La statistica sanitaria degli ospedali secondo i criteri della medicina. Ibid., 1889, 5. s.. vii, 73-86.—\ailineiming iiber Krankenaufuahme und Bestand in deu Kranken- hausern aus 55 Stadten der Proviuzen 5Ve-ttalen. Rhein- land und Hessen-Xassau pro Monat Mai 1880. Centralbl. f. allg. Gsndhtspflg., Bonn. 1,-86. v, 2-9— Pase C. W.) Comparative statistics of New Em-land lm-piial- Bull. Iowa lust., Des Moines, 1899, i, 298-303.—Reynard (A.) De la mortality dans les h6pitanx de province et de la n6- cessite dune reforme radicale de l'assistance publique. Pn.gres med., Par.. 18,-0 2. s., iii, 489: 513; 572. HOSPITALS. 431 HOSPITALS. Hospital* (Tent). Jenkins (J. F.) T. ut hospitals, [also]. Train- ing-schools fornur.se>. F. B. s. - \ Cambridge, 1-74. LVOKF (A. D.) O polevikh letuchikh lazare- takh. [Ou held living hospitals.] -\ S.-Peter- burg. 189-2. \rnold (H.A.i The IViinsvlvania brigade hospital tent. J Ass. Mil. Sur;:. U.S.. Carlisle, 1901-2, x, 192-197- (oopii' (C. H.) Hospital tents at Wimbledon. Proc. lncoti- Ass. Municii". .v Co. Kiiirin. Loml. & X. T., 1894, xv '.|3-1"2. 2 pl —I rtv i •■ iB. J. IVi Notes ou the intro- duction et tent held hospitals in war. Proc. As-. Mil. Smj. U. S St. Louis, 1.-94. iv, 108-130. AUo. Keprint. — LrVori' I. > D,s hopitaux-ous teute. Inhis: ttuvres. j . Par.. 1895 i. 407-44-. Hospital* (Veterinary). See. also, Medicine ( reterinaru. Institutes, etc., of). American Veterinary Ho-pital, New \ork City. Annual reports of tlie surgeon in chief to the board of trustees of the college. 4., 1-7--'.', v. New York, 1*79. Brown (The) Institution. Lancet. Lond.. 1.-8-. i. 094. Hospitals Association, London. Anuual reports of ii- council. 3.-5.. 1—5--. With reports of The annual meetings, 1—5-9. 8-. London. 1*85-9. See also, Home Hospitals A-sc, iation. -----. Registration of trained nurses. Report of the joint sectional committee on registration. Adopted by the council 2- March, 1—-. No. 7. 7 pp. 1*2-! London, Whiting dr Co., 1***. -----. [A circular letter of the -> cr« taii< - to the members, calling their attention to the new works of tbe national pension fuud for nurses aud the London street ambulance service, accomplished by the association. Sept.. 18?9.] 4 pp. *-. [London. 1**5.] Hospital* for cancer. Ste Cancer (Hospitals for). Hos pit a Is. for cholera. see Cholera (Hospitals for). Hospital* for chronic and incurable dis- eases. Aberdeen Hospital for the Relief of I'.-r-ons Labouring under Incurable Disease-. Annual reports of tbe committee of management to the subscriber-. 9., 1*55; 15., 1-7-,'; 15.. 1-75: 1-.. 1-75: -Jii.-'o.. 1-77--7; 35., 1*55: 51.. lr'Jl; 55., 1*95. 4- A -J. Aberdeen. 1-67-94. Boston* Home for Incurables. Annual re- ports of the board of trustees aud officer- to tbe corporation. 1.-13., 1—5-6 to 1-9--9. -. Bos- ton, 1—6-99. -----. [Appeal of tbe trustee- for contribu- tion, towards enlarging the home. With a list of contributors.] May 1, 1—7. 4-5 [Boston, 1-7.] -----. [Circular letter of tin- trustees, so- liciting annual subscriptions as a certain method of perpetuating its usefulness.] 4 5 [Boston. 1-7.] British Home for Incurables, London, S. W. Annual reports of the board of manageiuent to the subscribers. 1., 1861-2; 3., 1-65-1; 5., 1-65- C; 7.-27., 1-67-- to 1—7--; :U.-35., 1-91-2 to 1*95-6; '57., \*97-8. - ic 12-5 London, 1*5,2-9*. -----. [Annourceinent of the opening of the new home at Crown Lane, Streatbam, July 2, 1-94. and a list of donations received from Jan. 11 to May 24, 1*94.] 4=. [Loudon, 1-94.] ChaTELAIN. La question des incurables dans le canton de Nenchatel. Rapport present^ a la commission d'initiative pour le soulagenient des incurables. ■--. Neuchdtel, 1-69. lospitaK./br chronic and incurable dis- eases. Clii.sto.v (Beatrice 5 Letter to the working- classes in Glasgow and the west of Scotland, ou the projected efforts to be made by the National Association for the Relief of Incurables. With an account of a visit in June, 1-75. to the Royal Hospital for Incurables, Putney; British Home for Incut abbs, Clapham; ward for incurables, ■Westminster Hospital; Cottage Home for Con- sumptives, Veutuor, and spurgcon's Orphanage, Hockwell. sm. 4 . Glasgow. {1-75]. Columbian Institute for the Preservation of Health and the Cure of Chronic Diseases. [Prospectus, with report of a reception by the trustees, officers, and medical board held Nov. 30, I—1.] - . Nnv Yovk, 18*2. Faith Home for Incurables, Brooklyn. An- imal reports. 2.-4., 1-76-7 to 187--9: 8.-12., 18-2-3 to 1—5-7: 14.-22., 1—-9 to 1*95-7; 24., 1-9--9. 12- A- - . New York, 1-77-99. Home for Incurables of Baltimore City. An- nual roorts of tbe officers to the friends and patrons: 1., 1—4-5; 5.-15., 1—-9-. 12° & --'. Baltimore, 18*5-99. Home for Incurables for the Border Counties, Carlisle. Annual reports of the comiuittee of management to the subscribers. -.-12., 1—4--; 14.-24.. 1-90-1900. - . Carlisle. 1**5-1901. Home for Incurables at Fordhain, New York Ciu. Anuual reports of the board of managers and medical superintendent to the corporation. 1.-35., l-i)6-7 to 1900-1901. 12-. New York, l-t'7-19 The palace of pain. - . Lon- don, 1—5. Hospital of the Protestant Episcopal Church iu Philadelphia. An appeal for a proposed house for incurable patients. Jan., 1--9. 4:. [Philadelphia, 1—9.] House of the Holy Comforter, Free Church Home for Incurables, New York City. Annual reports of the managers aud officers to the bene- factors aud friends. 17.-20., 1-95-7 to 1-99-19''0. 16-. A'eic York. 1-9--1900. Howard Hospital and Infirmary for Incura- bles. Philadelphia. Annual reports of the board of managers to the contributors. 25, 1-76-7; 31.. 1^4-5: 34.-47., 1-87-- to 1900-1901. -'. Philadelphia, 1-77-1901. Montefiohe Home for Chronic Invalids. New York City. Annual reports of the directors and officers to the patron- and members. 6.-1(5., 1~>9_(||i to 1 -99-1900. -. New York, 1-90-1900. Northern Counties Hospital for Iucurables, Manchester. Annual reports of the board of management to the governors aud subscribers. 5., 1-7.5-ti; 9., 1-79--0: 12.-15., 1-82-3 to 1-85-6; 21.-2i'».. 1-91-2 to 1-96-7. - . Manchester, 1-76-97. Oi.ii'HANT (.!/>«.) A house of peace. [Account of .a visit to the Roval Hospital for Incurables, London, S. W.] -.' London, 1-90. Ospedale dei cronici a Cuueo. Pdazioni tlel presidente sulla prescntazione del bilancio pre- ventivopei Tannati 1-9U-9J. [Per A. Bernardi.] roy. --. Cuueo, 1—0-91. '-----. Relazioni del piesidoiite sui due ren- diconti morale e fiuanziario per V esercizio, 1-—; 1-9": 1-91. [Per Augelo Bernardi.] fol. Cuneo, 1—9-92. Ospedale iucurabili, Napoli. Reparto delle lesioui violente, diretto dai Prof" A. De Gia- couio e M. Barba. Resoconto cliuico-statistico del biennio 1-94 - 5, redatto dagli a-sistenti Dri M. Carbonara, P. Manisera, F. Paturzo ed A. Santoro, con una relazione sui casi di lesioui vio HOSPITALS. 432 HOSPITALS. lospitals/or chronic and incurable dis- eases. lente curati dal 1° settembre 1891 al 31 dicem- bre 1*93. roy. 8 5 Napoli, 1898. Philadelphia Home for Incurables. Annual reports of the board of managers to the contri- butors. 1.-4., 1877-8 to 1880-81; 6.-24., 1882-3 to 1900-1901. 8 A 12-. Philadelphia, 1-78-1901. Pia Casa degli incurabili in Abbiategrasso. Istruzioui al personale medico per la constata- zione delle malattie contemplate come titolo pel ricovero. --. Milano, 1893. Protestant Home for Incurables, Pittsburgh. Annual reports of the officers to the members of the association. 11., 1-95-6; 14., lr-98-9. 8°. Pittsburgh, 1896-9. Regolamento per la prescrizione e somminis- trazione de' farmachi agl' infermi nell' ospedale della Real Santa Casa degl' incurabili. 8°. Napoli, 1852. Royal Hospital for Incurables, London, 8. W. A letter to the subscribers, explaining the rea- sons for the resignation of the treasurer, and the majority of the late board of management. 12c. London, 1860. -----. Annual reportsof the board of man- agement to the governors and subscribers. 15., 1*6—9; 25., 1-78-9. 12°. London, 1*70-80. -----. Report of the committee for ascer- taining the wishes of the subscribers as to the mode of selecting the patients. 12°. London, 1872. -----. Circular notice to medical subscrib- ers. [The objects and privileges of the charity, by the committee.] 8°. [Norwich, 1*54, vel sub- seep] Saint John the Evangelist National Hospital for Incurables, Cowley S. John, Oxford. An- nual reports of the secretary of the council for the years 1**2; 1883. 12°. Oxford, [18*3-4]. Swift (J.) A serious aud useful scheme to make an hospital for incurables of universal benefit to all his majesty's subjects. Occasioned by a report that the estate of Richard Norton, esq., was to be appointed by Parliament for such an endowment. To which is added a petition of the footmen in and about Dublin. 12°. Lon- don, 1733. Toronto Home for Incurables. Annual re- ports of the officers to the members and sub- scribers. 16.-20., 1889-90 to 1*93-4; 23.-26., 1896-7 to 1899-1900. 16°. Toronto, 1890-1900. United States. Congress. Amendment in- tended to be proposed by Mr. Call to the bill (H. R. 13462) making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of tbe Government for the year 1*91-2. [For the National Home for Incurables, $3,000.] 51. Cong., 2. sess. H. R. 13462. In S., Feb. 12, 1891. roy. 8-. [ Washington, 1891.] -----. Amendment intended to be proposed by Mr. Call to the bill (H. R. 3711) making ap- propriations to provide for the expenses of the District of Columbia for the year 1890-91. [Fif- teen thousand dollars for the Hospital for In- curables.] 51. Cong., 1. sess. H. R. 3711. Iu S., March 7, 1890. roy. 8:. [ Washington, 1890.] Washington Home for Incurables. Annual and biennial reports of the officers to the board of managers, l.-ll., 1—9-90 to 1900-1901. 16° A 12°. Washington, 1890-1901. -----. [Circular letter of the managers, pre- senting its claims to tbe friends of the institu- tion and the public. March 15, 1890.] 4:. [Washington, 1890.] Boell. L'Hospice des incurables de Baug6. Arch. ra6d. d'Angers, 1900, iv, 291-296, 1 pl— Cnsilli (A.) Ospedale incurabili. Breve resoconto statistico degl' in- fermi curati nel biennio 1896-7. Incurabili. Xapoli, 1899, lospital*/br chronic and incurable dis- eases. xiv, 259-276. — Cerasoli (V.) Progetto di ospedale pei cronici da erigersi in Roma sui piccolo Aventiuo. Bull. d. Cora. spec, tl' ig. d. municip. di Koiua, 1887, viii, 110- 186, 2 plans.—Gui (E.) Nuovo ospedale pei cronici da erigersi sui piccolo Aventiuo; parere della comiuiosioiie nominata dall' onorevole giunta comunale di Koma, nella seduta del 29 gennaio 1887, sui progetto preseutato dul- 1' ing. Sig. V. Cerasoli. Ibid., ISss, viii, 181-lsti. —In- striiccion general y reglameuto para el 6rden inteiim- de los hospitales de incurables. Coiresp. med.. Madrid 1885, xx, 59; 91; 98. Also: Siglo med., Madrid, 1885, xxxii, 189; 455; 470; 498.— Kiiapp (F. C.) Provision for patients with chronic diseases in the city of Boston. Bos- ton M. 6c S. J., 1892, cxxvi, 389— BaNiiinnxcii (A. F.) Om Lemmestiftelser og deres Beboere. [Institutions for the incurable and their inmates.] Hosp.-Tid., Kjobeuh.. 1888, 3. E., vi, 1021; 1045; 1069.—Taylor (E. W.) The Hospital for Chronic Disease. Boston M. & S. J., 1899, cxli, 542-545. — Tolstoi (K. K.) Monastiri, kak sana- torii dlya khronicheskikh holnikh i bogadlelni dlya nei- zllechimikh. [Monasteries as sanatoria for chronic dis- eases and infirmaries for the incuiable.l Vestnik obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1897, xxxiii, no. 4, 2. sect., 227-231. — VolokhoflT ( P. P. ) Bolnichnoye dlelo i prizrienie khronikov. [Hospitals and care of chronic patients.] Syezd vrach. i predstav. . . . Kher- sonsk. gub. . . . 1895, Dokladi, 189(5, xiii, pt, 1, 55:j-579. Also, Eeprint. Iospitals/or contagious diseases. See, also, Cholera, Fevers, Hospitals for; Hos- pitals (Portable); Leprosy, Pellagra, Plague, Scarlatina, Skin (Diseases of), Small-pox, Tuberculosis, Venereal diseases, Hospitals for. Campana (R.) Per la istituzione di uu ospe- dale per esantemi contagiosi. Proposta e pre- ghiera. roy. 8-. Roma, 1897. Fakquharson (JR. J.) Hospitals for conta- gious diseases and their proper location. A pa- per prepared by request for the .State Medical Society and printed by order of the State Board of Health. [Iowa.] 8°. [Des Moines, 1885.] Genoa. Commissione per V impianto di uno spedale per le malattie epidemico-contagiose in Ge- nova. Progetto della sotto-commissione medica. Relazione del Dott. Ettore Pezzali. fol. Ge- nova, 1-88. Glasgow. City of Glasgow Fevev and Small- pox Hospitals, Belvideve. [A description of . . .] 8°. [Glasgow, 18*8.] Great Britain. Local Government Board. Medical Department. On the provision of isola- tion hospital accommodation by the local sani- tary authorities, fol. London, lr*88. Institution for Infectious Diseases, Nether- held House, Liverpool. Reports of the commit- tee. 5.-8., 1808-73. 12°. Liverpool, 1-7U-74. -----. [Circular of the committee and litho- graph of the building.] broadside. Liverpool, [n. d.]. Johnston (C. S. S.) Hospitals for infectious diseases, permanent and temporary. Read be- fore the Public Health Congress at Edinburgh, 27th Julv, 18(,)3, and revised 2*2nd February, 1894. 1*2°. Edinburgh, 1894. Leeds. Report of the hospital sub-committee to the sanitary committee, ou the proposed new hospital [for infectious diseases]. 8-. Leeds, 1895. Lutaud (A.) A Hogg (W. D.) Etude sur les hdpitaux d'isolement en Angleterre. 8°. Paris, 1885. ----- -----. Nouvelles etudes sur l'isole- ment des coutagieux en France et en Angle- terre. 8". Paris, 1890. McNeill (R.) The prevention of epidemics and tbe construction and management of isola- tion hospitals. 8D. Philadelphia, 1895. New York (State). An act to authorize the department of public health of the city of Brooklyn, county of Kings, to establish hospitals for contagious and infectious diseases, aud in HOSPITALS. 433 HOSPITALS. Hospital* for contagious diseases. relation to the erection, government, and main- tenance thereof. In assembly. No. 2iili. Feb. 2, 1-87. Introd. bv Mr. Langbcin. fol. [Albany, 1-7.] Padova. Progetto di uu ospitale d' isola- meuto per malattie coutagioso da costruirsi per la citta di Padova. Relazione della giunta. *' 5 Padova, 1-91. Paget ( C. E.) The arrangement and con- struction of school sanatoria. - . London, 1--7. Putzeys (F.> A Pit/ey- 1'.. Description d'un nouveau systenie de pavilions permanents j pour le traitemeut des maladies epideruiques et coutagieuscs. -''. Liege, 1—1. Royal Jennerian Society for the Extermiua- tion of the Small-Pox, London. Annual reports | of the board of managers to the governors and subscribers. 13., l-l('i: 17., 1-Jn; -Jl!.. 1--Jh; 25., 1?32. - \ London, 1-17-33. J Sai.ford. Remarks by the medical officer of health ou existing hospital provision for in fee- ! tioiis disea-es. l>-5. By John Talham. Sal ford, 1—r.. Sheffield. Anuual reports of the city hos- pital- for infectious diseases. By the medical superintendent. For the years 1-9(1: 1-97. - Sheffield, 1*97-8. Sheffield. Borough Hospital for Infectious Diseases. Annual reports of the re-blent med- ical officers for the years 1—5-4 t<» 1—5-5. 8- Sneffield, [1—4-6]. soleri (M.) A Soleri (F.) Progetto di tipo eeonomico di ospcdaletto per malattie iufettive, adattabile ad uso di lazzaretto in caso di epi- demic ed aunesso ad ospedale di piccolo citta. Studiato per 1" ospedale e la citta di Savigliano. --. Cuneo, 1893. United States. Congress. House of Repre- sentatives. A bill to provide for the erection and maintenance of a suitable hospital for conta- gious disease- in and for the District of Columbia. 47. Cong.. 1. -e>s. Feb. 25. 1-8*2. Introd. by Mr. Van Aernam. roy. 8:. [ Washington, 18*2. ] A. (G.I Daa Ptadtische Epidemie-Spital in Briinn nnd die Einiic iituugen desselben znr Beseitigung der Abtall-toffe. «'. -iiikUi.-Ingenienr, Munchen, 1897, xx, 56-59. 1 pl—Abbott (S. \V.) I-olation hospitals for in- fectious diseases. Rep. Bd. Health Mass. 1892-3, Bost., 1894. xxv, 691-737.—Almquiat (E.) Om 0ot< borgs nva epideruiajukhus. [C<5hfcnl>urg's new epidemic hospital.) Eira. (Joteborz 1--7, xi, 157- 175.— Barry. Report on the subject of isolation hospital provision in the Not 11 Bierley Union. Rep. Med. Off. Local Gov. Bd. W7 Lond., 1888. xvii, 139-154. Also. Reprint.- I$ni\vis<- (Si Isolation hospitals for small urban and ltiral dis- tricts. Pub. Health Lond.. ls9j-5, vii. Imj - ls4. — Kito (L.) Inolement de- ■ onragieux. Scalpel, Liege. D95-t;, xlviii, 216.—It< n< ;i-k in lio-.pit.ils. J. San. Inst.. Loud.. 1896-7. xvii, 309-835.— Bolim . K... Ueber die Xotliwendiiikcit der Iaolirun.' die I-olii spiialer und deren Anlage. Inter- nat. Cong. f. Hyg. u.Demog. Arb., Wien. 1887, 1.5. lift.,62- 10?. AUo: Allg. Wien.meil. Ztg.. W7, xxxii, 439; 4.51 ; 46::. Also [Abstr.]: Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtsplig., Brnschwg., Ds8. xx, 257-261. — Itnoblivir (15) Not- tingham Isolation Hospital. Med. .Mag., Lond., 1892, i, 131-139.— Booth (L.) Hospitals lor the treatment of Ini.-ctiou, ,.,ses. Health J., Manchester, 18s.5-6, iii, 43-45, 1 plan.— Bourneville. Pavilion d'isolement pour les maladies contauieii-.es dans la section des enfants idiots et epileptiques de Bicetre. Progres med., Par., 1887, 2. s., v, 399-401. — Brewer (W. H.) Isolation hospitals; a means of public protection. Kep. Bd. Health Connect. 1894-5, X. Haven, 1896, xviii, 26»-273.— Buchanan (G.) I On the provision of isolation hospital accommodation bv local sanitary authorities. Rep. M.-d. Off. Local Gov. I'd. VOL VII, 2u series----28 llo*|»ital*/or contagious diseases. 1887, Lend.. 188s, xvii, 199-201, 3 plans. — (nrlacn (I.) Erenistillini; af de Forbold, der kunne tjene til Bedom- nieUe al l'logdamshospitalets Indflydelse pua Sundheds- tilstanden hlandt Beboerne af de nierniest ved Hosp. liggende Kvarterer med Il.nsyn til Forekonisten af Dif- teritis, Skarlagensfeber og Rosen. [Representation of the relations existing which may serve for the determi- nation of the influence of Blegdam Hospital upon health of people living near, with regard to prevalence of diph- theria, scarlet fever, and ervsipelas. J Ugesk. f. Lar- ger. Kjobeuh., 1889, 4. It., xx, 365-384. — Cnstlr (F. A.) Design for an isolating pavilion, for use in connection with a hospital, or as one of a series of cottage hospitals. X. York M. J., 1880, xliv, 340-342.—4 olin (L.) Isole- ment des coutagieux en des pavilion* *p6ciaux annexes mix hopitaux ordinaiivs. [Rap.J Ran. g6n. trav. Cons. d'liyi:. pub. de la Seine 1887-9, Par.," 1894, 331.—Cor- ■-■■dim (K.) II nuovo ospedale dei contagiosi a Dergano pel comune di Milano. Ingegner. san., Torino, 1895, vi, 222-221,.—Coiinrilmnii (W5 T.) [et al.]. Infectious dis- eases, and the management of hospitals devoted to infec- tious diseases. Med. .t Surg. Rep. Bost. City Hosp., 1895, 6. s., 279-311.— lliivin (M. L.) Hospital for contagious and infectious diseases. Hosp., dispens. & nursing. In- ternat. Cong. Char, [etc.] 1893, Bait. &.Lond., 1894, 175- 183.— llclnrc i.\.) Des hopitaux d'isolement en Angle- terre. Lvmi med., 1886, Iii, 369-375. — Dinkier. Der Xeiibau fiir Infektionskrankheiten im Luisenhospital zu Aachen. Kliu. Jahrb., Jena, 1898-1900, vii, 567-574.— ■>isimi-ii*8ion on hospital isolation and the disinfec- tion of patients. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1895. ii, 521-526.— ■>ubrisay & IVapias (H.) Enquete sur les hopitaux d'isoleinent en Europe. Bull. Soc. de med. pub., Par., 1888, xi, 141-181. Also: Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1888, x, 406-446.— Dudneld (T. O.) The needs of the metropolis in respect of hospital accommodation for patients suffering from infectious disease. Hygiene, Lond., 1892, v, 327-330.—Ea- ton (J.) Hospitals for infectious diseases. San. Rec, Lond., 1885-6, n. 8., vii, 362-366. — Engclsted ( S. ) Om Kpidemisygehuse i mindre Kommuner. [ Hospitals for epidemic diseases in small district*.] I'"esk. f. Ltc»vr Kjobeuh.. 1891. 4. R., xxiv, 403; 427; 451.— Epidemic- spitiiler auf dem Lande. Oesterr. San. • \\ .-* . Wien, 1*93. v, 2oy-2l2. — Felix (J.) Sur la necessite et Instal- lation des hopitaux d'isolement. Internat. Cong. f. Hyg. u. Demo-. Ai-1...Wien, 18s7. 15. Hft., 1-48. [Discussion], 93-108. Also: Arch, roum.de m6d. et chir.. l'ar.. 1887, i, 1; 61. Also, transl. [Abstr. ]: Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtsprl;:.. Brnschwg., 1888, xx, 245-256.—Few (C. E.) Local isolation hospitals as opposed to a central hospital. Tr. Internat. Cong Hvg. & Demog. 1891, Lond.. 1892. vi, 132-139.— Finglnnd (W5) A new hospital for infectious diseases (Liverpool). Med. Press iscu,rtiou Ibiil., 1890, i. lulo—III v< sti^ation (An) on infectious hospital accommodation and administration in England. Ibid., 1893, i, 185-187.— Johnston i A.) In HOSPITALS. 434 HOSPITALS. Hospitals/<»* contagious diseases. lections disease hospitals; their construction and manage- ment. J. State M., Lond., 1897, v, 97-103. - Johnstone (T.) Isolation at home and in special isolation hospitals as a means of arresting the spread of infectious diseases. Pub. Health. Lond., 1893-4. vi, 219-222. —Jones (H.) Notes on a few points of detail in the construction of isola- tion hospitals. I6'd.,1896-7,ix,256-258.-----. Isolation hos- pitals. Pub. Health Engin., Lond., 1900, vii, 111-113.— Lazaril (G.) La desaffectation de l'Hopital des Enfants- Malades. J. de clin. et de therap. inf., Par., 1896, iv, 943- 947.—Leal (J. L.) Isolation hospitals. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1896,Concord, 1897,xxii,200-217.— f.ee (B.) Iso- lation hospitals for contagious diseases other than small- pox. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1895, xxv, 406-408.—I.ci- ccstrr New Isolation Hospital. Lancet, Lond., 1900, ii, 1033 — liindsley (C. A.) Isolation hospitals; a means of pubiic protection. TaleM. J.,N.Haven, 1895-6,ii, 158-165. Also: Rep. Bd. Health Connect. 1894-5, X. Haven, 1896,xviii, 259-267.—Local government board report on infectious diseases hospitals. Local Gov. Chron., Lond., 1882, xvi, 747 — l.iitand a. Hogg (W. D.) Etude sur les hopitaux d'isolement. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1886, 3. s., xv, 219-229.— M. (G.) Die neue Isolirbaracke fiir Kinder mit anstecken- den Krankheiten im koniglichen Charite-Krankenhause zu Berlin. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1888, xxv, 514.— Mac- kenzie (W.) Notes on the construction of infections hospitals in rural districts. J. Mate M., Lond., 1901, ix, 129-134.— M'l.i n toe li (J.) & Shields & Thomson. Report ou hospitals for infectious disease. San. Jour., Glasg., 1893-4, n. a., xvii. 187-195.-jJl'IVeill ( R.) Isola- tion hospitals for rural districts. Ciiledon. M. J., Glasg., 1897-9, n. s., i, 10-21. Also: J. San. Inst.. Lond., 1897-8, xviii, 7-10.—Maiifrcdini (A.) L' ospedale dei conta- giosi pel comune di Milano. Corriere san., Milano, 1896, vii, nos. 27-28, 6; no. 29, 3-5. —Matthews (E. R.) The ventilation, heating, water supply, and drainage of infec- tious diseases hospitals. San. Rec, Lond., 1898, n. s., xxii, 489; 518.—jlar riot t (E.D.) The passing of the isolation hospital. Ibid., 1900, n. s., xxvi, 199.—ITIehlhauscii. Das neue Kindeihospital fur ansteckende Krankheiten in der Charite. Charite-Ann. 1886, Berl., 1888, xiii, 755-768. 3 pl. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Eugin. & Build. Rec, N. Y., 1888, xviii, 171-173. -----. Ueber die Verwendung der Docker'schen Baracken fiir Seucheubehandlung. Ver- handl. d. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891, v, 18. Abth., 19.— Moore (J. W.) The infectious hospitals (Dublin) scheme. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland. Dubl., 1896, xiv, 1-17.—Morham (R.) Colinton Hospital [for the treatment of infectious diseases]. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Ediub., 1896-7, n. s., xvi, 170-177, 2 diag.—Munro (A. C.) Notes on the planning and construction of hospitals for infectious diseases. Proc Ass. Municip. & San. Engin., Lond., 1883-4, x, 74-79. -----. Some points with respect to the provision of isolation hospitals for country dis- tricts. San. Jour., Glasg., 1893-4, n. s., xvii, 897-403.— New (The) borough isolation hospital, Brighton. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1898, ii, 1453. — IVew (The) building for contagious diseases of St. Paul City and County Hos- pital. St. Paul M. J., St. Paul, Minn., 1901, iii, 830-833.— New (The) infectious hospital of the Bristol corpora- tion. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899, ii, 291. — Novaro ( B.) Lazaretos y hospitales de aislamiento. An. d. Circ med. argent., Buenos Aires, 1887, x, 171-198, 2 pl. — Pauli. Die Contagienhauser und das offentliche Wohl. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1890, Leipz., 1891, lxiii, pt. 2, 461-467.—Paulson ( O.) Om behofvet af lansepideniis'ukhus och om imrattandet af dylika. [The necessity for and arrangement of district epidemic hospitals.] Eira, Stockholm, 1897, xxi, 534-543.— Petruschky (J.) Das Institut fiir Infectionskrank- heiten zu Berlin. Centralbl. f. allg. Gsndhtspflg., Bonn, 1892, xi, 251-265.—Pistol* (M.) Grundziige fiir Bau, Ein- richtung und Verwaltung von Absondernngsi aumen und Sonderkrankenhausern fiir ansteckende Krankheiten. Hosp., dispens. & nursing. Internat. Cong. Char, [etc.], 1893, Bait.: Loud., 1894, 141-162.— Pokrovukaya (Ma- riya I.) Mieri prinimayemiya v Yevrople protiv zaraz- nikh bolieznel. [Measures taken in Europe against con- tagious diseases.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1890, xv, 227; 243; 259.—Reports of St. John's Eruptive Hospital. 1876; 1877; 1878; 1880; 1883-4; 1884-5; 1886-7. Louisville muni- cip. rep., 1877,505: 1878,597: 1879,473: 1881,395: 1886,549: 1886, 505: 1888, 45.— Richardson (B. W.) The construc- tion of hospitals for infectious cases. Lancet, Lond., 1888, i, 596.—Riddle (M. M.) Hospitals for contagious dis- eases; methods of the contagious department, of the Bos- ton City Hospital. Trained Nurse, N.T., 1899, xxiii, 355- 359.__Roche (A.) Isolation hospitals. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1895, n. s., lix, 353. —Ross (J. M.) Isolation hos- Sitals, with special reference to the requirements of rural istricts. Edinb. M. J., 1892-3, xxxviii, 67-71. — Rowe (G. H. M.) Isolating wards and hospitals for infectious diseases. Boston M. & S. J., 1893, exxix, 385 - 388. AUo: Hosp. dispens. &. nursing. Internat. Cong. Char, [etc.] 1893, Bait. & Lond., 1894,132-140. — Rumpel. Das Siel- grubenhaus. Jahrb. d. Hamb. Staatskraukenanst. 1891-2 Hamb. u. Leipz., 1894, iii, pt. 2, 14-17, 1 pl.—Russell Hospitals for contagious diseases. (J. B.) City of Glasgow fever and small-pox hospitals; Belvidere. Glasgow M. J., 18HX, [4.] s., xxx, 20-31, 2 pl. Also: San. Engin., Lond., 1888, xiii, 657-661.—Salvador! (P.) L' ospitale d' isolameuto per le malattie infettive del comune di Padova. Ingegner. san., Torino, 1893, iv, 183-185, 1 pl.— Schleisner ( G.) Hospital for infectious diseases in the village Tarin, Ringkjobing County, Jyl- laud. Denmark, med. organ., hyg. & deniog., Copenh., 1891, 211. —Seaton ( E.) The Milroy lectures ou tho value of isolation and its difficulties. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, i, 517; 582; 646. AUo: Lancet, Loud., 1896, i, 601; 699 —Sergeant (E.) Comments on the infectious hos- pitals bill Pub. Health, Lond., 1893, v, 293-296. -----. Isolation hospitals. J. State M., Lond., 1899, vii, 631-644.— Shadwell ( St. C. B.) The need of infectious hospital accommodation for the suburban districts of the metropo- lis. Pub. Health, Loud., 1889-90, ii, 266.—Sibthorpe (C.) On hospitals for contagious diseases. Tr. South Indian Branch Brit. M. Ass., Madras, 18^9-90, iii, 173-195, 3 plans.— Smith (P. G.) On the plannnii; and construction of hos- pitals for infectious diseases. Tr. Epidemiol. Soc. Lond., 1882-3, n. s., ii, 141-158, 3 plans.—Sorcnsen (S. F.) Noth- wendiskeit Bund Anlage von Isolirspitalern. Internat. Cong. f. Hyg. u. Demog. Arb., Wieu, 1887, 15. lift., 49-61. [Discussion], 93-108. AUo [Abstr.]: Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., ltfS8,xx,256.-Some points in connection with hospitals for infectious diseases. [Dis- cussion] Brit. M. J., Loud., 1892, ii, 348-351.—Sonde- regger. Kleine Isolirsiiitaler. Cor.-lU.f sehweiz.Aerzte, Basel, 1885, xv, 523-525— Talayrach. Le nouvel hopi- tal de Stockholm pour les maladies e.pidemiquea. Rev. d'hyg.. Par., 1894, xvi, 185-213.—Taylor (J. M.) Report of the committee on a private pay hospital for contagious diseases. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc.Phila., 1900, xxi, 88-95.— Thorne (R. T.) On some medical points relating to the provision of isolation hospitals. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1888, xxiv, 25-38. -----. English isolation hospitals. Tr. vii. Internat. Conn. Hyg. &. Demog. 1891, Lond., 1892, vi, 123-127.-----. Memorandum on the provision of iso- lation hospital accommodation by local authorities. Rep. Local Gov. Bd. 1894-5, Lond., 1896, xxiv, 195-198, 3 diag.— Thresh (J. C.) The provision of isolation hospitals; a report presented to the Essex County council. Lancet, Lond., 1*96, i. 921.—Tomkins (II.) Construction of hos- pitals'for infectious diseases. Ibid., 1888, i, 647.—Trous- seau (A.) Le nouveau pavilion d'isolement de la clini- que nationale des Quinze-Vingts. France med., Par., 1894, xii, 81-83. AUo: Bull. Soc. denied, de Par. (1894), 189s! 4. s., ii, 23-28— Vacher (F.) Hospitals for infec- tious cases: should thev be free, or a charge made for maintenance.' San. Rec, Lond., 1886-7, n. s., viii, 145-148. AUo: Tr. San. Inst. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1886-7, viii, 153- 161.—Tallin (E.) Les hopitaux de contagieux a Paris, et le rapport de M. Chautemps au conseil municipal de Paris. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1887, ix, 353-367.—Tilla (E.) Ospedale da contagiosi per comuui rurali. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1888, ix, 121-124.—Warning (A) to sanitary au- thorities; the Gloucester Small-pox Hospital. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1897, i, 347.—Watt (J. P.) Hospital provision for infectious diseases. Caledon. M.J., Rochester, 1891-4, n. s., i, 132-137.—Young (M.) The furnishing and general ad- ministration of small isolation hospitals. J. San. Inst., Lond., 1898-9, xix, 66-74. Hospitals for diseases of the chest. See Chest (Diseases of, Hospitals for). Hospitals for diseases of the heart. See Heart (Diseases of, Hospitals for). Hospitals for diseases of the hip-joint. See Hip-joint (Diseases of, Hospitals for \. Hospitals for diseases of the lungs. See Lungs (Diseases of, Hospitals for). Hospitals for diseases of the nose. See Nose (Diseases of, Hospitals for). Hospitals for diseases of the rectum. 5ee Rectum (Diseases of, Hospitals for). Hospitals for diseases of the throat. See Throat (Diseases of, Hospitals, etc., for). Hospitals, dispensaries, aud nursing. Papers and discussions iu the International Congress of Charities, Correction, and Philanthropy, Sec- tion III, Chicago, June l'2th to 17th, 1^9:5. Edited by John S. Billiugs and Henry M. Hnrd. xiv, 719 pp., 49 pl. 8~J. Baltimore, Johns Hop- kins rress; London, Scientific Press, Ltd., 1894. Hospitals for epileptics. See Epileptics (Hospitals for). HOSPITALS. Hospitals fo) -fevers. See Fevers (Hospitals for). Hospitals/or idiots. See Idiots (Asylums for). Hospitals for incurable diseases. See Hospitals for chronic, etc., diseases. Hospitals for inebriates. Sec Inebriates (Hospitals for). Hospitals for the insane. Sec Insane (Asylums for). Hospital** (On) for the insane, with particular reference to separate establishments for the chronic insane poor. Discussion of the Associa- tion of Medical Superintendents of American Institutions for the Insane, in convention, at Washington, April, 1856. 98 pp. 6*-'. [n. p., 185)5, vel snbseq.] Hospitals.for leprosy. Stc Leprosy (Hosjiiials for). Hospitals for nervous diseases. See Nervous system (Diseases of, Hospitals for). Hospitals/or pellagra. See Pellagra (Hospitals for■). Hospita Is for ph th isis. Sec Phthisis, Tuberculosis. Hospitals for. Hospitals for plague. See Plague (Hospitals for). Hospitals/or railroad accidents. See Railroad (Injuries on, Hospitals for). Hospitals for rickets. Sec Rickets (Hospitals for). Hospitals.for scarlatina. See Scarlatina (Hospitals for). Hospitals.fur skin diseases. See Skin (Diseases of, Hospitals, etc.,for), Hospita Is for small-pox. See Small-pox (Hospitals for). Hospita I s/o/- tuberculosis. Sie Phthisis, Scrofulous children, Tubercu- losis, Hospitals for. Hospitals for venereal diseases. See Venereal diseases (Hospitals for). Hospitals (The) week. The special meetings, sermons, and results. Arranged by Henry C Bunletf. The third special ''Hospital Sunday" supplement of lhe Lancet. 16 pp. roy. k'--. London. Ballantyne, Hanson 4' ( o., 1880. Repr. from: Lancet, Lond., 1886, ii. Hospitals-Ti«lcii«l4>. 3. s., v. 3-10, 1885-92; v. 36-41, 1-9:5-1901. o. Kjobenham. Cm lent. Hospital-ward (From) to consulting-room, with notes by the way; a medical autobiography. I5\ a graduate of the London University, viii, ~>8 pp. 1*2-. London, H. K. Lewis, 1893. Hossemann (Wolfgang). *])egnividitateex- trauterina. 20 pp. 8°. Miinchen, C. R. Schurich, 1853. Hossliii (Rudolf). *l*eb.*r Ichthyol. Eiu Bei- trag zur Kenntnis des Ichthvols. 68 pp. 8 . Basel, J. Frehner, 1900. Hostel of St. Luke, London. Inaugural meeting held March 21, 1893. 12 pp., 2 1. 8°. [London, 1893.] Founded in 1892, for the medical or surgical treatment and nursing of the clergy, their wives and children. Hostellcy (W. 11.) A filtering and distilling cabinet. Id pp. *P. Philadelphia, [1893]. liepr. from: Druggists' Circular and Chera. Gaz., N. Y., 1893, xxxvii. 435 HOT SPRINGS. Ilostelrich. ItnfnrI (15.) Estracto de una memoria sobre la geo- lit'iifia medica do la villa de Hosteliich. Eco de la med., Madrid, 1848-9, i, 490. Hot and Healing Springs of Virginia. Bath County, Va. 33 pp. l'i1 . Chicago, Poole Bros., 1891. Hot-air baths. Sec Hydrophobia (Treatment of). Hot Springs, Arkansas. See, also, Hospitals (Description, etc., of), Hospitals (Military), Hygiene {Public, Reports on), Statistics (Vital), by localities. Ckkh'iiton ( R. W.) Personal observations on the physiological effects of tlie Hot Springs waters tis a bath, and llicir adaptation to disease. S°. [Hot Springs, n. d.] Herald (The). Hot Springs, Ark. Xo. 56, v. 5. March, 1901. Illustrated ed. fol. St. Louis, Mo. Hot Si'MNGs (The) of Arkansas. An histor- ical and legendary account of the famous health and pleasure resort, obi. 1(1°. St. Louis, 1-93. Mi sick (T. H.) Investigation of Hot Springs affairs. Report to the Secretary of the Interior, 1890. 8-. Washington, 1-90. United States. Congress. Amendment in- tended to be proposed by Mr. Jones, of Arkansas, to the bill (7520) making appropriations for sun- dry civil expenses of the Government for the year 1-92-3. [For the improvement and mainte- nance of grounds about the Army and Naval Hospital at Hot Springs, Ark., $7,960.60.] 52. Cong., 1. sess. H. R. 7520. Iu S., June 13, 1^92. roy. - . [Washington, 1892.] -----. An act granting the use of certain lauds in the Hot Springs Reservation, in the State of Arkansas, to the Barry Hospital. 53. Cong., 2. sess. S 513. In H. K., June 2, 1894. Com- mitted to the Committee of the Whole House, June 12, 1894. roy. s'. [Washington, 1894.] United States. Congress. Senate. Amend- ments intended to be proposed by Mr. Garland to the bill (H. R. 7380; to appropriate *f27,000, for inclosing aud improving the grounds of the Army and Navy Hospital at Hot Springs, in the State of Arkansas, and for other purposes. 48. Cong., 1. sess. H. R. 73-0. In Sen. U. S., June 24, 1884. roy. 85 [Washington, 1884.] -----. A bill granting the use of certain lands iu the Hot Springs Reservation,in the State of Arkansas, to the Barry Hospital. 52. Cong., 1. sess. S. 29-9., April 23, 1892. Introd. by Mr. Jones, roy. 8 . [Washington. 1892.] United States. Department of the Interior. Report of the commission regarding the Hot Springs Reservation, in the State of Arkansas, 1878. S:5 Washington, 1878. Bari')- fW. H.) Healthfulness of Hot Spring. Hot Spring M. J., 189G, v, 73-76. — Dake (C.) Hot Springs, Arkansas. Med. Century, Chicago, 1S94, ii, 536.— .leilix (J. T.) Hot Springs, Arkansas, and their therapeutic in- dications. Climate, St. Louis, 1899, ii, 24-34. Also: Coll. & Clin. Kec, Phila., 1899, xx, 41. -----. Hot Springs as a li.-:iltli 1.-sort. Med. Standard, Chicago, 1901, xxiv, 74- 7v — ItiiNiM-ll (L. E.) Tho virtues of Hot Springs, Ar- kansas. Am. M. J., St. Louis, 1897, xxv, HI7-112. AUo: Eclect. M. J., Cincin., 1897, lvii, 206-209.— V*v (Cpon the) of hot water; with .special reference to Hot Springs, Ar- kansas. Hot Springs M. J., 1890, v, 1K1 ; ;!27. Hot Spring's, Arkansas. Board of Health. Semi-annual report [on vital statistics]. By the chief executive health officer. Jau. to June, 1888. 2 1. 12°. [Hot Springs. 1888.] -----. Annual report [on vital statistics]. By the chief executive health officer for the years 1687-9. 12". [Hot Springs, 1888-90.] -----. Annual reports of the health department to the mayor and board of aldermen. 1.-7., 1887-93. 12°. Hot Springs, 1888-94. HOT SPkIXGS. 4 36 HOTHOr.X. Hot Springs, Ark. Board of Health—cont'd. ------. Monthlv reports [on vital statistics]. Jan., July, Aug., 1890; March, 1-91; Oct.. 1-92. to Feb., 1893: May to Aug., 1-93; Nov., 1893, to Aug.. 1-94; Nov.. 1894, to Jan., 1895. 12c. Hot Springs. [1.-90-95]. Hot Spring's t The) of Arkansas. An historical and legendary account of the famous health and pleasure resort. 33 pp. obi. 16-". St. Louis, 1-93. Hot Spring's, Bath County, Virginia; with some account of their medicinal properties and an analysis of the waters, with cases of cure of gout, rheumatism, diseases of the liver, paralysis, neuralgia, chrouic diarrhoea, enlarged glands, old injuries, deafness, etc. S. C. Tardy & Co., proprietors, iv, 5-92 pp., 1 map. 6C. Rich- mond. Gary. Clemmitt 4' Jones, 1869. Hot Spring's (The) Herald. By F. C. Coolev. [Monthly. ] No. 56, v. 5, March, 1901. Illustrated ed. fol. Hot Springs, Ark. Hot Springs Illustrated Journal. Charles Cut- ter, editor and proprietor. [Monthly.] No. 1, v. 1, Septemher, 1890. fol. Hot Springs. Ark. Hot Springs (The) Medical Journal. Con- ducted hy J. M. Keller, S. "W. Franklin [et al.]. [Monthly.] v. 1-10,1892-1901. 8-. Hot Springs, Ark. Current. "^Vant nos. 1-3, v. 1; no. G, v. 9. Hot Springs, South Dakota. United States. Congress. Senate. Report [to accompany memorial of the legislature of South Dakota to Congress, asking the establish- ment of a soldiers'home at Hot Springs, S. Dak.]. 51. Cong., 2. sess. S. Rep. No. 2369. Snbm. by Mr. Manderson, Feb. 23, 1-91. 8-. [ Washington, ls91.] Grosvenor (J. W.) Hot Springs, South Dakota; a health resort. Buffalo M. & S. J., 1894-5, xxxiv, 513-519.— Hargens (C. W5) Hot Springs. S. Dak., as a health re- ' sort. Med. Rec, N. Y5,1897, li, s38.—Hoelsdier (J. H.) \ Hot Springs, S. !>.. as a health resort. J. Am. M. Ass.. c [Chicago, 1899. xxxii. 1377. — Lyman (H. M.) The Hot ■ Springs of South Dakota as a resort for nervous patients. Rev. Insan. .V Xerv. Dis., Milwaukee, 1894-5. v, no. 1,4-9. Hot Spring*, Virginia. Bra mit (C. Xi Methods and use of natural thermal alkaline water, based on an experience at Hot Springs, Virginia. Phila. M. J., 1898, i, 645-649. Hot Springs (The) of Virginia. 24 pp. 12°. [Richmond, Baughman Bros., n. d.] Hotel*. >apias (H.) L'hygiene des hotels. Progrfes m6d., Par. 1893. 2. s., xviii, 299.— Rive* (G.) La chambre d'hotrl an point de vue de l'hygiene. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1900, lxxiii, 1100-1103. — Special report on the existing arrangements in cases of sickness and death in hotels at home aud abroad. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, i, 1362. Hottentot*. Baclimaiiii (F.) Die Hottentotten der Cap-Colonie; ein ethnographisches Genre -Bild. Ztschr. f. Ethnol. Berl., 1899, xxxi, 87-98 Belrk (W.) Messungen von Buschmannern und Hottentotten. Verhandl. d. Berl. Ge- sellseli. f. Anthrop., 1885, 59-62. — Bumm. Ueber die (icuital-und Beckenverhaltnisse der Hotteutottinnen. Siuungsb. d. phys. med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb.. 1887, 6.— OciiiUci- (J.) Les Hottentots au Jardind acelimntation. Rev. d'anthrop., Par., 1889, 3. s., iv, 1-27— Lombroso. Sur le lipome des portefaix, la steatopygie des Hotteutotes et la bossv des chameaux et des zebus. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Brux., 1883-4, ii, 166-183. — .llaughs (G. M. B.) The Hottentot "Venus. St. Louis Cour Med. 1887, xvii, 117-122.—Ploix. Les Hottentots ou Khoi- khoiet leur religion. Rev. d'anthrop , Par.. 1887 3. s., ii, 270-289 [570-589].—Topinard. Etude sur les Hotten- tots observes au Jardin d'acclimatation. [Extr.] Bull. et mem. Soc. de nied. prat, de Par , 1888, 657-663. Also |with additions]: Rev, d'anthrop.. Par, 1889, 3. s., iv, 194-199 — Virchow (R.) Ueber zur Zeit in Berlin anwe- sende Buschruanner. Verhandl. d. Berl. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop., 1886, 221-239. Hot water (A) cure sought out in Germany, in the summer of 1-44. The journal of a patient. vii, 264 pp. -:. London, Saunders 4' Otley, 1815. Hot water heating for dwellings, public build- ings, offices, conservatories, etc. Gnrney Hot Water Heater Co. 50 pp. 8°. Boston, [n. d.]. Hot water as a remedy; the philosophy of drink- ing largely; the Salisbury methods of treatment of disease: hints for the reduction of corpu- lence. By one who has tried them. 32 pp. 16-. London, Sinqikin, Marshall 4' Co., 1886. Hotchkiss (Charles) [1870- ]. * Crimina- lity et medecine judiciaire dans Pintle anglaise. I8ti pp. 4°. Lyon, 1-92, No. 7(10. ------. The same. 186 pp. roy. 8L. Lyon, A, Storck : Paris, G. Masson, [1893]. Hotclikiss (L[ucius] W.) Report of a case in which laparotomy was performed for intestinal perforation occurring in the course of typhoid fever. 4 pp. 12°. New York, 18'5Q. Uepr.from: !N5 York M. J., 1896, lxiii. ------. Report of two successful cases of prosta- tectomy. 9 pp. 12°. New York, 1897. Repr. from: ^5 York M. J., 1897, lxv. d'Hotel (Henri-Robert) [1.-03- ]. *£tude clinique sur les troubles trophiques de la peau et de ses dependances dans le rhuniatisme arti- culaire aigu. 52 pp. 4-. Pan's, 1690, Xo. 321. ------. The same. 52 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Stein- heil. 1890. Hotel Belvedere, Davos-Platz. The Alpine Sanatorium, Davos-Platz. [Descriptive circu- lars. By J. C. Coester, proprietor], for the years 1662; 1864-6. 4U. [Geneva, 16.63-7.] ------. Diligence routes to Davos-Platz. Tlie Alpine Sanatorium. Coester Bros., proprietors. For the years 1662; 1664-7. 4-. [Geneva, 1883-8.] ------. Meteorological observations taken at tlie Hotel Belvedere, Davos-Platz (Switzerland 1. For the vears 1682-3 to 1669-90. 4°. [Geneva, 18*5-90.) Hotel del Coronado, San Diego Co., Cal. [Re- port of the temperature during the months of March and April, 1669, and advantages as a sea- side resort.] 1 sheet. 24°. [San Diego, 16-9 J -----. Record of temperature for the weeks end- ing Oct. 5, 12; Nov. 30; Dec. 7, 1695. 16-. [Covonado Beach, l**-95.] Hotel Dieu, El Paso, Tex. A general hospital. [Descriptive circular.] 10 pp. 10-. [El Paso, Hevald News Co., 1-99.] Hdtel-Dieil (le Lyon. Statuts et reglements geueraux de l'Hopital g6ueral de Notre-Daine de Pitie du Pont du Rboue et Graud Hotel-Dieu de la Yille de Lyon. 2 p. 1., 222 pp. 4°. Li/on, A. Delaroche, 1756. Hotel-Dieu de Saint- Hyacinthe. Rapports aunuels par les sceurs de charite". 1., 189--9; 2., 1-99-1900. 30 pp., 1 tab.; 28 pp. 6\ St.-Hya- cinthe, La Tribune, 1-99-1900. Hotel Dieu of St. Joseph, Fanny Allen Hospital, Wiuooski, Vt. Annual reports of tlie trustees and officers to the public, for the years 1-94-5 to 1896. 8°. Burlington, 1-96-7. Established Oct. 15, 1894. Under the direction of the Sisters of Charity of the Religions Hospitalers of St. Joseph. Hotel Dieu, Sanitarium of the Sisters of Char- ity, New Orleans. [Circular of the manage- ment presenting its conveniences as a first-class sanitarium, with the terms.] 21. 8°. New Or- leans, Garcia Stat. Co., 1-99. Hotel-Dieu de la ville d'Aix. See Hopital general Saint Jacques, Hotel-Dieu de cette ville d'Aix. Hotll (Georg). * Ueber Spermatocele. 26 pp. --. Wiirzburg,P. Scheiner, 1887. Hotliom (Tbeophiltis Ernestns) [18*22- ]. *De infantes lactaudi per nutrices injuria et noxis. 22 pp., 3 1. 8C. Berolini, B. Sch'lesinger, [185UJ. HOTMAX. 437 HOUGH. [Hotmail (Antoine).] Traicte' de la dissolution dn manage par l'iiupuissance et froideur dc riioiiime ou de la femme. 2. ed. 52 ft". 10 Paris, R. Estienne, 1610. HottelierCAugnstel [18i50- ]. * Do la valeur therapeutique dn bicarbonate de sonde dans rhvperchlorlivdrie protopathique. -9 pp., 1 1. 4-\* Lyon. 1896, No. 11-::. Hottenier (Victor-Fniile). * Contribution a la pratique des aceonchements; etude theoriqne et pratique snr une espeee peu connne de version pelvienue par manoeuvres internes sans extrac- tion, qu'ou pourrait appeler: La version simple. 1 p. 1., 52 pp., 1 1., 1 tab. 8°. Paris, A. Parent, 1-75. [P.. v. 20.'>0.] Hottes (Charles F.) [1870- ]. * Ueber den Kinlluss von Druckwirkungen auf die Wurzel von Vicia faba. 50 pp., 1 pl., 11. - . Bonn, C. Georgi, 1901. Hottiliger (Rudolf). * Beitrag zur operativen Behandlung des Empyenis im Kindesalter. [Ziirich.] 115 pp., 5 1.. 1 pl., 1 1. - . Ziirich- Aussersihl, A. Bopp, 1692. C. Hottinguei- (Paul). See .Hoorv (James). Les roaladiis des chieus. 125 Paris, 1893. HottOt (Ernest 5 * De Familyse de 1'urine. -- pp. 4-\ Paris. E. Thunot .1 Cie., 1*56. [P., v. 1-40.] ficole de pharmacie. HotZ (Eugen). "Znr Kenntniss der fielenk- neurosen. kritisch-histot ix lie Ziisaiiiinenstellun- geu der verschiedenen Ansichten iiber (ielenk- ueurosen. Casuistik dersclben. 110 pp. U'ur-burg, N. Scamoni, [l-9.">]. HotZ (F[erdiuand] C[arl] i [1-4:5- ]. The relation of ametropia to blepharitis ciliaris. 10 pp. --. [Chicago, 1-T-.] F-pr. from: Chicago M. J. & Exam., 1878. xxxvi. ------. Notes on intra-ocnlar lesions pioduced by sunstroke, -pp. --. [Philadelphia. 1-79.] Repr. from: Am. J. M. Se., Phila., 1879. n. s., lxxviii. ------. Two cases of clonic blepharospasmns as traumatic reflex neurosis. 5 pp. e-. [Philadel- phia, 1-79.] Repr. from: Am. J. M. Sc. Phila., 1879, n. s.. lxxviii. For Portrait, see Chicago Clin. Rev., 1893, ii. Hotze (C. L.) First lessons in physiology: for use in the common schools. 192 pp. -7. Saint Louis. Central Publ. Co., 1-7.". Hotzel (Arno). * Ueber Bradycardia [Wurtz- burg.] 26 pp. 55 Berlin, (i. Schade. 1*5-5. Hotzen (Emil [Bruno Theodor]) [1-02- ]. * Beitrag zur Lehre von der Verhornung inneiei Epithelien. 14 pp., 1 1. *-. Kiel, 1690. Hotzen (Friedrich). "Retinitis hemorrhagica. 21 pp., 1 1. 8'-. Kiel, P. Peters, 1897. Houat (L.-T.) Nonvelles donue'eB de matiere medieale homu-opathique et de toxicologic ou des propri£te"s physiologiques et curative-, d'un certain nombre de substances encore peu counties et peu dtudiees en medecine. Premiere serie: poivre cubebe, poivre noir, crapaud eommun, curare. 96 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. BaiUHre 5 fils. 1«66. HoubottefJ.). See Thiry (J [ean]H filbert)) \in 1. s.]. Des n treei.s- sements du canal de l'urethre. 8°. Bruxelles, 1889. Houckgeest (Jakob Pieter van Braam; [l-:]r.- ]. *Iets over de peristaltiscbe bewegingen van maag- en darmkanaal. [Utrecbf.] 1 p.i., 56 pp. i*':. Amsterdam, G. Hulst van Keulen, 1872. ------. De ontleedkunde en haar verband met de overige wetenschappen. 39 pp. 6-'. Groningen, R. J. Schierbeck, 1877. -----. Donders. Beets. Mohschott. Eene nalezing op het Donders-Jubileum, tevens eene opwekkingaanNederland. Uitgegeven ten voor- Honekgcest (Jakob Peter vanBraam)—cont'd. deele vau: een liieiiwNederlandschGasthuisvoor Oogli.jders, Dondeis-Stichting. 26 pp. -°. Groningen, J. B. Wolters, 1888. Hoildaille (Georges) [1806- ]. "Etude experimentale et critique sur les nouveaux hypnotiqties. 240 pp. 4. Paris, 1893, No. 321. ------. The same. Les nouveaux hypnotiques; etude experimentale et critique. 240 pp. Paris, J.-B. Bailliire 5-fils, 1693. HoiHl'irt (Alplioiise) [1874- ]. "Contribu- lion a It tude de l'osteotoinie dans le genu val- gum des adolescents. 54 pp. 85 Paris, 1899, No. 54.".. llondart (Auguste-Jules) [l-i;:;- ]. * Con- tribution a I'etude de la terpine en therapeuti- qne. [Bordeaux.] 43 pp. 4°. Rochefort-sur- mer, 1--7. No. 2-. Houdart (filoi-Antoine) [1801- ]. "Contri- bution a l'dtude therapeutique du Melaleuca viriditlora (Niaouli). 39 pp., 2 1. 4°. Bordeaux, 1—-, No. 13. Houdart (Joseph) [1.-07- ]. * L'eVlectricite, niovcii de diagnostic en gvnecologie. 136 pp. 4°/ Paris, 1895. No. 54. ------. The same. 13C pp. - . Paris, J.-B. Bailliere J- fils, 1-94. Hondbine (A.-M.) " Sur le niiel. 57 pp. 4 . Paris. E. Thunot 4- Cie., 1856. [P v. 1701; 172-? 1-40.] Ki-ole de pharmacie. Houde (A.). See l.aborde (J.-T.) & HoikIi- A Le colchiquo et la colchicine. s°. Paris, 18*7. Hoilde (E.l *Des different* traitements chi- rurgie aux de l'hydrocele et eu ]»aiticulier du traitenient par eversion de la vaginale. 43 pp. -\ Paris, 19!H'. No. 157. Hoildeletk iNnmai [1871- ]. "Etude cliuique de l'enteroclyse comme traitement de la fievre typhoide. 74 pp. ,*-. Lyon, 18W, No. 85. Hondet (H.) [18i)0- ]. * Quelques considera- tions ine"dicales8ur l'escadre de l'amiral Courbet. 78 pp. 4-. Paris, 1888, No. 124. Hondet (Philippus). * De fistula ani. 24 pp. 4:. Leodii, P.-J. Collardin, 1624. [P., v. 1375.] Houde ville (Paul). * Contribution a l'dtude de lY-pistaxis. 64 pp. 4-. Paris, 1892, No. 6. Hoildiliet (fitienne) [166-- ]. * Hemopty- sies et dilatations bronchiques. 114 pp. 4 . Paris, 1*96, No. 558. Hoiidry (Le'opold) [18ti0- ]. * Des heanor- rliagies intestinales dans la lithiase biliaire. 59 pp. 8-'. Paris, 1898, No. 90. Houeix de la Bronsse (Armand) [1856- ]. * Dn ptosis. Ktude se'mo'iologique. -1 pp.. 3 pl. 4"-. Paris, \88*t Xo. :'09. Houeix de la Brousse (Joseph-Charles) [1874- ]. * Des ecehynio.ses spotitanees dans la iicwYork {State) [in 1. s.]. Census of the State of Xew York, for 1865. fol. Albany, 1867. ------. See, also : Hickcox (J. H.) A bibliography of the writ- ings of Franklin Benjamin Hough. e-\ [n.p., n. d.] Hough (James) [1818-1900]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, i, 121. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1901, i, 129. Hough (Lewis Sylvester). Insurance against the cholera. 32 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, Ring- wait 4 Brown, 1865. Houghton (Alfred S.) &. Jensen (P. C.) Pneumatic therapeutics. With editorial com- ments. 28 pp. 12c. Chicago, 1885. Repr. from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1885, v. Houghton (E. Mark). How can we increase tbe therapeutic reliability of medicinal agents? 8 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1897. Repr. from: J5 Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1897, xxviii. ------. Ergot aseptic, a paper read before the Michigan State Medical Society, Detroit, May 6, 1896. 4pp.. roy. 8'. Detroit, 1898. Repr. from: Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1898, 3. s., xiv. ------. The pharmacologic assay of the heart tonics. 8 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1898. Repr. from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1898, xxxi. ------ &, Aid rich (T[homas] B.) Chloretone; a new hypnotic and anesthetic. 6 pp. 8°. De- troit, Parke, Davis 4' Co., 1899. Repr. from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1899, xxxiii. ------. An indispensable part of drug valuation; physiological assay necessary to pharmaceutical research; where the chemical test is futile the animal test affords the only safeguard; the bases of the newer pharmacy. 8 pp. 8°. De- troit, 1899. Repr. from : Bull. Pharm., Detroit, 1899, xiii. -----&, Muirhead (A. L.) A contribution to the study of strychnin - tetanus. 8 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, 1895." Repr.front: Med. Xews, Phila., 1895, lxvi. Houghton (HeuryC[larke]) [1837- ]. Lect- ures on clinical otology, delivered before the senior class in the New York Homoeopathic Med- ical College; to which are added, cases from practice, and summaries of remedies, xiv, 260 pp., 2 1., 2 pl. 8°. Boston, 0. Clapp <)'• Son, 1885. Houghton (Roland S.) Three lectures on hy- giene and hydropathy, x, 11-132 pp. 8°. New York, Fowler 4' Wells, 1855. Bound with: Bulweb Lytton (Sir E.), Fokbes [J.] & Houghton [R. S.] On the water treatment. 8°. New York, 1855. Houghton (Walter Benoni) [1851-88]. ■I. (C. J.) Obituary. Lancet, Lond., 1SS8, i, 451. Houghton's (Dr.) Dental Annual. Title of no. 1, v. 3, of: Roberts and Houghton's (Drs.) Dental Annual. Houillon (Alphonse-Marie-Joseph) [1669- ]. * Contribution a l'6tude de la retention d'urine d'origine traumatique ou post - operatoire. 53 pp., 2 1. 4°. Bordeaux, 1893, No. 11. Houk (George W.) [et al.]. Letter from George W. Houk and others, attorneys for National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, Dayton, Ohio, protesting against including in the appro- priation bill amount of verdicts agaiust the Sol- diers' Home. 49. Cong., 2. sess. S. Mis. Doc. No. 83, Feb. 25, 1867. 2 pp. 8 . [Washington, 1887.] Honllier (Jacques). See Hollerius (Jacobus). HoultOll (Joseph). See JVIagendie (Francois) [in 1. s.]. Formulary for the preparation and employment of several new remedies [etc.]. 8°. Philadelphia, 1834. -----. The same. 8°. London, 1828. HoultOll (Robert). The practice of inoculation justified. A sermon preached at Ingatestone, Essex, October 12, 1700, in defence of inocula- tion, to which is added an appendix on the pres- ent state of inoculation; with observations, etc. xi, 63 pp., 6 1. 8°. Essex, L. Hassall, 1767. [P., v. 1876.] Houmniel (The^odore-Alfred-Auguste) [1874- ]. * De la phl6bite rhumatismale. 1 p. 1., 113 pp., 1 1. 8°. Nancy. 1899, No. 49. Hon nn ii (H.-M.) [1780-1868 ], Caffe (P.-L.-B.) Xecrologie. J. d. conn. m6d. prat., Par., 1868, xxxv, 496. Houpert (Mp.rie-Joseph-Constant) [I860- ]. * Contribution a l'e'tude du traitement du pla- centa praevia. 52 pp. 8°. Bordeaux, 1898, No. 99. Houques (Leonard-Ferdinand) [1801- ]. * Contribution a l'dtude du t6tanos cephalo- paralytique; t^tanos cephalique avec paralysie faciale ou te"tauos de Rose. 70 pp. 4°. Bor- deaux, 1894, No. 53. Houriez (Alfred-Joseph) [1865- ]. * De la cirrhose alcoolique hypertrophique. 59 pp., 1 1. roy. 8°. Lille, 1895, No. 121. House of Commons Great Britain. Grkat Britain. Parliament. First report from the standing committee on the kitchen and refreshment rooms (House of Commons). 26 Feb., 1849. fol. [London, 1849.] -----. First report from the standing com- mittee on the kitcheu and refreshment rooms (House of Commons). 11 May, 1852. fol. [London, 1852.] ------. Report from the select committee on the House of Commons offices; together with the minutes of proceedings of the committee, and appeudix. 4 May, 1849. fol. [London, 1849.] House of the Good Samaritan, Boston. Annual reports of the board of managers and secretary to the association. 23.-40., 1883-1900. 8°. Bos- ton, 1884-1901. House of the Holy Comforter, Free Church Home for Incurables, New York City. Annual reports of the managers and officers to the ben- efactors and friends. 17.-20., 1896-7 to 1899- 1900. 16°. New York, 1898-1900. House of Mercy, Pittsfield, Mass. Annual re- ports of the officers to the corporatiou. 4.-23., 1877-8 to lr90-7. 8J. Pittsfield, 1879-97. Founded 1874. In 1885 the Pittsfield Training School for Nurses was opened in connection with this hospital. ------. Charter and amended by-laws and regu- lations of the House of Mercy, June 1, 1879. 8 pp. 8°. Pittsfield, Chickering $• Axtell, 1879. Incorporated 1874. House of Mercy Hospital, Springfield, Mass. See Mercy Hospital, Springfield. House of Providence Hospital, Holyoke. An- nual reporte of the Sisters in charge and hospital staff to the public. 2., 1896-7; 3., 1897-8. 8°. Holyoke, 1897-9. Estahlished in 1894 and conducted hy the Sisters of Providence. The 3. report for 18 months, ending Dec. 31, 1898. House of Refuge, Baltimore. Annual report of the board of managers to the legislature. 1., 1851; 3., 1853; 4., 1854; 7.-24., 1857-74; 26.-30., 1876 to 1879-80. 8C. Baltimore, 1852-81. Incorporated Feb. 8, 1831. Charter amended March 7, 1850. Memorial of the managers to the, general assembly of Maryland, Feb. 5, 1852, in annual report for 1851. HOUSE OF REFUGE. 439 HOUZE DE LAULNOIT. House of Reln^'e, London. [Adams (D. C. O.)] Some account of the | House of Refuse in Albert street, in a letter to a friend, Nov.. 185;!. 8 . [London, 1853.] House of Refuge of Philadelphia. Annual re- ports of the board of managers and superin- tendent of the senate and house of represent- | atives. to the conunissioncis of public charities; and to the contributors. 49., 187(i; 58., 1885. 44 pp.; 50 pp. 6*-. Philadelphia, Franklin Print- ing House. 1-577-60. House of Refuge, Rochester. Se New York (State). Weslirn House of Refuge for Juvenile Del'n gw nts. Rochester. I lions*' of Rest for Consumptives, Treinont, Westchester Co. Annual reports of tlie presi- dent aud attending physician. 1.-22.. 1-09-70 to 1690-91. -'. New York 4' Albany, 1*70-91. Incorporated in 1809. In 1891 it was united with Saint Lukes Hospital, New York City. The House of Rest was closed and all its property turned over to Saint Luke s. the latter assuming the duties of the institutional Tremont. Ho MM* of Rest and Convalescent Home, Riilg- way. Plyiupton. See Convalescent Hospital, j or Saint Elizabeth's House of Rest, Ridgway, Plympton. Household hint> on cholera, diarrhoea, etc., bv a practiMiig plivsiriau. 15 pp. 12-. Lon- don. E. Wilson. Ll-54]. Hon**'-keeper's The) guide and Indian doi tor; containing the very best directions for making all kinds of ice creams, preserves . . . Also, a complete -\stem of genuine Indian doc- toring; to which is added directions for letter writing under various circumstances. The book close> with the celebrated chemical recipe, v, 95 pp. 8C. New York, J. J. Reed, 1-55. House warming Tli« i manual, containing es- s-iy*- on steam heating, hot-water heating, warm- air heating : arranged for publication by Sidney P. Johnston. 270 pp. - . Chicago, Am. Artisan Pr>ss,l*95. Hoiissay (Francois"! [1608- ]. *De l'emploi tbe"rapeutique de l'air comprime'; de sa vulgari- J -ation au moyen d'un appareil transportable. 114 pp., 8 pl. Y-. Romorantin, 1896, No. 307. Faculte de m6decine de Paris. Hons*>aj" (Frederic). Les industries des ani- . matix. 312 pp. --. Pavis, J.-B. Bailliere, 1—9. Honsselle C[arl]). S'-e I.< vi-cui- (C. [Julius]) [in 1. s.J. VorlaufigeXach- licl.t etc. 85 Kiel 18:jl. Honsselle (Carolus Lndovicus). 'Momenta i]ii;e(iam dc respiration.'. 28 pp. 8"-. Regio- ni'inti, tgji. G. L. Hartungi, 1794. Housset (Bernard). 'Contribution a I'etude des urethrorrhagies chez I'homme. 48 pp. *-. Bordeaux, 1^97, No. *2. Houston (Alexander C[ruikshank]). Report upon the Scott Moncrietl system for the bac- teriological purification of sewage. 27 pp., 9 tab. *-. London, Waterlow Bros. 4' Laitton, [1-93]. _ ------. Note on four micro-organisms isolated from the mud of the river Thames, which re- semble bacillus typhosus. pp. 516-525, 1 tab. -5 Jena, G. Fischer, 1>98. Cutting from: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., Jena, 1898, xxiv. Houston (Edwin J.) & Kennelly (A. E.) Electiicity in electro-therapeutics, vii. 402 pp. sm. 4'-. New York, W. J. Johnston Co., P-90. Houston (Hugh). S'-e l.iiilc iSouirei, jr. [in 1. s.]. A manual of the dis- eases of the e\e [etc). 12°. London, 1838. -----. The same. 12°. Loudon 1840. Houston (John) [1-02-45]. An account of hy- datids found in the omentum of an axis deer; with observations on their pathological changes. 15 pp., 1 pl. 8C. Dublin, Hodges <)'■ Smith, 1835. [P., v. 1534.] Repr. from: Dublin J. M. \- Chem. Sc, 18:13-6, viii. For Iliinii-ai'lti/, see Diet. Xat. Biog., Lond., 1891, xxvii, 4'J1 (C. Civiglito'n). Houston (William) [1095?-173:>,]. See Homily (Benjamin) \in 1. s.]. Three lectures on the organs of respiration. -1-5 London, 1740. Fur Itioijraphii, see Diet. Nat. Bio;:., Lond., Is91, xxvii, 42"> (t;. S. I'ioulger). van «lei* llont (A.). See Nlnrli i.lnaiines Christ iainiM [oil. S. ). Leerboek der hei'lkiindi^e vtrbiinden |etc.|. S5 Amsterdam, 1HI8. van d<>r llont (A. <;.). .See 1'rnli' (Thomas I'ridgin) [in 1. s.l. Leerboek der onderbuiksbreuken [etc.). s9. Utrecht & Amsterdam, 1849. van der llont (Huibert Adriaan). " Over de nieuwste vordeiingen in de operatieve behaude- ling van blaassteen. 1 p. 1., 107 pp. -5 Amster- dam, de Roever-Kr iiber-Bakels, 1882. vail lloilteil (8.) Darwinisme en nieuw-Mal- thiisiaiiisine. 20 pp. 12°. Amsterdam, J. D. Brouwer, 1—:5. Fonusuo. 2 of: Nieuw-Maltlius-Bond, Amst. Hoiltttiyil (Marlinns). See Oiivci-iiey (Josepli Guichard) [in 1. s. ]. Genecs- en hrelkundige verhandeling |etc.J. 2v.ini. 85 Am- sterdam, 1750. van der Hon wen (Jacobus Franciscus). * Slice, Donuullas positiones medicas continens. 1 p. 1., 15 pp. 4'-'-. Lugd. Bat., apud Haak 4' Soc, 1-01. [Also, in : P., v. 1940.] Houwillg (Gerhard). * Beitrag zur operativen Behandlung der Pylorusstenose niittelst Gastro- enterostotnie. [Freiburg i. B.] 52 pp. 8'-. Amsterdam, J. Clausen, 1852. Houze (E[mile]) [1848- ]. Les caracteres jili\ siques des races europeeunes. 14 pp. **■-. Brnxelbs, F. Hayes, 1683. Repr. from .- Bull. Soc. d'aiithro*>. de Brux., 1883. ii. ------. Le troisietno trochanter de rhoiunie et des animaux; la fosse hypotrochanterienne de I'homme. 25 pp., 4 1., 4 pl. S-. Bruxelles, F. Hayez, 18*5. liepr. from: Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Brux., 1883. Houze (F[61ix]). Panatresie genitale de la femme, atre.sie congenitale vulvo-vaginale, com- pliquoe d'absence du vagin inferieur, d'atr6sies du vagin superieur, de l'uterus et des trompes, avec n^inatos-alpinx, hdmatometre et h6mato- posthe". Nouvelle methode op6ratoire; gueri- son. 24 pp., 1 pl. --. Paris, H. Lauwerct/ns, 1-70. Repr. from: Ann. de gvnec, Par., 1876, vi. Honze (Jules). *Dc l'intervention ehirurgi- cale dans la peritonite aigue diffuse par perfo- ration spontaude. 208 pp. 40, Paris, \*96, No. 324. ------. The s me. 208 pp. - . Pari*. 1*06. Ilonze (Paul) [1805- ]. * Considerations sur le mode de rlg6n6ration des tendons. 49 pp. 4 . Lille, 1851. 4. s., Xo. 53. Honze de I'Anluoit (Aime"). De I'assistance publique a Lille. L'hopital Saint-Sauveur. 1 p. 1., 119 pp., 1 1., 3 pl. «'-. Lille, L. Danel, 1806. Repr. from : Mem. Soe. d. imp. sc, de l'agric. et d. arts de Lille. Hon/.e d<- I'Aulnoit [Alfred] [ -1882]. h'echcrchfs sur l'encilphalocele consecutive aux abces du cerveau. pi). 163-184. 85 Lille, 1801. Cutting from: Mem. Soc. d. sc. de Lille, 1861, 2. s., viii. ------. Memoire sur retrangleinent des amyg- dales par les piliers du voile du palais, ses HOUZfi DE I/ArLXOlT. 440 HOW. Ilouze de l'Aulnoit [Alfred]—continued. causes, ses complications et son traitement. pp. 111-131. 8 -'. Lille, 1864. Cutting from : Mem. Soc. d. sc. de Lille, 1pG4. ------. E*tude physiologiqne et experimentale sur l'asphyxie par submersion et sur les ^van- tages de I'emploi de la sonde oesophagienne dans le traitenient des noves. pp. 177-230, 1 pl. 6:. [Lille, 1878.] For Biography, see Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1882, xxi, 401-411 (Wannebroucq & Olivier). Honzeau (Jean-Charles) [1820- ]. See Observations rueteorologiques faites aux stations internationales de la Belgique et (les Pays-Bas [in 1. s.]. 4°. Bruxelles, 1878-80. Houzeau - Jluiron (Jean - Nicolas) [1801-44]. Duquenelle (V.) Notice biographique. 6-. Reims, 1844. Houzclot (P.-C.-X.) Anesthe'sie obstetricale. De i'emploi du chloroforme dans 1'accouchement naturcl simple. 02 pp. 8°. Meaux, A. Cairo, 1-54. [AIso, imr P., v. 1249.] Hovas See Madagascar. Hovelaeqnc (Abel) [ 1-543-93]. Les negres de j l'Afrique sus-equatoriale (Senlgambie, Guine"e, Soudan, Hant-Nil). xiv, 468 pp. 6-. Paris, Le- erosnier 4' Babe, 1-89. Bibliotheque anthropologique, ix. See, also, Salmon (Philippe) [in 1. s.]. Precis d'an- thropologie [etc.|. roy. 85 Paris, 1887. jFor Biography, see Rev. mens, de l'Ecole d'anthrop. de Par., 1896, vi, 66-69, port (A. Lefevre). -----& Herve (Georges). Recherches ethno- logiques sur le Morvan. 250 pp., port. 6-. Paris, 1-94. Forms fasc. 2, v. 1, 3. s., of: Mem. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par. j Hovell (Dennis De Berdt). Medicine and psy- chology. The auuual adclress to the Hunteriau Society for l-0i;. 8- pp. 12D. London, Bell 4 j Daldy',l*66. ' ------. Au inquiry into the real nature of hyste- ria. 10 pp. 8°." [London. 1-70.] Repr. from: Brit. & For. M.-Chir. Kev., Loud., 1870, xiv. ------. On emotional aphasia. 7 pp. ■*-. Lon- don, McGowan 4' Co., 1875. Repr. from: Med. Press &; Ciic, Lond., 1875, xx. ------. Vaccination; with a view to make it more effectual and free from objection. 12 pp. | 12°. [London], Simpkin, Marshall 4' Co., 1-78. ------. On some conditions of neurasthenia. 20 pp., 1 1. 8°. London, J. 5- A. Churchill, 1—0. ------. On some further conditions of neurasthe- nia; a psychological study. 36 pp. --. Lon- don, J. 4" -J- Churchill, 1687. Hovell (T[homas] Mark). On the treatment of cystic goitre. Read before the Hunteriau Soci- ety, April 13, 1687. 26 pp. 8=. London, J. 5 A. Churchill, 1888. Also, in: Wood's M. & S. Monog., ^^ T., 1889, i, 679-696. ------. A treatise on the diseases of lhe ear, in- cluding the anatomy aud physiology of the organ, together with a treatment of the affec- tions of tbe nose and pharynx w*hich conduce to aural disease, xxiv, 720 pp. 8°. London, J. 4' A. Churchill, 1694. -----. Thesame. 2. ed. xxvi (11. .-0-pp. London, J. 4' A. Churchill, 1901. , ------. Thesame. 2. ed. xxvi, 808 pp. ?-. Phil- \ adelphia, P. Blakiston's Son 4' Co., 1901. de Hoven (Friedrich Wilhelm) [1760-1838]. *De origine puris. 28 pp. sm. 4°. Stuttgardia, ' typ. Acad., 1785. ------. Handbuch der praktisehen Heilkunde. 2 v. viii, 482 pp.; viii, 484 pp. 8°. Heilbronn \ am Neckar4' Rothenburg ob der Tauber,J. D. Class. 1-05. I Hoven (Hubert Gerhard 5 *Die subconjiiui-ti- vale Linsenluxation. 20 pp., 11. 8 . Bonn, C. Georgi, 1-79. Hoven (Theodor). 'Beitrag zur Anatomie der cerebralen Kiuderliihmuiig. 31 pp. -°. Strass- burg, Heitz 4" Miindel, 1--7. Hovent [Julian J.] Surdity catarrhale tres au- cienue; guerison complete obtenue eu quelques jours. 18 pp. 12-. Paris, 0. Doin. 1-92. Repr. from: Eev.de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1892, xii. ------. A new treatnient of the so-called incura- bly deaf people. 41pp. 8. Liege, A. Benard, [n.d.]. Hovey (B[leeker] L[ansiug]). For'Portrait, see [Off. Tr.], Xat. Ass. Railway Surg., Chicago, 1891, iv, facing p. 41. ------& Wey (W. C.) Addresses delivered June 13, 1878, before the alumni and before the gradu- ating class of the College of Medicine of the 8\racuse University. 32 pp. 6;. Syracuse. N. Y, Standard Publ.Co.. 1878. Hovins (Jacobus). * De circulari humoruiu oculariiim motu. 44 pp., 2 pl. 4°. Traj. ad Rhenum, ex off. G. van de Water, 1702. [P., v. 1924.] -----. Tractatus de circulari humorum motu in oculis. Editio nova, tarn re, quam figuris a pnecedenti in plurimis mutata cui accedit epi- stola apologetica iu Fredricum Ruyschiuui. 9 p. l.,203 pp., 7 pl. 8°. Lugd. Bat., J. A.Lan- gerak, 1716. [P., v. 1536.] Hovius (Jacobus) [1710-60]. *De epilepsia. 29 pp. 4 . Lugd. Bat., G. Potvliet, 1736. [P., v. 1916.] VOll Hovorka (Oskar). Die iiussere Nase. Eine auatomisch-anthropologische Studie. viii, 154 pp. 8°. Wien, A. Holder, 1-93. See. also, Kobler (G.i Sc von Hovorka (0.) Ue- ber den Xeigungswinkel der Stammbronchi. 85 Wien, 1893. How (Lyman B[artlett]) [1636- ]. Ligation of the common carotid. Exseetion of the in- ferior dental nerve. 9 pp. -\ Concord, N. H., Evans 4' Sleeper, 18*5. Repr. from: Tr. X. Hampshire M. Soc. Concord, 1880. How CSV. Storeri. Mode of mounting the new Richmond tooth-crowu. 4 pp. r;. Philadel- phia, 1-87. Repr. from: Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1887, xxv. ------. Professional patents. 6 pp. -:. [n.p.], 18~8, ------. Flashing dentures for vulcanization. 7 pp. ?-. Philadelphia, 1-89. Repr. from: Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1889, xxvii. ------. Cystic evacuation and irrigation. 4 pp. 6°. Philadelphia, 1694. Repr. from: Univ. M. Mag.. Phila., 1893-4, vi. ------. Xew bite-taking means aud methods. 11 pp. 8-\ Philadelphia, 1-94. Repr. from: Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1894, xxxi. How to become a trained nurse. A manual of information in detail. With a complete list of the various training schools for nurses iu the United States and Canada. Ed. by Jane Hod- son. 205 pp., 34 pl., 3 tab. -:. JVetc York, W. Abbatt, 1898. How fevers are bred. 1 sheet, sm. 1°. Neto York, 1*85. Repr. from: K. York "World, March 2.1885. How to keep fever out of houses. 11. ?-. Lon- don, Allman 4' Son, [n. d.]. National Health Society's leaflets, no. 9. How to keep scarlet fever from spreading. By a member of the National Health Society. 14 pp. nr. London, Allman 4' Son, [n. d.]. How to make home unhealthy. See Morley (Henry). HOW. 441 HOWARD. How to nurse sick children. >>•■ West (Charles). How to prevent chloroform accidents. 1 p. 1., pp. 275-295. 12-. [n.p.,n.d.] (.'utiing. How to prevent scarlet fever from spreading. 1 1. -->. London, Allman A Son. [n. d.]. National Health Society's leaflet.-, no. 6. How pure milk may be supplied to Boston at reasonable prices to consumer and fair returns to producer. A plan respectfully submitted to producers and consumers by a comniittee of the Worcester West Milk-Producers' Association. 16 pp. 6 . Boston. G. H. Ellis, 1—o. How to take care of babies during hot weather. Reprinted bv permission of the Rochester (X. Y.) board of health. 10 pp. 10. [n. p., 1900.] How typhoid fever (otherwise called gastric fever or low fever) mav be prevented from spread- ing. [Signed W. 13.] Broadside, 10 by 17 inches. Bristol, W. Alack, [n. d.]. How we breathe, what we breathe, and what Ave oiiii-ht to breathe. Bv M. D. 11 pp. - . Lon- don, Wtrtheimer. Lea V Co., 1-81. [p.. v. 2020.] How aid ( Engen ). "Leber die Aethernarkose iu der Gebnttshiilfe uud Gyniikologie. 10 pp.. 2 1. -\ Bern, S. Collin, 1*5". c. Howald (Max). "Das primare Carcinoin des Ductus hepatit u-. und choledochus. 32 pp., 1 pl. —. Bern, C. Collin, 1-'.'". Howald (W. ) "Yorkommen und Nachweis von Jod iu den Haaren. [Bern.] 19 pp. Strassburg. K. J. Triibner, 1-97. Howald ( Walther 1. "Leber Dimethylxan- thoue und Methyli.xyxauthone. 33 pp. -:. Bern, K. J. W »», 1-'.':,. Howard (Benjamin) [1841-1901]. Obituary. Brooklyn M. J., 1901. xv, 614, port. Howard (Benjamin Dnuglas) [lS.'iii- 1900]. Obituary. Boston M. Sc >. J., 1900 xiii. 701. — Obit- uary. J. Am. M. As*>.. Chicago. 19w. xxxiv. 107.V — Obituary. Lancet, Lond. lt»w. ii. J20. Howard ■< liribrd) [1806- ]. Sex worship: au exposition of the phallic origin of religion. 100 pp. 16". Washington, D. C. l-'.»7. Howard (E. M[elville]). Causes of uterine dis- placements. 0 pp. *z. Philadelphia, 1-'."1. Repr. from: Hahneman. Month.. Phila.. 1*91. xxvii. -----. List of vegetable substances used in med- icine. 5- pp. x-. Camden, Sensi-man, [n. d.]. Howard (Elias \Y.) [1*10-90'. *eiler (J. H.) Obituary. Tr. Ohio >i. .Soc, Toledo, 1-9: -;yi. Howard Flodoardo) [1-11- ]. Fur portrait, tee Collection of Portr. Libr. Medical Faculty ot ijm,i;<.|.,«i] Co.ie-, . Howard (Henry). Outlines of medical juris- prudence. Intended to promote the -ttnlies ut' the medical aud law studeuts who attend his lectures iu the University of Virginia. 3. eil. 159pp. -°. < harlottesrilh. R.C. Noel5 Co., 1*15. -----. The same. A synopsis of medical juris- prudence, from the latest and best authorities, forming the basis of bctuie> on the science. 4. ed. 157 pp. -5 Charlottesville, 1849. -----. Thesame. 5. ed. 1-2 pp. *". Charlottes- ville, J. Alexander, 1-51. ©ward i'Henry j [1-15- ]. A rational ina- t«-riali-tic detiuition of insanity and imlien.— RieharilMoii (B. W.i Disciples of iEsenlapins. 85 London, 1900, ii, Tol-768. port. See. also: Diet. Xat. Bio2., Lond., 1891, xxvii. 44-50 >C>. F. R Barker). AUo: As- clepiad, Loud., Is94, xi. :>.".-So. port. (B. W. Richardson). AUo: Scalpel. Lond.. li>97. ii. 12: 43. For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Howard ( Johu ). Praktische Boinerkunu-en iiber die Lustseuche. Aus dem Engl ischen iiber-etzt vou Christian Friedrich Michaelis. 2 v. in 1. xvi, 21(5 pp.; 2 pl. (viii). 216 pp. Leipzig, J. F. Junius, 17-9-90. Howard 1 L[elaud] C)[ssian]) [1857- ]. A study of insect parasitism; a consideration of the parasites of the white-marked tussock moth, with an account of their habits and interrela- tions, and with descriptions of new species. 57 pp. e~. Washington, Govt. Print. Office. 1-97. U. S. Dept. Agric, Div. Eutomol. Techn. ser. no.5. ------. .Smyrna tig culture in the United Star.-. 1 p. 1., pp". 79-10U, - pl. -\ Washington, 1900. Cutting from. Yearbook U. S. Dep. Agric, Wash., 1900. ------. Mosquitoes; how they live; how they carry disease: how they are classified : how they mav be de-t roved, xv (1 1. ). 241 pp., 1 pl. *;-. Sew York, McClure, Phillips 5 Co., 1901. ------. Mosquitoes as transmitters of disease. pp. 192-195. 4°. New Yovk, 1901. OaUinafrom: Am. Month. Rev. of Kev., X. Y.. 1901, xxiv. Howard (Luke) [1772-l-t>4]. The climate of London, deduced from meteorological observa- tions made in the metropolis and at various places around it. A second much enlarged aud improved ed., in which the observations are con- tinued to the year mdecexxx. 3v. -:. London, Harvey 5 Dartmi, 1-33. See. also, Ktlward* 1 W, illiani] Ffrederickp. On the influence of physical a^ent- ou life [etc.|. 8°. London. 18.i-j. ----— [in'l.8.]. 'I'lo■-.nno. s. Philadelphia, is58. Fur Bieqraphy, see l'i- ' Nat. B: •- , Lond., 1891, xxvii, 51 (T. Hod'-iin). HOWAKD. 442 HOWARD. Howard (Richard Baron). An address deliv- ered to the pupils of the Manchester Royal In- firmary, introductory to a course of clinical lect- ures on medicine. 34 pp. 8°. Manchester. Sims 4 Dinham, 1842. Howard (Robert). Revelatious of Egyptian mysteries; aud allegories of the (ircck lyric poets clearly interpreted. History of the works of nature. With a discourse on health, accord- ing with the wisdom of the ancients, viii, 2-4 pp. - . London, H. Colburn, 1-50. Howard (R[obert] P[almer]) [1.-23-69]. Cases of fibrous polypi and fibrous tumours of the uterus. 14 pp. --. Montreal, 1*75. -----. A case of fibroid disease of the heart; with observations upon the general pathology of fibrosis, 16 pp. -~. Montreal, 1880. Repr. from: Canada M. -. [London, 1879.] -----. Overcrowding and crime. 4 pp. -3. London, Wertheimer, Lea 4" Co., [1879, rei snbseq.], -----. County and borough prisons, Great Brit- ain. Correspondence in the "Times" on asso- ciation in prison. Imprisonment for debt. In- veterate misdemeanants. Prison visitation. Diminution of temptation. Prison officers. Excessive statistical demands. Visiting jus- tices. Children in prison. Prison cells. 24 pp. -:. London, 16s0. -----. Reports of . . . for 1864-5; 1686-7 to 18.-9-90; 1691-2 r 1-97-6; 1696-9. &-. London, 1685-99. -----. H. M. Local Government Board report, and H. M. inspector on boarding-out, etc. [Extracts relating to treatment and care of children.] 4 pp. 6-. [London, Wertheimer, Lea 4 Co., 1893.] -----. Morocco prisons and cruelties, li-93. 4 pp. -:_ [London, Wertheimer, Lea 4' Co., 1893.] Repr. from: Times, Lond., Jan. 7, 1893. -----. Just principles of punishment. 4 pp. 12 . London, [n. d.]. Howard Benevolent Society, Boston. Annual reports of the standing committee to the so- ciety. 71., 1882-3; 77., 1868-9; 79., 1890-91; -0., 1691-2; 67., 1696-9. 8° & 12°. Boston, l-:;-99. Howard Collegiate Institute, West Bridgewa- ter, Mass. Announcement for 1683-4. 18 pp. 8-'. Philadelphia, J. B, Lippincott, 1683. HOWARD. 443 HOWE. Howard Hospital and Infirmary for Incura- bles, Philadelphia. Annual reports of the board of managers to the contributors. 23., 1676-7; 31.. 18-4-5; 34.-47.. 1^-7-6 to 1900-1901. -. Philadtlphia. 1-77-1901. Oruani/ed in IS.":;, and chartered in ls,">4. The original I name was WVstern Infiunary. Iu ls*>s the title was changed to Western Clinical Infirmary and Hospital for | Incurables". Adoptedthepresent title in 1860. From its organization until 1888 its work was all in the "out-pa- tient'' or dispensary line, there being no hospital beds in the house. The present building -was occupied in 1889. The annex was opened for inspection Feb. 28, 189,">. Howard Industrial School Association, Cani- bridgeport, Mn«. Annual reports of the execu- j five committee to the public. 1., 1-66-7; 2., ' 1667--. 1- pp.; 16 pp. 6°. Cambridge, 1-67--. Opened Nov. 1, lsOti. . Howard Mission and Home for Little Wander- ers,New YorkCity. The Lit tie Wanderers'Friend. (Quarterly issue of the . . . Feb., 1-71, to Feb., 1-72; Aug., Nov., 1-72: May, Aug., Nov., 1-7:!; I Feb.. 1-74; Feb., Pec, 1*75; April, 1-76; July. 1-76: Julv, 1-79; Julv, 1— o. 12 \ New York, 1-71-80. Howard liiiversity. United m.uk>. Congrts*. Senate. Report of the Committee ou the District of Columbia, to whom was referred S. 1941, being a bill declara- I tory of the meaning of sertiou 5 of the act of J June 16, l-s-2, for the relief of Howard Univer- sity. 4-. Cong., 2. se-s. Rep. Xo. 1002. Jan. 16, 1—5. Subm. bv Mr. Pike. -:. [ Washing- ton. 1—5] -----. A bill for the endowment of Howard University under the provisions of the act of I Aug. 30," 1-9'. 51. Cong., 2. sess. s. 4954. ' Jan. 2-, 1-91. Introd. by Mr. Morrill. Rep. by Mr. Blair, Feb. 2-. 1*-91. rov. --. [ Washington, 1-91.] -----. A bill for the endowment of Howard University under the provisions of the act of Aug. 30, 'l-90. 52. Cong.. 1. sess. -29. Dec. 15, 1-91. Introd. by Mr. Morrill, roy. -:. [ Washington, 1-91.] Howard University, Washington. Cataloging of the officeis and students for the academical vears 1-74-5; 1-75-.;: 1— 5-\; 1 — 4-5; 1-90-91 to 1-92-:;.■ 1-97--; 1-99-1900. 8-. Washington, 1-75-191'0. -----. Annual reports of the president to the Secretary of the Interior. 26., 1-92-3: 31., Ir97- -. - . Washington, 1895-*. Howard University. Medical Department. An- nual announcements, including the medical, dental, and pharmaceutical colleges, for the sessions of 1885-1 to 189--9 (16.-31.). -5 Washington, 1—:'>-9-. List of students tor the sessions of l"5_'-3 to 1897-8, in announcements for siilisequeutyeaiB. (iiaduates in medi. cine, dentistry, and pharmacy, in announcement for 189--9. j —---. Addrews delivered at the eighteenth an- , nual commencement of the Medical Department, including the medical, dental, and pharmaceu- tical colleges, at Congiegational Church, March 9, 1--7. 29 pp. - . Washington. R. Beresl'ord, le-7. -----. Post graduate course, April and May, 1—9. [Programme of lectures.] 1 sheet. 1 . [Washington, 1—9. ] 1-----. A historical, biographical, and statistical souvenir. Compiled and edited for and by au- thority of the medical faculty of Howard Uni- versity, by Daniel Smith Lamb, x, 3ul pp., x>ort. roy. 85-. JCashinglon, R. Beresford, 19('0. Howard-Ellers (G.) A pioposed system of water-supply for the town of Jefferson, 111. Ad- joining the city of Chicago. 27, 2n pp. 4,'-. ! Chicago, A. J. Madden, 1885. Howai'tll i William James). Annual reports of the medical oiHcer of health to the sanitary com- mittee of the county borough of Derby. 22.-24., 1-98-1900. 8-. Derby, 1899-1901. Howden (James C[unniughanil) [1830-97]. The religious sentiment in epileptics. 16 pp. 8°. London, G. P. Bacon, [1-73]. Repr. frmn: J. Ment. Se.. Lond.. 1872-3, xviii. -----. The aims of a naturalists' field club; an address to the Montrose .Scientific and Field Club, 27th Jan., 1885. 8 pp. 8 . Montrose, A. Burnett, [1—5]. -----. Presidential address delivered at the opening of the section of psychology at the an- nual meeting of the British Medical Associa- tion held in Glasgow, Aug., 1668. 11 pp. 6°. London, l--s. Repr. from .- Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, ii. -----. Index pathologicus for the registration of the lesions recorded in pathological records or ease-books of hospitals and asylums. 3 p. 1., 86 pp. fol. London, J. Ta't. Eclect. M. Ass., Orange, N. J., 18p.'l—1. xi. Howe (F.) A Co. Illustrated catalogue of trusses, supporters, braces, etc. 34 pp., 1 1. 8-. Peterboro, N. H., 1890. Howe ( Gustav ). * Beitrag zur Casuistik der kryptogenetisclieu Septikopyamie. 45 pp. 8C. Jena, Ct. Neuenhahn, 1-93. Howe (J. M.) Consumption curable. Informa- tion respecting the practice of F. H. Ramadge . . .; containing an account of several cases in relatiou to this practice in which it has been beneficial iu this country, with other corrobative testimony. 96 pp. 6 . Xew Yovk. 1*67. Howe (J. Morgan). Difficult dentition, reflex actions, and the use of the gum lancet. 9 pp. 6J. Buffalo, N. Y., Baker, Jones -6.'>n, o pl. ------. Chancroids. In: Am. text-book gen.-urin.dis. [etc.]. (Bangs .v Haula- way). 85 Philadelphia, 1898, 757-7U1. Howe (Joseph W[illiam]) [1843-90]. Maladies du tissu cellulaire. In: Encycl. internat. de chir. (Ashhurst), Par., 1884, iii, 87-104. For Biography, see Med. Rec, N. Y., 1890, xxxvii, 711. Howe (Julia Ward) [1819- ] See Hvx and education [etc.| [in 1. 8.J. 12°. Boston, 1874. Howe (Lucien) [1848- ]. Fffect of cocaine upon fhe healing of wounds. 7 pp. 8-. New York, [18.-5], Repr. from: Tr. Med. Soc. X. Y., Syracuse, 1885. HOWE. 444 HOWSHIP. Howe (Lucien)—continued. -----. A protective shield for the eve. 11. 8-. Buffalo, 1—5. Repr. from: Med. Press West. >v5 York, Buffalo, 1885, i. ------. The purulent conjunctivitis of infants, and blindness iu Xew York State. - pp. -\ Philadelphia, W. J. Dornan, 1*85. Repr. from: Tr. M. Soc. X. Y., Phila., 1889. ------. Legislation in the United States for the prevention of blindness. 6 pp. 6-. Chicago, 1-93. Repr. from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1893. xxi. ------. The relation of the general health to ocu- lar headaches. 8 pp. 6-3. Chicago, 1*96. Repr. from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1896, xxvi. ------. On a compound microscope for viewing the eye. 7 pp. 8°. New York, 1899. Uepr.from: N. York M. J., 1899, lxix. ----, Stoddard (E. V.) & TVoyes (H. D.) Report of the committee of Xew York State Medical Society on the causes aud prevention of blindness. 9 pp. 6;. [New York, 1--9.] Howe (Luke). The use and application of an improved apparatus for particular fractures and dislocations of the extremities, illustrated by cuts and cases. 16 pp., 1 pl. .--. Boston, D. Clappjr., 1840. Uepr.from: Boston M. Sc S. J., 1840, xxii. Howe (Samuel). *Milk fever. A treatise to show the relation which exists between the rise in temperature on the third or fifth day, and the beginning of the milk secretion. [Harvard Med- ical School.] 24 pp., 4 pl. 8-. New York, W. Wood 4' Co., 1876. Repr. from: Am. J. Obst., X. Y., 1875-6, viii. Howe (Samuel G[ridley]) [1801-76]. An his- torical sketch of the Greek revolution. [By the chief surgeon to the Grecian fleet.] 2. ed. xii, 444 pp., 1 map. 6 . New York, White, Gallaher 4- White, 1828. ------. Idiots. Report in part, to which is ap- pended a letter on the School for Idiots iu Paris, by George Sumuer. House Doc. 152. 20 pp. 6J. [Boston, 1647.] ------. [Second annual report of the doings under the resolves of the legislature, May 8th, 1848, for training and teaching idiots, Jan. 20, 1-51.] Senate, No. 9. 17 pp. 8°. [Boston, 1851.] ------. LauraBridgman. pp.383-400. 6:. [Bos- ton, 1-57. J [P., v. 1440.] Cutting from: Barnard's Am. J. Educ, Bost., 1857. ------. A letter to the governor of Massachusetts upon his veto of a bill providing for an increase of state beneficiaries at the School for Idiotic Children. 24 pp. 8C. Boston, Ticknor A'-Fields, ------. Address delivered at the ce'remony of laying the corner-stone of the Xew York State Institution for the Blind, at Batavia, September 6, 1666. 51 pp. 6-. Boston, Walker, Fuller cf- Co., 1866. Another copy, bound with.- Eep. Perkins Institution and Mass. School for the Blind, 1853 to 1866-7. See, also, IVew York (State). Xew York State Insti- tution for the Blind, at Batavia. Ceremonies on laying the corner-stone. 8°. Batavia, 1866. Howe (Sarah). Nature the best physician. A new method of treating female diseases, without the use of injurious or expensive instruments, on a principle hitherto unknown. 16 pp. 16-. Wellington, Kans., 16-0. Howe (William F.) The electro-therapeutic guide. 3. ed. 49 pp. obi. 16°. [Indianapolis, Did., 1697.] Also, Editor of: Electro>therapeutist (The), In- dianapolis, 1897-1909. Howell i Joannes). *De dysenteria. 1 p. ]., 31pp. 8. Edinburgi, R. Allan, 1816. Howell (Stephen Yates). See Fri«>dla*ii«• Yorkd-London. 188.". -----. The same. 125 Xeto York, 1888. Howell (William Henry). See American (An) text-book of physiology [etc.]. 8°. Philadelphia, 1896. ----. Thesame. 2. ed. 85 Phila- I delphia, 1900. J ----- & Donaldson (F[rauk]), jr. Experi- ments upon the heart of the dog with reference to the maximum volume of blood sent out by the left ventricle in a single beat, and the influence of variations in venous pressure, arterial pres- sure, and pulse-rate upon the work done bv the heart, pp. 139-160, 1 pl. fol. [London, 1864.] Catting [cover with printed title] from: Phil. Tr., Loud., pt. 1. 1884. ------& IIuber (G. C[arl]). Physiology of the communicating branch between the superior aud inferior laryngeal nerves. 11 pp. -°. [London, 1 1891.] Repr. from: J. Phjsiol., Lond., 1891, xii. Ho WO r toik (W. H.) Warm Springs, Madison County. Western North Carolina. 15 pp. s3. Warm Springs, 1-77. Howes (G[eorge] B[ond]) [165:!- ]. Au at- las of practical elementary biology. With a preface by Professor Huxley, viii, 116 pp., 24 pl. 4°. London, Macmillan 4' Co., 1-85. Howgrave (Francis). Reasons against the in- oculation of the small-pox. Iu a letter to Dr. Jnrin, being a full answer to everything which Mr. Maitland and others have advanced upon the subject. With a particular account of the late Miss Rott's case, as attested under the hand of the Honourable Mrs. Rott, her mother. 72 pp. - . London, J. Clark, 1724. [P., v. 2215.] Howie (James Muir). The nerve-rest cure. A i plea for the nervous, pp. 659-666. 8 . [Lon- don, 1887,] Cutting from: Nineteenth Century, Lond., 1887, xxii. How iso ll (James) [1S22-D9]. Obituary. Lancet, Loud., 1900, i, 139. Howisoil (William). A probationary essay on dislocation of the processus dentatus. 27 pp. 8-5 Edinburgh, P. Neill, 1819. [P., v. 1271.] Howitz(Frantz [Joh. August Carl]) [1828- ]. Bidrag til Laeren om Kontraindikationer for Ovariotomien. [Contribution to the kuowledge of coutra-indications in ovariotomy.] 46 pp. t**3. Kjpbenhavn, Jfrgensen 4" Knudtzon, 1877. [P., v. 2201.] ------. Bidrag til eu Snndhedslaere for Kviuder. [Contribution to a doctrine of hygiene for wo- men.] 3. ed. 90 pp., 1 1. 12c\ Kjfbenhavn, J. Lund, 1892. See, aUo, Meyer (L[eopold] & Howitz (F.) Laere- hog i Gynsekologi [etc.J. 8°. Kjobenham, 1897. Howitz (Hans) [1860- ]. 'Ueber Enchon- , drome mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung eines Falles vou Enchondroma humeri. 27 pp., 1 1. - . Greifsicald, C. Sell, 1686. ■lowland (E. P.) Paper read before the Auieri- cau Association for the Advancement of Science, at Minneapolis, Minn., Aug. 20, 1883. [The ap- plication of nitrous oxide aud air, or nitrous oxide and oxygen, under pressure, to produce auaes- thesia in persons, for dental and surgical opera- tions.] 13 pp. 16°. Minneapolis, Johnson, Smith 4' Harrison, 1885. Ho wland (George T.) Formalin in gonorrhoea. 2 pp. 8-. JNeie York, 1896. Repr. from: J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., X. Y., 1896, xiv. Howsllip (John) [ -1841]. Practische Be- merkungen iiber die Krankheiteu der Haru- werkzeuge, vorziiglich iiber die der Blase, Vorste- herdriise und Harnrohre. Aus dem Englischen. viii, 232 pp., 4 pl. 8°. Leipzig, Hartleben, 1819. HOWSHIP. 44') HRDLlOKA. HoWSllip (John)—continued. -----. Practical observations ou the symptoms, discrimination, and treatnient of some of the most important diseases of the lower intestines and anus; particularly including those affections produced by stricture, ulceration, and tumour, within the cavity of the rectum, and piles, ris- tuhe, aud excrescences formed at its external opening. Illustrated by numerous eases. To which are added some suggestions upon a new and successful mode of correcting habitual con- finement in the bowels, to ensure their regular actiou without the aid of purgatives on a prin- ciple esseutially coudncive to tlie prevention of the above diseases. 2. ed. xvi. 210 pp. - . London, Longman [and others]. 1-21. -----. The same. 1. Am. from 2. Lond. ed. xvi, 240 pp. 8J. Philadelphia, B. Warner, 1,-21. Beobaehtungen iiber den gesunden und krankhaften Ban der Knochen. uud Versuch di< Krankheiten deiselben zu ordnen. Aus dem Englischen von Ludwig Cerutti. iv, 142 pp., 14 pl. sc. Liip-ig, [1-22]. ------. The Huuterian oration delivered in the theatre of the Royal College of Surgeons iu Lon- don on the 14th of February. 18:13. 2- pp. 8-\ London, J. C. Bridgewatir, [1-33]. Hoxie (R[ichard] L.). >••• l ni let! >*iatt'». Tar Department. Corps of En- g\niers\in l.s. In-rructioiis for taking and recording meteorological"'"-' iv.n..m- etc.|. s5 Washington, 1-74. Hoxter VOscar;. "Beitiiige zur quaiititativen Hauiatialyse bei Osteomalacic 29 pp. 8C. Wiirzburg. F. Rohrl, 1—. Hoy (Albert Harris). Fating and drinking, the alkalinity of the blood, the te-t of food aud drink in health and di>eas. . 304 pp. 12:. i ni.i-tn,,. A. C. MeClurg 5- Co.. 1*96. Hoy vl' iiilo] R.I Ca-es of injury of the brain, involving speech. 3 pp. - . [Chicago, 1-77.] Repr. from: J. Nerv. &. Ment. Dis. Chicago, 1677, iv. de lloya (Antouiu- . "De variis mercurium sublimatumcorro>ivuni mitigaudi et mercurium dulcem parandi mod is hnjnscjue geuuini notis. 31 pp., 11. Y-. Gottinga>, H. M. Grape, [1791]. In: Collect, di*s. med. in Acad. Gotting.. 1792, i pt. 3. Hover fChristopliorus Eugeniusi. * De cura- tu'iiihus sympatlietK is. 2- pp. sm. 4;. Halce Magdeb.. typ. J. C. Hendelii, [1730]. [Also, in: P., v. 13-6,1 Hoyer (h. P.) Beitriige zur Keuntnis der Es- sigbakterien. 2 p. 1., 102 pp. 12°. Berlin, Gebr. Unger, 1-99. Repr. from: "Die Deutsche Essigindustrie ". Hoyer (H.) Das x, y und z der asiatischen Cholera. Ein Beitrag zur Losing der Cholera- frage. Offener Brief an alle pi-aUti-<-lieu Aerzte. 24 pp. *J. Cassel, T. G. Fischer pp. 8 . S.-Peter- burg. I. I. Riman, 1895. For IHo'irnptuj. see Ksiega pami^tkowa . . . Hoyerowi, War-zaw.i. 18*4, pp. i-lxxvi, port. (\V. Matlakowski). Hover (Rod.). >>.; Ilintoire* prodigieuses [etc.]. 24°. Paris, 1598. Hoyer (W[ilhelm]). * Beitrag zur Lehre der angeborenen epithelialen Fisteln und Cysten des Halses. 55 pp. 8". Gbttingen, W. F. Kaestner, 18557). Hoylake Children's Convalescent Home. See Children's Convalescent Home, Hoylake. Iloyle (William Evans). Si e lii'iirknri (Rudolf). The parasites of man [etc.]. h°. F.diniiurgh, 1880. ------.Thesame. roy. * '. Phila- delphia, 188G. Iloyne (Temple 8.) [1841- ]. Classification of'a few of the "'new remedies", according to the parts of the body acted upon, after the plan of Bonninghausen. 1 p. 1., viii, Tn pp. 8-. St. Louis, H. C. G. Luyties, 1868. Repr. from : "West. Homceop. Ohs., St. Louis, ls6s, v. -------. Clinical therapeutics. 2 v. G02 pp.; ix ill.), 17-043 pp. 8 _ Chicago, Culrer, Page, Iloyne 5- Co.. 1-7---0. -------. Venereal and urinary diseases. 12") pp. - . Ch'uago (f* Ditroit, Halsey Brothers, [18-3]. See. also. Proving of carholic acid [in 1. s.]. 8°. Chicago. 1 still. Hoyos-LiillOH i Manuel). Espiritu del Hipo- cratismoen su rvolucion coutemporanea. Obra escnta jiara servir de introduction al Repertorio universal de medicina. Uipocrittica. 73."> pp., xxiii, 1 1. -°. Serilla, J. M. Gtofrin, 1854. de Hoyos Sainz (Luis). Tecniea antropold- gica. l'rologo del doctor Anton y Ferrandiz. Dibujos del doctor Aranzadi. xvi, 391 pp., 5 pl., 1 tab. 12:. Madrid, 1895. See. also, de Arnn/ndi (T.) & «lo IIovom Saiuz (L.) Leccioues de antropologiu. 12°. Madrid. 1*91). Hovl (Charles S.) [181*2-98]. Obituary. Buffalo M. J., 1898-9, n. s., xxxviii, 459-461. Hoyt (E[ugene] F.) Observations and experi- ences i11 vid vi 1 iu■ re<-tal diseases. 16 pp. obi. 10°. Philadelphia. Med. Print. Co.. 1889. Repr.from: Tr. -M. Soc. X. T., I'liila.. 1889. -----. Thesame. 16pp. obi. 16°. [Acm York], 1-90. -----. Office treatment of hemorrhoids and of fistula in ano. 16 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1899. Repr. from: Med. Era, Chicago, 1899, xvii. Internal hemorrhoids. 13 pp. obi. 32°. New York. Gilbert 4' Beitter, [n. d.]. Hoyt (Frank Crampton) [1859-1901]. ■Hill Mr. H ) Obituary. Am. J. Insan.. Bait.. 1901-2, lviii. 208-21C port. Also: Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1901, xx, .'>27-">:in. port. AUo: Med. Herahh St. Joseph, 1901, n. s., xx, 2S2-284, port. Hoyt (Henry F[rankliu]) [1854- ]. La co- leccidn, remocion y disposicidn de b:isura y ani- mates muertos en la ciudad de St. Paul, Min- nesota, Estados Fnidos del Norte. 8 pp. &-. Me.rico, I. Escalante, is<)2. Repr. from: Am. Puh. Health. Ass. Kep., Mexico, 1892. Ilovl (J. 85) A sermon: preached at the funeral «;i"<.eorg.' Ii. Willson, M. D. 14 pp., 1 1. 8°. Detroit, <>. S. Gulley, 186)5. lira ban u« .Hauru* [77(3-850]. .*i|M'iii;l«'i' 'l.i llmbaiiiisMaguentiiisMaurus. Janus, Bie-1 . is lb, i. !"• 27. AUo. transl. (Abstr.): J. de la sect. de nied. >oc. acad. Loire Int., Nantes, 1847, xxiii, 155- 1J9. Hi-dlieka (Ales [or Alois] F.) Contributions to tlie general etiology and pathology of the insane, pp. 32.V343. 8 5 Chicago, 1896. Cutting from : Am. J. Insan., Clurai'o, 1893-G, Iii. ------. A few words about anthropometry, pp. :>21-.")33. -". Chicago. 1-97. Cutting from: Ain. J. Insan.. Chicago. 1897, liii. ------. The medico-legal aspect of the case of Maria Barbella. 87 pp., 19 pl. 8°. [Utica, 1897.] Repr. from: State Hosp. Bull., 1H97, ii. AUo, in: Contiub. Path. Inst. N. T. State Hosp., Utica, X. T., 1898, no. 11. ------. Pathological Institute of the New York State Hospitals. Department of anthropology. outline of its scope and exposition of the HRDLICKA. 446 HUBBARD. Hrdlicka (Ales [or Alois] F.)—continued. preliminary work. 18 pp. 8°. Utica, N. Y., 1897. Repr. from: State Hosp. Bull., Utica, 1897, ii. AUo, in: Contrib. Path. Inst. 2?. Y. State Hosp., Utica. N. T., 1898, no. 4. ------. Physical differences between white and colored children, pp. 347-350. 8 . Washing- ton, Judd 4" Detweiler, 1898. Repr. from: Am. Anthrop., Wash., 1898, xi. ------. Study of the normal tibia. 6 pp. 8-. Washington, 1898. Repr. from: Proc. Ass. Am. Anat., "Wash., 1898. ------. Study of the normal tibia, pp. 307-312. 8°. Washington, Judd 4- Detweiler. 1898. Repr. from: Am. Anthrop., Wash.. 1898, xi. ------. An anomalous ulna; supra-capital fora- men ; a new joint formation, pp. 247-251, 2 pl. 8°. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1899. Repr. from: Am. Anthrop., X. T., 1899, u. s., i. ------. Art and literature in the mentally abnor- mal, pp. 385-404, 7 pl. 8°. Ball., 1899. Repr. from: Am. J. Insan., Bait., 1898-9, lv. ------. Description of an ancient anomalous skeleton from the valley of Mexico; with special reference to supernumerary and bicipital ribs in man. pp. 81-107, 5 pl. 8°. New York, 1-99. Cutting [cover -with printed title] from: Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., N. T., 1899, xii. ------. Dimensions of the normal pituitary fossa or sella turcica iu the white and the negro races; au anatomical study of fifty-seven normal skulls of white and sixteen normal skulls of colored individuals. 20 pp., 1 pl., 2 diag. 8'-'. Utica, 1899. Repr. from: Arch. Neurol. & Psycho-Path., Utica, 1898. ------. Esquimo brain. 7 pp., 7 pl. 8;. New York, 1899. Repr. from: Proc. Am. Med.-Psychol. Ass., N. T., 1899. ------. The needs of American anthropologists. pp. 084-688. 8°. Boston, Ginn 4 Co., 1899. Repr. from: Am. Naturalist, Bost., 1899, xxxiii. ------. Anthropological investigations ou one thousand white and colored children of both sexes, the inmates of the New York Juvenile Asylum, with additional notes on one hundred colored children of the New York Colored Orphan Asylum. 86 pp., 7 pl., 1 tab., 3 diag. 8-. New York, Wynkoop, Hallenbeck, Crawford Co., [1900]. ------. Arrangement and preservation of large collections of human bones for purposes of inves- tigation, pp. 9-15. 8°. Boston, Ginn 4- Co., 1900. Repr. from: Am. Naturalist, Bost., 1900, xxxiv. ------. A bilateral division of the parietal bone in a chimpanzee, with a special reference to the oblique sutures iu the parietal, pp. 281-295. 8°. Arew> York, [Knickerbocker Press |, 1900. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Bull. Am. Mus Nat. Hist., N. Y., 1900, xiii. See. also, Lnmholtz (Carl) & Hi-rilicka (Ales). Trephining in Mexico. 8°. -Washington, 1897. II ro 111 ad a (Adolf). Briefe iiber den naturhis- torisclieu Uuterricht an der medicinischen Facultat und am Gymnasium. Ein Beitrag zur Reform des Studiums der Medicin und des Gymnasiallehrplanes. 96 pp. 8°. Wien, C. Gerold, 1897. Hll (Ursmar-Francois) [1864- ]. * Sur les kystes sereux congenitaux de l'aisselle. 66 pp., 1 1. 8°. Lille, 1896, 5. s., No. 8. Huacho. See Fever (Yellow, History, etc., of), by locali- ties. Huaco. See Guaco. Huacuja (Francisco F.) Tratado practice de partos ii-:ii-.o, port. For J'm-trait, see 4'olleclioii of Portr. (Libr.). Also: N. Em;. M. Month., Panlmi-y, Conn., 1891-'J, xi, facing p. 398. AUo: C'euten. . . . Fairfield Co. M. Ass., Danbury, 1892. Hubbard (Samuel T.) [1808-04]. [Biography.; X. York M. J., 1894, lix, 724. Hubbard (.Silas). Theories of the production of males aud females. 7 pp. - . [ Buffalo, 1855.] Repr. from: Buffalo M. J., 1855. x. Hubbard (S[tephen] C.) Centennial observa- ' tions on the past, present, and tut ni c of the Connecticut Medical So -n t v. 11 • pp. .- . Hart- ford. Cast, Lockwood 5- 1'rainard Co., 18*5. Repr. from : Proc. Connect. M.Soc. Hartford, 18S5, n. s., iii, no. 2. -------. B'ographical sketch of the life aud writ- ings of the late Professor Henry Bronsou, M. D. j 117 pp., port. ■■*-'. [A'eie Havm, Tattle, More- hose 4' Taylor. 18lJ5.] Hubbard (Thomas). Epithelioma of the soft palate removed by injections of liquor potassie. 4 pp. 12°. New York, 1*96. Repr. from: X. York M. J., lsOii. lxiv. ------. Some remarks on the principles of treat- ment of simple acute laryngitis and bronchitis. 7 pp. 12 . New York, 1*56. Repr. from: X. York M. J 1-96. lxiv. -------. Report of cases of peritonsillar abscess associated with diphtheria. 4 pp. 8:. New York, 1899. Repr. from -. N. York M. J., 1899, Ixx. Hubbauer (Karl) [1808-74]. >ckrolo<;. Ztschr. f. Wundiirzte u. Gehnrtsh., Win- nenden, 1874-5. xxvi, 223. Hubbell (Alvin A.) Congenital occlusion of the posterior nares. 16 pp., 11. -:. Buffalo, Times Print. House, 1886. Repr. from: Buffalo M. Sc S. J., 1886-7, xxvi. ------. The electro-magnet in removal of steel from the interior of the eye. * pp. *-. [Buffalo, 1--.] Repr. from: Buffalo M. A; S. J., 1**1-*. xxvii. ------. Exudative coujuuetivitis. 13 pp. 8D. [Concord, A. H, I***.) Repr. from: Tr. N. York M. Ass. 1887, Concord, 1888. iv. ------. Cases of ocular paralysis. 7 pp. 8:. [Buffalo, 18,89.] Repr.from.- Buffalo M. &. S. J., 1*389-90. xxix. ------. Extraction of steel from the interior of the eye with lhe electro-magnet. 14 pp. 16°. [New" York, 1-92.] Repr. from: Tr. X. York M. Ass.. 1892, ix. -----. The same. l:'» pp. ~-5 [Buffalo, 1-9.5.] Repr. from: Buffalo M. -90. Huber (Edward). Mercury and its prepara- tions. A pharmacological and therapeutic study, according to the principles of homoeopathy, pp. 113-149. s-. [New York, 1*81.] Imperfect. Hllber (Emil). Ueber den Gebrauch der "Wein- traubenkur zu Neustadt an der Haardt uud iiber die Anwendung der Weintraubenktiren iiber- hanpt. 24 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Ncustadt, A. H. Gott- xchick, 1855. Huber (Franz Seraph). 'Ein Beitrag zur Phy- siologic des Blutes. 24 pp. 8J. Wiirzburg, Sta- hel, 1-93. Hllber (G. Carl). Nerve suturing and nerve im- plantation. 27 pp. 8-. Grand Rapids, Mich., 1-96. Repr. from: Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Grand Rapids, 1896. -----. Observations on the innervation of the sublingual aud submaxillary glands. 15 pp., 1 1. *--. New York, 1--96. Repr. from: J. Expel. M., X. Y., 189ii, i. -----. The spinal ganglia of amphibia; prelimi- nary notice, pp. 417-42."). 8°. Jena, G. Fischer, 1*96. Repr. from: Anat. Anz., Jena, 1896, xii. ------. Four lectin es on the sympathetic nervous system, pp. 73-145, 4 pl. 8-. [w. p.], 1-97. Chitting [cover with printed title] from: J. Conip. Xeu- roi., Granville, O., 1897, vii. ------. The methylen-blue method for staining nerve tissues. 2 1. 83. Rochester, [1-9-]. Repr. from: J. Applied Micr., Rochester, 189s. i. -------. Notes on microscopical technique. 7 1. 8-. Rochester, [1-9-]. Repr. from: J. Applied Micr., Rochester, 1898, i. ------. Sensory nerve-endings in striated muscle. 10 pp. 8°. Grand Rapids, 189*. Kepr. from .- Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Grand Rapids. 1898, xxii. -------. The use of formalin in the silver nitrate method of staining endothelial cells. 1 1. <<'>. Rochester, [1*58]. Repr. front: J. Applied Micr., Rochester, 1898, i, -------. Laboratory work in histology. 3. ed. 204 jip. 8-\ Ann Arbor, G. Wahr, 1900. AUo. Co Editor of: A inericsin (The) Journal of Anat- omy, Baltimore, 1901. See. also, IIowcll (William Ileiuy) \ Iluber (G. C.) I'd vsiolocv "I tin- ("nniiunicating branch ' de. i. p-. [Lon- don, 1891.]' ----- A De Witt (Lydiab A contribution on the mofor nerve-endings aud on the nerve-end- iugs in the muscle-spindles, pp. 169-230, 4 pl. *-'. [n.p., 1-9-5] Cuttini/ [cover with printed title] from: J. Couv. Neu- rol., Granville, O., 1898, vii. Iluber (Hans). * Ueber die Sehnenreflexe der obereu Extiemitiif hei Gesunden. [Erlangen.] 17 pp. 8°. Augsburg. J. P. Himmer, 1893. Hllber (Jacques). * Contributions a la connais- sance des chietophoices Epiphytes et endophytes et de leurs athuites. [Basel.] pp. 265-359, 11 pl. 8 . Paris, G. Masson, 1893. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Ann. d. ac. nat., Par., 1893, 7. 8., xvi. HUBER. 448 HUBEKT-BEGENNE. Ge- Zur Hllber [Jean] [1722-90]. Observations suMe vol des oiseaux de proie. 51pp.,7pl. c- nere. P. Barde, 17-4. Huber (J[oh.] C[hristoph]) [1830- ]. Onoinatologia medico-historica. 27 pp. [Miinchen. 1-90.] Repr. from: Miinchen. med. "Wchnschr., 1890, xxvn. ______. Bibliographic der klinischeu Helmintho- locie. 9 pts. in lv. 3-1 pp. 8Z. Miinchen, J.F. Lehmann, 189[l-]5. CONTENTS. -90. 1. Echinococcus cvsticus, bes. von 18' 2. Cvsticercus celiulosch-histologischen und bacteriolo- gischeu Uutersuchungs-Methoden. Mit einer Darstellung der wichtigsten Bacterien. viii, 122 pp., 2pl. 8Z. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 18-6. Hllber (Karl). *Znr Frage der Erweiterung der relativen Indikatiou der 8cctio csesarea bei en^em Becken. [Erlangen.] 38 pp., 11. 8". Heidelberg, P. Wiese, 1*98. Huber (Oscar) [1-71- ]. * Zur pathologischen Anatomie der multipieu Sklerose des Riicken- markes. 35 pp. 8-. Berlin, C. Vogt, [1*591]. Hllber (Otto [Carl Christian]) [1-66- ]. * Bei- trag zur Kenntnis der heieditaren und congeni- talen Kraukheiteu des Nervensysteins. 31 pp. -"=. l.trlin. G Schade, [1 — ]. Hllber iRoliort). *Zwei Fiille von Elleubogen- ankylose; ein Beitrag zur Keuntnis der functio- nelleu Aupassuug des Knochens\ stems. 39 pp., lpl. - . Ziirich, O. Fiissli, 1*0*. Hiiber (Ulricus Jauus). "De delirio tremeute potatorum. 2 p. 1., 33 pp., 2 1. -D. Groningo?, C. M. van llolhuis Hoitsema, 1-39. See, aUo, Tilt (Edward John) 'in l.s.]. Handboek van de therapie dei uterus-ziekten .etc.). *5 Leeuicarden, 1866. Hllber (Vincent) [1-70- ]. 'Contribution au traitement operatoire des fractures de l'extr^- mite iufeneure de la jambe (type Pouteau-Du- puytren); osteotomie et suture malleolaires. :'.7 pp., 1 1. 4°. Lyon, 1-93, No. -92. Huber (W[ilhelm]) [1-62- ]. Ueber Abort- behandlung. 35 pp. 8°. Halle a. S., K. Mar- hold, le96. , „ Samml. zwangl. Abhandl. a. d. Geh. d. Frauenh. n. Geburtsh.. Halle a. S.. v. 1., Hft. 5. Hubert (Alexis). See l.oreta (Pietro) [in 1. s.]. Desciiption d un nou- velappareil[etc.]. 8-. BruxelUs. 18*2.— Sapolim .— Hubert iLouis-Joseph). Coins d'accouchement [etc.]. 85 Lonrain 1*69. — Schroeiler (Carl Ludwig Ernst) [/'» 1. s.5 Maladies des oi^anes g6nitaux de la femme. e°. Briixelles cC Parte. 1**5-6. Hubert (Louis-Joseph) [1810-76]. Cours cl'ac- couchements profess^ a l'Universite catholique de Louvain par . . . et publi6 par son fils Eug. Hubert. 2 v. 2 p. 1., 472 pp.; 704 pp. 8°. Lou- vain, C. Peeters, 1869. For Biography, see Mem. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1869-96, v, lbl-187 (Gallez). Hubert (Vladislav Osipovich). See Gubert, Hubert ("Wilhelm). * Ueber die Verkriimmun- gen der Nasenscheidewand und deren Behand- lung. [Heidelberg.] 30 pp. 8;. Miinchen, J. A.Finsterlin, 18-6. Hubert-Begeline. Du traitement homceo- pathique des maladies des yeux. 74 pp. --. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere j-jils, 1857. HUBERT-VALLEKOUX. 449 HUCHZE1LMEYEK. Hubert-Valleroux [Marcellin-Emile] [1-12- 84]. Memoire sur 1'aluis et sur les dangers de la perforation de la membrane du tynipan, consi- der^ comme moyen euratif de la stirdite. 46 pp. 12-. Paris, Germer-Bailliere, 1-43. -------. Memoire snr le catarrhe de l'oreille moyenne et snr la surdite* qui en est la suite, avec Vindication d'un nouveau mode de traite- nient. 115 pp. 8C. Paris, J.-B. Bailliire. 1815. ------. Des sourds-muets. Etudes critiques sur la surdi-mutite. 69 pp. - . Pari*, V. Masson, 1-53. ------. Des sourds-niuets. Introduction ii I'etude medieale et puilosophiquo de la surdi-niutite. viii, 120 pp. --. Pari", I'. Masson, 1>.">3. Hllble (Martial). Precis de la vaccine et dela vaccination moderne. 2 v. in 1. 142 pp.; 14:5 pp. l''>". Paris, 1896. Iluhlcr (Fritz). * Statistisehe Beitriige znr Lehre von der kunstlichen Friihgeburt. 42 pp., 1 tab. -". Bern, 8titinpj1i,l**~). Hilbiier iHeinricus Bernhardt^. >.. Ko.tr (Carolus Jacobusi. Disp.phys.-med. defnl- niinatis. 4-. Regiomonti. [1704], Hubreclit ( Anibrosius Arnold Willem). *Aan- teekeningeu over de anatomie, histologie en ont- wikkelings g< *ehiedenis van eenige nemertinen. iv, 66 pp., 3 pl. - !. Utrecht, J. I. Beijers, 1-74. -----. Voorloopig overzigt van het natuurhisto- risch ouderzo. k door deu ondei gcteekende inge- steld aan de Nederlaudsche wi rktafel in bet Zoologische Station te Napels en van het geeu aldaar voor het Rijksiuu*euni vau Natuurlijke Historie te Leiden door hem is bijeengebragt. November 1878-Juuij 1-79. 6 pp. 8-. [Leiden, 1-79.] -----. De hypothese der versnelde ontwikkeling door eer-tgelioorte en hare plaars iu de evolutie- leer. 35 pp. 3-5 Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1*82. -----. De placeutatie van de spitsmuis (Sorex vulgaris L.). 56 pp., 11., 9pl. --. Amsterdam, J. Miller. 1-93. Forms no 6. 2. s<:cr.. v. 3, of: Verhandel. d. k. Akad. v. Wetensch., Amst. 1*94. ------. Die Phylogcnese des Amnious uud die Bedeutung des Trophoblasfe>. 66 pp., 4 pl., 1 1. --. Amsterdam, J. Mailer. 1 >>.••">. Forms no. .">. 2. sect., v. 4. of: Verhandel. d. k. Akad. v. Wetensch., Amst., 1894-5. Hubreclit Charles) [1-70- ]. * L'autipyrine dans la ci >r' de Sydenham. 62 pp. 4". Paris, 1-95. No. 09. Hubi'itli (Mac) [1837-9GJ. K. X-kiolog. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1*96. xliii, 229. Hue i Augu>tej [1-55- ]. - Maladies du cieur et nevroses. 63 pp. 1-. Pari*, 1-91, No. 169. Hue (Jean). *La disinfection des appai t< nieuts par le formal. 62 pp. -~. Toulouse, 1-97, No. ■_>•>•> Hue (Joseph). 'Complications dans le cancer du col de Tuterus. 50 pp., 11. 4;. Paris, 1—>>, No. 237. Illicit (Friedrich). * Beitrage zur Kenntniss des La Miliums. [Erlangen.] 19 pp. 8°. Miin- hi.n. [Seitz 4' Schauer], 1892. limit (Hugo [Franz]) [1-60- ]. "Ueber einen Fall von Lymphangiectasia congenita cu- bit!. 21pp. *'-. Halle a. S., Heynemann, 1885. II ue hard Gabriel'). * D>- 1'hemiplegie faciale rhe/ !>• iiouvean-n€ a la suite de l'application du forceps. 1 p. 1., 26 pp. 4 . Strasbourg, 1*66, 2. - , No. 9h6. HlKliaiil (Henri) [1-44- ]. Etudes tln'ra- peuuques >ui l'autiiivrine. 7>2 pp. 8-. Paris, O. Doin, 1--5. Repr. from : Bull, et mem. Soc. de therap., Par., 1884, 2. 8., xi, \-.h'>. xii. VOL VII, 2D SERIES----29 Hlieliurd (Henri)—continued. -----. Nature et traitenient euratif de 1'angine de poitrine vraie. 16 pp. - . Paris, 0. Doin, 1-85. Repr. from : Bull. yen. de therap. [etcl. Par., 1885, cix. -------. Action physiologiqne et therapeutique du strophanthus hispidus. 12 pp. 8-. 'Paris, 0. Berthier, 1— H. -------. Quand et comment doit-on prescriro la digitalef 136 pp. - . Paris, Lib. med. Leclere, 18-8. -------. Maladies dn cieur et des vaisseaux, ar- terio-sclerose, aortites, cardiopathies arterielles, engines de poitrine, etc. xvi, 917 pp., 2 1., 4 pl. --. Paris, 0. Doin, 1—9. ------. The same. Traite clinique des maladies du cieur et des vaisseaux; lectins de clinique et de' therapeutique; les cardiopathies arte'rielles; maladies de l'liypoit'iision arte'rielle, arti'iio- Nclero»o ge'ncralisee, cardio-sclerose aortites, an- gine de poitrine. 2. ed., entiireinent remani£e. 3 p. 1., -92 pp. roy. *--. Paris, O. Doin, 1-93. ------. Une missiou scient ifique en Kussie. (Notes et impressions de voyage.) 75 pp. - Paris, 1-90. Repr. from: Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1888, ii: 1*89, iii. ------. La reTorme de l'enseignement medical et des concours de nie~deoino. 47 pp. -°. Paris, 0. Berthier, 1-90. Repr. from': Rev. tien.de clin. etde therap., Par.,1890, iv. -------. Consultations niexlicales. viii, 495 pp. 8~\ Paris, J.-B. Baillii-re 4 fils, 1901. See. aUo AxciilVltl (Alexander]). Traite des ne- vroses. 2. ed. [etc.j. 8°. I'm -Is. 1883. — Kocqnillon- l.imoiisin (H.) Formulaire des medicaments nouveaux. [etc.). 1H5 Paris, 1890. -----. The same. Pour 1891. 16=. Paris. 1891. -----. The same. Pour 1892. 165 Paris. 11892J. -----.Thesame. Pour 189::. 165 Paris, I 1893. -----. The same. Pour 1894. 16°. Paris, 1894. -----. The same. Pour 1*95. 1'5 Part's, 189">. -----. Thesame. Pour 1896. 16-. Pai -is. 1896.-----.Thesame. Pour 1*98. 16°. Paris, 189*. -----. The same. Pour 1899. 16°. Paris, 1899. -----. The same. Pour 1900. 16°. 1'arU. 19IMI. — f.obit (J.) Biarritz [etc.]. *5 Biarritz. 19UU. — .Mcnu'iilo* (Les) therapeutiques [etc.j. 1-5 [Paris,. 1*91. — .TIori<'(*(G.) Mementos [etc.|. 85 Paria. 1900.—Hi Rtot< A. i Ti.iitement des maladies ducceni I etc.) 85 1'aris, 1898. — XVvber (A.). Bliml (A.) A: Yit'-ari« (A.i 1'i-tit formulaire du praticien. 24°. Paris 1*9.3.— ZaUliaiiii (G[regorv] Afntonovich]) [in 1. s.5 Expose dc 1 1 ii>»-iiiii<-nieiit clinique [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1891. ----- ii'u 1. s.]. Lecons cliniques sur les maladies Mluhnuinalea etc.]. 85 Pen is, 1893. For Biography and Portrait, see It i:in< lion (A.) Xos grands medecins. 8°. Paris, 1*91, 221 -227. .-v ■ aUo: Pro- gres med., Par., 1896, 3. s., iv, 474 (M. Ii.uidoiiiu). Huchai'd'* sign. See Heart (Murmurs of, Endocardiac). Illicit a i*|- IIiM-Ilt (J. C.) Zi.jn de gcvolgtrek- l.ingen juist die men nit liet verslag der En- gelsclie I'astnir-coniiiiissie gemaaUt lieeft"' 14 jip. - . Gravenhage, H. L. Smits. 18*7. Rep r. from. A udrocles. See. also, Kin^-loul (Anna). Pasteur, [etc.]. 8°. '« (iraveiilmiji, 18-7-----. Onwetcnschappelijke -\veten- schap. s . 5, Grav,vnliage, 1*91. -----. Het laud aan gene zijde [etc.]. 8=5 s Grnreahage, 1895. IIncli/.eriiK'ycr ( Friedrich] [1-44- ]. Znm Winterklima \<>id\vestdeutschlands. Mit be- sonderer Beriicksichtigung von Bad Ot ynhau- seu. .").") pp., 1 1., 1("> tab., 1 map. 8-. Bad Oegnhausen, Ibershoff, 1"*94. HUCK-SAUNDERS. 450 HUDSON. IIuck[-Saiiiiders] (Richard) [1720-85]. See Driimnii (Thomas). A letter [etc.]. 8°. [Lon- don, 176S.] For Biography, see Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1897, 1, 329 (W. TV. Wehh). See, aUo. Mhort (A) account of the late Dr. John Par- sons, Dr. Kichard Huck Saunders, Dr. Charles Colignon, and Sir Alexander Dick [in 1. s.J. 8°. Edinburgh, 1786. Huc-Mazelet (Joann. David.) * De relationi- bus chemiae cum medicina generaliter conside- ratis. 39 pp. 4-. Gottinga;, H. Dieterich, 1805. Iluddei'Sfield. Annual reports made to the urbau sanitary authoritv of the county borough of Huddersfield, for the years 1883-7; 1896-1900, by the medical officer of health. 8°. Hudders- field, 1884-1901. Reports for 1883-7, hy J. S. Cameron; 1896-1900, by E. G. Annis. ------. Medical officer of health's reports to the sanitary committee. [Quarterly.] 4., 1885; 2., 1897, to 4., 1899; 4., 1900; 1., 1901. 8C. Hud- dersfield, 1886-1901. Fourth qr., 1885, by J. S. Cameron; 2., qr., 1897, to4. qr. 1899; 4., 1900; 1., 1901, by E. G. Annis. Hucltlersnelri. See Hospitals (Descriptions, etc., of), Hy- giene (Public, Reports on), Statistics (Vital), by localities. Huddersfield Infirmary. Annual report of the board of management to the governors. 65., 1895-6, 58 pp., 1 1. 8-'. Huddersfield, G. Whitehead 4 Som, 189C Operea June 29, 3831. II ml die st on (John Henry). See tttss* (Hermann M.) & KuddlestOU (J. H.) Tbe sauita/y supervision of tuberculosis. 8°. Philadel- phia, 1895. HudelO (Lucien) [1863- ]. * Contribution a l'6tude des 16sions viscerales dans la syphilis hei*6ditaire. Lesions du foie. 146 pp., 3 pl. 4°. Paris, 1890, No. 120. -----. The same. 146 pp., 3 pl. 8C. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1890. See, also, Mracelt (F.) Atlas-manuel [etc.]. 12°. Paris, 1900. ----- [in 1. a.]. Societ6 de medecine publi- que et d'hygiene professionnelle; de l'evacuation des vi- danges [etc.]. 8°. Paris, [1882]. Hiideniailll (Georgius Henricus). * Observa- tions quasdam ad cicutie, etc., usum internum pertinentes proponit. Helmstadii, 1763. In: Weiz (F. A.) Vollstand. Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Leip- zig u. Budissin, 1771, iii, 427-430. Hudgson (James). See Oreenhoir (T[homasl M[ichael]). Cholera from the East. 8°. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1832. Hudnut (R.) On the treatment of obesity, or excess of fat. 44 pp. 12°. [New York, 1891.] Hudson. See Hospitals (Descriptions, etc., of), Hy- giene (Public, Reports on), by localities. Hudson (Alfred) [1808-80]. On method: as applied to the study of clinical medicine. A lecture. 30 pp. 8C.' Dublin, W. McGee, 1864. [P., v. 2088.] -----. Lectures on the study of fever, xxiv, 336 pp. 8°. Dublin, W. McGee, 1867. ■------. Address on the history and objects of the British Medical Association, delivered at the first annual meeting of the Dublin Branch of the Association. 21 pp. 8°. Dublin, Gunn 4 Cameron, [1878]. [P., v. 2093.] ------. Laennec: his life, labours, and influence in medicine; being the address in medicine, de- livered at the annual meeting of the British Medical Association in Cork, August, 1879. 71 pp. 8D. Dublin, Ponsonby 4- Murphy, 1879. [P., v. 2093.] Repr. [with additions] from: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1879,11. For Biography, see Med. Hist. Meath Hosp., Dubl., 1888, 140-146. Hudson (Charles Elliot Leopold Barton) [1802-97]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, i, 884. AUo: Lancet, Lond., 1897, i, 995. Hudson (E. L.) Windermere Hydropathic Es- tablishment. [ Prospectus of proprietor, giving terms and regulations.] 2 1. 4°. [n.p., 11. d.] [P., v. 1296.] Hudson (E[rasinus] D[arwin]) [1805-80], Me- chanical surgery. Prothetic appliances and ap- paratus for amputations, resections, ununited fractures, diseases of joints, deformities, curva- tures of spine, and paralysis. 48 pp. 8°. New York, E. D. Hudson, [1878]. See, also, Palmer ( B. F. ). Currier (A. S.) & Hud- son (E. D.) The orthopedic or artificial leg reporter, [etc.]. 8°- Springfield, Mass., 1852. Hudson (E[rasmus] Darwin), jr. [1843-87]. Es- sentials of the physical diagnosis of thoracic dis- eases. 63 pp. 8°. New York, Styles 5' Cash, 1885, ------. The limitations of the diagnosis of mala- ria, 15 pp. 12°. New York, 1885. Repr. from: Med. Kec., X. Y., 1885, xxvii. ------. The physical examination of weak cnests aud differential diagnosis of the several forms of early phthisis. 24 pp. 8°. New York, Styles 4 Cash, 1885. Repr. from: Med. Kec, N. T., 1885, xxvii. ------. Some of the diagnostic relations of the indigestions. 19 pp. 8°. New York, Styles 4 Cash, 1885. Uepr.from: Physician & Pharmac, X. Y., 1876, ix. ------. The results of the home treatment of phthisis contrasted with those of changed resi- idence and travel. 27 pp. 12°. [Neiv York, 1886.] Repr. from: K. York M. J., 1886, xliii. ------. A manual of the physical diagnosis of thoracic diseases, xii, 150 pp. 8°. New York, W. Wood 4- Co., 1887. For Biography, see Med. Kec, X. Y., 1887, xxxi, 551. Hudson (John) & Hudson (M. D.) A trea- tise on the medicinal leech, containing remarks ou the history, diseases, and management of them; together with the observation of an emi- nent physician on sanguisuctiou. iii, 106 pp., 1 1., 4 pl. 8°. Hull, W. Stephenson, 1841. Hudson (M.D.). See Hudson (John) & Hudson (M. D.) A treatise on the medicinal leech, [etc.]. 8°. Hull, 1841. Hudson (Robert S[amuel]). Villous disease (papillary fibroma) of the bladder, and its sur- gical treatment. 10 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Dublin, J. Falconer, 1879. Repr. from: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1879, lxvii. Hudson (Thomas H.). Co-Editor of: Keynote (The) of Homoeopathy, Kan- sas City, Mo., 1892. Hudson (Thompson Jay). Hypnotism, a uni- versal anaesthetic in surgery. 16 pp. 12°. New York, 1894. Repr. from: N. YorkM. J., 1894, lx. -----. Hypnotism in its relations to criminal ju- risprudence. 14 pp. 12°. [New York, 1895.] Repr. from: K. YorkM. J., 1895, lxi. -----. The law of psychic pheuomena, a working hypothesis for the systematic study of hypno- tism, spiritism, mental therapeutics, etc. 8. ed. xvii, 18-409 pp. 12°. Chicago, A. C. McClurg 4' Co., 1895. ------. A scientific demonstration of the future life. 326 pp. 12°. Chicago, A. C. McClurg, 1895. Hudson (William H.) Sea-sickness; its cause, nature, and prevention without medicine or change iu diet. A scientific and practical solu- tion of the problem. 147 pp. 16°. Boston, S. E. Cassino 4' Co., 1883. HUDSON. 451 HtTBNER. Hudson (William H.)—continued. -----. Keport of cases of operative relief of en- docranial lnemorrhage. 10 pp. 8-". [Philadel- phia, 1893.] Repr. from: Ann. Surg., Phila., 1893, xviii. -----, Barker (Lewellys F.) «V Flexner (Si- mon). A case of glioma of the lower cervical region of the spinal cord producing a total transverse lesion, in which there was spasticity of the lower limbs and persistence of the deep reflexes. 40 pp., 3 pl. 8-". Philadelphia, 1899. Rspr.from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1899, n. s., cxvii. Hudson, Massachusetts. Report of committee ou the supplying of the town of Hudson with water: also report of M. M. Tidd, of Uostou, civil engineer, who made survey, estimates, and plan. Sept. 1*, 1*85. 15 pp. -:. Hudson, En- terprise Steam Job Print, 1883. ------. Annual report of the board of water com- missioners of the town of Hudsou, Mass.; to- gether with report of engineer. 1., 1884-5. 30 pp. 8-. Hudson, Enterprise Steam Print, 1*85. ------. Annual reports of the several boards of town officers of the town of Hudson (Mass.), 21.-29., ly86-94. 8^. Hudsou, 1S87-95. Contains reports of: Board of health, board of water commissioners, ceiueterv committee, overseers of poor, town clerk's report of births, marriages, deaths, and the school comniittee. Hudson Bay Territory. Turner (L. M.) Ethnologv of the Fngava district, Hudson Bav Territorv. Rep. Bureau Ethuol. lt-89-90, Wash.. 1894. xi, 159-350, 8 pl. Hudson County. Board of Health and Vital Sta- tistics. Reports lor the years 1--2-7. 8 . Netv York, 1-83--5 -----. Monthlv statements of vital statistics. Feb., 1—4, to julv, 1—5: Oct.. 1885; July, 1*86; April, 18--, to Julv, 1890; Dec, 1890;" April, Mav, 1-92. 4-. New York, 1884-92. -----. Abstract-. July, 1886. 4°. [New York, 1886.] -----. Statement of vital statistics for the year 18-9. 1 sheet. 4:. [Neiv York, 1-90.] Hudsou County [X. J.] Pathological Society. (.'harttT. constitution and bv-laws, adopted April 5th. 1-71. 8 1. 16°. Jersey City, 1871. Hudson Di-ptiisary of the City of New York. First announcement and report, 1--9. 15 pp. 12c. New York, Styles 4' Cash, 18-9. Organized in 1880 and incorporated May 10,1889. First report for 4 years. Hudson River. Brown (C. C.) Reports on Hudson River. Rep. State Bd. Health >,5 Y. l»8>*-9. Albany, 1890, x, 189: 1890, Albany, 1891, xi, S8s: 1891, Albany, 1892, xii, 531: lo92, Al- bany, 1893, xiii, 680, 28 pl. Hudson-Cox (Frederick.! & Stokes (John). The pocket pharmacopoeia; including the thera- peutical action of the drugs, with the natural orders and active principles of those of vegeta- ble origin. 206 pp. 16°. London, Balliere, Tin- dall 4" Cox, 1899. Hue. Lagrange (F.) La pathologie des Europeens a. Hue. Arch, de ni in et pharm. mil., Par., 1*88, xii, 113) 189. Hue (Joseph - Alexandre ) [1^62- ]. "Des signes physiques de la pleuresie et de leur va- leur semmologique. 78 pp. 4°. Paris, 1^99, Xo. 396. Hue (Jude). * Etude critique des observations donnees comme preuve de rhumatisme articu- laire aigu suppure\ 1 p. 1., 43 pp. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1867, 3. s., No. 18. -----. Documents pour servir h l'assainissement de Rouen, iii, 104 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Masson, 1888. von Hiibbenet ([Anton] C[hristian August]) [1^22-73]. Die Beobachtung und das Experi- ment in der Syphilis. Beitrage zur Pathologie von Hiibbenet ([A.] C. [A.])—continued. dieser Krankheit. iv, 81 pp., 5 pl. roy. 8°. Leipzig, [Breitkopf 4'Hdrtel], 1859. Hiibener (August Erich) [1870- ]. * Ueber die Unterscheidung von Hautverbrennungen und ihnen iihnlichen Hautkrankheiteu in ge- richtlich-medicinischer Beziehung. 33 pp., 1 1. 12-\ Berlin, C. Vogt, 1894. Hiibener ([Theodor] Adolf) [1867- ]. * Ue- ber Albuminuric bei Infectionskrankheiten. 30 pp., 1 1. -°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1-92]. Hiibener (Wilhelm [Adrian]) [1867- ]. 'Ue- ber Siibliniat- und Carbolausspiilungen des puerpeialen Fterus [nebst einigen Bemer- kungen iiber die Yerweuduug des Creolins zu dieseni Zwecke], 30 pp., 11. o:. Berlin, G. s,h a de, [1890]. Hlieber (Franciscus Albertus). i See .tl iiI«<-Ii1«th (Couradus) [in 1. s.]. Bezoarticum anmiale verum. Hi . Freysing, 1712. Hueber (Georg Caspar Ludwig). * De seuea culinaria supellectili. Argentorati, 1766. In: Wittwek. Delect, diss. med. [etc.]. 8°. Korimb., 1779, iii, 117-151. HikImi (Theodor) [l*4-<- ]. *Die Typhus- epiileiuie in der Deutschhauskaserne zu Ulm 1^-1-2. nebst einer Uebersicht iiber den derma- ligen Stand der Typhusfrage. 127 pp. 8;. Wiirzburg, Berger, 1*81. IIliberty. (J[ens] R[asmussen]) [1794-1855]. I Statisti«|iie,.des maladies mentales en Danemark, au ler juillet 1-47. 4- pp., 1 map. 8:. Paris, L. Martinet, 1853. Repr. from: Ann. med.-psych., Par., 1853., 2. s., v. Hiibler (Heinrich). Rontgen-Atlas. Zum Ge- brauche fiir Aerzte und Studierende. 1.-2. Lfg. 2 1., 16 pl. fol. Dresden, G. Kuhtmann, 1901. German, French, and English text. Hiibler (Johannes Edmund). * Die Oberschen- kelbriiche uud ihre Behandlungsnietboden, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Schenkelkals- briiche. [Jena.] 46 pp. 8-. Altenburg, R. Hiller, [1895]. Hiibler (Wilhelm). *Ein Fall von Morvan'- scher Krankheit. [Wurtzburg.] 20 pp., 2 pl. 81. Miinchen, J. Fuller, [1894]. Hiibner. See von Heine (Joseph). Beitriige zur Lehre von der Syphilis [etc.j. 85 Wiirzburg, 1854. Hiibner (Carl Adolph). * Beschreibung zweier partiell kindlicher Becken bei Erwachsenen, I bei welchen die Kephalothiasis uothig wurde. 31 pp., 2 pl. 4°. Marburg, K. L. Pfeil, [1856]. Hiibner (Christian Friederich). Abhandlung iiher ilas Gemcingefiihl. [Transl. of his: *Coj- mesthesis. Hahv, 1794.] In: De la Roche (D.) Zergliederungder Yerrich- tiingen des Nei vensystems |etc.]. 85 Halle, 1795, ii, 225-303. Hiibner (Christianus Gotthelf). Historia* le- gum roinaiiarum ad sepulturas pertinentium, adjuncta earum comparatione cum partiis insti- tutes specimen primum. 50 pp. sm. 4C. Lip- sice, ex off. Sommeria, [1784]. Hiibner (Emil [Otto Heinrich]) [1869- ]. Tiber den Einfluss der Halogensiiuren auf die I'cpsinverdauuug. 26 pp., 11. 8J. Halle a. S., C. A. Kaemmerer 4' Co., 1893. Hiibner (Franz). *Die "dritte linke" Stirn- wiudung bei verschiedenen Racen. [Wurtz- burg.] 42 pp., 2 pl. 8-5 Passau, Aktiengesell- 8ch. Passai'ia, 1895. Huebuer (Fridericus Ludovicus). *De organis motoriis boa? cauinye. 39 pp., 2 pl. 4°. Bero- lini, C. A. Plateni, 1815. Hiibner ([Georg Friedrich] Leonhard) [1863- ]. "Beitrag zur Histologie der papillaren Hauttunioren. 37 pp., 1 1. 8°. Greifswald, C. Sell, 1891. HIJBNER. 452 HUGEL. Hiibner (Georg Ludwig). * Untersuchungen iiber die Quantitiit von der sogenannten Sckwe- felweinsaure in den Mischuugen von Alkohol nnd Schwefelsiiure, welche unter den Xanien Elixir acidum Halleri, Elixir acidum Dippelii und Aqua Rabelii medicinische Anwendung linden. 50 pp. 12-. Jena, F. Mauke, 1-57. Hiibner (Hans). *Ein Fall von Haiuatone- phrose. 27 pp. 8°. Erlangen, Junge 4' Sohn, 1-97. Hiibner (Joannes Christianus). *Diss. med. exbibens observatioues et cautiones practicas in curatione calculi. 40 pp. sm. 4-. HoIk Mag- deb., typ. J. Gruneri, [1721]. Hiibner (Johann). Curioses undreales Xatnr-, Kunst-, Berg-, Gewerk- und Handlungs-Lexicon, darinue nieht nnr die in der Physik, Medicin Botanik, Chymie, Anatomie, Chirurgie und Apothekerkunst, wie auch in der Matbematik, Astronomie, Musik, Mechanik . . . gebrauchliche Kunstworter beschrieben werden. Sondern auch alle im Handel und Wandel, ingleicheu im Jure und vor Gerichten vorfallende Worter, deutlich erklaret siud. Welches als der zweite Theil des realen Staats-Conversations- und Zei- tungs-Lexici, mit grossem Xntzen zu gebrau- chen. Ehemals hrsg. von Georg Heinrich Zin- ken jetzt aber aufs neue durchgeheuds verbes- sert uud umgearbeitet. 14 p. 1., 2542 pp., double column, 1 pl. 8-\ Leipzig, bey J. F. Gleditsclien, 1776. Hiibner ([Johann Friedrich] W[ilhelm]) [1811- J. Die Entstehung und Heilnng der epide- mischen Krankheiten. 36 pp. 8°. Zielenzia, 1870. •" -----. Die Diphtheritis heilbar! Ueber das We- sen der Diphtheritis und die aus der Erkent- niss deiselben sich ergebenden Folgen fiir die Behandlung dieser Krankheit. 28 pp. -:. Zielenzig, H. Neubauer, 1883. ------. Die Pocken krankheit heilbar! Ueber mi- asinatische Ansteckung, mit specieller Beziehuno auf die Entstehung und das Wesen der Pocken- krankheit, nebst Angabe eines specifischen Heil- verfahrens gegen die Pocken nach den neuesten naturwissenschaftlichen Gruudsatzen. 2. ver- mehrte uud verbesserte Aufl. viii, 34 pp. 8C. Leipzig, H. Hucke, 1881. -----. Die Cholera heilbar! Wesen und Heilung der Cholera nach anatomisch-physiologischen Grundsiitzen bearbeitet. 16 pp. 8°. Leipzig, L. Wiegand, 1-92. -----. Entstehung und specifische Heilung der Pocken krankheit ohue Xarben. 28 pp. 8C. Leip- zig. O. Weber, 1897. Hiibner (Johann Henricus). *De febre virgi- num amatoria. 1 p. 1., 31 pp. 4C. Francof. ad Viadr., typ. J. Coepselii, [1688], Hiibner ([Johannes Paul] Walter) [1869- ]. " Feber Kanalwasserreinigung durch einfaches Sedimentiren ohne fallende Zusiitze. [Halle a. S.] 26 pp., 11. 8*-'. Miinchen, R. Oldenbourg, 1-93. Hiibner (Otto) [1873- ]. Ueber Behandlung von deform geheilten Fraktureu, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung von 4 Fallen aus der Greifs- walder chirurgischen Klinik. 8°. Greifswald, C. Sell, 1-97. Hiibner (Paul) [1869- ]. *Zur Casuistik der Lvnipho8arcome des Eachens. 32 pp. 8C Greifswald, J. Abel, 1895. Hiibner (Richard) [1865- ]. #Beitrag zur Therapie der Uterusruptur. [Halle a. 85] 35 pp. -\ Gross-Strehlitz, M. Hiibner, 1890. Hiibner [Walther]. Die operative Behandlung dei hoch^iadiueu Kurzsichtigkeit. 26 pp. 8°. Halle a. >'., 1-99. Form* Hit. 3, v. 3, of: Samml. zwangl. Abhandl. a. d. Geb. d. Augenh. Hlibsclier(C) * Beitriige zur Hautverpflanzung nach Thiersch. [Basel.] 31pp. --. Tiibingen, H. Laupp,jr., 1—9. Repr. from: 1'eitr. z. klin. Chir., Timing., 1888-9, iv. Hueck (Alexander [Friedrich]) [1-02-42]. Das .Seheu, seinem iiussern Processo nacheutwickelt. 146 pp., 1 1. s:. Gbttingen, Dieterich, 1*'50. -----. Geriiste der Anatomic Eine Uebersicht der vorziiglichsten Theile des menschlichen Korpers. 50 pp. --. Riga rf* Dorpat, E. Fran- tzen, 1833. -----. Lehrbuch der Anatomie des Menschen. Mit Hinweisung auf M. J. Webers Anatomi- schen Atlas, vi, 7-466 pp. 8 . Riga 4' Dorpat, E. Frantz, 1835. Hiickel (Arinand). *Zur Kenntniss der Biolo- gie des Mucor corymbifer. [Tiibingen. ] 17 pp., 1 pl. 8-. Jena, G. Fischer, 1885. -----. Die Rolle der Suggestion bei gewisseu Erscheinungen der Hysteric uud des Hypnotis- mus. Kritisches uudExperimentelles. 72 pp, 8C. Jena, G, Fischer, 1888. -----. Lehrbuch der Krankheiten des Xerven- systems fiir Studierende und Aerzte. 3 p. 1., 303 pp. 8°. Leipzig 5- Wien, F. Deuticke, 1891. -----. Die Vaccinekorperchen. Xach Unter- suchungen an der geimpften Hornhaut des Kaninchens. Ein experimenteller und kriti- scher Beitrag zur Frage nach dem Contagiuni tier Vaccine, viii, 148 pp., 4 pl. -~. Jena, G. Fischer, l-t)8. Second Supplhft. to: Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. alle. Path., Jena, 1898. Hiickel (BartholdLudewig). Behandlung vom Schaf-Vieh, darinnen desselben Xatur, Warning und Xntzen, wie auch Kranckheiten uud Artze- neyen beschrieben werden. 3 p.i., 112 pp. 12. Stargardt, H. G. Fuchs, 1745. [P., v. 2208.] -----. Abhandlung vom Horn-Yieb, nebst desseu abgestatteteu Berichten und Gutacbteu von der Horn-Yieh-8euche uud einer Yorrede von den heiuhinten Mlinuern, die von der Vieh-Seuche gesehrieben habeu. 8 p. 1., 231 pp., 4 1. 12\ Custrin, J. Hiibner, [1747]. [P., v. 2208.] Hueckstaedt (Hans). *Der Uterus arcuatus nnd seine Beziehungen zu Schwangerschaft uud Geburt. 35 pp. 8°. Bern, G. Michel, 18-9. Hiidepohl (Ferdinand). * Ueber deu Fieber- verlauf bei Pleuritis. 31 pp. -c. Wiirzburg, Becker, 18-3. voii liii flier (Carl Gustav) [1840- ]. *Zur vergleiehenden Anatomie und Physiologie der Harncanalchen. 28 pp., 1 pl. *8~. Leipzig, L. Pernitzsch, 1866. [P., v. 1-92.] -----. Ueber den Ursprung und die Berechti- gung besonderer Lehrstuhle fiir physiologische Chemie. Rede gehalteu zur Feier der Eroti- nung des physiologisch-cheniischen Iustitntes an der Universitiit Tiibingen am 9. Jnui 1886. 22 pp. 12°. Tubingen, F. Pietzker, 1>99. Forms: Beilage d. Wiirttemh. Staats-Auzeigers, Julv, 1886. J Hlieg-el (Carl). * Die Wirkung des Thyrioidins auf den Stofi'wechsel der Xaniuchen.' 44 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, F. Fromme, 1-96. Hugel (Franz S[eraph]). Zur Geschichte, Sta- tistik und Regelung der Prostitution. Social- medicinische Studien in ihrer praktisehen Be- handlung uud Anwendung auf Wien und an- dere Grossstadte. Xach amtlichen Quellen. 229 pp., 1 I. 8C. Wien, L. C. Zamarski ,j, C. Dittmarch, 1^65. Hiig-el (G[eorg]i. *Ueber Acanthosis nigricans (Distrophie papillaire et pigmentaire) im An- schluss au einen neuen Fall aus der dermatologi- schen Universitiitsklinik. 30 pp. -:. Strass- burg, Strassb. Dr. u. Verlagsanst., 1-9-. HUGEL. 453 HUEPPE. Hii^el (Ludwig Fenlinaud ). * Kanalisation und Abfuhr in Wiirzburg. (Gekriinte Preis- schrift der medicin ischen Facultiit Wiirzburg fiir das Jahr 1S-4-5.) 77 pp., 11. 8 . Wiirz- burg, Stahel, 1-86. Hiigeineyer (Otto) [1-63- ]. * Ueber Ab- sehwachung pathogener Scbimnielpilze. 28 pp., 11. - . Bonn, J. F. Carthaus, 1888. Hiiluie (Augustus) [isi»i-«)7|. Kioi-rnpliicul (A) sketch. Tr. X. York M. Ass. (18995 li'OO, xvi, 793. Hiilnier (Max). The diagnosis of injuries at the hip. 14 pp. -. New Yovk, 1-9-*. Rein-, from: X. York M. J., 1898. Ixviii. Hiilfs- uud Schreibkaleuder fur Hebainnien und Kranken-Pllegeriniien. Im Au ft rage des deut- schen Aerzti'vereinsbundes hrsg. von L. Peif- fer. v. 1-3, 7-11, 187--?-: v.' 13, 1-96. 12J. 7Tei»iar. Hiill»liers (Herman Wilhelm). >•■ Swrdcn 'in l.s.]. Handhok for svenska amicus lakaie. [etc. . 1-5 Stockholm, IS84. Hiilsciiianu i,ein.] vi, 140 pp. 8°. Berlin, W. Biixenstein, 1-99. Hiilseiiianii (Wilhelm) [1-57- ]. *Die Placeuta-l'ra-via-Fiille der Mai burger Frauen- klinik. 41 pp., 1 1. -:. Marburg, R. Friedrich, 1-97. Hiilsiimuu (Amaudus) [1-04- ]. *De an- tagonismo. 23 pp. -°. Berolini, typ. A. Pct- srhii. [1.-27], [P., v. 154-.] II ills in a ll ll (Karl August) [1862- ]. *Drei Fiille vou chroni^chem Hydrocefalns nach abge- laufener Meningitis cerebrospinalis epidemica. 1* pp., 2 1. 8-. hirl. H. Fiinelt, 1—9. Hiilsmeyer (Constant). *Ein Fall von tran- sitorischer A]dia>ie und Hemiplegie bei Pneu- monie. [Wurtzburg.] 27 pp. 8-5 Nen hat dens- leben, A. I lesser, 1—5. Hiilsilieyor (Lambert). * Ueber den Krebs der Znnge und des Bodens der Mundbohle. 31 pp. 8 . Wiirzburg, N. Bayer, 1~~*. Hiilsse Julius Auibrosiu>). See Program in zu der am 6., 7. und 8. April 1843 zu balteudfcu 1'i-iii'uiig [etc.] [in 1. s.]. 4". Leipzig, 1843. II ue I va. .See. also, Hospitals (Description, etc., of), by localities. Pixilla (R.) Los humos de Huelva ante la higiene publica. 8 . Madrid, 1889. Iliine (Karl). * Ueber Hufschlagverletzungen des Anges. [Jena.] '-8 pp. 8-. Leipzig-lieud- nitz, A. Hoffmann, 1898. Hiiuefeld (Friedrich Ludwig) [1799-18.-2]. PhyMoioe.i>che Chemie des menschlichen Or- ganismus, zur Befiirdernng der Physiologic und Medicin uud fiir seine Vorlesungen. 2 v. xxiv, 317 pp., 1 1.; xvi, 2-4 pp., 1 1. -°. Breslau $ Leipzig. J. F. Eorn, 1826-7. -----. Die Chemie der Rechlspllege, oder Lehr- buch der polizeilich-gerichtlichen Chemie. xxxii, 603 pp., 1 pl. 8-. Berlin, T. C. F. Ens- Un, 1-32. -----. Die Asphyxie durch Kohlendunst. Eine chemisch-medicinische Abhandlung. 1 p. 1., 64 pp. 8C. Berlin, 1836. Repr. from: Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1836. -----. Der Chemisnius in der thierischen Or- ganisation. Physiologisch-chemische Untersu- chungen der materiellen Veranderungen oder des Bildungslebens im thierischen Organismus, insbesondere des Blutbildungsprocesses, der Xa- Hiiuefeld (Friedrich Ludwig)—continued. tur der Blutkorperehen und ihrer Kernchen. Ein Beitrag zur Physiologie und Heilmittel- lehre. Gekriinte Preisschrift. xvi, 269 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8J. Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1840. -----. Chemie und Medicin in ihrem engereu Zusainmenwirken, oder Bedeutung der ueueren Foitschritto der oiganischen Chemie; fiir er- fahrungsniiissige und speculative iirztliche For- schung, als vollstiindigo Lehrschrift fiir die Studien der oiganischen Chemie iiberhaupt, ins- besondere aber fiir die im Gebiete der Medicin und Pharmacie, so wie fiir die Fortsehritte der Heilniittelehre. 2 v. xxxiv (11.), 396 pp., 2 1.; xxii, 372 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin, T. C. F. Enslin, 1811. i Hiinerfaiitli (Georg). Ueber die habituelle Obstipation und ihre Behandlung mit Electri- citiit, Massage und Wasser. viii (1 ].), 50 pp. 8*-. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 18.-5. -----. Thesame. 2. Auli. viii (2 1.), 47 pp. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1.-90. -----. The same. Habitual constipation and its treatment with electricity, massage, and water. 59 pp. 8 . Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1886. -----. Handbuch der Massage. Fiir Studirende und Aerzte. v (1 1.), 265 pp. 8°. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1887. -----. The same. Rukovodstvo k izucheniyu niassage'a. 254 pp. 8 . [St. Petersburg, 18-7.] Bound with : Mejdunai. Kliu., St. Petersb., 1887, vi. -----. Rheuniatismus und Cicht, und deren Be- handlung mit Elektricitiit, Xassage uud Wasser. ii (1 1.), 103 pp. 8C. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1890. HiiuerllofT (Heinrich). * Ueber Perforation der Galien blase infolge von Cholelithiasis. 24 pp., 1 1. 8-. Gbttingen, Dieterich, 1892. Hiinerinaiin (Rudolf [Ernst]) [i860- ]. * Ueber Pachydermie und Geschwiirsbilduug auf den Stimmbiindern. 30 pp. 8~. Berlin, M. Niethe, [1881]. Hiinersdorff (Philippus). * De dysphagia seu de quibusdain morbis oesophagi chronicis. 64 pp. 12-. Marburgi-Cattorttm, typ. Bayrhofferi Acad., 1.-H6. Hiinerwadel (Heinrich). * Ueber cerebrale Hemiplegien aus unbekannten Ursachen; iiber uramische Hemiplegien uud Hemiplegien in Folge von Hirnodem. [Ziirich.] 70 pp. 8°. Uster-Ziirich. A. Diggclmann, 1892. c. Hiinneuieier (Franz). Ueber Herniotomie im Kindesalter. [Wurtzburg.] 23 pp. 8°. Miin- ster i. W., J. Krick, [1887], lliiilteu (Julius). * Die operative Behandlung der gyniikologischeu Beckenexsudate. 16 pp. 8°. Saurijcniiind, 1891. Hueppe ( Klse'. See lliiepiM' (Ferdinand) ic IInr|»|if (Else). Die Choleia-Kpidi-inh in Hamburg 189'.'. 8. Berlin, 1893. Hueppe (Ferdinand [Adolph Theophil]) [1-52- ]. Die Methoden der Bakterien-Forschuug. 2. Auli. viii, 174 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Wiesbaden, C. W. Kreidel, 18*5. -----. The same. 4. Aufl. viii, 434 pp., 2 1., 2 col. pl. 8°. Wiesbaden, C. W. Kreidel, 1889. -----. The same. Handbuch der gesammteu Methoden der Mikrobiologie. 5. Autl. viii, 495 pp., 2 1., 2 pl. 8\ Wiesbaden, C. W. Kreidel, 1891. -----. The same. The methods of bacteriolo- gical investigation. Transl. by Hermann M. Biggs. 218 pp. 8-5 New York, 1). Appleton 4' Co., 1886. -----. The same. Manuel technique de micro- biologic Ed. francaise du traite intitule: "Die Methoden der Bakterien-Forschuug", par HUEPPE. 454 HUETER. Hueppe (Ferd. [Ad. Theoph.])—continued. E. Van Ermengen. Methodes gdnerales. xv, 475 pp., 2 1., 2 pl. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1887. -----. Die Foruieu der Bakterien und ihre Be- ziehungen zu den Gattungen und Arten. viii, 152 pp. -°. Wiesbaden, C. W. Kreidel, 1886. -----. Ueber Beziehuugen der Faulniss zu den Infectionskrankheiten. 35 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1-87. Repr. from: Berl. klin. "Wchnschr., 1887, xxiv. -----. Der Zusamnienhang der Wasserversor- guug mit der Entstehung und Ausbreitung von Infectionskrankheiten und die hieraus in hy- gienischer Beziehung abzuleiteuden Folgerun- gen. 53 pp. 8°. Wien, 1887. Forms Hft. 2 of : VI. Internat. Cong. f. Hyg. u. Demog. zu Wien. -----. Ueber den Kampf gegen die Infections- krankheiten. 36 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirsch- wald, 1889. Repr. from: Berl. klin. "Wchnschr., 1889, xxvi. -----. Ignaz .Semmelweis. Festrede zur Feier der Enthullung seines Denkmals. 24 pp. 8°. Berlin, A, Hirschwald, 1*91. Repr. from : Berl. klin. "Wchnschr., 1894, xxxi. -----. Xaturwissenschaftliche Einfiihrung iu die Bakteriologie. viii, 268 pp. 8°. Wiesbaden, C. W. Kreidel, 1896. -----. The same. The principles of bacteriol- ogy. Authorized translation from the Germau by E, O. Jordan, x, 467 pp., 2 pl. 8C. Chicago, Open Court Pubh Co., 1899. -----. Zur Rassen- und Sozialhygiene der Grie- chen im Alterthum und in der Gegenwart. viii, 113 pp. -r Wiesbaden, C. W. Kreidel, 1897. -----. Tbe causes of infectious disease, pp. 384-414. 8~. [Chicago, 189*.] Cutting from: Honist, Chicago, 1898, viii. -----. Handbuch der Hygiene, xii, 664 pp. 8~. Berlin. A. Hirschwald, 1899. -----. The same. Rukovodstvo higi'eul. Pere- vod s niemetskavo S. S. Gruzdeva i Ya. L. Giuz- burga, s predisloviem, dopolneniyami i primie- chaniyami X. N. Brusyaninova. [Transl. from the German by Gruzdeff aud Giuzburg, with preface, additions, and notes by Brnsyaninoff.] vii, iv, 584 pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, [M. Y. Min- koff], 1900. Issued by Sovrem. med. i hig. -----. Der moderne Vegetarianismus. 47 pp. 8-. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1900. -----. Ueber Kraukheitsursachen vom Stand- punkte der naturwissenschaftlichen Medicin. 20 pp. 8C. Wien, M. Perl es, 1901. See, aUo, IVitzelnadel (Ernst). Leidraad bij de studie der schoolhygiene [etc.]. 85 Amsterdam, 19no.—Scholl (Hermann). Die Milch, ihre hautigeren Zersetzun^eu, [etc.]. 8°. Wiesbadm. 1891. — Schweizer (K.) Brown, Virchow. Helniholtz-IIertz 8°. Frankfurt a. Al., 1896.— Wolffhiigel (Gustav; te Hueppe [in 1. a.]. Ueber das Eindringen der Hitze [etc.]. fol. Berlin, 1881.—Pro- feasor Ferdinand Hueppe; zur Feier seines 25jahrigen Doetorjubilauma. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1901, xxvi, 77-81. -----it Hueppe (Else). Die Cholera-Epide- mie in Hamburg 1892. Beobaehtungen und Yersuche iiber Ursachen, Bekanipfung und Behandlung der asiatischen Cholera. 2 p. 1., 118 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirschwald, 1-93. Hiipscli (Ein) Biechlin das durch die natiirli- chen meister Aristotelem, Avicennam, Galienum, Albertuin und andern natiirlichen meistern, von mancherley seltzamen fra gin beschribenn, uuud der menschlichen Xatur gar nutzlichen zu wissen. Propleumata Aristoteles. 22 1. 12-. [Strassburg, M. Hiipffuff, 1555.] Huerta (Ramon S.) *Algunas consideraciones sobre hidroterapia. 42 pp. 8°. Me'xico, Diaz de Leon, 1883. Hiirtlilc (Karl) [1860- ]. #Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Fibroma molluscum und der con- genitalen Elephantiasis. [Tiibiugen.] 24 pp. -J. Jena, G. Fischer, 1886. -----. 'Untersuchungen iiber die Innervation der Hirngefasse. Habilitations-Schrift. [Bres- lau.] 5- pp., 1 1. 8-. Bonn, C. Georgi, 1889. i Hiirzeler (Adolf). * Ueber die Anwendung von Elektromagueten bei den Eisensplitterverle- tzungeu des Auges. [Ziirich.] 2 p. 1., 48 pp. 8°. Hamburg, L. Voss, 1893. ' c. Hiiser (Joh. Tbeodorus). *De steatomate. Ar- gentorati, 1768. In: Weiz (F. A.) Vollstand. Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Leipz. u. Budissin, 1773, v, 65-73. Hiisler (Franz). * Ueber die Regelmassigkeit des Pulsrhythmus bei gesunden uud kranken Menschen. [Basel.] 23 pp. 8C. Leipzig, J. B. Hirschfeld, 1895. c. Hussy (Alfred). * Ueber die Wirkungen des orthopadischen Corsets bei Skoliose. [Ziirich.] 1 p. 1., 75 pp. 8:. Stuttgart, Union Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft, 1900. Hueston (James). Sanitary progress in Michi- gan. Address delivered before the reunion of the Michigan Legislative Association at Lansing, June 11, 1886. 8 pp. 8C. [Lansing, 1886.] Hint. I See. Oaillet & Hiiet. The Gaillet and Huet process [etc.]. s3. London, 1884. Huet (Edmond) ct fiille. Exposition univer- sale de 1867 a Paris. Rapports du jury inter- national, publies sous la direction de M. Michel Chevalier. Alimentation en eau et assainisse- meut des villes, par E. Huet. Emploi agricole des eaux d'egout, par M. Mille. 8°. Paris, 1*67. Huet (Ernest) [1858- ]. *De la choree chronique. 260 pp., 1 1. 4-. Paris, 1889, Xo. 390. -----. The same. 260 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, E. Lecrosnier 4' Babe', 1888-9. Huet (Guillaume Daniel Louis) [1.-31-91]. See .Vlichaclis (Albert Carl Julius). Compendium van de leei dei syphilis |etc.]. 8°. Amsterdam, 1858. For Biography, see ^Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1891, 2. K.. xxvii, pt. 2, 373-376 (Stephan). Huet (Jacobus Adriaan Gallaudat). See Gallan- dat Huet (Jacobus Adriaan). Huet (Joseph) [1861- ]. * Du calomel comme diur6tique dans les hvdropisies d'origine cardia- que. 74 pp. 4°. Paris, 1-90. No. 241. Huet (Pierre Daniel), bishop of Avranches [1630- 1721]. See Uluratori (Ludovico Antonio) [in 1. s.]. Delle forze deil' intendimento umano. 2. ed. 12°. Venezia, 1748. Huet (Willem Gerard). *De gevolgen der extirpatie van het ganglion colli supremum nervi sympathici voor het centrale zenuwstelsel. 3 p. 1., 90 pp., 11. 8C. Amsterdam, F. van Ros- sen, 1898. Huet-Desaiinay (Henry). Le laboratoire municipal et les falsifications, ou recueil des lois et circulaires concernant la vente des produits alimentaires et l'hygiene publique. 146 pp., 1 1. 12°. Paris, F. Pichon, 1890. Hueter (C[arl]) [1838-82], Die Formenent- wickelung am Skelet des menschlichen Thorax. Anatomisch-physiologische und anatomisch- pathologische Skizze und Beitrag zur Lehre von deu Brustverkriimmungen. 100 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1865. [P., v. 1390.] -----. Zur Histologie der Gelenkfliicheu und Gelenkkapseln, mit einem kritischen Vorwort iiber die Yersilberuugsmethode. 56 pp., 2 pl. 8°. [Berlin, G. Reimer, 1866.] Repr.from: Arch.f. path. Anat. [etc.],Berl.,1866,xxxvi HUETEE. 455 HUFELANP. lllieter (C[arl])—continued. ------. Kritisch-antikritisehe Wanderungen auf dem Gebiete der jiiugsten chirurgischen Tagels- literatur. 1 p. 1., 187 pp. 8J. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1-76. ------. Grundriss der Chirurgie. 2. sorgtaltig durchgesehene Autl. von Hermann Lossen. v. 2. Specieller Theil. 2 pts. in 1 v. viii, 440 pp.; xiv, 406 pp. - . Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1**5. ------. The same. 3. sorgtaltig duichgesehene And. von Hermann Lossen. 4 pts. iu 2 v. 8"-. Leipzig. F. C. W. Vogel, 18-4-6. CONTENTS. v. 1. Alliremeiner Theil. v. 2. Specieller Theil. 1. Abth.: Die chirurgische Krankheiteu des Kopfes. 2. & 3. Abth.: Die chirurgischen Krankheiten des Halses und Bum pies. 4. \- 5. Abth.: Die Yerletzungen und Krankheiten der Extiemitaten. ------. The same. 4. Autl., bearbeitet von Her- mann Losseu. 5 pts. in 2 v. sJ. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1—7--. v. 1, 188s: V. 2, Is?:. ------. The same. 5. [-6.] Aufl. Ueberarbeitet von Hermann Losseu. 8~\ Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1—--9. v. 1, 5.-6. Aufl., 1889; v. 2, 5. Aufl., 1888. ------. Thesame. 6. Aud. v. 2. Specieller Theil. 5 pts. iu 1 v. --. Leipzig. F. C. W. Vogel, ls90. ------. The same. 7. unigearbeitete Aufl. v. 2. 5 pts. iu 3 v. rov. 8-. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1*92. ------. Tbe same. Hioshi gekwa tsnron. Kan Adachi vaku. [Hiiter's Surgery. Transl. by Kan Adachi.] 5 v. 12c. Tnkio, 18«<3. Japanese text. Translation of first half as far as J 297, p. 408. ------. Tbe same. Hioshi gekwa tsurou zoku- heu. Kan Adachi yaku. [Supplement to Hii- ter's Surgery. Transl. by Kan Adachi.] v. 1-2, paged consecutively. 3 p. 1., 341 pp., 2 1. 12c. Tokio, 1*86. See. also. Eliverl (~S. G5 Antiquari.ir--< 'ataloir, Xi. viii. -5 5lurburg, 188o. — Toiiimasi-C ruflcli li'.) a. Under-Ci in\. ».]. Ueber Diphtheritic. e5 [Berlin. ItSttS.j For Portrait, tee Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Hiieter (Carl Christoph) [1-03-57]. * Diss, duos st-ctiouis Ciesarete casus relates exhibens. vi, 61 pp., 1 1. 12:. Marburgi, typ. J. C. Kriegeri, 1-24. ------. Die Pathologie nnd Therapie der fiinften freburtsperiode. xvi, 255 pp. ~°. Marburg, C. Krieger, 1-28. ------. Conspectus eorum, quas in xenodochio obstetricio Marburgensi a die xvii sextilis anni 1833 usque ad iiueni anni 1-43 evenerunt. 60 pp. 1-. Marburgi, typ. Eluerti, lw44. ------. Der einfache Mntterkuehen der Zwil- linge. 51 pp., 3 pl. 4^. Marburg 4' Leipzig, Elwert, 1845. Hiieter ([Christian Franz] Carl) [1862- ]. " Ein grosses Cystom der Leber bei einem Kinde, neb-t Bemerkungen iiber cystische Erkraukun- ^•■n der Leber. 24 pp., 1 1. --. Giittiugen, 1*87. Hiiter (Ferdinand). * Ueber Endresultate der Castration bei Epididymitis tuberculosa. 49 pp. S3. Wiirzburg, P. Scheiner. 18*7. lllieter CGeorgius Fridericus Guilelmns Victor). * De epidermuie in neonatis soluta. 31 pp. 8". Marburgi Cattorum, typ. Elwerti, [1858]. Hiieter (Georgius Guilielmus). ~ Singularis enjusdam atrophia; casus nonnulli. 1 p. 1., 19 pp., 2 pl. 4°. Marburgi Cattorum, typ. J. A. Kochii, [184-]. Hiieter (Kichard [Hermann Johannes Georg]) [1-5-- ]. ■ Ueber die Fussgelenk-Resection bei granulirender scrophulos-tuberculoser-Ge- lenkentzundung. 30 pp. 8°. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1882. Huetlin (Carl Theodor). *Die Sarcome der Nasenhohle. Ein Fall von myelogenem Myxo- sarcoin ausgehend von der Pars nasalis des Stirnbeins. 52 pp., 2 ]d. 8C. Freiburg i. B., F. Wagner, 1892. ------. Mneinotechnik der Receptologie. Leicht fassliche Anleitung zum Erlerneu der durch die l'harmaeopoe vorgeschriebenen Maximaldoseu auf mnemotechniscbeni Wege. 21 pp. 16°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Hen/maun, 18'.)5. -----. Thesame. 2. Autl. 31pp. 12°. Wies- baden, J. F. Bergmann, 1901. Huettc (Charles). See Krrnai'd (Claude) & Huctlr (Ch.) Frecis icono- graphiquedem6deciue o|ier;tinii( [etc.]. 12°. Paris, 1853. ------------. Specimen des instruments dechirurjjie. 12°. Paris, 1854.-----■ ------. Handbuch der chirurgischen Operatiouslehre|ete.]. 12°. Wiirzburg, is.v>-f>.-----:------ Atlas zur operativen Medicin [etc.]. 12°. Stuttgart. 1862. ------------. liesi liosi tosei [etc.]. 12°. Tokio, 1878.— IVorton (Arthur Tiehern) [in, 1. h. ]. A textbook of op- erativo surgery [etc.]. 8°. London, 18s(i. Hiittenbaclier (Josephus). *Diss. med. sis- tins detinitiones morborum principum. 7 p. 1., 20 pp. 4°. Vindobonce, typ. vid. G. L. Schulzii, 1767. voii Hutteiihreiiiier (Andreas) [1842- ]. Lehrbuch der Kinderheilkunde. 2. Aufl. xiv, 7s6 pp. 8C. Wien, W. Braumiiller, 1*88. Huttenhaiii (Willy) [1.-65- ]. * Ueber das Ankylostoma und seine Behandlung. 61 pp., | 1 1. '&--. Bonn, C. Georgi, 1890. Hutteiiuiiiller (Carl). * Einwirkung der Harnsiiure auf die Gewebe bei Gicht. 20 pp. 8-. Wiirzburg, N. Bayer. Landesztg., 1896. Hiittig' (Ernst) [1-63- ]. *Die Anwendung des Siililimats in der Geburtshilfe. 35 pp. 8-. Berlin, G. Schade, 1885. Hiittner (Walther) [1873- ]. * Ueber das Zusammentreffeu von Tabes dorsalis und Heiz- klappeufehlen. 33 pp., 1 1. Berlin, E. Ebering, 1897. Hiitx ([Max] Hugo). * Ueber des Phenylin- . doxyl und einige Derivate des Benzoins. 33 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. W. Schade, 1895. II life laud. Der practische Hausarzt. Ein zu- verlassiger Ratbgeber bei alien Krankheiten jedes Alters uud Geschlechts. Uuter vorziig- licher Beriicksichtigung derjeuigen Leiden, welche ihren Ursprung haben iu schlechter Ver- daunng, Verschleimuug . . . Mit Angabe der vorziiglichsten Hans- und Heilmittel uud einer Hans- und Reise-Apotheke. 14. Aufl. iv, 330 pp. 12-. Berlin, S. Mode, [1887]. II u fr I a ml (Christoph Wilhelm) [1762-1836]. Leber die west-utlichen Vorziige der Inoculatiou- vollkoinmne und unvollkonmine Blattern, und amlere dahin eiuschlagende Puukte, desgleicheu iiber verschiedene Kinderkrankheiten und so- wohl diiitetische als medizinisehe Behandlung der Kinder. 2 p. 1., 390 pp. 12°. Leipzig, G. J. Giiseheu, 1792. Second title-page leads: 1793. ------. Bemerkungen iiber die natiirlichen und geimpften Blattern zu Weimar im Jahr 17.-8. S'ebst einem Anhang iiber die wesentlichcn X'or/.iige der Inoculation uud einige andere Kin- derkrankheiten. 2. Aufl. 5 p. 1., 590 pp. 8°. Leipzig, G. J. Goschen, 1795. ------. Iiben iiber Pathogeuie und Einfluss der Lebeiiskraft auf Eutstehnng und Form der Krankheiten als Eiuleitung zu pathologischen Vorlesungeu. 7 p. 1., 336 pp. 8°. Jena, 1795. ------. Ueber die Xatur, Erkenntnissmiftel und Heilart der Skrofelkrankheit. Eine von der kaiserlichen Academic der Naturforscher ge- krdnte Preisschrift. xiv, 362 pp. 8°. Jena, Acad. Buchhandl., 1795. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. xiv, 398 pp. 8°. Jena, Acad. Buchhandl., 1797. HUFELAND. 456 HUFELAND. Hufeland (Christoph Wilhelm)—continued. -----. The same. Trattato delle malattie scro- folose, opera coronata dall' Accademia imperiale de' curiosi della natura. Tradotto dal tedesco sulla 3. ed. (1-19), eon note da J. B. Bousquet ed accresciuta di una memoria sulle scrofole uuita- mente ad alcune riflessioui sopra la cura del can- cro del barone Larrev. xviii, 217 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 8°. Firenze, Piatti. 1821. -----. Die Kuust das menschliche Leben zu ver- langern. 2. Aufl. 2 pts. in 1 v. xx, 186 pp.; 256, xxii pp. 8°. Jena, 1708. -----. The same. Macrobiotik, oder die Kuust das nienschliche Leben zu verlangeru. 5. ver- niehrte rechtmiissige Aufl. 2 pts. in 1 v. xxx, 256 pp.; 360 pp., 1 pl. 12-. Berlin, G. Reimer, 1823. -----. The same. 7. durchgesehene und ver- besserte Aufl. xvi, 456 pp. 8C. Berlin, G. Rei- mer. 1-53. -----. The same. Auf's neue durchgeseheu und mit Anmerkuugen verinehrt von M. Steinthal. xvi, 325 pp. 8C. Berlin, E. Staube. 1871. -----. The same. 7. Abdruck. xvi, 325 pp. 8C. Berlin, E. Staude, 18*7. -----. The same. The art of prolonging life. Transl. from the German. 2 v. xxiv, 274 pp.; viii, 331 pp. s°. London, J. Bell, 1797. -----. The same. The art of prolonging human life; in which the subject is fully considered, both philosophically and practically. A new ed., with notes by an English physician, xxxix, 328 pp. 12-. London, Simpkin 4'Marshall, 1829. -----. The same. Art of prolonging life. Edited by Erasmus Wilson, xvi, 328 pp. 12°. Boston, Ticknor, Reed <,- Fields, 1854. -----. The same. L'art de prolonger la vie. 372 pp. 12-. Paris, J.-B. Builliere 4'fils, 1896. -----. Gnter Rath an Mutter iiber die wichtig- sten Punkte der physisehen Erziehuug der Kin- der in den ersten Jahren. 8(i pp. 12°. Berlin, H. A. Rottmann, 1799. -----. The same. Nebst einem Unterrichte fur junge Ebeleute, die Vorsorge fiir Ungeboreue betreffend. 3. vermehrte rechtniassige Aufl. xii, 225 pp. 12°. Basel 4' Leipzig, H. A. Rott- mann, 1830. -----. The same. 11. Aufl., bearbeitet von Ju- lius Hermann Haake. xii, 171 pp. 12°. Leipzig, C. Cnobloch, 1869. -----. Der Scheintod, oder Sammlung der wich- tigsten Thatsachen, uud Bemerkungen dariiber in alphabetischer Ordnung, mit einer Vorrede. 346 pp. 8°. Berlin, Matzdorff, 1808. ■-----. Arineu-Pharinakopoe, entworfen fiir Ber- lin, nebst derNachricht von der daselbst errich- teten Krankenanstalt fiir Arme iu ihren Woh- nungeu. 3. Aufl. 84 pp. 16°. Berlin, lsl3. -----. De pligten van den aits, ter behartiging voor praktizerende, bijzonder jonge arisen. Uit het Hoogduitsch vertaald, door J. J. Gaaswijck. 1 p. 1., 52 pp. s-. Amsterdam, J. B. Elwe, 1814. -----. Vierter und fiinfter Jahresbericht des kduiglichen poliklinischeu Instituts dtr Univer- sitiit zu Berlin von den Jahren 1813 und 1814. 74 pp. 12°. Berlin, Realschul-Buchhandliing, 1815. -----. System der practischen Heilkunde. Ein Handbuch fiir academische Vorlesungen und fiir deu practischen Gebrauch. v. 1. Allge- nieine Therapeutik. 2. Aufl. Iii, 402 pp. 8°. Jena, F. Frommann, 1818. -----. The same. Hufelaudshi sindan. [Trans- lated by B. Yamamoto.] 3 v. 8-. [n. p., 185-.] Japanese text. -----. Predestination des Geschlechts, als Nach- trag zu der Abhaudlung iiber die Gleichzahl der Hufeland (Christoph Wilhelm)—continued. Geschlechter bei deu Menschen. - pp. 1*20. [Berlin, 1819.] Repr. from: J. d. pract. Ileilk., Berl., 1-19, lxiii. -----. Von den Krankheiten der Ungeb^renen und der Vorsorge fiir das Leben und die Gesuud- heit des Menschen vor der Geburt. 40 pp. --. Berlin, G. Reimer, 1827. Repr. from: J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1827. lxiv. -----. Lehrbuch der allgemeinen Heilkunde. Aus dem System der praktisehen Heilkunde besonders abgedruckt zum Gebrauch bey Vor- lesungeu. 2. Aufl. xxxv, 276 pp. 8°. Jena, F. Frommann, lsio. -----. Conspectus morborum secundum ordines naturales, adjunctis characteribus speciflcis diaguosticis, sen signis pathognomicis. In usum auditorum. 2. ed. iv, 5-48, iv pp. 12°. Bero- lini, F. Diimmler, 1-31. -----. Die Homoopathie. 44 pp. >-. Berlin, G. Reimer, 1-31. -----. Neue Auswahl kleiner medizinischer Schrifteu. v. 1. iv, 346 pp. 8C. Berlin, Veil 4' Comp., 1834. -----. Enchiridion medicum, oder Anleitung zur medizin ischen Praxis. Vermachtniss einer fiinf- zigjahrigen Eifahrung. xvi, 747 pp. --. Ber- lin, Jonas, l8'56. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. xx, 930 pp. 8°. Berlin, Jonas, 1-36. -----. The same. 4. Aufl. xx, 930 pp. 12°. Berlin, Jonas, 185-*. -----. The same. Enchiridion medicum. Hand- leidiug tot de geneeskundige praktijk. Erfnia- king van eeue vijftigjarige onderviuding. Naar de laaste vermeerderde en verbeterde Hoogduit- sche uitgave vertaald, door H. H. Hageman, jr. 2. uitgave. 2 pts. in 1 v. xvi, 026 pp., 12 1. 8C. Amsterdam, H. D. Santbergen, 1858. -----. The same. Manuel de medecine pratique, legs d'une experience de 50 ans. Trad, de l'alle- mand, sur la 4. e"d., par Ernest Didier. 2 v. in 1. xi, 362 pp.; 318 pp. 8~. Bruxelles, 1*5*. -----. The same. Trad, de l'allemaud, sur la 4. e"d.. par A.-J.-L. Jourdan. ii, 379 pp. 8°. Bruxellts, Soc. encycl., 1-41. -----. The same. Enchiridion medicum; or, manual of the practice of medicine. The result of fifty years' experience. Transl. from the 6. German ed. by Caspar Bruchhauseu. Revised for the proprietor by Robert Nelson, xii, 630 pp. 8°. New York, W. Radde, 1842. -----. The same. 2. ed. xii. 630 pp. 8°. New York 4' London, W. Radde 4' H. Bailliere, 1844. -----. The same. Enchiridion medicum, ossia indirizzamento alia pratica della medicina, frutto di un' esperienza di 50 anni. Seconda traduzioue, eseguita snlla 5. edizione tedesea dal dottor Eurico Venturini. 416 pp., 1 1. 8J. Bologna, G. Monti, 1-51. -----. The three cardinal means of the art of | healiug. 79 pp. 8-\ New York, W. Radde, [1842]. Bound xirith his: Enchiridion medicum, Tete. 1. 85 Xew York, 1842. -----. The same. 79 pp. 8 -. New York, W. Radde, [1844]. Boundv-ith his: Enchiridion medicum, [etc.]. 2.ed. 85 Xew York <£• London. 1844. -----. Opinion sur le cholera. [ Allgemeine Zeituug.] pp. 279-285. 8-. [Paris, n.d.] Cutting from : France litt., Par. -----. Tabellarische Anweisuug, gesund zu blei- ben und alt zu werden, grossteutheils eiu Auszug aus Hufelauds Kuust, das menschliche Leben zu verlangeru, zur tiiglichen Uebersicht fiir jeden, dem Leben und Gesuudheit lieb und HUFELAXD. 457 HUGHES. Iltifelaml v Christoph Wilhelm)—continued. schiitzbar 1-1. broadside sheet, eleph. fol. Brc- i/entz, J. Brsntano, [n. d.]. See, also, BiMt'liofl' (C[hristiau] H(einrich] E[rnst]). i Uaistcllung der Gallseheii Gehirn- und Schadel - Lehre [etc.]. 12°. Berlin. 1805. — I.t-ibiii-r.l (Dei i ,5, l.s. [etc.] 85 Qnedlinburg d- Leipzig. 1SS4. — Mcliiilcr (lleiurieh) [in 1. s. |. Bijdrage ter beliandeling der cholera. lti-5 Si, im :;< rt. 1831. ------. The same 2. ed. IC. Xijmeijtii. ls.il. — Mom** account of Ur. Gall's new theory lefe.]: sr /.,„„/..„. I8.»7. For Bi,,;ir,ij,hn. see MiicIim i.I. I. J.) [in l.s.). Chr. Wiih. lluii land. Kin Kneki. . 1, auf sein sieheuzig- jiilnii;es I.ehen und Wii-ken, heim 12. August 18:r.'. s5 'Berlin. is:;2. See. also : Cor.-Bl. d. allg. jir/.Tl. \"cr. v. Thii- ringeu, Weimar, lssil. xv, 264-275 (A. W.i. -------. >;i. also: Hedem s (A. G.) [Ad Christophum Guiliel- lnum Hufeland, primum pathogeuite lueidioris | et elegantioris allorem statoitiiH|ue.] 4°. Dres- dat, 1-33. HtltVlaild's (C. W.) A E. Osann's neues Jour- nal der practischen Ar/ueikunde. [etc.]. Berlin. W.i- additional title of: Journnl der practischen Arz- ueikunde. [etc.], in 1842-4. v. 94-1'S. Berlin. Hufeland (Friederich) [1774-1-39]. Ueber Sympathie. 2. Auli. x (1 1.), 22-pp. 12-. Wei- mar, Landes-Industrie-Cuniptoir. 1-22. Hlllt'Iail«rsc*lie (iesellschati in Berlin. Verdf- fentlichuugen. [-1 isn:] Oefl'entliche Yersainm- lung der Balneolcgi-ehen Gesellschaft. 11.-21., ly-0-1900. --. /.'(Win, l—9-100d. ------. Veioffentlicliungen: Voitiiiue, gehalten in den .Jahren 1-01-0. -:. Berlin, 1-92-1901. Hlifer (Christian). 'Ein Fall von totaler Ab- sehuiiruiig eines Nabelschnurbruches. 17 pp., 1 1.. 1 pl. - -. Marburg, J. A. Koch. 1**1. IIII fil age 1 (Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Viktor) |_l-75- ]. * Ueber die Aetiologie der Hernien. 2- pp., 2 1. -?. Berlin, E. Ehering, 1-07. Hilfsclilllid .Carl). "Zur Frage der Antipy- iiiil»'haudlung des Typhus abdomiualis. [Ba- sel.] 26 pp. - . Tnrbenthal, >. 212. Hllgel (Konrad). *Z\\ei Fiille maligner Tumo- ien d<-s Unterhaut/.ellgeuelies. 20pp., 2 pl. 8°. Wiirzburg, P. Scheimr, 1-00. Hugenlierger ([Ernst August] Th.) [1821-91 ]. Bericht aus dem Hebamiuen-Insfit ute ihrer kai- serlichen Hoheit der Fran Grossfiirstin Helene Pawlowna zu St. Petersburg, fiir den xv-jiihri- gen (yclus von 1-15 bis 1-50 inch 15- pp., 5 pl. rov. 8". St. Petersburg, H. Schmitzdorff, 1863. Repr. from: St. IVter-.li. med. Ztschr., 1863, iv. ------. Ein kyphotisch ijuerverengtes Becken aus dem Hebamiiien-Institute ihrer kaiserl. Ho- heit der Fran Grossfiirstui Helene Pawlowna zu j St. Petersburg. 36 pp , lpl. - . St. Petersburg, Riitlger 4- Schneider, 186*.. [Also, in : P., v. 2198.] Repr. from: St. Petersh. med. Ztschr., 1808. xv. ------. Ein Fall flexiler Halisterese aus dem Heb- aminen-Institute ihrer kaiserlichen Hoheit der Frau Grossfiirstin Helene Pawlowna zu St. Pe- tersburg. 27 pp. 8°. 67. Petersburg. Rottger 4' Schneider. 1872. [Also, in: P., v. 21-9.] Repr. from: St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., l«72-3, n. F., iii. Hugeiibei'gcr ([Ernest August] Th.)—cout'd. ------. Zur Lehre vom vorzeitigen Blasensprunge. :'>8pp. ,-s>_ St. Petersburg, H. Schmitzdorff, 1875. [P., v. 2180.] ------. Zur Casuistik der Harnblasensteine in der weiblichen Fortpllanzungsperiode. 28 pp. *°. St. Petersburg, II. Schmitzdorff, 1875. [Also, in: P., v. 2201.] Repr. from : St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1875, n. F., v. ------. Ueber Kolpapoirliexis in der Geburt. 35 pp. 8 . St. Petersburg, H. Schmitzdorff, 1876. [P., v. 2201.] Repr. from : St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1875, n. F., v. For Bioiira/ihii, see Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1892), 1893, xxxiv, 75-80. Hu^i'iilioltx (J. B. T.) Open brief aan Dr. W. Ko-tei. Ant woord op ziju artikel in "de Tijd- spiegel" van Januari 1-01, hoe de vivisectu- i>e- streilen wordt. 23 pp. .--. s Gravenhage, H. L. Smits. 1-91. Repr. from : Androcles, Feb., 1891. ------. Het vivisectie-vraagstuk. 44 pp. 8-. Utrecht, J. Bokma, 1802. HllUillsi lunidt (Arthur) [1862- ]. Syph- ilis of the mouth and teeth. 20 pp. 8-. Phil- adtljihia. 1802. pi jir.frimi: Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1892, xxxiv. ------. * Etude experimentale des divers pro- ce~des de defense de la cavite" buccale confix 1'invasioii des bacteries pathogenies. 64 pp. 4C. Paris. 1*96, No. 344. ------. The same. 62 pp., 11. 8 . Paris, G. stein heil, 1896. Hllgeiltobler (J[acques]) [1844- ]. Quel- ques mots sur la methode d'arti dilation dam, l'enseignement des sourds-muets. 22 pp. 8 Lyon, Geneve, Bale, H. Georg, i-74. ------. Du sourd muet de naissance et de son di veloppeinent intellectuel. 20p)i. 16°. Nenehd tel, 1876. ------. L'audiphone. pp. 449—457, 1 diag. 8C Lyon, J.-P. Me'gret, 18-0. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Lyon med., Is80 xxxiii. Hllgerslioflf (Frauz). E. Preis-Coura'.f... In- stitut physikalischer, optischer und chemischei Apparate und Geriithe fiir Schtileu und hohere Lehr-Aiistalten. 132 pp.. 11. - . Leipzig, [Leo. pold . St. Louis, Hughes (H[enry] M[arshall])—continued. _____. On pneuiiio-thorax; an essay read in part at the Physical Society of Guy's Hospital. 37 pp. 8°. London, Wilson 4'OgiIvy, 1811. Repr. from: Lond. M. (Iaz., 1843-4, xxxiii. A clinical introduction to the practice of 1-97. Repr. from: Alienist &. Neurol., St. Louis, 189 _____. Imperative conceptions. 5 pp. ,S7. xvm. 30 pp. xviii. The 0 pp. Louis, 189 Repr. from: Alienist & Neurol.. St. Louis, 189 .______. Neurological progress in America. s-\ Sf. Louis. 1897. Repr. fmm : Alienist & Neurol.. St. Louis, Is9^ ,______. Medical service and medical fee; business side of the practice of medicine --. .>'/. Louis. 1898. Repr. from: Alienist &. Neurol., St. Louis, 1898. xix. ------. Progress iu neurology. 11 pp. - . £<. Louis, 1-0-. Repr.from: Alienist & Neurol.. St. Louis, ls98. xix. _____., The sauitary salvage of our soldiers in Cuba. 19pp. 8-.* 67. Louis. 1-08. Repr. from: Alienist Ac Neurol., St. Louis, 1898, xix. -----. Suicide. 8 pp. - . [Kansas City, l-OS] Uepr.from: Tr. Missouri M. Ass. 1S96-7, Kansas City, 1898. _____. Nutrition in general functional neurotro- phia. 4 pp. 12-. [Louisville, n. d.] Repr. j loin . Med. Herald, Louisville. For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Hughes (Daniel E.) [1-51- ]. A compeud of the practice of mediciue. 2. ed., revised and enlarged. 157 pp. -\ Philadelphia, P. Blakis- ton, Son if- Co., 1—5. .______. The same. Physicians' ed. Based on the revision of the Quiz-compeud edition, and in- cluding a very complete section ou skin diseasts. 399 pp. - . * Philadelphia, P. Blakiston, Son $ C0.,l**5. <------. The same. Physicians' ed., thoroughly revised and enlarged; based on the third revision of the Quiz-compend edition, and including a very complete section on skin diseases. 408 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston, Son 4' Co., 1887. ------ Thesame. 4. ed. viii, 9-174 pp. 12. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston, Son 4' Co., 18*9. ----. The same. 5. physicians' ed. viii, 9-568 12-. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston, Son 4' Co., pp. 1-01 The same. 6. physicians' ed. viii, 625 12 . Philadelphia, P. Blakiston's Son «)'* Co., pp. 1-00. Hughes (Henry). * Die Entstehung der Leder- hautberstuugen und Aderhautris^e. [ Wurtz- burg.] 58 pp. 8°. Leipzig, W. Buxenstein, 1-87. ------. Lehrbuch der Atmuugsgymnastik. An- leitung zur Behandlung von Lungen-, Herz- und Unterleibsleiden. viii, 166 pp. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1803. ------ Alloemeine Perkussionslehre. Die ma- auscultation, and other modes of physical diag- nosis; intended to simplify the study of the dis- eases of the lungs and heart, xxi (1 1.), 25-270 pp., 1 pl. 8C. Philadelphia, Lea «)'• Blanchard, 1816. See also Phynikalim Inn (Die) t'ntersuchungs- metlioden [etc.] [in 1. s.l- 8 . Weimar, 1855. See Hardy (H.) .v. IIiiuIm'm (J.) Boiteries chro- niques dn clieval [etc.]. 8 . l'.rvxelles, 1876. Hughes (J[aines] Stamina). See Tlarsh (Henry) [in 1. a.]'. Clinical lectures [etc.]. 8°. Dublin, 1867. Hughes (J[ohn]) C.) [1821-81]. The basis ele- ment. Introductory address delivered belore the class of medical students, at the opening of the session of 1852-3, of the College of Physi- cians aud Surgeons of the Iowa University. 13 pp. 8°. Keokuk, 1852. For Biography, see Tr. Iowa M. Soc, Des Moines, 1881-2, v, 161-163 (A. W. McClure). Hughes John R.) A sketch of the origin and early hi-iory of the Liverpool Blue Coat Hospi- tal 24 pp. 8C. [Liverpool, 1859.] Hughes (M[atthew] Louis) [1867-99]. Medi- terranean, Malta, or undulant fever. xi(4l.), 232 pp., 1 pl. 8°. London 4' New York, Macntil- lan 4- Co., 1-97. .For Biography, see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899, n, l<->7. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1899, ii, 1766. Hughes (Paul) [1-70- ]. De l'ozeue vrai et specialement de son traitement par Electrolyse interstitielle cuprique. 118 pp., 1 1. ac. Lyon, 1807, No. 84. Hughes (Richard). The motor nerves ot the muscles; being a tabular view of the muscles of the body, with the nerves which supply them. 16 pp. 16. London, Waiford Bros., 1858. ______. Ou disease of the spiue causing posterior angular projection, abscess, and paralysis. 40 pp 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1861. [P., v. 1438.] ----. A manual of therapeutics, xn, 540 pp. 8°. London, H. Turner, 1869. A manual of pharmacodynamics. 2. ed. xvii, 566 pp. 12-'. London, H. Turner, 1870. Action des medicaments homceopathiques, ou elements de pharniacodynamii|iie. Trad, de ranglaisetaiiiiote>ai I. Guerin-Mene ville. xvi, 647 pp. 12°. Paris, J.-B. Baillii-re 4'fils, 187-1. ____. The Hahnemann materia medica. Pt. 3, containing belladonna, iv, 48 pp. 4°. London, Hahnemann Publ. Sac., 1874. The London School of Honneopathy; a theuiatisch-physikalischen und die psychologi- schen Grundlagen der Perkussion, nebst Be- schreibung einiger neuer Instrumente. viii, 140 pp. -'-. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1804. Lehrbuch der schwedischen Heilgymnas- tik unter Beriicksichtigung der Herzkrankhei- ten. ix, 340 pp. 8°. Wiesbaden, J. F. Berg- mann, 1896. ----. Bedeutung der Mimik fur den Arzt. lo pp. 8°. Berlin 4~ Leipzig, Vogel 4~ Kreienbrink, 1901. Hughes (H[enry] Marshall]) [1805-58]. the physical diagnosis of incipient phthisis. pp. 8-. [London, 1839.] [P., v. 13.58.J Repr. from: Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1839, iv. On 19 lecture, introductory lo its first winter session, delivered October 2, 1877. 15 pp. 8-. London, National Press Agency, 1*77. [P., v. 2002.] _____. On the sources of tho homieopathic mate- ria medica. Three lectures. 55 pp. 8°. Lon- don, Leath 4'Ross, 1877. Hahnemann as a medical philosopher; the Organon. Being the second Hahnemaunian lecture, 1881. 1 p. 1., 02 pp. 10-. London, E. Gould 4' Son, 1882. The knowledge of the physician ; a course of lectures delivered at tbe Boston University School of Medicine, May, 1884. ix, 202 pp. 8°. Boston, O. Clapp o Son, 1881. _____. The drug-proving of the future. 10 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1891. Repr. from: Haluieman. Month., Phila., 1891, xxvi. See also 4 yclopa-ilin (A) of druj; patho^enesy. 8°. London, lhStj-91. — Hahnemann (Samuel Christian EUGHES. 460 HUGOT. Hilglies (Richard)—continued. Friedricln. Materia medica pnra. [etc.]. 85 Liverpool, l-8i. — Hayward (J|ohn| D[aveyJ). [Medical treat ment; orthodox or heterodox. ] s3. [ London. 1886. ] — Pathogenetic (A) materia medica. 85 Philadelphia, 1895. Hughes (Russell P.) * Dissertatio qusedam de fabrica oculi complectens. 2 p. 1., 17 pp. ■--■ Edinbunji, P. Neill, 1-2-!. Hughes ^.Samuel). A treatise on water works for the supply of cities aud towns; with a de- scription of the principal geological formations of England as influencing supplies of water, de- tails of engines and pumping machinery for raising water, aud descriptions of works which have been executed for procuring water from wells, rivers, springs, and drainage areas. x, 364 pp. •**-. London, J. Weale, 1856. ------. The same, x, 364 pp. 12°. London, J. Weale, 1850. ------. Tlie same. Xew ed. xiv, 413 pp. 12-. London, Lockwood 4' Co.. 1872. Hughes (Thomas) [182:1-06]. An address de- livered to the students of St. Mary's Hospital Medical School, at the annual distribution of prizes, June 13th, 1872. 7 pp. --. [London, 1872.] [P., v. 2196.] Hughes (William Kent). See Walshnm (W"[illiam] J[ohnson]) & Hughes (William Kent). The deformities of the human "toot [etc.]. 8°. London, 1895.-----------. The same. 85 Xeio York, 1895. Hughes Medical Club of Massachusetts. Gel- semium sempervirens. A monograph, by the . . . xii, 1:3-105 pp. 16°. Boston cp Providence, 0. Clapp 4 Son, 1885. van der Hught (J. C.) Zijn de gevolgtrek- kingeu juist die men uit bet verslag der Engel- sche Pasteur-Commissie gemaakt heeft? 14 pp. 8=. 's Gravenhage, H. L. Smits, 18*7. Repr. from: Androcles. Hugo (James). * Statistisches und Klinisches iiber akuteu Gelenkrheumatisnins. [Freiburg.] 39 pp., 4 tab. S~. Breslau, 1-93. Hugo (L[ouis] C. F.) The dental limbo. (A dream.) 29 pp., 1 1. 16°. Washington, B. S. Adams, [1-05]. Hugo Senensis [Hugo Beneius, Bentius, Benzi, or BeiiZO]. [Fol.a-:] Super quarta primi Avicenne incipit. Dicenms quae res niedi- cationis ex una trium reruni completur [etc.]. [Adfinem:] Expliciunt dicta Ugonis Senensis su- per quarta fen primi canon is usque ad ilium para- graphum posituui in capite de enemate. Forma vero. Deinceps vero dicta Marsilii usque ad fiuein. Impressnm Yeueciis per Andream de Ca- labriis de Papia. Anno domiui mcccc octuage- simo quinto. 57 ff. fol. [ Venetiis, 1485.] ------. The same. Ugonis Senensis super quarta feu primi Avicennae preclara expositio, cum an- uotationibus Jaeobi de Partibus noviter per- quam diligentissime correcta. [Adfinem:] Ex pliciunt dicta Ugonis Senensis super quarta fen [etc.]. Additum est euim capitulum de flobo- tomia et in expositiouem Ugonis nuper in- ventum. Venetiis per presbyterum Bonetum de Locatellis. Maudato et sumptibus heredum Octaviaui Scoti. Anno . . . secuudo et quingen- tesimo supra millesimuni. -6 ff. fol. [ Venetiis, 1502.] Bound with his: Expositio super primo [etc.]. fol. Ve- netiis, 1498. —:----. [Fol. a2:] Excellentissimi viri Ugonis se- nensis in primam fen primi canonis Avicenne, ex- positio feliciter incipit. [Fol. 154a:] Explicit commentum . . . InipresMiiu Ferrarie opera Andree Galh mccccxci . . . emendatum vero dili- genti cura et studio Antonii Faveutiui. Sequi- tur quo de febre Antonii Faventini. 160 1. fol. [Ferraris, 1491.] Hugo Senensis—continued. ------. The same. Expositio Ugonis Senensis su- per primo canonis Avicenne cum questiouibus eiusdem. [Fol. 120a:] Explicit commentum Ugonis Senensis in primam et secundam fen primi canonis Avicenne. [Fol. 120b:] Autouii Faventini questio de febre. [Adfinem:] Opus impressnm Venetiis mandato et expensis Octa- viaui Scoti, 1498. per Bonelum Locatellum. ------. Ugo senensis super aphorismos Hypo. et super commentum Gal. eius interpretis. [Fol. a:] Incipit expositio clarissimi viri Ugo- nis senensis super aphorismos Hypocratis et sup. commenta Galeni eius interpretis. [Adfinem :] Impressa Ferrarie per magistrnni Laurentium de Valentia et Audream de castro uono. Anuo domiui 1493. 189 1. fol. [Ftrrar'm, 1493.] ------. Expositio Ugonis Senensis super libros Tegni Galeni. [Adfinem:] Venetiis impensa he- redum quondam Octaviaui Scoti ac sociorum. 1418. 93 ff. fol. [Venetiis, 1518?] The date on above appears to have been 1418. but has been altered with a pen to 1518. The work of zE^'idius, De urinis. which is bound with this work of Hugo, was also printed by Octavianus Scotus. aud has for date 1414. Both these dates are necessarily wrong. Scotus (or Scot- tus) was a printer from 14s0 to 1500, and his heirs contin- ued the business from 1500 to 1531. The dates of 1514 and 1518 for the two works described would probably he cor- rect. A work of Hugo Senensis was published by Scotus himself in 1498, and another by his heirs in 1502. ------. Ex consiliornm medicinalium libro, ex- cerpta de balueis. In: Bai.nf.is (De) omnia quae extant [etc.]. fol. Yene- tiis. 1553, f. 22U5 See. also, Aricenna. Fgo super quarta primi. fol. Yenetiis, 1517.]—della Torre (Giacomo). Siugularis ex- positio [etc.]. fol. Tenetiis, 1547. Hugo (Victor-Marie) [1802--5]. See ftachtel (Henri), ^organisation a Paris d'ambu- lances urbaines [etc.]. 85 Paris, le81. ------. See, also : Papillault (G.) Essai d'etude anthropologique sur V. Hugo. J.de nied. de Par., 1898, 2. s.. x, 159; 171; 183. Also: Rev. de psychiat., Par., 1898, n. s., 39-52. Hugoliiius de Monte Catino. De balneorum Italia* proprietatibus et virtutibus. In: Balneis (Del omnia quae extant [etc.]. fol. Ve- netiis, 1553, fl*. 47-57. Hugo-Marcus (Samuel). ~Nouvelles recher- ches sur le microbe de la syphilis. 39 pp. 4C. Paris, 1—5, No. 362. HllgOll (fimile'). *De ^involution senile de la vulve et du vagin. Modifications physiologi- ques et pathologiques. [Lausaune.] 51 pp. 8C. Paris, A. Coccoz, 1897. ------. Massage therapeutique. 300 pp. 12°. Paris, Vigotfreres, 1900. HllgOll (Pierre-Heuri-Oscar) [1872- ]. * Con- tribution a l'dtude du sero-diagnostie de Widal. 34 pp. 8C. Bordeaux, 1-07. No. -0. Illigoiiiu ( Henri 5 ~ Contribution h l'e'tude des lesions de la volont6 chez les alieues. 46 pp. 4C. Paris, [1892], No. 338. Hugonix (Auguste). Examen de la doctrine du docteur Broussais sur le tubercle scrofuleux. 07 pp. 12°. Montpellier, J. Martel lejeune, 1822. HugOliliai (Vilma), Griifin. * Das erste Hun- dert Croup-Operationen in Zurich. 2 p. 1., iii, 108 pp., 2 tab. '8-. Ziirich. O. Fiissli 4' Co., 1-7-. Hugoilliet (Charles) [186-- ]. * Contribu- tion a l'6tude de l'endocardite infectieiise d'ori- gine puerperale."61 pp. 4:. Paris, 1-93, Xo. 2-8. HugOt (Albert) [1-73- ]. * Contribution a I'etude de la tuberculose miliaire aigue pha- ryngo-larvngee; maladie d'Isauibert. 103 pp., 1 pl. 8'V Lyon, 1900, No. 2. Hugot (Claudius). "An inveterata? et contu- maci dysenteriae lactis potio i Francisco Gi- rard. prseside. 4 pp. 8°. Partem, F. Muguet, 167-. HUliOUSESQ. 461 HUGUIN. HilgOilHCliq (Lfouis]). Les alcalo'ides d'ori- mne auimale. 06 pp., 11. ^ . Paris, J.-II. Ilaillure 4'fils, 1—6. ------. Traite des poisons. [Hygiene indus- , trielle; chimie legale.] viii, 50«) pp. --. Paris, G. Masson, 1*91. " ------. Precis de chimie physiologique et patho- louique. iv, 612 pp., 1 pl. 12. Paris, 0. Doin, 1-07. Ni■(■ also, llayrr (Hermann). Le microscope [etc.]. 125 Paris, iss-i. Hllglieilill. Impfen oder Niehtiinpfen ? 1st iu der Frage der AbschaHung des Impfzwanges mit J a oder Neiu zu stiininen. 2. And. Mit einem Anhang: Kindersterblichkeit und Schutz- pockeuiinpfiini;-. Ein Wort zur Zeit von <;11sta\ Ciwcr. 40,42 pp. --. Ziirich, I. Schrdter, 18*2. Ilii^iK'iiin (Marcus . * De atouia uteri post partuni ejusque sequela htvmorrhagia. Argento- rati. 177o! /»».- WeiziF. A.) Xeue Ausz. [etc.|. 125 Frankf.u. Le pz.. 1780. xi. 15-17. Hllglieilill (Numa). "■ Quelques considerations J >ur deux cas inte'ressants de pathologie uer- j veuse observes a la Clinique me'dicale de Ge- neve. 54 pp.. 11. - . Gentt. 1-02. Hllglieilill (Paul-Charles). "Ktiule anatomo- pathologique et clinique de la myocardite in fee- I tieu-e diphtherique. 104 pp. 4J. Paris, 1800, No. 242. ------. The same. 102 pp., 1 1. -3. Paris, G. stiinheil, 1-90. Hllglieilill (R.) [1-07- ]. *Des resultats eloignes du curettage de l'uterus dans le traite- nient des eiHb'ineii ite^ chroniques. 67 pp. 4-. Paris, 1-02. No. 60. Ungues (Alexandrel [1*72- ]. *Des iucou- \eii:euts de l'intubation laryngee dans le croup: etude critique. 15o pp. 4 . Lt/on, 1895, No. 1050. -----. The same. L'intubation laryngee daus le croup. Etude critique et clinique. 150 pp. --". Pur-. J.-B. Bailliere 4-fils, 1*95. Hugues L'I' -tin) [1-75- ]. * Des fractures du tiers supe"rieur du cubitus compliquCes de luxation de la tete radiale. 54 pp., 1 1. 8°. Mo,iipi i ■;,,-. 1900, No. 34. Hugues L.) *De l'implantation ve4amenteuse du cordon ombilical. 55 pp. 4 -. Montpellier, I 1884, No. 24. Hugues (I. CI.) Der Uuterricht in der Veteri- narmedizin, wie er ist und wie er sein miisste. -6 pp. 8~-. Leipzig. H. Degge, 1--0. Forms Heft 2-4. «. -,., of: Vortrage liii Tliieiaizte. Illl^lli'^ (Jean-l;aptisi<) [1840-S.S]. Di^nrl. t,Uw. I'ull. Ar.,,1 joy. ile i,o51. d,. Ilelir., Brux., li-'.)o. 4. >.. iv, 171-1'--' —WelienUcl. j I'.io^raphy.j Mem. Acad. roy. de n5-tic, pathogenic et traitement. 165 pp. 4:. 'Paris, 1-90, No. 244. -----. The same. 165 pp. 8J. Paris, O. Doin, 1 -00. Hugues (Paul) [1-70- ]. * De l'ozine vrai et sp6cialement de son traitement par lelectio ;\-e intei-titielle cupnque. 11- pp., 1 1. *'-. Lyon, 1-07. 2. s.. No. 84. Hllglict.. Essai medical sur les eaux minerales naturelles alcalines, lithin6es, ferrugineuses et inagnesiennes de Martigny-les-Bains (Vosges). 40 pp., 1 1., 3 pl., 1 map. --. Neiifehdteau, Gon- lier-Kienne', 188-5 IIllgiiet(Antoine-Alexaiidre-Kobert) [1857- ]. 'Etude sur le dosage de Vnvfc 37 pp., 1 1. 4-. Bordeaux, 1-91, No. 11. Huguel (Arniand-Marius-Pierre) [1871- ]. * I »e quelques causes d'erreur daus le diagnostic des anevrvsmes de l'aorte ascendante. 50 pp. 8 . Paris, 1.-0.-, X„. 240. Hllglict (Aug.) * Contribution a lYtude des luxations sous- astragaliennes. D'un moyen inedit de reduction. | Lausanne.] 65 pp., 2 pl. 8'. Gran. Boufi'antfrires, 1804. Hllglict ( Hilarion | - A . -1!.] i Du soniuambu- lisme medical, ou esquisse de nososcopie dynamo- Iherapique. v, 7-72 pp. 12 5 Paris, 1857. ------. Kxpo.se de medecine lioiiioodynainiquo, basee sur la loi de similitude fonetionnelle et appliquee au traitenient des affections aigues et chroniques. xxxi, 35-150 pp. 12°. Paris, A. Delahaye, 1-60. ------. Les tievres graves et l'empoisonnenient alnnentaire, influence des aliments altdrds et faNiiies sur le developpement des affections ty- phoi'des et eruptives, leur role prddisposant aux invasions typhiques et choleriqnes. xii (I 1.), 100 pp. 8 . Paris, A. Delahaye 4" K. Lecrosnier, 1-81. ------. Le cholera, ses causes, sa nature, son ana- logic avec les tievres eruptives et typhoides. Lait de s'en preserver et de s'en guerir en quel- ques heures. 47 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye <)'■ E. Lecrosnier, 18*1. ------. La medecine qui guerit. Expose"demede- cine honieodynamique, basee sur la loi de simi- litude fonetionuelle et appliquee au traitement des affections aigues et chroniques. Allopathie, homeopathic, home'odynauiie coinparees; faus- sete de la loi de similitude pathog6u6tique de Hahnemann d6niontree; erreurs therapeutiques qui en decoulent. 2. 6d. xlvi, 47-212 pp. 16c. Paris, A. Delahaye 5- E. Lecrosnier. 1887. ------. Nouveau systenie d'inhalations et de pul- verisations sulfureuses, aromatiques, balsami- qnes, et antiseptiques ozou6es. 18 pp., 11. 8 , Paris, Delahaye 4' Lecrosnier, 1887. ------. La medecine du progres; guerison des maladies chroniques par la methode electrique et ae'rotherapique. 30 pp., port. 8°. Noisy-le- Sec, 1899. ------. Thesame. 24 pp., 1 1., port. 12c. Paris, 1-00. See, also. Favre (Henri). De la guerison des afl'ec- timis pulmoiiaiies [etc.). 85 Paris, 1888. HnifUet (Joseph-Jnlien-Aristide) [1865- ]. * 1 >e la valeur therapeutique des injections de sublimed dans le traitement de la blennorrhagie et des bases du traitement rationnel de eette af- fcctioii. 77 pp., 1 1. 4J. Paris, 18-8, No. 48. ------. Recherches sur les maladies sitnule'es et mutilations volontaires observers de 1850-00 chez lesjeiines gens, conserits ou militaires en activity de service, envoyi-s a la 21' coinpagnie de pionnieis jusqu'en 1875 et, depuis cette cpoque, a la 4e eompagnie de discipline. 280pp. 8-\ Paris, H.-C Larauzelle, [18',I6]. Hllglict (K.) Traite de pharmacie, thcorique et pratique. xiv, 1228 pp. roy. 8 . Paris, O. Doin, 1888. ------. Traite de chiinie nie"dicale et pharmaceuti- que. Chiniie mineiale. xv, 1014 pp. 8°. Paris, Baudry ,\ lie., l^O-l. ------ The same 2. <*d. xv, 1014 pp. .-"-5 Paris, Baudry 5- Cie., 1^07. IIilollll I- i I'icrrv-Charles) [1804-73]. (alle. Ni i kiIo^h J. d. conn. nied. prat., Par. 1873, xl, -jmi; Hilglliil (A.) Notice sur les fosses anti-ui6phyti- qnes portatives, op6rant la Separation immediate des solules et des liquides et la desuifectiou com- plete des produits. - pp. 8J. Paris, A. Appert, 1840. [P., v. 1755; 1773.] HUHN. 462 HULKE. Hllllll (Georg). * Disp. med. de palpitatione cordis. 13 1. 8C. Helmestadi, 1643. [P., v. 243.] ------. * Disp. med. de mania. 13 1. 8\ Hei- mestadii, 1644. [P., v. 243.] ------. *Disp. med. de peripneumonia. 15 1. 8. Helmestadi, 1644. [P., v. 243.] Hllllll (Joannes Christianus). * Observatioues uonnullas medico-chirurgicas in India orieutali collectas exhibet. Erlangce, 1774. In: Weiz (F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.J. 12°. Leipzig, 1777, vi, 57-59. Hllllll (Joannes Gottlob). * De cancro occulto et aperto, cum observationibus nounullis. 38 pp. 4 . Giessai, typ. J. J. Braunii, 1784. Hllllll (Otto). Commentatio de regeneratione partium mollium iu vuluere. 1 p. 1., 60 pp., 3 pl. 4-". Gottingw, J. C. Dieterich, [1787]. Huici y Lardizabel (Joaquin). * De la oclu- sion intestinal iuterua. 30 pp. 8°. Mexico, 1872. HuideRoper(RushShippen) [1854-1901]. Age of tbe domestic animals, being a complete trea- tise on the dentition of the horse, ox, sheep, hog, and dog, and on the various other means of determining the age of these animals, viii, 217 pp. 8°. Philadelphia 4" London, F. A. Davis, 1891. -----. The cat; a guide to the classification and varieties of cats, and a short treatise upon their care, diseases, aud treatment, ix, 148 pp., 1 pl. 12°. New York, D. Appleton 4' Co., 1895. ------. Americau veterinary medicine. Response to a toast at the banquet given to A. Liautard. 6 pp. 8°. [New York], 1899. ------. The M. D. V. as a scientist. Develop- ment aud present aims of the veterinarian. Cutting from: Boston Eveuing Transcript, April 10,1901. See, also, United States. Department of Agricul- ture. Bureau of Animal Industry [in 1. s.]. Special report on diseases of the horse. 8°. Washington, 1890.— Veterinary blue book, 1898. 8°. New York City, 1898. For Biography, see J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1902, xxxviii, 47.' Also: J. Comp. M. & Vet. Arch., Phila., 1901, xxii, 753-759, port. Huidiez [Edmond], Atropine blanche des nerfs optiques. Examen microscopique. 2 1. 8°. [Lille, 1875.] Repr. from: Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1875, xiv. ------. CouipasderincisionscbSro-corneennedans l'op6ration de la cataracte par extraction. 7 pp., 1 pl. 8=. [Lille, 1877.] Repr. from: Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1877, xvi. Huie (Ricardus). * Diss, quasdam observatioues de plautarum generatione complecteus. 3 p. 1., 61pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Abernethy <$■ Walker, 1815. ------. A probationary essay on scirrhus aud can- cer in general, but particularly as they are met with in the female breast. 32 pp. 8D. Edin- burgh, Abernethy 4 Walker, 1822. [P., v. 1271.] Hilijgeus (Jan). *De onschadelijkheid vau de vervanging der suiker iu ons voedsel door saccharine. [Amsterdam.] 2 p. 1., 47 pp. 8~. Zaandam, K. Blees Gz., 1890. Huillet (Benjamin-Georges) [1873- ]. * Con- tribution a l'dtude du doigt a ressort, recherches chez les mnsiciens. 84 pp., 1 1. 8Z. Bordeaux, 1899, No. 100. Huiiiiuk (Wolter Johan Wilhelm). * Verge- lijkende studie van de sterfte uaar het beroep in Nederlaud en eenige andere staten van Europa. [Amsterdam.] 2 p. 1., 87 pp., 4 tab. 8°. Mep- pel, B. ten Brink, [1899]. Huisiuga (Matthaeus). 'Diss, sistens incubi cansas prajcipuas. 32 pp., 31. 4°. Lugd. Bat., G.Potvliet, [1734]. [P., v. 1917; 1918; 1944.] Hlliskamp (Willem). * De eiwitstoffen der glaudula thymus. 3 p. 1., 75, iv pp. 8-. Utrecht, C. H. E. Breijer, 1900. HuismailS (Johannes Adolf Peter) [1870- ]. * Ueber die Entfernung vou Eremdkorpern aus Trachea und Oesophagus. 30 pp. 8°. Bonn, 1899. HuismailS (L.) * Ueber die Ausgiiuge der tiiberkulosen Coxitis. [Heidelberg.] 38 pp. 8°. Tiibingen, H. Laupp, 1891. Huiziliga (D[irk]) [1840- ]. Ons hart. 15 pp. 8-. [n. p., 1867.] Repr. from: De Grids, 1867. Huiziliga (J. Menno). Des mesures prophylac- tiques etficaces k prendre contre la propagation des affections syphilitiques et v6uerienues; memoire pr6sent6 au Congres de la F^d^ratiou britannique et continental a Bruxelles, octobre 1801. 26 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, A. Manceaux, 1801. ------. De geueeskuust in de samenleviug. 39 pp. 8°. Haarlem, de erven F. Bohn, 1896. Forms no. 1: Geueesk. Bl. u. Klin, en Lab. v. de prakt., Haarlem. 1890, iii. See, also llorrix (Paul). Open brief [etc.]. 85 '*- Qravenhage, [1899].—Rapport (Het) der Heereu, etc. [in 1. s.]. 8°. 's Qravenhage, 1882. Ilukeeiu Muolvee Abd-Ool Mujeed. See Avicenna. Uboo-TJliEbn Sena. Oorjoozeh [etc.J. 8°. [n.p.], 18-J9. Hlllailicki (WTatlyslaw). *Die leproseu Er- krankungeu der Augeu. Nach Beobachtuugeu aus der St. Petersburger Augenheilanstalt uud der Leproserien zu Dorpat und Riga. 125 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Dorpat, Schnakenburg, 1802. Hulbert (George F.) Electricity vs. Tait, or the use of electricity in inflammation as found in gynecology. 25 pp. 8-. [St. Louis, J. H. Chambers 4' Co., 1888.] Repr. from: St. Louis Cour. Med., 1888, xx. ------. Mechanical obstruction in diseases of the uterus. 23 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, 1890. Uepr.from: Med. News, Phila., 1890, lvii. ------. A contribution for definite aud known quantity and quality iu mineral waters. 23 pp. 12^. Chicago, Office'Am. M. Ass., 1801. Repr. from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1891, xvi, ------. The motive and method of electricity in pelvic inflammation. 16 pp. 8 5 [St. Louis, 1891.] Repr. from: "Weekly M. Rev., St. Louis, 1891, xxiii. Hulbert (H[eury] H[arper]) & Plielan (Luis J.) Exercise for health: its science aud practice (in three parts); containing an anatom- ical, dumb-bell, aud other charts, with full explanations. 260 pp., 1 pl. 12°. London, The Whitely Exerciser

    G. H. J.I Hull's Jahr; a new manual. 85 Xew T>rl.- 18ili!.— Laurie (Joseph). Homoeopathic domestic im-dicini-. ]•_'- Xeiv Tork, 1848. -----. Thesame. 16c. Xt-n York-.1849. -----. The same. 163. New York, 1850. Hull (Edmund C. P.) The European in India; or, Anglo-Indian's vade-mecum. A handbook of useful aud practical information for those proceeding to or residing in the East Indies, re- lating to outfits, routes, time for departure, In- dian climate and seasons, housekeeping, serv- ants, etc.; also an account of Anglo-Indian so- cial customs aud native character; to which is added a medical guide for Anglo-Indians, by R. 8. Mair. 3. ed., with additions, xvi, 354 pp. - . London, C. K. Paul 4- Co., 1-78. Hull (Florence). Co-Editor of: Childhood, Xew Tork, 1892-4. Hull (John) [1704-1843]. Observations on the nervous systems of different animals; ou original defects in the nervous system of the human species and their influence on sensation and vol- untary motion. 42 pp. -3. Manchester, R. 4' W. Dean 4- Co., 1801. Repr. from: Mem. Lit. &- Phil. Soc, Manchester. See, also, RaiidHocqiK- (Jean L011U1 [in 1. s.J. Two memoirs on Cesarean operation 85 Manchester, 1801. Hull (Robert). Essays on determination of blood to the head, xiv (11.), 154 pp. 12 . Lon- don, Churchill 1842. Hull (William I.) The children of the other half. Their homes, their lives, their perils, the helping bands held out to them. pp. 1030-1051. 8-5 [Boston, 1897.] Cutting from: The Arena, Bost., 1897. xvii. Hull Blind Institution, Kingston Square. An- nual report of the committee to the >ubseribers. 15., 18-55. 15 pp. 8°. [Hull, 1881.] Hull Borough Asylum. See&ull. Hull City and County Asylum. Hull Borough Lunatic Asylum. See Hull. Hull City and County Asylum. Hull City and County Asylum. See Hull. Hull City and County Asylum. Hull Seamen's and General Orphan Asylum. Annual report of the committee to the sub- scribers. 1., 1866-7. 44 pp. 8°. Hull, W. Hawaii, 1867. Opened Oct. 24, 1866. Hlilleuimi (Joannes). *De multiplici usu me- dicameutoruui mercurialium in variis morbis. 2 p. 1., 28 pp. 4°. Leidie, A, 4' J- Honkoop, 1813. [P., v. 1930.] Iliillilien {Manfred F.) [1835-84]. Dirkey (J. L.) Ohituary. Tr. M. Soc. W. Virg., "Wheeling 1S86, 334. Hiiliiiauil (Max) [l8('i;- ]. * Contribution ii I'etude de la nature de la grippe, conside're'e surtout an point de vue de la propagation epi- defnique. 100 pp., 11. 4°. Paris, 1894, Xo. 120. -----. The same. 106 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1804. IIiiIiiic ( Kdward Charles). Case of irideremia totalis. 3 pp., 1 pl. 8. London, J. E. Adlard, 1861. [P., v. 2100.] Repr. from: Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1853, xliv. See, also, Taylor (Robert) & Hulme (Edward C.) [t?i 1. s.]. Cases illustratiugthe use ol the ophthalmoscope. 85 [London, 1859.]---------[ml. s.J. Thesame. 8°. [London, 1860. | Huliiie (E[rederick] Edward) [1841- ]. Na- tural history lore aud legend. Being some few examples of quaint and by-gone beliefs gathered in from divers authorities, ancient and mediae- val, of varying degrees of reliability, viii, 350 pp. 12°. London, B. Quaritch, 1805. Hulllie (Joanues R.) *Diss. qiuedam de pau- create ejusque morbis complectens. 1 p. 1., 84 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, J. Ballantyne 5' socii, 1825. Huliiie (Nathanael) [1732-1807]. Abhandlung von dem Kindbetteriunentieber. Aus dem Eng- lischen iibersetzt uud mit einigen Zusiitzen vermehret.- 3 p. 1., 141 pp. 8-. Leipzig, J. F. Junius, 1772. -----. Auzeige eines sichern und leichten Mit- tels wider den Blasen- uud Nierenstein, den Scorbut, das Podagra, wider auszehrende Fieber uud die Wiirmer. Durch verschiedene Erfah- rungen erliiutert. Nebst einer Anweisung, "Was- ser und andere fliissige Kbrper sehr geschwind, durch cine sehr einfache Mischung. ohne Hiilfe einiger Geiathschaft, oder einer zusaninienge- set/ten Maschiue, mit fixer Luft anzuschwan- gern. Ans dem Englischen iibersetzt. 76 pp. 10-'. Leipzig, C. Fritsch, 1778. -----. The same. Neue, leichte uud sichere Heilungsart des Steins, 8coibuts, Podagra, etc., uud Vernichtiuig der im menschlichen Korper entstehenden Wiirmer, mit vielen (ieschichten solcher geheilter Krankheiten erliiutert, nebst einer Art, das YVasser. wie auch andere Fliis- sigkeiten alsobald mit der fixen Luft zu schwiin- gern, durch eine sehr einfache Zusaninienuii- schung, ohne all em kiinstlichen Geriithe, oder einer zusamniengesetzten Maschiue. Aus dem Englischen in das Lateinische iibersetzet von Johann Ingeuhousz, nunmehro wegen seiner Vortrefflichkeit ins Deutsche iibersetzet. uud mit Annierkungen vermehret von Joseph Lip- pert. 109 pp. 8 . men, J. Edlen, 1781. -----. The same. Nova, tuta, faeilisque metho- dus curandi calculum, scorbutum podagram, etc., destruendique vermes in huinano corpore nidulantes, variis niorborum, liac curatorum, historiis illustrata; cui addita est mcthodus ex- temporanea iinpragnanili aquam aliosque liquo- res ai:re fixo persimpliccm ingredientium mixtu- ram, absque ullo apparatu, vel complicata ma- china. 5 p. 1., 52 pp. 8'-. Lugd. Bat., Luzac 4' van Damme, 1778. [P., v. 1855.] For Biography, see Diet. Nat. Biog., Loud., 1891, xxviii, 201 (C. Creightou). HULME. 464 HTMANE. IIuline Dispensary, Manchester. Annual re- ports of the committee of management to the subscribers. 16., 1884-5; 17., 1 —.5-6; 19.-27., 1887--to 1-95-6. --. Manchester, 1**5-96. Established 1869. Hulot (Henri-Jacques) [1-64- ]. * Infec- tions (Vorigine cutanee chez les enfants. 78 pp. 4-. Paris, 1-95, No. 280. Hulot. (L.-Albert.) [1--52- ]. * Quelques con- siderations sur les observations aucienues et re"- centes de syniphysebtomie autiseptique. (Ta- bleaux necrologiques des meres et des enfants, du 11 mars 1887 au 30 juin 1805; 25 cas nouveaux de symphyseotomies 88 pp. 4°. Paris, 1803, No. 323. van der Hulpin (Cornelius). Disp. med.- chir. de turuudarum uoxis. 24 pp. sm. 4°. Duisbnrgi ad Rhenum, J. Sets. 173-5 [P., v. 2120.] Hills** (Sir Edward) [1682-1759]. See Epistle (An) to John Ranby, [etc.]. 85 London, 1745. For Biography, see Diet. Xat. Biog., Lond., 1891.|xxviii, 203 (C. Creighton). Ilulse (William W.) [Details of expenditure, deductions, and apportionment in the Manches- ter Koyal Infirmary. With statistics aud re- marks relating to the work done, and the cost at which it has been accomplished during the last three years, 1873-4 to 1875-6. May 5, 1877.] 4 sheets, 2 tab. fol. [Manchester, 1877.] Hulsenoscli (M. L. Q. van Ledden). Leid- drad bij bet regelen vau het allgemeen dieet voor suikerzieken. 24 pp. obi. 24-. Amster- dam, Scheltenia 4' Holkema, 1901 See. also, ©pwijrda. Rationeele prijsbepaling der recepten [etc.]. 8°. Amsterdam, 1891. Hiilsebuscli (Jacobus Fredericus). *Diss. nied. sistens pinguedinis corporis humani, sive panuicnli adiposi veterum, hodie rneuibrana* cellulosse dicta* fabricam, ejusqne, et coutenti olei historiam, usum, morhos. 34 pp. 4°. Lugd, Bat., J. A. Langerak, 1728. rp.^ V- 1904.] Hulshizer (Philipp Fine) [1828-93J. Griffith (J. H.) Xeciological report. Lehigh Valley M. Mag., Easton, Pa., ls the captains of the life- saving stations of the . . ., with directions for the treatment of the apparently drowned, etc. 20 pp. -?. Boston, 18-5. ------. Reports for the vears 1885; 1— -04; 1-06; 1898. -c. Boston, lc-'5-08. ------. Directions for restoring the apparently drowned, aud instructions for saving drown- HUMANE. 465 HUjIKLTS. ■Ill hi-lilt" Society [>«». y;t-. Hunibert VE). >.. Bouli-oti - C'hai-lai-d 5A.-F.] Rapport fait a l'Ai ,iii>--ii . i |. I nie de medecine [etc.J. s5 [1'ari.i. Is57.)—Henry ([Emmanuel-;Ossiau> tils &. Ilninberl (E.i Reehenhe- chimiques et iiieilico-leg.ilis '.te.!. >■' Paris, ls57. Humbert (Ediiiond-Julien) [l-7b- ]. *Con" tribution a I'etude de l'enueleatioii intia«lair dulaire des tunieiiis >■ lides du corps tlivroi'de- 60 [ip. --. Nancy. 1 -95, N... 13. Humbert [ErancoM. Reponse & M. .Joffre, au- teur de deux memoires sur la reduction des luxatiuiis ancieunes du femur. 1(5 pp. - . strasl'Ouea. Laguerre-Nile aine, [n. d.]. ----- A: Humbert tiK De I'emploi des nio- yens ini'caii n| ues et g\ innasti(|ues dans le traite- ment des ditt'oi niii. s du systeme o^snix. 3 v. in 2. 8-. Bar-le-Duc. F.-G. D'OHneoint, \8.M-1. —--- A Jaequier (N.) Traite des ditlormites du sysieme osseux, ou de lYiuploi des moyens ineaaniqui s et gymnastiijU' s dans lc ti a Jeineii! de ces maladies. 2 v. in I. - pp., 1 1.. 87 p|.; 7 pp., 67 1., 87 pl. 4 . Paris, .).-!',. Haillii-re, l-:\*. Humbert (J.-Emile). * Kssai sur lYxaiiicn chimico-iegal des taclns de sang. 4:! pp. 4 . Paris, L'iguous, 1-56. [I'., v. 17(10.] Humbert (.Jule.s-(;ustave)[l87 I- ]. * Traite- ineut du pied hot, varus eijuin congenital, che/ le nouriissoii par le redressement inothodique. -0 pp . 2 1. 8-. N'ii'-'l, 1899. No. 21. Humbert (Louis-Charles; [1809- ]. 'Con- tribution a I'etude de la lactophenine. 1 p. 1., -6 pp.. 1 1. 4C. Nancy. 1-05. No. 3. Humbert (Maurice; [1876- ]. *De Perithe- lioma sublingual. [Lyons.] 62 pp., 1 1. 8 . Macon, 1-98. No. >}. Humbert (Petrus Josephus). * De menstruis iliiloiiri'-is. 16 pp. sm. 4-. .Ivaentorati, ./.-/■'. Le Rous. 1712. VOL VII, 'ID SERIES----.'30 Humble (Johan August). See Koiiiiiiisoii (Henri U'ilhelin) [in, 1. ».]. For.-iik till en .il luiiilliiin om henen [el<'.J. St. xxi. 45 I pnala, ISds-15 lllllllhlot. Eapport sur l'avant-piojer dederi- vation des sources du Loing et ilu Lunain 7 pp. 4 . Furls, hup. t'hai.r, 180.5. IllllllblOt t'l\) [1-61- ]. * La variole traiiec par la medication et heree-opiaeee a I'll.ipifal S lint-Antoine (I8-J). 0 i pp. 4-. Pans, 188?, No. 3. VOll lluillboldl ( I'riedrich Wilhelm Alexan- dre [1760-18.V.I|. See Mimemlie (Francois) | in 1. s ;. De l'infliienco di reineliiine. s . I'urin. 181X Ku»l (Johann Nepo- iniik) | mi l.s.|. Uriel over den besmetteli jken aaru iler a/.iatische cholera (ete.J. 8-. Amsterdam.' \*.V1. -----. Su; aho : Hixi.ky (T. II.) A Ai.as-iz (L.) Darwin and Humboldt; their lives and work. - . ^.w,,- Y„rk, \8-5. ------A Boil|>lan5 Basel, 1 "-p. Humerus. Kosaihi: (E.) * Contribution a I'etude de Tangle de declinaisoii dc rinunerus a l'etat nor- mal ei a lit it pathologiijue. 4-\ Lyon, l*;v2. Albert (K.i. Aichitektuia kostipa/.ni. [Arcliiiectmcof Iheliiiineriis.j C;isup. lek. cesk . V I'l u/.e, 1900. XXXIX. 1; l'i -Bam (. iai^ee (M.) 15 Ini dn- Nerveiikaniile im Hume- ins der Aliininlin. MoiplioD .laliili.. I.eip/.. ls>.". i,. xi, 4S1 -180. — .1 :i ImmiIiv . La siinaliou ilu Iron nouvi icier ile l'hum^iiis el s.i v.i 11 m- e.....me point de lepe.e .Inns les Tiieiisiiraliuiis lie cet os I'rovince lueil., Lynn. 1 S!>I. v, (i: id Hokniir (I.) Joliaknkotsn no yendeii ni znkeie. [ liu-mii ot I h. humerus.) Zlscln. d.' med. Cesellsi h. 211 lo!mi, lSlKI, vii, nn. 1, D3. Ainu: Hokuetsu Ikwui Kv.aiho, Tokio. is'.lli, no. 58, 15!(i —I.miiiIm i I M.) Note sur la torsion de l'limnerus die/, riioiuiuo. I'lunpt. rend. Soe. de biol., Pur., ls'.rj. 9. s.. iv. .1! - »l :■ rlin« (('.) Nouvelle coiiipariiisini des inemhres nclviens et thor;iciqins chez 1'homme et chez I. s muni mi feres tied u ite de la loision de riiiimeius. Arm), il. uo. de Monl|iel. Mem. de hi seel. de nied., Is57. iii. 471-51(1, 3 pl. Also |Absti ': Compl. lend. Acini, d. sc. I'm-.. Is57. xliv. L'U-.li; TlallhcwN (W.I An apparatus for deterinuiin^ lhe:iiu:le of torsion of the humerus. J. Anat.dj, Physio!.. Lond.. 1SSIJ-7. xxi, r,Uli - ;, ;s — Hpiinci' I H It.) Ossitieation in the head of the liurai'i'us ai liiilh. Ibid.. 1891-2. xxv, 552-55(1. Also, Keprint. — Wii'lnnil ((i. K.) Sonic obsei vatious ou cer- HUMERUS. 4 (>Y> HUMERUS. Humeri!*. tain well marked sta<;es in the evolution of the testudi- nate humerus. Am.'.I. Sc. .V Haven. 1900. 4. s . iv 413- 4-24.— Wormian (J. L.i 'I'm -ion of the liuinerus. .Mem. Nat. Acad. Sc. Wash.. Is9:i. vi, .14-217. Humerus (Abiiormilits if). Adrian ii Leber koii • ml: L- Humerus- und 15 niui.it nkte. lie in. ■/.. Klin. Cnn.. I iiliins;.. l!)ui. xxx. 401- 417. 1 pl___Barker (v. E.i A i rest of developiiient of upper end of humerus follovvini; on ill.si oca ion in infancy. Tr. Path Soc. Loud , 1 ssj-i;, xxxvii. 30u.— Ben noil (E. H.) Congenital malformation of the humerus ,n a inununv. Tr. Roy. A. ad. M. Ireland. Uubl.. Is89. vii. 276. — IJcr- taechini (IV) Un caso di anomalia arteiiosa del lira cc in e (Ii apotisi sopraopilrocloare del!" oinero. assm-iati Bus. senna di se. med.. Modena 1S95. \. 237-24U.— Belli clamai e. Humerus prcsentant lap ph.vse sus cpitivchlernne. Rul!. Soc. anat. de l'ar.. ls!M. lxix i 15. — Feri-cti. Apo- phvse susepitrochleeime bilaieralc Hull. Soi•. o ai at. et ph'vsiol. . . . de Bordeaux. 188H. x. 227. — Ucinii! ( G.) L' apoi'bysesus epitf. chlei nue; observations personnelles et statistiqm s. Bull. Soc eenM ile meil. du nord. I.iile. 19(10 -J. s.. iv. -JnS-219. — 05ll:na» iJ. C. > Congenital absence of the liuinerus. Auli. 1'ediat.. N. \5. 1MI8, xv. 9j7 9M. Also: Pedialries. .x . V. .V Loud.. 1.-98. vi. 498.— Injuria (P. M.) Apotisi supra epiiroclearc Boll. d. r. Ai. ad. nied. di Genova. l--9:s, viii. 02-05, 1 ]d. — ller- rzingrr ( F.) A fels6 kansont teljes hianva. ['to- tal absence of humerus] G\ d_: yaszat Budapest. 1899. xxxix. isJ. Also, transl.: Pest. lord.-chii. Presse. Buda- pest. 1.-99. xxxv, 9(12.— Hut «li in son (.l.i Note on a re- murkalde case of arrest of growth of one humerus. Biit. M.I.. Loud., 1-85 ii 152—Hnlchinsosi (J.» fils. Pro- cessus su-epn ouil\ lien. ISnll. Soc. aud. de Par.. 1884. lix, 2G5 — l,a< hi i I'.i Ancoia nn caso di processo sopi a coudiloideo I ell omero uniano. Riv.clin.di Bologna. Iss5, 3. s. v, 1 s-4(i.5 1 pl.—Tlaealiwler (A.) Perforate lui- mei i in ancient El; \ ptian skeletons. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. Lond.. 19(10. 9U8. Al",.- J. Anat. & Physiol.. Lond.. 1900-1901. nxxV, 121.— tlackar (J. Y.) Supra-condyloid process. In: Mem. etc] in anat.. s5 Lond. «x: Edinb.. 18s9. 170 —de .Tliigalhae* iI'.-S.) Un cas de raeeoiu- cissement considerable du bras du cote cuiche du h nn arret de croissance de l'hiuneriis con e-p"iulanf. Kev. de chir., Par.. 1898, xviii, 442 - 447. — \ icholas til. S. i Tlie eutepicondvlar bridge iu man Am Naturalist, Phila., 1891, xxv. 101. — IVicola* i A.j Ob-ei ration d'apophvse sus-epitrochleenne bilatcrale chez 1 lioinine. Compt. lend. See. do biol.. Par., 1887. 8. .»., iv, 107-110. | ------. Nonvelles observations d'apophvse sus-epitro- chleenne chez I'honmie. Pev. biol. du nord de la France. ! Lille, 1S90-9I. iii. 121-134. 2 pl.—Tenliil iL.i L'apoplivse j sus-epitrochleenne chez rhonime (viniit-deux observations nonvelles). Intermit.' Monatsehr. f. Anat. u. Phvsiol., Leipz.. 1"."9. vi, 391: 4H1. 2 nl. Al*" [Bap. de Pozzi| : Bull. et mem. Soc.de chir.de Par., Is89. ll.s.. xv. 330-335. -----. Note sui la forme, la Situation et les dimensions de l'apo- physe sus-epiirochieenne. Province nied.. Lyon. 18S9, iii. 4(19. ------. L'apoplivse sus-epitrochleenne chez I'houmic. Bull.Soc.danthrop.de Par., 1890. ix. 28 31. Ugololli (F.) Sull' apofisi sopiaepitrocleaie dell' oine.ru nei nor- nuili e nei delinqueiiti. Audi, di psicliiat. [etc.]. Torino. ]s'.»9. xx. 240-24*. — Valeiili (G.) Processo sopr.ir.n. diloideo dell' omero in due eiiminali ed in una pazza. Atti e rendic. d. Accad. med. chir. di Peruuia. 189G, viii, lils-172. Humerus (Diseases of). Si.", also. Humerus (Fracture o<\ Spnntunuiiis); Humerus (Surgery of). Kivikisk ( E. ) * Dc l'epicoiidylalgie. *»-. raris. 1*07. Ileifoniii. Voluniiiieuse exostose osteoireniijiie de l'extreinite superieure de l'lumierus. Bull. Soc d anat. et jihvsiol. de Bordeaux. 1897. xviii. 258-20U.— Belloiiaeil. ()sieoui\ elite de l'humerus; heinonh i i;ie.-: mort. Gaz. med. dc Nantes. 1888-9, vii, 125-127. —B«rckrl /'). me us. Poitou med., Poitiers. 1900, xiv, 8.—Com-liii i.l.i Exostose ost6oge:iique de la partie inferieure et anterieure de l'limnerus uauclm. Kev. d'orthop.. Par., BOu. 1. s . i. 2G1-270.—Oelbel (15) Tiimefactioh de lex- liemite sujierieure de l'hiimerus chez uu enfant. Bull, et mem. Soe. de chir. de Bar.. 190U. n. s.. xxvi. 371-::75.— lliinii (L. A.) Epiphysitis of lhe upper extremity of the humerus. Tr. Path. Soc. Lon.i.. 11-88-9. xl. 205.— I''«i'f«liet'. Osteite juxt i-epiphy-iaie de rexitemite siipei leuie i!e 1'humei ns chez un enfant de 2 ans J: anet d accioisseimnr du bras et raccourcisseiuent de l-.' ti-nti- metrt s. Mem. et compt.-lend. So. d. sc nied. de L\on (I .-8!) 1. 1830. xxix. pt.2. 135-137. [ Discussion]. 172. Also [Abslr.J: Lyon lne.l.. ISs'.i, lxi W.r.\ — i- llllon IF. S.i Ne- crosis of the humerus extending into the head ol i In- bone. N. Am. J. Hoimeo]).. N. 15. IssS. 3. s.. iii, 127.—<«ioinmi |M.) Di una gramle esostosi osteocai lila^inca dell estre- mita supi-riore dell omero di nn faiiciullo. Riv. clin. di Bolojiia. I.-85. 3. 8.. v. 195-201 —HiilchiitMOii (J.l. jr. (v liiuliical cam er of t lie humerus. Tr. Path. Sec Lond., l,s.-."i-G, xxxvii.:.79-381. 1 pl. Also, in hit: Lipomnta m lier- nial re-ions, 85 Lond.. I88G. 9-11. 1 pl. Altm lAhstr.]: Ui ii. M. J., Lond.. lssii. i, :;4s.—laincn iF Mi Caseof acute epiphysitis of humerus: lecoverv. with -oial n ove- nicnt. Austral. M. J., Melbourne. 18S9. n. s . xi. 4(i2.— l.ane (W. A.) Abnormal process of bone piojc ini- fiom the Uliper pari of the shaft of the linmeius It Pa'h. Soc. Lond., 1884-5. xxxvi. 35ii-3"9. — 9.ilienlh:iI (H.) What is the site ■ f infections casing epitrochlear ■ilanilular enlarjiemeiit ? Med. Pec. N. Y., 1891 xiv, 101. —I.iiiiii (J. R.) Case of d'seas.. of the humerus. Ti. Pith. Soc. Lond.. 188U-7, xxxviii. 21*'.!-268. — \:in- ei'eile (C. B.) Caries of i he h>-i.il of tlie humerus, 'l'i. Path. Sm. Phila. (18S3-5), 18~G. xii. 5. -----. Chtonic osiconiyelitis of tlie humerus, the result of compound lux- ation with fracture. Ibid.. _2. — .»']»<»n (H. W.) Necio- sis and spontaneous resect ion of the I .ads of lioi li humeri. Med. Rec. N5 V . 1891. xl. 210. — \ ieilzii l»bi (K.) 0 t. z. suehein yiiochnieniu haiku (cai ics si, (-a o^>is liuuieii). Gaz. lek.. AVarszawa, 189G, 2. s.. xvi, 123-133.— 0»l< o- mveliliM suppuiata mct-.istalica humeri dextii; Tod. P.er. il. k. k. Kiankinh. Wieden .sHi Wien, 1881. 118.— i*arlie>* (('. T.) Osteomvelitis of liuinerus ai.d other cases. Med. News. I'liila!. 1889. lv. G19.—l»ill« (B.) Columnar carcinoma of humeius secondary to tumour of upper part of rectum. Brit. M .1.. Lond'., Is9l. i. 4(17.— Proloich (J. K.) Feber die Hiiufigkeit der S philis des Humerus, lied.-chir. Centralbl., Wien. 1"97. xxxii. C93- G95.-Bever«lin i.I.-L.) i: lllaycr i.\.) Osteomv elile de l'humerus cluz un enfant de deux mois. Bev. ineii. de la Suisse Rom.. Gi-neve, 1888. viii. 21" 21'.>. —Koliei'l« (.7. B.l Case of exostosis of humerus .simulation axillaiy dislocation Proc. Phila. Co. II. Soc. Phila..'1891. xii. 195. —Rowwnntlcr (C. J.) Osteomye itis humei i Bap. f. k. Si ratimei lasar. lsi-7. Stockholm. 18f<8, 07. —Mabra- zes. Osteomv elite de liiumei us droit, conseculi v <■ a une infection po-t-vaccinate par les stiipli\locoi)iies Bull. Soc d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux. 1891, xii, 138 — Minilli (K W i' Necrosis of the humerus, etc. I'roc. i'aili. Soc. Dubl.. 1.-G2-5. u. s., ii, 24G.- Miiiuoon i L. A.) Epiphysary exostosis at lhe upper innei p..iimn oi the humerus. N. Tork M. J., ls-'o. xliii. 502. —Thorpe. Caseof necrosis of the head and upper cxliemiiy oi Uie liuinerus siinulatiii'j osieo-saieoina. Med. Press, Dubl., 1805. liii, 27ii.—Warren (J. C.l Osleo myelitis of the humerus. Boston II. ,v S. J.. 1,"97. cxxxvi. 35li. — M ein- leeliner. Exostosis liumeri, welche zu winlci lio.teu Malen fiir eine Luxation cebalteii wurde; iineeheilr. Aerztl. P.er. d. k k. alls. Krankenh. zu Wien 1"8H/, 18s8. 2:(3.—Willijjcn*. Observation d'exostose epiphysaire de lexiremiie iuferieuie de 1 humerus. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 18s5. vi, 360-304. Humerus (Dislocation of). See Shoulder-joint (Dislocations of). Humerus (Excision of). Sec Humerus (Surgery of). Humerus (Exostosis of). See Humerus (Diseases of); Humerus (Sur- gery of); Humerus (Tumors of). Humerus [Fracture pf). See, also, Epiphyses (Separation, etc.. of); l Humerus (Fracture of) in eiiildren; Humeius (Fracture of lower end of); Humerus (Fracture of upper end <>/'). | RAPATEL I M.-P.-O.) * PlOllosilioils oeilOlilles sui les fiacturi 8 tic l'liuiu^rus. 4°. Paris. ]*05. Alloeliul (M ) Zur Diai:iiostik der Obeiarmhiiiche. 'Wiell. med. Presse. 1885, xxvi, 144: 17G.—Ashhlll".! (•I.), ir. Fracture of the burner s. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1892,'2. s., i, 198: iii, 195. — 1 hadwielt (H. J.) Three HUMERUS. 467 HUMERUS. Humerus (Fracture of). cases of fracture of the liuinerus. Tr. Mich. M. Soc, De- tioit 1893, xvii, 137-141.—Col liliole (U.S.) Case of tract med humerus. Vet. Bee, Loud.. 1899-1900, xii. 210 — Uembowski (T.) Dwa przypadki zlaumuia kosci ra- niieniowcj. |l)eux cas de fracture de l'limnerus. Bis., pp. vii-xi.] Przegl. chir.. Warszawa. ls90-7, iii, 21-20.— Eliol ilv), jr. Fiactuie ot the humerus with marked displacement'. Ann. Surg.. Phila., 1901. xxxiii. 54-50 — llein > (J. P.) Fracture of the humerus: koredilarv do- toimiii.'s. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1891, i, u:i -l.ee (E'. II.) Fracture of the li .merus. Clin. Uev.. Chicago. 1901, xiv, 427— ITIouelle (G E.) Fracture of hunierus by contre r.p. Texas ( our.-Rec. Med.. Fort Worth, 1884-51 ii 571. - Kaiiim*le«ll. Em Fall von Frat tur tier Diuphv sc ties (i e urns mn lusher noeli nieht beobm hleter Wirkung des Siieckverbaiules. Arch. f. klin. Chir.. Berl., 1898, lvii, 517-523.—Be> iH.) Fraetme grave de l'limnerus. Cour- rier med.. Par, ls98. xlvii, 419. — Mmyly (P. C.i. sen. Fracture of the liuinerus. Proc. Palli. Nie. Dubl . ISG2-5. n. s., ii. 57. SI lllllt'I'll* (Fracture of Complications if.'iti sequela' of). See. also. Elbow-joint [Ankylosis of); Elbow- joint (Fracture of); Elbow-joint (Hounds, etc., cf : Humerus (Fracture of. Gunshot i; Hu- merus ( Fracture of. Ill-united); Humerus (Fracture of. Treatment of); Humerus ( Fract- ure of , Cn-united): Humerus (Fract u re of lower end of); Humerus iFracture of upper end of); Humerus [Surgery of); Humeius (tumors of). Amixoff {Al'lle. N.) "Des paralysics r.-uliales an cours de revolution 6s us fracturas do humerus. 4:. L'io de Ja- neiro, 1900. Vkxxat (H.) 'Contribution a I'etude de la par.ilvvie radiale consecutive aux fractures de l'limnerus chez 1'eiifaiit. *-. Lyon, 1900. A«libur>l (J.i, jr. Compound tracture of the hu- merus I'm. M.Ma^.. Phila.. 1892-3. v, 706-7118— Kite- low. Xote on a case of paralysis of the musculo spiral nerve resulting from a fracture of the huinei us which was operated upon nine veais ago with > ompb-ti' mici ess. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soe. Glasg.. ls95-7. i, 15 iliiiuiiilii (L.) A propositi! di un caso di rigidita parziale dell anirola- zioue omero cubitale sinistra, consecutiva a frattura coiu- minutiva del 3° inferiorc dell omero sinistro per iufortu- nio sui lavoio. Kiv. di diritto e -uu. s. iiifortuui d. lavoro, Modena. 1899, i, 357-307 — Itroe.-i. Fracture ite- rative de l'huniei us avec cal simulant une tiimeur. Bull. et in. in Soc. de cliir.de Par. Hum. n. s.. xxvi, 377-381.— t'ai-leton (J. C.) Fracture of the humerus associated with dislocation of the shoulder. Texas Cour.-Pec. Med.. Dallas. ls95-0. xiii. 5s-03 On-tee i E. C. I A case of compound fracture of the n-lit tiiimcrus comjilicated by dislocation of the elbow-joint and by injure of the basilic vein and median nerve, Med. Pec., X. {V., 1«s". xxviii, i 230—Coppola (It.) Le lesioui del m-rvo radiale pos- tDUiealle I rat ture del omero e loro tratt amen to chirurgico. Incurahili Napoli, 1901. xvi, 321-331.— Fra wforri (I), ('.■ Case of compound fracture of arm ; gangi cue of hand and forearm: amputation; tetanus: death. Indian M. J., La- hore. 1888, viii. 497-500. —<'n i-Sim (P.. F.) Fracture of the hunierus. with paralvsis of lhe mii.-.cubi-*piial nerve. Ann. Surg.. Phila., 1900, xxxi, 242.— I>a mil i ii, 11.— Ikueom iieau. Fracture du bras; oesai ticulaiioii de 1'epaule: piieinnonie; niort. Mem. et bull. Soc. med.-chir. d. hop. lie Bordeaux, lt-71. vi, 70- 78. — F nleiilimg (A.) Km tschreiieiide atrophische Lahmung des linken Anna nach Fractur des rechten Humerus (Kiseiibahnverlo- tziin^l. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., I88ii, xxiii.307- 3n'.i. —Ffilin (V.) Frattura eomminiitiva. eomplicala a )>estainenio dei I ess ut i molli, con eslesa ^:m<;i-eiia consecutiva; nuovo apiiaiecehio ininiobilizzatore: guariniono. Boll. d. clin., Milano, 1892. ix. 347-355. — Flc*jsjii;j (E.) Compound coniiiiiiiutcd fiacture of humerus, with great laceration and bruising of soft tissues; amputation at shoulder- joint : recovery. Edinb. M. J., 1802. viii, 29. Also, in hits: Notes on sure, cases, 85 Edinb., 18112. 9.— I Ion nie. fracture ancienne de l'limnerus; luxation soils i or.iroi"- diennede l'limnerus. avec nouvelle eav ile glunoi'ile. Echo med., Toulouse. 191)1, 2. s., xv. 340. — l-'olel. Paralysics traiiinatiques precoci s du nerf ladial dans l.i file tuie de I liuinerus. Echo nied. du nord, Lille, 1901, v, 444-447.— Fonleitoii (A.) Double fracture of the upper limb by indirect violence. Lancet, Lond., 1880, ii, 027.- Fowler (IL II.) Suture of the inusciilo-spiral nerve for iujuiy oc- curring in connection wiih fracture of the humerus. Brooklyn M. J.. 1909, xiv, 379. Iiaeliira humeri com- plicata; Versuch der Erhaltung, dann Ablation bei schon begonnenef Pviiinic: Jodoforinverhanil; Heilung. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenh. Wieden 1880, Wien, 1881. 101-107.—Fry (D. L.) A compound fracture of the upper and lower arm. Am Pract. .V News, Louisville. 1890, n. s., x, 104.— Gmiifolphe. Fracture obstetricale de rhumeriis; pa- ralvsie t.nli,il.; liberation du nerf le 38'" jour: guerison. Bull. Soe de ebir.de Lvou, 1897-8, i'7-30.— <-l ii from injiuy "I tlie musculospiral nerve from fracture of the humerus. Proc. Path. Soc. Phila., 1897-8, u. s., i, 100-102.— KianxNiiei- (F.) Znr Casuistik der complicirlen Iltiineruslrai I in en. Miinchen. med. Wchn- schr", 1887, xxxiv, 101.— lii'liiiiann (It.) Ueber Ita- dialislahmung nach Oberai inbriichen. Monatsehr. f. Unfallheilk, Leipz.. 1897, i\ 209-271.- I.mm (J. It.) Xeuiitis following a liaetin. d arm. Tr. Clin. Soe. Lond., 1891-2, xxv, 301. — tlcKui'iicy (('.) Fr:u I me of tho liuinerus associated with dislocation of the shoulder joint. X. York Polycliu.. 1895, v, 72-75. — 111 rrrciv (R. L.) Compound li.let are of humerus; anipulat ion al slioulder. Colorado M. J.. Denver, 1-97, iii, 278. — Hue l.rnn (D.) Involvement of the musculo spiral nerve in th. callus of a severe fracture of the hunierus; operative cute Tr. Mich. M. Sue., Grand Itapids, 1897. xxi, 417.- Tlahei (C. J.) Gangrene of left arm and forearm following upon comminuted fracture and tight bandaging. Indian M. Ue,., Calcutta, 1891, ii, 245.— HonK* |(i. 11.) Fracture of the hunierus from an unusual cause. P.oston M. .V S. J., Is95. (Xxxii, 281. Also: Med. A Surg. Ite]i. Bost. City ilosp., 1895, 0. s.. 121-120. Also, Keprint. ------ Another caseof fracture of tho hunierus from an unusual cause; a spiral fracture from torsion. Boston M. A: S. .!.. 1890, exxxiv. 40. [Discussion], 42. Aho, lteprint.—.Morion (T. (5) A case of couiiiomid, complicated, comminuted fracture of the liuinerus. Phila. M. Times, 1881-5, xv, 318. ------. Compound fracture of the hunierus. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1898. xxvii. 783-780, 2 pl.- Tl niiay (F. W.) Mus- culo spiral paralysis, complicating ft ai nueof the humerus. Ihlil.. ls9J. xvi, 352-355. Also: X. York M. J., 1892, lv, 708-710- Viie (E. F.) Case of severe compound com- minuted fracture of the hunierus treated by continuous irrigation; recovery. Xorth. Lancet, Winnipeg, 1889-90, HUMERUS. 4C8 HUMERUS. Humei'ii* (Fracture of Complications and scqueltc of'). iii. 177. — .\cville i\V. H.) Amputation of the shoulder joint tor compound fracture of the humerus. In his: Select cases iu siii-iCi-v. 85 [Loud.]. 18J9. 1.—Miohon (W. P.) two eases of injury of the liuiseiilo-spiral nerve iufiactiin ot lhe liuneiis.' Tr. South. Surg, .v Giiiec. Ass 18-9 i'liila., IMiu i 311-316. Also: Gailiarii's M. .1., X. T '890 1, 2U- 4. \oble (P. W.) Compound compli- cated frai lure of humeius: report of case. M mphis J. M. Sc. 18.IU-9.. ii. 117-119. — Page ( F.) A case of fractured hum rus with injury to the musculo-spiral nerve. Lancet, Lond.. !sii2. ' ii, 1101. — Polailloa. Liberation du mil" radial comprime par un cal de l'hii- merus; letour ties lent de rinuervation. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par.. 1887, n. s., xiii, 001. -----. Con- tribution a l'liistoiie de la paralysie du nerf ladial a la suite des fractures de l'huinei us. Union med., l'ar., 1880, 3. s_. xii, 037-041. Als< . Bull. Soc ue nied. de Par. (1880). 18s,. xxi, 70-7i5—Poi'lrr i O. B. > Fracture of humerus with dislocation. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1894, xii, 287- 289. — Reboul (J.) Lesions des nerfs du menibre supe- rieur daus les fractures do l'huiuerus. Assoc, tianc.de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.J. Par.,1898. xii, 422-427.— Ricthn* (G.) Ueber Verietzuugen des X. radialis bei Humerus- fraktureii und ihre operative Bihaiulluug. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1899. xxiv, 793-700, 2 pl.—Robert* (J. B.) A case of closed fracture of the hunierus requiring incision for reduction. Phila. Polyclin.. 1897,vi. 91.—Robertxoa. Pare form of fracture of lmmerus. Tr. South Indian Branch Brit. M. Ass.,Madras. 1891-3, iv, 191. — Roc bard ( E. ) Sur un cas de compression du nerf median a la suite dune fracture de l'limnerus. Union nied.. Par.. 1890. 4. s.. ii, j 49-51. — Tliornloii ( B.) Fracture of hunieins. in- volving the liiusculo-spiral nerve: successful opeiation to release the nerve. Lancet, Lond.. 189 1. ii. 498. — Ti- laiuiK (C. B.) Over cubitus valgus en varus tiaumati- cus en de behandeling der fracturen van het oudereindo I van den humerus. Xederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk.. Amst., 1893. 2. P., xxix, pt, 1. 295-300. — Tixier (L. ) Pa- ralysie radiale consecutive a une fracture de l'limnerus; degagement du nerf; guerison remaii|Ualileineiif rapide. Province med., Lvon.lsOG. X, 2s4-2sii. Aim, [Abstr.]: (iaz. d. hop. de Toulouse. 1s9il. x. 49. — Vci-iieuil i H.) Un cas de fracture incomplete de l'limnerus. Ann. Soc. beige de chir.. Brux., 1898-9. vi,321-325,1 pl. —VorobyeflT (A. A.) Sluchai povtoruavo pereloma ph-cha. Repeated fracture ot' the humerus.) Vrach. gaz., S-Peteib.. 19ul. viii. 47s. — \Vci««s(V.) Slozita zlomeuiiia leve kosti pazni: vykloubeni raiiune; zhojeni. [ ('omplicated y fracture of uppeiarni; disarticulation of arm; recovery.j Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze. 1808, vii, 1-3.— Zeller (H'.i Coinplicirter Bruch des liuken Oberarms. Ztschr. f. Wuudarzte u. Ge- burtsh.. Winuenden. Is7s. xxix. 325-333. Humerus (Fracture of Gunshot). BoiiIitoii (It. B.) A case of conservative surgery : re- resection of the head of the humerus with three inches of l lie shaft, for com minuted gunshot tractate of the head : restora- tion of the shaft aud head, with auseful arm. Tr.X.York M. Ass. I8s4. X5 V.. 188.5 i, 300-308.—C'bi-elien (H.) Frac- ture cominiuutive de l'limnerus par arme a feu; suture os- seuse: guerison. Poitou med., Poitiers, 1895, ix, 1-3.— Vox iH. T.) Fracture of the hunierus with division of the niiisculo-spirnl nerve bv a Mauser bullet. Lancet, Loud . 1900. ii, 1074.— Delorme (E.) Appareil pour la j contention des fractures de l'limnerus par coup de feu (ap- pareil Hennequin moditie). Arch, denied, et pharm. mil., Par., 1880, vii, 302-309.— Fa vier (H.) Fiacture commi- nutive de l'hunierus par coup de feu; extraction de dix centimetres du corps de 1'. S; guerison. Ibid.. Iss9. xiv, 402-405.—Jrnt© (C. P.) Wrist-drop following gun shot tracture of middle third of humerus. Ontario M. J , To- ronto, 1894-5, iii, 294.—.HeC'reery (P. L.I Gunshot wound of hunierus high up; resection of humerus. Colorado M. J5. Denver. 1897, iii 27:i-Jsl.— Vlalapeil. I'esectionatypique de l'limnerus jiour It.ii lute par arme a feu. Poitou med., Poitiers. 1901. xv. 244.— Hit librae. Fracture pan uupde feu de rextremitesuperieure del humerus; desartieul.it ion : guerison. Gaz. med. de Par.. 1890.7. s., vii. 181-1 si;. —Finlt. ei'lon (S. H.) Compound co mninuted gunshot fiacture of humerus: re-section and wiring; successful. In his: Sytiops. clin. surg.. 125 Salt Lake City. 18. C 95. IS alia. Fiacture en bee de flute de l'hunierus par une hallo de tevolver. Lyon med., 1901, xcvii, s4i. — Nimler & Rational!. Fracture par coup de feu dc 1 . xtremite sujieiietire de Phumerus. [Rap. de Picquc Bull, et mem. Sue. de chir. de Par., 1901, n. s.. xxvii. -.tin-209. — Zal<» (G.) (Ignestrielnaya rana plecha; vilushtshenie; pozdneye poslledovateluoye krovotecheiu'e iz art. axil- laris: perevvuzka arteriae subclaviae nizhe klyuehitsi. [Gun-shot wound of the hunierus; amputation: suhse- '] tent hamorrhage from . . . ; ligation of . . . below the eiavicle.j Med. Obozr., Mosk.. ].>9|. xxxvi, 1007-1071.— /aira^ui. ; Fractura conmiuuta del hiiinero, ocasionada por herald de anna de fnego y al que le hizo la resection subperiostica de uu fragmento de 9 centimetres de ese haeso.J Gac. med., Mexico. 1896, xxxiii, -7-89. Hllllie I'll * (Fracture of Ill-united). Lakass (\Y. ll.) *Z\vei Fiillo von t'elilcrhaf- ter Heilung nach Fractur des Processus culiita- lis humeri. 8-. Leipzig. 1875. Boyd (S.i Mal-union ot Iraetureil hunierus. Clin. J., Lond.. 1898-9. xiii, 342. — l>iiiili'i> I'll iM.) Kosvennaya osteotomiva pri uepravilno siossh. ius\ a p. reinmle bedra. Oblique osteotomy in ill-united fractuie of the humerus.] (itchot o dievateln. . . . propedevt. khirurg. klin. [etc.], S.Peterb., 1890-91, 33. — l.cjar*. Les cals vicieiix de 1 extremite superieure de l'limnerus et leur traitemeni ope- ratoire. Pev. de chir.. Par., 1894, xiv, 032-044.- .\epru- vilno srossbiysya perelom liev. plechevol kosti. Ill iniit. 11 fiacture of the left humerus.J Otchot o dr \ateln. khirurg. klin. [etc.] v Mosk. (1899-1900). 19m, 35c.—Pie- chanil (T.) Osteotomie lineaire pour consolidation vi- cieuse des fractures du condyle humeral. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux. 1892, xiii. 8s; 103. — Venn ( V. ) Application de la radiographie au diagnostic et au traite- nient des fractures sus-condylienues de riiumerus vieieu- seinent consolidees. Arch, de med. d. enf., Par., 1t9s i, -20-220. Hlllliei'll* (Fracture of Spontaneous). [Pathologic or by muscular action.] s,i. also, Humerus ( Di-tasis of). Bailey (P.) Keport and presentation of a case of fracture of the humerus, produced by muscular contrac- tion in the act of pitching a ball. Cleveland M. Gaz., 1890-7. xii. 33.— Berger (P.) Osteoinyelite chronique d'emblee chez une jeuue fille de 10 aus, ayant determine la necrose diaphysaire totale et la fiacture spontauee de riiumerus gam he. l'intiltratioii pnruleute de tout le meiu- biv et avant necessite l.i disarticulation scapulo-humeiale. Bull, et m^in. Sue de chir.de Par.. 189:;, n. a., xix, 410-415.— t'ootx iS. \V.) [Case of fracture of the shaft of the hunie- rus by muscular actioii in a patieut twenty years of age and in robust health.] Kansas City M. Pei*., 18s7. iv. 7.— De Talbaai (II.) Fracture of the humerus by muscular action. Brit. M.J., Loud., 189u iil42i.. —Duplay. Osteo- sarconiedel'huiiierns e niche : fracture spontanee. Presse med..Par.. 1890.129. — Mnrrii. (J.W.) A caseof fracture of the humerus from din ct muscular action. Lancet. Lend.. 1892, ii. 097.—Hood (J. J.) A raro case of fivctured hu- merus [bv throwing a ball]. Australas. M. Gaz.. Svdney, 1893, xii. 304.—J a nil a eicoIas (H.) Fracture de l'limnerus pro- duiie ]iar 1 'act ion inusciilaire. Union med. de la Provence, Marseille, 1806, 15u— I'aine (C. F.) Fracture of the hu- merus from muscular contraction. Texas Com .-Pec. Med.. Dallas. 1887-8, v, 250.-Quirk (H. \\5) Spontane- ous fracture of the humerus due to sarcoma, with history of a case and presentation of specimen. Cleveland M. Gaz.. 19(l0-19ul. xvi. 331-334. 1 pl.—.Shaw (C. K.) A case of spontaneous fracture of the hinm-ius. Month. Ho- nneop. Pev.. Lond.. 1900. xliv. 40o-4n.v — Mlepbeiio (L.C.) Fiaeturesof lhe lower third of humerus bviiiusculai a. lion. Ir. South Car. M. Ass. Charleston. Is9li. 51.—\VilUin*oii (G. l.i Complete transverse fracture of the humerus bv muscular action. Lancet, Lond., 1895. ii. 73:;. — Willi- iiii'lim (CF.) Fracture of hunierus fiom ball-throwing. wit h skiagraph. Boston M. .V S. J., 1897. cxli, 4(14. Hiimerih (Fracture of Treatment of). Sie, also, Amputations at shoulder-joint; IJx- cision of shoulder; Hunierus (Fracture uf. tlun- shut); Humerus (Fracture of lower end of ': Hu- merus (Fracture of upper end of); Splints. Bouchet (V.) "Contribution a iVnn e iles fractures de l'liuiuerus et tie leur tiaiteiueui par la goutriere pliltree. 4°. Lyon, 1*05. -----. Thesame. ~-. Paris, 1800. (,'hahiix (F.) "Etude sur ie tiaitement des fractures du Bras avec chevauchement des frag- ments; nouvel appareil platre applique sous l'extension. 4°. Paris, 1*X5. Hkzaiid (F.-S.-D. j "Coiiti-ibiition a I'etude du traitenient des fractures de l'limnerus. 4°. Nancy, 1880. iil'MEKUS. 469 HUMERUS. Hiillieril* i Fracture of Treatment of). Koch (B.) ' 1 >ie Fracturen des Hunierus und ilercn Behandluno. *■*-". IViirzbnrg, \*r~5. Lacrext (M.I * De la chirurgie a ciel on vert I dans les fractures compliiiuces de l'humerus; re- section, drainage. 8*-\ Lyon, 1*09. Plkttixck - B.vriiiAi*. Du traitemeut des fractures du Bras, du coude et de lav ant-luas par uu nouvel appareil ainovihle lu-evete. - . llruxelhs, 1**9. Pure (A.i "De liaeiuris huuieri et earum cura. ~". Vratislaviw, [ i-iid]. Ailain* iX.15. i App uatiis lot fr.ictutc of the hunierus tliroui;h ..r near lhe deltoid insertion. Uniimi M. \ S. ,1., 189:1. ixxix. 19s. A liters. Fine Krngeiisi hiene /nr lie- handle ng von Obcr.n iiihriicheii. ('entralbl. I Clio Leip/. 1-94 xxi. 593-590.—Baxter ill. A.) A new splint lot fract- ures of lhe shaft oft In- h u me rus. Tr. Soul h. Sui g. a li \ nee. Ass. 15,; [ Pbila. 1, 1897, ix. Hit-174 -Konaiuli i I : Ap- pal, i duo ad esteiisione e eontioi'stenstone per la frntlura dell >iuero. Morgagni. Milano, ls93 xxxv.4l7-ih Aim, ll< pt int — bruvi'i- i J B.l Wiring i I 'compound li.niure ot :;i...ius. 1111. i ti.,1 Clin., l'hila. 1891 ii. pju.— l»,in. bo v« < l.i 1 N'ou \ przyr/ad do hczenia zlamail kosci ramieiiiow j. Nou . el ippareil pour le traitement ibs frac tines de l'liiimeri s. lies., pp. \ \x:\ \' Przegl. chii. YVaiS'.ivva,ls'.'4-5.ii. 340-352. -I.a.lon . ! Mel'.) Mooted points as to fractures of tin- am with notice of an im- pioved splint. 'I'r. Am. Sure. Ass., Phi a . 1894. xii. 223-2::s. ' Also: Med. Xres. I'liila.. Is'.U. lxv. lxv, 0-11 — lleii-ner (L.I Zur Behandlung der Ohcrai uibriiclic Deut-che med. Wchnschr., Leip/ u I'.erl . I-.14. xx. 190. — l.aiieiA.i Operation for fracture and dislocation of the humerus. Med. Press .v Circ. Lond 1901. 11. s . lxxii, 38s.— I.aeao- t baiiipioniiicic. 11 a:t. niont des frac lures .lis ex- f . -antes supet ieitie i t ill lei 1, ure de I'll lime r us par I ■ in. is sage et la mobilisation. .1. de med. et chir. prat . Bar.. 1894. 'xv. 721-752. — >e»-e ■ 15 l'i Case of severe com- pound comminuted fracture of tbe humerus treated by continuous irujatiou : lecoverv. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1890, i. 74—Olivet. Menu.ire sur une nouvelle methode pro- pos.-.- oar M. I'eti. ipiiii pour le traitement des fractures du col de l'limnerus et les fractures obliques du corps de cet os. Ann. Soe. de med. d Anvers. ]s45. -J30-L'5u. Aluo, ' nisi, itior. . . . d. Soe. med.-chir. di Torino. 1,-40. xxv, ---.'. —Rall'a (A.) Fiattura licorreute della diatisi del- i .. •].. .e-iro per laeunu sieiosa midollaie: resezione sotfopei iostt-a. neenera/mti. os-> a normale con fuiizione Coiupleta dell arto. Iii.. -. eio-t i di se. med.. Venezia, lssij. iv. Jst-28!i. 1 pl.— Kobb i A. A.i Case of simple tracture of liuinerus treated ',,;, plast.-i-of-Paris applied imnieili.i'e-v after injury. Brit M J.. Loud., 1898. i, 756.— Miami-. A Hi Treatment of supracondyloid tiaetures '■: ti. inieriis. Bichmond J. Pract., 1901. xv, 39-43. — *bort blood repair of a compound fracture of hunierus I: . Sound View ITosp . Stamford. 1898, no. In. 9-11. Taylor (J. M.i Simple fracture of humerus, with con- secutive resection. Missis-ippi Valley M. Month. Mem- phis. 1887. vii. 441-143 — Tilami- '(''. B.i Over cubitus valgus en varus traumaticiis en de behandeling der fracturen van bet oiidereinde van den humerus. Ne- derl. Tijdschr. v. Oemesk.. Amst.. 1-93, J K.. xxix, 1. Afd., -i:e, _:;oo.— I obin .It. 1-5) Splint fm fi.o i ureil humerus. Biit.M.d. I...nil 19uu ii, 002. — Tiiflier. Be- section fclionilio],la-t n|u<- de la tete liuim-ial. pour frac- ture coiuiniuutive: |i e-e(italiou du malade ipiatre mois apres l'operation. Hull et u.5 Six. de chir. de Par., 1901. n. s.. xxvii, l>2 Wal-b .'55 I'.i A new way of putting up fractui.il humerus Med. Press A. Circ., Loud.. ]''.•:. n. s.. Iv, 400. — We in lee liner. Drei Wocheu alte sclnefeeheilte Hochfractur des n. hten (Ibei amies; beiieutende Stellungsvei besserung (Inch Bisection au der Bruchstelle. Aerztl. Bit. d. k. k all";. Kiankeiih. zu Wien Oss5|, ]-*.; 223.—\» inleibei-j . U5) A case of fracture of humerus, with dislocation of shoulder joint and subsequent angular union of fragments, successfully treated by a new method. Tr. M. Soc Calif., Sacramento. 1901, -J7"-2s4..-Woo 'I i li al turn non consoli- data guarita col setone. Lull d sc med. di Bologna. 1842. 3. 8., i. 1-10. Also, Reprint. Bnrlba (li.I Pseudoar- throsis hiimeri sinistri esete. A case of . . . i Oi-v "-i hetil., Budapest, 1897. xli. 1«1. — ISeiyei-. P-eiuiaithro-i- de i llllllierus (Fracture of, Ununitid). I liuinerus t rai tee par la resection des t'l a gin outset la sut ure mctalliipie. Bull, et mem. Soc.ile chir. de Par., 1890. n. s., \\ii. 47. —Cmiieron (M.i Case of ununited fracture of the huiueius. N. V.uk M. Times, 1880-7. xiv, 49.—»c- ",11111 i L.) Pseudarlhlose ib Ihumerus; sulure osseuse. Ann. Soc. de med d'Anveis, 1892, liv. 211 -Ji3. — 1'clal i A i Fracture ancienne de l'limnerus gauche auliiile- rieur; pseuibnari i.rose; union pa' pseudainphhirthrose do deux pieces os„ uses eiil i ant ilaUs la constitution de la nom i lb- cavil, aiiiculaire. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., lsso. lxi, 999 7nl l/.-o- Progres med.. Par.. 1887, 2. 8.. v. 337.— Fil/;-ibiion ill i A case of ununiteil Iruture of lhe humerus and a method of treatnient llimeof bv u cans of metal screw-taps. T,. Acad. M. I rei.....1. Dubl.. Is80. iv, 181-184. Also: Dublin .1. M. Sc, 1880. :i. s.. Ixxxii, 321- 324. M.o: Med. Pre s .v. (ire, I.....d.. 18s.;. „. „.. xlii. 07. — <» an-ioliibe. Ps uilartni ..se de I'hiinieius traitee pat la sutuie osseiis. I ,\ on nied.. Is9li. I \ xxii '.98. .!/»•<, .■ Mem et eoinpl.-re .1 s,„ ,| «,• nied. de L\ on (.890).1-97. xxxvi, pt. 2. 197 - llollnlai i \\5 Z.) Fracture and dis location of hunierus. will false joint: result of nature's sui-.erv Tr. M. As..li, oi'"ia. Miicon. 1-8-. 117-119 AU": Allant'a M. .V S J , 1888-9, n. S., v. i_ I _'7 —II nlebin- moii (•!,) Uesiills of opei-al ions for un united liaetureof humerus. Auli. Sutg . Lmul.. 1892-3, iv, 35n — I.am (W. A.) U nuiiiti'd tracture of humerus; ununited tract nres of......hh- nnd trochlea Tr. Path. Sue. Lond.. ls8:i-4, xxxv, ■_'71 l.auijier. I raitenient d'ane fraelure an- cienne ile 1 humerus par la suture des fragments apies leur resection obliipie. Compt. rend. Acad. d. >c Par., 1855, xl.958-9nL—liiicnw I B.C.) Two cases of ununited fract- ures of the humerus caused by the intei po~i; ion of t he mus- culo-spiral nerve between the fragineiits Ti. ( Im. Soc Lond., 1898-9, xxxii. 107-1715 Al*.i Abstr. |: Brit. M. .1.. Lond.. 1899. i. 900. — VIe< univ (S. L.i Bi-sectuui of two inches of I be humerus and w irini;. with a report of a case of wiring of the clavicle l,,r ununited fiacture. ,J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago. 1890. xxvii. 54 l.— tlel.« an (A.) Case of ununited fiacture of the humerus, with skiagraph taken four mouths after the operaiion, showing silver-wire su- tures in position. Harper H..s|, Lull Detioit. 1899-1900, x, 21-23.— 'laelean (D.) [J., it huun rus fructured : re- section at the seat of lhe false joint. l'h\ sician ..V Sui g . Ann Aibor, Mich., 18-4, vi, 5:a; — ?le Lean (K. A.) I'n- united fracture of the humerus at the junction of themiddle aud lower thirds, which had existed for eight months; resection'; the fragments were found to he fitted closelv together bv a V-shaped slit in the end of one, into which the other fitted. Tr. M. Soe. Calif.. Sacramento. Is84. 57.— Vlarlin 'K.i Treatment of ununited fracture of the humeius. Ann. Surg., i'liila.. 1 s9U. xxiv. 382-384. — Owen . F... riiuinteil fracture of the buineius; on. latiou; re- covery . l.aiu.t. Lond.. 189(1. ii. UU4 — I»elel. I'seud.ii- tluose de 1 humerus dtoit datant de 7 nuns; resection des bonis de l'os et suture .....-in'; consolidation complete inais tardi\ eapres 20 mois. Lull. Soc de med. de Rouen 1188s,. ]ss9. 2. s., ii. 25-29 — I'iiilici-tou iS. 11.) Wiring of an iin-iinited fracture of hum.i us with secondary suture of inusculospiral nerve; partial success: union of fiact- ure. in In* Syuops. clin. snrg.. 125 Salt Lake Oily. 1893, 93.- (giieim. 'i'raileiuenl des pseuilarthioses de I'Iph..... rus. semaii.e med.. Par.. 1.-94. xiv, " ,7 Keilanl il'.i Du naiteiuent des pseudartliroses de Ihumerus par les attelles en aluminiuin. As^oc. franc-de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.], Par.. 1895 ix. 000-071. .!'*•■.■ Anu.de chii et d'or- thop.. Par.. Is9ii. ix, 37-42. Kielie \ "»<>u 11 •■on \. [Pseudai throsc de l'limnerus ti ait. pai la sui me osseuse. j Bull, et mem. Soc de chir. de Par., 1897, n. s.. xxiii. 511- 511 KicKcM* ill M.i A case of ununited fracture of ih. I.......-ins. (Mucin. Lancct-I liuic. ls9S. n. s.. xli. 5ti8.— Kioblane ((J ) De 1 intervention precoce daus les frac- lures, non i onsoliib't's do l'buinei-iis. Assoc train . Palliek (L.) * Contribution a I'etude des fractures de l'dpitrochlee. 4C. Paris. 18*0. Mouchet (A.) * Fractures de lVxt remite' iiit'6rieure de 1'humerus avec radiographies. ~?. Paris, 1898. -----. Thesame. **i-. Paris, 1*08. AIMh (O. H.) Deformity from fractures at the lower end of the humerus, and how it may be avoided. Ann. Anat. & Surg. Soc. Brooklyn, X. Y5, 1880. ii 289-3H8. Also. Keprint. ------. Shall fracture at the lower end of the humerus be treated in the flexed or extended po- sition? J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1891, xxiii. 52-54.— ■tallaril (.). A.) Compound, comminuted fracture of right arm involving elbow joint. Tr. Wisconsin, M. Soc, Madison, 1891, xxv, 123.- Ilailou (J. M.) Fract- ure of the internal condvle of the hunierus. Phila. M. Times, 1884-5. xv, 904— Italebeloe (TV. A.) Fractures of the lower end of the humerus. Tr. Wisconsin M. Soc . Madison, 1898, xxxii. 112-119. — Bayer <(J.) Leber die Ursachen der Kepositionsschwierigkeiten einzelner Frakturen des Condylus externus humeri. Deutsche Aer/.te-Ztg., Berl., 1899. 28-30.—Rer«eou, Fracture de rextreiiiite infeiieure de rimineius issue du fragment superieur; resection. J. de med. dc Lyon. 18(>(i, v, 37G- 373.— Bijjelow (J. S.) Fract ires of the lower end of the hunierus. Boston M. ,V S. .1 . 18^6, cxv. 588-591. ------. Fractures of the lower i nil of the hunierus treated in the extended position. Omaha Clinic. 1893-4. vi, 477-481.— Bralaiit. Fracture de la trochlee humerale; guerison radicale par la mobilisation et le massage. Bev. de cine.sie, Par., 1899. i, 54-50.—Broca (A.) & .'Som bei (A.) L'omplicaiiiins nerveuses lies fractures de rextre- iiiite inferieiire de l'limnerus. Bev. de chir., l'ar. ]s99. xix. 701-744. Ah" [Abstr.]: Bull. med.. Par., 1900. xiv. 1353-1350.—Bruce (\V.) Fractuies at the lower end of the humerus. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890. ii. 1201.— Itutils (F. E.) Fracture of the external condvle of the hunierus. Tr. Ohio M. Soc. Toledo, 1894, xlix, 392-397.— < bai vol (L.) 6c Francbct (11.) Xote clinique sur les frac lines de l'epicoiidvle. An-h. de med. et pharm. mil.. Par., 1888, xii, 334-343. —I'illey (A. H.) The diagnosis and treat- ment of fracture involving the lower end of the humerus. Post Graduate. X. Y.. 1900. xv, 193-199.—Mark (H. E.) Separatiou of the lover epiphysis of the humerus. Glas- H ll III 4'I'II ^ (Fracture of hirer end of). gow M. J., 1880. [4.J s., xxvi, 248-250.- linns. Ein Fall von ■• Doppelsohragbrueh" am unteren Iliiinerusende mit Zerreissung des Nerv. radialis. Centralbl. f. Chir.. Leip/,., 1893, xx, 833-830.—C'onrtin. Fracture en T de I'extre- inite infeiieure de l'limnerus. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et phvsiol. . . . de Bordeaux. 1884. v. 228-230. Also: J. de med ile Bordeaux. 1884-5, xiv. 325. —I'rniulall (J. B.) Fracture of the liuinerus complicated with iiitcrcond\loid fracture extending into the elbow joint in a paralytic. Med. \ Snr".. Reporter, Phila., 1890, lxxiv, 237.-Davim (G. G.) Fractures of the internal condyle of the humerus and the correction of the resultant deformity by operative meas- ures. Tr. Coll. Plus. Phila., 1898, 3s.. x'x. 197-212. Also: Ann. Surg., Phila., 1899. xxix, 40-50.— Donbre. Des paralysies consecutives aux fractures dc rextreiiiite infe- rieiire de l'limnerus. Bull. med. Par.. 1899, xiii, 1174- 1170.—Diille* (C. TV.) Xote in regard to fractures of the humeius at tbe elbow-joint. Tr. Coll. Phys Phila., Is94, 3. s.. xvi. 201-2H0. — Ellington (G. H.| Dissection of an old fracture of the humerus involving the elbow-joint, and complicated with a recent fr ict ure ol the ulna. Glasgow M. J., 1900. liii, 387-390. —Eliol lL5),.jr. Correction of deformity following supra-comh luid frirture of the hume- rus. Ann. Surg., Phila.. 1899, xxx, 93-95 —EnglJNch (J.) Ein Extensionsapparat fiir Briiche des unteren Ernies des Oberarmknochens. TVien. med. Wchnschr.. 1900. 1, 305; 422.—Felizet. [Fracture oblique interne dc 1'extiemite inferienre de rhnmerus.] Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1901. n. s., xxvii. 1138-1141. — Fiscber. Fractur am unteren Ende des Oherarmes, Lostrentiung beidcr Con- dylen durch eine senkrechle Spalte. Ztschr. f. TVumliirzte u'. Geburtsh., Winiienilen, 1884. xxxv, 61. — FroiilbiNe. Xote snr un cas de fracture de l'e.pitroohlee decelee par la radiographic. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1*90.4.8.. viii, 384, I pl.—day (G. YV5) lb. treatment of fractures of the external condyle of the humerus. Boston M. \ S. J., 1888. cxviii. 492—1» ranker (li.) Memoire sur une frac- ture particuliere du condvle interne de 1 humerus. Ann. clin. Soc. de med.-prat, de Montpel.. 1819, 2. s , vi. 91-99.— Hamilton (W. T.) Fractures of the internal condvle treated in the extended position. Coll. & Clin. Kec, Phila.. 1889. x, 285.—Ilnntiiitftou (T. YV.) Suggestions bearing upon the diagnosis and treatment of fractuies at the lower end of the humerus. Tr M. Soc. Calif.. Sacra- mento, 1901. 220-228.— Ilnt< biiiNon (J.), .jr. On deiach- ment of the internal epieondyle of the liuinerus. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1892. i. 111-114 Jobiiwon (It.) A case of ischieinic paralysis following fracture of the lower end of the hunierus. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1897, 7. s., i, 193- 197.— liniliii (T.) Beitiage zur Kenntniss einiger prak- tisch wichiiger Fracturforinen ; die Fracturen am unteren Hiimeruseucle. Mitth. a. Klin. u. med. Inst. d. Sebweiz. Basel u. Leip/... 1895-0, 3. K, 077-781. — l.oinnean. Fracture de l'extreniite inf'6rieure de riiumerus. Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (I8s(i>. 18n7, 439.— li n inii-Clui in jiion niece.' Fracture de lextiemite in- let icuredc 1'humei-us gauche avec grande mobilite; an- cnn appareil inimobilisateur; massage et mobilisation im- mediate; restitution des mouvenients et consolidation in- pide en bonne position. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1897, 3. s., xxxviii, 078-085. Also: (iaz. d. hop., Par., 1897, ixx, 1423. Also: J. denied, et chir. pi at., Par., 1898. lxix. 7- 10. — .tluri'iir (F. YV.) Compound inter condvloid fiact- ure of the humeius. Ann. Surg., Pbila., 1894,' xix, 303 — Paul, reber cine mit Arterien-Zerreissung complicirte Fractur des Humerus iiber dem Ellenlin^'ii-Gelenk. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Knit. BresL. 1866, xliii, 135-138.—I*elronio (F.) FraUtua nel ter/.o infe- riore dell' omero sinistro avveiu ta per niece.ini-miu indi- retto. Eco. d. din., Xapoli, 1887. ii. 153-355. — I'owri'K iU. A.) Exceptional fractuie at the lower extremity of the humeius. Med. Kec, X. Y., 1888, xxxiii, 311. —'■---. A contribution to the treatment of fractures at lhe lower end of the humcus based on the analysis of fifty consecu- tive cases, Ibid., xxxiv, 721-726. Also, Ili-print. ------. The question of position in the treatnient of fiactmes of the lower end of the hunierus; the testimony of six hun- dred and fifty cases under the care of Hartley and Wood- bury-. Curtis, Van Arsdale. and the author. Med. Hit., X. Y.. 1890, xlix, 615-017.—Robcrlm (J. B.) Fractures of the lower end of the hunierus. Polyclinic. Phila., 1880-7. iv, 208-211. ------. Treatment of fractures of the lower end of the humerus and base of the radius. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass.. Phila.. 1892. x. 15-78. ------. Traumatic rupt- ure of the biceps muscle of the arm, wiih open fracture of the internal condyle of the humerus. Ann. Surg., I'liila.. 1890, xliv. 57. -----. Subcutaneous nailing, explor- atory incision, and the extended elbow in conih loid fract- ures' of the liumeru-. Phila. M. J., 1898. ii,' 617-022.— RoIinoii (M.i Compound fracture of liuinerus. with split fracture into elbow-joint: recovety with freelv mov- able joint. Lancet. Loml., 1880. i. 875.—Rook (C. W.) Ticatment of simple fractures involving the articular sur- faces of the condyles of the humerus. Xat. Ass Bailway Sur-. Off. Kep., Chicago, 1892, v, 144-140.—Hn««ell (B. ti.) The management of injuries to the lower epiphy sis of the humerus. Intercolon. M. J. Australas., Mel' HUMERUS. 471 Hl'MKUTS. Hlllllt't'll* (Fracture of lower end of). bourne, ls99. iv, .: ll -lis.- Muiml. (A. R.) The treat- niciil of supra-Coii.l\ hud li a. i in e of the humerus. X. York M. L. lOlin. lxxii 1077-1079. Also, Reprint — N|>icl*i'hltii (F.) rcber Fracturen am unteren Hmnerus- elide. Prag. meil. W. hnschr., 19U1, xxvi, 101: 126; 1411; 109; 18!.— MliniKOii I' L. A.) Unusual fracture of the lower end of the humerus. X. York M.J, 18ss. xlvii, 721. ------. Operation for fracture of the external condyle of the humerus. Ann. Surg.. Phila.. 19(10. xxxi. 752. ------. Cubitus varus; or guiistook deformity following fraelure of the lower e..d of lhe humeius. Ibid., xxxii. 301-308. •_> pl. Also. Bcpiint— Mtoelter (S. M.) Fiaetute of the internal epicondyle treated without splints. Me,l. Kec., X. V., Is87, xxxi. 211.- ^iriimcr (S.) Lnusual compli- cation in compound fracture of lower end of humerus. Proc. Florida M. Ass.. Jacksonville. 1895.92. .love. Vir- ginia M. Month.. ILcbinond. Hii.-i;. xxii, 299 Tboi-n (S. S.i Fractures of the lower extremity of the hmiiei us ; spec ui call y those of the inn. i. oi ulnar, comhlc 'I'r.Ohio M. Soc, Columbus, 1*87 225 2,1. .1(5. .• Columbus M. ,L, 18s7-s vi, 209-214.—Ynmlcrliiiilcii (>.) Des fractures de l'extreniite infeiieure de 1 liuinerus. I'>elgii|iie nied., Gand-Haarlem, is's i, 519: ii.7C. — Vnuvriix ol.i Frac- ture de l'extreniite infei ii iiie de riiuiiicrus. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par. Is'.if lxxi 757. — Villeinin. Fractures de lextreiiiite inteiieuie de riiumerus. (ia/.. d. nial. infant. [etc.]. Par., 1.-99. i. 289-292-Wharton (H.R.) Inter- coudvioid tracture of th. h ume: us. Internat. Clin., Phila.. 1895 2. s.. iv. 217-220.-Wight (.1. S.) (in iracture of the lower end of the humerus. Med A Surg. Reporter. Phila., I8ss lviii. 555-559. Hiiiiicrii* (Fracture of upper end of). Su. also. Humerus (Fractures of, Gunshot). Ai.tii.us (S.) "Contribution ;\ I'etude anato- Uio-]iiitlio]noii|iie iles fractures par |>ei)cti;iti(Ui du co' chirurgical ile l'liuiuerus. avec aluiisse- niein it rotation en arriero de la tete humerale. 4C. Paris, 1 ;'.•:".. L'adkt ( K. (ontriliutiou a letude du traitement des fractures de l'extreniite supe- rieurc de l'liuiuerus par le inassag-e. 4 . Paris, 1**5. Dm AMrs (H.) "Ktiule sur les fractures de lVxtii'iiiito sii|iei ieiir du In as: aiiaiouiie |>atlic- logii|iie; diagnostic et Uaiteineiil; appareil pin- tie du docteur Heiiuequin. applique peudaut l'extension. -1-. Paris, 188*. ------. The same. **-. Paris. 1*88. de Dietrich if;.) "('oiitriLutioiis radiogra- phii'iies a I'etude auatonio |i,itliologique des frac- tures de l'extieinite supericuie de l'liuiuerus. -J. Montpellier. 19'm. Kixgi iskx (A/) * 1,'elier die Fractur des OLer- armhalses mit ^leiclizeitigei Luxation des Kopf- fragim rites. -'-. Strassburg. 1*55. Mixiufx (J.-A.) *Du diagnostic des luxa- tions traiiinatiqui-s de r<'p;iule et des fractures de Pextreniitd supei ieure de l'limnerus chez lis enfants. -°. Pari-, 19u<». Sommeklat i L.) 'Die Interposition der li'i- cepsseliue Lei deu Biiiihen des (Jlicrariiilialses. -'-. Marburg, [1875]. Tiiuuiciil'M (J. L. W.) * Ueber (lie am olieni, Eude des Humerus voikoininendeii Kuoelien- briiclie. - I Hessen, 1-."ll. Anjreri r. Ein Fall von Splittci-fraetur des Colliim humeri An h f. klin. Chir.. Berl., 1889. xxxix. i;73. 1 pl — Bn-iia mlli 'P) Sopra un caso raro di frattura del- 1 eminentia capi' at.a dell' omero destro in individuo ailulto in seguito a trauma. Set imaiia med. d. Spei imenlale, Fi- renze. 1897 li. 125; 137.— Iteeli •('.) UVber die Fis.suren am obeieii Humei llsende Lot t- ebr. a. d. I'eb. d. lidnt- gensir.ihb-n. Hamb., I9uu - 1901. iv, 17' Bnijii' (P.) Fi acinic du col anatomiipie de l'liuim-msou lu.vi um sous- corai oidienne compliance de fracture. Connor med., Par., lssi; xxxvi. 22-24. Also: France med. Par.. 18-0. i, 1-5 - Ilia ke»l> . Keport of a ease of fracture of the luck oI tie I.iiiiu iu- with dislocation of the bead, from diieci , ioi. me 1 oi t Wa\ ne J. M. Sc, 18.-8. viii. 7-10.— Konei'iNliani (Mi Fiattura inultipludel c;i|io inferiore deli omeio siin»tln infra ed exlia capsulare. In hie: Ke- »OC. il. casi . . . di Monte I'astelli. 85 Umbertide. 1893. 9. ------. Xecrosi par/iale dell omero sinistro in seguito a, fiaituiii tt,is\ei-n. complicata del collo anatomico. Ibid., 21.— It in in t\ ill H.) Six cases of fracture of the upper extremity of the hunierus. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1891, n. «., ci, 591-597.—BroHiiiiii; t\Y B.) liare fractuie of upper lliilllt'l'll* {Fracture of upper cud of). part of humerus. Tr. South Indian Branch Brit. M. Ass, Madras, 1889-90. iii, 219-221. 2 |.l ICiiinel (II.) Fracture t\v lexlieniite siipeiienro de l'limnerus, avec eclaleinent dc la tele articuhiire; artluite consecutive; atrophic mus- culaiie; gucris. n. ISiill.Soc.aiiat.-clin.de Lille 1889, iv. 150-15:( 'Also: J.d sc.nied.de Lille, 1889. ii, :;i-:;t._l'i. prin n i il). F.) Sulla appltca/.ione dell' apparecehio aim- o.il.. iiel'.i friittura del collo dod' omeio. (iaz/. lose. d. -r, med.-lis.. Firen/e, ls44. ii, 7-9 C'lnllon (II. II ) Case of dislocation of the humerus, with fracture at the surgical neck. 'Ir. M.Soc Lond.. 1.-91-". xvii 3iiii. .W*o[Abst' |: Lancet, Loud.. 1.-94. ii. 1150—I'tarli* (K. F.) Fracture of the neck of the hunierus. wiih dislocation of the upper fragment, with a report of three cases treated bv opera- tion. Ann. Sure.. Pbila.. 1900. xxxi. 291-310.— l»a"ioii. Fracture de la giosse lubeuosite de l'limnerus dnnt: du role du inassage connne moyen de diaeiio-t u. (Liz. hebd. de nied.. Par.. 1900. n. s., 'v, 280-2s2 Denton (A. N.) Fracturis of the head of the hunierus. etc. 1 laniels I exas M.i., Austin. 1890-91. \ i. 231-230— biiiihiini (M. V. 11.) I., poil of a case of inl in -capsula r fiacture of humerus, Willi disloc.iliim. Yale M. J.. N. Haven. Is94 5. i, 103-108. 1 pl — llilin-lon (li. H.) Comnuniitcd fractuie of the uppci • ml ot the humerus, (ilas^ow M. J., 1898. 1, 118.— Fentvieli. On ligature of the axillary artery in a case of li.uiinatic injui \ lo that vessel alter tracture of the sur- gical neck of'thr huinei us I'roe Med.-Chir. Soc Montreal (1882-3), 1884. 122-125.—l--|eiiiiiijj (C) Fracture of the anatomical neck of the humerus. Proc. Path. Soc DubL, 1805-8, n. s., iii, 2ii9. — <.|. iB I Con- tribution h 1'etude lies fractures de l'e.xti einite superieill'n de l'limnerus. Kev. d'orthop.. Par., 1-90 vii. 52-59.— (::- :;i7 II a« «| iia.l. Fiaetuie du col chii urgical de l'limnerus. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par.. 1890, lxv, 5118- tl»//iiii. 15 at t ura del collo chirurgico dell' o'ocro desiro; appat. e, he ^cssato con fasciatura di D.-sault; "iiai igieic -. ! 11 hi: i'Iiu. chir., 83, Konia. 1884. viii-x, 241 .Tlollii-re J).) Iraclures intra-ai ticulaiies de la tete humerale. .Mem. et compt. rend. So, (|. sc. nnd. (le Lyon llsS8). 1889. xxviii, 298-301 .Vloilli* (li. Ii.) Acase of fr.iclureof the ii]ipereiul of the liuinerus just below the tuberosities; with dislocai ion of the head of 1 he bone into the axilla. II..-M11 M.&S.,)., lsiio. exxxiv. 138 Also. Keprint.- II.....1 1 K. M.) Epiphyseal fract- uie of the superior extiemin of flic hunierus. Buffalo M. A- S. J5, 1888 9, xxviii, 431-439. 2 pl. - 'Inllei (A.) Fiactur (lis rechten Obcrannhal.ses mit glen h . itigcr vollstiimligcr Luxation des (Iberaiinkopfes na"h vornen. Ztschr. I. Wundai/le u, (Lburtsh., Winnenilen, 188.5. xxxvi, 213-217.- \01111el. Fracturo du col chirut uieal de I'llntm' 1 us. Aich. nied. beiges. Brux., 1880, 3. s., xxx, 377-380.— I'liilics (C. 'I'.) Epiphyseal fracture of the up- per end of 1 lie hunierus. Internat. Clin., Phila.. 1891. i, 128-131. —|»er«'i« .Tliro (A.) Fract lira complicada grave ibl huinero en su cuello anatoinico y parte media. Cron. nied.-ijinr. de la Habana, 1891, xvii, 25u-257.— I'oiricr (P.) Fracturedu col anatomique avec ih ]ilaeeuient extra- HUMERUS. 472 HUMERUS. Illllliei'll* (Fraelure of upper end of). capsulaire de la tele humerale et enfonceinent de la grosse tubcrosite. Semaine med.. Par., 1892. xii. 381.------. Fractuie el eciasement de l'extieniiie superieure de riiu- merus. Assoc, franc, de chir. Proc-verb. (etc ] 1894. Par., 1895, viii, 471. — Poirier (P.) A Maiiclaire (P.) Des fractures de rextreiiiite superieure de riiumerus. (Anatomie pathologique, mecanisme. complications. I Kev. de chir., Par.. !s92, xii, 8L-873.— Powers (C. A.) On the occurrence, diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of fractures through the anatomical luck of the humerus. Tr. .Ni. Soe. N. V. |Phili.]. 1890. 96-101. Also: N.York M. J5, I.s9u li. -lss-4'.H.- Bcrnier (P.) Fracture de l'ex- tremite supeiieuie de l'liuiuerus: fracture iutra-articu- laire guerie par le massage. Bull.et mem. Soc.de chir. de Par., 1899. n. s.. xxv. 105.—Kit-bell* iB. M.i Dislo- cation and double fracture of the upper third of the liuine- rus. J. Am. AI. Ass., Chicago 1894. xxiii. 392. —Kit-or- clcan. Fractur" ,1,. l'exti einite superieure de l'liuiuerus; guerison par la s. ule a]iplieation du bandage de .Mayor. Poilou med.. Poitiers, 18-0, i. no. 2. 8. — Robert. Frac- ture du col anatomique avec luxation 011 glissement de la tete humerale tlans l'aisselle. Bull, it mem. Soc de chir. de Par.. 1899. 11. s., xxv. 781 : 788— ltob*ou (M.) Com- pound fracture of humerus, with wound of shoulder joint; recoverv with good .joint- Lancer. Lond.. 1880, i, s74.— Nchncfi'i' (F. C.) Fractuie of the greater tuberosity, extending into the bicipital groove of the humerus. Tr. Illinois M. Soc. Chicago. 1884. xxxiv, 150-152. — *>« bob- man id. I'.i Two cases of compound fracture of the surgical neck of the humerus. Ceylon M. J., Colombo, 1887-8, i, 75-78. — Siemen iC. li.) Complicated fracture of the upper extremity of the humerus with dislocation. J. M. Sc. Fort Wayne. 1893. xiii. 169-174. — SI imp. son (A. O.) Unprecedented results of an iutra-capsu- lat fracture of the humerus. Med. -'. Mexico. \*8l. Aiigelini 1 A. 1 Kese/.ione sottoperiostea di 3 del- 1' omero dal collo chirurgico iu giu. Anii. ol atti d' Soc. ital. di chir., Koma. 1894, ix, 231.—Arpa I 1F.1 Osteoiuie- | litis del lu'unero; ilesarticulacibn (scapulohumeral. Kev. med. farm, de Aragon. Zarago/.a. 1-9'. vi. 849. — Bar- deleben. Caries sicca capitis hunieii: ilec.ipiiatio. Charite-Ann. 18s:;, Beil., 1885. x, 450 - Ita«li 11. |H„. merits traiisionu6 en seipiestre h la suite d'une osteo- mvelite aigue, et rescipie dans toute son £tendue.| Ann. Soc dan.it. path, de Brux., ]s9U. no. 39. 13-l6.—Bau- ilen». Sur la resection de la tete de riiumerus d apres un nouveau mode operatoii. [Abstr.l Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par.. 1855. xl. 459-40 :—Beale iP.) Operation for cential necrosis of huineius. Med. Press A Ciic, Lond , 1898, 11. »., lxvi. .10 — Berini (.1.) (Is- teitis epitisaria de forma rarefactetite. de la extieniiilad superior del huiueio con artritis consecutiva y falsa 1111- Hlllllt'l'll* (Surgery of). quilosis: reseecion: curacion. Kev. de cien. nied. de Barcel., 1897. xxiii. pt. 2, 58-61.— Bran 1 ley iS. D.) A case of resection of the humerus. Tr. M Ass. Georgia, Atlanta, 1884, 415— Bri*lo>v. F.xois......>f the head of the humerus for tuberculosis. Bronklvn M. J.. 1895. ix. 246.— Bneno (J. K. ) Despegainieiito epitisiario de la exlreiniihul superior del liuinero derecho, coni]dicailo de herida y exp«.sicibn del fragniento inferior desnudo: ie seecidu: curacion cou integridad funcional. Cron. u ed.- quir. de hi Habma, 1890, xvi, 149-153. 2 pl. — Bun i iF 1 Osteomielite e necrosi consecutiva dell'omero desito: re- sezione sot topei'iostea dei due terzi superior! di epiesi os- so. Arch, di ortop., Milano. Iss9, vi, 319- 3l9 — ( Im. va»!»e (P.i Observation d'osteomv elite traumatiipie de la tete humeri.le droite; arthrite secondaire: resection de 1'epaulo; osteo-myelile diaphysaire infeciiense du femur droit survenue pendant la guerison de la plaie de resection: guerison. [ Kap. de Delcns] Hull, ci iium Soc. de chir. de Par., Isss, n. s.. xiv. 757-760. — Cole) (W. B.) Osteitis of the humerus: drilling: partial s, , turn of the musculo-spiral nerve; imm-diate suture. N. Yoik M. J.. 1891. liv, 230.—Fowler 1G. 11.) Interscapuln- Ihoracic anuuital ion for osleomvi litis of the humerus. Ann. Surg.. Phila., 1902, xxxi, 085-094.—Gibxoii (J L.) Excision of upper two-thirds of a humeius for acute necrosis; reeoveiv. Australas. M. Gaz.. Sydney. 1s91-J.xi, 7s-su.—4^i<'»y (A.J.i A case of resection of the lower pai t of the humerus, with result. Proc. Oregon M. Soc. 1890, Poitland. 1S91. xvii, 2C-30. -Gonzalez de «*ej;ovia. Osteomielitis (b 1 hiiniero: decolacion. An. de ciruj.. Ma- di id. 1882, i 238-240.—4« 11 i n a I'll A Keseelion dc 1 liuine- rus g.i 11che en totalile, datant de dou/e ans. Bull.et mem. Soc. de chir.de Par., 190(1, n.s., xxvi 051 tf.uinanlt A .) A: lianliser (F.) Des resultats fonctiomiels it.- la resection totale de l'hunierus non suivie de regeneration ossein, Rev. d'orthop., Par., 1901. 2. s.. ii, 91 - 102. — llofmokl. Caries humeri dextri: icsectio humeri: Toil duich allge- meiue '1 ulierritlose und neidiv it ende Caries 1 »t-< 1111 ■ ■ r Bent d. k. k. Krankenanst. Kudolph-Siittnng in Wien (1883). 18s4. 355 II impale (.1. B.l Kemoval of epiphi- seal exostosis of humerus. Kansas Citv iL Index. Is89, x. 207-209. Also: Kansas City M. Kec. 1889, vi, 1U.--2.JU.— Impei (S. P.) Kxeision of 1 he humeius. South Alrican M. .}.. Cathcart. Iss7-s iii. lili.-Jones (15) Acute uau- matie suppurative osteomyelitis of the humerus; mily eiiiployment of the tr. phine: recovery. Lancet, Lond, 1887. i. 5t-l,aiui.'il. Sur un cas do resection hative prficneede toute ladiaphyse h umei -a le pour pan osteomv elite aigue grave. Bull. Soc. anat.-clin. de Lille.1*91. v i. 437-445. Also : J. il.se. ineil.de Lille, 1891, ii. 109-177.—La ml i (P.) Kesezin-disarticolazione sotto eassulo-periostea della is- tremita superiore del! omero destio ]ier osteite con ne- crosi e seiniancliilosi. Sperimentalc. Firenze 1870, xxxviii, 133-146, 1 pl. Also, Keprint.------. Osteomielite e neen-si consecutiva dell' omero destio : resezione sotio-perinsteadei due terzi superiori di quest osso. Boll. d. clin.. Milano, 1890. vii, 262-267.— I.aiue (F.) Tubercular epiphysitis of the upper extremity of the humeius in a child two'ycars old; resection of the scapulo-hiimeral articulation and up- per extremitv of the humerus, with complete restoration of function. ' Pioc. Orleans Palish M. Soc. 1894. >". Orl, 1895. ii. 102. — I.arise. Bisection totale de l'limnerus. paria meilmde sous-pet iostee. Clinioue, Brux., 1890. iv, 577-579. — l.avi»e i WarnotN. Osteo-periostite phleg- nioneiise avec necrose consecutive de l'hunierus; resection sous-perioslee totale de riiuiueiiis. Presse med. beige Brux., 1890. xiii, 145-14H.— Tlael-illivray |C. W.i Fx cision of condyles of the huuieius. Tr. Sled.Chit. Sue. Edinb.. 1800-7. 'ji. s.. xvi. 127— Maynard (A. A.) Opeia- tion for necrosis of lhe liuinerus. Xorth Car. M. J..Wil- mington. 1887. xix, 76.—.?lr-ar»(J. E.i Case of pel ipheial necrosis of the huineius, involving the head and entile shaft ; preexisting osseous anchylosis of the shoulder and fibrous anchylosis of the elbow; amputation at the shou leer joint. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila. (1870), 1877. 3. s.. iii, (7-21. Also. Keprint.—.Molliere i'D.'i Keseelion de 1'extiemile inferieiire de l'limnerus. Mem. et compt.-11 mi. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (18s3>. lss-l. xxiii. pt. 2. 133 —.M 11IIier. Necrose de l'limnerus; extraction de .-ci]ue-tle invagllie; guerison. Arch. med. beiges, brux., Is85. 3. s.. xxvii. 81- 89.— \ ancreilc (C. B.) Specimens from a caseof lesec- tion of the humerus. Tr. Path. Soe. Phila. (1883-5). ;8S0. xii, 8.—rVenilorfer. Zeitriinimerung des lecbleu llu- ineruskoples (lurch ein Gewehrprojeetil; Kesection des llmueruskopfes; Besseruug. Aerztl. Ber. d. Priv.-Heihmst. d. Dr. A. Filer 1-Ss. Wien, I8s9, 109. — 0*tcouiYelili* ossis humeri; Kesectio tentata subseipiente ablatieii. I ra- chii totius; Heilnng. Ber. d. k. k. Ki'i.n..euh. Wieden 1879. Wien. 1880, 117.— Owen (E.I Acute osteo niyelilis of ii]iper limneral diaph\ses: double resection : lecoverv. Lancet. Lond.. 1893, i, 47 i. — I'aikii (F. L.) Keseelion of six inches of the head and shaft of the humerus tor necro- sis; leeoveiy with a useful limb. Tr. South Car. M. Ass . Chaileston, ls8tj 69.—I*hillip» (H.) Diffuse osteo mye- litis of at 111: amputate 11 through shoulder [aint ; recoverv. South Ati ban M. •!., Cape Town, ]s97-8. v. 254. —I»ua'b (W. W'.i Kesection of humerus. Texas M. J-, Austin. KTMERUS. 473 HUMERUS. HliaBiei'll* (Surgery of). !8'.i"-0 xi 545-547 — Pnjjh> ill. X.) Resection of lower end of humeius lot total anchvlosis of the elbow-joini following utility. Liverpool M.-Chir. J.. 1887, vii, 115 — Romano if i Carie necrotii a estesa dell'omero deslro in una ragazia; tcse/ioiie del capo e del terzo superiore i deltoiu. :o siesso Kiv. i lin d. Fniv di Xapoli. 1885. vi. \ 07-70—Nenv K YV.) Excision of supetior extremity of huineius. If Louisiana M Soc. 1898 X Oil , 1899, 213.— •ilonll"* (L.I Ostt'operiostite suppuree de l'limnerus chez un out uit de dix mois: resection sous pcrinstce de la moi- tie infeiieure de l'limnerus; guerison avec conservation complete des niouvenients du comic. Pi esse med beige. Brnx.1900. Hi 641 Terrillon. F.xostos,., \ oiumineuses I de l'extreniite supei h ure de I 'hi une: us : a hi it ion : guerison avec colise-v alien mlegiale des mouveti enis Bull, et mem S,« dechir ileP.n 18-' n s, xii, soti —Tirifaby. Carie t loorculeiisc de riiumerus, resection sons pei i.st, ,.; .in ison. Presse nied. beige Brux.. 189u. xiii. 4>9-19J Valla*. Osic tuv elite ancienne. double localisation sur iexM.uite inlciienre de rhnmeruset lextreniit^ suiicri- i elite du tibia: Sulclariau. Ligature of i; Humerus l Fraitn, e of. Si O'aaneons). Harms (C.) * Feiur Emlotlielioin unil Sui kmii lies idieieii Hiinieriiseniles. Absetzuno; des Si'linltergiirtels. --. Miinchen, 1900. Lf.ssf.i; iA.) 'Eiu Full vou Sureoma perios- teale humeri mit secumliirer Necrose eines Theils iles < H'ei-ninikiioclieiis unil Usur des Kpipliy>eii- nml Arrirul.-ir-KniirpeU. »-. Berlin. [1875]. Pkli.ktax (P.-.J.) (">bsiiv.itiiuis sur nn n-ten- s.iicoiue de rhuni^riis. siinulaiit un auevrisine. ■* . Paris, W">. SlXAI'KR (C. F.) *Eine ContltHlitat8-li( see- tinn bei eineiu Fall von <>l»ei;iriiisarcoin. **-. Bonn. 1*00. Anion in I P. i Osieosaicomederextreniite superieure del humerus, p.ull Soc an.it.de Par.. Is90 lxxi. 420-431 .— Beck (J.) Ein Emlotlo bom des Huineius. Beitr. z. i.itu Anat. n. z. allg. Path.. Jena. 1809. xxv, 547-553 — liiii'ir. Les t u meursmalignesdel extremite superieure ue .;iis it 1 imputation inter soapulo - thoracupte Bull. med. Par. 1897 xi 549-553. Also: f.eho med.. Tou- louse. ls'.C 2. s .xi.325; 337: A9 Also \ A bstr.): Kev. prat. d.trav.il. med. Par.. 1897 liv. 217 ------. De l'ainputation iiit«*rscapiilo-tlii>raeii|ue dans le traitement des tuineurs maliguis de I .xtreiiiite superieure de rinimenis. Kcv.de chir . P.e . 189- xviii. sol-ss5. ------ Sur une observation comniuunpiee par K. Monod. iutitulee: S urome ponnsti que de 1'extreinite superieure de 1 hiiinerns avec enva- hissemeut de l'aisselle el de la region scupulairo; amputa- tion dans la contiguTte du trone; sueces operatoire, morl au bout de trois mois par generalisation pulmonaire. Bull. ef mem. Soc. do chir. de Par.. 1-91 n. s. xvii, 120-124 — Blake iJ. B.l Sarcoma of the hum. i .is ami scapula. Boston M. A S.J. 19ol. cxlir. 04" Bo-ekel E.) Tu meurs malignes de riiumerus. .Mi-in. >oc de nied. de Strasb.. 1886. xxiii. 71-sJ -Rognrl (.1. B.) Osteo -sarcoma of the humerus: specimen. liumklvii M..L. 19.10. xiv, 0511.— BoiiN«oii ill. i Sarcome osteoido de l'exti emite supe i: lire ■!• 1 humerus droit. Bull. Sou. anal, de Par 1880 1 ' 85'-680. Also: Piogresmed. Par.. l.-s7. 2. s . v. .'58 - BnflV-t. Ablation de lliuiioiu- p.n-i un osteo-sarcoinc av.-c conservation de I aviint-bt ,i,. Vorniandie med. Poinn. 1--9. iv, 170-179— fat* ini ill.) Mixoma del- 1 omero; ainputazione nitei.scapolotnrariea Clin, chir., ' Milano. 1901, ix, 821 - -:;o. — < a |i.f< > ille (K.i Sa-co-ie J pji iosthpie pulsatile dc 1 ■ ■ \rr«. 11. ■ i< inierieuie m 1'im ineriis Bull. Soc. d'anat. et phvsiol. . . . de Bordeaux. 18-1. v. 199-J03. I/.- J. de med. de Boideaux 1884-5, xiv, 217.— fanlaiii'.-. Osfeo-sarcomc de 1'extreinite su- perieure de rinimenis; amputation intersenpulo thoiaci one. Echo nied.. Toulouse. 1901.2. s. xv. 33-30 « liapiil. Osteos.ireome enorme de l'limnerus; aiiuiutatiim dan» l.i . contumite de 1 omoplate (amputation intra scapulaire). | II ll III e I'll k (Tumors of). Bull, it mem. Soc. de chir. de Pur.. 1901. n. S.. xxvii. 873- 875. — t'liifoliau .V l.nitfiiel-I.avaMline. Sarcome primitil de riiuinerus. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1900, lxxv, 575 578. Biihrneil. Osteo sarcome de I'hti merits: amputation; nm-iison. Oaz. med. de Par.. 1880, 7. s.. iii. 241; 253.—Burnnle HI I Knchonilronie malin recidive d<» l'hunierus: atrophic museulaiie par coiniues- sion; disjiarition du satrolcmmc; regression cellulaire, division et atrophie des libros luiisculaires voisines. Bull. it mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1900, lxxv. 314-321. —Fi»k (A. L.) A consideration of amputation at the shoulder- joint for sarcoma of the hunierus, with a icport ■ f three cases: opeiation and leeoveiy. Med. Kec.. X. Y., 1898, liii 010 019.- Foline.i i 1-'. i Osteosarcoma del capo dell'oinero disiirticola/.ione < 1. 1 brai . io. X. scuola med. napol., 1891. xi. 57; 91. Also: Auli lutein.'!/, di l.....I. e chir.. Xapoli 1896, xii. 41-51.- Fowler iK.i Case of nsteosaicouia of lhe humerus. Brnokhn M.J., 18!i9. xiii, 310. — I'nri'iiiiico, Osteo sarcome de riiuinerus. Bull. et mem. Soc.anal .lel'ar 1 901, Ixxvi, 410.—ii to» tS. \\5) (iiant celled sarcoma of Ilu- upper exit em 11 v ol lhe liuine- rus. Ir. Path. Soc. I'liila. Ms79-8l). 1 s8'J x, 189. — «■! nery. I'n cas de lipome intra-osseux de 1 humerus. Kev. d or- thop . Par. 1900. xi, 113-1_'2 2 ).l Hamilton i W. U.) Sarcoma of the liuinerus. M.,I. New-. X. Y.. |s!tx. lxxiii, 37L — lleni'la nx. Sarcome ile l'extreniite superieure de I humerus. J.de med.de 1 onest, Nantes Is81, xviii. 199-201. Also: Bull.Soc.anat.de Nantes 1-.-:; 1'at , 1885, vii, 35-37. ------. Sareoine glohocoliulai]v de la tele de l'limnerus gauche: resection de la nmitie superieure de l'limnerus; guerison dthnitive depuis plus de onze ans: lion fonction- nement dn menibre opeie. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1p95. n. s.. xxi, 131-137. —Iliingale (J. I'.i Remo- val of epudiiseal exostosis of liuinerus. 'limes & Keg.. Phila.. 1889. xx 15 -,lol.....on (O. J.) On a case of intci scapulo-thoracic amputation for periosteal sarcoma of the uppei end of the humerus. Clin. J., Lond.. 19o0, xvi, 406-sii9 —Kaol (A.) & Rumpel IT.) Periosi-Sarcoiu des Huineius; Met.is as,m m, Kcmur. In their: Path.- anat. laleln . Hamb Slaatski ankeiik.. Wandsbek- Hamb., 1893. 6. Hit. 1 pl (ICII). .1 ho. transl. in their: Hlust path, an.it., fol. I.oml. 1893, lv. pl. ii. with text.— Ki'*ykow«ki (M.) Chi/astniak kostniejacv kosci bar- kowej /eVV lletl /11V Z ] ll /,. obi a/C 11 i. Ill till bieloVVelll. WCglll- s/e/. in- barU 11 : povviot |il/erzut v w plucach. | Kxtellial osteoclioiuli ■ una ot l he hunierus » ith cystoid iI.-^hiu-i alion; excision of the humerus; relapse; metastases in the lungs.) Przegl. lek., Krakow. 1877. xvi. 90: 110. —Le Benin, Chonilro-iuv.xo sareoine de l'hunierus parseine ue ealeo- spherites: desarticulation de lepaule: guerison. Assoc. franc, de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.|. Par.. 1897. xi. 671-079. ------ Sur un cas rte tumeur de riiunieru*. Kev. de chir., Par., 1807. xvii lu.57. -----. Kyste hvdatiipie de riiume- rus gauche. Bull, el mem *-oc. de chir. de Par.. 1899. n. s.. xxv, 148.— I,enjjer. De ['amputation intcrscapulo- thoracique dans h tiaitement des tuineurs malignes de la lete de riimnerus Ann. Soc bei je ile chir.. Brux.. 1899- 1900. vii, 130-136, 3 pl — Mai-h fH.) Oslen-ntn'tiiii of the humerus weighing thii ty tine. |> unds and ineasuiing thirty-one inches in circuinleienee ligature at tbe subcla- vian artery nnd amputation attlie shoulder-joint: recoverv. Lancet Lond. L-92. ii. 662. ------ Myxii-sarcoma of the humerus undci'Lioing e1u.mli ni, ntoi Tr. I'ath. Soc. Lond, 1892-3 xlix-. H.J lot — »lei-mel (P.l.v i.iuonr (K.) Choudro tibronie il. lextren i'. s u per ien rede riiume- rus. Bull Soc.anat.de Par.. 1897. lxxii 011-019. — .»l i ller iJ. S) Osieo sarcoma of tie upper two-thirds oi ine humerus; an. pit- at ii m r the si.....hi or. Peoriti M. Month . 188.;-7 vii. 10. 108 - tioie Chomlrome .h lbu- nieiUS: resell ion des trois quarts sitpelieurs de eel os; recidive. amputation iiiterscapulo-thiuaeiipie. Bull, et iium Soc amit.do Par. 1899, lxxiv. 804: 1900. lxxv. 93 — .11 nir. I.'alcifving s.n......a of the humerus. (Jhisgovv M..I.. 1-99. Iii, lis >( il-en (T. K.) L'« section of"the liuinerus in a case of osteo hpo cliomli oma of its upjier end. Phila. Polyclin.. 1895. iv. 287.—OpciKlimr. Mye- loid sarcoma of the bead of the hunierus involving the scapula. Absii. Tr llunleiian Soe.. Lond. 1893-1, 44 — l'o<;«on. ILemoirh un saroma of huiiierus Ib-p. Pioc. Xoilbtimb. \ Dm ham M. Sec. Newcastle upon- I. tie. 18'iu 91 138.- I'orler W. II. i Mixed sat coma of th. humerus in a dog I'.ill X. York Path Soc. 1881. 2. s.. i. 134-136.— Pnnci'i (0. A.) A ngio saicoma of the liuinerus; amputation at shoulder; death. Med. News, Phila., |.-9u. lvii. 81 -*>eaii(i. I ibsct v alion de spina- bifida de l'extieniiie supei ieure do 1 liuinerus droit i variete osteosteatomaleuse) chez un. feinine ile 45 aus; reseclion de la tele de I'lntim'' us. Ar.h.de la med. beige. Brux., 1842. ix 329-335. Mhalloek iS. I',.) Chondrrfying sar- coma ot the humerus followm,. upon a fractuie. IT. Path. Soc Loud., 1890 xlvii 201-207. Mlieilil I M.) 1'nmour i.f hunieius. Ibid.. 1*81-5 xxxvi. ::'.<:,.---—. Tumour of head of humerus. Bui M..I. I.oml ls92. i, 815. — * in ith (K. YY) Osteusarcoma of lhe head of lhe hunierus. Proc Path. Soc. Dubl.. 1852-8. ui, 58.- *no« ill.) Chondro- sarcoma of the right huineius. Lancet, Lond., 1894, ii, HUMERUS. Hiiiiiei'si* (Tumors of). 1318 Sou I ham (F. A.) A case of resection of the upper end of the humerus for a sarcomatous tumour. Med. ('hum.. Manchester, 1886-7, v. 291-294— Thomn* (L.I Tumeur vasculaire de riiumerus: sarcome fascicule kystique. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1880, n. s., xii. 321-332.—Thnrxlon tK. O.) Central sarcoma ol hunierus; spontaneous fr cture. Si. Thomas s Hosp. Kep., Lond., 1898-9. n. s., xxvii. 125. -----. Periosteal sarcoma of hunierus. Ibid.. 120. —Tyrrell (H. J.) Tumour of tbe humerus. Proc. Path. Soc' Dubl.. 1868-9. it. s.. iv. 330,1 pl.—Vnllns cfc I'oiiccl. Tumeur osteo-cartilagineuse de rextreiiiite supei lent e de riiuinerus. Mem. et compt.- rend. Soc d. sc. med. de Lyon (1886), 1887, xxvi.pt. 2, 71.'— Wainwrijght (\Y. A. M.) Case of osteo-sarcotna of upper portion of the os brachii; amputation at shoulder joint; recovery. Proc Connect M. Soc, Harlford. 1888, n. s.. iv, 190-194.—Wei**. Sarcoma humeri. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Prag (1883-4), 1886, 426. II ii ill v ru * ( Wounds and injuries of). Sec, also, Humerus (Fracture of); Humerus (Fraelure of, Gunshot). Coxtk (('.) *Du decollement jnxta-epiphy- sjiirc traumatique (le rextreiiiite superb ure de l'humeius. s . Lyon, 1805. Itiird. Injury to the left humerus; followed by sup- puration and exfoliation of greater part of diaphvsis. Tr. Med.-I 'hir. Soc. Edinb., 1895-0. n.s.,xv,51,2 pl. Ilnlehin- won (J ) Injury to lower epiphysis of humerus; state of the parts twenty months afterwards. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1886, ii, 149. -----. The treatment of injuries of the lower end of the humerus. Ibid.. 1894, ii. 965-908. — [.aiiricrei' (A.) Verletzniigen am unteren Ende des Humerus. Miin- chen. nied. "Wchnschr.. 1891. xli 925. Also transl.: Brit. M. 05, Lond.. 1894. ii. 908. — I»aci (A.) Storia di un casodi cecita dopo 1' estrnzione di una palla da fucile, confitta da 23 anni nel collo chirurgico dell omero desiro. Sperimeu- tale, Firenze, 1875, xxix, 602-609. Also. Keprint— Tar- get! (J. H.) Old injury of humerus, from an Egyptian mummy. Tr. Path. Soc'. Lond , 1895-6, xlvii. 174-176. lluinfrey (Marian). A manual of obstetric nursiug. vi (1 1.), 282 pp. 12c. London, S. Low, Marsion cy Co., [1891]. Humidity. See Air (Moisture of); Climate: Dampness: Habitations ( Hygiene of); Hygrometer; Moisture. Himiiii. HopiM'-.*ieylcr (F.) Feber Hiiniinsubstaiizen, ihre Entstehung und ihre Kiuensehaften. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb.. 1888-9. xiii, 66-121. IIiiiiiisIoii (William Henry). Ser Mherwooil-Dmin (IL) The lelation of diseases of the f-male [etc.J. 8°. Philadelphia. 1898. Hmiillie (Carel Tlieodoor) "Een gevai van inakroilactylie. 47 pp., 1 pl. s-. Leiden, S. C. ran I) H'sburgh. 1881. Hllllllliel (Alexander). See Fiirbc* ( Sir Tohn). Ueber Somnambulismus, [etc.]. s5 IVien, 1840. Hllllllliel (Detlev Georg). "De vulneruni re- nunciatione. lit) pp. 4~. Helmstadti, lit. P. 1). Schnorii. [1731]. [P., v. l'.ir.l.J Hllllllliel (E[ pp., 2 1. 8'-'. Berlin. C. Vogt, [1802]. Hllllllliel (Richard). Editor of: Ztihiuii/I (Der) Bunzlau, 1892. Hiimiiielslieiui (Eduard [Karl Alalia Jo- si ph]) [lslls— ]. * Ueber Hernia umbilicalis. 30 pp., I 1. *8-\ Bonn, C. Georgi, 1890. Hllllioi' (Der) in der Apotheke. (Jesiinnnelt von Pharinaceuten. -0 pp. 12J. Berlin. 0. Georgi, [1901'J. HiimoraRixm. See, also, Blood; Medicine (Systems of, etc.). Floylk (J.) The preternatural state of an- imal humours described, by their sensible qual- ities, which depend on the different degrees of their fermentation. And the cure of each par- ticular cacocliymia is performed by medicine of a peculiar specific taste, described. To this treatise are added two appendixes. I. Ab uit the nature offerers, and their ferments, and cure by particular tastes. II. Concerning the effer- vescence and ebullition of the several cacochy- inias; on which all inllaminations, tumours, pains, and iluxes of humours depend; especially those in the gout and asthma; and the partic- ular tastes of medicines curing ebullitions, are described. 12°. London, 1(198. Li'der (M.) *Du vitiis humorum morbilicis. sm. 4C. Jena, 1584. Llpin ( K. J.) * De tenuitate humorum teniere laudata, 4 . Gottinga;. 1750. In: Kichtek (G. G.) Opusc. med. 4°. Francof. et Lijis.. 1780. i, 369-388. Pk colhomini (A.) In librum Galeni de hu- moribus comnientarii. 10°. Parisiis, 15."6. Stotmkistek (.).) Disputationes instilu- tionuni analomicarum 19 et 20. De humoribus et spiritibus. sm. 4C. Witebergev, lfi(!7. In: Knobloch (T.) Disp. anat. [etc.]. sm. 4°. Wite- bergce, 1608, 8 1. Tkatado daorigeni dos humores viscoses, sens effeitos e das desordens (pie elles produzeni na economia animal. [By Sebastian Guille'.] 1<>°. Lisboa. 1*11. . Humor* (Animal). Se- Fluids, . Giittiugen, IV. F Kaestner, 1895. HUMPHREY. 475 HIN. Hlllliplirey (Gideon). .Sec RiiiiKliin (\V[illiani|). Diseases oi the aliment- tirv i-tin.il [eic-l. lt>0.' Philadelphia. 1841. — Knoll5 A . Jo's. Kriilericus) [in 1. s.]. Kepertory of honueoiiatliic medicine [etch 2. Am. ed. 12°. \eu< York; 1845. Hlllliplirey (Jauus EllisV On the aiiatoiny and development of Agaruin l'urneri, Post, and Kupr. pp. 195-204, 2 pl. 8-\ [Cambridge, 1885.] Cutting front : Proc. Am. Acad. Arts. \ Sc, t'ainbriuge, 188(1. H11 III|>ll!'<'>>• (Frederick) [l-lii-l'-UKi]. Dysen- tery and it's honiu'opathic treatment; contain- in'' also a repertory tind nunierous cases, y, 7-90 pp. s->. Xew York, If. liadde, l*'f5. ------. Humphrey's hoinieopathic mentor, or fam- ily adviser in tlie use of specific honueopathie medicine. Revised and enlarged ed. iv, T>33 pp., port. s -. -Vcir York, 1**9. Manual of specific hoimeopathy for the Humphry (Sir George. Murray). -----. Vivisection; a speech delivered at the forty-ninth annual meet ing, Ryde, August, ls-1. - pp. -<0. London, [\88\]. [Also, in: P., v. 2(190.] ------. Remarks on the repair of avouikIs and fractures in aged persons. •"> pp. *-. [London, \*8\.\ Kepi: front : Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884, ii. Old age and changes incidental to it. administration of medicine and cure of di 1000. ed. 144 pp. 24°. Xi it* York, Humphrei/s, [». a-.]. Also, Editor of: II iimplire> «•* Journal ot Sperilic Ilotnu'Opnthv. New York 1 s>!l-ISO. See. a 5.. Homo <>|i;i ill ii treat ment of iliseascs of the sexual -\ -teni [etc. | * . *> • York x Philadelphia. liloO. -----. Thesame. 16 5 Philadelphia. 1S.M For liimjraphii. see Meil. Times. X. V., 19ini. xxviii, 24.">. Humphrey* (( r-- IL). See von .\ icmcici' i Felix) |t'» 1. s.[. A text-hook of practical medicine [etc. ]. io\. s . .Ycic York. Isti9. -----. The same. 85 Xew York;' 1.-70. -----. The same. 8°. Xee- York, 1871. -----. The same. .-5 .Ycic York; 1874. -----.Thesame. Revised ed. 85 Xew York: 187.").—-— The same. 85 Xew York l.v7s. -----. The same. 8 Xen- York. 1879. -----. The same. 8°. Xew York, l.-si. ------. The same. 8°. London. 1881. Humphreys (John Doddridge). The electro- physiology of man. With practical illustrations of new and elficient modes of galvanic treat- ment in a variety of cases, xii. 22- pp. 12-. Loudon. U Pickering, 1-43. Humphreys i'N[oel_] A.) The value of death- rates as a test of sauitary condition, pp. 437- 471. - London, 1*71. Repr. ir,,,,, ■ J. Statist. Soc, Lond., 1-74. .sv, ,,;., Farr (William). Yital statistics ,etc.). e5 London. 1885 Humphreys' Journal of Specitic Hoinieopathy. F. Huinphri-vs, editor. [Month]v.J No-. ■-<-'.>. v. 3; Xo. 5, v. 4. March, l-.V.l, to Jan., l-i'.u. fol. Xew York. Humphry (Sir George Murray) [1-2h-'.m;]. Lect- in es on surgery, delivered in the Medical School of Cambridge.' 10-pp. •--. II orcesti-r, Brighton 4- Co.. 1-..1. Repr. from .- Prov. M. A: S. J.. Lond.. Is49-51. xiii-xv. ------. Observations on lhe limbs of vertebrate animals; the plan ol their construction; their homology; and the comparison of the foie and hind limbs. 1 p. I., 44 pp.. 5 pl. 4 . Cam- bridge. Macinillamy Co.. l-Oi. (p., v. 1(iK5.] ------. Ohservations on the growth of the long bones and of stumps. 1- pp.. 1 pl. 8-. Lon- don, J. F. Adlard, lxbl. [AUo. in: P., v. 1-02.] Uepr.from: Med. Chir. Tr.. Lond.. Mil, xliv. ------. On the influence of paralysis, disease of the joints, disoa-e of the epiphysial lines, exci- sion of the knee, rickets, and some other morbid conditions, upon the growth of the bones. i:i pp., 2 pl. - . London, ■/. E. Adlard, 1852. LP., v. 1--92.] Repr.from: Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 18(12, xiv. The myology of the limbs of the unau, the ai', lhe two-toed anteater, and the pangolin. pp. 17-78, 4 pl. 12. [Cambridge5-London. \875.] Cutting [cover with printel title| from: J. Anat. & Physiol.,'Cambridge & I.oml., 187o. iv. The llunleiian oration. Delivered at the l.'oviil College of .Surgeons of Lngland, on the 14th of Keliruary, 1-79. 1 p. I.. 5*. pp. ** . Cambridge <)'• London, Macntillan . 4(1 pp. 12 5 Canilnidge, Macmillnn <$■ Howes, 18-.">. -. Tlie angle of the neck with the shaft of the femur at dilferent periods of life and under different circumstances. pp. 27 1-2-2. Fdinburgh, Xeill Tat'. Biog.. Suppl., Loud.. 1901. iii. 11-13 (DA. Power). Also: Lancet. Loud., 1S9U. ii, 904-969. Also: Med. Chir. Ti.. Lond.. 1897. lxxx. pp. i xwi-cxxxii (YV. H. Dickinson). Also: .1. Path, il lSaetei iol.. Edinb. & Lond., 1896-7. iv, 421-12:1 (.T. Griffiths). Also: St. Barth. Hosp. Kep. 1896, Lond., 1897. xxxii, pp. xxxi-xxxvii . ed. xi. 2f>(> pp. 12- Philadclphia. P. Blakiston, Son .('■ Co.. 1*05 llieaniilii*. See Hops. Him (Kdward b'[eyuolds]) [1-42- ]. See ItoiK'hnrcl (Charles! [in 1. s.|. Secondary de- generations of the spinal cord. 8^>. 1'tiat, X. Y i8i;.i For Portrait see Collection of Portr. (Libr. i. Illlll (Heni v ). Alcoholic paralysis. 17 pp. - . /'/./'ladcl/,hia. 18*5. [Also, in: 1*., v. 2144.] Repr groin. Am. J. M Sc, Phila . 1885, n. s.. lxxxix. ------. Differential diagnosis between locomotor ataxia and spasmodic spinal paralysis. Hi pp. 8 . Album/, Liu (lief ,y Taylor, 188;,. [Also, in: 1'., v. -214 I.'| Repr. from . Albany M Ann., 188."). vi. ------. Reduction of temperature bv cold baths. 12 pp. 8 . .Album/, llurdick 5' Taglor. 18*5. [Also, in: l\, v. 2144.] Repr. from: Albany M. Ann., 1885. vi. Some cases of delirium tremens, treated with half-ounce doses of tincture of digitalis. 10 pp. ."i°. Album/, Burdiek5 Taylor, 1885. [Also, in: P., v. 2144. ] Repr.froin: Albany M. Ann., 1885. vi. IIFN. 476 HTNDERTMAKCK. IIuu (Henry)—continued. ------. Thebacteriaofdisea.se. 11 pp., 1 pl. * -. Albany, Burdick j Taylor, 188{\, [Also, in : P., v. J •2144.] ! Repr. from- Albany M. Ann., 1886, vii. ------. A clinical study of cerebral localization, illustrated bv seven cases. 29 pp. 8C. [Phila- delphia, 1887'.] [Also, in : P., v. 2144.] Repr.froin: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1887, n. s xciii. ------. Glioniatous hypertrophy of the pons. 8 pp. 8°. Albany, Burdick 5-Taylor, 1887.' [Also, in: P., v. 2144.] Uepr.from: Med. News, Phila., 1887, li. j ------. The introductory lecture of the course of 1887-8 at the Albany Medical College, delivered September 2(1, 1887* Published by the class. - pp. sc. Albany, Burdick 5-Taylor, 1887. [Also, in: P., v. 2144.] ------. Sewer-gas poisoning. 24 pp 12°. [Phila- delphia, 1887.] [Also, in : P., v. *144.] Repr.froin: Med. Xews, Phila., 1887, Ii. ------. A case of Pott's disease, presenting in the arms symptoms resembling those of locomotor ataxia, and in the legs those of spinal spasmodic paralysis. 7 pp. 12-. [Philadelphia, 1888.] [Also, in: P., v. 2144.] Uepr.from: Med. Xews, Phila., 1888, liii. ------. Cases of tetany, hysterical contraction, and reflex contraction; illustrating varieties of chronic functional tonic spasm. 12 pp. 1(5-. [Philadelphia], 1888. [Also, in : P., v. 2144.] Repr. from: Med. Xews, Phila., 1888, liii. ------. Clinical reports. 1. Two cases of tumor of the cerebellum. 17 pp. Hi-. [Albany, 1888.] [Also, in: P., v. 2144.] Repr. from : Albany M. Ann., 1888, ix. ------. Clinical reports. II. Traumatic rupture of the valves of the heart. *pp. K>G. [Albany, 1*8*.] [Also, in: P., v. 2144.] Repr. from: Albany M. Ann., 1888. ix. ------. Clinical reports. III. Treatment of the pressure paralysis of Pott's disease by the plas- ter-of-Paris jacket. 9 pp. l(i°. [Albany, 1*88.] ' [Also, in: P., v. 2144.] Repr.from: Albany M. Ann., 1888, ix. ------. Clinical reports. IV. A case illustrating the relationship between cerebro-spinal menin- gitis and pneumonia. 11 pp. 16-. [Albany, 1888.] [Also, in: P., v. 2144.] Repr. from : Albany M. Ann., 1888, ix. ------. Myxeedenia; four cases with two autop- sies. With a report of the microscopical exam- ination bv T. Mitchell Prudden. 40pp.,3pl. 8*. Philadelphia, 1888. [Also, in : P., v. 2144.] Repr. from : Am. J. M. Se., Phila., 1888, n. s., xcvi. ------. The pathology of acute ascending (Lan- drv's) paralysis. 20 pp. ***■-. Xetv York, I). Apple- ton 5- Co.. L-91. [Aho, in: P., v. 2144.] Repr. from : X. Tork M. J.. 1891. liii. ------. Two cases of tranniatic hysteria. 8 pp. **« . [Philadelphia, 1891.] [Also, in : P., v.2144.] Repr. from: Tr. M. Soe. N. Y., |Phila.], 1891. ------. The same. 12 pp. - . [Philadelphia, 1-91.] Repr. from: Med. Xews, Phila., 1891, lviii. ------. The objects and functions of a county medical society, dpp. - • Albany,1802. [P., v. 2144.] ------. Disease and immunity. 11 pp. 8°. Al- bany, C. F. Williams, 1*95. [P . v. 2144] Repr from: Albany M. Ann., 189:s xiv. ------. The uses and abuses of animal extracts as medicines. 1(5 pp. 12J. [Xew York, 1801.] Repr.froin : X York M. J 1895 lxi. ______. The nervous symptoms associated with Bright's disease. The unity of Blight's disease. 23 pp. 8-\ Albany, 1*95. Repr.froin: Albany M. Ann . 1895, xvi. Hllll (Henry)—continued. -----. A sketch of the gradual perfecting of the methods of medical education in the Albany Medical College. 1(5 pp. 8. Albany, 1^95. Repr.froin: Albany M.Ann., 1896, xvii. -----. Tin* value of the antitoxine treatment in diphtheria. 15 pp. -:. Albany, 1805. Uepr.from: Albany M. Ann., 1896, xvii. -----. Analgesia, thermic aniesthesia, and ataxia, resulting from foci of softening in the medulla oblongata and cerebellum, due to oc- clusion of the left inferior posterior cerebellar artery. A study of the course of the sensory and co-ordinate tracts in the medulla oblongata. 49 pp., 1 pl. ."*-'. Xew York, I). Appleton «)'■ Co., 1897. Repr. from: X. York M, J.. 1897, lxv. ------. A case of congenital stenosis of the pul- monary orifice and of the conns arteriosus. 10 pp. ■--. Albany, 1-07. hepr. from : Albany M. Ann., 1897, xviii. ------. A study of a hospital plan. 16,2 pp., 9 plans. 8°. Albany, 1897. Repr. from: Albany M. Ann., 1897. xviii. Hllll (Thomas) [18()8- ]. Portrait in: Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Htniaillri (Franciscus Josephiis) [1701-42], *An dyseniericis anodyna ? Prseses: Henrico Besnier. 4 pp. 8*5, Parisiis, G. F. Qwillau, 1730. ------. * I'truni in ascite paraceutesini tardare, malum? Pra-scs: Thoma Bernardo Bertrand. 4 pp. 8°. Parisiis, G. F. Quillan, 1750. See, also, Bumnoh (Julianus). *Aii ab ictu, lapsu, ni- sune, (-uandoque veitebraruin caries? In: Skiwakt (IL F.) Qufflstiones med. Par. 4°. Tubingen, 1789, ii, 189- 198. lpl. Hlliiaiiltl (Pierre). Discours physique sur les propiieiez de la sauge, et sur le restc des plantes aroinatiques, daus lequel par occasion l'ou traite de la dissolution des corps, et de la digestion des alimens dans I'estomac. (5 p. 1., 10(5 pp., 2 1. 1GC. [Paris. 111!!-.] Bound with : Bo.NTKKOE (Corneille). Suite des nouveaux elemeus de medecine. |ctc.|. 165 Paris, 1698. ------. Dissertation sur les vapeurs et les pertes de sang, xxii (I 1.), :'.72 pp. Hi-. Paris, J.-X. Lelonp, 17.">(i. HllllCZOVSky (Johann Nepomuk ) [17 52-11*]. Anweisung zu cliirnrgischen Operatiouen. Pur seine Vorlesiiiigen liestiunnt. 11 p. 1., 312 pp. s-'. IVien, II. Gruffer, 1785. ------. The same. 4 , mit liteiarischon Zusiitzeu vermehrte Autl. xii, 340 pp. - . Wien, J. G. Hinz, 1*08. Illllld (John). A sketch of surgical history. (Afier Mocker.) 1 p. 1., 3s pp. - • Chippewa Falls, Wis., 1-91. HiiiMlci-tjalil'igcil (Zum) Oeburtslage Samuel Hahnemann's. Keden und Erinneruiigsblat- ter an die Feier des 11. April l.<>"> in Meissen. Hrsg. von Dr. Bernhard Hirscliel. Nebst, einer Beilage: Halineniann und seine Gegner, von Clot a'r Mueller. 10 pp. *- . Dessau, G. hafz, 1855. HuEldcitlllUlck (Ernst [Joh. Martin]) [1«(57- ]. "" Leber das Verhalten der Kdrperteni- peiatur bei Vaccnuertcn. [ Halle-Wittenberg. ] 30 pp. 8-. Halle a. S.. Wischan 5' Wettengel, 1801. IIlllldei-tiliarck (Heinrich Elia) [16(54-1759]. Natur und Cur der Venus-Seuche, sonst spa- nische Pocken, Malum Neapolitanum, oder ins- gemein Frantzosen Kranckheit genannt, wie diese abscheuliche Maladie, nach alien ihren Zu- fiillen, beschaffen, und, wenn sie audi aus Mut- ter-Leib, oder von unreinen Bi listen herkommen, und mit den schwersten Symptomatiluis. als Beiilen, Schweien, Zerl'ressung des Fleisches, HrXDEimiAKCK. 477 HUNGAKY. Illllidorllliarck (Heinrich LluO—continued. und Zernagung derer fiebeinon, etc., begleitet, ohne Mirciuio. Salivation, vieles Schwit/oii und Puroieren in wenig Wocheu aus dem (irnnd uud mit .Bestaiul also zu cnriren. dass die Patienten nieht noting haben sich darhcy lnnen zu halten, soiidern tiigUch ausgi hen nidgen. Am l.iide mit vielen liierckwiirdigen Exempeln derjeiiigcu, welche auf dies > commode Manier curiret wor- den, erleuchtet. 6 p. 1., 214 pp. 123. Leipzig, ,1. Schuster, [1720], ______. I'nterricht von seiner Methode, dadureh wie alle Morbi Tartaiei oder («i icss-Krauekhei- ten insgemein. so insonderheit Podagra und Stein mit einem eintzigen Medicament, Liquor aperitivo-resolveiis genannt, auch bey denenjo- nio-en Patienten, die diese Kranekhcitcn erblich, in-einem hohen Grad, mit einem giossen Alter, und die erste mit (Jicht-Beulen verge-diet haben, aus dem (Jrund, vollig nnd mil Bestand zn cnri- ren anstatt eines Prodromi des folgeuden Trac- tats von diesen grossen und sonst vor uiihevlbar gchalteiien Kranckheiten, dem nothleidenden Xcchsteii zum besten tins Licht gegeben. - 1. 24-. Zeit:. [n. (/.]. Hlliidoi-tlliai'k (Carol us Fridericus) [17ln-tri]. De mercuiii vivi e; cum salibus varie mixti sumiua in corpus humaiiiini vi atque efticacitate, ejusqiie cum sulphure laxius vel arctius con- jiiik ti virtute iu idem nulla iiher singulai-is in quo siiiiul varia chemiie capita illnstraiitur. 1 j,. 1., >»- ip. 4 . Lipsia. J. F. Gleditsch, 17.">4. [P.. v. 1-72.] HtliidliullM'ii vFriedrich) [1-73- ]. *Pau- kreasani'p'.cxie und Fettgewebsnekrose. 34 pp., 1 i. - . Miinchen, Kastmr 5 Lossen, 1901. HllildliaiiM'ii (Martin). ~ Leber traumatische Aphasie. :'.2pp.,ll. -"• Wiirzburg, Becker, 1*90. Hlllldl'ed (The> gieatest men. Portraits of the one hundred greatest men of history, reproduced from hue and rare engravings. Vol. (5. Science: Mathematicians, physicians, naturalists. With an introduction by 11. Helmbolt/.. xvii pp., 47 1.. 14 port. fol. London, S. Low [and others], l'--u. Hundred Year Club. For the study ot longev- ity. Bulletin No. 1: Inaugural address of the president, March 23, l-'.»'.». and list of members, April 20, 1900. 13 pp. -. Xew \ork, V.H"K ---—. [Circular.] 2 1. -=. Xew Yovk, 1000. Huildsdorfler (Georg Ernst Wilhelm) [1-71- J. * Beitriige zur Lehre von der Selbstent- wicklung. 3n. 1*-8U. Illliieke (August) * Leber die Operation des Ektrojiion durch Transplantation von Epider- mis. [ Strashurg. ] 29 pp. *'. Miinchen, M. Ernst. \**8. Hungary. Codex sanilano-medicinalis Huu- garia-, quem cmigessit Franci-cus Xav. Linz- biiuer. 1\. 8-. Buda>, typ. Ca-sarlo-regiar sci- ent iarum universitalis, l^o'2-ti. ------. Loi sur roiganisation des affaires do l'hy- giene publique. (Sandionnee le 3 avnl 1-70. Promnlguee dans les (h-ux chtimbres du parle- icnt hongrois le Mivnl 1875.) Avec une prc- iicc par le docteur Louis (irdsz. 02 pp. - . Budapest, Imp. Athena um, 18.75. See, also, Au»li-o-IIuii|.» Iqiislola invi atoria eruditis Panmuiia' dicala, qua ad acta eiudito inn Pan- nonica res el eventus naturales. ac morbus pa- trios exponenlii, cdeiida perhunianiter nivitan- tur. 4-. Lrigii, [1752]. Ft'KKR (F. .1. i De salubritate et morbis Ilnn- gariie; scheiliasnia. 12 . Lipsia-, 1777. Saiu.kk (5.) * Descriplio plantaruni epiphyl- lospoimaiuin Hungaiia' et provinciaruin adnex- arnm ntque Transylvania' indigenaruni. Pest in i, 1820. Ski/./i: der Landcskunde I'ngarns. Einleiten- der Theil des ungai ischen Kataloges zur Wiener Weltausstellung. Filter Mitwirkung inbenann- ter Fachmiinner redigirt von Karl Keleti. Im Auftiage des kdnigl. nng. Ministers fiir Acker- bau, (L'werbe und Handel (nach dem ung.ir. Originaltcxt) hrsg. durch das ting. Exerutiv- Cinnile der 1-73-ei Weltausstellung. - . Buda- pest, 1-73. BartMCh (E.) Die ArnienkranUenpnege in Sams, wie sie war, wie sie ist, und wie sic sein sollte. Z»schr. f. Nat.-u. Heilk. in 1'iiirani, l'esr. 1850-">1, i. 121.— Fnilia. (1.) A niagvar minikas taplalko/asa. [The food nl Hun- garian laliorers.| I'yogvaszat. Budapest. isiiT. xxxvii l'.io; 209. Also [A bstr. J : Orvosi letil. Budapest. 1897. xli. 149. Also, transl.: Lest. in. it. chir. Pie.-se. r.inl;i|iest. 1897, xxxiii 99C- 420-. 441.- Fucliw (K.) Magyari-a-ln- I'rah- pt'iihle. Mitth. d. anlhiop. I'csells.-h. in Wien. 19Un. n. F., xx. 1-49-151.—«le Kniiocz <£■) Cnnsidei minus snr 1 as- sistance uulilh|iie en Hnngrie. Cong, intermit. tl'li> ir. ei de ileinng. (5 r. l.-'."4. Ludai est. isiiii. \ iii. pt. 4. 4ML 49.:. — liiilliv (II.) Zui Didakiik der llydrnthi-rapii' und Kliinatiilii.'ii" in rngarn. Wien. med. I*res-,e, 1899. xl, loir,-. li;:i:L 1079. Also, transl: (Liz. (1. eaux, l'ar., 190(1, xliii. 9.0.1; 321: 929; 94(1. — l.nny ( L.I Les n tionaliles de ia Hongrie. Cong, internat. dliyi;. et de deniug. C.r.1894. Budapest, 189H, viii, pt. 7. 8."> -i-'.). — von i1 itlnzKy (F.) Uelierdie vorncschichtliche Zeit Ungain-. |Ti;m.-l. t'lmn the English, j Arch. t. Anlliroji., lirnschwg . 1891-2. xx, 349-9.il. Kegi (A) i'iiidoelet Magvai sziigon. ! For- mer Lath life in H ungarv.] Orvosi het'l, liudapist 1897. xli, .'illi: li.MI. — Mcliei-fel (A.W.) Aufziihlung tier in I n- u-aru wildwai hsendeii und cultivirten Meiliciiud-I'tlaiizen. Con-, internat. d h\g. el dc demog. (5 r. Is94. Budapest. 1890 viii.pt.6.;i81-:!9:i —WKvoi-l»oll"(L) \ engilva, yeva priroda, naselenie. kultura. | Hungary, her natural his torv, jiopulation, culture.J prakt. med., St. Pel. (K.i Kin Beitrag zu k.-hiili inik ohsh. hig.. siuhh IS'.i.'i. \\v. 2. sect. 11-118.--'I'ocl l-'lu-ii N'oidungarus. Sitzuugsh. d Wi—cnsch. I'.iiiO. Prag. lilnl. no. 27. Mag\ iiinrs/ag nepesedesi [)0])iilatiun ol the Magyar |H-"|M'1.| VOM Will- ulaulien der fiir l-l'.i.-Wi'KZclm «/,lii St.itist'ikajaii'il. |Stnlistii IrvuM hetil.. Budapest. IsMi. xxx. 47 I - 4 ,, .— lix Ui (II.) TodundTodteiit'etische im Volks- MagMiien. Mitth. d. anthrop. C.eselLeh. in Wien 1892.il. I'. xii, 172 18n. -----. Die Lnppenliiiuiiie im niagyarischeii Volksglauhen. Hid.. 189.\ n. 15. xv. 1,-1!). limitary. Ki'miglieh ungarischei Minislcemnt ickeri'ou,clc. Leber Zuelit .iilnne. Nach ei- nen pat lining i sch-liistologischen rntersuchun- gen von Ludwig V. 'I'hanholler. Hrsg. vom k. nngaliscbcll Ministeliuin fiir Aekerbaii, etc. xi, Li-lib pp., \2 ]il. 4 . Iludapcst, 1882. ______. .Jjtliiesbericht iiber das Yetcriniirweseii in llngain. Im Aufl rage des ki'm. uug. Acker- liauniinisteiiuins nach aintlichen Bericlneii bearbeitet von l'i anz Hutyra. 2. Jahrg., 1-Ji0. (Xach dem I. .lahrg. der uugarischeu Ausgabe.J iv, 2:'»1 ]>|>. -- ilndupest, Druck des Fra n klin- Vereius. 1891. Illllltfiiry* Kiiuiglieh ungarischi8staiistisehes />'«- reait. I li'gibiiiH.se in den Liiiulern dei ungaii- schen KriMieain An lunge des .Jalnes 1>T0 vollzo- genen Volksziihlung saniint Nachweisung der nutzbaren Hausthiere. Im Auftiage des kd- nigl. iingarisclien Ministers fiir Landwii thschaft, r.e\verbe und Handel, verfasst und hr-g. cunh das konigl. ungaiischt' siati>tiscln' lbueau. 2 IIFNGAKY 478 HINT. Hungary. Kbnigl. ung. statist. Bureau—cont'd. p. 1.. <-, V,15 i>])., 2 1. imp. fol. Pest. Druckerei des Athcnaum. 1-71. Hungarian and German text. -----. Ergebnisse der in den Liinderu der unga ri.schen Krone am Anfange des Jahres 1--1 vollzogenen Volksziihlung sainnit Xacliweisung einiger nutzbaien Hausthiere. Im Aufnage des kdnigl. iingarisclieii Ministers fiir Land- wirthschaft, Gewerbe und Handel, verfasst und hrsg. durch das kdniglich uugarische statisti- sche Landes-Bureau. 2 v. bd. in 1. 2 p. 1., xiii, 851 pp., 11.: :} p. 1., 415 pp. fol. Budapest, Buehdr. A.-Gesellschaft Athena-urn, 18*2. Hunger. See, also. Abstinence, etc.; Famine; Fast- ing: Starvation. Bai.dks (K.) * Ueber die Ausscheiduiig von saurem nnd neutraleni Scliwefel im Hani des Kaniucliens wahrend des Hungei/.ustaudes. -°. II iirzburg, 1901. IIai :shaei:t (J. V5.) *De fame hesa. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1558. Kixdsciikk (F. G. A.) '" De fame. -°. Be- rolini, [1828]. Lii'SKi (A. A.) Golod i vizivayemiya im bo- ltezni. [Hunger and the diseases it produces.] .--'. S.-Peterburg, 18*9-2. Malixix (F. P..) *K voprosu o vliyanii si- tu vn i golodnav" sostoyaniy na skorost vsasiva- niya niekotorikh lekarstvennikh veshtsln-stv iz zheludka i na viviedeni'e ikh iz liela u zdoro- vikh lyudeT. [On lhe influence, of sated and hungry conditions upon the rapidity of absorp- tion of several medicaments in the stomach, and on their excretion from the body of healthy men.] "?. S.-Peterburg, 1-95. Xicolai(W. [.I.E.]) * Ueber die Entstehung des Hungergefiihls. b°. Berlin, [lf-92]. Knrtlier (E.) Du sentiment de la faim: ses causes. Arch. med. do Toulouse, 1901, vii, 375-378. — Bai-fnrtli (D.) Der 11 linger als fdrderndes Princip in der Xatur. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1887, xxix, 28-34, 1 pl.— Bc*ltlitei-cfi'(V.i O vliyanii golodaniya na novorozhdeii- nikh zhivolnikh, vosobeiiuosti navies i razvitle ikh mozga. [On the influence of hunger upon new-born animals, espe- cially upon the weight and development of their brain.) Nev'rol. Vestnik, Kazan. 1895, iii, no. 1, 85-915.—Fie.....I (E.) fc I'reniMl ill i Beitriige zum Stoffwechsel im Hiingeiziistande. Wien. klin. Itundsehau, 1901. xv, 69; 9l.-JohniiK»on (.1. E.) [et al.\. Beitrage zur Kennt- niss des Stuffwechsels beim hungeriideii Menschen. Skan- din. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1890. v/i, 29-9(1, 1 diag.— Joiilnn (T.) Zur Frage iiber den Eintluss des Hun- gerns aut die "Wirkung der Arzneimittel ( Digitalin ). Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl.. 1895, xxxiii. 145- 148— Kaiifmsinn (M.) Ueber die. Ursache der Zu- nahme der Eiweissversetzung wiihrend des Hnngerns. Ztschr. f. Biol., Mt'uicheii u. Leip/,., 1901, n. F., xxiii, 75_ ]12.— I,even. Faiin: nppetit. Compt. rend. Sue. de biol., Par., 1882, 7. s., iv, 205- 208. — l.nky'inoll (S. M.) Ogolodanii. [On hunger.] Arch. lab. uhsh. pa- tol. p. Imp. Var-hav. Univ.. 189(1, iii. 71-101. — IHalhieii (A.) &. iTIoriehaii-Keaiicliaiit. Sur quelques nioda- lites des perversi >us ile la faim (faim doulouieuse. faim liatibeeiiseet faim anguissaiiteouphohique). Lull, et mem. Soc. med. (L hop. (le Par.. 1900, 3. s.. wii. :il1ll-370. Also: Bull, nied., Par., 1900, xiv, 273-270 — Mendel ( L. 15.) lhe phvsiolog-y of hunger. Dielet. & Hyg.Gaz.. 2S\ V., 1893. ix, 281-280.—IWiililmaiiii I'M.) Bussische Literatur iiber die Pathologie des Iliingerns. Ceii'ialbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat.. Jena, 18911, x, 160; 240.—.flunk (I.) Ueber deu Ei\vei--uuis;iiz beim hungeriideii Mensi hen. Centralbl. f. d. lne.l. \\ 5>sell>eh.. Hell., 1 ss'.i. xx vii, 833-836. ------. Nock- mals iiher den Kiw eissunisatz beim Hunger. Ibid., 929- 9:;L- I»rmi»nilz i W.) Zur Eiweisszersetzungdes htiu- • ein.l. 11 Menschen. Sitzungsb. d Gesell-ch. f. Morphol. ii. Phvsiol. in Miinchen (1890). 1891, vi, 170-174. Also: Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1891, xxxviii, 319. ------. Die Eiweisszersetzuug beim Menschen wiihrend der ersten Hungertage Ztschr. f. Biol.. Miinchen n. Leipz., 1892-3. n. F.^xi. 151-167.— Ko/i'iilinkh (P.) O vliyaniyakh go- lodaniya ua nervnive lxniri. [Effect of hunger on the nerve centers ] T.i. Ye-tnik. Kharkov. 1884, iii. I. sect.. 17-_r, —Sclilcsingci' (H.) Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Hungergefiibles. Wieu. klin. "Wchnschr., 1893, vi, 111151 K't'I'. ,-)(;ii-."iis.—.«*«'lnili'#.i' (O.) Uebc den Einfluss des Hun- gers auf di'- Zellkeuie. Silzuiijsb. il. phvs.-ined. Ge- sellsch. zu Wiii/li., '888. 140: 11" Also |Abstr.J: Fort- sehr. d. Med. Hell., lssfl. vii. 48. — «» chill* (!•'. X.) rebel den Fettgehalt des Plates beim Hunger. Arch. f. d. gcs. Physiol..' Honn, U9ti, Hv. 299-307. ------. Leber die l'i sache der Zunahme del Eiweisszerset/.ung wiiliieml des Hnn- gerns; eine Lrwiderung. Ztschr. f. liiol., Miuulien u. Lei]iz.. 1901, xxiii, 30S-377.—.">><■ li ill z ( F. S.) A: .Tl .liaizcr (J.) Leber den Veil.uif der Phosp'.or.siiureaussrheiiliing beim Hunger. Ztsch f. phv>iol.Cheiu.,Stras-b.. 1901.xxxii, 208-277—Ned I mail' i A . (5 I Ueber die Abnalime dei Or- gane, iiisliescndeie del Kimi-licn. beim Hum-it. ZNcln. I. LioL, Miinchen u. Leipz., isiis. n F., \ix. 25-58.—T*in*zli (F.) Haeinatologikus vizsgalatok. |Hematnhgical exnei i incuts in hungering men.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1895, xxxix. 276. Also, transl. |\vilh additions|: Wien. klin. Bundschau. If96, x, 300-308.—Voil (E.) Einfluss des Kdrperfeltes auf deu Ei\\ eiss/.ei fall im Hungi I zuslantle. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr.. 1890, xliii. 1132.------. Leber die Zerseizungsgrii-se im Hungerzustaiule. Sitzungsh.d. Gesellscb. f. Morphol. u. Phvsiol. ill Miincheii 1900, xvi, ]!•_>. ------. Ueber die Gidsse des Lnei giebedarfi s del Tiere im Huiigerziislamle. Zlscln. I. Ilml.. Miinchen u. Leip/.., 1901. n. V.. xxiii. 113-154. ------. Die (Irii-se des Ei\veis*zerfallesiiii Hunger. Ibid.. 167 195. — Weyjjainll (W.i Leber die psvehischen Wirkungen des IL.ngeis. Miinchen.med. Wcliiisehi.. l>-98, xiv, 385-389. ------. Psy- chisi he Ersclidpfung durch Hunger und (lurch Scbhifman- gel. Allg. Zisch«- f. Psychiat. [etcl, Herl., 1899. hi. 650-000. _____. Leber die Bedeutung (les Hungers in dei Kranken- pflege, auf Grund psvchnlogischer Unle'suchiingen. Ztschr. f. Krankenpfl.. Herl..19U1I. xxii. 589-"97. -----. Ue- berdie IieeinfliissunggeistigerLeistiingen durch Hungern. Psychol. Arb.. Leipz.. 1901. iv. 45-173.—Z.....m. iN ) Fe- ber die Xeiibilduug von Kohlehydraten im huiigerndeii Or.'anismus ; nach Versuchen von Vogelius aus Ki-.-dericia (Diineinark). Arch. f. Physiol . Leipz., 1893, 378-380. Huiiiter-cure. See Abstinence, etc.; Fasting. Hiiii$ei'f'or7-93]. Iliiilbiil A.M.) Obituary. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Bridgeport, ls9.'S. 258. lliiiikiailnyi'iKliaai Ratrliik (Lacroix). " Des pnxliiifs tburnis a la mutiere medieale iiar la funiille des 2Menisperin6es. 80 pp., 1 pl., 1 niiip. 4°. Paris, 1*87, Xo. 4. l5cole de pharmacie. lllllllK'IIIUIIII (Joh.). See Aikin (Charles Rochemoiit). sicht der wichtigsten Thatsachen [etc.}. 12" 1801. Illlimei' (Guy L[e Koy ]) & Lyon (Irving P[hillips]). The inensuration and capacity of the feinale hladder; (ili.-ei'vations on the female bladder dilated by atmospheric pressure in the knee hi east posture, r? pp., 4 pl. - . Balti- more, 18.9. Repr. from: Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1899. -----. Thesame. G pp. 4-\ Chicago, 1800. Repr.froin : J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1899, xxxiii. linn*. de Ujfalvy (C.) Memoire sur les Huns blancs (Eph- thalites de l'Asie central.', Hunas de l'lnde) et sur la de- formation de leins cranes. Anthropologie. Par., 1898, ix, 259; 384. Iluiisal/. (Charles Maximilian Paul) [^71- ]. L'eliei den Hvdrazidoacetaldehyd. 'M pp. <*°. Herlin, A. W. Schade, 1801. IlllllSllieckei* (Koliert). *Das Lungeuparen- chyin bei lLonchiectasie. 52 pp. 810. Wiirz- burg, J. Seel a ayer, 1**9. HllllStailtOII Convalescent Home for Men. Women and Children. Annual reports of the coininiitee L> the subscribers. 13., 1881: 15.-18., 1887-0: 20.. 1891; 21.,1805: 25., 1805. *-- . King's Lynn, l-~"i-'J7. Hunt (Alfred Ephraim) A < la|>|> ((ieorge H.) The impurities of -water. 18 pp. *^. [Sew York, \88>.] Repr. from: Tr. Am. Inst. Mining Engin., X.Y., 1888. Hunt (Chester). For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Kurzgefasste Ueber- Hannover, HUNT. 479 HUNT. Hunt (Ehcntzcr K.) [1810-*!.]. ■{■:*«< II (li W.I Obituary. 1'mr. Cuiiieet. M. Sue Bl "dgepol t, 1889. 235-244. Hunt iE[zra| M|nndy)) [ lssn- ]. The patients' aud physicians' aid; n, how to pre- serve Ilealih; what to do in Midden attacks, or until the doctor comes; and how best to profit by his directions when given, xi, 565 \i\>. 12 . .Vetc 1'orA*. ('. .»/. Sa.cton,'Fuller j- Co., 1*50. ------. Address ie.ul In lure the Anieiicaii Social Science Association. September 5, l-sl. l.~> pp. Bound with the following ------. Hyuiene: its M-opc it- progress and Us leadii g aims. *2*2 pp. — . [o. p.. \**5.] ------. I'rintiplos of hygiene for the school and the home, togciher with so much of anatomy aud physiology a- is necessary to the correct touching of the subject. :'>-*2 pp. 1*2. Xew Yor, 5' Chieago, Irison. lllakcuitiu, Tat/lor A Co., l*-5. Hunt F[iauklin] W.i [1-10- ]. >■■ HaicviE. K ii Iium (F5W.I i'be liomu-opaihic tht-i.r. ami practice of nit■■!i< in. 2 v. s* Sin- York l,"t>3. Hllllt ib-orge Edwin). Ed,tor ' Indiana (The) Dental Journal. Indianapo- lis is s-1'..ee Hllllt Henry;. On the use ol aisdiic in -nine arte, ti. n- of the uierus. 1"> pp. -\ London, G. Woodfall, 1-:;-. Repr. from: Med.-Chir. Tr.. Lond., 1838. xxi. Hunt (Jnnie-) [ 1 -:'>:!-• 9] A few words on ini- petliinems of -peech, etc. 2. ed. 22 pp., 2 1. Loudon, I*',*. ------. Aunivei >ar\ addle—• delivered before the Anthropological Society of London. January 5, 1-i4. 17 pp. - . [Loudon, Triibner d Co., 1-64.] [P., v. 149:?.] ------. Annivn -ni \ mldre-s delivered before lhe Anthropological >o< iety of London, January 3, l-ii5 5> p,>. »-. London, T. L'ichards. 1*55. [P., v. -2191.] ------. Het stamelen en -totteren, best houwd uit i en gi-nees-geschieden opvoedkundig oogpunt. Yrij gevoljjd uaar t Kngelsch van . . ., door A. Drielsina. xiv 1 l.j, 217 ]>p. V2~-. Amsterdam, K. H. Sehudd. 1-•;:.. See also. Vojjl Cai5 [tnl..-. . Lectin es on man [etc.]. 85 London. 1-D4 Err Biography, see Diet. Xat. Biog.. Lond. 1891 xxviii, 26» iij. T. Bettany). Hllllt i James (..-..i ge ■ [1-22- 1. S,e Hill (Benjamin L.i Si Hunt ilanie- tr[corgcji. The honueopathie pnntice of -urg.-rv je'e.]. -o. Cine- land, 1855. Hllllt (J a men llahei/} |sis_!i*ji. Conner '.».~i-4?i>. s-. Boston. 1*00. Repr.froin .- Am. J. 1'hysiol.. Lost.. Is99. ii. ----. Bookman i'A.) A Tieiney (M. J. j Finige allgeineine Fij;ensehalteii 1>7. Cnttiun [( over with printed title] from: J. Exper. M., X. Y.. 1-97. ------ ------. Note- on the physiology of the cardiac nerves of the opossum ( Didelphy.- -vir- ginianai. pp. 711-7*21. - . A cie I o> I,, l-'.C Cutliii'i [cover with printed title] from: J. Exper. il.. X. Y . 1s97. ii. Hllllt (Samuel F.) The Miami Vallev. Addn-s !■ lire the people of the Miami Vallev. :il pp. - . [Hamilton. <).. 1 — 1.] Hunt (Sylvester H.) I1S37-91J. Welch 'ir.'l'.i [Obituary.j Tr. il.'sec X5 Jersey New,nk. Is.U. 2J.1-2U1. port. Hllllt (Thomas). On syphilitic eruptions, ul- cerations, and other secondary symptoms; with especial reference to the use and abuse of mer- cury, illustrated by case-. 2. ed. (Jo pp. 111". London. A. Churchill, 1*51. -------. A guide to the treatment of diseases of the skin, with snggi-tions for their prevention ; for the use of the student and general practi- tioner. Illustrated by ca-e-. 4. ed. vi, ^4(5 pp. 12 . London. T. L'iehard. 1*50. -------. Tin- same. L. ed. viii, •-'."■(> pp. 1"2 . Lon- don, T. Bichtrd, l-i'*2. II ii ii 1 (Thomas) [lS0S-ii7|. Obilmirv. N". Orl. M. \ S. .1., I-H7. xx. 141-1.V2. Hunt (Thomas ('ulieliiius ). Disp. de ett'ecti- Ihis aimiisplierie in corpus huiu.iiniiii. 5 p.i., viii pp. -5 Fditibnrgi,./. Walker, 1*53. Hllllt (T[homas] St.ii v ) [1*25- J. Preface to a new edition of chemical and geological es- says, xxxi pp. -\ [Solan. 1-7-.] ------. Chemical and geolug'cal essays. '2. ed. xlvi, 4-i* pp. •*■* . Salem. S. /-,'. t'assino, ls7*\ ------. The domain of pli> -iidog\ ; or, nature in thought and lauguaec. In two parts. *J- pp. 1*2 . Huston. [1-s'j. ------The same. 2. ed.. revised. '27 pp. --. Loslon, S. E. Cassino. 1 — 2 liepr. from: Lond., Kdiuli. A Dubl. I'hil. Mag.. Lond.. Met.. 18s). ------. The ielations of the natural sciences, - pn. - . [Montreal. 1-^2 j Repr. fro.n : Canadian Naturalist. Mniitreal, 1-82. x. HUNT. 480 HUSTEK. Hllllt (William) [l>*2.">-9ti]. Delirium traumati- (|iie et delirium tremens. In: Encycl. interuat. chir. (Ashhurst), Par., 1883, i, 211-2(12. ------. Proceedings of the Alumni Society of the medical department of the University of Penn- sylvania for lsw4. With the annual address, by ... :51 pp. sc. Philadelphia, 1-^4. ------. Concussion of the brain and spiual cord. In: Syst. Pract. M. (Pepper), Phila.. 188(1, v. 907-91(1. ------. Health gymnastics at Baden-Baden. 15 pp. S°. Philadelphia, Med. Bull. Print. House, 1*88. Repr. from: Satellite Am.Univ. M. Sc, Phila.. 1888-9, ii. ------. The rights of a consultant to compensa- tion, o pp. 8 '. [Philadelphia, 1888.] Repr.froin: Med. News. Phila., 1888, liii. ------. Diabetic gangrene. 19 pp. 8C. Phila- delphia. W. ,1. Domaii, 1880. Uepr.from: Tr. Phila. County M. Soc., 1888, ix. ------. An address upon the late Joseph Leidy, his university career. [Also:] In niemoriain, Dr. Joseph Leidy . . . Personal history. LO pp., 1 phot. 8 . Philadelphia, Collin's Printing House, 1802. See. also, illoilon (Tluunas G.i \ Hunt (William). C.\ stic growth [etc.J. 85 [Philadelphia, ls93 J For liioi/raphy. see Internat. M. Mag.. Phila., 1897-8. vi, 167-180. port. ft. (L Morton). Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1890, xxvi, 890. Also: Med. Xews. X. Y.. 1896. Ixviii, 476. Also: Tr. Am. Surg. Ass.. I'liila., 1897. xv, p. xxvi. Also: Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1897, 3. s., xix, pp. xlv-lxiv (T. G. Morton). Also, Reprint. Hunter (A. F.) French relics from village sites of the Hurons. The geographical distribution of these relics in the counties of Sinicoe, York, and Ontario. 4 pp. 8-'. [Toronto, 1889.] Repr. from : Bovle's Archeol. Kept. Canad. Inst., To- ronto, 1889, iii. ------. National characteristics and migrations of the Hurons as indicated hy their remains in Noiih Simcoe. 4 pp., 1 map. S-. [Toronto, 1892.] Repr.froin: Tr. Canad. Inst.. Toronto, 1892. iii. Hunter (Adam). A probationary surgical essay on the syphilitic inflammation of the ins. 30 pp. S-. Edinburgh, A. Balfour. 1815. [P., v. 1270.] [Hunter (Alexander)] [1729-1^091. Culina fa- niulatrix medicina'; or, receipts in modern cook- ery; with a medical commentary, written by Ignotus and revised by A. Hunter. f>. ed., con- siderably enlarged. 310 pp., 1 pl. S . York, T. Wilson if- 11. Spence, 1807. ------. The same. New ed. 310 pp.; 22 pp., 1 pl. 1'2C. York, Wilson 5- Son; London, J. Mur- ray; Edinburgh, A. Constable, lsio. ------. Men and manners. 22 pp. s*-. [ York, T. Wilson ,(■ 7.'. Speiu-e, 1807.] Round with his: Culm i taniulati ix medicinae, [etc. |. 85 York. 18H7 For liioijraphij, see Diet. Xat. Pioy;.. Lond., 1891, xxviii. 283 (C. Cie'ielitoi';). Hunter (Archibald). The head ; its relation to the ho;ly in health and disease, and hygienic treatment for the maintenance and restoration of heilth, chiefly by water, in connection with diet and habits; head, foot, and hand bathing in securing sound sleep, etc. 4. thousand. 58 pp. s . London, H. Pitman, 1*8- :. Hunter (Charles). Mechanical dentistry; a practical treatise on the construction of the va- rious kinds of artificial dentures, comprising also useful formula*, tables, and receipts for gold plate, clasps, solders, etc 3. ed. xv, 258 pp. 1*2C. Loudon, C. Lock wood 4' Co., 1887. ------. A manual of the dental laboratory; its construction, management, and economy; the various implements and their manipulations; with laboratory notes aud suggestions, vii, 171 pp. 1"2J. London, Bailliere, lindall 4' Cox, 1892. Hunter (Charles T.) [l>43-«<4]. Petite chirur- gie. In: Encycl. internat. de chir. (Ashhurst), Par.. Is8:i ii. 25-88. For Hiograjdiii.see Wharton (H. K.i Charles T Hun- ter, M. I). 85 [Philitdel/Unii. 1884.] See, also: Tr. M. Soc. Penn.. Phila., 1885*, xvii, :!8l-:i84. Hlllltei* (Chester). For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Hunter (Frederick A. S.). See Beroimlii* [in 1. s.J. Sanitary report ou the col- ony of Uermuda [etc.]. fol. Hamilton, 1872. Hunter (George). The place of specialism iu general practice, with reference to diseases of the eye, ear, throat, and naso-pharynx. Pt. 2. 23 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Oliver cf- Boyd, l>-8. Repr.from: Edinb. M. J., 1887-8. xxxiii. II ii ii te r (G < o i yn Ytates) [ 1830-99 j. Obituary, lint. M. J., Lond., 1899, ii, 505. Also: Lan- cet, Lond.. 1899. ii, 752. Hunter (Henry). ,sVe Wiiinl Pierre (James Henry Beruarilin). Studies of n.u ure. 8°. Worcester, 1797. Hlllltei* (•).) Domestic medicine, or the herb- alist's vade-mecum; containing directions for making tinctures, syrups, etc. The method of compounding medicines, with the nature, use, and various properties of the herbs used iu med- icine. The application to the various diseases of the human frame, together with many val- uable recipes hy which the assistance of jthe doctor is often rendered unnecessary ; the whole forming a. complete family physician. 10s pp. 1*2 5 London, J. Ballet/, [n. d.]. Hunter (James B[rad bridge]) [1SS7-S9]. Ova- riotomy. 18 pp. ltic. [Xew York, lr-84.] Repr. from: X\ York M. J.. 18s4. xxxix. ------. Endometritis f'ungosa; its pathology, diagnosis, and treatment. Iii pp. !<>-'. Xew York, Trow, 1885. Repr.froin: Med. Rec. X5 T., 18s.">. xxvii. ------. Fifty cases of abdominal section; with remarks on laparotomy. 1- pp. 16J. [Xew Yoik. 1885.] Repr. from: X. Tork M. J., 1885, *li. ------. Fifty cases of abdominal section. (Sec- ond series.) 16 pp., 1 tab. sm. 8-. [Xew York, 1885.] Repr. from: X. Tork M. J., 188G, xliv. ----:—. Introductory remarks made at the first meeting of the Alumni Association of the Woman's Hospital in the Slate of New York. 5 pp. 1-2°. [Xew Yovk, 18*5. \ Repr. from: X. Tork M. J., 18S0. xliii. ------. Persistent pain after abdominal section. 10 pp. >-'. [Xew York. 1--7.] Repr.froin.: Tr. Am. Gyuec. Soc. 1886. X. T., 18s7. xi. ------. The inlluence of the Woman's Hospital. 9 pn. 1*2-. [Sew York, 1-S7.1 Repr.froin: X. York M. J.. 1887. xlvi. For lliographij. see Med. Kec. X. Y. 1889. xxxv, i'61. Also: Tr. Am. Gvnec. Soc, Phila. 188a. xiv. 408-471, port. (H. 15 C e). ' Also: Am. J. Obst . X. Y., 1889, xxii, 71*1-7115. port. (tl. 15 Cue). Alio. Reprint. Hunter (John) [17-2--9:!]. The natural history of the human teeih: explaining their structuie, use, formation, growth, and diseases. 2. ed. 2 p. 1., 128 pp., 8 !., Id pl. 4-. London, J. John- son, 1778. ------. The same. With notes hy Fleazar Parmly. 75 pp., 1 pl. >c. Xetv York, 1850. -----. The sam ■. With notes by Thomas Bell. 110 pp., li pl. ^5 Philadelphia, Haswell. Har- rington ip Haswell, 189 ------. The same. Historia nat oralis dentisnn humanorum; in qua eorum structura, tisus, for- matio, inereinentiiui, ac morbi cxplicantur atque seueis tiguris illustrantur; Anglicc conscripta a HUNTEE. 481 HUNTEK. Hunter ^Johui—continued. Johanne Huutero in linguam Latinam et Bata- vam versa a Petro Boddaert. xxii, *213 pp., 16 pl. 4C. Dordraci, apud A. Blusse 4' filium, 1773. Latin and Dutch test. Additional Dutch title-page as follows: Xatuurlyke historie der tanden van deu menscli, in welke linn zaniensiel, gebruik, vorming, groey. en ziekteu nitgeleyd en nietafdeeldiimen opgeheldertworden. Uit het Enaelseh in het Latyu en Xederduitsch vertaald, door Pieter Boddaert. ------. The same. Xatiirlichc Geschichte der Ziihne uud Beschreioung ihrer Krankheiten in zween Theileu. Aus dem Englischen iibersetzt. *2 p. 1., 295 pp., 8 1., 8 pl. >'. Leipzig, M. G. Weidmanns Erben $• lleich, 17*0. ------. A practical treatise on the diseases of the teeth, intended as a supplement to the natural history of those parts. 1 p. 1., iv, 1*28 pp., 4 1. 4 . London, J. Johnson, 177*. Bound with his: The natural history of the human teeth, [etc.]. 2. ed. i°. London, 1778. ------. The same. Pt. 2. iv. 4- pp. 8°. Xew York, 1*50. Bound ,'i'h his- The natural history of the human teeth, [etc.] 85 .Ycic Toi-it, 1839. ------. The same. Practicaale verhandeling over de ongemakken der tanden geschikt tot een ver- volg van de natnnrlyke historie der tanden. Uit het Engelsch vertaald door Pieter Boddaert. viii, 66 pp. roy. 8 . 's Gravenhage, J. H. Alun- nikhuizen cy C. Plant, 17-0. ------. Lectures given in 17*0. [On surgical and mixed diseases.] *9 pp. [n.p., 17*0.] In: Stl'hext's note-book of lectures and cases. MS, [Written by T. Tomlinson.J i°. [n. p., n. d.J ------. Of strictures iu the urethra. MS. 8 pp. [n.p., 17*1.] In: Stldent s note book of lectures and cases. MS. [Written by T. Tomlinson.J 4-. [n. p.. n. d.] ------. Chirurgical lectures, bv Mr. J. Hunter. [Reported bv Edward Rigby.] 43* ff. MS. fol. 17*6. ------. A treatise on the venereal disease. 5 p. I., 398 pp., 13 1., 7 pl. 4. London, 17*5. ------. The same. With an introduction and commentary, by Joseph Adams, xvi, 600 pp., 8 1., 6 pl. 8°. London, Sherwood, Xeelg $• Jones, 1*10. ------. The same. 3. ed., enlarged from the ma- terials left by the author for that purpose; with occasional observations of the editor, Everard Home. viii. 4*29 pp.. 11 1., 7 pl., port. 4 . London, W. Buhner d'- Co., 1-10. ------. The same. Abridged bv William Cnrrie. 2 p. 1., 109 pp., 1 1. 8->. Philadelphia, C. Cist, 17-7. ------. The same. A treatise on the venereal diseases. With notes by George G. Babington. 336 pp., 6 pl. 8Z. Philadelphia, Haswell, Bar- rington if Haswell, 1*41. Bound with: Hunter 'J.) Treatise on the natural his- tory and diseases [etc.J. 8-5 Philadelphia, 1839. ------. The same. Abhandlung von der veneri- schen Krankheit. Ins Deutsche ubertragen von Fr. Braniss; mit Xoten vou Ricord in Paris, Babington in Loudon und F. J. Behrend in Berlin, xxiv, rlO pp., 1 ]., * pl. 8'-. Berlin, W. Adolf 4- Co., 1818. ------. The same. Traits de la maladie v6nd- rienne. Trad, de 1'anglais par G. Richelot, avec des notes et des additions par Ph. Ricord. 3. etl. viii, 823 pp., 9 pl. --. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere cf fils, 18.".9. ------. Observations on certain parts of the ani- mal ffconomy. 2. ed. ii, '273 pp., 18 pl. 4°. London, 1792. -----. The same. Inclusive of several papers from the Philosophical Transactions, etc., with VOL VII, 2D SERIES----.51 Himter (John)—continued. notes, by Kichard Owen, viii-xl, 506 pp. 8°. Atlas, 10 pp., 37 pl., 4°. London, Longman [and others], 1-37. ------. The same. 479 pp. 8 . Philadelphia, Haswell, Barrington

    atliiili>frisrhem Museum [etc.]. 8°. Er- langen, 1835.— I.ohjjIioIIioiii (B F.) [inl. - |. A treatise on dentistry [etc.J. lli°. Baltimore, 180-5—Neue Kurart aller venenschen Krankheiten, [etc.]. 8 Wien, 1804 — Saivrcy (S.) An inquiry into some of tin i lb els of the venereal poison |etc.|. 8°. London, isir.'. —Mweiliuiir HUNTEK. 482 HUNTEK. Hunter (John)—continued. (K[raucois Xavier]) [in 1. a.]. Osservazioni praticne in- toino alle malattie veneree [etc.], 8C. Venezia, 1794. For Biography, see Adams (J.) Memoirs of the life and doctrines of the late John Hunter. 2. ed., corrected by the author. 8°. London, 1818. — llc>8. v, 339-3I.9. port. (IL \V. Richardson). Also: Diet. Xat. Lie-. Lond.. 1891. xxviii, 302-305 <(L T. Bettany). Also: K.lmb. M. .). 1875-li, xxi. 1061-1079 (J. M. Duncan), Also. Reprint. Also.- Glasgow Hosp. Kep., 1901, iii, 1-8 (J. H. Teacher). Also. Med. Times .V Hosp. Gas., Lond.. 1896, xxiv. 450. Also, in: l'ettigrew. Med. port, gallery. 4°. Lond.. [1S40|. ii, no. 8. 10 pp.. port. Also: Practitioner. Loud., 1899. Ixii. 48-53, port. Also, in . Richardson (B. W.) Disciples ot' JEseulapius, 8 Lend., 1900. i, 3*22-343. port. Also: St Paul M. J., St. Paul, Minn., 1900. ii. 735-744. port (B. Foster). For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). -----. See, also: Teacheh (J. H.) Catalogue of the anatomi- cal aud pathological preparations of Dr. William Hunter in the Hunterian Museum, University of Glasgow. 2 v. *-\ Glasgow, P.iuO. University of Glasgow ninth jubilee. Wil- liam Hunter, physician, anatoini-t, founder of the Hunterian Museum. The Hunterian Library, by John Young. *J. Glasgow, 1901. Osier (W.) A visit to the Hunterian Librarv at Glas- gow. Bull. Ass. M. Librar.,Balt.. 1902.i.2n-23. —Teacher (J. H.) William Hunter, anatomist; a lecture, with dem- onstration of preparations from the obstetrical series of the Hunterian Mnseum. Glasgow M.J.. 1899, Iii. 15-34. Also: Tr. Glasgow Obst. & Gyna:c. Sic. 1901, ii, 74-93. Hunter (William). Observations on the urine in pernicious anaemia. I. Excretion of patho- logical urobilin. II. Excretion of blood pig- ment. III. Excretion of iron in health and dis- ease. 35 pp. 8-. London, R. Clay -89 ii. -----. Oral sepsis as a cause of septic gastritis, t"Xic neuritis, and other septic conditions. With illustrative cases. 3 p. 1., 30 pp. ~V London, Pans, Xew York, Cassell d Co., 1901. -----. Pernicious aiuemia : its pathology, septic origin, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. Based upon original investigations, xvi, 4l>4 pp., 11 pl., 2 ch. 8°. London, C. Griffin cf Co., 1901. Hunter (William B[ell]) [ -1894]. Cooling regimen in fever. 3tf pp. Hi. Manchester, J. Hey wood, [1-94]. Lover reads: Matlock, 1894. For Biography, see lint M. J., Lond., 1894, ii, 1411. Also: Lancet, Lond , l^H, 11, 1381. Hunterian Museum. See Royal College of Surgeons of England. Hunterian oration*. Delivered before the Koyal Collegeof Surgeons, London: 1814. Home (E.). 1817. Norris (W.). 1820. Carlisle (A.). 1825. Norris -7 -----. [Privileges of subscribers in recommend- ing patients. 1 1 sheet, sm. 4°. Huntingdon, A. Wood, [18.-7]. II ll llt i llgtloil % chorea. See Chorea (Hereditary). Huntington {Abel) [1840- ]. | Kioitinphy.) N. York M. Exam., 1892-3, ii, 22, port. Huntington (I>[avid] L[ow]) [1*34-99]. The Army Medical Museum and Library. (Read be- fore the union meeting of the Maryland Slate HUNTINGTON. 484 HUEAUT. Huntington (D[avid] L[ow])—continued. aud the Washington City Dental Societies, May *, 1-91).) * pp. 8°. [Washington, 1896.] For Bioaraphu. see Obituary. [Cuttina from: Tale Alumni VV5-eklv. Jan. 31. 1900.) See, also: J. Am. M. Ass. Chicago, 1900, xxxiv. 61. Also: Med. Rec, N. T., 1899, lvi, 969. For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). -----»t Otis (George A.) The World's Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposition, Xew Orleans, La., 1-84-5. Medical Department, United States Army. Exhihit, class 3. Xo. 4. Description of the U. S. Army medical transport car, model of 1876. Henry McElderry, asst. surg., U. S. A., in charge of the representation of the Medical De- partment, U. S. A. 16 pp., 1 pl. *J. Xew Or- leans, 1884-5. Huntington (Elisha) [1796-1865]. An address on the life, character, and writings of Elisha Bartlett. hefore the Middlesex Xorth District Medical Society, December 25, 1*55. "27 pp. *°. Lowell, S. J. 1'arney, 1656. Huntington (George S.) The significance of muscular variations, illustrated hy reversions of the anti-brachial flexor group, pp. •231-259, 30 pl., 30 1. 8-. Xew York, 1*'J5. Cutting [cover with printed title] from: Tr. X. Tork Acad. Sc, 1895, xiv. -----. Contribution to the topographical anat- omy of the thorax in the foetus at term and the new-born child, pp. 324-350, 17 pl. *°. [Xew York, 1897.] Repr. from: \Ied. Rep. Soc. Lying-in Hosp., X. T., 1897, -----. Corrosion anatomy, technique and mass. 6 pp. *D. Washington, 1807. Repr. from: Proc. Ass. Am. Anat., Wash., 1897. -----. Comparative anatomy and embryology of vertebrates as aids in the teaching of human anatomy in the medical course. 18 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1898. Repr. from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1898, n. s., xvi. -----. The eparterial bronchial system of the mammalia, pp. 127-148, 13 1., 13 pl. 8°. Lan- caster, Pa., Xeiv Era Print. Co., 1*9-. Repr. from: Ann. 2ST. Tork Acad. Sc, 1898, xi. -----. The teaching of anatomy. 10 pp. 8~. [Xew York], 1898. Repr.froin: Columbia Univ. Bull., X. T., 1898. Also, Co-Editor of: American (The) Journal of Anat- omy, Baltimore, 1901. Huntington (T[homas] W.) A case of Loreta's operation for stricture of the pylorus. 4 pp. 8°. Sacramento, 18-9. Repr. from: Occidental M. Times, Sacramento, 1889, iii. -----. Aspiration aud antiseptic irrigation of the knee joint. 8 pp. 8~. [Sacramento, 1890.] Repr. from: Occidental M. Times, Sacramento, 1890, iv. -----. Points in the pathology, diagnosis, and surgical treatment of appendicitis. 8 pp. *°. Sacramento, 1896. Repr. from : Occidental M. Times, Sacramento, 1896, x. -----. Collateral considerations relating to ap- pendicitis. 2 1. 8°. Sacramento, 1*99. Repr. from: OccidentalM. Times, Sacramento, 1899,xiii. Huntley (J[oseph] H.) A report of my own case of double talipes varo-equinus of the second degree, operated on by Phelps's method. 3 pp. 16°. [Xew York, 1893.'] Repr. from: X. Tork M. J., 1893, lviii. H lints in a ll (Henry Clay) [1825- J. Hyatt (B. F.) Xecrology. Xi. Iowa M. Soc, Du- buque, 1880-9. vii, 521-524. Illllltt (Henry). See Counter memorial of sundry citizens of the Dis- trict of Columbia. 8°. Washington, 1826. HllllllS (Martinns). Sec Eobainis Hessus (Elius). Bonae valetudinis conservandse przecepta. 16°. Parisiis, 1533. Hiuiyatli. See Waters (Mineral), by localities. Hunyadi Jan os. A natural purgative water drawn from 8axlehner's bitter-water springs near Budapest. 113 pp., 2 pl. 24*-. Budapest, A. Saxlehner, 1897. -----. Thesame. 113 pp., 1 pl. 24-. Budapest, A. Saxlehner, 1898. -----. The same. 113 pp., 1 1., 1 pl. 16°. Buda- pest, A. Saxlehner, 1*99. Hlinyadi Janos (The) Epsom Salt Spring at Ofeu. Andreas Saxlehner, proprietor. 24 pp. 12°. [London, 1-70.] Hlinyadi Janos Hungarian aperient water; an account of the history, chemical composition and curative properties of the waters of the Hunyadi Jtfnos Bitter-Salzquelle, Budapest, with opinions of eminent German and English med- ical authorities. 28 pp. 12°. Dublin, 1*75, [P., v. 2089.] Hunyadi Janos keseriiviz forras. Saxlehner Audras, tulajdonos. [The sulphate of magnesia springs of Hunyadi Janos. A. Saxlehner, propri- etor.] 60pp.,3pl. 16°. Budapest, 1894. Huot (Augustiu) [1870- ]. *De Faction du salophene dans le rhumatisme articulaire aigu dans la choree et dans les n^vralgies. 69 pp. 4°. Paris, 1805, No. 480. Huot (Henri) [1867- ]. * Etude sur le traite- ment des fractures de la rotule par le massage sans immobilisation. 77 pp. 15 Lyon, 1890, Xo. 578. Hupel (August Wilhelm). Vom Zweck der Ehen, eiu Versuch, die Hen rath der Castraten und die Trennung ungliicklicher Ehen zu ver- theidigen. 166 pp. 12°. Riga, J. F. Hartknoch, 1771. Huperz (Th.) Die Lungen-Gyumastik. Eine Anleitung zur diatetischen Pfiege und gyiunas- tischen Ausbilduug der Atmuugsorgane. 2 p. 1., 75 pp. *°. Berlin § Xettwied, Heuser, 18-5. -----. Thesame. 3. Aufl. 3. p. 1., 113 pp. 8-\ Berlin cf Xeuwied, L. Heuser, 1—-. -----. Die Ptlege des gesunden und kranken Menschen, nebst einer Anleitung zur ersten Hiilfs- leistung bei plotzlichen Erkrankungen uud Ungliicksfallen. Mit besonderer Beriicksichti- gung der Bediirfuisse und Verhaltuisse der Land- bewohner bearbeitet. 2. Aufl. xviii (1 1.), 476 pp.. 1 1. 12°. Berlin, B. Grundmann, 1890. Hupka (M. H.). See Digby (Sir Kenelm). Eroffnung unterschiedlicher Heiiuiichkeiten der Xatur, [etc.]. 3. Aufl. 12°. Franck- furt,160i. -----. Thesame. 85 Ratzeburg, 1718. Hupp (John Cox) [1819- ]. liioi-KAPHiCAL sketch of John C. Hupp, of Wheeling, W. Va. -?. Wheeling, 1890. Repr. from: Prominent men of West Virginia. -----. The same. [With additions.] 8°. Wheeling, 1802. Repr. from: Encycl. Contemp. Biog. W. Va. Huppei't (Carl Hugo) [1832- ]. *Einiges iiher die Oxydatiousproducte des Glycerins durch Salpetersiiure. 16 pp., 1 1. 8°. Leipzig, 0. Wigand, [1-62]. See. also, ^feubauer (Carl) & Vojjel (Jul.) [in 1. a.]. Anleitung zur qualitativen und (|uantitativcii Analyse des Harns, [etc.]. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1^81-5.-----------. The same. 9. Aufl. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1890.----------- The same. 10. Aufl. 2 v. 85 Wiesbaden, 1898. Hupperz (Gustav Heinrich) [1-72- ]. *Die Erkrankungeu der Stirnhohlenund ihre Behand- lung. 56 pp. .--'. Marburg, [Duisburg, M. Mendelssohn], 1-96. II lira ut (Theodore). *Diss. chimique sur 1'hydrogeue et la constitution de plusieurs sell composes, suivie d'un nouvel apercu sur as nature des sels. 58 pp. 4°. Paris, Poussielgue, 1850. [P., v. 1712; 1836.] £cole de pharmacie. HURD. 485 HURTADO. Hurd (E[dward] P.) A treatise on neuralgia. 2 p. 1., 153 pp. sm. 4-. Detroit, Mich., G. S. Davis, 1890. Physician's Leisure Library, 4. a. _____ Sleep, insomnia, and hypnotics. vi(ll.), 112 pp. sm. 4-'. Detroit, Mich., G. S. Davis, 1*91. Physician's Leisure Library, 5. s. S.r also Bourse* H5 A man-, on diphtheria. 16°. Demiit Mich.. 1-94.-Oe wind?. Sterility in the *onuui letc.l. lii-5 Detroit, .!/-■/' 189::. - De-pre* [ Fii'*enc] Vrinandi. A treatise on tiactuics. 1J-. n.'troit Mich 1*90.— Diijnnlin-Henimietz («nu«-i«lei ( nl Pathol. -^ ami t:. ■.dm. m ot the iutectiou- diseases. (etc.| 12-5 Detroit. I**,* !*«•«• itrei'- uiaiu) > 1. -. Diseases ot the lungs eic.l --. Ace Tori- 1*85.—Tnliimoii (Charles). Ai.p.-udieitis and ,,,-ritvphlitis. 1'.. Di'eoit. llieh., 18a s-Tione**ni I iL .Inuaul-J I.'ouis '. Antiseptictheiapeulus. 12. !>• ■ tr'iO. L-y::. ' I Hurci (Henry M[ills] i [1>43- ]• The heredi- tary induence of alcoholic indulgence upon the production of insanity, pp. 104-110. *:. [Lan- blnRepr.frij'm: Suppl. Rep. Bd. Health Mich., Lansing, 1-83. _____ The data of recovery from insanity. 13 up. *-. [Utica, X. Y., 1**>>.] Repr. from: Am. J. Insan.. Oka. X. T., 1**0-,, xlm. _____. Gastric, secretory, aud other crises in general paresis. Hpp. *:. [ Utica. X. Y.. 18-7.] Repr. from : Am. J. Insan., Utica. is. Y.. lee.-- xliv. -----. Imbecility with in-anity. 9 pp. * • [Utica, X. Y., 18*.] Repr. from: Am. J. Insan., Utica. >». Y., 18e--9 xiv. _____. The religions delu-ions of the insane. 17 pp. *J. [Utica, X. I..1*-.] ... Repr.froin: Am. J. Insan., Utica. !>. Y.. i«i-f. xliv. _____. A case of inebriety with insanity. 10 pp. = -■. Utica, X. Y.. 1-89. Repr.froin: Am. J. Insan., Utica. X. Y.. 1889-90, xlvi. -----. Post-febrile insanity. 6pp. 83. [Balti- more], 1*92. Repr. from: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1"92. xxvii. _____. Some mental disorder- of childhood and youth. 16pp. 8'-. Baltimore. Friedenwald Co.. Hlii-4-aux (J[ean]-P[ierre])—continued. l'liisKiire de la chimie moderne, et les prin- cipaux systeiues auxquels out donne lieu les atonies, et suivi de considerations sur le role du fluide electrique dans la nature. 52 pp. 4°. Paris, H. l'vayet de Surcy if Cie., 1813. [P., v. 1-37.] ficole de pharmacie. _____. Keforme des prix exager^s de la pharma- cie. Expose des principes de la nouvelle e"couo- l-9c. Repr. from .- Boston M. & S. J.. 1805, cxxxi. ----. Laboratories and hospital work. Easton, Pa., 1896. 13 pp. mie pharmaceutique (levant l'Ecole de pharma cie de Paris. 15 pp. 8 . Paris, [X. Chaix4' Cie.], Memoire sur la creation d'une pharmaci centrale mutnelle ou entrepot general des phar- niaciens. Emancipation et regeneration de la pharmacie. Le travail ct l'aciivite rendne au laboratoire de chaque pharmacien par l'eeoule- nient assure de- produits. 16 pp. 8 . Paris, Hennityer, l<<5. [P., v. 1740.] Pharmacie rati.uinelle. Recueil de me- moires et d'observations sur la reTorme pharma- ceutique et sur le nouveau regime econoniique de la pharmacie. Doctrine et application*. Luttcsettriomphe. 163pp. - . Paris,X.Chaix, 1851. [P., v. 1799.] La petite methode uaturelle des sues Repr. from) Bull. Am. Acad. M.. [Easton, Pa.], 18!)ii. ii. S-e also, Billins" (John Shaw) & llui-d Il-nry M.j Su<"'estions to ho-pital and asylum visitors. Hi I hila- delp7iia, 1-0" — Ho«pilnI», dispensaries, and nursing. 85 Baltimore it Loudon 1894. , Also, Associate Editor of: American Journal ot In- sanity, Chicago, 1*91-7. Also. Editor of: American Jouinal of Insanitv. Bait, 1-97-19U2. — John* Hop. Lin. l(..-]Mt.,! linlletiii. Bait l-9o-l:«'-!.— John- Ilop- Lin- H.-piial liep'.it-. Halt.. ]e90-19i|J. For Bior/niphu nnd Portrait, see Am. J. Insan., Ltica. X. Y.. l**9-9ii. xlvi. :ju:i-.;o."> p..rt. (B.C. 15.). Hurd I William S.) [1847-113]. [Obituary. Med. Kec, X. Y.. l*9:j. xliv, 277. Hurd war. See Cholera (History, etc., of), by localities Iliireau (de Vilhiieuve) (Abel). " De l'accou- chemeut dans la race jaune. 12 pp. 4 -. Paris. 1-63. No. -1. llm< aux (J[ean]-P[ierre]) [1-2U- ]. * Ls- sai sur la theorie atomique, les Equivalents chi- miques et les proportions multiple*; pn'-ce'ile' d'une introductiou eontenant quelques mots sur d'herbes Hureaux et de leurs auxiliaires prepares a l'lnstitut botanique de Nice pour le triomphe de l'hygiene curative et de la medecine physiolo- gi(,ue*naturelle. 48 pp. 12°. Paris cyXice. 1*91. Cover reads: L'hyftieue curative et la medecine physio- loizique naturel du regne vt'-sretal. _____. Economie pharmaceutique. 16 pp. 8-1. Paris, X. Chair # Cie., [n. d.]. [P., v. 1815.] See. alto. Reforiue (La) pharmaceutique, [etc.]. *J. [ Pa ris. 18o:i.] Hitrel (Leon) [18T5- ]. * Kyste de l'ovaire et grossesse Quaud et comment faut-il iuter- veuir? 64 pp. *". Lyon. 1*99. No. 12. IInret (Jules). See Catastrophic (La) du Bazar de la Charite [etc.J. 12° Paris, 1897. HurewitM'li (Isaac Moses) [1*67- ]. * Leber die Ldsungs- und Dissociationswarme einiger oiganischen Siiuren. 44 pp., 21. 8-. Berlin, G. Sc%a ih; 1895. . Ilmibert (J. Beaufort). Currents of air and ocean in connection with climates, regions of summer rains and summer droughts, pp. 367- 37-J 8'\ Salem. Salem Press, 1-85, [p.. v. 2027.] Repr. from .- Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sc. 18*-'. Salem, 1883, xxxi. Iliirlbllt (J. Searle). Address delivered before the Mas-achusetts Dental Society at its four- teenth annual meeting, held iu lloston, Decem- ber 12, 1*7*. 22 pp. *-. Boston, A. T. Bli88 Jj- Co., 1-79. Hllllll ([Joh. ("iustav] W[ilhelm]'l [1*4*- J. Kin Fall von Verrenkung des Spruugbeins, mit Bemerkungen iiber den Mechanismus dieser Luxationen. 2- pp., 2 1. -. Bonn, P. Xensser. ■ llniiidall (John Sutclifte). Dogs in health aud disease as typified by the orcyhouud. vii, ** pp. 16-. Loudon, P. Gould A Son, l** . |ei« j -• London, 1887. II ii it ado (Francisco). * Breves reflexiones so- | hie la importancia del estudio histoldgico de los elemeutos ucrviosos, en anatomia general. 55 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Alcjico, 18-9. HURTADO. 486 HUSMANN. Hlirtado (Saturnino Garcia). De la arquitec- tura del aparato de sustentaci6n en los vertebra- dos. 32 pp., 3 pl. - . Madrid, I. Moreno, 1901. Hiirtaud (Eugene). * Essai sur les ceudres de marais, suivi de quelques considerations g6u6- rales sur les futniers. 44 pp. 4°. Paris, E. Thu- not # Cie., 1850. [P., v. 1702.] ficole de pharmacie. Hiirtaud (Georges) [1869- ]. *Des regies suppleinentaires et devices. 112 pp. 8°. Paris, 1896, No. 12. Umlaut [P.-T.-N.]. SeeHinett (Robert). Th6orie nouvelle du flux ruen- struel. [etc.]. 12°. Paris, 1757. Hurler (Joannes Henricus). *De sangnifluxn merino. 1 p. 1., 27 pp. Y\ Gadtingie, J. G. Rosenbusch, [1793]. In: Collect, diss. med. in Acad. Goetting., 1793, ii, pt. 1, I Ilirt re I (Eugene) [1-68- ]. *Del'allaite- ment artificiel et Pinspection des enfants en nourrice dans le departement de la Somme. 46 pp. *". Paris, 1898, No. 373. Hurt re I d'Arboval [Louis-Henri-JosephJ [1777-1**39]. Dictionnaire de medecine et de chirurgie veterinaire; ouvrage utile aux v6teri- naires, aux officiers de cavalerie, aux proprie- taires, aux fermiers, aux cultivateurs, et a toutes les personues chargees du soin et du gou- vernemenf des animaux domestiques. 3 v. 8°. Parist J.-B. liaillicre, 1826-7. Hiirvich. See Gurvich. Hurwitz (Max). *Die Behandlung des Kropfes mit Lnterbindnng der znfiihrenden Gefasse. 36 pp. *°. Wiirzburg, A. Memminger, 1887. Hiirwitz (Robert). * Ueber chirurgisclie Ope- ratiouen hei Schwangeren. 63 pp. 8°. Wiirz- burg, F. Rbhrl, 1888. Ilusa. See Opium-habit. Husain. Bedraka attiba. [Handbook for phy- sicians.] 7. :170 pp. 8-5 [Istanbul], Mekteb teb- biye shahane [Royal Medical College], A. H., 1288. Turkish text. -----. Desstnr edviyye. [Guide to medicine*.] 104, r>44 pp. 8°. [Istanbul], Alekteb tebbiye sha- hane [Royal Medical College], A. H., 1291. Turkish text. A translation. Husain Ramzi. See Ramzi. Husband (H[enry] Aubrey) [1843- ]. Ex- amination-questions iu anatomy, physiology, botany, materia medica, surgery, medicine, mid- wifery, state medicine. New ed. x, 2.">7 pp. 16°. London, Longmans, Green cf Co., 1876. -----. The student's hand-book of the practice of medicine. Designed for the use of students preparing for examination. 3. ed., revised and enlarged with illustrations and tables, xv, 432 pp. 16-. Edinburgh, E. Tya Dagligt Allehanda, 1884. . Den nya stadgan for sinnessjuke. [The new ordinance concerning the insane] 16 pp. 32°. [Stockholm, Xya Dagligt Allehandas Tid- nings Aktibolag, 1--4.] -----. Om skollofskolonier. [Vacation colo- nies.] 13 pp. 12::. Stockholm, A. L. Norman, 1—4. Repr. from: Xya Dagligt Allehanda. -----. Nagra upplysuingar angaende asyler for kurativ behandliug af drinkare. [Some notes on asylums for treatnient of drunkards.] 16 pp. 32°. Stockholm, Xya Dagligt Allehandas Tidnings, 1-88. For Biography, see Eira, Stockholm, 1*90, xiv, 235. -----. See, also: Jubelfcm. Forh. Svens. Lak.-Sallsk. Sammank., Stockholm 1*85, 314-345. HllSS (Max). 'Beitriige zur Entwicklnngs- geschichte der Milchdriisc. 26 pp., 2 pl. 4°. Jena, A. Xcuenhahn, 1871. HllSS (Otto [Friedrich Detlef ] ) [1865- ]. "Ueber die Beziehungen des Lupus vulgaris zur Tuherkulose. 30 pp., 11. -J. Berlin, G. Schade, [1*90]. Hlissa (A[lois])t Lehrbuch der Geburtshiilfe fiir llebammen. xvi (2 1.), 228 pp. 8°. Wien, If. Braumiiller, 1866. HiiHseni (1.. J.). See RowcnKlein (fSamuell Siegmnnd) [in 1. a.]. Het lujgeloof en In t wondcrgcloof | etc. J. 8°. Oroningen, [1867J. Ilnssciistcin (Jean-Baptiste) [1872- ]. *De la Douglassite essentielle. 13 pp. 4°. Lyon, 1805, No. 1116. Hussey (E[dward] L[aw]). Analysis of cases of amputation of the limbs in the Radcliff'e In- firmary, Oxford. 38 pp. 8°. London, J. Adlard, 1856. Repr. from: Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1856, xxxix. -----. On the epidemic small-pox in Oxford in 1854-5. 8 pp. 8°. London, T. Richards, I860. -----. Miscellanea medieo-chirurgica. Cases in practice, reports, letters, and occasional papers. vii, 41* pp. 8°. Oxford, E. P. Hall cf J. H. Stacy, 1882. -----. Miscellanea medieo-chirurgica. Pt. 2. Occasional papers aud remarks. 3 p. 1., 58 pp. 8°. Oxford, H. Hart, 1*87. -----. In accidents and at other times. A lect- ure delivered to the city of Oxford companies of the Oxfordshire Rifle Volunteers. 3. ed. 16°. Oxford, H. Hart, 1880. -----. Adversaria coronatoria; notes made in readiug the coroners act, and Sir John Jervis's treatise on the office and duties of coroners. viii, 55 pp. 12°. Oxford, J. Parker if- Co., 1896. Hussian (Raphael Ferdinand) [1-01-69]. Handbuch der Geburtshiilfe. Nach deu besten Werken und neuesten Grundsiitzen mit vor- ziiglicher Beriicksichtigung der Boer'schen Er- fahrungen fiir angeheude Geburtshelfer. 3 v. 8~. Wien, C. Gerold, 1827-8. CONTENTS. -v. 1. Die Physiologie und diiitetische Behandlung der Schwangern, Gebarenden, Wochnerinnen und neugebor- nen Kinder. v. 2. Die Pathologie nnd Therapie der Schwangern, Gebarenden, Wochnerinnen und neugeboruen Kinder. v. 3. Darstellung der geburtshiilflichen Operationen und ihrer Anzeigeu. -----. Der Mensch als Kind, oder Darstellung einer, auf naturgeiiiiisse Grundsiit/.e gestiitzteu, pliisisch-inoralischen Pflege des Kindes von der Geburt bis zu den Jahren der Pubeitat. Fiir Eltern, Erzieher und Menschen im hohern Sinne des Wortes. 2 v. xviii, :">77 pp.; 1 p. 1., 372 pp., 11. 8-. Wien, F. Tendler, 1-32. -----. Dr. Lucas Joh. Boer's Leben nnd Wirken. Eine bio^raphische Ski/.ze. 51 pp., port. 4°. Wien, C. Gerald, 1838. Hussla (Bruno). *Cocain und dessen Anwen- dung zum Anasthesiren der iiusseren Haut. 36 pp. 8 '. Wiirzburg, Bonitas-Bauer, 1-90. Husslcill (Karl). * Leber Blutsparung. 33 pp. - . Wiirzburg, H. Sturtz, 1880. Hlissoil (Albert) [1*71- ]. * De ^imputa- tion dans la continuity du second m6tacarpien pour les lesions demandant la disarticulation de I'index. 7* pp. 4 . Lyon, 1893, No. 893. HllSSOll ( A1 hert-Charles-Laurent ) [1872- ]. "Contribution a I'etude de la sensibility lumi- neuse et de la sensibility chromatique dans les inflammations et les atrophies du nerf optique. 71 pp. 8" Nancy, 1896, No. 3. HUSSON. 488 HUTCHINSON. IIusson(C.) Note sur les caracteresde la viande saine et de la viande alteiee. 43 pp. 8 . Nancy, P. Sordoillet, 1881. Husson (Charles) [186*- ]. *De l'aneniie grave dans la grossesse. 61 pp. 4°. Pans, 1-95, No. 214. Husson (C[61estin]). *Die Behandlung des j Lupus. [Strasburg.] 92 pp. 8 . Melz, Gebr. [ Even, 18—. Husson (Georges). *Des elements symptoma- tiques etablissant le diagnostic diif6reutiel entre le lupus, la syphilis et le cancer cle la face. 72 pp. 8°. Paris, 1899, No. 13. Husson (H[enri]-M[arie]) [1772-1-53]. * Essai sur une nouvelle doctrine des temp^ramens. 1 p. 1., 83 pp. --. [Paris, Bertrand-Quinquet, an F7/[1799]. [P., v. 1643.] -----. The same. 2. e"d. 65 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Paris, Gabon 4' Cie., an X [1-02]. [P., v. 1635.] -----. Recherches historiques et nnMicales sur la vaccine, x, 108 pp. S-. Paris, Gabon 4' Cie., aw IZ [1801]. [P., v., 12-7.] See, also, Bichat ([Marie-Francois-]Xavier). Trait6 des membranes [etc.]. 8°. Paris, 1816. — Comite Cen- tral de vaccine. Seance generate [etc.]. 8°. [Paris, 1806.] For Biography, see Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1853, 231-233 (Bri- chetean). AUo, Peprint. Also: J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1852-3, xx, 510 (Caffe). Husson (J.-B.-E.). See l.nndolfi (N.) Traitement euratif du cancer [etc.]. 8°. Bruxelles, 1854. Husson ([Jean-Christophe-]Armand) [1809-74]. Les cousoinmations de Paris, xi, iv, 492 pp., 11. i roy. 8~. Paris, Guillaumier cf' Cie., 1856. -----. Administration generale de I'assistance publique a Paris. Etude sur les h6pitaux, con- siders sous le rapport de leur construction, de la distribution, de leurs batinients. de l'ameuble- ment, de l'hygiene, et du service des salles de malades. 607 pp., 1 1., 15 pl. 4C. Paris, P.Du- pont, 1862. ------. Discours sur la mortality de jeuues en- fants. 27 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere cf fils, 1866. [Also, in: P., v. 1769.] Repr. from: Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1866, xxxii. -----. Note sur les tentes et baraques applique's au traitement des blesses. 15 pp. 8-. Paris, P. Dupont, 1-69. [Also, in : P., v. 308. j Husson (Louis) [1874- ]. *De l'absorption de l'aeide salicylique par la peau et des frictions salicylees dans les affections rhumatismales. 74 pp. roy. 8 \ Nancy, 1896, No. 11. Hlisted (N[athaniel] C[lark]) [1*25-91]. Hay- fever; its treatment physiologically and patho- logically considered, pp. 26-31,1 pl. 8-. [Xew York, 1889.] Cutting from: J. TS. York Micr. Soc, 1889, v. For Biography, see N. Tork M. J., 1891, liv, 634. AUo: Tr. X. Tork M. Ass., 1892, ix, 727-734 (R. B. Ooutant). Hustedt ( [Heinrich Ludwig] Gustav) [1866- ]. * Leber Todesursache bei Herzerkran- kungen. [ Kiel. ] 24 pp., 11. 8~. Braun- schweig, A. Limbach, 1892. Huston (Robert M.) [1794-l*t'>4]. Introductory lecture, delivered in Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia, October 14th, 1-50. 16 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, T. K. 4- P. G. Collins, 1850. [P., v. 19-3.] ------. Lecture introductory to the course on materia medica and general therapeutics iu the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia. 20 pp. 8 . Philadelphia, T. K. cf P. G. Collins, 1852. [P.. v. 1983.] See. also, Churchill (Fleetwood). The diseases of females [etc.]. 8°. Philadelphia, 1843. -----. On the theory and practice of midwifery [etc.]. 85 Philadel- phia, 1843. -----. The same. 2. Am. ed. 85 Philadel- phia, 1846. -----. Thesame. 3. Am. ed. 85 Philadel- phia, 1848. Huszti (Stephanus). * Philosophic experimen- talis axiomatic* dissertatio prima. De corpori- bus, illorunique principiis et affeetionibus. 7 1. sm. 4;. Halo: Magdeb., typ. C. A. Zeitleri, 1095. Huszty (Zacharias Gottlieb), Edler ron Rasynya [1754-1803]. Diskurs iiber die medizinisehe Po- lizei. 2v. 24 p. 1.,543 pp.; 621pp. 8~. Press- burg 4' Leipzig. A. Lowe, 17-6. HutchiiigS (Thomas Gibhoiis). The medical pilot; or, new system. Being a family medical companion and compendium of medicine ou a totally new plan, and by which all diseases ean be treated successfully without minerals or any poisons whatever . . .; containing also a treatise on the diseases incident to the female sex. The whole being adapted iu simple and familiar lan- guage, suitable to every capacity, forming a new era in medical practice, illustrated with anecdotes. 8 p. 1., 300 pp. 8;. Neu York, 1*."5. HutcliiilS (Alexander). Note on the parturient dose of ergot. 10 pp. 8 . [Brooklyn, 18*3.] Repr. from: Proc. il. Soc. Countv Kings, Brooklvn. 1882-3. vii. HutcliiilS (M[iller] B.) A case of porokeratosis (Mihelli). 11pp. 8-. New York, 1 -96. Repr. from: J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis.. >«5 T., 1896, xiv. -----. A simple, painless and perhaps new method of vaccination; denudation versus scar- ification. 4 pp. 12-. Chicago, 1808. Repr. from : J. Am. AL Ass., Chicago, 1898, xxx. HutcliiliSOil (Benjamin). Cases of tic doulou- reux successfully treated. 71pp. *:. London, Longman [and others], 1-20. HutcliiliSOil (C. E.) The narrative of a recov- ery from tic douloureux, viii, 43 pp. 8C. Lon- don, Roake d Party, 1838. Hutcliinson (David). What are the causes of that disease, incident to pregnancy and lacta- tion, characterized by inflammation aud ulcera- tion of the mouth and fauces, usually accom- panied by anorexia, emaciation, and diarrhoea; and what is the best mode of treatment? Fiske fuud prize essay. 18 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1857. Repr. from: Am. J. M. Sc, Phila.. 1857, n. 8., xxx. Hiltcliinson {Edwin) [184=0-87]. Pooley (T. K.) A biographical sketch. Tr. M. Soc. N. T., Syracuse, 18f8. 554-560. Hutchinson (H. N. 1 Prehistoric man and beast, xxii (1 1.), 298 pp., 10 pl. - . London, Smith, Elder d' Co., 1896. Hutchinson (James). An experimental essay on the conversion of chyle into blood. 47 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. Humphreys, 1803. [P., v. 2137.] Hutchinson (James). A translation into the Bengalee language of a letter to the address of John Adam, secretary Medical aud Physical So- ciety of Calcutta, on the fevers and alviue fluxes of tlie natives. 16 1. 8-. Calcutta, KM. Bound with the following. -----. A translation into the Hindonstanee lan- guage of a letter to the address of Johu Adam, secretary Medical aud Physical Society of Cal- cutta, on the fevers and alviue fluxes of the na- tives. 1* 1. *-. Calcutta, 1831. HutcliiliSOil {James Howell) [1S34-8HJ. Aahhurst (J.) Memoir of James H. Hutchinson, li. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1890. 3. s. xii. pp. xlv-lviii. Also, Ke- print.—Obituary. Med. News. Phila., 1890, lvi, 26. HutcliiliSOil (John). A view of the chains against the house surgeon of the Manchester In- firmary, as prepared by Dr. Bardsley, at the general quarterly board of December. 1804. Also, some observations on other charges, not HUTCHIXSON. 489 HUTCHISON. HutcliiliSOil (John)—continued. vet publicly refuted. 60 pp. 8 . Manchester, ! J. Aston, 1-05. .v.. al.-o. Kotrl (P[eter Markp, Gibnon (B.) & IIiiit-hiiiNoii (.1.) Syllabus of a course of lectures on anatomy Lct>-.]. 12-. Manchester, ls05. HutcliiliSOil (John) [1-11-61]. Contributions to vital .statistics, obtained by means of a pneu- matic apparatus for valuing the respiratory powers with relation to health. 20 pp., b' diag. *. [London, 1*44.] [Also,in: P.. v. 2117.] ------. The spirometer, the stethoscope, and -cale-balance; their use in discriminating dis- eases of the chest, and their value in life otlii es; with remarks on the selection of lives for life as- surance companies. 79 pp. *:. London, J. Churchill, 1-52. HutcliiliSOil (Jonathan) [182*- ]. A de- scriptive catalogue of the New Sydenham Soci- ety's atlas of portraits of diseases of the skin; I compiled at the request of the council. 70 pp. *\ London, [J.E. Adlard], 1-69. [P., v. 1-50.] ------. On syphilis as an imitator. 16 pp. 12J. | London. 1*79. Repr.froin Van. M. J., Lond., 1879. i. ------. Wisdom and knowledge: an address de- livered at the Stoke Newin^ton Mutual Instruc- tion Society, by its president, October. 1—3. 25 pp. 8-". London, If'est, Newman cp Co., l-*4. ------. Lipomata in hernial regions. [Al*o:] Cylindrical cancer of the humerus. Neuroma of theparotid. 14 pp.. 2 pl., 11. «-. London, 1.-86. Repr. from: Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1885-6, xxxvii. ------. Syphilis, xii, 532 pp., * pl. l*ic. Lon- don, Cassell 4' Co., 1*87. ------. Thesame. xii, 532 pp.. 8 pl. 1*J-. Phil- adelphia, Lea Brothers if Co., [l*-7]. ------. The same. Syphilis. Zum Gebrauch fiir Studierende und praktische Aerzte. Deutsche autorisierte Ausgahe. bearbeitet und durch Er- lauternngen uud Zusiitze verinehrt von Arthur Kollmauu. xv,606pp. 12-. Leipzig, Arnold, 1**-. ------. On urinary calculi; the lessons which they teach and the problems they suggest. Be- ing the essay appended to the tenth fasciculus of the New Sydenham Society's •"Atlas ofpa- thologv". 97 pp. --. London, West, Nucman 4' C'o.;'l—. ------. The pedigree of disease; being six lect- ures on temperament, idiosyncrasy, and diathe- sis, delivered in the theatre of the Royal Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons in the session of 18*1. Zu .- Wool's M. &. S. Monog., 18-:i. i, 5-112. ------. The leprosy problem. 22 pp. --. Lon- don, West, Newman T., 1899. xiii, 749-751 (W. Schrncdrii. AUo: M.-d."Rec X. T., 18s7. xxxii, 114. Also: X. Vork M. J. IssT. xlvi KIT Also . Tr. X. York M. Ass. 18h7 Concord. X. II.. 1S8S, iv. 493, port. (J. D. Rushmore). Also.- Proc. Connect. M. Soc., Bridgeport, 1891, n. s ,iv, 295-297. Hutchison fltohert). On the progress of for- estry in Scotland. 2i> pp. -*. [n.p.. 1-7-.] Repr.from: Tr. Scot. Arhoricult. Sue 187;*. ------. On the old and remarkable Spanish chest- nuts (Castanea vesra) in Scotland. 31 pp. -°. Edinburgh, Xeill d* <'0., 1*79. Repr. from : Tr. Highland & Agric. Soc. Scotland, 1879. ------. On the Picea uobilis and its value for planting in Scotland. 20 pp. -;. Edinburgh, Neill cf Co., 1*79. ------. Is petroleum emulsion of any nutritive value? 2pp. - . London, 1*91'. Repr.froin: Brit. M. J.. Loud.. 1899, i. HUTCHISON. 490 HUTTON. Hutchison (Robert)—continued. -----. Food and the principles of dietetics. xviii, .">48 pp., 3 pl. 8\ New York, W. Wood cf Co., 1901. ----- & Rainy (Harry). Clinical methods, a collide to the practical study of medicine, xii, 552 pp., 7 pl. l°. Paris, Miquignon- Mavvis pere etfils, 1*38. ------. Examen pratique des maladies de ma- trice, sur les points de vue speciaux de leurs causes et de leur frequence a notre epoque, de leur diagnostic, de leur traitement et de leur hygiene. 1 p. 1., 212 pp. 8°. Paris, Germer- Baillieve, 1840. Hiilinel (Victor) [1849- ]. (Biography.| Progres nied., Par., 1897, 3. s., v, 106. Hiituikotr (Zinoviv Vasilywich). See Gutni- koff. von Hutton (ITrich) [14-8-1523]. Febris dia- logus Huttenicus. Iuterlocutores Huttenus et Febris. 4 1. 12-. [ n.p., 1519.] ------. De guaiaci medicina et morbo gallico liber unus. 44 1. --. Moguntice, J. Schwffer, 1524. ------. The same. 126 pp. 16°. Moguntiw, [J. Schoeffer], 1531. Bound with: Hippocrates. Aphorismi. 16°. [n. p., 1527.] ------. The same. L'experience et approbation. Touchant la mddecine du boys dit guaiacum pour circonvenir et dechasser la maladie de Neaples: traduicte et iuterpr6tee par maistre Jehan Cheradame Hypocrates, eatndiant en la faculty et art de meilecine. [Ici finist le livre de Ulrich de Hutem, de la maladie de Neaples. Traduict et interpret par maistre Jehan Chera- dame Ypocrates, estudiant en la Faculty de medecine, proffesseur et exposeur des trois lan- gues. C'est assavoir, h^breu, grec et latin. Et du reniede d'elle fait par guaiacum, lequel puisse est re cureux et bien fortun6 a tous ceulx qui eu ont et auront besoing.] 41 1. 12-. Paris, P. le Xoir, [n. d.]. ------. Dc morbo gallico. A treatise of the French disease published above 200 years past, translated soon after into English by a canon of Marteu-Abbye. Now again revised and recom- mended io the press, with a preface to the same and a letter at the close to Mr. James Fern, sur- geon, concerning a very singular supposed infec- tion, by Daniel Turner. 5 p. 1., 110 pp., 11. 8-. London, J. Clarke, 1730. See also. Hutchinson (J.) Was Ulrich von Hutten the subject of inherited syphilis? Arch. Surg., Lond., 1899, x. 265 Huttenbacher vJosephiis). See Soleilhet (D.) Epistola [etc.]. 12°. Neapoli, 1778. Hiittner (Iguaz). 'Graviditas tubaria simplex. 30 pp. 8C. Miinchen, B. Heller, 1—1. Hutton (Arthur Wollaston). The vaccination question : a letter addressed by permission to the Right. Hon. H. II. Asquith. 128 pp., 1 pl. 12-. London, Methuen cf Co., 1894. Hutton [Charles) [1818-87J. Obituary. Lancet, Lond., 1887, i, 804. Hutton (George A[llan]). Facts and figures connected with first aid. With an addendum by Wajuman Dixon, [aud an appendix contain- ing the syllabus of instruction and rules for local ambulance corps adopted by the St. John Ambulance Association]. 12 pp. 8-. [London, 1--4.] Hutton [Robert Howard) [1840-87J. Bonne K5 0.) |Biography.| Diet. Xat. Biog., Lond , 1891. xxviii, 360 —Death (The) of Mr. Hutton. Brit. AI. J , Loud., 1887, ii, 197. HUTYEA. 491 HUXLEY. Hlltyra (Franz) [1860- ]. Jahresbericht iiber das Veteriuiirwesen in Ungarn. 2. Jahrg., 1890. iv, 231 pp. - . Budapest, Franklin- Vert in, 1891. ------. Das Veteriniirweseu der Armee. 24 pp. --". Wien, M. Pedes, 1-92. Repr.froin: Oesteir.Monatschr.f.Thierh.,"Wien, 1891,xv. AUo, Editor of: Jahresbericht iiher das Veteriniir- wesen iu Un^iru, Budnncst. 1S98. .>>.'. aUo Vcici-innr-.>'oriiinlieii [etc.] [in 1. a.]. 1.'5 TTi>», 1.-91. Hiiurkaiup van der Yiuue (Petrus). * De liioriendi necessitate naturali ejusque causis pneter rigesceutiam cateris. 1 p. ]., 34 pp., 3 1. 4C. Traj. ad Rhenum, ex of. O. J. van Padden- burg, 1797. [Also, in: P.,V. 1936.] II live. >'•. Pinrl iScipioni fin 1. s.J. Traite. complet du regime sanitaire de* alnnes. etc. 4°. Paris, 1836. Hiiwuld Karl). * Beitrag zur Lehre von den peptischen (iesdiwiiren im Oesophagus. 5t> pp. --. Gbttingen. W. F. Kaestner, 1-93. Htixhaill [John] [1692-17ti-]. Medical and chemical observations upon antimony. 7- pp. --. London, J. Hinton, 1756. [P., v. 1339.] ------. A dissertation on the malignant, ulcerous -ore-throat. 70 pp. -\ London, /. Hinton, 1757. [P., v. 1339.] ------. Au e>say on fevers. To which is now added, a dissertation on the malignant, ulcerous sore-throat. 5. ed. xvi, 336 pp. 8;. London, J. Hinton. 1767. -----. The same. 6. ed. xvi, 336 pp. London. J. Hinton, 1769. -----. Thesame. 7. ed. xv, 336 pp. 8~. Lon- don, J. Hinton. 1772. -----. The same, xvi, 336 pp. 8°. London, S. A. Cumberlege, 17-2. * ------. The same. Liber de febribus et alia opnscula varia, curante Georgio Christiano Reichel. 2. ed. xx, 292 pp. 16c. Venetiis, apud L. Basilium. 1772. -----. The same. 3. ed. xx, 290 pp. -J. Venetiis, apud L. Basilium, 17-6. ------. The same. E->ai sur les differentes especes de Sevres . . . On y a joint deux autres e-—ais: l'un sur la nianiere de nourrier et d'elever les enfaus. depuis leur naissance, jusqu'a l'age de trois an>; l'autre, sur lenrs ditierentes mala- dies, et un appendice eontenant une methode pour gnerir les mariuiers des maladies dans les voya^s de lon. Paris, 1834-46. 7. div., [v. iv], 355-404. ------. Observations on the air and epidemic dis- eases, from the beginning of the year 173- to the end of the year 171-. v. 2. And now transl. from the original by his son, John ( orliam Hux- haiu. xxiv, 276 pp., 6 1. --. London, J. Hinton, 1767. ------. Opera physico-medica. Curante Georgio Christiano Reichel. Editio nova, volumine ter- tio ob.servatiouuni de aere aucta. 3 v. in 1. Lipsia:, J. P. Kraus, 17e4. ------. The same. Opera. Editionem reliquis emendatiorem et vita auctoris auctam curavit Albertus Fridericus Haend. xvi, 684 pp. 16J. Lipsice, sumpt. L. Vossii, 1-29. ------. Dc la coliqne de Devonshire. in. Excycl. d. bc. med. 41 v. 8". Paris, 1834-46,7. div., [v. iv J, 462-475. II ii xha in [John]—continued. ------. Dissertation sur les maux de gorge gan- grenenx. [Transl.] /a: Encycl. d. sc. med. 41 v. 8°. Paris, 1834-46,7. div., [v. iv], 449-462. ------. Dissertation sur les pleurisies et les peri- juieu monies. [Transl.] //i F.NcY.'L.d. sc.med. 41 v. 85 Paris, 1834-46, 7. div., [v. iv;, 417-446. ------. Kssai sur la petite verole. In.- Encycl. d. sc. med. 41 v. 8 5 Paris, 1834-46,7. div., [v. iv], 404-417. ------. Methode de conserve!1 la saute1 des gens de nier dans les longues croisieres et les voyages de long cours. 1747. In: Encycl. d.sc. nied. 41v. 85 Paris, 1834-46, 7.div., [v.iv],447. See. aim, Fii^tilcmiH (Severinus). Deacorbuto [etc.). 125 Y.-n.tii*. 17C.lV. For llinoriipliti, see Ulcere* (E. E.) John Huxham. Cutting from. Western Antiquary, S°, Plymouth, 1885, .".. s. 148^-150. AUo: Diet. Nat. lliog.. Loud., 1891, xxviii, 3t'.:> iN. Moore). .See, aUo .■ Pettigrew. Med. port, gallery, i°. Loud., [1840], no. 9, 4 pp., port. Hlixliaill (John C'orham). See IIiixIiiiiii ijohui. Observations on the air, [etc.]. S;. London, 1767. Huxley (Leonard). Life and letters of Thomas Henry Huxley. 2 v. x (11.), 539pp., frontisp., 3 pl.; vi (1 1.), 541 pp., frontisp., 4 pl. 8C. New York, D. Appleton 4' Co., 1901. Huxley (Thomas Henry) [1825-95]. Ou the anatomy aud the affinities of the family of the Medusae, pp. 413-434,2pl. 4'-'. London,R.^'J. E. Taylor, 1-49. Cutting [cover-with printed title] from: Phil. Tr., Lond., 1849. ------. Observations upon the anatomy and physiology of Salpa and Pyrosoina, together with remarks upon Doliolum aud Appendicu- laria. pp. 567-605, 4 pl. 4°. London, R. Taylor, 1851. Cttttiit'i [covervrith printed title]from .- Phil. Tr., Lond., I 1851. ------. On the agamic reproduction and mor- phologv of Aphis, pp. 193-236, 5 pl. 4 . [Lon- don, 1-:.-.] [P., v. 1009.] Cutting from.- Tr. Linnean Soc. Lond., 1858, xxii. ------. On the phenomena of gemmation. 4 pp. e-. [London, 1-5-.] [P., v. 1495. J Repr. from: Roy. Inst. Proc, Lond., 1854-8, ii. ------. On the dei mal armour of Jacare and Cai- man, with notes on the specific and generic characters of leceut C'rocodilia. 28 pp. -:. | [London, 1859.] [P., v. 14--.] Repr.froin: Proc. Linnean Soc. Lond., 1860, iv. ------. On the brain of A teles paniscus. 14 pp., 1 pl. 8. [London, 1861.] [P., v. 1492.] Repr. from .■ Proc. Zool. Sue. Lond., ISiil. ------. On the anatomy and development of Py- rosoma. pp. 193-250, 2 pl. 4 . [London, 1862.] [P., V. 10H9.J Cutting from: Tr. Linnean Soc. Lond., 1862, xxiii. ------. On the persistent types of animal life. 3 pp. -. [Lund,m, K\2.] " [P., V. 1495.] Repr. from: Koy. Inst. Proc, Lond., 1858-62, iii. ------. An elementary atlas of comparative oste- ology in twelve plates, the objects selected and arranged by Professor Huxley, F. R. 8„, and drawn on stone by Ii. Waterhouse Hawkins. 14 1., 12 pl. 4 . London, Williams 4 Norgate; Edin- burgh, 1-64. ------. St. Mary's Hospital Medical School. Dis- tribution of prizes, May 1, 1-66. An address by ... 9-15 pp. fi°. [London, I860.] ------. Evidence as to man's place in nature. 1-4 pp., 1 pl. 12-. New Yovk, D. Appleton cf Co., 1872. LTXLEY. 492 HUZAKD. Huxley (Thomas Henry)—continued. -----. The same. La place de I'homme dans la nature; avec une preface de l'auteur pour l'e'di- tion francaise. viii, 360 pp. 12°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere if fils, 1891. -----. Lessons in elementary physiology. 6. ed. xxi, 319 pp. 16°. London, Macmillan 4' Co., 1872. -----. Thesame. 7. ed. xxi, 319 pp. 16°. Lon- don, Macmillan 4' Co., 1873. -----. The same. Revised and enlarged ed. xxiv, 611 pp., lpl. 12°. London, Macmillan Co., 1900. -----. The same. Grundziige der Physiologie. Mit Bewilligung des Verfassers hrsg. vou Dr. L. Rosenthal. 3. verbesserte und erweiterte Aufl. xvii, 471 pp. 8-. Hamburg 4' Leipzig, L. Voss, 1891. -----. On some of the results of the expedition of H. M. S. "Challenger", pp. 639-660. 8-. [London, 1-75.] [P., v. 2030.] Cutting from: Contemp. Rev., Lond., 1874-5, xxv. -----. William Harvey. [Discourse.] pp. 485- 500. 8°. [London, 1878.] Cutting from: Proc. R. Inst. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1878, viii. -----. On sensation and the sensiferous organs. pp. 597-611. 8-5 [London, 1879.] Cutting from: Nineteenth Cent., LoncL, 1879, v. -----. Lectures on evolution, with au appendix on the study of biology. 48 pp. 8:. Xew York, J. Fitzgerald 4' Co., 1882. Humboldt Library of Popular Science and Literature, no. 36. -----. Animal automatism, and other essays. 48 pp. 8°. Xeiv York, Humboldt Pull. Co., 18-4. Humboldt Library of Science, no. 53. -----. Technical education, and other essays. 50 pp. 8°. Xew York, Humboldt Publ. Co., 1885. -----. Science and the bishops, pp. 625-641. 8 -. [London, 1887.] Cutting from: Nineteenth Cent., Lond., 1887, xxii. -----. Les sciences uaturelles et les problemes qu'elles font surgir. viii, 501 pp., 1 1. 12C. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4' fils, [1889]. -----. Les sciences uaturelles et l'e'ducation. Ed. francaise, publi6e avec le concours de l'au- teur et accompagnee d'une preface nouvelle. vii, 360 pp. 12°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4' fils, 1891. -----. Social diseases, and worse remedies. 68 pp. 8°. Neiv York, Humboldt Publ. Co., 1-91. -----. L'evolution et l'origine des especes. Avec une preface de l'auteur pour l'edition francaise. viii, 10-343 pp. 8~. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere 4' tils, 1892. -----. Les problemes de la biologie. 315 pp. 12°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere if fils, 1-92. -----. Les problemes de la geologie et de la pa- lebntologie; avec une preface de l'auteur pour l'edition franfaise. vi (1 1.), 312 pp. 12°. Pa- ris, J.-B. Bailliere 4-fils, 1892. ------. Owen's position in the history of ana- tomical science. In: Owen (R.) The life of Richard Owen, by his grand- son, [etc.]. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1895, 273-332. ------. The scientific memoirs of . . . Edited by Sir Michael Foster aud E. Ray Lankester. v. 1-3. 8-. London, Macmilllan if Co.; New York, Ap- pleton 4' Co., 1-98-1901. -----. The hypothesis of biogenesis vs. the hy- pothesis of abiogenesis. 16pp. 8-. [n.p.. n. d.] See. also, Boulay [Jean-Nicolas], l'abhe. Le* ser- mons lai'ques de M. Huxley. 8°. Paris. 1894.-Howes (G[eorge] B[ondJ). An atlas of practical elementary bi- ology. 4°. London, 1885.—Iconcs zootomicse [etc.]. fol. Leipzig, 1857. — von Kolliker (Albert) [in 1. s.j. Manual of human histology. 85 London, 1853-4.—von Siebold (Carl Theodor Ernst) [in 1. s.]. On tape and cvstic worms. s5 London. 1857. For Biographic set Huxley (L.) Life and letters of Thomas Henry Huxley. J v. e"J. London ct New York, Huxley (Thomas Henry)—continued. 1900. AUo [Rev.], in: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, ii, 1320- 1322 (C. S. T.). See, also, Am. J. Sc, N. Haven, 1895, 3. s., 1,177-183(0.0.Marsh). Also, Reprint. Also-. Hi-it. M.J., Lond., 1895, ii, 30-32. Also.- Diet. Nat. Biog., Suppl., Lond., 1901, iii, 22-31 (W. F. R. Weldon). Also: Lancet. Lond., 1895, ii, 61. Also: Pop. Sc. Month., N. T.. 1895, xlvii. 776- 783 (M.Foster). Also: Proc. Roy. Soc. LoDd., 189G. lix, pp. xlvi-lxvi, port. (M.Foster). Also: Prov. M.J., Leices- ter, 1892, xi, 505, port. Also: Science, N.T. & Lancaster, Pa., 1896, n. s., iii, 147-154 (H. F. Osborn). -----. See, also : Arcbury (Lord). Huxley's life and work. Nature, Lond., 1900-1901, lxiii. 92; 116. Also: Pop. Sc. Month., N. T., 1900-1901, lviii, 337-359.— Brooks <\V. K.) The lesson of the life of Huxley. Rep. Smithsou. Inst. 1898-1900, "Wash., 1901, 701 -711. — Fiske (J.) Remi- niscences of Huxley. Ibid., 713-728. — Flower (Sir "W. H.) Reminiscences of Prof. Huxley. N. Am. Rev., 1895. lxxxi. 'J79-2S0.—«ill (T.) Huxley and his work. Science, N. Y. «fc Lancaster, Pa., 1896, n. s., iii, 253-263. AUo, Reprint. Also: Rep. Smithsou. Inst. 1895, Wash., 1896, 759-779, port.—Huxley [T. H.] Anantohiooraphi- cal sketch. Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1891, xix, 312-314.—Hux- ley (The) memorial statue in the Natural History Mu- seum. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1899-1900. n. s., ii.'316.— Sm a I lev TG. "W.) Mr. Huxlev- Scrihner's Mag., N. T., 1895, xviii. 514-524.—Unveiling (The) of the Hux- ley memorial statue. Nature, Loud.. 1900, Ixii, 10-12. For Portrait, see Collection of Portr. (Libr.). Also, in: Munchen. med.Wchnschr., 1895, xiii, Beilage. -----& Agassiz (Louis). Darwin and Hum- boldt; their lives and work. 46 pp. 8-. Neto York, Humboldt Publ. Co., 1883. -----& Allen (Grant). A half-century of sci- ence. 15 pp. 8C. New York, Humboldt Publ. Co., 1-87. ----- & Martin (H[enry] N[ewell]). Cours elemeutaire et pratique de hiologie. Trad, sur la derniere 6d. anglaise par F. Prieur. xiii, 387 pp. 8°. Paris, O. Doin, 18-4. -----& Youniaus (William Jay). The ele- ments of physiology and hygiene; a text-book for educational institutions. Bevised ed. 4*5 pp., 1 pl. 8°. New York, D. Appleton 4' Co., 1876. II u \t a Ille (Louis Ralston) [ -1895], Obituary. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1895, xiv, 346-348, port. Huygens (Xicolaus). * De apoplexia sanguinea et pituitosa. 31 pp. 4°. Lugd. Bat., A. Coster, 17o9. [P., v. 1927.] Huyglie (Georges-fimile-Marie) [1863- ]. * Des rapports de l'arthritisme avec les mani- festations nerveuses; paralysie generale arthri- tique. 99 pp. 4°. Paris, 1>90, No. 74. Huyglie (Ignace-Leonce-Marie) [1871- ]. " L'ataxie aigue. 44 pp. -;. Lille, 1808. 5. 8., No. 88. Huyglie(Leonce-Marie-Felix-Joseph) [1866- ]. * De la polyurie dans la sciatique. 50 pp. 4°. Lille, 1891, 4. s.,No. 50. Huvsiiiaiis (Joris Karl) [1S4S- ]. lilli- (H.) Huysmans. Inhis: Affirmations. 8°. London, 1898, 158-211. Hliytingh (Henricus Christianus). * De mo- norrhagia gravidarum. 21 pp., 1 1. sm. 43. Lugd. Bat., apud T. Haak if socios, 1778. Hiiytoii-witli-Roby. See Sewage (Disposal of), by localities. Huzard [Jean-Baptiste] pere [1745-1838]. Ob- servations sur quelques ouvertures de chiens morts soupconnes d'etre attaques de la rage. pp. 245-250. 12°. Paris, an IX [1801]. Cutting from: Ann. d'agric, 1801, vi. -----. Notice sur les mots hippiatre, v6terinaire et marechal. 3. e*d. 8 pp. 12c. [Paris, Mine. Huzard, 1816.] -----. Instruction sur les soins a donner aux chevaux, pour les conserver en saute" sur les routes, dans les camps, aux relais, etc., et rem6- HUZAED. 493 HYADES. Huzard [Jeau-Baptiste] pere—continued. dier aux accidens qui pourroient leur survenir. Nouvelle e\l. 76 pp. - . Paris, Mme. Hazard, H17. -----. Conjectures sur i'origino ou l'etymologie du nom de la maladie connue dans les chevaux sous le nom de fourbure, auxquelles on a ajout6 des notes bibliographiques sur quelques anciens ouvrages de veterinaire. 21 pp. 12°. Paris, Mine. Huzard, 1>27. -----. Catalogue des livres, dcssins et cstanipes de la bibliotheqne de feu M. . . . Mis en ordre et ledige" par P. Lehlane. 3 v. 8 . Paris, Ve. Bouchard-Huzard, 1-42. CONTENTS. v. 1. Histoire naturelle et sciences aecossoires. v. 2. Agriculture, economic rurale; chasscs et peches. v. 3. Medecine humaine et veterinaire, equitation, soci- t'tt's litteraires. bihliographie, biographie. See, also. Boiii-tfcliit (C[laude]). £lemens de l'art ve- terinaire, [etc. . .">. nl. f^. Paris, an XI (iso:.).—♦'Hu- bert (P[hiliht'it]i & Ilii/md (J.-B.) Instructions sill- ies nioyens de sassurer de lexwteiice do la morve, [etc.). 8:. Paris, an V [17!'7, — Instruction* et observations [etc.]. .-5 Pari'**, an VII (18081. For Biographo. st Koucliiii-il (L.) Xniice biou'ra pbiqne sur J.-B. llu/.aid. «>-. I'mis. 1839— «lc Sil voire (A.-F.) [in l.s.] Notice liiociapliiinie sm M. ,1.-1!. Hu- zard. [Repr. from Mem. Soe. ro\. et centr. d'agric., 1S>9.J 85 Paris, 18.19. [-----»fc Tessier (Henri-Alexandre). ] Instruc- tion sommaire sur la maladie des betes a laine appelee ponrriture. 14 pp. 12. [Paris, Mme. Huzard, 1817.] Huzard (J[ean]-B[aptistel) fils [179:5-1-7-]. Esqnisse de nosographie veterinaire. 2. 92. Hwass (Thorbjorn). Studier ofver transitorisk alhuminuri hos till utseendet friska personer. [Studiesontransitory alhuminuriain apparently healthy persons.] 176 pp., 1 diag. 8-. Stock- \ holm, I'. A. Norstedt 4' siiner, 1893. I IIwasser (Israel) [1790-1860]. [Pathologia phthiseos pulmoualis. ] Respondente Gustavo Walfrido Hiniherg. 11. sm. 4-. Helsingfors'ue, Frenckell, [1829]. -----. [Vaccinatio.] Respondente Henrico Ca- jauder. 2 1. sm. 4C. Helsingforsias, Frenckell, [1820]. -----. " Om inflammation i bitestikeln i foljd af blennorrhe (epididymitis blenorrhoica). 31 ]ip. sin. - . Upsala, P. Hanselli, 1818. [P., v. 136.] RESPONDENTS. I. Hacksell (Johan Fredr. Thure). II. Soderbauin (Aud. Gustaf). -----. *Om prim lira syphilitiska Bar (ulcera syphilitica primitiva). 2 pts. 30 pp. sm. e-. Upsala, P. Hanselli, 1818. [P., v. 136.] RESPONDENTS. I. Xcnscn (Abraham). II. Sparriuaun (Nils Axel). -----. Afskedshelsning till liirjungar och studii- kaiurater. 2. uppl. [Valedictory to students and I'd low-students. 2. ed.] 96 pp. 8*-'. Up- j sala, C. A. Leffler, 1-57. | -----. Valda skrifter. [Selected writings.] 6 pts. in 4 v. - . Stockholm, <). L. Lamms, 1,-70. II\\:inn<*I' (Paul). Si-i- Koitniiihoii (Henri YVilholin) [in 1. s.]. Myolo- giska disst-ctioiier [etc.]. 4°. Vpsala. 1820-38. Hyacinth*. Fi'«'«'iiiaii (W. T.) A note on tho skin irritation caused bv lutinlliiig li\;iciuth bulbs. P.rit. J. Derinat., Lond., ls'97, ix Hi!. —Zi-pi-r i-L W.) Ueber Hunt- uud Aiigeiiaffectiou bei I'ei miih-ii. die Hyacinthenzwiebelu bearhciten. Kliu. Mouatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1899, xxxvii, 480-481. Ilyades (Paul). Des m6thodes genorales d'ope% ration de la cataracte et en particulier de rex- traction liin'airo composeV. viii, 77 pp. 8-5 Paris, J.-11. Bailliere if fils, 1-70. -----& Dcuikci' (.J[os.ph]). Mission scien- tifique du Cap Horn, is-2-3. Tome VII. An- thropologic, ethnographic, vii, 422 pp.. 1 1., 3 1 I pl., 1 map. 4-5 Paris, Ganthier-Villars cf fils, l-'Jl. HYAENA. 494 HYDATIDS. Hyariia. Chapman (H. C.) Observations on the female gen- erative apparatus of Hyfena crocuta. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila., 1888, pt. 2, 189-191, 3 pl.—IVehi-ing (A.) Ueber die Gleichzeitigkeit des Menschen mit II.\;ena spelaea. Mitth. d. anthrop. Gesellsch. in "Wien. 1«93, n. F., xiii, 204-211.— Vouiig (A. H.) & Robiimon (A.) On the anatomy of Hyfena striata. J. Anat. & Physiol., Loud., 1888-9, xxiii, 90; 187. Also: Stud. anat. . . . Owens Coll., Manchester, 1891, i, 1-30. Hyapiianchin. Exgelhardt (A. [L.]), Baron. * Beschafien- heit und Wirkung des Hyaenauchin. 8C. Dor- pat, 1891. von Engclhardt (A.) Eiuiges iiber Hyananchin. Arb. d. pharmakol. Inst, zu Dorpat, Stuttg., 1892, viii, 1-19. Hynlin. Ernst (P.) TTeber die Beziehung des Keratobyalins zum Hyalin. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1892, cxxx, 279-296. -----. Ueber Hyalin, insbesondere seine Bezie- hung ziiiu Colloid. Ibid., 377-417. Hyaline bodies. 1'elagatti (M.) Corpi jalini e blasto-miceti. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1897, xxxii, 728-737.—Pod vi- sotslti (V. V.) K voprosu ob obrazovanii kristallov iv. hialinovikh sharov. [Sur la presence de certains cristaux dans les tissus pathologiques chez I'homme. Extr., .">28.] Russk.arch, patol.,klin. med. i bakteriol., S.-Peterb., 1896, i, 499-504, 1 pl. Hyaline degenerations. See Degeneration (Hyaline). II y a litis. See Cataract (Treatment of, Operative, Compli- cations, etc., of'); Vitreous humor (Diseases of'). Hyaloid artery. See Artery (Hyaloid); Retina. Hyaloid membrane. See Eye ; Vitreous humor. Hyatt (Alpheus) [1838-1902]. Genesis of the ArietidiB. xi, 238 pp., 6 tab., 14 pl., 14 1. 1-. Washington, 1-89. Smithson. Contrib. to Knowledge, no. 673, "Wash., 1890, xxv. -----. Bioplastology and the related branches of biological research, pp. 59-125. 8°. [Bos- ton, 1893.] Cutting from: Proc. Boston Soc. Xat. Hist., 1893, xxvi. Hyatt (J. C.) & Hyatt (D.) Catalogue of J. C. & D. Hyatt's grand collection of anatom- ical, pathological, surgical, and microscopic anatomy. 32 pp. 8°. New York, 1851. Hyatt - Woolf (Charles). Food frauds and foods that feed; beiug au exposure of some com- mercial shams, and some advice on what to eat, etc. 2. ed. 146 pp. 8°. London, Simpkin, Mar- shall, Hamilton cf Kent, [1897], Hybernation. See Hibernation. Hybrids and hybridity. See, also, Mule. Cohnay (J.-E.) Anthropologie. M6moire sur le metisine animal chez les especes huniaines, etc., et exposition des principes de physioinetrie generale. 12°. Paris, 1863. Crawfukd (J.) On the supposed iufecundity of human hybrids or crosses. 8°. London, 1864. Ewakt (J. C.) The Peuycuik experiments. 8°. London, 1899. Fitzinger (L. J.) Bericht iiher die Unter- suchung eines angehlicheu Bastard-Kalbes von Hirsch uud Kuh. 8C. [ Wien, 1854.] Repr. from: Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. "Wissensch. Math.-naturw. CI., Wien, 1854. xiii. Huzard (J.-B.) fils. De quelques questions relatives ou m^tissage dans les races d'animaux domestiques. 8°. Paris, 1831. Hybrid* and hybridity. -----. Note sur les accouplements entre consauguins dans les families ou races des prin- cipaux animaux domestiques. 8°. Paris, 1-57. Repr.from: Rev. et Mag. de Zool. -----. Des accouplements entre aiiiinaux consauguins. 8°. [Paris, 1863.] Repr.froin: Vie & la camuagne, 1863, ii. Paulesco (P.) * Recherches sur la structure anatomique des hybrides. 8J. Geneve, 1900. Beaumont. [Cadavre d'un chat, sexe feminiu, qui d'apres les rensci^nements, serait fllle de chatte et de chien.] [Rap.] Soc. d. sc. med. de Gaunat. C.-r., Par., 1898-9, liii, 87. — Ho in (G.) Beitrage zur Bastardirung zwischeu den einheimischen Anurenarten. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1883, xxxii, 453-518. Continued in: Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1880, xxvii, 192-271, 3 pl.— Brcediii'j zebroids. Kep. Bureau Animal Indust. 1898, AVash., 1899, xv, 369-371, 2 pl. AUo: Veterinarian, Lond., 1901, lxxiv, 245-258.— C'el«*»ia (P.) La ibridazione per inuesto nel suo significato per la ereditarieta dei caratteri acqnisiti. Riv. di sc. biol., Torino, 1899, i, 301-314.— Crawfurd (-J.) Ou the supposed iufecundity of human hybrids or crosses. Tr. Ethn. Soc. Lond., 1865, n. s., iii, 356-362. — Darrntr. Sur l'hybiidite chez les oiseaux. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1890, 9. s., ii, 449.— Davenport (0. B.) Mendel's law of dichotomy in hy- brids. Biol. Bull., Bost., 1900-1901, ii, 307-310.—»'e Torii (E.) Sopra uu ihrido naturale di Canis familiaris e C. Tulpes. Atti r. Ist. Veneto di sc, lett. ed arti, 1896-7, viii, 912-916.—Ewart (J.C.) On zebra-ass hybrids; with ob- servations on the relationships of the zebras. Veterina- rian, Loud., 1898, lxxi, 185; 2i!9.—Foshay (l\ M.) The fertility of hybrids. Med. News, Phila., 1892, lxi, 418. AUo, Reprint. — lilalt (G. T.j TTeber den Bastard von Stieirlitz undKanarienvogel. Arch. f. Entwcklngsmechn. d. Organ., Leipz., 1901, xii, 414; 471, 1 pl., 1 tab.— Mac- farlaiic (J. M.) A comparison of the minute structure of plant hybrids with that of their parents, and its bear- ing on biological problem*. Tr. Rov. Soc. Edinb., 1891-3, xxxvii, 203-286, 8 pl.—Mathews (A. P.) The so-called cross fertilization of Asterias bv Arbacia. Am. J. Phy- siol., Bost., 1901, vi, 216-218.—Millardct (A.) Note siir l'hybridation sans croisement ou fausse hybridation. Mem. Soc. d. sc. phys. etnat.de Bordeaux, 1894,4.8., iv, 347-372.— Moncelon. Metis de Francais et de Neo-Caledonien. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1886, 3. s., ix, 10-19.—Morse (J. B. T.) [Hybrid animal, progeny of man and chim- panzee.] Med. Brief, St. Louis, 1893, xxi, 1341.—Morton (S. G.) Letter to the Rev. John Bach man, on the ques- tion of hybridity in animals, considered in reference to the unity of tlie human species. Charleston M. J. & Rev., 1850, v, 328-344. Also, Reprint. -----. Additional ohser vations on hybridity iu animals and on some collateral sub- jects; being a reply to the objections of tbe Rev. John Baebman. Charleston M. J. & Rev., 1850, v, 755-e05. Also, Reprint. -----. Notes on hybridity, designed as a further supplement to a memoir on that subject in a former number of this journal; being a second letter to the editors of the Charleston Medical Journal and Review. Charleston M. J. & Rev., 1851, vi, 145-152. Also, Reprint.—Nina- Rodrigues. M6tissage, d^generescence et crime. Arch. d'anthrop. crim., Lyon & Par., 1899, xiv, 477-516, 2 pl., 2 tab.—Pantyukhofl (I.I.) Metissatsiya. [Hybridity.] Trudi V syezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v pamvat Pirogova, S.-Peterb., 1894, i. 328-130.—Ramsey (J. B.) (Hybrid, man and cow.] Med. Brief, St. Louis. 1893, xxi, 1455.— Suchetet(A.) Problemes hybridologiques. J. de l'anat. et physiol. [etc.], Par. 1897, xxxiii, 326-355.—Tliit rlial- tung und Thierzucht; Bastarde zwischeu Zebra uud Pferd. Berl. thierarztl. "Wchnschr., 1H98, 548.—Thierry (E.) Note pour servir a l'livbriditG chez les animaux. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1884, 8. s., i. pt. 2, 66. -----. Deuxierne note sur l'hybridite. chez les animaux. Ibid.. 1895, 8. s., ii, 273. — Vilaro (J.) Hibridismo en gallinaceas. An. r. Acad, de cien. med. . . . de la Habana, 1888-9, xxv, 635-638.—Webb (W. M.) The international conference on h\ bridisation and cross-breeding. Nature, Lond., 1899, lx, 305-307. Hydanto'iii. See Urea. Hydatid of Morgagni. See Miiller's duct. Hydatids. See, also, Abdomen (Tumors of, Cystic, etc.)', Bladder(Hydatids in); Bladder (Female, Tumors, etc., of); Bones (Hydatids in); Brain (Parasites of); Breast (Hydatids in); Broad ligament, Cra- nium, Tumors of; Cysticercus; Empyema (Complications, etc., of); Bye ^Parasites in); HYDATIDS. 495 HYDATIDS. Hydatid*. Femur (Hydatids in); Heart (Parasites in); Kid- neys, Liver, Lungs, Muscles, Ovary, Pan- creas, Hydatids in; Pelvis (Tumors ut. Cystic); Pleura (Hydatids in); Pregnancy (Molar, Hy- datiform); Spinal cord, Spleen, Uterus, Hyda- tids in. Berger (H.) * Beitrage zur Casuistik iiher ilie Echiuococcus-Krankhcit. s°. Berlin, [188")]. Bertkle (£.) *Des kystes hydatiqnes des muscles de la face. f°. Lyon, 1806. Deve (V.) Dc l'cchinococcose secondaire. 8-. Paris. 1901. Fekretti (T.) Delle cisti idatiche in gene- rale, con nno studio sperinientale a propositi) di una coin plica z i one nel loro trattaniento chirur- gico. > -'. Roma, 1890. Fkrval (A.) * Des kystes hydafuiues intra- p(*ritoueaux priniitit's ou secondaires. s'. Pa- ris, 1900. Flammauiox (.T.[-J.-B.]> " Etude sur la ma- ladie hydatique et les kystes hydatiques du cer- veau. 4C. Paris, 1*915. Fkey (J.) * Beitrag zur Lehre von Taenia echinococcus. *•-. Berlin, 18—l. Graham (J.) Hydatid disease in its clinical aspects, s0. Edinburgh cf London, l8'fl. Hill (J. P.) A contribution to a further knowl- edge of the cystic cestodes. 8-. Sydnet/, 1-94. Jurgens (H. [D.]) * Feber den Halsechino- coccus. >-. Greifswald, 1807. Lichtixghagex (W.) *Ein Beitrag zur Lehre vom Echinokokkus. > . Wiirzburg, 1887. Loewenstkix (M.) * Feber die ulcerierendo, multiloculiire Echinocoecnsgesclrwulst. 8°. Er- langen, 1-89. Madklixg (O. W.) Beitrage liiecklenburgi- scher Aerzte zur Lehre von der Echiuococceu- Krankheit. *■*-. Stuttgart, 1>-'."». Mouille (C.) *Des kystes hydatiques re"tro- vesicaux chez l'hoiniue. 8°. Paris, 1899. MCller(D.) *Ueher Echinococcus. [Wurtz- burg] ***;'. Glogau. 1--5. Piazza Martini (V.) Sulle cisti d' echino- cocco in genere e del legato in particolare. 85 Palermo-Catania, 1-90. Rumbold (I.) "Ein Beitrag zur Echiuococ- cuserkrankung. »"-. Greifswald, 1890. Thomas (J. D.) Hydatid disease. Vol. II. A collection of papers on hydatid disease. Ed- ited aud arranged by A. A. Leudou. 8J. Syd- ney 4' London, 1894. Witte (O.) *De echinococco. 8-. IleroHni, [1861]. Allaben (J. E.) Hvdatid tumors. N. Am. Pract., Chicago. 1891 iii. 612-617.—AI mazotr (P. V.) K voprosu ob t-kliinokokkiikb. uchelovieka | Hi hiuococcus in man.] Meditsiua St. Petersb., 189n, ii, 4t;l-li;:i — Rnrniit i L. E.) Some observations on h\d;it.id disease. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney. 1H97, xvi. 222-22.'.. — Chinch i\V. S> A clinical lecture on hwlatids. Clin. ./., Lond.. 1899-1900, xv, 377-341.— I>«'V«- t F) Des tireffes 6chinococciqiies. Compt. rend. Soc. (h- biol.. Par., 1901, 11. «., iii. ll."». ----—. Sur la tiansformat ion desscolexen kystes echinococciques. Ibid., 298-:;0m — DiaruiNion on hydatid disease. Inter- colon. M. Cmn:. Australas. Tr., Melbourne. 1S89, ii, 392- 400.—Fa»»i«(J.M.) Hydatids and liydatiditbim cysts. Ann. Gvnec. & Pediat., Bost., 1899-1900, xiii. IJ79-0S7. — Fick (A. E.) Zur Casuistik des EchinococciiH im .Men schen. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1886, xxiv, 355- 368. ------. Ein Xacbtrag zur Casuistik des Kchinococ- cns. Ibid. 18*0-7, xxv, 112-117. — Flc-inchl von JlnriowlK.) Leber die ungestielte Hydatide. In liin: Ges. Ahhandl..h^. Leip/.., IHff.i, 53. — Ilnhii (L.) &. !,«>- fevre ti-'.i Ei hino< ■ooucs. Diet, eiM-ycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1885, xxxii ":il>-.— Kohall (II.) ' Lin P.eitrag zur Echinococcciikrankhcit. Wien. klin. Wclinschr., 1901, xiv, 88-92. — I.ciifloii (A. A.j Clinical lectures on hydatid disease. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney. 1895, xiv, 261; 320; 359; 441; 476.—Iiobkcr (K.) Leber ib-u subphrcnischen Echinococcus. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1889, xv, 353-355. Also, Reprint.—I.oihoii (E.) Contri- hutiou a I'etude de la maladie hydatique ou 6chinococcose. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1893, xxii, 16-31.—iHc- Hydatid*. Murray (W.i Hydatid eni|ition. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1H96, xv, 1 Sa — Tl ii Ha Itowxlii ( W.) Obablowcu sieci z punktii chii iiieic/,ne",o, z o]>isaniein wlasnego przy- padku bablowca jxijodynczono sieci i kre/.ki. [On echino- coccus of the omentum from a surgical point of view, with description of a case of echinococcus of the omentum and mesentery.] Gaz. lek , Wars/awa, 1890, 2. s.. x, 107; 126; 176; 197; 2:i5; 258. — JI on oil. A propos des kystes hyda- tiques. Hull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., I!i00, n. s., xxvi, 194-197. — ITIowIci- (F.) Ueber Mittel zur Bekam- KTunj: endemisch yorkoniiiiender Echinokokkuskrankheit. eutsche Med.-Ztg.. Herl , 1*>9. x, 827— l»«i icic (B.) &. von l.nlil (N.) Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Kchinoeoi•- ceiikraukhoit (les Menschen. Wieu. med. Presse. 1*97, xxxviii, 949: 993; 1023.— Kom« (.1 a Abstract of paper on hydatid disease. Australas. M. (iaz., Sydney. 1KH4, xiii, 226.—Mt'lii'ib i(i.) Les kystes hydatiques a deterinina- tion nicdullaires. Trav. do neiirol chir., Par., 1900. v, 260- 271.—N«>n©n«l (P.) Kystes hydatiques. Traite dechir. (Duplay etKoclus),2.ed '. Pur., Is'.ls.vi, 1023-lnii.").—Klirrnx (W. M.) The spontaneous cure of hydatid cysts. P.rit. M. J.. Lond., 1901, i, 1139.- Niibbotic (V.) Erfahrungen iiber Echinococcus. Wien. klin. Wchnschr.. 1*99. xii, 054.— TIioiiiiix (J. 1). i Hydatid disease. Intercolon. Si < 'ong. Australas. Tr., Melbourne, 1889, ii, 32* 5U4 — TIiiiinIoii (K.O.) Hydatid. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep Lond.. ]r!is-!i. n. s., xxvii, Klli-138. — Vrico (J. C.) &. .*>lii linjj (E. C.) Hydatid disease. Syst. Med. (Alllmtty. X. Y. .V Loud., 1897, ii, 1102-1144. —'iVnlliinx (A. A.) Hydatid dis. as.-. South African M. J. Cape Town, 1893-4, i. «-14.-Ziic chili & Ollici-N. Kystes hydatiques a |>arois calcifiees. Bull, et m6m. Soc. anat. de Par., 1901, Ixxvi 95 — ZaitNeff (A. E.) Sluchai ekhinokokka inezhniishcclnioi k'ietc hat- ki. [Echinococcus of the intermuscular cellular tissue.] Chir. Laitop., Mosk., 1892, ii, 76-78. Hydatid!!! {Alveolar). See Hydatids (Multilocular, etc.). Hydatid* (Cases and statistics of). See, a Iso, Hydatids (Complications, etc., of); Hydatids (Multilocular, etc.); Hydatids (Re- trovesical); Hydatids (Treatment of); Hyda- tids in children; and, also, references under Hy- datids. Bahr (H.) *Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Echinococcenkrankheit in Vorpommern. 8 \ Greifswald, 1893. Bli'-mckh (O. F. K.) * Beitrag zur Statistik der Echinococcen-Krankheit in Vorponnuern nach Fallen, die an der hiesigen medizinischen Klinik, sowie zufallig bei Sectioncn heohachtet sind. 85 Greifswald, 1888. Clxeo (G.) Cenni statistici e corologici sul- 1'echinococco dell'uomo. 8°. [Paria, 1891.] Repr.froin: Studj Lab. di zool. d. Univ. di Genova, 1889-90. Fischer (P.) * Beitrag zur Statistik der Echi- nococet'iikrankkeit in Pommern, spociell in Xeu- vorponimern, auf Grund (hi in chirurgischen Klinik zu Greifswald iu den Jahren 18(10-89 be- ohachfoteu Fiille. H^. Greifswald, 1888. FliimiUNGER (R.) *Die liiiufigkeit des Echi- nokokkus in Thiiringen. ■-'-. Je n ((.1887. JYiNASSKN (J.) * Ekinokoksygdommen. belyst veil islandske LsBgers Erl'aring [Fchiuococcus diseases, from the observations of Icelandic phy- sicians.] h->, I\j0benharn. l"*-2. Lehmann (K. [W. IT.]) ' Ein weiterer Beitrag zur Statistik des Echinococcus hominis in Pom- mern. H'. Greifswald, 1*91. Madkluni; (O. \V.) Beitrage niecklenhurgi- echer Aerzte zur Lehre von der Echinococcen- Krankheit. ~ . Stuttgart, l^o. Mayer (A.) *Ein 1* all von Echinococcus im Beckenbindgewehe. 8\ Giessen, 1900. Pape (T.) 'Statistischer Beitrag zur Ver- breitung der Echinococcenkrankheit iu der Rheinprovinz. [Bonn.] 8°. Aachen, 1898. Pi.ii'EK (E.) Die Vcrhreitung der Echinococ- cen-Kraukheit in Vorpominern. 85 Stuttgart, 1891. Pientka (C.) * Statistischer Beitrag zur Ver- breituno der Kchiiiococeiiskrankheit. 8°. Greifs- wald, 1894. HYDATIDS. 496 HYDATIDS. Hydatid* (Casts and statistics of). 1'OSsELT (A. ■ Die geographische Verbreitnng des Hlasenwurinleidens, in>l>esondere des Alve- j olarechiiiococcus der Leber uud dessen Casuistik Beit 1—il. --. Stuttgart, 1900. . Tokarenko (V. [V.]) Ekhinokokk v Rossii i uchenie o mnozhestveunoin yevo razvitii. [Echi- nococcus in Russia and a study of its multiple development.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1895. Tschotschel (K. L. O. V.) ~Zur Statistik der Echinococcenkrankheiten in Vorpommern. (Casuistik von 38 Fallen von Echinococcen, vom August 1-95 bis April 1900.) 8-. Greifswald, 1900. Weber (R. E. F.) * Beitrag zur Statistik der Echinokokkenkrankheit. 8~. Kiel, 1887. "Wiedemann (C. [F.]) "Zur Statistik der Echinococcenkrankheit in Vorpommern. (Ca- suistik von 153 Fallen von Echinococcen.) 8 . Greifsicald, 1-95. Wollf (A.) "Vier Fiille von Echinococcus hominis, nebst Bemerkungen iiber das Vorkom- man der Echinokokken in Breslau. 8D. Breslau, 1-1.9. Aerztlicli<* Berichte iiher 196 Falle von Echinococ- cenkrankheit beim Menschen. Beitr. mecklenb. Aerzte z. Lehre v. d. Echinococcen-Krankh., Stuttg.. 18-."'. 74-148.— Birtl (S. D.) Notes of two remarkable cases of internal hvdatid. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1885, n. s., vii, 207- 2J2.—Boari (A.) Tie casi di echinococco viscerale. Atti Accad. d. sc. nied. et nat. in Ferrara, 1896-7, lxxi, 52:!-.r>4.'). — Kogayevski (A. T.) Sorok-odin sluchai ekhi- nokokkov nablyudayeniikhvKremenchugskoIgubernskol zeuiskoi holnitsle s 29-vo oktyabrya 1884 g. po 17-e iulya 1895 g. [Forty-oue cases of echinococcus observed iu the KiemenchugGovernment Zemstvo Hospital, from Oct. 29, 1884, to July 17, 1895.] Dnevnik syezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v painyat Pirogova. Kiev. 1890, vi.no. 10., suppl., 5-13.— von KiiikiIoiII II Bidrasr till kaunedom om echinococcus-s.jukdoiuen I'iii ekomst i Finland. Ett fall af echinococcus i natet och bukhinnan. [On echinococcus and its prevalence in Finland; a case of echinococci in the omentum and peritoneum.] Finskn lak.-sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1891, xxxiii, 1037-1044.— Buchanan (W.J.) Case of hydatid cystin a native of India. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta. 1806, xxxi, 410. Also. Lancet, Lond.. 1900, ii, 19.—Canton (E.) Quistes hidutidh-os ; tienia echinococ- cus; su distribuci6n en la Republica Argentina. An. d. I'iic. med. argent.. Buenos Aires, 1892. xv, 696-707.— Chew IW. R.) Hydatids. South African M. J., Cape Town l>97-s. \ .10-14'. —C'leghoni. Twocasesof hydatid disease. X. Zealand M. J.. Dunedin. 1890-91. iv, 322-325.— ] Cohen (S. Si Echinococciisdiseisein the United States. X. York M. J.. 1895, Ixii, 763.—Davis (G. W.) Case of supra-hepatic hvdatid cyst. Lancet, Lond., 1900, ii, 1014- 1016.—Despcijjnt's (V'.j & <adyozhdin (G. G.) Sliest sluchayev ekhinokokka. Six cases of echinococcus.] Chir. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 189:. ix, 68-76. -----. Sluchai ekhinokokka v klietchatkle lh-voi yagoditsi. [Echinococcus of cellular tissue of left gluteal region.] Chir. Laitop., Mosk.. 1893, 017. -----. K voprosu ob ekhinokokkovol bollezni v Rossii. [ On echinococcus disease in Russia. , Russk. chir. arch., S.-Peterb., 1895. i, 42-114. — Prrnire M.i In cas de kyste hvdatique de la gaine du biceps. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1901, Ixxvi, 4 2 — IMiciaio* (D. P.) Aiiu n-epiTTTCuo-eis avTO/maTov ederecos vcartcuji- Kuartiui -una to ffjTap e&pa£ovnd. M. Gaz.. 1844-5, xxxv, 101. — !•>! i rli n jj (E. C.) An estimate of the relative preva- lence ot hydatid diseases in the vaiious colonies of Austra- lasia. Austialas. M. Gaz., Sydney. 1895. xiv, 314-319.— Stirling (R. A.) Two unusual cases of hydatid. Inter- colon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1901, vi, 547-550.— Sudakoflf (I. V.) Odiunadtsat sluchayev ekhinokokka. [Eleven cases of echinococcus.] Vrach. St. Petersb.. 1897, xviii, 1260-1204.—Thomas (J. D.» Xotes upon the geo- graphical distribution ot hvdatid disease. Austral. M. J., Melbourne. 1886, viii, 145-151.—Tsakona* (S.) Ilepi i\>-- vokokkiov ev'EWdSc. TaTpiicr) 7rpoo£o9, El' 1vpu>, 1901.vi, 143- 145.—Tsarukoffll. M.) Dva sluchaya ekiii'nokokkashei i sluchai ekhinokokka grudnol zhelyozi. [Twocasesof echinococcus of the neck and a case of echinococcus of the manunary uland. ] Med. Obozr.. Mosk., 1894. xiii, 877- 879. —Ts'iuioda &. Asayama. [A case of hvdatid cv«t.] Tokyo IjiShinshi. >H8. no. 1077, 1-8, 1 pl.—Verco (J. C.) Some cases of hvdatid disease. Australas. M. Gaz., Svd- ney. 1890. xv, 321-324.—Vicrordt (H.) Ueber das Vor- komuieu des cystoseu Echinococcus in Wiirttembeig. HYDATIDS. 497 HYDATIDS. Hydatid* (Cases and statistics of). Med. Cor.-PL d. wiirttemb. iirztl. Ver., Stuttg.. 1891. lxi, 137-141.—Viii (A.) Ciste du echinococco rimasta 45 anni nel eavo pelvico. Loll. a. sez. il. cult. d. sc nied n. r. Accad. d. tisiocrit. di Siena 1887. v, 97-101.—Weir (E. G. H.) A case of hvdatid disease. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1900-1901. xxxiv. 117-121. — Woods ( (*,. W.) Echinococcus-homiuis; a leniarkahlecase of echinococcus manifested first in the chest wall and subsequently in nsseous tissue of left humerus. Proc. Ass. Mil. Sing. V S. 189'.i Columbus. 1900, viii, 157-160, 1 pl. — '/.hir- uuiH«ki 15 M.) K kaznistikie ekhinokokka. [Cases of echinococcus.] Dnevnik svezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v p.mivat Pirogova Kiev. 1890. vi. no. 10. suppl., 3-5 — y.lnii'a vli'll A A.) Sluchai niishechnavo ekhinokokka. Case ot muscular echinococcus ] Med. Obozr., Mosk. i-*-.'. xxxii. 514-518. Hydatid* (Causes and pathology of). ' Achanl (C.) D* 1 intoxication hvdatique. An-h. gen. de med.. Par., 1*8-. ii. 4I(1: 572. -----. Intoxication hyda- tiqiie. Bui!, et nn m. >pi . nnd.d.hop de Par., 1894 3. s*. \i 331-334.—Alel*«i--»ki 1. P.i K voprosu o pioisklio/h denii unio lo st\, nna\ ■ ekhinokokka: (4 sluchaxa . . .) [On the origin of multiple echinococcus: (four cases).] Khirurgia. Mosk.. 1*97. i. 2v.»-3H. -----. Izslledovanie po voprosu o proiskliozlideuii mm zhest veuuavo ekhino- kokka bryushnol polo-ii. [Pese.u clns into the migin oi multiple echinococci of tlie abdominal cavity. 1 Ibid . 1898. iii. 17-34. 3 pl.— Barueehello (L.) Osscrvazioni sulla venetii ita del liquido conteiiuto nelle < isti cii echii o cocco. Mod. zooi.itro. Torino. li'OO. \i. 2-2 :*'■ — Kentla (C.I Zur pathologischeu Anatomic des F.ehii.ocoecus uiultiloculaiis. Deutsche med. Wilui-i v I.- ipz. u. P.eil.. 1-99. xxv. Ver Peil.. 225.— Kolololl 1'. i. i K vonrosu ob eti(dogii ekhinokokka u ch lo\ i> k.i i /Ir.wit- uikh. ^Etiology of echinococcus in man and annua.s Protok. zasaid Kavkazsk. med. Obsh. lirl- lv-4-5 xx: 274-277.—Bruce (J. M.) A: Mheilri (A. M.) Gelatini- fonn degeneiat ion of hydatid cysts. Med.-Chir.Tr., Loud., 11*1-2. lxxv 1~5-'.--.— Colpe (J.) Alleged dog-eaters in Silesia. Australas. M. (Liz.. Sydney. 1-95. xiv. 407.— C ordier (A. H.) Sterile echinococcus cvst. Langs- ■ 1.lie's Lancet. Kansas City, 1*96. i 130-132.— Debove. C- 1 intoxi, ati'i. hvdatique. Bui et mem. Soc. med. d. cop. de Par . :--- 3. s., v, 113- :l- J'.-to.- (Liz. hebd. de med.. Par.. 1-8- 2. >., xxv. 164. —Diifoiir ill.i Intoxi- iation hvdatique lentement mort lh ,m > ours dun kyste livdatiqiu.- hepato-pulruocaire: considerations cliniques, h:-tolo i.[u,-s,-t pi-opositiontherapeutique. Bull.et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par.. 1900, 3. *.. xvii. 1157-1169. Also: Gaz. hebd. de med.. Par., 1900, n. s.. v. 1153-1157.— Formation 'Snr la) des hidatides. Hist. Acad. roy. d. -.-. .72;. Pai.. 1725. 23-27. Also: Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. 172-; Am-t 173o, 3U-30. AUo. tnunl: K. Akad. d. Wis- -:isci .in Par. . . . Abhandl. 1823. Hiessl.. 17.55. 218-222.— (•eue*i» of echinococcus. ' I)iscns-ion. | Med. Xews. Phila.. l--',xlix, 79--1.— Howard i W. L.) An explana- tion of the cause of the prevalence of echinococcus hom- ■nis in I-eland. MarylandM. J., 1 kilt 1891-2 xx* i. 551.— I.ihotxky. Demonstration vou Eel.in....... ii~_.se hwiil- sten. Wieu. turd. Ptes-e. 1885, xxv, 41 2-41)5.— I.iiio*- »ier _. Karjon. A propos de liutoxicatiou hydatique. i' - • ltn -..c. med. d. hop. de Par.. 1900. 3. s , xvii, 5 "_. — yiiiiiini G.i I leiicociti .o-inofili nelle ci»te da .cuinococ-o. Kiv. crit. di clin. med., Firenze, 19ol. ii, 2:;3.—.Tloraml. Observations sur des sacs meiiibraiieiix pleiDS d hyuatnh-s sans nombie. attaches a plusieurs vi- si eres du Im- ventre, et decouverts par l'ouverture d'un cadavie. Hist. Acad. rov. d. sc. 1722. Par.. 1724. Mem., 15--104. AUo: Hist. Aca*d. rov. d. sc 1722. Amst., 1727, Mem.. 215-224. Also, transl: K. Akad. d. Wissensch. iu Par. . . . Abhandl. 1722. BressL. 1755. 1722-1727 Olli- vicr (A.) Le chien et les kystes hydal iqiies chez II.....Hue. L'nion med.. Par., 1--7, 3. s.. xliv, 73-78.— l*o»«u (S.) Enoiin chist idatic supurat " ficatului; desc-lns prin pro- ceil.-ul Vernenil; 6 litri fiui•-:.i neeiop-i. . Spit.dul, Bu- curesci. 1890. xvi, 153: 177.— l*o»««lt (A.i Zui patholo- gisehen Ai, itomie des Alveolarechiiiococcus. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Wien u. T.. ip/ ;:■("», xxi, Abth. f. int. Med.. 12o- 250. 5 pl. —Wailler. ILdaud c\st in the erector spina' muscle: evacuation ainji-. Med. Times A (Liz. Lond.. l*"-5. i. 71!. — Mklifo«ov«hi (X. V.» Kazvitie muozhes.t- v-nnol pu/.iiohatoi _ ,-n o-, liuocoecu.s multiplex;. [De- velopment of . . .] Ch,!. Laitop.. Mosk.. 1895. V, 3-9.— Vermel (M. B. i Baktenologicheskoye iz.sliedovanlc slu- chaya ekhinokokka iaktinomikoza. [Bacteriologic exami- nation ot a caseof echinococcus ami actinomycosis. I i ndi Obsh. dietsk. vrach.. Mosk.. 1-9--9. vii. 5il- 54.- \ iiia« (M.) Bacteriologia de los quistes hidatidicos. Rev. s«. med. argent., Buenos Aires. 1900, viii, l-l-2u5. Hydatid* (Chemistry of). Ditkiimon «L.) Crvstals of bilirubin fiom a hvdatid cvst. I i . Patii. Soc. Lond.. 1893-4. xiv. 259.— l)ia;'o i t* I Pi' erche -nil azione di alcuni liquidi d.itidei e -igniiicafo iiiologico dei medesimi. Rassegna ntetuaz.d. nod ni.d vol vii, 2d series---:vi Hydatids (Chemistry of). j Catania. 1900, i. 233-239. I.ruliaiii (J.) Clinical obser- vations on hydatid tluid. Australas. M. Ha/... Sydney, I.-88-9. viii. 201-20.)—Kraimx (A.) Bilirubin ko echi- nococcus tomlobeii. r.ilniihin stones in echinococcus cvsts. M.ig> in v. Auli. Budapest, 1897, vi, 00,--1177 — i 'I al«'n > nL iV. D) K uclieniyu o khimicheskom sos- ta\ie i diiteientsialnol diaguostikle soderzhimavo ekbino- kokkovikh kist. (Cheinical composition and differential diagnosis ol the contents of echinococcus cysts.] Laitop. russk. chir.. S.-Peterb.. lMio. v. 705-719—Jiipriiijjlhorpe (J. W.) Bilirubin in it hvdatid cyst. Austial. M . .1 .Mel- bourne, 1886, viii, 251 257. I'll oma- i.l. Di I'pon the occasional presence ol hiliruhin in h\datid cysts. Inter colon. M. Cong. Austialas. Tr., Meliiourne, 1889. ii, 390- 392.— 1 iron i L. i sur uu albuminoide toxique contenu dans ceitauis liquides hydatiques. Arch, de med. exper. et d'anat. path.. Par . 1-92, iv, 136-138. Hvdatid* (Compliciitions and sequela- I of). Beiii:exi»kx CW. [F. A.]) * Ueber die Vcr- ltreituiio des Echiuocnccus im menschlichen Organismus. > . Berlin, [1~S*8]. Fai.k (F.i "Ucher eiuen Fall von Xctzcchi- nococcus mit Mageiicarcinom. [Wurtzburg.] - . Berlin. 1-1M1. Rociik i F.) * Quelques localisations rates de l'ecliinocoque; appareil digestif; systenie ner- veux: seiviises; appareil circulatoire; voies uri- naiics. ■>-'. Lyon, W)/. Abei' (('.) Ueber multilocnliiren Echinococcus der Le. her und einen Fall von Echinococcus des Beckens und des Obeisoheiikels. Aid,, i. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl. li«99. clvii. 5P.I-549.—Axlioll'i.V a Zwei Falle von subphieni- schen Kclnnococc en vim Milz uud Leber au^eiieici i. I Miinchen. med. Wchnschr.. 1*95. xiii. 65; 99.—Bekuian i V. (li Muozhestx euiii\ ekhinokokk. [Multiple echino- cocci., Chir. Vestnik. St. Petersb., 1894, x, 4-2-493. - Raii'.qiict ill.) Deux oh~.r\ ations de kyste liydatiqiies du loie et de 1 alidoinell. ASSOC lianc. de chir. Proc-verb. j [etc._. Pai .. 1S98. xii, 373-37S. —t'harcot i.L-M.i A Da- vaine. Note sur uu cas de kystes hydatiques multiples. Compt. lend. Soc. de biol. 1-57. Par.! 185*. 2. s., iv, pt. 2, 1U3-111. AUo. in: Chaicotf-L Mi I F.uvies eompk. *5 Par., 1--'.'. viii. 252-202. — Chrobak llj.i Echinococcus des Leckenbindegewebesuml (b-r Leber. Centralbl. f. ("-ynak., Leipz., 1899, xxiii, 713-71o.—t'lado. Kystes hydatiqurs multiples de la cavite ahdominale: ifoie, epioloon ]e-tit- I bassin). Bull. Soc. anat de Par., ]*-•'>. lxi 2*4 -28-. AU,,: Progres med., Par., 18,-0, 2. s., iv, 670. — Coiitlaniy F.) Kystes hydatiques du foie, dela rate et du rein : t-xpul-ion il hyd.Hides par les voiesurinaii-es. Poitou med. Po-.tiei^, l-:»i. x. 197-201. — Conplaml (S.) A clinical lecture ou h\ daiiil- of th.- ]dein a and ouieutum. Lancet, Loud.. 1895, ii 713-710—4 onrliti |J i Kystes hvdatiques de la rate, du foie et de la plevre. I. de med.de Bordeaux, 1*93. xxiii, 285-287. Also : Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bor- deaux (1893». 1*94, 231-239. — De It a rloloine. Case of multiple hydatid cysts cau-ini: death by pressure on tho colon. Med. Press A Circ, Lond.. l,s>4. n.s.. xxxviii. 505.— l>eve (F.) De 1 "echinococcose secondaire embolique. Coiuju. lend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1901, 11. s., iii. Oil*.— E«- j q ue nl o i A. i Quistes hidatidicos jielvico y ])erinefriticoeii | iiini mi-ma enfeiina. (rac. med. catal., Parcel.. 1889. xii, 36; 09. -----. De algunas loealizaciones no frecueutes de los quistes hidatidicos. Kev. de med. v cirug. pract., Madrid, 1896, xxxix. 561-509. — 5 F.) Alveolyarniy ekhinokokk u chelovleka i u zhivotnikh I Alveolar echinococcus in man and animals.) Khirurgia, Mosk., 1900, viii, 1-30. -----. Etiologiya- i llechenie alveo lvarnavo ekhinokokka. [Etiology and treatment of alve- olar echi.....occus.] Vestnik khir., Mosk., 1901, ii, 98-104. See, aUn. supra. — I'iehler (K.) Ein Fall von Echinococ- cus multilocularis aus Karnten. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Berl., 1898, xix, 451-458.—Posselt (A.) Der Echinococcus mul- tilocularis iu Tirol. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med.. Leipz., 1897, lix, 1- 78. — IS , 1889, xxiv, 249-255.—Weber (E.) Un cas d'echi- nocoquealveolaire(multiloculaii t;). Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1901, xxi, 307-322. — Zabolotnofl (P. P.) K voprosu o muozhestvenuol lokalizatsii muogokamernavo ekhiuokokka (echinococcus multilocularis). [Ou the mul- tiple localization of. . -1 Dnevnik Obsh. vrach. pri imp. Kazan, univ., 1898, 111-139. -----. Yeshtsho nieskolko slov o lunogokaineruom ekhinokokkle. [Further on multi- locular echinococcus.| Ibid., 1899, 33-38. Hydatids (Multiple). See Hydatids (Complications, etc., of); Hy- datids (Treatment of). Hydatids (Pathology of). See Hydatids (Causes, etc., of). Hydatids (Retrovesical). "Gktten (G.) * Contribution h l'dtude dea kystes hydatiques r^trovesicaux. 8°. Paris, 1808. Nuijens ( B. W. T. ) * De echinococcus tus- schen blaas en rectum. 8°. Amsterdam, 1896. Fnrsteiibcrg. Contribution a letude des kystes hy- dati()ii(*s paravesicaux ; deux cas de kystes hydatiques pa- ravesicaux. Ann. d. mal. d. org. geiiito-urin., Par., 1901, xix, 1160-1176.—Hereseo (P.) Kyste hydatique retrove- sical chez riioinine. Assoc, franc, d'urol. Proc-verb. 1^98 Par., 1899, iii, 315-318.—I.egucu (F.) Kyste hydatique retrovesical. Ibid., 312-315.—Kotgans (J.) De echino- coccus tusschen blaas en rectum. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1896, 2. R., xxxii, d. 2, 981-989. — Saxa- HYDATIDS. 499 HYDATIDS. Hy da I ids (Retrovesical). haiiMky. Kyste hydatique retrovesical. Ann. d. mal. il. org. genitourin.,* Par., 1901, xix, 190. — Mnmi (J. R.) Hydatid Cyst between bladder and rectum; retention of urine: surgical kidneys; death. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond. 1900-1901. xiii, 198-201. Hydatids (statistics of). See Hydatids (Cases, etc., of). Hydatid* (Treatment of). Ste, also, Hydatids (Cunijilications, etc., of). I Ai.kksixski (A. P.) Ekhinokokk v bryushnol polosti i yevo operativnoye llechenie. [Echi- nococcus in the abdomiunl cavity and its operative treatment.] --". Moskva, 1800. Bakadlc (F.) "Traitement dex kystes hyda- tiques abdoininnux. ■»-. Pari*, 1898. -----. The same. ,- . Paris, 1-9-5 HociisniTER (T.) "Ueber die lbhandluno des cystdseii Echinococcus. ^°. Tubingen, 1-99. Hohl < A.) * Ueber Verimpfuug des Echi- nococcus durch Punktion. 8°. Halle a. S., 1-9-2. | Lachmann (K.) * Ueber operative Behaud- lung des Echinococcus der Bauehoryane. tv. Breslau, l-9i>. Lescpke uT.-H.) * Traitement des kystes hydatiques par ks lavage* antisrptiqiies. 4°. Bordeaux, 1—9. Angrloll' ;I.) S'ueli.ii ekhinokokka. [Case of echi- nococi us.; Voyenno nie,| J.. St. Petersb., 1X99. exev, nied.-spec, pt, 24-31 -Buzy. A propos du traitement des kystes hydatiques. Bull, ct n em. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1900, n. s., xxvi, 59.—Kerrueeo (J.) Statistique des operations pour kystes h\d.initios, fail, s a 1 Institut de therapeutique operatoire .le 1 Hopital de la Princesa. a j Madrid, et resultats obtenus paries injections de nitrate d'argent. Atti d. xi Long. med. internaz. l-at Roma. IK'', iv, chiruig [etcj, 305-309.— llohroll (A. A.) (i liechenii ekliinokokkov. [Treatment of echinococcus.] t'liir. Laitop.. Mosk.. 1.-94. iv, 372-388.— Bond <(_' J.) On the treatment of hydatid disease by incision and evacua- tion of the cv-t without drainage. Brit. M. J., Loud.. 1891, i. 795.—Borwzehy 'K.j Az echinococcus-niutetek- rol. [The op.-iation- foi echinococci.] Orvosi tietil.. Budapest, 1900, xliv, .".22: 542: 559 — Bonilly. Traitement des kystes hydatiques par 1 injection d. -u'l>- kin.-. Cong, iianc. .le chir. Proc.-verb, [etc.], Par., Ix92. vi 296-3UL AUn: M.rcredi med.. Par., 1892. iii. 205.— Biciilaiio iK Bemla. Ein Fall vou multilocularem Echinococcus. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir.. Leipz.. 1899. Hi, 2 o--i-' —t'alleja (C.) La extirpacion total en una sola bc-ioh >•> .1 mejor tratamiento de los quistes hidatidicos. cualquiera (pie sea la region en que radiquen. Rev. med. de Sevilla, lrt*. xxxi. 147.— Dejjnj. lie loperation de I Delbet clans les kystes hydatiques abdominaux et du traitement des ky-t.- nvdati.ju.-s I'.-v. g.-n. de clin. ot de therap., Par., l*9s xii mi]--oi.—1><- \iroln. Con- tribnto alia cura chirurgica delle cisti da echinococco. Clin, chir., Milano, 1901 ix 773-7»x.— Duckworth 79. xv. 27.— l>n j:irilin-Bc:i umel*. Uu traitement des kystes hydatiques. Bull, ^en.de therap. [etc.], Par., 1x92. exxiii 481-492 AUo: Semaine med., Par., 1892. xii, 453. AUo. tr>illtl. ■ Inn-mat. Clin., Phila.. 1895. 5. s., iii, 191-19.',.—Fnirhank (F. li.) Hydatids in the pelvis causing retention oi urine: operation; cine. Tr. Clin. Soc. Loud., 18x9-90. xxiii, 224 —Gardner (W.) The treatment of hydatid di-.a-e iu man. < ilasgow M. J., 188(3.n.s., xxv,30«-385.------. Tin-surgical treatmentof hv- datid disease. Intercolon. M. Cong. Australas. Tr., Mel- bourne, 1889, ii, 345-352.------. The treatment of hydatid cysts. Australas. M. Gaz.. Sydney. Ix9n-91. x.x5-87. ------. Tlie present position of the tVcatincnt of hvdatid disease in i Australia. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, H94, n. s., xvi, 357-366.—». (inn .(1 r Accad. (li med. di Torino, 1900. 4. s., vi. 044-05(1 — I.e^rnnil ( A.) Tuineurs hydatiques renfermant des echi- nocoqucs, heurciiseinent enievces h l'aide de la methode de la cauterisation lineaire. 'Abstr.' L'ompt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., I860, 1, 29. I.ihol/U) (IL) Siehen Fiille von operativ geheilten Leliinococcusgeschwiilsteii. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir.. Leipz., 1SS5-0. xxiii, 115-13X.— l.loliel (A.F.) Tratamiento de los quistes hidatidicos. An. san. mil., Buenos Aires, 1900, ii .".o-'-.'^ii.—.tlnbii. Multiples quistes hidatidicos abdominales; tres lapaio- toinias suce.sivas; cumcion. lo\. Soc. med. argent., Buenos Aires, 1894. iii. 67-70.—Mncliuy A.) Coopera- cioii al tratamiento de losequinococos. Sigloni6d.,Madiid, 1890. xxxvii, 363-360.- Tl:i"iim««oii (G.) Tre Ekino- kokker. fjei node geiinem transpleural Incision. [. . . re- moved bv'. .1 Hosp.-Tid.. Kjobeuh.. 1899, 4. R.,vii. 11x7- 1199.— llannrn (!).) Coutributo aila cura chirurgica dell' ecbinococeo. Oazz. med. di Roma, 1893. xix,176; 245; 265.— Murirn (R. H.) A caseof pi-lvi. hydatid removed tlnoiigh the perineum. Intel col,m. M. J. Australas., M. lliourne. 1S97, ii. 544-546.— .»larlini > \5 P.) Sulla cura delle ci-ti di echinococco. Aich. (li farm, e terap., Pa- lermo, 1893, i, 31-34 —Tlercier (O. F.) Deux observa- tions de kystes bwlatiques traites par intervention ehi- rurgicale. Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1900, xxix, 427-43$ —.V|e«unr ri-on. Mem. Soc. de med. de Stiasb. 1*80. xxiii. 234-239 — O'llara (H. M.) To feed a hvdatid patient. Australas M. i,a/ Sydney, 1899, xviii, 431 -OrloflT (L. V.) Eklnnokokko- toiniva po sposobu Posadas-Bobrova. [. . . by the method of Posailas-Bobrofi ' Vestnik Khir, Mosk.,' 19ul. ii, 193- 211. AUo. transl.: Deut.-che Zt -ch r. f. Chir.. Leipz.. 1901, lx 439-459.— l*«ki (P.) Echi- nococco del legato, del peritoueo jn11. tale, del viscerale e dell' ovaio destio; estirpazione. guarigione. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Poma, 1891-2, xviii 533. — Kaziimovski (V.I.) Vremennaya flksatsiya sshitikh bryushuikh or- ganov n bryushnol stienki: mat'riali k voprosu ob opera- tivnom llechenii ekhinokokkov. ITeinjiorary fixation of sutured abdomiiial organs to thcahdoininal wall; operative treatment of echinococci Laitop russk. chir., S.-Pe- terb.. 1901, vi. 318-311. .l/,e traittl.- Arch. f. klin. Chir.. Berl.. 1901, lxiii. 2i>0 25 |{ol>in«on (II. B.) Case of hydatid cysts of uppei lob. ,,i ngiii lung and liver: both successfully removed. 1 r. Clin. Soc. Lond.. ls9s-9 xwii. 115-120. AUo: Brit. M. .1.. Loud.. 1899 i, 603- Kudu 11 (J.T.i On the surgical treatnient of hvdatid tumours. Au-tial. M. .1 . Melbourne. ls'iS, n. s.. xvii, >-lV-Ku«. nell ilt IL) On the future of the operative In almeut of hvdatid disease. Inlereolon. I). J. M. ,\ S.. Melliourne, ls94-5 i, 317-323.— K> an (('.) The int i a-peritoneal iieatnieut ot abdomiiial hydatids. Australas. M. (Iaz., Sydney, 1X95. xiv, 392-391. — We rewire. Ouerison de k\stes h\ dati.|iies par la ponetion cajidlan e. Bull, et mem. So., nied (1. Imp. de Par., Issli, 3. s. in 400-478.— N|H'iieer > \\5 ij.) Hydatid cysts r.....oved from the left pi' ura, from behind the mesentery, and from the right lobe of the liver. Ti Clin. Soc. Lond., 1*90-7. xxx. 171-174. AUo: Brit.M. J., Lond. .1x97 i, 970. Also: Lancet. Lond., 1897, i. 1093 AUo: Med. Press \- Circ., Loud., 1897, u. s., lxiii, 382—Wli'iihen (G. X.) An improvement in the op- eration for In.lat id cyst. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892, ii. 577.— WieveiiHon 11-'. C.) Hydatid rash, with marked collapse. utter simple puncture. Australas. M. (iaz.. Sydney, 1891-2, vi ;70 — TliomaN (J. D.) The operative treatment ol .a hmococi ua cysts. Intercolon. M. Cong. Australas. HYDATIDS. 500 HYDE. Hydatid* (Treatment of). Tr., Melbourne. 1889, ii, 352-377—Thomson (J.) The radical cure of hvdatids. Australas. M. (iaz., Svdnev, 1894, xiii, 191-193.-Trendelenburg (F.) Mittlieiliing iiber practische Erfahrungen bei der Operation von Echi- nococcuscysten. Beitr. mecklenb. Aerzte z. Lehre v. d. Echinococcen-Krankh., Stuttg., 1X85, 155-160.—Varis (S. M.) Two cases of hydatid cysts treated by puncture; one (lire, one death. Indian M." Rec, Calcutta, 1900. xix, 592.— Verclallc. Hydatides developpees dans le sinus frontal et dans l'orbite; incision du foyer; evacuation des I poches bvdatiques; guerison. Mem. et bull. Soc. de m6d. et chir. de Bordeaux (1872). 1873, 368-375—Ver- ■■ruil. Mode de traitement des kystes hydatiques. J. de med. et chir. prat.. Par., 1885, lvi, 156— Walli* (F. C.) The surgical treatment of hvdatids. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Loud., 1892, xxviii. 235-243.—Whiteombe ("NY. P.) On the removal of hydatid cysts by abdominal section. Austral. M. J., Melbourne. 1885, n. s.. vii, 453-457. -----. Treatnient of hydatid disea.se by injection of per- manganate of potass. Intercolon. M.< ong. Australas. Tr., Melbourne,1889,ii,389.—ZercninIV.) Sluchai mnozhest- vennavo ekhinokokka; [laparotomia proizvedena G. A. Savostitskim]. [Case of multiple echinococcus; . . . done bv G. A. Savostitski.] Laitop. khirurg. Ohsh. v Mosk., 1897. xvi. 102-104. Hydatids in animals. Bonvicixi (A.) Necropsia di una elefantessa. Cisti d' echinococco nel fegato e nei poluioni. 6°. Bologna, 1-U7. Stadxitski (M. G.) *K voprosu o peresadkie ekhinokokkovikh puzirei krolikam v bryush- nuyu polost. (Eksperiinentalnoyeizsliedovanie.) [Transplantation of echinococcus cysts into the abdominal cavity of rabbits. Experimental in- vestigation.] ■-!0. S.-Peterburg, 1890. C'omlorelli Francaviglia (M.) Sulle pretese ida- tidi dei galliuacei e loro vera natura (linfoangioma cistico di Wegner). Boll. d. Soc. zool. ital., Roma, 1900, 2. s., ri, 110-116, 1 pl. Echinococcosis in the horse. Veteri- narian, Lond., 1900, lxxiii, 054.—Gam (C.) Ueber er- folgreiche intraperitoneale Verinipfuug vou Echinokok- ken auf Thiere. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir.. Berl., 1X99, xxviii, pt. 2, 270-272. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berk, 1899, lix, 393-395.—Our in. Die Echi- nokokkenkrankheit bei den Tieien. Ztschr. f. Fleisch- u. Milehhyg., Berl., 1900, xi, 7-10.—Houston (J.) An ac- count of hydatids found in the omentum of an axis deer; with observations on their pathological changes. Dublin J. M. A Chem. S.-., 1835-6, viii, 268-281, 1 pl. Also, Re- print.— l.cbe«leflf (A. J.) A> Andre jew (X. J.) Trans- plantation von Echinococciisblasen vom Menschen auf Ka- ninchen. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc ], Berl., 1889. cxviii, 552-556. — .Mcnjier (B.l Some observations on the echi- nococcus disease, especially as related to the present epi- demic among the prairie rabbit. Texas M. J., Austin. 1899-1900, xv, 237-245.—©sterlajj (R.) Ueber deu Echi- nococcus multilocularis bei Riudern und Schweiuen. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Thiermed., Leipz.. 1890-91, xvii, 172- 195, 2 pl. — Railliet (A.) A Morol. L'echinocoque multiloculaire observe en France, chez les animaux. Bull. Acad, de med.. Par., 1X98, 3. s., xxxix, 428-432.—Stea- ding. Zum Vorkommen der Echiuokokken bei den Haustiereu ; statistischer Beitrag. Ztschr. f. Fleisch- u. Milehhyg., Berl., 1895-6, vi, 129.—Stewart (S.) Echi- nococcus veterinorum. J. Comp. M. & Vet. Arch., Phila., 1899, xx, 215-217. Hydatid* in children. Cekvesaio (D.) Dell' echinococco nell' eta infantile. -;;. Padova, 1889. Aleksaiiflroff (L. P.) Ekhinokokk v dletskom voz- rastle. [Echinococcus in infancy.] Trudi Obsh. dletsk. vrach., Mosk., 1897-8, vi, 78-81. -----. Mnozhestvenuiy ekhinokokk u semilietnyavo malchika. [Multiple echi- nococcus in a seven veais old boy.] Dletsk. med., Mosk., 1898, iii, 334-338.—Bourdel (P.) Kystes hydatiques de la rate et du foie. che/. un enfant de 11 ans. Progres med.. Par., 1885, 2. s., i. 31-33.— Moulechiari (G.) Coutributo alia casuistica delle cisti da echinococco nella cavity addo- minale dei bambini. Atti d. Cong, pediat. ital. 1892, Na- poli, 1896, ii, 395-400. Ilydatina. L.eii««cu. Contribution k I'etude du d6veloppement de la maturation des ceufs chez l'Hvdatina seuta. Cellule, Lierre A Louvain, 1898, xiv. 419-451, 2 pl. AUo: Zool. Anz., Leipz.. 1898. xxi. 617-622.—>u»*baum (M.) Die Entstehung des Geschlechts bei Hvdatina senta. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1897, xlix, 227-308. Hyde (Fanny). * See Homicide (Cases, etc., of). Hyde (Frederick) [1807-87]. * Wey (W. C.) Memoir. Tr. M. Soc.X. Y., Phila., 1889, 305-373. Hyde (James Xevins) [1840- ]. A clinical lecture on tubercular leprosy, delivered at the dermatological and venereal clinic, RushvMcdi- cal College, .Sept. 28,1879. 15 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1870. Repr. from: Chicago M. J. & Exam., 1879, xxxix. -----. A contribution to the study of the bullous eruption iuducted by the ingestion of the iodide of potassium. 10 pp. 8-. Philadelphia, 1879. liepr. from: Arch. Dermat., Phila., 1879, v. -----. A clinical study of lupus erythematosus as it affects the hands. 15 pp. 8-. Xew York, [1-81]. Repr. from: J. Cutan. & Ten. Dis., X. T., 18X4. ii. -----. On the affections of the skin iuduced by temperature variations in cold weather. 24 pp. b°. Chicago, Clark cf Longley, 1885. Repr.froin: Chicago M. J. A Exam., 1885, 1. -----. The same. With incidental reference to so-called prairie itch, Ohio scratches, Michigan itch, Texas mange, camp itch, prairie digs, lum- bermen's itch, swamp itch, etc. 51 pp. 8~. Chicago, Clark d- Longley, 1886. -----. Observations on three cases of symmet- rical hand aud foot disease. Hi pp. 12°. Phil- adelphia, 1887. Repr. from: Med. News, Phila., 1887, li. -----. A practical treatise on diseases of the skin, for the use of students and practitioners. 2. ed. xix, 17-676 pp. 8'-. Philadelphia, Lea Brothers cf Co., 1888. See, also, infra, Hyde & Tloiilgomery. -----. Xote relative to pemphigus vegetans. 7 1. 8-. Xeto York, D. Appleton cf Co., 1891. Repr. from: J. Cutan. &Genito-Urin. Dis., N.Y.,1891,ix. -----. Eczema and dermatitis. In: Twentieth Cent. Pract., X. T., 1896, v, 167-261. -----. A new method iu the local treatment of acne. 3 pp. -~. Xew York, 1806. Repr. from: J. Cutan. &. Genito-I'rin. Dis., X. Y., 1896, xiv. -----. Touching the symptoms and diagnosis of the epidemic of modified .small-pox; an open letter to the State Board of Health of Illinois. 24 pp. 8--. [Chicago], 1900. -----& Irlontg'oiiiet'y (Frank Hugh). A man- ual of syphilis aud the venereal diseases. 618 pp., 8 pl. 8°. Philadelphia, TV. B. Saunders, 1895. -----------. A practical treatise on diseases of the skin, for the use of students aud practition- ers. 4. ed. xxiii, 17-8(18 pp., 12 pl. 8°. Phil- adelphia t)'' Xew York. Lea Brothers cf Co., 1807. -----------. The same. 2. ed., revised and en- larged. 594 pp., 19 pl. 8-. Philadelphia, TV. B. Saunders, 1900. -----------. The same. 5. ed. xviii (1 1.), 17- 863 pp., 24 pl. 8°. Philadelphia cf Xew York, Lea Brothers cf Co., 1900. -----------. Thesame. 6. ed. xix, 17-828 pp., 27 pl. 8°. Philadelphia 4' Xew York, Lea Bros. 4- Co., 1901. ----- &■ Semi (Nicholas). A contribution to the study of mycetoma of the foot as it occurs in America. 15 pp., 1 pl. 8. Xew York, 1896. Repr. from: J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., X. Y., 1896, xiv. Hyde (Joel W[ilson]) [1839- ]. Four cases of Tait's operation. 12 pp. 8°. New York, 1885. Repr. from: X. York M. J., 1885, xli. ---■—. On the necessity of amputation of the cervix uteri iu a certain class of cases of lacer- ation. 9 pp. S-. Xnv York, l*-93. Repr. from .- Brooklyn M. J., 1893, vii. HYDE. 501 IIYDBASTINE. Hyde (Samuel) [1849-1900]. Poakland, and the baths aud climate of Buxton; comprising a full account of the celebrated waters and climate of Buxton, and a description of "the Buxton ther- mal cure", a new method of carrying out the Buxton treatment; also a guide to Buxton and the park. 82 pp., 1 pl. (v. London, J. Hey- ivood, 1886. -----. Buxton, its baths and climate; compris- ing a full account of the celebrated waters and climate of Buxton, and a description of "the Buxton thermal cure", a new method of earn- ing out the Buxton treatment; together with special chapters on baths, bathing, and mas sag,e; also excursions around Buxton and tin* Teak. xiii. 134 pp., 1 map. 12*-. London, J. Hey wood, 1889. -----. The nurse's guide to massage. Being an introduction to the principles and practice of modern massage, designed for tlie use of mas- seurs, masseuses. Lath attendants, and sick nurses. 42 pp.. 1 1. sm. 4 . Manchester, J. Heywood; London, [1890]. -----. Notes from the practice of a Spa physi- cian. 32 pp. "*-. London, 1^95. Repr. from: Med. Mag., Lond.. 189a. iv. AUo, Editor of: Journal (The) of Balneology and Llimatologv, Loudon 1897-r.Hni. Fur BiO'tiaplui. see Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, i, 807. AUo : J. Balneol. A: Cliinat., Loud., 1900. iv, 122-121, port. Also: Lancet. Lond.. 1900, i, 662. AUo: West Lond. M. J., Loud.. 1900, v, 127. Hyde de Bienville (Jean-Guillaume), le baron [177»;-l.-:.7]. See WediI loi (Jean) [in 1. s.]. Xotice sur la fievre | jaune, [etc.]. >-. Paris, 1820. Hyde Park, Massachusetts. Ste. also, Hygiene (Public, Reports on), Police (Beports, etc., if . hy localities. Hyde Park, Massachusetts. Annual report of the receiptB aud expenditures of the town of Hyde Park, with repoits of the selectmen, trus- tees of the public library, and other town officers [including tlie board of health]. 14., 1-81-2. 8Z. Hyde Park, 1--2. Report of overseers of the poor. Hyde Park, Mass., | 1-8;-j. l:»-p. . . . Hyde Park [Mass.]. with rep. of off., :--.. ia-45. Hyderabad. See India. Hyderabad. Hyderabad. See Dispensaries (Descriptions, etc., of), Hos- pitals (Descriptions, etc., of), Hygiene (Public, Reports on), Statistics ( Vital), by localities. Hyderabad Medical Journal. Xos. 2-10, 1~.V>; 3-A, IN in [1-:>.->-( iO], 4-. In Hindostanee. Hyderabad Medical and Physical Society. Proceedings of the . . . from its origin to tin- :51st March, 1-5:5. 2 p. 1.. 172 pp., 1 1. 8'-. Secunde- rabad, R. Hudson, [1853]. Hydra. See, also, Regeneration. Amlretv* i L. A.i Some ci-tosarcal phenomena in the eggs-.t H\dra. John- IL.pUm, I'niv. Circ, Bait., 1898-9, xviii 1 -".',.—ti nenwood ( M,) On digestion in Hydra; with some ohservations on the structure of the endoderm. ■J. Physiol.. Cambridge. 18*8. ix, 317-341. 2 pl.—.\ii»«.- baum (M.j Leber die Theilbarkeit (hi lehendig' n Ma- tciii ; Beitrage zur Xaturgeschiehte des Genus ll.dia Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1887, xxix. 26."(-366, 8 pl.— I'arUe (H. H.) Variation and regulation of abnormali- ty- in Hydra. Arch. f. Eiitwcklngsmerhn. d. Organ., Leipz., 1900, x, 692-710.—Pearl ( R.) The reactions of Hydra to the i on-taut (-nrn-iit. Am. J. Physiol., Bost.. 1901-2, v, 301-:;2" — Peebles ( Florence). Experimental studies On H\dr.i. A ich. I. Entwckliigsimclin. d. Oi nan., , Leipz., 1897, v,794-819.-----. Theeffect of temperature on I tli. -icgcu ei.it i(, n of Hydra. Zool. Bull., Bost., 1*98-9. ii.125- 1^8.— Kami i IL W.) Regeneration and regulation iu Hydia viridis. Arch. f. Eutwcklugsniechn. d. Organ., Leipz, 1899, viii, 1-34, 4 pl. -----. The regulation of graft abnormalities in Hydra. Ibid., ix, 161-214, 3 pl.— ' Hydra. We im» in a mi i A.) Bemerkungen zu Ischikawa's TJm- kehi ungs-X'ci'siiclicn an Hydra. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1890, xxxvi, 627-638.—Wetzel (li.) Transplanta- tionsver.Mirhe mil H\dra. Ibid., 1S9:>, xiv. 273-294,1 pl. -----. Traiisplantationsvcrsuche. mit Hvdra. Ibid., Is98. Iii, 70-96, 1 pl.—Zoja (K.) Alciine ricerche morfo- lo^ichc e tisiologiche sull' Hvdra. Boll, scient., Pavia, 1890. xii. li."): 97: 1891, xiii. 1. 6 pl. AUo, transl. [Abstr.]: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin 1891, xv, 12..-128. -----. Sur quehpies particuliirites de structure de l'hydre. R. Ist. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Rendic, Milano, 1*92. 2. s., xxv, 700- 712, 1 pl. AUo: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1892-3, xviii, 350-362, 1 pl. Hydracetin. <; i iimliiil (A.) Nctzhautblutiingeii bei Hydracetin- Intoxiral..... Central!)!, f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1890, xiv, 73. — (iullmnnii (P.) rebel- Hydracetin. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1889, xxvi, 437-439. 'Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. GeselUch. (1889). 1890, xx, pt. 2, 91-97. AUo [Abstr.]: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1889, ii, 787. AUo [Ab- str.]: Wien. med. Bl.. 1889, xii, 361. Hydraclmidae. .><-iiiii:iii ( C. J.) Om Hydrachnider antraffade vid Kiedriksdal pa Seland 1883. [. . . as found in Fredriks- dal iu Seeland.) Goteborgs k. Veteiisk. o. Vitterhets Sauih Handl . 188,>, n. F., xx, 1-12. — Thor. Zwei neue Hydrachniden-Gattungen und 4 neueArteu aus Norwe- gen, nebst Henieikungen iiber die Begattung vou Hjart- dalia ii. g. Zool. Anz., Leipz., 1901, xxiv, 673-680. —Wol- cott (R. H.) New genera and species of North American Hydrachnida:. Tr. Am. Micr. Soc. 1899, Lincoln. Neb. 1900. xxii, 177-200, 4 pl. -----. Description of a new genus of North American water mites, with observations on^ the classification of the group. Ibid., 1900, Lincoln, Neb.. 1901, xxii, 105-117. 1 pl. Hydractiiiia. Bunting (Martha). The origin of the sex-cells in Hvdractinia and Podocoryne, and the development of Hydraetiuia. J. Morphol., Bost., 1894, ix, 203-236, 3 pl. H ydradeiioma. See Skin (Diseases of). Hydrseinia. •See Anaemia. II) dragogin. Goldberg. Das Hydragogin nnd dessen Wirksam- keit. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb.. 1*99. xvii, 538-543. Also, transl.: Therap. News. N. T. 1900. i 17-19. AUo, Reprint.—Tut«clnilie (K.i Hydragogin in dropsy. Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1901. viii, 311-313. II yd ram ii io*. See Amnion (Dropsy of). H yd rainy le. * ItiiharuMon (li. W.) Hydramyle. Asclepiad,Lond., 1-9:;, x. 416. Hydrargyri«in. See Mercury (Toxicology of). Hydrarthrosis. .See Gonorrhoea i Complications of, Articular, etc.); Joints (Diseases of). Hydra*!in and Itt/drastinin. See, also, Hydrastis canadensis. Arkhanoelski (P. 1.1 * Mntcriull dlya farina- kologii liidrastinina: cksperiineutahioye izslle- dovuiiie i klinichcskiya nablyudeuiya. [Phar- macology of hydrastinine; experimental investi- gation unci clinical observations.] r*'. S.-Peter- burg, l-lH, AUo [Abstr.], in: Med. Obozr, Mosk., 1891, xxxv, 52-66. Iiormhyer (P. A. C.) ~ Beitriige zur Keunt- nis des Hydrastins. c . Berlin, 1802. Ksciikrt (P. K.) *I. Beitriige totisaiires Hydrastinpeutajodid nnd eine mass- analytische Bc.tiiumungsniethode des Hydrastins nnd des Berberins in der Wurzel von Hvdrastis canadensis. Arch. d. Pharm., Berl., 1899, ccxxxvii, 439-446.—Jones (H. M.) Therapeutic note on hvdrastia. Med. Press &. Circ, Lond., 1890, n. s., xlix, 654.—K.iscleff(Y. G.) O hidrastininie i o vliyanii iskusstvennoi hipereniii i anemii na vozbudi- most mozgovoi kori. [Hydrastiniu and tlie influence of artificial hvperiemia and anaemia ou the irritability of the brain cortex.] Vestnik klin. i sudeb. psicliiat. i nevro- patol.. St. Petersb., 1*91-2. ix, pt. 2. 179-196.—Marfori (P.i Ricerche farmacologiche still' idrastine, sulla ber- berina e su alcuni loro derivati. Bull. d. sc. nied. di Bo- logna, 1889, 6. s.. xxiv, 24; 129. AUo. transl.: Arch. ital. de biol.. Turin, 1890, xiii, 27-44.—.Hay* (T. J.) The phys- iological and therapeutic action of livdrastine. Therap. Gaz.. Detroit. 1*86, 3. -.. ii. 28:>--'9.">.—Pellacani (P.) So- pra alcnne proprieta ti-iologirhe e terapeutichedell' idras- tina (Hvdrastis canadensis). Boll. d. r. Accad. med. di Ge- nova, 18M1. ii, 101; 14c AZ*o, Eepriut.— Phillip* nJ.D.F.) 6c Pembrey (M. S.i The physiological action ot hydras- tine hydrochloiate. Proc. Physiol. Soc. Loud.. lc9li-7. pp. iv-vi/ Also : Brit. M. J., Loud., 1*9*, ii lu52.— Porak. De l'hydrastmine. Bull. Soc. denied, prat, dc Par.. 1892. 178-1*2.—Koiikm' (I.) l5tlidecomparee de Taction pliysio- logique et therapeutique des chlorhydrates d'hydra>tiiiine et de cotaruine. Arch, internat. de pliarmacod., Gand et Par., 1897-8. iv, 207-2*7. AUo, Reprint. -----. Re- cherches nonvelles sur Taction therapeutique et physio- logique du chhu-hydrate d'hydrastinine. Ann. Soc. de m6d. de Gand. Ic'.'c. lxxvii. 30-:;*. AUo.- Belgium- med., Gand-Haarlem, 189*. i. 321-329.—Kou-ac iT.i New re- searches upon the therapeutic and physiologicr.l action of hvdrastiniue hvdio, lilorate. Am.Med. Surg. Bull., N. Y., 1898. xii. 253-256. Melireiber (().) O uinozstvi hydras- tinu ve vodilce kanadske.. iTIie quantity of hydrastin in Hydrastis canadensis. Casop. cesk. lekarn.,v Praze, 1901, xx. 225-227.- - Mti-n««inaiiii (P.) Ueber Hydrastinin. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1*91, xvii, 1283- 12,-5. AUo: Ber. d. oberhess. GeselKck. t. Nat.- u. Heilk., Giessen, 1*92. xxviii, 162-169.— Vilnli (U.) Di alcune nuovereazioni cromatiche dell' idrastina e della sua ricerca zoochimica e chimico-tossicologica. Orosi. Firenze, 1*91, xiv, 405-415. AUo : Mem. r. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1891-2, 5. s., ii, 91-100. Hydrastis canadensis. * See, also, Berberin; Cotarnin; Fever (Ma- larial, Treatment of); Haemorrhage (Uterine, Treatment of); Hydrastine, etc. Bartholow (K.) Tbe physiological effects and therapeutic uses of hvdrastis. 8~. Cincin- nati, 18"5. Repr. from: Drugs 88. xi, 1525—Heinrieiu* (G.; Experimeu- tela undersokuiugar ofver extract fluid, hydrastidis cana- densis inverkan pacirkulationen, respirationen. uteris och vagiual-kontractiouerna. [Recherches experinientales sur l'iufluence de l'extr. fluid, hydrastidis canadensis sur la circulation, la respiration, les contractions de Interns et du vagin. C. r.J Finska liik.-sallsk. handl., Helsing- fors, 18*9. xxxi. 121-146.—liang&nartl (A.) Hydrastis canadensis (Berberin and Hvdrastin sowie deren Salze). Deutsche n,ed.Wclinschr.. Leipz. u. Berl., 1887. xiii. 47-49.— I.von* (A. B.) Hydrastis canadensis. Detroit Lancet, 1885-U. n. s.. ix, 6-12.—Jlarini (N.) Etude sur 1 Hv- drastis canadensis et son action curative. Iudepend. nied.. Par., 1898, iv. 129— .VleiiMingn. Zur Behandlung mit Hydrastis canadensis, l-'rauenarzt, Berl.. 1886. i. :;22.— Uijnliiir (A.) Hydiastis canadensis en diens alkaloide berberine. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk.,Amst., 1886. xxii, 42-44.—yiohr (C.) Hydrastis canadensis. Hahneman. Month., Phila.. 1*86, n. s. viii 705-718. AUo. Reprint.— Pel (A. V.) Extractum liydrastis canadensis fluidum. Vrach. St. Peterb., lr-84. v 79*. — Pellacani (P.) Idras- tis canadensis ed idrastina sugli orgam della circolazioue. Mem. d. r. Accad. med. di Genova il.«*7i 18**, 417-446.— Nehatz. Hvdrastis canadensis ist (beim Menschen) kein YVelieninittel'. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 18*6. xxiii, 301-304 AUo Keprint.—Schauta (F.) Ueber die gvnakologische Anweudiing der Hydiastis canadensis. Wien. nied. Bl., 1,»*U ix, 8;:j-*:'5.—Schreiber (O.) O pfiprave extraktu z vodliku kanadske [ Preparation of extract froinhydrastis canadensis.] Casop. Cesk. lekarn., v Praze, 189«, xvii,392; 407— Scllci (J. i A z extractum liydrastis canadensis ha- tarol prostatorrhcea es sperniatorrhoea eseteiben. [The effect of ... in cases of ... | Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1900, xliv, 672-6"4 — Veil (J.i Hydiastis canadensis in del- gynakologisi lien Thei-a]iie.] Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1-87 i, 9-11. —Vncetic (N5) Ueber die Anwendung ho- herer Doseu von Hvdrastis canadensis bei Kindern und Erwachseneu. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1899, xliv, 348 ; 361. Hydrastis canadensis (Toxicology of). \niodowwki (F ) Ein Fall von acuter Veigiftung mit Hydiastis canadensis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1899, xxxvi, 115. Hydraulic (Tbe) aud Sanitary Engineer, v. 3, l88l~5. fol. Xew York. Continued under title; Sanitary (The) Plumber. Hydrazin. Baler (P.) "Ueber die Producte der Ein- wirkung von Hydrazin auf Thioharnstoffe. 8J. Leipzig. 1900. Blumer (A.) ' Hydraziuhydrat auf Benzoin uud Uesoxylbenzoin. 8°. Kiel, 1693. HYDKAZIN. 503 HYDKOA. Hydrazin. "Bcximowicz (J.> "Ueber die Einwirkung von Hvurazin auf Thiainide. ***. Konigsberg, 1901. Chain vM.) * Ueber Hydrazine in der Cliino- linrcihe. --5 Berlin, 1-'.•;>. Deuichex v(.;. M.) "Synthesen von Benzol- hvdrazinen niitfelsf Hydrazinhvdrat. ■—. Kiel, I-01. Descomts (A.) * Quelques conibinaisons des acides cliloranilique et bromaniliquc avec les hydrazines. —'. Montpellier, l'.'Od. Eidam (M.) * Ueber die Einwirkung des Diacetbern>teins-iur( ( *t( is auf Hydrazobenzol, syninietiisclics Methyljihenyllivdrazin uud Hy- draziuhydrat. -;. Jena, 1-9:1. Elbers (A.I ~ Ueber einige Verbindungen von Kydraziuen nut Keton-uud Aldehydsiiureu. Erlangen. 1 — 1. Ei.8IXi,ihii:st (•'■) * Ueber halngensubsti- tuirte Hydrazine. -~!. Erlangen, lr*-1. Eoeustlrlixg H A.) * llvilraziubydrat und Anhydride zwtii.iSM-her Siiureu. -\ Kiel, 1-i-L Imbert (H.) "Hydrazine ct ses derives. [Pari>.] 4°. Montpellier, 1-09. -----. Tbe same. -\ Paris, 1-9'.'. Javorowicz vW. ) * Ueber die Hydrazinver- biuduugen eiuiger Auiidobeuzolsiilfoiisatiren. -:. Greifswald. 1--7. Jay (R.) " Ueber das Diamid (Hydrazin) und einige Derivate de**ell>en. --". Erlangen, 1---. giEDEXFELDT (E. T.) " Ueber syininetrisches Dibenzvlhvdrazin vSvni. Diphenylhydraziine- tbylen). **c. Kiel, 1-9(3. Ro>exgartex (G. D.) 'Ueber ige8ter auf Hydrazinhv- drat. d-. Jena, 1-92. >( hofer (G.) Einwirkung von Hydrazinhy- drat auf einige E^tei der Fettsaurereihe. -3. Kiel, l-W. >« hrader (F. F.) *Melate-Doppel*alze des Dianimoiiiuui* unl IJiamid*. --. Kill, 1805. Schli.z (H.) "Ueber das Hvdrazinhvdrat. [Erlangen.] Sc. Munchen, 1-9" Schwax l'S. " Hydrazinhvdrat und substi- tuirte GlycoUiiureester. -:. Kiel, 1-9*2. Tiil'X (K.) "" Ueber die Einwirkung von Hy- drazinhvdrat auf Ketokorper. -;>. Erlangen, 1-90. Wi-chewiax.-kv ( L. ) 'Ueber die Einwir- kung von Plio>gen nnd iibnlichen .Siiurechloriden auf l»erivate des Hydrazin-. aj. Berlin, [l-9:i], Baldi (D.) Azioue fisiologira dell' idrazina. Arch. di :•■ ■ e terap. V lermo 189:;. i. 230; 263. —tin Boin- Kci iiioikI (R. a Thilo J / Beobaehtungen ul»r«lie \\" ,;ni g .i.t 11 :razine auf Organisroeii. Bui. klin .V, ■ :,-, •■• 189-.'. xxix. 774.—Koberl (R I Ueber em neues Fiebermittel. Deutsche nnd. Wchnschr.. Leipz. u. Berl . 1890, xvi,2L—l.azzaro iC.) Sull a/ione fisiolo- gica dell idrazina. An h h farm, e terap., I'alermo, i*93, i, 16--174.------. Suidenvatidell idrazina; not a 2'. Ibid., 42>'-4.i2. H yd rax in (Toxicology of). I.oew (U.; Leber die Outwit ■kung einiger Derivate de- H-. diazina. Sitzungsb. d. (.i—ii-ch. f. Morphol. u. Phjsiwl in Miinchen. 1*98, xiv, 82 - *9. AUo, Repiint. ------. rener die Giitwirkung des Diamids. Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. f. Moiphol. u. Physiol, in Miinchen (l*9ui, 1891, vi, 154. Hydrenceplialoc.ele. See, eilso, Brain (Surgery of). Baacke(J.) "Ein Fall von Hydrencepha- locele mit amniotischen Verwachsungeu. - '. Konigsberg, 1—9. Marcus i8.) "Ein Fall von Hydromeningo- cele reg. cervic, nebst Beitrag zur Behandluno; der Spina bifida. 6°. Wiirzburg, 1-9*^. Sef.uk; (A. G. II.) * De hydroencephaloceles specimiue eximio. 4°. T'ratislur'nr, [1822], llydrciiceiilialocele. * Beck (C.) H\(licii(epl,alocele. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chi- cago. 1900. xxxv. lout - .lino. — voii Bergmann (A.) Zur Casuistik del Ceplialhv,lro, cle traumatica. St. IV- tci-b med.W( hn-chl.. l*97,'n. ¥., xiv,61-U3. — Boliez (C.) 11\ diem-i ]ih.ilnce!t' congenitale de la racine du ne/.; au- topsic. Lull. .Soc. ,1, med. el nat. deJassv, 1890-91, iv. 179- 190 — t'halol '. \5 i Hydreucephalocele (pseudoineiiingo- cele) (» cipitale traitee avec mm ces par l'extirpation; ex- amen cliiinupio et examen histologupie. Assoc, franc, de rhir. l'i oe.-verb. [etc.). Far., 1.-:»."«. ix, *37-*4ii.- ..,-. Lond. (1880), 18*1, xxii, 157 Builley (A. P.i l'.-pmt of a case of superior occipital Indienceplialocele successfullv operated upon. Am. J. Obst . X. V., I9im. xiii. 212-222.— I-Vjjcii ((.'. M.) A case of hydrciu-cphalorclc : removal; iconiic Lancet, Lond., 1*92, i, 1210.— Fulton (A. L.) tic. ipital IiviIk ncephalocele. Kansas Citv M. Rec. 1*9*, xv.'J. —4«olil (A.i Zur Anatomie und Lilian,llnog der HmIiouo phalorole. Ztschr. t. Heilk., Piag. 1**9. \. :!*4- :::'] 2 pl. -Iletianlt (J. '!'.) (tin hjiirubiftck. (Hulren- o-plialocol.-.l i:na Stockholm, 1901, xxv, 525-530 —IIiri- iioicii i L.i Xote sur un cas d'hydreucephalocele. J. de ined.de Bordeaux. 1*84-5, xiv, 455. AUo: Mem. et bull. *o, de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (l**5i. l**li. 4C-49.— Iluber (K.) Spurious meningocele: traumatic cephalo- hvdrocele; acquired cephalm-cle. li Am. IYili.u. Soc. 1*90. (Phila.J, 1*91. ii, 10-28.— I«n:ir

  • 5) Hvdicncephalocele. Pi,„. M. Soc. County Kings, Brooklyn" 1879-80, iv. 282—Stiles (H. J.) L.nge liMlreDcephalbcele. Tr. Med. Chir. Soc. Ediub., 1898-9, n. a., xviii. 133-135.—Temoin d>. i Hy- dro-encephalocele occipitale (encephalome de P. larger). Arch. prov. de chir.. Par., 1894, iii, 43-47—Winter. Demonstration einererfolgreichexstirpirten Hvdrencejdia- locele occipiialis. Verhandl. d. deutsch. I'esellsch. f. (7y- nak., Leipz., 1*97, vii, 388. Hydriatisclie Taoesfragen: Prof. We*euer und Dr. von Vogel, iiber Kneipp und seiu Heilver- fahren. Xach offiziellen steuogi aphischen Ver- sanniiluugsberichten hrsg. von A. B. Baumgar- ten. -9 pp. --. IVorishofen, Buchdruckerei inifornie. Ann. de dei inat. et *\ph.. Par. 1894, :i. s., v, 10n3: 1133. Aim) [Absti Bull. So, Ir.iuc. de dermat. et syph.. Par., 1894, v. 371 4 rocker H. K , Hydroa. Iirit. M. J.. Lond., l**ii, i '.!• i -'.mi- l>:inlo>. Hyilroa vesiculeux de Bazin avec pi, d......nam ■ ,n .-. ,1, tciminations buccolingualea. Bull. Soc. lianc. dedermat. et svph., Par., 1896. vii, 38. AUo: Ann de dermat. et syph.. Par.. 1896, 3. s., vii. 63.— Dniieliez. Hydroa |iulsatile ii rejietition; pemidiigiis i......nal; mort.' Bull. Soc. clin. de l'ar.. 1884, viii :i-.",.— Klliol n; T) A contribution to the histology and pathology of herpctiform hydroa N5 York M. .1.. 1887, xiv. 449-455, 1 pl. AUo, Keji'riut. CJonziilez l5iuii-.'o (M.) I'n caso de hidroa vaccinifonuis (Bazin). Siglo med., Madrid, 1894, xli. 305.—4; ■ uliiim i.I. E ) Hvdroa a-stivale. Tr. Am. Dermat. Ass. 1*11:,, X. Y 1896, xix, 17-25. AUo: J. Cutan. A: lienito-l'rin. Dis. X. Y., 1890, xiv, 41-46. AUo, I!, pi int. — ti ranier. (liiservationa d'un casd'hvdroa Indleiix vacciniforme. X.Montpel.nied., 1894. iii, 333-330— Hall i.\. J.; (m hvdroa gestationis, with an illustrative case. Quart. M..L. Sheffield,1*99-1900, viii, 29 39,4 pl. — Ilamlforil (II. i llyltoa vacciniforme. Illust. M. Xews. I.oml.. 1**9, v, 25. 1 pl. — Iloliiic (X-W.) A: Bulloch (W.i Hvdroa ge-iatiom., due to sta]ibylo- coccus albus. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1902, i, 73.— Jamie- HYDEOA. 504 HYDKOCELE. Hydroa. noii (YV5 A.) Hydroa vacciniforme seu «stivale. Brit. J. Dermat., Lond., 1894, vi, 292-294. AUo: Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb.. 1894-5, n. s., xiv. 239—.11'Cal I (T.) Hydroa aestivale in two brothers, complicated with the presence of haematoporphyriu iu the urine. Brit. J. Dermat., Lond., 1898, x, 1-4, 1 pl —Mibelli (Y.) Contributo alio studio dell' idroa vacciniforme di Bazin. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1896, xxxi, 690-723. 1 pl._ AUo. transl.: Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb.. 1897. xxiv. *7-95, 1 pl.—IHoller (M.) Hydroa sestivale. Hvgiea. Stock- holm. f900, Ixii, 172-205; 1 pl.—Moreira (J.) Hjdroa vacciniforme seu sestivale. Brit. J. Dermat., Lond.. 1*95, vii, 175-17*.— Payne (J. F. ) Hydroa, or dermatitis herpetiformis. Sv'st. Med. ( Allbutt ), Lond.. 1899. viii, 649-660— Petriiii. Hydroa bulleux de Bazin a recidive; gueiison. Ann.de dermat. et syph., l'ar.. 1*8* 2. s., ix, 91-94— Qninqnand. De l'hydroa. Bull, rhed.. Par., 18-*. ii, 1675; 1091. -----. Tiois cas d'hydroa. Ann. de dei-mat. et svph.. Par.. 1889. 2. s., x, 210-213. Also: Re- unions clin. de l'Hop. St. Louis. C. r., Par.. 1888-9, 56-59. -----. Stomatite de llivdroa. Ann. de dermat. et svph., Par., 1889, 2. s., x, 789-791. AUo: Reunions clin. de l'Hop. St. Louis. C. r., Par., 1888-9. 189-191.—Taylor (IL W.) A contribution to our knowledge of the hydroa bulleux of Bazin, and of the dermatitis herpetiformis of Duhring. J. Cutan. i Ven. Dis., X. Y., 1886, iv, 106-111, 1 pl. AUo, transl.: Gac. med. catal., BarceL, 1886, ix, 304-306.— White (J. C. ) Hydroa vacciniforme? J. Cutan. &. Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 189*. xvi, 415; 514. AUo, Re- piint. Also: Tr. Am. Dermat. Ass. 1898, Concord. N. H., 1899, xxii, 12-22. Hydrobia. Henking (H.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss von Hydro- bia ulvre Penn. uud deren Brutpflege. Ber. d. naturf. Gesellsch. zu Freib. i. Br., 1894, viii, 89-110, 1 pl. Hydrobilirubiii. See, aUo, Bile (Pigments, etc., for). Gerhardt (D.) * Ueber Hydrobilirubin uud seine Beziehungen zum Ikterus. 8C. Berlin, [1-9], Schmidt (A.) Ueber Hydrobilirubinbildung im Or- ganismus unter norinalen Verhaltnissen. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1895, xiii, 320-330. Hydrobt'oinic acid. See Acid (Hydrubromic). Hydrocarbons. * Gottig (J.) * Ueber Wurtz-Fittig'sche Syn- these uud deren Anwendung zur Darstel- lung hochmolecularer Benzolkohlenwasserstoffe. [Bern.J 8 -. Basel, 18-***. ROSCOE ( H. E. ) & SCHORLEMMER (C.) A treatise on chemistry. Vol. III. The chemistry of the hydrocarbons and their derivatives, or organic chemistry. Pt. 3. 8C. Xew York, 1887, Wilhelm (O.) * Beitrage zur Kenntnia uuge- sattigter Koblemvnsscrstolfe. 8-\ Konigsberg, 1888. Zsigmondy (R.) * Beitriige zur Synthese von Indenderivaten. [Erlangen.] 8C. Miinchen, 1805. Balili (D.) Sulle proprieta narcotiche degli idro- carburi grassi introdotti nella molecola. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1887. lx, 302-315.— Bayer (L.I De la valeur therapeutique des hydrocarbures en sieiieral. specialement des ''vasogenes Klever", avec a|i]ilication speciale au traitement des maladies des voies resjiiratoires. notam- ment de la tuberculose (?). Rev. de laryngol. [etc.). Par., 1893, xiii, 513-532. AUo, Reprint. Also, transl..- J. Lar- yngol., Lond., 1893, vii, 469-4S2. — Kravkoft' ( N. IM Sovremennaya khimiya uglevodov i znaclienie yeya dlya patologii. [Chemistry of hydrocarbons of tlie present time and its importance for pathology. Vrach, St. Petersb., 1898, xix, 1305; 1344.—rVencki iM.| ^ Riatotn (P.) Sulla ossidazione dei carburi d idrogeiio aromatici nell' organismo. Arch, per le sc. med.. Torino, 1880-81, iv, 317-332. Also, Reprint. Hydrocele, * See, also, Haematocele; Hydrocele (Bilocu- lar); Hydrocele (Congenital), etc.; Hydrocele (Encysted, etc.); Hydrocele (Fluidof); Hydro- cele in the female; Hydrocele of spermatic cord. Adams (T.) *De hydrocele. >°. Glasguiv, 1-00. Albers (W.) * Beitrag zur Statistik der Hy- droceles. 8J. Berlin, [1883]. Hydrocele. * Bonneville (P.) Etude sur l'hydrocele vagi- nale simple. 8"-. Paris, 1-91. C'l£ry (P.-A.-G.) "Dissertation sur l'hydro- cele de la tunique vaginale du testicule. 4°. Strasbourg, 1807. De Passy (C.-E.-J.) "De hydrocele tunicse vaginalis. 4°. Gandavi, [1830]. Eichikihn (F. L.) * De hydrocele. 4C. Got- tini/tt, 1*«19. Fatournoux. * Contribution a I'etude des hydroceles re~cidive"es de la tuuinue vaginale et cle leur traitement. 1-. Paris, 1885. Fourcadelle (J.-B.) * Dissertation sur l'hy- drocele de la tunique vaginale. 4°. Strasbourg, an XI (1-03). Lacroix. * Sur l'hydrocele. 4C. Paris, 1803. Lambert (C.-B.) 'Surl'livdrocele. 4°. Paris, an XII (1801). Lambert (J. P.) *De hydrocele per effu- sionem. 4:. Gandavi, [l-5'0]. Loeblin (I.) *De hydrocele. 1*,K. Yiiido- boniv, 18*29. Mertrud (J.-C.) * De hydrocele. 8:. Pari- siis, 1759. Ribera Y Sans (J.) Genesis, complicaciones y terapdutica de los hidroceles. Diagn6stico di- fferencial de los tumores del abdomen. 8J. Madrid, 1-83. Sauerweix (J. A.) "De hydrocele in genere. 121. Gottingm, 1821. Schultz (C. A.) * De hydrocele. (Tunica vaginalis propria? testis.) 12°. Berolini, 1843. Schuetze (C. F.) *De hydrocele. -:. Bero- lini, [1850]. si'axoi'Ex (J. E.) * De hydrocele. 4C. Gan- davi.. [183U]. Will (J. C. O.) Clinical remarks on cases of hydrocele. 8-. Edinburgh, 1881. Repr. from: Ediub. M. J. < i-oiibaix. Hydroceles. Ann. de l'Univ.de Brux. Fac.de me,1. Par. 1881. ii. 1-28. AUo,in his: Clin. chir. [etcl 1877-0. 8:: Brux., 1881, pt.2. 1-28.—Fov ((i. M.) Case of hvdrocele. Med. Press & Circ, Lond.. ls9:s. n. a., lvi, 605.—Greer (.1. H) Hvdrocele. ('hicmio M. Ohs., 1898, i, 208— Hamilton (J. B.) Ilydtoceh-. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1897, 6. s., iv, 179. — Lamnrchr. De l'hydrocele. Union m6d. du Canada, Montreal, 1888. n.s., ii, 449-456.—l.nudi (P.) Dell' idrocele cronico e di alcune sue vaiieta. Rac- coglitore med., Forli. 1887. 5. s.. iv. 298: 425: 457.— I.obo Kegifloe (R.) Un caso notahle de hidrocele del lado izquierdo. *>iglo med.. Madrid. 1899, xlvi, 23-26. —I.yds- ton (G. F.) A clinical lecture on hydrocele. Med. Beg., Phila., 1888, iii, 289-292.—Tlayo (C. H.) Hydrocele. Northwest. Lancet, Minneap., 1901, xxi, 143.— 'lclcliioi-i (G.) Dell' idrocele della tonaca vaginale e sue vaiieta e di altri tumori acquosi del testiculo e del cordone sperma- tico: note cliniche. Ann. Univ. di med., Milano, 1866, cl\ xxxvi, 225-331. AUo, Kepi int. — .\ieoIaeviei (V.G.) Itiilrocel idiopatic. Spitalul, Bucuresci. 1MI9. xix. 501- 5o:;.— > icolino (F.) Studio sull idrocele. Riforma med., Palermo. 19n0. xvi, pt. 1. 543; 555; 567: 579. — O-bonic (S.) On different forms of hydrocele of lhe tunica vagi- nalis. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep., Lond., Is76. u. s. vii, 101-118. AUo. Reprint. —1»arkes (C. T.I Hvdroc.-le. Internat. Clin., Phila.. Is92. 2. s., i, 248-231.—Peier iR.i Hydrocele. Toledo M. 6c S. Leiiorter, 1895, viii 595-597.— Prochnov (J.) A vizservrol (hvdiokele lestis). (>v6- gvaszat. Budapest, 1886, xxvi, 661-666.- Recinw (P.) Hy- drocele. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par.. 1888. 4. s. xiv. 565-589.—Senn (N.) Hydrocele. Med. Age. Detroit 1901, xix, 505._Nheilri (A. M.) On hvdrocele. [Abstr.J Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1901, n. s., lxxii, 231-233—Te- denat (E.) Notes sur 1 hydrocele de la tuniqin vaginale. Montpel. med.. 1885, 2. s. v, 49; 531. Also, in hi* : Mem. de chir.. 3.eaL, 85 Montpel., 1892.2.*., 161-192.—Thiriai- (J.) De l'livdrocele de la tuniqne vaginale. (Unique Brux., 1887,'i, 173-180 — 1 li0111:1« (Yv5 T.) Hydioc-le Liverpool M.-Chir. J.. 1895. xv. 62-66.—Vodyankn vaichka. [Hvdrocele; 3 cases.) Otchot o dievatelu, khirurg. kliu.'[etc.] v Mosk. (1899-1900), 1901,329-332.— Vodyankn pr. siemennovo kanatika. [Dropsy of the light spermatic cord.J Ibid., 334. HYDROCELE. 505 HYDEOGELE. Hvdrocele (Bilocular) [and multilocu- lar]. Bl'YCK (E.-X.-D.) "(Quelques considerations sui l'hydrocele en bissac de Dupuytren et de | l'liydrocele pseudo-biloculaire. -J. Bor- deaux, 1*00. Weukr (A.I * Ueber Hydrocele abdomiualis. --. Gie**en, 1889. Wilm v 1".) * Feber Hydrocele bilocularis ahdoininalis. mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung eines in der (Jreit'swalder ehiiuroischen Klinik beoWachteten Falles. - . Gri ifsu a Id, l-9ii. Andnin (L.i Hydiocole h double -ac superpose sui- vant le plan antt -in po-t, i n in , Ti. l'aii-Am. M. Cong. 189:. Wash.. 1-95. pt. 1 617— Kelbe4 (I'.i lv- vain-tes de l'hy- drocele biloculaire. l'resse med . Par.. 1896. 421.— l>e- iiioii- .v Brjfoiiin. De la pachvvagiualite multilocu- I Ln:-.-. Ktv. de chir.. Par. I-:1-, xviii. 97-110.—Fii-lh (.1. L.i Bilocular intrapelvi, and -cioial li\ drocele Biit. M. J.. Lond.. 1901, ii. 1463—Ililclieiilti N I Hydrocele un 5 .:,„ ul aiistesiis. Russ.Med .St. I't-tei -1>.. 18m; iv,10.— j ,I:k I.xxi V. B.) Intra-ahdomiual and bilocular hvdro- i • 5 Xar. M.Rev.,Wash.. 1900-1901.X.9S-95.—l.ainiiiert il I'.eiMagzur Casuistik der bilocularen inuaaUloiiii- nalen Hvdrocele. Miinchen. med.Wchnschr.. 18>9. xxxvi, 3-9-iOl." AUo. transl. : Boll. d. clin.. Milano, 1889. vi, 508- | 5:.'. —L.ewer iK.) Ein Fall von n.vdiocele inuinloc ulans. | i',-i.tialbl. t. Chir., Leipz.. 1885. xii. 17-21. — l.oiwcn- ineyer (L.) Zur Pathologie und Theiapie der Hydioc,-U- bilocularis. Deutsche Mid.-Zig. P>> i 1.. 1892. xiii. '.'.;-'.»;.— ."acciven (W.) A contribution to the pathology ot hi- I locnlai mtiapelvioand scioial hydioceles. Practitioner, | Lond .1806. lvii, 123-135.— Houston. Hydro, eleen Io-mic de Dupuytren. Bull, nn d. Pai.. 1 5'- xii,141 Schmidt (J.) Ueber Hydrocele bilocularis s. en bissac Miinchen. metl. Wchnschr.. 18»9. xxxvi, ::i~ — Nilnvnb (A.) I'n cas d'hvdrocele en bissac a>- Uupuytren. Med. mod., Par.. 1"'A iv. 530.—Mteinlhal iC.F.) Ueber Hydrocele multi- loenlaris. Centralbl. f.< Mr., Leipz.. 1--5 xii 7n5-7ii8.— Villenenve. Hydrocele en bissac enucleation- gueri- son. Ann. in- l'Ecole . . . dc no d. et phaim. de Marseille I"92. Par . \»'X',.242-252. -----. De 1 h\ di oe. le , n bi-nac Merci.ili med , Par.. 1890, i. 369-.;7i — Vollbieehl. Le- ber Hydrocele bilocularis intraabdominal!.-.. An-h. t. klin. Chir., Berl., 1896, Hi, 225-250. 1 pl.— Wallace ( 11.) Op- eration for bilocular hydiocc',.- Ti M,-u Chir Soc Edinb., l*>96-7,n. s., xvi, 128 — \Viil«n/i ,\ MiijjiM ni-a. Hvdrocel- bilocularis intraabdomm a i- Japan,_-e text. | ZtVhr. d med. < .'(-ell sob. zu Tokyo, ls9s, xn, b«u-ti»u.— von Winiwarter (F.) Ein Fall von Hydrocele bilocu- j l.ir- intraab'loii.m.i 5s. Wien. klin. Wchnschr.. 1899. xii. 1147-1149. — Wilzel (O.) Beitrag zur Frage der Kntste- hung der Hvdrocele bilocularis. Centralbl. I'. Chir.. Leipz.. I l-*85 xii, 465-469. Hydrocele (Causes and pathology of). See. also. Hydrocele (Congenital), etc.; Hy- drocele ( Encysted, etc.); Hydrocele of * per- nio tic cord. Passalacqua ( A. ) Idrocele e sua cura, cnn de.scrizioiic d importanti preparati csistenti nel Mnseod' anatomia putolo«rica della r. Universita di Napoli. ■-"-. Missina, l-9.">. Thuii.uk ( F. ) "Contribution a l'« tude de l'hydrocele syphilitiqm , son traitenient chirur- gical. 4"-. Toulouse, 1896. Akiyama (R.) (Hydrocele caused by the Alalia of the blood.] Tokyo Iji-Shinshi. 1901, 2173; 2413. AUo: Gun Igaku Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1901, 633-643.— Bne>. Hydrocele consecntif a une orchite bleniiorrhagupie. Arch. med. bellies, Brux., 1892. 3. .«., xiii. 320-324 -Bin- deoen (S.) Hidrocelul consecutiv opciatiunel vaiico- | celului priu resecjia vcnelor. Spitalul, BucuiescI, 1899, 1 Hydrocele (Causes and pathology of). \ix, 247-249. —Cadwallader ( R. i A family his lor> ol h.Mlrocele. Med. Pec, X. V.. 1895, xlviii ':js:j._ t'ollin'jx ill. P.I Kepoit ot a case ot acute double hydro- cele, due to acromial y syphilis. Hot Springs M. .I.,1898, vii, 71-73. Also, l!>-pi int. —Flnmeiit. Il\ drocele symp- toiuatiiiue; sarcoci-lc --\ j>lnliti-. Lausanne, 1878. Coubroxne (L.-C) * De la coexistence des kystes 6pididyiuo-testiculaires et de I'hvdrocele. 4-. Lille, 1894. Fixkkxstkin' (E.) "De hydroceles spontanea sanitatione. >;. I'vatislaviee. [1?50]. Pagks (J.-E.-J.) * Coincidence des kystes de l'epididyine et de l'hydrocele; considerations cli- niiiucs et th6rapeutiques. 4-'. Paris, 1-94. A u ",:■•£ncur (V.) Fn cas de rupture de la vaginale dans lh vdioi cl,; traitement | iai l'incision et la resection de la vaginale. Province no d. Lyon, 1888, iii. 36-38.— ■t«'ii«on 1.1 K.i A loose lor, ign bod\ in a hydrocele sac. Lancet. Lond.. 1900, i, 771 Iteri-j (J. '15 B.) Sjiouta- neous subsidence of chronic hydroitle. N. Orl. M. \ S. J., 1887-8. n. s., xv, 8.57. — Bii-lilovMlii (K. A.) Kolos. salnaya hydrocele i elephant ia>i- scroti. Chir. Laitop., Mosk., 1892, ii, 41-56. —Biwuoni iS.) Istoria di una idro- sarcocele. In : Kac. di opusc. med.-prat., 8"1, Firenze 1778 iv. 28:i-2s8. — Itoiid (C. J.) Acute h\lli och-; pleurisy and pel icai eloie (X.) Contiihution a 1 etude de la rupture de la l iiimiue vaginale dans les li\ choreics. Gaz. hebd. de med Par ls'.Mi. xliii, 637-640.— l)e«l»o.....-I- (L.i Hy- drocele de la tunique vaginale droite avec inversion testi- culaire. .I.d. sc. med.do Lille, 1890. i, (iiili-iitis.—Kelhlel- Nen (C A.) Kt sja'ldent Tilfa'hle af Hydrocele. |Rare case of . . .] Hosp -Tid. Kjobenh., 1886, :i P., iv, 553- 555. — l>iiiiia». Enorme hydrocele ouverte spontane- imnt daii~ la cavite jariioiicale. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel., 1887, ix, 328—l>npln) . llydro-hematocele de la tunique vaginale. Caz >1 hop., Par.. 1890, lxiii, 925- 927. ------. Cliuical lecture on hydro-epiplocele. Med. HYDROCELE. 506 HYDROCELE. Hvdrocele (Co-nqilications and sequchv of). Week.Par.. 1893, i, 569. AUo : Semaine med..Par..1893, xiii, 521.—Durel. Hydrocele ancienne; chute a-califourchon; heuiatonie para-vaginal. J. d. 9c. nied. de Lille. 1899, i, 59—Fclelii (EL) Geheilter Fall von Hydrocele communi- cans funiculi spermatid. Centralbl. f. d. Krankh. d. Harn- n.Sex.-Org., Leipz., 1*98. ix. 1*7-189. AUo[Abstr.]: Arch.f. Dermat. u. Svph , Wienu. Leipz.. 1897, xl,359. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1897, xli, 439. -----. Hy- drokele communicans funiculi. Arcb.f.Dermat u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz.. 1898, xiii, 147 — Flotliiii.iuii (B.) ' Hy- drocele communicans mit Hsematoma scroti. Berl. kliu. Wchnschr., 1888, xx v. 563. - Frarier (L.) &. Valla-*. Hydrocele; rupture dela vaginale. Province med., Lyon, 1897, xi, 5-7.—i.iliw (P.) Guerison spontanee de l'hydro- cele vaginale. Ga/.. hebd. d. sc. nied. de Montpel., 1885, vii, 317.—Ciioimiii (M.) Incisione ed escisione autiset- tica delia vaginale, in caso di idrocele peritoueo-vaginale o comunii ante, complicato da ritenzione iiiaca del testi- colo. Raccoglitore med., Forli, 1885, 4. s., xxiii, 509-525.— (•©fewli'c. Hydrocele aigue dc la tunique vaginale chez un malade atteint d't-ctopie du testicule. Normaudie med.. Rouen. 1*8- iv. lis.—Gould (A. P.) Some un- usual forms of hydrocele. Lancet, Lond., 1890, i, 893.— Gi-illilliw (J.) Varieties of hydrocele of the tunica va- ginalis testis and some anomalous states of the processus vaginalis. J. Anat. &. Physiol., Lond., 1893-4, xxviii 291- 302.— I.eiiiichez (P.) Hematocele para-vaginale. conse- cutive a une pom-tion d'hydrocele. J.d. sc. med. de Lille, 1895, ii, 327-.';:;l. — l.ouiiieau. Hydrocele et retrecisse- ment de l'uretre. Me.ni. et bull.Soc.de nied. et chir.de Bordeaux (1892), 1893, 279-293. Also: J. de med. de Bor- deaux, 1892, xxii, 259; 271— McKurucy (Ci Double hydrocele. Med. Xews, Phila., 1890, lvi 342. — -Macken- zie (D. J.) Subcutaneous rupture of hydrocele. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899, i, 1274. — IVIauclairc te Viiimoii- neau. Ruptures spontanees ou traumati,pics des hydro- celes de la tuniquo vaginale. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito- urin., Par.. 1901, xix, 940-949. Also: Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1901, Ixxvi, .'lou-iiO:;.—ITIIadv (J.) Leber einen Fall vou Hydrocele communicans totalis, complicirt mit Netzlieinie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1892, xxix, 1330- 1332.—.Tlori-iw ( H. ) Hydrocele of a hernial sac sur- rounded hy an adventitious <-\st. Med. Press te Circ, Lond., 1890, n. s., xlix, 504.— .\ieai*e. Hydrohematocele par nipture des tuniques vaginale et fibreuse. Rev. de chir., Par., 1888. viii, 213-217.— Oliveira Feijao. Caso curioso de hydrocele de um sacco heruiario habitado. [From his: Licoes de clinica ciruigica. v. 2. | Med. con- temp., Lisb., 1885. iii, 286; 293; 301. — Parcels ( W. H.) A rare case of hydrocele. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1895, lxxiii, 478—Park (R.) On calcification of the tu- nica vaginalis as a complication of old hydrocele: orchi- donieningitis calcificans. J. Cutan. A: Genito-I'lin. Dis., N. Y., 1895, xiii, 361-368. AUo, Reprint. —P-craire (M.) Deux cas de calculs dans 1 hydrocele de la tunique vagi- nale. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1*90. lxxiv, 160- 165.—Perry (R. St. J.) Some unusual cases of hydrocele. Minneap. Homceop. Mag., 1899, viii, 36-38. — Phocns. Hydrocele communicante avec lipome sous-peritoneal; cure radicale; guerison. Nord med., Lille, 1896. ii. ls-20 — Price (G.) A case of hydrocele reaching high into the abdomen. Indian M. Gaz , Calcutta, 1893, xxviii, 374.— Kafirav (A.) Hydro-hematocele. Bull. Soc. anat. de P.u. Is94 lxix, 31.—Kieard. Un cas de rupture de la vaginale dans l'hydrocele; tiaitement par lincision et la resection de la vaginal,, (iaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel., 1888. x, 217. — Richel. Hidroceles comphcados. Ci6n. med.-quir. dc la Habana, 1882, viii, 470-474. — Rn> »tilslii (O. A.) Vodyanay grizha, soobshtshavushtsha- yasya s hrvushnovu polostyu (hydrocele communi- cans). Vrach, St. Petersb., 1889, x.'967; 993 — Kyott (W. B.) Hydrocele and hematocele of testis. Med. Free Press, Indianap., 1896, xiii, no. 12, l.-Shaw (T.) Undescended testis with hydrocele totalis communi- cans Indian M. Gaz.. Calcutta, 1893, xxviii. 269.— Nloelter (M.) Curacion ladical por traumatismo ac- cidental operatorio de un hidrocele complicado con pa- quivagiualitis y epididimitis cronica. Rev. de san. mil., Madrid, 1895, ix, 221; 245.—Soiichon (E.) Double hy- drocele complicated with double hen.ia ; operation of hy- drocele on one side bv incision; cure. X. Orl. M. Duplay (S.) Hydrocele congenitale; diagmisticdes uillt rentes varietes d'hvdioceles. Presse med.. Par.. 1896. 317. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Gazz. d. osp.. Milano. 1S!»6, xvii, 89.1.—Tl an ley (T. H.) The diagnosis of liquid or semiliquid formation's iu the inguino scrotal region. J. Cutan. \- (ienito-l'i in. Dis., N. Y.. 1*96 xiv, 251-263. Also [Abstr |: Med. .V Surg. Keporler. Phila., 1897, lxxvii, 261.— Tlarelielti (O.) La crioscopia del liquido d idrocele \olg.ne. Biv. crit. di clin. med., Firenze. 1901, ii. *«21->2.V —Oli>* (iV. K.) The hydrocele detector J. Cutan. \ (Jemto-l'rin. Dis. N Y., 1893, xi, 482 - •iebilenii (P.) La situation du testicule dans l'bydro-hematoeelede la tunique vaginale; diagnostic et traitement. Pi esse med , Par.. 1898 i 30?-3o7.— *licild (A.M.) A clinical lecture on hvdrocele. Clin J. Lond 1901. xviii. 129-135.—Sherrill (J. G.i Hvdiocele: diag- nosis and treatment. Internat Clin.. Phila.. lsH4, 4. s.. iii, 238-242.—'I'nHier ,T.i \ .Hilinn. Cytodiagnostic des hydroceles Compt rend. Soc. de biol'., Par. 1901 11. s.. iii. 7. Hydrocele (Double). Sie Hydrocele (Complications, etc.. 0/5 Hydrocele (Encysted and sfxrinatie). See. also. Hydrocele (Fluid <>f\; Hydrocele of spermatic cord. Hoth'G. ) " Feber Spermatocele. ***c. TTiirz- burg, 1—7. Lorenz (M.) 'Beitriige zur Kenntniss der eingebalgteu Hydroceleu, insliesondere der Hy- drocele Spennatica und der Hydrocelen des Wolff'schen Korpers. 1*2°. Giessen, l-.">7. Thixis 1 A.) 'Dc l'liydrocele sperinatique. 4-. Strasbourg, l~t'i.">. Ale««ainlri. Sulla patogenesi delle cisti sottoepidi- diin 5 -nermati, be. Arch, ed atti d. Soc. ital. di chir. 1897, Roma. 18'.is xii. 104-121. Itncalosln (C.) Kyste sous- cpididyinaire spermatic 11 e. Bull • t mem. Soc. anat. de Par 18:«9, lxxiv, 137.— Beeelaere i.J. V.) Spermatocele treated with normal liqui-1 ergot Med. A g,-, Detroit. 1899, xvii, 53.—Ben net! (E. H.; Lncvsteil hydrocele of tbe tes- tis. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl.: 1865-8 n. s., iii, 205.— Hoppe (G.) Kyste spermatiqup du cordon; ponction et injection iodee: recidive: extirpation Arch, (lemed. et pharm. mil., Par.. 1-92 xix,391-:;94.— Ociiionlin (A.) Note sur 1111 cas de grand kvHtesus-epididyitiaire con tenu dan slat unique va- ginale; extii jiation : gueiison. Fiance med., Par., 1898, xiv. 257.— Denuce (M.) Des kystes sereux sous-epididy- maires. J u,- nod de Bordeaux. 1894, xxiv, 57.1; 584: 1895 xxv, 4.— Dowil i.J. H ) Xote on spermatocele, with cii.,-. Tr. M. Ass. Centr N. Y. 1*99 Buffalo, 1900, * 1 12. AUo: Buffalo M. J 1899-1900. n s. xxxix, :J43.— ■>••- bonrg. Kyste de 1 epnli'h me chez un vieillanidesoixante- cinq ans. Bull. Soc. danat. et physiol . . . de Bordeaux, ls8 i-sl, 1, i;5-6s — ll'lixi (G.) Osservazioni sull idro- cele sperraatico. Am d 1. Accad. med. chir. di Xapoli, l»96.n. 8., 1.188-201.—Fen 11 (C. M.i A spermatocele con tainini: eighty-three fluid ounces- cure by trocar ami seion. Pacitic M. , i. 1245 .lone* 1S.1 Chylous fluid removed from tunica vaginalis. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond.. 1888-9, xi,183.— Kendall (T M.) Milky In drocele. Australas. M. Gaz., Svdnev. 1884-5. iv. 249.—.Tli I ford. II yd locele containing milky'tluid. Brit. M. J. Lond, 188.".,'i. 7:18. — Slirling (K. C.) Note on a case of hydrocele with milk-like con- tents. Anstialas. M. (iaz., Sydney, 1888-9, viii. 39. — Te- deual. Hydrocele laiteu.se; kystes de l'epididynie; hy- drocele vaginale avec sperinatozoides; fllariose; Elephan- tiasis nostras. N. Montpel. med , 1897, vi, 781; 801. AUo, in his: Lee. de clin. chir. [etc.], 8°, Montpel. Sc Par., 1900, 339-360. — Verco (J. C.) Notes of a case of hydro, cle with milk-like contents. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1888-9, viii, 329. — Wiilal Sc Kiiraul. Recherches histologi- ques sur le liqunle des hydroceles. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par.. 1900, 11. s., ii, 1117. Hydrocele (Hour-glass). See Hydrocele (Bilocular). Hydrocele (Intra-abdominal). See Hydrocele (Bilocular). Hydrocele (Multilocular). Sec Hydrocele (Bilocular). Hydrocele (Peritoneo-raginal). See Hydrocele (Congenital), etc. Hydrocele (Badical cure of). Sic, also, Hernia (Kadical cure of, Complica- tions, etc, of); Hydrocele (Complications, etc., of); Hydrocele (Congenital), etc.; Hydrocele (Encysted, etc.); Hydrocele of spermatic cord. Auoouix (L.) "Du traitenient de l'liydrocele par les grands lavages pheniques de la tunique vaginale. 8°. Paris, 1807. Uaii.i.kt (A.) * 1 >c I'emploi tie la cocaine dans lc traitenient de l'liydrocele par la tciuture il'iode. 4'-'. Paris, 1887. Bai'BKKUs (.J.) " J)e nieliori radicitus hydro- celes curanda* methodo. 4°. [Genua; 180b'.] ISarral (fi.) "Inversion 5c la vaginale dana le traitement tic l'liydrocele. 8J. Lyon, 1896. Heck (A. F.) "Dc hydroceles curatioue qua3 ferro lit. 1'2^. Halce, 1-(K Bocuc'NiNACi) (E.) "Contribution k I'etude du traitement chirurgical de l'hydrocele. 1 . Paris, 1896. Bkicviiktti (L.) La escisione della vaginale nella cura radicale dello idrocele del testicolo. *- . Varese, l-s9. Bl'/.zi (0.) * De l'liydrocele en general etde eon traitement 011 particulier d'apres la methode Julliard. 8 '. Geneve, 1H90. HYDROCELE. 508 HYDROCELE. Hydrocele (Radical cure of). Coeskei.d (H. A. L.) * De variis hydroceles operationibus. 8-. Berolini, [1-55]. Dk-Xkvi (G.) * Riflessioni sulla prefereuzia che ha il metodo dell' injezione nella cura radi- cale dell'idrocele. 4-'. Genova, 1*15. Dessort (G.) *Du traitement de l'hydrocele simple par Inspiration et le lavage au sublime. U. Toulouse, 1895. Farganal (J.-F.) *Du traitement de l'hy- drocele par l'injection phe'nique'e. 4'-.. Bor- deaux, 1881. Galou ( A. ) * Contribution a l'dtude du traitement de l'hydrocele vaginale par l'incision antiseptique. 4°. Toulouse, 1*92. Gouffier (G.) * Contribution a Tetude des traitenients de l'hydrocele et en particulier de la cure radicale. 8J. Paris, 1-98. -----. The same. 8,;. Paris, 1898. Hoepi fxer (J. C. G.) * De hydroceles opera- tione. >-'. Berolini, 1856. Houde (E.) * Des ditierents traitements chirurgicaux de l'hydrocele et en particulier du traitement par Aversion de la vaginale. 8~. Paris, 1900. Humpage (B.) An essay on the rupture called hydrocele, explaining the anatomy of the parts affected, with objections to the incision, seton, etc.; in which is communicated an im- proved method of radically curing that disor- der with more certainty and less pain. London, 1788, Kravz-Tarn5vvski (P. I. ) * OperativDoye lieehenie vodyanki ya'ichka intsiziyei i ekstsizi- yel. [Operative treatment of hydrocele by incision and excision.] 8-'. S.-Peterburg, 18l>*i. de Lambert (L.) *De la cure radicale de l'hydrocele vaginale simple par les injections d'acide phenique pur. 4 . Paris, 1--9. -----. The same. 8:. Paris, 1889. Lamy (P.-E.-M.) *Le traitement de l'hydro- cele, et Fantipyrine. 8Z. Bordeaux, 1806. Lehder (A. 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Spalixger (P.) * Ueber die Endresultate der Hydrocelenoperation durch Punction mit nach- folgender Jodinjection, mit gleichzeitiger Be- riicksichtigung der Schnittoperation. [Ziirich.] --. Tubingen, 1895. AUo, in: Beitr. z. kliu. Chir., Tiibing.. 1895, xiii, 779-811. Spillmaxx (R.) '* Contribution a l'dtude de quelques procedes d'anesthesie par la cocaine dans le traitement de l'hydrocele par l'iujectiou iode"e. 4°. Paris, 1--9. * Spixelli (T.) II drenaggio nella cura del- T idrocele. 8-. Pavia, 190U. Stulz (X.) * Beitrag zur Statistik der Radi- caloperation der Hydrocele durch Punction, mit nachfolgender Injection vou Lugol'scher Losuug. *■>-. Kiel, 1885. Yoigt (W.) * Ueber die Radikaloperation der Hydrocele testis. 8-. Berlin. 1-94. Weixrich (H.) * Zur Operation der Hydro- cele. -3. Halle a. S., 1--5. Wurst ([K. E.] C.) "Beitrag zur operativen Behandlung der Hydrocele testis. >-'. Breslau, 1-9-. Aple (T. G.) Kadical cure of hvdrocele. Indian M. 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[Contri- butions to the radical treatnient of hydrocele i livbgvaszat, Budapest, 1887, xxvii, 605.— Baivey y Ban (Ml' Ties casos de hidrocele de la vaginal curados con «1 metodo de Volkmann. Rev. nied. ruial Blaues (Gerouai. 1896. i, 3:s -. 49.—Bartholomew i.J. N.) The radical cure of hydic jcele by a new ambulatory method. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chi- HYDKOCELE. 509 HYDROCELE. Hydrocele (Bad ical cure of). cago 1897. xx\ iii 7s2-784. Also: Chicago M. Recorder, 1S97, xiiT 257-259. 'Discussion ;. 274-270.—Kaumjfnrleii iS.) A gyokeresiiek m vezett \ i/.sei vinutet egy iij modositasa. (Anew moditication of the so-called radical operation for hydrocele.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1895, xxxix, 510: 52i>. AUo, transl.: Aerztl. Centr. Anz., Wieu, 1895, vii, 354-:i57. Also, transl.: Pest.med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1895 xxxi, 1121; 1145 — Bellamy (E.) Note on the treatnient bi- section ot' hvdiocele by the antiseptic method. Lancet, Loud., 1885. n,12.—Belli (M.) Cura radicale dell' idro- cele e del varicocele nei niilitari. Ann.di nied. nav., Roma, 1899, v, 176-189. — Belli (15 A.) Coutributo alia cum del- 1' idrocele. Ga ■'. .-p., Milano. 1900, xxi, 80. — Blum & Ovize. Traitenient de l'liydrocele vaginale par lc chlorure de zinc; methode de Polaillon. Loire rued.. St.- Etienne. 1900, xix, 79-8'J. — Bloeli (O.I Note om radikal kur for hydrocele tunica va-malis testis. Forh. v. nord. kiriii-'.foi.n. 3;ienio(lei lTelsin- tors ls97, Stockholm, 1898, 232-231. AUo, transl.: Rev. d« due, l'ar., lMis. xviii, 150- 152.—Boniboe«cu (C. X.) Xota asupra cure! radicale a idroci-lull 11 printr'un noft procedefl (iutoarcerea pe dos a tunicel vaginal.-1. Spitalul, Bucuresci, 1890, xvi, 502.— Boiii (D.) Coutributo alia cura radicale dell' idrocele 1.'. processo del Tuillard Riforma med., Napoli, 1892, T . pt. 4. 771; :>2. — Bonnet. Uu procede de liefer dans le tiaitement de l'hvuro, , le. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. 111ed.de Montpel.. 18f>7. ix, 49 '—it'll — Korbel v iS.) A hydrokele egy mddositott gyokeres mutete. [A modified radical op- eration tor hydrocele.] G.vogyaszat, Budapest. 1899, xxxix, 196. Also, transl.: Pest. nied.-chir. Presse. Budapest, 1899 xxxv, 505-509. Also, transl. | Abstr.]: Fiumc. nied. Presse, Budapest. 1899, iv, 475.—Bortlallo 1'inheii-o (M.) Hydrocele e uuineiosos kystosda tunica vaginal: in cisfio antiS' ptica : cura. Med. contemp., Lisb., 18s7.v, 23.— lioioqml. Xote sur l'incision antiseptique de 1 hydro- cele. Soc. d. sc nied. de Gannat. C. r.. Bar., 1887-8 27- 31.— Biiiinaiin (F.) Die Volkmaimsche Radicalopera- tion c II i-.-ocele. Berl. klin. "Wchnschr.. 1885. xxii. 209- 213.— Brijji:« (C. S.i Radical operation for hvdrocele. Xasiivilh ■: M Sc >.. Is9ii. lxxx. 158-100. — Kiiiwik (G. B.) Radica. cure of hydrocele by injection ol carbolic acid, at':. 1 dine had failed. Brit. M.J., Loud., 1886, i, ]_15 — Krniiei' 1 Mi Przyczynek do leczenia ivysi^ko- w( go -.ina'.'-nia powloki ja.il ra za pomoca. zastrzykywan ^--"asu karbolowcL'o. [Treatmentof exudative in'rlainina- :: : •>: the vagina of the testicle by injections of rai l„,lic ,t ; ] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1890. xviii, 089-691 —Bncli- liolz J.) Klorzinkindsproitninger mod V.mdluok. [u lections of chloride of zinc in hvdrocele.] X01 -k Mi- t La-.-evid, ,nsk. Kristiania, 1890." 4. R.. v, 230-232 — Bull (W.T.) ( in.tlie radical cui-«3 ol liydiocelo by antiseptic in- cision. Ann. -nr;;.. St. Leuis. 1-^5, iv. :;o-41. Also: X5 TorkM. J. 1-8.; xliii. 294--."'..—Burvenieh (E.) Pela cure radicale de l'hvdroce.e. Fluiidi.-m.-d.. Gand. 1895. ii, 1-6 — Butcher (R.* G. H.) On the radical cure ol hydro- eel o 'ii- ' .nica vaginalis testis by iodine injections; to which s appended a parallel between hydrocele and the diseases with which it mav be confounded. Dublin Q. J. M. Si -., ;-.4 xvii 326-335. — Cndily (A.) The relative merits of the v.iiious methods of radical cure of simple hydrocele Indi.m M. Rec. Calcutta, 1892, iii 383-386.— C/halterjee ">.'!90.— l»e I.utij* IE.) Cura radicale dell' idrocele con il catgut adop. rato con ,i|i|K»sito trequarti. Incurabili, X5apoli. 1899. xiv, 027- 1 634.- Hoien (E.) Cure radicale de l'hydrocele par l'in- version de .1 tunique vaginale Arch. prov. de chir., Par,, I Hydrocele (L'adical cure of). 1*>95, iv, 700-708.— Online. De l'avantage d'eiuployer, dans le cas d'hydroi-i le ou de kyste sperinatique, une solu- tion do cocaine en injection dans la tunique vaginale ou la jioche kystique, avant de faire l'injection do teintured'iode. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-uriu., Par., 1887, v, 432-436.— DiiHlerberu. Eine radicale Heilung eines Wasser- bruchs der Hodenschcide durch Einblascn vou Tabacks- dampl San.-Ber.d. k. Med. Coll. zu .Minister (1831), 1833, 79. Kelicvcrrlii (M. G.) Excision parrial de la tunica vaginal jiara la ciiraridn radical del hidrocele. Rev. de cien. nied.. Habana. 1893, viii, 229-231. Also: Gac.med.de Granada, ls93, xii, 594-599.—E>-ii|ipn (T.) Radical cure for hydrocele aud hainatocele of the tunica vaginalis by complete removal of,the serous sac. Indian M. Bee, Cal- cutta. lr-91, vi, 75. i:iicunc. Du traitement de l'hydro- cele simple pai Inspiration et le lavage au sublime. Bull. etniem. Soc. de chir. do Par.. 1897, n. 8., xxiii. 813-817.— Falcone (T.) A propositi) della incisione della vaginale nella cura dell' idrocele della stessa. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, ls87, xxviii, 212-211 — I'ei-i-iijoli ((!.) Cura radicale dell' idrocele con il catgut adopeiato con app(»ito trequarti. Boll. d. clin., Milano. 1900, *vii. 11.V-I in.—ile Fii-ueireilo (A.) Tratamento do hydrocele pela injec- i-.'hi de al^unias gottas de perclilorurcto de ferro, seguudo o processo do professor Ilou/.e de 15\ulnoit. Gaz. d. hosp., Rio de Jan., 1883, i, 4:!; 81. — Fiorani (G.) Un nuovo metodo di cura radicale dell' idrocele. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 189:!. Iii, 175-177.—Fi»eliI (A.) 151,, , Padical- operatiou der Ilvdiokele Ulltei < o, aiii.tino siln ,j,.. Med.- Chir. Centralbl.; Wien, 1891, xxvi, ::.',7. - bailey I.T. K.) Radical cure of hydrocele of the tunica vaginalis testis by Bushhe's operation. Harper Hosp. Bull Detroit, 1899- 1900, x, 107-109.—Gnrniiipazzi(C) L invcrsione della vaginale nella cura radicale dell' idrocele. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1897, xviii, 644-640.—Garin (M. F.) The radical 1 me of bydrocele. Boston M. icaise (E.) Traitement de l'hydrocele par le decollement et 1 excision de la tunique vaginale. Rev. de chir., Par., 1888 viii, 89- 96. -----. Procede d'anesthesie de la vatiinale dans le traitement de l'hydiocele par l'injection iodee. Bull, et ni6m. Soc. de chir. de Bar., 1892, u. s.. xviii, 151. -----. Traitement de l'hydrocele de la tunique vaginale par l'in- jection irritante et le drainage. Rev. de chir., Par., Is95, xv, 1023-1028. -----. Procede d'anesthesie de la vaginale dans le traitement de l'hydrocele par l'injection irritante. Bull. Acad, de nied.. Bar., 1895, 3. s., xxxiii, 570-578.— Nicolson (W. P.) Treatment of hydrocele by injections of carbolic acid; two cases. Tr. SI. Ass. Georgia. At- lanta. 1884, 134-136. -----. Carbolic acid injections for radical cureof hydrocele. VirginiaM. Month., Richmond, 1889-90, xvi, 42H-423. —Olidedar (M. N.) The radical cure of hydrocele by excision of a portion of the sac. In- dian M. Rec, Calcutta. 1890. xi. 298— Olil. Casuistischer Beitrag zur H>droceleuoperatioii nach "Winkelmann. Deutsche Ztschr.' f. Chir. Leip/.., 1901, lix, 5so.— ©'.\eal. La cure radicale de I'hvdrocele. Poitou med.. I'oitiers. 1896, x, 153-155.—Oreillard (A.) Traitenient chii in gical i de l'h\ drocele vaginale. Gaz. med. do Par., 1894, 9. s., i, I Hydrocele (Radical cure of). 25-27. —Pant (H. D.) Treatment of hydrocele by Injec- tion of liquor hydrargyrum peichloridnm. Indian M. 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Mariinsk. bolnitzy d. b., 1892, i, 238-272.—Pousj. son (A.) Resultats de la ponction capillaire dans deux cas d'hydrocele. Ann. de la Polyclin. de Bordeaux, 1889- 91, i, 231-233. -----. Xote sur la'technique operatoire du traitement de l'hydrocele par l'injection iodee. Ann. d. mal.d. org. genitb-uriu., Par.. 1895, xiii, 798-800. -----. Analgesie de la vaginale par l'antipyriue dans le traite- ment de l'hydrocele. Mercredi med., Par., 1895, vi, 433.— Pratt (J. J.) A new operation for the radical cure of hydrocele of the tunica vaginalis. Indian M. Gaz., Cal- cutta, 1898, xxxiii, 287.—Quattrocioechi. Nuovo pro- cesso di cura radicale dell' idrocele sieroso seraplice. Bull. d. Soc. Laucisiana d. osp. di Poma. 1892, xii. 118-132.— Kae (G. A.) The painless cure of hydrocele with car- bolic acid injection. Brit. M. J.. Lond.. 1897, ii, 906.— Rapport sur un nouveau procede de cure radicale de l'hydiocele par la resection totale dc la vaginale. Arch. de nied. et pharm. mil., Par., 1900, xxxv, 1.—Reach |D.) A hydrocele gyokeres mutett'-nek erteke. [The value of the radical operation for hvdioede. | Orvosi hetil., Buda- pest, 1900, xliv, 130; 147; 103.—Reel us (B.) Sur cinq observat ion s d'hydroceles traitees par l'incision des bourses et l'excision de la vaginale. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par.. 1880. n. s., xii. 534-539.-----. De l'liydrocele et son traitenient; injections iiritantes et cure iadicale ou inci- sions antiseptiques. Gaz. d. hop , Par.. 1888, lxi. 833-835.— Reusseu (W.) Radicaalbehaudeling der hydrocele tes- tis. .Med. Weekbl.Amst., 1894,1. 93-90.—Rig'dou (R. L.) Carbolic acid in the treatment of hydrocele, with report of a case. Tr. M. Soc. Calif, Sacramento, 1901, 295-301.— Rivrt(A.) Un nuovo metodo di cura dell'idrocele. Mor- gagni, Milano, 1894, xxxvi, 53-56.-----. Ancora della lava- t ura apneumatica della vaginale del testicolo per la cura del- 1' idrocele cronico. Morgagni, Napoli, 1895, xxxvii, 143.— Rocrseh (C.) De la cure radicale de l'hydrocele de la tunique vaginale. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Liege, 1896, xxxv, 113-118.—Routicr (A.) Du traitement de l'hydro- cele par l'incision et la resection de la vaginale. Rev. de chir.. Bar.. 1887. vii, 727-735.-----. Du traitement de l'hy- drocele vaginale par la resection complete de la sereuse parietale. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1898, xii, 113. — Rutherford (H.) Hydrocele of the tunica vagi- nalis; two cases treated by a new and simple procedure: Winkelmann's operation. Glasgow M. J., 1901, lvi, 419- 421.—Scarenzio (A.) Sui modo di rendere ancora piti seinpliee ed innocente la cura radicale dell' idrocele. R. 1st. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Rendic, Milano, 1889, 2. s., xxii, 312- 316.—Sclmell. Emploi de la cocaine etde la compression ouato-eaoutchoutee dans le traitement de l'hydrocele, par 1 injection iodee. Marseille med., 1889, xxvi. 277-279.— •»ej;al iM. L.) Sluchai hydrocele i prinneneniya usover- slienstvovannavo sifouavo pribora pri liechenii vodyanki yaichka. [Hydrocele and the application of au improved syphon apparatus in its treatment.] Protok. zasaid Kav- kazsk. med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1886-7, xxiii, 378-382. - Xiib- llioi'pe (0.) Radical cure of hydrocele of the tunica vagi- nalis testis. Tr. South Indian Branch Brit. M. Ass., Madras, 1887-8. ii, 414-420. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, i, 411. — ,*iilvestri (R.) Sopra un nuovo metodo operativo nella cura radicale dell' idrocele. Biv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1901, xxxv, 520-523. — Noulhnm (F. A.) On the radical cure of hydrocele. Lancet, Lond.. 1887, ii, 515. -----. On the radical cureof hydrocele by ex- cision of the sac. Ibid., 1889, ii, 845. ----—. The radical cureof hydrocele by excision of the sac. Ibid., 1891, ii, 171. -----. On the radical cure of hydrocele by excision of the sac. with notes of twentv-two cases. Ibid , 1897, i, 802.— Steele (D. A. K.) Padical opeiation for cure of hydro- cele. Bolyclinic, Phila.. 1887-8, v, 161.—«*torp (J.) Ue- ber Hydrocelen-Behandlung. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Ge- sellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1896, xxv. pt. 2. 316-324. [Discus- sion], pt. 1,109. Also: Arch. f. kliu. Chir., Berl., 1896. liii, 245-353.—Slover (G. H.) Radical cure of hydrocele; country surgery. Alkaloid. Clin., Chicago, 1898 v, 072.— Mlrieiilaud (D. H.) Carbolic acid in radical cureof by- drocele. Med. .V .Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1887, lvii 509 — Tail ill.) Eversion of lhe tunica vaginalis as a remedy for hydrocele. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1901, xxxiii, 305-310.— HYDROCELE. 511 HYDROCELE. Hydrocele (Radical cure of). Tedenat. Traitenient de l'liydrocele par l'incision des bourses et l'excision de la tunique vaginale. Cone, franc- dechir. Broc.-verb. fete] ls80. l'ar., 1887. ii, 021. Thiery (P.) De I'emploi de la cocaine dans le traitemeut de l'hy- drocele par rinjection iodee Gaz. ined.de Bar., 1887, 7. s., iv, 2U8; 217.— Van Wehaiek (G. G.) The treatment of hydrocele by the insertion ol steiili/ed catgut within the tunica vaginalis. Med. Rec. X. Y.. 1897, Iii, 024.—Ver- lioojjen (J.) La cure radicale de l'liydrocele. Policlin., , Brux., 1897. vi, 55-58. —Vernenil. Traitemeut de l'hy- ' drocele avec ou sansepaississenicnt de la tum,|ue vaginale. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., Iss9. Ixii. 865.—Velere it.) Coutri- buto alio studio della cura dell' idrocele. i inn interna/, d. sc med., Napoli. 1900, n. s., xxii, 075-099. Vieu«se. Du I'aitenient de l'hvdrnccle pur l'incision; »< s indications. F.cho med., Toulouse. 1,-89, 2. s., iii, 474-170. Also: Rev. med. de Toulouse, ls89, xxiii. 200-2U9.— Viloreo- i A. R.) A pontes elinieos sobre la incision en el tratani, nio del hi- drocele. Rev. esp. de oftul., dermat., sif. |etc Madrid, 1891, xv, 113-118— Virdia (A.) Ancora della cura radi- cale dell' idrocele nella clinica del pi of. A. D Ambrosio; nota di altri 12 infermi curati e gnat-it i con 1' inie/.ione di tintura di iodo lasciata in cavil a. e relazione di un prime caso trattato con la solu/.ione di etere e iodofortnio egual- meule lasciata a peinianenza nella cavita della vaginale del tisiicolo. Riforma med.. Xapoli, 1889, v 1058-1000.— Vo«»iuliel (E.I Ueber die Resuliate der Behandlung der Hydrocele auf dei- chiiuri;. Klinik zu Heidelberg 1878- 88. Il'eili. /. lslin Chir.. TiibiiiL* 1889-90, v. 182 515. Also, Repiint. — Walker II. l» I Badical cure of hvdiocele. Harper Hosp. Hull.. Detroit. 1895-0, vi. 85-87.— Wallace (J. R.) The radical cuie of hydrocele by evacuation of the fluid contents and I lie injection of strong iodine solution. Indian M. Rec. Calcutta. ]>:>'.>. xvii, 529. Also. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1900, cix 219-222—Weber (L.) Kin einfaches und sicheres Verfnhren bei dei Kmspritzung del Hydro- cele mit Carbolsaure. X. Yoikcr med. Monatsehr.. 1892, iv. 52.—Weiuleeliner. Radicalschuitt eiuu Il\ drocele. durch den Kranken st 1 list ausgefiihit: Yoilall des Ho dens: Seinicastration : Heilung. Aer/.tl. Ber d k. k. allg Krankenh zu "Wien i !>>r!i. l,v>4. 204. — Willard .v O'llara. Case of extiipation of tunica vaginalis and te-tis im cure of chronic hydrocele 1'ioc. Phila. Co. M. Soc. l'lnl.t., 1884-5, vii. 354-356.—Winkelmaiiii. Xene Methode ,1,-r Radikaloperation dei H\ dim eie. Centralbl. f. utive: gueiison complete et definitive. Gaz. hebd. d M med. de Montpel.. 1891, xiii, 37-41.— Grey (C5> H. drocele; cura radical pela incisao; gan- gieua do escroto; cura. Brazil-ioed.. Rio de Jan.. 1893, 14 — Jamieson (J.) Extravasation considerable de sail" a la suite de loperation de rh\drocele. Essais et obs. de med. de la Soc d'Kdinb., Bar.. 1742. ii, 315-319.— Kiinss» (li. L i Cases of aseptic inflammation follow- ing the, operation of tapping in certain hydroceles. Tr. Clin. Soc. Bond., 1896-7, xxx. 0-10.—I.oumeaii Sc Kour- sier (A.) Accident rare de l'opei.il on ,ie I b\drocele. Mem. et bull. Soc, de med. etchir. de Bold, aux, I8s0 151- 157.— M illi-a (X. C.) A case of hydrocele; gangiene and death alt, i tapping. Med. Reporter. Calcutta 1894 iii, 321. — KeeliiH. In la lecidive dans la cure radicale de l'hydrocele. Meieredi irn'-d., Bar., 1890, i, 321.- ICejes (A. W.) Yaginalitis supurada despues de una luyeccion iodada para la cura radical de una hidrocele; heinorragia. £ los veinte dias; curacion sin incision de la va-inal. Cron. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1890, xvi, 059 002 -Wile (W.C.) Disastious results following the injection of pure l carbolic acid for the radical cure of hydrocele. X. Eng. M. Month., Bridgeport, Conn.. 188, 0, v. 435-437. Hydrocele (Radical cure of) by elec tricity. Dirhinra (F.) Idrocele voluminoso del testicolo de- stio curato con la corrente continua Gazz. clin. di eh-t- troter., Palermo, 1885. iii, 169-173.— Tloiirlon. ISur le traitement de l'liydrocele jiar leh-ctricit^. i Bull. Soc de med. prat, de Par., 1873 9 18._Kodolfi (K.i L eleitri- citk nella cura dell' idrocele. Ga/.z. med. ital. lomb., Mi- llyclroeele (Uadical cure of) by elec- tricity. lano, 1857.4.».,ii, 409-412. AUo, Reprint.—Zuelzer (W.) Die Elektropiinktiir der chroniscben Ilwliocelc Inter- nat. Centralbl.!'. d. Physiol, u. Path. d. Hani- u. Sex. -Org., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1890-91. ii, 55-57. Hydrocele (Spontaneous cracuation of). See Hydrocele (Complications, etc., of). Hydrocele (Traumatic). ..See Hydrocele (Causes, etc., of). Hydrocele (Treatment of). Sec. also, Hernia in children; Hydrocele (Causes, etc.. of); Hydrocele (Encysted, etc.); Hydrocele ( Uadical cure of i; Hydrocele (Kadi- cal cure of) by electricity; Hydrocele in the fe- male. Ca.ik.ims (]).) " Ktude analytique et critique do (liit'eientes nidthmles ile traileinent cle l'hy- drocele vaginale. 4 . Paris, 1805. Fonvii.lk (P. > * De l'liydrocele et de ses traitenients. -P. Paris, 1891. Herii.vcs (li. H. M. YV.) ^Zur Behandlung der Hydrocele. H \ Berlin, l^'.tli. Loewkxiiaudt (P. ) *l>l>er die Aetiologie uud Behandlung der liichttrauiuatischen Hydro- cele. 8~. Berlin, 1886. M.vrtenot (A.-B.) '■ Quel(]ues considerations sur le traitenient de l'liydrocele. I2. Bordeaux, 1887. Nanxoxi ( L. ) Trattato dell' idrocele, tra- dotto dall' idioma inglese da Tonimaso Alghisi. HP. Milano. 1779. Peijret (L. ) "Contribution a I'etude du traitenient de l'hydrocele. H . Lausanne, 1^95. Sengbusch (E. F.) *De variis hydrocelon tunica? vaginalis sauandi niethodis. 1*-'-. Dor- pati Livonoruni, 1850. Tchepourine ( T. ) "" Sur le traitenient de l'liydrocele simple. 8-. Berne, 1888. \Ykxdlixg (V.) * Contribution a l'6tude des traitements moderues de l'hydrocele simple dc la tunique vaginale. 4°. Nancy, 1886. YVixnertz (A.) *De variis hydrocelen cu- randi methodis nonuulla. 1'2°. Berolini. l-.,4. Amat (C.) Le traitement de l'hydrocele. Bull, de tbeiap. let,.], Par., 1900, exxxix, 113-124.— Bandcn*. Resume d'un travail sur uu nouveau traitenient de I'hv- drocele Gaz.med.dePar., 1850,3. s.,v,901: 919. AUo [Ab- str. I ; <'oin|>t. lend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1850,xxxi, 794-798.— |{:iuiloiiin (M.) El tratamiento del hidrocele simple en los lios]dtalcs de Paris. Arch, de ginec. v pediat., Bar- ed.. 18'.i2. v. 365; 385.—Bed lord (C. H.) The treatment ol li.Mliocele. Edinb. M. J.. 1887-8, xxxiii, 1009-1011.— Biioelilii-. Zur Behandlune- der Hydrocele testis. Deutsche nied. Wchnschr., Leip/. u. Berl'., 1894, xx, 366.— Caniclot (fi.) Traitement de I'hvdrocele vaginale. Pra- ti,|ii,- join.. Idle, 1895. i 33-39.-'Cnrlier (V.) Traite- inciit d> l'h\ di no I, \ n-iimle. flclio Died du Hold. Lille. 1898. ii, 2lis 272. -Colin id.) 'Iraiteineiil de l'liydrocele. Bev. internat. dc med. et de chir.. Par., 1900, xi! 73-77— C.....«lon 1(5 G.) Simple hydrocele and its treatment. Internal. Clin.. Bhila., 1899. 8. s.. iv, 70-79. - l»uvnl iM.I Sur la traii-lucidite complete de certaines hydioceles de la tuni(|Ue vaginale; moyen ilCvitci la lesion du testicule et de ly-piilidviiie dans 1'opei-ation de la ponction. |Abstr.] Compi. rend. Acad. d. sc. Bar., 18(12, liv, 1153. — Keeles (\\5 McA.l '1'he treatnient of scrotal hvdroi elcs. Treat ment, Lond., 1899-1900, iii, 097-700— C<|iierdo (A.) El hidiocele de la bolsa vagina] v su 11 ai am i, nto Pcv.de med.. cii uj. \ farm.. Parcel.. 1898, xii, '257. 2*9.- 4>r:miz.o Kmnire-A (F.) Teia]ieutica eeneiald*-1 hidiocele G.n Iii6d. de Granada, 1886, v, 6:i7. 669: 701. — llnxbrotcli (B. A.) Ireatmeiit of h\ di ,,,-ele. Calif. M J., San Fran., 1897, xviii, 64. — llendlci i I. II.) Treatnient of menin go(ele.by(liocele[etc|. Brit. M J., Lond . 1897, ii, 1259.— Ileiliin^ (A.) Zur BcliandluiiL* der Hvdrocele. Cen- 11 ill I.I. I. Chir., Leipz., 1894, xxi, 590-598. — Hind (A. E.) Un the treat ment of hydrocele. Lancet, Lond., 1889, ii, 14.— I.viloioii (G. F.) Hvdiocele and its prop, i treat- ment. Med Age, Detroit. 1901, xix. 2-8-291 — Tlallierlie (A.) Sur le traitement lie I'hvdrocele. As-o,- franc.d'ui.il Proc-verb. 1898. Par., 1899, iii, 438-445. - Tlnnley (T. H.) Notes on hydrocele and serous cysts iu the inguiiio-scrotal region, with special reference to modern ticatment. N. York M. J , 1896, lxiii, 583. 610. — Hnt vieyell (A. F.) HYDROCELE. 512 HYDROCELE. Hydrocele (Treatment of). K voprosu o llechenii hydrocele. i Treatnient of . . . M,d. Obozr., Mosk.. 1891, xxxv, 1013-lnli;. — .lleleshko iB.i O llechenii vodvauki vaichka. [On the treatment of dropsy of the testicle.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1899. v. 21- 26. — >enmnnn (J.) Zur Behandluin: der Hydrocele, j Fort sehr. d. Med.. Berl., 1-93, xi, 818.—Ozenne (E.) Du I traitenient des vasjinalites (vaginalites ai-u, -. hydroceles, paclivvamnalito). Gaz. d. hop.. Par. 1889, Ixii. 641-648. — Fnqiiel (F.) Pes differents traitements d,- l'hydrocele vaginale. Nord nied.. Lille, 1899. v, lo9-li::. — Partridge (C^C.) Large hydrocele cured by internal administration of mercury and iodide of potash.' Kansas City M. Index. li'td. x, 206.— Pelreqnin i.I.-E.) Sur nno methode par- ticuliere pour guetir 1 hvdiocele pr.-que exteniporaue- ment et sans operation. LAbstr.] Compt. rend. Acad. d. >,i., Par. 1>:,9. xlviii. 190-192. — Poli* (A.) Traitement de I'hvdrocele. Scalpel. Liege, 1895-6, xlviii. 332; 339.— Kecln« iP.) Traitement de I'hvdrocele. Inhis: Clin. chir.de nidtel-Hieii **"-, Bar.. 1888,459-471. -----. Traite- ment de l'hydrocele vaginale. Gaz. d. hop., Bar., 1893. lxvi, 670 ("I. Also, in his: Clin. chir. dela Pitie, 8 = , Par., 1694, 424-4:>.—Rolando (S.i La cura dell'idrocele co- mune (1,11a va-inale del testicolo. Pammatone, Genova, 1901 v 12;-127. —i«>atlee iW. E.» Accidental cure of hy- drocele. Mt>0. Letiiacs (C. H.) * Ueber Hydrocele mulie- bris. ~-. Bonn. l~9o. Scherb (M.) "Ein Eall von Hydrocele mu- liebris. [Jena.] **>-. Wiirzburg, 188*. Schlayer (C.) "Ueber Hydrocele muliebris. -. Berlin, 1897. Y^sseyr (A.-P.-E.-J.) ^Des kystes du canal de Niick. 4°. Lille, 1-94. Wolters ( J. ) * Ueber Hydrocele feniinae. v. Kiel, 1891. AIeU«*androflT (L.P.) Yodyanka Xukkova kanala u | dlevoibki , hydrocele muliebris). [Hydrocele ot_ the canal of Niick in a girl.] Dletsk. med., Mosk., 189, ii 328-331. AUo [Abstr.]: Trudi Obsh. dletsk. vrach., Mosk.. 1.-97-8. vi, 57.—Anderson (A. R.) A case of hvdiocele of the labium. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1-so. i, 226.— Iteinicll iB. H.i Kiu-vsted hydrocele from the inguinal canal ot a female. Pioc. Path'. Soc. Dubl., 1865-8. n. s.. iii, :!49. — Bc»»oii (A.) Cn cas de kyste du canal de Xiick. succedant a une hvdiocele congenitale. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1898. i, 318-323.—Billroth. I'n caso di idrocele eistico in una donna. Tian-1] Boll. d. clin., Milano, 188-. v, 450-453.—t'avagni* 1Y.1 Idrocele mu- liebre. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano. ls.-n. 8. s . ii, 21-24. AUo. Reprint—to ley , \Y. B., Hydrocele in the female; with a report of louitcii ca>e- Ann Surg.. Phila.. 1892. xvi. 42-59. AUo, Reprint— Ciim*loii iC. G i Hydrocele muiiebris, with the report of a t,i»c. Bo-ton M. i: S. J., 1-97, cxxxvi, 278-281. AU,,. B.-print — Bobbert iF. A.) Sluchai hydrocele feminffi. -T akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Betei sb.. 1895 ix, 147-149 — Bunn i.T. T.) Hydrocele in the female. Med. Progress. Louisville 1895. xi, 2u3- iii>—Eisenhart ' II , Ueber Hvdrocele feminse. Miin- chen. med Wchnschr., 1894 xli, 164— KI Moll iF.. Labial hvdrocele. Clin. Reporter. St. Louis 1897 x 43.— Foderl i'O ) Ueber Hydrokele muliebris. Ztschr. t. iledk Wieu u. Leipz., 19U0, xxi. Abth. f. Chir., etc., 225-256 5 iii —FranUe (15 Vereiteite Cyste des Liganientum romndum (Hvdrocele feminae). Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Hvdrocele in the female. V„ rl., 1890, exxi. 458-465.—Cinyrand (E.) De l'hydro- cele de la leinine. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel., ltg-» x.61-63—«(Y.X.) Hydrocele u zbenshtshin. [ ... in women. , Chir. Yestnik. St. Petersb., 1894. x, 622-63.". — in ith (L. G.) On five cases of hydrocele in the female. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, ii, 179. — Szciia*y- (S.) Yizserv nonel (hvdrokele muliebris). Gyogya-zat. Bu- daiiest. 1887. xxvii. 593. AUo. transl. [Abstr.]: Best. med chir. Presse, Budapest, 1887. xxiii. 1008.— Wech- ' Mliiiniiii i W.) Ueber Hvdrocele muliebris. Arch. f. klin. Chir.. Berl.. 1890. xl, 578-605, 1 pl. — While (J. W.) Hydrocele of canal of Xuck; operation: recoverv. Univ. M. Mag.. Phila., 1893-4, vi, 379.—Wood (W. A.) Hydro- cele of canal of Xuck. Intercolon. M. J. Australas., Mel- bourne, 1898, iii, 29.— Wright (J. W.) Three cases of hydrocele in the female X. York M. J., 1887, xiv, 357. Hydrocele of spermatic cord. ' See, also, Hydrocele (Complications, etc., of ): Hydrocele (Congenital), etc.; Hydrocele (En- cysted, etc.). I Ducoubnap (J.-G.) *De l'hydrocele en- j kyst£e clu cordon spennatiiiue. 4°. Strasbourg, 1866. Kahlexborn (J.[A.]) * Ueber Hydrocele fu- ! uiculi spermatid. 8°. Bonn, 1892. Maykr (A.) *Eestliildung des YVolfFschen Korpers, eiuem dritten Hoden abuend, bei Hy- drocele des Samenstranges. s:. Miinchen, 1901. Wethmai: iE.) 'Ueber Hydrocele funiculi spermatid. "*-. Wiirzburg, 1885. Kiillen^liien (A.) Hydrocele fuuiculaire des viei'i- I lard> coexistant avec une hernie inguinale droite. Bull. | Soc. anat chir. de Lille, 1889, iv, 272-274. — Branlt (l.i HYDROCELE. 513 HYDROCEPHALUS. Hydrocele of spermatic cord. Observation d hwiioccle peritonei -vaginale funiculaire gnerie par la ponction et I mi,, lion iodee. Lyon med., 1891, Ixviii, 470-475. — t'echerelli ,A.) Idrocele del cor- done spenuatico. Terap. clin X.ipoli. 1806 v, 45.— t'ro*s (L.) Spontaneous cureof In drocele of the cord. All,any M. Ann.. 1887. viii. 118 l»onolnie |T.) Novel ca>e of tumor of spermatic cord, supposed to be a circum- scribed encysted hydrocele oi the cord. Memphis M. Mouth.. ls'.U. xi. 544.—Kngli»eh (J.) Ueb, i ( yst, n am Sainenleiter. Ber.d. k.k Kiankeinmst. Riidolpli-Stit'tiing in Wieu (1890), 1891, 225-228— llrdheim (Si Multilo- culiire Lyinphcvste des Saniensiianges. Wien. klin. Bundsehau. 1890. x. 132.—Geroli'r (A. G.i Hydrocele of the cord. Intel nat. Clin.. Bhila., 1803. 3. s.. ii, 181-183.— lilroeele volum noso a destra della vaginaleilel r.ordone: squaiciauunto alia Volkmunu-. esi isionc della vaginale. Condotta chir. e osp. di S. Cii-tofano in Montepulciano, Prato. 18.-6. 31. — Louvicrr (J.i Hydrocele enkystee du coi,Ion sp, rmati,|iie. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1899 i 511- 544.—.VI oil* 11>. M. ■ Two cases of funicular and t, -ticul.u hydrocele. Practitioner, Loud.. 1-97. lviii, 488-491 l*o- laillon. Hydrocele enkystee du cordon; hernie cou- lomitantc: cii re radical,'. 'Gaz. d. hop.. Bar., 1800. lxiii, 989 — Kozruzweig i B. H.) Acute hydiocele of the cord after operation for stiaugulated heriiia. Brit. M. J., Lend., 1892. ii 1107— Will a C'nrvnlho. Trata memo do hydioceh , nk\ st.ido do , oi ,lao. Med. contemp., Lisb., ls-s. vi 327-3.;i —Tcmpleton ,G.) Acaseofin- rlained enevsted hvdioceie of the mid. Edinb. M. J., l8»T n. s . i. 299. Hydrocephalus. * See, aho. Apoplexy (Xervous, etc.); Brain (Abnormities of ); Brain (Surgery of); Epilepsy (Causes of); Fcetus (Abnormities of): Foetus (I'isettst* of); Hydrencephalocele; Hydroce- phalus (J cute); Hydrocephalus (Cases of); Hy- drocephalus (Chronici: Hydrocephalus (Con- genital) : Hydrocephalus (Pluid of); Hydroce phalus (Jurisprudence of <: Hydrocephalus in animals; Scarlatina (Compliiutioif, etc.. of). d'A-tros (L.) Les hydrocephalies. •**--. Pa- ris. 1-9-*. Bode (A.^ -Beitrag zur Lebre von Hydro- cephalus interim^. "•-'. Jena, 1901. Chisolm (R.) "On the hydrocephalus in- ternu-. or internal dropsv of the brain. 1*2°. | Philadelphia, 1T96. Coixdet (J.-F.) Memoire snr l'hydrenc6- phale ou cephalite interne hydreiicephalique. 8°. Paris, 1-17. Cooke ;T. W. > Hydrocephalus reconsidered and its relations to inllamiuatiou and irritation of the brain defined; with cases l'rom hospital and private practice in exemplification of its pathology, prevention, and siicce-sfiil treat- ment. 12-. Loudon, 1850. Ci a u deli us (J. H.i ' De hydrocephalo. [Got- tinga*, 17i'.:').] In: Weiz (F. A.) Vollstand. Ausz. [etc.]. 12-. Leipz. u. BudUsin. 1771, iii, 458-461. I Matthey D. M.) Ueber die Gehirnwasser- , sucht. Eine gekriinte I'reis-ohrilt. Ans dem • Fraiiz(")sis( hen iibersetzt von Dr. Gottloh Wendt. Mit einer Vorrede von Prof. Dr. Ceiutti. 12 . Leipzig, 1821. j Mm vie (J.-K.-F.) Beobaehtungen und Be- j merkungen iiber die hitzige Geuirnhohlenwas- setsucht bei den Kindern. Nach dem 1'ianzosi- schen des . . ., bearbeitet vou Gottlob Wendt. I 8."-. Leipzig, 182W. i Patterson* (A.) Letters concerning the in- ] ternal dropsy of the brain, to Charles William j Quin. -5 Dublin, 1791. Quin (C. W.) Abhandlung iiber die Gehirn- wa-ser-ucht durch praktische Fiille erliiutert, nebst Bemerkungen iiber den Gebrauch und die Wirkungen des rothen Fingeihuta in verschie- denen Arteu der Wassersucht. Aus dem Kngli- j schen iibersetzt und mit einigen Aninerkuiigen begleitet von Dr. Christian Friedrich Micbaelis. 8~-. Leipzig, 1792. , •Skene (C.) "Die apoplexia bydrocephalicn. - . Edinburgi, 1799. VOL VII, I'D SERIES----o'.i Hydrocephalus. Walter ii'.i 'Beitrag zur Lehre vom Hy- drocephalus. ;--. Kiel, 1888. Wenzel(,T.) A Wen/.el (K.) Bemerkungen iiber die Hirnwasseisucht. 4°. Tiibingen, leOli. Wiiytt i lv.) Observations on the dropsy in the braiu. -°. Edinburgh, 1768. Itoiei-Min. Hidroeefalia. Spitalul. Bucuresci, 1893, xiii, 1; 'AW.— Bonrneville Sc ,\oir (J.) De quelques formes de l'livdrociphalie (idiotie hyilrocephali(|ue et ses varietes). Cony;, ana. de med. ment. C.-r. 1S93. La Ko- chelle, 1894, iv. 566-720.-------------. Hydrocephalic. Progres mill.. Par., 1900, :i. s, xii. 17-23. Also: Recher- ches clin.et therap. mii I'.-pileps. |etc.J 1*119. Par., 1900, xx. 209-226. 2 pl. — (oncclli. Leber Hydrocephalus. [Transl. from tlie Italian] Wien. med. 111., Is99, xxii, 971 ; 9>7.— DuliifHliM. (11. i NGlulny szo a/, agygyomrocs \ i/, imijeiol [Some 1 final ks on edema of the ventricles of the brain. | <' \ n" vas/.at. Ihiilapcst, 18H4, xxiv, 1-4. AUo, trunsl.: Pest, illed'.-ellir. IYes-a'. I',mlapest, 1884, xx, 246.— I'l'ilc i\.) Coutributo clinico alia terapia e patogenesi dell' idi-oecfalo. Atti d. Coin.', pediat. ital. Is9d, Napoli, lS'.U. 308- 322.—CJnrey (Hi II vdi oeepbalus. Tr. M.Soc. Peru., Phila., 1895, xxvi, ::.ii — 4.ooliallei' (15) A: 'I'll■ i y (C.) fitude snr 1 hydrocephalic. Lev. de meil.. Par., 1897. xvii, 624- 047.— Ijile*!:!- ill. S.) Breves considei aciones respecto de la hidroeefalia. Gac. med., Mexico. Is97, xxxiv, 595- i'.o:;. — laiuiriis (P.) & Koiij,'iiiii til.) Microcephale, IimIio, -ephale. [From: Toulouse med.) Echo nied.. Tou- louse. 19no, 2. s., xiv, 543- 546.— I.evin (,L) Kurze Dar- stellung der sogenannten II vdioccphaloid - Krankheit. J. f. Kiuderkr., Berl.. 1844. ii, 9-23 — l.loytl (J. H.) Hy- drocephalus. Am. Text-Bk. Dis. Child. (Starr). 2. ed., Phila.. 1*98. 024-029.—.Tini-tin init der FothergiU'schen Medaille gekriintn I'rei.ssclirift. Deutsch bear- beitet vou Douat Aug. M. Lang, mit anato- inisch-pathologisehen Zusiitzeu von Carl Roki- tansky. 8^. Wien, 1844. van Bree (G. II.) #Dc hydrocephalo acuto infantum, cui accedit observatio. w°. Lugd. Pat., 1--40. ('(iiioiioUN (.J.) *De hydrocephalo acuto. i- . Gltixguiv, 17!li'i. (!oi'.i ki; (II.; * De hydrocephalo acuto. 1*2°. liertilini, 1-1*2. Kieusi ii (A.) * De hydrocephalo acuto. s-'. lleioliui, 1811. KUETSCHMER (H. C.) *Xonnulla de hydro- ce|>hali jieuti pathologia. 4 \ Kiliir, ls4:>. Nauss (K.) * Heilung eines eitrigen Hydro- ceplialus acutus internus. [Wurtzburg.] 8°. Karlsruhe, 1-1*'2. Vax DE Vklde i A.) * De hydrocephalo acuto primario. 4 . Gander, [1825]. HYDEOCEPHALUS. 514 HYDROCEPHALUS. Hydrocephalus (Acute). Yandex Eyndex (J.) * De hydrocephalo acuto priinario. 4°. Gandavi, [l*^]. Birul-Byalinifski (F. A.) Shichal seroznol kisti subarakhno'idaluavoprostranstva (hydrocephalus extern us saccatus). Protok. zasaid. Olisli. psicliiat. v S.-1'eterli. (189.--6), 1897, 112-114. —Bun- iC. W.) Sc IVIct'aithy (1). I i Acute internal hydrocephalus; a clinical and pathological si udy. J. Exper. M.. X. Y., 1900, v, 195-204, 2 pl. AUo [Abstr.]: J. Nerv. Sc Ment. Dis., X. Y.. 1900, xxxii. 223— Clioriioll' (V. E.) Golovnaya vodyanka i serozuly meniugit (hydrocephalus acquisitus et menin- gitis serosa). Dletsk. med., Mosk., 1900, v, 241-267.— Eiehlioi-*! (H.) Leber den erworbenen idiopathischen Hydrocephalus iuternus der Erwachseneu. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1891, xix, Suppl.-Hft., 181-196.—Iirv«/ (J.) Beitrag zur Pathologie und Therapie des erworbenen Hy- drocephalus. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1899, xxvii, 285- 292.—Heideuhain (A.) Hydrocephalus acutus acqui- situs inteiuus (idiopailiicus). Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1899, xxxvi, 1078-1081. AUo: Aerztl. Rundschau, Miinchen, 1899, ix, 771-774.—Hcndrix (L.) De l'hvdrocephalie aigue. Policlin., Brux., Is97. vi. 438-443. — I.eiijjc (F.) Intoino uu caso d'idrocefalo interno. Boll. d. med.-chir. camerinese, Camerino, 1884, ii, 13-16. — itlacdonald (R. G.) Trephining for acute hydrocephalus. X. Zealand M. J., Dunedin, 1890-91, iv, 181. — Oppenheim (H ) Ueber einen Fall von erworbeneiu, idiopatischem Hydroce- phalus internus. Charite-Ann., Berl., 1890, xv. 307-324.— Petrovslti (I. A.) Hydrocephalus acutus. Inhis: Do- sugi vracba-prak.. 85 Kharkov, 1885,97-102— Rosenthal (E.) The report of a caseof acutehydroc, pbalustreated by the lumbar puncture. Pediatrics,'N. Y. x Lond., 1897, iv, 398-403.—Spi I ler (W.G.) A case of intense internal hy- drocephalus. J. Xerv. Sc Ment. Dis , X. Y., 1900, xxvii, 559. —Vera rdini (F.) Ulteriori studi intornolamacroce- falia da idrocefalo acuto. Mem. r. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna. P-8-i. 4. s., ix, 603-610, 1 pl. Also, Reprint.— Weber (F. P.) Primary internal hydrocephalus in the adult. St Bai th. Hosp. Rep. 1898, Lond., 1899, xxxiv, 307. m Hydrocephalus (Cases of). See, also, Hydrocephalus (Acute); Hydro- cephalus (Causes, etc., of); Hydrocephalus (Chronic); Hydrocephalus (Chronic, Treatment of, Operative); Hydrocephalus (Complications, etc., of); Hydrocephalus (Congen ital); Hydro- cephalus (Diagnosis, etc., of); Hydrocephalus (Treatnient of); Hydrocephalus (Treatment of, Operanve). Extraordinary case of hydrocephalus. Cutting from: Weekly Med.-Chir. Philosoph. Mag., Loud., 1813, i, 65-68. [Photograph of woman with hydrocephalic child.] Collection of Portraits (Libr.). Bay lac ..V. Key. Uneasd'livdrocoplialie. Arch. med. de Toulouse, 1898, iv, 445-450.—Bennett 97. AUo: Dublin J. M. Sc. 1894, xcviu. 2,3-2.1).- i»a-et (S.l Traumatic eephalhvdiocele. Tr. Clin. >oc lond 1893-4 xxvii, 271. — Pollo«<.on. Hydrocephalie ■ii •ue' consecutive a certaines operations craiiiennes. foie- fi in. dechir. Proc-verb. [etc.1. Par.. Is92. vi, 479.— Portal. 11 vdiopNio particulier.'des venlriculeslateraiix du c, rveau et sur l.i cloison qui les s.paie. Hist. Acad. roy d. so. 1770. Par.. 1773. 240-242.-l»rinee ( M. ) Idio- pathic internal hydrocephalus (serous meningitis i in the adult, with report of three cases [two with autopsies]. J. r. & Ment! Dis.. X. Y., 1897. xxiv. 473-494. Also, Ue Xerv pi mt AUu: MeiL Jc Surg. Rep. City Hosp. Bost.. 1897. . '>-ei_■>'„; _Kie-iuan (D.) A hydrocephalic brain from a | case'of'lie'o. pluema. Proc Path. Soc Phila.. l*'.'*-9. n. s., ii 10-'43 — Bocu/. llvdroeepbaliesynliilitnpioenravee ivirleti.iite'iient-pe, iflque. J. de med. ue Bordeaux. 1901, xxxi 613 —JUnntloz (G.) Contribution ii 1 etude de by- j drocephalie interne dans la syphilis hereditaire. Rev. med dela Suisse Koiu.Genev,,, l.**,;. vi,713-73.v-!»«ua- rio ,E i Oservazionieriflessioni sopra una nuova spec, ,1 idrocefalo interno. In: Rac.d'opnsc si ieiit. e filol. 1(> Venezia 1749. xl, 237-2-7. 1 pi -----. Pro>e-iiimeiito df 1, riflessioni sopra la storia morbosa del nuovo ldrocetalo, ove si da il caleolo delle forze del .erebio. e mesmo al- lesame il sistema del Badivo circa il iiioto swraltico della dnra madre, si stabilise la vera sede dell' annua. Ibid.. ! 1751 xlvi, 73-143.— Tavlor ( E. W. ) A case of hydro- cephalus due to inecliaiiic.il obstruction in the tenth v.-u- tricle T Lost Soc. M. Sc. 1897-8. ii. 30. — Wlieaton im \V.) External hydrocephalus. Tr. Path. S„c Lond 1890-91. xiii, 1-3.-"Wisleeworth (J.) Cah aria and brain from a case ,.f hydrocephalus. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1901, xxi, 157-159. 1 Hydrocephalus Chronic). 'See, also, Hydrocephalus (Congenital); Hy- drocephalus Inui/no*;-. etc., of). Ekmark i L'.; ' Hyilrocephalum internum annorum xiv . . . propouit. Upsaliai, 1763. In: WEIZ (F. A.) Vollstand. Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Leipz. u. Budissin, 1771, iii, 462. Elsner (H.) * Zur Kenntnis der Aetiologie des chronischen Hydrocephalus. - . Berlin, 1 ■»'.'*;. Hadexfeldt (A. i * Ueber die Hiiutigkeit des chronischen Hydrocephalus im Kindesalter. c . Kiel. 1898. ' Fleiix (F.) * Beitrag zur Lehre vom chro- nix-lien Hydrocephalus. - . Kiel, 1--T. Wexzkl, (C.) *Kin Fall von Hydrocephalus internus chronicus acquisitus. [Wurt/buro.] 8°. Bonn. 1—f,. Bcregrun (E.) Hvdro< ephalus ( hi......u*. Aicn. 1 Kinderh., Stuttg.. 1895:6. xix. 372-375 -llliii-kbiiru -1 W.) A case of chronic internal hydrocephalus. ■> Am. M. Ass.. Chicago. 1*88. xi. 159-l«l.-von Bremen, .in Beitra" zur Casuistik des clirouischeii Hvdrocephalns. Jahrb."f. Kindcih., Leipz., 1895-6, u. F. xli, 460.-C,arler (A. H.) Paroxysmal tetanic spasm in chronic hydn,,■--pin- lus. Brit. M. J.. Lond. 1892. i, 1140. - < honpm. II c drocephalie chioiii(|ue.Mue materia: d, on' a [ '-- ue 1-' ans. Loire med.. St. Etienne, 1*92. xi, 2«> -r»v-< !■•■"- ton. A case of chronic effusion into the ventricles, >1 the brain, with optic neuritis. Brit. M. .1.. Lond., 1**6, \*>i-— Davcznc. Deux cas d'hydrocephalie chronii|Uc .Mem. et bull S,„ de ui,51 etchir. lie Bordeaux (1**K 18*a. 22i- ■•'H — Drmiiic , 1887, xxiv, 4*-a4. 1 pl.- I>uik an id. I'.i Unusual form of chronic hydrocepha- lic Pi,,.- Path. Soc. Dubl., 1*62-5. n. s„ n, 119-121.— Ferri«»euilort"er (I.) Ueber Hydro- ceniialus exieiims chronicus a, (|iiisit;us. Ztschr. d. k.-k. - Gesellsch d Aei/te zu Wien, 1*57, xiii, 87-106. AUo, Peprint. —.Veuratli ,l'.i Casuistischer Beitia- /.ur Pathogcnese der ei w,,i heii.-n chi onis. ben Hydrocephalie. Aerztl Centr.-Anz., AVicn. 1*95. vii 521 >oitlnun \\ . P.) Chronic external hydrocephalus Proc. N.York latu. Soc. (1891), 1892, 11.— .N'otlinajjel. Idrocefalo cronico intiaiumatorio. Boll. d. elm Jililano, 1*88, v, 70-70.— Petei-Mou iF.) Chronic hydrocephalus without a cere- brum. Lioc X.York Path So,. il*9;i 18114. 94-96. Also: Med. Rec. X. T., 1*94. xiv, 411 -l»otl tll.t Leber Ent- stehung uud Behandlung des chronischcii Hydiocephalus. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. :N5aturf. u. Aerzte l*9>, Leipz., 1896, lxvii, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 143-146. Also: Verhandl. d.Versamml.d.Gesellsch.f.Kinderh. . d-utM-h. >aturt. u. Aerzte 1895. Wiesb., 1896. xii, 123-136 — I'ruildeii d. M.) Congenital cranio-tabes and chronic hydro, e|,h,,liw. Med. Rec, X. T.. 1885. xxvii, 357 — Rehu (H.i I'-'non- stration eines chronischen Hydrocephalus. \ erharull. il. Con", f. innere M,-d.. 'Wiesb., 1886, v. 34*. ----- Leber einfache chronisch, II vdnaephalie im ersten Kindesalter. Ibid. 489-411*. —Knll'er A.) Chronic hydrocephalus. | [Abstr.] Brain Lond.. 1*">. xiii, 117; 240.— Nacrozzi 1 IA ) Caso d' idrocefalo cronico iu donna di 44 anni. Ann.
  • -'-. AUo, in: Wien. med. Presse. 18**, xxix, 1569-1.),4. \leli.anilioH (L.P.i Hydrocephalus chronicus; pun, im. Otchct . . Dletsk boln. Sv. (ll-i v Mosk. (1*H..). 1896 i\ 1"-14 -llauermeiilei (W.l Em 1 all von mit Lumbalpuncti .ii hehandeltein chroniscben Hvdrocepha- lns. Verhandl. d. Vernaiiiiiil. d. Cesellsch. f. Kinderh. ... dent*, h Naturf. u. Aer/.ro 1*97. Wiesb.. 1898, xiv 224- ''lii -riioi'iioiiioi'.y.ii(l<'i-ii<»» »l»i 'F V.) O knirur- "iclieskom -. mi. -h.iiilil-.le pu llc,h,ini khronicheskol golovnol voih.inU, u do i, i Mumial interfe.ence in the fr.-atmeni oi', luonic hvdi"" phalus ,,, . I.ildr.-ii. i Uracil, St Petersb. 1893,xiv.*84 ; 917 ; 976; 108J .-Wehlen A i l.el- I trag zui operativen I'.eliaiidlnng des II \ dro,, phalus chro- nicus veiitriculoruni. l-'cslschr. z. Feier . . . v. il. phys- 1 med. ('esellsch. zu Wiir/.b., 18!i!i. 33-42-Ournitd. Le drainage des venlri. ules cerebraux dans le traitement de l'hvdrocephalie chroniipic Arch prov. de chir.. l'ar., 1*94 iii, 522-533. Also, Reprint.-iir»*v. (•!.) Im An- bchlusse an einen erworbeneu ( hronis, hen Hydrocephalua i interims auigetretone Anauiu*; P,,,,, . ,on der C-ehirn- I seitenventrikel; Il.-il.n.u. l'-st. med-chin 1'^e. Bu- dapest, 1899. xxxv 4*5-4*7 - Km nit-lii (A O.) K ope- rativnomu lb, heniyu khronicheskol e„lovnoi vodyaiiki it dletel. [Operative treatment ot chroi.ic hydiocephalus ot children.] Protok. zasaid. Obsh. Kievsk. vrach., 1888-9, pt. HYDROCEPHALUS. 516 HYDROCEPHALUS Hydrocephalus (Chronic, Treatment of Operatire). 2, 38-59. AUo: Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1889, xxxii. 780-789. Also, transl.: Arch. ital. di pediat., Napoli, 1891, ix, 97; 145. AUo. transl: Arch. Pediat., Phila.. 1891, viii. 571; 721.—.VlaiMch (CO.) chronic hydrocephalus; repeated lumbar puncture ((^uinckei : improvement. Post-Gradu- ate, X. Y., 1*97, xii. 61!).—Palmer >J. G.) Treatment of chronic hydrocephalus bv tapping: a successful case. Med. Rec] X. Y.. 1884, xxvi, 705—Parkin (A.) Tho treatment of chronic hydrocephalus by basal drainage. Lancet,Lond..18!l3,ii.1244.— Pott ill.i Ein Beil rag zui ope- i rati ven Behandlung des Hydrocephalus chronicus. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz.". 1*90, ia. F.. xxxi. 34-50. -----. Leber die operative Behandlung des Hydrocephalus chronicus. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1893, xl. 304. Also: Sitzungsb. d.Yer.d. Aerzte zu Halle a. S. 1892-3, Munchen, 1894. iii, 67- 69. — Raezyrinki (J.) O leczenin wodoglowia pi-zew- ] leklego za pomoea/puukcyi. [Treatment of chronic hy- | drocephalus by puncture!] Przegl. lek.. Krakow. 1894, xxxiii,469; 484.—von RnnkeiH.) Jodinjection in den Gehirnventrikel bei einem zehn Monate alteu, an vorge- schrittenem Hydrocephalus chronicus internus leidenden Kinde. Verhandl. d. Yeisamml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1894. Wiesb., 1895, xi, 141- 157. Also: Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1894-5, n. F., xxxix, j 359-373 Sell ram in (H.) Beitrag zur Behandlung des chronischen Hydrocephalus mittelst intracrauieller Drai- nage Klin.-therap. Wchnschr., 1899, vi, 97-102.—Suth- erland (G. A.) .V 4/lieyne (W. W.) A case of chronic hydrocephalus treated liyintra-cranial drainage. Tr.Clin. Soc Lond., 1897-s. xxxi, 166-174. Also, transl.: Ann. de med. et chir. inf.. Par.. 1899. iii. 94-96. AUo [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1*98, i, 75* — Zaleski (K.) Przyczynek do leczenia wodoglowia przewleklego (hydrocephalus chroni- I cusi za pomoea. przeklucia. (Contribution to treatment of chronic hydiocephalus by means of paracentesis.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1894,2. s., xiv. 1347-1349. Hydrocephalus (Complications and sequela' of). See, also, Hydrocephalus (Chronic); Hydro- cephalus i Congenital). d'AMtros i L.) Hydrocephalies tardives et meningites sereuse.-. Cong, period, de uvnec, d'obst. et de piediat. 189*. Mem. et disc. Par., 19no, ii. 862. —Krady (E. J.) Acute hydrocephalus with effusion through the occijiito- j parietal sutures. Lancet, Lond., 1901. ii 73u. — t'aiupo (L. A.) Sarcoma della fossa crauica posteriore destra cou idrocefalo e scolo di liquido cerebro-spiuale dal naso. Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio-Emilia. 1897. xxiii,894-914.—« Iii- , ari (H.) Leber Veranderungen des Kleitihirns infolge von Hvdrocephalie des Grosshirns. Deutsche med. Wclm- , sehr.. Leipz. ii. Herl., 1*91, xvii, 1172-1175. Also: Verhandl. j d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1891, Leipz.. 1*92, lxiv, pt.2, 161-163.—De Saucliw (S. i L' idromicrocefalia. Ann. di nevrol., Xapoli. 19nn. xviii. 2t!5; 361; 2 pl. —Dun- can (A.), jr. Case of hydrocephalus with bifid brain ; with a description of the malformation, by the late John Gordon. Tr. Med. Chir. Soc Edinb.. 1821. 20."i-237. AUo. Reprint.—Dnpre (E.) Volumiueux abces meninge chez une hydrocephale de 22 mois. Bull. Soc auat. de Par., 188*. lxiii. 7-10. —Fede ". Miinchen. 1879. Kakch ( M.) * Makroskopische nnd mikro- skopische Veriiudernngen der (liosshirnriude bei congenitaleui Hydrocephalus internus, nebst Be- schreibung zweier Fiille mit Verinehrung der Furchen- uud Kuotchen-Bildnng anf der freien Hirnoberflache. >c. Wiirzburg, 1-9**. Levi (G.) *Zur Kenntnis des primiiren Hy- drocephalus uud der Meningitis serosa, ef-'. Konigsberg i. Pr., 1896. Luth (L.) * Feber aiigeborenen Hydrocepha- lus. 8C. Bonn, 1867. Xeubert (C. F. J.) *De hydrocephalo eon- genito ejusque in cerebrum vi. 8C. Heidel- berg a?, 1858. Pohl (J. C.) [Pr.] de hydrocephalo infantis recens nati interno et externo. 4D. [Lipsiw, 1777.] AUo [ Abstr. 1, in: Weiz (F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.]. 12°. Frankf. u. Leipz., 1778, viii, 1. Reichelt (M.) ~ Febe totale Hvdrocephalie. 8*. Halle a. S., 1800. Rosenblatt (L.) *Der congenitale Hydroce- phalus und seine Beziehung zur Geburt. [Gies- sen.] 8J. Wiesbaden, 189*. Rosenthal (R.) * Ueber congenitalen Hydro- cephalus. *■*-. Berlin, [ls'Jl]. Wexzel (A. J.) * De hydrocephalo eongenito. R-. Berolini, 1825. Bainiia y Delaue (A.) Hydrocefalia congenita desarrollada tardianiente; trepano, pmicidn con (lTTnaje de losveiitilculoshiteralesdel cerehio: limerte. Rev.de med. y ciruj. de la Habana, 1*96, i, 10-13.— Itartlett (G. T.) Congenital hydrocephalus. St. LouisCom . Med.. 18s* xix, 302-304. Also. Reprint.- Killiug* 8. — Dokhuev- *lii (P. X.) Hydrocephalus cougeiiitus. Laitop. russk. chir.. S.-Peterb., 1898. iii, *25-*28.— Rurand. Ln cas d hydrocephalie congenitale avec hypertrophic des os du ciane. Province nied.. Lvon, 1895. ix, 207-209.— Fevrier ic I'icque. Traitemeut chiimgical de 1 hydrocephalie HYDROCEPHALUS. 517 HYDROCEPHALUS. .Hydrocephalus (Congenital). congenitale. Assoc, franc, de chir. Proc.-verb. fete.]. 1894, Par", 1895. viii. 324-345 —4"ujkiewirz (\V5) () le, /, nia chirurgicznem wodoglowia wrodzonego (hydi(>,-,-phalus congenitus) i nabytego ih. acnuisitiis, e neopiasniatc enee- phali, e meuingitide): przeklucie kanalu kiego^ego (puuo- tio canalis vertebralis). [On the suigical ticatment of ... 1 Gaz. lek., Warszawa. 1896, 2. s. xm 122 ; 4".c : 1*5.— (wcmmrll (J K.) Case of intra-ut, rine li\ ,1, neeplialus Liverpool M.l'llir. .L. 1899 xix. 409-172.-.loiiliov-lty. £<>-. intra. Zliukovski. — lia-i , A j A ICuui|iel ( l.j Hydiocephalus intel nils /-i lh-,r- l'alli -anal l.ilelu . '. . Hamb. Staatskiaukenli WandsU k - Uaiub., LMU, 10, Hft. pl. X 4. with test. Also, in their: Illust. path. anat., fol, Lond. 1895. pl. X 4. with text.— G.eiieuue (A.) Hydrocephalic aueui oph.iii,pi,- Bull s,„-. miat de Par., 1*8*. lxiii. 4o5-408. —ile .VI mi ( M. J. i Warn- neeming van ecu zouderling gezwel aan het achterhoofd van eeu eerstgi booien kind. Veihandel. uiigcg. d. de Holland Maatsch. d. Wcetensch. te Haailcm. 1780. xix, pt. 3. 63-70 — .Vlarfau. L'hvdrocephalie des nourissonS. Semaine med.. Par., 1*98. xviii. 193-19...—.Mr hie r ( L. ) Leber die Punction dt s Hydrocephalus cuigenitiis ventri- culornm. Ztsfhr. f. arztl. I.andi'iaxis. liaukf. a M . 1894. iii, 2*9-291.—IVIoueorvo. Snr la pathogenic de Ihydro- cephalie congenitale. J. ile chir et de therap inf.. Par., 1*97. v. 842; *6u; **9; 906: 924.— \««a » J.) Porod hy- drocepliala pi-i polo/e indianii. Ln i', ,i hydrocephalous infant, with foot pi-*eiitation C.i~,,p 1,3,.Cesk..v Praze, 1879. xviii. 105.— \eijri i. I'.i Sulla idiocefalia ripetuta del trto. Liv. veneta di s, . med., Venezia, 1890, xiii. 517-52).— IN'ejjrie. Hydrocephalie syphilitique congenitale. Mem. et bull. Soc.de med. et chir. de Bordeaux d*'8'. l*»o, 623-644. AUo J. denied de Bordeaux. 1*8--9, xviii 195: 2o9.— l'ar 11-iilsc 1">. Si Congenital b\ dioet ph dus. Ir. Homo-op M. S.,,- X. Y., 1895. xxx, 210-214. Also: Homo.-p. -I. Obst.. JN5 Y.. 1*97. xix. 22-20. 1 pl. — Periizzi. Per la casistica ,1,-11 idro-macroccfalia fetal,■. (5iz/. d. Osp. Milano 1901. xxii. 278.—RodiouoflT ii:t.). [Spoilt nieous cureof Med. obozr.. Mo*k 1**9 xwi *-o-«»».—Ku«wo (('.) Ln caso di idrocefalo eongenito trattato col subli- mate , "i iosivo ]' i* via ipodermica. Atti d. Cong, pediat. iral. 1-92 Xapoli. 1*96. ii, 29.'-2-.'2.- Mequeira i-L H.) Coi g- i if.il b>dio,-ei,balu9. Hunt,-u m J. I.oml.. 1*9«.7G.— * omnia -O.i 11 sideggiam, nt>> ne j la cura ,i, 11 idmcefalo cronico nei bambini latiauti. Arch, di pat,,l. int.. Xapoli, 1886 iv, 25-3" — *|»arl injj W. H.) Fetal hydrocephalus. Tr. Illinois M >.,,-.. Liii,-ago. 1895, 326-330— *leueii , W.) Angeborener II\ di ,„ ,-pii.i'nc von betrachtlicliem Lmfange bei einem Knee v. n 4 Mouaten. Jahrb. f. KiuiLi h., Leipz.. 18*9-9" n. 15.xxx. 120-123.— *« italakiiL.) Kilka uwag doty,/,o veil Wodoglowia (hydrocephalus congei itus) jioil, zas porodu. Ir/, gl. lek.. Krakow, 1897. xxxvi, 424; 437. —Vau Ir in. Tr .iiH-m,-iit chirurgical de lhydroceplia lie i-oiigeiiit.ile. Assn. .fram poic- 1'avanee. d. sc C.-r., P.n .. '.*'.'. xx i, ],'. 1, 2* !.— Vel imirorifell i X. i Hydro- cephalie, ong>-n,tule; r uioe ir ,1 i , • rvelet. Bull. Soc. anat. tli- Par. 1*91. Ix-.-i. 25(1.— Virchow II.l Ein Fall von an- geborenem Hvdroceph.il.i^ iiiteinn-. zugl -ich eiu Beitrag zurMikrocepiialeufi.ig. Fest-S, l,r., Albert v. Kdlliker, Leipz.. 1887. 3('5-35'.( 2 pl. .1'.-. lit pi ml.- Wellniau (\V. D.) A case of congenital hydrocephalus. Ecb-ci. M. J., Cincin.. 1*96 hi 117.— M ci Ihcimuer ( \ i Das Hydro. c-pli.iloid ib-* S.ni. In. saltei-,. .lahib f. Kindeili.. \Vien. 1-6-61 iv ) 3-57.— IV in* hip P. D. I A case of congenital li'.di,..-.-phalus. 1',-di iiiic* .V. Y. .v Lond.. 1*96. i. 296.— YaUubovich , V. I-'.) Sim h vio/lulennol golovnoi vod- yanki i progr, ^ivnol atrotii inisht-. [Caseof congenital h'dioceplialiiB and piugte-*ive muscular atrophy J Trudi O'b.h. Lic-k. vrach v S Peterb. , i*-l-.-.|. l**6.'lii. 232. — /nppcrt ij.i.v IlilHihiuauu 11-., Lebei cine unge- wolinlicbe I'oiin des angebereiieu Hydrocephalus. Arb. a. il. Inst. f. Anat. n. Physiol, d. Centralnervensvst. nn '.*. Cima 'F.) Di alcune forme di idrocefalo in bambini lattanti eibl valore diagnostic*) e terapeutico della puiitura lombare. Pediat ria, Xapoli 19'U. ix. 232: 270. — Cole- man (T.i A rase of concealed Imlroecplialu*. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1899-190(1. xxxiii..515-517. — C'ollel. Tum- bles auditifsde rhytlrocephalie et des tuineurs on In ales. | Abstr. ] Province rued., Lyon, 1897, xi, 293; 301.— llyclrocephallls (Diagnosis and semei- ology of). 4 uomo iA.) Idrocefalo cronico e rachitismo cranico considei ati dal lato clinico ed of talmoscopico. Atti ,1. (ong pediat. ital. 1890. Xapoli, 1891, 160-165. — Foulaua (V.i Ln caso d' idrocefalo cronico acquisito, notevolmente mi- I glioiato iu seguito a scolo di liipiido cerebro-spinale dal naso. I Jazz. d. osp.. Milano. 1896, xvii, 1352-1350. — Oroh. Leber das Abttiesseii vou Cei,-luallliissigkcit durch die Xase. Wien. m,,l. Ill . 1888. \i. 261. .leiiliino (T. \V.) The early diagnosis ,1 fmtal h\ drocephalus. (Ilasgow M. J., 1891, xiii, 2il—I'uixlev il..i Ob*, i\ation sur une hy- I dioceplialc accoinpagnee de svinplonies lcinaniuables. L-sais et obs. de med de la Soc! d Kdinb.. Par., 1712. iii, 407-416.—vou KauLe. Zur Diagnose des chronischen Hydrocephalus in dessen Antaugssiadien, bei noch nieht vorliandener Yergidsserung des Schiidels. Verhandl. d. Ycrsainnil. d. Gesellsch. f. Ivinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1*94. Wiesb.. 1895 xi, 134-140. Also: Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leip/., 1894-5. n.F., xxxix,374-379 — ICe^naiill (F.) Forme du cram- dans l'hyilrocephalie. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. dc Bar.. 1*95. 4. s., \i.'91-97. AUo: lb \ . mens. d. mal. de l'enf.. Par., 1891. xii. 643-648. Also | Abstr.]: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par.. 1894, 10. s.. i, 31", ------. Pre-siiiu du cr&ne dans rh\,lrocephalie et le rachitisme. Bull Soc anat. de Bai 1 sue. Kxi. 716. ------. Formes du crane dans l'hydrocepliali,-. B> v. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1900, xviii, 257-26(1. — Kolierlwou (A.) Two cases of hydrocephalus illustrating (1> auscultatory percussion of the skull (Macewen's symptom), and (2)'the condition of the scalp, l'i. Olasg. Path. & Clin. Soc, 1891-3, iv, 165- 169. —Roue iAV. B,.i Some unusual symptoms in a case of hydrocephalus. Prov. M. J., Leicester. 1886, y, 436.— Kriiim (F.) Idrocefalo eongenito cou tardive rivela/.ioni cli niche. Gazz. d. Osp.. Milano. 1896, xvii, 10-14.—Top- pin i.I.i Caseof hydrocephalus in the adultwith di-iiu, t | enlargement of the head and dropping of clear fluid from the no*,-. Med. Press &.('irc, Lond., 1887, u. s.. xliii, 370.— Variot iG.) Influence des mouvements respiratoites sur la t,ii-i,>n intra crauienne, dms on cas il'liydrocephalie vmtri, ul.lire. J. de clin. et de therap. int.. Bar., 1897, v, 341-345. Hydrocephalus (Fluid of). I Concetti (L.) Be( herclies chiiniipies et bacteriologi- ques sur le liipiid,-livdro, eplialiipie. Compt.-rend. Cong. intei-nat.de med. 1*97. Mosc, 189*. iii, set. 6,81-84. ------. Bicerche cliimich,- *ul liipiido idrocefalico dei bambiui, e I della sua azioue di fronte ad alcuni bait, ri patogeni. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Boma, 1898-9. xxiv. 297-315. Also, transl.: Aicb. f. Kinderh., Stuttg.. 1897-8. xxiv. 161-172.— ITIiura. Leber einen Fall voiu Hydrocephalus chroni- cus, nebst Lnteisuchungen iiber den tiussigen Inhalt des- selben. [Japanese text.] Mitt. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo. 1900. xiv. 969-974. — Robeeehi (P.) Esame del liquido ldio,-tali, o ,li uu f,to. Biv. di ostet. [etc.J, To- rino. 1896. i. :io—Thiery iP.i lie la pr6sence du sucre daus leliquide hvdioi eplialiiiue. Pi-ogresmed., Par., 1886. 2. s.,iii, 286. Hydrocephalus (Hereditary). Su- Hydrocephalus (Causes, etc., of). Hydrocephalus (Jurisprudence of). ■{ranch ( W.) Dei acute Hydrocephalus, seine Lisa. ehen und seine ])atliologische Auatomie, voiu geriehtsarzt- lichen Staiulpiinkte. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1898, 3. F., xvi, 292-318. Hydrocephalus (Treatment of). See, also, Hydrocephalus i i'omn-nital); Hy- drocephalus (Tie Anient of. Operative). Chapdki.ai.ne (K.) " Oontriliiition a l'^tiule dn traitenient de riiydroc^plnile vraie. lz. Paris, \892. I r.oLFi.v (P.-H.) Dc la ]iieeininence (le la nier- cnrialisution snr le* autres inedicainentations dans la tli6ra(ieutique de riiydrncepliale aiguii parvi uuc a la periode iVeiiancheineiit. s . Mont- pellier, 1817. Oiiif.k (II.) Medi/.iiiisch-cliiruriiisehe Ab- liandluug iiber die Wassersucht iler (iehnnkain- iiieru. Ui . Leipzig. l?s">. Auileouil (H.) Note sur uu cas d'hydrocephalie here- do-svphiliti,|ue guerie par le traitement speciti<|iie. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve. 1*99. xix. 51-">7. AUo: Cong, period, de gvnec d'obst et■ « iniiauii (II.) Ein Fall von geheiltem W'asserkopf. Deutsche nied. Wchu- 1 sehr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1901, xxvii, 39.— Pile* (A.) Die HYDEOCEPHALUS. 518 HYDROCOTYLK. Hydrocephalus (Treatment of). I'.ehaiidlung des Hydrocephalus. ( Zusammenfa9sendes K, f, rat iiber die vom 1. Januar 1897 bis 30. Juni 1899 cr- schienenen Arbeiten.) Centralbl. f. d. Grenzgeb. d. Med. u. Chir., Jena, 189y, ii, 681; 753.—Wyss (O.) Zur Thera- pie des Hydrocephalus. Cor.-Bl. f. sebweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1893, xxiii', 289-294. Hydrocephalus (Treatment of, Oper- ative). See, also, Hydrocephalus (Acute); Hydro- cephalus (Chronic, Treatment of, Operative); Hydrocephalus (Congenital). Tkibondeau (L.-M.-F.-A.) Du traitenient chirurgical de l'hydrocephalie. 4°. Bordeaux, 1&95. d'Astros (L.) Note sur les formes pathogeniques et le traitement chirurgical de l'hydroc6phalie. Med. inf., Par., 1895, ii, 603-609. AUo: Assoc, franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r. 1895, Par., 1896, xxiv, pt. 2, 901-906.— Itilhaiil. Traitement chirurgical de l'hydrocephalie; note an sujet d'une craniectomie circulaire suivie de mort et pratiquee chez une petite, fille hydrocephale, ag6e de deux ans et demi. Assoc, franc, de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.] 1894, Par., 1895, viii, 395-405. Also: Ann. d'orthop. et de chir. prat., Par., 1895, viii. 97-106.— Bruce (A.) Sc Ntiles (H.J.) Drainage through the fourth ventricle in a case of acquired hydrocephalus duo to chronic non-tubercular basal men- ingitis. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb., 1897-8, n. s., xvii, 73-81. Also: Scot. M. & S. J., Edinb., 1898, ii, 215-224.— Caravasssilis. Hydroc6phalie acquise, ponction lom- baire. Ann. de med.'et chir. inf.. Par., 1901, v, 799-802.— Daman (E.) Xote sur un proced6 de traitement (les hydrocephalies.justiciables de drainage. [Rap.de Broca.] Bull, et mem. Soc. ( e chir. de Par., 1901, n. s., xxvii, 828-830.— Davis iL.P.) The treatment of hydrocephalus by craniectomy. Arch. Pediat., X. Y., 1900, xvii, 497-500. Also: Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc, X. Y., 1900, xii, 63-66.—Dee- Ien (K. A.F.) Punctie en drainage van den veutric. later. cerebr. in gevallen van hydrocephalic Med. Weekbl., Amst., 1898-9, v, 245-255.—E wart (TV.) & Dickinson ("W. L.) Two cases of chionic hydrocephalus in infants treated bv tapping and by the introduciion of aseptic air in the place of fluid. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1901. ii, 602- Iin5. Also: Pediatrics, N. Y., 1901, xii, 277-287.— 4*1)1111 & Thomas (T. ) Case of hydrocephalus; trephining; opening of the fourth ventricle; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1895, ii, 1106. — Oood (J. Vv5) Hydro- cephalus with Jacksonian epilepsy cuied by operation. Manitoba ScW. Canada Lancet, Winnipeg. 1897, v, 1.—Gor- don (W.) Treatment of a case of adult hydrocephalus by supra-tentorial and snb-tenlorial operations. Lancet. Lond., 1897, i, 94-96.—Ileeht l A.) Hydrocephalus; perfo- ratio. Casop. 16k. cesk., v Praze, 1873, xii, 129. — Hern (J.) The effect of repeated tappings on hydiocephalus. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1*93, ii. 1046. AUo. transl'.- Frauenarzt, Berl., 1894, ix, 193-195.—Johnston (W.) Two cases of hydrocephalus iu which aspiration was performed. Tr. Mississippi M. Ass., Jackson, 1885,.S5-87.—Keen (W. W.) Subdural drainage of the left ventricle for hydrocephalus. Internat. Clin.. Phila.. 1*99, 9. s., ii, 171.—Kosier (H.) Lumbalpunktion iet fall af hydrocephalus. [Lumbar punct ure iu a case of hydrocephalus.] Gdteborgs Liik.-sallsk. Forh., 1892, 122-120. — Lamphcnr (E.) The surgical aspects of hydrocephalus. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1894, xxii, 116. — l.emaistrc (J.) Sur le traitement chirur- gical de l'hydrocephalie. J. de clin. et de therap. inf., Par., 1897, v, 821-823.— Manny. Trepanation dans un cas d'hydrocephalie acquis,- amarche lente. Assoc, franc. dechir. Proc-verb. [etc.], Par.,1893,vii.693-697.—Morris (R. T.) Hydrocephalus responding to surgical treatment. K. York M. J., 1887, xiv, 319.— tloseley (G. T.) Aspira- tion of the lateral ventricles for hydrocephalus. Tr. Homceop. M. Soc. X. Y., 1894, xxix, 111-113. — Mnijeii* (F.) Du traitemeut chirurgical de l'hydrocephalie. Ann. Soc. de med. d'Anvers, 1894, lvi, 147-16::. — I'arlt (R.) The nature and operative treatment of hydrocephalus; drainage from the lower end of the spinal canal; report of a case. Med. News, X. Y., 1897, Ixx, 432-435.—Phocaa (G.) Contribution ii I'etude du traitement chirurgical de l'hydrocephalie. Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1892, x, 75-81. AUo, Reprint. — Piechauri. Intervention ehirurgicale dans l'hydrocephalie. Assoc, franc de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.], Par.,1893.vii, 697.—Power (DA.) The results of a year's experience in the surgical treatment of hydrocephalus in children. Internat. Clin. Phila., 1895, 5." s., iii, 254-262. AUo, Reprint.—Pozzolo (G.) Idro- cefalo eongenito cronico e puntura lombaie. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1901, xxxiv, 531-534.—Quincke ( H.) Die Lumbalpunction ilea Hydrocephalus. Perl. klin. Wchnschr., 1891, xxviii, 929; 965. — Kai/ynslii, Die Erfolge der Lumbalpunction in der Hydrocephalie. Compt.-reud. Cong, internat. do med. 1897. Mosc, 1898, iii, sect. 6. 76-79. — Schillin« (F.) Die Punction des '{ydrocephalns. [ Zwei Falle von geheiltem Hydroce- phalus.] Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1896, xliii, 8-10— Hydrocephalus (Treatment of, Oper- atire). Schramm (H.) Leczenie wodoglowia zapomoca; sacz kowania (drenowania) sLddczaszkowego. [Treatment of hydrocephalus by intracranial drainage. ] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1898, xxxvii. 451; 464. — Stapleforri (A. D.) Hydrocephalus operation. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1887, n. s., xix, 68.— Stewart (W.) Unilateral hydrocephalus; epileptiform convulsions and hemianopsia; drainage of lateral ventricle. Scot, M. & S. J.. Lilinb.. 1897, i, 805- 813. —Sutherland (G. A.) Sc t heyne ]. Hydrochloric acid. See Acid (Hgdrochlorie). II ydrocol am in. Hlsfkldt (H. Cr. R.) * Beitrag zur Kenntnia der "Wirkung des Hydrocotarniu. 8°. Kiel* 1895. Hydrocotyle asiatica. Lepine (J.) Granules and syrup of Hydro- cotyle asiatica for cutaneous, syphilitic, and rheumatic affections, as well as for all com- plaints arising from organic disease. 8°. [fa- rts, 1855.] ------. The same. Observacoes e novos re- sultados provindos do emprego terapeutico das preparacOes de hydrocotyla asiatica. 8". Pa- ris, [1860, vel subseq.]. Notice sur l'hydrocotyle asiatica. 8°. Paris, [18.-7]. Auilouit. Etudes pathogen6tiques et tberapeutiquea sur l'hydrocotyle asiatica. J. Soc. gallic, de med. homceop., Par., 1857, 2. s., i, 337; 368; 433; 481. Also, Reprint.— Christy (T.) Hydrocotyle asiatica. Synonyms: Brail- HYDROCOTYLE. 519 HYDROGEN. Hydrocotyle asiatica. mamanduki; khulakhudi; thalkurij brahmi; karinga; valiarai; inandiikaparin; codogam; kutakan ; Indian pen- nywort; Indian hydrocotyle; bevilacqua boileau. Inhis: New coinmerc. plants A- drugs, Lond., 1885, no. 8. 58-62.— Hunter (A.) Report upon the Hydrocotyle asiatica. Med. Kep. [etc.]. Madras, 1855, 35&-374. Hydrocyanic acid. * See Acid (Hgdrocyanic). Hydrocy*toiiia. * Bassagkt i I..> * De rhidrocystonio (contri- bution a la pathologie des glandts sudoripares). 4\ Paris, 1896. Chamber* (G.) Two cases of hidrocv stoma. Do- minion Al. Month. Toronto. 1901, xvi, 60. —W'ehu. llidro- cystome. Hull. Soc. franc, de dermat. ct syph., Par., 1899, x". 295. AUo: Ann. de ib rmat. et syph. Par., 1899. 3. s., x, 567.—Hudclo. lilrocystome. Bull. Soe. franc, de der- mat. ct .-yph.. Par.. 1901, xii. 294. — Ilutehiuoou (.1 i Case illustrating the neurotic origin of hvdrocv stoma Brit. J. Dermat.. Lond. 1895. vii. 137-141, 1 pl. —'■—. On hydrocystoma. Arch. Surg.. Lond.. Is9s, i\. l.V.l, 1 pl.— JariMt-li. Yorstellung eines Falles you Hidrocystoma. Verhandl. d. deutsch. dermat. Clesellsch. 1895, Wieu u. Leipz., 1896. v, 355-359. 1 pl. Hydro-elect rot hcrapy. * .Sic. also. Baths (Electric, etc.). Erflrth (A. F.I Theorie des Wasserheilver- lahrens oder elekfriM'he Stn'unungen als Ursache der bclebendcn \Yirknng des kalten Wa>>eis, 1*2 . Hamburg. 1"*." 1. Maiexfisi ii (Y..) Die Kaltwasserbehandlung zu Hause uud in der Anstalt. Mit einem An- J hang: Electiotherapie. Eine gen eiuvcrstaud- liche Abhandlung. 2. Aufl. S . Basel. 1—*:>. -----. The xanie. 5. Autl. ,ac. Basel, 1-^-fi. Fiankeiihsiiixr (F.) Die praktische Terwertung der eh ktiochemisehen Erscheinnngen tur die Balneothe- rapie \ eioflftntl. d. Hufeland. Gesellsch. in Berl., 19uo, 162-170. Al-n: Deutsche Med.-Ztg.. Berl.. 1900. xxi 701- 703. — C«aertner (G.I Ueber hydroelektrische Bader. 7.!-el i- f. diatet. u.physik. Therap.. Leipz.. ls'is. i. 74-79.— Hi'illcy ( W. S. ) Le bain hydro-electi iijiie: principes pi ysi'iues sur 1> squels il repose et applications therapeu- tiqui s. Arch, d'electric. med., Bordeaux, 1901. ix, 1-15.— K;ii'iniii (Ml Di»* Eesultate der kombiuiiten balneo- eiekri l-cben Beliandluiig iii Teplitz. Wien. med. Wchn- 8,1;:.. Ie7n, xx. 4"7: 529; 566: 592; 625. Also, Peprint.— I Kelloss (J- H-' Electricity as a complement to hydro- therapv in the treatment of chronic disease. Mod. Med., BattleLie.-k. Midi ,1900, ix, 121-126 — Sayrctli (C.) Pro veritat- del bagno idro-elettrico. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1897. xxiii. 315-31". Hydro-epiploeele. Sie Hydrocele (Complications, etc., of). Hydrogen [and its compounds], * See, also, Cataract (Black); Hydrogen arsenid; Hydrogen peroxid; Hydrogen phosphid; Hy- drogen sulphid At I'ERt.iER (II.) * Des combinaisons de l'hy- drogene avec lei ni&alloidc*. r*3. Paris, l8'55. Huralt (T.) "Diss. chiinic|Uc sur I'll yd ro- gi-no et la composition de jilusieurs sels com- poses, suivie dun nouvel apercu sur la nature des sel>. 4°. Paris, 1-S59. Jahx iK. ) * 1. A hydrogen gasonietrikus nicohatarozasa. •>. Gdzefes/.elyincresek vizes uldatoknal. [1. Gasometrie determination of hy- drogen. 2. .Steam measurements by liquid so- lutions.] - . Kolozsvdr, 1 --Hi. Kritschew>ky (L.) * TTeber die Anwendung des metal 1 ischen Wasserstoffs in der analyti- schen Chemie. 8'-. Bern. 1885. Lettermaxx (W.) * Versnche iiber Erzeu- gung von Wasserstotf aus Eisen und Wasser. [Giessen.] *- \ Darmstadt, 1897). Mollier (P.) "De l'hydrogene bi-carbone ' considered comuie une base analogue a l'amiiio- niai|iie. 4°. Paris, 1K59. It rue re (M. A. Ai The direct action of hydrogen sulphide hydrogen selenidc and hydrogen telluride on hai- moglobin. J. Anat. Sc Physiol 'Lond., 1891-2. xxvi, 62- 75. — I*e\var (J.) Liquid hydrogen. Kep. Smithson. Hydrogen [and its compounds], Inst. 1899. Wash., 1901, 131-142, 2 pl. — Ciiiuticr (A.) Origines de l'h\ drogene almosplierupie Compt. rend. Acad. (1. sc. Pin-., 1900, ( xxxi, 647 -652. — .Tl ai liuh en (A.) &. Rowland (S.) Influence of the temperature of liquid hydrogen on bacteria. Proc. Roy. Soc, Lond. 1900, lxvi, 488.----------. A further note on the influence of the temperature of liquid hydrogen on bacteria. Lancet, Lond., 19(1(1. ii, 25L — Kii-hnril«ou (B. W.) Some experi- ments with hydrogen on viial action; an abstract of origi- nal research.' Aschpiad, Lond., 1888, v, 370-381, Hydrogen (Carburetted). See Gas (Illuminating). Hydrogen arsenid. See, also. Heemoglobinuria (Toxic). 1SKRTI1IER A Seri'llas. Rapport fait a l'Acaddmie royale des sciences, dans la. s6ance du 26 avril 1850, [sur un travail de M. Soubei- ran, ayant pour litre: Memoires sur les arse- niiiresd'hydrooenc']. t*^. [Paris, 18:10.] Moubeirnn (K.) Memoire sur lea arsciiiurcs (l'hydro- gene. J. de pharm., Par., 1830, xvi, 335-3:,5. Also, Re- print.— Venturoli (G.) Sull'azione dell'idrogeno ar. senicale sui jodo in prcsonza dell' acqua. Mem. r. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna, 1893, 5. s., iii, 521-526. Hydrogen arsenid (Toxicology of). Llcas (E.) * De 1'enipnisonnemeiit par l'hy- ilrogi'iie ars6nie. 4°. Paris, 1.-95. Clayton (I. S.| A report on ten cases of poisoning by arsenuirelted hydrogen. Brit. M. J., Lond., ]9ul, i. 392.— Unrand, Intoxication des aerostiers par l'liydi ogene. arseni6. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1900, 3. s., xliv, 35-3*.—.Tlril- jean. Intoxication par le gaz hydrogene arsenife chez les ai i,,slices. Arch, de med. ct pharm. mil., Par., 1900, xxxv, 82-102.— ^1 aim (T. D.) & C'le^j; (J. G.) On the toxic action of arseniiintted hydrogen, illustrated bv five cases. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1895-6, n. s., iii, 161-171. — liar- tin (J. M. H.) A case of poisoning bv arsenimetted hy- drogen. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1893-4, xix. ln*-lll.— Oulmont (P.) Deux cas d'empoisonnement suivis de mort par l'hvdrogene servant a goutler les ballons. Med. mod., Par., 1889-90. i, 933-93.".— I'oi-nn iny by hydrogen arsenide. Med. Rec, X. Y.. rami, lvii 1 n;i7.—X« lil«i«ii< r (A.E.M.) UmForgiftning med uren Briut. (On poi-oniug ■with impure hydrogen ga- | I'gesk. f. Lager, Kjobeuh., 1892. 4. B., xxv', 243-249. Hydrogen peroxid. See, also, Diphtheria (Treatment of) ivith hy- drogen peroxid; Pyorrhoea alveolavis, Skin (Diseases of), Stomach (Diseases of), Suppu- ration, Teeth (Caries of), Treatment of. Barbolaix (J.-15.) * Etude sur l'eau oxyge- nic 4 \ Paris, 188\\. Bkxk (J. G.) Peroxide of hydrogen (HjO^), its uses and application iu therapeutics and manufactures. *w-. Brooklyn, 1890. J)i-:i:iii:xi;i:i'EN (]'.) * Ueber die Wechsolwir- knng zwischeu Wasserstott'superoxyd uud ver- schiedenen Protoplasinaformen. Bc. Dorpat, 1*"88. I>Ri in. (E.) * Kristische Studien iiher die Anwendung des Wasserstoffsuperoxyds in der (|iiantitativeii Analyse. [Bern.] S°. Wiesbaden, 1890. Lksixsky (J.) * Ueber quantitative Metall- Tieiinunoen durch Wasserstoll'supcroxyd. >°. Pern, I8[i8. Marciiand (C.) The use of peroxide of hy- drogeii and glyco/.one in tlierapentics; diph- theria. l-2°. [Xeir York, 1888.] Uepr.from: Med. World, X. Y., 1888. -----. The therapeutical applications of peroxide of hydrogen and glycozone for the treatment of chronic, and contagious diseases. Revised cd. \2~. Neiv York, 1889. -----. The same. Treatment of diseases caused bv germs, bacteria, microbes. Revised ed. 12-.' A cie York, 1890. -----. The 8£*me. 2. ed. sm. 4°. Xew York, lH'Jl. -----. The same. 4. ed. 8°, Xew York, 1892. HYDEOGEN. 520 HYDROGEN. Hydrogen peroxid. -----. The same. 5. ed. *?-. Xew York, 1895. -----. The same. 9. ed. 12J. Xew York, 1895. -----. The same. 15. ed. 8°. Xew York, 1900. Monograph on peroxide of hydrogen, to which is prefaced au outline of the germ theory of disease. --. Xetc York, 1&94. Peroxide of hydrogen solution. H2O2, manu- factured by Charles Marchaud. tJ. Xew York, 1-st;. Pyrozoxe (H2CL) in bacteriology. A weapon in defence of disease-resisting power. 12^. Xeiv York, [n. d.]. Vamno (L.) '"Ueber die Bestimmuug des Wasserstoffsuperoxydes und seine Auweudung zur Titerstellung des Kalinmperniangauates und zur Werthbestinimung des Chlorkalkes. [Er- langen.] 8-. Munchen, l-'Jl. Yakovleff (A. X.) *0 perekisi vodoroda i terapevticheskom primienenii yeya v osoben- nosti pri niekotorikh bolieznyakh zheludka. [On peroxid of hydrogen, and its therapeutic application in some diseases of the stomach.] 8°.. S.-Peterburg, 1892. Also, in: Voyenno-med. J., S.-Petersb., 1892, clxxiv, unoflBc. pt., 1. sect., 177; 321. Aulde (J ) Hydrogen dioxide: a resume. X. York M. J., 1899, Iii, 711-714.—Bellman (B.) Peroxide of hy- drogen as a medicinal agent. Chicago M. J. Sc Exam., 1885, 1, 485-491. AUo, Keprint.—Bizzell (W. D.) Hy- drogen peroxide as a disinfectant and germicide. Atlanta M. & S. J., 1888-9, n. s., v, 9-12. — Blackmail (W5 W.) Hydrogen peroxide. N. Am. J. Homieop., N. Y.. 1886. xxxiv, 554-564.— Bleyer (J. M.) Dioxide of hydrogen; its administration in the form of ozonized vapor in the treatment of diphtheria and diseases of pharynx, naso- pharynx, larynx, nose, pulmonary, aud bronchial affec- tions; a new apparatus for the production and inhalation of ozonized vapor. Med. Bee, X. Y.. 1887. xxxii, 182.— Brewer (G. E.I The haemostatic value of peroxide of hydrogen. N. York M. J., 1893, lviii, 7:>6. AUo, Ke- print.—Brown (C. H.) The clinical relation of ozone and hydrogen peroxide. Med. Xews, Phila., 1891, lviii, 179-18L—Buczynslii (K.) Przyez>nek do stosowania wody utlenionej \v praktyce chirurgiczuej, zwlaszcza w przypadkacb ropienia. [Peroxid of hydrogeu in surgery, especially in cases of abscess.] Kron. lek., Warszawa, 1899, xx, 611-617— Bull (O. B.) Om Anvendelsen af Yandstofhyperoxyd. [ Use of peroxid of hydrogen.] Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Christiania, 1885, xv, 492- 496.—C'aiiimaiiu (D. M.) Some cases treated with hy- drogen peroxide. Med. Rec. X. Y., 1889, xxxvi, 481.— C'nprnnicn Sc Colasunti. Leber die "Wirkung des "Wasserstoffsuperoxydsauf demOrganismus. Unteisuch. z. Xaturl. d. Menscli. u. d. Thiere, Giessen, 1882-8. xiii, 189.—Chamlelon (T.) De Taction du peroxyde d hydro- gene sur l'amidon. Bull. Acad. rov. de med. de Bele.. Brux., 1886. 3. s.,xx,586-596. [Rap. de'Gille],533.—Clarke (W. B.) Hydrogen peroxide. Med. Era, Chicago. 18s5-6. iii, 10—14. Also,Keprint.—CohenlS.S.) Hxdrogendioxid and ozonic ether. Med. News, Phila., 1893, Ixii. 596-598.— G'olasauti (G.) Sc Brngnola (A.) L'action biologique du bioxyde d hydrogene. [From: Med. contemp., viii.J Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1896, xxv, 228-234— Copliu (W. M. L.) Hydrogen dioxide as an aid in the diagnosis of sinuses, fistula, concealed pus cavities, etc. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1893, 3. s.. ix, 667—Coppola (F.) Sui comportamento tisiologico del perossido d' idrogeno e sua applicazione alio studio dell' assorbimento. Ann. di chiin. e di farm., Milano, 18s7. 4. s.. v, 192-202.—Cotton (S.i Action of peroxide of hydrogen on the blood; easy means of distinguishing human blood from that of animals. Chem. News, Lond., 1901, lxxxiii, 208.—Criwuier (L.) Le peroxyde dlivdrogene oil eau oxvgenee(H202). Gaz.med. de Liege, 1888. i. 15-19.—Ba> ton 1W. A.) The peroxide of hydrogen. N. Yoik M. J., 1885. xli. 470-472. AUo: Quart. Bull. Clin. Soc. N. Y. Post Giad. M. School £ Hosp., N. Y , lss.5-ii. i, 163-167.—vou Bittel (L.) jr. Versnche iiber die th, rapeutische Verwendung von Wasserstoffsii- peroxydh'isung. Wien.klin.Wchnschr.. 18110 iii. 455-458.— DukriA.i Note on the value of peroxide of la ,li,,^eu iu | gynaecology. Lancet. Lond., 1891, ii, 124—Kajjleion (*s. P.i A resume of the history and practical a|,i,licit ion ] ot hydrogen peroxide in surgical affections Med. & Surg Reporter. Phila., 1891, lxiv. 582-584. .4 Uo. Repiint. Also: Toledo M. Sc S. Reporter, 1892. v, 650-654.—E1I1011 (C.) I Hydrogen peroxid. Hydrogen peroxide in contagious diseases; cholera : yellow fever; typhus; typhoid fever. Doctor Hyg.. N. Y., 1893, vii, 115. AUo. in: Lee (E.) Cholera [etc*! 12°, Chicago 1892, 6-8. — Egbert (J. H.) An exiierimental study of the effects of hydrogen dioxide upon the normal aclion of unorganized fermeuts. N. York M. J.. 1898, Ixviii, 922- 924.—Enilrmanii (H.) The real value of the medicinal peroxide of hydrogen preparations found in the market. Times & Keg., Phila., 1894, xxviii. 371-373. AUo, Reprint.— (wihier (P.) Peroxide of hydrogen and ozone. Med. News, Pbila., 1890, lvii, 416-418. — Clifford (H.) Notes on the germicidal action of peroxide of hydrogen. Med. Rec. X V., 1888, xxxiv, 243.—Graff 1 H..1 ' Yandstofhyperoxyd i suppurerende Kaviteter og Fistelgange. [Peroxid of hy- drogen in suppurating cavities and fistulous tracts.] Norsk Mag. f. La?gevidensk., Christiania, 1891, 4. R., vi, 199-202—Or a ml in (E. H.) Peroxide of hydrogen iu gynecology and in obstetrics. Times & Reg'., X Y. Sc Phila.. 1891, xxii, 85.—Hon*elI (B.) Experimentelle und klinische Untersuchungen iiber die Yerwertbarkeit des Wasserstoffsuperoxydes iu der Chirurgie. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing, 1900, xxvii, 127-1-4 —Jaeobi IA.) Note on peroxide of hydrogen. Arch. 1'ediat.. N. Y., 1892. ix, 899-907. Also: Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc 1892, fN Y.], 18!>3, iv, 208-216.—Johnson ( W. II.) Peroxide of hydrogen and its use in ear diseases. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1892. xix, 515. AUo. Reprint —JohiiMfon (W. A.) Peroxide of hydrogen. Peoria M. Month., 1884-5, v. 679-682. —Keller (551 Aelteiv nnd neueiv Mittheilungen uber Wasserstoff- hyperoxyd (H202). Monatsehr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1886. xx, 181-185.—Kokkores (D. C.) Ilepi tlvwv xP*l, 1901, vi, 201 —l.eiriiiaim ,H.) The commercial forms of hydrogen dioxid. Med. New 3, Phila., 1894. lxiv. 288. AUo, Reprint. -----. Note on hydrogen dioxide as furnished to practising dentists. Internat. Dent, J., N. Y. Sc Phila . 1895, xvi, 78-81. Also, Reprint.— ■ .rtTmann (H.) &; Brain (W.) Examination of some commercial varieties of hvdrogen dioxide. Med. News, Phila., 1892, lx, 404.— !,loy«l (R. L.) A comparison of some medicinal brands of hydrogen peroxide Am. J. Pharm., Phila., 1893, 4. s., xxiii. '27C-278. —I.ove (I. X.) Peroxide of hydrogen as a rem, dial agent. Phila. M. Times. 1887-8, xviii, 362-364. Also: J. Am. M. Ass.. Chi- cago. 1888, x, 262-265.—Manasein (M. P.) Terapevti- cheskoye znachenie perekisi vodoroda. [Therapeutic value of peroxid of hvdrogen.] Chir. Vestnik, St. Petersb., 1890, vi, 191-196.—Mciz (C. H.) An estimate of the value of the peroxide of lmlrogen in the treatment of some special forms of disease and surgical cases. Med. Age, Detroit, 1892, x, 648-652.—Ill orris (R. T.) The necessary peroxide of hvdrogen. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1890, xv, 216. -----. Where hvdrogen dioxide is harmful. Inter- nat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1900, xiii, 250.— .Horton (T. S. K.) Dioxide of hvdrogen in general surgery. Med. News. Phila., 1889. lv. 716.—TVewcomb (J. E.) ' Clinical experi- ence with solutions of pyrozone. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 18113. xxi, 770-772—."Noble 1C. P.) The peroxide of hydro- gen; its uses in abdominal surgery. Med. News, Phila., 1891, lviii, 402. AUo, Kepi int.—l'nuctli (J.) Ueber das Verhalten von Infusorii 11 gegen VVasserstoffsnperoxvd. Centralbl. f. Physiol.. Leipz.u. Wien. 1889-90, iii, 377-380.— Peroxide (On) of hydrogen; a physical-medical re- search : continued from a research commenced in the year 1856. Ax-lepiad. Lond., 1*91. viii, 1-13.—Bay (J. M.) Peroxide of bydrogen in tbe treatment of suppurative dis- eases of the eve. ear, and throat. South-West. M. Gaz., Louisville, 1.-87. i, 111- Bichardson (B. W.) On per- oxide of hydrogen, or ozone water, as a remedy in disease. Tr. M. Soc. Loud., 1890-91, xiv, 316-337. Also: Asclepiad, Lond.,1891, viii, 1; 101; 201: 301. AUo: Lancet, Loud.. 1891, i, 707; 760. [Discussion], 719.—Schilow (P. F.) Ueber den Einfluss des WasserstotiMipcroxyds auf einige patho- geue Mikroorganismen. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., j£ 1894. n. F., xi, 50-53. — Mclinircr. Wasserstoffsuperoxyd und seine therapeutisehe Anwendung: zusainmcnfassende Darstellung. Klin.-therap. WChnschr., Wien, 1900, vii, 1646-1651.—Sclnilz (N.) Ueber Owdation von krystal- lisirtem Eiereiweiss mit Wasserstoffsuperoxyd. Ztschr. f. physiol. Cliem.. Strassb.. ISou, xxix, 86-104— N mi th III. E.) <5c Oertel iH.) Hvdrogen dioxide as it is dis- pensed. N. York M. J., 1892, lvi, 147-149.—Nqnibb (E.R.) On the medicinal uses of hydrogen peroxide. Ephem. Mat. Med., Brooklyn, 1887-9, iii, 1146-1150. -----. Note on solu- tions of hvdrogen dioxide, or peroxide of hydrogen. X York M. J., 1892. lvi. 149.—Stuver (E.i Peroxide of hy- drogen as a therapeutic and diagnostic agent. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1892, 3. 3., viii, 140-Vaiuleivoort (F. C.I Peroxide of hvdrogen aud the results of its use in my hands. Tr. Illinois M. Soc. Chicago, 1894. xliv. 366-370.— Wnlliau (S. S.) On the use of hydrogeu dioxide in med- icine and surgery. Tr. M. Soc N. Y., Syracuse, ls85. 94- 99. -----. In re hydrogeu dioxide. Med. News, Phila., 1892, lx, 125-128. —■—. Studies iu aerotherapeutics. III. Hydrogen dioxide. X. YorkM. J., 1892, lvi, 594-600. Also, Keprint. HYDROGEN. 521 HYDROLOGY. Hydrogen peroxid (Accidents from). *Janeway (E. G.) Two attacks of temporary hemi- plegia occurring in the same individual as the result of the use of peroxide of hvdrogen iu a sacculated empyema ipleural). Am. J. M. Sc, Phila.. 1898, n. s., cxvi| 420- 424. —Keen (W. W.) Dangeis attending the use of per- oxide of hydrogen in certain cases. Ann. Surg.. Phila.. Is.k wvii! 382. — I.aaehe (S.) Pludselig Dod efter Ind- spreituing at Ymidstofliyperowd i en Empyeintistel. | Sudden death alter injection of peroxid ot hydrogen into a fistulous empyema. 1 Forh. Norske med. Selsk. i Kristiania. 1885. 200-206.— «peneer (G. W.) Dangers of hvdrogen dioxide iu surgery, 'l'i. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1899. xx. 107-113. Also: Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1899, 3. s., 438-440. H vd rogen phosph id. 'VOX BOLTKNSTEKN vO. [M.J. B.]) * l/el.er Plmsphorw asserstotigHs. * •. Greifsicald, lv~'.f N< liul/'. (H.) Ueber Phosphorwasserstotf. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Phanuakol., Leipz.. IsOO. xxvii, 314-335. Hydrogen sulphid. ' Ste, aUo. Philothion. Klkix i.\5 " Leber die narkotisehe Wirkung des Srlnvi telw usst'isfott's. --. Greifiwald, W"2. Petteulti (G.) Sull' idrogenosolfornto in ri- s> pet to alia sua influenza sull ni-gaiiisiiiii animale sauoed auiiualato. Studio sperimentale iiisieine ud alcuni esperimenti batteriologici per G. Mar- cone. *J. Xajwli, 1888. Peyrou (J.) *. . . II. De l'action toxique et pliysiologiqne de l'hydrog£ne sulfure* sur les animanx. [Paris.] -:. Corbcil. 1--S. Stiflt(H-) Die jihysiolooische und thera- peutisehe Wirkung des Schwefelwasserstoft'- gases. >:. Berlin. I885. Beijerineli (M. W.) Scliwef.iwasserstoffbildung in den Stadtgiiiben und Anfstellnug der Gattung Aerobac- ter. Cennalbl. t. l: ikteriol. [etc. 2. Abt., Jena 1900, vi. 193-206. — 4'rouzel. Lev fire sirl h\ di ogene. (lac. .(.hop. de Tonlouse. Is92. vi. 49-51.— Dcbrayr >v l.e^iiiin. Sur la biogenese de l'livilrogene sultiue. Compt i,n,l Soc. de biol. Par., 1M.i().'9. s.. ii. 466-46^. — Dvakonoll (K.) K ucbeniyu ob otnoshenii slerovodoroda k orga- nizmu. (Relation of hydrogen sulphid to the organism.] Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb.. 1867. vii. 337; 345. AUo, transl. Ahsti Med.-, he i. Lulrsucb. a. d. Lab. . . . zu Tii- b.iig. II, ■:',.. 1867 ■-",; -2"4 — Flint (A.) < In the elimina- t ti,,n",,t -n.p:. i'ett.-,! li\,li..j,-n artificially inti",liiced into the i,,,,iv. M.-d. y, »-s, I'l. 'a. 1»»7. li. 67u. — l.aborde Ij.-Y.j .>ur Paction physioiogicpie et toxiipie ,!>■ 1 h\dro- gene sulfure et en particulier sur le mecanisme de cette action. L'ompt. rend. Sue de biol.. Par., 1>-8i'> 8 s., iii, 113-116.— .Tlehu (C.-J.-M.i Surlapreparation de 1 livdio gene sulfide. I. de phaiin. et chim.. Par., i -t;s 4. s. viii, 98. AU,,. in his: Obs. pharmaceuthpii's. /■-. Par. !18(;8j. 7.— yiiqiK-l (P.) Biogeiicse de l'hvdiogeue Mil fine. Ann. de niici-og.. Par., lsss-9. i. 323; 364.— \o«lvodoroda na zlnvotuiy organizm. s prihavle- iiiein ni.-Uotoiikh dannikh k patologii Cheyne-Stokes' ovs- kavo-dikliani\a. [Influence of hydrogen sulphid on the organism, with addition of certain data to the pathology of Cheyne-Stokes' respiration.] Ejened. klin. gaz., St. Petersb., 1884, iv, 433-436. Hydrogen sulphid (Toxicology of). "Kwilecki (A.) ".Studium iiber die Giftigkeit des vom Meiisclien inhalierten Schwclchvasser- stoffs mit besonderer Kiicksicht auf die Fabrik- hygienc 8>rj. Wiirzburg. 1~;m). Skvohtsoi-t (P. A.) * Vliyani'e slerovodoroda na tkani lyokhkikh pri otravleiiii im zhivotnlkh. [Effect of hydrogeu sulphid upon lung tissue Hydrogen sulphid (Toxicology of). in poisoning of animals by it.] ."'-. S.-Peter- burg. 1896. Binet (P.) Xote sur la presence de la sulfo-tnethemo- gloliin, dans l'empoisonnemeut par lli\ drogene sulfure. Kev. med. de la Suisse Pom.. Geneve, 18116. xvi, 65-72 — Brouartlel (P.) A l.oye (P.) Pecherches sur l'enipoi- sonnemciit i>ar riiydio-eiie sulfure. Prance med.. l'ar., 18s.",, ii, I25II-1253' - Burmeixter (J.) Lin Fall von Sehwcfelwassorstoff. iresp. Schwefelalkali-i Vergiftung bei einem Kriit/.ekranken nach ausseilielior Anwendung von Pottaschi'-Schwefelsalbe. Arch f. Dermat. u. Svph Wien u. Leip/... 1901, lviii, 389-392 —I'liau venu (A.)'& Ti««ot. Pent-oil s'empoisonner par la pcau , t lc- inii(|ueu-, - ext, rieuies, dans les milieux qu, la piesence de l'h\drogene sulfure a rendu deleteres' Compt rend. Acad.d. sc. Par., 1901, exxxiii. 137 — l»< i< li.teller (J.) Die Vergiftung mit Sch wefelwassersl oil 1 i i,,hei,]is 151. f. gerichtl. Med., Numb.. ls'.Hi. xlvii, 103; 20s; l>s9. AUo, transl.: Ann. Soc de med. leg. de P.elg.. Charleroi. 1897, ix. 165-174 — I lliiruaek (E.I Leber Schwcfclwasserstoff-Vergiftung. Aer/tl. Sachverst.-Ztg.. Perl., 1807, iii, 256. .Tlarbe. 'I'iidlliche \'ergifluiig (lurch Sell w efelwassel -loi) : lie- I triebsiinfiill. Ztschr. f. Med.-P.eamte. li.-i L. 1899, xii, 144- 1 Id - Ouier. (Questions relatives a la recherche de l'hy diogene -nlluie dan- les einpoisonnement-. Cong, inter- nat. med. leg. 1807. Charleroi. 1*99, ii, 3>6-392. — Mtadd- innmi (K.i Lcb,r S< InvefelkoblenstoflX iTgiftunn. Perl. Klinik, 1896, 98. lift.. 1-26. — Knur (L.i Asphyxie par l'h\diogene sulfure dan- un conn. Ann. d'hyg.. Par, 1899. 3. s., xli. 2"i3-2.">7. — I5»ebin»by. Zur Fiau, von der Schwefelwasserstotfvergiftung. Zi-, hr. f. pb\siol. Chein., Strassb., 1892-3, xvii, 22u-22>'. —Wijjlestvnr'ih (J.) Pe- maiks on two eases of insanity caused by inhalation of sulphuretted hydrogen. Brit. il. J., Loud.. 18y2, ii, 124. Hydroliaeiiiatoci'le. See Hydrocele (Complications, etc, of). Hydroidea. , See, also, Hydra. Allman (G. J.) Report on the present state ' of our knowledge of the reproductive system in the Hydroida. ~c. [London], 1865. Repr. from: Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. Lond., 1863 351-426. Bickford (Elizabeth E.i Notes on legeneration and beterqmorphosis of tubulaiian liv,hoi,Is. J. Morphol., Bost.. 1894, ix. 417-43 i, 1 pl.— Billaril (A.i De la stolo- nisation chez les ludroid,-. Coinju. lend. Acad. d. sc, I Par., 1901, exxxiii, 521-524. —1.ans 'A.) Zur Frage der Knospung der Hvdroiden. Biol. Centralbl.. Leipz., 1894, xiv. 682-687.—Tlialltvitz i-I.i Leber 5. Preet;(l(''e d'une lettre a M. Durand- | Fardel, s". Paris, l~ii:5. Thaite pratique d'liydrologie medieale par P. Jardet, G. Niviire, 'p. La vero ne. M. Doit- Lamhron, L. Heulz et A. Boursier. s,J. Paris, 1896. ------. The same. Prakticheskoye ruko- vodstvo po meditsiuskol hidrologii. Perevod s frantsuzskavo ]u>d redaktsiyel A. Zhandra. [Transl. from the French under the editorship of Zhandr.] r-. S.-Peterburg, 1901. I>iiiiiii«I-I''urdel (M.) Programnie d'un etiseigne- ment de llivdrologie. (Kaji.] Cong, internat. d'hydrol. et de cliniatol." (J. r. issii. Par.. 1890, ii, 335-343.— Felix (J.) HYDROLOGY. 522 HYDRONEP B ROSIS. Hydrology. Programme dVtudes hydrologiques adopte par la Soci6t6 beige de geologic, de paleontologie et d'hydrologie. Ibid., 378-380.—<<.-trri<£Oii (F.) L'avenir de Vhydrologie fran- caise et des stations thermales. Rev. de therap. med.- chir., Par., 1805. Ixii. 683-688.—Gaulrelel. Sur les com- binaisons h\ pm Intitules en hydrologic. Pull. Soc. de med. prat. dePai-., 1887, 7-14. Hydrolvsi*. Nicolas (J.; Action hydrolytique de l'or- ganisnie sur les derives sulfon^s aroinatiques. 8-._ Lyon, 11101. Etartl (A.) fitude de l'hydrolyse du tissu fibreux. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1900, exxx, 1263-1266.— Fischer (E.) Leber die Hydrolyse des Caseins durch Salzsaurc. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1901, xxxiii, 151-176. -----. Ueber die Entstehung von a-Pyr- rolidincarbonsaiirc und Phenylalanin bei der Hydrolyse desEieralbumins. Ibid .412-416.—Kriiuer (T. P.i Leber die Abspaltung von Koblensaure aus Phosphorfleisch- siiure durch Hydrolyse. Ibid.. 1896, xxii, 95-102.—Os- borne (T. B.) ' Ein hydrolytiscb.es Derivat des Globulins Edestin und sein Verlialtniss zu Weyl's Albuminat uud zur Histongruppe. Ibid., 1901, xxxiii, 225-239. Hydromel. On tour (L.) Fabrication de l'hydromel. Assoc. franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r. 1895, Par., 1896, xxiv, pt. 2, 906-909. II) dromeningoce I v. See Hydrencephalocele. Hydrometer!*!. Bazzaboni (C.) Risultato di esperienze idrometriche sopra tubi addizionali conici divergenti. Mem. r. Accad. d. sc. d. 1st. di Bologna, 1891-2, 5. s., ii, 119-122. Hydromyelu*. See, also, Spinal cord (Carities in); Syringo- myelus. Tollkns (C.) * Bilduiigs-Anomalien (Hydro- myeliei im Centralnerveii-ystem eines Paraly- tikers. 8°. Gbttingen, 1900. Block (E. B.) On hydromyelia, in its relation to spina bifida and cranioschisis. Contrib. sc. med. . . . pupils W. H. Welch, Bait., 1900, 805-858, 3 pl. Hydronaphthocliinon. Hartenstkix (M.) * Ueber «-Hydronaphto- chinon nnd einige Derivate desselheu. SJ. Jena, 1802. Hydronaphthol. *Bryce (T. II.) The value of hydronaplithol as an antiseptic. Brit. M.J., Lond., 1890, ii, 1170-1172.—Clarke (J. M.) Hydronaphthol in the treatment of enteric fever and of diarrhoea. Practitioner, Lond, 1890, xiv, 1-7.— Fowler (G. R.) Hydronaphthol; a new antiseptic. N. York M. J., 1885, x'lii. 374; 401; 456; 630. AUo, Re- print.— Levis (R. J.) The new antiseptic, hydronaph- thol. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila.. 1885, liii, 553. -----. Notes on the new antiseptics, hydronaphthol and the polassio-mercuric iodide Phila. M. Times, 1885-6, xvi, 126. — Stewart (D. D.) Hydronaplithol in the prophy- laxis and treatment of cholera; report of laboratory ex- periments. Med. Xews, Phila., 1892, lxi, 371. -----. The identity of the proprietary so-called hydronaphthol and impure beta-uapbthol; with a special report of au analysis of hydro-naphthol. bv C. P. I'„•<-kwith. Ibid., 1893, ixii, 348-351. AUo, Reprint.—Taylor (G. G.) A method of blood antisepsis. [Hydronaphthol.] Chicago M. Re- corder, 1901, xxi, 237-244. Hydronaphth via inin. Stern (K.) 'Ueber Wirkung der Hydro- naphtylamine auf den thierischen Organismus. [Breslau.] 8". Berlin, 18-8. Also, in: Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.J, Berl., 1889, cxv, 14-46. Stern i R.) TTebei die Beziehungen zwisehen cheini- scher Constitution und physiologischer Wirkung bei den Hydronaphtvlaininen und Hydronaphtochiuolinen. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1889, cxvii, 418-422. Hydronephrosis. * See, also, Calculus (Renal). Arnould ( E. ) * Contribution a, l'6tude de l'hydronephrose. 4°. Paris, 1891. -----. The same. b-. Mans. 1891. Krakaler (A.) "Hydronephrose. 8°. Ber- lin, [1881]. Hydronephrosis. Navarro (A.) 'Contribution a, l'dtude des hydronephroses. 4 . Paris, lb94. -----. The same. - 5 Paris, 1894. Wolf (M.) * Beitrag zur Lehre von der Hy- dronephrose. ***-. Berlin, 1897. Aiitlci'NOii (A. R.) Cases of hydronephrosis. Quart. M. J., Sheffield, 1895-6, iv, 265-272— Anderson (M'C.) Hydronephrosis. Glasgow M. J. 1893. xl, 32-34.—ltan- toek. Hydronephrosis. Brit. Gynsec. J., Lond., 1888-9, iv, 360-366.—Battle (W. H.) Some cases of hydrone- phrosis. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1896, Lond. 1897, n. s., xxv, 169-177.—Braufoot (A. M.) Case of hydrone- phrosis. Tr. South Indian Branch Brit. M. Ass. 1887-8, Madias, 1888, ii, 402-406. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, i, 128.—Bristowc (J. S.) On hydronephrosis. Internat. Clin.,Phila., 1892,iv,46-56.—Deeressac. Hydronephrose. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1888. lxiii, 93-98.—E wing (J.) Hydronephrosis. Proc. X. Tork Path. Soc. (1895), 1896, 60 — Farrar (S. C.) Case of renal dropsy. N. Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1844-5, i, 553-555.—Finney (J. M.) Hydrone- phrosis. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1868-71, n. s., iv, 198 — Fruuiussiane. Hydronephrose aseptique. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1893, Ixviii, 271-274.—CJuyon. Retentions renales. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1891, ix, 605-627.—Ha titer (E.) Ueber Hydronephrose. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1887,xvii,449-455.—Ilebb (R.G.) Case of hydronephrosis. Tr. Path.Soc.Loud.,1896-7,xlviii, 135. — Hume (T.) Hydronephrosis. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1880, xv, 13.—James (A.) Dilatation of the ureter and renal pelves, hydronephrosis. In his: Physiol. Sc clin. stud., 8°, Edinb.. 1888, 41-48.—Blister (E.) Leber die Sackniere (Cystonephrosis). Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl.. 18ss, xiv, 369; 437. AUo, Reprint.— I.aureus (P.) Sc Boujjeau. Un cas d'hydronephrose. [ From : Toulouse med. J " lScho med., Toulouse, 1900, 2. s., xiv, 495-499.—I.eith. Three cases of hydronephrosis. Tr. Med.-Chir. Sec. Edinb., 1894-5, n. s., xiv, 208-210.— .VIcn'ien isc (fi.) De rbydronephrosc. Gaz. med. de Par., 1K71, 4. s, iii, 542-545. AUo, Keprint.—Norman (C.) Hvdroiiephrosis. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1893. xevi, 380-384. —Owen (E.) Two cases of hydronephrosis. Lancet, Lond., 1897, ii, 1453.— Fyle (J.S.) An interesting case ,f hydronephrosis. ^5 York M. J., 1899, Ixix, 147.— Itemed ■ (V.) Sopra un caso d' idronefrosi. Boll. d. sez. d. cult. d. sc. med., n. r. Accad. d.fisiocrit.diSiena, 1887,v, 47-62. —Staples (G. A.) Hydronephrosis; an essay based on the comparative study of seventy-one cases of that lesion, of which one case came under the peisonal observation of the writer. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1884, ii, 393; 421. Also, Reprint.—Ter- rilIon. De l'hydronephrose. Bull, med., Par.. 1890, iv, 961-963.—Turner (J. S.) Hydronephrosis of the left kidney. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1896), 1897, xxxviii, 103- 105. — Verjjelv. Hydronephrose. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et pin siol. . .' . de Bordeaux, 1882, iii, 199. — Wai'flrll (J. R.) Hydronephrosis Inhis: Contrib. Path. Sc Pract. Med., 8°, Loud., 1885, 640-644.— Woollcy iD. M.) Dr. Wool- ley's case of hydronephrosis. N. York M. J., 1891, liii, 372.—Wright & Bury (J.) A case of hydronephrosis. Lancet, Lond., 1899, ii, 215-217.—Kawisza (K.) Kilka uwag z powodu spostrzeganych 3 przypadkbw tak zwanej wodnej puehliny nerek przepuszcza.j^cej. [Some remarks on 3 cases of so-called hydronephrosis.] Medycyna, War- szawa, 1891, xix, 1; 17. H vd roneph rosis (Causes and pathology of)- See, also, Hydronephrosis (Congenital), etc.; Hydronephrosis (Intermittent). Andrew (J.) On the relation between ana- sarca and the renal affection at the commence- ment of the so-called acute renal dropsy; and on the sequence of the structural changes which take place in the kidneys. 8°. London, 1861. Eichi.er (H.) *Eiu Fall von traumatischer Hydronephrose hei Hufeisenmere. 8°. Halle a. S., 1901. Moser (E.) Ueher Hydronephrose in Folge snhcutauer Niereiiverletzuiig. 8°. Basel, 1888. Petersen (K.) * Ueher Hydronefrose hei abnormen Gefiissverlaufe. 8C. Kiel, 1893. Saler (M.) * Ueber compensatorische Hyper- trophic des Nierenparenchyms bei Hydronephrose durch spitzwinkligen Ahgang des Ureters. 8°. Gbttingen, 1898. Scheben <;M. J. H.) #Zur Aetiologie der Hydronephrose. [Bonn.] 8°. Rheinbach, 1888. HYDRONEPHROSIS. 523 HYDRONEPHROSIS. H.\ilvonvphro*i*(Causes and pathology J of). " Singer (F. [W. A."p ~ Kin Fall von Hydrops renum cvsticus congenitus. S . Greifswald, i l-i»5. Willecke (H. F.) * Zwei Fiille von Hydro- nephrose bedingt durch Divertikel am Hlaseneudo des Ureters. *■*-. Marburg. lf'JO. Wlaoimirokf (A.) * Feber die Riickwirkung der artilieiellen Hydronephrose auf das Her/.. S-5 Dorpat, 1^9. ' Alrlisnmlroir (L. P.) Retelltio urinSB; hvilrone- idue-is. Necropsy.| Otchet . Dletsk. boln. Sv. Olgi v Mosk , iss9i. ls'.'O, iii, 36 -3> -Allison (CO Hydio- j nephrosis caused bv enlarged prolapsed leuktvmic spleen. Med. Rec N\ Y.. 1898. liv. 313— Aiinm ,S.) A U'nka- bnyashi (T.) Leber die duicli liauma vei ursacble Hydronephrose. |Japanese text.) /.ischr. d. med. Ge- sellsch. zu Tokvo. Is9s, xii, 663-666— An Id ,A. G.) On the ]>atliologr of ien.il dropsy. Lancet. Lond.. 1889, ii, .-,:,»-."40. — Ayrer. I eber den viilligcn Schwnnd des Xierengewi I,, s m II vilionephrosesaeken. Deutsche nied. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., Is93. xix. 1108; 1150—Barrs (A. G.) A case of double hydronephrosis of congenital origin; necropsy. Lancet. Lond..lsX9.i,9X1-983.— Ballle. Hydronephiosis from congenital deticiency of ureter. Med. Puss A: Circ, Lond.. 1*99. n. s., cxix, 117.—Bazi. Rein hvdrouephrotique experimental Lull. Soc anal, ,1c Par.. 1893 Ixviii, 224 — Itcrteiioon (B. L.) lv paiologi cheskoi anatomii ekspenineni.,lii.i\ ,< hidronefroza ; umie- neniya v poclikle s netronutim inochetochuikom, v pecheni i niozgu pri peievyazkle oduovo uiochetochuika; eksperi- mentalnoye i histologiche-koye izslledovauie. [Patho- anatoiny of experimental hydi((nephrosis; changes in the kidney with untouched ureter, m the liver and brain when oue ureter is tied : experimental and histological research.] Bolnitsch. gaz.Bolkiua St. Petersb., 1900, xi, 1183; 1236.— Brannon (L.i Simple stricture of the bowels and hydronephrosis caused l>y a blow upon the abdominal walls. Am. Gynasc .V Ob*st. J., X. Y.. 1901. xix, 414-417.— Cabot (A. T.) observations upon acquired hydrone- pinosis. Boston M. a: S. J., 1896, exxxiv, 405-407. [Dis- tiiasion]. 419.—t'oais (-Li Cases of hydronephrosis of unusual origin. Glasgow M. J., l'»91, xxxv, 342-344. Also: Tr. Glasg. Lath. & Clin. Soc M-8I--91), 1892, iii. 277-279.— Collin- (W. J.) Xi-Hiimaiie hydronephrosis. Brit. M. J., Lond. 1892. i. 899-9U2.— Belleure. Hydronephrose; autop-ie. Arch med. beiges. I'.rux.. 1*84 3. s., xxvi, 229-238 — Oi< Kin-on , \V. 11.) Ou renal dropsy, with especial :efeieuce to lhe circulation; together with s,.me considerations relating to pulmonary apoplexy in renal disease. Med.-Chir. Tr.. Lond.. 1891-2, lxxv. 317- 373, 1 tab. AUu. Proc. Roy. M. A Chir. Soc. Loud.. 1891-2, iv, 111-129.— Unuslii* 'R.) Hydronephiosis with mova- ble kidney, xciti.. 1'i.ict., Nashville, ls99. xxi. 461-465.— Brew D.) Villous carcinoma of pelvis of kidney ureter, and hi,older causing hydronephrosis. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond.. l?96-7. xlviii. 130-135.— Buret III.) Du mecanisme de l'hydronephrose dans ie cancer de la vessie. Assoc. franc, d'urol. Proc-verb.. Par.. 1*99 iv, 55X-:,<;.">.—l>'l"rso (G.) Ricerche sperinicntali sulla patogenesi ,1, 11a idrone- frosi. Clin. chir.. Milano, 1900, viii. 942. AUo: Policlin. Roma. 1901, viii s, /. chir., 301-309.—Kilm dt. '!'., Hydro- nephrosis and renal atrophy; especially as resulting I rum functional disturbances of micturition. M,,l. News, j Phila:. 1889, lv. 141-141. AUo. Reprint.- «.nivi, He Rouville. Hydronephto-e par r,in mobile. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par.. 1804, Ixix. 622-626 t.ooilhurt ri filths (J.) The histological changes in the kidney in h\ ,li oneiphtosis. Tr. Path. Soc. Loud., 1888-9, xl, 161-172.-«;ulh (K > Ein Fall von Hydrone- phiosis sinistra bei coiegenitalem Mangel der rechten Xiere. Vereinsbl. d. pfalz. Aerzte, Frankenthal, 1893. ix, 1 7 50. — ||;i■■•<< iii.-inn. Beitrag zur Mcchanik der IJ\,ii,,(i, |,l,iosen nili-i einigen casuistischen Mittheilun- gen. Ar, I, I p.,tli. Anal. ,elc i. Herl.,18ss. cxii. 539-548.— ■ larvie (J. B.) Floating or movable kidney permitting a kink in the ureter in the erect position a cause of hvdro- nephi,-is. Ann. Oyiiec & Pediat.. Bost., 1897-8 xi. 430- 434.— Henry i F. Pi Sp, , imens of hydrom pin osis. Tr. Path. Soc Phila (M-7-9, 1 so i. xiv. 1X0-182.-II ililebra ml & llasn. lAperiin, nt. il,- Lntersuehung uberdi, I'litstc- hung dei ll\dioni ],lno.s( und den Zusammenliang /\\i- schen Hydioneptnosc und Wandeiiiiore. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chii. Leipz., Is9s. xlix. 26-38.—Knox i.l. J.) Trau- matic hydronephrosis. Lancet. Lond.. 1891 ii, 1384 — Kolilnurli Sc Pforle. Hydroneplnose mit Chylusiihn- lichein Inlialt und eigenai tiger Wand nebst Bemerkungen iiber Chylus-Cyst, n Arcli. f. path. Anat. [etc ), Berl., 1900, clxi, 44-56. 1 pl.- Hriilin. Leber einen Fall von secundarer Hydionephrose in Folge von Blasenpapillom. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1x99, xxv, 641- 643.— Kiihn (H.) Ueber traumatische Pscudo-Hydro- l\ilvonephro*is (Causes and pathology of). nephrosc im Anschluss an eine eigene Beobachtung. Aer/tl. Sachverst.-Ztg.. Bell., 1901, vii. 157-101.— l,e Itoulillirr i \\5 G.) Double hydronephrosis from carci noma of the bladder. Proc X. York Path. Soc. (1893), 1X94. 2 I,ei-.mii (F.) Pathogonie et, traiiciiient de l'hy- dion, -plnose. Ann d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1896, \i\, 0X2 !i.»7. 1/w, Monatsh. . . . d. Krankh. d. Harn-u. Sex. - Appar.. Berl.. 1X97, ii. 164. Also, liun.sl: Med.- chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1X96. xxxi, 717. ------. llydione- phrose par retrceissement dc l'lin-teie. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par.. 1896. xiv, 1117-1122. — I.einoiue. Note sur un cas d'hydroiiephrose acqui.se du rein gauche, consecutive ii un retiecisscineiit de l'metere. Mem. et compt.rend. Socd.sc med. de Lyon (1889), 1890. xxix, pt.2, 142-146. — Lowe (J.) On hydronephrosis of traumatic origin. Proc M. Soc. Lond.', 1885-6, ix. 246-253. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond.. lxso, i, i;93. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet. Lond., lxslj, i, 689.- Lucas (R. <;.) Itemarks on the relation of movable kidin \ to hydronephrosis. Brit. M. J., Lend., 1891, ii, 131:: i::i:>.- Mauido term i nee par la rup- ture dela poo he ct paria mot t tin ma lade Bull. Soc.de m6d. de Par.(Is74), 1x75, ix.O.VIOO. - Ito-s.s.olo. Ln ( asodiidro- pio nefrosi. Suppl. al Policlin. Roma, 1897-8.iv, 352-354.— ■a- nel. Lncasdliydronephrose double.duo a la couduri des u re t e reset consecutive a 1111 cancel (I'll tei US. J. d. seined. de Lille, 1897, i 285-2XX — Dzirne (I. K.) K voprosu oka- mennoi hnliezni ]>oi lick. Iiidionefro/ie i idoiiefrozle. [Ne- phrolithiasis, hydronephrosis, and pyonephrosis.] Laitop. russk. chir., S. - Peterb.. 1x99, iv, 483 : 634.— Vedv. ( F. ) Idropionefrosi. Kiv.cliu. d. Lniv. di Napoli, 1885, vi 2d- 22 —Foolnei- (J. J!.i Hydronephrosis of both sides Brit. M. J. Lon,I . 1878. ii, 57.—Johnson (J. T.) ILdio- pyouepluosis \\ ii h a case. J. Pract. M., N. Y., 11-95-6, vi, HYDRONEPHROSIS. 524 HYDRONEPHROSIS. Hydronephrosis (Complications and setjuehv of). 152-154. — Kalinovslii (S.N.) Hydronephrosis uti ins que; calculi pelvis rems utriusque; ruptura renis sinis- tra. Protok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. med. Obsh., Tiflis. 1900- 1901, xxxvii, 379-382. — Kiruiisaon (E.) Sur uue forme particnliere d'hydronephiose qu'on pourrait appeler hy- dronephrose externe ou sous-capsulaire. Bull, et mem. Soc de chir. de Par.,1899. n. s.. xxv.495-497.—Kondrnfo- vich (K.) Sluchai piohidronefroza s vidleleniem mochi cherez bronkhi. [Pyohydi onephrosis with elimination of the urine thiough ihebi,,n,hi. Med. Obozr.. Mosk.. 1899. li. 691-693. — I.iiimoi*. Hydronephrose du rein gauche avec dilatation do l'meteie. Mem. et compt. -rend. Soc.d. sc. med. de Lyon (1882), 18X3. xxii, pt. 2, 145.— I.ejjueu (F.) Tuberculose reuale greffee sur une hydronephrose ouverte. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par.. 1901. n. s., xxvii, 852-854.—I.epiue i K.) Mitteiluug eines Falles von Hydioiieplnuse bei einer osteomalarischen Frau. In- ternat. Centralbl. t. d. Physiol, u. Path. d. Haru- u. Sex.- Org.,Hamb. u. Leipz.. 1890-91, ii. 1 —'Lorain. Hydrone- phrose; ulcere simple de I'estomac; Tuberculose. Bull. Soc. de med. pi at.de Par.,1889.269-276.—.Marl i it (J.M. H.) A case of double hydronephrosis. I r. Path. Soc. Man- chester. 1891-2. i. 47.—Pawlili (CI. > Pyoncplnoses et hydronephroses Lev. de gynec et de chir. abd.. Par., 1897, i, 787-822.—Perkins (G."VV5) Hydrouephrosis with calcification of cyst-wall. Ann. Surg., Phila.. 1895, xxi, 698-705.—Pillict(A.) H^-drouephrose double chez un ataxique de 57 aus. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par.. 1889, lxiv, 664-668.— Plien. Eiu Fall von Pyohydronephrose nach Lretherstein. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1901. xxvii, Ver.-Beil., 73.—Reclus. Sur un cas d'hydro- iiephrose bilaterale. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1894. n. s., xx, 7X2-7X6. Also: Mercredi med.. Par., 1X94,v, iin7—Keuaiifl (E. ) Constipation inviucible; hydioue- phrose double: mort. Bull. Soc. auat.-clin. de Lille, 1889, iv. 124 127. — Renaul. Hydronephrose double. Mem. etcompt.-reinl.Socd.sc.nied.de Lyon (1890), 1891. xxx, pt.2, 90. —Wexion (J. C.) Rupture of a hydronephrotic kidney. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic. 1899, n. s., xliii, 485-48X — Street! ( D. ) Bilateral hydronephrosis. South. Clinic, Richmond, 1890, xiii, 65-69. — Thurston (E. O. ) Renal calculi; hydronephrosis, wiih calcification of the walls of the sac. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1898-9. u. s., xxvii, 151. — Troyanoff (A. A.) Sluchai hidropionef- roza. | A case of . . .] Protok. i trudi Russk. chir. Obsh. Pirogova. St. Petersb., 1892, x, 35-43.—Wei 11. Hydrone- phrose; hypertrophic du ventricule gauche. Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc d. sc. med.de Lyon (1883i. 1X84, xxiii, pt. 2, 167-172.— Wendt (C. I.) Pvo-hydionephrosis. Hahne- man. Month., Phila.. 1899, xxxiv, 106-108.—Zuliani (A.) Sopra due casi di idropionefrosi. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 18*6. vii, 58: 67. " Hydronephrosis (Congenital) [and in children]. See, also, Hydronephrosis (Causes, etc., of). Ayrer (F.) * Beitrag zur Lehre von der Hy- dronephrose im Kindesalter. *-°. Giittiugen. 1891. Chevrier (G.) * Contribution a I'etude cli- nique de l'hydronephrose congenitale chez le jeune enfant. -°. Paris, 1899. Flchs iN.) *Zwei Falle vou cougenit&er Hydronephrose. s-\ Zurich, 1900. Mixlcci i,P.) Contributo alio studio del- 1' etiologia; patogenesi e cura dell' idronefrosi congenita. ~r. Bari,\809. Rlnge (A. [O. O.]) 'Zwei Falle von ange- borener Hydronefrose. f*'3. Kiel, 1895. Schwarz ( E.) * Ueber Hydronefrose im Kimlesiilter. -5. Kiel, 1891. Ahlfeld ( F.) Hydronephrose bei einem 5jahrigen Madchen; Einheilung des Sackes in die Bauchwunde. In his: Ber. u. Aib. a. d. geburtsh.-gynaek. Klin, zu Marii. ls,s.-,-6l 8°. Leipz., 18x7. iii, 169. —Au««.et (E.) & C'halelain. Tin cas d'hydroiiephrose calculeuse chez un nournsson. ficho meil. du noid, Lille, 1*9* ii, 321.— Bernard (L.) Sur l'hydioiieplirose calculeuse de la pre- miere enfance. Arch, de med. d. enf., Par., 1898, i. 343- 361—Bidder (A.) Leber eiu,- angeboi-ne Hvdrone- phiose. IVrl. klin. "Wchnschr.. 1-8"). xxii, 11X-120." Also: Vei handl. d. Bed. med. Gesellsch. (1X83-4). 1885, xv, pt. 2, 258-264.—Blackwood iC. Mabel). Congenital hy- dronephrosis, with or without dilatation of the ureters and bladder. Edinb. M. J., l»95-6, xli, 919-921.—Delatour (H B.) Congenital hydronephiosis. Brooklyn M. J., 1901. xv, 66'.'. — Delestre A- Ilaret. Hydronephrose congenitale. Bull, et nieni. Soc anat de Par., 1900, lxxy, 1069.—Del ore (X.) &Cnrrel (A.» Hydronephrose con- genital,- double: malformations del'orifice uretero-vesical droit, i iaz. lielxl.de med., Par . 1899, n. s., iv, 325-32X. Also, transl.: Centralbl. f. d. Krankh. d. Haru- u. Sex.- Hydl'Oiieplirosis (Congenital) [and in children]. Org., Leipz., 1899, x, 464-473—Eppinger (H.) Zur Aetiologie der angeborenen Hydronephrose. Mitth. d. Ter. d. Aerzte in Steiermark. Graz, 1893, xxx, 63-72.— I,nne (W. A.) Case of congenital hydronephrosis treated successfully by a novel method. Lancet, Loud., 1894. ii. 910.—I.iiunny. Hydronephrose bilaterale con- genitale, avec torsion de l'artere par bride fibreuse. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par.. 1894. Ixix. 892-9uo.—.llnrtin (E.I Hy- di onephiose congenitale chez un enfant dc deux ans; abla- tion: gueiison. Rev.de chir.. Par., 1895. xv, 324-332.— .Marvel (E.) Hydronephrosis, pyonephrosis: nephrec- tomy in a boy aged lour-and-a-half vears. Pediatrics, N. Y. A Lond., 1899, viii. 1-12—.Tliniuei (P.) Contri- buto alio studiodell' etiologia: patogenesi eeuiadell idro- nefrosi congenita. Puglia nied., Bari. lxox, vi. 2", 5 1899, vii, 27.— Biesmnu ib.i Congenital hydronephrosis. Proc. Path. Soc. Phila., 1897-x. u. s.. i. 2.",3-2i;u. — Robin- son (E. L.) A case of hydronephrosis, probably con- genital. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1x91, i, 405. — Kov»iug (T.) Tie Tilfaelde af kongenit Hydronefrose. 'Three cases of . . .] Kiobeiih. med. Selsk. Forh.. Isn4-.V 2.1-32.— Buppreciit (P.) Zwei HydronephrosenOperatinnen bei Kindern. Deutsche nied. Wchnschr.. Berl., lss.3. xi, | 611-613. —Setzke (E. F.) A case of intermittent hydro- nephrosis in a child, successfully treated by operation. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney. 1899* xviii, 154— Simpson (A. R.) Hydronephrosis: description of a congenital case, and remarks on the etiology of the disease. Glasgow M. J., 1867-8, 3. s., ii, 332-342. AUo, Reprint— William* (D.) A case of congenital hydronephrosis. Tr. Path. Soc. | Lond., 1887-8, xxxix, 152-155. Hydronephrosis (Diagnosis and se- meiology of). Lampe ( H. B. G. ) * Ueber traumatische Pseudohydrouephrosen, mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung eines in der Greifswalder chirurg, Univ.-Kliuik beobachteten, nnv einer doppel- seitigeu wah re u Hydronephrose coniplizierten Falles. >3. Greifswald, 1899. Jessett (F. B.) Large hydro-nephrosis on the right side mistaken for ovarian cyst or hydatid; operation: re- covery. Med. Press A Cue. Lond., 1900, n. s., Ixx, 445.— I.arltiu (F.C.) The diagnosis and treatment of hydrone- phrosis, with an account of thiee cases. Liverpool M.- Chir. J., 1893. xiii. 79-93—I.endoi f ,A.) To Tilfaelde af Pseudohydrouefrose. [Two cases ot . . .| Hosp.-Tid., Kiebenh., 189s\ 4. R., vi. 77; 112.—Wahl (P.-L.) Sur uu cas d'hvdi onephiose mecounue chez un aliene. Bull. Soc. anat de Par., 1898. lxxiii. 190-l:(2—Weeks iS. H.) Hy- dronepbrosis supposed to be ovarian tumor. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1887, cxvii, ."iu7-.'>0'.i. —Wright (G. A.) Remarks upon the diagnosis and treatment of hydronephrosis. Med. Chron., Manchester. 1892-3, xvii, 145-150. Hydronephrosis (Double). See Hydronephrosis (Ca uses, etc., of); Hy- dronephrosis (Complications, etc., of); Hydro- nephrosis (Congenital), etc. Hydronephrosis (Experimental). .^(Hydronephrosis (Causes, etc., of). I Hydronephrosis (Intermittent). See. also, Hydronephrosis (Congenital), etc. Falrichox \G.) "Contribution a I'etude de l'hydronephrose intermittente. 4°. Paris, 1-9:1 Legekot (A.) 'Contribution a l'e'tiule de l'livdronephrose intermittente. 4C. Lyon, 1-1*4. Termer (F.) & Baudollv (M.) De l'hydro- n6phrose intermittente. ?-. Paris, 1-91. AUo,in: Rev. dechir., Par., 1891, xi, 719; 833; 1055. Voizot (L.) * Sur un cus d'hydroiiephrose intermittente chez I'homme par displacement du rein. 8°. Paris, 1900. AI bar ran (J.) Hydronephroses fermees d'emblee. Semaine nied.. Par., 1894, xiv, 43-45. -----. Physiologie pathologique de 1 augmentation de volume du rein et de la polyurie dans les crises d'hydroiiephrose intermittente. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito ui'in Par.. 1896, xiv. 9s7-99u. AUo [Abstr.]: Mouatsb. ... ,1. Kiaukh.d. Harn- n. Sex.- Appar., Berl., 1897, ii. 165.—A miiqiiin. I'onsideratioiis a propos dun cas d'hydronephiose intermittent,;. Dau- phine med., Grenoble, 1893. xvii, 269-275.—Bergh (C. A.) Om den intermitterande hvdronefrosen. Hygiea. Stock- holm, 1897, lix, 562-566.—Bourcy. Snr un cas d'hydrone- piiroseinteriuittente. Semaine med. Par. 1898, xviii.513.— t'amou (X. B.) Intermittent liv.lionephrosis. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri 1896-7, Kansas Citv.'is!'- 394-400. —Dele- HYDRONEPHROSIS. 525 HYDRONEPHROSIS. lly«lroiiephro*i* (Intermittent). foMse. L'h\(lroncpbrose intermittente par MM. F. Ter- rier et Marcel Baudouin. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin., Par., 1892, x, 49-55.— Ouplio (S.) Do rhydroncphiose intermittente. Lnion med.. l'ar.. 1*94, 3. a., lvii, 37-11. ______. Hvilronephrose intei niittente infectee. Ibid., 1*06. 4. s., ii. 265-270. Also, transl. I Abstr.] : (la//,, d. osp., Mi- lano. 1896. xvii, 853.—Dure! ill i l>e riivdiont'phrose in- termittente. J. d. sc. med. de Lille. 1*90 i, 5-13. Also: Rev. prat. d. trav. de med . Par.. 1809. lvi. 353-355. AUn in his . Lev de clin. chir 8 Lille A Par.. 1900. 61 c„*.— ">::-i!i',". —IIere#.el , I.l Ein operiiter Fall yon Wandeniieif mit ne: iu>lis, her Hydronephrose. Pest. med.-chir. Presse. Budapest, 1803. xxix, 418.— Hue (F.) Hydronephroseinteiniitteute: ponction ovaeiiatrice; gue- iison. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par.. 1893, n. s.. xix, 627-031.— Landau (L.) Leber interinittirende Hydro- nephrose. Beil. kliu. Wchnschr.. 1888. xxv. 941;' 968. AUo: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (is*8i, 18*9. xix, pt.2. L-3-170. [Discussion], pt. 1, 173-183 Also |Abstr.|: Miinchen. med. Wchnschr.. 18*8, xxxv. 749. —.Tlj nlrr (H.) Cas, of acute intermittent hydronephrosis, from valvular I striciuie ot the ureter. Ann. Surg.. Phila., 1893, xviii, 658- 661. — Oelime (W.) Leber inteimittierende Hvdrone- phu.se .I.duesb. d.ilest'llsch. f. Nat.- ii. Heilk. in Dresd., l*8*-9, 43-59. -- Kci» (K.I Intermittent hydronephrosis. Chicago M. Recorder. 1900. xix. 16-1*. — Koutier. Hy- dronephrose intermittent*'. Lull etliiein.Soc.decllir.de Par.. 1893. n. s xix. 360-362. —Waiuidby (K.) ( as,,of in- j termitteuthydronephiosis. Bin,i-ngn. M. Kev . 1*80 xxvi, | 155-159.—Tauffer (V.) Ketoliiali int-i mittal6 hydrone- phrosis e-eie. ' A case of intermittent hydronephrosis of j both -id--*.' iirVosi b.-til., Budapest. 1897. xli. 31.—Tro- quart ,11., De !hydronephrose intermittente. J. de nied. de Bordeaux 1*02. xxii. 305-3ns. — Tutlier. Sur l'bydrouephrose intermittente et son traitement. Bull, et mem. So, . de chir. de Par., l*o:: n. s., xix. 685-710. ------. De l'h vdi oiiephrose intermittente par condure de l'uretere. Rev.prat. d. rrav. denied., Par.. 1890. liii. 171. AUo: Se- maine med., Par., 1896. xvi, 153. Alio, transl..- Med. Week, Par.. 1896. iv. 205. Also transl : Med. Pies- A Lire, Lond., 1900. n. s., Ixx. 532-534. — Viertel. Demonstration eines Falles von intermittirnnb-r iivdroiieidnose. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vat,-rl. Cult. 1*05, BiesL 1*90, lxxiii, 1. Abth.. Med. Sect., 40-43. Hydronephrooi* {Pathology of). s>e Hydronephrosis (Causes, etc., of}. Hydronephrosis (Traumatic). " See Hydronephrosis (Co-«•«•*, etc., ot). Hydronephrosis (Treatment of'). , Heilk Hi Ueitrag zur Frage der diure- tic hen Wirkung de* Calomels bei renalein Hy- drops, riledelbero;.] - . Rostock, 1*-h;). II until- , R. H. A.) Il\ droin phrosis relieved bv posi- tion. I'.nr M. J.. Loud.. 1**0. i 169 —Knnlt (B.) Leber I einen Fall von geheiltei Hvdio- P> onephiose. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etcl. Berl., 1901 clxiv. 22 2 1 pl.—Taro (K.) [Electricaltreatment for Knal dropsy. I Chiugai Iji Siiinpo, Tokio, 1890. xx. 520-525. -----. [Treatment of hygroma of the kidneys.] Okayama Igaku Kwai Zasshi, 1*99. 25-30. Hydronephrosis (Treatment of Oper- atire). See. also, Hydronephrosis (Congenital), etc.; | Hydronephrosis (In termitten t). Exgler (O. ) 'Beitrag zur Lehre von der Exstirpation der Hydronephrose im Kiudesalter. s=. Kiel, 1900. Vernet (P.) *Dn traitement chirurgical de I'hydrondphrose. 4-. Lyon, l**i>2. -----. Thesame. *-. Lyon, 1^.12. Rnzy. Hydronephrose par condure (?) de l'uretere: ui, t> ro- pyeloneostomie; guerison. Kev. de chir., Par., Is'.'T xvii. 401-409. Also [Lap. de Monod): Bull. Acad. de med.. Par.. 1897, 3. s.. xxxvii. 300-305. - Itiimli I. Hydronephrose suppuree; abces pei ineplir,ti,|iie; in- cision; recidive seize mois apr,--: i.....veil,- incision lis- tule urinaire; nephrectomie. Bull. Soc d'anat. ,-t phy- siol. de Bordeaux, 1*94 xv, 92-94.—Ruiz < K. V.i K Hydronephrosis (Treatment of Oper- ative). voprosu ob operativnom llccbnii vodyanki pochki (hy- dronephrosis). |On the special treatnient of . . .| Laitop. russk. chir., S.-Peterb., 1896, i, 811 - !lii.— (abol (A.I.) Observations upon ucipiii'ed hy(lrone])brosis. In his: Pa- pers upon geliito-urin. surg.. 8°, Bost., 3-11. — Curlier (V.) Volumineuse hydronephrose par calcal de l'liit'teie; iii'phrotoinie: guerison. Assoc, franc.d'urol. Proc-verb., Par., 18!i9. iv, 5511.—1>"AiHona. Lnorme idronefrosi con caleolo unco nell' uretere: neflccloinia col metodo dell' au- tore; glial igione. Riv. clin. d. Lniv. di Napoli, 1*90, xi, 19. — Denver (J. B.) Xephicrtomv for hydronephrosis. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1901, xxxiii, 73.'— von OilUl. Hy- drouephrosis sin.; I.aparolomie in der Linea alba; Ver- niiliung der Cystenwand mil der Hautwunde nach Spal- tuug der erstereii; Peritonitis; Tod. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Kraukenh. zu Wien (1883), 1884, 312. — Doraii (A.) Painless calculous pyonephrosis without level, ntpluec- lom\ ; recovery. P.rit. M. J., Lond., 1901, i ."o:i.- Uru- uilviii (A.i K voprosu ob operativnom vn,i,-liai, 1st vie pri hiilioiielro/.ie. On operative interference in bydio- nephrosis. ( J :ikn-h i jensk. boliez., Si. Petersb., 1894,viii, 321-356. 2 pl. —KilwurilN (S.) Nephrectomy for hydro- nephiosis following a nephropexy. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond, 1901. n. s., lxxii 3:::,. —Elliott (J. W.) A case of intermittent hydronephrosis cured by a (Heteroplastic opeiation. Boston M. Sc S. J., Is98, 'exxxix. 132-137.— I' toil o roll iS. P.) O khirurgiclieskoiii li, clienii hidro- nei'ro/a. [Surgical treatment of hydronephrosis, j Syezd rossiysk. khirurg. 1900. Mosk.,1901, i, 154.—IJayct iG.) Le traitement de rhydron6phrose par le return-iiement de la poche k l'exterieur. Lyon med..Is97. Ixx\iv.."il3-."i51. AUo: Gaz. med. dePar., 1897, 10. s., i, 193-196 — llnyu (H.E.) Large hydrouephrotic cyst simulating ovarian tumor; ab- dominal nephrectomy; recovery. Tr. Am. Ass. (»l,st. & Gynec. 1895, Phila.. 1896, viii, 230-238.—Hciueuhii in ,L.) Transperitoueale Exstirpation einer Hydronephrose von ungewdlinlicher Gidsse. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1898, xlvii,4(i."-4o-. —Ilunter (R. H. A.) Hydronephrosis; nephrectomy; death from acute peritonitis at the expira- tion of three mouths. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1888, i, 242.— Jenuiiel. Du traitementchirurgicalde l'hydronephrose. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1890, 2. s., xxvii, 328: 339.— LTIcGuiro (S.) Abdominal nephrectomy for hydrone- phrosis. Clin. Bull., Richmond. 1900, v, 88-90 — tl art in (A.) Hydronephrose du rein droit: nephrectomie trans- peritoneale; guerison. Normaudie med., Rouen, 1898, xiii, 274-276, 1 pl. AUo [Rap. de Picque]: Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1899. n. s., xxv, 708-714.—Perkins (J. W.) Case of hydronephrosis from stone impacted in the ureter of a child. Ann. Surg.. Phila., 1898, xxvii. 043-646.—Pfan- neiiMtiel. Praparate zweier uugewohnlich grosser Hy- dronephroses welche er operaliv entfernt hat. Jahresb. d. schles. ('esellsch. f. vaterl. Cult, 1897. Brest. 1898. lxxv, 1. Abt., M,d. Sect.. 36-41— Polak (J. O ) Nephrectomy for hydro pyon, phrosis. Am Gyna-c. .v Olist. J.. N. Y., 1901, xix, r,!i—Ramon Palacio. Xeficctoinia por hi- dronefrosis del rinon izipiienlo; curacion. Aich. de la Soc. estud clin. de la Habana, 1899-1900. x. 277-307.— I6«'<-lit-.-«-i t■ yi' Hydronephrose bei einer Iiufeisennieie. Jahiesl, ii. ,1. chir.'Abth. d. Spit, zu Basel (1888), lssi), ii:;-!i5. — R«'i»inj;cr. Beitrag zur Behandlung der Hydro- nephrose. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1900, xxix, pt. 2. Jim .'ot AUo : Arch. f. kliu. Chir.. Berl., 1900, lxi, 542-516. — Rorliri. Hydronephrose volumi- neuse; incision transpoi iioneale et drainage; nephrecto- mie lombaire; guerison. Presse med. beige. Brux., 1892, xliv, 373. — Roughton (E. VV5) Operation for ruptured hydro-n, phiosis. Med. Press \ Circ, Loud., 1901, n. s., lxxii 003. —HrhallaiK'i-i A.) Pr/ycz\ nek do zaotr/.ewuo- w,-go uy, ieci.i li\ il i onefi'dzy. [Extraperitoneal excision iu In dion, phrosis | Pi/,-^1. lek.. Krakow, 18811, xxv. 257- 25'.(. —Ncliwartz. II\ dioneplirose iliaque avec couduro (b- liiietcr,-; iroulil.s piofonds de la secretion urinaire; nephrectomie; gueiison. Kev. gen. de clin. el de therap.. Par., 1809, xiii 17.— Shiiluo (.). T.) Caseof congenital hydronephrosis; n,-pliiol.....\ and drainage; recovery. Iirit. M. J. I.,,ii,l., mill. ii. 1462 -Million (J. B.l Ne- phrc I.....\ for lixdionepbio-is. Tr. M. Soc. Lond., 1893-4. xvii i,9-M' Mvi'iiilMlii i V. A.) K voprosu ob operativ- nom llechenii obshirnikli hidronelio/.ov. [On the oper- ative treatment of extensive hydrouephrosu.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1898, iii, 422-43(1. — *i iiiouil* (15 J.) Three cases of hydronephrosis aud their treatiui-ut. Abstr. Tr. Hun- ter. Soc. Loud., 1890-91, 120-131.—Tlii-iiihiiiiM (CO.) A caso of acquired hydronephrosis of _'(i\,an duration; operation; recovery; with some remarks ou l lie diagnosis of cystic tumors in the left hvpochomlrium. St. Paul M. J. St. Paul.. Minn.. 1902. iv. 21 -28 Tomaxioni. Storia di una ojiorata nell' Ospedale di S. Giovanni di lapa- rotomia per tumore addomiuale (idronefrosi del rene de- stio). Bull, d So, Lin, isiaua d. osp. di Roma, 1883, iii, 137-148, 1 pl — I'oih iI.i Laparotomia utjan eltdvolitott hydronephrotikus tomhi. [H\ dronephiotic cyst removed by laparotomy ] Orvosi heti szemle, Budapest, 1896, xx, 3(18. _ Tullier. fitude cliuique et experimentale sur HYDRONEPHROSIS. 526 HYDROPHOBIA. Hydronephrosis (Treatment of, Oper- atire). l'hydionephiose (avec 12 operations personnellesi. Ann. d. mal d. org. genito-urin.. Par., 1894 xii. 14-40. — Wag- ner ,P.) Grunilziige der operativen Hydronephrosenbe- handlung. Centralbl. f. d. Krankh. d. Hani u. Sex.-Org.. Leipz., 1898, ix. 171-186— Wilzcl (O.) Die Pyelo, ysto- stomose zur Behandlung der Hydronephrose. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1900, xxvii, 1172. Hydronephrosis in animals. Deupscr. Ein Fall von bilateraler Hydronephrose beim Pferd. Berl. thierarztl. Wchnschr., 1890. vi, 89-91.— Dim Ilu in. Hydronephrose uuilaierale avec atrophie testiculaire du meme cute chez un cobaye. J. d: sc. med. de Lille, 1901, i. 135.—'loinjiarilino (T.) Un caso sin- golare di idronefrosi nel cavallo prodotto da un' anomalia anatomica. Mod. zooiatro, Torino, 1901, xii, 67-71, 5ch. Hydronephrosis in children. L>6.] Hydropathy. -See Hydrotherapy. II > droperitoneiini. See Ascites. Hydropliil [pseud.]. On water supply and do- mestic filtration. 10 pp. 12-. London, Spottis- woode if Co., 1876. Hydrophobia. [Includes rabies.] Banzi (U.) La rabbia negli animali domes- tici e nell' uomo. 8-. Finale-Emilia, 1897. Bavink CSV.) De bondsdolheid. Volledige opgave van al de versckijnselen der hondsdol- heid, van at" het eerste ontstaan, tot den dooil toe. 1*2°. Amsterdam, [n. d.]. Begontina (J. M.) *De hydrophobia. 16°. Vienna, 1768, Bengk(J.M.) *De hydrophobia. 4C. Francof. ad Viadr., [1687]. Beyer (P. H.) *De rabie sen hydrophobia. sm. 4°. Gissa}, 1669. Boftxs (H.) La vie universelle et la rage. 8-. Charleroi, 1886. Bolleij (H.) Honds-dolheid. Over de ken- teekenen of verschijuselen dezer ziekte bij den bond. 1(5°. Utrecht, 1865. Buedix. De la rage canine et des dangers auxqnels elle nous expose. De la valeur des ditferents moyens employes pour la prevenir. 8D. Lyon, 1864. Breithaupt (L.) *De hydrophobia. 4-. Gottinga', [1794]. In.- Collect, diss. med. in Acad. Gotting., 1795, ii, pt. 2, 1-24. Butter (D.) *De hydrophobia. 8C. Edin- burgh 1820. Cawdle(A.) Rabies. Its course aud symp- toms: preventive aud curative measures. -,J. London, 1889. Claude (M.-F.) Communication sur la rage, faite a la 8ocidt6 d'agriculture d'Alger. daus sa seance dn 21 juin 1--4. 8-. Alger. 18-5. Cordillo Lozaxo (G.) El probleina de la rabia. *■* '-'. Madrid, 1886. C'owie (J.) Rabies, or madness in the dog. 8 . London, [1876]. Crispino (J. A.) Medicorum omnium natio- num celeberrimo comitio Florentine de hydro- phobia qmestiones propositae. 8C. Xeapoli, ^6)9. Crusius ( S. L.) Von der Tollbeit, Wassor- scheu oder Hundeswuth. Ein Buch fiir Jeder- maun. 12-. Leipzig, 1795. Hydrophobia. [Includes rabies.] * D'Araujo Carxeiro (H. H.) * Dc rabie. seu hydrophobia. 8-. Conimbricee, Ihii. Deloxdre (A.) Essai sur la rage. 12-. Pa- ris, 1811. De Solsa (A. A.) Memoria sobre a hydro- phobia rabica. 5°. Coimbra, 1867. Duetsch ([F. L. H.J R.) -Ueber AVuth- krankheit. 8C. Bonn, 1871. Druge (P.) * Sur la rage. 4°. Strasbourg, 1811. Dubolrg(F.) Le prejuge de la rage, ou de l'innocuite du virus rabi(]iie snr l'espece hu- maine, pre"c6de d'une lettre a M. le pr6fet de po- lice. 12c. Paris, 1865. Fehr (M.) Eiu Bild der Lyssa. --. Heidel- berg, 1877. Fievee de Jeumoxt (F.l Considerations sur la rage, snivies d'une observation cliuique. 8J. Paris, 1824. Galtier(V.) La rage envisaged chez les ani- maux et chez I'homme au point de vue de ses ca- racteres et de sa prophylaxie. 8°. Lyon. 1—ti. Greve (W.) Verhandeliug over de bondsdol- heid. •--'. Rotterdam, 1793. Hexgeveld (G. J.) Wenken over de honds- dolheid, in herinuering gebragt en vermeerderd, met txvoegiug dervret van 5 Juuij 1875 (Staats- blad No. 110). 12-. 's Gravenhage, [1875]. Hydrophobia; its nature and symptoms. With suggestions as to preventive and curative treatment. 8-". London, 1885. Kexxey (A.) * De hydrophobia. 8°. Fdin- burgi, 1-12. Ki:stixg ( L. ) * Ueber Lyssa humaua. 8-. Giessen, 1-8*. Kixgsiord (Anna). Recent researches iu hy- drophobia. 8°. London, 1881. Kralshaar (J.J.) * De hydrophobia. 16°. Marburgi Cattorum, 1804. Jouet (G.) * De la rage comninnique'e chez le cbien. .ao. Castres, 1877. Levraud (B.) Reflexions sur l'innuence des affections morales, daus la rage, ou dans les ma- i ladies qui lai sont analogues, snivies de Vindica- tion des principaux moyens que le raisonnemeut et l'art peuvent employer pour les prevenir. 8-; Paris, [n. d.]. Looff (A. J. A.) Verhandeliug over de honds- dolheid. 8°. Rotterdam, 1793. Luijten (A.) Hondsdolheid en watervrees. 8C. Schoonhoven, 1-47. vax Maxex (J. E. C.) Beschouwiug van ar- [ tikel 1 van bet herziene wetsontwerp van 30 Januari 1875. (Voorzieuing tegen hondsdol- | heid.) 8-'. 's Gravenhage, [n. d.]. Marchais (H.) * Coutribution a I'etude cli- nique de la rage humaine. --. Paris, 1-91. Marie (A.) La rage. Preface de E. Roux. 12-5 Paris, [1901]. Marochetti (M.) Observatious sur l'hydro- phobie. Indices certains pour reconnoitre l"ex- isteuce du virus hydrophobique chez un indi- i vidu, et moyens d'en prevenir le d£veloppemeut en en de"truisant le germe. 4°. Saint-Peter a- bourg, 1821. Meyxiciils (J. W.) Wederlegging van het kort berigt, op de beschryving van eende doode- lyke watervrees. 8°. Gouda, 1767. Miglioranza (A.) La rabbia nell' uomo e negli auimali domestici. 2. ed. 8°. Milano, 1*85. Minette. Notice sur la rage du chien. 12-. | Compiegne, 1890. Nocard (E.) La rage et les moyens de s'en preserver. -:. Paris, 1894. Olivier (F.) Causerie sur la rage. -°. Beau- | mont-sur-Oise, 18-0. HYDKOPHOBIA. 527 HYDROPHOBIA. Hydrophobia. [Includes rabies.] *Peke/. Sanchez (P.) I'i>ntril>uci6n al estudio J de la rabia. - . Madrid, 1-96. Pelriehe ^O.-S.) * Essai sur la rage. 4°. | Strasbourg, an XII i 1-OIIL Poiteal jr. Proeve over de hondsdolheid, naar het Fransebe door Joh. NYillcnise. Haarlem, [n. d.]. Kaxke.n (A.) *Diss. med. de hydrophobia. - . Edi n b u rg i, I -22. Raveli.y (.1.) Traite de la maladie de la rage. 16. Mit;. 1696. Riealx i J.) * La rage au point de vue psy- chologii|iie. 4-. Lyon, 1—. Rom (R.) *De hydrophobia. 4 . (ironinger, 17-3. Rolgemoxt (J.-C.) l'.ss.ii sur les suites de la morsnre des animaux enrages, sur l'hydropholiie et ses differentes especes. 8 . [I'tretclil, n. d.] -----. Verhandeliug over de gevolo-on der beet van dolle dieren. --. Ctrecht, 1795. RUEFF. Die Huiidswntli, ibr Wesen. ihre Erkennnng und Ursaclien. die Yorbengungsniit- tel gegen dieselbe, nebst Kritik der betr. polizei- lichen Massregeln. --. Stuttgai t. 1-76. -----. The same. De hoiid-.dnlheiil, liaar wezen, vers,-liiju>elen en oorzaken, de voor- behoedingsniidd, 1( n. benevens beoordeeling van de ]K>litieinaatregelen er tegen te neinen. Uit het Hoogdnitseh vertaald door F. C. Hekmeijer. 8:. Gouda. 1-76. Ryciixer(J. J.) VerMich durch mehrere Yor- sehliige mittelbar dem We-eii der Huiidswntli naher zu kominen, oder Beantwortuug der vou der medizinisch-chirurgiselien Gesellschaft des Kantons Ziirich aufgestdlten Preisaufgabe iiber Hundswuth. Eine gekriinte Pieisschrift. 12. Aarau, 1-27. de .Saixt-Martix ( A.-F.-C. ) Monographic sur la rage, ouvrage t-oiironue' par le Ceiele me- dical de Paris. --. Paris, 1-26. -----. Tlie same. Monographic der Hunds- wuth. -°. Ilmenau, 1-24. de Salvages (F.) Dissertation sur la nature et lacau-e de la rage, dans la il) Osoitus yleifolle tnnteinaan koirain raiwutautia (rabies canina). [Popular treatise on ... ] 12°. Uelsinqissd, l-»(6. ------. rndcnattelse till alliniitilieten om igenkauuande af liiindgalenskapon (rabies ca- nina-). [Information on general characteristics of rabies canina.] 16-. Helsingfors, 1-66, Wood (J.) General conclusions on the nature and cure of hydrophobia, intended for popular reading. *■*-. Xewca stie. 1*-14. Wexdt (J.) Leber den tollen Hnnds-Bi^H unci die Scbreeknisse seiner ungliicklicben Fol- gen. 16-'. Breslau, 1811. Ygolf (A.) * Contribution a lT-tude de la rage. Essai sur la rage paralvtiijue. 4 . Pa- ri-, i--;. A bi'cii (E.) Untersuchungen uber Hundswut. [Ab- str., transl., from tlie Portii-u,-, Biol. Centralbl.. Er- lang., 1887-8. vii, 111-123.—Aco-ia (E.) Algunas con- sideraciones acerca de la ral,ii v -u~ tiatamieutos. Cr6n. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1888. xiv. 9iJ-lM4. -----. Xotas sobre la rabia. Cron. med.-quir. de la Habana, Ik.ij xviii, 55-58. — Auifmbnry iS.i A iioi,- on hydrophobia. Med. Rec. Calcutta, 1890, i. 174 — Vi < liinard (P. E.) Some t'\]K-riiiiental facts with regaid to hydrophobia. Tr. Lou- isiana M. Soe. 1892. X.OrL 1893. ni-'.i'L — Bachehi'lO.?,.) Canine rabies. X.York M.J., 1887, xlvi, 516-518 -Bai. ley (F. R.) HydiO|(hol,ia; with sonic expel iineiit.tl re- seai, lies on its pathology. Ti. M. Soc. X. Jersey. N',uaik, Lion. 147-lf'l.— Bciijeioii J Delara^e. Areli.-en d>! med.. 1'ai.. 181)1', i. 1 5 : :;i,: 551. Also. Reprint— IS id well (WD.l Rabies and its manifestations. Kansas C;t\ M. L,-e. 18s:,. ii, :k;!». —Bi«a«. H. M.) Rabies: In di,,phobia; lyssa. Sysr. Snr-. , I leiinis). Phila.. 1895. i. 432-444. —Bly- iiiiiIm'!'^ li.i K iii-hi-niyu o bieshenstvle. 'On rabies] 15 hen. zapiski Kazan. V,-t. Inst.. 1689. vi, 53-75—Bohin (A.i Vzi,-klina, pominntost (rabies caniua) ; .sialodeb-a. Casop. h-k. eesk.. v I'raze, 1876. xr. :vi:\; 331.------. Vztek- lina, pominutost (Lyssa, rabb-s eaninai. Ibid., l*-7s. xvii. 241; 377; 385. — BomcIi y llii-alle* iA.) Estudio ,ohio la rabia. Rev. balear de cien. med., Paliua de Mallorca, 1901,xx.169; 1H3. — BoiiIoimS.a ., A not,- ,,n hydrophobia. Lancet, Lond.. Is9'>. i im.' —Biadt'oiil (J. R. i A lecture on rabies. Lliu. .1 . I.ond.. 1897--. \i. in:i; 113. ------. Ou rabies. Lancet.I......L l:»00. i 59.;: 75-. .i;(-„. [Abstr.:: Vet. J., Lond.. 1900, n. 8., i, -'77; 329.— fa(IV. Re- marques pratiques de la r,i:,-. J d. conn. incl. prat., Par., 1837-8. v, 97 - l'J. — f alalu-or (A.) Coutri- buto alio studio della i.ihhia jiai.iliilea nell' uomo. Ri- forma nied.. Napoli. 1897, xiii. pt. '■',. 256 268; 278; 29o.— ChaiiicnioM' (A.i La rage contirinee pcut-elle s'at- teiiiier. peiit-ellc gneiii ' Mercredi med.. Par., 1,-91, ii. -Jn'.i. — f liari'in. Les r6cents travaux sur la nige. l:,-v. crit.| Arch. uen. de med.. Par., 1887. i. 206-218.— f lii'vci'M (X.) Rabies. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond.. 1885, i (177. 742; M6.—f lar ,(' i Lissa. Wien. klin. Rnnd- BCliau, 18!ii; x 73. t'lnrli (J. P.) Rabies. Med. Press Sc Cue.. Lond.. l*:is. n. s . Kyi, 606.— Vlenient < A . YV.) Rabies. Proc. L. S. Vet. M.-il. Ass.. Kansas i'it\ 1897, xxxiv, 177-196.- fonlan (h\ J.) H\ di oph,,Ida Pa- cific M. .L. San li,,n I'.n'O, xliii. 108-1 lu. — foinil. Conference sur la tiyc faite b. Moulius, le 4 mai 1886. Soc. d. sc. mod. de Gannat. C. v.. Par., Is8c i:;8-147.— f oooii (H.) Ilydroidiolda. M.-d. & Surg. Reporter, Phila.. h-'.U. Ixx, 627; 667; 7(>1: 737. AUo, Reprint.— Iliuinilj. I.) The reality of rabies. Tr. N5 York Acad. M.ils:,n, is!)i,2.8 vii. 341-351. .!/*„ Med. Kec. X. Y., l"'.'l. \\xi\.3(i. 15-- N5 York M. .1 . 1890, Iii. 529-531.— I>c Itln*i(l,)\ ltn<«<>-I ■ a> ali ill.) Ricerche sulla lald.ia. Kiforma med. Xapoli. 1890, vi 110; 111'.. »t- c nn ile. ( Mi, -1, | nes rec here lies sur la ra-^e Ann. du I 'on- de salub. pub. ,1,- Licgc. 1844, i. 67-134.— I>«*l|»«-i-i«'i' ol II I l:,ll,-\ioiis sm la rage du chien et de 1 lioinni,-. I'us-e vet., Angers, 1901, xxi, 42: 59; 112; 152. — Ui'iiimclii. Sulla rabbia canina; «• Kidder i L. i Contri- bution a l'etiid(( ,h- la i age Bull.Soc.de med. de Gand, 1899, Kvi 245-251.— Iliiliima ill. D.) Professional doubts (■once i n ing the existence of hydrophobia, (^uart. ■!. Iuebr., liartford, 1899, xxi, 37U-372. — Diwcnsitioii on rabies, or HYDROPHOBIA. 528 HYDROPHOBIA. Hydrophobia. [Includes rabies.] hydrophobia. Boston M. .V S. J.. 189u. cxxiii. 396. — »o- bi-oric* (M.) A lyssarbl. [Lyssa] Gydgyaszaf, Buda- pest. 1898, xxxviii, 1'_'2-124. Also, transl.: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest. 1898. xxxiv, 241-'.'4(',. — Dolnn (T. M.) Recent researches ou rabies. Med. Press a Circ, Lond., 1-84. n. s.. xxxviii. 269; 311; 353; 484. — Bill lie. Raue. Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux, 1887, 161-191.— Edits. Verletziin-eii durch tolle. oder der Wutb verdiichtige Hunde. (Ien. San.-Bei. v. Schlesien 1834, Bresl.. 1837/147: 149.—FinkcNIitcin (T.) K uche- niyu o sobachveni bieshenstvle. |'(lii iaides.J Voyenno- med. J.. St. Petcisb., 1892, clxxiv, unoftic. pt., 3. sect.. 187- 239.—Fisch (C.) Review of hydrophobia. St. Louis M. Rev.. 1901, xliii, 289-292. [Discussion], 296. — Forbes (W. S.i Hydrophobic et rage; iuorve; pustule maligue. In. Enrvcf. internat. chir. (Ashhurst). Par., 1883. i. 521- 54(i— Fonrood (W. H.) Rabies. J. Pract. M., X. Y.. 1895-6, vi, 287-289. — Franca (C.) Trabalhos sobre a raiva. Rev. portuuuezade ined.e cirurg. prat.. Lisb., 1901, x. 321-334, lpl.—«allienY.) Lecons sur la raj.e. J. de med. vet. et zootech., Lvon, 1886. 3. s.,xi. 173; 240: L'97; 348; 409: 466; 514. -----. Premiere note snr la rage. Ibid., 1898. 5. s.. ii, 65-76. ------. Deuxieme note sur la rage; sieges, purete et resistance du virus rabiqne; modes d'in oculation de la rage; absorption du virus rabiqne. mode d'action. poison rabiqne. Ibid., 129-137. ------. Troisifetne note sur la rage. Ibiel. 1899. 5. s., iii, 17-22. -----. Qua- trifeme note sur la rage. Ibid., 82-88. -----. Modes ac- cessoires de transmission delarage. Lyon med., Is90. lxiii, 272. -----. Modes de transmission do la rage. Ibid., 574- 579.—Gaston (J. McF.) Hydrophobia. Internal. Encjcl. Surg. (Ashhurst), X. Y.. 1895.vii. 125-i37.—General! (G.) La rabbia canina. Arch, di med. vet., Milano. 1878. iii, 214- 232. AUo, Reprint.—Girard. Lettre sur le tetanos ra- bien. J. gen. de m6d.. chir. et pharm., Par., 1810, xxxviii, 72-81.—Gordon (C. A.) Some debatable points relating to rabies and hydrophobia. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1890, l,. s., 1, 203'! 227.—Gow» (I. J. M.) Rabies or hydro- phobia. Med. Free Press Indianap.. 1895-6. xiii, 56-58. — Gratia. Quelques considerations sur la rage. Clinique, Brux., 1900, xiv, 465; 481. —Gray (L. C.) Hydrophobia; its chemical aspects. Tr. X. York Acad. M. (1890), 1891, 2. s., vii, 333-340. — Grewwell (C.) A study of rabies. Colorado M. J., Denver, ls99. v, 305-313.— Hammond (W. A.) Rabies in the human subject. Quart. Bull. Clin. soc. X. Y. Post-Grad M.School&Hosp.. X.Y5. 1,-85-ii. i. 293-305.— Heath (G. Y.) Hydrophobia. Newcastle & (Jatesbead I'aih. Soc Coiumuuieat.. Lond.. 1851-2, 12-15.— Iliiiclirv 1-5 Rabies in the do« and man. Tr. M. Soc. City Hosp. Alumni. St. Louis, 1898J92-196. —Ilbjjye., (A.) Lyssa. Spec. Path. u. Therap. . . . Nothnagel. Wien, 1 >97. 2. Abth., 5. Theil, v, pp. iii-xi, l-24o. — llmil A I i Kvdio- phobia. Tr.M.Soc.X. Jersey. Xewark. 190(1.125-144. —Hy- drophobia (Von der) oder "Wasserscheuenden Raserey. Sannnl. v. Xat.-u. Med.- . . . Gesch. 1719. Bressl., 1720, vii, 211-214. — Hydrophobia. Xorth Lond. or Univ. Coll. Hosp. Rep. 188.3, Lond., 1886. 13.—Johnson (F. W.) Ra- bies. Boston Id. <*cS. J . 1891. exxiv, 313.—Kavalir(K.) Hydrofobie. Casop. lek. 6esk.. v Praze, 1872, \i. 162.— Keirle (X. (1.) Rabies. Twentieth Cent. Pract., N. Y., 1898. xv, 495-5t;7. -----. Practical notes relative to rabies. Med. Xews, X. V., 1901, Ixxix, L —Kieniann. Lvssa hu- mana. Wien. med. Bl.. 1885, viii, 1469-1471. — Kitt (T.) Xeues iiber die Wuthkrankheit. Monatsh. f. prakt. Thierh, Stuttg.. 1901, xiii, 39; 123.— Lange (I.) Bieshen- Btvo (hydrophobia, rabies canina. lyssa iii lvtta). Arch. vet. nauk. St. Petersb., 1873, iii, 3. sect.. 193-246, 1 pl. -----. Kucheniyuo bieshenstvle. [On rabies.] Dnevnik Kazan. Obsh. vrach. pri imp. Univ., 1886. x. 111-140. Also, Reprint. Also: Lchen. zapiski Kazan. Yet. Inst., 1886, iii, 57-97. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Arch, slaves de biol., Par., 1886, ii, 79-83. -----. K ucbeniyu o bieshenstvle. Dnevnik Kazan. Obsh. vrach. pri imp. L'niv.. 1887. xi, 1; 17; 33; 50; 65. — l,aiifciiniii'i' iC.) Lebei Lyssa humana. Centralbl. f. Xervenh.. Leipz., 1889. xii, 258-266.—I.a vi- rotte. Xote sur la rage. J. de med. de Lyon, 1865, iii, 383-3SS.—Ijeinierc (G.) La rage, sa nature et son traite- ment. J. d. sc. mod. de Lille, 1897. i. 577; 601; 625.— Iieteve (A.i An addrefs on hydrophobia. Penn. M. J. Pittsburg, 1900-1901. iv, 758-762.— L,orin»er (F. AY.) Bedenken gegen die herrschende Ansicht iiber die Hunds- wuth. Wien. med. Wclinschr.. 1886. xxxvi. 1133-1136.— Lore (J. E.I Hydrophobia. Kansas M. J., Topeka. 1892, iv. 706-7n8.—Eiinwon (L. O., Hydrophobia. Vet. Ma".' Phila.. 1894. i, 241-244.—I. n* list (A.) La rabbia. lissa o idrofobia. Clin, mod., Pisa Rum. vi, 65-68. AUo: Boll. d. clin., Milano. 1900. xvii, 304-311. — IHacC'Inre (T. R.) Rabies: hydrophobia. Proc. San. Convent. Charlotte Mich., 1894, Lansing, 1895, 18-51. AUo. Repiint. AUo: Physician Sc Sure., Detroit Sc Ann Arbor, 1895, xvii. 150; 2o4'.—ITIrC'oriuicli. Hydrophobia and rabies. J. Ar- kansas M. Soc. Little Rock, 1895-6, vi, 403-412.— Mala- dies coutagieuses des animaux: rage. Rap. gen. trav. ('ons. d'hvg. pub. de la Seine 1887-9, Par., 1894, 230-242.— Tlarx. Ueber Tollwuth. Abstr.) Herl. klin. Wchn- -, hi I'.ioij, xxxvii. 329— .Tlensei ,S. P.) Hydrophobia. Tr. Luzerne Co. M. Soc. Wilkobane. 1896, 126-139.— Hydrophobia. [Includes rabies.] .Tloore iV. A.) Remarks on anthrax and rabies, with special reference to outbreaks recently investigated. Rep. Coin. Aerie. X.York, 1897,1-18. 3 pl. Also, Reprint.— illornvcxik (E. E.) A veszettseurol korodai eszleletek alapjan. [Clinical observations on rabies.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest. 1886, xxx, 909; 929. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest. me I.-chir. Presse. Budapest, 1887, xxiii, 401-403. -----. Toviibbi adatok a veszttseg korodai kep6hez. [Further contributions to the clinical type of rabies. J Orvosi hetil., Budapest. 1887. xxxi. 89-93. ' AUo, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest. med.-chir. Presse. Budapest, 1886, xxii, 825-827. —,\. IV. Sulla rabbia canina. Oazz. nied. ital. lomb., Milano, 1887, xlvii, 77 ; 83; 95.—IVakahnma (T.) Kokenbyo no setsu. [On hydrophobia.] Dai Nippon Shiritsu Eiseikwai Zashi, Tokio, 1893, no. 123, 8116-8I6.— >oiii* (B.i Personal ex- perience with mad dog-,. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass.. Phila., 1895, xiii, 351-356. — Olliricr (A.i [ et al.]. Maladies virulentes; rage humaine. [Rap] Rap. ge.n. trav. Cons. d'hyg. pub. de la Seine 1887-9, Par., 1894. 182-213.—Pain. ponkes (P. S.) 'Ava.Koivio, 1900, v, 4-7. Also, transl. [Abstr.): Gi ece med., Syra, 1900, ii, 7. ------. K\ivikclI n-a- parTjpjjtrei? Kai Treipa/aaTiKai epevvat iir't tjjs Aucro-rj?. 'IaTpucij TrpdoSos, 'Ev Supirt 1901, vi, 314-318.—Pecirka (J.) O po- vaze jedu vzteklinov6ho [Note sur la rage ] Shorn, lek., vPraze,18s8, ii,307-340. [Res.],341.—Perret. Larngeau point de vue psychologique. Province med.. I.yon, 1891, v, 529-533.— PhoilNtano* (I.A.I Ilepi Aetro-jjs. 'IaTpi/crj n-pdoSos, 'Ev 2up<;>, 1900, v, 1-3. —Piers (C.) Hydropho- bia. South African M. J.. Cape Town. 1893-4, i, 45.— Rage iSur la) ou hydropliobie. Hist. Acad. r,,y. d. sc. 1699,'Par., 1718, 4(1. Also, transl: K. Akad. d.Wissensch. in Par. . . . Abliandl. 1699, Bressl..1749.221-225.— Ravenel (M.P.) Rabies. Buffalo M. .1.1900-1901, 11. s., xl.731-734. — Renault. Xote sur la ra<:e. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1862, liv. 822-827.— Ri< hard» (V.) Hydrophobia. Lancet, Lond . 18.-6. i. 1225. —Richardson (B. W.) Hy- drophobia. Asehpiad. Lond.. 1886. iii, 68-74.—Roviglii (A.) Sulla irasmissibilita della rabbia da uomo a uomo. Riv. clin.. Bologna, lss6, xxv. 561-568.— Kabi'HZ('s Le- cons sur la rage. Arch. clin. de Bordeaux, 1897, vi, 200- 229. — Saint-Philippe (R.) A propos de la rage. Mean, et bull. Soc. de mod. et chir. de Bordeaux (1886), 1887, 517 .525 AUo: J. de med. de Bordeaux. 1886-7. xvi, 169-171.—Salmon (D. E.) Rabies and hydrophobia. Am. Vet. Rev., XL Y., 1900-1901, xxiv, 575; 668. Also: J. Comp. M. & Vet. Arch., Phila , 1900, xxi, 597; 663. -----. Rabies; its cause, frequency, and treatment. Yearbook L. S. Dep. Agric 1900, Wash , 1901, 211-246. AUo, Reprint. -----. Is rabies a.specific (lis, -a-.-? Med. Rec, XL Y., 1901, lx, 801-s05.—Sclunitz. Tolhvuth. Jahrb. d. Xaturw., Freib. i, Br.. ls9o. 406-409.—Ne i I'm a 1111. Kilka uwag w kwestyi zarazliwosei \vscieklmi\ . [Un the contagious- ness of rabies.] Przegl. lek., Krakow. 1888. xxvii, 39.— Newell (A. J.) Rabies. Lancet Loud., 1885. ii. 1119.— Shepard i_C. H.) Hydrophobia. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 189,. xxix, 824-828. AUo, Reprint. — Spitzlia (E. C.) The hydrophobia bugbear. Forum, N. V.. 16,-7, iii, 178-186.—Stock well (G. A.) The realities of rabies canina and rabies humana. Therap. Gaz.. Detroit, 1888, 3. s., iv, 217-225. -----. Hydrophobia versus common sense. Dominion M. Month.. Toronto. 1897, viii 885- 892.—Sweeney (A.) & Denny (('. F.i Rabies. North- west. Lancet. St. Paul, 1896. xvi, 123-129. [Discussion], 137-140.—TheophanidON (I.) Il€piA7)(/(ts tuv iv t9) 'Axa- hriixia -rutv eTTio-TTjp.iii' Trjs 1'aAAiiw irepi Au5 Ixviii, 933.— Woodhead(G.S) Rabies. Syst. Med (Allbutt). X. Y. &Lond.. 1897, ii, 692-716.—Zahor (J.) Pfisjievky k nance o vztekline.. [Contributions to the knowledge of hydro- phobia.] Casop lek. cesk., v Praze. 1874. xiii. 191; 197. Hydrophobia (Bacteriology of). See, also,_ Hydrophobia (Inoculations in). Bareggi (C.) Esanie batteriologico del sangue dei niorsicati come base razionale della cura Pasteur. Atti xii. Cone. d. Ass. med. ital. 1887. Pavia, 1888, i, 223-229.— BniHchcttini (A ) Sur la maniere dont se comporte le virus de la rage dans le vide et dans plusieurs gaz. Ann. de microg., Par., 1890-91, iii, 22-31. ------. Ricerche bat- tenologiche sulla rabbia. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1896, 3. s., xliv, 345-350. ------. Bakteriologische Untersuchungen iiber die Hundswut. Centralbl. f. Bak- teriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1896, xx, 214-217. ------. Erwi- dernng auf den Artikel von Dr. Marx, betreffend meine Untersuchungen iiber die Aetiologie der Hundswut. Ihiil. 1897, xxi, 203-205. See, also, infra. — Debry. A I propos du microbe de la rage. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., HYDEOPIIOBIA. 529 HYDROPHOBIA. Hydrophobia (Bacteriology of). 1897. 4. s., ix. 168-176. — DoudiMnll (G. F.) The mi- , robe of rabies. Lancet, Lond Iss,, i, 1112. — Ferriin (J.i El microbio d(> la rabia R,-\ . de cien. med. de Bar- eel.. 1888. xiv, 749-753. Also: Correo m6d. castollano, Sa- lamanca, 1889, vi, 5-9—Fol (II.) Sur uu microbe dont la presence parait litie a la virulence rabi(>iie. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par.. 1885, ci, 1276-1279. AUo: Bull. Soc. vaudoise d. 8C. nat.. Lausanne. 1886, xxii, 211-213. — <»ri- goryeff (A. Y.) O naturie parazitov pri bieshenstvle. [On the nature of parasites of rabies.] Bolnilsch. gaz. Bot- kina. St. Peteisb.. 1896, vii, 258-260. Also: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt.. Jena. 1897, xxiii. 397-492. -----. Zur Frage iiber die Xatur der Parasiten bei Lyssa. Compt.-rend. Cone, intcinat. de med. 1897, Mosc, 1899. ii. 3. sect., 263-268.-----. Line kurze Beiuerkung zu den Ar- beiten von Menimo und Bins,diettini iiber die Aotiolcie der Tollwut, ('entralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt.. Jena, 1897, xxii. 42-44.— I.e C'onte (J.) 'Jerm of hydrophobia. Science, X. Y.. Is86. viii, 102. — ITIiirx (E.j Kritiscbe Bemerkungen zu den Arbeiten iibci- ,1:,- Aetiologie der Lyssa von Menimo und Bruschetiini. (Yntialbl. f. Bakte- riol. [etc.], 1. Abt.. Jena,ls96,x\.803 806. ■-----. Zur Kritik des Wutbacillus Bruschettini's. Ibid., 1.-97, xxi, 205.— .Tlemmo i C) Beitriige zur Aetiologie der Rabies. Ibid., 18:»o. ix 209-213. -----. Beitrat: zur Keuntnis der Aetiolo- gie der Tollwut. Ibid.. 1897. xxi, 657-064. 1 pl. Sec, a?* ,j ,t. — Tlolte (Y.) &, Protopopoir i X5 ) O mikroble, vizivayushtsheui u krolikov i sohak bollezn, sovershonno skhodnuyu s paraliticln skim biesheustvoiu. [A microbe producing in rabbits and dogs a disease similar to paralytic rabies.] Vrach. St.Petersb.,ls-7 viii.415. AUo, transl.: Centralbl. f.Bacterid, u. Para-di, nk Jena 1887,ii, 585-590.— I'a-lcur, Ronv A: Chamheiland. Virus ou microbe de la rage. Paris med.. 1884, ix, 121-123.— Popotl' I P.) K baktenologii lyssa-. [Bacteriology of Iv-sa.] Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Peteisb., Is'jo.401-404.—Piiicnrin E.) Surl'agent pathogenede la iai;,-. Compt. lend. Acl. d. sc. Par. 1899, exxviii. 691; ]U43.—Rivolta. I! \;:i- rabido (cocco-bacterium lvssas |Biv,,lta). Gior. di anal., fisiol. e patol. tl. animali, Pisa. 11886, xviii, 3-22, 1 pl.—Sol lev. Xouveau bacille trouve dans la bouillie bulbaire d'un lupin enrage. Bull. Soc d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1887, viii. 125-127. AUo: J. de med.de Bordeaux. l?>7-8, xvii. 9 —Spinclli (G.) II microbio delta rabbia scoverto dal Ferrsin. I'i- foima ned. Xapoli, ]*•■•> 9. v. 47" 4-1. Trevisau de Saint I.eon (V.) conte. Sui mic( ■,,-,,,-,-,, della rai,Ida ,- -ilka poss:o 5ta di riconoscere durante ii periodo d iiieu- 1,azione ,ia". esame del sangue della persona morsicata, se ha contrattal' infezione rabbica. R. Ist. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Rendic. Milano, 1«p7. 2. s.. xx, 88-105. Hydrophobia (Cases and statistics of). S>e, also. Hydrophobia (t «//*e-<. etc., of); Hydrophobia (Diagnosis, etc., of); Hydropho- bia (Inoculation in): Hydrophobia (Inocula- tion in, Cases, etc., of); Hydrophobia (Inocula- \ Hon in, Experiments, etc., in); Hydrophobia (Inoculation in, Failures, etc., in); Hydrophobia (Institutes for, eie. ; Hydrophobia (.Jurispru- dence i if ■; Hydrophobia i Xenrotic, etc): Hy- drophobia (Treatment of,; Hydrophobia in animals, etc.; Hydrophobia in children; Hy- drophobia in pregnancy, etc. Apella (J.) Zuriuediciniachen Stati-tik. 8U. Berlin, 1-86. Balard d'Herlinville (P.-M.-O.) * J.a rage dans les pays tropicaux (etude de o-eographio medieale;. 4°. Paris, l*-9.">. Biaxciietti (G.) Memoria di nn recente i;aso di rabbia canina denun/iato ]»-r una encd'alite acntissima. 8°. Treviso, 1-19. See, aUo, infra, Tedeschi. Extracto de una memoria sobre la enferme- dad y curacion de tres hombres mordidos por un perro rabioso, hecha por los facnltativos de los reales liospitales de esta corte. 8J. Madrid. Repr. from: An. de cien. nat., Madrid, 1801, iii, 237-260. Great Brita in. Parliament. House of Lords. Report from the select committee of the House of Lords on rabies in dogs; together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evi- dence, and appendix. Session 1^7. (Ordered to be printed, 4th Aug., lc«7.) fol. ILondon, 1~,"7. Malfatti (E.) Osservazioni e considerazioni sui morsicati da animali sospetti idrofobi secondo VOL VII, 2D SERIES----34 Hydrophobia (Cases and statistics of). i libri delle medicherie dei rr. spedali riuniti di Pistoia dall' anno 1815 all' anno 1889. sm. fol. Pistoia, 1890. O'Donnkll (J.) Cases of hydrophobia; in- cluding Dr. Srlioolbred's and Mr. Tymou's suc- cessful cases, with some observations on the na I nre and seat of the disease. K-'. London, 18\5. Pixckard ((J.) Case of hydrophobia. London, 1808. -----. Cases of hydrophobia. 8°. London, \8l9. Prlssia. Mittheilungen iiber die Hnnds- wnth, wie sie inden .J.-ihren 1861 und 1862 in der Rheinprovinz beobachtet wurde. Zusanimen- oestellt aus den Sanitats-Berichtcn der Aerzte und Tliieriirzte vom kiinio-lichen rheinischen Medicinal-Collegium. Kel'iient: Veteriniir-As- sessor Pecker. Correferent: (ith. Medicinal- Rath Dr. Wegeler. s1 . Coblenz, 1864. Skink (Departeinent, de la). Prefecture de police. Conseil d'hygiene publique et de salu- brity. Papports sur les cas de rage hninaiue observes en 1892 dans le dc~partement de la Seine. M. le Dr. Dirjardiu-Beaunietz, rapporteur, lssl- 5; 1S-9-93. 4=. Paris, 1-s;;. Tedeschi (C.) Polemica alia memoria del Dr. Giaconio Bianchetti, circa un caso di rabbia canina denunziato per una encefalite acntis- sima. ^-. Bassano, 1819. Acostn (E.) Un caso de rabia. Cr6n. me.d.-quir. de la Habana, 1892, xviii, 155-159. -----. Un caso de rabia. Ibid., 1894, xx, 320-323. -----. TJn caso de rabia. Ibid., 1897, xxiii, 05-09.—Allien (H.) An instance of the fatal effects of canine madness. Proc Connect. M. Soc. 1792- Is2!i. Hartford, 1884, 338-343.—.-I llege*l hydrophobia, rabies, in Michigan in ]s02. Kep. I'.d. Health Mich. 1892-3, Lansing, 1895. xxi, 321-324— A mlcooii (J. H.) Rabies; with report of [3] cases. Pittsburgh M. Rev., 1896, x. 269- 274.—AlliiiiKOii (V. T.) Report on occurieuce of hydro- phobia in Milwaukee and its vicinity, lb p. Bd. Health Wisconsin 1885-6, Madison, 1887, x. 182-18.5 — A.xlcll (E. R.) Report of a case of hydrophobia. Colorado M. J., Henvcr. 1899, v, 456-450.—B. (T.) Lu rage en Belgi- (|iie en 1894. [Abstr.] Mouvenient hyg.. Ibux., 1895, xi, ",."). — ItniiilK'i'jfcr (E.) Liber ein,n Fall von paraly- tiscber Lv>si liuinana. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Kranken- anst. 1894'. Wien n. Leipz., 1896, iii. 818-824. AUo: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1896, xli, 431; 442. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien. 1890, xxxi, 493-496. Also: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1896, ix. 294-297.—Burr (J.) Caseof hydro- phobia. Liverpool M.-Chir. J.. 1889, ix, 393-396. —Br r- lliClemy (L.) Observation dun cas de rage; supple- ment a I'etude du hokng-nan. J. de med. de ldu, >t, Nantes. Is84, xviii, 152-165. Also, Reprint. — Buuer (A.) Zwei Fiille von Lyssa. Internat. klin. Rundsclian, Wien, 1889, iii. 923-926.—Becker \etal.]. Verletzuugen vomBisa wuthkranker Hunde. San.-Ber. d. k. Med.-Coll. zu Mini- ster (Ih3ii), 1832, 77-80.—Bclirciul (A.) A case of hydro- phobia. .1. Pract. M , X. Y., 1mi.".-i;. vi, -12-214.—Bcii- hnni (15 L.) A collection of cases of hydrophobia re- ported as successfully treated. Lancet, Lond., 1890. i, 458; 538; 593.— Beryeion (J.) Sc tin rlin (A.-L) Cas de rage humaine signal, s en Franco par les prefectures pendant les annees 185!. 1884, 1885 et 1886. Kec. d. trav. t'omite consult, d'hyg. pub. de Franco 1887, Par., 1888, xvii, 254 - 270. — Berielit iiber die ji'uii'sto Wuthinva- sion in der Uukowina. Oesterr. San.-W, s., Wieu, 1891, iii, 265; 275; 283j 280; 3(10; 312. —Birinsjer (F.) Lyssa. Pest. med.chir. Presse, Budapest, 1886, xxii, 920. — Bi«N toller Hunde. San.-Iler. d. Prov. Brandenburg 1835, Berl., 1837, 319-325. — Blyumbcrg (K. G.) Rledkiy sluchai bleshenstva. | Rue case of rabies.] lichen, za- piski Kazan. Yet. Inst., 1896, xiii, 111-114— Bombelou \et ul.]. Falle vom Bisso toller Hunde. San.-Ber. d. Lrov. lirandenburg 1839, Berl., 1843, 134-136. — Borini (A.) Un caso ill rabbia canina. Morgagni, Milano, 1898, xl, 280 - 288. — Bouley (II.) Returns on hydrophobia in France during the \,ais ]8f,3-8. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1870, i, 471 — Bovc< »ck (('. M.) A caso of hydro- phobia. Med. Xews. I'liila., 1,-91. lxv, 243. — Bowie (R. Li Five cases of hydrophobia, with two deaths. X. York M. J., 1898, lxviii,'070. — Bribneh (11.) Report of a case, of hydrophobia. Tr. M. Soc. City Hosp. Alumni, St. Louis, 1898, 211-218. Also: Med. Lev., St. Louis, 1898, xxxvii. 211. [Discussion], 248. — Bri",-,". (II.I Caseof hydrophobia. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1889, ix, 392. — BriM. lowe (J. S I Sc llorwley (V.) A case of paralytic rabies in man. Tr. Clin Soc. Lond., .1888-9, xxii, 38-47. AUu I Abstr.]: Lancet, Loud., 1888, ii, 966.—Brookes (W.L.) HYDROPHOBIA. 530 HYDROPHOBIA. Hydrophobia (Cases and statistics of). Hydrophobia; result of a bite from a rabid dog; death. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1896, xi, 13.— Broun (H. M.) A case of hydrophobia. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1896, n. s., xxxvii, 569-571. — Bruce. Case of hydrophobia. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1887, i, 9*9. — Briinon (It.) Deux cas de rage h l'Hotel-Dieu de Kouen. Noruiandie ra6d., Rouen, 1888, iv, 337-344.—Burke (('. L.) A case of hydrophobia. Kansas City M. Index, 1886, vii, 275. — Burt sell (I. A.) K kazuistikie bieshenstva. [ Cases of hydrophobia. ] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1886, xi, 141-144.— Case of hy- drophobia. Med. &; Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1889, Ki, 305.— t'a*e (A) of hydrophobia in a dog. Guy\s Hosp. I Iaz., Lond., 1897, xi,'54. —C'attell (H. W.) The negative re- sults obtained from the investigation of three deaths alleged to have been due to rabies. Phila. M. .L, 1899, iii, 111. —1'ayley. Hydrophobia. |Middles"ex Hosp. Rep. 1889, Lond., 1891, 27. — I'hcnoweth (C.) Report of a case of hydrophobia. Bull. Pasteur Inst.. Danbury, Conn., 1898, vi, 6. — Cooliiljjc ill.) Hydrophobia in Baja Cali- fornia. Pop. Sc. Month , X . Y., 1899, lv, 249-252.—Cooper (A.) Hydrophobia. Columbus M. J., 1900, xxiv. 331- 335. — Orrocinibfiii fb.) Sopra un caso d idrofobia ; lettera al Luigi Malagodi. Raccoglitore, Fano, 1838 ii, 5. Also, Repiint. -----'. Sopra un caso d'idrofobia ; lettera seconda al Luigi Malagodi. liaccoglitore, Fano, 1839, iv, 121; 137; 153. AUo, Ueprint.—t ron It (H. T.) Notes on a caseof rabies in New York City. Med. Times, N. Y., 1900, xxviii, 172.—Darnall (W. E.) Hydrophobia. Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersey, Newark, 1898, 387-390.—Death (The) of Christian Bucka. [Edit.] Northwest Lancet, St. Paul, 1900, xx, 151. — Death from rabies. Biit M. J., Loud., 1886| ii, 426. — Desplats. Sur un cas de rauc. J. d. sc. m6d.de Lille, 1885, vii, 360.—Be van < Iv.) Sc Hu berth (F.) Falle von Wuthkrankheit bei Menschen. Ztschr. f. Nat.- u. Heilk.in Ungaru. Pest, 1851-2,ii, 170.— Dilmaii (V. V.) Sluchai sobachyavo bieshenstva u molodovo soldata. [Hydrophobia in a young soldier.) Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1901, Ixxix, med.-spec. pt., 497-510. — Dobaou (A. F.) Sc Bcbnam (A.) Four persons bitten in succes- sion by a rabid dog; the first and most healthy develops hydrophobia within two months and dies; theother three escape. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1899, xvii, 437.—Dodd (T. A. H.) Case of hydrophobia. Rep. Proc. Northumb. &. Dm ham M. Soc, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1878-9, 30-32.— Dolan (T. M.) The mortality from hydrophobia in England and Wales from 1837 to 1888. Prov. M. J., Leices- ter, 1890, ix, 137-139. — Douglas (J.) History of a case of hydrophobia. N. York M. J., 1898, Ixviii, 51-53. AUo, Reprint. — Drouinean (G.) La rage en France en 1888. Rev. san. de la Province, Bordeaux, 1889, vi, 41.— Dujardin-Beaumetz. Sur les cas de rage humaine observes, en 1888, daus le d6partement dc la Seine. Bull. Acad.de med., Par., 1889,2. s., xxi, 367-373. Also: Rev. san. de la Province, Bordeaux. 1889, vi, 49-52. — Dulles (C. W.) H.\ drophobia in the United States in the last five years; with suggestions as to treatment. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1894, 3. s., xvi, 28-56. -----. Report on hydropho- bia. Penn. M. J., Pittsburg, 1898-9, ii, 200-205.—le Dulx (G. L. P.) Berigt wegens eene watervrees, veroorzaakt door de in eene hevige woede toegebragten beet van een mensch. Verhandel. v. b. Batav. Genootsch. v. Kunst.en Wetensch., 2. ed., 1827, v, 93-103. — Fbers. Verletzun- gen durch tolle oder tier Wutb verdiichtige Hunde. Gen.- San.-Ber. v. Schlesien f. d. 2. Halb-Jahr 1833, Bresl., 1836, 156-158.—Kniiliaui (L.) Storia medica di un caso raro di idrofobia, con alcune riflessioni iutorno a questo male. In: Opnsc scient., 4°, Bologna, 1819, iii, 219-230.—Frier. Die Hundswuth in Dresden. Ber. ii. d. Veterinarw. im Konigr. Sachs., Dresd., 1865, x, 77-82. — Fabricing (F. W. A.) Some observations on hydrophobia and hys- tero-hydrophobia; illustrated by two cases. Med. Lee. N. Y., 1895, xlviii, 908-910. Also: Indian M. Rec, Cal- cutta, 1896, x, 103-105. — Falle von Biss toller Hunde. San -Ber. d. Prov. Brandenburg 1834, Berl., 1836, 293: 1836, Beil., 1839,146: 1837, Berl., 1840,122: 1838, Berl., 1842, 143.—Fayrer (.1.) Case of hydrophobia. In his: Clin. & Path. Obs. in India, 8°, Lond., 1873, 545-551.—Fiedler. Ueber einen Fall vou Wutkrankheit beim Menschen. Jahresb. d. Gesellsch. f. Nat,- u. Heilk. in Dresd., 1886-7, 3-29. AUo, Reprint. — Field (D. L.) A case of rabies. Louisville Month. J. M. Sc S., 1899-1900, vi, 397-399.—For- Hter [etal.]. Verletzungen vom Biss wuthkranker Hunde. Sau.-Ber. d. k. Med.-Coll. zu Miinster (1832), 1834 93-97.— Fol berth (F.) Ein Fall von Lyssa humana. Wien. med. BL, 1886, ix, 575-578.—Folsom (C. F.) A case of hydrophobia. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1890, exxiii, 367.—Font y Monteros (J.) Caso clinico de rabia tardia. Rev. balear de cien. m6d., Palma de Mallorca, 1901, xx, 371- 375.—Forbes (C. J.) A case of hydrophobia. Texas M. News. Austin, 1896-7, vi, 485-487.—Freeman (E. C.) A case of hydrophobia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, ii, 945.— Freyer (P. J.) Case of Lieutenant T-----, 10th Bengal Cavalry, aged 24 years, who died at Mussoorie on the 28th September, 1885, from hydrophobia. Army M. Dep. Rep. 1884, Lond., 1886, xxvi, 322-324. — Frothingham (L.) Rabies in the vicinity of Boston. J. Bost. Soc. M. Sc, 1898-9, iii, 83^-85.—Fuchs. Krankheitsgeschichte der an Hydrophobia (Cases and statistics of'). der Wasserscheu gestoi benen Mar. Cal li. Brendle. Ver- handl. d. med.-chir. Gesellsch. d. Kautons Ziirich (1826), 1827, 23-25.— «altier (V.) La rage a L.\on et dans le departemeutilu Rhone : mesures que la situation comporte. Lyon med., 1890, xiv, 29 61. [Discussion], 19. AUo, Re- print. -----. La i age a Lyon du I" novembre 1889 au 1" novembre 1890; mesures propres a diniinuer le nombre des chiens errants. Lyon nied., 1890, lxv, 457 ; 487.—Goinn- leia (N.) Note sur seize cas do la rage paralytiques chez I'homme. Compt. rend. Soc i'e biol., Par., 1887, 8. s., iv, 45-49. Also: Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1887, i, 63-83.— Garcia Pon> (J.) Ln caso de hidrofobia. Rev. balear de cien. med., Palma de Mallorca, 1901, xx, 152-154.— Ocrslmeyer (C.) A case of hydrophobia. Med. News, N. Y., 1899, lxxiv, 335.—Giarilano (I).) Sopra un caso di rabbia nell1 uomo. (tsservatoro, Torino, 1890, xli, 839- 850.—<*i Ueber t-D hereon rt. Observation d'hydropho- bierabiqne. Bull. Soc.dcmcd.dePar.(1876), 1877.xi, 15-24.— Girclli iG. F.) Storiadi un' idrofobia, con osservazioni. Inhis: Mem. med., 8°, Brescia, 1833, 151-167. — Girode (J.) Note sur un cas de rage humaine. Audi, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1887, 3. s., ix, 173-184.— Ciiynn (T. R.) Cases of hydrophobia. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1889, ix, 386-392.—Goldy. Zwey Beobaehtungen ausge- brochener Wasserscheu bey Menschen; ein Auszug aus einer grossern Arbeit. Verhandl. d. med. chir. Ge- sellsch. il. Kautons Ziirich (1827), 1828, 133-].",:;. — Gold- Nchmiflt (J.) An acute epizootic and epidemic out- break of hydrophobia at Madeira. Lancet, Lond.. 1894, i, 1244.—Ooler (G. W.) Note upon the rabies epidemic in Rochester, with a report of a verified death from hydro" phobia. Buffalo M. J., 1900-1901. n. s., xl, 734-736.—«or- ilillo l.ozano (G.) Fstadisl icade la rabia. Dictamen, Madrid, 1886, iii, 243-240.—Hon* (I. J. M.) Hydropho- bia. Georgia Eclect. M. J.. Atlanta, 1890-91, xii, 222-224 — Goosmanii, Verletzungen vom Bisse wuthkranker Hunde. San.-Ber. d. k. Med.-Coll. zu Miinster (1831), 1833, 87-92.—Gratia. Un cas de rage humaiue. Soc roy. d. sc. med. et nat. de Brux. Bull., 1899, lvii, 18-26.—Gray (L. C.) Hydrophobia; its clinical aspect. Med. Rec. N. Y., 1891, xxxix, 6-8.—CJreenley (T. B.) Hydropho- bia. Am. Pract. ,fc News, Louisville.'1889, n. s., viii, 323- 327.—Grcz (I.) Un caso fatal de labia. Lev. chilena de bij., Sant.de Chile, 1898-9, iv, 315-319.—Giitmnii (V.) O bieshenstvle zhivotuikh v Derptskom i Fellinskom uyezdakh v 1874 godu. [Rabies in Dorpat and Fellin counties in . . .1 Arch. vet. nauk, St. Petersb., 1875, v, 3. sect., 80-85.—Ilainaker (W. D.) Repoit of cases of rabies. Pittsburgh M. Rev., 1896, x, 153. —Harris (A. C. E.) A case of paralytic rabies in the human sub- ject. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1895, xv, 143-159.—Harris (C. H.) A case of hydrophobia. Louisville M. Month., 1896-7, iii, 180. —Harris ( W. A.) Hydrophobia (case). Mississippi Valley M. Month., Memphis. 1886,vi, 561-563.— Hart (B. F.) Hydrophobic epidemic no myth. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1890, xxxviii, 474-477.— Hayes '( G. A. B.) A case of rabies; hydrophobia. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1895-6, n.s.,xxiii,10-14.—Ilerczl (P.) Ein Fall von Hydrophobic. Ztschr. f. Nat.-u. Heilk. in Ungarn, Pest, 1850-51, i, 409- 411.—Herring (A.) Hydrophobia; report of a case. Med. Herald, St. Joseph, 1901, xx, 149-151.—Hill (J. R.) Two cases of hydrophobia. Georgetown Hosp. Rep. 1887, Demerara, 1888, 14-18.—Hogyes (E.) Tiszrevetelek a lyssa n6hdny k6rd6s6hez a pozsonyi eset kapesan. [Re- marks ou the question of lyssa, based on the Pressburg case.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1898, xiii, 112; 127. -----. A veszetts6g elterjed6s6rbl 6s annak gydgyit&s&rdl Ma- gyarorsz&gon. [The prevalence of rabies in Hungary, and its remedy.] Orvostud. 6rtek. gvtijt. Magy. orv. Arch., Budapest, 1900, ii. f., i, 1-56.—Holladay , xiii. 156-159.—I,ee- nin■■ i.J. A.i A case of hydrophobia. Texas Cour.- Kec. Med., Dallas, 1891-2, ix, 5. - l.chiicrt*. Obser- vation d'un cas d'hydrophobic rabiqne chez un homme de 49 ans. Bull. Soc. d. scmed.du gr.-duche, de I.uxemh.. 1882, 1-8.— Lfra««rur. Observation d'un cas de rage, Normandie med., Rouen, 1888, iv, 373-377.— l.iggct (J. J.) An interesting ease of hydrophobia; recovery. Med. News, N. Y.. 1899, lxxiv, 333-^335.—von Limbeck (R.) Leber den N Stoffwechsel eines Falles von Lyssa humana. Jahib. d. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. 1894, Wien u. Leipz., 1890. i 824-828. AUo: Wien.klin. Wchnschr., 1896, ix. 293.—l.i von (C.) Ln cas de rage. Marseille med., 1886. xxiii. 385-388.- Lodge (S.) A case of hydro- phobia. Lancet, Lond.. 1>9.5 i, 342. — Logan (S.) A case of hydrophobia. N. Oil. M. jc S. J., lss9-90. n. s., xvii, 639-641.—Long*tatl u>. B.) Hydrophobia statis- tics. Tr. Epidemiol! Soc. Lou,Ml885-6)'. 1-87, n. s., v, 119- 134, 1 tab., 1 map—Lord (J. P.) A case of rabies. Omaha Clinic, 1889-90, ii,218-221__Liiijlen. Geval van hydrophobic te Alhlasserdam. Geneesk. Cou rant, Tiel, 1886, xl, nos. 34: 35. -----. Hondxhdheid. Ibid., 1887, xl, no. 20.—Mackenzie (H. W. G.) Hydrophobia. St. Thomas's H«,sp. Pep. 1889-90, Lond.. 1891. n. s.. xix. 343.— Mackenzie (J. J. i The occuri en,-e of rabies in (intario. Pioc. Canad. In~t.. Toronto, 1897. n. s.. i. 72.— tl'Rey- ■loldw i.J. O., A case of hydrophobia. Am. Pract. Louisville. ls»5. xxxii, 209-21::.—llngruder ( W. E.i A case of hvdi,,phobia. Maiyland M. .1 . Ball.. 1894. xxxi, 301.— Jlaixuriantw (S. A. i Tetanus hydrophobicus.] Protok. z.oiiid. K.u kazsk. med ()i,-li.. Titli.-,, 1887-8, xxiv, 266-2(i*l.— 'I:irchiaiidi (P.) Storiadi perniciosa iabida. Gi,,r. . . . d. nic. med. chir. di Torino, 1846, xxvii, 47-51.— *l a il in (A.-I.) La statistiqii, ,l,.|aiii:e,-ii France. Rev. ,1 h\ -. Par., 1887, ix, 74*-702.— Majlicld (('.) Report of a case of hyiliopbobia. Virginia M Month., Richmond, 1894-5, xxi io7>-l'"-5.— tlcnil (J. A.) A probable ease of hvdi,,phobia. Boston M. ,v S. J. 1890, exxii, 399.—llcnc- trier (I'.i ,v Oppriihrim. Un cas de ra";e humaine. Bull, et mem. S,„ . mod. d. hop. de Par., 1900, 3. s., xvii, 586-594.—fiercer (R.) A case of hydrophobic. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond.. 1887, n. s., xliv, 49,.— tlexxinli (W. B.) A case ot hydrophobia. Louisville M. Month., 1898-9, v. 216.—.Mile* (A. B.) A case of h\ drophobia. N. Orl. M. .v S. J.. 1885-6, n. s., xiii, 265-270. -Tli I ler (Sir W.) <'.,-,- of hydrophobia. Brit. M. J., Lond., I--9. ii, 820 — »l iiinencii. Un cas de tin bare,. Presa m,,l rom. Bncuresci. 1899-1900, vi, 56 — Itloore (V. A.) A report ot rabies in Washington, D. C. Rep. Bureau Ani- mal Induct. 1895-6, Wash., 1897, xiLxiii, 267-282, 3 pl — Itloravcaik IE. E.) A veszettsegrdl kdrodai eszleletek alapj4n. [Clinical observation of a case of hydrophobia.] Orvosi hetil.,Bud;,p,~t 18.-0. X\x 909:929.-----. Tovdbbi adatok a veKzeit-(2 k,',r,,,lai k, p,h,v. [Further contribu- tionsont.hecl in ical t ypeof h\ -diophobia.J Ibid., 1887, xxxi, 89-93.—Itloriaaiii'fD.i Sc l>e Nnm tin (A.) Studio sta- tistico sui moi--.ii-.iti ed idrofobi accolti nell' Ospedale de^l' incurabili durante un -ecolo. Progrcssomed., Na|ioli, 1887 i, 817-837.— Slower (W.) Two cases ol hydrophobia. Med. Rec.K.T. 1896,1.389. Also: Med. Repr., Loud. 1890-7.vii, 178-180 — tl umforil (J. G.) Notes on a case ol In di opho- bia. Boston M. (VS. .L, 1890, c\ xii, 375. — TV a kahn in n (T.) Nagasaki kokenbyojoshahokoku. |Repoii on I he caseof hydrophobia in Nagasaki.] Tokyo med. Wchnschr 1893, 826; 909.—.\avarro(L ) Uncasode rabia. II,-\. denied. y cirng. prAct., Madrid, 1887, xxi, 57-61. —I>'a vciro Id, M i La rabia en Buenos Aires. Pev. Soc. meal.argent., Buenos Aires, 1899, viii, 289-303.—.\oranl. Sur les causes de l'accroissement de la rage en France. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1889, 2. 8., xxi, 373-378.—Notca on 23 cases of hydro- phobia in India daring 15 years, viz., from 1871 to 1885 Hydrophobia (Cases and statistics of). Army M. Dep. Rep. 1884, Lond., 1886, xxvi, 370-374. —Or- lownki (\V.) Przxczynek do kazuistyki zaka/eii jadoni wscieklizny. (Caseof infection by virus of rabies.] Me- dycyna, Warszawa, 1898, xxvi, 337-339.—Ot ten * (J. H.) Wa'arneniingeii van twee personen, van een en denzelven hondgebeten, en beide aan de watervrees gestorven. Ver- handel. uitiji-h- d. de II,,Hand. Maatsch. d. Wectensch. te Haarlem, 1707. ix, pt. 3, 277-312. —Owen (E.) A fatal ease of ll\ drophobia. Lancet, Lond., 18*9, ii, 952. — PnlacioN \ Caldrron (F.) Uu caso de rabia paralitica. Siglo med.. Madrid, 1898, xiv, ll(i- I'nll.iul (It.) Drei an I.\ssa gesiorben. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. 1898, Wien ii. Leipz., 1900, viii, pt. 2, 257. -----. Krankenge- schichten [Lyssa]. Ibid., 262-266.—Pampoukis (P.) 'H Aiicrua ec 'EAAaoi. 'Iarpticij npoo&os, 'Ev Scpw, 1901. vi, 172. AUo. transl: Grecem6d.,Syra, 1901, iii. 51 — I'npn. koNlopulos. Jediin slucaj lise. [Caseof lyssa. | Srpski arh. za celok. lek.. Beo^rad, 1901, vii, 61-ii3.— Prclrn. Rabies. Geneesk. Ti.jd.schr. v. Nederl. Indie, I'.atuv.. 1888. xxvii 197-204.— I'riiiiinii (R. S.) Case of hydrophobia. Clasgo« M. J, 1894, xli, 184-180—Perez Urrla (15 i Ln caso di* hidiolnbia. Siglo nied., Madrid, lssii. xwiii. 823- 826. —Perre (ILi Note sur un cas de rage humaine. Loire med.. St.-Etienne, 1889, viii, 269-276. —Peuch (F.) Uu fait pour servir a l'histoire des lysses ou vesicules ra- id,pus. J. denied.de Lyon, 1867, viii, 62-66.— Phelippot & ICivalM. Un cas dc rage humaine. Gaz.iued.de l'ar., 1887, 7. s., iv, 337-343.—Pierre (G. C.) A case of hydro- phobia. Boston M. A- S. .1, 1892. exxvi, :< riiiuiiiiii (A.) Observation sur la rage. Essais et obs. de med. d>- la Soc. d'Ediub., Par., 1747 vi. 159-168—Portiijjnloll (V.) Sobachye bleshenstvo. [Hydrophobia.) 1-Yltlsi h,-r. St. Petersb., 1894, iv, 353-359.—Powell (B. C.) Case of hydrophobia. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1893. n. s.p lvi, 33.—Poymler (G. F.) Notes on a case of hydrophobia. Tr. South Indian Branch Brit. M. Ass.. Madras, 1895, vi, 330-333.—Proust. Rapport general sur les cas de rage humaine observes dans lc departement de la Seine, pen- dant les annees 1894 et 1895. Compt. rend. Cons d'hvg. pub. de la Seine. Par., 1896. ii, 275-290.—Pruen. Hydro- phobia. China.M.Miss.J..Shanghai, 1892,vi. 81.—Przhe- Minitski ( N. ) Bistro razvivsheyesya bieshensivo u sobaki. [Rapidly developing rabies in a doe ] Vestnik obsh vet, St. Petersb., 1897, ix, 486-488.—Kabies. R,-p. lid. Health Iowa. Des Moines, 1891-5, jmxsim. — Kabie* and hydrophobia (in Egypt], Lancet. Lond., 18-7. i. 1161.— K a Iter (J. A.i Hydrophobia; case. Kansas M. J.. 1,, peka, 1894.vi,502.— Kajic: statistique; extrait du rapport de M. le Dr. Stubbe relatif k l'etat sanitaire des animaux domestiques en 1892. Bull, spec du serv. de sante et de lhyg. pub., Brux., 1893,424, lch.—Kaseri (E.) Morti per idrofobia in Italia nell' anno 1895. Riv. d' iir. e san. pubb., Roma, 1897,viii, 109.—Kavenel iM. P.) i; McCarthy (D. J.) The rapid progress of rabies. Proc. Path. Soc. I'liila., 1900-1901, n.s., iv,89-99—Kavich(D.G-) Sluchai zabolle- vaniya sobachyim bishenstvom. [Caseof h\ drophobia.] E.jened.jour. "Prakt. med.''. St. Petersb.. 1899. vi. 723-725.— Bicochon. Ln cas de ratre paralytique chez 1'honnne. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1887, 2. s., xxiv, 166; 201.— Roberts (S.) A caseof hydrophobia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1886, ii, 925. — Kombro (M. N.) Sluchai vodoboyazui. [Caseof hydrophobia.] Russk. Med.. St. Petersb., 1887, v, 13.—Saint-C'yr (F. i Sc Pencil il-'.i Notes statistiques sur les cas de rage observes a 1 ft,ole veterinaire de Lyon pendant les annees 1866 et 1867. .1. de m6d. deLyon, 1868, ix, 300; 337. Also, Reprint. — Maizan (J. P.) A case of hydrophobia. N. Orl. M. .V S. J., 1889-90, u. s. xvii. 321- 325. —Snprikin (T. V.) Dva sluchaya paialiti, lieskoi formi hidiolobii. [Two cases of paralytic hydrophobia] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1897, xlvii, 854. — Nan«»ol. ('as de rage, 4 mois apres une morsure profoude aux doigts; ph6- nomenes douloureux, puis ]iarnl\ ti,|iies, dans le meinbre corresjiondant: agitation maniaque; mort. (la/ hebd. d. sc. med. dc Montpel., 1886, viii, 40-42. — Sax iM.i Zur Kasuistik der Hydrophobic. Wieu. med. Presse, 1885, xxvi, loi.— Mchafler (C.) Sur un cas atypique de rage humaine Ann de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1890, iv, 513-519.— Nrhrllcma llednin. Hydrophobie in Nederland. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1886, xxii, 8-10.— Mclimiili'i' iS. N.) A case of hydrophobia. Med. Era, Cliicago, 1,-92. x, 357-362.—Schnell ,V .1 a< qncn. Deux nliM'i \ ationa de rage humaine. Marseille nied., 1885. xxii, 589-597. —Sellwencke (T.) Bericht van . . . Dacha, wegens de watervrees in een inensch, naa het onmatig ge- bruik van .sterken drank. Verhandel. uitgeg. d. de Hol- land. Maatsch. d. Wectensch. te Haarlem, 1768. x. pt. 2, 471-473.—Sec ret a n (H.) Un cas derage. forme del irante. Rev. Hl6d. dela Suisse Rom., (iencve. 1888, viii. 740-746.— Sellers (R. B.) A ca-e ol hydrophobia. Lancet, Lond., 1895, ii, 734. — Semyonoff'( I. I Sluchai vodobo.sazni. [Case of hydrophobia.] Feldschci, St. Petersb , 1901, xi, 385.— Seward ( R. L.) A case of hydrophobia Vir- ginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1896-7, i, 355-357.— Sjihivardi (D. P.) Studio statistico sui morsicati idro- fobi accolti nell Ospedale maggiore di Milano del 1829 al 1869. Progresso med., Napoli, 1888, ii, 14-18. — Shah (T. M.) Hydrophobia of twenty-five days' duration. In- HYDROPHOBIA. 532 H YD! {OP HOB I A. Hydropliohia (Cases and statistics of). (ban Lancet. Calcutta. 19ul xvii. 370. — Nheehy (W. C.) Hydi,,phobia. Atlantic M. Weekly. Providence, 1805 iv. :,,l-li',3.—Silberman lJ.) Dwa pi-zypadki samoulecze- nia wscieklizny u psdw. [Two cases of spontaneous cure of rabies in d,,^ ] Przegl. wet.. Lwow, 1898. xiii, 361- 364.—Sinnpins 11 >., [et al.\. Von tollen Ilunds-Kissen. Samml. v. Xat.- u. M,-d.- . . (icseh. 1724. Leipz. u. Budis- sin, 1725, xxviii, 557-559.— >»i»«.iiijjIi (U. A.) Rabies bij een mensch. Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. Xederl. Indie. Batav.. 1889, xxviii, 601-007.—SkrilnikoflT(V.) K kaznistikie vodoboyazni (hydi-ophobia); desyat holnikh, ukushennikh bleshenim volkom. v Popasnyanskoi volosti, Novomos- kovskavo uyezda. Yekateiinoslavskoi gubernii. [. . .; ten cases bitten by a mad wolf, in Yekaterinoslav Govern- ment.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb.. 1885. cliii, 3. sect.. 265-276.—Small (S. I.) A case of hydrophobia. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1892. xli, 110.—Smiley (H.'F.I Hydrophobia. Med. Advance, Chicago. 1892, xxix, 359.—Sobel (J.) Zur Statistik der Hydrophobic: Bemerkungen iiber die iu den verflossenen 50 Jahren 1838-89 in der gefiirsteten Graf- schaft Gorz-Gradisca in FoIl'c Bi>ses wuthverdiichtiger od. wiithender Hunde bei Menschen vorgekommenen Erkrankungeu an Hydro),hobie. Oesterr. San.-Beamte, Wien u.Berl., 1889, ii.305-370. — Nolomin (P. A.) Sluchai lyss'i. Protok. Omsk. med. Obsh.. 1893-4, xi. 271-278.— Soulliey. Case of hydrophobia. Med. Pr, ss \ Circ, Lond.. 1-87. n. s., xliii, 72.—Spadaro iE.) Ouelques re.- I flexions sur un cas d'hydrophobie. Rev. med.-pharm., Constant.. 1889, ii, 26-28.— Stebbing* ,H. Pi Hydro- phobia (rabies canina); fatal termination. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago 1887. viii. 232-235. — Mtiiiooii (J. E.) A pronounced case of hydiophobia. Med. Xews, X.Y.. 1899, lxxiv, 247-249.—Stoller iF. C.) Eine sehr beftisre. pldtz- lich entstandene Wuih. und ehen so geschwinde Befrey- unsr von deiselben. Inhis: Beob. u. Erfahr. [etc.J. 8°, Gotha. 1777, 85-100. — Mutton. A case of hydrophobia. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 18-5. ii. 1113.—Swain iS. H.) Report of a case of rabies. J. Comp. M. .v Vet. Arch., Phila., 1900, xxi, 93-95.—Sweeney i A.) Rabie", wit h reportsof cases. Northwest. Lancet. St. Paul, 1897, xvii, 247-255. [Discus- sion].258. -----. A case of rahies. St. Paul M. J.. St. Paul, Minn.. 1900. ii, 550-555. — Wwecncy (A.) A: Denny (CF.) Rabies. Northwest. Lancet. St. Paul. l^'Hi. xvi, 123 : 155.— Svoii (I.C.) Xotes on a caseof hydrophobia. Glasgow M. J.. 1894, xli, 38-40.—Tamayo (D.) Ln caso de rabia. Cron. med.-quir. de la Habana. 1,-,-S. xiv, 446.—Taylor. Case of hydrophobia Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1894. n. s., lviii, 424.— Thieren. Ln cas de rage observe a l'Hopital de Stuivenberg. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. d'Anvers, 1 1899, 141-144.—Thompson (M. F.) A case of hydro- phobia. Xat. M. Rev.. Wash., 1898-9. viii, 289-291.— Thomson (A.i Ca-e of hydrophobia, from the bite of a dog that had exhibited no signs of rabies, arising at an I unusually early period, and terminating fatally iu four days. Lond. M. Sc S. J., IS'Ml v, 478-485.—Tiraboschi. Un caso di rabbia. Boll. d. clin., Xapoli, 1886. iii. 273- 276.—Tisne (C.) Note snr un cas de rage. Ann. med.- chir. franc- et etrang., Par.. 1886. ii, 33-38.—Toogood (J.) Case of hydrophobia. Inhis: Remin. nied. life, s^ Taun- ton, 1853. 47-5(1 — Tselios (A.) Av94. xxv, 161-177. Also: Virginia M. Month.. Richmond. 1894-5. xxi, 1093-1103.— WilkiiiNou ,D. L.i Rabies and hydrophobia in Ala- bama. Alabama M. A: S. Age. Aimiston. 1893-4. vi, 557- 5>4. —WHmoii (R. J.| Hydrophobia. Tr. Soc. Alumni l'.ellevue Hosp.. X. T.. 1.-9--9. 1-3-WladinMrow (A.) Contributions a la statistique de la rag, a Si.Petershourg. Arch. d. sc. biol.. St.-Petersb., 1894, iii. 26-32—Wynne. Case of hydrophobia. N. Med. ,v Plus. J.. Lond.. I,-:::, v. 283-285. —Vemelyaiioll" (A.) Sluchai sobacliyavo bieshenstva. [Case of hydrophobia. | FehLcher. St. Pe- tersb., 1894, v. 617. — lTounge (G. H.) Case of hydro- phobia. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1888, ii, 877. Hy drophobia (Causes and pathology of). Sec, also, Hydrophobia (Bacteriology of); Hydrophobia (Diagnosis, etc., of); Hydropho- bia (Inoculation in); Hydrophobia (Inoculation in, Experiments, etc., in). Buchanan (li. J. M.) * Rabies and hydro- phobia; a thesis, with notes of personal inves- tigations into its pathological histology. 8D. Liverpool, 1889. Calvy (A.) Trois cas de rage humaine a Toulon (Var) tlans l'espace d'nn mois; observa- tions, autopsies cadav&iques, reflexions. 8°. Paris, 1877. Duboue ([P.-]H.) Des progres accomplis stir la question de la rage, et ile la part qui en re- vient a la tfieorie nerveuse. 8?. Paris, H-7. Also [Rev.], in: Bull. me.d. d. Vosges. RamberviUers, 1887-8, ii, 44-49 (P. Diday). Gilxtixi (B.) Sulla rabbia, ragionamento fisiologico-patologico. 8°. Firenze. 1858. Eepr.from: Arch. d. sc. med.-lis. toscane, 1837, fasc. vi. Huzard (C.) Observations sur quelques onvertnres de chiens morts, soupconne's d'etre attaques de la rage. l*iJ. Paris, un IX [1801]. Cutting from: Ann. d'agric 18ol, vi. 245-250. Kolesixkoff (X.) * Ob izmieneniyakh golov- navo i spiunavo mozga sobak pri bieshenstvle. [Changes in tlie brain and spinal cord in rabies.] f*-. S.-Peterburg, 1885. Kosyakoff (G. I.) *Patologicheskaya auato- miya parenkhimatoznikh organov pii bieshen- stvle u sobak. [Pathological anatomy of paren- chymatous organs in rabies.] 8C. S.-Peterburg, 1885. Loy (E.) Sulla trasmissione e sulle niodifi- cazioni del virus rabbico; osservazione clinica personale. 8:. Cagliari, 1890. Popoff (X. M.) O izmieneniyakh nervnlkh elenientov tsentraluoi nervoi sisteml pri sobach- yem bieshenstvle. [On the changes of nerve elements of central nervous system in hydro- phobia.] 8C. Varshava, 1890. Also, transl. in: Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1890, exxii, 29-55, 1 pl. Schrader ([O. F.] J.) * Zur Aetiologie der Hundswut. 8°. Berlin, [1880]. Anrep(V.K.) Optomalnakhbieshenstva. [Ptomaines of rabies. J Dnevnik syezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v pamyat Pirogova. S.-Peterb., 1888-9, iii. 131. —Ashby inicheski\a izmle- ueniya nervnol sistemi, naidenniya v oilnoin sluchaye so- baehyavo bieshenstva u chelovleka. (Pathn-aiiatoinicil alterations in the nervous system found in a , a-,- ,,i hydio- phobia.] Vrach. /apiski. Mosk.. lt>99. vi, 1-1"—Coin- I Nimli (l.i La gli, ((-albuminuria rabbica. Bull. d. r. Aeead. iiie.l. di Roma. 1892-4, xix, 8-J0-si 1. —C'orlcv (A. II.) llxdrophobui. I'riH'. P.ilh. Soc. Dubl. l.-77--ii. n. s., viii, li',6. — Coining ,.1. L.) Consideration-, on the pathol- ogy of hydrophobia, with hints as to the principles to be observed in future attempts at treatment. Am. Pi act. & News. Louisville. 18.-6. n. s., ii. 2s9-_ 5 t'oiirmont (.1.) Die Hvperleukoeyiose bei der klini-, b, n und expei iinen- tellen "Tollwuth. ' Verhandl. d. Cong f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1901, xix. '.'.'too — < ouiiiionl (J.I ,v l.oiciu (C.) La polyuueleaire de la rage. J. de physLI et ,1,- path, gen.. Par.. 1;>01. ni, .''.iu-610. Also: Province nied.. Lyon, 1901,.xv, 433-437— C'roi-q. Sur la soi ilis.mt spe- cial ite des lesions rabiques. S,„ rov. d. sc. med. et nat. de Unix. Bull., 1900, lviii. 99-117-C ii-n (C. ■ Leiini ora- tici -ovradue canipresunti idi,,l,,bi mm ti entiambi ,1' iden- tica affezioneverminosa ai n in. (' lor. dimcd. vet., Torino, L-8"). xxxiv, 312-314 — I>:i«l«li (, <' ntributo alia ana- tomia patologicadella rabbia nell' uomo. Boll. d. Soe. nied.- chir.diPavia 1.-97. Milano. lSi'>.70--6. AUo. Reprint.------. Sull,- lesioui istologhhe d, 1 sisteiua nervoso nella rabbia. Biv crit.dielin. med. Fip-n/e, 1901. ii.473; 4--; 501; 517.— Della Torre (('. K.) Ricerche eiuatolouiche nelhi rab- bia sperinientale. Ibid.. 567 ">69. — I>e Ken/i , E.) Sc AmorOMO (G.i Riceiclie -pel in ion tali -nl \ ii u- ,1,-11a rab- bia Kesoe. r. Aee.id. !'ivd.-,-iiir. di Napoli. l--~ xli. 7-12.— Di Veslen (A., .V X. iiynii ij.i Sull. i rr.snussioiie della rabbia p'-i la via dti nervi. Atti xii. Cong. d. Ass. nied. ital. 1887 Pavia, Is--, i, 211-217. AUo: Psi, hiatria, Xapoli, 1887.v. 11 -131. AU". transl: Anu.de l'lnst Pasteur, Par., 18-9, in. 237-24-. AUo. transl..- Fortschr. d. Med. Berl., 18-9. vii, 241 -. 281.-------------. Nuove ricerche sulla rabbia: la trasniis*ione per i nervi di fronte a quella per ' i va-i. Oi,.i. int.! na/. ,1. -c. in, -,L. Napoli. 1889, n. s.. xi, si ]n». — Unbone , III 'l'r.iii-:ii:s-i"ii du virus rabi(|iie par les ui-rl-. Rt-v. .», ;>-nt . Pai. 1--6. xxxviii, 147-149.—El- zenberg(A.) Anatoniicheskiya izmleneniya slyuunikh zhelyoz pri ble-henstvle u sobaki i chelovleka. [Anatom- ical changes iu the salivary glands in rabies of the dog and man.] Raboty v lab. Med Fak. Imp. Varsbav. Lniv., 1881. vii, 97-12-—E v:i nycl i«la iL.) Sui modo di com- portar-i del .-iero disangue di tionte al virus rahico: con- tribute alio studio de' poteri niicrobicidi esistenti nel- 1'organi-im, sano. Riforma med., Napoli, 1891, vii. pt. 3, 78l-7s8.—Finny (J.M.) Hydrophobia. Pioc. Path. Soe. Dubl., 1877-80, ii. s.. viii, 167-17! — I i ;iii< :i iC.) Das al- teracoes das eel In las medullar,^ i , r.b , humana. -I. Soc. d. 8C.med.de Lisb.. 1899, lxiii, 7i 77 — 4. :i la viclli' , I. , Sc Aouxt (J.| Experiences sur I, - in, teniiies piupii.-ies antirabiqnes de la bile. N. Montpel. med. 1901, xiii 1-19. AUo i Ab-ir.' : Compt. rend. Soc. dc biol., Par., 19-1 11. s.. iii, 618— 4>altier (V.) Moiles de transmission de hi i.ig, Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1800 9. s.. ii, 93-97.—<»em (W.) A rapid case of hydrophobia: necropsy. Lancet, Lond., 1885, ii. 113—('ci'iiiano , L , Sc I'lipobinmo (J.i Contribution a l'hi-t,,l,,gie pathologhiu, ,1,- la iag>- Ann. | de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par.. l-:i.">. i\ c.'.'-i;:;.",, 1 pl.—('imi. tureo (V.) Ricerche istologiche. snlia i.ibbi.,. Atti xii. Con;;, d. Ass. med.ital. 1887. Pavia. 18-8, i. .'17-223. Also: Psichiatria. Napoli, 1887, v, 299-307. 1 pl. — ^olgi (Ci Sui- 1' istologia patologicadellarabbia speriment.il, Atti d. xi. Cong. metl. in tern a z.Iioma, 1894. ii,pat id. gen. ed anal.-patol., 250-254. Als,. Ira„4.: Herl. klin. Wchnschr., 1891, xxxi, 325-331.—4»r:ili:i. L'etat mouiliforme (les jirolougements de- neurones corticaux dans la rage. Soc. roy. d. se. med. et nat. de Brux. Bull., 1898. lvi. .".7-59. ------.' fitnde criti- que snr lea recents travaux lelatifsa l'anatoraie et ii la phy- siologie pathologiques de la rage. Ann.de med. vet.. Brux., 1900, xlix, 345-357. — «.! i ij;oi j« v. Ueber pathologis, h- anatomische Veranderungen des Centraluervonsystenis in einem Falle von HAdrophobie i„im M(-i,-,-heh. Compt.- rend. Long, internal,, de me,d. 1-'.(7. Mo-c, 1-09, ii. sect. 3, 260-263.—Cirisjoijcv Sc Iwnnov. Path,,h,gis, li - ana- tomische Veraiideruugeii im centialeu uud penpherischen N»-i \ i-n-ystein bei experimeiitellei'Lys-a. Ibid., 256-260.— Haughton (S.l Caninediimbruadne-s. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl. l-8o-82, n.8., ix.3C-38.—Hebrnnt'(M.fL) Rabies and the changes in the ganelia. Veterinarian. Lond., 19ou. : lxxiii. 650-053.— Hydrophobic meat. Mod. Sc Surg. Bo- porter, Phila.. 18-3. xlviii, 8.'. — .loline. Obergutachten iiber die Aetiologie eines Wuthfalles beim Meiischeii. 1 Hvdropliobia (Causes and pathology of). Ztschr. f. Thiermed., Jena, 1898, ii, 433-437. — Kierle iN. (I.) Rabies; a report, of the autopsies ou four recent cases of rabies, and a bacteriological examination of the rabid dog, together -with the recent laboratoiv experi- ments. Maryland M.J., Bait., 1897-8, xxxviii, 1-3. [Dis- cussion], ti-o.'— Kilgarriflf (M. J.) Hydrophobia. Pioc. Path. Soc. lhibl., 1880-82, u. s., ix, 34-36. — I.acoelt (.1.8.) History and postmortem exaininatioii of a rabid dog. Pittsburgh M. Lev., 1895. ix, 335— I.illinium iW.) Zur klinischeu Pathologie der Lyssa hei Ilunden. Berl thier- iirztl. Wchnschr., 1901,46.").— Eooinio (11. Pi Autopsvof acaseof hydrophobia. Proc. N. Voik Path. Socllsiin), 18:, 1, 31. —.Tlel'nrlh v (1). J.) Pseiidoporosiscerebri in rahies. Pioc. Path. Soc.'Phila., 1900-1901, U. s.. iv. 102-101. — Tlc- ('iiHkey (II. W.j Report of twocasesof h\ drophobia, with post .mortem examiuuli......I ,,n, case. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1802, xviii. 91-94. —.TI are belli (G.) Sui ricanibio tna- teriale degli animali sperimoutalinoiite resi hirofobi. Riv. crit.dielin.med.. Fireu/.e. I9ul. ii. 412. AUo: Sperimentale. Arch, di biol., Firenze. 1901. lv. 469-302. —.llenimo ( G.) Coutributo alle licei (he e/iologi( he sulla labia. A nil d' ig. spec, Roma, 1897, n. s., vii, 215-238, 1 pl. — .Tl iklinlloll" (M. P.) Nleskolo slov k ucheniyu o bieshenstvle. [Ou hydrophobia.] Bolnitsch. gaz Botkina, St. Petersb., 1900, .xi, 697; 1756.— Tlollenlinner (IL) On the germ of a communicable disease ,1,-t iv,-,| from a dog, alleged to have died from rabies, which retains rabies characters. J. Neiv. &: Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1800. xvii. 604-608.—.flonod. Sympti'unes rabiforrnes occasiounes par des spiropteres. Lull. Soc. centr. de med. vet., Par., 1900, n. 8.. xviii. 166. Also, transl: Vet. Rec, Lond.. 1809-1900, xii, 507.-.TIow- calelli (R.) Leber das Vorkommen vou Brenzkatechin im Kaninchenbarn bei Lyssa. An-h. f. path. Anat. [etc.}, Berl., 1892, exxviii, 181—31 nLliai inski (A. A.) K vo- prosu osoderzhauiirabichcskavo yad.i v yaichkakh i iuish- tsakh zbivstnikh i lyudel, umeishikh ot bieshenstva. [Poison of rabies present in the testicles and muscles of animals and men, dead from rabies.] Protok. znsanl ICav- kaz.sk. med.Obsh.,Tiflis, 1899-100 i. xxxvi. 151-15.». —>ngy (B.) TTeber die Nervenzellen der gegen die Wuthkiiiuk- heit eing, impften Hunde. Neurol. Centralbl.. Leipz , l-oo, xv. 6-.—>eli<>(C.) L'apparitionducentrosome dans les cellules nerveusesau coursdel'iufectionrabique. Acad. rov. de Lelg. Bull, de la cl. d. sc, Brux, 1899, 715-735, 1 pl. Also: N, vi axe Louvain. 1900, i, 13-30. ------. Etude sur l'anatoraie et la physiologie pathologiques de la rage. Arch, d, biol., Liege'et Par., 1899-1900, xvi, 601-661, 2 pl. AUv ' Ah-tr.] : Ann. de med. v6U Brux., 189u, xlviii, 599- bu2. — Olilmncher (A. P.) Laboratory observations on hydropliohia in Ohio. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1901, xxxvii, 1442—Ord. A case of hydrophobia; necropsy. Lancet, Lond.. 18.-7. ii, 311.—Orlowski (W.) Zmiany w koiubrkach nerwowych przy wseiekliz.uie. [Changes in nerve cells in rabies. ] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1892. 2. s., xii, 405-475. 1 pl. —Page. A case of hydrophobia; necropsy. Lancet, Lond., 1890, i, 295. —Parlier (G. R.) A caseof hydropliohia; necropsy. Ibid.. 18.-8. i, 1193.— Popoll' (N. M.) Ob izmlenenii nervuikh yader na dnle < li, tv\ or- tavo zheludochka prisobachyem biohi-n-tvie. ( hinges in the nerve nuclei on the floor of the fuurlh ventricle iu hy- drophobia.] Aich. psychiat [etc.], Kharkov, 1890, xv, no. 2. 54-59. Also, trnnsl.. Neurol. Centralbl.. Leipz., 1890, ix, 136-14C — voii Kiil/ (S.i Beitrage zur Aetiologie der Tollwuth. Monatsh. I. prakt. Thierh.. Stuttg., 1900, xi, ll,2- 1 lo. — ICieliai'ilx (V.) Notes ou the rabie virus. Indian M. (,,/.., Calcutta. 1886, xxi, 204-206. ------. Rabie \ uu-,ind h\,lroph(d)ia. Ibid., 1888, xxiii, 193.— Kiedelio ( I. •'. i Phenomena nonnulla jieciiliaria, iu h.\ ,li o]diobo quodam, et ejus disscctione. Acta Acad, elector. Mogunt. sc. ntil. qua' Erfordiie est. Erfordiie et Cotlue, 1757, T341- 357.—Kinger (S.) A ease of livdroplmhi,! : n,-, r,,ps\ . Lancet, Lond., 1889, ii, 1275. — Kotlel &: l^alavielle. Influence de la dessiccation sur les m,,, lies rabiques; man he de la perte de la virulence. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1901, 11. s.. iii, 1114-1147.-------------. Influ- ence do s6 jour prolong6 dans lagheeriue sur le virus ra- biqne. Ibid., 1147-1150. — Itoodoli ( W. M. ) Caseof hydrophobia: necropsy. Lancet, Lond., 1894, ii, 1343.— ■{on x i K , Notes de laboratoire sur la presence du virus raid,pie dans les neil's. Ann. de llnst. Pasteur, Par., 1888, ii, 18: 1880 iii, 69.—Konx (10.) Sc \ oca id. Aqnel mo- ment lo \ irus Mibiqiie apparait il dans la have des animaux enrages? Ibid.. 1800, iv, 163-171. AUo [Abstr.)|: Bull. Soc. centr. de med. vet.. Par., 1890, n. s. viii, 218-221.— *:il»riis.«<< (J.) A; Cn bit n iieo (C.) Note sur les lesions ,|, s , ellub-n neiveuscs de la moelle dans la rage humaine. N. icon-.g. de la Sal])etriere, Par.. 1897, x. 155-165, 1 pl.— Nnno (F./ Lesions auatomn-pathologiqiies de la rage chez 1'homme et chez les animaux. Auu. Soc. m6d.-chir. d'Anvers, 1899, iv, 149; 333: 1900, v, 63. ------. Ln cas de iag,jhumaine. suivi d'autopsie. J. de neurol.. Par., 1900, v, 41n-tir, Milliliter (K.) rli-tologisclio Lntersuchung , in, s falles von Lvssa. Ai.h.l' l*s\cliiat Berl.. 1887, xix, 45--na ------. Ada'tok a 1\ s-a km s/bvet taiuihoz. [Contri- bution to patho-histology ot lyssa.J Uivosi hetil., Buda- HYDEOPHOBIA. 534 HYDROPHOBIA. Hvdropliobia (Causes and pathology pest, 1887, xxxi, 1297; 1336, 1 pl. -----. L.jabb adatok a veszettse,g korodai es kbrsziivettani kepehez. [New con- tributions to the clinical and patho-histological picture of lyssa.] Ibid., 1889, xxxiii, 399; 413. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1889, xxv, 985; 1009; 1033. -----. Pathologie uud pathologische Anatomie der Lyssa. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z.allg. rath., Jena, 1890, vii, 189-244, 2 pl. AUo. transl. [Abstr.] ■ Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1889, iii, 644-057, 1 pl.—Sertoli. Sulla presenza del virus rahico nelle capsule surrenali di alcuni animali. Atti d. Accad. med.-fis. fiorent. 1900, Lirenze, 1901, 7.—Sgobbo (F.) Studio istologico sui sistema nervoso centrale e peri- ferico nella rabbia. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1888, Mi- lano, 1889, i, 289-306. Also, Reprint.—Stagnitta (F.) Sulla virulenza del midollo osseo negli animali rabici. Bull. d. r. A ccad. med. di Roma, 1892-3, xix. 527-533.—Taty (T.) Rage des rues; lesions de la moelle ceivicale; pr6- sentation de photographies. Cong, internal, de m6d. C.r., Par.. 1900, Sect, de psychiat., 563.—Tizzoni (G.) Sc C'entanni (L.) La trasmissione ereditaria da padre a figlio dell' immunity contro la rabbia. Mem.r. Accad. d.sc. d.Ist.diBologna, 1893.5.s..iii,393-399. Also: Riforma med., Napoli, 1893, ix, pt. 1, 101-104. AUo, transl: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., Jena, 1893, xiii, 81-87.— Tretrdp. A propos des lesions anatomo-pathologiques de la rage. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. d'Anvers. 1900, v, 77-80.— tili-riiiNy. hy (L.) A kozponti idegrendszer chemiai ds- szeteteleiiek megvilltozasaabl veszettseg folyam&n. [The chemical changes in the composition of the central nerve system following rabies.] Magv. orv. Arch., Budapest, 1892, i, 20S-220. AUo. transl: Lugar. Arch. f. Med., Wiesb., 1892. i, 223-234.—Va I lee ill.) Action de la bile sur le vi- rus rabiqne. Rev. vet.. Toulouse, 1901, lviii, 21-25.— Van (Viehnchlet: (A.) A propos des lesions ganglionnaires de la i age Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1900, 4. s., xiv, 380-308. AUo: Nevraxe, Louvain, 1900, i, 277- 288. -----. Les lesions anatomo-pathologiques de la rage. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. d Anvers, 1900, v, 117-124. -----. Les lesions gauglionnaires de la rage; leur valeur au point de vue de la symptomatologie et du diagnostic (reponse & quelquesobjectious). J. deneurol., Par , 1900. v, 369; 389. -----. A propos du diagnostic histologique de la rage des rues. Semaine med.. Par.. 1900, xx, 169-171.— White (W. H.) The pathological histology of hydrophobia. Tr. Path. Soc.Lond., l*85-,'. Y., 1899. iv, 451-477.—He brant (G.) Sur les 16sions de la rase chez le chien et sur le diagnostic post mortem de cette affection. Ann. de med. v6t., Brux., 1900, xlix, 76-81. -----. Sur le diagnostic de la rage chez le chien par l'examen micro- scopique des ganglions nerveux. Ibid., 302-309. -----. Sur la valeur clinique des 16sions des ganglions nerveux signal6es dans la rage dn chien. Ibid., 569-575.—Jo line. Ueber Tollwuthimpfungen zn diagnostischen Zwecken. Ztschr. f. Thiermed., Jena, 1898, ii, 349-371. 1 pl.—Jons- set (P.) La lesion de la rage. Art m6d.. Par., 1895, lxxxi, 265-267.—Karlinaki (J.) Pyaemie oder Lvssa.' Prag. med. YV5 hn>cln .. 1890, xv, 171-173—Keirle (N.G.) Rabies in The mouse; together with a simplified experi- mental method for the detection of rabies. N. YorkM. J., 1894. lx, 237.—I. ien mix (E.i Sur le diagnostic mi- croscopique de la rage. Ann. de med. vet., Brux.. 1901, 1, 25-30.—liivon (C.) L6sions histologiques de la rage. Marseille m6d., 1900, xxxvii, 410-412. — JVIari ( N. N.) HYDROPHOBIA. 535 HYDROPHOBIA. Hydrophobia (Diag ptosis and semeiol- OtIU Ot'5 s'vremeiiiiove sostovanie voprosa O posmertnom diaguo- ^u ob udivavob.eshe.is. va [ Present state ot the qimstion of ,H.st-uioitem diagnoMs of rabies ,„ the dogl Russk. arch piitol.. klin. med i bakteriol. s Peterb.. 1900. x... 6.- " _i__ ^.yreinennive nietodi ekspei in., ntalnav,, diag. no'za blesh'enstva. Modern method of experimental diag- "o" of rabies/ Aieh. vet. nauk St. Peteisb.. 1901 xxx.. * . 319-332.— Meanin 'P.) !-• s snnili i;il',-< chien. Bull. A < Merriam (I.. A Vi Med.. 1880. xiv. '.22-'-7 1 .o-I.iv lUOChl U L'iesl ie,i\ .ni.l composition vit n.i ,k >t Pi'' rsb. l|orel-l.n» JiMi e. b- , h'.cii. '.a n ,-.■■ -■' pain-. J. de ut 1897.3. s.. xxxvii. 57-63.— i, it'lndiop'uobia ' St. Louis Conr. — 'loiiiii K l L e ui pern t ura llela n;'„li sobak. Temperature ot'the ■ ; i e uriue in rabid dogs ] Arch. >-■-. vi.5. sect., 43. 179 ll 2iliag.— Diagnostic de le rage i'n s rues ch,/ chien: un peu il,- path.,!,'g;e ,'om- Par. 1900. iv. 691-> "4 —>nlli Lj Thi.e fatal cases of hvdropliobia exhibiting so, -, ,.u g, into- rinarv sV1..,,!,„,,-. Indian M. Kec. Calcutta. Is93, iv, g-_>ieolelli» (G.) Vn cas daces peruicit ux pain- ,-, ei. sous la forme d'hvdroph'ibie. Greeeiued., Syi a. 1901. ... 40—>ocnril. sur le diagnostic post mortem de la ,Y , '.l'i ', ' ien Lait Acad, .b med., Par., 19o0. 3. s . xliii, , +-6-I7'> AUO: Louniei nied. Par.. 1900. 1. 161—Peter. Zui klinischeu Diagnose der Wuthkrankheit. Lbi, thier arztl. Wchnschr.. 1." 0 133; 1-4". A5-. transl. [Abstr - , Tet. J.. Lond.. 1900. n. s . ii. 13-55—1»boliviano* d. A.i KAiricai 11006* t^? Avv^<"i outt,? larpiKt) ^ik/eAvpo, 1900, v. 20-24-Pin 15 IM ( onuibn- ciou al estudio de la rabia paralitica ■ : -1 hombre. ( ron. med.-qnir. de la Haoana, 1»8. xiv. - '---4«..:-. h 11 Par___Abbau.r ll ■' 15-5 1:40 i.2J.-_: - Knviinl (M P) -v UcC'arlhv 1' .1 1 ue 1 ,,p;d .l.agnosis ot | rabies. Univ. M. Ma. '.' '.,, '.';";'-19 L "», ''i0-/';'- AUo- A ('••■,! M -v V.:. Arch. 15 .a ;-"". xxi, 404- 4>«. AUo V: . Path. Soc. Pl la. i-^f ■■'"'. n- 8- »>• I 0.l-°33. AUo: .1. Comp. Path.v lie nn>. Ldiib. Sc Lond.. ' laofxiv 37-45.— Kiss (J. E.i Lepoit of d>,-< of sus- pected hvdrophobia M.-d. A: Surg. lb-poi ter Phila.. ls9o. lxxid 639-643.—* nn or (D. G., lb diophobia from a. ,Iia-noslic point of v w. -witl insufficient hist.uv. V T,'"kM. J.. 1898. 'sv 224. —^eifinann d'., Em hei- tia^zurLosuugder Incubati--.-:• g .1 Wuthkrankheit Rev. f. Thierh.". Wien, 1-8" v.-.. :. •. A" AUo .Abstr., Centralbl. f. Tet.-Wis»eU>ch Je * >-■ :-.. 3L-*pilIei (\V G) Rematks ou the importance ot the «.,-<..;,,-.1 -pecific lesions of rabie-. Proc. Path. Soe. Phila.. 19.:- lei n s iv. 99-102. AUo: Univ. M. Mag.. Phila.. 1900- ! 1'<"1. xiii. 776-779.—!*tazzi eli- (J.) Diagnostic histolog..,i.-u•_A iage. A-,- de- •■ ••• Brux.. 1900, xlix. 243-252. AUo fAb- str",- Pre--- m,,.. Par.. 19oo. i, 113.-----------. Les lesions histologe, ies de la rage chez les animaux et chez 1 homme. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Lelg.. Lrus., 190U. 4 s..xiv,3'"* 2 pl. AUo: Neyraxe. Louvain. 19no i 77-114 2 pl. AUo: Pre-- med. beige. Brux., 1900, Hi, 1,--I'D_____■----- Ees lesions rabiques; virus des 1 ''!•-- et vim- fixe. X.'-vraxe. Louvain I9oo i. 115- j->7 _ \ oionl-oir (V.) K different-ialnol diagnostikle bieshenstva. [Differential diagnosis ol iabb-s.1 Vest- nik obsh. vet.. St. Petersb., l--«9. i. .;.;->.-Wnl l*er (W T) II liuphobia; is it a specific li-*.,-, int. .,u M Re, ' utta, Is'.kJ, x, 334-33'-. Alio: Snginia M. Moiih K "'■" 189V-; xxii 1097-1 Iu8. — Wi'-liroolt (F Fl'i, Wil«oii (L. L ) ITeliminary report on the laboratorr diagnosis in tw. ,.ty , a- - of suspected rabies. An1.P11b.IL 5;-, A-. lb p.l-.CAA: , •■. d. Ib9»v xxiii. 29- 238 ' tab.— W'v«oliowicz (W /"i li.ige von der I ,,'r. ■ - d or. ■ • - I .Iwnthvirnsim (Jigani-niu- ,1,-r Thiere. ,'rnt- , ,' • B-,'r*eiiol. u. Parasiteuk.. dena. 1'91. x, 4'>- ,g—Von 11 •.'(LC.) Hydrophobia. South African M. J., La-t I.,.i.,: 18*7-8. iii" 14. Hvdropliobia (History of). *Dalziei. (H.) Mad d-g- and hy«lr<.pli«.lna. Historical notes. Popular fallacies, l're-cnt stutc of knowledge. Symptoms. Curative ami preventive measure-. Tlio dogs act: su^t'v tions for its amendment, and for preventive measures. 1-L. Dundee, 1—•'<. Flkischkk [O. J. F.] Die Tollwutkrankheit, eine Au>Kebiirt des Aberglaubens. [Berlin.] Pi-. Elbing, 1--7. Hvdropliobia (History of). *Uaidoz(H.) Bibliotbeca mythica. La rage ct St. Hubert. - • Paris, l->7. (ii-YKis (J. D.) Miissiger Keise-Stumlen gute Gedancken von der St. Huberts-Cur. iiber ibn Todt Wit bakers in London. 11. Discours. 4 5 Dresden, 17 :'..">. Holland (T. S.) A i-nurso of lectures on hy- drophobia: its history, iiatlmlngy, and treatment, compiled from niaiiuscript notes of tbe late Un- delivered in the theatre of the North Chari- table Inhrinarv anil City of Cork General Hos- pital bv T. C. Schinkwin. VJ-. Dublin, [n. d.]. Moi.i.F.i: iC.A. F.) * Adnotationcs qutedain in (alii Anreliani Sici-ensis, medici vetusti, soli ex omnibus methodicis superstiti-, de hydro- phobia tractatum. -3. Marburgi, 1-1.- Portal (A.) Observations sur la nature et sur le trait, ment de la rage, snivies d'un precis liistorique et critique des divers remedes qui out etc employes jusqu'ici contre cette maladie. 1(L. Yverdun, 177'J. ______ The same. Bemerkungen uber die Natur und Heilung der Wuth vom Biss toller Thiere. Nebst einer knrzen littcrarischeu An- zei-e der iiber diese Materie erseliienenen Scbrit- ten" und der bis ietzt wider diese Krankheit vi.rgeschlageuen Mittel. Aus dem riauzosi- >chen. 12-. Leipzig, 1782. DE Tokxery (M.) * Essai sur 1 histoire de la ra»-e avaut le xixe siecle. 4°. Paris, l-'J:',. ______-. The same. 8°. Paris, 1~95. 1 \ m eli t i(L) Lno medirati 11 bai bare de la rage. 1 Chron 11,' -1. Par.. 1*9*. v, c7 -Knl.c. (V Die Lehre von iter H111..I-* utl, zu Ende lies 19. .T.ihri.iu..lert-.._ Berl klin. Wchnschr. 1 ..... XNV.-ii.KJ.>: &.>.-€ arrurcio. A.) Perlastorinlell -.di„i ■ • -i'.dlni./..im. L.mii.i 1--,. - >.. xvi, 9-17.-C oi-o.i IL Il'-.-r-icbia. M-l A: s - Eenorter 1''■■;'..1 >■' lxiii, 1:-' --<«"--«rilia J^l ) De la rage dans . ,1,1 quite. J. .1. conn, nie.l. pint . Par.. 1897, 107? HO; 1-T.i 134-<- uillnbrrf. Sur un remede employe en Grece contre A rug.*. 'Abstr.) Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Piir., IS"-* xA . 1107. - II. (J.) Documentg anciens sur la rage et .sen trait.-1.1ent. Lev. scient.. Par., 1886. xxxvii. 43U-433.—I-inrolh <^> Lys-ansforekomst i Sv,-ri-e nan aldre ti.b-r til uu. [Occurrence of hydro- rh,,biii"ii, s-a. ,h 1, from tl..- eaili.-st l« the pi>seiit time.] !;",.«-, Liik -a.l-k u. Handl.. Sto.-kbi.lm. l^C 1^-113.- ,li- -lloilillel .A . La ra-e. Saint-Hubert et Pasteur. 1 Ho,,nn, Par 1-7 iv. :,77-.'M.-Kons*cl 1A.1 L occi- Hydrophobia (Hysterical). * See Hydrophobia Xeurotic). Hvdropliobia (Immunity from). " >e< Hydrophobia (Inoculation in): Hydro- phobia (Inoculation in, Experiments, etc., in). Hvdropliobia (Incubatory stage in). ' >n. also, Hydrophobia in children. Wallkt r;.'i "Not.-s >iir la rage et particu- liei.-'ment sur 1'ii,. nl.aiinn, les 1'onncs larv.'es et le oronostic. 4J. Paris. 1--4. II n n ir (P ) Leber die Incubationsdaner der Wnth- krankheit beim M.-ns. hen Miinchen. >,.■ d. Wchnschr.. 1--, i\xii 633; ti.'.'J; 07. H.-4.— Kiiinby , N. 1 .) Kage ., cvolutii.i.'lHpiilf. Ili.h-p. nd. "l.-ll.. Par 1899. V.169— Ko.nliiici (G.i Sui t.iuim dell., diffusioue lie 1 orga- ,, „ii,.ue: ■, u u> i il.-.l". Siici-.iu.-iitale. M.-ii...,n-..l neuze, i^U-' 17..-.-: -H«m«I 'F. II.' A case .>t d,l.,\.-d h\di..- i.h.d.ia M.d \ "'•■ Detroit. 1887. v, 4 ;4 - 1 r.-Brml- ,han rr. 15 r.,,,- of hydrophobia; uuuhation ]»-i i "d 1 of two month-: respiratory spasm; iii.iim. .1 cLlinnm; T..u,,.orarv aiueliniiitiou; death from asthenia and resp,. , ,i,,,v i./nalv-is; necropsv. Brit. il. J.. Lond., 1893. i, ~u -Hx-uniu (V.» Ln c is de rage apres plus de ileux "1,- diueal,ali.,n et nn traitement k rinstitut-Pasteur. Bull. Acad. my. d- med. de Belg.. Brnx. 1889, 4. s. „,, 249- '>78 Li- ussion1 189-J. L a., vi, 41. : 1fc9.1 4. s vn, 710: 77:i.-l-:i-lio. Lmcibatien d, laia.-e. J. il h% i:., P-u l-'f, xx .....—Fill/ ^ Archnuibund (H'^'11 nn'cas de'rage a lueubati.... pml..,.,. e. Ha/, hebd de med., Par., 1S97 n. ... ii '.'- • -I* lornn. ' A; Sui un caadera^esnn-euu. ,,,,r, - treize !,„„> d in; iihat.on Bim. t-tmem. SocmM. d.'J„'i,. d- Par. I-'n ... -■ nn. 90,-909. HYDROPHOBIA. 536 IIYDROFIIOBIA. Hydrophobia (Incubatory stage in). Also: Gaz. d. hon., Par., 1899, lxxii, 1-3. — Franlsius (E. I.) Dva sluchaya pozdnyavopoyavleniya hieshenstva. [Two cases of late appearance of hydrophobia.) Protok. zasaid. Kavknzsk. nied. Ohsh., Tiflis. 1898-9. xxxv, 459- 464.—4«ibier (P.) Should Pasteur's method of inocula- tion against the risk of hydrophobia be practised at a late period after an injuiv bv a mad dog? Verhandl. d. x. in- ternat. med. Com:. 1890. Berl., 1891, v, 15. Abth., 113-115. AUo.- Times Sc Leg.. X. T. & Phila., 1890. xxi. 327-329.— (iorilkoop. En geval van lyssa met een zeltlzaam lang stadium in.nl.atioiiis. Geneesk. Courant, Tiel, 1892. lxvi, no. 18.—Cooler (G. W.) A long period of incubation in animals affected by rabies. X. York State J. M., X. Y.. 1901, i, 59.—II. (J.) Les anciens traitements de la rase; i incubation prolongee. Praticien, Par., 1886, ix. 169; 181.— Heu (P.) Sur la dure-e d'incubation de la rage. Rec.de i med. vet.. Par., 1898, 8. s., v. 307-310.—I i-ving (J.) Case of hvdrnphobia five years after having heen bitten. Brit. M. j.. Lond., 1892. ii, 1330.—Jagot (L.) Observation de rage humaine. suivie de mort rapide. apres ueuf mois d'in- i ui.ati.ui Compt. rend. Soc. de bid.. l'ar . 18si; 8. s., iii, 1 Kliin linloir (K.) Sluchai piodolzhitelnol inku- batsii vodoboyazui. [Prolonged incubation of hydropho- bia.] Zemskaja med., Mosk., 1886. iii, 11-13.—Kuriuioto (T.) Sc Oka mo to (T.) [A casenf hydrophobia occurring after seventeen years' incubation.] Tokyolji-Shinshi, 1897, no. 1020, 1-4.—J5 in arc* (A.) Lu caso de rabia de catorce meses de incuhacidn comprobada experimentalmente. I Gac. med. catal.. Uarcel.. 189.3, xviii, 433-438.—Lopez Hemnrr (A.) Ln caso de rabia de siete meses y medio I de iiiuu.hacii.ii. Cron. me,d.-quir. de l.i Habana, 1889, xv. r.uu-.">u4.— Jlt-C'lory (T. A.) Rapid in.-uhatioii of a ease of hydropliohia. Med. Bull., Phila., Is90. xii. 279.—Ulnc- grrgor (A.) Caseof hydrophobia five years after hav- ing been bitten. Caledon. M. J., Glass., 1894-6, n. s.. ii, 294-3U3.—ITIill* (11. L.) A case of hydrophobia one year and nine months after the bite of a monkey. Edinb. M. J., 1887-8, xxxiii, 603. — Renault. Xote sur la duree de 1'incubation de la rage chez les .hi, ns. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 18U3. lvi. 72-78—Kcmlii. L,s incu- bations rabiques et la paralvsie ascendante aigue. France med., Par., 1897, xliv, 391.—Kichard sou (H. E.) Hy- drophohia commencing on the twentv-third day after the bite. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1885, ii, '600. Also: Lancet, Loud., 188a. ii, 572.—Rouget. Observation de rage sur- venue 28 mois environ apt es 1'inoculation. [From: Bull. Soc. de med. de Besaneon.] AUo, in his: Obs. med.. 8°, Besauc-on, 1867, 3-lo.—Nctlievi'oii (L.) Hydrophobic; mort; affection developpee :;l jouis apies une morsure par un chien rabique. France med.. Par., 1880. i. 230-233.— Shah (T. M.) Hydrophobia,- twenty-five days' incuba- I tion. Indian M. Bee. Calcutta, 190i, xx, 284.—Szpil- ■nan (J.) Etude experimentale sur rinenbation de la raize. Arch, slaves de biol., Par., l»8t>. ii. 201-277.— Tachard. Hydrophobic rabique. incubation de 18 mois. Union med., Par., 1885, 3.s., xl,953-955.— Tsukeruianii (A.) Sluchai bieshenstva s vesma prodolzliiielunn inku- batsionnim periodom. [Case of hvdiophobia with ex- tremely long stage of incubation.j Ejened. klin. gaz., St. Petersb., 1887, vii, 310-313. Hydrophobia (Inoculation in). See, aho, Epilepsy (Treatment of); Hydro- phobia (Cases, etc., of); Hydrophobia (Incu- batory stage in); Hydrophobia (Inoculation in, Experiments, etc., in); Hydrophobia (Institutes for, etc.) ; Hydrophobia in animals, etc.; Hydro- phobia in children. AXDRES Y ESPALA (G.) ct ALABERN Y Ra$- pall (J.) Las inoculacioues autirra'bicas segtin el nidtodo de Pastenr. 8~\ Madrid, 1888. Bellin (E. F.) Pasteur i uovieisheye otkrltle yevo; preduprezhdenie vodoboyazui poslle uku- sheniya privivkanii yada bieshenstva. [Pasteur and bis new discovery; anticipating hydro- phobia alter a bite by inoculatiou of the virus of rabies.] 12°. Kharkov, 1886. Bombarda (M.) A vaccina da raiva. Rela- torio apreseutado ao conselho iia Ex-ola medico- cirurgica de Lisboa. 8=. Lisboa, 1-87. Bordoni-Uffreduzzi (G.) La rabbia canina e la cura Pasteur. 2. ed. 8". Torino, 1 *-~,». Breganze (N.) Sulla rabbia canina. Studio analitico - storico - statistico, con osservazioni critiche sulla teoria dei microbi e sull' iuocula- zione rabica del Pasteur. 8°. Milano, 1--9. Brunetti. Una franca parola sulla cura an- tirabica preveutiva del Pasteur. 2. ed. 8°. Padova, 1887. Hydrophobia (Inoculation in). "Cuarpentier (P.) La rage. Comment M. Pasteur empeche les chiens -i>. Di Vkstea (A.) Pasteur e la microbiologia (dalle fermentazioni alia profilassi della rabbia). 12°. Xapoli, 1886. Falil [M.] De la prophylaxie de la rage par les nioelleset de la rage ce"reMjro-nieMuIlaire. 8°. Paris, 1—7. Feroci (A.) La rabbia canina e la cura auti- rabica del Pasteur. HP. Pisa, 1887. Forxeko (C. ) Sulla profilassi della rabbia secondo il metodo Pasteur. Relazione di viaggio jiicsentata al comitato Piaccntiuo per la cura dell' idrofobia. 4°. Piacenza, 1886. VON Frisch (A.) Die Behaudlnng der Wuth- krankheit. Eine experinieutelle Kritik des Pasteur'schen Verfahrens. **'-. /Ren, 1-87. AUo [Rev.], in: Wien. med. Presse, 1887, xxviii, 737-710. See, also, infra. Gamalieya (X.) O metodie Pasteur'a pre- dokhraneniya ukushenulkli ot bieshenstva. [On Pasteur's method of protecting those bitteu from rabies.] 8°. Odessa, 1886. Repr. from: Trudi Odesskoi bakteriol. stantsii, 1. vip. Gordox (C. A.) Inoculation for rabies and hydrophobia. A study of the literature of the subject. *°. London, 1887. Great Britaix. Local Government Board. Hydrophobia. Report of a committee appointed by the local government board to inquire into M. Pasteur's treatment of hydrophobia, fol. London, 1.-S75 Gvozukff (A. A.) Raboti Pasteur'a o bie- shenstvte, izlozhennlya po yevo dokladam frau- tsnzskoi akademii nauk. [ Pasteur's work on rabies, according to his reports to the French Academy of Sciences.] -=. Moskva, 1886. HOgyes (A.) Die experimeutelle Basis der antirabischeu Schutzimpfungen Pasteurs, nebst einigen Beitriigen zur Statistik der Wuthbehand- lung. 8°. Stuttgart. 1—9. vax der Hlght (J. C.) Zijn de gevolgtrek- kingen juist die meu uit bet verslag der Engel- scbe Pasteur-Commissie gemaakt heeft? 8°. '8 Gravenhage, 1887. Repr.froin: Androcles. La Torre (F.) Osservazioni critiche sui me- todo autlrabbico Pasteur. 8~. Bergamo, 1—-5 Livox (C.) Rapport sur une mission a Paris pour f*tudier aupres de M. Pasteur les inocula- tions preventives de la rage. Pre'sente' a MM. les membres de la commission departementale des Bouches-du-Rhoue. --. Marseille, 1--L>. Also, in: Marseille med., 1886, xxiii, 289; 312. Lltald. M. Pasteur et la rage. Expose de la methode Pasteur, frequence de la rage, iu- succes du nouveau traitenient, la rage du chien et du lonp, statistiques completes, etc. 12°. Paris, 1887. Also [Rev.], in: Xederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk.. Amst, 1887, xxiii, 2. deel, 11-22. ------. The same. Etudes sur la rage et la me"thode Pasteur. 2. e"d., pre'ee'de'e d'une lettre de Peter et couteuant les statistiqnes completes depuis l'inauguration de la methode jusqu'en 1890. 12°. Paris, 1-91. Mazzolexi (A.) Studio sull' idrofobia e cou- siderazioni sui trovato Pasteur. 8°. Bergamo, 1886. Pacchiotti (G.) La vacciuazioue autirab- bica, scoperta dal Prof. L. Pasteur. 6-. Torino, 1881). Pasteur (L.) Le traitement de la rage. S-. Paris. 1--6. See, aUo, infra. HYDROPHOBIA. 537 HYDROPHOBIA. Hvdropliobia (Inoculation in). "Pastelr's English disciples. Lord Mayor "Whitehead presides over a meeting. Scientists at tin* Mansion House declare iu favour of the Frenchman's treatment of rabies. Some partic- ulars of the anti-vivisectionists' petition. Cutting from: Xew York Herald, Loudou edition, July 2, 1889. Rkxier VD.-A.) I'u mot sur la rage virulente et snr l'inoculationdu virus rabiqne. S'. Turin, 1^-7. Rosa (F.) Brevi i-i-nui sullo studio della pro- filassi e cura dell' idrofobia secondo il sistema Pasteur, s-'. Padova, l-~b\ Roix (P.-P.-E.) *Des nonvelles acquisitions sur la rage. 4*-'. Paris. 1-Si. Slzor (J.-R.) * La rage, eontenant la collec- tion complete dos communications 5e M. Pasteur sur co snjet, avec un court resume historique de la question, la technique, [etc.]. 4*-. Paris, 1—7. _____. Tlie same. Expose" pratique du traite- ment de la rage par la methode Pasteur; his- torique ot description de la rage; collection complete des communications de M. Pasteur; technique de la methode, resultats statistiques, etc.. precede" d'une lettre do M. Pasteur. ~\ Par is, 1888. _____. Thesame. Hydrophobia: an account of M. Pasteurs system.' [etc.]. 12-\ London, 1—7. Taylor \C B.) Pasteur's prophylactic. Xottingham, [1—7]. DU Val de Beauliel (R.) le comte. Les s. -i. uces et l.s champs. Souvenir de trois annees d'etudes a Louvain. --. Louvain, l~-i'>. _____. The sunn;. Les decouverte- de M. Pasteur ... 8-. Paris, 1—-7. Vixcesti . C.) Cnra antirabica. Contributo critico-speriinentale. 12-. Milano, 1-91. Whitmaksh (H.) The Pasteur treatment for hydrophobia. 12:. London, 1---. AcohIii (E.) La rabia y el tratamiento de Pasteur. Cron. ui.-d-quir. de la Habana. ls*9. xv. 72: LA— Ada in (P.. Tratameiitiil preventiv al turbarei Spitalul. Buru- r.-scl. 18>>7. vii. 253-25''.. — Andres ? Kwpala t'..i Sc Alabern y Ka«pall .J. Exp.i imenios hechos en la .-c.i-la normal antes tie empleai ei ti itamicni.. pieventivo d. la i i bia en el hombre. Intl-,, I. .8 inn. -ul a. iones an- tiiTabicas [etcl. 85 Madrid. l"-8. 5-14. — Aii.j«-#.U> (A.) Eiwidernng auf die !!• m.-< Uung. -n des Ptol Bah.- iiber dc Beeinnussung der Wut durch normale Xerven- substanz. Centralbl. f Bakteriol. [etc.]. 1. Abt.. Jena. 19(i.. xxviii. 177— K a Im-«. ( V.) Lnterauchnngen iibei Hundswut. (A-ntrall.: I. n. med. Wissensi b., Berl., 18«7 xxv 673-676.------Weitere Ver-uclie iiber Hundswut. Ibid..1SSS, xxvi. 353-355. -----. fitudes sur la rage ct sur la vaccination antirabique. Tr. vii. Internat. Cong. Hyg. & Demo". 1891. Lond., 1892. iii. 22-31). See. also, infra. 1 iz- zoni __"---. Behandlung der Wutkrankheit des Men- schen (Lyssa humana). Handb. d. spec. Therap. inneier Krankh., Jena, 1*!U. i, 537-563. AUo, transl.: Romania med Bucuresci. 1»96. iv, 491-499. Also, transl: Med. orient., Par.. 1897. i, 71; 102. -----. Betneikungen uber die Beeintliissung der Hundswut durch Injection von nor- nialer Nei vensubstanz und iiber Wuttoxinc Centralbl. t. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. A lit., Jena, 1900, xxvii, 504-5158.----- Desvoltaiea cunostintelor noastre asnpra turban-l. Bo- rn .nia (ii.-.l.. Biicu'i.-scl. 1900, viii, 401-419.— I*a!>«■«. ' \ .) Sc l.f|>l>. Ke.-herches surla vaccination antic ii'i oe. Ann. dc 1 lot. Pasteur, Par., 1889, iii, 381-390—I! a !»«•«. t V.) Sc Tala*<«< u (A.i Etudes sur la rage Ibid.. 1*94. viii, 435-445. — Baillel. Coinmiiiiication sur la prophylaxie de la ia"e ct la vaccination preventive du chien. Bull. ct mem "Soc d'hyg. pub. de Bordeaux. 1893 50-08. Also: (>..z. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux. 189:;. xiv, 331; 342 — Itaiclach. Sur la vaccination intensive des chieus ino- enlesde la rage par ti.panai i..n Ann.de, l'lnst. Pasteur, Par 1887 i, 84-87.------ Sou: dies rechci dies sur la rage. Ibid., 1888, ii. 9-17.—Knr«-««i (C.) La cura antirabica Pasteur apnlicnta i-azi<»jialu,.-nt>- Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1887, xlvii, 31 51 *;:; ■ 81: 133; 141; 181; 191; 203; 211; 231; 241; 251; 261; 291; 311. 321; 331; 311; 353. -------Esame batteriologico del saiigue dei morsirati come base razionale della cura Pasteur. (Jazz. d. osp., Mi- lano, 1*87 viii, 773-775. Also: Atti d. Cong, d. Ass. med. Hv«lro|>liol»in (Inoculation in). it'll 1887, Pavia, 1888, i, 223-229. ------. Sui limiti attuali dell ellicaeia d.-lla cura Pasteur. (.Jazz. d. osp., Milano, 1889 x, 594; 002. ------. II nuovo metodo antirabico Ferr&n e la sua interpreta/.ione sperimciitalc, cou una contribu- zione alia eziologia niicrobica della rabbia e alia spiega/.nu.a del modo d'agire della cura antirabica Pasteur Kit..una med., Roma, 1*89. v, 254 ; 200. ------. Esami batl.-i mscpi. i nei l' applicaziono piii razionale della cura antirabica Pas- teur (Jazz, med. lomb., Milano, 1889, xlviii, 439; 45L AUu: L( del az. il. Soc. ital. d' ig. Atti 1889, Padova, 1891 i, ;,0-so _ |{a ■-■-<»•■ (A.) Hydrophobia; a short account ot the disease and ol' Pasteur's svstein ot proph\ la. tie treat- ment. I.i\.-ii.ool M.-Chir. J., 1889, ix, 308 380.— Kcitcii. <.<>■■ i 1. V i (i protilaktikle bieshenstva ( Pioph.\ laxii ol i abics. 1 Soobsh.i protok. S. -Peteisb med Obsh. (1886>, lss7, iv. 187-210.__lie-v. Les inoculat.....s |ir.-\ entives de Pasteur contre la rage; d'apres J. I'll'.-lu.aiin. Ann. d'liv. Par., 18s0. 3. s., xvi, 97-l08.-Bi«««. ill. M.i The irti.'.lo'T of rabies and the method ol M. Pasteur for its prevention. X. YorkM. J.. 1886, xliii. 312-349. [Discus- sion! 360-362. Also: Am. Vet. Lev . X. "\ ., IssO-,, x, 162; 214 H*o [ Abstr. |: Med. Xews, Phila., 1886, xlviii, 383- 388 A Lo Keprint. AUo, transl, [Abstr.]: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Beil.. 1880. xii, 78-80. AUo, Repi int. ------. Pasteur's prophylactic treatnient of rabies. X.York M. J. 1887 xlvi, 57-03. AUo, Keprint. ------.. The present cx'pcrin'ienial aspect of Pasteur's prophylaxis for rabies-. Ti N. York A.-ad. M. (1890), 1*91, 2. s.. vii, 353-309.— Killin<"> i V S.) Fourteen days with Pasteur. Meil. News, l'lnla., 1886, xlviii. 90-96. AUo, Reprint. — Bly- iinibcij* (C.) K ucheniyu o bieshenstvle. [On hydro- phobia | Leben. zapiski "Kazan. Vet. Inst., 1*89, vi, 53- 75 AUu transl (Abstr.]: Centralbl. f. Bacteriol. u. Parasiteuk., Jena. J890 vii, 766.—Bollinger (O.) Znr Prophvlaxis der Wuthkrankheit. Munch.ii. med. Wchn- schr 18*0, xxxiii, 201-203. AUo: Knudschau a. d. Geb. d. l'liierined. u. vergleicb. Path.. Osterwieck. 1**0. ii, 129- 131 |{oriloni-t If ■ cilii^Ai. Sur le traitemeut anti- rabique de Pasteur. Tr. Int -niat. Cong. Hvg. Sc De.....g. 1891. Lund.. 1892, iii. 42-15—Konley. La natine vivante de la contagion • l'inoculation preventive de la lag.-. As- soc, franc, pour l'avance.d. -<-. C-i. 1884. Par.. 18-5. xin, pt.l,87-lu8.— Itiij" i«l (O.) O leczeniu oehroniiem wscie- klizny niet.'ila I'ast.uia. [Protective treatment ot hydro- phobia bv Pasteur's method] Przegl. lek., Krak6w. 1886, xxv, 387'. ------. Kilka dalszych uwag o metodzio Pas- teur'a. [Further remarks on Pasteur's meihod.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 18*6. 2. s., vi, 600-602. ------. Metoda Pasteur'a: occna prac i (loswiadczennadochronuemiszcze- pieniami wsciekli/.nv. wyniki wlasnych poszukiwau, oraz statvstyka szczepieii w Warszawie. [Pasteur's method; estimation of the works and experiments on the protective inoculations of rabies; extracts of the principal investiga- tions and statistics of inoculation in Warsaw] Ibid., 1887 2. s,, vii, 716; 740; 762: 787; 808 : 827. ------. Wsciekli- zna u iudzi i leczenie zapobiegaweze wedlug metody Pas- teur'a. [Hydrophobia iu man, and the protective treatment by Pasteur's method.] Pam. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw., 1892. lxxxviii, 50; 254,1 pl.—Bui-nay (E.) Contribuicao para o estudo da raiva em Portugal. J. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lisb., 1889.2. s., liii, 3-10. Calabrcc (A.i Kicerche. sulla immunizzazione contro la rabbia. Lavoi i d. Cong, di nied. int. 1897, Roma, 1898 viii, 202-260 — Caiitr.m (A.) Sull'idrofobia. Gior. internaz. d. sc.med.. Napoli, 1887, ns.. ix, 177-209. Also, Reprint. ------ La ditt'usione del virus rahico lungo i nervi e le inociilazioni preventive di Pasteur. //.('(/.. 1888, n. s., x, 057-000. Also, transl. : Ver- handl. d. Cong. f. inn.iv Med.. Wiesb., 18s8. vii, 446-451. _____ Lezioni* sulla rabbia. Itiv. clin. d. Univ. di Xa- poli 1*8*, ix, 65-68. — I (iitnmii i !'. I L' iiuinunizzazioue spe.iti.a degli elcm.nti dei tessuti. coutributo alia cono- scenza dell' iinmiinita e della sieroterapia nella rabbia. Riforma med.. Xapoli. 1893, ix, pi 3, 85; 97 - Colin. Sur la vaccination rabiqu. Bull Acid de nied., l'ar., 1886, 2. s. xvi, 390-390.— *'«»i-in in a •• il'.,» Peligros de los inetodos de Pasteur \ FeriSin pai a la ]irofllaxia de la rabia. Si^h. med.. Madrid. 1890, xxxvii, 66; 99.; 116; 149- 106.—■>«• Kcnzi (K.i Lezioni sulla nibbia. Mor- ga"'ni. Xapoli. 1887. xxix, 385-406.- I>«'r*«'ilij;«' (Der) Stand ib-r iiage von der Priiventiviiupfuiig dei lluiuls- wuth Wien. med. Wchnschr.. 1880, xxxvi, 1,45-1749.— ■>i< liiiiien de la ('.omisidii de higiene publica y privada .duo la memoria de la coiuisi6u non.bra.la jiara estudiar el inot.i.lo curaiivo de la rabia, del Dr. Pasteur. An. r. Acad, de nied.. Madrid. 1889, ix, 99-12:: —B-olan (T. M.) The preventive treatnient of t aides ami hydrophobia. Scalpel. Lond., 1*97, ii, 178-184.— l»o« «l« »«ill (G. F.) On rabies. Proc Rov. Soc. Lond., 1887, xliii, 4* 80, 1 pl — Ikiaxchc < A.) Leber Pasteur's Schut/nnpfung gegeu die'l'oll«utli All" Wien. meil. Ztg., 1886, xxxi, 109; 39,; 409; 489; 513. AUu ,,,!,,<: Ces. Abhandl.. 8 ■'. Wien. 1893, 496-520.- l»r*«'\vi«'«'Li i.l.) Some further rericcnons on Pasteur's aiitiinbic inoculations. Med. K.-c, N. YA, 1890, xxxviii 481 —|>iijnriliii-B<-niimi*l%. I>.-s vaccinations Hull ..,-n dc thei;i|>. [etc-l. Par., 1889, cxvi, pastonenii 289-309. 289-298. de 111 AUu, Inn, J. I lieiaj Detioit. 1889, XIV, Dela piophyhixie dela rage. Bull. gen. HYDROPHOBIA. 538 HYDROPHOBIA. Hvdropliobia (Inoculation in). de therap. [etc.J, Par., 1892, exxii, 2*9-299. — Dulles (C. W.) Hydrophobia, and the Pasteur methods. Med. Rec, X. T.', 1901, lx. 41-44.- Eijkman (C.) Over Pas- teur's methode der preventieve behandeling van rabies en haar resultaten. Xederl. lijdschi. v. (icne.sk., Amst., 1900, 2. R., xxxvi, d. 1,1009-1 o :;n — Ein-I iH C.) Rabies: •with an account of Pasteur s \\ oik and methods. J. Mass. Ass. Bds. Health, Bost. 1-91-2. i. 92-101. — Faber (K.) Pasteurs forehyggemle Behandling af Ilundegals- kaben. [ Pasteur's preventive treatment of rabies. ] Hosp.-Tid., Kjebenb., 1*92, 3. R., x, 1332-1340. — Fabre (P.) A propos des inoculations antirahiques de M. Pasteur. Soc d. sc. med. de Gannat. C. r., Par., 1887, xli, 81.—Fanvelle. La rage a 1'Academic de me- deeine. L'Honnne, l'ar., 1887, iv, 47-52.— Ferran (J.) Nota sobre la inoculation anti-r&bicaen el hombre. Cr6u. med., Valencia, 1887-8, xi, 353-361. AUo: Bol. de med. y drug., Madrid, 1888, vi, 65-77. AUo: Correo med. caste- llano, Salamanca, 1888, v, 35-41. Also: (Lac med. catal., BarceL, 1888, xi,l-9. Also: Rev.med.de Sevilla, .18*8, xii, 19; 45. Also: Siglo med., Madrid, 18*8, xxxv. 115; 149. -----. Nota sobre la rabia paralitica & proposito de una infeccidn similar, terminada por curacion, y ocurrida en un individuo sometido al regimen autiiiibico en nuestro labo- ratorio. Med. castellana.Vallad.. 1888, iii, 102; 136.—Fin- kel»hlein (Y. M.) Pasterovskiy inetod predokhianitel- navo llecheniya sobachyavo bieshenstva s kratkim ocher- kom sposobov oslableniya organizovaiinikh yadov. [Pas- teur's method ot piophylactic treatnient of rabies, wiih short sketch of the methods for attenuating organized poisons.] Med. Sbornik, Tiflis, 1887, xliv, 1-51. AUo, Reprint.—Fixchl (R.) Ueber Pasteur's Lyssaiinpfung. I Prag. med. Wchnschr. 1886, xi. 215.—Fra n«-a (C.) Note sur Taction du serum leucotoxiiiue sur les lesions du ne- vraxe dans la rage. <'.....pr. lend. Soc de biol.. Par.. 1901, 11. s., iii. 244-246.—von Fiiscli. Bericht iiber seine Reise nach Paris zum Studium der Pasteur schen Y^Juth- impfuugeu. Wien. med. Bl., 1886, ix, 4*2-487. -----.Leber Pasteur's Praveiitivimpfuiigen hei Hundswuth. Wien. med. Presse, 1886, xxvii, 505; 537; 1001; 1033. AUo [Ah- str.:] Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1886, xxxvi. 609-613— H. Vou den Versucheii Pasteur's zur Vorheugung des Aus- bruchs von Lissa beim Meuschen. Breslau. arztl. Ztschr., 1886, viii, 87; 100.—CJallier (V.) Nonvelles expediences tendant a demontrer l'etlicacite des injections intra-vei- neuses de virus rabique, en vue de preserver de la rage les animaux mordus par des chieiis enrages. J. de med. vet. et zootech., Lyon, 1888, 3. s., xiii, 617—<«anialeia (X.) Discussion an snjet de quelques travaux relatifs a la vac- ' cination antirabique des animaux. Ann. de l'lnst. Pas- teur, Par., 1887, i, 127; 296. -----. Sur les vaccinal ions preventives de la rage. Ibid., 226-238. — CSax/aniya (N.) Note critiche al metodo di cura autirahbica Pasteur. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano. 1891, 1, 467; 476.—Gcrmaiio (E.) Su di un virus che per i suoi caratteri si rassomiglia al virus rabbico. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1899. Roma, 1900, x. 339-344. AUo [Abstr.] : Arte med.. Napoli. 1900, ii, 524-520—4>i!>■<-■' (P.) Recherchesexperiinent.iles sur la rage. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1884, 8. s., i, 495. Also: Lnion med.. Par.. 1884. 3. s., xxxviii, 338. -----. Antirabic inoculations; sensations experienced by inocu- lated persons; how immunity is attained. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1890, xv. 383-3*5. —----. The Pasteur treatment. N. Am. Rev., N. T., 1890, cli, 100-166.—Giorjjieri (C.) La profilassi della rabbia e la cura antirahbica di Pasteur. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1887. xlvii, 505; 515: 528: 1888 xlviii, 13; 20—fJortlon ( C. A.) Xote ou the Pas- teur cure for hydrophobia. Med. Press & Circ. Lond., 1880. n. s., xiii, 44. — GottiiA.) Alcune ricerche sulle inoculazioni intravenosc di virus rahico negli ovini. Mem. r. Accad. d. -sc .1. 1st. di bologna. 1889 [1890], 4. s., x, 257-265. — <>rancher. La rasie et sa prophylaxie. Rev. scient.. Par., 1886, 3. s._, xii, 33 39. Also: Tribune med.. Par.. 1880. xviii, 363: 3,*. — iu tumIi vitski. K vop- rosu o seroterapii bieshenstva. (iu serumtherapy in rabies.] Arch. vet. nauk. St. Petersb., 1897, xxvii, 2. sect., 152-157— «vozde« (A. A.i <> novikli pi iyoinakh Pas- teur'a pri protilaktikle bieshenstva. [On Pasteur's new procedures in the prophvlaxis of hvdropliobia.] Laitop. khirurg. Obsh. v Mosk. 1880-7, vii.'no. 1, 10-23.— Heliir (P.) Pasteur aud Pastern ism. Med. Rec. Calcutla, 1890, i, 53: 75; 96: 129— Helnian (C.) Action du virus rabi- que introduit, soit daus le tissn cellulaire sous-eutaiie. soit dans les antics tissus. Ann. Ae l'lnst. Pasteur, Par.. 1889, iii, 15-24.— Ilenrijenn i F.) l.s methodes de Pasteur pour l'elude de la ra^c Ann. So.-, med.-chir. de Liege, 1886, xxv, 276-281. —Ileymaiis iJ.-L > Des inoculations antirahiques de M. Pasteur. Rev. nied., Louvain. 1886, v, 248; 299.—Hime (T. W.; Lxpei imeutal researches con- cerning Pasteur's piophylactic. Lancet. Lond.. 1886, ii, 1124; 1156. -----. Pasteur's anii-iabic inoculations. Ibid., 1892, i, 1070-1072.—IJojjye* iE.i J.-l.-iites a veszettsegre -vonatkozd vizsgdlataiui j.-leu &Has&r6I. [The present po- sition of the significance of my experiments on rabies] Oi vosi hetil.. Budapest. 1*80. xxx, 1349-1354. Also, transl: Pest, med.-chir. Presse. Budapest. 18*0, xxii, 1021-1024. _____. A parisi es budapesti fix veszettsegvirus iisszeha- Hy drophobia (Inoculation in). sonlit&sa. [Comparative investigation of the virus of hy- drophobia at Paris aud Budapest.] Orvosi hetil., Buda- pest, 18*7, xxxi, 121; 149. AUo |Abstr.] transl.: Pest. med.-chir. Presse, Budapest. 18*7, xxiii, 161-163. -----. Kiserletiadatoka veszettseg neniely fiiggiben levd kerde- seuek tiszt&ziis&ra. [Experimental coutrihutiotison some pending questions of rabies.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1889, xxv,219. Also, transl. [with additions]: Ann.de l'lnst. Pas- teur, Par., 1889, iii. 429-437. -----. Vaccinations contre la rage, avant et apres infection. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1*89, iii, 449-404. -----. A veszettseg elleni immu- nitiis inechanismus&rdl. [The mechanism of immunity against rabies.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1889, xxxiii, 340. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1889, xxv,679. -----. Sziikseges-e veszett aMlatmanis ismet- 16d6se eseten az ujra v6doltJis.' [Is revaccination neces- sary in cases of recurrence in the bites of rabid animals?] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 19l)l, xiv, 83-85. Also, transl: Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1901, n. s., lxxi, 410. Also, transl: Ungar. med. Presse, Budapest, 1901, vi, 151-153.— Horsley (V.) On rabies; its treatment by M. Pasteur: and on the means of detecting it in suspected eases. Tr. Epidemiol. Soc. Loud., 188---9. n. s.. viii, 70-79. AUo • Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, i. 342-344. —II iigeiiMchmiedl (A. V.) The modus faciendi of the Pasteur method against hvdro- pliobia. Med. Xews, Phila., 1889, liv, 270-280— llitlvia (F.) A veszettseg prophylaxisa es a vealfloltdsok. [The prophylaxis of rabies and defensive inoculation.J Orvosi hetil.,'Budapest, 1887, xxxi, 257; 294. AUo. transl. .- P.-st. med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1887, xxiii. 2*5. — Hydro- phobiaand itspreventive treatment. Bull. Pasteur Inst. Danbury, Conn., 1898, vi, 40-42. — Icaid (J.) Sur le traitement antirabique des personnes mordues par des loops enrages. Lyon nied., 1892, Lxxi, 65-08. — Ivnnoll (S.) O prodolzhitelnosti immuniteta poslle predokhrani- teliiikh privivok ot zarazheniya hieshenstvom. [On the continuation of immunity after protective inoculation from contagion of rabies. 1 Vestnik obsh. vet., St. Petersb., 1*90, viii, 526.— Uniika (A.) Nehany kerdes Pasteur veszettseg elleni ov.-ljaiasat illeti'.leg. [Some remarks on Pasteur's experiment on prophylaxis of hydrophobia.] Oydgyiiszat. Budapest. 18*5, 764-706. —Kelsch A Vail- laid. Quelqlies reflexions sur la pi ophylaxie de la rage. Aich. de med. et pharm. mil., Par.. 1892, xix, 161-169 — Kila^aiva (S.) [Discussion of hvdropliobia.] MieEisei Zasshi. Mi.-. 1897,no.49,5; no. 50, 5.—Kozlorslti (It.) O lie.-heiiii vodoboyazui po metodu prof Pasteur'a. [Treat- mentof rabies by Pasteur's method.] Prilop k protok. za- said. Obsh. Kievsk. vrach. 1885-K. Kiev, 1887, 120-138.— liraynohkin (V.I <) dielstvii fiksirovannavo yada bie- shenstva pri podkozluioin vvedenii. [On tbe action of hxed virus of rabies sul.eutane.iiisly introduced.] Arch. biol. nauk. . . ., S.-Peterb.. 1890-7, V, 115-172. Also, transl: Arch. d. sc.hiol.. St.-P.'-t.-i sb.. l*97.v,261-317.—Kriiglev- ski (N. A.) O privivkie lyudyam yada sobachyavo bieshenstva po sposobu Pasteura. [Inoculation of rabies in man by Pasteur's method.] Vo\ eniio-med. J., St. Petersb., 1887, clviii, 3. sect., 241 -272:'cli\. 3. sect., 59-82. A Uo, Reprint. AUo [Abstr.]: Trudi Obsh. Russk. vrach. v S. Peterb. (1886-7), 1889, liv, 120-124— l.agoul. De la prophylaxie de la rage. Soc. d. sc. med. de Gaiiuat. C. r., Par., 1887, xli, 50-54.— I.aii tlncliailo 1. La rabia y su protilaxis por el iu.-io.i(> sii]ii.i-iiii,us: ro original del Dr. Ferran. Rev. med. de Sevilla. 1898. xxx. 257; 289. AUo [Abstr.]: (Lac. nied. calal.. Parcel., 1899. xxii, 92-94. -----. La rabia y su piotilaxis por el metodo de iuoculaeidu supraintensivo original del Dr. Ferr&u, seguido de un resumeii estadistico dc 480 casos tratados. Adas y mem. d. ix Coin: internac. de big. y demog. 1898, Madi id. 1900. i. 2.19-254.— > onlt.lnd lA.W.l" Meddelaudeu frau en K'sa till Pasteur. _('omi,uiui- . ..aons from a journ. v to Pastem 11 esults in rabies).] Fin- ska '.a\ -s.iUsk. liamiA ilclsingfors. 1-m, \w..i. j.iO-173.— >ovi I.) .v I'oppi'G.I La prima guai igmii, • ',< nn caso giave di rabici n. Ii iomo. Bull. d. sc. med .1: LA.gna 1-. i2. 7. s., iii. 233-244— O. i II a Pasteur and '■> .n ..pbo- I bia. Boston M. A" >. J.. ', »8o cxiv. 524-520.—» an O. de yi. Inenting van dolleiihoudsgif. Nederl f.-.N. b; v Geneesk.. Amst.. 1**7, xxiii. 2. d.. 497-5ul. OImaiii (O.) O leieui vztekliny inethodou Past.-urovo i [ treat- ment of hydrophobia bv the method of Pasteur. C i-op. lek. cesk.'v Praze. 1**6. xxv, 721-724.—Olitetii (L.) La cura antirabbica Pasteur. Osservatore. Torino. 1**7. xxxviii, 505; "■*». 0::3: 097: !•>- xxxix. 9. — Orlnnili : .E.i Ricerche intorno all iutln. uza che pub csereitaie la iniiza sui d. coi so. sulla vaccina/ione e cura della rabbia speimi.-nt.ile. Riforma m.-.l.. Napoli. 1893,. ix. pt. 2, 195- 199.—Palmberjf (A.; Forts;ittniiig af strid.n om var- det af Pasteurs'i etod. I Continuation 3 In discii~A..n sur le traitement preventif de la rage .I,.p-■ ~ '.,, m. ;ho.l. Pas- teur. Res., pj. A --lxvii. Finsk.i 3:, ..;i A, h.uidl.. { Helsingfors ;..; xxix. 53-43— I»al mil »k i .W., O leczniczej wlasnosci *uiowicy krwi zwierzaL uodparnia- nych przeciwko wsciekli/nie. [On the th.-iapeutic value of blood seiiiui from animals immunized against rabies. Medycyna. Wats/aw.. 189... xxiv. 42b; 442. — |Paltanf (R.) Feber Wuth S.huiziu prung (>. steir. San.-Wes.. Wien, 1894. vi, 653-657. — Pamponki- (P. S.i Pain- | disme et traitement antirabique. [Absti Ai 5. oiient. de med. et de chir.. Par.. 1901, iii. 61-64.— I*:i- Tiibune med., Pat.. 1**5. xvii. 51*-523. -----. Re- ou It.its de l'appiication de la methode pour prevenir la ia_e api .'-s morsure. Compt. nnd. Acad. d. sc, Par., 188c.. ci: 451.-469. AUo: Bull. Acad, (le nnd Par., 1**0 2. s.. xv .91- ,03. AUo: Ann. d'hyg.. Par.. 1**0. 3. *., xv, 2*9- :.n2 AUo: Gaz. hebd. de raed.. Par.. 1**0. 2. s.. xxiii. 154- i.- AUo: Gaz. d. Imp.. Par., 1880. lix, 209-212. AUo: ' Gaz. med. de Par., 1--A 7. s . i i, 109-1 i2. AUo: Marseille ] med., I--•'.. xxiii. 134 -il.:. AUo- Rev. scient., Par., Is-'. xxxvii, 302-3.15. AUo (Abstr.] : Semaine med.. Par.. i**0. vi. -1. AUo. transl.: An. d. Circ. med. aig.nt . Buenos Aires. 1^80. ix. 213-223. ------. Note coinplementaire sur les tesultats de l'appiication dela methode de prophylaxie de la rage apres morsure. Compt. rend. Acad, d.sc, Par., 18*0. cii. *:;.".-*.;8. AUo: Tribune med.. Par., 1*80 xviii, 182-1*5. AUo Absti.J: Bull. Acad, dc med. Par., 18*0. 2. .-., xv, 004. Al~o Abstr.]: Rev. scient.. Par, 1**0, xxxvii, 50o. -----. Nouvelle communication snr la rage. I Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1*80 ciii, 777-7*5. Also, Repiint. AUo: Bull. Acad, de med. Par.. 1**0. 2. s.. ! xvi. 370-379. AUo: Ann. d'hyg.. P.i 1**0 3. a., xvi, 430-506. Also: Rev. -. ,ent., Par., >8o xxxviii, 577- "81. AU'j Abstr.]: Semaine med.. Par. 1*86. vi, 441. AUo 'Abstr.j: Tribune med., Par.. 1**0, xviii. 531-535. ------. Lettre sur la rag.- Ann. d. 1 Inst. Pasteur. Par.. 18*7. i, 1-1*. AUo: Gaz. med.de Par. 1**7 7. s..iv. 291- , 293. AUo: Tribune med.. Par.. 1**7. xix. 292-295. AUo. transl: Anz. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte in Wien. 18*7. ' 137-152. AUo, transl -. Wi.n. m.-d. Bl., 1*87. x, 745-74*. ------. Inoculations preventives de la iagc Inteniat. , Cong. f. Hvg. u. D.-mog. Arb. Wien. 1*87-*. 21. Hft., 28-35. Alio [Rev.'): Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. dtf. Gsndhtspflg., Brn- schwg., 18*8. xx, 419-425. ------. Lettre de ... a propos de la mort liar la rag>-do Lord Doneraile. Nice-rued.. 1887-8. xii, 10-13. ------. Sur la destruction des lapins en Austra- lie et dans la Nou\> lle-Zelande. Ann.de l'lnst. Pasteur, I Hydrophobia (Inoculation in). Par.. 1**8, n 1-*. ------. Sur la methode de prophylaxie de la rage api es morsure. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., l**9,cviii. 1328. AU,,: France med.. Par., 18*9. i, 847. ------. Rabies. Woods M. A S. Monog., N. V., 1890, vii. 175- 197. — Pnttleur and hydrophobia. [Correspondence.] Host on M. .v S. J.. 18*0. cxiv. .'.oil; 524— Pel io cxli i (I. A.) K voprosu o stepeiii zarazitelnosti dha chelovleka hu- manizirovannikh zobnozov. I Susceptiluliiy of man to humanized --zoonosis".] Kjencd. klin. ga/..St. Petersb., 1**6. vi, 86-93.— I'eyi-nuil. Experiences sur la rage. Compt. r.-nd. Soc. .1.- biol.. Par.. 1**7, 8. >., iv. 277-282. ------. Recherches nonvelles sur la rage. I bid., 1*8*. 8. s., v, 343-348- I'oppi (G.) La cura antirabica cou un vac- cine non \ n ul. ni.. Riforma med., Xapoli, 1892, viii, pt.2, 020-02'.'.— Por ler i('.i Notes on a recent occurrence of rahies and on antirabic inoculation. Pni.. Health, Lond., 1*94-5, vii, 431-437.— Ponrlnle. Vaccinatum preventive des chiens contre la rage. Ga/. hebd. .1. -. med. de Bor- deaux, 1896. xvii 15u _ |'rnlopo|ioll i N. A.) K voprosu o nevospriimcliiN ..sti sobak k I.i.-sIi.-iiNvii. [Immunity of dogs from h\.li..pl,ol,ia ] Vrach, St. Petersb.. 1888, ix, 444; 181 ----- Kimge lb im■rkuiigen iiber die Hundswuth. Centralbl. l. L.ikteiiul. u. Parasilenk., Jena, 1**9, v, 721- 724. ------. Leber die Hauptursache der Abschwachnng des Tollwuthgiftes. Ibid., vi, 129-133. ------. Zur Lehre von der Inimunitat, besonders bei der Tollwuth. Ztschr. f. Heilk.. Berl., 1*90. xi. 131-150. — Piiir. ( H.) Leber die Pasteur Ache Praveutivimpfung gegen Hundswut. Deutsche Mcd.-Ztg., Berl., 1886, vii, 843. — von Ralz ( S.) Die Widerstandsfiihigkeit des Virus ,1,-r Tollwut gegen Faulnis. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1900. xxvii, 825-827. — Kcmbold. Die von Pas- teur gciihte priiventive Rehaiulluiig ion durch toll- wiithige hiinilegebissenen Mciisehcn. Med. Cor. -Bl. d. wiirttemb. iirztl. Ver.. Stuttg.. 1**0. lvi, 145; 157.— Keyes (A.i Inoculaciones prev.-ntivas de la labia. Gac. med.. Mexico, 18*9. xxiv. 344-347. — Ro. n-klizm metoda Pasteur'a. On Pasteur's method ■■! inoculation for lmltnphobia. ] "Wiadomosci lek., Lwdw. 1*90. iv, 99-107. -----. () zapobiegawczem leczeniu wsciekliznv u czlowieka z krytyczuym pogladem na me- tod^ Pasteur'a. [On the preventive treatment of hydropho- bia in man. and aeriticalexamination of Pastern's method.] Pam. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw.. 1893, lxxxix, 395; >15. AUo (iinlie : Med cjiiii. Warszawa, 1*91. xix. 353-953.— <4< hilly impl ll n^ _egen die Hundswuth. [Discussion.] I n ti ruat. ' 'ong l II g. u. Demog. Arh.. Wi.n. 1*>7. vi, 21.Hit. 155-2.'2.— Mervnnlie i\.i ~Sl. Pasteur et la gue- rison de I., iage. Bull. Soc. de pharm. de Bordeaux, 1**0, xxvi, 169 175 Mlietvnn (G.M.) Serum treatmentagainst rabies. Indian M. A a/., Calcutta. 1*97. xxxii. 171.— Mil. i e»li-in i. A leu ne q nest ion i re tat iveall.ir.tbbiaed alia cura Pasteur. Settimana med. d. Spei inu-nlale, Fireu/.c. 1*99, liii. 2S-3U.-MH-i-l ..I. H.) The inlliience ol' Pasteurs re- searches on mi .1 . al progress. Tr. M. .v Pb\ s. Soc. Pom- bay (1**6) 1*87, :.| *.. x, 38-15.- Mlernbei'v -G. M.) Pasteurs imi-iIjo.I I'm the prevention of b\ di ..phobia. [Abstr] Med. N.-ms. Phila., 1880, xlviii, 419 4 3 -----. Inoculation . \p.i ini.nts with rabies virus at I'.altimore. Ibid., 075. — Mlrank . M.j Het werk van Pasteur. Xederl. mil geneesk. Arch, cle . Leid.-n. I Mm. xiv, 177-244.— Tiinowi:; .( > . Da-. \'ei lahr.-n Pasteurs gegen die Hunds- wulb und sejio bishei ig.-ii Krtblge. Prag. in cd. Wclinschr., 1*93 xviii, 543; 556. — Te»n»ier (J.-P.) Lis in., in seurs de M. Pasteur. Bull. Soe. med. l,...r,eo|,. de Iran. -.-. Pai., 1**4-5, xvi. 177-192. AUo. Repiint. 'I'lieophanifloM (J.) 'AvaxaMipis T^9 7rpo4.—Aria mi (J. (}.) Xotes on an epizootic of rabies, and on a personal experience of M. Pasteur's treatment. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1889, ii. 808-810.— Allen (F. J.) Personal experience ot the Pasteur anti- rabic treatment. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1898. xliii, 1-15.— Aliuausa (A.) Datos de valor para la historia de las iuoculaciones aniirabicas. Estudio. M6xico, 18!»u. iii, 27__ Anderson l.T. IL) Successful inoculations from a case of rahies. I'liila. M. J., ls!»9. iii, 1245. — Ariisteiu. Przypadek wodowstretu u uk^szonego przez psa wscie- klego, a leczouego metoda. Pasteur'a. [ Hydrophobia in one bitten by a rabid dog, treated bv Pasteur's method.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1896, 2. s., xvi.'697.— Babes (V.) Ueber die ersten erfolgreichen Impfungen gegen Hundswuth mit- tels des Blutes immunisirter Thiere. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. n. Berl.. 1892, xviii, 915.—Bebi (G.) Reso- conto statistico-clinico della cura antirabbica Pasteur, nel triennio 1895-7. Raccoglitore med.. Forli, 1898. 6. s., i, 149- 157.—Borrioni-Uffreduzzi. A proposito di un caso di guarigione di rabbia nell' uomo. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 189-J, xiii. 551. Also: Riforma med., Xapoli, 1892, viii, pt. L', 4:>7. — Knjwiri (O.i Metoda Pasteur'a; ocena prac i doswiadczen nad ocbronnemi szczepieniami wscieklizny, wvniki wlasuy. h pos/.ukiwari. oraz statystyka szczepieri w Warszawie. [Pasteur's method; estimation of the labors and experiments upon the protective inoculations for hy- drophobia; results of investigations in his private practice, likewise statistics of inoculations in Warsaw.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1887,2. s..vii, 716; 74(5 762; 7s"; suS; 827. Also, Reprint. -----. Statistique du traitemeut antirabique ii Varsovie. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par.. 1887, i, 241-245. -----. Wvniki stosowania wzniocnionej nietody Pasteur'a w Warszawie. [Results ot'application of Pasteur's method in rabies.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa. Iss8. 2. s., viii, 310-312. -----. La methode Pasteur a Varsovie. Cong, internat. d'hyg. et de demog. C. r. 1889. Par.. 1890, 598. -----. Leber Pasteur'sche Schutzimpfuug gegen Tollwuth in Warschau. Verhandl. d. x. internat. m, d. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891. v, 15. Abth., 110-113. -----. Les resultats des vaccinations antiiabiques obtenus a Varsovie. Tr. vii. Internat. Cong. Hvg. A Demog. 1891. Lond., Is92, iii, 51- 56.—Bujwid (Of Sc Palmirski (W.) Wvniki szcze- pien ochronnych wedlug metody Pasteur'a. [Results of autirabic inoculations by Pasteur's method.] Medycyna, Warszawa. 1894, xxii, 874—Cabot i F.) Rabies and its preventive treatment; an analvsis of cases. Med. Xews, X. T., 1899. lxxiv, 321-:i2s.—C'almeltc (A.) Xotes sur la rage en Indo-Chiue et sur les vaccinations antirahiques Fratiquees a, Saigon du 15 avril au ler aoht 1801. Ann. de lust. Pasteur. Par., 1891, v, 633-641. Also: Arch.de med. nav., Par., 1891. lvi, 324-343. -----. Les vaccinations anti- rahiques pratiquees k Saigon du 15 avril 1891 au 1" mai 1892. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1892, lviii, 23-26. — Cal- mettc (A.) Sc Pinean (J.) Les vaccinations antiiabi- ques pratiquees k Saigon du 1" mai 189-J au 1" mai 1893. Ibid.. 1893, lx, 81-84. —Camara Pent ana Sc Betten- louit (A.) 0 trataniento da i-aiva em Portugal pelo methodo Pasteur (anno de 1893). Rev. de med. e cirurg., Lisb., 1894, ii, 81-96, 3 ch., 1 map— Cantani. Resultats obtenus a Xaples par I'emploi de la methode preventive an- tirabique de M. Pasteur. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1887, 3. s., xvii, 138-140. — Cantani Sc Di Vesica. Ren- diconto di oltre un anno di osservazioni e di esperienze sulla rabbia e sui metodo di cura preventiva del Pasteur. Riv. clin. d. Univ. di Xapoli, 1887, viii. 92.-----------. Risultati di piii di un anno di osservazioni e di esperienze sulla rabbia e sui metodo di cura preventiva del Pasteur. Riforma med., Roma. 1888, iv, 8; 15.—Chappell (J. W.) A case of hydrophobia cured bv the Pasteur method. Food, X. T., 1894-5, v, 348-453.—C'iaraiuuiit. Lasvacu- nacionesantirdbicasenel Laboratorio microbiologics muni- cipal de Barcelona. Gac. san. de Barcel., 1897. ix. 48-54. — Conienge (L.) Cartas acerca de la rabia y el laboratorio microbiologic© de Barcelona. Siglo med.,* Madrid, 1887, xxxiv, 513; 529; 545; 561; 577; 593; 609. AUo: Independ. med., Barcel.. 1886-7. xviii, 406; 420: 432: 1887-8, xix, 25; 35; 41: 68.—Courtade (A.) Observation de rage para. lytiqne: inoculations pastoriennes. Union med., Par., ls-s. :>. s., xiv. 722-724. — De Blaai ( L.) & Kusso- Travali i G.) Rendiconto delle vaccinazioni protilat- HYDROPHOBIA. 541 HYDROPHOBIA. Hydrophobia (Inoculation in. Pases a nil statistics of). tiche ed esperimenti eseguiti nell' Istituto antirabbico c di mil loscopia cliuica della citta, di l'alenno. Boll. d. Soc. d iu di Palermo, 1889. iv, 43-68. — Oi Veitlea (A.) A: /ngnri ML) Rendiconto di un anno di osserva- zioni e di esperienze sulla labbia e sui metodo di cura pievciitiva del Pasteur nel laboratorio della clinica Can- tani. Cior. interna/, d. sc. nied., Napoli. 1887. u. s.. ix, 656: 705.— Biijariliii-Beanniel*. La prophvlaxio do In rage it Pans. Pull. Acad, dc meil.. Par.. 1892. 3. s., xxvii. Mil-sii7. —Krfaliriniaeii iiher die in verschiede- nen Staatcii gciihten Schut/iinpfuiigeii unit Ausschluss der Hundswuth). (Kev. bv II. liuchner.] Deutsche Vrtljschr.f.iiff. Usndhtsptig.. ISmscliwg..1888,xx,406-418.— Ferran (J.i Notu sobre la rabia paralitica il proposito de una iuie. . ion similartermiuadapor curacion y ocurrida en uu individuo sometido al regimen aiitirriihico, en uues- tro laboratorio. Cron. med.. Valencia. 1887-8, xi, 423: 487. AUo: Independ. nied.. Parcel.. 1887-8, xix, 169; 185: 19':. AUo: Bol. de nied. v cirug.. Madrid, ISsS. vi, 135- 152. AUo: Gac. med. catal'.. Barcel.. 1888. xi 33- 45. .1 Im . Siglo med.. Madrid. Is88. xxxv. f.8: s7 aiTtli (V.) Esperienze sulla cura Pasteur. Atti d. \ii. (ong. d. Ass. med. ital. 18s7. Pavia. IsSs. i. 229-243. .!/..- Abstr. |: Os- servi.toi.- Corno, ls88, xxxix. Ill; 124.—(irrniaiio (1-5) ,v Calabr«'«e (A.i Statistica e considera/.ioni sopra in'.l'.e -.ndnidui inotsicati trattati col metodo Pasteur. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med.. Napoli. 1894. u. s., xvi, 601; 649. — <>ibier (P.) Serotlnrapv in rabies with the his- t.uy of a case X. York Therap. Rev., 1*96, iv. 37-39.— Oolrienriacli i J. . Les vaccinations antirahiques k Moscou en lsi'2. Anu.de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par.. 189:i. vii, 672-675 —('<• rancher. Statistique des vaccinations anti- rabiques. Tribune med., l'ar., 1888. xx, 567-571.—llccnaii (T. E.i Pn>ph\ lactic inoculations of hydropliohia al the | Odessa bad'-ri..logical station during the year ls94. Ue]>. Superv. Sui g-Gen. Mar. Hosp.. Wash.. 1>©G. 260-263.— Ildjjyc* .E.i Az antirabikns vedoolnisok gyakorlati j en initn\ • iol az ls90 aprilis 15-dik 1891. aprilis 14-dik ter .-do • '.su ev alatt. [On the results of antirahic in- oci...Aous performed from April 15. 1890. to April 14, Is91. Orvosi hetil.. Budapest, 1891, xxxv, 453. AUo, '.,,,..: p, st. med.-chir. Presse, Budapest. 1891, xxvii, 993: 1019. -----. A veszettsegellenes vedoltasok u.jabb eredmenyeirol es egy detinitiv Pasteur-intezet falallita- -anafc szuksegesseneiol. [The later results of antirahic vaccine, and on the necessity of the erection of a definitive antirahic institut-- Oi-vosi hetil.. Budapest. Is97, xli, 88-92.—Jai-o»in»Li (A.I Przypadek wodowstretu u ukaszonego przez psa wscieklego. a leczonego iuetoda. Pasteur'a. [Hydrophobia in one bitten by a rabid dog, treated by Pasteur's method.] Gaz. lek.. Warszawa, li-97, 2. s." xvii. 1203. — Laiiccrcaux. Deux cas de ragetiaites pai l'inoci'l unm preventive. Semaine med., Par., ls»'J ix. 413.— I.aye! ( A.) L.s inoculations de controle au siijet de la m-o a Boideaux. J. de med. d>- Bordeaux lssii-7. xvi. :>39. AUo: Mem. et bull. Soc de m.-d. et cbir. de Bordeaux, 18*7, 92-94. — I.e- bell A V«-»e»co. Gueiison dim cas de rage chez l'ii..mm.-. Ann. o.- l'lnst. Pasteur. Par., 1895, ix. «92-895.— I.epinai. Institut bacterioh.gi.pie colonial de Saigon; service d>-- vaccinations contre la rage pendant l'annee ls95. Ar.li.de med. nav.. Par.. 1^96, lxvi. 129-135.- I.i- craga K.. Preventive antirahic inoculation service in Mexico. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep.. Columbus, 1898, xxiv, 2'ii. -----. Inoculations preventives de la (age k l'lnstitut du conseil superieur de salubrite de Mexico. Verhandl. d. x. internat. m.-d. Cong. 189u. Perl . 18ul v. 15. Abth., 115-121) Marx. L.-rii lit iiber die Thatigkeit der Abteilung zur Heilung und Litoiscbuiig der Tollwut am Institut fur Infectioiiskraukheiten zu Bei lin 1897-9. Klin. Jahrb.. Jena. Is'je-P.iou. vii, 251: 331; 394. — llimorin anual de los truhajos ej.-eutados nor el Instituto .1. Ingi- i ene de sevilla i pr.ipiedad del Dr. ilurga durante el auo xiv de su instalacidn ils97i: estadistica general de los indivi- dnos que ban sido sometidos a las inocula.-iones antirrdbi- cas cn este instituto el presente ano. Rev. med. de Se- I •.dla. ls'.is. xxx. 134; 173.—.tIoraet» Mar men lo. As vac.-niac.V-. autirabicas no real Instituto bacterioloi>i.o de Li-boa em ls96. Arch.de med.. Lisb., Is97-s. i. 3o7- 316—.Tinhm (T.) Comprobacidn experimental de la la- bia en i.'hib■: instalacidn del s.-rvicio de la vacuna antira- bica. lb-\. med. de Chile, Sunt, de Chile, 1896, xxiv, 454- 456.—.tinrri (A.) La prima guarigione di un caso grave di rabbia nell uomo. Boll. d. clin.. Milano, le92. ix, 241- 24(5 AUo transl: Bull. m6d.. Par.. Is92. vi, 899. AUo. inin«l: Lanc.-i, Lond., 1892, i, 1231-1234. — ,\ovi & Poppi. La prima guarigione di un caso grave di rab- bia n> 11 uom... Pull.d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1892 7.8., iii, 2.'.;-24l AUo. trnnsl: Wien. med. Wchnschr.. 1892, xiii, 2D22— .Mumcrul oamenilor muscati de animale turbate si tratati in Institutnl de patoh'.gie si bacteriologi.- din Bucuresci in anul 1896. Romania med., Bucuresci. If97. v, Hydrophobia (Inoculation in, Cases and statistics af). 533-535.—OrtowMki i YV5) Statystyka szczepien ochron- nych przcciw wsciekli/nie z r, 1897-9. [Statistics of preventive inoculations against hydrophobia in Vilna.] Me.l\c\na Warszawa, 1899, xxvii, 1207: 1901, xxix, 142.— I'niiihlnn. be traitement antirahiquc en 1900 et le service de vaccination contre la rage it Lille, licho nied. du nord. Lille, 1901. v, 272-275— l*aliiiii«ki < W.) W.y- niki s/.czepi.h ochronnvch wedlug melody Pasteur'a w r. 1S951-7J. lib-suits of'preventive inoculations by Pas- teurs method in 1895-7. I M.dvcyna, Wnrs/uwa. 1897, xx\.28: 91 iC: 1898. xxvi, 1021.- I*:i Im i l'»ki (\\5)\ Har- to»>.ki ./,.) Wyniki s/./.-pi. ii nehroun;, cli wedlug me- lody Pasteur'a w r. 189s|-9] [ Antuabic pieventive inoc- ulations in Warsaw during 1898-9.1 Ibid., i!iui|, xxviii, 70; 1127.— l»nmpoiilti*. On. lques observations sur la race. Ann. < islilubc (S.) Predokhranitelniya privivki bleshciist \a no sposobu Gibier. [Prophylactic inoculations in rain, s bv Gilder's method.] Uchen. zaj.i- ski Kazan. Vet. Inst., 1886, iii, 216-227. AUo, transl | Ab- str. 1: Rev. f. Thierh., Wien, 1886, ix, 97-102. i\o» i (I.) Sulla resistenza del virus rahico. Riforma med.. lb.ma, 1888, iv, 1724; 1730. AUo : Bull.d. sc. nied. di Bologna, 1889, 6. s., xxiii. 16-20. AUo: Lavori d. Cong, di nied.int. 1,-88, Milano, 1889, i, 391-396. — Osbida. Ein neucs Yei fahren zur Impfung des Hundswuthgiiles und zur llerausiialuue des Riickenmarkes. [Japanese text.] Mitt. d. nied. Ge- sellsch. zu Tokvo, 1901. xv, 4. Hft.. 34-37. AUo: Chiu- gai Iji Shinpo, Tokio. 1901. xxii, 298-302. AUo, transl.: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. )etc.j. 1. Abt., Jena, 1901, xxix, 988-991.— Piana (G. I'.) Esperimenti di vaccinazione rabbica. Gazz. d.osp., Milano, 18s7. viii. 224-216.—I'oppi (G.) Sui modo di comportarsi del virus rahico nelle ino- culazioni multiple sperimentali e nell' assoibimenlo pei linfatiei. Bull. d. sc. nied. di Bologna, 1890. 7. s.. i, 789- 820 — Foiirlnlc. Recherches .sur la prophylaxie de la rage. Gaz. hebd. d. se. med de Bordeaux. 1895. xvi, 185- 187.—Rodrl (A.) A lialin ii'lli-. Experiences sur le pouvoir immunisaiit d« la mature nerveuse rabique i-iiu- servee en glvcerine. i.'ompi. rend. Soc. de biol., l'ar., 1901. 11 a, iii, 62-66. Also: X. Montpel. m.-d.. 1901, xii, 481 -48(i — Konx (E.) Note sur un moyen de con- server les nun-lies rabiques av.c lcii Til nl.-nee. Ann.de l'lnst. Pasteur. Bar.. Is87. i, 87.—K ii«.«o-Tiii villi .(1.) A Itrnnralroiii' iG.) Sulla lesistenza del virus rabico alia putrefazione. Riforma nied., Napoli, l.»89. v, 758.— Mi'inple i D.i Piophylactic treatment against hydropho- bia as can i.-.l out in the Pasteur Institute of India, Kasa- snli. Indian M. Rec. Calcutta, 1901, xx, 653 Molomon (Vera). Experimeutelle Untersuchungen iiber Rabies. Centralbl. f. Bpkteri..]. (etc.). 1 Abt.. Jena, 1900, xxviii, 70-79.—Tizzoni \- Cenlanni (LA Chemical vaccine agaiust labi.s. Biit. M. J.. Lond.. ],»!i3. i, 516. ------ ———. Sieio antirabbico ad alto potere immunizzante, ap- plicabileall' uomo. Riforma med., Napoli. 1893, ix, pt. 4, S55-85*. Also: Mem. r. Accad. d. sc. d. I>f. di Bologna, 1894. 5. 8., iv, 69-72.-------------. Modo di preparare siero antirabbico ad alto potere curativo e metodo di dctermi- narne la potenza. M.-in. r. Accad. d. sc. d. Ist. di Bologna. 1895-6, 5. >.. v. 163-217. Also, tran.4.: Lancet. Lond ].-:>:, ii, 659; 727: 780. AUo. transl. (Absti. : J. de nnd . Inr. et Pharmacol., Brux., 1895, 257-268.— I"-lialioll < V. i'.i K voprosu ob oslableuii fiksirovaunavo yada bieshenstva putyom nagrlevaniya. 'Weakening tin- tixe.l vims of rabies by heating.] Aich. biol. nauk . . ., S.-Peterb., 1899-1900, viii, 131-135.—Valli-c iH.) Recherches sur les proprietes neutralisantes de la bile a l'egard du virus ra- id.pie. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Bar., 1899, xiii, 506-512. See. aUo. siif,rn. Krau-. — Viala (K.) Sur les causes de l'atteiiuation de- moelles labiques. Ibid., 1X91. v, 695- 706. — Vilehaudlung der Wuth- krankheit. Eine experimeutelle Kritik desPas- teur'schen Verfahrens. 8 a Wien, 1887. Kavkazsk. med. Obsh »l : 1899-1900. xxxvi, 61- , O vliyanii zheludoch- IInfluence of the gastric A i.-b. vet nauk. St. Pe- U'ollllM-l'U (S.) Leber Hvdropliobia (Inoculation in, Failures of and objections to). ("Joi'don (C. A.) Comments on the report of the comniittee on M. Pasteur's treatment of rabies anil hydrophobia. 8°. London, 1888. Jamks (C.) M. Pasteur, sa nouvelle methode dite nidthode intensive peut-clle communiquer la rage? Kcponse h cette question. 8°. Paris. 1887. Lt'TAUD (A.) Hydrophobia in relation to M, Pasteur's nietliod and the report of the English committee. A lecture delivered in Prince's Hall, Piccadilly, July '27, is*7. s '. London, 1887. -----. M. Pasteur et la rage. Expos6 de la me'thode Pasteur, 1'ii-uueuce de la rage, iusiiccis du nouveau traitenient, la rage du chien et du loup, statistiques completes, etc. 1*2°. Paris, 18-7. Pastkuk (The) boom. High times for hydro- pholusts. 1 cartoon, bv F. Opper. fol. Cutttmjfrom: Puck, X. V., Dec. 23, 1885. Victoria Street .Society for the Protection of Animals from Vivisection. M. Pasteur's heca- tomb, fol. London, 1887. ltcmictt iW. IL) A fatal case of rabies in the human subject in which inoculation had been practised after the method of Pasteur. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, ii, 940.— Itojniiu*. jr. The method of Pasteur, or isopathy re-iutroduced in a new form. [Transl.) X. Am. i/< « n< |< i (J.) Antirahic inoculations an unscientific method in the prevention of hydrophobia. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1889, xxxv, (145. — I>u1I<-m (C.W.) Comments on Pasteur's method of treating hydrophobia. Ibid., 188G, xxix, 169-174. AUo, Ke- print. ------. Some recent announcements of Pasteur con- cerning hydrophobia. Tr. M. Soc. Peun., Phila., 1886, xviii, 108-114. Also: Med.News, Pbila., 1886, xlviii.649-051.------. A caseof so-called hydrophobia; with reniai kson the nature and treatment of this disorder. Lancet. Lond., 18sii. i, 821- 823. ------. Keport on hvdropliobia: Pasteurs method. Med. Kec, X. T5. 1887, xxxii, 671-674. ------. Keport on hy- drophobia. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1888. xx, 283-298. Also, Keprint.------. Keport on hydrophobia. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila,, 1894, xxv, 192-203. Also: Med. Xews, Phila., 1894, lxiv, 653-055. AUo. Reprint. ------. Remarks ou hy- drophobia. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila.. 189.".. 3. s., xvii, 84-8(5. ------. Report on hydrophobia. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1895, xxvi, 405. Also: Med. Xews. Phila.. 1895, lxvi, 695. ------. Keport on hydrophobia. Penn. M. J.. Pittsburg, 1897-8, i, 06-76. Also, Keprint. AUo.- Med. Rec, X. Y., 1897 li, 905-907. -----. Keport on hvdropliobia. Peuu.M. .!.. Pittsburg, 1898-9, ii. 200-205. AUo. Keprint— (.niuit- Ii-in ( N5 ) Sur les prcteniliies statistiques de la rage. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1887, i, 289-295.—On re I si Nolii ( E. ) Una tluda sobre las estadisticas de Pa-teur. (lac. mod. catal., Barrel., 1886, ix,609-615.- lorin- Itozi-. Not.- sur un cas de rage iuutileimnt traite par les in... illa- tions k l'lnstitut Past cur. Bull, et mem. Soc. med .1 hop. de Par., 1889, 3. s., vi, 141-14I «.1oiiziiI«z Kiihijjiier (D.) Uu caso de rabia paralitica prodncida pur las inocu- lacionespreventivas; curacion. line. med. catal.. Band., 18sk, xi, 45-57. — 4»ron (C.) Sur des accidents ineilulaircs a forme de m\ elite aigue. surveniis au cours dun traite- inciit anliral'.ique. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1897, 3. 8., xxxvii, 797-799. —Koxiiinin. K voprosu o predokhrani- teliiikh privivkakh bieshenstva. (Preventive measures in rabies.] Meditsiiia, St. Petersb., 1889, i, no. 6, 1-3.— KoviiIi'vmKi iA.) Dva sluchaya pnia/.hcniya ncrvnol sistemi ii ukusbennikh hleshehnoi sobakoi poslie predo- khraniteliiikh pii\ ivok pos]iosobu Pasteur'a. [Two cases of injury to the nervous system in those bitten by a mad dog after prophylactic inoculation by Pasteur's method.] Dnevnik sycida Obsh. russk. vrach. v painvat Pirogova, Kiev, 1896, vi, no. 1,49-52. Also.- Meditsina. St. Petersb., 1896, viii, 312-314.—Ijnvn-nii (A.) D'une forme attenu6e de la rage observer pendant le coins du traitenient par lea inoculations preventives. Bull, ct mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1891, 3. s., viii, 191-200.—1.ebon. Morsure par HYDROPHOBIA. 544 HYDROPHOBIA. Hydrophobia (Inoculation in, Failures ofand objections to). chien enrage: inoculations pasteuriennes: iage; mort. K.-v. med. et pliarni. de l'Afrique du nord, Alger. 1898. i. 425 — Lopez Alonso (J.) Refutation del metodo anti- rahic. de M. Pa-tour. Correo med. castellano, Salamanca, 1886, iii, 257; 276; Mus; 337. Also: Gac.iued.de Granada. 18sG. v. 389; 423; 457. — Ilawe (E.) Le cas de rage du service de M. le prof. Pities a Bordeaux. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1887, viii. 347-349 —>i cli off. Edin smerten sluchai ot hies, edin miesets podir lickou anieto mu s protivoblesna vaktsina. [Fatal result of rabies, a "month after being treated l.y antirahic vaccine.] Med. shorn.. Sotiya. 189s. iv. 214-218. — >icolas (A.) Observa- tion de rage chez un sujet moidu par un chien enrage. ayant subi les inoculations pieservatri.es dela rue d'Lhn. et developpee quinze joins api .-sson retonrdans la fan. ille. Paris med., 1887. xii, 1.—Petri' (M.) Inoculations anti- rahiques intensives et mort par la rage. Bull. Acad.de med., Par.. 1887. 2. s., xvii. 16-23. [Discussion], 28; 72; 163; 206: xviii. 6: 37. AUo. transl: Gac. nied. catal., Barcel., 1887. X, 77: 109: 139: 168: 206 : 233: 264: 297; 334; 367. -----. Ln cas de rage paralvtique chez un inocule de M.Pasteur. J. de med. de Par..*1889, xvi, 599-601. AUo: Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, lss9, x, 543-546. -----. La rage humaine avant Pasteur et la rage humaine apres Pasteur; mortalit6 toujours la menu- avec et ma'gre la methode de salut (le tout d'unres les .Indies otti. iel-i. J. de med. de Par., 1890, xvii, 417— Phelippot & Rivals. "Ln cas de rage humaine. Gaz. med. de l'ar., 1887, lviii, 337-343. — Pintaml - l>esalleos. Mort etrange d'un homme traite. deux mois auparavant, par la methode anti- rabique de M. Pasteur. Poitou med.. Poitiers, 1887, ii, 204-209.—Rendu. Ln cas de myelite ascendantependant le traitement antirabique. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1897, Ixx, 688-690.— Rich a r«K (V.i Pasteur's method. Lancet, Lond., 1887. i. 749— Rodriguez tlendcz 111.) Profi- laxis de la rabia-. tentativa de 1 .-.-pii.-ta al aiticulo. "Lna duda sobre las estadistieas de Pasteur, del Dr. I'arcia Sold". Gac. med. catal., Barcel.. 1S805 ix, 617-C.5!._ Roux (J.) Accidents nerveux chez les personnes mordues par in: chien enrage, et soumises aux inoculations pasteu- riennes. Province med., Lyon, 1898. xii, 289-291.— Sa- barllicz .'II.| Rage attenuee produite ties prohable- ment paroles inoculations pa-teuriennes. Gaz. d. hop..Par., 1891,lxiv. 1311; 1J19. —Tamayo (D.) Rabia; casoseguido de muerte despues del tratamiento preventivo. Crdn. med.-quir. dela Habana. 1888. xiv, 248.—Torres Rosa les (M.) Un hecho clinico en contra de lasinocnlacionesauti- rabicas. Rev. de med. y cirug. prdct.. Madrid, 1896, xxxix, 530-533.—Wilbur (C. L.) Pasteurian treatmentof rabies, misleading statistics. Ann. Hyg., Phila., 1896, xi, 536-541. Hydrophobia (Institutes for prevention and treatment of). See, also, Hydrophobia (Cases, etc., of); Hy- drophobia (Incubatory stage in): Hydrophobia (Inoculation in, Failures, etc., in). Mack (H. R.) Hydrophobia aud the necessity for a Pasteur institute in Georgia. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, At- lanta. 1900, 91-100. AUo [Abstr.]: Georgia J. M. A S., Savannah, 1900, vi, 255-258. Hydrophobia (Institutes for preven- tion and treatment of), by localities. ALGIERS. [Tkolard.] Rapport sur le fonctiounement de l'lustitiit Pasteur du ler novembre au 31 de- cembre 1896. 8Z. Alger-Mustapha, 1807. Trolard. Statistique de l'lnstitut Pasteur d'Alger dn 1" novembre ls95 au 31 decembre 1898. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1900, xiv, 190-192. ATHENS. Painpoukis (P.) Statistique de l'lnstitut Pasteur hellenique d'Athenes. Ann.de l'lnst.Pasteur, Par., 1898, xii. 404-406. BOLOGNA. Istituto (Atti dell') antirabico, fondato iu Boloyna nel indccclxxxix. t*3. Bologna, 1--.-9. -----. Regolamento interno approvato dalla commissione ainmiuistrativa nell' aduuauza del 4 luglio 1-91. S-. Bologna, 1891. >'o vi 11.) La cura del Pasteur nell' Istituto antirabico di Bologna dal 10 luglio 1889 al 31 dicembre 1893, direttore il Prof. .Augusto Murri; statistica ed osservazioni. Bull. d. sc med. di Bologna, 1894, 7. s., v, 5-36. -----. La cura del Pasteur nell' Istituto antirabico di Bologna. Ibid., 1897, 7. s., viii, 785-809. -----. La cura del Pasteur nel- 1'Istituto antirabico di Bologna; decennio 1889-99. Ibid., 1899, 7. s., x, 585-627. Hvdropliobia (Institutes for preven- tion and treatment of), by localities. BUDAPEST. Ilbsye* .A.) Ueber die praktisehen Erfolge der anti- nil.ischen Schutzimpfungen in Budapest wahrend des ersten, vom 15. April 1890-14. April 1891. sicherstreckenden Jahres. Tr. Internat. Cong. Hyg. Sc Demog. 1891, Lond., 1892, iii, 30-35. -----. Die Statistik des critten Jahres am Budapester Pasteur-Institut (vom 15. April 1892 bis 14. April 1893). Ungar. Arch. f. Med., Wiesb., 1894, iii. 1-16. -----. A budapesti Pasteur-intezet statistikdja 1897-ben kapcsolatban az elobbi evek adataival. [ ... in connec- tion with the contribution for former years. J Orvosi hetil., Budapest. 189s, xiii, 371-373. CHICAGO. Chicago Pasteur Institute, for tbe preventive treatnient of hydrophobia. [ Statement of the number of patients treated to date, April 1*2, 1892. Bv A. Lagorio, director.] 4°. [Chicago, 1892.'] I.agorio (A.) Report of the Pasteur Institute of Chi- cago. Chicago Clin. Rev., 1894-5, iv, 300. CONSTANTINOPLE. ZoeroM (A.) Institut antirabique de Constantinople; tableau des personnes traitees jusqu'au 1" decembre 1887 (1303). Gaz. d. hop. de l'empire ottoman, Constant., 1888. no. 13, 6. -----. Notice sur les travaux de l'lnstitut anti- rabique de Constantinople du 10-22 mai 1887 au 1-13 mars 1889. Rev. ined.-pharm., Constant., 1889, ii, 37-43. CRACOW. Rnjivirt (O.) O potrzehie urzadzenia w Krakowie za- kladu do szczepiefi ochronnych wedlug metody Pasteura. [On the necessity of establishing in Cracow an institute for preservative inoculation according to Pasteur's method. ] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1894, xxxiii, 223.—Thatigkeit der Lvssa-Schutzimpfiings-Anstalt in Krakau in den Jahren 1896 nnd 1897. Oesterr. San.-Wes., Wien, 1897, ix, 95: 1898, x, 254. FLORENCE. .Tlichelacci (A.) Proposta di fondazione di un Isti- tuto antirabico in Firenze. Gazz.med. ital. lomb.,Milano, 1887. xlvii, 172-178. HAVANA. Pla (E. E.) Memoria anual de los trabajos del Laboratorio histo-bacteriologico € Instituto auti-rsibico de la Cronica nie'dico-quirurgica de la Habana. S-. Habana, 1^90. rtlemoi-ia bianual de los trabajos del Laboratorio histo- bactei i..l..c ico e Instituto auti-r&bico de la Cronica quirnr- gica. [Edit.] Cron. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1892. xviii, 407-419.—Pla (E. F.) Memoria anual de los trabajos del laboratorio histo-bacterioldgico e instituto anti-rabico de la "Crdnico-medica quirrirgica" de la Habana. Cron. nied.. quir. de la Habana. 1888. xiv. 294-302. Also. Reprint. KASAULI. PaMteur (The) Institute of India. Brit. M. .L, Lond., 1901, ii, 1476.— Pasteur (Tbe) Institute atKasauli. Am. Med., Phila., 1901, ii, 476. KHARKOV. WvNokovricz. Statistiquede l'lnstitut Pasteur dela Societe medieale de Charkow. en 1889 et 189(1. Ann. de 1 Inst. Pasteur. Par., 1890, iv, 603: 1891. v, 649. LISBON. Biirnay (E.) Relatorio . . . sobre a fnndaQao em Lis- boa de um instituto anti-rabico, segundo o methodo Pas- teur. J. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lisb., 1888, Hi. 321-329. AUo [Rev. bv A. da Costa]: Med. contemp., Lisb., 18<-9. vii, 73- 75. Alio [Rev.]: Coimhra med., 1889, ix, 83-88. MADAGASCAR. Institut Pasteur de Madagascar. Ann. d'hyg. et de med. colon., Par., 1901, iv, 141.—Thiroux. Fonctionne- ment de l'lnstitut Pasteur de Tananarive en 1900. Ibid., 502-512. MARSEILLES. Inauguration de l'lnstitut antirabique de Marseille. Maiseille med.. ls!i:;, xxx, 672-675—IA von (C.) A Ale- zais (H.y L Institut antirabique de Marseille; resultats statistiques pour 1895-9. Ibid*, 1896-1900, xxxiii-xxxvii, passim. HYDKOrHOBIA. 545 HYDKOrilOBIA. Hvdropliobia (Institutes for preven- Hydrophobia (Institutes for preven- tion and treatment of), by localities. Hon and treatment of), by localities. MEXICO. Reyc* (A.) Xoticia relativa al servicio del Instituto anti-rabii o del consejo superior de salubridad, que com- j.r.-n.le desde el23deabril de J8ss en que se install., hasta el 31dediciembredel897. Gac. med., Mexico. 1898, xxxv, 217-222. MILAN. !>€■ Cri»lofori» (M.) Intorno agli studi sperimentali sulla cura profilattica della rabbia nellar. Scuola superiore di ii .dicina veterinaria, ed all' Istituto Pasteur dei Dott. Bareggi e Barattieri iu Milano. Clin, vet., Milano, 1887, x, 235^247—*«'gr«* (K.) II piimo biennio di vita dell' Isti- tuto antirabico presso 1' Ospedale maggiore di Milano. Atti d. Ass. med. lomb., Milano, 1891-2, 173-212. -----. Secondo biennio dell' Istituto antirabico presso 1' Ospedale maggiore di Mil.mo ls'.'l-:;. Boll. d. Poliambul. di Milano. ; 1894. vii, 101-127. -----. TYrzo biennio dell' Istituto an- ! tirabico pi e-s<> 1'Ospedale maggiore di Milano ls'.U - 5. Ibid. 1896. i\. 105-123. -----. Quarto biennio dell Nti tuto antirabico presso 1' Ospedale maggiore di Milano 1896-7. Boll, clin.-scieut. d. Poliambul. di Milano. 1898, xi, 101-130. -----. Quinto biennio dell'Istituto antirabico presso 1' Ospedale maggiore di Milano. Ibid., 1900, xiii, 117-120. MONTPELLIER. Rodet. Rapport sur le fonctionn. ni. nt de l'lnstitut Bouissou Bertrand. X. Montpel. med . 1-99. viii, 1; 44.— Rodet A Cwalnviellc. Le service antirabique de l'ln- stitut r...uissoii r.eitrand; deux annees-d'exercice. Ibid., ix. 707-710.-----------. Les vaccinations antirahiques a l'lnstitut Bouissou-Bertraud au 31 decembre ltiJ9 (resul- tats statistiques). Ibid., 1900, xi, 641-650. NAPLES. Caxabrese (A.) Istituto antirabico di Xa- poli Risnltati della cura antirabica Pasteur nell' anno l**iL>. ?;. Xapoli, l-9»>. i t'alabrese (A.) La cura del Pasteur nel biennio 1896-7 [Istituto antirabico di Xapoli". Gazz. d. osp.. Mi- lano, 189s. xix, 955. AUo: Riv. interna/, d'ig.. Xapoli, 189*. ix, 3e7-3.»9 AUo. I'if..inia m.-d.. Xapoli. 1898, xiv, pt. 3, 245-247.—C'aulHiii (A.i Statistica generale del'- 1' Istituto antirabico di Napoli. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Xapoli. Ir9i. n. s„ xii, 23; 504: 1891, n. s.. xiii, 942: 1892, n. s . xiv, 546: 1893, n. s., xv, 60. NEW YORK. Bulletin of tbe Pasteur Institute. Edited by Paul Gibier. [Quarterly.] v. 5-8, 1-97 to Sept., 19"". -°. Xeiv York j-Banbury. Conn. Ended, v. 1-4 under title: >c«- York (Hie) Thera- peutic Review. New York Pasteur Institute, for the preven- tive treatment of hydrophobia and for the study of contagions diseases. (Bacteriological Insti- tute.) Annual report of the director. 2., l-91-*2. 1-. Xen: York, 1-9'J. >ote ..n the preventive injections practiced against hy- drophobia at the Xew York Pasteur Institute. X. Tork I Theiap. Lev., 1U94. ii. 41-44. NHA-TRANG. Yernin. Fonctionnement de l'lnstitut Pasteur de Kha-Trang (Annam). Ann. d'hyg. et de me.il. colon., Par., 1900, iii, 506-520. ODESSA. Rnrdiuh (J.) Resultats Btatistiqn- - de l'lnstitut antirahi.jue d Odessa; 18 tableaux. Tr Ini.-tnat. L'ong. llyg.&Demog. 1*91. Lond., 1892 iii,3.7-42. I>ia IroplotL Otchot o dleyateluesti Odesskoi bakteriologii heskoi stant- sii za 1894 g. [Report of the antirahic vaccinations at the bacteiiological station of Odessa for 1'•94.] Arch. biol.nauk ---S.-Peteil... 1895-6,iv,89-94. Also, transl: Arch.desc. biol.. St.-Petersb.. 1895-6. iv, ss-94.-----. Vaccinations an- tirahiques it la station bacteriologique d'Odessa en 1892-3. Cong, internat. d'hyg. et de demog. C. r. ls!4. Budapest, 1896, viii, 450-452.-----. Otchot Odesskol bakteriologiche- skol stantsii na 1895 god po predokhrauitelnim privivkam bieshenstva. [Report of the bacteriological station of Odessa for 1895 on pronhvlactic inoculation of rabies. 1 Arch. biol. nauk . . ., S.-Peterb., 189G-7, v, 205-212. Also, transl.: Arch.de sc. biol., St.-Petersb., 1897, v, 155-162. AUo [Abstr.]: N. York M. J.. Is98, lxvii. 190. VOL VII, 2D SERIES----.'j.i OPORTO. Arnnirx I'creira (J.) As vaccinaijoes antirabicas no Institut.. I'a-.teur do Porto (1896-7). Arch, de med., I.i-b., 1898-9, ii. I'.i 56. PADUA. Ism i to antirabbico di Padova. Relazioni delle cure eseguite negli anni 1891-3. *"-. Pa- dora, 1895-1. <>a«|iai'clli (V.) Istituto antirabico in Padova di- retto dal l'i..1 A. De Giovanni. Riforma med., Roma, iss'.l, v, 121 : 12-. PALERMO. Cell! (A.) & 1>r Blawi (L.) II primo anno di vita della stazione antirabbica di Palermo. Bull d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1-.-7-8, ix, 258-272. Also: Boll. d. Soc. d' ig. di Palermo, 1888. iii. 299-324. AUo. Reprint. — Be Kla»i (L.) Sc KiiNMO-Travnli ((I.) Rendiconto delle vaccina- zioni pn.lilatticlic ed espeiimenti escguiti nell' Istituto antirabico e di inicro-copia clinica della citta di Palermo. Riforma med., Xapoli, 1889, v, 602; 608; 614; 620. ----- -----. Resultati statistici delle vaccinazioni antirabiche nell' Istituto di Palermo. Ibid., 1890,vi, 686.----------. Risultati statistici delle vaccinazioni profllattiche eseguite nell' istituto antirabico municipale di Palermo. Ibid.. 1891, vii, pt. 4, 1-3.-----------. Statistique de l'lnstitut antirabique municipal de Palermo. Ann. de l'lnst. Pas- teur, Par., 1891, v, 636: 1896, x, 238. PARIS. Dierckx (F.) Une visite a l'lnstitut Pasteur en 1690. Le traitement de la rage. 1'2D. Lou- vain, 1-90. Inauguration de l'lnstitut Pasteur le 14 novembre isss en presence de M. le President de la Republique. Compte rendu. 8~J. Sceaux, 1888. Also [Abstr.], in: Xature, Par.. 1887-8. xvi, pt. 2, 402- 406. Also, transl. [Abstr.] in: Med. Xews. Phila., 1888, liii, 620-625. Pastkur Institute. Mansion House Fund. [Circular letter of the lord mayor, soliciting contributions towards raising a fund of £5,000 for tbe purpose of sending poor patients to Paris to be treated at tbe Pasteur Institute. Also, report of tbe meeting beld July 1, 18s9, for the purpose of hearing representatives of scientific and medical opinion with regard to the recent increase of rabies in this country, and to the efficacy of tbe treatment discovered by M. Pas- teur.] 8C. London, 1-SS9. Talansier (C.) Institut Pasteur. Inaugu- ration des b:\tiiueutsde rue Dntot a Paris, fol. Cutting from: Le genie civil, Par., 1888, xiv, no. 4, 49- 55, 1 pl. It ue linn mi (G.) On hydrophobia, and a visit to the Pasteur Institute, Paris. Glasgow M. J., 1890, xxxiii, 1-15. — t'orilifr (J.-A.) La rage k l'lnstitut Pasteur. Lnion med. du uord-est. Reims, 1895, xix. 350-356. — Hart (E.) The new Pasteur Institute. Addresses ol' M. BYr- trand and M. < '• rancher at the inauguration; the complete statistics of the antirahic vaccinations up to this date; I bo structure and arrangement of the new institute; facilities Im -.tu.lv and for treatment: M. Pasteur aud lhe chancellor ot t'lm exchequer. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1889, i, 37-11 —Ili'ilunjj (Zur) der Hundswuth: das "Institut Pasteur". Centralbl. f. Vet.-Wissensch., 1.. ip/... lssf., iv, 113-115.- I noli tut (L) Pasteur. Ann. .1.- lln-l. Pasteur, Par.. 18S9, iii. I - M. - .luuirol i.l .j L'Hopital Pasteur. Bull. med.. Par., 1900, xiv, 473; 917.—'Martin. L Hopital Pasteur. Rev. d'hyg.. Par.. 1900, xxii, 633-646 —tic lot ti (G.) La cura preventiva della rabbia dopo morsicatura, secondo il metodo del Prof Pasteur; effetti di detta cura in sei individui morsicati dallo stesso cane arrabbiato. e rondotti a I'arigi presso il Pasteur. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna. 1886, 6. s.. xvii, 281-311. Also: Ga//.. d. osp., Milano, 1886. vii. 506: 513; 532; 539; 549; 557— .>'. Insti- tut Pasteur; Institut de chimie physiologique: Hopital Pasteur. Xature. Par., 1899-1900, xxviii, pt. 2,139-142.— l*aii<'iit'N (A) account of the Paris Pasteur Institute. Scient. Am., N. Y., 1897, xliii, Suppl.. 17515. — Proust. Ann6el896; liste des personnes trait6es k l'lnstitut Pas- teur appartenant au ae,partement do la Seine. Compt. rend. Cons, d'hyg. pub. de la Seine, Par., 1897. 272-277.— HYDROPHOBIA. 546 HYDROPHOBIA. Hydrophobia (Institutes for preven- tion and treatment of), by localities. PA RIS—continued. Resultatw deflnitifs du traitement preventif de la rage a l'lnstitut Pasteur du 1" novembre 1885 au 31 decembre 1886. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1887, i, 308-310.— Rodrl, Rapport sur le fonctionnement de l'lnstitut Bouisson-Bertrand. N. Montpel. nied., 1899, viii, 1-9.— Roux (E.) Pr6vention de la rage apres morsure; resul- tats obtenus k l'lnstitut Pasteur au moyen des inocula- tions antirahiques. Tr. Internat. Cong. Hyg. Sc Demog. 1891, Lond., 1892, iii, 8-16. AUo, transl.: Wien. med. Presse, 1891, xxxii, 1325-1329.—Statistique de l'lnstitut Pastenr pour le traitement preventif de la rage, du mois de novem- bre 1885 au 31 decembre 1886. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1887. i, 30-41. AUo [Abstr.]: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1887, lx, 76.— Vaccinations (Les) antirahiques it l'lnstitut Pasteur; resultats statistiques. 1889-99. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1890-1900, iv-xiv, passim. AUo [Abstr.]: Nature, Par., 1889-90, xviii, pt. 1, 403.—Visit to the In- stitut Pasteur in Paris. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1893, i, 22-24.— Vulpiau. Nouvelle statistique des personnes qui ont etc traitees & l'lnstitut Pasteur, apres avoir 6te mordues par des animaux enrages ou suspects. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1887, civ, 199-205. PERNAMBUCO. F. (L.) O Instituto Pasteur de Pernambuco. Brazil- med., Rio de Jan., 1900, xiv, 296. RIO DE JANEIRO. Ferreira dos Santos. Instituto Pasteur do Rio de Janeiro; noticia relativa ao transporte e a conservacao do virus rabico; resultado das exnerienciasde passagens feitas peloDr___ Brazil-med., RiodeJau., 1887,ii, 196-199.-----. Estatistica do Instituto Pasteur do Rio de Janeiro. Cong. brazil, de med. e cirug., Rio de Jan., 1889, i. 180-182. Also, transl: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1889, cix, 694-696. -----. Institut Pasteur de Rio-de-Janeiro; statistique du traitenient preventif de la rage (9 fevrier 1888 au 30 avril 1898). Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1898, xii, 541-546. — Havclburg (W.) Statistics of the Pasteur Institute at Rio and report on the Vaccination Institute in that city for the year 1897. Rep. Superv. Surg.-Gen. Mar. Hosp. 1898, Wash., 1899, 283.—Instituto Pasteur do Rio de Janeiro. Rev. d. construct., Riode Jan., 1889, iii, 58-61.—Instituto Pasteur do Rio de Janeiro. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1891, v, 141. RUSSIA. See, also, in this list, Kharkov; Odessa; St. Petersburg; Samara; Tiflis. Finkelshtein (T. M.) Pasterovskiya stantsii i ikh statistika. [Pasteur stations and their statistics. J Protok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1892-3, xxix, 2 tab., 416-451. — IppolitotT (S. N.) Dieyatelnost Pasteur'ov- skikh stantsiy v Rossii za 1886-96 goda. [Work of the Pasteur stations in Russia during the years . . .] Vestnik obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1898-9, med.- stat.sv., 202-215.—Wilke. Resultate der Pasteur'schen Schutzimpfuug in russischeu Instituten. Hyg. Rund- schau, Berl., 1894, iv, 920-926. ST. PETERSBURG. Krayushkin (\5) Statisticheskiya svledleniya za pyat liet ob ukushennikh bleshenimi' zhivotnimi i lie- chennikh po sposobu Pasteur'a v S.-Peterburgie. 1886- 1891. (Statistique des personnes mordues par des ani- maux enrages et trait6es d'apres la methode de Pasteur k Saint-P6tersbourg. 1886-1891.) Arch. biol. nauk S.-Peterb., 1892, i, 152-165, 1 tab. AUo [Abstr.]: Tr. vii! Internat. Cong. Hyg. Sc Demog. 1891, Lond., 1892, iii, 46. -----. Godovol otchot otdieleniya predokhranitelnikh privivokpo sposobu Pasteur'azal892-9gg. (Statistiquedu traitement preventif de la rage a Saint-Petersbourg; rap- port annuel.) Arch. biol. nauk . . ., S.-Peterb., 1893 ii 503,1 tab.: 1895-6, iv, 84; 470,1 tab.: 1897-8, vi, 187: 1898-9' vii, 187: 1899-1901, viii, 97; 349. Also, transl: Arch, de sc. biol., St.-P6tersb., 1894-5, iii, 126: 1895-6, iv, 82- 476 2 tab.: 1897-8, vi, 183: 1898-9, vii, 187: 1900-1901, viii,96; 353. SAMARA. Kriloff(P. P.) Otchot po Pasteur'ovskot stantsii pri Samarskoi Gubernskol Zemskol Bolnitsle za 1897-8. [Re- port of the Pasteur station of the hospital of the Samara Government zemstvo during 1897-8.] Arch. biol. nauk . . ., S.-Peterb., 1898-9, vii, 207-214: 1899-1901, viii, 223-230. Also, transl.: Arch, de sc. biol., St.-Petersb., 1898-9 vii 207-214: 1900-1901, viii, 224-232. — Rodzevich (V. V.) Otchot po Pasteur'ovskol stantsii pri Samarskoi gubern- skol bolnitsle za 1896 god. [Report of the Pasteur station in connection with the hospital of the Samara Government zemstvo for 1896.] Arch. biol. nauk..., S.-Peterb., 1897-8, vi, 173-178. AUo, transl. .• Arch, de sc. biol., St.-P6tersb.! 1897-8, vi, 169-174. Hydrophobia (Institutes for preven- tion and treatnient of), by localities. SHANGHAI. Stanley (A.) The Shanghai Pasteur Institute. J. Hyg., Cambridge, 1901, i, 260-268. TIFLIS. Finkclshlein(T.) Resultats statistiques de l'lnstitut antirabique de Tiflis. Tr. Internat. Cong. Hyg. Sc Demog. 1891, Lond., 1892, iii, 47-50. — Frants (E.-J.) Statis- tique de la station Pasteur de Tiflis. Ann. de l'lnst. Pas- teur, Par., 1897, xi, 790-792. — ITlukharinski (A. A.) Kratkiy ocherk desyatilletnei dieyatelnosti Tiflisskol Pas- teur'ovskol privi vochnol stantsii pri voyeuno-meditsinskol laboratorii Kavkazskavo voyennavo okruga. [Brief re- view of the work for the last ten years of the Pasteur In- stitute of Tiflis in connection with the army medical lab- oratory of the Caucasus military circuit.1 Protok. zasaid. | Kavkazsk. med. Ohsh., Tiflis, 1898-9, xxxv, 629-643, 1 diag. i TURIN. Abba (F.) Institut antirabique municipal de Turin ; statistique et notes de laboratoire. Ann. de l'lnst. Pas- | teur, Par., 1898, xii, 774-781. AUo, transl. [Abstr.]: Riv. d'ig.e san. pubh., Torino, 1898, ix, 365.—Bordoni-Uflrrc- duzzi. Statistica generale dell' Istituto antirabbico mu- nicipale di Torino. Riforma med., Napoli, 1891, vii, pt. 3, 505. Also, transl: Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1891, v, 642-645. VIENNA. Bericht iiber die Thatigkeit der Schutzimpfungsan- stalt gegen Wuth in der k. k. Krankenanstalt Rudolf- stiftung in Wien, 1894-7. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Kran- kenanst. 1894-7, Wien u. Leipz., 1896-9, iii-vi, passim. Also [Abstr.]: Oesterr. San.-Wes., Wien. 1896, viii, 239- 244.—Bericht iiher,die Thatigkeit der Kebutzimpfungs- anstalt gegen Wuth in Wieu in den Jahren 1896-1900. Oesterr. San.-Wes., Wien, 1901. xiii. 357; 369.— Hendrich (O.) Zpr&va o cinnosti tistavu pro odkovdni proti vzte- kline ve Vidni v letech 1896-1900. [Report on the work of the institute at Vienna for„inoculation against rabies, dur- ing the years 1896-1900.] Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1901, xl, 1407-1409.—Paltauf (R) Die Errichtung der Anstalt fur Wutlischutzimpfiiug in der k. k. Krankenanstalt Rudolfstiftung. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. 1884, Wien u. Leipz.. 1896, iii, 912-929. Also: Wien. klin. Wchn- schr., 1896, ix, 285-292. WELTVREDEN. Gros. Rapports annuels du pare vaccinogene et de l'lnstitut Pasteur de Weltvreden. [From : J. de med. d. Indes neerl., 1898.] Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1899, lxxii, 465-467. Hydrophobia (Jurisprudence of). "Predieri (P.) L'etat iiitellectuel des hydro- phobes considejre' daus ses rapports avec la me- decine legale. 8C. Bologne, 1861. Brouardel. Questions medico-16gales k poser et k elucider dans un cas de rage; a propos de l'autopsie d'un enfant mordu il y a un mois. Tribune med., Par., 1888, xx, 195-198. Also: Union med., Par., 1888, 3. s., xiv, 431- 434. — Grasset. Observation clinique et medico-legale d'un siijet adulte mordu par un chien enrage; lecon clini- que. N. Montpel. med. Suppl., 1894, iii, 205-253. Also, Reprint.—Knokh (Y.) Sluchai sobachyavo bieshenstva, podtverdyonniy sudebno-meditsinskim vskritiem. [Case of rahies confirmed by medico-legal autopsy.) Voyenno- med. J., St. Petersb., 1889, clxiii, unoflic. pt., 1. sect., 33- 42.—Paltauf (A.) Ueber den experimentellen Nachweis der Wuthkrankheit und analoge diagnostische Behelfe vom gerichtsarztlichen Standpunkte. Vrtljschr. f. ge- richtl. Med., Berl., 1889, n. F., li, 312-342. — Spitzka (E. C.) The attitude of legal medicine versus hydrophobia. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1886, cxv, 36-40. Also: Med. News, Phila., 1886, xlviii, 698-702. Hydrophobia (Nervous). See Hydrophobia (Neurotic). Hydrophobia (Neurotic). See, also, Hydrophobia (Diagnosis, etc., of). Andrieu (J.-A.) * Essai snr l'6tiologie et le traitement de la rage spontanea. These pour le dipldme de ra6decin-v6t6riuaire. 8°. Toulouse, 1808. Mesnet (E.) Consid6rations generates sur les fausses rages; observations de d61ire aigu hydro- phobique, H6pital Saint-Antoine (1872). 8°. Paris, 1887. HYDEOPHOBIA. 547 HYDROPHOBIA. Hydrophobia (Xeurotic). * Arnold (A. B.) The death of Dr. YVarnerj a case of hydrophobia; [probably delirium tremens]. South. Clinic, Richmond, 1886, ix, 129-131.—Benjamin (J.) A caseof hystero-hydrophohia; leeoveiy. Indian 51. Rec, Cal- cutta, 1897, xiii, 455.—Blcyer (J. M.) A case of imagi- nary hydrophobia. Med. Kec, N. Y.. 18st>. xxx, 404.— Decroix (K.) Considerations retrospectives sur la gue- rison de la rage. Bull. Soc. centr. lie med. vet., Par., 1890, n. s., viii, 154-162.—]>obtrotvor»ki (M. S.) Hy- drophobia spuria hysterica. Obo/.r. psicliiat. nevnil. [etc.], S.-Peterb., 1899, iv, 195-198.—Kjfgert (F. K. (}.) UeberdasWesendorniiasniatischen W'asseischeu. Ztschr. f. d. Anthrop., Leipz., 1824, ii. 358-390.— I al< lhn« (J. B.) Ad Paullum Baptist am Balbum epistola. de lnuuaiii qua- dam passione hysterica et aquifuga, ubi nonnulla ipioque ad hydrophobiain spectantia disiiiitautur. Kac. d opus. scient. e filol., Venezia, 1761. xi. 217-264. - I'onviioil (W. H.) Hydrophobia and imagination. t'hirago M .1 & Exam., 18S6. liii, 125-132. — ii iacchi id.) Donno isteriche e caul anabbiati. Sperimeiitale Lireuze, ls'.io, lxv, 34-43.—(Ji'iinxi'I. Hysteric rabifoi me che/, uu homme apres morsure par un chien enrage et le traitenient Bus- teur. Semaine med., Par., 1891, xi, 2S9-29I. -<»ri»««iiii (J.D.i A case of pseudo-rabies complicated bv delirium tremens. Med. K.c . X. Y., 1894. xlvi, 341.— Ilaim.....id i\V. A.i _L.il>e hydiophobia. X. Am. Rev.. V V.. imki, cli. 167-112—llentrel (.L'i Eine nervose Hydrophobie. Ztschr. f. Nat u. Heilk. iu Lngarn, Pest. 1850-51, i, 109.— Kolesn ikoti' lAI. ¥.'. Sluchai pseudorahies h \ -1 eiulo-t aloes; auto-suggestion occasiouuee par la malaria. Arch. ori. nt. de med. et de chir.. Pur., 1900, ii. 2iA_'9. AUo: Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. phy- siol., Bar.. 1899-1900. xiv, pt. 2. 311-313. Also transl: Rev. balear de cien. med.. Palma de Mallorca, 1900, xviii, 132-134.— Lrgi'iuliT iB.) Accidents rabiques chez un alcoolique; acces de nianie aigue. delire systematise avec crainte d'eti. tue par les medecins. France med., Par., 188." ii. 147:: -1477.— 'lit'lnre (B. T.) A case of hysteria siuiiilatim: hydiophobia. Memphis M. Mouth.. lS'.Mj, xvi, 524.—.Hcllniton .11.) Hydrophobia. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Macou, 18>9. 132-13S.'— MunolopouloM (D.) Avuera. irap' a.v$pu>irta irpioTOTradui? €«■: . .jOettra avev 6^-y/unro? Ai'tro-iii-TCK 55or. raATjfbs, 'A9rjvai.. 1896, Xxvi, 44!»-45>l. — ^Inthe-ou i A. R.) Report of a case—was it hydro- phobia.' Brooklyn M. J., 18n0, iv. 653-655.—lliiinni (L.) j Hvdrophobie non virulente. Diet, encycl. .1. sc. med., Par., 1888, 4. s., xiv, 644-651.—Mill» iC. K.i ,v lloban (C. J.) Remarks on two cases simulating hydrophobia and occurring after dog-bites. J. Neiv. Sc Ment. Lis . N. Y., 1890, xvii, S48-S50. AUo, Reprint.-.lIo«»e. Ob- servation de fausse rage due tres probableim-nt k l'alcoo- li-one et traitee par les injections de pilocarpine. Compt. lend Soc. de med. et chir. prat, de Montpel.. lHsii-3, 5-7.— ITIotet. Troubles psychiques attribues a la morsure d'un chien suppose enrage! Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1**0. 3. s., xvi, 55*-56>v—Pansier (P.) Hysterie traumatique cons6cu- tive ft um- morsure de chien enrag6; amenorrhee; irido- ihoKii.lite et amaurose. X. Montpel. med., 1894, iii, 193.— PelciH.i Pfipad hydroiihobie po zhinozdeni. [Case of hydrophobia after a'bruise. | Casop. 16k. cesk., v Praze, 1875, xiv, 145; 153.— Pitre» (P.) Accidents hysteriques fepileptiformes survenasa la suite de morsures faites par un chien non enrage et gneris par un simulacre de traite- ment pasteurien. Progres med.. Par., 1894, 2. s., xix, 457- 460.—Spitzka i E. C.) How can we prevent false hydro- phobia? J. Comp. M. & S. J., N. Y., 1**6, vii, 244-267.— Tonoli (G.j Ln caso di idrofobia di natura isterica. Riv. sper. di ti. i.i.it Reggio-Emilia, 1898, xxiv, 341-349. Hydrophobia (Prevention of). See, also, Hydrophobia (Inoculation in); Hy- drophobia (Treatment of). Belgium. Ministre de Vagriculture, de V'Indus- trie et de travaux publics. Service ile saut6, hy- giene publique et voirie coinmunale. Regie ment g6ne"ral relatif anx mesures de precaution contre la rage canine. 12°. liege, Mil. Blatin (H.[-0.]) De la rage chez le chien et des mesures pre"servatrii-es. *- . Paris, 1865. Bosco (G.) Breve istruzione popolare sopra i regni nella rabbia dei cani. 16°. [Alessandria, 1887.] Bourrel. De la rage; moyens de l'<5viter. 8°. Paris, 1867. Cattaneo (G.) L' idrofobia o la rabia canina, istruzioni teorieo-prattiche esposte alia comune intelligenza. 8-. Milano, 1844. Demarchi (G. ) Sulla rabbia canina e sui mezzi piu sicuri per prevenirla. 8°. Torino, 1859. Hydropliohia (Prevention of). Dl'BOUE (P.-H.) Des progres accomplis sur la question de la rage et ile la part qui en revieut a la theorie nerveuse. 8 . Paris, 1887. Eiirhardt (J.) Die Hundswut, ihre Verbrei- tung und Bekanipfung. 8~. Aaran, 1900. Emiliani (L.) Sulla natura e sui metodo pre- servativo della rabbia. 8 . Pee/gin, 1830. -----. Tlie same. 8 . Reggio, 1855. Great Britain. Board of Agriculture. Statn- torv rules iiml orders, 18(.».r). No. 103. The rabies order. 8°. [London, 189."-.] Grf.at Britain. Parliament. House of Lords. Report from the select committee of the House of Lords on rabies iu dogs; together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evi- dence, and appendix. [And index.] 4 Aug., 1887. fol. London, 188?. Great Britain. Privy Council Office. The rabies order of Sept. 16, 188<>. Culling from: Lond. Gaz., 1886, no. 25627, 4519-4522. Gitoiox. [Form of dog license, with instruc- tion for tlie treatment of hydrophobia.] 12°. Yarmouth Port, [1889]. Giber (C.) Praktische Abhandlung iiber die Vorbeugung uud Heilung der Hundswuth fur Laud-Wundiirzte. 12D. Wien, 1818. Gly-Raoul. La rage; sonmeilleur pre"serva- tif d'apres MM. Tardieu, Sanson, Hertwig, You- att. 16°. Paris, 1862. Hydrophobia of 1889, its cause and cure; a plea to commute the sentence of six months, written by a dog with a sore nose. 8C. London, [1889\ Instruction sur le traitement a employer con- tre la morsure des animaux enrages et l'hydro- phobie qui en est la suite. 12:. Strasbourg, an III [179.")]. Jesse (G.R.) Hydrophobia. (Association for the protection of dogs and prevention of hydro- phobia.) 8°. [n. p., 1871.) Repr.from: Standard, 1871. -----. Rabies canina (erroneously termed hydrophobia). 8 . [Manchester, 1874.] Kerslake (F.) Hydrophobia, its cause and its prevention by muzzling. 12°. London, 1890. Le Maolt (C.) Traitement prophylactique de la rage, ou me'thode rationnelle d'eia pr6veuir le de~veloppemeut sans deplacemeut du malade. 8°. Paris, 1888. Lipscomb (G.) Cautions and reflections of canine madness ; with the method of preventing the hydrophobia in persons who have been bit- ten. 8°. London, 18(17. Lowe (\V. H.) Canine madness in our midst. Culling from : Rep. N. Jersey Bd. of Agrio., 1885,265-268. Morando (M.) Delia cura preservativa della rabbia canina; osservazioni medieo-praetiche. 16°. Ancona, 17f>r>. Ohskrv ations sur la fausse et la reelle hydro- phobie et d'autres maladies des chiens. et la ne"- cessite de l'iutervention de la. loi pour proteger les botes. oti'iTt a la Socidtc' centrale d'agriinl- tnre, jiar le secretaire ctranger de la Societe ilea amis des animaux, a Londres. 8 5 Bruxelles, 1856. Pardo (E.) Dei migliori mezzi di preven- zione della rabbia. P2°. Firenze, 1885. Paris. Instruction sur la rage, publico par les ordres dc M. l'intendant de la gene"ralit6 de Paris, pour etre distribute dans les di fife" rentes paroisses de cette ge^ie"rai ite". sm. 4". [Paris, 1785.] Prussia. Bedenkmaking van een naawkeurig uitgedrukt middel tegen de beeten vau eenen dollen bond; welk middel zyne koninglyke iuajesteit, ten behoeve van bet algeineen, van HYDROPHOBIA. 548 HYDROPHOBIA. Hydrophobia (Prevention of). den bezitter daar van heeft doen koopon, deszelfs uitwerking en wyze vau toebereiding doen on- derzoekeu, en het gebruik daar vau, iu voorko- mende gevallen, aan de medicynsche collegien en in het gemeen aan het geheele publicq, heeft doen aanbevelen, door hoogstdeszelfs Opper- Collegiutn Medicum, Berlyn, den 23. Juni, 1777. Translaat. fol. [Berlyn, 1777.] -----. Edict, wegen des Tollwerdens der Hunde. Den 20. Feb. 1797. fol. Berlin, 1797. Sanson (A.) Le meilleur pr6servatif de la rage; et;ude de la physionomie des chiens et des chats enrages; lesions, causes, degr6 de conta- gion du virus, reinedes antirahiques. 12°. Pa- ris, 1-tiO. Staudinger (E.) Ueber die Verwerfliehkeit des penuanenteu Manlkorhzwanges als Schutz- mittel gegen die Uebertragung der Hundswuth. 8-. Blasenitz bei Dresden, 1>87. Toffoli (L.) Breve istruzione popolare sui modo facile e sicuro di guarautire la societa dalla rabbia o idrofobia, saggio che si premette al trattato generale di . . . rr. Padova, l>4(i. Yisscher (G.) *De rabie canina speciatim de ejus prophylactica. ~D. Gvoningee, 1825. Zaborsky (F. C.) *De cane rabido et pro- phylaxi eruption is hydrophobiie in hominibus post morsum. 8°. Vindobonee, [18:58]. Acosta (E.) Profil&xis contra la rabia. Crdn. m6d.- (|air. de la Habana, 1892, xviii, 579-.">82. -----. La rabia; conscjds quenodeben olvidarse. Ibid.. 1898, xxiv, 60-63.— Ago*tinelli. Alcune considerazioui sulla profilassi della rabbia. Ass. med. marchigiana. Atti d. ii. Cong. 1889, Ancoua, 1890, 327-330.—Bareggi (C.) Inefficacia delle iniezioni ipodermiche iii essenza di tanaceto come riiiieilio preventivo della rabbia. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, lst-8. ix. 210. — Belval (T.) Les mesures administratives contre la rage. Mouvemeut hyg., Brux., 1885-6. ii, 212- 226. — Bciiicrkungen iiber die wirksamsteu Mittel znr Verhiitung iler Wasserscheu, nach dem Biss eines tollen Hundes, dutch Erfahrungen bestatiget. Arch. d. prakt. Heilk., Bressl., 1799-1800, i. 426-442—Billings (F. S.) Babies in the dog: in its relation to rabies in man; with espe- cial reference to its prevention; aud to Pasteur's system of preventive inoculation. J. Comp. M. A S., X5 T.. 1886. vii, 161-189. — Bochcfoiitaine. Experiences pour servir k I'etude de la prophylaxis et clu traitement de hi rage. J. d. conn. med. prat.. Bar., 1883, 3. s., vii, 361.— Boenning- haus (G.) Leber Hundswuth vom Sanitatspolizeilichen Standpunkte. Thiermed. Vortr., Halle, 1894, iii.—It rami. Zur Lehre von der medicinisch-polizeilichen Behandlung der Wasserscheu nach dem Bisse von Thieren. Ver. deutsche Ztschr. f. d. Staats-A rznk.. Freib. i. Br., 1847, n. IV. ii, 783-788.—Cabot iF.) Tlie effect of cauterization or cleansing of wounds infected with rahies after an inter- val of twenty-four boms. Proc. X. V. Bath. Soc. (1897-8), 1899. 232-234. Also. Me.l. News. X. V.. Is99, lxxiv, 329- 331. — C'haiivcau. Prophylaxie de la rage canine, r6elementation applicable. Rec. d. trav. Coin ite consult. d'hyg. pub. de France 1888, Par., 1889, xviii, 332-344. AUo: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1888, 3. s., xx, 262-276. -----. La prophvlaxie de la rage. Ann. d'hyg.. Par., 1891, 3. s.. xxv, 502-508.—Baugherty (W. A.) Hydrophobia; what can boards of health do to prevent it ? Ohio San. Bull., Co- lumbus, 1901, v, 66-73.—Dp«fo"C -6, xxii, 266-277.— Lapponi (G.) Sui regolamento per la profilassi pubblica del! idrofobia proposto al consiglio municipale ni Osimo dalla commissione sanitaria locale. Boll. d. Osp. di S. Casa di Loreto, Loreto, 1888-9, ii, 609-627. — I.eblanc. Sur la prophylaxie de la rage. Bull. Acad, de rn6d.. Par., 1885, 2. s., xiv, 1587-1596. — IHaliavieyefll (I.) K pro- tilaktikle vodobovazni. [Prophylaxis in hydrophobia.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb.. l8sii. xi. 295. AUo: Vet. dielo, St. Petersb., 1886, iv, no. 19, 1-9. — .TIarx. Le- ber die Verbreitung der Tollwuth und das Auftreten derselben beim Meuschen, sowie die Erfolge der Be- handlung in nenester Zeit. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1899, xxxi. 761-776. —Jlesures preventives contre la rage; avis du conseil superieur d'hvgiene publique, approuve en seance du 13 mars 1899. Echo vet., Li6ge, 1900-1901, xxx, 14-21. — Vliltel gegen die Hundswuth vom Szekler Benjamin Kovals iu Siebeu- biirgen. Stuhl Maros, Dorf Kendo, seit vielen Jahren mit uutriiglicheni Erfolg angewendet. Mag. f. d. Staatsarznk., Leipz., 1844. ii. 69-72.—Ilolt (V.) Rabies, and how to prevent it. N. York M. J., 1886, xliv, 462; 489.—Nocaid (E.) La prophylaxie de la rage apres morsure. Rec. de med. veL, Par., 1887, 7. s.. iv, 218-222. -----. Sur la pro- phylaxie de la rage canine. Bull. Soc. de med. pub., Par., 1893, xvi, 178-191. -----. La rage et les moyens de s'en preserver. Assoc, franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r., Par., 1894, xxiii. jit. 1, 2-21. AUo: Rev. scient., Par., 1894, 4. s.. i. 321-333.—van Overbed* ile .Meyer (G.) Pro- phylaxie international!- de la rage. Cong, internat. d'hvg. etde demog. C. r. 1882. Geneve, 188.3. ii, 463-4*82, 1 ch. —Partridge (J. M. ) Protection against hydro- phobia. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1884, Concoid, N. H, 1885, x, 293-295.— Peter* (A.) Rabies; its prevalence and suppression. J. Mass. Ass. Bds. Health, Bost., 1891-2, i, 102-108.—Pencil. Sur la pohce sanitaire de la rage. Rev. med. de Toulouse. 1887, xxi, 97-107.—Philippe (J.) Nouvelle instruction sur la rage du cliieu. Dep. de la Seine-Inf. Cons, centr. d'hyg. [etc.] 1885, Rouen, 1886. 153- 157.— Pollet. De la rage. Rap. trav. Cons, centr. de salub. du dep. du Nord, Lille, 1893, Xo. li, 480-485.—R. (S.) Conduite k tenir en cas de morsure par un chien enrage. Rev. g6n. de clin. et de therap.. Par., 1901, xv, 424.— Rapport sur les mesures preventives k prendre pour empecher la propagation dela rage. Rap. gen. trav. Cons. d'hyg. pnb.de Meurthe-et-Moselle, Xancy. 1880, 91-96__ Reggiani (L.) La rabbia coiisiderata piu specialmente sotto i riguardi della profilassi e della polizia sanitaria. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1899, xxx, 320-336.— Reyes (A.) Prophylaxis of hydrophobia in Mexico. Am. Pub. Health Ass. .Rep. 1892, Concord, 1893. xviii, 138- 142.—Romanes (G. J.) Hydrophobia; its [prevention and cure. Edinb. Health Soc. Health Lect., 1890-91, xi, 33-58.-----. Hydrophobia and the muz/ling order, la his: Essays, 125 Lond., 1897, 226-253.—de St.-(•ermain (L.-A.) De la prophylaxie de la rage, a piopos de la rage chez les enfants. Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par.. 1888, vi, 120-130. Also: Tribune med., Par., 1889. 2. s., xxi, 321- 328 — Sandiford (T. H.) Canine rabies and its preven- tion. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1887, n. s., xliv, 318.— Schiirniayer (I. H.) Ueber polizeiliche Massregeln ge- gen die Getahrdung des offentlichen Gesnndheitswohles durch Hunde. Ver. deutsche Ztschr. 1 d. Staats Arznk. Freiburg i.Br., 1847, n. F., i, 101-114.—Wlack (H. R.i Hy- drophobia; its prevalence and prevention. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta, 1901,342-354. AUo: Georgia. J. M. Sc S. Savannah, 1901, ix, 16-20— Spring (C. W. i A hydropho- bia scare. Boston M. Vt Hydrophobia (Xeurotic). Hydrophobia (Spontaneous). See Hydrophobia i Xeurotic). Hydrophobia (Statistics of). See Hydrophobia (Cases, etc., o/'i; Hydro- hobia (Inoculation in, Cases, etc., of); Hydro- phobia (Inoculation in. Failures of, etc.); Hydro- phobia (Institutesfor, etc.). Hydrophobia (Treatment of). See, also, Hoang-nan; Hydrophobia (History of); Hydrophobia (Inoculation in): Hydropho- bia (Neurotic*; Hydrophobia (I'rercntion of). Alekseyeff(F. K.) 0 llechenii bleahenstva- niekotoriuii naroilulmi sredstvanii Ukraiuskoi flori. [Treatment of rabies by certain popular remedies of the flora of tbe Ukraiue.] 8°. Kharkov, 1-^9. [Arrigoxi (A.)] < Ks.rvazi..ni intoruo alia malattia della rabbia e su i diveisi riinedj per enra della iiii-dcsiuia. *■-. Milano, 1767. Barral \.l\ M. A.) Qinestio medica, utrum hydrarjiirus liydrophobiam curare valeat? 4C. Moiispelii, 1787. Baumer (J. P.) Onderricbting weegens eene verstandige en teffens geniaklyke geneeswyze zo wel van menschen als besten, welke door een dollen bond g. beeten zyn. Uit het Hoogduitsch vertaald en veruieerdert. 8°. Amsteldam, 17?f>. Buy.sk (P. D.) *I)e usu olei jecoris aselli medico an-ue de ven-t se. tionisiu rabie utilitate. 6-. Lugd. Bat., lr>4. Chlr-Flrstl.-Saciis. (Desj Sanitiits-Collegii AnweNung fiir angehende Aerzte nnd Wund- Aerzte, wie sie sich bey Per.ionen, welche von wiitheuden Hunden und andern deigleichen Tliii ien geliissen worden, in Ansehung der in- nerliclien nnd au.sserlichen Beliaudlung zu ver- halten haben. 4 . Dvesden, 1796. De Capoa (M.) Lo iniezioni ipodermiche di snblimato nella cura della rabbia. - . Xapoli, 1—6. See. aUo, infra. Dkil\e(J.C. 0.) Ver-ucli einer vollstiindigen Abhandlung von dem Mavwurme und (lessen Anweudung iu der Wuth und Wasserscheu. Nebst, Bem< rkungen iiber die Xatur dieser Krank- heit, ihrer ansteckeuden Eigenscliat't und Be- hiindlung, etc. 2 v. 8"J. Leipzig, 17-8. Desjardin (P.-A.) Traitement preventif et euratif de la rage; nouvelle ine'tliode base"e sur dix ann6es d'oliservations et de pratique. \2~-. Paris, 1-70. DiT'Ki-'; CV.) Projmsto di un nuovo rinnilio contro 1'idrofobia e appelloal pubblico da un atto arbitrario. 8-. dlenova, lr80. -----. Ancora una parola sulla cura della rabbia canina. 8 a (lenova, 1~-U. -----. Iutorno all' autidoto del dottor . . . per i casi di minacciata idrofobia; messo alia prova in Genova. Cenno storico dell' autore. - . Cenora, l8'J0. i lydro|»liobia (Treatment of). Gonzalez (A. A.) Historia clinica de uu caso de rabia declarada, tratado homeopaticamentc. 8C. Madrid, 1-I14. Hydrophobia. The Keioid finds a preventive cure in which it firmly believes from its history. Some remarkable testimony as to its saving powers, broadside fol. [Boston, 1889.] liepr. from: Boston Daily Bee, l*s9. Lettre d'un ni6decin de Paris a. un mddecin de province, sur le traitinient de la rage. 4°. S.-Hubert, 177G. Llchtmans (G.) De genezing van hondsdol- heid. Pastour of Buisson? Oordeel van des kuudigen bijeenoebracht door den Nederland- schen Bond tot Bestrijding der Vivisectie; met een voorwoord. 8■-. '» (iravenhage, 1900. Nile cas de giuSrison de la rage. 8 . Paris, [n.d.]. Oit lniskkg (A.) * Beitrag zur Behandlung der Lyssa humana. 8:. Berlin, [187")]. Proebsting (J. L.) *Singulare remedium antilyssicuni, una cum dubiis de morsus canis rabidi virosa natura obortis. sm. 4°. Traj. ad f'iadr., 1786. Scharef (T. C.) * De Alysso clave. 4°. Tu- bingir, 1709. Society royale de me"decine. Prix distribu^s daus la seance publique tenue le 6 mars 17cl. I. Determiner quel est le meilleur traitement de la rage. II. [etc.]. 4°. [Paris, 1781.] von Swin.iix (P.) Untriigliches Heilmittel wider deu Biss toller Hunde; iibersetzt von Dr. August Wilhelm Tappe. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1817. Touchard (Mme. R.-H.) Remede contre la rage, avec des considerations sur les causes et le siege de cette maladie; ce que e'est que le virus rabique, et quaud il doit reccvoir cette qualifi- cation. 8C. Paris, 1851. Avila Fernandez (J.) & ale Pen a (J.i Caso cli- nico de hidrol'obia rabiosa seguido de cura.-ion por el nso de la pita en el Hospital general de San S. basti&n de Ecija. Siglo nied . Madrid, i889, xxxvi, 502-504. Also [Abstr.], transl: Med. contemp,, Lisb., 1889, vii. 252- 2">4.—Bartlielemy iF.) Observation d'un cas de rage; supplement a litiiile du hoang-nan. J. de nie,d. de l'ouest, Nantes, 1884, xviii, 152-165. Also: Gaz. m6d. de Nantes, 1884-5, iii, 7-11.— Beijer (G.) Casus af hydro- phobia, botad genom Sdeilatnins. [. . . treated by vene- section.] Svens. Liik.-Sallsk. Handl., Stockholin, 1815, ii, Hft. 1, 190-210.—Blanchairi (R.) Lis insectes an- tirahiques. Kev. scient., Par., 1886, xxxvii, 467-469.— Jtokai (A.i Has Lvssavirus und einige Desinflcientia. [Transl |.\bstr. | from: Orvos-tei iiiis/ettu.l. Ertesito; orvosi 87ak, ls:.o l. Hit.] l'.-st. nied.-chir. I'resse, Buda- pest, ls:io. X\\ i 193-196.—Krianti. ('as do rage; traite- nient par la niethodede Denis-Duniont; mort. "Bull. Soc. de med. d'Angers, 1883, n. s., xi, 149-153 —Itiijwid (O.) Sur divers modes du traitenient de la rase. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1888, cvii, 821-8J3. Also: Paris med., 1888, xiii, 393.— Kuy«. La premiere guerison d'un casde rage chezrhoinme. (Heniato-tht'Tiipic dans la rageet dans leli'tanos.) J. de m.d., chir. et Pharmacol., Unix., 1892, xciv, 401-4(13.- 4 nlvniy (M.) Die P.chaiidluug der Hundswuth nach .1. n Talmud. Miinchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1897, xliv, 537.—(liiilin (T.) Sur une coiumunica- tion relative a des insectes . onsi.lores comme antirahiques. Hull. Acad, de med.. Par., 1893, 3. s., xxx, 5-10.—t'honski (K.) Ueber den Nut/en der Fieberrinde in der Wasser- scheu. [Transl from: Praktyczuo najnows/.o pnstrae- /enia iiiektiirvch LeUar/.v. zebra ne pr/.e/. A. F. Adamo- wieza. Wilno, 181(1, hy M. von Magazines-. 1 Med. Zts. Lnsslands, St. Petersb., 1846, iii, 190-jus.—( onuicho It. (Ll Uso (le la motua para curar la rabia. Lev. med. de liogota, ImHI-91, xiv, l(l.">-107. — Cornon (H.) The 'old Chester vallev cure." [ From : Our Dumb Animals, Boston, 1874.| Med. A Suis. Leporter, Phila.. 1894, Ixx, 738-740.— Iiiiraii (W5) The therapeutics of hydrophobia. Med. 1'ros.v Circ, Lond.,1886,n.s.,xli, 284; 308. Also, Reprint.— Duilili di.) Su IL- lonueguaribili della rabbia sviluppata nell1 uomo. Liv. crit. di clin. med., Firenze, 1899-1900, i, 465-468.—Oe < npoa (M.) Uu secondo caso di rabbia trattato con !■■ iniezioni ipodermiche di sublimato. Ann. din d. osp. incur., Napoli, 1887, 3. s., i, 2(18 -271. — De- in arc hi (G.) ltagsuaglio esteso . . . sui sogreto rimedio, detto di Madamu De-Magdelaine, o della Verneret, pro- HYDROPHOBIA. 550 HYDROPHOBIA. Hydrophobia (Treatment of). post., come specifico contro la rabbia canina. Gior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Torino, 1852, xiv, 97-128. Also, Re- print.— Duke (J.) Mad animal's bite. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1893, xxviii, 14-16.—Billies (C. W.) The mad- stone. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1900, xxxiv, 1208.—Feder (G.) Bericht iiber einen Fall von Lyssa; Anwendung von Cocain bei Lyssa. "Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1885, xxxv, 1214 -1217.—Ferreira dos Santos. Xote relative k la statistique du tiaitement de la rage an Bresil. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par.. 1888. cvii, 847.—Flood (A. W.) Alleged discovei v of a cure for hydrophobia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887" ii, 1404.—Fubini (S.) Idrofobia nel- 1' uomo, utility delle pennellazioni di cocaina per lo spasimo faringo-laringeo. Med. contemp., Napoli, 1888, v, s9. — Ohose (T. X.) A case of hydrophobia cured by sub- cutaneous injection of hydrochlorate of pilocarpine. In- dian M. Gaz., Calcutta. 1*891, xxvi, 341.—Gingeot. Con- siderations sur un cas de rage humaine trait6 par le ho&ng nan. Union med., Par., 1882, 3. s., xxxiii, 517-523. Also: Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par. (1882), 1883, 2. s., xix, 22-28—Goyder (D.) Case of hydrophobia treated by the Buissou method. Med. Press A Circ, Loud., 1888, n. s., xiv, 213-216. AUo [Abstr.J: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, i, 464.—CSuglielmi. Uncas de rage traite par l'hydrate de chloral. J. de mod. et pharm. de l'Algerie, Alger, 1885, x, 242-245.—Horsley (V.) On hydrophobia and its treat- ment; especiallv bv the hot-air bath, commonly termed the Bouisson remedy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888. i, i207-1211. AUo, Reprint.— Hulshizer (A. H.) Report of a case of hydrophobia, with remarks on the effects of curare. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 18i-9. x. 359-363. Also: Med. Bull., Phila., 1890, xii, 10-12. — Hydrophobia (The) "cures" of Lawrence M'Govern, of Dowra, Co. Cavau, Ire- land. Hosp. Gaz., Loud., 1889, xvii, 56.1. — van In gen (Alice). Hydrophobia and its cure. Tr. Grant Coll. M. Soc, Bombav. 1901, 7-30. AUo: Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1901, xxi, 299-305.—Kaspnrek (T.) Die Wuthkrank- heit und ihre Behandlung. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1895, xxx, 561; 579.—Keegan (D. F.) The topical appli cation of muriate of cocaine in a case of hydrophobia. In- dian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1885, xx, 65. -----. A second case of hydrophobia treated hy the topical application of muri- ate of cocaine. Ibid.. 1886. xxi, 112.— Kinnear (B. O.) Hvdropliobia a disease easilv cured. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1899, lvi, 119-123.—Ii ni "flu\J. B. H.) A new treatment of hydrophobia; report of a case; recoverv. Charlotte [X. C] M. J., 1897, x, 723-72."..— Kurimoto (T.) Die Be- handlung der Lyssakranken in Japan. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1899, clviii, 148-170.—[Kynsey (W.R.)] The native treatmentof hydrophobia. Cevlon M. J., Co- lombo, 1887-8, i, 65.— f.aiiinici't. Zur Geschichte der Therapie der Lyssa. Miinchen med. Wchnschr., 1887, xxxiv, 8.— I.npaiiii' (Y.) Le traitenient de la rage chez les indigenes .le lAlgerie. Gaz. med. de l'Algerie, Al- ger. 18?-0. xxxi, 51.—Laripelc. Burmese physicians and hydrophobia. Indian Lancet. Calcutta. 1898, xxii, 393.— Laurent (C.) Emploi fait en (Irecedu Mylabrebiniacule. dans un remede contre la rage. [Abstr.] Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1857, xiv, 480.— l.iissana (F.) L' elet- trolisi come cura profilatticadel! idrofobia ; conmuicazione preventiva. R. 1st. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Rendic. Milano. l>-92, 2.s., xxv.550-553.—TfIacario(M.i T7uensile guerison de la rage. J. d'hyg., Par., 1880. xi, 422. —iTIaeeall (T.) Hydrophobic virus destroyer. Lancet, Loud.. 1887. ii.]29:i.— ITIeisner. Fall einer Wasserscheu, bei welcher die wie- derholten, starkeu Aderlasse eher nachtheilig als giinstig einzuwirken schieuen. Mem. d. Heilk., Staatsarzneiw. u. Thierh., Ziillichau, 1818, ii, 133-145— lloreaude Tours (P.) Dos casos de hidrol'obia de hace cien anos, curados con el tratamiento que estaba en bona en 1753. [Transl. by J. Rus Cabello.} Gac. med. de Granada, 1886, v, 161- 164.—ITIorisou (D.) The tieatment of the bites of rabid animals bv permanganate of potash. Indian M. Rec, Cal- cutta. 1895. viii, 323-326.—IVIurri (A.) Delia guaribilita. della labbia paralitica. Policlin., Roma. 1893-4, i, 357- 367.—IVewth (A H.) Thetreatment of hydrophobia by hy- posulphites. Lancet, Lond., 1888, i, 320.—Palletta (G.B.) Trattamento usato con 4 persone morsicate da cane il di 7 giugno 1793. X. gior. d. piu recente lett. med.-chir. d' Eu- ropn, Milano, 179'.">. ix, 56-61.—Palop (F.) Un caso de rabia humana tratado por la pita. Andalucia med., Cor- doba, 1889, xiv. 265-272.—Panattoni (A.) Istoria d' un caso d' idrofobia curata nell' I. e R. Arcispedale di S. Maria Nuova di Firenze. Gazz. lose. d. sc. med.-fis., Firenze, 1843. i, 167-169.—Peyraiul ill.) De l'action pre- ventive de l'hydrate de chloral cont re la i age tanacetique, ou simili-rage, etcontrela vraie rage. Compt. rend. Acad.d. sc, Par.. Iss7,cv,762-767.-----. Vaccination contre la rage, par l'essence de tanaisie. Ibid., 1025-1027.—Pitt (G. X.) On tracheotomy in cases of hydrophobia. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1885, i, 816.—Portal. Observations sur le traitement de la rage. Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. 1786, Par., 1788, 440-449.—Pringle (R.) Hydrophobia and the treat- ment of bites of rabid animals by suction. Lancet, Lond., 1886, i, 782-784. — . Kabies and its treatment.] Kosei- kwan Iji Keukyu Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1895, ii, no. 8. 23- 41.—Reuiedio eiicaz contra ia rabia. Gac. de lit. de Hydrophobia (Treatment of). Mexico. Puebla. 1831, iv, 331.—Benault. Quelques ex- periences snr la valeur de la racine du cucumis abyssi- nica, comme moyen euratif de la rage. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1851, xxxiii. 230-235. — Rihon (T.) [Tieat- ment of hydrophobia.] Dai Xippon Shiritsu Eisei Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1895, 729-736.—Roy (G. C.) The rational method of treatment of hydrophobia. Lancet, Loud., 1886, i, 60.—Sabatier. Observation sur un grand nom lire de morsures faites a une nieroe personne, par uu chien enrage., traitees avec succes. Hist. Acad. roy. d. sc. 1784, Par., 1787. 193-199.—Nnpolini (G.) Proposte por la cura pre- ventiva e consecutiva della idrofobia. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1879, 8.»., i, 61-67. Also. Reprint.—Schro- der sen. Yon der gliicklichen Heilung mehrerer Perso- nen die ein toller Hund gebissen hatte. J. f. d. Chir., Arznk. u. Geburtsh., Berl., 1800-1801, i, 393-400.—Shod- bred (J.) Case of hydrophobia successfully treated. X. Med. Sc Phys. J., Lond., 1813, v. 107-12*.—Spalding i L.) Geschichte der Eiufiihruug und des Gebrauches dei Scu- tellaria lateriflora, als eines Mittels, zur Verhiitung und Heilung der durch den Biss wiitheuder Thiere veranlassten Wasserscheu. [Aus dem Englischen von Dr. Heusinger.] Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1821, ix, 80-114.—Tizzoni (G.) Sc C'eiitaniii (E.) Ueber die Art, bei Thieren die schon ausgebrochene Rabies zu heilen. Deutsche nied. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1892, xviii, 624; 7n2. AUo [Abstr.]: Wien. med. Bl., 1892, xv, 440-443.—Ticicliel. Volks- heilmittel gegen die Wasserscheu. Verhandl. d. Berl. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop., 1882, 242-245. — Tyinoii (F.) Cases of hydrophobia treated, one of them successfully. N. Med. Sc Phys. J., Lond., 1813, v, 94-99.—" Vampire." Garlic and rabies. J. m6d. quot., Par., 1886, iii, no. 62.— Wilson (A.) The treatment of dog bites. Lancet, Lond., 1886, i, 420.—Wootteu (II. E.) A genuine case of hydro- phobia cured. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1885-6, xii, 371. — Vakiinoflf (V.) Vliyanie preparatov shtshito- vidnoi zhelyozi pri bieshenstvle u zhivotuikh. [Influence of preparations of thyroid gland in rabies of animals.] Uchen. zapiski Kazan, vet. Inst,., 1897, xiv, 199; 307.—Za- sari (G.) Sulla guarigione della rabbia sviluppata. Ri- forma med.. Napoli, 1892, viii. pt. 3, 793-801.—Zakharoff (P. A.) K voprosu o profllakticheskom llechenii bie- shenstva. [Prophylactic treatment of rabies.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1887, viii,"912; 943. -----. K voprosu o llechenii bieshenstva. [On the treatment of hydrophobia.] Shorn. trod. Charkov. vet. lust. (1887), 1889, i, 347-591—Zvari- kin (P. X.) Kurare pri vodoboyazni. [Curare in hy- drophobia.] Ejened. klin. gaz., St. Petersb., 1886, vi, 757-764. Hydrophobia. The Record finds a preventive cure in which it iirnily believes from its his- tory. Some remarkable testimony as to its sav- ing- powers, broadside fol. [Boston, 1889.] Repr.froin: Boston Daily Rec, Aug. 24 A 31, 1889. Hydrophobia in animals other than dogs. See, also, Hydrophobia (Incubatory stage of); Hydrophobia (Inoculation in, Experiments, etc., in). Aland (E.) Numerosi casi di rabbia in un bianco di animali boviui. 8^. Torino, 1801. Cope (A. C.) & Hohsley (V.) Reports on the outbreak of rabies among deer in Richmond Park during the vears 1H6G-71. 8°. London, 1888. Du Mesnil (O.) Xote sur la rage du loup. 6-. Paris, 1886. Adami. TJne 6pidemie de rage sur un troupeau de dainis. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par.. 1889, iii, 658-663.— Butler (G. W.) Rabies and Strongylus tetra-canthus as a coincidence in the horse. J. Comp. M. Sc Vet. Arch., Phila., 1890, xi, 483-491.-Cahhiwood (J. K.) A case of rabies in the horse. Veterinarian, Lond., 1888, lxi, 209- 21L—C'hauvrat. Trois cas de rage chez des solipedes: deux mulets et un cheval. Rec. de mem. et obs. s. l'hyg. et la med. vet. mil., Par., 1898, 2. s., xix, 559-566.—Clem- ent (A. V7.) Sc Stokes (W. R.) Rabies in sheep, with inoculation experiments on rabbits. J. Comp. Med. & Vet. Arch., Phila., 1897, xviii, 271-274. Also.- Marvland M. J., Bait., 1897, xxxvii, 24-26.—Delaute (J.) Uiie eu- zootiede rage bovine a Anihee. Ann. de nied. vet., Brux., 1891, xl, 9-1.".. — Du flcNiiil. Snr la rage du loup. As- soc, franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r. 1886, Par., 1887, xv, pt. 1, 215. Also: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1886, 3. »., xvi. 345- 357.—Fajarues [y TurJ (E.) Epizootia de rabia pade- cida en Palma en 1744. Rev. balear de cien. med., Palma de Mallorca, 1898, xv, 246. -----. Epizootia de hidrol'obia en la ciudad de Palma en 1744. Ibid., 1900, xix, 249; 277.— Ferre (G.) Rage des oiseaux. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et phy- siol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1887, viii, 110-113. -----. Rage dea oiseaux. Ibid., 117-119. AUo: J. de med. de Bordeaux, HYDKOPHOBIA. 551 HYDKOPHTHALMUS. Hydrophobia in animals other than dogs. 1887-8, xvii, 113: 120. — Foiilagnercw. Hydroidiobie rabique k la suite de la morsure if un chat. l'ompt. lend. Soc. de med. . . . de Toulouse, 1874-5, 38. — (Saltier (V.) Nonvelles experiences sur l'inoculation antirabique en vue de pieseiver lis aiiiinaux herbivores de la iage it la suite des morsuresde chieusenrages. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par.. 1888. cvi, 1189-1191. ----- Nonvelles experi- ences tendant a demontior l'efticacite des injections intra- veineuses de virus rabique en vue de preserver de la rage les animaux mordus par des chiens enrages. Ibid., cvii. 798-800. AUo: France nied.. Par., 1888, ii, 1640-1642.-----. De l'inoculation antirabique en vue de preserver les ani- maux herbivores de la rage ;\ la suite des niorsures de chiensenrages; conservahilitedu virus luhiquc. ■Ldeined. v6t. et zootech., Lyon, 1888, :i. s., xiii, .'.9-68.—dnzaguc. Louve enragee; vingt trois blesses, six morts [in i>;,o]. Gaz. hebd.de nied., Par., 1886, 2. s., xxiii, 274—CJold- Mchmidt (J.) The iieute epizootic and epidemic outbreak of hydrophobia at Mini. ira. Vet. J. A Ann. Comp. Path., Lond, lM'I. xxxviii, 2,".8-242. Also, transl: Ann. de 1 Inst. Pasteur, Par.. 1891, viii, 54-57.—4ji-cmnwcII A Gibbiiii;*. An attack of rabies in -sheep. Vet. J. A Ann. Comp. Path.. Lend 1S8('>. xxii, 411. — [CJruhn.J Biss einer tollen Katze. San.-Her. d. Piov. Brandenburg 1835. Berl.. 1837. (2 . —Mai biinjjli (\Y. IL) Hydropho- bia (?) in the horse; man bitten; no h\ di ..phobic result. Virginia M. Month.. Richmond, lt-87-8, xiv. 286-293.— Howard (G. AV.i Death caused from a skunk bite. Nashville J. M. A S., 1887, n. s., xxxix, 377. — .liuliaoii (H.) Hydiophobia in a cow. Boston M. .v S. J., l.sijo. exxii, 411. — Jarvi« iN. S.) A case of rabies from the bite of a skunk. N. York M. J., 1*90, Hi, 344. — I.eblaiic. Rapport snr nn memoire du Dr. t'hassinat. i. latif k une fpizootie de rage. Bull. Acad, de med.. Par., 1885, 2. s., xiv, 1513-1523.-ll'Dade (G. W.i The skunk; a proba- ble cause of rabies and hydrophobia. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Montgomery. 1S86. 340-^44.—.11 iec It lev. Die Tollwuth unter der Rinderheerde de.-. Ritteiguts S/irgupiinen in Ostpreussen im Jahre 1890-91. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Thier- med.. Leipz.. l>91-2, xviii, 445-4." 1.—.lloore . V. A.) A dis- ease in cattle not distinguishable trom i abies. I". S. Dep. Agric.Bureau Animal Indu-t.."Wash., I-'.h'.. Hull.no. 10,71- 87.—.Morrow ("W.) Hydrophobia from the bite of a cat. Rep. Surg.-Gen. Army,'\Tash., 1*90, 126. — \oinrd ac Rom, Experiences sur la vaccination des i iiiuinants contre la rase, par injections iutraveineuses de virus iabi- que. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par.. 18-8. ii. 341-353.—Pal- niirski (W.i W sprawie wscieklizny u zwierzat domo- wvrh. [On rabies am., o^ domestic animals.] Medvevna, WVuis/awa :898. xxvi 1 ' .—ParkerlW. T.) Skunk'bite aiidh-. dro].hobia. M. .1. I;.. N.V.. 188(1,xxix. 319.— Per- roneito • 15) Caso di rabbia in an vitello. Medico vet., Torino, 18«5, xxxii 155-158.—PopoflT. Tri sluchaya bie- shenstva, hydr.'pi ..o;a loshadei. [Three cases of hydropho- bia in horses. Ai. h. vet. nauk, St. Petersb., 1885. xv, 5. sect..254-260.— Poyndrr (G.F.) A case of hydrophobia; cansed by the bite of a tame squirrel. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1*91, xxvi, 3C* — Report* on the outbreak of rabies among the deer iu Richmond Park during the years 1*86-7. Vet. J. A Ann. Comp. Path., Lond., 1888, xxvi, 171-1*1. AUo [Abstr.]: Nature, Lond., 1887-8, xxxvii, 440. — *ariard. Bite by a mad cat. In hti.- Obs. in Surg.. *5 Lond., 1740, 212-217. — MhitoflT ( F.) SIu.dial bieshenstva koshki. [Caseof feline rabies.] Felilseher. St. Peteisb.. 1*99. ix, 323-327. — Minapiutt (D.) A: Klia- naeuxiS.. Von tollen Hunds-, Katzeu- und Wolffs-Bissen, i und vonderdarausentstandeneii Hydrophobia. Samml. v. Nat- u. Med.-.. . Geseh. 1725. Leipz. u. Budissin, 1726.xxxi, 7--*4—Non in (D.) Sluchai rabies fui'ihuudacqui. (Case of. . 5 An h. vet. nauk.. St. Petersb. ,1887, xvii. 5. sect.. 144- 149 —"ilalpart van der Wicl (C.) Mors ex rabid.e felis morsu. Inhis: Ot>-. iar. m.-d. anat. chir., 16'5. Lugd. Bat., 1687, 400-40.5—V a Ien I in i i L. > Tre casi di vacci- nazioni: prohlattica preventiva contro la rabbia nel cavallo col metodo Pasteur. Gior. di vet.mil. Roma 1890. iii, 211- 247.— Vcnuta 'A.) Un caso di rabbia n< I cavallo. Me- dico vet., I orino 1*85. xxxii, 201-2"9i—Wndc (W.) Tho -kunk a* a source of rabies. Am. Naturalist, Phila., 1895, xxix. 242-J17. — Walker ( F.) Case of rabies in a horse. Vet..!. ,\ Ann. Comp. Path.. Lond., 1886, xxii, 153.— Zaloziecki . W.) Leb.-r die am 1*. April 1891 in Sada- g6ra vorgekommenen Verletzungen durch einen wiithen- den Wolf. Wien. med. Bl., 1891, xiv, 320-322. Hydrophobia in children. AkhmefyefT (M. V.) Sluchai vodoboyazni, razviv- sheisya bez opiedlelyonnol prichini n maiichika 8 Het. [Hydrophobiadeveloped without obvious cause iu a boy 8 yearsoltl.] Dletsk.med.,Mosk.,1898 iii 210-212. -Fiedler. Ueber einen Fall von Lyssa bei einem b Jahre alien Knahen. Jahresb. d. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Dresd., 1886-7, 3- 29.—Jainimoii (R. A ) A caseof hydrophobia in a child. Lancet, bond 1887, l, 1027.—l.emaiiitre(P.) Casderage chez un enfant de neuf ans, traitement k l'lnstitut Pas- teur; mort. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1900, 3. s., xliii, Hydrophobia in children. r,52-004. —Ollivier (A.) La rage che/, les enfants. Rev. mens. d. mal. de lent'., Par.. 1887, v. 433-450. —Spencer (W. G.) Death oi a child from hydrophobia two years and four months after being bitten by a rabid dog. P.rit. M.J., Lond., 1891, i. 277. Hydropliohia. of 1889; its cause and cure; a plea to coiiiinute tlie .sentence of six months, written by a (loi;-with a sore nose. 15 pp. 8~J. London, li'. Roberts, [1880]. Hydrophobia.; its nature and symptoms. With suggestions as to preventive and curative treatnient. 1*2 pp. .**c. London, E. Stanford, 1885. Signed: Nil desperandum, Hydrophobia in pregnancy. See, also. Fcetus (Relations of mother to). AcoMtn (K.) Trasmision de la rabia dela madre al feto a traves de la placenta, (,'idn. me.d.-quir. de la Habana, 1888, xiv, 384.— Itoinbicci (IL) Sopra la trasmissione della rabbia dalla madre al feto. Gazz. il. osp., Milano, 1892, xiii, 587.—Corral y ITIac*lro (L.) Ln caso de ra- bia durante la gestacion. I'oireo med. castellano, Sala- manca, 1888, v, 83; 99.— I.c <>iendre (P.) Re-cents tra- vaux sur la rage; sur les 16sions rabiques; rapport entre leurs localisations et les formes cliniques; transmission de la mere a l'enfant a travers le placenta et par le lait. Union 11161L, Par.. 1887, 3. s., xliii 957-961.—Pcrroncito & Carita. De la transmission de la rage de la mere au fietus a travers le placenta et le lait. Ann.de l'lnst. Pas- teur. Par., 1887, i, 177-179.-Zajgari (G.) Esperienze in- toino alia trasmissione della labbia dalla madre al feto attraverso la placenta e per mezzo del latte. Gior. inter- naz. d. sc. med.. Napoli, 1888, n. 8., x, 54-05. II y drop Ii I ha 1 inn*. Hasse (O.) *Eiu Fall von Hydrophthalmua congeuitus mit anatomiscbem Befunde. 8°. Strassburg, 1802. Kalscheuer (J.) * Ueber die ver,si hiedenen Fonnen des Hydrophthalmus. d . Bonn, [1875]. aIalciiart (B. D.) * De hyilrophthalniia et hydrope oculi. 4°. Tubingce, [1744]. A Uo.'in: Diss. med. select. 12°. Tubing., 1783, ii, 1-18. AUo. in: Haller. Disp. chir. [etc.]. 4°. Lausannce, 1755, i, 575. de Sallier-Dlplx (C.) *De la cauterisation igne"e dans les hydrophtalmies. 4°. Paris, 1883. Angelneci (A.) Sui disturbi del meccanismo vasco- lare che si riscontrano nei malati di idroftalmia sia con- genita che acquisita. Arch, di ottal., Palermo, 1893-4, i, 333; 353; 409: 1894-5, ii, 24.—Arnold (T.) Die Behand- lung des infantilen Glaukoms (Hydrophthalmus) durch Sklerotomie. Beitr. z. Augeuh., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1890-91, 216-251. —Ball (J. M.) Remarks on hydrophthalmus, with report of two cases. St. Louis M. Sc S. J., 1899, Ixxvi, 20-24. Bianehi (B.) Sulla cura dell'idroftalmo. Mor- gagni, Milano, 1900, xiii, 230-246.—Cross. (F. R.) Hydro- phthalmos. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom. Loud., 1890-91, xi, 224-240. -----. Congenital liydrophthalmos. Ibid., 1895-6, xvi, 340-350, 3 pl. — Derby (II I Three cases of hvdrophthahnus treated with iridectomy. Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1882, xi, 37-40.—Diirr Sc Mclilegtcndnl. Fiinf Liille vou Ilvdrophtlialniiis congcnitu.s. Arch. f. Ophth., Leipz.. 1880.'xxw, 2. Abth., 88-17(1, 3 pl. — Fage. Un cas d hvdroplitahiiio. Hull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1890, xi. 132.— Falehi (F.) Sull'idroftalmo non congeiiito. Arch, per lo sc. med., Torino, 1888, xii, 127-450, 3 pl. Also, transl..- Heitr. /.. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., 189(i. vii, 411-430, 2 pl. — t^alleii-.-n (C.) Del- 1' idrol'lalniia congenita.- studio clinico ed istoloc.ico. Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1885-li, xiv, 322 307, 1 pl. — 4-layft. Hy- drophthalmie. Dirt, encwl. d. sc. med., Par.. Ls88, 4. s., xiv, 651-658.—(■rnhii mer (C.) Ein Beitrag zur patho- logischen Anatomie des Ilvdrophthalmus congeuitus. Arch. I Ophth., Perl.. 1884, xxx, 3. Abth., 265-300, 3 pl.— von Hippei (E.) Leber Hydrophthalmus congeuitus, neb^t liemei kungen iiber die VerlarbungderCorneadurch Blutfaibstoti. A 1 ch. f. Ophth., Leipz., 1897, xliii, 3. Abth., 539-564,2 pl. Also: Her. ii. d. Versamml. d. ophih. Ge- sellsch. Heidelb. 1897, Wiesb, 1898. xxvi, 22," -232 —I. ang (W.) Case of liydrophthalmos with a large . .loboma of choroid in an unusual position. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. King- dom, Lond., 1885-6, vi, 489.—.11 anz. Ueber Hydrophthal- mus congeuitus. Anitl. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1883, Freiburg 1. B., 1884 lvi, 252.— tlnicrhnuiicii (G.) Zur Aetiologie des Uydrophthal- raus. Centralbl. f. prakt. Angenh., Leipz., 1882, vi, 225- 232. — Pyle (W. L.) Hydrophthalmos; a bibliographic, HYDROPHTHALMUS. 552 HYDROTHERAPY. Hydrophthaliiius. clinical, and pathologic studv. Ann. Ophth St. Louis. 18»!(.viii, 279-308. 1 pl. AUo, Reprint. AUu: Phila. Month. M. J.. 1899, i, 213-221. AUo, Reprint. — Scalinei (N.> Lo incisione del tessuto dell' angolo irideo nel! idroftalmo. j Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1900, xxix, 324-348. — Schoene- niann (C.) Beitrag zur Therapie des Hydrophthalmus congenitus et infantilis. Arch. f.[Augenh., Wiesb., 1900, xiii, 174-180—Vianey i F. i Ln cas d'hvdrophtalniie con- genitale. Echo med., Toulouse, 1901, 2,'s., xv, 89-91. Hydropicolyl. Roskxzweig ( C. ) * Synthese zweier am Stickstoff iithylierter Hydropicolylalkine nnd ihrer Iierivate. 8°. Breslau, 1898. Hydropiieuinothorax. Beach (E.) A case of pneumohvdrothorax. Tr. M. Soc. N.Y., Phila., 1892, 330-332.—€harrier( P.) Hydro- | pneumothorax: pyopneumothorax tuberculeux; empyenie spontane. entrainant une tuberculose generalisee; accidents meniimes: mort; reflexions. Rev. de m6d.. Par., 1892, xii, 151-102. — De Andrei* (R.) Idropneuniotorace tuberco- laro. Pammatone.Genova, 1899-1900, iii, 10-14.—Dignat. Hydropueuinothorax [chez unl tuberculeux. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 1883, iv, 68-74.— Fia- zer (E.) A case of hydropneumothorax. Lancet, Lond.. 1901. i. 855.—Oalliard (L.) Ln sigiie insolite et fugitif de hydropneumothorax du cote, gauche. Presse nie.d., Par., 18901 293.— Jackson (C. R.) A case of pneumohydro- thorax with great permanent displacement of the heart. [Abstr.] Med. News, N. Y., 1900, i, 497-499.—Leconte (C.) Sc Deniiirquay. M6moire sur les gaz de l'hydro- pneumothorax de I'homme. ConiDt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1863, lvi, 225-229. — l.eplat. Note sur un cas d'hydropneumothorax chez nn tuberculeaux; influence heureuse de cet accident sur la marche de la mala- die. Bull. Soc. anat.-clin. de Lille, 1887. ii, 7-11.— l.i Ilea. LTeber Hydropneumothorax und das Auftreten von Cercomonadenimlebenden Lungengewebe. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1880. v. 417-425.—Moussii (G.) Hvdropneumothorax partiel d origine actiuomyco- sique. Rec. de med. ve.t., Par.. 1897. 8. s.. iv, 558-565.— Nicolas. Un cas d'hydropneumothorax. Dauphine m6d.. Grenoble, 1889, xiii, 249-254.—Piisiiielli. Ein Fall j von Hvdiopneumothorax. Jahresb. d. Gesellsch. f. Xat.- u. Heilk. in Dresd., 1899-1900, 10-12. —<{neirolo (G. B.) Idropneuniotorace. Clin. mod.. Firenze. Is9!l. v, 105-107. Also: Boll. d. clin., Milano, 1899. xvi, 490-496.—Shabad (T.I.) Kdiagnostikie, kaznistikie i liecheniyu hydro- pneumothorax; diagnosticheskoye znachenle Riintgen'ov- skikh luchel: terapevticheskoye vliyanie torakotseuteza i sposoba Levashova. [Diagnosis and treatment of. . .; diagnostic value of Riintgen's rays; therapeutic value of thoracocentesis and Levashoff s method.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1900, liii, 43-02.—Stockton (C. G.) Hvdropneu- mothorax. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1896, 6. s., ii, 114-117.— Trousseau. Observation d'hydropneumothorax ; thora- centese. Union ni6d., Par., 1853. vii, 408. AUo - Bull. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par. (1853-5), 1863, ii, 8!-s0—Williams (F. H.) X-ray examinations of the chest, as illustrated by two cases of pneumohvdro-thorax and two of pneumo- thorax. Phila. M. J., 1899, iv, 575-577. Hydroresorcin. * See Resorcin. Hydrorrachis. ''See Meningitis (Spinal); Spinal cord (Dis- eases of). Hydrorrhea in pregnancy and the puer- peral state. Aurkgan (A.) * De l'hydrorrhe'e deciduale. &-. Paris, 1897. Bonnnire. De l'hydrorrh6ed6ciduale. Semaine m6d., Par., 1891, xi, 169.—Bonnet (S.l Hydrorrhea deciduale, chez une femme atteinte d'insutrisance et de retrecissement de l'orifice mitral; deux accouchements prematures sur trois grossesses. Bull, et mem. Soc. obst. etgynec.de Par., 1897, 123-127.— Bradshaw (J. 11.) A case in obstetrics, followed for mouths by a daily discharge of over two quarts of a watery fluid through the cervical canal. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1891, xvii, 64.—(haznii (S.) Zur Lehre von der Hydrorrhoea gravidarum. Centralbl f. Gvuak., Leipz., 1894, xviii, 105-111.—Earle (C. W.) The watery discharges of pregnant women. Chicago M. J. Sc Exam., 1886, Iii, 138-144. Also : Maryland M. J., Bait., 1885-6. xiv, 378-383__Elleaume. De rhvdrorrhee. Bull, soc.de med prat, de Par., 1864, 18-22.-Grassi (E.) Sull' etio- logia dell' idrorreagravidica. Ann. di ostet., Milano,1890, xi?. 451-456.—M. Hydrori hee deciduale au huitiememois de la grossesse; accouchement & terme. Gaz. d. hop. de Toulouse, 1888, ii, 201-203 — .TIaltei. Sur rhvdrorrhee Bull. Soc. de med. prat, de Par., 1863, 23-25. — Tlijnlie 11 (A.) Hydrorrhoea gravidarum. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Ge- I Hydrorrhea in pregnancy and the puer- peral state. neesk., Amst., 1887. xxiii, 206-22o. Also, transl: Frau- enarzt, Berl., 1890. v, 26-70. — l{< ill* r-chcid (K.) Bei- trag zur Lehre von der H\.honhoa uteri gravidi. Centralbl. f. Cyniik., Leipz., 1901, xxv, 1143-1145. Also: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1901. xxvii,Ver.- Beil., 258. —Smith (T. C.) The watery discharges of pregnant and puerperal women (hydrorrhoea gravidarum et puerperal urn). Am. J. Obst.. N.Y., 1885, xviii. 449-464. -----. Hydrorrhea. Ibid.. 1897, xxxvi, 93.—Tarnier. Hydrorrbee. J. d. san. >-femmes, Par., 188*-!'. viii, 205; 273; 281.—Troconi» Alcala iL.) Sobre un caso de hy- drorrhea gravidarum, (jac. me,d., Mexico, 1898, xxxv, 320-330. Hydrorrhea in the unpregnant. * See, also, Gynaecology (Operative, Methods, etc., of). Gari'igiics (H. J.) Non-gravid hvdrorrhcea. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1886, xxx, 630.—Gutierrez (E.) Hidrorrea periodica de las mujeres no embarazadas. An. de obst.. ginepat.y pediat..Madrid, 1884,2. ep.,iv, 33; 115.—Mackie (W.J.) Non-eravid hydrorrhoea. Brit. M. J., Lond., l>-84, ii, 402.—Ulonod (C.) Sur certains cas d'hydrorrhee con- secutive aux operations pratiquees sur les organes du petit bassin chez la femme, pouvant en imposer pour une flstule urinaire; hvdrorrhee peritonfeale? Assoc, franc, de chir. Proc-verb. [etc.|, Par., 1896. x, 477-483.—Oliver (J.) Non- gravid hydrorrhoea. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1884, i, 993,. Hydrosadeniti*. * See Glands (Inflammation of). Hydrosalpinx. * See Fallopian tube (Dropsy of). Hydrosarcocele. See Hydrocele (Complications, etc., of). Hydrostatic test. See Docimasia. Hydrostatics. * Zimmekmann (E.-A.-W.) Traite* de I'e'lasticite" de l'eau et d'anttes fluides, dans lequel on a ras- seiuble* toutes les exp6rieuces faites jusqu'a pre- sent dans cette recherche. Avec la description d'une nouvelle uiachiue pourprouver la compres- sion des fluides, et des experiences auxquelleselle a servi. 8J. Amsterdam, 1780. Sharpey (W.) On a peculiar motion excited in fluids by the surfaces of certain animals. Edinb. M. Sc S. J., 1830, xxxiv, 113-122. Also, Reprint. Hydrotlierapia, 6 sea el metodo de Vicente Priessmtz [etc.]. See M. (M. D. D.). Hydrotherapy. See. also, Balneology, etc.: Baths; Cholera (Treatment of) by aqueous, etc., injections; Chorea (Treatment of); Cold (Therapeutic use of); En- teroclysis; Epilepsy (Treatment of); Fango- therapy; Fever (Malarial. Treatment of, Hydro- therapeutic); Fever y Typhoid. Treatment of) by cold baths; Fever (Typhus, treatment of); Fe- vers (Treatment of) by mid: Fevers (Treatnient of) tvith water; Gynaecology (Therapeutics in); Health-resorts; Heart (Diseases of, Treatment of) by OerteVs method: Heart (Diseases of, Treat- ment of) by Schott's method; Heat as remedy; Insanity (Treatment o/i: Hydroelectrother- apy; Muds (Mineral, Analysis, etc.. of); Ner- vous system (Diseases of, Treatment of) by baths; Rheumatism (Treatnient of) by cold baths: Scarlatina (Treatment of) by cold baths; Thera- peutics (Surgical); Water (Warm, etc.); "Wa- ters (Mineral, Therapeutics of); Wounds (Treat- ment of) by water. Aglilar Martinez (F. de B.) Apuntes de hidrologia medica general. Ideologia y fisica hidroldgica scgiiu el programa de oposiciou para el ingreso eu el cuerpo de nie'dicos-directores de banos. v. 1. s-. 1'alencia, l-9ii. Aizpuku (A.) * Banos rusos ; sus efectos fisio- logicos; sus indicaciones terap6uticas. 8°. Mexico, 1885. HYDROTHERAPY. 553 HYDROTHERAPY. Hydrotherapy. * Axdresk.x (J. Der Arzt und seine Heil- methoden unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung derNatnrkeilkraft und Wassercur. 12-. Flens- burg, 1857. Balixil. L'hydropathie; traitenient rationnel par la sueur. l'eau froide, le regime et 1'exercice. Memoire reproduisant les niatiiris contenues dans uu rapport presents sur sa demande a M. le ministrt* du commerce, ayant dans ses attribu- tions les etablissenients sanitaires. S \ Bru- xelles, 1811. Bei.axg (Het) der -watergeneeskuude ook als opvoedingsmiddel besckouwd. (Uit den Was- ser fre und van 1-41.) *■«■'. [». p., 1-11.] Bellini (A. > A. Fill-Boxazzola (A.) L' idri- atica negli asili int'antili a scopo protilattico ed educativo. -- . Milano, 1-99. Ben Rhyddixg [pseud.]. The principles of hydropatliy and the compressed-air bath. By a graduate of the Edinburgh University. 1(1 . London, l-">9. Bickixg. Ueber den Ausdruck Priessnit/'s. Ieh heile durch Kraft. > . [n. p.. n. d.] BitOWNE (J.) An account of the wonderful cures perform'd by the cold baths. With ad- vice to the water drinkers at Tunbridge, Hamp- stead, Astrope. Nasborough, and all the other chalibeate spaws; wherein the usefulness of cold bathing is further recommended to the lovers of coffee, tea, chocolate, brandy, etc Prefering the ust of bathing in those springs before the drinking of their waters. With a table of the diseases in which cold baths are pi oner or dan- gerous. To which is prefixed a letter from Sir John Floyes, in answer to one of the author's to him, about the further use of cold baths. 2. cd. 16°. London, [17(i7]. Buchting (A.) Bibliotheca balneologica et hydrotherapeutica, oder Veizeichuiss aller anf dem Gebiete der Biideilehre uud' Wasserheil- kunde in den letzten 5 Jahren l-t57-71 im deutschen Buchhandel erschienenen Biicher und Zeitschrifteu. Mit Eiuschluss der Biicher iiher klimatische Kurorte. Molken- und Trauben- Kurorte u. s. w. Ein bibliographisches Hand- biichlein fiir Aerzte, Chemiker, Auhiiuger der Wasserheilkunde und Buchhiiudler. 16°. Xord- hausen, 1-7*'. Bllwer-Lytton (Sir E.) Confessions of a water patient. 4. ed. 16-. London, [1,-.">1]. -----. The same Bekentnisscu en opiner- kingen van een lijder behaudeld door de water- kuur. -:. Amsterdam, 1-47. -----, Forbes (J.j »V Holghton. On the water-treatment; a compilation of papers on the subject of hygiene and rational hydropathy; edited, with additional matter, by Roland S. Houghton. New aud revised ed. 120. Xeiv York, l-.">. Carl (J. 8.) Medicina universalis iu Wasx-r uud Miis-igkeit, heyder Mitfe], Kraft, Tugend, Genugsamkeit, die < .e-uii'lheit zu erhalten und wiederzubriugeii ; alh-s aus (Littlichen Zengnis- sen, reichen Yernunft^griiuilen und Erfahrinig, in Bevstiniinuiig geldn ten Medicorum Zeugnissc zur eigenen Uebung dargclcgt. 16J. Copen- hagen, [17:>7]. C'arriere (G.) La sante\ la proprcte' et les bains-douches au point de vue hygienique et social. 8°. Paris, 1900. Chiapponi (P. ) Studi sull' idroterapia. Opera onorata del premio di istituzione del Dot- tore Dell' Acqua di Milano e della medaglia d' incoraggiamento dell' Accademia di Bologna. 2. ed. 8J. Milano, 1~«»9. Claesskn (H.) Wahres und Falsches in der so geuauuten Wasserheilkunde; ein Wort der Hydrotherapy. Verstandigung au Aerzte, und gebildete Laien. ltlJ. hid n. 1-4(1. Coci'in (V.) Il buou' uso dell' acqua fredda nelle malattie tauto interne, quanto esterne. lv>->. Perugia, 17:LL CuiiTirs (L.) L' idriasia (|uale cura magne- tica. Saggio di una teoria. - :. Milano, 1-.V>. Desnitski (X. V.) Lleeheni'e vodoyu v zim- niy seson. [IIvdiotherapv in the winter sea- son.] 21 ■'-. Moskt-a, 1--H. ' Drietal (Het) knie-gewrichteu of de lieu- tenant, de predikant cn iU- hoedenm'*ker. Vrij vertaald. -:. Hanau, 1-Hi. EniruTii (A. F.) Die Wirkung und Anwen- dung der nassen Einhiillungen und die Verbin- dung des Wasserhcilverfahreus mit der schwe- dischen Heilgymnastik. 16°. Hamburg, 1851. -----. Nach welcheu Grundsiitzen muss das Wassi r als Heilmittel augewandt werden? 16°. Xt ubrandenburg, [ l-tin]. Fkiuxisyeff (M.) * Materiali k voprosu o kholodnikh obtiraniyakh. [On cold rubbing.] h-. S.-Peterburg, 1—5. Ferro (P. J.) Vom Gebrauche des kalten Iia.lcs. 2. Autl. l'.'A Wien, 1100. Foi'Tslhritte der Hydrotherapie. Fest- schrift zum vierzigjiihrigen Doctorjubilaum des Prof. W. Wiiitirnitz. Unter Mitwirkung iler Heiren S. Baruch, S. Baimi [et al.] hrsg. von A. Stra^ser und B. Buxbaum. c:. Wien 5 Leip- zig, 1-1)7. Fraxkel (L.) Arznei, oder Wasser? Dem nichtarztlicheu Publicum beantwortet. 163. Magdeburg, 1--1-. Fkancke (H. [F.]) Outlines of a new theory of diseases, applied to hydropathy, showing that water is the only true remedy; with ob- servations on the errors committed iu the prac- tice of hydropatliy, uotes on the cure of cholera by cold water, aud a critique on Priessnitz's mode of treatment, intended for popular use. Transl. from the German bv Robert Baikie. Xew Yovk, 1-49. Genth (E. A.) Untersuchungeu iiber deu Einfluss des Wassertriukens auf deu Stottwech- sel. nebst einigen Bemerkungen betretfend die iu der Wasserheilanstalt Nerothal iibliche Verbin- duug der Bewegungs-Heilmethode mit Was- sercur. 8°. Wiesbaden, l-5i>. Gkkdy (J.-V.) Lettre a messieurs les mem- bres de la Societe" d'hydrologie nie'dicale de Paris. ?°. Pavis. 1x31. Gleich (J.) Krankeu-Berichte. - . [Fvei- 8ing], 1812. uepr.from: Xi-uc (Der) "Wasserl'reund, ls4J. -----. Nur im Wasser ist Heil? Beitrage zur Begriinduiig der Wasserheillehre in eiuer Sammlung von Aui'satzen. Hrsg. von B. Va- noni. -°. Augsburg, 1-17. -----. Ueher die Xothwendigkeit einer Re- form der sogenannten Hydropathic, oder Geist und Bedeutung der Sehrothiseheu Heihveise. Nebst einem kurzen Reisebcricht als Eiuleituun. Ki*. ( Miinchen]. l-ol. Si-,:, dUn, infra, Siiersen. GOLDSTEIN (L.) Kaltes Wasser nnd (.esund- heit. - . Aachen, 1-lL! (liKiXDBEGixsKLEX (Del der watergenees- kuude van J. Viek, geneesheer en eigeuaar der watergeiicesstichting Eckerbcrg. Stettin 1-.V>. 8-. [n.p., 1855.] Glth.manx (A.) Die Brunnen-, Luft- und Bade-Kur bei Erkrankungeu vou Lunge, Hals uud Nase. Fiir Aerzte uud Kurhcdiirftige. S°. Berlin, 1898. Hahx (E. L.) Die heutige Natur- und Was- serheilkunde gegenuber der alteu von Priessnitz HYDROTHERAPY. 554 HYDROTHERAPY. Hydrotherapy. begriindeteu Heil methode, oder die innere Fort- cntwickelung der Hydriatik. -\ Magdeburg, 18755. Hahn (J. 8.) Die wunderbare Heilkraft des frischen Wassers bei desseu innerlichem und ausserlicheni Gebrauche durch die Erfahrnng bestiitigt. 6. Aufl. Mit Vorwort von Wilhelm Winternitz. 8-\ Leipzig, 1898. Hallmann (E.) Bericht iiber die Wasserheil- kunde vom 16. December 1844. 8-. [Berlin], 1844. Hartung von Hartungen (C. [H.]) Ueber Hydrotherapie, Diiitcuren, Massage und 'Sug- gestion. 12°. Wien, [1890]. Repr. from: Aerztl. Centr. Anz., 1890, ii. Hjelt (O. E. A.) * Bidrag till laran om det kalla vattnet sasom lakemedel. [Contribution to the study of cold water as a remedy.] .8°. Helsingfors, 1855. Huerta (R. S.) *Algunas consideraciones sobre hidroterapia. 8°. Mexico, 18.-3. Hydrotherapy, 6 sea el metodo de Vigeute Priessnitz aplicado & la curacion de las enferme- dades intertropicales, por M. D. D. M. 16°. Ha- bana, 1-45. Jacob (J.) Grundziige der rationellen Bal- neotherapie. Nebst einem Anhang iiber Cudo- wa. 8°. Berlin, 1-70. James (C.) Etudes sur l'hydrotherapie, ou traitenient par l'eau froide, faites pendant un voyage en Allemagne. 8C. Paris, 1846. Johnson (E.) The theory and principles of hydropathy shown to be in strict accordance with the most recent discoveries of science, as it relates to both healthy and morbid auimal life. 16°. London, 1751. -----. Results of hydropathy; or, constipa- tion not a disease of the bowels; indigestion not a diseaseof the stomach. With au exposition of the true nature and cause of these ailments, ex- plaining the reason why they are so certainly cured by the hydropathic treatment. To this are added cases cured at Stanstead Bury House, with observations on the treatment generally. 8°. Xew York, 1819. -----. The same. 8-'. Xetv York, 1854. Kahl (C.) Jahrbuch der Wasserheilkunde. 1*2°. Hamburg, 1850. Keerzijde van de rampen door overstrooming of de nuttigheid en onontbeerlijkheid van water. Vrij vertaald. 8°. Amsterdam, 1861. Kixesitherapie et hydrotherapie. Traite- ment des maladies par le mouvemeut et par l'eau a toutes les temperatures. 8J. Paris,[n.d.]. Klinische Studien aus der hydriatischeu Ab- theilung der allgemeinen Poliklinik in Wien. Hrsg. von W. Winternitz. 6-. Leipzig cf Wien, 1887. Koxig (A. W.) Die Naturheilmethode als Gegeusatz zu der absoluteu Schiidlichkeit der Arzueipiaxis nnd die einzige und sicherste Seliutzwehr gegen das zu friihe Sterben und ge- gen das chrouische Siechthuin. Pt. 2. 12°. Dresden, 1874-5. Kralse (W.) Die gesammte Wasserheil- kunde, oder die Grundsiitzte des Priessnitz'- schen Heilverfahrens im Allgemeinen uud bei Behandlung der eiuzelnen Krankheiten. 3. Aufl. 16°. Freiwaldau, 18,-8. Kroger (S.) Die wissenschaftlichen Grund- lagen der modernen Hydrotherapie. 8C. Milau, 1886. -----. Wirkung nnd Anwendung der ver- schiedenen Badeformen in Gesundheit und Krankheit. S3. Mitau, 1888. -----. The same. Dieistv'ie i upotrebleni'e razuikh sposobov kupaniy v zdorovyi i bollezni. Hydrotherapy. Perev. s nicinetzkavo Panin. [Transl. from the German by . . .] 8°. Riga, 1880. Kruche (A.) Die Wasserkuren nach dem hentigen Standpunkte. Fiir Aerzte und Laien dargestellt. r**0. Berlin, 1888. Kumpf (F. H.) Ueher die physiologischen und therapeutischen Wirkungen der sogenann- teu indifferenten Thermen. Vortrag gehalten im Wiener Aerzte-Verein. 8°. Wien f Leipzig, 1899. Kuxtze (O.) Vortrag iiber Reinlichkeit, Hantpflege, Bader und "die offentliche Gesuud- heit," eiue Aufforderung an alle Volksfreunde und insbesondere an alle Gemeinden zur Errich- tuug offentlicher Badeanstalten, Volks- uud Sckwimmbader und Gewahrung von Freibiidern an Unbemittelte. 8°. Plauen i. B., 1884. Kurtz (T. E.) Oertel und Priessnitz und deren Heihnethoden mit kaltem Wasser, so wiedasVerhaltnissder Wasserkur zur Homoopa- thie und Allopathie. Nach eigenen Erfahrungen bearbeitet. 2. Aufl. 16°. Leipzig, 1836. Lahxsen. Hydropathische Prozednren. Bei- heft zu jedem Medizinal-Kalender. 16°. Bruun- thal, [1891]. Lambe (W.) Water and vegetable diet in consumption,' scrofula, cancer, asthma, and other chronic diseases. Iu which the advan- tages of pure soft water over that which is hard are particularly considered; together with a great variety of facts and arguments showing the superiority of the farinacea and fruits to animal food in the preservation of health. With notes and additions by Joel Shew. 1*2°. Xew York, 1856. Laxge (T.) Die Soolbade- und Trinkknr im Hause. 16°. Halle a. S., 1894. Leghand (A.) De l'hydropathie. Exposition et appreciation theorique de cette nouvelle me- thode. 8°. Paris, 1843. Leroy-Dupre. Des indications et des con- tre-indications de l'hydrotherapie. 8°. Paris, 1875. Lersch (B. M.) Hydro-Physik, oder Lehre vom physikalischen Verhalten der natiirlichen Wasser, namentlich von der Bildung der kalteu und warmen Quellen. 2. Aufl. des betreffenden Tbeiles der "Einleitung iu die Mineralquelleu- lehre". 8°. Berlin, 1865. Lichtexthal (P.) Idrologia medica, ossia 1' acqua comune e 1' acqua minerale, loro natura, uso dietetico emedicinale, cou unacoiupendiata descrizioue de' bagni di alcuni popoli antichi e moderni, una generale ennmerazioue delle note soigeuti minerali euiopee, etc. 8°. Novara, 1858. -----. Thesame. 8°. Xovara, 1847. Loebel (A.) Leitfaden der hydriatischen Verordnungeu bei chronischen Erkrankungeu, mit curdiiitischen Regelu. 12°. Leipzig cf Wien, [n. d.]. Lubanski. Examen physiologique de l'hy- drotherapie. 8°. Paris, 1851. Lugo (J. M.) * Estudio clinico de la hidro- terapia racional. 8°. Mexico, 1875. Lukis (J. H.) The common-sense of the water cure. A popular description of life and treatment in a hydropathic establishment. 8°. London, 1862. Martinez (R.) * Hidroterapia 6 sea el trata- miento de las enfermcdades por medio del agua met6dicamente aplicada. 8°. Cordoba, 1888. [vox Mayer.] Gestiindnisse der Bekehrnng eines Allopatheu zur Hydriatik, in einer kurzen Skizze seines arztlichen Lebens. 8°. [n. p., 1842.] Meuks (A. L.) De waterkuur. lets voor zwaugere vrouwen, vroedmeesters, vroedvrou- HYDROTHERAPY. 555 HYDROTHERAPY. Hydrotherapy. wen, kraamvrouwen, bakers en minnen. Naar het Hoogduitsch vau de Prot'essoien Oertel, Kirchmayr en Schuitzlein en de waterdoctoren von Maijer, Munde, Colin, Kallmann en Kolb. 8°. Hoogezand, 1-48. Michals (S.) *Algunas palabras acerca de la accion lisioldgica, terapcutica 6 higienica dc la hidroterapia. 8°. Mexico, 1-9:'. Munde (C.) Mcniorien eines Wasserarztes. 2. Ausg. 2 v. in 1. 8 . Dresden <$• Leipzig, 1817. Nichols (Mary S. G.) A woman's work in water cure aud sanitary education. 16 . Lon- don, [1*74]. de Xiet (D.) Dc beteekenis der hydrothera- pie. -\ Groningen. 1901. Ozexne (E.) Hydrotherapie et eaux minc- rales. 16C. Paris," 1>9-1. Pascal (X.") Hydrologie et kydrotheiapie: les eaux minerales (iu Piiy-de-Dome, snivies d'un precis d'hydrotherapie scientitique, avec des ob- servations puisccs a la clinique de l'lnstitut hy- drotherapique de Passy, Paris. - . Paris, 1881. Pigeaike(J.) Des avantages de rhydrothc- rapie appliquee anx maladies chroniques et aux affections nervcuscs. 12°. Paris, 1--47. Plitt (H.) Die Wahrheit in der Hydropathic und ihr Verhiiltniss zur rationellen Heilkunde. Dargelegt fur Aerzte und wissensehat'tlich ge- bildete Xichtiirzte. 2 v. - . Dresden 5' Leip- zig, 1845-7. Popp. Die Schroth'sche Heihnethode im Vcr- bande mit der 1'rii ssnitz'si-hcn Wasserkur in alien chronischen auf Slifte-Verderbniss des Or- ganismus beruhendeu Krankheiten mit sicherem Erfolge augewendet. 1GC. Miinchen, 1-51. Potocki (R.1 Die Wasserheilmethode in An- wendung auf die Krankheiten der Brustorgane fiir Aerzte uud zur Sell istlehrung. **>3. Breslau, 1-54. Pouget. Lettre sur la necessite de l'inter- ventiou medieale dans I'emploi hygienique, pro- phylactique et medical de l'hydrotherapie mari- time. -:. Paris, 1853. Precis d'hydrologie medieale par une com- mission de medecins, d'hydrologues et de chi- mistes. 16?. Paris, 1-76. Preller (E.) Die Wasserkur und ihre An- wendungsweise. 12&. Leipzig, 1-91. Priesnxitz (V.) The cold water cure; its principles, theory, and practice; with ample di- rections fi r its self-applicatiou, and a full ac- count of the wonderful cures performed with it on seven thousand patients, of all nations. 8°. London, [n. d.]. von Punch (L.) Der Armenarzt. Hydro- therapie. 12'. Leipzig, 1901. Pltzar (J.) Aquarellcn, oder praktische Mittheilungen aus der physiologischen Wasser- heilkunde. 12a Leipzig, 1*57. -----. The same. Neue Folge. 12°. Pima, 1-64. Raunse (J. H.) Det kalla vattnet, (less in- viirtes och utviirtes brnk samt nyttan deraf, pa vetenskapliga och erfan-nhetsgiunder bevisad. Ofversiittning frau andra Tyska upplagan. [Cold water, its external and internal uses. Transl. from the German.] -J. Stockholm, 1*42. -----. Ueber die gewdhnlichsten iir/.t lichen Missgriffe beim Gebrauch des Wasscrs als Heil- mittel. Nebst einer Abhandlung iiher die Aus- saugung uud Ablagerung der Oifte und Medika- mente im lebenden animalischen Korper, und einer Kritik der Kurmethode des Vincenz Priess- nitz. 8°. Zeitz, 1847. Ravaglia (G.) Lettera al sig. direttore della "Gazzetta degli Ospitali", a propositi) di certc note critiche dell dott. Plinio Schivardi sui pri- ll ydrotherapy. mo congresso ed csposizione d' idrologia e elima- tologia che elibero luogo in Bologna nell'ottobre del 18SH. s . Bologna, 1889. Ria (G.) La idroterapia del medico moderno studiata secondo la fisiologia e la clinica. 8°. Xapoli, 1871. liirn.vitDsoN [M.] Fourteen years' experi- ence of cold water; its uses and abuses. 12°. London, 1857. Riciiter (C. A. W.) Neuere Mittheilungen iiber Wasserkuren. 12 . Berlin, 1858. -----. Missgriffe in der Theorie und Praxis der Wasserkurcn. s°. Dessau, 1859. Ritschi.r (E. H. B.) Allgemeiue Pathologie und Therapie besondeis vom Standpunkte der Naturheilinethodo aus entworfen. 12°. Ham- burg, 1-57. Romkr. Wclchem Arzte soil ich mich anvcr- trauen I Fine Beantwortung dieser Frage fiir diejenigen, welche eine Wasserkur gehrauchen wo'llen. 16\ Leipzig, 1847. Rover (F.) Ueher Waschen und Baden vor- ziigliih mit und in kaltem Wasser, als die sou- veraiusteu Mittel, sich reine Haut, frische Farbe, rothe Backen, dauerhafte Gesuudheit und ein kriiftiges, vergniigtes Alter zu verschaf- fen. In Briefen an einen Freund. 16G. Mag- deburg, 1827. Roger (J.) L'hygiene par l'hydrotherapie.. 8. Paris, 1899. Roser (F. M.) Die Anwendung nnd Erfolge des Wasscrs als Heilmittel, besonders in chro- nischen Krankheitsformen. Mit klinischer Be- leuchtung der bei der Behandlung mit Wasser noch herrschenden Irrthiinier und hautig vor- koiumenden Missbriiuche. Nach mehrjahrigen Erfahrungen und Beobaehtungen. 6C. Prag, 185H. Rlnge (F.) Die Wassercur. Allgemeinver- stiindliche Darstellung des Wesens uud der Auf- gaben tlerselben und der bedeutenderen Wasser- heilanstalten. 12-5 Leipzig, 1879. Sammllng auserlesener Abhandlungeu und Beobaehtungen iiber deu rationellen Gebrauch des kalten Wassers. v. 1. 16°. Wien, 1819. Saranon (D.) Ueber Wasserkuren im Rah- men der wisseuschaftlichen Heilkunde. Zeitge- masse Betrachtungen. 8°. Leipzig, 1899. -----. The same. 8°. Herlin ty Wien, 1901. Sciiarlac (G. W.) Klinische Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete der Wasser-Heilkuude. 8°. Berlin, 1-57. Scheler (V.) Essai sur Faction physiolo- gique et therapeutique de l'hydroth6rai)ie, cou- sideree plus sp£cialement dans le traitenient des etats chloro-anemiques. 8J. Pan's, 1885. See, also, ivfra, Delnia8. Schivardi (P.) L' idroterapia. 12°. Milano, [\89l], Scmlesinger (M.) Die wirksamsten hydria- tischen Proceduren; ihre Anwendung mit be- sonderer Beriicksichtigung der hydriatischen I'lchandlung von Infectionskrankheiten. 8°. Prexxhurg, 1899. Smith (J.) Traits des vertus medicinales de l'eau commune . . . Trad, de l'anglois. On y a ajoute les theses de Messieurs Heequet et Geof- froy, avec quehpics reflexions sur le remede de l'eau a glace. 16. Paris, [1726]. -----. The same. Verandeling der gene- zende kragten van 't regen water, waarin men aantoont, dat het veele ziektens voorkomt, en geneest, zo wit de waarnemingen van de ver- maarste geneesoeffenaren getrokken, als door de ervareuthcit van veertig jaaren oudersteunt en opgestelt. Den derden druk, opnieuws met den laasten Paryschen druk vergeleeken, en van HYDROTHERAPY. 556 HYDROTHERAPY. Hydrotherapy. veele drukfouten gezuivert, en nu wederom ver- meerdert met de kracht en werking van het be- vrooren water. 24c. Amsterdam, 1728. ------. The same. Trattato delle virtu me- dicinali dell' acqua comuue. In cui si diniostra ch' elia ci preserva e guarisce da infinite malat- tie, con osservazioni fondate su esperienze fatte per quaranta anni; e si danno alcuni avverti- menti per la regola di vivere. Aggiuugesi il gran febbrifugo del Dr. Hancock, discorso in cui si diniostra con molte esperienze essere 1' acqua comune rimedio sicuro in ogui sorta di febbri, e nella pesta ancora. Opere trasportate prima dalla lingua iuglese nella francese. Dal Dr. Nogues di Parigi ed ora dalla francese nella ita- liana. 16c. Venezia, 1763. ------. The same. Das gewobnliche Wasser. 8C. Berlin, 1875. Smolenski ($.) Hydroterapija. 2. ed. 8Z. Krakow, 1889. Steixbacher (J.) Die Regenerationskur, oder die Verjiinguug des menschlicheu Organis- miis, uach ihren einzelueu Heilfactoren fiir Aerzte und Laien. I. Die Danipfbader als ein Mittel zur Regeneration des menschlichen Or- ganismus durch Heilung veralteter tiefgewur- zelter Leiden praktisch und erfahruugsgemass nach neuer Methode dargelegt. 8\ Augsburg, 1861. Stuhlmann (C. W.) Grundziige der Hydro- therapie. 16°. Hamburg, 1-50. SDerskn (W.) Die Wasserheilmethode J. H. Rausse's in Vergleich mit deu Heilweisen des Viucenz Priesnitz und Johann Schroth, zugleich als Erwiderung auf die Schrift des Dr. Gleich in Miinchen: Ueber die Nothwendigkeit einer Reform der sogenannten Hydropathic [etc.]. 16°. Hamburg, 1852. Vanoni (B.) Der Naturarzt, oder: Erliiute- rung und Beschreibuug der Schroth'schen uud Priessuitz'schen Heilmethode ohne Medizin, nebst einer Abhandlnng iiber die Cholera und ihre Behaudlung. 12°. Leipzig, 1*5">0. -----. Die Natur heilt! Beitrage zur Hy- drotherapie (Naturheilkunde). 12°. Augsburg, 1-61. Viek (J.) Die Grundprinzipien der Wasser- Heilkunde. 12'-'. Stettin, 1855. Vina j (G. S.) L' idroterapia nelle malattie croniche. 8°. Torino, 1885. Vixcenz miuorof: keerweer. 8-. Hanau,1812. Wallden (Maria). Pieni wesilaakiiri, tauti- wuoteeu wieissii. Suomeuos ruotsin kielesta. [Short essay on water cure in many diseases. Transl. from the Swedish iuto the Finnish.] 16 . HeUingissa, 1877. Warme (Das) Wasser und seine Heilkriifte bei verschiedenen Krankheiten im Gegensatze zum kalten Wasser, als Hausmittel im Dieuste der wissenschaftlichen Heilkunde. Ein Rathge- ber fiir Freunde uud Feiude des Wassers. Von einem praktisehen Arzte. 16-. Leipzig, 1852. Wegwuzer (De) der gezondheid, dat is: de verklaring van de aauwendingswijze en de uit- werkselen van het frissche water als het beste behoed en geneesmiddel. Iu twee verhande- lingen, namelijk voor gezonden en voor zieken. 8-. [n.p.,n.d.] Weiskopf (H.) Theorie uud Methodik des Wasserheilverfahreus. Als Grundlage eiuer speziellen Wasserheillehre iu Aufforderuug des Vereines fiir rationelle Ausbildung der Wasser- heilkunde in Bohmen. 8-. Wien, lv47. Wilson (J.) & Gully (J. M.) The practice of the water-cure, with authenticated evidence of its efficacy and safety. 1. Am. ed. 12-. Xew York, [1816]. Hydrotherapy. * Winternitz ^ W. ) Die Hydrotherapie auf phvsiologischer und klinischer Grundlage. v. 1; v. 2, 1. Abth. 8°. Wien, 1877. ------. The same. 2. Aufl. Bd. I. Die phy- siologischen Gruudlageu der Hydrotherapie, ihre Technik, Wirkung und Iudicatiouen. 8°. Wien c/- Leipzig, l-'.»0. ------. The same. Hidroterapiya, osnovan- naya na fiziologicheskikh i klinieheskikh nacha- lakh; lektsii dlya prakticheskikh vrachei i stu- dentov. Perevod so 2. izd. S. B. Oriechkina. [Transl. from the 2. ed. by Oriechkin.] v. 1. 8-. S.-Peterburg, 1893. -----. Hydrotherapie. - . Leipzig, 1881. ------ The same. Hydrotherapeutics. Transl. by F. W. Eisner. 8-. London, 1— 6. ------& Strasser (A.) Hidroterapiya, yeya fiziologickeskoye dieistvie, pokazauiya i tekh- nika. Perevod s niemetskavo A. G. Feinberga. [Hydrotherapy, its physiological action, indica- tions, and technique. Transl. from the German by Feinberg.] 8C. S.-Peterburg, l'.'uo. Wisliceny (H.) Wasser ist das beste Heil- mittel. 2. Aufl. 12°. Magdeburg, 1—5. Wittgenstein (A.) Hydropathisehe Behand- lung der chronischen iunereu Krankheiten in der Praxis. Mit ausfiihrlicher Darstellung der einschlagigen Proceduren. 12°. Leipzig,[n. d. ]. Zipperlen (J. B. ) Hiilfsbiichlein zur Ge- sundheitslehre fur alle Stiiude. Eine gemein- niitzige Anleitung zum wirksamen Gebrauch des kalteu Wassers in Verbindung mit Bewegung in freier Luft uud Miissigkeit als des einfachsteu Mittel znr Forderung des korperlichen Wohl- sevns wie zum Schutze gegen Kraukheiten. 16°. Stuttgart, 1844. Zlmment (K. H.) *K voprosu o sovniiest- nom vliyanii riechnikh kupaniy v riekie Niema- uie i pesochuikh solnechuavo nagrieva vann na zdorovikh lyudei; vliyauie na kozhuuvu chuv- stvitelnost, temperaturu tiela, puis, dikhanie, vies tiela i mlshechnuyu silu. [Ou the com- bined effect of bathiug in the river Nieman and sand baths heated by the sun upon healthy meu; effect upon cutaneous sensibility, temper- ature of the body, pulse, respiration, weight of the body, and muscular streugth.] 8r. S.-Pe- terburg, 1898. Armendariz (A.) Algunas ideas sobre balneotera- pia aplicada. Rev. niecL-hidrol. espaii., Madrid, 1900, i, 21; 45; 69; 94.—Barucli (S.) A plea for the practical utilization of hydrotherapy. Gaillard's M. J., X. Y., 1890, 1. 24-54. ----. The rationale of hydrotberapv. Tr. M. Soc. X. Car., Wilmington, 1894, 63-77. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1894, xlvi, 519-523. AUo: Xorth Car. M. J., Wil- mington, 1894, xxxiv, 154-166. -----. Praktische Anga- ben fiir die Anwendung des Wassers bei einigen hart- nackigen Krankheiten. Monatsehr. f. prakt. Wasserh., Miinchen, 1894, i, 81-99. -----. The practical appli- cation of hydrotherapy. Internat. Clin., Phila.. 1897. 7. s., ii, 203-212. AUo, transl: Monatsehr. f. prakt. Wasserh., Miinehen, 1898, v, 145-155. -----. Fanltv hvdrotherapv. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1897. 3. s., xiii, 371-381. AUo. Re- print. Also: Med. Xews, X. Y., 1697. Ixx, 476-480. Also: X. York M. J., 1897, lxv, 535-5:;8. Also I Abstr. 1: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1897, xxviii, 938-940. AUo, transl.: Bl. f. klin. Hydrotherap., Wien, 1897, vii, 152-167. Also, transl. : Monatsehr. f. prakt. Balneol., Munchen, 1897, iii, 184; 197. Also, transl: X.Yorker med. Monatsehr., 1897, ix, 129-143. -----. Recent advances in hvdrotherapy. Svst. Pract. Therap. (Hare), Phila., 181)7, iv. 17-36. -----. Hy- drotherapy in chronic diseases. Tr. M. Soc. X. Y.. Phila*., 1899, 278-287. Also: X. York M. J., 1899, Ixix. 446-450. ----. A plea for a more general use of water in disease. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1900, n. s., Ixix. 600; 625. ----. The application of water in chronic diseases. Brueklvn M. J., 1901, xx, 367-382. AUo [Absti. A Boston M ' & S. J., 1901, cxiv, 373. [Discussion], ,'!86— Belize. Le- ber Hydrotherapie. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1890, n. F., vii, 147; 157.—Beni-Barde. Quelques conside- rations sur l'hydrotherapie. Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. med. da Par., 1890, xxxv, 110-127. [Discussion], 157-174. -----. Causerie m6dicale; effets de l'hvdrotherapie sur les dou> leurs. Arch. g6n. d'hydrol. [etc.], Par., 1898, ix, 41-69.- HYDROTHERAPY. 557 HYDROTHERAPY. Hydrotherapy. Hettmnn (H. W.) Some word9 on hydrotherapy, espe- cially in typhoid fever. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1894, n. s., xxxiii, 43j-439.— Kloih (O.i Die Hydrotherapie in der Chirurgie. Auli. 1. pliys.-diiitet. Therap., Berl., 1900, ii, 12; 37; 57.— Boi'k von II ill liiijjcn. Ueber kiinstliche kohlensanie Hiider. VerdttVutl. d. Hufeland. Gesellsch. in Berl. Balneol. L.esellsch., 1895. xvi. 1O3-109. — Itoc- qurt. Contribution aux bains-douches (bains-douches d'Elbeuf). Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1899, lxxii, 1376-1378.— BoKiiuyi (1> > Frirddgydgyilszati tapasztalutok. [Bath- cure expei-ieiu-es.J Orvosi hetil.. 1'mlapest, 1898, xiii, 250; -VA; 289: 302; 326; 338. —Kotlry (F.) Ltiulephysio- logiquc et therapeutique snr 1'aetion et la reaction cn by drotlier.ipie. Ann. Soe. d'hydrol. nied. de l'ar., 1887, xxxii. 3x4-434. -----. De quelques actions reflexes ii dis- tance provoquees par le froid et ut ilisees en hydrotherapie. Poitou nied., Poitiers, 1895, ix, 97-inn. — ltoiisit (J.) Hy- drotherapie ve ^zverolckarstvi. [Hydrotherapy in veteri- nary science.1 Casop. Cesk. zverolek., v Valas. Me/irici, 1901-2, vii, 2x5-293. AUo, transl.: Thierarztl. Centralbl., Wieu. 1901, xxiv, 513-519.— Umliii' (A.) Leber Hydro- therapie. Cor.-Bl.d.iirztl. Kieis- u. Beni ksVer im Kihiigr. Saclix., Leipz.. 1889. xlvii, 50-58.— Biirgoiixio ( L. C.) La cura idroterapiea nelle forme affettive acute o croniche delle vie aeree. Atti d. xi Con*;, med. internaz. 1894, Roma, lx;A. vi, id roi. e climatol.. 09. -----. Sulla modiflca- lioue della pressioue arteriosa per le pratiehe idro- terapiehe. Idroterap. prat.. Biella, 1901, ii. 20. —C'an- lani. Idroterapia e cure cliinatiihe. Arte med., Na- I poll 18',(9. i. 563-56" —C'nzaiiv. Resume des travaux | publics daus 'Les Annales espagnoles d'hvdiologie'. Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. nied. de Par., 1x88. xxxiii. 77-110.— Chiminelli (L.) Sull' importanza della idrologia me- dica. specialmeute niiuerale in Italia. Ann. di med. pubb., Roma. 1874. ix. p2; 102; 121. Also, Reprint. -----. Dell' azione tixiolo-iiea e terapentiea dei bagni semplici e minerali nei riguardi dell' idrologia medica. Id roi. e cliruat., Firenze, 1897. viii, 174-1.-2—C'hodomi*ky (K.) Pfispevky k balneotherapii. [Contributions to . . .] Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze. 1885. xxiv. 580; 596; 612; 628; 644; 676; 692: 709; 723: 741. -----. Slovo o balneo-a kli- matotherapii. [A word on . . .] Sbirka pfedndsek z oboru lekafsk., v Praze, 11899]. no. 15, 81-109.— Cicero (R.) La balneoterapa. Mem. Soc. ei, nt. Antonio Alzate", Mexico. "-''-7. x, 375-385. — 4 ur<< Iniianu (H.) Ueberdas Veriialtnissderphysikalisehon Heilmetho- den, besouders des Wasserheilverfahrens. znr arztlichen | Praxis nnd dem klinischen Unterricht. Dents, lie mtd. Wchnschr., Leipz.u. Berl., 1900, xxvi,797--00.— Dnza dc Campos (A.) Acciones nsiologico-terapcutieas de los I,,,f.,,% segun su temperatnra y composicion. Rev. de raed. contemp., Madrid. 1899, xxi, 97; 113.— Deich (I. I.) [Deutsch in German]. Hidroterapiya kak nanchniy metod. [... as a scientific method.] Dnevnik syezda obsh. russk. vrach. v pam vat Pirogova, Kiev. 1886, vi, no. 1, 26-31. AUo. transl. [Abstr!]: Bl. f. klin. Hydrotherap., Wien, 1896, vi, 15. —IJeliiia-. Physiologie generale de 1'hydrothe.ra- pie; etude analytiqned'un memoire intitule; Essai snr Tac- tion phy sinlogique et therapeutique de l'hydrotherapie con- [sideree specialemeut dans le traitement des etats chloro- an6miques. par le Dr. Srheuer (V.) [supra). J.demed.de ;Bordeaux, 1885-6, xv, 4xo: 4x5. -----. De 1'opportunite d'une organisation fmedicale. independante, des services hydrotherapiques et electriques duns lea hopitaux, et de 1'organisation de ces services k l'Hopital Saint-Andre, de Bordeaux. Con::, internat. d'hvdrol. et de climatol. Compt. rend. 1*89. Par., lx9o, ii,380-390. -----. Die Heil- methoilen der Hydrotherapie. Monatsehr. f. prakt. Wasserh., Miinchen, 1898. v, -'•■. 54— l><-pi<-rri«. Ltilite ch- lantisepsie dans b-s i')tal.li--(-nn-nts tloimaux. Ann. d'hvdrol. et de climat. nied., l'ar. 189-, in. 59-06. — l»e»- chaiup«. Quelqu. > mots our 1 li>tl i oi le'rapie. A propos desavantagesderiivdrutlier.i]ii'- hivernale (brochurede M. leDr.E. Duval). Aim. Soe. no51. chir. de Liege, 18x5, xxiv, 129-131.— !>«■•«hay«•«« 'C i II.\ drograpliie medieale; bains de mer -t.itii.n- mi'm-rales, aerotheiapie, etc. Assoc, franc. pour l'avance. d.sc Cr. 1885. Par.. 1886. xiv. ]>t '-' 751-758.— Draper (W. H.i ILdrotherapy, external and internal. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1893, xliii, 481-4*5. — Oujarrliii- Bcauiiictz. De llivdroiberapie. Bull gen. .h- therap. [etc.], Par., 1887. cxiii. 289: 346; 433; 481. AUo (Abstr.]: Bull.med.. Par., 1887, i, 1131-1135. Also, transl: Therap. Gaz., Detroit. 18x7. 3. s.. iii, 793: 1888,3. s.. iv. 1; 73. AUo, transl: Mejdmiar. Klin.. St. IVtersb., 1888, vii, no. 3, l ; -lliiraiKl-laidd (M.i Des methodes d etude en liydiolo-ie. Ann d'hydrol. el do cli mat. med., Par., 1898. In -c'.i\--c'.i~. — Uiival (E.) Des avantages de l'hy- drotherapie hivernale : avi-c observations k l'appui. Med. contemp.. Par., 1884, xxv, 713; 729. AUo, Reprint. See, also strpra. Deschamps. -----. Hydrotherapie hiver- nale. Med. contemp., Par., 1896, xxxvii. 333-335.— Elevy. Theorie des ions, ses applications k rh.Mlrologie. Arch. gen. d'hydrol. [etc.], Par., 1901, xii, 57; xx—Fazio (E.) Labalneoterapia nei inoilii dainfezioue. Biv. inter- naz. d' ig., Xapoli, 1896, vii. 289-298.—Ferrand. Trou- bles nutritifs; sclerose vasculaire aigue et medication I Hydrotherapy. balneaire. Gaz. d. eaux. Par., 1898, xli. 1-4.—Ff'te (La) de Vittel. Bull. med. d. \'n-;o .-,, fipinal, 189X-9, xiii, no. 49. 70-78— Fiiil'ubiisquicrc (R.) De I'emploi de la vapeur d'eau en gynecologic et en obstetri- que. Ann. de gynec. et d'obst., Par., 1899, li, 388-403.— de Lada rVoshowski. Sulfhydrotherapie antimicro- bienne. Echo nied. de Lyon, 1899, iv, 257: 289; 321.—L.a- | marque (H.) L'avenirdelatherapeutiquehydrologique. Gaz. d. eaux, Par., 1901, xliv, 225; 233.—I.anaras (K.) Ilepi Tjjs OepaTrevTiKTJs iSiottjtos tov iiSa-ros en-i tS>v b£iu>v voo-rnxaTuiv. Tak-rji/bs, 'KSffvai, 1888, xviii, 499; 516; 529.— Ijange(T.) Beitrag zur Soolbaderbehandlung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1898, xxiv, Therap.-Beil., 12-14.—I.aync (P. C.) Nature and hydropathy in the treatment of disease. Ohio M. J., Cincin., 1895, vi, 198- 202. — Leichtcnstcrn (0.) Balneotherapie. Handb. d. allg. Therap. (Ziemssen), 8°, Leipz., 1880, i, 2. Bd., 215- 454. -----. General balneotherapeutics. Transl. from the German, by J. Macpherson. Handb. of gen. therap. [von Ziemssen], 8^, Lond., 1885, iv, 241-472.—Locbel (A.) Die Menstruation in der Balneotherapie. Klin.-therap. Wchnschr., Wien, 1898, v, 489; 524. -----. Die hydria- tische Behandlung der allgemeinen Ernahiungsstoiuugen. Monatsehr. f. prakt. Balneol., Miinchen, 1898, iv, 4; 25; 51. — Libber (G.) Die Atmungskur am offeuen Gradier- haus in Soolbadern, ihre Indikation, Wirkung uud An- wendung. Monatsehr. f. prakt. Balneol.. Munchen, 1898, iv, 233-246.—iTIajjgiora (A.) Sc Vinaj (G. S.) Ricerche sopra 1' influenza delle applicazioni idroterapiche sulla re- sistenzadei muscoli alia fatica. Atti d. Cong. naz. d' idrol, e climat. 1891, Torino, 1892, iii, 10-35.—JHaragliano (E.) I punti cardiuali dell' idroterapia. Boll. d. clin., Milano, 1895, xii, 537-545. Also: Cron. d. clin. med. di Genova, 1893-5, 306-317.—Mladejovsky (V.) O v^zuamu leceni ldzenskeho pri otylosti, due a cukrovce. [The signifi- cance of the bath treatment for obesity, arthritis, and dia- betes.] Casop. 16k. desk., v Praze, 1900, xxxix, 1339; 1363; 1395.—lTIorice. Avant et apres la cure; etude de chimie biologique. Cong.internat. d'livdrol.et de climatol. C. r. 1889, Par., 1890, ii, 196-202.—tlovon (W.) Ou the use of water in the treatment of disease. J. Balneol. A Climat., Lond., 1897, i, 225-231.—IH ill ler (15 C.) Bericht uber die neueren Leistungeu auf dem Gebiete der Balneothe- rapie uud Hydrotherapie. Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz., 1894, ccxxxxiii, 98; 193.—IVlii liter (S.) Die Hydrotherapie eine Therapie der Organe. Veriiffentl. d. Hufeland. Ge- sellsch. in Berl. Balneol. Gesellsch., 1899, xx, 194-203. AUo: Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1899, xx, 389-391.— iVIusai (U.) Considerazioni geuerali sulle acque e valore da assegnarsi alia parola minerale aggiuuta ad acqua. Idrol. e climat,, Firenze, 1898, ix, 114-120.—Onimu*. De la contraction autonome des vaisseaux peripheriques sous l'influence de l'hydrotherapie. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1899, xiii, 580-583.—Page (C. E.) Physio- logical treatment of disease; hydriatic procedures in gastro-enteritis, typhoid fever, and pneumonia. Med. Hvdro therapy. Brief, St. Louis, 1898* xxvi, 1821-1824. — Pajor (A.) Ueber kiinstliche Kohlensaure-Bader. Pest. med. chir. Presse, Budapest, 1899, xxxv, 12ini. — Peck (11. E.) The efficiency of liydrotherapeiitic measures. Yale M. J., N. Haven, 1900-1901, vii. 356-367. — PclizacuM. Ueber feuchte Einwickelungeu und ihre Bedeutung liir die Praxis. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1896, xvii, 511- 513.—Pcnna (J.) De la balneoterapia en las euferme- dades infecciosas. An. asist. pub., Buenos Aires, 1891-2, ii, 141-154.—Pcrier (E.) De l'hydrotherapie daus quel- ques maladies aigues chez l'enfant. Arch. gen. d'hydrol. [etc.], Par., 1895, vi, 337-341— Podwys«olzki (W.) De la medication par les agents physiques (hydrotherapie; climatotherapie). Gaz. d. eaux, Par., 1899, xiii, 481.—Put- nam (J. J.) Remarks on the desirability of a more care- ful study and extended use of hydrotherapeutics. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1899, cxl, 225-228. [Discussion], 239-242.— Pulzer (R.) Praktische Erfahrungen iiber die hyilria- tische Behandlung bei Masern und Scharlach. Vei ollentl. d. Hufeland. Gesellsch. in Berl., 1901, 113-124. — IS. Los terrenos para el hidrologo. Rev. med.-hidrol. espan., Madrid, 1900, i, 165-168.—Rcgnault (F.) Action du bain turc sur les organes internes etudie.e par la phouendosco- pie. Arch. gen. d'hydrol. [etc.], Par.. 1899, x, 121-126.— Robertson (A.) Illustrations of hydropathy in prac- tice. Edinb. M. J., 1897, ii. 46-53. — Koe (J. I.') Hydro- therapy. Tr. Luzerne Co. M. Soc, Wilkesbarre, 1896, 11- 23. Also: Modern Med. Sc Bacterid. Rev., Battle Creek, Mich., 1898, vii, 77-82.— Itoain (H.) Leber einige poli- klinisch haufige Krankheitslormen und ihre hydriatische Behandlung. Ztschr. f. klin Med., Berl., 1900, xli, 212- 230.—Sadjjcr (J.) Die Lehrnothwendigkeit der Hydro- therapie. "Bl. f. klin. Hydrotherap., Wien, 1896, vi. 217- 222. — Scherk ( C.) Kritisch-balneologische Studien. Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1896,vi, 337-341.—Scheuer. Essai sur Taction physiologique et therapeutique de l'hy- drotherapie, consid6r'ee plus specialement daus le traite- ment des etats chloro-auemiques. Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1886, 4. s., xv, 53.—Schivardi. II primo congresso della Societa d' idrologia e climatologia e 1' esposizione speciale in Bologna. Gazz.d. osp., Milano, 1888, ix, 750: 758; 765. See, also, supra, Ravaglia.—Schleicher (A.) 1st die heutige Hydrotherapie reformbediirftig? Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1892, xiii, 1023.—Schiitzc (C.) Wasser und Medizin in der arztlichen Kunst. Monatsehr. f. prakt. Balneol., Miinchen. 1897. iii, 169-1x2.-----. Moderne Anschauungen in der Hydrotherapie. Deutsche med. Presse, Berl., 1901,v, 4-7.—Shepard (C. IL) The bath in modern medicine. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1895, xxv, 436-439. AUo, Reprint,— SimioneMcu (F.) Idroterapia din punct de vedere igie- nic. Presa med. rom., Bucuresci, 1899-1900. vi, 214-217.— Simon (A.) O wpiywie parowych k%pieli na czynnosd wydzielnicza, zoladka. [Influence of vapor baths on the secretory function of the stomach.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1898, 2. s., xviii, 1027-1030. AUo, transl: Bl. f. klin. Hv- drotherap., Wien, 1898, viii, 230-233. — Smolensk! (S*.) O naukowych podstawacb hydroterapii. [The scientific basis of hydrotherapy.] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1885, xiii, 413; 429; 445: 465. — Spoil (J.) Lazebnici. [Bath- keepers.] Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1888, xxvii, 192; 239; 256.—Stiller. Ueber physiologische riifferente Baderwir- kung. Veroffentl. d. Hufeland. Gesellsch. in Berl. Bal- neol. Gesellsch., 1895, xvi, 70-86. -----. Ueber physio- logische Baderwirkung. Ibid., 1899, xx, 84-100. AUo: Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1899, xx, 521; 529.—Stiller (B.) Harmlose Betrachtungen eines Nichthydriaters iiber das neue Hebra'sche Wnsserdogma. Bl. f. klin. Hydrotherap., Wien, 1896, vi, 56-59. — Storoscheff (H.) 'Eiu Capital aus der russischen Hydrotherapie. (Die physiologische Wirkung der Wannenbadei- von 31-35° C. viertel- bis halb- stiindiger Dauer.) Und.. 1893, iii, 79-83. -----. Die physio- logische Wirkung des Wassertriukens hinsichtlich seiner Menge und seiner Temperatur nach russischen Untersu- chungen. Ibid., 1898, viii, 201-211.—Strasscr (A.) Das Verhalten des Stoffwechsels bei hydriatischer Therapie. Wien.Klinik,1895,xxi,85-112. See,also,infra,Vinaj.-----. Ueber Umschlage, ihre Wirkungs- und Auwenduugsweise. Bl. f. klin. Hydrotherap., Wien, 1896, vi, 21-37. -----. Das Verhalten des Stoffwechsels bei hydriatischer Therapie. (Zweite Arbeit.) Fortschr. d.Hydroth. Festschr.W.Win- ternitz, Wien u. Leipz., 1897,242-274. -----. Die Wirkung der Hydrotherapie auf Kreislauf und Blut. Veroffentl. d. Centralverb. d. Balneolog. Oest. 1899, Wien, 1900, i, 26-56. AUo: BL f. klin. Hydrotherap., Wien, 1899, ix, 77; 109. Also: Wien.med. Presse, 1899, xl, 537; 592. Also: Monat- sehr. f. prakt. Wasserh., Miinchen, 1899, vi, 73; 106. AUo: Wien.med.Wchnschr., 1899, xlix,756; 809; 863; 1005; 1054.— Szontagh (M.) A hideg viz alkalmaza.sa.nak haszna 6s kara. [The use of cold water, its advantages and disad- vantages.] Cong, internat. d'hyg. et de demog. C. r. 1894, Budapest, 1896, viii, pt. 6, 114-126. — Targhelta (G.) L' idroterapia nel ricambio organico nello stato artritico e nellapredisposizione tuhercolare. Idroterap. prat., Biella, 1901, ii, 17-25.— Tartivel (A.) Hydrotherapie. Diet, en- cycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1888. 4. s., xiv, 708-750.—Thomp- son (E. S.) & Grindrod iC. F.) Hydropathy: its place HYDKOTHERAPY. 559 HYDROTHERAPY. Hydrotherapy. in medical science, l'ractitioner. Lond.. 1888, xli, 17-26.— Tuszkai (0.) Ueber Hydrotherapie in der Gyniikologie und Geburtshilfe. Ungar. nied. Presse, Budapest, 1900, v, 530; 554; 578; 602. Also: Monatsehr. f. prakl. Wasserh., Muiichen, 1900, vii, 247; 265; 1901, viii, 10—Verlioojjen (R.) Leber die neeintliissiing des Kri islauts (lurch ver- schiedene hydriatische Prozeduren. Ztschr. I d'iitet. u. physik. Therap., Leipz., 1899, iii, 321-327.—\ijt"li«.iarij{ (Het) bestaan van de geneeskuudige bailinriclniiig en het herstellingsoord te Laag-Soercn. Bl. v. hyg. therap., Amst., 1899, i, 161-168.—Vinaj iG. S.) Ricerche sopra 1' influenza delle operazioni idioterapiche sulla resisten/.a dei museoli allafatica. Atti d. xi Long. med. internaz.1894, Roma, 1895, vi, idrol. e climatol.. 34-61. -----. Del ricambio organico nella terapia idriatrica a proposito del lavoro del dott, Alois Strasser. Idrol. e climat., Firenze, 1896, vii, 152- 166.-----. Das abgekiihlte Bad. Fortschr. d. Hydroth. Festschr.W.Winternitz.Wien u. Leipz.,1897,36-12. -----. Uno sguardo storico all' idrologia. Idrol. e climat., Fi- renze, 1898, ix, 2-16. -----. La tisiologia dell' idroterapia. Idroterap. prat . Biella, 1900, i, 7; 17; 36.—Vinnj (G. S.) AVielli iG.i I.' idroterapia nel ricambio organico. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1900, 4. s., vi, 507-521. 1 ch. AUo, transl.: Bl. f. klin. Hydrotherap., Wien, 1901, xi, 122- 129.— von Vojjl. Die Hydrotherapie in der arztlichen Pi-axis. Muiichen. med. Wchnschr.. 1896. xliii. 629-631.— Whitby (C. J.) Modern hydropathy : its relation togen- eral therapeutics. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, ii, 1304-1306.— Winternitz (W.) Lxperinuutelles und Klinisches zur Hydiotln lapie. Anz.d. k. k. Gesellsch.d. AerzteinWien, 1885, 362-366. -----. Die ph\-iologi-chen Grundlagen der Hydrotherapie. Wien. ineil. Presse, 1887, xxviii, 301; 338 -----. Vor- uud Xaehtheile der Anwendung dos kalten Wassers. Cong, internat. d'hyg. et de demog. (5 r. 1894 Budapest. 1,-90. viii.pt.6.106-111.-----. Ueber das Heilse rum des Hvdropathen. Veroffentl.d. Hufeland. Gesellsch. in Berl. Balneol. Gesellsch. 1896, xvii, 99-109 AUo: Bl. f. kin. Hydrotherap., Wien 1896. vi, 45-49-----. Erkal- tung und Abhartung. Bl. ". klin Hydrotherap., Wien, 1896 vi, 161-165.-----. Ueber Missgriffe bei hydriatischer Behandlung. Med.-chir. Centralbl..Wien, 1896. xxxi, 701. AUo: Monatsehr. f. prakt. Wasserh., Munchen, 1897, iv, S; 34. AUo: Wien.med. Presse. 1>97. xxxviii. 65-73. -----. UeberdasWirkungsgebietder Hydrotherapie. Wien. med, Wchnschr., 1898, xlviii. 97-101. '-----. Vicrzig Jahre Hy- drotherapie. Ztschr. f. diatet. u. physik. Therap., Leipz., 1898, i, 29-44. -----. Einige theoretische uud praktische Mittheilungen iiber Hydro- un5. —Ziejjelroth. Ueber die Bedeutung der Lehre von den Autotoxinen fur die wissenschaftlicbe Hydrotherapie; ein Beitrag zur allge- neinen Pathologie und Therapie. "Veroffentl. d. Hufeland. Gesellsch. in Berl. Balneol. Gesellsch.. 1897. xviii, 198-239. AUo: Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl..1897, xviii, 521; 529; 545.— Zimmermann (Mi Ueber das Individualisieren in der Hydrotherapie.mit besonderer Beriicksichtigiiugderhydro. pa'tbischen Behandlung der Neurastbenie. Aerztl. Rund- schau, Munchen, 1899, ix, 609.—Koubck (R.) Hydrothera- pie v lekafstvi vubec a zverolekarstvi zvlaste. [Hydro- therapy in general and in veterinary science in particular.] Casop. Cesk. zverolek.,ve Valag. Mezifii-i. 1--99-1900, v, 157- 161. Hydrotherapy (Apparatus for). * See Hydrotherapy (Manuals of, etc.). Hydrotherapy (Establishments for). "See, also, Health resorts; Waters (Mineral), by localities. Breyer (E. A.) Die Wasserbeil-Austalt wie sie sein soil! 16°. Wien, 1894. Pekier (E.) lies stations mddicales dans les maladies des enfants. Climatotbe'rapie, bydro- tberapie, eaux niin6rales, bains de iuer. 1(15 Paris, 1896. PUTEVODITEL po ITecliebnlm zaveileiiiyam, mineralnlm vodam i morskim kupaiiiysini, v Rossii i zagranitseyn. [Guide to sanitaria, min- eral waters, and sea baths in Russia and abroad.] 12°. S.-Peterburg. l88~. Oalberxhtam (M. M.j Kakiya osnovnlya trebova- niya dolzhno predyiivlyat k tslelc'soobrazno ustroyennol vodoll(-( helmitsle?' [ What fuudaiiiental needs should be required from a properly constructed hydrotherapi utic es- tablishment?] Terap.vestnik, S.-Peterb.,1899, ii .Xli ; X*L — l>< lizaeun. Leber die heutige Stellung der Wasserheil anstalten. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., 1886, vii, 425-12H. Zie- leniewnki (M.) Czego najpilniej potr/.eha ku ulepsze- niu naszych zdrojowi'sk. J Principal requirements for the improvement of our health resorts. ] Medycyna, War- szawa, 1887, xv, 856; 867. Hydrotherapy {Establishments for), by localities. See, also, Hydrotherapy by Kneipp's method. ABO. BoiiNilortT (E. J.) Redogorelse for resnltaterne vid vattcnkiiranstalten i Abo, under sommareu ar 1857. [Re- port ou the results of tho water-cure institution in Abo, in the summer of the year 1857.] Finska liik.-sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1858, vii, 1-103. Also, Reprint. AUSTRO-HUNGARY. See, in this list, Grafenberg; Ilidia; Konigs- brunn; Kreuzen; Krynica; Vienna. BEN RHYDDING. Ben Ilhydding Hydropathic Pstablishment. [Prospectus, giving terms, regulations, and instructions to patients.] 16°. [Olley, v. d.] -----. Tbe same." roy. 8°. [Leeds, n. d.] BERLIN. .Hiiitiim' (J.) Das hydrotherapeutische Institut an der l'ui\cisitat Herlin. Ztschr. f. diatet. u. physik. The- rap. Leipz., 1901, v, 232-234. BIE. Levin (P. A.) Meddolanden fr&n Bie vattenkuran- stalt. [Communication from Bie water cure (Sweden).] Eira, Gdteborg, 1884, viii, 778-784. BOPPARD. Hoestkkmanx ( C. E. ) Zur Erinnernng au die Feier des fuufzigjiihrigeu Bestebens der Wasserbeilanst-ilt Marienberg zu Boppard am Rbein. 8 . Boppard, I8ti9. Naegele (O.) Wasserbeilaustalt Marienberg bei Boppard am Rbein, im Februar 1867. [Cir- cular.] 8'-'. [n. p., 1867.] BORDEAUX. Delmas (P.) Etude pratique sur l'bydrotbe"- rapie; quatrieme couipte-rendu de la clinique de Fetablisseiuent bydrotherapique de Loug- cbamps a Bordeaux; anne-3 1802. 8°. Paris, 1867. COMO (Lake of). [ Colombi (R.)] Lo stabilirnento idrotera- peutico presso la villa Ciani sui Lago di Corno. Coll' aggiuuta di una breve notizia delle diverse malattie per le quali e indicata 1' idroterapia. 8°. Milano, 1856. CRAVEGGIA. Dell' Oro (G. M.) Progetto di rieiliticazione e riattivazioue dello stabilirnento balueare di Craveggia. 8°. Domodossola, 1887. DIVONNE. Vidaht (P.) De la cure d'eau froide. Compte rendu des travaux accomplis pendant Fannee 1*51 a l'lnstitut liydrotb6rapique de Divonne (Aix). 8°. Paris, 185*2. DJURSATRA. njiirniilra halsobrunn och vattenkuranstalt. [The curative spring aud the water-cure institution at Djursii- tra.J Halsovannen, Stockholm, 1901, xvi, 122-120. EISENACH. Wasskrheilanstalt vom Sauitatsrath H. Hesse, (vormals Martignv). Bad Liebenstein bei Eisenacb. 8°. Bahla, [1886]. ESSEN. Wiebe. Die Essener Badeanstalt und deren Betriebs- ergebnisse im Etats jahre 1891-2. Centralbl. f. allg.Gsndhts- pflg., Bonn, 1893, xii, 178-180. FRANCE. See, in this list, Bordeaux; Divonne; Paris. HYDROTHERAPY. 560 HYDROTHERAPY. Hydrotherapy (Establishmentsfor), by localities. GERMANY. See, also, in this list, Boppard; Eisenach; Essen; Halle; Kleinen; Rostock; Strasburg; Stuer; Wiesbaden; Wittenberg; Worishofen. Blshxax (J. 8.) Observations on hydropa- thy : with au account of the principal cold water establishments of Germany. 16°. London, 1~4(3. Klhx (A.) Die Hilf'e in der Noth! oder: Meine Heilung von einem hartniickigen Uebel durch die Kalt-Wassercur zu Elgersburg uud Ilmeuau. Nebst einigen Bemerkuugeu liber die Wa>sercur iiberhaupt und die genannten Heil- anstalten insbesondere. 16°. Gotha, 1842. GLOUCESTER. Hydropathy in Gloucester and its results. Lancet, Lond., 1896. ii. 11. GRAFENBERG. Claridge (K. T.) Hydropathy; or, the cold water cure as practised by Vincent Priessnitz, at Grafenberg, Silesia, Austria. 5. ed. 8°. Lon- don, 1815. von Colomb (M.) Vinzenz Priessnitz und (lessen Wasserheilmethode zu Grafenberg. 16°. Breslau, IroO. Culyerwell (R. J.) Hydropathy, or tbe cold water cure. A popular exposition of the above system of curing diseases as adopted by Vincent Priessnitz, at Grafenberg, Silesia, Aus- tria. Exhibiting how far the plan is original, useful, or injurious. 16c. London, 1812. vox Falkexsteix (R.) Beschreibung meiner langwierigen Krankheit und eudlicben Heilung durch kaltes Quell-Wasser in der Heil-Anstalt zu Grafenberg. 8°. Berlin, Posen -. [CVncoic, 1895.] LONDON. Longton Hall Sanatorium and Hydropathic Establishment, West Hill, Sydenham, s. E. I [Prospectls of Dr. Adams, proprietor, giving j terms and house arrangements.] 4-. [London, n. d.] I Paddington Green Establishment. ; Metcalfe (R.) The great medical reforma- tion. Hydropathy aud the Turkish hath. An account of the Paddingtou Greeu Establish- ment. 12-. London, 1861. MALVERN. Malvern House, Delgany. [Prospectus of Dr. W. A. Johnson, proprietor, giving terms.] 4-. [n.p., n. d.] Laxe (R. J.) Life at the water cure; facts and fancies noted down during a month at Mal- vern: a diary. To which is added an appendix consisting of selections from hydropathic authors and (by permission) a repr.nt of "Confessionsof a water-patient'', by sir Edward Bnlwer-Lyttou, bart. New ed., with additions and corrections. 16°. Londm, lr51. Three week-, in wet >heets; being the diary | and doings of a moist visitor in Malvern. 12'-. j London, 1851. MELROSE. Waverly Hydropathic Establishment. [Prospectls.] 4-. [Edinburgh. 1870.] MODUM. 'Dedichen. Femaarsberetning (1381-5) for Modums Kuranstalt og Sanatorium. [Quinquennial report of the water cure and sanatorium at Moduin.) Norsk Mag. f. La--. viden>k.. Christiania. 1 *■:>;. 4. R., i, 249-2(11. NETHERLANDS. Watergeneeskundige Inrichting Bethesda, t> Laag Soeren in Gelderlaml. Verslag van de . . . van 1 Mei l*-7o tot 1 Mi-i 1-71. Voorafgcgaan door een kort woord over I de oorzaak en het wegen der ziekten en hare ge- ! nezing door de natuur. 8'-. Arnhem, [1-71], j OLEGGIO. j Pagaxixi (P.) Prospetto clinico con indu- ] zioni teorico-pratiche sopra le malattie state i curate nel r. Istituto balueo-sanitario d' Ob-g- gio. 63. Milano, 1-2-. PARIS. Pariset(E.) Rapport de la commission char- gee par l'Acade'mie royale de nicdeciiie de l'exa- men de la maison hygi6nique et nii'dicale des Neotbermes. 1°. Paris. 1832. Del ma*. Clinique h > di ot l(e-r;i])iijne de l'Hopital Saint- Andre. Cong. d. med. alieni-fes ct ncurol. de France . . . C.r. 1890, Par.. 18!»7. u, 107-llc 1 pl.—Meruit. Not.-snr Installation des bains par aspersion an disp> nsairc du 1" arrondissement run JeanLantier, k Pans. Kev. d'hvg., Par.. 1*92. xiv. 40--412. VOL VII, -D SERIES----30 Hydrotherapy (Establishments for), by Idealities. POFFABRO. Cesare (Ci Discorso inaugurale del gabi- nett> idroterapico Fonte Giulia iu Poft'abro i^Ma- niago). ■--'. (dine. 1892. RICHMOND, I-:,,ginml. Metcalfe's London Hydro, Richmond, Surrey. [Skktcm of the cstablishinent and the terms.] >:. [London, 1>92.] RIGA. von Nrhritdrr (C) Mittheilungen aus der Cur-und "Wasserheilanstalt Sasscnhof hei Riga. I. Bericht iiber die Thiitigkcit der Anstalt von 1883 bis 1887. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1888, n. 15, v, 33-36. RIOLO. Cnrn7./niii (E.) Osservazioni sulle cure praticate uelhi -taliiliinento idroterapico di Riolo durante il biennio lv.i.5-6. Atti Accad. d. sc. med. e nat. in Ferrara, 1MI6-7, ; lxxi, 45-55. Also: Idrol. e climat., Firenze, 1897, viii, 22-31. ROSTOCK. Dick, Gebriider. Jahres-Bericht fiir 1649 iiber die Wasserheilanstalt in Rostock, nebst einigen ; Hemerkungen iiber C. Kahl's Jahrbuch der Was- serheilkunde. 12-. Rostock, 1850. RUSSIA. See. also, in this list, Abo; Riga. Desxitski (X. V.) Kurortl i vodoliechebnitsl. [Health resorts and hvdropathic establish- ments.] 16°. Moskva, 1-92. SCHWARZENBERG. Ficiitex- (Das) und Kiefernadel-Wannen-, Dampf- und Harz-Bad, und die Molkenkur-An- stalt Ottenstein zu .Schwarzenberg im siichsi- scben Erzgebirge. 12:. Schneeberg Ocherk istorii razvitiya i sovremenuavo sosfoyaniya hidro-balneoterapii. I [Sketch of tbe historical development and con- | temporary condition of hydro-balneotherapy. ] 8-'. Moskva, 18-8. Floyer (J.) "irxgo'/MveJia, or the history of cold bathing, both aucient aud modern. In two parts. The first written by Sir John Floyer; the second treating of the geuuine use of hot and cold baths; together with the wonderful effects of the Bath water, drank hot from the pump, in decay'd stomachs, and in most diseases of tbe bowels, liver and spleen, etc.; also proving that the best cures done by the cold baths are lately observed to arise from the temperate use Hvdrotherapv (History and teaching of). of hot baths first; to which is added an appen- dix bv Dr. Edward Bavnard. 5. ed. S . Lon- don, 1722. -----. The same. The history of cold bath- ing, botli ancient and modern; showing that the present hydropathic treatment was success- fully followed in tbe 17th and lSth centimes, proving its efficiency, and containing a variety of cases and cures in gout, rheumatism, con- sumption, asthma, insanity, fever, small-pox, hypochondriasis, etc.; together with a few truisms for all doctors to think upon. Abridged from the 5. ed., published in tbe year 1722. 12*-. Manchester. 1811. -----. The same. 'ivrpoAovGia, oder Versuch zu beweisen. dass kaltes Baden gesund und niitzlich sey ; in einigen Briefen hrsg. Ans dem Englischeu ins Hochdeutsche Iibersetzt, von J. C. Sommer. 12r. Breslau f Leipzig, 1749. Hiller (J.) *Die Hydrotherapie des Hippo- krates. -°. Freiburg i. B., 1-92. Hirschel(B.) Hydriatica, oder Begriindung der Wasserheilkunde auf wissenscbafilichen Principieu, Geschichte und Literatur. Mit Dar- legung aller neueren Schriften iiber Wasserheil- kunde nach ihrem Inkalte und Wertbe. 8C. Leipzig. 1840. Marclse (J.) Hydrotherapie im Alterthum. Eine bistorisch-mediciniscbe Studie. Mit einem Vorwort von W. Winternitz. e-\ Stuttgart. 1900. Also, transl. in: Rev. internat. de therap. phys., Turin, 1900, i, 241; 265: 1901, ii. 4: L'5. Martinez Reglera (L.) Bibliografia hidro- logico-medica espanola. i-Seccidnde impiesos.) roy. 8:. Maelrid. 1892. Oertel iM. J.) Geschichte der Wasserheil- kunde, vou Moses bis auf unsere Zeiten, zum Beweise, dass das friscbe Wasser eiu Allheilmit- tel ist. 12:. Leipzig, 1855. Algunas consideraciones acerca el origen y vicisitudes dela hidroterapia y la accion fisinhAica y terapeutica de las duchas fiias. Rev. l>alear de rit-n. mi-d.. Palma de Mahorca, 1895. xi. 645; 677. — Banidi Lr-suii- of a decade in hvdrotherapv. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc. Phila., 1901, xxii, 217-233. Also: Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1901,3. s., xvii, 577-587.—Burgonzio. L'hydrotherapie scienti- fiqne en Italie dans les dernieres annees. Conj;. intei nat. d'hydrol. et de climatol. C.-r. 1896, Par.. 1897. iv. _']iA:"2A — C'. (A.) Quelle est l'origiue de la doin lie erossaise ? Chron. m6d.. Par., 1900, vii, 237. Chimin* Hi (L.) II passato e 1' avvenire dell' idrologia medica in Italia. Idro- logia. Firen/e. ls>*5. vii, 29; Gil: s.l; 113; 141; 169. Also, Reprint.—C'olliex (J.) Relazione e progetto di legisla- zione sujj.li stahiliuienti balneari, d' acque termali, stazioni cliraatiche e marine. Atti d. Cong. naz. d' idrol. e climat. 18>8. Torino, 1889, i, 16; 88; 107.—Felix (J.) De l'im- portance de l'hydrologie medieale, des bases et de la methode de son eiiseigin-ineiif. Arch, jien, d'hydrol. fete], Par.. ]s9i;. vii. 93: 423. — Floyer (J.i Tin- aucient psychrolousia revived, or an essay to prove cold bathing both safe and useful. [German transl. of the preface of an English work dated 1702.1 Bl. f. klin. H> drotherap.. Wien, 1895, v, 214-219. See, aUo, stifra. 1 lover. — Foremtier. L'origine de la douche ecossaise. Ann. d'hxdiol. et de cli- mat. med., Par., 1900, v, 213-213 Also: Arch'. gen. d'hydrol. [etc.], Par., 1900, xi, 75-77. — Franco (D.i L! idrojatria nella storia della Scuola medica napolitana : prolusione al corsod'idrologia medica pei 1 anno scolastico 1887-8. Mor- gagni, Napoli, 1888, xxx, 3(i.">-3-.'3. —Jinrrigou iF.) Pro- jet de reorganisation de llivdrolo^ie medieale trancaise. Rev. med. et scient. d'hydrol.. Toulouse. 18>4. i. 353; 417. -----. Hydrologie; re.sunie general de l'enseignement fait en 1896. 'Bull, et mem. Soc. de therap.. Par., 1896, 353- 367. — Hi-toire de la medecine. Vinceii/ Priessnitz. Janus, Amst., 1899, iv. <'.-.5-0i'6. 2 id.—Hyde (S.) Balne- ology; an historical sketch. J. Balneol. & Climat., Lond., 1900, iv, 233-244.—Hydrotherapie (L') au v« siecle. Chron. med.. Par., 1901, viii. 607.—Kellogg (J. H.) Per- sian hydrotherapy in 1674. Good Health, Battle Creek, 1900, xxxv, ti.'i-tis.—Kochi (Z.» [Hydrotherapy in an- cient Japan.] Chiunui Iji Shinpo .Tokio 1S90. xvii. no. 379, 49: no. 380, 44—Korczyhwhi (L.) Poglad na rozwoj balneologii polskie.i w lataeh lss7-99. [Development of Polish balneology during the vears . . .) Pam. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw., 1900, xevi, 73-124.—Kulhy (D.) Zur Di- HYDROTHERAPY. 563 HYDROTHERAPY. Hvdrotherapv (History and teaching of). daktik der Hydrotherapie und Klirnatologie in Ungarn. Veroffentl. d. Centralverb. d. Balneolog. Oest. 1899, Wien, 1900, i. 57-73. AUo: Wien. metl. Wclinschr., 1899, xlix, 806; 860; 969. -----. A vizzel gyogyitiis hajdanuban. [Hydrotherapy in ancient times.] Orvosi hetil.. Budapest, 1900, xliv, 119. — I.nbat. Coup d'teil sur l'hydrologie ancienne et moderne. | Abstr. ] Cong, internat. d'hydrol. et de climatol. C.-r. 1896, Par., 1897. iv, 493-501. — L.a- marque iH.i De l'utilite de la therapeutique hydrolo- pique; son histoire. ses lesouices, sou eiiscigneinent en France et a l'ctranger. Gaz. d. eaux. Par., 1899, xiii, 1; 9: 17; 25; 35.—Jlnrciixe (J.) TTvdrotherapie und DWite- tik im Altertum. Hygiein. Stuttg. 1900, xiii, 101-110. -----. Pater Bernhard ein Voi iiin^-i- Kneipp's; ein Capi- tel ans der Geschichte der VVassei In ilkunile. Munchen. nied. Wchnschr.. 1900, xlvii. 124. AUo: Bl. f. klin. Hv- drotherap., Wieu, 1900, x. 200-202. -----. Lhvdrothera- pie dans Vantiqtiite; etude historico-iuedicale. Rev. inter- nat. de therap. phvs., Rome, 1900, i. 241; 265: 1901. it, L LA AUo: Gaz. d. eaux, l'ar.. 1001. xliv. 401; 409.— M la- dcjovsky. Ziikladni rysy lekaiskeho leceni vodou ; Ins toruky mistin. [Fundamental ]>rinciple8 of hydrotliei- apy; historical sketch.] c\i,">: 501; .V.j — tlorxl li i K.i L'idroterapia modernaeit i -not intenti. Sperimentali' Fir. n/e 18S7. lix. 503-511.— ?l iiller (F. C.) Die H\ diotli, iapie vor 150 Jahren; eiu ln-t.'i ischer Riickblick. Rl. f klin Hydro- therap., Wien, 1S9C. vi, 76-80.— l>ntr/on. Le code dn buvenr dean il v a quatre cents ans Uaz. d. eaux. Par., 1899, xiii. 311; 326: 335; 347. - I':iiiI*oii (D. ) Ancient and modern hvdrotherapv Mod. Med.. Battle Creek. Mich.. 1901, x. 147-151.— Polili* h' i L'hvdrotherapie niethodnine son role en hygiene et en tlui .i'n uui|iie: l'euseigiieinent qu'elle leclann- dans les lio|i;iau\. i.a/. | mod. il Oi lent. Constant . Is1.'1' 7. xxxix. I4.">; itj»—Kohin (A.) Sur la creation d'nne chaire d'hydrologie k la non . velle Faculte de medecine de Toulouse. Bull. Acad, de med.. Par., ]»:•'.. 3. s.. xxv. 744 «»loro«.ch< II iH.) Zur | Frage iiber .he EiitwickluiiL 'A: Hyiliotheiapie in Russ- | land. Forts .In. d Hydroth. L sisrhr. \Y5 Winternitz, Wien u. Leipz.. 1897, 70-95. — Mii««bneh. Die Auswiichse del Hvdrntht-rapie in Dent sc bland. Cong, internat. d'h vs. et dedemo- C.-r. 1894. Budapest, 189'i.viii. pt.6,126-131.— Tala»e««ru (A.) Hydroterapia ca mijloc isieuic in ve- chime si asta/.I. [Hydrotherapy as a means of hygiene in ancient and modern times.1 Romania med., Bucuresci. 1900, viii. 359-365.— Vieroidt U.' Znr Einfiihrnng der Hydrotherapie indie }>rnkn»cli zn lelm-lideu LuterTichts- gegenstande. Deutsche mid Wehn-chr.. Leipz. u. Berl., 18'7. xxiii, 161. >'•-<-. oUo infra, Winternitz. — Vinaj (G. S.i Inseguamento ufficialedell idrologia medica nelle universita. Atti d. xi Con_- meil. int.-i naz. 1894, Roma. 1895,vi, idrol. e climatol.. 15 — Wiiirkier (A.) Die Was- sercurpfuscher einst und jetzt K* u 5s-Med.-Anz., Leipz., 1891. xvi, 179: 191.- Winlernit* ( W. > Bemerkungen zur neuesten hydriatischen Literatur. Bl. f. klin. Hydro- therap.. Wien. 1896. vi. 177-184. -----. Zur Einfiihrung der Hydrotherapie in die zn lehrenden Uuti-rrichtsgegen- stande. Ibid.. 1897. vii. 149-151. — Zalie»ki (S. I.) Glavniye rezultati balneo-khimiclieskikh izsliedovaniy, proTzvedyonnikh lietom 1897 g v Chernomorskol gubernii po rfekam Matsestle i A^uru i po sistemle rlcki Mzimti It. naz. Krasnaya i Kii^.linainn skaya polyari). (Chief iesults of balneo-chemical lesearches during the summer of l:-97 in Chrrnomnria along tin rivers of Matsesta and Agnru and along the -ysien, of the river Mzimta (so- called Red and Engclinau meadows. | Vrach. St. I'etersb., Iu9i». xix, 1465-1481. Hydrotherapy (Manuals of, methods in. and apparatus fori. Ax.iel. Grundziige der Wasserkur in chro- nischen Krankheiten. Eine Anleitung zum zweckinassigen Verhalten beim Gebrauch der Wasserkurcn. ~°. Berlin, 1—-6. Barlch(S) Tlie principles and practice (if hydrotherapy. A guide to the application of water in disease. For students and practitioners of medicine. *- . Xew York, 1898. Beissel (J.) Allgemeine Brunnendiatetik. | Anleitung zum Gebranche von Triuk- und Bade- I kuren. 12°. Berlin, ls'JT. Berg (H.) Vattenlakaren. [I he hydrother- apist] - a Stockholm, [l'~9.Y]. See, oUo. infra, Justus. Bigel. Manuel d'hydro-sudoth^sapie, ou trai- tement des maladies par l'eau froide, la sneur, l'exercice et le regime, suivant la methode em- ployee par V. Priessnitz a Graefl'euberg; suivi Hydrotherapy (Manuals of, methods in, and apparatus for). d'un memoire physiologique sur la chaleur aui- male, par M. Pelletan. IIP. Bruxelles, 1841. Boi'tey (F.) Traits theorique et pratique d'hydrothirapie medieale. 8-5 Paris, 1895. See, aUo, infra, Couette. Boli.i.ay (V.) Des regies h suivre au debut d'un triiitenient hydrotherapique. 8~. Paris, 1859. Blrgoxzio ( L. C. ) La tecniea del bagno. Osservazioni sulla pressione, temperatura e fornia della operazione idroterapica. 8~. Biella, ie-T. -----. The same. 2. ed. sJ. Torino, IS-'.'. -----. The same. Technique des pratiqm a hydrotherapiques; observations pratiques sur la forme, la temperature, la pression ct la dur«?e des precedes hydrotherapiques. Traduit de l'italien, avec notes et commentaires, par Max Durand-Fardel. I",'0. Paris, 1-(J1. Buxbalm (H.) Lehrbuch der Hydrotherapie, mit einem Vorwoite vou W. Winternitz. 6-. Leipzig. 1900. -----. Technik der Wasser.inwendungen. Belehrung fiir Badewarter, Kraukeuplieger, etc. 8 -. Leipzig, 1901. Byhexheidt (A.) Hydropathy, or the treat- ment of diseases by water adapted to warm climates. 8?. Xew Orleans, 1-44. de Castellarxac (L.) Tratado completo de hidroterapia, seguido de uu ap^ndice de hidro- log-ia niedica; obra eserita st gun los ultimos adelautos de la patologia y de la terapeutica. ** -. Barcelona, 1884. ( hernyavski (I.) "Materiali k voprosu o vlazhnikh obertlvaniyakli. [On wet packs.] *■*-. S.-Peterburg, 1--4. Chiari (A.) Appunti di idrologia medica ad uso dei medici pratici e degli studenti. Idrolo- gia, elettroterapia, aeroterapia, uiassaggio, cli- matologia. -c. Milano, 1395. Coda (E.) Compendio di idroterapia teorico- pratica; ovvero guida all' uso curativo dell'ac- qua specialuieute fredda, ed applicata nelle ma- lattie croniche. 1*2 -. Biella, 1892. C'olrcelle-Dcvigxald (A.) Manuel d'hy- drotherapie a l'usage des gens du inonde; his- toire, methode. Maladies auxquelles s'applique l'hydrotherapie rationnelle; clinique de l'6ta- blisseineut hydrotherapique dn Bouscat; histoire des cas les plus reinarquables qui se sout pre"- seutes a notre observation du ler net. 1857 au ler oct. 1-5-. I*,*-. Bordeaux, 185-6. Czkrwlnski (J.) Compendium der Thernio- tbi'iapii- (Wasserkur). *". Wien, 1-75. Dei.mas (P.) Manuel d'hydrotherapie. >-. Paris, 1-85. Doluxey (G. H.) The water cure iu the bed- room ; or hydropathy at home. 1*2C. Bristol, [1891]. Do/. Gomez (E.) & Alegre (A. B.) Ele- mentos de hidrologia medica, escritos con arre- glo & las iiivestigatioues mas recientes. para que puedau servir de texto en las facultades de medicina y para uso de los prdeticos. >°. Oviedo, 1887. Duval (E.) Traite pratique et clinique d'hy- drotherapie. Preface par le professeur [Michel] Peter. 8. Pavis, H—-. -----. La pratique de l'hydrotherapie. Pre- face par M. le professeur Peter. Ouvrage cou- ronne par l'lnstitut de France (Academie des sciences). 1*,:\ Paris, 1891. -----. The same Praktische Hydrothera- pie. Freie autoiisiertc deutsche Bearbeitung vonE. Duval, "La pratique de l'hydrotherapie", HYDROTHERAPY. 564 HYDROTHERAPY. Hydrotherapy (Manuals of, methods in, and apparatus for). von Weiner und Matt. 8°. Frankfurt a M., 1901. East (R.) The principles and practice of the water cure popularly expounded, 83. London, 1-50. Emmel(E.) DasWasserheilverfahreu. Hand- buch Uber die hydropathische Behandlung der verschiedenen Krankheiten des menschlichen Organism ns. 8°. Leipzig, 1894. Flechsig (R. ) Handbuch der Balneothera- pie fiir practische Aerzte. 8-\ Berlin, 1888. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 1892. Franco (D.) Manuale di materia medica e terapia degli agenti idriatici (idroatria) ad uso dei giovani studiosi e dei medici esercenti. 12J. Xapoli, 1895. Gibelli(G.) Idroterapia. 16°. Milano, 1900. Glatz (P.) Etudes techniques et pratiques sur l'hydrotherapie; l'hydrotherapie aujourd'hui et autrefois; technique hydrotherapique; effets physiologiques et therapeutiques des principales applications de l'hydrotherapie. 8°. Paris, 1887. Glax (J.) Lehrbuch der Balneotherapie. v. 2. Erstes Band: Allgemeine Balneotherapie. 8:. Stuttgart, 1897. -----. The same. Rukovodstvo k balneo- terapii. Perevod s nTemetskavo M. M. Halber- shta'm'a. 8-. S.-Peterburg, 1898. -----. Hidroterapiya. Perevod s niemets- kavo M. Halbershtani'a. [Hydrotherapy.] 8-. S.-Peterburg, 1>98. Graxichst.edti:n (S. M.) Handbuch der Wasserheillehre(Hydriasiologie), oder des natur- geiniisseu geregelten Heilverfahrens mit kaltem Wasser. 16°. Wien, 1857. -----. Ausziige aus dem Handbuch der Was- serheillehre. 8°. [n.p., n. d.] Graxier. Die Badehilfe; ein Leitfaden fiir Bademeister, Heilgehilfen uud Krankenpfleger. 8-. Berlin, 1901. Grillo (C.) Sistema idropatico-pratico e trattamento delle malattie coll' acqua fredda, col sudore, coll' esercizio e col regime giusta, il metodo vantato da Priessnitz e suoi seguaci. 2. ed. 8-. Milano, 1856. Guklpa (G.M.) Sull' idropsicroterapia; studii clinici. Fascicolo terzo, sull' applicazione del freddo nella cura delle infiammazioui acute. 8°. Biella, 1859. -----. Guida teorico-pratica all' idroterapia. v. 3. Catechismo idroterapico. *". Biella, i860. Gully (J. M.) The water cure in chronic dis- ease; an exposition of the causes, progress, aud terminations of various chronic diseases of the digestive organs, lungs, nerves, limbs, and skin; and of tlieir treatment by water, and other hy- gienic means. 8°. Xew York, 1846. -----. Thesame. 4. ed. 16°. London,18~>l. -----. A guide to domestic hydro-therapeia. The water cure in acute disease. 2. ed. 12°. London, 1869. Guttmann (E.) Grundriss der Hydrothera- pie fiir Aerzte und Studierende. 12°. Breslau, 1896. Hahn (T.) Die Wasserheilkunde im Gegen- satze zur Medicinheilkunde im Geiste J. H. Rausse's. 2. Ausg. 8:. St. Galien, 1850. Horner (J.) Instruction to the invalid on the uature of the water cure, in connection with the anatomy and physiology of the organs of digestion and nutrition. 8-. London, 1855 Hydriatisches Jahrbuch. Hrsg. von A. Baumgarten. v. 1, 1901. roy. 8 . Wbrishofen. Johnson (E.) The domestic practice of hy- dropathy. 8°. Xew York, 1849. Hydrotherapy (Manuals of, methods in, and apparatus for). Joire (P.) Traite (l'hydrotherapie medieale. Etude analytique et scientifique de la methode Kneipp. 18°. Paris, 1900. Joxet. Petit manuel du baigneur aux eaux thermales et aux bains de mer. 21D. Bruxelles, [n.d.]. Justus. Vattenlakekonsten; nagra ord, med anledning af D. R. Henrik Bergs bok: Vattenla- karen. [Water therapy; some remarks, with the reason for D. R. Henrik Berg's book: The hydrotherapist.l 12°. Stockholm, 1895. Kahl (C.) Handleiding voor de behandeling der acute ziekten, ingevolge de natuurgeuees- wijze (hydrotherapie). Uit bet Hoogduitsch ver- taald door A. E. 8°. 8'Gravenhage, 1852. Kellogg (J. H.) Rational hydrotherapy. A manual of the physiologic and therapeutic effects of hydriatic procedures, aud the tech- nique of tbeir application in the treatment of disease. 8°. Philadelphia, 1901. Krause (W.) Allgemeine und specielle Hy- drotherapie, oder die Grundsiitze des Priessnitz'- schen Heilverfahrens im Allgemeinen, wie in's Besondere bei Behandlung der einzeluen Krank- heiten. 12°. Dresden, 1812. Kruche (A.) Lehrbuch der practischen Was- serheilkunde. 8°. Miinchen, 1892. Klster (F.) Hydrothera)ieutischer Leitfa- den fur praktische Aerzte. Erste uud zweite Abtheilung. 8°. Leipzig, 1816. Kurzes Repetitorium der Hydrotherapie als Vademecuni fiir Aerzte und Studirende, gear- beitet uach den Werk en und Vorlesuugen von Durand-Fardel, Kriiche, Duval, Kisch, Kroger, Liebermeister, Miiller, Tripier, Winternitz, Ziemssen u. A. 12°. Leipzig cf Wien, [1893]. Lagrekg (J. O.) Haudbok i hydrotherapien, eller anvisuiug att med vattenbehandling bota sjukdomar. [Manual of hydrotherapeutics, or directions for the treatment of many diseases by water.] 16°. Sbderkbping, 1855. Lange (A.) Die Wasserkuren im eigenen Hause. Gemeinverstaudlich dargestellt. 12°. Berlin, [n. d.]. -----. The same. Domashneye vodolieche- nie. Perevod s niemetskavo. 12°. S.-Peter- burg, 1900. Leroy-Dupre. Traite theorique et pratique d'hydrotherapie. 8°. Paris, 1898. Levin (P. A.) Vattenlakaren vid sjuksangen, eller anvisning att med vatten behandla de vau- liga hetsiga sjukdomarne. En handbok for hvarje hem. [Hydropathy at the bedside, or instructions in water treatment in common acute diseases. Manual for everv home.] 12°. Ore- bro, 1858. -----. Reglor att iakttaga vid alia slags bad, serdeles under kallvattenkur. [Rules to be observed iu all kinds of baths, especially in cold-water treatment.] 16°. Orebro, 1860. -----. The same. 12°. Norrk'dping, 1880. Lilanski (A.) Manuel de l'hydrotherapie a l'usage des malades. 2. 6d. 24°. Paris, 1852. Macario (M.) Lecons d'hydrotherapie, pro- fessees k l'ficole pratique de medecine de Paris. 24°. Paris, 1857. -----. The same. Manuel d'hydrotherapie. Lecons professees a l'Ecole pratique de medecine de Paris, snivies d'une instruction sur les bains denier. (Guide pratique des baigneurs.) 4. 6d. 12°. Paris, 1889. Maienfisch (E.) Die Kaltwasserbehandlung zu Hause nnd in der Anstalt; mit einem An- hang: Electrotherapie. Eine gemeinverstiind- liche Abhandlung. 2. Autl. 8-5 Basel, 1-83. HYDROTHERAPY. 565 HYDROTHERAPY. Hydrotherapy (Manuals of methods in, and apparatus for). -----. The same. De kondwaterbehande- liug. lit het Duitsch vertaald en voor het Xe- derlandsch publiek bewerkt door J. M. T. San- ner. 12°. Rotterdam, 1-si. Martin (O.) Formulaire d'hydrotherapie et de balneotherapie. It?-'. Paris, 1900. Matthes iM.) Lehrbuch der klinischeu Hy- drotherapie fiir Studierende und Aerzte, mit Beitriigen von Paul Caniniei t, Ernst Hertel und Felix Skutsch. 8-'. Jena, 1900. MCLLER (F. C> Hydrotherapie. Ein kurzes Lehrbuch fiir Studirende unil Aerzte. 18 . Leipzig, 1-90. Munde (C.) Hydrotherapie, oder die Kuust die Krankheiten des menschlichen Korpers ohne Hilfe von Arzneien, durch Diiit, Wasser, Si-hwitzeu, Luft uud Bewegung zu heilen und durch eine veruiiuftige Lebensweise zu ver- hiiten. Eiu Hausbiuh fiir Xii htiirzte hesonders I fur Gichtkranke. 2. Aufl. 1JJ. Dresden 5' Leipzig, 1846. -----. Tlie si inc. Hydrotherapie. Ein Lehr- und Handbuch fiir Gebildete aller Stiinde. Xach dem Tode des Verfasscrs neu hrsg. von Artur Pollack. 13. Autl. -0. Leipzig, l-'.H). -----. The same. Vattenliikaren, eller au- visning till grundligt botande af de vanligast fbrekoininande sjukdomar, sasom, gikt, rheuma- tism, [etc.]; jemte en utfiirlig beskrifning iifver Priessnitz'ska kurnietoden saint bad-och bruuus- inrattningen vid Grafenberg. En handbok for helsans atervinnande och bevarande. Tredje Svenska npplagan. 12-". Stockholm, 1-42. Pascal iX.) Precis d'hydrotherapie scienti- fique. 2. ed., revue et angmentee par E. Veirier. 12-. Paris, l-'.»5. Presch. Therapeutisclies Taschenbuch fiir ph.vsiatrische Aerzte. Mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der Propliylaxc 16c. Leipzig, 1899. vox Plsch L.> Der Armenarzt; nieine Hy- drotherapie. 2. Aufl. 8D. Leipzig, 1900. Qllsada y Agils (P. B.) Traiado practico de terapeutica hidrologiea. - . Madrid, 1-95. RaLssE (J. H.) Auleituug zur Ansiibuug der I Wasxiheilkunde fiir Jedermaun, der zu lesen verstcht 3 v. 12-. Leipzig, 1*50-52. -----. The same. Hrsg. und fortgesetzt von Theodor Hahn. 3. A 4. Aufl. 3 v. 123. Leipzig, 1-67-75. -----. Tbe same. Anvisning till vattenku- rens utofuing. 12°. Helsingfors, 1-81. -----. Ueber die gewolinliclisien iirztlichen Missizriffe beim Gebrauch des Wafers als Heil- mittel. Nebst einer Abhandlung iiber die Auf- sangung und Ablagerung der CiiIte und Medika- meute im lebenden animalisiheu Kbrper, und einer Kritik der Kurmetliode des Yiuceuz Priess- nitz. 12-. Leipzig, [n. d.]. -----. The same. Errors of physicians and others in the practice of tin* waier-cuic, with instructions for its proper application. Transl. by C. H. Meeker. 12°. New York, 1~55. Ricmter (C. A. W.) Dae Wasserbuch, oder: practi-che Anweisung znm richtigen Gt-brauche des Wassers als Heilmittel in verschiedenen Krankheiten. 8a Berlin, 1-58. Roger (J.) L'hygiene par l'hydrotherapie. *--. Paris, 1899. Euxgb (F.) Das Verhalten bei den Wasser- kuren. 3. vollstandig umgearbeitete Aufl. 12-. Berlin, 1*;77. Schif.fferdecker (C. C.) A short guide for the rational treatment of children in Iiealth and disease, by water. 8°. Philadelphia, 1-52. Hydrotherapy (Manuals of, methods in, and apparatus for). Schilling. Hydrotherapie fiir Aerzte. --. Berlin, 1889. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, Ber- lin, Xcuwied, 1-1>5. Schivardi (P.) Trattato teorico-pratico di balnioterapia e di idrologia medica. roy. 8:, Milano, 1875. Sciireher (1). 0. M.) Die Wasser-Heilnie- thode in ihren Grenzen und ihrem wahren Wer- the. Xach der Suninie der bis jetzt gelieferten Kesultate wissenschaftlich - praktisch gepriift. 2. Auli., unigeaibiitet nnd hrsg. vou Gustav Voigt. 8C. Leipzig, 1885. Shew (J.) Tlie hydropathic family physician, a ready prescribcr and hygienic adviser with reference to the nature, causes, prevention, and treatnient of diseases, accidents, and casualties of every kind. -A Xtw York, [1854]. Sri'ENOLER (J.) Lehr- uud Handbuch fiir Heilgebilfen (Bader), auch Lesebuch fur Sani- tiitssoldateu, Krankcnwiiiter, etc. 4. durch ei- nen Anhang vermehrte Autl. 12-. Augsburg, 1891. Srclski (V. O.) * K voprosu o dielstvii vann po sposobu Finklera. [Action of baths by Fink- ler's method.] 8-. Zhitomir, 18-5. Stkixbacher (J.) Handbuch des gesaminten Xaturheilverfahrens nach modilicierteu Priuci- pien Schroth's uud Priessuitz's fiir Aerzte und Laien. 8-. Augsburg, 1862. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. -:. Augsburg, 1869. Stklmakhovich (X.) * Material! dlya uche- niya o kholodnlkh obertivauivakh. [On cold packs.] 8D. S.-Peterburg, 18^2. Storoziieff (G. R.) Hidroterapiya. Vlp. I. Xaruzhniye sposobi. [Hydrotherapy. Pt. I. External methods. ] -°. Moskva, 1889. Traite pratique (l'hydrologie medieale, par P. Jardet et G. Niviviere, F. Lavergne, M. Dort- Lambron, L. Heulz, A. Boursier. *-. Pavis, 1896. Trall (R. T.) The hydropathic encyclopedia; a system of hydropathy and hygiene in eight parts. Designed as a guide to families and stu- dents, and a text-book for physicians. T2-. New York, [1851]. Vidart (P.) Mauuel d'hydrotherapie a l'u- sage des baigneurs de Divonne. 2. ed. 8°. Geneve, 1888. Vixa.i (G. S.) L' impacco uniido; osservazioni ed esperienze fatte. 8-. Torino, 1-90. Voronovski (M.) "Materiali k voprosu o dielstvii bryushnavo sogrlevayusbt^havo kom- pressa. [On the action of the abdominal warm- ing compress.] H-\ .v. Peterburg, 1---. Wi'.iss (J.) Handbuch iler Wasserheilkunde fur Aerzte und Laien. Resultate fiiufzehujaliri- ger iu Grafenberg, Freywaldau, Staustead Bury uud Ludbrook-Park gemachter Erfahrungen. 2. Autl. 83. Leipzig. 1*47. -----. The same. The handbook of hydro- therapy, for professional aud domestic use; with an appendix on the best mode of forming hy- dropathic establishments. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1844. Williams (C. J. B.) [et al.]. On the principles of the water cure; with comments and explana- tory remarks by J. Timberlake. Designed chief- ly to point out or delineate the safest, the most efficient, and the most beneficial modes of bath- ing, as to all, but more especially for invalids, or the delicate and the weak. 8°. Richmond, 1855. 166 HYDROTHERAPY. HYDROTHERAPY. Hydrotherapy (Manuals of, methods in, and apparatus for). Wilson (J.) The water cure. A practical treatise on the cure of diseases by water, air, exercise, and diet: being a new mode of restoring injured constitutions to robust health, for the radical cure of dyspeptic, nervous and liver com- plaints, tic douloureux, gout and rheumatism, scrofula, syphilis, andtheirconsequencesjdiseases peculiar to women and children, fevers, inflam- mations, etc. 8°. London, 1842. Altdorfer (M.) Die hydropathische Leibbinile als Hypnoticuni. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1889, iii, 121.— Barncli (S.) Ueber dieWichtigkeit der Pracision in der hydriatischen Technik. Fortschr. d. Hydroth. Festschr. W. "Winternitz,Wien u. Leipz., 1897, 96-118. AUo, transl [Abstr.): Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc. Phila., 1896, xvii, 18-21. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1896, lxxiv, 686. [Discussion], 698-700. -----. Hydriati- sche Technik und wissenschaftlirhe Hvdrotherapie. Bl. f. klin. Hydrotherap., Wien, 1898, viii,'211.—Baum (S.) Ueber den Werth des mechanischen Reizes in der Hydro- therapie. Wien. med. Presse,1893, xxxiv,1921; 1967. Also [Abstr.]: Mitth. d. Wieu. med. Doct.-Coll., 1893, xix, 186- 188.—Benard (P.) ' De la douche filiforme a haute pres- sion employee a Siiint-Christau. Ann.Soc. d'hydrol. m6d. dePar. Compt. -rend., 1894, xxxix,60-79 — Benedikt (M.) Beitrage zur Denkmethodik in iler Balneotherapie. Ver- iiffentl. d. Hufeland. Gesellsch. in Berl. Balneol.Gesellsch., 1898, xix,154-165. Also: Hygieia, Stuttg., 1898, xii, 71-77.— Bcni-Bardc. Des doucht-s locales en balneotherapie. [Rap.] Cong.internat.d'hydrol.etde climatol. Compt.rend. 1889, Par., 1890, ii, 162-177.— Boltey (F.) De I'emploi du drap mouille en hydrotherapie. Kev. d'hyg. th6rap., Par., 1890. ii. 42-4."). Also, Reprint. -----. De ia (louche chaude. Rev. d'hyg. therap.,Par., 1893,v,35-42. Aiso.Reprint.—Bo- zcrian (E. E. a.) Hvdro-therapentie apparatus. No. 246654; Sept. 6, 1881.—van der Burg (C. L.) Inrichtin- gen voor hydrotherapie iu Nederland. Nederl. Tijdschr.v. Geneesk. lieziekenverplesi. [etc.]. Artikelen . . . Catalog. d.HUt. Geneesk.Tentoonst.te Arnhera, Amst,, 1899,27-29.— B u \ ban in (B.) Modification der feuchten Einpnckung zu praktisehen und wissenschaftlichen Zwecken. Aerztl. Centr.-Anz., Wien, 1897, ix, 77-79.-----. Einige einfache hydriatische Proceduren. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1901, xlvi, 84; ,"i(J9.—I'anlct. De la douche froide sur les pieds et de ses usages. Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. med. de Par., 1885, xxx, 76-103. Also: Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1885, cviii, 256-272.— Chapman (O. S.) The prophylactic douche. Ann. Gynec. 97. to April, 1899. 8*. Haarlem. Monatsschuiet fiir praktische Balneologie. Hrsg. von Franz C. Miiller. v. 2-4, 189li-8. 8-. Munchen. Ended. Want. v. 1. Moxatsschrift fiir praktische Wasserheil- kunde und physikalische Heilniethoden. Hrsg. von. Arno Kriiche. v. l->, 1894-1901. 8°. Miin- chen. Current. Societe d'hydrologie medieale de Paris. Compte rendu de l'annee 1888, par M. Leudet. r»:5 Paris, 1889. Societe de medecine du midi appliquee a l'hydrologie. Congres de Toulouse. 8°. Bor- deaux, 1>.~>3. Vereix fiir Wasserfreunde. Statuten. 8°. Berlin, 1^61. Zeitschrift fiir naturgeniiisse Gesundheits- Pllege und Kranken-Behaudlung mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Wasserkurcn. Hft. 2-6. ; \ Dessau, I860. II in-hard (H.) De l'organisation d'une societe d'hy- drelo-i''. Ann. d'hydrol. et de climat. med., Par., 1898, iii 6«'i-'>9.—.tIcss. Het Congres voor hydrologie en clinia- toiogie te Biarritz. Geneesk. Courant, 'Tiel, 1887, xli, nos. 1-3. Also. Reprint. Hydrotherapy (Popular handbooks of). See Hydrotherapy (Manuals of, etc.). Hydrotherapy in children. Mayer (J. F.) Die Kindes-Ptlege wie auch die Erkenutni-s und Behandlung der Kinder- Krankbeiten mit Wasser, ini Geiste der neuen Wasserheillehre. 8-. Gera 94, ix,401-Ii;i — t liicoyiicaii (F.i .v. 4'lia«teliiiu id) An bydropi pectoris sal mirabile I'loheri.' In: Qua'stiones nied., 4°, Monspelii 171;!, 22.— Diuniii (I5» Hydropisio de poitrine. Biblioth. nied. phys. du nor.I I.ansaiine, 1781!, i. 130-132.—Fackler be (M.) Hvdrothorax. Traite de med. (Brouar- del .v Gilbert!. Par., 1901. viii, 197 - 199. — Ponlinx (('. 15) Report of a case ol' li\ «li <>i>\ -othorax. Columbus M. J . 1890-91, ix, 539.—I'orciicr i F. L.) Fifteeu cases of hvdrothorax. Tr. South Cur. M Ass., 1889, 89-94. Also: N. Orl. M. & S. T., 18-9. u. s., xvi, 885-891. Al.^n. Reprint.— Poiain. Sm un i'ii- d'hydrothorax. Med. mod., Par., L»94, v, 401. — I*njjli»i (M.) I'n caso di iilro-pio-torace. Gior. med d. r esercito [etcl. Roma. 1880, xxxiv. 1049- 1060 —Mtccle (J. D.) The disiributiou and ctiologv of cardiac In .',n>th»rax. Lniv. M. Ma;., Phila.. lMJii-7. ix, 50:!-578.— Ni€'iia«'l(A.) Right-sided cardiac hvdrothorax. Lniv. Penn. M. Hull.. Phila.. 1901. xiv, 103-111. Also: Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila., 1901, xvi, 3-19. 1 pl.— Tn»a (S.) Su due casi di idrotorace unilateral destro in inilividui canhopaiii i Riforma nied., Napoli. 1893. ix, pt. 3,793-801.—Vcirnc'J » Ant woord op de vraage: Nadien de ondervinding geleert heest. dat de horst\vate1v.u5t iu eenen gevorderden staat. door alle bekende iniddelen ou- geneeslyk is, welken zyn de oorzaaken van de ziekte, en welken zyn de zekere teekenen. waar door dezelve in haar allereerste begin kau ontlerkciid. en van alle andere borst- ziekteu ten duidelx kste kan ondei sc heiden worden .' Wel- ken zyn de middeleii, die deeze ziekte kunnen voorkoo- men.' Dezelve iu haar eerste liegiu geneezen, en in eenen verre gevorderden staat kunnen verzagteii 1 Verhandel. uitgejr. d. de Holland. Maatsch. d. Wectensch. te Haar- lem. 1788. xxv, 1-224.—Winner (W. G.i Hvdrothorax, urgent dvspncea; autopsy. Lniv. Mag.. I'liila., ls88-9, i, 580. Hvflrotliorav (Treatment of. Opera- \ the). De la Porte (J. J.) An bydropi pectoris pa- racentesis? 4Z. [Parisiis]. 1774. Beadles (C. F.) A case illustrating the benefit of aspii-itiinii iu liydrothorax. Lancet, Loud., 1893. i, 1192.— Euibliiii;. 1 ,ise of hydrothorax. tapped seventeen times. Austral. M. J.. Melbourne, 1887. n. s., ix, 300.— Feryiioon L D.) The us.- of the aspirator in hydro- thorax. Tr. N. Tork M. Ass. 1884. N. T., 1885, i. 18(3-192. [Discussion], 196—firotai*. Vaste hydrothorax; in- cision extrai ostalc < raz. d. hop.. Par..']885. lviii, 619. AUo, transl.: Boll. d. clin. Napoli, 1885. ii, 235.—Tuna (Si Epatite iuterstiziaU- idtotorace destro, sputo albu- minoso in st-^uito a toracentesi e a paracentesi. Riforma med.. Napoli, 1692, viii, pt. 3, 244-246. Hydroxy lam i ne. See, also, Skin ( Diseases of, Treatment of). Cohn(L.) * Uelier einige plitalylhaltiije De- rivate des Hydroxylamins und die Ueberfuhrung der Plitalsiiure in .Salii >ls;'iiiri'. -a Konigsberg, le-n. Ehlert (W.) * Ueber Hydroxylaminderivate zweibasischer Siiuren. 8°. Konigsberg, 1901. Feldt (W.) * Ueber das Verhalten von Hy- droxylamin zu einigen Mi-rallsalzen. 1*2-. Ber- lin, l-'j:'. Fink (V.) * Ueber Hemipinylhydroxylamin. 8-. Konigsberg i. Pr., 1900. Griebsch (P.) * Beitn'i^e zur Kemitnis der pbysikulischen Isomeric einiger Hydroxvlamin- deiivatc 8°. Konigsberg, 1—. Hamilton (G.) * Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Struktur der Hydroxylaminderivate. 8 . Konigsberg, 1 -*-.">. Jacohson (R.) * Beitriige zur Kenntnis amid- artiger Deri\rate des Hydroxylamins. 8°. Konigsberg, 1.-90. Jlngeblodt (H.) "Ueber die narkotisclie Wirkung von Hydroxylamin und Natriumnitrit. [Bonn.] -9. Lippstadt, 1-h,). Klablnd CH.) * Ueber die pliysikalisclie Iso- inerie einiger Hydroxylaminderivate mit dem Railical der Paratoluvisiiure. *■■'. Kbnigsburg, [1-01]. ydroxyiaminc. KftPCKE (Paula). ' Zur Kenntniss des Para- Brom-Phenylbydroxylaiuius. Ueber einige ni- trosirte Siiureanilide. [Bern.] 8°. Dresden, 1899. Leber (H.) ~ Toxikologische Untersuchun- gen Uber die Wirkung des Hydroxylamins. [Erlangen.] 8-\ Niirnberg, 1888. Piepek (R.) * Ueber einige metamere Hy- ilroxylamiuderivate. s=. Konigsberg, 1882. Pr'euss (H. [F.]) * Beitrage zur Keutniss einiger Hyilroxylatuinverbindungen der Cliino- linsliure uud Ueberfuhrung der letztereu in Aini- dopyridiu. 8:. Konigsberg, l8*9.">. RahxknI'I'iirer <('.) "Leber einige iso- und terephtalylhaltige Derivate des Hydroxylamins und die Ueberfuhrung del* Isophtalsiiure in Pa- rnphenyle ndiaiuin. - . Konigsberg, 1884. Kogxer (E.) * Ueber triaeylierte Hydroxy- laniine mit den radicalm Benzoyl, Anisyl und p-Toluyl. - . himigsherg, 1895. Sciiafer (F.) 'Ueber die Einwirkung von Hvdroxylainiu auf Oxaliither. 8°. Konigsberg i. '/'r., l-'J'J. Sciikidemann (G.) 'Ueber das Verhalten einiger HydroxvlaiiiinverOinduugen im Thier- kdrper. ■* . Konigsberg. 1892. Stokrmer (M.) * Ueber sogenannte physi- kalisch verschiedene Modifieationeu von Hy- droxylaininderivaten. - . Konigsberg, 1892. Uecker (A.) "Beitriioe zur Kenntniss der physikalisehen Isonierie einiger anisylirtei Hy- droxylaminderivate. -'-". Konigsberg, lr-91. Voltmer (L.) * Ueber die Einwirkung des Hydroxylamins und einiger Derivate desselben auf die Senfole. 8°. [Berlin, 1889.] AloiizofG.) Azionedeir idrossilamina sui rene Clin. nied. ital. Milano, 1898, xxxvii, 567-575 —Baip iS.) Con- tribute alio studio dell' azione antisettica del elondrato di idrossilamina (NH4 OCL); nota preventiva. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1887, viii, 522.—Binz (C.) Toxikologisches iiber das Hydroxylamin. Arch, f.path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 188.». cxiii, 1-9. -----. Narkotische Wirkungen von Hydroxy- lamin und Natriumnitrit. Ibid., l>-89. cxviii, 121-136.— ltrodie (W. B.l Note on the action of hydroxylamiue hydrochlorate. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1897-9. xxii. 56.— Itiiiiilou ( T. L.) Note on hydroxylamiue livilrochlo- rate as a substitute for nitrite of amvl or nitrnnlvrerine. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1894. xxx, 189-194.—Fall* ( F.) EDtgegnung auf die von L. Lewin gemachte Mittheilung iiber H\ drow laiuin Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz.. l>8,-.-!i, xxv 456. — I.rtviu ( L. 1 Ueber Hvdroxvlamin; ein licit rai; zur Kcnntni>s der Blnt«iifte.' /61V1.. 300-325. - 1.oe»v (().) Leber die Gift- wirkung des Hydroxylamins vernlidien mit der von an- dereu Substanzen. Arch. f. d. jres. Physiol., Bonn. 1884-5, xxxv, 516-527. -----. Leliei Giftwirkuugdes Hvdroxyla- mins und der salpetrigen Siiure. Sitzunirsb. il. (JeselNch. f. Morphol. u. Pliysiol. in Miinchen, 1889-90, v, 126-129 — I.OHsen (W.) Leber Phtalylhydroxylamiii uud ver- wandte A'cibiiidunjien. Chein. u. med. Lntersiich. Lest- Bchr. . . . Max Jaffe. P.inscliwi;., 1901, 241-262.—.lien- delHolin (Mi Leber die Zerleirbarkeit der Nitrite ilimh Hydroxylamin. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Leip/. u. Leii., 1893. xix, 995— Itniiiioiidi (C.) Sull' azione anti- settica dei sali d' iilrosAlainina; nuove ricerche speri- mentali e batteriosropiche. Atti d. r. Accad. di tisiocrit. in Siena. 1891, 4. s . iii. 367-377— Kaiiiiondi (Ci .V Itciloni (G.) Nuove ricerche sull' azione biologica e tos- sica d(!i sali d' iilrossilatniua. Ibid., 1890, 4. s., ii, 71-77. • AUo: Ann. di chini. e di farm., Milano, 189n. 4. s., xi, 102- 108. AUo K 1st. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Rendic, Milano, 1890, 2. s.. xxiii 117-121. Hvd row I benzol. *Borlttau (H. [J.]) * Ueber das Verhalten der Di- und Trilivdroxylbeuzole im Tierkdrper. H. Berlin, [1892]. Ilydroxoa. See, also. Hydroidea. Fol (H. ) * Kin Beitrag zur Anatomie und Entwiekelunj'sgesehiehte einiger Rippenqualleu. 4°. Berlin, [1869]. Wright ( T. S.) On Hydiactinia echinata. 8* . Edinburgh, 1857. Repr. from .- Edinb. N. Phil. J.. 1857, u, s., i, 298-313, 2 pl. HYDROZOA. 570 HYGIENE. Hydrozoa. Bigdow (It. P.) The marginal sense organs in the Pelagida*. Johns Hopkins Lniv. Circ, Bait., 1890, ix, 65-67.—Claim (C.) Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Geryo- nopsiden- nnd Encopiden-Entwicklung. Arb. a. d. zool. Inst. d. Lniv. Wien, 1881-2, iv, 89-120, 4 pl.— II argil I (C. W.) Notes upon Cordylophora lacustris. Zool. Bull., Bost., 1897, i, 2U.V208. -----. Synopses of North-American invertebrates. XIV. The hyd'roinedusie. Part III. Am. Naturalist, Bost.. 1901, xxxv,'.374-595. — iViiMNbaum (M.) Resistance vitale des orjjanismes encapsules. [Transl from: Zool. Anz., Leipz.. 18*3, vi.] Arch, slaves de biol., Par., 1887. iii, 26.">--_»67. — WiNon (H. V.) The structure of Cunoetantlia octonaria in 1 lie adult and larval stages. Johns Hopkins Univ. Stud. biol. lab., Bait.. 1887. iv, 95- 107, 3 pl. —Zoja ( R.) Sulla trasmissibilita degli stiiuoli nelle colonic di idroidi. Atti . . . r. Ist. Lomb. disc, e lett., Milano, 1891, 2. s., xxiv, 1225-1233. Also, transl: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1892, xvii, 304-313. Hydrozone. See Hydrogen peroxyd. Hydruria. See Diabetes insipidus, Hyeble (Christoffus). Tractat von der aller iiirtredichsten und kraftigsten Artznei wider allerley Gifft: welches der Stein Bezaar ist. Inn welchem seine wunderbarliche YVurcknngen nnd Tugenten mit der Heilung in den Gifften auge- zeigt wirt. Darin d iser Medicin grosse verborgne Secret unnd vilerley Erfaliriingen geseheu wer- den. Auss etlichen Authoribus zusammeu gezo- gen, und vou newem widernm corrigiert uud verbessert zuTeutsch iu Truck aussgclien la.ssen. 47 ft'. 16°. Costantz am Boden-See, X. Kalt, 1598. llyeillie (Jules) [1^?:J— ]. * Etude anatomo- elinique des priiicipales degenerescences des iibroniyoines de l'uterus. 18'5 pp., 1 1., 3 pl. 8°. Paris, 1898, Xo. 24:3. -----. Tlie same. 181 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1898. H ye res. Sec Hospitals (Management, etc., of), by lo- calities. Homnoi'aty (A.) Lettre k un nie-decin de Pa- ris sur Hyeres, son climat et son influence dans les maladies de poitrine, etc. 12°. Toulon, 1834. Marquez(0.) Hyeres (Var), station bivernale. Notice medieale. 4. e"d. 16°. Hyeres, 1-90. Barlli. Notice topographique et medieale sur la ville d'Hyeres. Arch: sen. de med.. Par., 1841, 3. s., xii, 161-195. Also, Reprint.—Cormack (L. L.| The French Riviera; Hyeres as a health resort. ('liiiiatolo»ist, Phila., 1891-2. i, 367-378. AUo, Reprint. — ll<«l«lc. Llimatologie de la station hivernale ile Hveres (Van. Long, internat. d'hy- drol. et de climatol. 0. r. 1886, Par., 1887, i. 448-450.— IIvcrcM-lcs-Palmiers. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 190U, n. s., Ixix, 327. Ilyernaiix (L [6on- Joseph - Ghislain] ) [1829- ]. Manuel pratique de l'art des accouche- nients, avec figures, vii, 359 pp. 12-5 Bruxelles, J.-B. Tircher, l-'w. ------. Observations obst6tricales. 48 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, H. Manceaux, 1878. Repr. from: Bull. Acad. roy. de m6d. de Belg., Brux., 1878, 3. s., xii. See. also, Breyer. Lettre [etc.]. 8°. Bruxelles, 1868. For Biography, see Lniv. de Brux. Notice hist. . . . 1834-84, 171. Hygeian (The) Journal, edited by James Greer. [Monthly.] Nos. 1-6, v. 1, Nov. 6, 1832, to April 2, 1833. 8°. London. Hygeist (The), or medical reformer, and de- fender of liberty of conscience and private judg- ment. Xo. 28, n. s., Aug. 1, l-.">7. 8°. Londo7i. Hygeist (The); a semi-monthly publication, in- tended to establish unity and certainty in medi- cine upon rational principles. (" British Col- lege of Health.") v. 1-2 (Nos. 1-50), Aug. 1, 1842, to Sept., 1845. 4~. London. In Sept., 1843 (no. 26), became monthly. Hygiea. v. 48-63, 1886-1901. 8°.. Stockholm. I'm rent. Hygiea. Illustrirte Cur- und Bade-Zeitung. Hrsg. von Max Constantin Herz. [Semi-Month- ly.] v. 9-16, 1894-1901. 4-'. Wien cf St. Peters- burg. Hygiea, oder die Kunst gesund zu seyn nnd alt zu werden, zur Beforderung medizinischer Aufklarung und des physischen Lebcnsgliicks. Hrsg. von Karl Friedrich Lutheritz. Jahrg. 1809 (Hft. 2, 4, 5, 6). 8°. Leipzig. Hygieia. Gemeinverstiindlicbc Monatsschrift fiir Selbstgesnndheits- und Krankenpflege, Men- schen- uud Kulturkunde, hrsg. von Paul Nie- meyer. v. 1-14, 1888-1901. e 5 Stuttgart. Current. A continuation (3. a.) of: Aerztliche Sprechstunden. Hygieine lumiue revelationis, rationis, expe- riential, gratia*, natura? sensus commendata, ma- xime in usum moralem ducta, binis conimenta- tionibus. I. De diabetica sacra. II. De dite- tetica mosaica. 112 pp. 16°. [n. p.], 1740. Bound ivith: Carl (J. S.) Medicina universalis [etc.], 16°. Copenhagen, [1737J. Hygieiniske Meddelelser. 3. s., v. 3-4, 1886-8. 8°. Kjpbenhavn. Hygiene. See, also, Air (Chemistry of)', Architecture; Bacteriology; Bicycles; Canals; Cars (Hy- giene of); Climate; Coins; Communion cup; Cooking; Dust; Forests; Hygiene (Female); Hygiene (History, etc., of); Hygiene (Institu- tions, etc., for) [anel subdivisions] ; Hygiene (In- ternational); Hygiene (Jewish); Hygiene (Lit- erature of) [prior to A. D. 1800]; Hygiene (Man- uals, etc., of); Hygiene (Mental); Hygiene (Military) [and subdivisions]; Hygiene (Munici- pal) [and subdivisions]; Hygiene (Museums, etc., of) [and subdivisions]; Hygiene (Naval) [and sub- divisions]; Hygiene(Periodicalsrelating to); Hy- giene (Personal); Hygiene (Popular, Hand- books, etc., relating to); Hygiene (Public) [and subdivisions]; Hygiene (Rural); Hygiene (Sex- ual) ; Hygiene (Teaching of); Hygiene ( Veter- inary); Hygiene of old age; Prophylaxis; Rail-ways (Hygiene of). Abate (C.) Sull' igiene. 16°. Roma, 1886. Allexich (G.) Igiene. Fascicolo 1°. Del- 1'igiene in generale. 12°. Crema, 1887i. Attfield (J.) The laws of nature in relation to health. An address delivered at the anni- versary meeting of tbe Hertfordshire Natural History Society and Field Club, 1887. With an appendix. 8°. Hertford, 1887. Repr. from: Tr. Hertfordshire Nat. Hist. Soc, iv. Bacon (F.) Civilization and health. 8°. Cambridge, Muss., 1870. Bakker (J. J.) *Diss. sistens consideratio- nem virium vitalinm, quateuus revocari possint ad leges mechanicas, cheiuicas atque dynamicas. 8C. Groningee, 1822. vox Bau.mhauer (E. H.) Wij leven in de natuur en inoeten haar kennen. 8°. Amster- dam, 1848. Bentley (J.) Health and wealth; how to get, preserve, and enjoy them; or physical and industrial training for the people. 12°. Lon- don, 187)2. Bignami (G.) II concetto moderno della au- todifesa organica contro le malattie. Nuovo capitola della fisio-patologia uniana. 8°. Cre- mona, 1897. Bizzozero ( G.) II compito dell' igienista. 8-5 [Torino, 1891.] Bonami (P.) Nouveau dictionnaire de la sante", comprenant la medecine usuelle, l'hy- giene jonmaliere, la pharmacie domestique et les applications des nonvelles conquetes de la science a l'art de guerir. roy. 8-. Paris, 1888. HYGIENE. 571 HYGIENE. Hygiene. 'Boucek (B.) Rozpravy zdravotnicke*. [Hy- gienic essays.] sui. 4°. Podibradech. 1900. Bremoxd (F.) Les prejugeseu medecine et en hygiene. 12°. Paris, 1892. Brown vH.) Lectures on the laws of health, and their correspondence with revealed truth. Delivered before the Manchester city mission- aries. .--. Manchester, 1892. C. iM.-L.) Erreurs et prejuge's des gens du monde en hygiene et en niedeeine. 12°. Paris, 1829. Campbell (D.) A propos des conferences de Miss May Yates; lettre sur l'aliinentation re- form e> et l'hygiene. 8°. Liege, 1893. Carter (J.) The Curtis-and-Rathbono prize essay. Second prize. ••On the intluenee of temperance, cleanliness, and frugality upou the working classes.'' 12 . Liverpool, l-.">o. Repr. from: Liverpool Mercury, June 7, 1850. Corkindalk (J.) *De vigore et debilitate earuinque signis in corpore humane. 8-'. Edin- burgi, 1801. Costa ^V.) Relazione sanitaria - popolare. 12-. Lanciano, 18-5. -----. Relazione scientirica-sanitaria. 12*". Lanciano, 1--■">. Cskhi de Sziget i,S.) De vita natura con- veniente. r . Vindobona', [1836]. Dawne (D.) Health, a poem showing how to keep and preserve it in a sane and sound state, as also to restore it when low and di- niinish'd. To which is annex'd The doctor's decade. 1*2°. London, [n.d.]. Desidekils. Pro sanitate. 8. Berlin, 1881. Doctor's (The) physician; or, dialogues con- cerning health. Transl. out of the original French. 18-. London, 10~5. Eijkman CC.) Over gezondheid en ziekte in hede gewoten. 8:. Utrecht, l-'.ia. Einkehr oder Umkehr in der Medecin? Von einem Veteraneu der Hvgiene. 8-'. Leipzig, 1893. Flemmlng (D. L.) Life and death; or, the creeping shadow. A lecture, silent but of sover- eign power, counting of numerous original compositions in verse and prose, and collections from ancient manuscripts and various writers. 8°. Philadelphia, [1-73]. FOkela-ninoar fdr Sophiahemmets sjuksko- terskeelever. IV. Hygien af Ernst Almquist. [Lectures at tlie Sophia Home for Undergrad- uate Nurses.'] IV. The Hvgiene of Ernest Alm- quist] --. Stockholm, [1901]. Fukker ( A. P. ) De experiuienteele opvat- ting. itne leveusquaestie voor de hygiene. 8°. Haarlem. 1-77. Fowler (L. N.) Health, wealth, and happi- ness. 12c. [London, 1.-64.] Fowler ( R. > Speech on Tuesday, Nov. 9, 1881, at meeting of city of Loudon union guar- dians. -3. London, 1882. Fratini ( F. ) Corso di lezioni popolari d' igiene e medicina pratica. 8°. Feltre, 1885. Fuller &, Warren Company. Tlie ultimate of sanitation. 12--. [ Chicago, 1 --8.J Gaknktt (T.) A lecture on the preservation of health. 2. ed. 12. London, [1800]. Gihon (A. L.) The dignity and importance of the individual. An address to tlie graduating class at the commencement of the Central High School of Philadelphia, Feb. 12, 1885. r'-. Phila- delphia, 188o. Godwin (G.) Address on health. 8a Lon- don, 1871. Golfin (H.) Programme du cours d'hygiene privee ct publique, appliquee a l'6tiologie, a la Hygiene. prophylactique eta la therapeutique. 8°. Mont- pellier, 1828. Gould (G. M.) Everybody's medical duty. An address to tho Unitarian Club of Philadel- phia, February 11th, 18'J2. 8". Philaelelphia, 1892. Guy-Raoul. Choixde lectures sur l'hygiene; recueil des nieilleurs moreeaux, descriptions; tableaux, narrations, biographies, faits impor- tants, curieux ou utiles conceinant l'hygiene physique, inlelleetuelle et morale; extraits des auteurs ancieus it inodei nes qui out trait6 de cette science. Ouvrage specialement destine" aux personnes qui se eonsacreut a i'enseigne- nient, aux Aleves des institutions de tons les de- gr6s, et aux gens du monde. 8°. Paris, 1861. Hamilton (F. H.) Health aphorisms, and an essay on the st niggle for life against civilization, luxury, and iestlietieism. 16J. New York, 1882. Hornemann ( E.) Hygieiuische Abhaudlun- gen. Beitriige zur praktisehen Gesundheits- pflege. Autorisirte deutsche Uebersetzung von Eugen Liebich. 8. Braunschweig, 1881. Hunt (E. M.) Hygiene; its scope, its prog- ress, and its leading aims. 8°. [n.p.,1885.] -----. Address read before the American So- cial Science Associatiou, September 5, 1883. 8-\ [n.p., 18.-:;.] Hygienlska notiscr, samlade under en resa i utlandet af R. Wawrinsky. [Hygienic notes, collected while traveling abroad, by R. Wa- rinsky.] -°. Stockholm, 1885-6. Jardet (P.) Questions d'hygifene. Hygiene des habitations. Hygiene de l'enfance. 8°. Vichy, 1--0. Johnson (E.) Life, health, and disease. 12°. New York, 1850. Johnson (J.) The economy of health; or, the stream of human life, from the cradle to the grave; with reflections, moral, physical, aud philosophical, on the septenniel phases of hu- man existence. 3. ed. 12°. New York, 1858. Kantemir (I.) *Diss. tractaus hygienem. 8°. Vindobonce, [1842]. .Kedzie CR. C.) El terreno de seguridad. 8°. Mexico, 1-92. Kirk (.J.) Papers on health. 10.—11. series. 10'J. Glasgow, 1885-6. -----. The same. New and complete oue- volume edition, revised and edited by Edward Bruce Kirk. ^ . London, 1900. -----. Thesame. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1900. Kosmann CC.-J. ) 'Dissertation sur les inovens de eonscrver la saute. 4 5 Strasbourg, an'X [1.-H2]. Lankester (E.) Sanitary defects and medi- cal shortcomings. 16°. London, [u. d.]. de Lecea y Cari-ia (F.) El problema de la salud. 8 . Madrid, 1899. Le Fort (L.) CEnvros, publiees par Felix Lejars. v.i. Hygiene liospitaliere; tomogra- phic; hygiene publique. roy. *J°. Paris, 1895. Leiiso.m (J.C.) Hints designed to promote beneficence, tempor.lnce, and medical science; originally published in 1801, and now re-pub- lished with memoirs of the author, brief notices of many of his friends. 3 v. 8\ London, 1H16. LoLKENLo DE MaGALHAES (J.) Qnestoes de hygiene. Artigos publicados no " Jornal do commereio". 8 . Rio de Janeiro, 1890. MaggioRA (A.) Appnnti di igiene. 18t-82ii.— ISoi'ii*. R6- forme aliinentiiire et sanitaire. Bull. Acad. iov. de me.d. deBelg., Brux.. 1892. 4. s., vi, 710-739.—Bol in' (L.) Om lielso-och sjukvarden i Upsala stail le9J och ]*9t;. [Hv- giene and care of the sick in Upsala in 1895 and 18:»'i. i Upsala Lakaref. Fiirli.. 1897-8, n. F., iii, 135-151.—Bovio (G.) Per Galilei. Riv. internaz. d' ig., ><5apoli, 1894. v, nos. 7-8, 269-276. — Brouardel (P.) L'hvjriene. Ann. d'liyg., Par.. 1899, 3. s.. xiii, 289-304. — Bucliiier (H.) Biologie uud Gcsiindlieit-dehre. Verhandl. il. Gesellsch. deutsch. Natmf. u. Aerzte. Lei])/... 189(1. Ixviii, pt. i, 39- 56.—Biii'inan (I \\5i (in jueventive medicine in its HYGIENE. 573 HYGIENE. Hygiene. relation to the general pi.u tiiioncr. l'rai ntioner, Lond.. 1882. xxix, 228; *i('S. A ■'.-•■■ . lbpiiii:.—t'ni'i'iiroli (A.) Le trasniissioni en ditai :e e 1 igh-iie. I'th. iale san., .Xa- poli, 1899. xii, 117-124.—C a-u 11, i 1- eue e Supei stizione; j letterasecoudaal Dr. Francesco Aphi 1 Riv. iial. di l. rap. e i". Piacenza. 1-96, xvi, 144; 175: '.'-"■: 334.—i'liaddock (C."g.i Moral Ut.iltli. Mid. Miner St. I......i-. 1-91, v, 141-llu.—Chee*inaii (W. S.i Back to nature. Buffalo M. ..L. 1896-7. wxvi. ::23-331. Also: Kansas City M. Kec.. 1.-97. xiv, 1-7.—Clii'vei* N.i Address on health. Tr. Nat. Ass. rroiuot. Social Sc. 18.-4. Loud., 1885, 63-72.— Colin 11..) I'e I influence patliogcn:<|iio de l'cncombre- uieut. Ai.11. a 11\-_. rar.. 1-76.2.*.. xiv. 2::::; 3.-1. AU,,, I Reprint—Cooper (A. D.l Hvgiene. Indian M.-Lnir. Rev.. Bombay, 189C, iv, 179-Kl. — Corrield i YV. Hi Mistakes about health. Tr. San. lust. Gr. Biit. l8.->s-9. Lond., 1890. x. ;;3u-33> — (oniiii; ill A.) The phvsician as a sanitarian Tr. Mi--i—.ii-i'i Vail, v M. Ass., 1900, ii, 326-!32. — I inik il;.. Introdu.tory li-ctnie on hygiene, public health and preventive medicine. Montreal M. J., 1896-7. xxv " --37i —C'ulnn'i' G. F.) Hygiene and the phvsician. Cim-.n I.anceii 'linic 1892, n. s. xxix. 2i'i>- 209* — Dana ■''. I. < Is life-woi th saving? Forum, X. V., j K--6-7, ii. GO-68.— Delepine iS.j A lecture on the de- velopment of modern ideas on the preventive, protective, and curative treatmentof bacterial diseases, and on immu- nity or refractoriness to disease. Lancet, Lond., 1891, i, 241-244.—Drmari'lii iL) Sui con-iglidi sauitii. Gior. d. r. Au.i.l. lucl.chir. di Torino. 1848 2. s. iii, 170-177. AUo, Rejirinr.— I>eni»on 5) 1). generative hereditary, or some (legem rative :,:: ences of modern civilization upon health. An Pub lb IthAss. Rep.. Concord. 1896, xxi. 24,~-2"- — Oi Hatlei (E.) Note d' i_ii.-in- pratica. i Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, l.-.-.-Ai x :;-j—i;;•. — ■>ixon (S. G.) Address on hygiene. Med. .v Sure;. Reporter, Phila., 1893, Ixviii, 875-J-.-3. AUo. Repiint. — Dnjnrdin- | Reaumct/. De ihvgiene therapc tiijiie. Lull. gen. de therap. [etc." Par., 1886, ex. 385-397. ------. Hvgiene therapeutique. De 1 aerotherapie. Ibid., 18-8. cxiv, 2*9- 311. AUo, tr,'i,*L: Therap. Gaz.. Detroit. 18-,-. 3. a. iv, 2-9-299. ------. Hvgiene prophylactique. Considerations gtuerales sur la doctrine niicrobienne. Bull. gen. de tliei.ip. [etc.]. Par.. 18--. cxr. 1-1-. AUo. transl.: Therap. (.az. Detroit, 188-. 3. s. ir, 577-5-5. ------. Hygiene propii\5,ic'i.ii-,. . De l'i-olenient. Hull. gen. de therap. [etc Pai.. 18-.'. cxv, 49-69. AUo, transl. : Therap. Gaz., Detroit, le-9. .;. s.. v, 145-155. — Elmer (W.) President's addre*-. Tr. M. Soc. X. Jersey, Newark, 1896. 121- 140. — Elsworlh iE.i Dust and water. Tr. Vassar Bi-otht-i- Inst. 1'.. ighkeep-ie. 1*90-93, vi, 234 - 246. — Erisman iF. F. ■ Borba .«o smertyu. [The contest with death.] Dnevnik 4. siezda russk. vrach . Moskva, le'Ji 111-122. — Farqnhar»on (R.l Inaugural address. [Hygiene.] Lancet, Loud.. 1-97. ii. 701.— Fazio (E.) In- diiizzo ed ol.biettivo dell igiene. Gior. di < iiu.. terap. e med. pubb., Napoli, 1890. xxi. 97 - lo5. — I laviiwki (I.) Odin iz viednikh piedrazsudkov v oblasti praktiete^kol higieni. [Pernicious prejudices in the field of piaetieal hygiene.] Voyenno-med. J.. St. Petersb.. 18-7. i-lviii. 3. sect.. 113- 27.j.— FrrM'hi iF.) Del miglioiamento e per- feziouaiueiitu d< i cui pi viventi per mezzo dell'igiene. Gior. d. i. Accad. med.-chii. di Torino, 18.1.7. 2. s., xxiv, 4-1-496. — ('oodwiH ' R. >.| The physician as a sanita- rian. Proc. tonne t. M. Soc. Bridgeport, 1-96, 235-242.— II addon (J.) Health, and how to preserve it. Health Let., Loud.. 1*75-8 i. 125-144. — Ha-ren iM.i Hel- sofiendtliga forhalland' ii i -.imtindsiii. et. Tilings ob- noxious to health in social iit. HeKov.'inm n Goto- borg, 18.-6. i, 430-436. Holbrook (M. L.) Protoplasm, j (>: living matter and its relation to health. J. Hv; N. V. 189*. xlviii. 39-41.—Ilopkin* ill. R.i Piaeti'c.,! I -. - ' giene. BufifaloM.J.. 1&0U-1901. n. s.. xl.77-*7.—Ilolz.i w , Cleanline^* the first principle of by giene. -I. Alu. M. Ass., Chicago. 1-97. xv ni. 219-251. —Hunter (C A ■ ILgu-ne. i Pii vsio-Med. J. Indiana]). 18.(1, x xi. 261-272. — llyjjienic lad* and tie-oric-. Med. W'oild. Phila.. 1895, \in, 107.— Jacob! (A.I lhe study of hygiene; its signiticancc for the i.h>-ii ian. the student and the layman. Dietet. . U iZ.) "Wyprawy ])(» /(Howie. [On lr_:Ane | (iaz. !'•!; Warszawa, 18*6 2. s.. vi, 2. i'7; 47.- I.achnpelle L Hygiene. I'.I I.'hv L'iene, la hacteriologie et la m6decine. Rev.de anat. pa'tol. y clin.. .Mexico, 1897, ii, 81-89. -----. The physician and hygiene. Montreal M. J., 1900, xxix, 799- Hnii. Also, transl.: Union med. du Canada, 1900, xxix, 664- 674.— Li'lliiiiiiiii ill.) The hvgiene of exposure. Tr. M. Soc. Penn.. I'liila.. 1883, xvi 106-111. AUo, Repiint. -----. Sensationali-ni and donmatism in sanitary matters. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 188.1, iv, 2i>3.— I.eliillc (M.) Hygiene professionnelle; devoiis ju-opbv lai-hipies du medecin ]>raticien en presence d'une maladie infectieiise (hygiene et prophylaxie ni6dicales des mahidies conta- eii'iises). Bull. Soe. de med pub.. l'ar.. 1,-90, xiii, 53-77. [Discussion], 89: 138.—l.ona«ilorir (Hildegarde H.) The moral factor in hvgiene. Tr. M.Soc. Penn. Phila., 1895, xxvi, 82-92—l,op<-« Vieirn. Glorificacao do tra- balho pi-la hygieiio. loimbra med., 1897, xvii, 68-7G.— .VlfFniiillevM (J. L.i Hygiene as a remedv and jiro- phyla.-iio for disease. Ann. Hyg., Phila., 189G, xi, 221- 227'. — .VlncDennott C\V. R.) The place of health in evolution. [Abstr.] Lancet, Lond., 1887. i, 719. — ITIc- Intire (C.) Some problems in every-dav .sanitation, wiih suggestions for solving them. Penn. M. .L. Pitts- burg, 1898-9, ii, 281-2-9. — Mackenzie (YV5 L.) On the jdace of livgieiiics in a medical journal. Glasgow M. J., 1894, xiii, 27.1- 2*0. —ITIavN (T.J.) Address in hygiene. Tr. M. Soc. IVnii.. 1'hihi., 1890, xxi, 79-89. AUu, Reprint. — ITloore (K. M.i The president's ad- dress. J5 Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1890, xiv. 737-746.— .flooi-r i.T. W5) Address in hvgii ue Tr. !M. Soc Penn., Phila.. 1-96, xxvii, 62-92. — >Ioore (M. L.) Hvgiene. South. Calif. Pract., Los Angeles, 1b95, x, 287-294.— tlor- ri* (J.) Insanitary agents in common use; trees, refriger- ators, ice boxes, filters. Tr. M. A- Chir. Fac. Marvland, Bait.. 188-. H2-157. — .\oeI H. A . The moral vakie of health. Health Lett. l-*7. Lond .v Manchester, 1888, xi, 17-31.— I'anliu ill i Thrift, in regard to health and wealth with special reference to friendlv societies. Ibid., Edinb.. 1*89. 9. s., 37-63. — I't'iiiVoii (A. N.) Note on cleanliness. Austral. Health Soc, Melbourne. Health Lect., 1-89. 2. s., 91-93. — Penn (J. \Y.) The science of life. Tr. M. Soc. Tennessee, Chattanooga. 1-92, 67-76.—Picbon (A.) La conservation de la vie hiimaine. Assoc, franc pour l'avance. d. sc C.-r., Par.. 1889. xviii, pt. 2, 1116-1119. [Di-cussion], pt. 1. 41*. — Piromli iS.) Nouveau coupd'epec dans l'eau a propos d'hvgiene. Mar- seille med., 1889, xxvi. .173-601—Poore Hi. V.i Hvgi.nic units. Med. Mag'., Lond., 1892. i,317-331.—Potter < W. \Y.) The prevent ion of disease: a problem for allph v sicians. N. York M.J.,1894.lix. llu-4.11.— Prever(W.i La loi de con sei- vation de la vie. \Trausl. from: Natui -wis>eii~i h. V5 ini- schr.,189Lvi.No.l0.] Rev. scient.. Par. .1-91. lx vii. 7u.l-71L— Piii'i<"»z (S.) Leber das Yerhaltniss der Heilkunde zu deu Natmwisseiischaften. Pest. meil.-chir. Presse. Buda- pest, 1*90 xxvi.919:943 — KniiNoniei A. i Thernonevvalue of health. Health Lect. 1**7. Lond. ied.-Beamte. Berl.. 1889, ii, 189-204.— Re la iwl< r(K ) Mitii vaaditaan iliiiiiseltiihiineii terveyti-n-ii suhteeii? [How shall care of health be forced upon man.'] Suonieu terveydenh.-lehti. Hel-ingi-sii. 1890, ii. 113-117 —Reynolds (C. W.) Thrift: its bearing on health and disease. Health Lect, Lond., 1885, vi, 115- 131.—Rice (J.M.) Physiology and the prevention of dis- ease. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y.'. 1,-92, xli, 308-313. — Rich- :i i oil»ol|5 I P.) Osuovniyevoprosi llechcb- hoi higieni. | l-'iindauiental ([licstiuus in medical hy- goiiej J. med. i big. Kharkotf. 1894. i. no. 1, 1-22; no. 2. H-.1(5 li. no. 2. 1 31 ------. Diiiaiiiichcskaya tcoriya v in imi. i,. nii k higienie i meditsiiile. [Dynamic theory in its application to livgieiieand medicine, j Vestnik obsh. big., sudeb. i piakt.'med.. St. Petersb.. 1899. ]it. 2. I-1L— •4 mi III i.M.M.) General hygiene. Texas M. News, Aus- HYGIENE. 574 HYGIENE. Hygiene. tm. 1897-8. vii, 4-13-463. — Spatuzzi (A.) Relazioni tra 1' igiene e l'antropologia. ijuesiti pratici che ne derivano ed a]iplica/ioni alio sviluppo di statura. Morgagni, Xapoli. 18*7, xxix. 509-512. -Ntei'vi's (G. W.) Sanitary insur- ance. Pub. Health, Loud., 1894-5, vii, 207-210. — Slod- arl-Walkrr (A.) The struggle for existence: its rela- tion to health and disease. Edinb. Health Soc. Health Lect., 1897-8. xiv, 95-114. — Wjmond* iJ. A.) Address on health. In his: Misc., 8°. Lond.. 1*71, 382-400.—Tay- lor (C. F.) Emotional prodigality. Dental Cosmos. Phila., 1879, xxi, 3.19-371. Also, Keprint.—Thorne(K. Td Cleanliness in relation to health. Practitioner, Lond.. 188.. xxxix, 463-480.—Ulrieb (C. F.) Hygiene versus (bugs. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1896, xxvii, 344-346. — Voor- unii^cr, Hygienic self-defence. Sanitarian, X.T.. 1897, xxxviii. 195-2o'l. — Welch (VT. II.) Considerations con- cerning some external sources of infection ill their bearing on preventive medicine. Med. Lee., X. Y., 1889, xxxvi, 8.1-92. —White (Frances Emily). Hygiene as a basis of morals. Pop. Sc. Month., X. Y., 1887, xxxi, 07-79. Also, Keprint. Hygiene (Dental). See Teeth (Care of). Hygiene (Domestic). " See Habitations (Hygiene of); Hygiene (Popu- lar, Handbooks, etc., relating to). Hygiene (Female). See, also, Abortion (Causes of); Bicycles; Children (Hygiene of); Clothing; Conception (Prevention of); Corsets; Cycling; Education (Hygieneof); Formulae, etc.; Hygiene (Sexual); Menstruation (Causation of); Occupations; Pregnancy (Hygiene of); Prostitutes; Shop- girls; Women (Diseases of); Women as physi- cians. Adams (H. B.) Fran. Das Frauenbuch. Ein iirztlicher Ratgeber fiir die Frau in der Familie uud bei Frauenkrankheiten. v. 1. Korperbau und Gesundheitspflege. v. 2. Krankheitsptlege. 6. Aufl. -°. Stuttgart, [n. d.]. Albrecht (J. F.) Die Heinilichkeiten und Krankheiten der Frauen, ein belehrendes Buch fiir das weibliche Geschleelit iiber den ersten Eintritt der Bliite und die Krankheiten in den Perioden; von der Ehe und ihren Folgen; vom Verhalten der Schwangeren, Gebarenden und Wochnerinneu, nebst Abhandluugen iiber die schmerz- und gefahrlose Entbinduug der Frauen. 1."). Anfl. 12°. Leipzig, [1900]. -----. Der weibliche Busen, seine Schonheit uud Erhaltiing bei dem Kinde, der Jungfrau, Gattin und Mutter, physisch nnd moralisch dar- gestellt. 7. Aufl. 12°* Leipzig, [1900]. Alcott (W. A.) The youug woman's book of Iiealth. 12°. Boston, 1856. Alexander (A.) Healthful exercises for girls. ***-. London, 1886. Angerstkix (E.) & Eckler (G.) La gym- nastique des demoiselles. 8Z. Paris, 1892. Akonsson (J. C.) Die Kunst, das Leben des schouen Gescnlechts zu verlangeru, seine Schon- heit zu erbalteii, nnd es in seinen eigenthiiin- lichen Krankheiten vor Missgrift'en znbewahren. Neue Aufl. 8°. Berlin f Leipzig, 1807. Auber (T.-C.-E.-E.) Hygiene des femmes nervenses, ou conseils aux femmes pour les epoques de leur vie. 16*-'. Paris, 1844. Aunt Betsy. Home rule "wrinkles" for ladies. :32°. London, 1887. Bealcamp (E.) Ratgeber fur junge Frauen and Mutter. 8-. Berlin, 1900. Berens (G. F.) * De diaeta virginum. Von der Jungfer-Diiit. 4-. Halev Magdeb., [1720]. Berg (H.) Liirobok i helsoliira for flicksko- lor. [Hygienic manual for school girls.] 16-. Stockholm, '1891. Bergmanx. Aerztlicber Ratgeber fiir Schou- lieitspflegc. Eiu Lehrbuch fur Manner und Hygiene (Female). Frauen zur Hebung und Erhaltung ihrer Ge- sicbts- und Korperschonheit. --'. Berlin, [1898]. Bossi (L. M.) L'igiene della donna in rap- porto alia profilassi ostetrica e ginecologica. 8J:. Genova, 1888. Repr. from: Gior. d. Soc. di lett. e conver. sc, fasc. gen- naio-febhraio, 1888. Boltox (Emily S.) Health aud beautv. 1*2-\ Chicago, [1892]. Brosix (F.) Ein Ideal der Frauenwelt. Beitrage zur Bekleiduugsfraj>-e. 2. Autl. 32. Dresden, 1898. Buchax (W.) Advice to mothers on the sub- ject of their own health and on the means of promoting the healtb, strength, and beauty of their offspring. 8-5 Philadelphia, 1804. Blc'iioz (J.-P.). Manuel cosme'tique et odo- riferant des plantes, ou traite* de toutes les plautes qui peuvent servir d'ornement, de fard et de parfums aux dames, auquel on a joint la quatrieme Edition de la Toilette de Flore, y com- pris la traduction anglaise. 1*2°. Paris, an VIII (leOO). Burckhardt (H.) Das Buch der jungeu Frau. Ratsehliige fur Schwangerschaft, Ge- burt und AVochenbett. 2. Aufl. 12°. Leipzig, 1885. -----. The same. 5. Aufl. 16°. Leipzig, 1899. Capp (YV. M.) The daughter: her health, education, and wedlock. Homely suggestions for mothers aud daughters. 1*2°. Philadelphia, 1891. Caubet(E.) Hygiene de la femme et thera- peutique ge"ne"ra]e. 16°. Paris, 1894. -----. The same. Hygiene de la femme dans Its diverses periodes de sa vie; hygiene, medications, maladies g6n6rales. 24°. Paris, [1899]. Chavasse (P. H.) Advice to a wife on the management of ber owu health, with an intro- ductory chapter especially addressed to a young wife 16°. London, 1861. Chomet(H.) 8ante* des femmes. 8°. Paris, 1836. Chreimax (Miss [M. A.]) The scientific physical training of girls. 8:. London, 18-4. Clark (U.) Lectures on city life and char- acter; iucrease of crime; with a review of Lec- tures to young ladies, on subjects of practical importance, by Rev. Daniel C. Eddy. 12°. Lowell, 1849. Comfort (G. F.) & Comfort (A.M.) Wom- an's education and woman's health, chiefly in reply to sex in education. 12-. Syracuse, 1874, Deschamps (A. J.) * De regimine mulierum. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1799. D'Huc (J.-J.-P.-E.) Hygiene des femmes, ou conseils sur leur saute" aux diverses epoques de la vie. 16*a Paris, 1841. Dkextelx (E[lizaveta] 8.) Zdorovye zhen- shtshini. [Woman's health.] 8-. Moskva, 1899. Dress and health; or, how to be strong. A book for ladies. Revised and enlarged ed. 12°. Montreal, 1886. Fischer-DCckklmanx (Anua). Schmerzlo-e Entbiudung uud weibliche Kleidersiinden. 12°. Leipzig, [1900]. -----. The same. Be vailing zonder pijn en fouten in de vrouweukleeding. Lezing voor vrouwen. 12-. Almelo, [n. d.]. Fowler /O. S.) Maternity; or. the bearing and nursing of children. Including female edu- cation and beauty. 12-'. New York, 1-40. HYG I EX E. 57f) HYGIENE. Hygiene (Female). *Fraxzolixi (F.) Bozzetti medico-sociali, per la donna. La toilette e 1' igiene. 16c. Por- denone, 1872. Galbraith ( Auua M. 1 The four epochs of woman's life: a study in hygiene, with an intro- ductory note by John H. Musser. 8\ Philadel- phia f London, 1901. Glf.asox ^Rachel B.) Talks to my patients; hints on getting well and keeping well. New I edition, eularged with the addition of niueteeu letters to ladies on healtb, education, society, , ere. -c. Xew York 5 London, 1-'.L>. GmsSALLT. Toiletten-Gelieininisse. Erprobte iirztlicbe Ratschliige zur Erzieluug und Pliege | korperlicher Schonheit uud Correctur der l-'or- men. 12°. Leipzig, [n. d.]. Hassk (C.) Znr Hygieiue in iler rraueuklei- dung. 8C. Berlin, 1—•">. Heix (A.I Von der Frau; fiir die Frau. Bro- schiire iiber Frauenschutz. 9. Aufl. 16°. [Ber- lin, 1899.] Kaaksbf.i:g i J.I Kvinde - Hygiejue; Hoveil- punkter i Sunilhedshereu for Kvinder. [The hygiene of woman; important points in hygienic i instruction for women.] - . Kjobenhavn, 1-9-. Kallkr (G.) Hygienische Gymuastik fiir die weibliche Jugeud wiihreiid des schnlptiichtigeu Alters; nebst einem Anhange euthalteud Febun- geu mit dem Largiader'sehen Arm- uud Brust- stiirker fur Klassenuuterricht uud Lungeugyiu- na-tik. 2. unigearbeitete und vermehrte Aufl. *-:. Ziirich, 1-90. Kashevarova Rldxeva (Varvara A.) Hi- giena zheuskago orgauizma vo \ -Tekh fazisakh zbizui. [Hygiene of the female or^anism in all periods of life.] - . Khavkov, 1--7. -----. The same. s;. S.-Peterburg, 1-92. Kellogg (J. H.) Ladies' guide in health and disease. Girlhood, maidenhood, wifehood, moth- erhood. 8C. Battle Creek, Mich., 1901. Kixgsford (Anna). Health, beauty, aud the toilet. Letters to ladies from a lady doctor. -3. London if New York, 1-86. Klexcke (H.) Das Weil) als Gattin. Lehr- buch iiber die physischen, seelischen uud sitt- lichen Ptiiehten, Reclite und GesiindheitM'egelu der deutschen Frau im Ehelebeu zur Begriindiing der leiblicheu und sittlichen Wohlfahrt ihrer selbst und ihrer Familie. Fine Korper- und Se<•- 1 lendiatetik des Weibea in der Liebe und Ehe. 15. Aufl., neu bearbeitet von R. Khncke. 12 . Leipzig. 1-99. -----. The same. De vronw in liet huwe- lijkslc\en. Rechten, plichten en gezondheids- regelen der gehuwde vrouw. Voorschrifteu ter I bevordering van de lichamelijke, geestelijke en zedelijke welvaart vau haar zelve en haar huis^e/in. 2. ed. 12~. Zalt-Bommel, [n. d.]. Kosixski (S.) Higjena dla panieu. [Hygiene for women.] 12c. Warszaua. 1-6."). Kraltehmann (V.) Gantz besondere nen-ent- deckte Con-ilia -ecreta des veielilichfeii als un- verehlichteu Fram nzimniera, in welclien die beilsamsten und bewiihrtesten Artzney-Mittel fiir alle, dem weiblichen (ieschlechte zustossende Kranckheiteu und Maladieu zu findeu. 10°. Arnstadt $• Leipzig, 1742. Ladies' National Association for the Diffusion of Knowledge. The health of mothers. 3. ed. 16-. London, [n. d.]. Lohse (Johaune). Mistaken views on tlie education of girls. 16a Christchurch, N, Z., l88l. M. Hygiene des dames. 12J. Paris, 1819. Maaxdblad der Vereeuiging voor Verhetei- ing vau Vrouwenkleeding. Red.: de ICyfer. I ygiene (Female). v. i-2. Nov., 1899, to .June, 11*01. 40. 's Graven- hage. Current. McMlrthie ( H. ) Plain medical talks for women, aud nursery adviser. Rules for preserv- ing the health of unmarried females; directions to pregnaut and lying-in women, and an account of their diseases; together with instructions for rearing of children from the hour of their birth, and an account of the diseases of infancy. 16-. Chicago, [n. d.]. Maimslal (X.) L,i cieucia de la belleza ; datos para la direicion higienica de la herniosura hu- mana. 8" . Madrid. 1>99. Mknsinua. Das Fraiienlelien ; in Bilderu nach dem Leben dargestellt und iirztlich beleuchtet. 12 \ Nen tried ,y Leipzig, 1*-91. -----. Wider die Verunstaltung und Scha- digung des weiblichen Koipers. Hygieiniscue Winke fiir praktische Aeiz.te uud Laien. 2. Aufl. 8:\ Herlin 5 Neuwied, l-<9-. Mikrok (The) of the graces; containing gen- eral instructions for combining elegance, sim- plicity, and economy witli fashion in dress; hints on female accomplishments and manners; and directions for the preservation of health and beauty. By a lady of distinction. From the Loudon editiou. 16°. Boston, 1831. Mitchell (Kate). The gentlewoman's book of hygiene. 12-. London, 1-92. Moxix (E.) L'hygiene de la beaute; formu- laire cosmctique. Ouvrage proce'de d'une lettre de Catulle Meiid.s. 12-. Paris, 18-6. -----. La sant6 de la femme (entretiens sur l'livgieue et la medecine feminines). 16c. Paris, [1-9:.]. Mlche (Klara). "Was hat eine Mutter ihrer erwachsenen Tochter zu sagen? 12-. Leipzig, 1900. Nationale ttntoonstelliug van vrouwenar- beid. Bespiekingeii over wouing-hygieue, zie ken- en wijkverpleging, gehouden op lste en 2de September 1-598. 12-. Amsterdam, 1898. [Nivf.n (Miss).] The meetings for wives and daughters. - . Melbourne, l-a4. O'Haiiax (Annie). The athletic girl. - , Xew York, 1901. Cutting from.- Munsey Mag., X. Y.. 1901, xxv, 729-7;>8. Pokitoxoff (M.) La beauts par l'hygiene, son dcvelopiiement et sa conservation. 12°. Paris, 1892. [Porter (H. H.)] The catechism of health; or, plain and simple rules for the preservation of the health and vigour of the constitution from infam-v to old age. Ladies' ed. 16 . Philadel- phia. l-::i. Proust (A.) Der voile Bnsen des Mtidchens uud der Frau. Eine Anleitung, wie durch den einfachen iiusserlichen uud innerlichen Gebrauch. des kalten Wassers der weibliche Buseu auch bei der magersteu Constitution zu iippigtr Schonheit, Fiille und Fcstigkeit entwickelt und als aolcher bis in's vorgeriickte Alter crhalteu werden kann. Nebst dem Selbstgestiiudnisse einer jungeii Dame und einem physiologischen Examen iles Verf.ihrens. Zum Troste vieler Sehonen. 16->. Stuttgart, 1-54. liKNiiii'L (R. R.) The dignity of woman's health and the Nemesis of its neglect. *?J. Lon- don, 1-90. Roi.in-: (A. F.) Gallerie der iiltern uud neueru (iesiindlieitslehrer fiir das schdne Geschlecht. 8-. Rostock 5- Leipzig, 1794. Rosf.tti, nee Audiffredi (Adelaide"). Hy- giene de la femme, physiologic, pathologie et morale. 12-5 Paris, l-.-n. HYGIENE. 576 HYGIENE. Hygiene (Female). Rudolphius (J. G.) Progymnasma medicum dc iis. qua? sunt ohservanda in mulieribus largi- ter menstruatis, occasione hsemorrhagise uteri enormis, e era si sanguinis resoluta pronatse, per ccrevisiae medicatie abusum. 16°. Lugd. Bat., 1708. Sallte e bellezza, raccolta originale [di pre- cetti d' igiene femminile consacrati alle doune italiane. Anno 2. --. Torino, 1872. Sarah Berxhardt (The) book of beauty; la- dies' and gentlemen's toilet companiou; how to become beautiful forever; no more ugly faces, and handsome ones made still more handsome; cures for all diseases affecting personal appear- ance; all the valuable recipes of the world, how to become fat and1 how to become thin. 8°. Xew York, 1881. Schedler (J. G.) *De diaita virginum. 8. Vienna;. 1773. Setti (F. J.) *De salubritate, et insalubri- tate exercitii fieminarum virilis. sm. 4°. Vien- nee, [1746]. Sex and education; a reply to Dr. E. H. Clarke's Sex in education. Edited, with au in- troduction, by Mrs. Julia Ward Howe. 12°. Boston, 1871. Simon (F. B.) Die Gesundheitspflege des Weibes. 4. Aufl. 8°. Stuttgart, 1897. Smith (H.) Woman; her duties, relations, and position. A medical and social work. 5. thousand. 12°. London, 1*875. Stables (G.) The girl's own book of health and beauty. 16°. London, [1891]. Stodel (Mme. G.) *Sur la ue'eessite' d'ensei- gner aux jeunes lilies l'hygiene et quelques no- tions de medecine pratique. 8-". Paris,* 1900. Stratz (C. H.) Over vrouweukleeding. Erste voordracht, gehouden 11 de December 1*;99 te 's Gravenhage. 8°. Amsterdam f Samarang, 1900. -----. Over vrouweukleeding. Tweede voordracht gehouden 2-ste February 1900 te 's Gravenhage. 8°. Amsterdam 5 Samarang, 1900. -----. De kleeding vau de vrouw. o-. Am- sterdam, [1901]. Svoboda (L.) Xiivod ku ziskaui a zachovani knisy. Kniha 16kafskych rad, zdia*otnich a krasoveduych pokynu a sbirka osvedcenych pfedpisti ku ziskaui, zachovtini a zvyseni knisy i piivabu lidskeho tela. [Method for the ac- quiring and preserving of beauty. A book of medical advice, hygienic and aesthetic hints, and a collection of explanatory precepts for the ob- taining, preserving, and heightening of beauty and grace in the human body.] 12°. v Praze, [1900]. Thiersch (J.) Die Schadiguug des weib- lichen Korpers durch fehlerhafte Kleidung, nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Verbesserung der Frauenkleidung. S~. Berlin. 1901. de Thilo (Mile. M.) L'hygiene de la femme. 12-. Paris, 1-91. -----. The same. Handbuch der Hygiene der Frau. 12-. Xeuchdtel, 1-91. Tilt (E. J.) On the preservation of the health of women at the critical periods of life. 16 a London, 1-51. -----. Hygiene des weiblichen Geschlechts, oder Gruudziige einer allgemeinen Gesundheits- pflege nach den verschiedenen Alteisclassen und mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Ge- Bundheit des weiblichen Geschlechts. Bearbei- tet von Robert Froriep. - . Weimar, 1851. V. (G. L.) Jane's way and Ann's way. 12°. Xew York, 1-85. Vaucaire (R.) La femme, sa beaute", sa sante, son hygiene. 16°. Paris, 1-96. Hygiene (Female). Volkova i,Mariya M.) Higiena dievushek; soviet! po ukhodu za zdorovyem i kosmetikle. [Hygiene of girls: advice on the care of health and use of cosmetics.] 16°. S.-Peterburg, 1900. Walker (D.) Exercises for ladies, calculated to preserve and improve beauty and to prevent and correct personal defects, inseparable from constrained or careless habits, founded on physi- ological principles. 2. ed. 12°. London, H:>7, Werner (I. A. L.) Gymnastik fiir die weib- liche Jugeud, oder weibliche Korperbildung fiir Gesundheit, Kraft und Aumuth. 8°. Meissen, 1851. -----. Amona, oder has sicherste Mittel, deu weiblichen Kiirper fur seine natnrgemasse Be- stimmung zu bilden und zu kriiftigeu; nach den Grundsatzen der Anatomie und Aesthetik bear- beitet. 8°. Dresden, 1837. Wilson (W.) The physical education of girls; being a paper read at the High School for Girls, at Handsworth. 8°. London, 1880. yon Wyss (H ) Popultire Vortrage iiber Gesundheitspflege, insbesondere fur Frauen. Auf Veranlassung tier stadtischeu Schulbehorde gehalteu in Zurich im Winter 1885-6. 8-. Leip- zig, 1887. Auva■'—Ballantjiie (J. W.) Bicycling and gynecology. Scot. M. & S. J.. Edinb., 1898, ii, 529-542.— Ballintine (Harriet I) Out-of-door sports for college women. Am. Phys. Educat. Rev.. Bost., 1898, iii. .'18-43.— Barct (L.) La toilette fe,miuine; l'hygiene et Im femme hois de la maison. J. d'hyg., Par., 1898, xxiii, 529-531.— Batten (R. W.) An address on the physical training of girls. Brit. M. j., Lond., 1887, i, i;o"i-ii07.— Itcmler^Ki (I. A.) Ob odyozhdie zhenshtshin i ob yeya vliyanii na polozlieni'e ikh zheludka; odyozhdnaya, zheludoehnaya borozda, kak putevodnaya nit dlya opredlelcniva polo/.he- niya zheludka. [On dress of women and its effect on the position of the stomach; dress-produced sulcus as a guide for determining the position of the stomach.] Yrach, St. Petersb., 1897, xviii, 1010. AUo, transl: Compt.-rend. Cong, intermit, de med. 1897, Mosc, 1899. iii, sect. 5, :i."l- 354— BiMwcIl (Mary T.) Athletics for city girls. Pop. Sc. Mouth , X. Y., 1894-5, xlvi, 145-153.—Bossi (L. M.) De la n^cessite d'etendre les connaissances sur l'hygiene des femmes par lapport a, la prophylaxie gvnecologique. Compt.-rend, iuieriiiit. de med. 1897, Mosc, .1900, vii, 336- "58—ltr:i32.— FokUer iA. P.) De viou\veii(|iiaestie en de in- tellcctualittit. Hy-. 111.. Amst., 1808. i. 445-451.—Foil- laaal*. Apuntc-. de la hygiene de la niujer. Hoi. Acad. deliL'. de Catalnna, Barcel., IS'.'f.. iv, 1; 12; 19; 2!l; 33; 41— Fiillei-loii (Anna M.I The health of the women cf the pi-iiod. Ann. i'vu;ee. \- I'adiat.. Phila., 1890-91, iv, 657-661.—«;aiii»ou (Harriet E.I L volution of gii Is. J. Am. M. A—.. Chicago. 1806, xxvii. ]o.j ln;u ,t'M, [Ab- str.]; Ann I'vn.ie. .v Laediat., Host. ISO.". 6. ix, 801-803. -----. Physical development of women. .1. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, IS'.'**. xx\. ls'.-W.—(> ii ll< n . Education phy- sique de la femme. J. Soc. de no d. . t pliai in. de la Haut'e- Yieune, Limine-. W9 xiii. 131-134 —Hall (Lucy M.) Physical irainiiiL. "t uirU. Lop. >c. Month., NAY.. 1884-5, xxvi. 495—19>. —llai'lx'i'ioii ( Vi*i■■itntess). The hygiene ofdress. [Abstr.J J. Sau.lust., Lond., 1900-1901,xxi, 167.— Hartley (Sophie M.) The influence of higher education upon women with reference to her ability to propagate healthy species. Woman's M. J.. Toledo," 1895. iv, 319.— Health (Thei and fertility of educated women. Med. i Kec, X. Y., 18,v>. xxviii, 407—Ho«tf (W. D.) La femme et le i yclisiue. Rev. 'At. et i:\mc.. l'ar , 1804. x, 313- :,2o.—jenka (E. \V.) 1 1.. eduraiion of girls from a med- ii al stand-point. Tr. M . M.rSoc Detroit, 1880, xiii, 52- 62. AUo, Keprint— J ii-ina (0. . Zilravoveilna kazaniCka nasiin zeuam. [Precepts in lixu'ic >, i, nee for our women.] Zdravi. v Praze, Is.'8. iv I7n —Kelloss .-I. H.) The influence of dress in producing the p'n\ s-.c.il .1.-cadence of American women. Tr. Mich. M. Sue. .Detroit 1891. xv, 41-74. lOpl. AUo: Bacteriol. World. liatile I'.e.k. Mich., 1891. i. 4: 46. 1 pl. AUo: Xuw.n; l;,c. I.oml.. Is'.A. xv, fi: 103: 123: 14::; 164; 185.— K hin « ii« li ter. Leber eine gesiindheitsgeiiiasse Art, Ae Ki. al. r d.-r Liauen zu tra- gen. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. 1804. Ureal., 1895. lxxii, hyg. See. 1-22. AUo Keprint — I.arid (Carolyn C.) Physical training in its relation to the le-alili and education of women. Kep. Proc. Alumnae A--. 'Wein- mans M. Coll. Penn., Phila.. Is00, xv, 42-OU—JAcI.area (A.) Physical exercise for woman. Xorthwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1>-" viii, 20-22. —.Uiller ' YV. H. F.) Some as- pects of the new woman trom a n • .in al standpoint. Med. Rec. X. Y.. ]>9.->. xlviii 177.— .'I iaer (F. li.) Physical culture for women. Cleveland J. M., 1896, i, 106-108. * [Dis- cussion], A- —.'loll-\V«*i»« (Augusta). La jeune tille; h ygiene physiqae, intei lect nelle. t moi .iL-. Caz. .b-gynec, Par., 1901. xvi, 129: 149: 165; 22:'. — .floor*- . YV.) The higher education of women. Lnt. M J Lond.. 1*88. ii, 29d-2'.<9.—_fIo«<.o iA.) Ueher die Airnb,Idling lies weib- lichen Kdi i.ei.-. Deutsche Rev., Bresl a Heil . Is03. xviii, 113-127. —.\ api a » (H. ) Xote sur le t i.e. ail de nuit des femmes • -mj. .>.. e> dans liiidusti ic Luli. >oc. de m£d. pub.,Pat ]•-.">. x. i,77-M'.—>cwman Al. I' . The gyn- ecological and obstetrical signiflcnnte of girlhood. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1901,xxxvii, 174 176 —O»jjoo«l (H.) The need of a radical change in the n.. in inn and . ducat ion of the American girl, and the physician s dutv therein. Coll. &• Clin. Rec Phila., 1881, il 51-61. AUo, Keprint — Pai-gamin i M. X.) Zhertvi zhenskoi krasoti. [Vic- tims of lemai.- I,cut;, A Akiisherka. Odesxi, 1807. viii, "A-b6. •— Payne Al. I... Some preventable causes of (li-.-.tse -'. London, 1891. Chadwick (E.) Sanitary review of the ses- sion. Kead before tlie Association of Public Sanitary Inspectors, May 2, 1SS). \2C. London, 1885. —----. The present condition of sanitary sci- ence. ~ . London, 1 *-'.•. -----. Tlie general history of principles of sanitation, c-. London, 1889. Dight (C. F.) Sanitary progress; a paper read before the Jbirut Literary Society, Feb. 4, 1— . AUo [Abstr.J,in: J. d'hyg., Par., 1890, xv, 181, 221; 253; 295; 314; 445. Georg ( K. ) Der Kulturkampf gegen den Tod; die so/.iah* Bedeutung der neuen Heil- Aera. 8J. Herlin de l'histoire de la sante", des influences qui la moditieiit, et des consequences positives d'hygiene qui en de"- coiilcnt. l-J-5 Paris, 1827. HYGIENE. 578 HYGIENE. Hygiene (History and progress of). [Gros de Boze (C.)] Dissertation sur le culte que les ancieus ont rendu a la d6esse de la saute". On y a joint les ni6dailles et quelques autres monuuiens antiques qui ont rapport a cette ma- tiere. 16°. Paris, 1705. Hirsch (A.) Ueber die historisehe Entwicke- lung der offentlichen Gesundheitspflege. 8°. Berlin, 1889. Howard (R.) Revelations of Egyptian mys- teries, and allegories of the Greek lyric poets clearly interpreted. History of the works of nature, with a discourse on health, according with the wisdom of the ancients. 8°. London, 1850. Hueppe (F.) Zur Rassen- und Sozialhygiene der Griechen im Alterthum und in der Gegen- wart. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1897. Jerram (G. B.) Review of the present posi- tion of practical sanitation. 12°. London, 1881. Karlinski (J.) Ueber die geschichtliche Eut- wickluug der iuternatioiialen Gesuudheitsplieoe und deren weitere Aufgabeu. 8°. Wien L) Recent pi ogress in hvgiene. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama. 1S96. 280-290- 4 orlield (\\5 H.) Sanitary knowledge in 1800. Brit. M.J., Loud., 1900,u,1859- 1864.—foni'iiionl (J. I L'hvgicne inoderno. Kev. scient.. Par.. 1900, 4. 8., xiv, t>73-t'.8l.-t"ii»ler (li.) Leber (le si-hichte nnd Bedeutungder Volksgesiindheitspflege. Ber. . . . d. St. Gallischen uaturw. Gesellsch. 1882-3. St. ("alien, 1884, 81-114.— l»rouiii< un (G.) Note sur 1 'annee deino- graphiiiue 1897. Kev. d'hvg.. Par., 1899, xxi, 6-13.— I»nn- rnn (E.) A century of sanitary progress in Scotland. San. Jour.. Glasg., 1893-4, u. s., xvii. 289-::03.—EarliiMt (The) recorded plumbing legislation. Science Pract. Heating.|etc], N. Y.. 1897. iii, lis.— Kpler (Iv G.) A plea for improved sanitation. I. Arkansas M . Soc., Little Rook, 1895-6, vi, 111-114.—FlnkowNki. Volkshvgiene in Japan. Bl.f.Yolk.-g-ndlusptl. Miinchenu.Leipz.,'1900-1901, i. 113-118—Flii« Riukblick auf die Entwicke- 11111ii~ der Hygiene uud Volksgesundheitspflege in den letz- teii 25 Jahren. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1900. xxvi. 2o-22. — Foilor (J.) Ein hygienisches Zu- kunfishild. Hygieia, Stuttg.. 1891, iv(Gra'tis-Probe-Heft), 4-6.— Friilieli ill I Hat das alte Egypteu eine Militiir- Sanitatsverfassung geliabt > Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1895, viii, 924. .!?»•., Reprint—Fuch* (A.F.) Hvgiene from the standpoint of the evolutioni-t. Tr. M. Soc. Wisconsin, Madison, 1897. xxxi, 4-7-505. —«,; al ton (IX) A retrospect. [The progress which has been made in sanitation during TT.-r Maje-tv - reign.] J. Soc. Arts Lond.. 1S8H. xxxv, 6- 2 ; AUo f Ali-tr.;': Mature, Lond., 18S6-7, xxxv. 160-164.— Traill (J. S.i Ley. The history of hvgiene iu modern Egypt, with critical remarks and piaetieal su--estions. [Resume.1 Med. Keg., Phila., 1887, ii, 277-279.—Hale (C.) Some impressions of a lawyer as to what doctois have done in the pi our. -s ot public health. J. Med. A: Sc Portland. 1898-9, v. 71-74. — Hart calp.-l. Lond.. 1897, ii. 12; 43; 83: 113: 14": 1*-. Kohl ■ (G. M.i The progress and achievements of hv-riene. Science, N. Y. &. Lancaster, Pa., 1897, n. s.. vi," 789-799. AUo, Reprint -----. The progress and tendency of hygiene and sanitary science in the nineteenth century. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1901, xxxvi, 1617-1626. AUo, Reprint. Also: N. York M. J., 1901, lxxiii, 991-1001. Also: Med. Rec, N. Y., 1901, lix, 89^-906. AUo: Sanitarian, N. Y.. 1901, xlvii, 97-121.— Kohler (A.) Beitrage zur dtfentlichen Gesundheitspfle- ge (lentscher Stadte im Mittelalter. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. M.<1.. 1',,-rl., 1895, 3. F., ix, 160-180— Lanciani (li.) On the hygienic laws and sanitary conditions ol 'ancient Lome. Boston M. &. S. J., 1886, cxv, 537; 50... — l.an«let. Ln bureau de sant6 au xvii« siecle. Union in.-.l dn nord est, Reims, 1897, xxi. 225; 242; 260; 278; 295. 318; 364: 1898. xxii, 33; 55; 71; 100; 138; 155; 172; 192; 210.— (J. B.) The medical profession and the puhlic health movement: read before the Tri State Medical Association of Mississippi. Arkansas, and Tennessee, November 7, 1887. Mississippi Valley M. Month.. Memphis, 1887, vii, 536-541. AUo, Keprint. — .TI'Kay .) Causes re- ducing theetl'ecls of sanitary rcl'onu. Health Lect., Lond., 1875-8. i,9; 20—Orerlioll (P.) Soraeaiieientsanitarv and hygienic rules. Med. Kec, N. Y..1896,xlix,848.—Pnixonx (H. F.i Half a centiiryol'saninirv progress, and its results. Tr. Kpidemiol. Soc, Lond., 1*98-9, xviii, 1-38. 6 ch.— Plnnkell (Mrs. 11. M.i Twenty-five vears of preventive medici,ic Pop. Sc Month., N. Y„ 1894-5 xlvi. 302-321.— I'ooi-c (G. V.) La storia di Bieniontiei. Salute pubb., Perugia, 1895, viii, 165; 193. — I'oi I uy a loll (Y. O. ) Ocherk posliednikh usplekhov higieni. | Sketch of recent progress in hygiene.] Med. Obo/.r., M..-k.. 1-85, xxiv, 725-747. — I'roii".! (A.) Les progres de l'hygiene a travers les ages. Progres med.. Par., 1893, 2. ».', xvii, 393-396. -----. L'evolution de l'hygiene et i'histoire de la chaire d'hysitene de la Facult.6. Gaz. d. hop , P;ir.. 1895, Ixviii, 485-488. — Publie health in the year 1897; a retrospect. Med. Mag., Lond., 1898, vii, 24-33—Ratldi (A.) L' igiene nel progiesso delia produzione ed in rapporto ai mezzi di snssistenza. Gior. d. r. Soc. ital. d' ig.. Milano, 1891, xiii, 574-589. — Rniwz (G.) A kozege-zegi'igv fejles/.tesenek jcivo iranyardl es varhatd eredincnycirol. | lhe future direction of the development of public hygiene and the results of its urban work.] Gyiigyiis/.at, Budapest. 1*99, xxxix, 044-647.—Robinson ( W. L.i Progress of medi- cine in its relation to the prevention of infectious diseases. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond. 1896-7. i. 309-312.— Roc li a l-il (J.) L'livgiene en 1889. Kev. d. deux mondes, Par., 1889. xevi, 54-85.—Rodriguez .Tlendez (R.) Re- vista de higiene. Rev. de med. y drug, pract.. Madrid, 1895, xxxvi, 716: xxxvii, 567: 1890, xxxviii, 689: xxxix, 213; 332.—Rolie (G. H.) Recent advances in preventive medicine. .L Ain. M. Ass., Chicago. 1.-87, ix, 1-11. AUo, Reprint.—Sachw. Leber Saniiat-poli/.ei vor 200 Jahren. Jahresb. d. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Dresd., 1898-9, Ii2-ii5. — Waiiai'clli (G.) L' indiri/./.o e i progressi det- 1 igi.ne. Gazz. d. osp., Milano. 1899, xx, 138-144.— Ncli wimiiMT (E.) LJeber den Ursprung uud die Eut- wiekliing der hygienischen Wissenschaft. Pest, med.- chir. Presse. Budapest, 1894, xxx, 825-829. — Meott (F.) On sanitary reform and voluntarv effort. Tr. San. Inst. Gr. Brit., 'Lond., 18S5-0, vii, 123- 128. - Seaton (E.) The evolution of local sanitary administration. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891, ii, 285-289. -----. The achievements of public preventive medicine iu the Victorian era. Prac- titioner, Lond., 1897, lviii, 703-709.—*iiiipwon (H.) An inaugural address on sauitarv progress and reform. Lan- cet, Lond., 1895, i, 1097-1099.—Wouxa Lima. Historia da hygiene administrativano Brazil ; services sauitariosde terra e mnr. Brazil-med., Rio .le .Ian. P.ino xiv, 317; 325; 335.—Spietia. Repei tm iuin der iu deutschen und auslan- dischen Zeitschriflen erschienenen Aiifsatze iiher often t- liche Gesundheitsptlege. 187(1-99. Deutsche Yrtljschr. f. dtl. Gsiidhts])flg., I'rnschwg., 1871-1901), iii-xxxii. passim.— Ntorer (H. K. i The medals, jetons. and tokens illustrative of sanitiition. Sauitariau, N. Y., 1887, 93, xviii-xxxiii, pas- sim.— Strieker (W.) Geschichte del offentlichen Ge- sundheilsjdbge in der Stadt Frankfurt a. M. wahrend des acht/.ehnten Jahrhuiidei ts. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.f, Berl., 1889, cxvii, 199; 000.—Strohl. Le conseil d'hygiene de Strasbourg au commencement du xviiie siecle. (iaz-. med. de Strasb., 1879, 113; 125; 149. Also, Reprint.— Smliiknir (A.) Sovreiuennava higiena i glavuleishiya zadachi etol otrasli znaniya. [Contemporary hygiene ;iuil I he chief problems of this branch of science. | I/.vlest. Imp. Tomsk. Lniv.. 1892, iv, pt.2, 137-183.—Thierfelder sr. Leber den Lrspruug der iitfentlichen Oe-uiulheits und Krankenpflege. Deutsche Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Er- lang., 1867, n. I'., x.s.v. 2:tl 2i! 'I'liorne i K. T.'i On the p eg ie-- of pi event ive medicine dm ing I lie Victorian era. Tr. Kpidemiol. Soc. Lond. (18,-7 -i, l-s9. u. s.. vii, 1-46. AU,,. Reprint—'I'ott (G. A.) Die Pih-ge der Heil- kunde duicli die medizinisehe Facultat zu K'o-toek vom 17. bis zum 19. .lain liundert. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarzuk., Erlang., 1H56, lwi, 205-270. Also, Reprint— I'flelinaiin. Den ofientliga helsoviirdeu i det klassiska Rom. [Pu- blie hvgiene in ancient Koine.] Helsovaniien, Giiteborg, 1886, 'i, 189-191. — Vaeher (F.) | lhe story of the evolution of sanitation, and of the inspector.] J. State M., Lond., 1899, vii, 644-654 Vallin. Sur un travail de M. le Dr De/.autieic, intitule; L'hygiene dans une petite localite du Nivernais, il y a cinquante ans et aujourd'hui. [Rap.) Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par,, 1896, 3. 8., xxxv, 495-498.—Walter (V.) Slovo ku snaham assa- HYGIENE. 580 HYGIENE. Hygiene (History and progress of). nacnim. [A word on the eftbrt for sanitation.] Casop. lek. cesk. v Praze, 1893, xxxii, 1023-1026.—Wasserfuhr (H.) Die neuere Entwickelung der Hygiene in Frank- reich. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsudhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1885, xvii, 373-406. Hvgiene (Institutions and laboratories for). See, also, Hygiene (Museum*, etc., of); Labo- ratories \ Jlacteriological); Laboratories (Chem- ical). Abbott (S. W.) State laboratories as aids to sanitary work. J. Med. & Sc, Portland, 1900-1901, vii, 71-79.— Caw*al (C. E.) On the extension of public analvsis. Tr. San. Inst. Gr. Brit. 1888-9, Lond., 1890, x, 257-271.— Geddings (H. D.) The portable laboratories of the Marine Hospital Service. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1901, 10. s., iv, 18--195, 2 pl.—Oirode. L'enseignement de l'hygiene .r 1. s instituts en Allemagne et en Autriche- Ho'ngrie. Ann. d'hyg., Par.. 1890, 3. s., xxiii, 445-456.— Kiihner (A.) Ein franzos'sches Lrtheil iiber das Stu- dium der Hy eiene uud deren Institute in Deutschland und Oesterreich-Lngaru. Vriljsclier. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1891, 3. F.. i, 145-154. —Richards (Ellen H.) Lniversity laboratories in i elation to the investigation of public health problems and to commercial work. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1899, Columbus, 19oo. xxv, 73-80.—Smith (T.) Public health laboratories. Boston M. &, S. J., 1900. cxliii, 491-493.—Trautner (M.) Nogle hygiejniske Institutter i Ldlandet. [ Some hygienic institutes in foreign coun- tries.] Lgesk. f. Lager. Kjobeuh., 1893, 4. R., xxviii, 339- 348.—Walson 11. A.) The necessity for a State hygienic laboratory. X. Hampshire San. J., Concord, 1898-9, i, 188-195.—Welch (W. H.) Relations of laboratories to public health. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1899, Colum- bus, 1900, xxv, 460-405.—Willems. Projet de creation d'un college international d hvgiene. Cong, internat. d'hyg. et de demog. C. r. 1889. Par., 1890, 932-934.— Wblffhiisjel. Fritsch (G.) ..v. Grmier (A.) Ausriis- tungs Gegeiistande fiir hygienische Institute. Ber. ii. d. allg. deutsche Ausst. a. d. Geb. d. Hvg. u. d. Rettungsw. 1882-3, Bresl.. 1885, i, 64-118.—Wright (A. E.) Should the state undertake the support of laboratories for the investigation of disease? Tr. Internat. Cong. Hyg. & Demog. 1891, Lond., 1892, ix, 32-36. Hygiene (Institutions and laboreitories for), by localities. ALBANY. RI inner (G.) First report of the director of the Ben- der Hvgienic Laboratory to the trustees. Albany M. Ann., 1899, xx, 485-493.—Dedication (The) of the Bender Hy- gienic Laboratory. Ibid., 1896, xvii, 354-379.—Jaeobi (A.) Address. Ibid., 359-379. — Tucker (W. G.) Re- port of director State Board of Health Laboratory. Rep. State Bd. Health N. Y. 1884-98, Albany & N. Y.', 1885-99, v-xix, passim. Also, Reprint (in part), ANN ARBOR. Vaughan (V. C.) The first quarterly report of the Michigan State Laboratory of Hygiene. Rep. Bd. Health Mich., Lansing, 1888, 1-23. BERLIN. IVew (The) Hvgienic Institute in Berlin. Med. Times &Gaz., Lond., 1,-85. ii, 485— Pctruschky (J.) Das In- stitut fiir Infectionskrankheiten zu Berlin. Centralbl. f. allg. Gsndhtspflg., Bonn. 1892. xi. 251-265.—Statistiiiche Berichte der Unterriehtsanstalt fiir Staatsarzneikunde zu Berlin 1886-91; 1894-8. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1889, ii. 98; 140; 169: 1891, iv, 335; 357: 1892, v, 209; 243: 1896, ix, 049; 681: 1899, xii, 669; 701. BUCHAREST. Babe*. Le nouvel Institut sanitaire de pathologie et de bactciioh.gie de Bucarest. Presse me-d., Par., 1901, ii, 324-327. BURLINGTON. I.iiiftlcy (J. H.) The laboratory of hygiene of the Ver- mont State Board of Health. Phila. M. J., 1899, iv, 46-48. CHICAGO. Original communications of the Zymotechnic Institute. Veranchs-Station fiir Gahrungswerbe. J. Siebel, director. 8°. Chicago, 1891. CREMONA. Monteverdi (A.) Ancora nn accenno circa il labora- torio chimico municipale da instituirsi in Cremona. Bull. med. cremonese, Cremona, 1892, xii, 1-6. Hygiene (Institutions and laboratories for), by localities. DEBRECZIN. Sarvary (Ga Debreczen sz. kir. varosban njabban Ie4esitett egeszsegiigyi inte,zetek leirasa. [Description of the Sanitary Institute, lately erected in the new town of Debreczin.J Cong, internat. d'hvg. et de d6mog. C. r. 1894, Budapest, 1890, viii, pt. 5, 37*8-382. ERLANGEN. Helm (L.) Mitteiluugeu aus dem hygienisch- bakteriologischen Institut. 8-\ Erlangen li- cazione per gli igienisti. Statuto organico e rego- lamento interno. S\ Padova, 1-91. PALERMO. Istituto d' igiene della r. Universita di Palermo. Lavori di laboratorio pubblicati dal [Prof. Luigi Manfredi. v.i (anno 1-94-5). 8 . Roma, l-9.">. PARIS. Seine (Departement de lal. Prefecture de po- lice. Sicre'fariat general. Relevo des operations dn laboratoire municipal de chiinie. [Monthly.] June, 1--3: Oct.. Dec. 1--6; March, May. Juiie, Sept.. 1—T: Nov., 1—7. lo Jan.. 1—; 'March- May: July-Sept., 1—. fol. [Paris, 188W-8.] Hygienic 'Al observatory. [Observatoire de Mont- seiin- ' I'd is).j Sanitarian, N.Y., ls97. xxxviii, 120-124.— Jo»iii>. \ i Sur les nouvelles institutions municipales d'hygien.- a Pans. Rev. d'hyg., Par., ls'.'o. xii. 627-633.— Pouchet (G i Laboratoire du Coiuite consultatif d'hygiene publique de France: rapport sur les travaux du laboratoire en 1890. Rec. d. trav. Coniitc consult, d'hyg. pub. de France 1-90. Melon, 1?91, xx, 590-614. PERUGIA. Paglinni L.i Scuola di perfezionamento nell' igiene pnbblica. Saint.- pubh., Perugia, les'.c ii, 58-62. PHILADELPHIA. University of Pennsylvania. The opening exercises of the Institute of Hygiene of the Uui- versitv of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, Febru- ary 22, 1-92. 8-. Philadelphia, 1-92. University of Pennsylvania. Laboratorg of Hggiene. Announcenients of courses of instruc- tion for the vears 1-91-2; 1-92-3. -3. [Phila- delphia, 1-91-2] -----. Rules and regulations, fi-. [Phila- delphia, 1-92.] Billing* (J. S j The objects, plans, and needs of the laboratory of hviriene. Boston M. &. S. J.. l*nj cxxvi, 181-184. AU;: 'Med. Xews, Phila., 1892, lv 23(i ja; Also, ]'• - j. r i 11 r. — l>ixon (S. G.) Xotes on tho hygienic public h.-.ilth l.ilior.d.iry. Lniv. M. Mag., Phila., ].-8!i-90, ii, 152- 15",. — !,«•«■ 11;., Address delivered at the opening of the laboratory of hvgiene of the Universit v of Pennsylvania, Febmarv ii Is!'-.' lioston M. ii S. J.. Is!).', cxxvi, 184- 1 si;.— tlii, hell is. W.) Address ou oiieiiing of the Institute of Hygiene of the University of Pennss lvania. Lniv. M. Mag., Phila., 1891-2, iv, 401-406. Also. Keprint. RHEIMS. Lajolx (H.) Recherches et documents du laboratoire municipal de la ville de Reims. L'eau potable. Le lait. [Le viu.] Documents divers. 2. 6d. 8fi. Reims, 1889. RIO DE JANEIRO. Pimcntel (A.) Assumptos de hygiene publica: In- stitui9oes medico-hygienicas do Kio de Janeiro. Brazil- med., Rio de Jan., 1889, iv, 153-155. ROME. Universita di Roma. Istituto d' igiene speri- meutale. Annali H-9-1901. -u. Roma, l-.*9-19u1. Celli (A.) The Institute oi Hvgiene, Rome. J. State M., Loud., 1898, vi, 49-52. IVjU'ieiie (Institutions and laboratories for), by localities. ST. PETERSBURG. St. Pkuksblrg. Sanitarg Commission. Ot- chot S.-Peterburgskol gorodskoi laboratorii za 1-9- ginl; predstavlenniy S. A. Pr/.hibltkom. [Report of the municipal laboratory of St. Petersburg for 1898; presented by Przhibitek.] s . S.-Peterburg, 1899. SAN FRANCISCO. Npencer (J. C> Brief summary of the bacteriological work in lhe laboratory of the San Fraucisco health board. Tr. M. Soe. Calif.. San Fran., 1897, 318-324. SEVILLE. llcmorin anual de los trabajos ejecutados por el In- stituto de higiene del Doctor Murga durante los aiios xii- xiv de sn instalacidn. (1895-7.) Rev. m6d. de Sevilla, 1897, xxviii, 18; 52; 84; 104; 146; 182; 198: 1898, xxx, 81; 113; 134; 173. SPAIN. de l.arra y Orezo (A.) The official hygienic and sanitary institutions in Spain. J. San. Inst., Lond., 1901-2, xxii, 143-148. TIENTSIN. JVIoi'geiii'oili & Baasenge. Bericht uber die im bakteriologischen und chemist-hen Laboratorium zu Tien- isin in der Zeit vom l.Oktober 1900bis 1. Marz 1901, ausge- fiihrteii Arbeiten. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl. ,1901, xxx, 548-559. TIFLIS. Russia. Ministry of War. Military Circuit of the Caucasus. Otchoti o zanyatiyakh v higieni- cheskoi laboratorii Kavkazskavo voyenuavo okruga. [Reports of the hygieuic laboratory of the military circuit of the Caucasus.] lri*i5-6, i. e-\ [Tiflis, 1887.] -----. Izvlecheniya iz otchotov o zanyati- yakh v higienicheskoi laboratorii Kavkazskavo voyennavo okruga i otkrltoi pri net (s 29 iuuya 1888 goda) Pasterovskoi pri vivochnoi stantsii. S okt.lss7,po 31 (lek.ls-^ri g. Otchot vi. [Extracts from the reports of tin- experiments in the hy- gienic laboratory of the military circuit of the Caucasus, and of the Pasteur Institute opened in connection therewith (since June29,lS-ti). From Oct., 1887, to Dec. 31, ld-s. Report vi.] S-". [Tiflis, 1889.] TOKYO. Kilasato's Institut fiir Infectionskrankheiten. Jen- yem byo kenkusho noto. (Plan of the Kitasato's Labora- tory for study of infectious diseases.' fhiusiai Iji Shinpo, Tokio, 1894, iio. 337. 48-54. —Yamnunin iT.i [Previous service of School of Hygii ic A Uai Nippon Shiritsu Eisei Kwai Zasshi, Tokio, 1891 673-i;s.">. TURIN. Pagliani (L.) L' Istituto d' igiene della r. Univer- sita di Torino. Ingegner. igieu., Torino, 1900, i, 141-145. UTRECHT. ile .Tleyer (('. van 0.) The Hygienic Institute of the State Iium rsity of Utrecht. J. State M., Lond., 1898, vi, 13-17. VERMONT. Vermont (The) schoolfor health officers. [Edit.] Bos- ton M. A- S. J., 1901, cxiv, 136. Also: N.York M. J., 1901, lxxiv, 106. WARSAW. Donil>rov<»lii (F. A.) Higienicheskaya laboratoriya Varshavskavo Lmvei-siteta za poslledneye ;dvienadtsati- Hi tit' (1887-1899). | Hygienic laboratory of the University of Warsaw for tlie last I « che vears.] Med. Obo/.r., Mosk!, 1901, lv,611-618. Kii»»ia. Ministry of War. Chief Army Medical lluieuii. Otchot o dieyatelnosti kliiinikohigieni- cheskol liihoratorii Vaishavskavo Uyazdovskavo voyen- navo hospitalya ot yeya osnovaniya. 1889-1892; 1896-1897. Keport of the laboratory of chemistry and hygiene of the 'ya/.dov Military Hospital, since its foundation.] Med. Sbornik Varshav.Uvazd. voveuu. hosp., Varshava, 1892, v, 107-118: 1898-9, xi, pt. 1, no.'7, 1-19. HYGIENE. 582 HYGIENE. Hygiene (International). s<-<, also, Cholera (Prerention of, Public meas- ures for); Fever (Yellow, Prevention of); Hy- giene (Public, Societies, etc., of); Leprosy (Pre- vention of); Plague (Prevention of, Public meas- ures for); Quarantine; Small-pox, Tuberculo- sis, Venereal diseases, Prevention of. Liceaga (E.) [Bases generales que podrfan propouerse £ los diversos gobiernos del continente americauo parahacer uniforme y eficaz la policia sanitaria maritima internacional.] 8°. Mexico, 1893. Riberi (A.) Relazione fatta al senato sui pro- getto di legge per la sanzione della Con venzioue sanitaria internaziouale. 4°. Genova, [n. d.]. Richardson (B. W.) The health of nations. A review of the works of Edwin Chad wick; with a biographical dissertation. 2 v. 8°. London, 1887. Uffreducci (A.) Sistema di preservazione da servire di base ad una convenzione interna- zionale sanitaria. 12°. Roma, 1865. Cabell (J. L.) Brief notice of the rise and progress of international hygiene. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1881, Bost., 1883, vii, 16-31. Also, Reprint. — Con- venienza (Sulla) di un regolamento internaziouale d' igiene pubblica. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1891, 1, 3; 11.—Finkelnbnrg. Her Entwickelungsgang und der heutige Stand der internationalen Gesundheitspflege. Deutsche Vrtlischr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1893, xxv, 457-470. — Foi'inciito (F.) International sanitation. Sanitarian, >5 15, 1893, xxx, 3-21.—Jones (J.) Public and international hygiene. Tr. Internat. Med. Con"., Wash., 1887, iv, 294-424. AUo, Reprint. — jTIemlez (K.) Hygiene internationale. Cong, internat. d'hyg. et de d6- mog. C.r. 1894, Budapest, 189(1, viii, pt. 5, 494-498. -----. Les gouvernements et la saute, publique. Ibid., 498-505.— Papadakis (A.) Hygiene publique locale et interna- tionale. [With Rap. de Laveran.] Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1901, 3. s., xiv, 123-127.—Plan for international agreement of the American Republics for the sanitation of certain seacoast cities. Pub. Health Rep. U. S. Mar. Hosp.Serv., Wash., 19ul. xvi. 2349-23.">3. —Hrimera sesidn de la comisidu nombrada per el Tercer Congreso medico pan-americano, para la organization del Congreso sanitario internacional, celebrada el dia 10 de tebrero de 1901 en el aula magna de ia Universidad dela Habana. Cr6n. med.- quir. de la Habana, 1901, xxvii, 419-423. —Proyecto de reglameuto sanitario internacional formulado por el Con- greso sanitario americano de Lima de 1888. Rev. m6d. de Chile, Sant. de Chile, 1887-8, xvi, 536-552. — da Silva Amailo. De la prophylaxie internationale. Cong, in- ternat. d'hyg. et de d6mog. C. r. 1882, Geneve, 1883, i, 492-499. — !">»nilli (S.) The necessity of international sanitary regulations governing the migration of large bodies of people in the prevention of the spread of conta- gious and epidemic diseases. Tr. X.York M. Ass., 1894, xi, 84-105. Also: Med. Rec, 2L Y.. 1894, xlvi, 449-454.—Vi- guard (V.) Etude pratique sur l'6tat actuel de la prophy- laxie sanitaire internationale. Bull. Soc. de med. pub., Par., 1888, xi, 344. [Discussion], 408: 1889, xii, 9; 54. Also [Rap. de Laennec]: Gaz. m6d. de Nantes. 1888-9, vii, 65-68. AUo [Abstr.] : Ann. d'hyg., Par., 18s9, 3. s., xxi, 165-167.—Zanni (J.) Resum6 ae reflexions sur l'hy- giene publique nationale et internationale. Cong, inter- nat. d'hyg. et de demog. C. r. 1894, Budapest, 1896, viii, pt. v, 373-377. -----. Hygiene preventive internationale. Actas y mem. d. ix. Cong, internac. de hig. y demog. 1898, Madrid, 1900, ii, 24-28. Hygiene (Jewish). Adler. Sanitation as taught by the Mosaic law. (Reprinted from the Jewish Chronicle.) 8°. London, 1895. Bible hygiene, or health hints by a physician. 1*2°. Philadelphia, 1880. Borchard (M.) L'hygiene publique chez les juifs, son importance, et sa signification dans l'histoire gen6rale de la civilisation. 8°. Paris, 1855. Moses Maimonides (Abu Amran Musa Ben Meimnu). Hygiene israeUite. Principes de la sant6 physique et morale de I'homme. Traduc- tion francaise par M. Carcousse, avrec la collabo- ration et les annotations du Dr. E.-L. Bertherand, et une introduction par M. Honel. 8°. Alger, 1887. Hygiene (Jewish). I'koxostication forever, of Erra Pater, a Jewe borne in Jewery, a doctoure iu astronomye and physycke; profytable to kepe the body in helth, and also Phofomcus sayth the same. Erra Pater. 12°. [London, n. d.] Segre (I.) L' igiene nella Bibbia e nei libri rabbi nici. *^°. Torino, 1807. Adler (Rev. H.) The sanitation of the Mosaic law. J. State M., Lond., 1899, vii, 787-801.—Ellinger (M.) Hy- giene in Bible and Talmud, and sanitation in post-rab- binical times. Med.-Leg. J., N. Y., 1901-2, xix, 305-309.— Gillespie (C. G. K.) The Mosaic system of sanitary law, with illustrations from rabbinical and Arabic sources. Cong, internat. d'hyg. et de d6mog. C. r. 1894, Buda- pest, 1896, viii, pt. 5, 477-483.—Ia. De hygienische gronds- iagen der Israelitische wetgeving. Hvg. BL, Amst., 1898, i, 413; 483: 1899, ii, 16.-Long (C.) The hygiene of the Jews. Tr. Luzerne Co. M. Soc, Wilkesbarre, 1897, 5-11.— JTIucller(ii. Basileiensi, 152*. -----. Vita medica, hoc est, (ialeui i-yieivuv, sive, methodi sanitatis tuenda- libri vi. Nova, eaque omnium accuratissima veiMone. et per- petuis conimentariis versione, et perpetuis coni- mentariis eastigatiombus prudeutissiiuis illus- trati a Casparo Hofmanno curante Sebastiano SehefFero. 4°. trancofurti, 1680. Gaubil.8 (H. D.) Oratio de vana vita.* longaa, a cheuiicis promissaj expectatioue. 4°. Leida;, 1734. a Gehema (J. A.) Diatetica vera same ra- tioni ac experientiie certie iunixa in gratiam vitam et sanitatem longam exoptantium cou- scripta. 16-. Sedini, 1690. de' Gemignani CC.) Thesoro di sanita, nel quale si contiene alcuni particolari secreti. 24°. Perugia 4' Firenze, 1612. j Geoffroy (E\-L.) L'hygiene, ou l'art de conserver la sante. Poeme latin traduit en fran- j cois par de Lannay. 8-. Paris, 1774. Goclexils (R.) De vita proroganda, hoc est, animi corporisque vigore conservando, salu- briterqne producendo, tractatus, omnibus, cujus- cunque etiam conditionis, ordinis, et status, domi militiaeque, terra marique, ultro citroque Ivgieiie (Literature of) [prior to A. D. 1800]. euntibus, lectu utilis ac vere proficuus. 16°. Moguntier, 1558. Ct akinonu s (H.) Die Grewel der Verwii- stung ineuschlichen (Jeschlechtes, in sieben unttrschiedliche Biicher und tmmeideuliche Haupstiicken, sampt einem lustigeu Vortrag, abgetheilt. Neben vor-, mit-, und nachgehen- den, sd -vvol natiirlichen, als christlich- uud poli- tisclnn,darwider stnitliaren Mittlen. Allen, so wol, (ieist, als Weltlichen, Gelehrt, und Unge- lehrten, hocli und nidern Stands Personen, iiber- aus niitz und sehr notwendig, wie auch gar kurtzweilig zu lesen. Zu sondern Nutz, Gliick, Heil, Wolfahrt, lan»en (icsondt, Zeitlich, und i"-*. igen Leben gantz Hochhibicher Teutsehei Na- tion newlichist gestellt. fol. Ingolstatt, 1610. H. (J.) The divine physiciau; prescribing rules for the prevention and cure of most dis- eases as well of the body as the soul. Demon- strating by natural reason and also divine and humane testimony, that as vicious aud irregular actions and atfeetions prove often occasions of most bodily diseases and shortness of life, so the contrary do conduce to tin* preservation of health and prolougatiou of life. In two parts. 16°. London. 1676. Harper (A.) The cecouomy of health; or, a moral essay, coutaining new and familiar in- structions i'or the attainment of health, happi- ness, aud longevity, [etc.]. 8C. London, [n. d.]. -----. The same. Dhetetiske Loninie-Bog, [etc.]. Af det Eugelske, med en Fortale af Pro- fessor Tode. [Dietetic pocket-book; rules for attaining long life.] sm. 8°. Kjobenhavn, 1795. Hemmer (A. C.) * De principum ratione sub- ditarum couservaudi sanitatem. sm. 4-. Mar- burgi, 176-*. Hehlixls ( B. ) Consilium sanitatis, oder wohlineynender Rath und Bericht, woraus des Menschen Gesuudheit uud Krankheit ent- springe, auch wie vollkoniinene Gesundheit zu erkenueu uud zu erhalteu, hingegen anspinneude Kranckheiten wahrznnehinen, nnd solchen bey- zeiten vorzubauen sey. Sampt einem Anhang, vom Missbrauch der wahren Physiognomiie, entgegen-gesetzt dem griindlichen Bericht vou der Physiognomia Herrn Philippi Mayens, Anno 16-1, iii Dressdeu gedruckt. 12°. Coburg, 1682. Hippocrates. De aere et aqua et regionibus liber. In: Rhazes. [Tractatus x.] fol. Mediolani, 1481, ff. Big. l|'2b-l/8b. Also, in: < 'oNTENTA in hoc volumine. fol. Ve-netiis. 1497, ff. l.">4-l.">Gb. Also, in: Hoc in volumine. fol. Venetiis, 1508, ff. 42b-45. AUu, in: ARTICELLA nuper- rime imjiressn [etc.]. 12 5 Liniiluni. 1515. ff. 80-85. AUo, in: llml. 125 Lugduni, 1519,'tl'. 85-90b. AUo, in: ibid. 125 Lugduni, 1525, ff. 77-82b. AUo, in: ibid. 12A Lug- duni, 1534, ff. 77-82''. ------. The same. Hippocrates upon air, water, and situation, upon epidemic diseases, and upon prognostics, in acute cases especially; to which is added the life of Hippocrates from Saranus, and Thuevdides's account of tlie plngue of Athens. The whole translated, met hod is'd and illustrated with useful and explanatory notes. By Francis Clifton. 2. ed. -\ London, 1752. ------. The same. 'l-nroKpaTovc; to izepi aepuv, vtSiiruv, rorrur; devrepov kudodev gerd rije TaX/.iK-gc ue~apdotuq, w npoaeredn f« tov avrov 'l-Tnuparovc. Kdi 6 vopoc, pern tF/c TaX'/.iKTJc fieraopitniuc, Kai to tuv Ta?.gvov: 'Or- apioroc 'larpbc Kai epikoaofyoc. 2. ed. 8\ Tlaptoioic, 1-16. ------. The same. 'Ix-roKptinwc rrrpl aepuv, vtidrun-. KaiTdnuv. Traite d'llippoeratr des airs. des eaux et des lieux. Also, in: Hippocrates. Traites [etc.]. 16°. Paris, 1818, 312-441. HYGIENE. 586 HYGIENE. Hvgiene (Literature of) [prior to A. D. 1800]. ------. The same. De aere, aquis et locis, liber denuo recensitus et varietate lectionis Foe- siana et Coraiana iustructus Christiano Peter- sen. 8\ Hamburgi, 1833. AUo, transl.in: Hippocrate, Par., 1898, i, 14; 55; 103. -----. Thesame. Hippocrates: O vzduchu, vodach a niistech. Pfelozil dr. O. Schrutz. In: Sbirka pfedndsek a rozpr. z oboru 16kiifsk., v Praze, [1899], no. 52, 17-;',8. Horst (G.) De tuenda sauitate studiosornm et literatorum. Libri duo in gratiam reipnbl. literarise propositi et ad petitionem amicorum editi. 16c. Giesser, 1615. -----. The same. Jam autem iterum ad petitionem amicorum pnelo subjecti. Editio nova, multis additiouibus, imprimisque reme- diis selectis, in diversis ac plerisque morbis ap- probatis, paratuque facilibus, aucta. 16°. Mar- burgi Cattorum, 1628. Institutes of health. 12°. London, 1761. Joepserils (J. J.) Isagoge seu manuductio ad vitam lougiorem, variis, de tuenda reparan- daque valetudine, dissertationibus illustrata; et selectis, turn veterum, rum recentiorum medi- coruui scitis placitisque stabilita; publico om- I nium biophilorum emolumeuto iu lncem edita. sm. 4C. Xoriberga;, 1680. Kaihara (T.) Yojo kun. [Advice on hy- giene.] 4.v. 8°. [n.p.], 1713. Katzschils (J.) De gubernanda sanitate, secundum sex res non naturales, ex Hippocratis et Galeni libris placita qutedam de sumpta; per . . ., jam recens edita. 16°. Francofurti, 1557. -----. Thesame. 16°. Francofurti a. M., 1570. Krebs ( G. F. ) *De senectute viridi. Wie man eiu lebhafft uud gesundes Alter erlangeu und erhalteu konne. sm. 4D. Halce Magdeb., [1741]. Lafon (J.-B.) Philosophie medieale, ou prin- cipes fondamentaux de la science et de l'art de maiutenir et de retablir la sante de I'homme. 8-. Paris, 1796. Laxghaxs (D.) Von deu Lastern die sich au der Gesundheit der Menschen selbst rachen u. s. w. 8\ Bern, 1773. Laurenths [du Laurexs] (A.) Discours de la conservation de la veue, des maladies melan- coliques, des catarrhes, et de la viellesse. Re- veuz de nouveau et augmentez de plusieurs • chapitres. 16°. Paris, 1597. -----. Thesame. Deruiere e"d. 24°. Rouen, 1600. -----. The same. 12°. Rouen, 1620. -----. The same. 16°. Rouen, 1630. -----. Thesame. A discomse of the preser- vation of the sight, of melancholike diseases, of rheumes, aud of old age. Transl. out of the French into English, according to the last edi- tion, by R. Surphlet. 8°. London, 1599. -----. Discorsi della conservatione della vista, delle malattie melaucholiche, delli catarri, e della vecchiaia, composti in lingua italiana, e commentati da Fr. Gio. Germauo. 8:. Xapoli, 1626. Le Camus (A.) *An hygiene, medicina* pars utilissima, desertissinia? 4°. Parisiis, 1743. AUo, in: Sigwart (G. F.) Quaest. med. Par. 4°. Tu- bingce, 1789, i, 84-92. Lemxils (L.) The touchstone of complexions; expedient and profitable for all such as bee de- sirous and carefull of their bodily health; con- taining most ready tokens, whereby every one may perfectly try, aud thorowly know, as well the exact state, habit, disposition, and constitu- tion of his body outwardly; as also the inclina- Ivgiene (Literature of) [prior to A. D. 1800]. tions, affections, motions, and desires of his miude inwardly. Englished by T. N. 12c. Lon- don, 1633. Lessius (L.) Novus annus incolumis et sa- nus, seu ars bene diuqne valendi ac vivendi, quae cousistit in diaeta sobria comtnendata olim perquam utili tractatu. Opuscnlo annexo nobi- lis Veuiti Ludovici Cornari. 16-\ Graeij, 16-8. -----. The same. Hygiasticon; or, the right course of preserving life and health unto extream old age, together with sounduesse and integritie of the senses, judgement, and memo- rie. Written in Latine, and now done into English. 2. ed. 32°. Cambridge, 1634. -----. Tlie same. A treatise of health and long life, with the sure meaus of attaining it. . . Transl. into English by Timothy Smith. 16°. London, 1743. -----. The same. Le vray regime de vivre pour la conservation de la sant6 du corps et de l'ame, et du parfait usage du jugement, de la memoire, et de tous les seus jusqu'S une extreme vieillesse, sans l'usage d'aucune medecine, aver6 par l'experience de plusieurs personnes, et con- firm6 par l'authorite de ties scavans me'decins. Compose e;i latin. Ensemble un tratte de Louis Comaro sur le meine sujet. Le tout traduit eu francois par Sebastien Hardy. Reveu, corrig6 et augmente d'annotations en marge, etde la vie admirable dudit Cornaro, et des tesmoignages des auteurs qui en out parle". 16°. Paris, 1646. -----. The same. De schat der soberheit; of bequame middel tot onderhouding der ge- zondheit, en bewaring van de volkonnnenheit der zinnen, vau 't verstant, en van de gehengenis aan d' uitterste ouderdom. Met eeu handeling van de nutigheden van 't sober leveu door Ludo- vicus Cornarus. 24-. Amsterdam, 1681. Lixacre (T.) A coinpendyous regymeut, or dyatorye of healthe. Used at Mountpylour, compyled by Doctour Lyuacre and other doc- tours in physycke. 12c. [London, n. d.] Lobera (L.) de Arila. Vergel de sanidad: que por otro nombre se llamava Banquete de cavalleros, y orden de bivir ansi en tiempo de sanidad corno de enfermedad: y habla copiosa- mente de cada manjar que complexion y pro- priedad tenga y de sua provechos y danos: con otras cosas utilissimas. Nuevamente corregido y auadido por el mismo autor. fol. [Alcala de Henares, 1542.] Lommius (J. ) Coniinentarii de sauitate tuenda in primum librum de re medica Aurel. Cornelii Celsi cum iudicibus necessariis. 16°. Lovanii, 1558. -----. The same. 16°. Lugd. Bat., 1724. -----. The* same. 3. ed. 12°. Lugd. Bat., 1734. J -----. The same. Editio nova emendatis- sima. Cum indice return et verborum accura- tissimo. 16°. Amstelodami, 1745. -----. The same. Comnientarii in Aurel. Cornel. Celsum de sanitate tuenda. Novam editiouem enravit, et praecepua, graecorum et romanorum iu diieteticam merica recensuit Jo- sephiis Eyerel. 8°. Vindobonee, 1794. Lynch (B.) A guide to health through the various stages of life; wherein are explained: I. The different degrees and changes of age, the principal and inevitable causes of old age, and finally of our dissolution; with a chronological and historical brief account of long lives from before the flood to this present time. II. The nature, properties, qualities, and influence of air; of aliments; the choice of them; their power HYGIENE. 587 HYGIENE. Hygiene (Literature of) [prior to A. I). 1800]. | upon human bodies, with their good and bad effects: of sleeping and waking; of motion and rest; of retention and excretion: and of the | passions of the mind. III. Of the definitions, diagnosticks, prognosticks anil curative indica- tions, both medicinal and dietctical, of acute and \ chronical diseases incident to human bodies; with the nature and use of bathing and fric- tions. The whole illustrated with useful anno- tations methodically and succinctly digested, aud continued by the authority of tho most cele- brated authors, both ancient and moderu. 12-. London, 1744. Magxixi Mediolanensis. Regimen sanitatis. 4-\ [Basilea', 1195.] -----. The same. [Adfinem:] Regimen sa- nitatis Mamiini Mediolensis medici exoptatis- siiui. Opus equidem non partim utile omni cum diligentia in hoc volnmen redai turn finit feli- citer. 4C. Basiba. [1500]. -----. Thesame. [Adfinem :] Finit regimen sanitatis Maguiui. Impressnm Parisiis per Gas- pardum l'hilippe expensis Johannis Petit com- morantis 1506. di Maxfredi (H.) Libro de 1' homo in lingua materna compilato per ... ad utilita e delecta- tione del genere humano: in el qual dilucida le cause della natura circa la conservatioue de la sanita; e de le cose se Minieno in cibo e ]>oto: con la compositioue de 1' homo per la quale se cognosce naturalineute le bonta e defecti di quello: ditto vuluariiieute perche. sm. 4:. [Ve- netia, 1514.] Maret ft.'* Memoire dans leqnel on cherche a determiner quelle iufluence les mceursdes Fran- cois (,nt sur leur saute": qui a remport^ le prix au juuemeut de VAi ademie d'Amiens, eu l'anue'e 1771. 12:. Amiens, 1752. Matth.els (J.) Speculum sanitatis, rerum non-uaturalinm, i[iias vocant, administrationem pro bona valetudine conservanda continens. In quo inveterati nonuulli erroies demonstrantiir, j omuiaque certis rationibns, histonis et exemplis continuant ur. Accessit hortulus inedicus, sim- plicinm inedicamentoruin, qualitates ad certos gradu- redactas, breviter et inethodice exhibens. Cum annexo examine, in quo simplicium quo- rundam vires et facilitate* secundum liudicinie fundamenta traduntur, explosis absurditatibus, contradictionibus et superstitiouibus passim iu herbariis occurreutibus. 16-. Herbornce Xasso- viorum, 1620. m May(K.) . . . [Hygiene, and dietetics.] [Ad finem:] Anno Dom. 1511 am Sampstag vor Kant Johannes tag, zu Sounwenden hab ich Kristan May diss bucli angefangeu zu sehieiben . . . fol. [n.p., n. d.] Maynwarixoe (E.) Tutela sanitatis, sive vita protracta. The production of long life, and detection of its brevity, from di-etetic causes and common cu-tom*. Hygiastic prucaiitions and rules appropriate to the constitutions of bodyes and various discrasies or passions of minde, dayly to be observed for the preserva- tion of health and prolongation of life. With a treatise of foutinells or issues. Whereunto is annexed : Belluin necessarium, sive inedicus bel- ]]jj(-rans. The military or practical physitiau reviewing his armory: furnished with weapons and munition against the secret invaders of life; fitted for all persons and assaults; with their safe and regular use, according to medical art and discipline. 16-'. London, 1664. -----. Vita sana et longa. The preserva- tion of health and prolongation of life. Proposed I Ygiene (Literature of) [prior to A. D. 1800]. and proved in the due observance of remarkable precautions aud daily practicable rules, relat- ing to body and mind, compendiously abstracted from the institutions and law of nature. 16-5 London, 1669. Mkihti'mi (G. S.) De gl' errori popolari d'Italia. Libri sette, divisi in due parti. Nella prima si trattano gl' errori che occorrono in qua- luuque modo nel governo tie gl'infermi, e s* in- segna il modo di corregerli. Nella seconda si cotengono gl' errori quali si comniettono nelle cause delle malattie cioe nel modo del vivere, come nell' uso dell' acre, dell'esercitio, e ozio; mangiare, e here, evacuatioue, dormire, e veghi- are, e passioni dell' animo cou gli suoi rimedij, dove, come in uno horologio della sanita si mostra '1 modo di allungar la vita, e viver sano senza medico e senza medicine. Parte prima. 4\ Verona, 1645. Merli (F.) La sanita all' amico, o sia varie istruzioni medico-pratiche le piu interessanti per ogni ettt dell' uomo per educarsi sano, per preservarsi e per curarsi de' mali i piu famigliari ben spesso ricercati. Seconda impressione. 8-. Xajioli, 1769. Miraval (B. A.) Libro intitulado: La con- servacion de la salud del cuerpo y del alma, para el bnen regimieuto de la salud, y mas larga vida de la magestad del Rey Don Philippe Ter- cero nuestro senor. Muy provechoso para todo genero de estados, para philosophos y medicos, para tbeologos y juristas: y principalniente para los ecclesiasticos y religiosos predicadores de la palabra de Dios. am. 4°. Salamanca, 1601. Moles (B.) Hispanus. Speculum sanitatis, id est, pulcherrimum opus in quo contineutur salu- berrima prsecepta ad hunianam vitam maxime necessaria pro corporis, aniinique sauitate con- servanda ac longaeva vita perducenda. Necnon plurima natura* secreta, et inultijugie ac varie- gatae senteutia*, atque quaestinnculaj memoratu dignissiuue, ad uaturalem et moralem philoso- phiam potissinie spectantes, ad sacramque theo- logiam pertiuentes (ut capitulorum index os- tendit cuique legeuti) fceliciter incipit. 4Z. [Xeapoli], 1545. Moses Maimoneeles. [De regimine vita* quin- que tractatus.] In: de Gram [or Gradibus] (J. M.) Consilia secuu- ilum viam Aviceunso ordinata. [Ed. 2.] fol. Lugduni, 1835, ff. 89-93. [Mollton (T.)] The myrrour or glasse of helth. necessary and nedefull for every person to loke iu that wyll kepe theyr body from the sekenes of the pestylence, and it sheweth howe the pianettes reygne in every houre of the daye and the nyght, with the natures and ex- posycyons of the xii sygnes. devyded by the xii monthes of lhe yere, and sheweth the reme- dyes, for many dyvers infyrinytes and dyseases that hurtetb the bodv of man. 24°. [London, 1550.] \Atend:\ Iiii]irynted at London, in Fleete-strete, at the sygne of tlie (leorjie, by Wyllyara Myddletou, dwellynjze nexte to Snynte Dunstone's Churehe. -----. Tlie same. 21 . [London, n. d.] [At end .•] Impriutcd at London, in Llete-straet, benethe theconduit, attire sygneof St. John Evun^clyst, by Thomaa Colwel. -----. Thesame. 24°. [n.p., n.d.] [Atend:\ It wyll fetche awaye the swellynge and the ache. Finis. Niger (A.) Consilium de tuenda valetudine. 12°. Lipsiu, 1554. -----. The same. 16 '. Lipsia;, 1555. -----. The same. 16°. Fitebergce, 1581. HYGIENE. 588 HYGIENE. Hvgiene (Literature of) [prior to A. D. 1800J. DE Nursia (B.) [Libellus de consei vatione sanitatis.] [Incipit:] Johannes Philippi de Lig- namiue Messanensis Siculus, ad S. D. X. Sixtum qnartum, pontificeni maximum. [Fol. 1 B:] Tabula hujus libri. [In fine tab.:] Sequittir nunc libellus ipse de conservatione sanitatis, secundum ordinem alphabeti distiuctus. [Ad finem:] Rome in domo nobilis viri Johannis Philippi de Lignamine Messanensis. S. D. N. familiaris hie libellus impressns est anno domini nicccclxxv, die xiiii mensis Januarii, Pont. Syxti IIII, anno ejus quarto. 4-. [Rome, 1475.] -----. The same. Pulcherrimuni et utilis- siiuum opus ad sanitatis conservatiouein . . . incipit fceliciter. Similiter etiam de niagistro Tadeo de Florentia de regimiue sanitatis secun- dum quattuor partes anui. Sequitnr nunc libel- lus ipse de conservatione sanitatis secundum ordinem alphabeti distiuctus. [Adfinem:] . . . opera et iudustria Domiuici de Lapis . . . felici- ter finiuut anno d. m.cccc.lxxvii. 4C. [Bono- nia>, 1477.] -----. The same. [Libellus de conserva- tioue sanitatis secundum ordinem alphabeti dis- tiuctus.] [Incipit:] Tabula hujus libri. [In fine:] Registrum hujus libri. 4C. [n. p., n. d.] Gothic letter, without pagination, watchwords, or signa- tures. Panzer has: [Romae, Stephauus Plannck 1485]. Palixiiexius (M. S.) Zodiacus vitae, hoc est, de hominis vita, studio, ac moribus optime iu- stituendis libri xii. Opus mire eruditum plane- que philosophicum. Diligentissime in usum studiosorum excusum. 16°. Basilea, 1557. -----. The same. Editio nova. 16°. Fran- cofurti f Lipsice, 1704. Pans a (M.) Aureus libellus de proroganda vita, in quo causae longioris ac brevioris vitae exquisite describuntur, et quanam diteta, qui- busque medicamentis tarn vulgaribus, quam, pretiosis et arcanis vita louga sit comparanda, evidentissime ac fidelissime moustratur. Pts. 1-2. 16°. Lipsia; 1615. -----. The same. Aurei libelli, de proro- ganda vita hominis, pars iii [etc.]. 12-. Lip- sice, 1616. -----. Kostlicher und heilsamer Extract der gantzeu Artzneykuust, darinneu kurtzlich die Ursachen des langeu uud kurtzen Lebens, und allerhand Krankheiten meuschliclies Leibes be- schrieben, und was von bewehrten Mittelu vor Arme und Reiche zu Erhaltuug des Lebens, laug- wieriger guter Gesundheit, und zur Verhiitung beyderley des Leibes und des Geinuths Be- schwerungen behiilfflichen seyn; mit alien Fleiss elaborirt, und durch laugwierige Erfahrung bey Vielen recht und bewehrt befuudeu. 12°. Leip- zig, 1618. Paschetti (B.) Del couservare la sanita, et del vivere de' Genovesi libri tre. Ne' quali si tratta di tntte le cose apparteneuti alia conser- vatione della sanita di ciascuno in generali, ed iu particolare degli huomiui, e doune genovesi; trattaudosi in essi del sito, dell' ana di Genova, e delle villi* viciue, dei venti, che dominano detta citta, del grano, acqua, viui, carne, pesci, ed altre cose proprie di quell a. Si propongouo, e decideuo molti dubbij alia medesima materia apparteneuti. sm. 4Z. Genova, 1602. Paulls iEGiXETA. Pauli JEginetae praecepta salubria Guilielmo Copo Basilieusi interprete. 8°. [Parisiis, 1510.] ----—. The same. 8C. [Argentorati, 1511.] -----. The same. 83. [Parisiis, 1512.] Perdulcis [Pardolx] (B.) Ars sanitatis tuendae. 16°. Parisiis, 1637. Hyg'iene (Literature of) [prior to A. D. 1800]. Petroxils (A.) Del viver delli Romani, et di conservar la sanita. Libri ciuque dove si tratta del sito di Roma, dell' aria, de' venti, delle stagioni, dell' acque, de' vini, delle carni, de' pesci, dc' frutti, delle herbe, e di tntte F altre cose pertinenti al governo de gli huomiui, et delle donue d' ogni eta, et conditione. Opere utile, et necessaria nou solo a Roma, ma aucora ad ogn' altro paese. Con dui libri appresso dell' istesso autore, del mautenere il ventre molle senza medicine. Tradotti dalla lingua latina nella volgare dall' eccellente medico Ba- silio Paravicino, con molte postille iu margine, et una tavola, copiosissima delle cose uotabili. roy. 8°. Roma, 1592. Phayre (T.) The regiment of life, where- unto is added a treatise of the pestileuce, with the book of children, newlv corrected aud en- larged. 16°. [London, 1551.] -----. The same. sm. 4°. London, 1596. -----. The same. S°. Loudon, [n. d.]. Pixder (U.) Compendium breve de bouae valitudinis cura; quod et regimen sanitatis; at- que dieta potent nuncupari. Praeterea regimen sanitatis in dieta consistit. Dieta in sex rerum non uaturaliuin debito usu. Debitus usus in cordis, stomachi, cerebri; spiritusque diligenti cura ... Speculum phlebothomyaB atque veu- tosaruin. 171. Tractatus simplicium medicina- ruin. roy. 8°. [n. p., 1510-12.] Piper ( H.) Corollarium, sive parvus com- munis valetudiuis tuendaet amissaeque instau- randie thesaurus, iu quo nou pauca selectiora medicamiua hucusque ignota proprio marte ex- cogitata, sive conquisita, et longo comprobata experimento spajryrice fabrefiunt; arca.ce virtti- tes, usus et dosis priescribuntur; tandem pro coronide maximum arcanum ex duobus plauetis, marte, puta, et veuere, tarn pro medicina uni- versali, quam pro chrysopopaeia describitur. 16°. Xeapoli, 1701. -----. The same. Ad Hadriani a Mynsicht Thesaurum et armamentarium medico-chynii- cum . . . 16°. Venetiis, 1707. Pittore ( G. ) Villingano. Dialogi del modo del couservare la sauita. Nuovameute dalla lingua latina nella volgar italiana tradotto. Aggiuutovi un trattato di Arnaldo di Villa nuova, del modo di conservar la gioveutu, e retardar la vecchiezza. 24c. Vinegia, 1550. Platixa (B.) De honesta voluptate. Liber primus. 4-'. [Venetiis], 1475. Quercetanus (J.) (Sieur de la Violette.j Le pourtraict de la saute", ou est au vif repre- sentee la regie universelle et particuliere, de bien sainemeut et longueinent vivre. Eurichy de plusieurs pre'eeptes, raisons, et beaux exem- ples, tirez des me'decins, philosophes et his- toriens, tant grecs que latins, les plus c61ebres. 16-. S[ainct]-Omer, 1618. Ramazzixi (B.) De principum valetudine tuenda commentatio. Accessit praeter indicem rerum, vita autoris et nouva praefatio Michaelis Ernesti Ettmiilleri. 12°. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1712. AUo, inhis: Opera omnia [etc.]. '4°. Oenevce. 1716, 697- 782. AUo: Ibid. 4°. Londini, 1717, 408-452. AUo: ibid. 4°. Londini. 1718, 405-452. Also: Ibid. 4°. Lon- dini, 1739, ii, 145-196. -----. The same. L'art de conserver la saut6 des princes et des persones du premier rang, auquel on a ajoute\ l'art de conserver la saute" des religieuses, et les avantages de la vie sobre du Seigneur Louis Cornaro; avec des re- marques sur ce dernier, aussi cnrieuses, que n^cessaires. 16°. Leide, 1724. HYGIENE. 589 HYGIENE. Hygiene (Literature of) [prior to A. D. 1800]. -----. Annotationes in librum Ludovici Cor- nelii de vit;e sobria* commodis. 4C. Patavii, 1714. Also, in his: Opera omnia [etc.]. 4°. Geneva!, 1710, 814- 85S. Also: Ibid. 4°. Londini. 1717, 471 - 500. Also: Ibid. 4=. Londini, 1718, 471-500. Also; Ibid. 4°. Lon- dini, 1739, ii, 197-224. Raxtzovils (II.) De conservanda valetudine liber, in privatum liberorum suoruni usuin ab ipso conscriptus, ac editus a Dethlevo Sylvio Holsato; in quo de diteta, itiuere, annis cliinac- tericis, et autidotis pra'stantissiniis, brevia et utilia praecepta contineutur. 16 \ Lipsice, [15761. -----. The same. 15. ed., auctior et einen- datior. 16°. Antrerpia; 1584. -----. The same. 4. ed. Seorsim accessit Guilielnii Grataroli de literatorum et eoruni, qui uiagistratuin gerunt, conservauda valetu- dine, liber. 24c. Francofurti, 1505. -----. Thesame. 4-\* [«. p.], 1501. -----. The same. 5. ed. 16 \ Francofurti, 1604. Regimen sanitatis. Opera nova, nella quale si contiene asaissimi belli secreti contra veueni, appresso loro, alcuni altri contra diverse iufir- mita come nella tavola del detto libro ritrova- reti novamente posto in luce per 1' aprobato. Mi. Viucentio Venitiano, habitante nella citta di Roma. Et tali secreti piu et piu volte sono stati da ltd esperimentati, e de bei novo a la gioruata. si esperiineutano in case degne di fede, come nelli soi privilegii appare, e chiara- mente vedesi. Valle. 24°. [n. p.. 1550.] Richter (G. G.) [Pr.] qua Osteuditur frigus capiti, fotum caloremque pedibus magio conve- nire. 4-. Gottinga1, 1756. AUo, in his: Opuse. med. 4°. Francof. t. 1. pp. x.liv-xlix. Also, in his: Opere com- plete. 8°. Napoli, 1800, iii, pp. xxii-xxiv. f, TisSOT (_S.-A.-D.) Avis au peuple sur sa sau- te", ou traits des maladies les plus froquentes. Nouvelle 6d. 12°. Lie'ge, 1763. -----. The same. 3. 6d. 12°. Lyon, 1767. -----. The .same. Advice to the people iu general with regard to their health . . . Transl. from the French ed. of Dr. * * *, with all the notes in the two former English editions, aud a few additional ones. By J. Kirkpatrick. 3. ed. 8°. London, 176-*. -----. The same. Advice, with respect to health. Extracted from a late author. 12°. Bristol, 1759. Same as preceding, but with retrenchments. -----. Thesame. Aviso ao povo sobre a sua saude. Traduzido do francez sobre a ultima edicao de Paris, revista e eineiidada pelo mesmo j author. 2. impressao. 2 v. 16^. Lisboa, 1777. Torrella (G.) Pro regimine sen preserva- I tione sanitatis. De eseulentis et poculcntis dialogus. sm. 4:. [Romce, 1506.] Traflichetti (B.) L' arte di couservare la sanita, tutta intiera trattata in sei libri. 8°. Pesaro, 1565. -----. Idea dell' arte di couservare la sanita, scritta gia, et hora per il medesmo ditfesa dalle false oppositioni di Matteo Bruui, il medico da Rimino. 12c. Venetia, 157*J. Ulastls (D.) *An sanitatem iuter et mor- buni detnr status medius? 4°. [Parisiis, 1742.] In: Sigwabt (G. F.) Quaest. med. Par. 4°. Tubingce, 1780, ii, 253-265. Valla Placentinus (G.) De tuenda sanitate per victuni et quae secundum cujusque naturam in victu sequenda aut fugienda snut. 16°. [Ar- gentine?, 1529.] de Valverde (J.) De animi et corporis sanitate tuenda libellus. 16. Venetiis, 1553. Vexxer (T.) Via recta ad vitam longam; or, a plaine philosophicall demonstration of the nature, faculties, and effects of all such things as by way of nourishments make for the preser- vation of health, with dive is necessary dietetii all observations; as also of the true use and effects of sleepe, exercise, excretions, and perturbations, with just applications to every age. constitution of body, and time of yeere. sm. 6J. London, 1628. -----. The same. sm. 4C. London, 1638. -----. The same. Or a treatise wherein the the right way and best manner of living for attaining to a long and healthfu 11 life is clearly demonstrated ami punctually applied to every age and constitution of body. Much more en- larged than the former impressions . . . All which are likewise amplified since the former impres- sions, sm. 4°. London, 1650. Vivmaxi (V.) Trattato del custodire la sanita. 16°. Venezia, 1626. ! Vogler (V. H.j * De valetudine hominis cognoscenda liber. 4 . Helmstadii, 1674. Waciismann (A.) 'De genuinis sanitatis con- servaudaa fundamentis. 4°. Halo Magdeb., [1722]. Wernecke (L. A.) Specimen manuductionis ad vitam longam quod 1 radit regulas genera les circa inotum et quietem hominibus observandas. Wie iiberhaupt in Beobachtung der Bewegung und der Ruhe des Corpers der Mensch sein Leben hoher bringen konne. 4J. Rostochii, [1723]. HYGIENE. Hvg'iene (Literature of) [prior to A. D. 1800]. Westekdahl (F.) Underrattelse om hiilsans bevarande, iorklarad med nyttiga anmarcknin- gar, och grundad pa de beniniligaste, iildre och uyarc auctorers erf'areuhet. [Advice how to preserve health, explained with necessary notes, based upon the experience of the most celebrated authors.] 16°. Upsala, 1764. -----. Thesame. 2. uplagen. 16°. Upsala, 1758. Wibei? (J. H.) Medieinaliselie Unterricbtung. Die gegenwsirtige Gesuudheit lang zu erhalten, und die Verlohrne bald widerum zu erobern. 16°. Wurtzburg, 1715. Wovsski.l (S.) Bericht zweyer bewehrter Arzneyen in bevorstehender Infectioiisgcfahr, sowol zur Pra'sei vation als Curation zugebrau- chen. Trewherzig in Druck gegebeu. sm. 4°. Breslau, 1(525. Hygiene (Manuals and systems of). Sic. also, Hygiene (Military, Manuals of); Hygiene (Xaral, Manuals of); Hygiene (Per- sonal): Hygiene (Popular, Handbooks, etc., relating to); Hygiene (Public, Manuals of). Abbott (A. C.) The hygiene of transmissible diseases; their causation, modes of dissemination, and methods of prevention. 8°. Philadelphia, 1899. Almquist (E.) Allmiin halsovardslara med siirskildt afseende pii Svenska forhallauden for liikare, medicine studerande, halsovardsmyudig- heter tekniker. [General principles of hygiene, with special reference to Swedish affairs.] 1.-5. Hiiftet. S-. Stockholm, [1894-5]. Amantea (E.) Appeudice agli elementi d' igi- eue [di M. Turchi]. 8-'. Xapoli, 1885. Axdrews (O. W.) Hand-book of public health, laboratory work, and food inspection. Ha London, 1901. Arxolld (J.[-H.]) Nouveaux elements d'hy- giene. 4. 6d. Premiere partie: Sol, eau, atmo- sphere, habitation. 8Z. Paris, 1900. Bailliere (G.-J.-B.) Les maladies eVitables. Prophylaxie, hygiene publique et prive"e. 12-". Paris, 1898. Bai.estre (A.) Cours d'hygiene pratique. Hygiene individuelle; hygiene scolaire; hygiene publique. 12°. Paris, [1891)]. Beccjlerel (L.-A.) Traite e"16mentaire d'hy- giene priv6e et publique. 2. e"d. iy°. Paris, 1854. ------. The same. 3. 6d., avec additious et bibliographic, par E. Beaugrand. 12°. Paris, 1854. Bergev (D. H.) Handbook of practical hy- giene. 8. Easton, Pa., 1899. -----. The principles of hygiene; a practical manual for students, physicians, aud health- officers. 8\ Philadelphia <) London, 1901. Bksson (A.) A liouixi.T (('.) Traite" ele'men- taire d'hygii'iie. 8'-; Paris, 1896. lb ei; el (S ) Handboekje der gezoudheidsleer. 85 Gorinchem, 19(H). Bihsele (Mai v Tavlor). A manual of hygiene. n . New York,'[1801]. Borne (F. P.I Kh-meutos de hijiene. 2 v. 8 5 Santiago de Chile, 1H91. But'i.oLMiE (P.-B.) Les maladies 6vitables; moyens de s'en preserver et d'en 6viter la pro- pagation. 12°. Paris, 1898. Bruzza (A. L.) Compendio di igiene privata e popolare. 8°. Genova, 1869. Buning (E.J.) De gezoudheidsleer in het algeuieen en bar toepassing bij het onderwijs. 85 Winschoten, 1899. HYGIEXE. 592 HYGIENE. Hygiene (Manuals and systems of). Campbell (J.) Elements of hygiene for schools and colleges. 1*2-. Dublin, 1885. -----. The same. 2. ed. 12°. Dublin, 18-7. Cimmixo i,R.) A Pelli (M.) Compendiojdi igiene, coinpilato secondo il corso universitario. s-. Xapoli. 1892. Comiexdum po hig'ienTe; sostavleu po luch- shim i sovreuieuuim istochnikam, primienitelno k programmle ispitaniya na stepeu liekarya. [Compendiuni of hygiene; compiled from the best contemporary sources, applicable to the program of examination for the degree of phy- sician.] 8C. Kier 5' Odessa, 1890. Coplin (W. M. L.) A Be van (D.) A manual of practical hygiene, designed for sanitary aud health officers, practitioners and students of medicine. With an introduction by H. A. Hare. -a Philadelphia, 1>93. Cramer (E.) Hygiene. Ein kurzes Lehrbuch fiir Studirende und Aerzte. 8°. Leipzig, 1896. Crlveilhier (L.) Elements d'hygiene ge"- ne>ale. 5. e"d. 24-". Paris, [n. d.]. Clrrier (C. G.) The art of preserving health; outlines of practical hygiene adapted to Ameri- can conditions. S?. Xew Yovk, 1893. -----. The same. Outlines of practical hy- giene. 3. ed. 8°. Xew Tork, 1808. D'Alessandro (F.) Compeudio d' igiene, coinpilato sulle lezioni fatte dal Prof. Eugeuio Fazio nell' anno scolastico 1889-90. 8°. Xapoli, 1890. Da vies (A. M.) A handbook of hygieue. 16°. London, 1895. -----. The same. 16°. Philadelphia, 1895. De Giaxa (V.) Manuale di igiene pubblica. 8-. Milano, [1890-92]. -----. The same. Compeudio d' igiene. 3. ed. 8°. Milano, Firenze . Aufl. 8°. Hamburg if Leipzig, 1895. Emmerich (R.) & Trillich (H.) Anleitung zu hygienischeu Untersuchungen. Nach den im hygienischen Institut der kdnigl. Ludwig Maxi- milians-Universitiit zu Miinchen iiblichen Me- H ygiene (Manuals and systems of). j thoden zusammengestellt. Mit einem Vorwort ! vou Max von Petteukofer. 8C. Munchen, 1880. -----. The same. 2. Anil. 8J. Miinchen, 1892. Encyclopedia d'hygiene et de mo"deciue pu- blique. Directeur: Dr. Jules Rochard. Colla- borateurs: MM. Arnonld, Bergeron [et al.]. v. 1-8. >-. Paris, 1889-97. Erlsman ( F. F. ) Kurs higieni. [Course of hvgiene.] v. 2 & pt. 1 of v. 3. 8°. Moskva, 1887-8. -----. The same. [2. ed.] pt. 1, v. 1. 8°. Moskva, 1892. -----. [Rukovodstvo higieni.] [Manual of hygiene.] 8-. [Moskva, 1899.] Erismann (F.) Gesundheitslehre fiir Ge- bildete aller Stande. 3. Aufl. 8-. Miinchen, 1885. -----. The same. Terwendenhoito-oppi siwistyneille kaikissa kausaluokissa. Suomen- tanut'l. Collan. 8°. Turku, 1885-6. Faivre (P.) Notions e"le"meiitaires d'hygiene; preface de M. le docteur Henri Napias. 12°. Paris, 1899. Faralli (G.) Igiene della vita pubblica e pri- vata. 24-. Milano, 1893. Fazio ( E.) Trattato d' igiene (atavismo e mesologia). 8C. Xapoli, 1880-86. -----. Manuale d' igiene, compilato secondo le lezioui del Prof. . . . dal Dott. Domenico d' Alessaudro-Giardina. 8C. Xapoli, 1892. -----. Principii d' igiene aventi applicazione nei varii rami dell' ingegueria; lezioni fatte alia Scuola di applicazione degl' iugegneri di Napoli, raccolte e pubblicate dell' ing. Domenico de Si- mone. 4C. Napoli, 1900. Flugge (C. [G. F. W.]) Grundriss der Hy- giene fur Studirende uud praktische Aerzte, Me- dicinal- uud Verwaltungsbeanite. 8°. Leipzig, 1889. -----. Thesame. 2.Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, 1891. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. 8C. Leipziq, 1894. -----. The same. 4. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, le97. Gartxer (A.) Leitfaden der Hygiene, fiir Studireude und Aerzte. 8°. Berlin. 1-92. -----. The same. Fiir Studirende, Aerzte, Archi tecteu,Ingen ieure u nd Yerwaltimgsbeanite. 3. Aufl. 8 A Be< Un, 1899. -----. Thesame. Precis d'hygieue publique et privee. Trad, et annote" par A. Vanderstrae- ton et H. Hanquet. 8C. Bruxelles, 1895. Gauthier (J.-C.) Manuel pratique d'hygiene selon des programmes; e"le"ments d'hygiene agri- cole et inclusti ielle; notions d'hygiene coloniale. 16-. Paris, 1900. George (H.) Lecouse"le"mentaires d'hygiene; re"dige"es d'apres le programme de l'Acadmuie de m6decine adopte" pour l'enseignemeut des lycees et des £coles normales. 2.6d. 12c. Paris, [ 1875]. -----. The same. 7. e\l., revue et corrigee. 12°. Paris, [1889]. Gesuxdheits-Lkxicon; eiu Nachschlagebuch fiir Gesnnde und Kranke; hrsg. unter Mitarbei- terschaft verschiedeuer Aerzte von Max Birn- baum. 12°. Berlin, 1891. Glaister (J.) A manual of hygiene for stu- dents aud nurses. 12°. London, 1897. Guaita (R.) Compeudio di igiene scolastica per usu delle scuole uormali, dei pediatri, dei maestri, direttrici d' asilio, ispettori scolastici, etc. 16c. Milano, 1894. Gliraud (L.) Manuel pratique d'hygiene a l'usage des ni&iecius et des Etudiants. 12. Paris, 1890. Haxdboek der open bare gezondheidsregeling en der geneeskundige politie met het oog op de behoeften eu de wetgeviug van Nederlaud door L. Ali Cohen. 2 v. 8°. Groningen, 1p72. HYGIENE. 593 HYGIENE. Hvgiene (Manuals and systems of). * Haxublcii der Hygiene. Bearbeitet von Al- brecht [et al.]. Hrsg. von Th. Weyl. 10 v. A Suppl. 8 . Jena, 1*»93-1901. Haxiuu'ch der Hygiene und der Gewerbe- kraukheiteu. Hrsg. von M. von Petteukofer und H. von Ziemssen. 10 v. -". Leipzig, 1862-94. Harrixgtox (C.) A manual of practical hy- gieue for students, physicians, and medical offi- cers. *»- . Philadelphia 5,- Xew York, 1901. Halsek (O.) Die gesainte Hygiene in 30 Vortriigen. Eiu Leitladen fur das hygienische Studium und ein Vademecum fiir die mediciui- schen Staatspi'iifungeu. 8-. Berlin, 1896. Hirt(L. ) System der Gesundheitspflege. die Universitiit und die tirztliche Praxis. :!. >-'. Berlin, 1885. -----. The same. 4. Autl. —'. Breslau. Hueppe (F. [A. T.]) Handbuch der Hy- Fiir Autl. 1889. riene. Berlin, 1899. The same. Il> giene (Manuals and systems of). -----. Tlie same. Methods of practical hy- giene. Transl. hy W. Crookes. 2 v. 8°. Lon- don, 1895. Levy(M.) Trait6 d'hygiene publique et pri- vee. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1844-5. —. The same. 3. 6d. 2 v. 8:. Paris, Rukovodstvo higieni. Perevod s niemetskavo S. S. Gruzdeva i Ya. L. Ginzburga, s predislov'iein. dopolneniyaiui i pri- mlechauiyami N. N. Brusyaninova. (Handbuch der Hygiene.) [Transl. from the German by Gruzdetf and Ginzburg, with preface, additions, and notes by Brusvaninoff.] ■--. S.-Peterburg, 19U0. Hygiene, ou l'art de conserver la sante, redi- g^e d'apres les principes de l'Encyclopedie et de tons les savans, taut francais qu'etrangers, qui traitent de cette partie suit dansleurs ouvrages, soit dans lents coins publics, et oil Ton trouve l'analvse des lecons du savant M. Halie... Par une society de medecins. 8 . Paris, 1-06. Kingzett (C. T.) A Homfray (D.) A pocket dictionary of hygiene. 24c London, 1898. Kuburn* (H.) Cours d "hygieue ge"u6"rale et pe"dagogique profess6 a l'Ecole normale supe- rieure des humanit^s (1878-91) et a l'Ecole nor- male moyenne des regeutes (1880--5), precede et accompagne" de notions el&nentaires de chimie biologiqne et d'anatomo-physiologie. ~J. Bru- xelles, 1-91. Kuhxer (A.) Grundriss der offentlichen uud privateuGesundheitspflege. 12-. Leipzig,[n.d.]. Kcrzes Repetitorium der Hygiene als Vade- mecum fiir Mediciner, Apotheker, Techniker, Lehramtscandidateu, Sanitatspersonen, etc. Ge- arbeitet nach den Werken und Vorhsungeu von Fliigge, Gruber, Hueppe, Koch, [et al.]. 12 . Leipzig <$■ Wien, [n. d.]. Laborde y Winthlys.sex (F.) Lecciones de higiene privada y piiblica. "J. Scvilln, 1-94. Laca.s.sa(-xe (A.) Precis d'hygii-ne privee et sociale. 16". Paris, 1876. -----. The same. 4. e"d. 16 \ Pari*. 1-95. Lamonx"ette(B.) Principes d'hygiene ii-diges conformement aux deruiers programmes orticieis ailoptes pour l'eiiseigneiiient dans les lyci'es, col- leges et ecolesnormales primaires. 16°. Toulouse # Paris. 1-91. Laxglois (P.) Precis d'hygiene jiublique et privee. 12 a Paris, 1895. Leeert (P.) Aide-memoire d'hygiene pour la pr^paratiou dn quatrieme examen. 4. <*d. It) . Paris, 1897. Leffler CC.) Hygiene. Transl. into Eng- lish from the Germau MS. 8°. London, 1878. Lehmann CK. B.) Die Methoden der prak- tisehen Hygiene; Anleitung zur Untersuchung und Beurt hei lung der Anfgabeu des tiiglichen Lebens; fiir Aerzte, Cherniker und Juristen. 8 '. Wiesbaden, 1890. -----. The same. Lehrbuch zur hygieni- schen Untersuchung und Beurtheilang fur Aerzte, Cherniker und Juristen. 2. Aufl. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1901. VOL VII, I'D SERIES----38 185 The saiiu 1. 6d., revue, corrig6e et Paris, 1862. augnientee. Londe (C.) Nouveaux elements d'hygiene 3. ed. 8. Briuelles, la\19. -----. The same. 3. <5d. 2 v. 8 5 Paris 18 17. The same. 4. ed., entierement refon- due par l'auteur, augmentde de notes, et do l'hygiene des personnes livrees aux travaux de lespiit, par Reveille Parise. 8J. Bruxelles, 184(1. -----. Tho same. Nuevos elemeutos de hi- giene privada y piiblica. Trad, y auotada . . . }ior R. C. de Batista. 4. ed. espafiola. 2 v. 8°. Madrid, 1879. Mai'OIora (A.) Igieue. Lezioni. R. Uni- versita di Modena. Auno accademico l89:>-4. 8-. Modena, 1894. Manoin ( L.) Elements d'hygiene, rediges conformement aux programmes officiels. 12a Paris, 1892. Molciianoff (V. A.) Kratkiy kurs higieni; posobie dlya uchashtshikhsya. [Short course of hygiene; aid to students.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1900. Mlhhammad Emin Fehmi. 'Ilm hefzi sehhat. [Hygiene.] 8°. [Istambul], A. H. 1289-91 [1872-4]. Turkish text. Notter (J. L.) & Firth (R. H.) Hygiene. 16c. London,1891. -----------. The theory and practice of hy- gieue. 8-'-. Philadelphia, 1896. ----- & Horrocks (W. H.) The same. 2. ed. [of preceding, Notter and Firth]. 8-. Lon- don, 1900. -----------. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1900. Nunez (F.) Aviso de sanidad que trata de todos los geueros de alimeutos y del regimiento de la sanidad comprovado por los mas insigues y graves doctores. Dirigido al doctor Martin de Velasco. 24°. Madrid, 1572. Orr (J.) Handbook of public health. 12°. Edinburgh, 1902. Osxovi higieni; sostavleuo po novlelshini is- tochuikam. [Principles of hygiene; compiled from most recent sources.] 2 pts. in 1. >°. Kiev, 1890. Parke.s (E. A.) A manual of practical hy- giene, prepared especially for use in the medical service of the army. 8\ London, 1864. -----. The same. Edited by F. S. B. Fran- cois de Chauiuont. 5. ed. 8-. London, 1878. -----. The same. 6. ed. 8°. London, 18-;l -----. The same. 7. ed. 8°. London, 1887, -----. The same. 8. ed., edited by J. Lane Notter. 8\ London, 1891. -----. The same. 7. ed. 8i-'. Philadelphia, 1887. Parkes (L. C.) Hygiene and public health. 12 \ London, 1889. -----. The same. 2. ed. 12°. London, 1890. -----. The same. 4. ed. 12°. London, 1-95. -----. The same. 5. ed. 12°. London, 1897. -----. Tlie same. 12°. Philadelphia, 18,-9. —. The same. 3. ed. 12°. Philadelphia, 1892. 1*9.- The same. 4. ed. 12°. Philadelphia, HYGIENE. 594 HYGIENE. Hygiene (Manuals and systems of). -----. The same. 5. ed. 12°. Philadelphia, 1897. -----. The elements of health; an introduc- tion to the study of hygiene. 12°. Philadelphia, 1895. Paulier (A.-B.) Manuel d'hygiene publique et privee. 12 \ Paris, 1879. Pistor (C.) Die Lehre von der Gesuudheit und Krankheit des Menschen. Fiir alle Stiiude bearbeitet. 4 v. in 2. 8-\ Leipzig, 1864-6. Place (C.) Manuel eiementaire d'hygiene publique et privee. Guide de saute. 16°. Bru- xelles, [1853]. Poincare (E.-L.) Traite d'hygiene indnstri- elle a l'usage des medecins et des membres des conseils d'hygiene. 8°. Paris, 1886. PovtoritelxIy kurs higieni. Sostavlen po rukovodstvani prof. Erismana, Dobroslaviua [et al], soglasno programuiie ispltaniya v medi- tsinskoi kommissii. [Review course of hygiene. Compiled from the manuals of Erisman, Dobro- slaviu [et«J.],accordingtothe program of exami- nations before the medical commission.] 8-. Moskva, 1895. -----. Thesame. 2. ed. 8-. Moskva, 1895. Pralsxttz (W.) Grundziige der Hygiene; fiir Studirende an Universitiiten und technischen Hochschulen, Aerzte, Architekten und Iugeni- eure. 12°. Miinchen f Leipzig, 1892. ------. Thesame. 2. Aufl. 8~. Miinchen if Leipzig, 1895. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. 8°. Miinchen, 1897. -----. The same. 4. Aufl. 8°. Miinchen, 1899. Reich (E.) Grundriss der Hygieine. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1873. Reid (G.) Practical sanitation; a handbook for sanitary inspectors and others interested in sanitation. With an appendix ou sanitary law, by Herbert Mauley. 4. ed. 8°. London, 1897. -----. Thesame. 8. ed. 8 . London, 1901. Reille (P.) Tableaux synoptiques d'hygiene a l'usage des etudiants et des praticiens. 8°. Pavis, 1900. Richard ( E.) Precis d'hygiene appliquee. 12°. Paris, 1891. Rochard (J.) Traite d'hygiene publique et privee. 8°. Paris, 1895. Rohe (G. H.) Text-book of hygiene. A com- prehensive treatise on the principles aud practice of preventive medicine from au American stand- point. 8". Baltimore, 1885. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8 . Philadelphia f London, 1890. ------. The same. 3. ed., thoroughly revised and largely rewritten. 8°. Philadelphia, Xew York f Chicago, 1899. Roncati (F.) Compendio d' igiene per uso dei medici. 2. ed. 8°. Xapoli, 1886. Rosenthal (J.) Vorlesungen iiber die offent- liche uud private Gesundheitspflege. roy. 8°. Erlangen, 1887. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 8-. Erlangen, 1890. -----. The same. Lektsii'po obshtshestven- noi i chastnoi higieuie. Perevod s uiemetskavo, s prindechaniyami A. G. Feinberga. [Trausl. from the German, with remarks by A. G. Fein- berg.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1888. Rubner(M.) Lehrbuch der Hygieue. Syste- matische Darstelluug der Hygiene und ihrer wichtigsten Untersuchungs - Methoden. Von Max Rubner. Neiibearbcitung als 3. Aufl. des [ygiene (Manuals and systems of). Lehrbuchs der Hygiene, vou J. Nowak. 8°. Leipzig ty Wien, 1888. -----. The same. 4. Aufl. 8a Leipzig &• Wien, 1891-2. -----. The sauie. 5. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig «,• Wien, 1895. -----. The same. 6. Aufl. Leipzig $* Wien, 1899-1900. Rush (G. B.) Hyg'iena s tochki zrieuiyatekk- nika. [ Hygieue from the engineer's point of view.] 8°. Kazan, 1892. Saxtero (F. J.) Elementos de higiene pri- vada y piiblica. 8*a Madrid, 1885. Skvoktsoff (I. [P.]) Kurs prakticheskoi hi- gieni dlya studentov,vrachei i obshtshestvenuo- sauitarnikh uchrezhdeniy. Otdlel perviy: Saui- tarnaya statistika i geogratiya, s dannlmi po antropologii i demografii. [Course of practical hygiene for students, physicians, aud public sanitary institutions. I. Sect. Sanitary statis- tics and geography, with data on anthropology aud demography.] Pt. 1. 8 '. Vavshava, 1884. -----. Osnavl higiologii i higieui; kratkiy kurs dlya studentov i vrachei. [Principles of hygieology and hygiene; brief course for phy- sicians and studenis.] 8. Moskva, 1900. Taylor (A.) The sanitary inspector's hand- book. 3. ed. 12°. London, 1901. Thoinot (L.-H.) Coins d'hygifene; deuxieme annee; ouvrage re~dig-e coiiforineineut aux pro- grammes revises des ecoles normales d'iustitu- tenrs et d'institutrices. 12°. Paris, 1890. Tourtelle ( E.) & Halle (J.-N. ) Traite d'hygiene, avec des additions et des notes par E. Bricheteau. 8-. Paris, 1855. Also, in: Encycl. d. sc. med. 41 v. 8°. Paris, 1834- 46, 2. div., [v. 7]. Treatise (A) on hygieue and public health, edited by Thomas Stevenson and Shirley F. Murphy. 8:. London, 1892-3. Turchi (M.) Elementi di igieue. Compilati sulle lezioni dell . . ., pel dott. Edoardo Anian- tea. 8°. Napoli, [1883]. -----. Thesame. 2.ed. 12°. Napoli, [1888]. Uffelmann(J.) Handbuch der Hygiene. 8°. Wien f Leipzig, 18[89-]90. Wallis(J.W) Manual of hygiene. 8°. Lon- don, 1894. Willoughby (E. F.) Hygiene for students. 12°. London, 1901. Wilson (G.) A handbook of hygiene aud sauitary science. 5. ed. l'J0. London, 1885. -----. The same. 6. ed. 8 5 London, 1886. -----. Thesame. 7. ed. 12°. .London, 1892. -----. Thesame. 8. ed. 12°. London, 1898. -----. Thesame. 6. ed. 12-. Philadelphia, 1886. -----. Thesame. 7. ed. 12°. Philadelphia, 1892. ------. Thesame. Handbuch der offentlichen und privaten Gesundheitspflege. Mit Automa- tion des Verfassers nach der 3. Aufl. und einem Anhauge, "Das offentliche Sanitiitswesen im Deutschen Reich und in deu Einzelstaateu des- selbeu," deutsch hrsg. von Paul Boeruer. -o. Berlin, 1877. Wretlind (E. W.) Lakarebok for alia. Hiilso- och sjukvardsliira i popular form. Forsta delen : Om viir kropp i allmauhet och om huden, (less byggnad, viird och sjukdomar. [A text-book for all. Hygiene and pathology in a popular form. Part I. Ou our body iu general, and on the skin, its structure, importance, and diseases. ] 8 . Stockholm, 1893. Cartwright (E. H.) Practical hygiene for students San. Rec., Lond., 1899-1900, xxiv-xxv,"passim. HYGIENE. 595 HYGIENE. Hvgiene (Mental). ' nci, a Iso, Education (Hygiene in); Insanity [Prevention of); Literary men; Mathemati- cians; Metaphysicians: Mind (Influence of) on body; Mind (Overwork of); Neurasthenia (Causes of). Bajer i.l. J) "Regimen sanitatis literato- runi aphoristiea methodo delineatum et publicis pnelectionibus iu alma Altdortiua. 4°. Alldorfi, [1705]. Bolrdet ( E. ) Des maladies du earactere; hygiene morale et philosophic. 12°. Paris, 1858. Brigham (A.I Remarks on the influence of mental cultivation upou health. 8 . Hartford, 1832. -----. Thesame. Mental exertion in relation to health. Edited, with a chapter on the cause and treatment of indigestion in literary men, by Arthur Leared. 2. ed. 12-. London, l-ild. Brolssais (C.) Hygieue morale, on applica- tion de la physiologie a la morale et a l'educa- tion. 12-. Bruxelles, l-:>7. t'H.\roNNiER. La physiologie des gens du monde pour servir de complement a I'eilueation. ?-. Paris, 1-29. Cornell (W. M.) How to enjoy life; or, physical and mental hygiene. 8C. Philadel- phia, i860. Dock (F. W.) Gesunde Seele in gesundem Korper. Populiir - wissensebaftlicher Vortrag. 12-. St. Galien, 1—7. ------. Thesame. 2. Aufl. 12 . St. Galien, 1-9.'). Donne (A.) Hygiene de> gens du monde. 12. Paris. 1870. Dornbli'th 1,0.1 Hvgiene der geistigen Ar- beit. -\ Berlin, 1-90* -----. The same. L'hygiene du travail in- tellectuel: traduit de l'allemand par R. Godet. 12;. Parh. 1-'J1. Elllciia.sem Elimithar. Tacuiui sanitatis de sex rebus uon uatnralibus, earum naturis, operatiouibns, et rectiticationibus, publico om- nium usui, eonservaudse sanitatis, receus exa- rati. fol. Argentorati, 1531. Evans (W. F.) Mental medicine; a theoreti- cal and practical treatise on medical psychol- ogy. 12-. Boston, [1872]. -----. Thesame. 15.ed. - . Boston, 1872. Falqeet (G.) * Essai sur le travail eu chani- bre consider^ au poiut de vue sanitaire. 8-', Paris, l-9'.t. Ficinis (M.) De studiosorum tuenda sani- tate, ad laurentium mediceu, liber, cum (ieorgii Pictorii scholiis diligenter enarratus. 1st is ac- cedunt ejusdem Pictorii in septimuji Plinii na- tural is historian librum euarrationes, non citra pulverem conscripta-, cum rerum et verborum copioso indice. 12 a Basilar, 1569. Flagey (J.) Quantum valeaut hygienes, et philosophise iiioralis, pneccpta iu coinpescendis praxis animi pathematum effectibus. 1 . Pa- risiis, 1803. Fletcher (H.) Menticulture, or the A 15 C of true living. 16-. Chicago f Xew York, lw97. Foissac (P.) Hygieue philosophique de Paine. 8C. Paris, i860. Foli'EI'.at (E. [-J.]) Quelques remarques d'ordre pliysiologique relatives au travail intel- lectuel et a la methode. 1 . Paris, 1*94. Fowi.er (L. X.) Self-made men. 12'. [Lon- don, 1863.] -----. How to succeed in the world. 12 . [London, 1864.] ------. Perfection of character. 12 don, 1864.] don, 1-66.] Formation of character. 12°. [Lon- [Lon- Hygiene (Mental). 'Gaubiias ill. D.) Sermo academicus alter de regimine mentis quod medicornm est. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1755. Gebhardt ( W. ) Wie wcrtle Ich energisch? Allgemeiue Psychogyninastik und specielle Botilogyninastik. Eine vollstiindige Anleitung zur Selbsterziehung zu Energie und Thatkralt Als Manuskript gedruckte Vcrordnungen. 3. Aufl. 8 . Leipzig, [n. d.]. Graham ((J.) The true philosophy of mind. 12°. Louisrille, Ky., 1869. (iHANVlLLE (J. M.) The secret of a clear head. 11. thousand. 12 . London, 1880. ------. The same. Edited, with additions, by au American physician. 12 . Philadelphia, 188(1. (Ikatakolls ((1.) De literatorum et eorum (pii niagistratibus funguntur conservanda praj- servandaque valetudine, illorum pnecipne qui in ictate consistentiie, vel non louge ab ea sunt, compendium, cum ex probationibus autoribus, tuin ex ratione ac fideli experientia concinna- tum. 16°. Basilece, 155">. ------. The same. 16 . Parixiis, 1562. ------. The same. De litteratorum et eorum qui magistratum gerunt, const*rvantla valetu- dine Iiher, omnibus, quibus seeunda valetudo cura est. apiirime utilis et necessarius. In: Kantzovius(H.) De conscivaiida valetudine [etc.]. 245 Francofurti. 1596,121-192. Also: Ibid. 165 Franco- furti, 1606, 123-192. -----. The same. A direction for the health of magistrates and studentes. Namely suche as bee in their consistent age, or ueere thereunto: Drawen as well out of suudry good and com- mendable authours, as also upon reason and faith- full experience. Otherwise certaynelygrounded, written iu Latin, by . . . and Englished by T. X. 24-'. London, 1574. Hallervorden (E.) Abhandlungen zur Ge- sundheitslehre der Seele und Nerveu. 1. Arbeit und Wille, ein Kapitel klinischer Psychologic zur Grundlegung der Psychohygiene. Hft. 1 & 2. - . Wiirzburg, 1896-7. Hammond (W. A.) Cerebral hyperemia the result of mental strain or emotional disturbance. 16° Xew York, 1878. Hansciius (M. G.) Medicina mentis et cor- poris, sive de heuretice et hygiene libri duo: ad mcntain sanam in corpore sano quam diutissime conseivandam. 8' . Amstelodami, 1750. Hayden ((?. T.) An essay on the wear aud tear of human life, and the real remedy for this complaint. 8 . Dublin, 1815. Hkiimann (J.) Gesundheitslehre des physi- schen, geistigen und socialen Lebens. ^. Ber- lin, 1878. Hoi:\ atii (J.) * De genesi niorborum eruditos adfligentium. R°. Puidn, 1855. Johnson (J.) The influence of civic life, sedentary habits, and intellectual refinement on human Iiealth and human happiness; includ- ing an estimate of the balance of enjoyment and suffering in the different gradations of society. 8\ London, 1818. -----. The same. 2. Am. ed. from the Lou- don copy. 8. Philadelphia, 1820. Jones (.]. H.) Man, moral and physical; or, the influence of health and disease on religious experience. 12 . Philadelphia, 1-61. Kesteven (W. H.) Health and hurry. 12°. London, [1891 J. Lani'Hans. Des maladies des gens de cour et du beau monde francois. Traduit de l'alle- mand. 12". Lausanne, 1771. Le ('amis. Medecine de I'esprit ; oil l'ou cheiche: 1°. Le mechanismc du corps qui influe HYGIENE. 596 HYGIENE. Hygiene (Mental). sur les 1'onetious de l'ame. 2°. Les causes physi- ques qui rendent ce m^chanisme ou defectueux, ou plus parlait. 3°. Les moyens qui peuveut 1'entretenir dans son <5tat libre, et le rectifier lorsqu'il est g6n6. Nouvelle e\I. 2 v. 12-. Pa- ris, 1769. de Letamendi (J.) La educacidn de la vo- luntad corno l>asa de la higiene. 12°. Madrid, 1888. van Linden (B.) *De immodica mentis ex- ercitatione. 4=. Lugd. Bat., 1774. Manaselna (Mme. M. M.) O nenoruialuosti mozgovoi zhizui sovremeunavo kulturnavo che- lovleka. [Abnormality of mental life of the modern cultured man.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1886. Maiuscal y Garcia (X.) Ensayo de una hy- giene de la inteligem ia. Contribucidu al estu- dio de las relaciones que existeu entre lo fisico y lo moral del hombre y manera de aprovechar estas relaciones en beueficio de su salud corporea y mental. 8;. Madrid. 1898. Mitchell (S. W.) Wear and tear, or hints for the overworked. 16°. Philadelphia, 1871. -----. The same. 4. ed. 16°. Philadelphia, 1-71. -----. The same. 5. ed. 12°. Philadelphia, 1—7. Monin (E.) L'hygiene des riches. Sonnet liminaire par A. Silvestre. 16c. Paris, 1891. Nizox (T.) *An litteratis vita ccelebs? 4°. [Paris], 1771. PiEims Valerianus (J.) De litteratorum infelicitate libri duo. Ejusdem Belluuensia nunc primum e bibliotheca Lobliniana iu lucem edita. --. Colonies Agrippince, 1631. Poeche (I.) Goldenes Gesundheitsbrevier fur Weltpriester und Ordeuspersonen, sowie fiir die Caudidaten des geistlichen Staudes. Eine praktische Anweisung zur Wahrung, 8tiirkuug und Wiedererlanguug der Gesundheit und Mei- duug von Krankheiten. Nach den neuesteu Ergebuissen der Wissenschaft und Erfahrung. 8:. Leipzig, 1900. [Ramazzini (B.)] L'art de conserv-er la sante des princes, et des jiersonnes du premier rang; auquel ou a ajoute", l'art de conserver la saut6 des religienses, et les avantages de la vie sobre du Seigneur Louis Cornaro; avec des remarques sur ce dernier, aussi curieuses que necessaires. 16-. Icicle, 1724. Ray (I.) Mental hygiene. 16°. Boston, 1863. Reveille-Parise (J.-H.) Physiologie et hy- giene des hommes livres aux travaux de l'esprit, ou recherches sur le physique et le moral, les habitudes, les maladies et le regime des gens de lettres, artistes, savaus, hommes d'6tat, juris- consultes, administrateurs, etc. 3. 6(1., revue et corrige'e. 2 v. 8~. Paris, 1859. -----. The same. 4. e"d. 2 v. 8C. Paris, 1843. -----. The same. Edition entierement re- fondue et mise au courant des progres de la science, par Ed. Carriere. 8:. Paris, f-81 [1-80]. Richards (E. H.) & Talbot (M.) Food as a factor in student life. A contribution to the study of student diet. 8:. Chicago, 1894. Richardson (B. W.) Diseases of modern life. 2. ed. 12c. London, 1876. -----. The same. 12-. New York, 1-82. -----. The same. 12-. Xew York, 1883. Richter (G. G.) [Pr.] de commodis senec- tutis inprimis senili satietate vitae. sm. 4^. Gottingce, 1764. AUo, in his: Opusc. med. 4°. Francof. 5 \ ■ a- Lond., 1898. v. ".-62.—Fairrhild (C. T.) Some sti.iins upon healthi n student lit".-. Lep. lid. Health Kan- sas 18*7. Topeka, 18ss. iii. 299-:i02. — Fiirnhnm iK.) Some conditions affectuii' the health ot students. Med. LVniinunhat. Ma-s. M. Soc, Bost.. 1893-5. xvi, 197-2U.V A.'.m.. Keprint.—Fayrer (.sir J.) Le travail chez soi apres les heiues d'eeolr. Tiad. et analyse par il. le docteur Latiiii. Ga/. hebd. ile nied.. Par., 18s7, 2. s.. xxiv, 482- 484. —Felix (J.) l>e rinfluenietle ladurfe du travail sur l'etat de same physique, intellect in 1 et moral des travail- leurs. t'oiii;. internat. d'hyy. et de demog. C. r. 1894. Budapest. 1896, viii. pt.3, 2-4—I'inltcliibnrjj (Ci Over de hygiene vau iL-n iieest. liyg. Bl.. Amst., Is9s. i. 97; 149. — Fo«lor i.l.) l)ie Grenzen geisii^er und kdriier. lieher Leistmu;>taliigkeit und ihre hvgieiuisclie Bedeu- tung. Hygieia. Stuttg.. L-90, iii, 135-140. — Ford (YV5 E.i " Mental li\ gieiie. ' Alu. J. In>an.. Liica. X. Y. Isst-",. xli. 4'Ia - 4,"i.>. AL-,,,: Sanitarian, X V., l.-s.'i. xiv, 4sl- 497. — 9. n. F. \iv, 1 ^9-191. <;i»li i T. i Sulla igieue iutellettuale e le scuole M-condai ie tiioi. d. r. S«h-. ital. d ig.. Milano. 1891. xiii, 16-25.__ I Granville T. M.) "'Change as a mental restorative. Lancet Lond. 1*80 i. 907; 947; 990. AUo. Keprint.— llibbenl (J. F.i The hygienic v.ilee oi rational irregu- laiities in habit- ol living'. Am. l'uii. Health Ass. Kep. I lsO'.i. Coii.-oid. 1-91. xvi, 1*:!-189.— Ili«i< i (A.) W spra- wie livgjeii\ i-iala i ducha ze stanow ;-,x.i ',, karsko-pedago- gicznego. [Hygiene of the body and mind from the med- ico-pedagogic view-point.] Zdrowie, A\'5u-/awa. 1900 xvi 121; 197^; 248 27:5 356; 403; 460. — II iiuUly ( H. I). ) | Mental culture aids muscular lastingness. Let. & aihlr. farmers' inst. Ohio. Columbus. Is87, 27-:)5.— llolbi-ooh (M. LA Some thoughts on per-oual hygiene and the waste ol life's tones through the emotional nature. J. Hvg., X. T.. 1*96. xlvi, 147-149. ------. Hvgiene of the brain. Ibid., ls>7, xlvii, 39; 61; 92; 121-149: 174; 209; 236: 253; 281; :I19: J.-'.'s xlviii. L — Hughe* .C H.) The hygiene of the nervous system and mind : tic relation of the iieivons system to cholera and its prophylaxis and neurothei-apy: the cure and prevention of d\ -p.-p-ia as a nervous disease: the neuropathic iliathe-i-. it- quar- antine and treatment. Alienist & Xi m..5 St. L"iiK 1.--5. vi. 44-64. AUo, Reprint. — I anal > ell' ( V. L i Vliyauie ekzamenov, lagernikh /niy.it,, i vakt.-iounaro otuikh.i ua zdorovyevospitanuikov Ivonst.nitinovskavoMezi.evavoIn- stituta. (Influenceof examinations. > ainpdut its. juid \ .u a- tion rest upon thehealthof-tinL-nt- ot the C"ii A.iiitiie Sui. veviug Institute.] Trudi (ii.-h. Ku--k vi.o-ii.v Mo-k. | (l-.(7i. 189*. xxvi, pt. 2, 76-1)5 — Jolinson I >., X.-i- vous and mental influences upon health. Bull. Xorth- west. Univ. M. Sch.. Chicago. 19mi-]9>il. ii. 507-513.— Krii>e. Ueber den Einfluss des stadti-iheu Lebens auf i'.;e Volk,ge9iiudheit. CVntralld f. allg. Gsnilhtspflg., 1 'i i . A .'1. xvii. 312; 377.— K nplei << liuiitl (A.) Ge- hirn-ErmHilung und "Lebeiounluug. livgieia, Stuitg., 1-9?. xi, -A- 243.— I.ayiu-mi iG.> Du .-iirinenage iutel- lectuel et 5<- la -el.-nin it,- d.ma les etudes. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Pai. 1*--'l>, 6. .-.. iv. 514-519. ------. Du sui- nienajre intellectnel dans les ecoles et de la nervosite. Ai.n. d'hyg.. l'ar.. 189'., 3. 8., .xxxiii. 97-110.—I.ee ■ K '1 ':.■■ inreidejienih-nce ot healthy In .dies and liealti'. i>i ■-■ :•-. L 55Am. Acad. M 5 Easton. Pa.V 1897-8. iii, 5:;4-":;* — »I<- Kriile (P.) Exercise for seii.ntarv men. Med. M ig., Lond 1896, v. AJ-.T OMright (W.) Overwork and uni.--t. Am. I'.I.. li li A-s. Kep. ]s!in. Concord. 1*94, xix 2i"-214.— Pclcrxoii (O. V.> Oin deu form af cere- bral nevra-teijj .,,,111.-1,11 ; sammanliaiig nied fiir strangt studiearbete. , On that form of cerebral neurasthenia which accompanies severe -tinin--.1 Forh. svens. liik.-inciter 1*87. Stockholm, 1-s- ;,11C-I.'i2 l'rivo»l (lit Hygieue (le la pensee. J.d'hyg.. Par.. 1**7. Xli. 201; 213: 18*s. 64.— Ke«niei (L. L i Woi k and overwork (le surmenagei dans -• » rapport- avec 1 Iolli'Ih- scolaire. [Abstr.] Ibid.. >9... xxi, 337-340. — Keich i E. ) Hy- yieine der Seel.- m,il V, rhutung der personliclien nnd ge aellschaftlichen Liauk !m iteu. Athena, -um dCgenwart Miinchen. 1*92.9-14 — Roi har«l ill L education hygie nique et le snrmen.i-e iiitelleetuel. Rev. d. deux mouib-s. Par., I*s7. lxxxi, 425-455. — Ko»»e (LC . Tlie conservative value of the ].l.i\ impulse. Boston M. a S.J., 1-95 exxxiii. 3.-5-.>8. — Ruhioi F.i De la higiene del - m nienagi;. Gac. meii. de Granada 1'■9c. xvi, 435-442.— Mi-ltol/:A'.', Licha- nielijke en karaktermatige opvoeding. (Litde Di.o-tetik lies Geistes van . . . met eciiige vi-ijheid ovei ^ nom. n , (;<•■ neesk. Courant, Tiel. Is87. xl nos. 10-15 %v:m y J I.) Siicces« in life, physiologically considered 1 i M. Ass. Alabama, Montgomery, 1«*5. xxih:i 323-35'.' —Mhnlile- M-orth (G. E.i Mental ovci.u.hn in education. Lut. M. J.. Ixiud. 18:n; ii, -lo «*iboi »U i (LA.) Pervi\ i po-lledniy d. n klirocheskikh zanyatiy etudenta (materiali dlya psikln.logii vrachebnoi ]irofessii). [First aud last day of the .linical occupations of a-tudent (data on the psychology of the medical profes-ion i.j Vopr. nerv.-psikh. med., Kiev, 1898, ii. 5-16. ------. Oh uinstveniiom i urav- stvennom razvitii uchashtshikhsya v sie.lnel -hkolle v svyaziszdravoijkhrauenlein. [Mental and moral develop- Hy^ieiie (Mental). ment of students iu the high school in connection with the preservation of health.] Ibid.. 1901, vi, 103-13* NineIt- ei'l {Mrs. C.) Conservation of nerve forces. Am I'ul. Health A-s. Kep. 1*93. Concord. 1894, xix, 116-119 —Nniie v .TIoli»l (L.) lligieiie del espiritu. Indep. ml. med. "l'.areel.. 1886-7, xviii, 173: 1*5; 197; 209 224: 233; 245; 2(19. See, also, supra, Cabot Kovira. — Tin lor (C. F.) Emotional prodigality. Dental Cosmos. Phila.. 1879, xxi, 359-371. AUo, Reprint — Telviilnik (15 K.) 0 psikhii heskoni utomh-nii uchashi.hikli-va. j On psy- chical fatigue of students.] Ve-tniU klin' i siideb. p-i- chiat. i uevropatol.. St. Petersb., 1897, xii, 293-355.—Tri- holeleM. The psychological bearings of the recent ma- triculation examination of the Loudon Lniveisitv. J. M.iii. Sc.. Loud.. 1886-7, xxxii, 30-35. — ; Sanitariums; Tents. d'Abrel (a.. .J.i Analyse do relatorio analy- tieu por J. T. Valladares, sobre a adininistrac*ao da saude militar. >-. Lisboa. 1841. Anderson (J.) *De sauitate militum tuenda. 8-. Edinburgh 1810. Artigues [J.-B.-M.-X.] L'armee ; son hy- giene morale, son recrntement. S:. Paris, 1-iiT. Bedolr (F.[-P.]) Deuxieme projet sur la n'orgauisation de la oymnastique daus l'arnide. Ki-. Alger, 1885. Belgium. Ministre do la guerre. Service sani- taire de l'armee. Xouvelles instructions sur la visite sanitaire des homines de guerre. L'in- spec-teiir general aux medecins chefs de service des h6pitaux et innnneries. r-0. [Bruxelles, 1871.] -----. Reglement sur le service de sante eu campague. lbc. Bruxelles, l**-?. Bonschab (L.) *"Welclie Aufgabe stellt die Hygiene an deu Truppenarzt im Felde. -:). Miinchen, 1>T1. Britxki f (V. [A.]) *K voprosu o vliyanii karauluol sluzhbt ua tempernturu tiela, kozh- nuyu teiii[i('raturii, zhizuennuyu yoinkost lyokh- kikh, silu vdokha i vldokha, arterialnoye kro- vyanoyi' davlenie, mishechnuju silu i vies tiela. [On the influence of guard duty on the tempera- ture of the body and skin, vital capacity of the lungs, strength of inspiration and expiration, arterial blood-pressure, muscular strength, and body weight.] i". S.-Peterburg, 1889. linooKi: (J.) Military hygiene. - . Fort Leavenworth, l~95. liKi'Nixiis (G. A.) De hygiene aan de Kouin- klijke Militaire Academic te Breda. - \ Xij- megen, l-'.tl. Blchaxax (Ci.) Camp life as seen by a civil- ian. A personal narrative. *8\ Glasgow, 1-71. Chari'kxtier (L.) 'Quelques considerations sur l'hygiene des arme'es en campague. 4a Strasbourg, 1-iiT. Chevalier (M.) Over de gr/oiidheidsiuaat- icgeleu bij ecu leger te velde. Xaar het Fransch door H. C. F. L. Aalbefsberg. tr3. Haarlem, HYGIEXE. 598 HYGIEXE. Hygiene {Military). C'iiudovski (K. I.) * Materiali k izucheniyu vliyaniya lagernavo vremeni i manevrov na rost, vies tiela, okruzhnost grudi, silu mishits, silu vdokha, vldokha i yomkost lyokhkikh nizhuikh chiuov v sravueuii 8 zaklyuchonnlmi distsipli- uarnavo bataliona (arestautami voyennavo vie- domstva), ne polzovavshiinisya lagernim vre- raeuem. [Influence of camp life and manoeuvres on height, weight of body, chest circumference, muscle strength, power of inspiration and expi- ration, and volume of lungs, of enlisted men, in comparison with military prisoners not having the advantage of camp life. ] 6°. S.-Peterburg, 1892. Clemext (S.-F.) * Essai sur l'hygiene mili- taire. 4°. Strasbourg, 1-L>. Daigxan (Ci.) Gytnuastique militaire, ou essai Bin* les moyens de rendre nos soldats sains, ro- bustes, forts, adroits a tons les exercices du corps, dresses aumaniemeut de toutes sortes d'armes et propres a soutenir toutes les fatigues de la guerre. 8~. Besancon, 1790. Dautwiz. Ueber sanittitstaktische Ausbil- duug der Sanitiitsoffiziere der Armee. 12°. Ber- lin, 1901. Exgberg (E. G.) A- LlLJE\5ALCH (P. O.) Upplysuingar om sjukligheten iuom en arme"e pa faltfot, med stirskildt afseende pa behofvet af liikare for Svenska arineen och (less bevaring. [Illustrations of diseases in an army in the field, with special regard to physicians iu the Swedish army.] 8°. Stockholm, 1851. Evatt (G. J. H.) The sanitary care of the soldier by his officer. 8°. Woolwich, 1894. Repr. from: Proc. Roy. Artillery Inst., no. 5, xxi. Also, in: Indian M.Rec, Calcutta, 1898, xiv, 98; 133; 493. Fedekolf (A.K.) *Dezinfektsiya soldatskikh polushubkov formaldehidom. [Disinfection of the soldiers' short fur-coat with formaldehyile.] s\ S.-Peterburg, 1-99. Fraxce. Departement dela guerre. De la sante" des troupes h la grande-armde, par le premier me"deciu et le ckirurgien en chef, iuspecteurs g6ne"raux du service de sante" des armies officiers de la Legion d'Honueur. [Signed by Coste, Percy.] 1*2°. Strasbourg, 1855. Gaona (C. L.) Breves apuutes sobre higiene militar. 12-. Mexico, 1869. Globix (P. I.) "Material! k izucheniyu vli- yaniya lageruikh zanyatiy pontonuikh batalio- nov na zdorovye nizhuikh chiuov. [Materials for the study of the effect of camp occupation of pontoon battalions upon the health of enlisted men.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1893. AUo [Abstr.], in: Voyenuo-med. J., St. Petersb., 1895, clxxxiii, med. spec, pt., 3. sect., 249-317. Goraxssox(J.') Militarhelsoviirdslara. [Mili- tary hygieue.] - . Stockholm, 1889. Hart(R.C) Sanitation and health. (Alecture delivered to the troops at Ranikhet, India.) Re- vised by T. H. Heudly. 1*2°. London, L-94. Helbig (C. E.) Gesundheitliche Anspriiche an militiirische Bauten. 8:i. Jena, 1897. Hekmaxt (fi.) Considerations sur le service sanitaire des armies en campague. 1*2~\ Bru- xelles, [187 4], Repr. from: Ann. art. de sc, tech. mil., 1873-4. Khokhloff (G.) Pravila soldatam dlya sbe- rezheniya zdorovya. [Rules for soldiers for the preservation of their health. ] lfic. Vilna, 1891. Khokhlovski (X. X.) * Izsliedovanie v sani- tarnom otiioshenii kotyolkov i flyag iz splavov alyuminiya, kak prednietov snaryazheniya sol- dat. [Investigation from a sanitary point of view of kettles aud flasks made of an alloy of j aluminium, as articles of soldiers' equipment.] - . S.-Peterburg, 1897. Hygiene (Military). *Kirchxer (A.) Truppen-Gesundheitepflegi*. Unter Zugrundelegung der Bestimmungen der Druckvorschriften zum Gebrauch fiir Tmppen- fiihrer, Truppeniirzte, Truppen- uud Verwal- tuugsbeamte. 16°. Berlin, 1894. vox Kries (C.) Ueber unseren Sauitiitsdienst vor dem Feinde. 8C. Karlsruhe, 1901. de Lax da (,N.) Estudios sobre tiictica de sanidad militar. Del servicio sanitario en el sitio y defensa de plazas. 8C. Madrid, 1887. Loxgmore (Sir T.) Address delivered at the anuual meeting of the southern branch of the British Medical Association. 8-'. London, 1887. Lorix (M.) L'hygiene, la saute" et P6cono- mie. Conferences faites aux sous-officiers du 20e bataillon de chasseurs a pied; deAeloppe- ment et explication du chapitre "Hygiene des hommes", du reglement sur le service iut£rienr des corps de troupe. 8°. Paris, ls91. [Mantovaxi (V.)] Della sanita militare e relativo servizio nei corpi. 12c. Milano, 1801. Muxdy (J.) & Zipperlixg (H.) Organische Bestimmuugen und das Reglement fiir den in- neren freiwilligen Sauitiitsdienst im Kriege, dann die Beschreibung der Sanitats-Ziige des souveriinen Malteser-Ritter-Ordens, G. v. O. B., etc. 4. Aufl. 8-. Wien, 1889. Norrie (G.) Soldater-Liesning. Hvad Dok- toren fortalte Jens om, hvorledes hau skulde holde sig rask i Tjenesten. 2. Opl. [Soldiers' reading. What the doctors told John as to re- taining his health in the service.] 24:. Kjpben- havn, 1894. Nosovich (G. N.) *K voprosu o kolebanii mishechnoi sill pod vliyauiem karaulnoi sluzlibl, stroyevikh zanyatiy i lagernol zhizni. [Fluc- tuations of muscular strength under the influ- ence of guard duty, work at the front, and camp life.] 8C. S.-Peterburg, 1890. Oltlixi.s of inquiry relating to hygienic, medical, and surgical experience iu the war. (Private ed.) 8". New Yovk, 186">. Pkxxsylvaxia. State Board of Health and Vi- tal Statistics. Circular Xo. 27. Camp hygiene. 8-. Harrisburg, 1888 _ Perez de la Faxosa (E.) Contribnci6n al estudio de la reorganizacion del cuerpo de sani- dad militar espafiol. Transcripcidn de varios articulos publicados en la correspoudencia mili- tar durante el afio 1885. .^ '. Madrid, lf89. Pilcher (J. E.) The building of the soldier. Cutting from: United Service, Phila., 1892, n. s., vii, 321-337. Popovic (V. A.) Predohrana kod zaraznih bolesti u vojsci. [Prevention of infectious dis- eases iu the army.] e°. Beograd, 1898. Qlellmaltz (S. T.) [Pr.] de exhalationum putridarum ex cadaveribus hello trucidatoriim suppressione. 4-\ [Lipsiee, 1757.] [Rhodes (J. D.)] To military men through- out the world. Hasty intrenching ou battle lines and niilitary hygiene in the more deadly camps of armies. 24°. Washington, D. C, 1899. Rolx (A.) De l'hygieue militaire: le vehe- ment du solclat. 8°. Courbevoie, [1882]. Rozaxoff (I.) *0 vliyauii niekotorlkh uslo- viy voyeunoi sluzhbl na mlshechnuyu silu. [Influence of certain conditions of military ser- vice on the muscular strength.] 8~. Sanktpe- terburg, 1885. Ruusoh (W. P.) Kazerneering. 8°. [Am- sterdam], 1882. Repr. from: Economist, Amst., 1882. segre (I.) Couferenze di igiene militare, lette agli nffiziali del presidio di Macerata. 8:. Mi- lano, 1871. HYGIEXE. ;>!».) HYGIENE. If ygiene (Military). Thomas ^E.) Opmerkingen over militaire ge- zoudheidsleer. Xaar het Frausch door X. C. van Daaleu Wetters. - '. Leeuwarden, 1n>3. Timixski i,s. LA * Materiali k voprosu o vli- yanii kavahriyskol sluzhbl na razviti'e orga- iiizma u zdorovikh lyudef. [St. Petersburg.] [Intiueuce of cavalry service upon the develop- ment of the organism in healthy men.] Kovna,1-92. i Truppers (Om) forseendo med vatten i lager | och kautoueriug8qvarter jemte tilliigg om vat- teuledningar. [The supply of troops with water in camp as well as in quarters and some remarks on conduits of water. ] It!-. Stockholm, 187)9. United States Sanitary Commission. [Form A.] Camp-inspection return. ***-. [New Yovk, 1-62.] -----. A. Report ou military hygieue and therapeutics. 4. ed. - . [ O'ashington], l-i;.~>. Woi.ff (J. C. J.) Entwurf zurVeiniinderung tier Lagertieber Ley Armeen nieht nur im Felde, sonderu auch in den Winterquartieren; mit der Rei-en-iou von Herru Cieheiiiienrath Baldiuger. 8 . Frankfurt am Main, l?yl. Zlbkovski(I. P.) "Opit izslledovaniy po vop- rosam sanitarnavo sostoyaniya i higienicheskoi obstauovki voyeuno-uchebuikh zavedeniy. Saui- taruoye sotoyanie Polotskoi voyenuol gimnazii i hieuicheskaya yeya obstauovka. [Experi- mental investigation on sanitary state and hy- gienic condition of military educational estab- lishments. Sanitary state of the Polotsk Mili- I tary High School aud its hygieuic condition.] I -*.* S.-Peterburg. 1-79. Abbott iS.W.) The -"Mier and sailoi in active service in time of war. Me.l New.. X. Y.. Is9s. lxxiii, 8o-s4.— AdairlG.W.) Hygieneof new levies in relation to spread of infectious diseases Pr..c. A--. Mil. Sui tr. U. S. LkiO, Chicago. 19"', ix. 440-449.—Adams iC.T.) Camp sanita- ] tion. Ti. Am. Inst. Honneop. 1.-99. X. Y.. 1900. 227-230.— Alcoholi-m. Kep. Surg.-Gen. Army, Wash., 1896, 84- | -9—Ainu L. B.) Camp hygiene. Proc. Connect. M. Soc Liiii^-i.oir, le92. 525-531.—Ame-i (H. E.) The hy- gienic condt'ii of enlisted men as atft-eted by moral and intellectiiil iiiri'ience-. Proc. Ass. Mil. Surg.U. S..Wash., 1-94 iv, 409-42". — Amen (W. M. H.) Eenen ander over bet dragc-n van den -oMat'-n rausel. Hyg. BL, Amst ,1900, ii: 3."..—:;»;5. — An ton in • I.. Consideration! generale de igiena militara. Si.ir.ilul. Bucuresci. 1*95. xv, 113-118.— Arnold iH. A.) The canteen Proc Ass, Mil. Surg.U. S. ls<9 Columbus. 19'<0, viii A-225 — A njozUy (A.j ELi'-z-egiigyi dolgok az ezree- -. e- k ..5 5t.t-"ii. II \ wienie work at the ri-gimental annua • \ it t......ir."-i hetil., Budapest. 189*i, xl, 423: 435.- B a brock ('. L P.) Camp -ewers. Buffalo M. J., Is '"-9. a. s., xxxviii, 591-594.— Bachc (D.) The location of sites for, and the construction te. mil.tary posts in relation to proper sanitation. Proc. I As*. M.I. Sing. U. S. 1*95, Cin( in., 1890. v, 413-430. AUo, Kepiiiit -----. [Prevalenceof alcoholism atcertain posts.] Kep. Suig.-Gen.Army. Wa»li..le9';. M--7.—Knrbieri i P.i La provision de agua al >-m'-rcito. An.san.mil.. Pau-nos Aires, 1899. i, 246-253. —Barijoni (A.) Sui traspoi todd materiale sanitario nei reggimeutid' arraa a cavallo. (iior. | m-5 ii. r. i-sercito [etc.]. Koma, 1-97. xiv, 433-415.—Ka- rilie. Xote snr la deterioration des paniers d'osiei d'-s approvisionnements de reserve du servicede saute. A re I de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1*98, xxxi. 359-362.— Bar- rier (A.) Etude sur les machines et etalili-semcnts tri- gei ni'|i|.-,. Rev. du serv. de l'intend. mil.. Par., Is97, n. s., x, 683-723.— Belehruiig*N«-hie«eii fiir Sani- tats-Otti.zi.-re in Spandau -Kuhlel.en am 2. April 1892. Deutsche mil.-arztL Ztschr., Berl., Js92. xxi, 193-203.— I Berthier < A.) Ltilisation du saint en hvgi>ne. Kev. 'I by::.. Par.. 1898. xx, 409- 426. — Bill ml h i'L) Die Schrecken des ii;k listen Krieges und die Militarsanitat. i Wien. med. BL. 1-91. xiv, 797-col. — Bird. The means of practically apphing the principles "I medical geogra- ! phy for the presei vatiou of tlie health of soldiers and sea- men in foreign climate*.. A. I'mltd Service Inst.. Lond., I 1857. i. 221. AU;. Reprint.— Ki^ill l\V. (L.i The preveii- tion of disease in the lii-lil. Lancet. Lond.. 19(H). ii. 909.— C'eiiiiii (F.» Ligeros apuntes sobre la liiiicion respira toria con a|ilicacioues al soltlado en tiempo de paz y en canipaha. I'm*, de sanid. mil., Madrid, 1884, x, 663; '694 : 188,".. xi, 20; 141.—i'haor (II. L.) Measures for the pre- vention and Mippiv-sion of dangerous contagious diseases in garrison and in the hold. Proc. Ass. Mil. Surg. L. S. 1895. Cincin., 1896. v, 3*7-393. -----. Baths, bathing, and swimming for soldiers. Ibid.. Cleveland, 1896, vi, 286- 30*. AUu: Boston M. & S. .L. 1896, exxxv, 212; 236.— Chief conditions of the hygiene of an army marching in the snow.i (.un Igaku Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo IS'.K 817— M".i, — IIko nnh le- nt p (S.) Die Pneiimatoineti ie al- TTiilt'-inirti-l zur Lem- theilung zweifelhafter Gisiindheitszusland" dei Soldaten. Cong, pei iod. internat. d.sc. med. < ,-r. Is-4. Copenh.. 18s6, iv, Sect, de nied. mil..27-31.— Dowry iS.i Health experi- ments in the French army. Pop. Sc. Month.. N. Y.. l*9.Vii, xlviii, 2'14-2U9. — Dicuilouni'. Ueber Formalind. sintec - tlonin Kaseriii-ii. Vei liandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Natui f. u. Aerzte 1*99. Leipz . 19U0, lxxi, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 535.—Di- neur (E. i Le- precedes extemporanes de purification des eaux. Cong, internat. de m6d. C. r.. Par.. 1900, Sect, de med. et chir. mil., 201 -21" Dougherty e«qiie iP.) Sc l|.«iiil ]j fitude sur les bains il'damago. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1*97. xxix, 31-).". -Fischer (D.) Om infdran- det af fria bad kt sjuka krigsman vid Svenska badoi ter. [The introduction of a free bath for sick soldiers at Swed- ish bathing places.] Tidskr. i mil. Helsov.. Stockholin. 1899, xxix*. 317-340. -----. Om improvisationstecknikeu inom sanitetsviisendet i fait. [Improvisation methods in i.mitaiy service in the field.] Ibid., 1901, xxvi, 10(>; 257.— Fonii iir. Quelques rensi ignements et considerations au sujet i\r I'emploi, en garnison, des tahlettes de petits vivres coiupi imes. Arch. nied. beiges, Brux. 1901 4 s., xvii. 5- 2o — I iciiikI (11.) Lgeszsegiigyi -/.ol^alal a jom ndo h^iborukban. [The sanitary service in future «ai- ) Honvedorvos, Budapest, 191)1. xiv. 57 - (id —Frii- lii h ill.) Gesiiudheitsregeln fin Soldaten. Militaerarzt, Wien. l*sj. xviii, 169; ls'.l; 193; 203. -----. (lesundheits- regiln lui Lniciolti/.ieie. Ibid.. 1*86, xx, 17; 25; 41; 52; 59; 7". -Frnilel. Kapport medical d'iuspection gene- rale (Is94i sur le p' regiment de tirailleurs toukiimis. Arch. (1b med. nav., Par., 1*95, lxiii, 321; 401: 1*95. lxiv, 5; *L — I'iiitIh Mierra (K. A.) Las pr&cticas higieuicas en los cuaii. les. Med. mil. t-spau., Madrid, 1900-1901, vii, 362-364—<a««inu (The) of the army canteen. Boston M. \ S. J., 1899. cxl 315.— Pfnhl (E.) Beitrag zur Praxis der Fornialdehvd-Desin- fektion im Felde. Deutsche niil.-iir/tl. Ztschr., Herl., 1899. xxviii, 321-33".—ile IMetrn Mania (J.) Hygiene mili- taire: les grind, s manonvres; les conserves de viande et les potages condenses: 1 'alimentation varieedu soldat. J. d'hyg.. Par.. 1900, xxv, H3-36.—l»ileher(J. L i The uni- form of the West Point cadet. J. Mil. Serv. Inst. L.S..Gov- ernor's Island, X.T. H.. 1*89. x 479-487. ------. The place of phvsical training in the niilitarv service. Me.l. Kec. X.Y., ! 1894. xlvi. 455-457. AUo: J. Mil." Sei v. Inst. 15 S.i ,..v. 1 m>i 's Island. X. Y.H.,1895, xvi. 295-:;o;i—I»ln*.'ae. Lebei 15 hi- tlaschen uud Kochgeschirre aus Aluminium. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl.. 1892, xxi, 329-341.— Polj nndii (S.l Ylivauie lageieT na vies tiela. okruzhiio-t grudi i eksknrsiyu gruduol klletki u nizhnikh chiuov voobshtshe i po srokam sluzhbi. [Influence of tbe camp upon the weight of the body, circumference of chest, and expansion of thorax among enlisted men generally, and according te length of service. Yovenno-tiied. J., St. Petersb.. 18'8 exci. nied.-spec. pt.. I:i'.(3-14('9. — Port (G.) Leber die Einfuhruui: der Zalmli. ilkund. in der Armee. Deutsche mit.-arztl. Ztschr.. P.eiL. 1,-99 xxviii. 404-416. ------. Die Anspriiche der uberseeischeii Kiiegfiihrung an den Sani- tiitsdienst. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr.. 1901, xlviii. 300- 302.—PutilotlA P. i Sanitaruiyanablyudeuiya i zamletki po soprovo/hd-niyu novobiantsev do Tashkenta. [Sani- tary nbsei vations and remarks relative to the transport of | recruits to Tashkent.] Yoyenuo-san. dielo, St. Petersb.. 1-89 ix, 257: 27": 297: 306: 317. — Qnaiijer (A. A. J.i ^ oordracht ter inleiding van de o.-t.nin-_ voor peisoncel van den geneeskundigen dieust. Mii.-geiiee-k. Tijdschr.. Haarlem, 19oo. iv, 249-257.—Qnevedo > Ziibietn. Piu- vecto de sombrero bigienico para el ejercito mexicano. Rev. n in, . :.. de .11,at. pa'ol. [etc.]. Mexico. 1*96, i, 337- 344. — Kndotoi k. L.-U-i die fahrbaieii elektrischen | Scheinwei-fer. I)-niscl„ luil.-Srztl. Ztschr.. Berl.. 1898, xxvii. 125-130. — Kaynioml (U. L* Camp -anitation j as applied at lamp Tampa ILights Florida. Med. Xews. X.Y.. 189s. lxxii. 620.—Keichborn-Kjenneriid. Brot-Transport im Felde. Deut-che mil.-iii/.tl. Zt-chi., Berl., 1899. xxviii, 223-226. — KciUh iM. I . ol. okulis- ticheskol chasti voyenno-uchebnikh zavedeniy. [Oculist ic part of military school-.] Vnj .me. sau. dielo. St. Petersb., 1*87, vii, 213-216. — Kiiim-zoIIA A.) Po povodu pi-aril voyenno-sanitarnoi oti hoticst! Lpon whom should the ie-ponsibilitv for niilitarv sanitarv affair.- rest .'J Ibid.. Isr5. v. 229-233.—Riehler i M.i Zur Ausgestaltuug des | Sanitiit-dieustes bei ib-r k. k I.amlu. hi Militaerarzt. Wien. 1900. xxxiv, 10"-10- -Robin* i If 15) How to keep soldiers well in camp Pub. IL all h Phila 18!»*-9. iii, 233- s;c, -Naln/.iir M.M.) La desinleccidn en los cuarti les Med ml e-p.:h Madrid. 1899-]9(i(i. vi. 206; 215. Manila- lion in win lAi M.J., Lond.. Is95. i,265.- Sr hjeriiin;;. Die ietzten 25 Jahre im Militar Sanitat-wi-sin .1-71 - "-•:•■_ De 11 sch em.-. I. Wclinschr.. Leipz. ii. Beil..191(0. xxvi.22-28.— M< hni-iii ir. Le piogiesderiiygienedaii- l'ar nn'e. Cong. internat. d'hyg. et de demog.' C.-r. 1-89 Par., 1*90 03n- 6!2.—Schorr (J.» Leber Keinlichkeit: Leitrag zur lie- suiidlieit-ptb-g.- d.-s Soldatrii. \\" ion. klin. Hundscliau. l-:i.".. ix. 4-L1-6 —Si'hiickinjj (A.> Leber Wasser- Reini- gung-M.-tlioilen iiiol d.-ten 1 rnpi..-. isii-i ung. Cong, inter nat.de med. C.-r., Pai 19oi >••« r de med. et chir. mil., 1*6-201— Mehmiihiirtf. Leber einige neuen* Kliiranla- I gen. Deut-che mil.ai/ll Ztschr.. I'.erl.. 1*98. xxvii, 691- 697.—Sega wa (K.j I li> principal conditions of an army marching in the snow. ' .un Igaku Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1901. 455-484.—Weasel. Leber die Anfordening.-n'an das Auge und dm s.h-t..rungen beim Kchiessen der In- fanterie. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr.. Beil., 189* xxvii, 369-383. — Service en cainpagiie; bataille de Wisseni- liourg 4 aout 1870 (au point de vue du service de santed. Praticien, Par.. Is97. xx, 17-24.— Sewngc disposal for a military-post, and eaitlm los. is foraimyuse. San Kngin., K. Y., 1885-6. xiii, 325. — Sfory.a (C.)' Sulla uniforniita delle stalistiche sanitarie niilitari Gior. nied. (1. r. eser- cito, Roma, 1901, xlix, 122-128. - Sinclair (J.) Is a sol- [ygieiie (Military). dier's life worth saving' Contemp. Rev.. X. Y., 1889, lvi, 610-621 —Slocker (M.I Consideraciones gem-rales sobre alguuo de los problomas sanitarios en campaha. Kev.de san. mil., Madrid. l'.Hiu, xiv, 305-371. — Smart (( 5) (ipen- ing lecture of the course on niilitarv hvgiene. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1895, xxv, 1070-11174. 5-----. Military hy- giene. Ann. Hvg.. Phila.. 1896. xi. 234-245.—Special points of bv gi. ne. Army M. Dep. Kep. 1894. Loud., 1896, xxxvi, :;ln5il I SI. (J.) Leber die Aushebung und arzt- liche Untersuchung der Wehrptlichtigen in der schweize- i ischen Armee. Militaerarzt, Wieu, 1897, xxxi, 241-247.— Sinrk (W. T.) Dentists in the Army and Xaw. West. D.nt. J.. Kansas City, 1899, xiii, 97-99. — Sieiner (J.) Der Sauitiitsdienst im Felde bei einem Detaehcnn nt; dargestellt an einem konkreten Bcispielc. Militai in/f, Wien, 1897. xxxi, 121; 137; 149; 157; 172; 190; 207; 220. ------. Leber die Bedeutung goographischer Kenntnisse liii das Ki iegs-Sanitiitsvveseii. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Zt- schr.. Perl.. 1900, xxix. 464-172. ------. Habart, J.: Die Wolozkoiseheii Trelfei pi o/.ente in Theorie und Praxis d.-s Sanitiitsdienstes im Felde. [Kev.] Ibid., 473.— Stiid- hecklA. L. F.) Manskapsbarackerna vid vara mote- splat ser. [The barracks for the men in our camps | 11,1- sovnnnen. Stockholm, 1900, xv, 193-198 —van Stvieten. Lin Schieiben in Angelegenlieit des Militar-Sanitatswe- sens. Allg. Wien.med. Ztg.. 1*85. xxx. all-" i:; — 'I'.-innka (I.) [Kesearches on niilitarv hvgiene.] Gun Igaku Kwai Zasshi. Tokyo. l*9:i. 1006:'l9(i(i. 1116. ------. Keport ou the hygiene of an army marching in the midst ot snow.] Ibid.. 559-570. ------. [The supervision of the hygi. n. of my regiment.] Ibid., 813; 948: 1901, 8; 197. — Terry (M. (I.) Some military and public questions considered, besides the responsibility of proper sanitati >n in the Army of the United States. Tr. Am. Inst. Honneop. 1899, X. Y., 1900, 205-214. AUo: X. Am. A Honneop., X. Y., 1899. 3. s., xiv, 612-021.— lioilski p. A.) K voprosu o znache- nii palatok vsanitarnoin oiiio-iieiiii. [Impoi taneeof tents in sanitarv relation. 1 Vov einio--aii. dielo, St. Petersb., 1886, vi, 151; 163. — Tnller (K, B.) The dentist in the unnv. from the standpoint of an old -oldiei. Dental Kev., Chicago. 1900, xiv, 864-870.—l/tvnriki 11 >. i [Contribu- tion on the new camping giound at Kane-awa.| Gun Igaku Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1898. 57o-58(i. —I'yaina .M.) [Keport on the selection of new camps] II,id.. 113-1 "8.— Vniro (G.) La scuola d applicazione di sanita militai.■ Conien.- san. Bisettim.. Milano. 1*97.viii. no. 12. 3.— Val- iliopino (A.) La higiene en las cdrceles y en los presi- dio-. (Kin. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1885,'xi, 369-374.— Viele (E. L.) Camp and garrison sanitation. J. Mil. S.rv. Inst. L. S. Governor's Island. X. Y. H., 1885, vi, 37- Ou—Vianol (A.) Les petite* iniseies du cavalier et du fantassin. Rev. gen.de (Tin. et de therap., Par., 1,-94. viii, 2. sem., 218-222.—Virolle. Des maladies les plus frequeutes pai mi les armees eu campagne: moveus de les prevenir. Kev. elm d'androl. et de gynec. Par., 1901. vii, 305-319.— Vimheniirsiki (X. Li Xieskolko slov ob izmienenii vremeni yedi zanyatiy v soldatskom bitu. [Changing the time of meals and occupation of soldiers " San. dielo, St. Petersb.. 1*91. 3ii2-3n5. — Voyeiino-Sanilarnoye Ob- shtshestvo. [AnnvSaiiit.il v Societv.| L-tav. |P>v lavv-5 Yoyenno-an. dielo. St. Petersb.. l>-0. v i. 1 lS-pJo.—Vnil- leinin ii'.i Gv inna.stii[iie i.itionnelle et education pbysi- que dn soldat. Arch.de med. et pliarm. mil.. Pai.. 1901, xxxvii, 13-32.--W'aMi (J.J.) Musculai soldieis: ath- letics in the National Guard: its need-and beiietits Xat. Guard Gaz., Columbus. 1*97. i, 107-11 \\ ooillinll iA. A.) The avoidance of intestinal disortb is in the held Tr. Pan-Am. M. Cong. 1*93. Wash.. 1895. pt. 1. 724-729. — Wniiilitaril (C. M.i Tlie sanitation of military camps. I i. A—. Mil. Surg. Xat. Guard 15 S., St. Louis', 1802. ii, lis 146. — H nidi'lici'. Die Consei viring des fi ischen Fleisches, des Brotes und des Mehles im Kriege. Cong. intermit d'hyg. .; de demog. ('. r. 1894. Budapest. 1*96. viii, pt. 5. 216. - 1 :i-■■-hi in a iS.) [Conditions of the hvgiene of an armv inaichiiig in the snow.) Gun Igaku Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1901, 464-469—Veanehi (R.) [In- vestigation of the hygiene ol th. Tokvo ai tillei v soldiers.] Ibid ~.W)7, 199-211.'—Xeehni-en ill.) P.ijdi'age tot de keiinis van den iuvloed van hot biood op den gcondheids- toestand van den soldaat. Mil.-geneesk. Tijdschr., Haar- lem, 1901, v, 9-23. Hvg'iene (Military, History andproqress of). See, also, Medicine (Military, Campaigns, etc., of). Axdp.ls y Espala (G.) La higiene militar eu Francia y Alemania. 80. Madrid, l->7. Argintixk Replulic. Ministerio de guerra y marina. Serricio de sanidad. Servicio de sani- dad del I'-jercitu en la Republica Argentina, por Riimiilo ( alual. Publicaei6u uticial. 8°. Bue- nos Aires, l-'Jil. HYGIENE. 602 HYGIENE. Hvg'iene (Military, History and progress * of). Alstria. Kaiserlieh kbnigliches Reichs-Kriegs- Minislerium. Die hygienischen Verhaltnisse der grosscren Garnisonsoi te der osterreichisch-unga- rischen Monarchic. III. Prag. 12°. Wien, 1889. -----. Tbe same. IV. Kascbau. 12°. Wien, 1890. -----. Tbe same. V. Pre89burg. 12°. Wien, 1890. -----. Vorschrift iiber die sauitiitsstatisti- schen Eingaben im k. uud k. Heere. 12°. Wien, 1804. Avis sur les moyens de conserver ou de re"ta- blir la sante' des troupes a l'arme'e d'ltalie. 12°. Paris, an IV [1796]. Estratto della disposizioni riguardanti il ser- vizio sanitario contenute nel Giornale militare ufficiale dell' anuo 1900. 8°. Roma, 1901. Farkas(L.) Hadege.szsegiigyi kozleme'iiyek. I. A badeg^szsi'gugy ref'ormja. [I. Ou sanitary reform: Army.] 8°. Budapest, 1887. Germany. Kriegsministerium. Garnisonbe- scbreibnngeu, vom Standpunkte der Gesund- heitspflege aus aufgestellt; hrsg. vou der Meili- zinal- Abtheilung des koniglich-preussischen Kriegsininisteriums. Bd. V. Beschreibung der Garnison Frankfurt a. O. 8°. Berlin, 1899. Hyderabad. Report on the sanitary state and prospects of Trimulgberry. By E. Balfour, deputy inspector general, fol. [Fort Saint George, 1867.] Jecxiidmme (P.) L'hygiene militaire a l'ex- position universelle de 1889. 4°. Paris, 1889. Kirchhxberger (8.) Chronolooische Tabel- leu zur Geschichte des k. und k. osterr. ungar. Militiir-Sanitiitsweseus. H". Wien, 1805. Militarischer Sauitatsvereiu von Aarau nnd Umgebung. Statuten. sm. ~J. [Bern, 1881.] Neue Beitriij>e zur Geschichte des k. u. k. os- tcrnicliiscb - ungarischen Militar - Sanitiitsw e- seus; Act-en des k. u. k. Kriegsarchivs. Hrsg. \*on S. Kirchenberger. **'. Wien, 1899. Ochvvadt ( A. ) Die Gesundbeits'Pflege des deutschen Soldaten. 8-. Berlin, 1882. Reade (P.) History of the military canteen. 8°. Chicago, 1901. Rcssia. Ministry of Finance. Sanitamly ot- chot po otdielnomu korpusu pogranichnoi stra- zhi, za 1*897[-8] gg. Sostavlen pod redaktsiyei B. M. Sbapirova. [Sanitary report on tbe sep- arate corps of border guards, for 1897-8. Com- piled nnder tbe editorship of Shapiroff.] 8°, S.-Peterburg, 1898-9. St hweizer Militiir-Sanitatsverein. Ceutral- Statnten. sm. k-a Aarau, 1882. Servia. Ministry of War. Istorija Srpskog vojnog sauiteta. Napisao Vladan Gjorgjevic. [History of Servian army sanitation.] v.i. 8°. u Beogradu, 1879. Teikoku rikugun saikin eisei gaikio. [Prin- cipal hygienic features of tbe last assembly of the imperial army.] -"', [Tokyo, 1900.] Vander-Lindex (P.) Memoria sobre el cner- po de salud militar, seguida de un proyecto de reglamento del mismo, para los ofieiales de sani- dad del ejercito. 8^. Mexico, 1845. Killot. Les progres de l'hygiene dans 1'arine.e en 1895-6; rapport au President de la R^publique francaise. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1897, Ixx, 221-223.—Browne (J. M.) Report on the Parkes Museum of Hygieue and the British Army Medical School at Netley. Kep. Surg. Gen. Navy 18s4,' Wash., 1885. 229-24.'!. —C'abezon (J. M.) Nuev'a organizacidn de los cuerpos de sanidad militar. Rev. ar- gent, de cien. med., Buenos Aires, 1888, v, 328-332.—t'nro (A. F.) El laboratorio central de sanidad militar. Bol. de med. nav., Madrid, 1890, xiv, 291-3U0.— C'arra»ro (G.) La sanidad militar argeutina; episodios y comparaciones histoiicas 1821-1900. An. san. mil., Buenos Aires, 1901, iii, 1-s. — Deeleinan iM.) Der Feldsanitatsdienst im Ivgieiie (Military, History and progress of). deutsch-franzosischen Kriege. Rothe Kreuz, Berl., 1901, xix, 445.—D—z. Licht and Schatten in unserem Militar- Sanitatswesen. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1895, xl, 1; 95; 201.— Fdholm (E.) ReseauteckningaralMi niilitarlakare 1885. Finland. [Travelling notes of a niilitary surgeon. Finland.] Tidskr. i mil. Helsov., Stockholm, 1885, x, 233-27."). —Eke- rolh (C.) Das schwedisohe Militar -Sanitatswesen im Felde. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1900, xxix, 305- 320. -----. Bulgariska armeens sanitetsvaseude i fred. [Hygiene of the Bulgarian army during peace.] Tidskr. i mil. Helsov., Stockholm, 1901,' xxvi, 156-160.—Folino (A.) Le service sanitaire de l'arm6e roumaine. Tr. vii. Internat. Cong. Hyg. Sc Demog. 1891, Lond., 1892, viii, 32- 40.— Frederick the Great and medicine. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1898, ii, 1004.— de Freycinet (G.) L'hygiene dans i'armee. Rapport au President de la R6pulilique francaise. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1890, 3. s., xxiii, 272-275. AUo, transl.: "Wien. klin. "Wchnschr., 1889, ii, 719-722.— Frolicli (H.) Leber die ersten Anfange einer Militar- gesundheitspflege im Mittelalter. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsudhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1885, xvii, 433-436. -----. Ueber den Militargesundheitsdienst in Spanien. Cen- tralbl. f. allg. Gsndhtsplig., Bonn, 1898, xvii, 303-311. -----. Leber den Militargesundheitsdienst Grossbrittannienw. Ibid., 1900, xix, 19-33.—Oodin. L'hygiene a. l'6trangei ; notes sur l'hygiene dans les casernes anglaises. Arch, do med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1901, xxxvii. 387-413.—Gor- don (C. A.) Notes on medico-military hygiene; anci. nt and modern. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1889, n. s., xlviii, 103; 125.—Grosshcim. Die Sektion fiir das Mariue- und Armee-Sanitatswesen (8. Sektion) auf dem 7. in- ternationaleu Kongress fiir Hygiene und Deniographie in London 1891. Deutsche mil.-iirztl. Ztschr, Berl., 1891, xx, 587-596. AUo, Reprint. — Maga (S.) [Hy- giene of the army in Tsuvu Province.] Gun Igaku Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1899, 761-767. — Heizmann ,C". L.) The French and the German sanitary corps on the hat tie- field. J. Mil. Serv. Inst. 05 S., Governor's Island, N.Y. H., 1885. vi, 333-355. -----. Military sanitation in the 16th. 17th, and 18th centuries. Ibid., 1893. xiv. 709-738.— [ Hygiene of the Japanese army.] Shizuoka Eiseikwai Hoko. 1897, no. 47, 1-4.—Kirchenberger. Das Mi itar- Sanitiitswesen unter der Kaiserin Maria Theresia Mili- taerarzt, Wien, 1888, xxii, 89; 105; 121. -----. Ueher die fortschreitende Besserung der Gesundheitsverhaltnisse in den grossen europai«chen Armeen. Ibid.. 1895. xxix. 81; 97; 115; 131; 152; 168. -----. Die Sanitatsverhiillni se der grossen europaischen Arineeu in der L.genwart. Ibid.. 1900, xxxiv, 73; 94: 112: 130; 140.—Koirn (A.) Et bidrag til vort militaere sanitets historic. [Contribu- tion a I'histoire de notre service militaire de sant6. Res., 1248. ] Norsk Mag. f. Liegevidensk.. Kristiania, 1901, 4. R., xvi, 1218-1229.—KovsU-s (A.) A kiilallamok ne- vezetesebb hadseregei egeszsegiigyi szervezet6nek ismer- tetes6. [Notices of the hygienic organization of the principal forei; n armies.] Honvedorvos, Budapest, 181)4, vii, 60; 65; 73: 189 >, viii, 1; 9; 25; 33; 41: 49: 57; 65: 1896, ix, 1; 20. ----. Az olasz hadsereg egeszsegiigyi szer- vezete. [The hygienic organization of the Italian army.] Ibid., 1901, xiv, i; 17.—Kieontovich (A.) O sanitamom sostoyanii Odesskavo lagerya v 1886 godu. [Sanitary con- dition of the camp of Odessa iu the v ear 1886.] Voyenno- med. J.. St.Petersb., 1888, clxi, 3. sect,. 141-166—linn«l- berg(V.) Reserapport. England. [Military hygiene in England.] Tidskr. i mil. Helsov., Stockholm] 1886, xi, 15- 36.—;Vlajew.«ki (C.) Vor hundert Jahren; Beitrag zur Geschichte des osterreichischen Militar-Sanitiitsweseiis. "Wien. med. Presse, 189"., xxxvi, 379-381.—ITInrruse (J.) Das Sanitatswesen in den Heeren dei Alten. Miinchm. med.Wchnschr., 1899, xlvi. 452-455.-----. Das Sanitatswe- sen in den Heeren der Alten. Militaerarzt, Wien, 1901, xxxv, 169; 186. —iTIyi'dacz. Dieneuereu Fortschritteder Militar-Sanitatsstatistik in Oesterreich-Ungarn. Ibid., 1895, xxix, 3; 22; 43. -----. Internationale M iii tar-San i- tats-Statistik. Ibid., 1901,xxxv, 105-107.—rVemetky bias o vo,jensk6ni zdravotnictvi ruskeni [German opinion on Russian niilitarv hygiene. ] Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1883, xxii, 326^; 359; 390. — >oiler (J. L.) Report on the progress of hygiene for the year 1896. Army M. Dep. Rep. 1895, Loud., 1896, xxxvii, 279-290. -----. Re- port on the progress of hvgiene for the year 1897. Ibid., 1890, Lond., 1897, xxxviii, "323-341. ----. Report of the progress of hygiene for the year 1898. Ibid., 1897, Lond., 1898, xxxix, 351-371. — Nuovo (II) regolamento austro- ungarico sui servizio di sanita in campagna. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1880, xxviii, 400-464. —Osborn (S.) A sanitary corps for the British army. J. Trop. M., Lond., 1899-1900, ii, 298— Podhajaky (V.) Zdravotnictvi vo- jenske v xyii stol. [ Military hygiene in the seventeenth century. | Casop. lek. cesk.. v Praze, 1893, xxii, 757; 822.— Prociinzka ( L I Die Organisation des italienischen Sanitatswesens. Militaerarzt. Wien, 1899, xxxiii, 115- 1 is.—r^iyevskaya krle- post v san tarnom otnoshenii. | Xovogeorgiyev.sk fort in its sanitary relations. ] Vovenno san. dielo. St. Petersb.. 1885 v, 342: 354: 368; 382. — Fniter Militar- Sanitiitswesi n und desseu zeitgemiisse Reorganisirnng. Int-rnat. kliu. Rundschau, Wien. ls'.iS, vii. 106; 140; 218.— "WaiiHchrr (O.) Ueber die Entwicklung des Militiir- Sanitatswesens. besondeis in Deutschland und Frauk- reich. Militaerarzt. Wien, 1898. xxxii, 24; 44; 59; 75; 88; 101; 114; 128; 139; 158.— Zeri (A.) Revista sanitaria delle armate e degli eserciti delle principali nazioni d' Eu- ropa. Ann.di nied. nav., Roma, 1897, iii, 618; 967; 1240; 1516: l»9i\ iv, 219; 986. Hygiene (Military, Instructions in) for officers and soldiers. A-iegiaxo ((}.) Notizie sulla Scuola d' appli- cazione iii sanita militare in Firenze. 12°. Fi- renze, 1901. Bexech. Le service de saute en campagne; donneVs pratiques a l'usage d'e'tat-major et des medecins chefs, v. 1. 12a Paris, [1901]. -----. Le service de sante en campagne. Plans. 12=. Paris, [1901]. Eatox (R. C.) A guide to health; for the use of soldiers. 12 -. London, Paris en (J. J. II.) Hygienisch vade-mecum bewerkt ten dienst van utticiereu, onderofficieren en ovcrige militairen. 10°. Maastricht, 1870. Fkolicii ( H. ) Des Soldaten Gesundln its- biichlein. 24°. Leipzig, lr-95. Germany. Kriegsministerium. Friedens-Sani- tats-Ordnung. so. Berlin, 1891. Italy. Minislero della guerra. Istruzione per la igiene dei niilitari del regio esercito. 8 marzo 1893. 16a Roma, 1894. Hygiene (Military, Instructions in) for officers and soldiers. ' Lei ikxstorker. Das niilitarische Training auf physiologisiher und praktiseher Grundlage. Eiu Lcitfadcn fiir Ol'lizierc und Militariirzte. 8°. Stuttgart, 1897. Luxix. O sberezheniizdorovya; rukovodstvo dlya lu-hchuikh i sauitarnikh voiskovlkh ko- mand. [Preservation of health; manual for educational and sanitary military detachments.] 12°. Moskra, I8n7. von Mezlek vox Andelberg (F. J.) Der :ir/tlii'he Rathgeber fiir den Soldaten. Eine leiclitfassliehe Belehrung, wie sich der Krieger selbst kennen lernen soil, seiue Gesundheit er- halteu kann und sich Krankheiten und L'nfiillen zu benehinen hat, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die Einrichtung und Vernaltnisse der k. k. osterreichischen Annee. 12°. Prag, 1846. Netz (F.) Wie schiitzen wir unsere Gesuud- heit im Kriege. Nach einem Vortrage. 8°. Kavlsvithe, 1887. NlEWEXi'LOWSKI (G.-H. ) iV Ernault (L.) Pour nos soldats: conseils pratiques, hygiene et morale du service militaire. 12J. Paris, 1895. Ravenez (K.) La vie du soldat au point de vue de l'hygiene. 8°. Paris, 1889. Richard. Livret antialeoolique du soldat. Pour la patrie. Redige conformement a la cir- culaire ininisterielle du ".5 Janvier 1901. 16°. Paris, 1901. Shtkinberg (K. G.) Sauitamaya sluzhba; rukovodstvo dlya nizhnikh chinov. [Sanitary service; manual for enlisted men.] 4. ed. 12°. Varshava, 1893. .Smart (C.) How to keep well; the Chicago Record's hygienic manual for United States sol- diers in the held. 24°. [Chicago, 1898.] Sweden. Handbok i militar helsovard och sjnkvard tor arnieusbefal utarbetad af Edward Edholin. [Manual of military hygieue aud care of the sick; for use of army officers. By E. Ed- holm.] l(iJ. Stockholm, 1878. Woodhull (A. A.) Notes ou military hy- giene, for officers of the line. 12c. New York, 1890. -----. The same. New ed. 10°. New York, 1-9-. Virchow (R. ) Gesundheitsregeln fiir die Soldaten im Felde. Inhis: Ges. Abhandl. a. d. Geb. d. off. Med., 8°, Berl., 1879, ii, 143; 191. Hygiene (Military, Manuals of). "Bircher (H. ) Handbuch der Kriegsheil- kunde fiir die schweizerisihen Sanitiitsofficiere. ^ . Basel, 1888. Ceresole (C.) Dictionnaire d'hygiene et de police m&licalc militaire. 2v.ini. *sQ. Turin, \855-4. Didiot (A.) Code sanitaire dn soldat, ou traite d'administration et d'hygiene militaires, completd des dispositions reglementaires rela- tives a ^execution du service de sante. 8-\ Paris, 1805. Dobrosi.avix (A. P.) Kurs voyennoi higieni. [Military hygiene | v. 1. h~. S.-Peterburg, 188\. Halder (K.) Handbuch fiir freiwillige Sani- tiitskolonuen. 1. Th. Die deutsche Heeresorgani- sation und die Organisation der freiwilligen Krankenpflege. Hi . Munchen, 1900. Isi-ordixk (J. N.) Militlirische Gesnndheits- Polizei, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung auf die k. k. osteiTi-ichische Armee. 2 v. 8°. Wien, 1825. -----. The same. Polizia medica militare applicata specialmente alia cesarea regia arma- HYGIENE. 604 HYGIENE. Hygiene (Military, Manuals of). ta austriaca. Prima versioue italiana di Al- berto Mnzzarelli, sulla seconda edizioue tedesca. 2v.ini. 8". Venezia, 1829-30. Kirchxer (M.) Grundriss der Militar-Ge- sundheitspflege. 1.-6. Lfg. 8-. Braunschweig, 1891. Laveran (A.) Traite" d'hygiene militaire. *■*-'. Paris, 1-90. -----. The same. Voyenuaya hig'iena. Pe- revod s frantsuzskavo N. M. Pnniua. [Transl. from the French by Puuin.] 2 v. 8-\ S.-Peter- burg, 1900. Manuel d'hygiene militaire, ou recueil des notions applicahles a l'eutretien de la saute" du soldat. Publie par les soins d'un me"decin de 1'arinee. 16-. Gand, 1~34. Morache (G.) Traite d'hygiene militaire. 2. c"d. 8:. Paris, 1885. Mlxsun (E. L.) The theory and practice of military hygiene. S-". New York, 1901. Mutel. Elenieutos de higiene militar. Obra escrita en fiance's por M. . . ., y traducida al castellauo por Antonio Navarre Zamorano. 2 va in 1. S-. Madrid, 1845. Schofer (J.) Leitfaden der Milittir-Hygiene fiir deu Unterncht der Einjiihrig-Freiwilligen- Aerzte. 2. Autl. 8°. Wien, 1900. da Silva (J. X.) Breve tratado de hygiene militar e naval. 8-'. Lisbon. Is 19. Viry (C. M. J.) Manuel d'hygiene militaire, suivi d'un precis des premiers secours a douner en attendant l'arrivee du me'deciu. *-:. Paris, 1885. -----. Principes de l'hygiene militaire. 8°. Paris, 1890. Zemanek (A.) Repetitorium fiir Militiir- Hygiene, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der bestehendeu Vorschriften fiir osterreichische Aerzte bearbeitet. 6°. Leipzig f Wien, 1895. Hvg'iene (Military, Periodicals relating to). Axales de sanidad militar. v. 1-3, 1899-1901. 8r. Buenos Aires. Boletin de sanidad militar. [Monthly.] v.i. 1891. Nos. 1-2, v. 5, Jan.-Feb., If 95. 8°. Buenos Aires. Boletin de la Sociedad de sanidad militar. v. 2, 1892: No. 12, v. 4, Dec, 1894. 8-. Buenos Aires. Journal des officiers de sante de Saint-Do- mingue. Citoyeus Trabuc, Fontanges, Bouvier et Ballv. [Monthly.] No. 1. Yentose. an onze, H*\ [1-03.] Militair-geneeskundig Tijdschrift. Red.: J. G. Fijan. [Quarterly.] v. 1-5. 1-'J7-1901. 8-. Haarlem. Veroffextlichuxgen auf dem Gebiete des Militar-Sanitiitsweseus. Hrsg. von der Medi- cinal-Abtheilung des koniglich preussischen Kriegsniiuisteriuins. Hft. 1. 8°. Berlin, 1892. Hvg'iene (Military) in warm climates. See, also, Climates (Warm, Hygiene of). Burot (F.) A Legraxd (M.-A.) Les troupes coloniales; maladies du soldat aux pays chauds. 8a Paris, 1897. ------------. Les troupes coloniales; hy- giene du soldat sons les tropiques. 8-". Paris, 1898. -----'-----. The same. The hygiene of the soldier in the tropics. Transl. by G. \Y. Read. 8-. Kansas City, 1899. De Mooij (C.) Grapuisch overzicht van per- soneel en materieel vau den geneeskuudigen dieust bij een divisie te velde. Volgens het voorschrit't hetreffeude deu geneeskundigeu Hygiene (Military) in warm climates. dieust in tijd van oorlog. broadside fol. Utrecht, 1885. Duncan (A.) The prevention of disease iu tropical aud sub-tropical campaigns. > . Lon- don, 18^8. Freeman (E. C.) The sanitation of British troops in India. 12. London, 1~99. Huas (P.-C.-V.) * Considerations sur l'hy- giene des troupes en campagne dans les pays iutertropicaux. 4C. Bordeaux, 1~**(>. Legrand (M.-A.) L'hygiene des troupes euro- p^enues aux colonies et dans les expeditions coloniales. s0. Paris f Limoges, 1895. Lemure (J.) Madagascar; l'expe'dition an point de vue medieale et hygieuique; 1'acclima- tement et la colonisation. 8J. Paris, 1895. Madras Presidency. Report on military san- itation iu the presidency of Madras, by J. L. Ranking, sanitary commissioner for Madras. With proceedings aud order of government thereon, fol. [Madras, l**ti~.] -----. Report upon the military canton- ments of Kamptee and Seetabuldee. By J. L. Ranking, sanitary commissioner for Madras. fol. Madras, 1859. Madras Presidency. Military Department. From adjutant-general to the acting secretary to government. [ Forwarding the sanitary re- ports of British troops serving in the presi- dency.] For the years 18:0-83; 1887. fol. Ma- dras, 1881-8. Merveilleux ( P.-F.-G. ) * Considerations sur l'hygiene des troupes a la Guadeloupe. 4-\ Bordeaux, 18:7. Mongrand (E.) Guide nie"dical de l'officier d'infanterie de marine dans les regions tropi- cales. 1GJ. Paris, 1890. Moreau de Joxxes (A.) Essai sur l'hygiene militaire des Antilles. 8C. Paris, 1817. Plolzane (E.-F.) * Contribution a l'dtude de l'hygiene pratique des troupes europeennes en campagne dans les pays iutertropicaux. Haut- Seuegal et Niger. 4C. Bordeaux, 1887. Reyxaud (G.-A.) Considerations sanitaires sur l'exp^dition de Madagascar et quelques autres expeditions coloniales franchises et an- glaises . . .; avec une preface de M. de Mahv. 12r. Paris, [1898]. Villedary. Guide sanitaire des troupes et du colon aux colonies. 16-. Paris, 1893. Adriani (P.) Peopleidingtotomciervan sezondheid bii bet indiscu leger. Xederl. mil. ueneesk. Arch, fete], Leiden, 1898, xxii, 380-386 — Aiiioiucili. Hygiene des troupes aux colonies (Martinique). Arch, de nied. nav., Par.,1889.1i, 40-7:!.—Anglais i Lex dans la Haute Esiypte; fonctionnement du service de sante. Rev. scient. d. in£d. d. armees. Par.,1*87-8.x.563-.">s7.—Ashaiiti (The) expedi- tion. Lancet, Lond., 1896, i, 9.VL- 1027: 1171; 1251; 138!»; 1827.—Bnnntvala (H.E ) Tbe soldierinthetropics. X. York M.J..1900,lxxi.8y9.—Beckui'i»i CL.i Watersupply in desert campaigns. J. Alii. Sei v. Inst |L S. (invernor's Island, N. T. H., 1892, xiii, 1110-1112 -t'abc/oii i J. M.) Descripciou del campamentodeLasLajas; coustruccion de cuarteles. An. san. mil., Buenos Aiies, 1899, i, 631-660. -----. Las fuerzas del Chaco; el servicio sanitario en campaiia : los raejores filtros; rai ac teres de una agua po- table. Ibid., 1900, ii, 1120-1137.— On vie* (A. M.) Xotea on sanitation in barracks aud on tbe march iu India. In- dian M. Gaz.. Calcutta. is;i6, xxxi, 200; 233.— Fei-nan- clez-C'nro i A.i Higiene de las tropas de mar y tierra en Ins p;uses tmpieales. Bol. de med. nav., Madrid, 1 >;>8. xxi, 109-176.— Finol. Le service de sante de l'avant a la co- lonne de Sikasso (Snudau francais). Arch, de med. et Fharm. mil., Par.. 1900, xxxvi, 20-52— Fi-oy inn ill. De habillemeut et de leqnipement dans le cas de OeWarque- ment, sous les tropiques. [Transl.] Arch, de im-d. nav., Par., 1898, lxx,J82.—Onei'lner. General SanitatsUericht iiber die kaiserliche Schutztruppe fiir Peutsch-Ostafrika fiir das Berichtsjahr vom 1. April 1897 bis zum 31. Marz 1898. Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1898-9. xv, 337- 357.—Garcia Diaz (F.) ; Cdnio se reducen a la mitad los camilleros. y como se improvisan Camillas en los paisea intertinjiieales .' Rev. de sau. mil., Madrid. 1898. xii, 408- 410— Guiiln (S.) La sezione di sanita per le truppe in HYGIENE. 605 HYGIENE. Hygiene {Military) in warm climates. Africa. Gior.med. d. r. esercito [etc.], Roma, 1888. xxxvi, I 3-50, 4 pl.—Ilunilr |\V5> The health and vice of the I British arniv m India. Indian M. Lee., Calcutta, 1898. ■ Xiv. 4-0. — K«*iiii i-I. K.i A tropical ration. Proc. Ass. Mil. Sui-£. 15 S. 1900, Lineage, 1901, ix. 282 297. — Kcmtn J (O. F.i l'lie American soldier in the tropics; his food. ■ clothing, equipment, and work. J. Mil. Serv. Inst. L. S., Governor's Island, X. Y. H.. 1901, xxix. :::i::-:!4f».-Kit- morijaiit. Influenza dell' igiene sulla morhosita e mor talita delle truppe nelle colonic. Minist. d. Mar. xiii! Cons:, internaz. ui med. x. Cons:, internaz. d' ig. e demog. Rela:. oi il:. e resoc. d. deleg.. Koma, 1901, 17.V177.—Kit- moi'^iiiu (A.i & Raynaud (G.) Precautions hygicni- ejiie-i i pi entire pour le- expeditions et les explorations aux pays chauds. Ann. d'hyg. et de nied. colon.. Par., 1900. iii". 305-414.—«ie l.nrrn y Citi'/.o (A.i A pirates acerca de la estadistica sanitaria del ejeieito de la Isla de I'uba en 1890. Actas v mem. d. ix Long, internac. de his:. V demog. 1898. Madrid. 1900, viii, 11-72. — I.o Fori (R.) L'orgauisation et le fouetioniiciiK nt du ser- vice de sante italien pendant la campagne de I fix three (1893-6>. Arch, de med. et pharui. mil., Pai.! 1897, xxix. 216-22o.—I.t'inure (J.l Les mesures hveieniques pendant l'expedition de Madagascar. Ann. d'hys:., Par.. 18915. 3. s., xxxv, 22;!-242.— »l ncchin v«l I i (P.) Xote igieniche per truppe italiane. destinate in regione at'rica- na (costa del Mar Rosso). Ga/ med. ital lomb.. Milano, 1887, 8. s., vii, 1180; 3sS: 400.—»l uii»on iL. L.I 'rentage for tropical service. Proc. Ass. Mil Surg. D. S. 1899, Columbus. 1900, viii, 323-320. -----. The ideal ration for an army in the tropics. [Prize essav.] Ibid.. 1900. t'hi- cago, 1901, ix, 290-333. Also: J. Mil. Serv. Inst. TL S., Governor's Island. X. Y. H., 1900. xxvi. 309-346. Also: Boston M. & S. J., 1900. cxlii, 463: 489; 501; 534. — Oll- «ia. Geneial - Sanitatsbericht iiber die Kaiserliclie Si int/.truppe fiir Deutsch-Ostafrika fiir das I'.ericlits- iahr vom 1. April 1-90 Ins zum 31. Miirz 1897. Arb. a. d. k.Gsndhtsaiute. Berl., 189S-9. xv, 321-337. — Vclei* (O.A) Demil-.tane gi ne.-Kiinclige dienst in Suriname. Mil.-ge- neesk. Tiidseln.. Haailein. 1899, iii, 90-96.— Raynaud, Bon va lot te Thierry. Precauzioni da premiere nelle spedizioni ed e-plna/ioni nei paesi caldi. Minist. d. Mar. xiii. Cong, internaz. di med. x. Cong, internaz. d' ig. e demog Kelaz Tig. e resoc. d. deleg., Roma, 1901, 177- 1?" — Reyiiniid (G.) L'armee colouiaie au point de vue de . hvgiene pratique. Arch, de nied. nav., Par., 1892. lviii, 34. 100; 229: 280; 366: 423: 1893. lix, 57: 124; 189: 291: 387: 407: lx. 52: 119; 225; 2»u : 366; 443. AUo. Reprint.—Nemc- leder. The soldier in the tropics. Med. Rec. X.Y.. l'Joo. lviii ;-9 —Wnelhlage (R. A. J.) De kleeding en uitrus- ting van den soldaat in Indie te velde. Mil.-geneesk. Tijdschr., Haarlem. 1898, ii, 203-209— Wteuber. Aufga- ben iL - Sanitatsottiziers als Expeditionsarzt in der Schntz- truppe fur Deutsch-Ostafrika; auf Grund eigener Erleb- nisse. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1898. xxvii, 426- 438.—Stone (J. H.) Our troops in the tropics : from the surgeon's standpoint. J. Mil. .Serv. Iii-r. V . S. Governor's Island. X. Y. H., 1900. xxvi, 358-369.— Vale me (A.i Du paquet de pansement individuel dan- 1 Annee colonialo. Arch, de med. nav., Par.. 1896, lxv, 102-114— Woodruir (C. E.) The soldier in the tropics: his food, alcohol, and acclimatization. Phila. M..J.. I9ni'.i.v.768-782.—Woodson (R. S./ Special sanitary instructions for the guidance of troops serving in tropical countries. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1898. xxx. 1266-1268 Hyg'iene (Municipal). "See, also, Abattoirs; Animals (Dead); Bar- bers ; Cities; Conflagrations; Cremation of offal, etc.: Disinfection ( Public institutions for); Engineering (Sanitary); Fireworks; Gar- . bage; Habitations (Hygiene of); Seating and ventilation; Hospitals (Spuial); Latrines, etc. ; Laundries; Lighting: Markets; Offal (Dis- posal of); Parks; Police; Prisons; Sewage (Disposal of) Smoke; Streets, etc.; Water- Bupply. Acc'ETTEiXA (C. F.) Sui risanamento delle citta. - . Caserta, 1878. Bechmaxx (G.) Salubrite* nrbaine; distribu- tions d'eau; assainissement. "*J. Paris, 1---5 Berlikk (J.-B.) Hygiene et salubrite" dans les grandes villes. ~ . Paris. 1885. I'Ii'.loCsofk (P. P.) K voprosu o sovreuien- noin polozhenii i bli/.hai-hikh zadacbakh asse- nizat>ii russkikh (•■orodov; materiali po ob- shtshestveunol higienle. [On the jucseut posi- tion and problems e*' sanitation of Russian cities; data in public hytiieue.l 8-. S.-Peter- burg, i-:n;. Iygiene (Municipal). Bn.Lixus (J. S.) Public health and munici- pal government. 8-:. Philadelphia, 1891. Suppl. to: Annals of the American Academy of Politi- cal and Social Science, 1891. Camacho (A.) Streets and squares in towns. 8 --. Mexico, 1892. Oaxtalui'I (A.) L' igiene dello citta; del- 1' acqua potabile.; trattato pratico elementare sulla rirerea, derivazione, condotta e distribu- zione dell' acqua nelle citta e nello borgate pel servizio pubblicoe privato. s . Milano, [1891]. Chunk. Principes de l'assainissoment des villes, avec quelques applications a l'assainisse- ment de la ville de Rouen. 6°. Rouen, 1891. Chancellor (C. W.) The sanitation of cities and towns and the agricultural utilization of excretal matter. Report on improved methods of sewage disposal aud water supplies, roy. 8°. Baltimore, 1887. Ciiai'lv (C. V.) Municipal sanitation iu the United States. 8 . Providence, 1901. De la Poix de Freminville (E.) Diction- uaire ou traite* de la police gene'rale des villes, bourgs, paroisses et seigneuries de la campague. Daus lequel on trouvera tout ce qui est neces- saire de scavoir et de pratiquer en cette partie, par un procureur fiscal, dans toute l'etendue de sa justice, et oil l'on a rapport6 toutes les ordon- nances, arrets et reglemens a ce sujet, pour s'y conformer sur chaque objet. 4a Paris, 1758. de Dominicis (N.) Norme generali di igiene pubblica per i municipii. 2. ed. 12°. Napoli, 1881. Drainage Construction Company v. City of Chelsea. Pleadings and evidence. Circuit court of the United States, district of Massachusetts. In equity. Xo. 2173. 8°. Boston, 1889. Fischer (F.) Die Verwerthuug der stadti- schen und Indusfcrie-Abfallstoffe. Mit besonde- rer Riicksicht auf Desinfection, Stadtereinigung, Leichenverbrennung uud Friedhofe. 8°. Leip- zig, 187.">. Fonssagrives (J. B. ) Allmanna helsoviir- den i stader, och medlen att gora dem suuda. I sammandrag ofversatt af G. F. Berggren. [General hygiene iu cities, and measures to make them healthy.] ~J. Stockholm, [1870]. Fothergill (J. M.) The town dweller, his needs and his wants; with an introduction by B. W. Richardson. 1*2°. London, 1889. Gastixel (A.) *£tudes d'hygiene urbaine. 4 . Paris, 1894. Health and sewage of towns. 8-\ [n.p., n. d.] Health (The) and sickness of town popula- tions, considered with reference to proposed sanitary legislation and to the establishment of a comprehensive system of medical police and district dispensaries; with appendices and sta- tistical tables. 12 . London, 1810. Jouarke (L.) Des pouvoirs de l'autorite' iiiunicipale en matiere d'hygiene et de salubrit6. 8?. Paris, 1890. Juda (.1.) " De cura magistratus circa vale- tudincm civium. 1 . Gottinga; 17f>8. In: RiCHTEli (G. G.) Opusc. med. 4°. Francof. & Lips., 1780, ii, 260-306. Koxtkovski (E. B.) Voprosi po ozdorovlenii oorodov na viii mezhdunarodnom higi'eniche- Bkom kungrcsse v Bndapeste, v 1894 g. [Que,* tions of sanitation of cities before the Eighth International Congress of Hygieue, held at Bu- dapest iu 1-94.] - . S.-Peterburg, 1895. Repr. from: J. russk. Oi>*h. okhran. uarod. zdrav., St. Petersh., 1^9". Masi.ex (T. J.) Suggestions for ihe iniprove- nieiit of towus and houses. s°. London, 1843. 06 HYGIENE. HYGIENE. Hygiene (Municipal). Masson (L.) Conference sur les villes assai- nies. 8~. Toulouse, 1888. Repr. from: Compt.-rend. iv. Congres provincial des architectes, Toulouse, 1887. Maxwell (G. T.) Municipal hygiene the greatest need of the South. An address read before the Southern Immigration Congress, at Augusta, Georgia, May 31st, 1894; with an ad- dendum. 8°. Jacksonville, 1891. Melisurgo (G. C.) Ingegnerie sanitarie ed urbane. 8°. Napoli, [1880]. Mille (A.) Assainissement des villes par l'eau, les egouts, les irrigations. 8°. Paris, 1880. Mittermaier. Die offentliche Gesundheits- pflege in Stiidten uud Dorfern, mit besonderer Beziehung auf die Beseitung der menschlichen Abfallstoffe. Im Auftrage der Centralstelle des landwirthschaftlichen Vereins in Baden. 8°. Karlsruhe, 1875. Nadiein (M.) New apparatus for house and citv sanitation and economical canalization. 8°. Chicago, 1893. Nicoll (D.) Health and its appliances. (Engineering, structural and sanitary.) 4°. [London], 1884. Osthoff (G.) Anlagen fiir die Versorgung der Stiidte mit Lebensniitteln. Markthalleu, Schlachthofe uud Viehniarkte. 8°. Jena, 1894. van Overbeek de Meijek (G.) Gemeente- reiuiging. Eene vraag van den dag beschouwd en toegelicht. 8°. Utrecht, 1885. Pellegrini (P.) I materiali di pavimeuta- zioue e di rivestimento dal puuto di vista del- 1'igiene. S3. Torino, 1900. Ponzo (C.) Relazione sulle piantagioni di alberi nell' interno delle citta in rapporto colla sanita pubblica e coll' abbellimento. 8°. Cuneo, 1887. Process of thorough sanitation for cities, towns, and dwellings. 8°. [Philadelphia, n. d.] Report of the committee on the internal hy- giene of cities. Introduction by Thomas Miller, Washington, D. C. 1859. [Contents: Disinfect- ants, by W. C. Van Bibber; Sewerage, by J. H. Grisconi; Importance aud economy of sanitary measures to cities, by John Bell; Sanitary code for cities, by H. G. Clark.] 8-. [New York,1859.] See, also, infra, Report fete.]. Robinson (C. M.) The improvement of towns and cities, or the practical basis of civic aesthet- ics. 1-2°. New York, 1901. Rubner (M.) Hygienisches von Stadt und Land. 8°. Miinchen 4' Leipzig, [1898], Rychna(J.) Die Salubritatsiiidicatoren. Ein Beitrag zur Salubritiitstaxation der Stiidte. s . Prag, 1894. Skraball (E. F.) * De nocivo inflexu vitae ur- ban* in sanitatem. 8'-. Vindobonce, [1835]. Society of Arts, Loudon. Health and sewage of towns. Correspondence in regard to Mr. Fos- ter's letter to the Times, etc., of 21st September, 1*76. 8°. [London, 1875.] Spoof (A. R.) Hvadkohtarrenhallningistad! En hygienisk-ekonomisk studie. [What are the expenses of keeping a city, clean ? A hygienic- economical study.] 8 a Abo, 1885. Strange (W.) An address to the middle and working classes on the causes and prevention of the excessive sickness aud mortality prevalent iu large towns. 8°. London, 1845. Thudichum (J. L.W.) Ueber die Grundlageu der offeutlichen Gesundheitspilege in Stiidten vom Standpunkte der Sraats-Aizneikunde; eiue auf Veranlassung und unter den Auspizien des landwirthschaftlichen Vereins zu Frankfurt a. Hygiene (Municipal). M. im Circus daselbst am 8. Juni 1805 gehaltene offentlicheVorlesung. 8\ Frankfurt a. M., 180b. Tratado de la conservaciou de la salud de los pueblos y consideraciones sobre los terremotos. Traducido por Benito Ba . . . 16°. Madrid, 1781. Untersuchungen zur Strassenhygiene. Be- richt im Auftrage des interuationalen Komiles fiir Strassenhygiene dem interuationalen Kou- gresse fiir Hygieue uud Demographic in Paris 1900 vorgelegt [etc.]. Hrsg. vou T. Weyl. 8-'. Berlin, 1900. Vega-Rey (L.) La higiene en las iglesias. Memoria premiada cou el primer premio por la Sociedad espaiiola de higiene en el con curso publico celebrado eu 1898. 16°. Madrid, 1899. Weyl (T. ) Die Einwirkuug hygienischer Werke auf die Gesundheit der Stiidte, mit be- sonderer Riicksicht auf Berlin. 8°. Jena, 1893. Allan (F. J.) The use of sea water for municipal pur- poses. J. State M., Lond., 1896, iv, 318-326.—Ames (A. H. B.) The duties and limitations of the municipal hoard of health. Montreal M. J.,1900, xxix,404-416.—Andrews (G.) Sanitation of cities. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Mont- gomery, 1899, 434-448.— IS. (T.) Salubrite urbaine; la lar- geur des rues. Mouvement hyg.,Brux., 1896, xii,101-105.— Baile>' (W.) Health svstem of cities. Proc, addr. & disc. Pel). Health Confer., Frankf., Ky., 1887, 111-117.- Bassett (C. P.) Roads and streets as sanitary measures, and how to construct them. Rep. Bd. Health N. Jersev 1885-6, Trenton, 1887, x, 139-156.— Baudoiiin (M.) La defense dela vie humaine contre les accidents. Rev. scient., Par., 1896, 4. s., v, 207-212.—Baxter (J. S.) The termin- able leasehold system in regard to municipal sanitation. J. State M., Lo'nd., 1899, vii, 384-390. — Beatson. The prevention of disease in growing towns. Tr.vii. Internat. Cong. Hyg. & Demog. .1891, Lond.,1892, i, 316-319.—Been- in nn n (G.) Enquete statistique sur l'hygiene urbaine dans les villes francaises. [Rap.] Bull. Soc. demed. pub., Par., 1892, xv, 132; 266. Also: Eev. d'hyg., Par., 1892, xiv, 1062-1109. -----. Quels sont les r6sultats techniques des canalisations effectuees durant ces dix derni^res aun6es dans les grandes villes? [Rap.] Cong, internat. d'hvg. et de demog. C. r. 1894. Budapest, 1896, viii, pt. 4, 276-281.— Boulnois (H. P.) The effect of municipal government upon sanitation. Proc. Ass. Municip. & San. Engin., Lond., 1884-5, xi, 21-51. — Brown. The hygienic aud economic value of antiseptics in urban sanitation. Actas y mem. d. ix Cone, internac. de hig. y demog. 1898, Ma- drid, 1900, iv, 274-280. — Bunel. Les travaux de demo- lition et de terrassement au point de vue de l'hygiene. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1898, xx, 961-970. -Cacheux. Sur une cit6 sanitaire modele. Bull. Soc. de med. pub., Par., 1888, xi. 218-224. AUo: Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1888, x, 485-491.— Cameron (Sir C. A.) On the role of the muuicipalitv in public hvgiene. [Abstr.] Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, i. 365- 367. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1900, cix, 172-186.—Cli an- cellor (C. W.) The sanitation of cities and towns, and the agricultural utilization of excretal matters. Rep. 15d. Health Maryland, Annapolis, 1888,197-288— Chaatainy (P.) .) Kozegcszegiigy alfiildi varosainkhan. I Public hygiene in our lowland towns! G\dgyas/at, Budapest, 1899, xxxix, 682; 7ou. —(jnrefa I'liriii (IVi i Ln el estado de la higiene conteniporanca que citra de mortalidad debe tenerse en cuenta para cou- siderar a una ciudad como insalubre? Actas v mem. d. ix Cong, iuternac.de hig. y demog. 1*98. Madrid, 1900, iv, 94-102.—Onulier (A.) 'v <*i-elinnl (M. X.) La vieia- tion de l'atinosphcre des \ illes par les foyers industriels et doinestiqiies. Rev. d'hyg., Par.. 19n0, wii. 792- 8U9.— (Gilbert (J. L.I Municipal uu dn-ine. Kan-as M J., Topeka. 189C>, viii, 483 - 487— 4.olt itution of man. Arch. Elcctrol. A: Neurol., X. Y.. 1874. i 174-179. AUo, Keprint—Hall iechend seien. Cong, internat.d'hvg. et de demog. C. r. 1894. Budapest. l>-96, viii, pt. 4, 500-504.— Kelly ( E. S.i Municipal hygiene and sanitation. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1893, Concord, 1894, xix 109-171.— Kiiivoun (.I.J.) The management and eoiitnd of infec- tions di-eascs in municipalities. Ti. Illinois M. Soc, Chicago, 1895. 167-203.- liiiand (M «fc Wej I (J.) Asyle niedere Herbergen. Yolkskiicben u. s. w. Ilandh. d. Hyg., Jena. 1895. vi, 145; 233, 2 pl. — Korchalt- t'licpiirkoraki (A.i Nleskolko zanilechaniy o sanitar- inkli oi ganizatsiyakh v gorodakh. [Some notes on sani- tary arrangements in cities.] Russk. arch, patol klin med. i bakteriol., S.-Peterb., 1898, vi, 179-186 — Krrli« ( W.) Hochwasser, Grundwasserstau und Gesiiiidln its Verhaltnisse in europaiBchenGiossstadton, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung von Dresden und Wien, boh ie von Buda- pest, Breslau und Magdeburg. Fortschr d. oil. G-ndlits- S3g., Frankf. a. M., 1895, iv, 225; 253.— It h liner ( A.I ie StadteiibervbTkerung und ihre nachtheiligcn Folg' n. Gesundheit, Frankf. a. M., 1892 xvii, 164; 197.- l..-i- sneau (fl.) Paris; remarqiics (lemographiiiues sui I ha bitat urbain. Ann. d'hyg.. Par., 1893, 3. a., xxx, 485-496.— Landry (P.) Considerations sur l'appiication des lois de l'hygiene & la disposition des villes, et notice sur le plan d'une ville modele expose au salon do 1850, sous le n"3689. [Abstr.J Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1X51. xxxii, 550.— I.evaMnoflT (V. A.) O sauitarnol organizaisii v gorodakh. [Sanitary organization in cities.J Rolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1900, xi, 991-995. Also.- J. russk. obsh. okhran. narod. zdrav., St. Petersb., 1900, x, 962-968.— Iii«i« (V.) The chemistry of cleaning. Xature, Lond. &- N. Y., 1894, 1, 256-260. Also, transl..- Rev. scient, Par., 1891, |4. »., ii, 270-274.— .Major (F.) Mentesugy kisebb Hygiene (Municipal). \ arosokhun es ko/.scgekben,valamiut magilnyostelepeken. [Imuiunity in smaller towns aud communities and in pri- vate settlements.J (Jong, internat. d'hvg. ct de demog. (5 r. 1894, Budapest, 1896, viii, pt. 5, 273 275— »lantredi (L.) La contamination des rues dans les grandes villes an point de vue de I'liygii'iie; etude faite spocialement dans la ville de Naples. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1892, 3. s., xxvii, 5; 105.—.VIiimmoii (L.) Quelques indications sur lassainisse- ment des villes. Assoc, franc, pour 1'avance. d. SC. C.-r., Par.. 1887, xvi, pt. 2, 1027-1030'. [Discussion], pt. 1, 386.— VIiit-nohilii (T.) [On bacteria in the dust of streets lietoie and alter sprinkling with water.J Tokyo Iji-Sliiu- shi. 1,-99. 2129; 2183.— tin nil (A.) Urban'sanitation. Rep. Australas. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1893, Sydney, 1894, v, 176- 195.- .Tlawbey (E. G.) On municipal engineering and sewer vent ilal ion. J. Slate M., Lond., 1901, ix, 577-590.— VI in ifiM'?. y Vicente (M.) j En el estado de la higiene contempoilinea, que cifra de mortalidad debe lener.se en cuenta para considerar a una cuulail como insaliibre? Actas v mem. d. is Cong, internac de hig. y demog. 1898, Madrid, 19d(i. iv, 90-94.- Mitilull (II.) Preliminary re- port of the chairnian of the comniittee appointed to ex- amine into the existing sanitary municipal organizations of the countries represented m the association, with a view to report upon those most successful in practical results. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1897, Ooucoid. 1898, xxiii, 449- 451.- Tloiijii i:i(» ( J. E ) Medida- (pie deben tomarso para iinpedir el desarrollo de las enleriiiedades traiiKinisi- hles en las ciudailes. Tr. Pan-Am. M. Cong 1893, Wash., 1895, pt 2, 1989-1997.—de Vlontiieher ill.) Des avan- tages des travaux d'assainissenient au point de vue ccono- mique. Cong, internat. d'hvg ct de demog. C. r. 1889, Par., 1890, 1055-1066.—.Tinnil <\V. P.) The sanitation of cities and towns. Tr. Colorado M. Soc, Denver, 1892, 93- 102.— \iUol»lti (P.) Sanitaruiya usloviya nashikh goro- dov. [Sanitary conditions of our cities.j Med. besleda, Yoronezh, 1898, xii. 691-702. — Norton (T. IL) The battle with fire, or the contributions of chemistry to the methods of preventingandextinguishiugconflagrations. Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sc., Salem, 1895, xliii. 119-156. —van Oriibcik de Jleijer (G.) Ueber die hygienischen Rcsultate dei Assaniriing grosser Stiidte. Cong, internat. d'hvg et de ile.....g. (5 r. 1894, Budapest. 1896. viii. pt. 4. 471-488. — Paterson (E. J.) The Hermite process for sanitation of towns. J. San. Inst, Lond., 1895-6, xvi, 509-517. — Perron. Des plantations d'arbres dans l'interieur des villes au point de vue de l'hygiene publique. Rev. san. de Bordeaux, 1887, iv, 169-174. — Peter*. Die Frage der offenen Bebauungim Stadterweiterungsgebiete. Yer- handl. u. Mitth. d.Yer. f. off. Gsndhtspflg. in Magdeb., 1895, 21. Hft., 1-16.—Pignnnt. Necessity de Interven- tion des pouvoirs publics aupres des municipality pour controler et edicter au besoin les mesures et travaux rela- tifs a la salubrite urbaine et de celle des pouvoirs munici- paux aupres des particuliers, daus un but analogue en ce qui conceme la salubrite des habitations privees ou publi- ques, k creer ou dejaexistantes. Congres d'assain. etde salub. 1895. Par., 1897, i, 216-231. —Pile [Sir T. D. ) On the role of the municipality in relation to public health. J. State M., Lond., 1901, ix,'525-537. — Poineare (L.-E.) Recherches sur les conditions hvgicniques des materiaux de construction. Ann. d'hyg., Pai-.. 1882 3. s., viii.193-202. Also, Reprint — Poore (G. Y.) Light, air, and fog. Tr. San. Inst. 1893, Lond., 1894 xiv, 13-41. — Pndor (H.) Stiidte - Hygiene. Gesundh. Iiigenieur. Miinclien, 1895, xviii, 376.—Kcmliii jjer. I.es eglisesau point de vue by- gieiiiquc [Abstr. ] Imiiartialite med., Par , 19ul. xxi.59.— Kichard ( E. > Sur les mesures de salubrite dans les chant hi - de demolition et de terrassemout. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 189s. xx, 997-1001.— Kocliard (.1.) L'hygiene des villes et lis budgets iminicipaiix. Rev. d. deux mondes, Tar., 1887, lxxix.Ol3-615. Also, inhis: Quest.d'hyg. sociale, 12°, Par., 1891, 113-171.—Konx (G.) La defense sanitaire des villes; los bureaux d'h\ giene. Province med., Lyon, 1891, v, 185; 197; 268 ; 217— Nan ilal ion (The) of public places of amusement and churches. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1899, Iv. l7._Neliwarlv. Ml.) Die gesundheitlichen Zu- stande der ruropaisrhen (' rossstiidtc ill alter und neuester Zeit. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., P.HM. xlviii, 1016-1018.— Nervieio sanitario municipal. | I'd | Cron. med.-quir. dela Habana. 1887, xiii, 643-617. —!«imiHi (S.i Yegetationa remedv for the summer heat of cities. Pop. Sc. Month., N. \5, 1898-9. liv, 433-450- Sliidli-i Inn (Die) Strasseu und deren R( inigung. Cesundheit, Fraukf. a. M.. 1897, xxii, 257-262—Mli-veiixoii (Sarah II.) Municipal sanita- tion. Am Pub Health Ass. Rep. 1*93, Concord. 1894, xix, 242- 215. — Mtiiltben i.l i Hygienische Gruudsiitze fiir die Krweiterung und den innerei Ausbauder Stiidte. Tr.vn. Internat. Cong. Hyg. & Demog. 1891 Lond.. 1892. vi, 17-32.— Nliibben (■!.) [ci al.\. Uebei Stiidteerweiterung. insbe- sondeit in li\ gienischei Roziehung Deutscher Yet. f. off. Gsndhtsplig. P.er. 1885. Brnschwg.. 1886, xii, 9-39. Also: Deutsche Vrtl.ischr. I. oh Gsndhts]>ttg.. Brnschwg., 1886, xviii 9-39. Inlliniii (J.) Special dangers to health in large towns. Health Lect. Lond., 1879-80. iii, 101-111.- Thoinei A- Dniiil. De la responsaliilite ci- vile et peuale des administrations municipalcs des etablis- HYGIENE. 608 Hygiene (Municipal). setnentspublics et prives en matiere sanitaire. J. de med. j de Par., 1900, 2. s., xii, l60-lGd.-Thom.noii (W.) On the pollution of the atniosphetc in large towns. J. State M., Lond., 1900, viii, 34-39. — T«nt»umi i T. ) [The inspec- tion of seaports.] Saisei Gakusha Iji Shimpo, Tokyo, 1901. 811-820. — Valenti Vivo. El saneamiento urbano. I Rev. de cien. med., Barcel.. 1-85 xi, 669-673.—Van Pelt (C. L.) Municipal sanitation. Sanitarian, N. Y.. 1886, xvi, 481-486. AUo: Ohio San. Ass., N.Y., 1886, iii, 49-54.— Ventilation (The) of towns. Civil Eng. &. Archit. J., Lond.. 1848, xi, l>-8.—Ventnri (L.i II materiale da eo- struzione dal punto di vista igienico. Atti d. riunione d' igienisti ital., Milano, 18e;>, iii, 121-138. — Verdon (H.W.) Overcrowded districts and open spaces. [Abstr.] Practitioner, Lond., 1889, xiii, 147-156. — Walford (E.) Notes on the effect of improved sanitation on the public health of seaport towns. Tr. vii. Internat. Cong. Hyg. &. Demog. 1891, Lond., 1892, viii, 54-58 — Warnm leben die reichereu Bewohner der Stiidte iiberwiegend westlich. J. f. naturgem. Gsndhtspflg. u. Heilk., Berl., 1856, iv, 173.— Wende (E.) Municipal restriction of disease. Buffalo M. J., 1898-9. n. s., xxxviii, 161-174. -----. Miscarriage of municipal sanitation. Chicago M. Recorder, 1901, xx, 337-343.—IVbite ( AY. P.) City sanitation, water, garb- age, and sewers. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1894, xviii, 147-151. Hyg'iene (Municipal, Laics, organization, and progress of). See Hygiene (Public, Laws, etc., of). Hygiene (Museums and exhibitions of). * jtlartin (A.-J.) Rapport sur la creation de musees d hvgiene. Bull. Soc. de med. pub.. Par., 1886, ix. 180- l.s3." Also: Rev. d'hyg., Pai.. 1886. viii, 5,-9-592. — Mu- seum (A) of hygiene. San. Bee, Loud., 1892-3, n. s., xiv, 209. Hygiene (Museums and exhibitions of), by localities. ANTWERP. Ei'iiiaeriiii^eii an die "Weltausstellung in Antwer- pen. Yon einem Mitgliede der interuationalen Jury. Centralbl. f. allg. Gsndhtspflg., Bonn, 1886, v, 133-138. BERLIN. . Allgemeine deutsche Ausstellung auf dem Gebiete der Hygiene uud des Eettuugswesens unter dem Protectorate ihrer Majestiit der Kaiserin und Konigin, Berlin, 1—-2-3. Bericht iiber die . . . Mit Unterstiitzung des k. preuss. Ministeriunis . . . hrsg. von Paul Boerner. 3 v. *- . Breslau, 1885-fi. vox FODOR (J.) Hygienische Versuch s- und Vorlesungs-Apparate aulasslich der Ausstellung auf dem Gebiete der Hygiene und des Rettungs- wesens. 4°. Budapest, 1885. FChrer durch das Hygiene-Museum der ko- niglichen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitiit zu Berlin C, 3*2-35 Kloster-Stras.se. 16°. Berlin, 1>90. Huxgary. Uas kiin. uugarische Josefs-Poly- technikum in Budapest auliisslich der Ausstel- lung auf dem Gebiete der Hygiene und des Rettungswi'sens, Berlin, 1-*-2, im Auftrage des kiinigl. ungansehen Ministers fiir Cultus uud Unterricht beschrieben von Bela Ney und Vin- cenz Wartha. 4J. Budapest, 1-8*2. Albrecht (H.) Riickblicke auf die Ausstellung fiir Unfallverhutung, Berlin, 1889. Centralbl. f. allg. Gsndhts- pflg., Bonn. 1890, ix, 137-1;0—von Esmarch. Leber ei- nige neue Erwerbungen des Hvgiene- M useums. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl.. 1890, xi, 453-456.— K. Die allgemeine deutsche Ausstellung auf dem Gebiete der Hygiene und des Rettungswesens. Centralbl. f. allg Gsudhtspflg., l'.onn. 1883, ii, 217: 275; 317; 389; 431. - Kit-bard. Le musee d'hygiene de Berlin. Rev. d'hyg. Par.. 18,-6. viii. 1017- 1034.—Nell. DerJPavillon des kaiserlichen Gesundheits Amts Bei. ii. d. allg. deutsche Ausst. a. d. Geb. d. Hvg. u. d. Rettungsw. 1882-3 Bresl., 1885. i, 23-63, 1 pl.—Znbcr (C.) L'exposition d'hvgieue a, Berlin. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1883, v, 727-761. Also, Reprint. BROOKLYN. Brooklyn (Thei health exhibition; held under the auspices of the local committee of arrangements of the American Public Health Association (at its seventeenth Hygiene (Museums and exhibitions of), by localities. BROOKLYN—continued. annual session), at Brooklvn, X. Y., October 22 to Novem- ber 30, ls,-9. .Sanitarian, X. Y., 1890, xxiv, 193-221. AUo, Reprint. BRUSSELS. CreteUR (L.) Compte rendu analytique de l'exposition d'hygiene et de sauvetage de la ville de Bruxelles. 8 a Bruxelles, 1-7(1. Exposition internationale de Bruxelles, 1897. Section d'hygiene. Classification generale et liste des desiderata et questions de coucours. *s°. Bruxelles, 1895. Exposition internationale et congres d'hy- giene et de sauvetage de 1876. Reglements gene'raux. 6\ Bruxelles, 1875. Deleonrt (A.) L'hygiene a l'exposition internationale de Bruxelles Mouvement hvg., Brux., 1897, xiii, 290; 337; 388, 1 pl., 1 plan—Dn illesnil (O.) L expositionet le congres d'hygiene et de sauvetage de Bruxelles en 1870. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1877, 2. s., xlvii, 5-58. Also, Reprint. BUDAPEST. Kresz (G.) Az 1885-ikiorszAgoskidllitAs nehdnyesar- noka egeszsegugyi szenipontboL [Some halls of the Na- tional Exhibition, 1885 (Budapest), from a hygienic stand- point.] Allamorvos, Budapest, 1886. CHICAGO. Illinois. State Board of Health. Zymotic diseases iu Chicago. Sanitary exhibit of the Illinois State Board of Health. "World's Colum- bian Exposition, 1893. .-:. Springfield, 1-93. -----. The same. 8Z. Chicago, 1894. Massachusetts. State Board of Health. A guide to its exhibit at the World's Columbian Exposition, department of hygiene and sanita- tion, anthropological building, 1893. 8°. [Bos- ton, 1893.] Michigan. State Board of Health. Relative to the Michigan State Board of Health exhibit in the anthropological building at the World's Columbian Exposition at Chicago in 1893. 8 . Lansing, 1-93. United Spates. World's Columbian Exposi- tion. Department of liberal arts. Circular Xo. 9. Tbe bureau of hygiene and sanitation. 8\ [Chicago, 1-93.] World's Columbian Exposition. Depart- ment of liberal arts. Circular Xo. 9. The bu- reau of hygiene aud sanitation. 8 . [Chicago, 1892.] EDINBURGH. International Exhibition, Edinburgh, 1890. Sani- tary appliances. Lancet, Lond., 1890, ii, 584; 687. ENGLAND. Sanitary (The) Institute. Founded 1875, incorporated 1-8-5 Illustrated list of exhibits to which medals and certificates have been awarded at their exhibitions held in connection with the congresses at Worcester, 1-88; Brigh- ton, 1890; Portsmouth, 1892. 8~. London, 1894. HAVRE. Havre (Ville du). Exposition internationale d'hygiene. Demande de l'admission a l'exposi- tion. [Blank form.] 4-. [Havre, 1893.] -----. Programme et reglement. 4°. [Havve, 1893.] LEMBERG. Rndzyriski (S.) Shrwo wst^pne, wypowiedziane przy rozpoczeciu wykhuldw higieny na Wszechnicy lwowskiej. [Address delivered at the opening of the hygienic exhibi- tion of Le in berg University.] Przegl. lek.. Krakow. Imvj. xxxviii, 311-314. HYGIENE. 609 HYGIENE. Hvgiene (Museums and exhibitions of), by localities. LIVERPOOL. Sanitary (The) Institute. Catalogue of the fourteenth health exhibition of sanitary appa- ratus, appliances, aud articles of domestic use and economy, to be held at Liverpool from the '24th of September to the '20th of October, 1-94. in connection with the autumn congress of the institute. 8°. London, 1>S'4. LONDON. Burgess's illustrated and descriptive guide to the International Health Exhibition, 1--I. 3. ed. 8°. London, 1 —t. Hart (JO.) The International Health Exhi- bition; its intlueuce and possible sequels. A paper read before the Society of Arts, November I 20. 1--4. S-. London, 1--4. Hornsey Local Board. Highgate. Catalogue of the sanitary appliances at the museum of the Hornsev Local Board, Highgate. - . London. [1893]." ------. First supplement to the catalogue ot the museum of sanitary appliances of the Horn- scv Local Board, Highgate, Julv, 1-94. London, [1-94]. International Health Exhibition, London, 1--4. A descriptive catalogue of the exhibits sent by the sanitary bureau of the Japanese home department. Prepared under the direc- j tiou of K. Nagai. coiniiiissioiiei. and J. Murai, as- | sistant commissioner. 8 . London, 1--4. ------. Plumbers' Congress, under the presi- dency of George shaw. -c. London, 1--I. Paukes' Muslim of Hygiene. Public meeting at the Mansion House, London, Feb. 13, 1885. - . [London, l--.">.] Petruccelli (F.) La esposizione d' igiene a Londra nell' anno 1—*4. roy. -:. Roma, 1885. Descriptive catalogue ni The Parke s Museum main- tained by tin- Sinitarv Instil ite. Tr San. Inst. Gr. Brit. 1891. Lund, l-a'2. xii' 1-63 — I.nnnbera (V.i Fran hy- gieiiis5,i .tstii li ii.fii i London 18M. [ Hygienic exposition in L"ii'L"i .18-4 1 ..i-kr. i mil. Helsov!. Stockholm. 1-85, x, 1-14—l*iirlte»* Le) Museum of Hygiene. J'tit. M. J., Lond : --5 i :;9«. MILAN. Guida ufficiale dell' esposizione medico-igie- nica, Milano, 1-9*2. - . Milano. [1-9-2]. NAPLES. Bologna alia esposizione nazionale d' igiene in Napoli, 1900. Guida ricordo con illustrazioni. 8D. Bologna, 1900. Memoria all' illustre comitate csecutive delta esposizione d' igiene in Xapoli, P.HiO. 8 . Ber- gamo, 1900. D'A. (A.) L' esposizione d igiene di Napoli. Inge- gner. san., Torino, 1900, xi, 125. NEW ORLEANS. Minnksota, State Board of Health. Minne- sota, from the standpoint of public Iiealth. Compiled by the secretary of the State Board of Health, as superintendent of Minne-ota sanitary exhibit at the exposition in New Orleans iu 1 -<>. ~-. Saint Paul, 1885. PARIS. Evans (T. W.) Catalogue of articles forming the United States sanitary collection of. . . 8°. Paris, 1-iiT. Germany. Kaiserliches Gesundheitsamt. Welt- ansstellungen zu Paris. Deutsches Reich. Ve iilvclie (Die) Hygiene auf der Weltausstellung zu Paris 1900. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Leipz. u. Berl.. 190(1, xxvi, 517. — I'roiixl. Lecon d'ouvcrture; luusec et Inhoratoirc din giene. l'i o- gres med., Par.. 1888. 2.s.. vii, -107-41 1.-Rciin« (L.i I. hy- giene i\ ^'exposition univeiselle. Ann. d'hyg., l'ar., 1889, 'A. s., xxii, 5-24. - Kii-lijii'il (E.) L'exposition internatio- nale d'hygiene du riiaiup-de-Mar.s. Kev. d'hyg., Par., 189,">, xvii. 773-800.- Thierry (II.) L'hvgieije ii l'l-^posi- tion de 1900. Hull. in. d I'm 1900, xiv, 84."); Kl.-Viil- lin (K.I L'hygieuo il l'e\position. Kev. d'hyg., Par., 1900, xxii. ,r)69; 782; 82ii - Visile* a l'exposition univei- selle de 1900; le pavilion de l.i ville de Paris. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 3. s . xliv, iii); 15'.'. — /.. Le musee d'hygiene de la Faculty de medecine dc Paris. Nature, Par., 1887-8. xvi, pt.2, 145-147. PRAGUE. Reriehl der Petitionscoraraission iiher die Petition des Anton Pfeiffer, Verwalters des offentlichen allge- meinen Krankenhauses in Keichenberg, helreffend die Einrichtung eines Landes-Hygienemuseums fiir das Kd- nigreich Bohmen in Prag. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1889. xiv, 405. SAINT PETERSBURG. Dokr(W.) Die erste allrussische hygienische Ausstellung vom il. Mai bis 10. October 1-9:1, veranstaltet von der Gesellschaft zur "Walirung der Yolksgesundheit unter Aegide Hires Ehreu- priisidenten . . . Paul Alexandrowitsch. *°. St. PiUrsburg, 1891. Klsskoye Obshtshestvo Okhraneniya Narod- navo Zdraviya. Programmi vserossiyskoi higie- nicheskoi Alstavki v S.-Peterburgie ustraivaye- moi Kusskim Obshtsliestvom Okhraneniya Xa- rodnavo Zdraviya. [Programs of the Pan-Rus- sian hygienic exposition, held in St. Petersburg, and organized by the Russian Society for the Preservation of the Public Health.] ■-■-. S.-Pe- terburg, 1>91. STUTTGART. I'min. Bericht iiber die Ausstellung fiir Hvgiene, verbunden mit der XX. "Versammlung des Deutschen Vereins fiir offentliche Gesundheitspflege in Stuttgart. Centralbl. f. allg. Gsndhtspflg., Bonn, 1896. xv, 49-50 TURIN. fluNenmof hygieue at Turin. San. Rec, Lond., 1884- 5, n. s., vi, 252. WARSAW. Rebinin (L.) 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Proceeding- of j the Board of Supervising Inspectors of Steam Ve-sels, [including their anuual report]. 18., l-6. v. 30-111.- Ituvny. Note au sujet de la fernieture des hoite- de conserve de la marine. Areh. de m6d. nav.. Par., 1896. lxvi, .".O-.'s— Itclli .M.i Relazione sanitaria snlla campagua della regia nave Colombo (anni 1,-94-0). Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1897, iii, 497; 649; Sot": 126-. -----. I tipi delle nostre navi da guerra in rap- porto all' igiene degli equipaggi. Ibid., 1-98. iv, 138-165. -----. L' higiene del mai inaio sulle navi da guerra. Ibid., 87.!; 1092; 1217: 1,-99. v, 464.-----.. Iniiova/.ioni igieniche sulle navi da guerra; i ilepo-iti frigotiferi. Ibid.. 1244- 1262. -----. Innovazioni igit-niche suite n.ivi da guerra; le fontauino per la distiiimziono dell' acqua potabile. Ibid., 1900, vi, 289-2 '9 -----. Studio igieuico sulla cosi- detta Vi'llliee -ujlclo delle navi. Ibid., 1901, vii, pt. 2. 010-024 — It< rliiinil (L.-E.) 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Atti Accad. fis.-med.-statist, di Milano. 1878. xxxix. 59-66.— Burol. Installation des -echoirs sur les navires de guerre. Arch, de nie.il. nav.. Par., 1894. lxi, 300-304.— (aiilii (V.i L igiene a bordo dei piroscafi addetti al 11 aspnrto (h-gli emigrant!; proposte di 1 'torni, . Riv. d' ig e san. publ... Koma 1-95. vi. 681-701. -1'c- | Ah-tr.1 : Atti Cong, legion, ligure, Genova, 1,-95. i. 3.-5. — 4 n upol it an I*iirdo ir.i Consideraciones sobre el servicio sanitario mai iiimii en Chile 6 indh aciones para su re forma. Ri-v. me,I (le Chih . s.,,,r. de Chile, 1,-95, xxiii, 481-499. —C'liR- ii;;iiy. I. h. _one ii bord des batinients faisaut le trans- |,"it des ],,i.-;i:. i- Rev. d'hyg.. Par.. 1899. xxi, 791-797.— ('Iit'vi'i'iil. l'i • ( uitions destinee- & assurer la purete ih 1 caii distillee servant a la boisson des liomnies embar- i, i. < Coinpi rend. Acad.d. sc. I'm., 1862. lv. 413-418.— ('i|>ollon«' (L. T.i Degli agenti infettivi che possono peneirare daila pelle e mezzi protilattici a bordo delle navi da giieini. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1895, i, 153-184.— < olliii::rifl){<' dV.l A lecture on practical points in the hygiene ot -hip- and quarantine. Lancet, Lond., 1894. i. 1111-1114. AUo: Cong, internat. d'hvg. et de demog. C.r. 1894, Budapest, 1896. v, :;9-4.-. AUo \ Absti : .1. San. Inst., Lond., 1897-8, xviii. 4"-42 —« oppinyi i i R. \\5i Sanitation afloat. Tr. vii. Internat. (Aug H\g i Demog. l-nl Lond. 1892, viii, 26-31.—t'ori'oclinno. La raci6n del m.iriiieio. Bol.de med. nav.. Madtnl. 18-7 \. 19-54.— liiim ii'. II.) Our seamen's dwelling-ath'at. [Ahstr.l J San. In-t., Lond., Is98-9. xix, 99. — Onngiiv de« Oe- xi'i-lx. P.Hides d'hygiene ii.calc Aich. de nied. nav., Par.. Is9- Isix, 424: Ixx, 5.—I>e Kii«-i'll (E.E.i Struct- ural -anitary arrangements ot ocean steamers and war- ships. Sau Rec, Lond., 1896-7, n. s., xviii, 550-552.—vnn I>«'V«'iil«-r. Werviug en geneeskundig onderzoek (ge- wi.-ht. h-iigte. bor-tmateiil der sclieep-.iongeus. Nederl. mil. gem-e-k. Arch. (etc.J. Leiden, 189.-. xxii, 493-554 — Dolennri'd I'Lesi des medecins sanitaires maritimes. Kev. d'h\ g . Par.. 1898. xx, 1057-1072.—Dutroulau. Dea HYGIENE. 612 HYGIENE. Hy;;it'll*' (Xaval). rooiliiieations introdnites dans l'hygiene navale par l'ap- piication de la vapeur a la navigation. Gaz. hebd. de med.. Par., 1804, i, 37-41. Also, Repiint. —Feeding (The) of seamen and marines on board H M. ship- and those in the Navy of the United States. J. Key. 15 Service Inst.. Lond. 1891, xxxv. 1149-1151. —France. Seesanitatsre- gleineiit liir die Kolouien nnd Schutzgehiete. Vom 31. Mar/. 1897. (Journ.off.de l'lndo-Chine franc., Seite 951.) Veriiffentl. d. k. Gsndhtsamtes, Berl.. 1897. xxi. 795: 814; 842.—Freschi (F.i [Sulla quistione d' igiene nautica re- lativa all'imbarco del sale; risposta alia lettera del prof. Angelo Bo. | Oior. A. r. Accad med.-chir. di Torino, 1858, 2. s., xxxiii. 394-418—Frottier (L.) Les medecins sanitaires maritimes. Rev. im'-d. de Nomiandie, Rouen, 1900. 187-195.—Garcia Diaz (!'.» Higiene del torpedi- sta y submarino; tres reformas. Bol. de med. nav., Ma- di id, 18,-7, x. 7-11.— Gntenood (J. D.) Physical exami- nations and sanitation m the Unired States Navy. Rep. Surg.-(ren.Navy. YVa-h.. 1897,249-25.s._<;;nz«*au. Notes d'hygiene sur le croiseur-ecole l'lphigenie: historique des amelioiations. Arch, de med. nav.. Par.. 1,-99. lxxii. 430- 444,—Qestiu. Police de Immigration : modifications a apporter au decretdu 15 mars 1861 en ce qui concerne les conditions d'hygiene et de salubrite applicahles aux na- vires charg6s du traii-port des emigrants. Rec. d. trav. Comite consult, d hvg. pul>. de France 188s. Par.. 1889, xviii, 1:;6-16D.— Explanation of the scientific principles, and of the data acquired through experience, on which the ordinances of the interna- tional maritime police were founded. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1893, Concord, 1894, xix, 137-142- I.inhart (M. H.) Wasser und Luft am Bord. Internat. Cong f. Hyg. u. Demog. Arb. Wien, 1887 vi, 19. Hft., 28-4- — I5©reiit»* i.J.) Material sanitario flotaute. Bol. de med. nav., Madrid 1—6 ix, 8; 29; 66; 87; lu5; 177; 206: 225; 249; 281 — H" William (J. O.) On the health of merchant seamen Tr. Nat Ass Proinot. Social Sc , Dubl., 1861. 509-517. AUo. Reprint—.TI a gel. De la proprete corporelle des equipages. Arch de mod. nav , Par 1-97 Ixviii. 263-270 — TIareschal iH > Observa- tions critiques sur 1'amenageraent, au point de vue hygi6 nique dun navire de commerce pour le transport des troupes au Tonkin. Arch de med. et phaini mil. Par 18K7 ix. 314-327— Jlanrel (E.) l5tude iiygienique sur le garde-cotes le Tonuerre. Arch, de med nav., Par , 1-78 Hyg'iene (Xaval). xxx, 161-192. AUo, Reprint.—.Holiirrni (G.) Rela- zioni sanitarie sulle navi; R. nave C. Colombo; relazione sanitaria della canipagna intorno all' Africa, 11 dicembre ls97-16 marzo 1899. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1899, v, 1089-1114.— Hontizninbert (F.) The Canadian system of maritime sanitation. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1-s-. Concord, 1889. xiv, 116-124. -----. Report of the com- mittee on steamship and steamboat sanitation, ibid. 1897, Concord, 1898, xxiii, 239-241.— Moore (S. G.) Marino sanitation: (a) Infectious diseases on inward bound ves- sels, (b) Crew-' ijuarters. Pub. Health, Lond., 1894-5, vii, 248-251 —Hiiniz iM. A.) Profilaxia maritima na- cional. Cron. med.. Lima. 1,-94, xi, 209-221.—Jliifioz Bnynrilo (P.) Algo sobre la racidn nautica. Bol. de med. nav., Madrid, 1891. xiv, 261-264.—>erazzini (C.) Osservazioni sanitarie cliinatologiche sulla crociera della nave Lepauto nelle acque di I.evante Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1895, i, 227; 301 —>'oclit. I'eberdas Trinkwasser auf Schiffen iu hygienischer Beziehung. Hyg. Rundschau, Berl., 1892, ii, 273-285. -----. Bemerkungen zur Senilis hygiene. Ibid., 1895, v, 637-642. -----. Feberdiegesund- heilspolizeiliche Kontrole der Seeschiffe uud iiber Schitfs- desinfektion. Ibid., 1896, vi, 193-204. -----. Uebersicht iiber die Handhabung der gesundheitspolizeilichen, der Abwehr der Einschleppung fremder Volksseuchen die- nenden Kontrolle der Seeschiffe bei verschiedenen Staaten. Arch. f. Schiffs- u. Tropen-Hyg.. Cassel, 1897 i, 21-39.— Noel. Service de sante dela marine a l'exposition. Bull. med.. Tar., 1900, xiv, 71s —Obezyaiiinoff (M.) Opit higienicheskavoizsliedovaniya vnov ustroyennikh kazarm Sibirskavo flotskavo ekipazha. (Results of hygienic in- vestigation of the newly constructed barracks for the Si- berian flotilla sailors.] Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1897, 11; 67. — Oiiiiiiiix. Notes d'hygiene snr le cnirass6 Le Gaulois. An-h. de med. nav.. Par", 1899, lxxii. 81-128, 1 pl.— Ortal. Considerations sur l'hygiene des equipages. [Abstr. | Ibid.. 1901, Ixxvi, 11S-129.— Face* i D. i Igiene ed ospedale da comhattimento della r. nave Sardegna. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1896, ii, 255- 28(>, 1 pl. — Parenago iS. N.) Sanitarniya usloviya morskol volui i plavuchie hospitali. [Sanitary conditiuiis of naval warfare and floating hospitals.] Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1899. pt. 2.163-171. — Panic della r. Accademia di medicina di Torino su due aiticoli del regolamento per il trasporto de' passeggiei i ne' viaggi marittimi, pubblicato con decreto reale 11 febbraio 1859. Gior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Torino, 1861, 2. s., xli, 305; 309; 433.— Pasqnalc (A.) Come debba essere regolato il servizio sanitario in un' azione navale, in rapporto alle moderne costruzioni delle navi da guerra ed ai mezzi at- tuali di comhattimento. Atti d. xi Cong. med. internaz. 1894, Roma, K-95. vi, chir. e med. mil., 37-41.—Piggott (E. A.) Sanitation at sea. Lancet, Loud., 1890. ii,'691.— Portengen (J. A.) Zur vergleichenden Sanitats-Sta- tistik der wichtigsten Kriegsmarinen der Erde. Arch. f. Schiffs- u. Tropen-Hyg., Leipz., 1899, iii. 2"0; 312: 1900, iv, 171; 239, 4 ch. Also, transl. [Abstr. |; Mil. - geueesk. Tijdschr.. Haarlem, 1901, v, 29-32. -----. Het Instituut voor seheepshygieno en tropische ziekten te Hamburg. Mil. geueesk. Tijdschr., Haarlem. 1900, iv, 141-143. -----. De gezondheidstoestand bij de Japansche zeemacht gedu- rende het jaar 1897. Ibid., 1901, r, 89-93— Kaoul (E.) fitude pratique sur rassainissemeut des navires et parti- culierement sur l'assainissement des transports-hopitaux. Arch, de rued, nav.. Par.. 1S85. xliii. 2-U-302. Also, Re- print — Rapetti (A.) Cenni intoino lo stato attuale dell igiene navale in Italia. Gior. . . . d. Soc med.-chir. di Torino. 1,-47, xxix,37; 129: xxx. 59; 151. — Raynaud (L.) fitude sur le service sanitaire maritime au poit de Ham- hourg et sur la station de disinfection. Rev. d hyg., Par., 1898, xx, 427-431.— Real orden de 15 de septiembre organi- zaudo las dhveciones de sanidad maritima, tomando por base el mm i in ien to de buquesextran.ieros y la situacidn ge- ografiua de lo- pueblos. Corresp med., Madrid, 1890, xxv, 298 — Rebonl. Service de sante de la division navale de Cochinchine. [Abslr.| Arch.de med. nav., Par. 1901, lxxv, 321-362. —Reglamento al cual ban de sujetarse los ejer- cicios de o|io-icion pubhea para el ingreso eu el cuerpo de sanidad de la armada aprobado por real orden de 9 de noviembre de 188s. Corresp. m6d.. Madrid, 1895 xxx, 185- 19o. —Reglamento sanitario maritimo. An. d. Dep. nac. de big. Buenos Aires, 1893 in. 200-204. — Report of the Lancet special commission on the British emigration ser- vice. Lancet, Lond. 1888, ii, 1196-1198 —Report (The) of the naval dietaries commission Ibid. 1901. ii 1284-1286.— Rho i F. i Di una bevanda igienica per i luocliisti e gli elettricisti di guardia ai rispettivi macchinari. Minist. d. Mar. xin Cong, internaz. di med x Cong, internaz. d'ig. e demog Relaz. oris e resoc. d. deleg., Roma, 1901, 153- 164 — Romeril (\V G.i Sanitation in the mercantile marine. A San Inst. Lond., 1896-7, xvh. 82; 152 22 pl — RoMnti (T.) Organizzazione esterna det servizio sani tario e di soccorso in un comhattimento navale ; navi-ospe- dali. Atti d. xi Cong. med. internaz. Is94 Roma. 1895 vi, chir emed. mil. 42-45 -----. Cermere a rnbinetto igie- nlco Ann di med. nav Roma 1900. vi. 509-516 1 pl.— «l«* Ruoeli (E. W.) Structural sanitary arrangements llYCJlEXE. 613 HYGIENE. 11ygiene (Xaval). of mean steamers ami war ships. J. San. Inst., Lond., 1S97-.-, xviii, 42-49. — Mnnidad maritima; disposicioues de caracter general. Bol. de san., Madrid, 1888, i, 398; 9s- • ii, 325. — «lo% Mailtos (D. P.) 0 corpo de saude naval brazihiro. Gaz med. da Bahia, 1899-1900, 5. s., iii, 231; 370. —Sell a Her (L.) Beitriige zur Schiffshygieue. Mili taerarzt, Widi. 18.-5. xix. 179: 188; 200: 1886, xx, 13; 30; 147. -Ncbeibe. Has Sanitats\ve-en des Reeres nnd der Flotte Dane-marks. Deutsche mil.-iirztl. Ztschr.. Berl., 1891 \x. 6SI-' s9 *5. —*e»liiii (L.i Sulla consei \ azione e distribu- I zioue dell' acqua potabile a bordo delle navi da guerra. Ann. di nied. nav., Roma, 1895, i, 501-515. Also [Abstr.]: Atti d. xi Cong. med. internaz. 1894. Roma. 1895, vi, chir. e med. mil.. 35. -----. La conservazione dell' acqua pota- bile a bordo delle navi da guerra. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1900. vi, 961-992. -----. Sui legnmi cssircati e sui loro uso iu'. a5ni. nta/ioue della gente di mare. Ibid., 1901, vii 274-2-0.—wlior (G. F.) Fsloviva zhizni i sluzhbi matrosov i .ii:>. io\ na kielseiie I rauga " Rossi- ya" s higieniche-kol tochki zrleuiya. [Conditions of life and service of the sailors and officers of the first-class cruiser "Kos-iva" from a hvgienic viewpoint.] Med. pri- bav. k morsk.'sborniku, St. l'etersb., 190(1, 26; 84; 139.— Simon. Contribution a 1 etude du marais nautique. Bull. Soc. de med. pub., Par.,.1-8.-. xi. 332-336. AUo: Arch. de nied. nav.. Par. 1--- 1 419-453. .4? o: Rev. d'hyg., Par.. 188- x. 97>-9-l. —Siiiigo (A.) Material sanitario de campana para los bat-iihoa - de infanteria de marina. Bol. de med. nav., Madrid. 1895. xvii: _4.i-2" i *>ini inoll (M.V.) Protilakticheskiya mien i'iot;\ ,-.u a/iukh b.dn-/. nel na sudakh vo Vienna daln;5h i>lavaiii\. [Piojibv- lactic measures against contagion di-i -ase- on \\ ai slnji- during distant expediiions.] Trudi V syezda Obsh. russk. vi.o. 5 v paaivat Pirogova, S.-I'etei b..* Is94. ii, 569-572.— Nmitli W M ) Maritime sanitation at the port of New Y..:5 '5-:- --rate Bd. Health 1-84. N. T 1-8'.. v. 435- 4s;; —Mvoboila i.T.'. Zdiavotni sluzba v c.„k. valecue marine. LHvgiemc condition of the navy.] Casop 16k. Cesk v Praze" :*>-A xxii. 791: p09: ls-4, xxiii, 24; 41: 6-; ]n2: 117: 134: 151: 186: 199; 233: 24s : 265; 313; 387. —Ta- hliiro V i [A glance at the hvgi. ne ol 'transports. j Cnn j Igaku Kwai Za-shi. Tokyo. 1896. .-55-S66.—Taylor (J. S.) ! Tlie in. dical supervision of tlie men untile marine. Lan- cet, Lond. 1891. ii, 343-345 —Treille (G.i Hygiene des j navires, en particulier de ceux appartenant k la marine | marchande. Internat. Cong f. Hyg. u. Demog. Aib., Wien. 1n-7 vi. 19. Hft.. 49-.-1. -----. L'hygiene navale eu 1--9. -cie:,, -s biol. & la fin du xix' siecle. Par., 1893, es; 139.—Trion (J. R.) The relation of nival architecture to pi..j..' - nitation. Proc. Ass. Mil. Surg. F. S. 1-95. Cincin., 1«:«; 275-304. AUo : Sanitarian, N. Y.. 1896, xxxvi, 122-152.—I'therniniin. L'eber die sanitatspolizeili.hen Maassnahmen zur Her-tellnng ges in.i. r T'ntei kuntt-i iin- men auf Schiffen. Vi tli-lir. f g. u i. l.i 1. M. d . B.-tl.. l'.mo. 3. F., xix, 350: \x. 114 -Vincent A.) A: Itmot 11-'.) Statistique medieale de la flotte. Arch, de med. nav., Par., Is97, lxvii, 5-26. — Wahneau. Zur Prophvlaxe der Infectionskrankheiten auf s, intt.-n und ihrer Einschlep- pnng in Hafenstatte. - J. ■ b i' ■ d. Hamb. Staatskranken- anst. 1890. Leipz.. 1892. ii. 7-55.—Wooilworth (J. M.) The satet v of skips, and of those who travel in them. Am. Pub. Health a--. Rep. 1875-6. N. Y., 1877. iii. 79-s4. AUo, Reprint.—Vnbe (T.) N^ce-site de desinfecter les reser- voirs d'ea i pota'ole des navires infectes. Actas v mem. d. i ix Cong, intern it. de hig , ueiuog. 1-98. Madrid. 1900, viii, 197-199.— Z«li ;i volnl-lu/havc. k.viilecne. marine. [Hy- g i-ne in A..- nav\ . C'a-oji. lek. cesk.. v Praze, 1883. xxii, Hyg'iene (Xaval, Manuals of). Bhczza (A. L.) Guida pratica di igiene nau- tica mercantile. 2. ed. r . Cmora, 1-ii... Fonssachivks (J.-B.) Traite d'hygiene na- vale. 2. ed.. coiiipletenieiit remanie'e it mist* Boioneuseiiieiit ;m eoiirant des progres dc l'art nautique et de l'hygiene o^norale. 8*'a Paris, l*-77. FRANCE. Departement cle la marine. Guide hygienique et uieilical pour les batiinenCs du commerce qui fre"quentent la c6te occidentale de l'Afrique. -"-. [Paris, 1850.] (iRK.MAXY. Kaiserliches Gesundheitsamt. An- leitung zur Gesuudheitsptleoe an Bord von Kauf- j fiihrtcischit't'eii. Auf Veranlassung des staats- sekretiirs des Inncrii, bearbeitet im kai>erlichen I Gesundheitsamte. 12. Berlin, l-v. I ygiene (Xaval, Manuals of). '------. The same. 2. And. 1*2'. Berlin, 1"99. Germany. Maiincsauitiitsordnung. 3 v. -og for Soma-ini. Vei- ledning for Skib-l'oii-n- og Styrunend i Suudheds- og Sygepleie ombord i Handelsskibe. [Manual for seamen. Guide for masters and mates, for the care of health on board of mercantile vessels.] "*'-'. Kristiania, [l*—*]. Wilsox ( T. W.) A guide to health iu trooi>- sbips and emigrant vessels. *8J. Calcutta, 1*54. With ((). ll.) Die (iesundheitsjiflege auf See- scliift'en, fiir Gebildete aller Stiiude, liamentlich Iiir Schiii'sol'lizicie uud Answanderer, nach fran- zosischen und englisclien i.Micllen und nach eige- nen Beobaehtunoeu bearln net. ,*• . Bvemerhaven, 1 '<>'. ■toi-cl. L'ensignement de la pathologie exotique et de rii\_iene navale en Alleiungin- Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1900, xxii, lo,.i-ioi;3 —lli'iizzn i A I,.) Norme di igiene navale. Salute, Genova, IS77, xii, 173; 194; 254; 275; 290: 1878, xiii, 52; 04; 70; 87; 99; 112; 122; 130; 148; 159; 222; 233; 246; 266. Also, Reprint. Hygiene (Periodicals relating to). Sec. also, Engineering (Sanitary. Soi ieties, etc., relating to); Hygiene (Military. Periodicals relat- ing to) ; Hygiene (Public, Societies, etc., relating 10). Almaxacco igienico popolare del Paolo Man- tegazza. v. 12, 20, 22-27, 1h77, 1885, 1*8*7-92. 12 . Milano. HYGIENE. 614 HYGIENE. Hygiene (Periodicals relating to). Amministrazione (L') sauitaria. Diretto dal dott. Alberto Ambrosi. [Semi-monthly.] Nos. 1-16. v. 1. March-Oct., 1891. 4°. Montegiorgio. Annates d'hygiene publique et de medecine legale, v. 1-50', 1829-53; 2. s., v. 1-50, 1854-78; 3. s., v. 1-48, 1879-1902. 8-\ Paris. Annali d' igiene sperimeutale. v. 1-13, 1889- 1902. -c. Roma. Archiv fur Hygiene, v. 1-41,1883-1902. 8°. Miinchen c. Roma. Ended.' Imperatorskiy Moskovskiy Universitet. Sbornik rabot higlenicheskol laboratorii Mos- kovskavo Universiteta. Pod red. F.F. Erismana. [Collection of papers from the hygienic labora- tory of the University of Moscow. Edited by Eri'sman.] Pts. 1-5,' 18-6-94. 8°. Moskva, 1—6-94. iNi'EirNERE (L") igienista. Redattore : G.Fas- sio. [Semi-monthly.] v. 1-2, 1900-1901. 4°. Tort mo. Current. Ixgei'XERIA (L') sanitaria. Rivista mensile te< nico-igienica illustrata. Direzione: Fran- .•e>co Corradiui. v. 1-12, 1890-1901. fol. Torino. Current. Jahrbucher des Sanitiitswesens im Konig- reiche Baiern. Hrso. von Simon Haberl und Maximilian Jaeobi. No. 1,v.i, 1810. 8J. Lands- hut. Son. 2-3 wanted to complete. Jahresberichte iiber die Fortsehritte und Lei-tun^en auf dem Gebiete dor Hygiene in den Jahren I--3-99. -:. Braunschweig, 1884-1901. Current. Journal (The) of Hygeio-Therapy and Anti- Vaccination. Edited and published monthly bv Dr. T. V. Gilford Ac Co. v. 1-11, 1887-97. -o. Kokomo, Ind. Journal d'hygiene. v. 11-28, 18-0-1902. 4. Paris. Journal (The) of Hygiene. Edited bv G. H. F. Nuttall [et al.]. [Quarterly.] v. 1-2, 1901- 1902. roy. e°. Cambridge. Current. Journal of the Massachusetts Association of Boards of Health, v. 1, 6,10,11, li-91-1901. 8-. West Newton, Mass. Journal of the Sanitarv Institute. Published quarterly, v. 15-23, April, 1894-1902. 8°. Lon- don. Current. Journal (The) of Public Health; or, Family Guide to Medicine. By James Scott. [Monthly.] v.i, 1-23. 8°. London. Journal (Tlie; of State Medicine, being the official organ of the British Institute of Public Hvg'iene (Periodicals relating to). iiealth. [Monthly.] v. 1-10, August, 1892-1902. 8°. London. Current. Jurnal Russkavo Obstshestva Okhraveniya Narodnavo Zdraviya. [Journal of the Russian Socit'tv for the Preservation of the Public Health.] v. 1-2, 1891-2; v.8-11, 1898-1901. 8°. S.-Peterburg. Kknner's Journal of Health. Edited by Robert C. Kenner. [Monthly.] Nos. 1-5, v. 1, Dec, 1895, to April, 1896. 8°. Louisville, Ky. Knare ((!.) Kritische Annalen der Staats- nr/neikunde fiir das neunzehute Jahrhundert. v. 1. 8°. Berlin, 1805. ----- A Heck Kit (A. F.) Kritische Jahr- bucher der Staatsarzneikuude fiir das ueun- zehnte Jahrhundert. 2 v. «">. 7*9. fol. Barcelona. Salute pubblica. v. 1-14, 1889-1901. 8°. Perugia. Sanitarian (The), v. 1-4-, 1873-1902. 8°. Neiv York. Sanitarisch-demographisches Wochenbul- letin der Sebweiz.. v. 1-9, 1894-1902. --. Bern f Leipzig. Current. Sanitarnoye dielo ; yezhenedielnly organ obshtshestvennoi i chastnoi higieni. [ Sanitary Journal; weekly organ of public and private hygiene.] Nos." 12-25, v. 10: v. 11-12, Oct. 9, 1890, to Dec. 31, 1892. 4->. S.-Peterburg. Sanitary (The) Annual, and record of sani- tarv science, 1-89. 8C. London. Sanitary (The) Inspector, v. 1-14,1887-1901. 8-. Augusta, Me. Sanitary (The) Journal. A journal of hy- giene and public health. N. s., 1878-1902. 8°. Glasgow. Sanitary (The) Record. N. s., v. 1-29, 1879- 1902. sm. 4J. London. Sanitary (The) Volunteer. A monthly jour- nal in the interest of healthful homes and com- munities. The official organ of the New Hamp- shire State board of health. Irving A. Watson, editor, v. 1, l3-9. 8. Concord, N. H. Ended. Sanitation in the West. The official organ of the Sanitarv Inspectors' Association (western district). [Monthly.] Nos. 1-1-. v. 1, March, 189-', to Aug., 1893. 4. Tiverton (England). Sante (La) humaine. Le gerant: J.-N. Gung'l. [Monthly.] v. 1-3, June 10,1899-1901. 4°. Paris. Current. Saratovskaya zemskaya nedlelya. [Weekly of the Saratov Government zemstvo.] 189--9. 8°. Saratov. SARATOVSKiYsanitarnly obzor. Zemsko-medi- tsinskiy zhurnal, izdavayemiy 2 raza v miesyach guberuskim zemstvom. [Saratov Sanitary Re- view. Medical journal issued twice a month by the government zemstvo of Saratov.] v. 1-4, 1891-4. Sa Saratov. Schweizerische Blatter Pur Gesundheits- pflege. v. 1-17, 1885-190-;. 8-. Ziirich. Semanario de saude publica pela Sociedade de medicina do Rio de Janeiro, v. 1, 1831. fol. Rio de Janeiro. Shiritsu Eiseikwai Yamaguchi Shikwai Zashi. [Journal of the Yamaguchi Sanitarv Society.] [Monthly.] No. 34, May, 1893. 8a Yamaguchi. Japanese text. Sputnik zdorowa. [Vademecum of Health.] Edited by V. I. Ranini. [Weekly.] v. 1-3, 1-9--1901. 4-. S.-Peterburg. Current. With monthly supplement. Scomen Terve\denhoito-Lehti. Duodecim- seuran toimittama ja Ktistautama. [Finnish Leaflets for Sanitary Science. Issued by Duode- cim publishing company and editor.] * v. 1-2, 18-9-90. 8\ Hehingissa. HYGIENE. 617 HYGIENE. Hygiene (Periodicals relating to). ' 1 'eciinoi.ogie ^La) sanitaire. Moniteur des distributions d'eau et de rkygiene applique**. [Semi-monthly.] v. 1-8, August, 1-95-1902. - . Louvain. Current. Texas i The} Health Journal. Edited by J. R. Brings, v. 1-9. July, 1888. to Jan., 1897. s . Dallas. Continued under title : Trxna Medical Practitioner. Tijdschriktvoor sociale hygiene en openbare gezondheidsregiling. K'ed.: M. YV. Pijuappel. [Monthly.] v. 1-4, 1-99-190:2. - . Zwolle. Current. Ufkiciale (L') sanitario. Rivista d' igiene pratica e sperimeutale. Kcdattore: Carlo Ma- olieii. Direttore: Prof. A. Spatuzzi. [Monthly.] v. 3-12, 1-90-99. -\ Napoli. Ended, v. 1-2 has title: Kiti-lit d' igiene pratica e Bperinientale. Yerokfixtlichi Ni'EN des kaiserlichen Ge- snndheilsamtes. v. 1-20.1*77-1902. - . Berlin. Yoyen.no- saniiarnoye dielo; yezhenediel- noye izdanie dlya vrachei i otitserov. [Army sanitary journal; weekly edition for physicians and officers.] v. 0-10, 1— 0-90. 4C. S.-Peter- burg. Ykachebxo-saxitarniy listok SimbirskoT gu- bernii. [Medico-Sanitary Gazett. of the Gov- ernment of Simbirsk.] v. 3. 1-9-. Nos. 5-12, 23- 24. v. 4-0. l-L'9-1901. 8-. Simbirsk. Current. Zdorovye. Gazeta politii heskaya, obshtshe- stvenuava i literaturuo-nauchnaya. [Health. Political, social, literary, aud scientific gazette. Published 3 times per week.] Nos. 1-11, v. 1, Aug. 11 to S. pt. 4. 1—5. fol. S.-l'itcrburg. Zdravi. L;-t prakticke"ho zdravotnictvi a hvgienv skolni. Red.: Y. Preininger. [Month- ly.] v. 4-7, 1-9—1901. -. r Praze. Current. Zdrowie. Mie-iecznik poswi^cony hygjenie publicznej i prywatnej. [Health. Monthly paper devoted to public aud private hygiene.] Red.: J. Polak. v. 16-17, 190i»-1901. S-. Warszawa. Current. Zeit-chrift fiir Fleisch- uud Milchhygiene. Hr--. yon Robert <"(stertag. v. 1-12, Oct'., 1890- 1902. -?. Berlin. Current. Zeuschrift fiir Hygiene, v. 1-39, 1--0-1902. - . Leipzig. Hygiene (Personal). See. also, Baths; Beauty; Children (Hy- giene of ; Cleanliness; Clothing; Dancing; Defecation ; Ear ( Hygiene of); Enemata: Eye, Foot, Hair, /li/gnue of; Handkerchiefs; Hy- giene \ Female,; Hygiene (Popular. Handbooks, etc., relating to); Hygiene (Sexualr. Hygiene (Teaching of); Hygiene of old age; Infants (Hygiene, etc., of5; Infants (New-born, Can of); Mouth (Hygiene of); Teeth. (Can of); Urina- tion. Albu (J.) Hand uud Fuss: ihre Pilege, ihre Krankheiten und deren Verhiitung, nebst Hei- lung. 16-. Leipzig, 1895. Alcott (\V. A.) Lectures on life aud health; or, the laws and means of physical culture. -1. I lost on, 1855. Arnim (AnnaL.) Health maps. A complete series of prescribed exercises of the body for daily use, for maintaining the health in a state of iu- t'grits, for collect ing any tendencies to func- tional irregularities, and for resisting the en- croachments of disease. 5 v. obi. 12-5 Lon- don, 18*7. I I ygiene (Personal). Aziu'K.-v higieni: kak sokhranyat zdorovye. [The A B (' of hvgiene; how to preserve one's health. ] 8 . Moskva. 1892. B. (M.) The powei of soap and water; a dream that came true. Ki . Norwich, [n. d.]. Barkan (L.) How to preserve health. 8 . New Yovk, 1890. Beddoks (il.) Habit and health; a book of golden hints for middle age, derived from the works of eminent medical men, aud edited by . . . with especial refereure to ailments besetting professional and business men at the present day. 12 . London, 1890. Bedi rfnisse der vornehmen Welt. Ein Be- lehrungs- und Unterhaltungsbiich fiir Erwach- sene gebililcteu Standes. Insonderheit ein hy- gienischer Wegweiser. 12-. Cruz, 1901. Bellows (A. J.) How not t<> be sick. A sequel to "Philosophy of eating". 2. ed. 8a Boston, 1-09. [Bexti.ev (J.)] Health made easy for the people; or, physical training, to make their lives, iu this world, long and happy. 1. Am. ed. 1-J. Philadelphia, 1-51. Berg (IT.) Vara underkliider, ofversattniug och bearbetning af Lahnianns reform, jiimte ett bihaug fran hiilsaus synpunkt om niausdn'ikteu. [Our underclothing, translation and adaptation of Lahmann's reform, with an appendix on men's clothing from the hygienic standpoint.] 83. Stockholm, 1895. Beroer(P.) Es ist ungesund. Gesundhcits- regclu fiir Jedeniiaun. 12°. Berlin, 1885. Bf.rtele (G. A.) Yersuch einer Lebenserhal- tungskunde. 12-. Landstiut, 1-03. Beullac (J.-P.) Manuel d'hygiene, ou in- struction sur les diverses pr6cautious & prendre pour se preserver des maladies e"pide"miques et contagieuses, telles que la fievre jaune, le ty- phus et les hevres jaunes dites pestilentielles. K-. Paris, 1825. Bock (C. E.) Ban, Leben und Pflege des nienschlicheu Korpers in Wort uud Bild, nach vorheriger Begutachtung durch Schulmanner fiir Schiiler hrsg. 15. Aufl., neu dureligesehen von Max Zimmermann. 12-. Leipzig, 18-4. -----. Das Buch vom gesunden und kranken Menschen. Hrsg. vou Max von Zinimerinauu. 8-. Philadelphia, [1-89], -----. Tlie same. S # Leipzig, 1893. -----. Supplement-Band zu alien Ausgaben von . . . Buch vom gesunden und kranken Men- schen. 2. Aufl. 12 . Leipzig, 1800. -----. Thesame. Supplement till helsoliira, eller kunskapen om den friska och sjuka nien- niskan Ofversattniug afO. B. Grafstrom. -\ Stockholm, 1854. BoE.Vs (II.) Grand traite d'hygiene popu- late. L'art de vivre. 4. ed. 4 . rerviers, 18.-;,. -----. The same. L'art de vivre. Traite complot d'hygiene et de medecine a l'usage des gens du monde. 8 , Bruxelles, [n.d.]. Boili.ey (P.) Le lY'gulateur de la santi5, ou instructions physiologiques a l'aide desquelles on pent facilement apprecier quelle est la vraie cause des maladies, les moyens faciles de les prevenir, [etc.]. 4. eil. 8 / Paris, 1-39. Bo.mekoe (C.) Suite de nouveaux clemeus de nie"deciiie, ou troisieme partie des reflexions physiques sur les moieu-t de prolouger la vie, et de conserver la sante. Avec trois petits traitez ajoutez, noiivellenieiits traduits en fiaucois par uu untitle cliirurgieu. 10 . Paris, 109-. Bouin'.wvNs (M.) Dienstich ende gheuuehe- lijck tyt-verdryf vom sieckeu ; om gliesont te wordeu, a\ voor gliesonde oin uiet sieck te zyn : HYGIENE. 618 HYGIENE. Hygiene (Personal). Iiandelende van alle die menschen de welcke in een sieckhuys van noode sijn, nameutlijcke de sieck-maerten, ofte die hun dienen en bystaen. Tot troost en onderwijs van den krancken; beschreven in vloeyende reden eu tot lichter onthouden, en vermaeck vande selve, met veel fraeye kortbondighe spreucken, geschiedeuisseu en dichtieus doorvlochte. 16c. Antwerpen, 1654. Bruinsma (Y.) Ons licham en onze gezond- heid. Leerboekje over de samenstelling en de werkiug van het menschelijk lichaam, de be- ginselen der gezondheidsleer en de eerste hulp bij ongelukken. 8°. Groningen, 1900. Buck (J. D.) A study of man, and the way to health. 8-. Cincinnati, 1889. Carlisle (A.) The means of preserving health and prolonging life. 8°. London, 1841. Carrara (G. L.) II medico di se stesso, ovvero avvertimenti al popolo intoino alia pro- pria salute. 3. ed. 8-. Milano, 1825. Chambers (R.) The conditions of health and long life, with practical directions for their preservation aud attainment. With notes aud additions by the American editor. 16°. New York, 1846. Chambers (T. K.) The renewal of life; clini- cal lectures illustrative of the restorative system of medicine, given at Saint Mary's Hospital. 8°. London, 1852. -----. The same. 2. Am. from the 4. Lond. ed. 8°. Philadelphia, 1866. Chevalier (P.) *An functionum integritas a spiritibus? I».- Sigwart (G. F.) Quisstiones med. Par. 4°. Tu- biwjoe, 1789, i, 68-71. Cheyne (G.) An essay of health and long life. 12°. London, 1725. -----. The same. 6. ed. 8a London, 1725. -----. The same. Regies sur la sante", et sur les moyens de prolonger la vie. Trad, de l'anglois par M. . . . 2. 60. 16°. Bruxelles, 1727. Clement (E.) Hygiene et bien-etre. Pr6- ceptes pour vivre longtemps. Utility des re- gimes aux ditfe~reuts ages de la vie. 16°. Paris, 1886. Coale (W. E.) Hints on health, with familiar instructions for the treatment and preservation of the skin, hair, teeth, eyes, etc. 16°. Boston, 1852. -----. The same. 12°. Boston, 1857. Coleman (W. T.) Notes on health; showing how to preserve or regain it, by diet, regimen, etc. With a familiar explanation of the chief functions of the human body, and their relation to the mind. 12°. London, 1860. Comi (A.) Cenui sulla protopatica delle ma- lattie, con la scoperta di un semplice e facile prolilattico utile alia conservazioue della salute iudividuale dell' uomo. 12°. Roma, 1870. Common sense; or, the Abernethian code of health and longevity; founded on the principles and practice of John Abernethy. 12°. London, 1834. Conseils aux gens du monde. L'art de pro- longer la vie par l'alimentation. 8C. [Paris, 1833.] Conseils d'un pere h sou tils, sur le moyen d'etre heureux et de conserver la saute"; par un Parisien. 2. e"d. 8°. Paris $ Geneve, [n. d.]. Conservateur (Le) dela saute, ou l'art de prolonger ses jours par des moyens simples et a la portee de tout le monde, public d'apres les preceptes des homines les plus eelebres de l'au- tiquite et de nos jours, [etc.]. 12:. Lyon, 1858. Constantine (J. ) Health aud activity in middle and later life; witli a portrait of Mr. Isaac Holdeu, M. P. 8. London, 1-90. I ygiene (Personal). "Culverwell (R.J.) Guide to health and long life; or, what to eat, drink, and avoid; what exercise to take; how to control and regu- late the passions and appetites; aud on the gen- eral conduct of life, whereby health may be se- cured, and a happy and comfortable old age attained; to which is added a popular exposi- tion of Liebig's theory of life, health, and dis- ease. 8-'. New Yovk, 1849. -----. The same. 8°. New York, 1850.„ -----. Thesame. 8\ New York, 1867. -----. The same. 8°. Cincinnati, [n. d.], Curtis (J. H.) Observations on the preser- vation of health in infancy, youth, manhood, and age; with the best means of improving the moral and physical condition of man. 16°. London, 1857. -----. Thesame. Simplicity of living. 12°. London, 1842. Delabost ( R. ) * La proprete' corporelle, moyens de l'obtenir; bains-douches de propret6. 8-. Paris, 1899. -----. The same. 8°. Rouen, 1899. Desmartis (T.) L'art d'acquerlr de l'embon- point et de le conserver, avec une preface. 12°. Paris, [n. d.]. Devay ( F. ) Des perfectionnements qu'on pourrait apporter au bien-etre de l'individu et de l'espece par une saine application des prin- cipes de la phvsiologie de I'homme. 8°. Lyon, 1841. Repr.froin: Rev. du Lyonnais. Dewey (E. H.) The true science of living; the new gospel of health; practical and physio- logical story of an evolution of natural law iu the cure of disease,for physicians and laymen; how the sick get well, how the well get sick; alcoholics freshly considered. 8°. Norwich, Conn., 1895. Diamantopoulos (A. T.) 'OSnyiai vyieivat irpbc ttjv Koc/ugciv Kai fiaKpoBiorgra tov auparog rov av&poy-ov. 8U. 'Ei> 'A-&gvaic, 1874. Dock (J. W.) Ueber den Einfluss der Bewe- gung, Arbeit und Rube auf -die Gesundheit. 2. Aufl. 8°. St. Galien, 1886. Doherty(W. B.) You and your doctor. How to prolong life; a practical book ou health aud the care of it; a fearless expose" of all quacks aud frauds within and without the medical pro- fession. 8-. Chicago, [1900]. Dukes (C.) The preservation of health as it is affected by personal habits, such as cleanli- ness, teinperauee, etc. 16°. London, [1884]. Dyes (A.) Zwei Hanptmittel zur Verlange- rung des menschlichen Lebens. Die kiinstliche Blutentziehung uud das Chlorwasser. 8°. Neu- wied, Berlin de la vie, avec I'etude raisonnee des iu- | -tincts et des passions de l'hoiinne, et l'exposi- tion des nioyens naturels de prolonger I'exis- tence en assurant la conservation 5 T., 1892, cliv, 281-28t>.—Edwards (G. A.) "Which animal has the more common sense, man or beast? A plea for more moderate living. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago. 1896, xxvi, 465-468.— Farie* iR.) Medico-hvirienic care of the body. Ann. Hyg.. Phila., 1896, xi, 193-198.—Feret (A.) L'hygiene physique et morale de l'adolesceut. J. d'hyg., Par'., 1897, xxii, 559-561.—Fiijimm-a (I.) Jibunga taishitsuo yohe. [How one can take good care of his own health.J Saitama Eisei Zashi, 1893, no. 97, 7-17— Garcia (E. R.) Los ejer- cicios fisicos: la higiene. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1893, Concord, 1894, xix. 218.—Orellety (L.) De l'hy- giene et du regime alimentaire pendant l'ete. et en voyage. J. d'hyg., Par., 1886, xi, 305; 321.—Hartwell (E. M.i Military drill and gymnastic training iu phvsical culture. Boston M. & S. J.,'1886, cxv, 249-253.—Herrick (S. S.i Physiology and hygiene vs. athletics in public education. Proc. Sta'te San. Convent., Sacramento, 1895, 22-32.— Hewitt (C. N.) Report of the committee on the duties and responsibilities of tbe healthy man, for his own and others' health. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep., Co- lumbus, 1898, xxiv, 270-280.—Hill (L.) Ou rest, sleep and -work and the concomitant chances in the cir- culation of the blood. Lancet, Loud.. 1898, i, 282-285.— Hiigueiiiii (P.) Hygiene de la saison chaude. Con- cours med., Par., 1897, xix, 389-31U.— Hunt (E. M.) The prevention of micropliytic diseases by individual prophy- laxis. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. IssT. Concord, 1888, xiii, 28-33.—Hutton (H. R.) The care of health in child- hood and youth. Health Lect., Lond. i Manchester, 1888, xi, 137-152.—Importance (De 1) de l'hematologie pour la conservation de la saute et la prolongation de la vie. Sante. Brux., 1S57-8. 2. s., ix. 112: 12... — lull) taudet (Om) af sunda klader och baddar pa halsan i eu 100 ar gammal artikel). [The influence of healthful clothes and baths on the health (an article 100 years old).j Halso- vannen, Stockholm, 1900, xv. 180.—Jackson I J. A.) Hygiene of adolescence. Med. Age. Detroit, l-9(i. \iv 742-746.-MeI!©«« (J. H.) The'religion of the bodv. Good Health. Battle Creek, 1897, xxxii, 1-4.—Laiimonier (J.) Considerations pratiques sur les regimes en sant6 et en etat pathologique. Bull. g6n. de therap. [etc.|, Par., 1898, cxxxv, 288; 401; 4sl; 561.—Leech (D. J.) Personal care of health. Health Lect., Lond.. 1885, vi, 77-95.— ITIcSherry (R.) The preservation of health. Sanitarian, N. 15. Is83. n. s.. i, 673; 688. — .TI |aj{iiiis*oii| (G.) Likainsvarnir og lifsafl. |Piophvlaxi- and the force of life.J Eir, Reykjavik, 1899, i, 81-'J.5 —Parsons (R. W.) The art of keeping cool, with special lefeience to the proper use of water. Med. Xews X. Y l'.ioo, lxxvii, 488-490.—Priestley (J.) Adolescence. Health Lect., Loud. & Manchester, 1888, xi. 105-117. — Baud i.l. 15) Autoprophylaxis: every man his own germicide. Tr Am. Inst. Homceop., Phila..'L-96, 981-99U.— Iteusn (L.i L edu- cation physique a 1 £\ole Monge. Ann. d hvr Par. 1888. 3. s., xx, 289-299 Richardson (B. W.i The seed- time of health. Tr. Brighton Health Cong. 18-1 Lond., [18S2], 1-23. AUo, Reprint. -----. The storage of life as a sanitary study. Tr. San. Inst. Gr. Brit., Loud., 1887-8, ix, 490-511.—Bosse (I. C.) Personal cleanliness and the hygiene of public conveyances. Med. Rec, >T. Y., 1898, liii, 321-323.-Sargent (D. A.) The effects of military drill on boys. Boston M. & S. J., 1886, cxv, 245-249 [Dis- cussion |. 258— Schaafl hauscn (H I Feber die Kunst, HYGIENE. 623 HYGIENE. Hygiene (Personal). gesund zu leben. In his: Anthrop. Studien 85, Bonn, 1S.».">. 274-293. — Mchnefler iE. M.) The revival iu physi- cal education and personal h\ giene. Tr. M. .V Chir. Fac. M.uviand, Bait., ls'.M. 32.-.-337. ——. The hygiene of bodilv culture. Rep. Am Ass. Adv. Phys. Educat. 1S95. Concord, 1896, x, 77-83 -Neelye (H. HA Tests of special senses and their relation to pei>onal hygieue. Ibid., S. Haven, 1894, ix. 10-17— Mibbald -T \York and rest. Ediub. Health Soc. Health Lect., 1885-6. 6. s.. 99-120.— Miiupsou (H.) The care of health iu maturity and mid- dle age. Health Lect., Lond. &■ Manchester, 1888 xi, 1 (1-133.— Mmiih i F. W.) The importance of health and th. value ot ilu t ami e\ei i m> in maintaining it. St. Louis Clinique, lA'i'. i\ J■ ■'.>-_'',<"■ iipoll J.) Pfiponienuti lekarskfi h'.edii i 5 mliAni .,h.i\i -.Aana z rozpnivek duvernych drzeuj-ch s M. M.nki-, .. (Medical recol- lections of au onlooker concerning the preservation of health, collecti d. from the review of private papers by M. Markus Ca-")> l£k. cesk., v Praze. ls.-7. xxvi, tHT i't'3 — *lii-liiij{ - W5 Tear aud wear. Edinb. Health Soc Health I.eet .'is»i'.-7. vii. 119-137 -Mluter 15) The relation >•( t'o<»d air. and exercise to he.una growth and development. J. Am. M. Ass. Chicago 1 .■>'.'>» xxx. 362.— Nmuiiirro (T. O.) Rest, recreation and repair. St loi s Cliuique, 1896, ix. 91-106 — **ollo»> »A.) A gya- logmenetekrol eg^szs^gtauiszeuii'onthol \\ alking. from asanitaiv standpoint.) Honven>i \, s r.mi.i])e—Teale (T. P.) Dust and ti. -Ai a .;■ 1 ..» to keep out the one and let in the otlu-i. .1. Soc. Arts, Lond., 1891-2, xl, 235-241.— Ti«*ie. I. entiain, ment phvsique chez I'homme sain. Mem. et hull. Soe de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1896). 1897. 121-146. -I"»peu«ki iP. I.) O vliyanii postanovki tulovishtsUa na orgauizm. [Influence of "the condition of the body on the oiganAm. Eieui-d. klin. gaz.. St. Petersb., l-s'.i ix. 221-2.'.'.—de Varigii) (H La vie aseptique. Kev. gen de l.mi-ep^ nied. et elm., Par., 1896. ix. 22; 38. AUo [Abstr.' Compt. rend. Svc. de biol.. Par.. 1896, 10. s., iii, 123 —Vindevosjel (J.) t i:nt apercu sui l'art de conserver .-ante er vigueur et d'ecarter les maladies et les maux plivshpit -s et u ia ix. Org. Confrat. nwd.. Brux.. 1»'.".' xviii, no. 12. 1-8. -Watt* (J.) The loss of wealth bv the h— of health. Health Lect.. Lond.. 1-7--.' ii lil-U' — Wolll II Feber Mittel und Wege hvgiemsi he Hi Id ung in- Y,,'k ?u tiageii Zt-( hr. f. Med.nJeamte, Berl.. 1901, xiv. 433-440.- Va vein (G.I.) Kak sokhranit molodost. I How to preserve youth J. russk. Obsh. okhran. narod. zdrav., St. Petersb., 1?99 ix, 425-453. Hygiene (Popular, Handbooks and direc- tories relating to). >'".. also. Hygiene (Periodicals relating toy, Hygiene (Personal). Aiiaii; J. MA An essay on regimen for the preservation of health, especially of the in- dolent, studiou-, delicate, and invalid; illus- trated hy appropriate cases: to which are ad- ded, oliservations on -what i- vulgarly termed catching cold, on the art of mending health, on fashionable diseases, on lady and gentlemen doctors, and on quacks and quackery, [etc.]. 1-2C. Air. 1799. Alcott (W. A.j The lavs*, of health. 8°. Boston, 1-59. Andkus (J. M.) House-plants as sanitary agents; or, the relation of growing vegeta- tion to health and disease. Comprising also a consideration of the suhjeet of practical floricultuie. aud of the sanitary intlm-ines of forests aud plantations. --. Philadelphia, 1—7. Axdekmi.v (T. A.) Tin* practical monitor, for the preservation of health and tlie preven- tion of disease-. = . Philadelphia ,y Knosville, l-l'.l. Arokecm Pillay ( S,) An epitome of hy- giene, or easy lessons on the elementary prin- ciples of the laws of health. .Specially designed for popular use and for the use of vernacular schools. 2. ed. - . Bangalore, l"-5. Sanscrit text. Balmer Rinck (J.J Die Gesundheit. Ein Wort an Gesunde und Kranke. Von einem be- wahrteu Arzte gepriift uud zur Beherzigiing empfohlen. Deu Arheiterfainilien gewidmet. 8-. Basel, 1--5. E. ) Letters to the happiness, s . New The child's hook of health schools. Revised ed. lfi°. IIYt;icll(> (Popnlar, Handbooks and direc- tories relating to). ------. The same. I.a sante. Avertisseiuent aniical adresse" aux bien-portants et aux ma- lades. Traduit de l'alleniaud par C Steinheil. Examine et leeonimande' par un niedeciu expe- riments. 8 . Utile, [n. d.]. Bai'DKax (15.) Conferences populaires d'hy- giene. Avec nne appreciation de Monsieur h* protesseur Brounrdel. -'. Paris, [1 -'.»?]. Becijierel (L.-A.) Tiaite clcmcntaire d'hy- giene privee et publique. 2. e\l. 1'23. Paris, 1851. ------. The same. 3. ed., avec additions et bibliographic par E. Beaugraud. lvJJ. Paris. 1854. Beechei: (Catherine people, on health and York. l-.V.. Bikgei. i s. i Handboekje der gezondlieidsleer. - . (iorinehem. 19<»(t. Bis>r.i.L (Marv T.) Household hygiene. lvi-. New York, 1-•.)(».* Blaisdei.l (A. E.J in easy lessons for Boston, 1"9'5. ------. How to keep well. A text-book of health for use iu the lower grade of schools with special reference to the effects of alcoholic driuks, tobacco, aud other narcotics on the hodily life. Revised ed. T2 . Boston, 1893. ------. Our bodies aud how we live. An elementary text-book of physiology and hy- giene for use in schools, with special reference to the effect of alcoholic drinks, tobacco, and other narcotics on the bodily life. Revised ed. lv!-. Boston. 1895. Brands (0. M.) Good health for children, in easy le-sons. upon food, drink, air, and exercise. Revised ed. T2C. Boston 4' New York, [l*iH']. ------. Health lessons for beginners. [Re- vised ed.] A physiology and hygiene, with spe- cial reference to the effect of alcoholic drinks and other narcotics upon the human system. T2:. Boston .I New York, [1"91]. Breyer (E. A.) Die Feiude des Meuschen- lebens. lv!-. Wien, 1894. Brown* (E. F.) The house I live in; Or, an elementary physiology for children in the public scuooK. with special reference to the nature of alcoholic driuks and narcotics, and their effects upon tlie human system. T2-. New York, Cin- cinnati <)• Chicago, [l-,-i3]. ------. Youth's temperance manual. An ele- mentary physiology. Prepared with special re- ference to the nature of alcoholic drinks and narcotics, and their effects upon the human system, and iu accordance with the require- ments of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union. lv! . AVir York, Cincinnati f Chicago, [18-8]. Bucktox (Catherine M.) Health iu the house; twenty-live lecture*, on elementary phys- iology in its application to the daily wants of man and animals, delivered to the wives and children of workingmien iu Leeds aud Saltaire. - . London, 1-?.">. Bl'i'('i'i:.\EVK (A.) Hygiene generale com- prenant: I. L'hygiene alimeutaire. II. Les dyspepsies. III. L'hygiene des ages, la louge"- vhe\ EJa Paris, l-i»0. (,'axcai.ox (A.-A.) L'hygiene nouvelle dans la faniille. Preface du Dr. Dujardiu-Beaumetz. roy. - . Paris, l^'.rj. ------. The same. 8-'. Paris, [1-95], Carvallo \.l.) Elementos de higiene pri- vada. \2°. Paris, 1895. HYGIENE 624 HYGIENE. Hygiene (Popular, Handbooks and direc- tories relating to). Castrucci (E.) Igiene popolare. Le sta- gioui. Ki-. Roma, 1-**?. Cen'tazzi (G.) Hygiene e medicina popular. v. 1. 8-1. Lisboa, 1841. Chiaui-ttixi (E.) L' igiene nei suoi tratti fondamentali, esposta in forma catechetica, spe- ciahnente ai maestri delle scuole rurali a loro guida teorico-pratica. 2. ed. ^ Udine, 1884. Child's health primer for primary classes, with special reference to the effects of alcoholic drinks, stimulants, and narcotics upon the hu- man system. 12c. New York, 1885. Coles (L. B.) The philosophy of health; or health without medicine; a treatise on the laws of the human system. 8. ed. 16°. Boston, 1849. -----. The same. Philosophy of health; natural principles of health and cure, or health and cure without drugs; also the moral bearings of erroneous appetites. 2-5 thousand. lvi-. Boston, 1851. -----. The same. 39. ed., revised and en- larged. 8°. Boston, 1851. Collineau (A.-C) L'hygiene a I'ecole; pe"- dagogie scientirique. 12°. Paris, 1889. Combe (A.) The principles of physiology applied to the preservation of health, and to the improvement of physical aud mental education. 5. ed. lvi A Edinburgh, 1836. -----. The same. (i. ed. 8' . Edinburgh, 1850. Contini (D. C.) Manuale d' igiene popolare per uso delle scuole elementari e degl' istituti di educazione. 2. ed. 8r. Roma, [n. d.]. Cokiveaud (A.) Hygiene des families, lv! . Paris, 1890. Cokrea (J. A.) Novo tratado de hygiene, ou tratado completo dos nieios de conservar a saude, prolongar a vida, precaver as infermi- dades por via do regimen, e nieios preservatives, e enrar algunias jfi existentes por via do regi- men e remedies racionaes; obra, utilissinia e neeessaria a todas as possoas, seja qnal for sua protissao, estado e condicao. 12°. Braga, 1857. Ccstfj: (G.) Oeffent Iiche und private Ge- sundheitspflege in popularen Vorlriigen und Aufsiitzen. 8°. Ziirich tf- Stuttgart, 18-7. Cutter (C.) First hook ou anatomy., phy- siology, and hygiene, for grammar schools and families. 12°. Boston, 1*49. -----. The same. A treatise on anatomy, physiology, and hygiene; designed for colleges, academies, and families. Revised ed. 8D. Philadelphia, 1852. -----. Second book ou analytic anatomy, physiology, aud hygiene, human aud compara- tive. For academies, grammar schools, and families. 12-. Philadelphia. 1872. -----. The same. lvi tabu mabadiyin at- tashrihi wa 'lfisiyulujiya wa 'Ihijiyin liawladi 'lmailarisi; tarjamahii an aslin inglizin alquasu Jurj Bust. [Book of the elements of anatomy, physiology, and hygiene, for students. Transl. from ihe original English by the priest George Bust.] 2. ed. -"-. Beyrouth, 1-89. De Giaxa (V.; Piccola enciclopedia di medi- cina ed igiene. Ad uso delle famiglie. 2. ed. v. 1-3. 8 . Trieste, 18,-5-7. De-Petri (P.) Manuale popolare d' igiene ad uso dei coutadiui, conteuente le regole principali per couservare la salute dell' uomo. Uu' istru- zione popolare sui funghi. I precetti raziouali piu elementari pel buon governo del bestiame domestico. I primi soccorsi da prestarsi nei tristi accidenti. Utili cognizioui di medicina Hygiene (Popular, Handbooks and direc- tories relating to). domestica sopra alcune piante piu comuni. Uu' appendice di consigli salntari alia gente di cainpagna. 2. ed. 8-. Milano, 1885. De S.vnti (.(;.) Conferenze sull' igiene appli- catu alia scuola e alia casa, tenute in Udine nel mese di settembre 1899. 8 . Udine, 1890. Dkscteux (L.-C.) Lecons elementaires d'hy- giene faites au College de Falaise (Calvados); re'dige'es et pubises par L.-A. Duchemin. 12-. Paris, 1875. "Desmarez (A.) Guide de la sante". Notions d'hygiene et conseils pratiques de pharmacie et de nie'deciiie, suivis des soius a donner aux enfants en has age. 16°. Gand, 1901. Dkskoches (J.-L) Traits e'le'mentaire d'hy- giene privde. 8°. Montreal, 1889. Devay (F.) Hygiene des families, ou du per- fectionnement physique et moral de I'homme, consider^ particulierement dans ses rapports avec 1'eMucation et les besoins de la civilisation mo- derne. 2 v. in 1. 8-. Paiis, 1810. De-Vecchi (G.) Nozioni di igiene, ossia metodo per couservare la sauita ad uso del popolo. Anno 18(12-3. 8-\ Torino, 1863. Donaldson (F.) Domestic hygiene. A lect- ure before the St. Peter's Brotherhood. 8'-'. Baltimore, 1881. Donati(P.) Lettere mediche popolari. 1(1. Verona, 1809. Repr. from: L'Adige. Doknbluth (F. [K. J.]) Gesundheitspflege in Hans nud Familie. Praktische Beitriige zur Erhaltung und Forderung der Gesundheit. 8°. Stuttgart, 1888. Drachmann (A. G.) Ac Hertel (A.) Sund- hedslsere. En almentattelig Fremstilliug af Snndhedsplejens Anvendelse i det offeutliges Tjeneste og i det daglige Liv. [Hygiene. A popular explanation of application of sanitary measures in public service and in private life.] 821. Kfibenhavn, l--ti. Dulany's primer of physiology for primary classes. With special reference to the effect of alcoholic drinks, stimulants, and narcotics upon the human system. I2-. Baltimore, 1889. Dilany's standard physiology, adapted to intermediate classes and common schools and containing a statement of tlie facts relative to the influence of alcohol, tobacco, opium, and other narcotics upon the human system. 12°. Baltimore, [1886]. Dupre (F.) The rationale of the application of hygiene, the principles of health, to the pre- vention and elimination of disease, and its im- mense superiority to the ordinary medical and surgical treatment, incontestably and triumph- antly demonstrated. 8°. Manchester, [1882], Durant (L ) Hygiene sociale et prive'e. Manuel des peres de familie et des maitres de pension. 12-. Bruxelles, [1802]. Dutton (T.) Domestic hygiene. 12°. Lon- don, 1-94. Eclectic (The) physiology, or guide t> health. With special reference to the nature of alcoholic drinks aud narcotics, and their effect, upon the human system. 8"-. New York, Cin- cinnati f Chicago, [l*-8-i]. Edwards (J. F.) Edwards' catechism of hy- giene, for use in schools. 12°. Philadelphia, 1*93. -----. Hygiene with anatomy and physiol- ogy; being an amplification of Edwards''cate- chism of hygiene. Intended for school and gen- eral reading. 8-. A 'eu- York, 1 -91. Eiiismann (F.) Gesitndheitslehie fur Gebil- dete aller Stiiude. 3. Aufl. ,-". Miinchen, 1885. HYG I EXE. G25 HYGIENE. Hygiene (Popular, Handbooks and direc- tories relating to). -----. Thesame. Terwenden hoito-oppi si wistyneille kaikissa kansalnokissa. Suonien- tauut I. Collan. [Transl. hy I. Collan.] 8\ Turku. 1885-0. KstaDa (E.) Condicioues que dehen reunir las viviendas para que sean sahibies. 12 . Madrid, 1880. Eydam [W.] Gesundheitslehie iiir Haus und Schule. S-\ Braunschweig, 1891. Falsi iB. C.) Gesundiieits-Catechismus fiir Aeltern und Lehrer in zusaninienhiingeiide Rede gebracht und in Fragen zerlegt; uehst einem Anhange iiher den Ban des nieuschlicheu Lei- bes. 8-. Hannovev, 1794. -----. The same. Zum Gebrauche in den Schuleu und beim haiisliehen Unterrichte. Hrsg. von S. Wollfberg. 16°. Bonn, 18-2. -----. The same. Laws of health, for the use of schools and self-instruction. Edited by S. Wolfberg. Transl. aud improved bv H. Kopp. 12°. Brooklyn, 1882. Fenger (A.) & Topsoe (M.) Kort Beskri- velse af det meuneskelige Legeme og nogle simple Regler for Sundhedens Bevarelse til Sko- lebrug. [Short description of human body and plain rules for preservation of health, for use of schools.] 12c. Kjobenhavn, 1888. Fibigek (E.) Sundheilshi'ie for Hjem og Skole paa Land og i Kobstiederue. [Hygiene for house aud school for use of rural districts and cities.] lo-. K+beuhavn. 1894. Fill (0) (ompanheira das familias, ou o guia- dor & saude. -:. Nova York, 1-70. Fitz-Gerald (C. E.) Lectures on physiol- ogy, hygiene, etc., for hospital and home nurs- ing. 16:. London, 1-90. FoNssA(iRi\'KS (J.-B.) De la re'ge'ne'ratiou physique de l'espece humaine par l'hygiene de la familie et eu particulier du role de la mere daus l'education physique des enfauts. 8\ Montpellier 4' Paris, 1867. Fothergill (J. M.) The physiologist in the household. Part I. Adolescence. 12-. London, 1-0. Fowler our objet de montrer l'hygieiie connne l'ensemble des donnees et des rdsultats que rhistoire naturelle dc I'homme et la medecine doivent fournir pour concourir a perfect ionner le physique de l'espece humaine, et pour jisseoir sur des bases communes l'art de conserver Ja saute", la morale et le lionheur, accompagne" de notes, de deux tableaux ana- lytiques, et d'un prdeis d'histoire naturelle de I'homme et de physiologie, prcsente cominc in- troduction. 8°. Paris, [1801]. Morin (E.) Om renlighet pcrsonlig och inom bus. [Hvjiiene of the person and the home.] 12-. Stockholm, ls-5. Miisler (F.) Zur Abwehr ansteckender Krankheiten. Zeitgemiisse Bathschliigc fiir Be- woliner und Besucherder Badeorte, insbesondere der Seebader. 12s Greifswald, 1-9* HYGIENE. 627 HYGIENE. Hygiene (Popular, Handbooks and direc- tories relating to). i Mt'Zio (P.) ' La salute. Preectti igienici e j morali spiegato al popolo. 12°. Milano, 1875. Nationale Tentoonstelling van Vrouwenar- beid. Verslagen. No. 10. Besprekingen over woning-hygiene, zieken- en wijkverpleging, ge- houden op 1 eu 2 September 189-. 16^. Amster- dam, 1898. Nattress (W.) Public school, physiology, and temperance. 12*. Toronto, [1895]. Notter (J. L.) A Firth (K. H.1 Practical domestic hygiene. 12 . London, 1897. [Olmsted (F. L.)] What they have to do who | stay at home. 4°. [ Washington, 1-62. J Omoutox (F.) Conferences sur 1'hygieiie. 4. dd. 8^. Paris, 18-9. Ontario. 1'rorincial Board of Health. Man- ual of hygiene, for schools and colleges. Pre- pared by the provincial board of health, s . Toronto, 1*85. Pattix'H. C.) The ritual of health. For the grown, v. 1. - . London. 1-96. Peres Fl'KTAiio (Jai.vao i.M Curso elemen- tal* d'hygiene. S^. I'iir!o, 1-45. Perrissel ( H. ) Hygiene des malades, ou l'art de vivre avec son ennemi. 8 . Paris, 1899. Physiology aud health. No. 1. For primary clas-es. Studies of the human body and of the effects of alcoholic drinks and narcotics upon life and health. 12°. Philadelphia, [1889]. -----. The same. No. 2. For intermediate class,-. 12-. Philadelphia, 18-9. -----. The same. No. 3. For advanced classes 12c. Philadelphia. [1-90]. Pinelli (O.) Pagine sparse. Almanacco d' ieiene. Decorato con medagliedei benemeriti della salute pubblica, etc. 15\ Venezia,1888. Pitioreggi (F. R.) Una pagina d' igiene po- polare. 12J. Finuze. 1-90. Pope (J. H.) Health for the Maori; a man- ual for use in native schools. 1-'. Wellington, 1—4. Prei- (N. P.) BesTedi i>o higienie i o pervol ]ionioshtshi v nestchastnikh sluchayakh do pri- bitiya vracha s izlozhenieni osnov anatomii i fi- ziorogii chelovleka. [Talks on hygiene and first aid in accident ca-es until the physician's ar- rival, with presentation of the principles of hu- man anatomy and physiology.] 8°. Kharkor, 1900. Kay (I ; Conversations on the animal econ- omy, designed for tlie instruction of youth and thi-'peru-al of general readers. 12'-. Portland, 1-29. Heimann C$1.) Gesundheitslelire auf natur- wis-enschaftlicher Grundlage. Fiir (Jebihlete al- ler Stiiude. -a Kiel f Leipzig, 1 -87. Kenoade (C.) La vie normale et la sante. Traite complet de la structure du corps humain, ile- fonctions et du role des organes a tons les a^es de la vie, avec 1'etude raisonnce des in- stincts et des passions de l'liomme ct l'exposition ■ le> moyens naturels de prolonger I'existence en assiuant la conservation de la sante. *J. Pa- ris, [1--IJ. -----. The same. La vita normale e la sa- lute. Manuale complete delle funzioni lisiolo- giche degli organi del corpo uniano e delle re- gole di igiene lisico-morali piu indicate per con- I servare la salute e prolungare la vita. roy. 8 . Milano, 18-4. Ki.vnolds CE. S.) Primer of hygiene. 21 . London <|* Nete York, MM. Kiholi (T.) Igiene pubblica. Istruzione po- polare intoruo ai primi soccorsi da darsi agli an- negati, agli astissiati, ai feriti. s -. Torino, 1-51. IVft'ieiie (Popular, Handbooks and direc- tories relating to). Khtiari)son\b. W.) Household health. 12. London, 1880. -----. The common health. A series of es- says on health and felicity for every-day read- ers, s . London, 1887. lioDltiGi'K/, (T. <>.) Manual de higiene pri- vada. S . Madrid, 188]. Kuata (C.) La sanita pubblica, confennza popolare. 8 :. Citta di Castillo, M»l. Salampantas(P. A.I "Yyutvg tuv kyuvuv yvveu- K0)V KOI TUV VEO}vi)l' -rraiduv. 8 . 'Kv Kuvotiivti- vov-o'/ri, 1871. Salomon (L. F.) A plea for a ]iopular knowl- edge of sanitation. 8*:. New Orleans, 1886. Salute a tutti i grandi niali. Istruzione igie- nica popolare. sin. 1 . [n.p., n d.] Sapiens (P.) L'hygiene dans la familie. 12'. Paris, [181HI). SniEFELER. Comment on defend sa jeuuesse. La lutte pour rester jeune de corps et d'esprit. 12-. Pari*, [ 1901]. SrllMlTZ (L.) Der Mensch und (lessen (ie- sundheit. Hygienisehes Lehrbuch fur jeden Ge- bildeteu. Spe/.iell bearbeitet als Untenichts- liuch zum (lehrauehe in niittleren nnd hoheren Lehranstalten sowie in Lehrerseiniiiarien. 8 . Freiburg im Breisgau, 1884. Sciioeieli) (A. T.) Manual of personal and domestic hygiene. 12 . London, [ls-'.l]. -----. Health at home tracts. 1-12. 12 . London, [1890]. Sciiraihe ([C] O. [E.]) Gesundheitslelire fiir Jederniann aus dem Volke. Ein iirztlicher Kath- geber fiir jedes Lcbeusalter bei alien V'crhiiltuis- sen des menschlichen Lebens, in Kraukheitsfal- len aller Art, namentlich auch Epidemiecn und Endeniieen. 2. Autl. roy. s- . Berlin, lsiib. Scoefern (J.) The philosophy of common life; or, the science of health. 12 \ London, 1857. '** Simmons (A. T.) A: Steniioise (E.) Kxperi- mental hygiene; an introductory course of work in the principles of domestic science. 12-. Lon- don, 1901. Simple questions and sanitary facts, for the use of the poor; an attempt to teach the sim- plest natural phenomena, and to explain the functions and structure of the human body. 12 . London, 1-62. -----. The same For the use of seh< oly, families, and the working-classes. - . London, 1859. Society to Fncouiage Studies at Home. Health. 12 . Boston. 1S7-. Stahi.es (W. (!.) The people's A B C guide to health. A book for every household. 12*-'. London, ls-57. -----. Common sense about food and physic. 12 . London, 1888. Steele (,J. I). ) Fourteen weeks in human physiology. 8 . New York 5' Chicago, 1-574. -----. The same. Hygienic physiology, with special reference to the use of alcoholic, drinks and narcotics. Being a revised ed. of the. "Fourteen weeks in human physiology". Edited for the use of schools, in accordance with the recent legislation upon temperance legisla- tion, s'. \eit- York : AUu Hull. Soe. centr.de nied. du nord. | Lille, 1897. -J. - i, 1S1 : •>:>; ?.*s 253: 347 1898, U.S.. ii, 41 ; s."., | 113; 141: Kill; 2e6.—Kieiil'iiil (A.' Hygiene des cuisines; bou'langi-ries ct patissei u-s. Muuveiiient liysj- Rrux.,ls9ti. xii 4,-,5_i6ti.— Booth {Mrs. A.) Domestic sanitation. Sun. j Rec.,Lond.,1s:"'-7 n. s.. xviii,335-:>:>7.—Brii«*o (W.i The ,| need for popular instruction on hvgiene and physiology. Tr. vii. Internat. Cons;. Hvj:. x IVmog. l.-'.'l, Lond.. 18!>_' ix, 246-249. —Bnra«*r»H*iii (L.I Des moyens de propa ger des coimaissaii, , s hygieiiHiues dans la population. Compt.-rend ('nn:. internat. de mod. Is '7 Mosc.. 1900. vii, S-23. AUo /iseln f. S.-h (i* u ~: "i h i »i>tlji-. II.mil', ll. Leipz.. Is;i7 x. Ii--,-l."; — C'arliiii 15 Rates de sohremesa; ii ' piepo-ito de '.■■ ■ i■ (■ ■ s i'a\ oi a'ule ,, .ulverso it la vida de las j l'i-nt«-s. partieularmente .a Madrid. Sil;1o med., Madrid, I lfi'a-7 xlii-xliv. pe.<*, a, -i'nrp«*iil«*r i.Vi Education hy proverb in sanitary « .ok. Tr. San. Inst. Gr. Biit., I.oml., lgs4_;, vi. ef'"-41A — t nrrnra (G. L.) II medico di sc stesso. ovvero avvertimeuti al popolo intoino alia propria salute Rae. di (»p. med. moil, ital., Bologna, .1>-j7. v. 1 .-.">- 221 — t Ion-ion IT. S.) How pleasant siirroun.ini.;- ami conditions ml. it the health and happim--* I'Min'o. llealili Soe. Health Lett., lsss. viii, 1-2J 1>«- i;iuin (A N, cessitv and (I — :iabi'..ty of populai i/ini.' the stu,i\ of hy- giene. Am. r.i'o. Health Ass. Rep . Con, old. lS'.ir,. xxi, 263-207. — I>oljjopoloir X.I.) K voprosu oh org.miza- tsii uarodmkh meditsiiiskikh uhteiiiy i o nleohkliodiinol vzai'ninol svyazi s etol tselyu meditsiiiskikh ohshtshestv. [On the organization of popnhir meiliial readin-s and on the neeessitv for the medical societies to identify them- selves -with "it. 1 Trudi V syezda Obsh. russk. vi a.-h. v pamyat Pirogova. S.l'oterh.. l.-'.U, ii. 4.V.-PJ4.—(.iliou (A. L.) Sanitarv ignorance anions high and l»w. Med. \ Surg. Reporter. I'liila.. \B<>. Iii 1*41 ; 67^; 705: 737 —Hinz. Ueh. r die Not wend i :;ke it d-*r Verbr eituiiil volkstiimlieliei Gesiiiidheitsprlesie diuth die Aerzte. Hygieia, Stmt-.. Is07. xi. l-'.u—.liieyei- H. - Die Bedoiitunn der 11.1kt.-- liologie fiir die Kr..: .k.-nprlege uud die .hygiene des tag- licbeu Lebens i'.i , ,t icer einen bygieuisch-bakterio- logi-ehen Km-u> :'n Fr.m.-n. Hyg. Rundschau, Berl.. I-f'8. viii, G65-675.—.lohii»oa (11. L.) Public education and prevention of di-as, . Tr. X. Hampshire M. Soe..Con- cord, V;".'-'. .:;l'-244. AU„: Phila. M. J., 1900, vi. 1069- 1072.'_ I.ippci-t M G.) The lust m. an-of educating the guieial pul.iie in -natters of pia. t.-ul hygiene. Puh. Health. Phila .)<>■ ., 2-: 44- tl«\«ill Al.) The impor- tance of teaihiiiL' ' - ■ -'.. -' > ',< • as an aid towards the improvement of flu aa • , } ■ -a'.t -,.. Cah-ibm. M. J (;ia-_'.. l.»:i'.i-:900. iv. 91-lOb. Alt Saint.niaii.X.V.,190o.\iiv.:;-i7. AUo: San.Jour.,Glasg..ls'.)9-19'mi.n.s.,vi.4u:;-12''— .»Inr«li (Harrit-t.. Popular education in sanitary science. Proc. San. Convent. Detroit 1897, Lansing. l-9s 4">-56 — Uurphy (S. 15) Health at home. In: I a.,k of Health ' Morris j, *'-, Lond.. l<-83. 5*9-030. -- M n»*i tV., j S-iiia questione igienici delle storiglie di terra cotta. Gior. d. r. Soc. ital. cl \i. Milano. 1900. xxii. 1-6 —>n- pia» (H.) La vulgarisation des notions eloinentailes d ie i£ne. Bull. Sm . demedpul).. Par. A ' : xvi 2(,-21.( Ai-.: Rev. d'hyg.. I'm., ',-9;, xv, ■'"",_.., s -Orion >J. ( 5 The popularization •■; - ,n:;.nv science. Sanitarian, X. "> 189d, xxv. :i"-li -.— I»nii* rek (D.I Vedy hygieuicke a jiMichpopiilniisovil i,.-,a, i iiiasiclicasopisech. | Hy- ■'i'enickiiowledL."- and .ts popularization in some of our journals.] Zdravi vI'm- 1899.V, 9-13 — I'nlc)■ lllrt. ('. ll i Conferi i ceon ,;.'..- si i; hy-iene. J. San. In-t., Lond. A' x\ 4Vj-4.Vi.— I'iluuin (A.) Improvement in ]i.-f- i .-,, :,.- 'i;e . st.-r.d furniture. No. 147019: FehAi. Is71 — Pollock I E.i The influence of our surroundings on neii Ii, Book of Health M..mU|, >", Lond.. 18KI. -,!:i_oos._-popularopinions"i l,.-i, ie ; Shi/uoka Eisi-i- kwai lh.i;.i. l-:i7 uu. 40 1-20. Bantonif- (A.) Some causes ot pi.-., nt.i.ble disease. Il.-ilin I.-et.. Lond., Iss7 10. s . 1-18 —Kohl«■«• (H. S.i The i-iliication of the peoide on sanitarvsuhieits. Proc. San. < 'onv.-nt. Charlotte, Mich.. Is94 LaiisiiiL' 1-9-5 12-18.- *>impxon MM The healthof the household. Health L.et . Lond., JS7.-.-.5 i. 107-124.— Tr«-lat if..i Regime .I.- ;.i temiierature etde 1 aii dans la maison. Coiil:. internat .1 mz. ct de demog. C. I. de La Have. Iss4. i. 1 47-150— \ Aula v ( \V ; (» Bopularisovaui hvu'ienv. (Tlicp.........' ,/at a.iiof h.v-iene.] Zilravi.v Praze. l*9s. iv', 161-167 —«l«- \ ilii«i«. Snr 1 addition de conseils livmt-.|,i,|Ues aux 5 i-t, .1, ii,iile. Bull. A..ul.de 11161I., Par. ls-8. 2. s., xx, 273-275. — Vo»kr«'»eii»lti (A. P.) O piaktiehejkikh sposobakh iasprostraneniya vrachehno sanitarnikh istin v nnodle. [Gn practical methods for spreading medico-sanitary truths among tin- people.j Trudi V svezda Glisli. russk. vrach. v pamyat I'iio-h.i S.- Peterh., W.U. ii. 44.V449. [ Discussion ]. 459-464. -Wilxon IG.) Domestic sanitation in rural distiicts Tr. Soc. M. Off. Health. Lond.. 1*3.".-I. i-s-14; - Wood (T. D.i Popu- lar education and -.uiit.uv process Tr. M S..,-. Calif., San Fran.. 1-97. 49-5.' —Wvinan i \V. i Government aids to public health. J. Am. !\I. Aa„ Chicago. 1890, xv, 1-4. Also. Reprint. I ly^'ieiM' (Public). Su-. also, Abattoirs; Alkali works : Animals ( Dead); Animals (Diseases of ); Baths (Public); Cadaver (Care, eh-., of); Colors (Poisonous); Contagion, etc (Pvevi ntion of ); Dairies; Dis- ease \ Rigistration of); Diseases (Causes, etc, of): Diseases {Zymotic); Drainage; Effluvia; Engineering ■ Sanitary;; Epidemics (Causes ol): Epidemics (Prerention of a Fairs; Foun- tains { I'ublii ■■; Gas (Illuminating); Gases (lrre*inrablc, etc.): Habitations (Hygiene of); Hygiene Conventions, etc., of \ \ aud subdivisions]; Hygiene Institutions, etc, for \\andsubdirisions] ; Hygiene i International); Hygiene ( Public, Adaidation, etc . in): Hygiene i Publ'v, Boards, etc., of); Hygiene Public, Laws, etc., of) [and subdivisions}; Hygiene (Public. Manuals of); Hygiene i Public. 15-jiorls on) [and subdivisions] ; Hygiene (Public, Societies, etc., of) [and subdivi- sions]; Hygiene (Public, Surreys, etc, of); Hy- giene ( Public) and vital statistics; Hygiene (Teaching of); Lighting; Meats (Inspection of i; Nuisances ; Occupations; Postal service ,Hit»ii-i.e of); Railroad car*; Railroads (Hy- i/iene of); Sociology; Sputa; Urinals (Public). Ai.Kono (II. J.) Hints on public Iiealth. 1'J0. London, 1-71. American Public Health Association. Pub- lic health. The Lamb prize essays; award made at the thirteenth annual meeting of the ....Washington, D. (_'., Dec. 10, lH-r>. With an appendix. - . Concord, N. H., l--t3. Avon. Wie sehi'it/.en wir uus vor Krankhei- ten? Allerhand Betrachtungen unil Winke. -:. Leipzig, l-'.m. IJ.ui.ur.i'r. i . Paris, 1898. Baxxistku (A. T.) Sanitation as a religions exercise; sermon preached iu Birchington Par- ish Church, October 25, 1>'.H. 1*2-. London, 1-99. liepr. from: Church of England Pulpit. 15assk.t (O.) Heilkunde fiir das Yolk. Ver- such zur Zeitgeschichte der Heilkunde. >■". Glogau, [1--1]. liepr. from: Unsere Zeit. 1884 Bell (A. X.) Sanitarv work. - [ii. p., 1-7.5.] Bexeke (F. W.) Oettentliche (Jesundheits- pllooc. Kin po|iiil.:ir-w isscnschaItlicher Vortrag. Marburg, l-w?(i. Bi.a/.e DE Bi'RY, baron ne. La question sani- taire. [A translation of the address of Kihviu (hadwick at the meeting of sanitary inspectors, \8-<5) ^-i111 introductory remarks by . . .] - . [»i. p., 1885.] Ilepr. Jrum: Rev. internat., Par., 1881', xi. Bi'.oc'K i\V.) ^V Kamhi: (II.) Das Wesen und die Krfoloc i":er wissenschaft lichen Heilkunde im ('oornsatz zn den verschiedenen naturhcil- Uiinstlei ischen und curpfnscherischcn Verfah- ren. - . Prag. 190i>. Bt'KXi-EV (.].) The romance of life preserva- tion. - . London, 18-8. Cai.IXH' ((r.) Lettre a M. Horace Say. sur (|iielqui's (|iiestions de grande voirie. se ratta- ihaiit a l'hygiene publique. - . [Paris, 1-1.">, Vel ailbseg.] Cakadonxa (azio, 1' aria c la luce considerati nel cliina in rapporto all' igiene. 8°. Milano, 1*98. Cakpenteu (A.) Sanitation, a paper read at the Churcli Congress, Hull, September, lSDO. 8c Ih-rbg . De-Carolis (G. N. ) Servizio sanitario di beneficenza, ossia studi di igiene popolare. 2 pts. 8'-. Oneglia, 1871-80. De Ciiaumont(F. [S. B. F.]) Sanitary assur- ance; a lecture at the London Institution. Also short addresses by John Eric Erichsen, Sir Jo- seph Fay re r, R. Brudenell Carter; together with the prospectus of the Sanitary Assurance Asso- ciation, s-. London, 1881. Dibhlk (F. L.) Vagaries of sanitarv science. 8C. Philadelphia, 1893. Elementary (The) catechisms. Sanitation; the means of Iiealth. 52:. London,"1850. Ellis (H.) The nationalisation of health. 1*2 . London, 1892. Frotiiingham ((). B.) The ministries of pes- tilence. Sermon by . . . 1*2-. New York, 1855. Galyao (R. ) Hygieue piiblica. Relatorio apresentado em fevcreiro do corrente anno ao Sr. governador do estado. 8-. Recife, 1*^9:1. Georg (K.) Soziale Hvgiene. 8J. Berlin, 1890. Glover (J.) An oration delivered by ap- pointment before the Medical Society of South Carolina at their anniversary meeting, on the 24th of December, 1809. 8'\ Charleston (S. C.), 1810. Gunning (J. W.) Algemeene hygiene e:i nij- verheid. Overgedrukt uit de bijdrngeu tot de kennis van het staats-provinciaal cn gemeonte- bestuur in Xederland. Uitgcgeven door (1. H. B tz, Mr. W. R. Boer en Mr. P. F. Hubrecht, - -. Roller dam, 185)1. Irus (P.) Die Hygiene der modernen Gesell- schaft. 8 . Berlin, 1890. Jamieson (J.) Diseases which should be prevented. s-\ Melbourne, 1882. Jourdan (G. ) Etudes d'hygiene publique. roy. s-'. Paris f Nancy, W92. Ked/.ib (li. C.) The ground of safety. 8 . [Mexico, 1-92.] Keith (G.) On sanitary and other matters. 12-. London, 1900. KraI'skoi'K (J.) Sanitary science. A Sunday lecture be tore the reform congregation Kenesetii Israel, February loth, 1889. 8-->. Philadelphia, 1889. Lassar (O.) Volksgesundheit und mensch- liche Gesellschaft in ihren Wecluelbeziehungen. - -5. Rerlin, 1892. [Lavista (R.)] General considerations ou tlie importance of public hygiene. 12 a Mexico, [1892]. Low (R. B. ) Sanitary and other papers. 12 . Bain-burgh, 18-5. M. Hvgiene publique. Machine hydraulique de B6ziers. 8-. [Paris], !***• Martini (G.) Appunti di igiene pubblica. 8' . rariua, 1899. Hygiene (Public). Masse (J.) La sant6 du peuple. 12\ Bru- xelles, 18r>0. Mayroyeni pacha. Lettre adresse'e a son ex- cellence le docteur Zatnbaco pacha, sin. 4 . Constantinople, 1892. Monin (E.) Actualite's d'hygiene ct de nic- deciiie sociale. La lutte pour la sante'. 12 . Paris, [1892]. de Montricher. Cours d'hygiene publique et de ile'inographie. Resume's des 26 lecons et conferences. 8°. Marseille, 1900. Mund (II.) Eiufiihrung in die naturgeniasse Gesundheitspflege und arzneilose Heilkunde. 8°. Hannover, 1887. Ollivier (A.) Etudes d'hygiene publique. 8 -. Paris, 1886. -----. The same. 2. serie. 8 . Paris, 1888. -----. The same. 5. se'rio. sc. Paris, 1890. -----. The same. 4. serie. 8 . Paris, 1893. Pagliaxo (G.) Cio che costituisce la forza di nno state, ossia la provvidenza degli noinini per vivere prosperi e felici. 8 . Firenze, 1871. Palaibeiig (A.) Verlden sedd frau hygienisk svnpuukt. [The world viewed from a hygienic standpoint.] 12°. Wiborg, 1887. Parkes (L. C.) Hygiene and public health. 12°. London, 1889. Paterson ( M. ) The sanitary conscience; what is its value'/ 12. Bradford, 1888. Pesciiaud ( M. ) De rintervention de l'etat en matiere d'hygiene publique. 8 . Pans, 1898. Pioger (J.) La question sanitaire daus ses rapports avec les infarcts et les droits de l'indi- vidu et de la soc\6t6. 12°. Paris, 1895. Pittaluga (E.) Igiene pubblica nella citta e nella campagna. 8c Genova, 1884. 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Ruata (C.) La responsabilita del governo nella salute pubblica. 8 . Milano, 1885. Sanitary and social questions of the day; by an observer. 8-. London, [n.d.], Skptiex ( M. j Importance of hygiene and convenience of creating a sanitary department. 8rj. Mexico, 1892. Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manu- factures and Commerce. National water supply, sewage, and health. Annual conference, Thurs- day and Friday, the 15th and 16th May, 1879. 8°. London, 1879. HYGIENE. 631 HYGIENE. Hvgiene (Public). 'Sondekeggkr ( L.) Vorposten der Gesund- heitspdege. Nach dem Tone des >( crlasscrs durchgesehen und eigiinzt von E. Hattter. h- . Berlin, 1901. , ,. , t 4l Stk\rns (H.P.) An address; delivered to the griuluat.ino* class in the medical department of Yale College,February 17,1876. s-. New Haven. 1-75. TcuORZNiCKi (J.) 1'Une- sprawyhygieniczne. rHvgienic studies.] s-'. Warszawa. 1896. Teale (T. P. ), jr. Dangers to health in our own houses. A lecture. >*'. London, is,,. ._____. Tbe same. 2. ed. "*°. London, 1879. _____'. Thesame. 3. cd. 8. London, 1881. _____. Extracts from 'Dangers to health '. 3. ed. 8. London, [n. d.]. Templo (O) de liygia, ou a saude piiblica in- flnida pelos governos. Poema coinposto e otVerc- cido a sens concidadaos. 8. [Lisboa], 1857. Thudichum (J. L.W.) Briefc iiber offentliche Gt'Minilheitsptlege. ihre bisherigen Leistungen und heutigen Anfgabeu. --. Tiibingen. 1898. ___ v Aids to public health. 2. ed. 24 . Hygi^nt London, [18^9]. Yillerme (L.R.) Populat ion [Paris, n. d.] Walbaum iC. F. E.) Das Wesen der otteut- lichen Sanitatsptlege und ihre Feinde. 8 . Gera, 1*7"). . , _____. Thesame. 2. And. 8. Gera, !>,(>. \Yilliams (R. A.) Public health vs. public wealth. - . [n.p., 1^9.] Winkelmann (A.i kenntniss derottentlichen Gc-undheitepflege. Zum Leitfaden seiner Vor- lesungen iiber die medizinisehe Polizei. 12c Fraukfurt a. M.. 1-04. WiRM (E.) Gesundheitsschutz in Staat, Ge- nieinde und Familie. ***-. Stuttgart. 1901. q Zeyer(J.) Oassauaci. Odpoved' k vyvodum Dra \. Steina. [Sanitation. Answer to the de- ductions of Dr. A. Stein.] -• v Praze, 1901. \Repr.froui: Aletheie. 4bila7.io.ie (L'I come elemento della pubblica i-iene. In"cner. san.. Torino. 1901. xii, 135; 152; 167 -Alli'B (\"i "lhe relation- b.tween sanitary science uud Hie meil- i.-a'l profession. Am Pali. Health Ass. Kep. 1MB. Con- ci.nl. 13-7. xii. »:<-'.>*. AUo. Reprint.-A..«le.* *""*>"> -ci.-nc-. Tr. Ohio M. Soc.. Cincin , Is, 1, 101-148. AUo, Kei.iiit.-Boei-.ie.- (I'.i Einleiti.i.g. Ber. u H all-. deut*che Aus-t. a d. O-b. ,1. Hyg, u. .1. IM. ungsu 1882-3, Blvd., ls^.i, pp. "Wi-lxxvir-Bo.... , « . « I Ad.lr.ss of welcome Am. Pub. Health Ass lo P 189.1, Concord, 1894, xix. 15-17.— Bo.ifl.er. Do la rcspons; - bilite civile et pen.de en malice sanitaire. Ke\-. ue med. lei' par 1900, vii, 165-108 — KoiiIoiiiiim' (I .) L hv- giene elia police sanitaire dans lis stations saii.taircs. Lull Soc, len.ed. pub.. Par., 1892, xv, 28 1- B. nylon (Sarah H.) How can women best promote. publie saiii- tation? Am. Pub Health A-s. Kep. 1893. Concord 1*94 xix. 17« 1-1—BroM-i. (O.i Mcknessa factor ot political economy; the est ot siekm - to the.individual and to he state. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Bridj:eport, 1889, .17-60.— K....-.M (A. A.) Spitzhergenskasa ekspeditsiya po gra- duBuoiuu izoilereniya, v sanitainoni i higienicheskom ot- H\stenv,(P»hhe). noshenivakh. [Spit/.b.-rgen expedition for the purpose of nieas.iri'iig a degree, from a sanitary and hygienic noint- of view. I Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb 1901 pt. '.',137-1.'.:!.— K.iininii (J. W.) On pre- ventive medicine in its relation to the -eiieriil practitioner. Practitioner, Loud., 188*2, xxix, '."28; 30s-Cabell (J. L.) Address in state medicine and public h\;iione. li. Am. M Ass., Phila., 1878, xxix, 5.-.l-.".83. AU<>, Kepiint -- 1 auieiou (.SV/- (5 A ) Keport on public health. Dublin ,1 M Sc 1873, lv, .V27-54I5. AUo, Keprint. ------ lm- nortnnoeof civil public hvgiene to tlie stale. Am. 1 ut>. ?leaitli Ass. Kep 1893, ( oncord, 1894, xix, 180-190.------. Sanitary s, i.nce and the prevention of /.yinotic disease. Iirit M". J., Lond., 1894, ii, -'93 301. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc 1894 xeviii, 89-119. ---— - Presidential address to the Con.'ress of Public Health, held under lhe auspices otJho Ko\al Institute of Public Health at Dublin, Augiisi 18 to LM 189s. Dublin J. M. S.-., 1898, cvi 193 21'. Alto: J. State M , Lond. 1898, vi. 3S9-400. .-lino: Mod. J n-ss Si Circ. Lond.. 1898, n. s, lxvi. 183-188. - «'...."Hr ( \ ) T!ied..tv..rtb.-....'.lieal p. ofessi.,,, iiiiilertl.ei.lil.il.- u-alMi act ..I (intailo. Canada I'rad. Vonmto, 1888 x.n 321- T>3—«,iii-e('l'be) of i.uhlie health. Am. Med.-Sura. Bill ., N V 18-\>.- Cook (.1. X.) Lectures oil hygiene. Iudiaji M. l.ec . Calcutta. 1900, xviii. Oil: xix, 1: '29; ■■-.. —liiiiaiiitfhaui (•!. L.) Sanitary supervision hv the s'tate IVxas Health J.. Dallas, 1893-4. yi. 40-50- I»»ke (•! P ) Civil government and the healers ot tUe sick. Haiinenian. Month., Phila., 1891. xxvi 405-482- »avi« (S T.I The mission of sanitiition. Ann. mg., Phila. 189(1. v. -2!»3-297.-»e Oiaxa (V.) L' igiene e lo stato. Cior. internaz. d. se. nied.. Xapoli 189.. n. s., xiv, 721-r'!*' —D«* Giovanni. Principes ti.ndainentanx de la medecii.e pr6ventive. (Ja/. med _ d O, ic.. Constant. 1895-0, xxxviii, 97-100.-»«*volnlioii in medicine; the treatment of disease bv infection. Asch-pia.l Lond., 18J1, vili s2-94.-[I>i«'..^io..| on external hygiene. Proc. Xat. Quarant. .V San. Convent.. 18. o, 45-6a -D. a..«hon (J A ) I'l-eventive medicine. Tr. M. soc. leiinessie, Nashville. 1878. 28AI2.- link.- (I?. W.) Iiiilivid.i-.l lights and public duties in sanitation, l'roc.. addr. M disc. I uh. Health Co..f. Frankf., Ky., 18«7, o6-0-.'.-l>iir»ui (S H) The presidents address. Am. Pub. llealih Ass Kep. 1893. Concord, 18114. xix. 1-12.-Kade tS.r 1, An ad- dress on preventive medicine. J. Slate M■• Ia.nd.. 1894 ii 171-181. AUo: Lancet, Lond., 1894, il. 249-2o2-I*. ivei't (Sir J.) Sanitarv science and preventive medieine .1. San Inst.. Lond'., 1899. xx. 348-373. Also: Med. Ma?.,- lond 1899 Viii, 803-813.- I'jiiiiUi ((J.) L miene so- ciale Cior.'d. Soc. fiorent. d i-. 1891-3, Firenze, ls94. vn- ix r.0-0ii — Farimworlli (K. .1.) lhe relation ot the state to sanitary science Tr. Iowa M. Soc, Ottuniwa, l87'-0 109-181.- Faruiiluirno.i (K.) Iiiaugiiral ad- dress. J. San. Inst,, Lond.. 1897-8. xviii, 2.V7 - 270. — !'„,,,., ( ,si,- J. ) (In pioveiilnc medicine. Lancet, I ..nil 1*91 ii 33.". 337. AUo: Tr. Intermit. Cong. Hyg. ' Demog. 1891, L.-md.. 1892-3, sect. 1, 27-30. AUo K''l'''»f- ______Inaugural address. .1. San. Inst., Lond., 1898-9, xix 337 ii.V.l-Fli'U-lM'.- (It.) Thepuhlic Iiealth; public ri"htsv pei son,.I lil'.-it \ in health all.iii- NMIanipsluro Siu...!., Concord, 1898. i 0 22 Foilor. 1 He wissetischaft- liche I'Hege und der facluuicMg. I',,le, i leht der Hygiene. Cong, internat. .1 hvg. el de demog. C. r.. La Have. 1884 i "ii7 "17.- -FoltUer (A. P.) Sociale hygiene. Nederl. Tii.Nehr v. (leneesk., Amst., 1897, 2. K.. xxxiii, d. 2, 93- 117-Fonl (-1 H.) President's address: slate conser- vation of i.uhlic health Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Indianap., ls'.7 i.l, v,i-x.ii.-F..IU'.loa (P. J.> The duij ot tho .ihvsic.an M lhe i.uhlic health. Omaha Clinic, 1894-.., vi. :rti_378-. x, 1-16.------. Sanitarv motes nnd beams. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago. 1893. xxi. 4H1-49... AUo: X.York M. J.. 1893. lviii. 305-370. AUo, Keprint. Also: Tr. Pan-Am. M. Cong. 189.3. Wash., 1895. pt.2. 1907-1915.—<»irard (A. S.) "When and how should the state assume sanitary control of newsettlements? Proc. Utah M. Sue .Salt Lake City. 1895-fi, 191-203.—<>oibc iS.) Hovekiron. rPreventive medicine.] EiseiRyobyoshi.Tokyo. 1894. no. 53. 19-35. — Blartzell (•!.) The border laud of sanitation. Ohio San. Bull.. Columbus, 1896, ii. 34-50.—Ilaujjhton (S.l An addiess delivered at the opening of the section of public medicine at the annual meeting of the Uritish Medical Association. Brit. M.J., Lond., 1872. ii. 181-183. Also. Kepi int.— Ilaycjatt (J. B.) Importance of ideals of health, beauty, etc, towards race progress. Edinb. Health Soc. Health Lect.. 1890-91,xi,17- 32— Hewitt (C. X.) Public health and the p.ofessiou of medicine. Xorth west. Lancet. St. Paul. 1890. xvi. 325- 329.— Holland (T. E.) The value of public health, and the duty of the government in the prevention of disease. J. Pract. M. X. \5. 1896-7, vii. 5t-5s._ Hainan (G.) The fundamental conditions of public health in civilization. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Kep. 1892 Concord, 1893. xviii. 143-148. AUo, Keprint.—Honey mail (J.) Sanitary and social problems. San. Jour., Glasg., 1888-9. n. s.. xii, 353-405.—Hoilbeck (H. B) The president's address. Am. Pub.Health Ass. Kep. 1897,Concord, 1898.xxiii.l-2C — Hutchinson (W.) Health insurance, or our financial relation to the public J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago. 1836, vii, 477-481.—Jackson (J. H.) Some observations ou pre- ventive medicine. Tr. Vermont M. Soc 1895-6, Burling- ton, 1897, 296-300.-Jcwett (H.) Some of the j.erils to life fiiiiii preventable diseases. Med. News, I'liila.. 1883. xiii, 149-153.—Jonm id.) Public and international hy- giene. Tr. Internat M. Co. g . Wash.. 1887. iv, 294-424.— Kcmpstcr (W.) The duty of governments towaid the individual in the matter of general hvgiene. Tr. M. Soc. Wisconsin, Madison. 1896. xxx. 90-99.—Kingsbury (G. C.) Preventive medicine. Peoria il..I.. 1890. i. 159-150.— Lewis (D.) Eueni'es of sanitan science. Med. R. v. of Kev., N. \5, 1897, iii, 32-38.— I.iccnga (E.) Address. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Kep. 1892. Concord, 1893, xviii, 15- 24. Also, Keprint. ------. Vice-president's address. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Kep. 1893. Coueoid, 1894, xix, 13. ------. The piesuleiit's addiess. Ibid., 1896, Concord, 1897, xxii, 1-12.— l.iersch. Leber die Anfgabeu der stadtischen und Polizei-Behordeii in hygienischer und sanitiirer lie- ziehung und deren Durclifuhrung. Deutsche Med.-Ztg.. Berl., 1885, vi, 1063. AUo, It- print.—Limlslcy (C. A.) President's address. Am. Pub. Health A<-. Kep.. Coluin- lumhus. 1898, xxiv, 1-13.— I...ca« (Euima J i The physi- cian's duty to the state in relation to local sanitary affairs. 'J'r. Illinois M. Soc, Chicago. 1897. 373-378. Also: Peoria M. J., 1897, ii. 249-253. —.McNeill (K.) The prevention of diseases other than infectious diseases. Lancet. Loud., 1896. ii. 1291-1296— lTIalet (H.) Some physiological as- pects of public health work. Pub. Health, Loud . 1899 xi, 245-254.—Martin (R. S.) Preventive medicine. Tr. M. Soc. Virg . Richmond, 1894. xxv. 22-41. — Mercier. Diseases of the body politic. Med. Mag.. Lond., 1-92, i, 3(2-351.—Milner (fj. R ) A practical and common-sense view of public and international hygiene; the impoi tance of the work ; what is practicable; the necessity of harmony and uniformity of action among the States of "the Republic in order to make effective the work of the International Medical Congress to prevent diseases aud epidemics. Tr. Inlernat. M. Cong., Wash.. 18r7. iv. 458-405. — Montoiix (C. G. R.) Remarks and suggestions on the prevention of disease and prolongation of life. Rep. lid. Health Indiana 1892-3, indianap.. 1894. xii, 221-226. —Mtinn (W. P.) Ad- dress on state medicin'*. Denver M. Times, 1900-19ul xx. i 57-89.— Murrav (C. F. K.) Xational disease problems. South African M. A.. Last Lond 1888-9. iv. 17-24. —>a- gorslii (D.V.) apier id. L.) President's address. Ti. South Car. M. A ss., I harhs. ton. 1896,33-38.—©tlriozola (K i La medicina preven- tiva eu sus relaciones con la higiene piiblica. Cron. med.. Lima, 1896, xiii, 113: 129.—van Overbeek tie tlcijer (G.) Rede, gehouden op 20 Maart 1887 in bet groot audi- torium der Ri.jks-TJniv, rsiteii te Utrecht. Xederl. Tijd- schr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 18-*7, xxiii. 542-561. ------. Slot- sommen betreffende de zorg voor de volksgezondheid in bewoonde pl i.itsen. Xederl.Cong. v. openb. Gzndhdsreg., Amst. 1896. i. It). -Paget (Sir J.) [The relation between national health and work.l Internat. Health Exhib. Lond., 1884. Reception by H. R. H. the Prince of Wales. K. G. [etc.], 85 Lond., 1884,4-2(1.—Parkea ( L. C.) Theoutcoiue of sanitation. J. San. Inst., Lond., 1898-9, xix. 161-175 — Pclman. Rassenverbessei nng und natiirliche Ausle.se. Centralbl. f. allg. Gsndhtspflg.. Bonn, 1896. xv, 190-204 — Persiller-I.aehapelle (E.) The president's address. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1894 ( oncord.1895. xx, 5-15.— Poilou-Duplessy. Les maladies evitahles. Rev. sci- ent., Par . 1-93. Iii. 2O1-210. — Porter (G. L.) Sickness a factorof political economy. Proc. Connect.M. Soc, Hart- Hy^iene (Public). f'.i.l. 1889. 37-60. AUo: X. Eng. M. Month., Danburv. Conn.. 1888-9, viii, 443-452. Also. Reprint. — Poller iW. W.) The prevention of disease: a problem for all phvsicians. Tr. X.York Acad. M. (1894). Is95. 2. s.. \i 126-150.—Powell iT. Iv.) The relation of public morals to public health. Tr. M. Soc. Tennessee. Nashville. 1898, 25-3s — Prcece (Sir W. H.) Inaugural address. J. San] Inst.. Lond., 1899. xx, 329-347. AUc | Abstr. |: Med Press & Circ. Lond., 1899. n s. Ixviii, 23.5-237. — Priestley (Lady Eliza). Pen-dties of ignorance. Ninet. en ill Cent!, X. Y. [Lond.]. 1895, xxxvii 579-592. — Public hygiene. Med.-Chir. Rev.. Lond.. 1837. xxvi. 422-440. AUn.in: Es- says on phys. \- hyg., 85 Phila., 1838. 173-198.—Qurvedo (P.) Discurso higienico politico sobre los perjuiciosa la salud puhlica de los cadaveres del reiuo animal, expuestos al aire libre en los campos de batalla e inmediaciones de los pueblos. Bol. de nied., cirug. y farm., Madrid, 1836. iii, 328-330.— Knimomr (A.) The success of sanitary effort. San. Rec, Lond., 1885-0. n. s., vii. 143-148. — Rcillc (P.) De l'interveiilion de l'etat en matiere d'hvgi&ue publique. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1899. 3. s.. xli, 155-179.'------. Hvgiene et pouvoirs publics. 1 bid.. 1901, 3. s., xiv. 52-95.—Rcin- hnltiing von Boden. Wasser und Luft. Jahresb. tl. Landes-Med.-Coll. . . . im Konigr. Sachsen 1K97, Leipz., 1898, xxix, 155-173.—RcIii.iiIc.mK) Hygienisiii kurseja piiiiliiakareita ja piirilaakiireiksi aikovia vanhewpia laiikareitii varten. [Course of hygiene delivered to the provincial physicians and district associations.] Dnode- cim. Helsinki, 1894. x, 159-173.—Reynolds. Legal rights of citizens to sanitary protection. Rep. Ass. Health Off. Ontario, Toronto. 1890. 65-79.—Reynolds (Sir J. R.) Ad- dress on preventive medicine. Lancet. Lond.. 1887. ii, 645- 050. Also, in his: Essays 6c addresses, Lond.. 1896. 245-208.— Richardson (P>. Vi.) Sanitation, retrospective, and protective. Asdepiad, Lond.,1893, x, 245-259.—Rochard (J.) Discours. Cong, internat. d hvg. et de de.iuog. C. r., La Have, 1884, i, 62-96. — Rochester (De L.) The pre- vention of disease. Buffalo M. Sc S. J.. 1893-4, xxxiii, 1-10. — Rodman (J.C.I Preventive medicine. North Car.M. J., Wilmington, 1895, xxxvi.353-357.—Rodriguez Memlcz (11.) Des infections et du niedeciu-cliuicien. Cong, internat. d'hyg. et de dining. C. r. 1894, Budapest, 1890, viii, pt. '>, 36J-364.— Ruzsahcsyi (A.) Az oi vosok feladata a kozegeszsegiigy terGn. [On medical problems in the field of puhlio hvgiene.) Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 18-'6, xxx, 1235; "12H9; 1297. —Rnata (C.) Concetto, d in- dirizzo dell' igiene pubblica. Salute pubb.. Perugia, 1889 ii, 321-332. Also, Reprint.— Russell (A. L.i A plea for posterity. Phila. M. J.. 1898. n, 421-424. —Russell I I. B.) Ou some sociological aspects of sanitation. San. .lour., Glasg.. 18«7. n.s., xi, 289-305. Also, Reprint. — Sc hra- kaiiip (F.) Das Recht des Staates auf die Gesundheit des Eiiuelnen. Fiinfz. Beitr. a. d. Geb. d. ges. Med. Fest- schr. ... d. Ver. d. Aerzte d. Rgrngshz. Diisseld.. Wiesi... 1894. 57-03.—Schwartz (O.) Die hygienische Auigahe d.-s liehandelnden Arztes in Yolkskrankheiten. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. iiff. Gsndhtsplig.. Brnschwg., 1888. xx. 42-49. AUii. transl.: Tr. Maine M. Ass., I'ortlaiid, 1889, x, 50-59.— Mcolt (C.) Modern national health. San. Rec, Lond., 1894, n. s., xvi. 858-860.—Wears (A. F.I Sanitary care of men in masses. Med. Rec, X. Y . 1896, xlix, 405-412.— Sealon (E.C.) On sanitarv science. St. Thomas s Hosp. Rep. 1885, Loud., 18-6, xv, 79-91. ------. Sanitation and sanitary organization ; their significance, and value in pub- lic hoal'th administration. J. San. Inst., Lond.. 1897-8, xviii, 335-344.—Shepard (C. H.) Chairman's address, section on state medicine. .1. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1896, xxvii, 285-288. Also | Abstr. |: Sanitarian, >5 \5, 1896. xxxvii, 289-298. — Sociale hygiene eu openhare gezondheidsi-e- geling. Tijdschr. v. sociale hvg. en openb. gznilhdsreg., Zwolle, 1899, i, 1-4. — Sonchon (K.) Principles of mod- ern scientific sanitation and of modern scientific quar- ' antine. Tr. Louisiana M. Soc. X. Orl , 1899, 148-164 — Spiess (A.) Oeffentliche Gesuudheitsptlege. Jahiesb. ii. d. Verwalt. d. Med.-Wes., d. Krankenanst. . . . d. St-ult Frankf. (1899), 1900, xliii, 47-72. —Staples (F.I The public health. N. Eng. M. Month.. Danbury. Conn., 1896, xv, 297-300.— Sternberg (G. M.) The president's ad- dress. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. Is87. Concord, 1888, xiii. 1-21. ------. Science aud pseudo-science in medicine. Science. X. Y., 1897, n. s., v, 199-206. AUo [Abstr.|: Sani- tarian. X. Y.. 1897, xxxviii, 193.— Stevens (R. H.) The state control of sanitation. Med. ('ouii-elor, Detioit, 1896, n. s., i, 192-197.— Stranb (M.) Deplaatsdergences- kundigen in het staatstoezicht op de volksgezondheid. Xederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk.. Amst.. 1901. 2. R.. xxxvii, d. 1, 269-273. —Suiter (A. W.) The public health, and some of the relative inconsistencies of the National Government; a plea for the establishment of a national health service. Tr. M. Soc. X. Y., Phila., 1892, 62-83 Also: Sanitarian N. Y.,1892. xxviii, 193-215.—!*> vynllovslti (V.) Obshtshiye voprosi professionalnol higieni. [General questions of . . .] Zeinsk. vrach, Chernigov. 1891. iv. 119: 133: 103.— Sweetser (H. Ii.) Preventive medicine. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul. 1890, x, 199-203.—Talbot (M.) Sanita- tion and sociology. Am. J. Sociol.. Chicago. 1896-7. ii, 74-81.—Teale (T. P.) Sanitary science and preventive HYGIEXK. 633 HYGIENE. Hygiene (Public). medicine. .1. San. Inst., Lond., 1897-8. xviii, 277-279.— Temple (II. (5) Etiology and prophylaxis, or prevent i\ e medicine. St. Louis Clinique. Is9.">. viii.445-448 Tlioiiiot (L.) Le iol.de 1 initiative pri\ e. en matiere d'hygiene publique. Ann. d'hyg.. Par.. 1899. 3. s.. xli. 3381352.— Thomson (W. H.i The relations of the public to the medical ptol'ession. Phila. M. J , 1901, vii. 967-9(19.-«le Tolosn lialoar(M.) I'n problema de higii-uc escolar: alguuas i-onsideraciones ]>nicticas acerca de la clinica, el lal.oiatorio v la higiene piiblica en la £poca proente. Siglo med., Madrid. 1897. xliv. 275: 295: 310: 324. ------. Concept.) v tines de la higiene popular. Cones]., nied.. Madrid. 1900. xxxv, 298; 307; 322: 331. - Trader (J. "W.l President's annual address to the Medical Associa- tion of the State of Missouii. April 17. 1877. Tr. M. Ass Missouri. Sr. Louis. K-77.14-25. AUo. Reprint.—Tyndale (W.C.i Sanitarv appliances. J. San. Inst., Lond.. 19ul-2. xxii. 53-72. — Vieira (L.i Lico.s de hygiene piiblica. Coiiubra nied.. D95 x\ .'14-551.— Wining (G. K.I Gen- eral sanitation. Cleveland M. Gaz.. !»:>"' ., xi 17-32.— Welch (AV. H ) Consul, rations eoncerniiig s..me exter- nal son cts of infection in their bearing on preventive medicin.'. M.-d. News. Phila. 1»»'.». lv. 29-38. Als.■ . Re ]irint — Wells i.s/, S.i On nation.il health Brit. M. J., Lond . Is90. ii. 771-777. ------. The prevention of pre- ventable disease. Glasgow M. J., 1893. xl. 1-17.— \»'i«- gins 'J. L.) The vain, ot sanitation. Tr. Illinois M. soe Chicago, 1895. 5.K.-5 it'. — Wisjlal itl. W.) The pre- vention of comiuiinicable diseases l'i,.,. San. Convent. "Spsiluui. Mich lss5, Lansing, lsStf, 32-39. AUo. Re- P'-i.t — Wililberu il'. F. L.I Betrachtungeii iiher das \5 ■ hi niss der Arzneiwissenschaft zum Staale. nebst Ge- .i.iii^r-ii \,»rsch'i.igen und Winken, eine nothw endige Re- fonn il. sselben b> iieffeml. Krit. Jahrb. d. Staatsarznk.. Berl.. ls"0. i. 4.'-117.— Wilson (W.R.I The light relation of the general public to state pieventive no -dicine. Tr. M. Soc. X.Car. 1883. Wilmington. l.»M. xxx. -|i',-."i; — Wy.i.aii , (W.i Governineut aids to public health A. Am. M. Ass Chicago. Is90, xv. 1-4. ------. Sanitation aud progress. Ibid.. 1901. xxxvi, 609-.-14 AU,,, Kepnul. Al*" : Sanita- rian X. Y.. 1901. xlvi, p.i;-209. — Vaataac iM.) 'The hvgiene of public -works Kokka Igaku Kwai Zasshi. Tokyo. 1901, 503-518. —/.riho.-e (J.) Lazne. verejn6, I holirny i vhwostriiny se sianoviska vefejne zdravotniho. [Public baths and baiber shops from the standpoint of | public health. Z.liavi. v Praze. Is98. iv. 65-71.— Zoiy voor de volksgc/.....lhe-.1 in bewoomle plaatsen. Xedeil. Cong. v. openb. Gzudlidsreg., Amst., 1890. i, 3s-69. Hygiene (Public. Adaptation and methids in;. So-, aho. Bacteriology: Chemistry in relation tn hygiene, etc. Ai>am> (R.) A few observations on sanitary work and the relations of women to it. 1*2;. P'irminghain. l-!»o. Ai.bankse (11 ) Proposta pel nuovo ufficio il'figiene. -.c Palermo. l--ii. Allbutt (H. A. 1 (ifi.logv and its connection with sanitarv science. 12-. London, [1-7-1. Allkn (J. K.) Sumo sanitary memoranda. ~-. [Lansing, 1~8L] Arnoldoff (V.) O higroskopii hnosti nlcko- torikh veslitalicstv i vey.i otiioshenii k higienie. [Hygn.s. (.pic quality of various materials and its relation to hygiene.] 8°. Kazan. 1-99. Chadwick (D.j Tlie financial aspect of the sanitary question. - . Manchester, 1-57). Chadwick (Sir E. 1 On the jiii-ispi-iiilenee of chargciliility for sanitary works and for p.»or lat-s. police rates, and other branches of local ailininistration. - . London, lo"3. Si-e. aUo. infra. ------. On tlie evils of disunity in central and local administration especially, with relation to the metropolis and also on the new centralisa- tion for the people; together with improvement in codification and in legislative procedure. 8°. London. 1—.">. ------. Economy of sanitation. To tin-editor of the '•Sanitary World''. [On tin- reduced rate of mortality in the town of Leek.] 4 . [n. p.. l-8t..] ------. On the present state of local and general knowledge of sanitary science, and of the economies of its application. ** . London, [l«9]. HyS'ieiie(Pwfc/''V, Adaptationand methods in). Ciieuyin (X.) Exanien des principes ile l'ad- ministration en matiere san il aire, on reponse au discours prononce a la Chambre des Deputes, Ie IU mai ls-Jii par M. de Boisbertrand. 8-. Paris, 18>7. (.'oxsor (L.i The needs for and value of public Iiealth work. - . Lansiini. [l>iH ]. • Proc. Sau. Convent. Detroit, Lining 189s. 36-45. Fili.assiek (A.) De la determination des pouvoirs publics en matiere d'hygiene. 8\ Paris, 1>. Levraud (B.) A: Foprcade-Pki'Net. Pre- cautions sanitaires applicahles au Miui>ti*re des finances. - . [Paris, 1852.] LvhsTux i(i. F.) Modern sanitation. Some of its fallacies and relations to the zymotic dis- eases, with especial reference to the defects of our so-called '•modern improvements"'. 8c Chicago, [n. d ]. Uepr.from: Personal Rights Advocate. Martin (A.) "Essai sur les rapports de l'hy- giene et de la prophylactique, avec la magistra- ture de police de salubrite. 4;. Paris, 1803. Musso (G.) La vigilanza sanitaria sull' an- nona ed i laboratorii chimici per 1' analisi delle sostanze alimeutari e le ricerche sulle coudizioni igieniche dei comnui. --. Torino, 1--11. Nicolai (A. H.) Grundriss der Sanitiits- Polizei. mit besonderer Beziehung auf den preus- sischen Stnat. >-". Berlin, 18.15. Patamia. U' governo e la salute pubblica. - ■. [n. p.. l>7f>. vel subseg.] Roth (M.) On the neglect of physical educa- tion and hygiene by Parliament and the educa- tional department, as the principal cause of the degeneration of the physique of the population, of tlie excessive infantile and general mortality, and of many diseases and deformities; with au abstract of a report on the present state of physi- cal education on the continent ... ~ . London, 1-79. Sanitary reform. 1*2 . [n.p., n.d,] Skvoiitxii 1 (I.) Kurs praktiehoskol higieul dlya studentov, vrachei i obshtshestvenno-sani- tarnlkh uchre/.hdeniy. <>td. 1: Sanitarnaya statistika i geograftiya. s danniini po antrupo- logii i demogralii. [('ourse of practical hygiene for physicians, students, and public sanitary in- stitutions. 1. sect. Sanitary statistics and ge- ography, with data on anthropology aud dem- ography.] - . Varshava, 1-^4. ------. Plani i sposold sanitarnikh izsliedo- vaniy. (2. otd.: " Kursa |irakticheskoi higieni''). [Plans and methods of sauitnry investigations (2. sect, of his: " Course of practical hygiene").] 12 . Kharkov, 1—9. [Smoli:n-ki (V. ().) Prostleishie prakticheskle metodi higienicheskikh izsliedovaniy i otslenka ikh rezultatov.] [Simple practical methods of hygienic investigations and estimation of their 1 esults.] -a [S -Peterburg, 1897.] HYGIENE. 634 HYGIENE. Hyg"iene (Public, Adaptation and methods in). Springtiiorp:: (J. W.) Unseen enemies and how to fight them. 8-. Melbourne, 1885. Uses of a state government. [How to pro- mote the public welfare by an effective state health service.] galley sheet. [Lansing, 1881.] Allen (M. K.) Some of the features of health admin- istration. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville. 1901. xxxi, 201- 209.—Armaingniiil. Snr les moyens de fnire ahoutir les projets d'organisation de la medecine publique. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1881, iii, 147 — 1 AT. AUo. Reprint.—Arni- Mtrong (P. 15.) The care of the publir health a national duty i a national bureau of health. Tr. Pan-Am. M. Cong. 189.1, Wash., 1895, pt. 2. 1972-1975.—Atkinson 0-I901. xxi, 40-44.— Daniirroim nhysicians. [Edit.] San. Engin., X. Y., 1884-5. xi, 539.—Day (Mrs. E.) On woman as a help mate in sanitary reform. Tr. San. Inst. Gr. Brit. 18S8-9. Lond., 1890, x. 160-165.—DfflTcriit'z. D.-s installations sanitah es et liygieuiques dans les etablissemeuts industriels et les ad in in ist rations publiquos. Bull. Acad. rov. de med. de Belg. Brux., 1900, 4. s., xiv, 146-150.—!»«•' Konni, Le applicazione della hatteriologia nei servigi di servitii pubblica. Clin, mod., Pisa, 1900. vi, 57. — Dc Wolf (O. C.) The relation of state medicine to the profession of architecture. Chicago M. J. &. Exam., 1866, liii, no. 6. 4- 18.— Diabrow (W. S.) Pages from a sanitarian's note book. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep.. Indianap., 1900. xxvi, 225-230. AUo, Reprint.—Due lie mill (J.) & Poiichin. Services de l'hygiene et de hi sante pu- blique. Actasy mem. d. ix Cong, internac. de hvg. v de- mog. 1898, Madrid, 1900, ii, 152-160.—Dn .Vle»iiil (O.) Bureaux inunicipanx d'hygifene institues en France et a l'etraiiger (Turin, Bruxelles. Nancy. Le Havre, Keims, Saint-fitieuue, Amiens, Pau, Rouen); examen de leur Hyg'iene (Public, Adaptation and methods in). mode d'organisation et de fonctionnement. Rec. il. trav. Comite consult, d'hyg. pub.de France 1886. Tur., 1887, xvii 182-247.— Ebertz. Euglische Stimmen iiber sanitats-po'- lizeiliche Tagesfragen. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl 1889. n. F., li. 447-455.—Egglewton (E. R.) The rela- tions of chemistry to public Iiealth. Sanitarian N. Y 1886, xvi. 486-495. Also: Ohio Sau. Ass., X. Y.. 1886. iii! 54-63.—finail (Sir J.) On the lowering of tho geneva' death-rate. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1896, ii. 267-270 AUi [Abstr.]: Lancet. Lond., 1896, ii, 344.— Farqiihni-Noi. (IL) On a model hygienic state, or a glance at the sanita- tion of the future. San. .Tour., Glasg., 1891-2. n. s., xv, 293-306.— Fleniy (C. M.) Dn licenciement des casernes! des lycees o-i groupes simil lires au point de vue de l'hy- giene publique. Cong, intei nat. d'hvg. et ile denioc C r. 1889, Par., 189'. 934-9:,8.— Fieuiul.' Hvgiene und Meteo- rologie. Gesuudheit Frankf. a. M., 1895, xx. 129- 145 — Fulton (J. S.) Will it pay? Marvland M. J., Bait., 1897-8. xxxviii, 260-262.—«nllois (P.) L'hygiene mo- derne et la suppression des maladies contagieuses. Rev. scient., Par., 1889, xliv. 5-12— <»oiinn«lt. Welche hy- gienischen Fnteisuehnngcn sind .leu 11m sikern von Anus ween zu iibeitragen ? Preuss. Me.l ll.anileii-Ver. Otf. Ber., Beil.. 1894. xi. 41-61. .\ece»»ily .Thei of govern- ment ai'l to medical research. Therap. Ga/... Detroit. 1885 3. s. i, 121. — .Xi'w-Mholine iA.) Notes on siiutarvad- niinistratioii. [Abstr.] Pub. Health Lumd.. ltMlO. xii.' «.i:i- |i4C. ------• On possible extensions of public h-'llllh work. J. State M.. l.ond.. 1901, ix. 538-.V.5. — Wicfcol« (W. K.) Chemistry ill the service of public health. Pioc Am. Ass Adv. Sc.'lS85, Salem, 1P8B. xxxiv, 91-108. AUo. It-mint. Also: Sconce. Can.hiidgo, 1885. vi. 2H8-2M). — Oililv ill. G.) Organization mils convi'iiiente del servicio sani- tario de las fronleras terrestres en caso tic epideinias cad- ti.as, principalineiite en lo que se ictieie a d.-snl. econ. Actas v nieni. d. ix. Cong, internac de hig v (h inoj. I89-, .Madrid. 1900. ii. 322-327. — I'lijjit (C. IA) ' Some imper- fections of public health a.lniiir,-nation. J. San. Inst.. Loud,, 18'..4. xv. 386-4d2. Also: Lancet Lond.. 1>94. ii 725 729. AUe. : Med. Press \ Circ. Lond.. 1804. n. s.. lviii. :04-367. — I'nko i \V. C. <-.) The application of ha. teri- .>],>">• to public health. Pub. Health. Lond.. 1899-190,1. xii, 385-4::7. Also A\l.-tr.]: Brit. M. J.. I.oml, 1900. i, ls6- 190. — Pn>i iinl i P. i li.dicaciones <|.iii in gicas que deben llenarsi- en el servicio sanitario dc prime, a linea. Somalia med., Buenos Aires. l>95. ii. :>!• >-:;'.i5 -I'ooif iii. V.i The shortcomings of some modern sanitarv methods. San. Rec. Loud.. 1887-8. n. s. ix. 1-9. ------. Drv methods of sanita- tion Ibid.. 1891-5, n. s.. xvi. 149.1; l.">l:i. AUo: Builder, Lord. 1>93. 4,-2-18".. Also. K.-piint. ------. Address on the shortcomings of some mod. i n sanitary methods. Lan- cet. Lond. 18-". ii. 147-153.-Po»lle (J. M.i The need of r..sea i cb in preventive in. -di. -inc. Tr. Pan-Am. M.I'ong. 1-93. Wash. 1895. pt. 2. 1981-Kniid (J. P.) Autopro- | phylaxis: every man his on u germicide. X. Eng. M.Oaz., Bust. 1896. xxxi, 357-3i'.3.—Kelnnder i K.) Kanuattaako terv.-y.lenl.oito.' J How to fiirlh-r hvgiene.'| Suoiueii terveydenh.-lehti, Helsingissii. ]8>9. i. 17-19. — KCnvi (J.| A f.-leiossegi rendszer mint jdvendo kdzegcszseeii^y 1-d/i ga7gatasunk alapja. [The system of responsibility as the foundation of our future ad minist rat ion of public hygiene. ] Orvos lapja.. Budapest. 19(U, xii, 4-.-. — Keii«<.iL.i Les (..rains. Ann. d'h\g.. Bar.. Im«9. 3. s.. xxi, 38.5-391.— KiekellH (E. M.i The sanitation of-work shops and public conveyances ('in.-iii. Liiui et ( liuic, 1896. n. s., xxxvi, :',96-399.—Kobin- . K 0.) The artistic side of sanitary science: address lo the working classes. Tr. San. Inst. Gr. Brit. Lond., 1--0-7, viii. 325-337. — Kochnnl. L'avenir de l'hygiene. Assoc franc pom lAxance. d sc C.-r., Pai.. lssT. xvi. pr. 1 13--151.— Kuala (I'.i I principali 1 rol.len.i dell'igi.-ne. Salute publ... Perugia. Is91. vii. 35; 05- '.'-, 137; 225; 257; 2»9.—Ruffy (P.; Kozegeszsegiigy es szoszialpolitika. (Hvgiene and social politics.] i'vo- .;. ..-/.ir, Budapest. ls9T'. xxxvii. 758,- 776; 791: MJ7.—Kn*- »i'll A. B.* Sanitation and so.-ia' ecouoinics; an object lesson. San. Jour Glasg . 18-9-30, n. s., xiii, 321 339. AUo, It-print. — .•it-oil iMargaret E.) Women's work in promoting the cause ol hygiene. Tr. vii. Internal, t'ong. Hsz.Sc Demog. 1-ill, Lond.". I*'.i2. ix, 242--J46. — Mcoll (W. E.) Oxidation and putrefaction in relation to the public health Ti . I,, a.. M. Soc. Burlington, ls9s.cS U-Hcoll. -Moncricir (\V. I) | 'lhe province oi' the phj-.su i.m and the engineer in ihe wink of sanitai ion. Tr. Bn-htoii Heaitb (ong. 1881. Lond.. [188'J], 313-31 7 «*«-.i , «•■ I W i Sonn- suggestions as to sanitation. Proc Connect. M. Soc. Watel bury. 19ol', 280-284.- "Mini I n< i ill.) Ktfahlungeii auf dem Gebiete der Coniiob- < I ■-1- I., b. nsmitttl und Ge- hrauchsgegenstaiide. Arch I ll\g Miinchen u. Leip/.., ]89.l. xvii, 429-439. -Mhiillo v«l92. x. 127-130. — Topl«*y (W.i Geology in its relation to hy- giene Tr. San. Inst lssiil. I.....d., ls!ll. xi. 2:5-22:5. — Ver- non (II. 11. > the ecomunics ol'sanitation. Liverpool M.- Chir. J.. 1896, \vi,409-423. — Wall (J. P.) Public hygiene in Ihe light of recent observations uud exp riineiits. Vi' ginia M. Month.. Ki. hniond, 1895 0. xxii, 101-176 —Wal- ton (G. E.) Hi.w fur a government should interfere with pi ivale right for pul lie benefit, Tr Ohio M. Soc. Colum- bus. 1879. xxxiv. 135-I41. WiiImoii (I A.) Sanitary sug- gestions. I r. N5 llanips iio M . Soc. C.....-old. 1S82.'7.5-S9, Also. Keprint. — Weinitli. La patoL.gii l:.- gratica (Nuovi nriz/onti che. cssa sehiud- al ' igiene.) Biv. iner- naz. d' ig., Nap di 1890, i, 285; 349; 413; 473 Will (T.) I'iinfto Section. Chemie und Phxsik iu Anwendung aut' Hygiene. Deuisch-' Vrtlis.-hr. f. tiff Gsndhtsplig : Brn- schwg.. 1892. xxiv. 203-21)5. AUu. Kepi inl. — Wlitcli'; (T. W.) Legal liability for professional ..piui.ii. Pub. Health Engin.. Lond., 1898, j), 226: 241— Wiyht (O. W. j A proposed plan of public sanitation. Tr. M i li M. Soc. Detroit. 188(>, 26 271. — IVooilhcnd (G.S ) The oigauisa- tion of bacteriological res arch in conned ion wiih public health. Pep. Biit. Ass. Adv. Sc. Lond., 1896 981. ------, On the hearing of recent bacteriological invi stigalions on public health. J. State M., Lond.,'1*97, v, 289; 357: 405; 453. ■—Wnrrall 11'- ) Atlniinistrat ive sanitation. San. Kec. Lond., 1895 6, n. s., xxii, 077; 713: 767; 821; 893.— Wi-ijjht (G.) Hygiene; its present status and its pro- speciive place in medical and surgical science South. Calif. Pract, Los Angeles. 1892, vii. 225-234 -Xiitthi (O ) Kela/.ione sulla con.petenza scientitica c giuridica del medico nell' esercizio dell' amministrazione sanitaria. Atti Cong. gen. tl. Ass. med. ital. 1885, Perugia. 188lj, xi, 62-115. Alto: Gior. d. Soc. ital. tl' ig., Milano, 1886. viii, 17-59. AUo, Keprint. Hyg'iene (Public, Boards and officers of). A(ll'AI)l) V MoliAKI (l'\) Iiuprcsidlics (lc uu inspector dc Himidad. lireves cunsiilerncioucs sobre iuspeccioucs dc sanidad tcrrestre. - . Madrid, 1891. Balcii (L.) A iiiiinu.il for boards of Iiealth and health officers. 1*2°. Albcuui ,)■ Xew York, 1895. -----. The same. 16c. Albany d' -^eiv Yovk, 1.-9H. Berxiiabdi ([F. A.] A.) Die Aerzte als (ie- sundlicitslicanite. Kiue Mcdizinal-<>r»auisatioii mit uncutgcltlicher Krankenbi-haudluno nnd eiuer jii-ogressiven (lesiindheitssteucr. > . Ei- lenburg, [1887]. Killkt (C.) Le fun-tiouiieiiient tics forma- tions sanitiiiics. Coiiferences aux medecins tie reserve et de l'ariuce territorialc 1*2°. Paris. l-'.M',. Chadwick (E.) Sanitary review of tlie ses- sion. Association of Public Sanitary Inspectors, 1^-;,. \-> . London. 1-85. -----. The Association of Public Sanitary Inspectors. Annual address anil report of pro- ceedings, IVb. I, ls-s. ,-■ . London, 1-8-. Dt'inus (Ij.-.I.) *l)e l'oduciitioii profession- nelle des medecins hygi<*nistt's. 4 . Paris, ls'.M. Evan's (I. N.) Nalional Hoard of Health. Spcecli ... ill lhe House of bVpresentatives, I'clu-uary *2r), lrtH.'i. s \ IVushinglon, 1885. van Hasskli (A. W. M.) Mixed pickles voor aansiaiiule en jongt^ ol'liciereii van oe/ondlicid, - . 's tirart nhage, l-HI. .h--.KKA.yi (<;. 15.) Association of Public Sani- tary Inspectors. First session, IsSll-l. Inau- gural aililic88. \2c Manchester, lsK?. Ki\ki:ad (11. J.) The guide for Irisli medical practitioners; containing valuable information for medical practitioners, and especially for those holding public appointments, such as poor law, inlirmary, prison, lunacy, admiralty, mili- tary, police, and insurance medical officers; consult ins; sanitary officers of health, aud pub- lic vaccinators; yvitli a preface by A. H. Jacob. 8°. Dublin, is*dl. Lkk (li.) The organization of local boards of health in Pennsylvania. ~ . Philadelphia,[1880~\. HYGIKXE. 636 HYGIENE. Hygiene (Public, Boards and officers of). '------. Extract from remarks made before lhe Suite Sanitary Convention at Pittsburg. May 30, l-s'.h [On boards of health. J j* . Harrisburg, l^ifl. Makani'oxi ((1.) Iniportanza delle rilormc dell' ufficio d' igiene. Conferenza letta nella saladel teatroOliinpico il IS si-tteinbre 1808. **c. Vicen'a. 1898. May |E. S.i Tenure of office of sanitary in- spectors. 1*2 c Manch eater, 1-s:',. Mkmoiiie sur le bureau de la santi? de Mar- seille, et sur les regies tjn'on y observe. 4*5 Marseille. l?r>:5. Mt'Li.KK (F.) Sull' istitnzione di un ufficio sanitario ed epidemiologic!) internaziouale ) er- nianente. lv>~\ Titimio, 1-9-5 Pakkek (L.) A: Woktiiingtox (R. H.) The law of public health and safety, and the powers and duties of boards of health. -\ Albany, 1892. Piti'i-TNi' (Die) fiir den iirztlichen Staatsdienst und die hiczu niitigen Vorbeieitungen. Zus.-un- mengestellt von J. F. Lehniann's medizinischcr Buchhandlung (Lehmann & Staedke). 15c. Miinchen, [1891]. Renestkel (A.) L'universit<*, doit-elle dis- tinguer les medecins en docteurs et en officiers de saute'? Non . . . Les officiers dc sante 1116- ritent-ils lc reproche d'iguoraiicc qn'on leur fait generalement? Non. >:-. Paris, 18*26. Skkpworth (S. P.) The position of the san- itary inspector. 1*2". Mnnches'er, 1885. Exited States. National Board of Health. Rem irks before the Comniittee on Public Health of the House of Repres ntatives in support of House bill 2785. J>th Congress, 1st session, for the protection of the public health, and in refu- tation of charges made against the board by the Supervising; Surgeon-General of the Marine Hospital Service. [ By Dr. Charles Smart, U. S. A.; Dr. Stephen Smith; Col. George E. Waring, jr.; and Thomas Simons.] s-. Wash- ington, 1SS4. Wittmanx (F.) Ptlichten der Geineindevor- stelier in Sanit.'itsatigelegenheiten. s-. [Klagen- furt. 18-5.] liepr. from: Kiirntn. Gem^inde-Blatter, 1881!. Action for lihel against a medical officer of health. Brit.M.J., Loml.,19ol,ii,5i>5.—Adams (F. E.){etal.}. The status, remuneration, and tenure of office of medical officers of health. 1'uh. Health, Lond.. 1893-4, vi, 2-4.—Arm. Nii-oii*; (H. E ) Ou the status of the medical officer of health as a criterion of sanitary progress. Tr. Soc. M. Off. Health. Loud..1884-5. 44-03. 'Also. Keprint. -----. On the education, training, and qualification of the medical officer of health. Pub. He dth, Lond., 1889-90, ii. 226-2:12. Also, Keprint.— Baird (J. P.) The poyvers of State hoards of health. Am. M. J., St. Louis, 1896, xxiv, 447- 449.—Baker (U. 15.) The duties of the local health offi- cer. Proc. Sau. Convent. Hastings. Lansing, 1889, 53-58. -----. The usefulness of a hoard of health. Proc. San. Convent. Lapeer, Lansing, 1890, 7-17. -----. How much ought a small citv to pay its health officer? J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1891, xvii.' 803-805. -----. The yvork and pavof health officers. Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit. 1892. xvi, 42-.7. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1892, xviii, 631. -----. State hoards of health : duty of national, state, and municipal governments in relation to public health. Mod- ern Med. & Bacterid. Kev., Battle Creek, Mich., 189s-, vii, 83-86.-----. Better compensation for local health officers. Physician & Surg., Detroit & Ann Arbor. 1901, xxiii, 133- 13s'. .4Iso: Tr. Mich. Med. Soc.Detroit.1900,xxiv, 196-203.— Batch (L.) Relationsof physicians to the hoard of health and health laws. Sanitarian. N'.Y . 1888. xx, 303-308. -----. The relation of physicians to hoards of health. Tr. M. Soc N. T.. Phila., 189l', 386-38U.— Baleslre. Note sur le bu- reau d'hygiene de Nice. Kev. d'hyg.. Par., 18*7. ix, 441- 445.—Ballard < K.| Medical officers of health; their training and the conditions on which they should hold of- fic*. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1889, ii, 449-452!—Benouville. Do l'enseignement siuitaiie. professionnel. [Rap ] Con- gres d'assain. etdesaluh.18:1.5, Par.,1897, i,175-188.—B«*rry (\V.) Au address on the relation of the medical officer of he 1th to his professional brethren, sanitary authority, and Ivg-ienc (Pubhc, Boards and officers of). tiie pni,ii,-. Scalpel. Lond., 1899. iv. 50-62— Betmaiui (Ii.) Civil-service reform ill state in-l itutions : i.-orgaiiiza tion of the medical staff. J. Am. M. A-s.. Chicago. IMC, xxiv, 1008-1010. Ateo.Rcni'int.—Blaki-iJ.D.) The mu- tual relations of the health department and the medic d pro- fession. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1-90, xxiii. 127-135. —BIyth (A. \V.) The education, status, and en.olum. uls of sani- tary insiiectors. .1. San. Inst.. Lond.. 1897-8, xviii, 14-9-199.— Borgcrhoir:?Iulder(W.H. L.) liet heyvaren van het beroepsgeheini door den officier van gezomlheid. Mil.- geneesk. Tijdsehr.. naarletn. 1899, iii, 1-29.—Brigs* (J. R.) A plea for a slate hoard of health. Texas Healili J. Dallas. 1888-9, i, 34.5-352.—Bryant (J. D.) Hoyv can the medical profession aid the hoard of health .' Med. Rec . X. Y., 1887. xxxii, 613-616.-----. lhe health department and the conference committee of the Academy of Medicine. N.York M. J, 1890, li. 35-4H.—Biii-ii* (W.O.) President's address. Rep. Bd. Health Mich.. Lansing. 1893. 111-13 — Burron»(P. P.) President's a l.lress. Kep. Ass. Health Off Ontario.Toronto, 1890, 42-47.—Cambritliit' (The) ex- amination for the diploma in public health. Pub. Health, Lond.. 1890-91, iii, 208.—C'hnrsjc of his honor, Judge Ew- ing, of Allegheny Couniy, continuing the right of a health officer to re.....ve a person ill with an infectious disease to a hospital. Rep. I'd. Health fete] Penn. 1886. Harrisburg. 1887. ii, 540-545.—Coi'kbnrii (J. C.) The yvork of a city health officer; and hoyv the people mav assist and support their local hoard of health. Ren. Bd. Health Minn. 1881-2, Minneap., 1883, ix, 197-204— Cook (YV. O.l Tue rela- tion of Iiealth officers, medical profession, and th.* people to each other. Tr. M. Soe. Tennessee, Nashville, 1887,145- 157.— Cunningham ( J. L ) Sanitary supervision hv the state. Texas Health J., Dallas, 1893-4.vi, >3 : 1894-5, vii. 1 ; 77.—Drvai (M.) Zur Phvsicatsfrage. Pe>r. med.- chir. Presse, Budapest. 1x98. xxxiv, 1085-1(188.— I»i»t ii — -ion (A) on the profes-ion and lhe pul.lic health sei vie-. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1896. ii. 314-317 — Dixon (S. (L) Annual address. Kep. Bd Health [etc] I'enn. 1891. Harrisburg, 1892. vii. 452-466. AUo. Reprint.—Doc- tor H. P. Walcott and the Massachusetts hoard of health, lunacy and charity. |Edit.] Boston M. & S. J., 188.5, cxii,61L— Draft of a proposed bill to establish a bureau of public health. [ liv a coininiitee of the Neyv Vol k Academy of Medicine.1 Med. Kec. N. Y.. 1893, xliv, 253-256. AUo, Reprint.—Droiiineau (G.) L.i profession dhv-ienist.'. Rev. d'hyg.. Par.. 1892. xiv. 20'-216.—Dudfield (T. O.) Conference of medical officeis of health. J. San. Inst., Lontl., 1899, xx, 409-427. — Duke (E. T.) Health boards in small communities. Marvland M. J., Bait.. I8n6, xxxv. 243-245. — Durand - Claye (A.) & C'orot (P.) Les examens libres du Sanitaiy Institute of Great Brit- ain. Bull. Soc. tie med. pub.. 'Par., 1884, vii, 302-314 — Duties (The) of a medical officer of health and his responsibilities. Lancet, Lond., 1901, ii, 429. — Duties (The) of public sanitary inspectors: questions yvith model answers; by a sanitary inspector. San. Kec. Loud.. 1887- 8. n. s., ix. 461; 513.—Examination questions. J. San. Inst., Lond.. 189*-9. xix, 742; 749: 19(10-1901, xxi, 363: 5J5; 650: 1901-2. xxii. [Suppl.1, 88.—Fixity of tenure for med- ical officers of health. Brit. M. J.. Lontl., 1895. i. 601.— Flinn (D. E.) On the ailininistrati. n of the public health act in Ireland yvith regard to the duties of officers of health. Tr. San. Inst, Gr. Brit., Lond., 1884-5. vi, 106-118. -----. The duties of medical officers of health in England and Ire hind contrasted. Tr. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1886, iv, 371-377. AUo: Dublin J. M. Sc. 1886. 3. s., lxxxi. 363-366. AUo: Med. Press \- Circ. Lond , 1886. n. s.. xli, 289.— Fovarsur (IL AV.) Collisions between general practi- tioners an I medical officers of health. Lancet, Lond., 1893. i, 1285. — Fulton (I. S ) The relation of public health officeis to practicing physicians. Maryland M. J., Bait , 1899, xli, 43-45. [Discussion], 53-56. — Fyfo (P.) Con- ference of sanitaiy inspectors. J. San. Inst.. Lond., 1897-8. xviii, 347-356. —iuria (P. M.I Esercizio abusivo delle professioni sanitarie Cong. med. region, ligure 1899. Atti. Geneva, 1900, 142-146 —Green- wood (A.) A review of three years' yvork as a board-of health physician. Boston M. &' S. J., 1898, exxxviii, 249- 251.—Origg (W.) Some reasons why sanitary inspectors do not occupy their statutory position. San. Rec. Lond., 1894-5, n. s.,'xvi, 1569-1572.—CJrimshaw (T. V,'.) The state medicine qualification. Tr. Rov. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl , lt90, viii, 450-461.—Gwynn (E.) The medical offi- cer of health as a public teacher. Pub. Health, Lond., 1898-9, xi, 76-81.—Hatch ;F. W.) State boards of Health and the medical profession. Tr. M. Soc. Calif. Sacra- mento, 1884, 88-100.—Hazen (E. 11.) Should officers of boards of health be practicing physicians ' Iowa State M. Reporter, Des Moines, 1884-5, ii, 159. — llazlrwood (A.i HYGIENE. 637 HYGIENE. Hygiene (Public, Boards and officers of). Compensation of health officers. Rep. Bd. Health Mich. 1888-9. Lansing. 1890 xvii. 159-163.—Ilelbig. Taktische Aiishildung der SanitatsOffi/icro. Keichs- Med. - Anz., Leip/.., 1**98 xxiii, 441-443— Herrick (S. S.) A depart- ment of health, or a bureau; which.' A. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1896. xxvii, 464.—He ii in an (G.) Anteckningar roranilo hainnlakare-iiistitutionen i Hamburg. [Xotes on the institution of harbor physicians iu Hamburg.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1901, n. f., i, 196-206.—Higbcc (C. G.) The powers and limitations of boards of health iu relation to measles scarlatina, diphtheria, typhoid fever, and small- ] pox. Tr. Am. Inst. Homceop. 1898. X. Y., 1899, liv, 241- 243.—Hirst (A.) The position of the medical officer of health. Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1891, x, 462-404. —Iloiuan (G.) What has been done autl what has not been ttone by the State board of health. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri, St. , Louis. 1888, 156-162. -----. A suggested minimum basis I of compensation to local health officers. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 18s9. Concord. 1890,xv, 53-55. [Discussion), 242. AUo: Rep. Bd. Health Missouri 1889, St. Louis. 18!Hi. .i8- 60—Hooker (E. BA The powers aud limitations of hoards of health. Tr. Am. Inst. Homtvop. 1898, X. Y., 1899, liv, 216-226. Al**o: X. Am. J. Honneop., N. V., 1899,3. 8., xiv, 65-72.—Hurty i.T. N.I The work of a health board. Med. Standard, Chicago, 1901, xxiv, 81.—Interim report of subcommittee of the council of the Society of Medical Officers of Health appointed to confer with the council of the Sanitary Institute as to the formation of a conjoint ex- amining board, for the examination of persons desirous of becoming sanitary inspectors. Pub. Health, Lond., 1892-3, v, 226-228.—J allien (J. B.) A cabinet minister of public health. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889. ii, 466.-Kiiue (K. R.) Relation of board of health to the city and medical pro- fession. Atlanta J.-Ree Med., 1890. i, 651-656.—Kiin (T.) Az egeszsegiigyi felugvelok piograniiiija. [Program of inspection of sanitaiy institutions.| Ko/eg. 6s Ttirve- ny. Orvos., Budapest, lss.5. 41-48. —I.ee tB.i The proper organization of local boards of health. Rep. Bd. Health [etc.] Penn. 18s5. Harrisburg. 1886. i, 135-144.— I.epiez. Lett e snr les orticieis de sante civils. J d. eoun. ine.il. prat. Par.. 1601. xxviii. -j"j 1.—List of local hoards of health aud health officers. Rep. Bd. Health Ohio 1890-91, Colum- bus, 1**92. vi, -..'49-256. — Low (R. B.) Ou the appointment and tenure ..(' ..ffice of medical officers of health. Tl. San. Inst.Gr. I'.rit.. L..ud.. 1886-7, viii, 118-127. AUo: Sau. Kec. Lond., 1886-7. n. s.. viii, 148-150.— .ll'C'onnaehie iG.) The sanitarv officer and his work, as seen bva layman. San. Jour., Glasg.. 1889-90. u. s.. xiii. 289-800.— tlac Donald (J. D.) The chairman's annual address. Kep. Piov.Bd. Health Ontario 1894, Toronto. 1895. 1-5.-----. Chairman's annual address. [ Board of Health. Ontn io. j Dominion M. Month Toronto, 1*96. vi, 257-263. — .flelntire (C.) Health hon ds as disturbers of the peace. Ann. Hygiene, Phila., 189C xi. 667-674. AUo: J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1896, xxvii, 456-459 — Ticl.ellau (C.) Tbe president's address. Rep. Ass Health Off. Ontario, Toronto, 1892, 35-39.—JVIac.Vlahon iC.i Conference of sanitarv inspec- tors. J. San. Insi.. Lond . 1899. xx. 447-451. —:—. The I training of sanitarv ..fficeis. J. State M , Lond., 1899, vii, ! 391-393.—Markieivicz i St. ) Proj.kt biura techniki bvgieniczuej. [Project of a technical hygienic bureau.] Me.lecyna, Warszawa. 1885. xiii. 710; 730.— JIaynard i H.S.i Duties and powers of health officers. Proc. Sau. Convent. Charlotte, Mich., 1894, Lansing. 1895. 63-69.— .TIeehan (J. H.) Local boards of health. Am. Med.- Surg. Bull., X. Y., 1896, x, .97 — .Montgomery (L. H.) Arguments favoring a department .,f public health. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1886, xxvii.465-468.—Tloore (A.. A.) Local boards of health. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Kep. 1800, Concord, 1891, xvi. 181— .VIoorc (C. F.) Some of the I sanitarv duties of tlie surgeon. Rep. Ass. Health Off. Ontaiio, Toronto, 18uo, 74-80.—JTIunn <\V. P.) Functions and duties of health hoards. Am. Lancet, Detroit, 1889. ' n. s.. xiii, 288-290. AUo.- N5 England M. Month., Dan- bury. Cnn.. l*-9-9o. ix. 17-20. Also.- Pittsburgh M. Rev., 18*9. iii, 167-170 — >a«uiyth (T. G.) The medical officer of health; past, present, and future. Edinb. M.J., 1895-6, xli. 337-350. ------. The profession and the public health seivice. San. Jour., Glasg., 1896-7, U.S., iii, 423-431.— !\'ewMholme (A.) The tluties and difficulties of sani- tary inspectors. San. Rec. Loud 1888-9, n.8., x, 411-414.— Opinion of Thomas M. McFarland, esq., attorney to the board of health of Piitsl.ni gh on the powers of boards of health. Rep. Bd. Health letci Penn. 1886. Harrisburg, 1887. ii, 534-.-,:;s. — Orzagon (Az) kdzegeszsegi tan^cs fel- terjesztGse az orvosi kamarak targyiiban. [Memorial on Euidic hygienic advice in the discussions of the boards of ealth.J Kozeg. 6s Torveny. Orvos., Budapest, 1897, 13- 23.—Power (J. B.) The powers and duties of sanitary- inspectors. Dublin A. M. Sc, 1893, c. lix, 41-58.— Power* of inspection hv sanitary authorities (the Folkestone case). Lancet, Lond.,"l893. i, 1089.—Probm (C. O ) The. duties of a board of health. Ohio Sau. Bull., Columbus, 1897, ii, 75-79.—Prosecution of the president of the Society of Medical Officers of Health; police court proceedings at Rothbnry; the case dismissed. Pub. Health, Lond., 1889-90, ii, 236-240.—Queirel. Projet de constitution d'un bureau Hygiene (Public, Boards and officers of). municipal d'hvgi&ne, presente a la commission sanitaire. Maisoiile med., 1887, xxiv, 398-415.—Kaunome (A.) The scientific yvork of sanitary inspectors. San. Kec, Lond., 1888 9, n. s., \, 253-256.—KnuMOiue (A.), AruiMlroug (li. E.) A: Mykew (J. F. .1.) The training ami qualifica- tion of medical officers of health. Pub. Health. Lond., 1893-4, vi. 242-248—Rnpmuud .V .IiinU'ow. Die iirt- lichen Gesiiudheitscoiumissiooeu in ihrer Bedeutung fiir Staat und Gememde, sowie fiir die aintliche Thatigkeit der Medi( inalbeamten. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsnd- htsplig., Brnschwg., 1902, xxxiv, 11-53. — Regulation* as to medical officers of health and inspectors <>t nuisances. Rep. Local Gov. Ihl., Lond., 1891-2, xxi, 1-23. —Reid (G.) The education, training, and status of sanitary inspectors. Tr. vii. Internat. Cong. Hvg. & Demog. 1891, Loud., 1892, ix, 125-138. AU,,: Hygiene. Lond., 1891, iv, 3.53-359. -----. The position ol sanitary inspectors. Lancet, Lontl., 1896, ii, 802-801. — Report of the committee on state boards of health. Am. Puo. Ilenlth Ass. Rep. 188.5, Concord, N. H., 1886, xi, 384-390.—Report of lhe coininiitee on the ".......1 of a national board of health". Boston M. .V S. J., 1889, exx, 10.—Report of the proceedings of the ninth annual meeting of the state and local hoards of health of Ohio, January 19 and 20. 1899. Ohio San. Bull., Columbus, 1899, iii, 20-87.—Reynold* (A. R.) The duty of local hoards of health as instructors of the public X. Am. Pract., Chicago, 1896, viii, 297-300.— Rive* (W. C.) The impor- tance and essential needs of local boards of health. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1889,xiii,403-407.—RudniktM. A.) Ueher die Nothwendigkeit der Creirung einer civilen Sani- talsmannsehaft. Wieu. klin. Wchnschr., 1896, ix, 405-410.— Mehaper ( H. ) Die Bedentuug der Fortbildungscurse fiir Sanitatsofficiere. Berl. klin. "Wchnschr. 1901, xxxviii, 273-275.—Seatou (E.) Should medical officers of health engage in private practice? Pub. Health, Loud., 1893-4, vi, 5.—Second (A. G ) Juntas provinciaies y locales de sanidad. Gac. de hig. y climat., Cadiz, 1880, i, 301-304.— Serres. Rapport sur la creation dun bureau municipal d'hygiene. Gaz. d. hop. de Toulouse, 1888, ii, 385-389.— Shaw-Mlfwarl (Sir M. R.) County councils aud pub- lic health. San. Jour., Glasg., 1895-6, u. s., ii, 313-321.— Sherwin (O. W.) Our relations to health officers and local boards. Atlantic M. Weekly, Providence, 1896, vi, 177-180. — Simon. The formation and org nizaiion of local boards of health. Tr. vii. Internat. Cong. Hyg. .t Demog. 1891, Lond., 1892, ix, 10-13. —Smith ( W. R.) Qualifications of medical officers of health. Lancet. Lond., 1888, i, 944.—Spatuzzi (A.) Saggi di demografia e d' igiene per gli ufficiali sanita! i. Cfficiali san.. Napoli, 1896, ix, 3; 61: 210; 257; 409; 516. —Spence ( R. ) The position of medical officeis of health iu Scotland. Edinb. M. J., 1885-6, xxxi, 246-250. — StatiMtiwehc Uebersicht fiber die Ertheilung des Titels Sanitatsrath iu Preussen. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1893, vi, 39. — Wlover (C.) The interdependence of national, state, and local health boards; a plea for their unification. Tr. M. Soe. X. Y., Syracuse, 1888, 465-469.—Swcte (H.) Salaries of medical officers of health. Pub. Health, Loud., 1889-90, ii, 164- 167.—Tabor ( C. F ) Opinion of attorney - general on power of board of health to lay a drain or sewer in a public street, which is the only means of abating a nuisance which is dangerous and a menace to tho public health, after having duly requested the authorities of such city or village to abate such nuisance, and a refusal upon their partsotodo. Rep.StateBd.Health X.Y. 1890,Albany. 1891, xi, 549-551.—TVchnicnl (The) education of sanitary in- spectors. San. Rec, Lond., 1895 (i. n. s., xvii, 219-222.— ThompHou (G.) Technical education of sanitary in- spectors. San. Plumber, X. V., 189.5, xiii, Suppl., 149.— Thornc (Sir R. T.) The sanitary inspector iu relation to the public health sei vice. | Abstr.) .I.San. Inst.. Lond., 1899-1900, xx, 681-686.—Towler (S. S.) Medical officers of public health in Pennsylvania. Phila. M..I.. 1899, iii, 407. — Vaelier I V.) On some matters in dispute affecting the relations between medical practitioners and medical officeis of health. Med. Times A Hosp. (iaz.. Lontl., 1895, xxiii, 241-243. — Vaillnnt (E.) Projet tie creation d'un ministers du travail, do fhygiene et tie I'assistance puhli- que. Chron. ni6d., Par., 1895, i. 161-K.7. Vauder Veer (A.) The relation of the board of health lo the public. Albany M. Ann., 1891. xii, 145-157— Vignard ( V.) De lapublicite desactes des administrations sanit a ires. Cong. internat. d'hyg. et de demog. C.-r. 1889, Par.. 1890. 835- 84o.— Vinlrax (L.) Cn doctorat en hygiene d'niversite de Durham). Rev. d'hyg.. Par., 1892. xiv. 773-778.—Wat- ford (W. G.) Niue years' stewardship as medical officer of health at King's Lynn, its difficulties autl its results. Tr. Soc. M. Off. Health. Lond., 1883-4, 40-48 Weipnnd. Die EhreiigerichtodcrSauitatsoffi/.iere. Arch, f.dft. Gsnd- htspflg., Strassb., 1901, xxi, 67-69.—Welch (d. M.) Util- ity of boards of health. R.p. Bd. Health Kansas 1889, Topeka, 1890, v, 288-298. —We*t (C. ) Pour la creation dun bureau d'hygiene a Nice. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1885, vii, 539-549.—Whitman (C. R.) Limitations and duties of local boards of health. Proc San. Convent. Detroit 1885, Lansing, 1886, 39-44—Wilkinwon. The position of a sanitary inspector. San. Rec. Lond., 1894-5, n. s., xvi, HYGIKNE. 638 HYGIENE. Hygiene (Public, Boards and officers of). 1161-1461.— Worrall ( 15; Administrative sanitation. Ibid.. 1895-6, n. s., xvii, 1.77; 713.— Wright (F. \V.) De- fence of public health hoai.ls. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Bridgeport, 189.5. 255-260.—Wright (G. P.) On the vari- ous relative powers, diities. work, status, and mode of ap- pointment of county medical officers of health, local dis- trict health officers, and sanitary inspectors. Mel. Mag.. Loud., 1897, vi. 353-362. -----.' Upon the disadvantages attendant ou medical officers of health engaging in private practice yvithiu the area of their official districts. Ibid., 917-921.—Zhbankoflf(D. X.) Ob nchastkovikh sanitar- nikh sovietakh. [On district sanitary boards.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1899, xx, 657-659. Hyg-iene (Public, Condition and prog- ress of). See Hygiene (History, etc, of). Hygiene (Public, Conventions and con- gresses of). See Hygiene (Public, Societies, etc., of), by localities. Hygiene (Public, Examination papers in). See Hygiene (Public Boards, etc., of). Hygiene (Public, History of). See Hygiene (History, etc., of). Hygiene (Public, Laws, organization, and progress of). See, also, Alcoholic drinks (Legislation relat- ing to); Building regulations; Contagion, etc., Contagion, etc., in animals, Prevention of, Public measures rela'ing tr. Contagious diseases acts; Emigrants, Engineering (Sanitary), Laws, etc., relating to; Food (Adulteration, etc., of); Glan- ders (Prerention of); Habitations (L ties, etc, relating to); Habitations for the laboring classes; Hydrophobia (I'rerention of); Hygiene (His- tory, etc., of); Hygiene (Municipal, Laws, etc., of), by localities; Hygiene (Public, Boavds, etc., of); Hygiene (Public, Laws, etc., of), by locali- ties; Poisons (Sale of); Statistics ( Vital, Legis- lation relating to). Antonoip ( M. A. ) Sburnik zagraniclintkh sanitarnlkti postanovleniy i nchrezlideuiy. [Collection of loreiou sanitary regulations and institutions.] - . S.-Peterburg, 1891. Blytii (A. \V. ) Lectures on sanitary layv. *■'\ London, 1895. Camkiiox (C.A.) Sanitary legislation and adminisiration at home and abroad. 12°. Lon- don, [n. d.]. Giaxzaxa (S.) Le le»gi sulla sanita juili- blica; cominciito. >*J. Torino, 1881. Repr. from: Eaccolta delle leggi speciali, 1. s., iii. Graiis (C. G.) Om helsovard ocli lielso-polis; nutcckniugar under en iitliindsk rcsa liosten l*7ti. [Hygieue ;>nd medical police; tra.veiling notes in foreign countries in the fall of 1876.] s-\ Stockholm, 1877. Kihkwooi) (R.) On sanitary laws; how they arc administered. A contribution to the discus- sion of the question of public Iiealth. 8-. Glasgow, 1882. Pokhovskaya (Mar'ia I.) S.niitarnly nndzor nad zhilishtshami i s.initarnaya organizatsiya v ra;.liclniikh gosudarstvakh. [Sanitary inspec- tion of dwelling houses nnd sanitary organiza- tion in various countries.] 1-J^. S.-Peterburg, 1897. Ribbing (S.) Met Avic mag nun trouwtn naar tie wetten der gezondheidalcei•? 12°. Lei- den, 1895. liOBEKTOX (J.) Medical police; or the causes of disease, with tin* means of prevention; aud rules for diet, regimen, etc., adapted particu- larly to the cities of London and Edinburgh, and Hygiene (Public, Lairs, organization, and progress of). generally to all large towns. 2. ed. 2 v. in 1. 8'\ London, 1812. Riata (C.) Fonti ed estensione del diritto sanitario. Prolusione al corso di diritto sani- tario. s\ Citta di Castello, ls94. Adickes & Bannicisler. Die unterschiedliohe Be- handluug der Bauorduungeu fur das Inneie, tlie Aussen- bezirke untl die Umgebung von Stadten. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. oft'. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1894, xxvi. 13- 47.—Adrian! (P.) Ue gezondheidswet. Nederl. mil. geneesk. Arch, [etc.], 's Gravenh., 1900, xxiv. 166- 176—Arnaml (L.) Quehpies considerations sur les r6- fornies sanitaires en Orient. Kev. d'hyg., l'ar., 1892, xiv, 40-52. — It art liclemy. Hygieue sociale; n6cessite d'une loi sanitaiie. Prance nied.. Par, 188*. xxxv, 529; 546. Also, Keprint.—Bell (A. N.) The need of national leg- islation for the protection of human life. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1892, xix, 424-429.— Bly I li (A. W.) Notes ou legislation and law cases. J. San. Inst., Lond., 1894, xv, 117-129.— Browning (B.) On the, coi relation of public health and sanitary legislation. Tr. Brighton Health Cong. 1881. Lond., [1882], 01-97. — Carpenter (A.) San- itary legislation. San. Kec., Lond., 1885-6, n. s., vii, 469; 527.—Corradi (A.) Des ebauches de legislation sani- taire. Cong, internat. d'hvg. et de demog. C\ r.. La Haye, 1884, i, 155-162.—Cosgra've (E. MacD.) The evil effects of imperfect sanitary layvs. Dublin J. M. S3., 1887, 3. s., lxxxiv, 281-284. —t'iiddy (-T. W. 15) Some phases of the civil layv in relation to the development of man. Gaillard's M. J., N. Y., 1888, xlvi, 9-19.—Daggett (D.) A brief account of a trial at law ; in which the influence of wider raised by a mill dam, on the Iiealth of the inhabitants in the neighborhood, was considered. Mem. Connect. Acad. Arts & Sc , N. Haven, 1810, i. 131-134. — Dnjardin- Beaumetz. Legislation tie l'liygiene proph^lactique. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Bar., 1889. cxvi, 433-446. AUo, transl..- Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1889, 3. s., v, 433- 443.— Elliee-Clarli (E. B.) Ou some anomalies in the folniinistrath.n of the sauit-iry layvs Tr. Brighton Health Cong. 1881, Lond., [1882], 83-90.—Fazio (K) La legis- lazione sanitaria e 1' igiene pubblica. L'iv. ital. di terap. e ig., Piacenza, 1889. ix, 6-16.—Gapen (C.) Sanitary legislation. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, le95, xxiv, 79-81.— Harris (A. VV.) Some difficulties connected with sani- tary legislation. Sau. Rec. Lond., 1894-5, n. 8. xvi, 1037-1040. AUo: J. State M., Lond., 1895, iii, 178-187.— Kellogg (L. 15.) Limitation of sanitation laws. Rep. Bd. Health Kansas 18*8. Topeka, 1889, 334-337. —Kelso ("W. \Y.) Sanitary law and administration. San. Jour., Glasg., 1895-6, n. s., ii, 209-220.—Kendall (T. M.) Sav- ing of life through sanitary legislation. Indian M.-Chir. Rev., Bombay, 1895, iii, 691-700.—Liightner (0. A.) The legal aspects of preventive medicine. Physician & Surg.. Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1897, xix, 294-298.' — I.iltlejolm (H. D ) On sanitary legislation. Brit. M. J., Lon.l., 1888, ii, 399-402.—.Vlnrtin (A.-J.) Analyse de la legislation 6traiige.ro relative a. rorgauisationde l'administratiou sani- taire. Kec. d. trav. ('omite consult, d'hyg. pub. de France 1884, Par., 1885, xiv, 136-175. -----. L''assainissement de- vant la loi et la jurisprudence. Kev. d'hyg., Par., 1889, xi, 97-106.—von LYInndy (J.) Ueber das Sanitatswesen Europa's und Amerika's. Erdft'nuugsvortrag gesprochen am 24. Nov. 1867 in der k. k. Josefs-Akatlemie. Ztschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Wien 1867, iii, 574; 585; 603; 619: 1868, iv, Beil. to No. J, 1 ; No. 4, 37; No. 9, 87. — iTlunn (W. P.) The administration of sanitary layvs. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1898, xxxi, 1327-1329.—IVeishtab. Ob organi- zatsii sanitarnol chasti v gorodakh. [Organization of san- itary boards in cities.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1887, xii, 739: 758.—rVcvins (J. B.) On the sanitary arrange- ments of four large communities (littering widely in sur- roundings aud oilier conditions, viz., the Hebrew camp in the desert anti the cities of Manchester, Edinburgh, and Liverpool. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1888, viii, 1-46.— Kamcllo. I chimici niunicipali indipendenti dall' uf- ficiale sanitario. Riv. d' ig. e san. pubb., Torino, 1899, x, 801-811.—Robinson (IL M.) Sanitary legislation and its enforcement. Proc. Ass. Municip. .V San. Engin., Lond.. 1884-5. xi. 18-2ii. -----. Legal hints on sanitarv inspection. J. State M., lontl., 1892-3, i, 119-127.— Tiro in pro (B.) Dell' influenza delle leggi sull' igiene. Gior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir tli Torino. 1862, 2. s., xliv, 257-261. — Weightinan (H.) The sanitary laws of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, also of the United Stales of America, and of the important states of the union, together yvith cases decided ill both countries on disputed points arising out of the rights and duties of boards of health, whether specifically constituted as inde- pendent bodies., or as forming part of the authority in which is vested the government of cities, towns, and vil- lages and rural communities in both countries. Rep. State Bd. Health N. Y., Albany, 1886, vi, 91-163— Wildberg. 11 Yll IE MO. 639 HYGIENE. Htfficiic (Public, Laws, organization, aud jn'ogitssof). I'eber den Ilegt iff der medizinisehen Gesetzgehimg ein Bevlrag /.or "allgeineinen Staats - Wisseiis, halt Kr.t. dainh tl. siaat>ar/.nk.. Beil.. 1*09, ii, 187 .01 -Win. gate 11'. O. I! ) Some thoughts relative to sanitai v legis laliou. Am l'ub. Health Ass. R.p. 1896, Concord, 1.9;, xxii. I 8 142. [Di-cu-sion], 146-150. Hygiene (Public, 7,ci.: 435; 482: 1902, xxiv, 21. ALABAMA. Alabama ll'he) medical and health layvs in the new cod, [ue>ei \ atiou of public health: hospitals; tpiarun- tine-, vital statistics. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama. Montgomery, 1887. 217-227. ALBA. Alba Regohunento di polizia urbana della citta di Alba. - . Allm. 1—:?. ------. Comune di BaldisMio d'Alba. Ke»o- laineuto di iiiiene pubblica locale. s:. Alba, 1—.".. ALBANY. Act (An) [proposed] concerning the public health in the nit'trt>[»olitau police district of the State id' New York and the waters thereof. 8J. [AHutny, n. d.] Act i An; for tbe preservation of the public health and the registration of vital statistics in tlns.-it\ of Albany. Albu.v M. Ann., >Ss5. vi. 247 - 25m. JSaltli I. The health interests ol AH.auv, N. Y. Sanitarian N Y., 1*93. xxx, 481-487 —Ciirli" i F. (5) Some i.iibli.- conditions of sanitary interest iu Albany. Ibid., 4-7 492 ALESSANDRIA. Ali>-axi>i:l\. Stat nti orgauici; regnlaiiieiiti i^i'-nici e rcodlaiiuiiit) disi-ipinaie interno, adot- tnti dalla congivgiiziiini' di cariia di Alessandria per le open* pit* dalla mcdesima ainininistrate. H-. Alexandria, 1"*7.>. ALEXANDRIA. Vi.ku.m.-i (A.) II risanamento d' Alessandria d'Eoitin. ()s-oia azioni c proposte. 2.vt\. 8->. Perugia, 1-97. Caoebel. Der internaliouale Gesiinilheitsrath in Ale- xandrien. (Conseil sanitaire, maritiine et quaiantenaire il'figypte.) Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1900,'xxvi, 51c ALGERIA. Sei. also, in this list, Algiers. 1'kkiki: (5J.-A.-N.) De l'livgiene en Alg6rie. 8°. I'mis, 1-47. ItartliCleni) . Guide du directeur du service de sante de la tli \ 1-.1..11.1.- 1'i.iiHtaiitine; Bnrika Tuggurth. Kl-Ou.-d. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1896, xxvii, 273-293. ALGIERS. Zozikl (L.-.I.-P.) * L'liygieiie de quelques quaitieis d'Aiger. Ha Boideaux, 1897. Hyg'iene (Public. Laics, organization, and progress of), by localities. ALSACE-LORRAINE. Sie, also, in this list, Ober-Ehnheim; Stras- burg. I&rciuer. Hie hygienischen Yerhaltnisse und Ein- richtungeii in Elsass-Lolhringen. Dcutscher Ver. f. tiff. lisn.lhtsptlg. Ber. 18s9 Brnschwg., 1890, xv, 9-20. Also: Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. dti. Gsudbtsptlg., Brnsrhwg , 1890, xxii, 9-20. ALTOONA. Clo*»on (('.ID Information from the records of the Alloona (I'a i hoard of health. Ann. Hyg.. Phila., 1892, vii. 11-15.- Ituh'N and regulation* of tlie board of health ol the citv of Altoona, adolited October 11. 1887. Kep. Bd. Health |eic] Penn. 1887-8, Harrisburg, 1889, iv, 161-175. AMSTERDAM. Yi.usLAi; van de yverkzaainhedin van den gcineentt'lijken gezondhoidsdiensr over 1S95. | .- '. [Amsterdam, l,-<.)r>.] van <««'hiix (.1.) De geneeskundige arniverzorgingte Amsterdam. Neilerl. Tij.Uchi v. Geneesk., Amst.. 1897, 2. U \\\ii. d. 1, i5 -22. —14. De genieeutelijke gezond- lieidsdienst le Amsterdam. Hvg. 111., Amst., 1901, iv, 410 4.5 Itiiijjeliiijj. Le service sanitaire municipal d'Ain-tei.lai.i. Bev. d'hyg.. Par., 19uo, xxii, 602-033 — Mallei iK. H.i Der Gcsmulheitsdiciist von Amsterdam. I Hyg I'lindschaii, Berl., 1891. iv. 673; 724. AUo, Keprint. AMSTERDAM, Xew York. Amsterdam. Board of Health. Circular No. 1. [On the cleanliness of houses aud yards, and disposal of house-waste.] May 1, ldisr*. roy. b-. Amsterdam, 18,-8. AOSTA. De Wilvewtri (A.) Regolamento interno per il pub- bhco annuazzatoio della citta di Aosta. Gior. di metl. vet., Torino, 1887, xxxvi, 442-462. ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. See, also, in this list, Buenos Ayres. Argentine Kepiblic. Miuisterin de guerra y i marina Servicio de sanidad. Servicio de sanidad de oampaiia. Keglanicnto p esentado a la iuspeccidu jeneral de sanidad, por el cirujano dc division Francisco de Vrvun. H-. Buenos Aires, 1891. C'oni (fl R.) Les progres de l'hygiene pu- blique dans la Kepubliquc Argentine. Rapport pre*sente au septieme congres international d'hygiene et ile ilemographie. Londres, 10—17 aofit 1K»1. ft'-. Paris, 1891. Fadilla (T.) tils. Organisation et institu- tions sauitaires de la Kepubliqne Argentine. ■^ Buenos Aires, 1895. C'oni i lv K.i Sanenuiifiito 6 higienizacidn de dos pro- vincias argent inas, Mentlo/.a y Corrientes. I'rim. reuii. d. Cong, cien I. Lai. Amer., Buenos Aires. 1S1I8. iv, 315 345.— FmUkIi-iit-a sonilat ia tie la K.-piihlica. An. do hig. piib., Buenos Aires. 189.'-3. i. (ii::. — l.eino* (J.) Higie- niziicion v ileinografia tie Mendo/a. Piiin. reun. d. long. cient. Lat. Amer.. Buenos Aires. 189S, iv, 505-516. — Ke- . 4 , [Asbury Park, 1-*<>.] ------. Tlie sanitary code of the borough of Asbnry r.irk, X. ,J. Adopted March •2,->, 1887. Rules and regulations of the board of health. Local sanitary conditions and the progress of health protection in Asbury Park. 8°. Asbury Park, 1887. HYGIENE. 640 HYGIENE Hygiene (Public, Laics, organization, and progress of), by localities. ASIA. Sie. in this list, China; Hai-Fong; India; Japan; Philippine Islands. ASIAGO. Asiago. Kegolamento di igieue pubblica del comune di Asiago. 1*2°. Asiago, 1886. ASTRAKHAN. AriiatamoflT (M.) Ocherk sanitarnavo sostoyaniya Astiakhanskikh ribolovnikh promislov. [Sanitary condi- tion of the Astrakhan fishery stations.] Vestnik obsh. [hig., sufleb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1891, xii, 2. sect., 1-33. AUGSBURG. Bartels ( M. ) Beitrag znr Geschichte der Sanitatsverhaltnisse Augsliurgs im Anfange des xvii. Jahrhnnderts. 8-. Leipzig, 1881. Repr.froin: Arch. f. Gesch. d. Metl. u. med. Geog., iv. AUGUSTA, Georgia. By-laws and rules of the Augusta, Georgia, board of health, together yvith the acts of tlie legislature and the ordinances of the city coun- cil of Augusta concerning the same. *■*'-. Au- gusta, 1880. ------. By-laws, rules, and regulations. 8°. Aucjusta, 1884. AUGUSTA, Maine. Augusta, Maine. Ordinances of the city of Augusta relating to public health. 8°. [Au- gusta, 1885.] AUSSIG. Marian (A.) Der stadtische Gesundheitsrath in Ans- sig; ein Biickblick auf dessen Entstehen untl seiiherige Thatigkeit. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 18*7, xii, 179-181. AUSTRALIA. See, also, in this list, South Australia; Vic- toria. Whiltell (H. T.) The health laws of Australia. Aus- tral. M. J., Melbourne, 1892, n. s., xiv, 539-545. AUSTRO-HUNGARY. See, also, in this list, Agram; Bohemia; Ca- rinthia; Carniola; Galicia; Hungary; Mora- via; Pola; Styria; Vienna. Acsmo - Hungary. Sauitats - Gesetze fiir Osterreich-Ungarn. i, vi-viii. 16°. [Wien, 188\>-85.] ------. Ofticielle Handausgabe der iJsterrei- chischeu Gesetze und Verordnungen. ti4. Hft. Gesetze, lietrefteud Abyvehr und Tilgung anste- ckenderThierkraiiklieiten, Abwehr und Tilgung der Rinderpest, Verpflichtung zur Desinlection bei Yiehtransporten auf Eisenbahuen und tSchif- fen. Viehseucheii - Uebereinkommen. Samnit den hiezu nachtriiglich ergangenen Gesetzen, Durchfiihruugsverordnungen, Landesgesetzen, Erliissen, Kundmachungen und den Entschei- dungen des obersten Gerichts- als Cassations- und des Verwaltungsgerichtshofes. Zusammenoe- stellt von Max von Buschman. 12°. Wien, 1881. Austro-Hungary. Kaiserlieh-konigliches Mi- nisterium des Lnnern. Instruction iiber die Ver- fassung der Seuchenberichte. 12°. Wien, 1880. Beroaldi (P.) Diziouario della legislazione austriaca intorno la sanita pubblica coutinen- tale e la pubblica bencticeuza emanata nel terri- torio governativo delle provincie venete a tutto 1' anno 18:39. 2 v. fol. Padova, 1840. Compendium der osterreichischen Sanitats- Gesetze und Verordnungen. Unter specieller Anfiihrung der steiermarkischen Provinzial- vorschriften, zusainniengestellt vou Adolf Kut- schera. 8°. Graz, 1899. lygiene (Public, Laics, organization, and progress of), by localities. AUSTRO-HUNGARY—continued. Daimer (J.) Handbuch der osterreichischen Sanitiits-Gesetze uud Verordnungen fiir Belior- deu uud Gemeinden, amtliche Sauitats- und Ve- terinar-Organe, Districts- und Gemeindeiirzt , Aerzte, Thierarzte, Apotheker, Verwaltuugen von Heil- und Huinauitatsanstalten, etc. 1. Th. 8C. Leipzig d' Wien, 1895. -----. Das Sanitiitspersonale iu Oesterreich. 8°. Wim, 1U00. vox Gruhek (F.) Anhaltspunkte fur die Ver- fassung nener Bau-Oiduungen in alleu die Ge- sundheitspflege betreft'enden Beziehungen. Be- richt ei statt et dem k. k. obersten Sanita srathe . . . mit Beriicksichtigung der vom Correferen- ten . . . MaxGruber beantragten kleinen Aende- rungen nnd Erganzuugen. 8°. Wien, 1-9:1. vox Hempel-Kursinger (J. N. F.) Hand- buch der Gesetzkunde im Sanitiits- und Medici- nal-Gebiethe in alphabetisch-chronologisch und roaterienweiser Zusaninienstellnng fiir Sanitiits- und Polizeybeamte im Allgemeinen, und insbe- sondere fur Aerzte, Wundiirzte, Geburtshelfer, Hebammeu uud Apotheker. 5 v. 8°. Wien, 1830. Mundy (J.) Beitrage zur Reform des Sani- tiitsyvesens in Oesterreich. 8°. Wien, 1808. Schoefl (R.) Entwickelung der sanitiiren Verhiiituisse und Institntionen wiihrend der glorreiehen Regierung Seiner Majestat uuseres Allergniidigsten Kaisers Franz Josef I. vom Jahre 1848-88. broadside. Briinn, 1889. Taschenausgabe der osterreichischen Ge- setze. Die Gesetze zur Abwehr und Tilgung au- steckeuder Thierkrankheiten fiir Oesterreich- Uugarn, Bosnien und die Herzegowina, sammt den einschlagigen Verordnungen nnd Staatsver- triigen und der Hiuweisung auf die Rechtspre- chnng des k. k. obersten Gerichts und Cassa- tionshofes. 2. Aufl. 12°. Wien, 1881. Witowsky (A.) Systeinatisch-chronologische Sainmlung der osterreichischen Sanitiits-Ges-etze und Verordnungen mit besonderer Riicksicht auf das Kouigreieh Bohinen nnd mit Beniitzuug der in der bohmischen Statthalterei-Registratur vorfindlichen Original-Erlasse. Zum Gebrauche fiir Aerzte, Thierarzte, Apotheker, politische Beamte, Gemeindevorsteher u. s. w. h°. Prag, 1885. Antony (C.) Sanitatswesen in Oesterreich. Prag. med. "Wchnschr., 1877, ii, 744; 7«5: 826; 955; 1059.—Aim. Ingrn des Staatsschatzes fiir Massnahnien gegen In- fectionskrankheiten im Jahre 1894. Oesterr. San.- Weseu, Wien, 1895, vii, 247-249.—Eckcrbom. Hygienen i Os- terrikeoch iUugarn. [Hygiene iu Austria and Huugary.] Eira, Goteborg," 1885, ix, 637-639.—Enqu£lc>€oiiniii«- Nion (Die) fur Reform des Gesimdheitswesen. Woche.nbl. d.k k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte in Wien. 1869, xx v,41; 113; 133- Erlasstler k. k. schlesischen Landesregierung Tom 30. Oetoher ]>-91, Nr. 14344, an alle Unterbehortlen, betreffend die Eiuseudung von Objecten zu chemisehen oder bacterio- logischen Untersuchungen. Oesterr. San.-Wes.. Wien, 1891, iii, 394.—Ocronyi (F.) Die Wohlfahrtsptlege des Landes Niedeiosterreich. Monatsehr. f. Gsndhtspflg., Wien. 1901, xix 49-66 dmelz vom 30. April 1870, be- treffend die Organ, sat ion des offentlichen Sanitatsdienstes. Wien. med. Presse, 1870, xi, Beil. zu Xo. 21. 113-118.— OcNt'lz vom 2. Februar 1891 giltig fiir das Kdnigreich Galizien und Lodomerien, mit dem Grossherzogthume, Kra- kau iiber die Organisirung ties Sunitatsdieustes in den Geineinden und auf den Gutsgebieteu. Otsterr. arztl. Vereinsztg.. Wieu, 1892, xv, 300; 322.—Cifnelz vom 22. September 1893 (L. G. u. V. 111. 1893 Nr. 35), betieffend die Kegelung des Sauitatsweseus in tlen Gemeinden. giltig fur das Erzherzogthuin Oesterreich ob der Enns mit Aus- schluss tier La n tl es h an p tstad t I.inz und der Stadt Steyr. Oesterr. San.-Wes., Wien, 1894, vi, 2-7.—■ nMruulion fur die Geschaft-fuhrung des obersten Sanitatsrai lies bei dem k. k. Miuisterium des Innern. betreffend die §§ 16, 17 und 18 des Gesetzes vom 30. Anril 1870, R.-G.-Bl. No. 68. Wien. med. Presse, 1870, xii, Bell., 161-163.—Kraus (A.) ITYGIEXE. 641 HYGIENE. Hyg'iene (Public, Laws, organization, and progress of), by localities. AUSTRO-HUNGARY—continued. Znr Frage tier Organisation ties offentlichen Sanitatsdiens- tes. Prag. nied. Wchnschr., 18119, xxiv. 77; 101. -I. ob. mnycr (A.) Organisation des Sanitiitdienstes in Kioa * tieu untl Slavonien. Cong, internat d'hvg. et de demog. (\r.l894, Budapest, 1896, v,347-353.— .Hielil. Opoineieeh zdravotnich a o zdravotnictvi v Bnsne a Hercegovine. [ H\ gienio conditions and hygiene in P.osnia and Her/ego- vilia.J Casop. lek. cesk., v Tra/.e. 1888, xxviii. 414-41ti - V|it«tliii ,A.i Ueber die Organisation des bffeuiliehen Sauitatsdienstos in Oesterreich. tli g. Kuudschau. Perl., 1895. v, 1069-1075.- >eiie (Gegen dasl Sanitiitsgesetis. Wien. med. Presse. 1888. xxix, 'J2.V227 — Kni«-#. (G I A kdzegeszsegiigyi adminisi ratio letorinja. Pet'orm in the administration of public hvgiene 5 (i vogva>/..it. Lmlapest, 1896, xxxvi. 4."8; 474: 4-L— ICt'^t In ii^; (Znr) des Ge- meindesanitiitsdienstes in Ober-Ootern-ii h ilesierr. arztl. Vereinsztg., Wieu. 1894. xviii. :;0-33 Itevivion (Die) des lteichs-Sauitiitsgesetzesvoni 30. April :s7o. Line kritische Studie. Wien. med. Wchnschr.. 188i'. xxxvi, 1449; 1481; 1~>17. —*!iiiit(ilM.Oi'ifniii«ntioii und sani- taie Verhiiltnisse in Kroatien und Slavonien. Oesterr. San.-Wes., Wien. 1897. ix. 123-125—Schiff (E.i Kin iisteireichisches Ceiitral-Gesiiudheitsauit Oesteir. iir/.tl. Vereinsztg.. Wien. 1883. vii 17; -J7. — I ll ici-l u <;ii ucr .1 > Die sauitiiren Verhiiltnisse in Posnieii und ih-r llereegn- vina. [Extr.] Oesterr. San.-Wes.. Wieu. L»89. i. 70; 8lT— Willncil (A.i Die Organisation des polizeiiirztlichen Dieustes 1$4*>-It98. Ibid., 1899, xi, Beil., 179-181. AYER. Ayer. Board of Health. [Blank for report- ing contagious disease.] obi. M-. [Ayer, 1-'--.] BAHIA Consrlho geral de saude pnblica; parecer sobre o ser- vico d'esgotos da Rabia. Gaz. metl. da Bahia, 18!i4-.">, 4. s., v, 1.-9; 237; 331 —II> iiieiie ]>ubica do estado da liahia; lei de 23 de a^e-t.. de A:>7. I id., 1897-8. 5. s.. i. 222; 273; 333: 37H; I-.;.— Vina Kntlii^iio. A organi-iacao dos servicos d>- hvgient- pii'lu.t e de va. cinacao no estado da Bahia. Ibid.. 1892-3. 4. >.. iii. 49; '.'.'.-P. (15) A hy- giene na Bahia. Ibid.. 1898-9, 5. ».. ii. 435-438—Regi- niiiito interno do conselho geral de saude piiblica do est.eh> di Bahia. Ibid., 1892-3. 4. s. iii, 197-20- — «iil- veira Franra iJ.) &. Moralem tie loi* Riot* (A.) Saneameiito da Bahia; projecto de esgotos. Gaz. med. da Bahia. 1894-5, 4. s., v, 105; 165; 212; 169, [no. 0, 209-284], BALCHIK. E (Vein enfeoff. Otchot za sanitarnoto systoyanie na gr. Balchik. [Report of the sanitarv condition of Balchik. J j iled. shorn., Sotiya, 1M»», iv, 695-706. BALTIMORE. Baltimore. Ordinances of the corporation of the city of Baltimore, from 1797 to 18:50, in- clusive. 5 v. 8:. Baltimore, 1-75-ii. -----. The Baltimore city code, comprising tin laws of Maryland relating to the city of Bal- timore, and tbe ordinances of the mayor and city council; with an appendix, to the end of the be-^ion of 1*77-8. Compiled by L. Mayer. 8 . Baltimore, 1-7 9. -----. The charter of the province of Mary- land; the declaration of rights of 177fi, ami acts of the general assembly of Maryland relating to Baltimore town and city, from 17*2!* to 1850. Compiled by John S. Brown, yvith an introduc- tion and index by Lewis Mayer. 8'\ Baltimo e, 1-79. Price (E. C.) The sanitary condition of Baltimore and how to improve it. Am. M. Month., Bait., 1898-9, xvi, 321- 329. BARCELONA. Coll y Pujol (D. R.) Barcelona bajo el punto de vista de la higiene Cron. cient., Barcel., 1878, i, 29; 53; 76; 1"5—Garcia Faria (P.) Reduction de la niortalite lies grarules cites; application a Barcelone. Tr. vii. Inter- nat. Cong. Hyg. & Demog. 1891, Lond., 1892, x, 113-120. BAVARIA. See, also, in this list, Augsburg; Nuremberg. Bruglochek (E.) Gesetz- und Verordnungs- Samtnlung fiir praktische Aerzte im Konigreich VOL VII, 2D SERIES----41 Hyg'idlC (Public, Laics, organization, and progress of), by localities. BAVARIA—continued. Bavern. Zusamniengestellt von . . . 12°. Wiirz- burg, 1895. Skydel (M.) Das Keclit der Gesundheitsvor- waltuug in Bavern svsteniatisch dargestellt. 8~\ Freiburg i. B., 1*9(1. liepr. from : Seydel's bayer. Staatsrecht, v. BAYONNE, Xew Jersey. Bayonne. An ordinance creating a board of health, and delining their duties. Approved May ll, 1*79. Newspaper cut ting. BELFAST. Iiockwootl (F. W.) Sanitary administration of Bel- fast. San. Kec, Lond., 1898, n. a., xxi, 259; 287; 314; 342; 371. BELGIUM. See, also, in this list, Brussels. Belgium. Loi et arret6 prescrivant des me- sures sauitaires. No. 18*2. Loi sanitaire. 85 [Hrnxelles, 18:51.] Bei.i'H'm. Ministere de Vagriculture, de Vin- dustrie it des travaux publics. Service de sante", hygiene publique ct voirie communale. Lois et reglements concernant la polico des etablisse- meuts dangerenx, insalubres 011 iueommodes, la salubrit6 des ateliers, la protection des ouvriers contre les accidents tin travail et la reglenieuta- tioH du travail des femmes et des enfants. -J. Bruxelles, 1894. Circulaire betrekkelijk de nailers wijziging van eenige artikelen, in het reglement op het geneeskundig toevoorzigt. Geneeskundige dieust. Besmettelijke ziekten. Brugge, den 10 Sept. 18*27, No. 46. 8;. [Brugge, 1827.] Delvaillt? (C.) Une mission en Belgiqueet en Hollande. L'hygiene et I'assistance publiques. L'organisation et l'hygiene scolaires. Avec une preface de M. Graneher. 8c. Paris, 1895. Societe royale de medecine publique et de topographie m6dicale de B lgique. Apercu his- torique sur l'hygiene publique eu Belgique de- puis 1830, par Hyac. Kuborn. 8C. Bruxelles, 1897. Riinxv (A.) Sur l'organisation tie l'hygiene publique en lh'lgiiiuc. J. de pharm. et chiin.. Par., 1850, xvii, 97- 105. AUu, Reprint.—C'leilou. Proposition de loi sur la vente et lY-change des animaux ilomesti(|iies. Presse v6t., Angers, 1*99. xix. 265-283.—Dclvaillc. L'hygiene pu- blbjueen I'i(dgii|iie. N.Montpel. nied. Suppl., 1891, iii,254- 2H2.— l*iit««')x (F.) Le projet de loi sanitaire et 1'assai- nisseuient des villes. Technol. san . Louvain, 1899-1900, v, 297-31U. —((nimin (F.) Les causes tl insaluhi ite tlans les potitcs yilles et ies coinuuines ruiales en l"n-lni«[u<-. Presse nied. beige, Bl'UX., 19(11. liii. liS7 ; 70S. — Nt'llll ; tleiixidme deliberation sur une proposition de loi relative a la police .sanitaire des aiiiinaux. Presse vel.. Angers, 1899, xix, 97; 147; 217, 252; 257— N011111111 i id.) Kap- porto sulla statistica lgienico-sanitai ia del P.elgio. Atti il. 1. Accad. rued, di Koma, 1879, v, 31-40. Al-«>. lhpiint.— Wilmollc. Le service de l'hygieiie publique dans les lilies, pui'tii-uliereiiifiit eu Belgiiiiie. Cong, internat. d'hyg. et dedeinog. (Ar. 1889, Par., 1890, 898-903. BELGRADE. Nanilalioii at lielgrade. Lancet, Lond., 1894, ii, 1508; 1577. BERGAMO. Bkw'amo. Regolamento di pubblica igiene. * . Bergamo, 1885. BERLIN. Oei 1 kn 1 i.iciik (Die) Gesundheits- und Kran- ken pllege der Stadt Berlin. Hrsg. von den stadtischeu Beholden, roy. 8-. Herlin. 1899, I>in<'ii«mioii iiber deu Vortrag des Herru Weyl; Ein- fluss hygienischer Massnahmen auf die Gesundheit Ber- lins. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1894), 1895, xxv, pt. 1,4; 11; 20; 44 j 60. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1894. HYGIENE. 642 HYGIENE. Hygiene (Public, Laws, organization, an I progress of), by localities. BERLIN—continued. xxxi, 171; 273— Oillet de Grandmout. L'hygiene et , la sante publique a Berlin. Bull. Soc. de med. prat, de Par.. 1890, 1219; 1372.—Lchnmnn (K. B.) Die hygieni- schen Seheuswurdigkeiteu Berlins uud die Excursionen tier hygienischen Section der 59. Versainmlung deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1880. xxxiii, 913; 933— Pistor (SI.) Die Anstellung von Gesuudheitsaufsehern in Berlin. Deutsche Vitljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1890, xxii, 353-362. AUo: Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. off. Gsndhtspflg. zu Berl. (18891,1890,110-120. BERN. i Bern. Hygiea, Wien n. St. Petersb., 1898, xiii, Xo. 21, 1; No. 22, 1. BIELLA. Biella. Regolamento di pubblica igiene. 8;. Biella, 1>81. BOGOTA. !>aTas (J.) Algunas observaciones sobre la hisiene de Bogota. Rev. m6d. de Bogota, 1898-9, xxi, 205-211. BOHEMIA. See, also, in this list, Aussig; Carlsbad; Prague. Pkeinixgek (V.) Sbirka ziikonu a nafizeni o zdravotnictvi, s zvlastniin zfetelem ku zemini koruny ceske". [Collection of laws and regula- tions on hygiene, with special reference to Bo- hemia.] 8-. v Praze, 1900. It a lek (L.) O zeinsk6 zdravotni organisaci v kralov- stvi Ceskein. [Therural hygienic organization in the King- dom of Bohemia.] Vestnik. v Praze, 1900, xii, 213-216.— Bcrathungdes Vereiues deutscher Aerzte in Prag iiber tlas vom bohinischen Landtage in der Sitzuug vom 16. Ja- | nuar 1888 beschlossene Gesetz zur Regelung des Sanitats- • dienstes in den Gemeinden. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1888. xiii, 47-50.—Bratanicli (A.) Ein Beitrag zur Darstel- j lung tier hygienischen Fortschritte in Bohmen, im Laut'e der Jahre 1892 bis inclusive. 1895. Ibid., 1898, xxiii, 4; 40; 75; 87; 100; 123; 138.— Cerny. Zdravotni zakony a narizenl. [Hygienic laws and regulations. J Zdravot. vestnik, v Praze, 1889-1900, i-xii, passim. — FnrhN (A.) Zur Sauitatsreform in Bohmen. Prag. nied. Wchu- , sehr., 1887, xii, 21C - 218. — Gesetz vom 23. Fehruar 1888 und Durchfuhrungsverordnung zu deniselben vom ] 8. Fehruar 1889, betreffend die Organisirung des Sani- tatsdienstes in den Gemeinden in Bbhiuen. Oesterr. San.-Beamte, "Wien u. Berl., 1889, ii, 108; 145; 181.—Hell- ■■■nth (K.) Nekter6 vady naseho zdravotnictvi. [Some defects in our hygiene.] Casop.0lek. 6esk.,v Praze, l*-9<>. xxix, 249; 291. — Hlasy lekafu o navrhu zakona zdra- votniho pro kralovstvi Ceske. [Opinions of physicians on the project of a hygienic law for the Kingdom of Bohe- mia.] Ibiil.. li«86. xxv, 76; 93; 104; 119; 134; 150; 168; 248: 265.—Pravi«lla zdravotni z roku 1520. (Hvsrienic regulations ot the year 1520.] /Md.,,1886, xxv,79.-i»rei- ninger ( Y5) Zdravotni pomery v Cesketu kralovstvi r. 1896. [Sanitary measures in the Kingdom of Bohemia, 1896.] Zdravi, v Praze, 1898, iv, 289-294. ----. Nase zdra- votni zakonodarstvi. [On hygienic legislation.] Ibid., 1900, vi, 1-3. BOKHARA. GrrkoflT (I. I.) Bukhara i yeya sanitarnoye sostoya- nle. I Bokhara and its sanitary condition.] Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1899,x, 829; 875; 910; 957; 998; 1041. BOLOGNA. Bologna. Progetto di regolamento di igiene e di polizia municipale. fol. Bologna, 1887. -----. Commissione eittadina d igieue pub- blica di Bologna. Regolamento. ?°. Bologna, 1-90. -----•. Relazione sull' operato della commis- sione eittadina d' igiene pubblica di Bologna nell' anno 1889-91. roy. 8°. Bologna, 1890-92. BOMBAY. Crimmin (J.) The sanitary administration of the port of Bombay. Pub. Health, Lond., 1900-1901, xiii, 736- 763.—Sanitary (The, state of the city of Bombay. Lan- cet, Lond.. 19i>l. ii. 746-748— Nanitulion in India; Bom- bay municipal by-laws, trained under the authority of sec- tion 461 of the city of Bombay municipal act, 1888. Indian M.-Chir. Rev., Bombay, 1894, ii, 172-176. Hygiene (Publir, Laics, organization, and progress of), by localities. BORDEAUX. [ Baillet (L.) Les chiens a P.ordeanx. J. de nied. de- Bordeaux, 1898. xxviii, 3O1-306. —New iAi sanitary service at Bordeaux. Lancet Lond.. l*-9s. ii, 424-426. BOSTON. Boston. Official papers, printed for the com- mon council of the city of Boston, comprising the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of Massachusetts, with the amend- ments. City and police acts; acts relating to 1 the board of health, overseers of the poor, and firewards. Together with an act providing for the assessment of taxes, l'i-. Boston, 1*22. ------. Notice to housekeepers and ten- ants. [Order, revoking licenses for keeping swine within the city. Dec. 4, ltf-16.] sin. 4;. [Boston, 1818.] ------. Registration of births, marriages, and deaths. [Au ordinance providing for appoint- ment of a city register, and prescribing his du- ties. 1 Citv Doc. No. 33. June 11, 1-49. 8c [Boston, L-49.] ------. Municipal registers; containing the city charter, the rules and orders of the city council, and a list of officers of the city of Bos- tou, for the years 1851-66; 1-H8-7-; 'ls-O-Si; ls8'-)-9. 8:. Boston, 1851-89. Boston. Boavcl of Health. Internal health regulations of the town of Boston. April 13, 181-2. •;-'. Boston, 1812. ------. Manual of the statutes and ordi- nances relating to the public health. Also the rules aud regulations governing the health de- partment, 1899. 8-. Boston, 1899. j Austin (H. W.) Historical sketch of the United States Marine-Hospital Service, at Boston. Mass. Rep. Superv Surg.-Gen. Mar. Hosp., Wash.. 1896. 267-276. 2 pl.—In- creased salary for chairman of Boston Board of Health. Boston M. & S. J., l*-95 exxxii, 240. BOURG. Bronai'tlel. Du Jlesnil & Ogier. Assainissement dela ville de Bourg (Ain); construction d'egouts et alimen- tation en eau de sources. Rec. d. trav. Condte consult. d'hyg. pub. de France 1890, Melun, 1891, xx. 290-301. BOURNEMOUTH. Thomson (J. R.) On Bournemouth and on the pres- ent position of medical officers of health. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891, ii, 225-229. BRAZIL. See, also, in this list, Bahia; Rio de Janeiro; Sao Paulo. Azevedo Sodre. Convenio sanitario. Brazil-aied.. Rio de Jan., 1899, xiii, 417; 427; 437; 457; 467.—Decreto (O) de 18 de Janeiro de 1890, que reorganiza o servico sani- tario terrestre da Republica. Gaz. med. da Bahia. 18S9 . et de demog. C.-r. 1889. Par., 1890, 906 - Refoiiiiax sanitarias na Re publica dus Estados Unidos do Brazil. Correio med. de Lisb., 1890. xix, 203; 214; 226; 1>>91, xx, 8; 18; 26; 35; 59; 69. — Souza Eiiina. Historia da hygiene administra- te no Brazil. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1901, xv, 335-337. BRIDGEPORT. Rule* and regulations for the government of the board of health, adopted May 6th, 1879. Municip. reg. Bridge- port, 1879-80, 113-116. —Wordin (X. E.) The sanitary status of Bridgeport. Rep. Bd. Health Connect. 1884-5, N. Haven, 1886, viii, 317-332. BROOKLYN. Brooklyn. Department of Health. Form 98. Circular of information [declaring certain prac- HYGIENE. 643 HYGIENE. Hygiene (Public, Laws, organization, and progress of), by localities. BROOKLYN—continued. tices daugcrous and detrimental to the public health]. V. [Brooklyn, 1881.] -----. l\e»trii tion and prevention of diph- theria, scarlet fever, measles, cholera, and other coutagious or infectious diseases. - . [Brook- lyn, 1885.] -----. The sanitary ordinances et the city of Brooklyn, as in force December 20. 1895. nar- row 12°. Brooklyn, l-9ti. BRUNSWICK. Si-apt (Dit^ Braunschweig in hygienischer ! Beziehung. Festschrift fiir die Theilnelimer der XVI. Versainnilung dt s Deutschen Vereins tiir offentliche Gesundheitspflege. Im Auftrage des Vereins fiir otfentlicbe Gesundheitspflege im Herzogthuni Braunschweig hrsg. vou li. Bla- sins. Wilhelm Clauss, J. Landauer. -3. Braun- schweig, 1890. BRUSSELS. Delvaille. L'hygiene aBroxelles. N. Montpel. m^d. Suppl.. 1894, iii. 382-416.—Sanitation in Brussels. Lan- cet, Lond., 1889, ii, 1027. BUDAPEST. i Fodor. The progress of public health work at Buda- pest. J. Pan. Inst.. Lond., 1894, xv. 112-116.—de Korosr (J.) L'aiuelioratiou tie la mortalitede la ville de Budapest, et l'influeuce des mesures propbylaetiques contre les mala- dies infectieuses. Compt. rend. Cong, internat. de nied. 1897. Mosc. 1900. vii, 302-307 — Orvosi (Azi kaniarak a budapesti orvosi kiirben. [The boards of health in the Budapest medical circuit] Gyogyaszat Bndapest, 1897, xxxvii, 244-247. BUENOS AYRES. Davison J. T. R ) The effects of drying of the soil upon the puhlie health of Buenos Ayres. Lancet, Lond., I-:!8 ii, 314-317. BULGARIA. j See. also, in this list, Balchik. Gundrum (F.) Osvrt na razvitakzdravatvenesluzbe uBugarskoj. [A backward glaioe at the development of -amtary affaiis in Bulgaria/ Lie<5 viestnik, n Zagreba, 1<>C ix, 341-347. — Tonchrfl'. S.uutarna reviziva ua I- shest okruga v zapadna Bolgariya. [Sanitary census of six proyinces in eastern Bulgaria.] Med. besieda, Vidin, I 1897-8. iv, 278; 441; 497; 561; 613; 679; 745. BURGOS. Mono (F.i [etal.]. De algunasobra.smodernasde Bur- gos, que meiecen ser citadas desde el punto de vista hi- j gi6nico. Actas v mem. d. ix. Con;:, internac. de hig. y demog. 1898. Madrid, 1900, iv, 291 30-. BURLINGTON. Burlington*. Duties and obligations of the health officer. 3°. [Burlington, 1-**^.] CAHORS. Piettre (C.-A.-L.-M.) * Etude d'hygiene sur la ville de Cahors. - . Bordeaux, 1999. CALAIS. Sanitation at Calais. Lancet, Lond., 1892, i, 280. CALCUTTA. Bank* (C.) Conservancy of Calcntta. Indian Lan- cet Calcutta, 1897, ix, 548-551.—Cook < J. X.) The health of Calcutta. Ibid., 1899, xiv, 457-45!' —Mnnitntion in Calcutta. I.aucet. Lond., 1899. ii. '.'Id; 3(i(i; 431; 592.— Hircar (M. L.i Some unsuspected sources of danger to the health of Calcutta, with especial reference to the Mnoke uiiisaiice Indian Lancet, Calcutta, 1899, xiii, 263- 26.") — Mpeeial (The) sanitary report on Calcutta. In- dian M Kec, Calcutta, 1896, xi, 429-437. CALIFORNIA. See, also, in this list, San Francisco. I California. .S7«ic Board of Health. Circu- lar [to local authorities, calling their attention I Hygiene (Public, Laws, organization, and progress of), by localities. CALIFORNIA—continued. to the layvs of ls-9, relating to vaccinatum, cre- mation, human dead bodies, and boards of health]. May 1, lss'i. 4°. Sacramento, 1-89. < hipnimi (M. M.I Report of the committee on puhhe li\^i,n, etc. Pacific M. A: S. J., San Fran., 1885, xwiii 3*1 397. -----. Suggestions of hygiene; supple- mentary report of the committee on state medicine and hygiene, aud adulteration of food and drugs. Tr. M. Soc. Calif., San Frau., 1897, 56-63. — Orun- (H. S.) The present state of sanitation in California, and its most urgent needs. Ibid., 1896, xxvi, 59-75. CAMDEN. (amdkn. Board of Health. Sanitary code of the city of Camden. Sept. 5, 1-<*-h. Xewspaper cutting. CANADA. See, also, in this list, Manitoba; Montreal; Nova Scotia : Ontario; Quebec. DiKeimsion (The) in Parliament of the proposed Dominion health department. Canada Health J., Ot- tawa, 1890, xii, 41-52— Duncan (J. H.) The relation of settlement, cultivation, and drainage to disease, especially to malaria, in the western peuinsnla. Rep. Ass. Health Off. Ontario. Toronto, 1894, ix, 84-95.— ('ootl i.J. W.) State of health in the Yukon district. Canad. Pract. a Rev.. Toronto, 1900, xxv. 454-456— Lachapclle iK Pj Presidential address; the progress of sanitation in Canada. Brit.M. Ass. Daily J., Montreal, 1897. [pt. 3J, 22-24. AUo .- Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, ii, 757-759. J Iso : Montreal M. J., 1897, xxvi, 273-2s0. Also, transl.: Union m6d. du Canada, Montreal, 1897, xxvi, 530-536. CAPE COLONY. See, also, in this list, Cape Town. Gregory (A. J.) Health legislation in relation to the requirements of this colony. South African M. J. Cape Town, 1894-5. ii. 1-8 — Jlui'iav C F. K.I Public health legislation in South Africa. I'ml.. 1893-4, i, 20-22.—»ani- tatiou at the Cape ot I'oud Ilepe. Lancet, Lond., 1895, i, 114. CAPE TOWN. Cowie (A.) Sanitary works in Cape Town. San. Jour., Glasg., 1897-8, n. s., iv, 612-624. CARINTHIA. ^leii»bnrger (E.) TTeber den Stand und die Erfolge der Organisation des Geiueinde-Sanitatsdienstes in Kara- ten. Oesterr. San.-Wes., Wien, 1892, iv, 144; 151, 1 ch. CARLSBAD. Oerll (E.i A Mlibral (F.) Sanitare Einrichtungen der Stadt Kailsbad. Oesterr. San.-Wes., Wieu, 1899, xi, Beil. z. Xi. 17. 25-60. 4 pl. CARLSRUHE. Bacmeister (R.) Hygienischer Fuhrer durch die Haupt- und Kosidenzstadt Karlsruhe. Fest- schrift zur 22. Versamml. des Deutschen Ver- eins fur offentliche Gesundheitspflege. ***°. Karlsruhe, l-'.C CARNIOLA. Ht't'oliiichcr (F.) Die Organisation des Gemeinde- Sauitat.silon-.li s in Krain und dereu Entwicklung. Oes- terr. San.-Wes., Wien, 1892, iv, 207, 216; 1 ch.. CASERTA. Graziadei (P. ) Saggio della costituzioue sanitaria della provincia di Caserta. 8-. Ca- serla, 188'5. CATANIA. Fichkra (F.) Risananiento della citta con applicazione a Catania. Principii tecnici d' in- gegueria sanitaria urbana. rf-\ Catania, 1886. CEUTA. ile Unci ben y Temprado (J.) Memoria higienico- sanitaria tie la ciudad de Ceuta. Actas y mem. d. ix. Cong, internac. de hig. y demog. 1898, Madrid, 1900, iii, 190-195. HYGIENE. 644 HYGIENE. Hygiene (Public, Laws, organization, awl progress of), by localities. CHAMBERY. Bedoin. L'hygiene publique a Chaiube'ry. Notions eleinentaires a l'usage des conseils et commissions d'hygiene. 8°. Chambery, 1888. CHAUDES-AIGUES. Bremont. [Lettre] a MM. les membres du conseil municipal de la ville de Chaudes-Aigues. 43. St. Flour, [n. d.]. CHIAVARI. •lolari (C.) Lo stato sanitario della citt& di Chiavari in rapporto al tifo ed al cholera, alle condizione del sottosuolo ed agli studi tli Frankel e Flugge. Boll. d. r. Accad. med. di Genova, 1896, xi, 271-273. CHICAGO. Chicago. Health laws, ordinances, and regu- lations of the citv of Chicago. 8;. [Chicago, 1871.] Chicago. Sanitary district of Chicago. A concise report on its organization, resources, constructive work, methods and progress. Au- thorized hy the board of trustees, May 2. 1-94. Revised and corrected May 1, ld9f>. Prepared by the chief engineer. ■-ir. Chicago, 1-95. Chicago. Department of Health. Summary report of the commissioner of health, Chicago, l-(J4. Water supply of Chicago, needed sanitary legislation. Summary of Chicago mortality, 1851-94. 8°. [Chicago, 1895.] CHIHUAHUA. Chihuahua. Consejo superior de salubridad. Su organizacidn y codigo sanitario del estado de Chihuahua. Edicidu especial para los miem- bros de la Asociacion aiiierkaua de salubridad publica. 8D. Chihuahua, 1**92. Torres (E.) Bases fundamentals del c6- digo sanitario del estado de Chihuahua, apro- badas por el gobierno coustitncional del inismo estado el dla 28 de septieinbre de lrt9*i. >-'. Chihuahua, 1-92. CHILE. See, also, in this list, Santiago de Chile. Murillo (A.) Hygiene et assistance publique au Chili. Traduction d'Emile Petit, roy. 8°. [Paris], 1889. Ponpin (A.) & Fernandez Peiia. Condiciones cientificas de los mataderosy servicios anexos en relacidn cou la hijiene publica. Rev. chilena de hij., Sant. de Chile, 1898-9, iv, 374-513. CHINA. See, also, in this list, Formosa; Hong-Kong; Pekin: Shanghai. Verrier (E.) L'hygiene publique en Chine et particu- lierement a P6king. Bull. Soc. d'ethnog., Par.. 1888, ii, 145-153. CHIUSI. Chiusi. Regolamento communale di igiene pubblica. 83. Poggibonsi-Siena, 1886. CIENFUEGOS. Pern a (L.) Higiene y saneamiento de Cien- fuegos. 1*2J. Cienfuegos, 1894. CIVIDALE. Petrucco (G.) Considerazioni generali sulle condizioni igieniche del circondario di Cividale. 8D. Cividale, 1890. CLEVELAND. Report on the sanitary needs of Cleveland, 0. Engin. Sc Build. Rec, N. Y., 1895-6, xxxiii, 185.— Woodward (R. M.) Historical sketch of the United States Marine- Hospital Service at Cleveland, Ohio. Rep. Superv. Surg.- Gen. Mar. Hosp., Wash., 1896, 291-296, 1 pl. Hygiene (Public, Laws, organization, and progress of), by localities. CODOGNO. Codogno. Kegolaiuento di pubblica igiene. bc. [Codogno, 1884.] COLOGNE. Jordy (E.) Koln Einst nnd Jetzt al9 Typns hygieini- soher Entwickelung deutscher Stadte. Hygieia, Stuttg., 1899. xiii. 2-16.-— Stiibben. Feber bauhygienische Be- strebungen uud Fortschritte in Ktiln. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg.. Brnschwg., 1899, xxxi, 117-135. COLOMBIA. See, also, iu this list, Bogota. >Tava* i J.) Contribucidn a los estudios sobre higiene especial de Colombia. An. Acad. nac. de med., Bogota, 1893, i, 139-144. COLORADO. Colorado. State Board of Htalth. Circular Xo. 10. Restriction and prevention of diphthe- ria, scarlet fever, measles, and smallpox in Colo- rado -°. [Denvev, 1-94.] ITIcl.nuthlin ( H. W.) Public health in Colorado. Tr. Colorado II. Soc, Denver, 1887, 61-73. —State medi- cine in Colorado. Sanitarian, N. T.. 1900, xliv, 342-346. CONCORD. Concord, Xew Hampshire. Health Ordinance. An ordinance relating to the public health. Passed March 31, 1887. 8-. [Concord, 1887.] CONGO FREE STATE. K. (A.) Fonctionnement du service de sant6 dans l'fitat independant dn Congo. Ann. d'hyg. et de med. colon., Par., 1902, v, 150. CONNECTICUT. See, also,in this list, Bridgeport; Middletown. Connecticut. State Board of Health. Circular Xo. 38. Suggestive rules and regulations con- cerning sanitary government of toyvus, for the use of town boards of health, lw-iH. 8C. [Xew Haven, 1-8.8.] Act (An) for the better preventing of the spread of in- fectious sicknesses. 1702. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Bridge- port, 1892, 233.—Laws of the state concerning the public health and safety. Rep. Bd. Health Connect. 1885-6, X. Haven, 1887, ix, app., 1*-102*.—liindslry (C. A.) Pres- ident's address. The beginning and groyvth of sanitary legislation in Connecticut. Proc. Connect. M. Soc. Bridge- port, 1892. 221-249. -----. A statement of the aims and accomplishments of the Connecticut Stato Board of Health. Tale M. J., X. Haven, 1898-9, v. 249-255. — .HcKenzie (T. M.) State medicine in Connecticut. [Abstr.] Sani- tarian. X. T. 1900, xliv. 340-342.— Sanitary laws. Rep. Bd. Health Connect. 1881, Hartford, 1882, iv, 261-279. CONSTANTINOPLE. Sanitation at Constantinople. Lancet, Lond., 1894, ii, 1239: 1301; 1370; 1442— Svoboda. O pomferech zdra- votnieh Cai'ihradu. [Hvgiene iu Constantinople.] Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 188i, xx, 142; 159. COPENHAGEN. 0i-uin (H. P.) Fremskridt paa Sundhedsvsesenets Oniraade i Kjebenhavn. [Advance in sanitation in Co- penhagen.] Ugesk. f. Laeger, Kjobeuh., 1898, 5. R., v, 485; 505; 529; 553. CREMA. Regolamento di sanita e di heneticeuza della r. citta di Creina, stabilito dalla congregazioue municiiiale ed approvato dall' i. r. delegazioue provinciale da osservarsi pel caso di sviluppo del cholera morbus. 8C. Crema, [1836]. CROYDON. Carpenter (A. ) The history of sanitary progress in Croydon. 12°. Croydon, 1859. CRUMPSALL. Crumpsali. Local Board of Health. Bye- laws. l*ic. Manchester, 1868. HYGIENE. G45 HYGIENE. Hyg'iene (Public, Laws, organization, and progress of), by localities. , CUBA. Sie, also, in this list, Cienfuegos; Havana: Puerto Principe. Armstrong (S. T.) Sanitary condition and vital sta- tistics cf Xuevitas and Puerto Priiu-ipe. Cuba. Sanita- rian, X. Y.. 1899. xiii. 393-399. — Blue It lord ( C. M.), jr. An object lesson iu hygiene; the yvork ot the sanitaiy de- partment of the provisional government ci th. province of Havana. Med. Fortnightly' St. Louis. 1901, xv 783-7,-9.— Riistillo-I. iroln (A.i Sun it at ion in Cuba. Ahii.iIiiht. & Pediat., Bost., 1900-1901. xiv, S.'.ii-N'A-Kiici'dlcr (W.I.) Sanitation in I'inar del Rio. Cuba. I'liila M .1 ]S'.'9. iii. 1191. — Maillot* Fernandez (J.) \ Aloii/.o 1'undrndo (G.) Preainbulo del proveclo de estalulo dc sauidad de la Isla de Cuba one ha de pnseiitnise ii his ca- j maras. Cr6n. m6d.-quir. tie la Habana. ls'>8. xxiv, 196- 207.—Spain. Real decreto [relating to] el real ions, jo de sauidad. la real Academia de medicina, [etc.]. Boletin oticial de la Prov. de Puerto Principe. 20 de mayo de 1.--7. no. 139.—X. Sanitary conditions at Matanzas Santiago and other Cuban cities. Boston M.«fc S. J., lSw, cxl, 4:;8. CUNEO. Cuxeo. Intorno al miglior sistema da adot- tarsi per lo sgombro neve dalle vie e piazze delle citta iu geuere e speciahnente della citta di Cn- neo. Relazione dell' nlhcio u' arte con ragmia- gli iutorno all' irapiego del sale [per C. l'onzo]. > . Cuneo, 1--T. DARMSTADT. Begnlatir des grossherzo^li( h-hessischen Polizeiam- tes zu Darmstadt vom 14. Janiiar 1885. betreft'end die • ErriehtuiiL' eine> i.ii-tsgesundbeirsrathes in Darmstadt. Dents, he Vnlisclir. f. oil'. GsndhtsDtlg., Brnschwg., 1885, xvii, 522. DELAWARE. Delaware. State Board of Health. Laws of Delaware ler the preservation of the public health and registration of vital statistics. 16-. Wilmington, 1-—. DENMARK. See, also, in this list, Copenhagen. Rump (J.) Sanitier - tekniske Forhold og Anlug i danske ProvinOiyer. [Sanitary condi- tion aud projects in Danish provincial towns.] -:. Kjobenhavn, 1891. Repr.froin: Kjebstadforeningens Tidsskrift. Behncke (G.) Om de hygiejniske og sanitare For- hold i Hvidovre Sogn. [Hygienic and sanitary condition of Hvidovre parish." Ugesk. f. La.-ger. Kjobeuh., 1895. 5. R.. ii, 721; 745.—If uddr (V.) For-laget til Lov om et overordnet Sundheid-mad. [Proposition tor a law creat- ing a superior board <•>' health.] I bill . l*-9l. 4. R., xxiii, 193-2o9.—Cnrhen (J.; Xotes on sanitation in Deuinark. J. San. Inst.. Lond.. 1896-7, xvii. 467-470__Kinnp. Dansk Kjobsta der- Suudhedsvedtaegter og -anita-iv Institu- tion,-r 'Sanitary by-laws and sanitary institutions of Danish commercial cities.] T"^e-k f. La-lot, Kjobenh., 1-AI, 4. R.. xxi, 165; 189; 213.— Minidhedolovjiivniii- B«'ii (Om ) i forskjellige Lande nnd »,( rli-t lleimyn lil Danmarks. [Legislation on public hygiene in di tie rent countries with special regard to Denmark.) Ibid., 1887, 4. R.. xv, 453; 481. \ DERBY. Laurie (R. ) Sanitary progress in Derby. Pub. Health. Lond., J9o0-190l. xiii, 317-334. DETROIT. Trouble (The) with the Detroit health department. X. York M. J., 1895, lxi, 17. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. District ok Columbia. Health Departmi nt. I Regulations governing plumbing, house drain- | age, and tbe ventilation of house sewers. 1*2 . Washington, 1885. ------. Laws and regulations relating to the public health in the District of Columbia. Ap- pendix to report of the health officer, l--t>. 8°. Washington, 1887. Hygiene (Public, Laws, organization. and progress of), by localities. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA—cont'd. ------. Law and regulations to prevent the spread of scarlet lever and diphtheria in the District of Columbia, together with directions as to disinfection and disinfectants. li>-\ Wash- ington, l*-'.'l. Sanitary League, Washington, D. C. [Cir- cular, slating its objects.] - . [Washington, 1895.] Itntey (S. C.) The history and progress of sanitation in the (ity of'Washington and the efforts of the medical profession in relation thereto. Xat. M. Rev.. Wash., 1898- 9. viii, .'iii2—"1I8, 1 pl., 1 map, 2 plans. Also: Sanitarian, X. Y., lsim. xiii, 205-216. DUBLIN. lainrroii (Sir C. A.) Presidential address on the pul.he health of Dublin. Lancet. Lond., Is9s, ii, 529-534.— Diiflcy i.s'i';- ('.) On tbe need of bacteriological and pmholo-ical laboratories iu Dublin. Iirit. M. J., Lond., 1901,1,324.— llairty (Si Sanitary and other works car- ried out by the corporation of Dublin. Proc. Incorp. Ass. Municip. & Co. Eiigin., Loud. A X. Y.. 1891-2, xviii, 8-44. DUBUQUE. Dubtque. Ordinances passed by the city council of the city of Dubuque subsequent to revised ordinances of 1859. May 4. 1***7'2. -a Dubuque, 1-7*2. DUNDEE. IVI'Grnd)-. Sanitary progress in Dundee. San. Jour., Glasg.. 1897-8. n. s.. vi, 345-350. DUSSELDORF. Gkkonne. Uebersicht der von der konigli- chen Eegierung zn Diisseldorf iiber das niedizi- nal- und offentliche Sanitatswesen erlassenen Verordnungen, unter Mitwirkung von Mitglie- dern des Medizinalbeaiuteu-Vereins des Kegie- rungs-Bezirks Diisseldorf, vollstiindig revidirt und bis zum Ende des Jahres 1--* ergiiuzt. >-. Diisseldorf 1889. EDINBURGH. liitllrjohn i.S'i'r H. D.) The sanitation of Edinburgh. Brit. M.J.. Lond.. 1898, ii, 401. —Pollard (J.) Thirty years' sanitarv progress in Edinburgh. Cong, internat. il'liyg. et de demog. C. r. 1894. Budapest, 1896, viii, pt. 4, 301-369.—limitation at Edinburgh. Lancet, Lond., 1901, ii, 1158; 1302. EGYPT. See, also, in this list, Alexandria. Egypt. Bulletin des lois et decrets. Annee 18-4. Loi.s et dcVrets partis du 1'r an *J'J fevrier. -:. Le t'uire, \*8l. Great Buitain. Connnercial, No. 7 (180*2;. Correspondence relating to the conference held at Venice in January. 1-9-, respecting the sani- tary regulations of Kgy pt. fol. London, 1892. Fauvt-I (A.) Reformes apportees tlans l'organisation des services sanitaires egvptieus; instructions demand£es par M. Barren*, ministre charge de l'agence et du cousulat general de France en Tv_:ypte. Kec. tl. trav. Coinite con- sult, d'hyg. pub.de France lssl. Par.. 18s'. xiv, 11-18.— (^Mt'iic jiasha. Medical and sanitary affairs in Egypt. 1'rai niioner. Loud.. 1*9."> liv, 126; 213.—I'annyotatou i A n.elique). Organisation du service sanitaire. maritime et quarautenaire d tfgvpte. Arch, orient, tie med. et de chir., Par.. 1900, ii. 7.5 100; 127: l.V..—l»roii«l (A.) Re- ghineiit sanitaire egypt ien: projet de informe mis a 1'6- tude par le conseil sanitaire international d'Alexandiie. Rec. d. trav. Comite consult, d'hyg. pub. (le France 188ii. Par.. Is87. xvi, 55-64. -----. Projet tie reforme du regle- ment sanitaire 6gyptien mis a l'dtude \v.\v le conseil sani- taire international d'Alexandrie; contre proposition du Dr. Kulp, dehgue d'Allemagne. Ibid.. 248-253. -----. Reglements sanitaires egyptiens; projet de r6vision du reglement sur la desinfection. pr6sente au conseil sani- tafie international d'Alexandiie; instrucrions demand6es par le delegne -aniiaire de France aupres de ce conseil. Ibid., 4(i'J-ho. — limitation in Egypt. Lancet, Loud., HYGIENE. 646 HYGIENE. Hyg'iene (Public, Laws, organization, and progress of), by localities. EGYPT—continued. 1893, i, 497-499. — Midky bey Administration des ser- vices sanitaires et d'hygiene publique en figypte. Cong. internat. d'hyg. et de demog. C.-r. 1889, Par., 1890 903-905. ERFURT. I.olh. Der Einfluss der in den letzten 30 Jahren er- folgteu hygienischen Massregeln auf den Gang der Iufek- tiouskraukheiten und die allgemeine Bevolkerungsbewe- gung in Erfurt. Cor.-Bl. d. allg. arztl. Ver. v. Thiiringen, Weimar, 1901, xxx. 408; 443. ESSLINGEN. !*ialzninnn sen. Das Sanitatswesen der Reicbsstadt Esslingen. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1885, lv, 145; 153. ETRETAT. Bechmami. L'assainissement d'une station baln6aire (Etretat). Bull. Soc.dem6d.pub.,Par., 1887, x, 253-263. EUROPE. See, also, in this list, Austro-Hungary; Bel- gium; Bulgaria; Denmark; Finland; France• Germany; Great Britain ; Italy; Monaco ; Netherlands; Norway; Portugal; Roumania; Russia; Servia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Turkey. Herigny (M.) *Des lois protectrices de la saut6 publique eu France et en Angleterre. t°. Paris, 1898. Kullberg (A.) Hygieniska anteckningar under en resa soinniaren 1873. [Hygienic notes during a journey in the summer of 1873.] 83. Stockholm, 1-74. Legge (T. M.) Public health iu European cities. Berlin, Paris. Brussels, Christiania, Stockholm, and Copenhagen. l'i0. London, 1«95. Leudesdorf (M.) Nachrichteu iiber die Ge- Biiudheitsznstaudeineuropiiischen und iiberseei- schen Kiisten-Pliitzen, gesainmelt in der nord- deutschen Scewarte. 2. Folge. 8°. Hamburg, [n. d.]. Maiitix (A.-L.-F.-J.) * L'administration sani- taire civile a l'etraiiger. 4a. Paris, 188.3. Monod (H.-C.) De l'administration de l'hy- giene publique a l'etraiiger et en France. Me- moire presents au conseil central d'hygiene et de salubrite- publique dans le Calvados, a l'oc- casiou de l'Exposition internationale d'hygiene de Londres. fol. Caen, 1881. Montheuil (A.) L'assistance publique a l'etranger. Allemagne, Augleterre, Belgiqne, Pays-Bas, Suede et Norvege. 1*2°. Paris, 1899. Ei'MA (R.) Po povodu kriticheskoi zainietki Bubnovana statyu " Higiena v niekotorlkh goro- dakh zapadnoi yevropl." [Concerning Buhner's critical note upon the essay: "'Hygiene in .some citiesof western Europe".] 8°. [St. Petersburg, 1887.] Stein (L.) Die innere Yerwaltung. Erstes Hauptgebiet. Zweiter Theil. Das offentliche Gesundheitsweseu iu Deutschland, England, Frankreich und andern Landeru. -°. Stuttgart, 1867. Wawrinsky (R.) Hygieniska notiser saui- lade under en resa i utlaudet. [Hygienic notes collected during a journey in foreign countries.] 2 Xos. »r. Stockholm, 1885-0. A*pe< lw of public health in the Scandinavian capitals. Lancet. Lond., 1894, ii, 95; 152; 399; 648 — Belli I Ion (J.) £tat sanitaire compare des principales villes d'Europe en 1885, et projet de bulletin sanitaire uniforme pour les villes franchises. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1886. viii. 829-848. — van der Burg (C. L.) Eenige gezondheidsmaatregeln aan- komst in Europa uit het heete klimaat. Hyg. BL, Amst., 1898, i, 327-331. — Fazio (E.) Stato igienico-sanitario d' Europa prima del secolo xix; opera benefica degl' inge- gneri e dei medici alia 2a nieta ih-1 secolo; coutrihuzione [ygiciif (Public, Laws, organization, and progress of), by localities. EUROPE—continued. delle discipline demografiche e biologicbe all' ingegneria. Riv. internaz. dig., .Napoli, 1901, xii, 3.- 69; 149.—FirUet (C.) Note sur les mesures tie police sanitaire appliqu6es en Italie, en Alsace et dans l'Eiupire allemand. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Liege, 1886, xxv, 23-35. — Oalanin (M. I.) Sauitarnaya organizatsiya v zapadno-yevropelshikh gosu- darstvakh. [Sanitary organization in western Europe.] Vestnik sudeb. med., etc., St. Petersb., 1886, ii, 3. sect., 1: iv, 3. sect., 2: 1887, i, 3. sect., 1: 1888, iii, 3. sect., 1: iv, 3. sect., 1. Continued in: Vestuik obsh. hig., gudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1889, i, 2. sect., 1-40. AUo, Re- print. — Galli (G.) Die Hygiene im antiken, papst- lichen und modernen Rom. Offener Brief an O. Schwartz. Munchen. med.Wchnschr.,1901, xlviii, 1248-1250.—Jacob. son. Betrachtungen iiber englische nnd deutsche, resp. preussische Sanitatsgesetzgebung. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1894, 3. P.. viii, 130; 359. — Kovalkovaki (K. P.) Sanitarniya uchrezhdeuiya Berlina, Paris'a i Lon- dona. [Sanitary establishments of Berlin, Paris, and Lon- don.] J. russk. Obsh. okhran. narod. zdrav., St. Petersb., 1892, ii, 17; 99; 417. AUo, Reprint. — Schwartz (O.) Die gesundbeillicheu Zustande tier europaischen Grnss- stadte in alter uud neuester Zeit. Miinchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1901, xlviii, 1016; 1354. See, also, supra, Galli.— de Valt-ourl. Note sur rassainissement dans les villes du littoral mediterran6eii. Bull. Soc. de nied. pub., Par., 1891, xiv, 477-488.—Vallin (E.) L hygiene a Lon- dres et l'eau k Paris. Rev. d'hyg.. Par., 1883, v, 353; 451. AUo, Reprint.— Westcrlund (F. W.) N&jra hygie- niska inrattningar i Berlin och Paris. Reseberattelse. [Some of the hygienic arrangements in Berlin and Paris. Traveling report.] Finska liik.-sallsk. handl., Helsing- fors, 1892, xxxiv, 815-862. EVREUX. Carlier (G-.) L'hygiene dans les petites villes ; 6tude faite a Evreux. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1893, 3. s., xxix, 385: xxx, 150. FINLAND Halsovardsforenixgen i Finland. Hygie- niska sporjsmal. [Sanitary Association in Fin- land. Hvgienic questions.] 8°. Helsingfors, 1889. Palmberg (T. A.) Tarkeys ja merkitys ylei- sen terveyshoidon jarjestiiniisesta Suomeen. [Importance and results of the health of tlie people, esnecially of Finland.] 12°. Porroo>sa, 1888. I* :il ill tier i; (A.) Fiirslag till helsovardsordning for landskoiumunerna i Finland. [Project of sanitary regu- lations for the commune of Finland.] Finska lak.'-sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1891, xxxiii, 823-839. FLORENCE. Boxcixelli (F.) L' igiene e la salute pubblica in Firenze. roy. 8°. Firenze, 1897. Curradi (G.) La sardigna di Yarlungo nel- 1' igiene di Firenze e d' intorni. 8°. Firenze, 1898. Florence. Progetto di uu regolamento sulla polizia sanitaria sull' assistenza medica e chi- rurgica sulla constatazione dei decessi, etc. Compilato da una comniissione medica per il municipio di Firenze. 8°. Firenze, 1861. -----. Regolamento pei vigili sanitari <:o- munali. roy. 8°. Firenze, 1892. Questione (La) sanitaria nel comune di Fi- renze. 8". hirenze, 1890. Repr. from: L' Opinione nazionale, Firenze. Torsellini (D.) Relazione sulle condizioni sanitarie della provincia di Firenze per 1' anno 1898. roy. 8°. Firenze, 1899. Bianchi (A.) Delle questioni piu. importanti del- 1' igiene in Firenze. Gior. d. Soc. fiorent. d' ig. 1891-3, Firenze, 1894, vii-ix, 38-46.—Passigli (U.) La super- ficiestradale di Firenze dal lato igienica. Boll. clin.-scient. d. Poliambul. di Milano, 1899, xii, 172; 193. FLORIDA. Florida. State Board of Health. Rules and regulations. 8°. [Jacksonville, 1892.] Bill (A) to establish a state board of health. Proc. Florida M. Ass., Jacksonville, 1889, 15-17.—Maxwell (G. T.) Hygiene in Florida. Ibid., 1896, 60-84. HYGIENE. 647 HYGIENE. Hvgiene (Public, Laws, organization, and progress of), by localities. FOGGIA. Luvini (G.) Salute pubblica. Osservazioni al consiglio comuuale di Foggia sulla delibera- zione eniessa nella sua sessione straordinaria del 24 febbraio l-til. 12-. Foggia, 1-C.4. FORMOSA. Chino (J.) [etal.]. [Communication on the hygienic protection of Formosa.] Gun Igaku Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo l,..it* i'>f.7-i296— Knfuji (X > [Sanitation in Formosa.] liii Nippon Shiritsu Kisi-i Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1899,517- -,41 _ Tnniiiiiclii (K.i I Hygiene iu the internal sani- tation of Foimosa.l Gun Igaku Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1897 84-93.—Twiiboi (Za [Sanitation in Formosa.] Sai- Bei Gakuslia Iji Shiuipo. Tokyo. 1899. 57-69. FRANCE. See, aho.in this list, Bordeaux; Bourg; Ca- hors; Calais; Chambery; Chaudes Aigues; Etretat: Evreux: Grenoble; Limoges; Lyons: Marseilles: Nancy: Nantes; Nice; Paris; Rheims: Roubaix: Rouen; Saint- Etienne: Tahiti: Toulon: Toulouse. AxiiRiF.rx (F.-V.) #Etnde sur le develnppe- meut de la legislation sanitaire eu France et ses priiicipales dispositions. [Paris.] 4 . Dijon, 1 a9-l. Breuillac (H.-(i.) De la police sanitaire. Onvrage eontenant notamment le connnentaire de la loi du 5 mars 1-22. de l'article 97 de la loi municipale du 5 avril 1--1. 6. Clas- sement ge'ue'ral. Circulaire No. 4. 4-. [Paris, W>7.] France. Departement cle Vinte'rieur. Comite consultatif d'hygiene publique de France. Rap- port et projet de reglement pour l'appiication de la loi du 12 juin 1SIK5. Par Henri Napier. 8a Melun, 1-U3. , . LONEQ (E.) Hvgiene publique et salubrite. Addenda au Recueil de legislation sanitaire, comprenant les instructions fondanunt ibs qui re'glementent anjonrd'hui l'hygiene publique et prec^dant la table analytique et alphabet i«iie des travaux des conseils et commissions d hy- giene publique et de salubrite de l'Aisne de 1*4- a 1-92 iuclusivement. publiee le 1" mars 1-9:1 8-. Saint-Ouentin, 1895. MaUPOME (U.-X. ) * Contribution a retude de la redorme sanitaire dans la region pyre"- n^enne. 4°. Bordeaux, MM. Millas (P.-H.) 'Contribution a I'etude des droits de l'hygiene vis-a-vis de la propri6t6 batie. Legislation en vigueur en France et a l'etraiiger. 8°. Toulouse, 1898. [oe Moleon.] Notice sur l'utiht<5 des con- seils de salubrite", et la necessite de les cr6er dans les il^parteraeus. 8C. [Paris, 1852] Noi.'krit (J.-H.-A.) Des ameliorations sani- taires et agricoles du littoral du departement du Card et des departeinents limitrophes. d°. Ntmes, 1855. Hygiene (Public, Laics, organization, and progress of), by localities. FRANCE—continued. Projet de reglement pour le service de sante\ 4°. Paris, 1810. Keisser (ii.) *Ce qui reste a faire pour rhygiene et l'assainit-sem.'nt de nos villages du Ha'ut-lvbin. 4°. Strasbourg, 1805. Rociieite iL.) "Legislations des logements iusalubres. (Loi de 1H..U. Apercus critiques sur les legislations ctraugeres. Projet de loi de 1901.^1 rt . Lyon, 1901. Wklowski (L.) Cours de legislation iudus- trielle. Ciuquieme annee, lK4'.?-44. Premiere lecon, 22 novembre 1*4:1. Des fraudes com- inerciales. «l5 Paris, 1845. Repr. from: Rev. tie lcgisl. et tie jurispr., xvin. Bailly. Lettre a M. le Dr. Lardier sur l'organisation des services sanitaires. Bull. nnd. tl. Vosges, Ran.ber- villers 18-7-8. ii, no. 8, 3-11. See, also, infra. Lardier. _____' lifuxii'ine lettre sur l'organisation d 1111 service rih\"i'ene publique. A Messieurs Cbambei land Bitniar- th let ti Martin. Ibid., 1888-9. iii, no. 9. 3-11 -Karthe- lemv. Neccssite dune loi sanitaire. France nied., Par, 1888 1 5-9; .')4(i.- Borne. Rapport lait au nom de la commission ri hvgiene publique chargee ri examiner le proiet tie loi atbipte avec moditieatioiis par le benat, ayant pom-obp-t la protection de la saiitSpubli.pie. Presse metl., Par 1901 ii s169-s. 181. — C'anbel. Rapport sur nn vceu'de la Societe locale de Ch&tilloii-sui Seine, tendant a- la mist' & 1 Ordre du jour tlevant les Chambres. dn projet Lionvilif sur l'organisation d'une direction de la sante publique en France Gaz.. med.-chir. de Toulouse, 1888, xx 4(1 _4 oi iv< ;iii«"-crei portaut constitution et orgaui- sation'riu co.ps tie sante des colonies et pays de P™tecto- lat '7 ianvicr 1890, Areh. (le med. nav., Par., 1890, lm, ' "iA 1:15 — l>roiiin< an (G ) Ue radmiuistration de l'hy- giene'puhliqut' eii France; k propos du memoire de M. Mound Rev- san. de Bordeaux, 1884-5, ii, 49-51. -----. Note sur les automations temporaires aceordees aux 6ta- blisseiuents classes. Bull. Roc. (le m6d. pub., Tar., 1886, ix 175-179. -----. Des autorisations temporanes o. s etahlisscments classes. Ibid., 1887. x, 62-70. — Fiff- man. Etudes sur l'organisation ilu service de sante. Pro-res med.. Par., 1892, 2. s.. xvi. 321; 447 ; 468 . 4s5. 300; 533: 1893, 2. s.. xvii, 83; 118; 160; 182; 233; 325.-<»allar«. Rapport sur 1'orgauisation tl'un systeme de medecine pu- blique en France. Rec. d. trav. Comite consult, ri hyg. pub. de France 1881, Par., 1883, xi, 110-113. - Libert. I/or-anisation departementale tie la medecine publique dnns'le Calvados; projet ilu pr£t'et. M. Henri Monori sou relet par le conseil general dans sa seance d aout 188!. Rev d'hyg., Par., 1883, v, 810-82.5. — Henrot i H. ) Projet d'organisation de l'hygiene publique en Fiance. Union med. et scient. du nord-est, Reims, ls8,. xi, 89; 131. AUo, Repiint. -----. A propos du projet de loi sur l'administration de la sante publique. Rev. sau. de Bor- deaux, 1888, v, 33. - llcricomt (J.) Le projet d or- ganisation tie l'hygiene publique en Frauce d apres M. Chaniberland. Rev. scient,, Par., 1888, xli, 244-24 '.-.In- nieot (•!.) Projet de loi pour la protection de la sante iniblidiieet l'organisation sanitaire eu Frauce. Lull, nied., Pai 1MI2 vi 1423; 1462; 1482: 1893, vii. 29. - I.aiijjlel. La protection de la sante publique, projet de loi. Ann. d'hv" Par.,1893. 3. s., xxix,145-156.— Lardier. Reponse au I)T-.' Bailly. Bull. med. il.Vosges. Rarnbei vilhrs 1887-8, ii no 8 11-22. — «l«' l.avareinn* (K.i Nouvelle loi sani- taire Presse med-. Par-. ly00, i, annexes. 137-139.— I.e Pileni- (L ) A piopos du projet dc b>i de M. Beren^cr, s6iiateur, visant le racolage sm la voie publique. hi M6.1. leg, etc., [Bergeron], «'-. Pai , 189.1 125-132.-I. ■.- lai-il. Projet (Porgaiiisationdel'assistaiKainedicaleet des Hcrvicessaiiitairestlans le Deparli'ineiit des Vosges. Rey. d'hy Par., 1882, iv, 369-379. — I.oi sur la protection de la saute" publique; projet vol 6 paria Chanihre. des_I)eput6s. Rev tie nied. leg.. Par.,1893-4. i. 103-110. -.Tlartin (A.-.T.) Kssai d'organisation dc hi inedei ine publique en Drauce. Bull Soc. dem6d. pub., Par.188(1, iii, 211-27(1. AUo: Ann. dhv Par 1880,3. s.. iv, 148-1 ii.">.----- Les revendica- tioiiiTiie l'hygiene publique cn France. Rev. scient, Par., 1880,2. s., xviii, 1006-1012. Also, Reprint. ——. Organi- sation tie la medecine publique on France; cr6ation itune direction de la sant6 publique Ann. d hyg., Far. 188^ £ s.,vii, 243-270. AUo: Rev. d'hyg, Par 1882, iv 14J-1.9. Also, Repiint. Also: Bull. Soc. tie med. pub. 1882, Par., 1881 v 50-87.-----Rapport sur l'organisation de la mede- cine' publique en France. (Organisation depiutementale.) BiMoc. tie me.l. pub. 1882. Par., 1883, v, 382-397 Also: Kev. d'hyg , Par.,1883,v, 43-59.------Projet de reorgam HYGIENE. 648 HYGIENE. Hygiene (Public, Laws, organization, and progress of), by localities. FRANCE—continued. sation des conseils et commissions d'hygiene publique et de salubrite et de creation d'une service d'iuspection de l'hvgiene publique et tie la salubrite; rapport et projet de loi.' Rec. d. trav. Comite consult, d'hyg. pub. de France 18S4, Par.. 1885, xiv, 71-114. -----. Be la uature et de l'etendue des pouvoirs respectifs de-> mains, des munici- paliWs et des pr6fets en matiere d'hvgiene et tie salubrity. Bull. Soc.de med. pub., Par.. 1885, viii. 34; 139. -----. Re- forme de la legislation sanitaire francaise. Cong, internat. d'hyg. et tie demog. C.-r. 1889. Par., 1890, 8118-885. —-—. Projet de loi pour laprotectiondelasant6publique. Recti, trav. Comity consult, d'hyg. pub.de France 1891. Melun. 1892. xxi, 353-453, 1 ch. —---. La future loi sani- taire francaise. Rev. d'hyg..Par..1892,xiv,l-22.—.»Ionod (H.) Des pouvoirs de l'adininist ration publique en matiere sanitaire; observations pr6sent£es au comite cousultatif dans la seance du 12 novembre 1«88. Rec. d. trav. Comite consult, d'hyi.'. pnb.de France 1889. Par.,1890,xix,322-3;i9 — Oi'iiaiiitatioii (L5 et-le fonctionnement ilu service de sante en l-7uet aujourd'hui. Gaz. d. hop., Par.. 1895, Ixviii, 147._,le Pielra Nanta. Organisation des services de l'hygiene publique eu France. J. d'hyg. Par., I-n-7, xii. i 141-146. AUo, Reprint. -----. Loi concernant la saut6 | publique. J. d'hyg., Par.,1893. xviii. 325-329 —Projet de loi pour la protection de la sant6 publique. Gaz. hebd d sc. ra6d. de Montpel.. 1891, xiii, 6u5—Proposition tie loi concernant ['organisation de l'administration tie la sante publique. Alger m6d.. 1886, xiv,201-211. Also: Rev. san. rie Bordeaux, 1888.v, 1-4. AUo: Semaine m6d., Par., 1888, viii, 18.—Rapport et tlecret portaut constitution et or- ganisation ilu corps de saute ties colonies et pavsdepro- tectorat. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1890, lxiii, 50-54.—Kenws iL.) De l'organisation ties services dhvgi^ne publique en France. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1>88. ':i. 8., xiv 225-248.— Key ne* (H.) La defense de la France contre les maladies pestilentielles exotiques. Presse med., Par., 1899, ii, an- nexes. 175. FRANKFORT on the Main. Frankfort on tlie Main. Reformation, oder ernewerte Ordnung der Statt Franckfurt am Mayn die Pflege der Gesundbeit betreffendt. Welche den Medicis, Apotheckeru und andern Angeliorigen daselbsten, audi sonsteu jeder inauniglichen zur Nacbrichtuug gegeben wor- deu. Beueben dem Tax uud Wertb der Artz- neyen, welche in den Apothecken allda zufiuden. Jetzo abermals von newem getrueket. 4°. Franckfurt a. M., 1028. -----. The same. 4°. Franckfurt a. M., 1656. -----. The same. 4". Franckfurt a. M., 1710. -----. The same. 4°. Franckfurt a. M., 1718. Hygienischen (Die) Einrichtungen von Frankfurt am Main. Mit Zugrundlegung der Dr. Varrentrapp im Jahre 1881 gewidmeten Festschrift. Frankfurt am Main iu seinen by- gienischen Verhaltnissen uud Einrichtungen bearbeitet unter Mitwirkung tier Herren . . . Behnke und Lindley von Dr. Spiess. *■*-. Frankfurt am Main, 1888. Spies'* (A.) Das stadtische Gesundheitswesen in Fiankt'urt a. M. im Jahr 1900. Jahresb. ii. d. Verwalt. d. Med.-Wes. d. Krankenanst. ... d. Stadt Frankf. (1900), 1901, xliv, 59-86.—Strieker (W.) Geschichte der offent- lichen Gesundheitspflege in der Stadt Frankfurt a. M. wahrend des achtzehuten Jahrhunderts. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.J. Berl., 1889, cxvii, 199; 606: 1890. cxix, 177. FROSINONE. Frosinone. La salute pubblica del circon- dario di Frosinone nel primo semestre 1H-C. Re- lazione letta al consiglio sanitario circondariale rial Dott. Valerio Orlandi. ** \ Frosinone, 1-87. GALICIA. Oettinger, Warschauer & Janikowski. Spra- wozdanie komisyi wyznaczou6j ua posiedzeniu Towar- zystua lekarskiego krakowskiego z d. 3 grudnia 1867 w celu ulozenia pamietnika w przedmiocie pozadanej reor- ganizacyi sluzhy zdrowia povrsc.ei huego w Galicyi. [Re- port of the Commission of the Cracow Medical Society to prepare a memoir on the proposed reorganization of the Hygiene (Public. Laics, organization, and progress of), by localities. GALICIA—continued. public health service of Galicia.] Przegl. lek., Krak6w, 1808, vii, 73-8".—Stand tier Organisation des Gemeinde- Sanitatsdienste^ in Galizien zu Beginn des Jahres 1894. Oesterr. San.-W.-s, Wien, 1894, vi, 391-393, 1 ch. GALLARATE. Argelaschi (G.) II servizio sanitario in Gal- larate. Critiche e proposte. 1*2-. Gallarate, 1891. GENOA. Genoa. Regolamento ed istruzioni per gli ufficj di sanita e metodo d' orgauizzazione delle guardie nel littorale della Republica. sin. 4-. Genova, 1803. -----. Reglement et tarifs pour la percep- tion des droits sanitaires dans le ressort de la commission centrale de saute\ *2~me division i militaire. 4C. Genes, 180*. -----. Istruzioni ed ordini per la sanita da osservarsi uell' una e 1' altra riviera. Ristaui- pauti d' ordine della commissione centrale di sanita di Genova. sm. 4-. Genora, 1*15. -----. Istruzione concernente il regginiento e le incumbenze degli offizi di sanita stabiiiti nel littorale sottoposti all ginrisdizioue del ma- gistrodi sanitasedente in Genova. 1:. Genova, 1--26. -----. Proposte della giunta municipale relative al risanamento della citta. Delibera- zione del giorno 17 febbraio l-*-6. 4 -. Genova, 1*^6. Segalk (G. B.) Genova, le condizioni igie- uiche e le urgeuti opere di risauamento. 4°. Genova, 18~5. -----. Ordiuamento del servizio igienico e sanitario per la citta di Genova. 4-\ [Genova, 1885.] -----. Relazione della comniis«-iouo per il risanamento della citta e per le case econoniiche. 4'-'. Genova. l-*5">. ftaddi (A.) Su di alcune questioni di igiene pubblica della eitta di Genova. Gior. d. r. Soc. ital. d'ig.. Milano, 1892. xiv, 93-107. GEORGIA, Russia. Pantnkhoff (I. I.) Sanitarnoye sostoyanie Gruzin. [Sanitarv condition of Georgia.] San. Dielo, St. Petersb., 1891, i, 465; ;>82. GEORGIA, United States. See, also, in this list, Augusta; Savannah. A vary (J. C.) State and municipal hygieue. with a plea for a State board of health as well as for au examin- ing board. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia. Atlanta. 1893, 379-3*>8.— Bill (A) to establish a department of public health and to define its duties. Georgia J. M. & S.. Savannah. 1897. i, 55-63.—Georgia. An act to create a State board of . health for the protection of life and health, and to prevent the spread of diseases in the State of Georgia, and for other purposes. Approved Feb. 25. W5. Acts Jc Res. Gen. As- semb. Georgia, [Atlanta], 1875. 32-36— I.e Hardy (J. C.) An act to create a commissioner of health and drainage for the State of Georgia. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia. Atlanta, le97. 298-303. GERMANY. See, also, in this list, Alsace-Lorraine; Ba- varia; Brunswick: Carlsruhe; Darmstadt; Erfurt: Hamburg; Heidelberg: Hesse-Nas- sau: Hildesheini: Mannheim; Prussia; Saxony: Westphalia: Wiirtemberg. Bkneke (F. W.) Zur Frage der Organisation der offentlichen Gesundheitspflege iu Deutsch- land. Ein zweiter Beitrag zur Forderuug der- selbeu. ~:, Marburg. 1872. vox Berg (G. H.) Sammlung teutscher Po- lizeygesetze nach der Ordnung des Handbuehs des teutsclien Polizeyrechts. Pt. 2, v. 1. -°. Hannover, 1800. HYGIENE. 649 HYGIENE. Hvg'iene (Public, Laws, organization, and progress of), by localities. GERMAN Y—continued. Deutsches Gesundheitswesen. Festschrift zum x. internat ioualen medizin ischen Kongress, Berlin lr-W. Im aintliehen Auftrage hrsg. von M. Pistor. I. Das Reielis-Gesnndheitsyvtscn. II. Gesundheitswesen der Bundesstaaten Preus- sen, Bavern uud Wurtteinberg. * . Berlin, 1-90. Germany. Gemeinschaftliche Verfiigung des Ministers der Medizinal-Angtlegenheiten und d s Ministers ties Innern, betreffend die Bildung von tiesundbeitskoinniissiouen und den Krlass einer Gescbaftsanweisiing fiir diese, vom 13. Mar/ 1901. -\ [Berlin, 1901.] Germany. KaiserlichesGesundheitsaint. Riick- blick auf den rrsprung soyy ie auf die Ent- wickelung und Thatigkeit des Anitos in den ersten zehn Jahren seines Besteheiis. Zusam- mengestellt im Kaiserlichen GesuniUieitsamte. roy. --. Berlin. 1—6. -----. Xachtrag zum Vt-r/cichniss der Biit her-Saininlung. -". Berlin. 1-!V>. Konigl. allerhochste Verordnung vom 31. Miirz 1"99. die Verhiiltnisse der Biider betref- fend. *24 . Jnsbach, 1-99. ScHi'TZE CC.) Die so/iale Reichsgesetzge- bung und ihre sanit-iicn Postulate. - . Jena, 1899. AllHhnl (T.) Entwurf eines Gesetzes. betreffend die Betampt'iinggemeiiigefahrlicher Krankheiten. Miinchen. nied. Wchnschr., 1893. xl. 551: oils.— Bcijjir. Die Noth- weudigkeit tier Erricbtung von Krri--i entralstellen fiir tliegesammte Wol llaln tsgesetzgebung i Wnhlfai-tsiiintei i. Aerztl. Sachverst-Zig.. lieil.. 1>'.i7. iii 446-418.—It or- ner] (P.) Das Kniserliche deutsche Ge-uiiilhi-it~-Anit unter seiner neuen Leitung. Deutsche nit-d. Wchnschr., Berl.. 1885. si. 122. — Chadwick (Sir E.) Prevent- ive administration as Compared with curative adminis- tration, as practised in Germany. San. Jour., Glasg., ls'.K)-9I. n.s.. xiv, 1 -13. — K«'IV-i-«leiii. Ahandeiiings- Yemuch tlesEntnrui t'es eines (A-Hzes, h.-tivrteinl die Be- kamrriiing g^ni^in-eiahrlie'u.-r Kraukhtit' n. A]]- med. Centi -Ztg..'Beil. 18a;, lsii. 3»iS; 37'J. Also, Reprint.— K oh ler iR.) Ueber tlie UmgestaltuiiL' des iirztlichen StandesundderoffentliclienGesunrfht-itsptie^e in Deutsch- land. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wfirttenib. iirztl. Yer.. Stuttg., leTi), xl. 05: 73. AUo. Reprint.—^Iewin«. Die Errichtiing staatlicher hygienischer Untersuchungsamter fiir jeden Krgierungsbe'zirk. Ztschi. f. Med.-Beamte. Berl., 1900, xiii. ."io3-5"s— .Tlitterinaier (B.) Das neue Reichs- Seni htiigesetz h.-spi .it-hen im X.imen des luternationalen Vereins gegen Yerunreiuigung (h-r Fliisse, desBotlens und der Luft. Gesundheit. Leipz'., Ie91. xix. 130; 142. AUo, Reprint.—"»t hwartz (O.) Zur Reform ties deutschen Medicinal- und Sanitatswt—ens nach den Anfoiderungen des deutschen Reichverfassungsgenetzes. Heilkunde, Wien [etc.], 189', ii, «7-9J.— Vi'i'n'nlluiij,'«-Orgaiii- | ■nation (Die) tier otfeutlich'n Gesundheits|it]i g. im Deutschen Reiche und das Reich- ' 'esundheits-Aiin Ein Gutachten der k. preussischen yvis-enschnftlicben Depu- tation fur das Medieiiialwesen uber tlie an den Reichstag gerichtete Petition, nebst Benieikungen von Rudolf Vir- chow. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med.. Berl., 1870, n. F., xiii, 193-203. AUo, Reprint—Wnlzer (C. W.) Ueher die Salubritats-Yerhaltnisse. Wi handl. d. naturh. Yer. d. pi. ii- Rheinl. u. "West-dial., Bonn, 1858, xv, 211-213. [AUo l'e[irint. GIBRALTAR. Great Britain. Secretary of Slate for the Colonies. Gibraltar. Correspondence respect- ing the amendment of tlie Gibraltar sanitary order in council, May, lr92. fol. London, 1892. GLASGOW. Fyfe (P.) Some important points in the sanitary work of a great city. [From: Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasg.,' 1888.] San. Jour., Glasg., 1888-9, n. s., xii, 33-48. 3 pl. GORI (Ccnnitg). Caucasus. Oftitsialnoye izsltedovanife sani- tamavo polozheniya Goriyskavo nyezda kasa- telno snshtshestvuynshtshikh tain epideniiy I ygiene (Public, Laws, organization, and progress of), by localities. GORI (County)—continued. skarlatinl, difterii, malyarii, i t. d. Otchot. [Official inquiry into the sanitary condition of the county of Gori, Caucasus, iu relation to epi- demics therein existing of scarlatina, diphthe- ria, malarial fever, etc. Report.] fol. [Tiflis, 1879] J GREAT BRITAIN. Set, also, in this list, Australia: Bourne- mouth; Canada; Cape Colony; Croydon; Crumpsall; Derby; Gibraltar; India; Ire- land; Liverpool; London; New Zealand; Scotland; Sheffield; Southampton; Tor- quay ; Waltham; Wigan; Windsor. Baker (T.) A battling life, chiefly in the civil service. An autobiography,-with fugitive papers on subjects of public importance. 8-. London, 18-5. [Bkrry (G. )] Considerations addressed to the members of local boards of health, elected by owners and ratepayers, and to such electors. **■-. Lirerpool, 1851. Clifford (F.) A history of private bill legis- lation. 2 v. *^:. London, I-87)-7. Fabian iract Xo. 61. The London county- council : what it is and what it does. 8'-. Lon- don, 1895. Fitzgerald (G. A. R.) The law relating to public health and local government, as con- tained in the public health act, 18">. With in- troduction and notes shewing all the alterations in the existing law; with references to all the cases decided on sections of former acts which are reenacted in this act. Together with a sup- plement containing "The rivers pollution pre- vention act. 1-76"; with explanatory introduc- tion, notes, cases, ami index. ec. London, 1-70. Gaches (L.) The law relating to markets and fairs and therein of auction-marts, sale-rooms. hawkers, and pedlars. 16°. London, [1898], Glen (W. C.) & Glen (A.) Tlie law relating to public health, local government, and urban anti rural sanitary authorities; including the public health act, 187."i, and the olh r statutes affecting sanitary authorities. Together with orders, regulations, etc., of the local govern- ment board. 10. ed. -~\ London, 1 *"'->*. Great Britain. An act (11 & 1*2 Vict., cap. 63) for promoting the public health, with an analytical index. [Passed 31 August, 1-4-.] 16°. London, 1818. (;i:eat Britain. Local Government Board. Public health act (f-7*2). Return to an address of the House of Commons, datetl 1*2 June. 1*74, for return showing yviih respect to the inunu i p:il boroughs in England and Wales ... 1. Boroughs in which town councils have become the urban sanitary authorities under the public health act, 1872, in place of boards of under lo- cal acts. 2. . . . tinder the local government act, K>-5 3. . . . before the date ot the rublic health act, 1872. 1. The boroughs in which neither a local act for sanitary purposes nor the local government act, l-.>, was in force at the date of the public health act, 1872 ... 5. Tho boroughs in which boards under local acts have not been superseded by town councils ... 6. The boroughs iu which local boards under the local government act, l-.">-, have not been su- perseded bv town councils ... 17 Julv, 1J74. fol. [London, 1-74.] ------. A digest of the statutes relating to urban sanitarv authorities. "J. ed. -I\ London, 1875. HYGIENE. 650 HYGIENE. Hyg'iene (Public, Laws, organization, and progress of), by localities. GREAT BRITAIN—continued. -----. Public health acts. 167*2 and 1675 (lo- cal loans 5 Return to an order of the House of Commons, dated 11 May, 1-77, for return show- ing the amount of money authorized by the lo- cal government board to be borrowed by local authorities (distinguishing urban from rural) under the public health act, 1872, and the pub- lic health act, 1-75, during each of the years 1-7*2, 1-73. 1-74. 1-75, and 1-76. for the purpose of supplying water to their respective districts, the amount of such loans recommended to be I advanced by the public works loan commission- ers, and the number of years allowed for the re- payment of such loans. 4 June, 1878. fol. [London, 1878,] -----. General order. Port sanitary author- ities. Regulations with respect to inspectors of nuisances, whose salaries are partly repaid out of moneys voted by Parliament. 14,851. July 19, 1-63.' fol. [London, 1-63."] -----. General order. Port sanitary author- ities. Regulations Avith respect to medical offi- cers of health, whose salaries aie partly repaid out of moneys voted bv Parliament. 14,*-4i». July 19, 1863/ fol. [London, 1— 5.] —----. Legislation of 1-64 affecting local boards aud improvement commissioners. Cir- cular. Nov. *26. 1864. fol. [London, 1^84.] -----. Legislation of 1-64 affecting rural sanitary authorities. Nov. 28, 1881. fol. [Lon- don, 1664.] -----. Legislation of 16-4 affecting town councils acting as urban sanitary authorities. Nov. 2-. 16=4. fol. [London, 16-4."] -----, Local government provisional orders. (No. -.) A bill intituled An act to confirm cer- tain provisional orders of the local government board relating to the boroughs of Bangor and Bradford (Yorkshire), and the local government district of Tyklesley-with Shakerlcy. (Brought from the Commons 30 Aug., 1666.) Ordered to be printed, 30 Aug.. 1--6. fol. [London, 1880.] -----. Local government provisional orders. (No. 11.) A bill intituled An act to confirm cer- tain provisional orders of the local government board relating to the local government district of Dukinfield. the city of Manchester, and the Rochester and Chatham joint hospital district. (Brought from the Commons 30 Aug., 16-.fi.) Ordered to be printed, 30 Aug., 1666. fol. [Lon- don, 16-6.] -----. Sanitary acts (appointments of med- ical officers of health). Return to an order of the House of Commons, dated 1*2 Aug., 1--7. for return in the following form (iu continuation of parliamentary paper No. 359, of session 1873), as to the present appointments of medical officers of health in England and Wales under the gen- eral sanitary acts, or any local act, distinguish- ing, respectively, the appointments which are made by single urban authorities, tbe appoint- ments which are made by single rural author- ities, and the appointments which are made by two or more authorities in combination. 10 Aug., 1---. fol. London. 1---. Great Britain. Local Government Board. Medical Department. Alkali acts. 1663 and 1-74. Return to an order of the House of Commons, dated 7 April, 1876, for copy of intermediate re- port of Dr. Angus .Smith, chief inspector under the alkali acts, 1?63 and 1-74, to the local gov- ernment board, of his proceedings since the pas- sage of the latter act. 7April, 1-76. fol. [Lon- don, 1875.] Hygiene (Public, Laics, organization, and progress of), by localities. GREAT BRITAIN—continued. Great Britain*. Parliament. Public health acts amendment (improvement expenses' bill. Arrangement of clauses. A bill to amend the public health acts in relation to private im- provement expenses, fol. [London, 16-5.] -----. Public health acts (improvement ex- penses). A bill intituled An act to amend the public health acts in relation to private im- provements. (Brought from the Commons 4th June, 1--6.) fol. [London, 1-66.] -----. Public health acts amendment. A bill intituled An act to amend the public health acts. (Brought from the Commons 5th Aug., l?90.'i fol. London, 1-90. Great Britain". Parliament. House of Com- mons. Public health. A bill [as amended in comniittee] to amend the law relating to public health. 27 June, 1-72. fol. [London, 1872.] -----. Public Iiealth act (167*2) amendment. A|bill to amend so much of section four of the public health act, 1-7*2, as relates to the Cam- bridge commissioners. 14 July, 1873. fol. [London, 1-73.] -----. Public health bill. A bill [as amended in committee] for consolidating and amending the acts relating to the public health in Eng- land. 7 May, 1-75. fol. [London, 1-75.] -----. Public health acts (improvement ex- penses) bill. Arrangement of clauses. A bill [as amended iu committee] to amend the public health acts iu relation to private improvement expenses. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, "29 March, 1-66. fol. [London, 1880.] -----. Public health acts (improvement ex- penses). A bill [as amended in committee aud on recommitment] to amend the public health acts in relation to private improvement expenses. •25 May, 1—6. fol. London, [l6-<6]. -----. Special re|nut from the select com- mittee on police and sanitary regulations; with the proceedings of tbe comniittee. 2 June, 1--6. fol. London, [1--6]. -----. Public health acts (improvement ex- pensesA A bill to amend the public health acts in relation to private improvement expenses. fol. London, 1880. -----. Public health (prevention of infectious diseases, etc.). A bill to amend the public health act, 1675, so as to make further provision for the prevention of infectious diseasts; and for other purposes. *20 March, 1---. fol. London, 1— 6, -----. Public health acts amendment. A bill to amend the public health acts. 1*2 Feb., 1-90. fol. London, 1890. -----. Urban sanitary authorities. (Further powers.) A bill to confer further powers on nr- bau sanitary authorities. 19 Feb., 1890. fol. London, 1890. Great Britain. Parliament. House of Lords. Public health acts (improvement expenses) bill. Amendments to lie moved in committee. By the Earl of JerBey and the Lord Brabourue. '21st June, 16-6. fol. [London, 16-6.] -----. Public health acts amendment hill. Amendments to be moved iu committee of the whole House bv the Earl of Jersev. August 11, 1-90. fol. London, 1-90. Hime (T. W.) The practical guide to the public health acts; a vade mecum for officers of health and inspectors of nuisances. Containing the chief sanitary laws of England, with annotations aud a precis of other acts of importance to sani- tary authorities; also all important orders of the HYGIEXE. 6f>l HYGIENE. Hygiene (Public, Laws, organization, and progress of), by localities. GREAT BRITAIN—continued. local government board; with memoranda ou va- rious subjects of especial interest to medical offi- cers of health and inspectors of nuisances, etc, with illustrations, diagrams, and tables, and a selected list of important sanitary law eases; ;,n essav on the slide rule. 2. ed. 12--. London, 1901. L. Medical police of tbe United Kingdom. 6-". London, [1-46]. Repr. from : Westminster Rev., March, 1840. Lumley (W. G.) A Lumlky (E.) The public health act. 1-75, annotated, yvith an appendix. containing the various incorporated statutes, etc 3. ed., with very extensive additions, including all statutes relating to public health to the end j of the session, 1--7. with notes containing all | cases of date of publication, index, etc., by William Patchett and Alexander Macmorian. j 6-". London, 1--7. j Macmorrax t A. ) The public health acts, 18-5. including the housing of the working classes act, 1--5; with copious notes and index aud a digest of all the cases decided on public health and local government during the year. Being a supplement to Lumley s Public Health. 6C. London, 16-6. -----. The public health acts, 16-0-90, in- cluding the housing of the working classes act, lr-90; with notes and index, and a digest of cases relating to public health decided >iuce 1-67 to the present time, forming a companion volume | to Lumley's Public Health. - . London, 1891. Morkell (J. C. ) The high death rate. An | ai.swei to the question, What is to he done \ Being the substance of a paper read before the Manchester aud S.ilford Sanitary Association, March 19, 1-69. 12c. Manchester, 1-69. New Softh Wales. Report on sanitary legis- lation iu England. By H. N. Maclaurin to the colonial -e< retarv. 4C. Si/dneu, 1-93. Rawlinson- (R.) Public health act. (11 A 12 Vict., cap. 63.) Report to tbe general board of health, on a preliminary inquiry into the sewer- age, drainage aud supply of water, and the sani- tary condition of the iuhabitaiits of the townships of Gnat Crosby and Litherland, in the parish of St ft .ii. huudred of West Derby, and county palatine of Lancaster. -c. London, 1-55. / Ree- (1\A The public health act, 1-75, from |a rural inspector of nuisances' point of view; | with suggested amendments, and other matters /of interest to a rural inspector. 12°. London, 1-4. I Sander (F.) Die engliS( he Sanitatsgesetzge- bnng. -'. Elberfeld, 1-69. SiMOX (.Sir J.) English sanitary institutions, reviewed in their course of development, and in I some of their political and social relations. - . | London, l-9o. Sxow (J.) A letter to sir Benjamin Hall, president of the general board of health. 6°. ' London, l^-oS. Thorxe (R. T.) A Smith (d.) Memorandum I to the local government board, on the results of a conference with the byelaws committee of the Oxford local board. June 4, 16-7. fol. [London, 16-7.] [Trench (W. S.)] Sanitary amendment act, 1»64. Report of the medical officer of health on his second presentment to the grand jury. 6?. Lint fiool. 1-65. *»hl>v .A.) On the working of the -.mit.irv acts. Pnh. Health, Lond., Ie75. iii, 204; 273—Kaile? G. W.) The law relating to sanitary conveniences, .-an. Rec, [ygiene (Public, Laws, organization, and progress of), by loetriilies. GREAT BRITAIN—continued. Lend., 1890. n. s., xxiv, 5C7-569. AUo: J. State M., Lond., 1900, viii, 247-25ti.—Barry. On the general sanitary cir- cumstances and administration of the Rawdon urban sanitary district. Ren. Med. Off. Local (inv. Bd. 1890, Lend. 1891. xx. 141-150.— ltlaxnll. On the saniiary i nnilitinii and administration ol i lie rural sanitary district nt Sum,- Middlesex. Ibi,l.. .".1 -fa'.'. AUo, Reprint — ■tonal 115) The local government act in its sanitary aspects. 1'uli. Health, Lontl., 1888-9, L'aiAlJ-Booktr (F.) The public health net. 1875; uliy certain portions of the act require amending. Sun. Kec. Lund. 1 sgti-7, n. s.. viii, 443 — CalUiiiH it;. X.) Some results of sani- tary legislation in England since 187.1. I'uh. Am. Statist. Ass., Host.. 181)0-91, n.s., ii, 297-303. — < n iiicron iSIr C. A.) The Victorian era, the aue of sanitation. I>ul>lm J. M. Sc, 1892, xciv. 289-31::. —Carpeim-i- (A.i An .el- dress delivered at the opening of the section of public medicine, at the annual meeting of the British Medical Association, held in Worcester. August, 1882: The early yvork of the association in pi event ive medicine. Brit. M J Lond., 1 >*•-.'. ii, -JO'-aa-farter (G.) The work- ing ..tth. health ;i, ts. Quart. M. J., Sheffield, 1897-S. vi, j A-j-lii —tatistik in England seit dem Jahre 1872. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. dt)'. Gsiidhts].flg., Brnschwg., 1877, ix, 725-708.—Graves (R. E.) "Working of the sanitat v clauses of the factory and workshop acts, 187? to 1(*91. 'Sun. Jour., Glasg., 1895-6, n. s., ii, 6-18.— C»r<*at Kriiain. Abanderung der Gesetze iiber die citleiitliche Gesundheitspflege betreffend. vom 18 August l.»9n. Veroffentl. d. k. Gsndhtsamtes. Berl.. 1891. xv. 737; 752. — Grrriihow (E. H.) On a standard of public health t'..r En-land. A. Statist. Soc. Lond.. 1859, xxii, 253-270.— llariiNNon (T. H.i On an account of an investigation into the classes who administer the public health act. Tr. San Inst. Gr. Rrit. 188(5-7. Lond., 1887. viii. 206-218— Hint 115) The new local government act. especially in relation to sanitary administration. San. Rec, Lond., ]-->--9. n. s., x, 305-312. -----. Extension of sanitary powers to < .>11111\ coum ils. Brit. M. J., Lond.. I8SI3. ii, 123; 1-7; '.'-id. — Iliyliel .)".) The need of a state depart- ment ot )iui.lic health. Tub. Health. Lond., 190". xii. 851- 858.— Hill (A.i 'lhe sanitarv situation. San. Rec, [..mil., ls-7. n. s., ix, 259-265. — Horrocks i YV5 II.) Ri-poit on the progress of hygiene for the year 1900. Anny M. Dep. Rep. 1899, Lond., 1901, xli, 349-372.— Hr^iviic (L ) publique en Angleterre: le Sanitary Institute: les inspecteurs sanitaires. Ann. d'hvg.. Par., 1901. 3. s., xiv. 3s5-415. — Kayo (J. R.) Suggestions of the West Riding sanitary committee relative to dairies, cowsheds, and niilkshops orders, 1885-99. J. State M.. Lond.. 1901, ix, 329-::::i —Ktlly (R. J.) The existing sanitarv law; its possibilities. Ibid., 1898, vi, 498-510. -----. The atlmiuistration of the sanitary layv. Metl. Press .) Avec une preface i>ar le docteur Louis Gr6sz. >*-'. Buda- pest, l-7tl. Ki.asz (P.) La legislation ct l'adiniuistration sanitaires tic la Hongrie. --. Budapest, 11)00. RiUI'alvi [K.) Megjegvzesek az li.j fiirtlntiirvciiyja- va-hiti"!. [Observations on the proposal of a new law coiii't'i-nini baths, i Orvosi hetil., Rmlapest. 1900, xliv, 4'j7-4'.'9.— Rrener (A.I Az. cg£szst-giigvi kd/igazgatas sztrvtzese. Organization of the public administration of hygiene.) Oyak. orvos. Budapest. 1896, vii, no. 10, 6: 1S97, viii, no. 42. 11.—<'»aliiry e!ei;s. g.k terjedeseuek nieggfUolfi- s&ra. [Bill for prevention ,,( Am spread of dangerous and contagious diseases. 1 Kdzog. rs Tiii'veiiy. Orvos., Buda- pest, 1^97. l-T.-KIm* A'.) Feber die Organisation und den st'iit'iiiviiitigen Stand ties Sauitatswesens in Fngaru. Cong, internat. d'hysr. et di- d6mog. C. r. 1894, Budapest, 1890, viii. pt. 5, 364-372. ------. La legislation et l'admini- stration sanitaires de la Hon irrie. fAlistr.] Ann. d'hvjr., Par., 1901. 3. s.. xlvi. 23»: 317.— I.in/banti F. X.i Tersuch einer pragiuat ischen (.'e-t-liir'nti- ties <• 11 <-ntlicli. n Gesundheitswesen in Fngarn. Ztschr. f. Nat.- u Hi ilk in Fngarn. Pest. 1-50-51. i. 1: 43: 115—Tlajor 1A.1 Az egeszsegiigyi tdrvenyck v6zreii.ijta~aii.il; akadalyai es a kdzseiri es kiirorvosok In lvzett. Impediments to 1 in- ex- ecution of the hygienic laws and the pi>»itimi "l communal I aud circuit physicians. ] Kiize^. c-sTorveny. Orvos.. Buda- pest. 1895. 29-31.—Perczel 15) MagMiior-zag ko/e-,A. zst-£rii<:ve li»96-ban. [Rep. Il\ ciene in Hungary in li-9fi.] Orvosi in til.. Budapest. l*5iv \l:i. 66: 8o. — Tliuroczy (K.) Magyarorsziij; kozegeszsegiiuyi statistikaja. [Statistics of public hvsnene in Hungary.] Kdzeg. Cs Torveny. Orvos., Budapest, 1697. 7-10. ICELAND. I.irkna*kipu■■ in. [Hygienic regulations.] Eir, Reykjavik. 5-:<:> : 113-119. IGLESIAS. Iglksias. Regolameuto di pubblica igiene della citta d' Iglesias. 1- dicembre 1888. ***. Sassari, 1--9. ILLINOIS. S>e. also, in this list, Chicago; Quincy; Rock Island. Lakk (Town). The revised ordinances of the town of Lake, comprising the laws of Illinois relating to the town of Lake, and ordinances of the board of trustees, -a Chicago, 1^*2. Public-health laws, rules, aud regulations. Rep. Bd. Health Illinois 1-81, Springfield, 18*>5. vii, 7-1*5 INDIA. See, also, in this list, Bombay: Calcutta; Madras; Puri; Singapore. Great Britain*. Secretary of State for India. Reports on sanitary measures in India from 18<>7 to l-9.V-fi. v. 1-29. fol. London, 1858-97. j Axhbnrnt'r IL.) Legislative action as applied to vii- | lage sanitation in India. Tr. vii. Intermit. < 'mi;. Hyg. A. Demo;:. 1891, Loud., 1892, xi. 145- 14* — Oniniiijjliaiu (Sir H. 8.) On tbe public health in India with ,prciai reference to the European armv. Tr. San. Inst. Or. Brit. 18*8-9, Lond., 1890. x, 137-150.—I>«*y (It. li. K. L i Hintlu social laws and habits viewed in relation to health. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1894. vii, 4; 38; i;9.—iiron (H.) Le service de sant6 dans l'lnde (Indian metlit-al service). Arch, de mctl. nav., Par., 1899, lxxi. 376-393. — Ilnrl (K.I Puhlic health legislation and the needs of India. Iirit. M J., Lond., 1895, ii, 287-291. Also: Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1895. ix, 2U5-20>; — Harvey K ) A presidential address on the sanitary need.-, and aspirations of India. Lancet, Lond., 1895, i, 133.—King (W. G.) Sanitation in India. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta. 1^95, viii, 117-U2.— I.alham (B.) Indian sanitation. A. San. Inst., Lond., 1897-8, lygieilt' (Public, Laws, organization, and progress of), by localities. INDIA—continued. xviii. 93-109. ------. Sanitation in India. Tr. vii. Inter- nal ('cni'. Hvg. &, Demog. 1891, Lond., 1892, vii, 18-24.— VIim'IcoiI (K.) The evolution, past and prospective, of medical anil sanitary work in India. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1MI5, ix. 377. — .MiMiiuy iC. \V.) Sanitary organization in India. Med. Pre** ,\ (lire, Loud., 1898, n. s., lxvi, Gil Vloorc (Sir W.i Indian sanitation and the International Cm inn ■-- nf 11 \ nie in ■. .I.Suc. Arts.Lond., l*>9l-2. xl, 372-3S3.—Vlorton id.) A sanitnry scheme for India Indian M. !:.■.- . Calcutta 1899, xvi. 135.—.>'i«ht- iii^iilt' (Floreiicei. \':]\.r_, sanitation in India. ( Aug. tut. mat. d'hyg. et de demo-. •'. r. 1894, Budapest, 1890, viii, pt. 2, ,"kii-5s3.—>'oii (A. 11.) The possibility of a special sanitary service t,.r the Mufusal. Indian Lancet, Calcutta, 1898,' xii. 309-311. — I'liiiv (J. W.) India's sanitary needs. J. Sau. Inst., Lond., Is9(i 7, xvii, 507-510.— Kobe it* iE.) On some practical methods of sanitation in India, with special reference to cantonments. Scient. mem. nied. oil. India, Simla, 1901, pt. 12, 113-158, 3 1., 2pl.— Kor iS. P. i Extracts from an address on the pri in r< -> of sanitation in South India. Brit. M. J., Lontl., 1-9a. ii, 131 — N.-iniiiirv measures in India. Indian M. R>-c, Calcutta. 1897, xiii, 242; 410; 473. — Simpxon dV. J ) The need of sanitarv service for India. Indian M. Ua/., Calcutta, 1895, xxx, 465-473. Also: Indian M. Rec, Cal- cutta, 1895, viii, 89-93. INDIANA. Indiana. Laws of tbe State of Indiana passed at tbe fifty-fifth regular session of tbe general assembly, begun on tbe tenth day of January, 1887. By authority. 8°. Indianap- olis, 1887. Nie von* (T. M.) State medicine; what has been ac- complished and -what is needed in Indiana. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Indianap., 1881, 23-36. AUo, Reprint. IOWA. See, also, in this list, Dubuque. Iowa. Acts and resolutions passed at tbe regular sessions of the general assembly of the State of Iowa. 17. sess., 1878; 18., 1880. 8c Des Moines, 1878--0. Iowa. State Board of Health. Form 13 B. Rules anil regulations for local boards of bealtb, prepared by tbe . . ., and recommeuded to tbe mayor and city council of cities and towns and tbe trustees , 18 maggio 187t), 24 maggio 1-75 e 18 settembre 1875. 8°. Novara, 1876. Bicinicco. Regolamento di pubblica igieue approvato dal ministerio dell' interno, in data 27 agosto 18*4. 8--. Udine, 18-1. Borgovercelli. Regolamento di pubblica igieue del comune di Borgovercelli. s. yovara, 1-2. Brescia (Province of). Statuto organico della stazione sanitaria Alpina di Brescia. 1884. roy. 83. [Brescia, 1887.] Hyg'iene (Public, Laics, organization, and progress of), by localities. ITALY—continued. Brissago. Regolameuto di pubblica igiene pel comune di Brissago a termini degli articoli 132 e seguenti del regolamento 8 giugno 1-65 (2322) per 1' esecuzione della legge 20marzo 1865. N. 2248, allegato C. roy. 8°. Varese, 1881. Burolo. Regolamenti di polizia urbana d' i- giene pubblica e di polizia rurale e mortuaria. roy. 8~. lvrea, 1887. Camerano (L.) & Lessoxa (M.) Nozioui d' i- gieue secondo i nuovi programmi del 3° ottobre 1891, couipilate dai professori . . . per il 3° anno | delle scuole techniche. roy. 8°. Milano, [1-91, vel subseq.]. Caorso. Regolamento di pubblica igieue del comune di Caorso, provincia di Piacenza. 12-. Piacenza, 1--5. Capitoli per la comunita di Ganzauigo e Medicina. 8°. Bologna, [1747]. Carpextieri (A.) A proposito dell' articolo 53 della legge sulla sanita pubblica; osserva- zioni. -'-. [Bari, 18-9.] Casalmoraxo. Regolamenti di pubblica igiene, polizia urbana, polizia rurale, servizio mortuario del comuue di Casalmorano. -°. Cremona, 1887. Castellixa in* Chianti. Regolamento per il servizio di assistenza medico-cbirurgica nel co- mune della Castilliua in Chianti, approvato dal consiglio comunale dell' adunanza del 26oitobre 1-82 e dalla r. prefettura il dl 12 dicembre suc- cessive. 8°. Poggibonsi-Siena, 1881. Castelvetro di Modexa. Regolamento d'igiene pel comune di Castelvetro di Modena. ■-",. Cremona. 1—7. Castiglioxi (P.) Codice sanitario del Regno d' Italia, o raccolta completa di leggi. decreti, regolamenti e circolari riguardanti la sanita interna, con note e comnienti e massime animi- nistrativesino all'agosto 1-6-5 8-. Firen:e, 1858. Celli. La nostra politica sanitaria. Dis- corso prouunziato alia Camera dei Deputati nella tornata del 5 giuguo 1893. 1CC. Citta di Cas- tello, 1-93. Cereseto (G. B.) La legislazione sanitaria in Italia. Autorita sanitarie, professionisti, istituti sanitari; tutela pubblica, sanita e igiene pubblica; sanita niarittima e militare; polizia sanitaria degli animalL Dispeusa 1-2. 8C. Torino, 1901. Cerracchio (P.) Delia polizia sanitaria, ossia il nuovo diritto sanitario interno e de' rego- lamenti locali d' igiene. 8:. Xapoli, 1-90. Codice d' igiene. (Testo completo.) 8J. Roma, 1889. Codice della pubblica igiene. Progetto di legge presentato dal presidente del cousiglio, ' ministro dell' interno, nella tornata del 13 aprile 1-86 al Senato del Regno. 12-. Soma, 18-7. Codice sanitario pei medici e chirurghi communali del regno Lonibardo-Veiietn. 8-. Penezia, 1858. Coxskxti (G.) Poche osservazioni sull'opus- eulo intitolato: A proposito del nuovo regola- mento locale di sanita. 83. C al a tina, 1-90. Faralli (G.) La riforma dell' amministra- zione sanitaria in Italia. 12°. Firetue, 1--8. Gremiasco. Regolamento d' igiene pubblica del comune di Gremiasco. 8°. Tovtona, 18-5. Guaxi (G. B.> Rapporto presentato all' illus- trissima commissione centrale di sanita. 8->. Genora, 1-1 ti. Gussago. Regolamento di pubblica igiene. fol. Brescia, 1885. HYGIENE. 655 ITYGIENE. ! Hvg'iene (Public, Laws, organization, and progress of), by localities. ITALY—continued. Italy. Raccolta delle leggi risguardanti la sanita pubblica e gli esercenti professioni ed arti salutari le quali sono in vigore nel Regno d'Italia, con annotazioni. 8\ Bologna, 1-65. -----. Legge cbe estende alle proviucie j venete e di Mantova la precedente legge 20 | marzo 1865, n. 224- (allegato C), sulla sa- nita pubblica. 22 giugno 1-74. 8". [Roma, 1874.] -----. Regio decreto cbe approva il regola- mento per 1* esecuzione delle leg>;i sanitarie 20 marzo 1865. allegato C, n. 2248. e 22 giuguo 1874, n. 1964. -\ [Roma, 1874.] -----. Regio decreto cbe approva la tabella delle sostanze veneticbe ebe i drogbieri possouo tenere ai termini del codice penale. 13 maggio 1-75. 8-. [Roma, 1-75.] -----. Regio decreto cbe moditica alcuni ar- ticoli del regolamento per 1' esecuzione della legge sulla sanita pubblica. 14 genuaio 1877. 8r. [Roma, 1-77.] -----. Legge che stabilisce la peualita per le contravveuzioni alia legge sulla pubblica sanita. 5 luglio 1--2. -c. [Poma, 1882.] -----. Codice d'igiene italiano. --. Roma, 1--9. -----. Legge sullo ordiuamento dell' am- ministrazione e dell' assistenza sanitaria del Regno, approvara col reale decreto 22 dicembre 18--, n. 5849. - :. Brescia, 1889. -----. Leggi sulla pubblica sicurezza 20 marzo 1865 (tit. 1°) e 30 giuguo 1--9. Interca- late dai relativi regolamenti seguite dai rr. decreti 19 novembre 1--9 e 12 gennaio 1-91'. Sugli iuabili al lavoro e sull' accattonaggio e dai decreti ministeriali 29 marzo lr--. Sulla polizia dei c-i»t'imi e sulla abolizioue dei sifili- comi, con in>t<* e ricbiami ad altre leggi speciali ed al libro iii del codice penale (contravven- zioni) ad uso degli avvocati, magistrati ed ufficiali tli P. S. 16=. Torino, 1890. -----. Prontuario dello ufficiale sanitario in Italia. Raccolta delle leggi, dei regolamenti e delle circolari di sanita pubblica riscoutrata sopra 1' edizione ufficiale del Regno. 12J. Roma, l-9ii. -----. Guida agli ufficiali sanitari nella compilazione dei regolamenti locali d' igiene prescritti dall' art. 6u della legge 22 dicembre 1-98. -a Roma, lr*99. -----. Legge sulla sanita pubblica. *- . [Torino, n. d.] Italy. Ministero dell' iutorno. D'uezione della sanita pubblica. Regolamento per 1' esecuzione della legge sulla tutela della igiene e della sanita pubblica approvato col reale decreto 9 ottobre 1889, u. 6442, coll" ajfgiunta della cir- colare 20 ottobre 1—9, n. 2i>4i»0-ll, del minis- tero dell' interno sulle istruzioui per la conces- sione dell' autorizzazione al medico comunale di tenere un armadio farmaceutico. sm. 4-. Brescia, 1889. -----. Regolamento speciale per la vigi- lauza igienica sugli alimenti, sulle bevande e sugli oggetti d' uso domestico. 8°. Alessandria, 1890. -----. Relazione al consiglio superiore di sanita intorno alio ordinamento della direzione della sanita pubblica ed agli atti da essa coni- piuti, dal 1° luglio 1887 al 31 dicembre 1*89, letta in seduta del 18 gennaio 1-90 dal direttore Prof. Luigi Pagliani. Allegati Nos. 1-19. fol. Roma, 1890. Hyg'iene (Public, Laws, organization, and progress of), by localities. ITALY—continued. -----. Regolamento speciale di polizia mortuaria. 8°. Roma, 1.-91. -----. Consiglio superiore di sanita. Circa i fatti principali rigua.rd.anti 1' igiene e la sanita pubblica nel reguo nei mesi tli gennajo 1890 al maggio 1-91; ottobre 1891 al maggio 1*92. Relazioni del direttore Prof. L. Pagliani. fol. Roma, 1890-92. Italy. Portamento. Camera dei deputati. Di- segno di b'gge. Modificazione alia legge 25 giugno 18-2, n. 809, sulla bouificazione delle paludi e dei terreui paludosi. 4°. [Roma, 1880.] -----. Relazione della commissioiie coin- posta dei deputati. Modificazione alia legge 25 giugno l-i-2, n. 869, sulla bouificazione delle paludi e dei terreui paludosi. Seduta del 22 giugno 1—6. 4-5 [Roma], 1886. -----. Disegno di legge approvato dal Scnato dei Regno, presentato dal presidente del consiglio, miuistro dell' interuo(Crispi). Tutela dell' igieue e della salute pubblica. Seduta del 15 maggio 1888. Doc. No. 160. 4a [Roma, 1888.] -----. La legislation et l'administration sa- nitaire en Italie et b-s institutions seientifiques annexe"es a la direction de la sante publique. -^. Rome, 1-94. Italy. Parliament. Senafo del Regno. Re- lazione della commissione composta dei ^ena- tori . . . sui progetto di legge presentato . . . nella tornata del 22 novembre 1887. Tutela dell' igiene e della sanita pubblica. roy. 8-. [Roma, 1887.] Legislatura xvi, 2. sess., 1887-8 (n. 7A). Legge (La) sanitaria 22 dicembre 188-5 illus- trata colla bibliografia e colla ginrisprudenza formatasi dalla sua attuazione al giugno 1896, con appendice. Per cura dell' aw. Emilio Camons. 8-. Firenze, 1-96. Martino (E.) Commento alia legist* tlel 20 marzo 1865, n. 221* (allegato C), e del relativo regolamento sulla sanita pubblica, illustrazioni, ginrisprudenza del consiglio di stato e dei tri- bunali ordinari. Leggi. regolamenti, istruzioni e circolari riguardanti 1' amministrazione sani- taria; scbemi di regolamenti e di ordinanze mil- nicipali, ed ogni norma direttiva per le attri- buzioni dei consigli sanitari, dei prefetti, dei sindaci e delle eominissioni municipali di sanita; provvetlimenti per gli alimenti e bevande e per le abitazioni e lunghi abitati; regime degli stabilimenti e depositi insalubri, etc.; servizi coniunali sanitari, inetlici condotfi, levatrici pei poveri, spese di spedalita; cimiteri, inuma- zioue, esumazione, tuniulazioui, iinbalsaiua- zione, ereinazione. pietriticazione : tasse e diritti mortuari; malattie endeiniche, epiileinicbe e ma- lattie coutagiose; epizoozie; esercizio dell'arte salutare, etc.; visite sanitarie; esercizio della veterinaria; vaiuolo e vaccinazione; maniconii; acque e fangbi minerali; lavatoi pubblici, etc.; boschi e sei ve, etc. •■*-. Milano, 1878. Mattioli (N.) Le condizioni sanitarie di Ronciglione; appunti statistic-he, osservazioni cliniebe. 8 a Sutri, 1899. Mkdico (II) provinciale e Y ufficiale sanitario comunale; materie tli speciale, loro competenza secondo la legge sanitaria 22 dicembre 1888. Racolta di disposizioni legislative e regola- mentari di circolari ministerial! e di massime di ginrisprudenza per Giuseppe Francescbelli e Luigi Ruggero Bozzo. 8 -'. Bologna, 1891. HYGIENE. 656 HYGIEXE. Hygiene (Public, Laws, organization, and progress of . by localities. ITALY—continued. Melara. Uu' opera igieuica macata, a dauno della pubblica salute nei comnni cli Melara, Bergantino e Casteluovo-Bariano. - . Man- tora, 1888. Miagliaxo. Regolamenti di pubblica igiene e polizia urbana. -:. Biella, 1-86. Miraxo. Regolamento di igiene del comune di Mirauo. Approvato con deliberazione con- sigliare 16 febbraio 1886. roy. 8C. Padova, 1-86. Modugxo (M.) La compilazione dei rego- lamenti locali d' igieue nello stato attuale della nostra legislazione sanitaria. 8 . Arellino, [1901]. Moi.trasio. Regolamento di pubblica igiene pel comune di Moltrasio. roy. --. Como, 1-86. Nuovo prontuario dello ufficiale sanitario: raccolta di tutte le leggi. decreti, ordinanze, circolari, emanate in materia di igieue e sanita pubblica. 8-. Torino, [1900]. ( Ogliaxico. Regolamento d' igiene pubblica | del comune d' Oglianico. 12-5 Cuorgne, 1—6. Paluzza. Regolauiento tli igiene pubblica del comune di Paluzza. 8-'. Gemona, 1886. Paxizza i M.) La riforma sanitaria in Italia : discorsi e relazioni. 8^. Roma, 1889. Pietravalle (M.) La polizia sanitaria in Italia. Manuale per gli ufficiali sanitari del Regno. 12-. Milano, [1597]. Politica (La) sanitaria in parlaniento. Dis- corsi ufficiali raccolti dal giornale La Salute pubblica. =~. Citta di Castello. 1K16. Pomaraxce. Regolamento d' igiene appro- vato dal consiglio comuniale nelle sue setlute 9 maggio, 10 ottobre 1-74, e 30 ottobre 1?83, e dalla deputazione provinciale con le deliberazioni tie' di 20 novembre 1874 e 4 feb'«raio I8c4. Yisto al ministero dell' interno li 2- dicembre 1874 e 29 marzo 1884, n. 20749-2. 8-5 Siena, 1—7. Poxte de Piave. Regolamento d' igiene del comune di Poute de Piave, provincia di Treviso. 12:. Oderzo, 1—5. Pozzioli. Regolamento di pubblica igiene del comune di Pozzuoli. 8-\ Xapoli, 1-74. Prontuario dello ufficiale sanitario in Italia. Raccolta delle leggi, dei regolamenti e delle circolari di sanita pubblica riscoutrata sopra 1' edizioue ufficiale del Regno, v. 2. 2. ed. 12°. Roma, Torino §• Xapoli, 1"91. Quargxexto (Comune di). Regolamento di i igiene pubblica. 8;. Asti. 1--5. Ruata (C.) Progetto di legge sanitaria re- datto dal . . . - . 'Citta di Castello, 1-97. See. aUo, infra, Verouesi. Saredo (G.) Codice dell' igiene e della sanita pubblica. 16-. Torino, 1-96. Schivardi (P.) La legislazione sanitaria del Regno d' Italia, leggi, regolamenti, decreti, circolari, istruzioui e ricca ginrisprudenza. Con note e commenti. 12-. Milano 5'- Xapoli, [1894]. Secoxdigliaxo. Regolamento di pubblica igieue del coniuue di Secondigliano. 8-. Xapoli, 1-77. Sisto (G.) II codice sanitario, ossia la nuova legii'e per la tutela della igieue e della sanita pubblica. Commentata ed annotata dalle rela- zioni e discnssioni parlamentari, dalla ginrispru- denza amministrativa e giudiziaria, dalle de- cizioni e provvedimenti ministerial!, dal regola- mento generale sanitario e da quelli speciali, da' diseiiiii tlei regolamenti comunali d' igiene, dal richiaino delle legui che vi hanno attinenza [ygiene (Public, Laws, organization, and progress of), by localities. ITALY—continued. e infiue da una raccolta di massime e provvedi- menti da adoftarsi contro la diffusione del eliolera e di altre malattie iufettive. --. Fo- ligno, [1-91]. SiuimaXI (G.I L' igieue pubblica ed il pro- gresso sociale in Italia. Discorso inaugurate. Paria, 1---. Teolo. Regolamento di pubblica igieue pel comune di Teolo. roy. 8°. Padova, 18-1. Torrkggiaxi (G.) Polizia sanitaria. II ser- vizio di vigilanza ed assisteuza zooiatrica nei piccoli comuni rurali. 16:. Castrocaro, 1-97. Travo. Regolamento di pubblica igiene tlel coniuue di Travo. -;. Piacenza, 18-4. Vallada (A.) Osservazioni sulla discussione del nuovo codice sanitario. 8-. Torino, 1878. Yekoxesi (A.) La legislazione sauitaria in Italia e la sua riforma secondo il progetto del Dott. Carlo Ruata. Esame critico pel 1° con- gresso sanitario umbro. 8°. Ptrugia, 1897. -----. Una risposta al giornale '• La Salute pubblica" a proposito dell' opuscolo del Dott. Verouesi sulla legislazione sanitaria iu Italia. c-\ Perugia, 1-97. Yetralla. Regolamento di pubblica igieue per la citta di Yetralbi. 8-. [Titerbo, L—ti.] Yialard (A.-A.) "La loi italienue du 22 de- cembre 1888 sur la protectiou de l'liygiene et de la sante publique. Notice historiqne et clinique. -D. Paris, 1-97. Yigoxk. Regolamento di pubblica igiene del comune di Yigone. 12c. Pinerolo, 1— 5. Zucchi (€'."* La riforma sanitaria in Italia. - . Milano, 1888. Ainniinistrazioiic (L') sanitaria iu Parlamcnto. s.i- lute pubb., Perngia. 18W. ix, 161: 193.—Balp iS.i Con tlizioui igieuiche tlella proviucia di Torino. Riv. d' if:, e san. pubb., Torino. 1900, xi, 601; 639.— Bastiani (F.) Del sei-vizio tli sauita. marittinia; le >razioni sanitarie. In- geguer. san.. Torino. 1895, vi, 202-2u6.—Ben-uti. Pio- getto tied' organizzazioue da darsi ai consigli -anitarii promessi dal r. editto 30 ottobre 1847. Gior. d. r. Accatl. med.-chir. di Torino. 1848, 2. s.. ii, 39.--4uf>._Bcrtani i A.i Schema del cotlice per la pubblica igiene. Gior. il. r. Soe. ital. d' is:.. Milano, 1880. viii. 485-5U.— Berlarelli. Sui fattiprincipali rignardantil' igiene c la sanita puhblica del regno dal 1° gennaio al 30 novembre 1897. Riforma med., Kapoli. 1898. xiv, pt. 1, 754-756.—Belli. Motlello di reso- lameuto il' igiene. Corriere san. Ri. 4, 7: no. ."■. 6: no. 6, 6.— Bizzozero (G.) II testo del discorso dell" onorevole Bizzozero al Senato in favore tlei servizi sanitari. Corriere san., Milano. 1896,vii, no.60,1-4. ------. II secondo discorso Bizzozero al Senato fservizi sanitari]. Ibid., no. 61, 1-4. ------. L' igiene pubblica in Italia. Atti il. Cong. naz. d'ig. 1899, Pavia, 1900, 14 - CI. — Bodio (L.) Queliiut-s renseignenients sur Us conditions hygi6niques et sani- taires tie l'ltalie. Bull, de l'lnst. internat. de statist., Rome, 1887, ii, 264 -28s. l diau. ------. Osservazioni sul- 1' ordiuamento sanitario. Salute pubb , Perugia, 1888, i, 65-77. — Bouacosaa ( G. S.) Proposta di alenne ag- ginnte e nioditicazioni alle istruzioni per le visite d' ispe- zione sanitaria sancite dal consiglio superiore tli sanita nel di 14 sriugno 1849. Gior. d. r. Acead. med.-cliir. di Torino, 1849. 2. a., vi. 321-340—Boufiglio |S. i Ftticio sanitario comunale e sua eostituziime. Gior. d. r. Sue. ital. tl' ig., Milano, 1889, xi, 8^-95.— Bovio \ii.) Di alcuni intli/.i iU-1 miglioraniento delle ci'inlizioiii igieuii lie e sanitarie in Italia. Ibid., 18,-7. ix. 7j;i-7:-<9. 1 ch.—Celli (A.> L am- ministrazione sauitaria iu Italia e lo schema di codice per la pubblica igiene. Ibid., 5-11. — Corradi (A.) Dell' igieue pubblica iu Italia e degli stntlj degli italiani in questi ultinii tempi; iuformazione scritta per commis- sione del signor ministro della pubblica istruzione. Ann. univ.di nied.. Milano, Im'A. cciv, 241; 465. AUo. Keprint.— De Paolii (I..) Sulla tutela della sanita, publ.li a; van- taggi della nuova legge. Gior. di clin., terap. a nied. piibb., Xapoli, 1888. xix, 218-229.—Discussione sill di- segno di le^e per la tutela dell' igiene e della salute pubblica. Attitl. riunione d'igieuisti ital.. Milano. 1888 iii. 138-180.—Durante i F.) La politica sanitaria tlel go- verno. Policlin.. Koma, 1897, iv-C.. 329-356.-Klio. Pro- poste di riforme alia legge sanitaria; 1' uffici. le .- anitario. HYGIENE. 657 HYGIENE. Hygiene (Public, Laws, organization, and progress of 5 by localities. ITALY—continued. Corriere san.. Milano, K-'.'t'', vii. no. 72. 1. ——. rropostedi riformealia legge sanitaria; farniacio e fannacisti. Ibid., uo. 74, 1-3.------. Proposte di riforme alia legge sanitaria: il ser vizio medico nelle condotte. Ibid.. no.7ti, 1.— Kara Hi (Gl Sulla riforma dell' ammiiiistra/ioiie sauitaria nel Regno d'Italia. Sperimeutale. Firenze. 1887, lx. 65; 189. ------. Di alcune motliticazioni al disc gno di legge per la tutela dell' igieue e sanita pubblica. approvato dal Senato del Regno. Gior. d. Soc. tioreut. d' ig.. Firenze, 1889, v, 8-12.— Fazio (E.) La riforma sanitaria e le eondizioni sanitarie del Regno. Gior. inieina/. d. sc. metl., Xapoli, l,w\ n. s., x,4:!-,"i.!.—FrnntoAV i t, i al.]. I sei-vizi sani- tari iu Italia Con it-re san. Milano 1895. vi, no. 1, 1; no. 2. 1; no. 4. 1; no. 6. 1. no. 7. 1; no. 8. 1; no. 11, 1 : no. 15. 1 ; no. 16. 2: no. 17. 2: no. 18, 1 ; no. 19, 1, no 21, 1 ; no. 22 1; no. 23. 1 : uo. 38. 1: uo. 39, 1; no. 40. 1.— <;<-ih-> rali iG.) 11 progetto di legge sulla tutela tlcll igeno e sanita pubblica. Ereolani, Modena 1888. i. 2-13.— I ntro- duzione alia seconda parte del progetto di e-jdice sani- tario, relativa all' igiene pubblica. Gior. a. r. Aecatl. nied.-chir. tli Torino. 1856. 2. s., xxv, 33-i'.u.— lial>. Pro- getto di legge sulla tutela dell' igieue e sanita pubblica. Gazz.metl. ital.lomb., Milano, 1>87, 8. s.,ix. 498-504. Also: \ Boll, d. Ass. naz. d. metl. com., Koma. 1888. xiv, 1-19.— Janlorai (G. B.) La polizia medica secondo il gins roniano ed el regolamento sulla sanita pubblica del Kegno d'Italia. Gazz. uied. pubb . Xapoli, 1875.vi.72-77.—l.cjfKC sulla sanita pubblica e legolauienio pel la esecuzione della medesima. Liguriamed..Geiio\ -a.l*>65.x.38.'S—113.— l.e-iyc sulla tutela ilella sanita pubblica. Boll. tl. Soc. d' ig. di Palermo, 1889. iv, 1-27. AUu .- Boll. ,1. Ass. metl. lomb..Mi- lano, 1890, i, 69-80. [Discussion): Boll. d. Ass. naz. il. med. com.. Koma. 18»8. xiv. nn«. 11-12. AUu [ liiscus>ion]: Gior. tl. r. Soc. ital. d'ig.. Milano. l.s»t>, x. 24-:n — tlonotl (H. C.) | Kesultats.au point tie vue de la moitalite. tlel organisation en Italie dune atlministration sanitaire. Rev. d'hyg.,Par., 18-7 ix. 9l»-K'4. — .\uovo (II) codice della pubblica igiene. Boll. d. A- naz. tl. metl. com.. Roma. 1886-7. xiii, 1-17.— .\uovo (III regolamento sanitario. Gior. tli clin.. terap. e med. publ... Xapoli. 1*89. xx. 321-34...—.Vullall (G. H. F.) I H\ nit-iiit- notes made ou a short journey through Italv, in I 1«'.'4. Am. Pub. Health A—. Rep.. Coiiconl. 1,-95.'xx, 2il-'■','.,. 1 diag. — O«««'rvazioiii (Le) al progetto tli legge -iintarii. Salute j.ul.l. . IViugia, 1896. ix. 304-311. Pa- latlini (R.) Regolamento per 1'applicazione della legge sulla t ut. La. dell igiene • • della sanita pubblica. Circo- lare iiiini-ieriale iJa/z. med. lomb.. Milano, 1889, xlviii, 474-477. — Pnnizza. IMazione tlella commissione sena- torial sui progetto tb-l.t sanita ]iubblica. Salute pubb., Perugia. 1888. i. 225-240.— Paolini ( E. P.) Fna la- cuna in 1 progetto tli legge per la tutela dell' igiene e tlella -anila pubblica. Arch. ital. tli pediat., Napoli.Is8!i. vii. 138- 115— Progetto di legge sulla tutela dell' igiene e sanita pubblica. Gior. tli clin., terap. e med. pubb.. Xapoli,1888, xix. 80-112. AUo: Salute pubb., Perugia, 1888, i. 33-47.— Progello di statuto per la legatli previdenzae resisteuza dei -aniiaii dell" alta Italia (Piemoute, Lombardia. Veneto, Liguria, Fmilia). Boll, d' ocul., Firenze, 1891, xiii, no. 13, | l-3.-Kn»iri (E.) Delle eondizioni igienicbe e sanitarie il" Italia eonfruntate con «iu«-llt- di alcuni stati esteri. Bull. de l'lnsr. internat. de statist. 188li. Rome, 1x87, i. 163- 19s. — RrgoIaiiM-nlo per 1 applicazione tlella legge sulla tutela ilell' igiein; e tlella sanita pubblica. Bull. tl. Com. spec, d' ig. (I. miiiiicin. di Roma. 18s9, x, 341-370. Also: Boll. tl. Ass. naz. d. meil. com., Roma. 1889. xv. 65-92. .1 Uu . Gior. il. r.Soc. ital. dig.. Milano. 1889. xi, 767-784. AUo: Boll. ll. Ass. metl. lomb., Milano, ]«90, i Ml; 126: 160 AUo: Sa- lute pubb., Perugia, 1890. iii. 11 ; 42.— Ki'iiolanii'iilo speciale per la vigilanza igienica. sugli alimenti, guile be- vande e eugli oggetti d' uso domestico. Ammin. san., Montegiorgio, 1891. i. 33: 41; 57; 65; 73; si . — Kuala (C.) L oi'tlinameiito sanitario. I-'eileraz. d. soc. ital. it ig. Atti. Brescia, 1888, i. 141-153. AUo: Salute pubb., Pe- rugia, 1888, i. 2-L'O. AUo. Reprint. ------. Sulla posi- zione latta ai medici cornunali ilalla nuova legge sanitaria. Salute pubb.. Perugia. 1889, ii. 289-302. ---—. II primo congresso sanitario umbro ; poche osservazioni. Ibid.. 1897, x, 185-188.—Snrnt'CO (G.i Regol unenlo generale sanita- rio i Koma. 3 febbndo 1901). Ibid., 19U1. xiv, 75-91.— Nearnini (P.) 1/ igiene pubblica tli Ironic all' ultima legge sanitaria. Ki v. veneta tli sc. metl.. Venezia, 1891, xiv, 346-354.—Bettimj (A.) Di -lie riforme sanitarie in Italia. Raccoglitore med. di Fano, 1801. xxiv, 258; 304; 386; 443; 535.—Mormani (G.j Consideration! per un nuovo ordi i namentosanitario nel Regno d' Italia. Attid. xii. Cone. tl. Ass. med. ital. 1887, Pavia, 1888, i, 313-321. ------. Difesa regionale contro le malattie infettive ditfusihili. Atti d. Cong. naz. d'ig. 1899, Pavia, 1900, 105-108.—Mirambio (G.i Su'. progetto di codice della pubblica igiene. Gazz. metl. ital. lomb., Milano, 1887, xlvii. 243; 255; 265. ------ II nuovo ed il nuovissimo progetto di legge per la tutela dell' igiene e della saniti pubblica. ibid.. 1888, xlviii, 11; 21. — Wtiibben (J.) Gesundheitliche Verbesscrungeu I VOL VH, 2D SERIES---42 Hygiene (Public, Laws, organization, and progress of), by localities. ITALY—continued. baiilicher Art in italienischen Stiidten. Centralbl. f. allg. Gsndhtsplig., Bonn, 1895, xiv, 175-204. — Willoughby (E. 1<\) The Italian public health act ol 1889. Pub. Health Lontl., 1889-90. ii, 326-330. AUo |Abstr.| : Am. A. M. Sc, Phila., 1890. n. s., c, 325-328. — ZiIiolto iP.) Considera- zioni sui progetto di cotlice sanitario pel Kegno d'Italia. Atti r. Ist. Veneto tli sc.. lett. ed ail i, Venezia, 1870-71,3.8., xvi, 2099; 2415. AUo, Keprint. — Ziicclii <<5) Dell'o di- nainento tlcll' amministrazioue sanitaria negli stati. Gior. d. Soc. ital. d' ig.. Milano, 1880, ii, 708-765. AUo, Reprint. ------. II progetto di codice sanitario prescutato al Senato del Kegno dal presidente tlel consiglio e ministro dell' in- terno. Agostino Depretis. Gior. d. r. Soc. ital. d' ig.. Mi- lano. 1887, ix, 101-144. ------. II terzo e quarto progetto tli cotlice sanitario. K. 1st. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Kendic, Mi- lano. 1887, 2. s.,xx, 105-117. ------. II quintoesesto progetto di legge sanitaria. Gior. d.r. Soc. ital. tl' ig., Milano, 1888, x, 5-23. ------. 11 scttinio progetto di legge sanitaria e la sua diseussioue in Senato. I bid., 329-366. AUo [Abstr.) : R. Ist. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Kendic, Milano, 1888, 2. s., xxi, 404-412. JAPAN. See, also, in th is list, Kitakyo; Kyoto; Osaka; Tokyo. Xaimi'sho Eisei Kioku. [Home department, sanitary bureau.] Eisei genkohoki. [The re- vised sanitary regulations of the Empire.] 8'-. Tokio, l88~>. Avlinieatl (A. S.) Sanitarv science and practice in Ja- pan. Phila.M. J.,1898,ii,873.—Kii (H.) [Discussion on the natureof study of hygienic afl'airs. with special reference to a tour of official inspection.] Dai Nippon Shiritsu Eisei Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1895, 719-729. ------. [The hygienic question of the Tei Guni Gi Kwai, ninth section. Ibid., 1896,1-10.—Goto (S.) Shitsubyo no hokenbo. [Compul- sory insurance against diseases.! Ibid., 1893, no. 116, 13- 46. ------. Hikio eisei seitoron. [Comparison of the sani- tary regulations of Japan with those of other countries.] Iiishimpo, Tokio, 1893, no. 2, 12-24, 1 tab. — ?Iaba (I ) [Results of hvgienic work in the previous year.] Shi- zuoka Eiseikwai Hoko. 1895, no. 36, 12-26.—.Murakami (Y.) [Preventive medicine in the recently acquired terri- tory.] Okayama Igaku Kwai Zasshi, 1895, 275; 322.—Saii (M.) [Hygienic conditions in the prefecture during the year.] Shiznoka Eiseikwai Hoko, 1896, no. 43, 3-16.— Nimilary examination offices; imperial ordinance no. 155. Sei-i-Kwai M. J.. Tokyo, 1891, x, 61. — Sanitarj- (The) progress and institutions of Japan. Bancet, Lond., 1898 ii, 893-895.—Sanitation in Japan. Ibid., 1894, ii, 1176. Taltetar«i (K.) [Report on the hygiene of the Pangko Islands.] Gun Igaku Kwai Zasshi,' Tokyo, 1896, 383-388. JERSEY CITY. Jkhsky City. Rules and regulations of the health department of Jersey City. Adopted hy the hoard of police commissioners, .Sept. 2, 1872. 16 . Xew York, 1878. KALISZ (luvernment. Palatrhcnko (S.) Opit sanitarnavo izslleilovaniya gorodov Kalisliskoi gubernii. Konina, Kolo i Tnreka, mlestoraspolozheiiiya 13-vo tlragunskavo Kargopolskavu polka. [Results of the sanitary examination of the cities . . . of the government of Kalis/,, where is stationed the 13th Kargopol regiment of dragoons.] Voyenuo-itietl. J., St. Petersb., 1896, clxxxvii, 3. sect., 10; 49. KANSAS. Kansas. State and local hoards of Iiealth. An act to create a state anil local boards of health, and lo regulate the practice of medicine in the state of Kansas. Chap. 129, laws, 1885. 8-\ [Topeka, 1885.] Act, passed at the last session of the Kansas legisla- ture, creating a state board of health. Sanitarian, N. Y., xv. 64-68. KENTUCKY. Kkntgcky. State Board of Health. Laws of the state of Kentucky relating to the puhlic henlih, and sauitirv memoranda, s . Frank- fort, 1880. -----. 1'roceeilinge of th • . . . Meeting at Louisville, Oct. '2-5, 1893. [Report of the sec- HYGIENE. 658 HIGIENE. Hyg'iene (Public; Laws, organization, and progress of), by localities. KENTUCKY—continued. retary on the legal steps necessary to put the new medical practice act into operation. ] S-. [Frankfort, 1893.] ITIcCormick (I. K.) Preventive medicine in Ken- tucky. Sanitarian, N. Y., 1901, xlvii, 221-224. — State medicine iu Kentucky. [Ed.] Louisville M. Xews, 1883, xv, 167. KHERSON Gorernment. Uvakoff (M.) Sanitarnoye polozheme Kher- sonskol guheruii. Vlp. 1. Dvizhen'ie naseleniya Khersouskol gnhernii. [Sanitary condition of the government of Kherson. Pt. 1. Movement of the population.] roy. 85. Kherson, 1889. Koznboff (I. N.) Dieyatelnost sanitarnol organ iza- tsii Khersonskol gubernii. [Activity of the sanitary or- ganization of the government of Kherson.] Syezd vrach. i predstav. . . . Khersousk. gub. . . . 1895, Dokladi, 1897, xiii, pt. 2, 434-441.—Tezyalioff (N\ I.) Meditsinskaya i sanitarnaya organizatsiya v gorodakh Khersonskol gu- bernii i zhelatelniya v nel izmleneniya. [.Medical aud sanitary organization in the cities of the government of Kherson, and desirable changes iu it.] Ibid.. 1896, xiii, pt. 1, 1-46.— VasilyevsLi (X. P.) Higiena i sanitariyav pritnlenenii k zemskim naroilnini shkolam Khersonskol gu- bernii. [Hygiene, and sanitation as applied to tlie common schools maintained by the zemstvo of Kherson govern- ment ] Ibid., 1897, xiii, pt. 2, 148-211, 3 diag., 3 plans. KITAKYO. IVakagawa (T.) [The bygiene of Kitakyo.] Gun Igaku Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1896, 1238-1257. KREUZNACH. Dillcnbui-ger. Sanitiire Verbesserungen in Kreuz- nach. Centralbl. f. allg. Gsndhtspflg., Bonn, 1892, xi, 68-85. KRONSTADT. Gusheth (E.) Zur Geschichte tier Sanitiits- Verhiiltnisse in Kronstadt. 8°. Kronstadt, 1884. KYOTO. Hi»a»lii (T.) [The sanitation of Kyoto.] Kyoto Iji Eisei Shi, 1896, uo. 26, 4. LEGHORN. Leghohx. Collezione di notificazioni e ordini per la deputazioue di sanita in Livorno. 1804. sin. 4. [Livorno, 1804.] LEGNAGO. Leonago. Regolamento per il personale del servizio sanitario del coniuue di Legnago. 8°. Legnago, 1885. LIMA. Coipniirho (J. E.) Proyecto de creacion tie cinco plazas do medicos sanitarios para la cimlad tie Lima. Cron. med., Lima, 1899, xvi, 133-135.—Keglamento del ser- vicio sanitario provincial de Lima. Monitor med., Lima 1888-9, iv, 244-247. LIMOGES. Biais (A.) * L'hygiene a Limoges'avaut le xixe siecle. [Toulouse.] 4C. Limoges, 1895. LISBON. ¥,ej.'i*la«'ao. Dos siib-tlelegatlos tie saude de Lisboa. Coimbra nied., 1*93, xiii, 70-72.—I.ejjinlaeao. Do con- selho de saude e hygiene de cada bairro do muuicipio de Lisboa e da sua competencia. Ibid., 85-87. LIVERPOOL. Liverpool. Abstract of an act for the pro- motion of the health of the inhabitants of the borough of Liverpool, and for the better regula- tion of huildiugs in the said borough. This act takes effect on the 1st of November, 184*25 8°. Liverpool, [1812]. Liverpool Medical Institution. City of Liver- pool. Amendment to the building and sauitary acts. Suggested amendments. 4'. [Liverpool, 188L] lygleiie (Public, Laws, organization, and progress of), by localities. LIVERPOOL—continued. McGowax (W. T.) Sauitary legislation, with illustrations, from experience in Liverpool. 8°. Liverpool, 1859. Taylor (J. S.i On the port sanitary authority, Liver- pool, and its work. Tr. San. Inst. Gr. iirit., Loud., 1887-8 ix, 193-300. LIVONIA. Ti-uhart (H.) Zur Frage der Reorganisation des Sanitatswesens in Livland. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1898, n. P., xv, 136-139. LONDON. Assitek (H. G.) Some notes on the new pub- lic health act for London. (The public health (London) act, 1891.) With appendix: 1. The London smoke and fog nuisance. 2. Sanitary appliances. 3. Ventilation of factories. 4. The collection of house refuse. 8':'. London, 1892. Commission sanitaire me'tropolitaine de Lon- dres. Premier rapport des cominis.saires desi- gnes pour rechercln r s'il y a des moyens sp6- ciaux pouvant etre appliques a l'ame'lioi ation de l'etat sanitaire de la metropole; pr6sente aux deux Chamhres du Parlement par ordre de Sa Majesty. Kesiune analytique de ce travail, fait et traduit. a la deniande du conseil central de salubrite publique cle Bruxelles, par M. Louyet. 8°. [Bruxelles, 1848.] Uepr.from: Bull, du Mus6e de l'industrie, 1848. Dudfield (T. O.) Metropolitan sanitary ad- ministration; being two inaugural addresses de- livered before the Society of Medical Officers of Health, in 1883 and 1884, hy the president; to which is appended some account of work done, 1871-89, with a view to the practical application to puhlic health and sanitary administration of the principles laid down in the addresses. 8°. London, 18f9. Great Britain*. Parliament. Metropolis (Hnohes Fields, Deptford). Provisional order confirmation [ H. of L.] . A bill intituled An act to confirm a provisional order of one of Her Majesty's principal secretaries of state, for the improvement of an unhealthy area situated at Deptford, withiu the metropolis, fol. [London, 1885..] -----. Metropolis (Tabard street, Newiug- ton). Provisional order confirmation [H.ofL.]. A bill intituled An act to confirm a provisional order of one of Her Majesty's principal secreta- ries of state, for the improvement of an unhealthy area situated at Newington, within the metrop- olis, fol. [London, 1885.] Great Britain. Parliament. House of Com- mons. Sanitary acts (metropolis) amendment. A bill to amend and extend the sanitary law in force in the metropolis. (Prepared and brought in hy Mr. H. L.XV. Lawson, Mr. J. Stuart, and LarlCompton.) *,>4 May, 18-9. fol. London, 1889. -----. Public health (London) law amend- ment. A bill to amend the law relating to pub- lic health iu London. 26 Feb., 1891. fol. Lon- don, lb91. -----. Public health (London) law consoli- dation. Memorandum. Arrangement of clauses. A bill to consolidate the laws relating to public health in Loudon. 26 Feb., 1891. fol. London, 1891. Great Britain. Parliament. House of Lords. Public health (metropolis) hill [H.ofL.].' State- ment showing the object and general effect on existing law of the bill. fol. London, 1885. Maguire (T. M..) The London householder's chart. Public health act, 1891, aud other enact- ments. 8-. London, 1-91. HYGIENE. 659 HYGIENE. Hygiene (Public, Laics, organization, and progress of), by localities. LONDON—continued. Roberts (J.) A Goi.i.ax (H. C.) The law re- lating to the public health of London; being the public health (London) act, 1891, fully anno- tated, with references to all the cases hearing on its construction, together with an explanatory chapter, and other enactments and orders relat- ing thereto. -'. London, 1891. Wii.i.is (W. A.) Public health. A popular guide to the rights and duties of the inhabitants of the county of London. 16-'. London, 1*92. Blair (W X.) The insanitarv condition of London Streets. J. San. Inst.. Lond.. 1900-1901, xxi. 289-307.— Carter ( R. B.) Chadwick trust. J. Soe. Arts, Lond., li>99-1900, xlviii, 602-t>65.—l» ml field (T.O.) Metropolitan sanitary administration. Tr. Soc. M. Off. Health, I.oml., 188:1-4. 1-15. -----. Inaugural address on metropolitan sanitary administration. Ibid., 1884-.V 1-21. — <»nlli- Yalerio(B.) Appunti d'igiene a Londra. Kiv. dig. e I san. pubb., Torino. 1901, xii, S37-543.— Memorandum on the public health (London) bill, prepared for the use ol the parliamentary bills committee of the British Meil ical Association. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 189J. i, 1302.—Meyer (G.i Di« Versoriiiing tier Int'ectionskrauken in Loudon ; nebst einigen vergleichenden Beniei kungen iiber deutsche Kin- richtniigt'ii. Deutsche Vrtl.jsehr!" f. off. (ismlhtsptig.. Brnschwg., 1897. xxix. »<2i'-671.— Pnrkm I L.I London vestries, and the administration of sanitary law in the metropolis. San Rec. Lond., 1885-6, n. s., vii. -174; 532.— Public ( Tlie i health (Loudon) act, 1891. Rep. Local Gov. Bd.. Loud.. 1891-2. xxi, 120-145.— Webb ( F. C. ) Metropolitan hyciene in the past. San. Rev., Loud., 1858, iii, 335-350. AUo. Reprint. LOUISIANA. .See, also, in this list, New Orleans. Louisiana. Board of Health. Codified ordi- nances. Dec.31,1-7:!. - . Xew Orleans, [1874]. -----. The system of maritime sanitation inaugurated and hrought to its present stage of perfection hy the Louisiana State hoard of health. Model exhibited at the World's Colum- bian Exposition, Chicago, 1-*'.•:!. lfic. [n.p., 1-9:!.] Holt i J.) Board of health of the State of Louisiana; its policy declared in the resolutions adopted at the reor- ganization. April 12. 1**4; inaugural address of the presi- dent. X. Orl. M.& S. J.. 1883-4. n. a., xi. 890-896. Also, Rept ()' —Reorganization ol the public health service in Louisiana; act parsed by the legislature to carry into effect the jiiovihions of the new constitution, and approved August 5, 1898. Sanitarian. >,'. V., 1898, xli, 320-334. LUZERNE. Luzei'.ni., Xew York. Board of Health. Rules and regulations adopted January 30, 1883. hroadside. Glenn's Falls, [1883]. LYONS. I>elore(X.) Assainissement de Lyon par l'installation d'une chute d'eau et de fosses 4 la campagne. Lyon iu6tl., 1901. xt-vii. 94; 127. ----- L'h>gienede Lyon k la Societe de medicine. Ann. d'hyg., l'ar , 1901, 3. s..'xlvi, 22) ; 289.— Gailleton. Hygiene Uoiinawe. Lyon med.. 1901, xcvii, 117-119.—Richard iK.) L assainissement .general de la ville de Lyon [Ab-tr.: l'ov. d'hyg.. Par.. 1898, xx, 1079-10'9. — Nabatier (A.) Hygieia lugduuensis. Lvon med., 19ol, xcvi. 825; 865; 898; 939. MACERATA. Mackrata. Regolamento d'igiene per la citta di Maeerata. 1*2C. Maeerata, 18*4 MADAGASCAR. See, also, iu this list, Tamatave. < oiiHtan (A.) L'oeuvre liygienirpie du general ('al- lieni a Madagascar. >5 Montpel. med., 1901, xiii, 577; 609. MADRAS. Sanitation in India; Mr. Cousins's scheme for im- proving the drainage and water supply of Madras. In- dian M.-Chir. Rev., Bombay, 1893, i. 605-609.—Sanita- tion in Madras during 1894'. ibid., 1895, iii, 630-639. Lygieilf (Public, Laics, organization, and progress of), by localities. MADRID. Dirtiimt'ii de la seceion tie higiene sobre las ortlenan- zas iiiiiiiicipab's de Madrid. An. r. Acad, de nied., Ma- drid, 1895, xv, 313-320.— Itotli i»iuz C'arballo (J. M.) Sobre algunas reformas higieiiicas en la construccibn urbana de Madrid. Actas y mem. tl. ix. Cong, internac. de big. y demog. 1898, Madrid, 1900, iv, 104-168. MAGDEBURG. GeNuiidht'itM- untl Medicinalwesen; Wohlfabrtsein- richtungt'ii. Magdeburg. Festsclu. . . . d. 19. Versamml. d. deutsch. Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspflg.. 1894, 174-200.— I*eter». Die Magdeburger Rieselfehler. Verhandl. u. Mitth. d. Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspflg. iu Magdeb., 1896, Hft. xxii-xxiii, 83-94. MAINE. See, also, in this list, Augusta; Skowhegan. Maine. An act establishing in Maine a state hoard of health. 8 . [Augusta, n. d.] Maine. State Hoard of Health. Abstract of the health laws of the state of Maine. Com- piled hv the .State board of health, 1890. 8-. Augusta, 1890. ------. Rules and regulations for local hoards of health. 8C. [Augusta, n. d.] Act (An) to establish a state board of health. Rep. Bd. Health Maine 1885, Augusta, 1886, i, 7- 9. — By - lawn . . . relating to public health. [Regulations lor local boards. | Ibid., 46-51. — Maine. An act to establish local boards of health, and to protect the people of this state from contagions diseases [approved March 16, 1887]. Ibid., 1886, Augusta. 1887, ii, 9-15.—Orders and by-laws of local boards of health, or extracts from them. Ibid., 1890, Augusta, 1891, vi, 141-1.59.—Young (A. G.) A comparative view of sanitary laws, and -what changes are neetled in those of Maine, ibid., 1880, Augusta, le87, ii, 261-272. MANILA. Martinez (\\5). Con Tre» (E.) \- llnneras (A. A.) Reglamento de higiene especial para Manila. Gac. m6d. catal., Barcel., 1898, xxi, 495-503. MANITOBA. Manitoba (Province of). Statutes of the province of Manitoba, passed in the 2. sess. of the .r>. legislature, beguu March 13, 1**>4. v. 1. Public general acts. 8C. Winnipeg, 1884. MANNHEIM. Becker A Klunckbart. Acktenstiicke aus Mann- heim zur Untersuchung tier vermeinten Nnthwendukeit eines autorisirten Colleen medici, etc. Med. Wcluibl., Frankf a. M., 1784. v. 69; 81 ; 97. MARSEILLES. Mauskii.i.ks. Memoire sur le bureau de la saute ile Marseille, et les regies qu'on y observe. 4 . Marseille, 1788. ------. Reglemens du bureau dc sante', d'apri'8 ceux tie 1730; ties supple'mens de 1785 et 17^7, augmentcs des deliberations rdglemen- taires, consignees dans les regis tres tie ce bu- reau, ih-s instructions les plus exact es, ties de- voirs ties eonservateurs de sante et ties officiers et employes tie cette administration, ainsi que de la description de localities dn lazeret tie Mar- seille. 4a Marseille, an / [1797]. RiijoT (C. Salem, 1881. Adams (J. F. A.) The prevention of disease in Mas- sachusetts. Boston M. &. S. J., 1892, cxxvii, 29; 53, 1 ch. AUo, Reprint.—Bill drawn by the commission and re- commended to the legislature for enactment. An act for the promotion of public and personal health. Rep. gen. plan for promotion pub. . ! Oaviiio (A.) Opinion respecto del saneamiento tie la ciudad de Mexico. Gac. m6d., Mexico. 1897, xxxiv, 343- 360. 3 pl. [Discussion], 361-375— Vlacouzet (R.) The city of Mexico after the drainage of the valley and the sanitation works. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1897 Con- cord, 1898, xxiii, 195-198. MICHIGAN. See, also, in this list, Detroit. Hueston (J.) Sanitary progress in Michigan. Address delivered before the reunion cf the HYGIENE. 661 HYGIENE. Hvg'ieilC (Public, Laws, organization, ivid progress of), by localities. MICHIGAN—continued. Michigan Legislative Association, at Lansing, June 11, lS^li. s-. [Lansing, 1880. ] MacClure i, 1. R. ) The State board of health aud a quarter century of public-health work in Michigan. rov. 8". Lansing, Mich., [1898], Micmr.AX. House of Representatives. Report of legislative committee to investignte the State hoard of health. 8•". [Lansing, 1>9.">. ] Repr. from : Legist. Jour., May 28, 189.V Michigan. State Board of Health. No. (J4. The work of health officers and of local hoards of health in Michigan, including duties under laws amended and passed in l-^:!. 8 '. [Lan- sing, 1-8.'). } ------. No. 330. Laws of tlie Slate of Mi- chigan relating to the public health, in force iu the year W»n. -°. Lansing, 1-89. Avery (J.) The public health service of Michigan. Proc. Sau. Convent. Lansing. 1-S5, 4-8. AUo. Reprint.— Raker < II. B.) The Michigan plau for general boards of health. Detroit Lancet. 1,-82-3. vi. 155. AUo, Reprint. ------. Government protection needed. [From: Lansing Republican.] Chicago M. J. A. Exam.. 18,-3, xlvi. 102-104. ------. Past aud present movement for sanitary progi es> in Michigan. Rep. lid. Health. Mich. l.»92-3. I.ansiui:.'l8'.i.">. xxi. pp. cxiii-cxxiv. ------. The State hoard of health. A tiuger on the public pulse, of two ami a quart- r millions of people. Ibid.. 1S96. La-i-ing. 1897. xxiv. pp. cxxxviii- cxlii. AUo. Repriut.— Ketlzie (R. C I The work of the Slate board of health: the annual address for 1S7S. Rep. IW. Health Mich.. Lansing. 187.-. vi. 1-14.—l^ist of books which will be found valuable to candidates for examination in sanitary >i ience, by the Michigin State board of health. Michigan M. >ews. Detroit. 1*80. iii. 1*3. Also, Reprint.— .Ylc Vlahoa (J. B.i Progress in sanitary science and in public-health administration Vim-. Sau. Convent. Ludiug- ton. Lansing. 1889. 7-11.- .'I ichijjaa. State Board of Health. No. 67. Regnlati-m- i"i examinatioiis in sanitary science. Rep. Bd. Health Mi.h. 1878-9. Lansing. 1880. vii, 509-512. AUo. Reprint. ------. No. 'I'lO. Proposed ahoiiiion of the State board of health; rea-ous for its existence, work already accomplished, its costs, and its benefits to the people. Rep. Bd. Health Mich. 1891, Lan-in^. 1894. xix. pp. xxix-xxxix. AUo, Repiint.— Preventive medicine in Micliig.ui. [Abstr.J Sanita- ri.m X. T.. 1900. xliv, 1--33. — Kiinney (G. Ei The h.-.iltli service of a State. He],. Ii.l Healta Mieii. is.-]. Lni-ing I-**.', ix, l'ia-179. — W>ll« (F.) The address of the piesident of the Micliigan State boaid of health. Ibid.. l"9"i Lansing. 1>9G. xxiii, pp. xxxv-xxxviii. AUo. Reprint. ------. Suggestions on public health work in Michigan; presidential address to the Michigan State board of health. Lansing. April 9, Is'.i7. Rep. Bd. Health Mich. 16 '7 Lansing. 18911. xxv, pp. cxxi-cxxviii. AUo, Reprint. ------. Progress of sanitation iu Michigan, and suggestions for needed improvements. Teachers' Sau. Bull.. Lansing. 1899 ii. 21-20. MIDDLETOWN. Middlktovv.y. An ordinance for the preser- vation of the public health in the town of Mid- illetown. Passed Feb. Ki, 1 --.">. 21. [Middle- \ ioint, \8-5.] ( leavt-liintl (D. A.i Some facts in relation to sani t u \ impni. etiients in Mitldletown. Rep. Bd. Health Cou- I uect. 181-4-5. X. Haven, 1-80, viii, 333-337. MILAN. Caxeva Zanixi (G.) Stutliosul servizio sani- tario pei poveri in Milano. - . Milano, 1889. Milan (Province of). Sui progetto di codice della pubblica igiene, presentato dal ministerio dell' interno al .Senato del Kegno; appunti e voti letti al consiglio provinciale di sanita in Milano dal Dott. (Jaetauo Strambio. 8-. Milano, 1887. Ravicixi (S.) La sanita pubblica e 1' igiene nella provincia di Milano durante 1' anno 1-9!. Relazione jireseutata al consiglio sanitario. " . Milano, l*-9.">. Keale Societa italiana d' igiene. Progetto di legge organica per 1' amministrazione della sanita pubblica. 8a Milano, 1887. Hygiene (Public, Laws, organization, and progress of), by localities. MILAN—continued. Areelanchi (C.) I moderni bisogui del! Assistenza sanitaria nel comune di Milano. Boll. tl. Ass. san. mila- nese, Milano, ls99, i, i:fi>-152, 1 \>1.------. Relazione della commissione per lo studio dei bisogui dell' assist enza sanitaria nel comune di Milano. Ibid , 1900, ii, 27512.— Heir Actum (S ) L' edilizia tli Milano in online alia sal u hi ita dell' aria e dell aci[iia. I iior. tl. r. Soc. ital. d' ig., Milano. 1898. xx, 411; 4,-9.— Online (L'i tlei sanitari ilella provim ii tl) .Milano ed il suo primo triennio. Moll. tl. Ass. med. lomb Mil:....., 1890, i. 109; 201; 2X1; 297; 321 ; 345; 393; 441. — Online dei sanitari ilella provincia di Milano; atii della giuria. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1890, lv. :;s; 48.— Progeltodi regolamento municipale d'igiene tli Milano. Polileiap.. Milan... 189S. ii, 185-26].—Viacenli (C.) I re- golainenli locali d igiene. Corriere sau., Milano, 1900, xi, 2!>S; 351 ; 382; 39S ; 432. MINNESOTA. Minnesota. Slate Board of Health. Form 1. Sanitary inspection. Sanitaiy inspection of towns, villages, boroughs, ami cities. 8-'. [Red Wing, 1885.] ------. The organization, powers, and duties of local hoards of health. An abstract of the laws of Minnesota relating thereto. Extra to "Public Health". 8. [Red Wing, I860.] MINSK. Sniirnoiri A I.) Proekt sanitarnikh pravil dlya izda- niya obyazateluikh postanovleuiy v g. Miuskle. [Pro- posed sanitary regulations for the city of Minsk. 1 Pri- loj. k protok. Obsh. Minsk, vrach., 1891. 24-38. MISSOURI. See, also, in this list, St. Louis. Missoihi. State Hoard of Health. Report of proceedings of the conference of local health officials, held hy invitation of the State board of health of Missouri, at St. Louis, Dec. 14, 18"'8. Sanitary deliciencies in State; epidemics of small-pox; proposed bill for creation of local boards; financial condition of various State boards; resolutions. 8°. St. Louis, 1888. Barber (A) law in Missouri. Metl. News, X. T., 1899, lxxv, 721.—Ho man (li.) What has been done anti what lias not been done liv the State board of health. Rep. Bd. Health Missouri 18*8. Jetferson City, 1890, NT-lal . — .flat. Uipw« (L. J.) On the State board of health. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri. Excelsior Springs, 1890, xxxiii. 11-23.— Propositi legislation to advance the public health inter- ests of the SUte. Rt-p. Bd. Health Missouri 1889, St. Louis. lsil;i, 01-01. AUu, Reprint.—KeviNed statutes of 1889 relating to the State board of health. Rep. Bd. health Missouri 1889, St. Louis, 1890. tr>-71 .—State board of health. |Eil.j St. Louis Cour. Med., 18s."., xiii, 183-187. MODENA. Oi'iuxi da servarsi in aprire la purga, et in piirgan- le rob be. che saranno introdotte nel 1 imgo di delta purga. della citta di Modona. s ', Mod on a, [u. i?.]. MONACO. Vivant (.1.-15) Des progres sanitaires reali- ses pendant les dix deruieres annees dans la prineipaute de Monaco, s . Paris, 1898. Viva nt. La nouvelle loi sanitaire a Monaco et ses re- snliats. I'..ng. intei nut. d'hvg. et de demog. C. r. 1894, Buda])est, 1*90, viii, pt. .">, 302-3G4. MONTEVIDEO. I'i'iiyiiii). Verordniing der Stadt verwaltung von Mon- tevideo, heitellend den Veikehr mit Xahruugs-, Geuuss- in i 11 il n und gnwisseii <'ebraiichsgegenstandeii. vom 3. September ls!in. [Transl. from the Spanish.J Veroffentl. d. k. Gsndhtsauites. Berl., 1891, xv, 668-670. MONTREAL. l.alM'iue id. E.) The administration of the civic health department. Montreal M. J., 1901, xxx. 920-928. AUo, trannl.: Union nied. du Canada, Montreal, 1901, xxx, 670- 681. HYGIENE. 662 HYGIENE. [ygiene (Public, Laws, organization, Hyg'iene (Public, Laws, organization^ and progress of), by localities. and progress of), by localities. MORAVIA. Entwurf des Gesetzes betreffend die Organisation des Sanitatsdieustes in den Gemeinden giltig fiir tlie Mark- grafschaft Mahren. Oesterr. arztl. Vereinsztg., Wien, 1879, iii, 125-127.—Gesetz, giltig fiir die Markgrafschaft Mahren, betreffend die Organisirung des Sanitatsdienstes in deu Gemeinden. Med.-chir. Centralbl.. "Wien, 1883, xviii, 506; 516. — Schoefl (R.) Die Gemeinde-Sanitats- Organisation iu Miihren. Oesterr. San.-Wes., Wien, 1892, iv, Suppl. to no. 49,81-121, 1 ch.—Smycka (J.) Organi- sace sluiby zdravotni v obcich a postaveni obvoduich le- kafu v t6to na Morave. [Organization of the hygienic service in the communities and,the placing of its depart- ment physicians in Moravia.] Casop. 16k. 6esk., v Praze, 1891, xxx, 648; 667; 686; 707; 728; 747; 768; 788; 808; 828; 848; 887; 909; 926; 951; 971; 992; 1015; 1035; 1055; 1076. MOSCOW (City). Moscow (City). Shornik ocherkovpo gorodu Moskvie; ohshtshiya svledleniya po gorodu i ohzor dieyatelnosti moskovskavo gorodskavo obshtshestveniiavo upravleniya. [Collection of sketches of the city of Moscow; general in- formation on the city and review of the work of the Moscow city puhlic government.] 83. Moskva, 1897. .Moscow (City). Otchot moskovskol gorodskol upravi 'po sanitarnol chasti za 1895 g. [Report of the sanitary di- vision of the city government of Moscow for 1895.] Vrach. Zapieki, Mosk.,' 1896, iii, 329-331. MOSCOW Government. F re like I (Z.) Usplekhi obshtshestvennol medicsini v Bogorodskom uyezdle Moskovskol gubernii. [Results of public medicine in Bogorod county, MoscowGovernmeut.] Obsh.-san. obozr., S.-lJeterh.,1897, ii, 113-117.—Skibnev- ski (A. I.) Sanitarnoye sostovanie Moskovskol guhernii i yeya uyezdov za period s 1885 po 1894 g. [Sanitary con- dition of the government of Moscow and its counties for the period . . .] Vestnik obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1899, pt. 2, 296-314. NANCY. Parisot (P.) Etudes d'hygiene sur Nancy et le Departement tie Menrthe-et-Moselle. 8°. Paris, 1892. Parisot (P.) Enlevement et utilisation des bones et immondices de la ville de Nancy. Rev. m6d. de Test, Nancy, 1891, xxiii, 353-358. NANTES. Joiion (F.) Sept lettres sur l'assainissetnent de Nan- tes. Gaz. med. de Nantes. 1899-1900, xviii, 182; 209; 225; 250; 281; 304; 328. — Led ne (S.) L'hygiene a Nantes. Arch.prov. de nied., Par., 1899, i, 46-61. Also: Gaz.m6d.de Nantes, 1898-9, xvii, 155-160, 1 diag. NAPLES. De Cesark (F.) Idee igieniche rieavate da fatti applicate a migliorare 1' aria di Xapoli. 8°. Xapoli, 1884. Italy. Kisanatnento ilella citta di Napoli. Legge in data 15 gennaio 1885, n. 2892 (serie 3") e regolamento per 1' esecuzione della legge stessa emanate con r. d. 1*2 marzo 1885, n. 300:5 (serie 3!l). 8-. Milano, 1880. C'anovetli. Note sur les travaux d'assainissement de la ville tie Naples. Bull. Soc. de m£d. pub., Tar., 1880, ix, 290-308.— TIoiilt-fiiMCO (A.) L'assaiuissement de Naples. Cong, internat. d'hvg. etde t!6mog. C. r. 1894. Budapest, 1890. viii, pt. 4, 349-351. -----. L'organisation des services sanitaires k Naples. Ibid., pt. 5, 400. NETHERLANDS. See, also, in ihis list, Amsterdam; Haarlem; Hague (The); Utrecht; Zutphen. [Adres aan deTweede Katner tier Staten-( itine- ra il van deu Senaat der Utrechtsehe hooge- school tegen de voorgestelde ontwerpen van wet op cle geneeskundige staafsregeling. ] fol. [Utrecht, l**r»5.] Bevordeeling van de hijdragen tot genees- kundige staafsregeling, door eenen medicinal doctor. 0-. Amsterdam, 1812. NETHERLANDS—continued. Coulon (J. V.) Oupartijdige heschouwing van het uitgehragte rapport, tlercomtnissie over de geneeskundige sfaatsregeling. •?-. Leeu- warden, 1843. Delvaille (C.) Une mission en Belgique et en Hollande. L'hygiene et I'assistance puhli- que. L'organisation et l'hygiene scolaires. Avec une preface de M. Grancher. 8°. Paris, 1895. Dentz (L. F.) Enkele opmerkingen over het outwerp van wet regelende het staatstoezicht op de volksgezondheid. 8C. Amsterdam, 1899. Donders (F. C.) Mijn open hrief aan de leden van de Tweede Kainer der Staten-Gene- raal hetrekkelijk de wets-ontwerpen. regelende het geneeskundig staatstoeziijt, enz. Tegen de aauvallers verdedigd. 8 . Utrecht, [n.d.]. Geneeskundige raad voor Zeeland. Verga- deringen. 4 Xos. 8-\ Middelburg, l-*>l-6. Grata ma (S.) Hzn. Geneeskundige wet ten. Met aanteekeuingen, hevattende tie jurispru- dence tot den laatsten tijd, benevens konink- lijke besluiten, ministerieele heschikkingeu, heslissiugen van geneeskundige ratlen en aan- schrijvingen van iuepecteurs en adjunct-inspec- teurs voor het geneeskundig staatstoezigt. 8°. Schoonhoven, 1881. Netherlands. Publicatie vau Zijne Majes- teit den Koning van Hollaud. Houdemle alge- meene verordeningen, hehoorende tot tie genees- kundige staafsregeling van het Koningrijk Hol- land. Gearresteerd den 3den April 1-07. s;C. In den Haag, 1897. -----. Ontwerpen van wet op het genees- kundig staatshestuur; de uitoefening der gereg- telijke geneeskunde; tie uitoefeuing der genees- kunst; de uitoefening der artsenij-bereidkuust, en den handel in geneesmiddelen, eu in heel- kuiidige werktuigen; met memorien van toe- lichting en bijgevoegd rapport; aan den minis- ter van binuenlaiidsche zaken ingetliend door de staatscommissie, lienoemd hij koninklijke he- sluiten vau 25 Julij en 4 Augustus 1848, Xis. G4 en 50. 8°. 's Gravenhage, 1851. -----. Praeadvies aan den GeneeBkundigen Raad van Noord-Holland over het ontwerp van wet tot gedeeltelijke herziening van de wet van 4 Deoemher 1872 (Sthl. Xo. 134) tot voorzieuing tegen besmettelijke ziekten, aan de Tweede Kamer tier Staten-General ingetliend hij konink- lijke hoodschap d. d. 10 Juni 1890. 8-. Amster- dam, 1890. Netherlands. Departement van Binuenlaiid- sche Zaken. Bijdragen tot de geneeskundige plaatsbeschrijving van Xederland. 1. stuk. Natuurkuntlige plaatsheschrijving van de pro- vincie Zeeland. 8°. 's Gravenhage, 1-70. -----. The same. 2. stuk. Natuurkundige plaatsheschrijving van de proviucie Frieslantl. 8-5 '« Gravenhage, 1872. ------. The same. 3. stuk. Geneeskuntlige plaatsheschrijving van het Gooiland. 8-5 's Gra- venhage, 1875. -----. Thesame. 4. stuk. Xatuurkundige plaatsbeschrijving van de proviucie Overijssel. 8°. '« Gravenhage, 1875. -----. The same. 5. stuk. Xatuurkundige plaatsheschryving van de provineie Limiting. 8c 's Gravenhage, 1881. Netherlands. Minister van Binnenlandsche Zaken. Xotulen van het verhandelde in de ver- gatleriugen der inspecteurs voor het geneeskun- dig staatstoezicht, in rapporten, door die verga- HYGIENE. 663 HYGIENE. Hygiene (Public, Laws, organization, and progress of), by localities. NETHERLANDS—continued. deringen aan den minister van binnenlandsche zaken uitgebracht. Punten ter behandeling in de vergadering van goneeskundige inspeetenrs in September 18^4. 8°. ['s Gravenhage, 1884.J -----. Punten ter behandeling in de verga- dering der geneeskundige inspeetenrs. 188-\ 8C. ['s Gravenhage, 1888.] [Snoki* (j. P.)] Brief aan een vriend over de ciicnlaire der prov inc. commissie van ge- neesk. onderzoek eu toe voor y.io-t in Zeeland. van den 19 Mei 1854. 8°. Goes, 1851. Oentis. Een ministerie voor staatsgeneeskunde; een algenieen belang. Nederl. mil. geneesk. Arch, [etc.], Leiden. 1897, xxi, 90: 270; 44.'): 1898. xxii. IC. -----. Een ministerie voor opcuharc geneeskunde. Ibid.. 1899, xxiii, 447-463.—II eije (.1. P.) Over geneeskundige stantsre- geling. Arch. v. I'eueesk.. Amst . 1842, ii, 447: 184:t, iii, 1. Also, Reprint.— On nen (P. \V.) De ge/.ondheitlstoe- Stand der 12grootstegemeenten vaiiNetlerhind. Geneesk. Bl. u. Klin, en Lab. v. de prakt., Haarlem, 189"), ii, 237- 264. 1 diag., 1 ch.—Picrquin. Considerations snr l'etat. de ia police medieale dans le royaume des I'avs-Bas. J. d. progr. tl. sc. med., Par., 1829, ii. 231-241.—Snltet (R. H.) Het ontwerp van wet tot regeling van het staatstoezicht j op de volksgezondheid. Nederl. Tiidsclir. v. (ieneesk., I Amst., 1899, 2. R., xxxv, d. 2. 745-751 —von Mi. i() C.) Ans den Arbeiteu desGesiindheitsrutliesdn Niederlande. Gesundheit, Frankf. a. M.. 1885 x. 33; 49: 67: 85 97: 115 — Wettelijke bepalingen betreffende de volkshuisvesting; gewijzigd ontwerp ran wet. Tijdschr. v. sociale hyg. en openb. gzdhtlsreg.. Zwolle, 1901, iii, 121-150. NEUCHATEL (Canton of). Xeuchatel (Canton de). Reglement pour les autorites sanitaires cautonales. 1*2C. Xeucha- tel, 1;75. -----. Reglement et instructions pour les commissions locales de salubrity publique. 1*2°. | [Xeuchcitel, 1**7>.] ! -----. Arret6 remplacant Particle ler du reglement pour les antorites sanitaires canto- nales. (Du 23 juillet 1889.) 16°. [Xewhdtel, 18-9.] -----. Loi sur la police sanitaire. (Du 7 avril 1-75; Edition de 1890.) IH-. [Xeuchatel, I 189i>.] -----. Circulaire aux conseils communaux et aux commissions locales de salubrite' publique. 4°. [Xeuchatel. 1895.] NEW BEDFORD. New Bedford. Board of Health. Rules and regulations. lw97. '24 a Xew Bedford, 1*^97. NEWBURYPORT. Xkwburypobt. Board of Health. General statutes relating to board of health. *ic. [Xew- buryport, 1**79. ] NEW HAMPSHIRE. See, also, in this list, Concord. New Hampshire. State Board of Health. The regular quarterly meeting, heltl in Concord Jan. 6, 18-5. [Address of the president, Dr. O. P. Conn, on the means necessary to place the State in the best sanitary condition. Also, a paper by the secretary, Dr. I. A. Watson, on the mortal- itv rates of Manchester for the past three years, 1881, 1882, and 188:5. Cutting from: Daily Mirror & American, Jan. 8, 1885. -----. Public health laws of Xew Hamp- shire. Containing the principal laws of the State relating to the public health. Compiled for the use of local boanls of health and health officers. 8°. Manchester, 1888. -----. Laws, rules, ami regulations for the prevention and restriction of epidemic diseases. 8C. [Concord, 189:5.] !ygiene (Public, Laws, organization, and progress of), by localities. NEW HAMPSHIRE—continued. rVew IIampHhire Association of Boards of Health and iiealth Officers. Kep. Bd. Health N. Hampshire, Con- cord. 1895-6, xiv, 41 - 122. —Public health laws of New Hampshire. Ibid.. Manchester, 1887-8, vii, 279-307.— Wmilli (F. A.) The inefficiency of local health boards in Xew Hampshire. Tr. N. Hampshire M. Soc, Concord, 189S, 188-197. NEW HARTFORD. New Haktkoki), New Yoik. No. 5:5. Organi- zation of the local board of health. Sanitary laws and regulations obligatory upon the in- habitants of the town. As adopted 1881. 8'-J. [Xew York, 1887.] NEW JERSEY. See. also, in this list, Asbury Park; Bayonne; Camden; Hoboken; Jersey City; Paterson. New Jersey. State Hoard of Health. Circu- lar lviii. Laws relating to public health, and references thereto. 8°. [Trenton, 1885.] Dittense prevention in Xew Jersey. Sanitarian, X. Y., 1897, xxxix, 41-43.—«o«lfrey (K. L. B.) The progress of sanitation in Xew Jersey. Times & Keg., Phila., 1893, xxvi, 111-117.—Health circulars and laws. Kep. Bd. Health N. Jersev. Trenton, 1892, xvi, 415-458.-Heallh laws of 1894. Ibid., 1894, Trenton, 1895, xviii, 383-392.— Lniming (W. M.) The public health law of Xew Jer- sey. Ibid., 1897, 251-263. NEW ORLEANS. Memorial of certain commercial organiza- tions of the city of New Orleans, La., in rela- tion to bill (S. 3660) to create a bureau of health to prevent the introduction and extension of contagions diseases in the United States. [To accompany bill S. 3660.] 50. Cong., 2. sess. S. Mis. Doc. No. 7. Dee. 4, 1888. 8\ [Wash- ington, 1888.] Chaille (S. E.) A national health organization and other sanitarv needs of New Orleans. X. Oil. M. l-(!7, udtogsvis udgivne af J. N. M. Johansen og V. H. O. lleuch. [Laws, resolutions, departmental reports, etc. for the yeais W>l-ii7; abridged hy . . .] 2 v. 8-'. Christiania, InjIM*. IIoNt i A.i L'hygiene en Norvegc. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 190c. xxii. 240-256.— l.imlboc iH.i Oversigt over den norske -.intei sorganisai ion al lss*. [ Keview of Norwe- gian sanitaiy oi ionization in l»8. ] Tidskr. i mil. Helsov., Stockholm. 1>>9. xiv, 12-23 — Mctl it-innl collegiets Skia-bne. (Functions of the M.-diciual College. (Hoard of'medical otticers legulating puhlic medicine).' Norsk Mag. t. La-geviilcusk.. Christiania. 1S4S. 2. Ii.. ii. 489; 538. AUo, Reprii.: l'dUa»t til Lov om Suudliedscommissio- ner og om Foraustaltuinger i Anledning af epidemiske og sniitsomnie Sygdomme. [Project for a law on sanitary committees and on measures in epidemic or contagious dis- eases.' Norsk Mag. f. Ltegevidensk., Christiania. 1860, 2.11.. xiv. 363-393. NOVA SCOTIA. llrK.ivW'.) The Nova Scotia health act. Maritime M N.-«.-». Halifax. 18-.--9. i. >-ll.— Keid (A. P.) Public health. Ibid.. 1901, xiii. 284-28H. NUREMBERG. C.f.mnihikitspki.ei'E in Niirnberg an der \ Wende des 19. Jalirhunderts. Festschrift darge- hoten tlen Mifgliedern mid Teilnehmern der 21. Veisainiiilung de> deutschen Vereins fiir offeut- litln (iesuntlheitsptleoi' vom Verein fiir otfent- lich ■ (iesiimlheitsiiilege in Niirnberg. roy. 8'-. Xiirnlerg. l-'.H'. Ni rf.mbkri'. Eius Erharn Raths der .Stadt Niirnherg. vernente Oesefz unnd Ordnung, inn gegenwertigeu sterbslentften disz nidlxxxv Jars- aurt'irt-iiflit. sui. 4-*. [Xiirnberg. 1585.] 71 n ■■■ in en hoff in the State of Ohio. fol. [Co- lumbus, n. d.] Ohio. State Board of Health. [Blank forms used by the Ohio State Board of Health.] v. s. [Columbus, 1880.] ------. Circular No. 1. June 21, 1*8<;. [To persons interested in the sanitary condition of the State, inviting their co-operation. ] 8\ i [Columbus, 18-<;.] ------. Circular No. 4. [Forwarding blanks for making weekly reports; with directions.] 4 a [Columbus, 1^0.] ly^icnc (Public, Litucs, organization. and progress of), by localities. OHIO—continued, -----. [Circular letter to locals boards of health and health offices, requesting regular monthlv mortality reports.] 4°. [Columbus, 18-5.] * ------. Manual lor the use of hoards of health of Ohio, containing the statutes relating to the public health and the decisions of the supreme court in reference to the same subject. Jan. 1, 18-7. s . Cuyahoga Falls, 1887. ------. Rules anil regulations. Adopted June :'.(>, 1-9::. 8 . [Columbus, 1 ■-!>:?.] U'kmiinm uaxck petition. To the honorable senate and house of representatives of the State of Ohio. [Protest agaiust house bill No. '22'5, to '■Provide for a state hoard of health, and to regulate the practice of medicine in Ohio".] 4 . [Cincinnati, n. d.] Kill icceiitlv passed to create and establish a state !>oanl of health 'in I In- Stale of < Hi in. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, ism;, vi, 470. — It on itl (Thei of health law. [Ed.] Columbus M.J., ]8Sr>-(;, iv, r.19-521. — llimter (G. P.) Desirable sanitarv legislation. Rep. lid. Health Ohio, 1891-2, Norwalk, 1893. vii, 294-304. OKHANSK Comity. Zolotavix (N. A.) Oplt ustroistva sanitarnoi i mctcorologicheskol stantsii v selie Xozhovkie okhanskavo uyezda. [Organization of a saui- tary and meteorological station in Nozhovka, Okhansk County.] 8^. Perm, 1887. ONTARIO. Ontario (Province of). Provineiul Hoard of Health of Ontario. No. 1*2. By-laws suggested for the guidance of municipal councils in estab- lishing local boards of health. 8-. [Toronto, 1-8-.] Act lAni to make further provisions respecting the public health (1884). Rep. Prov. lid. Health Ontario 1884, Toronto. 18s."i. iii, 41-63. — Cameron (A.) President's annual address. [ The health laws. J Rep. Ass. Health Off. Ontario, Toronto, 1894, ix, 49-60. OREL. Obshtshkstvo Orlovskikh vrachei. [Society of Orel Physicians.] K voprosu o sanitarnoin sostoyanii g. Orla. [Sanitarv condition of Orel. 1 *^ . Oryol, 1888. ORTONA. Crort' (S.) Le condizione demogratiche e sanitarie di Ortona. Salute pubb., Perugia, 1899. xii. 73-8.">. OSAKA. NagamatNU IM.) [Removal of tlie filth of Osaka.] Gun Igaku Kwai Za»shi. Tokyo, 1898, 273-288. PADUA. Bornoni (S. L.) f'enni storici inter.n> all' uf- fizio di sanita in Padova, serif ti nell' anno 17%. h\ [Padova, 1875 ] Cantii.i'. (A.) Padova di fronte all' igiene. 12°. Padont. 1891. ('i:assi:i. 1.1 (V.) La pubblica igiene tli Padova avvantagiata col nuofo libero nei caniili tli essa. 8°. Padova, 1-1>7. Paiu'a (Province of). Statuto e regolamento dell' online tlei sanitari della provincia tli Pa- dova h\ Padova, 1-'.»'.». PALERMO. Albanksk (F.) Progetto di un regolamento tl' igiene per la citta di Palermo (approvato dalla coinmissione sanitaria municipale nella se- duta del 4 novembre l8-.">). ~°. Palermo, 18-.".. Palermo. Piano di risanamento. Relazione dell' ingeguere capo [F. E. di Simone]. roy. 8°. Palermo, 188<>. HYGIENE. 666 HYGIENE. Hygiene (Public, Laws, organization, and progress of), by localities. PALERMO—continued. -----. Regolamento tli igiene e polizia della citta di Palermo. Votato dal consiglio comu- nale, approvato dalla deputazione provinciale e vistato dal ministero dell' interno. 8". Pa- lermo, 1888. -----. Sentenza emessa dalla quinta spe- ciale di sanita per Palermo sulla ordinanza del sindaco del febbraio 1880. roy. 8°, Palermo, 1880. Turrisi (X.) Sui risanamento della citta e borgate. Lettere aperte al Duca di Craco, sin- daco di Palermo. >o, Palermo, 1885. -----. Sui risanamento della citta e borgate. Lettere aperte al consigliere coinunal Cr'* Ferro Luzzi. 8C. Palermo, 1885. PALMA. Ogazon y Cirer (J.) Pnerto de Palma; policia sa- nitaria maritima. Rev. balear de cien. med., Palma de Mallorca, 1899, xvii. 199; 224.—Riera (B.) Estudios ge- nerates tie higiene piiblica en sus relaciones con las condi- ciones sanitarias de Palma. Ibid., 1891, vii, 225; 257. PANAMA (Isthmus of). Nicolas (A.) L'hvgiene dans l'isthme de Tanama. Bull. Acad, tie ni6d., Par., 1886, 2. s., xv, 732-748. PARIS. C'aichkmky (E. ) *Hygifene publique; les mesures sanitaires au marche" aux bcstiaux et aux abattoirs de la Villette. 4C. Paris, 1890. Ciiautkmi'S (fi.) L'organisation sanitaire de Paris. Hopitaux d'isolement, voitures d'amhu- lances, stations de desinfection. Rapport pre- sents au conseil municipal. roy. 4°. Paris, 1888. Joltrain (A.) Les services sanitaires de la ville de Paris et du Departement de la Seine. Avec une preface de Dujardin-Beaumetz. 1*J . Paris, 1895. Paris. Conseils hygieniques aux habitants de Paris pendant le siege, suivis ties arretes nm- nicipaux concernant l'hygiene et la salubrite publique. 6-'. Paris, 1870. Rouge (G.) * Hygiene de l'habitation privet; a Paris. 8°. Paris, 1>97. Seine (Departement de la). Prefecture de police. Ordonnance portaut nomination ties membres des commissions d'hygiene publique et de salubrite' institutes dans le ressort tie la prefecture de police. 4*-. Paris, 1860. Wery (P. ) Assainissement des villes et egouts de Paris. 1*2°. Paris, 1898. Weyl (T.) Die Assanierung von Paris. 8°. Leipzig. 1900. A. iG.) Die Stadt Paris vom gestindheitstechnischen Standpunkte. Gesundh.-Ingeiiicur, Miinchen. 1901. xxiv, 36-40.—Cave (G.) L'assainisseiuent de la Seine. Nature, Par., Is99-I9tni. xxviii, pt. 2, 35; 123.— »n Monil (O.) Le service de disinfection tie la rue des Recoil.-is et le refuge de nuit du quai Valmv eu 1891. Ann. d'hvg.. Par., 1891, 3. s., xxvi, 285-291. — H. (J.) L'organisation stiui- taire tie Paris. Rev. scient., Par.,1887, xl. 337-342.—Jodas (A.) Sur lesnouvelles institutions iniinicipales d hvgiene 4, Paris. Metl. mod., Par., i889-90, i, 543-545. AUo) Hull. Soc. de med.pub., Par., 1890, xiii, 230-236.—I.etSJje (T. M.) Parisian sanitation. Med. Mag.. Lontl., 1892-3, i 1131: 1893-4, ii. 22.—Viohnee. Pariser Schlachthof- und Sani- tatsverhaltnisse. Ztschr. f. Fleisch- n. Milehhyg., Berl.. 1899, x, 27-30. — Martin (A..-J.) Les institutions sani- taires de la ville de Paris. Nature, Par., 1891-2, xx. pt. 1, 71; 81; 115. -----. Services d'hygiene dela ville tie Paris. Exposit. univ. internat. de 1889si Par. Rap. . . . Classe64. Hygiene [etc.]. Par., 1892,210-299. ,----. Le service mu- nicipal de desinfection de la ville tie Paris. Cong, inter- nat. d'hyg. et tie demog. C. r. 1894, Budapest. 1896. viii, pt. 2, 478-488. -----. La prophylaxie sanitaire a Paris. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1896. xviii, 99-118. — Projel de regle- ment partiel sur le service de sante; projet de revision partielle adopte par le conseil de surveillance (admission Hygiene (Public, Laws, organization, and progress of), by localities. PARIS—continued. des malades dans les hopitaux; bureau central; consulta- tions). Union med.. Par., 1894, 3. s.. lvii, 218-223.—Reillc (P.) Lecasiei sanitaire tiela ville dc Paris. Ann.d'hvA Par., 1900, 3. s., xliv, 43-66.—Schneider. L'hygiene & la revue tin 14 juillet 1892. Bull. Soc. tie med. pub.. Par., 1892, xv, 228-233.—Varrentrnpp(G.) Gesundheitliche Verbesserungen in Paris (schlechte Geriiehe daselbst). Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. tiff. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1883. xv, 726-746. PATERSON. Patekson. Board of Health. Supplement. To the code of the board of health of the city of Paterson, X. J., regulating the plumbing and drainage of buildings. August "20, 1689. 4°. [Paterson, 18-9.] PAVIA. Ferraris (E.) L' immondezza stradale nella citt& di Pavia tlid punto di vista dell' igiene pubblica. Gior. tl. r. Soc. ital. dig., Milano, 1900, xxii, 97-121. PEKIN. Ingli* (J.i Sanitary conditions of Peking. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1901, xxxvi, 874-876— 3lachenaud. Une visite aux differentes formations sanitaires instances a Pekin. Arch, tie med. nav.. Par., 1901, Ixxvi, 433-448 — .Ylalignon. La rue de Pekin (impressions d'hygiene). Med. mod.. Par.. 1901, xii, 25-28. — Terrier. L'hygiene publitjue en Chine et particulierement a Peking. Bull. Soc. d'ethnog., Par., 1888, ii, 145-153. AUo: J. de med. de Par., 1888. xv, 199; 225. PENNSYLVANIA. See, also, in this list, Altoona; Philadelphia; Pittsburgh. Pennsylvania. An act to establish a State board of health fur the better protection of life and health, and to prevent the spread of conta- gious and infectious diseases. Approved June 5, 1885. 8^. [Harrisburg, lHSYj AUo, in. Rep. Bd. Health [etc.] Penn. 1885, Harrisburg, 18*6, i, 1-4. Pennsylvania. Slate Board of Health and Vital Statistics. Circular. Model ordinance for the better preservation of the public health in cities and boroughs in Pennsylvania. 4°. [Phil- adelphia, 1880.] -----. Circular No. 36. Sanitary protective association. 8 -*. [Harrisburg, 189*2.] -----. Constitution autl by-laws. >; Har- risburg, 1885. -----. Regulation in regard to the sanitary supervision of travel aud traffic, lc [Phila- delphia, n. d.] -----. Rules of the . . . proposed for the adoption of local boanls. 8\ [Harrisburg, 1880 ] It ills introduced into the legislature, or supported by the committee on sanitarv legislation; session of ls87. Rep. Bd. Health [etc.] Penn.\l8S6-7, Harrisburg. 1888. iii, 119- 134.—Compendium of the laws relating to public Iiealth aud safety of the State of Pennsylvania, together with the decisions of the supreme court and county conns relating theieto. Ibid.. 18s6, Harrisburg, 1887, ii,547-701.-Davii (S. T.) The importance of a thorough organization of the State in the interest of the public health, under the author- ity of law. Proc. .V Papers San. Convent. 1888. Harrisburg, 1889.13-24.—Dudley (P.) Some sanitary needs .of Penn- sylvania. Tr. Honneop. M. Soc. Penn. 1891) Phila. Is97, 248-2.V2.— I.ee (B.) Address in hygiene; proposed act to create a State hoard of health. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1877. xi, pt. 2. 505-519. AUo, Reprint. -----. Preventive medicine in Pennsylvania. [Abstr.] Sanitarian, N. 15, 1898, xl. 97 luti. — ill ode I ordinance for the better preserva- tion of the public health in cities and boroughs in Pennsvl- vania. Rep. Bd. Health [etcl Penn. 1886, Harrisburg, 1887, ii, 972-985.—State medicine m Pennsylvania; an act to establish a St..te hoard of health for the better protection of life and health, and to prevent tin* spieatl of contagions and infectious diseases in the commonwealth. Sanitarian, N. Y.. Is85. x\, 436-440.—Woods* (A. A.) Public sanita- tion in I'ennsylvania. Ta M. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1892, xxiii, 71-79. HYGIENE. 667 HYGIENE. Hygiene (Public, Laws, organization, and progress of), by localities. PERM Government. Pkhm. Government Zemstvo. Zapiski sanitar- nol konimissii pri gubernskol zemskoi npravle v g. Penni. [Minutes of the sanitary commis- sion of the governnunt zemstvo in Perm. April 29 to May 29, 1872.] 2 pts. 8. [Perm, 1872.] Rl'MA (R.) Materiali dlya sanitarnavo opi- saniya Permskol gubernii. [Sanitary descrip- tion of the Perm Government.] Pt. 1. - . Perm, 1885. PERSIA. Borel. La defense sanitaire tin Golfe Persiqne et du Chat-el-Arab. Rev. d hyg., Par., 1901, xxiii, 492-516. PERU. Sie, also, in this list. Lima. Ml'Niz (M. A.) Higiene publica. Junta su- prema tie sanidad. ,--\ Lima. 1891. Perii. Reglamento general tie sanidad. Cron. metl., Lima. 1884. i, 330; 371; 409: 1885, ii. 3; 44; 86; 132. —Re- glnmenlo general de sanidad. Ibid., 18s7, iv, 7; 45; 84. PERUGIA. Peiugia. Capitolato i>er il servizio sanitario in campagna ml comune di Perugia. - . [Pe- rugia, l-**7.] PESARO. Pesaro Regulam< nto di pubblica igiene deliberate dal consiglio comunale nelle sedate del 9 aoosto 1-75 e 19 gennajo 1870 ed approvato dalla deputazione provinciale nelle sue adunanze del 17 novembre 1-7.") e *i7 gennajo 1-76. -:. Pe--aro, 1875. PHILADELPHIA. Clark (J. A.) The duty of the municipality of Philadelphia to provide small parks and open spuces for the comfort and health of the people of the city. A short paper read before the Med- ical Jnris|irutlenct' Soeietv of Philadelphia. 8c Philadelphia, 1*9. Philadelphia. Hoard of Health. Rules for the government of the board of health of Phila- delphia. -\ Philadelphia, 1858. ------. Extracts from the board of health report on the subjects of house draining, street paving, street cleaning, sewerage system, water supply, and public vaccination. Recommended to tlie thoughtful consideration of the public of the citv of Philadelphia. - . Philadelphia, 1—:i. Repr. from: Rep. Bd. Health Phila. (1882). 1883, xxiii. ------. Rules and regulations covering house drainage, ventilation, and cesspools iu tlie city of Philadelphia, in pursuance of the act of assem- bly. June 30, 18-:.. 1- . Philadelphia. 1KU. Fordi VV5H ) Sanitation in Philadelphia. Metl. Xews, Phila., 1893. Ixii. 501. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. See. also, in this list, Manila. .\ci (An) providing for the establishment of a board of Iiealth for the Philippine Islands. Pub. Health Rep. U. S. Mar Hosp. Serv., Wash.. 1901, xvi, 1973-1976.— %cl 1A111 pioviding for Ihe establishment of government lalmia- toiie.s fo, the Philippine Islands. Ibid., 1971-197::. — Chamberlain <\V5 P.) Medical and sanitary condi- tions in tlie Philippines. Boston M. & S. J., 1901, cxiv, Hygiene (Public, Laics, organization, and progress of"), by localities. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS—continued. 507-513.—CJreenlcnf (C. It.) A brief statement of the sanitary work so tar aeeomphshed in the Philippine Islands ami of the present shape of their sanitary admin- istration. X. York M. .1.. 1901, lxxiv, 724-730. PIACENZA. Piacenza. Regolamento tli polizia ed igiene. roy. 8 . Piacenza, 1885. PISTOIA. Pistoia. Regolamento tl' igiene pubblica pel territorio esterno tlel comune tli Piston-. Pistoia, 1-81. PITTSBURGH. Pittsiu'rgh. Bureau of Health. Code of laws and manual governing the bureau of health. 18-«». UP. Pittsburgh, 18-11. 4i*rav (C.) A few needed reforms in the health ser- vice. Pup. Dept. Public Safety Pittsburgh (1893), 1894. 151-160. POLA. Pli'mkrt (A.) Die hygienischen Verhiiltnisse der Stadt Pola. 8 . l'ola, 1**9:>. POLAND See, also, in this list, Warsaw. Biernaclii (M.) Projekty organizacyi shizby zdro- wia -w gininach Kr61estwa Polskiego. [Plan of organi- zation ot the sanitarv service in the schools of the Kingdom of Poland.) Kron. lek., Warszawa. 1898, xix. 300; 388.— Uliejskie rady zdrowia. [Municipal sanitary regula- tions.] Dwutygoduik hig. pub. kraj., Krakow, 1872, xvii; xxi; xxxiii; xli. PONTEDERA. Pontedera. Regolamento tli pubblica igiene. 8-. Pontedera, l-sti. PORTO RICO. Sanitary survey of Porto Rico. [ Blank form.] roy. 8 . [San Juan, 1899.] United States. War Department, Depart- ment of Puerto Rico. Superior Board of Health. General orders, No. 91. Sun Juan, June'29. l-'.'9. [Establishing a superior hoard of health.] 1"2:-. [Puerto Rico, 1-99.] ------. Precautions against typhoid fever and dysentery. 15. Puerto Rico, 1899. Hernandez (R. H.) Historv ot sanitation in Porto Rico. Mil. gov. Porto Rico. App. . . . Epit. icp. [eie.] 1898-1900. Wash., 1901, 144-148. — lloll (J. V. li.) The share of the white man's burden that has fallen to the medical departments of the publie services in Puerto Rico. Phila. M. J., 1900, v. 790-799. AUo. Reprint. — Jliniw- lerio de Ultramar. Reglamento tie sanidad para la isla ile Puerto Rieo. (!6nio metl-ipiii-.. Madiid. ISst;. xxxii, 501; 529; 094: 1K87 xxxiii. 232; 2.">S; 3ul ; il-.—Keynln- lioaM promulgated. Mil. gov. Porto Rico. App. Epit. rep. [etc.| 1898-1901), Wash. 19ul. .V2-70.—I'nler- berjf (N5) I'eber tlie sanitiiieii Vcrhaltnis.se auf der Insel Porto-Rico. Arch. 1. Scliilt's- u. Tropen-Hyg.. Leip/.., 1899, iii, 24.1-249 PORTUGAL. See, also in this list, Lisbon. Poimi'oal. K'egulamento geral tie sanidatle maritima approvailo por decreto de 4 uiitu>>ro de 1h*9. sm. 4-. [Lisboa, 1889.) da Silva Fkeire (J. M. ) Breves retlexoes sobre o polheto intitulado Revisao tlos regula- mentos sanitarios publicadt> pelo conselho de sautle publica do Reiuo. 8 . Lisboa, l-oli. TtntitES (J. M.) Memoria ou retlexoes sobre o melhoramento do novo projecto ou regulamen- to da sautle publica, offerecido ao augusto con- gresso. 8~. Coimhra, 1 »■!•>>. Valladakes (J. T.) Projecto de lei acerca de saude publica; precedido tie relatorio ana. HYGIENE 6G8 HYGIENE. Hygiene (Public, Laws, organization, } eind progress of), by localities. PORTUGAL—continued. lytico da adrninistracao da sautle militar, naval e civil. [Notas.] --'-. Lisboa, 1841. Burnav i F. ) Os servicos da sautle publica em Portu- gal. Rev. ile med. e cirurg.. Lisb., 1*94. i, 289-297. — f.e- . [Mon- treal, 1880.] ------. Thesame. Typhoid fever and cholera. 10°. [Montreal. 18-ii.]' ------. Reglements d'hygiene et instructions du bureau central de sante pour l'iuforniation et la direction des medecins omciers de sante des bureaux locaux tie la Province de Quebec. --. [Montreal, 1885.] ------. Loi pour la conservation de la saute1 publique dans la Province de Qnediec. Regies et reglements du bureau central tie sant£ pmir l'adniinistratiou de l'hygiene publique dans les niunicipalites environnantes, et pour la direc- tion des medecins omciers de sant6. Approuves et sanctionnes par le lieutenant-gouverneur en conseil, en vertu du chap, xxxviii, des staiuts refondus du Canada. - . [Montreal, l--ti] ------. Reglements du conseil provincial d'hygieue pour la direction des conseils locaux ou bureaux il'hviiiene de la province de Quebec. Ki'. [Montreal,'1889.] ------. Reglements du conseil d'hygiene de la Province de Quebec avec appendice eonte- nant: 1. Definition des conditions non-hygieni- ques ou nuisances. 2. Loi d'hygiene publique (181)0). 5. Articles du code municipal iuteres- sant l'hygiene. 16°. Quebec, 1-91. QUINCY, Illinois. Quincy. Board of Health. Rules and regula- tions id'the board of health of the city of Quincy. 6-. Quincy, 1--H9. RHEIMS. Hrnrot (II.) L'hvgiene a Reims (de 1884 a 1891). Rev. d'hyg.. Par., 1892, xiv. 735-748. RHODE ISLAND. See. also, in this list, Newport. Fi»her (0. H.) Sanitary legislation in Rhode Island. Rep. Bd. Health Rhode Island, Providence, 1893, xv, 159- 166. RIGNANO. Rigxaxo sull' Arxo. Regolamento munici- pale.d!igiene. - • Firenze. 1--4. RIO DE JANEIRO. Rio de Jaxeiro. Posturas da camara muni- cipal. 4J. Rio de Janeiro, 1830. de Liavraflio (Bardo). Expositjaodo iiioviniento sani- tario desta t-6rte, no tlecnrso do anno 1882. Ann. Brasil de metl., Rio tie Jan., 1883-4, xxxv. 121-166.— Projeclo tie organizaeao de admiuistrafoes locats de "hygiene na pro- vincia do Rio de Janeiro. Cong, brazil, tie no d. e cirurg., Rio de Jan., l**9u. ii, 1. fasc. 75-83.—<(ue»tao < A) do sa- neaniento: pareeer sobre a tnensageni da prefeitlira refe- reute ao >iiiie;niieiito do Rio de Janeiro. Brazil-med.. Rio de Jan.. Is«.i9. xiii. 302: 312: 321.—Quewlao do saneaniento do Riode daneiio. //.f.i., >l->:).-Son/a Lima. Sa- neaniento do Rio de Janeiro. Ibid., 351; 361: 1900, xiv, 107. HYGIENE. 66!) HYGIENE. Hygiene (Public, Laws, organization, ami progress of), by localities. ROCK ISLAND. Rock Isi.anh. [Blank forms used in the office of the commissioner of health.] v. s. [Roil, Island. 1880.] ROME. Galli ill.) Die Hygiene im aiitikon, piipstlielien untl niotlernen Rom. Miinchen. metl. Wchnsclir., 1901, xlviii. 323: 1248— Tlncnoiiuld (W5<;.) Public health in Rome. Boston M. .v S. J., ls'.i., cxxxvi, 121-123— Piopomn di moditii-azioni al regolamento tli polizia sanitaria per il co- mune di Roma. Hull. d. Com. spec, d' ig. tl. munieip. tli Roma, 1881, ii, 313-315. ROSSANO. Sesti i.S.) Condizioni igieniche e sanitarie di Rossano. 1*2°. Rossano, 1--*.'. ROUBAIX. Druelle vE. ) Un bureau municipal d'hy- giene ii Rouhaix. Sc. Lille, 1-91. ROUEN. Brouardel & Du Mcsnil. Assainissement de la ville de Rouen iSeine-Inferieure); pi-ojet prepare par M. Gogeanl. ingenieur-vover. Rec. d. trav. Comite consult. d'hyg. pub. de France'l890, Melun, 1891, xx. 281-289. ROUMANIA. Parvcluscu v G.) Culege de legile regula- mentele, instrnctiele, decreteie si ver-ce alte dispositiuni sanifcare civile si militare. a Bucuresci, l--:>. KozinlNodr t M. I.l Organizatsiya vrachebuo-sanitar- noi i mediko-politaelskol sluzhbi v Ruminii. [Organiza- tion of the sanitary and medical police of Rooioania] Obsh.-san. obozr. S.-Peterb., 1897, ii. 54-56.—Stefaneseu (L) Igiena public*! in Romania. Spitalul,' Bucuresci, 1896, xvi. 19: 45; 117. RUSSIA. Ser, also, in this list, Astrakhan: Bokhara; Finland; Georgia; Grori ( County); Kalisz Gorernment; Kherson Government; Livonia; Minsk; Moscow (City); Moscow Government; Nikolayev; Okhansk (County); Orel; Perm Government; Poland; Saint Petersburg; Saint Petersburg (County); Saratov Goremment; Stolbishtshi: Tetyushsk (County); Tomsk Gorernment; Voronezh Cover anient; Yekateri- noslav. BIeloCsoke (P. P.) * K voprosu o sovrenieii- iioiii jiolo/henii i blizhalshikh zatlachakh asse- nizatsii russkikh gorodov; materiali poobshtshe- stvennol higienie. [Moscow.] [On the present position and nearest problems of sanitation of Russian cities; data on public hygiene.] ■*-. Tula, 1-95. OrsHTsiiestvo Russkikh Vrachei v pamyat N. I. Pirogova. [Society of Russian Physicians in Pirogotf's Memory.] Zemsko-iiieditsinskiy sbornik. Obrabotal L>. X. Zhhankoff. [Collec- tion of public medicine. Compiled by . . .] 7 v. roy. 8°. Moskva, 1890-93. Okloee (D. I. j K voprosu ob organizatsii nchastkovikh sauitarnlkh sovletov. [Ou tlie organization of ward sanitarv councils.] 8°. [Simbirsk, 1-9!).] Pekfilyeek (M. O.) Nashi sanitarnlya ne- moslitshi. [ Our sanitary shortcomings. ] 8\ S.-Peterburg, I***. Russia. Ministry of the Interior. Medical De- partment. Svod uzakoneniy i rasporyazheniy pravitelstva po vrachebnoi i sanitarnof chasfi v imperii. [Code oi laws and administrative regulations of the medical and sanitary part in the Empire.] Pt. 1. 8'-. S.-Peterburg, lHt>-('. ------. Sauitarnoye sostoyanie gorodov Ros- siyskol imperii v 1895godu, po dannlm mctlitsiii- Hyg'ifllf (Public, Laws, organization, and progress of), by localities. RUSSIA—continued. skavo depaitamenta M. V. D. [Sanitary con- dition of the cities of the Russian Empire dur- ing 1895. from data of the medical dtpaitinent.] 4 . S.-Peterburg, 1-118. ItnloiriA.) Sanitarniy natlzor v derevnl . [Sanitary inspection in the village] Ejened. jour. "Prakt. metl " St, Peteisb.. 1899, vi, si-84. -----. Mleri k okhraneuiyu narodnavo zdraviya v kontsle xviii v. v Rossii. [Measures for the pteservatioii of the public Iiealth in the end of the eighteenth century in Ko>^i:i. Medbcsleda. Voronezh 11HI0, xiv, 071-079.— Dobrnslni in (A. P.) Dokladodie- yatelnosti komtnissii po ozdorovlcniyu Rossii, sostovash- tshel potl prcdslcdatt'lstvom S. P. Botkina. [Report of tlie commission on sanitation in Russia, which was un- der the presidency of Botkin.] Dnevnik syezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v pamvat Pirogova, S.-Peterb.' 1K88-9 iii 399-402. — K be nil a n (A. L.) Oh uchrezhden.i m ini- sterstva narodnavo zdraviya. [On the establishment of a ministry of public health.] Ibid.. Kiev, lslili. \ j, no. 5,1*2-14. [Discussion], no. 6, suppl., 24-L'li.__Iler- Izennlein (G. M.) Xiizhno li nam ministerstvo narotl- navo zdiaviyaJ [Do we need n ministry of public health ?| Kjeiietl. jour. '■ Prakt. med.", St. Petersb., 1*98. v, 317; 337. —Ilj-in (E.) Vopros vazhiilcye kholernavo. [A question of more inipoi tance than the'epideruie, of cholera. (Sanitaiv aid for the people).| ZemA*. vrach., Poltava 1893. ii, 422; 440; 457; 49<> —Kai-clia^iii i L. G.) K vop- rosam na predstoyashtsliein xii iiie/.hduiiaroilnom syez- dle vrachei v 1897 g. Ministerstvo obshtshestveniiavo zdorovya. [ As to the questions before the coming xii. Inter- national Medical Congress; ministry of public Iiealth | Vrach, St. Petersb., 1897, xviii, 934; 970.—Kaver d.) Nastoyashtsheye polozhenio sanitarnavo dlela v Rossii i proekt postanovki yevo v budushtshem razvitii. [ Present state of sanitation in Russia, and its projected organization in the future.] Russk. Metl., St. Petersb., 1887, xii, 305; 323.—Kiiniiff. Ueber die hygienischen Zustiintle einer russischen Gouvernements- Hauptstadt. Hyg. Rund- schau, Berl., 1895, v, 531-540. — Orlo0. •*-. Sassari-Ca- gliari, l*-9"* SAVANNAH. Savannah. Ordinances ofthe city of Savan- nah. **-\ [Sara n nah, 18'->1.] -----. Rebarer's digest (supplement to city code. 1~71). Containing the ordinaneesof the city of Savannah from July, 1-71, to May, 1-79. Com- piled by Frank E.Rebarer. 8~. Savannah,1879. SAXONY. Hankei.(E.) Der Bezirk Glauchau in gesund- heitlicher Beziehnng mit besonderer Beriicksich- tigung tier beiden Stiidte Glauchau uud Meerane. 8;. Glauchau, 1-90. SCOTLAND. St-e. also, in this list, Aberdeen; Dundee; Ed- inburgh; Glasgow. Gkeat Britain. Parliament. House of Lords. Burgh police and health (Scotland) [H. L.]. A bill intituled An act for regulating the police and sanitary administration of towns anil popu- lous plaees and for facilitating the union of the police and municipal administration in burghs in Seotland. Ordered to be printed, March 9, 1-86. fol. London, 1--H. -----. Burgh police anti health (Scotland) bill [H. L.]. Aineiidimnts to be moved in com- mittee, -th April, l--ii. fol. [London, 1886.] Burns (J.) Sanitai v provisions of the burgh police aet. San. .lour.. Glasg. 1892-3, n. s., xvi, 338-341.—t'on- < eniing Highland dwelling Calcdon.M. J5, Rochester, li>91-4. n. s., i, 225-2-'-.— Fvfe (P.) Some remarks on the bin _li policeand health iSeotlaud) bill. San. Jour., Glasg., i 1887-s, n. s., xi. 102-106. -----. The position of Scotland | -with regard to central sanitarv administration. Ibid., 1*92-3. n. «.. xvi, 329-338. — «»lai«ter (J.) The publit: : health (Scotland) bill ami the proposed relationship and status of medical officers of health and sanitai v inspectors. Metl. Mag.. Lond., 1897. vi, 481-496.—Houning (The) of the poor in the West High hinds. Caledon. M. J., Rochester, 1-91-4 it. s.. i, 147-160.—I.iinlnay (J.) Scottish sanitary juiispnideiiee. J. San. Inst. Lond., 1898-9, xix, 101-110.— .tlnt-Kiiv (G.) Improvenient in the public health of Si-otliiiul during the twenty-two years ending 189s. as com- pared with the immediately preceding twenty-two years. J. State M. Lond.. 1901, ix, 269-277. — .»lc VaiI (J C.) Sanitation in Scotland. San. Engin.. Lond., 1*>7. xii, 7:;:i- 737. AUo, Reprint —.**nnilnry Association of seniland, memorial to the Right Hon. tin- Martinis of Lothian, Her Majest\'s secretary of state for Scotland, from the, Sani- tarv Association of Scotland, regarding the burgh police and health (Scotland) bill. San. Jour., Glasg., 1887-8, n. s., xi, 321-326.^Sellarn (J.) General building and sanitary regulations for Scotland. Ibid., 1886-7, n. s., x, 65-81.— MpeiiH (S.) Adminisli-ative sanitarv reform. Ibid., 1*93-4. n. s. xvii, 224-233 —Nie w a rl fC. II.) The publit; health bill for Scotland and the nied ical profession. Edinb. M. J., 1897, ii, 41-4o lly^ifllt' (Public; Laws, organization, and 2>rogress of), by localities. SENEGAL. Treille. Xote sur l'hygiene au Senegal. Hull. Soc. de nied. pub.. Par., 1892, xv, 165-197 SERVIA. See, also, in this list, Belgrade. Skkvia. Ministry of the Interior. Sanitary Department. Sanitetsldsbornik zakona, uredaba, rospisa i pret pisa. I. l'rva sveska. [Collection of sanitary laws, regulations, etc.] 1'Ja u Beo- gradu, 1879. -----. The same. Die Sauitatsgesetze in Serbien. Aintliche Ausgabe. 8 . Belgrad,188l. Ser via. Ministry of the Interior. Sanitary Depart- ment. Pravilnik za vrsen je sudskih sekcija [i za izdavauje lekarskih uverenja, sa.jeiinitn prilogom o izdavanju lekar- skih svedodzaba za tlusevno bolesne]. [Regulations for perform ing judicial autopsy, and issuing medical certifi- cates, with supplement on the issuing of medical certifi- cates of .....ntill diseases.] Srpski arh. za celok. lek., Beo- grad, ISlls, iv, 42.">; 4S9. AUo, lioprint. — Thim (J.) I'eber Serbiens Saniliiiswesen und Gesetz. (Jong, inter- nat. d'hyg. et. tie demog. (5 r. 1894, Budapest, 1896, viii, pt. 5. 354-358.— Yefremeii koflT (V.) Sanitarnaya or- ganizatsiya v Serbii i llolnarii. [Sanitary organisation in Servia aiitl liulgaria.| Med. besletla, Voronezh, 1899, xiii, 529-534. — Zajieelt (.1.) O zdravotnictvi v kniZectvi srb- sk6m. [Hvgiene in the principality of Servia.] Casop. lek. cesk., v I'raze, 1882, xxi, 27-30. SEVILLE. IEauser (P.) Las riatlas de Sevilla y sn influencia sobre la salubridad piiblica. In his: Estutlios nied.-topog. de Sevilla, 8°, Sevilla, 1882, 402-430. SHANGHAI. Programme destructions k donner k M. Duraud Fardel, charge d'une mission sanitaire k Shaueal. Rec. de trav. Comite consult, d'hyg. pub.de France, Par., 1876, v, 172-179. SHEFFIELD. Report of the-Lancet special sanitary commission on sanitation at Sheffield. Lancet, Lond., 1891, ii, 33; 88. SICILY. See, also, in this list, Catania; Messina; Pa- lermo. Governo generale di sanita tlel regno di Si- cilia, e istruzioni del la/.zeretto della citta di Messina per coniandatnento di S. K. M. Disposti dalla suprema e general diputazione alia salute, e ton la regale apprnvazionc. Fatti inipriniere d' ordine dell' eceellentissimo senato palerinitano . . . Con la pratica degli statuti formati nel- 1' occasion della peste di Messina dell' anno 174:>. Rividinati da Pietro La Placa. fol. Palermo, 17 I'.I. lAjhelli (('. P.) L'igiene in Sicilia. Corriere san., Milano, 1900, xi, 312-314. SINGAPORE. ?l iridic ton (YV. R. C.) The sanitation of Singapore. J. State M., Lond., 1900, viii, r.'.Mi-707. SKOWHEGAN. .Tlerrill i.l. X.) Preventive medicine in Skowhegan, Me. J. Med. &. Sc., Portland, 189.V.6, ii, 647-619. SOUTH AMERICA. See, iii this list, Argentine Republic; Brazil; Chile; Colombia; Panama (Isthmusof); Peru; Uruguay. SOUTHAMPTON. I.aneet ^The) special sanitary commission on public health measures at Southampton. Lancet, Lond., 1894, i, 47; 172; 290. SOUTH AUSTRALIA. Sot'Tii Australia. Central Board of Health. Utiles aud regulations made under Adelaide sew- ers act, No. 1U6, of 1-78. Passed by the central HYGIENE. 672 HYGIENE. Hygiene (Public, Laws, organization, and progress of), by localities. SOUTH AUSTRALIA—continued. board of health, Jan. 1-, 1882. Approved by his excellency the governor in executive council, '25 Jan., 18-2. 4 . Adelaide, 1885. Miifl-Aiislralien. Verordnung, betreffend Bildung von tirtlR-hfii Gesundheitsamtern (local board of health), j vom 27. Juni 1^19. (South-Australian Government Ga- zette, S. 1442.) Model regulations under the health act 1898. Veroffentl. d. k. Gsndhtsamtes, Berl., 1899, xxiii, 1116-1119. SPAIN. See, also, in this list, Barcelona; Burgos; Ceuta; Madrid; Palma; Seville, -sea* Ballespi (C. C.) Historia de la legislation sauitaria espafiola desde los tiempos primitives J hasta la promulgacion de la ley de sanidad de'2S de euero de 18.55. T2°. Lerida, 1-97. Castaxer (E.) La salud piiblica y la regene- raci6u de la patria; questiones que urge solu- I ciouar dc higiene publica, demografia y esta- distica sauitaria. 8°. Madrid, ISiOI. Fuextes Espluga (D.) Sanidad de costas y fronteras, reglamento de sauidad exterior de *27 octubre de 1899 coineutado y concordado con las legislaciones extraujeras y con los precedentes de nuestra legislacion sanitaria maritima desde 185") hasta la fecha y seguido de las conclusion! s de las conferencias sanitariasinternacionales de Dresde, Paris y Venecia. 8C. Madrid, 19(J0. Maclkax (C.) Exposicion presentada ii las Cortes de Espana sobre las leyes sanitarias, sus objetos y sus resultados, en que se denmestia de nuevo la falta de contagio en las cnfermedades epidemicas, y los efectos destructores de todo sistema de leyes sanitarias. 1*2C. Madrid, 1822. Oldamoxt. La higiene publica eu Espaua. Pr61ogo del Federico Montaldo. 1'2C. Madrid, 1901. Plaxelles (L.) La reforma sanitai*ia. Apuntes para el estudio del proyecto de ley. (Con los textos de la vigente y del proyecto que Be diseute.) 6J. Madrid, 1885. Albarellos (B.) Necesidad de que la ley obligne! k coiTegirun defectogeneral de ventilaci6neulaspoblaciones espanolas. Actas y mem. tl. ix Cong, internac. de hig. y demog. l>-98, Madrid, 1900, iv, 308-312. — Alraro (M.) & Somoza y tlonlaut (F.) Proposicion de ley de sani- dad presentada al Congreso de diputados. Siglo m6tl., Madrid, 1868, xv, 324; 341; 357; 374. — Armenlia (D.) Reglanieiitodepartidosm6ilicos. Ibid., 1891, xxxviii, 426.— Azua(J.) Avisos sauitarios. Rev. tie metl. vciriig.pr£ct., Math id. 1899, xiv, 531-542. AUo.- Rev. espah. tie sit", y der- mat., Madrid, 1899, i, 539-552. — Bachiller (A.) Proyecto de reformas del servieio benetico.sanitario. Siglo nied., Madrid, 1891. xxxviii, 744-746.—Boh a la (A.) Das offent- liche Gesundheitswesen in Spanien. Oesterr. San.-Wes., "Wien, 1899, xi, 231; 240; 247. —Carboncll y Sole* (F.) Historia de la legislacion sanitaria espanola. Gac. med. catal., Barcel., 1897, xx, 321; 361.—Carina (D.) La salud piiblica en Espana; el decreto tie fusion: una conferencia. Siglo nied.. Madrid, 1891, xxxviii, 353.—Coca (F.) Algu- nas reflexiones sobre el proyecto de ley tie sanidad. Gac. med. ile Sevilla, 1883, v, 51; 60; 90.—Garcia (A.) Regla- mento del cuerpo tie sanidad civil. Siglo mid., Madrid, 1891, xxxviii, 774-776. — Garcia Ponce de Leon (R.) Notas sobre la higiene provincial tie Leon. Rev. Soc. espaii. de big.. Madrid, 1884, ii, 13; 99.—del JniicolJ J.) La salubridad publica en las capitales de Espana. Siglo meil., Madrid, 1901, xlviii, 450-452. — I.egiHlaciwn sani- taria. Bol. de san., Madrid, 1889, iii, 704-748. — Ley (La) de sanidad eu farf'ara (discusion en el Seiiado). Siglo m6d., Madrid. 1894, xli, 823.—.Tlininterio de la goberna- cidu; direccidu general de beneficencia y sauidad; circular. Corresp. m6tl.. Madrid. 1886, xxi. 381.—IVncva (La) ley do sanidad. Ibid.. li-94, xxix, 361; 369: 1895, xxx. i, 9; 22; 31; 39; 51; 5*5 67; 75; 82: 97; 89; 106; 113; 121; 130; 137.— Oswald (F. L.) Cosmopolitan health studies; Spain. Sanitarian, X. Y., 1901, xlvii, 231-237. —Perez (Z.) Pro- vecto de lev de sanidad civil. Rev. m£d. vaseonavarra, Vitoria, 1883, ii. 233; 264: 1884, iii, 7— Proyecto (El) de bases tie la ley de sauidad. Siglo metl., Madrid. 11-92, xxxix, 757-763. — Proyecto de ley tie bases para torinar una ley- tie sauidad. Bol. farm.. Barcel., 1899, xvii, 148-159.—Pro- jecto (Un) de ley de sanidad. Iudepend. mM., Barcel., Hygiene (Public, Laws, organization, and progress of), by localities. SPAIN—continued. 1892-3,|xxiv, 269; 281 it293. — Proyecto (El) de lev de sanidad. Rev. valenc. de cien. metl.. Valencia, 1900, ii, 1-14. — Proyecto de lev de sanidad civil. Gac. tie san mil.. Matliid. 1882, viii, ' 194; 218; 275; 304; 356; 384.— Proyecto de reglamento para el servicio benetico-sanita- rio de los pueblos. Siglo ui6d., Madrid, 1891, xxxviii, 757- 761. AUo: Independ. med., Barcel., 1891-2, xxiii, 129-134.— Proyecto de reglamento para el servicio sanitario de log pueblos. Rev. m6d.-farni., Castellon, 1*87-8, ix, .V>0; 5titiikt. [The hygienic situation of the 1'i.i'Kni piovineial medical district.1 Ibid.. 1*96. xx. 401-112.- ftoew i A. i Tal om den piofylatiska. medicinska kons- tens utveckling i Sverige. On the development of put- pu\ lactic medical science in Sweden Ibid.. I'dtelmig. 1**1. v. 431; 453. — l.inroth (K.j .v *t hullz (R.) Hel- sov&rden i vaia l.imUoi T — t . i. I. -i -. .JA^ienc in our pro- vincial cities/ HeUov.innen. i.oteborg. 1**6. i, 125-131. — I.oi suedoise snr le service dc s.iluhnt6 du Royaume. \Truiml. t'rvni: Svensk Fdrwattw.-viml.. 1*74.1" Ann. d'hyg.. Par., 18*1. 3. s..vi, 42S-445. —Sweden. Kiiiiiglielie Verordnuug betreffend Massregelu zur Verhiitung nnd Hemmung ansteckender Krankheiten unter den Hausthie- ren, vom 9. Dezember 1898. (Uebersetzuug.) Veroffentl. d. k. Gsndhtsanites, Berl., 1899, xxiii, 35* ; 3*7. SWITZERLAND. See, also, in this list. Bern; Neuchatel (Canton of). Froelich (L.) s« hweizerisches Sanitiits-Al- bnm. Album sanitaire snisse. obi. 16^. Basel ,y Leipzig. [1-97]. Si/hmid ( F. ) Systematische Uebersicht der auf Ende 1-99 in Kraft bestehenden Gesetze, Verordnuugen, Reglemente, Vorschriften und sou-tigen Best i in m un gen betreffend das offent- liche Gesundheitwesen des Bundes. der Kantone nnd der grosseru Stiidte und Ortschaften der Sebweiz. Im Auftrage des 8eh\veizeri*chen De- partement- ties Innern zusammengf>tellt. >-\ Bern. 1-;H. Vai'd (Canton de). Loi snr l'organisation sa- nitaire du ler fevrier l-"i». 12c. Lausanne. 1-50. Knnilt-r (A.) Die Organisation des schweizerischen Ge-iindlieitswesens Cor.-lil. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel. l'"*7 xv;i.705-712 -( arriire ill i L hygiene publique en Suisse. ' Rap.] Ann. d'hyg., Par., 19o|, 3. s., xlvi. 5- 54. — de Cerenville. Rapport presente a l'assemblce des nifAb-eius .-nisses. a Lausanne, le 26 mai 1888. sur un ptoiet d organisation sanitaire f6derale. Rev. n>6d. de la S-ii-..- Rom. Geneve. 1888. viii, 427-138. — l.t'-t-l/.c untl Bon-tigeErlasse betreffend das (resimtlbeitswesen. Legis- lation sanitaire. Vaud. I.oi sur ('organisation sanitaire. San.-demog. Wehnbull. d. Schueiz, Hern. 1895. 27: 42; 56; 71: 92; 1"4.— Ilaberlin. Vorschlage zur Abiimlei ung der Ausbildung und Dienstleistung tier sebweiz. Sanitats- officiere. Cor.-III. f. schweiz. Aerzte. Kascl. 18H9. xxix, 362; 390.—.Iloani' du Conseil federal a I Assemblee fe- derate, concern an I ie droit tie le,gif6rcr sur le commerce ties denr^es aliinentaires. des articles tie menage et des ohjets usuelsponvant mettre en danger la sante et la vie San.- demog. Wchnbnll. d. Schweiz, Bern, 1895. 436; 416; 464; 48 : — blonde re j»jjer. Die Reorganisation des schwei/e- rischen Sanitatswt-sens im Jahre i^'.i. i or.-I'd. f. schweiz. Aerzte. I'.nel, 1889 xix. 353-356 —Vaia in. Loi sur la po- lice sanitaire (du 27 novembre 1896). Sau.-demog. Wehn- bull. d. Schweiz, Bern, 1897, 170; 185. TABASCO. .Muld«on (J.) Pertaining topnblic health in Tabasco, Mexico. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1896, Concord, 1897, xxii, 188-190. TAHITI. Nere». Considerations hvgieriiques et sanitaires sur Tafti. Arch, tie med. nav.. Par.. 1*92. lvii, 280-284. TAMATAVE. KermorKant (A.) Apercn snr les conditions hvgi6- niqnes de Tamatave. Ann. d'hvg- et de mGd. colon., Par., 1900. iii, 19:4-202. VOL VII, 2D SERIES----43 Hyg'iene (Public, Laws, organization, and progress of), by localities. TENNESSEE. See, also, in this list, Memphis. Tenm>si:k. Acts of the State of Tennessee, passed by the general assembly. 40., 1*^77; 41., l-7'.». 8 ■>. Xashrille, 1877-lt. Ael (An) to be entitled: An act to authorize the sev- eral counties in this State to adopt more ellieient measures for promoting the public health. Mississippi Valley M. Month., Memphis. 1885. v, 408-410.—.Measure* for pro- moting tbe public health; bill passed by tbe general as- sembly of the State of Tennessee. Ibid., 215. — Mtntute creating countv boards of health. Rep. Bd. Health Tenu. 1880-84. Nashville, 1885, ii, 541-543. TERLIZZI. Terli/.zi. Kisanamento tlella citta di Terlizzi con applicazione della legge 15 gennaio 1885 sui risanamento della citta di Xapoli. 8'\ Trani, l*-8<;. TETYUSHSK County. Kt'i't'brynkoll' (A. A.) O sanitarnom sostoyanii Te- tyusbskavo u\ezda (Kazanskol guhernii). [Sanitary con- dition ol Tetvusbsk County (Kazan Government). Trudi Ubsh. vrach. g. Kazani, 1872-3, v, 1. sect., 139-208, 2 tab., 1 diag., 1 map. TEXAS. Ser. also, in this list, San Antonio. Cunningham (J. L.) How to obtain a board of health system for Texas. Tr. Texas M. Ass., Austin, 1890, 257-267."-----. A comparison instituted between a board of healtb svstem anil the health system of Texas. Texas Health J.. Dallas, 1890-91, iii, 101-106.—Rodham (J.) & Fletcher (Mrs. A.) Sanitary reform in Texas ; two prize papers on sanitation. Texas M. J., Austin. ]H99-i9ou. xv, 1:':;-132.—Smith (M. M.) Tbe public health anil the State's duty to protect it. Ibid.. 619-629. —West t II. A.) Maladministration of public medical affairs in the State of Texas. Ibid., 555-562. TOKYO. Oike (S.) [Discussion on the hygiene of the markets of the capital.] Tokyo-med. Wchnschr., 1896, no. 957, 1; no. 958, 7: no. 959, 7 ; no. 960, 4; no. 961, 8; no. 964, 17; no. 966, 11; no. 967, 6. TOMSK Gorernmcnt. IMatwoltiu (P.) Nlekotoriya clierti iz mediko-sani- tarnavo lota Tomskavo okruga. [Certain features from the medico-sanitary condition of the circuit of Tomsk.] Russk. Med.. St. Petersb., 1895, xx. 120; 138.—Stepanoff (A. D.) Otchot o posilkle dlya izslledovaniya sanitarnavo sostoyauiya Ostyakov Narimskavo kraya, Tomskol guber- uii, lietom ls94 g. [Report of the expedition to examine the sanitary condition of the Ostyaks of the Narim re- gion. Tomsk Government, during the summer of 1894.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1895, xvi, 1324; 1327. TORQUAY. ■lumphreyH (H.) The sanitary state of Torquay. Lancet, Lontl., 1901, ii, 1075. TOULON. Caktikr (A.) L'hygiene a Toulon. Statis- tique hygienique (1874-93). 8 ». Toulon, 1891. TOULOUSE. IMipiu. Note stir le bureau d'hygiene et de statis- tique inunicipales tie Toulouse. Cong, internat. d'hyg. et de d6mog. C. r. 1889, Par., 1890, 1052-1055. TURKEY. See, also, in this list, Constantinople. Mustafa Hami pacha. Kanouii sehhi. [Hy- gienic regulations.] 8 . [Istanbul], A. H. 1287 [1870]. Turkish text. Mvolioda (S.) O pomerech zdravotnich Cafrihradu a Tiuecka vi'ibec. [Hygienic conditions in Constantinople, and Turkey in general 1 Casop. 16k. cesk., v Praze, 1882, xxi, 95; llti. — XoeroH-Key (A.) L'hygiene et laTurquie Cong, internat. d Ing. et 90. Introd. by Mr. Frve. rov. 8:". [Washington, 1890.] -----. A bill to prevent the introduction of contagious diseases from one State to another and for the pnnishmeut of certain offences. 51. Cong., 1. sess. S. 140. Dec. 4, 1889. Introd. by Mr. Harris, and rep. by him, Jan. 13, 1-90 Referred to the Committee on Epidemic Diseases, March 14, 1890. roy. 8°. [Wishington, 1890. J -----. Report [to accompany bill S. 996]. A bill for the establishment of a national labora- tory. For the better protection of health ofthe people of the United States from the ravages of infectious, contagious, aud malarial diseases, the preservation and protection of the great live- stock interests of the country from the Jevasta- tiou of pestiferous diseases of a similar uature. 51. Cong., 1. sess. S. Rep. No. 256. Subui. by Mr. Paddock, Feb. 11, 1890. 8-. [Washington, 1890.] -----. A bill to establish a department of public health. 52. C'oug., 1. sess. No. 302. Dec. 10, 1891. Introd. by Mr. Sherman, roy. 8'. [Washington, 1891.] -----. A bill to establish a bureau of public health within the Treasury Department of the United States. 53. Cong., 2. sess. S. 1153. Dec. 4. 1893. Introd. by Mr. Piatt, roy. 8'. [ Washington, 1893.] United States. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Animal Industry. Bulletin No. 9. Rules and regulations concerning the operations ofthe Bureau of Animal Industry; also the acts of Congress under which they are made. D. E. Salmon, chief of the Bureau. 8-. Washington, 1895. United States. National Board of Health. Minutes of the executive committee, v. 1-2, 1879-80. Hektograpu copies. So Washington, 1879-80. -----. River inspection service. [Rrles and regulations.] sc. [Washington, 18*0.] United States. Treasury Department. Let- ter from the Secretary of the Treasury, request- ing that an appropriation of 835,000 be made to meet the expenses of the Marine-Hospital Ser- HYGIENE. 675 HYGIENE. Hvg'iene (Public, Laws, organization, and progress of), by localities. UNITED STATES—continued. vice on account of tin additional duties imposed hvthe act approved Feb. 15, 1893. 53. Cong., 2. ses. S. Ex. Doc. No. 167. July 31, 1894. - . [Washington, 1894.] Watson (I. A.) Sanitary authorities of the United States of America, the Dominion of Canada, and the Republic of Mexico, s-. [Con- cord, N.H.], 1894. Wyman' (\V.) Before the Committee on Inter- state and Foreign Commerce of the House of Representatives, iu the matter of establishing a bureau of public health in the Department of the Interior. Address, by request, of the Super- vising Surgeon - General, May 18. 1-91. 8-. Washington. 1-94. Act (Am establishing territorial and county boards of health. 14-15, aud providing for the health of person!, and animals, approved March 12. 1SS.V Abstr.J Dakota M. Brief, Mitchell 18--»i. i. l.Y — An rec in tin for cooperative work between TicaMir\ I<< pai tmt-nt and State aud mu- j nicipal 1 epresi ntatives of California and San Francisco, Pub. Health Ib-p U. S. Mai Hosp. Serv.. Wash., 11101. xvi. '.i:s:i-'.i35 — Bill(--i) to. >tal>li-h a department of public bealtli and I" ib-tioe its duties I Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 18l»7, xxix, 751-754.—Bowdilch ill. I.) National and State sanitation. Sanitarian, X. Y., 18-; xi. G-J- — (nbn-11 (J. L.) A review of the operation- nt the Nation il |!..,ni| of Health. Am. Pub. Health As- K.;p. iss-_. Bost., 1?83, viii, 71-101.—Carroll iIV) American vs. ( anadiau medical laws. Rep. Consuls U S. on t'onnneri-e, etc., Wash., 1881. no. 10, 207-209. — < haille ( S. K , Tbe Louisiana State board of health ;n its annual report for 1S-1. versus tbe National Board of Health. Replv in be- half of the latter. X. Oil. M. & S. J. lssl-2. ix, s:;.,-s49. Al-v. Reprint. ------. A national health organization and other sanitarv need- X. Orl. M. M S. J , 1*97-s, 1. 397- 4U7. AUo: Proc. <>tleans Parish M. Soc. 1897, X. Oil., 1898, 232-241.—C'hnpin (C. V.) Report ofthe committee to examine into the existing sanitary municipal organiza- tions of the countries belonging to the association, with a view to report upon those most successful in practical results. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1899, Columbus, 1900, xxv, 19s--_'09.— IJavi- i.N5 S.i The American Med- ical Association and its relations to public- health. J Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 18*9 xiii, 122-126.—I)rail ..f a proposed bill to establish a bureau of public h.-alih. Med. Rec, X, Y., 1893, xliv, 253-256.—.Kldridge (Si The sanitary condition of the Far East as it affects tbe United States. Phila. M. J., 1900, v. 801-803.—Fleming (C. K.) The institution of a national medical bmeau. Denver M. Times, 1901-2. xxi. 157-171— Heilman iS. P.) Uniform and cooperative health laws. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1897, Concord. 1898. xxiii, 379-382. — IIoil i.J.» the National Board of Health in its relations to the Mississippi Yalle-, and states ofthe Gulf. Kep. Hd Health Louisiana 18-14-5, Baton Rouge. I*ij6,32-40. AUo, Reprint. — II uit Hi.) Laws and appropriations of the te i,m1 and state govern- ments in the interest of the publn- loalth. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri, St. Louis, 18**, 407 117 - l.awtt for the control of contagion* diseases of animals. Rep. Bureau Animal Indu-i. l*:i!i Wash., 1900, xvi, 732 - 702. — M» rlu«-- ■lo* pi la I flliej Service and the proposed Nation,.] Km e.i u or H. alth X. York M. J. l**s. xlvii, 324. '111< lit 11 (H.) Saint,uy administration in unincorpoiated thstricts. Am. Pub. H.-alth Ass. Rep. 1890, Concord, 1897, xxii, 143-lau —yioller (M. (1.) Pnre-food legislation vs. poor- food legislation. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1901, xxxvi, 944-940 .ll*o. Reprint. >ntioiinl health organization. Med. Xeus Phila., l-9_' lxi, 73b >nlioiiiil health service. Pacific M. & S. J. San I-'ian.. l**s, xxxi. 405- 410. AUo. Reprint.—Pelition (A) to establish a depart- ment and a secretary of public health J. Am. M. Ass., i Chicago, 1894, xxii. 474-477.— Pr« •.iilinl Clev.dand rec- ommends a national board of health I'.oston M. A S. .J., 1894, exxxi. 597.—Proponed (Th. , bill of the New York | Academy of Medicine to establish a national health bu reau. Med. Xews, Phila.. 1*93 lxiii 107. — I'lopott'tl (The) national bureau of public health Ibid., is'.u lxiv. '■■''.' K«*ed (R. II.) Some of the practical results of om criminal laws from a sanitari. standpoint. St. Louis Com. Med. 18*7. xvii, 289-296. — Itt ynoldn (A. R.) Needed sanitary le^i-lation. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1891, xxiii, 816-821'.— Kon« Hi. H. M.) Puhlic health better legisla- tion, and enforcement. Boston M A S. J. 1890, exxii, 169; 185. AUo, Reprint —Mmiilnry legislation in the United States. Rep. Nat. Bd. Health 1*85 Wash., 1886, 2-3-3 19 — Mchcppi-gi-cll iW) Hvgiene and hygienic legislation. Med. News. X. Y. 19lil, Ixxix 810-816.— Hcbu t J. D.) Legal sanitation, or some errors and short- Hy* it'll*' (Public, Laws, organization, and progress of), by localities. UNITED STATES—continued. comings of attempted medical legislation. Med. Herald, St. Joseph, 1901, n. 8., xx, 307-311.—Wmilli (J. M.) Re- port of the committee on public hvgiene. Tr. Am. M. Ass.. Phila., 1850, iii, 223-246. — .Niiiilh (S.) Le service sanitaire maritime des lttats-Unis. Cong, internat. d'hyg. et ile demog. C. l\. La Have, 1BH4, i 291-306. ------. A history ot national health legislation and it-* relation to the IT". S. Marine-Hospital Service. Pub. Health Rep. 15 S. Mar. Hosp. Serv., Wash., 1901, xvi, 2955-2961. ------. On the progress of public health organizations in tbe Cnitetl States. Metl. Rec, N. V . 1902, lxi, 41- 13. Nopi-r ((i. A ) Sanitary aspects of the Panama and Nicaragua canals. Med. News. X. V.. 1902, lxxx, 1-6 — Mloiu-r (<'. W.) The United States Marine-Hospital Service. Rep. Superv. Surg. Gen. Mar. Hosp 1893. Wash., l«9l, i 41-53. AUo: Hosp., dispens. A: nursing. Internat Cong Char. |etc] 1893, Bait. & Lond.. 1*94. 29*-319 Thornton (C B.) sanitation of the Mississippi Valley. Am. Pub. Health As* Kep. 1*K4, Concord, 1885, x, 214-221. AUo, Reprint.— Wsilcoll (II. P.) National health legislation and quarantine. P...st.,n M. A. S. J., 1892, exxvii, 307. ------. Report of Ilu commmittee on public health legisla- tion. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1897, Concord. 1*98, xxiii, 383-397. —\V HI* (F.) What is being done by this State and by the roiled States iu the restriction of dan- gerous diseases. Proc. San. Convent. Hillsdale, Lansing, 1893, 15-37.—Wordin (X. E.) A uniform sanitary law. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1897, Concord, 1898, xxiii, 3,5-378.—Wyman (W.) Remarks relative to the United States Marine-Hospital Service. J. Am. M Ass., Chicago, 1896, xxvii, 471. ------. Public health service iu the United States. Cleveland J. M., 1897, ii, 53-72. AUo, Reprint. URUGUAY. See, ulso, in this list, Montevideo. Canabal (J.) Die bti'enthc-he < resundhcitspflege in Uruguay. Berl. kliu. Wchnschr. 1899, xxxvi 779. UTRECHT. van I>t«n (J. C.) & van der Plaat* (J. D.) Be- licbt der Cesundheits-Commission der Stadt Utrecht. (Transl. from the Dutch.] Arch. f. rat. Stiidteeutwasse- rung, Berl., 1890, iii, 1-39. VENICE. Doveki da osservarsi nelli lazzeretti dalli rispettivi priori stabiliti dal regio supremo tri- buiiale di sanita- di Venezia. 8°. Venezia, [179-]. Trois (E. F.) it Vivaxte (E.) Ricerche sul- 1' itiquinazione dei rivi e cauali veneziani iu rap- porto alia fognatura della citta. .**-. Venezia, 1898. Vkxick. Riforma dell' ufficio sanitario mu- nicipale e del servizio medico di circondario. Relazione della giunta municipale al consiglio comunale. fol. Venezia, 1882. -----. Regolamenti per I' uffizio municipale il' igiene e pei medici e chirurglii tli circondario. Approvali dal consiglio comunale, nella seduta yl luglio 1882, e dalla deputa/iono provinciale, il primo nel 5 sctteinhie, il secondo nel 10 ottobre 1882. 8-. Vemzia, 18-5. -----. Regolamento sanitario pel coniuue di Venezia, approvato dalla deputazione provin- ciale in setluta 5 giugno 1-80, sot to il u. *-"J7-51f>7; visfo dal ministero dell' interno in data- 16 giu- oiio 1880 e niodiiicato colle tleliherazioni consi- •iliari 17 aprile 1882 e 20 luglio 18-c' »> gi&omolo- gate dal ministero jierdetto nel \2 giugno l*—,; e 18 settetnlire 1885. 8 . Venezia, 188\. -----. I'rogetto tli regolamento sanitario pel comune tli Venezia. fol. [ Venezia, n. d.] Vivaxtk (R) L'igiene stradale in Venezia. h . Venezia, 1900. VICTORIA. See, also, in this list, Melbourne. Victoria. An act to amend the laws relating to puhlic health. [November 3, 1883.] 4 . [Melbourne, 1883.] HYGIENE. 676 HYGIENE. Hyg'iene (Public, Laws, organization, and progress of), by localities. VIENNA. Austria. Officielle Handausgabe der oster- reichischen Gesetze und Verordnungen. 76. Hft. Gesetz vom 17. Janner 1883, womit eine Bauord- nung fiir die k. k. Reichshaupt- und Residenz- stadt Wien erlassen wird. 2. Aufl. 12°. Wien, 1884. ------. Vorschrift fiir die Stadthauptniann- schaft uud die stadthanptmanuschaftlichen Be- zirks-Commissariate zur Verfassung und Prii- fung der Sanitiits-Berichte hei verheerenden Epidemien. fol. [ Wien, n. d.] Vienna. Der gegenwiirtige locale Sanitats- dienst der Stadtgemeinde Wien in Bezug auf die Handhabung der prophylaktischen Massregeln bei iibertragbaren Infectionskrankheiten. 8°. Wien, 1882. ------. Verzeichniss der in Wien wohnhafteu Sanitatspersonen fiir das Jahr 1891. 16 . Wien, 1891. JB<'Koi-gimji des Sanitatsdienstes der Stadt Wien. Ber. tl. Wien. Statltphvsik. ii. seine Amtsthatigk. . . . C5k. k. Reichshaupt- . . . 1891-3, Wien, 1896, xxi-xxiii, 138-157.— GaiiMtei- (M.) Die Organisation ties Gesundheitswesens in Gross-Wien. Oesterr. arztl. Vereinsztg., Wien, 1890, xiv, 507-514. — Willacil (A.) Die Nothwendigkeit der Einbeziehung der Vororte Wieus vom sanitaren Stand- puncte nachgewiesen. Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Nied.- Oest., Wien, 1875, i, 113-117. VIRGINIA. Virginia. Acts and resolutions passed by the general assembly of the State of Virginia during the session of 1^7(i-7. 8°. Richmond, 1877. Irving (P. A.) The State board of bealtb of Virginia; its history, work, and possibilities. Tr. M. Soc.Virg. 1900, Richmond, 1901, 132-143. VORONEZH Government. Trzynkoff* (X. I.) O zemskol sanitarnoi organizatsii v Vorone/.hskol jiubernii vbobshtshe, i v chastnosti o pos- toyannikh saiiitaruo-epidemicheskikh vrachakh. [Sani- tary organization of the government of Voronezh in gen- eral, and especially on permanent sanitary and epidemic physicians.) Med. besieda, Voronezh, 1900, xiv,435-451. WALTHAM. Waltham. Board of Health. Health regula- tions. 4^. [ Waltham, 1880.] ------. Regulations concerning the construc- tion of house drainage. 4°. [Waltham, 1886.] WARSAW. Warsaw. Medical Department. Trudi Var- shavskuvo postoyannavo sanitarnavo komiteta. Itogi sanitarnoi perepisi gor.Varshavl; (kvartir- niy vopros). [Memoirs of the Warsaw perma- nent sanitary committee. Averages of a sani- tary census of Warsaw ; dwellings.] v. 1. 8°. [Warsaw, 1891.] Polyak (I.) Sanitarniy ocherk Varshavi. [Sanitary sketch of Warsaw.] Vestnik obsh. big., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1898, no.l, 2. sect., 34-05. WASHINGTON (City). See, in this list, District of Columbia. WASHINGTON (State). Washington. An act concerning the public health, and vital statistica. fol. [Olympia, 1889.] WATERFORD. Brown (C. C.) Report on sanitary inspection of Wa- terford. Rep. State Bd. Health N. T. 1890, Albany, 1891, xi, 420, 1 plan. WATERTOWN. Watei'Town. Bocnd of Health. Regulations. 32°. Watertown, 1-92. Hygiene (Public, Laics, organization, and progress of), by localities. WEST INDIES. See, also, in this list, Cuba; Porto Rico. Cron" (G. G.) The conquest of the Tropics. Pop Sc Month., N.T., 1900-1901, lvii, 540-545.—S. (F. C.) Sanitary conditions in some West Indian cities. San. Plumber, N.Y., 1899, xvi, no. 1, 21; no. 2, 21; no. 3, 21.— X. Sanitary notes on Jamaica and Porto Rico. Boston M. &. S. J. 1899 cxl, 460. WESTPHALIA. Brefeld (F.) Beitrage zur Reform des Sani- tiits-Wesens aus Westfalen. 2 pts. 8°. Arns- berg, 1819. WIGAN. Berry (W.) On sanitary progress in Wigan during the last 30 years. Scalpel, Lond., 1898, iii, 134-139. WINDSOR. Bnlstroile (H. T.) Report upon the sanitary condition of tho borough of Windsor, and upon the character of the town council's administration. Rep. Med. Off. Local Gov. Bd. 1899-1900. Lond., 1901, xxix, 89-122. WISCONSIN. Act (An) for the better protection of public health. Rep. Bd. Health Wisconsin 1882-4, Madison, 1885, viii, 28-35.— Wingnte ( D. O. B.) Relation of sanitation to municipal government in Wisconsin. Tr. Wisconsin M. Soc, Madison, 1892, xxvi, 268-278. WORCESTER. Worckstek. Board of Health. Regulations. Adoptetl April 23, 1878. 8J. Worcester, 1878. WURTEMBERG. See, also, in this list, Esslingen. Neue (Die) Organisation ties K. Mediciualkollegiums. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1881, li, 6-8. YEKATERINOSLAV. Byabinin (L.) G. Yekaterinoslav v sanitarnom otno- shenii. i Yekaterinoslav in a sanitary relation.] Obsh.-san. obozr., S.-Peterb., 1897, ii, 14-17. ZUTPHEN. Reglement voor den geneeskundigen kring te Sntpheu, opgerigt den 27sten Augustus 1845. 8°. Sutphen, 1849. Hygiene (Public, Manuals of). Alessaxdki (P. E.) Chimica applicata al- 1' igiene, guida pratica ad uso degli ufficiali sanitari, medici, farmacisti, coinmercianti e pratica nti nei laboratori d' igiene. 16°. Mi- lano, 1900. Balch (L.) A manual for boards of health and health officers. 16°. Albany tf*New York, 1896. Bedoin(L.) Precis d'hygiene publique. Pre- face de M. le Professeur Brouardel. 12°. Paris, 1891. Belfiore (G.) Manuale dell' ufficiale sani- tario, del medico pratico, del medico coudotto, dell' igienista. 2 v. 12°. Na})oli, 1897-8. Bocci (B.) Guida tecniea tlel medico igie- nista. 12°. Milano cp Napoli. [1892]. Bouchard at (A.) Traitd d'hygiene publique et privee, basee sur l'^tiologie. 3. e"d., revue, cori'igee et augmentee de notes sur les maladies contagieuses, sur les divers modes de preserva- tion et sur le chol6ra et la rage. 8°. Paris, \ 887. Breitung (M.) Taschen-Lexikon fiir Sani- tatsoffiziere ties activen Dienst- und des Beur- laubtenstandes. 12°. Berlin, 1885. Catechism series. Public health. Part IV. Vital statistics, life insurance, dwellings, cli- mate. 12°. Edinburgh, 1891. Celli (A.) Manuale dell' ufficiale sanitario. Corso di perfezionamento con la coUaborazione di Dr. O. Casugraudi, Prof. C. Fermi [et al.]. 8°. Roma, 1899. HYGIEXE. Hyg'iene (Public, Manuals of). *Cogliolo (P.) Codice sanitario e manuale giuridico dei medici condotti. Raccolta di leggi, regolamenti, norme in materia sanitaria con coinmenti ampii, bibliogriitia, giurispru- dcnza. 16J. Milano d'* Napoli, [l-9'.»]. De-Giaxa (VI Manuale di igiene pubblica. 8J. Milano, 1890-92. von EsmaRCH (E.) Hygienisches Taschen- buch fiir Medicinal- und Verwaltimgslieamte, Aerzte, Teckniker und Schnlmanner. 12^'. Ber- lin, 1890. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 16°. Berlin, 1808. KoitP (W. H.) Principles of sanitary inspec- tion ; reprinted, with additions for the use of the Philadelphia board of health, from "The ref- erence handbook of the medical sciences." s . Philadelphia, 18-9. Galtier (V.) Manuel de poliee sanitaire. 12. tirage. 12-'. Lyon, [l^-l]. Geigel (A.) Handboek der openbare gc/.ond- heidsregeling, naar de behoeften en dc wetge- viug van Xetlerlauil liewerkt door Dr. S. Si. Coronel. --. Grarenhage, 1 —TT. Gekaci (P."! La guida dello ufficiale sanitario comunale, redatta sopra il programnia ufficiale di esanii per il conseguiinento tlel eeifiticato, riehiesto dall' art. 5 del l. decreto 29 maggio 1-9*5 no. 219. ■—. Reggio, 1900. HXckermann (\V.) Lehrbuch der Medicinal- polizei. -:. Berlin, Ir-rJS. Handworterbtch der offentlichen uud pri- vaten (ii'Mindheitspriege. unter Mitwirkung von W. Angerstein [et al.] hrsg. von O. Dauimer. 1. Lfg. -\ Stuttgart, 1-90-91. Instruction a l'usage des meMecius sanitaires dn Levant. --. Paris, [1847 J. Jones (H.) Guide to the examinations in sanitary science, public health, and state medi- cine. With examination questions and copious explanatory notes. 16-a London, 1892. Kenwood (H. R.) Public health; laboratory work. Including methods employed in bac- teriological research, with special reference to the examination of air, water, and food, con- tributed by Robert Boyce. 12-. London, 1-9:5. "• Lion (A.) sen. Compendium der Sanitats- Polizei nnd gerichtlichen Mi-dicin. Ein Repe- | titorium fiir die Physikat>-lJriifung, fiir Physi- ker, Juristen und Apotheker. -a Berlin, 1885. McNally (C. J.) The elements of sanitary science. A hand-book for district, municipal, local, medical, and sanitary officers, members of local boards and municipal councils, and others. 8c Madras, 18-9. Maglieri (C.) & Ciei oni: (V.) Vade-mecum di igiene, compilato seeoiulo le attnali leggi sani- tarie sulle opere di Arnonld, Rosenthal e di altri autori italiani ed esteri uon-he sulle lezioni det- tate nella scuola pratica dell' Istituto igienico di Xapoli ad uso degli studenti e degli ufficiali sanitarii. Pts. l-'d. -a Napoli, 1890-9:?. Magnus (H. R.) Haandbog for distriktsheger, udgivet af distriktsliegeforeningen. [Handbook for district physicians, published by the District Medical Association.] ao. Aalborg, 1900. Masoni (U.) Corso tli itlraulica teoretica e pratica. 2. Appendice, itlraulica sanitaria e ugricola. r!J. Napoli, l--9.">. Metzger (G. D.) Compeudio di polizia me- dica del professore e consigliere Giovanni Da- niello Metzger; recato dalla tedesca all' italiana favilla con alcune viste del dottor Carlo Pietro Ferrari. 8->. Venezia, l-no. Ml)NIN(E.) A DtBOUSfjUET-LABOI'DERIE (L.) Pr6cis e"lementaire d'hygiene publique pratique, r6dig6 coiiformement aux nouveaux programmes de l'enseignement, et eontenant les donnees les < 677 HYGIENE. Hyg'iene (Public, Manuals of). plus iinportantes de la science sanitaire. 12 . Paris, 1895. Moua (J.-L.) A: Vesiez (C.J Xouveau cours d'hygiene, r6dig6 conformement aux derniers programmes offieiels. 12°. Paris, 1890. Novo (L. M.) Pnicticas tie higiene pdblica. Breve resunien de las lecciones pnicticas expli- cadaB en el curso de 1890 d 1897. 8°. Madrid, 1897. ORR (J.) Handbook of public health. 8°. Edinburgh, 1992. 1'ai.mhkrg ( A.) Traits de l'hygiene publique d'apres ses applications tlans \ Arthur Newsholme. 2. ed. 8°. Lon- don, 1895. Parent-Duchatelet (A.-J.-B.) Hygiene publique, ou memoires sur les questions les plus import antes de l'hygiene appliques aux profes- sions et aux travaux d'utilite publique. 2 v. inl. 8 . Paris, 1850. AUo [Kev.], in: Med.-chir. Kev., Lond., 1837, n. a. xxvi, 4*22-440. AUo [Rev.]. i'»i .• Essays on phys. and hyg. 8°. Philadelphia, 1838, 173-198. Pfeiffer (A.) Verwaltuugs-Hygiene. Ein Handbuch der offentlichen Gesundheitspflege fiir Verwaltiiugsbeamte. >°. Berlin, 1895. Pietravalle (M.) Guida tecniea d' igiene pratica per ufficiali sauitari, medici pratici, ingegneri, studenti, etc. 12°. Milano, [1896]. Popoff (M. A.) Iskusstvo oztlorevleniya go- rodov i drugikh zaselyounikh tsentiov. [Art of sanitation of cities and other populous centers.] v. 1. 8\ Moskva, 1887. Price (G.M.) Handbook on sanitation. A manual of theoretical and practical sanitation. Forstudents andphysicians; for health, sanitary, tenement-house, plumbing, factory, food, and other inspectors; as well as for candidates for all municipal sanitary positions. 12°. New York, 1901. Reid (G.) Practical sanitation; a handbook for sanitary inspectors and others interested in sanitation; with au appendix on sanitary law, by Herbert Mauley. 4. ed. 12°. London, 1897. Rochard(.L) Trait-6 d'hygiene sociale. 8°. Pan's, 1888. Ruata (C.) Trattato d'igiene pubblica. v. 1 (parte generale). 8 . Citta di Castello, 1-92. Sanders _( F. ) Handbuch der offentlichen Gesuntllieitspllege in 2. Aufl. bearbeitet und hrsg. vom Vorstand des Niederrheinischeu Vereius fiir offentliche Gesundheitspflege. 8 . Leipzig, 1885. San.iin Rokumox. Ikan genko. [An outliue of physic for medical officers. ] f> v. 8°. Jedo, 1747.' Japauese text. Scni'U(l).) Kurze Anleitung zu hygienischen I'ntersucliungen. s-'. Erlangen, 1899. Smith (E.) Manual for medical officers of health. 2. ed. .* ■. London. H74. Smith (\V. R.) The laboratory text-book of public health. 8°. London, f-'.Mi. Smoi.enski (P. O.) Obshtshetlostupuiye hi- gienicheskie sposobl lzslledovaniya. [Popular hygienic methods of analysis.] 8°. S.-Peter- burg, 1891. -----. Thesame. Prostieishi'e i obshtshedo- stupniye sposobl lzslTetlovaniya i otsienki do- HYGIENE. 678 HYGIENE. Hygiene (Public, Manuals of). brokachestvennosti syestnikh pripasov, napit- | kov, vozdukha, vodi, zhilishtsh, i proch. [Sim- plest popular methods of analyzing food stud's, liquors, air, water, dwellings, etc. 2. ed.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1892. Taylor (A.) The sanitarv inspector's hand- book. 2. id. 12°. London,1897. -----• The same. 3. ed. - . London, 1901. Tokyo Ijishinshi Kyoku. Eiseigaku taii. [General principles of public hygieue.] 8c Tokyo, 1879. Japanese text. Virey (J. J.) Compendio di igiene pubblica e profilattica, ossia libro di sanita necessario a tiitti cui prema presidiarsi dai veleni e dagli altri enti epideruico-contagiosi. 24°. Verona, 1857. Wernich (A.) & Wehmer (R.) Lehrbuch des offentlichen Gesnndheitswesens. 8°. Stuttgart, 1891. Whitelegge (B. A.) Hygiene and public health. 12°. London, 1890. Willoughby (E. F.) Handbook of public health and demography. 16°. London $■ New York, 1895. -----. The health officer's pocket-book. A guide to sanitary practice and law for medical officers of health, sanitary inspectors, members of sanitary authorities, etc. 16°. London, 1893. Ziino (G.) Manuale di polizia medica ad uso deiili ufficiali sanitari del regno e degli ammini- stratori. 12°. Milano, 1890. 4't'iitoiizt' (M.) iriiitla pratica dell'ufficiale sanitario comunale. Uuione uu-tl.. Catanzaro, 1895, iii, 13; 24; 38; 52; G3; 74: S9; 100; 12.">.— llt'iillh inspector's guide, as prepart-tl iiiidarraiu.reil l».v Ezra M. Hunt, M. D., secretary, with sections added as marked bv Drs. Mitrhell. Newton, and A. C. Hunt, sanitaiv inspectors. Rep. Bd. Health N.Jersey, Trenton. 1S89-90. xiv, 33-97.—Spatuzzi (A.) Saggi di demografia e d1 igiene per gli uftiiiali sanitari. Ufficiale san., Napoli.1896. ix,3; 61; 124; 210: JIT; 297; 409; 51t5: 1897. x, 53; 197; 258; 303. AUo, Reprint. Hygiene (Public, Officers of). See Hygiene (Public, Boards, etc., of). Hvgiene (Public, Reports on). See Hygiene (Public, Reports on), by localities. Hygiene (Public, Reports on), by locali- ties. ABERDEEN. Aberdeen. Reports by the medical officer of health aud sanitary inspector. (Monthly.) Jan., 1887, to March, 1*4)1; Jan., 1892, to Dec, 1901. sm. 4C. [Aberdeen, 1887-1902.] -----. Report by the medical officer ot health and sanitary inspector on the sanitary condition of the Cowgate, Albion street, aud Shuttle lane. Bv M. Hay and K. Cameron. Feb. 12, 1890. sm. 4°. [Aberdeen, 1890.] -----. Minute of public health committee. [In regard to various unhealthy areas withiu the city.] 8°. [Aberdeen, 1893.] [Cameron (K.)) Sanitary work in Aberdeen. San. Engin.. Lond., 1887, xii, 756. AUo, Keprint. AFRICA. See, in this list, Cape Colony; Egypt; Gold Coast; Jaluit; Lagos; Pietermaritzburg; Tanga; Togo. AGRA. North-Western Provinces. Sanitary con- dition ofthe city of Agra. From sanitary com- missioner to secretary to government, fol. rAl- lahabad, 1809.] AGRAM. Rihtaric (G.) Zdrav9tveno izvjesce poglavarstva Blob, i kralj. glavnoga grada Zagreba za godinu 1899. [Public hygiene in Agrain for 1899.] Liec. viestnik, u Za- grebu, 1900, xxii, 416-420. Hygiene (Public, Reports on), by locali- ties. ALABAMA. See, also, in this list, Mobile. Dallas (Ounty of), Alabama. Report of county health officer. (Monthly. ) Au-93. Report (The) of tbe State board of health. 1880-99. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Montgomery, 1881-1900, passim. ALBANY. Albany. Annual reports of the city engineer to the citv council, for the years 1891-4. 8°. Albany, 1892-5. ALESSANDRIA. Alessandria (Province of). Circolare No. 40. Oggetto: Rapporto sullo stato sanitario della provincia pel 1878. 8°. [Alessandria, 1879.] ALLEGHENY. Allegheny. Municipal reports for the year 1888-9. Published by authority of councils. 8°. Allegheny, 18-9. Report of citv physician, Allegheny, 1888-9. City of Allegheny. Municip. Rep., Pittsburg, 1889, 371-381.— Report of health officer, Allegheny, 1888-9. Ibid., 367- 370. ALLENTOWN. Allentown, Pennsylvania. Messages of the mayor of Allentown, Pa., to the select and com- mon councils, together with municipal reports, for the years l-<-l; 1*84. 83. Allentown, 1882-'). Board of health, Allentown, Pa., 1881. Mayor's mes- sage . . . city of Allentown, 1882, 5-9. ALNWICK. Alnwick and Canongate Local Board of Health. Annual reports of the medical officer, G. F. Eastou, for the years 1887-9. v0. Aln- ivick, l>88-90. Alnwick Union. Anuual report of the med- ical officer of health for the rural sanitary au- thority, for the years 18-0-89. 12c. Alnwick, 1881-90. Buchanan (G. S.) Report to the local gov- ernment board, upon the sanitary condition of the urban district of Alnwick, aud upon housing of the working classes therein. July 26, 1^98. fol. London, lfe98. ALSACE-LORRAINE. Gesundheitszlstaxd (Der) in Elsass-Loth- ringen wiihreud des Jahres 1885. Im amtlichen Auftrage hrsg. von Krieger. 8°. Strassburg, 1887. ALTOONA. Reportof board of health of Altoona. Hep. Bd. Health, etc. Penn. 1889-90, Harrisb., 1891, vi, 155-160. AMIENS. Amiens. Bureau d'hygiene. Rapports presen- ted par M. le docteur Richer, directeur. 1.-3., 1884-6. 8°. Amiens, 1885-7. AMOY. Reports on the health of Amoy from April, 1871, to September 30,1874; April, 1875, to September, 1878; April, 1879, to September, 1887; April, 1889, to March, 1891. China. Imp. Customs. Med. Rep., Shanghai, 1871-5, nos 2-8: 1876-9, nos. 10-16: 1880-90, nos. 18-34: 1894, nos. 38-41, passim. AMSTERDAM, Netherlands. Nederlandsche Maatschappij tot Bevorde- ring der Geneeskunst. Rapport over de zieken- HYGIENE. (.79 HYGIENE. Hvgiene (Publh; Reports on), by loeali- iits. AMSTERDAM, Netherlands—continued. fondsen te Amsterdam. Uitgebracht door de ziekenfonds-comniissie, ingesteld bij besluit van 25 October 1897 door tie Afdeeling Amsterdam van de . . . 8- . Amsterdam, 1900. AMSTERDAM, New York. Amsterdam, New York. Board of Health. Sanitarv bulletin, v. 1, No. 1. 4C. Amsterdam, 1-8-. Annual report ofthe health officer to Hvgiene t)es. (Public, Reports on), by locali- Rapport de la commission medi- i's bourgmestre et echevins de la Soo. de nietl. d'Anvers, 1894, lvi, the hoard of health, for the year 1*88-9. Amsterdam, l>-9. ANTWERP. Hysirnf publiqiu cale locale au Collect' ville d'Anvers. Bull. 271-JM. ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. See, also, in this list, Buenos Ayres. Argentine Republic. Departamento nacio- nal de higiene. Boletiu mensual. v. 1-3, Nos. 1- ,")4. Julv, 1--2, to Dec. Iss5. fol. [Buenos-Ayres, 1-2-7.'] ARKANSAS. See, in this list. Hot Springs. ARNSBERG. Arnsberg. Das offentliche Gesundheitswesen im Regieruugsbezirke Arusberg. Gesammtbe- richte t r-tattet von den Regierungs- und Medi- ciual-Riitheu. 1.-4., 1--0-91. ■--. Arnsberg, 1884-94. ASBURY PARK. Asbury Park. Board of Health. Annual re- ports to the inavor autl council, for the vears 1-92-3; 1-9:1-4; 1-93-6; 1-97-8. 8-. Asbury Park $ Trenton. 1-91-9. ASSAM. Assam. Annual sanitary reports of the prov- ince of A-sam. By the sanitary commissioner to the chief commissioner of the province, for the years l--6-19"0. fol. Sh illong, 1—7-1901. ASTON MANOR. Aston Manor. Annual reports on the health of Aston Manor, by the medical officer of health to the Aston local board. 11., 1885; 13., 1 ■-*.">. 8-. Birmingham, 18-4-6. ASTRAKHAN. Vn«> ;itkin ( V.) O dieyatelnosti Astrakhanskikh goroti-^ kli ^.uiit.irnikh vrachei za W4 i 188"c goda. [Work of the t-itv sanitary physicians ot AstrakJian dur- ing 18^4 .nxl Yn-'i. Dnevnik Kazan. Obsh. vrach. pri imp. Univ , 1886, x, 111-184, 1 map. ATLANTA. Atlanta. Annual reports of the committee of council, officers, anti departments of the city of Atlanta, .showing the contlition of municipal af- fairs. For the year 1-91. 8°. Atlanta, 1-92. Atlanta. Board of Health. Annual reports to the mayor and general council, 0.-18., Ie84- 96. 8°. Atlanta, 1^-5-97. AUBURN. Alburn, New York. Board of Health. An- nual reportsof the health officer to tht mayor and health commissioner*. 2.-7., MHJ-9">. 8 a Au- burn, 1-91-6. Brown IC. C.) Report on the sanitary condition of Auburn. Kep. State Bd. Health X. Y. \W>, Albanv. 1893, xiii. 207-2Hi. AUGUSTA, Georgia. Augusta. Board of Health. Annual reports to the health commit tec of the city council. 6.- 11., 1SS3-8; 14.-22., 1891-9. H . Augusta, 188 A- 1900. AUGUSTA, Maine. Augusta. Hoard of Health. Aunual reports to tin* health committee of the city council. li.-ll., 1883-*; 14.-20., 1891-7. 8°. Augusta. 18-1-9S. AURICH. Ariucn. Gesamint-Bericht iiber das otfent- liche Gesundheitswesen des Regierungsbezirks Aurich. 1., b-s;!-,-); ;{., ihhi'>-h. Erstattet von O. Rayniund. ^, Emden, 1887-90. AURORA. Hcnllhrepoit. Aurora, Illinois, 1877; 1878; 1879. Mav- or's adtlr. . . . Kep. i-itv off. Aurora, 111., 187s, 57: 1879, 66 ; 1880. 60, 1 tab — Health report, Aurora, Illinois, 1880; 1881; 18S-J. Rep. city off. Aurora, 111., 1881, 06: 1882,56: iss:s, 58. AUSSIG. Avssig. Bericht iiber die Thatigkeit des Stiidt. Gesundheitsrathes, in den Jahren 1S?*4; 1886. Erstattet von A. Marian. ■-<-. Aussig, 188.V7. .Vlariau (A.) Bericht iiber die sanitaren Verhiiltnisse der Stadt Aussig in tlen Jahren 1888-91; 1893-9. Prag. metl. "Wchnschr., 11-89-92, xiv-xvii: 1894-1900, xix-xxv, passim. AUSTIN. Austin, Texas. Annual reports of the mayor and other officers to the citv council for the years 1889-90 to 1893-3. 8-. J ustin, 1891-4. AUSTRALIA. See, in this list, Melbourne; New South Wales; Queensland; South Australia; "West- ern Australia. AUSTRO-HUNGARY. See, also, in this list, Agram: Bohemia: Bu- kowina; Hungary; Moravia; Styria; Vienna. Austria. KaiserliK. i, 75 77—Oi'vy.iijjnw (Az) ko/.eficsz.se^i tanacs mii- kotk-st- ls'.i.'i-bi-n. The work of I he natiounl board of health in 1895.) Orvosi hetil., Budapest. 1896, xl, 70 —Kit-hard. StatiHtit|iii' tie la medecine pnbli«|iie dans les provinces autrichieiuies relevant tin Reichsiath pour l'annt'e 188;"). Rec. d. trav. Comite consult, d'hyg. pub. de France 1889, Par., 1890, xix, tM-Ti. AYER. Ayer, Massachusetts. Report of the agent of the boaid of health of the town of Ayer, Mass., for the year 1881-5. 8°. Ayer, [1887)]. ------. Annual report of the selectmen of Aver, together with a report of the treasurer, assessors, overseers ofthe poor, lire department, trustees of the public library, auditors; items from the town clerk's book, and report of the water commissioners; also of the school com- niittee for the year 1^87-8. ^. Ayer, Mass., 188-. HYGIENE. 680 HYGIENE. Hyg'iene (Public, Reports on), by locali- ties. AYLESBURY. Grksswkll (D. A.) Report to the local gov- ernment board, on the sanitary state of the Aylesbury urban sanitary district: and on diph- theriathere. July 15,1886. fol. [London, 1886.] Thomson (T.) Report to the local govern- ment board, on the general sanitary condition of the Aylesbnrv rural sanitarv district. Aug. 8, 1892. fol. [London, 1892.] * BACUP. Bacup. Annual report on the health of the Bacup urban sanitary district. 9., 1885; 13., 1889. 12c. Bacup, 1886-90. BALTIMORE. Baltimore. Weekly returns of deaths and interments in Baltimore. Published by order of the health department. From Jau. 4, 1879, to May 26, 1888. 4°. Baltimore, 1879-88. -----. Special message of F. C. Latrobe, mayor, to the city council of Baltimore. Sept. 26/18-1. 8°. Baltimore, [1881]. Baltimore. Health Department. Annual re- ports of the commissioner of health to the mayor and city council, for the years 1885-94. 8°. Baltimore, 1886-95. BARNSLEY. Barnsley. Aunual report on the sanitary condition of Barnsley, submitted to the town couucil bv Michael T. Sadler, medical officer of health, for the year 1889. 12°. Barnsley, 1890. Barnsley Union Rural Sanitary Authority. Anuual report of M. T. Sadler, medical officer of health, for the year 1889. 8-. Barnsley, 1899. BASEL. Basel. Statistisehe Mittheilungen des Kan- tons Basel-Stadt. Bericht iiber den Civilstaud, die Todesursachen und die ansteckenden Krank- heiten im Jahre 1886. roy. 8°. Basel, 1887. BATH. Bath Urban Sanitary Authority. Annual re- ports ofthe medical officer of health. By A. B. Brabazon. 19., 1885. 8°. Bath, 1880. BATLEY. Batley. Annual report of the medical officer of health to the urban sanitary authority, for the year 1889. By Alfred Swaun. 8-. Batley, 1890* BATOOM. Erikson (E. V.) Opit sanitarnavo obzora okrestuostel Baturna. [Sanitary review of the neighborhood of Ba- toom.] Med. Sbornik, Tiflis. 1901, no. 63, 1-92. BAVARIA. See, also, in this list, Nuremberg; Palatinate. Bavaria. General-Berichte iiber die Sanitats- Verwaltuug im Konigreiche Bayern. Hrsg. vom kgl. Staatsmiuisterium des Innern. Bearbeitet im k. statistischen Bureau. 15., 1-81; 17.-30., 1883-99. roy. 8°. Miinchen, 1^82-1901. Bertillon (J.) Baviere; rapports statistiques an- nuela sur l'etat sanitaire du Royaunie pour les anuees 1884, 1885 et 1886. Rec. d. trav. Comite consult. d'hvp. 16k. ce-k., v Praze, 18**s. xxvii, :i7.'f; :;U] : V'i: 419; 4:i*; 4."):S: 470; 4r:i; 498; 51"); .V!4: .">84 ; 60] — Prt'iniiigfi' (V.) , Zprava o pomeri-i h a zaHzeuich ztliavotni' li v kral. I>sk6m za leta ls!».'S-5. [Report on the proportions and hygienic measures in the Kingdom of Bohemia, 1893-5.1 Ibiil., 1898, xxxvii. 30; . 48; 05; so. -----. Zprava zdravotnicka pro kralovstvi f the record commissioners of the city of Boston to the mayor and cit\ council, l.-lt')., Sept., 1-76, to Dec. 31, 1--6; 18.-22., 1>.-e. 1. 1887, to Dee.. 1-90. 8 . Boston, 1870-99. -----. Reports of the record commissioners of tht* city of Boston, containing the records of Boston selectmen, 1716-36; 17:17-42. 8 . Bos- Ion, 1885. -----. A report of the record commissioners of the city of Boston, containing the Boston records from 1729 to 1742. 85 Boston, 1885 -----. Report of the record commissioners of the city of Huston, containing miscellaneous papers. [10. report.] 8 . Boston, 1886. -----. Annual reports of the city engineer to the mayor. 15., l--'*l; 22.-25., 1888-91. 8 3 Boston, 1882-92. -----. Keport of the commission on the city charter to the city council. 8 . [Boston, 1884.] HYGIENE. 682 HYGIENE. Hygiene (Public, Reports on), by locali- ties. BOSTON (Massachusetts)— continued. -----. Final report of the special committee appointed by the mayor to inspect the public institutions of Boston, with the mayor's mes- sage transmitting the same to the city council. 8°. Boston, 1892. Boston. Boston Transit Commission. Annual report to the city council. 1., 1894-5. 8C. Bos- ton, 1895. Boston. Commissioner of Public Institutions. Aunual reports to the mayor of the city. 1.-5., 18-9 to 1893-4. 8°. Boston, 1890-94. Boston. Health Department. Annual reports to the mayor and city council. 12.-29., 1883-4 to 1900. 8°. Boston,! --4-1901. Report of a committee, appointed by certain residents upon the banks of Charles River on the northerly side of Beacon street in Boston, upon the past, present, and proposed use of Charles River for drainage. [Signed Dwight Porter.] *G. Boston, 1893. BOULOGNE-SUR-MER. Boulogxe-sur-Mer. Bureau municipal d'hy- giene. Bulletin annuel. I., 1895; 2., 1896. 8-. Boulogne-sur-Mer, [1-96-7J. BOURNEMOUTH. Bournemouth. Annual report of the med- ical officer of health to the mayor and town council for the year 1895. 8°. Bournemouth, 1890. BRADFORD, England. Bradford. Annual reports on the health of Bradford, by Harris Bnttertield, medical officer of health, for the vears 1878; 1882; 1889. 8°. Bradford, 1-79-90. Evans (W. A.) Report on the health of Bradford for 1896. Puh. Health Engin., Lontl., 1897, i, 412-414. BRADFORD, Pennsylvania. Bradford. Annual message of the mayor, report of the controller, the city engineer, aucl the health board for the year 1888. 8°. Brad- ford, 1889. BRANDENBURG. Brandenburg ( Province of). Sauitats-Be- richte fiir die Provinz Brandenburg von den Jahren 1830-40. Erstattet vom koniglichen Me- dicinal-Collegium. 8°. Berlin, 1832-43. BRAZIL. Brazil. Relatorio sobre a saude publica da capital do Imperio, tratando da febre amarella, do cholera-morbus, das molestias ordinarias, da junta central tie hygiene publica, da coinmis- sao sanitaria de Santa Isabel. Para subir ii au- gusta preseuca cle S. M. o Imperador, pelo Dr. Francisco de Paula Candido. 4°. Rio de Ja- neiro, 1857. ------. Relatorio da inspeccao de saude do porto do Rio cle Janeiro, pelo Barao cle Lavradio. Anno de 1879. fol. Bio cle Jainiro, 1880. -----. Relatorio das reparticoes tie saude publica, apresentada ao governo imperial pelo Barao de Lavradio. Anno de 1879. fol. Rio de Janeiro, 1880. -----. Relatorio do inspector geral do Insti- tuto vacciuico pelo Barao cle Lavradio. Anno de 1879. fol. Rio de Janeiro, 1880.. Imperial Academia de medicina. Relatorio da commissao nomeada pela . . . para aualysar o relatorio apresentado ao governo imperial pelo Sr. engenheiro fiscal junto a compauhia City im- lygiene (Public, Reports on), by locali- ties. BRAZIL—continued. provements, acerca do estado dos esgotos e sua inflnencia sobre a salubridade publica desta corte, em resposta a outro que sobre o mesmo assumpto enviou a academia ao Governo Impe- rial. 8°. Rio de Janeiro, 1874. de J5nvra«lio (B.) Exposicao do movimento sanita- rio da cidade do Rio de Janeiro no decurso dos annos de 1884 e 1885. Ann. Acad, de med. do Rio de Jan., 1886-7, 6. s., ii, 155; 169. -----. Exposicao do movimento sanita- rio da cidade do Rio de Janeiro no 1° semestre do corrente anno e suas relacoes com a meteorologia dominante. I bid., 179-226. BREMEN. Bremen. Berichte iiber den Gesnnclheitszn- 9taud untl die Verwaltuug der offeutlichen Ge- sundheitspflege iu Bremen. Erstattet vom Ge- sundheitsrate: 1883-92. 8°. Leipzig fy Bremen, 1889-94. BRESCIA. Brescia. Delle eondizioni fisiche della citt& di Brescia in rapporto alia sua salubrita e alle malattie d' infezione. Dal Tullio Bonizzardi. 8'-. Brescia, 18.84. Brescia (Province of). Stazione sanitaria al- pina. Quadri nosologici a partire dall' anno 1884 cli sua fondazione. broadside. Brescia, 1888. BRESLAU. Breslau. Verwaltungs-Berichte des Magi- strate der koniglichen Haupt- und Residenz- Sfadt Breslau fiir die Etatsjahre vom 1. April 1880 bis 31. Miirz 1886. 8°. Breslau, 1885-7. 4.*i'alzm. Council, Brooklyn, 1«77, Appendix 1: 1*79,163: 1880,175: 1881,157: 1882, 211: 1883, 215,3 diag.. 3 maps. BROWNHILLS. Thompson (T. W.) Report to the local gov- ernment board, on the sanitary circumstances of the Brownhills urban sanitary district, and upon administration by the sanitary authority. June 2, 1-92. fol. [London, 1892.] BRUNN. Kns Ayres. Ministerio del interior. Anexo, N. 15. Memoria cle la comision cle las obras de salubridad de la capital. 1881-2. 8°. Buenos Aires, 1882. Buenos Ayres (Province of). Conseil national d'hygiene. R6sum6 statistique. 2. ann6e, 1892. 8°. Buenos Aires, 1893. Davison (D. T. It.) Las obras de salubridad y algu- nas enferniedades infecto-contagiosas. Prim. reun. d. Cong, eient. Lat. Amer., Buenos Aires. 1898, iv, 516-532, 5 ch. -----. Efectos de la desecacion del suelo sobre la salud piiblica de Buenos Aires. Actas y mem. d. ix Cong. internac. de hig. y demog. 1898, Madrid, 1900, iv, 159-164. BUKOWINA. Bukowina (Duchy of). Sanitatsbericht der Bukowina fiir das Jahr 1891. Verfasst von Basil Kluczenko. 4°. Czernowitz, [1892], BULGARIA. See, in this list, Dobrich; Rushtchuk. BURLINGTON, Iowa. BuiiiiNi'toN. Annual reports of the city officers to the city council, for the years 1879-80; 18-1-2; 1-82-3; 1890-91 to 1893-4.' 8 . Bur- limit on, 18*0-94. Il«'9. J. 'Prop. M.. Lond., 1899-1900, ii. 237.—von Tunzeliiiaiiu (E. W .) Report on the health of Chefoo for the half-year ended 30th September. 1892. China. Imp. Customs. ' Med. Rep. HYGIENE. 685 HYGIENE. Hygiene (Public, Reports on), by locali- ties. , CHEFOO—continued. Shanghai, 1895, xliv, 16. ----• Report on the health of Chefoo for the year ended 30th of September, 1893. Ibid., xivi oo ____* Keport of the health of Chefoo for the year ended 30th September. 1895. Ibid., 1896, 1, 11-18. CHELSEA. Chelsea, Massachusetts. Anuual reports of the Chelsea city government for the years 1886- -, including the mayor's address, and the list of elective and appointed officers for the years 1—T-9. 8~\ Chelsea, 1-87-9. He porta of the board of health. Chelsea, 1886; 1887; l?-8v Rep. Chelsea [Mass.] city gov., 1887,89: 1888, 177: 1889. 85. CHESTER. Chester (County Palatinate of). Reports of the medical officer of health, with statistical in- formation and summary of reports of district medical officers of health. Presented to the public health eommittee of the county couucil, for the years 1892-1990. By F. Vacher. 8°. Chester, 1893-1901. Vacher (F.) Report of the medical officer of health for Chester for 1896. Pub. Health Engin., Lond., 1897, i, 271; 291. CHICAGO. Chicago. Board of Public Works. Annual re- ports to the common council. 4., 1864-5; .">., 1865-6; 7.-10., l-f>T-- to 1870-71; 15., 1875. 8°. Chicago, 1865-76. Chicago. Department of Health. Annual and biennial reports of the commissioner of health to the mayor and city council, for the years 1-81-98. »:, Chicago. \l882-99. Chicago. Department of Public Works. An- nual reports to the city couucil. 2.-4., 1-77-9; 7.-11., 18-2-6; 13.-19., 1888-94. 8C. Chicago, 1-7--9."-. Chicago. Sanitary District of Chicago. Presi- dent's annual message and annual reports of cli-rk, attorney, treasurer, chief engineer, and marshal of the' sanitary district of Chicago, for the year 1895. --. Chicago, 1-96. CHINA. See-, in this list, Amoy; Canton; Chefoo; Chinkiang; Hankow; Ichang; Kiukiang; Manchuria; Shanghai; Tainan; Tientsin; Tonkin; Wuhu. CHINKIANG. Report-, on the health of Chinkiang from April, 1877, to >. pt,mix r. 189». China. Imp. Customs. Med. Rep., Shanghai. 1-78-1899. xiv-lvi, passim. CINCINNATI. Cincinnati. Department of Health. Annual reports to the board of administration. 16.-31., 1-8*2-97; 33., 1~99. 8°. Cincinnati, 18-^:5-1900. Cincinnati. Engineer Department. Ajinual reports of the board of administration. 35.-38., l«91-4. 8\ Cincinnati, 1892-5. CLEATOR MOOR. Cleator Moor. Annual report on the public health of Cleator Moor, by John Eaton, medical officer of health. 15., 1889. 4°. Whitehaven, 1-90. CLEVELAND. Cleveland. Annual reports of the depart- ments of government of the city of Cleveland for the years 1883; 1890-92. 8°. Cleveland, 1884-93. [y^ii'iio (Public, Reports on), by locali- ties. CLEVELAND—continued. -----. Annual report of the civil engineer to the board of improvement of the city, for the year 1890. 8°. Cleveland, 1891. Cleveland. Board of Police Commissioners. Annual reports to the common council. 15.-17., 1886-8. 8--. Cleveland, lss?-9. Cleveland. Department of Public Works. Annual reports to the mayor and city council. 1., 1891; 2., 1892. 8 Cleveland, 1892-3. Cleveland. Health Department. Annual re- ports of the health officer to the board of health. 12.-14., 1881-C,; 16., 1888; 17., 1889. 8°. Cleve- land, 1885-90. A n n ■■ n I report ofthe health department ofthe city of Cleveianil for the year 1883. Rep. dep. gov. city Cleveland (1883), 1881. 281-336. — Keport of health department. Ibid. (1890), 1891, 559-590, 8 tab. COBLENTZ. Coblentz. Der Regierungsbezirk Koblenz. General Sauitiits-Berii-ht, von Dr. von Masseu- bach, Regierungs- uud Geheimer Medizinal-Rat. 3., 1889-91. sm. lc. Coblentz, 1893. COCKERMOUTH. Cockermouth Rural District Council. An- nual reports of the medical officer of health, with vital statistics and work of the inspector for the vears 1882-5; 1887-97. 8°. Cockermouth $ Maryport, 1883-98. COSLIN. Generalbericht iiber das Sanitiits- und Medizinal-Wesen im Regierungsbezirk Coslin. Erstattet von dem Regierungs- und Medizinal- Rath Dr. Wernich. 5., 1886-8. 8°. Berlin, 1890. COHOES. Cohoes. Aunual department reports of the city of Cohoes, for the years 1879-80; 1881-2; 1-94-5 to 189Ci-7. 8°. Cohoes, 1880-97. COLOGNE. Cologne (Regierungs-Bezirk). General-Be- richte iiber das offentliche Gesundheitswesen des Regierungs-Bezirks Kolu. Von Regierungs- und Metlizinalratheu. 5.-8., 1884-94. 4C & 85 Kbln, 1885-97. COLORADO. See, also, in this list, Denver. Colorado. Biennial report of the State en- gineer to the governor of the State for the years 1889-90. 8 *. Denver, 1891. Colorado. State Board of Health. Reports to the governor of the .State. 4., 1892-4. 8°. Denver, 1891. COLUMBUS. Columbus, Ohio. Annual reports of the va- rious departments of the city, together with a financial statement ofthe receipts and disburse- ments for the years 1880-81; 1890-91; 1891- 2. 8 Columbus, 1881-92 -----. Annual reports of the city civil engi- neer to the citv council for the year 1889-90. 80. Columbus, 1890. CONCORD. Concord, New Hampshire. Board of Health. Annual reports of the health department to the mayor and citv council, for the years 1884 ; 1887- 1900. 8 . Concord, 1-85-1901. HYGIENE. 686 HYGIENE. Hyg'iene (Public, Reports on), by locali- ties. CONNECTICUT. See, also, in this list, Bridgeport; Hartford; j Middletown ; New Britain ; New Haven; New London. Connecticut. State Board of Health. Au- nual reports to the governor of the State. 7.-21., 1883-4; to 1897-8. 8-. New Haven, 1885-99. -----. Monthly bulletins, v. 1, Nos. 1-4, June-Sept., 1-87; Nos. 6-11, Nov., 1-87, to April, 1888; v. 6, June, 1892, to May, 1893. 4-. New Haven, 1887-93. Connecticut. State Board of Health. Bureau of Vital Statistics. Registration report for the year 1886. N. s., No. 9. 8-. New Haven, 1887. COORG. Coorg. Annual medical and sanitary reports of Coorg, iucluding reports ou civil dispensaries and vaccinatiou. With reviews by the chief commissioner, for the years 1883-90; 1892-6. fol. [Bangalore, 1884-97.] COPENHAGEN. Copenhagen. Aarsberetninger angaaende Sundhedstilstanden i Kj0benhavn for 1884-96. [Annual reports on the sanitary condition of Copenhagen for 1884-96.] roy. 8°. Kjobenhavn, 1885-96. COVENTRY. Coventry. Annual reports of the medical officer of health to the mayor aud aldermen of the city. 9.-17., 1883-91; ' 20.-22., 1894-6. By M. A. Fenton. 12° & 8J. Coventvy, 1884-97. CREMONA. Cremona. Relazioni anuuali statistiche sulle eondizioni sanitarie della citta di Cremona, pre- sentata alia giunta comunale dal dott. 0. Porro, degli anni 1885-9; 1891. 12° & 8°. Cremona, [1886-92]. CUBA. See, in this list, Havana. CUNEO. Cuneo. Relazione sulle piantigioui di alberi nell' interuo delle citta in rapporto colla sanita pubblica e coll' abbellimeuto. Per C. Ponzo. 20 ottobre 1887. 8C. Cuneo, 1887. CYPRUS. Cyprus. Aunual report of the sanitary com- missioner with the government of Cyprus, for the year 1881, with appendices. 8°. [London, 18-3.] -----. Reports by Her Majesty's high com- missioner. [Being the anuual blue book returns, containing reports of the chief medical officer, inspector of schools, inspector of prisons, etc.] For the years 1884-5 to 1887-8. 8*\ London, 1886-9. DALLAS. Dallas, Texas. Mayor's message and annual reports of city officers to the city council for the year 1888-9. 8°. Dallas, 1889/ Annual reports of the city physician for the fiscal year endiug Nov. 30, 1890-93. Rep. mayor Austin, Tex. 1891, 50: 1892, 40: 1893, 56: 1894, 51. DANTZIC. Dantzic (Regierungsbezirk). General-Saui- tats- und Medizinal-Berichte iiber den Regie- rungsbezirk Danzig fiir die Jahre 18-3-8; 1892-4. Vom Regieruugs- unci Mediziualrath. 8°. Dan- j zig, 1887-97. Hygiene (Public, Reports on), by locali- ties. DARLINGTON. Darlington. Annual report of the medical officer of health for the year 1898. By J. Law- rence. 8-. [Darlington^ 1899.] DARWEN. Darwen. Annual reports of the medical offi- cer of health to the chairman and memliers of the health committee, for the years 189."); 1-9T • 1899; 1900. By F. G. Haworth. sm.4°. Danven, 1896-1901. DAVENPORT. Davenport, Iowa. Annual reports of the city officers of the city of Davenport, la., to the mayor and aldermen, for the years 1887-8; 188-19; 1893-4. 8C. Davenport, 1888-94. DAYTON. Dayton. Board of Health. Annual reports to the city couucil. 17., 1883; 19.-26., 1885-92. 8°. Dayton, 1884-93. DEDHAM. Dedham. Reportof the committee of the town of Dedham, on streets, drainage, and sewerage. 8°. Boston, 1888. -----. Report of the park commissioners. Dec. 1, 1894. 8°. [Dedham, 1894.] DELAWARE. See, also, in this list, Wilmington. Delaware. Board of Health of the State of Delaware. Biennial reports to the governor of the State. 3., 1883-4; 6.-9., 1888-9 to 1895-6. 8~. Dovev, I88.-1-97. DENMARK. See. also, in this list, Copenhagen. Denmark. Skematisk Sygeliste. Efter Dis- triktslaegerues Indberetninger til Sundheds- kollegiet. [Schedule of diseases. Prepared from reports ofthe district physicians to the Sanitary Comuiissiou. ] July, 1885; Dec, 1890; April, May, July, 1891; April, 1892. 12°. Kjobenhavn, 1885-92. Denmark. Kongelige Sundhedskollegium. Me- dicinalheretninger for Kongeriget Danmark for Aarene 1878-9-. Udgiven af det kgl. Sundheds- kollegium ved E. M.Holi'og J.Carlsen. [Medical reports of the Kingdom of Denmark for the years 1878-98. Published by the Royal Sanitary Com- mission.] 8C. Kjobenhavn. 1-87-1900. -----. Forhandlinger i Aarene 1881; 1882; 188(5-99. Ved Joh. M0ller og Emil Madsen Hoff. [Proceedings during the years ... By . . .1 16 v. 8°. Kjobenhavn, 1887-1901. DENVER. Denver, Colorado. Reports of the city en- gineer to the mayor and city council, for +.he years 1889-92. 8C. Denver, 1891-3. -----. Reports of the board of public works to the mayor, for the vear 1891-2. 8°. Denver [1893]. Denver. Bureau of Health. Annual reports of the health commissiouer to the mayor of the city, for the years 1895-8. 8°. Denver, 1896-9 DERBY. Derby. Annual reports of the medical offi- cer of health, to the sanitary committee of tlie county borough of Derbv. 8.-24., ls-4 1900 8°. Derby, 1885-1901. HYGIENE. 687 HYGIENE. Hygiene (Public, Reports on), by locali- ties. Hygiene (Public, Reports on), by locali- ties. DES MOINES. Des Moines. City Engineer. Aunual report to the citv couucil. 1., 1885. 8J. Des Moines, 1886. DETROIT. Detroit. Board of Health. Aunual reports to the common council. 4.-11., 18-4-5 to 1-91-2; 15., 1895-6. 8-'. Detroit, l885-9('>. DEVIZES. Devizes. Annual report on the sanitary con- dition of the borough of Devizes, by E. N. Car- less, medical officer of health, for the year 1897. 8-. Devizes. 1-98. DEVONPORT. Devonport. Annual reports of the medical officers of health, for the years 1—9-92; 1-97; 1899. By J. May. jr. fol. A - a Devonport, 1-90-1900. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. District of Columbia. Annual reports of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to the President of the United Stares. 1., 1874; 4., 1-70-7. 8°. Washington, 1874-7. -----. Annual reports of the Commissioners to the President ofthe Uuited States. 3., 1879- 80; 4., 1880-81; 7.. 18-3-4; -., 1—4-5; 10.-20.. j 1880-7 to 1-96-7. 15 v. --. Washington, 1—0-97. -----. Report of the operations of the engi- neer department of the District of Columbia under the direction of the engineer commis- sioner for the year 1—9-90. -:. Washington, 1-91. District of Columbia. Board of Health. Anuual report of the board of health ofthe Dis- trict of Columbia. 7., 1-77--. 83. Washington, 1879. District of Columbia. Health Department. Annual reports of the health officer to the Com- missioners of the District. 7.-22., 18-3-4 to 1899-1900. 83. Washington, 1—4-1900. United States. Electrical Commission of the District of Columbia. Report of the electrical commission appointed to consider the location, arrangement, aud opt ration of electric wires iu the District of Columbia. 52. Cou^., 1. sess. H. of Rep. Ex. Doc. No. 15. - . Washington, 1-92. Wilson i'T.) Report on hygiene and demog- raphy to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia. 8a Washington, 1891. DOBRICH. Tonrheff fS.i Otchet za sanitarnoto gostoyanie na Dobrichskata okoliya prlez 1898 god. [Report of the sanitarv condition of the district of Dobrich during Ihmh.] Med. n'apried., Sofiya, 1900, i, 81; 166; 2t'7. DONCASTER. Doncaster. Annual reports of the medical officer of health. Presented to the health com- mittee, by James M. Wilson, for the years 1882-9. 8. Doncaster, 18*3-90. Doncaster Combined Sanitary District. An- nual reports of the combined sanitary districts. 1. Doncaster borough. 2. Doncaster. 3. Goole. 4. Riccall. 5. Selby. 6. Tadcaster, rural dis- tricts. 7. Balby-with-Hexthorpe. 8. Goole. 9. Selby. 10. Tickhill. urban districts. By J. M. Wilson, medical officer of health. 4.-11., 188*2- 9; 17.-20., 1895-8. fol. & 83. [Goole, Selby, etc., 1-8:1-99.] DRESDEN. Dresden. Jahresberichte der k. chemischen Centralstelle fiir otl'eutliche Gesundheitspflege in Dresden. Hrsg. von H. Fleck. 14.-17., 1885-7. roy. 8 . Dresden, 1885-8. ------. Yerwaltungsherichte ties Rathes der koniglichen llaupt- und Residenzstadt Dresden fur die Jahre l,88,8-«):!. fol. Dresden, 1889-91. DUBLIN. Dublin. Reports (monthly) on the state of public health in Dublin, and the sanitary work performed therein. To the lord mayor, alder- men, and burgesses of Dubliu. Hy C. A. Came- ron, superintendent medical officer of health. Feb., 1885, to .Inly, 1^-7; Sept., 1887, to June, 1890: Aug., Sept.", Nov., 1890, to July, 1891; Sept.. 1891, to Dec., 1890. 83. Dublin, 18-5-97. ------. Reports upon the state of public health and the sanitarv work pei formed in Dub- lin during the years 1883-9(1; 19"0. [Also :] An- nual reports upon the analysis and inspection of food, etc. 22.-35., 1883-90; 39., 1900. By C. A. Cameron, superintendent medical officer of health. 8°. Dublin, 18-4-1901. ------. Reports of the public health com- mittee to the lord mayor, aldermen, and bur- gesses. (Quarterly.) 1., 3., 1888; 1., 2., 4., 18-<). 8 3. Dublin, 1888-90. Great Britain. Local Government Board for Ireland. Report ofthe committee appointed by the ... to inquire into the public health of the city of Dublin, fol. Dublin, 1900. ------. Public health of Dublin. Minutes of evidence taken before the committee appoiuted to inquire into the public health of the city of Dubliu ; with appendices, fol. Dublin, 1900. Great Britain. Lord Lieutenant and Privy Council of Ireland. Dublin Sanit-iry Associa- tion. Returu to an order of the House of Com- mons, dated 20 March. 1878, for copies "of the memorial lately presented by the committee of Dublin Sanitary Association to his grace the lord lieutenant of Ireland, and auy reply given thereto". "And ofthe resolution passed by the public health committee relating to the said memorial." 15 April, 1878. fol. [Dublin, 1878.] DUBUQUE. DuhuijUe. Annual report of the commis- sioner of public works to the mayor and city council. :>., 1880. 8°. Dubuque, 1881. ------. Annual reports of the committee on finance and city officers to the mayor and city council, for the years 18,80-81; 1881-2; 188.V4 to 1885-0; 18,88-y;'1H93-4 to 1897-8. 8^. Dubuque, 18-1-5)-. DUSSELDORF. Di'.ssi'.i.DtH'i' (Regierungs- Bezirk). Das of- fentliche (iesiindheits-Wesen ties Regierungs- Bezirkes Diisseldorf. Verwaltungsberieht er- stattet vom Regierungs- untl Medi/inal-Rath. 3.-6., 1883-91. 8 . Diisseldorf, 1888-97. DULUTH. Dulutii. Annual reports of the board of puhlic works to the common council. 1., 1887- K; 4.-11., 1890-91 to 1897-8. 8°. Duluth, 1888-98. DURHAM (Couniy Palatinate). Dukiiam County. Council of the County Palat- inate of Durham. Anuual reports of the medical officer of health to the chairman and members of the health committee, including a summary HYGIENE. 688 HYGIENE. Hyg'iene (Public, Reports on), by locali- ties. DURHAM (County Palatinate)—cont'd. of the annual reports of the district medical offi- cers of health and other records. By T. E. Hill. 1., 1891; 3.-10., 1893-1900. 8°. Durham, 1892- 1901. EASTBOURNE. Eastbourne. Aunual reports on the health of Eastbourne, vital statistics, sanitary work, etc. By W. G. Willoughby, medical officer of health, for the years 1885-91; 1893-1900. 12: & 8°. Eastbourne, 1886-1901. EAST DEREHAM. East Dereiiam. Annual repoits of the med- ical officer of health, for the urban sanitary dis- trict of East Dereham, Norfolk. 7.-12., 1884-9. 8°. East Dereham, 1885-90. EAST GRINSTEAD. East Grinstead Urban District. Annual re- ports on the health and sanitary condition of the East Grinstead urban district. By P. E. Wallis, medical officer of health. 8.-11., 1895-8. fol. [East Grinstead, 1896-9.] EAST KENT. East Kent. Extract from report of Dr. Rob- inson, medical officer of health, to the sanitary authorities ofthe East Kent joint committee for the year 1883. 8°. Ashford, [1884]. EBBW VALE. Ebbw Vale. Annual reports of the medical officer of health to the urban sanitary authority, for the years 1884, 1885, 1887-91, 1894, 1895, 1897. 8°. Merthyr Tydfil, 1885-98. EDINBURGH. Edinburgh. Anuual reports of the medical officer of health of the city of Edinburgh for the vears 1898-1900. By Sir Henry Littlejohn. fol. * Edinburgh, 1899-1901. Gilmerton. Report of the sanitary commit- tee of the village of Gilmerton, in the parish of Liherton and county of Edinburgh. By T. Miller, convener. From Nov., 1848, to Dec, 1849. 8°. [Edinburgh, 1849.] Edinburgh. Burgh Engineer's Department. Annual return of the sanitary work of the burgh engineer's depart- ment, Edinburgh. Sau. Jour., Glasg., 1887-8, n. s., xi, 327- 336. EGYPT. Egypt. Ministere de Vinte'rieur. Administra- tion des services sanitaires et d'hygiene publique. Bureau de statistique. Statistique sanitaire des villes de l'Egypte. Resume de la periode quin- quennalede 18*0-1890, par le Dr. Engel. Troi- sieine partie. Mortalite" des villes de la Basse- figypte. fol. Caire, 1900. ERIE. Erie, Pennsylvania. Annual reports of the heads of departments to the select and common council for the year 1892-3. 8-. Erie, 1893. -----. Report of the city engineer for the fiscal year 1893-4. 8°. Erie, 1894. Report of the health officer, Erie, Pa., 1880. Message of . . . mayor of Erie, Pa., 1881, 50-54. ESSEN. Wiebe (F.) Bauhygienische Rnndachan, Essen a. d. Ruhr (107,000 Einwohner). Centralbl. f. allg. Gsndhtspflg., Bonn, 1898, xvii, 471-484. Hyg'iene (Public, Reports on), by locali- ties. EXETER. Exeter City and County of the City of Exeter. Annual reports of the vital statistics, sanitary work, etc., by J. Woodman, medical officer of health, to tlie mayor, aldermen, and council of the city of Exeter, for the years 1894-9. 8°. Exeter, 1895-1900. FALL RIVER. Fall River. Board of Health of the City of Fall River. Aunual reports to the citv couucil. 11.-14., 1888-91. 8°. Fall River, 18o9-92. FARNWORTH. Fletcher (W. W. E.) Report to the local government board, upon the sanitary circum- stances of the Farnworth registration subdis- trict of the Bolton (Lanes.) registration district and upon the sanitary administration of the Farnworth and Kearsley urban districts. 1st Dec, 1900. fol. London, 1900. FERRARA. Ferrara (Provinceof). Rapporti delle depu- tazioni mediche inviate dalla conmiissione pro- vinciale di sanita di Ferrara nel 1849 a Padova ed altre citta delle Venete Proviucie uon che a Codigoro, e Lago-Sauto per osservarvi il cholera morons. [G. Gamhari, felatore.J 12°. [Ferra- ra, 1849.] FITCHBURG. Fitchburg. Board of Health. Annual reports to the mayor anil city council. 2.-11., 1891-1900. 8°. Fitchburg, 1892-1901. Fitchburg. Address of the mayor, together with the aunual reports of the city of Fitchburg, Mass. 12.-27., 1884-99. 13 v. 8-. Fitchburg, 1885-1900. -----. Annual reports of the city engineer to the city council. 19.-27., 1891-9. 8°. Fitch- burg, 1892-1900. -----. Annual reports of the city physician to the mayor and citv council. 19.-24., 1891-6. 8 c Fitchburg, 1892-7. FLORENCE. Florence. Ufizio d' igiene. Relazioni sullo stato igienico sanitario del comune negli anni 1894; 1897; 1898. Dott. Francesco Bonicelli. 8. Firenze, 1895-9. Karirii (A.) Lo stato igienico-sanitario del comune di Firenze pel 1898. Ingegner. san.,Torino,1899, x, 173-175. FLORIDA. Florida. State Board of Health. Annual re- ports to the governor of the State. 1.-6., 1889- 90 to 1894. 8°. Jacksonville, 1890-95. -----. Florida health notes : official bulletin ofthe State board of health. Published month- ly, v. 1-4, July, 1892, to June, 1896. Nos. 1-8, v. 5, July, 1896, to Feb., 1897. 8V: Jacksonville, 1892-7. FORT STANTON. Roienan (R. J.) Report on the work of the Marine- Hospital Service at Fort Stanton, New Mexico. Med.-Leg. J., N. Y., 1900, xvii, 504-508. FRAMINGHAM. Framingham. Annual report of the town of Framingham for the year 1898-9. 8". Smith Framingham, 1899. HYGIENE. 689 HYGIENE, Hygiene (Publir, Reports on), by locali- ties. FRANCE. ■Str, also, in this list, Grenoble; Havre; Lyons; Nantes; Paris; Rheims ; Toulouse ; Troyes. France. Departement de V agriculture, etc. Comite consultatif d'hygiene publique. Extrait du rapport de M. le docteur Bergeron sur les tra- vaux des conseils d'hygiene publique et de la salubrite en 1873. Variole et vaccine, fol. [Paris, 1875.] -----. Rapport du comite' consultatif d'hy- giene publique au ministre de ragriculture et clu commerce, presente ;\ l'appui du reglement ge- neral de police sanitaire maritime et des regle- meuts spe'ciaux contre le cholera, la fievre jaune et la peste. fol. [Paris, 1870.] France. Departement de Vinterieur. Bureau de l'hygiene publique. Recueil des travaux du comite consultatif d'hygiene publique de France et des aetes othciels de l'administration sani- taire. 11.-30., 1881-1900. 21 v. 8. Paris .I Melun, 1-83-1901. -----. Recueil des travaux du comite con- sultatif d'hygiene publique cle Frauce et des aetes officiels tie l'adininistratiou sanitaire. Ta- bles-repertoire des matieres coutenues dans It s tomes I a XX, 1-72-90. Et notice soniiuaire sur l'organisation du eoiuite consultatif d'hy- giene publique de France, depuis sa creation le 10 aout 1848 jusqu'au 31 deceuibre 1890, par M. PaulRoux. 8. Melun, 1-95. -----. Statistique sanitaire des villes de France. Annee 1890 et periode quinquennale 1-90-90. Mortality g6nerale. Priucipales causes de deces. Mortality par maladies epide'iniques (fievre typhoide, variole, rougeole, diphterie, scarlatiue, coqneluche). Ac Melun, 1891. -----. Statistique sanitaire des villes de France et d'Algerie pendant l'annee 1893, suivie de tableaux recapitulatifs pour les annees 1880- 1893. (-annee.) D'apres les bulletins mensu- els fournis par les inuuicipalites en conformity des circulaire^ ministe'rielles des 20 octobre 1885 et 25 uovembre 1--6. sm. Ac Melun, 1896. France. Departement de Vinterieur. Conseil superieure de I'assistance publique. Fasc. No. 48. Les enfauts assises. I. Rapport du directeur cle I'assistance et de l'hygiene publiquesaumiuistre de l'interieur. Rapports des inspeetenrs dd- partementaux. II. Rapports des inspeetenrs de"parteiiientaux, des inspeetenrs g6n6raux et des inspectrices generates. 2 v. 4°. [Melun, 1898. ] Francois. [Reponse a la refutation de M. Segur-Dupeyron sur mou rapport au conseil su- perieur de sante.] *-D. [Paris, 1840.] Bour^eM (H.) Services d'hygiene dans les arrondistne- ments; organisation et fonctionnement; comptes rendu* trimestriels: 3e trimestre 1899. [Rap.] Recd.trav.coinite consult, d'hyg. pub. de France 1900, Melun, 1901, xxx, 199-245. Aisne. Aisne (Departement de 1'). Recueil des tra- vaux des conseils et commissions d'hygiene publique et de salubrite- du Departement de 1'Aisne pendant les annees l848-f>2; 1864; 1869; 1870; 1878-86; 1888; 1892-4; 1897; 1898. 8°. Loon, Poiesy, etc., 1860-99. -----. Hygiene publique et salubrite. Ta- ble analytique et alphabetiqne des travaux des conseils et commissions d'hygiene publique et de salubrite de 1'Aisne de 1848 a 1892 inclusive- ment (tomes i-xxx (1. serie), de la collection du Recueil), avec Vindication sommaire de la legislation sanitaire et de la jurisprudence du VOL VII, 2D SERIES-----44 Higiene (Public, Reports on), by locali- ties. FRANCE—continued. conseil tleparteniental, precedee d'un recueil dc legislation sanitaire, conipnuant les instruc- tions fondamentales qui regleinentent aujour- d'hui l'hygiene publique, par Emile Loucq. 8°. Saint-Quenlin, 1893. Alpes-Maritimes. Alpes-Maritimes (Departement des). Con- seils d'hygiene publique et tie salubrite de l'iirrontli.sseineut de Nice. (Jompte-reudu des travaux accomplis pendant les annees 1884-7, presente & M. le prefet des Alpes-Maritimes par M. le docteur Balestre, secretaire du conseil. S *'. Nice, 1890. Bouches-du-Rhone. IVInrtin (A.-J.) Conseils d'hysieoe publique et de salubrite; moile tie nomination des membres; voju du conseil general des Bouches-tlu-Rlione (2 septetnbre 1884). Rec. d. trav. Comite consult, d'hyg. pub. de France 1884, Par., 1885, xiv, 175-180. Calvados. Calvados (Departement du). Rapport ge- neral sur le service sanitaire daus le Calvados, par M. J. Anne, chef du service sanitaire. 12°. Bayeux, 1890. Charente-Inferieure. Charente-Inferieure (Departement de la). Rapports sur les travaux des conseils d'hygiene publique et de salubrite du Departement cle la Charente-lnf6rieure pendant les annees 1871-7; 1880-82; 1885; 1886. 8°. La Rochelle, 1873-87. Cdte-d'Or. C6te-d'Or (Departement de la). Conseils d'hygiene publique et cle salubrite. Comptes- reudus des travaux accomplis pendant les au- nees 1877-82; 1884-9; 1891; 1893-5. Presente a M. le prefet de la C6te-d'Or. 8°. Dijon, 1879-96. Doubs. Docbs (Departement du). Rapport general sur les travaux du conseil central d'hygiene et de salubrite publique clu Departement du Doubs pendant les annees 1887-9. Presente a M. le pre- fet du Doubs par M. le docteur Gounaud. 8°. Besancon, 1890. Eure. Eure (Departement de 1'). Rapports du cen- sed central et des conseils d'arrondissemeut d'hygiene publique et de salubrite peudant les annees 1881-2. 8°. fivreux, 1883. Gers. Gers (Departement du). Conseils d'hygiene publique et de salubrite du Gers. Proces-ver- haux. Annees 1881-3; 1885-8. 8°. Auch, 1882-9. Gironde. Gironde (Departement de la). Rapport sur les causes d'insalubritf* de la ville de Bordeaux par le Dr. Levreux. Seauce clu 15 decembre 1871. 8 . Bordeaux, [1871]. -----. Travaux du conseil d'hygiene publi- que et de salubrite du Departement de la Gi- ronde. 25.-30., 18-3-8, 32., 1890. 8°. Bor- deaux, 1884-9. Haute-Garonne. Haute-Garonne (Departement de la). Rap- port general sur les travaux dn conseil central d'hygiene publique et de salubrite depuis le 13 HYGIENE. 690 HYGIENE. Hygiene (Public, Reports on), by locali- ties. FRANCE—continued. juillet 1-49 jusqu'au 31 decembre 1864, redige et mis en ordre par le docteur Jules Delaye, secretaire du conseil. Publie par ordre tie M le prefet de la Haute-Garonne. 8°. Toulouse, 1865. Haute-Vienne. Haute-Vienne (Departement de la). Rap- ports generaux sur les travaux des conseils d'hygiene publique et de salubrite. Annees 1858-72; 1882-7. 6 v. 8°. Limoges, 1859-89. Herault. Herault (Departement de 1'). Rapport ge- neral des travaux des conseils d'hygiene et de salubrite publiques, presente h M. le prefet de l'Heranlt. Annees 1864-5; 1889. 8~. Montpellier, 1866-90. Loire. Loire (Departement de la). Conseil central d'hygiene publique et cle salubrite de Saint- Etienne. Compte-reudu des travaux des conseils d'hygiene publique et de salubrite du Departe- ment de la Loire pendant les annees 1887-90; 1893-4; 1899-1900. Par les .secretaires du con- seil ceutral. 8C. Saint-Etienue, 1889-1901. Loire-Inferieure. Loire-Infekieure (Departement de la). Rapports sur les travaux: 1°. Du conseil central d'hygiene publique et de saluhrite de la ville de Nantes et du Departement de la Loire-Infe- rieure. 2°. Des conseils d'hygiene des arrondis- sements. 3°. Des medecins des epidemies, etc. Presente a M. le prefet cle la Loire-Inferieure. Annees 1835; 1843-6; 1851; 1852; 1856; 1865; 1888. 8°. Nantes, 1836-90. -----. Rapport general sur les travaux du conseil central de salubrite de Nantes, et clu Departement de la Loire-Inferieure, adres.se a M. A. Chaper, prefet du d6partemeut. 8°. Nantes, 1844. Loiret. LoiRET (Departement du). Rapports gene- raux des conseils d'hygiene et cle saluhrite publiques du departement pendant les annees 1858; 1859; 1881-5, par les secretaires. 8°. Or- leans, 1859-86. Lot-et-Garonne. Lot-et-Garonne (Departement de). Conseils d'arrondissements d'hygiene publique et cle saluhrite du Departement de Lot-et-Garonne. Proces-verbaux des seances, par Ad. Magen, secretaire. Annees 1858-9 to 1877-8; 1884-8. 8°. Agen, 1885-9. Meurthe-et-Moselle. Meurthe-et-Moselle (Departement cle la). Rapports generaux sur les travaux des conseils d'hygiene publique et de salubrite du Departe- ment cle Meurthe-et-Moselle, pendant les annees 1881-3; 1885-8. 8°. Saucy, 1882-9. Meuse. Meuse (Departement de la). Rapports sur les travaux clu conseil d'hygiene publique et de salubrite du Departement de la Meuse, par A. Heuriot et M. Baillot. 12.-22., 1864-5 to 1875. 8^. Bar-le-Duc, 1808-76. Morbihan. Morbihan (Departement du). Compte-rendu des epidemies et des travaux des conseils d'hy- Hygiene (Public, Reports on), by locali- ties. FRANCE—continued. giene du Morbihau eu 1885-9. Par les secre- taires du conseil ceutral d'hygiene. 8°. Fannes, 1885-90. Nord. Nord (Departement clu). Rapports snr les travaux du conseil central cle saluhrite et des conseils d'arrondissement. 47., l-'s-1; 48.f 1889; 50.-52., 1891-3. 8~\ Lille, 18-9-94. -----. Table pr6seutant, par ordre alpha- betiqne, les matieres traitees par les conseils d'hygieue et de salubrite dn Departement clu Nord, de 1879 h la fin de 1888; suivie des ta- bleaux iudiquant le nombre des seauces tennes par le conseil central, les noms et les membres, la duree de leurs services et le nombre de rap- ports qu'ils out rediges; par A. Marquilly. 8°. Lille, 1891. Oise. Oise ( Departement cle 1'). Rapports sur les travaux dn conseil central d'hygiene et de sa- lubrite du Departement de l'Oise. Presente k M. le prefet, par G. Baudran, secretaire du conseil ceutral. Pendant les annees 1893; 1895; 1897. 8°. Beauvais, 1894-8. Puy-de-Ddme. Pcv-de-DOme (Departement du ). Comptes rendus des travaux des conseils d'hygiene et de salubrite publiques. Annees 1885; 1880; 1890; 1891. 8°. Clermont-Ferrand, 1886-92. Rh&ne. Rhone (Departement clu). Hygiene de Lyon. Couipte-rendu des travaux du conseil d'hygiene publique et de salubrite du Departement du Rhone (du ler Janvier au 31 decembre 1859). 1. pt., parM. le Dr. Rougier. 2. pt., par A. G16- nard. 8°. Lyon, 1860. -----. L'hygiene a Lyon. Compte-rendu des travaux du conseil d'hygiene publique et de salubrite du departement clu Rh6ne. 1860-85. 8-'. Lyon, 1881. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Lyon $• Paris, 1891. Sarthe. Sarthe (Departement de la). Rapports sur les travaux des conseils d'hygiene publique et de saluhrite du Departement tie la Sarthe, pen- dant les annees 1808; 1888-90. 8*-'. Le Mans, 1869-91. Seine. Seine (Departement de la). Prefecture de police. Conseil d'hygiene publique et de salu- brite. Rapports generaux des travaux, pendant les annees 1817; 1819; 1872-94. Publics par ordre de M. le prefet de police. 4-5 Paris, 1818-97. -----. Extrait du rapport general snr les tra- vaux clu couseil de salubrite, pendant l'annee 1822, avec des notes et observations pour servir de reponse aux critiques publiees contre l'eclai- rage par le gaz hydrogene. 8°. Paris, 1823. -----. Rapports sur les maladies epidemi- ques observees eu 1879; 1881; 1882; 1884; 18-ti; 1888; 1890. G. Lagneau, rapporteur. 4°. Pa- ris, 1881-91. -----. Rapports sur les travaux des commis- sions d'hygifene du Departement cle la Seine et des communes cle Saint-Cloud, Sevres et Meu- dou en 1880-94; 1896; 1897. Paries rapporteurs. 4-. Paris, 1882-98. HYGIENE. G91 HYGIENE. Hygiene (Public, Reports on), by locali- ties. FRANCE—continued. Rapports stir les maladies contagieu- ses des animaux observees dans It* Departement de la Seine pendant les annees 1889-9;'. a. Ale- xandre, rapporteur. 4°. Paris, 1890-94. -----. Rapport snr le tir a la carabine Gif- fard sur l'emplaeeinent tie l'ancien Opera-comi- que. L. Faucher, rapporteur. 4 . Paris, 189]. -----. Service sanitaire. 10°. Paris, 1891. -----. Rapport sur l'insalubrite resultant du cantonneinent de forains et nomades sur des ter- rains du xiiie arroudissetneut. H. Bunel, rap- porteur. 4\ Paris, 1-92. -----. Rapports sur les maladies epidemi- ques et les maladies virulentes observees dans l'arroudissement de Saint-Denis, suivi du mou- vemeut de la population en 1891-3. M. le Dr. Le Roy des Banes, rapporteur. 4 \ Paris, 1892-4. * -----. Coinptes-reudns des seances du . . . Puhlies sous la direction clu prefet de police. 2., 1896; 3., 1-97. 2 v. 8*-\ Paris. 1896-7. -----. Commission d'etudes dite des odeurs de Paris. Rapport preiiminaire sur les causes des emanations odorantes de Paris et de la ban- lieue. Par M. le Dr. A. Le Roy des Barres. 4-". Paris, 1896. Seine-Inferieure. Seine-Inferieure (Departement cle la). Conseil central d'hygiene publique et de salubrity. Travaux du const-il central peudaut les an- nees 1-31-5; 1-3--41; 1844; 1845; 1850-64; 1.-09-75; 1-79; 1-8:!--; 1-91-9. 8-. Rouen, 1832- 1900. Seine-et-Oise. Seine-et-Oise (Departement de). Rapports generaux sur les travaux du conseil central d'hygiene et de salubrite du Departement de Seine-et-Oise, par les secretaires. 1872; 1873; 1884-9. =:. Versailles, 1873-90. Somme. Somme (Departement de la). Travaux des conseils d'hygiene publique et de salubrite du Departement de la Somme. v. 23, 1880; v. 26- 31, 18-3-8. 8 a Amiens, 1--4-9. Tarn-et-Garonne. Tarn-et-Garonne (Departement de). Rap- ports generaux sur les travaux des conseils d'hygiene publique et de saluhrite du Departe- ment de Tarn-et-Garonne (1849 a decembre 18G9) presente a. M. le prefet par le Doit. John La- caze, secretaire, v. 2. 8°. Montauban, 1870. Vienne. Vienne (Departement de la). Recueil des travaux du conseil central d'hygiene publique et de salubrite et des conseils d'hygiene d'arrou- dissement (proces-verbaux et rapports) et rap- ports generaux sur la constitution medieale et sur les epidemies des annet-s 1883-85; 1889. 8a Poitiers, 1884-90. Vosges. Vosges (Departement des). Travaux des conseils d'hygiene publique et de salubrite pen- dant les annees 1884-5; 1889. 8°. Epinal, 1-85-90. FROSINONE. Badaloni (G.) Sull' andamento della salute pubblica nel circondario di Frosinone durante il secondo semestre 1885. roy. 8°. Fano, 1880. Hygiene (Public, Reports on), hy locali- ties. GATESHEAD. Barry (F. W.) Report to the local govern- ment board, on the general sanitary condition of the borough of (lateshead, with special refer- ence to the prevalence of infectious diseases in the district. Juue 11, 1884. fol. London, 1884. GEORGIA. See, also, in this Hat, Atlanta; Augusta; Ma- con; Savannah. Georgia Medical Society. Report of the committee of the Georgia Medical Society on the hygienic condition of the city of Savaunah and surrounding country, made to the society and adopted May 16, 1800. 8'-'-. Savannah, 1866. GERMANY. See, also, in this list, Alsace-Lorraine; Bava- ria; Berlin; Brandenburg; Bremen; Brom- berg; Brunswick; Coblentz; Coslin; Co- logne; Dantzic; Diisseldorf; Essen; Gum- binnen; Hamburg; Hanover; Konigsberg; Liibeck; Posen; Potsdam; Prussia; Sax- ony; Schleswig-Holstein; Silesia; Stettin; Treves; Westphalia; Wurtemberg. Germany. Kaiserliches Gesundheitsamt. Ar- heiten. Beihefte zu den Verotl'entlichuugen des kaiserlichen Gesuudheitsamtes. v. 1-17. roy. 8°. Berlin, 1885-1900. -----. Medizinal-statistische Mittheilungen aus dem kaiserlichen Gesundheitsamte. (Bei- hefte zu den Veroffentlichungen des kaiserlichen Gesundheitsamtes.) 5 v. roy. 8°. Berlin, 1892- 1900. 4»<-Munanitary authority, for the years 1-90-92. By C. E. Abbott, fol. [Braintne' 1-91-3.] Buckingham ^County of). Copies of the an- nual report^ of the medical officers of health, for tbe several urban and rural sanitary districts, wholly or partly situated in Bucks, for the year 1891. --. Aylesbury, 1892 Chard Union Rural Sanitary Authority. Annual reports of the medical officer of health, for the years 1--9: 1890. Bv Etlwartl Stephens. 12-. South Petherton, 1 *-9<'-'J 1. Chelmsford Rural Sanitary District An- nual report of the medical officer of health, for the C'lielui-ford rural sanitaiy authority, for the year 1-91. By John C. Thresh. - . Chelms- ford, 1892. Chester (County of). Annual reports of the medical officer of health, with statistical infor- mation and summary of reports of district medi- cal officers of health. Presented to the public health committee of the county council, for the years 1-92: 1893. 6-. Chester, 1-9:5-4. Chesterton Rural Sanitary Authority. An- nual report of the medical officer of health, for the year 1-89. By Bushell Anningson. 8J. Cambridge. [18-9]. Clark (G. T.) Report to the general board of health, on a preliminary inquiry into the sewerage, drainage, and supply of water, and the sanitary condition of the inhabitants of the parish of Long Itchington. 8 . London, 1-51. Craven Combined Sanitary Districts. An- nua* report of the medical officer of health to the joint committee. 6., 1885; 10., 18-9. Hv Francis E. Atkinson, fol. [Skipton], 1—0-90. DoNCASTEh Combined Sanitaiv District. An- nual reports of the combined sanitary districts. Hvg'iene (Public, Reports on), by locali- ties. GREAT BRITAIN—continued. 1. Doncaster borough; 2. Doncaster; 3. Goole; 4. h'icciill ; 5. Selby; 6. Tadcaster, rural dis- tricts; 7. Balby-wiibh-Hexthorpe; 8. Goole; 9. Selby; 10. Tickhill, urban districts. By J. M. Wilson, nnilical officer of health. 3.-11., 1881-9; 17.-20., 1895-8. fol. A 8\ [Goole, Selby, etc., 1882-99.] Droitwich. Annual report to the rural sani- tarv authority of Droitwich, bv Horace Swete, meilical officer of health. 15., 1889. 8°. Droit- wich, 1890. Durham. Council of the Couniy Palatinate of Durham. Annual reports of the meilical officer of health, to the chairman and members of the health committee. Including a summary of the annual reports of the district medical officers of health. Bv T. Eustace Hill. 1., 1-91; 3.-7., 1693-7. 65. Durham, 1892-8. Durham Rural District Council (Eastern Dis- trict). Annual reports of the medical officer of health, to the chairman aud members of the council, for the vears 1896; 1897. By W. A. Hepburn, fol. [Durham, 1897-8.] -----. Supplementary annual report of the medical officer of health, 1-97. By W. A. Hep- burn, fol. [Durham, 1-98.] Easington Rural Sanitary Authority. An- nual reports of the medical officer of health, for the years 1886-9-. fol. & 8°. [Easington, 1887-9.] East Dereham. Anuual report of the medi- cal officer of health, for the urban sanitary dis- trict of East Dereham, Norfolk. 12., 1889. By Henry B. Vincent. 8°. East Dereham, 1890. Ely Union Rurai Sanitary Authority. Re- port of the medical officer of health for the year 1-89. By Bushell Anningson. 8°. Cambridi/e, 1899. Erpingham Rural District Council." Annual reports of the medical officer of health, to the rural sanitary authority, for the years 1898; l-if1,). 8°. Norfolk} 1899-1900'. Essex (County of). Summary of the reports of the district medical officers of health in the administrative county of Essex, for the year 1-9-. Prepared for the county council, hy j. C. Thresh, county medical officer of health. 8°. Chelmsford, 1899. Great Britain. Local Gorcrnment Board. Alkali, etc.. works regulation acts, 1874 and 18-1. Annual reports on alkali, etc., works, by the chief inspector. Proceedings during the years 1872-88 (<».-25.). 8. Loudon, 1873-69. -----. Urban sanitary authorities. Return to an order of the House of Commons, dated 1 September, 1880, for return "showing the pres- ent number ami names of the several urban sanitary authorities in England and Wales un- der'the public health act, 1875'; the names of the several parishes and townships within the district of each such authority, distinguishing those parishes and townships which are wholly from those which are partly within the district; and also the area, the population according to the census of 1871, and the gross estimated rental and rateable value of each district". 1 Septeinber, 1880. fol. [London, 1880. J -----. Local government provisional orders. A bill intituled An act to confirm certain pro- visional orders of the local government board, relating to the borough of Aberavon, the local government district of Great Harwood, the im- provement act district of Leek, the local gov- HYGIENE. 694 HYGIENE. Hygiene (Public, Reports on), by locali- ties. GREAT BRITAIN—continued. eminent districts of Bognor (two) and Shepton Mallet, and the district of Weston super Mare. fol. [London, 1886.] -----. Model regulations issued by the local government board, for the use of sanitary au- thorities. Allotments. 8°. London, 1888. -----. Reports and papers of the port and riparian sanitary survey of England and Wales, 1893-4; with an introduction by the medical officer of the local government board. 8°. Lon- don, 1895. Great Britain. Local Government Board. Medical Department. Extracts from the annual report of the medical officer of the local govern- ment board for 1884. 8°. [London, 1884.] -----. Annual reports to the queen. 13., 1883-4; 20., 1890-91; 21., 1891-2; 27., 1897-8. 8°. London, 1884-98. -----. Annual reports of the local govern- ment board. 14.-26., 1884-5 to 1896-7. 28., 1898-9. Supplements containing the reports of the medical officer, for the years 1876 to 1896-7; 1896-9. 8°. London, 1885-99. Great Britain. Local Govevnment Board. Registrar-General of England. Annual report of the registrar-general of births, deaths, and mar- riage: in England. 49., 1886. 8°. London, 1887. Great Britain. Parliament. House of Com- mons. Special report from the select committee on police and sanitary regulations; together with the proceedings of the committee and an appendix, fol. London, 1885. Great Britain. Secretary of State for the Col- onies. Reports on bine books for 1686. No. 1. Virgin Islands. No. 2. Mauritius, Seychelles, and Rodrigues. No. 3. Gambia. 8°. London, 1888. Great Britain. Secretary of State for the Home Department. Annual report of the board of supeiwision for the relief of the poor and of public health in Scotlaud. To Her Majesty's principal secretary of state for the home de- partment. 41., 1885-6. 8°. Edinburgh, 1880. Great Britain. Secretary of State for War. Medical Department. Return to an address of the House of Commons, dated 14 Feb., 1877, for copy "of the report of the commission recently appointed to iuquire into the sanitaiy state of the war office". 20 Feb., 1877. 5 pp. fol. [London, 1877.] Gresswell (D. A.) Report to the local gov- ernment board, on the general sanitary condi- tion of the Buckingham rural sanitary district. Aug. 22, 1889. fol. [London, 18,-9.] -----. Report to the loca 1 government board, on the sanitary condition of Cradiey in the rural sanitary district of Stourbridge, and on the re- cent prevalence of enteric fever there. Aug. 15, 1889. • fol. London, 1889. Hatfield Union Rural Sanitary Authority. Annual report of the medical officer of health. By Lovell Drag.-, for the years 1-91-3; 1899; 1900. 8:'&lc [Hatfield, 1892-1901.] Helmslev Union. Annual reports of the medical officer of health for the Heltnsley rural district council, for the years 1883; 1684; 1698; 1899. 8C & 16°. Helmsiey, 1884-1900. Johnstone (R. W.) Two reports to the local government board as regards the Eton rural district. July 20, 1899. fol. London, 1899. Kettering Rural Sauitary Authority. Medi- cal officers and sanitary inspectors' annual re- ports. 16., 1888; 17., 1889. 8°. Kettering, 1889-90. Hygiene (Public, Reports on), hy locali- ties. GREAT BRITAIN—continued. Low (R. B.) Report to the local government board, on the sanitary condition of Hatfield. May 28, 1889. fol. [London, 18-9. J -----. Report to the local government board, on the sanitary state of Ran nils, in the Thraps- ton rural sanitary district, and on administra- tion by the sanitary authority. July 3, 1891. fol. [London, 1891.] Middlesex and Hertfordshire Combined Sani- tary Districts. Annual reports on the sanitary condition of. . . for the years 1876; 1879; 1890. 8°. London, 1877-91. Mid-Warwickshire Sanitary District. An- nual report of the medical officer of health. Presented at a meeting of delegates, by George Wilson, for the year 1882. 8°. Warwick, 1883. Mivart (F. St. G.) Report to the local gov- ernment board, on the sanitary circumstances of the Hayle and Phillack urban districts; and on administration by the respective district coun- cils. July 12, 1897. fol. London, 1-97. -----. Report to the local government board, on the general sauitary circumstances and ad- ministration of the Axminster rural district. Aug. 10, 1899. fol. London, 1899. -----. Report to the localgovernment board, on the general sanitary circumstances and ad- ministration of the Chailey rural district. Oct. 10, 1899. fol. London, 1899. -----. Report to the local government board, on the sanitary circumstances and administra- tion of the borough of Christchurch, South Hants. Jan. 21, 1899. fol. London, 1899. Parsons (H. F.) Report to the local govern- ment board, on the sanitary condition of the Ormskirk rural sanitary district, with reference to the arrangements for the discharge of the duties of the medical officer of health. March 11, 1884. fol. [London, 1884.] -----. Report to the localgovernment board, on the sanitary condition of the Brixworth rural sanitary district. Sept. 21, 1885. fol. [London, 1885. ] -----. Report to the local government board, on the sanitary condition of the Spennymoor urban district, iu refereuce to the prevalence therein of fever and other infectious diseases. March 6, 1884. fol. [London, 1885.] -----. Report to the local government board, on the sanitary condition of the Helston rural sanitary district. Dec. 22, 1887. fol. London, 1887. -----. Report to the local government board, on the sanitary condition of the Dolgelley urban sauitary district in reference to the high rate of mortality therein. July 7, 1888. fol. [London, 1888.] -----. Report to the local government board on the sanitary condition of the Holine Cultram urban sanitary district, Cumberland. Dec. 17, 1888. fol. London, 1888. Philipson (G. H.) Reports on the health and meteorology of Newcastle aud Gateshead. 5.-7., Sept. to Dec, 1869. 8U. [Newcastle, 1809-70.] Rawlinson (R.) Report of the general board of health, on a preliminary inquiry into the sewerage, drainage, and supply of water, and the sanitary condition of the inhabitants of the township of Poulton-cum-Seaconibe, in the parish of Wallasey, hundred of Wirrall, and county of Chester. 8°. London, 1851. Report of the joint committee on state medi- cine of the British Medical and Social Science HYGIENE. 695 HYGIENE. Hygiene (Public, Reports on), by locali- ties. GREAT BRITAIN—continued. Associations, on the report of the royal sanitary commission. Aug., 1871. 6*-'. London, [n. rf.j. Richmond Rural Sanitary District. Annual report of the sanitary coudition of the . . . by the medical officer of health, James Adams. 17., 1869; 16.. 1890. - . Richmond, 1890-91. River Tyne Post Sanitary Authority. Annual report ofthe medical officer of health. 11., 1869. fol. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1890. St. Asaph Rural Sanitary Authority. Report on the water supplies of Llanfairtalhaiarn, Dyserth, Meliden. and Prestatyn. By J. Lloyd Roberts, medical officer of health. - . £/. Asaph, 1-76. -----. Annual report on the sanitary condi- tion of the district for the year 1—9. By J. Lloyd Roberts, medical officer of health. 8°. Denbigh, [1-90]. Sandal Maqua. The urban sanitary district of Sandal Maqua. Annual report by J. \Y. Walker, medical officer of health, for the year 1-90. fol. Wakefield, 1-91. Scarhorough Rural Sanitary Authority. Annual report of the sanitary condition of the district for the years 1—4-9. By R. Cuff, medi- cal officer of health. --". Scarborough, 18-5-90. Simon (J.) Public health reports. Edited for the Sanitary Institute of Great Britain by Edward Seaton. 2 v. - . London, 1887. Skf.lton & Brotton. Annual report of the medical officer to the urban sanitary authority, for the year 1—5. By W. W. Staiuthorpe. fol. [Skellon, 18"6.] Srear (J.) Report to the local government board, upon the general sanitary circumstances of the Heath Town urban sanitarv district. June 12, 1—4. fol. [London, 1—4.] -----. Report to the local government board, upon the general sanitary circumstances of the Orsett rural sanitarv district. June 3, 1—4. fol. [London, 1—4. J -----. Report to the local government board, upon the sanitary condition and administration of the Alnwick and Canongate urban sanitary district. Feb. 0, 1885. fol. [London, 1—5.] -----. Report to the local government hoard, on the sanitary circumstances of the Lastry rural district. Nov. 30, 1887. fol. [London, 1887.] -----. Report to the local government board, upon the sanitary condition of the lino rural sanitary district/ July 9, 1889. fol. [London, 1—9. ] -----. Report to the local government board, npou the sanitarv condition and administration of the Pembroke rural sanitaiv district, and upon the question ofthe proposed acquisition of bye-laws for the parish of Llanstadwell. Nov. ■-, 1890. fol. [London, 1890.] , -----. Report to the localgovernment board, on the sanitary condition of the Wells urban sanitary district, Norfolk. Jan. 13, 1891. fol. [Loudon, 1-91.] Spilsby Rural Sanitary Authority. Annual report presented to . . ., for the year 1.884. By J. West Waker, medical officer of health. 12., 1—4. 8 a Spilsby, 1-85. Staffordshire County Council. Annual re- port of the medical officer of health, for the year 18-9. By George Reid. 8 . Stafford, 1890. Stamford Rural Sanitaiy District. Annual report of the medical officer of health of the Stamford rural sanitarv district for the year 1689. fol. [Stamford, 1890.] Hygiene (Public, Reports on), by locali- ties. GREAT BRITAIN—continued. Stapleton. Stapleton Urban District Council. The metl ical officer's annual reports for the years 1894; 18<>5. 8^. Stapleton n ( T. ) Report to the local govern- ment boartl, on the sauitary circumstances and administration of the Holsworthy urban dis- trict, 7th June, 1901. fol. London, 1901. HOLYOKE. Holyoke. Board of HealJh. Annual reports to the mayor and citv council, for the vears 1893-4; 1895-0 to 1697-8. 8~. Holyoke, 1-95-9. HOT SPRINGS. Hot Springs. Board of Healih. Annual re- ports of the health department to the mayor and board of aldermen. 1.-7., 16.67-93. 12°. Hot Springs, l»8-94. ------. Aunual reports [on the vital statis- tics]. By the chief executive health officer, for the years 1887; 16-6. 12c. [ Hot Springs, 1-88-9.] HUDDERSFIELD. Huddersfield. Annual reports made to the urban sanitary authority of the county borough HYGIENE. 697 HYGIENE. Hvg'iene (Public, Rejnrrts on), by locali- ties, i HUDDERSFIELD—continued. of Hmldersrield, for the \ears 1—3-7: l-9iU1900. - . Huddersfield, 1 — 1-1'.'Ml. ------. Meilical officer of health's reports to the sauitarv committee. (Quarterly.) 4.. 18.-5; 2.. 1-97. to 4., 1-99; 2., 4.. 1900; ll, 1901. fol. A- 6*-'. Httdderstield, 18-0-1901. HUDSON. Hudson". Massachusetts. Aunual reports of the several boards of town officers ofthe town of Hudson, Mass. 21.-29., 18-0-94. 6\ Hudson, 1—7-95. HUNGARY. II in-ron ymi Kiirolv magvar kiralyi beliigyminiszter ii-U-nt.se i/ ot-s/;i_ lvci/(-^c->/i--iiiiyi viszowyairol az IK'.:. t vi d1 Kcpoit "t CliuKs Hit'iunyiiii, royal Hungarian | minister of the interim ou the public hygiene of the conn- j try in the year l»9:i.| 1'\ "_:> u-zat. Budapest. 189.">, xxxv, 22: 33. — 'Injjynrorozrta kcizegeszscpgiigve l»'.i5-ben; (Perczel 1>< v-o l>eliu\ minist. i jelentese a kep\ iseltjha- zhoz). I Tht- hygiene of Htiugaiy in l.»9.">: Desuleiius Perczel. minister of the interior's report to the House of Commons.) Orvn.-i hetil.. Budapest. 1896, si. '26d-. '>0.— Perczel Dfz«o magyar kirsUyi beliigyniinister jelen- tese az oiszag koze-eszsegi viszonyairdl az 1894-ik evhen. [Report ot liesiiU'iius Perczel. Hungarian minister for home affairs, on the sanitary conditions ofthe country for the year 1*94.] Gvo^vaszat, Budapest, 1895, xxxv, 490; 505. ' HYDE PARK. Report of the board of healtli. Hyde Park, Mass.. ls-l-A Rep.. . . Hvtle Park. [Mass.]. "with rep. cf oil.. lii-9- Shanghai. 1 -81 -i*C». xx-lvi, passim. ILLINOIS. Sec aho, in this list. Aurora; Chicago; Peo- ria ; Quincy: Rockford; Rock Island. Hamilton (.I.M.J Biennial message of..., governor of Illinois, to the thirty-fourth geueral a-^cinblv. January ■'>", 1—•">. - . Springfield, 1-8".. Illixoi-. Board of State commissioners of Public Charities. Biennial reports to the gov- ernor of the State, l.-lo.. 1-U--9 to 1--7--. -"-. Springfield. 1-71--9. Illinois. Stati Board of Health. Annual re- port- to the governor of the State. With ap- pendices, containing the official register of j physician- and inidwives. 7.-1-., 18-4-9."). Springfield, 1--.5-90. -----. Reports of the proceedings of the quartet Iv and annual meetings. 1.-4., l-s.">; 1.-4.. l-;0; 2..5..18>7; 1.-4.. 18-c; 1., l>-90. - . [Springfield. 188.V90.] -----. Appendix to the twentieth annual re- port ofthe . . . Embracing: Medical practice in Illinoi-. Requirements for practice in the United States. Meilical colleges iu the United States. Requirements for practice in foreign countries. Medical >ocieties in Illinois. Army medical examining boards ot Illinois, 1-01-5 and 1-9-. Official list of physicians and mid- wive-. 8°. Springfield, 1898 f Oglksby (R. ,].), governor. Biennial message to tin- thirty-sixth general assembly. 8-. Spring- field, 1—9. Iv:;'ieiic* (Public, Reports on), by locali- ties. ILLINOIS—continued. Reynold (A. R.) Paper on needed legisla- tion, read before the Slate Board of Health Aux- iliary Sanitarv Association held in Springfield, Nov.* 13-14, 1-91. -. [n.p., 1-94.] INDIA. See, also, in this list, Agra; Assam; Bengal; Bombay Presidency; Burma ; Central Prov- inces; Coorg; Hyderabad; Madras; Meerut; Northwestern Provinces; Punjab; Rangoon. (Jrkat Britain. Secretary of Stati- for India. A report of a sanitary tour. By Surg. T. 0. Hewlett, healtli officer of Bombay. - . London, 1859. -----. Reports on sanitary measures in India, 16sv>-;i to 1-99-1900. v. 16-33. fol. London, 1-84-1901. India. Abstracts of proceedings of the sani- tary commissioner with the government of India. (Monthly, bi-monthly, and quarterly.) July, 18(i-. to Aug., 1-70; Nov., 1-70. to April, 1873. fol. Calcutta, 1-6--73. -----. Annnal reports of the sani tary conmiis- -ioner with the government of India. With appendices and returns of sickness aud mortality among European troops, native troops, and prisoners in India. 20.-34.. 18-3-97; 30., 1899. fol. Calcutta, 1-80-1900. -----. Papers relating to village sanitation in India. 16-8-9.">. fol. Calcutta, 1890. Indian sanitarv reports; a fatal year. Rrit. M. J., Lond., 1902, i, :;-6. -°. Indianapolis, 1881-97. -----. Bulletin of the . . ., published quar- terly, v. 3, Xo. 4, 3. qr., 1899. - . [Indian- apolis, 1*99.] -----. Monthlv bulletin, v. 1-:!, Oct.. 1-99, to Dec, 1901. 4 . Indianapolis. 1.-99-190*2. Indiana. State Health Commission. Anuual report to the bureau of statistics and geology of Indiana. 2.. 1-hi. s . Indianapolis, 1->1. Repr. from: Rep. Bureau of Statistics and Geology. Iliulv (J. N5) Report of committee ou State medicine iinil hv^ii'iie. Ti. Indiana M. Soc, Logan sum t, 1901,404- 47s. INDIANAPOLIS. Indianapolis. Annual message ofthe mayor of Indianapolis, with annual reports of head- of department of the city government for the year 1-91. ■-". Indianapolis, 1-9*2. Indianapolis. Hoard of Health. Annual re- ports to the mayor anil common council. 7., 1— .">; 9., 1—7. - . Indianapolis, 1 --<'>--. Indianapolis. Department of Public Safety. Annual report to the mayor. 1., 1-91. - . In- dianapolis. l-9'2. Ki-|mmI of the department of public health and chari- ties nt tli*- city of Indianapolis for the year 1891. Message .. . mayor Indianap. (1891), 1892, 161-176. INZAGO. Inzai'o. Ksposizione storica dell' andamento sanitario del comune d' Inzago nel trieunio 1--0- -. Per Giuseppe Friz. - . Treviglio, 18.-9. HYGIENE. 698 HYGIENE. Hyg'iene (Public, Reports on), by locali- ties. IOWA. j See, also, in this list, Burlington; Davenport; Des Moines; Dubuque; Keokuk. Iowa. State Board of Health. Biennial re- ports to the goveruor of the State. 3.-9., 1883-4 J to 1896-7. 7 v. 8 '. Des Moines, 1—4-97. ------. Iowa health bulletins. Published by the State board of health, v. 1-13, 1--7-8 to 1899-1900; Nos. 5-7, v. 14; Nos. 3,5-7, v. 15. 8^. [Des Moines, 1887-190*2.] IRELAND. See, also, in this list, Dublin. Great Britain. Lord Lieutenant and Privy Count il of Ireland. Local Government Board. Annual report, under the local government board (Ireland) act, 35 and 36 Vic, c. 69. With ap- pendices. 12., 188:5-4; 14., 1885-6; 15., 1880-7; 1889-90. —. Dublin, 1884-90. ITALY. See, also, in this list, Alessandria; Bergamo; Bologna; Brescia; Capua; Cremona; Cuneo; Ferrara; Florence; Frosinone; Inzago; Marsciano; Monte gran aro; Monza; Padua; Pisa; Rome; Turin; Udine; Venice; Ve- ' rona; Vicenza. Italy. Ministero delV interno. Direzione ge- nerate dell' amministrazione civile. Sui fatti principali riguardanti 1' igiene e la sanita pub- blica tlel Regno dal 1° gennaio al 30 novembre 1897. Relazione al consiglio superiore di sauita. roy. 8°. Roma, 1897. Italy. Ministero dell' interno. Direzione ge- nerale della statistica. Resultati dell' inchiesta snlle eondizioni igieniche e sanitarie nei co- niuni del Regno. 2 pts. in 1 v. roy. 8C. Roma, 1880. Italy. Ministero dell'interno. Direzione della sanita pubblica. Bollettino sanitario. Feb., March, July, 1887; May, June, Aug., 1689; ! March, June, 1890; Dec, 1890, to Jan., 189*2; March, June, 1892; April, July, 1893, to Jan., 1894. 4-. Roma, 18-7-94. ------. Consiglio superiore di sanita. Circa i fatti principali riguardanti F igiene e la sanita | pubblica nel Regno nei mesi di gennajo al giugno 1890. Rela/.ioni del direttore Prof. L. Pagliani. fol. Roma, 1890. Altobclli (P.) Relazione statistica sanitaria ed igie- nica sui comune di Pescasseroli per 1' anno 1889. Gior. di clin.. terap. e med. pubb., Napoli. 1890, xxi, 65-81.—Garzin (A.) Igiene e sanita pubblica del comune di S. Apollinare nell' anno 1894. Corriere san., Milano, 1895. vi, no. 13, 2.— Pagliani (L.) L' igiene e la sanita pubbliea nel Regno nel primo semestre dell' anno 1894. Ibid., 1894, v, no. 30, 3; no. 31, 5; no. 32. 3; no. 33, 4.—Riepilogo tlei bollet- tini sanitari invinti dai comuni alia direzione di sanita- pubblica nei tre anni 1888-90. Riv. d' ig. e san. pubb., Roma, 1891, ii, 221-224, 1 tab.—Riga (A.) Notizie sana- tario-igienico statisticlie e resoconto tlella la condotta medico-cliirurgica tli Sant' Elia Fiume Rapido nel 1898. Gior. internaz. d. sc. nied., Napoli, 1899, n. s., xxi, 481-499 JALUIT. RarlcU. Bericht iiber die Gesundheitsverhaltnisse anf Jaluit. in der Zeit vom 17. Juli bis 30. September 11-97. Arb. a. il. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1898, xiv, 683.— Schwabe. Berichte iiber die Gesundheitsverhaltnisse auf Jaluit. Ibid., 680-682. JAMAICA. See, also, in this list, Kingston. Jamaica. Island Medical Department. An- nual reports of the superintending medical offi- cer and the Lepers' Home to the governor, for the years 1882-3; 1894-5. fol. Jamaica, 1884-95. J Hygiene (Public, Reports on), hy locali- tses. JAPAN. See, also, in this list, Kyoto; Shizuoka. Japax. Home Department. Central Sanitary Bureau. Annual reports of the director. 5.-8 1879-80 to 188*2-3; 1890-93; 1890. 8°. Tokyo 1881-1900. ------. A summary of the annual reports for 5 years from July, 1879, to June, 18-1. 8U. Tokyo, 1884. ------. A summary of the four annual reports from 1864 to 1887. 8-. Tokyo, 1890. Japax. University of Tokyo. Departments of Sanitary Science and Literature. Annual report ofthe... 1., 18»'<.)-81. 8~. [Tokyo, 1881. J Annual (The) report ofthe central sanitary bureau, for the 23rd4rear of Meiji (1890). Sei-i-Kwai M. j., Tokyo 1893, xii, 150; 168; 188; 203: 1894, xiii. 10; 29.—CJolo (S.) Jenyenju naikoku eisei no keiko. [Sanitary condition of Japan tlnring the year 1892.] Dainippon Shiritsn Eisei- kwai Zashi, Tokio,'l*9:i. no. 123, 729-779.— {Hygiene of the central provinces for 1895.] Mie Eisei Zasshi, Mie, 1896, no. 39, 19; no. 40, 5; no. 44, 6. — ITIishima (J.) Kushiu jibo ni okeru eisei no itjiban. [General sanitary condition of the Kushiu districts.] Hoigakkwai Syashi, Tokio, 1893, no. 78, 57-70. JARROW. Jarrow. Annual reports ou the health and sanitary condition of the borough of Jarrow, by the medical officer of health. 8.-15., 186*2-9. 8°. Jarrow-ou-Tyne, 1886-91. KALAMAZOO. Kalamazoo. Annual report of the city ol Kalamazoo, for the year 1884-5. 8°. [Kalama- zoo, 16S,",.] Report of the city health officer. Kalamazoo, Mich., 1884-5. Rep. Kalamazoo [Mich.]. [Kalamazoo, 1885], 67-69. KANSAS. See, xlso, in this list, Manhattan. Kansas. State Board of Health. Annual re- ports to lhe governor of the State. 1.-13., 1885- 97. 8°. Topeka, 1886-98. KANSAS CITY. Kaxsas City. Board of Health. Annual re- ports to the mayor and city council. '.!., 1-84; 4., 1885. 8J. Kansas City, 1865-0. Kaxsas City. Board of Public Works. Annual reports to ^ho common council. 4.-0., 189'2-3 to 1894-5. 8c Kansas City, 1893-5. KEIGHLEY. Keighley. Annual report of the medical offi- cer of health for the borough of Keighley for the year 188*2. 8a Keighley, 1883. KENDAL. Kendal. Annual reports of the medical officer of health for the years 1885 ; 1—9-99. 8°. Ken- dal, 1880-1900. KENTUCKY. See, also, in this list, Louisville. Kkxtlcky. State Board of Health. Proceed- ings ofthe ... at the quarterly meeting, held at Louisville, March 16 and 17, 1885. 8°. [Louis- ville, 1885.] ------. Proceedings, addresses, aud discus- sions of a public conference held at Louisville, Ky., May 24 and 25, 1887. Under the auspices of the State board of health. --. Frankfort, 1887. ------. Annual and biennial reports to the governor of the State. Aunual: 11., 1888-9. HYGIENE. 699 HYGIENE. Hygiene (Public, Reports on), by locali- ties. KENTUCKY—continued. Biennial: 1869-90 to 1892-3; 1695-6 and 1890-7. 8. Frankfort <) Louisville, 1-89-97. -----. Reports of the regular annual meet- ings for the years 1889-91. 8*-. Frankfort, 1889-91. KEOKUK. Keokuk. Board of Health. Annual reports to the mayor and citv council. 1.-0., 1680-7 to 1-91-2. 8°. Keokuk', 1887-92. KETTERING. Kettering. Kettering urban sanitary au- thority. Annual reports of the medical officer aud sanitarv inspector. 11.-17., 1663-9. 4-, fob, A 6\ Kettering, 1-84-90. KHERSON County. Kherson County. Meditsinskiy i sanitarnly otchot za 186- g.? sostavlenniy M. P. Pashkevich. j [Medical and sanitarv report for 1668, compiled by . . .] 8°. Kherson, 1—9. KIDDERMINSTER. Parsons i^H. F.) Report to the local govern- ment hoard, on a re-inspection ofthe borough of Kidderminster. March 9, 1680. fol. [London, 1880.] KINCARDINE. Kincardine. Annual reports upon the health and sanitary coudition of the county. 2.-10., 1-92-1900. Bv "William A. Macnaughton. fol. A - . Simih'aren, 1-93-1901. KINGSTON, Jamaica. Kingston. Report of the commissioner of health to the local board of healtli, for the year 1^83. 12°. Kingston, 1—4. KINGSTON-UPON-HULL. Kingston-upon-Hull. Annual reports on the health of the county borougli, by tbe medical officer of health, for the years 1879; 1889. 8c Hull, 1—0-90. KIUKIANG. I'ndcrwootl (G. R.) Report on the health of Kin- kiang. China. Imp. Customs. Med. Rep. 1890-91, Shang- hai, 1894, xli, 21-28. KNOXVILLE. Kxoxville. Annual reports of the secretary of the board of health and registrar of vital sta- tistics to the mayor and board of aldermen. 12.- 20., 1885-93. - '. Knoxville, 1880-9A. KONIGSBERG. KoNK'siiEi'i'. Provinzial-Sanitiits-Bericht des K5niglichen Medizinal-Collegiums zu Konigs- herg. Fiir das erste Semester, 1834-37; 1-41; 1842. 4G. Konigsberg, 1-30-45. Konigsberg ( Regierungsbezirk ). General- Beriehte iiher das offentliche Gesundheitswesen im Ke. London, 1897. -----. Quarterly reports of the health and sanitary condition of the metropolitan borough of Islington. 2. qr., 1897; 1. qr., 1901. 8. London, 1697-1901. Saint Mary, Newington. Annual reports on the sanitarv condition of the parish. Hy W. T. Iliff. 26.-28., 1881-3. 8°. London, 1662-4. -----. Annual reports of the proceedings of the vestry of the parish of St. Mary, Newing- ton (including reports of the medical officer of health). 26.-28., 1881-2 to 1883-4. 8°. London, 1882-4. Saint Mary Abbotts, Kensington. Annual reports on the health, sanitary condition, etc., of the parish of St. Mary Abbotts, Kensington, by T. Orme Dudfield. 29.-41., 1884-96; 43., 1898. 8°. London, 1885-99. -----. Reports on the health, sanitary condi- tion, etc., of Kensington. (Monthly.) By T. Orme Dudfield. Nos. 10, 11, 14, 1884; No. 14, Hyg'iene (Public, Reports on), by locali- ties. LONDON—continued. 1865; No. 6, 169*2; Nos. 6, «», 1894; Xos. 2, 3, 5, 6, 1895. - . London, 1-81-95. Saint Marylebone. Annual reports on the health of the parish of St. Marylebone, by the medical officer of health, to the vestry. 19., 1674; 22., 1877; 23., 1878. 8 . London,'1875-9. -----. The sanitary chronicles of the parish of St. Marylebone; being the annual, quarterly, and monthly reports of the meilical officer of health. By Alexander Wynter Blyth. Nos. 2, 5--, 10, 12, 13, v. 1,1880-61. Nos. 1-4, v. 2, 1862. Nos. 1, 3, 6-11, v. 3, 1883. Nos. 1-5, 7-10, v. 4, 1884. Nos. 1-8, 10, v. 5, 1885. v. 0-7, 1886-7. Nos. 1-3, 5-11, v. 8, 1888. Nos. 1, 3, 5-11, v. 9, 1689. v. 10, 1890. Nos. 1, 2, 4, 9-11, v. 11, 1691. Nos. 1-3, 5-6, 10, 11, v. 12, 1892. Nos. 2-5, 7-10, v. 13, 1893. Nos. 1, 3-7, 9-11, v. 14, 1894. Nos. 1. 2, 4, 5, 7-11, v. 15, 1895. Nos. 3-11/v. 16, 1-96. v. 17, 1-97. Nos. 2-10, v. 18,1896. Nos. 1-4, 6-10, v. 19, 1699. Nos. 1-7, 9-10, v. 20, 1900. Nos. 1,4, 6, 8-10, v. 21, 1901. 80. London, 1881-1901. -----. The sanitary chronicles of the parish of St. Marylebone; being the annual reports of the medical officer of health, for the years 1893; 1896-9. By A. W. Blyth. v. 13, 16-19. 8C. London, 1894-1900. -----. A list of parochial and other officers, with further information relating to removal of house refuse, sanitary arrangements, etc., Published for the guidance of the inhabitants. 1894-5; 1896-7. 8°. London, [1894-6]. Saint Matthew, Bethual Green. Annual re- ports on the sanitary condition and vital statis- tics of the parish of St. Matthew, Bethnal Green, by the medical officer of health, to the vestry. 29.-37., 1883-92. 6°. London, 1-65-94. -----. A summary of proceedings in con- nexion with the sanitary department (for the six mouths ending Aug. 1, 1886). Prepared hy the order of the sanitary comniittee, by John Lap- worth, sanitary inspector for the vestry. 8°. London, 1886. -----. Street register, with sketch map, shewing the boundary lines of the sanitary dis- tricts and the sub-divisions, with the approxi- mate number of houses and tenement dwellings arranged for the periodical collection and re- moval of dust and house refuse by the block system. 8°. London, 1887. Saint Pancras. Annual reports of the med- ical officer of healtli on the vital and sanitary condition of the borough of Saint Pancras. Lon- don. 27.-35., 1882-90. 8". London, 1883-91. Strand District. Board of works for the Strand district. Statement of accounts, and annual report of the proceedings of the board, to which are appended the reports of the sur- veyor, the medical officer of health, and the analyst. 34., 1889-90. 8°. London, 1890. Walthamstow. Annual reports of the med- ical officer of health to the Walthamstow local board, for the years 1889; 1890. 8°. London, 1890-91. Wandsworth District. Sanitary department. Annual reports on the sanitary condition of the several parishes comprised in the Wandsworth district (including the sub-districts of Clapham, Putney aud Rorhampton, Streatham, Tootiug, and Wandsworth), by the medical officers of health. 29.-41 , 1884-96. 8°. London, 1885-97. Westminster. Annual reports of the united vestry of the parish of St. Margaret and John, Westminster [including the reports of the med- HYGIENE. 702 HYGIENE. Hygiene (Public, Reports on), by locali- ties. LOND ON—continued. ical officer of health]. 1., 1888-9; 2., 1889-90. 8C. London, 1889-90. Westminster District. Annual reports of the proceedings of the board of works (including the reports of the medical officers of health of the parishes}. 25.-32., 1880-81 to 1887-8. 8°. London, 1881-8. Whitechapel District. Board of works, Whitechapel district. Supplementary index to the general and special reports of the medical i officer of health, from 1879 to 1863. Prepared by R. S. Wrack. 8C. London, 1884. *-----. Annual reports ou the sanitary con- I dition of the Whitechapel district (with vital and other statistics), by the medical officer of health. 29.-36., 1884-91; 40., 1895; 42., 1897; 43., 1898. 8-. London, 1885-99. -----. Reports (quarterly) on the sanitary condition of the Whitechapel district, by John Liddle. 1.-4., 1684. 8U. London, 1884-5. Willesden. Sanitary report hy the med- ical officer of health, to the Willesden local board, for the years 1882-9. 8°. London, 1883- 90. Dixon (J. R.) Report on the dusting, scavenging, anil watering of Shoreditch. Pub. Health Engin., Lond., 1897 i 182-187.—SyUes (J. F. J.) Sanitary condition of St. Pancras in 1897. Ibid., 1898, iii. 185; 213.—Wnltlo (F. J.) Report on the sanitarv condition of the parish of St. George the Martyr, South wark, for 1896. Ibid., 1897, i, 227-230. LOUISIANA. Louisiana. Board of Health. Annual and biennial reports to the general assembly, for the years 1870-97. 8C. New Orleans, 1877-98. —----. Excerpta from the bieunial report of the board of health to the general assembly of Louisiana. 1684-7. Joseph Holt, president. 8°. Baton Rouge, 1886-8. -----. Address of the board of healtli, State of Louisiana, to the people of the Southern States and Mississippi Valley. 12°. New Or- leans, 1890. LOUISVILLE. Louisville. Board of Health. Annual re- ports of the health officer to the board of health, for the years 1866; 1869. 8°. Louisville, 1869-70. Lot isville. Health Department. Annual re- ports of the health officer to the board of public safety, for the years 1897-8; 1899-1900. 8°. Lonisrille, 1899-1900. Report* of the board of health, Louisville, 1875; 1876- 1877; 187s; 188U; 1884-5; 1885-6; 1886-7; 1889-90. Louisville municip. rep., 1876, 417: 1877, 529: 1878, 594: 1879, 283: 1881, 317: 1886, 333: 1887, 303: 1888, 377: 1891, 139.—White ("W. P.) City sanitation, water, garbage, and sewers. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1894, xviii, 147-151. Also, Reprint. LOWELL. Lowell. Board of Health. Annual reports to the mayor and city council. 3.-23., 1880- 1900. 8: 'Lowell, 1881-1901. LtiBECK. Lvbeck. Beitrage zu der Kenntniss des 5f- entlichen Gesundheitszustandes der Stadt Lii- beck. Von H. Lubstorff. Hrsg. vom Aerztlichen Yereine in Liibeck. Ac Liibeck, 1862. -----. Jahres-Berichte des Mediciual-Colle- giums fiir die Jahre 1882 bis 1899-1900. Ac [Liibeck, 1883-1901.] Hygiene (Public, Reports on), by locali- ties. LUNEBURG. Li'NEBURG. Das offentliche Gesundheitswe- sen im Landdrosteibezirk Liiueburg in den Jah- ren 1881; 1882. General-Berichte von G. Alten, Mediciualrath. 8°. Liineburg, 1883-4. LYNN. Lynn. Report of the committee on sanita- tion, adopted by the school committee of the city of Lyun, Dec. 30, 1686. 85 Lynn, 1887. -----. Anuual reports of the city eugineer to the citv council, for the years 1889-92. 8°. Lynn, 1890-93. Lynn. Board of Health. Annual reports to the mayor and city council. 1., 1880; 7.-21., 1886-1900. 8°. Lynn, 1881-1901. LYONS. Lacassagne (A.) Les 6tablissemeuts insalu- bres de rarroudisseinent de Lyou. Coniptes- rendus des travaux du conseil d'hygiene publi- que et de salubrity dn Departement de Paris. 8°. Lyon 4' Paris, 1891. Lyons. Rapport general presents a l'admini- stration par la commission medieale sur le ser- vice sauitaire de 1878 a 1889. 4°. [Lyon, 1890.] MACCLESFIELD. Macclesfield. Anuual report made to the urban sanitary authority ofthe borough of Mac- clesfield. By George Bower. 17., 1889; 18., 1890. 8-. Macclesfield, [1890-]91. MACON. Macon, Georgia. Annual message of the mayor, to which is added the report of the fiuance com- mittee, treasurer's report, and reports of the various departments. 1891-2. 8°. Macon, 1893. Macon. Board of Health. Anuual reports to the mayor and council, with accompanying documents. 5.-11., 1886-92. 8C. Macon, 1887-93. MADISON. Madison. Anuual reports of the health offi- cer to the mayor and common couucil of the city. 1., 1865-6; 3.-6., lb87-8 to 1890-91. 8°. Madison, 1886-91. MADRAS. Madras Presidency. Medical reports selected by the medical board, from the records of their office, and published under the sanction of gov- ern ment. 8-. Madras, 1855. -----. Report upon the sanitary condition of Ootacamund (Neilgherry Hills). By the sanitary commissioner for Madras. 1868. fol. Madras, 1868. -----. Report on civil sanitation in the presidency of Madras. By J. L. Ranking, sani- tary commissioner for Madras, with proceedings and order of government thereon, fol. Madras, 1869. -----. The annual reports of the sanitary board. 1.-4., 1896-9. The annual reports of the sauitary commissioner. 21.-36., 1884-99. And the reports of the sanitary engineer. 1.- 10., 1890-99. fol. Madras, 1885-1900. -----. Proceedings of the sanitary commis- sioner for Madras. (Quarterly.) 1884-1900. fol. Madras, 1885-1901. MAGDEBURG. Rosenthal. Gesundheit und Gesundheitspflege zn Magdeburg 1895-9. Verhandl. u. Mitth. d. Ver. f. 6fl. Gsudlitspti. in Magdeb., 1896, xxii, 114: 1898, xxiv, 131: 1901, xxvi, 144, 5 ch. HYGIENE. 703 HYGIENE. Hygiene (Public, Reports on), by locali- ties. Hygiene (Puhlic, Ixeports on), by locali- ties. MAINE. &r. also, in this list, Augusta; Portland. Maine. State Board of Health. Annual and biennial reports to the governor anti council. l.-ll., 18-5-99. 6*-. Augusta. 1686-1900. MANCHESTER. Manchester. Health of Manchester. Quar- terly returns of the medical officers of health. 1690-1901. 6 . Manchester, 1890-1902. ------. Healtli of Manchester. Weekly re- turns of the meilical officer of healtli. 1-90- 1901. 6. Manchester, 1690-1902. ------. Reports on the health of the city of Manchester. Bv the medical officer of health. 1891-1900. 8^. ' Manchester. 1-91-1901. ------. Report. The sanitary committee present for the information of the council the business transacted in their department during the years 1-97-6. 6-. [Manchester, 1696.] Manchester. Board of Health. The report of the ... at the thirty-first annual meeting, June 1st. 1-26. No. xxxi. 8-. Manchester, 1826. MANCHURIA. Nvenl*itNki (V. A.) Sanitarno- topograflelieskiy ocherk g. Kharbiua i poselka Sungari (russkol kolonii v Maiicbzhurii). [Sauitary and topographical description of Khaibin and Sungari (Russian colony in Manchuria).] Vestnik obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Pctt-rsb., 1900, pt. 2, 1202-1 Jug. MANHATTAN. Manhattan. Kansas. Annual reports of the citv officials to the mayor aud council. 3., 1892. - .' Manhattan, 1-^3. * MANKATO. Mankato. Annual reports of the city engi- neer to the president of the board of public works, for the years 1-91-4. 8c Mankato, 1-92-5. MANSFIELD. Mansfield, Ohio. Anuual reports ofthe health department to the citv council. 1.-5., 1888-9, to 1-92-3. -- A- 12°. Mansfield, 1-69-93. MARGATE. Margate. Annual report of the medical offi- cer of health, for the year 1-91. By A. W. Scat- lift'. Also the meteorological report. - . Mar- gate, 1-92. Page (D.) Report to the local government board, on the general sanitaiv condition of Mar- gate in relation to the continued existence of typhoid fever in the borough. July 14, 1887. fol. London, 1-67. MARSCIANO. Maksiiano. Sui servizio sanitario della con- dot ta medica di Marsciano (Umbria) nel qua- drenuio 1896-99. Pei C. Bussini. roy. 8°. Pe- rugia, 1900. MARYLAND. See, also, in this list, Baltimore. Maryland. State Board of Health. Biennial report* to the governor and the general assem- bly. 6.-11.. 1-64-95. 8 . Baltimore, 1885-96. MASSACHUSETTS. See, also, in this list, Ayer; Boston; Brook- line; Cambridge; Charlestown; Chelsea; Dedham; Fall River; Fitchburg; Framing- ham; Groton; Haverhill; Holyoke; Hud- son; Hyde Park; Little Falls; Lowell; MASSACHUSETTS—continued. Lynn; New Bedford; Newburyport; New- ton ; North Adams; Pittsfield; Salem; Som- erville; Taunton; Waltham; Worcester. Massachcsetts. Board of Harbor Commis- sioners. Annual report to the senate and house of representatives. 11., 1676. 8-. Boston, 1877. Massachi'setts. Senate. Resolution relative to the National Board of Health. May 13, 1886. 8\ [Boston. 1886.] Massaciicsktts. State Board of Health. An- nual reports to the governor and council. 18.- 28., 1681; to 1895-6. 8". Boston, 1887-97. ------. Report on water-supply and sewer- age, under the provisions of chapter 274 of the acts of 168i;. Jan., 188*. *. Boston,1888. Massaciiusktts. State Board of Health, Lu- nacy, and Charity. Annual reports. Supple- ments containing the reports anil papers on pub- lic health. 1., 1*79; 2., i860; 4.-6., 1882-4. 8J. Boston, 1860-65. lTlnMMiiclniHcrits. State Hoard of Health, Lunacy, and Charity. Butter and oleomargarine, liep. Bd. Health [etc.] Mass. Suppl., Bost., 1882-3, 25-34. Also, Reprint MEERUT. North-Western Provinces. A sanitary re- port ou certain districts in the Meerut division. By H. C. Cutcliffe. fol. Allahabad, 1808. ------. Sanitary conditiou of the town of Meerut. From sauitary commissioner, to the secretary to government, fol. [Allahabad, 1869.] MELBOURNE. Melbourne. Melbourne harbour trust. Re- port by Sir John Coode on works of improve- ment. February, 1879. fol. London, [1879]. MEMPHIS. Memphis. Annual reports of the board of health of the city of Memphis (Shelby County). 7.-2(1., 1885-98; 22., 1900. 8°. Memphis, 1886- 1901. Rogers (S. A.) Annual report Memphis board of health. Memphis J. M. Sc. 1892-J, lv, 33-37. — Roger* (W. B.) Biennial report of Memphis board of health. Ibid., 1890-91, ii, 389-394. MERSEBURG. Mkrseiukg (Regierungsbezirk). General- Berichte iiher das offentliche (iesuudheitswesen, fiir die Jahre 18H3-94. Erstattet von E. Wolff, Regierungs- und Metlizinalrath. 4°. Merseburg, 1884-97. MEXICO. Mexico. Trabajos emprendidos para mejorar la salubridad del valle y de la ciudad de Mexico, por una asociacion de medicos, promovida por el Sr. Lie. Martinez de la Torre, 1870 y 1877. 8°. Me'rieo, 1-77. ------. Memoria que el presidente del cousejo superior de salubridad rinde a la secretaria de gobiiiiatioii. Dc los trabajos ejectitados por ese cuerpo en el periodo trust*urritlo tie noviembre de 188.J & junio ile 18811. fol. Mtx'uo, 1687. Mexico. < 'nnsejo superior de salubridad. Bole- tin del. . . Pulilicacion mensual. v. 1-3. Julio de 1880 £ diciembre de 1881?. fol. Mexico, 1880- 85. ------. The same. 3. <5poca. Xo. 6. v. 3. 8°. Mexico, 1897. ------. Informes rendidos por los inspectores sanitaiios de cuartel v por los de los distritos. 1696-8. 8 5 Mexico, 1898-9. HYGIENE. 704 HYGIEXE. Hygiene (Public, Reports on), by locali- ties. MEXICO—continued. Mexico. Ministerio de Fomenio. Boletin se- mestral de la direccidn general de estadistica de la Republica Mexicana a cargo del Dr. Antouio Penatiel. Nos. 4-6. Anos de 1889-90. fol. Mexico, 1892. MICHIGAN. See, also, in this list, Bay City; Detroit; Grand Rapids; Kalamazoo; Saginaw. Michigan. State Board of Health. Abstract of proceedings of the regular (quarterly) meet- ings. Julv 13, 1886; Jan. 10, 1888; April 10, 1886: July 10, 1888; Oct. 23, 1868; Oct. 8, 1869: July 12, 1889; Jan. 13, 1893; Jan. 12, 1894; Julv 13,1894; Oct. 12, 1894; Jan. 11, 1895; Jan. 8, 1897; Jan. 14, 1898. 12 Nos. 8 . [Lansing, 1886-98. ] -----. Abstract of proceedings of the annual meetings. 1891; 1894; 1895. 8°. [Michigan, 1891-5.] -----. Annual reports of the secretary to the governor of the State. 12.-28., 1683-4 to 1899-1900. 8C. Lansing, 1885-1901. -----. Circular Xo. 28. Relative to the work of health officers and of local boards of health in Michigan. June, 1-78. 8°. [Lansing, 1876.] -----. Concerning weekly reports of diseases in Michigau, including a compilation of the weekly reports from health officers of cities and from regular correspondents of the State board of health, for the years 1876-7 to 1881. 8°. Lansing, 1878-83. -----. Diseases in Michigan in the years 1875 £1877; 1878; 1881-3, from replies by corre- spondents of the State board of health. 8°. Lansing, 1876-85. Repr. from: Kep. Bd. Health Mich., Lansing, 1876-85. -----. Health in Michigan. Reports by reg- ular observers in different parts of the State show the diseases which caused most sickness in Michigan. (Weekly.) Oct, 20, 27, 1888. July 16, Oct. 12, 1895. 8°. [Lansing, 1888-95.] -----. Michigau monthly bulletin of vital statistics. Published by the State board of healtli with the cooperation of the department of state. Edited by C. L. Wilbur, v. 1-4, Sept., 1697, to Dec., 1901. 4°. Lansing, 1897-1902. -----. Names and addresses of health officers in Michigan for the year 1866-7. Arranged from returns by local boards of health to the State board of health. 8°. [Lansing], 1886. -----. No. 50. Outline of work iu the office of the . . . during the fiscal year 1878. 6-. Lan- sing, 1879. -----. No. 526. Proceedings of the quarter- centennial celebration of the establishment of the . . . held at Detroit, Mich., Aug. 9, 1896. 8°. [Lansing, 1898.] Suppl. to: itep. Bd. Health Mich. 1898-9, Lansing, 1900, xxvii. -----. No. 522. A quarter century of public health literature in Michigan. An index of the priucipal subjects in the publications ofthe . . . 1-73-98. By Thomas S. Ainge. 8°. [Lansing, 1900.] | Cutting from: Rep. Bd. Health Mich. 1897-8, Lansing, 1900, xxvi. -----. Quarterly bulletin. No. 2. v. 1. 8°. [Lansing, 1898.] -----. Record of prevailing diseases for the . . . [Blank form for the use of the person making it. To be sent to the secretary of the ! board weekly.] 16°. [Lansing, 1877.] -----. Reports by observers in different parts of the State show the diseases which ' Hygiene (Public, Reports on), by locali- ties. MICHIGAN—continued. caused most sickness iu Michigan. (Monthly.) Aug., 1684; Oct., 1888. 6-"". [Lansing, 1884-6.] -----. No. 482. Special biennial report of the . . . Relating to public health laws and proposed legislation in the iuterests of public health. To the present governor aud to the incoming governor of Michigan. 8°. [Lansing, 1897.] -----. No. 524. The State board of health and a quarter century of public-health work in Michigan. 1873-98. By T. R. MacClure, secre- tary. 8C. Lansing, [1898]. -----. Teachers' sanitary bulletin. (Month- ly.) Nos. 1, 3, 4, 6-9, v. 1; Nos. 1-5, 12, v. 2; Nos. 3-5, 7-12, v. 3; Nos. 2-7, v. 4. 8°. Lansing, 1898-1901. -----. The time of greatest prevalence of each disease in Michigau for the years 1883; 1668-90; 1893. Contributions to the study of the causes of diseases, based ou weekly reports of sickness. 8°. Lansing, 1885-96. -----. Weekly reports of diseases in Mich- igan during the years 1677; 1882. Reports based on weekly reports by health officers of cities and villages, and regular correspondents of State board of health. 6°. Lansing, 1-79-64. -----. No. 411. Work in the office of the secretary of the . . . Report of a special inves- tigating" committee. 8°. [Lansing, 1894.] Cutting from: Rep. Bd. Health Mich. 1891-2, Lansing, 1894, xx. Michigan. State Board of Health. So. 141. Com- municable diseases in Michigan during the year ending Sept. 30. 1882. aud work of boards of health restricting the same. A report. Rep. Bd. Health Mich. 1881-2, Lansing, 1883, x, 362-435. AUo, Reprint. MIDDLESBROUGH. Middlesbrough. Health Department. An- nual reports of the medical officer of health and the chief sanitary inspector, for the year 1898. By C. V. Dingle, sm. 4C. Middlesbrough, 1699. MIDDLETOWN. Middletown, Connecticut. Annual message of the mayor, and reports of the several depart- ments of the city of Middletown, for the years 1875-0; 1676; 1878-80; 1882; 1863. 8C. Mid- dletown, 1870-84. MILWAUKEE. Milwaukee. Health Department. Annual re- ports of the commissioner of health, to the mayor and common council. 14.-24., 1690-91 to 1900-1901. 8C. Milwaukee, 1891-1901. -----. Monthly re)torts of the health depart- ment of the city of Milwaukee, v. 1-5, 1892-6. 8°. Milwaukee, 1892-7. MINDEN. Minden. General - Berichte iiber das offent- liche Gesundheitswesen des Regierungsbezirk Minden fiir die Jahre 1880-88. Vou deu Regie- rungs- und Medizinal - Riithen. 8-. Minden, 1882-92. j MINNEAPOLIS. Minneapolis. Annual reports of the various officers of the city of Minneapolis, for the year 1891. 8°. Minneapolis, 1892. Minneapolis. Department of Health. An- nual reports to the mayor and city council, for the years 1887-8 to 1891. 8:. Minneapolis, 1888-92. Annual report of the city engineer of tbe city of Min- neapolis for the year ending Dec. 31, 1889. Rep. City HYGIENE. 705 HYGIENE. Hvgiene (Public, Reports on), hy locali- Hygiene (Public, Reports on), by locali- ties, ties. MINNEAPOLIS—continued. off. Minneapolis (1889), 1890. 107: (1890), 1891, 111: (1892), 1893,109: (1893). 1894, 111.— A n mini report ofthe depart- ment of health of the citv of Minneapolis, for the year ending December 31st, 18*9. Ibid. (1*89). 1890, ;i55: (1890), 1891, 364: (18921. lMKS. 377; (1893), ls94, 353. MINNESOTA. See. also, in this list, Duluth; Mankato; Min- neapolis ; Saint Paul; Winona. Minnesota. State Board of Health and Vital Statistics. Public health in Minnesota. Official publication. Charles X. Hewitt, editor, v. 1-6, l-v-.-.-t; to 1692-3. Nos. 1-10, 12, v. 9. 189:5-4. jy(,s. 1-4, v. 10. 1^94. *»-. Redwing, 1--5-94. -----. Annual and hieuuial reports to the governor of the State. 11.-14., 18-4-92. Saint Paul A' Minneapolis, 1— 0-93. MISSOURI. See, also, in this list. Kansas City; Saint Louis. Missouri. State Boavd of Health. Annual re- ports to the governor, for the years 1-86-91. - . St. Louis 4' Jefferson City, 1—9-92. -----. Bulletins. (Monthly. ) Nos. 1, 2, v. 1, 1692. = ?. S.*. Zont's, 1-92. " MOBILE. Mobile. Board of Health. Annual reports to the mayor and general couucil. 1-89-94. 8". Mobile, 1890-95. MODENA. Modena, Ufficio d' igiene. Relazione sullo stato igienico-sanitario del comune per gli anni 1-94-9. fol. Modena, 1900. MONTEGRANARO. Montegranaro. Relazione igienieo-statistieo- sanitaria snl comune di Montegrauaro per 1' anno 1-92. Con appendice sui servizio dell' ospedale civico pel 2° ^emestre 1892. Del Dr. C. Ferranti. 8:!. Civitanova-Marche, 1893. MONTREAL. Montreal. Rapport annuel du surintendant de l'aqueduc de Montreal, pour l'annee 1873. 1 8". Montreal, 1-74. -----. Annual reports on the sanitary state of the city of Montreal; also au account of the j operations of the board of health and the vital statistics, for the years 1870-87; 1889-94; 1-1)0. Bv the medical healtli officer. -u. Montnal, 1-77-97. -----. Reports on the accounts of the cor- poration of the ciiy of Montreal, and reports of the chy officials, for the years 1-79--4. 0 v. --. Montreal, 1880-85. -----. Rapport de lYtat sanitaire tie la cite" de Montreal pour rannee 1881. Par A. B. La Rocque. 8°. Montreal, 166*2. -----. Aunual report of the harbour commis- sioners for the year 18*5. 8-. Montreal, 1--0. -----. Mortality de la cite de Montreal. (Monthly.) Jan., 1887. 8". Montreal, 1887. -----. Report of the city surveyor on the various works executed by the road department, city of Montreal, during the year 1892. Pre- sented to the council. ~°. Montreal, 1893. MONZA. Associazione medica italiana. Comitato me- dico del circondario di Monza. Igiene, civilta, benessere. Prosperamento fisioo-intellettuale- nioralc delle moltitudini. Sercgno, novembre 1801; 21 agosto 1862. broadside. Milano, 1862. VOL VTI, til) SERIES----45 MORAVIA. See, also, in this list, Briinn; Olmtitz. Moravia. Sani tilts Berichte des k. k. Landes- Sanitiitsrathes fiir Mahren. 4°. Briinn, 1885-99. KelolirntlMltV (V.) Zdiavotni zprilva c. k. zemskcfi zdravotni radv Moravske. (Hygienic report of the Mo- ravian board of health.] i>. lt'-U. cesk., v I'raze, 1886, xxv, 422; 439; 455; 470; 485. -----. Zdravotni /.pr&va c. k. zemske, zilravotnl rally Mora \>ko za leui 18811 a 1888. [Health report of the Moravian provincial board of health from 1S8I! lo 1887.] 1 bid.. 1890, xxix, 349; 370: 389; 110: 431; 4.13; 47!!; 490; 511; ;V_".I;550; 51)9; 587. — l»l«*i- ■■ iii<;<-■- (V.) Zdravotni zpniva MoravskAzar. 1898. [Hy- git-iiic report for Moravia for the year 1898.] Ibid., 1900, xxxix. 819. MOSCOW. Mosrow. Government Zemstvo. Sanitary Bu- reau. Obzor tlvadtsatipyatilletuel dieyatelnosti, 1-1)5-90, tnoskovskavo zemstva. Popechen'ie o narotlnom zdorovyi (zemskiiya metlitsina). [Re- view of the work of the .Moscow zemstvo for twenty-five years. Care of the public health (medicine of "the zemstvo').] 8°. Moskva, 1892. Pyotrovski (A. G.) Obzordieyatelnostimoskovskavo goiodskavo obshtshestveniiavo upravleuiya po vrachebno- sanitarnol chasti za 1900 god. [Work during 1900 of the medico-sanitary part of the Moscow City government.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1901, lv, 155; 019. MOSS SIDE. Moss Sidk. Report of the medical officer of health, to the urban district council, for tbe year 1-94. 8-. [Manchester, 1895.] MUNSTER. Minster. Sanitats-Berichte des koniglichen Metlicinal-Collegii zn Miinster von deu Jahreu 1830-32. 8°. Miinster, 1832-4. NANTES. Nantes. Rapports geii6raux sur les travaux du conseil de salubrity de Nantes pendant les annees 1826-9; 1-53. 8°. Nan les, 1827-54. NASHUA. Report of the board of health, Nashua, X. H., 1878-9. Rep. municip. gov. Nashua, N. H., 1879, xxvi, 66. NASHVILLE. Nashville. Annual reports of departments to the mayor aud city couucil, for the years 1887-92. 6\ Nashville, 1888-93. Nashville. Board of Health. Annual re- ports of the health officer to the board of health. 19.-24., 1893-8; 20., 1900. 8° A. roy. - . Nash- ville, 1-94-1901. Report of city health officer, 1880-7 to 1893. Kep. dep. Nashville (1886-7), 1888. 94: 1887-8,100: (1888-9), 1890, 106: (1889-90), 1891,106: (1891), 1892,149: (1892), 1893,88. NEBRASKA. See, in this list, Omaha. NETHERLANDS. See, also, in this list, Amsterdam; Rotterdam; Utrecht; Zeeland. Netherlands. Verslag aan de Koningin van de hevindiiigen en handelingen van het <*euees- kundig staatstoezicht iu het jaaren 1*^70-99. 24 v. roy. 8'-' A 4*5 '8 Ovavenhage, 1877-1901. -----. Verzameling van stukken betretfende het geueeskuudig staatstoezi^t in Nederlaud. (Uitgegeven door de inspeetenrs en adjunct in- speetenrs voor het geneeskundig staatstoezigt) in het jaaren 1881-5. 5 v. 8°. 's (iravenhage, l88\-'}. Ruy»ch. L'inspection m6dicale dans les Pays-Bas en 1887 et 1888. [Analyse.J Mouvement hyg., Brux., I89n, vi, 188-193. HYGIENE. 706 HYGIENE. Hvgiene (Public, Reports on), hy locali- ties. neuchAtel. Neuchatel (Cauton of). La saute" publique dans le canton de NeuchAtel. Rapports pr^sen- te"s au nom de la commission d'etat de sante' par le vice-president. 1883; 1885-92. 12°. Neu- chatel, 1884-93. -----. Bulletins de la sant<5 publique. An- nees 1891; 1692. 4°. [Neuchatel, 1892-3.] NEWARK. Newark. Annual report of the health phy- sician, together with the reports of the district physicians to the board of health, for the year 1859. 8°. Newark, 1850. Newark. Board of Health. Annual reports of the . . . by the chief health inspector. 1.-3., 1885-7 ; 5., 1889. 8°. Newark, 1886-90. Newark. Board of Police Commissioners. An- nual report to the common council for the year 1888. 8°. Newark, 1889. NEWARK-UPON-TRENT. Parsons (H. F.) Report to the local govern- ment board, on the sanitary condition of the borough of Newark. June 12, 1885. fol. [Lon- don, 1885. ] NEW BEDFORD. New Bedford. Aunual reports of the board of health, city and quarantine physician, to the city council. 5.-18., 1883-96. 8-. New Bedford, 1884-97. NEW BRITAIN. New Britain. Annual reports of lhe mayor and the several departments of the city of New- Britain for the year 1884-5. 8°. New Britain, 1885. NEWBURGH. Newburgh. Board of Health. Annual reports ofthe health officer to the board of health, for the years 1882-92. 8-. Newburgh, 1883-93. Hygiene (Public, Reports on), by locali- ties. NEW HAMPSHIRE—continued. New Hampshire sanitary bulletin, NEWBURYPORT. Newburyport. Board of Health. Anuual 12., 1-88. report fo the mayor and city council. 8:. [Newbur i/port, 1889.] Report of the board of health of the city of Newbury- port. City of Newburyport. Kep. to city council (1884), 1885: (1890), 1891, passim. NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE. Newcastle-upon-Tynk. River Tyne port sanitary authority. Annual reports of the med- ical officer of health. 1.-3., 1879-81; 7.-13., 1885- 91: 15.-17., 1893-5. fol. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1880-96. _____, Anuual reports of the medical officer of health on the sanitary condition of Newcastle- upon-Tyne, with tabular returns of the sickness and mortality, to the sanitary committee. 12.- 19., 1664-91; 21 .-28., 1893-1900. 8C. Newcastle- upon-Tyne, 1885-1901. NEW HAMPSHIRE. See, also, in this list, Concord; Nashua; Portsmouth. Conn (G. P.) Report on State hygiene. 8 . [Concord 4' Manchester], 1900. Repr. from: Rep. N. Hampshire Bd. Health, Manches- ter, 1900, xvi. New Hampshire. Stale Board of Health. An- nual and biennial reportsof the secretary to the o-overnor and council. 1.-16., 1681-2 to 1-99- 1900. s-. Concord 4 Manchester, 1882-1901. published quarterly. Nos. 1-5, 7-10, Jan., 1900, to Jan., 1902. 8A Concord, 1900-1902. NEW HAVEN. New Haven. Health Department. Annual re- ports of the health officer to the board of health commissioners. 12.-27., 1884-99. 8'-. New Ha- ven, 1885-1900. NEW JERSEY. See, also, in this list, Asbury Park; Camden; Newark; Passaic; Paterson; Trenton. Hudson County, New Jersey. Reports to the board of health and vital statistics of the coui ty of Hudson, New Jersey, for the years 1882; 1884. 8°. New Tork, 1883-5". New Jersey. State Boavd of Health. Annual reports of the . . ., and reports of the bureau of vital statistics, to the governor of the state. 9.-24., 1-84-5 to 1899-1900. 16 v. 6-. Trenton, Camden $ Woodbury, 1685-1901. NEW LONDON. Report of the health committee, New London, 1883-4. Rep. com. council [etc.J, New Loudon, 1884, 97-102. NEWPORT. Newport, Rhode Island. Board of Healtli. Annual reports to the mayor and city couucil. l.-ll., 1885-97. 8C. Newport, 1886-98. NEW SOUTH WALES. New South Wales. Annual report of the department of mines, New South Wales, for the year 1865. fol. Sydney, 1886. Thompson (J. A.) A record of the sanitary stale of New- South Wales on 31st December, 1887. 80. Sydney, 1890. Repr. from: Tr. Intercolon. Med. Cong of Australasia, 1889. iriullins (G. L.) The duties and responsibilities of medical men iu the New South Wales under the public health act of 1896. Australas.M.Gaz.,Sydney,1897,xvi,l-4. NEWTON. Newton. Annual reports of the city engineer to the city council, for the years 1884-8; 1890-92. 8°. [r.p.], 1885-93. Newton. Board of Health. Annual reports to the mayor and city council, for the years. 8°. Newton 4' Newton Upper Falls, 1889-98. NEW YORK (City). New York (City). Annual reports of the city inspector of the number of deaths in the city and county of New York to the common council, for the years 1816-27; 1829; 1631-5; 1837-44; 1847-65. 8°. New York. W9-66. -----. Annual reports of the department of public works of the city of New York. 2., 1871-2; 1881-4. 8°. New Tork, 1872-85. New York (City). Health Department. The City Record. Official journal Reports of the board of health of the health department to the mayor of the citv. (Quarterly.) 4., 1876; 4., 1877; 4., 1881; 3.-4., 1882; 2., 1885; 1.-4., b-84; A., 1885; 4., 1880; 4., 1887; 4., 1686. fol. [New Tork, 1877-89.] -----. Annual reports of the board of health of the health department to the mayor of the city, for the years 1869-92; 1896-9. 8c New Tork, 1890-1900. -----. Weekly reports of the health depart- ment ofthe city of New York. v. 1, 1891. Nos. 1-3, v. 7. 8°. New York, l»91-7. HYGIENE. 707 HYGIENE. Hygiene (Public, Reports on), by locali- ties. NEW YORK (City)— continued. New York (Port). Annual reports of the health officer of the port of New York to the commissioners of quarantine, for the years 1604- 73; I860; 1889; 1692. 6-". Albany, 1605-93. Waring (G. E.), jr. A report on the final disposition of the wastes of New York by the department of street cleaning. 8°. New York, 1896. NEW YORK {State). See, also, in this list, Albany; Amsterdam; Auburn; Brooklyn; Cohoes; Gloversville; Newburg; New York (Citg); Ogdensburg; Oneonta; Poughkeepsie; Rochester; Sche- nectady; Syracuse; Troy; Utica; Water- town. Clinton County. New York. Proceedings of the board of supervisors of. . ., 1609. Novem- ber and December sessions. 8-~\ Plattsburgh, 1870. Hoguet (H. L.) & Low (A. A.) Extract from the niuth aunual report of the State board of charities of the State of New York relating to the bearing of the sanitary condition of towns, aud the crowding of population into filthy, ill- ventilated, and badly drained teuemeut houses, upon the increase of pauperism. 6\ Albany, 1870. New York (State). State Board of Health. Annual reports to the governor of the State. 5.-20., 16=4-99. 25 v. 8. Albany, 1-85-1901. NEW ZEALAND. See, in this list, Wellington. NIZHNEE-NOVGOROD. Nizhnee-Novgorod. Otchot Nizhegorodskol gorodskol sanitarnoi kommissii za 1691 god. Sostavlen N. Gratsianovim. [Report of the city sanitary commission of Nizhuee Novgorod for 1-91. Compiled by Gratsianoff.] 8°. Nizhni Novgorod, 1893. NORFOLK. Norfolk, Virginia. Messages of the mayor of the city of Norfolk, Va., to the select aud common councils, together with municipal re- ports for the years 1-79-60; 16-0-81; 1663-4; 1887-6. 8C. Norfolk, 1— "---5 Report of the board of health. Norfolk, Va., 1879-80; 1880-81; 1887-8. Messages muvoia Noifolk, Va., & mu- nicip. rep., 1880, 61: 1881, 1*9: 1888, 110. NORTH ADAMS. North Adams. Board of Health. Annual re- port to the mayor of tin* city. 2., 1896-7. 8°. North Adams, 1898. NORTH CAROLINA. See, also, in this list. Wilmington. North Carolina. Board of Health. Report of the secretary of the . . ., on our aspect of the subject of medical education, as set forth in the work of the medical examining board. 8C. [Wilmington, 1865.] ------. Bulletins of the.. . Published month- ly. Nos. 1-6, 10-12, v. 1. Nos. 1-6, 8-12, v. 2. v. 3, 1688-9. Nos. 1, 3-6, 8-12, v. 4. v. 5-13, 1890- 91 to 1898-9. Nos. 1-3, 5-12, v. 14. v. 15, 1900- 1901. Nos. 1-9, v. 16. 8°. [Wilmington 4' Ra- leigh, 1886-1902.] ------. Biennial reports to the general as- sembly. 1.-8., 1885-1900. 8°. Raleigh, 1887- 1901. Lewis (E. H.) Report of the secretary of the North Carolina board of health. 1892-7. Tr. M. Soc. N. Car., "Wilmington, 1893-8, passim. Hygiene (Public, Reports on), by locali- ties. NORTH-WESTERN PROVINCES, In- dia. ------. Annual reports of the sanitary com- missioner of the Northwestern Provinces and Oudh to the secretary to government. 16.-18., 1664-5; 20.-32., 1887-99. fol. Allahabad, 1885- 1900. NORWAY. Norway. Norges officielle Statistik. C. No. 4. Beretninger om Sundhedstilstanden og Me- dicinalsorholdene i Norge. N. R., 1878-81: 3. R., 1682-97; 4. R., 1898. Udgiven af Direktoren for det civile Medieinalv;esen. [Official statistics of Norway. C. No. 4. Reports on the sanitary coudition and medical affairs of Norway . . . Published by tho director of civil medical af- fairs.] 4° A 8r. Christiania, 1879-1900. NOTTINGHAM. Nottingham. Annual reports of the medical officer of health, to the health committee. 21.- 28., 1-93-1900. 8°. Nottingham, 1894-1901. NUREMBERG. Nuremberg. Berichte iiber die Gesundheits- verhaltnisse uud Gesundheitsaustalten in Niirn- berg. (Bestandteil des Verwaltuugsberichtes des Stadtmagistrats.) Hrsg. vom Verein fiir offentliche Gesundheitspflege unter Mitwirkung des Stadtmagistrats. Jahrg. 1890-99. 8-. Niirn- berg, 1891-1900. OAKLAND. Oakland. Aunual reports of the health of- ficer of the citv of Oaklaud, to the citv council. 8., 1865; 9., I860. 8J. Oakland, 1886-7. Oakland. Board of Health. Anuual reports of the board of health, for the years 1892-3; 1890-7; 1900-1901. 8°. Oakland, 1894-1901. OGDENSBURG. Report of board of health, for the years 1882-91. Rep. mayor Ogdensburg, 1882-3 to 1890-91, passim. OHIO. See, also, in this list, Cincinnati; Cleveland; Columbus; Dayton; Mansfield; Toledo. Ohio. State Board of Health. Health bul- letins. Reports from observers in towns and counties, on the prevailing diseases. ("Weekly.) Aug. 28 to Dec. 11; Dec. 25, i860, to May 25, 1688 ; June 8, 22, 29; Julv (5, 20, 27 ; Aug. 10, 17 ; Sept. 21, 1888; Dec. 7, 1888, to March 29, 1869. sm. 4 a [Columbus, 1886-9.] ------. Monthly health report. Aug., 1880. sm. Au. [Columbus, 188(5.] ------. Monthly mortality reports, with an abstract of meteorological oliservations, issued hy . . . for March aud April, 1867. 4 . Colum- bus, 1887. ------. Annual reports io the governor of the State. 1.-14., 1885 to 1896-9. 8C. Colum- bus 4' Norwalk, 1887-1900. ------. Ohio sanitary bulletins. Official pub- lication. C. (). Probst, editor. Nos. 1-3, v. 1. Nos. 1-3, v. 2. 8°. Columbus, 1895-6. ------. Ohio sanitary bulletin. Published monthly. C. O. Probst, editor, v. 1-4, 1697- 1900. Nos. 1, 5-12, v. 5. 8°. Columbus, 1897- 1901. Proceedings of a meeting of the State board of health and local boards of health of Ohio, held in Colum- bus, Ohio, January 28th and 29th, 1892. Rep. Bd. Health Ohio 1891-2, Norwalk, 1893, vii, 229-326. HYGIENE. 708 HYGIENE. Hyg'iene (Public, Reports on), by locali- ties. OKLAHOMA. Oklahoma (Territory of). Territorial Board of Health. Biennial reports to the governor and legislative assembly. 1.-4., 1891 to 1897-8. 6°. Kingfisher 4- El Reno, 1893-8. ------. Oklahoma sanitary bulletins, pub- lished monthly. Nos. 1-10, v. 1. 8°. Guthrie, 1897. OLDHAM. Oldham. Annual reports of the medical offi- cer of health to the sanitary committee of the borough of Oldham. 1., 1873; 2., 1874; 16., 1868; 17., 1869. 8°. Oldham, 1875-90. OLMUTZ. OlmCtz. Jahres-Berichte des Olmiitzer Stadt- physikates. 5.-7., 1888-90. Erstattet vom Stadtphysicus Dr. H. Cantor. 8°. Olmiitz, 1889-91. OMAHA. Omaha. Annual report of the city engineer of the city of Omaha, for the year 1884-5. 8°. Omaha, 1885. ONEONTA. Oneonta. Annual health report. Complete tables of public health and mortality. 12., 1893. broadside, 12 by 17 inches. [Oneonta, 1894.] ONTARIO. See, also, in this list, Brockville; Toronto. Ontario (Proviuce of). Provincial Board oj Health of Ontario. Monthly health bulletin. With weather statistics furnished by the Dominion meteorological service. From June, 1884, to June, 1885. 4°. Toronto, 1884-5. ------. Annual reports to the lieutenant- governor of the province. 3.-16., 1884-97; 18., 1899. 8°. Toronto, 1885-1900. OPPELN. Oppeln. Das offentliche Gesundheitswesen im Regierungs-Bezirk Oppeln fur die Jahre 1871 bis 1675. General-Bericht vou Dr. Pistor. 4°. Oppeln, 1876. ORMSKIRK. Copeman (S. M.) Report to the local govern- ment board, on the sanitary circumstances and administration of the urban district of Ormskirk. June 1, 1899. fol. London, 1899. OSNABURCK. Osnabruck. Generalbericht iiber das medi- cinal- und Sanitats-Wesen im Landrostei- be- zieliuugsweiseRegiertiugsbezirkOsnabruck wah- rend der Jahre 1883-5; 1886-8. Von Dr. H. Bit- ter. 8°. Osnabruck, 1888-91. OSWALDTWISTLE. Spear (J.) Report to the local government board, on the general sanitary condition of the Oswaldtwistle urban sanitary district. July SO, 1887. fol. [London, 1887.] OUDH. See, in this list, North-Western Provinces. OXFORD. Oxford. Medical officer's reports [upon the sanitary condition of the district] for the years 18*2-9. By A. Wiukfield. 8\ Oxford, 1883-90. Hygiene (Public, Reports on), by locali- ties. PADUA. Padua. Annotazioni statistico-sanitarie d 1 comune di Padova pel 1'anni 1883; 1884; 18s.'; 1897. Del medico-capo municipale. roy. s . Padova, 1864-98. PALATINATE. Karsch. Die Gesundheitsverhaltnisse in der Pfalz wahrend der Jahie 1887-8 und 1889-90. Vereinsbl. d. pfalz. Aerzte, Frankenthal, 1890, vi, 119; 138; 186; 257: 1892, viii, 115; 137. PARIS. de Moleon (V.) Rapports generaux sur la salubrity publique, r6dig6s paries conseils ou les administrations 6tablis en France et dans les autres parties de l'Europe. 2e partie officielle. , Rapports g6nexaux sur les travaux du conseil de salubrite" de la ville tie Paris et du Departe- ment de la Seine, execute's depuis 1'annee 1802 jusqu'a l'annee 1826 inclusivement. (25 aus.) 2 v. 8C. Paris, 1828-43. Paris. Conseil municipal de Pavis, 1883. Rap- port pr6sent6 par M. Deligny, au nom de la 6e commission (1) sur le projet de reglement relatif h rassaiiiissement de Paris. [Annexe an proces- verbal de la seance du 5 decembre 1883.] 4°. [Pavis, 1683.] Paius. Prefecture de police. Conseil d'hygiene publique et de salubrite du Departement de la Seine. Rapport sur la salubiit6 tie l'eau de la Seine entre le Pont d'lvry et Saint-Onen, consideree comme ean potable. F. Boudet, rapporteur. 4°. [Paris, 1-01. ] ------. Commission speciale pour l'6tude ties causes de l'infection de Paris. 8°. Paris, 18-0. Repr. from: Jour, officiel du 7 octobre 1880. Paris. Prefecture de police. Conseil de salu- brite. Rapport sur les aiii61iorations a intro- duce dans les voiries, les modes de vidange et les fosses d'aisances de la ville de Paris. Com- missionaires: MM. Labarraqne, Chevallier, et Parent du Chatelet, rapporteur. 4°. Paris, 1835. Du Tiewnil (O.) & Oelpecli. La cit6 Jeanne-d'Arc. Enquete par la commission des lodgements insalubres de Paris, et par le conseil de salubrit6 de la Seine. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1880, 3. s., iv, 35-46. Also, Reprint. PASSAIC. Passaic. Aunual messages of the mayor to the board of council. 1890-93. 8°. Passaic, 1891-4. PATERSON. Paterson. Annual reports of the city officers to the board of aldermen, for the years 1885-6 to 1887-8. 8D. Paterson, 1886-8. Paterson. Board of Health. Annual reports to mavor and board of aldermen. 2., 1884-5; 3., 1885-6; 8.-18., 1890-91 to 1900-1901. 8° & 12°. Paterson, 1885-1901. Report of the city physician, Paterson, N. J., 1885-6 to 1887-8. Rep. city off. Paterson, N. J., 1886, 91: 1887,94: 1888, 96. PAWTUCKET. Pawtucket, Rhode Island. Annual reports to the mayor and city council, for the years 18J6- 7; 1889-90 to 1891-2. 8°. Pawtucket, 1888-93. ------. Annual reports of the board of public works to the mayor and city council. 1.-3., 1894-6. 8". Pawtucket, 1895-7. PENNSYLVANIA. See, also, in this list, Allegheny; Allentown; Altoona; Bradford; Erie; Harrisburg; Phil- HYGIENE. 709 HYGIENE. Hygiene (Public, Repors on), by locali- ties. PENNSYLVANIA—continued. adelphia; Pittsburg; Reading; Scranton; Williamsport. Pennsylvania. Board of Commissioners of Public Charities. Annual reports of the . . .; also the reports of the general agent and secre- tary, statistics, and the reports ofthe comniittee on lunacy to the senate and house of representa- tives of'the general assembly. 1.-19., 1870-88. 6\ Harrisburg, 1871-88. Pennsylvania. State Board of Health and Vital Statistics. Report of organization, aud minutes of first and second meetings. July 3 and Nov. 11, 1665. 8~\ Harrisburg, 1— 5. _____. Annual reports of the secretary to the governor of the State. 1.. 16-5; 2., 1--5-0; 5., 1-86-9; 6., 1689-90. 8-. Harrisburg, 1880-91. PEORIA. Peoria. Annual report of the city clerk. Statement ofthe nuances, together with reports of the various departments, for the year 1>66. 8-. Peoria, 1869. PERM Gorernment. Perm. Gorernment Zemstvo. Pervly syezd zemskikh vrachei Permskol guhernii v g. P.nni, v avgustle 1-72 g. [First meeting of the physi- cians of the Perm Government zemstvo.I 8°. Perm, 1-72. PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia. Annual statements of the guardians for the relief and employment of the poor of the citv of Philadelphia, for the years 1-02; 1-65-9; 1-71; 1872; 1-75. 8:. Philadel- phia, 18o3-76. Philadelphia. Board of Health. Anuual re- port to the mayor of tbe city. 23., 1-62. .--A Philadelphia, 1-63. Philadelphia. Department of Public Safety. Bureau of Health. Aunual messages of the mayor, with annual reports of the director of the department of public safety and of the bu- reau of health, for th.- years 16—-1900. 13 v. 8°. Philadelphia, 1-9-1901. Philadelphia. Department of Public Works. Annual messages of the mayor, with annual re- ports of the director and of the chiefs of bureaus constituting said department. 2.-13., 1--8-99. 12 v. 8P. Philadelphia. 1—9-1900. Annual it-port .it tlir boail of health [of Philadelphia] forthe years 18^-Wi. M. ~-i-- mayor Phila. (1888), 1889: (1900) 1901, pastim — Rule, oi the board of health ofthe city of Philadelphia. U«i> I'd. Health [etc ] Penn. 1885, Harrisburg. 1886, i, 322-345. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Brebe (U. G.) Sanitary report on Port Isahela, Basi- l.in. P. I. Rep. Snrg.-f'f-n.' Navy. Wash , 1900-1901, 202- 266.—Grow (E. J.) Sanitary rt-port on Olongapo, P. I. Ibid.. 253-256. PIETERMARITZBURG. Pietermaritzburg. Annual report of the m dical officer of health, for the year 1-84-5. [By James F. Allen.] fol. [Pietermaritzburg, 18-5.] Cutting from: Municipal document. PISA. Feroci (A.i II circondario Pisano; notizie riguar- danti la saint.- pubbliea nell' anno 1880. Gior. d. r. Soc. ital tl' ig. Milano 1883, v, 209; 420. Also, Reprint. PITTSBURG. Pittsburg. Board of Health. Annual re- ports to the select and common councils, for the years 1-8U--7. 8°. Pittsburgh, 1881-8. Hyg'iene (Public, Reports on), by locali- ties. PITTSBURG—continued. Pittsburg. Department of Public Safety. Annual reportsof the chief and the annual re- ports of the bureaus constituting said depart- ment, to the select and common councils of the city. 1.-6., 1886-9 to 1893-4. 8°. Pittsburgh, 1-89-94. PITTSFIELD. Pittsfield. Annual reports of the board of public works of the city of Pittsfield to the inn vor and city council, for the years 1890-91; 1-91-2. 8^. Pittsfield, Mass., 1892-5. PONCE. ^i roll5i; G.) Report of board of health of Ponce from Mui-eli. 1K!H». to May, 1900. Mil.gov. Porto Rico. App. . . . Epit rep. [etc.]' 1898-1900, Wash., 1901, 163-175,1 pl. POOLE. Poole. Annual reportsof the medical officer of health to the urban sanitary authority and to the Poole port sanitarv authority, for the years 1888-91; 1.-9:1-1900. 8c Poole, Wimborne, etc., 1869-1901. POONA. Bombay Presidency. Report on the sani- tary state of the city of Poona, by A. H. Leith, M. D.; with rough notes by Major T. Martiu. 8 . Bombay, 1864. PORTLAND, Maine. Portland. Auditor's aunual reports of the receipts and expenditures of the city of Port- land. With the mayor's address, and annual reports of the several departments, made to the city council, for the years 1-57-8; 1871-2 to 1888-9; 1890-91. 8-". Portland, 1-58-91. -----. Annual reports of ihe overseers of the poor to the mayor and _-itv council, for the years 1681-2 to 1884-5; I-,-,;-? to 18,8.8-9; 1890- 91; 1891-2; 189:1-4. 8". Portland, 1-82-94. -----. Annual reports of the city engineer to the city council, for the years 1891-2 to 1894-5. 8°. Portland, 1892-5. Portland. Board of Health. Aunual reports to the city council. 3.-13., 1687-6 to 1897-8. 6C. Portland, 16-8-96. Report ofthe citv phvsician. Portland, 1857-8; 1872-3; 1874-5 to 1888-9. City of Portland. Auditor's rep. [etc.], 1858. 81: 1873, 59: 187*5-89, [Appendix], passim, PORTO RICO. See, also, in this list, Ponce; San Juan. Report of the superior board of healtli of Porto Rico. Mil. gov. Porto Rico. App. . . . Epit. rep. [etc.J 1898-1900, Wash., 1901, 7-175. 8 pl. PORTSMOUTH. Portsmouth. Annual reports of the medical officer of health and public analyst, to the urban sanitary authority, with quarterly and yearly tables of death, etc., for the years 1863; 1664; \88r*. f,)l. Portsmouth, 1884-9. PORTSMOUTH, New Hampshire. Berry (J. .1.) City board of health of Portsmouth, X. H., annual rt'port. X. Eng. M. Month., Bridgeport, Conn., 18M5-6, v, 'ji;:i--j<;.r>. PORTUGAL. S. . Par le Dr. Langlet. 8°. Reims, 1885-6. RHODE ISLAND. See, also, in this list, Newport; Pawtucket; Providence. Rhode Island. State Board of Health. An- nual reports to the general assembly. 5.-21., 1882-98. Ami including the reports upon the registration of births, marriages, and deaths. 188-2-96. 8°. Providence, 1683-1901. HYGIENE. 711 HYGIENE. Hyg'ieiie (Public, Reports on), by locali- ties. RHODE ISLAND—continued. . The monthly bulletin. Designed to inculcate the principles of hygiene and present a record of the public health, mortality, anil meteorology in Rhode Island, v. 1-6, 1868-9 to 1694. Nos'. 1-6, v. 7, 1895. 6*. Providence, 16-9-95. RICHMOND, Indiana. Richmond, Indiana. Boavd of Health. Re- port to the niiiyor and common council, for the years 16-A and 1865. - . Richmond, 1--5. Report of the board of health, Richmond, Intl., 1880- 81; 1882-3. City of Richmond, Ind. Rep. city off., 18.-1. 28: 1883, 30. RICHMOND, Virginia. Richmond. Health Department. Annual re- ports to the mnyor and couucil. 1.-26., 1671-96. 6-. Richmond, 1-72-97. RISCA. Fletcher (W. "VY". E.) Report to the local government board, on the sanitary circumstances of the Risen urban sanitary district. May 5, 1893. fol. London, 1-95. ROANOKE. Roanoke, Virginia. Departmental reports of the city of Roanoke for the fiscal year 1892-3. i:, Roanoke, 1-95. ROCHDALE. Rochdale. Annual reports of the medical officer of health, to the health committee of the town couucil, for the vears 18-2-8. 8 . Roch- dale, 1—3-9. ROCHESTER, England. Spear (J.) Report to the local government hoard, upon the sanitary condition and admin- istration of Rochester urban sanitary district. June 16, 16-9. fol. [London, 1669.] ROCHESTER, Nr„- York. Rochester. Annual reports of the executive board, iu charge of the water works, hie, and highway departments, and of street improve- ments, to the mayor and common council. 1.-9., 1876 to 1-84-5;'11.-17., 1-66-7 to 1-92-3. 6-. Roche-ter. 1-77-93. -----. Annual reports of the city surveyor to the executive board, for the years 1693-4; 1-94-5. - . Rochester, 1694-5. Rochf.stek. Board of Health. Annual reports of the health officer to the mayor and common council, for the years 18-3-4; 1687-8; 1-93-4. 8°. Rochester, 1884-94. ROCKFORD. Rockford, Illinois. Annual reports for the years 1-79-80; 1—u-61; 1882-3; 1—4-5; 1887; l-9*8. 102: (1890), 1*91, 128; (1*91), 1892, 146. ROCK ISLAND. Rock Island, Illinois. Annual reports of the city officers ofthe city of Rock Island, 111., for the years 1884-5 to 1668 9; 1890-91; 1891-2. sm. 4C A 6a Rock Island, 1885-92. ROME. Rome (Province of). Relazione sanitaria per la provincia di Roma del medico provinciale, Baldino Bocci. Presenfata al consiglio provin- ciale di sanita. Anno 1892. ho_ Roma, 1893. Hygiene (Public, Reports on), by locali- ties. ROSTOV ON THE DON. !*>ln»lii rbiiltoflT (A.) Otchot. o dieyatelnosti sanitar- navo viaclia g. Kostova na Donn za 1890 p. [Report of the work of the sanitaiv physician of Rostov on the Don for 1890.] Zaiusk. vrach; Chcmigoff, 1891, iv, 145; KiOj 172; 188; 198. ROTHERHAM. Rotiieuham. Annual reports [on the sani- tary condition ] of the borough of Rotherham, hy the meilical officer of health. 9.-16., 1882-9. 8°. Rotherham, 1683-90. ROTTERDAM. Rotterdam. Verslag van den toestand der gemeente Rotterdam over hetjareu 1878; 1883; 16*4; ls-g. Door burgemeester en wethouders, ter voltloeniug aan art. 182 tier gfemeeutewet, uitgebragt aan den gemeenteraad. 8°. Rotter- dam, 1879-87. ROUMANIA. NicfAncincu (I.) Igiena publics a jud. Ilfov in anul l*!«i. Spitalul, Bucuresci, 1897, xvii, 253; 273. RUSHTCHUK. KusheflT. Sanitaren otchot za Russenskiya okrug prlez l*9.">-9. [Sanitary report of the district of Rusli- tchuk for . . .] Med. naprled., Sofiya, 1900, i, 562; 727: 1901, ii, 41; 91, 3 tab. RUSSIA. See, also, in this list, Astrakhan; Batooni; Kherson County; Moscow; Nizhnee-Nov- gorod; Odessa; Perm Government; Rostov on the Don; Saint Petersburg; Saint Peters- burg County; Saratov County; Saratov Govern- ment; Tambov; Taurida Government; Zmiyev County. Russia. Berichte iiber den Volksgesundheits- zustand und die Wirksamkeit der Civilhospit!i- ler im Russischen Kaiserreiche. Fiir die Jalire la56-9. Auf Befehl des Herrn Ministers ties Ii - nern nach officiellen Berichten zusamuieugestellt vom Medicinal - Departement. 6 . St. Peters- burg. l-*57—<51. Russia! Ministry of the Interior. Otchoti Me- ditsinskavo Departamenta. 1877-90 gg. [Re- ports of the meilical department.] 14 v. 4U. S.-Peterburg. 1878-93. -----. Trudi kommisii uchrezhdyonnol pri metlitsinskom sovletie pod predsTedatelstvom S. P. Botkina po voprosu ob ulnchshenii sanitar- nlkh usloviy i uinensheniya sinertnosti v Rossii. [Papers of the commission, in connection with the medical council, on improving the sanitary conditions and reducing the mortality in Rus- sia.] 8 . S.-Peterburg, 1888. Russkoye Obshtshestvo Okhraneniya Narod- navo Zdraviva. [Russian Society for the Pres- ervation of the. Public Health.] Trudi. [Pa- pers.] Pts. 1-14, 1877-89. 8\ S.-Peterburg, 1884-90. -----. Journal, v. 1, 1691; v. 2, 1892; v. 8- 11, 1898-1901. 8\ S.-Peterburg, 18P1-1901. -----. Programmi vserossiyskol higieniche- skol vlstavki v S.-Petei burgle. [Programs of Pan-Russian hygienic exposition in Saint Peters- burg. ] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1891. -----. Programma izslledovaniya sanitarna- vo sostoyaniya uchebnlkh zavedeniy, ucheuiya i uchashtshikhsya. Sostavlennaya osoboyu ko- missiyeyu iv. sektsii . . . [Program for ascer- taining the sanitary conditiou of educational institutions, studies, and students. Compiled by a special commission ofthe iv. section.] 8'\ S.-Peterburg, 1892. RiiNMin. Trudi visochalshe nchrezhdlonnol kommissii ob nstrolstvle i soderzhanii piomishlennlkh zavedeniy i o 11YGIEXE. 712 HYGIENK. I3iy;;'ieiie (Public, Reports on), by locali- i ies. RUSSIA—continued. nadzoiie za proizvodstvom v nikh rahot. [Report of the commission appointed by the Government on the organi- zation and maintenance of industrial institutions and on the supervision of work done in them.] Obsh.-san. obozr., S.-Peterb., 1896, i, 504; 530. SAGINAW. East Saginaw. Annual report of the board of public works to the common council, trans- mitting the reports of the clerk of the board, city engineer, anti superintendent of streets. 1., 1885. 8°. Fast Saginaw, 1886. Saginaw. Annual report of the board of pub- lic works of the city of Saginaw, transmitting the reports of the clerk ofthe hoard, city engineer, and superintendent of streets to the common council of the city. 1., 1890-91. 8°. Saginaw, 1891. SAINT-ETIENNE. Saint-Etienxe. Compte-rendu du bureau municipal d'hygiene et de statistique pour les anne'es 1896-9. Par C. M. Fleurv. 4-. Saint- Ftienne, 1900. SAINT GALL. Saint Gall (Canton of). Jahresberichte iiher die Verwaltung des Sanitatswesens und den all- gemeineu Gesundheitszustand des Kanton St. Galien in den Jahren 1680; 1881. 6~. St. Galien, 1881-2. SAINT HELENS. Bulstrode (H. T.) Report upon the sanitary circumstances and administration of the urban district of St. Helens, Isle of Wight, 7th June, 1901. fol. London, 1901. Saint Hklkns. Annual reports on the health of St. Helens hy the medical officer of health, to the health committee of the borough. 18., 1-90; 19., 1891. By Robert McXicoll. 8\ St. Helens, 1891-2. SAINT JOHN. Saint John, New Brunswick. Commissioners of Sewerage and Water Supply for the City of Saint John (Fast Side) and Town of Portland. Annual accounts and statements, with superintendent's and auditor's reports, to the mayor and alder- men, for the year l-8ti. 8C. Saint John, 18-7. SAINT-JOSSE-TEN-NOODE. Saixt-Josse-Ti:n-Xooi>e. Coinpte-rendu des travaux dn comite tie salubrite publique de . . . pendant Panned 1885. Par Th. Belval. No. xiv, 27. anne'e. 8-. Saint-Josse-Ten-Noode, 1880. SAINT LOUIS. Saint Louis. Health Department. Coudensed statements of mortality. (Monthly.) June, 1864, to March, 18-9. 4-. St. Louis, "l684-9. ------. Annual reports of the health commis- sioner to the mayor of the city. 8.-17.. 16»'4-5 to 1893-4; 19., 1695-6; 20., 1896-7. 6°. St. Louis, 1865-97. SAINT PAUL. Saint Paul. Annual reports of the board of control, city and county hospital, almshouse and poor farm, outdoor relief of poor of St. Paul and Ramsey Co., Miun., including the reports of the city and county physician, for the years 1864-5 to 1896. 60. Minnesota, 18-5-99. Saint Paul. Health Department. Annual re- ports ofthe commissioner of health to the mayor aud common council, for the years 1883-4 to 1-93; 1-96-9. 6. St. Paul, 1885-1900. Hygiene (Public, Reports on), by locali- ties. SAINT PETERSBURG. Saint Petersburg. City Sanitary Cum m ission. Meditsinskiy otchot, 1697. Prilozheuiya. [Medi- cal report, 1697. Supplements.] 8Z. [Saint- Petersburg, 1696.] -----. Okhrauenie obshtshestvennavo zdra- viya v S.-Peterburgie. Otchot S.-Peterburgskol gorodskol ispolniteluol sanitarnoi kouunissii. [Preservation of the public health iu St. Peters- burg. Report of the St. Petersburg City sani- tary commission.] 8-. S.-Peterburg, 1899. SAINT PETERSBURG County. Saint Petersburg. County Zemstvo. Sani- lary Commission. Otchot o dieyatelnosti zal—9-i god. [Report for 1889.] 8-. [S.-Peterburg, 1689.] SALEM. Salem. Annual report of the city marshal to the city council, for the vears 1686-7; 1687-6; 1669-90 to 1692-3. 6-. Salem, 1-6--94. ------. Citv documents for the vear 1-90-91. 8-. Salem, 1892. Salem. Board of Health. Aunual reports to the citv council, for the years 1862-3 to 1884-5; 18-7-97*. S-. Salem, 1664-96. Report of the board of health. City of Salem. City doc. (1891). 1892. 189-199. SALFORD. Salford. Health bulletins. Prepared for the health committee bv the medical officer of health. (Quarterly.)' Xos. 1-64, Jan., ls-1. to Dec, 1901. 8-'. Salford, 1--1-1902. ------. Annual and biennial reports on the health of Salford, by the medical officerof health to the geueral health committee. 15.-24., 1-63- 92. S~. Salford 4' Manchester, 1664-93. Paget ( C. E.) Annual report of the medical officer of health for Salford. Pub. Health Engin.. Lond., Is97, i, 331-333. SAN ANTONIO. Annual message of the mayor, and reports of the city officers, for the years 1887-6; 1889-90. 6-\ San Antonio, 16-6-90. San Antonio. Health Department. Annual reports to the mayor and board of aldermen. 3., 1866-7; 5.-8.,l-8--9 to 1-91-2; 14.. 1-97--. 12° & 8-. San Antonio, 1--7-9-. SANDAL MAGNA. Sandal Magxa. The urban sauitary district of Sandal Magna. Aunual report of the medical officer of health to the Sandal local board, forthe vear 1890. By J. W. Walker, fol. Wakefield, 1891. SAN DIEGO. Sax Diego. Board of Health. Annualreport to the mayor aud city couucil. 1., 1866. 8". San Diego, 1889. SAN FRANCISCO. San Franciscd. Health Department. Annual reports of the healtli officer to the board of health of the city ami county for the yeais 1-66- 7; 18-4 to 1897--. 6'-". San Francisco, 1867-98. Godfrey (J.) Historical sketch of the United States Marine-Hospital Service at San Francisco. Cal. Rep Superv. Surg.-Gen. Mar. Hosp., Wash., 18%. 277-279. SAN JUAN. Hughe** ( M. E.) Report of board of health of San Juan Mil. gov. Porto Rico. App. . . . Epit. rep. [etc.j 1898-1900, Wash., 1901, 159-163. HYGIENE. 713 HYGIENE. Hygiene (Public, Reports on), by locali- ties. SANTA ANTAO. HopflTer ( F. F.) Relatoriodo servigo de saude nailha de Santo Antao. con referenda an anno tie 1S75. Gaz. med. de Lisb.. 1K82, 5. s.. ii, 109 ; 121; 133; 14.".; 157; 181; 193; 205; 217 229; 241: 18S3, 5. 8., iii, 13; 25; 37 ; 49 ; 73; 85; 97 ; 109; 121; 253; 265. SARATOV County. Saratov. County Zemstvo. Sanitavy Council. Dokladl i otchoti xxiv ocherednaonin Saratov- skomu uyezdnomu zeniskoniu sobraniyu 1-89 goda. [Reports to the twenty-fourth meeting of the Saratov county zemstvo of 1889.] s •. Saratov, 1689. SARATOV Government. C'heniknvell' (V. D.) Uoklad konnnissii po voprosu o postoyaniiiii ozdorovitelnol gubernskol omanizatsii. [Report of tin- commission on a permanent embolization lor the sanitation ofthe [Saratov] government. Saratov. san. obzor, 1893, iii, 29-37. SAVANNAH. Savannah. Annual reports of the mayor, to which is addetl the treasurer's reports, and the reports of the different departments, for the years 165--9; 1-70-71 to l-6l; 1866; 1890-92. 8 . Savannah, 1-59-93. SAXONY. See, also, in this list, Dresden; Magdeburg; Merseburg. Saxony (Province of). Auszug ausdein Medi- cinal-Bericlit dtskouiglich-preussisehen Medici- nal-ColIegiuuis der Provinz Sachsen fiir das Jahr 1-33. Referent: Dr. Bruggemanu. -:. Magde- burg, [1-34]. SCARBOROUGH. Scarborough. Annual reports on the sani- tary condition of Scarborough. By the medical officer of health to the town couucil. 1.-18., 1872-89. -\ Scarborough, 1873-90. SCHENECTADY. Schenectady. Board of Health. Annual re- ports ofthe health officer, for the years 1--7-- to 1*94-5; 1-96-7 to 1899-1900. - \V 12=. Sche- nectady, 188--1900. SCHLES WIG-HOLSTEIN. Schleswig - Holstkix. Gesammt - Berichte iiber das offentliche Gesundheitswesen der Pro- vinz Sclilesw ig-Holstein. Erstattet von J. Bo- ckendahl. 1., 1-66; 18.-20., 1—2-6. fol. A Ac Kiel, 1867-69. SCOTLAND. See, also, in this list, Aberdeen; Edinburgh; Glasgow. Aroyll (County of). Annual reports ou the healtli and sanitary condition ofthe county and districts, by Roger M'Neill, medical officer of Iiealth. 3.," 1893; 4., 1894. 8J. Lochgilphead, 1894-5. Great Britain. Parliament. House of Com- mons. Report from the select committee on burgh police and health (Scotland) bill; with the proceedings of the committee. 23 July, 1888. fol. London, [1888]. Great Britain. Parliament. House of Lords. Report from the select committee of the House of Lortls on the burgh police and healtli (Scot- laud) bill [II. L.]; together with the proceed- ings of the committee, minutes of evidence, and appendix. Session 1884-5. fol. London, 1885. Scotland. Secretary for Scotland. Annual reports of the board of supervision for the relief of the poor and of public health in Scotland to Hvg'iene (Public, Reports on), hy locali- ties. SCOTLAND—continued. the secretary for Scotland. 1.-20., 1845-6 to 1604-5; 23., 1,807-8; 21., 1868-9; 35.-42., 1879-60 to 1886-7; 44., 1886-9; 46., 1-90-91; 48., 1692-3. fol. A 8 . Edinburgh, 1847-94. Wir Henry f.itllejolm'M report on the health ofthe city of Edinburgh, anti infection uy milk. Scot. M. & S. J.,'Edinb., 1900, vi, 425-430. SCRANTON. SeiiANTtix. Mayor's annual messages aud re- ports of heatls of departments of the city of Scranton, for the year 1886-7. 8 , Scrantoni 1887. Suraxtox. Board of Health. Annual reports to the mavor anil councils of the city, for the years 1887-193; 1,6115-7. 8. Scranton, 1868-98. Keporl of health officer, Scranton, Pa., 1886-7. May- or's message . . . Scranton, 1887, 75-81. SEATTLE. Seattle. Board of Health. Annual reports to the mayor, for the years 1891; 1893. 8°. Seattle, 1892-4. SHANGHAI. Shanghai. Municipal Council. Health Depart- ment. Anuual report of the health officer [to the council for the foreign community], for the year 1900. sin. 4°. Shanghai, 1901. Reports on the health of Shanghai. Oct. 1, 1870, to Sept. 30, ism. China. Imp. Customs. Med. Eep., 1870- 94, Shanghai, 1871-95, i-xlviii, passim. SHEFFIELD. Sheffield. A report on the sanitary condi- tion ofthe borough of Sheffield: also an appen- dix to the first edition, containing a report on baths and wash-houses, etc. By J. Haywood and W. Let*. 2. ed. 8c Sheffield, 1818. ------. Annual reports ou the health of the county borough of Sheffield, for the vears l-6.">; 1-89. ' fol. Sheffield, 1886-90. SHIZUOKA. [Hygienic results of the year 1897.) Shizuoka Eisei- kwai Hoko, 1897, no. 51, 1-12. SIDMOUTH. Sidmouth. The health of Sidmouth. Annual report on the sanitary condition of the district, by the meilical officer of health, for the vear 1889. 4C. [Sidmouth, 1890.] SILESIA. See, in this list, Breslau; Liegnitz; Oppeln. Silesia. General-Sanitiits-Berichte vou Schle- sien, fiir die Jahre 1831-5. Hrsg. von dem koniglichen Medicinal-Collegio zu Breslau. Re- ferent, Dr. KUers. 6 v. - . Breslau, 1833-40. SMETHWICK. Smethwick. Annual report of the medical officer of health to the urban sanitary author- ity. By William F. Marsh Jackson. 2., 1889. 8 a Smethwick, 1890. SOMERVILLE. Somerville. Annual reports of the city en- gineer to the mavor and city council. 4.-20., 1877-93 8C. Somerville, 1678-94. Somerville. Board of Health. Aunual re- ports to the mayor and citv council. 7.-23., 1884-1900. 8 =. Somerville, 1865-1901. SOUTHAMPTON. Southampton. Annual report of the medical officer of health, on tho sanitary coudition of HYGIEXE. 714 HYGIENE/ I Hvgiene (Public, Reports on), by locali- J Hygiene (Public, Reports on), by locali- ties. ! ties. SOUTHAMPTON—continued. the borough. 16.. 1689. By Henry Osborn. 6:. Southampton, 1899. Bennett (W. I!. G.) The utilization of town refuse, ■sewage disposal, electric lighting, and concrete paving at Southampton. Proc. Ass. Municip. & San. Engin., Lond. & X. V.. 1*8,5-9, xv. 34-48. 1 pl. SOUTH AUSTRALIA. South Australia. Central Board of Health. \ Annual reports to the chief secretary, with ap- pendices 1., 1874-5; 2., 1675-£5; 4.-6., 1677-6 t0 1879-8(1; 6.-10., 1661-2 to 1883-4. fol. Adelaide, 1875-8J. SOUTH CAROLINA. See, also, in this list, Charleston. South Carolina. State Board of Health. Annual reports to the legislature. 4., 1662-3; 6.-20., 1684-5 to 1896-9. 8c Columbia cf Charles- ton, 16,-;5-l900. K ration (J. R.) Report from the South Carolina State hoard of health. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1890, Con- cord, 1891, xvi, 176-180. — Minions (M.) Report of the comniittee on State medicine aud public hygiene. Tr. South Carolina M. Ass.. Charleston. 1878, 81-89. SOUTH SHIELDS. South Shields. Anuual report on the health and sanitary condition of the borough ot South Shields, for the years, 10., 1684; 11 , 1685; 15., 1--9 By A. Campbell Muuro, medical officer for the borough. 8°. South Shields, 1665-90. SPAIN. See. also, in this list, Cartagena. Spain. Ministerio de la gobernacion. Direc- cion general de benefieencia y sanidad. Boletin mensual de estadistica ileiiiogratico-sanitaria de la peuiusulae islasadvacentes. Nos. 1—8, Sept., 1879. to Dec. 18-5. 4-. Madrid. 1679-89. ------. Boletin de sanidad. v. 1-3, Jan., 1888, to June. 1-69: No. 1, of v. 4, July. 1—9: Nos. 3-ti, of v. 5, March to June, 1-90: Nos. 2, 5, 6, of v. ti, Aug., Nov.. Dec, I69n; Nos. 1, 2, 4-6, of v. 7, Jan., Feb., April to Juue, 1-91 : Nos. 5, 6, of v. 8, Nov., Dec, 1891; No. 2, of v. 9, Feb., 169-2; Nos. 1, 2. of v. 10, July, Aug.. 1692; Nos. 1. 2, of v. 12. July, Aug., 1693.' 6-. Madrid, 18-6-93. STADE. j Stade (Regierungsbezirk). Das offentliche Gesundheitswesen in den Jahren 1683-94. Ge- neralberichte, erstattet vom Regierungs- und Me.Mcinalrath. 4.-7. 6;. Stade, 1887-97. STAFFORD. Stafford. Annual reports of the health of Stafford by the medical officers of health to the public health committee. 10.-16., 1863-91. ,--. Stafford, 1—4-92. j Staffordshire. Annual report of the medi- cal officer of healtli to the county council, for the year 1-69. By G. Reid. - . Stafford, 1890. STAPLETON. Stapleton. The medical officers, anuual re- ports to the urban district council, for the years 1894-6. --. Stapleton 4' Bristol, 1-95-7. STETTIN. Stettin. Das offentliche Gesundheitswesen ienr, par F. S<-limid. Trad, par G. Sandoz. 8°. Berne, 1-91. SYRACUSE. Syracuse. Board of Health. Annual reports ofthe . . .. consisting of reports of its officers. 1.-15., 1—4-9-. -c Syracuse, 1-65-99. TACOMA. Tacoma. Annnal reports of the board of public works, to the mayor and city council. 1., 1-90-91; 2., 1891-2. -c Tacoma, 1-91-3. TAINAN. .^IjeriW.W. i Report on the health of Tainan. China. Imp. ( uitiims. Mod. Rep. 1890-1, Shanghai, 1894, xli, 33. TAMBOV. Kakuiililtin (N. M.) Sanitarniye otchoti po 1-inti ncha-itkn gor. Tambova za 1*89i 1890 gg. [Sanitary reports oi the first district of citv of Tambov for tin: yearn1889" and \h'M>.\ Sau. Dielo. St. Peteiso., 1*91, i, 477; 503; 583. TANG A, Past Africa. Plehn IF.) Die sanitaren Verhaltnhw von Tanga wahrentl den Berichtjahres 1*00-7. Arb. a. tl. k. Gsntlhts- amte, Berl., 1898. xiv, 643-647. TAUNTON. Taunton. Municipal register, containing the mayor's address, and anuual report^ for 1680-6, with the city aud ward officers for 1867-9. 6a Taunton, 1-67-9. -----. Annual reports of the water commis- sioners to the mayor aud citv council. 12., lc-o-7; 14.. 16-8-9. -G. Taunton, 1*88-90. Taunton. Board of Health. Annual reports to the mayor and city council. 2.-15., 1-84-97. 6 a Taunton, 1685-96. Hygiene ties. (Public, Reports on), by locali- TAURIDA Government. von Roacnberjgcr (C. O.) Bericht iiber die nach tlem Krimm'schen Kriege in dem Gouvernement Taurien iiu Jahre 1856 ausgefiihrten Reinigiings - Maassregeln. Med. Zeit. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1858, xv, 89; 97; 105; 113; 121; 129; 137. TENNESSEE. See, also, in this list, Chattanooga; Enox- ville; Memphis: Nashville. Tennessee. State Hoard of Health. Report to the governor of the State. 2., Oct., 1880, to Dec., 1884. 6-. Nashrille, 1885. ------. Bulletins. (Monthly.) v. 1-12, le.85- 6 to 169f.-7; Nos. 1-2, v. 13, 1897. 8°. Nash- ville, 16-5-97. ------. Bulletin. (Bimonthly.) N. s., No. 1, v. 1. 6-. SomiTville, 1-96. Keport of the secretary of the board of health, taxing district, Shelby County, Tennessee, 1882-4; 1889-90. Rep. pies. com. taxing dist. Shelby Co., Tenn., Memphis, 1884, 40: 1890, 205: 1891, 149. TEXAS. See. also, in this list, Austin; Dallas; San Antonio. Texas. Report of the State health officer of the State of Texas to the governor, for the years 1-91 and 1-92. 6-. Austin, 1892. TIENTSIN. Report* on the health of Tientsin. Oct. 1, 1872, to Sept 30. 1899. China. Imp. Customs. Med. Rep. 1873- 99. Shanghai, 1873-1900, v-Mii, passim. TODMORDEN. Todmorden. Auuual reports of the medical officer of health to the Todmorden urban saui- tary authority. 7.-14., 1884-91; 17., 1894. 12°. Todmorden, 1885-95. TOGO, West Africa. Doling. Die Gesundheitsverhaltnisse in Togo in der Zeit vom 1. Januar his Zum 1. Juli 1897. Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1898. xiv, 667-670. TOLEDO. Toledo. Board of Health. Annual reports of the health officer to the board of healtli. 16.-30., 18-4-96. 8c Toledo, 16<5-97. Toledo. Health Department. Annual re- ports of health division, hoard of police com- missioners, for the years 1697-1900. 8-. Toledo, 1-9--19i»l. TONKIN. de Foiiiel. fitat sanitaire du Tonkin pendant l'an- nee lsiiu. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1892, lvh, 244-262." TORONTO. Toronto. Annual reports of the city engi- neer to the mavor and members of the council, for the years l6"88; 1869; 1691-4. 8->. Toronto, 1890-95. Toronto. Local Board of Health. Aunual report of the . . ., showing the sauitary work done during the year, anti the sanitary condition of tin- city of Toronto. Including therein the annual report of the medical officer. For the year 1880-7. 8\ Toronto, 1887-8. TORQUAY. Torquay. Annual reports of the medical officer of health, reports on the sanatorium, and the sanitary inspector's reports. 0.-10., 1683- 93; 18.-2:5., 1695-1900. 12^ A8c Torquay,188A- 1901. HYGIENE. 716 HYGIENE. Hygiene (Public, Reports on), by locali- ties. TOULOUSE. C'aiidclon. fitat sanitaire ile la ville de Toulouse pendant les annees 1892-94. Midi m6d., Toulouse, 1892-4, i-iii, pavsiin. -----. Etat sanitaire. 1896-9. Arch. in6d. de Toulouse, 1897, iii, 129: 1899, v, 57: 1900. vi. 313; 342. -----. l5tat sanitaire de la ville de Toulouse en 1900; r6- sum6 statistique au point de vue de la natalite et de la nior- talite de la periode decennale 1891-1900. Ibid., 1901, vii, 169; 198. TRENTON. Trenton. Annual message of the mayor to the city council. Also, annual reports of the city officers, for the year 1887-8. 8°. Trenton, 1888. TREVES. Treves. Die Gesundheitsverhaltnisse und das Mediziual-Wesen des Regierungs - Bezirks Trier uuter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Jahre 1883-91. 8C. Trier, 1884-94. TROWBRIDGE. Annual report ou the sanitary condition of the Trowbridge urban sanitary district. Pre- sented to the sanitary authority hy the medical officer of health. 15., 1689; 16., 1890. 8°. Trowbridge, 1890-91. TROY. Troy. Report of the city engineer to the mayor aud common council, for the years 1893-4 aud 1894-5. 8°. Troy, 1895. TROYES. Precis des travaux du conseil de salubrite" dtahli pres l'administration municipale de Troyes, par arret6 de M. le maire de cette ville en date ilu 10 d6coinbre 1830, appronve" le 23 du nieme mois, par M. le prefet du Departement de FAube. 8°. Troyes, 1834. TUNBRIDGE WELLS. Tuni'iiidge Wells. Anuual report on the health anil sanitary condition of the borough. By W. Stamford, medical officer of health, for the years 1887-1900. 8-. Tunbridge Wells, 1888- 1901. TURIN. Turin. Ufficio d' igiene. Relazioni per gli anni 1882; 1884-99. fol. & 8-. Torino, 1883- 1901. UDINE. Udine (Province of). Relazione del Consiglio sanitario provinciale al R. ministero dell' in- terno sull' inchiesta intorno alle eondizioni igienico-sanitarie dei comuui della provincia di Udiue. [G. A. Piroua, relatore.l fol. Udine, 1885. -----. Relazione sulle eondizioni igieuiche e sanitarie della provincia di Udine duraute F auuo 1893. Letta al Consiglio provinciale sani- tario dal Dott. F. Fratini, medico provinciale. 8°. Udine, 1895. UNITED STATES. See, also, in this list, Alabama; California; Colorado; Connecticut; Delaware ; District of Columbia; Florida; Fort Stanton; Geor- gia; Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Kansas; Ken- tucky; Louisiana; Maine; Maryland; Mas- sachusetts; Michigan; Minnesota; Mis- souri ; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New York; North Carolina; Ohio; Oklahoma; Pennsylvania; Porto Rico; Rhode Island; Hygiene (Public, Reports on), by locali- ties. UNITED STATES—continued. South Carolina; Tennessee; Texas; Ver- mont; Washington; West Virginia; Wis- consin. United States. National Board of Health. Minutes of the executive committee, v. 1-3, 1879-81. fol. Washington, 1879-81. -----. Anuual reports of the president and secretary to the Secretary of the Treasury. [In- cluding appendices, reports, and papers. ] 7., 1884-5. 8°. Washington, 1880. United States. Treasury Department Ma- rine-Hospital Service. Circular letter with refer- ence to the "weekly abstracts of the consular sauitary reports and other pertinent informa- tion" to be transmitted by the Surgeon-General of the United States Marine-Hospital Service, to the medical officers of the Marine-Hospital Ser- vice, to collectors of customs, and to the State and municipal health authorities of the United States. No. 5, series 1878. 4°. [Washington, 1878.] -----. Public health reports. Published in accordance with act of Congress approved Feb. 15, 1893. v. 2-16, Jan. 20, 1887, to Dec. 27, 1901. 8 -"'. Washington, 1887-1902. UPSALA. Roi in (E.) Om helso- och sjukvarden i Upsala stad &ren 1894-8. [The care of the sick and well in Upsala in 1898.J Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1894-5, xxx, 312: 1897-8, n. F., iii, 135: 1898-9, n. F., iv, 607. URUGUAY. Uruguay. Consejo nacional de higiene. Ad- ministracidu sanitaria. Memoria del consejo nacional de higiene y sus dependencias, 1890. 8°. Montevideo, 1898. -----. Estadistica sanitaria del Uruguay. 1887-95. Por J. Canabal. 4°. Montevideo, 1899. UTICA. Utica. Board of Health. Annual reports of the health officer to the mayor and commission- ers of the board of health. 8., 1863; 11.-16., 1886-91; *0., 1895; 21., 1896. 4° & 8°. Utica, 1881-97. UTRECHT. Utrecht. Verslagen van de verrigtiugen der Gesoudbeids-Commissie der Stad Utrecht ge- durende de jaren 1857-9; 1887. 8:. Utrecht, 1858-88. UXBRIDGE. Uxbridge Union Rural Sanitary Authority. Annual medical report, by Charles Roberts, for tbe year 1890. 8°. Uxbridge, 1891. VALPARAISO. Valparaiso. Archives del consejo de higiene de Valparaiso. 1896 y primer semestre de 1897. 8°. Valparaiso, 1897. VAUD. Vaud (Canton ofl. La sant6 publique dans le canton de Vaud en 1892-4; 1896; 1899. Rap- port du Dr. Moras, chef du service sanitaire, suivi des rapports des chefs des hospitaliers cau- tonaux. 12°. Lausanne, 1894-1900. -----. Cadastre sanitaire. Statistique medi- eale du canton de Vaud, compreuant la climato- logie, Fethnologie, la d£mographie, les causes de d6ces, les epide'mies, les institutions sanitaires, les etablissemeuts hospitaliers, la liste et la biographie des medecins du pays et du canton de Vaud. Par J. Moras. 4°. Lausanne, 1899. 17 HYCJ1ENE. n YGIENE. Hygiene (Public, Reports on), by locali- ties. VENICE. Fnno (B.) Resoconto dell' ufficio municipale d' igiene per 1' anno 189:5 Kiv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1894, xxi, 385-416, 3 plans. VENTNOR. Ventnok. Annual report of the medical offi- cer of health for the town of Ventnor, for the year 1881. 8*. rent nor, 1882. VERMONT. Set. also, in litis list, Burlington. Vermont. State Board of Health. Annual leports of the secretary to the governor of the State, l.-ll., l>t0-7 to 1890-7. 6°. Rutland, 18-7-9-. VERONA. Verona. Relazione al consiglio comunale ilella commission** d' iuchiesta sui servizio saui- tario cittatliuo. Ettore Calderara, relatore. roy. 8-. Verona, 1880. VICENZA. Vicenza. Statistica sanitaria per F anno 1665. Dott. Domenico Marchetti. 6°. Vicenza, 18 — . VIENNA. Vienna. Bericht des Wiener Stadtphysikates iiber seine Aintsthatigkeit und iiher die Gesund- heitsverhaltnisse der k. k. Reichshaupt- uud Resideuzstadt Wien. Im Auftrage des loblichen Gemeinderathes, erstattet vou dem k. k. Regie- ruu-s-und Sunitiitsrathes. 13.-29., 1663-99. 8°. Wien, 16-4-1901. -----. Verzeicbuis* der in Wien wohuhaften 8aiiit;it^pei-tiuen fiir die Jahre 1869-91. 12°. Wien, 1-89-91. Dtiztiliije Der) Znstand ties offentlichen Rettungs- wi sens cl> i St.i'lT "Wien. dai-e-tellt dm th deu Bericht des Stadtphysikates pro 18S3 nnd 1884. Med.-chir. Centralbl., "Wien f"s6. xxi 257; 270: 283: J9.j; 306; 317; 329; 341; 354.— KaiiniK'i'fr . fol. & 8C. Wakefield, 1-91-6. WALES. See, also, in this list, Cardiff; Ebbw Vale; Risca; Swansea. Carnarvonshire Combined Sanitary District. Annual reports of the medical officer of health, for the years 1678-84; 1889. 8'. Camarron, 1678-90. Evans (E.) Report to the local government board, on the sanitary condition of the town of Amlwch, and on prevalence of fever there. Oct. 7, 1893. fol. London, 1893. -----. Report to the local government board, upon the general sanitary condition of the Festiniog urban district. Dec. 10, 1894. fol. London, 1891. Horne (T.) Report to the local government board, on the sanitary condition of the Usk urban sanitary district, and on prevalence of diphtheria there. Oct. 2, 1693. fol. London, 1893. Hvgiene (Public, Reports on), by locali- ties. WALES—continued. Llanelly Union Rural Sanitary Authority. Annual report of the medical officer of health, for the year 188."). By J. Raglan Thomas. 8°. Llanelly, 1880. Spear (J.) Report to the local government board, upon a re-inspection of the Ebbw Vale and Abertillery urban sanitary districts, and of the Nedwcltv rural district. Monmouthshire, March 12, 1885." fol. [London, 1885.] -----. Report to the local government board, on sanitary administration in the Bridgend regis- tration district, Glamorganshire, with special reference to the arrangements existing in the district for the discharge of the duties of medi- cal officer of health. Feb. 22, 1889. fol. [Lon- don, 1889.] WALLASEY. Wallasey. Anuual reports of the medical officer of health and of the inspector of nuisances to the health committee, for the years 1885-93. 6~. Liverpool, 1680-94. -----. Inspector of uuisances' annual reports to the chairman and members of the Wallasey local hoard, upon the work executed iu his de- partment. 1.-3., 1891-3. By H. C. Bascombe. 6-\ Wallasey, 1-92-4. WALTHAM. Waltham. Aunual reports of the several de- partments for the years 1884; 1889. And roster of the city government for the years 1885; 1890. 65 Waltham, 18-5-90. -----. Annual reports of the city engineer aud superintendent of sewers of the city of Waltham, for the years 1893; 1894-5. 8°. Wal- tham, 1894-5. Waltham. Board of Health. Annual reports to the mavor ofthe city. 1.-13., 1885 to 1897-8. 8°. Waltham, 1886-98. WASHINGTON (City). See, in this list, District of Columbia. WASHINGTON (State). See, als:). in this list, Seattle; Tacoma. Washington. State Board of Health. An- nual reports to the governor of the State. 2.-5., 1892-3 to 1895-6. 8'-. Olympia, 1893-7. WATERTOWN. YVati:i:town. Board of Health. Annual le- ports of the board of health of the town of Watertown, for the years 1695-6 to 1896-9. -°. Walertown, 189(5-9. WEBSTER. Keport ul the health officer and town physician, Wehster. 1st:, C to 1880-81. Kep. town off. Webster [Mass.J, 187U-81, passim. WEDNESBURY. Wedneshi'ky. Annual reports ofthe sanitary inspector to the mayor and town council, for the years ls'.ld; 1891. "By William H. Coney. 8°. Wednesbury, 1891-2. -----. Annual report of the borough sur- veyor to the mayor and town couucil, for the year 1891. By E. Martin Scott. 8°. Wednes- bury, 1892. -----. Annual report of the medical officer of health to the mayor and town council, for the year Mil. By Walter C. Garman. 8°. Wednes- bury, Is 92. HYGIENE. 718 HYGIENE. Hygiene (Public, Reports on), by locali- ties. WELLESLEY. Wellksley, Massachusetts. Annual reports of tbe receipts and expenditures of the town of Wellesley. 8°. Wellesley 4- Boston, 1867-92. WELLINGTON, England. Wellington. Annual reports on the sani- tary condition ofthe Wellington urban district. By John Meredith, medical officer of health, for the years 1882; 1884; 1890; 1893; 1895-8; 1900. galley sheets & 12°. Wellington, 1883-1901. WELLINGTON, Xew Zealand. Wellington. Annual report of the medical officer of health, for the year 1892. By J. Meredith. Cutting from: Wellington Weekly News. Feb. 2, 1893. WEST BROMWICH. Buchanan (G. S.) Report to the local gov- ernment board, upon inquiry as to recent action by tbe towu council of West Bromwich in remedy of insanitary conditions of that county borough. Oct. 17, 1898. fol. London, 1898. WEST DERBY. West Derby. Annual reports on the health of West Derby during the years 1882-9. By W. Carter. 8<-. Liverpool, 1883-90. WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Western Australia. Report by the colonial surgeon, ou the public health of the colony, for the year 1882; also a report upon the Fremantle Lunatic Asylum, by the surgeon superintendent. fol. Perth, 1883. WESTPHALIA. See, also, in this list, Arnsberg; Minden; Miinster. Westphalia (Province of). Provinzial-Sani- tats-Berichte des koniglichen Mediziual-Colle- ginms von Westfalen fiir die Jahre 1636; 1840- 45. 8° & 4°. Miinster, 1840-47. WEST RIDING. West Riding. Annual report of the county medical officer, 1898. Including an abstract of the annual reports of the medical officers of healtli for tlie sanitary districts within the ad- ministrative county. 8c Wakefield, 1899. WEST VIRGINIA. West Virginia. State Board of Health. An- nual and biennial reports of the secretary, to the governor of the State. 5., 1885-6. 8°. Wheeling 4' Charleston, 1886. WHITBY. Wilson ( H. M.) Report to the local govern- ment board, on the sanitary conditiou of the Whitby urban sauitary district. Oct. 3, 1895, fol. London, 1893. -----. Report to the local goverument board, on the sanitary condition of the Whitby rural sanitary district with reference to the arrange- ments for the discharge of the duties of medical officer of health. August 9,1893. fol. London 1893. WHITWORTH. Whitworth. Annual report on the health of the Whitworth urbau sanitary district duiino- 1869, by Alexander Welsh. 12°. Whitworth, 1890° Hygiene (Public, Reports on), by Ineali. ties. WILLIAMSPORT. Williamsport. Mayor's message, city con- troller's report, and reports of departments of the city of Williamsport, for the year 1886. ' 6\ Williamsport, 1889. Report of the board of health, Williamsport, Pa 1888 Mayor's message . . . Williamsport, Pa., 1889, 33. WILMINGTON, Delaware. Wilmington. Annual statement of the street and sewer department of Wilmingtou, Del 4 1890-91; 5., 1891-2. 8°. Wilmington, 1891-2. *' WILMINGTON, Xorth Carolina. Wilmington. Annual reports of the munici- pal officers, to the board of aldermen, for the years 1870-71; 1870-7. 6-. Wilmington, 1871-7. WINDSOR. Bulstrode (H. T.) Report to the local gov- ernment board, upon the sauitary condition of the borough of Windsor, and upon'the character of the town council's administration. 29th June 1900. fol. London, 1900. ' New Windsor. Annual reports of the medical officer of health and the inspector of nuisances, for the borough of New Windsor, for the years 1884; 1885; 1887-9. 8°. Windsor, 1885-90. WINONA. Winona. Annual report of the city engineer, to the city council, for the year 1892-3 8° Winona, 1893. Winona. Board of Health. Annual reports to the mayor and council. 1., 1884-5; 8-17 1891-2 to 1900-1901. 8°. Winona, 1885-1901. *'• WISCONSIN. See, also, in this list, Madison; Milwaukee. Wisconsin. State Board of Health. Annual and biennial reports to the governor of the State. 8.-18., 1883 to 1899-1900. 8-. Madison, 1884- 1901. ' WITHINGTON. Withington. Annual reports of the medical officer of health to the urbau district council, for tbe years 188-.2-190U. By Thomas C. Railton. 8*-. [Manchester, 1883-1901.] WOLVERHAMPTON. Wolverhampton. Annual reports of the medical officer of Iiealth to the sanitary com- mittee, for the years 1884-9; 1892: 1894-1900. fol. & 8°. Wolverhampton, 1885-1901. WOOLWICH. Spear (J.) Report to the local government board, upon the sanitary condition and adminis- tration ofthe local board district of Woolwich. Dec. 31, 1864. fol. [London, 1884.] Woolwich. Annual report on tbe health, sanitary condition, etc., ofthe district of Wool- wich, by William R. Smith. 1. 1889. 8°. Wool- wich, le90. WORCESTER, England, Worcester. Annual report of the medical officer of healtli to the urban sanitary authority for the city of Worcester. By William Strange. 10., 1883. 8A Worcester, lr»0. WORCESTER, Massachusetts. Worcester. Board of Health. Annual re- ports to the mayor and city council. 4.-2:; 1881-1900. &o. Worcester, 18- A roy. 8--. Stuttgart, [ 1675-] 1900. ------. Die ordentlichen oberanits-ir/tlichen Genieinde-Medizinal-Visitationen in Wiiittem- berg. Ergebnis der eistinaligen Ausfiihrung im Jahr l-7ii. Mit (ieuehniigung des koniulicheu Miuisteriums des Innern uvfcrtiuter Separat- abdruck aus dem vom k. Mfdiziual - Kollegium hrsg. und gegenwiirtig im Druck betindlichen "Medizinal-Bericlit vou WiiittemWrg pro 1670" fiir die siebeute Veisainuilung des Deutschen Vereins fiir offentliche Gesundheitspflege in Stittgait am 15., 16. uud 17. September H79. roy. - . Stuttgart, 1-79. WUHU. Keport- on the health of Wuhu. Oct. 1, 1879, to Sept. :io. 1>97. China. Imp. Cnstoms. Med. Rep. 1880- 97. Shanghai. 1881-98, xx-liv, passim. ZEELAND. Zheland (Province of). Verslag van gecom- mitteerden tot het instelleu van ecu onderzoek naar de wijze. waarop in Zeeland de »enees- kutiilige arniverzorging eu de betrekking van doodschouwer geregeld ziju. fol. [Middelburg, 1-72.1 ------. Verbeterblad, behoorende bij de ta- bel betreffende de regeliug vau de geneeskun- dige arniverzorging en van de In trekking van dood schonwer in Zeeland. broadside, 12 by 17£ inches. [Middelburg, 1872.] ZMIYEV County. Zmiyev County. Meditsinskiy otchot za 1-90 god. [Medical report for 1-90. ] 8 a Kharkov, 1-91. Hygiene (Public, Societies, conrentions and congresses of). See, also, Cremation (s„iieties, etc., for the promotion of); Engineering (Sanitary, Societies, etc., relating to). Lancet (The). Reports of the international congresses of hygiene and demography, held from 1870 to 1--9, Brussels, Paris, Turin, Geneva, I he Hague, Vienna, Paris. Reprints of descrip- tive articles, etc. Presented to the members of the London Congress of 1-91 by tin- editor of the Lancet. --. London, 1891. t'hiene 'J.i The ml vantages of a health society to a community. Etlinh. Health Soc Health Lect., 1889-90, x, 107-121.—Devonshire tlmkenf). The conuivs* of the Roval Institute ot Public Health. J. State M.. I.oml., 1901, ix, 431-440.—Freiberg (M. l'i.) Mezhduiiarodiiiya sani- tarniya konteieiitsii posllednyavo desvatilletija. (Inter- national sanitary conferences ot the last decade.] Vest- nik ohsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1898, no. 3, 2. sect., 232; no. 4. 2. sect., 282; no. 5, 2. sect., 43G.—."Votter (J. L ) International sanitary conferences of the Victorian era. Inaugural address of session 1897- 8. Tr. Epidem. Soc. Lond., 1897-8, n. ->.. xvii, 1-14. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1897. ii, 1A1 *;-1A18. Also [Ab- str.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, ii, Ili4ti.-Ki«lcr ((i.) A millennitimi kozegeszsegi 6s orvosugyi < cingie.->su.-.. I he millennium congress of hygiene and medieine , Kii/.eg. 6s T6rv6ny. Orvos., Budapest, 1891!, 29-39. — «X« i-ibmi- (lfr«. J. H.) The relation between woman's health pro- tective associations and the puhlic health. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Kep. 1897, Concord, 1898, xxiii, 413-421. i Hyg'iene (Public, Societies, conrentions, and congresses of), by localities. AMSTERDAM. Chadwick (E.) Presidential address to the delegates of f lie congress held at Amst rdam, Sept. 11, 1879. 1*2°. London, 1879. liepr. from: San. Register. Finlii'liibni'u. Bericht iiher die Verhandlungen der livgic-nisi Iu n Sec non .l.s se. listen interuationalen Con- ^■re-ses der in. ilii'liiisthen Wissc nschafteii zu Amsterdam. lieiits.he Viiljsthi. f. off. Gsudhtspflg, Brnschwg., 1880, xii, 483-498. ANTWERP. Societe royale de medecine publique de Bel- gique. Congres national scientihque tenu ii Anvers '20 au .11 aout 186."). Prophylaxie des ma- ladies pestileiitielles exotiques. Comptes ren- dus et memoires precedes tits rapports de MM. N. du Moulin et G. van tie Velde nvee introduc- tion de M. le Dr. H. Kuboru. - . Bruxelles, 1880. AUSTRALIA. Australian Health .Society. Annual reports. No. 9-2*2, 16-<4-169t;-7. 8-. Melbourne, 1884-97. BERLIN. DEt'TscHEGesellsehaftfiir offentliche Gesund- heitspflege zu Berlin. Verhandlungen [fiir die Sitzungen vom 17. Januar 187*2 his zum 19. Fe- hruar 1877]. 8\ [Herlin, 187*2-7.] Repr. from: Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med.. Berl., 1874-7, n. F., xx-xxvii (Suppl.). ------. The same. Ordeutliche Sitzung vom '24. Mai i860. 4°. Berlin, 1880. ------. The same. 18.89-93. -J. Berlin, 1890-93. Repr. from: Deutsche Med.-Ztg. Berl., Is89, x: 1890, xi. BOCHUM. Allgemeines Knappschafts-Verein zu Bo- chum. Das Gesundheitswesen im Bereiche des allgeineiueu Knappschafts-Verein zu Bochum. General-Bericht des Kuappsehafts-Oberarztes Dr. Tenholt. 6\ Bochum, 1697. BOLOGNA. Atti della t.-iza riunione d' igienisti italiani, tenuta nell' ottobre 18sx in Bologna. Gio.\ tl. r. Soc. ital. d' ig., Milano, 1**8, x, 803-1035. BONN. Lent. Beiicht iiher die am 14. October 1893 in Bonn statt<;eliul>te Generalversammlung des Niederrheinischeu Vereins I iir iiffentliehe Gesundheitspflege. Centralbl. f. alls- Gsndhtspflg., Bonn, 1894, xiii, 15-29, 2 pl. BORDEAUX. Societe d'hygiene publique de Bordeaux. Bulletin, v.i, 18-4. -*\ Bordeaux, \8*2. ------. Bulletins et memoires. 1. annexe, 189*2-3; 2. annee, No. 1, 1893. 8-a Bordeaux, 1893-4. BRESCIA. Ruatta (C. ) L' ordiuamento sanitario al congresso d'igiene di Brescia. 8°. Citta di Cas- tello, 1888. Societa italiana d' igiene. Federazione. Atti del seeondo congresso. Brescia, settembre 1888. 8°. Brescia, 188,*.. BRIGHTON. Brighton Health Congress. Transactions. 1861. 8 . London, [1882]. BRUSSELS. Conores general d'hygiene a Bruxelles. 20, ! 21 et 22 septembre 1852. Projet de solution HYGIENE. Hygiene (Public, Societies, conventions, and congresses of), by localities. BRUSSELS—continued. des questions posees au programme. Reglement d'ordre des stances. 8Z. Bruxelles, 1852. Congres international d'hygiene, de sauve- tage et d'economie sociale, Bruxelles, 1876. 8 . Paris, 1877. Congres national d'hygiene et de climato- logie medieale de la Belgiqtie et du Congo. Compte reudu des seances tlu . . . 1897. 8:. Bruxelles, 1898. -----. Rapport avec le r6sum6 des me'uioires envoyes en vue du congres. 6=. Bruxelles, 1898. Societe internationale de prophylaxie sani- taire et morale. Bulletin, v. 1, 1901. 8-. Bru- xelles, 1901. Societe royale de meclecine publique de Bel- gique. Fasc. 1-7, v. 1; fasc. 1-0, v. 2; fasc. 1, v. 5. Bulletin. 8:. Bruxelles, 1877—87. -----. [Tablettes mensuelles tie la . . .] 1887.-7. 8P. [Bruxelles, l8-.">-7.] JVeiwmpr (A.) Die erste internationale Conferenz in Briissel 1899 und ihre Nachfolger. Bull. Soc. internat. de prophyl. [etc.J, Brux., 1901, i, 19-34.—Tost (F.) Esposi- zione intei nazionale e congresso d' igiene e salvamento nel 1876 in Bruxelles. Gior. di med. mil., Koma, 1870, xxiv, 1185-1188. Also, Reprint. BUDA PEST. Congres international d'hygiene et de derao- graphie (riina) lenu a Budapest du ler au 9 sep- tenibre 1894. Coniptes-rendus et memoires; pu- blics par Sigismond Gerldczy, secretaire du con- gres. 7 v. 8C. Budapest, 1895-6. French and Hungarian text. Orszagos kozegeszsegi egyesiilet alapszab&- lyai. [Fundamental rules of the Hungarian Public Health Society.] 8C. Budapest, 1.-80. Eighth (The) International Congress of Hygiene and Demography. Lancet, Lond., 1894, ii, 603-609.—Eighth (The) International Congress of Hygiene and Demography, held in Hilda Pesth, Septemher, 1894. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, ii, 552; 610.—Iiileriiationaler Congress fiir Hy- giene und Demographic (viii.). Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1894, xxxix,, 407-410.- I iitcrniitioiialer Kongress fiir Hygiene uud Demographic (viii.). Wien. med. Wchn- schr., 1894, xliv, 1605-1007.—Vallin (E.) Le congres international de Buda-Pest. Kev. d'hyg., Par., 1894, xvi, 753-884. CADIZ. Sociedad espaflolade higiene, seccion provin- cial de Ca\liz. Acta de la sesiou inaugural de los trabajos academicos de 188.5 & 1881. 8°. Ca- diz, 1885. CALCUTTA. Calcutta Public Health Society. Report for 1860. --. [Calcutta, 1887.] CALIFORNIA. California. State Board of Health. Pro- ceedings of the State sanitaiy convention, held under the auspices ofthe California State board of health, at San Francisco. 1., 1893; 3., 1895. 8°. Sacramento, 1893-5. CHICAGO. American Popular Health Association. Pros- pectus of . . . 16°. Chicago, 1888. Citizens' Association of Chicago. Executive committee, Nov., 1881. [Circular letter on the importance of increasing the membership, and thereby enabling it to extend its inquiries into the imperative wants of a municipality, such as increased water supply, improved sewerage, etc.] 4~. [Chicago, 18-1.] -----. Annual reports of the executive com- mittee. 9.-23., 1863-4 to 1896-7. 8=. Chicago, 1884-97. HYGIENE. Hygiene (Public Societies, conventions, and congresses of), by localities. CHRISTIANIA. Bentzen (L. G. E.) Aarbog for Norsk Fore- uing for Sundhedspleie, ISSli. [Annual report of Norwegian Society for Hygiene.] 8;# Kristi- ania, 1887. CINCINNATI. National Conference of State Boards of Healtli. Proceedings of the . . . held at Cincin- nati, Ohio, May 4, 1888. 8°. Harrisburg, 1889. CONSTANTINOPLE. Conference sanitaire iuternatiouale de Con- stantinople. Relatorio sobre os trabalhos da Conferencia sauitaria internacional reunida em Constautinopola em 1866, pelo Dr. Bernardino Antonio Gomes. 4U. Lisboa, 1857. -----. Abstract of the proceedings and re- ports. (Compiled by A. H. Leith, president of tlie sanitary commission, Bombay Presidency.) roy. 8 . Bombay, 1867. -----. Proceedings of the International Sanitary Conference opened at Constantinople on the 13th February, 1866. 8°. Calcutta, 1858. [van Csippelle.] Internationale sanitaire conferen- ce te Konsiantinopel. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1866, -1. K., ii, 367; 561; 625. Also, Reprint. DRESDEN. Conference sanitaire internationale de Dresde. Protocoles et proces-verbaux de la Conf6rence sanitaire internationale de Dresde, 11 mai-15 avril 189.1. fol. Dresde, 1893. Dresden (The) sanitary conference. Brit. M. J.,Lond., 1893, i, 909.—international (The) sanitary conference of Dresden, 1893. Practitioner, Lond., 1893,'l, 390-396.— Strachey (G.) [et al.]. Keport of the British delegates to the International Sauitary Conference of Dresden. Kep. Local Gov. Bd., Loud., J893-4, xxiii, 449-450. Also: Kep. Med. Ofl'. Local Gov. Bd., Lond., 1893-4, 449-456. Also [Abstr.]: Practitioner, Lond., 1894, Iii, 377-400. DUBLIN. Dublin Sanitary Association. Report of tlie executive committee. March, 1879. 12°. Dub- lin, 1879. EDINBURGH. Edinburgh Health Society. Health lectures for the people. 6.-15. series, 1885-6 te 1898-9. 12°. Edinburgh, 1866-99. ENGLAND. Association of Public Sanitan Inspectors, England. Position of sanitation in England. Celebration of the first anniversary dinner of the. . . June 7th, 1884. 8=. London, 18--I. -----. lhe first anuual repoit. 8 . Hack- ney, 1884. North-Eastern Sanitaiy Inspection Associa- tion. Reports. 1.-2., 1883-5; 4.-8., 1886-91. 4° & 8°. [r.p., 1864-91.] North-Western, Northern Counties, and Yorkshire Association of Meilical Officers of Health. Joint meetings, 1878-80. 8°. York 4- Leeds, 1878-80. Yorkshire Association of Medical Officers of Health. Report of the committee for the years 1877-9. 12°. Leeds 4- Skipton, 1878-9. -----. Aunual meeting at Harrowgate. 6°. Leeds, 1887. FLORENCE. Societa fiorentina (V igiene. Stutnto. 12°. Firenze, 1881. -----. The same. Andato in vigore col 1° gennaio 1889 pei deliberazione dell' assemblea geuerale del 14 giugno 1888. 6°. Firenze, 1888. -----. Istruzioni popolari sui modo di pre- servarsi dal colera. 12°. Firenze, 1884. HYGIENE. 721 HYGIENE. Hvg'iene (Public, Societies, conventions, and congresses of), by localities. GENEVA. Congres international d'hygiene et de <16nio- graphie. Quatrieme ... a Geneve (du 4 an 9 septenibre 1-62). Comptes rendus et memoires publics par P.-L. Dnnant, secretaire g6ne"ral. 2 v. 8C. Geneve, 1-83. GERMANY. Deutscher Verein fiir offentliche Gesund- heitsptlege. Berichte des Ausschusses iiber die 1. bis 9. Yersanimlung, 1873-61. 6 . Braun- schweig, 1873-62. -----. Sanitate Verhiiltnisse und Einrich- tungen Dresdens. Festschrift zur (i. Versannn- luug. 6"\ Dresden. 1878. -----. Die sanitiiren Verhiiltnisse und An- stalten der Haupt-und Residenzstadt Stuttgart. Festschrift zur siebenten Yersamuilung. 8°. Stuttgart, 1-79. Internationai.er Verein gegen Verunreini- gung der Fliisse. des Bodens untl tier Luft. Ver- haudluugen. 1. Yersanimlung am 1. u. 2. Octo- ber 1877 in Coin. 6 . Berlin, 1876. -----. 2. Yersaiunilung am 9. u. 10. Sept. 1-7-in Cass.l. 8. Frankfurt a. M., 1680. Berichte des Aussrhiisst's iiber die Versamiulungen des Dt'iit>. lien Vereins fiir iitt'entliche Gesundheitspflege. 3.-H.. IsT'-sl: ll.-'-'o.. ls84-99. IVutsehe Vrtl.ischr. f. off. Gsudhtspflg., l'.in-cliws: 187i;-8J. viii-xiv: 1885-1900, xvii- xxxii, passim.— Dornbliilh (F.i Die Versamiulungen des Deutschen Y.reins fiir .irt'.-ntlii-he Gesunilheitspflege. Ibid.,1886. xviii._>4t>-_M9 -----. Die xxv. Jahres-Versanim- lung des Deutsclit-n Yeicins tiir offentliche Gesundheits- pflege. Aerztl. Monatsehr., Leipz., 1899, 492-502. GHENT. Handelingen van het eerste Ylaamsch Na- tuur- en Geneeskundig Congres. gehouden te Gent deu 26 September 1-97. Uitgegeven door het hestuur. - . Gent .)'• Deventev, 1898. GREAT BRITAIN. Association of Municipal and County Engi- neers. Proceedings, v. 11-26, 1*84-5 to 1899- 1900. --. London, 1--5-1900. Association of Public Sanitary Inspectors of Great Britain. Summer meeting at Brighton, Aug. 25, 1—8. Report of proceedings. WJ. [London, 18-8.] North-Eastern Sanitary Inspection Associa- tion. Annual report> ofthe council to the asso- ciation. 1., 18-3-4; 2., 1884-5; 4.-8., 1880-7 to 1-90-9): 11., 1-93-4. A- A:• 6C. Newcastle upon Tyne, 1-83-91. Sanitary Institute of Great Britain. Trans- actions, v. 5-20, 1—3-4 to 1899. 8 . London, 1—4-1900. HAGUE (THE). Congres international d'hygiene et de demo- graphic 5' se-sion. La Have, 21-27 aout 1884. Programme des travaux. 8 . La Haye, 1884. -----. Comptes rendus et m6moires. 2 v. 8-. La Haye, 188 1-5. Fern.vni>ez-Caro y Nhuvilas (A*.) Kstudios sobre el qninto congreso internacional de higiene y demografia del Haya. 8 . Madrid, 1885. Nederlanhsch congres voor openbare ge- zondheidsregeling, gehouden te's Gravenhage o[i 21 September 1890. 6. Amsterdam, 1896. Vereeniging tot Verbetering van den Ge- zondheiilstoestand. Sterftecijfers van de stad '8 Gravenhage over de jaaren 1866-84. roy. 8r5 's Gravenhage, 1889. •Sirard(A.C) Fifth International Congreseof Hygiene and Demography, held at The Hague August 21-27, 1884. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1884, Concord, N. H., 1885, x, VOL VII, I'D SERIES-----46 ly^'iene (Public, Societies, conventions, and congresses of), by localities. HAGUE (THE)—continued. 148-408.— Vei'Mtraelen (C.) Quinto congresso interna- zionale d" igiene et di demografia. [Transl., with notes, by F. Fratini.) Gior. d. Soc. ital. d' ig., Milano, 1884, vi, 642- 698. HANOVER. Verein fur offentliche Cesnndhcitspflcge zn Hannover. Verhandlungen unil Mittheilungen. v. 1-5,1875-82; v. 8,1890. - . Hannover, 1875-91. HASTINGS. England. Health (The) Congress (at Hastings, Eng- land). Cuttinq from: The Hastings Ac St. Leonard's Observer, Sat in day.May 4, 1889. ITALY. See, also, in this list, Florence; Lodi; Milan; Padua; Palermo; Pammatone; Reggio Ca- labria; Rome; Venice; Vicenza. Congresso nazionale d' igiene. Atti. Como 25-30, settembre 1899. 8°. Pavia, 1900. Corradi (A.) Spirito e cuore dell' igiene; il secondo anno di vita della Societa italiana d' igiene. 8°. Milano, 1881. Federazione delle societa italiaue d' igiene. Atti delle congressi. 2.-4., 1888-92. 8°. [v.p.], 1888-94. Reale Societa italiana d' igiene. II progetto di codice sanitario presentato al Senato del Regno dal presidente consiglio e ministro dell' interno, AgostinoDepretis. Relazio e alia . . . Progetto di legge organica per 1' aminiuistrazione della sanita pubblica proposto dalla reale Society ita- liana d' igiene. [Dott. Carlo Zocchi, relatore.] roy. 8°. Milano, 1887. -----. Ordini del giorno votati dal 3 con- gresso della fetlerazioue delle . . . tenutosi in Padova dal 2:1 al 2(i settembre 1889. s--'. Pa- dova, 1889. -----. Annuario. Anni 11-14, 1889-92. 4 5 Milano, 1690-93. -----. Atti della . . . dal 29 dicembre 1895 all' 8 luglio 1896. 8°. Milano, 1896. Bianchi (A.) Relazione del 3 congresso della Fede- razione delle society italiaue d' igit-ne e della sua esposi- zione tenutasi in Padova dal 23 al '.'6 set ternure 1889. Gior. tl. Soc. fiorent. tf ig., Firenze, 1KS9. v, 284-304. JAPAN. Sanitary Society of Japan. Regulations. Amended June, 1887. 12c Tokyo, 1887. Dainippon Sliii-it.su Eiseikwai. Kwaiyen seimei hio 189:;. [Directory of tlie memhers of the Japanese Private Sanitary Association throughout the Empire.] Dainip- pon Shiritsu Eiseikwai Zashi. Tokio, 1893, Suppl. no. 116, 1-42. KENTUCKY. Kentfiky State Sanitary Council. Proceed- ings, addresses, and discussions of the 3. semi- annual meet ing. held at Rardstown, Ky., March 26 and 27, 1861. 8U. Louisville, 1884. KLAUSENBURG. Orszagos (A/.) kozegeszsegi egyesiilet ko- lozsvarvitleke osztiilyauak 1891-2-ki. Evko- nyve. Az osztiily vfilasztniiinyanak inegbizasci- b61 szerkes/.tette Dr. Rdzsahegyi Aladar. [Klau- senburg seetion of Hungarian Association of Public Health. Annuary for 1691-2. Prepared under direction of committee by A. Rdzsahegyi.] 8\ Kolozsrdr, 1895. KURSK (iovernnient. Kersk. Government Zemstvo. Protokol! zasle- daniy Kurskavo gubernskavo zemskavo vracheb- HYGIENE. 722 HYGIENE. Hygiene (Public, Societies, conrentions, and congresses of), by localities. KURSK Government—continued. navo sovieta i sovleta vrachei gubernskol zem- skoi bolnitsi. [Proceedings of the meetings of the medical conncil and council of pliysb iaus of j the hospital of the Kursk Government zeinsto.] 1885 (3.), 2. half-year; 1--0 (4.1, 2. half-year; 1^88-90, (6.-8.). 6-. Kursk, 18-6-91. LEIPZIG. Ver Ma m m I ung des Interuationalen Vereins fur Rein- haltung der Fliisse, des Bodens und der Luff, am 5. No- vember in Leipzig. Gesuudheit, Leipz., 1898, xxiii, 330; 344. LIEGE. Societe de salubrite" publique et d'hygiene de la province de Lie'ge. Bulletin. Comptes ien- j dus des stances, v. 1; fasc. 1, v. 2, 1691-4. --">. Lie'ge, 1693-4. ------. Memoires. Fasc. 1-2, v. 1. 6-. Lie'ge, 1693-4. ------. Rapport fait a la . . . sur les travaux de l'annee 1900. 8\ Lie'ge, [1901]. LIMA. Congreso sauitario americano tie Lima, re- nnido eu el a no de 16--. Publication oficial dirijida por A. S. Munoz. roy. 8^. Lima, 1--9. Conclusion?*) tecnicas generales adoptadas por el Congreso sanitario americano de Lima de 18-s. Cron. med.. Lima. 1888. v, 41-49.—Projecto tie conveneion sa- nitaria intei nacional. tormulado por el Congreso sanitario aniericiino de Lima de 1S8S. Con a. sau.am.de Lima (isgs), 18S9. -j:!8-_'4l!. —l*i-oyeelo de reglamento sanitario inter- uacional. foi-mulado"porel Congreso sanitario americano de Lima de ltvsg. Ilii'l . •-'47-2IU.— Ulloa (T. C.) Conven- c iones sanitarias sud-auiericanas. Monitor med., Lima, 1887-8, iii, 247; 270; 279. LIVERPOOL. Trade* (The) Union Congress and sanitation. Lan- cet. Loud.. 1890. ii, 582. LODI. Associazione fra i sanitari del circondario di Lodi. Bollettina. Anuo 1, Nos. 1-5: anno 2. 1699-1900. ■--". Lodi, 1899-1900. -----. Statuto approvato nell' aduuanza delP 8 aprile 1-99. 12 \ Lodi, 1899. LONDON. Association of Public Sanitary Inspectors. Celebration of the second anniversary dinner of the . . ., June 6, 1865, Edwin Chadwick. C. B., president. Report of speeches. 8\ London, 1-85. Blackwei.l (Elizabeth). "Why hygienic con- gresses fail. Lessons taught by the International Congress of 1-91. 12°. London, 1892. Brouardel (P. ) Le Congres international d'hygiene de Loudres, 1691. Discours prononce a la stance d'ouvertnre. 8 . Paris, 1891. Chadwick (K.) The Association of Public Sanitary Inspectors. Annual address and report of proceedings at the fifth anniversary festival of the association, Feb. 4. 1666. 8°. London, Congres international tl hygiene et de demo- graphic, Londres, 10-1? aout 1691. Catalogue des publications hygieuiques et niddicales ile la Republique Argentine. Exposees par le conseil | national d'hygiene de Buenos-Ayres. 6'. Paris, 1-91. -----. Rapport. 8. Bruges, 1892. Epidemiological Society of Loudon. Trans- act! ns. X. s.,v. 5-19, 1*82-.-, to 1899-1900. 8c Loudoi. 1—7-1900. Incorporated (The) Society of Medical Offi- cers of Health. List of officers and members. 8". loiitjn. 1900. [ygiene (Public, Societies, conventions, and congresses of), by localities. LONDON—continued. International Congress of Hygiene and Demography. Transactions of the vii. .. . Lon- don, 1-91. 'IS v. -.. London. 1892-5. London Sanitirv Protection Association. An- nual report, 1-.-2 (2.). -\ [London, 188:?.] Metropolitan Association ot Meilical Officers of Health. The committee appointed by the as- sociation to enquire into the laws relating to slaughter-houses, th • duties of medical officers under those laws, and the sanitary condition* under which slaughter-houses ought to be licensed. -'. [Londmi. 1855. ] National Healtli Society. Annual reports read at the general meetings of the society. 1., 1672-:} :5. -8., 1875-60; 10.-12., l-*2-4. -.' Lon- don, 167o-85. Sanitary Inspectors' Association. Annual report, with annual financial statement and list of members, and associates. 9., l-''Jl-2. Loudon, ls92. Society of Medical Officers of Health. Trans- actions. 166:?-4 to l~8(i-7. 6°. London, 1664-7. Aberdeen (Earl of). The congress of the Royal In- stitute of Public Health. J. State M.. Lond., 1900, viii, 529-540, port.—Allan (F. J.) Tbe early days and early work of tbe society [incorporated Society of Medical Officers of Health] -, with special reference to the regis- tration of disease. Pub. Heakb. Lond.. 1900-1901. xiii. 71- 86— Griiiiitlinw (Sarah E.) On tbe objects and -work of ladies' sanitary associations. Tr. San. Inst. Gr. Brit., Lond., 11-84-5. vi, 146-154.- Mart (E.) Objects of tbe Nation-.'.! Health Society of London. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Pen. 1893. Concord. 1S94. xix. 71-73— .tonkin (1'5) A s init;n v protection association for London. J. Soc. Arts, Lontl.. 188H-81. xxix, 115-12.">.—Ijcduc (S.) Compte rendu du Congres international d'hygiene de Londres. suivi d'une 6tude sur l'etat sanitaire tie Nantes. Gaz. metl. de Uante-, 1890-91. ix, 132; 142. AUo, Reprint.—Seventh International Congress of Hygiene and Demography, held in London. August 10 to 17, 1891. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1891. ii. 349; 403.—Smith (W. R.) Inaugural address to the London congress of the British Institute of Public Healtli. J. State M., Lond.. 1894, ii. 137-1G2,1 port. 1 tab.— Society of Medical Officers of Health. [Annual re. turns.] Bd. Works St. Giles Dist. Rep., Lond., 1884-5, 88-97. LYNN. Sanitary Association of Lynn. Second an- nual report of the executive couucil. 8 -. Lynn, 1881. LYONS. CoxG'tKS national scitntifique d'hygiene onvnere. ('onipte rendu general des travaux du . . . tenu a Lyon en 1694. 6 . Lyon, 1895. MADRID. C'on'crkso internacional tie higiene y demo- gratia. Actas y memorias del ix . . . celebrado en Madrid en los dias 10 al 17 de abril de 1-98. 10 v. --. Madrid, 1900. International Congress of Hygiene and De- mography. Eeonlations. lfi°. Madrid, 1-97. -----. Exhibitions, programme, and regula- tions. 16c. Madrid, 1-97. -----. Provisional programme. 1<>-. Ma- drid, 1897. Sociedad espaiiola de higiene. seccion pro- vinei-il tie Cadiz. Acta de la sesibn inaugural de b>s trabajos academicos de 168'.! a 16S4. 8°. Cadi-, 1885. CongreNO internacional tie higiene y demogralia cele- brado en Madrid del 10 al 17 abril 1898 (ix.). Corresp. med., Madrid, 1898, xxxiii, 105-120.—I. ii Hie i- (F.) &. Dunbar. Der ix. internationale Congress fiir Hygiene und Demographie in Madrid. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. tiff. Gsndhtsprig.. Brnschwg.. 1898. xxx. 777-S05. — itlnc- pht'i'son i\\5 G.) Report on the Ninth International Congress nt' Hygiene and Demography; including a report on vaccination iu the French army. Army M. Dep. HYGIENE. 723 HYGIENE. Hvgiene (Public, Societies, conrentions, \ atid congresses of), by localities. MADRID—continued. Rep. 1897. Lond.. 1898, xxxix, 4-Jf>-44'>.—Programme of the Ninth lnteriiatioiial Congress ot Hvgiene and 1). mography. Lancel. Lontl.. 1S98, i, 119—K«*nl tl.iuio j de 16 de octubre tie Is94 ereando uua junta de propaganda y de orgauizacion para el Congreso de higiene y demo- grafia tie 1897. Corresp. metl., Madrid, 1894, xxix."'.'68. MAGDEBURG. Rosenthal. Die Lei.stnngen uud Bestre- bungen ties Vereins fiir offentliche Gesuutlheits- , pllege in Magdeburg. Festgabe fiir tlie Mit- glieder der xix. Versaininlnng ties Deiitsehen Vereius fiir otl'entliche (bsundheitspdege. Im Auftrage ties Vereinsvoistaudes verfasst. 8°. ' Magdeburg, I604.1 Verein fiir otl'entliche Gesundheitspflege in Magdeburg. Verhandlungen uud Mittheilun- gen. v. l*2-*27, 1-6:1-1901. - . Magdeburg, l?St-1901. MANCHESTER. Manchester and Salford Sanitary Associa- tion. Report of the committee, beiug a sum- mary of their proceedings for the years 1861-7; 1-69-70; 1-7*2-85. 8°. Manchester, 1802-80. -----. Health lectures for the people, l.- ll., series l-r.5-6 to 16-7-6. 12°. Manchester, 1-78-68. -----. Annual reports of the committee of tbe . . ., and of the committees of its affiliated societies. *29.-3-., 1—1-90; 40.-4*2., 189*2-4; 44., 1896; 4.".., 1897; 48., 1900. --. Manchester, 1882-1901. MASSACHUSETTS. See, also, in this list, Lynn. Massachusetts Emergency and Hygiene As- sociation. Anuual reports. 1.-4., 1885-8. --. [Boston], 1885--. MELBOURNE. Australian Health Society. Annual reports read at the general meetings of the society. 1.-13., 1-76 to 1887--; 15., 1889-90. --. Mel- bourne, 1876-90. -----. Health lectures for tin- people. FirBt series. 12c. Melbourne, 1880. -----. A twenty-five years' record of the work aud progress of the society. *-;. Mel- bourne, 1900. MEXICO. Congreso nacional de higiene. Dictiimeues y resolncioiii'S. fol. Mexico, 18-1. [Peh.sillier Lachapellk (E.) & Pelletier (E.)] Rapport sur le centres de l'Association I americaine d'hygiene publitjue, tenu a Mexico, et I snr la visite aux quarantaines de la Nouvelle- Orl^ans, de San Francisco et de Victoria, C. A. c'-. [Montreal, 1893.] MICHIGAN. Michigan. State Board of Health. Proceed- ings and addresses at the sanitary conventions, helil under the direct ion of a committee of the St.it>- board of health, and a committee of citizens. 43 Nos. ~a. Lansing, 1880-98. MILAN. Igienlsti italiani in Milano. Atti della prima reunioue, 1881. 8°. Milano, 18-2. -----. The same. Terza reunione iu Bo- logna, 1888. 8c Milano, 1888. MORRISTOWN. Morristown Sanitaiy and Public Improve- • ment Association. Report of executive commit- tee. 1 sheet. 4^. [n.p.,n.d.] I I Ygiene (Public, Societies, conventions, and congresses of), by localities. NASHVILLE. National Conference of State Boards of Iiealth. Proceedings: 7. annual meeting, Nash- ville, Mav 19 and "20, 1690. 8-5 Columbus, Ohio, [1899]. NEEDHAM. Mass.u iu setts Public Health Association. [Circular letter of the executive committee ou the hvgiene convention to be held at Needham, Mass.', Nov. 5-7, i860.] l*2-\ [Boston, I860.] NETHERLANDS. Yerekniging tot Bevordering der Volksge- zondheid, opgericlit te Dordrecht. Verslag van de 1607; 1866; 1675; 1670. 8°. Dordrecht, 1808-77. Coronet (S.) De eerste vroinven-vereeniiring tot be- vonleringder ire/.oiidheitsbelaugt'ii in Nederland. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1*71. i, .'S'J5- III'?. — .Meyer (G. F.) Het Groeue Kruis. Hyg. BL, Amst., 1901, iv, 246-253. NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE. North-Eastern Sanitary Inspection Associa- tion. Annual reports of the council to the asso- ciation. 1., 188:1-4; *>., 1684-5; 4.-6., 1686-7 to 1890-91; 11., 189:1-4; 14., 1896-7; 15., 1-97--. 8-. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1884-96. NEWPORT. Sanitary Protective Association of Newport, R. I. Annual reports. 3., 1860-81; 4., 18-1-2. 4°. [Newport, 1881-52.] NEW SOUTH WALES. Health Society of New South Wales. Re- ports for years 1&76-7 to 1881-2. 4C. Sydney, 1877-6*2. NEW YORK. Citizens' Association of New York. Address to the public. History of its work. The depart- ment of docks. The department of health. The fire department. Interesting information for merchants and tax-payers. 8°. [New York], 1-71. Ladies' Health Protective Association of New York. Report of the . . . for 1888-9. 8-. [New York, 18-9.] New York Sanitary Association. Annual re- ports. 1.-2., 1859-60.* S-. New York, 185)9. Pi licit Health Association of New York. Con- stitution. 6°. Neiv York, 1876. -----. Semi-annual report of the committee on public .sanitary administration of the . . ., at a meeting held Nov. 9, 1676. s\ New Yovk, [1876]. Sanitary Aid Society ol the City ol New- York. Reports of the officers, for the veins 16-6; i —«»i». 8 . [New York, 1—9-91.] NORTH CAROLINA. North Carolina Sanitary Association. Re- port of proceedings of the first annual conven- tion of the . . ., held at Raleigh, February 6th and 7th, 1889. 8°. Raleigh, 1889. NUREMBERG. Verein fiir otl'entliche Gesuudheitspilege der Stadt Niirnberg. Mittheilungen. v. '2-13. 8°. Niirnberg, 1879-90. OHIO. Ohio. State Board of Health. [Arrangements for holding a sanitarv convention at Warien, March '50 and 31, 1887.] 8°. [Columbus, 1-87.] HYGIENE. 724 HYGIENE. Hvgiene (Public, Societies, conventions, and congresses of), by localities. OHIO—continued. -----. [Programme and invitation to attend and participate in a sanitary convention to be held in the city of Akron, Jan. 25 and 20, 1-88. J 6-\ [Columbus, 16,87.] Ohio State Sanitary Association. The aunual meeting, held in Columbus, Ohio, February 24 and25. I860. 6?. [New York, 1—6.] -----. Proceedings of the 6. annual meet- ing, held at Canton, Nov. 14 and 15, 1668. 6:. Philadelphia, 1889. ONTARIO. Association of Executive Health Officers of Ontario. Reports of the annual meetings. 2., 1667; 4.-14., 1869-99. 6?. Toronto, 1668-99. PADUA. Societa d' igieue per la citta e la provincia di Padova. Pubblicazioui della ... v. 1. 8". Padova, 1-69. PALERMO. Statuto organico della Societa d' igieue in Palermo. Boll. d. Soc. d' ig. di Palermo, 1886. i, 224-227. PAMMATONE. Aram (J.) Ceniii storici dei congressi sanitari a Pam- matone. Pammatone, Genova, 19U1. v. .33-70. PARIS. Conference sanitaire interuatiouale de Paris. Proees-verbauxde la . . . le 27 juillet 1-51. Nos. 1-48. fol. Paris, 1-5*2. j Congres general d'hygiene publique. Compte- reudn, par J.-Ch.-M. Boudin. 6-. Pans, 1-7)5. Congres international d'hygiene de Paris. Rapport. --. Bruxelles, 1881. Repr.froin: Monit. beige. 1881. Congres international d'hygiene et de d^mo'- graphie a Paris en 1669. Compte-rendu public par le secretariat general du congres. 6r. Pa- ris, 1890. de Pietra Santa. Societe francaise d'hy- giene, saraisou d'etre, son hut, son avenir. Con- ference faite le 25 mai 1-77 daus la salle du bou- levard des Capueines. 8 . Paris, 1877. Societe francaise d'hygiene. Annuaires pour 16-u; 186*2; 16-4. - . Paris, [18-0-84]. Societe tie medecine publique et d'hygiene professionnelle. Annuaire. 6-. Paris, 1879-84. -----. Bulletin. 6 v. 8°. Paris, 1879--:]. Brounrdel(P) C'ongresinternational d'b\ giene etde | demograpbie; [discours prononce a la seance genera le d'on- : verture le 4 aout 1*89]. Ann. d'hyg.. Par.. 18*!l. 3. s.. xxii, 209-220. Also, Reprint.— Orouiiieau (G.) Kev ue criti- que des congres d'hygiene et d'assistance. (Paris. 1889.) Rev. sau.de Bordeaux. 1889,89; 97. Jteo.Reprint.—Tenth (The) International Congress of Hvgiene aud Demograph v. Lancet. Loud., 1900. ii. 413; 623; 7(54; 842; 971. — Text of the International Sanitary Convention of Paris. 1894. [Transl.] Dietet. Sc Hyg. Gaz.. N. Y., 1895, xi. 8; 68. PENNSYLVANIA. Pennsylvania. Stale Board of Health. State sanitarv convention, l--tl; 1666; 1892. Prelimi- nary announcements. 4C. [Philadelphia, 1885.] Pennsylvania. State Board of Health. Proceedings of the State sanitary convention held at Philadelphia, May 12, 13, and 14, 1886. Rep. Bd. Health [etc.] Penn., Harris- burg, 1887. ii. 226-454. Also. Reprint. -----. Proceedings and papers ofthe State sanitary convention held at Lewis- buro- Union County. Pa., under the auspices of the State board of health, May 17 and Is. 1888. Rep. Bd. Health [etc.] Penn., Harrisburg, 1889, iv, 282-401. Also, Kepriut. PIACENZA. Associazioxe fra i sanitari della citta e pro- vincia di Piacenza. Bollettino. Nos. 1-3, anno l 1. 8 . Piacenza, 1901. I lygieiie (Public, Societies, conventions, and congresses of), by localities. PRESTON. Preston Sauitary Association. The Preston Sanitary Association and the high death-rate of Preston. A dbcnsMon. 1*2-. Preston, 1-.-5. Repr.froin: Pi est. >n Herald. REGGIO CALABRIA. Bollettino della Societa d' igiene della pro- vincia di Keggio Calabria. [Monthly.] v. 1-2, 1690-91. sin. 4C. Reggio Calabria. ROME. Ceccarklli (A.) Rapporto del servizio sani- tario prestato in Gattiuara dall'Assoeiazione dei cavalieri italiani del sovrano ordine gerosolimi- tano. Presso il 1° corpo d' armata durante le grandi manovre. fol. Roma, 1881. Conference sanitaire internationale de Rome. Protocoles et proces-verbaux, inauguree le *20 mai 166."). f0i Rome, 1885. Great Britain. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. Commercial. No. 21 (1-85). Corre- spondence respecting the International Sanitary Conferent e at Rome. fol. London, 168.-,. Moleschott (J.) La conferenza sanitaria internazionale di Komi, 20 maggio-13 giugno 188.".. 8-. Torino, 1885. Aho, transl.in: "Wien. med.yVchnschr., 1885, xxxv, 1081; 1109; 1137. Aitken (L.) On the results of the International Sani- tarv Conference on cholera, lately held at Rome. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 188.., ii, 386. — Brouarriel (P.). Korhard & Proust (A.) Rapport adresse a M. le ministre du com- merce sur les travaux tie la conference sanitaire interna- tionale de Rome (uiai 1885). Rec. d. trav. Comite consult. d'hyg. pub. de France 1885, Par., 1886, xv. 37-72. -EUk (N.) Zapiska o niezbdunaroduoi sanitarnoi konferentsii v Rimie. [The International Sanitary Conference in Koine.] Yoyenno-med. J.. St. Petersb., 1885, cliv, 1. sect., 81-126.— International (The) Sanitary Conference at Rome. Metl. News, Phila.. 18s.". xlvi, 724-726.— Tlolescholl i.J.) L'oeuvre de la conference sanitaire de Rome. Kev. scient.. Par.. 1885, xxxvi, .121-323. — Proust (A.) Conference sanitaire internationale de Rome (mai-juin 1885); examen du m6moire presente par le gouvernement italien sur les travaux et les decisions de la conference. Kec. d. trav. Comite consult, d'hyg. pub. de France 1886, Par., 1887, xvi, 38-51.—Rome International Sanitary Conference: spe cial report. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1885, i, 1268. — Sanitary (The) conference at Rome. Lancet, Lond., 1885, i, 1(15;;.— Thorne (R. T.) On the results of the International Sanitary Conference of Rome, 1885. Tr. Epidemiol. Soc. Lond. (1885-6), 1887, n. s., v, 135-149. SAINT LOUIS. National Conference of State Boards of Health. An abstract of the proceedings of. . . Printed for distribution by the State board of health of Kentucky. 6°. Bowling Green, 18-5. First annnal meeting National Conference State Boards of Health. The threatening extension of Asiatic cholera to North America aud the action necessary to prevent or limit a cholera epidemic. Kep. Bd. Health Illinois 1884, Springfield, 1885, vii, 81-109. Also. Reprint. SAINT PETERSBURG Gorernment. Saint-Pktersburg. Gorernment Zemstvo. Pro- tokoli sanitarnavo syezda zemskikh predstavi- telei i vrachei S.-Peterburgskol guhernii po voprosu o mi rnpriyatiyakh protiv kholernoi epidemii. 29-22 marta 1893 g. [Proceedings of the sanitary cougress of representatives of the zemstvo and physiciaus ou the question of measures against the cholera epidemic.] e'. S.-Peterburg, 1893. SAXONY. Protokoll iiber die xxvii. Plenarversammlnng des Laudes - Mediciual • Collegiums am 22. November 1897. Kor.-Bl. d. arztl. Kreis- u. Bezirks-Ver. im Kiinigr. Sachs., Leipz., 1898. lxiv, 43-84. HYGIENK. 725 HYGIENE. Hvg'iene (Public, Soviet its, conventions, and congresses of), by localities. STOCKHOLM. Hki.8ov.\i;i>si i")i;eningia\ i Stockholm. Ft'ir- handlingar vid helsovartls-lVuvningens samnian- komster aren 1—1; l8-,">. Pa uppdrag at" f«">re- ningens styrelse utgifna af Elias Heymnn. ( Sa- nitary Associa ion of Stockholin. Proceedings at the meetings of the Sanitary Association for tlie vears 16-1; 188.">. Published by permission of the association by Elias Heymau.] 8*-. Stock- holm, 18-2-0. THURINGIA. Ai.lgemkiner jirztlieher Verein fiir Epidemio- logic und otl'entliche Gesundheitspflege in Thii- ringen. Statuten. 8*-'. Weimar, [n. d.]. -----. Statuten, Mitgliederverzeichniss untl Vereinsin-titute. (November 1-7-. ) S-\ Jr>i- mar, [n. d.]. TORONTO. National Conference of State Board of Health. Proceedings at the third aunual meet- ing, held at Toronto, fan., Det. 4, i860. - . Indianapolis, 1-87. TOTTENHAM. Tottenham Sanitary Association. The health of Tottenham and twelve other suburbs com- pared, 1-71-6. 8>J. [Tottenham, 1-7?.] -----. Annual report. 12., l--.">. 6-. Tot- tenham, Coventry, 1—*.">. TURIN. Boncixelli (E.) Tre proposte al terzo Con- givsso internaziouale d' igiene. Lettura fatta all' Ateiien veneto il 16 marzo 18-2. --. Vene- zia, 1880. L'ongrks-i > nazionale tl' igiene. Atti del . . . promosMi Societa piemontese d' igiene 29 setteni- bre-*2 ottobre 1-'.'-. s:. Toiino, 1-119. Martin (A.-J.) Rapport sur une mission a Turin, afin de preudre part aux travaux du C'ongris international d'hygiene de 18-0. -\ Paris, 1 — 1. Repr. from: Arch. d. missions sc. ct lilt., 3. s., viii. Terzo t'ongies-o iuternazionale d' igiene che si terra in Torino nel l--o sotto 1' alto patro- nato tlel governo italiano. roy.- . Torino, 1—0. Italian and French text. Fiukelnbiirg. Bericht iiber die Vfiliaiidlungiii tics dritten internainm.den Congresses liir Hvgiene zn 'I'm in. voiu 6. bis VI. September lsso. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndlit-ptlg.. Rriiseliwg.. Is81. xiii, Lil-lol. Also, Reprint. UNITED STATES. American Hygienic anil Hydropathic Asso- ciation of Physicians and Surgeons. Constitu- tion, with proce dings of 1. and 2. annual meet- ing-. 12c New York, l-.'il. American Public Health Association. [Cir- cular, to boards of health autl sanitary author- ities, containing "schedule of points" with regard to epidemics, etc.] 8°. New York, W5. -----. [Notification of election to member- ship of the . . .] 6->. New York, 1875. -----. [Announcement of second volume of report and papers of the .. .] 8 . [n. p.], 1875. -----. Circular, to boanls of health, trans- mitting announcement of the sixth anuual meet- ing.] -3. New York, 1-7-. -----■. Twelfth annual meeting, Saint Louis, Mo. [List of papers promised for this meeting; also, list of officers and committees.] 1°. [Con- cord, N. H., 1884.] lyg'iene (Public, Societies, conventions, and congresses of), by localities. UNITED STATES—continued. -----. Thirteenth annual meeting, Wash- ington, D. C, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, anti Friday, December 8, <), lo, 11,' at YVillard's Hotel Hall. 8 . [Washington, l--r>.] -----. Puhlic health reports and papers, v. 19-25, 1SS4-H9. 8C. [v. p.], 18-..-11MII). -----. Constitution. ** . [Concord, D-li.] -----. Public health. The Lomb prize es- says. Award made at the thirteenth annual meeting ofthe . . . Washington, D. C. Dee. H>, 168."). 8 ■'. Concord, 1885. -----. Amended constitution, organization, and list of members, 1684; with table of contents. Vol. IX. Public health. 8\ [n.p., n.d.] -----. [Blank offering terms for reprints of articles for authors' use.] 8-. New York, [n. d.]. i»e Anaya (M.) Observations on the impor- tance of the American Association of Public Healtli, and its relation to the science of hy- giene. 8 . Mexico, [1892]. National Conference of State Boanls of llealih. Proceedings at the annual meetings. 1., 1664: 5.. 1885; 1.. 18.--; 7., 1*66: 9.-11., MW- (i. 6-, Harrisburg 5 Columbus, 1 "80-91 i. National Quarantine and Sanitary Conven- tion. Minutes and proceedings. Annual meet- ings. 1.-4., l8.-)7-<>0. 8^. [v. p.], 187)7-50. Sanitary Council of the Mississippi Valley. Proceedings of the . . . at the ">th annual meeting, Jackson, Miss., April :>-4. 168o\ -\ [n.p., 1863.] Tennessee State Board of Health. Report to the Tennessee State board of health on the con- ferences of State boards of health, held in St. Louis. Oct. 15 and lo, aud in Washington, Dec. 10 and 11, 1884. By G. B. Thornton, Jan. 6, 1885. - . Nashrille, 1885. Annual meetings of the Sanitary Council of the Mis- sissippi Vallev. 5-7.. lr83-5. Rep. Bd. Health Illinois. Spi iii^riel'l. Iss4-ii. vi-viii, passim.—Annual sessions of the American I'ulilic Health Association. 9.-12.. 1861-4. Rep. I'd. Health Connect., Hartford. 18*2-5, passim.— Conference of health officers, l'rocecdini's of the third land fourth J, 189:1 [and 1894]. Rep. Rd. Health Indiana lsn-J-3, Indianap., Ir94.xii, 39: 5 I'< 1 willt i-l.-Kha- lxi'lIt' {H.) American Public Health Association : annual meeting. 1894; the president's address. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1894. Concord, 1895. xx. 5-15. Also, Reprint.— Nanitary authorities and associations in the United States of America and Camilla. Rep. Rd. Ileallh Connect. ls-4 N. Haven. 1885, vii. 2i>3. - Mit iiiIm 1 ^ i G. M. ) American I'nblic Health Association; liltciiiili annual nifetiiij;: the annual address. Med. News, Phila., 18*7. li, 557: 585. UTRECHT. Ykueenioix!' tot Vei Metering der Volksge- zondheid. Mededeeling van het bestuur van de . . . door seclie iv, over een geprojecteenleu aanbotiw in wijk ('. S-. Ctrecht. 1^07. >cnl (T. R.) Sanitary survey of Urbana. Rep. Bd. Health Il- linois 1880, Springfield, 1889, ix, 149-159.— itlcAdnnis (W.) Sanitary survey of Alton. Ibid., 5 -16. — Oder (E. E.) Sanitary survey of Rockford. ibid.. 75-!.'4. — Piu miner (H. S.) & Johnson (A. C.) Sanitary sur- vey of Mt. Vernon. Ibid., 68-75.—Kent (J. L) f-uni- tary survey of Tuscola. Ibid., 141-148.—Starkcl (C. 11.) Sanitarv siirvev of Belleville. Ibid., 28-41.—State sani- tary survey. Ibid., 1885, Springfield, 1886, viii, 83-138. Hyg'iene (Public) and vital statistics. Contini (C.) La statistica mortuaria appli- cata all' igiene pubblica. 8°. Boma, 1872. Pennsylvania. State Board of Health and Vital Statistics. Address to the people of Penn- sylvania. 6?. Harrisburg, 1885. Rychna (J.) Die Salubritatszifler; ein Pei- trag zur Salubritatstaxation der Stiidte iilnr- hatint nnd Prags insbesondere. 8C. Prag. 1891. Vereexiging tot Verbetering van den Gezond- heidstoestand. Sterftecijfers van tie si a I's G a- venhage over de jaaren 188.")-94. roy. 8°. '« Gravenhage, 1897. Bertillon (J.) lStat sanitaire compare des principnlea villes tVEurope en 1886, et progres realises receiiiineut par la statistique sanitaire en France. Rev. d'hyg., Bar., lli-l, ix, 455-482. —Billings (J. S.) The United States cenMis in its relations to sanitation. Am. Rub. Health Ass. Rep. 1889, Concord, 1890, xv, 43-411. [Discussion]. 243-240.— Borincvich (A. S ) O znach nii statistiki v die Ie okhraneniya narodnavo zdraviya. [Value of stiltisti< 8 in the preservation of the public health 1 Trudi odessk. otd Russk. Obsh. okhran. narod. /.draw, S.-Peterb., 1900. i. 2 '- 28.—I>i VfHtea (A.) Appunti statistici sulle i oudizii ni sanitarie dei picceli comuni. Gior. tl. r. Soc. ital d' i_-\. Milano, 1894, xvi. 393-401,1 diag.—Flinn (1>.E.) The i - fluence ofpubliceleaiisingontheinortalit v of towns. Dub- lin J. M. Sc., 1893, xcv, 207-212. [Discussion.] 265-268.— Forrj (S.) Hygeologv anti its relations to vitil statistics. N. York J. M., 1848, x, 289-307.—Fucho (A. F.) Vital sta- tistics and health laws. Tr. M. Soc. Wisconsin. Madison. 1898. xxxii, 515-524. —Grini*haw (T. W.) Statistical measures ofthe health of communities. Tr. San. Inst. (ir. HYGIENE. 727 HYGIENE. Hvgiene (Public) and vital statistics. Ri i't . Lond., 1881-5. vi. 81-100, 6 diag. -----. The relations between preventive medicine aud vital statistics. Dublin J M Sc 1898, cvi. 387; 481,2 tab. Also: J. State M., Lond., 1898. vi, 406-425, 2 tab.—Iluniphrrys (N. A.) Sanitary test-value of tbe death rate; how far may the av- erage death-rate of a population be considered an efficient test" of its sanitarv condition. Tr. Nat. Ass. I'romot. So- cial Sc. 1884, Lond"., 18S:>. 485-400.—Jnntmeiix. Bulletin de statistique sanitaire uuifornie pour toutes les nations. Cong, internat. d'hvg. et de demog. Comp. rend. 1882, Geneve, 1883. ii, 678-685.— I.ncltner. Die Statistik im Dienste tier otlcntlichen Gesunilheitspflcgc. Verhandl. u. Mitth. d. Ver. f. oil Gsndhtspflg. in Magdeb. (1886), 1887, xv, 44-56. —.Vlaillol. De l'iiitliieiife de la tlieraneutiiiue et tie l'livgicne dans la tU'croissance de la mortality tlans la region tie Bone (Algerie). Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1887, lx, 10T3-1015.—Orakhovnts (P.) Nachalo na sanitai nata statistika. [Principles of sanitaiy statistics. | Med. na- Erled., Sofiya. 1900, i. 456-461.—de" IMelm Nnntn (P.) a statistique sanitaire des villes de France et d Allelic. ,T. d'hyg., Par., 1890, xv, 157-161.—Frnnelle. De lac tion de la medecine 9iirla population des etats. Rev. nied. hist.et phil , Par., 1820. i, 1. livr., pp. ix lxiv.— Nei't'iurii (T.) Statistiken i Hvgiejnens Tjeneste. [Statistics in hy- L'iene.] Hvg. Medd., Kjehenh.. 1886, 3. R., iii, 58-74.— Npuin. Disposiciones de caracter general sobre esta- distica sanitaria. Bol. tie san., Madrid, 1888, i, 37.—tTvn- roflT (M. S.) Primlernaya programma sanitarno statisii cheskikh izslletlovauiy. [Motiel programme for researches insanitary statistics.]' Trudi V svezdaObsh. russk. vrach. v pamyat Pirogova, S.-Peterb.. 1894, ii, 625-651.— Wil- bur (C. L.I Report ofthe committee on demography and statistics in their sanitary relations. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep.. Columbus. 1898, xxiv. 108 - 179. —Williim (G. E.) Achievements of sanitation measured by vital statistics. Proc. . . . San. Convent. Hillsdale, Lansing, 1893,83-111. Also: Supplement of Kep. Bd.Health Mich., Lansing, 1893, 83-107.—Zw anrdemaker (H.) De sta- tistiek der gezonilheitskaarten. Nederl. mil. geneesk. Arch., Leiden, 1894, xviii, 196-209. Also, Reprint. Hygiene (Rural). ABC der landiirztlichen Praxis. Versuch eines Leitfadens der Taktik und Praktik fur Land- und Kleiustadtarzte. Aus eigener und langjahriger Eifahrung mehrerer Kollegen. 8°. Leipzig, 1898. Acland {Sir H. W.) Village health and vil- lage life. 8C. London, 1"4. Amussat (J.-Z.) Quelques considerations sur l'hygiene du peuple des campagnes. 6C. [Paris, n.d.] Cutting from: Richesse du cultivateur, 251-267. Arxaud (A.) Le abitazioni e 1' acqua in campagna: istruzioni popolari. 8C. Torino 4' Roma, IKH. Bashore (H. B.) Outlines of rural hygiene. For physicians, students, and sanitarians. With an appendix on tlie normal distribution of chlo- rine, hy Prof. Herbert E. Smith. 1*2 \ Phila- delphia, Xew York 4' Chicago, 1697. Bellati (A.) Trattato di igiene rurale per la provincia di Ferrara. Memoria preiuiata dal- 1' Istituto agrario nel 1657. 12°. Ferrara, 187)7. Biuso-Varvako (fi.) Precetti di igiene ru- rale. *°. Palermo, 18-1. Bourbon (A.) * Essai sur l'hygiene de l'ha- bitatiou rurale. 6C. Paris, 1-97. Brixgkox (E.-H.) "Contribution a I'etude de la prophylaxie des maladies evitables, princi- palement dans les campagnes. 8'-. Paris, 1899. C. (D.) Me'te'orologie des cultivateurs, suivie d'un avis aux hahitans des campagnes, sur leur saute", et sur quelqnes-uns de lours prejuges. 8Z. Paris, an VII (17!)8). Charpigxox (J. ) L'art de conserver la sante; conseils aux ouvriers des villes et aux habitants des campagnes. 16°. Troyes 4' Paris, [1656, rei subseq.]. Cieszkowski (A.) Snr les moyens d'ame'lio- rer le soil; de la population des campagnes. Traduction de M. A. Julien. 8". Batignolles, 1616. Repr. from: J. d. economistes, 1845. Hyg'iene (Rural). * de Curzon. Rapport sur l'organisation de la nicdeciiie rurale. Congres de Poitiers, mai 1*46. s°. [Nantes, 1846.] Uepr.from : Agriculture de l'ouest, v, 19. livr. Delaporte (C.) * Essai d'hygiene rurale. De la desinfection i\ la campagne. 4 . Paris, 1895. Dkscteux (L.-C.) Entretiens sur l'hygiine a l'usage des campagnes. 2. 60. 12°. Paris, 1861. Druitt (R.) Tho health of the parish. 16°. London, 1800. Kassie ( W. ) Healthy town and country houses. 8C . London, \88A. -----. Healthy and unhealthy houses in town and country. With an appendix on the water- supply and disposal of sewage of country houses, by Rogers Field. 8C. London, 188\. Gacox - Dri'iirit ( Mme. [ Marie - Annande - .Jeanne]). Moyens de conserver la sant6 des habitans ties campagnes, et de les prdserver de maladies, dans leurs maisons et dans les champs. 12°. Paris, 1805. Grande ( E. ) Proposte di miglioramento igienico dei comuni rurali in rapporto alle eon- dizioni locali ed economiche dei medesimi. 16u. Nieastro, 1898. Great Britain. Parliament. House of Com- mons. Local government provisional orders (No. 4). A bill to confirm certain provisional orders of the local government board relating to tlie rural sanitary district of the Atherstone union, the local government district of Festiuiog, the rural sanitary district ofthe Leyburn union, tie boroughs of Newport (Monmouthshire ) and Preston, the local government district of Raw- den, and the rural sanitary districts of the Tad- caster and Wangford unions, fol. [ London, 1685.] Guillaume (J.) * Des conse"queuies facheu- ses du (Infant d'hygiene dans les hantes valines alpestres. 4C. Lyon, 1*95. Hardocin ( H. ) Amelioration de l'hygiene dans les campagnes. Service me'dical; assis- tance. 8°. [Parts, 1650.] From.- Cong, central d'agric, 1850. International Health Exhibition. Transac- tions of the conference on domestic sanitation in urban aud rural districts. 6°. London, 18-4. Layet (A.) Hygiene et maladies des pay- sans. fitude sur la vie niaterielle des canipa- gnanls en Europe. Avec uue pr6fiue de M. De- chambre. 12°. Paris, 1882. Le Chevallier (A.) * L'hygiene de l'habita- tion rurale eu Bretagne. 6°. Paris, 1898. Lund (G.) A Hagstrom (A. J.) Svar pa Kongl. Vetensk. Academiens fraga: Hvilka iiro de bast a torvarings och boteniedel for maligna sjukdomar, lliick-febrar och rot-fehrar, tjenliga i synnerhet tor alluiogen pa landet, litmpatlo efter arstider, viiderlek, orternas heliigeuhet och lefnadssiittet? Som vunnit den utsatte beloningen, tor ar 1773. [Reply to the question of the Royal Academy of Sciences: Which are the best prophylactics ami remedies in malig- nant diseases, as typhus and putrid fevers, suitable for country people, according to sea- sons, weather, location of places, and mode of living?] 12°. Stockholm, 1774. Manzi (L.) L' igiene rurale degli antichi ro- mani in relazione ai moderni studi fatti pel bo- nificamento dell' agio romano. 6C. Roma, 1885. Repr. from: Ann. di agricoltura. Marquis (L.) Petit traite d'hygiene k l'usage des habitants des campagnes, pouvant servir ;\ l'enseignement agricole. 16°. Paris, 1888. Mochutkovskt (O. O.) O razvedenii dekora- tivnol rastitelnosti na dachakh s higienicheskoT HYGIEXE. 728 HYGIENE. Hygiene (Rural). ttichki zrieniya. [On the cultivation of deco- rative shrubbery iu country houses from a hy- gienic point of view.] 8C. [Odessa, l6~-.] Moreno de la Tejera (V.) Catn|iaiia sani- taria en el alio 1-^4. *-". Madrid, 1**5. DE Mokville (A.) Rapport fait a la Society centrale d'agrieulture de Nancy, sur la question de l'am61ioration du service sanitaire tlans les campagnes. -5 [Nancy, 1*51.] Nightingale (F.) Health teaching in towns and villages. Rural hygiene. *:. London, I 1*94. Pecastaing (E.) * De la vulgarisation des notions de l'hygieiie dans les populations rnrales. 6:. Paris, 1899. Pedrazzini (I. S.) Igiene del contadino. 16°. Milano, 1900. Perujo (.A. M.) Higiene rural. sc. Madrid, [1885]. Plea (A) in behalf of law and order. How a village trustee cau destroy a village. 8C. Netr York, 1879. Poirier (H.) * Essai sur l'hygiene rurale, touchant particulierement les maladies conta- gienses et l'enfance. >°. Paris, 1900. Raquet (H.) Notes du cours d'hygiene gene- rale appliquee si I'homme et aux animaux domes- tiques professe* a l'lnstitut agricole de l'etat. Premiere partie, 1899-1900. 4-\ Bruxelles, 1899. [Sella (A.)] Lezioni popolari di igiene rurale e privata. 1*2°. Biella, 1812. Teyxeira (V.) L' igiene nelle campagne. 1*2C. Perugia, 1889. Trautner (T. M.j Vejledning i Suudheds- pleje og Syge[deje for Landlxere og Andre. 3. Udg. [Guide to sanitary science and care of the sick for country people and otliers.I 3. ed. 16°. Kjobenham, 1«94. Vidal (J.) Manuel d'hygiene rurale. Notions element aires d'hygiene a l'nsage des munici- palite~s, des ecoles et des populations tie la cam- pagne. 1*2-'. Paris 5-Lyon, 1885. Ysabeau (A.) Hygiene de I'homme et ties aiiiinaux domestiques. lb1. Paris, 1>76. Allen (W. H.) Rural sanitation in England. Am. Pnh. Health Ass. Rep. 1899, Columbus, 1900, xxv, 210- 218— linker ill. B.) A plea for puhlic healtli in villages. Ann. Hvg.. Phila.. 1889, iv, 321-332. Also: Ann. Rep.Bd. Health Penn. 1883. Harrisburg. ]s91. 244-254. Also. Re- print.—Baloff(A.V.) Dereveuskaya bauva; sanitarno- higienicheskiy ocherk. |Village hath; sanitary hygienic sketch.) Feldscher, St. Peteisb., 1899, ix. 321-323.' Also: Ejened. jour. "Prakt. med.". St. Petersb.. 1900, vii, 009- 6J3.—Barnlirr (A.I L'ecole de village au point de vue de l'hvgiene puhliijue et privee. Tribune nied.. Par., 1808. 2'. s.. xxx, 1029: 1899, 2. s., xxxi, 8; 27: 49.—Bartik (G.) A mezei munkasok egeszsegiigyi viszonyairol, kiilouds tekintettel a volt korona-teriiletre. [Hygienic relations of the rural laborers, especially on the crown domain.] Gy.ig-ya.-zat. Budapest. 1899, xxxix. 714; 728: 748; 702.— Hawhore iH. B.) Outlines of rural hygiene. Med. Rec, X. V.. 1807. li, 837. ----. Sanitary arrange- ments for country houses. Ibid.. 1899, lv, 52. -----. The danger to public health in default of rural hygiene. Sani- tarian, X. Y., 1900, xiv, 97-lni). — Handrail. Les petits logemeuts dans les campagnes; moyens pratiques de les ameliorer. Actas v mem. d. ix. ('ong. internac. de hig. y demog. 1808. Madrid. 1900, iv, 150-158.— Bedoin. Pro- phylaxie des maladies transmissihlcs k Ia campagne; isolement. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1895, 3. s., xxxiii, 304-309.— Ken nell iJ. D.) Village sanitary regulations. Pr.ic. Florida M. Ass., Jacksonville, 1898, 117-121.—Belli iT.i L' igieue nti piccoli comuni con speciale riferimento alle abitazioni, alle scuole ed agli stabilimeuti industriali. Corriere sail., Milano, 1898, ix, 158; 174.—Cachenx (E.) Dcfectuositcs ties habitations agricoles; moyen d'y reme.- dier. Atti d. xi. Uoug. med. internaz. 1894. Roma, 1895, vi, ingegner. san.. 26-30—C'hambrclent. Assainissement et mise en culture de la Camargue. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1891, cxiii, 700-766. -Chelchowuki (K.) Naszechaty wiejskie przetl stu laty. [Our village dwell- ings a century ago.] Zdrowie. "Warszawa. 1901, xvii, 173- 188.—Christie (J.) Sanitation iu small towns and rural districts. [Abstr.] San. Jour., Glasg.. 1890-91, n. s., xiv, 33-48. —Courreul (P.) De l'hygiene privee dans les Hvgiene (Rural). campagnes. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel.. 18*9. xi 445. Also, Reprint.—* oiiMlau. Les formations -mi- taiieset le nouveau servic. de same en eaiiipagii?. ];, v san. tie Bordeaux. 1884-5 ii. 178-180—Cioiw*5in t-K ust (Anna). Tom Leben der Banern. Hvgieia Stuttf 1897 x, 360-365.—Be' At li (G. H.) Rural" sanitation and the public health. Med. Mag.. Lond., 1-92. i, ."-Os.— Dici- siiijj. Die Assaniriing der landliclien Oitschaften: .in kl.in.- Miltel gegen die Xoth tier Landwirths. hati Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte. Berl.. 1900, xiii, 449-453— Drouiiiean (G.) Des depots ruraux ou agricoles d'im- niomlices; rapport fait au nom du deuxieine coiuit6 (hy- giene urbaine et ruralei. Uull.Soc.de med. pub.. Pai., 1890, xiii. 212-23H. Also: Rev. d'hyg., Par., IcOO. xii, i;ii. 1882. i. ?7-90.— I.itthauer. Zur Hygiene in kleim n Stiidten und auf dem platten Lande. Preuss. Med.-Beamtcn-Tc r. Off. Ber., Berl., 1891. 87-ln8. 1 diag— .Mackenzie ("W.L.) Health propaganda in ihe counties. San. Jour., Glasg., 1893-4, n. s., xvii, 37-45.—.Vlcl.aiithlin (II. W.) The preven- tion and suppression of contagious diseases in rural com- munities. Colorado M. J., Denver, 1897. iii, 407-413.— ITIanoIescu (A.) Din serviciul sanitar rural. Romania med., Bucuresci. 1898. vi, 05; 100. Also: Bnl. asoc. g. n. a med., Bucuresci. 1,-90-1900. iii, 446-453.-.llanriac (E.) L'organisation du service de sant6 en campague. J. de nied. de Bordeaux, 1.-87-8, xvii, 37; 45.—.Tlel via (J. Tl Problems in rural sanitation. Tr. Colorado M. Soc. Den- ver, 1899, 259-267. 1 pl. Also. Colorado M. J., Denver, 1900, vi, 77-81.—«le .Tlonti ielier. Assainissement ur- bain; systenie tie la sui vc rse : utilisation ties anciens^gouta a grande section pourlcvacuation d.seaux d'orage. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1895, xvii. 1-82-8S7.— \icliol*oii (A. W.) Some of the dangers to health pertaining to pioneer life. Rep. Bd. Health Mich., 1881, Lansing, 1882, 38-44.—©lira (P.) Le abitazioni rurali del comune di ('respino (pro- vincia di Rovigo). Riv. veneta tli sc. med., Venezia, 1896, xxiv, 164 ; 203, 4 pl.—Pierre (Marie). Les dangers de la campngne. J. de la sante, Par., 1-95. xii, 181-183.—Piper (J.) The sanitation of country towns and tarni bouses Ann. Hyg.. Phila.. 1889, iv, 313-321.—Police . De la) rurale concernant lcspersomn s. lesanimauxet lesrecoltes. Rec. d. trav. Comite consult, ding. pub. de Frame 1-9.S Par, 1899, xxviii, 392-411. —Predtecheii*ki .V.F.I Sanitarniye vrachi v uyezdakh. [I'oiinty sanitary physi- cians.] Trudi V syezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v pam\at Pi rogova, S.-Peterb.. 1.-94. ii, 618-025.—Beed (R. H.) A sanitary talk for the farmer. Lect. & addr. farmers' iust. Ohio, Columbus. 1887. 36-41.—Ben aid (E ) Lasalubrit6 des villages; projet d'etudes des moyens a emplover pour l'assnrer. Ann. d'hvg.. Par., 1896. 3. s., xxxvi. 116-128.— Rrusi (L.) L'hvgiene et l'asepsie a la campague. Ann. d'hyg.. Par., 1894,3. s., xxxii, 289-304.—Richard. L'ex- position d'hygiene urbaine. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 18-6. viii, 369; 457.— Saiiitiireii (Zur) Baupolizei in kleinen Orten. Oesterr. San.-Beamte. Wien n. Berl., 1889, ii, 234-241— Nanqnirico (C.) L' igiene del lavoro carnpest re. Gior. d. r. Soc. ital. d' ig., Milano, 1898, xx, 201-229.—Savelyeff HYGIENE. 729 HYGIENE. Hygiene (Rural). (M. V.i K voprosu ob o/doiovlenii selskavo naseleuiya. [On rendering the village population healthy. 1 Vestnik obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med.. St. Petersb..*1897, xxxiii, no. 7, 2. sect., 344-357.- Mcliolt*. Zur l.esundheits- ptlogc auf dein platten Lande. Deut.-che Vrtljschi. I i.if. lisn.llii-pilg.. Brnschwg., 1895, xxvii, 3I3-33H. - Muliii- lzenl>*'r s/.eivezese lalusi kdzsegek s/iiniara [Proper organisa- tion of sanitary and medical affairs in villaget -oniiiiuiiities.] long, internat. d'hyg. et .le tlt-inog C. r. 1894, Budapest, l,-!»|i viii, pt. 5. 382 380—Smith (Ii. H.) Some sanitary defects iu i uraldistricts. with suggestions fortheii reinetl v. Pub. Health Engin., I.oml . 1898 iii 273 Also: J. Sa'n. Inst.. Lond.. 1898-9, xix. 014-023.-«pinli«. (\V. i The drainage of villages. San. Kec, l.ou.i IS'.O 0 n. s. xvii i 257: 278: 295; 312: 330: 347: 370 — *ll l>l>ol i n (I. M.) K voprosu o sanitainoni sostoyauii Wrest van-kikh izb v I'ya zan-kom uy.-zuie. sanitary condition of peasants' hiits in Ryazan Count\ Vrach. St. Peteisb., 1891. xii. 1011 : li<3P —HiiMHliiind. Ueher die Anfgabeu tier Sauitiits- polizei auf ilem p atten Lande. Vi-tljsclir. f. gei ichtl Med Berl., 1897. 3. P.. xiv. 35l-3!i:i.-Te« ..I. S.i A discus' sion on the pi ox ision ol . oi tage- in i uial disli icts. autl its hearing upon public health. Brit. M .1., Lond.. 1900, ii, 418-420.—Tezyalioll (N5 P.) K voprosu ob izslledo- vnnii v sanitarii in otiioshenii selsko-khozyalstvennikh rabot'hikh i oiganizat-ii za uimi viachehno-sanitaruavo natlzoia. [On tin sanitary investigation of farm laborers autl the organization of a medico sanitary inspection of them.J Trudi V sve/tla Obsh. nissk. viacli. v pain vat Pi- rogova, S I'eterb.'. 1894, ii. 071-695. ------. S,-l.sk,. kho- zyalstvennixe laliocliie i oiganizaisiya za uimi sanitarnavo nadzora v Kherson-koi gub. [Field laborers and the or- ganization of sanitary supervision of them in the govern- ment ot Khetson.1 Sv.zcl vrach. i predstav. . . . Kher- son-k. eub 1895 Doklcdi.1896. xiii, pt. 1.57-356.4 diag., 2 maps. Thornton Hi. Ii.) Suburban sanitation. Tr. M.Soc. T.-nin-.—-eA'liattanoog.i 1896. 2'5A.:ul Also: Ann. Hvgiene. Phila.. 1896. xi, i;:4-r.Sn. M*..: Sanitarian, X. V. 1896. xxxviii. 217-222.— Thre-h I ( i Some prob- lems in rural sanitation. But. M. •!., Lond , 1900, ii. 290. Al*o: Phila. M. J..190051 i, 307. Also- Metl. News. X. T., 1900. lxxvii. 249-25].—von Tbnroezy (K.) Die Organi- sation tier Saniliitsveiwaltiing und .les Heilwesens tier Doifgenieinibn Cong, internat. d'hvg. et tie demog. C. _ i. b-!>4. Budapest, L-'.i'i viii.pt 5, 3.-9-399. — Tiilmnii (E.I The sanitation of country houses, villages, and small areas. Pnh. Health Engin. Loud.. lr-'.i,-. ii. 440. Also: Sau. Kec, Lond.. 18>\ n. B.,'xxi,616: 608. —Vaillnnl (A.) Hygiene ib- i'habitatiuii i urah- au point de vue de l'aliineutaliou d'.-au pur.- et potable et de levacuation des eaux usees. Assoc, frau.*. pour 1 avan, e. d. sc. C.-r. 1893, Par.. 1894, xxii.pt. 2, 1047-1049. -Wertner (M. i Videki kdzegeszse- giigyiink es a iiyihaim-.-ag. (Hygiene of the rural pop- ulation and publicity . i Allaiuorvos Budapest, 1885,65- 7o. — Wolfe iS.i Tbe sanitation of rural homes. Ann. Hyg.. Phila., l-'.-O. v. 2*9-293. Hygiene i Se.rual). Su. also. Generation (Popular treatises on); Gonorrhoea (Jurisprudeiu-e of : Hygiene ( Fe- male): Hygiene (Pi-rsonal); Marriage; Mas- turbation; Menstruation i'Hygi<-m■ of <: Neu- rasthenia (Sexual); Sexual instinct; Syphilis and marriage. Berger (P.) Die Hygiene vor tlen Flitterwo- clnn. Mipplemcnt zn Dr. von Gilstu: Hygiene der Flitterwoclien. -a Berlin, 1*91. Brk-ciaximM.) L' igiene e la salute se-suale. I.-. Milano, 1-7". CA.Miiori.ivi-> (M.) L'liomme it la femme a tons Ir* ages de la vie; etude lis gicnujue, medi- eale, plnsiologique, MJt-iaie et morale. 12. Pa- I lix. 1-90. j Desmoxs (B.) Hygiene dn c61ibat. 12°. ! Paris. 1901. Dimkath (O. H.) Kviunans konslif; l.ear- i betning efter ile Lii>ta kiilltir. [The .sexual life of woman; compiled from the lie.st authorities.] 8'-. Stockholm, [1-96]. KiiKiii.i'CK! Die Hygiene des Gcschlechtslc- bens, von einer praktisehen Aerztin. *-°. Stutt- gart, [1899]. Exgu.-ii (V. P.) The doctor's plain talk to young men; anatomy, physiology, and hygiene of the sexual organs. 4. ed. - . Cleveland, 0., 19]. Gox/.ai.ks Ai.vai:k.z (H.) Knsayo de higiene moral para mis hijos, cmi un prologo dc Pedro Lopez de Ayala. l(iu. Madrid, l-'.'9. Grahowskv (N.) Fnthaltsamkeit nnd die anssi'i-oitli'iitlifhe Bedeutung ties sittlichent- halt-amen Lebens fiir miser eigne* Wohl wie das tier Allgemeinheit. 2. Auli. 12-. Leipziq, 1901. (JiiOEXKVKi.n (S. \V.) Wetenschap op sexneel gebietl tgeshichlsleven van tlen mensch), ziju ziekten en genezing. 12'-'. Amsterdam, [n. d.]. Kkllogi; (J. 11.) Plain facts for old and young; embracing the natural history and hy- giene of organized life. New td. 8 a Burling- ton, Iowa, l>-8. -----. Man, the masterpiece; or, plain truths plainly told about boyhood, youth, and manhood. 8'-. Battle Cretk, Mich. 1999. Kornig (T. G.) Die Hvgiene tier Keuschheit. 2. Aufl. S-. Berlin 4' Leipzig, 1891. -----. The same. 3. Ann. 8U. Berlin 4' Leipzig, 189 A. -----. The same. 5. Aufl. 8c Berlin, 1900. Kvhner (A.) Gesuudheit und Wohlfahrt der Jugend. Aerztliche Ratschlage fiir Jung und Alt zur Abwehr von Vei iirungen uud Gefahren in der Zeit der geschlechtlichen Entwickelung. 12-. Berlin, 1900. Lecttke (A) to young men on the preserva- tion of health and the personal purity of life. By a graduate. -J. Loudon, 1-85. Lewis (D.) The gynecologic consideration of the sexual act. *--. ('hitago, 1900. Mi ixix (E.) L'hygiene des sexes. lfic. Pa- ris, 1-90. -----. Tlie same. Troisieme mille. 16°. Parix, 1892. -----. Comment ou defend sa virility; la lutte contre l'impnissance et l'anaphrodisie chez rhoninie. 2. ed. 12C. Paris, [1901]. NictiLAi (G.) Sexueele hygiene. Voordracht in dc ithische vereeniging voor jongclieden "Excelsior" te Xijinegen. 10°. Amxteidam, [1-9*]. Kam/.i (H.)Jiey. Ritalin hifdhi sihpti'lmatu- zawwiji wa 'lazilii. [Hook for the care of the health of the married and single.] -°. Bey- routh, 1901. Ribbing (S.) Sex nelle hygiene en ccnige ha- rer ithische coiiM'i|iienties. Drie lezingen. A oor Xt-tlerlaiul bewerkt naar den derden druk. Ha Leiden, 1-92. -----. Thesame. Die scxuelle Hygiene und ihre ethiachen Konsci'Uen/.eii. Uivi A'orlesun- gen. Deutsch vou Oscar Rcvher. *?a . Leipzig, 1«90. -----. The same. 4. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, 1««J1. -----. The same. 8. Aufl. 8°. Leipzig, 1892. Rrxi'K (M.) Das Weib in seiner geschlecht- liclnn Eigenart. '5. Aufl. 12c. Berlin, 1898. -----. Thesame. 4. Aufl. s . Berlin, 1900. HYGIENE. 730 HYG I EN K. Hygiene (Se.rual). ' Pi'tgeus (J.) Een Loek voor jouge vrouwen en lueisjes. Wenken voor het geslachtsleven. (Sexueele hygiene.) 12°. Amsterdam, [1900]. Schkrk(C.) Aus der weiblichen Geschlechfs- sphare. Populair dargestellt. 8-. Berlin, 1900. Schmitz (L.) Das (icschlechfsleben des Men- schen in oesundheitlicher Beziehung und die Hygieine des Kleinen Kindes 8\ Berlin, 1889. I Schroeder(H.) DieGesunderbaltungsptlege iu der Ehe. 8°. Leipzig, 1892. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 8-\ Leipzig, 1892. Shepherd (E. R.) True manhood; a manual for >ouug men. Also, the White Cross; its ori- gin and progress, bv B. F. de Costa. 8-'. Chi- en go, [1889]. Siebert (F.) Sexuelle Moral und sexuelle Hvgiene. Ein Wegweiser. 12c. Frankfurt a.M., 1901. Spbixg (F.) L'art d'c'viter le divorce. Guide i phvsi dogique du nouveau marie*, ainsi que de tout epoux d6sireux de conserver ou retablir chez lui la bonne harmonie conjngale. 2. e"d. 16°. Paris, 1880. Stall (S.) What a young husband ought to know. 12°. Philadelphia 4' London, [1899]. Zolotarekf (L. A.I Hig'iena supruzheskoi zhizni. [Hygiene of sexual life.] 12°. Mo-., 1887. 8°. Boston, 1880-7. Bukslich t, W.) Die Hygiene als Teil des na- tnrwisseiischaftlichen Uuterrichts. 4*-. Berlin, 1892. Descriptive catalogue of models, diagrams, and slides. "Hygiene" (Knight's series), de- signed as helps to teachers of hygiene, ami to meet the requirements of the science ami art departtnei ts. county councils, anil technical edu- cation centres. 8°. London, L-94. Egiiert (S.) A syllabus of the lectures on hvgiene at the University of Penns\ Ivania, 1890-91. fol. Philadelphiat [1891]. Goi>art (J.) *L'enseignenient pratique de l'hygiene a la faculte de medecine tie Paris. Musee; excursions; laboratoire. 4°. Paris, 1899. Handlingar rorande inlorandet af htlso- vaulslaran sasotn obligatoriskt examensiimue i inetlicine licentiatexamen. Till kansleru for Upsala univ. och Karolinska mediko-kirurg. in- stitulet. [Transactions teaching of hygiene as well as obligatory examination material m the examination for licentiate iu medicine.] 8-'. [Gblehorg, 1885.] Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore. In- struction in hygiene. [Announcement of a course of lectures during the months of March, April, and May, lr91.] 4C. [Baltimore, 1-91.] Koiiler (A.) Die Gesundheitslelire in der Volks- und Fortbildungsschule. Leitfaden zur Ertheilung eines popnliiren Gesundheitsiinter- richts fiir die Hand des Lehrers uml zum Selbstunterricht. 8:. Freiburg im Breisijau, 1878. Kuhorn (H.) Cours d'hygiene generale et pedagogique profess6 a l'ficole normale supe- rieure des humanit6s (1878-91) et k l'Ecole nor- male moyeune des regentes (1880-8")); pre"eeM6 et accompagne' de notions eMenieutaircs de chimie biologiqne et d'auatomo-physiologie. - . Bru- xelles 4' Paris, 1891. Lorry de Bruyn. De la necessity d'ensei- gner l'hygiene aux jeunes gens. Memoire d&lie* aux membres du Congres d'hygiene et de sauve- tage a Bruxelles, septembre 1-7(3. 8-. Leide, 1895. Loewenthal ( W.) De renseigueiuent de l'hvgiene daus les faculte's. 8C. Lausanne, 1885. -----. * Etude compar6e sur l'enseignement actuel de l'hygiene dans les faculte's de mede- cine en Europe. 4C. Paris, 1--7. -----. The same. 8c Paris, 1887. Milone (U.) Xozioni teoriche di chimica generale dett: te nel r. Istituto d' igiene come introduzione al corso di chimica igienica per gli studenti e gli aspiianti ufficiali sauitarii dal . . ., e raccolte dal . . . Ratfaele Cinimiuo. 8:. Napoli, L-9 5. DE Moxtricher. Cours d'hygiene publique et de demographie. Resume's ties 2t> lecons et conferences. 12°. Marseille, 1900. van Overbeek DE Meijer (G.) Het regt van bet onderwijs in gezoudheidsleer aan de hooge- school. Rede bij de aanvaarding van het hoog- leeraarsainht aan 's rijks Uuiversiteit te I'trecht. 8Z. I'trecht, 1877. Pappeniiei.m (h.) Kleine Denkschritt 1-e- trettend die Verbesserung des saiiitatspolizei- lichen Uuterrichts au der koniglichen Fricdrich- Wilhelms-Uiiiversitiit zu Berlin. 8-. Amsbtrg, [1851]. Preventive medicine and general idueation. Memorial to the general medical council. 4°. [n.p., n. d.] HYGIENE. 731 HYGIEXE. Hygiene (Teaching of). * Puoi'ST (A.) Dou/e conferences d'hygiene retligecs conformemei t au plan deludes du 12 aout 1890. 12-. I'lii'in, 1-91. Reich (E.) Die Hygiene und ihr Studium. 8 . Erlangen, 1-ti-. Rochoc.v (.I.-A.) * [Plan d'un coins d'hygi- ene.] 1. Paris, 1858. Rnz (L. E.) * Hosiittejo de un plan para el estudio de la higiene. - . Mexico, I-7S ValokhF.) Sag^i accatleinici sulla pubblica e juivata igiem* per gli abitanti di Roma letti nelle vane adunanzc dell' Aeeadeuiia delle sci- enze, belle lettere etl arti Tiberina. —-. Roma, 1-,'.:!. Ail u ■■ mi zn fra insegnanti il' igiene nelle universita italiaue. (iior. di nied. pubb., Napoli. 1892. xxiii. 289 319. — Bayr iK.i Die EinfiihriiHg tier Hygiene. Volks- gesiindlieitslehre, als obligatorischen Lehigegeiistantl iu denGewerbeschulen. Ztschr. f. Sehulgsndhtsptlg., Haiub., J9O0. xiii, 11-L1.— Bex. Lenseigui-uieiit pratique tie I hy- giene a la Faculte de medicine de Paii-- par ties visites d'tjlablissements publics ou priv.-s. Ann. d'hvg.. Par., 1885. 3. b.. xiv. 4S3-50L—Billing* (J. S.) Hygiene in university education. Boston M. a. S. ■!.. 1894. cxxxi. 125- 131. AUo. Repiint. AUo: Lancet. Lond.. li-94. ii, 377- 379. —Bush i I. 15 I The importance of educating our youth in tlie principles tit li\ giene. J. Am. M Ass.. Chi- cago, lv.w xiv. 540.— {'uwliTlii. L'euse gnement tie l'hy- gieiie .Inns lis eeol.s .1. s ct.it> d'Europe et des fitats- Unis if A merit-lie. Cong, internat. cl i.vg. et tie d£mog. C. r. 1882. Geneve. 1-83. ii. 415-43*.'—Cook (\V. C.) The necessity for teaching hygiene iu -. ho.iU Tr. Iuter- n.it. M. Cong. Wash.. 1887. iv. '-7-59' A'*,, Keprint.— < oi lit Itl , W. H.) The leaching of public health. J. Sau. Inst.. Lond., 1890-7. xvii. 224-240. AUo: San. Kec. Lond.. 1890-7. n. «.. x\ iii. Jm5 304. — DavillriaiiCe of sanitaiy education anti leg i.-la l ion. Keport of committee on physiology aud hvgiene as a branch of popular education. |Iowa.] Sanitarian, X. Y., 1-75 iii. 255-258. AUo, Reprint. — Flein-v. Cours d'hy- giene. De l'hvgiene Plan. Gaz. nod .h- Pai.. 1851, I. s, vi. 230: 2112. AUo, Keprint.— von Potior (J.) Der livgienische Unterricht in Yolksschulen. Mittel- schiilen. t'.w. ibes.liiilen, Matleheiischnlen, Lehrerbil- dungs. Anstalten. Pii.-stei -S.ininarien. etc. Zweckmassig- keit Hint Begr nzuiig des-'lbt-n Internat. long. f. Hyg. u. Demog. Arb.. Wien. 18-7. vi. 13. Hft.. 1-22. [Discus- sionj. 69-ss.— France. (Jirciilaire et ain'te relatifs a 1 en-< igncmciit .!•■ 1 hygieue dans les l\c . > J. tl. conn. in>-«l. prat.. Par.. 1-72 xxxix. 177-1-0.—Fujikawa (V.i [On sanitaiy education.1 Kokka Igaku Kwai Za--hi. To- kyo. 1895. 10-l(i. — Gallon (.V.r D.) On the teaching of hygiene iii elemental y -clmols. J. San. Inst.. Lond.. 1894- 5. xv, 534-541. —<»nrilin«*r (Wain-lie.. The necessity for aunivei-al teaching autl p'.ietice of hvgiene. [Abstr.1 Ibid.. 19O0-I9UI. xxi, 184-Daimler iM.) Hygienischer j ITiiteriiclit ail Volksschulen M il lc -1-c hulen. Gewcrbe- I scliu en. Maileheiisehnleii I.«-hi .a I,il.lungs - Anstalten. Priester-SeiniiMi-ieii. et■-. Zw.c kuia--igk.it und Begrou- zimir tie — 'h. n in Oest.neich. Internat Cong. f. Hyg. ll. | Demog. \l. . Wn n, 18*7. vi. 13. lift., 57-0-. [ I li-cn--ion ]. r.'.i-'r. i. lii«hiinoi>ka)'a - Vnkoi l> oi a (IN.lina I.) Doklad komissii po shkoliml higienie i la-prostranciiie higieiiichi-kihk zuaniv v narodle. [Report of the coin- iniitee nn school hygiene anil distribution of hygienic knowledge among the people.] Dnevnik syezda Obsh. nissk. vi.ich. v pamyat Pirogova, Kiev. 1890. vi. no. 13, 1-7 — KrolT iG. G.) On teaching the principles of hj- giene to the young. Am. Pub. Healtli A-s. Rep.. Con cord, 189". xx, 203-207.—CSuttmann (S.i Die iles.t/.iing neuer Lehrstiihb-fin Hygiene. Deutsche meil. Wchnschr., P»erl.. 1885. xi, 739. ----—. Der hygieni-che Unterricht an deu preussischen I'ni\ er-itaien. Ibid. I., ip?.. 1889, xv, 162. — llarluiau |K i I), r h>gieni-'In- Uiiterricht an lien teclmi-tdieil Hoc h-c linl.-n (ie iiiiclli.-IllgcnieUI', Herl., 1885, viii, 154; 191 si',. — lit-yninii 'K.) Nagra ortl om liygienen som veten-kap o.h hit o.'iinn. . [Hygiene as a scienceanil asa snl.jcci of teaching Hvgiea. Stockholm. 18*5. xlvii. 643-063. ------. Om hygienes gfallning vid ib-n medicinska undervisningen. ( Disku-sion.) [Hy- giene and its relation to medical instruction. (Discus- sion.!] Eira.Gfiteborg, 1885. ix. 507 .574. AUo: Foih.allm. svens. lak.-inotet 1885, (iiitehorg. 1880, i, 18-34.— II ©I-I Hygiene (Teaching of). ill I'..i Det norske s.mitets uddaniielse. [The teaching of sanitation in Norway. | Tidski. i mil. Helsov., Stock- holm. 18911. xxi. -.'4511 -liiMcuiiami'iilo (L'i dell'igiene nelle scuole di appln a/miit» i.c-i gl' iugegneri e tecniche iii Europa; sua mi.....tanza e limiti. Liv. internaz. d' ig., Xapoli. 1899. x. 17: Jim -.Innke (() ) Der hygienische rnterricht in tlen Schul.n. Zts.l.r. f. Sclnilgstidhtsph'g.. Hamb. n. Leipz.. 1895. viii. 474-470. ------. Ahhildiing. n fiir lien h\ gi.iii-chen Uiiterricht in Schuh-n. Ibid. 579-589.— .IoIiiikIoii i \V.) On the practical clinical teaching of state medicine. Phila. M..I.. ltlon. vi. 4u7-lo9. — Hubtiiii ill I 1-aiseigneinent tie I'hygiene dans les ecoles eleinen- taires. -.c ondaires; ties arts el metiers; ties tilles: des se- niiiiaircs hii'ipies et ecclcsia-tic|ues ; son opportunite: ses limites. Internat. Cong, t Hyg u. Demog. Arb.. Wieu. 1887 vi. 11. Hit.. 2-1-47. | Discussion |, »'>0 s8'.— I,uiiiIoiiav th.) L'hygiene a la F.eulte ile med.-cine tie Pai is. Kev. scient., Par.. 1885, xxxvi. 97 - 1(»7. — I.nye! I A.) De l'eii- seigticme-it tie riivgiene tlans les ecoles clcnientaues, -e- conilaires. i.iofessioiinelles, etc.; son opportunite et ses limiles. Rev. san.de Iloril-aux, 1887, iv, 114-i 18.—I.eijjh- Ion (A. W.) The place of sanitarv science i.....location. Tr. Internat. M. Cong.. Wash., 1887, iv, 443-457— Fetich. Do- Notwentligkeit ties Unteri iehis iiher Ge-iiudheits- lehre (Hygiem). insbesonileie Schnlgesundheilsjitlege in Lelireihihlungsanstalleii. Schweiz HI. f Gsiulhtsptig., Ziirich. 189S n. K.. xiii. (I; 17.— Fochinnim. SUolens og t'lulei visningens Hygiene. [ Hygiene as a branch of instruction in schools. ] Norsk Mag. f. La-g.-vi- densk.. (hi istiania, 1885, xv, 483-491. — .tlel nliit (C.) Huw one college eudeavol's to teach social problems. Bull. Am. Acad. M.. Easton. Pa.. 1900-1901. v, 102-112.— Tlnn- geuol. L'hvgiene dans les ecoles primaircs tie Vieinn- et de Bnda-Pesth. Rev. d'hyg.. Par.. 1888. x 228-242. —Mar- tin (A.-J.) L'eiist'igneineut tie l'liygiene dans les eta- l.li-s.-ments tl'enseigiieiiient sa]ierieiir. Rev. d'hvg.. Par., 1884, vi. 273; 405. Also, Keprint,------. L'etude ile Thy- giene. Gaz. b. bd de med.. Par.. 1899, 2. s.. xxvii, 395- 397.—.tlonjaraM i.I.-K.) Xecessite d'eiiseigner l'hygifeue aux enfant-de I'ecole primaire par hi nietbode objective. Cong, internat. d'hyg et de demog C.-r. 18!»4. Budapest, 189li, viii. pt. 3,'. 7--480. —:Tlo«tny (E.) L'hvgiene k I'ecole it par l'6cole. Ann. d'hyg.. Par., 19(10. :'l. s„ xliv. 442- 4112 — Tin a u (W. P.i The mces-ity for iiost-gradiiate iusti uction in sanitarv science: psychopathic cults of heal- ing and worship. Colorado M.J ., Denver 1901. vii. 283-293. AUo: Denver M. Times. 1901-2. xxi, 53-05 — >apia* i H.) Note sur l'orgaiiisation tie renscignciin-ut d.- la i.....lecitie ]iubli.|iie. Ann. d'hyg., Par.. 18-1. 3. s., vi. 02. .1/*';: Rev. d'hyg., Par., 18-1. iii, 514.—.»ec»wity i Thei for clinical instruction in infectious diseases as a part of tho curriculum of the medical student. Lancet. Loud.. 1891, ii, 127.—>.riv«i|iolme A I On the study of hvgiene in elementary scl.....Is. I'uh. Health, Lontl..'1890-91. iii. 134- 130. — .\icola*. I.icon d'onverture d'hygiene pratique. Discours et he pronencesa l'ouvert tl. tours de 1' Univ. tie Lausanne ( li-90). b-91. 241 -275— O verlon ( F.) Ou the teaching of phvsiologv and hygiene in public schools. Tr. X. York M. Ass . X'.'V.. 18:is. xv, 41 -40. — Piium'. rn- terricht iiber Gesiindheit-pttege in der S hule. Deutsche metl. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Herl.. 1901. xxvii. MI4 — ron HrlIenliofer (M.) Der hygienische Uiiterricht au Uni- \ ei -itatcn und technischen Hochschulen. Internat Cong. I. H\g u Demog. Arh.. Wien. 18-7, vi, 35. Hft, 33-53. AUo: Wi.-n. med. Bl. 1887, x 1233: 1206. AUo: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1887. xxxvii. 1308; 1339; i:;8".. Also, t,a,,4 5\b-tr.]; Rev. d'hyg.. Par., 1887. ix. 821-831.— Pi-ob"! 1 2.-.0. — Kii venliill i Alice). On the position assigned to t he l.-achiiig ol h\ giene iu our elementary schools. J. San. Inst. I......1 ]8'.i.--9. xix, 561-575. —■—. Practical hvgiene teaching in elenu nuirv schools. Ibid., 1899-1900, xx, 238-204 Kiclinrilo iKlli-n II.) The urgent need of sanitar. . dm.moo in tin- public schools. Am. Pub. Health Ass. ]:.-p i Alumlm,. 1898. xxiv. 100-lu2. [Dis- cussion) 325 -- Kiilnit i. I eb.-i .Me Aufgahen ties hy- gieiiischeu Uiiierrichts hehufs Ausbibluiig der Aerzte. Kliu. Jain 1... I.erl.. 1890. li. 112-129.—«*«-i'nlilli (A.) Sui miMlerno in-cgnamento iltdl' igiene nell Universita. Ri- forma med.. Napoli. Is!l2, viii, pt. 1, 02: 75. — Mnlliei-lnml IA.) Healtli and education. Austral. Health Soe Mel- bourne. Health Lect., 1889, 2. s.. 91 - 120. —TVnehhijj (Tin!) of physiology ami hygiene iu the pin du- scl.....N. Metl. Xews, Phila.. 1894, lxiv. 357-359. —Viiiijjluni iV.I.'.l Method-ol' lea.lniig hygiene. Phila. M -I. I9un. \i. 4n2- 404 \ in lino il. i Les iliplbmi s d'hygiene in Angle- terrc Ibv. d h\g Par.. 18911. xviii, 28I-2SN.—Wrj I (T.) Der livgienische I'nterricht inden Schuh-n. Ztschr. f. Scliulgmidhi-ptlg . llamli. u. Leipz.. 18(15 viii 4n0-408.— 'Anli-nnlii i K. Ii () rasprostianeuii nlekolonkli znaniy po nicditsinie i hgunie putyoni vkl\ ucheni\a ikh v knigi dlya klas-navo i lit. ni\a. [On spreading some knowledge of medicine and hygiene by means of school readers.] Trudi V syezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v pamyat Pirogova, S.-Peterb.; 1»84, ii, 450-452. [Discussion). 459-404. HYGIENE. 732 HYGIENE. Hygiene (Tropical). ' Si-e Climates (Warm. Hyijiene of); Hygiene (Military) in wavni climate*; Hygiene (Naval); India (Climate, etc., of); Medicine (Tropical). Hyg'ieiie (Veterinary). See, also, Anthrax (Causes, etc., of); Cattle (Hygiene of); Glanders (Prevention of): Horse (Care, etc., of); Horse-knackers; Hygiene (Military); Hygiene (Rural). Bertacchi (D.) Igiene ippico-militare. 8C. Torino, 1881. Boucher (H.) Hygiene des animaux domes- tiques. Avec une preface par Cli. Cornevin. 16°. Pavis, 1891. Bkown (The) Animal Sanatory Institution. 8°. London, 1888. Cakelli (G.) Igiene veterinaria ad uso dei veterimirii, dei militari e dei proprietari. 2. ed. 8-5 Napoli, 1858. Conte (A.) Police sanitaire des animaux, avec une prdface par E. Leclainche. 16°. Pa- ris, 1895. De Juliis (R.) Igieue veterinaria. 11 cloruro di sodio nella economiaanimale. 8°. Frosinone, 1897. Extrait de l'instructiou sp6ciale du 25 avril is~:> sur l'hygiene des chevaux des brigades de gendarmerie (pour faire suite au reglement sur le set vice interieur de l'arnie). 2. s). 8°. Paris, 1859. Gkogxiek (L.-F.) Precis d'un cours d'hygiene veterinaire. s^. Paris 4' Lyon, 183:5. -----. The same. Coins d'hygiene veteri- naire. 2. ed. 8°. Paris, l8'57. . Laquerriere (A.) Annuaire special de police sanitaire, ou guide pratique a l'usage des v6t6ri- naires, ties maires, ties commissaires de police, des agriculteurs, ties nourrisseurs, des loueurs, etc. (Premiere ann6e, 18*8.5.) 12°. Paris, 1885. Magxe. Hefzi sehhat tatbikiye baytariye; 'irk henzir. [Hygiene applied to the veterinary art; breeds of swine.] 8°. [Istanbul], A. H. 1295 [1870], Turkish text, translated by Tuzyashi Miuas. Malfkaix. Kace chevaline, especes bovine, asine et oviue. Cours eiementaire d'hygiene hip- pique couronne par un cornice agricole de la Gironde, suivi de iioiubreux extraits sur la police du roulage, de la chasse, de la peche et des che- niius de fer. Notions ge"ue>ales eu matieres ci- Hy^iene (Veterinary). vile, politique, administrative, rurale, commer- ciale et judiciaire, credit f'oncier, agriculture, cheptel et horticulture. 8°. Pax, 1850. Oakland. Board of Health. Report of the city veterinarian to tlie board of health [from Dec 1, 1895, to June :10, 1894]. 8 . [Oakland. 1894.] I'acchiotti (G.) Medici veteriuari e farma- cisti secondo la nuova legge sulla tutela dell' igi- ene. 8-'. Ttiriuo, 1888. Pennsylvania State Veterinary Medical As- sociation. Report of committee on sanitary sci,eiice aud police, together with articles nail before the . . . held March 8, 1892. 8°. [I'hilu- delphia, 1892.] Raqiet (H.) Les habitations ties animaux domestiques au point de vue de l'liygiene. 1*2°. Bruxelles, 1899. Reynal. De requarissage sous le rapport de l'liyjiiene publique et de la police sanitaire veie- rin.iire. 8\ Paris, 1850. RussitiNOL (H.) A Dechambre (P.) Ele- ments d'hygiene et de zootechnie a l'usage des ecoles pratiques d'agriculture. v.i. Anatomie, exterieur, hygieue, zootechnie generale. 12°. Paris, li-94. *t Smith (F.) A manual of veterinary hygiene. 12-". London, 1887. United States. Congress. Senate. A bill for the establishment of a bureau of animal in- dustry, for the inspection of meat products and live stock, suppression and extirpation of con- tagious and infectious diseases among live stock, to regulate the transportation of live stock, and prevent the exportation or importation of dis- eased horses, mules, cattle, sheep, hogs, or other animals. 55. Cong., 1. sess. S. 1903. May (>, 1897. Introd. hy Mr. Warren, roy. 8-. [Wash- ington, 1897. ] Baker (A. H.) Inspection of herds hy the veterina- rian. ChicagoM. Recorder, 1900, xix. 25-28.—ltiiwh (\V.) Gas-releasing bit. Xo. 660748 ; October 30, 1900.—tin-iii Martinez (S.) Xecesitlatl y ventajas ile una ley tie po- licia .sanitaria tie Ins anininles domestieos desde el pimtn (ie vista tie sus enlerineilades y del consume de sus carncs y proiluctos alinienticios. Actas y inein. tl. Con jr. in- ternac. de hig. y demog. 1898, Madrid, 1900, ix, 102-10G. -----. Breves y generates ideas para la reorjr.auiza- eiiin tie los servicios sanitarius eu veterinaria. Ibid. 106-111. — Dalrymple (W. II.) Veterinarv hygiene and sanitation. Am. Vet. Kev., X. Y., 1898-9, xxii.' 817-828.— I>essart ( J.-V> ) Police sanitaire ties animaux tlomcs- tiqui's; reglement d'administration generale coordonne et dispositions y ati'erenles. Ann. dc med. vet., Unix., 1899, xlviii. 405; 461: ">73. — l>i<.)io*ition of dead animals in foreign cimniries. Vet. •!.. Lend., 1902, n. s., v, 49; 84. — France. Decret du 22 juin 1881. Porlant re- glement d'administration piiblique pour l'exccutioii de la loi sur la police sanitaire des animaux. Ite]). Vet. Dep. Privy Council 1882, Lond, 188:i, 118- 7;!. — iitum-j. (J. L.) Breves nociones seine hiniene veterinaria militar. Indepentl. med., Mexico. 1880. i, 136; 143.—Grout (I).!).) The relation of animal diseases to puhlic health. J. Med. & Se., Pnrtland. 1900-1901, vii, 379-386. Also: Sanitaiiau, X. Y., 1901, xlvii, 310-324. Also: Vermont M. Month., lhirlingtc.n, 1901, vii, 273; 307. — llarbaii^h ("W. H.) Veterinarians on hoards of health. Virginia M. Month.. Richmond, 1890-91, xvii. 537-540.—Heath (A. S.) Vet- erinarv hvgiene, anti the Xew York Citv sfalil.s. J. Conip. M. & S.,'N. Y., 1881, ii, 36; 114.— Iliiiilin^ ( \V.) Con- ference of veterinary inspectors. J. San. Inst., Lond..1899, xx, 441-446.—Joly (G.) Impuissance du service sanitaire veterinaire francais. .Presse vet.. Par., 1892. xii, 319; 417, 1 diag.— l.iii'iioii y I.ejjiirrola (D.) Nee sidad de organizar en la Hahana el servicio sanitario de veterinaria. Cron. meil.-quir. de la Hah.ina, 1894, xx, 462:481; .r>!3; 545. Also: Au. r. Acad. i]o cien. nied. ... tie la Habana, 1894- 5, xxxi. 341; 386.— I.oivt' (\V. H.) Tbe relation of veter- inary medicine to the puhlic health. J. Conip. M. & Vet. Arch., Phila., 1900, xxi, 532-536. Also: Am. Vet. Kev., X. Y., 1900-1901. xxiv, 5X8-592. -----. Progress in veterinary medicine in its relation to hvgiene. Am. Vet. Kev.. X. Y., 1901-2. xxv.8115-810. Also: Med. Kec, N.Y.,1902, lxi,165.— Vlolina Mti'iiiiio (K ) I'royecto tie ley de policia sani- taria ile los animates domestieos. Actas v mera. tl. Cong. iiiternac.de hig. y demog. 1898. Madrid, 1900, ix, 04-85. -----. Higiene y policia sanitaria veterinaria en los cuar- HYGIENE. 733 HYGIENISCHE. Hygiene (Veterinary). teles tie los institutos montatlos del ejercito. Ibiil.,\l\- 155 — Nile* i 1 P.) The veterinarian as a sanitai ian in relation to luil.lic health. Virginia M. Month., Kichinontl, 1895-0. xvi. "32-7'JS. —Owtertajj. Die Km \\ ickelung untl tlie Aut'uaben tier Vetel inai h\ m ne. Ztschi. f. Fleisch- u. Milchhyi;., Herl.. 18915-7, vn, lu.V-114. — ("Million Fer- n limit'. (.1.1 N. cesidail de organizar . n hi llal.ana el servicio sanitai i.. ile veterinaria. Cron med. quir. ile la Habana. 1894. x\, 569-573. —Sfliiiiidl-.Miilht*im. Vein r die Aufgahen der Thierniedicin anf tlem (lel.iete tier offentlichen Ce-uindbeitspflfge. ('. nirall.1. I. allg. Gsnd- htspflg., Bonn, 1889. viii, 1-26.— Mmiili i F ) Veterinary hygiene. Tr. Internat. Cong. lhg.A. Demog. 1891, Loud.. 1892, iii, 221-248.—SobornolT i A.) Veteiinarno sanitai - niva zuiuletki vo vreniya russko-turetskol volni 1877-78 gg- [Veterinai-\-sanitary notes oi the Kusso-Tiirkish war of. . .) Areh. vet. nauk'., St. IVterab., 18M. xi, 4. sect., 93- 107. Hyg'ieiie in education. ' See Children (Hygiene, etc., of); Education (Hygiene in); Schools (Hygiene of); Schools (Medical iuxjiection of). Hygiene of hospitals. " See Hospitals (Construction, etc., of). Hygiene of occupations. See Occupations (Hygiene of). Hygiene of old age. Sec a I so, Longevity. Andre (G. ) Hygiene des vieillards. 12°. Paris, 1-9H. Burney (C.) El libro de los viejos. Estudios de biologia para prolongar la vida humana. It')-. Barcelona, 1894. Hill (J.) The old man's guide to health and longer life; with rules for diet, exercise, and phy-ick. for preserving a good constitution and preventing disorders in a bad one. 2. ed. is . London, [n. d.]. -----. Thesame. <>. ed. 8:. London, 1771. How lo preserve health, aud how to get rich, j By an octogenariau. 12c. Hartford, 1880. Invalid (The), with the obvious means of en- joying health and long life. By a nonogenarian. li-. London, 1-04. Lachendokph (J. R.) Nagra hetraktelser 5fver diideii och hnrn vi skola soka gora lifvets sista stnnder sa lngua som mojligt. [Considera- tions on death, and how we may prolong life as long as possible.] 12c. ' hristianstad, 1859. Pinnky (J.) A key to tin* attainment of the full term of life; shewing the causes that bring human existence to a close sooner than nature intended. ■--. London, lHjo. Salgi:es ( J.-A.) Hygiene des vieillards, on conseils aux personnes qui ont passe l'sige de cinquante ans. 12°. Paris, 1817. -----. The same. Rules for preserving the Iiealth of the aged by means of air, clothing, diet, employment, tlie evacuations, etc. and also bins for tin: alleviation and prevention of tliose disoitb rs by which old age is usually as- sailed, without the aid of medicine. Transl. from the French. 12°. London, 1-27. -----. Tlie same. 2. ed. 8G. London, 1851. Vecchiezza (Delia) e della maniera di cou- servare la sanita senile. 12°. Linea, 1798. Vekitabi.es (I.(s) jouissances d'un el re rai- Bonnable vers son deVlin, avec les observations snr les moyens de se conserver sain de corps et d'esprit, jns(|u'a l'age le plus avanc6. 16 . Paris, an X [1802]. Wale 1.1. Y.) The hvgiene of old ap Pub. Health, Phila., 189fi, i, 220-227.— I.nifrnni't (F.i I.'exerciieilans l'4»e infir. Rev. scient., l'ar., l*!ll, xlvii, 753-756.— Plunkelt (Mrs. H. M.| Our grandfathers dietl too young. Pop. Sc. Month.. N. Y., 1891, xxxix, 167-175.— Holer y Roig (J.) Alimentacitin de los viejos. Bol. d. dispens. y Hosp. de Nifios pohres de Barcel., 1896, vi, 4.— H'alitonlL. H.) Hygiene of the aged. Pop. Sc. Mouth.. N. Y., 1885, xxvii, 389-395. Hygiene oftrarels and royages. See Hygiene (Internationalj; Hygiene (Na- val) ; Medicine ( Tropical); Pilgrims,*-tr.; Quar- antine; Railroads (Hygiene of). Hygiene. A sauitary and social magazine, de- voted to the consideration of foods, beverages, iliit ties, adulteration, health resorts, and min- eral springs, domestic medicine and sanitation [etc.]. Edited hv William Abbotts. [.Monthly.] v. '5-8. 1-90 to Jan. 20, 1-94. 4°. London. Hygiene : an exponent of sanitary science, preventive medicine, plivsical culture. [Month- ly.] Xos. 1-2. Jan. to'Feb., 1-73. 8-, y(W 1 ork. Hygiene, on l'art de conserver la sante, redigee d'apres les principes de rencycloprilie et de tons les savans, Hint francais tju'etrangers, tjui trai'ent tie cette partie, soit tlans leurs ouvriiges, soit dans leurs coins publics; et oil l'on trouve l'analyse des lectins du savant M. Hall6 . . . Par une societe de medecins. xvi, 528 pp. - . Paris, Allnt. l-'Ori. Hygiene des dames. See M . . . Hygiene and diseases of warm climates. Edited by Andrew Davidson, xvii (1 ].), KUti pp., 7 pl. rov. 8C. Edinburgh <* London, Y. J. Pentland, 1895. Hygiene (L') tie la familie. Journal populaire du sud-ouest. R6d;:ction: M. le Dr. Gvonx. [Weekly.] Xo. 100, v. 5, Nov. 27, 1887." fol. Bordeaux. Hygiene (L') de la femme et de l'enfant. Xos. 1-2, v. 3, 1—4-5. 4°. Paris. Want nos. for June, Dec., 1883; Jan., Dec., 1884. Hygiene militaire. De l'insolatiou. Conseils pratiques pour la prevenir sur les troupes en marcbe. 12 pp. 12a Paris 5' Limoges, H.-C. Larauzelle, 1885. Bibliotheqne de la France militaire. Hygiene populaire. Conseils aux gens du uioude, snr l'art de prolonger la vie et d'entre- tenir la sante" par I'emploi du kai'ffa d'orient, substance alimentaire analeptique et pectorale. 32 pp.. 1 pl. 8c Pavis, M. Royev, 1833. Hygiene (L') pratitiue. v. 4-9, 1884 to June 29, 189U. 4°. Paris. Ended. Hygiene (The) of the sewing machine; a brief inquiry into the causes of disorders arising from the use of machines, with some suggestions as [to] how they may be avoided, lly a physician. 40 pp., 3 pl. 12-. Baltimore, Turnbull Bros., 1-71. Hygiene (L') nsuelle. Organe medical de la tamilli'. Le g.grant: A. Daw. [Semi-month- ly.] v. 0, 1900. ho. Paris. Ended. Hygiene for young people, adapted to interme- diate (lasses and common schools. 207 pp. 12°. Xeu- York, A. S. Barm* 4' Co., 1885. Pathfinder Physiology, no. 2. HygieniM'lie Bladen, populair maaudsclirift voor praktische en toegepaste gezoudheidsleer. Onder redactn* van (i. W. 8. Lingbeek. v. l-.">, 189H-1902. k-j. Amsterdam. Current. Hygienis5. j Wolpert (A.) Hygrometer vou Muniieuhaaren und von Kokontaden. Hyg. Rundschau, Berl., 1895. v. 397- H'.iii.—Zalugovski (M.) Noviy higroskop. [Xew hy- groscope.] Kussk. nied.. St. Petersb., 1886, xi, 008. Hygropliila spinosa. Jayesingha (W. A.) On Hygropbila spinosa (vel I Asteracantha longifolia). Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, ii, 118. I Hy Ian (John Perham). The fluctuation of at- tention. 78 pp. 8°. Neiv York 4' London, Mac- \ millan Co., 1-9*5 Forms Suppl. Xo. 2, v. 2, of: Psychol. Kev., X. T. &. Lond. Hylobate*. See Apes, etc. j II y Hon (J. Dunbar). Motion, space, and time. An epic of the universe. 74 pp. 8~. Palmyra, Hymen. Sie, also, Hymen (Jurisprudence of). Devillikrs (C.) fils. Nonvelles recherches sur la membrane hymen et les caroncules hyine- nales. Monographie, suivie de notes et observa- tions nonvelles. 8-'. Paris, 1840. Di:esi>e iM, F. G.) Cruentatuin lintenm vir- ginitatis siguum ad illustranda loca Dent, xxii, Hymen. 17, et Malaclii ii, 16. Diss, philologica. sm. 4 . Lipsia, [17ti-]. Gei.i.er (C. G.) Pinaeani manes, sive dilnci- dationcs uberiores circa si",na virgiuitatis atque perspicna hymeuis illibati testimonia observa- tionibus et notis baud vulgaribus adomati. sm. 4°. Rostoehii, 1763. Mende (L. J. C.) Commentatjo anatomico- ph\ siologica de hviuene seu valvnla vir^inali 4-. Gottinga; 18,7. Roze (P.-A.-F.) *De l'hymen. 4°. Stras- bourg, 1-65. Bud in (P.) A propos de la communication de M. Pozzi, sur l'origiue de l'lmm-n. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol Par., 1881. 8. s.. i, pt. 2, 122 —C'nllingworth (C. J.) A note on the anatomy ofthe hymeu and on that of the pos- terior commissure of the vulva. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1892-3. xxvii, 343-347. Also, Keprint. — Dohrni Ueher die Entwickelung des Hymens. Schrift. d. Ge- sellsch. z. Be ford. tl. ges. Xaturw. zu Marb., Cassel, 1875 x, 1. Suppl.-Hft.. 1-8, 10 pl. AUo, Reprint. AUo: Si' tzungsb.il. Gesellsch. z. Befonl. tl. ges. Naturw. zn Marb. 1875, 25-28.—Faconti (A.) Iniene integro e veiginita' Tiibuna med., Milano. 1900, vi, 33-37. AUo: Levatrice mod., Koma, 1900, ix, 65-71. — Fattola (E.) Contri- huto alio studio dell' origine dell' iniene, a proposito di un caso tli ematocolpo per niancauza della parte inferiore tlella vagina e dell iniene; rapporto fra lo *viluppo dei genitali femminili con lo sviluppo e la forma del bacino. Ann. tli ostet.. Milano, 1885, vii, 146; 279. — G err in (H.) Clinical observations on the anatomical relations of the hymen. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1884, Lond., 1886, n. s., xiv, 33-37.— CJuerrini (G.) & IVIartiuelli (A.) Con- tribute alia eonoscenza dell' anatomia niiniita dell' imene. Internat. Monatsehr. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz., 1899, xvi, 210-220, lpl.—Hof maim (E.) Hymen pfepazeny. [The hymen dividing wall.] Casop. lek."cesk., v Praze, 1870. ix, 225-2'.,7. — Keiffer. Contribution & I'etude de lVnibrv- ologie de l'hymen. Bull. Soc. beige ile uvnec. et d'obst. Brnx., 1894. vi, 3-6—Kelly (H. A. > The-' preservation of the hymen. Am. J. Obst., X. V., ]s9*\ xxxvii, 7-14. [Discussion], 641-643. AUo, Reprint.—Klein c(;. i Ent- stehung des Hymen. Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. f. Morphol. u. Physiol, in Miinchen, 1893. ix. 59-61. Also: Festsehr. z. Feier d. 50. Jubil. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak. in Berl.. Wien. 1894, 301-318, 1 pl. — JI'Kee (E. S.) The hymen. Am. Pract. & Xews, Louisville, 1888, u. s., v. 294- 299. — Meyer-Riiegg (H.) Cave hymini! Cor.-Bl. f. sebweiz. Aerzte. Basel, 1901. xxxi, (109-617. — rVina- Kodrigues. Des formes de l'hymen et de leur role daus la tuptureile cette membrane. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1900,3. s., xliii, 481-,")18— Pemalozza (E.I Coutributo alio studio della forniiizione dell' iraeue. Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1901. xxiii, 841-850, 1 pl. — Pozzi (S.i De la bride masculine du vestibule chez la femme et ile 1'origine de l'liyiiieii; & propos d'un cas d'ahsence du vagin, tie l'literns et t'es ovaires chez une jeune fille, et d'un pseudo-hermaphrodite male. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1884, 8. s., i, 21-32.— Robinson. (B.) The hymen. Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 190U, xvii, 9-17. —S my the i A. G.) The position of the hymen in the negro race. Am. J. Obst., X\ Y. 1877 x, 638. — Mtrassmaun (F.) Seltene Formeu untl Verle- tzungsarten de* Hymen. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1896. ix, 145-148. 1 pl.—Sutton (J. B.) On the nature of the hymen. Brit. Gynaec. J., Lond., 1887-8, iii, 517; 549.— Thomn* (T. G.) The hymen; an essay delivered (by appointment) before the "Xew Tork Medical Union". N. York J. M., 1859, 3. s.. vi, 196-216. AUo, Reprint.— Thompson (Hannah M.) The preservation of the hy- men. Tr. Alumnae Ass. Woman's M. Coll. Penn., Phila., ls>i8 128-135. AUo: Phila. M. J., 1898. ii, 1192-1194.— Tourneux (F.) & Wertheimer (E ) Sur la fusion des conduits de Miiller chez I'homme et sur le d6veloppe- ment tie l'hymen. Compt. rend. Soc. tie biol., Par., 1884. 8. s., i, pt. 2, 150-153. — Webster (J. C.) Some observa- tions regarding the early Wolffian and Miillerian ducts, with remarks concerning the hymen. Tr. Am. Gynec. So.-., Phila., 1898. xxiii, 446-458. Hvilli*ll (Abnormities of). See, aho, Hymen (Imperforate); Hymen (Ju- risprndfiice of); Hymen (Perxistent). De Arcangelia(E.) Un caso di iniene atipico. Arch. di ost t. e ginec. Xapoli, 1*98. v. 197-207. Also. Arch. ital. di ginec, X;ipoli. 1*98. i. 270-272. — Deinange (E.) De l'hymen en spirale (variete non decrite). Kev. nied. de Test. Nancy. 18)-8, xx, 257.—Fleiachmann (C.) Eine Bildungsanomalie des Hvmens. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Prag, 1886. vii. 419-421. 1 pl.-KrrsiiiM.ki IS.) Rzadka ano- niaHja hlony dziewiizej. [Rare anomaly of hviuen. | -88. 2. s., viii. 43. AUo, transl.: Areh. f. path. Anat. |etc.]. Berl.. 1888. cxi. 3865—Jlaliyeff (X.) Udvoyenie dievstvennol plevi. [Reduplication cf the hy- HYMEN. 735 HYMEN. Ilvmen (Abnormities of). men.| Vrach. St. Peteisb.. 1885. vi. 69'..— Vlibelli (V.) Di una forma rara della iniene. Siieriinentale. Fiienze, 1886. lviii. 028-630 — Jlolane . — Xenle i-I. H.) Hypci t'nphied hymen : I'tuigi-uital absence of uienis ami appendages. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1>89. i. 73.—.\iiui Koilrigiiett. I'm caso tie In men dnp o coin tletioramento unilateral. Trillium metl., Rio de Ian 189 5 i 356. Pcrrniulo (G G.) Sulla nitil- teplieita tlell' iniene. iliuz. d. osp.. Milano, 1897, xviii. 1151-1155.- Pisrslow (C. E.) An unusual form of hy- men. Lancet. Lond.. 1,95. i, 543.— Riviere (P.) Sur line laiiiiiette bviuenealc. Bull. Sue d'anat et physiol. . . . de Burden iiv 1893, xiv. 121.—Nell nil In 11 •'.) Ein sel- tenes Copulalionshinderniss beimWeibc. Wi.n metl. BL, 1886. ix, 835—Tmnniiiia (A.) Sopra un imene atipieo. Gior. tli med. leg.. Lanciano, 1895, ii, 185-187. IIymen (Cysts of). * Ooderlein (A.) Ein Full von angobori nei Hymenal- , evste. Areh f. Gynaek. Berl., 1886-7, \xix. 28-1-288, 1 pl Gorl i L. 1 Cyste im Hvnien einer Erwachsenen. Ibid. 1892, xiii. 3S1-3S6. — Miiller (O.) Ein Fall von an- L,.b..rener llyineiial, vste. Ibid.. ^93. xliv. 263-269.— Palm AI i Fine Ilym. nalcyste und ein Atheroni ties Labium minus bei einer Erwachsenen; zugleith ein l!ei- trag zur Kenntniss tier Hyinencvsten. Ibid., 1896. li. 483- 4S8, 1 pl. ------. Beitrag zur Entstehung der Cyst'-n un Hymen bei Erwachsenen. Ibid., 1897. liii, 96-104 I* ie- ■'■■■g (O.) Zur Kenntniss der Cvslenbiltlung im Hymen. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1887, xii, 4n'.> — I le/.ko-Strogo- norn (Klavtliya P.) K patologii kist dlevstvennol plevi l vlagalishtsha'. |On the pathology of cysts of the hymen and vagina.] J. akush. i.jensk. boliez.. St. Petersb.. 1894, viii. 115-121. 1 pl— Ziegenwpeck (R.) Ueber Cysten im Hymen Xeugeborener. Arch. f. Gvnaek., Berl., 1888. xxxii. 159-164. 1 pl. Hymen (Imperforate). See, also, Coitus (Abnormal); Conception (Ab- normities, etc.. of'<; Hymen (Ptrxis'ent); Labor \Complii-aled. id.) from imperforate hymen, etc ; Menses (1,'etention of). Baunkti hk (B.) * Considerations cliniques et theranentiques snr l'imiierl'oratioii tic l'hymen. 4J. Paris, I—9. Geki.ach (K.) * l'el>er Haematokolpos nnd Hiematometra im Anschluss an zwei in der Gieit'swaliler ^vniikoln^ivclieii Klinik beobach- tete Fiille. --.' tireilxwald, 189-. Plox(P.-A.) * Contribution a l'^tnde de l'ini- jierforation de l'hynien. s-\ Paris, l>i)7. With (A.) * Ueber Atresia liymenalia. 8c Jena, 1-95. Adrnol. Retention des regies par imperforation de l'hynien. M6m. et compt.-rend. Soe. d. sc. metl. de Lyon (1"*'2 . 1893. xxxii. pt. 2, 34—AllinMon (H. C.) Imper forate hymen with retained menses. Brit. M. J. Lontl , Is'.iU. jt 7^n A maun. Ein Fall von Atie.-ia hyinenalis, Ha-matocolpus, Hamatoinetra und Hiematosilpmx. Miin ehen med. Wchnschr., Ir8*. xxxv, 909 — A-«ailiilla (M.i Vaginal atre.-ia. Indian M. Gaz.. Calcutta, 1891, xxvi. 9.— Bagchi (K.I A case of imp. i f..i ..t<- hymen. Indian Lancet, i al. ntta, 1900. xv, 407 4o9.- linker (W. II.) Im- Iiii forate hymen with retention of the menstrual flux. Bo-ton M. a S. J.. 1886, cxiv, 290. [Discussion| 295.— Bai'fleoeu (X i Uu cas de impelfoiatie congenital;'! a hiiiii'imlui. Spitalul, Bucuresci. 1890, x. 357-359. —Bei ill i(.'.i Concealed menstruation from imperforate hymen. Me.:. K.-g., Phila.. 18*9, v, 176. —Kigelow Hi.) Imper- I'.!.it.- hymeii. Med. Rec. X. Y 18-8. xxxiv, 701 — K la Ue i.J. d.) A ease of imperforate hymeii with re- tained menses; operation; recovery. Boston M. A S. J., l>-94. exxxi, 609.— BIcmii (M. J.) Impetforate lumen. Ht.inieop. J. Obst. X. Y., 1896, xviii, 225-229.— Bog- tlanoll (L.) Atresia hyinenalis congenita; ha-mato- meli a et ha matecolpos. Vrach, St. Petersb., 1887, viii, 8j7 — Borland (H. H.) Imperforate hymen and retained menstrual accumulation. Lancet, Lond., 1900, i, 1799.— Itoitl i A.i A case of imperforate hymen. South. M. Rec. Atlanta, 1894, xxiv, 473-476—Bran n (G.) Hieiiia- tokolpos: Excision eines erbsengmss. n Siiiekes aus dem Hymen imperf.; Genesung. In: Eiler(A.) Aerztl. Ber. 1888. Wien, 1889. 209.— Itrotlllioib (H.) Intakt hy- men; coitus gjeuiiem uretlna : svangerskab. f . . . through the urethra; pregnancy. J Tidskr. f. d. norske Lagofor., Ktistiania. 1900. xx 487.- Brugge (U.) Hymen imper. fbratum. Xorsk Mug f. Lagc-\ i.l.-n.sk.. Christiania. 1871). 2. R.. xxiv. 368—Bunzel ' P. ) Atresia hyinenalis mit Schleimretention l»ei einem Xeiigeboieneu. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1900, xxv, 349. —('nbezon (J. M.i Imperfo- raeion del himen ; operaeion Kev argent, de eien. iu6d., tlueuos Aires, 1888, v, 213-216. — Campbell (J. F.) Re- llyiiien (Imperforate). tained menses from the imperforate hymen. St. Louis Cour. Med.. 1887, xvii, 330-333. I'm at in lit (A.) Un eas d'iiupcrlnrntinii tie Tinmen avec, hcmsitoco1pome.lrc. Gaz. me.l d'Orient, Constant.. 1896-7, xxxix. 294. — (nrr (L.) Imperforate hyin.-n. Tr. M. Soc. W. Vug., W heel- ing, 188s. 51- 555. — ('oi'iimilim. Deux cas d'atresie eon- gellitale tie l'liymen. I'.nll. et mem. Soe. obst. et gynCc. de l'ar., 1895. 445-147. Alx<>: .1. il,- med. de Par., 1896, 2. s., viii, 5. AUo: Report, tie therap . l'ar., li-96. xiii, 17-19.— (urrie (I). W.i Aineiini i htea In mi imperforate hymen. Hi it M.I.. Lond., 1888, ii 876 l>a niclcNCii (G.j Im- pel fora|.ie longenitala a hiinennlul si hemato colpos conse- culiv: operafie; viiitlcearc. Spitalul, Bucuresci, 1899. xix, 206.— Ilavy (H.) Case of imperforate hymen with re- tention ol menstrual fluid. Lancet, Lond.,'1886, ii. 1171.— Defonlaine. Sur un cas d'impcrfnratioii tie l'hymen avec retention du sang inensti u.-l I'.nll. et. mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1886, u. s., xii, 745-747 — l>t lamere (P. H.) Xotes on a ease of imperforate lixnien. Iirit. Guiana M. Ann., Deinerara, 1894, vi. 142.— I>c-VI illicit t E.) Un easo tli atresia itnenale con ematocolpo ed einalc.salpiiige. Gaz/.. il osp. Milano, 1894, xv, 339 342. Dyile (C. B.) Impel forate hymen. Kingston M. Quart.. 1899-1900, iv, 18. — FiMelier. Kin Fall von Atresia hyinenalis. Zt- schr. f. Wuudarzte u. Geburtsh., Winueiiden. 1880, xxxi, 14.— Foncaril (P. A.) Retention d'urine chez une .leiine lille de 19 ans occasionnce par racciimulation de tiuide tneiistruel derrierc l'liymen iinperfore. Aheille med.. Par., 1873, xxx. 103. — Fraenkel (E.) Atresia hviueiialis; Hieinatokolpos; Krottuiing; Heilung. Ures- lau. arztl. Ztschr., 1887, ix. 67. — Frctz (A. H.) A case of imperforate hymen. Ceylon M. J., Colombo, 1887-8, i. 121. — (.iircia Kijo (Rj Contribucidn al estudio y especialmente al tratamiento de la impel foraeion del himen en la epoca de la pubertail. Cron. med.-quir. de la Ha- bana, 1886, xii, 199-203.—G arson (J. H.R.) Imperforate hymen. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, ii, 452.— Ganpp jr. Ueber einen Fall von Atresia hymenalis congenita mit Ha'iuatocolpos. Metl. Cor.-Bl. tl. wiirttemb. iirztl. Ver., Sluttg., 1886, lvi, 162. —Ghent (H. C.) Imperforate hy- men ; retained menstrual blood, in both vagina anil uterus; operation ; recovery. Texas Cour.-Rec. Med., Dallas, 1886- 7, iv, 310-318.—Gichner (J.E.) A case of imperforate hymen. Maryland M. J., Bait... 1890-91, xxiv, 248.—Gosh- kevicb (M. I.) K kaznistikie priobrietyouuoi atresia? hyinenalis completaj. [Acquired . . .] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1888, ii, 834-837.—Green (C. M.) Im- perforate hymen with hseiuatocolpos. Boston M. &. S. J., 1894. exxx, 358.— Hainmon (A.) Hvnien imperforatus. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1895, lvii, pt. 1, 551-555.—Ileeht (A.) Hwmatokolpos v et hiematometra ex atresia hymenal! incompleta. Casop. 16k. cesk., v Praze. 1878, xvii. 289.— llt'iiitiina) (II. B.) Imperforate hymen. Am. J. (ll.st.. X. T., 1891, xxiv, 897-915. Also, Repiint. — lit n- dei'Non (H. L.i Imperforate hymen. Calif. M. J., San Fran.. 1896, xvii, 11!. —Iliavacek ( L.) Pfirozene uzav- f-eni iioehw (atresia hyinenalis). Casop. lek. desk., v Praze. Wl, x, 361. —IIoi-Nfal! ( T. ) Distended hymen ocelli. 1 i 11 -_i the vagina. Lancet. Lond., 1886. ii, 152. — In- lerewtiiig (An) caseof imperforate hymen. Med. Rec., If90. xxxviii, 606.—.lohaiinovsky. Eiu Fall von Atre- sia hvinenalis mit Hieniatokolpos. Cor. - Bl. tl. Ver. deutsch. Aerzte in Keichenberg, 1899, xii. no. 9, 1-3.— Join's (G. K.| Iiii]ierfiii-ate hymen. Am. J. Obst., X. V., 1889, xxii, 312, 1 pl.—Jones (J. L.) Imperforate hymen. Texas M. J., Austin, 1896-7, xii, 239.—Kahn (A./ Im- pel folate hymen, with retention of menstrual fluiil. Me.l. Xews. Phila., 1893, lxiii. 380. Also, Reprint.—Kai pelt (15) Un caso tie teteneion menstrual por atresia vaginal congenita v total, operado con exito. An. de obst. ginecopat. y pediat., Madrid, 1895, xv. 2111-205.- I.ebeuf (L. J.) A ease of atresia of vagina due to imperforate hymen, with retained menses. X. Oil. M. \: S. J.. 188.-8, n.s., xv, 273. —I.lanroilii (1-5) Iinp.rforacibn tlel himen. Med. contemp., Roui, 1892. vi. 49-51.—ITIncilonnld (J.) Case of hymeneal obstruction: retention of menses. Brit. M. J., Loinl.. 1890, i, 420 — TIcDonahl (W.) Imperforate liMiieii: retained menses; bamatokolpos. Ibid., 1901, i, 8M). —.TlnelTlonaglf (P..) Imperforate hymen ; a report of two neglected eases, presenting remarkable abdominal tumors of retained menstrual fluid. Pacific Rec. M. & S., Sau Fran., 1898-9, xiii, 181-186. — .Hntvieyell HYMEN. 736 HYMEN. Hymen (Imperforate). (A. P.) Hseniatocolpos; prirozhdennoye zarosbtsheni'e dlevstvennol plevi. [. . .: congenital closure of vagina by hymen. ] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1896, xvii. 1066 — IVIayevsk (A. I.) Atresia partis infer, vagina*, vel hymen crassum occultum. Protok. ochered. zasaid. imp. Vilenski med. Obsh., 1889, lxxxiv, no. 8, 7-10.— ITIeek (J. W.) Occlusion of vagina with retention of menses. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1886. vii, 349. — van ' der TJIeij. Haematokolpos ten gevolge van atresia hy- menalis. Xederl. Ti.jdschr. v. Verlosk. en Gynaec, Haar- lem. Is89. i. 171-176.— Tli a aid (Eliza J. Cl) A case of imperforate hymen in a child. X. Tork M. J.. 1892, lvi, 299. — MiroiioflT (M. ) Sluchai atresias hymenis. J. akush. i .jensk. boliez.. St. Petersb, 1892, vi, 474-477.— Mitchell (G. S.) Concealed menstruation dependent npon imperforate hvmen. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1888. n. s., xx, 230. [Discussion], 234-236.—Ulorely (P.) Impel- I foration de riiyinen; h6matocolpos: heniatometrie; he- | matosalpinx; torsion du pedicule des trompes. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1898, lxxiii, 619-622 — Tludaliar (A.X. K.) J Imperforate hymen; urgent symptoms; operation; re- I covery. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1894, vii, 300—Miiller. Ein Fall von Atresia hyinenalis congenita. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel. 1896, xxvi, 441-443.—Mufioz (G ) De retencidn de orina y eongenito de imperforacidn hiine- ueal. Rev. med. de Bogota. 1898-9, xxi, 37.—Murphy (J.) Imperforate hymen : imperforate os uteri; hiemato- metra; hysterectomy. P.rit. M. J., Loud., 1895, i, 65.— IVammaek (C. E.I Imperforate hymen ; retained men- strual fluid. Med. Rec., N. T., 1893, xliv, 81.—Negri (P.) Ematocolpa da iniene imperforate; escisione della porzione centrale delL iniene; guarigione. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1888, ix, 149.—!Veiigebaiier (F. L.) Rzadki przypatlek prawidlowego miesiaczkowauia przez otvror niezwykly przy wrod/onem zarosni^ciu pochwy (atresia vagiuae hyinenalis congenita). [Rare case of normal men- struation through an unusual orifice in . . .1 Medycyna, Warszawa, 1893, xxi, 429-432.—Noble (C.P.) xRepdrt'of a case of imperforate hymen with the retention of menstrual blood; together with remarks upon the question of the physical examination of young girls. Med. Rec, X. T., 1894, xiv, 301.— von rYnssbaum. Hymenimperforatum; Hematocele. In his: Ein Vatlemecum f. d. prakt. Chir., 8°, Miinchen, 1883, 27-O'Doiiovan (C). jr. Report of a case of imperforate hymen, with septicieraia before and after treatment for its relief. Maryland M5 J., Bait., 1886-7, xvi, 457-459. AUo: Med.News! Phila., 1887,1, 457.— Oliver (T.) Xotes on a case of imperforate hymen. Rep. Proc. Xorthumb. & Durham M. Soc, Newcastle- upon-Tyne, 1887-8. 140. Also: Brit. M. J.. Lond.. 1888, ii, 1160.—Osiecki (H.) Itnperfoiation de 1'hytnen chez une jeune fille de quatorze ans; retention niensti uelle. Gaz. de gynec. Par., 1885-6, ii, 269 —Ouimet (.J.-A.) Con- siderations cliniques et tb.£riipcutiqucs sur l'iniperforation de lhymen. Clin.de Montreal, 1898, iv, 375-386. AUo: Semaine gynec, Par., 1898, iii. 195-198. —Pakholkoff (X.I.) Sluchai atresias hymenaliscompletie. [Caseof...] Protok. Obsh. Omsk, vrach., 1883-4, i, 2-9.—Pasteur &. Clark (A.) A case of imperforate hymen; retained menses; ha*matocele; operation; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1898. ii, 483.—Perez Miro (A.) Amenorrea por iniperfo- raciou del himen. Cron. inetl.-quir.de la Habana, 1887, xiii, 124,1 diag.—Perrin. Do l'iniperforation de l'hymen avec accumulation du sang dans le vagin et l'nterus. Bull. Soc. de med. de Par. (1866). 1867. ii, 39-45.— Pinkney (W. H.) A case of retention of menses from an imperforate hy- men ; operation : cure. Am. J. Obst., X. T., 1886, xix, 481- 483.—Pion (A.-P.) Cn cas d'iniperforation de l'hymen. [Abstr.] Bev. prat, d'obst. et de pa'diat.. Par.. 1899, xii, 156-160.—Prokofyeva (Olga V.) Zarosshaya dlevstven- naya pleva; skoplenie krovi v rukavle i otchasti v matkie. [Imperforate hymen; accumulation of blood in the vagina and partly in the uterus.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez.. St. Petersb.,'1897. xi 1241 -1245.—ReQtmki (I.) Sluchai hymen imperforatus. Ejeiied. jour. "Prakt. Med.". St. Petersb., 1900, vii, 113. — Koon'hnyse (H.) Of a closed vagina, caused by nature. In his: Med.-chir. obs., 12°, Lond., 1676, 96-99.—Roainski jr. Mehrjiihrige Retentio meusiuni infolge von Hvnien imperforatus. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1892, lxi, 2041.—Bo** (J. F. W.) The surgical treatmentof imperforate hymen. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1891, xvii. 1-3. AUo: J."Gynec, Toledo, 1891, i, 129-133, 1 tab.—.Segontl (P.) Xote sur un cas d'imper- foration congenitale de l'liymen. Bull, et mCm. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1885. u. s. xi. 840-857. AUo, Reprint. AUo [Rap. de Berger]: Bull, et mem. Soc tie chir. de Par.. 1885. u. s., xi, 831 -840. — S^kowski (W.i W sprawie opera- cyjnego leczeiiia wiodzonego, calkowitego zarosniecia blony dziewiczej. [Operative treatment of congenital im- perforatiou of hymen.] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1894. xxii, 335-341.—Serra (G.) Hitnenes resistentes. Gac. iu6d. de Granada. 1900, xviii. 313-318. AUo: Rev. balear de cien. med., Palma tie Mallorca, 1900, xix, 1-6. — Shane (J. F.) Report of case of imperforate hymen. Woman's I M. J.. Toledo, 1902, xii, 26. — Sismnn (A.) Ein Beitrag zur Heilung tier Hynienal-Iiiiperineabilitat. Wien. klin. ' H V ille ll (Imperfora te). Wclinschr.. 1890 in.!::!).— Moehiiiftki (P.M.) Sluchai ne prokhotlimol dlevstvennol plevi (atiesia hvmenalis). [Case of . , .J Vrach,St. Petersb.,1891.xii,1139.—Somen* (L. X. U.) Epilepsv caused bv impel forate hymen. Lancet Lond., 1890. i, 1010. — Miiogoiioll' |V. V.) Sluchai ne' prokhodiinol tllevstvennoi plevi. [Atresia of hymen.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1891. xii, 1058-1062.—.«itiii'gi*i.I. L.) Retention of menses by an imperforate hymen ; also a num- ber of illustrative cases. Mass. M. J., Bost., 1895, xv. 97- 103.—Thoiimaou (H. D.) Imperforate hvmen. Med. Rec, X. Y.. 1893. xliv. 235.—Toff (E.) Hiimatokolpos uud Hamatometra in Folge von Atresia hyinenalis con- genita. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1900, xiii, 254-256— Van- derveer (J. R.) A note on retention of menstrual blood from imperforate hymen. N. Tork M. J., 1892. lvi, 298.— Veselilski (P. L\) Slnchar vrozhdennavo zarasht*he- niya himena (atresia hvmenalis s. hymenaica). |('a»c of. . .] Russk. Med., St". Petersb., 1887', xii, 777-779. —Vi- trac (J.l Hydroinetrocolpos congenital par impel fora- tion de l'hymen; retention de 200 grammes de mucus; acci- dents de compression ties la naissance. Rev. mens, de gynec. [etc.], Bordeaux, 1900, ii, 110-120, 1 pl.—Wallace (\V. W.) Imperforate hymen, with retained menstrual fluid. TexasCour.-Rec. Med., Dallas, 1895-6, iii. 533-536.— Watts (R.) Retained menses from imperforate hymen. X. York M. J., 1884, xl. 710.. Also: Tr. X. York Obst. Soc. 1881-5. iii, 307.—Weller (C. O.) Imperforate hy- men. Daniel's Texas M. J., Austin, 1887-8, iii, 1-3.— Wheeler (A.) Imperforate hymen, causing nonappear- ance of the menstrual flow. Calif. Homceop., San Fran., 1892, x. 206.—White (R. F.) Atresia of vagina from au imperforate hymen. South. Piact.. Xashville. 1888. x, 469.—Wiggin iF. H.) Imperforate hymen. Metl. Rec. X. Y., 1891. xxxix, 136.—Wilson (J. H.) Imperforate hymen. Vet. Rec, Lond.. 1899-1900. xii, 310.—Zalkind (v. S.) Dva sluchaya vrozhdennikh gineatreziy. [Two cases of congenital atresia hvmenalis.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1882, ii,'902-911. Hymen (Jurisprudence of). Destap.ac (J.) * De la persistance do l'hyineu tlans la grossesse ct tie son importance au point de vue obstetrical et me'dico-legal. 4 . Paris, 1899. -----. The same. 6-\ Paris, 1890. Deuinnge iE\) De l'hymen biperfore, sa valeur me- dico-legale. sa persistance pendant la grossesse et l'accou- chement. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1887, 3. s., xvii, 275-279.— Origorcsco (G.) Recherches sur les signes de la vir- ginite un an apres l'inhumation; le crime de Ciui^evo (Roumanie). Ibid.. 1886. 3. s., xvi, 225-239.-Ginrieri (R.) L' iniene nelle idiote. Gior. tli med. leg.. Lanciano, 1896, iii, 296-300.—Hicks (J. B.) Request for certificate of virginity. Lancet. Loud.. 1885. ii, 243. — Ilofiiiann (E.) Sebeprznfcni a roztrzeui bl&ny pancnsk6. (Self-pol- lution and rupture of hymen.] Casop. lek. Cesk., v Praze, 1871, x, 105; 113.—Jones (H. McJt.) A gynaecological question of importance in forensic medicine relating to the hymen. Med. Press &. Circ. Lond., 1894, n. s.. lvii. 299- 301. Also: Brit. Gyniec. J., Loud., 1894-5. x, 38-48.—IL.ii. land. l5tude m6dico-legale sur la membrane hymen. Rev. ohstet. et gynec., Par., 1893, ix, 279-284. Also- kev. denied, leg.. Par., 1893-4. i, 1-6.—IHontalti (A.) Delle forme atipiche deila iniene in rapporto alle questioni fo- rensi dell' attentato al nudore e della violenza carnale. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1888, lxi, 20-28.—Shtshotkin (D. S.) K voprosu o sudebuo-meditsinskom znachenii mlesta razriva koltsevidnoi dlevstvennol plevi pri masturbatsii. [Medico-legal significance of the. place of rupture of the ring-like hymen in masturbation. 1 J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb., 1894, viii, 438-443, 1 pl. Hymen (Persistent). Achenbach (A.) * Fiinfundzwanzig Fiille von Schwangerschat't und Geburt bei undnreh- bolirten Hymen. dc. Marburg, 1890. Fabre (P.) Persistance de l'hymen n'ayant pas einpeche la conception. 8-\ Paris, 1881. Job (H.) * De l'hynien dans ses rapports avec l'accouchement. [Nancy.] *?-. Nancy-Paris, 1897. Roux (A.-A.) * Contribution a l'6tude tie la persistance de l'hymen apres l'accouchement. 4 . Paris, 1896. Ahlfeld (F.) Ueber Geburten bei nahezu verschlos- senen und resistenten Hymen. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik.. Stuttg.. 1891. xxi, 160-166.—AIbespy (D.) I'n cas d'int£grite de l'hymen chez une femme enceinte. Gynecologic Par., 1898,'iii, 317.—AmchislavMki (M. S.l Bereinennost i rodi pri nenormalno plotnol i nepovrezh- dyonnol dlevstvennol"plevie s otverstiem jedva propuska- HYMEN. 737 HYOID. IIymen (Persistent). yiisbtshim jnkiy zond. [Pregnancy and labor in au abnormally tough and uninjured hymen with an opening scarcelv admitting a thin sound.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez.,' St. Petersb . 1896. x. 1403-1408.—Beek (G.) Ein Fall vou Schwangerschaft bei undnrchbohrteni Hymen. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1895, xx, 332— Bevill [I'.i Im- perforate hvmen; pregnancv and operation. Med. Rec, X. Y . 1890,'xxxviii, 631—B ml in (P.) Description d'un cas daus leiiuel raccouchen.eut n'a determine, chez une primi pare, que de legeres fissures dc I'oritice hymenal. J. il. conn. med. prat.. Par., 1887. 3. s.. ix, 394. —« lui- boux. Dystocie par persistance dc l'liymen. Bull See. de med. de Rouen (I889i. 1.-90, 2. s.. iii, 82-84.—Chnr- pentier. Persistance de Ihymen chez les femmes en- ceintes et en travail, connne cause de dystocie. X. Arch. d'obst. etde gynec.. Par. 1886. i. 1-9. AUo: J", tl. sages- fenuues. Par. l.»86. xiv. 27-29— Ctiilinin (J. F.) Ini- pertorate hymen. Memphis J. M. Sc, 1889, i, 150.— | Colclongh iF. i A caseof intact hymen and pi ei;naiicy. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1890. n. s., iv, 122—t'onudo'n (CF.) The unusual presence of the hymen iu a niulti- I para. Am. Homceop., X. Y., 1889. xv, 429.—4'iilliiinn (X.) Xotes on a case of persistence of hvnien ; non-rupt- ure. Lancet. Loud., 1898, ii, 1261.—Kn-or (K. T.) Un- ruptured hymen at full term of pregnancy. Lancet, Lond.. 1895. ii, 787— Flesrh (M.) Abreissung ties tin- verletzten Hymen annulare vom Scheidenumtang; Geburt durch den Riss. Centralbl. f. C.vnJik.. Leipz., 1895, xix, i 1179.—Fromuier (I.) Terhesseg sertetlen hymen mel- lett. [Pregnancy with iiHrnpturetl hymeu.] Gviigvaszat, Budapest. 1888." xxxviii, 668.—Codefroy (A.i De la persistance de la membrane hymen apres le coit et au moment de l'accoiicheiuent. La persistance tie cette mem- brane pent pendant la grossesse induire en erreur toucbant l'etat de la personne visitee et etre une cause de dystocie au moment de raccouchement. Rev. de thcra]i. med.-chir.. Par., 1870. 59: 86.—T»n CSuernrd (H.) Schwangerschaft nnd Geburt bei nudurchbobrteni oder nur mit einer geringen Oetfnnng versehenem Hymen. Monatsehr. f. Geburtsh. n. Gynaek.. Berl.. 1895, ii. 28-32.-lliggiiiN ill. G.) Pregnancy, with an unruptured hvmen" aud vaginismus. Hahneman. Mouth., Phila., Is95. xxx, 113.— Himmelnbach (G. A.) Pregnancy following imper- fect coitus: unyielding hymen. Buffalo M. J., 1896-7, xxxvi. 347.—Jardine (111 A case of persistent hymen in a woman in labour. Sect. M. & S. J., Edinb., 1897, i, 529.—KiiMtlin (R.) Schwangerschaft bei fast volistan- digem Yerschluss ties Hymens, complicirt mit Nephritis nml vorzeitiger Liisnng der normal sitzenden Placenta. Munchen. metl. Wchnschr., 1896, xliii, 1161-1163. AUo, transl.: Rassegna d' i.stet. e ginec., Xapoli, 1897, vi, 76- 81. — l.awaon iD. J.i Piegnancy associated with an nnruptuied bymen and ,i vaginal cyst. Biit. M. J., Lond., 1895, i, 1202. — I.eiMenriii■; i P. S.) An u'nruptured hy- men, acanse forproti.ieted labor. Omaha Clinic, 1889-90, ii 216-218.— I.neaM. L'nverletztes Hymen bei einer Kieisseuden. Gen.-Ber. d. k. rbein. Med.-Coll. 1829, Coblenz, 1*32. 100. —Ma**en (V. X.) Sluchai otriva dlevstvennol plevi to vreniya rodov. [ Case of rupt- ure of hymen during labor.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb.. 1893. viii. 950-954. — Mayer ( L. H.) Hy- men; pinhole opening: obstructed delivery. Am. Med.- Surg. Bull., X. Y., 1895, viii. 1491.—.Vlembrnne hymen intacte apr£s dix annees de niariage Anjou med., Angers, 1898. v, 292-294.—Oi loir i V. X.i Sluchai be- remennostii rodov pri poind t-i.-h.-ti hnnena. j Pregnancy and labor with imperforate hvnien.] Meditsina, St. Petersb., 1892, iv, 356-358.— Polden (R. J.) Caseof per- sistent hymen impeding the passage of the head during labour. Indian M. Gaz.. Calcutta. 1887. xxii, 240.—Bo- land. Persistance tie l'livmenapresiliux a.. inn lieineuts. Poitou ra£d., Poitiers, 1889, iii. 217.—Niavyanwknya- Grenmrand (Olga F.) Beremennost i roth pri tslelom bimeule; tsentralniy razriv piomezlmosti. [Pregnancy and delivery in intact hymen; ceutral rupture of pen- Ofeam.] J. akush. i jensk. boliez . St. Petersb., 1887, i, 1006-1011. AUo, transl: Arch, de tocol., Par., 1888, xv, 243-247— Smith (T. C.) Hymen with a pin-hole opening. Am. J. Ob-t.. X. Y.. 1897, xxxvi. 92. — Stadfeldt (A.) Tilfaelde af Svaugerskab og Fedsel ved persisterende, fortykket Hymeu. [A caseof pregnancy anti labor with persistent, thickened hymen.] Forh. f tl. koug. metl. Selsk. i Kjebenh., 1867-8, [pt. 1J, 28-31. — M/ti'imil ill.) Ein Fall von Atresia bymeuahs hei finer gebarenden Frau. Wieu. med. Presse, ls99, xl, 1140.—Taylor ill.) Labour completed at full time without a rupture of the hymen. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, ii, 990.—Walker (J. C.) Hymen obstructing labour. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892, i, 860.—Watt (J. F.) A case of impregnation through an opening in the hymen the size of a pin-hole. Med. Sen- tinel, Portland, Oreg., 1897, v, 274. — Wigham (W. H.) Note on a case of persistence of In men ; retained miscar- riage. Lancet, Lond., 1898. ii, 1325. — X.in«Mtng (W.) Ein Fall von Konc eption bei Hymen occlnsum. Cen- tralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1888. xii, 219. AUo: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1888, xxiii, 567. VOL VII, 2d series----47 llyiiieiioriyi'tyoii. I'oronedi iG.i AIcunericerche sullaimenodictionina. Sperimentale. Arch, di biol., Firenze, 1896, 1, 218-228.— Vegni ((',.) Ricerche preliminari sull'azione dell' imeuo- ilictioniua. Boll. tl. sez. d. cult. d. sc. med. n. r. Accad. d. tisiocrit. di Siena, 1887, v, 482-486. Hymt'iioiiiycetes. Nt e Fungi. Hyiiit'iiopU'i'a. s< e Bees; Insects. von HymiiM'ii (Ilermanu). * Beitrag zur Casuistik tier tiefsitzenden Lipome der Wange. •J-J pp. K. Heidelberg. P. Schule, 1901. 11} uuiails (C.) Vier Unterrichtsbriefe fiir junge Frauen iiber die Gclicimnisse der Ebe, iilier tlie gescblechtlichen Verhiiltnisse tier Frauen. iiber Schwangerschaft und Wochenbett, und iiber die Erziehnng der Kinder im ersten Lebensjsilire. 1 p. 1., 94 pp. 16°. Miinchen, E. H. Gummi, 1-G9. Ilyndiiiaii (James). Catalogue of the library of... 43 pp. *«-'. [Boston, 1*-*I.J Hyiidman (Janus G.) See Mitchell (Giles S.) & Hyiidman (James G.) A study of the Snook Herr poisoning case. 16°. [Phila- delphia, 1891.] IIyiier (Job. Adaiuns). * Diss. nied. pract. exhi- bens quasdain circa hepatitidem observatioues. 1 p. ]., 74 pp., 3 1. 6C. Groningee, apud hevredes vidua; A. S. Hoitsema, [1^*23]. [Also, in: P., v. 1969.] Hyilitzscli (J.) *Anatouiiscbe Uutersuchun- gen iibir die Hypertrophie der Pharynxtousille. [Sttaaburg.] *2."> pp., 1 pl. 8C. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, 1899. Hyoid bone. See, also, Hyothyroid bone. Girou de Buzakeixgues (L.) Considera- tions sur l'anatoinie comparee de l'hyoi'de. £'-. [Paris, 1820.] Repr. from: Ann. d. sc. nat., Par., 1826, ix. Peter (V.) "Beitriige zur norinalen und patbolngiscben Anatomie des Zungbeiues. S-. Basel, 1888. Siebexrock (F.) Ueber den Bau und die Entwicklung ties Zungenbeiu-Apparates der Siliildkroten. 8?. Wien, 1899. liepr. from: Ann. d. Is., k. natnrhist. Hofmuseums. 4. Hft., xiii. Velasco (I.) * Descripci6n de la region yoitlea del hombre. 8J. Mexico, 1872. Benevente (D.) Contribucion al estudio del aparato hioitleo i de sus funciones. Aetes Soc. scient. du Chili, Santiago, 1894-5, iv, 183-198, 2 pl.— Bovero (A.) Intorno ai muscoli digastrici dell' osso joitle. Monitore zool. ital., Firenze, 189">,"vi. 240: 269,2 pl.- t'hemin(A.) L'appareil hyoldien et son fonctionnement choz Calotes versicolor; note pour servir a I'etude de l'anatomie comparer de l'os hvonle. Bibliog. anat.. Par. & Nancy, 1899, vii, 114-123.— C'hemin (A.) A <*onrdon. Sur tin cas de persistance de l'appareil hyoldien chez 1 'homme. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physic.], tie Bordeaux, 1896, xvii, 57-59. AUo: J. de med. ile Bordeaux, 1896, xxvi, 114. Also: Gaz. d. hop. de Tou- louse, 1896, x, 241.—t'rowder (T. R.) Three cases of osseous stylohyoid arch. Medicine, Detroit, 1901, vii, 370-372.—HowfN (G. B.) Ou the mammalian byoid, with special reference to that of Lepus. llyrax aud Choice- pus. J. Anat. & Physiol.. Lontl , 1895-6, xxx, 513-526, 1 pl.— Lucas (15 A.) The nomenclature of the hyoid in birds. Science, N. Y. &. Lancaster, Pa., 1899, n. s., ix, 323.—>'ieolan (A.) Considerations snr l'appareil hyol- dien tie rhoinine et ses anomalies. (A propos d'nn cas d'ossiflcation de la chaine hyoldienne.) Rev. biol. du nord dela France, Lille, 1888-9, i, 321-345, 1 pl—Bettcrcr (E.) Sur un cas d'appareil hvoldien ossiti6 chez I'homme. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1886, 8. 8., iii, 71-73.— MebaHtian. Waaruemingen omtrent het tongbeen van den mensch. Bijtlr. t. de natuurk. Wetensch., Amst., 1829, iv, 173.—Nebileau (P.) & «ibert (P.) Appareil hyoldien chez l'homine. Bull, et m6m. Soc. anat. de Par., 1900, lxxv, 794.—Turner(Sir W.) Hyoid apparatus in HYOID. 73li-158.— Prentiss (.15 W.i Poisoning by hyoseine liyilrobroinate. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1889, 3. s.', v' 386.—\Vnrd (J. M.) Edema ofthe uvula following hypodermic injection of hv- osciu. Phila. M. J., 1898, ii, 1032. Hyoscyamin. Ste, also, Duboisia, etc.; Hyoscyamus (lexi- cology of); Insane (Treatment of) with hi/pnotics, etc. Clin (E.-M.) *De rhyoscvninine. [Paris.] 4-'. Corbeil, 1-08. Bnonarotti (E.) Dell' azione della pseudoiusquia- mina. Ami. di chim. e di farm., Bologna, 1894. 4. s., xx, 81-86. AUo. transl.: Arch. ital. tie biol., Turin, 1895, xxiii! 211-216.— I>ollo iG.) L'azione tisiologica e terapeutica della josciamiua. Arch, di farm, e terap.. Palermo, 1895. iii, 157-172. Also: Pisani, Palermo. 1S95. xvi. 43-63.— Diin-tiin (W. R.) Occurrence of hvoscyaiuine in the Hwisrvainus muticus of India. J. Cheni. Soc. Lond., 1899.1xx_v. 72-77.—Eeeles.i;. (i.i Hyo-cvamine. Brook- lyn M.J.. 1890, iv. i > 646. t^iiit t im tli nl.) Prime ricerche flsiologiche e terapc utivhe sulla, pseiulojosciaiuina 'diMerek. Riv.sper.difreni.it. K. u^io-Eiuilia, 1894, xx, pt. 2, 172-176, 1 ch. AUo, transl. ■ Alienist A: Neurol., St. Louis, 1895, xvi, 29-33,1 ch. —Hale (15 M.) Hyoscvaminc and hyoseine iu nervous and mental disorders. Hahne- man. Month., Phila.. Is92. xxvii, 289-292. AUo, Reprint.— Lenioine (G.) De lYmplni de l'hyosciamine comme hypuotique. Haz. nn'-d. de Par., 1888,7. 8.. v, 327; 339.— Pinto Henrique- iT.i De I'emploi simultane de la strychnine et de llivc.sciamine. Bull, de m6d. et pharm. dosimet., Par.. 189^ 447-451.—Kisley iS. D.) A note on hyoscvamiue. Tr. Am. (iphth. Sue. Hartford, 1891-3, vi, 203-206. Al*:.- Ann. iiphth. & Otol, Kansas City 1892, i, 23-26—stt hin itl i (J.) Clinical observations with hyosc\ amine. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1885, 3. s., i, SOS- Mo . — sipralliini iW. Pi Some observations on the ac- ti'.n and value ot li\ oscy.miine in nervous and mental dis- ease-: ap.-is..nal i \p. rim. nt with the drug. Med. Rec, N. Y.. 1894, xiv, 99-101.— Vreven (S.) Contribution k 1 etude de l'idenlification de 1'hvoscyamine. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux.. 1899. 4. s.. xiii, 767-769, 1 pl. [Rap. de Depaire], 685. ------. Nonvelles recherches sur le periodure d'hyoscyamine. Ibid.. 1900, 4. s., xiv, 836-841. [Rap. de Depaire], 776— Mood (H. C.) A partial physi- ological study of Merck's h\o>cvaniine. Therap. Gaz., Defroit. 1*«5. :'.. 8.. i. 649-653. Hyo*cy allium. See. also. Hyoscin; Hyoscyamin. Massal (L.-A.) * Etude snr la jusquianiu (so- larises). 4 . Montpellier, l*r-ti. Thibaut (D.) *De la jnsquiame et de Fhyo- sciaiiiint*. 4. Paris, 1874. Dunstan (W. R.) ic Kronn (H.) The alkaloid of FTyoscyamus muticus anil of Datura strainoiiiuiu grown in I..' pt. J. Chern. Soc. Lond., 1901, Ixxix 71 74 — t^atln- mei' ..J.) Hyoscyamus muticus. ('hem. & Drug., Lond., 1899. iir, 61. -Puckner (W. A.) The assay of hyoscsa mus. Proc. Am. Pharm. Ass., Halt . 1899, xlvii, 297-.'snl. AUo [Abstr.]: Pharm. Era, N. V., H99, xxii. 460.— Nhi- inoyama (J.) Hyoscyamus ni kansuru sui. [Precau- tions in the use of extract of hyoscyamus ] Chiugai Iji J Shinpo, Tokio, 1893, no. 296, 1. Hyoscyaiiiu* [and hyoscyamin] (Toxi- cology of j. See. alo, Hyoscin (Toxicology of). A vcrhnkh (L. A.) Dva sluchaya otravleniya sleme- nami l.i. l.ni. [Two cases of poisoning by Hyoscyamus niger. | Vrach, St. Petersb., 1893, xiv, 298! — < oilman fit.) A case of poisoning by hyoscyamin treated by morphia hypodermically. Metl. & Surg. Reporter, I'liila 1*85. liii, 368— I>o«ld (A. H.) Case of poisoning bv hyo- , Hcyamua. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1889, ii, 659.—lamia (J.) Otraveni dvou ditek kofenem blinovym Ir. li\o.-,e nigr.i: uplne uzdraveni. [Poisoning.of two children by r. hyosc. | nigr.; complete recovery.] Casop.16k.cesk., v Praze.'l863, ii, 208.—Johnson ( A.'J. ) Poisoning bv h\ oscvainiu. Canad. Pract., Toronto, 1888, xiii, 1-3 Kioikoll (V i 0 lilekotorikh simptomakh so storoni nervnol sistemi, iiablyudayeinlkh pri otravlenii blelcnoyu (hyoscyamus niger). [On some of the symptoms on the part of the HyoscyaimiM [and hyoscyamin] (Toxi- cology'of). nervous system observed in poisoning by ... ] Ejened. jour. "Prakt. med.", St. Petersb., 1898, v,"61-63.—I.'amb (H.) Poisoning by hyoscyaininc. Alkaloid. Clin.. Chi- cago, 1898, v, 6U2.- Mailin ( II. C.) Poisoning bv hen- bane s.....Is. P.rit. M. •!.. Lond., 1892, i, 1075.—I>i|»|>i"*.'■ Fall af forgiflniug af roten af hyoscyamus niger. |( 'ase'oi poisoning by the root of hyoscyamus niger.] Finska liik - sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1*84, xxvi, 254— Kinh (W. S.l A caseof hvoscyaniuspoisoniiig. N. Am..I. Homceop., N. Y.. 1890, 3. s.. v,' 434-436.— Konssel (J. N.) Halluci- nations of the gustatory sense excited by hyoscyamin. N. Oil. M. \ S. .1., 1x97-8, I, 712-714. — Mmiriiotl ( P.) Sluchai otravleniya kornein blehni. | Poisoning by the root of henbane. | Keldscher, St. Petersb., 1900, x,-569- 571.—Monn tlavoiired with henbane. San. Rec, Lond., 1x91-2. n.s., xiii, 58o— Trailer.in hon" (A. V.) Sluchai otravleniya slemenami hyoscyamus niger. [Poisoning by (be seeds"of . . | Meditsina, St. Peteisb.. 1891, iii, 455.— VolkeiiMli-in Ml. M.) K kazulstikle otravleniya hvo- scvamus niger. | 1'oisoniug bv . . .] Kjeued. jour.'Prakt. nied.", St. Petersb., 1899, vi, 652. Hyotliyi'oid bone. Nekilcan (P.) Sur un os copulaire hyothyroidieu. Bull, et mem. Soc. anat. de Par., 1901, Ixxvi, 139-141. Also: Ann. tl. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx [etc.], Par., 1901, xxvii, 333-336. Hypaplioriii. PI"S«c (P. C.) Ueber die toxische Wirkung von Hypaplioriii, dem Alkaloid von Hypaphorus subumbrans Hsskl. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1893, xxxii, 313-320. Hyperacidity. See Dyspepsia (Nei-vous); Stomach (Hyper- acidity of). Hyperacusiw. See Ear (Diseases of, Anomalous, etc.). Hyperemia. See, also, Congestion; Inflammation. Gakci'a Alonso (E.) Lahiperemia; division, causas, siutomas, patogenia y patocronia y tra- tamiento. 8°. Madrid, 1887. Huth (B. C.) * Ueber Bier'scbe Stauungs- byperaeniie. 8'\ Bonn, 1898. Kuznetsofp (V.) * Ob izmieneniyakh v tsentraluoi uervnol sistemie v zavisimosti ot iskusstvenno-vizvanuoi bipereniii. [Changes in the central nervous system depending on artificial hyperemia.] *■'. S.-Peterburg, 1888. Bier (A.) Heilwirkung der Hyperamie. Wieu. med. BL, 1897, xx, 550; 564; 581. ------. Ueber verschiedene Methoden, kiinstliche Hyperaemie zu Heilzweckeu her- vorzurufen. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1899, xlvi, 1598; 1649. ------. Ueber die Anwendung kiinstlich erzeugter Hyperamie zu Heilzweckeu. Verhandl. tl. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1901, xix, 213-245. ------. Ueber praktische Anwendung kiinstlich erzeugter Hyperamie. Therap. d. Gegenw., Berl.-Wien, 1902, n. F., iv.' 5o-6n—Burton (A.) Two cases of high arterial tension treated with erythrol tetrauitratc. Brit.M. J., Lond., 1897, i.s.'.u.— I.an<;cniak (0.) Eineeigenartige Seusibilitiilsstiii unj. nach J'.iei 'scher Stauung. Miinchen. med. Wclinschr., 1899, xlvi. 447.— Moore (J. W.) Mechanical hyperaunia of organs. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl., 1877-80, n. s*., vii, ].—TVeUam (L. A.) Ueber Hyperamie und Disposition. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1894, vii, 138.— \oi i/t I i \V.) Ueber tlie bactericide Wirkung tier Stauuiigsh\ periimie nach Bier. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. t. Chir.. I'.erl., 1899. xxviii, pt. 2, 661 -684. AUo: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl , 1x99. lx, 1-24- l'i hi Hiai-ia:.' (C.-A.) \ .VIensoiiiricN (W.-C.) L'iufluence il.- l'b.\ pei ernie active sur le courant lympha- tiqile. Arch, neerl. tl. sc. exactes, etc., Harlem, 1X86. \xi, 69-10J - NlricUer. Kin Beitrag zur Lehre vou der acti- veu IIyperaeinie. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1888, i. 137-139. II y p<'r;-v*l lif»ia. See, also, Hysteria C Manifexlulionx of) by dis- orders of sensation. de Bai:y (A. T.) * De bypenesthesia. •** . Bonnie, 182f>. Bicrnacki (E.) O uadczuloAci i bolach pochodzenia nidzgowego. [On hyperiesthesia and pain of cerebral origin.] (iaz. lek., Warszawa, 1893, 2. s., xiii, 169; 198— Koiiig. Kin Fall von Hyperiisthesie, mit einigen Bemerkungen iiber diese Krank'heit. Ztschr. f. d. Anthrop., Leipz., 1824, ii, 230-240.—Snijling (J. P.) Bijdrage tot de kennisvuu hyperuesthesie voor zoutzuur. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Ge- neesk., Amst., 1888, 2. r., xxiv, 227-231. Also, Keprint. HYPERCHLORHYDKIA. 740 HYPERPYREXIA. Hyperehlorhyriria. See Dyspepsia (Xevvous). Hy perch romatop«ia. •Set Color (Perception of, Disordered). Hypercrinosi*. See Hair (Abnormities of). Hyperdactyly. •Stt Fingers and toes (Abnormities of). Hypererythrocytheiiiia. Coxstantin CA. ) "Des hyperglobulies. * , Paris, 1898. Arcanjjeli (U.) L ipei globnlia nelle malattie cardio- polmonari e la genesi tlella ciauosi nei vizi congeniti di cuore. Policlin., Roma l.»9.». v, sez. med.. 567: 1899, vi, 32. —Colla (V.) i Uallirolo (G.) Alcune esperienze sull' iperglobulia artificiale. Clin. med. ital., Milano. 1899. xxxviii, 616-651. AUo .- Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1899. Roma. 1900, x, 105. Hyperglobulia. * Si e Hypererythrocythemia. Hyperglycemia. .See Blood (Sugar in). Hyperhidrosi*. See Perspiration (Excessive). Hypericum. Bnrrall (F. A.) Some uses of the oleum hvperici. X. Eng. M. Month., Danbury, Conn., 1887-8, vii, 342-345. Hypermetropia. vexglases bei excessiver Hypermetropie. Klin. Monatsbl. f.Angeuh., Stuttg.. 1892, xxx, 187-192.— linennmara iX. Ci Abstract of clinical lecture on the use of gl.c^us in hypermetropic children. Brit. M. J.. Loud.. W.i, i, 341.—.\iinier. Quelques remarques sur 1'acnite visuelle et le strabisnie chez les hvpei nn -tropes. Rec. d'ophth Par., lxim. 3. s.. xii. 2-2'.'-239l —Kandall (P.. A.) Can hy- permetropia be healthfully outgrown? Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, Hartford. l*-88-90. v. 657-669. AU- Repiint. AUo: Med. Xews, Phila., 1891, lviii. 315-319. AUo.tranU.: Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh.. Stuttg., 18IU. xxix, 57-62. -----. Is there a hypermetropia acquisita? Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, Hartford,'1897-9. viii, 583-587.—Ri»ley S. D.) A case of hypermetropic refraction passing whil.- under observation into myopia symptoms .simulating gener 1 ner- vous disease. Metl. Herald. Louisville, 18**5-6. vii. 1-3.— Seabrook (H. H.) The correction of congenital hyp. r- metropia. X. YorkM. J.. 1889, xlix. 599-60!.—Theobald (S.) The ophthalmoscope does not always reveal latent hypermetropia. with notes of a case strikingly illustiative of this fact. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc. 1894-6, Hartford. 1897, vii, 142. — Tiffany. A high degree of hypermetropia. Denver M.Times. 1889-90. ix.Ji'.".—Wallace (J.) A case of unusually high hypermetropia. Univ. M. Mag.. Phila., 1891-2.iv.227.—Webster (D.) Hypermetropia with asthe- nopia. Internat.Clin ,Phila., 1891.iii.310.—Zimmerman (M. "W.) Hypermetropia of high ilegree. with a study of . cases. Ann. Ophth. & Otol., StT Louis, 1895, iv, 124-127. Hyperopia. .See Hypermetropia. Hyperostosis. See Bones (Hypertrophy of); Osteitis defor- mans. [yperphoria. Banister (J. M.) A case exhibiting a remarkable de- gree of hyperphoria; condition relieved bv operation. J. Ophth.,Otol.. & Laryngol.. N.Y., 1898. x. 14-16.—Carpen- ter (J. T.i A clinical study of hyperphoria. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1898. xxx, 198^201.—Claiborne (J. H.| jr. Hyperphoria. X. York M. J., 1888, xlvii, 229-232.—Grif- fin (W.W.i Hyperphoria and ocular headaches. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, ii. 976.—Hnnsell (H. F.) A clinical study iu the diagnosis and treatment of hyperphoria, with a re- port of four cases. Am. J. M. Scl Phila.. 1881. n. s., ci, 377-386. AUo, Reprint. -----. The prominent symptoms of hyperphoria as illustrated by thirteen successive cases. Tr. Am. Ophth. So. . Hartford, 1891-3, vi. 406-409. AUo [Abstr.]: Metl. Xews, Phila., 1893, Ixii, 181. — I.innell (E. H.) Senega in the treatment of hyperphoria and its resulfcint symptoms. J. Ophth., Otol., &. Laryngol., X.Y.. 1x93, v. 9-19— Pomrror (O. D.) A case of hyperphoria with asthenopic symptoms completely relieved by a single tenotomy ofthe superior rectus of right, although" properly fitting glasses hail been previously worn. Manhattan Eve it Ear Hosp. Rep., X\ Y.. 1895. ii, 1. — Posey (W. C.) A clinical study of 2X7 cases of hyperphoria. Phila. M. J. 1899, iii. 784-789.— Prince (A. E. ) The fourth degree prism in the correction of hyperphoria. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1892, ix. 172-175.—Reber (W.) A clinical study of one hundred and fifty cases of hyperphoria. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1901, xxxvi, 147-150. Ivperpyrexia. See, also, Fever; Fever (Typhoid, Temperature in). Boxniot ( K. ) ~De l'hypertherniie daus la fievre. Essai tie calorirae'trie clinique. --\ Paris, 1900. Paui.sskx (F.) " Ueber die Ursachen der fie- berhafteii Temperatur-Steigernng. 6°. Jena, 1895. Aquino (L. J.) Acute hyperpyrexia sndden in its ao cession and abatement. Indian M. Rec. Calcutta, l**l|9. xvii. 72.—Benti vegna (A.) Le alterazioni delle cellule epatiche e reuali nelF ipertermia sperimentale; contribute alio studio degli effetti della elevata temperatur a sull' or- ganismo animate. Sperimentale. Arch, di biol., Firenze, 1900, liv, 375-407, 1 pl.— It ien fait (A I Une temp^ratuie anormale. Gaz.med.de Liei.',-,1895-6.viii.76.—Bryant (J. H.) One hundred cases of hyperpyrexia. Guy's Hosp. Rep. 1893, Lond., 1894,1, 385-572.'— Cmitlie (J.) Xote on re- covery from temperature of 110° F. J. Trop. M., Lond., 1901, iv. 409. — Chapin ( H. D.) Cases of hyperpyrexia. Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc, X. Y., 1895, vii. 146-150. AUo: Arch. Pediat., X. Y . 1895, xii, *17-*-_>l—Christian (R. B.) A verv high temperature. Proc. Arkansas M. Soc, Little Rock, 1899, xxiv, 74-84.—Be Voe (A.) High tempera- tures in scarlatina and measles, as related to gastrointes- tinal toxins and fermentation. Pediatrics, X. Y., 1901. xii, 83-87.— Duer (C.) Note on certain cases of hyperpy- Hyperkeratosiw. See Skin (Diseases of, Anomalous). Hypermetropia. D.vxikl (L.) * Ueber den Einfluss des Le- bensalters anf das Yerhiiltniss der manifesten zur totalen Hypermetropie. 8:. Berlin, [1883]. Gellzuhx (E.) * Ueber einen Fall yon hoclist- gradiger Uebersicbtigkeit mit besonderer Be- ] riicksichtigung der Diagnostik. *-:. Berlin, [1895]. DE Haas (J. H.) tTcschiedkimdig ouderzoek omtrent de hypermetropie en hare gevolgen. ~;. Rotterdam, 1~6*2. Weisk ( E. ) 'IVlier das Yerhiiltniss des Grades der Hypermetropie zur Sehsehkrfe. d°. Berlin, [1—0]*. Bettman (B.) The spectacle treatnient of hyperme- tropia. X. Am. Pract., Chicago, 1894, vi. 128-130. AUo, Reprint.— Bohne (W.) Acquired hypermetropia. Op- tic. J.. N.Y., 1897-8, iii, 249. —dn Bois-Bermond (C.) Yeber die latente Hypermetropie. Ztschr. f. Psychol, n. i Physiol, d. Siuuesorg., Hamb. u. Leipz., 1894. viii,' 34-43.— Boyle (P.) Hypermetropia.-with some of its attendant i dangers and effects. Optic. J.. N. Y., 1897-8, iii, 505-508.— Brimonc (H. C. i The ophthalmoscopic appearances in hypermetropia and their siirniticance. Ophth. Rev., Lond., 1891, x, 321-327. — Caleb iC. C. i Hyperopia. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1893, v, 144.—Chanvel (J.) Hypermetro- pie. Diet, encycl. tl. sc. metl.. Par., 1889, 4. s., xv, 47-64.— Chiralt (YA Consideraciones practieas acerca de la hi- permetriipia. Rev. de med. y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1897, xl. 17-22. — Coleman (W. V.) The determination and treatmentof hyperopia. West. M. Reporter, Chicago. 188s. x. 106: xi, 901.'— Falkenburg (J.) .fc Strati b (M.) Ue- ber die normale Refraction des Auges und die Hyperme- tropie bei angeborener Amblyopie. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb.. 1892-3, xxvi, 336-362 —Fano. Pourquoi certains hypermetropes eloignent-ils leur pince-nez des yenx, pour voir de pres, en placant ce pince-nez a l'extreniite du nez, au lieu de le mettre a la racine de l'organe! Courrier m6d.. Par., 1890, xl, 3-5.—Cirand>Tenlon. Recherches chi- miques sur l'hypermetropie. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1885, 2. s.. xiv. 1336-1357.— Han«elI (H. F.) Symptoms of lateut hypermetropia. Polyclinic, Phila., 1885-6, iii, 65.—Hen newsy (Mary E.) Yarieties of symptoms in hy- permetropia. with and without astigmatism ; examinations under mydriasis. X. York M. J.. 1894. lix, 207-209.— Hobby (C. M.) Does hyperopia bear a causative rela- tion to strabismus.' Aiu.j! Ophth., St. Louis, 1894. xi, 65- 70.—Jackson (E.) Manifest and latent hyperopia. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1892, xix, 251-253. — Kletzky (D.) A contribution to the study of hypermetropia, with a hy- per-developed ciliary muscle. Optic. J., N . Y., 1896-7, ii, 427.—I.audaberg (P.) Eigenartiger Gebrauch des Con- HYPERPYREXIA. 741 HYPERTROPHY. Hyperpyrexia. lexia. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, ls99. xxxiv, 359; 410.— | Fischer (L.i The treatment of hyperpyrexia (high le- ver' in childreu. with some illustrative cases. Med. Kec, X. Y., 1896. xlix. 253-259. Also, Keprint.— Fle»eh (J.) Centialbetliiigte excessive Temperatu- re!!. Mill. BL, Wien, 1902. xxv. Ill — <;oltNt limidl iS.i 1'eber fieberlose 11 vp. rthermie. l»eni>.le Prax., Miinchen. 1899. ii. 135-K;7 — (Gonzalez Alvarez ( B.) Notable caso cle biperteimia. Siglo nic.l . Math id. 1901. xlviii. 469. — Urn ha in ( II 1" ) I a-e of hyperpyrexin. Metl. Rec X. V ls90. xxxviii. A't'. —Holt (L. K ) High temperature of ihree months'duratiou. «ith doiil.lo saccu- lated empyema, situated on oue side on the diaphragmatic surface of the lung. Aich. Pediat. X. Y., 1902, xix. 22- 26.—lllanes B ('. A.) Temperaturas hiperpireticas hasta ile 4.1-5 Kev. med. de Chile. Sant. de Chile, 1899. xxvii. 201-222— Jaeobi i A.I Hypei theriny in a man up to 14s F. (64.4: C.i. Tt .As*. Am. Physicians. Phila.. 1895, x, 159-191. AUo. Repiint — I.iiiiipil.c* ( B. P.) IIepi7TTu>- ii.0Kpa.<7ias uirepiri ptT-K.js. l.iTpticr) rrpoo Slipw. 1900, v. 110 -112. . ll*i i.t ransl. (Abstr. ]: decerned., Syra. 1900. ii. .".;. —I.epine (K.) Sur la temperature du pancreas dans 1 h> p.-rtheimie consecutive aux piqures du cerveau et ii certaines intoxications. Arch.de nied. ex- per. et d'anat. path.. Par. 189H. xi. 743-750. — l.eveil (G.) Hyperthermic nervense . h. l.i femme par irritation tin systenieuerveux uteriu p. : ;;.m:s:n.- Rev. de med , Par.. 1900 xx. 213-224. — .llnt'sri'sor tl1 A case of hyper- pyrexia with coma, l'.r t M. J.. Loud., 18'.>i. i, 1199.— VlncUeiizie (J. A.) Alcoholism ou board ship and h>p.-ipvie\ia. J. Trop. M., I...mi., I'.'"!, iv. 164 — tl line (j. B.) * Hyperpyrexia: death in fifteen hours. I'.i it. M. J., Lond.. \-M. ii. 1048. —.Morton I). M.) Seme cases of j hyperpyrexia. Intercolon M. J. Australas. Melbourne, j If97. ii."741-745. — .Motla Coco cA.i Rappm t.> tra I i-o- tonia del sangue t- 1 ]" i tei mi.i l!;i"'-;ua intei naz. d. med. motl., Catania. 1'...... i, 33-35— M unlock i.l. IL. Report of a case of extreme hyperpyrexia. Pittsburgh M. Kev.. lel'4. viii. 297-299.—>"aninan (A. G.i O hiper- tennii i zharoponizhayu~hfsli.m h-, hen-.i. [Hyperthermia and antipyretic treatment. Eienetl. i..ui "Prakt. med. ", St. Petersb., 19ill. viii. 77--1.—>«nloii (H. W.) A case of h\perp\rexia. Lancet. Lund.. 1**9'i ii. 1456.—Philip- con i .. H.) Xetes ot a case of hy' -. rexia. Rep. Proc. Xiiithumb. A: Durham M. Soc. V wcastle-upou-Tyne, 1879->0. 16-21. — PhoiKtanon I A.) "Vn-ep|3oAticai — jlj-j.:oSo: \ tsj.*!jaiai. 'IarpiKT) irpoocbos. 'Ef 2vptu. 1900. V, tc-l".; —Pitt ii. X.) Hyperpyrexia in cases of pulmo- I i. .: v disease. Tr. Clin. sf«c. Loud., 1-98-9. xxxii. 23-38 — Ken tin (J.) Hvpertherinie depassant 4:;'pendant pin- s>urs jo.,is: guerison. Lyon lii.-.i. 1900, xciii. 331-3:4.— !*amp«oii cF.) A teinpeiatiirc of 110= F. Med. Xews. j X. ¥.. ItWU, Ixxvi, - A «m hniiill (H. R.) High t.-m- perature. Med. Briet. >t I."i,;~ >96. xxiv. 1339.—Sini- moim iE. W.i A east- of hyperpyrexia. Brit. M. J.. ! Loud.. 1*95. ii. 77.—Soulier iH.. Hyperthermic apyre- tique correlative a\e. eiat u in■•.!.■].!5nie. L\ou nied., j 1900. xciii. 5-12. [Discussion] i'.i —Stanley 'US.) A case of continued high t mpei.u.i ■ re- ■-' in. antipyretics. Memphis M. Month.. 19v0. xx. 5-5-587.— Mteven- (C. R.) | Hvperpvi-exia induced by the aiiplication of crushed -ar lie to the skin, while the patient was suffering tiom fever. Indian M. Gaz . Calcutta. 1899. xxxiv, 320.—Tlio- uia»I. Ceber den plot/lichen Tt.-et. tie path, gen., 292-2'.i5 — Tt«on i\V. J.) Cases of high temperature with no discoverable cause. Clin. J., Lond., 1900, xvi, 9. Hyper*y stole. ' Sei Heart NiuTnSes of). Hyperthermia. See- Hyperpyrexia. Hypertrieliia*i*. >ei Hair (Abnormities of). Hypertrichosis. See Hair (Abnormities of). Hypertrichosis (Treatment of,. See Hair (Removal of i. Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthrop- athy. See Osteoarthropathy (Pulmonary). Hypertrophy. See, also, Acromegaly; Gigantism; and under names of organs, as, Heart, Muscles (Hyper- trophy of), etc. Fritsi'hk A Klebs (E.) Kin Beitrtig zur Pathologic ilea Kit'seiiwiiclisi'S. Klinische unil patholii^isi'li-aiiatoinisclit: fntcrsuchnngeii. - . Leipzig. 1****4. Kaatz (M.) Kin Fall vt>n exeessiver All- cjeiiieini'iitwickeliiiig. *- . Wiirzburg, 1889. Si'TTON (.1. ]{.) On hypertrophy, and its value in evolution. >J. [London. 18-5.] Uepr.from: Proc. Zool. Soc, Lond., 1885. 432-445. Atller. Ueber partiellen Riesenwuchs. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1 •*'.»■">. xxxii, 110.—Be re nil (M.) Partialis inakrosomiaesete | A case of . . | Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1897. xli. 155— Colbeck (Iv H.l The ))athogenesis of tibroiishyperplasia. Lancet. Lond . 1901, ii, 1571. -Comb)' (J.) De'nx observations triiypertrophie congenitale. Arch, de med. d. cut'.. Par.. '1*99, ii, 271-275. — Kib (W.) 1'eber Akromegalie (kraukhaften Kiesenwnchs). Deutsches Arch. I. klin. Med.. Leip/... 1887-8. xiii, 295-338. 2 pl.— lliilcbiiivon id ) On congenital aberrations of growth tending to irregular h.cal h\pei trophies. Poly- clin.. Lond.. 1901, v. 12-15. — JIaeobsioii (D. E.) Et sjieldeut Tilfielde af uiesten univers.l, kougenit. frems- krideude Kiempeviekst. [Bare case ct almost universal, congenital, progressive giant growth.] Bildiuth. f. Laeger, Kjebenb., 189.1, 7 R., iv. 205-219. ------. Kougenit partiel Gigantofyti, Trommestikfiugre; toxiskc. perifere Xeu- riter efter Iutliienzapneunioni. (Congenital partial gi- gantism, drumstick fingers, toxic peripheric neuritis after influenza. ] Hosp.-TitL. Kjebenb.. 1894. 4. R.. ii, 1153- 1167. ------. Em seltener Fall von beinahe universellem angebornem fortschreitendem Riesenwin lis Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.]. Berl.,189."), exxxix, 104-lHi.— Ja>>iii»lii (ll.) Przerosty nabvte i wrodzone. [Des h\ (n-i■tiophi.-s. K£s., p. xii.J Przegl. chir., Warszawa, 1-9:1-1 i. sAlni — fl uclitiiliuiit'i'. Fall von angeborenem. pai tiellein Riesenwuchs. mit Bei iicksii litignug der Aetiologie des- selben unci vei■wandter Wachstliuiusabiioniiitiiten. Cen- tralbl t. imiele Meil., Leipz.. Is90, xAi. 11U5-1113.—.Tlac- loc. Loud.. 1887-8. xi, 3UI. — .Tlelliiiheiiner (C.) D.-r paiti.-lh- kieseuwuchs als Vol ■ilhergehelllle Kiaiikheitseischeiiiung. Meiimiabilieii, Heilhr., 1-8", n. F.. v. -149-4.7. — Ki'tlartl (P.i D<- l'hypei li -uphie congeni- tale partielle. Arch. gen. de metl. Par 18!'u i. ::l -52.— Ribbert. Beitrage zur kompensatoiischen Hypertro- idne uud zur Regeneration. Arch. f. Enl wc kli:g-me. hn. d. Organ., Leipz., 1894-5, i. 69-9H, 1 pl.— Kicker G ) Beitrage zur Lehre von der Atrophic untl Hvperplasie. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl.. 1901, clxv, -2m-2S\l~ Srarrnzio i A.i Trotisnio ipertrofico inutilante. I'.nll. scient . Pavia. 1888, x, 7ii->2.—Siillon (J. B.) Hyper- trophy and its counterfeits. | Abstr.] Lancet, Loud., 1888. 1, II; 61. — Tarnlli Ci Interno alia niacrosomia puei ile (neanio-macrosomia). ilem. r. Accad. tl. sc. d. Ist. di llologna. 1886-8 4. s.. viii, 709-747. Also, Reprint.— Virchow (P..) I'ohsaicia lipomatodcs. Verhandl. d. Beil. med. Gesellsch.'i 1892i. 1893, xxiii, pt. 1, 158-160. Hypertrophy (Unilateral). ' I'rzn; iS.) 1'ebt'r MissliiUltingen, nebst einem Falle von partiel ler Hypertrophic dei linken (iesii htsliiilt'tc nnd tier linken oberen Kxtreini- tiit. 8-, Breslau, [I-'.':>]. Lehlaxc i E.) * Contribution h l'ctiide de l'liypcrtrtipliif congenitale unilaterale partielle on i-orupltte. Du lOlc probable tie la nuMaiiiorie I'liibryouiiaire dans son evolntinn pathogenique. b . Paris, 1897. Kkpschkk (('.) * Bericht iiber einen Fall von totaler h;ilbs.c*iti^t*r Korperhypertrophie vor- bunilen mit -.yinmetriselier Polydactvlie au Il.iutleii uud l-'iissen. 8c Gicxseii, 1-97. Aihniio iS. Si A case of herni - hypertrophy (giant growiln. Arch. Pediat.. X. Y., 1894, xi. 901-904. 1 pl.— Ai-iion AITaro Hi.) Sobre un caso tie hemi-hipertroria congenita. Bev S..e med. argent., Buenos Aires, 1900, viii.50-60.—Ballanci (('. A.) Hcmihypertrophy of the head and hypertropln of certain toes. Tr. M. Soc, Lond., 1889-90, xiii, 516. — Ktrtnil i>5) Einseitiger partieller Makrosomie. Wien. med. Wchnschr.. 1897. xlvii, 1625.— Boiil (S.) llypertiophv of half the face. Internat. M. Mag Phila.. 1893. ii. 882, 1 pl. — Wuplny. Hemihyper- tropl.ie partielle. (i../. hebd. de med.. Par.. 1897, n. s., ii, r.'J'.i .".:;_•. — Fowler d. S.) Sc JobiiKloii (R. J.) A case of true congenital hemihxpei -trophy. Edinb. Hosp. Rep., 1900, vi, 113-123, 3 pl. —(iii y C'asnrei* (M.i Cn cas HYPERTROPHY. 742 HYPNOTICS. Hypertrophy (Unilateral). d'hypertrophie unilaterale de la face et de la langue. Arch, de m6d. d. enf, Par.. 1900, iii. 90-93. —Greig (D. M.) Unilateral hypertrophy. Edinb. Hosp. Rep., 1898, v, 212-236. AUo, Reprint.— Hernia aide* (S. R.) Een geval van hemihypei trophia congenita. Psychiat. en Neurol. BL, Amst, 1899. iii, 109-121, 1 pl. — Jl'i.regor (A. X.) A remarkable case of unilateral hypertrophy iu a child. Glasgow M. J.. 1894. xli. 189-196.-----. Sequel to a remarkable case of unilateral hypertrophy in a child. reported in March. 1894. Tr. Metl.-Chir. Soc. Glasg., 1895-7, i, 130-132.—iTIobiux i P. J.) Leber Hemihyper- trophie. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 189.i. xxxvii, 751.— Ntellen (W.) Angeboreue Hypertrophic der einen Kdr- perhalfte. Jahrb. f. Kinderh.,' Leipz., 1894, xxxviii, 379- 384— Stembo (L.) Ein Fall von Hypertrophia lateralis superior. St. Petersb. metl. Wchnschr., 1896, n. F., xiii, 245.—TilaniiM (C. B.).jr. Ueber einen Fall von Hemi- hypertrophia dextra. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr.. 1893, xi, 65.—True (FI.) & Jlasmejean. Des hypertrophies du corps laterales totales ou partielles. Montpel. m6d., 1888, 2. s., x, 257-278.—Zliukovslii i V". P.) Sluchai od- nostoronnel hipertrotii u 11 -tilietnyavo malchika (hemihy- pertrophia sinistra). [. . . in a boy 11 years old.J Arch. psicliiat. [etc.]. Varshava, 1895, xxvi, no. 1., 1-20. II) phaenia. * See Cornea (Haemorrhage in). Hyphomycete*. *See, also, Fungi (Pathogenic); Fungi (Toxicol- ogy of); Mucor; PeniciUium; Peronospora. Thaxter (R.) On certain new or peculiar North American Hyphoinycetes. II. Helicoce- phaluni, Gonatorrhodiella, Desmidiospora noy. genera and Everhartia lignatilis n. sp. sr. [n.p., 1891.] Cutting from: Botan. Gaz., 1891. Hypnal. *Blainville (L.-F.-G.) 'Contribution a l'e"- tude chiinique et therapeutique de l'hypnal (nionochloral-antipyrine). 8°. Paris, 1898. -----. The snme. 8c Paris, 1>98. Harriet. Valeur therapeutique de l'hypnal ou tiichlo- racetyl-diiii6thyl-phenyl-pyrazolone. Bull, et mem. Soc. de therap., Par., 1890. 2. s., xvii, 43-46. — Filehne ( W. ) Leber das Hypnal-IIoehst. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1893, xxx, 105. — IVIattiaon (J. B.) Hypnal, the new nervine. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1891, xxxix, 8. Also, Reprint. Hypnal (Toxicology of). *«lc Batz. Note sur uncasd'iutoxication par l'hypnal. Rev. med. de Normaudie, Rouen, 1900, 145. Hypiiomaiiia. * See Sleeping-sickness. Hypnone. *Kamexski (S. S.) * Materiali dlya farmako- logii atsetoteiionafjiietil-fenil-ketoiia). [Contri- bution to pharmacology of acetophenone.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1889. Maunikx (L.) * Contribution a l'dtude phy- siologitpie de l'ac6to-phenone. 4°. Lyon, 1885. ScHt'DEK (P.) * Ueber die Wirkung des Ace- tophenon. 8c Wiirzburg, 1885. Bardet (G.) iStuile sur I'liypnone. Hop. Cochin. [ Compt. rend. d. trav. du lab.de therap.. Par., 1889, 31-37. -----. Nouvelle £tude sur les propi ietes therapeutiques de I'liypnone. Ibid.. 37-;9.— Dnnillo (S. N.) fc Bin. men an (L. V.) () vliyanii hipiuma na vozbudiniost moz- govoT kori. (Effect of hypnone on the irritability of the cerebral cortex.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1887. viii', 823.— Dnjarriin-Beaainetz. Snr un nouvel hypnotique (la phenyl-inethyl-acetone ou aceto-pheiuuic ou hypnone). Bull. Acatl. de metl., Par.. 1885, 2. s.. xiv. 1503. Also, transl.: Boston M. &S. J., 1*80, cxiv, 97-100— Du jaidia-Kt-aii- ■nelz & ISartlt I (li.) Sur I'liypnone. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1*86. ex, 1-11.—CJrasscl. Note sur faction physiologique de l'acetophenoue, action hypno- tique, par injection tiaclieale chez les animaux. Compt. rend. soe. de biol., Par., 1885. 8. s., ii, 750.—Ilirt. Das Hypnon als Hypnoticiini. Breslau. aerztl. Ztschr., 1886. viii, 64.— I.aborde (J.-V.) Xote sur Taction physiolo- gique et toxique de l'acetophenoue ou phenylnilthylace- toue. Compt. rend. Soc. tie biol., Par.. 1885, 8. s. ii, pt. 2, 725; 737. AUo: Tribune med., Par., 18*".. xvii, 603: 616- LimoiiHiii. Aceto-phenone ou hypnone (nouveau nie-tli- canient hypnotique). Bull, et mem. Soc. tie therap.. Par., 1885, 2. s., xii, 213-216.—.Tlairet (A.) & C'ombeinale. Recherches sur Taction ph\ siolognpie et therapeutique de Tac6toph6noue (hypnone i. Acatl d. sc. tie Montpel. Mem. de la sect, dc m6d., 1885-6, vi, 181-234. AUo: Montpel Hypnone. me.l. 18*6 2. s.. vi, 117; 232; 314. AUo, Reprint. Also [Ah*ti.J: France med.. Par., 1886, i, 111-113— Nomina (l.'.i Cases illustratin<: the sedative effects of aceto-phe- none .hypniiiie). J. Ment Sc, Lond., ls*6-7, xxxii, 519- 525.—Peiisato (F.) Azione tisiologica e terap.utica del- T ipnone. Med. contemp., Napoli, 1887, iv, 359; 403.— Rey (P.) De l'acetophenoue on hypnone comme calmant et somnifere chez lis ali6nes. Ann. metl.-psych.. Par., 1886.7. s ,iii,433-436. — Bottenbillcr (II.) Zur Wirkungs- weise des Hvpnon bei Geisteskranken. Centralbl. f. X.r- venh., Leipz., 1887, x, 321-323.— Sei fieri (O.) rebcr Hypnon. Miineheii. metl. Wchnschr.. 1887. xxxiv. 349.— Zabitsauos iG. X.) Ilepi b^ovr)i; ») virivioivijs. I'oAt)- vo<:. '.\.ei)i>ai., 1886, xv, 181-183. Hypnoseope. Grasset (J.) Note stir Thypnoscope d'Ochorowitz. Rev. de I'hypnot. exper. et therap.. Par.. 1887, i, 316. AUo, in his.- Let;, de clin. nied. 1886-90, Montpel., 1891, 670- 672.—©chorowicz (J.) Note sur une critere de la sen- sibilite hypnotique ; Thypnoscope ; une nouvelle methode de diagnostic. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1884. 8. s., i. pt. 2, 324-327.—Pohl iH.) Das Hypnoskop. St. Pe- tersb. med. Wchnschr., 1885. n. F., ii, 253. Hypno*e. See Hypnotism (Therapeutic use of). Hypnotherapy. * Si-e Hypnotism (Therapeutic use of). Hypnotic (The) Magazine. Devoted to an in- vestigation of the science of hypnotism; its uses and nouses, and its therapeutic possibili- ties. Edited bv Sydney Flower. [Monthly; 2 v. annually.] * v. \-5, August, 1896, to Dec., 1897. 8\ Chicago. Continued under title: Journal (The) of Medical Hypnotism. Hypnotic*. 'See, also, Acetal; Amylene hydrate; Anaes- thetics ; Cannabis indiea; Chloral; Chloral- amid : Chloralose; Chloridene; Chloroform; Hypnone; Hypnotism (Theiapeuiic use of); Methylene blue; Narcotics; Sulphonal; Tri- onal, etc. ; TJralium; Urethan. C'loralamid Scheritig, the new hypnotic, dis- covered hv J. von Mering. 6. ed. "~-a New Tork, 1898. Doassaxs (G.) * Les nouveaux hypnotiques. 4C. Montpellier, 1^90. Houdaille (Ci.) Les nouveaux hypnotiques; 6tude experimentale et critique. 8'J. Paris, 1895. Ropiteau (P.) *De l'association du trional avec la paraldehyde. £tude de quelques pro- prieties pharniacologiquts particulieres a ce me- lange. 8°. Paris, 1900. Adams (E. W.) Apomorphine as a hypnotic. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, ii, 1375.—Andrews (G.) Hypnotics: their modes of action and the principles of their selection in practice. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama. Montgomery. 1891.272- 285.—Bins (O.) Ueber Schlafmittel. Herl. kliu. Wchn- schr., 1900, xxsvii, S77-88L —Brownrigg (A. E ) The clinical value of some of the newer hypnotics. Huston M. &. S. J., 1901, cxiv, 61-65. AUo | Abstr. |: Virginia M. Semi- Month., Richmond, 1901-2, vi. 177-181.—Brim Ion (T. L.) Report on hypnotics. Biit. M. J., Lond., Ic9n. ii. 2:i4-237.— I'iulliiti t'B.) «fc Kaimourii (C.) Sui uuovi ipnotici: uralio. uretano cloralico. somnale, chloralfurniainide, ipnale. idrato tl' amilene, metilal. Gazz. med. lomb.. Mi- lano, 1892, li, 71; 81; 91; 102.—Daggett (W. G.) The abuse of hypnotics. Proc. Connect. M. Soc. Bridgeport, 1896, 212-218.— l>i*« u*«ioii (A) ou recently introduced hypnotics and analgesics. P.rit. M. J.. Lond.' 1889. ii. 968- 980.—Drewer (II ) Leber ein Hypiioticuin aus tier Reihe der Lrethane. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1899. Leipz.. 1900, lxxi, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte.. 40-49.—Dn- jardiii-Beauinetz. Des nouveaux hvpnotiiiues. Bull. gen. tie therap. letc.j. Par.. 1885 cix, 337-349. —FrattiiE.) Sull' azione di alcuni ipnotici sopra la pressione arteriosa. Lavori d. Coug. di med. int. 1899, Roma. 1900, x, 472-474. -----. Sull' azione cardiovascolare di alcuni ipnotici. Gaz?,. med. di Torino, 1900, li. 501; 521.—Frieser (J. W.) Die arzneilichen Schlafmittel in der arztlichen Verordr.ung unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung des neuen "Doriuiol". Therap. Kathgeber, Wien, 1900. xii, 87-89. AUo, trimA. [Abstr.) : Therapist, Lond., 1900, x. 313-315.— Fristedt (R. F.) Fronmiillers mangariga studier af hypuoiiea. '[Fronmiiller's studies for many years on hypnotics.] L'p- "sala Lakaref. Forh., 1869-70. v, 218-224. Also. Re,.iiut.— HYPNOTICS. 743 HYPNOTISM. Hypnotic*. GioflTrrrii A'.) Antagonismo d' azione tra cocaina ed ipnotici. Atti d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di N\ipoli, 1900, n. s., liv. 10-24. 1 ch. Also: Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1899, Roma, 1900, x. 285-294.—Gordon (J.) The action of some recent hypnotics on digestion. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1891. ii, 115. ------. The action of some of the recent hypnotics on pancreatic digestion. Ibid.. 1891. i. 8-13. — Hill ( W. H.) A new hvpnotic. Tr. M. Soc. Wisconsin, Madison, P.I00, xx\iv. :!52-362.—Krem* (J. W. i Hypnosis. Med. Press West. X. VoiU. 1 hi Halo. 1885-6. i. 523; 591.— Ktccli (S.) Fuserc Hvpnotiea. Mcmorabilieu. Heilbr., 1895-6. n.F., xiv, 51:;-523. — I.alite i II.) Xeue hvpnotische Ar/.neimit- tel. Phaiiii. Ztschr. f. Russland, St. retersb., 1887, xxvi, 497- 499.—I. ailler. Les nouveaux hypnotiques it leur emploi en medecine mentale. Ann. nied.-psych.. Par., 1886, 7. s.. iv, 64-90.— l,'IIo«'*l i L.) De la valeur de quelques hypnotiques en psx.lnalrie. Aim. Soc. med.-chir. de Liege. 1897, xxxvi. 192-1H9.-.Mcf raig (J. E.) Notes on hypnotics. X. Kng. M. Month.. 1 >anburv. Conn.. 1895. xiv, lT'MTo.— 'IucDonnItl il'.W.i i ibservationson some of the new hypnotics. Bristol M.-Chir..L, 1 >S7. v, 257-263.— ITIarkenzie i.l . I' i Whv lixpuotics fail ami the insom- nia unrelieved by ih.-iu. < al, ilon. M. J., Rochester, 1891-4, n. s , i, 19,-199. — .Tlel*heriraii (A.) Hypnotics; their conlra-indications ami ill-effects. Montreal M. J., 1897-8, xxvi. 410 - 434. —llliiller iEi Bemerkungen iiber die Brauchl.jik.it . inn Coiul.iiiatiou \ on Trional untl Paral- dehy.l als Schlafmittel. Tht rap. Monatsh., Berl., 1901, xv, 518. — .Xarrinrom1. I]moti. i .■ nat ctici. Rit'orma nied., Xapoli. l?9r>. xii.pt. 1,733. AUo: Teiap. clin.. Xapoli. 1896. v. 121.—>©lr cliniche sull' uso deuii ipnotii-i. (ia/./. nied. lomb.. Milano, 1890. xlix, 414: 421: 4)4.— I'irotchi (1.) I Perche trli ipnotici rinforzauo 1' azione dei diuretici. Poli- clin., Roma, 1900-1901. vii sv/.. piat. c::; - i.7i>. ------. L' azione degli ipnotici us-, nun ai .lmr.-ri.-i Mil la tiinzu..... reuale. Ibid., sez. metl 51 -i5'.— Rninionrii i .v Ciul- lini (B.) Sui nuovi i\.....ti. i .uralio uivMiioi-loralico. somnale. ipnale. cloralfonnamide. idrato d' aiuilene, nieti- lal Atti il. r. Accad. d. fisiocrit. in Siena. Is92. 4. s.. iv, 159-ls3. — RovriiDltiii (Wa Xeuer. Aibeiten iiber Schlafmittel: Sai.....ell. ei icht. Monatsehr. f. I'eburtsh.u. Gynaek., Berl.. 1-96. iii. 40- 35ii — Snlrmi-Pnce (B.) Azione di alcuni ipnotici sulla nuti i/imie de^li or^ani; ri- cerche e cou-i'l'ra/i"ui cliniche. I'i-ani. Paleiin... 18s6, vii, 51-67, 2 pl— Wchacejjans (A., .v von Tiering (J.) Ueber die P.. /i.-hnn^.-ii /\x i-chen chemi-. h. r Constitut on und hvpuotischer Wirkung. Therap. Monatsh., Berl.. 1892. xi. 327-.!32.—Nexloil (M. P.) Some notes on the use of hypnotics. Th.-r.il>. Di_'.-st. Kansas City. 1898-9. i. 78- 81.—Short iT. S.i The hypnotie action of urethane. sul- phoual. and paiahl.-hvde. ciini.jllv considered. Birmingh. M. Rev., ls'i] xxx 1-10 — •tuveii- (A. A.) A clinical re- port on the use of . hlor. tone as a hypnotic. X. York M. J.. 1901. lxxiii. 327. — Marzycki '(.J.) O nowszych srodkach nas.-nnych 'w.i.liiik amylenowy, sulfonal, ure- tan, hypnoni. Xew hypnotic remedies tamvlene hy- drate, etc.).] Przegl. lek.. Krakdxv. 1x91. xxx. 194: 207.— Wti«« (U.l SulT uso degli ipnotici e specialmenle tlel tiinn.ih. Gazz. med. lomb.. Milano, ]s96 lv. 72. — Weill- ; rrill ! H. M.) The modern hypnotics. Am. J. Insan., j Ltiea, X. T., W9-9U. xlvi *>-47. AUo. Reprint. Also [Abstr.J: Rep. Coin. Lunacy Penn. ls88-9, HaiTisburg. 189(i. 97-114. Hypnotism. S"A also, Choreoptism; Clairvoyance; Ine- briates (Care. etc.. of); Thought-therapeutics. Aldixis (J.) De animali electricitate disser- tationes dim*, roy. -°. Bononice, 1791. Baumler (C.) Dersogenannte Magnetismus oder Hypnotismus. #c. Leipzig, l-"vl. Bkrtrax [y| Rti'io (E.) Hipnotisino y su- J gestion. INtiulio critico, aplii-aciones .*i la tera- pentiea, 6, ia medicina legal y a la iiedagogia. 12-. Barcelona, [\89A]. Binkt (A.) & Fere (C.) Le magnetjisnie ani- mal. *--'. Paris, l-"-7. -----------. The same. Animal magnet- ism. -:. New York, 18.88. Boccoi.ini (D.) L' ipnotismo. 12°. Fabri- ano, 18-9. Buchanan (A.) On Darlingism, misnamed electro-biology. ~ . London, 1K31. Chakpignon (J.) fitniles physiques snr le niagtii'tisine animal, sonniisi-s a l'AcadSmie des sciences. 8C, Pai is, 1-43. Cocke (J. R.; Hypnotism; how it is done, its uses and dangers. 12'-.. Boston, 1894. -----. The same. 7„ thousand. 8°. Boston, [189A], Hypnotism. Diaks (H.) Nog over liypnotisnins. *°. Antwerpen, [I9t)0]. Dkssoik (M.) Bibliographie des modernen Hypnotismus. <** . Beilin, 1888. Demarquay A: Giraud-Teplon. Recherches sur l'uypiiotisine ou sommeil ncrvoux, compre- naut one serie d'expcViences institutes a la Mai- son muniiipale ile santt5. m . Paris, 1860. Duxaxh (T.) Mngnc*tisme; soinnainbulisme; hypnotisnie; considerations nonvelles sur le systome nerveux, ses fonctions et ses maladies. s'\ Paris, 1800. KioiiWAi.D (E. G. E.) O zhivotnom magnetiz- inle i hipnotiznili*. Voskresnlya lektsii, v apr. l**^ g., -. Stuttgart, 1891. -----. The same. 3. Aufl. Mit Adnota- tiouen von O. Vogt. 8-■. Stuttgart, l89.r>. -----. The same. # Hypnotism; its signifi- cance and management briefly presented. 7/i.- Wood's M. & S. Monog., N."Y., 1890, v, 159-236. Foveal [de Courmelles] (F.) L'hypno- tisme. 8-. Paris, 1890. -----. The same. Hypnotism. Transl. by Laura Elisor. 12°. London, 1895. Fraexkel (G.) * De magnetismo animali. —. rvatislavicr, [1849]. Franco (G. G.) E' ipnotismo tomato di moda; storia e tlisquisizione scientiflca. •iG. Pvato, 1880. -----. The same. L'hypnotisine revenu a la mode. Histoire et discussion seientifique. Trad, de l'italien par A. de Villiers de Flsle- Adain, avec le conconrs de l'auteur. 12°. Le Mans, 1888. -----. The same. L'hypnotisine revenu t\ la mode; traite" historique, seientifique, hygie- nique, moral et thc'ologique. Trad, par l'abbd J. Moreau, sur la 3. 60. italienne, enrichie do nonvelles observations et de faits receuts; avec un ajipendice sur les travaux des doeteurs Gner- monprez it Venturoli et sur l'livpuotisnie clair- voyant. 12°. St.-Avmand (Cher)

    \ E. V. Neal and C. S. Clark. '>. ed. 8c Rochester, [1900]. Jordan (K. F.) Das Riiisel des Hypnotismus und seine Losung. 2. Aufl. >':. Berlin, 1892. Lafont-Gouzi(G.-G.) Trait6 du magndtisine animal, . [n.p., 1854.] Neumeister (G.) Mittelbare Thiiterschaft und Hypnotismus. 8°. Greifswald, 1900. Obersteiner (H.) Die Lehre vom Hypnotis- mus. - *i°. Leipzig $ Wien, 1893. Pekkonnet (C.) Force psychique et sugges- tion mentale, leur demonstration, leur explica- tion, leurs applications possibles a la therapeuti- que et k la me"decine legale. 8°. Paris, 1886. Psycho-therapeutic (The) Journal. [Month- ly.] v. 1, 1901-2. Ac London. Current. Quackenbos (J. D.) Hypnotism iu mental and moral culture. 12°. New York &- London, 1900. Robert (L.-J.-M.) Recherches et considera- tions critiques sur le magnetisme animal; avec un programme relatif au somnambulisuie artifi- ciel ou niagn6tique, traduit du latin du docteur Metzger, accompagn6 de notes, et suivi de re- flexions morales ou pensees d£tachees, applica- hles au sujet. 8C. Pan's, 1824. [Rosenmuller (J. G.)] Briefe iiber die Pha- noiiieiie des thierischen Magnetismus und Soin- nambulisnius. 16°. Leipzig, 1788. Stieglitz (J.) Ueber den thierischen Mag- netismus. 16°. Hannover, 1814. Tizzani (V.) Sui magnetismo animale. 8°. Roma, 1842. Vindevogel (J.) Suggestion, hypnotisme, religious, ou elements de la solution cle la ques- tion sociale. 8°. Bruxelles, 1899. Wcndt (W.) Hypnotismus und Suggestion. 8°. Leipzig, 1892. Repr. from his. Phil. Studien, Leipz., viii, 1. Hft. -----. The same. Hypnotisme et sugges- tion; etude critique. Trad, de l'allemand par A. Keller. 12°. Paris, 1893. Ball (J.) Hypnotism. Calif. M. J., San Fran., 1894, xv, 384-390.—Bernheim. L'hypnotisine et la sug- gestion; conception generale. Courrier nied., Par., 1901, li, 322.—Bonjoiir. Neue Experiinente iiber den Einfluss Hypnotism. iler Psyche auf den Korper. Ztschr. f. Hypuot Tete 1 Leipz., 1*97, vi, 141,-149-Bourdon. La suggestion pedagogique dans le somnieil hypnotique et. a son defatit tlans le .somnieil nntiirel. Rev. tie l'hypnot. et psvchol' physiol.. Par., 1901-2, xvi. 139-146.—Browning (J B i Hypnotism. Kansas Citv Rev., 18.vr.-ij, ix, 160-104 — (>. dcrsclijold (P. G.) Handlingar, rorande aniniala mag- uetismen. [On animal magnetism.] Svens. Lak.-Sallsk Handl.. Stockholm, 1817, iv, 89-141.—Cristv (A B) \ni' no. 12, 1; 110. 15, 1; no. 16, 1; no. 28, l.-Duboii d Amiens. Sur le magnetisme animal. Rapport J tl conn. med. prat., Par.. 1836-7, iv, 300-312.-Eskiitl-e (J. T.) Hypnotism. Tr. Colorado M Soc, Denver 1891 5-38. Also: N. Tork M. J., 1891, liv, 113-123. Also, Re- print.—Fnrcz (P.) Suggestion during natural sieen J. Ment. Path., X. T., 1901, i, 34-39. AUo, transl : Rev de l'hypnot. et psycho], physiol., Par., 1900-1901 xv, 38- 45.—Foy (G.) Hypnotism. Med. Press & Circ, Lond 1888. ii. s.. xlvi. 334-336.—Freudenberg. Znr Su°-ae,s- tionsf'rage. Frauenarzt, Leipz., 1901, xvi, 242-247. Also- Monatsehr. f. hyg. Anfkl. u. Reform, Stuttg., 1900-1901 xiv, 334-K37.—Fiiiikbonser (R.) Hypnotism. Alienist &. Neurol., Sr. Louis. 1890, xi, 371-381.—Oasparel l i (Y5) Ipnotismo. Osservatore, Torino, 1887, xxxviii, 793-798.— Gilles de la Tourettt*. The wonders of animal niiif. uetism. N. Am. Kev.. N. T., 1888, cxlvi, 131-143.—Gross. maim (K.) Ou hypnotism. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1889 ix, 42-58. —Hering. Leber Hypnotismus. Monad' Mitth. a. d. Gesammtgeb. d. Natur'w., Berl., 1887-8, v, 171; 197; 225— Hoffmann (A.) Zur forensischen Bedeu'tun" des Hypnotismus. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat. [etc.], Beil" 1901-2, lviii, 1186-1190.—Husson. Snr le magnetisme ani- mal. J. d. conn. nied. prat.. Par.. 1837-8, v, 17-25.—Jepson (S.L.) Hypnotism. Tr.W.Vn. State Med. Soc, Wheeling 1899, 304-318. AUo. Reprint.—.loire (P.) De I'emploi de la suggestion dans l'gtlucation artistique et en particulier pour I'etude de la musique. Rev. de l'hvpnot. et psvchol physiol., Par.,1901-2, xvi, 110-120.—von Krafft-Ebiiijf. Ueber Hypnotismus. Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steier- mark 1888, Graz, 1889, xxv, 55-62. [Discussion], 65-70— I.angley (J. N.) The physiological aspect of mesmer- ism. Notices Proc. Roy. Inst. Gr. Brit., Lond., 1884-6. xi, 25-43.—ITI iii ler (M.) Ueber Hypnose. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1900, xxx, 269-271.—IVcwbold (\\5 It) Hypnotic states, trance anil ecstasy. Pop. Sc. Month N T., 1895-6, xlviii, 804-815—Otloienghi (S.) & I.oni- broso (C.) Nuovi stmli sull' ipnotismo e sulla credulity. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1888 3. s. xxxvi 497- 1889, 3. s., xxxvii, 31.—Post (Surah E.) The borderland. N. Tork M. J., 1890, Iii, 44— Prever (W.) Hypnotis- mus. Real-Encycl. d. g,.9. Heilk., Wien u. Leipz.,' 1887, x, 61-124. AUo, Reprint. — Quacken boss (J. D.) The mutual relationship in hypnotism, and its bearing on tele- pathic and spiritistic communication. Meil.-Leg. J. N. T., 1901-2, xix, 529-542.—Ragrgi (A.) Nuovo stud] sul- 1' ipnotismo. Atti tl. Cong. tl. Ass. mctl. ital. 1887, Pavia, 1889, ii, 148-154— Regnard (P.) Sur le magnetisme et le tliamaguetisme des substances vivautes. Compt rend. Soc. debiol., Par.. 1887,8. s.,iv, 155-157.—Rcgnaiill (F.) Ce qu'il fant entendre par la suggestion. Rev. de l'hyp- not. et psychol. physiol , l'ar., 1900-1901, xv, 46-49.— Schmidkunz(H.) Der Hypnotismus Hygieia, Stuttg., 1891, iv, 100; 193; 234-Meppilli (G.) Gli studi recenti sui cosi det to magnetismo animale. Riv. sper. di freniat Reggio-Fiuilia, 1880, vi, 337: 1881. vii, 106; 308. Also, Re- print— Stainforlb. Etude sonmiaire tie l'hypnotisine. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1900, 4. s., xv 301-388.—Tain- ter (F. J.) Hypnotism. Tri-State M. J., St, Louis 1896. in, 338-342. —Tamburiiii (A.) & Seppilli (G ) Con- tribuzioni alio studio sperimentale dell' ipnotismo. 1*. Conimunicazione. Ricerche sui fenomeni di senso, tli moto, del respiro e del circolo nell' ipnotismo e sulle loro lnodifl- cazioni per gli agenti estesiogeui e t. rmici. Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio-Kmilia, 188], vii, 261-300, 3 diag. AUo, Re- print. ----------. Coniribuzioni alio studio sperimentale dell' ipnotismo. 2a. Conimunicazione. Ricerche sui feno- meni di moto, di senso, tlel respiro e del circolo nelle cosi dette f'asi letargica, catalettiea e sonnainholica, della ipnosi islerica. Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio-Emilia, 1882, viii, 99; 268; 392, 1 diag Also, Keprint.—Turkey (C. L.) On hypnotism. Brain, Lond., 1891-2, xiv, 538-556.—Vires (.J.) L'hypnotisme et les suggestions hypnotiques N. Mont- pel. med., 1901, xiii. 289; 324; 364.—Vogt (O.). Farez (P.) & Regnault (F.) Resume et conclusions tin rap- port sur la valeur de l'hypnotisme comme moyen d'inves- tigation psychologique. Rev. de l'hvpnot. et psvchol. physiol., Par., 1900-1901, xv, 37-47.—Weiss (D.) Ueber den Hypnotismus. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1888, xiii, 187; 200. — Wetlerstrand (O. G.) Selbstbeobachtungeii wahrend des hypuotischen Zustandes. (Angaben zweier Patienten.) Ztschr. f. Hypnot. [etc.], Berl., 1896, iv, 112- 121— Williams (H.) Hypnotism. Boston M. & S. J., 1891, exxiv, 355-357. Also, Reprint. HYPNOTISM. 745 HYPNOTISM. Hypnotism (Accidents from). ' See Hypnotism (Jurixprudtnce, etc., of). Hypnotism (Cases of, Methods in and handbooks for). Sie, also, Hypnoscope; Hypnotism {Juris- prudence, etc, of); Hypnotism (Therapeutic use of)- Animal (The) magnetizer, or historx. phe- nomena and curative etlects of animal magne- | tisni; with instructions for conducting the mag- netic operation. By a physician. 1--. yen- York. 1853. j Babbitt (E. D.) Vital magnetism the life- | fountain. Being an answer to Dr. Brown-Se- quard's lectures on nerve force. The magnetic theory defended, and a better philosophy of eure explaiued. Including also numerous quotations from '" Babbitt's health guide ". embracing the subjects of food, sleep, clothing, batlis, rules for magnetizing, rules for the family, courtship, marriage, etc. 12-'. New York. 11^74]. Bahri au (F.) Le magnetisme liumain en cour de Rome et en cour tie cassation sous le rapport religieux, moral et seientifique, suivi dime methode pratique appuyee sur un grand nombre d'experieuees et de faits nouveaux. 1*2-. Pam. 1-4:.. Barteh (J.) How to hypnotise, including the whole art of inesiiit-iisin. embracing all the latest discoveries ofthe school* of Germany and France. Explaining the methods of Prof. Coate*, Capt. James, Madame Curd, Kennedy, aud others. 16c. London, [1899]. Busc (Mine. E.) La suggestions mentale, ou la Grande Denise. Avec preTace, notes et no- tules de J.-M. de Veze. 12°. Paris, [1899]. BolRXEMLLE (D.-M.) A: Regxard (P.) Ico- nographie photographique dela Salpetriere (ser- vice de M. Charcot). 3 v. 4-. I'm -ix, 1-79--0. Brett (i.i Magnetic cures as performed by ... 21c Huston, 1-91. BicklaxI) (T.> The hand-book of mesmerism, for the guidance and instruction of all persons who desire to practise mesmerism for the cure of diseases, and to alleviate the sufferings of their fellow creatines: with an account of the mes- meric infirmary. 4. ed. 12°. London, 1-.j2. -----. The sume. 5. ed. 16-. London, 1859. Capeiix (T.j Pain of body and mind relieved by mesmerism. A record of mesmeric facts. 2.'ed. ■--. London, 1-01. Crocq (J.) fiis. Experiences de suggestion hypn-.tiqiie. Action des aimaiits sur les sujets hypnotist'-.. Action a distance des substances toxitjues et inddicauienteuses. - Bruxelles, 1.-94.' Defer (J.-B.-E.) Experiences sur le magne- tisme animal. - . Metz, 1838. Dei.ei/.e (J.-I'.) Instruction pratique sur le magnetisme animal, suivie d'une lettre ecrite a l'auteur par nn medecin dtranger. 8-. Paris, , li-2o. -----. The same. Prdcedce d'une notice historique .sur la vie et lis travaux de l'auteur, et suivie d'une lettre Ecrite ii l'auteur parun me- decin et ranger. Nouvelle dd. 12-. Paris, 187)3. Donne (A.) Mademoiselle Pigeaire; somnam- hnlisme et inagndtisuie animal. - . Noyon, l-:-;-. DuroTET (J.) de- Senueroy, le baron. Expose des experiences sur le magndtisine animal faites , a l'Hotel-Dieu de Paris, pendant le cours des ] mois d'octohre, novembre et ddcembre 1820. 8 . Paris, 1821. -----. Cours de magndtisine en sept lecons. 2. dd., angmentd du rapport sur les experiences magndtiques faites par la commission annees d'ob*ervations; sui- vie tie la 4' edition des experiences faites eu 1H20 a 1 HOtel-Dieu de Paris. 12-. Paris. 1*^40. -----.. Thesame. 2. ed. 12-. Paris, 1-..0. -----. The same. 3. ed. Ki-. Paris, 185A. -----. Tin* same. 4. ed. 12°. Paris, 1858, HnAitn (('.) La vie par le magnetisme et I'electrieite. 2. dd., ornde ties portraits de Mes- mer, du marquis de Puysegur, tie Deleuze, tlu liarmi Dupolet et de celui de 1'auteur. SJ. Paris «| Bruxelles, 1887). Ekmax ((>. C.) 'Diss. acad. sistens casum inagnetisnii animalis. 10-. Lnndce, 1-1-. Ksiiaile (J.) Natural and mesmeric clair- voyance, with the practical application of mes- merism iu surgerv and medicine. 12-. London, 187)2. Expose- des diffdrentes cures opdrdes depuis le 2."> d'aout 1?S">, dpoque de la formation de la socidte, fondee a Strasbourg, sous la ddnomina- tiou de .Societe harinoniqiie des iiinis-rdunis, jus- qu'au 12 du mois de juin 1786, par ditferens mem- bres de cette societd. 2. dd. 16-. Strasbourg, 17-7. Extrait du journal d'une cure maguetique. Trad, de l'allemand. - '. Rastadt, 17-7. Gentil (J.-A.) Magnetisme. Soinnanibu- lisme. Guide des inciedules. 10-. Paris, 1-52. Gerard. L'art de magndtiser ou de se gudrir mutuellenient. 12-. Paris, 1858. -----. Guide de l'hypnotisetir. S-. Paris, 1-91. Gorwitz ( H. ) Idiosoniuambulismus, oder natiirlich-niagnetischer Schlaf Richard's, fiiuf- zehnjahrigen Solmes ties Superintendeuteu Dr. Gorwitz im Giossherzogthiini S. Weimar. 12°. Leipzig, 187A. Gonzalez (J. R.) El hipnotisnio verdadero. Estudios y observatioues sobre dicho asunto. 12c Madrid, 1—-. Gratzixger (J.) Das niagnetische Heilver- fahren; Handbuch fiir Aerzte uud Laieu. --'. Wien 5- Leipzig, 1900. Handbook of curative mesmerism. 16°. Edinburgh, 1*^54. llntscii (M.) Suggestion und Hypnose. Ein kurzes Lehrbuch fiir Aerzte. 12°. Leipzig. l-9:i. Joire (P.) Precis theoiique et pratique de neuro-hypnologie. Etudes sur l'hypnot isme et les dinerents phenonitnes nerveux physiologi- ques et pathologiques qui s'y ratlachent. Phy- siologie, pathologie, therapeutique, niddecine le- gale. 12. Paris, 1892. VON KliAl IT- KlUXi. ( R. ) Hypnotische Ex- periinente. - . Stuttgart, l-9:>. -----. Thesame. 2. uuvtrmehrte Aufl. S1-'. Stuttgart, 1-93. de' Lalhkxce (L. W.) Hypnotism; a com- plete system of method, application, and use, including all that is known in the art and prac- tice of ineinsei ism and mental healing; prepared for the self-instruction of beginners as well as for the use of advanced students and practi- tioners. 8>. Chicago. 1900. Lokwenfei.d (L.j Der Hypnotismus. Hand- buch der Lehre von der Hypnose und der Sug- gestion, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung ihrer Bedeutung fiir Medicin und Rechtsptlege. 8°. Wiesbaden. 1901. Mai.lta (G.) Ptiucipii di suggestioue tera- peutica. 12*. Padova, 1901. HYPNOTISM. 746 HYPNOTISM. Hypnotism (Cases of, Methods in and handbooks for). Mesmi.u (F.-A.) Memoire sur la ddcouverte du magndtisine animal. 12°. Geneve j- Paris, 1779. Bound u-ith: d'Eslon. Observations sur le magne- tisme animal. -----. Thesame. Abhandlung iiber die Ent- deckuug des thierischen Magnetismus. Aus dem Franzosischen iibersetzt. 12-. Carlsruhe, 1781. -----. The same. Memoires et aphorismes, suivis des procdtlds de d'Eslon. Nouvelle ed., avec ties notes par J.-J.-A. Picard. 1(5-'. Paris, 1816. Mesmerism. Experiments and inferences. roy. *■*-. [n. p., n. d.] Montius (E.) Faits curieux et intdressauts produits par la puissance du magndtisine ani- mal, ou coniptes-rendus des expdrieuces remar- quables opdrdes eu Belgique. 2. dd. 12°. Bru- xelles, 18A2. Mociiutkovski (O. O. ) Ob istericheskikh forniakh lnpnoza. [Hysterical forms of hypno- sis.] - \ Odessa, 1888. Muxnixghofe. Das eigeutliche Wesen der Krankheiten. Enthaltend zugleich die Physio- logie des thierischen Magnetismus und des Hell- seheus. Auch fiir Xicht-Aerzte verstaudlich dar- gestellt. 8-. Leipzig, 1881. Nani (G. D.) Trattato teorico-pratico sui magnetismo animale. 12c. Torino, 1850. Oliviek (J.) Traitd de magndtisine, suivi ties paroles d'un somnambule et d'un recueil de traitements magnetiques. 8°. Toulouse, ls49. Petrus (P.-B.) Etude du magndtisine animal sous le point de vue d'une exacte pratique. 8°. Pise, 1852. -----. Thesame. . . . suivie'd'un mot surla rotation des tables. 2. dd. S;. Paris, 1853. Procedes du magndtisine animal. 12°. [n.p., n.d.] Raciborski ( A. ) Hipnotyzm w Paryskim szpitalu "La Salpetriere". [Hypnotism in the Paris hospital "La Salpetriere".] 8-. Liwow. 18-7. Repr. from: Kosmos. Regazzoxi (A.) Nouveau man nel du niagnd- tiseur praticieu. Prdcddd d'une introduction par un magndtiseur spiritualiste. 12°. Paris, 1859. de Robiano. Neururgie, oder der thierische Magnetismus nach mehreren neuen Erscheinuu- gen bcreichert, hewiesen und verauschauiicht. Entdeckung eines bis jetzt unbekannten Zu- st-indes. Nach der dritten vermehrten And. des franzosischen Originals unter den Augen des Ve fassers iibersetzt von Wilhelm Sehtittlen. 8-. Stuttgart, 1849. RosEN-Dui'At'RE (S.) Le magndtisine euratif an foyer domestique. Rdsumd des canseries fa- milieres sur le magnetisme faites par l'auteur en 1881, au local de la Socidtd seientifique d'dtndes psychologiques a Paris. 12-"'. Paris, 1--3. Santixi (E.) & [de Riols (J.)] Hypnotisme et suggestion. Etude des phduomenes gdndraux de l'liypnotisme, de la perversion des sens et des hallucinations produites par la suggestion ver- bale et la suggestion mentale a des intervalles plus ou nioins dloignds et ddterminds (l'avance; expdriences nombreuses d'hypnotisme et de sug- gestion. •**-'. Paris, [1888]. SzapaRY (G. F. ) Katechismns des Vital- Magnetisnius zur leichteren Direction der Laien- Magnetiseurs. Zusanimengetragen wahrend seiner zehnjiihrigen magnetischeu Laufbahu nach Anssageu von Somnambulen und vieler Autoren. 8-. Leipzig, 1845. Hypnotism (Cases of, Methods in and handbooks for). T[ardy] d[e] M[oxtravel]. Journal au traitenient niagndtique de la demoiselle X., le- qnel a servi de base a l'essai sur la theorie du soninambulisine niagndtique. - \ Londres, 1780. Teste (A. ) A practical manual of animal magnetism; containing an exposition of the methods employed in producing the magnetic phenomena; with its application to the treat- ment and cure of diseases. Transl. from the 2. ed., bv D. Spillan. 1. Am. ed. 8c Phila- delphia, 1844. Wallace (Mrs. C. L. H.) Synopsis of home cure ami eradication of disease. Paragraph in- dex of private instruction in the science and art of organic magnetism. 12-. London, [1882, vel subseq.]. Wettengkl. Geschichte einer Heilung durch den animalischen Magnetismus. 12-. Unna, 1814. Yofxger (D.) Full, concise instructions in mesmerism (falsely termed hypnotism), curative inaguetisin, and massage; with brief hints on natural medicine, etc.; with illustrations show- ing various pnases of mesmeric treatment. 3. ed. 8-. [London, n. d.] Anthony (W\ E.) A strange coincidence. Cincin. M. J.. 189"). x. 733-737.— Bauer (C.) Aus der hypnoti- sclien Poliklinik ties Prof. Forel in Zurich; Sommerse- mesterl896. Ztschr. f.Hypnot. |etc. j.Berl.. 1896, v, 31-45.— It lech (Mme. Z.) Experiences ile Tremezzo. Ann.tl.sc. psych., Par., 1897. vii, 1-5. — Boirnc tE.) Un cas de som- meil provoque a distance. Ibid., 1896, xi, 56-58. — Koyd (R.) Hypnotism produced by the passage of a urethral sound. Meil. Rec, N. Y., 1893, xliii, 202.—Braucaleone- Ribaudo (P.) Grande ipnotismo in un militare istero- eatalettien. Gior. med. d. r. esercito [etc.]. Roma, 1892. xl, 7Ul-76.">.— It roil in ;i n u (lv.) Zur Methodik der hypnoti- schen Helianilliing. Ztschr. f. Hvpnot. [etc.], Leipz.. 18!»7, vi, 1; 103: 1898. vii. 1; 228: 260. — C'harpciitier (A.) Un proc&le pour produire l'hypuose profonde chez ties su- jets refractaires. Rev. ile l'hvpnot. et psychol. pliy>iol.. Par., 1899-1900. xiv, pt. 2, 230-241. —de Clive-Lov e (G.i Some peculiar features in a case of livpnotisni iu a young ladv. Australia. M. Gaz., Sydney. 1897, xvi, 580.—Cuy- lit*. Uu cas tl'auto-suggestion a. l'etat ile veille. Bull. Soc.de nied. ment.de Belg., Gand et Leipz., 1895.280-285.— Darii'i (X.) Experiences sur Eusapia I'aladino faites& Paris en septeiulire 1896. Ann. tl. sc. psych., l'ar., 18%. vi, 321-374— Oolbwuf (J.) Cas curieux d'hypnotisation voloutaire. Rev. de l'hypnot. exper. et therap., Par., ls8ij-7, i, 339. ----- Une suggestion originale. Rev. de l'hvpnot. et psychol. physiol., Par.. 1892-3. vii. 315-318. Al'sn: Gaz. m6d. de Li6ge, 1892-3, v, 373-375.-»iller (T.) Hvpnotism in a religious meeting. Med. Xews. I'liila., 18lio. lvii, 302-304. AUo, Reprint.— Encauwsc (G.) De 1 experimentation dans I'etude de l'liypnotisme; apropos des pretendues experiences de contrtMe tie M. Hart, de Londres. Ann. de psychiat. et d'hypuoL Par., 1893, n. s., iii, 33-40.—Esdailc (J.) On the mode of producing arti- ficial somnambulism catalepsy, ecstasy, and other de- rangements of the nervous svstem. India Reg. M. Sc, Calcutta, 1818. i, 403-414. — Farcz (IM Suggestion during natural sleep. J. Ment. Path., X. Y., 1901, i, 34-39.- Ferrari ((AC.) Un caso di suggestione visiva. Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio-Emilia, 1899, xxv, 222-224.— Flower ( S. ) How to hypnotize. Suggest. Therap.. Chicago, 1898-9, i. 138; 185; 244; 270. — Fiisjerio. lt.in fenomeni osservati in una ipnotizzata, ed in pai-tii-olare, della suggestione reciproca, e ilella lettura ad occhi chiusi da essa pn-s.-ntati. Arch, di psicliiat. [etc.], Torino, 1894, XVj ii,;_iu7._ IliUint l i Regnault (F.i Les exercices des di i-viclies expliipies par Hypnotisme. Arch, orient. de in. .1 et .I.- chir., Par., 1901, iii, 108-111. Also: Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1900-1901, xv, 331-334.— KawamalolE) [A case of mesmeric phenomena.] Iji Shinbuu, Tokio, 1885, no. 161, 14-19.— Lanoaille de Lachese. Un militaire hypnotique. Gaz. med. de l'Al- gerie. Alger, 1886, xxxi, 162-164. Also: J. Soc.de med et pharm. de la HauteVienne, Limoges. Is80. x. 179-183. — Le IVIeiiant des I'liemiai*. Du somnieil provoque a 1 insu du malade, dansuuuas; a linsu ilu medecin. dans un autre. Kev.de l'hypnot. et psychol.physiol..Par., 1896-7, xi, 23-25.— Luvs (Li Procedes et instrunients nouveaux pour obte- nir ie somnieil hypnotique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par, 188- 8. s.. v,'630-633.—Jlacdonald (A.) Alcoholic hvpnotism. Am. J. Sociol., Chicago. 1899. v, 383-391.— >Iaiifroiii (A.) Analg6sie suggeree pendant le somnieil normal. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., HYPNOTISM. 747 HYPNOTISM. Hypnotism (Cases of, Methods in and handbooks lor). 1901-2. xvi. 156.--.Vlnrina (A. R.) Reazioni dei ncrvi e dei muscoli alle eceitazioni elettriche. in una donna che. per ripetute ipnosi. presentava fenoincni ipnotici in istato di veglia. Kiv. sper. di freniat., Reggio-Eruilia. 1887-8. xiii 164-lS.i. — Hurt in ( E. 11.) A remarkable case ot auto-hv pnosis. Memphis M. Month.. 1899, xix, 437-444.— .11 yer* (F.W5 IL) Note mi certain reported cases ot hyp- notic hvperiestliesia. Proc. Soc. Psych. Research, Lond., 1SS6-7. iv. 532-539. — Nou vel lea experiences sur le ma- gnetisme animal. Examinat. med., l'ar.. 1841, i, 133-138 — 0*nw-a iK-> (Mesmerism.) Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio, 18.-0. 110. 151, 1; no. 152, 6; no. 153. 6: no. 154. 8; no. 155. 4: no. 156. 6; no. 157, 19; no. 158. 9.— Owyootl i H.) The out- come of personal experience in the application of hyp- notism and hypnotic suggestion. Huston M \ S .!.. 1891, exxiv. 277-280. [Discussion], 289: 303.—Pnrkyn (H. A.) Report of the work done at thedailv clinic of the Chicago School of l'sychologv. Hypnot. Slag.. Chicago. 1896, i, 257-261.—Kinieri Dr Kocehi (I..) Ln caso tli sugges- tione. Arch, di psychiat. [etc. j. Torino. 1898. xix, 81.— Koviuaky (A.) A case of h\ pnotic suggestion. Boston M. .v S. J., 1896. exxxv, 582 —xiabatienA ) {etal.}. Ex- periences de l'Agnelas sur Kusapia I'aladino. Ann. d. sc. psych.. Par., 1896, vi 1 -55— Mehmidkuiiz (H.) Zur Statistik des Hypiioti-iniis Wien. med. WA hnsclir.. 1894. xliv. 1021-1024.— .""m IiiiuIm I. Ueber eine Selistiiriing durch Suggestion !.• i Kind, in Prag. med. Wchnsclir.. 1893. xviii, 105.—Tan "itraateii ( T.) Zui Kritik tier hypnotischen Technik. Ztschr. f. Hypnot. et. 5 Leip^ 1899, ix. 129: 193.—Treulich. Zwei'F.ille von Ih pnose. Prag. metl. Wclinschr.. Is8,v xiii, 97- 100. Yillfiniii. Magnetisme animal. Examinat. ru6d., Par., Is41, i, 181- 184.—Waller* (F. A.i Ueport of cases treated at the d div clinic of theChicago School of Psvchologv. Hypnotic Mag . Chicago. 1897, ii, 142-144. —Webb i A. L. i How to hypnotize. Ibid., 1896. i. 262-278. Hypnotism (Dangers of). See Hypnotism (Jurisprudence, etc., of). Hypnoti*lll (History, theories, phenom- ena, and discussion of). See, u'so, Abdominal xection (Exploratory): Clairvoyance; Hypnotism ( Case* of. ite. ); Hypnotism {.Jnrisprndew-e, etc., of): Hypno- tism in animals; Metalloscopy. etc.; Music (Psgchi'logi/ nf : Neuroses (Traumatic); Spirit- ualism ; Table - turning; Thought - transfer- ence. Altschcl iT.) Hypnotismus untl die Sug- gestion im Leben unil iu tier Erziehung. (Xach einem zu Oiiii-t<-n des Vereines "Frauenfort- seliritt" in Prag gehaltenein Vortrage.j 1*2-. Prag, 1900. Angelhcher (J. F.) Die prophetisehe Kraft des maguetischen Sehlafes, oder wundei bare Etithiilliin^tu der Zukunft durch Somnambu- lism psycbologisch dargestellt und durch zahl- reiche Beispiele bestiitigt. Nebst Fingerzeigen, die zum Hochsehlaf geeigneten IVrsonen in tlen Znstand der Clairvoyance zu vcrsetzen. l(ic. Wnmnr, 18A9. Aximai.ische (Der) Magnetismus in seinem Verhiiltnisse zu den Wiindern des Christ eu- thums. Nach einer Keihe von Artikeln der Civi- litacattolica iibersetzt. 16°. Regensburg, 1<>3. Axtimagnetis.me (L'), ou origine, progres, tie- cadence, renoiivelleiiient et refutation du ma- gndtisine animal. -1 . Londres, 17^4. Azam (C'.-M.-E.-E.) Hypnotisme, donlile con- science et alterations de la pet sonnalite. Preface par J.-M. Charcot. 1*2°. Paris, 18-7. -----. The same. Hypnotisme et double conscience; origine de leur etude et divers tra- vaux snr des sujets analogues. Avec des pre- faces et des lettres de MM. Paul Bert, Charcot et Hi hot. roy. 8P. Paris, 1893. [Barbegi iere (J.-B.)] La maconnerie nies- merienne, ou les lecons prononoe'es par Fr. Mocer, Kiala, Themola, Seca et Celaphon, de I'onlre des F. de l'Harmonie, en loge niesmerienue de Bor- deaux, l'an des influences 7>78A, et du niesme- risrne le l'r. 12°. Amsterdam, 1781. Hypnotism (History, theories, phenom- ena, and discussion of). Bakety (A.) Le magnetisme animal etutli6 sous le nom de force nenrique rayonnaiite et cir- culiinte, d.-ins ses proprictes physiques, pliysiolo- giqnes ft tli6rjipetiti<|iies. 8c Paris,1887. Bak.nks (W. A.) Psychology, hypnotism, per- sonal magnetism, and clairvoyance. 1*2°. Bos- ton, 1898. Bar wise (S.) Mesmerism (hypnotism); its possibilities, its uses and abuses. ** '. Birming- ham. \888_ Bacciik (A.) Causeries mesnifiienn's; en- seiguement I'lemontaire (histoire, theorie et pia- tique) de magnetisme animal. 8°. Paris, 1857). Itepr. frum: Union magnet., 1864-5. vi ix Bhchterew (W.) Suggestion und ihre soziale Bedeutung. Mit Zusiitz.n des Verfassers nnd einem Vorwort von P. Flechsig in Leipzig. Deutsch von Richard Weinberg. 8-. Leipzig, 1899. Beli hire (G.) L' ipnotismo e gli stati afflni. Prefazioni del Profess ire Cesare Lombroso. 12 5 Napoli, 1887. -----. Magnetismo e ipnotismo. 24-. Mi- lano, 1898. Bexxett (J. H.) The mesmeric mania of 1-51, with a physiological explanation of the phe- nomena protluced. A lecture. 5°. Edinburgh, 187)7. Behgasse [X.] Considerations sur le magne- tisme animal, ou sur la theorie du monde et des etres organises, d'apres les principes de M. Mes- nier; avec ties pensees sur le inouveineiit, par M. le Marquis de Chatellux. 12c. La Haye, 178A. -----. Tlie same. Betrachtungen iiber den thierischen Magnetismus, oiler die Theorie der Welt und der organisirten Wesen nach deneu Grundsatzen ties Herrn. Mesmer, nebst des Mar- quis von Chatellux Gedankeu iiber tlie Bewe- gung. Mit einer Vorrede vom Grafen von Briihl. 8°. Dresden, 1790. Bekillox (E.) Hypnotisme et suggestion. Theorie et applications pratiques. Conference recueillie par Henri Crouignean. -'-. Paris, 1891. vox Bi.iii.ix (O.) Kaleitloskopische Studie iiber Hypnotismus und Suggestion. 12°. Frei- burg i. B., 1892. Berxax. Memoire sur le magnetisme animal et le somnambiilisme. MS. fol. Paris, 1857. Beusot ([P.-]E.) Mesmer et le magnetisme animal. 2. 60., auginent6e d'un ehapitre sur les tallies toiirnanteset ltsfsprits. 1*2C. Paris, 1-51. Bixkt (A.) La psvchologie du raisonnement; recherches experimcntales par Llivpnotisiiie. 1*2°. Paris, 18-0. -----. The same. The psychology of rea- soning, based on experimental researches in hyp- notism. Transl. from the 2. French ed., by Adam Gowaus Wliyte. *J'. Chicago ,\- London, 1899. -----. La suggest ibilite. 8°. Paris. 1900. Binswaxgeu (<>. [L.J) Hypnotismus. Pa- thologist hi -Theil. 8. [ Wu n, 1--57.] B.iOr.vsi rom (F.) 11 vpnotisnien ; (less utveck- ling och nuvarande standpunkt. Popular fram- stiillning. [Hypnotism; its development and present standpoint. Popular presentation.] -". Stockholm, [1887], -----. The same. Hypnotism; its history and present development. Transl. from 2. Swed- ish ed., by Baron Nils Pos-e. 85 Neiv York, 188{). -----. Thesame. H-. New York, [1899]. Box.ieax (A.) L'hypnotisme; ses rapports avec le droit et la therapeutique; la suggestion mentale. 12°. Paris, 1890. HYPNOTISM. 748 HYPNOTISM. Hypnotism (History, theories, phenom- ena, and discussion of). Braid (J.) Der Hypnotismus. Deutsch hrsg. von W. Preyer. 8--. Berlin, 18**2. -----. Braid on hypnotism; neurypnology, or the rationale of nervous sleep considered in re- lation to animal magnetism or mesmerism and illustrated by numerous cases of its successful application in the relief and cure of disease. A new ed. edited, with an introduction, biograph- ical autl bibliographical, embodying the au- thor's later views and further evidence on the subject, by Aithur Edward White. 8c- London, 1-99. Browx-Skquard (C.-E.) Recherches experi- mentales et cliniques sur 1'iuhibitiou et la dyna- mogeuie. Application des connaissances four- nies par ces recherches aux phehoinenes prin- cipaux de l'hypnotisme et du transfert. 8~. Paris, 1882. Brugklmaxx (W.) Ueber den Hypnotismus und seine Verwertung iu der Praxis. 8c Ber- lin <$■ Neuwied, 1889. Brullard (J.) * Considerations generules sur l'etat hypnotique. 4:. Nancy. 1885. . CalatraVeno (F.) El hipnotismo al alcauce de todas las inteligencias. 16°. Madrid, 1888. Chavaxxes (A.) Vital force and magnetic exchange. Their relation to each other and to life and happiness. Followed by a brief study oft eir agency upon conduct and the phenomena of mind reading and magnetic cures. 8C. Enox- ville, 1888. Chazaraix A; Decle (C.) Les coin-ants de la polarite dans l'aimant et dans le corps hu- main. Lois ties actions et ties courauts fouruis par la pile, l'aimant, les m6taux, les membres hu- I mains, etc., appliques a la surface cutanee dans | un but experimental ou therapeutique. Base | seientifique de I'emploi de l'electricite dans les maladies rhuniatisuiales, nerveuses, mentales, etc. 8°. Paris, 1-87. Cogevixa (A.) & Orioli (F.) Fatti relativi a mesmerismo e cure mesineriche, cou una prela- zione storico-critica. 8°. Corfu, 1842. Colas (A.) L'liypnotisme et la volonte. 16°. Paris, 1885. Colquhocx (J. C.) Report of the experi- ments of animal m ignetism, made by a commit- tee of the medical section of the French Royal Academy of Sciences; with au historical and ex- planatory introduction, aud an appendix. 8a Edinburgh cf London, 1833. Costk (L.) Conference sur l'hypnotisme. > . Paris, 1889. -----. L'inconscient. Etude sur l'hypno- tisme. 12-. Paris, 1889. Crkpielx (J.) Cours de magnetisme hnmain historique, theorique et pratique. 1*2°. Paris cf- Geneve, [n. d.]. Crocq (J.) fils. Sur quelques ph6nomeues de Thypnose. 8°. [Paris, 189:1.] -----. L'hypnotisme seientifique. Rapport a M. le ministre de l'iuterieur et de l'instruction publique. Introduction de M. le Prof. Pities. 8°. Paris, 1*96. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. Paris, 1900. Csaxaoy (S.) Medicinische Philosophie uud Mesiuerismus. 8\ Leipzig, 1860. Cullerre (A.) Magnetisme et hypnotisme; expose des phenomeues observes pendant le sotnmcil nerveux provoque, au point de vue cliuique, psychologique, therapeutique et me- dico legal; avec un resume historique du ma- guetisme animal. 12c Paris, 1880. Dal Pozzo di Mombello (E.) Un capitolo di psicofisiologia. Giordano Bruno. Coufereuze. 12 . Foligno, 1885. Hypnotism (History, theories, phennm- ena, and discussion of). D'Axglemoxt (A.) L'hypnotisine; le ma- gnetisme; la mediuninite scientiiiquenient d6- nioiitres. 8J. Paris, IsSM. Repr. from : Harmonies Lniverselles. Debay (A.) Mystercs du soinmeil et du ma- gnetisme. Explication des prodiges qu'otfre cet etat de la vie huniaine. 4. ed. 12- Paris 1849. Delbceuf (J.L-R.-L. ]) Le magnetisme ani- mal ii propos d'une visite a l'Ecole de Nancv 8°. Paris, l->9. -----. Magnetiseurset medecins. 8-'. Paris 1>90. ' See. also, infra, Merveille (L.). Deleuze (J.-P.-F.) Histoire critique du ma- gnetisme auimal. 2 pts. in 1 v. S-. Paris,1813. -----. Thesame. 2. ed. 8\ Paris, 1819. -----. The same. A critical history of ani- mal magnetism, in two parts. Transl. from the French, with notes, by Francis Corbaux. *J. London, 1810. -----. Defense du magnetisme animal con- tre les attaques dont il est l'objet dans le Pic- tionuaire des sciences medicales. 8". Pan's 1819. Dons (J. B.) The philosophy of mesmerism and electrical psychology, comprised iu two courses of lectures (eighteen in number), com- plete in one volume. Edited by J. Burns. 12-. London, 1870. Doyle (G. S.) &• Whitney tS. A.) Mysteries philosophically explained. Newton's theory of attraction confuted, animal magnet ism, tlie magnetic needle and gravitation demonstrably accounted for upon philosophical principles. 8'c Boston, 1813. Dreiier (E.) Der Hypnotismus. seine Stel- lung zum Aberglaubeu unil zur Wissenschaft. 8°. Neuwied, 18.-9. Dubois (E.-F.) d'Amiens Exanien historique et raisonne des experiences pretendues magneti- ques faites paria commission de l'Academieroyale de medecine pour servir a l'histoire de la philoso- phie medieale au 19e siecle. 8-. Paris. 1833. Dueour ( E. ) Contribution a l'etiiile de l'liypnotisme. Experiences faites a 1'Asile de St.'-Robert. 8J. Grenoble, 1880. Repr. from : Le Danpbine. Dt'Rville (H.) Lois physiques du magne- tisme. Polarite humaine. Traite experimental et therapeutique de magnetisme. Coins profess<5 a la clinique du magnetisme en 18S">-6. 2. ed. 12c. Paris, 1885. Eichwald (E. [G.] E.) O zhivotnom magne- tiznrie i liipnotizniTe. Voskresnlya lektsii, v apr. 1-s- g., dlya viachci i studentov. Pod red. V. N. Nikitina. [On animal magnetism and hypnotism. Sunday lecture's during . . . for physicians and students. Etlited by Nikitin.] 8°.' S.-Peterburg, 1891. Enne.mhser (J.) Anleitung zur Mesmeri- schen Praxis. 8-5 Stuttgart fy Tubingen, 1*n>2. vox Eschex.mayer (C. A.) Versuch die scheinbare Magie des thierischen Magnetismus aus physiologischen und psyehischen Gesetzen zu erklai"*n. 1*2°. Stuttgart ty Tiibingen 1810. Esquisse de la nature humaine expliquee par le magnetisme animal. 8°. Paris, 1820. Evans (H. R. ) Cagliostro; necromancer, hypnotist, and charlatan. " Cutting from.- Cosmopolitan, N. T., 1899, xxvi, 665-672. F. ( J.-D. ) Remarques sur la conduite du sieur Mesmer, de son commis le pere Hervier, et de ses autres adherents; ou l'on tache de venger la medecine de leurs outrages. 8°. [n. p.], 1784. HYPNOTISM. 749 HYPNOTISM. Hvpnotism (History, -theories, phenom- ena, and discussion of). Fab-re (A.-F.-ll.) Le magnetisme animal. Satire. 4-. Paris, 1858. Fixi.ay (R. F.) Het hypnotisme. Hoe het zich voonloet. Hoe het verklaanl inoet wor- deu. Welke gevareu er aan verbonden zijn. Naar het Engelsch door W. F. Audriessen. 8°. Utrecht. 1-92. vox Fischer (T.) Wie hypnotisicrt mauT Eine Anleitung zur praktisehen und verslandi- gen Ausiibung der Hypuose. Erkliirung deren Wesen und Bedeutung. 12°. Stuttgart, [n. d.]. Flower (S.) Hypnotism up to date. 12°. Chicago, 1890. -----. A study in hvpnotism. 12 . Chicago, 189C. -----. A study in hvpnotism. 12*'. Chicago, 1-97. de Fonvielle (W.) Les endorineurs. La verite stir les hypnotisauts, les suggest ionnistes, les magiietiseiirs, les donatistes, les bra'idistes, etc. *-. Paris, [l-s7, vel subxeg.']. Forel(A.IL) Der Hypnotismus, seine Bedeu- luug uud seine Handhabung. Iu kuizgefasster Darstellung. >-\ Stuttgart, 1»9. -----. The same. Der Hypnotismus, seine psycho-physiologische, medicinische, strafrecht- liche Bedeutung und seiue Handhabung. 2. Aufl. -1. Stuttgart, 1-91. -----. Thesame. 3. Aufl., mit Adnotationen von O. Vogt. 8J. Stuttgai t, 1-95. -----. The same. Hypnotism; its signifi- cance and manageiuent briefly presented. In: Woons it. & S. Monog., X.' Y., 1890, v, 159-236. [Fournel (J.-F. ] Essai sur les probabilites du souinaiiilMilisine magnetique, pour servir a l'histoire dn inaguetisme animal. 12c. Amster- dam a- Paris, 1785. Foveac [de Courmelles] (F.) L'hypno- tisme. 8D. Paris, 1890. -----. The same. Hypnotism. Transl. by Laura Ensor. 12c. London, 1895. Fraexkel (E.) Magnetisme og Hypnotisme. 8°. Kjobenhavn, 1—9. Franco (P. G. G.) L' ipnotismo tomato di nioda; storia e disquisizione scientitica. 8°. Prato, 1886. -----. The same. L'hypnotisme revenu h la mode. Histoire et discussion seientifique. Trad. de l'italien par A. de Villiers de lTsle-Adam, avec le concours de l'auteur. 12°. Le Mans, 1888. See, also, infra. -----. The same. L'hypnotisme revenu a la mode; traite historique, seientifique, hy- gienique, moral ct theologique. Trad, par l'abbe J. Moreau sur la 3. ed. italienne, enrichie de nonvelles observations et de faits recents, avec un appendice stir les travaux des docteurs Giiermonprez et Veuturoli et sur l'hypnotisine clairvoyant. 12°. St.-Amand (Cher) $ Paris, 1-90. Frere, l'abbe. Examen du magnetisme ani- mal. 8Z. Paris, 1837. Garcix. Le magnetisme explique' par lui- meme, on nouvelle theorie des phenomenes tie l'etat magnetique compares aux phenomenes de l'etat ordinaire. 8°. Paris, 18. 5. Gaube (R.) Recherches sur les zones hyste- rogenes. 8°. Paris, 1882. Gauthier (A.) Le magnetisme catholique, ou introduction a la vraie pratique, et refutation des opinions de la medecine. Sur le magne- tisme, ses principes, ses procedes et ses eti'ets. 8c Bruxelles $ Paris, 1844. -----. Comperage magnetique reprime-; questions et observations d'ordre public sur la pratique du magnetisme, du mesmerisme et du Hypnotism (History, theories, phenom- ena, and discussion of). soiiiiiaiiibiilisiiie considei-ee comme exercice de la medecine, snivies d'une lettre de M. le mi- nistre de rinstruction publique a ce sujet. 8°. Paris, 1815. Gigot Si akd ([J.-]L.) Les mysteres du ma- gnetisme animal et de la magic devoiles, ou la vcrile sur le mesmerisme, le somnambulisme dit magnetique et plusieurs phenomenes attribues a l'intervention desesprits, tiemontr6e parl'hypno- tisme. s . Paris, [18(50]. Gilyarofk (A. N.) Hipnotizin po ucheniyu shkoli Charcot i psikhologicheskoi shkoll (1881- 1893). [Hypnotism according to Charcot's and the psychological schools.] 8'. Kiev,1891. Grimes (J. S.) Etherology, and the phrcno- philosophy of inesnierism and magic eloquence; including a new philosophy of sleep and of con- sciousness, wiih a review of the pretensions of phreno-inagnetisni, electro-biology, etc, revised aud edited by W. G. Le Due. 12-'. Boston, 1-50. de Haldat [du Lys] (C.-N.-A.) Exposition de la doctrine magnetique, ou traite philoso- phique, historique et critique du magnetisme. 8°. Nancy, 18.">2. Hall (S. T.) Mesmeric experiences. 12°. London, 1845. Hart (E. [A.]) Hypnotism, mesmerism, and the new witchcraft. 12-. New York, 1893. Hecker (E.) Hypuose und Suggestion im Dienste der Heilkunde. Ein Voitrag. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1893. Heidexheim (R. P. H.) Der sogenaunte thie- rische Magnetismus. Physiologische Beobaeh- tungen. 8°. Leipzig, L-60. -----. The same. Hypnotism, or animal magnetism; physiological observations. Transl. from the 4. German ed. by L. C. Wooldridge. With a preface by G. J. Romanes. 2. ed. 12°. London. 1888. d'Hexix de Cuvillers (E.-F.) Le magne- tisme edaire, ou introduction aux archives du magnetisme animal. 8°. Paris, 18-.0. -----. Le magnetisme animal retrouve daus 1'antiquite, ou dissertation historique, etymolo- gique et mythologique, sur Esculape, Hippo- crate et Galien; sur Apis, Serapis, ou Osiris et sur Isis; suivie de recherches sur l'origiue de l'alchimie. 2. ed. •-'-. Paris, 1821. Repr. from: Arch.tin magu6tisme animal, 1820, ii. -----. Exposition critique du systeme et de la doctrine mystique des maguetistes. 8 . Pa- ris, 1H22. Repr. from: Areh. du magnetisme animal, 1882, iii. Hervier (P.) Lettre sur la decouverte du magnetisme animal, a M. Court de Cebeliu. Argumentee d'uue lettre de l'auteur aux habi- tans de Bordeaux, et de nonvelles notes. - '. Pekin [Bordeaux], 1784. HeydknI'ELDT (S.), jr. The unison of the conscious force. To the medical profession. Electro-magnetizing and hypnotism. Outline of the secret of the Buddhists. The doctrine of secrets. The augmentation of souud. 8°. [New York], 1891. Houdaille (G.) * fttude experimentale et critique sur les nouveaux hypnotiques. 4-5 Paris, 1893. Hypnotismex bedomd af facknian, jemte en uppsats i iimuet af Tyko Brunnberg. [Hypno- tism explained by specialists, with au essay on the subject by T. Brunnberg.] 8C. Upsala, [1893]. Inhelder (W.) * Ueber die Bedeutung der Hypnose fiir die Nachtwachen des Wartper- sonals. [Ziirich.] 8°. Leipzig. 1898. Also,in: Ztschr. f.Hypnot. [etc.],Leipz.,1898,vii,201-223. HYPNOTISM. 750 HYPNOTISM. Hypnotism (History, theories, phenom- ena, and discussion of). Jacob (Le zouave). Conference sur les erreurs et les dangers des enseignements et pratiques des sectes sacerdotales, medicales, magnetiques et hypnotiques, d'apres les temoiguages ecrits des plus grandes ceiebrites. 8°. [Paris, n. d.] Joxks (H.) Animal magnetism repudiated as sorcery . . . With an appendix of magnetic phenomena, by William H. Beecher. 8c Neiv York, 1810. Kaax (H.) Ueber Beziehuugen zwischeu Hypnotismus und cerebraler Blutfilllung. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1885. Kluge (C. A. F.) Proeve eeuer voorstelliug van het dierlijk magnetismus als geueesmiddel. Uit het Hoogtluitsch uiet eeuige byvoegelsen door F. van der Breggen. 8°. Amsterdam, 181*2. Kozlofe (A. A.) Hipnotizin i yevo znachen'ie dlya psikhologii i metatiziki. [Hypnotism and its significance for psychology aud metaphysics.] 8°. Kiev, 1887. vox Krafkt-Ebing (R.) Eine experimentelle Studie auf dem Gebiete des Hypnotismus. 8°. Stuttgart, 1888. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. 8°. Stuttgart, 1889. -----. The same. Nebst Bemerkuugen fiber Suggestion und Suggestionstherapie. 3. Aufl. 8°. Stuttgart, 1893. -----. The same. An experimeutal^study in the domain of hypnotism. Transl. from the German by Charles G. Chaddock. 8°. New Yovk cf London, 1896. Laeoxtaixe (C.) L'art de magnetiser, ou le magnetisme animal, considere sous le point de vue theorique, pratique et therapeutique. 8°. Paris, 1847. de Lagrave (C.) Hypnotisme; etats inter- mediaires entre le somnieil et la veille. 125 Paris, 1888. Langle ( C.) * De l'action d'arret ou inhibi- tion dans les phenomenes psychiques. Lesions de la volonte des auteurs. 4°. Paris, 1886. Leloxg (A.) La verite sur l'hypnotisme. 8°. Paris, 1890. Repr. from: Ann. de philosophic chretienne. Lemaxski. Hypnotisme et A'issaouas. 8°. Tunis, 1898. Repr. from: Bev. tunisienne. Lettre de Mr. C . . . k Mme. B . . . sur le magnetisme animal. 8°. Paris, 1813. Lettre d'un medecin de la Faculte de Paris a un medeciu du College de Londres; ouvragc dans lequel on prouve contre M. Mesmer que le mtignetisme animal n'existe pas. 8°. La Haye, 1781. Loissox de Guixaumoxt. Somnologie ma- gnetique, ou recueil de faits et opinions som- nambuliques, pour servir a l'histoire du magne- tisme humain. 8:. Parts, [n.d.]. Lombroso (C.) Studi sull' ipnotismo, con ricerche oftalmoscopiche del prof. Reymond e dei professori Bianchi e Sommer sulla polarizza- zione psichica. 2. ed., completamente rifnsa ed ampliata, con appendice critica sullo spiritismo. 8-. Roma, Torino cf Firenze, 1886. See, also, infra. L[oubert] (J.-B.) Le magnetisme et le soinnambulisnie devaul les corps savants, la cour de Rome et les theologieus. 8°. Paris, 1844. Louis (E.-V.-M.) *Les origiues de la doc- trine du magnetisme animal; Mesmer et la So- ciete de l'Harmonie. 8-. Paris, 1898. LuiGi (S.) Maguetismo ed ipnotismo svelati. Storia critica. 8°. Roma, 1890. Hypnotism (History, theories, phenom- ena, and discussion of). Leys (J.) Hypnotisme exiierimental. Les emotions dans l'etat d'hypnotisme et l'actiou a distance des substances medicaineuteuses o.i toxiques. 12°. Paris, 1890. M. [T.-D.] Essai sur la theorie du soinuain- bulisme maguetique. 8°. Londres cf Avici non 1780. Maack (F.) Zur Einfiihrnng in das Studium des Hypnotismus und thierischen Magnetismus. 8°. Berlin cf Neuwied, 1888. Mabru (G.) Les maguetiseurs jtiges pareux- memes. Nouvelle enquete sur le magnetisme animal. 8°. Paris, 1858. Magixi (G.) Le meraviglie dell' ipnotismo. Sonimario dei principali fenomeni del sonnam- bulisnio provocato, e metodi di speriinentazione. 8°. Torino, 1887. Martinet (P.-J.-M.-M.) Du r61e de la sug- gestion dans les effets de la methode sequar- dienue. 4°. Bordeaux, 1894. Masoix (E.) Les daugers du magnetisme animal au point de vue de la morale et de la sante. 8°. Bruxelles, 1888. Masox (R. O.) Telepathy and the subliminal self; an account of recent investigations regard- ing hypnotism, automatism, dreams, phantasms, and related phenomena. 12°. New York, 1897. Mayo (H.) On the truths contained iu popu- lar superstitions, with an account of mesmerism. 2. ed. 12°. Edinburgh cf London, 1851. Mexditto ((J.) Confereuza letta nel Circolo sociale. 8°. Caserta, 18;9. Meric (E\) Le merveilhux et la science. Etude sur l'hypnotisine. 12°. Paris, [1887]. Mesmer [F.-A.] Aphorismes dictes ii l'asseni- biee de ses eieves, et dans lesquels on trouve ses principes, sa theorie et les moyens de magnetiser; le tout formant un corps de doctrine, developpe en trois cent quaraute-quatre paragraphes, pour faciliter l'appiication des connnentaires au ma- gnetisme animal. Ouvrage mis au jour par M. Caullet de Veaumorel. 3. ed., revue, corrigee et considerablement augnientee, dans laquelle on trouve les moyens interessans de magnetiser d'inteusion. 12°. Paris, 1875. Mettius (M.) Het hypnotisme in deu oorlag, of het vreemde gedrag der dappere strijders van vorheen, verklaard en toeglicht. 8°. Kampen, 1900. Meyer (J. A. G.) 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Verite du magnetisme, degagee de toute exage- ration; son influence sur nos facultes, sur nos 51 HYPNOTISM. HYPNOTISM. 7 Hypnotism (History, theories, phenom eita, and discussion of). sens, sur nos organes materiels. Ce que c'est que le somnanibulisitie; comment il exalte et developpe rintelligence, la sensibilite, la faculte intuitive. La sibylle moderne, partieularites sur cette soninanibnle execptionnelle: prettves noinbrenses d'une lucidite prodigieuse. Le som- nanibnlisine devant lis grands et puissants du jour, attestations, documents et pieces authen- tiquts. L'avcnir revele par les songes, vision relative a la marehe du cholera. Cnrieuses pro- pheties politiqucs, concernant plusieurs contrees de l'Europe. etc. 16°. Paris, 1849. Mont'Ai.yekxk de Seoleira. Hypnotismo e suegestao. Esboco de estudo. 8C. Lisboa, 1—. Mdrai.iste t,Le) niesinerien, ou lettres philo- sophiques sur l'influeuce du magnetisme. 16°. Londres . Londres, 17-7. Moreau (F.-G.1 l'abb6. 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Pore (P. W.) The expose of Weltmerism. Magnetic healing demagnetized. 8--. [Nevada, Mo., n. d.] 1'oven (C.) A letter to Col. W. L. Stone, of New York, on the facts related in his letter to Dr. Brighani, and a plain refutation of Dui ant's exposition of animal magnetism, etc. With remarks on the manner in which the claims of animal magnetism should be met and discussed. By a member of the Massachusetts bench. *-°. Boston, 1837. Prever ( W.) Der Hypnotismus. Vorle- stingen gehalten an der K. Friedrich-Wilhelms- Univetsitiit zu Berlin. Nebst Aninerkuiigen und einer nachgelasseuen Abhandlung vou Braid aus dem Jahre 1*^45. s~. Wien «f* Leipzig, 1890. [de Piysegur (A.-M.-.I. de C.) marquis.] Me- moires pour servir a l'histoire et h l'etablisse- ment du magnetisme auimal. 8c Londres, 1780. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8C. Paris, 1809. -----. Thesame. 3. ed. 8'-. Paris, 1820. -----. Du magnetisme animal, considere dans ses rapports avec diverses branches de la physique generale. 8°. 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Rapport confidentiel sur le magnetisme animal et sur la conduite recente de l'Academie royale de medecine, adresse a la con- gregation de l'index, et traduit de l'i I alien du . . . Par Ch. B. 2. ed. 8-5 Paris, 1839. [Servaxt.] Doutes d'un provinciel, pro- poses a messieurs les medecins commissaires charges par le roi de l'examen du magnetisme animal. 8°. Lyon cf Paris, 1784. Sextus (C.) Hypnotism; its facts, theories, and related phenomena, with explanatory anec- dotes, descriptions and reminiscences. 8°. Chi- cago, 1893. Sidis (B.) The psychology of suggestion. A research into the subconscious nature of man and society. With an introduction by William James. 12=. New York, 1898. Siegmcnd (G.) Erlebnisse auf dem Gebiete des Mesmerisnius. 8°. [n.p., n. d.] Siemers (J. F.) Erfahrungen iiber den Le- bensinagnetismus uud Somnambulisnius. Com- missions-Bericht an die konigl. med. Akademie zu Paris von Husson, und Resultate der Praxis einiger Hamburger Aerzte, sowie des Verfassers. 12°. 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Mit Genehmigung der Verfasser iiber- trageu und bearbeitet von M. O. Frankel. 1.-2. Hft. 8°. Wiesbaden, 1882-5. See, alio, infra. Hypnotism (History, theories, phenom- ena, and discussion of). Tarkhaxoff[Tarchaxoff] (I. [R.]) Hipno- tizin, vunshenie i chtenie mislel. [Hypnotism, suggestion, aud mind reading. ] 12r. S.-Peter- burg, 1880. -----. The same. Hypnotisme, suggestion et lecture tics peusees. Trad, du russe par Ernest Jaubert. 12°. Paris, 1891. -----. The same. 2. ed. 12-. Paris, 1893. Telxikhin (A.) Hipnotizm i yevo zuachenie v nastoyashtsheye vreniya i v budushtshem. [Hypnotism and its significance in the present and future time.] 8°. Saratov, 1888. 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Lond., 18*4-5, [ii], 265-292. AUo: Mind.' Lond., 1881, ix. 477: 18*7, xii, 212: 397. -----. Peculiarities of certain post hypnotic states. Proc. Soc. Psych. Research, I.oml., 1*86-7, iv, 268-323.. -----. Stages of hypnotic memory. Ibid., 515- 531.-----. Recent experiments in hypnotism. Ibid., 1*8*. v.3-17. -----. Hypnotism and telepathy. Ibid.. 216-259.— Ha in m (Marghetita A.) Hvpnotism in the Far East. Med.-Leg. J.. X. Y., 1896-7, xiv, 323-327.—Hart (E.) Hvpnotism, animal magnetism, and hysteria. Brit. M. J., Lontl., 1892. ii, 1215-1220. —Hnrieiiberji (P.) Iln'yiipas d'hvpnotisme. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 189IA8. xii. 211-221. -----. Essai d'uiic psychologic de la suggestion. Lev. de psychol. clin. et therap.. Par., 1897-8, i, 264-278. — llailiortt' iL.i I'nspeAek k po/.uani nuce- nfch predstav. ; Contribution to the knowledge ot compulsion. ; Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze. 1900, xxxix, 1191 ; 1215 — llnull. [Er Hypnose eu patologisk Tilstaiul'l [Is hypnotism a pathological condition.'] Forh. Xorske mecl.'S.Kk i Kristiania, 1886. 144-150. — Heboid (O.) Unteisuehungeu iiber den Hypnotismus: zugleich tin klinischer Beitrag. Allg Ztschr. f. P.-vchiat. [etc.], Herl., 1*92-3, xlix, 71-132— tit itlt iilinin (R.) Zur Kritik hypnotiscber Tiitersuchuugt-ii. Prolan, aerztl. Ztschr., 1**0. 52-55. AUo, Reprint.— llerriek (H. J.) Hvpno- tism. Cleveland M. Gaz., 1*96-7, xii, 150-164.—Herter 1(5 A.i Hvpnotism; what it is and what it is not. Pop. Sc. Mouth!. N. Y.. .1.-**. xxxiii, 755- 771.— Ilibberd (J. F.) Relation of matter and mind in hypnotism. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Indianap.. 1*95, xlvi. 306-325. AUo [Absti 5 J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1895, xxv, 87-90.— Higicr (H I O swoistcin zamroczeniu swiadomosci (Dammerzustand) w okn-sie pohipuotyczuym. [On the peculiar, obscure condition of consciousness in the hyp- notic -t,ite.' Gaz. lek., "Warszawa. 1899,2. s, xix, 1067- 1072. Al; tiinsl.: Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1899, xviii, S31-8..6.—Hiljjer (\V5) Beitrag zur Frage der Hyp- notisirbarkeit. Zischr. f. Hypnot. [etc.], Leipz., 1900, x, 190-201.—Hi vch M.i Ceber Schlaf. Hypnose und Som- nambulismu- 11. ut-. h. m.-.l Wchnschr.. Leipz. u. Berl., 1895, xxi, 595.—II irx li la IT L.) Kritische Bemerkun- gen iiber den gegenwartigen Stand der Lehre vom Hyp- notismus. Ztschr. f. Hvpuot. etc 5 Leipz., 1898-9, viii, 257: 321: 1*99. ix. 65: 2o2. —Hii-I iL.) Feber die Bedeu- tung der Verbal-Suggestion. Atti d. xi Cong. med. inter- naz. 1*94. Roma, 1895. iv, psicliiat. [etc.J, 61-63.— Hi«- lorisch overzicht van het magnetisme animal. Geueesk. Courant. Tiel. 1**6. xl, no. 47.—Hitzijj (E.) Schlafat- tacken uud hypnotische Suggestion. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1-92. xxix. 945-949. AUu. transl.: Brain. Loud., 1*93. xvi, 203-211. 1 ch.—Ilotljjtloii (A. L.| The simi- larity of the phenomena of th.- nervous sleep, hypnotism, spiritualism, to the physiological action of cannabis in- die a or hashish. Mary'lami M.J.. B.ilt.. 1*85, xiii, 481 — Hoover (C. F.i *c Nolliuann AT.. A study of metab- olism during fasting in hypnotic sleep. J. Exper. M., N. Y.. 1897, ii, 405-111. 2 ch.—Hud-on (T. J.) Sugges- tion as a facr.n in lunnaiilife. M.-.l. Lug. J., N. Y.. 1896-7, xiv, 319-322.— II n l»l (HA Artificial multiple personality. Ibid., 1*93-4, xl, 314 a Hunt (It.) The psychology and phvsiology of the laying on ot hands and of hypno- tism, j. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1*9*. xxx, 344-348.—II u-x (M.) Vinn Hypnotismus untl den Ctahren, die er in -i.-li birgt uud bergen kann. Aerztl. Prakt., Hamb., 1893, vi, . 657: 6*9; 721— Hypnotism. J. Ment.Sc, Loud 1898, | xliv 833. See. aUo, supra I'.ramuell (J. M.). — llvp- iiotiime iL'> au conseil municipal il. Paris, Question de M. Despres relative a des experiences d'bypnotiume sur les malades d'un service de medecine de, 1 Hotel- Dieu devant un public nou medical. {From: Bull, mu- nicip., Par.] Rev. de l'hvpnot. et psvchol. physiol.. Par., 1889-90, iv, 339-342. — llywlop (T. Ii.) (In double con- sciou-ice-n. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1*99. ii, 782-7*6.— I p- noliwmo iSull"). | Discussion. ] Law.ii d. Cong. meil. int. 1**8. Milano. 1889. i, 368-381. Janet (P.) Le* phases interm6diaires de 1 'hypnotisme. Rev. scient., Par., 1886, xxxvii, 577-587. — Jen drawn ik ( E.) De Thypnotisme. Arch, de neurol., Par., 1**6. xi, 362: xii, 43. -----. Demonstrationen von Suggestion wahrend der Hypnose. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1887, xxiii 206.—Jep«on (S. L.) Hypnotism. Tr. M. Soc. W. Virg.. Wheeling, 1*99, 304-318. — Johimon (J. E.) Ex- periments in hyjuiotism. Memphis M. Month.. 1895, xv, 54*-552.—Joire (P.) Les etats inedianiques de l'hvpnose. Bull. med. tin nord, Lille, 1*95. xxxiv. 556-553. —■—. De 1 interpretation de certains phenomenes psychiques par Hypnotism (History, theories, phenom- ena, and discussion of). les etats inedianiques tie Thypnose. Ibid., xxxv, 813-824. -----. Les etats in6iliauiqucs de l'hvpnose. (,'ong. inter- nat. de neurol., de psvehiat. [etc.|' 1897, Brux., 1*98, i, fasc. 2, 166-196. [KesuineJ, fasc. 3, 36-38. -----. Sugges- tion mentale. Ann. tl. sc. psych., l'ar., 1898, viii. 263-267. AUo: Kev. de Thypnot. et psychol. physiol.. Par., 1897-8, xii, 104-111.-----. I)e la suggestion mentale; experiences nonvelles. Ann. d. sc. psych., Par., 1897, vii, 193-212*. Also: Nord mod., Lille. 1899. v, 61-63. .ludkiiiM (E. H.) Hypnotism, auto-suggestion, anaslhesia and hysteria; considered in connection with telcpal hy and theology. J. Med. & Sc. Portland, I89S-9. v, 1*1 - 191. — Kiei-nan (J. G.) Hypnotism iu American psychiatry tiltv vears ago. Am. J.'lusan., Chicago, 1894-5, li', 330-345.— KingMbury (G. C.) Hypnotism and some of its opponents. Liver- pool M.-Chir. ,1., 1*91, xi, 336-354. AUo [Abstr.]: Metl. Press A Circ. Lontl., 1891, n. s., li 268. — Kobilyaimki (L. 11.) O vliyanii niagnita i galvauicheskavo toka na zanipuotizirovaunikh. [Influence of tin- magnet and gal- vanic current on those hypnotized. | Vrach, St. Petersb., 1885. vi, 659-061. —Kohler (F.) Experimeutelle Studien auf dem Cohiete ties hypiiotischeu Somnatnbulismus. Ztschr. f. Hypnot. [etc], Leipz.. 1897, vi, 357-374.— KinrupM' Hen hypnotiske Sovns Fysiologi; er Hyp- nosou en patologisk Tilstand I [Physiology of hypnotic sleep; is hypnotism a pathological state'] Hosp.-Tid., Kjobeuh., 1*92,3. K., x, 777 -787. — Krejei .(R.) Hyp- noticke pokusy. [Hypnotic experiments, j Casop. lek. cesk.. v I'raze, 1888. xxvii. 241-241. — l.abadie (E.) Contribution para el estudio del hipnotisnio en Mexico. (lac. metl.. Mexico. 18*7, xxii, 150-461 -de l.nit'itln (J.) Hypnologia. Arch, de metl., Lisb.. 1*97-*. i. 60: 124; 176; 399: 573. — I. algae I-1, a vast iiie. L hypnotisme collec- tif en Tunisie. Rei. de Thypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1901-2, xvi, 93-96 — l.aktr (C.) Not iz iiber das Auftreten von Gesichtsodem nach hy)inotischeni Schlafe. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 18*5. xxii. 641-643. — 1. a zur*. hi (A. F.) O vliyanii vnushenuikh v hipno/.ie chuvstvovaniy na puis i dikhaii'ie. [Influence of seusations suggested in hviuiosis on the pulse and respiration.] Izvlest. Imp. Voyeniio-Med. Akad., S.-Peterb.", 1900, i, 329-350.— Leh- man ■■ (A.i Zur Theorie der Hypnose. Centralbl. f. Nerventa. u. Psychiat., Coblenz u. Leipz., 1890, n. F.. i, 145-147. -----. Autosuggestion af lokale Temperaturfor- andringer hos Ikke-Hypuotiserede. [Auto-suggestion of local changes of temperature with non-hypnotized.] Hosp.-Tid., Kjobeuh., 1890, 3. R., viii, 49-52.—Leipziger (HA.) Yalue of hypnotic suggestion. Tr. Iowa M. Soc, Cedar Rapids, 1*97."xv. 242-249.— l.cuicnlc (H.) Debt suggestion ii T6tat de veille. Anjou med., Angers, 1894-7, 177-1*1.—Levin (PA.) Ett blad ur autohypnotismens och den mentala suggestionens historia. [Auto-hypnotism. and history of mental suggestions.] Eira, Stockholm, 1888, xii, 133-139.— I.iebeault (A.) Classification dea degres du somnieil provo.|iic. Rev. de Thypnot. exper. et therap., Par.. 18*6-7. i. 199-2U4. -----. L'etat de veille et les gtatsd'hypnose. Rev. tie 1 hypnot. et psychol. physiol.. Par., 1897-8J xii, 321-323. — I.ippw. Zur Psychologic der Suggestion. Ztschr. f. Hypnot. |etc.J. Leipz.. 1897, vi. 94- 128. — l.lord-Tucltev (C.) Hypnotism and tree-will. Ztschr. f. Hyiinot. [etc.]'. Leip/... 1*97, vi, 45-47— 1. odder. Hypnotische \ erscliijuscleu geboiulen aan cerebrale hemi- plegic Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Ceiieesk., Amst., 18*7, xxiii, 61-67. — I.oewenfeld |L) IIy]inotischer oder hysteri- scher Somuaiiibulisuiiis .' Ztschr. f. Hypnot. [etc.], Leipz.. 1897, vi, 73-78.— l.oinluirtli (L ) La tooria razionale della suggestione dedotta tlalle dottrine darwiniane; saggio di lilcsolianaliiralc Cirillo. A versa, 1897, v, 71; 88; 104; 119.— l.ombroMoiC I Studi sull'ipnotismo. Arch.dipsi- chiat. (etc. |,Torino. 1**6, vii,257-281,Ipl. See, also, supra.— LombroHO (C.| .V Ollolenjilii. L'image psychique et Tacuit6 visuelledans rhypnotisiuo. Rev. phil., l'ar..1*90. xix, 70-72.— Lopez Alon-o (J.) Cartas criticas sobre el libro •'Exanien del Iii pud isiuo", por.I. M. BellidoCarhavo. Correo med. castellauo, Silainanca, 1888, v. 505; 521; 538; 551; 561.—I.oye (P.) Influence du somnieil anesthesiqiw sur l'activite tic* combustions n*piiatoii. s. Compt. rend. Soc.tie biol.. l'ar., 1887,*.s.,iv, 77*.— l.uv«.(.I.) Les emo- tions chez les su.jt'ls en etat d'hypiintismo. Eludes tie psy- chologie, experimentale faites ii Table tie substances nied'i- camenteiises ou Inxiqucs itnpressionnant ii distance les re- seaux nerveux periphoriques. Enccpliale, Par.. 1**7, vii, 513; 648, 7 pl. A (xo, Reprint. -----. lie la snllicitntion ex- perimental!; 'les phenomenes emotifs chez les sujets en etat d'hypnotisme. Bull. Acad, dc meil., Par., 1**7, 2. s., xviii, 291. [Hap.], 1888, 2. s., xix, 330; 369: xx, 246. Also: Rev. dc Thypnot. exper. et therap.. Par., 1887-8, ii, 75; 99. -----. Psychologic experimentale; de la sollicitation isolee du lobe gauche et du lobe droit dans l'etat hypno- tique, au point de vue ties manifestations tie la parole. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1891, 9. s., iii, 201-205. Also: Ann. de psychiat. et d'bypiiol.. Par., 1891, n. s., 114_H8. -----. De la visibilite ties etrluves magnetiquea et electriques chez les sujets en etat hypnotique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1892, 9. s., iv, 461 463. -----. De HYPNOTISM. 756 HYPNOTISM. Hypnotism (History, theories, phenom- ena, and discussion of). la visibilite, par les sujets en etat hypnotique, des effluves degag6s par les etres vivants. Ibid., 657-659. Also: Ann. de psychiat. et d'hypnol., Par., 1892, n. s., ii, 321-323. -----'. De la visibilite directe des effluves cerebraux. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1893, 9. s., v, 638-641. -----. Nouvelles recherches sur les facultes reactionuelles des sujets mis en 6tat d'hypnotisnie. Ann. de psychiat. et d'hypnol., Par., 1895, n. s., v, 353-364. Also: J. de med. de Par., 1896, 2. s., viii, 108-110.— L,uys & Racchi. De l'examen ophtalmoscopique du fond de l'oeil chez les hypno- tiques. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1889, cix, 772. Also: Compt. rend. Soc. tie biol., Par.. 1889, 9. s., i, 659.— liuys & Eiicau«*.t'. Du transfert a distance, k Taide dune couronne de fer aimante. d'etats n6vropathiques varies, d'un sujet a T6tat de veille sur un sujet k l'etat hypnotique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1890, 9. s., ii, 599-002. — Mabille (H.) Note sur les hemorragies cutan6es par auto-suggestion dans le somnambulisme pro- voque. Assoc, frant-, pour l'avance. tl. sc. C.-r. 1885, Par., 1886, xiv, pt. 2, 628. —Mac Donald (A.) Psychic ele- ment in disease and suggestion. Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1899, xvi, 509-513. Also, Reprint. -----. Pedagogic hypnotism. Med. Progress, Louisville, 1899, xv, 233-236. -----. Study of the hypnotized state. Med. Summary, Phila., 1899-1900, xxi, 105-107. AUo, Reprint. -----. The powerof suggestion. Phila. M. J., 1899, iv, 489-491. Also, Reprint.—Magnetisme animal. J.tie med.,chir..pharm. [etc.], Par., 1785, lxiii, 47; 202; 337.— Magnin (P.) Les etatsmixtesdeThypnotisme. Rev.scient.,Par., 1886,xxxvii, 748-751.— Mann (E. C.) The mental condition in hypno- tism. Times :iiitlity Herrero (A.) El hipnotismo; sus fenbnienos y sus uplicaciones. Correo nied. castellauo, Salamanca. 1**6. iii, 515-519. -----. La hipnotizacidn geueralizaihi. o sea pro- cetlimieuto para determinar el hipnotismo, dc resiiltados constitutes eu todos los intlivitluos, con el aparato hipno- ti/aild del autor. Med. castellana Vallad., 18*7, ii, 9-14.— Mit iit-lio (F.) El hipuotisme y la sugestion desde el punto de vista guberuativo. Lev. balear de cicn. metl., Palma de Mallorca, 1888, iv, 737-749.-Wanvnire (0.1 Observa- tion d hyperesthesie des sens tlans l'etat hy politique. Bull. Soc. de psvchol. physiol., Par.. 1**7, in, 21-23. Also.- Rev. phil., Par., 1887, xxiii. 333-335. — *« linllt i (K.) " Netzhautreflexe wahrend tier Hypnose; I ntersuehuugen iiber die Einwirkung der Suggestion auf die hypuotiseheu Reflexcontracturen. Neurol. Centralbl.. Leipz., 1893, xii, *i>9; 842. — Mehmit ( C. ) L'hypnotisme dans lc ronian d aujourd'hui. Union metl.. Par., 1**9. 3. s., xlvii, 49; Ui9:*157.—Si'hmita. Hypnotismus. Jahrb. d. Natnrw., Fteib. i l'.r., 1*90-91, vi.'418-422. - M< linnImI. Leber eine S.■ 11^l."«i nng durch Sugu.-.tion bei Kiml. 11.. Prag. med Wchn-chi. 1893. xviii. lo6. AU,,: Wien. med. BL, 1*93. xvi. 173-175. - - Mclireiben au Dr. U. in Leipzig iiber den thierischen Magnetismus. Arch, geininniitz. phys. n. nied. Kemiin . Ziirich, 1790-91. iii, 2. Abth.. 1-43.— von Nchrenck - .\olziii". Kritische Streifziige auf dem Gebieieder Hypnose un.l Suggestion. Internat. klin. Rundschau. Wien. 1892, vi. 893: 936. -----. Eiu experi- meuteller und kritischer Beitrag zur Frage der sngges- tiven Hervorrufung circumscripter vasoinotorischer Ver- andernugeu auf der ausseren Haut. Ztschr. f. Hypnot. [etcl. Berl., 1*96. iv, _o..-22* -----. Zur Frage tier sug- etr>tiveii Hautersclieinnnuen : eine Erw'derm.^ an Herrn I Plot A. 15.1.1. Ibid.. 1*9;. vii. 247-219. — !•>« iniiinuua I i K.) A: I'nrioolli i O. ) Ricerche oltaiuccngiohe sul- 1 ipnotismo Lull. d. r. Accad. med. di Loina. 1**7-8. xiv, I 361-"',; — *colt (P.) Ou mental suggestion and charlata- j nism. Brooklyn M. 7.. Is99. xiii, 401-4155—MeeligmiiU ler. Der moderne Hypnot Amus ein kritischei- Es>ay. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. L- ipz u I'.erl . 1*-*. xiv. 7 ; 2* 262; 037; 655: 673: 694 : 9ue — .Seppi Hi iG i I tenonieni di suggestione nel souno ipnotico e nella veglia. Riv. sper. di freniat.. Kegirio-Euiiliu 1-sA xi, 325-350.—Next us ((.!.) Dirl'ereiit foim-ol hypuotiMii. Med.-Leg.J.. X Y.. 1*97-8, xv, 250-255. -----. Auto hvpnotism : self-suggestions and fixed ideas. Ibid.. 1*98-9, xvi, 43: 2*5. — *xra*»o (P.) I ir. olazioue cndoculare e fenomeni pupillaii nell ipno- ti/z.it... Psichiatria. Napoli, 1**6. iv, 273-27*. — Micard «le Flauzoles (J.) Les experiences du I>i. Luy.* et de M. de Rochas snr l'exteriorisation de la sensibilite. Ann. de psychiat. etd'hypnol., Par., 1893. n. s..iii, 51-57.- Nilva (B.) Di alcuni fenomeni ran che si presentauo durante Tipnotismo e fuori di esso. (lazz. d. clin., Torino, 1**5, xxi, 113. AUo: Gazz. tl.osp.. Milano. 1*8."., vi, 148.—*mith (M.M.) Some remarkscohcerniiighvpnotism. Tr. Texas I M. Ass., Austin, 1*9*. 130-134.— Spencer (W.) Hypno- tism and allied phenomena. I'ap.is l iu Ber- lin vor der II. Abtheilung des Kriminalgenchts verhandelte hochst interessante Anklage gegen den Hiihnerangen-Operateur Zincke wegen yvie- derholten unbefugten gewerbsmassigen Kuri- reus. Stenographisch aufgeuoinmen. 4. Autl. 1*2-. Berlin, 1858. Raynaly (E.) Conference fa ite sur les fran- deset dangers du magnetisme. *»-. Paris, 1895. Schleisner ((1.) Hypnotisniens samfunds- farlige Betydning. [Hypnotism as a public danger.] S-. Kjobenhavn, 1888. Sll.GENHEEK VAN Heukelom (D. E.) De fo- rensische lieteekenis vau hypuose en suggestie. -J. [Leiden, 18*9, vel subseq.] Repr.froin: Tijdschr. v. Strafrecht, |Leiden, 1889, vel subseq.]. Simonix (A.-H.) Solution du probleme de la suggestion hypnotique. La Salpetriere et l'hypnotisine; la suggestion criminelle; la loi doit intervenir. 12°. Paris, 1*89. Tokakski (A. A.) K voprosu o vrednoin vli- yanii hipnotizirovaniya. [On the pernicious effects of hypnotizing.] e-. S.-Peterburg, 1—9. Touroude (A.) L'hypnotisme. ses pheno- menes et ses dangers. ■--. Paris. [Ie89]. Akopenko (A.) Sovreiiiennoye polozheule vopro- sa o hipnoticheskikh prestupleniyakh. [Present con- dition of tbe question ot hypnotic crimes.] Obozr. psi- cliiat., nevrol. [etcl. S.-Peterb.. Is97, ii, 35; 104; 191.— Aljjeii (IK) Alcuni casi tl' ipnotismo in criminali- j.a/.Vi. Aich. di psichiat. [etc|.. Torino, 1887.viii, 602-612.— Ballet (G.) La sni^otion hypnotique au point de vue medico hual. Gaz. hebtl. de metl., Par.. 1891, 2. s., xxviii, 522; 534. AUo: Gaz.d. hon. tie Toulouse. IsOl.v, 353: 301; 369; 377; 3S5; 393. —Bell i(J.) Hypnotism. Med.-Leg. J., X. Y.. 1889-90, vii. 363-371. Also.- Med.-Leg. Stud., N. Y.. 1891, ii, 124-132. -----. Hvpnotism and the law. Med.-Leg. J., N. Y., 1890-91, viii, 331-358. Also: Med.-Les. Stud.. V Y., 18!i3, iii. 1-28. -----. Hypnotism and the law. Med.-Leg. J., N.Y., 1895-6. xiii, 47-56. AUo: Alien- ist & Neurol., St. Louis, 1895, xvi. 390-3118. -----. Hypno- tism in the criminal courts. Bull. Med.-Leg. Cong. 1895, N. Y., ls'.is. 183-194. AUo: Med.-Le;;. J5, N. Y., ls9."i-ij, xiii, 251-202. AUo: Med.-Leg. Stud., N. Y., 1898, v, 1-12. -----. Hypnotism and its practical relation to crime and tbe courts. Hypnot. Mag., Chicago, lsH7. ii. 75-82. -----. The case of Spurgeon Young: was his death due to inju- ries sustained while in the hypnotic trance, in a cataleptic state, in the hands of ignorant and untrained operators l Med.-Leg. J., N. Y., 1896-7, xiv, 529-545. See, also, infra: Death (The) of. . . Also: Alienist >2. — Brown (E. O.) Hypnotism in its relations to in.d it-iil jurisprudence. Chicago M. Recorder, ls92. iii. 7u7- 720. AUo: .1. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1892, xix. .-,.-n-.>7.— Broune (J.) Nadeelige gevolgen door de aauwending van liet hypnotisme veroorzaakt. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Ge- neesk., Amst., 1889. 2. R., xxv. 613-621.—Burot. De l'auto-suggestion en medecine legale. Assoc, franc, pour l'avance. tl. sc. C.-r., Par., 1-87. xvi. pt. 2, 1032-1034. [Disc nssiouj, pt. 1, 390. -----. De rauto-suggestion en nietlecine legale. Rev. de metl. leg.. Par., 1894, 55s- 560. — Charcot. Accidents hysteriques graves surve- nus chez une femme a la suite d'hypnotisations prati- quees par un magnetiseur dans une baraque de fete. Kev. de l'hvpnot.' et i.-\c'uol. ph\si..l. Par., 1889-90, J iv, 3-11. — t'rolhei- 1 D. . 11 \ pmitism. Med.-Leg. J.. N. Y.. Is94 -5. xi 46.' — t'mjini (A.) L' ipno- tismo nelle sue appl ,./ ni m.-di.■•. h-gali. Atti d. xi Coug. metl. internaz. 1-94, Roma, 1-95, v. med. leg., 54.— f'ullerre (A.) L'hypnotisme et ie droit. Ann. metl.- psych., Par., 1892, 7. s.. xv. 256-267—C'nylilw. Un ma- lade atteint tie sunli inutit. par auto--ugg'-tion a l'etat de veille. Bull. Soc-. de in. d. ment. d> B.-lg.. Gand et Leipz.. 1895, 244-246 — l>ailt y (A. II.) Hypnotism in medico-l.gal iur:i-|o udein.e. M. d.-Leg. .1., N. Y.. ls93-4. xi, 261-274 —Ilmiillo lS. N.) O tcrapt-vticheskom i su- debno-m.-dit-inskoni znachenii hipnotizma. [The thera- peutical and medico-legal value of hypnotism.] Vestnik klin. i sudeb. psichiat. i nevropatol..'St. Petersb.. 1888-9, vi. no. 2,57-110. Also, frond. [Abstr.] : Wien. med. Presse, l89o. xxxi, 493: 510.—1>< nlli (Tbe) of Spurgeon Young. Hypnot. Mag. Chicago, 1897, ii, 287 306. See. also, supra. Bell (C.).- I»f .loiii; (A.) Nadeelige gevolgen door de aauwending van het hypnotism.- veroorzaakt. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk.. Amst.. 1889. 2. It., xxv, 714-716. See, also, supra, Filalethes. -----. I/hypnotisinc. Aetes Cong, internat. d'anthrop. dim. 1892, Brux., Is93. iii, 325- 329—Delbceuf (J.) On criminal suggestion. Monist, Chicago, 1891-2, ii. 363-385. -----. L'hypuose et les sug- gestions criminelles. Bull. Acad. rov. d. sc. tie Belg.. mux., Is9t. 3. s., xxviii, 521-553.— Demo ml (C. M.j Hypnotism, in-anilv. and legal i • -ponsibilit v. N. York M'. Exam.. 1893-4. iii'. 223 -227.— I>«- Byekere in Oesterreich. X Heilkunst, Berl., 1896, viii 133.—IVat* (A.) Simulation oder Auto- IIypiloti«iii (Jurisprudence and dangers of, and legislation relating to). suggestion. Monatsehr. f. Cnlallheilk.. Leipz., 1898, v, 12-16. See, also, infra. Schuster (P.).—ISillew «le la Tonrclle. Dangers de riiypuotisme et interdiction ties lepnsentations thoatrales. Soc. de 11161I. leg. tie France. I'.nll., l'ar., 1889. x, 252-255. Also: Ann. d'hyg.. Par., 1889, 3. s., xxi, 162-165.-I; ripnt (II.) Le proces des magne- tiseurs tlevant la cour tie Kennes. Arch. nied. d'Angers, 1901, v, 131-134—«.iiitiiikofl"(Z. V.) Ogovor v prestu- plenii pod vliyanleni vuusheniya. | Accusation of crime under the influence of suggestion.] A n-h. psicliiat. fete], Yatshava, 1896, xxvii, no. 1, 45-59.— II :i miiiuntl (W. A.) The medico legal relations of hvpnotism or svggignoseism. X. Yoik M. J., 18.-7. xlvi. 115-121.— Ilow-ntl (J. L.) Hypnotism. Am. 1'iact. .V News, Loui-ville. 1895. xix, 256-206. — lloivurtl I W. L.I Hypnotism; its uses, abuses, and medico -legal relations. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1895, xxv, 923-927. Alsn. Keprint.-----. Hypnotism and crime; a reply to Mr. Thomson Jay Hudson. X. York M. J., 1895, lxi, 298 Ainu—llmUon (T. J.) The danger lines in hypnotism. Hypnotic Mag., Chicago, 1897, ii, 129-141. -----. Hypnotism in its relation to criminal jurisprudence. X. YorkM. J.. 1895, lxi, 106-109. Also, Reprint. -----. Hvpnotism and crime; a reply to Dr. William Lee How- ard. X. York M.J.. 1895, lxi, 590-592.—Interdiction des representations hypnotiques; l'hypnotisme eu Belgique; la loi intertlit les representations publiques; le sujet dort-il ou ne dort-il pas? Rapport k 1 Acad6mie de medecine. Kev. tie med. leg.. Par., 1896, iii, 242-246. — .loire ( P.) fttude medico-legale de l'liypnotisme et tie la suggestion. Cong, internat. ile neurol., tie psychiat. [etc.] 1897. Brux., 1898, i, fasc. 2. 151-165. Resume, fasc. 3. 34-36. Also: Rev.de l'livpnot. et psychol. physiol.. Bar., 1897-8. xii. 168- 170.-----. Les faux temoignages suggeres. Kev.de l'hvp- not. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1899-1900, xiv, pt. 2,196; 229. -----. Resume et conclusion du rapport, sur les rapports de I'livpnotisnie et de lasugg. -lion avec la jurisprudence. Ibid.'. 1900-1901, xv. 5n-52.— JulIiot (C.-L.) L'hypno- tisme experimental devant la loi du 30 novembre 1892 ; in- tervention des pouvoirs publics dans la reglemeutation. [Rap.] Kev. del hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1901- 2, xvi, 66: 102—vou K rulll-li hill <,' ( K ) Gutachten ties k. k. Obersten Sanitatsrathes l.e/iiglieh tier gesetz- lichen Regeluug des Hypnotismus in Oesterreich. Oesterr. San.-Wes., Wien, 1896. viii, Beil., 105-110. AUo.in his: Arb. a. d. Gesammtgeb. d. Psvchiat.u. Neuropath., Leipz., 1897. 2. Hft,, 153-160. -----. Gutachten des k. k. Obersten Sanitatsrathes iiber die Bei cehtigung ties spiritistischen Yereines . . . in . . . zur Anwendung des Hypnotismus. In his: Arb. a.d. Gesammtgeb. d. Psychiat. u. Neuropath., Leipz., 1897. ii, 161-164.—Kuh (S.) Medico-legal aspects of hypnotism. Chicago M. K.cordei. 1895, ix, 408-410. -----. The medico-legal aspects of hypnotism. Am. J. M. Sc. Phila.. 1898, n. s., cxvi, 666-677. Also, Reprint.— LacaitMagiic (A.) L'atl'aire Giiindrand-Jouve ; testa- ment eu faveur dun magnetiseur et d'une somnambulo; consultation medico-legale: jugenient ilu tribunal civil do Lyon (20 juin 1895). Arch, d'anthrop. crim., Par., 1895, x, 544-569.—I.adniiie. L'hypnotisme et la metlecine legale. Kev. de l'hypnot. exper. et therap., Par.. 18sli, i. 10-19. -----. L'liypnotisme et la metlecine legale. Arch, de l'anthrop. crim., Par., 1887, ii, 293: 520. Also. Keprint. Also: Art m6tl , Brux.. 1886-7, xxii, 193-202.— Ii.....in (A.) Ftirslag om lagstiftning mot missbruk af hypnotis- men. [ Proposition to establish a law with regard to abuse of hypnotism.1 Fiirli. v. Svens. Lak.-Siillsk. Sanunank., Stockholm, 18S8-. 2-4.— I.eloi I (J.I I.'hypnotisme an point de vue juridique. [From: Rev. gen du droit, 1-88, xii.) Ami. d'hyg., Par., 18.-8, 3. s., xx. 152- 165.— I.ie- beault (A.-A.) Suggestions criminelles hypnotiques; arguments et faits a lappui. Kev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol.. Par., 1894-5, ix, 289; 330. Also, transl.: Zt-chr. f. Hypnot. [etc.], Beil.. 1894-5, iii, 193; 225. —l.iejjeoiw (.J.) L'hypiiotisme et les suggestions crituinelles. Cong. intermit.'tic neurol., th; psychiat. [etc.] 1897, Brux.. 1898, i, fuse. 1, 191. | Discussion], 221. Resume, fasc. 3. 22. -----. Les suggestions hypnotiques criminelles: dangers et remedes. Key. tie l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1897-8, xii. 203; 236; 273; 311. -----. La question ties suggestionscii'iiinellcs ; ses origiues ; son etat actnel. J. de neurol. et hvpnol., Par.. 1898. iii, 22-49. Also: Rev. do l'hvpiiot . t psychol. physiol.. Par.. 1897-8. xii, 97-104.— I.oi lit li (J.) Toil wahrend tier Hypnose. Pest, med.- chir. I'res-e Budapest, 1894, xxx, ' 1016-1018.— I.nyn. Questions metlico-li-gales atferentes k l'hypnotisme. Ann. deps\chiat. ct d'hypnol., Par., 1891, n. s.. 21)9-217. Also: Oaz. tl. hop., Par., 188s, lxi, 677-680. — .Tie I'm lime (A.) Dangers of hypnotism. Boston M. & S. .!.. 1890, exxii, 483.- Tin«l-271.—JHiithinia (.1.) Hoigaku shomensitsuitji siken. [Hypnotism and medical jurispru- dence.] Hoig'akkwai Syashi, Tokio, 1893, no. 80, 133-136. -----. Hoigaku teki shomensitsu itji shiken. [Practice of hypnotism in medico-legal cases.] Ibid., no. 81. 23-25. -----. Hoigaku teki shomensittsu itji shiken. [Experi- ment with hypnotism in a medico-legal case.] Ibid., no. 84,13-17.— Tloll. Der Hypnotismus unter besonderer Be- riicksichtigung der gerichtlichen Medicin. Preuss. Med.- Beamten-Yer. Off. Ber., Berl., 1888, vi, 52-69. — Tlorcan (C.) L'hypnotisme dans ses rapports avec la criminalite. Cong, interuat.de med.leg. 1897, CharWoi. 1899, ii, 124-130. Also: Ann. d'hyg, Par., 1897, 3. s., xxxviii, 388-390. Also: Ann. Soc. de med. leg. de Belg., Charleroi, 1897, ix, 76-82.— ITIoritz. Die Suggestion in dem Processe Berchtold. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1896, xliii, 1053-1055.—^Vew- bolil (W. K.) Posthypnotic and criminal suggestion. | Pop. Sc Month.. N. Y., 1896, xlix, 230-241.—.\ol:m (M.J.) Stuporose insanity consecutive to induced hypnotism. J. Ment. Sc, Lond..'1891, xxxvii, 75-86. — iVoye* (\\5) The | medico-legal aspects of hypnotism. Science, X. Y.. 1887, ix, 220.—OberMteiner (it.) Der Hypnotismus. mit be- sonderer Beriicksichtigung seiner klinischeu und foren- sisehen Bedeutung. Klin. Zeit- u. Streitfrageu, Wien, 1887, i, 49-80. AUo, transl.: Kev. clin. e terap., Napoli, 1887, ix, 569; 621. AUo, transl.: Biblioth. f. Lasger, Kjo- beuh., 1887. xvii,-495-539.—Ottolenghi (S.) Suggestion et crime. Cong, internat. de med. C.-r., Par., 1900. Sect. de ni6d. leg., 117-121. -----. Hypuotiseurs, magn6tiseurs, liseurs de pens6e. guerisseurs vis-a-vis du droit civil et p6nal et de la m6deciue 16gale. Cong, internat. de med. profess, [etc.]. C.-r., Par., 1900, 262-264.—Packeviltli (M.) L'hypnotisme en face de la loi de certains pays. Compt.-rend. Cong, internat. de med. 1897, Mosc, 1899, iv, sect. 7, 688-690. AUo [Abstr.]: Rev. de l'hvpnot. et psy- chol. physiol., Par., 1897-8, xii, 234-236.—Pitres (A.) & Gaube (£.) De l'liypnotisme; historique; modes de pro- duction; symptomes; medecine legale. Rev. d. sc. med., Par,, 1886, xxvii, 325: xxviii, 315. AUo, transl.: Bol. de nied. y chug., Madrid, 1886, iv,73; 117; 145; 225: 1887, v,84; 119; 145; 211.—Plnczck. Suggestion und Erinnerungs- falschung. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. n. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1899, ii, 132-139.—Pratt (W. H. B.) Objections to tbe general -use of hypnotism. Brooklyn M. J., 1891, v, 45- 49. — Prejer (W.) Bemerkungen zum Process Czynsky I in Miinchen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1895, xxi, 31-33.—I»i ill haul (J. F.) Hypnotism; has it a legal standing.' Tr. M. Soc. Wisconsin, Madison. 1897, xxxi, 51-60. — Process Berchtold untl tlie Suggestion, l Med. Cor.-Bl. il. wiirttemb. arztl. Yer., Stuttg.. 1896, lxvi, 349.—Proetor (R. A.) Hypnotic suggestion. Hypnot. Mag., Chicago, 1897. ii, 71-74.—Beese (J. J.) Hypnotism in some of its medico-legal relations. Gaillard's M. J., N. Y., 1888, xiv, 317-324. -----. Hypnotism and the law. Med.-Leg. J.. N. Y., 1891-2, ix. 147-149— Bonqnelle (J.) Contributions a I'etude de l'hypnotisme; applications the- rapeutiques; effets bous et nuisibles; hypnotisme au point de vue medico-legal; loi necessaire; transmission tie la pensee a distance; spiritisme scieutitique. J. de med. et. pharm. de l'Algerie, Alger. 1887, xii, 27; 50; 75.—Bozen- bakb (P. Y.) Slieduyet li stiesnyat vrachehuoye primle- nenle hipnotizma. [Should the medical use of hypnotism be restricted?] Yra.h, St. Petersb., 1901. xxii, 1030-1034.— !*ajjc (X. LaM.) Hypnotism and crime. Hypnot. Mag.. Chicago, 18:17, ii, 29-31.—Meliuiitz (A.) Der Hypnotis- mus in forensischer Beziehung. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1890, n. F.. Iii. 97-118. AU<>[ Abstr.J :~Tagehl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1888, Ktiln, 1889. lxi, 287.—von •icln-cut li-.\otzing. TTeber Suggestion und Ei innerungsfalschuug im Betehtold-Process. (Ver- handluug wegen dreifachera Raubinoi il und Diebstahl vor dem Oberbayrischen Schwurgericht vom 1.-14. October 1896.) Ztschr. f. Hypnot. [etc.], Leipz., 1896-7, v, 128: 277; 307. -----. Das augebliche Sittlichkeitsvergeheu ties Dr. K. an einem hypnotisirten Kinde. Ibid., 1898, viii, 193-207. -----. Die gerichtlich-medicinische Bedeutung der Sug- gestion. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1900, v, 1-36. AUo, transl. [Abstr.]: Med.-Leg. J., N. Y., Hypnotism (Jurisprudence and dangers ofand legislation relating to). 1900-1901, xviii, 579-580. — * 129- 133.—Vidal. L'exercice illegal de la medecine en matiere de magu6to-hypnotisme. Kev. de l'hvpnot. et psvchol. physiol., Par., 1899-1900, xiv, 257; 289— Vizioli (F.) Del morbo ipnotico (ipnotismo spontaneo, autonomo) e delle suggestioni; contribuzione clinica e ricerche medico-legali. Atti Cong. gen. tl. Ass. med. ital. 1885, Perugia, 1886, xi, 222-226. Also: Gior. di neuropatol.. Napoli, 1885. iii, 289- 342.—Voiwin (A.) Suggestions criminelles oudelictueuses etresponsabilitepenale. [Rap.] ActesCong.iuternatd'au- throp. crim. 1892, Brux., 1893, iii, 3-13. [Discussion], 309- 332.—Wagner. Ueber das Wesen und die Bedeutung des Hypnotismus vom sanitiitspolizeilichen Standpunkte. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl.. 1898, 3. F., xvi, 321-367.— Walker (A. S.) On hypnotism and crime. Edinb. M. J.. 1898. n.s.. iii, 65-68.—von Wenlekind. Forderung eines Magnetiseurs. Med. Convers.-Bl., Hildburgh., 1831, ii. 39. —Weiss (M.) Die forensische Bedeutung des Hyp- notismus mit besonderer r.ezieh ung auf das osterreichische Strafgesetz. Prag. med. Wchiischr., 1888, xiii, 508: 521; 538; 555: 1889, xiv. 3; 13; 26.—Williams (H.) Tbe dan- gers of hypnotism. Ann. Gymec. & Piediat.. Bost.. 1895-6, ix, 88-96.—von Ziemssen. Die Gefahren des Hypnotis- mus. Miinchen. metl. Wchnschr., 1889, xxxvi, 531. AUo: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien. 1889. xxiv, 554. — Zollner ( B.) Der Hypnotismus und das uugarische Strafgesetz. [Transl. from: Kiizeges Tiiiveny. Orvos., Budapest. 1892.] Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest. 1892. xxviii, 932; 934. Hypnotism (Legislation relating to). See Hypnotism 'Jurisprudence, etc., of). Hypnotism (Periodicals relating to). Annales de psychiatric et d'hypuologie. Pu- bli6es sous la direction, de M. le Dr. J. Luvs. [Monthly.]. N. s., v. 1-5, 1891-5. 8°. Pari*.' Continuation of: Revue d'hypnologie, 1890. Annals (The ) of Mesmerism and Mesniero- Phrenology. [Monthly.] Xos. 1-3, v. 1, July- Sept., 1813, pp. 1-96. *-. London <.y Edinburgh. Coxgkes international de l'liypnotisnie. Tenu a l'Hotel-Dieu de Paris, du 8 au 1*2 aout 1*89, sous la presidence du Dr. Duinoutpallier. Comptes rendus, publics sous la direction du Dr. Edgar Berrillon. ler congres. *-°. Paris, 1890. Coxores international de l'hypnotisme expe- riinental et therapeutique, tenu a Paris, du 8 au 12 aout l>-9. Argument presente par Fr. Guer- monprez (de Lille). .*■*-"'. Lille, 18>9. Giornale del magnetismo ed ipnotismo. Di- retta dal dottore Olinto del Torto. [Monthly.] v. 1, 1890. roy. 8~. Firenze. Continued under title: .flu;giieti*mo ed ipnotismo. Hypnotic (The) Magazine. Edited by Sydney Flower. [Monthly; 2 v. annually.] v. 1-3, Aug., 189H, to Dec, 1897. 8*5 Chicago. Continued under title: Journal (The) of Medical Hypnotism. Ipnotismo (L'). Rivista psicologica [etc.]. Direttore: Dottor Olinto del Torto. [Monthly.] v. 4-5, 1893-4. sm. fol. Firenze. Ended, v. 2-3, title: Magneliwmo ed ipnotismo. HYPNOTISM. 761 HYPNOTISM. Hypnotism (Periodicals relating to). ' .lot'i'XAi. (The ) of Magnetism. L [Monthly.] v. 10, 1901. fol. A. 8 \ Chicago. Cut tent. Journal (The) of Medical Hypnotism. Edited by Sydney Flower, v. 1, 1-9S >. Chicago. Continuation of: Hypnotic (The) Magazine. Con- tinued under title: !«tus{J{e.Nlive Therapeutics. MaCiNEI'ismo ed ipnotismo. Red.: Olinto del Tort i. [Monthly.] v. 2-'i, 1891-2. sm. fol. Firenze. Continuation of: <*ioi-nnIe del inagneti-.nio ed ipno- tismo. Continued under title: Ipiiolixiiio i 1,5 Magni toiilo (II). giornale della Societa ma- otittica tli Torino. Pubblica to sotto la direzione di 1 Sig. K. Allix, prof, di lnagnetisino. Anno 1. *- . Torino, l"v>4. Revce u'hypnologie theorique et pratit|iie tlans ses rapports avec la psychologic [etc.]. Directeur: D.-J. Luys. [Monthly.] v. 1, 1-9H. 8-". Paris. Continuation of: Kneephnle (L'). Continued under title: Aiinnle* tie psychiatric et d'hypuologie [etc.]. Revce de l'hypnotisitie experimental et th£ra- | peutique. Red.: Dr. Edgar Berillon. [Monthly.] v. 1-lb, l-Ne-19n*J. 8 . Paris. CuiTent. In v. 3 title became: Ke vue de l'hypnotisme et de psychologic physiologique. Revce de l'hypnotisine et de psychologie phy- siologique. Paris. Title, after May. IssO. of: Revue de l'hypnotisme ex- perimental et therapeutique, Paris. Ricard ( J.-J.-A. ) Almauach populaire du magndtiseur praticieu pour 1-4(5 115~. Paris, l-4<>. Rivista niaguetica, diretta dal Prof. Vincenzo d'Amico. [Monthly.] v. 1-5, 1-97 -1901. 8. Milano. Current. St GGESTiox. A monthly magazine devoted to the study of suggestive therapy [etc.]. Edited by H. A. Parkyu and M. J. Murphy, v. l->, Aug., 1-9—U»UJ. -'-". Chicago. Current. St tit.EsriVE Therapeutics. Edited hv Sydney Flower. [Monthly.] v. 1-10, 1-9--1901. 8°. Chicago. Zeitschrift fiir Hypnotismus, Suggest ions- theraiiie [etc.]. Red. von J. Grossmauii. [Monthly.] v. 1-10, I8.)*i-1901. - . Berlin. Current. Hypnotism (Popular treatises on). ' Sie Hypnotism (Cases of . . . and handbooks M). Hvpnotism (Prerention of exhibitions of). See Hypnotism (Jurisprudence, etc., of). Hypnotism (Therapeutic use of). " See, also. Alcoholism, Anaemia, Asthma, Treatment of; Brain (Localization of functions of); Dislocations. Dysmenorrhea, Treatnient of; Hip-joint (Neuroses of); Hypnotism as cincisthet'u ; Insanity (Treatment of) by hypno- tism; Intestines (Obst i in lion of, Treatment of); Metallotherapy; Nervous system, Uterus, Diseases of, Treatnient of. Ashman (J.) Psychopathy; or, tin* true heal- ing art. "J. ed. 12-A London, [181 A]. Bedeutung (Die) der hypnotischen Sugges- tion als Heilmittel. Gutachten und Heilbe1- richte der hervornigeiidsten wissensehaftlichen Vertreter ties Hypnotismus der Gegen wart. Hrsg. von J. Grossiuauu. B. Deutsche Ausg. be Berlin, 1**9I. Berxheim (H.) Dela suggestion et des ap- plications a la therapeutique. 8c Paris, 1885. AUo [Abstr.] in: Kev. d. sc. hypnot., Par., 1887-8, i, 281-285 lypiioti.mil (Therapeutic use of). -----. The same. Die Suggestion und ihre Heilwirkung. Autorisirte deutsche Ausgabo von Sigin. Freud. SA. Leipzig <)'• Wien, l888[-9~], -----. The same. 2. Auli. 8*5 Leipzig § men, 1-9(5. -----. Thesame. Suggestive therapeutics; a treatise on the nature and uses of hypnotism. Transl. from the 2. French ed., by C. A. Herter. s . .\V«i York A London, \88Q. -----. Hypnotisme, suggestion, psychothd- rapie. Etudes nonvelles. 8^. Paris, 1891. -----. The same. Hypnotisme, suggestie, psychotliorapie. Akademische voorleziugen. lit het Fransch vertaald door Dr. A. W. van Kettterghem. 8°. Amsterdam, 1891. -----. Thesame. Neue Studien iiher Hypno- tismus, Suggestion und Psychotherapie. Ile- bersetzt von 8. Freud, roy. 8 A Leipzig u. Wien, 1892. Biekens de Haax (P.) Het veraagstuk der beteekenis van hypnose en suggestie voor de opvoetling. s . Jmsterdam, 1899. Botkin (I. A.) Printsipl hipnoterapii (prin- tsipl llecheniya vnusheniyami). [Principles of treatnient bv hypnotic] suggestion. ] [2. ed.] 8 . Moskval 1899. Brodovski (B. M.) Hipnotizin v prakticke- skoi nieditsinie; kratkiy ocherk razvitiya i sovremennavo polozheuiya voprosa o primie- nenii hipnotizma k liecheniyu boliezuei. [Hyp- notism in practical medicine; short sketch of the development and present position of the question of the application of hypnotism to the treatment of diseases.] 8\ S.-Peterburg, 1888. Congres international de 1889. Le magne- tisme humain applique au soulagement et a la guerison des malades. Rapport general d'apres le compte rendu ties stances du congres. 8°. Paris, 1890. Ccllerre (A.) La therapeutique suggestive et ses applications aux maladies nerveuses et men tales, a la chirurgie, a Fobstetrique et a la pedagogic 12°. Paris, 1893. David (P.) Magndtisine animal, suggestion hypnotique et post-hypnotique; son emploi comme agent therapeutique. 85 Narbonne, 1885. De Jong (A.) Het hypnotismus als genees- middel. 12c. 's Gravenhage, 1*88. -----. Quelques oliservations sur la valeur mddicale de la psychoth6rapie. 8-'. La Haye, 1891. von Geeh.vrdt (A.) Die Beseitigung der Krankheiten durch odische Eintiiisse. Eine Anweisung zur schnelleu, sichern und ange- iiehnieii Herstellung der Gesundheit. 8°. Jena, 1864. (iovAKD ((5) Le magnetisme conteinporain et la iii6ilecine pratitiue. Deux tliscours a la So- ciete ile tlit'*i;t|»«*ntique dosim^trique de Paris. 8J. Paris, 18*8. Groiimann (A.) Suggestion durch Briefe. H-. Ziirich, 1900. Hai.I'IHDE (A. C.) Mind and body; hypno- tism and suggestion applied in therapeutics and education, s '. Chicago, [1-99]. Herrero (A. S.) I'd hipnotisnio y la suges- tidn. Fstudios de iisio-psicologia y de psico- terapia, segiiidos de dos api'-ndices, a saber: Ap6ndice 1°. Ajilieaciones de la sugestidn hipnti- tica ti la pedagogia. Apendiee 2". Lit hipno- scopia judicial y la sugestidn hipndtico-inqui- sitivaen el derecho penal y civil. 8\ Madrid, 1889. Ku'oe (C. A. F.) Versuch einer Darstellung lies animalischen Magnetismus als Heilmittel. 85 Berlin, lsll. HYPNOTISM. Hypnotism (Therapeutic use of). -----. Thesame. 8°. Berlin, 1815. -----. Thesame. 3. Aufl. 8\ Berlin, 1818. Lkvy (P.-fi.) *L'edncation rationnelle de la voloute, son emploi therapeutique. 8 . Paris, 1898. Liengme ( G.) * Contribution a l'dtude de l'hypnotisme et de la suggestion therapeutique. [Geneve.] 85 Neuchatel, 1890. Mailath (J. G.) Der anitnalische Magne- tismus als Heilkraft. 8°. Begensburg, 1852. Meacham (L. J.) Lessons in hypnotism and the use of suggestion, based upon the neuron motility hypothesis. 8°. Cincinnati, 189*. MikhaIloff (V. I.) Hipnotizin v sravnenii s yavleniyami zhiznenno-maguiticheskimi, v isklyuchitelnom prinuenenii posliednikh k lie- cheniyu boluikh. 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Psycho-therapie. Communi- cations statistiques, observations cliniques nou- velles. Compte-rendu des resultats obtenus dans la Clinique de psycho-therapie suggestive d'Amsterdam, pendant la deuxieme periode 1889-93. 8°. Paris, 1894. Villalonga (L.) Apnntes de terapeutica hipndtico-sugestiva. 8a Habana, 1^92. -----. Importaucia de la terapeutica hipnd- tico-sugestiva. 8°. Habana, 1895. Wetterstrand (O. G.) Om hypnotismens anvandande i den praktiska medicinen. [Ap- plication of hypnotism in practical medicine.] 8c Stockholm, [1888]. AUo, in: Hygiea, Stockholm, 1888, 1, 28;-130; 171. -----. The same. Der Hypnotismus nnd seine Anwendung in der praktisehen Mediciu. 8U. Wien $ Leipzig, 1890. -----. Thesame. 8c Wien cy Leipzig, 1891. -----. The same. Hypnotism and its appli- cation to practical medicine. Authorized transl. Cfrom the German ed.), together with medical letters on hypno-suggestiou, etc., by H. G. Pe- tersen. 8C. New York <.y London, 1897. -----. The same. 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Cong, internat. de nied. 1897, Mosc. 1899, iv, sect. 7, 3ls-323. ------. De la suggestion envisagee comme cause d'erreur dans les recherches therapeutiques. Kev. de Thypnot. et psychol. physiol.. Par.. 1900-91. xv, 52-56. ------. Les applications tie l'hypnotisine a ledm-ation des enfants vicieux ou degeueres. Presse med. beige, Brux., 1901, liii. 72(3-731. AUo • Psychiat. en Neurol. Bl., Amst.. 1901, v. 302-3o7. ------. Les*applications de l'liypnotisnie a 1'education des enfants vicieux ou di'goneies. Uaz. d. hop., Par., 1901. lxxiv, ]081-los:f.— It« 1 nlit im (H.) Der therapeutische Werth tier Hypnose- und die Methode des Hypuotisirens. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1889, xxxix, 1345: 1377: 1410. ------. Conferences cliniques sur la sug- gestion therapeutique. Kev. med. de l'est, Nancy, 1895, xxvii. 417: 489; 577. AUo: Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol.. Par., 1895-6. x, 33; 70; 97.—B<'rt»vhing«-i-(H.) Ein Fall von Scorbut und ein Fall von Aniiinie ilurcu Hypnotismus g'lieilt. Ztschr. t. Hypnot. [etc.] Leipz., 1*97, vi, 355. — Ititlon IH.) Quelques applications thera- peutiques d.- llivpiiotisine. Marseille nied., 1901, xxxviii, 6*4; 705.— Bi«'»«T (G.) .Suggestion: its applit alion in pediatrics. Suggestions, Chicago. 19110. v, 1-7.—Biiii-t 1A.) La suggestibility an point tie vue tie la psychologic individnelle. Annee psvchologique. Par., 189*-9 v. 82-152. Also: Ann. d. sc psych.. Par., 190n, x. 70; 157; 204.— Bin* wan ■£<-■- i'R.) Feber die Erfolge tier Suggestiv- Therapie. V. i handl. tl. Cong. f. innere Med., "Wiesb., 1892. xi, 299-312.—Birch (C. O.I Hypnotism as a thera- peutic agent in disease. Australas. M. Gaz.. Sydney, 1893, xii, 251. — Klitli 1 A. J.) L'auto-siiggestioii comme moyen therapeutique. physique et moral. Kev. ile l'hvp- not. et pswhol. physiol., Par., 1896-7, xi, 225-228. —Kol- laan. De hypnose in depractijk. Nederl. TijcUcbr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1888, 2. R., xxiv, 346-355. —Bonjoiir. Gu6risons par llivpnotisme. Per. med. de la Sms,e Rom., Geneve, 1895, xv. 185-209.—Bonne (G.) Feb. > Suggestiousbehandlung in tier tiigliclien Praxis, tit-sunders bei Alkoholisteu. .Monatsehr. I prakt. Wasserh.. Miin- chen, 1901, viii, 241-245— Booth (J. A.i Report of four cases treated by hypnotism. N. Vork M. •!.. 1893, lvii, 271. — H01111I011. Application tie peViagogie suggestive; goniiMiubiilisiin: 'liurne, troubles tin caractore, etc. Kev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol.. Par., 1890-7, xi, 45-48. ------. La psychotherapie envisagee comme complement de la therapeutique generale. Ibid., 1898-9, xiii, 146-151. ------. L'alcoolisine et le tahagisine. traites avec. surees paria suggestion hypnotique. Ibid., 1x99-1900, xiv. pt. 2, 145-149. — It rii in well (M.) La valeur therapeutique ile l'hypnotisme et tie la suggestion. Cong, internat. de neurol., de psychiat. |ete.| 1*97, Unix., 1898, i. fasc. 3, 27-34. [Discussion). fasc. 1, 225. AUo [Abstr.]: Pin Frfes med. Par.. 1^97, 3. s., vi, 215. AUo: Kev. tie hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1897-8, xii, 129-137.— Brn-ultiiik (ll.) Kenige ttevallen verbeteid of genezen door sugk'estie.therapie. Metl. Weekbl.. Amst., 1899-1900, vi, 683-6n'7 - Broil maun (K 1 Zui Methodik der hyp- notischen P.ehantllung, Ztschr. I. Hypnot. [etc.], Leipz., 1897, vi, 1: 1898, vii, 1.—Broil I In tli i\.> Weitere Bei- triige iiber suggerirte Narkosen. St-.hweiz. Vnl.i-.chr. f. Zahnh., Basel' &. Genfeve, 1899, ix, 215-221.— Brown Hypnotism (Therapeutic use of). (ii. V. I.) Attention, an adjuvant in therapeusis. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1896, xxvii, 128-131. ------. Practical dillicullies of psycho-therapeutics. Ibid., 1897, xxix, 625- 627. Bullitl "(J. II.) Thernpeutie. suggestion. Metl. Age, Detioit, 1900, xviii, 404-412 —B11 i«o* (C.) Do hyp- notisnio coino agente aiiosthosieo e therapeutico. Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1889-90, 3. s., vii, 349-35 !. —Kurr (F. W.) The therapeutic value of hypnotism. Am. Med., I'liila., 1902, iii, 19-21. 4'n rl-.t-ii (.1.) Ilypiiotismen som LiCge- iniiltlel. | Hypnotism as a curative agent. | I'gesk. f. La-ger, Kjol.'eiili., 1887, 4. K, xvi,711 714. «-1 iiin (H.) Krfolge tier hypnotischeu Suggestiv-Behan.lliing in der Praxis. Ztschr. f. Hvpnot. [etc.], Leipz.. 189,-7, v,219: 1898.vii. 36.— Dt'iciim iV. X.) Hypnotism, and its use in medicine. Internat. M. Mag., Nl X\, 1899, viii, 321-324. — Drsplatsi (U.) Applications therapeutiques de riiypuotisiuo et de la suggestion. J. tl. sc. nied. tie Lille, 188li, viii, 633: 665. ------. Irritation spi- nale d'origine hysteriqiie; guerison par la suggestion. Rev.de l'hvpnot'. et psychol. physiol.. Par., 1895-6, x, 05- 70. ------. L'hypnotisine cause tie maladie: riiypnotisnie agent therapeutique. J. d. sc. med. de Lille. 1897. ii. 5: 97; 121. Also [Abstr. |: Rev. do riivpnot. et psychol. ph\ siol., Par., 1897-8, xii, 33-42. — Uinz (K.i La psicoterapia. Arch.de la Soe. estud. clin. tie la Habana (1890-92), 1895. v, 164-172.— I>iclil. Die Suggestion in der Hypuose; ein therapeutis. Ins Kusi/.eug in tier Hand ties praktisehen Ar/,tes. Ztschr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Frankf. a. M., 1899, viii, 1152-658.— I>i««-u«.«iioii (Alim hvpnotisin iu therapeutics. Brit. M.J., Loud., 1*90, ii, 112-440 -Bonalb i.l.) Feber Hypnotismus untl Suggestionstherapie. Internat. klin. Rundschau, Wien, 1892, vi. 1510-1543. AUo: Pest, med.- chir. Presse, Budapest, 1892, xxviii, 889-892. AUo: Wien. nied. Wchnschr.. 1893, xliii, 201; 247: 292; 337.— Dour:iyloii (II. S.) A fascicle of cases in suggestive (hy pnoti. 1 therapeuties. ,1. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1898. xxxi.' 1398-1400.— l>uboi«. FeberSnggestion und Psycho 'I'liei apie. (!or.-Bl.f.schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1900, xxx,'65 76.— I>nt loux (P.) L'hyp- notisme therapeutique. (ia/.. hebd. cl. sc. med. tie Mont- pel., 1889, xi, 123; 133. — ■>■■ iiioiil|>iilli<-r (D.) Rolo tlierapeutique tie la suggest ion et de 1'auto-suiJgestioii. Rev. de l'hvpnot. et psychol. physiol.. Par., 1896-7, xi, 113- 116.—Enwaltl (R.) 'Muutainia hypnoottiscn suggestio- nin avulla parannettuja laudin tapauksia. [(Quelques ma- ladies gueries ail mtiyen de la suggestion hynnotique. Res., 111.) Duodecim. llelsingissii. 1889, v. 105-108 —Kr- (KolMlii (V.) nipnotism 1 nieskolko opitov llecheniya im v Kaluzhskol gubernskol zemskol bolnitsle. [. . . anil several exjieriments of treatnient by it in the hospital of the Kaluga government zemstvo] Shorn, protok. Obsh. Kaluzh. vrach. 1895, Kaluga, 1896. xxxiv, 60-103.—Esk- ritlye (J. T.) Hypnotism in general medicine; a few suggestions from personal experience. West. M. Kev., HYPNOTISM. 764 HYPNOTISM. Hypnotism (Therapeutic use of). Lincoln, Neb.. 1897. ii, 37. AUo, Repriut.— Farez (P.) De la suggestion pendant le somnieil naturel dans le traite- nient des maladies mentales. Rev. de l'hvpnot. et psy- chol. physiol.. Par.. 1897-8, xii. 257: 292; 324. Also, Ke- print. — Felkin (R. W.) Hypnotism, or psycho-thera- peutics. Kdinb. M. J., 1889-90, xxxv. 240: 330: 437; 532; 730; 923; 1023. Also. Reprint.—Fcrrand. La medica- tion hvpnogogique. Rev. de 1 hypnot. et psychol. phy- siol.. Par.. ls9.".-6, x. 257-202. Also: Med. mod.. Par., 1896. vii. 153—Field in:; (Mary S.l Suggestion: its relation to children. Hypnot. Mag'., Chicagi.~ 1897. ii. 25-28.—Fi- l.-tloHAI') () primlenenii hipnotizatzii k terapii. [Hyp- notisatioi in therapeutics.) Protok. zasaid. Obsh. vrach. v g. Simbirskie (1888-9), 1890, 18-26.— Fillcbrown (T.) Hypnotic suggestion as an obtundent and sedative. Tr. World's Columbian Dent. Cong . Chicago. 1894. i. 178-200. [Discussion], 316-324.—Flatau (G.) "" Feber den Heil- werth der Hypnose. Wieu. klin. Kuiidschau, 1899. xiii. 907-910.—Flower (S.i Hypnotism. Med. World. Phila.. 1896, xiv, 457. — Fontan & Sejjnrd. Observations tie suggestion therapeutique. L'ompt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1886, 8. s., iii, 539-548. — Foul (A.) Zur suggesti- ven Therapie. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1890. Leipz., 1891. lxiii. pt. 2. 317-328. -----. Zur Hypnose als Heilmittel. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1894, xli, 144-146. -----. Das Verhaltniss gewisser therapeu- tischer Methoden zur Suggestion. Alls.. Wien. med. Ztg., 1894. xxxix, 501. AUo: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1894. Leipz., 1895, lxvi, pt. 2. 2. Hlfte., 195-200. -----. Die Suggestiousmethoden in der Politik. (Ein suggestiver Scherz.) Ztschr. f. Hypnot. [etc.], Berl., 1894-5, iii, 341. -----. Quelques mots sur la nature et les indications de la therapeutique suggestive. Rev. med. de la Snisse Rom.. Geneve, 1898, xviii, 694-700.— Fournier. Quelques mots sur l'hypnotisme au point de vue therapeu- tique. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 18S6, lix, 536. Also: Praticien. Par., 1886, ix, 313-316.—Franltcl (M. O.) Hypnotismus zu Curzweeken. Neurol. Centralbl.. Leipz. 1885. v, 65-68. AUo, Repriut. -----. Hypnotismens Anwendelse i The- rapien. [Use of hypnotism in therapeutics.] Ugesk. f. Lseger, Kjobenh.. 1887, 4. R.,xv, 245-255. — Friedrich i L.) Die Hypnose als Heil mittel. Aun.d. stadt. allg. Krankenh. zu Miinchen (1890-92). 1894. vi, 113-140. Also, Reprint. — Frigerio. Terapia suggestiva. Arch.di psicliiat. [etc.), Torino, 1902. xxiii. 54.—4»aldi (R.) La suggestione nella psicoterapia. Manicomio mod., Napoli. 1894, x, 315-330.— Gehring i.T. G.) On some successful therapeutic re- sults obtained with hypnotic suggestion. Cleveland J. M.. 1898, iii, 160-166.—«erri*h (F.H.) The remedial uses ot hypnotism. Tr. Maine M. Ass., Portland, ls92. xi, 116-140. Also. Reprint. — tierster (C.) Beitriige zur suggestiven I Psychotherapie. Ztschr. f. Hypnot. [etc.]. Berl., 1892-3, ] i. 319-335.—4wiugeol. De I'emploi tlierapeutique de la suggestion a l'etat tie veille, et des etfets utiles qu'on peut en attentlre. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par.. 1898, xii, 433-437. AUo: Rev. de l'hvpnot. et psychol. physiol.. Par., 1898-9, xiii. 65-76. — Godnefl" (I. V.) Hipnotizin i yevo terapevticheskove znacheni'e. [Hypnotism and its therapeutic value. ] Dnevnik Kazan. Obsh. vrach. pri imp. Univ., 1886. x, 197-210. — Gorodichzc. Divers troubles d'origine psychique gueris par .suggestion il l'etat de veille. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol..physiol.,Par.,1895-6. x, 152-154.—Goudard (H.) Faitspour servir a l'histoire de3 actions externes au contact ou ii distance des substan- ces medicaincnteuses ou autres. J. de med. tie Par.. 1895. 2. s., vii. 691-693. — CJrassct (J.) Du somnieil provoque comme agent therapeutique (therapeutique suggestive). Semaine rn6d.. Par., 1886, vi. 205.—Ureen (H. L.) Hyp- notism not a gain. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1896. xxvi, 463. — Griffith (B. A.I Suggestion as an assistance in the treatment of disease. Peoria M. J., 1898. iii, 12- 23. — Grossman n (J.) Die Suggestion, speciell die hypnotische Suggestion, ihr Wesen uud ihr Heilwerth. Ztschr. f. Hipuot, [etc.], Beri., 1892-3, i, 355; 398.— Halphidc (A. C.) Mental medicine. Am. Med. Surg. Bull., N. T.. 1896, x, 541. —Hart (E.) The new mes- inerism. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1*93, i. 77; 127: 198; 261 : 301; 362. — Hartford (W. P.) Psychotheraneutics. Med. Rev., St. Louis. 1897, xxxvii, 55-58. —If a r wood (C. H.) The conservative phase of hypnotism iu thera- peutics. Boston M. Sc S. J.. 189a, exxii. 520. AUo, Re- print.— Ha nek. Zwangloses zur Suggestion aus der Praxis. Aerztl. Prakt., "Hamb., 1896, ix. 491— Hauer (A.) Zur Lehre von den Athniungs- und Kreislaufs- erscheiuungen bei der Hypnose. Prag. med. Wchnschr.. 1889, xiv, 393-396. — Hecker (A.) Ueber die verschie- denen Methoden der psvehisehen Behandlung. Ztschr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Frankf. a. M.. 1896, v. 579-589.'— Herman (N.) Hypnotism in general practice. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1898. xxxix, 771-775. [Discussion], 777-780.—Her- ter (C. A.) The therapeutic uses of hypnotism. Med. News. Phila.. 1888, liii, 456-4.> — Hirsch (M.) Zur Be- gritl'shestimmung der Hvpuuse. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl.. 1895, xvi, 1029 —Ilirt. Zwei durch Suggestion er- zielte Heilungen. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. 1891, Bresl., 1892, Ixix, med. Abth., 9.—Hitchcock | Hypnotism (Therapeutic use of). ii 5 W.) Hypnotism; its present and possible therapeutic uses aud relations. Physician 6c Surg., Ann Arbor Mich., 189o. xii. 337-343.—Hofmanii (A.) Die Sugges' tionstherapie in der internen Medeziu. Deutsche Tiled. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1899, xxv, 611; 629. —Hood (C. T.) Hypnotism iu every-day life. J. Orific. Surg., Chicago, 1895-6. iv, 460-473.-----. Suggestive therapeu- tics in the treatment of chronic cases, or as an aid to ori- flcial surgery. Ibid.. 1897-s vi, 147-162.—Holz (P.) Er- fahrungen mit Brodtbeekssugeerirteu Narkosen. Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahuh.. Zurich Jc Geneve. 1900, x. 157-164.— Ilotvartl (W. L.i Hvpnotism as a therapeutic agent. Tr. M. Soc. Yirg.. Richmond. 1892. 71-85. AUo, Reprint. -----. The practical uses of suggestive therapeutics. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago. 1S96. xxvii, 131-134. AUo, Reprint.—IIrase (J.) .Pfispevekksuggestivni tkerapii. [Contribution to . .) Casop. 16k. Cesk., v Praze, 1889, xxviii, 331: 35s.—Hul«it .H.i Therapeutic uses of hyp- notism. Med. Rec. N. \5. 1893. xliii, 265-267.—Hunt (R i A resume of medical livpnotism. Tr. Louisiana M. Soc . N. Orl., 1896. 145-157/ AUo: J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago. 1897. xxxviii, 145-1 Is —Hypnotism as a therapeu- tic agent. Lancet, Lond., 1890, i, 1201-1203.—Hytten (S.) Helbr. thlser ved hypnotisk Behandling. [Cures by liyp- notism.) Ugesk. f. Lieger, Kjobeuh., 1887, 4. R., xvi. 645- 651.—Importance and uses of hvpnotism. Med. News, N. T., 1896, Ixix, 495.—Jaeobi (Mary 1'.) A suggestion iu regard to suggestive therapeutics. "N. Tork M. J., 1898, lxvii, 485-489—James (P..) Hypnotism. Med. Times & Hosp. Gaz.. Lond.. 1894, xxii. 249; 266.—Jfasiewicz. De la medication hypnotique et des medicaments hyp- notiques nouveaux. Bull, et mem. Soc. de therap., Par., 1893, 227 - 244. — Kerr (N.) Should hypnotism have a recognised place iu therapeutics/ Med. Press A: Circ, Loud., 1890. n. s.. 1.252.—Keyc* (T. B.) Suggestive hyp- notism, with electrical massage, in the treatment of in- fantile paralysis, general paralysis, neurasthenia, rheu- matism, and other affectious. Memphis M. Mouth., 1896, xvi, 621-626. ----- The treatment of dipsomania, mor- phiamania, and onanism by hypnotism. J. Mat. Med., Terre Haute. Intl.. 1896, xxxiv, 51. Also, Reprint.— Kievskoye Psikhiatricheskoye Obshtshestvo. [Kiev Psychiatric Society. ] Doklad komissii po voprosu o terapevticheskoin primieneuii hipnotizma. [Report of the commission on the therapeutic use of hypnotism.] Protok. Kiev. Psikhiat. Obsh., 1899-1900, ii,' 33-42.— Kingsbury < G. C.) Should -we give hypnotism a trial f Tr. Rov. Acad. M. Ireland, DubL, 1890-91, ix, 165-180. Als.,.- Dublin J. M. Sc, 1891, xci, 396-406.— Koch (P. D.) & Schlcisuer (G.) Hypnotismens An- vendel.se som Lajgeruiddel. [I'se of hypnotism as a thera- peutic agent.] Ugesk. f. Lieger, Kjobeuh., 1888, 4. R., xvii, 10-17.—Konis^hofer (().) 1st Hypnotismus ein in der Augenheilkunde zu verwerthendes Heilmittel? Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1888, xxvi, 13-20.—ron KrafTt-Ebiug (K.) Bemerkungen zur hypnotischeu Heilmethode. Wieu. med. Presse, 1889, xxx. 1185-1188. -----. £ur Verwerthuug der Suggestionstherapie (Hyp- nose) bei Psychosen untl Neurosen. Wien. kliu. Wchn- schr., 1891. iv, 795-799. Also, in hU: Arb. a. tl. Uesammt- geb. tl. Psychiat. n. Neuropath., Leipz.. 1897, 2. Hft., 165- 180—Lacl(i'i>tteii (N. H.) The scientific aspects of medical hypnotism, or treatment by suggestion. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, ls9o. xv, 704; 747'. [Discussion], 766.— ■.amaiina (F.) Coutributo alio studio tlella ipuote- rapia. Puglia med., Bari, 1898, vi. 3-13. — ff.epiuay (L.) Considerations generates sur les applications de la therapeutique psychique en medecine veterinaire. Kev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol.. Par., 1898-9, xiii. 180- ls2. — Lewin (G.I Ein Beitrag zur Frage tier Hypnose und ahnlicher Zustaude aus tier klinischeu Abtheilung fiir Syphilis tier Koniglichen Charite. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr.. Leip/. u. Berl., l-s8. xiv, 64. AUo, Reprint.— I.icht- sehein (L.) Hypnotism as a therapeutic agent. N.York M. J.. ]s9ii, lxiii, 703-708. Also, transl: Monitor med., Lima. 1896. xi, ls7: 205.—I.iebeault (A.-A.) Quelques considerations sur la suggestion therapeutique. Rev de psychol. clin. et therap, Par., 1897-8, i, 7-11.—l.ieher- mcistcr (C.) Suggestion uud Hypnotismus als lleil- mittl: Psvchotherapie. Handb. d. spec. Therap. inner. Krankh., Jena. 1895, v, pt. 2, 79-109. AUo: Handb. d. Therap. innerer Krankh., Jena, 1898. 2. Autl., v, 77-107.— Lockwood (T. F.) Faith, fraud, aud suggestive thera- peutics. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri, Kansas City, 1899, 197- 208.— Lopez V illaloiijja (J.) Casos curati os por la psicoterapia. Arch.de la Soc. estud. clin.de la Habana (1890-921, 1895, v, 215-231.— 1.iitkeu (G.) Hypuotismeu anveuilt ved Sygebehaudling. [Hypnotism applied in treatnient ot diseases ] Ugesk. f. Lager. Kjobeuh.. 1887, 4. R., xvi, 617-629: ls8s, 4. R., xviii, 505; ' 53:;. — f.iim- broso (G.) L' ipnotismo come mezzo curati\o. Speri- mentale, Firenze. 1889, lxiii, 632-641.—L.uys iJ.i Appli- cations therapeutiques de l'hypnotisme. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1889, Ixii, 893: 918; 941. 5----. i)u transfert comme methode therapeutique dans le traitenient dea maladies uerveuses; guerison rapide a I'aide du transfert d'un caa HYPNOTISM. 7(35 HYPNOTISM. Hypnotism (Therapeutic use of). tie paralysie croisee datant de tpiatorze mois, chez une jciine fllle bystt riipie. aprt^s l'hisucces de tons les nioyens ile therapeutique usuels. Kev. d'hypnol.. Par., 1890, i, 39- 48 — H't'olgnii (J. T.) Suggestive therapeutics. South. Pract.. Nashville. 1899, xxi. 371-384.—lleKuen (O.) Sug- gestive therapeutics. Kansas City M. Index-Lancet, 1901, xxii, 275-280 — ^Innou vricz. Kagc imaginaire gu6rie par suggestion religieuse rVho nit tl. du nord, Lille. 1900, rv, 219-221. Alto: Kev. de l'hvpnot. et psychol. physiol.. Par., 1899-1900, xiv, pt. 2. 370-374— .Tin rlin (E. H.f lhe use of hypnotism in general practice. Med. Kec, N. V.. 1900, lvii". 170-173. Also: Mississippi M. Kec., Vicksburgi) 1900, iv. 315-325.— .Mason (S. O.l Some cases treated by hypnotism and suggestion. X. York M. J.. 1899. Ixix. 37- 41.— .Michael (J.) Beitriige zur livpnotischen Therapie. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 18.-9. x, 719-721.—.Tloil. Der Hypnotismus in der Therapie. Verhandl. d. IVrl. med. Gesellsch. (1887), 1888, xviii, 159-165. -----. Therapeu- tische Erfahrungeu auf dem Gebiete des ny pnotistnus. Ibid. .18891, 1890, xx, 129-139. [Discussion |'. 148-156.— ITIosinj; i SV.) Zur Wiirdigung der Suggestivtherapie. Wieu. med. Presse, 1892. xxxiii, 52-56.—.Tlolt (W. S.) Psychological therapeutics. Calif. M. J., San Fran.. 1899, xx, 37-13. —.Tloyer (H. N.) Suggestion without hypno- tism as a therapeutic agent. Medicine, Detroit. 1900, vi, 728-730 — Tliiller (F.) Ueber Hypnotismus untl Sugges- tion, sowie deren therapeutische Anwendung in tier iirzt- licheu Praxis. Centralbl. f. tl. ges. Therap., Wien. 1889,vii, 193-209.—."Veall (W. H.) Hypnotic suggestion intheprac- ticeofdentistry. Internat.Dent. J.,Phila.,1900.xxi.437-450. [Discussion], 484-493.—Ncr> (M.). de Ma (H.) ;226.— ©"'Fnrrell . Eng. M. Gaz , Bost., 1890, xxv, 315- I 32s—Piiter iR. A.) Suggestive therapeutics ; thecura- ! tive application of hypnotic suggestion. Middlesex Hosp. J., Loud.. 1900. iv, 46-58. — Ponndorf ( R.) Ein Erfolg der Sugg, stionstherapie. X. Heilkunst. Berl., 1900, xii, 119.— I'rni* (A. A.) Hipnotizm kak terapevticheskoye sredstvo. [Hypnotism as a therapeutic agent.] Metl. besleda, Yororo/I, 1901, xv, 608-613. — Preston lie. h.nii viiuslieni'em. [On treat- ment by suggestion. | Vrach, St.. Petersb., 1898, xix, 582- 585.—MjoHlrom (A.) Kin Fall vou spontanem Somuatn- bulismus auf hystenscher Grundlage mit schuellster Hei- lung durch hypnotische Suggestion. Ztschr. f. Hypnot. [etc.], Leipz., 1898. vii, 263-265—Smith (G. G.) Sugges- tion in medicine. Boston M. \ S. J., 1902, cxlvi. 108-112. [Discussion], 115-120.—Moiila^nes (H.) De Taction therapeutitpje du magn6tisme animal daus des maladies a 16sions anatoiniques definies. N. Montpel. m6d., 1897, vi, 895-89?.—Sperling. Einige therapeutische Versuche mit der Hypnose. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1888, vii, 313; 373; 413. -----. 1'eber den Hypnotismus und seine HYPNOTISM. 766 HYPNOTISM. Hypnotism (Therapeutic use of). Bedeutung in der heutigen Medicin. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1889, xv, 890-892. AUo: Ver- handl. tl. metl. Ver. zu Greifswald 1888*i9, Leipz., 1890, 159-172.—Mtarck (H.) Heilerfolge durch Hypnotismus. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1896, xliii, 741-744.—Statis- tique des maladies traitees par les methodes dealvees de Thypnotisme dans le service de M. Luys pendant le corns de l'annee 1890. Ann. de psychiat. et d'hypnol.. Par., 1891, n. s., 10-16.—Stembo (L.) Therapeutische Anweudnng der praehypnotischen Suggestion. St. Petersb. med. "Wchnschr.. 1892, n. ¥., ix, 349-351.—Stcphau (B. H.) Hypnotisme en suggestie, en hunne therapeutische betee- kenis. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1888, 2. R., xxiv, 177-189. 4 Uo, transl.- Alienist Sc Neurol., St. Louis, 1889, x, 27-44.—Slur:; is (K.) The use of suggest ion during hypnosis of the fli st degree as a means of modifying or ot completely eliminating a fixed idea. Med. Rec, N.Y., 1894, xiv,193-197.-----. Resultsof further experience in the use of the suggestion under slight hypnosis. Ibid., 1899, lv, 274- 278. AUo, Keprint.—Tatzel(lt. W.) Warum wild der Werth ties therapeutischen Hypnotismus noch immer so wenig erkannt ? Ztschr. f. Hypnot. [etc.], Leipz., 1896, iv, 46-53.-----. Die suggestive Behandlung einzelneiFornieu der Parasthesie dor Geschlechtsempfindung. Ibid., 1898, vii, 249-256.—Taylor (J. M.) Hypnotic suggestion as a practical aitl to medicine. Univ. M. Mag.. Phila., 1898-9, xi, 433-440. Also: Tr. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1899, xx, 51- 65.—Tel n ikh in (A.) Sluchai uspieshnavo priruieneniya hipnoza. [Successful application of hypnotism.] Vrach, St. Petersb.. 1887. viii, 492. —Teuscher (H.) Feber suggestive Behandlung der Kinder. Ztschr. f. Hypnot. [etc.], Leipz., 1898, vii, 321-328—Tonoli (S.) Ipnotismo ed ipnoterapia. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1893, Hi, 307; 319; 329; 343.— Turkey (C. L.) Case of mischievous morbid impulse in a child treated by hypnotism. Indian [M. Rec, Calcutta, 1899, xvi, 649. ---—. Some notes on hypnotic suggestion. J. Phys. Therap., Lond., 1900, i, 104-109.—Valentin (P.) Du role complementaire de la i suggestion dans la cure ties aft'ections chirurgicales chez les nevropathes. Kev. tie l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1896-7, xi, 332-337. -----. Le role clu sommeil pro- voque dans la therapeutique suggestive. Kev.de psychol. clin. et therap., Par., 1897-8, i. 297-310.—Van Velsen (P.) La suggestion therapeutique. Cong, internat. de neu- rol., de psychiat. [etcl 1897, Brux., 1898, i, fasc. 2, 201-206. -----. Hypnotisme et psycho-th6rapie. Ann. Soc. m6d.- chir. du Brabant, Brux., 1901, xi, 24-38. AUo: Presse med. beige, Brux., 1901, liii, 1-16.—Ventra (D.) La sug- gestione non ipnotica nelle persone sane e nella psicotera- pia; studio sperimentale e cliuico. Manicomio mod., No- cera, 1891, vii, 75-122. — Ylnvianos. Le traitement de l'alcoolisme par l'hypnotisme. Kev. de l'hvpnot. et psy- chol. physiol., Par., 1899-1900, xiv. 301-365.—Vogt (O.) Hie Zielvorstellung der Suggestion. Ztschr. f. Hypnot. [etc.], Leipz., 1896-7, v, 332-342. — Voisiu (J.) Amour vicieux traite par la suggestion. J. de med. int., Par., 1900, iv, 717.—Voison (A.) Uu cas de perversite morale gue.ri par la suggestion hypnotique. Rev. de l'hypnot. exp6r. et therap., Par., 1888, iii, 130-132. — Vyazemski (LV.) Primieneie hipnoticheskikh vnusheniy s liechebnoyu tsielyu. [Application of hypnotic suggestion for med- ical purposes.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1900, xxi, 551-555.— Warda ( W.) Darf dem Pflegepersoual die Vornahme thei apeutischer Hypuosen iibertrageu werden 1 Ztschr. f. Krankenpfl., Berl., 1902, xxiv, 16-18.—von Walraszrir. ski. Die Hypnose als Linderungs- und Schlafmittel bei schwer Leidendeii. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1894, lxiii, 865-867. Also: Med.-chir.Centralbl.,Wien, 1894, xxix, 539-542.—Wegner. Ein Gang durch das Gebiet der Psy- chotli.rapie [(vulgo Hypnotismus). Aerztl. Centr.-Anz., Hamb., 1895, x, 329-333.—Weisz (D.) Beitiiige zur Sug- gestivtherapie. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1893, xliii, 1546; 1593; 1626.—Wctterstraiid (O. G.) Die Bedeutung ties Hypnotismus zu Heilzweckeu. Aerztl. Pract., Hamb., 1891, iv, 73-80. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1891, xxvi, 81; 98. -----. Om den nyare psyko-terapiens (hyp- notismens) litteratur. [Modern literature of psycho- therapeutics (hypnotism).] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1894, lvi, 609-622. — Widniark (J.) Revue de l'liypnotisme experimentale et therapeutique. Ibid., 1887, xlix, 63- 71.—Wilkin (W. P.) The practical uses of hypnotism in public clinics. Post Graduate, N. Y., 1896, xi'. 278-286, lpl. Also: Clin. J., Lond., 1836-7, viii, 380-384. -----. A consideration of the place and value of hypnotism in the treatnient of disease. N. York M. J., 1898[ lxvii,432.— Wingale (15 O. B.) Hypnotism iu the treatment of disease. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1898, xxx, 848.—Wizel (A.) Kilka slow o hypnozie i leczeniu hypuotycznem na zasadzie wlasnych spostrzezen. [On hypnotism and hyp- notic treatment based on personal observation.] Medy- cyna, Warszawa, 1895, xxiii, 417; 435. — Wood (H. C.) Hvpnotism in therapeutics without suggestion. Lancet, Loud., 1890, i, 74. — Wood* (J. F. ) The treatment by suggestion, with and without hypnosis. J. Ment. Sc, Loud., 1897, xliii, 248-276. -----. Hypnotism in or- ganic disease. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1898, ii, 677.—Ycllow- Hypnotism (Therapeutic use of). lee* (D.) The uses and dangers of hypnotism. Ibid. 677.—Zautmilolf (M. A.) Hipnoticheskoye vnushenie, kak llechebnoye sredstvo. [Hypnotic suggestion as a method of treatment.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1899 xx 64- 104: 131; 163.—Zifler (E.) A belegzesi gyogymod javala- tai. [The proposition for suggestive therapy.] Gyo- gydszat, Budapest, 1898, xxxviii, 779; 797. Hypnotism as anwsthetic. See, also, Anaesthetics in obstetrics. Elliotsox (J.) Numerous cases of surgical operations without paiu iu tbe mesmeric state; with remarks upon the opposition of many mem- bersof the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society aud others to the reception of the inestimable blessings of mesmerism. 8°. London, 1843. -----. The same. 8°. Philadelphia, 1S43. Loysel (A.) Recueil d'op^rations chirurgi- cales pratiquees sur des sujets magnetises. 8°. Cherbourg, [1845, vel subseq.~\. Mksnet (E.) Cystocele vaginale op6r6e daus le somnieil hypnotique. 8\ Paris, 1889. Abraham. Hypnotismus und Suggestion; ihre Ge- schichte und Brauchbarkeit fiir die Zahnheilkunde. Cor.- Bl. f. Zahniirzte, Berl., 1899, xxviii. 193-209.—Bra in well (J. M.) Hypnotic anaesthesia. Practitioner, Lond., 1896, lvii, 393-397. Also, transl.: Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1896-7, xi, 321-326.—Broca (P.) Note sur une nouvelle methode anesthesique. [Abstr.] l'ompt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1819, xlix, 902-905.—Clark ((.'.) Hypnotic anaesthesia; a case in practice. Calif. M. J., San Fran., 1896, xvii, 207-209.—Davis (C. G.) Hypno- tism and surgery. N. Albany M. Herald, 1896. xvi, 55-58. -----. Hypnotism; its application in surgery. Sugges- tions, Chicago, 1899, ii, 243-247.— Demonstration of hypnotism as an anaesthetic during the performance of deutaland surgical operations. Lancet, Lond.,1890, i, 771.— Fort (J.-A.) Operation ehirurgicale pratiquee pendant le somnieil hypnotique. [Transl. from: La Razdn, 1887, Oct. 22.] Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.|, Par., 1888, cxv, 175- 177.—Fiirlh(J.) Eine Operation in der Hvpnose. "Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1888, xxxviii, 994-997.—Gibcrt. De la suggestion dans le sommeil chloroformique. Normandie med., Kouen. 189-', vii, 473-479. — Ilotviirtl (\V. L.) Sur- gery under hypnotic suggestion. N. York M. J., 1892, lvi, 99.—Hudson (T. J.) Hypnotism; a universal anaes- thetic in surgery. Ibid., 1894, lx, 769-773. AUo, Keprint.— Hypnotism used by Dr. Milne Bramwell as au anics- thetic during surgical operations. J. Brit. Dent. Ass., Loud., 1890, xi, 268-272. AUo: Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1890, ix, 273-275.—Janet (P.) Une operation ehirurgicale pendant le somnambulistne provoque. J. tie neurol. et hypuol., Par., 1897, ii, 2^-24— .feaflreson (C. S.) Hyp- notism during an ophthalmic examination. Lancet, Lond., 1892, ii, 1071.—Keyes (T. B.) Hvpnotic anesthesia. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1896, xxxiy, 369-371. AUo, Reprint,— f.anphear (E.) Hypnotism in surgery. Am. Pract. &. News, Louisville, 1890, n. s., x. 260-262.—Librmi (A.) I'n cas d'application ehirurgicale de l'hypnotisme. Clini- que, Brux., 1887, i, 413-415.—Lombroso (C.) L' ipno- tismo applicato alia procedura penale. Arch, di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1887, viii, 243-246.—Long (E. (...) Hypno- tism as a means of inducing anaesthesia and as a therapeu- tic agent; being observations made chielly among the native races of South Africa. Middlesex Hosp. J., Lond., 1899, iii 63-70. Also: South African M. J , Cape Town, 1899-1900, vii,32-36.— Hat Utuialtl (A.) Surgical opera- tions during hypnotic sleep. N. York M. J., 1899, Ixix, 887. AUo, Reprint.—iTIontoya. Observation d'anes- thesie hypnotique daus un hut chirurgical. Rev. de 1 hyp- not. et psychol. physiol.. Par., 1897-8, xii, 246.—Pamie- tier (H.) L'avulsion des dents chez des sujets hypno- tises. Soe.. d. sc. me,d. de Gannat. C. r., Par., 1887, xli, 115.—Pitres (A.) Anesthesie ehirurgicale par sugges- tion. Therap. contemp., Par., 1886, vi, 395.- Bitter (P.) Beitrag zu zahnarztlichen Operatiouen im Stadium tier Hypnose. "Wien. zahniirztl. Monatsehr., 1899, i, 483-487. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1899, xxxiv, 615.— Sclimcllz. Amputation du sein fatte pendant l'anes- thesie hypnotique. Gaz. med. de Strash., 1890, xlix, 79- 81.-----. Sarcome du testicule gauche opere pendant le sommeil hypnotique. Kev. tie l'hypnot. et psychol. phy- siol., Par., 1895-6, x, 120 — Sclmitzler (J.) Exstirpation von Nasenpolypen in tier Hypuose, nebst Bemerkungen iiber Anwenduug des Hypnotismus bei Neurosen ties Larynx. Internat, klin. Rundschau. Wien, 1888, ii, 1257- 1260.—Valentin (P.) Hysterie male infantile; onanisme invetere; circoncision pendant le sommeil hypnotique. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1896-7, xi, 233- 236.— Vogt (O.) Ueber die Natur der suggerirten Anas- thesie. Ztschr. f. Hypnot. [etc.], Leipz., 1898, vii, 336- 341.—Wood (B. K.) Hypnotism in chorea and confine- HYPNOTISM. 767 HYPOCHONDRIASIS. Hvpnoti«lll as antcsthctic. ment. Hypnot, Mag., Chicago, 1897, iii, 2.19.— Wood (E. L.) Operation under hypnotism. Med. Rec. X. V. 1890. xxxvii, 11. Hy pilot i kiii >'< animals. " Yerwohn (M.) Beitriige zur Physiologie des Centraluervensystems. I. Theil. Die aoge- nannte Hypnose der Thiere. s . Jena, 189*. Bicrnaclii (E.) Hypnoza u zab przy roznorodnych Srodkach: przyczynek do uauki o hypnotyztuie; badanie diiswiadczalne' ["Hypnosis iu frogs by various methods; experimental research.) Przegl. lek., Krakdw, 1889, xxviii. 167: 18 5 197: 210: 224: 240. Also, transl.: Arch. psicliiat. [etc.], Kharkov. 1889, —.iii. no. ;(, 85-123. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Arch, tie physiol noun, et path.. Par., 1891, 5. s.. iii, 295-308—I»aiiil«'v«ki (V. 1.) Sravni- telniya nablyudeniya nail hipnotizinoui zhivotnikh. [('om- parative researches on hypnotism of animals.) Fiziul. sbornik (Ihuiilevski), Kharkov, 188s, i, 411-446. -----. Ye- diustvo hipnotizina u chelovleka i zhivotnikh. [Identity of hypnotism in man and animals.] Ibid., 1891. ii, 101-140. AUo. Reprint. AUo [Abstr.]: Dnevnik 4. siezda russk. vrach.. Moskva, 1891, 139-157.—«iley (K.) De quelques conditions tavorisant l'liypuotisine ehez les greuouilles. Compt. rend. Sue. de biol.. Par., 1895. 10. s., "ii. 518-521. Also: Ann. de psychiat. et d'hypnol.. Par.. 189", n. s., v, 260-262.— . Cas d'hypuotisine ehez ties oiseaux decrits tl£s 16tt. parleP. Kirclier. [Abstr. ] Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 18H0, 1, 166.— I.ethar«ie (La) chez 1 homme et les animaux. Ilex-, de l'liypnet et psychol. physiol.. Par., 1815-6, x. -_'S1-•>:;.—■.>»■■■ <^ i.l.) Les phe- nomenes hypuotiipies chez les animaux. 'Transl. from: Italia terinale, ls9i'. Ann. de psychiat. et d'hypnol. Par., 1>92. n. s.. ii, s:0-:i:»6.— tloore (H.) Hvpuoti-m. Vet. Mag., Phila., If90. ui, 40,-: 465.—Prentis* < D \\5 i Hyp- notism in animals. Am. Naturalist, Phila., 1882. xvi. 715- 727. AUo, Reprint.— Ktsnniill iF.i L'hypnotisme chez les animaux. Rev. di ! A\pn..t. et psvchol. physiol.. Par., 1899-1900. xiv. 267-270— Nh Iniiotvdia (Alll'e. M.) Sill- ies conditions favorables et det'avorables a l'hypnose chez les grenouilhs. Aich. ital. tie biol., Turin, 1901-2, xxxvi, 90.—Vasehiile i X.j L'hypnose chez les greuouilles. Nature. Par 19'H)-1901, xxix, pt. 2. :Ss5. II vpilot Um in surgery. See Hypnotism as anaesthetic. Hypnotism and hypnotic suggestion. A sci- entilic treatise on the uses and possibilities of hypnotism, suggestion, and allied pheuoiueua, by thirty authors. Kilited by E. Virgil Neal aiid Charles S. Clark. 5. cd. xiii, 259 pp. 6°. L'o-'hcstn, [1900]. IIypilotisiiic.il bed5md af fat-kman, jemte en uppsat> i iiinnet af Tyko Brunnberg. [Hypno- tism judged by specialists; together with a trea- tise on the subject, by Tyko Brunnberg.] ii, 79 pp. -J. Upsala, C J. Lundstrom, [1893]. Contains es>ay> by Li6beault, Bernheim, Forel, von Kratft-Ebing, Wietterstraud. aud Brunnberg. Hypiioto\ine. *Portier (P.i A: Kichei (('.) Sur les effets physiolo- ficpies du poison des tilainents pecbeurs et des tentacules es coelenter£s (hypnotoxine). Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1902, exxxiv, 247. Hypoxemia. See Anaemia. Hypoaemia (Tropical). See Anaemia (Trup'n-al). Hypoazoturia. See Urea; Urine (Chemistry of). Hypochlorite*. Su-. also, Disinfectants. WailliauiH (S. H.) Determinations nt available chlo- rine in tht; commercial hypochlorites. Vale M. J.. X. Ha- ven, 1896-7, iii. 106-109. Hypochond riasis. See, also, Flatulence; Gonorrhoea (Compli- cations of, Neurotic); Hysteria: Melancholia. Adriani CM.) "De afiectione hypochondriaca. 4J. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1704. Bastasixi (L.) * Della ipocondria. 8 . Pa- via, 1539. Hypochondriasis. Bkykhmax (G., *De affectione hypocbondri- aca. 1 . Harderovici, !?">:>. Bili.akdet (C.) *De morbo hypochondriaco. 4^-. Strasbourg, an AY (1803). 1>E Bdnnk-Maison (A.) * De melancholia hypochondriaca. 4J. Lugd. Bat., 1578. Bourgoin (L.-C.-A.) * Sur l'hypocondrie. 4 . Strasbourg, 1*25. Bkaciiet (J.-L.) Traite" complet de l'hypo- chouilrie. 8°. Paris, 1*11. van Bpkkn (D.) # De affectione hypochon- driaca. sm. 4-'. Lugd. Hut., 1711. Buanis ((}. C.) ' De iniarctibus hypochon- drioiiun. 12 . Vindobonie, 1*20. Biiaun (K. M.) * De hypochondria. *c Vienna', \832. Combe (A.) * De male hypochoudriaci sede. 8°. Edinbnrgi, 1827). De Glkkia (A.) * Dell' ipocoudriasi. 8J. Padova, l-*5t>. Desdeserts (J. D.) * Apercu sur l'hypochon- drie. 4 . Montpellier, 1833. vax DiEPEXiiitui'iiKN (T.) * De nounullis hypochoudrioriiin affeetibus, causas, proguosin et meilelaiu eorum complexa. 4°. Traj. ad Rhe- num, 17,")7. Drnois (E.-F.) d'Amiem. Histoire philoso- phique de l'hypochondrie et de l'hyste'rie. 8■'. Paris, 1833. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1855. Du Miixd (J.) * De hypochondriacorum mor- bosis affeetibus. 4°. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1705. Fick (D. C.) * De malo hypochondriaco et hysterico incolis Saxouise inferioris proprio. 4°. Erfordicv, [172.")]. Fouxasixi (L.) Delia ipocondria e dell' iste- rismo. Brescia, 1858. Fokstekis (M.) Tartarus Hypochondriorum. Das ist: Naturgemass kiinstliche Beschreibung der Tartar-Kranckheit, welche von dem Fabri- cators niorborum in Cuciebitulis balnei hypo- chondriorum, von den Excrementis procreatio- uuui elenientorum crescentitim, etc., zusammen colligieret, und in ein Miueram fabriciret wor- deu, wo danu solche auch zu gewisser Zeit und auss unterschiedtlichen Ursachen paroxysmiret, Welie unnd Schmertzen machet sonsten Melan- cholia hypochondriaca geuaudt, ex mera et syn- cera operatrice arte medica descripta. 16°. Gera, 1614. Fracassixi (A.) Natune morbi hypochou- driaci ejusque curatiouis nicchauica iuvestiga- tio. 8 -. Ver once, 177)5. (JE.sExirs (C.) " De malo hypochondriaco. 4 . Lugd. Bat., Kill:?. Gmi i ith (T.) * Ue affectu hypochoudriaco. A\ Lugd. Bat., 1725. van di.k IIaiikn (('.) * Dc melancholia hy- pochondriaca. 4 >. Lugd. Bat., 1715. Hele (H.) * Disp. med. de morbis hypochon- driasis et hystericus. 1 . Traj. ad Rhenum, 1719. Hkvman (J. (J.) * De pra'cipuo literatorum inorbo affectu hvpochondriaco. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1732. Hill (.Sir .1.) Hypochondriasis. A practical treatise on the nature and cure of that disorder; commonly called the hyp and hypo. 2. ed. 8a London, 1775. Bound with: Hn.i, (J.) Centaury, the f,*reat stomachic [etc.]. 8°. London, 1765. tex Hookn(J.) * Do morbo hypochondriaco. 4°. Harderovici, 1715. Huth (J. P.) '* I >e affectione hypochondriaca. sm. 4°. Argentorati, 1061. Hypochon-dkie. 12j. [Berlin, 1783.] Cutting from : Krunitz. Oekon. technol. Encykl., Berl., 17K3, xxvii, Th., 566-690. HYPOCHONDRIASIS. 768 HYPOCHONDRIASIS. Hypochondriasis. Kohen (L. I.) * De morbo hypochoudriaco. 4°. Gottinga; 1739. Also, in: Rkhtkr (G. G.) Opusc. med. 4°. Francof. & Lipsiee, 1780, i, 28^1. Krayfanger (F. G.) * De mali hypochon- driaci ad minimum sextuplici specie. 4-5 Duis- burgi, 1771. AUo, in: Leidenfrost (J. G.) Opusc. phys.-chem. et metl. 12°. Duisb. ad Rhenum, 1797, i, 205-239. Lair (G.) * Au affectus hypochondriacus sympathico-couvulsivus? 8C. Cadomi, 1745. Mohr (C.) * De affectionibiis hypochondri- aca diatribe, sm. 4°. Rinihelii, 1678. Pickfokd (P.) On certain forms of hypochon- driasis and debilities peculiar to man. With practical observations on true and false sper- matorrhoea. Transl. from the German aud edited with an essay ou sexual debility by Fran- ces Burdett Courtenay. 8. ed. 8°. London, 1875. Reid (J.) Essays on hypochondriasis and other nervous affections. 2. ed. 8°. London, 1821. Revillon (C.) Recherches sur la cause des affections hypochondriaques appel^es commun6- ment vapeurs; ou lettres d'un me"decin sur ces affections. Nouvelle 6cl. 8°. Paris, 1786. -----. The same. Briefe eines Arztes an einen Hypochondristen. Aus dem Franzosi- schen iibersetzt von L. C. L. 12°. Gotha, 1781. Rothe (H. [R. A.]) *De hypochondria. 12°. Berolini, [1859]. Rowe (G. R.) A practical treatise on those nervous diseases which are denominated hypo- chondriasis or low spirits, aud dyspepsia or in- digestion. 2. ed. 8°. London, [n. rf.]. -----. The same. 3. ed. 8^. London, 1841. -----. The same. Nervous diseases, liver and stomach complaints, low spirits, indigestion, gout, asthma, and disorders produced by tropical climates; with cases. 7. ed. 8°. London, 1844. -----. The same. 11. ed. 8°. London, 1849. -----. The same. 13. ed. 8°. London, 1852. -----. The same. 16. ed. 8°. London, 1860. Schacht (H. 0.) * De melancholia hypochon- driaca. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1693. Scheerders (A. F.) * De natura et sede morbi hypochondriaci. 4°. Gandavi, [1828]. Schoenenberg (H. J.) * De malo hypochou- driaco. 4C. Duisburgi ad Rhenum, 1762. Scholten (C. W. R.) *De malo hypochon- driaco. 4°. Duisburgi ad Rhenum, 1762. Sterck (J.) * De passioue hypochondriaca. 4°. Harderovici, 1763. Stochius (A.) til. *De affectione hypochon- driaca. 4°. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1730. Taube (W.) * Ueber hypocbondrische Ver- rucktheit. b°. Dorpat, 1886. Trombetti (F.) Apologia contro una lettera del Sig. Stanislao Omati, sopra la cognitione, e cura di passione ipocondriaca. 24°. Genova, 1674. -----. La bilancia, nella quale si librano au- torita, e ragioni, coutenute nell' antilogia apolo- getica, data alle stampe dal Sig. Stanislao Omati, appartenenti alia vera eognizioue, e buona cura del morbo ipocondriaco. Opera. 12°. Genova, 1582. Turner ( G.) *De morbo hypochondriaco. 8°. Edinburgi, 1756. Also, in: Smellie. Thesaurus med. [etc.]. 8°. Edin- burgi & Londini, 1785, ii, 401-426. Vehhoevex ( A.) * De hypochondria. 8C. Lugd. .Bat., [1844]. Vetault (V. ) Du delire hypochondriaque dans certaines formes d'alienation mentale. 8°. Paris, 1886. Hypochondriasis. Walter (G.) * De suffocatione hypochon- driaca in viro. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1588. Walther ( [H. J.] G. ) * De mali hypochon- driaci natura et causis. &c. Berolini, ls45. Weber (R.) Hypochondrie und eingebildete Krankheiten. 8°. Berlin, 1887. -----. The same. Hypochondrie cn inge- beelde ziekten voor geneesheeren en leeken ge- schetst. 8°. Amsterdam, [1888]. Westhoff (R.) * De affectu hypochondriaco. sm. 4°. Argentorati, 1668. Whytt ( R. ) Observations on the nature, causes, and cure of those disorders which have been commonly called nervous, hypochondriac, or hysteric; to which are prefixed some remarks on the sympathy of the nerves. 2. ed. 8°. Edin- burgh, 1765. -----. The same. 8°. Edinburgh, 1767. -----. The same. Les vapeurs et maladies uerveuses, hypocondriaques, ou hysteriques, re- conuues et trait6es dans les deux sexes. Trad, de l'anglois. 1*2°. Paris, 1767. -----. The same, Nouvelle ed. 16°. Paris, 1777. -----. Thesame. Underrattelse om de sjuk- domar, som gemenligen fa namn af nerwe-hypo- chondriske och hysteriske tilfalligheter, for- namligast uijallsjuka och moderpassiou, til deras natur, orsaker och botemedel pa En- gelska utgif'ne. Ofwersiittning. [Transl. from the English.] 16°. Stockholm, 1786. Wierzchowski ( S.) * De hypochondria et hysteria. 8°. Vindobonw, [■». d.]. Wiesen (J. L.) * De hypochondriasis octen- nis, quacum sex annis ex quo comparuit arthri- tis conjuncta etat, natura et indole, diagnosi, prognosi, cura. 12°. Heidelberg®, 1829. Ypelaer (G.) *Disp. afiectiouis hypochon- driaca? historiam et cnraudi modum continens. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1661. Zeviaxi (G. V.) Del flato a favore degl' ipo- condriaci, libri due. sm. 4°. Verona, 1755. Alessi (U.) Contribute alia patogenesi del delirio ipo- condriaco. Clin, mod., Pisa, 1898. iv, 275-279.—Alliums (J.) On hypochondriasis and nosophobia. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1895, n.s., ex, 1-13. Also, transl.: Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1894-5, liv, 487-500. AUo, Reprint. — Bnllet(G.) L'hypochondrie. Rev. g6n. tie clin. etde th6- rap., Par.. 1896,x. 257-262. AJso[Ahstr.l: Rev. prat. d. trav. demed.,Par.,1896,liii,169.—Boetliacr(A.) UeberdieHy- pochondrie. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1898, xxxi, 378-404.— de Brim (H.) Hvpochomlrie k deux. Bull, med., Par., 1888,ii, 1139-1141. Also: Nice-med., 1888-9, xiii,6-12.—Burr (C. B.) Hypochondriasis ; what is it ? Physician & Surg., Ann Arbor & Detroit, 1891, xiii, 433-445. Also: Tr. Detroit M.&.Libr.Ass.,1891,178-190.—Coellio(S.) O rim niovel do hypochondrio. Med. contemp., Lisb., 1901, xix, 392-394.— (iotard. Hypocoudrie. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par., 1889, 4. s., xv, 136-157.—Dercum (F. X.) Hypochondria. Phila. M. J., 1902, ix, 283- 288. — Glnnncres (M.)_ nepi- n-Ttotris neXavyoKiai; vnoxovpSiaxrif iaSelira. 6iai//v\iK^s 0epa- jret'as tcai iv eioei iinofio\ris iv cypr/yoptret. TaKrjvbs, 'Afljjvai, 1895, xxv, 113-116. —Ooldberg (S.) Hypochondria. N. YorkM. J., 1894, lix, 499.—Gull (YV.W.) & Anstey (E.) Hypochondriasis. Syst. med. (Reynolds), Lond., 1868, ii, 293-305. AUo, in: Collect, published writings of . . ., 8°, Lond., 1894, 287-304.—IVIcCnrtie ( D. B.) Hypochondri- asis. Med. Kec., N. Y., 1894, xlvi, 486-4^8. — .Tlcmlcl. Ueber Hypochondrie beim weiblichen Geschlecht. Ver- handl. d. Ver. f. innere Med. zu Berl., 1888-9, viii, 231); 263. AUo : Deutsche med. "Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1889, xv, 205-209. AUo, Reprint.—Mercklin (A.) Ueber Hypo- chondrie. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1892, n. F., ix, 417- 420.—Pick (A.) Zur Lehre vou deu sog. bypochoudrischen Anfiillen, nebst Bemerkungen zur Pathologie der iuotori- schen Sprachl'orstelluiigen. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1889, xvi, 141-144.— Pi tenir ■> (A.) De affectione hypochon- driaca. InhU: Op. omn., 4°, Lugd. Bat., 1737, 158-164.— Pontoppidaii (K.) Hypokondri; Moraenteraf defuuk- tionuelleNeuroserspsykiskeBehaudling. [Hypochondria; features of the psychic treatment of the functional neuro- ses.] Bibliot. f. Lasger, Kjobeuh., 1897, 7. R., viii, 89-110.— Savage (G. H.) Hypochondriasis and melancholia. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1891, n.s., Iii, 247.—Schonheider (J. H.) Beobaehtungen von der Hypochondrie und dem dabey anzuwendenden Gebrauch der Blutigel. In: HYPOCHONDRIASIS. 769 HYPOPHOSPH1TES. Hvpoclioiidria*i«. Merkwiirdige Krank. n-.s.'li. [etc. I. 85 Halle, 1795, 242-247.—!* mi Hi (W.ll.i My pocliomlriasis. Cincin. M. J., 1S06, xi. 145-149. — WollfiilM-rs i R.) Casuistischer l'eitra" zur Kenntniss tier psveliisehen Anfiille bei Hypo- chomlrie. Charite-Ann.. Berl.. 1890. xv, 349-372. Hypochondriasis (Cases and treat- I ■ment of). Crcger (.1.) Casus inedicus de morbo litte- ratonim, sive affectione hypochondriaca, an- j nexis in fine quibusdam corollariis, autornin i.l- lcgatornm indice, et resolutions brevi aphorismo iii. lib. v. Hippocratis. sin. 4 \ Zittavia; 1703. Gravel (J. P.) *-.Egruni liypochoudriacuni, j proponit. sm. Ac Jena; [167;")]. Kampf (J.) Abhandlungen von einer neuen Methode, die hartniickigsten Krankheiten, die ihren Siu im Unterleibe haben, besondeis die Hypochondrie, sicher und griindlicli zu heilen. 3. Aufl. --. 71 ien, 178-. de Moxtallegry. Hypochondrie, spleen, ou neAiiise* trisplancliuiques. Observations rela- tives a ces maladies, et leur traitement radical. f . Paris, 1*11. Smollivs (G.) Trias maritima, proponciis per introductionem trium iegrotantitim, sorornn; morbosarum, doine*>tii arum, hypochondriacte splenetics; hypochondriacte nieserait ;e; bypo- chondriaca' phantastica*; ortum et interitutn. 32- Hambnvgi. 1610. Bn»lif (M.) Quelques cas d'hypocontlrie. Langue- do« in. 1 . Toulouse, 1S94, iv, 67-72.—Bt-llelhriui (K.) Ein Fall vou Fremitus hypochondriacus. Centralbl. I. klin. Med., Leipz., li-8'J. vii. 185-1,^7.—C'axlin (P.) Un cas de d£lire hypocondrinque a form<° Evolutive. Ann. m6d.- psychol.. Par.. 1SK"1. 8. ■*.. xi 472-4-1.—Crete. Suruneas d'tiypochondrie. R.-v. me.l .1.- N5.i mandie, Rouen, 1900, 164-169.—Buraiid-Fardfl 'M.i Observation d'hypo- rhondrie. Ann. tued.-psycli.. Par., 1852. 2. s., iv, 65-78.— Duval (E.) Hypochondrie datant ile plusieurs anu6es; prompte amelioration par l'liydrotherapie. M6d. con- temp., Par., Ic89. xxx. 73: 1890". xxxi, 269. -----. Hypo- contlrie promptement t-'u6rie par riiydrotherap'. pem'taut la saison hivernale. Ibid., 1896, xxxvii, 319.— II urn ivrli (J. H.) Observatio tie insigni usu vena? salv.it. II.e in duobus subjectis. malo hypochondriaco splenetieo all.ctis. S.lecta uic'.. Francof.. Francof. atl Yiadr., 1740-43. ii.57-68.— Iloiaholt' A.W.) H5 po. hondriasisatnl li ypot hondriacal ideas: a case of self-mutilation Ot-eidentai M. Times. San Fran..1901,xv.317-320.— II ut liiirtl. Hypoiondrieaforme aninnophobique termine.- par 1>- -n ..■cde. Bull.et in6m. Soc. ratd. d. hop de Par., 1893, 3,8., x, 77-82. — Ipoeontli i;i polia." in a I o*i*. See Anaemia. Hypokinesia. Sec Paralysis (Spinal). Hypophosphites. See, ct Iso, Hydrophobia, Phthisis, Treatment of. Churchill (J. F. ) Trattamento delle ma- lattie del petto col mezzo degl' ipofosfiti. Ver- sione dal francese. 2. ed., aumeutata di una terza parte, contenente le osscrvazioni di medici italiani e le aggiunte del iltitt. Gregorio Fedeli. 8c Bom a, 1*71. See, also, infra. McArthuh (J. A.) Notes on the treatment of consumption with the syrup of the hypo- phosphites. K'>'J. Boston, ]*7*. Itotltlat'i'l (A.) Contribution ii I'etude de l'action des hypophosphites sur la nutrition. Ann. Soc. de med. de Hand, 1895. lxxiv, 188 2(13. Also: Audi, tie pliarmacinl., Gand et l'ar., 189!>, ii. 195-207. —Church ill (J. F.) Trattamento delle malattie tlel petto col inez/odeirr iiinl'os- fite. Versione dal francese tlel Dott. Gregorio Fedeli. Ippocratico, Fano, 18<;*5 3. s., xiii, 27; 62; 108; 158. Also, Reprint. Sei; aUo, supra.—iiamU-r (L.) De lassimi- lation des hypnpliosphitcs. Kev. m6d. de l'est, Nancy, 1892. xxiv, 737 714. ------. Nun assimilation ties hypo- phosphites, niiiiii' a dose inetlicainenteuse. Ibid., 1896, xxviii, 257-262. — II n jo* (L.) A syrupus hypophit comp. gyogyerteke es specialis indical ioja. |. . . its curative value and special indication.! (> vogV'is/.ut. Budnpest, l'.ioo. xl, 85-87.—.Innit- iP.) Tlieliypi'iphosphites. Metl. Press & Circ., Lond., 1885, n. 8., xxxix, 435.—.TIn'«-ol & <-A-im<'l. Du role des hypophosphites dans la medication plin-.phat.ee et hypoplinspliitee. J. de pliarm. et chim., l'ar., 1901, 6. s., xiv, 337-351. .Vlorgiiu ( K. C.) The ad- ministration of the hypophosphites in powder. Marvland M. J., Bait., 1885-6, xiv, 223. AUo, Reprint—Pciligo (L li ) The single hypophosphites in defective nutrition of bone and nerve tissues. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1894, HYPOPHOSPHITES. 770 HYPOSPADIAS. Hypophosphites. xxii, 77-79.—Value of the hypophosphites in the treat- ment of phthisis pulmonal'is, tuberculosis, scrofula, chronic bronchitis, neurasthenia, anaemia, general debility. marasmus, and all wasting diseases. By a fellow of the Medical Society of Virginia. Virginia M. Month., Rich- mond, 1888-9, xv, 459-462. Hypophysis cerebri. ' See Pituitary body. Hypopyon. * See, also, Cornea (Inflammation of, Compliea- eations, etc., of); Cornea (Ulcevs of). Gierl (M.) Das Hypopyon oder Eiterange, und seine Behandlung vorzuglich durch die kiinstliche Entlehrung des Eiters. 16°. Augs- bure). 18*25. Mauchart (B. D.) De hypopyo: dem Eyter- Aug, gravi ac intricato affectu oculi. 4:. Tu- bingcv, [174*2]. Also, in.- Diss. med. select. 12°. Tubingce, 1783, i, 48-114. (Gonzalez Prats (A.) Del hipopion. Gac.ined.de Granada, 1888, vii. 297; 329— Knmpoltli (R.) Ipopio idiopatiro iu donna gravida da tre mesi. Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1885-6, xiv, 492-497.- Sei me mi (E.) Ricerche bat- teriologiche sull' ipopio. Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1887-8, xvi, 510-523. Also, lieinlic. d. Cong. d. Soc. ottal. ital. 1887, Pavia, 1888, 137-150. — Sing (G ) Cocaine in the treat- ment of hypopion. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta ]>.*>.">. xx, 377.—Siiiiirra (P.) 11 biclorurodi mercurio in 11 i].c.)iion. Gazz. di med. pubb., Napoli, 1886, xvii, 257-262 -7,iim (E.) Zur Behandlung der Hypopyon-Keratitis. Wien. kliu. Wchnschr., 1899, xii, 222-224. Hyposerochroinia. " Dor ( L.) Hypos6rochromie et hyperserochromie. Compt. rend. Soc. 'de biol., Par., 1901, 11. s.. iii, 1119. Hypospadias. * See, also. Epispadias; Genitals (Jurispru- dence of); Genito-urinary organs (Abnormities of); Hermaphroditism. Ferreiua de Camakgo (J.) * Contributiou a l'dtude de l'hypospadias. 4°. Paris, 1-91. Mercier (J.) *De hypospadia et epispadia. 12°. Berolini, 1H41. vox Mohrenfels (K. W.) * Beitrag zur Casuistik der llypospadie. [Erlangen.] 8C. Wiirzburg, 1890. Ballautyne (J. W.) Case of hypospadias in a newborn infant. Teratologia, Lond. 5 York M. J., 1885. xli, 419 —Salin (M.) * Ett fall af fullstiindii; hypospadiasis. [A case of complete hypospadias.) Hygiea, Stockholm, 1886, xlviii, 151-153, 2 pl—Sluii'ijjiii (A.K.) Snchai hypospatllii a polnol impotenstiyei. [Hypospadias with complete impo- tence ] Protok. zasaitl. Kavkazsk. med. Obsh., Tiflis, lgs7-8 xxiv. 476-47S—Stiiison (J. C.) Glandulopenile hypospadias. Pacific M. .1.. San Fran., 1898, xli, 521, AUo: Boston M. & S. J. 190U. cxliii. 58. Hypospadias (Treatment of, Operatire). ' See. also. Hypospadias in the female. Carpextieu (C.-H.-J.) * Sur le traitenient chirurgical de l'hypospadias pe"ri»eo-scrotal. 4C. Bordeaux, 1892. Chouet (A.) * Traitement de 1'hyposjiadias par les greffes de Thiersch (procede de M. Nove"- Josserand). 8-. Paris, 1899. Courvoisier (J.) * Quelques considerations sur l'operation de l'hypospadias p6nien. 4-. Strasbourg, 1869. Marato (A.-T.) *Du traitenient de l'hypos- padias et en particulier de hypospadias pe'riue'o- scrotal. 8°. raric l*9<. Eecre (H.) * Etude critique de l'hypospa- dias et de son traitemeut; uouvelle methode de recoustitution de l'nretre au moyen des greffes autoplastiques de M. le professeur Oilier. 8°. Lyon, 1897. Satrian (X.) * De la cure radicale de l'hy- pospadias balanique et de l'hypospadias peuieu juxta-balanique. 8\ Paris, 1900. Beck (C.) Neue Operatiousmethode der Eiclielhypo- spadie. N. Yorker med. Monatsehr., 1897, ix, 596-599. Also, transl.: N. Tork. M. J., 1898. lxvii, 147. AUo. Re print. -----. Beck's operation for hypospadias. >5 Tork M. J., 1899, Ixx. 212. AUo, transl: Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1899, xxvi. 4. -----. The operation for hypospa dias, with the demonstration of three cases successfully treated by the forward dislocation of the urethra. N.York M. J., 1900, lxxii, 969-974. AUo : Year Bk. M. Ass. Gr. N. York. 1900-1901, 40-42. AUo, transl.: Deutsche med. "Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1901. xxvii, 777-780.—Bidder (A.) Eine Operation der Hypospadie mit Lappenbildung aus dem Scrotum. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u Berl., 1892. xviii, 208.—Bonisson. Remarques sur quel quesvari6t6sde l'hypospadias et sur le traitement chirurgi- cal qui leur convient. Compt.rend. Acad.d.sc, Par., 1860, li, 552-554.—Brener (F.) Eiue neue Operation der Hypo spadie der Eichel nach Bardenheuer. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1898, xxv, 1089-1092. Also: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1898, Leipz., 1899. Ixx, pt. 2. 2 Hlfte.,146-148.—Cerruti (G.B.) Sulla cura dell' ipospadia penoscrotale. Gazz. tl. osp., Milano, 1899. xx, 1393-1395.— (rosti (F.) Sulla cura chirurgica dell' ipospadia di 2" grado. Boll. d. Poliambul. di Milano, 1890, iii, 115-121.— Fitzgerald (T. N.) A new operation for hypospa dias Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1886, viii, 390-393.—von Hacker. Zur operativen Behandlung der Hypospadia glaudis. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing. 1898, xxii, 271-276.— HYPOSPADIAS. 771 HYETL. Hypospadias (Treatment of Operatire). ■Inrdie (J.) Case of hypospadia ; successful treatment by plastic operations. Med. Chron., Manchester. 18s9. x, 384-387. — Karewski. Ueber eiueu Fall von geheilter Hypospadia perineales und eine bei Kindern typisclie Form der Peuisfisteln. Ber. ii. d. Verhandl. tl. deutseh. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Leipz.. 1891, xx, 130. — Kiiiy-bui y ("W. V.) Surgical treatment of hypospadia. Am.,I. Der- mat. & Genito-Urin., Dis., St. Louis, 1897, i. no. 3, 14.— Kronacber. Zur operativen Behandlung der raann- liehen Hypospadie I. Grades. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1896, xliii, 161-171. AUo [Abstr.l: Miinchen. metl. "Wchnschr., 1896. xliii. 301. AUo [Abstr.l: Sitzungsb. tl. arztl. Ver. Miinchen (1895), 1896. v, 157— l.nnderer (A.) Operation der Hypospadie aus dem Scrotum. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz.. 1891-2. xxxii. 591-593.— I.alien. ■tein (C.) Zur Plastik tier Hvpospatlie. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1892, xliii, 3-4. Hft., 203-207. — Lewis (B.) A case of complete hypospadias; urethroplasty; recovery. Aiu. .1. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis.. St Louts, 1897, i, no. ;; 12. Also : Med. Herald, St. Joseph., Is9s. n. s.. xvii, 16- 18 Link (I. W.) Eine Motlifikation zur Operation der Hyp.'.-padie. "Wien. med. "Wchnschr., 1897. xlvii. 2377- 237!'. — .Tlarwedel (G.) Erfahrungen iiber die Beek'sche Methode der Hypospadie-Opeiation. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibiug.. 1900. xxix, 25-34. — Honteyiincco (A.) Ipos- padia perineale; uretro-plnsti. a: guarigione. Atti tl. Ass. med. lomb., Milano, 1896, 14-23, 1 pl AUo : Boll. clin. scient. d. Poliambul. di Milano, 1896, ix, 1-11. 1 pl.— Hloorr (W.) The treatment of severe hypospadias, with notes of a case. Intercolon. M. J., Australas, Melbourne, 1899, iv, 171-175. fDiscnssiou], 182-184. — \ovi -.!„,»,. rand. Traitement de l'hypospadias; nouvelle methode. Lvon med., 1897. lxxxv. 198-200. AUo I'i..\iuce m'ed., Lyon, 1897, xi, 5s.:. Also: Bull. See. .1. . liir. de Lyon. 1897-8, 21-24. —Paquet (F.) L'h>p..spadias et son traitement. Notd med.. Lille, ]s:i8. iv. 243-216.— Parham (F. W.) Hypospadias and epispadias with special reference to their operative treatment. N. Orl. M. S: S. J.. 19oo-19ul, liii. 373-403. AUo: Tr. South. Surg. Sc Gynec. Ass. 1900, Phila., 1901, xiii, 188-228. -----. Opera- tion for severe perineo-scrotal hypospadias. N. Oil. Si. & S. J.. 1900-1901, liii, 449-453.— Poii—on .A.) Opeiation d'hypospadias p£rin6o-scrotal en une >eule seance. Bull. et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1892, n. s.. xviii. 432-437.—de Quervain (F.) L'operation de l'hypospadias balanique Semaine m£d.,Par., 1901, xxi, 65.— Reczey (I.) Hypospa dia gyogyult esete. [Cureof a case ot. . .1 Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1896, xl, 637.—Rochet. Noiiveaa procede pour refaire le canal p6nieu dans l'hypospadias. Gaz. hebd. de j m6d., Par., 1899, n. s., iv, 673-676. -----. Restanration du canal de l'uritre dans l'hyposnadias. Province metl., Lvon, 1899. xiii. 269-271. AUo: Gaz. d. hop. de Toulouse, 1900. xiv. 141-143.—Russell (R. H.) Operation for severe hypospadias. Brit. M. J.. Lond . 1900. ii, 1432-1435. AUo i [Abstr.]: Intercolon. M. J., Australas.. Melbourne, 1900, v, 185-187, 1 pl.— Tuflier. Traitement tie l'hypospadias par la tunnellisation du p6nis et l'appiication des greffes Ollier-Thiersch (proced6 deNove-Josserand). Ann. tl. mal. I d. ortr. genito-urin., Par., Is99. xvii, 370-372.— Valentine (F.C.i Hypospadias operated i.nl.v Bei k's met hod. Metl. Rec, N. Y., 1900, lviii, 124.—Van Hook (\V. i A new operation for h\ po~padias. Ann. Surg. I'liila., 1896, xxiii, 378-393. AUo A i»tr.]: Chicago M. Recorder, 1896. x, 242- 254. — Villemin. Operation d'hypospadias balanique. Bull. So. . d. p.-diat. de Par.. 1899, i. 71.— Waltz (H.) Ein Fall von geheilter Hypospadia perinealis. Deutsche ' metl.Wchnschr.. Leipz. u. Berl.. 1899. xxv. 298.— Wal'ni. Zur operativen Behandlung tier Eichelhvpo^pa.lie Cen- tralbl. f.Chir.,Leipz., 1899, xxvi. 1036-1U39. — W ille in « i M.) Contribution au traitement de riiyptnpudi.is balanique. Clinique, Brux.. 1900, xiv, 193. Hypospadias in animals. Retterer &. Roger (G.-H.) Note snr nn can d'hy pnspailjan ]ierin6o-st.-iotal chez nn chien Compt. rend. S.n.de biol. Par., 1887. 8. s., iv, 644.-----------. Anato- mie des organes g6nito-nrinaires d'un chien hypospade. I.del'anat.etphysiol. [etc.], Par., 1889, xxv, 113-124, 1 pl.— Storch (C.) Ein Fall von Hypospadie bei einem Roth- hirsch untl die Hypospadie uberhaupt. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Veterinark., Wien. 1890, u. F., iv, 29-36. Hypospadias in the female. See, also. Genitals (Pemale, Abnormities of). Retzius (A.) Handelse af hypospadi, som gifvit auledning till misstag om ktin, iakttagen af Hr. Stadslakaren Dr. C. W. Engelbrecht i Soilerktiping och beskrifven, jemte tillaggom de yttre genitaliernas utvecklingsformer. [Hypo- spadias which gave rise to a mistake in sex, ob- served by . . . and described, with a supplement on the forms of development of the external genitals.] 8°. Stockholm, 1654. Hypospadias in the female. Bitner (C.) Hypospadiasis u kobiety oraz uwagi nad chirurgicznem leczeniem inkontyneucyi. [Contribution au traitement chirurgical de l'hypospadias chez la femme. Res., pp. xxxix-xli.J Przegl. chir., Warszawa, 1893-4, i, 260-281. — Rabagliati (A.) A case of hypospadias in the female; operation; cure. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1887, ii, 619. Hyposystole. See Heart (Neuroses of). Hypothermia. See Temperature (Bodily) in disease. Hypotrichosis. See Hair (Abnormities of). Hypoxaiithin. N< e Adenin; Uric acid, etc. Ilyppokrat [pseud.~\. Sexuelle Politik; ein Spiegel tier Zeit. 2 p. 1., 87 pp. 8°. Leipzig, [H.rf.]. II y rax. Mukie (J.) On the myology of Hyrax capen- sis. 8-. ILondon, 1*65.] Repr. from: Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1865, 329-352. Hyrgol. .See Mercury. Ilvrtl (J[oseph]) [1810-94]. Geschichte der Anatomie an der Carl-Ferdinands-Universitat in l'rag. (Als Programm zur Eroffnung der anato- mischen Vorlesnugen im Collegienjahre 1842.) 49 pp., 1 pl. 8-. Prag, G. Haase Sdhne, 1811. Title-page reads: J. J. Hyrtl. -----. Vergleichend-anatomische Untersuchun- gen iiber das innere Gehororgan des Menschen nml der Siingethiere. viii, 139 pp., 9 pl. fol. Prag, F. Ehrlich, 1845. -----. Znr vergleichendeu Anatomie der Troiu- mellit'ihle. 9 pp., 1 pl. fol. Wien, 1849. liepr. from.- Denkschr. d. math.-naturw. CI. d. k. Akad. d. "Wissensch., Wien, 1849. -----. Haudbuch der topographischen Anatomie und ihrer praktisch medicinisch-cbirtirgiseheu Anwenduugen. 2. Auli. 2v.ini. xiv, 460 pp.; x, 410 pp. 8°. Wien, W. Braumiiller. 187)3. CONTENTS. v. 1. Topographische Anatomie des Kopfes, des Halses, der Brust und des Unterleibes. v. 2. Topographische Anatomie des mannlichen end weiblichen Beckeus, des Riickens, der oberen und unteren Extremitaten. -----. The same. 7. Aufl. 2 v. xxv, *71 pp.; xvi, 78:1 pp. 8°. Wien, W. Braumiiller, 1882. -----. Tlie same. Handbook der topographische ontleetlkunde en barer toepassing op praktische genees- en heelkunde. 2. druk, naar ilen 4. Hoog- duitselien druk under toezigt vau H. J. Halberts- ma, vertaald en met auntceUeningen voorzieu door E. Hanlo. 1. ileel. xxiv, 708 pp., 1 1. 8°. Schiedam, H. A. M. Roelants, 1864. -----. Lehrbuch der Anatomie des Menschen, mit Kiicksicht auf physiologische Begriindung und praktisclie Anwendung. 3. Ann. xviii, 77* pp. b°. Wien, W. Braumiiller, 1853. -----. The same. 10. Aufl. xvi, 957 pp. 8°. Wien, W. Braumiiller, 1857. -----. The same. 11. Aufl. xvi, 967 pp. 8-'. Wien, U\ Braumiiller, 1870. -----. Tlie same. 19. Aufl. xviii, 1095 pp. roy. 8 . Wien, W. Braumiiller, 1887. ----—. The same. 20. Anti. xviii, 1113 pp. roy. - '. Wien, W. Braumiiller, 1889. -----. Ueber die .Selbststenernng des Herzens; ein Beitrag zur Mecbauik der Aortenklappen. iv, 70 pp., 11. *" . Wien, W. Braumiiller, 1855. [P., v. 1891.1 HYETL. 772 HYSTERIA. Ilyrtl (J[oseph])—continued. ] ——x-. Professor Hyrtl's Dankschreihen an das Collegium der praktisehen Aerzte Wiens. 6 pp. I 4°. Vienna;, 1890. Latin text See. also. Knrze* Repetitorium der Anatomie [etc.]. 12°. Wien 5. -----. The same. 3. ed. lo-". Lyon, 1767. | -----. The same. On maladies nerveuses, vulgairement appelees ni.iux de nerfs. Nouvelle ed., augmentee et publiee par ordre du gouver- nement. 3 v. 6. ed. *■*-. Paris, an VII [ 1799]- an XII [1891]. ------. Thesame. Nuevo nietotlo para curar flatus, hypocoudria, vapores y ataques hysteri- cus de las mugeres de todos estados. Con el qual los enfermos podran por >i cuidar tie su salud en falta de medico que les dirija. Extrac- tado y traducitlo por J. Alsiuet. 16J. Madrid, 1776. ------. The same. 16-. Madrid, 17-6. ------. The same. 16-. Madrid, 1794. Ponticelli tS. A.) Di tre specie di affezione isterica e ipocoudriaca; trattato teorico-pratico e constilti. 8;. Lucca, 1759. Pcjol (J.-M.) 'Essai sur 1'hysterie. 4°. Montpellier. 1-19. Ravermt (R.) *De 1'hysterie. 4;. Paris, l-.-.U. Recherches cliniques it therapeutiques sur l'epilepsie, 1'hysterie et l'idiotie. Compte-rendu dn service ties epileptiqut-s et des enfants idiots et arrieres de Bicetre pendant les annees 18*0-88, par Bourueville [et al.]. -a Paris, 1^1-9. Roberton (J.) On the hysteric constitution, beingau attempt to explain the origin and nature of hysteria. 8a Manchester, \83\. Roger (J.-A.-A.-A.) "Dissertation sur 1'hys- terie. 4C. Strasbourg, 1*16. Ronsseus (B.) De humanie vitte primordiis, liysterieis affect ibus. iufantilibusqiie aliquot morljis centones. 16-. Lut/d. Bat., 1694. Rieda (E.[-P.-D.-L] ) "Contribution a I'etude [del'association] dn 1'hysterie avec diffe- rentes maladies. 4 . Paris, 1896. Ruhemann (J.) Die Hysterie. Ihr Wesen und ihre Behandlung. Populiire Darstellung. ~c Berlin, l885>. Sciimid(J. A.) *De suffocatioue uterina. A5 Jence, [1681]. Scott (M. J.) On hvsteria. 8 . [St. Louis, 1-70.] Sis.mus (C.) *De suffocatioue stomachica. 4 a Lugd. Bat., 1695. Sternberg (C.) "De suffocatioue uteri. 4 . Lugd. Bat., 167>2. Talma (S.) Hysterie. 8-. Utrecht, 1*95. Thermes (G.) Traite eiementaiie d'hygiene it de therapeutique de 1'hysterie. ** . Paris, 1 889. Hysteria. Yiu.ermay (L.) Traite des vapeurs ou ma- ladies nerveuses, et particulierement de 1'hys- terie et del'livpocondrie. Nouvelle ed. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 18.12. Voronoff. Hysterie. *■>. Paris, 1895. Vorotinski (B. I.) Isteriya v naukie i v zhizni. [Hysteria iu science and life.] 85 Kazan, 1901. Whytt (R.) Observations on the nature, causes, and cure of those disorders which have been commonly called nervous, hypochondriac, or hysteric; to which are prefixed some remarks on the sympathy of the nerves. 2. ed. 8-. Edinburgh, 1765. ------. The same. 3. ed. 8°. Edinburgh, 1767. ------. The same. Les vapeurs et maladies nerveuses, hypocondriaqnes, on hysteriques; re- connues et traitees dans les deux sexes; traduc- tion de l'anglois. On y a joint: 1. Une exposi- tion anatomique des nerfs. avec figures, par Alexandre Monro. 2. L'extrait des principaux onvrages sur la nature et les causes des maladies nerveuses. 3. Des conseils sur le regime et la conduite qu'on doit observer pour se preserver, taut de l'attaqne que des retours de ces maladies. Ouvrages revus et publies par Lebergue de Presle. 2 v. 12*-. Paris, 1767. Willis (T.) Affectionttm qiue dienntur hys- terica* et hypochondriacal pathologiaspasmodica vindicata, contra respoiisionem epistolarem Nath. Highmore, cui accessertint exercitationes iiiedico-pliysica; dine. 1. De sanguinis acceu- sione. II. De motu musculari. 4 . Geneva;, 159 A. Babinski (J.) Definition de 1'hysterie. Rev. de l'hvpnot, et psychol. physiol.. Par., 1901-2. xvi, 193-202. Alio, transl: Allg. YVieh. med. Ztg.. 1902. xlvii, 48; 58.— It a l'i (A.) 0 sovremennikh cozztieniyakh na isteriyu. [Contemporary view on hysteria.] Obozr. psicliiat.. nevrol. [etc. |. S.-Peterb.. Is99. iv. 880; 954.—Biii«'t-*anjjlif-. Them ie pbvsioloy;iiiiit de 1'hystGrie. Rev. de l'hvpnot. et p.v, ho], physiol.. Par.. 19(10-1901, xv, 257; 289; 321; 353.— IS lack ford (J. Mi Hysteria. Columbus M. J., 1897, xviii, 250-200.—Bri»»antl (E.) Les hvsteries provo- i|ii."-t's. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1889, Ixii, 1217-1223.—Bin-It- lev (C. F.) Pathelesia. Pacific M. J., Sau Fran.. Is99, xiii .".81-586. —But lei- (G. F.) Hysteria. Physieian & Sur^.. Detroit A: Ann Arbor, 1901,* xxiii, 245-259. [Dis- cussionj, 275-277.— Cnramanna (C) L* equivalente is- terico e lo stato secondo quotidiano. Pisaui 1892. Pa- lermo, 1893, xiii, 17-71.—Carroll (K. S.) Hvsteria. Med. Mirror, St. Louis. 1900, xi, 421-444 —Charcot (J.-M.) Clinique des maladies uerveuses. Promes nied., Par., 188,, 2. s., i, 63; 161; 179; 223: ii, 87; 131; 193; 228: 1880 2. s., iii, 125; 151; 170; 190: 329. AUo, transl.: Gazz. il. osp., Milano, 1886, vii, 221; 229; 237; 240: 254. 201; 209; 278; 280: 333; 357; 2.81 ; 390: 400: 438; 44".; 581; 5s9: 597; 605; 638; 0-0. 093; 702; 718; 720; 742; 750; 757; ,06: 782; 7i-9; T'.i-. — 4'larkr (J. Mi On hysteria. Urain Loud., 1892, xv. .'.22 012. ------. (Jlinit-al observations on hvsteria. LuiH-et I.oihI M'.):;. i, 1123; 1185. Also, Keprint — Cocchi (A.C.j Deiininaiii hysteiicoiitl'ectii. Inhis: Kpist. phys.- iin'tl . 4a Par., 17.12. :';4 !0. — Coleman (J. IC.) Hysteria. Pec,ria M. J., 1897, ii, 449 15 — CoiimoI. De la nature de I hvsterie. Hull. See. tie metl. ment de Pile;., C.aild et Li-'ipz., 1892, 17 : 254 — ( o< til (G.) Hysteria. Chit-ago M. Times, 1901. xwiv, 545-552. — (iii I (M. P.) Nature an.I treatment ol hysteria. N. Albany M. Herald, 1896, xvi, 327.— Ilin i.l«.on (A. A.) Ihst.-ria. li.oi^iaj. M. i: S , Savannah, 1898, ii, 299-304.— I>e ■{<>■■ *.i (K.i Sui- l'istc listno. (Iaz/.. tl. clin.. Napoli, 1890, i, no. 10, 1; no. 11, 1—|>t »< liani|>< (E.I Natuie tie 1'hysterie. Arch. sen. de nied.. Par.. 1898, i, 481-492.- I>i*t llwwion ou hvsteria. Glasgow M. J., 1885, [4.J s.. xxiv, 02-71.-E«lson (B.) Is hysteria a tlisease of females only! Am. .1. Ohst., N. Y., 1895, xxxi, 170-175.—Eliot (('.j 'The gravity of hysteria. Proe. Connect. M. Soe., P.ri.Import, 1894. 181-185. AUo: N. York M. J., 1894. lx, ::9n-392. — Viri- (15) Hysteria. Twentieth Cent. Pract., N.Y.. 1897, x, 149-5>2 F«*r«* (('.) cy Koiftr (J.) Note sur l'olijroilactylie cubitale chez les Insteiiiines. Compt. rend. Soe. de biol., Par., 1894, 10. s., i.'619-021.-Foul (A.) Der Uuterschied zwischen tier Sti"gestiliilitiit und tier Hvsterie ; was ist Hysterie! Ztschr. f. H\ |.n.,t. [etcl. Leipz., 1896-7, v, 89-94 — Freud (S.) Feber II vslfi ie. Wien. nied. Presse, 1895. xxxvi, 1038; 1078. [Di'scussionJ, 1717; 1757. AUo: Med. Neuigk.. HYSTEIilA. 774 HYSTERIA. Hvsteria. Miinchen, 1895, xiv, 386; 393. AUo [Abstr.]: Wien. med. Bl., 1895, xviii, 684— F yodoroflT (M. I.) Opit si avneniya isterii u muzhchin i zhenshtshiu. [Comparison ln-tw^n hysteria in man and in woman.] Arch, psichiat. [etT^I. Kharkov, 1889, xiv, no. 3, 43 -86. — Oalvagni ( E.) Isterismo. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1898, xix, 811—von GoUl (V.) Zamietki po diasjhozu i terapii isterii. [Di- agnosis and treatment of hysteria.J J. nevropat. i psi- khiat . . . Korsakova. Mosk., 1901, i, 345-360. — Orasset. Hysterie. Diet, encvcl. d. sc. med., Par., 1889, 4. s.. xv, 240-352.— (iray (L. C.) A clinical lecture upon certain tvpes of hysteria. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. T., 1888, xiii, 127-133. —Cuinon (G.) L'hysterie chez I'homme comparee a l'hysterie chez la femme. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1885, 7. s., ii, 231-234.—Haskovec (L.) Kasuistick6 pfi- spevky ku pozn&ni hysterie. v I Contributions to the knowledge of hysteria. ] Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1898, xxxvii, 955; 971; 989— Hileman (I. S.) Hysteria. Tr. Luzerne Co. M. Soc, Wilkesbarre, 1895, 65-72—Hi rt (L.) Zur Syraptomatologie und Therapie der Hysterie. Deutsche med. Wchnsehr.. Leipz. u. Berl., 1887, xiii, 661- 663. AUo [Abstr.]: Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. 1887, Bresl., 1888, lxv, 56. —Hood (Mary G.) A study in hysteria. Tr. Alumnie Ass. Woman's M. Coll. Penn., Phila., 1898, 115-125.—Hovell (De B.) An in- quiry into the real nature of hysteria. Brit. & For. M.- Chir. Rev., Lond., 1870, xiv, 204; 497. AUo, Reprint.— Hysteria. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1897, xxix, 1266; 1270; 1315.—Jaeobi (Mary P.) Some considerations on hvsteria. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1886, xxx, 365; 396; 429.— Janet (P.) Quelques d6finitious r6centes de l'hysterie. Arch, de neurol.. Par., 1893, xxv, 417: xxvi, 1.—John. hoii (G.) A lecture on hysteria. In his: Med. Lect. & Essays. 8°, Lond., 1887, 266-285. — Keng (L. B ) The nature of hysteria. Edinb. M. J., 1891-2, xxxvii, 1017- 1020.—King (A. F. A.) Hysteria. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1891, xxiv, 513-532. Also, Repriut. AUo: Tr. Wash. Obst. & Gvnec. Soc. 1889-90. [N. Y., 1892]. iii, 119-139. AUo, transl: Frauenarzt, Perl., 1892, vii, 1-18. AUo, Re print.— Kurala (1.) [Hysteria, male and female.] Iji Shinbun, Tokio, 1886. no. 193, 3-8.-Ijloyd (J. H.) Hys- teria. Text-book Nerv. Dis. Am. Authors (Dercum), Phila.. 1895, 87-134. — Lockwood (C. E.) A study of hysteria and hypochondriasis. Tr. 1ST. York M. Ass., 1895. xii, 340-351. Also: Metl. Kec, N. Y., 1895, xlviii, 733-736.— Logothetis (M.) De l'hyst6rie. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Constant., 1895-6, xxxviii, 161; 190; 193; 209; |Discussion]. 213; 226. — Lorelantl (B. C.) Hysteria. Buffalo M. J., 1896-7. xxxvi, 504-509. AUo, Reprint. Also: Tr. M. Ass. Cential N.Y. 1896, Buffalo, 1897,42-48.— McDonald (W.) The nature of hysteria. Providence M. J., 1901, ii. 174-180.— .TIarie (P.) L'hysterie a la con- sultation du bureau central des hopitaux de Paris; 6tude statistique. Progres med., Par., 1889, 2. s., x, 68-70.— Mejia (D.) Sobre la histeria. Gac. med., Mexico. 1896, xxxiii, 458-468.—Mills ( C. K. ) Hysteria. Syst. Pract. M. (Pepper), Phila., 1886, v, 205-287. —lUobiim (P. J.) Ueber den Begriff der Hysterie. Centralbl. f. Net venh., Leipz., 1888, xi, 66-71.-----Ueber den Begrili' tier Hy- sterie und andere Vorwiirfe vorwiegend psyehclotiiseher Art. Inhis: Neurol. Beitr., 83, Leipz., 1894,1. Hft., 1-210.— -----. Feber die gegenwiirtige Auffassung der Hysterie. Mouatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Berl., 1895, i. 12-21. AUo: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1895. xxx, 213-216. Also, transl: Bibliot. f. Lager, Kjebenb., 1895. 7. R., vi, 471-486.—»I©elI. Ueber Hvsterie. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psy- chiat, [etc.]. Berl., 1901, lviii, 740-743.—Montgomery (E. E.) Hysteria. Intei nat. Clin., Phila.. 1895, 5. s., iii, 287.—Tloyer (H. N.) Hysteria. Medicine, Detroit, 1899, v. 456-459. — ITIstislavski (A.) Hvsteria. F.ldscher, St. Petersb., 1894, v, 142-146—Myers (F. W. H.) The mechanism of hysteria. Proc. Soc. Psych. Research, Lond., 1893, ix, 3-25.—Oliver (J.) A few notes on hys- teria. Brain, Lontl., 1886-7, ix, 218-223.—Oppcnbeim (H.) Thatsachliches und Hypothetisches iiber tins Wesen der Hysterie. Perl. klin. Wchnschr., 1890, xxvii, 553-556.— Ormerod (J. A.) Hysteria. Syst.Metl. (Allbutt), Lond., 1899, viii, 88-127.—Patrick (H. T.) Hvsteria. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1898.8. s., iii. 179-188.—Popoff(M. F.) Opit izucheniya obmlena pri isterii. [Experiments on metab- olism in hysteria.] Arch, psichiat. [etc. |, Kharkov, 1889, xiv, no. 1, 25-36. Also: Vrach, St. Petersb., 1889. x, 770- 773.—Hun Ion (J.) Hysteria; its protean manifestations and treatment. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri 1900, St. Louis, 1901, 320-326.—Rainaldi (U.) Ulteriori studi sullaisteriapre- sentata al Congresso di Pavia. Boll. tl. Osp. tli S. Casa di Loreto, Loreto, 1888-9, ii, 634-641.—Richardson (A. B.) Hysteria. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Indianap., 1891, 178-194. Also: Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1891, n. s., xxvii, 71-75.— Robinson (F. B.) Neurosis in women (hysteria). Gail- lard's M. J., N. Y., 1894, lviii, 103 - 108. — Rosenthal. Untersuchungen und Beobaehtungen uber Hysterie. Wien. med. Presse, 1879, xx, 569; 604: 633; 670; 737; 801. AUo, Reprint. -----. Zur Charakteristik der Hysterie. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1887, xxxii, 571; 584 — Rostan. Lecons sur les maladies des centres nerveux; hysterie. Gaz d. hop., Par., 1836, x, 357; 406; 421. AUo, transl.: Ana- Hysterin. le'kt. f. Frauenkrankh., Leipz., 1837, i, 377-393.—Rutgers (J.) Het wezen der hysterie. Nederl. Tijdsehr. v. Ge- neesk., Amst., 1896, 2. R.. xxxii, pt. 1,435-440.—Sakaki (S ) Histeria iu zukete. [On hysteria.] Jundendo Ijikenku Kwai hoko, Tokio, 1892, no. 141, 1; no. 142, 1.—Mump. son (J.) The scientific aspects of hysteria. Physician Sc Surg., Detroit Sc Ann Arbor. 1893. xv, 217-252. — Smart (L. G.) Hysteria. N. Albany M. Herald. 1893, xiii, 748- 752.—Smith (Julia H.) Hysteria. J. Critic. Surg., din- cago, 1897-8, vi, 203-209.—Soesman (F. J.) Een physio- logische theorie der hysterie. Geneesk. Com ant, Amst., 1901, lv, nos. 36-38. — Sollier (P.) Faits nouveaux relatifs k la nature de l'hysterie. Atti d. xi. Cong. med. internaz. 1894, Roma, 1895, iv, psichiat. [etc.], 41-49. -----. Ueber Natur und Entstehung der Hysterie. Cen- tralbl. f. Nervenh. u. Psychiat., Coblenz u. Leipz., 1898, xxi, 134-138.—Thistle (F. T.) On hysterical affections. Lan- cet, Lond., 1886, ii, 1170.—Thruston (S. D.) Hysteria. Texas Clin., Dallas, 1898, i, 56-65.—Turbin (L. M.) Hys- teria. J. Orific. Surg., Chicago, 1898-9, vii, 359.—Verrier. Del'autoraatisme ambulatoirechez les hyst6riques. Cong. d. med. ali6nistes et neurol. de France . . . Proc-verb. [etc.] 1895, Par., 1896, ii, 204-218.—Voldeng (M. N.) Hysteria. Tri-State M. J., St. Louis, 1896, iii, 510-515.— Walter (F.) The aetiology and cure of hysteria. N. York M. J., 1900, lxxii, 113.—Ward (S. M.) On hysteria. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1885, Iii, 453-456.—Wiu- gate (U. O. B.) The etiology, prevalence, and treatment of hysteria. Tr. M. Soc. Wisconsin, Madison, 1898, xxxii, 261-268. AUo, Reprint. Also: Medicine, Detroit, 1899, v, 372-377.—Wrafter (R. E.) Hysteria; its causes and treatment. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1900, xviii, 31-34.— Zcleuski (G.) Isteriya (hysteria). Akusherka, Odessa, 1894, v, 160-166. Hysteria (Blood in). ' See Hysteria (Causes, etc., of); Hysteria (Di- agnosis, etc., of). Hysteria (Cases of). ' See, also, Hysteria (Causes, etc., of); Hysteria (Death from); Hysteria (Diagnosis, etc., of); Hysteria (Epidemic); Hysteria (Jurisprudence of): Hysteria (Manifestations of) [and subdivi- sions]; Hysteria (Tvaumatic); Hysteria (Treat- mentof ) [and subdivisions]; Hysteria in animals; Hysteria in children; Hysteria and insanity; Hysteria in the male ; Hysteria in old age; Hys- teria in pregnancy, etc.; Hysteria in soldiers; Hystero-epilepsy. Lizzani (A.) Lettera apologetica ad un ami- co, coutenente una storia medica. 8c Venezia, 1770. * Alt. Zwei Falle vou Hysterie. Munchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1891, xxxviii, 253. Also: Sitzungsb.il. Ver. d. Aerzte zu Halle a. S.1890-91, Munchen, 1892. i, 104-108.—Raumcl (A.) Beitrag zur Casuistik der Hysterie. Wieu. nied. Presse, 1894, xxxv, 1010-1014.—Rernasconi (B.) Storia d' isterismo. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1886, xii, 457; 48l. — De Sanctis (S.) A proposito di due isteriche. Bull. d. Soc. Lancisiana tl. osp. di Roma, 1894, xiii, fasc. 2,110-133.— Dillcr (T.) Hysteria; a clinical study of twenty cases. Penn. M. J., Pittsburg, 1900-1901, iv, 797-811. — Fabre. Observation d'hyst6rie. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. m6d. de Mont- pel., 1886, viii, 313-319. — Fothcriiighani (J. T.) A case of hysteria. Canad. Pratt, tt Kev., Toronto, 1900, xxv, 171-173.—Freud (S.) Beitriige zur Kasuistik der Hvsterie. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1886, xxxvi, 1633; 1674. — Fuerst (E.) Zwei praktisch wichtige Fiille von Hysterie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1900, xxvi, 225-227.—GubareflHP.) Sluchai isterii. [Caseof hysteria.] Vopr. nerv.-psikh. med., Kiev, 1898, iii. 398- 403.—Halliday (A.) Hysterical conditions, with clinical historv of a ease. Maritime M. News, Halifax, 1894, vi, 211-214.—Holder (A. B.) Two cases of hysteria. Mem- phis M. Month., 1888, viii, 308-311. —Hoover (F. P.) A case of hysteria. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1886, xv, 306. — Hysteria. Abstr. M. & S. Cases Gen. Hosp. Sick Chil- dren, Pendlebury, Manchester (1884), 1885, iv, 80.—Hyste- ria: ptosis, hemianesthesia, contractures, etc.; recovery. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1839, Lond., 1901, 67-71. — I m- paccianti (G.) Due casi d' isterismo. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1888, lxi. 138-148.—Izhboldin (L. G.) Isteriehes- kiya zabollevaniya. [Three cases of hysteria.] Otchet . . . Dletsk. boln. Sv. Olgi v Mosk. (1889), 1890, iii, 109.— Kerr (J.) Notes on some hysterical cases. Lancet, Lond., 1892, i, 1180.—Kjelgaard. Et Tilfselde af Hys- teri. [A case of hysteria.] Ugeskr. f. Laeger, Kjobeuh., 1901, 5. R., viii, 1215-1219.—Klemperer (L.) Zur Casu- istik der Hysterie. Wien. med. Bl., 1887, x, 209-211. — Knight (A. L.) A case of hysteria. Cincin. Lancet Clinic. 1894, n. s., xxxii, 513-515. [Discussion], 522-524.— Kobi (E.) [A typical case of hysteria.] Kyoto Igak- HYSTERIA. 775 HYSTERIA. Hvsteria (Cases of). kwai Zasshi, 1899, 536-549.—Kumbei-g (N. Y.) Sluchai istericheskol glukhonleinoti. [Hysterical deaf-mutism.J Vrach, St. Petersb., 1901, xxii, 6o7-609 — I.nng (M.) Ein Fall vou Hysterie. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1900, xxv, 425- 4J7.— van I.inden van den Heuvell (II. L.) Een i'eval van hysterie. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1898. 2. K.. xxxiv, d. 2, 764-766.—Mackenzie (S.) Some cases of hvsteria. Brit. M. J., Lontl., 1888, i, 417. — .*■«■- Lean tC J. It.) Case of hvsteria in a female. Cal..lcm M. J., Rochester. 1891-4, n. s., i. 200-202. —.Mayer 11-5 15) Some cases of hvsteria. Penn. M. J., Pittsburg, 1901-2. v, 77-83. —Meir'owilz iP.» llvsteiieal seizutes. Post- Graduate, NY.. 1900. xv. 71-73.—.TIergari (A ) Alcuni casi di isterismo siiuilare. Kaccoglitore med., Forli, 1900, 6.s.,vi,285-292.-.Morbo i lie: polymorpho sive adfectu tia- tulento spastio In steri..i singulari in fti'inina 62 annoruin. Selecta med. Fiancof.. 1 rincof. atl Viatlr., 1740-43. ii. 303- 374— Oi-ait roil (J. A i A clinical demonstration of cases ot h\ steria. Clin J., Lond.. 1899, xiv, 113-117 — IMiilippi iF. A.i F.in Fall \on Hysterie mit tiidtlichem Ausgauu durch versclilm kte Nadeln Miinchen. metl. Wchnschr.. 1898, xiv, 141<"■ — I'iaiu'lla (C.) Due esi .1' isterismo. Manitoinio nio.l.. Xoora, 1.-95. xi. 88-106. — l»i«'k iA.) Fall von hvstei is. hei IA .liese. Pi air. med. Wchnschr., 18-8. xiii, 523. — lBi»te»'N5 \.) UtpmTMiTta; i'-li-tnn. Ann. di neviel. N'apoh. 1899. xvii. 279- 305 — Ktitlt i II) Ein Beitrajr zur I a-mstik tier H\ste- rie. K.in. Monatsbl. f. Ausrenb Stuttg., 1891, xxix, 361- 37G. — Mtt-inia (F5) Polizia sanitaria in certi paesi della 1 iini-i.i: a proposito di un caso di letartio in una gio- vane inii-suliicina isterica. Boll, med -chir., Tnnisi, 1894- 5. i. 113-117 — Nprinjjfhorpe iJ. \V.) Some instances of hysteria Au-tva5is. M. Gaz., Sydney. 1897, xvi, 313- 317.—TimirellA P. S i K kaznistikie isterii. [Cases of hysteria] M.-.l. pribav. k m..isk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1900. pt. 2. 48-08. — del Valli- ) Aldabalde (R.) Un caso de histerismo. Rev. de nied y drug, pract., Madrid, 1893, xxxiii, 281-286— Vance >Ap M.)' Report of a so- called miracle. Am. Pract. .v News, Louisville, 1899, xxvii, 339-341.—Webber (S. G.i A case of hysteria; re- coveiv after prayer. Boston M. Sc S.J.. 1899, cxl. 603-605.— \Vei»z (S.) Hvsteria ritka es. te. [A rare caseof. . .] Ma-v. orv. lapja. Budapest. 1902. ii, 89. Hysteria (Causes and pathology of). Sc, also, Diabetes iC)n/>li>-ations of. Neurotic); Hysteria (Epidemici; Hysteria (Manifestations of) [and subdivisions]; Hysteria (Traumatic); Hysteria in children: Hysteria in the male; In- fluenza (Complications, etc., of, Cerebrospinal, etc.). Baudix (L.) * Considerations sur la tare ner- veiw' hvst6rii|iie (essai de pathogeuie nerveuse). Ac Paris, 1895. Beck (R. J.) *Zur Aetiologie und Prophy- laxis der Hysterie. 8'c Miinchen, 1-72. Camuzet (L.) * Contribution h l'dtude de l'hyst6rie d'origine her6do-alcoolique. 4C. Pa- ris, 1891. -----. Thesame. 8'c Paris, 1891. Girard (H.) Considerations ]ihysiologiques et pathologiques sur les affections nerveuses, dites hysteriques. - . Paris, 1-11. GtTXOX (G.) * Les agents provocateurs de l'hysterie. Ac Paris, 1.-^9. -----. Thesame. ■-'-. Paris, 1 -*-9. Hewitt CG.) The exciting cause of attacks of hvsteria and hystero-epilepsv. ■* . London, Hischmaxx (C.-H.) * Intoxications et hyste- rie. 4C. Paris, 1888. Hockex (E. 0.) An exposition ofthe pathol- ogy of hysteria. 12c. London, 1812. Kirkoff (N.j * Contribution a I'etude de l'hysterie daus ses rapports avec la syphilis ac- quise et hereditaire. *°. Paris. 1898. Martei. (C. ) * Contribution a I'etude de l'hysterie toxique (intoxication salfo-carbonee). 4'a Paris, 1894. -----. The same. 8C. Paris, 1894. Michaux (B.) * De lY*vei] d'un etat consti- tutionnel (hysterie; ti la suite de I'anesthesie par le chloroforine. 4°. Paris, 18*-!'.. Hysteria (Causes and pathology of). Plessard ( E.) * Contributions a I'etude des rapports de l'hysterie et du saturnisnie. 4°. Paris, 1*8*. POSSE (W.) * Ucher Hysterie hei organischen Erkrankungeu des Ccntralnervensysteins. 8'-; Freiburg i. Ii., 1*91. Uevillon (C.) Recherches sur la cause ties affect ions hypocondriaqu.es, appeiees coiuiiiuii6- ment va}ieurs; ou lettres d'un medecin sur ces affections. Nouvelle ed. 8°. Paris, 1786. Roi'HY (H.) * Contribution a l'6tude de l'hys- terie toxique. De l'apoplexie hysterique dans la syphilis. 4°. Paris, 18-9. Sai.mekox (V.) *l)e l'hysterie alcoolique. 4 . Paris, 18*90. Sdi.likr (li.) Genese et nature ile l'hysterie. Recherches cliniques et ejqierimen tales de psy- cho-physiologic. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1897. Sottoi'L (F.-A.) Hysterics toxiques. 4°. Paris, 1889. Texier(J.) "Contribution a I'etude de l'etio- logie de l'hysterie. 1\ Bordeaux, 1896. Tozzi-Condivi (A.) Etiologia dell' isterismo. 8 . Iii/iatransone, 1895. Rehr (A.) Ein Fall von Hysterie im Anschlusse an LcuchtgaseiDiithniung. Wien.med. Wchnschr., 1896, xlvi, lTHi: 17118; 1815.— Berbez ( r.) L'hysterie toxique. Gaz. il. hop.. Par.. 1888. lxi. 45-50.—Betteucourt Itotlii- gueM. Ai'cidenti-s hysteriforiin-s imuiisnio: heujian- esthesia e heinipan-sia. deterniinatlas pela actjao d'um raio a distancia); ohservatjao e consiilerac,oes cliuicas. Arch. ophth. de Lish., 1886, vii, 05-72—Bidon (H.J L'hvst6rie palutlSenne. Marseille meil., 1894, xxxi. 513-536. — Binct (A.) &. Fere (C.) Recherches exp6rimentales sur la ).h\ siologie des mouvements chez les hysteriques. Arch. de'l.hysiol. norm, et path., Par., 1887, 3. s., x, 320-373.— Biii«vtaiigcr. Zur Pathogeuese der Hysterie. [Al.str. I Monatsehr. f. Psychiat. u. Neurol., Beii., 1900, viii, 478. —Boinet. Hvsterie et palutlisme. Presse m6d., Par., 1901, ii, 341-344.—'Browning i"W.) Some etiolog- ical types of hysteria. Brooklyn M. J., 1895, ix, 155-161. AUo, Reprint. —Burr (C. AV.) The causes of hysteria. Internat. Clin.. Phila., 1897, 6. s., iv, 141-145.—Blizzard p.) Insular sclerosis and hysteria. Lancet, Lond.. I8:i7, i, 1-4.—Charcot (J. M.) Dell' influenza tli una intossi- cazione o di una malattia anteriore sulla loealizzazione e sulla forma dei fenomeni isterici. Morgagni. Napoli, 1888, xxx, 1-10. AUo. trnnsl. [Al.str.]: Prouri-s ni6d., Par., 1887, 2. s., vi, 511.—(larlie (A. P.) The relation of hys- teria to structural changes in the uterus and its aduexa. Am. J. Ohst, N. Y 1894. xxx. 477-483 AUo [Al.str 1: Ann. Gynsec. & Padiat., Phila., 1894-5. viii, 55-57.—Clo- zier. Hysterogenic et hysteroclasie. Compt. rend. Soc. tie hiol., Par., 1897, IU. s.. iv, 23ti. —Collinenii. Les in- ftirieurs; I'hystferique; nature de la nevrose. L'Homme, Par., 1887, iv, 257-261. ------. Les inferieurs; l'hysteri- que; olivines de la n6vrose. Ibid., 417-425.—Cornell (S. S.) Religious ecstasy an etiologio factor in neurasthe- nia and hysteria. Medicine, Detroit. 1898, iv, 831-s40.— !>■< iilafoy. Hysterie chez tin syphilitique. Hull, med., l'ar., 1S96, x,9i;3. — I> rev foil «(F.) De l'hysterie alcoolique. 1'nii.ii metl., Par.. 1887. 3. s., xliv.637; 652; 697; 757; 781.—• Diii'iimp. Tlystoro-paluilisnie. Cons:, franc, tie med., Par. A: Nancy, 189(1-7, iii, fasc. 2,4A5.— Dnnlap (li.T. M.) Trie acid in hvsteria. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1890-91. xvii. 8l'8-835.— I>ulil (A.) Note pour servir It l'histoire ties rapports de llivstiiie et du .saturnisnie. Gaz. med. de Par., 1887, 7. s.[ iv, 625-628.—Fere (C.) Note Stir quelques eflfets ties excitations p6riph6rii|iies chez les hysteriques. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1889, 9. a., 'i, 33-35. ------. La fatif-ue et l'hyst6rie experi- mentale; theorie phvsioloL'iqiimle l'hysterie. 76id.,'1890, 9. »., ii, 284-287— Ferniimley. <'icero (M.) Histerismo de natiiraleza palu.lic.a. l'c\. de metl. y eirug. pnict., Madrid, 1898, xliii, 121; lliti. —Fournier (A.) Une ob- servation d'hysterie parasyphilitique. Hull. Soc. frant;. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1895, vi, 130-433. Also: Ann. de dermal et syph., Par., 1895, 3. s , vi, 1134-1137.— FniNt'i'ilIi Hysteria as a |.s\cliosiH. Glasgow M. J., 1897 xlviii. HU-il8.— Freuil (S.l /ur Aetiologie tier 11 \ stern. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1896, x, 379; 395; 413; 432; 450.—Cingnoiii (E.) Edema isterico alternante con accessi conviilsivi istetici; contributo clinicc sperimeutale alio studio della tossieinia nell' isterismo. Atti tl. r. Ac- cad. tl. tisiocrit. in Siena, 1899, 4. s., xi, 85; 239, 1 tab.— Clalla vartliu (L.) Hysterie para et postpneumonique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.! Par., 1891.9. s., iii, 119-124. Also: Province med.. Lyon, 1901, xv, 517-520. — Gallois (P.) Sur la polvetiolos-8i;5.'— ('aiiinlie)a (N. t\) O polyarizuyushtshikh HYSTERIA. 776 HYSTERIA. Hysteria (Causes a n d path o logy of). oblastyakh isterogennikh, hipnogennikh i dr. [Polar- izing hvsterogeuetic, hypnogenetic and other regions.] Russk. Med. St. Petersb.. 1886, xi, 343-346.—Oasne (G.) Sens stereognostique et centres d'association. N. iconog. de la Salpetriere. Par., 1898, xi, 4C-56, 1 pl.—Gibert. Des causes morales de l'hysterie. Normandie med., Rouen, 1893. viii. 62-66.—Gil les de la Tourette. La localisa- tion c.r.brale des troubles hysteriques. Rev. neurol., Par.. 190D, viii, 225-227. — Gillc* de la Tourette & C'atbelinean (H.) Le sang tlans l'hysterie normale. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1891,9. s., iii, 119-124. AUo: Progres med.. Par., 1891. 2. s., xiii, 121-123.—Girode (J.) Quelques faits cl'hvst6rie toxique. France med., Par., 1889, i, 433-439.—Grawset (J.) Des rapports de l'hysterie avec les diatheses scrofiileuseet tuberculeuse. Gaz. hebd. d. SC. med. de Bordeaux, 1884, v, 477; 514; 524; 561; 611: 1885, vi, 16; 65; 151; 161; 205; 244; 254; 265. AUo. transl: Brain, Lond., 1883-4, vi, 433: 1884-5, vii, 13; 161. -----. Legons sur deux cas d'h vsterie provoqu^e par une maladie aigue (fifevre typhoide et grippe). Gaz. hebd. d. sc. m6d. de Montpel., 1890, xii, 88; 109: 121. Also, Repriut. Also: Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol.. Par., 1890-91, v, 79-83. AUo, in his: Lee. de clin. m6d. 1886-90, Montpel., 1891, 414- 405. -----. Des associations hystero organiques; un cas de sclerose en plaques et hvsterie assoeiees avec autopsie. N. Montpel. m6d. Suppl., 1892, i, 227-252, 1 pl. -----. La theorie psychologiqne de l'hysterie (formule eortico-eer6- bralede cette nevrose); revue generale. Ibid., 1893, ii, 8iili; 885. -----. l5tiologie infectieuse de l'hysterie. Ibid.. 1894. iii, 409; 431.—Greuier (R.) L'hysterie consecutive aux maladies infectieuscs. Presse med , Par., 1894, 382.— Giiillemin. Contribution a lY'tiide de l'hysterie aleoo- lique. Ann. m6d.-psyci:., Par., 1888. 7. s., vi:, 230-235.— liana u (A.) Wahrscheinlioher Pseudo - Parasitismus vou Schmeissfliegeularven und angeblicher Parasitismus von Regenwurmeru bei einer Hvsterisehen. Arch, de parasitol., Tar., 1899, ii, 23-27— llorvath (K.) Autoin- toxicatiohoz csatlakoz6 rendellenes mozgasok hysterianal. | Autointoxication accoinpauied bv abnormal hysteria.] Gydgyaszat, Budapest, 1900, xl, 180-182. Also,'transl.- Ungar. metl. Presse, Budapest, 1900, v, 213-215.—How- nrtl (W. L.) Sensational journalism and hysteria. N. York M. .T., 1898, Ixviii, 478-480. -----. Lenten hysteria; some notes on religious emotions and functional neuroses. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1898. xxxix, 489-493.—lacobaeiiM (H.) Alkoholisnie og Hvsteri. Ugesk. f. Laeger, Kjobenh., 1898, 5. R., v, 937-947— In sjlis (D.) On the local seat of hysteria. Physician & Surg., Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1895, xvii, 485-487. [Discussion], 495-497. — Kattwinkel. Pie Aufhebung des "Wiirgreflexes uud ihre Beziehung zur Hysterie. Deutsches Arch. f. kliu. Med., Leipz., 1896. lvii, 549-578.—lino tie (B.) Sushtshnost isterii; k yavleniyam irradiatsii i antagonizma niezhdu nervnimi t sen tram i; fiziologo-klinicheskove izslledovaui'e. [Nature of hysteria; phenomena of irradiation and antagonism between nerve centres; physiological and clinical investi- gation.J Nevrol. Vestnik, Kazan. 1900, viii, no. 1, 110- 206.—KraiiN* (\Y5 <5) Hysteria and brain tumors. Tr. M. Ass. Central N. V. 1897. Buffalo, 1898. 124-131.—L,an- noi* ( M.) Hysterie grave determinee par la presence dime aiguille dans l'oreille. Rev. hebd. tie laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1901, i, 611-1152.—Laurent (fi.) De faction suggestive des milieux p6nitentiaires sur les detenus hys- teriques. Rev. de l'hvpnot. et psychol. physiol.. Par., 1889- 90, iv,129-133.— I.einoine(G.-H) Une observation d'hys- terie d'origine paludeenne. Bull, et mem. Sue. nie.il.d.htip. de Par.. 1896. 3 s., xiii, 045-618.— I. tin lie (M.) De l'hys- terie mercurielle. Ibid., 1887. 3. s., iv. 370-385.— 'lai-aii- don de .tloiilyrl. Rapports de lhysterie et de l'impalu- disme. Presse med., Par., 1900, ii, 281-285 —iTInrtin- Dnrr. Un mode special de provocation de l'hysterie. Gaz. tl. hop., Par.. 1895, Ixviii, 1181-1183.—.Mix'(C. L.) Hvsteria; its nature ami aetiology. N. York M. J., 1900, lxxii, 183-189.—O'Neill (YV5) Cases of infection by the seeing of the eye. Med. Press & Circ, Loud., 1895, n. s., lix. 643.—Ots y ENquei-flo (V.) Histerismo e infeccidn. Rev. de med. y cirug. pract.. Madrid, 1899, xiv, 401; 441.— I*earce(W.) Toxic hysterical paralysis. Med. Temper. J., Lond., 1888-9, xx,'97-110. Also: Quart. J. Inebr., Hartford, 1890, xii, 352-368. — Perrotta (S.) Letargia isterica; contributo alia etiologia dell' isterismo. Gazz. d. osp., Napoli, 1801 xii, 522.— Pitres. Des accidents livstero-toxiques. Echo med., Toulouse, 1890, 2. s., iv, 517; 529; 541; 553. — Pursche. Hysterie und Gefiige- lockernng; eine eutwicklungsgeschichtliche Skizze. Aerztl. Rundschau, Miinchen, 1900, x. 97; 109; 125.— Regnanlt. Hysterie et impaludisme. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1890, lxiii, 23. Also: Marseille med., 1890, xxvii, 337-339. — Ki«i. Contributo clinico sperimentale alia dottrina tossiciniea dell' isteria e dell' epilessiaconvulsiva. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int. 1899. Roma, 1900, x, 355.— RobrriNon (C. A.) Causation and treatment of hysteria from a psychological standpoint. Nashville J. M. & S., 1899, lxxxvi, 105-112. — Roux. Hssierie chez un palu- deen. Caducee, Par., 19o2, ii, 4"-49.-Sachero (G.) In- toino alia condizione patologica dell isterismo. Gior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir.di Torino, 1848,2.s.,i, 449-404.—Sau ndby Hysteria (Causes and pathology of), (K.i Clinical lecture on toxic hvsteria. Lancet. Lond. 1891, i, 2-4.—So. vii I iT. D.i On tlie pathology of hysteria! Ibid., 1901. ii. 119-122.— Sepet. Monoplegia hysterique par choc electrique. Cong. d. med. alienistes et neurol de France ... C. r.. Par., 1899, x, 548. — Nollier (P.) De la localisation cerebrale des troubles hvst. ri.iues Rev. neurol., Par., 1900, viii, 102; 301 — llliaan ij.) The racial factor in hysteria. Med. News, N. Y., 1901. Ixxix, 328-332. AUo: N. York State J. M., N. Y.'. 190P i, 245-248. — Vanber9eelte. A propos de l'6tiologie hereditaire de 1 hysterie. ftcho m6d. du nord, Lille, 1898, ii, 455.—Viver IM mini any (A.) Un caso de histerismo paludico. Arch, de gin.cop., Barcel., 1895, viii, 417-419.— Vogt (O.) Zur Methodik der atiologischen Erforschuug der Hysterie. Ztschr. f. Hypnot. |etc], Leipz, 1898-9, viii, 65-83. -----. Zur Kritik der psychogenetisehen Er- forschuug der Hysterie. Ibid., 342-355. -----. Sur la genese et la nature de l'hysterie. Cong, internat. de nied. C. r., Par., 1900, Sect, de psychiat., 135-140.—Wizt-I (A.) Z dziedziny histeryi. [Ou hereditary hysteria.] Gaz. lek. Warszawa, 1891, 2. s., xi, 155: 176; 222; 246; 258; 296; 322! Hysteria (CompUeations and sequela' of). See Fever (Typhoid, Complications of. Neu- rotic); Hysteria (Death from); Hysteria (Mani- festations of) [and subdivisions]; Hysteria and insanity; Hysteria in pregnancy, etc.; Hystero- epilepsy. Hysteria (Convulsive). See Hystero-epilepsy. Hysteria (Death from). * Le Fournier (R.[-A.-P.-J.]) * La mort dans l'liystene. Ac Paris, 1-95. Allen (L. C.) Death from hysteria; report of a case. Me.l. Rev., St. Louis. 1895, xxxi, 284. — Billingslea (M. B.) A case of exaggerated hvsteria, with death of patient. Maryland M. J., Bait..'1889, xxi, 372-374.— Hornby (J.) Un cas d'hysterie convulsive termine par la mort. Bull, et m6m. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1*92. 3. s.. ix, 831-834. —Oe Walsche (it.) Un cas de mort par tetanism- hystt i icpie. Clinique, Brux., 1897, xi, 185- 191.—Fail-brother (H. C.) Two fatal cases of hysteria. Med. Rev.. St. Louis 1898, xxxviii, 301. [Discussion], 307-310. AUo: St. Louis Clinique, 1899, xii, 10-13.— Fraenkel (J.) Ou the prognosis of hysteria; a contribu- tion to the question of fatal hvsteria. Med. News. N. Y., 1901, lxxviii, 14-18.—MolMere (H.) De la mort suhite pendant la crise hvstei icjue. Mem. et compt.-rend. S..c d. sc. m6d. de Lyon (1883), 1884. xxiii, 102-117.—Robert (B.) Un caso de histeria mortal. Rev. m6d. tie Sevilla, 1896, xxvii, 225-231. Also: Iudepend.ined., Barcel.. 1896-7, xxviii, 70-73. — Smith (A. J.) A case of exagger- ated hysteria ending in death. Univ. M. Mag., Phila.. 1891-2, iv, 47. — Stretton (J. L.) The mode of death in cases of hysteria. Birniingh. M. Rev., 1807, xli, 34-36. Hysteria (Diagnosis and semeiology of). See. also, Hysteria (Manifestations of) [and subdivisions]; Hysteria in children; Hystero- epilepsy (Diagnosis of). Balestra (A.) La febbre isterica. 8~. Par- ma, lf-99. Chauveau (E.-H.) * Formes cliniques et pa- thog6uie de la fievre hysterique. 4°. Paris, 1883. Combes (J.) "Contribution au diagnostic de I'hyste'rie coi'ucidant avec le syndrome de la sclerose en plaques ou l'he'miplegie. 8°. Tou- louse, 1901. Crouzet (II.) *La fievre hysterique. 4°. Paris, 1895. -----. The same. 8C. Paris, 1895. Fabre (H.) 'Contribution a I'etude de la fievre hysterique. 4-'. Paris, 1888. Kourilsky (M.) * De la polyurie hysterique. 4°. Pans, 1895. Schwenger (H.) * Zur Syniptoniatologie der Hysterie. 8°. Greifswald, 1894. Abadie (J.) Polyurie et pollakiurie hysteriques. Arch, de neurol., Par., 1900, 2. s., ix, 193-211. — Affleck (J. O.) Hysterical pyrexia. Edinb. M. J., 1892-3, xxxviii. 105-111.—Aldrich (C. A.) Muscular paradox as a diag- nostic in hysterics. Cleveland. M. Gaz., 1896-7. xii, 393- 396.—Alexander (C. M.) High temperature in an hys- terical patient, Med. Rec. N5 Y., 1892, xli, 405.—Arcan- geli lU.) Poliuria ed iscuria in una isteiiea. Bull d. Sue. Laucisiana d. osp. di Roma, 1900, xx, 145-154.— Aru- ntcin (F.) O dysharmonii mitjdzy sila, te.tna, a sila, ader- HYSTERIA. 777 HYSTERIA. Hysteria (Diagnosis and semeiology of). /■enia serca w staunch chorobowych u hi-t.i \ e/ek. [ Want of harmony between pulsation and impulse of the heart in uu.i hid stages of hysteria.] MciLcyna, Warszawa, 1893. x\i. 962-964. —Karie (E.) Note sur un castle fievre hys- tei ique. Bull, et melu. Soe. metl. tl. hop. de Par.. l,-,-6, 3. s.. iii. 258-263. AUu: Guz. hebd. de med Par., 1886, 2. s., xxiii. 389-391.— Itartou (G. C.l The .litl. rential diag nosis between listeria and inelaneholi.i. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 189:!, xiii, 404-406. — It i nt I (A.) Note sur 1'ecriture hysteriipie. Rev. phil., Par. 18-7, xxiii. 67- 70. ------. Contribution ii lt'tuile de la douleur ehez les hyst6riques. Ibid., 1.-89, xxviii, 169-174. ------. (»nelques observations sur la sensibilile tactile,retinienne et au.iitive chez les lustei iques. <"..mpt. rend. Sue. de biol, Par., 1889.9. s i. 4>7 —Itoitloni (I..) Alcune osservazioni sulla teniperatura e sulle m...liticazioni della sensibilita nell" isieria. I loll. d. sez. tl. cult. tl. se. med. n. r. Accad. d. tisiocrit. di Siena. 1887, v. 224-234. 1 ch. Kii.t (P.) Xote sur la pcri'i'|itiou des rayons ile Rtent^c n |.ai l.-s hys- teriques. N. Mtmt|iel. metl.,'1896, v, 330.- Konlnt. lie la tievie hvsteiitpie. Gaz. d. hop., Par 1890. lxiii. 1373- i:;79. — Ki'i'Mlrr (F. C.i Hysterical fever. Med. Rec. I N Y.. 188>. wxiii. 466.- Knrr tC. \V.) The diagni»isof hysteria. N Voi k M. J., li'im lxxi, 642-645.--t'nrr (S. i'.i ! Globus hystericus; a non-scientific ties, ription of an anomalous infection. Cincin I.am et-(']inie. 1897, n. s., xxxviii. 172. — C'lemow (A. II.i Case of hysterical hy- p. rpyiexia M. .1 l'u-s .t Circ Lend 1S-7 n. s.. xliv, 51-.— 4'onnell (W. T.) Deep seated brain tumor simu- lating liy-i.na. Kingston M. Quail., 1896 7, i. 149-152 — (lis in if", i Sur uu cas de tievie li\ ^t, ii,[ue I.\ on me.l., 1899. xcil. 465-4.-5. [Discussion 4>'.» —Webove't M.) De la fievre hvst6rique. Bull, et ineni. Sue. med. tl. hop. de Par.. 1886. 3. s.. iii, 209-211. Also: t'az. hebd de metl.. Par., l88ii. 2. s.. xxiii, 306.— I>ippe i H.j Kin Fall vou hysteriseheni Fieber. Dents. h>-» Au-h. f. kliu. Med., Leipz.. 1899. lxiv, 212-216—IMiiiiontpnllicr. fitude des zones reflexogeiies motiices tie la peuu tie la region vert6brale. ehez .i. - i \-ter m its dans la periode catalepti- que de riiypij.it - !■ i .mi].:, r.tid. Soe. tie biol.. Par.. 1882. 7. s.'iv lot! —Hmilsip (G. T. M.) Uric acid in | hysteria. Virginia M. Month Richmond. 189U-91, xvii, 8-'*-s:;.">. — Esliner (A. A.) A case cf obscure diagnosis exhibiting h\ st.u.i stigmata Tr. Col. Phvs. Phila.. 1897. 3. s . xix. 199-204. Also: Medicine Detroit, 1.-97, iii. 902- I 906. AUo. Reprint.— K» I in". (.I.-A.) Fievre hvs teriqne. N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par.. 1892. v, 43- 54. — Fere c C ) Xotes hematospectioscopiques -ur les hyst6n.|ii. s Compt. rend. Sue. de biol.. Par., 1889. 9. s., i, i::i. — Foil tan a cM.. Di un caso di it-blue isterica. Maiiicomio motl., Nocera, 1-99, xv. 213 - 256.— Fornaia L.) Coutiibuto alio studio del ricambin nia- teri.il>- n lia febbre isterica. Lavori d. Cong, di nied. int. 1-97. Rom.i 1.-9-5 viii. 432-437. AUo. Clin. med. ital., Milano. 1-98. xxxvii, 39-45. — Oan»er. Ueber einige Svtnpioine der Hvsterie und iiber die Beziehungeu der Hvsterie zum Al'ki.liolisuius. Jahresb. d. Gesellsch. f. I Nat.- n. Heilk. in Dresd.. 1-93-4. 119-133. [Discussion), 79-83.— Ciatta iR.i La febbre nell' isterismo. Arch. intern, z. di metl. e chir., Napoli, 1898. xiv, 351-361.— Gbilarrincei i F.) Coniributi alia diugni>-i 'liffereuziale tra 1' isteiisin,. e le malattie organi.h, del r.-rvell... i:iv. clin., Milano, 1-93. xxxii. 117-177. —«- i 11«■- tie la Ton- rette & t'alhelinean (H.) Consi.leiat.oiis ,.u l.i couibedes e\. i eticms tl.ms lattaque de soniineil hysterique. N. iconog. de l.i Sal pe trie it:. Par.. 1-89. ii. '29U-304, 2 pl. — I'lvmi 1 ii , The diagnosis of hv-teria. (Jailbird's M. J.. V Y.. 189!, lvi. 523-552. Also: Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1893.xiii, 1-42. —Ciuilhem. H\ sterie .u'gue febrile. Caz. | d. hop.de 'foulouse. 1-8-. ii 19-32.— Guillos. (T.) Traces des mouveuients du tliai.iii.i-in St Peteis... med. Wclinschr., 1889. n.F.. vi. ]::o.--Hysterical f. ver. Lancet, Lond., 1886, i, 949.—.laeobi (Mary P. II >-i>-i ical fever. Rep. Proc. Alumna* Ass. Woman 8 M. Coll. Penn , Phila , 1890, xv, 87-95. AUo.- J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y.. 1890, xvii, 373-388.—J oi re (P.) De la simulation hystei iqiie. Rev. I IIValeria (Diagnosis and semeiology of). tfe l'hypnot. et ps\chcu. physiol . Pur . 1892-3, vii, 364-374.— Kaiser it 1.1 I'.eitrage /ur Ditteientialdiagnoso der Hy- stei i.....id Katatoiiie. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat. | etc.), PerL, 19i 11-2. lviii, 957 ; 1126. — Knr|>liiM (J. 15) Leber Pupillen- starre im hysterischen Anfalle. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1896. ix, 1228. ---.—. Leber Pupillenstarre im hysterischen Anfalle, nebst weiteten I.einerkiiiigcii zur Symptomatolo- gie und Diffetentialdiagnose h\ sierisclu iund epileptischer Aufiille. Jahrb. f. Psychiat.,' I.eip/.. u. Wien, 1898-9, xvii, 1 53.-King (C.) Xeurotic or hysterical fever. Med. Rec, V V . 1889. xxxvi, 1.1. — Kobh-r ((i.) (Jibt es ein hysteiisches Fieber.' Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1900, 1, 12651269 l.iiliiiiiaiiii. Ueber tlie Vortauschung ver- s. Iiiedeuer Kiankheiteii durch Hvsterie. Arch. f. Ps.\chiat,. P.erl.. 1898-9. xxxi, 9:9 — I.umbroMO (G.) Sopra un caso di ipertermia isterica, 1 cm straordiiiarie eleviizioni tli teniperatura. Atti tl. xi Cong. med. inter- naz., Roma. 1894, iii, metl. int., 2;ii 245 l.nvtiilniry (J.) I'rzyezyuki do hematologii nerwic 1 z\ nnosciowych (histerii i neiirnstt nii). [On the Iia3inatology ol functional neuroses . . .] Pam. Towarz. Lek. Warszau., 1898. x.iv, 261-274. — .Miii-ina (A. R.) Reazioni elettriche in due istet iche e confront!) con quelle tlella malattia tli Thomson. Riv. sper. di freniat., lieggio-Kmilia, 1888. xiv, 327-340.— Ilai'oi'.ki (V. K.) Riedkiy sluchai isterii. [Rare ease of hysteria.1 Vrach. St. Petersb.. 1901, xxii, 940-943.— Tltri iintlino (F.I Manifestazioni isteriche nel decorso di altre malattie. (Jazz, nnd tli Torino. 1896. xl\ii, 521- 527 — .TI<'mii«-|. Autographisnie et sligmates. Bull. Acatl. de med.. Par., 1891). 2. s., xxiii. 362-380. Also: Bull, med.. Par., 1890, iv, 285-287. AUo [Abstr]: Gaz. tl. hop.. Par., 1890, lxiii, 343 — Ht'/zii (It.) Su tli un caso 1I1 febbre isterica Arch, internaz. ui med. e chir., Napoli, l'.uil. wii. 3-8.—.Tlills ((5 K.i The diagnosis of hvsteria. l'i. P.eiksCo. M. Soc. 1.-96, Reading. Pa.. 1897, 45-56.— ♦link (P. J.i Psendo-glohus hystericus. Geneesk. Courant, Tiel. 189:! Ixvii. no. 48.—jTIorareMik (E. E.) Adatok a hysteiiasok h.imeiseki. erven-si e.s legzesi viszonyaihoz. [Conlrilmtiotis on the relations ..!'tempera- ture, pulse, and respiration in hysteria] Oi vosi hetil., Budapest. 1886. xxx, lu45 - 1053. — .Tloyroud. Xote sur un cas de tievie hysterique. Loire med., St.-fitienue, 1896, xv, 83-9— \;ilalntei (G.) I'n caso tli febbre isterica. Gazz. nnd d. Marche. ( ivitauova -Marche, 1895. iii, no. 4. AUo Reprint. — .'Vcifeld (E. J.) De febre lenta hysterica purpura superveuiente soluta. Primiliie phys.-med. [etc J. Lesna*, 175(1, i, 111-121.— sti'u ungeii. Centralbl.!'. Netvenh. u. Psychiat., Berl. u. I\i»wl (F.i Hysterisctae Symptome bei eiufachen Se.len- L.-i])/... 19U2. 11. F., xiii. 2-38. [ Discussionj, 48. —O'C'on- nor (J. T.) A ease of hysteria simulating tetany and giviuj rise to au erroneous diagnosis of pleurisy. Tr. Hointi'op. M. Soc >'. Y., Rochester, 1891. xxvi, 13*4-141.- O'Donoran i(5). jr. A case of rapid pulse in a hvs terical woman. Maryland M. J.. Bait 1----9 xx :;6l- 363. AUo: Obst. Gaz., Cincin.. 1.-89, xii, 1 i:,-l 16. —Pal- i-irk (H. T.) The diagnosis of hvsteria. N5 York M. J., 1.-96. lxiii, 198; 234. AUo. Reprint. — Pick 1A.1 Leber pathologischt! Traumerei und ihie Ile/i. hiingen zur Hy- sterie. Jahrb f. Psychiat., Leipz. u. Wien, 1895-6. xiv, 280- 301.— Pitres iA.) De la perte de connaissance dans les attaqu-'sil'liwerie. Rev. neurol.. Par., 1896, iv, 506-510.— Poi'l* iK.) Peisistance dune nioditieation profonde tie la loi mule des phosphates ehez un hysterique. eu dehors de ia pei mile dattaqiie. J. denied., cbir. et Pharmacol., Brux.. 1893, 21 29. — Ponloppiilan iK.) Maskerede Hyst.rier og hysteiisk,- Masker. (Masked hysteria and hysteril'oriii simulation. | Hos]i.-Tid., Kjobenh.. 1893. 4. li.., i, 711-75(1. — Proton (IJ. J.i Hvs erical pvtexia. Mary- land M. .1.. Bait., 1894-5. xxxii, 13.1-136. Also. I.'epnnt.— PiKt'i iP.) Coniribiizioue alio stutlio della fel.l.ie iste- rica. (Jazz. tl. osp., Xajioli, 1891, xii, 882-885 — IC-■ > 1110ml (F ) .V J 1111 el (l'i Note sur rhysterio droite . t sin 1 h \ s- telie gauche. Rev. neurol.. Par'., 1.-99. vii, 851 -,-55. — It. - ■■ink (lvi Zur Semiotik tier hysterischen Deviatiouen ihr Zuuge und ties (lesichtes. Berl. klin Wchnschr., 1892, xxix, 996-1000.—It 1 bai kin (I.) Vertigo auralis hys- terica; k voprosu ol. i/mieneiiii inorhi i»islle ])iistupov boNhoI isterii. [. .. all.i aliens iu the urine after attacks of hysteria ma|oi.' llolnitsch. gaz Hotkina. St. Petersb., 1899,'x 1591-1601.- Itol.t 1 1. Note sur le diagnostic dif- ferent iol entre 1 hy si.,11, et la paralysie generale. Cong. d. med. alienistes .-i neurni. tie Fiance. Rap. et C.-r. 1897, Par., 1898, viii. 396-102. — Kool (Eli/a II.) Hysteria a RViii|itoni of other disease. M.-d. Standard. I 'hic.igo, 1.-90, viii, 133-135. AUo: Peoria M. Month , 1899-91. xi, 166- 169 MhIoiiioikt-VInrino iS.. Sulla febbre isterica. I..i\..ii d ' ong. di meil. int. 1.-89. Milano, 1890, ii, 334-336.— MiiiiIhiiki'Iii Nptitti (F.) Felibre isterica come equiva- lent.. t'Tmi.o dell ,u . . sso. (ia/z d. o-p., Milano. 1894, xv, 177-181. MarboiA.) A hysterias lazrdl. [On h\ st. rival fever.] (ImiM held. Budapest. 1891, xx x v. 253 ; 266; 281; 293. AUo, transl Arch f. Psychiat.. P.erl.. 1891, xxiii. 486-537. AUo, transl. Pest. metl.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1891, xxvii, 729; 759 — Neb a Iler (K.) A hysteriasok villauios viszonyainl. [On the electrical relations of hys- HYSTERIA. 778 HYSTERIA. Hysteria (Diagnosis and semeiology of). t.*i i. al persons.) Orvosi betil., Budapest, 1891. xxxv. 78; 92, 106; 118; 130; 152; 168. Also, transl: Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Metl., Leipz., 1891-2, xlviii, 223-266. Also, transl. ! Absti.;: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1891. xxvii, 4H'.'-413. — Meiamaiina (E.) Storia di una febbre isterica. Hull. d. Soc I.ancisiana d. osp. di Roma. 1888, viii. 90-93. 2 diag. —Smith (A. A.) Hysterical high tem- perature. M.d. News, N. Y., 1896, Ixix, 700. —Slariel- maiin (E.) Multiple (arcinose des Schadels. verlaufeud I unter dim Bilde einer Hysteric. Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg., Berl 19ul, 148.—Stafford iJ.i Fn caso de histeria cou teniperatura de 105; 8 F. Rev. med.-quir. amer , N. Y., 1-91-5. Hi, 2.—Stephan. Febris hvstenca. Nederl. Ti.idschr. v. Geiie-sk.. Amst., 1891, 2. P.. xxvii, 235-242. 1 tai..—Sionpy. Un cas de polyurie hystei icjue^ Atch.de | m.-d. et pharm. mil.. Par., 1900, xxxv. 2n7-218. — Str6ze«-- Nki i K.i O zaburzeniach histerycznych. [Hystei ical disturbances.) Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1900. 2. s. xx. .--6- 892.—Summers (J. E.), jr. Omaha's remarkable case of high temperature ; an undoubted hysterical fake. Omaha Clinic, 1891-2. iv. 115-118.—Tesd'orpf (P.) Leber die Weehselbeziehungen der kdrperlichen uud psychischen Storungen der Hj-sterie. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr.. 1902, xlix, 60-62.—Theophanidot (I.) nepiTnwK- BtaXetTroivTos irvptTOv fifid vaTepitrjiioG. FaATjib?, 'X0i\vai. 1887, xvii, 737-740.— Thompson ("W. G.) Hysterical fever. Med. News, N. Y., 1897, Ixx, 13-15.— Vizioli (R.) Ipertermia ed ipotermia in un caso di isterismo. con anno- tazione sulla nutrizione delle isteriche. Ann. di neviol., Torino, 1891, n. s., ix, 359-368,1 diag. AUo f Abstr.) : Gazz. d. clin., Napoli, 1891, ii, 497-500.—Wcalphal i A.) Leber Pupilleuerscheinungen bei Hysterie. Berl. klin. Wehn- Bchr., 1897, xxxiv. 1024; 1052.—White (W. H.) Hys- terical pyrexia. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1885-6, xix, 124-130, ldiag. Also [Abstr.]: Lancet, Loud., 1886, i,351.— Wood (C. A.) The methods employed in examining the eyes for the detection of hysteria. J. Am. M. Ass . Chicago, 1898, xxxi, 1136-1138. —Wormxer (E.) & Bins (R.) Ein einwandsfreier Fall von hvstei-ischem Fiei.er. Munchen. med. Wchuschr.. lOiio. xlvii, 1373; 1417— Zaniboni (B.) Valore semeiotico dell' esame perioptometrico nella diag- nosi d' isterismo. Riv. clin., Milano, 1892, xxxi, 577-659. Hysteria (Epidemic). * See, also, Chorea. Convulsions, Epidemic; Loudun (Demonomanias of); Witches, etc: Bouchet (H.) * Relation sur r^pidemie de Morzine. K-. Lyon, 1 .-99. Coxstans (A.) Relation sur une Epidemie d'hyst^ro-demonopathie en 1~61. 2. 6d. 8C. Paris, 1H63. Fraxzolini (F.) L' epidemia di istero-demo- uopatie in Verzegnis, studiata dai dottori Giu- seppe Chiap e Fernando Franzolini. Relazione. *--. Ilegglo nell' Emilia, lb79. Jeaxxkl (C.) Les aboyeuses de Josselin, ex- cursion cn Bretague au mois de mai 1?55. 12°. Eennes, 187)5. Rouzol. Relation d'une 6pidemie k phenome-nes hys- tei o-choreiques observee a. Albon (Ardeche) en 1882. Mem. et compt.-tend. Soc. d. se. m6d.de Lyon (1884), 1885, xxiv. 177-199 —f.enik (E. A.) Vtoraya epideiniya iste- richeskikh sudorog v Podolskom uyezdie, Moskovskol gu- bernii. [Second epidemic of hysteria in Podolsk County, Moscow Government.) Nevrol. Vestnik, Kazan, 1898, vi, no. 4. 146-159.—llirsch (W.) Epidemics of hysteria. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y. 1896, xlix, 544-549.—IIi'rt (L.) Eiue Epidemie vou hysterischen Krampfen in einer Dorf- schule. Berl. klin. Wclinschi., 1892. xxix, 1271-1274. AUo: Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Cult. 1892, I Bresl., 1893 Ixx. 56-59.—Iljelniman (J. W.) En epi- demi af hysterisk-ieligiiisekstasi Nilsiii socken. )Uue epi- ' d6inie d'une extase religietise hv-tei ique dans la comniiiue de Nilsia. Res. | P inska liik.-'s.'illsk. handl.. Helsingfors, 1889, xxxi. 463-474. — von Holwcde. Eiue Epidemie von hysterischen Zufall.n in eiuer Biirgerschule zu Braun- schweig. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1898. n. F., xlviii, 229-234.—Jl. Epidemia isterica. Cron. mens. d. manic. di Como. 1886, iii. no. 6-7 — Tlagnani (L.) Eutlemia di nevrosi isterica od i couvulsionarii tl' Abbadia. Gazz. nied. ital. lomb., Milano, 1888, xlviii. 355.—.Tlnriani iM.) Epi- demia troncata di grande isterismo. Arch. ital. per le mal. nerv., Milano, 18S7. xxiv, 263-288— IHingazzini (G.i Nota clinica sopra un'epidemia di convulsjoui iste- riche. Bull. tl. Soc. Laiifi-iana d. osp. di Roma (1894), 1895, xiv, fasc. 1. 55-58 — tlonleiro (j.), jr. Devem ou nao ser admittidas a uma escola su]ierior alumnas affecta- das de atatpies hystericos? Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1887, ii, 187-191).—iVass (L.) La possession d'Auxonn.- (1661). Chron. med.. Par.. 1902. ix, 65-71. —."Veilmmm ill ) Eine hvsterische Hausepidemie. Monatsehr. f. Psychiat. u. Neurol., Berl., 1899, v, 405-410. — Palmer. Line psy- I Hysteria (Epidemic). fhische Seuche in der obersten Klasse einer Matlchen- schule. Centralbl. f. Nervenh. u. Psychiat., Coblenz & Leipz. 1892. n. F., iii. 301. AUo, Reprint. — Regeri. I'syehische Epidemie, Hysterie und Hypnotismus. Ibid., 337.—Shatalotr (N. F.) K voprosu ob epidemicheskol isterii. [On epidemic hvsteria. | Protok. zasaid. Obsh. Neiropat. i Psikhiat. pri Imp. Moskov. Univ., 1890-91. 20- 23.—Thornton (J. B). jr. Some curious facts concern- ing " the jumpers". Med. Rec, N. Y., 1885, xxviii, 713.— Weir (•!.). ii. In those days there were devils." Ibid., 1897, Iii, 810-813. —Vnkovenko (V. l.i Epideiniya ist-. richeskikh sudorog v Podolskom nyezdle, Moskovskol gub. [Epidemic of hysterical convulsions in the county ol Po- dolsk, government of Moscow.] Vestnik obsh.big., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1895, xxv, 4. sect., 93-109. AUo [Abstr.]: Protok. zasled. Obsh. Neiropat. i Psikhiat. pri Imp. Moskov. Univ., 1894-5, 9-14. Hysteria (False accusations in). See Hysteria (Jurisprudence ot); Hysteria (Manifestations of. Psychical); Insanity of self- accusation; Loudun (Demonomaiiiacs of). Hysteria (Fever in). See Hysteria (Diagnosis, etc., of). Hysteria (Grave). ' See Hystero epilepsy. Hysteria (Handwriting in). See Hysteria (Diagnosis, etc., of). Hysteria (Hereditary). 'see Hysteria (Causes, etc., of); Hystero-epi- lepsy. Hysteria (History of). See, also, Spiritism; Witches, etc. Abricossoff ( Gianni ). * L'hysterie aux xviie et xviiie sieeles. (fitude historique.) 8c Paris, 1-97. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1897. Dcbakry (A.) Les de'se'qui libris de l'ainour. Hysterique. 16°. Paris, le97. Relation* de la maladie et de la guerison mi- raculeuse de Mile. Louise Gu61on. 16°. [n. p., 1785.] Tpombetta (P. M.) In consultationem pro illustrissima Genueusi matrona, hypochondriaro- hysterica affectione laborante, a semetipso sc;ip- tis mandatam parapbrasis una cum alioruni con- sulentium responsis. Accessere dissertatione- de chalybis natura et viribus: De macie, eju.sqne causis in morbis hypochondriacis: De .sanguinis iuissione in eniaciatis: An in macie hypochon- driaca, etiam cum febre, et hecticie suspicioue conveniat chalybs. Opus momos repriniens, et ad rite medendum perutilc. 12c. Genua; 1589. Biilon (H.) L'hysterie k Toulon vers 1730. Marseille metl. Is'a: xxx, 521; 537; 567; 577; 616. — Rresler i J. ) Culturhistorischer Beitrag zur Hysterie. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat. [etc.], Berl., 1896, liii, '333-376.—R rod in aim. Zusammenstellung der Literatur iiber Hysterie aus den Jahren 1896 und 1897. Ztschr. f. Hvpnot. [etc ]. Leipz., 1897, vi, 290: 1898, vii, 172; 342.—t haitol (J.-M.) & Ri- cher (P.) Le mascaron grotesque de l'eglise Santa Maria Formosa, k Venise, et l'h6mispasme glosso-labie hyste- riiiite. N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par.. 1888, i, 87-92. 4 pl. — C'ollineaii. L'hyst6rique; point de viie ethnogra- phiijue. L'Homme, Par., 1887, iv, 073-087.—tiirolanio (G.) Dell'isterismo in Romae di alcune sue speciali ca- gioni predisponenti e dei relativi mezzi profilattici. Gior. metl. di Roma, 1808, iv, 449-474. Also, Reprint. — Ja- conliui. 11 fakiro e 1'isterismo. Cirillo, Aversa, 1897,v, 28: 37: 56.—ITIarillier (L.i Apparitions of the Virgin in Donlogne. Proc. Soc. Psych. Research, Loud., 1890-91, vii. ldii-1 Hi.—.Jleige iH.) 1. hysterie daus l'art antique; etud. medieale sur quelques monuments figures de l'auti- ijuite. Intermit, no cl phot. Monatsehr., Leipz., 1894, i, 137; 167. -----. La maladie de la tille de Saint-G6osmes d'apres Jean-Fraiicois-Clenieut Moraml (1754i. N. inco- nog.de la Salpetiiere. Par.. 1896, ix, 223-256.—Per net (G.) Witchcraft v. hysteria. Med. Mag.. L..nd.. 1895, iv. 271- 279.—Ray (P. S.) Hysteria in the negro. Med. Rec, N.T., 1888. xxxiv.39. AUo. transl: Eucephale, Par., 1888, viii, 563-566—Nirozewwki (K.) Symptomatologia his- teryi u Israeliiow polskich. [ . . . among Polish Jews.] tiaz. lek., Warszawa, 1897, 2. 8., xvii, 739-745. HYSTERIA. 779 HYSTERIA. Hysteria (Jurisprudence of). ' See. also, Hysteria ( Manifestations of, Psy- chical); Lateau {Louise). Costes (F.-M.) * La vie psychique des hys- teriques, et leur respunsabilitS devant la loi pe- nale. *^\ Toulouse, 1898. Eyraud (G.) * Contribution a l'dtude de la simulation de rhystero-neiirastln nie traumati- que. *•-. Lyon, 1-9-. Xkkoxi ivtl*.') ITno sgnardo alle piu importanti cause ed ai principali carat *eii dell' isterismo coiisiderato dal lato sociale ed in rapporto con la medicina legale. 12°. Matenano, 1*95. PareaU (J.-H.) "Les deg£ut'tt*s hysteriquea au point de vue ineclico-legal. ^-. Bordeaux, l~v»9. Witte (F.) 'Ueber einen Fall von Sellist- besi-lilidignng bei einer hvsterisclien Frau. >'■. Kiel, 1-9-. Rai ley (P.) The medico-legal relations of traumatic hysteria. Med. Rec, X. Y 1899. lv, 308-311.—Barlleli (E.J.) The I'-t uniiner case. Med.-Leg. J., X*. Y.. 1897-8. xv. 375-3>4.— Binnehi iA. II I Istet ieo feritore. Arch. di psichiat. I etc. j. lCuuo, 1889. x. 017. -----. La respou- sabilita nell' isterismo. Riv. sper. di freniat.. Reggio- Emilia. Is9'i. xvi, pt. 2 141-154. -----. In causa d'iste- rismo psichico: la trutfatrice internazioniile; perizia me- dico-legale sulle eondizioni mentali della sig*. Sib. 11., nata S. Riv. mens, di psichiat Intense. Xapoli, 1898. i, 305- 3ji;—Bin awn tiger A Kraute. Aerztliches Obergut- ac hten iibei .-men mit >:-c i ition verbimdenen Fall von Hvsterie. Monatsehr. t Psv, hiat. u. Xeurol., Berl., 1899, vi. 336-35*2. — Rronnrilel. I.'hvsterie dans le manage. Ann. d'hyg.. Par.. 1>99. 3. s xiii, 429-452. — Collineau. L'hysteric]u.. Arch, de l'anthrop. crim. Par., 1889. iv, 194: 327 —Be Rode (L.i Hysterie a th-nx; vols a 1'eta- la*.-: observation medico-legale. Bull. Soc.de med. ment. de Belg. Gand et Leipz... 1892, 391-397.—Oobrolvor-ki iN5 Li Ubiystv.. materynsvoyevonezakonuorozhdennavo rebyonka vo vreniya'isteio-epilepticheskavo pripadka (sndebno-psikhiatricheskaya ekspertiza). [Murder by mother, ctnring a hystero-enileptic attack, of her illegiti- mate child: expert forensic-psychiatric testimony.] Yo- pro-i uerv.-psikh. med.. Kiev." 1900. v, 68-73. — Dnnio- lard. Quelques cas rares d'hysterie, dont un chez I'hom- me: leflexions medico legales. * Dauphin6 med.. Grenoble, 1p89. xiii. 17-26 —Falnehe S.-lbstanklage tier Brandstif- tung; hysterisehe Yerriicktheit; Gutachten von Dr. von Sp.-yr (1-82). Gerichtl.-psvehiat. Gntacht. a. d. Klin. Forel in Zurich, Stuttg.. 1-96. 160-163.— Fanner. Znr foren- sisciieu Casuistik der Hvsterie. iMoidver-uch seitens einer Hysteiica.) Vrtljs.lir. f. gencntl. Med B. rl.. Is91. 3. 15. ii, 278^291. — FiirMtner. Die Zurechnung-fahigkeit der Hvsteiisclien. Aich. f. Psychiat.. Berl. 189--9 xxxi, 627-039. AUo rAbstr.]: Monatsehr. f. Psychiat. u. Xen r.. Bt'L, 189s. iv. 333-33U. AUo 'Abstr.]: Allg. Ztschr. t. P- iat. [•■re], Berl., ls9s-9. Iv, 785-793. — «nrnier. ■ > i on in & Koetean. Consultation medicolegal.- .in nijcastl hystero-tniuniitisme. Arch. m^d. d'Angers. 19110, iv, 266-275.—Graot't {At Le roman d'une hysterique. Histoire vraie pouvant s. rvir k I'etude medico-legale do de I'hvsttrie et de 1'hvpiu.tisme. Rev. de Phypnut. et psychol. phvsiol.. Par., 1889-90. iv,270-277. Also: Semaine m^d. Par., 1890. x, 57. AUo, in hU: Lee. de clin. med. 1886-90, Montpel., 1-91 401-413. AUo, tun,si.. Inteinat. klin. Rundschau Wien XH), iv, 399-402.-.loire ■ P.) De la simulation hyt-t. i que. Bull. med. du nord. Lille, 1893, xxxii, 113-130 —Kieriian T. G.) II -t.iical accusa- tions; an analysis of the Kmma Bond e,.s. J. Neiv A Ment. Dis., X. Y.. 18s" u. »., x 13-18. KovalevLy (P.) Foiie hysterique (esquisses de psychiatrie wedno- 16gale). Gaz.' h.-bd. de metl.. Par 1890. xliii, 1071-1074.— von Krain-Ebinji 'K.i Meni.-id : Hysterismus; be- hauiite'e Amnesic i:t i-onali (S.) L'n truffatore isteiic... Arch.dipsichi.it letc.i 'l'o- rino, 1894, xv, 560-564.—Fie li (A.) Leber einen Fall von hysterischer Psychose, mit Bemerkungen zurjgerichtlichen Hysteria (Jurisprudence of). I'sycliopaihologie. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1899, xiii, 051 —Fueei ii'.i Ln casod' istero-epilessia; importante sp.cialmente dal puuto di vista medico legale-militare. Kiforma med., Xapoli, 1893, ix, pt.2, 518-523 -Rrhni (E.) Leber /iiicchniingstahigkeit und Claubwiirdigkeit der Hystei-iseheii. Friedi inch's I'.I. f. gerichtl. Med.. Niirnb., Iss7. \\w iii. : 157-374.— Me line ler. Der Gerichtsarzt uud die freie Willensbestiminung ; nebst einem Falle von Raub, ansgefiihrt von einer Ilvsteroepileptischen. Vrtlj- schr. f. gerichtl. Me.l., Berl.,'1885, n. K., xiii, 57; 271.— Sieini'i'linu. Fall von forensischer Hystero-Epilepsie. Berl. kliu. Wchnschr.. 188? wiv, 578.— Tambronl (R.) Un caso di isterismo criminal.-. Poll. tl. manic, prov. di Ferrara, 1899, wvii, 09-8(1. Velas.quez de t'awlro (A.) La respoiisabilitlad en las histei icas. (Estudio me- dico-legal.) Indepenil. ui.-d., Barcel.. 1892-3, xxiv, 425; 437; 449 Also: Gac. in.dd, Granada, 1893, xii, 185; 217; 249: 279.— Verhoogen iJ.i Simulation hysterique. J. de med., chir. et phamiac..]. Brux., 1894, 38.— Vijjonioiix (A.) Obsession et impulsion pyromaniaques chez une degeneree hystei iipie. Ann. metl. psychol., Par., 1897, 8. s., vi. 238-240. — Wallenberg. Die forensische Beur- tht'ilung der Krampfkranken, insbesondere der Hysteri- schen. Deutsche metl. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1899, xxv,Ver.-Beil., 71. [Discussion), 153. Hysteria (Manifestations of) [including complex or unusual forms\. See, also. Angina pectoris (Hysterical); Hys- teria in children; Hysteria and insanity; Hys- teria in the male; and the subdivisions of " Mani- festations" ivhich follow. Castells (F.) Del histerismo considerado en sus relaciones con algunas enferinedades locali- zailas. roy. ■**-. Barcelona, 1882. Grillo (F.) Breve monografia sui protei- forme isterismo. *c Avellino, 18*7. Hlnacld (P.) Dissertation snr les vapeurs et les jiertes de sang. 16°. Paris, 1756. Lohrexgel (R.) * Hysterisehe Psychose mit schweren Liihmungen; Mntismus, Schlucklah- mung, Parnplegie. *°. Tiibingen, 1-98. Valkxhx (C. [E. H.]) * Ueber Xacbah- mnngszwang bei einer Hysterischen. 6-. Ber- lin, [1-91]. Zaxotti (J. M.) Disamina sopra la lettera critica spettaute il raro fenomeno della giovane creinonese; data alia luce dal Signor Andrea Fro- mtmil. 1*2-. Milano, IT.'iO. AiilimoU' tl. A.) Simptomokompleks Millard-Gu- bler a istet ifheskol naturi. [Millard-Gubler's complex of symptoms of a hysterical nature.] Obozr. psichiat., ne- v'rol. [etc.]. S.-Peterb.. 1896. i, 1-5.—Arneth (J.) Ein seltener Fall von Hvsterie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1901, xxvii, 248-_ 1 — Basile (G.) Un caso di pseudo-appendicite iu una isterica. Pratica d. med., Xapoli, 1900-1901, i, 362-365.— Kerger (E.) Du larmoiement hysterique. Progr&s nied.. l'ar.. 1895, 3. s., ii, 213-219. AUu. transl: Boll, d'ocul., Firenze, 1895, xvii, 132; 139; 147. — It Lit li Inn n ill. W.) Peculiar case of hysteria. Lniv. Me.l.. l.alv.-ston 1896-7, 44. - Boilde. Anch etwas uber die Krsc lieinniigen bey tier Anna Katha- iina Knimerich /.u Diilmeii. Med.-chir. Ztg., Salzb., 1817, ii. r.5-74.—Bridge i.N5) Hysteria; unusual. Clin.Kev., Chicago. ls'.is-9 i\ 287.— ltri»«mnl (E.I Le rire et le pleuret siiiiHinodiques. Kev. scient., l'ar.. 1894. 4. s.. i, 38- 46. AUo, transl: Chicago M. Recorder, 1894, vii, 155-167. AUo, Reprint— Briwtowe (J. S.) The Cavendish lect- ure on hysteria and its counterfeit presentments. Lancet, Lontl. 1885, i, Ihi.'.I; 1113. Also: Proc. W. Lond. Med.- Chir. Soc. 1884-H Lond.. 1887, ii, 49-76. Also, in hU: Clin. Lect. ixon(J. D.) Strange material said to have been passed per vaginam. Rep. Proc Xorthiimb. 90.::.s. xxiv, 91-96.- liriblinu d J.i Eu geval van hvsierisch zweeten eu anurie. Ne.ltil Ti.jilschr.v.Geneesk..Amst.. 1.-85. xxi, 504-567.— Ilali|»re i A.I I Ed ernes et etch v most-d Ci igun- hvslt'riqu. iieiedite -iinilaire. Normandie med.. Iloneii, 1898. xiii. 9-14.— II ul lopt'iiu A Coii-ltn-oii. Surun t as d'ulcerations II.ipllO 11. Vl.ltiqllt's 1 CCS a 1111 iCtl^Ull' bleu cbeZ till llVStO- ri.pie. Bull. Sec. frau.; de .1.nu.it. et syph.. Par., 1899. x, 36-39.— IliimmerweP !ng cY.i Zur Symptomatologie der Hvpaesthe-ia acustica hystnica. Monatsehr. f. Oh- renh., Beil.. l."l xxxv.::--- 92 llolih iS i Et tilf.elde af hysteiiske l'',.nlirn_. i i l.in'l "_ -liinliinder; tied ved paukreasapopleM lb m.! • h _i, s .1, l.i peau et iles mu- queuses chez une hysterique mort par apoplexie du pan- creas. Res.. 750.) Noi-sk Mag. t. I.a gevidensk., Kristia- nia, 1901, 4. R., xvi. 085-692.-.UeCo«h i A. J.) Hysteri- cal bine cedenia. Ann. Surg l'hili.. 1-93. xviii. 667.— ?TIanheiniei- - M.) Horripilations d'origine hysterique. Med. oiient. l'.u., l-"8 ii. "'1-36.—.TI ilaiil*«*» (I A.) Ayytio/cnvij7toc. n . .1. d. h.q. de l'.u .. 18'.'7 :; - . xiv, 9-2-981.'.. —0>ori cY.r (The formation of spots on the ] cutii le t:..ui Ir. -i>>ria.) 'f..k\ o-med. W'chn-rbr., 1890. no. 959. l-t>, no. 965. 1-5. — Bayniond. Ln cas d tedeme hvsterique. Rev. de ] h\|.imt. et j.sv. 1ml. physiol.. Par., 1900-1901. xv, 56-59 — K i Ital kin (V.) Gangriena cutis h\ sterica. Russk. j. kozhn. i ven. bollezn., Kharkov, 1901. i, 149-156. 1 pl.—Bona i S.) Leber Herpes zoster g.mgia iiosus hvstericu —Ka]»...si. Festschr. . . . Moriz Kaposi z. Prof. Jubil. Wien u. Leipz.. 1900,209-221. 1 pl.— Nhmv -T. C.) A Bnrvea i-I. T i If vsterical blue cedenia. l;r-,5yn M.J. 1-9.: vii. 193-198 — Sorbet*. Hysteiie: Iioiii glacial: -m-iii- pinfu-es Gaz. tl. Imp.. Par.. 1889, Ixn, .'4". — Thibierse (I'.I Ln ca- d'n-deme bleu hyste- rique. BuL ?.'C train*, tie dermat. et syph.. Par.. Is92. iii, 135-137.— Yenillot. Un ens de gangrene cutanee il'ori- gine li.v-.tei i.j■ ••?. X. iconng.de la Salpetriere. Par., 1895. viii, 28S-29", 1 pl. —Voiiin (J.i CEdenie bleu chez une hysterique gueri pai 1 app] nation de l'aimant (suggestion armee). Rev .1.- In, pnot. et psychol. physiol., Pai., 1901-2, xvi, 90-93 —We n ile < G. W.) Dermatitis vesic..-bullosa et gangrenosa mm: l.i in report of two cases having a hys- tei io-traumatic origin. Tr. Am.Dermat.As8.1900,Chicago, 1901.29-50. 2 pl. Hysteria (Manifestations of, Laryngeal). * Sei- Hysteria (Manifestations of > by disorders of organs of voice, eh: Hysteria (Manifestations of, Ocular). ' See Hysteria (Manifestations of) by disorders of -ja ein I senses. Hysteria (Manifestations of, Psychical), i * Ser. also, Amnesia; Hysteria tJurisjirndence \ ofj; Hysteria (Manifestation, of) by disorders ,,f nerrons system; Hysteria in children; Hysteria und insanity; Hystero-epilepsy; Memory (Dis- orders of); Spiritism. dp; Bon.mot (J.) Opposition entre l'hystoi ie ct la saintefi'. 8°. Paris,1885. Cattani ((}.) Isterismo e sentimento. l'i-. Milano, 1*91. Colin ( H. ) "Essai snr 1'eTut mental des hysteriques. 4°. Paris, 1*»!M). -----. The same. 8 c Paris, 1 ■-!)(!. 1)e-.iai:s (F.) 'Les r^cits imayinaires chez les hystdriques. 8C. Paris, 18W. ESCANDE DE MESSIEURS (M.-E ) *LesICVCS chez les hyst<'rii|ues. 8°. Bordeaux, 1 -'.'.">. Hysteria (Manifestations of, Psychical). (JoLDMAN ( Mile. M. ) "Contusion mentale ihe/, Irs hysteriques. *->-5. Paris, 1899. Janet (P.) "Contribution a l'l-tuile des acci- dents nientaux chez les hysteriques. 4C. Paris, is9:i. -----. The same. 12c. Paris, 1891. -----. Etat mental des hystei it|iies; lea stigiiiati-s nientaux. l'i-. Paris. [l-!i:!]. -----. The same. Der Ccistosziistand tier Hysterischen (die psychischeu Stigmata). Mit einer Yorreile von Professor Charcot. Ueber- setzt von .Max Kahane. *c Leipzig'<)'■ Wien, 1891. Kkkkmt (J.-M.) De l'etat de la conscience et ile la memoire durant l'attaque convulsive d'hys- terie vulgaire. 4'-. Bordeaux, 1**'.L>. Li-:iii!Y (P.) * Rapports tie l'hysterie et de la ilegetieiesi't'nee; hysterie, modalite de la degg- liertscence. ** . Paris, 1899. Ranschburg (P.) »t. Ha.i6s (L.) Neue Bei- triige zur Psychologie des hysterischen Geistes- zustandes. r* . Leipzig 5 Wien, 1-97. Tabakald. * Des rapports de la iiegeneres- cence mentale et de l'hjsterie. 4". Paris, 1-8*. Arnold iA. B.) Hystero-hypochontlriasis. Pacific M. J.. San l-'ran., 1x90, xxxiii, 321-324.— Bernheim. On psychical nature of hysterical unilateral amblyopia anti sensitive-sensorial hemianesthesia. Brain. Lond., 18911, xvi, 181-190. — Bimi (A.) Recherches sur les alterations ile la con-cichce c h.z les hysteriques. Rev. phil., Par., 18>9. xxvii, 135-170. ------. Proof of double consciousness in hysterical individuals. Open Court, Chicago, 1889, iii. 1739-1741. — Biiiswanger. Feber einen eigenai tii;.ii hysterischen IUimitierzustand ( Ganseri. Monatsehr. 1. Psychiat. u. Xeurol.. Berl., 1898, iii, 175-180. — Klocq (P.) Du vigilambulisme hysterique et de la suggestion hypnotique. Rev. i;en. de clin. et de therap . Par., 1891. v, 129. ------. L'etat mental dans l'hysterie. Gaz. il. hop., Par.. 1893. lxvi. 1273-128(1. — Koiu liantl. Ac- tuation memale e* mutism.' hysterique. J. d. sc. med. lie Lille. 1887. ii, 337: 301; 457.—Brouer (J.i oli. 1900. iii, 14-18.— I>oIn:i (L.) Psiqnismos histtricos. Kev. tie cien. m6tl. ile liarcel., 1897, xxiii. 241-252.—Farcz (P.I Lausse an- gine de jioitiine consecutive a un reve subconsciiiit. Rev. tie lh\ pilot, et psy. hoi. physiol., l'ar.. 1899-1900, xiv. 327- 334.— Faux iLes) teuioiunnges dune hysterique. Arch. d'anthrop. crim.. Lyon \- Par., 1897. xii. 14H-157.—I'mi-i r. 1'eber einen einenartigen hysterischen Diiininei /upland. Arch. f. I'sychiat.. Berl., 1898, xxx, 033-040. [Discussion], 15 -liinnlii (O.) ('alunniii isterica. Spei imentale. Firen/e, 1880, lvii. 147-153. —(alorioiix. L'etat mental lies hystei iques Policlin.. P.rux.. .1899. viii. 219-229.— (^■■iiion (A.i Du dechniblemeiit de la personnalite d'ori- gine liVHlerii|iie (vinilanibulisme hysterique). Progres med.. Par, 1-92. 2. S., xv, 193; 236; 301; 401: xvi. 1: 17; 73; 131.- HalinfL.) Plienoiiienesreiuarquablesobservt5s ilaas uu t;as tl'hysierie. Ann. d. sc. psych.. Par., 1901. xi, 148-159. —Bin jon < L) Die hysterischen Amuesien. 7»i: Kaiischliurst 'P.; A Hajos (L.) N. Beitr. z. Psychol, d. hWer. I i. i^l.s/.llst.. 8 , I.eipz. 11. Wien. 1897. 60-131.— lit Hit It c P.. i Piispevek k pozndni ilvi.jiteho ve.lotni v hysterii. [Contribution tovthe knowledge of tloiibl- con- scioiisness in hysteria.) ("'asop. lek. Cesk.. v Pra/.e. 1890, xxix. 365: 385: '4(17: 428: 450: 409; 4-H: 507: 527: 507.— Jam I i P.) L'aiunesie hysterique. Arch, tie neurol., Pai. 1892. xxiv. 29 55— .1 ol ^ti'Hiiia (G.) Over idee fixe bij hvsterie. Psychiat. eu Neurol. Bl.. Amst., 1898. ii, 309-327. ------. Bijdrage tot tie kennis van het idee fixe en van het soninainbulisme lu hysteiie. Geneesk. Bl. u. Klin en Lab. v. tie prakt.. Haarlem, 1899, vi. 7i-l(l6.— .lolliov. Amn6sie avec apraxie de nature hysterique. [Abstr.) J. tie med. et chir. prut,. Par., 1899, Ixx, 880- 890.—von Kialll-Ebin-i til.) Leber Kcmnesie. In his: Arb. a. d. I lesainnit-el. d. Ps\c hiat u. Neuropath., Leipz., 1898, 3. Hit. 191-211— Krolltoil" (M I Psikho- mozgovaya konstitutsiya holnikh istei iyei. [The psycho- HYSTERIA. 782 HYSTE1UA. Hysteria (Manifestations of, Psychical). cerebral condition of hysterical patients.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1888. xxx, 185-203.—I.aufenaner (K.) Hystero- epilepsia; lopas 6s okm&nyhamisit&s. [Hystero-epi- lepsy: stealing and falsification of documents.] Kozeg. 6s Torveny. Orvos., Budapest, 1885, 65-75.—Laurent (L.) De l'etat mental ties hysteriques d'apres les theories psychologiques actuelles. Arch. clin. de Bordeaux, 1892, i. 416-433, 1 pl.—Ijongbois. Contribution a l'etutle de l'6tat mental des hysteriques. Bull. Soc. m6d. de l'Yonne I 1891, Auxerre, 1892, xxxii, 86-95. Also: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1891, 3. s., xxvi, 63-81. — Manicatide (Elena). Perversiune psihica la o isterica. Spitalul. Bucuresci, 1898, xviii, 92-95. — IVIarie A Azoulay. Sur le temps de reaction personnelle, pour h s impressions auditives chez les hysteriques dans les differents etats hypnotiques et notamment dans l'echolalie. Bull. Soc. tie psychol. physiol., Par., 1886, 37.— IYIazzi (A.) Sopra un caso d' intollerauza in soggetto isterico. Atti tl. r. Accad. tl. fisiocrit. in Siena, i900, 4. s.. xii, 43-5o— Vlettler (L. H.) Aboulia in relation to hysteria. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1898, xxxi, 1200-1203. —Jloseucci (A.) L'immagine visiva cerebrale nei soggetti isterici. Clin. med. ital.. Milano, 1898, xxxvii, 628-047.—Fitres (A.) Des halluci- nations hysteriques. Tribune meil.. Par., 1890, 2. s., xxii, 563-569. -----. Des attaques de d£lire hysterique. Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par., 1891, 2. s., xxviii, 2-6.— Prowl on (G. J.) The mental condition in hysteria. X. York M. J., 1889, xlix, 141-144. — Kaecke. Beitrag zur Kenntniss ties hysterischen Damnierzustandes. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat, fete], Berl., 1901, lviii, 115-163 —Bauscbbnrg (P.) Studien iiber das normale und hysterisehe Bewusst- sein. Jahrb. f. Psychiat,, Leipz. u. Wien, 1890-7, xv, 262-295. AUo, in: Ranschburg (P.) & Hajds (L.) >T. Beitr. z. Psychol, d. hyster. Geisteszust., 85, Leipz. u. | Wien, 1897, 31-65. Also, transl: Orvosi hetil.. Budapest. ' 1898, xiii, 35.—Bnymonil. Hallucinations et troubles, psychiques chez une hysterique. Bull, med., Pur., 1890, x. 1203. AUo, transl: Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1897. xviii, j 19.—San iler (M.) Ueber transitorische Geistestorungen auf hysterischer Basis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leip/,. n. Berl., 1901, xxvii, 463-465. — Seglas iJ.) & Bonnus. HysWrie; confusion mentale et amnesic con- tinue; anesthesie g6neralis£e; experience de Strumpell. Arch, de neurol., Par., 1894, xxviii, 353-365.—Tanibu- rini (A.) L'allucinata di Castelnuovo Monti. Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio-Emilia, 1887-8, xiii, 149-163. Also, transl: Alienist & Neurol., St. Louis, 1888, ix, 209-226.— Vibert (C.) Observations de mensouges ou pretendus mensonges des hvsteriques. Rev. de m6d. leg., Par., 1893-4, i, 241-246. * AUo: Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1894. 3. s., xxxi, 171-181. —Vogt (O.) Norinalpsychologiscbe Eiulei- tung in die Psvchopathologie der Hvsterie. Ztschr. f. Hypnot. [etc.],'Leipz., 1898, viii, 208-227.—Wilder (A.) Miss MaryFancher; an endeavor to explain the peculiar psychical phenomena. Tr. Eclect. M. Soc. N. Y.. Buffalo, 1880-81, xiii, 223-237.—Williams (E. M. X.) Hysterical somnolence and states of double consciousness. Lancet, Lond., 1900, ii. 799-802.—Wizel (A.) Przypadek histeryi z obrzekiem histerycznym czerwonym i pewnem szcze- gdlneni zaburzeniem pamieci. [Hysteria with hysterical tumor, aud certain peculiar perturbations ofthe memory.) Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1893, 2. s., xiii, 141; 176. Hysteria (Manifestations of, Visceral). See Heart (Hyst-rical); Hysteria (Manifesta- tions of) by disorders of digestive system; Hys- teria (Manifestations of) by disorders of genito- urinary system. Hysteria (Manifestations of) by dis- orders of digestive system. See, also, Dyspepsia (Xervous); Dysphagia; Hysteria in children; Hysteria in the male; Hystero-epilepsy. Basset (II.) * Des voniisseinents incoercihles chez les hysteriques. 4C. Paris, 1*88. Guerbe (C.-J.-P.) *L'ictere emotif, mani- festation hysterique. 8°. Paris, 1~98. Mattheides (L.) * Versuch den sogenannten Globus hystericus in einzelnen Fallen durch Dis- location des Magens zu erklaren. 8°. Erlangen, 1890. DU Mesnil (O.) * Ein Fall von Hysterie, mit ungewohnlicheu Magengeriiuschen. 8C. Jena, 1895. Roussel (B.) * Contribution a I'etude des vomissements hysteriques. 4°. Toulouse, 1*91. Sochting (E.) * Ueber Anorexia hysterica. 8 . Erlangen, 1896. Hysteria (Manifestations of) by dis- orders of digestive system. Verhoogex (R.) * Sur les troubles digestifs des hysteriques. *■*-. Bruxelles, 1896. Accolas. Les injections d'huile d'olive sterilisee dans l'anorexie hysterique. Normandie med., Rouen, 1899. xiv, 130-136. AUo : Gaz. d. hop. de Toulouse, 1899, xiii, 397.— Aldor (L.) Bdrzsing-hiides hysterics alapon. [The hysterical basis of paralysis of the oesophagus.] Orvosi hetil.. Budapest. 1897, xli, 433. AUo. transl: Pest, med.- chir. Presse, Budapest, 1897, xxxiii, 880-883. Also, tran.-l.. Lngar. meil. Presse, Budapest. 1897, ii, 925-927.—Ball (J. B.) A case of hysterical dysphagia. West Lontl. M. J., Lond., 1902. vii, 29-31.—Bealh if.) Extreme emaci- ation in hysteria, with notes of a case. Charlotte [N. C] M. J., 1899, xv. 338-340. AUo: Canad. J. M. .AS., Toronto, 1900, vii, 95-98.—Benard. Obstruction intestinale de nature hysterique, gu6rie pat suggestion hypnotique. Rev. tie l'hvpnot. et psychol. physiol.. Par., 1891-2, vi, 361.—Benoit (F.) &. Bernard ill.) Ln cas de tympa- nisme abdominal d'origine hystCrique. X. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par., ISIimi, xiii. .".7-7(1. 1 pl. — Bernheim. Un cas de pseudo-tympanisme hysterique (ventre en ac- cordeon). Soc. de med. tie Nancy. C.-r. 1899-1900, pp. ixviii-lxxi. — Bezaueou (P.) Diarrhee provoqu6e par suggestion chez une hvsterique hypnotisable. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1886-7. i, 150.— Boino - Botlzovich i G.)" Otkaz ot pishtshi u iste- rikov. [Refusal of food by hysterical patients.] Med. sbornik Varshav. Lyaztl. voyenn. hosp., Varshava, 1900, xiii, no 2-3, pt. 2, 1-0. — Bost-. Xote sur les troubles de la nutrition dans 1 hvsterie. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par.. 1892, 9. s.. iv, 370-379— Bouloumie (P.) Hysterie grave; troubles dyspeptiques, hemat^meses, coliques n£- phretiques et b6patiques, simulation de calculs v&sicaux. Bull. Soc. de med. de Par. (1879), 1880, xiv, 223-232.— Bozzolo (C.) Un caso di vomito isterico. Boll. d. clin., Milano, 1897, xiv, 197-203.—Bregman (L. E.) O wymio- tach kalowych w hister\ i. [Fecal vomiting in hysteria.] Krou. lek.,'Warszawa, 1901. xxii, 323-330. AUo, transl: Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1901, xx, 8»2-888. AUo, transl: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1901. xxxvi, 561-563.—Bris- saud (E.) & Breey (M.) Sialorrhee hysterique raono- symptomatique. Gaz. hebd. de nuM., Par., 1901, u. s., vi, 1081-1083.—Brissaud (E.) Un cas d'hysterie grave [anorexie; dvsphagie absolue]. R. v. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1888-9, iii, 339-342.— Kisel (A. A.) ti sluchaye tyazholoi isterickeskoi anorek- sii. [Severe hysterical anorexia.] Trudi Obsh. dletsk. vrach.. Mosk.. 1894-5, iii, 101. A Uo, tra nsl. [with additions): A rch. f. Kinderh , Stuttg., 1896, xx, 382-388______. Ein Fall von schwerer hysterischer Anorexie, die mit Genesung endete. Arch, f.'Kinderh., Stuttg., 1898, xxv, 371-376.—L.. HYSTERIA. 783 HYSTERIA. Hysteria (Manifestations of) by dis- orders of digestive system. Des eructations hysteriques. Lev. med., Louvain, 1895-0, xiv 414-417.— l.a Fnnre. Hysterical anorexia. Mass. M. .1., Bost., 1896.xvi.289 298 — l.loyd (.L 11 i Hysterical tremor and hysterical anorexia {anorexia nervosa) of a severe type. "Am. J. M. Sc., I'liila 1893, n. s.. cvi, 264- 277.—I.opez Alonzo (I i Afagia histerica curada in- stantaneaniente con la sugestion iirehipnoticn. Iudepend. med., Barcel., 188s-9. xx, 270.—Tie M nrtrt (L. S.) Case of hysterical vomiting. Am. Pratt & News, Louisville, 1900", xxix. 453-45."..— tlanlolla ill i Contributo clinico alia casuistica del vomito isterico. Boll. tl. Ass. nied.-chir. calabrese. Catanzaro, 1890, i. no. 1. 16-18. —.Tlnssalongo (R.) & Farinali (Si LIt-era gastric.i isiciica: tisi polinonare isterica: colica epatica isterica; peritonite acuta isterica. Riforma med., Xapoli. 1894, x, pt. 4, 111: 123.— IYIonijoiir A: lierre. Note sur un cas d ei nefarious d'origine h\ st. i i.pir J.de meil. de Bordeaux 1899. xxviii, 185 —Obiei (15) Mescolan/e di forme degenerative nello stesso imlividuo; eruttazioni isteriche. Atti Accad. d. sc. met'., e uat. in Ferrara. 1891-5. Ixix. 131-145.—Ols > Ks- qnerdo (Y.) C61ico minoso histcrico. Corresp. metl., Madrid, 1900, xxxv. 283. — I'ilros (A.) Des borborygmes hysteriques. Progres metl.. Par.. 1>94. 2. s. xx. 493-490. —----. lies eructations hysteriques. Ibid.. 1895, 3. s.. i. 17-21. AUo: Echo nied., Toulouse. 1895. 2. s., ix. 49: 01. AUu, transl.- Aerztl. Centr.-Anz., Wieu, 189.".. vii, 129: 147. Alsn transl: Rassegna tl ost. t e ginec . Napoli. 1895. iv, 82: 15i>.—Kegis iE.) .v BebetlatiX.) Hoquet et eruc- tations hystei iques ilatallt de d'X mois: faiadisatioil tt'ta- nisaute prolongee: gueri».ui. Ai. h. .I electric, med.. Bor- deaux 1.-90. iv. 321-324.— Bicnrd. Ln castle tympan bys- t£rog>ne Rev. hebd. de hit\ ngol. [etc.], l'ar.. 1900, i, 452- 454. — Kichet (C.) Des ^changes respiratoires dans 1'ina- nition hvsterique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1890, 10. s., iii^ 948-950. — Kobty i W. IL), jr. Hysteria simu- lating acute visceral inflammation. Boston M. ;ii. r~>. Wiirzburg, It: 95. Kuhlmaxn (C.) * Hysterie uud Frauen- krankheiten. 8°. Strassburg, 1891. Meurissk (B.-C.) * .Syndrome ut6rin et mani- fest;! lions hysteriques. lc Paris, 1-'.>.">. Rktiere (F.-L.) * Influence ile In novrose hyst6rifonne snr les fonctions de s6cr6tion r6- nale. lc Bordeaux, ]->*7. Aufrecht. Hvsteiische Ovarial-Hyperasthesie. In hUi I'ath. Mitt., S°, Magdeb., 1*«1, 148.— Bmntluf (H.) Double prolapsus ovarien chez une hysterique; compres- sion ovarienne intra-vaginale produisant le transfert. Compt. tend. Soc de biol., Par., 1882, 7. s., iv, 145 — Car- Here A: Verjjer. Ischurie hystei ique sans ^hyperse- cretion intestinale compensatrice. Hull. Soc d'anat. et physiol. de Bordeaux, 1897. xviii, 215. —i'omby (J.) Pe- ritonite aigue survenue k la suite de la compression de l'ovaire gauche ehez une hystenque; mort. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1880. lv. 295-297. AUo: Progres med., Par., 1880, viii, 1059.—Ellis (H.) Hysteria in relation to the sexual emotions. Alienist & Neurol., St Louis, 1898 xix, lly*trria (Manifestations of) by disor- ders of genito-urinary system. 599-61.".. —"Fere (C.) C'oinpresseur de l'ovaire. Progres metl., l'ar., Is81. i\, 941. Also, transl.: An. de obst., ginep. y pediat. Madrid, 1881, 2. «•(>.. ii. 15-17. -----. A propos tie la soi-disaut formule urinaire tie l'hysterie. Compt. rend. So.-, de biol., Par., 1893, 9. s., v, 151 - 153. — Ferreira I'iii'iIoko (M.) Ovaria e compressiio ovariana. J. Soc. tl. sc. nied de Lisb., 1879. xliii. 397-402. — Ferreira de .'lira. Albuminuria hysterica. Med. contemp., Lisb , Is9s. xvi, 38.— I'lttlmill. In cas d'hystcric ineiiorrha- gique. Inhis: <'outer, din a I I lop. St. -Jacques, 85. Par., 18.-0, 40. — FniNci (If.) \- Vizioli (It.) Guarigione mi- ni, diata e c inpleta merce la si.ggestione di una paralisi vesciciile isterica diirata 11 mesi. Atti tl. r. Accad. med.- chir. tli Napoli, 1887-9, xli, 00-711. Also: Gior. tli neuro- patol., Xapoli, 1887. v. 190-192. — tiki-MM (B.) IWpin-Ttotrts TfAetas (t7\oi'pias- orilon (S. ('.) The address iu obstet- rics: hystei in and its relation to diseases of the uterine appendages. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1*80. vi, 561-507. Als,,. Keprint Alsn [Abstr] : Nashville J. M. v (li.) Deux cas de n6vralgies r^nales itliopathicnies provo.pices par une ecu traction euer- gique des in eteres chez deux personnes hysteriques. Pro- gres med.. Par., 1897, 3. s., v, 258. -----'. L'hysterie et la chirurgie des voies urinaires et geaiitales. Coii». internat. de neurol., de psychiat. [etc.] 1897, Brux., 1898, i, fasc 2, 80-82. -----. Trois cas tl'lieinaturie hysterique. Ann. d. mal. d. org. gt'mito-urin.. Par., 1901. xix. 1400-140:!. AU,, : M6d. orient., Par., 1901, v, 480.—Hirtz (K.i & Finn bol (B.l De la polyurie hysterique. M6d. mod., Par., 1895, vi. 037 : 053.—Johnson i A. W.) The pathological aspects of Stevenson's wave. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1895, Ixviii, 330-343— I.aennec. Hysteiie: polyurie et polydypsie. Gaz. m6d. de Nantes. 1892-3. xi, 48. — I.ny- (J.) Crises de retention d'urine tlataut de plusieurs semaines et gue- lies instantanement chez un sujet hvsterique, a I'aide d'un transfert suggestif. Ann. tie psychiat. et d'hypnol., Par., 1893. n. s., iii, 353-355. — IVIathieu (A.) Polyurie hyste- rique. Bull, et mem. Soc. m6d. d. hop. de Par., 1899, 3. s., xvi. 179. — Petrone (L. M.) L' iscuria isterica j.eriua- nente; sua legi;e e suo valore. Morgagni. Napoli. 1879, xxi, 825-840. -----. Di nuovo sull' iscuria isterica perma- nente. Riv. cliu., Bologna. 1887. xxvi, 431-434. — Play- fair (W. S.) Notes on the systematic treatment of nerve prostration and hysteria connected with uterine disease. Lancet, Lontl., 1881, i, 857; 949. Ai!«o, Reprint. — Pools (E.) La valeur de la formule urinaire tie 1 hystei ie. J. de m6d., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1893, 154- IGu. — Hover (F.) Xote sur la soi-disant formule urinaire tie 1'hysterie. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1893, 9. s., v, 2-4.—Kubio (F.) De la apnnsic.il uterina. Rev. rued.de Sevilla, 1894, xxii, 35-42— Nerieux (Pi Xote sur un casd'automatisme des centres g6nito-spinaux. Rev. de l'hvpnot. et psychol. phvsiol., Par., 1890-91,v. 331; 377. — *oiiqiiew (A.) Contri- bution k I'etude du role des id6es lixes dans la pathog6nie tie la polyurie hysterique. Arch.de neurol., Par., 1894, xxviii, 448-464. ---—. La polyurie hysterique et la suggestion. [Abstr.] Rev.de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1899- 1900. xiv. pt.'_'. 325. — Sii-iiihaniii'ii. Ueher die physiolo- gische lirun.lhii'e der hysterischen Ovarie. Deutsche Zt- schr. f. Nervenh . Leipz., 1900-1901, xix, 309-383.—Snrli. lingfC. VV i Hysteria, with attacks of tetany, induced by pi.-sur. of ibe ovary. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1885, i, 78:; —Veileler (B.) Dysmenorrhea hysterica. Arch. f. G.Miaek.. I'.eil. 1897, liv,324-351. -----. Anienorrhieii hys- te'rica. Xorsk Mag. f. Lsegevidensk., Kristiania. 1898, 4. R., xiii, 503-523. -----. Menu- et metrorrhagia hysterica. [La metiorrhagie et la metrm-rhagie h\ stc i iques. Kes.. 808.] Ibid., 1900, 4. R., xv. 822-834.— Wijxman (J. ^Y. H.) Lithiasis renalis ai teticialis; een lii-v.cI van hysterie in de 17eeeuw Med. WeekbL Amst. 1898-9, v, 663-600. Hysteria (Manifestations of) by disor- ders of motion. Xi-e, also, Contractions (Hysterical); Hyste- ria ( Itiagnnsis, etc., of) ; Hysteria (Traumatic); Hysteria in children; Hysteria in the male; Hysteria in old age; Hysteria in soldiers; Hys- tero-epilepsy. Al'kkbach(H. B.) HysteriseheHeuiiplegieen. H . Wiirzburg, l.-JH. Bakikinnki (J.) #De rh^mipldgie hyst6ri- que. 4J. Lyon, 1894. Bastian (H. C.) Vurious forms of hysterical or fuiietiiitiiil panilysiH. r°. London, l~9:i. Boukneville A. Youlet. De la contracture hysterique permanente. H°. Paris, lH7*i. Decoux (J.) * De la paralysie faciale hysteri- que. I. Paris, 1891. HYSTERIA. 784 HYSTERIA. HValeria (Manifestations of) by disor- ders of motion. Descubes (P.) * Etude sur les contractures provoqutSes chez les hysteriques a l'etat de veille. 4C. Bordeaux, 1*85. Dubois (H.) "Des atrophies miisculaires d'origine hysterique. 8°. Paris, 1898. Dutil (M.-A.) * Contribution a I'etude clini- que des trembleinents hysteriques. 4-. Paris, 1891. -----. The same. *i0. Paris, 1891. AUo, in : X. iconog. tie la Salpetriere, Par., 1890, iii, 27; 87: 1891, iv, 107; 179. Gasnier (A.-P.-F.) * Etude snr la paralysie faciale hysterique. 4°. Paris, 1893. Levy (A.) * Ueber Astasie und Abasie, ein Beitrag zur Hysterie. 8°. Berlin, [188-9]. Mazellier (J.) * Des paralysies hysteriques. 4C. Strasbourg, 1868. Morkau (A.) * Contribution a I'etude du hoquet hysterique. 4°. Paris, 1892. Pignet (M.) *Pseudo-uial de Pott (mal de Pott hysterique). [Lyons.] 4°. Limoges, 1894. Robert (V.-J.-B.) * Contribution a l'dtude des rapports de l'hysterie et de la paralysie g6n6rale. 8-. Bordeaux, 1897. Rouffilange (A.-H.) * Contribution a I'e- tude des associations du tabes et de l'hysterie. 4°. Paris, 1893. -----. The same. 8 . Paris, 1893. Roux (C.) * Etude de quelques formes rares de contractures hysteriques. 8°. Paris, 1897. Sohlapobeuski (J.) * Ueber recidivierende Lahniungen hei der Hysterie. 8°. Berlin, [1893]. 8oxdaz (P.) * Des amyotrophies hysteriques. 8°. Lyon, 1899. Tourxaxt (G.) *Sur un cas de paralysie alterne hysterique simulant le syndrome de Millard-Gubler. 4°. Paris, 1892. Vires (J.) L'hystero-tahes. 8°. Paris, 1896. Abndie & Can bie. Paralysie et contractures hys- teriques k complications inaecontum6es. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. tie Boitleaux, 1899, xx, 03-05.—Adloflf. Hvsteiische Lahniung in Folge Cauterisation einer Zahnpulpa. Deutsche zahnarztl. "Wchnschr., Wiesb., 1900-1901, iii, 1647.—Albert (E.) Ein Fall von hysteri- scher Skoliose. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1899, xliv, 37.— Albini (G.) Caso clinico di paralisi isterica. Atti d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, 1890, n. s., 1, 282-286.— Alcindor (L.) evilla. 1889. xiv, 368-374. ------. Sulle eontratture spontanee ed artiticiali delle isteriche. I.avori d. Cong, di med. int. 1889, Milano. 1.-90. ii. 336-338—Fore (C.) Sen- sation et monvemeut; contribution a I'etude tin transfert de la force musculaire chez les hvstei iqii's. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par.. 1885. S s.. ii. .".90-593. ------. Note sur l'abaissenieut de la piession arterielle dans l'heniiplegie hysterique. Ibid., 1893, 9. s.. v, 102 — Fori and. Hemi- plegie hvsterique generale. Bull, et tnein Soc. med. tl. hop. de Par., 1893. 3. >.. x. 497-500.—Ferrier tl).) Heini- ple"ie et nmtisme hysteriques. Cong, franc, tie meil.. Par. & Xancv. 1896-7, iii fas.. 2. 370-375. 1 pl. ------. Die Diagnose der oiganischen unci der hysterischen litmiple- gie."Centralbl. f. Xeivenh.n. Psychiat.. Coblenz .V Leip/., 1900. n.F.. si 516-518. Fei-ron. Contractures liysteti- ques on simulation. Bull. Soc. d'anat. tt physiol. ... tie Bordeaux, 189a xi, 149-151.— Forni (L.) I'n caso di ar- tralgia isterica. Riv. iconog. d. -<•/. mal. uerv.il. Policlin. gen. tli Torino, 1897-9. 145-147.— FyodoroflT (M. I.) K diagnostikle ist. i i.heskikh paralicbel. [Du the diagnosis of hysterical parah si*.] Obozr. psichiat., nevrol. [etcl, S.-Peterb., 189>. iii. 0^7; 702. — <;nboriand. Sur uu cas de paralysie ii forme hvsterique san- t aumatisine. Gaz. m6d. tie Xantes. ls>»-9.\-.i. 38-40. —CJalvntsjni (K.i Emi- plegia ed encttisi i-tei i.-he. Gazz. tl. osp. Milano. 1898, xix. 812. —<«arand-v Belbozo. Ln cas d'astasie-abasie hvsterique; traitement psychique: g.i. lison Loire me.l., St.-Etienne. 1899. xviii, 323-3-J7. —Cinsiie. Myopathic atrophique progressive ehez uu hxsterique attei t din- continenee tl urine. X. iconog. de la Salpetriere. Par., I89" viii. 354-360, 1 pl — btii'»l. Path _enie lies paraly- sies hvstei iipics. Lvon meth. h-98. lx \ \ ■ i i 583-580. Also: Rev-tie ined.. Par.,"1898. xviii. A- -i.52 l-niiiaiio (E.) Contributo alio studio tlelle contrail i. i.-tt i i. t ■ Arte med.. Xapoli. 1-99. i, MM; 823: i-42. —CSillc* do la Ton- retle. De la superposition ties tumbles tie la seiisibilite et ties spasmes de la face et du cou chez les hysteriques. X. iconog. tie la Salpetriere. Par., 18r9. ii. 107; 170. 5 pl. ______. Les arthralgies hvstei .ques. Bull, med., Par., 1891 v, 1007-1011. — <«lneMer. Hemiplegia hysterica. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. I.eipz. u. Berl.. Ih9,. xxiii, 814.— (.loi-ioii.x. De hi reeducation des monvements comme traitenient ties parah-•- h -t.-ritpies. Pev. tie cinesie. Par.. 1899. i. 10-44. — i tlel bacino da istt i n Bull. il. r. Accad. med. di Ku'.na, 1*87-8. ix. 63-76.— tin in a id o Hy*tei'ia (Manifestations of) by disor- ders of motion. (Mile. A.) Contribution a l'6tude ties contractures hyste- riques; integrite tie la moelle 6piniere tlans 1111 cas tie con- tracture hysterique permanente generalise.' ayant tlur6 plusieurs annees Kev.de med.. Par., 1885, v, 203-229.— ■toiler, ll.l'gradig hyst.ri.sk ftirlaminng. [Severe h\steiical parah'si-. ] H.x'giea, Stockholin, 1898, lx. ]>t. 2, 196-200. 14 1 a III (< 5) Paralysies h\ st cliques pro voqueeH par la crainle des eXamens. Kev. nied. de la Suisse Iium., (ifiicve. 1891, xi, 292-295.— I-a iitloni-iio. Sur uu cas tie coxalgie livsteriquo. Gaz. hebd. .1. sc. med. de Bor- deaux, 1880, vii. 54-57. AUo, in Ins: la c. tie clin. chir., 8°, Par.. 1888, 81-91.— I.nnnoi*. Sur nil cas tie, coxalgie hxsterique. Lyon med.. 1899. xc, 395-399. [Discussion |, 409-412. Also [Absti. | : Ann. tie chir. ct d'orthop., Par., 1899, xii, 110-114. .I/m. | Abstr.): (Ja/. hebd. tie med., l'ar., 1899. n. s., iv. 301— loli, 1892. xiv, 335- ;!40. -----—. Spasmo clonico tlei retti addoininali d' indole isterica. Arch. ital. tli clin. mctl., Milano. 1893, xxxii, 50i..— I.eieb (B.) Vier Falle von hysterischer Labniiing der unteren Extrcmitateii bei Kindein. Ztschr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Fiankf. a. M.. 1890. v. 651-659.— I.opine (li.) Snr la pathogeuie ties paralysies hysteriques. Lvon me.l , 189), Ixxvi, 461-461. ------. Mecanisme des paralysies hysteriques. Rev. tie nied., Par.. 1890, xvi 05(1-052.— I.ilionl'old (A.) Ueber einen Fall von Hysterie mit ungewSlmlichen Syraptomen (Diathese tie contracture) und deren Beeinflussung durch hypnotische Suggestion. Deutsche nn d. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1898, xxiv, 420- 428. Also [Abstr.]: Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1898, xxx, 992.—I.loyd (J. H.) Rhythmical hysteria. Lniv. M. Mag., Phila., 1900-1901, xiii, 180 - 183.— I.abac* (H.) Diplegia facialis hysterica. Orvosi hetil.. Budapest. 1900, xliv, 750. AUo. transl. : Wien. klin. Wclinschr., 1901, xiv, 139.—l.m-aMobi (C.) Intorno a due inteiessanti casi tli isterismo e di ipnotismo ; nevralgia del 5" paio in isterica; parestesie della lingua con vomito in isterica. Atti tl. A ss. med. lomb. 1894, Milano, 1895, 340-3..,.—I.njs. Nouveau cas de guerison d'une paraplegic hysteiique par la sug- gestion hypnotique. Pev de l'hypnot. e.xpCr. et therap., Par., 1886-7. i, 353-355— .Mader i.l.) Hysterisehe Mono- plegie; Heilung durch Suggestion ohne Hypnose. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanst. Kudolph-Stiftung in Wien (!889), 1890, 323. -----. Hysterisehe ehoreaartige Kriimi fe. entstan- den durch psv'eliisches Contagiuni; rasche Heilung durch Isolirung. Ibid. (1890), 1891, 295. ------. Hyst rische Hciniparese mit eingebildeter sensibltr und sensoriscber Hemianuestbesie; Contrast zwischeu den Angabcn tier Kranken und ihrein Veihallen : Besserung. Ibid. {\80\), 1892.331. ------. Hysterisehe Lahmung tier rechten Hand als Folge von Rheiimatismiis dieses Gelenkes; rasche Be- hebung durch Faradisation mit Suggestion. Jahrb. tl. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. 1894, Wien 11. Leip/ . 1890. iii, 841.— Ilaere (I.) Relation d'un cas tie . ontracture hys- terique simulant nno luxation tie la biinche. Bull. Soc. tie med. tie Gand, 1887, liv, 34 Tlalaopina ill Di nu casotli contrattura isterica delle parol i addoininali. Ilazz. med tli Pavia, 1892, i, 123-128.—Tlaieohal. Ln cas de paiaplegie byst6rilcs et reciilivanies chez him- hvsterique. (la/,, mid. dc Xantos, 1897-8. xvi, 44-47. ?lit< boll (S W.) I! x stcrioal contractures. Med. News, Phila., 1895, Ixx ii. 197; 232. —.tliiira (K.) Histerisei iojifusiiHt'i sanye. [Hysteric monoplegia of upper extrem- ity.] Tokyo mctl. Wchnschr., 1893, Xo. 818, 1: Xo. 820, 11,■ No. 824, 21; No. 820, 10. Also, transl: Arch, tie neu- rol., Par. 1893, xxv. 321-356.—Ill ix (C L.) Hysteria; mo- tor symptoms. Bull. Northwest. Lniv. M. Sch., Chicago, 1899-1900, i, 363: 1900-1901, ii, 392. Honey (A.) llyster- HYSTERIA. 7£ Hysteria (Manifestations of) by disor- ders of motion. ical ankle clonus. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1900, xix, 323— .VIoreNlin (D.) Scapulalgia isterica. Gazz. d.osp , Milano, 190A xxi, 1529-1531. AUo, transl: Kev. g6n. de clin. ct dc therap., Par., 1900, xiv, 737-745—iTIoret. Pa- ralysie cmis6e chez une hysterique; guerison par le trans- fert. Union med du nord-est, Reims, 1890, xiv, 207-209 — iVIorton iC. A.) A c.se of hysterical disease of both hips and both knees, with extreme distortion of the lower limbs. Bristol M.-Chir. J., 1896-7, 30-33. AUi . transl: Trav. tie neurol. chir, Par., 1898. iii, 298-301. —.Tlonton (G.) Ln cas il'hemiplegie hysterique. Echo m6d. du nord, Lille, 1898, ii, 4u3.—Vlonlon (G.i A: Bonneville. Henii- coutractiireiiost-hemiplegique d'origine hysterique. Ibid., ■ 442-444. —JI n 11 ie k (S. K.) A case of hysterical contraction of the foreaun successfully treated hv suggestion. Lan- cet. Lond., 1898, ii, 983. — .Vlusbat ((' ) Die hysterisehe Skoliose. Centralbl. f. d. t'renzgeb. tl. Med. u. Chir.. Jena, 1901. iv, 232-235.—lYegroiC) I'n caso di monoplegia is- terica ilell' arto superiore sinistro. Riforma metl., Napoli. 1891, vii, pt. 4, 663; 075. —Officer (E.) Case of hysterical paralysis in childhood. Intercolon. M. J. Australas.. Mel- bourne, 1899. iv, 325. — l*a*tciia (A.) Du nasi di singhi- ozzo isterico guariti con 1' eterizzazione Incurabili. Xa- poli, 1900, xv, 577-583.—Pauly (R.) Hemiplegie hyste- iique avec flacfhlite reimuquable. Lyon med., 1.-98, Ixxxviii, 192-194.—Pearcc (\V.) A remarkable case of hystericine hemiplegia in a cook aged tbirtv-one. Lancet, Loud., 1889, i. 939. Also.- Med. Press & Circ, Lond.. 1-89. n. s., xlvii, 463.—Peckham ( F. E.) A case of hysterical hip-.joint successfully treated by h\ pnoti-m. Boston M. A: S J5,1893, cxxix, 419. — Piob (F.) * Ueber eine eigenariige Lahmiingsloriu bei Hvsterie. Terhandl. tl. Cong."f. innere Metl.. Wiesb., 1900, xviii, 442-444.—Pierre (Marie). La paralysie hysterique. J. de la sante, Par., 1-95, xii, 261- 203.— Pitres (A.) Des hyp6ralg6sies hysteriques. Rev. geu.de clin. et tie therap., Par., 1888, ii. 569; 588. -----. Des spasmes rvlhmiques hysteriques. Gaz. med. de Par., 1888, 7. s., v, 145; 157; 183; 195; 207: 219; 279; 291: 305. -----. Des paraplegics hysteriques. Gaz. hebd. tl. sc. med.de Bordeaux, 1890, xi, 370; 396. -----. Sur deux cas de paralysies hysteriques traitees et guei ies par l'adminis- tration tie queiques pilules de bleu de methylene. Arch. clin. de Bordeaux, 1894, iii. 293-307, —P lie quo (A.-F.) Les coxalgies hysteriques. Gaz. d. Imp., Par.. 1891, lxiv, G09- 614. — Poblete C'ortes I M. ) I'outribucion al conoei- mientode la hemiplegia histerica. Lev. med. tie Chile, Sant. de Chile. 1898. xxvi. 241 • 281. — Pool* iK.) A taxie locomo- trice hysterique on syndrome hysterique simulateur du tabes oil tabes hysterique. J. tie med. chir. et pharmacol., Brux.. 1892, xci v. 369-374.—Porter (J. L.) A caseof hys- terical hipjoint. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1900, xxxiv, 1224-1220. — Polain. Paralysie hysterique chez un sujei atteint d'aortite ehronique avec dilatation de la crosse aor- tique. Semaine med.. Par., 1895, xv, 497. AUo. transl: Med."Week, Par.. 1-95. iii. 565 AUo. transl: Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1896, x. 22-25—Preston (G. J.) The nature and treatment of hysterical paralysis. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1890, xxiii, 07-73. — ProiiMt. Cas curieux d'autonia- tisme ambulatoire chez un hysterique. Nice-med., 1889-90, xiv, 170-173. AUo : Rev. de l'hvpnot. et psvchol physiol., Par., 1889-90, iv. 207-269. Also: Tribune nied., Par.', 1890. 2. s., xxii, 202.—Raymond (F ) Sm le trembleiueut hys- terique; ses moilalites 11 son evolution. Bull, et mem. Soc. ni6d. d. bop. tie Par.. 1892 3. s.. ix. 37-18. ----. Troubles trophiques daus l'hysterie; contracture hysterique des muscles rachidiens; migraine ophtalmique accoinpagnee. [Abstr.] J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1895. lxvi, 8-8-890. -----. Contrattura sistematica in una eslatiea. Cazz d. osp., Milano, 1897, xviii. 437-440. AUo [Abstr.] : Boll. med. trentiuo, 1897, xvi. 87-90. -----. Paralysie hysterique du plexus brachial: inonoplegie erurale hysterique. Pi esse med., Par.,1899, ii. 221-223.— Raymond (F.) A- J a noli P.) Hoquets et rots hysteriques. Lev. gen. tie clin. et de the- rap., Par., 1898, xii, 593-598. —Rechtsaiuer (S. A.) Slu- chai isterii, simulirnyushtchei spinnuyu sukhotkn. fHys- teria simulating tabes dorsalis.] Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1895. vi. 1011-1016. —Rtssis (E.I Un cas d'au- toinatisme ambulatoire hvsterique. J. de med. de Bor- deaux, 1893, xxiii, 297; 309. — Reijuault (F.) Monople- gie hysterique guerie par suggestion: amenorrh&e et ine- trorrhagie coincidaut avec l'apparitiou et la disparitiou dela monoplegie. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1893-4, viii, 135. — Renon ( L. ) & Follot ( R.) Hemispasme facial total d'une extreme interinitteuce, Chez une hysterique. Bull.et mem.Soc.med.il.h6p.de Par., 1898, 3. s., xv, 920-923.—Ribaux. Considerations sur l'liypnotisnie et observation dun cas d'hemipl6gie hvsterique gu6rie par l'hypnotisme. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1888. viii, 137-147.—Ricei (R.) Uu caso di niioclonia su fomlo isterico guarito con la sugges- tione. Lavori tl. Cong, di med. int. 1898, Roma. 1899 ix. 414-416.—Rosfex* Du trembleineiit hvsterique. Semaine m6d., Par., 1893. xiii. 522. AUo. transl: Med. Week. Par.. 1893, i, 557. — Romannth De. Hysterical paralysis. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1895, viii, 441. — Much» dl.i Ueber Beweguugsbehinderuugen uud psychisch bediugte HYSTERIA. Hysteria (Manifesto ions of) by disor- ders of motion. Lahiniingen (ohne annt'imische Grun.llag. >. Wissensch Mitth. el. Inst z. Behandl. v. Unfallv.i i. in Ureal.. 1^97' 72-80. — Sa Enrp. Xota sobie um caso tie ; 1- In oi>athia hysterica. Brazil-med.. Rio de Jan.. 1-.-9. iv,: n.". Marbo 1 A.) Hysterias hiidesekrdl. [Hysterical paralxsis ) ur- vosi hetil.. Budapest, 1.-91. xxxv, 539; 553. Also, irantl [Abstr.|: Pest. nied.-chir. Presse, Budapest 1891 xxvii 1209; 1236.—Savill 'T.D.) A clinical lecture on cases of hysterical paralysis; prefaced by a caseof gumma of the frontal region mistaken for pernicious aiiauiua; and two cases showing tlie association of neurasthenia with vaso- motor disturbances. Clin. J., Lond , 1-97-8, xi. -7-95, ----- Hystei ical paralx sis. its diagnosis and treatment! Med. Brief, St. Louis. 1901. xxix, 1153-1160. — Schoe- maker (J.) Hysterisehe Ilufthaltung, TvpusWertheiin- Salomonsou. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir.. Stuttg.. nnm-1901, viii. 444—460.—Mergiu. Coxalgie hvsterique. K. \ . mens] d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1.-91. ix, 385-389 — Merienx (P.) Xote sur un cas d'aut oma tisme ties centres genito spinanx. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 18U0-91. v. 331; 337. Also. Reprint.— Shpanbok (A.) [Spanhock in Ger- man transl}. Sluchai i-tei ii s yavleniyami akinesiae al- gerae. [Case of hysteria combined with symptoms of aki- nesia algera.] Arch, psichiat. [etc.]. Varshava, 1895. xxv, no. 1,118-124. Also, transl.: Xeurol. Centralbl., Leipz.. l<-9"., xiv, 530-534— Speaker 1 YV5T.) Hysterical muscular con- tractions. Ogle Co. M. Quart. Mt'. Mollis. 111., 1-85-6. i, 52-55. — Spencer (W. (4.) Xenromiuiesis; two cases iu which the hip-joint had been held fixed for nine mouths. Lancet, Loud., 1894, i. lui;5._ Spit^a (G.) Storia clinica di un' isterica; einipl. gia traumatica isterica; nevtosi cardiaca; accessi cataletiui: giandi convulsioni; afonia; grave spasmo accessionale tlella glottide; cousiderazioni sulla cura fatta colla pilocarpina e colli sugge-tinne. Raccoglitore med., Forli. 1893. 5. s., xvi 289-3n2. — Mtiyioi' (D.) Een geval vau hysterischen beven. Ned. rl. Tij.U.-lir. v. Geneesk., Amst.,"l893. 2. li.. xxix, pt. 1. 03::-i;:;.-.— Sxsiszy (D.) Csuklas mekszenves uonei (singultus hys- tericus). Gxogyaszat. Budapest. 1880. xxvi. 797-801. Also, transl: Pest. nied.-chii . Presse. Budapest, 1886, xxii. 984.— Terrien. Astasie -aba.-ie hysterique. Progres mtil.. Par., 1900, 3. s.. xii. 397.— Tiniiisliill 1S.) Astasia -abasia hysterica. Dletsk. med.. Mosk.. 1900, v, 191-195.- T»it«ii. rin (I.) Singultus na istericheskol pocbvle. [Hxsieiical hiccough.] Voyenno-med. J.. St. Petersb., 1.-97, clxxxviij, nied.-spec.pt.,545-547. — Verjjer. Heinipare.sie avec lit-nii- anesthesie hysteriques. Bull. Soc. d'anat. it physiol. ie Bordeaux, 1898, xix, 6-9.—Verhoogen (R 1 Contiactuie hvsterique du muscle masseter. Bull. Soc. rov. d. sc nied. et nat. de Brux., 1896, liv, 19-22— Vilcoq. S.ho.k ner- veux; hvstei ie nionosyiiiptoniatique; astasie-abasi'-; gue- rison. Union nied. du nord-est. Reims. 1894, xviii. 3"2- 310.—Villorauseli (S.) Ktniplogia isterica in 1111 intli- viduo cli sessautasei anni. Ra.-cogiitore med.. Forli, 1895, 5. s., xix, 373; 397.—Walsh 1D.1 HxAerical hip. Brit. M.J., Loud., 1901, ii, 1166.—Wei»z ili.i Eine Hysterisehe Arnilahmung geheilt durch Suggestion. Wien. med. "Wchnschr., 1892, xiii. 271 — Weilbeini -795. AUo. transl: Alienist A Neurol., St. Louis, 1893. xiv, 27. .',-5—Kardol. Syn- droines hysteriques siniuliiteurs de la ineningite. Lev. ineiis. d. mal. tie fenf., Par.. 189:i.xi.296-:ill.— Bernlieim. Dysphaeie nerveuse depuis une annee; crises hysteri- ques; gin rison par suggestion hypnotique en trois se- ances. IJev.derhypnot.et psychol.physiol., Par.. 1-90-91,v, 371-376. — Kliimriinu. In cas de pseudo-meniugite hys- terique guerie par 1 hxpnotisine. ibid.. 1.-9.S-9, xiii. 304.—- Koettiger (A.) Leber Neuiasth. nie unci Hysterie untl die Beziebungen beider Krankheiten zu einander. Miin- cheu.med.Wchnschr., 1897. xliv, 554-55-.— Bonne. Hys- terie a. forme de sclerose en plaques. Lyon nied., 1890. lxxxiii, 507-512. AUo • Gaz. hebd.tie nied.."Par., 1896, xliii, 1201. AU',.- M£ra. et compt.-rciul. Soc. d. seined, de Lyon 11896), 18.C. xxxvi, pt.2.182-187. AUo: Gaz. tl. hop.de Tou- louse, 1897. xi, 49. — Bouyer (A.i Pseudo-vertige de Me- niere et algiemastoi'tlienne hvsterique associes. Re v.hebd. tie laryngol. [etc.]. Par., 1901. ii. 36-42. —Braeuen (A. N.) Turburari vaso-noton- tie oiigina histerica: edem albas- tru histeric. Bull. Soc. d. med. et nat. de Jassy, ]8Si9 xiii. 161: 183.— Brisv AW A.i A case of hx'steiieal coma. Sacramento M. lim.s 1.-.-7. i, 366-369. —Brochn (D.) Syndromes hy-.ieii.jii.- simulant les maladies or- ganiques tie.; centres n.rxeuy. Bull. med. .1. niiebec, 1900-1901. ii, '-5'5: 414; 575.—Carricu. Syndrome vaso- moteiir dans 1'hysterie (otorrhagies. bematenieses, dernio- graphie, sueurs, troubles asphyxiques des exti-euiitesi. Lecou recueillie et publiee par le Dr. F.-J. Lose. N. Montpel. med., 1892. i, 544: ."00; 583. 2 pl.—Charcot (J.-M.) Sur un ensd'hysterie simulatrice du syuiltome tie Weber. Arch, th- neurol., Par., 1891. xxi, 321-345.—C la i-Uc (J. M.) Hystetia ami neurasthenia. Brain, Loud., 1-94, xvii, 119; 203.—Coeliez A.) Syndrome hysterique sinm- lateur de la sclerose en plaques. Arch, tie neund. Par., 1892, xxiv. 470-477.— Coe. A case of bystero-catalepsx of obscure origin. Am. J. Obst.. N. Y.. 1—0. xix, 154.—Cor- dell iK. I'.i A case in which symptoms of hysteria were associated with those of cerebellar 1. -ion. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1-89. xxi. 301-304.—1'infl« I. M.) The sen- sory manifestations of hvstei ia. Nun hwe-r. I.miot. St. Paul, 1893, xiii, 414-410—Croeq i.I.i til- A: .Harlow (G.) Ln cas d'apoplexie hysterique ayant simule. a sy me prendre, une apoplexit- protuberanti. lie ax.-, syndrome tie Millard-Gubler. J. tie neurol. et hvpno] . Par., 1898. iii, 179-187. [Discussion], 205-207.—Basil in i (G.) Supra una forma non comune tl' anestesia. tloloioa di origine is- | terica. Soc med.-chir. di Bologna. Resoc. 11!>00), 1901, 82- 81.— Dtja 'MIU) Ln cas de spasmes rythiniques hyste- rique-: goeii-oii rapide par la suggestion hypnotique. Rev.de l'hypnot. tt psychol. physiol, Par. 1*98-9, xiii. 373- 370.—Dcmoltlcr. Menitigi-tue et h\ sterie. Arch nnd. belg.-,. Unix.. 1-97. 4. s.. x. 91-99.—Belennanii. Zur Kenntniss von Lcbcrlageruiigcii in g.iniMh.r Nervener- , krankungen durch Hysteiie. Xeurol. Centralbl., Leipz.. 1897, xvi, 578-5*::. — Boiiatlien . I.tiril. Neurasthe nie et hysterie. N. Montpel. meil., 1-9.".. iv, 425; 458: 1896. v, 230. Also: Lyon med., ]890. lxxxi, 532-541. - Donath (J.) Leber hysterisehe multiple Sklero-o. "Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1895, viii, -77; 8!)iili«mc. Geneesk. Courant, Tiel, 188."., xxxix, nos. 15-17.—Jniirl (P.) L'aneslhesie hysterique. Arch. de neurol., Par., D92, xxiii, 323 -352. — Bin« (K. IL) Hvstero-neurosis. Tr. Iowa M. Soc, Duhuqiie. 1886-9, vii. 481 -491. — KincI (A. A.) Sluchai tyiizholoi isteri- cheskol anoreksii 11 dlevochki, okonchivshiysa viztlo- rovleiii.in. | Sex ere hysterical anorexia in a girl which ended in recovery. 1 ' Med. Obozr.. Mosk., 1895, xliv, 893-898. — voii KraIII- l''hin<£ (R.) Ueber Vortau- schung organischer Erkraiikungen ties Nervensysteins durch Hysterie. In his: Arb. a. d. Cesamintgeb. d. Psvchiat. u. Neuro]iath., Leipz., 1897. 2. lift., 25-135. AUo. transl..- Alienist & Neurol., St. Louis, 190(1, xxi, 590- 633.—l.ntf'orguc (E.) Syncope et narcolepsie hysteri- ques. Cong, franc, de med., Par. Sc Nancy, 1870-7, iii, fasc. 2, 375-385.—I.nnnoi* (M.) Sc tliiirnmit' (F.) De l'algie inastoidienne hysterique. Ann. .1. mal. tie I'oreille, du larynx [etc.J, Par.," 1901, xxvii, pt. 2, 1-25.—Levi (L.) D'une foime h\ steiiqite de la maladie de Raynaud etde lerythromt'lalgie. Arch.de neurol., Par., 1895, xxix, 1; 102: 160.—l.iejjey. Cas d'hyst6rie se produisant princi- palement sous la forme somnambulique; rapprochement de ce cas recent avec des cas hysteriformes anciens; l'hys- terie et les affections hysteriformes contribuant largemeut a la frequence, plus grande de nos jours, de l'alienation mentale. Bull. Soc. de med. prat, lie Par., 1874, 76-81.— I.owenfeld (L.) Ueber hysterisehe Schlafzustanile, deren Beziehiiiigcn zur Hvimose und zur grande hvsterie. Ai. In. f. Psychiat., Kerb. 1890-91, xxii. 715: 1891. xxiii, 40.— .TlcCasltcy ((}-. "W.) Hysteric lethargy, with report of case-. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1900, xxxiv. 594.— ITIncLenzic (H.) A case, of recurrent hysterical sleep talking. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep.. Lond., 1898-9, u. s., xxvii, 355-3G2.—ITIanheimer (M.) Deux observations de troubles viiso-moteuis d origine hysteriqiie. Arch.de neurol., Par., 1896, 2. s.. ii, .180-198. —iVIa»tro]>aiiqua (F.) Su tli un caso tli nevrosi isterica. Gazz. tl. osp., Mi- lano, 1898, xix, 269-271.—ITIayer. Un cas tie meningisme hysteiique. Aun. Soc. med.-chir. d'Anvers, 1897.' 259- 262.—.llnxi'rnn (A.) Hysteiie et sclerose en plaques. Loire iiu'-d.. St.-fitienne. 1898. xvii, 79-84. —ITIery ill.) A C'onreoux. Un cas de m6ningisiiie hysterique : guerison par la ponction lombaire. Bull, et m. in. Sue. metl. d. hop. de l'ar., 1901, 3. s., xviii, 992-997.—ITIewnnrn i L.) Sur quelques manifestations de l'liysterie simulant ties lesions ties nerfs peripheriques. Ann. tie la Policlin. tie Bor- deaux-, 1899, 97-108. — Tlit In I (M.) Sc Thiereelin (E.) Sviiilrome hysteritpie simulat. ur dc la sclerose eu plaques. Med. mod.. Pur., 1891. ii, 751-753.—.Tl ill* iC. K.) Hysteri- cal rhythmical chorea, contractures, autl anii'sthesia of long standing; a cure or great improvement attributed to a visit to Lourdes. J. Nerv. A Ment. D.s., N. Y., 1892, xix, 87-91. AUo: Tr. I'liila. Neurol. Soc, [ N5 V.], 1,-91-2. i, 30-35.-ITIinoi- (I,. S.) Sluchai hysterotetaiiia*. Protok. zasletl. (II.sh Neiropat. i Psikhiat. pri Imp. Mos- kov. Lniv., 1894-5. 63-05. — Tloly |F.) Nevrite hystero- traumatique. Ucho metl. ilu nord, Lille, 1899, iii, 99.— Hurray (Grace 15) Ilxsteiical tetuny or tetanoid l.xsieihi. Tr. M. Soc. N. V., [Phila.], 1890, 230-243.— > 11 Kuuinrn (K.) [Researches on hysteria causing nervous troubles.] Juiiteii.lt> Iji Kciikiu Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1899, 355-300. —Oulinoul (IMA lourliniil. 1 onii ihution 11 l'etutle ties troubles trophiques dans I hxstene. Med. mod., Par, 1891, ii, 113; 139. -I'iiiiiicii. tier. De la forme narroleptique «'e l'littaque de sonimeil hxsterique (psettdo-narcohpsie hvsterique). Arch gen. denied.. l'ar., 1,-91. ii. 528; 002—l»eeli 1 Elizabeth L.) A case of hysterical coma. Metl. lb-c.. X. Y., 1888. xxxiii, 273— I't'i'iii'rliiii (A.) Rara maiiifestazione dell' istero- nt uiastenia. (iazz. tl. osp., Milano, 1895, xvi, 1023.— Pij;iinlti .Tl 11111110 (C.) Un caso di paramioclono tli piobabile natura isteriea. Boll. tl. clin., Milano, 1901, xviii, 414-421.— l*ilre» (A.) Des attaques de somnieil hvsterique. J. de med. tie Bordeaux, 1884-5, xiv, 113-148. Also: .\1ce-n16d., 1884-5, ix, 123; 155; 174; 180. -----. Des attaques d'hysteric & forme pseudosviicopnle. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1890, xi,' 508; 519: 545. -----. Des troubles trophiques dans riiysterie. Progres m6il., Par., 1891, 2. »., xiii, 145-150. —Raymond. Pa- roxysines d'angoisses, epilepsie et hysterie. Kev. de riivpn.it. el psychol. physiol.. Par., 1901-2, xvi, 219-221.— Keynniifl (G.) Ln cas tie narcolepsie hysterique. HYSTERIA. 788 HYSTERIA. Hysteria (Manifestations of) by disor- ders of nervous system. Marseille med., 1899, xxxvi, 328-332.—Richardson (A. B.) Hysteria and neurasthenia. Columbus M. .L. 1894-5, xiii, 131-137. -----. Hysteria: cerebral manifestations. Am. J. Obst., N. T., 1895, xxxi, 635-042. AUo: Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1895, n. s.. xxxiv, 695-700. AUo: Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1895, lxxii, 877-881. —Rugh (J. T.) A ease of hysteria in which a needle-puncture was followed by typical symptoms of ascending neuritis. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1899, xxvi, 217-220.—Sarles (W. T.) Hysterical hemiplegia. Tr. M. Soc. "Wisconsin, Madison, 1893, xxvii, 97-103.—Scherb. Etat apoplecti- forme, hemiplegie et amblyopic alternes. chez un hysteri- que; genese et role de l'idee fixe. Arch, prov.de med., Par.. 1899, i, 329-339. —Sciamanna (E.) Le psieosi isteriche. Clin, mod., Pisa, 1901, vii, 389; 397—Siinonin. Pseudo-meningite hysterique, suivie de troubles nioteurs, sensitifs et psvchiques. Bull, et mem. Soc. m6d. d. hop. de Par., 1901, 3. s , xviii, 830-835. —Sloan (A. T.) An extre ue case of hystero-catalepsy; trances lasting 58, 30, 24. and 12 hours; insanity; recovery. Ediub.M. J., 1891-2, xxxvii, 824-833.—Sonqnes (A.) i Oasne ((f) Un cas d'hypertrophie des pie.is et des mains avec troubles vaso- moteurs ties extremites ehez un hvsterique. N. iconog. dela Salpetriere. Far., 1892 v, 281-285, 1 pl.— St i 6zfiv.lt i (K.) Przypadek histeryi, simiilujarc.j rozsiane stward- nienie oSrotlkow nerwowych. [Hysteria simulating dis- seminated sclerosis of tbe nerve centres.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1897, 2. s., xvii, 152.—Tonnini (S.) Un caso tli pseiidomeningite isterica. Rassegna clin e statist, d. Villa di Salute di Palermo, 1893, iii, 67,77.—Valentin (P.) Hxpochondrie consecutive k une hysteto-neunis- thenie d'origine toxi-iufectieuse; guerison cn cinq seances de suggestion sans hypno-e Kev. de l'hvpnot. et psychol. physiol., Par.. 1897-8. xii. 11-13.—Verrier (E.) Association de la sclerose en plaques avec 1 hysterie; traitement des accidents hysteriques par la suggestion hypnotique. Ibid., 1899-1900, xiv, pt. 2,335-337.—Vilcoq. Apoplexie hysterique; hemiplegie motriceavec hemianes- thesie sensitive scnsorielle du cote gauche; aboienieut hvsterique. Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. (1887). 1888, xi, 50-55.— Voisin (A.) Hxstero-catalepsie; difficultes tie la sug- gestion hypnotique tenant ii 1'absence de l'ouie et de la vue pendant l'hyptiose: pr. cede suivi de sucees: gueri- son de la catalepsie. Rev. de l'hypnot. ct psychol. phv- siol., Par., 1895-6, x, 27. — Wood (J. C.) Exophthalmic goitre as a bvstero-neurosis. N. Am. J. Homceop.. N. Y., 1899, 3. s., xiv, 102-1(18. AUo, Reprint.—Xrimer (P.) The association of hysteria with organic disease of the nervous system. Tr. Mississippi Valley M. Ass., Louisville, 1899, i, 344-349. AUo: N. Eng. M. Month., Danburv, Conn., 1899 xviii, 427-430. Also: Hot Springs M. J., 1900, ix, 275-279'. Hysteria (Manifestations of) by disor- ders of organs of voice and respiration. See, also, Aphasia (Emotional); Aphonia (Emotional, etc.); Haemoptysis (Hysterical); Hysteria (Manifestations of) by disorders of special senses ; Hysteria ( Traumatic); Hysteria in children; Hysteria in the male; Hysteria iu soldiers. Avox (Gila). * Contribnlion a I'etude de l'apha^ie livst^ritiue. *--. Paris, 19 )0. Bazehquk (J.) * Essai cle psycho-pathologie sur l'amn6sie hysterique et epileptique. 8°. Toulouse, 1900. Biolet (F.) * Quelques considerations sur le niutisme hysterique. 4°. Paris, 1891. Cramer (M.) "Ueber hysterisches Stottern. 8C. Wiirzburg, l**9-\ Drlene (C) * Contribution a I'etude de l'hysterie; flu begaiement chez les hysteriques. 4°. Paris, 1891. Druif(W.) * Mutisnius hystericus. 8°. Lei- den, 1889. Ebers (P.) * Zur Kasuistik der hysterischen S'.iraclistorungen. [Erlangen.] 8°. Miinchen, 1891. Ercolani (G.) Coutributo alio studio clinico deli' tifsisia isterica. -:. Ascoli Piceno, 1^96. AUo [Abstr.], in: Suppl. al Policlin., Roma, 1899-1900, vi, 321-327. Erxoll (E.) *Dn mutisnu* hysterique. Etude historii■■. Aphonie hysterique; guerison par suggestion. fa-h<> me.l du nord, Lille, 1901, v, 201-20 : —Crilzman c D.) Ln cas de mutisme h\ st.i iquc (iaz. hebd. d. me.l , Par., 1891, 2. s.. xxviii. 430.— l>iiuiieiio (A.) Un enso tli afonia isterica migliorato coll ijuiotismoe guarito col niassaggio. Atti long, g.n tl. Ass. metl. ita'. 1-91. Siena. 1893. xiv, t4! tu>.— l>mnloll5 \ D.) Ob isteticbeskol ulemotle. l97. Koma, 1898. viii, 543-545. —Fazio 1 i A. Giofl'redi (C.j M uiisnio isterico guai it., con i' . -lei i//a- zi.uie. Atti tl. xi r.>ng ni.d. internaz., Koma. l.-'.M iii, f.u m.icol.. 1U7.—Franeo ( D. ) L' itlioiatria Casalinga nell' afonia isterica. Atti Cong. naz. d' idrol. e .hunt., Parma. l-9s. v, 191 -191— Gml/i at»ki (F.j Sluchai isteiicheskavo mnti ••• sauiopi ..izvi. no i/.lieehivshavosa. [Hvsteiical miitism ! sp.u t meou-lv.] 1'iotok. za/aid. Obsh. psiehiit.v > e i b. il8.''). 189A 13-18 (.iollieili (C.) Mutismo isterico guarito con 1. t.-i i//a/ione. Pro- gresso metl.. Napoli. Is..4. viii, 119-il" -----. Secondo caso tli mutismo isterico guarito coil 1' t terizzaziotic Ibid.. 1895, ix, 31-38. AUn: (Jazz. tl. osp. Milano, 1895. xvi, 1233-1230 t.OKhlioflT (I. P.) Slu. bai svoyeobraznavo razsireistv.i . ikh.nova pi i isteiii. [Peculiar uisinrbance of respiration in Ir.-t. i a Vrach. St. Petersb.. 1.-99. xx, 1503-1505 — 4 I a l'i i.iicm- [etc.). Ain-t.. Is8-. 394-3.90.- .!< an-i line • ¥. . lie I ,, .-t.-rie pleutale. Metl. mod.. I ar., 1895. vi, 201.—Kai «« r 15; Zur I hera- pie tier h\ stei is. lien Stuinmbeit. Therap. Monaish Perl.. 1893, vii,' 5ou-5(i2. — Kebbell (A.) Kllnl t-hh .ale m hys- terical aphonia. Lancet, Lontl., 1X9i; i, 101- Km li (P.) , Quelques observations sur le inuti-iiie hysteiique. Ann. | tf. mal. ile r. C.zz. metl. lomb., Milano. 1894, liii 131 ; 141; 153. — Tlaljean. Parahsie i-olee tin muscle ary-aryteuoiilien chez un hysterique. guerison par suggestion Rev. internat. de ilnuul., ot-I. et laryngol., Par.. 1899. n. s., i. 224-230.— 5*1 i..... (L.) Ueber einen Fall vim hysterischer sensori-cner Aphasie (Sprachtauhheit) bei einem Kinde Perl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1901. xxxviii. 135 -138. -- Vlai-cel iE.) Sc .'I firiuexco ((}.) Un cas tie mutisme hysterique avec con racture -pasmodique glosso-laryngee gueri par la suggestion liypntilitjue associee a la gymnastique vo- lly*1t'l*in (Munifestations of) by disor- ders of organs of voice and respiration. tale. Arch, rmiiii. de med. et chir., Par.. 1887-8, i, 391- 399.— VI a rolle. Ln cas de mutisme hysterique. Pro- vince med.. Lyon. 1894, viii, 289-291. —.Tlimueci ii'.i Sopra una speciale forma tli paralisi isterici .I.II.- cm.I. vocali nell'istei ismo simulante la schrt.si insulate. Atti tl. Cong. d. Soc. ital. tli laringol. [etc. | 1897, Firenze, 1899. iii, 228-230.—.tli it lit 11 (S. W.) Hysterical rapid res|iiratioii, with cas.-^; peculiar form of rupial skin dis- ease in an hysterical woman. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1892, :: s., xiv, 22S-237, 2 ch., 1 pl. Also: Am. J. M. Sc. Phila., 1893, U.S.. i'V. 235-240.— Tlor.....((.'. A.) Hys- tei ical liryngeal tl\-pii.ea. Prit. M. ■!.. I...nil., 1891, i, 1173— Vlo»eiilo (P.i I'n cas.. di mutismo isterico gua- rito cnlla suggestion., ipnotici. Gazz. metl. lomb.. Mi- lano. 1890. lv. 271; 281; 291- VliiMim-ei iN5) Su di nn caso di muii-iiio isl.-ino. (la//., il. osp., Milano, 1888. ix, 298; 306.— >aiier. Contribution a letutle du mutisme hysterique. Rev. tneus. tie laryngol. [etc.). Par., 1888, viii. 177: 251; 458; 525.------. ITn cas de mutisme hvs- terique. Ann. tie la Policlin. de Par. 1894. iv. 250-202.— Xrvt' i 1-5 K.) Hysterical aphasia cured by the admin- istration of chloroform. Brit. M. .1., Lontl.. ls'.is, ii 80s — OppiM.) Ueber hvstei ischo Aiilnuiie. Mii'nehen. med. Wchnschi-., 1900, xl\ ii, 729 I't ntlol.-i (J. B.i Histeris- mo acoinpauado de siutomas .lialiigiuaticos, |iaralisis tie la lengua y mutismo; tratamiento electrico contra este ultimo sintoma; curacion en la pri mera -eAou. Rev. metl. th- SeviPa, 1880. ix. 321-324.— l*en«iili i V. i Feno- meni isterici in pleuritiei (istero ]ileuri-inoi. Kiv. quin- dicin. di p-icol. [etc.l. Koma. 1898-9. ii, 149-15L —l*ey- i'i«»ai' i K.i Ln cas de mutisme hysterique. Ann .1.- la polycliu. de Bordeaux, l.-89-!H, i, 197-2n4. — I'olario (R.) A fasia isterica. Boll. clin.-scient. d. Poliambul. di Milano, 1901, xiv, 38-40.— l»ope (B. A.) On a case of hysteric.il alexia, curt.I by suggestion. X. Oil. M. A S. J5. 1893-4. n. s.. xxi, 811-811]. — KieNiuau (II.) Hysteric rapitl breathing ih si. ric tachy]mea). with the report of two ca-e- in childteii. Phila. Polyclin., 1897. vi, 09.— ICi<;al A: Poix i(J> Mutisme hysteiique simulant la paralysie pseudo-bulbaire. Arch. nied. d'Angers, 1901, v, 170-175. AUo: Parole. Kev. internat. tie rhinol. [etc.], Par., 1901, n. «., iii 676-079. —Kingier (G.) Fin Fall von hvsterischem Muiismiis. Zt-chi. t. Hypnot. [etc. |. Berl., 1893-4. ii. 143-1511.-Ri»t (E.i Pah- trai heal, durant de- puis treize mois, chez une hvsterique. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. dePur l.-'.iO. 3. s.. xiii, 128-131.—Robin- son. Le syinlioiiie de I'.iiqu.-t uu cas de paralysie .lia- phi.igni.itique elm igim- hy-t.-i i.pi.-.. K> v. neurol . Par. 19ol, ix, 91-93.— Roi. «.«el (I.) H \ sterie pulmoiiaiie et eu.-alyptol injectable. Bull, et mem. Soc. de med. prat. de Par. 1888. 4-3-I-s—Kiiiliiell'i Y5 I i Kitmicheskiya -ii.birozliTii\ ,i ch i/h.-iii\ a rta i-t. i i. h.-skavo proiskhozh- ih'iiiya. Khythmie convul-ive movements of tbe mouth of h\--.terie:il origin.; (Il.o/i. p-i.-hiat.. nevrol. [etc.]. S.- PeteVb., 1901, vi, 338-342.— Rneda (F.) Tratamiento de la afonia histerica. K«-v. .1. med. v cirug. pract., Ma- drid, 1900, xlviii, 41-47. —Nehitleri (F.) Lne variete nouvelle d'hysterie P.-v. de l.nyngol. [etc.]. Par.. 1892, xii. 811-810.—Welniitier (H.i ('asutstischer Beitrag zur Lehre von der hysterischen Aphasie. Mitt. a. tl. Hamb. Stnalskrankenanst . ]s!is-9. ii,289-297. 2 pl. Also: lahrb. d. Hamb. Stiiatskraiikenatist. 1-97-8. Hamb. u. I.eipz, 1900. vi, 289-297, 2 diag — Mbeplelieh> Kherii«Uo (I. IC.) K \ oprosu ob isteriekt-koni inuti/inie. [Hys- terical milt ism | Ru-.sk. med. vestnik, S.-Peterb., 1901, iii, no. 8, 2--I'.i. — Mora (J.) Sur un cas de tachypnea h\ Merique secondaire. N. iconog. tie la Salpetriere, Par., 189- xi, 401-171 —Mohon (F.) Suggestive therapeutics; ii case of hy-tei i.-al -pa-m of the respiratory muscles and lesophagus. Vngmia M. Semi-Mouth.. Richmond, 1890-7, i, 104-106.—•iiepbaii (V. Hi Een geval van miitismus hystericus. Nederl. fijcl-chr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1889,'2. K.. x\v, 459 -in.-. Also, transl: Kev. tie m6d., Par., 1889. ix. 794 suo. T. (Ci Hysteiie et toxe- mic pleurales. M.-d. moil., Par., 1898, ix, 124 I'boinp- hoii (F C) Sc *>iuitli (K. J.) Hypnotism ami the mag- net in cases oi mutes. I Mucin.' M. J.. 1890, xi. 587 — Tlira«lier (A. B.) Ketlex, functional, or hysterical atfeetions of the larynx. Am. J. Obst.. N. Y.. 1-95, xxxi, 053-057. — 'I'l'oiwii'i-. Mutisme hvsterique. Bull.et ih.-iii. Soc. m.-il.l. hop. de Par.. 1892. 3. s., ix. 233; 263.—Voi»iii (J.» T.c holali. et echoUinesie de nature hvsterique. Pull. med.. Par., 1890, iv, ,J25.— VorolillMki' IB. I.) Sluchai istei icbeskol lllellioli. [Hystei ieal dumbness.] Neviol. Vestnik. Kazan, ls94, ii, no. 4, 42-54. — \'o»lirt >.iii»l4i c 1.) Tri sluchaya istericheskol afazii. [Three cases of hys- terical aphasia.] Voyeuno ined..L, St. Petersb., 1897. exc, me.l. spec, pt., 891-907.— \» nlli i. Ein I-all hysterischer Sprachsttirimg. Deutsclie mil,-ai /.tl. Ztschr., P.erl., 1901, xxx, 055-061— \Vc«tl (S.i Ca3e of hysterical paralysis of the abductors of the laivnx. and of the diaphragm, associatetl with peculiar mo\.-uients of the palate. Lan- cet. Lond., 1892, ii, 309.—Wince (W. (' ) Hysterical cough, simulating: the presence of a foreign both in the lar\nx. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1901, xxi, 500.—Woro- HYSTEEIA. 790 HYSTEEIA. Hysteria (Manifestations of) by disor- ders of organs of voice and respiration. tynsky (B.) Ein Fall von hysterischer Stimmheit. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz.. 1895. xiv, 534-542.—Zhestkoff (Y. I.) Sluchai istericheskoi afazii. [Case of hysterical aphasia.] Nevrol. Vestnik, Kazan, 1897. v, no. 3, 120-128. Hysteria (Manifestations of) by disor- ders of sensation. See, also, Hysteria (Manifestations of, Cuta- neous). d'Avrelle de Paladixes (M.) *De l'anes- thesie hysterique; contribution h l'dtude des associations inorbides eu pathologie nerveuse. 4-. Paris, 1-89. Colin* (P.-E.) *De quelques cas d'anesthesie generalisee daus l'hysterie. 4C. Paris, l;-94. Glichon (L.) * Recherches sur l'abaorptiou sous-cutaiiee daus l'he'mianesthe.sie hysterique. 4°. Lyon, 1890. -----. Thesame. S;. Lyon, 1890. Lichtwitz (L.) Les anesthe'sies hysteriques ties ruuquenses et des orgaues des sens et les zones hysterogenes lies muqueuses. 8c Paris, 1887. Peschelx (H.-M. ) * Des points hysterogenes et en particulier des points hysterogenes fr^na- tetirs. <*--. Paris, 1-97. Wittmaack (T.) Die Hysterie (Hyperesthe- sia iisycliicn sexualis) iu pathologischer und tin rapeutischer Beziehung. 8°. Leipzig, l~."i7. Bcriiheim. De l'anesthesie hysterique: son m6ca- nisme psychique. Rev. de med., Par., 1901, xxi. 19 -210.— Biiiet i A.) Recherches sur les nouvements volontaiivs dans l'auesthesie hysterique. Pev. phil.. Par., 1889. xxviii, 470-500. Also [Abstr.]: Compt rend. Acad.d. sc. Par., 18ss. cvii, 1008-1010. -----. Note snr l'enregisirenient ties excitations port6es sur une region am sthe-ique du corps chez les hysteriques. Compt. rend. Soe. th- biol.. Par., 1889. 9. s., i, 27-29. — Blaiic-Fontenille. Zoneslethar- gogenes et lethargofrenatrices chez les hysteriques. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et phvsiol. . . . de Bordeaux, 188.5. vi. 94-l<>4 AUo: J. denied, de Bordeaux. 1885-6, xv.215-219.—Blocli (M.) Auto-microstln4sie. Rev. de l'hvpnot. et p-vchol. physiol., Par., 1899-1900. xiv, pt. 2, 327.'—Burr i C. W5 i llysterical syncope; hemianesthesia; tapid respiration. Lniv. M. Mag., Pbila., 1891-5. vii, 3.;4-:a-.- t'omar (G.) L'auto-repriiseiitation de lorganisnie ehez i|iieh|ii. s hyste- riques. Rev. neurol., Par., 1901, ix, -190-495. — l>:i ".uiiii (G.) Supra una forma non comune di anest.-sia dolorosa di origine isterica. Riv. crit. tli clin. metl., Firenze, 1899- 1900. i, 481: 497:513. AUo: Boll.d.clin..Milano, 19O0.xvii. 481-498.— Dana (C. L.) A study of the anaesthesias of hvsteria. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians. Phila.. 1890, v, 157- 164. AUo: Am. J. M. Sc. Phila., 189(1. n. s.. c. 365-376. AUo, Repiint.—Garcia v ^lansilla (S.) ILmi-an.-s- tesia histerica. Rev. clin. de 1. hosp.. Madrid, 1889. i. 209- 217.— HriMiian (('. C.) Hysterical analgesia. Alienist A Neiitol.. St. Louis. 1890, xvii, 1111.—Janrl cP.) L'anes- thesie hysterique. Arch. de.neurol . Par.. ]s92. xxiii.323- 352—Jelsjcrsina (G.) Sensibiliteitsstooruissen bi| by- sterio Meil. Weekbl., Amst., 1895-6, ii, 677-083. — Ked- zior (W.) Przypadek histeryi otlznaczajacej sie. lewo- storonuem nadmierneni poceniem si^ i dobrowolnem prze- niesieniem sie. przeczulicy lewostrounei na si rone prawa. [Hysteria manifesting itself by left-sided bypeiidrosis and voluntary transmittal of left-sided hyperesthesia to the right side.] Przegl. lek.. Krakow, 1900, xxxix, 14 — Kelly (L.) Hysteriaval szcivodiitt myasthenia. [Myas- thenia complicated by h\steria.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1901, xiv, 79.—Kliovriu (A. N.) RIedkaya forma hiper- estezii visshikh organov chuvstv (eksperimentalniya nablyudeniya nad usilennol razlichitelnol sposobuostyu v odnom sluchaye bolshoi isterii). [Rare form of hyperes- thesia of the highest organs of sensation (experimental observations on the enlarged power of differentiation in a case of hysteria inajori., Vopr. nei v.-psikh. metl.. Kiev, 1898, iii, 247; 441. —vou Ivralll-Kbiiis;. Leber die He- mianiisthesie Hysterischer. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg.. 1895, xl. 25; 38; 51.—I.ovelaiul i P. C.) Hysterical anaesthe- sia and analgesia. N.York M. J., 190i, lxxiii, 283-285.— .TlillM (C. K.) Hysterical hemianesthesia; successful treatnient by tuetallotherapy. Phila. Hosp. Rep.. 189ii. iii, 138-140-. —Mix (C. L.) Hysteria: sensorv symptoms. Bull. Northwest. Lniv.M. Sch.. Chicago, 1900-1901. ii, 462; 499.—Mow»e. Xote sur la valeur s6meiologiqne de l'anes- thesie de l'arrieie-gorge et de l'epiglotte comme -w-mate ile l'hysterie. Midi 'med.. Toulouse, I893.H, 172-174— \aiii- :uack fC E.i Hysteria with comjilete an;esihe>i . and . itah-psy. Med. Rec, N. Y.. 1898, liii, 315.— Ran»cli- bury (P.) A llajow (L.) Die Physiologie der hysteri- Hysteria (Manifestations of) by disor- ders of sensation. schen Anasthesien; einleitender und experimentcller Theil. In their: N5 Beitr. z. Psychol, d. hyster. Geistes- zust., 8a Leipz. u.Wien. 189Z. 1-30. AUo. transl.: Magy. orv. Arch., Budapest, 1897.vi, 203-302.—Kenncr. H\ste- rische Hemiauaesthesie nach einem Lnfalle. Vereihsbl. d. pfalz. Aerzte, Frankenthal, 1891, vii, 234-238. — Viali H6mianesth6sie hysterique traitee par la resensibilisation progressive: preuve directe de la localisation corticale ties centres visceraux : principed'un tiaitement m^canique de l'hyst6rie. Arch, de neurol., Par., 1900, 2. s., ix, 212-224. Hysteria (Manifestations of) by disor- ders of special senses. See, also, Amaurosis, Diplopia, Hysterical; Bye in hysteria; Hysteria in children; Hys- teria in the male; Hystero-epilepsy. Chavaxne(F.) Oreille et hysterie. 8°. Pa- ris, 1901. Filitz (Mile. M.) ~ Contribution a I'etude de l'oreille hysterique. *-;. Paris, 1899. Alvarez Goiuez-Salazar (R.) ParSlisis alterna con hemianopsia externa de origen histetico. Rev. tie med. y cirug. pr&ct., Madrid, 1901, liii, 120-134.— An. lony. Ln malade atteint tie surtli-mutit6 hysteiique. Bull, et m6m. Soc. med. il. hop. de Par., 1899. 3. s.,xvi. 80- 89. -----. Nouveau cas tie siirdi-mutite hysterique. Ibid.. 209-271.—Barlh (E.) Zur Syinptomatologie tier lnste- l-ischeu Taubheit. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Beil., 19(U, xxvi. 354.— Kolauil A C'ooiteman.N. I.es manifestations auriculaites dans I'hysteiie. [Pap., Abstr.] Clinique, Brux., Is98. xii, 472-474.— ile Bourgon. Deux cas de blepbaiospasme tonique bilateral douloureux tl'ori- gine hysterique, gueris par la suggestion hypnotique. Prance med.. Par.. 1897, xliv, 145-148. — Bramachari (L.N.) Field of vision in a case of hysteria. Indian M. Gaz.. Calcutta, 1901, xxxvi, 253-255.—Buchanan. Hys- terical paralysis of the external recti muscles ofthe eves. Med. Rec. N.Y..1897, Iii, 598.—Carrcras Sola. Amau- rosis histerica curada por la sugestiou hipn6tica. Kev. de cien. med.. Barcel., 1887, xiii, 257-260.—Castex (A.) L'hysterie a l'oreille. Tribune med.. Par., 1899.2. s.. xxxi, 5«59.—Oecitate, surditate si mutism hi o isterica,. Si.ita- lid, Bucuresci, 1899,xix, 94—Cliavamie (F.I Syndrome otique de l'hysterie. Parole. Rev. internat. de rhinol. [etc.]. Par., 1901, n. s., iii, 513: 593. —Courtade (A.) Observation de surdi-mutit6 hysterique chez unetilletteile trois ans el tieini. Arch, internat.delaryngol. [etc.]. Par., 1.-99. xii. 508-511.—t'ullcri'c (A.) De la suggestion par rintermediaire des images motrices grapbiques chez une hysterique frapp£e siinultanement de ee/Cite, de surdite et de mutisme. Rev. tie l'hvpnot. el psychol. physiol., Par., 1892-3. vii, 193-200.—Dayton (W. L ) Hysteria in oph- thalmology. Tr. West. Ophth., Otol. [etc.] Ass., Ophth. div.. St. Louis, 1897.102-111.—»e Bono (F. P.) Macrop- sia isterica; suggestione in veglia; guarigione. Arch, di ottal., Palermo, 1896-7. iv, 397-405.— Bor (L.) Descrip- tion d'un nouveau symptouie de ramblyopie hysterique. Province med.. Lvou, 1897, xi, 73-75. —Eeman. Ln cas tie surdite hysterique sans autre manifestation d'h\st6rie. Bull. Soc. 1 elge d'otol. et de laryngol., Brux., 189C-7. ii, 112-116. Also: Rev. internat. de ihinoh. otol. et laryngol., Par., 1898. viii, 29-31.—Elicit (E. C.) Two cases of hys- teria with prominent eve symptoms. Memphis Lancet, 1900, iv. 173-175.— Fajardo (F.) Contribuitjao ao trata- mento das perturbacoes oculares da hysteria pelo hypno- tisme Cong, brazil, de med. e chug., Rio de Jan., 1891, ii. 2. fasc. 28-35.— Fraucotte (X.) Surdi-mutite hyste- rique guerie par suggestion ii l'etat de veille. Ann. Soc. ined.-ehir. de Liege, 1894, xxxiii, 285-289. — Fromaget .y Moiigie. Amaurose hvsterique unilaterale. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. de'Bordeaux, 1898, xix, 96-98.— Gelle (G.) fils. A propos d'un cas curieux de surdity hysterique. Arch, internat. de larvugol. [etc.], Par., 1898. xi. 264-271.—Gilford (H.) Some ocular and aural manifestations of hvsteria. West. M. Rev.. Lincoln, Neb., 1899. iv, 367.'-----. Hysterical alopecia of the eyelids Ophth. Rec, Chicago, 1901, x, 1—Gille*. Con- tribution a I'etude du traitement de la surdit6 chez les hysteriques. Maiseille med.. 1889. xxvi, 16-24, 1 diag.— Ginestous A de Fornel. Amblyopic hysterique et simulation. J. de m6d. de Bordeaux, 1900, xxx, 454-457.— Gradcnigo (G.) Sulle manifestazioni auricolari del- 1' isterismo. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino-Palermo, 1893. i, 106; 256; 370: 1-94. ii, 41; 185; 361; 494: 1895, iii, 177: 358. AUo, Repiint. AUo, transl: Klin. Vortr. a. d. lieb d. (itol. u. Pharyngo-Rhinol., Jena. 1895-6, i. 360^- 402. —Grant (I). ) A .. x. ii. 1-10. — I.a iiyiier (C. E.1 Zur Diagnose und Therapie d. r h.\ -t. 1:-h.-n Stuinniheit (Apsithvrie). Arch. f. Laryngol. u. l'h:nol.. l'.eil . 1-94" ii. alu-Si".— I.aufeiiaiiei-'(K) A mc-w-r-e g. .- es terme szetes nyelvci.iittat tuiakiol hystei iasoknak. On artifi- cial aud natural contractions of tongue in hysteria.] Or vosi hetil., Budapest, 1890. xxxiv, 1. AUo. transl [Abstr. ; Pe-t. nied.-.-hit Presse. Budapest,1 890.xxvi.73.— I.auuoi« (P.-E.) Sc I.e .Harc'linilonr. De la surdite hysterique vraie (contribution a 1 etude de 1 hvsierie sensoi ielle). Ann. d. mal. de l'orei'.l-. .in laiynx :.-tr ]. Par.. 1899. xxv, pt. 2. 349-367—Leber T.) IA :•• r p.-riphere S.-hnerven- atfe. tionen bei IL st-ii-clien. Dents, he meil. Wchnschr., L.ipz. u. Berl.. 1892 xviii. 741-743.— I. iclilwitz (L.) Des zones hysterogenic obset vees sur la muqueus.-des voies a^rienne- .-upeiieures. des oi gane- .b-s -.us, et en particu- lier de l'ceil et de l'appareil lacrymo-nasal. Rev. clin. d'ocul.. Par.. 1880. vii. 249-252. AUo: Rev. mens, de laryn gol. [etc.].Par.,l--A vi, 649-656. AUo: Mem et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1886), 18*7, 529-530. Also: J. de med. de I'-tcu-hiix, 188C-7. xvi, 181-18:;. — tlcKey- nold* G. Si Hysterical blindness, with report ot case. Ophth Lee. f'hi. ago 1900, ix, 22.5-227. AUo: J. Alumni Ass. Coll. Pliv,. A si,,g. Halt.. 19uii-1901, iii, 20 .3 — .'la- rinewco (G.) Ln cas tie surdi-cecite avec u-sophagisnie j chez une hysterique: guerison rapide par ri-ulein.-nt. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par.. 1899. 3. «., I xvi, 366-371. Also: Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1899. lxrii, 382- 3-4 — llntleunikoflT (I. I.) K voprosu o proiskhozhde- I ni: r. naz. vnezapnikh katarakt; sluchai bistravo pomut- Lleniva prozraebnavo kbrustalika \ pn-tupi.- isterii. [Origin of so-called sudden cataract .- i-.-nl i.iphl clouding of a clear crystalline dn- i _ -m ..n...-k ot iiy-t. 1 ia , Vrach, St. Petersb.. 1900. xxi. 5_ 5- — Meii-o™ ilz (P.) A cit-e of hysteria piesenting some curious disturbances of vision. 'Post-Gratlnate. N. Y.. 190o. xv, 653-003. AUo [Absti ] T. N.-rv. A Ment. Dis.. N. V 1900, xxvii. 285.— .Tlilchell T K.i Sc dc Hchnciiiilz (IL E.i Hyster- ical aniestie -1 1. with 11 stndv of the fields of vision. Am. : J. M. - .. I'ii.la.. Is89. 11. s'., xcviii. 466-481. Also. Re- print. -------------. A further study of hystei ical cases and their fields of vision. J. Nerv.*& Meiit. Dis . N. V., 1894, xxi. 1-49. AUo, Reprint. — .Moore t W. O.) Hys- terical blindness. Denver M. Time-. 1 i-n7-8>. xvii, 43- 47. — .Moravc-iU (E. E.) Ily-t.-nas hitot.-t t-ber es hyi.nc tiku- .cilapotban. [Hysterical held ot vision in the waking and hvpnotic condition.] Orvosi hetil., I5u- dape-t 1890. xxxiv. 291-293. AUo, transl [Abstr.]: Pest, med.-chir. Presse. Budapest. 1890. xxvi, 721-723. AUo, transl.: Neurol.1'entralbl., Leipz., 1890, ix, 230-235.— .llorgano 'I'.i Sopra un caso di paralisi periodica del- 1 ocuromotore comune (emhrania oftalinopbgica) in una giovine isterica ii-regolaiiuente mestruata. Ann. tli ottal., Pavia, 1900. xxix, 10-::-g. — ^Iiizzy (A. T.) Hysterical blindm-s-. N. York M. J., 1-99. Ixx. 403. [Discussion], 427. —Oppenlieiui. Uebei einen Fall von Hysteric und n-flectori-cher I' 111> 111 • -n-tai-i.-. Zt-chr. f. prakl. Aerzte, Frankf. a. M. Mis. v:i 1- 5-19n -Ozereltlto v«ki 1 A. I.) Materiali k izio h> ii;> u istei n lo-koi gluklmti. ! Study of h\ steiical deafness.] Shoin st..t.-i |.o nevropat. i psichiat,., Mo-k.. 1890. 381-410--I*an»iei' . 1' ; Des manifestations oculaires de l'hysterie etdu mb- de l'hypnotisine en ocnlis- lysteria (Manifestations of) by disor- ders of special senses. tique; revue generale. N. Montpel. med. Suppl., 1892, i, 772-824. ------. La chromalopsie des hysteriques. Ann. d'ocul.. Par., 1895, cxiv, 101 170 — I'm iiinml (II.) Les troubles oculaires del'hyst6i'ie. Ibid., 1900,exxiv. 17; 177.— I'l'i-liia. De la dvschroiiiatopsio che/. les hysteriques. Kev neurol.. Par., 1896, iv, 669-671. — PhillipM (F. A.) Hysterical disorders of the eye. Am.J. Ophth. St. Louis, 19ni. xviii, 257-277. — I'iehler (A.) Ein Fall von Pupil- loustorung auf hysterischer Grun.lhige. Ztschr. f. Au- genh., Berl.. 19U0, iii, 075-683.— I'it lion (G.) Des trou- bles de la vision dans I'hvstcrio et dans quelques atfeetions nientales. Encophale, l'ar., 1888, viii. 138-171.—Kuiinoiii (W.B.) Hysterical or functional disease. Brit. M. J., Lontl., l-'.i."., i. 972 — lto«|iier <':i*inli«ii« (J.) Elhiste- risnio v la- zonas histeiogenas de la mucosa nasal. Rev. de hiri'ngol., otol. y rinol . Barcel., 1891-2, vii, 159-164.— Nal»ra#.e*i 1J.1 Does nystagmus exist in hyst. lia ? Metl. W'.ek Par.. ls'.H. ii. 409— Nell ill tze 1E.1 ' Ein Fall vou ln-leiiseh. r'l'aubheit. Deutsche Aer/t.-Ztg.. Beth, 1901, 73-75.—Southard (W. F.) A case of hysierical ambly- opia associated with neiirast henia. Ann. Ophth., St. Louis, 1898, vii, 495 !]::. —Talmn (S.) Tympanitis hys- terica. Nederl. Ti.jdsehr. v. Geneesk.. Amst., 1902, 2. R., xxviii, d. 1, 240-243. —Taptaw. Surdity hysterique gue- rie par la suggestion. Lev. hebd. tie laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1900, i, 65-68. Alsn: (iaz. mGd. d'Orien't, Constant., 1900- 1901, xliii. 38-40.-Taylor (L. H.) A case of hysterical blindness. Tr. Luzerne Co. M. Soc., Wilkesbarre, 1900, viii, 195.—Thompson (J. Hi Hysterical disturbances of lhe special s.-n-cs. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri. Jefferson City. 1893, 166-172 — Vnlnde 1 E.i nuehjues phenomenes hysterinues oculaires traites par la suggestion therapeuti- que. Med. mod., Par., 1896, vii, 777.—Van Dyck I W.T.) Hysterical (or functional) deafness. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, i, 973.—VaMeliide ( N.) L'intluence des crises hys- teriques sur l'olt'a.-tion Compt. r.-nd. S..c. de biol., Par., 1901, n. s., iii, 538-540. — Vein (J.) Hie hvsteiische Taub- stunimheit. Munchen. metl. Wchnschr., 1899. xlvi. 415.— Vow*. Leber Ohrenlciden bei Hysterischen. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh.. Wi.-sb., 1901, xl, 1-44 — Weslphal (A.) Leber . in. 11 Fall von hysterischer Taubstiimniheit. Charite- Ann., Berl., l899,xxiv. 602-607.— Williams (A. H.) Hys- terical deafuess. Guy's Hosp. Gaz.. Loud., 1889, 11. s., iii, 103. — Wootl '('. A.) Theucular evidences of hysteria; with illustrative eases. Am. J. M. S.-., I'liila.. 1899, n. s., cxvii. 42-55— Win rH.) Sc Bitot ifi.) Sur un cas tl'h\ stern- traumatisms chez l'houiine. Bull. Soc. tl anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux, lss8, ix, 242-257, 7 pl., 1 eh. — I.n vcran. Sur un cas d'hysterie par fuliruratiou. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1891, lxiv, 1210.—I.oweufeld (E.) Ein Fall wahrschein- lich traumatischer Hysteioneurasthenie mit Symptomen einer cerebraleu Herderkrankuue. Miinchen. med. "Wchnschr., 1895, xiii, 1001; 1031.— I.von (G.) Note sur l'h\sterie consecutive aux traumatism! s graves. En- cephale, Par., 1888, viii, 39-54—.TI ayer (E. E.) Trauma- tic hysteria and neurasthenia. Penn. M. J., Pittsburg, 1900-1901, iv, 568-573—flayer (M.) Schussverletzung der Fossa supra, laviculai is; traumatische Hysterie mit Koiitrakturen uu.l Atrophic. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg., Berl., 1901, vii, 434-431..—"Jloty. Forme rare d'hystero- traumatisme. Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1895, xxxiv, 337- 343.—.Tlusheus (L. J. J.I Een geval van traumatische hysterie. Xeilerl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk.. Amst.. 1897. 2. R., xxxiii, d. 2. 285-289.— Nourrit lAIlle.) Rachialnie hvstero-tranmatique. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et phvsiol .le Boitleaux, 1898. xix. 101-104.—Pel (P. K.) Trau'niatis. he hv.sterische neurose met abasie-astasie. Handel, v. h. Nederl. Xat.- en Geneesk. Cong., 's Gravenb., 1893, 275- 289. — Piotrow»ki (G.) Xote sur uu cas d'hysterie traumatique accompagnee d'astasie et ahasie. (.'mnpt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par.. 1893, 9. s., v, 420-422. —Pollaci (G ) Ln caso d' isterismo e di nevrosi traumatica. Si. ilia nnd., I'orino Palermo. 1891, iii, 8J5-840. — Polain. Premiere apparition de phenomenes hysteriques a 1'oeca- siou dune chute. J. de med. int., Par., 1899, iii. 481-485, Also: Rev. prat. d. trav. de med., Par., 1899, lvi, 321-325. Also: J. tie la sante, Par., 1899, xvi, 361; 391; 432; 449 — Itayiiiontl. Un cas d'hystero-traumatisme. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psvchol. physiol.. Par., 1900-1901. xv, 54.— Beale (E.) Caso di paralisi istero-traumatica in un uomo. Gazz. tl. clin., Xapoli, 1891, ii, 273-278— Beuilu. H6mipl6srie hyst6rique d'origine traumatique; atiophie musculaire. Union med., Par.. 1893, 3. s.. lvi. 41-45.— Sihultze (E.) Traumatische Hysterie und Sie.hthum. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg., Berl.. 1898.' iv, 281-280 —Serieux (P.) Xote sur un cas de paralysie hystei o-trauiiatiqiie des quatre membres. Arch, de'neurol.. Par., 1891, xxii, 31-52.—Sibut (I,.) Heinianestbesie h\ sti-rique traumati- que. France metl.. Par., 1897. xliv, 161-19 : — Nie mil (A.) Sc Biche(A) Hysterie traumatique: double pied hot hysterique; niniiesie ietro-aiit6rograde. 1'resse mid., Par., 1898, ii. 225— Vidal (E.) Xote sur deux cas d'hys- terie consecutifs a un iraumatisme. Gaz.hebtl.de m6d.. Par., 1898, n. s., iii, 1021.—Wick i L.) Leber einen Fall von traumatischer Hvsterie. Wieu. med. Wchnschr., 1901, li, 217: 274. Hysteria (Treatment of'). ''See. also, Hysteria (Manifestations of) by dis- orders of motion; Hysteria (Manifes'ations of) bg disorders of organs of roice, etc ; Hysteria in children: Hysteria i'n the male; Hystero- epilepsy (Treatment of); Laparotomy (Pre- tended) ; Metallotherapy. Akthlis (A.) L'clcctricite statique et Yhy*- terie. Memoire precede il'tine lettre a M. le professeur Charcot. rf:. Paris, 1881. HYSTERIA. 793 HYSTERIA. Hvsteria (Treatment of). * Dkga (GeorgetteY * Essai sur la cure pre- ventive tie 1'liysteTie fcuiiuiue par rcducalion. t*°. Bordeaux, W.K -----. The same. 8^'. Paris, 1898, GlLLKS DE LA Tolrette (G. i Ttaite clinique et thera pent inue ile riiysterie d'uptes IVikseigue- nient de la Salpetriere. Preface de ,1.-M. Char- cot. 3 v. *■*- . Paris, HlU-.">. AUo [Abstr.]. in: Arch, de tocol. et de gynec., Par., 1895, xxii, 409-420. KURZE Alihandliiug der Hypochondrie und Mutterlie6cl*weruiig, worin die Kenn-und Tnier- scheidungs-Zeichen, Zulalle, I'rsachen und ]>i;'it, nebst dem Gebrauche der seit vieleu Jnhren da- wider bew-ihrt erfundnen sicheru und gelimlen, von . . . bes. hrieben siml. S\ [n.p., 177(3.] Ma.vto (G.-S.) *Snr le traitenient de I'hyste- rie a l'hopital par l'isolement. >-. Paris. 1-99. -----. The same. S-\ Paris, 1899. Plaxqiks(J.) *De risolenieut dans le traite- | ment de l'hysterie et dc quelques autres mala- dies. 4 . Toulouse, 1895. Preston ((}. J.) Hysteria and certain allied conditions, their nature and treatnient; with special reference to the application of the rest cure, massage, electrotherapy, hvpnotism, etc. *■*. Philadelphia, 1-97. Rali.in (J.) Traite des affections vaporeuses du sexe, avec l'exposition dc leurs symptomes dc burs difterenti's causes et la methode de les guerir. 16=. rai-is, 177)8. Roth (E.) * Ueber das Wesen und die Be- handlung der Hysterie. ~:. Berlin, [1-74]. Sollier (P.) L'hysterie t-t son traitement. 1*2 . Paris, 1901. Terrail (J.-J. ) * De la morphine dans le traitemeut de I'hjsterie chez la feinine (avan- tages et inconv6uients). 4-. Paris,1-89. Thermes (G.) La me'tallothe'rapie et l'hydro- the'rajiie. leurs effets physiologiques et leurs ap- plications therapeutiques daus l'bysterie. 8-. Paris, 1-"**"1. Wi'oBi.EWSKl (E.-A.) "De l'einploi de la pilo- carpine dans rii\st£rie. 4°. Paris, 1—5. Allen (D. P.) Hysteria and hy-tern epilepsy; their treatment by operative and nonoperative pic .ceil ures. Toledo M. AS. Reporter. 1895. viii, 817-82U.—All dCj Zur Behantllun^ iler Hvsterie. Miinchen. nail. Wchn-.-hr., 1892, xxxix, 14J-140.* AUo: Sitzungsb. tl.Vei. d. A.-i /.te zu Halle a. S. 1891-2. Miinchen. 189:;. ii, 55-70.—Anjjell ( E. 15. i Some .suggestions rrgaidiiiy, xxx, 155-157.—f'ha rrot (J.-M.) Ile IN..lenient dans le traite- nient de I liystt'-iie. Proxies med.. Par., 188'5 n_ S-i j ](;■_ 164. AUo, transl.. Meil'.v Sui jr. Reporter. Phila., 188.8, lix, 225-230. ------. La nutrition tlans 1 hystei ie. Progres med., Par., 1888. 2. s., viii, 445-448. — 4 limiuioiil iflier (A .) De l'eni]doi tie relectiisation laradique comme moyen d'airi'tei lattaque d'hysterie et comme moyen de diaguostiqiier dans les cas Hysteria (Treatment of). dilliciles I'attaqtie d'hysterie de celle d'fipilepsie. Lyon metl , 1888, lix. 473-484. — Dieckhoir. Allgemeines und Specielles iiber .lie Bchanilliiii", der It \ sterischni. Ztschr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Fiankl'. a. M., 1899, viii, 313; 358. — But- ton (E. (i.) A severe case of hysteria; cured by massage. seclusion, and ovei -feeding. Lancet. Lond., 1888. i. 1128.— Faueher (P.-V.) 1 >e ra]iomori)liiue contre les attaques d'hysterie, d'hvstero epil.-psie el d'epihp.sie. Lull. med. de IJuebei , 1901 2. iii. 221-227. —Fiwk-Hrj'woii (Louise). The lalional treatment of listeria. N. York M. ,L, 1887, xlvi, 507— 4*alloi« (15) Theorie n.-uroiiique tie l'hyste- rie et traitement tie cette necrose, d'apres la m6thoile tie Pierre.I anet . I bill. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par..1900,exx xix, ■KU 123. Also (Abstr. |: Hull. m6d., Par., 1900, xiv, 131.— <;illi">ile la Tourclli; ((J.) La nutrition dans l'hys- terie. Mercreili med., Par., 1890, i, 509-511. ------. Stim- ulates et traitement de riiysterie. Ann. de m6d. scient. ct prat., Par., 1895, v, 4ul; 409. -----. Le l'hyilrotherapie dans le traitement de riiysterie. Arch. gen. d'hydrol. [etc.]. Par., 1890. vii, 28-30. ------|I)e l'hysterie et son traitement. Lev. med., Quebec. 189*-9. ii. 241-244.— (lilies de la Tourette (1—Jolly. Ueber die Mitch. ll-Pla\ fair'schc Behautl- lutii'sinethoile der Hysterie. Ah •.. Ztschr. f. Psychiat. [etc.] Berl.. 1885, xli, 047-050.—J one* (W.A.) Hysteria; its prevention and treatment. Norths-.st. Lancet. St. Paul, 1893, xiii, 411-414— Jo u»l a in. Hysterique atteiute d'anesthesie generali-te de hi p. au et des muqueuses. avec paralysie du voile du palais. contrai tines du pharynx. traitee par 61ectrieife sta iqiie. Kev. internat. d'electro- th6r., Par., 1891-2, 294-2'.is —Lagrange (E.) Ln cas tie choree hysterique gueri p.r la sulaniue. Cong. tl. med. alienistes et neur. tic I-Aaiice . . . l'i... . veib. [etcl lh;15 Par., 1896, ii, 41 4-4iO.— I.eiuleMlortA M.) Kiniges iiber Asa fcetitla und Hvsterie. Ztschr. t piakt. Aerzte, Frankf. a. M.. 1899. viii, 504-508— I.iebermeister '( i Leber Hvsterie und deren Bebautlluug. Sainml. Klin Vortr., Li-ip/... lss:s. no. 230 (Innere M.i!., >>'<>. 82, 2i:;'.»- ^l.,8i.— l.«ii> cnlcIII il..) Ueber die ivr.iiikenptlege h\ - terischer Personen. Ztschr. f. KiaiikenpfL, Berl.. 1896, xviii, 121; 154; 177. Also: Med.-chir. Centialbl., Wien, 1896, xxxi, 579; 594; 600. — .llauM'j- (G. 11.) Static elec- tricity in the diagnosis anil treatment of hv-teri. al att'ec- tions: Therap. Month., l'hila., 190.5 ii, 17.—-Tlilehell (J. K.) Best tieatment lor hysterical disease. .1. Am. M. Ass., Chicajio, 1901. \xyvi,' 620-024.—.VIor*elli [Y, ) L' idroteiapia nell' istei■i-mo. tIsservatoi.•. Torino, 18s7, xxxviii. 313; 342. >iiiiiMi'Nlii (S.) Istei o-terapiya. [Treatment of hyst. ria] Y..\ euuo-nied. J.. St. 1'etersb., 1899, exevi, med.-spec, pt., 050 lii'.l.— I't'lrii/./aiii il'.) (Contributo alia cura delle manifestazioiii ist.-ii. he Ka-- segna di SC. med., Modena, ".88-0, i, 4s!) -T.ili. I'iln« , A.) Du traitenient general de l'livsteric. R.-v uen. tie clin. et de tbCraii., Par., 189(1, iv, ' 001-004—l»oulel (Y.i ile I'emploi mi simulo dans certaines formes t linlli i (K.) Leber die elektriscben Yerhiiltnisse bei II \ stei is. hen. Pest. me.l. chir. Presse, Budapi St. 1890, xxvi. 403.— Nt lueibi r (L) Zur Behandlung jjewisser Foimen von Ni niasili. nie untl Il\steri« ilurch die Weir-Mitehell-Cur Berl. klin. Wcluis.hr., i8b8, xxv, in50: 1070. Also Be- jirint. — Mharkey S.J.) Cases of hyster a and allied conditions, in the treatmentof which isolation, electricity, and massage were used. St. Thomas's Hosp. Pep.. Lond., 1887, n. s., xvi, 231-245. —Collier (P.i Noie prelimiiiaire sur le tiaitement de l'lnst eric base sur sa nature. Inter- BYSTERIA. 794 HYSTERIA. Hvsteria (Treatment of). med. d. neurol. [etc.J, Par.. 1898-9, i, 66; 82. — Stock ley (I). B.l Treatment of hvsteria. Tr. M. Soc. Wisconsin. Madison, 1898. xxxii. 209-271. AUo: Metl. News, N. Y., 1898, lxxiii. 800.—Turner i P.. F.' The treatment of hvs- teria. Memphis M. Mouth., 1896, xvi, 579-582. —Verrier. Considerations cliniques et therapeutiques sur l'hysterie. France med., Par., 1895. xiii, 115-117.— Vieira de An- ili-aile (M.) A pilocarpina no trataniento tla listeria. Biazil-iuetL, Rio de Jan.. 1889, iv, 128.—Villa (E.j Con- tributo alio studio dell' isterismo. Gazz. tl. osp., Milano, 1890, xi, 211.—de Vis*chcr (C.) Contribution a I'etude de la metallotherapie dans llivsterie. Ann.Soc.deni6il.de Gand. 1877, lv, 220-232. AUo. Keprint.—\V—It. Een geva van hysterie met spieratrophie eu veranderinjren in tie ie actieopelectrischestroonien. Geneesk.Courant, Tiel, 1899, liii. no. 10-Warila (W.) Ein Fall von Hysterie, darge- stellt nach der kathaitischen Methode von Breuer und Freud. Monatsehr. f. Psychiat. u. Neurol., Berl., 1900, vii. 301: 471.— Wetterstrand. Om langvarig somn sarskililt vid behandling af hysteriens svarare former. [Long sle.-p. especially in the treatment of the graver forms of hysteria.1 Hygiea, Stockholm, 1899, lxi. 525-534.— M iml^c he ill (F.) Leber hysterisehe Schmerzen und deren Behandlung. Monatsehr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Berl., 1895. ii, 478-493.—Wood iH. C.) The inaiiagemeut and treatment of hysteria aud neurasthenia; a clinical lecture. Am. Lancet, Detioit, 1890, n.s.. xiv, 1-3.—Zen- ner (P.) Treatment of some cases of hysteria. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1888, n. s.. xxi, 601-608. [Discussion], 610- 613. AUo: Cincin. M. News. 1889. n. s., xviii, 1-14. Hysteria (Treatment of, Operative). Sie, also, Hystero-epilepsy (Treatment of). Mercatali (V.) Ovariotoinie nell' isterismo. (Tesi di laurea.) 8*'-. Bologna, 18-9. Angelucci(G.) Sc Pieraccini (A.I Sulla opport unit ii ed erticacia della cura chirurgico-sinecologic i nella nevrosi isterica (e nelle alienazioni mentali): lisultati di una iu- chiesta internazionale. Riv. sp.-r. di freniat.. Reggio- Emilia, 1897, xxiii, 290-310.— Italdy (J. M.) Hvsteria considered from a surgical standpoint. Phila. Polyclin., 1896, v. 281-284. — Bryant (.;_ I).| Report of the fourth laparotomy on a hysterical patient, iletl. Rec. N. Y., 1892, xiii. 726-728. — Carazzani (G.) La simpatectotnia addoiuinale nelle foime isieicidi. Suppl. al Policlin., Roma. 1899-1900 vi, lu9-l"13.—Flecli-ij*;. Zur g\ niikolo- gischen Behandliing hysterischer Person.n. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat. [etc.]. Herl.. 1885, xli 616-636.- Fry F. R.) Traumatic hysteria; cranial operation; au intei cm ing path- ological coutiition; recovery. Phila. AI. J., 1901, viii. 360- 363.—(iranju v. Pes iiicouv6nients que pent comporter pour le inedecin n. pratique de certaines operations chez les hysteriques males en dehors de la presence dun tiers. J. de nied. dc Par.. 1902. 3. s., xiv, 25.—.lomitMo. Besec- tion bilaterale du sympalhique lombaire et sacre pour hysterie. Bull, et 1116111. Sc.c. tie chir. tie Bucarest, 1900- 1901, iii, 31. I.nuibotte (E.i Pathojrenie et-traitement chirurgical de l'liysiei ie. Ann. Soc. metl.-chir. du Brabant, Btux.. 1899. ix, 08; is.y Also: Presse ni6d. beige. Brux., 1899. li. 517; 561: 1! 00. Iii, 529. [Discussion,. 18: 177.— lyomle (P.) & .VIouoil (R.) Tympanisine hysterique; lapaiotoniie; recidive. Gaz. hebd. de metl., Par., 1901, n. s.. vi. 193. —Moore (J. E.) Hysteria from a surgical standpoint. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass.. Phila.. 1898, xvi. 292-300. AUo: Ann. Surg.. Phila., 1898, xxviii, 177-180. Also (Ah- str.]: J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago. 1898. xxx, 1110. — IMcillci (O. J.) Case of h\steiia leqniring external ces'.phagot- omy. Tr. Colorado M. S"C. Deuver, 1894, 444-4-19.—San- iler (M.) Chirurgisclie Einnriffe hei Hysterie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leip/.. u. Beil.. 1899, xxv, S8--594.— MliiiNsiiiauii. [Hysterica mit Reflexio uteri; Myoni; Yeuirotixation: Eierstoek o.leuiatos und enthielt ein lih-uies Embrvoni von Kiischkerngriisse.] Ztschr. f. Ge- hurtwh. u. ('vniik., Stuttg.. 1901, xiv, 372. — Thermes. L'hvs'erie et son traitenient chirurgical. Bull. Soc. de med. prat, de l'ar. (1885), 1880. 72-80.—Treves (F.) Hys- teria iu its surgical relations Svst. Surg. I Treves). Loud., 1895, i, 379-384—Walton (G. L.) A contribution to the study of hvsteria. bearing on the question of oophorectomy. J. Nerv. Sc Aleut. Dis.. N. T., 1884, n. s., ix, 424-434. Also, Reprint. Hysteria (Treatment of) by hypnotism [including experiments]. See, also. Hysteria (Manifestations of); Hys- teria (Manifestations of) by disorders of digestive system ; Hysteria (Manifestations of) by disorders of genito-urinary system; Hysteria (Manifesta- tions of) by disorders of motion; Hysteria (Mani- festations of ^ by disorders of nervous system ; Hys- teria {Manifestations of) by disorders of organs of roice, etc.; Hysteria (Manifestations of) by dis- orders of special senses; Hysteria in children; Hysteria (Treatment of) by hypnotism | including experiments]. Hysteria and insanity; Hysteria in the male; Hystero-epilepsy (Treatment of). Conca (C.) Isterismo ed ipnotismo. Manuale ad uso degli studenti e dei medici pratici. 12°. Xapoli. 1888. Tkrrien (M.) * L'hysterie en Vendue. 6J. Toulouse, 1897. Pitrks (A.) Lecons cliniques sur l'hysterie et l'hypiiotisme, faites a l'hopital Saint-Andr6 de Bordeaux. Ouvrage prece"d6 d'une lettre-pre'- face de J.-M. Charcot. 2 v. 8-. Paris, 1891. AUo, in: J. de m6d. de Bordeaux, 1885-6, xv, 395- 408- 418; 433; 549; 564: 1886-7, xvi, 398: 411; 421; 436- 458 '■ 471; 518-. 5::0: 1887-8, xvii, 30; 38; 40: 54; 61; 71- 82- 94' 105; 215; 220; 239: 249; 566; 583: 1888-9,xviii,75; 87-'l59- 178: 401; 411: 1890-91, xx, 121; 138 : 146; 160; 361, 373; 442! Babinski (J.) Recherches servant a etablirque cer- taines manifestations hysteriques penveut etre transferees d'un sujet k un autre sujet sous l'inrluence de l'aimant. Bull. Soc. de psychol. physiol.. Tar.. 1880, ii, 113-116. AUo [Abstr.]: Progres med., Par.. 1880, 2. s., iv, 1010. ______. Hypnotisme et hysterie: du rolede l'hypnotisme en thera- peutique. Gaz. hebd.de med., Par.,'1891, 2. s., xxviii, 350: 305. AUo, transl: J. Nerv. A Ment. Dis.. N. Y.' 1892. xix. 383; 494; 584.—Ballet (G.) Le sommeil provo- qu6 par 1'occlusion des oicill.-s et desyeux chez les indivi- dus affectes d'anesthesie hysterique generalisee. Progres metl., Par., 1892, 2. s., xv. 497-5U1. Also, transl.: Gac.san. de Barcel.. 1891-2, iv, 296-307. — Berillon (E.) Yaleur tie la suggestion hypnotique dans le traitemem de l'hys- terie. Assoc, franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r. Par 1889, xviii, pt. 2, 803-813. AUo: Rev. de l'hvpnot. et psy- chol. physiol., Par., 1889-90, iv, 35-45. ------." Tachycardia hysterique traitee par la suggestion hypnotique. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1898-9. xiii, 359.__ Beriiheim. Hypeiesthesie circouscrite eu nn point de la 1egh.11 prieenniiale: pseudo-angine de poitrine: crisis d'hysierie lespiratoire et cardiaque; affaiblissement pro- gressi!': insn. ces ile toutes les medications institutes pen- dant trois aus; apparence tie mort prochaine; gueiLon par suggestion. Ibid., 1890-91, v, 10-14. — Beriiheim A Voisin 1 A.) Lyp6manie h6r6ditaire; idees el teiita- tives de siiititie; hallucination de I'ouie; c6phalee: h6- iniauesthesic sensitivo- sensorielle; hysterie: troubles vaso-moteurs; influence curative de la suggestion hyp- notique. Ibid., 1896-7, xi, 91-94. — Berlran Rubio (E.) Accidn analgesica y scdante tie la main, aplicatla en posicidn heterdnoma. principalniente eu las algias de los sujetos histericos y neurastenicos. Rev. de cien. m6tl. de Barcel., 1897. xxiii, t. 2, 289-300.—Besse. Troubles hys- teriques trait6s par riiypnotisme. Bev. de l'hvpnot. et psychol. physiol.. Par.', 18-8-9, iii, 213-216. — Bitot CE.) Lecons sur l'hysterie et riivi.notisme. J. de med. de Bordeaux. 1890-91,'xx, 121; 138. —('reapm. Aphonic hysterique; guerison par suggestion. Kev. tie Ihypu.t.et psychol. physiol., Par., 1901-2, xvi, 122-124.—Dalaud ij.) Hysterical seizures relieved hv hypnotic suggestion. Lniv. M. Mag., Phila., 1892-3. v, 530-532. Also. Keprint. — Be- rechter (G.t Lne application ile l'bypnolisme au traite- ment de l'hysterie. J. de med.. chir. ct pharmacol.. Brux., 1888. lxxxvi, 704-709.—Dumontpallier. Modifications locales et transfert croise-alterne tie la sensibilile chez des hysteriques daus l'etat de veille. Compt. ren.l. Soc.de biol., Par., 1882. 7. s.. iv. 139. ------. Aclion tlu regard ou de la lumiere letleehie tles\eux de rexperimeiitateur sur les yeux tie l'hysterique hypnotise.'. Ibid., 200-202. Also: Courrier m6d., Par., 1882, xxxii. 54-56. Also: Gaz. d. hop., l'ar.. 1882. lv, 75; 114. ------. Action vaso-motricede la sugg. stion chez les hysteriques. Compt. rend. Sc.c. de biol. Par., 1.-85. 8. s.,ii, 597. — Dumontpallier Sc tla- unin. Oscillations experimentalesdes etats cataleptique it somnambuliquc chez une hysterique. Ibid., 1s8l'. 7s., iv. 141. ------ ------. Note sur les regies a suivie tlans l'hypnotisation des hysteriques. Ibid., 202-205. — F.spi- nas. Du sommeil provoque chez les hysteriques: essai d'explication psychologiqiie de ses causes et de ses ett'ets. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. tie Bordeaux. 1884. i, 09-89. [Discus- sion], 47-01. — Fa ber i K. 1 Hvsteri og Hypnotisme. Hosp.-Tid.. Kjebenb.. 1890, 3. R., viii, 161-174.—Fiuizio (G.) Educazione di un soggetto isterico alia httuta tlel pensiero. Riforma med., Palenno. 1899, xv, pt. 4, 470; 482; 495. — Garcia AI on wo (D.) Histerismo rebelde curado por sugestidn alucinatoria. Correo m6d. caste- llano, Salamanca, 1889, vi. 209-215. — Gnsparetti (V.) Isterismo ed ipnotismo. Gazz. med.di Torino. 1885, xxxvi, 697-7U9.—(Srasset (J.) A Brouwae (A.) Histoire d'une hysteiique hypnotisable (contribution k I'etude clinique des caracteres somatiques fixes des attatjues de sommeil spontau6es et piovoquees chez les hysteriques. Arch, de neurol.. Par.. 1887. xiv. 321-354. AUo. in: Grasset's Lee. de clin. m6d. 1886-90. Montpel.,1891.o::3-0r.9. — Hallager(F.) Om psykisk Behandling af hysteriskeTilf.elde. [Psychical HYSTERIA. 795 HYSTERIA. Hysteria (Treatment of) by hypnotism [including experiments]. treatment of hysterical cast s. 1 Hosp.-Tid.. Kjabenh., 1890,3. R.. viii. 825; 849.- Janet (.1.1 L'hysterie et l'hyp- notisine. tl'apies la theorie tie la double personnalite Rev. scient . Par.. 1888. \h. 01t'.-023. ------. I.a suggestion chez les hysteriques. Arch.de neurol.. Par.,1892. xxiv.448-470.— JenriraNNilt cE.) A hysterias suggeralhatosagiol. [On hysterical suggestibility.1 Orvosi hetil. Budapest. 1892. xxxvi. 508; "'_:;: ;.;7; 551. .1/*... transl. (Abstr.J- Pest. med.-chir. Pr.sse. Budapest. 1892. xxviii. 1193; 1217.— Joire (P.) Sur le traitement par la medication hypno- tique de l'etat mental, ties obsessions et des idees fixes des hysteriques. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. phvsiol.. Par., 1895-0. x, 277-2sl.—Jolly (F.i Hypnotismus und Hyste- rie; eine Erwitb rung. Muii.hen. metl. "Wchnschr., l-'.it, xli, 247. — Jonrnee. Petite hysteric et troubles dysnie- norrbeiqucs traites par suggestion hvpnotique; grossesse; hypnose pendaut la premiere partie du travail; recidive des accidents au r.-tour des regies; suggestion; gue- risou. Rev. de l'hvpnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1890- 91. v. 1?-20. — de Krnflrt-F.biug tism... mi relation alahisteria. Rev. de metl. y cirug. ;iract.. Ma.hid. 188" xvi, 231; 509.—I.e- moiiie iG.) A Joire 115) 1*.- 1 'emploi ties miroirs rota- tits dans latlienipeutiqiiede l'hysterie. Ann. tie psychiat. et d'b\pnol.. Par.. Is92. n. s.. ii, 139; 257. AU„] Bull. med. du nord, Lille. 1>92. xxxi. 453; 471. Also: Kev. dc llivjiuot. it p-vchol. physiol.. Par., 1MI2-3. vii. 68-77.— Liiweiift'ltl I.| Hysterie untl Suggestion. Munchen. med. Wchnschr.. 1894' xli. 117: 140. "Also: Sitzungsh. tl. iirztl.Ver.Miinchen(18931. 1.-94. iii.213-231.—Magniii (P.) Allochirie visuelle chez une hysterique hvpnotisee. Rev. tie l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol.. Par., 1887-8, ii. 2-10-242.— Hai tin (J.i Lap-icote: ii.ia.-nelhistei isino. Lnidnmed., Let id.i. 1-95-0. i, 5-38—Hazzoiii-xrhi ill.) Contributo alia cui a dell' i-tei i-mo ■ ..Ila suggest ioue ijuiotica. Bull.d. S..c. Laucisianad. osp. di Koma aame. Un cas de j ar6sie hvsterique guerie par la suggestion verbale distractiv.- Pull, de l'Hop. civ. franc. de Tunis. 1901, iv, 115-117.— Patrick (H. T.) Hysteric blindness and p-eudo-meningiA- with report of a case treated by hypnotism. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1890, xxvi. 202-204." AUo. Reprint.— Prince iM.) A contribu- tion to the slii.lv of hv-tetia and livpimsi- : being some ex- periments on two cases of h\-t.-iia. and a physiologico- ai.atomical theory of the natute of these neuroses. Proc. So, . Psych. Research. Lond., 189- xiv. 79-97. — Bichler. Leber psvehisebe Therapie inoiot ischer Sidiungen der Hysterie.' Berl. klin. Wchn-chr. ]8sii. xvii. 321; 341. Also, Reprint. — Rinoldi (C.) Contributo alia terapia sugg. stiva tlell' isterismo. Ga/./.. tl. ..-p.. Milano. 1900, xxi. 1548-15" . Sijitlt I iiinnn. Einige L.-nn-rkungen zu den -sugg. s . • ; hi'.; i gen und Penbacht ungen" "W". Briigelmanr - /;-, r. t Hy |,n..r icte. ]. I.eip/.., 1897, vi, 48.— In iii burin ■ (A.) 6c Meppilli {(jr.) Beitrag zur expo im. un ,leu Ertoi s.;hung den 11 \ pnoti-mus hei Hyste- rischen. Allg. med. Centr. Ztg., Beil., 1882, li, 817;'829. AUo. Reprint. AUo: Irrenfreund, Heilbr., 1882. xxiv, 17; 33— Tatzel. Hy-terist lit: Krampfe. Ztschr. f. TTypuot. [etc.j, Beil., 1894-5. iii, U61. ------. IL.-n lie uud Sugges- tion. Ibid.. Leip/.., ]s98. vii, 257- A 5'. — T< rricn. Dc 1'hysteiie en Vendee. Arch, ileneui'l. Pai.. ]>5i:; x \ v i.l 47— 475.—Toiirnier (C.) A Werrijfiiy. Pseudo-pentonite hysterique chez une iilvropathe ayant eu et ayant des ac- cidents mnltiples (basedowiens. n. urastheiiiques et h.\ste- riques); influence therapeutique de la suggestion a l'etat lie veille avec occlusion des paupieres. Province m6d., Lyon. 1895, ix, 517; 529.—Trapana (L. J.) Um cas.. tie h\ -teria nao convul-iva : cura p.-la suggestao uo estado tie vigilia. Metl. contemp., Lisb., im*. vi, 37; 42. I'rtoler (G.) Alcuni casi d' isterismo guariti metliantt* 1' ipnotis- mo. Gior. tli iieuiopatol., Napoli, 1887, v, 325-351.— Web- ber iS. G.i Cases of hvsteria treated hv hypnotism. I. Nerv. Sc Ment. Dis., N.Y.. 1-90, xvii, 585-590. AUo, lie- print.— \Vetler»tran«l ( O. G. j Du souuneil urtificie] prnloiige : eu parlirulier dans le tiaitement de l'h\ sti'i ie. Bev. tie 1 lc-, pnot. et psychol. physiol , Par., 1890-7, xi, 257- 259. Winter (H. L.)" Hysterical hemiplegia treated by suggest on. with repoit of a case. Mctl. Xews, N.Y., 1902, lxxx, 20-24. Hysteria (I'rine in). See Hysteria (Diagnosis, etc., of). Hysteria (Wounds in, Self-inflicted). See- Hysteria (Jurisprudence of); Hystero- epilepsy. Ily*tei'ia in animals, llitrjier (H.) Histetya u kota i kanarka. [Hysteria in a cat anil a canary bird] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1898, 2. s., xviii. 746-748. Also transl: Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1898. xvii, 597-5SI9.— Ilynteria iu animals. Boston M. Sc S. .1., 1898 . xx\i\. 95. — l.epiuay. Les agents provoca- teurs ile riiysterie .li. / quelques animaux. Rev. de l'hvp- not. et psychol physiol., Par., 1901-2, xvi, 146-150.—Pe- culiar case of hysteria in a mare. Veterinarian, Lond., 1901, lxxiv, 361. Hysteria in children. See. also. Hysteria (Epidemic). Bakdol(A.) 'De riiysterie simulatrice des maladies organism's de lenecplialo chez lea en- fants. 4*5 Paris. 1895. -----. Thesame. 8 c Paris, 1895. AUo, in: N. iconog. dela Salpetriere, Par., 1892, v, 329, 1 pl.: 1893, vi, 21 ; 102. Hkzv (P.) A. Bibent (V.) D'hysterie infan- tile et juvenile. L2J. Paris, 1900." Biiif.xt (V.) * D'hysterie simnlant les affec- tions oigaiiuiues chez l'enfant et l'adolescent. (8°. Toulouse, 1898. Biuxs (L.) Die Hysteric im Kindesalter. S . Halle a. S., 1-97. Forms Hft. 5 and 6, v. 1, of: Samml. zwangl. Abhandl. a. tl. Geb. tl. Nerv.- u. Geisteskr. Blrxet (J.-F.) * Contribution a l'dtude de l'hysterie infantile, son existence au-dessous de r'tige de 5 ans. lc Paris, lr*9l. Cloi'att (A.) fitndessur l'hysterie infantile. 4°. Helsingfors, l--s. Conturie (J.) * 8nr l'hysterie chez les jennes enfants. ri°. Paris, l-9tl. Geisler (O.) * Beitrag zur Casuistik der hy- sterischen Psychosen im Kindesalter. 8°. Tii- bingen, 1898. Goldsi'Iegel (H.) * Contribution a I'etude de riiysterie chez les eufants. 4°. Paris, 18*8. Holz (A.) * Ueber juvenile Hysterie beim niiinnlicben Geschlechte. 85 Jena, 1-91. Hopp (R. G. G.) * Castiistischer Beitrag zur Keuntnis der hysterischen Dahinuugeu bei Kna- ben. -'-. Greifsicald, 1895. Jacob (A.) * Ueber einen Fall von Hysterie im Kindesalter mit Mutism us, Blepharospasms und Astasie-Abasie. 6°. Erlangen, 18*99. Kaler (A.-L.) * Contribution a I'etude de l'hysterie chez les enfants. 8°. Xancy, 1-99. Laxi>or (H.) Hvst'iia in children as con- trasted with mania. - . London, Ont., 1-73. Loeser (L.) * Beitrag zur Lelire von der Hysterie der Kinder. 8°. Heidelberg, 1-97. \olen(\Y.) Klinische votirtlrachleu. I. Hy- steiie bij kinderen. - . Leiden, 1900. Pelgmez (P.) *De l'hysterie chez les en- fants. Ia Pavis, 1885. -----. The same. *c Paris, 1885. 1vIE.skxff.ii> ( P.) * Ueber Hysteric bei Kin- dern. * . Kill, 1--7. Saexcer (A.) Neuiasthenic und Hysterie liei Kindern. >-' . Berlin, 1992. Schafffer (S.) * Ueher Hysterie bei Kin- dern. - . Stuttgart, 1-^4. Soxxeville ( F.--D.) * La choree arythuiique hyste"rif|ue chez l'l'iitant. u . Lille, 1901. Vox Tietzkx-Hexnig (H.) * Ueber Hyst-.*rie bei Kindern. 8'-'. Freiburg i. B., 1-90. Wolze (W.) * Ueber einige Fiille von Hyste- rie i 111 Kimlcsaltcr. 8c (liiltingen, 1895. AflliiiiMOii (R. ('.) An unusual hysterical manifesta- tion in a boy. Clin. Lev., Chicago. IKSIil, x, 143-145.—A Ici- 1111 y Kancr (I!.) La mala eilu.-acion tie los nifios es una de las causas ].rin. i]iales del histcrismn infantil. Actas y mem. d. ix Cmiy. iiiternae. de UiLr v demog. 1898. Madriil, 1000, vi, 2.i .20.1 — AlehNiiiMlroir (L. P.) Ob ist.-ri. bes- kikh zabolievaniyakb snstavnv 11 dletel. [On hysterical diseases of joints in children.) Ibetsk. nied.. Mosk., 18H9, iv, 165-172. Also, transl : Arch. f. Kinderh.. Stuttg., 19()<», xxviii, 417.—A Ivarez (E.) Hysteric, hypnotisme et sug- gestion ; neuf observations chez des enfants. Ann. de metl. et chir. inf.. Par., 1898, ii, 780-807.—Ayres ( S.) HYSTERIA. 796 HYSTERIA. Hysteria in children. Clinical notes on a case of hysteria in a boy eight years of age. Kansas City M. Index, 1802, xiii, 204-206 Also: Pittsburgh M. Rev., 1892, vi, 168-170. AUo [Abstr ]: Am. Lancet, Detroit, 1892. n. s., xvi, 251. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Standard, Chicago, 1892, xii, 11. AUo [Abstr.]: North- west. M. J., Minneap., 1892, xx, 115.—Barnes (N. P.) Hysteria in children. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1899, xli, 1-5.—Remiss (J. H.) Hysteria in children due to mala- i ia. N. Oil. M. Sc S. J., 1886-7, n. s., xiv, 255-260.—Ber- dach (C.) Hysterie bei Schulkindern. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1899, xlix, 1281-1286.—Berillon. Le traite- ment psychoth6rapique de rhysterie iufaniile. Coug. tl. med. alienistes et neurol. de France. Rap. A C.-r. 1897, l'ar.. 1898, viii, 414-422. AUo: Rev. de l'h\pnot. et psy- chol. physiol., Par., 1897-8, xii, 68-73. -----.'Role tie l'ed'n cation dans l'6tiologie de l'hysterie infantile. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol.,'Par., 1897-8. xii, 318-320.— Beriiheim. Trois cas d'hysterie infantile. Mem. Soc. tie metl. tie Nancy. 1893-4, pp. lv-lviii. Also: Rev. mfrd. de Test, Nancy, ls<>4, xxvi, 313-310.—Bethencourt Fer- reira (J.) Hysteria infantil. Lev. portugueza de med. e cirurg. prat., Lisb., 1897-8, iii, 101-109. — Bezy (P.) Ln cas tie psendocoxalgie chez un enfant menteur. Midi med., Toulouse, 1893. ii, 90; 97. -----. L'hysterie infan- tile. Arch. m6d. de Toulouse, 1896, ii, 73-86." AUo : Clin. de. la Fac. de m6d. de Toulouse, 1896-8, ii, 357-364. AUo : Rev. obst. et gynec, Par., 1890, xii, 139; 106. Also: Rev. de psychiat., Par., 1896, n. s., 57-68.-----. Sur l'hysterie infantile, sa nature et ses causes. [Rap.] Arch, de neu- rol., Par., 1897, 2. s., iv, 249-26... -----. L'lnsterie infan- tile. Cong. d. med. alienistes et neurol. de France. Rap. A C.-r. 1897, Par., 1898, viii, 111-210. [Discussion], 407- 479. AUo: Bull. m6d., Par., 1897, xi, 731-735. [Discus- sion], 742-744. AUo : Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1897, u. s., ii, 769-774. Also: Rev. prat. d. trav. de m6d., l'ar.. 1897, liv, 273-275. AUo [Abstr.]: Presse med., Par., 18!)7, ii, 75. AUo [Abstr.]: Rev. prat, d'obst. et de paediat., Par., 1897, \, 240-254. AUo, transl: Med. Week, Par., 1897, v, 376-379. -----. Quelqin s faits d'hysterie simulant les af- fections organiqlies chez 1'enfant. Cong, p6riod.degynec. d'obst. et tie psediat. 1898. M6ni. et disc, Par., 1900. ii, 013-618. -----. Un cas de delire hysterique cons6cutif a une intoxication chez une flllette de ouze ans. Areh. ni6d. de Toulouse, 1901, vii, 121-125. — Bezy (P.) Sc Sarda. Deux cas d'hysterie chez Teid'ant. Rev. mens. d. mal. ile l'enf.. Pai-., 1897, xv, 550-559. — Bidlot per,- & Francotte (X.) Trismus hysterique persistant tlu- r ut plus th' neuf mois. -L de neurol. et hvpnol., Par., 1897, ii, 440-451.— Bi I ler (J. G.) Hysteria in children. Tr. Iowa M. Soc, Burlington, 1898, 2<5-291. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1898, xxxi, 1138-1140 — Blocq (P.) Hysterie mauiaque intantile. Rev. gen. de clin. etde th6rap., Par., 1889, iii, 708-771.—Bliimeiinn (L. Y.) Sluchai dletskoi isterii pod vidom bugorkovavo vospaleniya mozgovikli obolocbek (pseudo-meningitis hysterica). [Hysteria in a child appearing like tuber- cular meningitis'. 1 Vrach. St. Petersb., 1898, xix, 121-123.— Bond (A.K.) Hysterics in a hoc. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1807, xiv, 689-691.—Bourncr ille. Nouveau cas d'hys- terie male de 1'enfance. Recherches clin. et therap. sur l'ep ileps. [etc.] 1899, l'ar., 1900. xx, 141-14D —Bourneville A Boyer (J.) Hyst6rie de 1'enfance. Arch, de neurol., l'ar.. ls99. 2. s., viii, 391-399.-----------. De l'hysterie male de 1'enfance. Progres in6d., Par., 1900, 3. s.. xi, 2-14-248. AUo: Recherches clin. et tb6rap. sur l'epileps. [etc.J 1899, Par., 1900, xx, 83-105.— Boiuneville Sc Sollier (P.) Trois nonvelles observations d'hyst6ro- epilepsie chez l.-s jeunes garcons. Arch, de neurol , Par., 1889. xviii, 410: 1890, xix, 98. — Brims (L.) Leber Hvsterie im Kindesalter. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat. |etc.J, Berl., 1895, Hi, 658-661. -----. Einiges iiber die Hysterie im Kindesalter. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 18!i!»,'xxxiv, 153; 164; 182; 193; 208; 224. Also, transl: Alienist Sc Neurol., St. Louis, 1898, xix, 373-430. AUo, Reprint,— Bull (E.) To Tilt'selde af Hysteri hos Born. [Two cases ... in children. | Norsk Mag. f. Liegevidensk., Christiania, 1892. 4. R., vii, 1201-1204.—Burr (C. W.) Hysteria in children. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, ls97, xxix, 1151.— Bimliimanlc (P. S.) & del Viwo (R.) Dificultades en el diagndstico de la histeria; observaei6n en una nifia tie 6anos; tisitdogia patoldgica; tratamiento. Rey. argent. de cien. m6d., Buenos Aires, 1889. vi, 37-49 —C'anali (L.) Dell' isterismo infantile. Riv. clin. e terap., Napoli, 1885, vii, 120-122. Also, transl: J. Soc. de metl. et pharm. de l'lsere, Grenoble, 1884-5, ix, 121-124. — Cnnlieri (A.) Isterismo traumatico in bambino. Prat ice Firenze, 1896-7. i, 5-8.—C'arriere (G.) A Soulier ille (I5-D.) La choree arythniique Iiyste iquede l'etilance. Arch. gen. de med., Par.. 1901, ir#.-.. vi. 257; 385—C'atlaneo (15) Contributo alia casnistica della isteiia infanti .• (atassia isterica). Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1898, xix, 011-013.-----. Contributo alia casnistica dell i is- ei ia infantile (esofagismo sterico). Ibid., 1113-1115.—C'eloui (P.) Appunti sopra alcuni casi di isterismbosservati in impuberi. Speiiin. n- tale, Fiien/.e, 1880, lvii, 3»9-400.—Charles (Etta). Infan- tile hysteria. Proc. Indiana M. Sc.c, Indianap., 1900, 190- 195 —Chauuiier. Troubles respiratoires hysteriques If y*teria in children. chez les enfants. Poitou metl., Poitiers, 1891, v, 169-173. See. also, infra. Ollivier (A.).-Cllaus (A.) A Jacobs (F.j • ". Ln cas d'hysterie chez une fillette de huit ans; gu6rison par " suggestion. Ann. Soc.de med. d'Anvers, 1896, lviii, 21-30. Also: Belgique med., Gaud-Haarlem. 1896, iii, 201-267.— Court (E. P.) A case of hysteria in a boy. Brit, M. J Lond., 1901, ii, 617.— C'ruchel (It.i 11 \ sterie.juvenilechez uue flllette tie douzeans; hciiiiau.-stliesie seiisitivo-senso- rielle gauche complete; neul cri-es d'amaurose double absolue; perversion de la vision binoeulairi'; discussion. Arch, de neurol., Par., 1901, 2. s., xii. 177-207.—Cullerrc! Del'incontinence (Purine dans ses rapports avec l'hysterie infantile. Cong, d.med. alienistes et ueurol.de France Rap. A C.-r. 1897, Par., 1898, viii, 408-414.—D> Abiindo (G.) Su d' un caso d' isterismo in un fanciullo. Riforma med., Roma, 1888, iv, 764; 770; 776.—Dauchez. Cas de rappel d'hysterie chez uu jeune garcon consccutivement a une contusion du nerf cubital. Bull. Soc. med.-prat, de Par. (1884-5), 1886, n. s., i. 149-152. —Beahofe (S. P.) Hysterical paraplegia in a giil of twelve \ears of a<*e Cincin. M. J., 1890, v, 306-309. —l>e iHerritt (C. £.) Juvenile hysteria and neurasthenia. N. York M. J., 1900. lxxi, 952-954.—Dessau (S. H.) Hysteria in boys, with the report of a case. Am. J. Obst,, N. Y., 1880, xiii, 935- 942. Also, Reprint,—Destarac (J.) Trois cas de para- lysie hysterique chez l'enfant; valeur diagnostique et therapeutique' de lelectricite. Arch. d'61ectric. med , Bordeaux, 1897, v, 460-478. AUo: Cong. tl. m6d. alienistes et neurol. tie France. Rap. & C.-r. 1897, Par., 1898, viii, 461-477. Also: Rev. internat. d'61ectrother., Par., 1897-8! viii, 135-148.—Diller (T.) A case of hysteria in a boy, characterized by regularly recurring attacks of lethargy; treatnient by hypnotism. Brain, Loud., 1893, xvi, 550- 561. — Dumontpallier. Vomissements incoercihles chez une hysterique de 14 ans; gn6rison par suggestion. Courrier med., Par., 1894, xliv, 244 Also: Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1894-5, ix, 25 — Durante (D.) Astasia-abasia isterica in uua fanciulla di otto anni. Pedriatria, Napoli, 1899, vii, 117-122.— Durelli (C. A.) Di un caso tli intero-epilessia infantile da satismo. Bull. tl. sc. med. di Bologna, 1800, 7. s., i, 16- 2s —Duvoisin (M.) Ueber infantile Hvsterie. Jalirli. f. Kinderh., Leipz.. 1888-9, n. F., xxix, >7-3:i2. Also. Re- print.—Fugelsberg (I..) Hvsterie bei i inem 13jalirigen Knaben. Wien. nied. Wchnschr., 1888, xxxviii, 459-461.— Epidemie hystero-epileptischer Krampfe unter tlen Schulkindern in Valle. Oesterr. San.-Wes., Wien, 1893, v, 449 —Fshner (A. A.) Hysteria in eaily life. Proc. Phila, Co. M. Soc, Phila.. 1897, xviii, 177-184. AUo: At- lanta M. & S. J., 1897-8, xiv, 603-611. AUo : Gaillartl's M. J., X. Y., 1897, Ixvii, 202-211. Also: Pediatrics, N. Y. & Loud., 1897, iv, 97-107. AUo, Reprint. — Faulkner (H. W.) Transitory swelling in a child. N. Y'ork M. J., 1887, xiv, 215. — Finlayson (J.) Hystero-epilepsy in boys, with the crucifixion attitude. Arch. Pediat,, N. Y., 1890, xiii, 257-260.—Fotheringham. [A caseofhyste- iii in a girl aged ten.] Dominion M. Month., Toionto, 1898, x, 6—Frobishcr (\\\ M.) Hysterical contraction if the knee-joint in a boy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, ii, 135.— Fiirstner. Zur Pathologie gewisser Krainpfanfalle (hy- sterisehe Anfalle bei Kindern, Spatopihpsie). Arch. f. Psjchiat.. Berl., 1896, xxviii, 494-509. —Gillette (W. R.) Hvsteria in early childhood. Tr. N.York (>bst. S.,c, 1881- 5, iii, 73. Also: N.York M. J., 1882, xxxvi, 60.—Glo- rieux. Un jeune garcon hysterique, avec dedoublement de la m6moire et retour en eufance. J. de neurol. et hyp- nol.,Par., 1897, ii, 191.—Guyot (J.) A Fery (J.) Note sur un cas d'hystero-traumatisme; paralysie faciale com- plete et trismus chez une enfant de ireize ans. J. de med. tie Bordeaux, 1901, xxxi, 145-148. — Halipre (A.i Hys- terie tie 1'enfance (coxalgie, choree, griffe cubital. ). Nor- mandie m6d., Rouen, 1898, xiii,220-229.—Hall (A.i Hys- teria in boysand youths. Quart. M. J., Sheffield, 180H-1900, viii, 393-405, 1 pi. Also: Med. Press A Circ, Lontl. 1900, n.s., 500-503.-----. Hysteria in a boy. Brit, M. J., Lond., 19ul.ii, 1339.—Harrington (A.H.) Peculiar manifesta- tionsinanhvsterical boy: Tr Rbodelslaud M.Socl8s9-91, Providence. 1890-92, iv, 80-8G. AUo: Am. J. Insan.,Utica, N.Y5,1889-90, xlvi, 486-491.—Hanslialter. Trois obser- vations d'hysterie chez ties tillettes. Mem. So..*, de ni6d. de Nancy, 1893-4, p. lix.—Ilellmiilh (K.) HysierickA neu- rosa u tliiete. [Hysteric neurosis in a child.] Casop. 16k. c. sk., v Praze, 1885, xxiv, 212 — Herman (C.) A case of hysteria with larwigeal manifestations in a hoy of eleven years. Ar.-h. Pediat., N. Y., 1900, xvii, 675.— Hernandez Briz IB.) Ln notable casode histeria in- fantil inonosiiitnmatica. Sigloiu£d., Madrid, 1893, xl, 199.— Herz (A.) Hysteria virilis ritka esete egy tizenegy 6ves riiimil. [ ... in a boy 11 years of age.] (ivdgvaszat, Bu- dapest, 1889, xxix, 243-246. Also, transl [ Abstr): Pest. med.-chir. Presse, 1889, xxv, 646. Also, transl: Med.- chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1889, xxiv, 289; 301.—Herz (M.) Ueber Hysteiie bei Kindern. Wieu. med. Wchnschr., 1885, xxxv, 1305; 1338; 1368; 1401.—Hirscllfeid ( A.) Ein Fall von Hystero-Epilepsie bei einem zwiilljahrigen Miidchen, geheilt niittelst h\ puotischer Suggestion. In- teruat. klin. Rundschau, Wieu, 1888, ii, 1531-1533.—Hoff- HYSTERIA. 797 HYSTERIA. Hysteria in children. Miami (A.) Leber Hysteiie im Kindesalter. Fiiiil/. Beitr. a. d. lieb. d. ges. Med. Festschr. . . . d.Ver.d. Act/ti ,1. Kegrngsb/.. Diisseld.. Wiesb.. 1894, 182-189. - Hoyr (M.W.I Hysteiical astasia abasia in a child aged t\\c years and four months. St. Louis t. our. Mi tl., 1901, xxiv, 271. —Holmboe iMa Et Tilfa-hlc af Hysteii i Balneal dcii-ti. [Case of hvsteria in infancy.] Norsk Mac. f. j.;l.. g.-vidensk., Christiania, 1 >9:;. xiv, 104.— Hun c 11. i llvstct- ical paraplegia in children. Intermit rlin.. Pbila.. 1892, iv, 239-248. .ALie. Kejirint. —Ja-iii-lti i K . Przykur- czenia stawdw hister\ eznc n d/i,-. i. Annular contrac- tions in hystei ia of children.] l iaz. l.k \\5u s/awa, 1891, 2. s., xi, 37*>-385. - .lolli'in 'A.i ll\st.iie iiil'antile et suggestion h\ pnotiquc. Pcho n-t .1., Toulouse. 1>97. 2. s., xi, 397; 409. AU, : Med. ml. Par., Is97. 170-178. Also: | Rev. de psychiat . Par.. 1-97 u. s.. 149-150 Also: Lev. |cat. d'obst. et dc -\ m . . Pai.. 1897. xiii, 271; 296.— JollviF.i Leber Hvsterie bei Kindern. Vei iitl'.-ntl. tl. H i:. land. Gesellsch. ill Pell. Vortr. (1892). 1893. 114-120. AUo: Berl. klin. Wchnsi hr.. 1892. xxix. 841-845. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1893, xxviii. 187-190. — Ka- mierivlii iS. i Poczqtki histeryi u dziccka; prdba ol.jas nn nia pt / vc/.yny objawiiw histeryi /nvch. [Ou the causes ot hysteria iu children; attempt to explain the hysteiical phenomena.] Gaz. lek. Warszawa. 18H2 2. s., xii, 668; 697; 716: 744; 750; 709; 7».v Ml. AUo. transl: lalnb. f. Kin- derh.. Leipz.. 1893, xxxvi 294: 34.'..— lii-el .A.i Sluchai isterii u dievochki Lillet. |lh-;ni.....i^ilm 12,> ears.] Dietsk. med.. Mosk.. 1**96, i, 3s4 -0.-------. M ntisinus hys- t. raits u dievochki 10 liet .in a gill 10 \ ears old.] 'l>„,l.. 1900. v. 4_>L KtMirml (J.i Tettetett felol.lali I,tides a g\.: a,.-'..!!' s'. i a . gy . sctebell. [Siinulaieil hvs teria in a chiltl ' "■ \ "si lo t 5. I'.udapest, 1885. xxix, 1104 — lino. — Kinxiobiiitn ' T P- ' Sluchai istericheskol iiiemott. II \ si,.| i, ,,i iluiiilmi sv] Dletsk. med., Mosk., ls'.'O. i, 211.— l.ainliraiizi ■. Litm-iua metl.. Palermo, 1900. xvi, pt.2, 591; 0U2— l.aiiii" ill -ILG.) Case of hysteria in a child, wiih l.-mai k.dile p~y. ideal symptoms. Edinb. Hosp. Rep., 1-'.'4 ii 4J'-429.— I.npin (J.) Un cas d'hys- tero-traumatisni.- ih.-.- >.n > n:ant tie 6 ans. Med. mod.. Par., Is97. viii, 483. — I.aufeuaner iK.i Leber Hys- t■•!..epilepsie tier Kuaben Centralbl. f. Netvenb., Leipz., 1887. x. P.l-166.— l.aureut F.. De riiysterie chez les petits garcons. Imb-p'-nd. tned.. Par.. 1890. ii, 57.— I.ees ' U. B.l Two cases ot li\ste:ia in boys. Lancet Lond.. >«» i 1..'".. — l.i-it U ■ Ha Beitrag zur Lehre von der Hys-r. i-.- ■'.• r K.n.l. r. Zt- hr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1896, xxx 55u-i"".-._I.evitsUi 1> . Sluchai isterii u malchika 12 Het. listeria, in .> b..\ 12 vears old.] Dletsk. med., Mo-k 19■■■ . v. 42o-4-J4. — I.lovd (J. H.) Hysteria. Am. Test-Bk. Dis. Child. .Starr.. 2. - tl.. Pbila.. 1898, 727-740.— I.ui (A.) L'isterismo intai.U'e. Liv. s,.er. iii freniat., Regzio Emilia .1898 xxiv .74.". 77 i— M.-it Hoiim II iK. L.) A remarkable case of hysteria iu a boy. .V l'mk M. J., 1890, li. 145.—.'Iai-key iE.) Persistent hiccough in a hys- terical child. 1 : ttnent. Lond., Is97 8 i. 4s".. — "»l ml it. H\sterie mit x-hm.-iz-unil Kramplantallen bei einem 12- ialiii.n Madcheii; Heilung. Wien m. d. I'.I. 1*91. xvii, ill'.— t| ii *r«- i (A.) Hvsterie infantile Clinique, Brux., 1899. \, i 573-577. — .'Iii«ilol. De 1 hysterie chez les nouveau-nes. Bull. Acad d.- m. d., Pai.. 1892. 3. s., xxviii, 3.-38.— Tlnminotr A I . Sluchai isterirheskikh kon- traktnr u dievochki Cane of hysterical contractures in a girl.] Protok. /..-.al Ixa\ kazsk med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1896-7. xxxiii. 262-20. — Mariani i.I.M.) Ai-ci-.ns bis- tero-epileptiformes en una nina cur.ulos por imprcsiuii moral. Arch, de mctl. y cirug de 1. ninos. Madrid. I**s6, ii. 30-32. ------. Grande istet isnio in ragaz/a di nove anni. I Arch. ital. per le mal. nerv.. Milan.., 1890. xxvii, 110-127.— I .M.-iiit 1." E* Hvsteria in children. J. Am. M. A*s., ' na a... A'.'9 xxxiii. 945-91!!. AUo: Penn. M. .L, Pitts- l.u'j ;-!i"-'.i n, 473.-481. — .»■«■>«•!•» ri) I'.i Hysteria in a h :.i r.in.i. i. M. Lev.. Toronto, ]s95. i. s3. - Vloi««cuei. Soriiiiiation spontanGe avec convulsions h\ -1.-i ilornn-s et chlorose consecutive. de.veloppee chez uiieeulaiit d<- n.-uf ans sous 1'iiiHuence tie causes morales, et iiiomentnneiuent j guerie par le fer; recidive (k l'occasioii de la premiere menstruation qui a lieu a dix ans et demi) caractensee sui tout pardes acces tie manie furieuse avec convulsions epileptiformes. et guerie par la ineihodo d'iiitiiiiiilalinn. Bull. So.. in6d. d. hop. de Par. f l*49-52i. 1861. i. 272-281. AU,.: L'nion med., Par., 18-"'2. vi, 71. [Discussion]. 83.— tloiioiiil. Un cas d'lnst. ii. infantile. Echo med., 'ICmIoiisc. ]s96. 2. s.. x. 500-501. Also: Loire med., St.- fitienne 1 sliO.ki, 224-23" -\oio lei. Troubles vistiels chez iilijeuiie h\s|. Aapie L'.-v. metl. tie la Suisso'Pmn, <'eneve, 1896. xvi. P.i."..— >'iisiii-> t K.i Hysteric a forme d'epilepsie partielle chez un,jeune garcoi:. Midi meil., Toulouse. MI2, i, 409; 421. -----'-. Pseudo-meiiingite hyst.'-riqne simulant une meniugite tiibeiculeiise. chez une till.-l te ile donze ans. Arch. mctl. de Toulouse, 1897, iii. 329-332 AUo : Cong. d. m6d. alienistes < t neurol. tie Prance. Hap. .V C.-r. 1^97, Par., 1898,viii. 43L43»i—Ollivier iA.) La fausse inenin- | gile tuberculeuse tie natuie hysterique chez les i-nl'anls. Bull, med., Par., 1891, v, Ho'-i. A Uo.- Gaz. m6d. de Par, 1 s91, Hysteria in children. 7.s.,viii. 457. Also.- Mars, ille med., 1891, xxviii, 638-640. ------. Sur un memoire tic M. le Dr. Chaumier, relati- h l'hysterie chez les noiiveau-ucs ct chez les enfants auf (lessons de deux ans Pull. Acad, de nied., Par., 1892, 3. s., xxvii, 883- s97.— I»irlilei' (.1.1 Hysteria esete g\ .-r- inekkorbaii. (Hysteria in a child.] ('yogyaszat. Buda- pest. 1887. xxvii 3."i... Also, transl: Wien.'med. Wclinschr., 1888. xxxviii, 431-433. Also, transl | Abstr. |: Pest, nietl.- ebir. Presse. ]*iulapest. i887, xxiii. 713. — l*lieque (A.-F ) Fausse paraplegic et troubles musculaires d'origine hys- terique chez les jcnn.-s gar.-ons Progres med.. Par , 1894. 2. s.. xix. II riii/lnniNluiiii (M. O.) Anhvs- teria c..n-enita. Me.l. (ll.o/r., Mi.sk.. I8s5. xxiv, 082.— I*•• I■■ nm i.L \V.) Hysteria iu children. .T. Nerv. Sc Ment Lis.. X V.. 1892. xix. 528-534.—Kevilliod (E.) Paraplegic b\sterique ch.v un garca.n de 13 aus; sug- gest.....; gu.-i isim. liii. med. tie la Suisse Rom., Geneve, I-iii. xi l'.io-1'.rj.— Holler. Hvsterie bei einem Kinde. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat. [etc. |. P.erl., 1891-2, xlviii. 424- 420- Stivngi'. Case of marked hysteria in a boy of eleven \.ais J. Aleut Sc. Lend.,'1885-0, xxxi, 201.— WeliiblMi- (L ) Et I'llliilile at infantil Hysteii med Lokalisathui til Liiiisrai.n. 11 n lant ile hysteria with lo- calisation ill sphere ..I nrniar\ apparatus.! Norsk Mag. I'. La-gt vuiensk ..Cbristiania.l-'.i-.M. II. .vii. L.'0."-127n. — s*el- mer.A.i 1 o Tilfadtle af H\ steri i B-irneahb-reii. [Casesof hysteria in chihli.-n.| Ib'ni.. 1891,4. K.,vi, 499-501. —*lmli (C.) Au interesting case ..I' hysteria in a boy. Indian M Gaz., Calcutta, 1888. xxiii. 3'o-j.—Hlieflirlii (II. !'..) A contribution to the study ol hw.ria iu i hil.llu..id as it occurs in tbe Lnite.l States of Ainei ica. N5 YorkM. J.. 1898, Ixviii, 412: 433. AUo, Keprint.—Nimou (J.i Des fausses parapb'-gi.-s chez les garcons bvsteri.pies. Bull, med., Par., Is93. \ii. 1131-1133.—Ninart i.-s.l . 1899-1900, 135-145. [Discussion], 16- L'n I p-.liui- tJ X.) Hvsteria in ebiltlren. Practice, Ricliiuonil, 1«90. x, 35-42! Also: Viiginia IM. Month.. Richmond, 1895-0. xxii. 11.-5-1192. — Variot (G ) Hysterie convulsive chez une tille de uenf ans et demi: mort par broncho-pne union ie; auttipsie. J. declin. et de therap. inf., Par., 1893, i, 129-133 Villmii ill.l Intorno a un caso tl' istet ia traumatica iiil'antile. L'i I'm ma med., Xapoli. 1896, xii, pt. 3. 680; 700; 711; 722. Weil (M.) Hysterisehe Sebsttiriiiigi'ii im Kindcsalti i Med Abhandl. Festschr. d. Stuttg. iitzll. Ver.. 1897 124-142. —Wolle (S.) Hys- teria in VHiiige. ehililreii. M, il Leg I'liila.. 1889. v. 148- 150 Wooil . \. J.) A case ..I Iimii. inal viiiniting 'ii a child. Austral. M. J.. Melbourne, 18H5. n. s., xvii. 400- 403-'Ait (J.) Hysteiie u deti. f... in children. I Cas,.p. h'k. cesk.. v Piaze, 1881, xx. 84; 102; 1 15 — 'Auppinjjir, Casuistisc'ier Beitrag zur Kenntniss .les hysterischen Miitismus bei Kindern. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1890, ix, 797-799. Hysteria and chorea. Sie Chorea (llystt-ricai) ; Hysteria (Manifes- tations of) by disorders of nervous system. Hysteria and insanity. See, also, Hysteria (Jurisprudence of). Akndt (M.) ' Kin Full von Vcsania typica lejritiina vera complcta hysterica. H'-'. Greifs- uald, !--*.»;. HYSTERIA. 798 HYSTERIA. Hysteria and insanity. *Rodiles (F.) * Breves apuntes sobre la his- teria, segiiidos de un ape"udice sobre la locura histerica. 8C. Pueb'a, 1885 Sanif. (A.) * Contribution a l'dtude de la des- inence hysterique. 4°. Toulouse, 1891. Ballet. Rapports de l'hysterie et de la folic. Cong.d. med. alienistes et neurol. de Fiance . . . Proc-verb. [etc.] 1894, Par., 1895. v, 17-90. AUo: Limousin m6d., Limoges, 1894, xviii, 133-136. Also: l'ev. de l'hypnot. et psychol.phy- siol., Par., 1894-5, ix,65-70— C'astelli (A.) A: Lnmbioiio , (G.) Follia isterica guarita coll' ipnotismo; paralisi per suggestione negativa. Sperimentale, Firenze. 1885, lvi, 5*>2-529.—Decsi (K.) Leber hysterisehe Geistesstorung. Lngar. med. Presse, Budapest? 1901, vi, 360-362.— De SaTietis (S.) Su due casi d' isteria maschile associata a paz/.ia morale. Policlin. Roma, 1893-4, i. 266-273. -----. Isterismo e pazzia morale. Bull. d. Soc. Lancisiana tl. osp. di Roma (1894). 1895, xiv, fasc. 2. 3-21.—Esquerilo (J.M.) De la locura hist6rica. Rev. clin. de 1. hosp., Madrid, 1889, i, 1; 274; 337: 1890, ii, L—Fiirstuer (C.) Leber hysteri- sehe Geistesstorungen. Deutsche Klinik, Berl. u. Wien, 19 il, vi, 2. Abth.. 155-172.—Hunger ford (G.) Hysteria and its relation to insanity. J. Ment. Se.. Lond.. 1900, xlvi, 83-87.— I.autlc iL.) Rapport medico-legal sur uu cas de folie livsteri.iue. .1. de med. de Bordeaux. 1897. xxvii. 25- 31. — l.i iibusliin (A. L.j Organicheskoye slaboumie u istericbnol zhenshtshini. [Organic dementia in a hysteri- cal woman.] Obozr. psichiat., neurol. [etc.], S.-Peterb., 1899, iv, 694-706. -----. Opatologo-anatoniicbeskikh izmi- eneniyakh tsentralnoi nervnoi sistemi v sluchaye pataliti- cbeskavo slaboiimiya, oslozhneunavo isteiiyel. [Patho- anatomical changes in the central nervous system in a case of paralytic dementia, complicated with hysteria.] Ibid., 1901, vi', 887-893. — Mondio (G.) Psicosi isterica e mioclonia. Manieoinio, Xocera, 1901, xvii, 301-318.— IVloravcsik (E. E.) A hysterias elmezavarrdl. [Hys- terical insanity.] Orvosi hetil.. Budapest, 1891, xxxv, 164; 177; 190. AUo, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1891, xxvii, 457-460. -----. Das hys- terisehe Irresein. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat. [etc.], Perl.. 1893-4, 1, 117-132. — .Tlills (C. K.) Clinical lecture on acute mania and hvstei ical mania. Pbila. M.Times, 1885-6, xvi, 153-158.—Meil" (I. II.) The relation of hysteria to insanity. Phvsician Sc Surg., Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1897, xix, 103-107. [Discussion], 129-13L—Paris. Folie hysterique critique (polyvesanique). Anu. de psychiat. et iLhvpnol.. Par., 1891, n. s., 75-79— Pearee (F. S.l Asso- ciation of hysteria with insanity. J. Nerv. A Ment. Dis., X. Y., 1902, xxix, 153-158.—Kapports (Des) de l'hysterie et de la folie. Ann. tie psychiat et d'hypnol., Par.. 1894, n. s., iv. 260; 308. — Siemerling (E.) Leber einen mit Geistesstorung compliciiten Fall von schwerer Hyste- rie, welcher durch congenitale Anomalien ties Cen- tralnervensystems ausgezeichm t war. Charite - Ann., Berl., 1890, xv. 325-348, 1 pl.—Sokolowski (E.) Hysterie und hysterisches Irresein. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1895 n.F., xii, 441-444. Also: Centralbl. f. Xervenh. u. Psychiat., Collenz u. Leipz., 1896. n. F., vii. 302-312.— Taty IT.) Deux cas tie folie hysterique d'origine infec- tieiise. Ann.med.-psychol., Par., 1895. 8. s.. ii. 376-290.— Tellejjen iA. O. H.f Yindt men in de krankzinnigen- gestichten v.-le gevallen van insania hysterica ? Psvchiat. PI, Dordrecht, 1886. iv. 7-33.—Tololtoiuiikoti (A. X.) Istericbeskoye ponneshatelstvo. [Case of hysterical in- sanity.] Arch, psichiat. [etc.]. Kharkov, 1889. xiii, no. 1. 14; no. 2, 41.--Tomlinson (H. A.) Hysterical mania? A clinical study based upon six cases under treatment at the same time in the Friends' Asylum. J. Xerv. A Ment. Dis.. X. Y.. 1891. xviii, 225-237. — Van «le War- ker (E.) Hysterical mania. Am. -L M. Sc. Phila., 1892, n. s., civ, 540-550. — Vanselow 1 C. ) Hysterisches Irre- sein; Yerbringnng in eine Irrenanstalt? Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1890, xli, 88-95. — Voisin (A.) Folie hysterique trait£e avec succes par la suggestion hypnotique. Rev. tie l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1895-6, x. 308. Hysteria major. ' See Hystero-epilepsy. Hysteria in the male. ' See, also, Hysteria in children; Hysteria in old atje; Hysteria in soldiers. Batallt (E.) * Contribution a l'e'tude de l'livste'rie cliez I'homme. [Geneva.] 8°. Paris, [18-5]. -----. Thesame. tf-. Paris, [1885]. Berjon (A.) *Une observtition de grande byste'rie chez 1'hoiume. [Bordeaux.] 4°. Rochefort, 18*6. -----. The same. La grande hvsterie chez l'hoimne. PlnSnomeues d'inhibition et de [Heidelberg.] La histeria en el hombre. Hysteiie beim Hysteria in the male. dynamogenie, chaugements de la personnalite, action des m6dicanients a. distance. D'apres lea travaux de MM. Bourru et Bnrot. 8°. Paris, 1886. Bitot (P.-J.-fi.) *L?hysterie male dans le service de M. le professeur Pitres a l'H6pital Saint-Andre" de Bordeaux. 4C. Bordeaux, 1-90. -----. Thesame. 8;. Paris, 1890. Bodenstein (O.) * Hvsterie beim nniunlicheu Geschlecht. 8°. Wiirzburg, ls-9. Enke (P.) * Casuistische Beitrage zur miiun- licheu Hysterie. 8:. Jena. 1900. Gergen (C.) * Beitriige zur Casuistik der Hvsteria virilis. [Heidelberg.] *?3. IViirzburg, 1-95. Jimenez (B.) 8C. Mexico, 1882. Kacfmaxx (K.) * Ueber Maune. 8J. Strassburg, 1-91. Klein. De l'hysterie chez I'homme. 8C. Paris 1880. Lokentz (O. L. A.) *Hysteriseber Mutismus beim Manne. 8r. Berlin, 1-—. Mann (G.) "Casuistische Beitriige sur Hv- sterie beim Maune. 8-. Berlin, [1-91]. Michalt (P.) * Contribution a l'e'tude des manifestations de l'hysterie chez 1'homine. 4°. Paris, 1-90. -----. The same. 8°. Pan's, 1-90. Pellegrini (G.) Xote cliniche still' isterismo nell' uomo. 4°. Udine, 1889. RormNOYiTCH (J.) * Hysterie male et de"g6- neTescence. 4=. Paris, 1890. Stewart (T. G.) Lectures on giddiness and hysteria in the male. 2. ed. 1*2-. Edinburgh cf- London, 1-98. Zippel (J.) * Ueber mannliche Hysterie. *■*-' Halle a. S., 1695. Abbamondi (L.) Su di un caso d' isterismo maschile. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1895, i. 185-204, 3 pl.—Abbe (R.) Hystero-catalepsv in a male patient: immediate relief by a novel method. X. York M. J., 1886. xliii. 281. Also: Med. Rec, X. Y.. 1886, xliii, 2s]. Also, tidnsl : Rev. med. de Toulouse, 1886. xx. 353-356.—Adler iL. H.), ir. Report of a case of hystero-epilepsy in a man. Med. Xews. Phila.. 1889. liv, '262. AUo, Reprint. AUo: North- west. M. J., Minueap., 18*9, xvii, 165; 241.—Aldrich (C. J.) A case of hysteria major occurring in an adult male presenting unusual phenomena. Cleveland J. M., 1897, ii, 224--2-28. — Andree A Knoblauch. Leber einen Fall von Hystero-Epilepsie bei .in. in Mauin*. Berl. klin. "Wchnschr.,' 1889, xxvi. 204 AT —Angiolella (G.) Sal- 1' isterismo maschile. Manicomio mod . Xocera, 1900, xvi, 80-94. - Ascoli (Y.) A Tranquilli (E.) Ln caso d' isteria maschile con amnesia anterograda. Riforma metl., Xapoli, 1893, ix. pt. 1. 435-437. — Barkan (A.) Zwei Fiille von vollstiindiger Erblindung in Folge von mannlicher Hvsterie; Heilnng. Festschr. z. Juhil. d. Yer. deutsch. Aerzte zu San Irian.. Calif., 1894, 10-13.— Baronciui (R.) Isterismo maschile stati di duplice co- seienza. Manicomio mod., Xocera. l>-98, xi"5 371-398.— Barrio y Peiiarredonda (P.) Ln casode histerismo en un ioven de diecinueve aims. Siglo m6d., Maorid, 1894, xli, 517—Benjamin (J.) Strange hysterical fits in a young man. Indian M. Kec. Calcutta, 1804. vi. 144.— Berill (C.) Hystero epilepsy in the male. Theiap. Gaz., Detioit. 1889, 3. s.. v, 530.—Bien fait (A.) Un cas d'hysterie male. Gaz. med. beige, Li. -e 1W1-2. xiv, 115.— Biernacki (E.) Przvpadek h\8tero-neiirastenii u mez- czvzny. [Case of ... iii a male.] Kron. lek.. Warszawa. 1890, xi, 1-13. Also, transl: Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina. St. Peteisb., 1890, i, 74-85—Bisshopp (F. R. B.) A case of hystero-epilepsy in the male: right hemiplegia, accompa- nied with analgesia and anesthesia. Lancet, Lond., ]m-9. ii 163 —Bitot (E\) Xote sur 1 bv-terie male. Merciedt nied.. Par., 1891. ii, 25-27.—Bitot 'E\; A l.ainarquc (H.) Un cas dlivste.ro-traiiniarisnie chez lbomine. .!.• e nicd.de Bordeaux,' 18*8-9. xviii, 18-1-1*9. 4 11— Bitot lEi A !"ia- brazes ,'J.) Anestbesi.- testiculaire dans l'hysterie. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et phvsiol. . . . de Bordeaux. 1*91, xn, 279- 281.—Blocq (P.) Jc Sollier P.) Sur un cas d hyste- rie male atvpioue. avec troubles particuliers de la sensi- bilite. Progres nied.. Par., 1892. 2. s., xv. 340-342. AUo, transl: Internat, clin, Phila., 18H3. 3. .-., it, 104-106.— Blvnnifiiau (M. B.) Rledkle lucbai-liuzhskol isierii: I. isierisa ot utlara molnivel: ri Isteriya. pokhodiv- sha^a ua zabolievanle mozztiechka. [Rare cases of hys- HYSTERIA. 799 HYSTEEIA. Hysteria in the male. teria in man : I. Hysteria from lightning stroke. II. Hvs- teria resembling disease of cerebellum. | Vrach, St. Pe- tersb.. 1895, xvi, 496; 527. — Boino-Kodzevieli (G.) Sluchai intizlisUol isterii. [Hysteria in the male.] Vo- yenno med. J.. St. Petersb., 1901, Ixxix, nied.-spec, pt., 1400- 1416. -- Bonne, (as d'hysterie chez un homme. Mem. et comi't. rend. Soc.d. sc. med. de L\ on (1896), 1.-97, xxxvi, pt. 2, 169.—Boucher (L.) tils. Hysterie chez I'homme: hypnotisme, lethnigie, catal.-psie. souiiiambu- lisine, presentation du nialaile et expei iein-es. Lnion nied. cle la Seinelnf. 1885, Rouen, 1886. xxix. :i5-43.— Bonrneville .V Koiimiire (K.) Xouvelle observa- tion d b\ si.i o-c pilc-joie ch. z un jeune garcon ; guerison par 1'hvdit.thei apu-. lb . b. relies clin. et therap surl'epi- 1,-ps. tetc j 1>S1, Par., 1.-82. ii. 55: 1883, Par., 1,-81 iv. 87.— Bourun ille .v Daugr. Xouveau cas d'hy-i. i .e chez lliomme. loi,!., 1882. Rai., 1.-83, iii, 122-134 — Itoiinie- rille A: Wollier . P.) Deux nouvelles observations d'hys- terie niale. Aich. do neurol.. Par., 1.-91 xxii. 362-392.— Rremand iP.l Observation d'l h\ -i.-i i.|ii.■; cinq ten- tative-de -uicide; une tentative de-nn id. a .1. nx; une tentative de suicide et libericitle; traitenient psychothera- pique. Rev. de 1 b\ i.....i et psychol. phxsicl.. Par., 1892- 3. vii, 289-297 —llriijjin (R ) Isterismo maschile di origine tossi. a e 1.L1.1 .1. gli atti Manicmnio iiuhI., Xo- ceia. 1.-02. viii. 3ll-:t.,-4.—Bnrzio (F.) Dissoeinzione a tipo siriugomielico tlella seusibilitil in un caso di iste- rismo maschile. Boll. d. Loli.liu., Torino, 1807, ii, 194- 198. AUo : Liv. iconog. d. >. ' mal. nerv. d. Policlin. "en. di Torino. 1-97. 14.- 17.—i'nntieri |A.) Un caso di isteria nell' uomo. Boll. d. Sec tra i nut. d. sc. mid. in Sana. 1*> ^5, iii, '299-aM-—Cnslnn. Coexistence de l'hys- teio- niale et du centre exc.phtalnii.nii-. Montpel. nied., 1.-91, 2. -.. xvi, 245-253 — C'liapnt. ('.linage et acres de suffocation chez un hysterique male; iiitegtite du larynx; spasme tie la trachee tiacln-oioinie : siu-rison. Arch.de laryngol..-i'- li.inul. etc.). Par. lsyn'. iii. 230-233. AUo, Reprint. — Charcot iJ.-M.) Hysteiie chez 1'homnie ; ataxic fruste, coutractuie simulee. J. de med. et chir. pi at. Par.. 1883, liv, 53-58. AUo Aheille med.. Par., 1.--A xl. 90-92. ------. A propos de six cas d'hysterie chez lb.>n.me. Progies m£d., Pur., 1.-85, 2. s.. i. 347; 453: ii, 87. AUo. transl.: Boll. d. clin.. Xapoli. 18-5 ii, 233; 265; 273: 281. AUo. traiul. Med. Press Sc Circ. Loud.. 1885, n. «.. xl, 503: 549: I'm. n. s, xli, 4: 23. -----. Cas de mutisme hy-t. 1 i'|ii.- . 1.. 7. I'homme. Piogies med.. l'ar., ]-->" 2. s.. iv 9-7-991 AUo .• J. So. de med. et pharm. dr- '. I-eie. Grenoble, l-sO-7. xi, 39; 60. AUo : Semaine med.. Par 1-86. vi. 125. AUo. transl: Riforma metl.. Xapoli. 1-80. ii. 532: 538. AUo. transl: Med. Press Sc Circ. Lont'i 1.--7 u. .-.. xliii. "9"-.".9_'; xliv, 1. ------. A propos dun cas d'hysterie masculine; 1° paralysie dis- sociee du filial inferieur d'origine hysterique; 2° cuinul de faetenrs etiologiinies: naumatisme. alcoolisme. here- dite net-veiite. Ar.-h. de neurol.. Par. 1891, xxii, 1 23. AUo. transl ■ Gazz. tl. osp.. Napoli. 1891. xii, R03-m)5.— liairocca *- ; Com ibuto alio studio deli' isterismo nell' noino. Him. . ir. 1 1 az. tl. sc. 111 <-<].. Xajioii. 1x98. n.s., xx.253-209. < lark I \\.) Hy-t. 1 in in man. J. Ment. S.., Lontl.. '.--"-- ;m ; . 543-540— C'larUe i.l. M.) Some eases of h\ steiia 111 the male subject. Lancet, Lond. 1890. ii, i::_A'-J A" ------. On three cas. - of hysteria in men. Biain Lond.. 1-91-U xiv, 523-537.—I laxlun (G. E.) Two case ot l.\ -t. 1 e-.-pileji-y in tin- nia]. .1 no',. 1 method of cure. Iieibui M. iCec. Calcutta,1897. xii 325. — Fodeluppi (V.) Sopra un caso di gruinle isterismo maschile altacchi d'ist.-to. j.ile-si.i .-e-s.iti per suggestione. Riv.xpc r. di fre- niat.. U.-^gio-Eiuili.t, 18S7-8, xiii 414 424, 1 pl — Cognetli de tlarliiw (L . Isteri-no maschile. Gazz. il o-p Mi lano, 1897, xviii .192. — ('oilier i.J ) Li a 11 ici.it m liWciiain the male. M. d.i lnon . M..11. In--t.-i l-^.vin 3o-37. — Cook (R. C. 'Si A caseol h\ -t. i.,i.l. In.1.ana M. J . Indianap., 1897-8, xvi, -.'37.—* o»l i llu-w. Attaque niiit|iie tl h\ -tona- major avec aura p-yehique, chez un garcon de tlix sept an- .Ann. nnfed.-psych., Par., 18S8, 7. s., viii. 220-224.— ( ouvlan (A.i Ln cas d'hysterie mile, sans attaques. Arch, de metl. et plnum. mil., Par.. 1887. x, 375-378.—de Creaanligtie*. fipistaxis et inutisine hysteriques chez I'homtne. J'.nll. et no in. Soc. tie mctl. prat, de Par.. 18*8, C"l-685._D'A buntlo (G.) Stutlio clinico sn d'un caso d istero-epilessia nell uomo, con inversione sessuale. Gioi. interna/, d. Sc med., Xapoli. 1889. 11. 8. .xi, 181-203.— ■>a 11 tl ri 1'hy.steric tie I'ljomme et tie la paralysie par sugge-tion. Bull, it mem Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1886, 3. - iii 40-42.- !>«• Krnzi Grande isterismo maschile. Moigayiii. Mil.ni" 1-9_' xxxiv, 145. ------ Isterismo manchile (bolo isterico'. Ibid., 328. — Didrikhaon iV. Ki O muzhskol isterii [On male. hysteria.) Arch, psichiat. (etc.]. S.-Peterb.. 1898, xxxi.no. '■',. 3-15.—Diller Li A case of male Insteria characterized by recurrent attacks of motor aphasia and lethargy; apparent cure by hypnotism and suggestion. Hysteria in the male. Internat. M. Mag.. Phila., 1894-5 iii, 182-186. AUo, Re- piint - Urnylon (H. S.) Treatnient of male hysteria hi suggestion. Med.-Leg. J., N. Y., 1897-8, xv, 436.— I>r«'«t liIrltl (.1.) On hysteria in the male coining on after an injun. Med. I'hron", Manchester, 1880-7, v, 169-182. ------. On some rarer forms of hysteria in man. Ibid., 1890-91, xiii, _J _- Oubrulle. 'observation d'hysterie nnile provoque. pai I anemic palnstrc. Gaz. hebd. de metl.. Par.. 1890, 2. s., xxvii, 430 —l>n< lion-l>»ri>.. He- miplegie liy.-,toi iquo chez un homme tie 36 ans, diagnostic queea sa tioisieine ie. i.livc et guerie par suiig.-.-tioii. Bull. Soc. clin. dc l'ar. (18,-6). 18S7. x. 138-140.— II111111 (J. 11.) A caseof hvsteria in the male. 'Ir. Minnesota M. Soc. St. Paul, 188:1. 1.-2-1X5. — l-'nrle (F.B.) Four eases of hysteria in the male. Chicago Clin. Lev.. 1893, ii, 308— KriiMl iE ) K voprosu o mu/h-koi isterii. (On hysteria in males.] Protok. med. Obsh. v g. Suvalk.U894), 1895, 23; 77.—Ernst (M.I Ueher tlen " Iliac al.-c lnnerz". AVien. metl. Bl., 18s4 vii, 860; 903; 935. — Fa lire (P.) De l'hysterie ch. z riioinme. Ann. med.-psych., Par., 1875. 5. s., xiii, 351-373. AUo, Reprint — Fnjje (A.) Snr un cas tie mutisme hvste 1 i.|iie ehez l'boniine. J. tie metl.de llordeaux, 1888-9, xviii. 4U-l'nn'i'o (().) Istei i-mo maschile. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1897, xviii, 1548-1551 — 1-A-rCol. Deux cas d'hys- terie chez I'homme, avec paralysie et atropine musculaire. Bull it m. in Soc. mctl. d. hi'.p tie Par., 18x5,3. s., ii, 376- 386.- I'iyiii-ira (F.) A propositi) tie um caso de hysteria uo h"in. in liev. brazil, tie med., l.'io de Jan., 1888'i, 104- 114.— Finlej. Hysteria in a male; spontaneous hypno- tism with analgesia. Montreal M. J., 1892-3, xxi, 114.— Floe Ite 111 a 1111 1 A.) Pseudospastische Pause mit Tre- mor bei einem Fail von sehwerer Hvsterie beim Mfinue. Mitt. a.d.Hamb. Staatskraiikenanst.,' 1898 ii, 42-47. Also: Jahrb. d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst. 1897-8. Hamb. u. Leipz.. 1900, vi, 42-47.— Fontan. Hystero-epilepsie masculine; sngaestion ; inhibition: transposition ties sens Hull. Soc. de psychol. physiol.. Par. It-87. iii, 45- 53. — Fournier (Ci Hy-tetie chez rhonine. Gsz. m6d. de I'icardie. Amien- l-9n. viii. 57-59. — Freud (S.) L.-bc-r iniinnlicbe Hysterie. 'W'i'-ii. metl. Bl.. I8.-1;. ix, 1292—CSaal 1Z.1 Hystero-epilepsia esete feiflnal. [Case of h\ stern-epilepsy in a man.] Orvo-i heiil., Budapest, 1888, xxxii, 353-35'ii. Also, transl. [Abstr]: Pest, med.- chir. Presse, Bmbipe.-t. 188s. xxiv. :,-ji — <; iaminlli ( F ) Falle von mannlicber Hysterie mit D.-lirien ces atl.Utiven Getlachtnisses. M. nat-.br. f. Psychiat. u. Xeuiol . P.-rl., 1901, ix, 107-130.—Gloricux. L'hysterie ch. z I'homiue. Arch. nied. beiges. Brux., 18s7 3. s., xxxi, 23i-23s. ------. Dc-s perversions tie la motilite dan- l'liy-teiie; uu cas de choree rxtlnnee hysteiiipie chez un homme. Policlin., Brux.. Is98. vii. 44: 91. — (ionmii'i', Zwei Fil le niono- symptomatischer Hysterie nach Trauma. Deutsche mil.- arztl. Ztschr., Btrl., 1898, xxvii, 314-320. — 4^iaii)ii\, Des inconvenients que peut entrainer. pour le medecin. la pratique tie certaines operations chez ties h> st.-i i.jiie- mabs cn dehors de la presence d'un tiers. Arch, d'an- throp. crim., Lyon .£. Par.. 1902. xvii. 58.—(inovi. Le- 50ns sui un cas d'hysterie male avec astasi.--aba.-ie. Mont- pel., med., 18s9, 2. s., xii. 197; 275; 31.1; 305, 1 pl A/o i'n hti: Lee. tie din. med. 1880-90. Montpel.. Ii-9I. 131-185, ■_' id. ------. Qiicli[iies cas d'hysterie male et tie neurasthenic. Montpel. mctl.. 1891. 2.'s., xvi. :!f9; 443; 4.-5: xvii. Ml; 252; :;04. — Ciiini' (W. T.) TLst.iia in a male. Brit. M. .1. Lond.. I'.iiki, ii, 22?.—<»reidenber« (15. S.l Mti. thai i-tetii u muzhchiui. [Ca-e ..(' h\stena in a mau.] Vrach. St. Petersb.. 1887, viii. 295. —'■—. K kaznistikie inu/.h-kol isterii; i-t.-riya i drozhashtshiy piiralich. [Case of male h\ steria; hysteria and paralysis agiians.] Ibid., 1888, ix. X7u-x72.-i.iiiNy (B.) Zones hysterogenes sie- geant snr la tiniqucu.se ties voies urinaiies et tlans la pros- tate. Assoc, funic d'urol. Proc-verb. 1898. Pai.. 1899, iii, 354-359- II and lord (H.) Hvsteria in the male; l.iitb-bealing. P.i it. M .1. Lond., 1887, ii, 879.— lia) « (1!. K.) Phantom tumors in a man. Metl. l!ec. >>'. V. 189- li\. A_ llinKi.ioio.tr (J.) Ein Fall von Ily- st.-ii.i \ nili-. W'i.-n. klin. W'.buscbr., 1892, v, 7-13-740.— II ■■Hehl'elder i.I.n.) II\ -t. 1 iain the male. Occidental M. Tiiiies. Sacramento, 1890. iv, 29<'-29x —lloebeke tri.i Ln cas tl'liystei a- lmile Presse m.-.l. belsie, Brux., 1890. xlviii, 209-211.—Hondo (T.l ..v. Ktiltiinn (I.) Eiu Fall ib r maniilieheii ILsterie. [.lapanesu text] Ztschr. tl. metl. Gesellsch. zu' Tokio. 1894, viii, 1. Hit.. 38; 2. Hft., 32, 2 |>l. Also.- Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio. 1891. uo. 331, 6; no.332, 15; no. 333, 111 —leniNnliiiiNlii iM. I.) Isteiiya i neviasti-niyn \ roli sinnilyatsii. [ll\ steria and nemas- theina in the i..l. ol -iiniilntiou.] Protok. zasaitl. Kav- kazsk. med. Obsh.. TiHi-. 1.-9- 9, xxxv, 163-182, 2 pl.— liiiitli'iiiiN & Ki'on^iart. ^Manifestations uietrales ib; 1 h x mi. ri.- male, fa ho med. uu nord. Lille. 1899, iii, 78-80.—.Ineobxoii ri>. E.i Hysteii hos Ma-ntl. [H\s- teria in man.] P.ihlioth. 1. Laegcr, Kjobeuh., Is92, 7. R., iii, 571-019—Jnrdine 1 R.) Hysteiical aphonia in a young man. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 19oo. i, 88-.—Jvi (Y.) Leber einen sellen.-n Symptomeiikoiii]ilex bei Hysteria virilis. Wien med. Wclinschr.. 1890, xlvi, 1369: 1410.— .Jiraweh (J. E.i D\ a pfipady h\ sl.-i i.- \ irilni ].o in I. ■ k - cnn li oneinocncnit h. [Two cases of virile hysteria after HYSTEEIA. 800 HYSTERIA. Hysteria i)l ^ie. ^ale. iu leer ons diseases.] Casop. lek. cesk.,vPraze, 1894, xxxiii, 145— JoM'ph (L.i Leber mannliche Hysterie. Veriif- fentl. tl. lies, llsch I. Heilk. in Herl. Balneol. Sekt.. 1885. Vii, 55-81. AUo: Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Herl.. 1885. vi. 441; 476. AUo, Reprint—Kelly i.L D.i Hysteria in the male. Med. Rec.N. Y., 1891, xxxix. 675.— Kirli pa trick (S.D.) Case of hysteria in a man. Texas Cour.-Ree. Med., Fort . Woith, 1885-6, iii. 92-94.—Kissinger (P.) Zwei Falle von .-chwerer Hysterie beim Maune nach Trauma. Mo- natsehr. f. Lnfallh., Leipz.. 1900, vii, 281-286.—Knbin CW.) Fall von mannlicher Hysterie. N. Yorker med. Monatsehr.. 1898, x, 240-248.—I.al'ond. Les tribulations dull hysteiique. Loire 11161L, St.-fitienne, 1900, xix, 152- 159.— i.anoaille de l.acliese. Tarassis. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1884. lvii, 1036; 1059; 1068.—I.aiiphrar (E.) Hysterical deafness and aphasia in the male. Alienist Sc Neurol., St. Louis, 1895, xvi, 460-463.—f.aiifeiiaii«r(K.) Aflgyermekek hystero-epilepsiiSja. [. .. in ahoy.] Orvosi hetil.', Budapest,'1887, xxxi, 909; 1001, 1 pl. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest. 1887, xxiii, 765; 781.—Laurent (E.) De l'hysterie pnlmonaire chez l'honime. Eneephale. Par., 1889, ix, 23-50. -----. Des formes pulmoiiaires de l'hysterie chez I'homme. Inde- pend. med.. Par., 1898, iv, 281-283.—l.ebeiiuau (E. O.) A case of hysteria. Cleveland J. M., 1899, iv, 310-312.— I.ecoq. Hyst6rie chez un homme tie 21 ans; contracture permanente des membres inferieuis et pied hot hysterique; contractures passageres gen6ralisees tie tout le systenie musculaire lisse ou strie; crises convulsives; erythenie vaso-moteur au coins dc l'uiie d'elles; hyperexcitabilite musculaire hois l'etat d'hvpnotisme. France m6d , Par., 1882, i, 709; 722. Also: Hull. Soc. clin. tie Par. (1882), 1883, vi, 103-114.— l.emoim'. Deux cas d'hysterie chez l'liomine, avec sensation de boule hystcrhiue. Proviiice med., Lyon, 1880, i, 36.—I.enlz. Observation d'hystero- epilepsie chez lborame. Bull. Soc. de med. ment. de Belg., Gand et Leipz., 1886, no. 42, 38-45.—I.co (H.) Tod durch Glottiskrainpf bei Hvsteria virilis. Deutsche meil. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl'., 1893 xix, 809.—de I.eon. Autoniatisnio conseiente en un caso tie histeria niaseiilina seuil. Rev. Ibero-Am. de cien. med., Madrid, 1901, v, 62- 82. — l.ri'Oiix (C.) De riiysterie chez I'homme; mono- plegie avec atropine musculaire. J. d. conn. m6d. prat., Par., 1.-86, 3. s., viii, 107.—l.eiiili (G.) Casuistische Bei- triige zur Hysteria virilis. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh., Leipz.,1891,i,500-527.—Lockwood (CE.) Aca.se of male hysteria. Tr.N.YorkM. Ass., 1894, xi,51-54. Also.- N.York M. J., 1894, lx, 740-748.—I.ombroso (C.) *. Kontoroiii (L.) Forma tl' isterismo niascolino con sintomi tabetici migliorato colla suggestion.) ipnotica (pretese guaritrice). Arch, di psichiat. fete- ]. Torino. 1898. xix,623-629.—I.ncas- C'lianipioniiiere (l.i Contribution k 1'etttde tie l'hys- terie chez I'homme; troubles tie la sensibility chez les ori- ent nix; les Aissaoua. Arch. tie neniol., Par., 1887, xiv, 15-10. — von l.uzeiibt'rt;t'i' (A.) Leber einen Fall von 1 > x sohroniatopsie bei einem h\ sterischen Manne. Wien. inert. Bl., 1886, ix, 1121-1120.— Mcintosh (W. P.) Hys- teria in the male. Med. Xews, Pbila., 1880, xlviii, 5-8.— Mackenzie (C.) Case of hysteria in a male. Caledon. M. J., Rochester, 1891-4, n. s., i, 180-185.—Mader (J.) Hysterisehe Krampfe in viro; uugeheilt. Her. tl. k. k. Krankenanst. Kudolph-Stiftimg in Wien (1890), 1891, 295. -----. Hysteria in viro; rasche Heilung durch Suggestion. Jahrb. tl. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. 1892, Wien n. Leipz., Is93, i, 669. —---•. Hystero-epileptische Anfallc in viro; geheilt(?). Ibid., 1894, Wien u. Leipz.. 1890, iii, 840. -----. Hysteria virilis (e traumate'); Paiapl.gia dolo- rosa spastica ; ausgebreitete Auasthesieu auch tier Sinnes- organe: Ce ichtsfeldeinschriinkuiig.Liifahigkeit ein Auge zu bewegeii, wenn das andere verdeckt wild; Besseiung. Ibid., 1895, Wien u. Leipz., 1-97. iv,pt. 2, 245.—Manner (F.) Ein Fall von Hysteria virilis, nul'getreteH im An- schlusse an eine lacunaro Angina. Ibid.. 1894, Wien u. Leipz., 1890, iii, 956-962. — Maria ni (M.) Ln cast) di isterismo maschile. Gazz. mctl. lomb., Milano. 1x93. Iii, L7- 179. — Marino (S. S.) Sopra un caso tl' isterismo maschile. Momagni. Milano, 1892, xxxiv, 38-46. — Mar- low (15 W.) Hysteiical blindness in the male. X. York M. J.. 1889, xlix, 154. —Mnrqnczv (R.) L'honime hyste- rique. Hull, med., Par., lsxs, ii. 1120; 1141. —Mendel. Leber Hysterie beim inannli. lieu Geschlecht. Verhandl. d. Berl. ined. Gesells.-h. (18-3-4). 1885, xv 198-212. [Dis- cussionj. 215-221. — Mieliel. Ln cas d'bysl6rie male. Arch. nied. beiges, Brux.. 1893, 4. s., i, 304-311.--Mills (C. K.) Hystero-epilepsy in ihe male. Pbila. M. 1 imes, 18,-4-5, xv, 648-651. — Miraglia (L.) Ln caso tipico d' isterismo nell' uomo. I'isuni, Palermo, 18x8, viii. 1-11, 1 phot, pl.—Milsnl© (R.) [A case of hysteria in a male.] Iji Kwai Ho O-ata Byo-in . . ., Osaka, 1900. H - 84. — Moore (W. O.) Hysteiical blindness in the male, with a report of three cases. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, Han ford. 1888-90, v, 80-80. AUo: X5 York M. J., 18xx, xlviii, 628- 030. AUo [Abstr.]: Med. Xews. Phila.. 1888, liii, 133. AUo: Post-Graduate, X. Y., 1888-9, iv, 154-158.— Mo- reau ( C. ) Contribution a l'etuile tie l'h\sterie chez l l'hoiiime. Bull. Acatl. roy. de med. tie Belg.. Brux . Ixxx, 4. s., ii. tOl-907. [Rap. 'de Hayoit], 812-815. — Morel Hysteria in the male. i.L) Epididymite hysterique avec, cedf'ines nerveux et poussees incessantes d'erythSme noueux. M6tl. mod., Par.. 1890.vii. 161.—Moricoiirt. Hysterie chez l'homiiie, contracture du nienibre superieur gauche d'origine trau- matique tlatant tie quatre mois et demi; guerison ra- pide par le cuivre intus et extra. Gaz. tl. hop., Par.. 18x7, lx, 43:92. -----. Hysterie chez riiomme: acces de lethar- gic et de sotniiambiiiisme spoutancs; insueees de 1'el.rtri- cit6 -tatii|iie et de l'h\ diotherapie. Ibid.. 1326 . — Morri- son iW. M.) Hysteiical aphonia in wmngmau. Biit. M J., Lond., 1900, i. 1012.—Mosse. Hysteiie chez l'honime. Compt. rend. Soc de med. et chir. prat, de Montpel., 18S2-3, 21-29. -----. Observation de grande hysterie chez l'hoinnie; crises convulsives arretees par la comptession du testicule gauche; etat lethargique. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. m6d. de Montpel., 1887, ix, 13-18. AUo, Reprint. — IVery (M.) Qnatro casos tie hysteria em hoinens. Brazil nied. Riode Jan., 1894, 65-67. — Neumann (A.) Zur Kennt- niss der Hvsteria magna virilis traumatica. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1891-2. xlix, 38-50.—I\ilsen (E. A.) Sluchai polovinnol lonicheskoi sudorogi litsa, oslozhnennoi klouusoni gortani u isterichnavo. [Tonic, facial hemispasm complicated hy clonus of larynx, in a hysterical man.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1898, xix, 93n.-rVi- • hi (H.) [Male hysteria cured by suggestion.] Chiugai Iji Sbimpo, Tokio, 1897, xviii, no. 405, 5-9; no. 406, 11-16, 1 pl.—Oliver (J.) A caseof hystero-epilepsy in the male. Brain, Lontl., 1885-6, viii, 397-400.—Olivier (P.) .v. Ha. lipre (A.) Claudication intermittente chez un homme hysterique atteint tie pools lent permanent. Xormandie med., Rouen, 1890, xi. 21-28, 1 pl— Pa ran I (V.) L'hys- teriechezl'honinie; l'astasie-abasie. Echo med., Toulouse, 1889, 2. s., iii. 594-597. — Patrick (H. T.) A case ot hysteria in the male; hypnotic treatment. Chicago M. Recorder, 1896, xi, 274-277. -----. Hysteria in a man. Internat. Clin.. Phila., 1897, 6. s., iv, 153-156.— Pershing (H. T.) Cases of hysteria in men. Med. News, Pbila.. 1893, lxiii, 337-341. — Pifiero (A. F.) Un caso de histeria en el hombre. Rex-, argent, de cien. mctl., Buenos Aires. 1886. iii, 11-23. Also, transl: Alienist Sc Xeurol., St. Louis, 1886, vii, 362-375,-Pollalt (G.) Hvs- teroepilepsia esete ferfiii61. [. .. in a man.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1887, xxxi, 937-940. AUo. transl: Centralbl. f. Nervenh., Leipz., 1888, xi, 2-5. A Uo, transl [Abstr.]: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1887, xxiii, 753.-Po. ■narieo (G.) Intoino ad un caso di istero-epilessia maschile. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1889, x. 674: 682: 690. Also: Boll. d. clin., Milano, 1890, vii, 397-408 — Pon- loppidan ( K.) Hysteii hos Mfend. [Hysteria in tlie male.J Hosp.-Tid., Kjobeuh., 1886, 3. R., iv, 81-98.—Po- poff (X.-M.) Un cas siugulier tie 1'hysttA ie male. Arch. de neurol., Par., 1893, xxv, 367-373.—Predazzi (P.) Ln caso di isterismo maschile. Riv. clin. e terap., Napoli, 1885, vii, 287. —Preston (G. J.) A case of complete hys- terical ansesthi sia in the male. J. Xerv. \- Ment. Lis., N. Y., 1895, xxii. 475-480.—Pris ^ Kiuiioii. Hysterie indie; gn6rison rapide ties accidents convulsifs par la sug- gestion imperative. Normandie m6tl . Ro. en, 1892, vii, 209-212.—Prns (J.) Kilka przypadkdw hi-terji u me,- zozyzn. [ Some cases of hysteria in males I Przt*gl. lek., Krak6w. 18x7. xxvi, 261-264.—Pnrltliiser (W. J.) Hys- tero-epilepsv in the male.] Progress, Louisville. 1886-7, i, 366.—Putnam (J. W.) Hvsteria in the male. Internat. Clm., Phila..1893,3.8.,ii,107-UL—Racelii. Lncasoiliemi- plegia isterica maschile con paralisi tlel I'aeciale. Lavori d. Cong, tli med. int.. Milano, 1891. iv, 377 - 383. — Rareke. Hvsterischer stop r bei Strafgefangenen. A llg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat. [etc J, Herl., 1901, lviii. 409-440—Rnnadc (M. R.) Mesmeri-m in h.steria in the male. Indian M. Kec, Calcutta. 1893, iv, JX7. — Ranzicr (G.) Association hys- tero-oi'ganique; angine de poitrine nil cours d'une caitli- opathie aortique. X. Montpel med., 1901, xiii, 545-555.— Raymond. Hysteric male et necrose traumatique. liull. med.. Par., 1897. xi. 429-431. — Kclsln;;. Hvsteria virilis. Deutsche Med.-Ztg . Perl , 19i 0, xxi. 229—Rizn (E.) Surdi-mutite hysterique chez riiomme, succedant ii, des attaques k period'icite annuelle. Hull. S..c. tl. med. et nat. tie Jassy, 1887, i, 230 ; 201.— Ronitschck. Ein selte- nei- Fall von Hysteria virilis. Wien. med. Presse. 1894, xxxv. 1277-1279 —Rosenberg (S.) Zur Kenntniss von der Hysterie beim Manne. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. U86, xxiii, 1)70.— Rnefi'. Observation d'hysterie chez I'lunume. Bull. Soc. clin. tie Par. (1882), 18X3, vi. 38-42. — Malemi- Pace (B.) Caso singolare tl' istero-epilessia tlemoiiopatica osservaio nell' uomo. Pisani, Paleru o, 1885, vi, 29-72, 2 ]d.—Walle. Guerison rapide en trois jours d'accidents convulsifs revenant le matin et le soir, depuis une annee, chez un hysterique niasculiu, ii I'aide ties miroirs rotatit's et tie la suggestion. Ann. tie psychiat. et d'hypnol.. Par., 1892. h. s.. ii. 110-113.—Naloiiioiic- Tlarino (S.) Sopra un caso d' isterismo maschile. Atti tl. r. Accad. tl. sc. med. ill Palermo, 1891, 50-57. Also: Sicilia metl.. Toiino- Palermo, 1891, iii, 611-618. — Savill (T.) A case of hys- tei o-epilepsy; with persistent couttacture, analgesia ami autestLesia. limited|to one upper)extremity, in a male subject, Tr. Clin. Soc. Lontl. 1888-9, xxii, 138- 145. AUo [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, i, 358. AUo [Abstr.]: HYSTERIA. 801 HYSTERIA. Hysteria in the male. M..1. Press \ Circ, Lontl., 1889, n. s.. xlvii, 165. ----- j Cas ■ of hysteria minor ami "ovarian phenomena" in a | male subject. Lancet, Lond., 18x9. i, 9:14. -----. Two cases of hysteria iu the male. I bid., ii, 792. — Nrheiber (S. H.) E'in Fall von Hvstero-Epil.-psie bei einem Manne. Wien. med. Bl., 1885, viii. 1333; 1373; 14t'5; 1434. AUo, Reprint. -----. Erwiederuug auf die von W. Winter- nit/ vorgebrachten Bemerkungen auf meiueu Aitikel: '•Ein Fall von Hvstero-Epilt p>u bei einem Manne". Ibid.. 1501-1504. Also' Reprint.— •if'.'iiiii . K r. ) Hysterical convulsions and lieiniainestht sia m an adult male; cure by j metallo-theiapy (gold). Ai.-b. Metl N5 V 18X2. viii, 199- I 2 1. Also. Keprint —Nryilel. Kin Fall von Hvstei ia viri- ]i-. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Zts.-hi , Berl..1895, xxiv,4T.5-473.— Mil be nn ami it). I Kin intei. ssanler Fall von mannlicher ll\-t.iie. AIL. med. Ct ntr.-Ztg.. Berl.. 1897. lxvi, 538._ S>ii-|tiii-*>lil.lo vski (SI.. K kaznistikie isterii u muzh- Cl.iu. 11 \ steria m th.-m.lie.) Vrach, St. Petersb.. 1901, xxii, 79!' — Sla wvk. Zur Ka-uistik tier Hvstei ie beim Manne. Deutsche mil.-iii . ti. /.t-. hr.. Berl.. 1x92. xxi, 377-3.-9.— Wonqnes . A .. De 1 h\ slei i.■ ma'a- daus un service hos p.talii c II..pit.ii l'.iou--ais. 1Xj>9i. Arch. ecu. de nied., l'.u . 1.-90. «. li'..--2oo. — s»K'i ■■ It iii i: ii<-. Die otiatris.be Untersuchung eines an mannlicher Hysteric leiden.len Kraukeu. Ber. d. oberhess. Gesellsch t Xat,.-u. Heilk , Giessen, 1890, xxvii, 104. — Ntoeiie«en i N. ) Ln cas de isterie la Mrbat. Spitalul, Ku. in.-, i. 1.-9!. xiii, 198 ah).— Straus*. Hysteria virilis unter dem I'.ilde der chroni- schen Darmsteiiose: zweimali^e Laparotomie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1898, xxxv. 838-842. —Tatii«enen ( D.) Ln ess de isterie ia un bfirbat. Spitalu'.. BiicuicscI, 1.-95. xv, '■'."■ —Thomson (J. R. M.' A .a-,- ..t' hysteria in a male. Intei.-.ilou. M. J. Australas.. Melbourne. 1-97. ii. r>0n-063.— Tliornton (J. B.) Acaseofhvsi.ro. |.i!epsy in a man. U.--r..n M. A S. J., 1,-94. exxxi, 410. — Ti lone'( M.) Ln caso d' isterismo maschile guarito con 1 ipnotismo. Pi- sani 188.-, Palermo, 1x89. ix, 55-65.—Toniniasi tT.) So- pra un caso tli grave disfairia di natura isterica in un eio- vinetto. Metl. contemp.. Xapoli, 18X0. iii, 352-360.— Troussaint. Obs.-i vations d hysteric a forme convul- sive avec aptitude a l'hypnotisine et aux suggestions a l'e- tat de veille. Arch, de in£d. et pharm. mil.. Par., 1.-.-8. xi, 4-0-49O. —fibeleisen iK.) Ein Fall vou Hysteria virilis. Deur.-el.e metl.Wchnschr..Leip -. u. Berl., 1899. xxv. 84-.— Vallon (C.) Sc Rogues de Fnrsae. Hysterie male; mutisme; amaurosis; aetes melancolitpie; etat second. Arch, de neurol., Par.. 1899, 2. s . vii. 460-471.—Verrier (E.) Des lesions cutanees hy-teriqii' - chez riiomme. Frauce nied.. Par., 1-96, xliii, 7*5-78-.—Viiie» A5, I-t.-- roepi'ep-ie la h&rbat. r ... in a nisle.j Spitalul. Bucu- 1 res, i. 1--9 ix, 101-109.— Vojji A , Hysteria virilis. [Snr un . a- d'hysterie virile. )'•-.. si.] Norsk Ai.,- . t'. La _.-- vitlensk.. Kristiania, 1-97. 4. R.. xii. 7s-80.— Voi»in i J. i Note -nr un cas tie grande hysteric chez I'lioiiioie, avec- de- doublemeut d>- ia p. rsoiinalit6; arret tie l'attai|ii. par la I pression cl.-s tendon-.. Aich. de neurol.. Par.. 1-8".. x,212- 225.— Walbritl-ic c I.. P.) A caseof hy-teria with spi- nal irritation in a man. N. York M. J.. l-9j lvi. i;.{2.— Walker (A. S.) A case of hysteria, with curious reflex I spa-in, iu a male. Edinb. Hosp. Rep., lt-93. t. 420-423. ------. Some notes on hysteria, with special lefer.-nce to j hysteria in the male, and its connexion wiih specific or- J ganic diseaseof the nervous system. Edinb. M..I., 1x94-5. xl, 312-322— H'ettendorfer (r'.j Znr Casuistik hyste- rischer Sebsttli un 1 \h6niiplc Hysterie k debut senile. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d.lifip.Oe Par. 1901, 3. - xviii. 1222-1224—I.a- moi«. Observation de sein hysterique. Arch.de neu- VOL VII, -iD SERIES----5L Hysteria in old age. nil., Par., 1901, 2. s., xii, 355.—15 con. Automatismo cons- i-ietite en uu caso de histeria inasculina send. Kscuela de ined., Mexico, 1901, xvi, 145; 109. — l.iolla. Emiplegia isterica senile. R. Accad. tl. tisioerit. in siena. Proc. verb., 1896, 59-61.—.tinrie (P.) Sur nn cas d'hysterie senile. Hull, et mem. Soc-. med. d. hop. de Par., 1901, 3. s, xviii, 1129-1131.— ItniiNrlibnrg (P.) Agukor- han fellepett heveny hysteria esete. |A case of vio- lent hysteria.appearing in old age.] Orvosi hetil., Buda- pest. 1890. xl. 2:!.".. — Mlerne (J.) Ln cas d'hysterie senile. Rev. mctl de l'esl, Nancy, 1899, xxxi, 244-247. II v*tt'l'ia in prey nancy and the puerperal state. Lkonakd (A.) M)e riiystdrie pendant la o-rossessi". ct le travail ile raeoonclieiiieiit. 4°. Paris, 1*86. Also [Abstr.], in: Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. ;1880), 1887, x, 110-148. AUo [Abstr.J, i'n: France med., Par., 18x0, ii, 1637; 1649. AUo [Abstr.], in: Paris med., 1887, xii, 205; 213; 230. Frederick t C. C.) Hystero-epilepsy complicating prcenaucy. Buffalo M. A S'. .1., 1x87-8, xxvii, 353-358.— <; ille* lie lu Tourette Sc IColosfnc ni. Contribution a la nat iiie hystei ique tie la tetauie ties femmes enceintes. N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par., .1895, viii, 277-287, 1 pl.— King (I5-F.) Hysteria of a grave form in three suc- cessive pregnancies; case. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, l-.-x, xi, K10. AUo, Repriut. — iTIesko (M.) Terhesseg alatt fellepett es a portio scarific&I&sa utan gydgyiilt sul.\ os hystei ia esete. [A case of severe hysteria <1 in in £j pregnancy and cured after scarification ofthe cervix.] Or- vosi hetii., Budapest, 1898. xiii, 39. — ;?Io*s (Ii.) Seine um caso de nevrose complexa, hystero-epilepsia. vomit09 incoei civeis, parto ]irematuro provocado. Brazil-med., Kio ile Jan., 1895. 355-357.—Ott. Ln uterus gravide h\a- terit|iie Kev. med de Xorinandie, Rouen. 1900, 74-70.— Niiliiii/tA. Hvsterie et grossesse. Bull, metl., Par., 1896, x, 1059.— I iban (A.) Pi-tpad hysteroepilepsie n lodicky s luzkem vcestnym. [Case of Jiystero-epilepsy in a parturient with retained placenta.] Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1882, xxi, 504; 583. Hysteria in soldiers. See, also, Hysteria (Jurisprudence of). Ozerktskovski (A. I.) Ol) isterii v volskakh. [ I ly.steriii amonteiii v voiskakh). [Hysterical stigniaia and defeneration (hysteria among troo])s).] N.-vr..]. V.-sinik, Kazan. Is99. vii, no. 2. 39-54. — Blyu- menan (M. B.) Ob isterii 11 soldat. (Hysteria in sol- iliers.) Vrach. St. Petersb., 1894, xv, 597: 624.—Bo- ri«oli~ iA.) Material k voprosu ob isterii u sol.lat. [ 11 v.steria iu soldiers.1 Voycnno-san. .li.-lo. St. Peteisb., 1890, x, li.-Uiivi'/ni' (I.'. L'byst6iie dans lannee ;>, propos lies paralvshs hystero-traugiatiipies .1 tic med. de Bordeaux. 1886-7, xvi. 325-328. —Be .loiitf (S.i Hys- terie in het Icier. N.-.lerl. mil. geneesk. Ar.-h. I.tc], Utrecht, 18.-7. xi. i!8) r,91.— Beknalel (J. W'.i ll\st,-- rie in het l.-Li'i-. Mil. -eneesk. I'ijil>. In , Haarlem, 1897, i. 3- 18. — BiiniK (A.) Leber Hysterie in tier Armee. |5-t-. In /,. F.ier . . . d. Slailtkraiikenb ui Hres.l.- l-'i iechic-li-ta.lt. Dresd.. 1899. pt. 2, 1.15-153.— Biiponi'hi'l liv) L'byst.-iie dans rannee. Rev. de meil.. Par.. l.-Xil, \i. 517-542.— Franklin ill. F.) A case of hysteria in a soldier. Amu M. Dep. Kep 1X89 Lond., '1891, xxxi. 119-421. — (a ille* ile la I111111 Mr. l/byst6rie dans iarmee albinande. N. iconog. dc la Salpetriere. Par., 1x89, ii. 318-320. — <»loricnx f/.i I'n cas de coxalgie liysteriipie the/, un soltlat. Bull. A.a.l, roy. de tiled, lit) Belg.. Brux., 1888, 4. s., ii, 191 [ Rap. tie' Hainbiirsin }, 140. Alsn | Abstr.l: Lev. metl., Louvain, 1888, vii. 397- 41U. — 4^ reiilenlM'i'<; i B. S. ) K vitproMii ob isterii v voiskakh ; no viy sluchai isterii 11 soltlat a. | II y.-teria in the arinv; new case iu a-ohlui | Vrach, St. Peters!. 1894, xv, 736-738. AUo.tiansI < YnUiilbl. f. Nervenli 11. P-v. hiat., Coblenz 11 Leipz., 1895, n. V., vi, 398- ■ 402. — Jiin»iii (II. A.) Over hy-ieiie bij soldaten. Nctlerl. Ti.i.l-ehr. v. C.eneesk., Amst., 18s7, xxiii. 2. tl., 321-334. Kern. Hysterisehe Kriimpfe in tier Armee. Deutsche mil.-iii zi I. Ztschr.. Berl.. 1890, xix, 752-759. Also: Internal, klin. I'lindsehau, Wien. 1890, iv, 2141-21 Hi. - 1411 |>i i 1 a noil (I.) Sluchai istero-epilepsii it n..v..brain sa. |H\sleio- epilepsv in a recruit.] Protok. Omsk. metl. < )b-h . 1894-5, xii, 189 192.— l.yiiHM (S.) Keztiltatl odnovo neudachiiavo os villi etc 1st vovaniva. | Kesulls of an unsuccessful exami- nation.! Obozr. psi. hiat . nevrol. [etc.]. S. Peterb., 1901, vi, 92-91.- tlawlilaltotl ( A V.) < hetirc sluchaya isterii u soldat. [Four eases of tnsteria among soldiers.] Vo\cinio-meil. J.. St. Petersb., 1897. cxc. iue.l-.spec. pt , 498-5KI.— >ovil«lti (O. (I) K kazuisliklc isterii 11 sodat; sltn bai t. naz. istericheskol likhoiadki. [Hysteria among soldiers ; case of so-called hysterical fever.] Viach, HYSTERIA. 802 H Y STEftO-E PILEPS Y. Hysteria in soldiers. St. Petersb., 1897, xviii, 593 -595. — Ozeretskovski (A. I.) Ob istericheskikh zabollevanivakh v voi.-kakh. [Hysterical affections in the anny.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1886, xxv, 321-339. AUo, transl: Arch, de neurol.. Par., 1886! xii, 265-292. -----. Teshtsho ob isterii v voiskakh. [More on hysteria in the army.]_ Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1887, xxviii. 1061-1072.—Perdiga© (E.) A hysteria no exercito. Rev. demed. mil., Porto, 1886-7, i, 16; 43; 78 — PoMpieloflT. K. voprosu ob isterii u soldat. [On hysteria among soldiers.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1898, cxcii,rined.-spec, pt., 1137-1141— Sgobbo (F.) L' iste- rismo nell' uomo e 1' isterismo nell' esercito. Gior. med. d. r. esercito [etc.], Roma, 1887. xxxv 779: 926; 1047.- Tranjen. Falle von Hvsterie iu der bulgarischen Armee. Med. Woche, Berl., 1900, Cong. ISTr.. 18-21.— Trapeznikoff (A.V.) K voprosu oh isterii u soldat. [Hysteria in soldiers.] Vrach. St. Petersb., 1891, xii, 381. —■—. Kkazulstikle isterii v voiskakh. [Hysteria among troops.] Voyenno-med. J.. St. Petersb., 1896. clxxxvii, med.-spec, pt., 1. sect.,' 015-629.—Varotski. Sluchai isterii u soldata. [Case of hysteria in a soldier.] Voy- enno med. J., St. Petersb. 1807. clxxxviii, metl.-spec, pt., 845-856.—YnlMkevich (I.) Isteriya v voiskakh v zavi- simosti ot travmi. [Hysteria in tbe army depending upon trauma.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1893, clxxviii, unoffic. pt., 1. sect., 372-382. Hysterical astasia and abasia. See Hysteria (Manifestations of) by disordevs of motion. Hysterical breast. See Hysteria (Manifestations of). Hysterical contractions. See Hysteria (Manifestations of) by disorders of motion. Hysterical deaf mutism. See Hysteria (Manifestations of) by disorders of special senses. Hysterical fever. See Hysteria (Diagnosis, etc., of). Hysterical haemorrhage. See Hysteria (Manifestations of). Hysterical hiccough. See Hysteria (Manifestations of) by disorders of motion. Hysterical joints. See Hysteria (Manifestations of) by disorders of motion ; Hysteria (Traumatic). Hysterical laughter and weeping. See Hysteria (Manifestations of). Hysterical paralysis. See Hysteria (Manifestations of) by disorders of motion. Hysterical spasms. See Hysteria (Manifestations of) by diso?'ders of motion. Hysterical tumors. See Hysteria (Manifestations of). Hysterical vomiting. See Hysteria (Manifestations of) by disorders of the digestive system. Hysterical yawning. Se<- Hysteria (Manifestations of). Hysterionica. Baille (G-.) "fitude botanique et therapeu- tique tie l'Hysterionica Bavlahuen. 4°. Pavis, 18-9. AUo [Abstr.J, in: Bull. g6n. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1889, cxvi, 10o-108. Hystero-catalepsy. See Hysteria (Manifestations of) by disorders of nervous system. Hysterocele. Si e Uterus (Hernia of). I Hystero-epilepsy. Sie, also. Hysteria t Death from); Hysteria in children; Hysteria in pn-gnancy, etc. Cohn (D.) " De convulsiouibus h\ stern is. 8 . Berolini, [18(11]. Legrand du Sallle (H.) De l'hvst^ro-^pi- lepsie, observation d'un cas ties rare. *->-. Paris, 187)7). Richer (P.) Etudes cliniques sur la grande hysterie on hvstero-e'pilepsie. Pre'ee'de' d'une lettre-preTace tie M. le professeur J.-M. Charcot. 2. oil. 8°. Paris, 1885. Vasqlez (I.) *Ligero estudio de algnnos de los accidentes de la gran histeria. 8°. Mexico ' 1*82. Villaxi DE Xoha (P.) Contributo alio stu- die del grande isterismo. 8 . Maglie, 1-97. Albcrtotti .ote sur un cas d liysteio-epil.-p-.il- Recherches clin. et the- rap. sur lcpileps. [etc.] 1880, Par.. 1881. i. ::n-47.—Bresler. Kritisches zur Hvsteroepilepsie. Psvclnat. Wchnschr., Halle a. S.. 1900. i. 473-475.—Bringiiie'r. >5.t.-s cliniques sur riivstero-epilep-ie. Gaz.. hebd." d. sc. med.de Montpel., 1.-S0. viii. 54; 85; 97; 121: 145; 109; 195; 217; 241: 205; 301. — Britlonr i'J. S ; Clinical remarks on pseudo- peritonitis aud epilepsy in hysteria. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, i, 401-403 -Bnignolf (G.) Di una strana nevrosi fastrica iu uu' istero-epilettica. Mem r. Accad. d. sc.d. st. di Bologna, 1891-2. 5. s., ii, 435-441.—Bin.li (I.J.) Re- port of a caseof livsteio-epil.].-y. T.-\a^ ( our.-Rec. Med., Dallas, 1803-4. xi. 191-19:1. —B vers ill 1-5, Three cases of hystero-epilepsy. Metl. & Surg lb-porter. Phila., 1891, lxiv, S12-H4.— (an in. Hysterie a forme d'epilepsie bravais-jacksonienne avec monoplegie erurale livAerique consecutive. Med. mod.. Par., 1898. ix, 065— Chariot. Etat de mal hysterique epileptiforme. Tribune n ed.. Par.. 1885, xvii, 159-162. -----. Hvsterie et epibpsie. Gaz. med.de Montreal, 1889. iii, 193-197. -----. Epibpsie, hysterie majeure etmorphinonianie combiuoes. Gaz. n ed. de Par., 1889. 7. s., vi, 337-341.—t'liri»titli» i A.) Contribu- tion k I'etude de la grande hvsterie. (ia/. meil. d'Ori.-nt, Constant., 1890-91, xxxiii, 249; 263; 283: 296; 314. — C.c- eone ( V. ) Contributo alia patogenesi della i-t. to-epi- lessia organica. Riv.vineta di sc. ined..Vt nezia. Is85. iii, 507-514.—Clark (L. P.i llepmt of two cases ot hysteria major associated with epilepsy. Buffalo M. J . l'89s-9, n.s., xxxviii, 502-5i ".—«la Co*la e Almeida (A.) Nota sobre um caso grave de grande hystei ia com heiniparesia e heinipara.sthesiaestpiei-das.etc. Count.ta metl. lst»5 xv,4i'.T; 4s0: 503.—Coiirmont i.L i Hystero -epilepsie. hen.icht.rce rythiuitpie: croiseeperiodique; pathogeuie. I.yon iii£d..l8>9, lxi, 215-227—Crocq. Ln cas d'epilepsie jacksoiuiienne hysterique (presentation du malade) Cong. fiant*. de m6d. Rapp., Par.. 1809. v. 924-931.—Delaet. Observation d'un cas d'hysteio.epilepsie. Arch med. beiges. Brux., 1885 ;.s xxviii, 164-177.—Detliy a. Bosnian*. Hysiero- epilepsi.- d'origine traumatique. Ibid.. ]wm 4. s..xv, 388- 392.- Dniialh (J./ Hystero-Epilepsie, vei nrsacht dm ch psychischen Shok. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, HYSTERO-EPILEPSY. 803 HYSTERO-EPILEPSY. Hystero-epilepsy. 1898, xxxiv, 289-291. —Ooubleday (J. S.) Report of three cases of grand hysteria. Med. News, N. Y., 1897, Ixx, 529. — Elmergre'eii (R.) Hystero-epilepsy due to pulling weight on ovaries. Clin. Rev., Chicago, 1897-8, vii, 83. — Engesser ( H.) Leber einen Fall von schwerer Hysterie. Berl. klin. "Wchnschr., 1885, xxii, 196; 216.— Forfar (J. E. ) Hystei o - epilepsy. Canad. M. Rev.. Toronto, 1897, v. 210-222—Fox (1>. B.) A case of hystero- epilepsy. Bristol M.-Chii.J., 1890, xiv. 224-231. — |.'ran- chini (A.) Sopra un caso d istero-epilessia. Gat;/.. .1. osp., Milano, 1901. xxii, 1038.— Cii ven (.LC. Mi Hystero- epilepsy with rapidly fatal issue. Brit. M. J., Lontl., 1897, ii, 1572.—OosangeiA. M.) Hystero-epilepsy. "West- minst. Hosp. Rep., Lond, 1895, ix,60-62.—Great (The) hys- tero-epileptic attack and its principal varieties. Lond. M. Rec, 1879, vii. 385-390.—CJugl (H.) Lnsere Anschati- nngen iiber Hysterie und der grosse hysterisehe Anfall. Mitth. d. Ver. tl. Aerzte in Steiermark', Graz. 1893, xxx, 177-185. AUu: Med.-chir. Centialhl.. Wien, 1893, xxviii, 425-428.—Ciiiiiion (G.I & Wollke (Soiibiei. De l'intlu- ence ties excitations tics organes ties sens snr les halluci- nations de la phase passionnelle tie l'attaque hystei ique. Arch.de neurol., Par., 1891, xxi, 346-365. — Hat In I (J.) Leber einen schweren Fall von Hvsterie. St Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1894, n. F., xi, 163-165. 1 pl. — lit inzel- uiann. Ein Fall vou Charcot'scher Hysterie. Miinchen. nied. Wchnschr., 1.-87, xxxiv 571.—Herve. Sur un cas d'hysterie a forme ps.-u.lo . |.ileptique. J. de nied. de Bor- deaux, 1898, xxviii, 44. — Iloilgdon (A. L.) A case of grand hysteria which tended srrt'atly to become a typical caseof hysterical insanity. Maryland M. J.. Bait.. 18*7-8, xviii, 48.—Hunt (C. L W.) Case of iiv-tei ...epilepsy. Australas. M. Gaz., Svtlnev. 1893, xii, 210 —Hunt i It. L.) Hystero-epilepsy.' X. Orl. M. Sc S. J., 1MI1-2, n. s., xix, 93-95.—llnlchiwOH i J.) Case of hystero-epilepsy. Prov.M. J., Leiceste1.18-0.v,401—IIyutero-Epilepsie; 1 Fall. Jahresb. ii. d. chir. Abt. .1. Spit, zn Basel T804), 1895, 12.—Ikehara [K.i .-epileps\ and hystero- | chorea of thirty years' duration; extraordinary rotatory, whirling, threshing, clapping and stamping movements. Tr. Phila. Neurol. Soc, [N. Y.J, 1891-2, i, 47.—ITIora vcik (E. E.) fjnk6ntes suggestio bystero-epilepsiiis nbinfel. i 1 Voluntary hvstero-epileptic fits in a woman. 1 Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1886, xxx, 7-9. AUo [Abstr.], transl.: I lly»tero-cpilepsy. Pest, nied.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1886, xxii, 217.— flu n n ( W. P.) Tetanoid manifestations in hysteii- cal patients. Pittsburgh M. Rev., 1890, iv, 245-249. — Murray (Grace P.) Hysterical tetany or tetanoid hys- teria. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1896, xlix, 400-404. Also: Med. Repr., Lond., 1897-8, viii, 4-7 — M iirrny (It. D.) Hys- tero-epilepsy. Indian M. Gaz., < ab-utta. 1890, xxv, 321- 323.—IMiiNiueei (N5) Istero epil.ssia da inlluonza. Riv. clin. e terap., Napoli, 1894, xvi, 402-408. -----. Un caso di istero-epilessia. Gazz. internaz. di med. prat., Napoli, 1901, iv, 84-86.—IV©ye* (W. B.) A case of concussion of the brain and hystero-epilepsy. Med. News, N. Y. 1901, Ixxix, 685-688— Parker ( G.) A case of hyMtero- epileptoid attacks, with convulsions produced by local irritation of the skin. Brain, Lontl., 1886-7, ix, 546-549.— Pillni (K. C. S.) Hysteria and hysterical tetanus. In- dian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1895, ix, 47— I'olain. Hyst.ro- epilepsie ct exostose syphilitiquo. Ga/.. d. bop. Par., 1887. lx, 309. — Pnliilo (A.) Acerca del grande histerismo. Arch, de ginec. y enferm.de la inf., Madrid, 1884, i, 17; 84; 186; 214; 248; 278; 309; 343; 374: 1885, ii, 71; 138.— Raysor (P. M.) Hystero-epilepsy; a report of two cases. Tr. Texas M. Ass., Austin, 1899, xxxi, 103-108.—Robert- son (A.) Sequel to a case of hystero-epilepay shown to the society in 1879. Glasgow M. J., 1893, xl, 375-377. AUo [Abstr.l: Lancet, Lond., 1893, ii, 1052. — Roger* (R. S.) Some remarkable phases of hysteria (trance and hystero- epilepsy. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1893, xii, 156-163.— Roneatfliolo (E.) Isterismo; accessi isteto-epilettici; spasnii tonico clonici del tliafraninia. Cron. tl. clin. med. di Genova, 18!I5-C, iii. 235-239— Konroriuii (L.) Rap- porti tra isterismo ed epilessia. Clin. mod.. Pisa, 1896, ii, 381-385.—Rinnmo (G.) Modalita cliniche del grande isterismo odell' istero epilessia. Riforma med., Napoli, 1889, v, 1634. -----. Siudrome convulsiva isterica ed epi- lettica; tipi convulsivi isterici non comnni. Ibid., 1896, xii, pt. 4, 808: 1897, xiii, pt. 1, 1 ; 62. Also: Terap. clin., Napoli, 1897, vi. 1; 14. — Rybalkin. Vertigo auralis hysterica; zur Frage der Haruverantlerungeii nach An- fallen der grande hysterie. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh., Leipz., 19U0, xvii, 199-208.—Satnllo (S.) Intorno ad un caso d' isterismo e di epilessia riflessa e consecutive affe- zioni oculari transitorie da amenoi lea verginale. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1900, xxi, 280-282.—Savill. A case of hys- tero-epilepsy with persistent contracture, analgesia, and anaesthesia, limited to the tipper extremity. Tr. Clin. Soc. Loud., 1888-9. xxii 138-145. AUo [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond., 1889, i. 329. — Sichaffer (K.) Hysterias "petit mal" ket esete. [Two cases of hysterical "petit mal".] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1890, xxxiv, 230. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1890, xxvi, 629.—Slchciber (S. H.) Ein schwerer Fali von Hystero- epilepsie. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1895, xxxi, 396-399.—Sebwarz (F.) Hysteroepilepsie nach Exstir- pation eines Adenoma aus der Portio vaginalis. Wien. med. Bl., 1888. xi, 715— Sierra y Kenna*ar (G.) Un casc.de epilepsia de origen liist.rico. Lev. balear de cien. med., Palma de Mallorca. 18'.i7,xiii. 481-4s9. —Sin i Hi (R.T.) [A case of hystero-epilepsy.] Brit. Gvuajc. J., Loud., 1889-90, v, 69-78—Siiencn* (P.) Obthictionsbefund bei einem Fall von Hystero-Epilepsie. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1901-2, xxxv,'542-540, 1 pl— Tebalili (A.) Sopra una rara forma di accessi istero-cpilettici sopravvenuti a gtaudi distanze di tempo. Arch. ital. per le mal. nerv., Milano, 1891, xxviii, 12-24. AUo. transl..- Alieni-t \ Neu- rol, St. Louis, 1891, xii, 330-340.—TboniMon (II. H.) A case of hvstoro-cpilepsv simulating status epilepticus ". Brit. M.J., Lond., 1897, ii, 464.-Timiii.*ki (S. L.) Slut bai hystero epilepsia;. Pioli.k. /asaid. Dinaburg. metl. Obsb. (lH8.'-3), 1881, i, 17-20.—Valiule. Eveil d'un etat de mal l)yst6ro cpiloptique a la sniie tl tine operation ehi- rurgicale u\ ec anesthesic. Bull. Soc elin.de Par. (1883), 18*4, vii, 221-225. — Vaniler Veer (A.) Hystero-epi- lepsy, with report ol cases. Tr. M. Soc. N. V., Phila., 1892; 182-190. Also, Reprint. Also: Am. Gynec J., Toledo. 1802. ii, 225-233.—Verbrii«ge (It.) Ln cas de grand.- In. st.-ric. Aim. Soc. de metl. ile (land, 1899, lxxviii, 4o-49.—Vittio, genialita ed istero-epilessia. Arch, tli psicliiat. [etc.J, Torino, 1899, x.x, 528-512. —Voimin (J.) Hystero Cpilepsie a crises distinctes; 6tat mental particu- lier entie bs acc^s. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1891, lxiv. 137- 139.— Voi*in (A.) Attanues convulsives hystero epi- leptiques; vertiges suivis ue <161ire et d'hallucinations; b\ l.notisine ohtcnu par le miroir rotatif; gut5rison. Rev. de 1 hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1894-5, ix, 22-24.— V iiliailinovic (R. J.) Ein Fail hysterischer mit Taub- heit verbnnilener Aphasie nach einem hysteroepilepti- scben A n falle. Wien. med. Presse, 1895, xxxvii, 287; 323.— WiJMinan (J. W. H.) Een geval van hysterie op- tredend als Jackson's epilepsie. Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. Nederl. Indie, Batav., 1889, xxviii, 239-247.—Wilmaers. Hyst6ro-epilepsie traumatique; hypnotisme. Arch. metl. beiges, Brux., 1893, 4. s., ii, 153-166.—Wilson (A.) A case of hystero epilepsy with dual consciousness. Tr. Clin. Soc.Loud., 1895-6,' xxix, 230. HYSTERO-EPILEPSY. 804 HYSTEROKRHAPHY. Hystero-epilepsy (Diagnosis of). Berard (0.) * Considerations sur l'hysterie simulant l'cpilepsie et snr les signes qui petiyent servir au diagnostic diff6rentiel. 8C. Toulouse, 1896. Saixt-Albix (L.) # Des fugues inconscientes hysteriques et diagnostic differentiel avec Fau- tonintisme de l'6pilepsie. 4°. Paris, 1890. Bonjour. Le diagnostic difierentiel des crises hys- teriques et des crises 6pileptiques. Rev. med. de" la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1896, xvi. 7,S-,s2.—Charcot. Diag- nostic de l'6tat de mal hysterique et de 1 etat de mal epileptique; eternuements hysteriques; hysteiie t!6ve- lopp6e sous l'influence de pratique de spii itisme. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1885, lvi, 151-155 —Olatz, L'hvst6rie peut-elle simuier l'epil.psie jacksounienne? Lyon med., 1891, lxvii, 286-288. —Mairet. Un cas de coexistence d'hysterie et d'epilepsie; diaguostic differen- tiel avec l'bystero-epilepsie ou hysterie epileptiforme. Mercredi meil., Par., 1892, iii. 401-403.—Patrick (H. T.) The diagnosis of hystero-epilepsv. N. Am. Pract., Chicago, 1896, viii, 29l'-296.v Also: Tr. Illinois M. Soc, Chicago, 1896, 224-232. — Simek (J.) Ocni poruchy u hysterie; pfispevek k differencidlni diagnose hysterie a epilepsie. [Eye troubles in hysteria; a contribution to the differential diagnosis of hysteria and epilepsy. 1 Casop. | lek. cesk., v Praze, 1900, xxxix, 505; "95—Steirens (P.) Ueber Hystero-Epilepsie; ein Beitrag zur Kennt- niss der Lebergaugsformen zwischen Hysterie und Epilepsie. Arch. f. Psychiat.. Berl., 1900, xxxiii, 929-938. Also: Jahrb. d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst. 1897-8. Hamb. u. Leipz., 1900, vi, 448-457. AUo: Mitt. a. d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst., 1900, ii, 448-457. -----. Leber drei Falle vou Hysteria magna; ein Beitrag zur Ilifferential- diagnose zwischen Hysteria uud Epilepsie. Arch. 1". Psychiat, Berl., 1900, xxxiii. 892-928.— Voisin (J.) Fugues inconscientes chez les hysteriques; automatisme ambulatoire: diagnostic differentiel entre ces fugues et les fugues epileptiques. Cong, internat. de m6d. ment. C. r. 1889, Par., 1890. 146-160. — Wheelock (K. K.) Report of cases of hystero-epilepsy in which climax of seizure is expressed by discharge of blood through the intact external auditory canal. Tr. Indiana M.- Soc, Logansport, 1901, 240-248. AUo [Abstr.] : Am. Med., Phila., 1901, ii, 181. Hystero-epilepsy (Treatment of). Albcrtoni (P.) La duboisina negli accessi istero- epilettici. Gazz. tl. osp., Milano. 1892, xiii, 1062. —Bara- «luc. De la disparitiou des zones hysterogenes de la colouneau point de vue dutraitementde la grande hvsterie. Bull. Soc. tie m6d. tie Par. (1883), 1884, xviii, 51-57.— Itarreito Pragiu'r (A.) Hysteria grave; cura pela psychotherapist sugirestiva. Gaz. nied. da Bahia, 1894-5, 4. s., v, 97-ln."..—]{ela (X.) A hyoscin patdsa a hystero- epilepsids roham ellen. [Action of hyoscin in hystero- epileptic attacks.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1893, xxxvii, 484; 498; 513; 524. AUo, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest, rued.- chir. Presse, Budapest, 1894, xxx, 172; 197.—Belfiorc (G.) Ln caso di isteria grave guarito con la suggestione alio di veglia. Gior. di clin., terap. e nied. pubb., NAipoli, 1890, xxi, 295-301. AUo, Reprint.—Bermejillo (A.) Histero-epilepsia. I. Accesos de v6rtigo 6 hipo, cousti- tuyendose m&s tarde en estado tie mal. II. Ataques con- vulsivos de histero-epilepsia. III. Metaloscopia y metalo- terapia. IV. Tratamiento consecutivo; curacion. Siulo m6d., Madrid, 1885, xxxii, 344: 358.—Bonaniaisoii iL.l Quelques cas de grande hysterie trait6s avec succes par l'hydrotherapie. Montpel. nied., 1891, 2.8., xvi, 57-72.— Bourdon. Applications variees de la suggestion chez nue livstero-epileptiqne. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par., 1891-2, vi, 358-360.—Bnrot. Grande hysterie gu6rie par I'emploi de la suggestion et de l'auto- suggestiou. Rev. de l'hvpnot. exper. et therap., Par., 1886-7, i, 355-359. — Caliari (C.) Contributo alia cura dell' istero-epilessia colla castrazione. Cliu. chir., Milano, 1895, iii, 120-12A —C'anilia (F.) L' azione curativa della correute galvanica intrauterina (metodo Apostoli) nel- 1' isterismo convnlsivo, dipendente da processo inrianmia- torio cronico dell' utero e degli anncssi. Atti d. Soc. ital. di ostet. e ginec. 1894, Poggihonsi, 1895, i, 25-31.— Cnaciani (P.) La chinina neile convulsioni isteriche ed istero-epilettiche. Sperimentale. Coniunicaz. e ri\T., Firenze, 1892, 127-137.—Cattani (C.) & Scliivarili (P.) Caso di isteria major cou manifestazioni varie trattato coll' ipnotismo. Gazz. tl. osp.. Xapoli, 1890, xi, 763-765.— Del Torto (O.) Attacco istcrico-epilettico-monopl gia brachiale destra; afasia; disfagia; angionevrosi isterica; guarigione con la terapia suggestiva. Ipnotismo, Firenze 1893, iv, 81-85. — Discuamon on removal of the uterine appendages for hystero-epilepsv. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y.. Phila., 1892. Is2-2i')2.—Doilge (C. L.) Hystero-epilepsy B'iccesst'ullv treated with chloride of gold and sodium. Med. .t Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1888. lviii, 266-268.— Ducloux (P.) Histoire d'une hysterique bypuotisable Hystero-epilepsy (Treatment of). (hystero-epilepsie h forme somnambulique) traitee et guerie par la ni6tallnth6rapie. Montpel. med., 1890, 2. s., xiv, 293-313.— Ekatein. Ueber einen durch Hypnose geheilten Fall von Hystero-Epilepsie mit Delirium cordis. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1898, xxiii, 489.—von Estieii (G.) Hysterian ,ja teeskeuuellyn epilepsian tapaus paranncttu radikaalikeinolla. [Simulated hystero-epilepsy; radical cure by hot irons.] Duodecim, Helsingissa, 1888, iv, 34-36.__ Feilerici (N.) Laparotomia in forma isterica gravissi- nia. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1899, xx, 67-70.—Ferraml. Ln cas d'hystero-epilepsie traitee par l'elcctricite igu.-ri- son). Limousin med., Limoges, 1897. xxi, 54-56.-(Jailz. yatski (F.) Sluchai izliecheniya isteio-epibptic beskikh pripatlkov vnusheniemnayavu. [Hystem-epilepticattacks cured bvopen suggestion.] Protok. zasaid. Kavkazk.tned. Obsh., tiflis, 1895-6, xxxii,733-738.—«areia Alonao (U.) Histerismo grave, notahlemente aliviado por el hipnotismo. Correo m6d. castellano, Salamanca, 1888, v, 241-249.— Hamilton (A. McL.) Hystero-catalepsy iu a male; at- tacks suspended hv testicular pressure. Brain, Lond., 1885-6, viii, 528-531. — Iacontini (G.) Nota terapiea sulla cura dell' istero-epilessia. Gior. di neuropatol.. Xa- poli, 1885. iii, 178-184. -----. Di un metodo di cura dell' is- tero-epilessia. Ibid., 1887, v, 352-378. — von Ki-nllt- Ebing (R.) Zur Suggestivbehandlung tier Hysteiia gravis. Ztschr. f. Hypnot. [etc.J, Leipz., 1896, iv] 27-:!l. Also, in Ms: Arb. a. d. Gesammtgeb. d. Psvchiat. u. Neu- ropath., Leipz., 1897,2. Hft., 181-185.—I.ove (Minnie C. T.) Report of a cured case of hystero-epilepsv. Tr. Colorado M. Soc, Denver, 1899, 313-3*16.—.11 a lone (L. A.) Report of a case of hystero-epilepsv cured by operative interfer- ence. Tri-State M. J.. Keokuk, 189314. i, 201-204. — Mo- ra vesik (E. E.) Nehdny gyakorlati raegjegv zes a bysteri- ciirdl6s hypnotismusrol egy castrdlt hystero epilepsias eset kapcs£n. [Some practical observations on hysteria and hypnotism in connection with a case of castrated hystero- epilepsy.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1889. xv xiii,365; ;;78 : 390. AUo, transl [Abstr.J: Pest. nied.-chir. Presse. Budapest, 1889, xxv, 889; 918. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Herl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1890, xxvi, 25; 54.—iTIorieourl. Hysteria major; paraplegie et vomissements nerveux in.-oen-ibles datant de cinq ans, crises nerveuses, etc.: gut-risen par lor. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1892, lxv, 371-374.—.\rbon iD. T.) Oophorectomy during preirnancv for hystero-epilepsy. Med. News,'Pbila., 1890, lvi, 465-467. Also, Reprint.— Perez itlirw (A.) Histero-epilepsia; amaurosis; afonia y disfnnia tratados con 6xito por la sugestidn en vigilia 6 hipndtica. Crdn. med.-quir. de la Habana, 1888, xiv. 20- 28.—Pitres (A.) Traitement des attaques convulsives hysteriques. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1890, iv, 585-588. AUo: Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1891, xii, 15.—Politi-FIamini (C.) Ln caso di istero- epilessia tipica, trattato colla psicoterapia. Gazz. d. osp., Milano. 1900. xxi, 282. — Kainalili (R.) Istero-epilessia con febbre isterica; ipnotismo terapeutico; guarigione. Med. contemp., Napoli, 1887, iv, 573-589.—Beina y .Mar- tin (E.) Caso de histero-epilepsia curado por incision ile la pulpa tlel dedo indice de la tnano derecha. Lev. med. de Sevilla, 1891, xvii, 329. Schwartz (J.) Hochgradige Hysterie; aiinstiger Erfolg dnrch Scliwelelbader. Inter- nat. klin. Rundschau, Wien, 1888, ii, 937-939—de Sejjny. Hystero epilepsie compliquee de choree; traitement par le bromure de potassium, l'arsenic et les pulverisations d'6- tber; guerison en deux mois. Boll. g6n. de th6rap. [etc.], Par., 1883, cv, 118-122. AUo: Med. contemp., Par., 1884, xxv, 522-525. — Sims (H. M.) Hystero-epilepsy; report of seven cases cured by surgical tieatnicnt. Tr. Ant. Gvnec. Soc, Pbila., 1893, xviii, 282; 298. AUo: Am. J. Oiist., N. Y., 1893, xxviii, 80-88—Sollier (P.) Attaques d'hystero-enilepsie supprimees par suggestion liypiioti.ine. Progi-es med.. Par., 1887, 2. s.. vi, 291-293.—Terrien • K l Grande isteria con crisi convulsive; contratture, sordita-, cecita; tlolori all'ovaia; guarigione coll' ipnotismo. Ip- notismo, Firenze, 1894, v, 163.—White (W. H.) Clinical lecture on a case of severe hysteria treated by massage, isolation, and overfeeding. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1887, ii, 232. Hystero-epilepsy in children. See Hysteria iw children. Hystero-epilepsy in the male. See Hysteria i»i the male; Hysteria in soldiers. Hysterogenoiis zones or spots. See Hysteria (Diagnosis, etc., of); Hysteria (Manifestations of ) by disorders of sensation; Hys- tero-epilepsy (Treatment of). Hysteroplione. See Pessaries. Hysterorrhaphy. * See Uterus-cervix (Fissures, etc., of, Operations I for). EYSTEROSCOPE. 805 HYVINKAAK llv*teroscope. ' See Speculums (Uterine). Hv*terotomes. * »t Uterus-cervix (Incisions of'). Hysterotomy. * .Set Ceesarean section; Uterus (Surgery of). Hy«tri\. * See Porcupine. Hvtlie. ^ , 7 See Dispensaries (Descriptions, etc., of), by lo- calities. II vtier (Jean-Arthur). * De la tuberculose du rebord orbitaire inferieur. 43 pp., 1 1. fJ. Paris, 1897, No. 611. Hyvcriiat (Paul). * Du pouvoir ost6oircne de la nioelle osseuse. 53 pp., 11. 4°. Lyon, 1884, No. 243. Ilyvornaud (Charles) [1HI',6- ]. * Quelques recherches sur les attaques de sommeil hysteri- que. 58 pp. 4°. Paris, 1892, No. 206. IIyvornaiul (Joseph) [isti*2- ]. * Du trai- fenient des cancroi'des par le chlorate de potasse. 4:! pji. 4-. Paris, 18*7, No. 196. Ilyv«'i't (Roger). "Contribution h l'6tude histo- ric ue et s6m6iohigique des d61ires religieux. Ifi7 pp., 1 1. 8'c Paris, 1899, No. 168. -----. Vade-mecuni de poche du jeune prati- cien el des remplacants. 223 pp., 1 1. 16°. Paris, A. Maloine, 1900. Hy viukaan parantola. [Hyvinge sanatorium.] 11. 4-. [Helsingfors, Centraltryckeri, 1896.] Finnish and Swedish text. I. see Blondet. A dissertation on the epidemical dis- temper [etc.]. 8°. London, 1751. I*Ansoil (Thomas Francis) [182.V1KS]. Obituary. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 18l>8 ii. Too. Iarca (Georoes N.) [l-*»''">- J. * Contribution a I'etude de l'appendicite pendant la grossesse et les suites de couches. 74 pp. •*>". Paris, 1-9-, No. 136. later [|imi«I.]. An essay concerning pestilen- tial contagion; occasional by the distemper now raging among the cattle. With a method pro- posed to prevent its progress. 72 pp. 8-. Lon- don, J. Whiston, 1718. [P., v. 1335.] By John Davis. latraleptie method. See, also. Inunction. Breka (V. L.) Programma del modo d' agire Bill corpo muano per mezzo di frizioui fatte con Baliva od altri umori animalizzati, e colle vario -ostanze, che all'ordinario si soinministrano in- ternameute, recitato nell' aula dell' Universita di Pavia. 3. ed. Rc. Pacta, 1797. van* C'OOTH (C. J.) Coinmeiitatio ad ques- tiouem medicam a nobilissima facilitate medica Academia; Rbeno-Trajectinse, anno lS'.l. propo- sitam : Coniparetur applicatio reinediortim exter- norum cuti integrte cnm nietboilo hodiernorum in curaudishominuinmorliis intends, expouendis fuudamentis anatoiiiico-physiologirig, et obser- vationibus fide dignis, quibus utraqne methodus nititur. Pramiio ornata, die 26 Marthi anno 1-52. -c. [Utrecht, 1-34.] de S'»t"SA Pixto (A. J.) Retlexoes sobre o methodo iatraleptico, ou modo de administrar os remedios pelo systema cutaneo, em que se mostra que os inedicainentos administrudos assim silo mais emcazes em miiitos casus, e com maior seguranca, do que tornados internameiite, e de hum grande recuiso naquclles casus par- ticulars em que a diyluciio seja difticil, ou o enfermo tetiha repugnancia. -■ -. Lisboa, 1819. Ciiulio (C.) Sngli effetti di alcuni riniedj dist iolti nel snto gastrico, o saliva, applicati esteriorruente al eorjio ntnano, secondo il nnovo metodo del dott. Chiarenti di Firenze, con varieannotazioni flsiologiche. Gior. per serv. a. storia rag. d. nied., Venezia. 17!»9, xii, 371, pt. '2, 10*. Iatrico (L'). Foglio 5' igiene popolare e d' in- tere-si locali e professionali inedieo-farmaotu- tici e veterinari in Valdiuierole, diretto ilal dott. UgoMariaui. v. 1-2, 1-87--. 8°. Peseta. Ended. Iatrika -apayyi'/./iaTa ev naipiJ -yo'/ioeic [ Transl. from: "Reiclisanzeiger".] 16pp. 8-. 'Abgveu, l"92. Hound with: TaXr\v'o^, 'AflJjvai, 1K9L', xxii, 1108. 35-36. latrike 'Erapeia iv ■ Aftrjvaic. Kavovtaubg rge; ev 'AHfjvuir v~b r/,v Tporrreioiav ri/C A. M. Toe fiaaikiuc Hboji'ii 'laTpmf/r Erapuae,. lo pp. -'. 'Adgvai, lr.".-. IBEN. Iatl'ike np6oihc, unviaiov —epical mov avyypdygia, 'iKdidouivov Kai Auovvofievov i--b 'lu. A. Qovordvov. v. 2-7, 1^97-1902. 4°. 'Ev Ivpcj. Current. Want no. 2, v. 4. Iatl'ik.OS /ii/rvri.ip. AtudrrevOgfiepog e-mar-gfioviKg eifingepic. [Edited by S. A. Rokkos.] v. 1, 1901. 4°. 'Adi/vai. Current. latrol. Carrier (A. E.) Antiseptics and germicides, with reports of fifteen cases treated with iatrol. St. Lonis M. Era, 1895-6, v, no. 3, 7-17. Iatroiiieelianism. Pinto (G.) Alfonso Borelli e la medicina jatromec- canica in Italia nel secolo xvii. Ball. d. r. Accad. med. di I Koma, lfSl vii, 28; 130. latl'OS [pseud.]. Die Vivisection, ihr wissen- scliaftlichen Werth und ihre ethische Berechti- gnng. 104 pp. 8-. Leipzig, J. A. Barth, 1877. Iatl'OtecllllMS lpseud.~\. Tractatus schedius de }ieste, i|iio ejus natura, causae, signa, prophy- laxis et methodus curandi ostendniitur, ac palani limit. Anthore Jatrotechno, tenia? pestia observatioues authoptice experto. 2 p. 1., -^ pp. Hi:. Viennce. Austria?, typ. ('. Lercheri, 1710. lb&iiez (Gabriel) [1^72- ]. *Die Nomen- klatur der Hirnwindungen. 35 pp., 2 1. <--. Berlin, E. Ebering, 1899. IbaiTOla (Pablo Antonio). Memoria em que se prova que as feridas de pelouro, on de annas de fogo sao poi si innocentes, e simplest), sua cura. Tirada de castelliano ein linguaceni e augmen- tada com algumas notas, poi Manoel Joaquim Henriques dt* Paiva. 5 p. 1., 78 pp. 16°. Lis- boa, 1^00. [P., v. 1263.] Si-e, aUo, Peine* (Agustin) [in 1. 8.]. Disertacion acerca del venladero earaeter y metodo curativo tie las heridas de annas de fuego [etc.]. 16°. Madrid, 1797. Ibbetson ((ifeorgi'l Afugustus]). Dental snr- ferv : a lecture. 35 pp. - . London, Walton j- faberly, 1-60. [P., v. 21'.»3.] Ibholson (J. S.) A Kmi> (\V. Gordon M.) Irritative or reflex trismus. 1 pp. -""'1 Phila- delphia. 1895. Ui-jir from: Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1896, xxxviii. VOll Ib«'ll(R.) Ueber Rrunnen- und Badekuren. Ein Heitrag zum alloviiieiiiereii Versiiudniss ihrer Heileutung. 28 pp. H-". Wiesbaden, C. Hitler, 187,8. Ibcil (Heinrich Karl) [1H6U- ]. * 1'eber die Missbildungen der knoohernen Nasonscheide- wand 22 pp., 1 1. H^. Kiel, H. lieneke, 1-91. ■ b(*ll (Otto). Tabellariscbe Zusainineiistellung der Ausgabebestiminungeu, Wasserpreise, Bedin- gungen fiir die HerstHlung der Hausleitungeit, sowie der ortspolizeilichen Vorschriften fiir die Wasserversorgung ven 137 Stiidten. Bearbeitet im Auftrage der Commission fiir Wasserstatistik. 1 p. 1., 581 pp. 4°. Munchen .)'• Leipzig, li. Olden- bourg, 1895. 807 IBENER. 808 ICE. Ibciier (Erich). Ein Fall von Pero- und Amelie. 22 pp. 8°. Miinchen, J. F. Lehmann, 1891. Miinchen. med. Abhandl., 8. Hft. Iberia (La) mexlica. Periodico oficial de la Aca- demia quirurgica Matritense y del Cuerpo m6- dico-forense de Madrid, dirigido por Andre's del Busto y Lopez. [Issued six times a month.] v. 1-2, April 5, 1857, to Dec. 30, 16b*. fol. Ma- drid. July 7, 1859, merged in: Gspaiia (La) in6dica. Iberti. Observations g6n6rales sur les h6pitaux, suivies d'un projet d'hopital; avec des plans de- tailhSs, r^dig^set dessin6s par Delannoy. 73 pp., 3pl. 8°. Londres, 1786. [P., v. 1998.] Ibillg (Wilhelm) [1,865- ]. *Ein seltener Fall von Papilloma lymphangioiiiatosuni nach Trauma. 37 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, A. Boegler, 1901. Ibis. Savigny (J.-C.) Histoire naturelle et niytho- logique de l'ibis. 8-. Paris, 1805. Iblitz (Friedrich Wilhelm Arnold) [1869- ]. "Koniint Pupillendifferenz auch bei Lenten vor, welche nieht augen- oder nervenkrauk sind? 53 pp. 8°. Bonn, J. Bach Wive., 1893. Ibn Sinn. See Avicenna. I bog a and ibogain. Dybowski (J.) ct l.aiKlrin (E.) Sur l'iboga, sur ses propriety excitantes, sa composition, et stir l'alcaloide nouveau qu'il reuferme, l'ibogalne. [Abstr.] Conii>t. rend. Acad. d. sc, l'ar.,.1901, exxxiii, 948-950.—Lambert(M.) Sur l'action physiologique de l'ihoga. Cotnpt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1901, 11. s., 1096. — Lnmbert (M.) Sc Meckel. Sur la racine d'iboga et l'ihogine. Compt. rend. Acad.d. sc, Tar., 1901, exxxiii, 1230-1238.—Phisa- lix (C.) Action physiologique de l'iboga'ine. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1901, 11. s., iii, 1077-1081. Ibrahim (Aly Bey Ramis). *Zur Kenntniss der akuten gelben Leberatrophie. insbesondere der dabei beobachteteu Regeiieratioiisvorgiiuge. 31 pp. 8°. Miinchen, J. F. Lehmann, 1901. Ibrelisle (Joseph-Maximilien) [1786-1865]. *Du froitl et de son action sur l'tSconomie animale. 1 p. 1., 28 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, Levvault, 1810. Ibrelisle (R.-A.) *De l'accouchement non na- tural par vice de conformation du de"troit supe- rieur. 1 p. 1., 18 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, an XI (1803), No. 84. Ibsen (Henrik) [1828- J. li runic (M.) Ibsen tlriluniinak fobh alakjai psychopa- thologiai viliigitiishan. [Uu the psychopathic elucidation of the higher forms of Ibsen's dramas. ] Magy. orv. lapja, Budapest, 1901, i, 7: 1902, ii, 121; 137. Also [ Abstr.]: Orvos. lapja, Budapest, 1901, xii, 609-612.—rVordau (M.) L'lh- s6uisnie. In his: U6g6n6rescence, 8°, Par., 1894, ii, 170- 360. AUo, transl. in his: Degeneration, 8°, N. T., 189."). :i:;8-4i4. Ibsen (I.) Atiatomiske un«lers0gelser over 0rets labyrinth. Afs'uttet af forfatieien i 1846, nu ndgivet paa Carlsberg fondets bekostning ved Dr. P. L. Panuni. [Anatomical examinations of the labyrinth of the ear. Written by the au- thor in 1^4(i, and now published at the expense of the Carlsberg fund by Dr. P L. Pauuiii.] 3 p. 1., 56, xiv pp., 1 1., 6 pl. roy. 4°. Kjobenhavn, H. Hagerup, 1881. Ira. See Small-pox (History, etc., o/\ by localities. Icard (Honor e-Joseph) [1834/-1900]. | Biography.! Lyon iu6d., 1900, xciv, 253-258.—Ne- crologie. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1900, 11. s., iii, 304. Icard (Sdverin) [1860- ]. * Contribution a I'etude de l'6tat psychique de la femme pendaut la pe"riode menstruelle, consider^ plus sp6ciale- nient dans ses rapports avec la morale et la me- decine 16gale. 280 pp. 4°. Paris, 16"9, No. 32. -----. The same. La femme pendant la |.6riode menstruelle; entitle de psychologic morbide et de medecine legale, xiv, '2*5 pp. •-'-. Paris, F. Alcan, 1699. Icard (So"vcrin)—continued. -----. L'aliinentation des nouveau-no's, hygiene de l'allaitement artiticiel. Ouvrage couronne' par l'Acade'mie de medecine (prix de l'hygiene de 1'enfance 1891) et par la Societe protectrit-e de 1'enfance de Paris (m6daille de vermeil 1892). xxviii, 327 pp. 12°. Paris, F. Alcan, 1691. -----. La niort r6elle et la mort appareute. Nouveaux procedes de diagnostic et traitenient de la niort appareute. Ouvrage recompense' par l'lnstitut (conconrs Dusgate, 1-9.")). xii, 304 pp. 16°. Paris, F. Alcan, 1897. Icaza (J. Ranidn). * Breve estudio acerca de la periostitis aguda diftisa, y su mejor trata- miento. 31 pp. 8°. Mexico, I. Escalante, 1878. Ice. See, also, Cold (Artificial production of). Lebeaupin (A.-J.) * Des applications de glace sur l'abdomen; e"tude clinique. 8c Bordeaux, 1696. Anderson (L. B.) Therapeutic value of ice. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1885, 3. a., i, 367-369. — Kiche (A.) Emploi de la glace dans l'aliinentation. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1893, 3. s., xxx, 47-7*. AUo [Abstr.]: Rec. d.trav. Comit6 con- sult, d'hyg. pub. de France 1893, Melon, 1894, xxiii, 163- 165.—StoroscliefF(H.) Die physiologische Wirkung ties Eises nach russischen Untersuchungen. Bl. f. kliu. Hy- drotherap., Wien, 1899, ix, 49-54. Ice (Artificial). See, also, Food (Preservation of). Cincinnati Ice Machine Co. Sole makers of the De Coppet absorption machine for making artificial ice aud refrigerating. Successors in refrigerating machinery to the Blymyer Manu- facturing Co. 8c Cincinnati, 1667, Malapert (P.-P.) Memoire sur la congela- tion artificielle de l'eau, et sur le moyen de trans- porter la glace pendant les chaleurs. 8 . Poi- tievs, \6.\5. -----. Congelation artificielle de l'eau, nou- vel appareil pre"sent6 a la Socie^ de medecine de Poitiers, h sa seance du 9 mai 183-5 8c Poi- tiers, 1838. Mi'rray (The) Iron Works Co. Manufactur- ers of ice jind refrigerating machines. Catalogue 29. *J. Burlington, Iowa, [». d.~\. Anton (K.) Eis- und Kaltluftlagen und ihre gesund- heitliche l.edeutuug. Gesundheit, Leipz., 1900, xxv, 87- 89.—Christomaiios (A.) Ueher kiinstliches Eis von hygienischein Stau.lpuukte. Cong, internat. d'hvg. et ile demog. C. r. 1894. Budapest, 1896, viii, pt. 4, 122—Fer- ■laid (F. A.) Ice-making and maehine refiigetation. Pop.Sc. Month.. :N5 Y., 1891, xxxix, 19-30.—Flenss. Eine neue Eis- untl Kiihlmasehine fiir Handhetrieli. Illust. Monatsehr. d. arztl. Polyteeh., Berl., 1900, xxi, 102-104 — Keport upon artificial ice. Kep. Bd. Health Mass. 1891- 2, Bust., 1893. xxiv, 591-598.—ScIim ackhofer (K.) Die kiinstliche Erzeuguug von Eis nnd Kalte. Oesterr. arztl. Vereinsztg., Wien, 1890, xiv, 278; 300; 322.—Selfe (N.) The machinery employed for artificial refrigeration and ice making, j. & Proc. ltoy. Soc. N. South Wales, Sydney, Lond., 1897, xxxii-lxxiii. Ice (Bacteriology of). Cattkrina (G.) Esame micro-batteriologico istituito sopra il ghiaecio di un anno della citta di Padova. 8°. Padova, 1897. liepr. from: Atti d. Soc. Veneto-Trentina di sc. nat. Bordoni Ulfrrduzzi ((5) L' esame biologico del ghiaecio in rappoito eon la pubblica igiene. Gior. d. Soc. ital. d'ig.. Milano, 1887, ix, M3-824. AUo, transl: Ceo- tralhl. f. Bacteriol. u. Parasiteuk., Jena, 1887, ii, 489-497.- Itujwid (().) Sur des bacteries irouvees dans la grele. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1887, i, 592.— Dominguez (S.) Sc ^'nldmnbidc. Bacterias del hielo. An asist pub., Buenos Aires, 1891-2. ii, 213; 263.—Friinkel (('.) Ueber den Bacteiieuut-lialt des Eises. Ztschr. f. Hyg., Leipz., 1886, i, 302-314. — Friedman (G. I ) Rezultati bakteriologicheskavo (koliehestveniiavo) izslledovanla Ida yestestvennavo : iskusstvennavo, dostavlyayemavo na odessku.\u bakteriologicheskuyu stantslu. [Result** of quan titative bacteriological examinat'on of icebothnatur.il and artificial, brought to ihe Odessa baeteriological station] Yuzhno russk. med. simz., Odessa, 1896, v, 257-259. —Cii- la nl ((' ; i Itordnv (F.) Analyses chuniiiues et bar- teriologiques ties gl.io scousomni6esaPari8. Ann.d'hyg ICE. 809 ICHTHALBIN. Ice (Bacteriology of). Par.. 1893, 3. s., xxx', 78-87—.Inrltson (('. Q.I Bacteria in ite, especially in their relation to Uphold fever. Proe. Am. Soe. Micr., Buffalo. 18s9. xi, 70-*!.- Korolcnko lN. A.) Izslleilovanie Ida v baktei iolc.L:icliesk.'iii i kliinii- cheskoni otiioshenii v g. Nihola\ evle. [ Examination of ice iu bacteriological and chemical relations in the city of Nikolayev.) Med. prihav.kmorsk. shnruiku. St. Peter'sb 1894, pt. 2, 117-129.—Kroell (S. K.i Teher Bakterien iiu Eissi'hrank. Arch. I. idl. Gsndhtsplig.. Strassb., 1894-,") xvi. 184-187.— PaNsigli (15) 11 ghiaecio resist,, alia peiietra/ioii.- d i hatteri? Pratico, Kiren/e. 1 s'.n.l-UMO, v, ,">1:; ">19.— I'rutlilcn iT. M.) On bacteria in ice, and their relations to .hx.ise, with special leference to the ice-sup- ply of New York City. Med. Kec., N. Y.. 1887. xxxi, 341 • 3li'9. Also, Keprint— KiikkcII ill. I.) Prcliinii.arv oli- servations on the bacteria in ice from I.ake Men'dota, Madison, Wis Meil. News. Phila., 1889. lv. 169-173. AUo, Kepi int.— Scotonc tl..) Ksanie hatteriologico di neve e ghiaecio. Arch, per le sc. mod.. Torino, 1897 xxi, 437-441 Ice (Impurities and domination of). See. also, Ice (lUieteriolugy of). Fkitzsciik (A.) * rnlersuchuugen iiher die J i.t>nalitiit des Wiirzb urge r Natur-und Kunsteises. Wiir:burg, 1-95. Giacosa. Risposta till' iinalisi dei ghiacci na- turale ed artitii i tie, fat fa dai Signori Koruer e (ialiba. **?. Milano, 1-99. Mabillk(L.) Etude d'hygiene publique. La glace daus l'aliinentation. Dangers de la glace naturelle. (Des cau.iux, riviens, lacs.) \2^. Paris, l'.tnl. Odell (The) ice pond. What the grand jury present in tlie bill of indictment. Affidavits of distinguished physicians and experts, showing ! iliat the Willsea Brook is in fact an open sewer, and that septic aud malarial poison is necessa- rily developed by the overflowing of the adja- cent nieadowland. ~?. yew Yovk, 1-79. Saint John. New Brunswick. Special report ofthe commissioners of sewerage and water sup- ply, for the city of Saint John and towu of Port- land, on the formation of anchor ice, by the su- perintendent, Gilbert Murdoch, C. E. 8C. Saint John, 1 — 1. Blarkiiiioil ("W. R. D.) Ice; lioiv to obtain it pure. Med. Bull.. Phila.. 1893, xv, 2.19-262. — Konkoimki (C.) bey. Hygiene ,le la consonunation de la glace et ile la in ig.- a Constantinople. Rev. med.-pharm., Cousiant., I---, i, 81-'■•1 -Dunbar • F A.) Impute ice. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1894, exxx, 261-2i;;.-Green (Mary E.) Water and ice. Proc. San. I'onvent. C'li.nlotte 1894, Lansing, 1895. 111-115.—Gruber iM.i feber .l.-n Handel mit Eis. Oesterr. San.-Wes., Wien, 1900, xii. 265-20- —Ilcvroth (A.) feber den Keiiilichkeitszustaiid ties natiirlielien nnd knnstlichen Kise-. Arh. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte. li.-tl . ls-8. iv, 1-27. —Hill ill. W.) An investigation ot the Boston ice supply I'..~t..n M. A: S. .1.. 1901. cxiv, 557-5**1.—Ice. K.-p. Bd. If.-;.1th Io'.i,, Des Moines. 1891, Si-II.-Khi. ■■■toll if I. i S.tiutary inspection and analysis ol i. .-. K'-p. Jl«p. He;,1th 1895-6, (.'hieai'O. 1897. 215-221 - l.aili. ■jin iM. I i ,\A kotoriye anali/.i Ida ozera Blizhnyavo j K.ihan.t i i. K.zanki. [Some an clvses ofthe ic- fiom lake I'.lizhiiiy Kiilc.u and the river Kazaiika.i Du.-vn. Obsh. vrach. ].ii Imp. Kazan, univ.. 1896, l-'.l. — I.a Kochc (A.) De la zlace an point de vue de I'hygii-ue. Lyon nie I., 1885, ! xh -iii.H2I -i;2l. — I.fy) (E.) Zur Hygiene des EiHschranlcs; 1 leisc hv.-i gi ttitng, hei voi get 11fen durch unzweckmassigen Gehtaiit-h de-selben. Arch. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Strasxh., 1894-5, xvi, 178-182.— I, yon* (A. li.) Impure ice. [Abstr. from: Detroit Fr«*e Pre-s. ] Detroit Lancet. 1885-6, n.s., iv 74-7(1. — I»lnil t<\) The inipuritv ol ice. Science, X. V.. 1892, xx. 141.— Priifltlcn (T. M.) Our ice-supply and its dangers. Top. Sc. .Month.. N. Y., I8i7-8, xxxii, 668- 682.—Pumpill) (It.), IlillM (\\5 B.) .v Niori'i' (H. K i The dangers ot im]oire ice. Ileport to tin- Sanitary Pro tective Association of Newport. K. I. upon the purity of the ice supply from Almy's Pond. Sanitarian, N. Y., 1882, x. 286-297. AUo. Keprint. —Keport of investigations of the State Board of Health upon the pollution of ice sup- p'lt-s. Kep. Bd. Health Mass. 1889. Bost., 1890, xxi, 143- 1.13. — Keport on the purity of ice from Onondaga Lake, the Erie Canal at Syracuse and from Cazeuovia Lake. Kep. State Bd. Healtli N. Y. 1886, Albany, 1887, vii, 145-185. AUo. Keprint.— Schmelk (L.| Norwegian ice. Lancet, Lond.. 1893, ii. 719 Slewnrl iS. G.i Our ice supply; what it is and what it should lie. Kep. ltd Health Kansas 1887. Topeka, 1888, iii. 367-370. — W a ler aud ice. Kep. Bd. Healtli Iowa, Des Moines, 1893. 111-1*2 Ice-bag'. See. also, Cholera (Treatment of); Heart (Pap id). I.ccwiD. I!.i The icebag as a therapeutic agent. Clin. ,T., Lond . 1892-3. i, 4-8. Also: Ibid., 1895, vi, 268-272.— Room i I.. L.i The ice-pack, and its definite therapeutic advantages over other methods. I'liila. M. J.. 1902 ix 412-414. Ice-cream. AikIci-noii (A. J.) The manufacture and storage of ice-cream. Pub. Health, Lontl.. 1895-6, viii, 250-252.—J.cjj. ittlnlion on penny ices; a good example. [Edit-.] Lan- cet, Lend., 1901, i, 1417.-2?!anby (E. P.) Parliamentary powers tor the sanitary supei vision and control .of ice- cream manufacture. J. San. Inst., Lond., 1899-1900, xx. 582- 587. Also Thompson Yates Lab. Kep. 1898-9, Liverpool 1900, ii. -t i II — \i< ltl.IOt.lt ij.i The l.acteriologN ,,t ice- cream. Pub. Health, Lond . 1895-0 viii. 2.12 -2.17"— Wil- kinson (J.) Ice-creams; their manufacture and bacte- riolog\. Ibid., 1899, xi, 251-260, 2 pl. Ice-cream (Poisonous). See. also, Tyrotoxicon. Allnhcn ( C. S. ) Icecream poisoning. Med. Kec, NY.. 1886, xxx, 417.— I»< nlh liom ice-cream. [Edit.] Lancet. Lond., 190(1, ii, 1391. — Gibwon (C. B.l Ice-cream poisoning. Med. Kec, N. Y.. l-sii. xxx. 219— Hull i(.i. S.) Ice-cream poisoning. Med. News, I'liila., 1891 lviii. 713- 716.—|Hce-crc:iiii i>oi>oning. .Med.Pi.~-, x ( i>c., Lond.. 1900, n. s., Ixx, 192.—If c-crcnin poisoning : tvro-toxicou. Rep.Bd.Health Iowa. Des Moines.1891.30-39 -JmiiemC.) Memoire sur des accident-, d'empoisonm-in. ut occasionues par ties cremes glacees. Cause determined compose d'e- lain. (Iaz. nitd.de Par., I860, 3,s , xv, 618; 695. AUo. Re- print. —.Morrow (P. A.) Ice-cream poisoning; vanillism. Med. Kec, X. Y.. 18S6, xx\, 108. — Nichols (E. H.) Ice cream poisoning. Pediatries. N. Y. A Lontl.. 1898, vi, 165- 167—Smilli (H. E.) The South (llasionbury ice cieam poisoning. Kep. Bd. Health Connect. 1889. N. Haven, ls9n, xii. 232-239.—Vnnulinn (Y (5i Ic,--cream poison- ing, iled. K.c.N. Y., I880 xxx, 306.—Vanglian (V. C.) 4c Pcrliin* (It. D.) Eiu in Eiscreme und Kase gefun- dener gift]it c.dncirender Bacillus. Arch. f. Hyg., Munchen u. Leip'z 1896. xxvii, 308-327. Iceland. See, also. Hygiene (Public, Laws, etc., relating to), Statistics ( Vital), by localiti s. Brysdx (A.) Notes on a trip to Iceland iu 1652. s-. Edinburgh, [lsti4]. Repr. from: The Scottish Guardian, March & April, ls-'. lijoben havn, 1849. Brown (W. L.) Modern Iceland; its unique health- giving and climatic attractions. Physician &. Surg., Loud.. 190U, i.269; 413; 507; 656, 1 map.— loi Itric. Pecheurs d'lslantle. [Abstr.] Arch, dc int-.l. nav. l'ar., 1896, lxv, 186-191. Kcrmoi'sniil. Contribution a la geogiaplna medieale tie llshciide Ibid.. 1892, lvii, 321-364— I. cli- mami-Filhcw iM.i Nachgrabungen zu Hau-a\;ul auf Island. V.i handl. d. Berl. (iesellsch. f. Anthrop., Berl., 1x94. 85-88. —Since Notes sur les pecheurs d'lslaude. Arch, de metl. nav., l'ar., 1898, Ixix, 81; 193. Iceland moss. See Cetraria islandica. Icliaiig'. See Hygiene (Public, Beports on), by localities, IcheilllSlCMSOl' (Justus). Eiu Beit rag znr Ue- liervijlkcrtiuosfrage. 2 p. 1., -*4 pp. S°. Berlin, lie it sir, 166-,. Iclii-kil (okainoto). Universal botany of Co- rean, Chinese, aud Japanese plauts. lb'93. 9 pts. 8 a [«. p., n. if.] Japanese text. Iclitlialhiii. Ii.'iithalhin (ichthyol albuniinate); the new inodorous and insipid form of ichthyol for inter- nal use. A nontoxic alterant, antiphlogistic, and assimilative. 6-. yew York, l^'.K Sack (A.) L'ichthalbine (albuniinate d'ich- thyol), une preparation nouvelle sans goQt ui odeur. 1*2:. [n.p.,n.d.~\ See, also, infra, ICHTHALBIN. 810 ICHTHYOL. Iclithalbin. Scognamilio (G.) La ictalbina (Knoll) nella odiema terapia. 8°. Napoli, 1898. Repr. from: Gior. internaz. d. med. prat., Napoli, 1898, i. Binder (O.) Ueber Ichthalhin. Wien. med. "Wchn- schr., 1900. 1, 1082-1084. — Homburger (T.) Ichthalhin in der Kinderheilkunde. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1899, xiii, 361-366. AUo, transl: Merck's Arch., N. Y., 1899, i, 250-253.—Roily. Klinische Beobaehtungen iiberlchthal- bin bei Darrakrankheiteu. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1900, xlvii, 576-578. AUo. transl: Merck's Arch., N. T., 1900, ii, 317-320. —Roily Sc Saani. Deher den Einfluss des Ichthalhin auf den Stoffwechsel und die Darinthatig- keit der Kind r. Munchen. nied. Wchnschr., 1900, xlvii, ■460-463. AUo, transl: Merck's Arch., N. Y., 1900. ii, 174- 178.—Sack (A.) Ueber das Ichthalhin (Ichthyoleiweiss), ein geschmack- und geruchloses Ichthyolpraparat. Deut- sche nied. Wchnschr., Leipz. u.Berl., 1897, xxiii, Therap. Beil.,35-37. Also, Keprint. Also: Frauenarzt, Berl.. 1897, xii, 301-308.-----. Ueber weitere Erfahrungen mit Ichthal- hin (Ichthyoleiweiss). Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1897, xxv, 365-372. Also: Compt.-rend. Cong, internat. de metl. 1897, Mosc, 1899. iv, sect. 8, 332-339.—Serross (A.G.) Clinical uses of ichthalhin. Merck's Arch., N. T., 1900, ii, 131. Iclltlialbill (ichthyol albuminate); tlie new in- odorous and insipid form of ichthyol for internal use. A nontoxic alterant, antiphlogistic, and assimilative. 7 pp. ti-. Neio York, Merck[f Co., 1896. Ichthyol. of); Surgery (Therapeutics in); Tumors (Treat- mentof); Urethra (Inflammation of); Uterus, Women, Diseases of, Ireatment of. Clinical reports upon ichthyol, its therapeu- tics and pharmacology. 12°. London, [ls91]. Damiexs (A.) *De Pichthyol en injections hypodermiques. 4°. Paris, 1892. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1892. FoRiviULAiRE therapeutique de l'ichthyol. Public avec le concours d'un grand nombre de medecins. 16°. Troyes, 1901. Formulary of ichthyol, with clinical reports on its alterative, analgesic, antiphlogistic, anti- pruritic, antiseptic, and astringent actions. 24°. New York, 1895. Hasslix (R.) * Ueber Ichthyodin. Ein Bei- trag zur Keuntnis des Ichthyol. 8 a Basel, 1900. Ichthyol Gksellschaft, Hamburg. L'ich- thvol. 6°. [Hamburg, If86.] -----. Ichthyol. 8°. [Hamburg, 1887.] -----. 2. series. 8°. [Hamburg 1890.] -----. Das Ichthyol; 100 bewahrte Recept- formeln fiir dessen Gebrauch. 16°. Hamburg, 1666. Tlyinski (A. I.) Ob upotreblenii ikhtiolya v terapii, khirurgii, dermatologii i ginekologii; vsie do sikh por poyavivshiyasya raliotl ob ikhtiolie i yevo preparatakh. [Ichthyol in therapy, surgery, dermatology, and gynaecology; all works which have appeared about ichthyol and its preparations. ] 8°. Moskva, 1*92. Pexafiel (A.) El ichthyol y sus aplicaciones. 8°. Mexico, 1894. Physiology (The) and therapy of ichthyol. 8°. London, 189"). Reale (E.) Das Ichthyol in der Behandlung inneier Krankheiten. [Transl. from: Gazz. d. clin., Napoli, 1^-92, iii.] 6c [n. p., 1892.] S'-e. also, infra. Ullmaxx (K.) Erfahrungen iiher die Wir- knnc; des Ichthyol's bei iiusserlicher Anwen- dnnj-. (Ammonium -sulfo - ichtliyolicum.) ho, Wien, lr-93. IJnxa (P. G.) Ichthyol und Resorcin als Repriisenlanten der Grnppe reduzierender Heil- mittel. 8°. Hamburg $• Leipzig, 1885. Abel (K.) Ueher die antiseptische Kraft des Ich- thyols. Centralhl. f. Bakteriol. u.Parasiteuk., Jena, 1893, xiv, 413-422. Also, Reprint.—Beck (S.) &. Fenyvessy (B.) Az ichtbjolnak a boron it val6 felszi\ochis&r61. [The absorption of ichthyol through the skin.] Magy. orv. Arch., Budapest, 1899. viii, 61-73. Also, transl: Arch, internat. tl. pliarmacod., Gand & Par., 1899, vi, 109- 120. Also, Reprint.—BezdietnoflT (V.) K llecheniyu ikhtiolom. [Treatnient with ichthyol.) Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1901, lvi, 305.— Blitlersdorf. Zur Wirkung ilea Icbthyols hei innerliober Anwentlung. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1888, ii. 332.—Brugnalclli 2. -----. A trachoma kezelese ichtargaunal. [The treatment of trachoma hy ichthargan.] Orvosi hetil.. Budapest, 1901. xiv,458.— I.cis- likow (L.) Ichthargan, ein neues Mittel gegen Gonor- rhoea anterior acuta. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat.. Hamb. u. Leipz., 1901, xxxii, 183-189.----. Ichtharganbeliaiid- lung der chronischen Gonorrho . Ibid., xxxiii, 328-335.__ IjOhiiMtein (H.) Ut'ber die Wirkung des Iclnhargans hei Gonorrhoe und antlereii Urogenitalleiden. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1900. Ixix, 935; 948. AUo, Reprint.— Bielema. Mitteilung iiber Ichthargan. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1901, xxxii, 27. — Ciiiia (P. G.) Ichthargan und Ichthoform. Ibid., 76-78. Ichthofoi'iii. See, also. Ichthargan. Anfrecht. Ueher Ichthoform. Allg. med. Centr ■ Ztg., Berl., 1900, Ixix, 319. AUo, Reprint. AUo. transl Merck's Arch.. N. Y., 1900, ii, 434-436. — Garofalo (A.) Sull' uso dell' ittioformio. Clin, ostet., Roma, 1900, ii, 421- 427. — Goldman (H.) Die therapeutische Anwendung des Ichthofoiins. (Tnyohydrocarburutu snlfonicum for maldehydatum.) Centralbl. f. d. ges. Therap., Wien, 1900, xviii. 513-518. — Polacco (R.) L' ittioformio ed il suo impiego nella terapia metlica. Boll. clin.-scient. tl. Poli- ambul. tli Milano, 1900, xiii. 129-147. Also, Reprint._____. Ueher Ichthoform nnd Ielithvolbader in der Therapie des Typhus ahtlomiiialis. Deutsche med. Wclinschr.. Leipz. u. Berl., 1901. xxvii, 77. — Babo (S.) Sc Galli- Valcrio (B.) Ichthoform. Therap. Monatsh., Berl.. 1900, xiv. 202- 204. AUo, Reprint.—Schaefer (F.) Die therapeutische Anwendung von Ichthoform. Deutsche nied. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1900, xxvi, Therap. Beil., 12. AUo, Re- priut. -----. Weitere Mittheih.ngen iiher die therapeu- tische Anwenduug vou Ichthoform. Therap. d. Ge^enw Berl.-Wien, 1900, n. F., ii, 454-456. AUo, Reprint. " Ichtliiilin. Jjeveiie (P. A.) Ueber das Ichthiilin ties Kabeljau. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chetu., Strassb., 1901, xxxii, 281-284.— Waller (G.) Zur Kenntniss des Ichthulins und seiner Spaltungsproducte. Ibid., 1890-91, xv, 477-494. Ichthyodin. See Ichthyol. Ichthvol. See, also, Dyspepsia, Eczema, GlanderB, Treatment of; Gonorrhoea (Treatnient of) with ichthyol; Ichthalbin; Lungs. Lymphatics, Dis-a^es of. Treatment of; Phthisis (reatnient of) with antiseptics; Skin (Diseases of, Ireatment ICHTHYOL. 811 ICHTHYOSIS. Ichthyol. Gillel de Grnndnionf. Ichthyol et ses preparations. J. de med. de Par., 1890, xvii, 698. AUo, Retirint.—Gold- berg (M. L.) K voprosu o terapevticheskoni znachenii icbthyol'a voobshtshe i pri nevralgiyakh v chastnost i. |On the therapeutic value of ichthyol in general ami in neu- ralgia especially.1 Yuzhno-russk. med. gaz., Odessa, 1896, v. 14; 30.—Griffiths (A. B.) Notes on ichthyol. Metl. Press & Circ, Lond., 1896, n. 8., Ixii, 257.—Giinllier. Eiue interessante und trefliiche Wirkung ties Ichtlnnls. | Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel. 1892, xxii, 246 AI.-.0. , Reprint.—Ilabel (Y.) Ueber Ichthyolum austriacum. I Wien. kliu. Rundscliaii. 1898. xii, 316- 318. — llelmerM j (O.) Ueher den Einriiiss ties Ichthyols auf den Stotf- wechsel. Areh f. path. Anat [etc.],' Berl., 1894, cxxxv, 135-146. AUo, lit pi int. — Herz (L.) Ueher Anwendung des Ichthyol bei Angina. Wien. metl. Wchnschr.. 1893, xliii. 61. AUo, Reprint.—llirii*atva. Darstellung vou Ichthyol aus der unhrain-hhaien Schwcfelsiiure bei tier Petroleum-Fabrication. .Japanese text.] Mitt, tl metl. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo 1901. xv. 21. lilt., r 15 — II irseli- kron (J.J Ueher Ichthyolmnor-Sc hlamm. Wien. med. BL. AAA xxii. 54 —von IIoflTmann .V I.auge. I'.ml. achtungen iiher das Ichthvol nach divi jiihriger Anwen- duug. " Metl.-chir. Centralbl. Wien. lss'.i. xxiv. 505-507. AUo. Reprint. .!/.-. Therap Monatsh.. I'.erl.. 1889. iii, ! 219-221. — Hnbersriiz c M. i Ichthvol und seine Anwendung. Ail-.in..1 i .nti Ztg., Berl., 189:;, Ixii.937.— JacliMOii ill T.i Ichthyol and resoi. in . a clinical study ot th.ir effects. J. Cutan. .v. t'enito-l'i in. His., X5 V' 18»7. v. -Jl"; 2i:i. AUo, Reprint— Kyle c I). I!.i A study ot the mode ot action of ichthvol in inflammatory eondi- I tion8. Therap. Gaz., Detroit. 1895. 3. s.. xi 11. AUo, lie- ■ i.iint — l.arligau. L'ichthyol. Gaz. tl. hop.. Par., 1887, ix 1' ">. — I.alleiix. Recherches bactCriologiques sur les propi let.■» antiseptiiines de l'i. hthyol. Bull. Soc. de med. j.i .it. ile Par.. 18.12. 2<'. 1-27.). AUo. Reprint. AUo, transl. : '•Ioiiatsii. i. piakt I'.r.it Hamb.. 1892. xiv, 389-397. Al- Peprint—I.ei»liko«v L.) Das Ichthyol in seiner V.i « , -11.11..u kei- tin die Scintt5 und Ti open-Praxis. Arch. i. S. littl'-- i Tropen Hv_' Cassel. 1-9-. ii, 93-99. AUo, Reprint.— l,ohii»t«in II.. Ueher die Verwendbarkeit des IchthyoK lei Krankheiten des Urogenitaltractus. Allg. med. <'. -nn ,'/.: ±.. Il.-il. Is93, Ixii, 1225-1228. AUo, Reprint. — Lorenz. I.-'.thyol. Deutsche med. "Wchn- schr., Berl.. 18so. xi 627. ------. Ueher den inneren Ge- hrauch dts Itliili\,.A, Berl. klin. "Wchnschr., 1888, xxv, 5.*.. —Jlejer ni.i Zn Wirkung des Ichthyols. Ibid., "8>-"'.io._ Hoir i.l Ldnical observations on ichthvol and its compounds. Therapist, Lond., 190o. x, 281; 309: 1901, xi, 5. ------. Clinical notes on some of the ichthyol com- pounds. Med. Times & II..sp. Gaz., Lontl., 1902, xxx. 1; 17.—nonrorro hijo. Sob re el tratamiento de la quilu- ria por el icliol. Prim. reun. d. Con:.', cient. Lat. Amer , Buenos Air-s 189- iv. 734-737— Howbnch r (F.i Hei- lung ■ ines Ge^icht-.erv-.ipels dutch Ichtlivolsalhe in 24 Stunil.-ii' Miinchen. metl. Wclni~ehr.. 19nb. xlvii, 175.— MimIIi-i- (A.i On ichthyol and its use in medicine and surgery. Australas. M Gaz S\.|n.-y. 18MI-90. ix. 3U4-:;o7. A Uo. Reprint.— von >n««l»niim. Ut-her den inneten Gebrauch des Ichthv ..Is. Ih.i.ip Mon.it -h ..Berl., 1888, ii, 15-17. AUo. I'cprint. AUo M.-.l.■< Im. Centralbl., Wien, l">8. xxiii, l'-'i —Pelella (G.i L'ittiolo e i suoi usi terapeiitici. Gior. med. d. r. esercito [etc.|, Roma, 1893. xli. 1620: 1894. xiii, 1. — Powell (C. II ) Ichthyol a- an internal medicine. Meick s Arch.. >T. Y., 1899. i, 34o.—Reale iK i L' ittiolo e le sue pnparazioni nella cura .1.-1]. nj .I..ttie- int. in. Gazz. d. clin., Xapoli, li»92, iii. 376->u — Ko«i'iifi-lil J ) Zur Anwentlung ties Ich- thyols. Wi.-n med IV". 1895, xxxvi. 1941: 189R. xxxvii, i 14i— '•chin ill I (J.) On the medicinal virtues of ichthyol. Thfiap. <'a/. Detroit. 1*«6. 3. s., ii, 371: 452 — Mchiilze iC) Teller Bhitunteisiicliiingeii nach Ichth\ olhii.lern. Veiiifl'entl. d. Hufeland Gesellsch in Heil., lboi. i;-.--73. AUu Balneol. Centr.-Ztg., Berl. 1901. 113-115. Also: It. UHche Metl.-Ztg.. Berl.. 19nl. xxii 373-376. — He li we- lling! r (E.) Notiz iil.ei I.-hthvol. Charite-Ann. 1884, I:, il. 1-86. xi. 658-660 Sinclair f.V. D.i A note on the n«e of ichthvol. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1894, exxx, 141.— | Nl« viii (W. T.) Tchthvol in treatment of deep sealed in- | tlainin.itions. N. YorkM. J., 1901, lxxiii. 410. — Mloe- quarl (A.) De l'ichthyol dans le traitement de hi tlys- pepsie et ties troubles c£pbalitpies et nerveux qui en de- pendent. Arch, tie med. et chir. prat.. Brux.. 1890. iv, 177- 180. AUo. Reprint. ------ Nonvelles observations cou- cernant Taction thorapeiitif|Uctlc 1 ichthyol. .1. d'aocoiuh., Liege. 1891, xii, 181; 193. AUo. Reprint. — lima (P. G.) liel.iauch des Ichthyols bei inneren Krankheiten J Mo- natsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 18«9, is, .Xi-589. AUo, Reprint. AUo. transl.: Select, monog. on dermat.. Lond., 189.;. 99-102. ------. Ueber Ichthyol. Monatsh. f. prakt. Detrnat., Hamb., 1*97. xxv, 533-539. Ai!*o, Reprint. AUo [Abstr.]: Arch. f. Her mat. u. Syph , Wien u. Leipz., 1898, xiii, 132. ------ Jc|itli\.ilkolh..liiiio gegen Gefiissmiiler der SJiuglinge. Monit,I.. I. piakt Dermat.. Hitnili.. 1900, XXX. 2ns-2ll. ------. Ichthvol-Kih.iii uud Ichthvol.Calcium. Ibid.. 1901, xxxii, 236. — Zuelzer. reherilenKintluss.hr Ichtlivolpraparate auf den Stoffwechsel. Ibid., 1886, v, i 547-554. ' Ichthyol (Accidents from). l-'iiiiili iiber^. Ai/.neiexanthem infolge der Ichthy- olbchaiidlung. Fraiienarzt, Herl., 1892, vii, 95.— Hallo- Penn (H.) Sc Weil. Sur un 6ryth4me provoquG par ichthyol an pourtour . Munchen, \669. Wih.kk (E.) " Ileitrag zur Casuistik iler Ich- thyosis. 6 . Creifswald, 166,1. Abraham (P S) Ichthyosis. Clin. J.. Londt, 1899- 19(10. xv. 151-156. — Alexander (A.) Ein Kail von Nae- vus linearis (Ichthvo.sis linearis) iinius lateris. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1894-5, ii, 343-361, 1 iil.-Alpar (A.) Ich- thyosis esetek. ICasea of. . . ] <}vogvaszat, Budapest, 1898, xxxviii.'.12 AUo: Orvosi hetil., Butlapest, 1898, xiii, 294— Anii'ii (V. K.) Sluchai ichtiosa. |Case of ichthy- osis! Viach. St. Petersb., 1885, vi, 5U3. — .% iiflry (C.) Snr les ii.'ines iitrophiaiites de l'ichthyose et leur histolo- gie. J. d. mal cutan. et syph.. Par., 1895, vi. 265-268. AUo: Menreili med., Par., 1895, vi, 229. AUo, transl.: ICHTHYOSIS. 812 ICHTHYOSIS. Ii'lithyo*i«. Monatsh". f. prakt. Dermat.. Bamb.. 1895, xxi, 9-12.—Bai- lantyne (J. W.) Congenital ichthyosis. Arch. Pediat., K. Y., 1894, xi, 257: 408.- Bar. Monlage dun foetus at- teint d'ichtyose fcetale. Lull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par., 1892, iii, 65-69. Also: Anu. tie dermat. et svph., Par., 1892, 3. s . iii. 176-180. — Basch (I.) Porokeratosis cutis esete. [A case ot . . . ] Gydgyaszat. Budapest. 1897. xxxvii, 549.—Berenil (M.) Foetai ichthj-osis k6t esete. [Two cases of ... ] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1900, xliv, 734— Bockhart (M.) Ueber die Behandlung der Ich- thyosis. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1901, xxxiii, 6lii-619.—Brocq (L.) Diagnostic et traitement de l'ich- thyose. J. de med.de Par., 1889, 2. s., i. 551-553. Also: ,1. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1889-90, i, 204-208.—C a I- lari (I.) Di un caso di ittiosi lamellare congenita. Gazz. il. osp., Milano, 1898. xix, 419. — C'nntrell ij. A. > Ich- I thyosis. Phila Polyclin., lr-95. iv, 513-515. — Carbone (T.) Un caso di ieti"A congenita. Arch, p.-r le sc. rued., i Torino Sc Palermo, 1.-91. xv. 349-370. — « -irini (A.) Di una forma attenuata tlella cosidetta ittiosi >ehacea (ittiosi lamellare). Gior. ital. tli mal. ven.. Milan". 1895. xxx 82- 88.—Caspary (J.) Ueber Ichthyosis ftetalis Vrtljschr. I f. Dei -mat.. Wien, 1886, xiii. 3-18, 2 pl.— Daniel i Annie S.) i: Corde* (Louise). Case of fatal fetal ichthyosis. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1900, xxxv. Ios]-lo84. —D'eeks (W. E.) Case of ichthyosis treated with thyroid extract. , Montreal M. J , 1895-6, xxiv, 114.—Desrroizillrw. C> n- sid6rations sur l'ichthyose infantile. Kev. gen. de clin. et de th6rap., Par., ls.»s. ii, 149-151. -----. Sur I'emploi de I'atistol daus le traitenient de l'ichthvose infantile. Ibid.. 1891, v, 685.— Dvorak (J.) Supinatost novo- rc.zeneu rohovita stitnatd (ichthyosis neonatorum cornea seutellatai. Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1878, xvii. 353- 356.— Elliott tli. T.) Two cases of intrauterine ich- thyosis. J. Cutan. A; G. nito-Urin. Dis., N. Y.. 1891. ix. 20- L'!i _Fox (<;. H.i Ichthyosis. Am. J. Obst.. X. Y., 1896, xxxiii, 666-671, 1 pl.— Funk. Przyczynek do nauki o m rodzonej ryhie.j lusce (ichthyosis congenita). [Contri- bution to knowledge of . . .] (iaz. lek., Waiszawa. 1885, 2 s., v. 1004-1006. -ti I arc lie I K. S.) Sluchai ikhti. za. [Ichthyosis.! Protok. Mo-k. ven. i dermat. Obsh.. ls98-9. viii,67-72.—OrosziJ.AV TorokiL.i Exfoliato lameliosa neonatorum (ichthyosis sehacea). Gy6gy£szat, Budapest, 1894, xxxiv, 423. Also, transl: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1894,xxx, 1291. AUo, transl: Ann.dedermat.et syph., Par., 1895, 3. s., vi. 104-108 — llallopeau Sc «ni- bal. Sur un cas d'ichtyose vraie loealisee et sym6trique. j Ann. de dermat. et syph.. Par., 1898. 3. s., ix, 451. Also: Bull. Soc. fraiitj. ile dermat. et syph.. Par., 1898, ix. 222.— Hallopeaii A: Leretlde. De l'ichtvose. Rev.gen.de clin. et de therap., Par., 1900, xiv, 34-37. — llallopeau Sc l.eri. Sur un cas de macules icht\osiques. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par.. 1899, 3. s., x, 640-642. AUo: Bull. Soc. franc, ile dermat. et syph.. Par., 1899, x. 311-313.— llallopeau i. Walelet. Sur une forme attenuee de la maladie dite ichthyo.se fcetale. Bull. Soc. franc, dedermat. et syph., Par., 1892, iii, 38-41. Also: Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1892, 3. 9.. iii. 149-152. —Halperu (J.) Nie- zwykty przypadek powikhmia r\ biej hi.-ki. i ichthyosis). | Bare case of . .. J Gaz. lek.. Warszawa. 1892. 2. s.. xii, 1056.—Hails (G. A.) Ichthyosis congenita; (hyperkera- tosis diffusa congenita). [Sur l'iohtyosis congenita (hy- perkeratosis diffusa congenita), lie's.. 610-612.] Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Kristiania. 1901, 4. B.. xvi, 542- 569.—Hutchinson (j.) Ichthyosis in streaks. Arch. Surg., Lond.. 1892-3. iv, 219. —Kaposi (M.) Ichthyosis j serpentina: gebessert. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Kranken- anst. 1898. "Wien u. Leipz., 1900, vii, pt. 2 9.".. — Kisel (A.) Sluchai svoyeobraznavo ikhtioza u malchika 5 Het. [Peculiar ichthyosis in a hoy 5 years old.] Di.-tsk. rued., Mosk., 1898. iii. 332.—Koren (A.) Ichthyosis linearis neuropathic.!. Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Christiania, 1889. 4.R..iv, 588-595, 1 pl.—Claiming IF. A.I & South- worth (X. S.) A case of eniigenital'ichthvosis. Arch. Pediat., X. Y., 1894, xi, 758-760. 1 pl. Also, 'transl.: J. tl. mal. cutan. et syph., Par., 1894. vi, 66ti-669.—.Tlarlens (F.I.) Sluchai ichtyosis. [Case of irhthyoM-..] Protok. zasaid. Obsh. Morsk. vrach. v Kr.nistaclte* 1898-9, xxxvii, j 7 —Itlolony (L.) Ichthyosis. Tr. Acad. M. Cincin., 1897-8, 323-333, 3 pl. AU, . Cinch,. Lancet-Clinic, 1898, n. s., xl, 335-345, 5 pl. Also: Am. J. Dermat. Sc Genito- Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1898-9. ii. no. 1. 21-36 —.Hurata (S.) A case of ichthyosis follicularis.] Junt.-n.lo Iji Kenkiu Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1899, 915-919. — .llussey (W. L.) Ichthyosis. Cincin Lancet-Clinic, 1895. n. s.. xxxiv. 657-659. [ Discussion], 666.—IVobbs (A .) Thyroid medication in ichthyosis. Biit. M. J.. Lond., 1895, i, 696.__ Ohmniin-Diinn—nil (A. H.) A case of ichthyosis nigricans. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri, Kansas City. ]s99, f6-82. Also: Am. J. Dermat. Sc Genito-Urin. Dis.. St. Louis 1899, iii, 126-129. AUo: St. Louis M. Sc S. J.. 1899. lxxvii, 121-127.—Peterson (F.) Ichthyosis linearis neuropa- thies. J. Cutan. Sc Genito-Urin. Dis.. N. Y.. 1890, viii, 57-61.—Pringle (J. J.) Ichthyosis. Svst. Med. (All- hutt), Lond.. 1899, viii, 661-674.—Rieckc iE.) Ueber Ichthvosis congenita. Arch. t. Dem it o Syph. Wien u. Leipz.., 1900, liv, 289-340, 6 pl.—Boe-sler .W. M.) Ichthyosis. Drei Fiille von Ichthyosis diffusa. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz.. 1896, n. F., xiii, 163-169.—Bonn (S.i Hochgra- dige Ichthyosis im Saiiglingsaltei. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien, 1889, xxi, 339-345. 1 pl. -----. Siilyos i. hthv- osis esete. [Grave case ot . . . ] Orv..A hetil.. Budapest,, 1899. xliii, 546. —Rutgers ij.) Ichthyosis. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst.. Is94. 2. B., xxx. pt 1. s35.— Kran (J. P.) A case of ichthyosis. Intei colon. M. I'ong. Tr., Melbourne, 1889, ii, 977-989. 1 pl — Satill (T. D.) Ichthyosis sehacea. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond . Isai; xix, 330.— Sh'erwell (S.) Ichthyosis congenita i so- called harlequin foetus); history of a case still living Tr Am. Dermat. Ass.. N. Y. 1894, xviii, 57-61 — Mhoe- maker (J. Y.) Ichthyosis. Med. Herald. St. Joseph. 1896, xv, 216-218. -----. Ichthvosis. Med. Bull.. I'liila 1901, xxiii, 286. — Thihierse (15) Ichthyose. Diet. encycl. d. sc. med., Par.. l8s'.i. 4. s.. xv, 359-387. -----. Note sur les rapports de l'ichthyose fcetale et tie riclithyo.se vulgaire a propos de deux sujets atteints (l'ichthyose fcetale et ages, l'un de dix-hnit ans l'autie de ipiinze aus. Bull, et mini. Soc. mctl. .1. hop. de Par., 1898. 3. s.. xv, 538-541.—Tomma*oli i P. i Di un caso di ittiosi sehat ea dei neonati. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1*86. xxi, 32-37 -Vaudenorl (F. C.) Cas* of ichthyosis. Peoria Med. Month., 1885-6. vi, 197.—Walsh (1)'.) Ichthyosis in children: its treatment by thyroid gland and pilocar- pine nitrate. Med. Press i Circ . Lond.. 189C, n. s.. Ixii, 649. Also: Pediatrics, N. Y. A Lontl., 1896, ii, 457-461.— White (J. C.) A case of keratosis (ichthyosisi follicu- laris. J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1889. vii, 201-209. AUo. Repiint. Ichthyosis (Causes and pathology of). United States. War Department. Medical Department. [Four photo-micrographs of ich- thyosis. Xos. lti-21, u. 8.] 4°. [Washington, 1*-*.^ Kiirniikin (N. F.) Sluchai priobrletyonnavo diffuz- uavo ikhtioza (ichthyosis aquisita diffusa), razvivshavosya poslie nervnavo potryaseniya. [. . . developed after a ner- vous shock.] Yoyenno-med. J., St. Petersb.. 1901. Ixxix, med.-spec, pt., 416^424.—Bowen id. T.) The epitrichial layer of the epidermis and its relationship to ichthyosis congenita. J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis.. N. Y., 1895. xiii, 485-491. AUo: Tr. Am. Dermat. Ass. 1895. N. Y.. 1896, xix, 39-45._ Doctor (E.) Ueber das Yerhaltniss der Darier'- schen Krankheit zur Ichthvosis. Arch. f. Dermat u. Syph., Wien. u. Leipz., 1898, xlvi, 323-344, 2 pl. — FrieU (W.) Three cases of ichtlnosis in one familv. J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., N5 Y.. 1897. xv. 19.—Gastou. Troi* cas d'ichtyose dans une familie d'h6redit6 mixte till ei culo..syjihiliiiijue: a propos du diagnostic de 1'origiiie des stigmates de tlegeiierescetice hereditaire (h6redo-syphilis et heiedo-tuberculosei. Bull. So.-, franc.,de dermat. et syph.. Par., 1901, xii. 292-294 — «Sa»lou a.- Finery. Deux cas d'ichtyose pilaite fainiliale heieditaire, avec micro- sphygmie, chez des svphilitiqueshereditaires. Ibid., 1-98. ix, ilO-113. AUo: Ann. de dermat. et svph., Par., 1898, 3. s., ix, 231-234. — CJersteuberg. Zur' Pathologie der Ichthyosis congenita. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz'.. 1896, lvii, 263.— llallopeau ic Fouquet. Ac- tion des jarretieres et, d'une maniere generale. des com- pressions persistantes sur lit htyos.-: localisations sytne- triques de cette d.-rmatose. Bull. Soe. f1an9.de dermat. et svph., Par.. 1901. xii. 377-380. AUu: Ann. ile dermat. et syph., Par.. 1901. 4. s.. ii. 673-676.—Heulz. Un fait pour servir a l'etiologie de l'icthyose. Ann. de dermat. et syph. Par.. 1*88. 2. s., ix. 237. — Hutchinson 1J.1 Con- genital xeroderma (ichthyosis) in slight form as a family disease; diffuse keratosis'©!' palms and soles, developed in middle life as a result of excessive walking. Areh. Sing., Lond., 1890-91, ii, 74. -----. Diffus- ichthyosis in a case• of consanguineous marriage; three childten affected. Ibid.. 1892-3, iv, 309. — Lamar. Demonstration eines Prapa rates von sogeuannter Ichthyosis congenita. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1886, xxiii, 836. Also .- Verhandl. d. Berl. med Gesellsch. (1885-6), 1887, xvii, 179. — Lawrence (H.) Pathological specimen of ichthyosis sauroderma. Aus- tral. M.J., Melbourne. 1893, n. s.. xv, 274, 1 pl.-L.bblo- witz(J. S.) Ueber Keratoma hereditarium. Prag. med. Wchnschi., 1898, xxiii, 211. —Maldntis (A. P.) Sluchai ribyel kozhi na pochvie zabollevaniya nervnol sistemi. [Ichthyosis resulting from diseaseof the nervous system.] Yovenno nied J.. St. Petersb., 1901, Ixxix, med.-spec. pt. 2013-2024. — Bocchi 1Y.) Ittiosi; studio di alcune par- ticolarit& di morfologia e di istologia. Gior. ital. d. mal. veu.. Milano, 1896. xxxi, 299-317. — Tommasoli olvakhor.«ki (F.) Dva sluchaya odnovremennavo siishtshestvovaniya epilepsii i ikhtioza. [Two cases of simultaneous coexistence of epilepsy and ichthyosis ] PussU. i kozhn. i ven. bollezn.. Kharkov, 1901, i, 591.— GonzaleM (P.) Un caso tli ittiosi diffusa in soggetto im- btcll. . Liv. sper. tli freniat., Reggio-Eu.ilia. 1901, xxvii, 26-37— Gorshkoff (I. P.) Ikhtioz na pochvlepsikhi- cheskavo nedorazvitiya. [Ichthyosis in a case of incom- plete psychical development.] T.]<-m .1. jour. "Prakt. med.". St. P.t.rsb.. 189s. v. 613-617 . — llallopeau (H.) Sc JeaiiHelme. Sur une ichtyose avec hypotrophie simulant line sclerodermic Bull. Soc. Irani; d> tlermat. et syph., Par. 189". vi, 374-379. AUo: Ann. de dermat, etsyph.. Par.. 1895 3. s., vi, 1016-1021.— Heu-»« E.i Ein uugewohnlicher Fall von Ichthyosis. Yerhandl. tl. deutsch. dermat. Gesellsch. 189s. Wien u. Leipz., 1-99 vi, 498-503. AUo [Abstr.J: Arch. f. Dermat, u. Syph Wien ii. Leipz., 1899, xlvii, 428.—Jo-eph. Ueber ungewohn- liche Ichthyosisformen. \ , rliaiidl. d. deutsch. tlermat. Gesellsch.. WiPti u. Leipz . Is94. iv. 407-420. 3 pl.—von KoKfrt'r. >elteuer Fall von Ichthyosis congenita mit \5iii..la. Anz.d.k.k. Gesellsch.d. Aerzte in Wien, 1884-5. zui — l.oktefl5 V. A.) Sluchai vivorota vleka vslledstvle zabollevaniya nl>\ el kozh. I. [Ectropion in consequence of ichthvosis ] \ oveuno m.-d. J., St. Petersb., 1901, Ixxix, med.-spec, pt., 476-479.—Manouvrier (L.) Observation d'un cas remarquabl.- tin -hthvose. Hull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par. Is98, 4. s., ix, 113-116. —Jleirowitiis (P.) Con- genital defect in growth of the left lower extremity: ich- tlnosis. Post-Graduate, N. Y.. 1901. xvi, 53-56.— Koiih- m-I. D.-nts d'Hutchinson et ichthyose. Loire metl. St.- Lti.-nne, 1894. xiii.67: 1895,xiv,223.1 pl. —Taylor (G. G. S.) A caseof ichthvosis associated with lichen ruber planus. Brit. J. Dermat., Lond.. 1892 iv, )1U-121.—Thibier«e (G.) Cas extraordinaire d'ichlhyose gen6ralisee avec alte- rations des muqueuses buccale et nasale et des cornees. i'.nll. Soc. frant;. detlei mat. et syph., Par. 1892. iii, 322-333. AUo. Ann. tie tlermat. et syph., Par., 1892, 3. s., iii, 717-728. Ichthyosis in animals. Charcot (J.-M.) Sur une ohserration de M. Gurlt (de Berlin), iulitulee: "Ichthyose congi nitale chez un veau'. Compt, rend. Sot:, tie biol. 1852, Par.. 1853, iv, 178-181. Also, inhis: (Lucres compl. 8'-. Par., 1889. viii, 209-212. — ti ml t. Angehor.ne Fi-. lischuppenkraukheit (Ichthyosis cornea) bei einem Kalhe. Mag. f. tl. ges. Thierli., Berl. 18..0, xvi. 249-252. —Koeh (M.) Ueber em Kalh mit Ichthyosis cornea congenita aus Randau bei Magdeburg. Berl. thierarztl. Wclinschr., 1900, 33-38. Ichthyosis Iti/strix. KouriiH i W i lAvoca-esof ichth\o,ishystrix. Proc. M Moc. Lontl.. W7. x 253 — Bntruille (II.) Ichthyose In strix nigricans, suivant le tra.jet ties nerfs profouds des niembr. s inferieurs. Bull, metl du nord. Lille, 1887, xxvi, 180-1-6. 1 jil—Derocquc (P.) Ichthyose hystrix; abla- tion des piodiiotions cornees; amelioration passagfere; recidive. Lev. metl.de Normandie, Rouen, 1900, 169-171.— fooler iG. W ; The success fill treatment of ichthyosis hystrix by the elect tic arc-light. N. York State .1. M.. N. V. '.9Dl,i',7.— Hutehinoou 'I. A.) A case of ichtbjosis hvstrix. Montreal M. .1.. 1900. xxix. 911, 2 pl.—Joseph (M ; Celier Ichthyosis Instrix. Dermat, Ztschr . Heil., 189s. v, 256-263. Also : Monatsh. f. prakt Dermat., Hand.., Ichthyosis hi/strix. 1898, \\*i. 394-396.—Kaposi. Ichthyosis hystrix; Bes- serung. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. (1892), 1893, i. 489. — 14 Ion It (M.) Ichthyosis, wiih report of a case of ichthyosis hystrix. Ohio M. J., Cincin., 1896, vii, 145-150.— liunuer (ii.) Ichthyosis hystrix. Deutsche Piax., Miinchen. 1898, i. 177-180. Also: Internat. phot. Monat- sehr. f. Med. [etcl, Di'issehl., 1898, v, 56, 1 pl— Neptune (J. W.) Ichthyosis hystrix, with report of case. Kansas M. J., Topeka, 1895, vii, 75-77.—Ohmnnn-Duiiiettnil (A. H.) Ichthyosis hystrix. Intermit. Clin., Phila., 1897, 6. s., iv, 335-339, 1 pl — l*hilippMon (L.) Zwei Falle von Ichthyosis cornea (hystrix) partialis (Naevns linearis verrucosus Unna), eiitsprechenil dem Verlaufe der Grenz- linien von Yoigt. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1890, xi,337-362,1 pl.—Byini (J.P.) Note of a case of ichthyo- sis hystrix. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1893, n. s., xv, 276. Also: Intercolon. M. .1. Australas., Melbourne, 1897, ii, 298-300.—Sehourp. I'ehei Ichthyosis hystrix. Der- mat. Centialhl., Deri.. 1897-8, i, 212-248. Ichthyosis (Plantar and palmar). .Iai-ohi (b\) *Zur Casuistik iler Ichthyosis palmaris et plantaris cornea fa miliaria. 8°. Erlangen. l*~9li. Alpar (A.) Ichthyosis local is palmaris et plantaris. Orvosi hetil.. I'udapcst, 1899, xliii, 35.— Ben net (F. A.) Ichthyosis palmaris et plantaris. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1893, xii, 344-346.—Kwqnerilo (A.) Un caso de ictiosis cornea localizatbi en los pies. Kev. de med., ciruj. y farm., Barcel., 1889, iii, 257-264.— Verge I y (P.) Ich- thyose cornee de la main. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . .'. de Bordeaux, 1882, iii, 11. Iclithyotoxisiu. See Fish (Poisonous); Ptomaines. Icke (Pauly) [ld73- ]. *Eiu Fremdkorper in den Atiiinngswogen. Nach einem Falle ans dem Anscliar-Kraiikenhaiise zu Kiel. 11 pp., 21. 8-. Kiel, P. Peters, 1«98. [Icoiies pliiutariim medicinalium. Cent, i-vi.] Af beeldingen der artsciiy-gewasseii met derzel- ver Nederduitsche en Lalynsclie beschryvingen. [Eil. and transl. by D. L Oskamp.] 6 v. s\ Amsterdam, J. C. Sepp tf* Zoon, 179O-1H00. Icoiies zootomies. Mit Origiualbeitragen der Herren (I. J. Allman, G. Gegenbaur, Th. H. Huxley [et al.~\. Hrsg. von Julius Victor Cams. 1. Hiilfte. Die wirbellosen Thiere. iv, 23 1., 23 pl. fol. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1857. Icoiiiiiii anatomicarnm, quibus prsecipute partes corporis humani exquisita cura delineates conti- uentur, fasciculus 1. Diaphragma, vagina uteri, medulla spinalis, omentum et cranii basis, fol. Gottinga', A. Vandenhoeck, 1715. Idaho. Umi'ici) Statks. Department of Agriculture. Weather Bureau. LYporfs (monthly). Idaho sec- tion of the climate and crop servico ol'the Weather Bureau. April, Aug. to Oct., Dec., 1695: Jan. to May, July to Sept., Nov., 1-S>4; Dec, l*-97; April to June, Aug., 169*, to Feb., 1902. fol. & 15 Idaho Pulls .,- Boise, 1 .-93-1902. ------. Idaho section, climate and crop ser- vice, Weather Bun a 1 Weekiy crop bulletins. Nos. (5-12, 1-1-1(1, H, 1-9*; Nos. 2-2."), 1K>9; Nos. l-fi, 7-11, 13-2(1, 1900; Nos. 1-2."), 1901. fol. Idalm Falls j- Poise, 1H9H-1901. -----. Annual suinmaiy. Idaho seetion of the climate and crop service of the Weather Bin can. For the years lsilrt-1901. Ac Boise, 1S99-1902. -----. .Snowfall bulletins. Idaho section, climate and crop service. Nos. 1-3, Jan. to March, 1900; Nos. 1-3, Dec, 1900. to March, 1901; Nos. 1-2, Dec, 1901; Jan., 1902. for. Boise, 1900- 19(12. Idaho Springs. See Waters (Mineral), by localities. Irian. [Medical discourse.] [Monthly.] Nos. ll-."»f), April 30, 1*94, to leb. 26, 1*99. roy. 8° Tokyo. Japanese text. IDEAS. 814 IDENTITY. Ideas (Fixed). See Insanity (Delusional); Insanity (Moral). Idea* (Imperative). See Insanity (Impulsive). Idel ([Julius] Rudolf) [1865- ]. * Ueber einen Fall von geheilter Lungentuberkulose und dereu Beziehuugen zur Pigmentinduration. Eiu Bei- trag zur Metschnikoff'schen Phagocyteulekre. 66 pp., 1 1. 6J. Wiirzburg, Stahel, 1669. Ideler [Carl Friedrich Gottlieb] [1765- ]. Ueber die Krisis der Krankheiten. Hrsg. von Hebenstreit. Uebersezt von eiuem prakticiren- den Arzte iu Breslau. 154 pp. 12°. Breslau, W. G. Korn, 1796. Ideler (Carl Wilhelm) [1795-1860]. Gesckied- kundige voorstelling der verschillende vormen van den godsdieustigen waanziu. Uit het Hoog- duitseh door N. B. Donkersloot. xx, 574 pp. b:5 Schoonhoven, S. E. van Xooten. 1-51. See. also. I)uboi« d'Amiens (K. Frederic). Ueher das Wesen und tlie "liiudliclie Heilung der Hypochondrie [etc.). 8°. Berlin. ls-10. —Stahl (Georg Ernst) [in l.s.|. Theorie der Heilkunde. 8:. Berl n. 1831-2. Idelsolin (Benjamin) [1852- ]. *Die pneu- matische Therapie der Respirationskrankkeiten. 3(5 pp. 6-. Berlin, G. Lange, [187S]. Irielson (G[ersh- Shakhne] V [igdorovich ] ) [1869- ]. *Krov i yeya vliyauie na zolo- tistly grozdekokk pri progressivnoui paralichie. [Blood aud its influence on staphylococcus aureus in progressive paralysis.] 88 pp., 1 1. s\ Ynryer, G Lakman, 1696. Iriclsoil (Valerian Nikolayevich) [ -1900]. .See Smirnoff. Idelsotl ( Yevsei Mordukhovich ) [1-44- ]. Alfabituly ukazatel bolleznyatn i tielesnlm ne- dostatkam pii osvidietelstvovanii lits prizvan- nikh k ispolneuiyu voinskoi poviunosti. Sosta- vil, ]io nastavleniyu i rospisauiyu prikaza po V. V. ot 31 oktyabrya 1-97 goda za no. 2'j9. [Alphabetical index of diseases and bodily de- fects iu examining recruits drafted for military service. Compiled in accordance with military order No. 299, of Oct. 31, 1*97.] 40 pp. 16c\ Kazan, V. M. Klyuchnikoff, 1896. Identita (L'j del liuido elettrico col cosi detto fiuido galvanico vittoriosameute diuiostrata, cou nuove esperienze ed osservazioni. Memoria co- mnnicata al Signore Pietro Contigliachi. . . . vi e aggiunto il catalogo delle opere [di Volta], stampate sinoa tutto l'anno 1813. vi (1 1.), 145, viii pp. 4°. Paria. G. G. Capelli, 1814. By a pupil of Volta, who claims that the ideas contained in the work were communicated hy Volta himself. Identity and identification. See, also. Anthropometry ; Bones, Cada- ver, Cicatrices, Jurisprudence of: Conflagra- tions; Criminals (Identification of); Ear in anthropology; Finger-prints: Foot-prints: Left- handedness; Louis XVII, of France; Police (Eeports, etc., of), Tattooing; Teeth (Jurispru- dence of); Thumbmarks. Bahoncelli (K.) *De la voute palatine et des inackoires an point de vuede ^identification juiliciaire. MJ. Lyon, 1901. Bkrtillox (A.) Lis signaleinents anthropo- m^triques, methode nouvelle de determination de l'ldentite* individuelle. Conference faite an Congres penitentiaire international de Rome. Allocution de M. Louis Herlette. 8C. Paris 1-85. -----. La photographie judiciaire, avec un appeudice sur la classification et rideutification authropoinetriijiies. 12°. Paris. 1899. -----. Identification anthropoineti ique; in- structions signaletiques. Nouvelle ed., entiere- meut refund ue et conside'rableiiieiit augmentee, Identity and identification. avec un album de 61 planches et un tableau chroniatii|iie des nuances de l'iris humaiu. 8J. Melun, 1-93. -----. The same. Das anthropometrische Signalemeut. 2. Aufl., mit einem Album. Au- torisierte deutsche Ausgabe, hrsg. von V. Surv. 8-. Bern $• Leipzig, 1-95. -----. The same. .Signaletic instructions, including the theory aud practice of authropo- nietrical identification. Transl. from the latest French ed. Edited under the supervision of Major R. W. McClaughry. bc. Chicago, New York tj- London, 1-96. Bertillox (G.) 'De la recoustitution du si- gnalement anthropome'trique au moyen des vete- ments. Etude medico-legale des relations de forme et de dimension entre les priiicipales lon- gueurs osseusea et les pieces d'habilleineut (cha- peau, souliers, etc.). [Paris.] 4°. Lyon, 1692. -----. The same. ?a Lyon cf Paris, [1892]. Bixda (C.) Accidentale rinvenimento di ca- da vere inumato; studio medico-legale. 8J. Pa- via, 1898. Great Britaix. Secretary of State fov the Home Department. Identification of habitual criminals. Repoit of a committee appointed by the secretary of state to inquire into the best means available for identifying habitual crim- inals; with minutes of evidence and appendices. Feb. 12, 1894. fol. London, 1-94. Lewis (R. C.) The central office. How the New York detective bureau is organized aud conducted, and how it hunts down crimiuals. 8°. New York, 1901. Cnttmg from: Munsey's Mag.,X. T., 1901, xxiv, 718-728. Minovici (M.) Ideutifiearea anthropoinetri- ca, methoda Bertillon; tradtictiunea iustiuctiu- nelor signaletice cn ua introducere. 8-\ Paris, 1692. Pagliara (C.) Identificazione autroponietri- ca. Istruzione delle segnalazioni. ***-. Boma, 1-9-. Ramos (J.) De los signos profesiouales bajo el puuto de vista de la identineaeion de las per- sonas. l(iJ. Mexico, 1689. Siegexbeek vax Heukelom (D. E.) Over gerechtelijke anthropometrie. 8°. [n. p.,1891] Tocrtarkl (L.) *De ridentire" 6tablie par l'dtude du squelette. 4-\ Lyon, 1892. -----. Thesame. 8°. Lyon, [1-92]. Youri.oud (P.) *Les os au point de vue de l'iilentite". [Geneve.] --. Lausanne, 16-6. Anfosso. Sur l'identiflcation individuelle. Cong, in- ternat d'anthrop. crim. C. r. 1896, Geneve. 1897, iv, 210, 1 eh.—Anthropometric (L") judiciaire h. Paris en 18s9. Arch, de 1 anthrop. crim.. Par., 1890, v, 473-498. AUo, Re- print.—[A maud flu Tilli. who personated the ahsent Martin Guerre.] In: Fi t-nch (The) Impostors [etc.], 12°, Lond., 1737. 1-25.—Aubi y (P.) Projet tie generalisation du service d'itli'iititicntion par l'aiithropometiie. .Ann. d'hyjr.. Par., 1894, 3. s., xxxii, 29-36.—Baudoiiin (M.) L'itleutiflcation humaine par la dactyloscopic. Gaz. med. de Par., 1901, 12. s.. i. 4.—Bauer 11: ) Beitraj: zur Frage der Ajruosciriins mit Plmtographieu. Arch. f. Krini.-An- throp. u. Kriminalist, Leipz., 1901-2. vii, 16".—Bern- hard i. Ein Fall von Itlentificiruntr. Ibid.. 1900, iii. ::46- 348—Itt'ilillou i A.i De l'identitication par les signale- inents Huthropomi'-ti iciues. Arch.de l'anthrop. crim.. Par., 1886, i, 193-2.':: .11.., i Ahstr.J: Aetes Cong, internat. d'an- throp. ctim. Is85. Rome, 188o-7, i, 151-158. -----. Sur Ie fonctionnement du service des signaleinents anthroponie- triques. Arch, de l'anthrop. crim.. l'ar., 1888, iii. 138-157. -----. The Bertillon system of identification. Forum, K. Y., 1891, xi, 330-341. -----. Sur lidentite de Pauwels et du faux Rahardv. Arch, de l'anthrop. crim.. Par., 1894, ix, 276-282, 2 pl. -----. Resultats obtenus par 1 an- thropoiu6trie au point dc vue de la criminality: qui lies sont les lacuues acoml.ler.' fRap] Ibid., 1896. xi, 592- r.'.Mi _Bertillon (J.) Anthropometric identification of criminals. [From: The limes. April 23. 1890. | J. Rov. Statist. Soe., Lond . 1890. liii, 32"-32ii. Sue. aUo. infra, Monat—Bertillon (J.) .V Bertillon (A.) Resultats statistiques de l'anihropoiuetrie appliquee a l'ideutitica- IDENTITY. 815 IDENTITY. Identity and identification. tion des pe'rsonnes. Tr. vii Internat. Com:. Hyg. Sc De- inoff. 1891, Lond.. 1892, x, 303-307.— Bertillon system lor the identification of criminals. Message mayor l'hila., (1893), 1894, 39.—Bertillon (Thei system ol ideutifica- tion hy liieasuremeut. Scicut. Am., X. Y., 1S97, Ixxvi, 214, 1 pl.—Bogdnn (G.) Cate-va cuvinte; asupra serviciulul de identificatiuue tie pc langa prefectura tie politic din Pa- ris. (Svsteme Bertillon.) (Anexa serviciulul de nieilicinil legala.)' Bull. Soc. d. med. et nat. tie Jassy. 1S92-3, vi, 3- 10. — Brown (P. R.) KAsuniti of the Bertillon system of anthropometric identification. Med. Exam.. X. Y., 1896, Ti, ]30. -----. The Bertillon system. Ibid., 1899. ix. 22- 25.— Burns til.) Identification of a human skeleton. Boston M. & S. J.. 1896. cxxxv, 539-541. Also: Tr. Mass. Med.-Leg. Soc., Bost., 1897, ii, 294-298 -1'nrdozo (B. X.) Identity aud survivorship. In: Hamilton a. Aodkin, Syst. legal med., 8°, X. Y., Is'.u. i 213-242.— Iluirli". (R. H.) On the identification of European .m.i oriental skeletons. Indian Lancet. Calcutta. 1896. viii, -I7H-1SL— Coggins (P. H.) A singular case of mistaken identity. Polyclinic, Phila., 1888-9 vi. 257-265. AUo K. print.— Corrndo (G.) Rapporti metrici tra le vaiie parti del corpo fetale ed altre considerazioui in online all' iden- tita (studio medico-legale ed antropologieo 1. Gior. tl. Ass. uapol. di med. e nat., Xapoli, lv7. vii. 247; 1577: 1899, ix, 34; 220; 405: 1901. xi, 79— DuvN (J. B.) On the method of measurements as a diagnostic means of distinguishing human species adoptetl hy Drs. Scher/.er and S.hwarz in the ciieumnavigatory expedition of the Xovara. Ti. Etlm. Soc. Lond.. IM.I.' n s., i, 123-129.— l>e Arcanjjelis cE.) L' eta ed il s.-sso ml liacino dei f. ti e dei neouati: ricerche sulla identita. Oit.r di med. leg.. Lanciano, 18H6, iii. 102: 209; 275.—I>elu*»u*. La reconnaissance th-s ieci.livistes par le- signal.-nients authropoinetriiiues. Bull. Soc. d. sc. metl. tie Liile tl8>8), 18-'.' 7o-82 -De > olnri-tefnni (R.) L' identificazioue del deliuquente (Bertillonasiei. Riv. mens, .li psichiat. lotense, KapoB. l*-98. i. 242-2*.".—De Kyrki'if. Le signalement anthroponn-triipie. (Rap , A etc a (Jong. internat. d'anthrop. crim ls92. Brux.. 1893. iii. 97-106. [Discussion 443-4-1--.—1>i»t u»»ion sm l'ideutificatiou anthrop .lonhiur. Bull. So.-. .: .mi hi ..p. de Par., 1886. 3. s , ix. 1 li*—117T—Dor»cj-9'.l. Ixviii, 1011.— Kxpo-itiou 'L'I tin service .le 1 id.titite judiciaire. Bull, med., l'ar., 1900, xiv, 765. —Foot (A. W.) Caseof mist .ken identity on the part of four peiaous. Tr. Acad. M. Ireland. Uubl, 1»87. v. 26-2*-. Also: Dublin J.M. Sc. 1*87. 3. 8., lxxxiii. ".'1-55.—4» a I toil iF ) Personal identi- fication aud description. Xatui.-, Lond.. 1-8*. xxxviii, 173; 201. AUo: J. Anthrop. Inst.. Lontl., ls8"-9. xviii, 177-191. AUo: Notices Proc. Roy. Inst. Gr. Brit., Lond., lss7-9. xii, 346-360. AUo [Abstr.]: Metl. Pr. ss A; Circ, Lond., 1888. n. s.. xiv. 576. ------. Fiug. r prints iu the detertniual ion of identity. Scient. Am., X. V, 1897. xliii, Suppl.. 17s5:i.— (»ai-«ou J.<;.) the metric system of identification ot luminals as used in Great Britain and Ireland. .J. Authiop. lint.. Loud. 19UU-190I. ii. »., iii, 161 - 1H8. — U ro<« (H.) Yorgehen hei .Skelettfunden. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop u. Kriminalist., Leip/... 1900-1901, vi, 330.—Haberda i .A . > Xa.h * Jahren iiusgcgi-abeiies Skelet; Frage nach tho Identitat untl Todestusat he. Yrtli-ehr. f. g.-richtl. Med.. Berl.. 1893. 3. ]•'.. vi. 45-59. 1 pl.—Hamilton i A. MrL.i Identity of the living. In: Hamilton A; i.o.lkin S\st. legal med.. 85 X. Y.. 1894, i, 19] 2i 1.— Herold (J.i .Mistaken identification. Metl. Rec. X. Y. 1808. liv, 572-574. — Identification (Tbel of the skel. ion. Tr. Mass. Metl.-Leg. Soc., Bost., I^—:il. ii, 128-132.- Kalile (P.i Topographische Aufuahmen mit eint.i.hen II ilNiuittelu. Artli.f. Ki i in • \ uthlop u. Kiiminalist. Leipz., 1901-2, vii, 80-122 Kiiliivnimi (K.) [One or two medico-legal rases of mistaken i.lentili cation.] Kokka Igaku Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1897, 66-72 — Huniakiiiii iM i [On the identification of physi. ian-. | Ibid 1M15. 465-469—tie I.a Kot lie (M. V) A I'ribe Aiistl (M.| Mt dn in.i legal; averissuacion tie la it I ■ u' id.nl en nn caso de homioi.lio An. Acatl. tin med. tie Metlellin, Isi'.i-'.hj, ii, 308-314— l.t'biuii lA.) Crout tie lait comme signe diilentit6. Ann. Soc. tie med. leg. de Belg.. Charle- roi. 1895-6 vii, 250.------. Examen dossements. Ibid., 335-340— I..C no tre (G.) Le service aiithropoineti -i.jue tie Paris. Rev. tie med kg.. Par., 189 :-4. i, 38-42. — I.evin- Hohn. Beitriige zur Fcststellung th r Identitat. Arch f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist.. Le p/.., l<-99, ii. 211- 220 — liignian (F. M. W.) be aiitliro|.om.ti isehe signa- lementeo volgens Alphonse Bertillon. Nederl. Tijdschr. v Genee-tk., Amst., 1894, 2. R. xxx, pt. 1 987-996 — Ut-4 hiii'.'bi > (K. W.) The Bertillon system for identi- float m ■ ol .. imiiials. Prevent. . . . crime. Intei nat. Cong. l ..... . n-.j. Bait. ic Lond., 1894. 75-83. — .tlagitot (L.) Sc ♦I anon* rier (L.) Notes pour servir a la d6termiua- Identity and identification. tion de 1'iige prohahle d'un squclette exhum6 le 5,juillet 1894, au cinieticre Saint.-Marguerite, a Paris, et attribu6 a Louis XV11. Arch.tl'anthrop.t rim., Ly.....& Par., 1894, ix, 597-604. — IVInnoiirrier (L.i La determination de la taille d'apres les grands os des memhres. Mem. Sc.c. d'anthiop. de l'ar., 1889-93, 2. a., iv, 347-402, 5 tuli.-Mnr- tfuex Valverde (J.) La antropometria aplicada a la identificacion dc los criininales. Bol. d. manic de Sm Ban- dilio de Llohregat, Barcel., 1892, i, 141-150. — Tlmiht ws (Vf.) Photography and medical jurisprudence: the de tei'niination of personal identity Lancet. Loud.. 1885, i, 614 — .Vleerwe heidt-lliillcNNcm. I lie Lrfolgeder Ber- tillotiage iu I >. inschlanil. Ai.h f. Ki no-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leip/... 1900, iii, 193-196 IYI ir*. Ueher Ken p. i niessmigeii znr geiiaueii Bestiiiiiiiung untl sichereu ! Wi. .1. i et kenuuiig von Person.m. Cor. I'.I. tl. deutsch. A.-sell-.h. f. Anthrop. [etc.], Munchen, 1891, xxii, 124-128.— f I ill a It ill u (K) The anti'| u it \ ofthe linger-print method. Natut. Lond., 1894-5, li, I'd—VI on lull i (A.) II grado tl> It angolo femorale in i-.i]>porto alio maturita tlcll' in- fame. Gior tli metl. leg., Lanciano, 1897, iv, 280-2*3.— Tion lane i L.) Informe solireosatoentas hunianas. An. r. At ad. de cien. med. . . . tie la Ilahana, 1892-3. xxix. 523- 530. — .VI or ti a ■■ (LA.) Personal identity. Papers Med.- Leg. >oc N V (1875-8). 1*86, 3. S.. 3635186.—.Vlount (F. J.) Xotes ou M .I'.i ililloii's discouise on the anthropometric | measurement of criminals. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lontl., 1K90- 91. xx, 182-lOs. —.Xelri (F.) Identificazioue tlei recidivi (sistema daltiloseopieo). Atli tl. Soc. loin, tli autrop., Roma, 1901-2. \ iii. 121-123 —Ortega (L.) De la estatura bajo el pun to de vista de la id.-ntili. acion de las personas. E-cuela tie med., Mexico. 1882-3. iv. 17; 67; 82: 118; 151: 228; 241; 251; 266; 273. —OttolengliiiS.i Paiere medico- legale in caso duhhio di identita. i )ssei vatore, Torino, 18*9, xl, 313-322. ----- Nuovi studi sull' identita Riv. I siier. tli freniat., Reg^.o-Kmila. 1889, xv, pt. 2. 217-252.— l*aul(F.) Beitrage zurldentifizierung. Ztschr. f. Crim.- Anthrop., Berl., 1897, i, 149; 272; 358; 471.— I'iloni (G.) Itlentificazione di uu individuo per mezzo dello sch.-lctio molto incomplete: perizia giutliziaria. Speiimentale. Fi- renze. 1890, lxv, 532; 589.—Pinto iJ. O.) On identity and the means of identification. Indian M. Rec. Calcutta, 1892, iii, 1.—Bahon (J.) Recherches sur les ossements humains ancieus et prehistoritpies en vue de la reconstitu- tion de la taille; 6poques qnatcruaire, n6oiithit]Ue, proto- historique et moyen i sum ignota fatta sull' esame dello scheletro. Gior p. i me.l periti giud. ed uff. sail. [etc.J. Xapoli. 1897, i. 361-367. —Warren i(5 E.) Identi- fication. St. Louis M. \- S. J.. 1890, lviii, 80; 143. — W'l'T- niiuri (M F.) The identification of criminals through the fundus of the eye. .1. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1902, xxxviii, 513.— Willi* (S.) The Tichhorne case. Med. Times A Gaz., Lond., 1872. i. 355— Windt (C.) Das Ber- tillon Ache anlhropometi iselie >ign.dement und ilesseu Kiiifiilirung in O.sierreich. Sit/ungsh. d. anthrop. Ge- sellsch. iu Wi. n, 1897, xxvii. 85. — Wolluer. Feststel- luug tie;- Itlentitiit einer Person, del en Lage in der Enle und wahischeinlich.'ii Todesart aus wenigen Knochen des Skeletts. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Me.l., Niirnb , 1891, xiii. 406-113. Identity and identification in the army. See, also, Armies (llecrniting of), etc I5o.no.mi (J.) Project, of au instrument for the idt'iitiiication of persons for use in military es tnblisbiuents, police offices, etc., and for pliys- j iological anil artistic research. r*°. Loudon, I 1672. dlKEKNi.KAF (C. R.) World's Columbian Ex- jiosition, Chicago, 111.. 1892-3. War Depart- ment Exhibit. Medical Department, United Stales Army. No. 7. Tbe personal identity of the soldier." 8-. Chicago, 1895. IDENTITY. 81G IDIOCY. Identity and identification in the army. Vucetich (J.) Instrucciones generales para el sistema de tiliacion, Provincia de Buenos Aires. 2. ed. .»3. La Plata, 1695. Adnir iG. yv.) Identification. Proc. Ass. Mil. Surg. F. S. Columbus, O., 1897. 227-242. — Alden (C. H.) The identification of the individual, with speci.il reference to the system in use in the office of the Surgeon-General, P. S.Army. Am. Anthrop., Wash.. 1896, ix, 295-310. Also, Peprint. Also: Proc. Ass. Mil. Surg.U. S., Columbus. O., 1*97. 209-226. -----. The U. S. Army system of personal identification. Boston M. Sc S. J.'. 1901, cxiv, 513-518. [DiscussionJ, 525. AUo, Reprint.— Brown (P. R.) De- termination of the personal identity of the United States soldier. Proc. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S.. Cleveland, 1896. vi, 263-272. -----. Objections to the system of identification in use in the United States Armv." Ibid., Columbus, 0., 1897, 243-249.—CSreenleaf (C R.) Personal identity in the recognition of deserters. J. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., Governor's Island, X. Y. H., 1889 x. 561-575, 1 pl. -----. Military penology. Ibid., 1891, xii, 1031.-----. Personal identity determined by scars and other bodv-marks. N. Tork M. J.. 1892, lvi. 480-4S2. — Grcruleaf (C. R.) & Smart (C.) Personal identity determined bv scar and other body-marks. Me.l. Rec.', X. T.. 1*91, xl, 204-206. Also: Tr.'vii. Intermit. Cong. Hyg. A Demog. 1*91, Lond., 18H2. x, 294-301.—Kill p i.J. Si Some suggestions on re- cruit identification and routine correspondence. Proc. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S. 1900, Chicago, 1901, ix, 400-402, 3 pl Idiocy. See, also, Cretinism. Berkhax (O.) Ueber tlen aiigeborenen nnd friih erworbenen Schwachsinn. Fiir Aerzte und Lehrer (largcsiellt. *-c. Braunschweig, 1699. Erner (A.) * Ueber Imbecillitiit und para- noische Anlage. >-. Berlin, 1896. Gixe Y Paktagas (J.) El idiotismo, 5 inibe- cilidatl moral. Disrurso. s~. Barcelona. 1695. Keiii.ix (I. N.) A: Broomall (J. M.) Moral imbecility; two papers rend before tlie Associa- tion of Medical Officers of American Institutions for Idiotic and Feeble-Minded Persons. 6°. Philadelphia. 1869. Knight (G. H.) The feeble-minded. 8°. Bos- ton. i*-<>;>. Krkii.sheimer (H.) * Ueber Idiotie nnd Im- becillitiit. sJ. Strassburg i. E., 1695. Poui.sex (A.) St.nlier over priinter iiliopa- tbisk Amentia, med Sierligt Hi nsyn til ^Etio- b'^i. Symptomatologi, Diagnose og Prognose. [Studies on primary idiopathic amentia, with special reference to its aetiology, symptomatol- ogy, diagnosis, and prognosis.] ,-*-. Edbenhavn, l-9li. Recueil de iu6ino'tres, notes et observations snr l'iiliotie, par Bourneville. v. 1. 8-a Pavis, 1-!H. Si:xgelmaxx (H.) Idiotophilus. 3 v. 12°. Norden, 16-7). CONTENTS. v. 1. Systematisches Lehrbuch der Idioten-Heilpflege. v. 2. Aphorismeu. v. 3. P.ilder ans dem Leben tier Idioten und tier Idioten- Anstalten. Sollier (P.) * Psychologie de 1'idiot et de rimbecile. Essai de psychologie tnorbide. 4:. Paris, 1-99. ------. Tbe same. 6°. Paris, 1891. ------. The same. Der Idiot un.l der Inibe- cille; eine psychologische Studie. Ins Deutsche iibersetzt vou Paul Brio; mit einem Vorwort von C. Pelman. -J. Hamburg j- Leipzig, 1691. VoisiX (J.) L'idiotie, hereYlite et d6g£n6ies- cence mentale; psychologie et Education de 1'idiot. Lecons professees & l'Hospice de la Saltpetriere. 12°. Paris, 1-95. Aehn (V.) [etal.]. Sobre el idiotismo moral; cartas lienoparicas. Rev. t'renop&t. barcel.. 1*85, v, 167-192.— Anclier. Teber Imbecillitiit. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg. Beil., 1.-90. ii, 328-330. ------. Die Schwaehsinnigen als Micialliviiieiiisohe Aut'gabe. Deutsclie Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsudhtsprii:.. Brnschwg.. 18911. xxxi 393-395. — Barr iM.Wi Mental defective- ami ihe >..vui] welfare. Pop. Sc. Month., X. Y.. ls9--9. liv. That ,j _ IS;ileinnn 'F.) I Idiocy. Idiocy. *.I. Psychol. M., Lond., 1879, v, 91-97. AUo, Re- print.—Beach c 1-5) A clinical lecture on mental defi- ciency in children. Clin. J., Loud.. 1897. x, 225-233.— Bernliart (J.) Zur Classification der Idiotie und Psy- choneurosen. Allg. Ztschr t. Psychiat. |etc.]. Berl. 1901, lviii. 075-1.83. — Bourneville. "Nouvelle contribution a I'etude de la mici oeephaiie et. en paiticulier, au traitenient niedici>-peilagoj:icpie de- idiots microc6phales; presenta- tion de malades. Couj:. internat. de med (J. r.. Par., 1900, sect, de psychiat.. 234-242. — Brunei ill.) De l'idiotie morale et tie sa fieiiiience dan- la descendance des aliemSs. Ibid., 508-510.— Buehliol*. Leber die AutA.i- ben des arztlichen Sacbvci-staudigeu bei tier Beurtlieilung Imbeciller. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat. [etc.], Berl., 1900, lvii. 340-396. Also [Abstr.]: Centralbl. t. Nervenh. u. Psychiat., Coblenz u. Leipz., 1899, xxii. 7U2. .4 Uo [Abstr.J: Monatsehr. f. Psychiat. u. Neurol., Berl., isim, vi, 4ii5.— Butler (A. W.) Anotable factor of social defeneration. Science. X. Y. Sc Lancaster, Pa.. 1901. n. s.. xiv, 444-45:;.— Chnmbard (E.) Idiotie. Diet, encycl. d. se. nied.. Par., 1889. 4. s., xv. 507-527. ------. Imb'ecillite. Und.. 53s- 549.— t'ogiielli de MartiiN iL.) Sull' imbecillisino. Puglia med., Bari, 1895. iii. 2i'6-229. ------. Gli in.'oecilli. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1901, vii, 505; 845. —Cramer i A. i Moralische Idiotie. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte ls98, Leipz., 1899, Ixx. pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 238.— Desuielh (J.) La simplicity d'esprit. Cliuique, Brux.. 1892. vi. 225-228. — DiscuKsion IA) on feeble- riindetl chiltlren: diagnosis autl treatment. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1901, ii, 1251-1254.— Uonaggio (A.) Idiozia e rigidity spastica congenita. Riv. sper. tli freniat., Reggio-Emilia, 1901, xxvii, 833-857. — Douglas (A. R.) Remarks upon the term weak-mindedness, with obser- vations upon the need of definite nomenclature for cases of congenital mental defect which are not certi- fiable as imbecile or insane. J. Meut. Sc, Lend.. 1,-98, xliv, 535-538.—Egquiro*(A.) Maladies del'espiit: des idiots et des travaux recens sur l'idiotie. Rev. d. deux niondes, Par., 1847, xviii. 2-7-310. — Fiirstiicr. Leber sensorielle Idiotie. Deutsche med. Wehiischr., Leipz. u. Berl., 19u2. xxviii,Ver.-Beil.,48.—«allon (SirD.) Feeble- minded children. Nineteenth Cent., Loud., iS'.'i. xxxv, 27G-2S3.—Ctilwon. Les faihies d'esprit. Em i'-pintle. Par., 1885. v. 5.0-577.— Grohiuann (A.) Einijros iiber Schwaclisinnigc. Ztschr. f. d. Behandl. Schwachsinn. u. Epil.pt.. Dresd., 1899, n. F., xv, 81-89.—Ciiindcl i \.) Zur Klassiriziciung der Idioten. Ibid., 1896. n. P., xii, 73- !■:. —ItliotN and other backward children. [Edit.] M tl. Rec.X.Y., It>93. xliv. 560.— In«li» (IX, Moral imbecility. Tr. Mich. M. Soc. l.rand Kapitls, 1899. xxiii, 377-397 — Jel<;er.«uia (G.) Iniliecilitcit eu id otie. Psychiat Bl., Amst., 1890. xiv, 135-161. Also: Belsritiue med , Gand- Haarlem, 1897, iv, 129; 166; 193.— Koplik (H.) A l.ieh- teuMleiu (J.) A contribution to the symptomatoln^ of cretinism autl other forms of itliocv. Arch. Petliat.. X. \5, 1902. xix, 81-84.—Kurc (S.) Hav'akuye sei. [On idiocy.] Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio. 1894.no. 335, 9-12.—U ill* (C. K5) Idiocy anil imbecilit v. Am. Text-Bk. Dis. child. (Starr), 2. ed., Phila., 1898, 667-679, 1 pl. — IVIodiglinuo (E.) Idiota, cretino, imbecille, tardivo; etimologia e curability. Educaz. tl. frenasten^ Siena, 1901. i, 212-219. — Mosridsje (G.) Mental deficiency in children. Oniah i Clinic. I mi l-5, vii, 450-453—.Hii I ler ( F. \Y5) Leber den Scliwach-iuu. Ztschr. f. d. Behandl. Schwachsinn. u. Epil.jit Dresd. 1901. n.F., xvii. Or.-'i'i—Murdoch (.1. M.) I'.-.-l.l. -mind. .1 children. Pitt.-Lnriiti M. Kev., 1S97, xi, 05 ii'.i— l>t IM/si ((L) Contributo alio studio dell'idiozia. Ann. tli freniat. [etc.] Torino. 1899. ix.293-297. AUo: Riv.sper.di freniat., Reggio-Emilia, 19ul, xxvii, 265-269.—Prlerson (F.) Defi- nition and classification of idio. v. P.diatiis. X. Y. & Loud.. Is90. ii. 144-154.—Popoll'i M. N.) Ob ostroin po- mieshatelstvie, amentia (po Meynert'u). [On acute . . .] Med. pribiv. k morsk. sborniku. St. Petersb.. 1891, pt. 1, 421-43U: pt.2. 37-46. — Kobinovitch ( Loui-. O I L'idiotie et rimbecillit6 chez les enfants. J. de m urol.. Par.. l!Mll, vi, 221-230.— Men gel maun. Zur i li i.-iitieruiig iiber die bisherigc Ai I.tit an den Idioten untl ihren l.ei lensgenossen. Ztschr. f. tl. B.handl. Schwachsinn. u. Epilept., Dresd., IScil. v. 35-47. — *liulll<>woi III ( U. E. ) Clinical lecture on idiocy and imbecility. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 18«ii. i, 183-80.— Nliutllt worth 9- 114. — WilLow-lii (L.) Ceber den Schwachsinn. Neu- rol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1886, v, 509-575. IDIOCY, 817 IDIOCY. Idiocy (Amaurotic familial). See Idiocy (Hereditary, etc). • Idiocy (Cases oj). See Idiocy \Cattst:s, etc., of); Idiocy (Heredi- tary, ite.); Idiocy [Jurisprudence of); Idiocy (Treatment of}; Idiocy ( Treat ment of, Operative); Idiocy and epilepsy; Idiots (Care, etc., of); Id- iots (Craniology of); Idiots (Mongolian type of); Idiots (Physical and mental condition, etc., of). Idiocy (Causes and pathology of). See. also, Idiocy (Hereditary, etc.); Idiocy and epilepsy; Idiots (Craniology of): Idiots (Physi- cal and mental condition, etc., of). Hammarberg (C.) T Stmlier ofver idiotiens klinik och patologi jiimte Hudersiikningar af hjarnbnrkeus normal a anatonii. [Studies on tbe clinics and pathology of idiocy, together with researches on the normal anatomy of the cortex cerebri.] fol. I'ps-da, 1-95. -----. Thesame. Studien iiber Kliuik und Pathologie der Idiotie, nebst Uutersiichiingen iiber die normale Anatomie der Hirnrinde. Nach dem Tode des Verfassers aus dem Schwedischen | iibersetzt von Walter Berger, nnd hrsg. von 8. E. Hensiheu. Mitgetheilt der Kouigl. Ge- se 11 schafe der Wissenscbaften zu Upsala am 10. Miirz 1891. 4°. Upsala. 1-95 Piper (H.) Znr Aetiologie der Idiotie. Mit einem Vorwort von . . . W. Sander. 8°. Ber- lin. 1-95. Popoff iX. M.) K patologichcskol anatomii idiotizma. [Pathological anatomy of idiocy, j Yarshava, 1-91. Schexkf.r (G.) Beobaehtungen an schwaeh- sinnigen Kindern mit spezieller Beriicksichti- gung der Aetiologie und Therapie ties Schwach- sinns. r°. Aavau, 16.-9. Stawitz (P.) * Ueber deu Schwachsinn als Folgeznstand ungeheilter Psychoeen. *a Wiirz- burg, 1889. Tumashkvski (B. V.) K patologii idiotizma. [Pathology of idiocy.] 6 c S.-Peterburg, 1892. 1 See, aUo. infra. Zillxer (F. V.) Ueber Idiotie, mit besonde- rer Riicksicht auf das Stadtgebiet Salzburg. Pathologisch-auatomische nnd statistische Stu- I dien zur Xaturgeschiehte dieser Volkskrankheit. ' 1. [n.p.\, 1-59. , Cutting from: Nov. acta phys.-med. Acad. nat. curios., 1860, xix, 109-242, 2 maps. Abt (I. A.) Case of cerebral diplegia, with idioev. Chicago M. Recorder. 1897, xii, 181.— Bailey (P.) The etiology of arrested mental development. Phila. M. J., 1901, vii, 924-928—Beach IF. I Atrophy of the brain in imbeciles. Proc. M. Soc. Lond , 1881. vi, 171-173. AUo: Abstr. Tr. Hunterian Soc.. Lond., 1b84-5, 41-43. -----. Cases of idiocy and imbecility, due to inherited syphilis, j Am. J. Insan., Utica, X. Y., 18*7-8, xliv, 387-390. -----. j Someof the uncommon causes of imbecility. Ibid., 1888-9, xiv, 32-39,1 pl.-----. Casesof diseaseof tin-brain ju imbe- ciles. J. Ment. St.-., Lond.. 1^8-9, xxxiv, 521-531.—Ber- nnrdini(C) Ipertrofia cerebrale e idiotismo. Liv. sper. (H freniat., Reggio-Emilia. 18*7, xiii, 25-51.1 pl.— Botirne- Tillc. Idiotie symptomatique de scl6rose tubSreuse on j hypertrophique. Progres med., Par, 1899, 3. s., x, 241-248. j AUo: Recherches clin. etth^rap. snr l'epileps. [etc.], Par., i 1899. xix, 183-201. 4 pl. -----. Sclerose en plaques ayant d6but6 dans 1'enfance; imb£cillit6. Reeherches clin. et therap. snr l'epileps. |etc.] 1699, Par., 1900, xx, 114-140. -----. De l'anatotuie patholo»ique de l'idiotie. Cong, in- ternat. de m6d. C. r.. Pai.. I90o. sect, de psychiat., 167- 207.—Bourneville Sc Bellin. Idiotie symptomatique de lesions destructives du lobale de I'insula et de sclerose atrophiqne du lobe temporal. Arch, de neurol., Par., 1900, 2. s.. ix, 493-505. Alto: Recherches clin. et therap. snr l'epileps. [etc.] 1899, Par., 1900, xx, 167-182, 4 pl—Bour- neville &. Bonconrt. Idiotie m^ningitique. Recher- ches clin. et thCrap. sur 1 epileps. [etc.]1895, Par., 1896, xvi. 14-24.— Bourneville Sc Bricou (P.) Idiotie con- genitale complete; tuberculose pulmonaire et intesti- nale; roiigeole; autopsie; rein unique; 16sion ties circon- volotions. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 188*, lix, 487-506. AUo: Progres m6d., Par., 1885, 2. »., i, 183; 207. -----. -----. Idiotie complete symptomatiqiie de lesions an- VOL 711, 2d series---52 Idiocy (Causes and ptttholoe/y of). ciennes du cerveau (pseudo-kystes couseeutifs l'i nn ramol- lissement iunammatoire). Lull. Soe. omit, do l'ar., 1886, lxi. 206-218. Also .- Progres med.. Par., 1886, 2. s., iv, 691- 69,'i.—Bourneville \ Dnrdel. Idiotie meningitique; syphilis hereditaire. Kec h, r. h, s clin. et therap. sur l'epi- leps. [etc.] 1895,Par.,18iiii, xvi, 32-40.----------. Idiotie; hemiplegie spasmodique.d'origine tit. In alt*. Ibid., 1899, Par., 1900, xx, 70-82. — Bourneville Sc Dubnrry. Idiot ie symptomatic) ne tie meningo-encepha lite cenei a Usee. Ibid.. 1895, Par., 189(1, xvi, 25-31. —Bourneville &c llvt- lelnl. Mcningo encephalitis chronique ou itliotie 106- ningo eneephalitii|iie. Bull. Soc. anat. tie Par., 1890, lxxi, 929-947. AUo- Progres med., Tar., 1897, 3. s.. v. 113-119. AUo: Recherches clin.et therap. sin l'epileps. [etc.] 1897, Par., 1898, xviii. 79-82. - Bourneville & .\oir. Idiotie congenitale; atrophic con-bra le; tics uombreux. Arch.de neurol., Par., 1893, xxv, 228 j:.i.-----------. Idiotie hyilrocephaliime acquise. Ibid., 1898, 2. s., v, 288-299. AUo: Recherches clin. et therap. sur l'epileps. [etc.] 1897, Par., 1898, xviiii, 111-122,3 pl.-----------. Idiotie hy- drocepbaliqnc. Heeherches clin. et therap. sur l'epileps. [etc.], Pai . 1899, xix 17-25-----------. Idiotie complete symptomatiqiie tlh\ .Ir... . phalie ventriculaire. Ibid., 93- 99. 5 pl.— Koiirmi ille \- Oberthiir. Idiotie micro- cephalique; agguesie eei6brale, cerveau pseudo-kystique. Cong, internat. tie metl. C. i\. Par.. 1900, sect, tie neurol. 448-451. Also: Arch, tie neurol., Par., 1901, 2. s., xi, 273- 288—Bourneville ,v I'illiel. Idiotie symptomatique de scleroseeercbraledittii.se. Bull. Soc.anat.de Par., 1886, lxi. 549-558. AUo : Progres m6d., Par., 1887, 2. s., v, 92-95. Also: Recherches clin. et therap. sur l'epileps. [etc.] 1886, Par., 1887, vii, 168-177.-----------. Idiotie complete; enc6phalite avec foyers tie ramollissement. Bull. Soc. anat, de Par., 1886, 4. a., xi, 559-575. AUo.- Progres med., Par., 1887,2. s., v, 356-361.—Bourneville .v Sebilleau. Idiotie lejzere symptomatique de meningite chronique; Faraple<_'ie et pieds bots. Recherches clin. et therap. sur 6pileps. [e_tc.|. Par.. 1899, xix, 40-56, 1 pl —Bourne- ville Sc Ti*«ier. Idiotie symptomatique de m6ningo- encephalite; rein unique: persistance du trou de Botal; cryptorchidie double. Ibid., 1895, Par., 1896, xvi, 147-164, 1 pl.— Bourneville & Wiiillamie. Idiotie sympto- matique de meningo-encephalite chronique. Ibid., 1881 Par., 1882, ii, 17-26, I pl.-----------. Hote sur deux cas d'imb6cillit6 et d'idiotie due k la microcephalic. Ibid., 27-54, 5 pl.—Bullen (F. St. J.) The morbid histology of a case of syphilitic epileptic itliocv. J. Ment. Sc. Lond., 1890, xxxvi. 213-223, 1 pl. — 1'hiari (H.) Ueber basale Schadelhyperostose und ihreBeziehung zurldiotie. Verhandl. d. deutsch. path. Gesellsch. 1899, Berl., 1900, 124-154. 1 pl. AUo rAbstr.l: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1899, Leipz., 1900. lxxi, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 8.—Cullerre. Cas d'idiotie avec hyperthrophie du cerveau. Arch, de neurol., Par., 1887, xiii, 53-62.— Cunningham (D. J.) The brain of the microcephalic idiot. Scient. Tr. Roy. Dubl. Soc, 1893-6, 2. s.. v, 287-352, 5 I., 5 pl.—Deny. Note sur uu cas d'imb6cillite consecu- tive ii une hydrocephalic ventriculaire avec arret de d6ve- loppement de certaines parties du cerveau. N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par., 1888, i, 100-111, 3 pl.—Dereum ( V. X.) An imbecile brain. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 188.">-7, xiii, 167.— Eager (G.) Pathologische Anatomie des Idiotismus. Friedreich'sBl.f.gerichtl. Med.,Niirnb., 1889, xl. 401-462.— Frnzer(D.) Brain of a microcephalic idiot. Tr. Glass;. Path. Sc Clin. Soc, 1895-7, vi, 96-99. Also: Glasgow M. J., 1896, xlvi, 303-306.—French (E.) Congenital imbecility and its causation. Tr. N. Hampshire M. Soc.. Concord, 189."., 90-97. AUo Atlantic M. Weekly, Providence. 1895, iv, 33-36.—Gavnzzt'iii (S.) Un casodi sclerosi tuberosa ipertrorica tlella corteccia cerebrale ton idiozia. Arch, di psichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1902, xxiii, 68. — von 4Juil.i Schwachsinn; Auklage wegen unziichtiger Haudlungen. Cor.-Bl. d. allg. iirztl. Ver. v. Thiiringen, "Weimar, 1885, xiv 229: 266— Buehholz. Ueber die Anfgabeu des arztlichen Sachverstandigen bei der Beurtheilung Imbeciller. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat. [etc.J, Berl., 19oo. lvii, 340-396 — Cojjnetti Be IHartiis (L.) Imbecilleladro olaperizia). Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1900,vi,555-562.— Deiler». Beitragzur gerichtsarztlichen Benrtheiluug der boh. ien Stufen der Iinbecillitat, Allg. Zts.hr. f. Psychiat. [etc.], Berl.. 1899, lvi, 135-175.—Be >olai'iilei.tic|iie; inegalitede poids des he- mispheres cerebi aux ; malformation des lobes occipitalis daiislesipiols les sinus lat6raux se sont creuses des sillons jirofonds. Arch.de neurol.,Par., 1900,2. s..x,215.—Chiuni- sUy. Di.bstahl bei Schwachsinn durch Epilepsie. Ztschr. f. Me.l. P.eamte, Berl., 1901,xiv, 179-186.—Dercum (F.X.) &Keel TdaV.) Case of arrested development; imbecility with epilepsy. Rep. State Hosp. Insane. . . Norristown, Pa., 1884-5, vi, 88.—Centcs. Cerveau d'idioteepileptique. Bull, d'anat. et physiol. de Bordeaux, 1899, xx, 384-386. IDIOCY. 820 IDIOTS. Idiocy and epilepsy. Also: J. de med. de Bordeaux. 1900, xxx. 12.—d'Ollier (H.) Atropine partielle de l'hemisphere cerebral gauche: h6miplt?gie droite; idiotic: epilepsie jacksouienne a forme bemipie«ique; mort en etat de mal. Recherches clin. et therap. snr l'epileps. [etc] 1880, Par., J8S1, i, 02-68.— Pellizzi (G. B.) Idiozia ed epilessia. Arch, di psichiat. [etc.], Toiino, 1900. xxi, 409-425, 3 pl. IdiogloAtia. See Speech (Disordered, etc.). Idiosyncratic*. See, also, Anaesthetics (Accidentsfrom); An- tipathies; Asthma (Ca uses of): Asthma from j animal emanations: Drug-exanthems; Haemo- philia: Immunity (Mechanism, etc., of); Tem- perament ; and under names of drugs. Cassioli (C.) * Ricerche sperimentali sopra la reazioue tossica individuale in rapporto collo svilnppo quantitative del sistema nervoso. r3. i Siena, 1695. Franck (J. G.) *De diversis hominum idio- syncrasiis, medico in ciiratione morboruni dili- genter, rite, observaudis. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1763. Nikolski (V.) Ob individualuosti po niate- rialu iz teoreticheskoi i prakticheskol meditsinl s vveden'iem k izucheniyu individualuosti. [In- dividuality according to material from theo- retical and practical medicine, with au intro- duction to the study of individuality.] 8J. Tavshava, 1895. Barr (G. W.) Idiosyncrasy and drugs. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1895, 3. s., xi, 148-155.—Becker. Ein Fall von Idiosynkrasie gegen Bismutum subnitricum. Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1901, xi, 497.—Campbell (E. R.) Indiosvncrasies. Tr. Vermont M. Soc. 1886, Montpelier, 1887, 120-131.—Cappelletti (L.) Idiosincrasia iu un' isterica per 1' antipitiua, 1' antifehbrina, il salicilato di so- dio. Riforma med., Napoli, 1894, x, pt. 4, 710; 723.—Cohen (S. S.) Vasomotor ataxia; a contiibution to the subject of idiosvnerasies. Am. J. M. 8c, Phila., 1894, n. s., cviii, 130-147. AUo. Reprint. AUo: Tr. Pan-Am. M. Cong. 1893, Wash , 1*95. pt. 1, 246-259.—Foy (G. M.) Idio- syncrasy. Dublin J. M. Se., 1887, 3. s., lxxxiv, 197-202.— Gallon (F.) A curious idiosyncrasy. Nature, Lond., 1896, liv, 70.—Hare (H. A.) A case of singular insus- ceptibility to drugs. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1888-9, i, 637.—Holland (J. W.) Our personal equation. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1885. xxxi. 193-208.—Hopkin* (H. R.) Idiosyncrasy. Tr. M. Soc. N. T.. Syracuse, 1888, 72-78 — Hutchinson (J.) A rare form of idiosyncrasy. Areh. Surg., Loud., 1892-3, iv, 78.-----. Idiosyncrasy as regards the digestion of eggs and milk. Ibid., 1895, vi, 179.— Ittalncriula (G.) Sulle idiosincrasie pei medicamenti. j Boll. d. Ass. san. milanese, Milano, 1899, i, 16-18.—7Ias- terman (E. W. G.) Three cases of idiosyncrasy to drugs (iodoform and cocain) applied externally. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1901-2, ix, 43.— ITIetzqiier (E.) De lira- pressionnabiliUs individuelle pour un ou plusieurs medi- caments. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1895, Ixviii, 1044.—Rich- ardson (B. "\V.) Idiosyncrasy and alcohol. Asclepiad, Lond., 1893. x, 307-314.—Robertson (W. G. A.) Drug intolerance. Edinb. M. J., 1892-3. xxxviii, 626-630.— Schcltema (G.) Over idiosyncrasien. Med. "Weekhl., Amst., 1899-1900, vi, 301-309. Idiot asylums. Published for the benefit of the Earlswood Asylum, Redhill, Surrey. Revised by the author. 44 pp. 16:. London, Longman [and others], 1866. Repr. from: Edinb. Rev., 1865, No. ccxlix. Idiot*. See Idiocy. Idiot* (Asylums and provision for) [in- cluding legislation]. See. also, Idiots (Care, etc., of). Bosch (W.) Uuterrichts- undBeschaftigungs- Plan der verschiedeneu Stufen der Idioten-An- stalt. 8°. Berlin, 1656. Idiot asylums. Published for the benefit of the Earlswood Asylum, Redhill, Surrey. Re- vised by the author. 16°. London, 1886. Uepr.from: Edinb. Rev., 1865, No. ccxlix. Barr (M. W.) President's annual address. J. Psy- cho-Asthenics, Faribault, Minn., 1897-8, ii, 1-13.—Fish Idiot* (Asylums and provision for) [in- cluding legislation]. (W. B.) Report of committee on custodial care of adult idiots. Proc. Nat. Confer. Char., Bost . 1891. xviii. !i»- 1' i. — Ireland (W. W.) On the admission of idiotic and imbeeile children into lunatic asylums. J. .Ment S<- L .no 1886-7, xxxii, 182-193. AUo. Reprint.—Knight (G. H ) Colony care for adult idiots. Proc Nat. Com. r Char., Post.. 1891, xviii, 107. -----. The colony plan for all tirades of feeble-minded. Ibid., 1892, 155-165.—Kre- keler. Die Stellung uud Aufgabe des Arztes in einer Idioten-Anstalt. Ztschr. f. d. Behandl. Schwachsinn it Epilept., Dresd., 1896. n. F., xii, 1-7.—Sen gel inn mi (H.) Die Idioten-Anstalten: A. Des deutschen Sprach- gebiets. B. Des hritis. hen Sprachgebiets. In hit: lain- tophilus. 12a Norden, 1.-.-5. i, 135-275.—Stawell (R. R.) The state education of mentally feeble children. Inter- colon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1900. v, 82-92.—Tay- lor (J. M.) Hints to the officers of institutions for the feeble-minded. J. Psvcho-Asthenies. Faribault, Minn. 1898-9, iii, 76-81.— Wilmnrth (A. W.) The medical or- ganization of iieneral institutions for the feeble-minded Med. News, Phila.. 1892. lxi, 428-431. AUo, Repriut. Idiot* (Asylums and provision for), by localities. See, also, Idiots (Care, etc., of). BARRE. Private Institution for the Education of Feeble-21inded Youth. Reports of the superintendent to the public. 1.-3., 184--55; 1856; 1861; 1866; 10.-22., 1856- 93. 12- A: S-. Worcester 4- Bane, 1851-94. BAVARIA. Kollmanii (F.) Die Idiotenanstalten Oberbayerns. Klin.-therap. TVchnschr., "Wien, 1901, viii, 1130; 1163. BEATRICE. Xebraska Institution for Feeble-Minded Youth. Biennial reports of the ... to the governor. 1.-7. 1885 to 1897-8. Rep. Com. Pub. Lands &. BuUd., Lincoln Sc Omaha. 1886-98. passim. BELGIUM. I.ey. Le traitement des enfants idiots et arrieres en Belgiquc Bull. Soc. de med. ment. de Belg., Gand et Leipz., 1899, 405-417. CATERHAM. Metropolitan' Asylums Board. Caterham Imbecile Asylum, Surrey. Annual reports of the committee of manage- ment aud medical superintendent to the mana- gers of the Metropolitan asylums board. 15., 1865. 8c London, 1886. CHRISTIANIA. Rec h hoi ni (J.) Ueber das Idiotenwesen Norwegens, speziell die Anstalt Lindern in Christiania. Ztschr. f. d. Behandl. Schwachsinn. u. Epilept., Dresd., 1886, ii, 6-10. COLCHESTER. Eastern Counties' Asylum for Idiots and Imbeciles. Annual reports of the board of managers to the subscribers. 21., 1879; 26.-36., 1884-94; 39.-41., 1897-9. 8-. Colchester, 1880-1900. COLUMBUS. Ohio Institution for Feeble-Minded Youth, near Columbus. Annual reports of the board of trustees and superintendent to the governor of the State. 25.-41., 1880-81 to 1896-7. 8C. Columbus . --. London, 1—5. DENMARK. Ireland iW.W.) Visits to Danish asylums for the feeble-iiiiiidt-d. and other institutions. J. Mont. Se., Loud., If98. xliv, 45-62. DUBLIN. Stewart Institution for Idiotic and Imbecile Children, and Hospital for Mental Dis- eases, Palmerston, Chapelizod. Co. Dublin. | Annual reports of the managing committee aud medical superintendent to the uovernors aud suli-M-ribets. 15.-32., 1883-1900. V„> A 8J. Dublin. 1—4-1901. Appeal for a special building 1'uud. ? . [Dub- Un, n. rf.] DUNDEE. Baldovan Asylum for Imbecile Children, near Dundee. Annual reports of the directors to the sub- scribers. 29.. 1—3: 31. -P.. 1—5-1900. 12: A ■- . Dundee. 1^84-1901. EARLSWOOD. Asylum for Idiots, Eavlsurod, Redhill, Surrey. Addkk.ss by the Rev. Andrew' Reed [beingau appeal in belialf of the asvluui]. 12:. [London, n. d.] -----. The same. [With selections from the rules and by-laws.] 12-. London, 1-67. -----. The same. 12-. London, l-7n. I Annial reports of the board of manageiuent and medical superintendent to the subscribers, i 19.. l-ti.,-i;: 36.-42., 1—2-3 t . 1—-9: 44., 1-90; 45., 1-91; 47.-.50., 1-93-0: 52.-54.. 1-9--1900. 12-. London, 1-06-1901. Raul-wood (The) Asylum. Speech of the so- licitor-general. Sir Fairer Herschell, tit the an- nual festival, March 3, 1—5. -c [Earlswood], 1—.-.. [Form of ajiplication for the admission of candidates.] fol. \ London, n. d.~\ Skcoxu visit to Earlswood (the asylum for idiots), May 17, adjourned to Juin- -. 1-61. 12 . [London, 1-01.] Selections from the rules and by-laws. 16c. ! Earlswood, 1-71. EDINBURGH. Home and School for Invalid and Imbecile Children, Edinburgh. Education (The) of the imbeciles, and the improvement of invalid vouth. -c Edinburgh, 1-50. Report of the secretary to the subscribers. 1., 1-55-0. 8'c Edinburgh, 1657. ELWYN. Pennsylvania Training School for Feeble- Minded Children. Annual reports of the officers to the legisla- ture, to the State board of public charities, and to the contributors. 33-43., 1*84-5 to 1-04-5; 45.-48, 1-90-7 to 1899-1900. - . Philadelphia | 4' West Chester, 1885-1900. | Idiot* (Asylums and provision for), hy localities. ELWYN—continued. Ciikistmas circular. 1-91; 1892 [soliciting contributions]. 4~. Eltvyn, 1891-2. Ciuculak of information. Revised ed. 8~. West Chester, 16-6. FARIBAULT. Minnesota Institute for Defectives. Biennial reports of the directors and officers to the governor ol' the State. 1. School for the deaf. 2. School for the blind. 3. School for the feeble-minded. 2.-9., 18*0-*1 to 1895-0. 8J. Minneapolis 5 St. Paul, 1-83-97. FORT WAYNE. In liana School for Feeble-Minded Youth. Axxual reports of the board of trustees and otlicers to the governor of the State. 1., 1.-7--9; 9.-17., l*-0-7 to 1891-5; 19.-2*2., 1896-7 to 1*99- 1900. 8 . Indianapolis, 1-79-19U0. FRANKFORT. Kentucky Institution for the Education and Training of Feeble-Minded Children. Annual report of the board of commissioners and officers to the governor ofthe State, for the year 1&9T-8. 8J. Louisville, 1898. GENOA. Genoa (Province of). Regolamento organico pel nianteniinento e cura dei mentecatti. 8-. Genova, 1855. GERMANY. See, also, in this list,Bavaria: Dalldorf; Han- nover; Miinchen-Gladbach; Neuhaldensle- ben: Pomerania. Ktiit'liK' alter die Koiiferenzen fiir das Idiotenwesen. 3.-9.. l.-co-'.i.'v Ztschr. f.d. Behandl. S.•liwai'hsinn. u. Epi- lept.. Dresd., IssO-fis. iii-xiv, passim.—Kcrichtc iiberdie Verbandstag.il.i Hilt'sschuleu I).•utsi'hlai.ds. L-IL, 1899- 1901. Ibid.. 1899-1001,xv-xvii.2w>*i?rt.—Krayalsch (J.) Keiseberiiht iiber den Uesitch einiger deutscher Idioten- anstalt.-n. Jahrb. I'sycliiat.. Leip/.. u. Wien, lS'.lo, xiv. 1- 8'A- — N<'lili«'|». 1 >ie arztlirhe Tliatigkeit in imseren An- Btalt.-n fiir Iclic.leu untl Kpilcptische. wie sie ist uud wie sie werden muss. Deutsche med. Wclinschr., Leipz. ti. Berl., 1891, xvii. 623-0-'".. —Sen jjclm nun (IL) Die Idio- ten-Austalten Deutschlands im Jahre 1SS9. Ztschr. f. d. Behandl. Sclnvachsinn. u. Epil.pt . Dresd.. 1890. n. F., vi, 1-11. ------. Die Idioteii-Aiistalten Deutachliiuds im Jahre 1892. Ibid., 189'.', u. F., viii, *l-9j. GLENWOOD. loiva Institution for Feeble-Minded Children. Bn.NXlAL reports of the trustees, superinten- dent, and treasurer to the governor ofthe State. 1.-9., 1**1-2 to 1*92-3. 8a Des Moines, 1,-82-9.1. GREAT BRITAIN. Sie, also, in this list, Caterham: Colchester: Darenth; Dublin; Dundee; Earlswood; Lan- caster; London. (Jp.kat Britain. Parliament. House of Com- mons. Institutions for idiots (exemption from rates). A bill to exempt from poor and other local rates all registered institutions for the care, training, and education of idiots and imbe- ciles, 9 April, 1*95. Bill 208. fol. London, 1*95. (iitEAT Britain. Parliament. House of Lords. Idiots. [H. L.] A bill [as amended in com- mittee] intituled Au act for giving facilities for the care, education, aud training of idiots aud imbeciles. Ordered to be printed, 6 April, 1*86. fol. [London, 1**0.] IDIOTS. 822 IDIOTS. Idiot* (Asylums and provision for), by localities. HAGUE (THE). Visite (Une) a. l'institution des idiots ;\ la Haye. Traduit du hollandais. 8°. [n. p.~\, 1873. HANOVER. See, also, in this list, Langenhagen. Brandes (G.) Der Idiotismus und die Idio- tenanstalten mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die Verhiiltnisse im Konigreiche Hannover. 8°. Hannover, 1862. ITALY. See, also, in this list, Genoa; Rome; Vercu- rago. Ulorselli (E.) Sull' assistenza e sull' edncazione dei fanciulli tardivi in Italia. Arch. ital. di pediat., Napoli, 1892, x, 101-122. LAKEVILLE. Connecticut School for Imbeciles. Annual and biennial reports of the directors aud superintendent to the governor ofthe State. Annual: 4.-7., 1861-2 to 1864-5; 12., 1869-70; 14., 1871-2; 17., 1874-5; 19., 1876; 20., 1877; 22., 1879; 24., 1881; 26., 1883; 28., 18*5; 31., 1887-8; 35., 1891-2; 37., 1893-4; 39., 1895-6. Biennial: 1.-2., 1896-7 to 1899-1900. 8°. New Haven A} Hartford, 1862-1901. LANCASTER. Royal Albert Asylum for Idiots and Imbe- ciles of the Northern Counties. Annual reports of the central committee to the subscribers. 6.-20., 1869-70 to 1883-4. 8°. Lancaster, 1870-84. [Appeal of the central committee for addi- tional donations and subscriptions.] 4°. [Lan- caster, 1881.] [Circular, giving regulations for free admis- sion, and scale of payments.] 4°. [Lancaster, n. d.~\ Speech of the Earl of Derby at the anniver- sary festival held at the asylum, Oct. 18, 1873. 8C. [Lancaster, 1873.] LANGENHAGEN. Wnlff, Lnnfreiihagen, Idioten-Anstalt. Irrenfreund, Heilbr., 1891-2, xxxiii, 150-152. LAPEER. Michigan Home for the Feeble-Minded and Epileptic. Biennial reports of the board of control and officers to the governor of the State. 1.-2., 1895-6 to 1897-8. 8°. Lansing, 1896-*. LINCOLN. Illinois Asylum for Feeble-Minded Children. Annual and biennial reports of the trustees, superintendent, and treasurer to the governor of the State. Annual: 1.-9., 1865-6 to 1872-3. Bi- ennial: 8., 1878-9 & 1879-80; 10.-17., 1882-3 to 1897-8. 8°. Springfield, 1866-98. Class work of the pupils, for the year 18*1-2, together with the commencement exercises held June 22, 1882. 8°. [Springfield, 1**2.] Illinois Asylum for Feeble-Minded Children. Nat. Hosp. & San. Rec, Detroit, 1899-1900, iii, 8. LONDON. Imbecile Asylum and Schools. Metrop. Asyl. Bd. Rep. 1887-95, Lontl., 18K8-96, passim. MARIABERG. Heil- und Pflege-Anstalt fiir Schwaehsinnige. Jahres-Bericht. 6., 1852-3. 12°. Reutlingen, 1853. Idiot* (Asylums aud provision for), by localities. MASSACHUSETTS. See, also, in this list, Barre; Waltham. Howe (S. G.) A letter to the governor of Massachusetts upon his veto of a bill providing for an increase of State beneficiaries at the School for Idiotic Children. 8°. Boston, 1857. Massachusetts. [Second report ofthe doings under the resolves of the legislature, May *, 1848, for training and teaching idiots. By S. G. Howe. Jan. 20,1851.] Senate, No. 9. 6 .' [Bos- ton, 1851.] MUNCHEN-GLADBACH. Evangelische Heil- und Pflegeanstalt " He- phata" fiir blodsinnige Kinder Kheinlands und Westphalens. Berichte. 4., 1863; *.-10., 1867- 9; 16., 1875; 17., 1876. 8J. Miinelien-Gladbach, [1864]-77. Evangelische (Die) Heil- und Pflegeanstalt fiir blodsinnige Kinder Rheinlands nnd West- phalens im Kreise Gladbach, am 20. Fehruar 1859. 8°. Gladbach, [1859]. NEUHALDENSLEBEN. Asyl Kreuzhilfe fiir Blodsinnige jeden Ge- schlechts und Alters. Berichte iiber die Filial desselbeu. 1 , 1*04; 2., 1865; 5.-7., 1868-9 to 1871-2. 12°. Magde- burg, 186")-73. NEWARK. New York State Custodial Asylum for Fee- ble-Minded Women. Annual reports of the managers and officers to the legislature. 9.-14., 1892-3 to 1897-*. 8°. Albany Sr New York, 1*94-9. IVew York State Custodial Asylnni for Feeble-Minded Women. Char. Rev., N. Y., 1898-9, viii, 289-300. ONTARIO. Ontario (Province of). Annual reports ofthe inspector of prisons and public charities upon the lunatic and idiot asylums of the province of Ontario, to the lieutenant-governor. 5.-7., 1871-2 to 1873-4 ; 9.-23., 1875-6 to 1889-90; 25., 1891-2; 26., 1892-3; 29.-32., 1895-6 to 1*98-9. 8°. Toronto, 1873-99. ORANGE. Segnin Physiological School for the Training of Children of Arrested Mental or Physical Development, Orange, N. J. Circulars for the school years 1**3-4 (6.); 1886-7 (9.); 1887-8 (10.); 1891-2 (14.); 1894-5 (17.); 1896-7 (19.). 16° & 8°. [New York, 188:1-96.] PARIS. Recherches cliniques et therapeutiques snr l'6pilepsie, l'hysterie et l'idiotie. Compte rendu du service des enfants idiots, dpileptiqnes et arrier6s de Bicetre pendant les amides 188. pt. 2, 863-888. SANTA CLARA. California Home for the Care and Training of Feeb le- M i it ded Ch i Idre n. Annual and biennial reports of the board of trustees aud superintendent to the governor of the State. 2., 18-5-6 : 5., 1888-9 : 6., 1889-90; 8.- 14., 1-91-2 lo 1-97--. -:. Sacramento, 1886-99. -----. The institution bulletin. Quarterly announcements. Xo. 1, v. 3; No. 3, v. 4; Nos. 1, 4. v. 5; No. 1, v. 7; No. 1, v. 8. June 1, 1*91, to Nov. 1, 1896. 8-. Sacramento, 1-91-6. SWITZERLAND. SCHWEIZEIUSCHE Konferenz fiir das Idioten- wescn. Verhandlungen der ... in Zurich am 3. und 4. Juni 1--9. Hrsg. von Ad. Ritter. 8°. Ziirich, 16-5. Sch wrivet i«t he (3.) Konfereuz fur dasldiotenwesen in ];ni--.l..it' am 10. and 11. Juni 1901. Ztschr. f. Schul- i-ncll.t^.ll,'., Hamb.. 1901, xiv, 396-406. SYRACUSE. Syracuse State Institution for Feeble-Minded Children. Account of the ceremonies at the laying of the corner-stone of the New York Asylum for Idiots, at Svracuse, Sept. 8, 1854. 8 . Albany, 1854. Annual reports of the trustees and superin- tendent to the legislature. 7.-27., 1856-7 to 1*76-7; 29.-50., 1-78-9 to 1-99-1900. *,-. Albany, 1-57-1901. UNITED STATES. See, also, in this list, Beatrice; Columbus; Elwyn; Fort Wayne; Frankfort: Glenwood; Lakeville; Lincoln; Massachusetts; Media; Newark; Orange; Polk; Rome; Santa Clara; Syracuse; Vineland. Shuttleworth (G. E.) Notes of a visit to American institutions for idiots and imbeciles. 6a Lancaster, [1877]. VANCOUVER. School for Defective Youth of the State of Washington. Biennial and annual reports of the board of trustees and directors to the governor of the State, for the years 1887-8 to 1*91-2. 8°. Olym- pia, 1690-93. (liots (Asylums and provision for), hy localities. VERCURAGO. Primo istituto italiano dei frenaslenici. Gonnelu-Cioni (A.) Per la fondazione del primo istituto d'idioti in Italia. 12 . Chiavari, 1*8*. Phoghamma generale e eondizioni d' ammis- sione. * . [Lecco, n. d.~\ Rapporto animale. 4., 1892-3. *J. Lecco, 1893. VINELAND. New Jersey Stale Institution for Feeble- Minded Women. Annual reports of the board of managers and officers to the governor of the State, for the vears 18*8-9; 1890-91; 1891-2; 1893-4 to 1897-8. 8 . Trenton,1*90-99. WALTHAM. Massachusetts School for the Feible-Minded, at Waltham. Act (An) concerning the . . ., approved June 1*, 1**6. *>\ [Boston, 1886.] Annual reports of the trustees to the corpora- tion, the governor, the legislature, and the State board of education. 31.-54., 1*77-6 to 1900-1901. *3. Boston, 1878-1902. [Draft of a proposed bill changing the char- acter of the institution to harmonize with its original educational features.] M.S. fol. [m. p.], 1886. Idiots (Care and training of). See, also, Idiocy (Treatment of); Idiots (Asy- lums, etc., for); Idiots (Asylums, etc., for), by localities. Pouiineville (D.-M.) Assistance,traitenient it Education des enfants idiots et de'ge'nere's; rapport fait au Congres national d'assistance publique (session de Lyon, juin 1894). 8C. Pa- ris, 1895. AUo [Abstr.], in: Assistance, Par., 1895, v,97; 122; 129; 118. Brady (C.) The training of idiotic and feeble- minded children. 2. ed. 12*'. Dublin, 1655. Caiie and training of the feeble-minded, being a report of the eighth section of the Interna- tional Congress of Charities, Correction, and Philanthropy Chicago, June, 1*93. Edited by George II. Knight. 8°. Baltimore d London, 1-94." Custodial care of adult imbeciles. Papers and discussion before the 18th session of the National Conference of Charities and Correc- tions, Indianapolis, May 13-20, 1891. 8°. [n.p., 1*91.] Dklasiauve [L.-J.-F.] Distribution ties prix a l'ficole des enfants idiots et epileptiques ile la Salpetriere. Discours. 12°. [ Versailles, 1*79, rei *ubseq.~\ Educazionk (L') dei frenastenici. P. Parise, direttore. [Monthly.] v. 1, 1901. 6°. Siena. Current. Gonniclli-Cioni (A.) Dell' educazione dei fanciulli frenastenici. 8'-. Lecco, 1695. ------. Edtichianio i fanciulli deboli di ineu- te. 8°. Milano, 1*90. Howe ( S. G. ) Idiots. Report in part, to which is appended a letter on the School for Idiots in Paris, by George Sumner. 8\ Boston, 1847. Imbecile (The) and their training. 24°. Edinburgh, 1861. IDIOTS. 824 IDIOTS. Idiot* (Care and training of). Jouhnal of Psycho-Asthenics. Devoted to the care, training, aud treatnient of the feeble- minded and of the epileptic. [ Quarterly. ] v. 1-5, 1*96-1901. -?. Faribault, Minn. Current. Papers aud discussion on the care of the feeble-minded. Sixteenth Annual Conference of Corrections and Charities, Sau Francisco, 1--LL Eeprinted and distributed by the direct- ors of Pennsylvania Training School for Feeble- Minded Children. *:. Elwyn, Pa., [1**9]. Piper ( H. ) Schriftproben von schwachsin- nigen resp. idiotischen Kindern. 6-. Berlin, 1-03. Platz (Therese). Die Heilpdege und Erzie- hung zuriickgebliebener, scliwachsinniger und idiotischer Kinder. *;. Leipzig, 1—0. Pornain (L.-C.-L.) "Assistance et traitenient des idiots, imbeciles, debiles, imbeciles moraux, cretins, epileptiques (adultes et enfantsl; assis- tance et traitement des alcooliqnes; colonies familiales. - \ Clermont, 1-09. -----. The same. Preface de Maguau. -\ Paris, 1900. Rucker (J.) Der Uiiterricht und die Erzie- hung nieht vollsinniger Kinder, der Idioten, Taubstunimen und Blinden. Fiir Volkschule und Hans bearbeitet. 8\ Trier, 1-65. Segcin (£.) Theorie et pratique de l'educa- tion des enfants arridrds et idiots *■*-. Paris, 1-42. Shuttleworth ((t. E ) Mentally-deficient children; their treatment and training. 1*2-. London, 1695. -----. Thesame. 2. ed. 12:. London, 1900. Tiiewall (J.) A letter to Henry Cline, esq., on imperfect developenieuts of the faculties, mental and moral, as well as constitutional and organic; aud on the treatment of impediments of speech. *°. London, 1-10. Weygandt (W.) Die Behandlung idiotischer und iinbeciller Kinder iu iirztlicher und piidago- gischer Beziehung. 12°. Wiirzburg, 1900. Barr (M. "SV.) President's annual address. Alienist Sz Neurol.. St. Louis, 1897, xviii, 477-490. -----. The how, the why. and the wherefore of the training of feeble- minded children. J. Psvcho-Asthenic*. Faribault. Minn., 1899-1900, iv, 204-212. —---. The feeble-minded: care of them, and returns for amount expended. X. Eng. M. Month., Danbury, Conn.. 1900. xix, 419-422.—Beach (F.) The care and treatment of epileptic, mentally feeble, and imbecile children. Tr. Internat. Cong. Hvg. Sc Demog. 1891, Lond., 1892, iv, 2U3-208. -----. The presidential ad- dress delivered at the fifty-ninth annual meeting of the Medico-Psvchological Association, held in Loutlon on the 26th July. 1900. J. Ment. Se., Lond., 1900, xlvi, 623-653. -----. The mentally feeble child and how to train him. Pediatrics, X. V. &' Lond., 1897, iv, 490-501. -----. The education of the sense of touch in feeble-minded children and its connection with manual and industrial training. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1901, xxxvi, 106-M8.—Bourue- ville. Considerations somiuaires sur le traitement me- il ic-o-pedagogiqiie de l'idiotie. Med. inf.. Par.. 1894, i. 16- 3». -----. Des differents modes (I'assistance des idiots, des Epileptiques et ties arrieres. Assistance pub., Par., 1899, 2. s., viii, 353-360. -----. Organisation de secours a domicile pour les enfants idiots et arrieres. [Rap.] Re- cherches clin. et therap. sur l'epileps. [etc.] 1899, Par., 1900, xx, pp. clxx-clxxxiii. -----. Traitement iu6dieo- pedagogique des enfants idiots. Arch, de neurol.. Par., 1901, 2. s., xii, 343-352. — Bourneville Sc Borer ;J.) Traitement et education de la parole chez les enfants idiots et arrieres. Ibid . 1895, xxx, ln>-120. — I'arson (J. C.) Prevention of feeble - mindedness from a moral and legal standpoint. Proc. Xat. Confer. Char. 1898, Bost., 1899, xxv, 294-303.—Der herl i IL) Care of idiotic and feeble-minded children. Ibid.. 1889. xvi. 83-86. —Bendy (Mary). The tare of the feeble-minded. J. State M., Loud., 1899, vii, 8u0-811.— I)iliner. Ergi-bnis.se arztlicher Untersuchuug schwachsiiuiiger Kinder und ihre Bedeutung fiir den Le- hrer. from: Sachs. Schuiztg., 1895, Xo. 29.] Ztschr. f. d. Behandl. Sehwachsiun. u. Epilept.. Dresd., 1896, n.F.. xii. 105; 130. AUo: Med.-padagog. Monatsehr.. Berl., 1-97, 49; 89; 119.— Di»cii«»ion (A) on points connected with the education of feeble-minded children. Brit. M. J., Idiots (Cure and training of). Lond.. 1894. ii. 528-531.— Douglas (A. R.) The improb- able imbecile; bis training and future. J. Ment. Se. Lond., 1899. xiv, 1-6. — Dunlap ( Mary J. I Progie>a in the care of the feeble-minded and epileptics. Proc. Xat. Confer. Char. 1-99. Bost., 11'i'n. xxvii. 255-259.— Education of the feeble-minded. Ken. Com. Educat. 18--6-7. Wash.. 1888. .■.50-855.— Ellmiillti (G.. Leber Erziehung bli.dsiniiig.r Kinder. Voigetiag.n in der vierten offentlichen Sitznng tier Mitglied.-r .les Tereins fiir die Staatsarziieikinule im Kdnigieic lie Sachsen. Ma.. f. d. Staatsarznk., Leipz.. 1.-4".. iv, 78-87.— I ilxi;t r;i Itl f.T. F.| The duty of the state toward its idn.t.c aid f. e- ble-minded. Albany M. Ann., 1901. xxii. 125-1 :;.■.— Fori (S. J.) The care and training of feeble-miutled children. Tr. M. i Chir. Fac. Maryland. Bait.. 18S0. 229-237. -----. Institution care for the feeble-minded. J. Xerv. .v Ment. Dis.. X. Y., 1889, xvi, 764-709. -----. The physical train- ing of the feeble-minded. Tr. M. & Chir. Fac. Mary laud Bait., 1891, 338-346. -----. What shall be done with the imbecile.' Maryland M. J.. Bait.. 1892, xxvii, 1057-1063. Also: Virginia M. Month.. Bichmond, 1892-3, xis. 649-659. -----. The training of an idiotic hand. Proc. Nat. Confer. Char. Lost., 1895, xxii. 155-159. -----. The care and train- ing of the feeble-minded. Health Mag.. Wash.. 1896-7, iv, 341-345. AUo: Maryland M. J., Bait., 1897. xxxvii, 19-24. -----. The physiologic training of the feeble-minded. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1900. xxxv. 555-557.—Frenzcl (F.) Zehn Falle von Aphasie bei idiotischen Kindern unil deren unterrichtliche Behandlung. Ztschr. f. tl. Behandl. Sehwachsiun. u. Epilept., Dresd.. 18-90, n. F.. xii, 135-140. -----. Der Artikiilatious-Unterrichtbci geistesschwacheu Kindern. Ibid., 1899. n. F.. xv. 1; 26. -----. Das Ge- fiihlsleben der Geistesschwacheu. lEin Beitrag zurpada- gogischeti Pathopsychologies Ibid.. 1900, n. F., xvi, 145- 155. — (ailforti (F.i Asili-scuole ed edueazione degli idioti. Arch. ital. per le mal. nerv.. Milano. 18.-7. xxiv, 199-263.—G laser (E.) Erziehung nnd Uiiterricht der Schwachsiuiiigen. Med.-padago.; Monatsehr., Berl.. 1894, 321:358.— Greene ( H. M.j lhe obligation of civilized society to idiotic and feeble n.iuded. children. Proc. Confer. Char. 18-4. Bost.. L-85. xi. 264-271.—Heller. Ueber Friiiudungsniessungen bei schwachsiunigen Kin- dern. Ztschr. f. d. Behandl. Schwachsinn. u. Epilept., Dresd., 1898. n. F.. xiv, 136-150. 4 diag. — Holt (Elizabeth D.) Some observations upon thetrainingof the nieutally- defieient epileptic child. Pediatrics X. V. Sc Lond.. 1897, iii. 444-44-.—Horrix ( H.) Der Lcseiinterricht in der Hilfssclmle. Ztschr. f. d. Behandl Schwachsinn, ii. Epi- lept., Diesd.. 1897. n. F.. xiii. 93-104— Johnson (G. E.) Contril.iitic.il to the psychology anti pedagogy nf feeble- minded children. .J. Psycho-A sthenics, Faribault. Minn., 189it-7. i. 90: 141: 1897-8.'ii, 27: 03: 107.—Jones (li.) Lim- itations in the treatment of the idiot. Kansas Citv M. In.l.x. 1894. xv. 231-2:14. -----. A plea for a home f.i the care and training of feeble-minded youth. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri, St. Louis. 1894. 137-144.—Juba (A.) A.gyenge- tehets.gtiek oktatasa. The instruction of the weak- minded.1 Orvosi hetil.. Budapest. 19l.O, xliv. 135.—Kali- »clier .S.i Ueber die Fiirsorge fiir schwaelih.-gahte Kin.l.-r. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psvchiat. [etc.]. Berl.. 1901. lviii, 743-747—Kerliu (F. X.) Provision for idiotic and leeble- minded children. Proc. Xat. Confer. Char. 18.81. Bost., 1885, xi, 246-263. -----. Provision for idiots. Ibid.. 1885. xiii, 158-174. -----. Provision toi idiotic and feeble-minded children. Ibid., 18-0. xiii, 28-: 1.8-7. xiv, 250. Jteo.Re- priut, in part. -----. Kepoit of the committee on the care and training of the feeble-minded. Proc. Xat. Con- fer. Char., Bost., 1888, xv. 99-101.- Knight i G. H.) The state's duty towards epileptics: piovAjen for idiotic and feeble-minded children. Ibid., l-.-i'. xiii 298-302, AUo, Keprint. -----. The feeble-minded. Ibid., 1895. xxii, 150-155. -----. Prevention from a legal and moral standpoint. Ibid.. 189.-. L..st..l899. xxv, 304-308.—Knopf. Die Sprachstdriingen bei tlen Ziiglingen der Idiotenanstalt zu Idsteiu iu Xas>au. Med.-piidagog. Monatsehr., Beil, 1899. ix. 1-15.—Kobler. Ueber Wesen und Behandlung des kindlichen Blodsinues. Irrenfreuntl. Heilbr., 1889-90, xxxi, 65-83.- Kouferenz fiir Idiotetiptlege und Schnleii fur schwachbefahigte Kinder am 6. his 9. S.ptciiibei I*'.'* in Breslau. Ztschr. f. d. Behandl. Schwachsinn. u. Epileiit., Dresd.. 1,-9-. u. F.. xiv. 49: 97: 130: 1899. n. F., xv 6; 33; 49.—Krohn (W. O.) Cliild study as applied to defective children. Char. Rev.. X. T.. 1897. vi, 427-737.— I. a que r (L.) Ueber die arztliehe Bedeutung der Hilfsst l.ulen tur schwachbefahigte Kinder. Arch. f. I'sychiat.. Berl., 1900, xxxiii, 075.—I.cniz. Instruction a donuer aux enfants idiots et arrieres. Bull. Soc. de med. ment. de Belg., Gaud Sc Leipz., 1900, 118-145—I.ey. Instruction a donuer aux enfants idiots et arrieres. Ibid.. 234-245. -----. Sur ie traitement des enfants idiots it imbeciles; l'asile£cole au sein dune colonic Ibid.. 1901, 133-137.-----. Uu enfant d'idiote; importance du plat einent dc- fiiles Idiotes dans des institutions speciales. Ibid.. 309-3IG, 1 pl — l.uliiit'* (H.) Der Schutz der I.lioten und Imbeciilen. I'c-t. med.-chir. Presse, Budapest 19oo, xxxvi 1213-1218.-----. K6pezhetetlen idiot-ik az elmegydgyintezetben. [The etl- IDIOTS. 825 IDIOTS. Idiots (Care and training of). ucation <^' idiots in institutions for the cure of mental disease.! Orvos. lapja, Budapest, 1901, xii, 202.— 'lucre. Education & donuer aux enfants idiots et arrieres. Bull. Soc.de nieil.nient.de l'.clg . Gaud & Leip/.., 1900, 330-343.— .Tlulynrevslii (1 V.) O sposobakh i tslelyakh vospi- taniya bolle/.neiinikh i otst.ilikh v diishevnom razvitii dletii: sredstva ohezpccheuiya ikh v builushtshem. [Methods and aims of educating mentally diseased and backward children: means of providing tor them in the future.] Trudi per*. . syezda oteehest. psicliiat , S.-Peterb., 1887, 1046-1054.- .'loll t Alice J.) The education and cus- tody of the imbecile l'i... . Xat. Confer. Char., Bost., 1894, xxi, 16---179.— .'loullon (A. K.I Loth weight and mental iinprovement. Am. J. Insan.. Chicago, 1894 5, li, 209-220.__llliiller jll.l Hie Lesebuchfrage, vom Stand- puuktc der Leip/iget Sehuaclisiimigensehutcaus betracli tet. Ztschr. f. d. Behandl. Schwachsinn. u. Epilept., Lres.l., 1896. n. F.. xii 37-46. — .Tl iii ler (P.) Der llautl- fcrtigkeitsunlei i icht bei S.h wacbsinnigen. Ibid., 1892, n. F?, viii. 65-71. — l'lisrlieu (A.) Ueber den ersten Rechciiunterricht bei schwachsinuigeii Kindern. Psy- chiat. Wchnschr.. Halle a. S.. Is99, i. 354-350. - I'tiuci' (F. S.i Anatomy ofthe nervous system, with special ref- erence to the brain and its function-, ax a guide to the nursing and training of the mentally feeble. Trained Km se.' >5 \5. 1890, xvi. 194-201.— I*help* ( R. M. ) The pie vent ion of social detectives. Me.l. News, X. Y5,1896, Iwiii. 98-101. —Powell iF. M.) The care and training of feeble -mill.led children Proc. Xat. Confer. Char., Bost., 1-87 xi\ . 250 -JiiO. ------. Care of the feeble-minded. Ibid., 1,-97. l'.ost., lstl.-. xxiv. 289-JoJ. AUo : Char. Rev., N. Y., 1SH7-8. vii. 674-080, 1 tab.—I*ulirer (K.) Znr Methotlik des '/.< i.■beiiunt. rrichtesiu Sc hwachsinuigenschulen. Zt- schr. f. it. Lehanill. S. hwachsiun.n. Epilept.,Dresd.. 1899.xv, 129-14U —Kin-h aril» (J. R.) The education ofthe feeble- minded. Inteniat K.■.-. Char. .v. Correction. X. T. i Loud., l-8'.-7,i. 7.—Kieliler (K.) Ueber den Uuterricht schwach-inniger Kintler. Ztschr. f. tl. Behandl. Schwach- sinn. u. Epilept., Dresd., 1893, n. ¥.. ix, 21-35. ------. Die Bestr.•buiigen fiir die Bildnngund Erziehungschwach- sinniger Kinder in ltalien. Ibid., 1901. n. F., xvii, 119; 145. — Kojjer* (A.CA State care of the feeble-minded. Car<-... f.-.-ble-miiided. Internal. Cong. Char. [.lc]. Bait. A Lond.. 1-94.--13.—B »u««iau - Saint -Phi- lippe A; Kegi- (E.) De la nt-cessite .le creer une edu- cation -i'e. iale , t des maisons de refuge pour les enfants degeui i.'•-. faibl>-~ d'e-ptit. imbeciles, idiots ou cretins. T. de metl th- B■■tdeaux. Is95, xxv, 437.—St hmill-»lon- h a id. Die Ilebnng der seelischen und geistigen Fiibig- keit.n bei minderbegabten Schulkintlern. Ztschr. f. >c hol.-ndlilsptlg.. Hamb., 1901. xiv, 331-334. — !«ihullle- vrortli (Gr. E.) The care of the mentally feeble child las distinguished from the imbecile!. Tr. vii. Internat. Cong. Hyg. & Demog. 1-91 Lend., 1892. iv, 208-211. ------. The industrial training >>f imbeciles. -I. Ment. Sc. Lond., 189S. xliv, 531-535. — Miuiih (A.G.I Education aud care of the idiot. Boston M. Sc S. J.. 18x6. cxiv. 364-307. [Discus- sion 5 37:5 — Stiwarl (J. Q. A.) Educaiion, training and nit-dic.il treatment of the feeble-minded. Tr. Kentucky M. Sc-., Louisville, 1.-9I. n. s., iii, 1-1L —Tiil-ener (P.) Die Entsteliuug des Getlaukens, besondere Schulen liir sc hwachsinnige Schiiler zu errichten, und die Art, wie dieser I it-dan k fin tlei Xat hhilfeschulezu Dresde n-Altstatlt Verwirklic hung gefunden hat. Ztschr. 1. d. Lehandl. Sciiwachsiim.ii. Epilept.. Dresd., 1900, xvi, 01; 81.—Tain- buriui. Le mouvement italieu moderne en favour ilu traitement et de 1 > dueatien des anorniaiix de l'intelli- g.-lice. [Transl.] Bull. Soe. tie med. infill, de Belg., f.and & Leipz.. 1901, 32 1'.— I rain in-.' (The) of the fee- ble minded and of idiots. In: Hall tt, S.> & Mansfield (.1. M i Hints toward a bibliog. of etlucat. 12 5 l'.ost., 1880, 205. —Treatment (The) of imbecile cbihii t-n in Loudon. J. State M. Lond.. 1899. viii, 215-217.—Wenijjer c \L) Die Kdi pei ptlegebei geistigZuriid. gcbliebeuen Zi-chr. f. d. Behandl. Schwa, h-imc u. L'pil. pt , Dn sd., 1891, n. F. vii, 33-4'i— W'ey cfaiull t \V. I Die I'.edeni ung de- biii- gerlicheii C-s.-i/.buc-lis fiir Schwach-innige untl Kpil.-p- tische. Ibid.. 19tl. n. F., xvii, 35: 49 — Wilmarth (A.W'.I Tin- tare of tbe higher grade- of feeble-minded. Pediat- rics. X. V., 1900, x, 251-263.— Win-pi m (C. W. I The protection and training of feeble-minded women. Proc Xat. Confer. Char., Bost.. 1*95. xxii, 160-163. — XVre»cli- ner (A.) Eine experiinent.il.■ Studio iiber die Associa- tion in einem Falle von Idiotic Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat. [etc.], Beil., 1900. lvii. 211-339. Will AT. Die Geistes- Bchwachen, ihre Behandlung und I'tlege; ein Beitrag zur Oriciitiernng fiir den praktisehen Arzt. Aerztl. Monat- sehr., Leipz., 1899, 145-157. — Wj lie I A. 11. T.) Motor ability ana control of the feeble minded. J. Psycho-As- thenics, Faribault, Minn., 1900-1901, v. 52 58. Xiejiler. Bemerkungen zum gemiitlif h-anregc nden Intei rich) m Idiotenklassen. Ztschr. f. d. Behandl. Schw achsinn. u. Epilept., Dresd., 1897, n. 15. xiii. 36-45. -------. Die wie h tigsten charakteristischenCrunilsiitzedt's Uutert icht es bei sebwaehsinnigen Kindern. Ibid., 1900, n. F., xvi, 33; 19. ------. Ueber deu Lebeuszweck der Blddsiiiuigen. Ibid., 155-163. Idiots (Craniology of). Sec, also, Idiocy (Trentment of, Operative). Tacquki (E.-L -M.) * (Contribution a l'e'tude do rolilitcriitioM tics sutures dti crane chez les idiots. 4°. Paris, I-!)*'. -----. Tho same. s3. Paris, 1692. Aiitlriani (G.) A Sjjrowwo'lP.! Stoi ia di un idiota con anomalie vatic di sviluppo cefaiico e speciahnente con mic.roftalmo unilaterale congeni I o. I'sichiatria, Napoli, 1888, vi, 1-53, l]d.— It on ■'■■ e ville. Cou tri but ion a. l'6t title de la microcephalic ct, en particulier, du traitenient m6- dico-pt dagogique ties itliots lnicroccphales. Cong. d. m6d. alieiiiste.sctneurol.de France . . . Proa-verb, [etc.] 1894, Par., 1S95, v, 5J0-587, 8 pl— C'eiilonze (M.) Sui cranio di un idiota. Anomalo. Xapoli. 1889, i, 08-73. Also: Gior. cli din., terap. e mod. pubb., Napoli, 1890, xxi, 289-295.— Ho n l re he me 5 Tl anon v ri e r. Xotes sur trois crAnea it id ml-, i un. voutecranienue. Assoc, f rant;, pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r. 1884, Par.. 1885, xiii, pt. 2, :U8-354. [Discus- sion!, pt. 1, 202.— II.....pliry iSirO.) Xote on the micro- cephalic or idiot skull, and on the maci noephalie or hydro- cephalic skull. .1. Anat. \-. Physiol., Lend.. 1S94-5, xxix, All4 :i28.—Irelmul (W. "\V.) Report upon some cases of microcephalic idiocy and cretinism. Ediuh. M. J., 1S75-0, xxi, 109; 214', 1 pl. AUo, Reprint.— lielliicr. Feber Kopfmaasse tier Idioten. Allg. Zt3chr. f. Psychiat. [etc.], Berl., 1901, lviii 01-78 — Kempson (F. (5) Skull of an adult microcephalic idiot. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond., 1897-8, xxxii, 207 271—.ileirowilz (15) Imbe- cility with marked doliehoeephaly. Post ('railuate, N. Y., 1901, xvi, 65-67.—Malta ki ill) Hiakuonsha no tairo hiouien no benkio. [ Abnormal development of occiput of idiots.J Ztschr. d. Tokio med. (iesellsch., 1892, vi, No. 23, 21-36, 1 pl.—Sutherland. Skull and brain of an idiot. Proc. Med.-Chir. Soc, Montreal (1883-5), 1886, 68-74. Idiots (Diseases of). See Idiots (Physical and mental conditions, etc., of). Idiots (Education of). See Idiots (Care. etc.. of). Idiots (Mongolian type of). Hall {W. W.) A caseof mongolism. Pediatrics, N.T., I 1901, xi, 444-440.—Join-* (K.i The mouth in hackward children (imbecile) ot the Mongolian type. J. Meet. Sc, Lond., 1890, xxxvi. 187-190. —King (Fannie!. The case of John; Mongolian tvpe. J. Psvcho Asthenics. Fari- bault, Minn., 1900-1901', v, 40-52. —Krai (II ) Ein Fall von Idiotie mit mongoloideni lypus uud Schihldi ii-en- inangel. Prag. med. Wchnschr." 1899. xxiv, 415-417.— Lev. Enfant imbecile du type dit Mongol. Ann. Soc. ineti.-chir. d'Anvers, 1900, v, 19-25. Armuann I]. (iriHKKT (A.) *Lu vision chez les idiots et les imbeciles. 1\ Paris, 16{)1. -----. The siiiiic H'1. Paris, ls'Jl. Ikkland (W. \V.) The mcutal iiMcctions of children; idiocv, imliccility, and insanity. 8°. London, MM. I.indsi akdt (J. F. V.) * Schwanoerschaft, Ge- burt nnd VYoclit'iibett geistig znriickgeblicbener Personeii. 6 '. Marburg, 1699. Mai:ik(A.) A; lk)NNET(J.) Ln vision chez les idiots ct los imbeciles. 8\ Paris, 1892. [Photographs of inmates of the Imbecile Asylum.] Album, sm. 4 . [n.p.,n.d.] IDIOTS. 826 IDIOTS. Idiots (Physical and mental condition aud hahits of). Siicttlkworth ( (L E. > The health and physical development cf idiots as compared with mentally sound children ol the same age. 8C. London, 1>S4. Sollikr (Alice), ne'e Mathieu-Hubois. * De Pel at de la dentition chez les enfants idiots et arrieres. Contribution a I'etude des d^generes- ceuces dans l'espece humaine. 4°. Paris, 1667. Soli.ieh (P.) * Psychologie de 1'idiot ct de Pimbecile. (Essai de psychologie niorbide.) 4\ Paris, 1690. -----. The same. ,•>-'. Paris, 1691. WiiKSCHXEK (A.) * Eine expeiiinentclle Stu- die iiber die Association in cincin Falle von Idiotie. [Giessen.] ***-. Berlin, 1900. AUo, in: Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat. [etc.], Berl.. 1900, lvii, 241-339. Abt (LA.) Congenital idiocy. Clin. Rev.. Chicago. 1901. xiv. 353-359. — Alia haw ( J. ) Los ojos del idiota y del imbecil. Siglo metl.. Madrid. 1895, xiii, 454; 470: 4*4 — A merlins;. Kstice idiotu. [ The hair of the head of idiots.] Casop. lek. cesk.. v Praze. 1877, xvi. 284.—Augio- lella ( G.) Un enso di imhecillismo associato ad arresto di sviluppo di nn arto. Manicomio mod., Xocera, 1*92. viii, 293-310. — Barr (M.VT.) Some diseases common to the feeble-minded. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago. 1898, xxxi, 1011. — Bench (F.) A case of imbecility with choreoid ] movements. J. Ment. Sc, Lond.. 1887-8, xxxiii, 254-259, 2 pl. AUo [Abstr.]: Proc. Rov. M. A: Chir. Soc. Lontl., 1885-0, n.s., ii, 119. AUo | Abstr.l: Lancet, Lond., 1880, i, 1021. -----. Types of itliocv and imbecility. Clin. J.. Lond., 1894. iv. 43; 277: 1894-5.' v. 175.—Berkhan. Leber einige bei Idioten vorkommende. wenig beachtete Symp- tome. Ztschr. f. d. Behandl. Schwachsinn. n. Epilept., j Iu-esiL. 18S9. n.F., v, 95-9s. —Blviun (Z.A.) Idiotismus; i visokaya stepen disfazii ; teoieli.heskaya popitka ob- yasneniya kliokhota ; iinpulsivniye. skoroprekhodya- shtsbiye. dvigatelniye pristupi. [5 . .; high degree of dysphasia; theoretical attempt to explain laughter; im- pulsive, transient motor attacks.] Med. Sbornik, Ti- flis, 1885. no. 39. lit. 1, 03-09. — Bol and i E. S. I Idiots savants. Alienist & Xeurol., St. Louis, lsr-8. ix. 58-62.— Bourneville. De l'idiotie avec cachexie pachyder- niiqne (itliotie nivxied6niateuse). Assoc, franc, pour l'a- vance. d. sc. C.-r., Par.. 1889. xviii, pt. 2. 813-839. -----. Nouvelle contribution a l'gtude de l'idiotie niyxcede- mateuse (idiotie avec cachexie pachydermique). Cong. ann. de med. ment. C.-r. 1890, Par., 1891, i, 127-158. -----. Nouveau cas d'idiotie avec cachexie pachyder- mique (myxcedeme infantile); avant le tiaitement par l'ingestion stomacale tie glande thyroide. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1896, 10. s.. iii, 467. -----. L'ouanisme chez les idiots. [Rap. ] Rev. de psvehiat.. Par.. 1897. n. s.. 3::4-:::i7. AUo [Abstr.1: J. de meti.de Par., 1898, 2. s.. x, 71. — Bourneville & Boyer (J.) Imbecilliteprouonc£e probablcnient congenitale; spasmes musculaires et copro- lalie. Arch, de neurol.. Par., 1895, xxx, 450-459. AUo: Recherches clin. et therap. sur l'epileps. [etc.] 1895. Par., 1890. xvi, 207-217.— Bourneville \- Briton (P.) Idiolie congenitale; rein unique. Ibid.. 18sl, Par.. 1885. v, 127-140. -----------. De l'idiotie coinpli.|iiee de cachexie pachy- dermique (idiotie cr6tinoido). An h. cle neuioL, Par.. 1880. xii, 137: 292. Also: Recherches clin. et therap. sur l'epi- leps. [etc] 188(1. Par., 1887. vii, 3-104.— Bourneville Ac Buil or. In stabilite mentale avec iierv.ision des instincts. Ibid.. 1.-84. Par.. 1885, v, 147-16!.- Bourneville & IVoir. Idiotie complete congenitale avec paraplegie compliqitee de contracture et de deformations des pieds. Ibid., 1894, Tar.. 1895, xv, 81-91. 4 pl. AUo .- Progres med., Par.. 1895, 3. s. i, 160-171. ----- -----. Idiotic: monstruosite phy- sique et morale; acroeephalie; cecite complete; surdite in- complete: Epilepsie; nanisme relatif; obesit6. Recherches clin. et th6rap. sur l'epileps. [etc.] 1895 l'ar.. 1890. xvi, 120-146. AUo: Proxies med.. Par., 1896, 3. s.. iv. 20-20.— Bourneville A Kaonll. Imbecillite: malformations j congenitales des deux mains et du pietl gauche; poly sarcie. Recherches clin. et therap. sur l'epileps. [etc.] 18^7. Par., 1*A*\ viii, 207-216.-----------. Imbecillite legere; insta- ll 11 i t e mentale avec perversion des instincts et impulsions genitalos. Ibid., 18.-8. Par., 1>89, ix, 61-76.—Bourne- ville .V Kuel. Itliotie complete probahlement congeni- tale. Ibid., 1895, Par.. IsOC xvi, 69-70.—C'aiiiusel. Un cas d'idiotie aveu cachexie pac hvdermique. Arch, de neu- rol., Par., 1889. xvii. .-5-92.—(.'banning (VV.) The pal- ate of itliots. [Abstr.J Proc. Am. Med.-Psychol. Ass., Utica, 1896, 299-302. -----. The significance of palatal deformities in itliots. J. Ment. Sc, Loud.. Is97. xliii, 72- 86. AUo, Reprint. — C'hizh i V. E.) Shirota vospriya- tiya u dushevuo-holnikh. [Extent of perception in the insane.J Arch, psichiat. [etc.|. Kharkov, 1890, xvi, no. 1-2, 23-38.—Cobbold (C. S. YV5) Case of suicidal intent Idiot* (Physical and mental condition and hahits of). in congenital imbeciles. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1886-7, xxxii, 387-392.—I'ouxot 9!, iii, 33, 1 pl. — Vlomlio (C.) Idiotismo e siudrom e di Little. Ann. di nevrol., Napoli. 1900, xviii, 211; 284.— IVIordret. Modifications du volume de la glande thyroide pouvant s'observer chez les itliots. Cong, ann.de med. ment. C.-r. 1890, Par., 1891, i, 100-120—Oliver (C. A.) The eye of the adult imbecile. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc, Bost., 1880-7, iv, 499-504. AUo, Keprint. AUo: Med. & Surg. Reporter, Pbila., 18.-7, lvii, 3.-0. — Peterson (F.) The psychology ot the idiot. Proc. Am. Metl.-Psychol. Ass., LTlica, 1896, 272-298. Also.- Am. J. In.-an., Chicago, 1890-7, liii, 1-25. AUo, Reprint. -----. Idiots savants. Pop. Sc Mouth., N. Y., 1896-7 1, 21:1-240.-Pick (A.) Ueber die Combination angeboieii.r psvehischer S.iiuJt- chezustande mit anderen psvehischen Krankheitst'oinieii. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Prag, 18c5. vi, 183-191. — Bevillet. Lo nez chez les itliots; deformations et lesious pathologiques. Cong. ann. de metl. ment. C.-r. 1891, Lyon A Par., 1892, ii, 353-371— Reynaud. Note sur un illettte. Loire med., St.-fitieune. 1889, viii, 83-89.1 pl.— Boubiuovilch. Rapport tie la commission du prix Belhomme [Du delire chez 1'idiot et limbecile a l'exclusiou ties arrieres (. Ann. med.-psychol., Par.. 1901. 8. s., xiv, 88.—Wndun iB.) I. Imbecillite con abituali scatti impulsivi .- ricorreuti IDIOTS. 827 IGLESIAS. Idiots (Physical and mental condition and habits of). accessi di eccitamenti e delirii maniaci; duplice fci imento con niorte di nno dei feriti. II. Kirlessioni interno alia custodia degli alienati di mente in genere ed a quella dei passi malfattori in specie. Gior. internaz. d. sc. nied., Xapoli. 1889. n. s., xi, 303-.'!73.—Makninolo (K.) Kinukc to fnmo no kauko ni zukete. (Kr.cpient non-appearance of hairy growth on the genitals ut idiotic persons.] Tokyo metl. Wchnschr.. 1893. No. 8o2. 22-20. — ttnlgo (J.) li, r psychiatrische Begrifl tl. s Seliu a.lisinns. IYst me.l.- \ chir. Presse, Budapest. 1900, xxxvi, 577-579. —Mehleieh (G.) Die Augen der Idioten nnd EpileptiKer tier Heil- und Ptiege-Anstalt Schloss Stetten in Witrttemberg. Ztschr. f. d. Behandl. Schwachsinn. u. Epilept., Dresd., 1885. i, 25; 3:;. — Neglas (J.) De l'txamen morphologiquc chez les alieiies et les itliots. N. iconog. tie la Salpetriere, Par., 1891, iv, 206; 274. 3 pl— Mliuttlewortu (G. K.I The physical features of itliocv. iu relation to classifica- tion and proguosis. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1883, iii. 283- 301.—Siegerl (F.i Le pretendu iachitismeilaus l'idiotie myxcedcinateiise. Arch, tie metl. tl. cut'.. Pai-., 1900, iii, 734-737 —Sianilicanee (The) of palatal deformities in idiots Med. Kec, X. Y., Is97. li, sos._Miukler (W5) Two interesting cases of idio. y : 1. Idiocy, with spastic anil athetoitl phenomena. II. Ka. hiiic idiocv. Phila. Hosp Rep., 1893, ii. 161-163.—Mollier il'i De'lctat deladenli- tion chez lesenfants idiots et arrieres. Kecberehesclin. ct therap. sur l'epileps. (etc.] 1887. Par., Is88. viii, 227-230. -----. Les tumbles lie langage dans l'idiotie et l'imhe- cillite. Rev. scient. Par.. 1-91. xlvii. 75-80.—Nzoiilnsh j (F.) Toles6rmellnek idiotisnmssal tiirsult esete. [Case of pigeon breast complicated with idiocy.] <;vdirva-/.at | Budapest, 1892. xxxiv, 200. AU;, transl. [Abstr.]': IYst med.-chir. Presse. Budapest. 1892. xxviii, 040.—Tnnzi (E.) Due ea.-i d' idiozia mixeileniatosa. liiv. tli patol. nerv., Firenze, 1899, iv, 145-153. — Telford-Nuiitli (T.i The paralytic type of idiocy and imbecilitv. Pediatrics, N. Y. Sc Lond.. 1898, v, 541-549 I oma-iiii (S.) Idio- tismo etl atetosi. Manicomio, Xc . ia. 1901, xvii, 139-159.— Torger. Yerzweretes Gebi>s eines 23iahrigen Idioten. Odont. Bl., Berl.. 190o. v 73-75. — Warner (F.) On mental and physical feebl.-nes- : with analysis of cases. Lancet. Loud..'1897, i. 374— Wernicke i'c.i Ein Fall vou Schwachsinn leichteren Gratles. Monatsehr. f. Psvehiat. u. X.urol., Berl.. ]s97. i. 398-409: ii, 22-30.— Wililermulli (H. A.) Einiite 'Wahrnebmungen iiber Sj.im. h~t..rung bei Idioten. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat. ;.t. I.eil. 18K5 xli 661-670. ------. Leber die Kompli- kation.-n der Idiotie. Ztschr. f. tl. Behandl. Schwachsinn. u. Kpi.pt . Dresd., Is87, iii. 49; 05; 81. -----. Unter- -m liuii^.-n iiber den Musiksiun tier Idioten. Allg. 7.x- hi. t. Psychiat. [etc.], Berl , 1888-9, xiv, 574-580.— Wilinarlh A. VT.) Physical anomalies of the feeble- minded. J. Psvcho-Asthenics, Faiihault, Minn.. 1900- 1901, v, 1-3, IpL— Willi n ia (T.» Seishin biosha sitsuken kiji. [A clinical note on idiocv.1 Zts.hr. tl. Tokio med. Gesellsch., 1892. vi, Xo. 19, 4u 42— Winkler (C.) Een geval van idiotismus. Nederl. Tijd.schr. v. Geneesk., Amst . 1885, 2. R.. xxi. afd. 2. 56-73. — Wylie (A. P. T.) | A study of the senses of the feeble-minded. J. Psyoho- Asthen'ics. Faribanlt. Minn., 1899-19iin, iv. 137-150. Also: Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis, 1900, xviii. 673-080.-----. Memory of the feeble-minded. .1. P-vcho Asthenics. Faribault, Minn., 1900-1901, v, 16-24.- von H'y-n (R.| Beitrag zur Kenntnia der Entwickelung ties Skel. ties von Kretinen und Kretinoiden. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rdntiieii-trahlen, Hamb., 1899-1900, iii. is, 48; 87, 3 pl.— Zi'iigei'lv. Ein bemerken.swerther Fall von Schwaeh- siim. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat. fete.]. 1'erl.. 1900, lvii, 119. Id mail (Nils Jolian Wilhelm). *Afhantlling om tabes i benen. [A 1 realise on tabes ofthe hones. ) 2 p. ]., .12 pp. 16'-'. Helsingfors, J. C. Frcnelell A- Son. 1*46. ■ drat* (Jean) [1-72- ]. "Contribution a 1'efinli' de la preparation du scrum antidiphto- ritique. 6- pp. 4J. Lyon, l6i)7>. No. 114:?. Idrologia (L'> e la climatologia. Torino. I ith. alter 1892, of: Idrologia (L') e la climatologia italiane, Torino. Idrologia (L') c la climatologia italiane. Pe- riodico mensile dell' Associazione medica ita- liana d' idrologia e di climatologia. Dott. (i. S. Vinaj, ilirettore-respoiisabile. v. 1-12,1*90-1901. 6\ Torino, 1*90-96; Firenze, 1 -97-1901. Current. Continuation of: Idrologia (L') e la clima- tologia medica, Firen/e. After 1892, 'italiane" omitted from title. Idrologia (L') e la climatologia medica. v. 7- 11, 1-Z65-9. 6'\ Firenze. Continued under title: Idrologia (L') e la climatologia italiane. Idroterapia (La) pratica. Periodico bimes- trale. Mroterapia, cliniato-torapiu, meccano- terapia, etc. v. 1-2, 1900-1901. 8°. Biella. Current. I, May, 1692, to Dec, 189(1. **-. Poma. Ended, v. 3 commenced Jan., 1894. I^U'IM* e servizio sanitario della r. marina. Ma- teriali* esposto all' esposizione generale di To- rino, anno 1-9*. .1") pp. 12°. Genova, 1*9*. I^iciH' (La) nelle stoviglie per uso domestico. 7 pp. *~. Firenze, suc-e. Le Monnier, is-*. Iglau. See Smallpox (History, eie., of), by localities, dc la Ijf lesia (Komiin) A Arcini<>^a t Mateo). Patologia especial do los aniniales domestieos. Con prologo de Don Dahnacio Garcia Izcara. 5 v. 8°. Madrid, imp. y litog. San Bafael, 1901. Igl«*sias. Regolamento di pubblica igieue della cilta <1' Iglesias. 1* dicembre 1***. 20 pp. -' . Sassari, G. Ilessi, 1~*9. I;;l<'sias (Angel) [ 1*29-70]. De la laringoscopia y de sus aplicaciones a la patologia y fi la niedi- cina opeiatoria, con un ap6ndice que trata de la rinoscopia. 3 p. 1., 2*4 pp., 1 pl. 8'. Paris, 1108a y Bo it ret, 1656. Iglcsias (ibiriqiie). See Campoi (Juan N.) Sc iKlewinw (E.) Brief notes on the immunity of the capital [etc. ]. 12°. [Mexico, 1892.] IGLESIAS. 828 IHRING. Iglesias (Manuel S. j * Transfusion de la sangre. 38 jip. --. Mexico, Berrueco y Hermanos, 1-83. I guard (Paul) [1874- ]. * £tude sur le trai- tement de l'atrophie infantile par le lait steri- lise. 138 pp., 1 1. 8-. Paris, 1699. Xo. 203. Ig na tin amara. Bourquelol. Sur la nature des hydrates de carbone de reserve coiitenus dans l'albumen de la teve de Saiut- Ignace et tie la noix vomique. Compt. rend. Cong, inter- nat. de pharm. 1900, Par., 1901, 86-91. Igiiatoffl Afanasiy [Aleksieyevich]) [1*65- ]. *K voprosu o khirurgicheskom liecheuii zhelch- nikh kainnei i vodyanki zhelchuavo puzirya. [On surgical treatment of biliary calculi and dropsy ofthe gall-bladder.] 100 pp., 2 1. •■>-'. S.-Peterburg, A. Transit el, 1-91. Igliatoff (P-) [l"*5o- ]. *L'antipyrine dans les douleurs cardiaques. 55 pp. 4°. Paris, 1667. No. 39. Ignatovski (A[fanasiy] S[ergieyevieh]) [l-.">-- ]. K voprosu o perelomakh cherepa. [Fract- ures of the skull.] iii, 78, ii pp., 6 pl. 83. Kiev, V. Zavadzki, 1892. Another copy, bound with: Univ. Izviest., Kiev, 1892, xxxii. Ignatyeff (Mikhail [Aleksandrovich]) [l-:>0- ]. * O sposobakh uuichtozheniya trupov zarazuavo skota dlya utilizatsii v promishlen- nosti. [Methods of destroying cadavers of in- fected cattle and utilizing the same in industry.] 43 pp., 1 1., 1 tab. 8C. Sankpeterburg, I. Trei, 1—5. -----. O dieyatelnosti goroilskavo myasnavo patologicheskavo muzeya za perviye dva goda yevo sushtshestvovaniya (18-9-91 g.). [Prog- ress of the city pathological niuseum of meats for the first two years of its existence.] 16 pp. 83. [St. Petersburg, Sehreder, 189-J.] Bound u-ith -. J. Russk. Obsh. okhran. narodn. zdrav., St. Petersb.. 1892, ii. -----. Poroshok torfyanavo iii bielavo nikha (stagiiiiin) S.-Peterburgskavo Kamenskavo za- voda; opit priinieneniya yevo dlya uuichtozhe- niya dnrnavo zapakha v pomieshtsheniyak zhivotnikh, pomolnikh vlgrebnikh yauiakh vo dvorakh i na gorodskikh svalkakh. [Powder of peat or white moss (Sphagnum) from the St. Petersburg Kameuski factory; experiment on its application for the destruction of the bad smell in the abodes of animals, cesspools iu the court-yards, and the city refuse heaps.] 29 pp. *-. S.-Peterburg, Midler $■ Bogelman, 1-94. Igliatyeflf (V[aina va] Ye[nmovich]) [1859- ]. Cliuma; siinptoinatologiya chunii; kratkoye opisanie epideiniy, nablyudavshikhsya v pre- dielakh Eossii; kharakter chumuoi infektsii i mieri pronlakticheskiya, chastntya i obshtslie- stvetmiya. S prilozhen'ieni etatyi Yersin: '*0 seroterapii bubounoi chuml". [The pest; its symptouiatologv ; brief description of epidemics observed in Russia; character of pest infection and prophylactic measures, private and public. With appendix of Yersin's essay: On the -ernui- therapy of bubonic plague.] 1 p. 1., 101 pp. 8:. Moskva, 1-97. Ignazio (Artiaco). Ricerche batteriologiche sopra alcuni mezzi di medicatiira antisettica. Tesi di laurea originale. 35 pp. 8~. Napoli, G. M. Prion, 1901. Igiiipiiiicture. See. also, Haemorrhoids (Treatment of). Geuzuicr. Ueber Ignipnnctur. Verhandl. d.deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl.. 1887, xvi, pt. 1, 141-143. IgnotllS [pseud.]. Culina famulatrix medicina* [etc.]. See Hunter (Alexander). IgnotllS (Le docteur) [pseud.]. Petit traite" de la machine humaiue [etc.]. See Moreau-Chris- tophe (L.-M.). j Ig'lial (Enrique). Programa resiimen de un cur- so libre de cirugia menor, explicado ti los aliim- nos de la can-era de practicante, durante el alio acade"mico de 1-96-7 eu el Hospital de la Santa Cruz de Barcelona. 2U0 pp. -;. Barcelona, 1-97. -----. Curso elemental de partus explicado a" las alninnas de la carrera de comadrona durante el aiio acad£uiico de 1897 £ 1-98. 157 pp. 12°. Barcelona. 1-98. Iguana. Bug n ion (E.) Quelques observations sur le develop- pement du cerveau de lisruane (I. tuberculata). Ver- handl. tl. schweiz. naturf. Gesellsch., Ziirich, 1896, Ixxix. 160-162. Iguanodon. Dollo (L.) Xote sur les ligaments ossifies des dino- sauriens de Bernissart. Arch, de biol., Gand, 1887, vii. 249-264, 2 pl. Ill be il ([Mins] Eriedrich) [1868- ]. * Ein Eall von artificiellem, blindsackformigem Ma- genauhang nach Gastro-Enterostomie. 31pp., ,11. 8-. Greifswald, C. Sell, 1-9:.. von Iliering (H[ermann]). Zur Reform der Craiiiometrie. 49 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Berlin, Wie- gandt, Hempel ».y Parey, 1-73. Repr. from: Ztschr. f. Ethnol., Berl., 1873, v. -----. Mittheilungen aus dem Gottinger anthro- pologischen Yereiue. 1. Hft. 58 pp.. 1 pl. 8-'. Leipzig cf* Heidelberg, C. F. Winter, 1874. -----. Das peripherische Xervensystem der Wir- belthiere als Grundlage fiir die Kenntniss der Rcgionenbildung der Whbelsiiule. xiv, 23- pp., 5 pl. 4°. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1-7-. Mill (Otto). * Ueber einige Wirkungen des Phe- nilthiobiazolinsulfhydrat. 41 pp. e°. Erlan- gen, A. Tollrath, 1-97. -----. Existence on manque de l'appareil excre- teur des organes genitaux des m^tazoaires. 7 pp. 8=. [n.p., n. d.] Illlail (Franz). * Zur Histologie der Darmpoiy- pcn. 37 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, P. Scheiner, 1897. Ihle ([Gotthelf] Otto) [1>62- ]. Eine neue Methode der Asepsis, welche im Gegensatz zn den bisherigeu Methoden eine absolute Keiiu- freiheit bei Operationeu verbiirgt uud Wa-ser- danipf- sowie Wa^ser-Sterilisatoren entbehrlich macht. 147 pp. 8~. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1695. Ililer (Julien) [187U- ]. *De la mort subite i dans la maladie d'Addison. 84 pp., 1 1. 4~. 1 Paris. 1-96. Xo. 349. Ihlo ([Hernianii Joh.] Richard) [1847- ]. " Ein Fall von Cysticercus cellulosae snbretina- lis. 32 pp., 2 1. 8'-'. Konigsberg in Pr., J. Ja- coby, 1-7."). Ililow (Wilhelm) [1-70- ]. * L'eber Morphio- Cocainisiiius und hallucinatorische Cocain-Para- noia. 29 pp. 8J. Berlin, G. Schade, l89.">. Illlll (Eduard) [1-71- ]. * Beitrag znr ma- nuellen Umwandlung vou Gesichtslngeu in Hin- ter-Hauptslageu. 84 pp. 8-. Berlin, C. Vogt, 1-95. Ill 111 els (Ludwig). *Zwei Fiille von Hirnge- rauschen. 24 pp. 8-. Gottingen, W. F. Kaestner, 18-9. Iliilisen (Tbeodorus). *Disquisitiones physio- logo-toxieologicte de coniino, tam puro quam aliis corporibus juncto. 55 pp., 1 1., 2 tab. 4^. Pelropoli, 1857. Hiring' (Johannes). * Mikroscopisch-chemische Untersuchungen menschlicher Faeces unter verschiedenen pathologischeu Yerhiiltuissen. 43 pp. 6°. Giessen, W. Keller, 1852. -----. Die nervose Dyspepsie und ihre Folge- krankheiten. In: Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1886, No. 283 (Inn. Med., No. 97, 2623-2640). IJICHI. 829 ILEOCOLOSTOMY. Ijichi (Y. ) A Shiilgll (R.) Igaku jiso. A pocket metl ical lexicon, containing the full sig- nification of tlie terms made use of in medicine and the kindred sciences; with useful tables, etc. [Transl.] 2 p. 1., 394 pp., 7 1. *\ Tokio, 1665. -----------. The same. 2. ed. 2 p. 1., 344 pp., 1 tab. 12-'. Tokio, Ito-Seishido i>. 6°. [ Utrecht, 1864.] Repr. from.- Netlci-1. Tijdschr. v. Heel- en Verlosk., Utrecht, 1864, xiv. ------. Aanteekeningen uit de oogheelkundige praktijk. 17 pp. *\ [ I'trecht, 1865.] Repr. from: Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Heel- en Verlosk., i8(.;>, xv. See, aUo, Billroth ([Christian Alhert] Theodor). De vordeeling, In -rUe nning en voorzegging der gezwellen. 8°. Tiel. I860.—Kraus (L. G.) Volledig zakhoek der thera. pie [etc.]. 8. Tiel, 1862. lie Bourbon. Vinson ( J.-F.-D.-E. ) * Essai sur quelques plantesutiles de l'lle Bourbon. 4°. Paris, 1855. lie de France. See Mauritius; Vaccination. He Maurice. Richard, lie Maurice; situation sanitaire de cette colonie de 1871 a 1886. Rec. d. trav. Comite consult, d'hyg. pub. de France 1889, Par., 1890, xix, 90-93. He de la Reunion. See, also, Fever (Malarial, History, etc., of), Small-pox (History, etc., of), by localities; Vac- cination (History, etc., of). Pellissier (G.) * Considerations sur l'e"tio- logie des maladies les plus communes a la Re- union. 4°. Paris, 1661. itterveilleux. Reunion; hopitaux coloniaux; mor- bidity et niortalite en 1899. Ann. d'hyg. et de med. colon., Par., 1900, iii, 520-537. He de Saint-Bartlielemy. ITIarrMtang. lie tie Saint-Barth61emy. Arch.demfed. nav.. Par.. 18^8, xlix, 161-190. He de Saint-Martin. Grall (M.) * Essai de topographie medieale de la partie francaise de l'lle Saint-Martin (d6- peudance de la Guadeloupe), Antilles fraucaises. Paris, 1835. Hanion-Dnfoiigcray. Notes sur l'lle de Saint- Martin (Antilles); etude comparative des parties hollau- daise et fra^aise. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1883, xxxix, 33-57, 1 map. Heac passion. See Intestines (Obstruction of). Ileocecal region. BenoIt (A.) * Tuberculose locale chronique de la r6gion ileo-cocale. Etude auatomo-patho- logique, cliuique et operatoire. 4°. Paris, 1893. ------. The same. * . Paris, 1*93. Ileocecal valve. Debierre (C.) La valvule de Bauhin conside-rte com- me barriere des apothieaires. Compt. rend. Soe.de biol., Par., 1885, 8. s., ii, '.".il '_'!).->. —I>c*«ny. Retreeissement de la valvule ileo-caecale; p6ritonite chroni ]. Einige anato- mische Beobaehtungen, enthaltend: Eine Berich- tigung der zeiiherigeii Lehre vom Bau der 8cbuecke des menschlichen Gehororgans, nebst ciiier anatomischeu Beschreibung und Abbil- dung eines durch ausserordentliche Knochen- wucherung sehr merkwiirdigen menschlichen Schiidels. 24pp.,3pl. 4°. Prag, Sommer, 1821. [P., v. 1607.] ■-----. Sainmlung aller bestehenden Vorschriften, welche in Bezug auf Disziplin, Uuterricht, Prii- fungeu und Promozion der an der k. k. Karl- Ferdinands-Universitiit zu Prag studirenibn Aerzte, Wundiirzte, Pharmazeuten, Geburtshel- fer und Hebanimen bis auf gegenwartige Zeit erschicnen sind. Gesammelt, und in Folge eines hohen Studieu-Hofcoinuiissions-Dekrets vom 7. Dezember 1827, Zahl 4277 berichtigt, ergiinzt und vervollstiindigt. 2 p. 1., 198 pp. 8°. Prag, J. Krattss, 1629. For Biography, see Med. Aim., Berl., 1837, 15. Uglier (Richard) [1861- ]. * Das Greifswal- der Gymnasium. Eiue hygienische Studie. 45 pp. 8-. Greifswald, J. Abel, 1*85. Iliac fossa (Diseases of). See, also, Abscess (Iliac). Castillo (A.) * Ligero estudio sobre los ab- scesos de la fosa iiiaca interna. 8°. Mexico, 1888. With (C. E.) Iudbydelsesskrift til Kj^ben- havns Uuiversitets Fest i Auledning af Hans Ma- jesttet Kougeus F0dselsdag den 8. April 1*89. Heri: Pathogenesen og Behandlingen af de i h0ire Fossa iiiaca forekomuieude Betsendelscr. [Program of University of Copenhagen ou birth- day of the king. Pathogenesis and treatment of inflammation of right fossa iiiaca.] sin. 4J. Kjobenhavn, 1*89. 'Also I Rev.], in: Ugesk. f. Laeger, Kjebenb., 1889, 4. R., xix, 654-661. ■tranlt (J.) Contribution a l'6tude des abces de la fosse iliaque. Rev. de chir., Par., 1895, xv, 246-25-'.—t'an- Iliacfossa (Diseases of). nac. Xote sur un cas d'abces do la fosse iliaque ouvert dans le rectum et la vessie. N. Montpel. rn6d., 1892, i, 64- 74.—Case (F. D.) Inflammation in the right iliac fossa, and its non surgical treatment. Am. Gynec. J., Toledo, 1893, iii, 529-539.—C'oiiilainiii (R.) Recherches anato- iniques sur la trepanation de la fosse iliaque chez les en- fants. Province med., Lyon, 1892, vi, 91-93. — Daman. Une lesion de la fosse iliaque droite k syndrome appendi- culaire typique. [Rap. de E. Kirmisson.] Bull, it mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1900, n. s., xxvi, 845-853.—Weaver (J. B.) The treatment of inflammation in the li^lil iliac fossa from a surgical standpoint. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1891-2, iv, 485-490.—Ijanclongiie. Sur un cas de phleg- mon de la fosse iliaque. In his: Lee. de clin. chir., 8°, Par., 1888, 185-202.—liOiimeau (E.) Phlegmon iliaque d'origine prostatique. Ann. de la Policlin. de Bordeaux, 1900, 150-160.—MacI>ougall (J. A.) Suppuration into right iliac fossa dependent upon an enterolith. Edinb. Hosp. Rep., 1895, iii, 600.—Parizcau (T.) Abc&a de la fosse iliaque. Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1900, xxix, 675-679.—Piergili (S. B.) A proposito dei rap- porti anatomici che prende il fascio vascolaro negli asctssi della fossa iiiaca interna. Bull. d. Soc. Laneisiana tl. osp. di Roma (1895), 1896, xv, fasc. 1, 58-62.—Pleth (V.) Differ- ential diagnosis of infectious processes iu the right iliac fossa. Med. Standard, Chicago, 1901, xxiv, 303-305.—Recti (R. H.) A contribution to the study of some of the dis- eases peculiar to the right iliac fossa; with ref.'ience to their lelief by surgical interference. Am. Gvnec. J., To- ledo, 1892, ii, 397-415. Also, Reprint. — Van l.eimep (W. B.) Inflammation of the right iliac fossa aud their surgical treatment. Hahnemann. Month., Phila., 1891, xxvi, 638-660. AUo, Reprint. Iliac fossa (Tumors of). Fanrr (J.-L.) Exostose digititorme de la fosse iliague interne. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1895, Ixx, 7-9.— Flo- rn ni (G.) Enorme turn ore idatigeno della fossa iiiaca si- nistra; guarigione. R. Ist. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Rendic., Milano, 1884, 2. s., xvii, 779-781.—Grisolle (A.) Histoire des tumeurs jihlegmoneuses des fosses iliaques. Arch. g6n. de med.. Par., 1839, 3. s., iv, 34; 137; 293. AUo, Re- print.—Martin (J. W.) Tumour in the right iliac fossa; pain aud tenderness to pressure at seat of tumour, and over the surface of the abdomen generally; votnitiug; treatment; disappearance ofthe tumour; difficulty of arriv- ing at a correct diagnosis; suspicion of malignant disease. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1887, n. s., xliii, 463. -----. Tumour iu the right iliac fossa. Ibid., 1891, n. s.. li, 532.— lVIolk. Tumeur de la fosse iliaque gauche; occlusion in- testinal!' ; anus contre nature; guerison mouientanee. Gaz. med. de Strash., 1896, lv, 109. Iliac region. See, also, Abdomen. Castex (A.) * Etude sur les ad6nites iliaques. 4 \ Paris, 1881. de Gakay (A.) * Estudio anatomico-quirur- gico de la regiou del psoas-iliaco. 8°. Mexico, 189:?. Fauro. Note sur l'espace celluleux sous-iliaque. Bull.et m6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1895, n. s., xxi, 109- 111.—Mackintosh (A. W.) Xotes on a case of pulsat- ing tumour in the iliac region. Scot. M. & S. J., Ediub., 1898, ii, 224-232. Hidz€. See Hydrotherapy (Establishments for); Wa- ters (Mineral), by localities. Ilieflf (Kiril T.) * De l'arthrotomie dans l'ar- thrite hlennorrhaoiqne du genou. CI pp. 8°. Nancy, A. Crepin-Leblond, 1900, No. 10. IliefF(Krouin). * De la colpopexie abdominale dans le traitenient radical du prolapsus ute'rin. '56 pp. 8°. Paris, 1899, No. 165. Iliesco (Cyrus) [1870- ]. * Etude clinique sur la thrombose du tronc basilaire. 99 pp., 2 1. 4°. Paris, 189."., No. 531. -----. The same. 99 pp., 2 1., 1 pl. 8-\ Paris, G. Steinheil, 1*95. IMff (William Tiffin) [1824-87]. Obituary. Lancet, Lond., 1887, i, 960. IliflTe (John). Editor of: Au*linlian (The) Journal of Dentistry, Melbourne, 1897-1901. IliflTe (William). Annual reports of the medical officer of health to the sauitary committee of the county borough of Derby. 8.-21., 1*84-97. * -"'. Derby, 1885-98. ILIXSKI. 831 ILLICIUM. llinski (P[yotr Aleksleyevich]) [1655- ]. iSbornik zakonopolozheniy dlya vrachei, veto- rinarov, fanuatsevtov, akushorok i feldsherov. [Code of laws for physicians, veterinarians, pharmacists, midwives, and feldshers.] vii, ii, viii, 1336 pp. 8°. S.-Peterburg, [P. J. Shmidt], 1—7. Unofficial edition. -----. The same. A'ii, xxviii, iv, 5-75(5 pp. *°. S.-Peterburg, 1. A. Froloff, 1*94. Unofficial edition. -----. V vidu cholerM; kak borolis u nas s cho- lcr'oyti v proshlom godu i cheinu ml nauchi- lis.' [In view of cholera; how we combated cholera last year, and what have we learned?] 52 pp. 8J. S.-Peterburg, N. P. Petroff, 1-93. Ilio)«i$iiioif1o!!itoiiiy. ^tr Intestines (Obstruction of) from tumors. Ilium. Sic Hip-joint; Pelvis. Iljilisku (Barbara). * Zur Frage der Konserva- tiven Behaudlung der tiiberkulosen Gonitis. 43 pp.. 3 tab. :■*-. Bern, G. lseli, 1896. Ilkley. ^•tt Hospitals i Description, etc., of), Hydro- therapy Estnhl5iinientsfor), Sewage (Disposal of), by localities. Ilkley Hospital and Convalescent Home, York- shire. Annual reports of tin- managing commit- tee to the subscribers. '2:1.-34., 1**4-95. 8°. Ilkley, 1—5-9(1. Prior to lt-89. also known as the 'Ilkley Hospital'. Ilkley Wells House Hydropathic Establishment, AYharfedale. [ Prospectus, giving terms and home arrangements.] * pp. 12-. [Bradford, S. 0. Bailey, n. d.] [P., v. 1297.] -----. [Prospectus of the proprietor, Joseph Frederic Let*>on. stating terms and house ar- rangements.] 13 pp., 11. Ac [Leeds, J. Dale cyCo„n.d.] [P., v. 1297.] Ill (Edward J[oseph]) [1-54- ]. Circular resection of the intestine and consequeut unit- ing by suture, with the history of two cases. 15 pp. 12-. New Tork, Trow. 18***'l. Repr. from: Metl. Kec. X. Y.. l***^. xxiv. -----. A successful case of vaginal total extir- pation of tht: uterus. 11 pp. * . New York, 1~*6. Repr. from: X. York M. J., 1*86, xliii. -----. Acute psychoses following gynecological operations. 16 pp. \tc [1'itisburg, 1*-*.] Repr. from : Pittsburg M. Kev., 1888, ii. -----. Acutes Hiiinatoin am Hals; Erstickungs- gefahr: Tracheotomie; Heilung. 11. 8°. [New Tork, 1—9.] Repr.froin: Med. Monatsehr., N. Y„ 1889, i. -----. Desmoid (fibroid) tumor of the abdom- inal walls. 16 pp., 4 jil. 8a Philadelphia, W. J. I'or nan, 1—9. Rep,-, from: Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. Sc Gynec, I'hila.,1888, i. -----. Tumors of the abdominal walls. 3(1 pp. *°. Philadelphia, 1*92. Repr.froin: Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. &Gynec, Phila., 1892, v. Ille (O.) Anleitung die Maximaldoscn leicht uud sicher zu erlernen. Fiir Medicintr uud Pharma- ccuteu. 2. Aufl., auf Grund der 4. Ausgabe des deutschen Arzneibuches hrsg. von C. Hambur- ger. 14 pp. 16°. Berlin, Mayer ty Miiller, 1901. Ille (Otto [Friedrich Karl]) [1*70- ]. * Bei- triige znr Kenntnia der Aneurysmeu. 30 pp., 11., 1 ch. 8°. Berlin, F. Poseker, 1*94. llle-et-Vilaiiic (Departement d1). See Statistics ( Vilal), by localities. Ille-et-Vilailie (Departement d'). Asile Saint- Mecn de Bennes. Compte de l'exercice 1*47. [Par H. Belloc] 25 pp. *\ [Iiennes, F. de Folligne, 1*48.] lle-et-Vilaiiie (Departement d'). Asile dS- partemental d'alienes de Bennes. Extrait du conipte-reudu moral et adniinistratif du direc- teur-ni6deeiu pour l'exercice 1*74. [Dr. La- fitte.] 1* pp.,1 plan. 12°. [Iiennes, C. Obei'lhur 5fils, 1*75.] (legitimacy. See, also, Foundlings; Paternity. van Putehk.v (M. D.) O sposohakh prizrie- niya nezakonno-rozhdennlkh i be/.pi-iyutulkh diet el v Kossii i zagranitsei. [Methods of caring for illegitimate and homeless children in Russia and abroad.] *-. S.-Peterburg, 1893. Wkitz (P.) * Das ortliche Keeht und der Ge- richtsstand fiir die Alinientationsanspriiche aus- serehelicher Kinder. *°. Greifswald, 1*99. Kertillou (J.) Les naissances illegitimes en France et dans quelques pa\s de 1'Kurope. Internat. Cong, f. Hyg. u. Demog. Arh.. Wien. 1887, vi, 29. Hft., 3-55. [Dis- cussion], 79-90.—t'si pp (W. M.) Statistics of illegitimate births. Med. Sc Sin-. Reporter, Phila., 1890, lxiii, 424- 4JA —Hatch (H.) Illegitimacy. Med. Mirror, St. Louis, 1S9II. vii. 204-208. Also: Tr. M. Ass. Missouri 1896-7, Kansas City, 1898, 107-113— Illegitimate (On) births and infant niortality in Bavaria. Med. Times Sc Gaz., Lond., 1861, ii 68.—Lagneau (G.) De l'influence de l'illegitimite sur la niortalite. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1875, 2. s., xliv, 316: 1876, 2. s., xiv, 53. AUo, Reprint.—Pilat (T.) Die Statistik der illegitimen Kinder. Internat. Cong. f. Hyg. u. Demosr. Arb., Wien, 1887, vi, 29. Hft,, 57-78. [Discussion], 79-90—Seton (G.) On illegitimacy in Scotland. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1882-3, xii, 18-24.— Verkauf (L.) Das Eibrecbt auf dem Lande und die unehelichen Gebuiten. Cong, internat. d'hyg. et de demog. C. r. 1894, Budapest, 1896, viii, pt. 7, 225-229.— Wibo. Morbidite et mortality chez les enfants il)6gi- times: considerations etveenx. Presse nied. beige, Brux., 1901, liii, 648-650.—Wiirzbiirgei- (E.) Zur Statistik der Le'itiinationen uuehelicher Kinder. Jahrb. f. Nat.-Oeko- iiom. u. Statist., Jena, 1899, 3. F., xviii, 94-98. Illenau. See Hospitals (Management, etc., of), by locali- ties. I Ile l'S (Robert) [1*6*2- ]. * Ueber einen Fall von Aphasie, mit Sectiousbefund. "2* pp., 2 1. 8°. Berlin, G. Schade, [1869]. Hlgcii (Hermann) [1869- ]. * Beitrag zur Kenntniss stereoisomerer Thiosemiearbazide. 51 pp., 1 1. 1*2°. Berlin, G. Schade, 1*91. Illirli (Alberto). Beitrag zur Klinik derAktino- nivknse. iv, 201 pp., 1 1., 2 pl. ^. Wien, J. Siifiir, 1692. Illiciiiin. Maiscii (H. C. C.) *Illicinm floridannm, Kllis; histological and chemical examination. *°. Philadelphia, [L-*.">]. Tamijox (J.) *Des Illieiuiii en general, de la badiaue et de son huile essentielle en particulier. 4 . Montpellier, 1886. InoLoiV; Shigimi no setsu. |On the Illicium japo- nii'.imi.l Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio, 1890, 124">; 1317.— TIC n it-1- (C.) Note sur une falsification de lanis etoile. J. de metl. do l'ouest, Nantes, 1884, 2. 8., viii, 113.— TililioniirolT(V. A.) Illiciiiin verum Hooker. J. med. chim. i farm., St Peteisb., 1892, i, 21-40, 1 pl. Illiciiiin (Toxicology of). Aiuiitiilrc. Observation d'un eis d'empoisonnement par rillit-iuin religiosum (anis du dapon). J. de med. de l'ouest, Nantes, 188.", xix, 19.— Banal .l Sluchai otravleniya nastolkoyu plodov lllicn rehgiosi. f Poisoniii"- bv the infusion of the fruit of Illicium religio- sum.] Prilo'j. k protok. zasaid. Obsh. Kievsk. vrach. ILLICIUM. 832 ILLINOIS. Illiciiiin (Toxicology of). 1884-5, Kiev, 18s0. 34-38.—Poisoning with star-anise [Ed.] X. York M. J., 1901, lxxiii, 642. —gwiatecki (W.) O trujacych whisnoseiach hady.jann gwiazdkowa- tego wrzekomego (Illicium religiosum, Siebold); przypadek zatrticia badyjanem spostrzegany w prakt. prywatnej. [ Poisonous properties of . . . ; ease of poisoning by it in private practice. ] Kron. lek., Warszawa, 1893, xiv, 451-456.—Vogl (A.) Ueber giftigen Steruanis. Mitth. d. Wien. med. Doct.-ColL, 1881, vii, 167-173. Illig (Leonhard). * Ein besonderer Fall von Hemiplegie. 31 pp. 8°. Freiburg i. B., H. Epstein, 1*91. Illig (Wilhelm). *Die Myome des Oesophagus. 23 pp. *\ Giessen, C. von Miinchoiv, 1*94. Illiger (Walter). * Ueber die Castration als Heilmittel der Osteomalacic Fiiuf weitere durch die Castration geheilte Fiille vou Osteo- malacic. [Wurtzburg.] 4*2 pp., 11. 8°. Frank- furt a. M., J. Schaub, 1895. Illingwortli (C[harles] R[umney]). The abortive treatment of specific febrile disorders bv the biniodide of mercury. 2 p. 1., 24 pp. 12°. London, H. K. Lewis, 1888. Illinois. Hydraulic works. An act to incor- porate the Chicago City Hydraulic Company. Approved Feb. 15, 1*51. 8 pp. * . [Spring- field, 1851.] -----. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a communication from the governor of the State of Illinois, with a copy of au act of the general assembly of that *tate, tendering to the United States the cession ofthe Illinois and Michigan Canal, upon condition that it shall^be enlarged and maintained as a natural water way for commercial purposes. 48. Cong., 1. sess. Senate Ex. Doc. No. 38. Ref. to Committee on Commerce, Jan. 8, 1884. 45 pp., 1 plan. 8°. [Wa8hington,188l.] Illinois. See, also, Cholera (History, etc., of), "Deaf- mutes (Asylums, etc., for), by localities; Direc- tories (Medical); Fever (Typhoid, History, etc., of), Hygiene (Public, Laws, etc., relating to), Hygiene (Public, Beports on), Influenza (His- tory, etc., of), Insane (Asylums for), Prisons, etc. (Descriptions, etc., of), Scarlatina (History, etc., of), Sewage (Disposal of), Small-pox (jHis- tory, etc., of), Statistics ( Vital), Universities, by localities. Carter (J. M. G.) A synopsis ofthe medical botany of Illinois. 8°. Chicago, 1*84. United States. Department of Agriculture. Weather Bureau. Annual summary. Illinois sec- tion of the climate and crop service of the Weather Bureau. For the years 1896-1901. 4°. Chicago 4' Springfield, 1896-1902. -----. Reports. (Monthly.) Illinois section of the climate and crop service of the Weather Bureau, v. 1-6, May, 1896, to Dec, 1901. 4°. Chicago j- Springfield, 1896-1902. Carter (J. M. G-.) Studies in the medical botany of southern Illinois. Chicago M. J. & Exam., 1881, xliii, 358-364.—Corbiis (J. C.) The medical charities of Illi- nois. Chicago M. Rev., 1881, iii, 35-37. — Reynolds (A. R.) Fourteenth biennial report of the board of State commissioners of public charities for the years 1895 and 1896. J. M.Am. Ass., Chicago, 1897, xxviii, 315; 364; 415.— Mhort (C. W.) Observations on the botany of Illinois, more especially iu reference to the autumnal flora of the prairies. West. J. M. & S.. Louisville, 1845, 2. s., iii, 185- 198. Illinois. Adjutant-General. Biennial report to the governor of the State, for the years 1889-90. 229 pp. 8°. Springfield, H. W. Rokker, 1*91. Illinois. Board of State Commissioners of Public Charities. Biennial reports to the governor of the State. 1.-12., 1868-9to 1891-2. 6c Spring- field, 1*71-93. Contains reports of the county almshouses; county jails; crime, the convict, and prison; training schools for boys and girls, and workshops for the blind. Illinois. Board of State Commissioners of Public Charities—continued. -----. The law of commitment to hospitals for the insane in the State of Illinois. 15 pp. * . [Springfield, 1*~0.J Repr.froin: Rep. Illinois Bd. Comrs. Char., Springfield, 1880, vi. -----. Tabular statements accompanying tho sixth bienuial report. Presented to the gov- ernor, Nov., 1880. 14 tab. v. s. Springfield, H. W. Rokker, 18*0. -----. Special report of an investigatiou of tho management of the Cook County Hospital for the Insane. Presented to the governor January 28,1886. 21pp. 8°. Chicago, Springfield, H. W. Rokker, 1685. Illinois. Illinois Asylum for Feeble-Minded Chil- dren, at Lincoln. Class work of the pupils, for the year 1*81-2, together with the commence- ment exercises, held June 22, 1*82. 11 pp. 8°. [Springfield, 1662] -----. Bienuial reports of the trustees, superin- tendent, and treasurer to the governor of the State. 10.-17., 1882-3 to 1897-8. *3. Spring- field, 1883-98. Removed from Jacksonville to Lincoln. Illinois. Illinois Central Hospital for the Insane, Jacksonville. Bienuial reports of the trustees, superintendent, and treasurer to the governor of the State. 20.-27., 1884-5 to 1899-1900. 8-5 Spnngfield, 1*86-1900. Twenty-first report is for 21 months, ending June 30, 1888. Illinois. Illinois Charitable Eye and Ear In- firmary, Chicago. Annual aud biennial reports of the trustees and officers to the governor of the State. Annual: 11., 1868. Biennial: 10., 1*74- 5 & 1875-6; 12.-18., 1878-9 to 1891-2; 21.-22., 1896-7 to 1899-1900. 8-. Chicago, 1*69-1900. Fourth and 5. annual reports in 1. Tenth biennial re- port is for 22 months ending Sept. 30, 1876; 16., for 21 months ending June 30, 1888. -----. By-laws. [Adopted Sept. 11, 1*77.] 8 pp. 8°. Chicago, Culver, Page, Hoynej- Co., 1*77. -----. Annual announcements of systematic courses iu diseases of the eye, ear, throat, and nose, bv the attending surgeons for the sessions of 1**7-* (1.); 1888-9 (2.). 2 1.; 2 1. c = . [Chi- cago, 1887-8.] Illinois. Illinois Eastern Hospital for the Insane, at Kankakee. Bienuial reports of the trustees and superintendent to the governor of the State. 5.-8., 1884-5 to 1891-2; 10.-12., 1894-5 to 1899- 1900. 8°. Springfield, 18a5-1900. -----. Prospectus of the Summer School of Neu- rology and Psychiatry at the . . . Given under the direction of Dr. Clarke Gapen, supt., by Dr. Adolph Meyer, pathologist, and the medical stall'. Commeucing June 4, 1894, continuing 6 weeks. 2 1. 24c. [Kankakee, 1894.] Illinois. Illinois Industrial University, Urbana. Bieuuial reports of the board of trustees to the governor of the State. 11., 1*80-81 & 1**1-2. 2 p. 1., 260 pp. 8c Springfield, H. W. Rokker, 1882. Changed title in 1885, by act of the legislature, to Uni- versity of Illinois, Urbana, which see, also, infra. Illinois. Illinois Institution for the Education of the Blind, at Jacksonville. Annual reports of the trustees, superintendent and treasurer to the governor ofthe State. 6., 1*58-9 & 1*59-60; 12., 1870-71 & 1871-2; 15., 1876-7 & 1*77-8; 18., 1882-3 & 1883-4; 20.-22., 1886-7 to 1*91-2; 25., 1896-7 & 1897-8. 8°. Spnngfield, 1861-9". Illinois. Illinois Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb, at Jacksonville. Biennial and annual reports of the board of trustees and offi- cers to the governor ofthe State. 19.-29., 1876- 7 to 1*97-8. 8°. Jacksonville, 1879-98. ILLINOIS. 833 ILLINOIS. Illinois. Illinois Northern Hospital for the In- sane, Elgin. Bienuial reports of the trustees, superintendent, and treasurer to the governor of the State. 8.-16., 1-82-3 to 1899-1900. 8~. Springfield, 1883-1900. Illinois* Illinois Southern Hospital for the In- sane, at Anna. Biennial reports of tlie board of trustees, superintendent, and treasurer to tho governor of the State. 7.-14., 1**4-5 to 1*99- 1900. 8°. Springfield, L—6-19U1. Illinois. Illinois State Board of Dental Exami- ners. Aunual reports to the governor of Illinois. 3., 18*4: 13., 1*94; 16.-19., 1897-1900. * . Springfield, H. W. Rokker, 1**4-1901. Illinois. Illinois State Hoard of Health. Official register of physicians and midwives now in practice to whom certifieatus have been is-ueil. under the act to regulate the practice ot medi- cine in the state of Illinois, approved May 29, 1-77. 26*pp. --. Springfield,H.W.Rokker,'l681. -----. Thesame. :>. ed., revised and corrected to Dec. 1, 18-4. xv, 324 pp. 8°. Springfield, H. W. Rokker, 18-4. -----. The same. Corre.ted to Feb. 10, 18.-6. xx, 314 pp. --. Springfield, H. W. Rokker, 1-65. The same. 313 Springfield Ptg. Co., 1^90. ----. The same. Revised April 12, 1-92. 236 pp. 8°. Rokker, 1-92. ----. The same. H. W. Rokker, 1-91. ----. The same. E. F. Hartmau, 1-9 ----. The same. E. F. Hart man, 1-95. ----. Medical col le tre pp. 8*-". Springfield, and corrected to, Springfield, H. W. 270 pp. S-". Springfield, 280 pp. --. Springfield, 294 pp. -->. Springfield, [in good standing. To meet requirements of the . . . for tlie recognition of diplomas after the session 1-82-3. December, 1—11. pp. 39-9*3. --. [Springfield, 1-62.] Advance sheets fioto: Rep. State Bd. Health Illinois (le*!.. Spiingfield, 18h2. iv. -----. The Bellevue Medical College of Massa- chusetts. [Exposure of its method of teaching and the qualifications necessary to graduate. With photograph of diploma. Nov., l*-2.] broadside. [Springfield, 111., 1-82.] ----. Reports ot the proceedings of theqnarterly and annual meetings. 1. qr., 1--3; 1.-4., 1-*".; 1.-4., 18-6; 2., 3., 1-87; 1.-4., 1-88; 1., 1-9". -A [Springfield, 1--3-9".] The first meeting of each year becomes also the annual meeting. -----. [Circular relating to vaccination certifi- cates.] 2 1. 6c f Springfield, 1-84.] -----. No. 242. Suggestions for icports of small- pox. 1 sheet, -a. (Sjit ing/ield,1-61.] -----. Annual reports to th.- governor of the State. 6.-1-., 1—3-95. 6-. Springfield, 1661-95. ----. No. 100. Instructions lor compiling the condensed return of deaths [with blank form]. Revised, Jan., 1*^5. 16 pp. 8°. [Springfield, 1-5.] ----. Medical education and medical colleges in the United States and Canada. 1765-1.-^5. 137 pp. *-. Springfield, H. W. Rokker, 1885. ----. The same. "1765-18*6. 172 pp. 8°. Springfield, H. W. Rokker, 1— 6. ----. The same. And the regulation of the practice of medicine in the I'nited States and Canada, 1765-1*89. By John II. Rauch. 163 pp. -'-'. Springfield, H. W. Rokker, 1889. —. The same. 1765-1-90. 167 pp. 8 . Springfield, H. W. Rokker, 1890. -----. The same. 1765-1*91. Medical education and the regulation ofthe practice of medicine in foreign countries, xxxiv, 222 pp. *a Spring- field, H. W. Pokker, 1891. VOL VII, 2D SERIES----53 Illinois. Illinois State Board of Health—cont'd. -----. Circularo iiber Bekanipfung ansteckender Krankheiten. No. 3. Diphterie. 8 pp. 8°. [Springfield, 1 *-.">.] -----. [Collection of blank forms and circulars relating to sanitary survey of the State.] v. s. [Springfield, 1*85.] -----. State sanitary survey. Sanitary schedule of . . ., embracing the following conditions pertaining to the public health. 11 if. 4°. Springfield, 1**5. CONTENTS. A. Locution, population, and climate, f. 1. B. Topography, ff. 2-5. (5 Water-supply, ff. 6-7. D. Drains and sewerage, ff. 8-9. K St roots, alleys, and public grounds, ff. 10-12. F. Habitations, ff. 13-14. Vt. Gas and lighting, f. 15. H. Garbage and excreta, ff. 16-17. I. Markets and food supply, ff. 18-19. K. Slaughter .muses and abattoirs, ff. 20-21. L. Manufactories and trades, f. 22. M. Hospitals and public charities, f. 23. X. Police aud prison, ff. 24-25. O. Fire establishments, etc. ff. 25", b. P. Cemeteries and burial, f. 26. Q. Public health laws, regulations, sanitary officials. ff. -7-.H. K. Regulation and statistics of death and disease, ff. 29-37. S. Municipal sanitarv expenses, ff. 38-39. T. Public schools, ff. 40-44. ----. Decisions under medical-practice laws. 44 pp. *~. [Springfield, 18*5.] Repr. from: Rep. Bd. Health Illinois 1884, Springfield, 1885, vii. 6 -----. No. 286. Resolutions concerning medical education. I sheet. 4°. [Springfield, 1885.] -----. Vorschrifteu zur Verhiitung von Epide- mien. No. 3. Scharlachfieber. 8 pp. 8°. [Springfield, 1885.] -----. Coast defences against Asiatic cholera. Report of an inspection of the Atlantic and Gulf quarantines between the St. Lawrence and Rio Grande. John H. Rauch. 31 pp. 8°. Spring- field, H. W. Rokker, 1886. ----. National Conference of State Boards of Health. 63 pp. 8C. [Springfield, 18.-6.] Repr. from: Rep. Bd. Health Illinois, Spriu^rield, 1885, Water Preliminary report to the supplies of Illinois and pollution of its streams. By John H. Rauch. With two appendices: I. Chemical investigations of the water supplies of Illinois. By Prof. J. H. Long. II. The Illinois River basin iu its relations to sanitary engineer- ing. By L. E. Cooler. 4, xxxiv, *1 pp. -°. Springfield, H. W. Rokker, 18-9. Medical practice iu Illinois. No. 275, April 1, 1892. 14 pp. <-°. [Springfield, 1*92.] ----. No. 291. Memorandum concerning vac- cination. Ivevisod July 1, 1892. 13 pp. 8°. [Springfield, 1*92.] Repr. from-. Rep. State Bd. Health Illinois 1882, Spring- field, 1883, v. -----. No. 293. Abstract of minutes of the meeting held iu the city of Chicago, July 27, 1*92. 1* pp. *°. [Springfield, 1*92.] ----. The same. No. 297. Annual meeting, Springfield, Jan. 30, 1894. 16 pp. 8c [Spring- field, 1*91.] -----. No. 258. Prevention and suppression of epidemic and malignant diseases. Typhoid fever. Feb. 1, 1892. 7 pp. 8 5 [Springfield, 1892.] -----. No. 300. Medicine and surgery. Chap. 91. To promote the science of medicine and sur- gery. May 31, 1*93. 4 pp. 8p. [Springfield, 1-93. ] Zymotic diseases in Chicago. Sanitary exhibit of tbe Illinois State Board of Health. ILLINOIS. 834 ILLINOIS. Illinois. Illinois Stale Board of Health—cont'd. \V< rhl's Columbian Exposition, 1*9 1. 51 p|>., 1 diag. *-. Springfield, H. W. Rokker, 1695. Another eopi/, bound with: Rep. Bd. Health Illinois, Springfield, 1K81MU, xii-xiv. ------. No. 196. Milk inspection. Rules and regulations of the . . .. concerning the produc- tion and sale of milk and cream for human food. Aug. 12, 1895. 7 pp. 8c [Springfield, 1*95.] ------. No. 196. Preventable-disease circular. No. 1. Small-pox. March 27, 1895. * pp. 8°. [Springfield, 1*95.] ------. No. 26*. Prevention and suppression of epidemic and malignant diseases. Scarlet fe- ver. Oct. 10, 1895. * pp. 8°. [Springfield, 1695.] ------. No. 273. Prevention and suppression of epidemic and malignant diseases. Diphtheria. Nov. 17, 1896. 8 pp. 8-5 [Springfield, 1*96.] ------. Public healtli laws of Illinois, and sani- tary memoranda for the information and use of local health authorities and others. 50 pp. .*-. Springfield, F. Hartman, L-96. ------. Appendix to the twentieth annual report ofthe . . . Embracing: Medical practice in Illi- nois. Requirements for practice in the United States. Medical colleges in the United States. Requirements for practice in foreign countries. Medical societies in Illinois. Army medical ex- amining boards of Illinois, 1861-5 and 1898. Official register of physicians and midwives. ccxxxv, 2*2 pp. 8-. Springfield, Phillips Bros,, 1898. ------. Principal poisonous plants of the United States. 60 pp. 8°. [Springfield], 1899. ------. Advance notes of the sanitary investiga- tions of the Illinois River aud its tributaries, j With special reference to the effect of the sew- age of Chicago on the Des Plaines and Illinois rivers prior to and after the opening of the Chi- cago drainage canal, xxii, 157 pp., 1 map. 8C. Chicago, Phillips Bros., 1900. ------. Circular of information. Chicken-pox (varicella) in the adult. To the physicians of | Illinois. 21. 8°. [Springfield, 1900.) Illinois. Illinois State Board of Health. Auxil- iary Sanitary Association. Minutes of the meet- ings held in 1*94; 1*96. 8°. Springfield, 1-94-6. Illinois. Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History, Normal, III. Bulletin. Vol. II. Article I. Descriptive catalogue of the North American Hepatice, north of Mexico. By Lucien M. Un- derwood. 133 pp. 8°. Peoria", J. W. Franks S- Sons, 1884. Illinois. Illinois State Library. Catalogue. 52 pp. 8°. Springfield, State Journal Printing Of- fice, 1*71. Illinois. Illinois State Penitentiary, at Joliet. Biennial reports of the commissioners and offi- cers to the governor of the State, for the years 1870-71 to 1895-6; 1898-1900. 8-5 Springfield, 1*73-1901. Illinois. Illinois Weather Service. Reports of . . . [Monthly.] Dee., 1892, to Nov., 1894. fol. Sprimifield, 1893-4. For continuation, see the following. ------. Weather and crops. Official publication. [Monthly.] Nos. 2-5, *-12, v. 1, Jan. to April, July to Nov., 1895. Nos. 1, 2, v. 2, Dec, 1895, and Jan., 1-96. 4°. Chicago, 1895-6. ----—. Climate and crop service of the Weather Bureau. Review. [Monthly.] Feb. to April, 1896. 4°. Chicago, 1*96. For continuation, see United States. Department of J - baua, by the Unirersitg, 1*91. Incorporated under title of: Illinois Industrial Uni- versity, Feb. 28, ami located at Urbana, May 8, 1867. Opened March 2, 1868. Women admitted siuee March 9, 1870. Adopted the present title in 1885, by act of the leg- islature. Illinois Anti-Vivisectiou Society. Chicago. Hu- man vivisection. 4 pp. *3. [Chicago, n. d.~\ Illinois Army and Navy Medical Association. Report of proceedings. 1890-92; 1894; 1896. 8°. [r. p.], 1890-96. Illinois Central Hospital for the Insane, at Jack- sonville. .Sec Illinois. Illinois Central Hospital for the Insane, al Jacksonville. Illinois Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary, Chi- cago. See Illinois. Illinois Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary, Chicago. IlliilO S College of Pharmacy, Chicago. See North-western University School of Pharmacy, Chicago. Illinois Eastern Hospital for the Insane,at Kan- kakee. See Illinois. Illinois Eastern Hospital for the Insane, at Kankakee. Illinois Humane Society. Annual reports. 27.- :-!i., 1*96-1900. 8°. Chicago, 1896-1900. Illinois Industrial Training School for Boys. See Illinois School of Agriculture aud Manual Training for Boys. Illinois Industrial University, Urbana. See Illinois. Illinois Industrial University, Urbana. Illinois Institution for the Education of the Blind, at Jacksonville. See Illinois. Illinois Institution for the Education of the Blind, at Jack- sonville. Illinois Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb, at Jacksonville. See Illinois. Illinois Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb, at Jacksonville. Illinois Masons' Benevolent Society. Report of the proceedings. 19., 1890. 18 pp. 8°. Chicago, McAbee $ Kendig, 1690. Illinois Medical College. Chicago Summer School of Medicine. Annual announcements for the sessions of 1895-9(1.-5.). 8-& 12:. Chicago, 1895-9. The first session, 1895,was held under the title: Chicago Summer School of Medicine. In 1896 the present form of title was adopted. Incorporated. Co-educational. Regu- lar siimmer-graduatiug course. List of students, 1895-8, in announcements for subsequent year. Illinois (The) Medical Journal. A monthly journal of medicine and surgery. H. Edward Dun lop, editor aud publisher. Nos. 1-8, v. 1, September, 1895, to April, 1896. 83. DeKalb,IU. Ended. ILLINOIS. 835 ILLUSIONS. Illinois Medical Journal. The official organ of the State Medical Society. A monthly bulletin edited bv the publication committee, v. 49-51, | July, 1899, to 1902. *. Ottawa. Current. Continuation of: Transaction* [etc.]. Illinois Northern Hospital for the Insane, at Elgin. See Illinois. Illinois Northei-n Hospital for the Insane, at Elgin. Illinois School of Agriculture and Manual Train- ing for Boys, Glenwood. Annual report of the officers to the association. 6., 1-92-3. 51 pp. 8C. Chicago, G.K. Hazlitt .)• Co.. 1*93. Chartered Feb. 8, 18s7, under the title of: The Illinois Industrial Training School for Boys. Illinois Southern Hospital for the"" Insane, at Anna. See Illinois. Illinois Southern Hospital for the Insane, at Anna. Illinois State Dental Society. Annual journals. 6.-33., 1870-97. 8-\ [r. p.], 1-70-97. -----. Appendix. Minutes and proceedings of the Illinois St ite Dental Society, from its organ- ization, July 24th, 1-65, to and including the | fifth annual session, held May, 1-69. Revised from the written records of the society. 45 pp., 1 1. *\ [Chicago, Birney, Hand 5 Co., 1-76.] Bound icith: Annual J. 111.Dent. So... Chicago, 1870,xii. Illinois State Eclectic Medical Society. Trans- actions of annual conventions. 1--4: 18-5. 45 pp.; 65 jip. --. Chicago, 1*86. Illinois (The) State Medical Register. Published annually under the supervision of the Chicago Medico-Historical Society, with the co-operation of the Illinois State Medical Society. D. W. Graham, editor. For 1*77-8 ( v. 3): l-7--9(v.4). 12-. Chicago, W. T. Keener. 1-77--. For preceding years, see Chicago (The) Medical K.-g- ister and Directory. Illinois Stale. Medical Society. Transactions for the years 1—5-9J. 8-. [v. p.], 1*85-9*. For continuation, see Illinois Medical Journal. Illinois Training School for Nurses. Illinois woman's hospital and training-school exhibit. [World's Columbian Exposition. Chicago, 1-93.] 11. -a [Chicago, 1*93] -----. Women physicians and training schools for uurses iu Illinois. Exhibit at the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1*93. 8 pp. 8-. [Chicago, Fergus Printing Co.. 189:5.] Illinois Training School for Nurses attached to the Cook County and Presbyterian Hospitals, Chicago, 111. Annual reports of the officers. 1., l-*0-*l: 3., 1--2-3: 5., l>-4-5; 7.-9., l*-6-7 to 1**8-9. '8°. Chit-ago, 1—1-90. Incorporated in 18i*l Prior to Iff'', title page reads: Society of the Training School for Nurses attached to Cock County Hospital. In 18e9 the words "and Presbyterian" ■were added to title. Illinski dvan [Stepanovich]) [1*27- ]. *0 khronicheskom vospalenii parenkhiml matki, iii o tak nazivavemom khronicheskom matochnoin zavalie. [Chronic parenchymatous metritis, or so-called chronic uterine obstruction.] 11" pp., 11. * . Siinktpeierbuxq, M. Khan, i860. Eyinski, according to Zmleyeff. Illiteracy. See Statistics. Illner (R[ichard]). See Kaumiu (P[aul] &lllncr (R.) Die Frauenmilch. In: Samml. klin. Vortr., n. I'.. Leipz., 1894, No. 105. Illoway (H[enry]). Heat stroke (thermic fever) iu infants. 12 pp. *°. Cincinnati, 1-91. Repr. from: Cincin. M. News, 1891, n. s. xx. -----. Summer complaint; a clinical contribu- tion to the aetiology, pathology, and treatment of the disease. 57 pp. 12-. [New York, D.Apple- ton $ Co., 1892.] Repr. from: N. York M. J., 1892, lvi. Illoway (H[enry])—continued. -----. Nervous dyspepsia. 32 pp. 12:. New York, 1895. Repr.froin .- Metl. Rec, N. T., 1895, xlvii. -----. Cardiac disturbances from gastric irrita- tion. 2* pp. 12°. New York, 1897. Repr. from: N.York M. J., Is97, lxv. -----. Constipation in adults and children, with special reference to habitual constipation, and its most successful treatment by the mechanical methods. xv, 495 pp., 4 pl. * . New York, Macmillan Co., 1897. -----. The abortive treatnient of pneumonia, catarrhal and croupous, in infants and children. 20 pp. * . New York .( London, 1900. Repr.froin: Pediatrics, X. V. ..V Lond., 1900, x. Illuminating water gas proved a deadly poison; the predictions of Prof. Henry Morton, and other eminent scientists verified by the startling record of deaths given on pages 27 and 2* of this pamphlet. 30 pp. c-. New York, 1**2. Illumination. See, Endoscope, etc.; Gas (Illumim ing); Laryngoscope, etc.; Lighting. Illusions. Lazarus i M.) Zur Lehre von den Sinnestiiu- schuneen. Nach einem Vortrag jjehalten in der Mediseiuisch - psychologiscben Gesellschaft zu Berlin. * . Berlin, 1867. Repr. from: Ztschr. f. Volkerpsychol. u. Sprachwis- sensch. Silly (J.) Illusions, a psychological study. 8-. New York, 18*4. -----. The same. Die lllusionen. Eine psychologische Untersuchung. 12°. Leipzig, 1884. A lix. Une illusion de l'esprit. Lev. med. de Tou- louse. 1885. xix, 129: 1886, xx, 161.—Arnauil. Un cas d'illusion de dej& vu ou de fausse meiimite. Ann. tued.- psychol., Par., 1896, 8. s., iii, 455-471 — Baqui*. Xuovi appunti critici sulla cosi detta immatmieceit-hralc Arch. di ottal., Palermo, 1898-9, vi. 342 — Binet i A ) ..'-/ , iso'.i. vi. 241-261. -----. The illusion of deflected threads. Ibid.. VMM. vii, 606-610. -----. Practice and its elicits on the perception of illu- sions. Ibid., 1902, ix, 27-39. — lifroy (E. - Ii.) Un cas singulier d'illusion de dedonblenieiit. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. phv.0.1.. Par., 1897-8, xii, 148-151.-----.Sur 1'illiision dito ilep. i.tonualisation. Rev. phil.. Par.. 11-98, xlvi 1.-.7-162 — l,«'v. Mesure ft analyse de l'illusioii de poi.Is. Pull. Soc. de m6d. d'Anvers, 1900, Ixii, 186-194. Also.- J. de neurol., Par., 1900, v, 309-316.—.11cClu!•«■ (M.F.i A color illusion. Am. J.Psychol., Worcester, 1900- 1901. xii, 178-181— .?l jcr* J. F.i Lhe >ize-«,ight illusion among the blind. Stud. Tale Psychol. Lab.. X. Haven, 1897. v, ovard*dara. Utarbetad af Ja- cob Goi-aiiNson, Alfred Levertin, Klas Linroth, M. Son den, Robert Tigerstedt och Curt Wallis, nuder redaktion af Robert Tigerstedt. [Illus- trated guide to hygieue. Compiled by . . .] viii, 744 pp. 6Z. Stockholm, Fahlcrantz ey Co., I [1-91. III list li ite Monatsschrift der arztlichen Polv- techuik. v. 7-23, 1.885-1901. 8-. Bern, l—:>- 90; Berlin, 1-91-1901. Current. Illustrirte Rundschau der niedicinisch-chirur- gischen Technik. Internationale Vierteljahrs- schrift hrsg. von Gustav Beck. v. 1-2, 1-98-9. roy. 8°. Bern, K. J. Wyss. Ended. Illustrirter aerztlicher Almanach mit beson- derei I.eriicksichtigung derCurorte. Hrsg. von | Adolf KfiUay. v. 4, 1885. 12c. Wien. In 1>>89, v. 8, title became: Aerztlicher Almanach [etc.]. Illustrirtes Bade-Blatt. Chef-Redacteur: S. Barach. [Semi-monthly.] v. 16, 1894. fol. Wien 5- Berlin. 111%ria. /ampa fR.) Anthropologie illyrienne. Rev. d'an- thmp.. Par., 1886, 3. s., i, 625-647. Iliueiiau. Fuhrkr durch Ilmenan und Umgegend. 12 c \ Wiirzburg cf Wien, [1-88]. ILM0N1. 837 ILV1NSKI. Iliuoni (Axel Hjalmar). 'Historiska anteck- niugar om nielankoli. samt liiran 0111 densainina enligt jildre och medeltida forl'attare. [Histor- ical notes on hypochondriasis; with the teaching in regard to it of ancient and mediieval authors.] 1 p. 1., 116 pp. 12*-'. Helsingfors, J. C. Frenckell d- Son. 1870. Iliuoni (rniiuanuel) [1797-1-56]. [Morhi eude- mici et epidemici.] Respondente Gabriele Wiih. Hern. 2 1. mu. 4°. Helsingfors'ue, Fienekell, [1"*41J. -----. [Ph\siologia humani generis.] Respon- dents RniL Israeli* Holsti. 2 1. sin. 4 . Ihl- singforsiai, Frenckell, [1-41]. -----. [Scientia natune.] Respondente (1. 1". Augnsto Hjctt. 2 1. sni. 4*. Helpingfors'uv, Innekill. [ l-lt>]. -----. Bidrag till nordens sjukdomshistoria. [Contribntiou to the history of the disease-, of the north.] 3v. - . Helsingfors, J. Sinn Hi, 184H- 13. -----. Om lakarens yrke och pligter. [The physician's profession and duties.] 3 p. 1., (54 pp. 8°. Hehingfois, J. Sim,Hi arfvingav. 1-47. -----. [Oiganisnms est forma sub qua vita appa- I let.] Respondente Frederico Hellstniiu. 2 1. sm. 4-". Hei sing for sice, Frenckell, [1-47]. -----. [Principiuiu vita.] Respondeute Xico- lao l\ Maliu. 2 1. sm. 4°. Helsingforsia, Frenckell, [1-47]. -----. [Quid est natura?] Respondente Cannto Saniuele sirelio. 2 1. >m. 4-. Htl>inaforsioe, Frenckell, [1-4-]. Use (Paul). *R«int-enstrahlen : Frakturen uud Luxationen. 34 pp., 1 1. c-. Erlangen, A. Vullrath, 169-. Iltgfeil ([Friederieh] Alfons) [18ot>- ]. *Ver- gicichende Betrachtnug der gebrauchlichen In- stiumente zur Kraniotomie mit besonderer Be- j liieksiehtigung des Ilfgen'sehen Kraniospasten. 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Berlin. G. Schade, [ 1«>8]. Ilwof ( Franz i tt Peters (Karl F.) Graz, Ge- scbichte und Topographic der S'adt und ihrer Fiugebung. Mit einem Anbange iiber Eisen- erze, Brannkohlen, Brannkohlenflora, Mincral- quellen und C'urorte in der Steiermark. 3 p. ]., 433 pp., 2 1., 1 map. 12-. Graz, 1-75. Ilj'ill Aleksandr Stepanovich) [1-57- J. ~Siav-, nitelnly aualiz butiloehnol naturalnoi i gaziro- vannol vodl Essentukskavo istochnika no. 17; istoricheskiy ocherk etovo istochnika i genezis. [Comparative analysis of bottled natural and aerated water of Essentuki, spring Xo. 17 ; his- torical sketch and genesis of this spring.] 119 pp.. 1 1., 2 tab., 1 plan. - . S.-Peterburg, 1897. I Ilyin (E). See Wolfler (Antoni [in 1 s.l. Virlezanle raka pri- vmtnika etc.,. 8-. S.-1'eterburrj, lsH Ilyiu (Ilya Pavlovich) [1-5-- ]. *K voprosu i o mekhanizmie povrezhdeniy ehetepov ptilyami iz tryokhlineinoi russkoi vintovki (opit na tru- | pakh). [On tin; mechanism of injuries to the • skull by bullets from the Russian 7.-7 pp., 191. 8-. S.-Peterburg, V. S. Ettinger, 1-95. See, aUo, Kassowitz iM.i Lektsii po bolleznyam fete.]. 85 S.-Peterburg lt-9.'.—Koiimt (Otto). Zabo- llevaniya mozga [etc.]. 85 S.-Pettrlnir,/. 1898. Imagination. Fiexls (T.) De viribus imaginationis trac- tatus. 12-. Lovanii, 1008. Fournet. Etude psychologique et philoso- phique sur rimagination. 8-. Pavis. 1659. G. (J. W.) Imagination. 12J. [Cincinnati, lHi-.] Kinet (A.) L'observateur et l'imaginatif. AnmJe psychol., Par., 1901, vii, .".19-523. — Frobeniua (L.) Stil- gerechte Phantasic. Internat. Arch. f. Ethnog.. Leiden, 1896, ix, 129-lti. — riiiilTrida-Ruggeri (V.) L'evolu- zione dell' imniaginazione. Arch, per 1' antrop., Firenze, 1898. xxviii, 197-206. — Killed by imagination. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1899, xvii, 103. Imagination (Mother's, Effects of). See Foetus (Maternal impressions on). Imagination as cause and cure of dis- ease. See Amulets; Faith-cure; Illusions: Mag- netism (Animal); Metalloscopy; Mind (Influ- enceof)on body; Nervous system (Influente of) in disease; Quacks, etc.; Sympathy (Cures by); Therapeutics (Mental, etc.); Tractors. Illiai (Musutada). Bioya kenbikiyo. [A guide to chemical microscopy.] 3p.l., 129pp., Ipl., 21. 12-. Tokio, 1-65. Japanese text, with German preface by Dr. Disse. Illian (Thomas) [1864- ]. * Snr un cas d'a- svstolie aigue par dilatation cardiaque. 32 pp., 2 1. 4-. Paris, 1—, Xo. 213. IlliailS (Jacob). * De oculo. 1 p. 1., 48 pp., 2 1. 4~. Lugd. Bat., apud ridudm M. Cyfveer J. fil., 1-29. IlliailS (M[arinus]). Bedenkingeu tegen de ontwerpen van wet betreffende het geneeskun- dig staatstoezigt enz. 31 pp. 8:>. Utrecht, Kemink cy Zoon, 1-64. -----. Bijdrage tot de kennis van de aneurys- mata der arteiia aorta desceudens. 18 pp. 8J. [«. p., u. d.] See, aUo, Deimarres d'£vreuz (Louis.Auguste). Handbook der oogheelkunde. 8°. Vtrecht. 18.it;. — Fort. ler (August [J. Th.]) Leerboek der pathologist/bo ana- tomie. 8°. Tiel, 1851. Imbacco. Snknlti. Ueber Imbacco, eiue functionelle Xeurose bei Aiuot'iauen. [Japanese text.] Mitt.d.med.Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1901, xv, i. Hft., 1-15. Illlbach (Fritz). * Diphtherie ohne Diphthe- riehacillen. [Zurich.] 62 pp. > . Aarau, H. R. Sauerldnder § Co., 1-96. Illlbeaux (Charles-fidouard-Augustin) [1^61- ]. * Les eaux potables et leur r61e hygie'ni- qne dans le departement de Meurthe-et-Moselle. 227 pp. -". Atlas, Ui3 pp., 12 pl., 9 tab., fol. Nairn/, 1-97, Xo. 19. Imbecile (The) and their training. 47 pp. 21-. Edinburgh, Johnstone, Hunter . Bordeaux, 1899, Xo. 47. Inibert (A[rniand]). Les anomalies de la vi- sion. Avec uue introduction par E. Javal. vii, 365 pp. 12J. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere

    it>s. la >aignee. les saiiusuts: oliservations stir pliisieiirs maladies graves. 456 pp., 4 pl. --. Paris, Croullebois, 1812. For Portrait, tee Collection—van Kaathoven. Imbert-Goiirl>cyr<' (A[ntoine]) [1-1-- ]. Lectins snr b* t, of: Spec. Path. u. Therapie iXothun;;.-]). See. alsn. /iemoicii (Hugo [Wilhelm]) Jt Imlucr- um mi i Hermann) lot 1. s.]. Die Kaltwasserbehaud- lunjj jetc. |. 8°. Leipzig, 1870. For Hiii'iiit/iliie see (Jor.-Ul. I. schweiz. Aerzte, llasel, ]8!il), x\i\, t»M; — 4l)il l.Taqut't). Also: Di'iitst'hes Areh. f. klin. Metl.. Leip/.., WJ'.i. lxiii, pp. i-viii (II. von Zieni.ssen &. V. Moritz). AUo: Ztst-hr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1899, p. xxxvii. IniiiKTiiianil (Ferdinand). *Ueber Doppel- eier beim Iluhu. 47 pp., 3 pl. 8-'. Basel, Kreis, 1-99. Immerwalir (Robert) [ln'.l- ]. * Ueber haematogeiie Albumiuurie. 32 pp. s\ Berlin, 0. Frantic, 1-^*7. Immigration. See Emigrants. Iminiscli. Leber das "Pauken" und die bei der Behandlung der "Schniisse" eintretenden sowie die schnelle Heiluug der Wunden hindern- den Stiiriingeti. 15 pp. 8°. Heidelberg, O. Pet- ters, 1885. Immunity. See, also, Alexins; Anthrax (Preventive inocu- lation of); Antitoxins; Bacteria (Chemical ac- IMMUNITY. 840 IMMUNITY. Immunity. tion, etc., of); Bacteriology (History, etc., of); Chicken-cholera; Exanthemata; Immunity (Duration of); Immunity (Mechauism and theo- ries of); Immunity (Natural, racial, and inher- ited); Immunity (Passive); Inoculation (Pre- ventive) ; Phagocytosis; Serotherapy; Serum (Antistreptococcic); Serum (Properties, etc., of); and under names of diseases. Dubiqukt (A..-C.) *De la receptivite et de l'iininunite' vis &-vis de la vaccine. 4-. Lille, 1890 Dubreuilh (W.-A.) Des iuununites morbides. 8°. Paris, 1685. Eppinger (H.) Iufection und Immunitat. 8°. Graz. 1891. Gali.i-Valerio (B.) Immunity e resistenza alle malattie. 16°. Milano, 1-97. Klein (A.) Immuniteit. 8 . [Leeuwarden, 18114.] Li'stig (A.) Immunita per le malattie da iufezione. Vaccinazione e sieroterapia ad uso dei medici e degli studenti. 8-. Torino, 1697. Nuttall (G. H. F.) * Beitriige znr Kenntniss der Iininunitat. **°. Gbttingen, 1890. Sternberg (G. M.) Immunity, protective in- oculation in infectious diseases, and serum-ther- apy. -0. New York, 1895. Abbott (A. C.) A review of some of the more impor- tant contributions to our knowledge upon immunity and infection. Med. News. Phila., 1891, lix, 534-540. 'AUo.- Practitioner, Lond., 1891, xlvii, 415-429.—Abbott (E. S.) Immunity and cure. Boston M. & S. J.. 1895, exxxiii, 013- 619. Also, Reprint.—Adatui (J. G. ) Kecent studies upon immunity. Med. Chron., Manchester. 1891-2, xv, 95; 151— Alston (H. McC.) Inimunitv from infectious dis- ease-. Lancet, Lund.. 1885, ii, 42.—Altdorfer(M.) Im- munitat und Wechsel dor Umgebung. Deutsche Med.- Ztg., Berl., 1891, xii. 539.—Aruould i-I. i De I'innuunite microbienue et de l'immunite toxhiuo. [Lev. crit.] Kev. d'hyg.. Par., 1892, xiv. 397-4A.— Atkinwon (J. E.) On acquired immunitv from infectious disease. Lancet. Lontl., 1--85. i. 1103.—Behriiijj (E.) Immunita. [Transl.] Riforma toed., Xapoli. lsilii. xii, pt. 2, 649-65,"..—Bergey (D. H.) Susceptibility aud immunity. Phila. M. J.. 1899, iv, 262-206.—Bicrnacki (E.) Nowsze prace nad odpor- noseia, (inmiunitas) i leczeniem chorob zakaznyeh. [Xew works ou immunity and treatment of zymotic diseases.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1892, 2. s., xii, 588; 610; 631.—Ki-uii. nei* ( G.) Beitrag zur Immuniiatslehre. Fortschr. d. Med., Berl., 1899, xvii, l-T.-Buclmer iH.i Immunitat und Imuiunisirung. Munchen. metl 'Wchnschr., 1889, xxxvi, 22; 42. AUo: Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg.. Berl., 1889, lviii, 387-391. AUo, transl. [Abstr.]: Metl. Press & Circ, Loud., 1889, n. s., xlvii, 435. -----. Immunitat. Cong, in- teruat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, do bacterid, et parasitol., 4-10. AUo: Miinchen. med. Wchnschr, 1900, xlvii, 1193-1195. -----. Xeuere Fortschritte in der Im- munitatsfrage. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1894, xli. 409; 497. Also: Sitzung-di. d. arztl. Ver. Miiucheu (1894). 1895. iv, 37-52.-----. LJeber Iininunitat und Immiinisirung. I Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1894, xli, 717; 744. AUo: Cong, j internat. d'hyg. et de d6mog. C. r. 1894, Budapest. 1>>96. viii, pt.2, 8-22. [Discussion], 54-57. AUo f Abstr.l: Med.- chir. Centralbl., Wien. 1894. xxix, 521-52.1. AUv [ Al.str., : Wieu. ined. Presse, 1894. xxxv, 1369-1375— ltiittci>ai It, Iminunitat und Heiluug im Lichte der Pliv-inlogi.- und Biologie. Areh. f. path. Anat. [etc.]. Berl.. 1S95. cxlii. 248- 2-4—Canfield (W. B.) Clinical aspects of immunity. Aiu. J. M. Sc. Phila., 1893, n. s., cvi. 318-323.—t'arboiie (T.) Sopra una nuova specie di immunita. t.iazz. med. ital., Torino, 1902, liii, 81-84.—Castromiovo (G.) Della importanza della reazione locale nella gein>i della immu- nita; della immunity conferita con sostanze diverse in rap- porto a talune infezioni sperimentali. Lavori tl. Coin:, di med. int. 1897, Roma, 1.-98. viii. 100-102. AUo: Clin. med. ital, Milano, 1899, xxxviii. 91-105. AUo [Absti.]: Arch. internaz. dinied.e chir., Xapoli, 1897. xiii 396.—C'liarrin. A propos del'itnraunite. Conipt.rend.Soc.de biol.. Par., 1890.9.s.,ii,332.—C'la«.s (W.J.) Immunity against zvmotic diseases. J. Am. M. Ass., (Ihicago, 1901, xxxvi, 1036-1040.— C'ojghill (J. G. S.) Immunity. Med. Mag., Loud., 1895, iv. 667-6711.— Dardignac l.i.) Incubation et immumt6 vaccinale. (Extrait.) J. de me.l. de Bordeaux, 1880, ix. 400.—Davis (E.J.) Susceptiliiiltv to and immunity from disease. Xorthwest. Lancet. St. Paul, 1899. xix, 107-110.— Daviit (G. E.) Immunity aud cure of specific infectious diseases. Am. Pract. & Xews. Louisville. 1895. xix, 334- 34u.—De Grazia, L' immunity e la guarigione delle malattie. Terap. clin., Xapoli, 1895, iv, 565-567"—Deny* (J.) Observations sur l'immunite. (Resume.) Cong, in- Iniiiiiiiiity. ternat. d'hyg. et de d6mog. C. r. 1-94. Budapest. 1896, viii. pt.2, 32-34. [Discussion], 54-57 —Oieiidonne (A.) Ueber Immunitat nnd Immunisierung Wiirzb. Abhandl. a. d. Gesamtgeb. d. piakt. Med., 1901. i. 197-21 <>.—ron Dungci'ii. Beitrage zur Immunitatslehre. MiiDchen med. Wclinschr.,190o,xlvii,677; 962.—DurhamfH.E ) Im- munitas gegen Cholera und Typhus; Demonstration za dem YortrageGruber. Verhandl.d.Cong.f.innereMed.,Wiesb.. 1896, xiv, 228-230. -----. On immunity anil resistance as factors iu the epidemicity andendemicitv of infective dis eases. Tr. Epidemiol. Soc. Lond., 1 -99-1900. xix, 199-204.— EcclesiR.G.) Immunity in disease. X. York M.J.. lf,«5, xli. 571-574.—" Ecrivain " [pseud.]. Essav on immu- nity. Yet. J. & Ann. Conip. Path., Lond., 1896, xiii, 241; 321—Faye (F.-C.) Recherches exp6rimeutales sur l'im- munite relativement a diflfereuts virus, ('..nipt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1859, xlix. 446.—Fihitnll K vo- prosu ob immunitetie. [Thequestion ot immunity ] Pro- tok. zasaid. Obsh. vrach. v g. Simbiiski.- ils:in-92) 1-9:: 64-70.—Fill Icy (G. W.) Thoughts on vital resistance to disease; immunitv, natural and acquired. J. Am. M.A-s Chicago. 1896. xxvi, 211-213 —Flemiiiiiijj (L.) Self-lim- itation and immunity. Mecl. I;.-.- . X. Y., ls'J8. liii, 092- 694— French (J. M.i Immunity, natmal and acquired. Med. & Sitrsr. Reporter, Phila.. 1-H6. lxxiv. 703-706. Also: Sanitarian. X. Y., 1896, xxxvii, 43-47.—Gabritacheivskf (G.) Ein Beitrag znr Frage tier Immunitat und tier Hei- lung von Infektionskrankheiten. Centralbl f. Bakteriol. u. Parasiteuk., Jena, 1891, x, 151-157. — Galeotti (G.) Immunita e sieroterapia; rassegna dei lavori italiani dal 1891 al 1896. Riv. ital. di patol. gen. o anat. patol.. Torino 1896. i. 5: 25; 49; 73; 121; 145: 169; 193; 217 —CSaieia de Castro (J. M.) Reflexiones sobre la inniunidad pato- ld::iea tie ciertas enferniedades. Rev. m6d.de Sevilla 1884, v, 16: 48— Oebi'Uiaim (A.) Immunity as a factor in prevention of disease. Med. Age. Detroit, 1901. xix, 212- 216. — CJeisler (F. K.) Xoveishiya danniya po voprosu o nevospriimchivosti i llecheniyu krovyanoi sivorotkol. [Latest tlata on the question of immunity and serunith.r- upv.J Russk. arch, patol.. klin. med. i bakteriol., S.-IV- terb.. 1896, i. 220-229.—dinevski (F.) Opit obshtshel kharakteristiki infektsiounikh bolleznel i vitekayu- shtshavo iz nevo ponyatiya ob immunnosti. [General cliar- acteiistic of infectious diseases and lhe idea of immunity following from it.] Bibliot. vrach.,Mosk.,1897,iv,313-326.— t;ruber (M.) Leber active uud passive Immunitat ge- g.-n Clmlera und Tvphus. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Meil.. Wiesb., 1896, xiv, 207-227. Also: Wien. klin. Wchn- sehr., 1896. ix, 183; 204. —Ilankin (E. H.) On immunity. Lancet, Lond., 1891. ii, 339. Also: Tr. vii. Internat. Cong. Hyg. &. Demog. 1891, Lond.. 1892, ii, 145-152.—Har. per (H. W.) Annual address of the president of the Texas Acatlemy of Science: some advances made in our knowledge of immunity aud uiotective inoculation. Texas M.J., Austin. 1900-190L xvi. 281 -3n2. — Ilimuiel (J.) Con- tribution a I'etude de l'immunite des animaux vis-a-vis du bacille du chancremou. Ann.delTnst. Pasteur, Par., 1901, xv, 928-940.—Hoist (A.) Oin immunitet. [Ou immunity.] Tidsskr. f. d. norske Laegefor., Kristiania & Kjebeuh., 1892, xii 321-33-. — Hun (H.) Disease and immunitv. Med. Ann.. Albany, 1893. xiv, 193-203. Alsn. P.eprint.—Jen- niii'fM (E.) ' On inimunitv. X. Zealand M. J.. Dunedin. Is95,~viii, 78-93. — Kita«nlo (S.i M.nveki sitsn oy.l.i kotokusitsu ni zukete. 'On immunity.j Chiugai Iii Shin- po, Tokio, 1892. no. 294. 1: no. 295. *'; no. 296, 17; no. 297, 16; no. 298, 10; no. 299. H: no. 301.22: no. 302. 21; no. 303, 15; no. 3'i5.22: no. 306. 11: 18.13. no. 307. 21; uo. 3os, 31; no. 310, 23 — Klemeiisietvicz ( R. ) Ueber Immunitat. Mitth. d. Yer. d. Aerzte in St.i.rmark, Graz, ls93. xxx, 53- 63—Klcmperer (F.) Zur Lehre vou den Beziehungen zwischeu Immunitat und Heilung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1892, xxix, 293-29'..— Kober ill. M.) I'redispositiou and immunity. J. Pract. Med., X. Y.. 1897, viii. 1-7. AUo, Repriut—Kondi-atyeflT (A. I.) K voprosu o samoza- shtshitie zhivotnavo orgauizma juotiv bakteriyuikh zara- zheniy. [On self-protection ot tie living organism against bacterial infections] Trudi Ob-h. ru-sk. vrach.v S.-Pe- terb, 1.-96-7, 269-286. Also: liolnit-eh. gaz. Botkina. St. Petersb.. 1897. viii, 97; 149; l^.-Knisi' (W.) Bemer- kungen iibet Infection, Immunitat und Heilung. Beitr. r. path. Anat. it. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1892-3, xii, 333-352.— I.emiere iG.) L'immunite. J. d. sc. iu6d. de Lille. 1899, i. 160: 20".; 277; 372; 441; 496.—r.eo iH.) Beitrag zur Im- munitaislehre. Ztschr. f. Hyg., Leipz., 1*89, vii. 505-514 — I.enf (A. H. P.) Immunity in disease. X. Eng. M. Month., Bridgeport, Conn., 1886-7. vi. 97: 159. — l.ocli- iii a n n. Disposition og Immunitet. [Discussion] Forh Xorske med. Selsk. i Kristiania. 18e7. 149: 18*>8. 168.— I.iipkeiF ) Ueber die Immunitat. Deutsche thier- arztl. Wchnschr.. Karlsruhe, 1894, ii. 2H-283. - :»Ic- Clintock iC. T.) Immunity. Columbus M.J., 1>*'.'- xxi, 441-448.- Hcl.ausfhlin (J. W.) Immunity and con- tagion. Texas Sanitarian. Austin. 1-91-2, i. 73; 193; 243; 293; 355; 401: 445. — -TicSwain il. A.) Inimunitv and susceptibility. Memphis M. Month . 1899. xix. 193-202.— iVInltheyv* iL. I.) Immunity from disease natural and acquired. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri, Columbia, 1895, xxxviii IMMUNITY. 841 IMMUNITY. liiiiiiimity. 106-117. — Jlnxuiovr (AM.) Ueber die Beziehun- gen zwischeu natui -lichci und kuustlieher Ininniiiitiit. Deutsche Med.-Ztg , Perl.. 1838, xix, 1003-1007. .tier- ten« (V. E i Beitriige zui- Imniunitatsfrage. Deutsch. me.l Wchns.h. . Leip/.. ti. Berl., 1901, xxvii, 381-383.— J ITIelehiiikotl'iK.) Kesuinc du rapport snr riiuniunitc. Cong, intermit, d'hvg. ct de demog. (5 r. 18'4. Hilda- pest. 1896. viii, pt. 2,' 31. [Discussion |. 54-5,. ------. Im- munitat Handb. d. Hyg., Jena, 1897. iv 1-62. ------. Sur l'immunite. Cong, internat. de metl. C. r.. Par., 1900, Sect, de bact£riol. et paiasitol. 11-27. Also, transl : Knssk. arch, patol klin. nied. i. bacterid., S.-Pe- terb 1900 x, 357-569 —2TIivakol«uUi iH.) [Iiniiiu- nily.l Gun Igaku Kwai '/..is.hi lCk\o 1901. 537- ."44 — Tloniiier (U.) Lectins sur rinimiiuisation et l'im- munite. ("i.iz. med. do Nantes, 1897--. xvi, 161: 17iA l 79■ 1.-6: 195; 202: 227: 234; 244; 249: 260: 275: 283 — H ii Iler (K.) Leber Itnmunitiit und Iminuiiisii ung. Minn h.-n. metl. Wclinschr.. 1-'.'":. xl, 311-313. AUo: Sitzuugsl. d. | Ver. d. Arzte u ILille n. S. 1892-3,. Munchen ls94. iii. 70-74. — .'Nairn-»lu«.cel (I.) lmunitai. i l'i.-a mctl. rom.. Bucuresci, 1899-1900. vi, 65: 81; 97. — \o« nrlt (K.) Bericht iilier die wichtigsten 18.Ki-l.-92 oischi.neneii Ar- heiten iiber Ininniiiitiit. Schmidt's .Jahrb.. Leip/.. 1893, ccxxxix, 75; 1-1. — Obraxtvotl" (X.i O nevos|ii iimchi- vosti zhivotnikh k zarazam liinmuiiitas): yestcstvciiiioye voznikuovenic i iskiisstvennivye yeya poluchenie. | Im- munity of animals to contagion ; its s|)ontaneoiis existence and artitiruil pio.luction. ] Metl. besietla, Voroue/h 1.-92, vi. 317-330.— I'nki'x (W. (.'. I'.i Two lectures on immu- nity. Cliu. J., Lond.. 1900-1901. xvii, 326: 357.— Paltauf ( R.) Cellularpathologie untl Iiiimuuitiit. Wieu. klin. Wchnschr.. 1901. xiv, 1015— Paraoeaiidolo (C.) Sul- I immunity per lo streptococcus pyogenes e per lo staphy- lococcus pyogenes allots. Riforma med. Xapoli, 1-94 x, I pt. 4, 843. — Pavlovlti A. D.) K voprosu ob iiifektsii i imtnunitt tie -ndLa ni. kolorikh (glavnim obtazom pio- gennikh) mikrobnv v oiganizmle vospriimchivikh i im- nuiunikh zhivotnikh. [luf ction and immunity; fate of several (chiefly pvogenic) microbes iu th- organism of -u-ceptible and immune animals.] Vc.v. nno-med. J. St. Petersb.. I*1'.' exev, med.-spec. pt.. 277-334 —Pavy (T. W.i Microbes, toxins, and immunity. I'.rit. M. J . Loud.. 1-9". ii, 277. — Pedieiai ( M. j Infezione ed immunita. Liv. internaz. d'i_. Napoli. 1-96. vii,-76- -5. — Peliuir (J.) Ueber luiinuniiat. Wieu. klin. Rundschau. 1899. xiii, 460. — Pelei- E A.) Immuuitv. | Uuy'- H.-p. Gaz.. Lond.. 1*94. n. s. viii, 159; 173: 195; 2 18. —Pohl (J.) Ueber Pliitiininunitaf. Arch, internat. de phatmacod.. Gand et Par.. 1900. vii, 1-9.—Pohl-Pin- rno (I.) Entstehnng nnd Wesen der Inimunitit bei Va rtola und Scarlatina. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.,. I!, il.. 1884. xevi, 413-43- —Popoir iM.i O ptomainabb. toksal- l.inninakh i ob irunnniii.-ti.-. 'i in ptomaines, toxalbiiinins, and on immunitv I/'.;, -a. Imp. Tom-k. Univ., 1*93. v, pt. 2 370-386. — Preiwieli . K ; Iter g.geuwartige Stand det Frage ilerImii.uiiitiit. Cngar. med. Presse, Budapest, 19n0. v, 379-381.— Kabinowitsch ( Lydia). Infection and immunitv. ]'•!.. I'n.c. Alumna Ass. Woman's M. Coll. Penn.. Phila.. 189tf, 74-80. — Kan.om (W. IJ.) On immiiiiitv to disease. lancet. Loud.. I*:''., ii. 1737-1741.— Keiebel 'P.) Leber Iininunitat geg.-n das Virus von Eittlkokk.-n Verhandl. d. deutsch. He-ellst h I. Chir.. Berl. 1891. xx. pt. 2, 1-45. [Discussion), pt. 1, ".'4 Hib- bert. Xeieie Beobaehtungen iiber tlie I >i-|."-nion. Ii.-ut-< io ru.-d. Wchiischi-.. Leipz. u. Berl.. Is9s. xix, 12- 1.".. — Romir Pi Der gegen wartige Stand der Iiiimuni- tatsforschuiig. Ibid.. 1901, xxvii, 529; 56o — Roger (H.) fitude sur ritniimnite. Compt.-rend. Cong, inernai de med.1897.Mo-c. 1899, ii. s. 11. 3 60-79 —Rowenaii I J.) Immunity from eliolera and other infectious diseases. Microscope. Wash., 1*90. n. s., iv. 3s. _ IConx. D. l'im- munit6; iminnnite acquise et immunity natm. !!• Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par.. 1891. v, 517-533. .1'" I i vii. Internal. Cong. Hvg. Sc Demog. 1891, Lond.. l>-92. ii, 110- 124. — KuflTer (M. A.) Iminituity against microbes. leiait J. Micr. Sc, Lond.. 1891. xxxii, 99; 417, 2 pl.— Nn. E.i Immunity from contagion, dis. a-.-, X. YorkM. -L. 1^5, xiii, 369- 311.— Sanchez-Toledo (D.t De la inmunidad morbo- sa. Kev. tie . i. n. med.. Habana, 18-8, no. 38, 5; no. 33, r.-Sangri'f (E. B.l Inmiiinitv. natural and .. .|iitetl South. Pia. t Nashville, 1*98. xx, 133-14:. — Man Timlin (J.i Contiibu.ci6ii al estudio de la inmuiiiilatl inorbul.i Cron. m.'d.-ijuir. de la Habana. 1888, xiv. 269-273.—Nn»v- tcbenko. Contribution a I'etude de 1 iminiinite. Ann de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1897. xi, 86.5-890. — Wehnwtei-. Ueber Immnnitat untl Heilung Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1-92. xviii. 232-234.— Sforza tc '. Koiua. 1893, xli, 145-151. — *|»:i ugaro (S.i Contributo -peiiuienlale alia coiioseen/.a .l.-ll' immunita e del! iminuni/.zazione. I'azz. tl. osp.. Milano. 1897, xviii, 1187.— Spronck ( C. IL II.) Iinmunilcit. Handel, v. h. I Iiiimuiiitv. Nederl. Xat.- en Geneesk. Cong., Haarlem, 1-A" 20-62. Alsn: Xederl. TiiiUehl. V. Celieesk.. Amst.,"1 151.5, 2. R., xxxi, pt. 1. 749-75H. — Tama vo 11 >. i liiiiiuniclad uiorbosa. Progreso med.. Habana, 1899, ix, 177; 195.— Tinner (F. C.) On the acquisition of immunity againA inlet tion. I'.rit. M. J.. Lond., 1895 ii. 989-991 —lima ( P. reven- tivo dei cot-t■iii dell' eresipela. Gior tl. i . Accad. tli metl. di Torino, 188- 3. s., xxxvi. 87-lOn.— Fellz. Deladuree de l'imtnuuite vaccinale antieharlioiiiieu-e ch.v le lapin. Compt. reuil. Acad. il. sc. Par.. 18.-4, xcix. 246 —Peesi (D.) A himlooltds atlta immnuitas; mikor ke/.dodik t- meddig tart ez as immunitas? (Duration of imniuuitv; how long does immunity produced by vaccination last !] Oivosi h.ti szemle, Budapest, 1892, xiii. 336; 35,.-Uo— Miunol l II.) Compte ifii.Iu des nonvelles t \].. 11. nt e- faitesau Clos-Pasteur. k Pouilly-le-Fort. sur la diirec de 1 iiumunite confei-ee par la vaccination pa>torieune et snr la contagion ]ios>ible tin charbon su le sejourtles animaux sur le sol des fosses daus lestpMelles on tt'leenfouis les sujets morts des suites tie l'inoculation charboiineuse en mai 1881 eten Janvier 1882. Rec. de metl. vet.. Par.. 1882 6 >. ix 091-699.—We miner ( E.) Ueber die Immiinitatsilauer nach einnialigem Loberstehen ties Mil/.brandes und der Septiciimie und deren Bediiigungen. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1181. xix, 721-723. I 111 III IlllitV (Inherited). See Immunity (Natural, etc.). Immunity (Mechanism and theories of). s>e, also, Alexins; Cholera (Immunity from) through occupations; Hc3moglysis, eti.; Immu- nity ( Satnrai, ett-.); Immunity from poisons; Influenza (Immunity from); Influenza (Pre- rt-utire inoculation against); Inoculation (Pre- vent,re); Phagocytosis; Serotherapy, Tox- ins, etc. IIekgky (D. II.) Aii investigation ou the in- fluence upon tlie vit.-il resistance of animals to the lnicroorgaiiisins ot'diseus.' lironglit ahout hy lin)loiiKe:l sojourn in an impure atmosphere. - . Washington, l*-!'-. Bekxiiahd (C.) " Ueher Iiniunnisii'iing ilnrch die Milch typhiiser Ammen. 6\ strassburg, 1699. Charhiv (A.) Les defenses natutelles de rorgnnisme: lecons prot'^>i;es. .- . Paris, 1-98. Ciiklsi \ks i A.-T.) "De rinununite et de la sitsceptihilire inorhides, an point de vue de la clinique medieale. 8'. Montpellier, 1852. IMMUNITY. 842 IMMUNITY. Immunity (Mechanism and theories of). Czaplkwski (E.) * Untersuchungen iiher die Inininnitiit der Tanhen gegen Milzhrand. Konigsberg, 1669. AUo, in: Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1889, vi, 49-68. See, also, infra. D'Avellar (M.) *Les theories ile l'inimn- uit6; revue critique.. 8-. Paris, 1696. Dekker (H.) Die Schtitz- nnd Kanipfmittel des Organismus gegen die Infektionskrankhei- ten. ~°. Hamburg, 1696. Grohmaxx (\Y.) * Ueher die Einwirkung des zellenfreien Blutplasma auf einige pflanzliche Microorganismen. 8 "5 Dorpat, 1664, GI'ell y Bacigalupi (E.) L'immunite par les leucouiaines. 8-5 Paris, 1665. ------. The same. Immunity through lenco- maincs. Transl. from 2. French ed. hy R. F. Rafael. P>-. New York, 1869. Jasiewicz (J.) Quelques considerations sur les causes de l'immunite acqnise contre les mala- dies infectieuses. 8°. Paris, 1^.-9. McLaughlin (J. W.) Fermentation, infec- tion, and immunity; a new theory of these pro- cesses, which unifies their primary causation and places the explanation of their phenomena in chemistry, hiology, and the dynamics of molecular physics. 8°. Austin, Texas, 1892. Maiselis (I.) * Ueher die erworhene Immu- nitat nach menschlichen Infectionskrankheiten. 6c Berlin, [1893]. Mktciixikoff (E.) L'immunite d.ms les ma- ladies infectieuses. •**-\ Paris, 1901. de Nittis (J.) *La participation de l'orga- nisme dans l'iinniunite. -0. Paris, 1-9*8. Petiiuschky (J.) "Untersiichnnoen iiher die Iminuniliit des Frosches gegen Milzhrand. [Ko- nigsberg. ] 8-. Jena, 1666. Podvisotski (V. V.) O zaimsnikh silakh or- gauizma i o znachenii ikh v horliie s holleznyn. [The reserve forces of the organism, and their importance in the combat with disease.] 8-'. S.-Peterburg, 1691. Reibmayk (A.) Die Immunisirung der Fa- milien hei erhlichen Krankheiten (Tuberculose, Lues, Geistesstorungen). Ein Wort zur Beru- higung fiir Aerzte und Gebildete 8°. Leipzig 4- Wien, 1699. Ricaud (J.-R.) * Essai sur la therapeutique imimiuisante. 8C. Bordeaux, 1695. Saiidvski (M. A.) *K voprosu o razrusheuii nevosiiriimchivosti lyagushki v otnosheuii sihir- skoi yazvl. [On the destruction of the inimu- nitv of the frog from anthrax.] 4°. Varshava, 1894. Sei;al (B. U.) *K voprosu ob izmieneniyakh, vizivayemikh v zhivotnoni organizmie oslableu- nom kultiirami hakterii siliirskoi yazvl. [Changes produced in the animal organism by weakened cultures of the authrax bacillus.] 8?. S.-Peterburg, l*-9>. Tietz (8.) Der Mechanismus der Immunitat. Eine kritische Beurtheiluug der neneren For- ! schuiigeiianderHand der von Nageli-Jager'sehen Seuchen lehre. 8°. Osterwieck am Harz, 1666. Valexkoff (I. K.) *K sainozashtshitie or- ganizma ot natogennikh mikrohov. [On self- protection of the organism from microbes.] 6 c S.-Peterburg, 169-. Viollet (P.) * Recherches sur les nioyens de defense de l'organisme contre l'infection respira- toire au niveau des fosses nasalos; lencocytose, phagoevtose. 8\ Pat is, 1900. ------. The same. - . Paris, 1900. Abbolt (A. C.) The relative infrequency of acute specific infections in the first year of life, with a probable explanation for it. Tr. Ass. Am. Phvsicians, Phila., 1900, xv. 11-15.—Abeloii* (J.-E.) Sc Killni-tl (G.) Une pre- miere injection de sue lnipatique tl'ecrevisse ou de pep- Iiiniliiility (Mechanism and theories of). tones immunise-t-ello l'animal contre les effets tl'une injec- tion ult6rieure tie sue hepati;iued'ecre\ isse? Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1SH8. lo. s., v, 21 ill Atliii'iiiiiiin (T.) Edward Jenuer und tlie Frage der Ininninitat. Ver- handl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Xat nil', u. Aerzte. Lcipiis., 1891, lxiv. pt. 1, 75-95. AUo: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1891, xxxvi, 415; 474; 506; 519; 529. Also: Wien. med. BL, 1891, xiv, 656; 674; 739; 753; 768.—Ale**i (P.) Sulla tlife- sa dell' organismo contro la, penetrazione tlel veleno tlifte- rico attraverso 1' intestino; contributo alio studio del- 1' immunita del canale alinientare verso i veleni batterici. Ann. d' ig. sper., Roma, 1897, n. s., vii, 7-19. — Angeliei (G.) Le teorie odierne sull' immunita. Pnliclin.. Kmim, 1901-2, viii, sez. prat., 257-266.— Apostolico (E.i I'.ne.si delle antitossine e nuova teoria dell' immunita specifica acquisita e tlella infezione. Morgagni. Milano, 1900, xiii, 761-807. — Arloing ( S.) Contribution k I'etude tie la resistance tie l'organisme aux microbes pathog^nes, no- tamment ties rapports de la necrobiose avec les effets de certaius microbes. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1888, cvii, 1167-1169. ------. Apercu sur les tli6ories actuelles de l'immunite. Lyon med., 1901, xevi, 501-513.—Asajja- iva (H.) [Resistance of the microorganisms of the human organism.] Dai Xippon Shiritsu Eisei Kwai Zasshi. To- kyo, 1901, 571-573.—Anhmcml (A. .3.) A claim of prior ity; attempt to communicate artificial immunity. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1892, xviii, 381. AUo, Repriut.—An. jewzhy (A.) Ueber Immunisirung mit norinalen Organ- theilen. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1900, xxxvi, 49-55. ------. A hdziiiyulak 16pemiilsioinjectiokkal e c'.i- d6zett anthrax-imniunit&8&r61 6s a normalis szervi t'szek- kel val6 inimuni/.slUsiol. [Anthrax inimunity occasioned by injection of kidney emulsion from the rabbit and real immunization from parts of normal organs ] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1899, xliii, 419; 432.—Babes (V.) Sur la pre- miere constatatiou tie la transmission des pi opri6tes inimii- nisantes et curatives par le sang des animaux immunises. Bull. Acad.denied., Par., 1895.3.S., xxxiii, 10; 95; 155.------. Sur la transmission des propri6tes inimuiiisantes par le sangdes animaux immunises. Arch. d. sc. 11161I. . . .cle Bu- carest, Par., 1896, i, 113; 192. ------. Lupta unor organe in potriva infet tiunilor. Komania metl., Bucuresci, 1898. vi, 253-261. -----. Ueber die erste FeststellungderUebertrag- bark'-it ininiunisireiiderund lieilenderEigenschat'tenihirch das Blut iniinunisirter Thiere. Wien. med. Presse, 1895, xxxvi. 81-84.—Baccarani (U.) Uiitersuchuiii>en iiber die Widerstanilsf ahigkeit des Blutes. Med.Woche, B. rl., 1901. 478.— Bail (O.) Leber bactericide Stoffe in den Lenkocvten. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. 11. Aerzte 1898, Leipz , 1899. Ixx, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 382.—Ban li (G.) Sulla distruzione dei batterii nell' organismo. Arch. perlesc. metl., Torino, 1888, xii. 191-2J1, 1 pl. Also [Ab- str.] : Atti xii. Cong. tl. Ass. med. ital. 1887, Pavia, 18ss. i, 250-253. —Bashford (E. F.) Leber Blut ininniiiitiit. Areh. internat. de pharinacoil., Brux. et Par., 1901, viii, 101-109. ------. Ueber liliitinimtinitat. (Erwiderung an Professor J. Pohl.) Ibid., ix, 451-4WI. —ISnstin (A.) Con- tribution k I'etude du pouvoir bactericide du sang. Cel- lule. Lierre & Louvain, 1892, viii. :i8l-417—Beisnveric (J.) Essais d'immunisatioii des vegetaux contre les ma- ladies cr\ptogamiques. Compt. rend. Acad.d.sc, Par., 19(11, exxxiii, 107-110. — Kec© i*wen (F.) Leber bacterienfeindliche Ligenschaften vei'schiedeiier Blutseriiiiiartpn: eiu Bei- tiag zur Inimnnitiitsl'iage. Ztschr. f. Ilyg.. Leipz., lsiii), viii. 412-433.—Bclilimnn (G.) Mi.jloacele tie aperare, preventive sau curative, ale organismulul onienesc, in contr.tboaMor infectioase (dupS, Ziegler). [Defense, pre- vention, and cure o'f tlie human organism in infectious diseases (according to Ziegler).] Spitalul, Bucuresci, 1893, xiii, 9; 40.—Bclfanti (S.) Sulla imniiiuizzazione del coniglio per mezzo dei hltrati di spnto pneunionico. Ri- forma med., Xapoli, 1892, viii nt. 2, 608. ------. La teoria dell' immunita. Gior. d. r. Soc. ital. d' ig., 'Milano. 1898, xx, 105-116.—Be 11 ario. Leber tlen Einfluss tier Milz auf die Iminuniliit. Deutsche nied. Wchnschr., Leipz. 11. Berl.. 1894, xx, 8.—Bergcl. Kritische Bemerkungen zu Ehrlich's Toxin- und Antitoxintheorie. Centralbl. f. d. IMMUNITY. 843 IMMUNITY. Immunity (Mechanism and theories of'). nied. \Vinlo S i Sc \V:i»«ci maun iA. lein 1 min initat uml < .iftfesti- I gung 1 bid.A-Uc.x \,i;.7-1-2 — Krieger A.., ic lVa»»er. in nn n. Nachtrag zi.r Aib.-.': 15bet Iuunuiiitat und Gitn->iig.iug vim Bri'g.-r, K la-.ito und U'a-s.-rmann. /''"''/.. 254. —Brnhl (I.l Not.-sur la vaccination du lapin centre ie vibrio avioide (Gauialei'a) et sur l'action curative du serum de lapin immunise contre l'infectiou par le vibrio avicitle. Compt.rend. Soc.debiol., Par., 1892. 9. s.. iv,673.— Brunt i A. E.) The production of immunity from infec- tious diseases. Occidental M. Times, Sacramento. 1896, x, 737-744 —Brnnton (T. C.) . ItoLt nhain (T. J.) Report on the experiments npon • intlm-m e of mineral constituents of the body npon imiounity limu infectious disease. Kep. Scient. Grants Com Brit M Ass. 1891-3, Loud. l*fn. ii 152. AUo: Biit. M. J.. Lond.. 1891. ii. 114: 1893. i, 1> - Biikhxo (L.) La dur.ita della gatan/iu, nel ciil.on. h.o ...i miiti..ce, volendosi la niedcima inte- lire ilal relativo peritxlo d' iucubazione. deve estendersi ad umlici giorui. Gior di med. \. t.. Torino, l**o. xxix, I 571-599 — Rucli. D.-r gegenu ai .ige Stand tier Lehre vender Immunitat. Lei i thi.iaizil. W. -Inisclir.. 1*98, •>5: 397; 4( 9— B uehiier 'Hi Xueva teoria acerca de la consecucion de la inmunidad en las enfenuedades infec- ciosas. [Transl.] Metl. contemp., Madrid, 18*1 i, 17:81; 115; 218: 343.-----. Leberdiebacterientodt. nde \Virkung des zellenfreien Bluiserums. Sitzungsb. tl. Gesellsch. f. Morphol u. Physiol, in Miinchen. 18*9-90. v. 39: 71. -----. Ueber Hemmuug tier Milzbiandiiif.-ction. Ibid., 1*90. vi, 18: 39. -----. Berichtigende Pemerkiingen zur Aih.it von P.eln ing unci F. .\is.-,en: ■■Leher bacteiienfeindlu he ' Eig.-iis.chaften verschieilener liliitvrumarteii ". Ztschr. j f. Hvg., Leipz., 1890-91, ix, 95. -----. Die Forschuugs- metliotlen in der Immunitiit st'i age. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., Jena, 1>*91. x 727-736. -----. Die neuen | Gesii'htspuncte tier Iiumunitiitsfrage. Fortschr. tl. Metl., Berl.. 1*92. x. 319: 363. Also I:, pi int. -----. Xeiiere Fortschiitte in der Iriimimitalsfiage. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., I"94 xli. 469; 497. -----. The way the body protects it -el t against the attacks of microorganisms. Indian M. Lee. Calcutta, 1x99. xvii, 635; 657; 685; -----. Zur K. nntn ss tier Alexine, sowie der specitisch-bac- teiioideii und speciflsch - hamiolvtisohen Wirkungen. Miinchen. nod. Wchn.-chr.. 1900, xlvii. 277-2*3. —Bneli- ner (H.) Sc (iercl (L.) Leber ein ki ystallinis. h<- Im mnnisirung-protiuct. Ibid., 1901, xlviii, 1163; 1275. — Biirci^'l. i ic Ciaglfardi (L.) Kicerche sulla immu- I Iilimuility (Mechanism and theories of). nizzaziono spei inn ntale contro infezioni peritoneali da B. coli. Boll. Soc. metl. pisana. 1894, i in. —Burton (J. E ) 'A new theory regarding the acquirement of immunity against infectious diseases. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lontl., 188:., n. s.. xxxvi, 367.— Kill j ajjiii (P. V.) K voprosu o vizivanii nevospriimchivosti u L.-ha.hT difteriynim toksi- noin i protivudifteiiyiinl sivcuotkoi. I On the production of immunity in horses by diphtheritic toxin and anti- diphtheritic serum.] Vrach. St. Petersb., 1897, xviii, 1477.-Byc*r» (J. W.) The Metschnikoviiin theory of vi- tal ic-i-tancc. Climatologist, Phila., 1*92, ii, :'94-4o*.— t'nlmette (A.) \ Belarfle (A.) Sur les toxines non microbii inn". « t le micanisme tie riinmiinite par les s6- nims antitc.\i.|iies. Aim do l'lnst. Pasteur. Par.. 1*90. x, 675-707—Cnmiii'ii l*e«lnmi. ('ontrihuicao para o estudo do mechiinismo t'a niiiuumdade passiva. Arch, de me.l.. I.isl,., 1s9*-9, ii, 97-118, 1 pl— *-77. -----. Influence des matieres minei ales sur la tesistance de l'organisme. Cong, internat. de med. C.-r., Par., 1900, sect, tie path. gen. 62.—Chnrrin iol. norm, et path., Par.,ls96.5.8.,viii,595-599.—Chni'i'in i A.i .v Kojjcr. Le role du serum dans le niecanisme de l'immunite. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol, Par., 1892, 9. s. iv, 924-928. — (haii- renu (A) Sur le mecanisme de rimmuuite. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par.,1***. cvi. ::92-;9-. AU,,: Ann. de l'lnst Pasteur, Par., 1888. ii, 66-74. AUo: Kec. de med. vet.. Par.. 1**8. 7. s.. v, 145-159. AUo: Kev. scient.. Par., 1"8*. xli. 257-263. -----. Sur les pioprittcs vaccinales tie microbes i i devant pathogenes ti ansforines eu microbes que la culture destitua de toutes propiietcs virulentes. Arch, do med. exper. et d'auat. path.. Par., 1.-S9. i, 161-202. AUo: Presse vet., An^rs. 1**9. ix, >*n: 159: 225: 261 ; 284. AUo 'Abstr.l: Anu. de nied. vet.. Unix.. 18*9. xxxviii, 299-307. AUu [Abstr.' : Compt. lend. Acatl. tl. sc, Par., Ij-s'i. cviii, 319 —324. —ChiNlovirh (F. I.) Izmleneniya >voistv krovi [ni \ pi l-kivanii inorodnol sivorotki i krovi, v svyazi s teoriyel iinmuniteta Ehrlich a. [ fit title snr les proprictes du sang ties animaux injectcs tie sang ou tie se- rum d'une autre espfece animale, en rapport avec la theorie dim mini ite d'Ehrlich. Extr., 68-70.] Kttssk. arch, patol., klin. med. i bakteriol.. S.-Peterb.. 1-99. viii. 20-37. -----. Kol iinmiiniziruyiishtshikh veshtshestv i aeglyutininov pri passivnoiu iinmunitetic [Pole of itnnmniziiig and agglutinating substances in passive immunity.] I/.viest. Imp. YoyennoMeil Akatl., S.-Peterb., 1901, iii, 101- 110. — «le C li i- ■»I ••• ii - (J.) fitutle sui' les substitutes inn rol.icides tin serum et des oiganes d'auimaux k sang chaiid. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur. Par.. 1891, v, 4*7-505.— Colin 'A.i La haiite lemperature de certains animaux est-elle un obstacle au developpement ties affections char- bonneuses? Kev. med. franc, et etraug., Pai., 1*78. i. 705- 713. Si e, aUo, infra. Toussaint (IL). — (onraili ( tl.) Leber die Bildung baktei izider Stoffe bei tier Autolvue. lain. l. cheiii Phys. U. Path., P.nischwg.. 19U1, i. 193- :> -Comiiii (E.) Sur un cas de preservation c.mtre la mul.oh. ch.ijl.....ueuse. observe chez I'homino. Compt. und. Ar.i.l. .1 sc. Par., 1-82. xciv. 697. — Criupino (M.) La leucocitosi in rapporto tlel potere antitossico natarale e del processo d' immunita attiva. Gior. inter- naz. tl. sc. med., Xapoli, 1899, n. ».. xxi. 965-984.— (,'tiokor (J.) Erfahrungen iiber die in verschiedenen IMMUNITY. 844 IMMUNITY. Immunity (Mechanism and theories of). Sta.iten geiibten St hutzimpfungen. Internat. Cong. f. IIvg u. Demog. Arh., Wien, 1887, vi. 21. Hft.. In5-154.— Czaplewskli (E.i Weitere Untersuchungen iiber die Immunitiit der Tanben gegen Milzhrand. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1*92, xii 348-474.— j Dailymz (J.) Contribution k 1'etude i\n niecanisme de j rimmunisation. Cong, internat. de med. C. t. Par.. 1900, sect, de bacteriol. et parasitol., 35-40. — Davi» <>>5S) Action by toxic agents; what are the physiologic processes or functions that impart to the living human body its vital resistance or immunity and how can they he aided by therapeutic agents? J.Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1899. xxxiii, 3-6.— Dean (G.) Experiments on immunity in relation i to the pancreas and its ferments. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1900-1901, Iii, 127-134.—Di .Tintlei iE.) Sulla immunita artificiale per mezzo di sostanze medieanientose. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1887-8. ix, 389-410. -----. Caso raro di carbonchiosi lenta; contributo alio siutlio delle in- fezioni miste e della immunita ereditaria. Kiforma med., Koma, 1888. iv, 1754-1756.—Delamollc. Explication de l'immunite naturelle et de l'immunite vaccinale; theorie phagocytaire du docteur Metschuikoff. J. de microg., Par., 1888, xii, 183-1*8— Delearde (A.) A contribution to the study of experimental alcoholism aud its influence upon immunity. Bull. Pasteur Inst., Danbury. Conn., 1898, vi, 1-5.—Delepine iS.) A lecture on development of modern ideas on preventive, protective, and curative treatment of bacterial diseases aud on immunitv or re- fractoriness to disease. Lancet, Lontl., 1891, i, *241-244. Also, Keprint. — Denys (J) & Eieclef (J.) Sur le nieeauisme de l'immunite chez le lapin vaccine contre le streptocoque pvogene. Cellule. Lierre A: Louvain, 1*95-6, xi. 175-221.—Denys (J.) & March and (L.) j Du mecanisme de 1'inimunite conferee au lapiu par l'in- jection de serum antistieptococcique de cheval et dun ! nouveau mode d'application tie ces6rum. Bull. Acad. rov. de metl. de Belg., Brux., 1*96, 4. s., x. 249-27o. — Dentweli (L.) Az immunitiis tanauak mai lillasa. [The science of immunity from the present staudpout., Orvosi hetil . Bu- dapest, 1899, xliii, 120; 131; 143; 155. [Discussion], 73; 97. AUo [Abstr.]: Orvosi heti szemle, Budapest, 1*98. xxvi. 205- 210. Also [Abstr.]: Gyogyiiszat. Budapest, 1*99, xxxix, 173. Also, transl. [Abstr.]': Pest, med.-chir. Pr.-se llu.la pest. 1899, xxxv, 253. [Discussion]. 254; 272.—Diltrirh (P.i Ueber den gegenwiirtigen Stand tier Iiuniunitat-- frage. Prag. med. Wchnschr.. 1*89. xiv, 371; 383— Drayo (S.) Contributo alio studio dell' immunita con special.- riguardo atl alcuni faltori che iulluenzano il potere batte- ricida del sangu.-. Riforma metl.. Napoli. 1898. xiv, pt. 3. 290; 303; 314.—Dreyer (G.) Sui -rimmunisation k I'aide des toxones. Cong, internat. de m£d. C. r.. Par. 1900, sect, de baettiiol. et parasitol., 45—47.—vou Dungern. Globulicide Wirkungen des thierischeu Organismus. Miiu- chen.meil. Wchnschr., 1899, xlvi, 405: 449. ----- Beittage zurlmmunitatslehie. Ibid., 19o0. xlvii. 676-6*0—Ehrlich IP.) On immunity -with special reference to cell life. Proc. Roy. Soc. Loiid., 1900. lxvi, 424-448. 2 pl. -----. Die Scuiitzstoffedes Blutes. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1901, xxvii, 805; 888; 913. AUo: Wien. med. Presse. 1901, xiii. 1817-1*20. See. als,,. supra. Ber- gel. — Rijkman (C.) Specitieke antistoffi-n. Geneesk. Pl. u. Klin, en Lab. v. de prakt.. Haarlem. 1901, viii. 227- 247.—Emmerich (IL) & Di Itlatlei (E. i Yeruichtung vou Milzbrandbacillen im Organismus. Fortschr. il. Metl., ! Berl., 1*87, v, 653-663. See, aUu, infra, Pawlowsky (A. D.). ----------. Lntersuchungen iiber die Ursache tier erwor- benen Immunitat. Ibid.. 18*8. vi. 729-747.— Emmerich (R.) A: l.owlO.) Die Ursache dei kiinstlicli.-n lmmuiiitat j und die Ueiluug von Infectionskrankheiten. Munchen. | med. Wchnschr., 1*98. xiv, 1433.-----------. Bakterioly- j tische Enzyme als Ursache der erworbenen Immiiuitat j und die Heilung vou Infectionskrankheiten durch tliesel- ben. Ztschr. f. Hyg. n. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1*99, xxxi, 1-65.----------. Die kunstlicln- Darstellung der immunisirenden Sub8tauzen(Nnclea8eu-Iinmiiiiproteidine) r.nd ihre Yerwenduug zur Therapie tier Infecfion-kiaiik- heiten uud zur Schutzimpfang au Stelle .1. - H.-iLei urns. Ibid.. 1901, xxxvi, 9-28.—Emmerich ip Low ill.) & Korschnn (A.) Die b kteriolytische Wii kung der Xu- cleasen uud Xiicleaseu-Imiuuuproteidine alsUisach,- dei natiirlichen und kiinstliehen Immunitat. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.]. 1. Abt.. Jena. 1902, xxxi.1-25, 1 pl.—Em- merich (K.i A: Tsnboi i-T.i Die Xatur tier Sclmtz-untl Heil-Substanz des Blutes. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Metl.. Wiesl,.. 1-92. xi. 202-235. —Ern»t (H. C.) Infection and immunity. Twentieth c.-nt. Pract.. N5 Y., 1*98. xiii. 133-279.—E nangelliilo* (A. K.j Ilepi ttj<; eyepyeta; tuiv irpov\aKTiicC>v oppmi. raAijfdi, 'Aflijfat. 1*96, xxvi. 406; 437.—Everard i C i. Dnnoorf J.) & !flas«art .'■!.; Snr les nioditicatioustles leucocytes daus l'iu feet ion et tlans l'im- inunisation. Anu.de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1*93,vii. 165-212, 1 pl.— Finger (E.) Zur Immiiuitat der S< hweisstlrusen gegen Eiterkokken. Beitr. z. Dermat u. Syph. Festschr. ... I. Neumann. Leipz. u. Wien, 1900, 150-162. 1 pl.— Eisehel (F ) Untersuchungen iiber die Milzbrandiufec- tiou bei Friischen uud Kroten. Fortschr. tl. Med., Perl.. 1891, ix, 45-61, 1 pl. — Fliigge (C.| Studien iiber die Illlliuility (Mechanism and theories of'). Absehwaehung virulenter Bacterien und die erworbene Immunitat. Ztschr. f. Hyg., Leipz., 1*88. iv. :o--230.— ron Fodor. Zur Frage tier Immunisation durch Alkalisation. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasiteuk., Jena. 1891, x. 7.—Foth. Mittheilungen uber eiuen bei Huhnern gefundeneu pathogeneu Bacillus untl einige Beobaehtungen iiber Mischinfectiou uud Tmmunisii ung. Ztschr. f. Veterinark., Berl., 1892, ix, 4*1-4*7— Fraenkel (A.) Einige neuere Arheiten iiber die Erzeuguug von Immunitat durch losliche Substanzeii. K.-v. ] Centralbl. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1888. ix. 257: 273— Fraenkel (C.) •v: Sobernheim. Yersuche iiber das Zustautlekommen der kiinstliehen Immunitat. Hyg. Rundschau, Berl., 1894, iv. 97; 145.—Frank G.I Ueber die Immiiuitat bei Infectionskrankheiten. mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der humoralen und chemischen Theorien. Ergebn. tf allg. Path. n. path. Anat. [etc] 1*96, Wiesb.. 1897.92-130 — de Frendenreich (E.) De lantagonisme dt•* baclc riea et de l'immunite qu'il confere aux milieux tie culture Ann.de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 18*8, ii,2oO-2o6.—Eroehlieh. Znr Ehrlich'schen Theorie der Immunitiit. Aerztl. Rundschau,Munchen, 1898. viii. 115—von Fro-ehnner (J.) Ueber das Verhalten der Manse zum Impfuiilzijiand bei Fiitterung mit Hafer. Traubeuzucker, Kolnzu. ker uud fettreicheu Futterstoffen. Oesterr. Vitl.j-chr. f. -wissensch. Veterinark.. Wien, 1884. lxi, 141-144 -Fuchs (R. F.) Zur Frage nach dem Eiitstehungsorte d. t bakte- riziden Substanzen des Blutes. [Abstr.J Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1901, xxvii. Ver.-Beil., 2u8.— Galeotti (G.) Ricerche sull' immunizzazioue delle cavie contro la peritonite colerica. Sperimentale. Atch. di biol., Firenze, 1896, 1. 92-111. -----. Ricerche sui fenomeni de'.l' immunita in alcuni v. rtebrati inferiori. Ibid., 1897, li, 369-393. -----. Sulle proprieta preventive e curative dei nucleoproteidi degli organi tli animali im- munizzati. Ibid., 1899, liii, 192-1.'8 1 ch—Gaiualeia (X.) Vibrio Metchuikovi; vaccination chimique. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1889, iii, 542-5.55. -----. Sur les proteides defensives; exanien d'une nouvelle theorie de l'iinniunite. Med. mod., Par., 1*91. ii, 397-400. -----. L'inimunisation. Gaz. hebd. de m6d., Par.. 1891. 2. .*., xxviii, 558-561. Al-o. transl: Gac med. catal., Barcel., 1893, xvi, 204-210. AUo transl: Gac med. de Granada, 1893, xii, 227; 257.— Gart'in Sola (E.i La inmunidad y los terrenos adi euailo- <-n nosogenia parasitaria. Rev. tie med. y drug, pract., Madrid, 188*. xxiii, 5-14.—l'ar. nier (M.) Recherches stir la destruction d.-s microbes (vibriou cholerique et ba ille typhiquej dans la cavite peritoneale ties cobayes immunises. Ann. de Must. Pasteur, Par., 1897, xi, 767-77.;. 1 pl.-Gaston (J. McF.) Surgical immunization compared with susceptibility and predisposition to infection. Alabama il. & S. Age, Annis- tou, 1*95-6. viii, f.21-640. Also: Oaillard's M. J., >C. Y., 1896, lxiii. 569-580. AUo: Med. Mirror. St. Louis, 1*96. vii, 517-523. AUo: South. M. Kec, Atlanta, 1896, xxvi, 481-494. — Geisler (F. K.) Glavmelshiya techeniya v uchenii o nevospriimchivosti. [Chief ideas in the teach- ing of immunitv] Yrach. St. Petersb.. 1*96. xvii, 301; 359; 392; 424: 456: 4*9: 517.—Gerhardt (C.) Bemer- kungen iiber Maseru, Scharlach und I'ocken: zur Im- muuitatsfrage. ('harit.'-Aiin., Berl.. 1898. xxiii, 224-228.— Gheorghiewnkv. Du niecanisme de 1 imniunite vis-a- vis du bacille pvocvanique. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1*99. xiii, 298-318. —Gibier (P.) De la possibility de faire contiacter le charbon aux animaux a sani: froid en elevant l.ur temperature. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1882. 7. s., iv, 4S1-4.-3. AUo: Rec. de nied. vet., Par., 1*82. 6. s. ix, 751-755 AUo [Abstr.]: Compt. teutl. Acad. rl. sc. Par., 18*2, xciv, 1605. AUo [Abstr.]: Tribune med., Par., 1*82. xiv, 334. -----. Inoculation du virus charbouueux chez des animanx a sang froid dont la tempe- rature a ete ehvee ii 30, 33. 35° ceutigi■■ y Costa. La imnunidiitl adquii i.la. Kev. tie san. mil Ma- drid, 1895, ix, 113-118.— Ilnl Line iW.-M.) Recherches sur 1'adaptation au milieu chez les infusoires et les bacte- ties; contribution ii I'etude de l'immunite. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par.. 1890, iv, 363-379 —Ilnlm (M.) Ueber die Pedeutung der Leukocyteu fiir den Si-hut/ gegen In- fectiouen. Miinchen. meti. Wchnschr., 1*96. xliii, 175. ------. Iinniunisitungs- und Heilversuche mit den plas- matischeu Zellsaften vou Bacterien. Sitzungsb. tl. Ge- sellsch. f. Moiphol. u. Phvsiol. in Miinchen (1897), 1*98, xiii. 77-8*. AUn: Sit/uni:-!.. tl. iirztl. Ver. Miinchcii (1897), 1898. vii, 113-124. — Ilaiuet ill.) Zur Geschichte | und Kritik tier Hypothec, n zur Likiarung der erwor- benen Immunitat. Deutsche Med.-Zt- . Berl., 18*5, ii, 845: 853: m!5. AUo, Repiint. — II a mhn rger (H.J.) | Over de heil/am. -werking vau veueuse stinting en ont- steking in d. n stri.jd van het licbaaui tegen bacterien. Versl. . . . d.k. Akad. v. Wetensch. Afd. Natuurk., Amst., 1*97. 4. s.. v, 472-4*1. AUo: Xederl. Tijdschr. v. (ieneesk., Amst., 1897, 2. R., xxxiii, d. ii. 194-.0*. Also | Absti-.]: Handel, v. b. Xederl. Xat.-en Ceneesk. Cong. Haarlem, 1*97. 2*1-2*3. AUo, trantl.: Belgique med., (land-Haar- lem. 1*97. ii. 225-243.—llnmer <\V. H.) Preliminary re- port on cef.i the conditions determining insuscepti- bility. Rep Me Off- Local l.ov. Ptl. 1890. Lond., 1891, xx, 267-272.— II ami lion (E.i Tissue resistance and antisepticisni. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 18*7, ii, 292-294.— IIanan (A.) Einige Beiueiknngen iiber tlen heutieen Stand .1. r Lehre von tier Heilnng und der Immunitat. Foits.hr. d. Metl.. Berl., 1-*-. vi, 849-stk>. AUo, transl: Practitioner, Lontl.. 1888. xli. 427-439— Han kin (E. H.) Immuuitv produced bv an albumose isolated from anthrax cultures." Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1889, ii, 810.------. Report on the conflict between the organism and the microbe. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 189(J. ii, 65-6*. ------. Lei er den schiitzen- deu Eiweisskorper der Ratte. Centralbl. f. Pakteriol. u. Parasiteuk.. Jena, 1891, ix, 336: 372. ------. Ueber die Xomenclatur der schiitzenden Eiweis^k.'.iper. Cen- tralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., J.na 1891. x. 337; 377. ------. Report on the conflict between the organism and the mieiooe. K--p. Scient. Giants Com. Brit. M. Ass., Lond.. 1 -95 -9-9-. Also [Abstr.]: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1*91. ii. 379.--Hebb ■ K. i;.| Xotes on the germicidal action of the blood, immunitv. and parasitic protozoa. Westminst. Hosp. Kep., Lond., 1893. viii 79-97 —Ileiiu (L.) Ueber I vermintlette Widerstandnfahigkoit von Milzhrandsporen. Centralbl. f. Bacteriol. u. Para-ii.nk.. Jena, 1**7. i 737.— Hericourt (J.) Sc Kit het (C.| lie la transfusion peri- toneale, et tie 1'imniuiiite quelle con fere. Compt. rend. Acad. d. -c. Par.. 1888. cvii, 7f*-750. Also: France med., Par.. 1***. ii, 1604-1606.-------------. Immunite conferee a ties lupins par la transfusion peritont'alede sangde chien. In: Richet i'fins) conferred by an attack of infectious disease. Boston M.& S. J., 1895, cxxxii, 46. — Iwnaetl ( V. I.) .'. Ivanoll. L'nterstichungen iiber tlie Iinniunisii ung tier M. .i-c h w.i nchen gegen den Vibrio Ivanoff. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u Infection.skiankh., Leipz., 1894, xvii. 117-129. Also, transl: Metl. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1894. pt. 2. 103-117. — luliano (G.) Quelques consitlera- j tions sur lem6canismede rinununite. Bull. Soc.d. nied.et J iiat.de.Ia-sy. 18**if 142-14*.—Jaiiii wirz (J.) Xote sur la vaccination et 1 immunito Bull. Soc. de mod. prat.de Par.. 1*91,63-72. — Jolyet ,\ dei\nbi«n. Del hypeither- m ie e xpe ri mentale et tie son influence sin lc chvc loppement dn charbon chez les mammiferes. (la/, hebd d si metl. tie Bordeaux. 1*91, x:i.56*; 583—.lona iG.) I fatli c le dot- tnriede i in.muiiita. Ki v. veneta d i sc. med., Venezia. 1895, Xiii. 25- 4*.— Kan III nek i A. A.; I mm unity, phagocytosis, andcheniotaxis. l'i .t. M..J., Loud., 1*92, ii,'985-9*9. '■-----. Immunity (Mechanism and theories of). 1st die Milz von Wichtigkcit bei der experiincntellen Im- inuiiisimug ties Kaninchens gegen den Bacillus pw>cva- nciiS!' Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasiteuk., .Jemi, 1*92, xii, 227-229.—K nut hark iA.A.) Sc We»krook (I L.J Report on iinnnniiu against cholera; an experimental in- quiry into the hearing on immunity of intracellular and metabolic bacterial poisons. I'.rit. M. J., Loud., 1893, ii, 572-575.— It lei a (E.) Ein wciterer Beitrag zur Innnuni- tiitsfrage. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasiteuk., Jena, 1*92. \i 598-602.------. Das Yerhaltnis tier immunisieren- tleti Sitbstan/i n zu den spezifischon Mikroben. Centralbl. I. Bakteriol. | etc.]. 1. Abt., Jena, 1896, xx, 417-420.— Klein i IC. i \ t'oxwell (C. F.) Kin Beitrag zur Itiiinu- niliitslrage. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Paiasitenk.. Jena, 1892. xi, 464—167.- Klemperer (('•.) Die Beziehnngen verschieileiier Haktericneifte znr Immuiiisiiuiig und Heilung. Ztschr. I. klin. Med., Berl., 1892, xx, 165-169.— Klemperer ((;.) \- Klemperer (F.) Ueber tlie Hei- lung von Inft I'tionsUrankheitcn beim Thiere durch naeh- t iiie Iiche Iininuiiisirung. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1892, xi, 236-243. Also: Aerztl. Kuntl- schau, Miinchen, 1*92, ii, 318 - 320. — 14 limon" (J.) Zur Frage der Inmiiinstoffe ties Organismus. Zt-.ln. f. Hyg. it. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1901, xxxvii, 120- 130. — Known I'l'hei causes of imtiiuiiitv. Metl. Kev., St. Louis. 1*97, xxxv, 1*5-1*8 — Koroll-t liuk (A ) Eine Theorie der Immunitiit. Compt.-rend. Cong, internat.de med. 1897, Mosc, 1*99. ii.sect.3. 114-120.—Kramer iS. P.) & Borer (R.) The nature of vaccine imniiuiitv. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, ii, 9*9. —Krani. ( K. > Ueber A ntiktir- per in der Milch. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1*97, xxi. 592.— KraiiM (K.i ^ Kitten kcrg (P ) Ueber Immuiiisierung mit Itninunsubstanzen. Ibid., 1902, xxxi, 208-213 l.akhtin (M.C.i Xo\ icishiya tin- pravleniya v uchenii.o nevospiiiinchivi.sti. | Latest ten- dencies in the study of immunity.] Vrach. Zapiski. Mosk., 1896, iii, 267; 292; 320— f.amnri (A.i A: Italia (11.) Sulla resistenza delle cavie private tli un rene. tlella milza o di parte tlel legato per alcune iniezioni (tossina diftetica, bacterium coli commune, virus tubercolare); ricerche speri- mentali. N. riv. clin.-terap., Xapoli, 1900, iii, 502-508.— Law (J.) Cause of acquired immunity from infectious diseases; priority: prophylactics by soluble chemical prod- ucts of the genu. Sanitarian, N5T.. 1*86. xvi, 97-111.— I.azaruM i A.i A: 'Weyl (T. i Wei ten Beitrage zur Theo- rie tier Immunitiit gegen Milzbrand. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1892. xxix. 1129-1131. AU,,, Keprint. —I.eblanc (A.) Contribution k I'etude dc rinununite acquise. Cel- lule, Lierre Sc Louvain, 1901, xviii, 335-383. — I.evailili (C.) L'immunite d'apres la th6orie des chaines latei ales, toxines et antitoxines. Presse nied., Par.. 1900, ii, 339-343. ------. L'immunit6 d'apres la th6orie des chaines late- rales; bai teriolysines et cytotoxines. Ibid., 1901, ii, 109- 113.— l.rwin (L.i Antwort auf die kritischen Bemer- kungen d.s Prnf. IC. Behriug iiber meine Stellungnahmo zur Immunitatsfrage und Weiteres iiber Immunitat. Deutsche med.Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1898, xxiv,701.— l.ieorixh iK.F.i Immunity nnd serum theiapeutics; a new theory; the biophysical theory. Med. Rec, X. Y., I*98.1iii. 62i 1-624.— von I. in yi'NIiei in. Ueber die Bedeu- tung tier Salze fur die bakteticid. Wirkung ties Strums; pin Beitrag zur Alexiufrage. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infec- lionskrankh . Leipz., 1901, xxxvii, 131-172."—I.owen- Mtein (E.) Ueber die Bedeutung der Cell it la ien Immunitiit. l'rag. med. Wclinschr., 1901, xxvi, 374. - London ( E. S.) O vliyanii udaleniya rnzlichuikh chaste! golovnavo mozna ua immunitet golubcl v otiioshenii sibirskol yazvi. [Influ- ence of renioval of different parts of the brain on the im- munity of pigeons, with regard to anthrax.J Arch. biol. nauk . ... S.-Peterb.. 1*98-9. vii. 177-186. AUo, transl: Arch. de.scbiol.,St.-Petersb.,l*9*-9.vii, 177-1*0— I.iiliar>< li < I | Leber Abschwiicliuug tier Milzbraiulbacillcu im Fr..sch- ktirper. Fortschr. d. Metl., Herl., 1*8*. \ i. 121-129. ------. Leber Bactci ienvernichtung im Froschkbi pel. Ibid.. 181)0, v iii,*7-91.------.Ueber die I 'r.sachen tier Immunitat. Ibid.. 665-672.------. Leber die bakterionvcrnichtendeii Eig. n- scliaften des Blutes untl ihre Beziehungen zur Iininunitat. Centralbl. f. Bacteriol. u. Parasiteuk.. J.na. 18*9, vi, 4*1 ; 529. ------. Lnlersiicliungen iiber tlie Ursaclien der ange- boienen und erworbenen Iminunitiil. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., P.erl.. 1*90-91, x\ iii. 421, 2 pl. : 1*91, xix. *n; 215; 360.— l.ini^liini (tl I Le lesioni del sistema nervoso centrale no loro rajiporti con la immunita verso le ma- lattie iiif.liAe. Policlin., Koma, 1*95, ii, 589-603. AUo, Reprint .fleflintork (('. '['.) Eiizmiics and immu- nity. Tr. Mississipiii Vallev M. Ass., Louisville, 1899, i, 370-375. .!/*■.. ■ Medicine, Detroit, 1900, vi. 272-276.— tliiriloiviill (C.) Remarks in Fodor's expel iinents concerning ihe microbe-killing power of the healthy blood current, with sonic applications to Indian disease. Tr. M. A: Ph\s. Soc. Bombay (1886). 1**7. [3.] s., x. 70-75.— .Vl'I.nnxhlin (J. W.) Ail explanation of the phenom- ena ol immunity and contagion, based upon the action of pl \si.al anil biological laws. Tr. Te^as M Ass., Austin, l*9n. 71-106. AUo: Med. Rec. X. Y., I*90.xxxviii. 29-38.— Tlai»eli« (J.) Leber die durch tlas I'ehersteheu von Iufeclionskiaukheiten erworbene Immunitat. Arch. f. IMMUNITY. 846 IMMUNITY. Iillllliillity (Mechanism and theories of). path. Anat. [etc], Berl., 1894, cxxxvii, 468-475. —.Tlnksn- loflT (A.) Pretlokhranitelniya privivki i teorii immuni- teta. [Prophylactic inoculations and theory of immunity. J Yestnik obsh. vet., St. Petersb., 1894, vi, 132; 166; 198; 228.—.Tlanfreili (L.) Sull'importanza del sistema gan- gliare linfatico nella dottrina moderna dell' infezione e dell' immunita. Atti d. r. Accad. d. sc. metl. in Palermo (1898), 1899, 139-171. AUo, transl: Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc. |, Berl., 1899, civ, 335-378— Han fieri i (L.) Sc Viola (P.) Influenza tlei gangli linfatici nella produzione del- l' immunita verso le malattie infettive. Ann. d' ig. sper., Roma, 1898, n. s., viii, 456^89. AUo, transl : Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1897, xxx, 64-94.— ITiarfan (A.-B.) Les theories de l'immunite morbitle et particulierement la th6orie des phagocytes tie M. Me- tschnikoff. Bull, metl., Par.. 1887, i, 951-953.—.TIartelli (Y.) Sull' esistenza di piodotti non tossici immunizzanti nelle culture e nell' organismo infetto dal bacillo del car- bonchio. Rassegna internaz. d. metl. mod., Catania, 1900- 1901, ii, 124-126.—iTI assart (J.) Le chimiotaxisme des leucocytes et l'immunite. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1892, vi, 321-327.—.TIaurel (E.) De l'influenoc ties sai- j sons sur les defenses de lorganisme dans les pays tem- per6s. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1899, 10. s., vi, 229-231.—.TIetlvicdcflf (B.) Ocherk sovremyonnikh uche- j niy ob immunitetle. [Sketch of contemporary teachings of immunitv] Yestnik obsh. vet., St. Petersb., 1898, x, 685-690.— Tleltzcr (S. J.) Some ofthe physiological methods and means employed by the animal organism in its continual struggle against bacteria for maintenance of life and health. Tr. Cong. Am. Phys. Sc Surg., X. Haven, 1900, v, 12-25. AUo: Phila. M. J., 1900, v, 1022-1027. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Xews, X. Y., 1900, i, 989-992.—.Ties- nil (A.) Sur le mode de resistance ties vertebre.s iufe- rieurs aux invasions microbiennes artiflcielles; contribu- tion k I'etude de l'immunite. Ann. do l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1895, ix, 301-351, 1 pl. — VlclcliiiikoU (E.) Sur l'attenuation des bacteridies charbonneuses dans le sang des moutous r6fractaires. Ibid., 1887, i, 42-44. -----. Ueber das Verhalten der Milzbrantlbakterien im Orga- nismus: Beitrag zur Phagocytenlehre. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc], Berl., 1888, cxiv, 465-492.-----. Etudes sur l'immunite. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 18d9, iii, 289, 1 pl. : 1890, iv, 65, 193, 4 pl.: 1891, v, 465, 1 pl.: 1892, vi, 289. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Bacteriol. World, Battle Creek, Mich., 1891-2, i, 257; 291; 323; 355; 393; 429. -----. Znr Immunitatslehre. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1892, xi, 282-289. -----. L'etat actnel de la ques- tion dei'inimuuite. [Rap.] Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1894, viii, 706-721. AUo [Abstr.]: Semaine m6d., Par.. 1*94, xiv, 408. AUo, transl. [Abstr.]: Med. Week, Par., 1894, ii, 449-451. -----. L'imniunite dans les maladies infectieuses. [Abstr.] Presse metl., Par., 1901. ii, 346.—ITIctchnikoflT (E.) Sc Kotirienko (T.) Recherches sur l'accoutuiuauce aux produits niicrobiens. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur. Par., 1891, v, 567-576.—ITIetchnikoflT(E.) Sc Roux (E.) Sur la propi iet6 bactericide du sang de rat. Ibid., 479-486.— ITIieheli (C.) Immunitji e potere patogeno. Per il xxv anno tl. insegn. chir. di F. Durante n. Univ. di Roma, 8°, Roma, 1898, i, 547-56*.—ITIoor (W.) Immunity through dynamic inhibition. X. York M. J., 1S91, liv, 61-70.— itloore (J. T.) A reasonable philosophy for immunism in certain contagious diseases. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1896, xvi, 432-435.—.Tluir(R.) Recent views on the nature of immunity. Glasg. Hosp. Rep., 1900, ii, 368-384.- Tl vers (W.) LJeber Immunitat gegen Proteide. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc], 1. Abt., Jena, 1900, xxviii, 237-244. Also, transl: Lancet, Lond., 1900, ii, 98- 100. — ML a no roll (15 I.) Opiti vizivaniya nevospriimchivosti u zhivot- nikh difteriynim yadoiu (toksinom) i protivodifteriynol sivorotkol. [Experiments on the production of immu- nity in animals by diphtheritic toxin and antidiptheritic serum ] Arch. biol. nauk . . ., S.-Peterb., 1*97-8. vi, 56-65.— rVoeard (E ) Culture de la bacteridie charbonneuse dans la in amelie d'une che vrevacciut'e cou tre lecharbon. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1891,9. s., iii, 616.—von >Otthntll (A.) Leber die Yermindeiung der Wiileistandslahigkeit des Korpers gegeuii er Infectionen durch Ei krankungen der Haut und der Harnwege. Verhandl. tl. Gesellsch. deutsch. Xaturf. u. Aerzte, 1899. Leipz., 1900, lxxi, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 424.—.Mourner. .Tenner's uud Koch's Immunitat. Deutsche Metl.-Ztg., Berl.. 1891, xii, 1169-1172.—IVovj (F. G.) Tbe immunizing powerof nucleo-histon and of histon. J.Exper. M., N. Y., 1896. i,693-716. AUo. Keprint.— rV'iitt- all (G.) Experiinente iiber die bacterienfeintllicheu Ein- fliisse des thierischen Korpers. Ztsclir.f.Hyg., Leipz.. 1888, iv, 353-394, lpl.—Ogata(.M.) Ueber die Inimunitatsfrage. Deutsche med.Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1891, xviii. 565.— Ogata (M. I & Iasnhara. Ueber iiie Einflusse einiger Thierblutai ten auf einige pathogene Bacterien. Mitth. a. d. metl. Fac. d. k.-.jap. Univ., Tokio, 1890. i, no. 4. 367-374.— ©It (L.) Clinical laws of immunity of tliseas-. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc., Phila., 1900-1901.' n. s., ii, 260-207.— Palermo (X.) L' influenzadelle lesiouidei centri nervosi sulla immunita passiva. Lavori d. Cong, di metl. int. 1897, Roma, 1898, viii, 108-113.—Pane (X) Ricerche sull' ini- munizzazione dei conigli contro il bacillo setticoemico dello llllllllllity (Mechanism and theories of). sputomedianteinoculazionedelbattei'io virulenlo. Lavori d. Cong, di med.int. 1892, Milano, [1893], v, 414-429. AUo: Riv. clin. e terap., Xapoli, 1892, xiv, 641-655. — Para- seandolo (C.) Die Immunitat und ihre Tl.eorien; iiber Immunitat im Allgemeinen. Oesterr. Monatsehr. f. Thierh., Wien, 1901, xxv, 289; 337; 387: 453. —Park (R.) On susceptibility and immunity, with special reference to surgical cases. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1*96, xiv, 271- 291. Also: Med. Xews, X. Y., 1896, Ixix, 85-90.—Pavy (F. W.) Microbes, toxins, and immunity; a prelude to discussions on certain infectious diseases. Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1895, xiv, 506.—Panlotvsky (A. D.) Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Mittheilung der Herren Em- merich und E. di Mattei : Leber Yernichtung von Milzbrandbacillen im Organismus. Fortschr. d. Med., Berl., 1**8, vi, *6-89. -----. Zur Frage tier Infection nnd der Immunitat; das Schicksal einiger (hauptsachlich pyo- geuer) Mikroben im Organismus empfauglicher und im- muner Thiere. Ztschr. f. Hvg. u. Infectionskrankh. Leipz.. 1900, xxxiii, 261-312.—Pearse (W. H.) Ou change in relation to evolution and immunity; facts and hypo- theses. Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1891, x, 707: 1892, xi, 15.— Pekelharing (C. A.) Ueber Zerstorung von Milz- hrandvirus im Unterhautbindegewebe des Kaninchens. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1890, viii, 263- 282. AUo, transl: Onderzoek. ged. in h. phvsiol. Lab. d. Ltncht. Hoogesch., 1891, i, 36-66, 1 pl. Also, Reprint.— Pel (A. Y.) Teorii immuniteta i immunizatsii s biologo- kl-imicheskol tochki zrleniya. [Theories of immunity and immunisation from a biological and chemical pointof view.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1894, xv, 1344-1347.—Pelnaf (J.) 0 podstate immunity. [The essentials of immunity.] Sbirka pfednasek a rozpr. z oboru lekarsk.. v Pia/.e, [1899], 7. s., nos. 9-10, 175-238.—Perroncito (E.) Studi sull' immu- nita pel carbonchio. Gior. tl. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1889, 3. s., xxxvii, 99-103. Also, transl: Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1889, iii, 163-165. Also, transl..- Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. n. Parasitenk., Jena, 1889, v, 503-506.-----. Contributo alio studio dell'iinmuuita pel carbonchio. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1**9. 3. s., xxxvii, 331-333.— Pelermann. Sur la substance bactericide du sang d6- crite par le professeur Ogata. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1891, v, 506-514. -----. Recherches sur l'inuuunite contre le charbon au moyen des albuinoses extraites des cultures. Ibid., 1892, vi, 32-38.—Petersen. Moderne Immuiiitatstheorieu. Verhandl. tl. naturh.-ined. Yer. zu Heidelb., 1898, n. F., vi, 51-62—Petruschky (J.) Uuter- sucbungen iiber tlie Immunitat des Frosches gegeu Milz- hrand. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1**8, iii, 357-386. -----. Die Einwirkungen ties lebenden Frosch- korpersaufilenMilzbrandbacillus. Ztschr.f.Hyg.,Leipz., 1889, vii, 75-85, 1 pl.—Pfeiller (R.) Ein neues Grundge- setz der Immunitat. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1896, xxii, 97; 119. -----. Kritische Bemerkuugeu zu Gruber's Theotie der activen uud passiven Immunitat gegen Cholera, Typhus und verwaudte Ki ankheitsprozesse. Ibid., 232-234.— Pfeiller (R.) Sc Fricribcrgei (E.) Ueber Antikoiper gegen die bacteriolytischeu Iniiiiuukor- pertler Cholera. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1902, xxxix. 4-7.— Phillips ((). P.) Immunity and the rationale of vac- cination. South. Calif. Pract.. Los Angeles, 1899, xiv. 105- 108.—Phisalix (C.) fitude exp6rimcutnle du role attri- bu6 aux cellules lymphatitpies, dans la protection de l'or- ganisme contre l'iuvasion du bacillus anthracis, et daus le mecauisme de l'immuuite acquise. Compt. rend. Acad. tl. sc, Par., 1890, cxi, 685-688. -----. Influence du milieu ganglioiinaire sm- la vitalite du bacillus anthracis. Ver- handl. tl. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891, ii, 3. Abth., 41-44.—Pick (E. P.) Yersuche zurlsolierungvou Imrnunkbi pern des Blutserums. Beitr. z. chem. Pbys. u. Path.. Brnschwg., 1901, i, 351-392. -----. Zur Keuntnis der Iinmnnkorper; iiber die bei der Agglutination und speziflschenNiederschlagsbildung(Kraus) beteiligtenSub- stanzen. Ibid., 393-444. -----. Zur Kenntnis tier Iiiiiuun- kiirpei ; iiber die Einwirkung chemischer Agentien auf die Sernnikoaguline, Agglutinine, sowie auf deu Yorgang der speziflschen Xiedeischlagsbilduugund iler Agglutina- tion. Ibid., 445-471.— PieraHini (G.) Leber die bak. terieide Wirkung des Blutes bei Infectionen. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math -natui w. CI., Wien. 1899, cviii, 42-54.—Pitkin* (L.) Theories concerning the pro- tective influence of mitigated vims. Tr. X. York Acad. Sc, 1885-6, v, 204-213.—Poribielski (A.) K voprosu oh inimiinitetle po otnosheniyu k bacil. subtilis. [On im- munity as regards . . .] Russk. atch. patol., klin. med. i bakteriol., S.-Peterb., 1898, vi. 473-491. AUn. transl.- Ann. do l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1898, xii, 427-446.-Poehl (A.) Die Immunitats- uud Iminuuisationstheorieen vom biolo- gisch-chemischeu Standpunkt betrachtet. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1895. xxi. 88-90. AUo. Re- print.—Pohl (J.) • TTeber Blutiininunitat. Arch, inter- nat. tie pharmacod.. Brux. et Par., 1901, viii, 437-448. See, also, supra, Bashford. -Preisich (K.) Az inimunitas kerdesenek mai dlUsa. [The present position of the ques- tion of immunity. ] Gyogy4szat, Budapest, 1900, xl, 20- 23. — Prudden (T. M.) On the germicidal action of bloodserum and other body fluids. Med. Rec, X. Y., 18' 0, IMMUNITY. 847 IMMUNITY. Iillllliillity (Mechanism and theories of). xxxvii, 85-88 —Raehford (B. K.) The mechanism of immunity, with its clinical lessons. Med. News, Phila., 1892. lx. 453-457.—RankiiijK (G.) A contribution to the historv of artificial immunity. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta. 1895, \\x. 329. AU,,: Indian Lancet, Calcutta, 1896, vii. 275 — Knyiiaiiri iM.) Etude experimentale stir le role du sang dans la transmission de rininiunite vaccinale. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1877, lxxxiv, 45:;-456. Also: Ann. de med. vet., Brux., 1877, xxvi, 533-541.— Kclmx (J.) Contiibutionk l'etudede l'iininimiteactiuise, recherches sur l'agglutination de bacillo tvphitiue. CA.nipt. rend. Soc. tie biol.. Par., 1900. 11. s., ii, 1058.— Keiri (G. A.) On acquired immunity. Lancet, Lontl., i Is.'7 u. 64S-&48. Also: Indian Lancet," Calcutta, 1898. xi. | 222; 259. ------. The nature of acquired immunity against zymotic disease. Interstate M. J. St. LouK 19oo, vii 319-323.—Kibbert. Der .jot/ige St.m.l|.uiikt tier Lehre von der Immunita!. Deutsche in. ,1 \\ Ahuschr., Leipz. u. Beil., l.vu, xvi 690-694.- Kit liar,l.on ( M. W. i Studies upon bacteiiolvsisaud tvphoidiininunit v. .1. Med Research. Bost., 1901. n.s.. i, s" , ' Kijjhi (I.l L' im- munita nei suoi rapporti eon ia luiiz.oio tlella nulza. Ri- forma med., Xapoli. 1893. ix, pl. ... 2:A; 245— Koriel (A.) Sur les propiietes imiiiiinisantes ties protluits soluble* du bacille d'Ebcrth et du bacilli- coli et en particulier sui leur aptitude a fa ire naitre dans les liumcurs le pouvoir agglu- tiuatif. X. Montpel. med. LvV. vii, 7s5 7-» Koriel , A.i Sc Galavielle. Experiences sur lepouv.it iminiiiiisaut de la matiete ni rv.itse et rabique c ons.rvee 9u. 9. s., ii. 675 —Roth cE.i Ueber den gegen- wanigen Stand di r L.-hre von d. r Disposition und Immu- nitat. Deutsche Vi tlj-chr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1*8'.'. xxi, 444-455 —Kotirienko. Influence du sang tie grenouille sur la resistance ib-> -..ut i~ contre le charbon. Ann. tie l'lnst. Pasteur, Pat.. 1/-9I. v, 515. — Roux A; I haiuberlanri. Sur l'immunite contre lecharbon con- feree par ties substam es chimiqio-~. Ibid., 18s.». ii. 405- 42.5.—Rowland ■>. Ii.i A contribution to the study of immunitv in guinea-pigs. J Path. Sc Baktciiol Edinb. ac Loud..'1896-7. iv, 2o6-2"9, 1 pl —Roy (C. S.l Defensive I mechanisms. Brit. M.J. Lond. 189:;; ii, 310-313 —Waeh- (H.) Immunisierungsversuche mit itnmiinkiii poi b.-lacle nen Ervthrocvten. Centralbl. f. Pakt.iiol. .Ate; 1. Abt. Jena. 1901. xxx. 491-494. - Sariov-ki >M. A".} K vopro-u o lazrushenii n. vos|.i iim. iiivosli lyagushki v otno.sheuii sibirskoi yaz\i Ii.-stiu. tion ofthe frog's immunity to anthrax.J Anh lib <.!.- L. patol. p. imp. Varshav. univ., 1894. ii, l-lM'-Nahli If I Leber den iiioderiien Stantl der Immuuitatsfiage. lor.-Bl. f schweiz. Aerzte. Basel, 1888. xviii, 4-9-497 *a limbeni (A. 'I'.) La destruction des microbes tlans le tis-u uous-out am-dos animaux hyper- vaccines. Aim. de 1 Inst. Pasteur, Par.. 1*98. xii. 192- 209.—Nalmon (D. E.. lb- theory of immunity from contagious diseases. Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sc , Salem, 1887, xxxv. 262-266. ------. Discovery ofthe production of immunitv from contagious diseases by chemical substances formed during bacterial multiplication. Ibid., ]sS^. Salem, 1889, xxxvii, 275- 280.-Malmon (D.E.l Sc Mmilh (T.) On a new method of producing immunity from contagious diseases. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 1884-6, iii. 29-33. ------ ------. Experiments on the production of immunity by the li .podermie injection of sterilized cultuies. f.AI>«h\"] Ii Internat. M. Cong.. Wash., 1887. iii, 403-407— Nami- relli (li.) Come si distrugge il virus carbom hi..-., nti tessuto sottocutaneo degli animali non itnmiini. Atti tl. r. Accad. di fisiocrit. in Siena. Js9l, 4. g., iij. 231-246. AUo: Riv. internaz. tl'ig.. Xapoli 1891. ii, 454; 517. Also. transl [Abstr.]: Ann. tie l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1893, i vii, 820-822. ------. Le cause del! immunita naturale contro il carbonchio. Riv. d' ig. e san. pubb., Roma, 1891, ii, 77-102. A Uo, transl..- Centralbl. f. Baktciiol. u. Parasiteuk., Jena, 1891, ix, 467: 497; 532. ------. Moyens de defense de I'organisine contre les microbes apres vacci- nation et tlans la gu6rison. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., '893. vii, 225-259, 1 diag. — Wnrehenko (I. G.) fSavv- tsi heuko in German], K voprosu o nevospi iimchivosti k sibirskoi yazvle. [The question of immunity against anthrax.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1891. xii, 132; 168. ------. K voprosu ob imrnunitetle. [On the question of immu- lilllllliility (Mechanism and theories of'). nity.] Russk. arch patol., klin. med. i bakteriol., S.- Peterb., 1897, iii 211 -264: 19ou, ix. 573-596, 2 pl. Also. transl- Centralbl. I Bakt.-rul. j etc. ] Jena, 1891, ixj jl73; 193; 52s—Nehiller Tieiz. Der Mechanismus tier Iinmiii.ilai : eim kiili-. he I a, irtlieilung tier Ileut'len i'..r-.chuiig. n an der Hand tier von Xiigeli-.Iiiger schen Seu- ehen lehre. Rundschau a.d.Geli. tl. Thierm d. u. verglcich. Path.. (Isterwieck. 1888, IV, 153; IC] ; 169; 177; 185.— Nchlegel (A.) Leber die Iininunitat gegen Infektions- kiaukht it.n und die versi hiedenen Theorien tlerselben. Ztschr. f. Wundiii/ic u l.ehmtsh., Fellbach, 1891, xiii, 225-230. — Wehle»el ( M. ' Zur Lehre der Immuniiat. Deutsche thieriirztl. Wchnschr., Karlsruhe, ls98. vi, 89- 93. — *t Imeirier (L.; lAi.lluss von Zersetzungsstnffen auf die Alexinwirkung. Ae h I. Hvg., Miinchen u. Leipz., 1896-7, xxviii, 93-102.- Mrhiii* (W.) Die erworbene Im' iiiuniliit. Arch. f. wissensch. u. prakt. 'I hierh., Berl.. Is89, xv, 177-186..-----. Die erworbene Immuiiiiat. Ibid.. 1893! xix, 233-249 —Weh n*.ler. Liber Iminunitiit untl S.hutz- impfting. Wien med. Piesse. 1883,xxiv, 304; 336; 411; 441; 503: 536—rie Nclnvcinily. (E. A.) The production of immunity in guineapigs irom hog-cholera by the use of blood-serum fron'i immuniticd animals. Med. Xews. Phila., 1892, lxi. 346.—Neotl ij A > Micr whemicnl leaction of cells in their relation to immuniu. Tr. Roy. Acad. M Ireland, Dubl., 1894 xii jTI-as: .1 U-,,. Dublin .J. M. So., Is94. xcvii, 1-11.— Nliellenliei <* iM.i A resume of the theories of immunity onanist infect i..us diseases, with spe- cial references to the work of Yaughan. Metl. Times, X. Y.. 1901, xxix, 353-358.— Whewan (M.) Immunisation and vaccination (being a t haptc r 11 anslated from Gautiei 's Les toxiues iniciohiennes ,i animalesi. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta 1897, xii. 1-3.— Milvehlrini cR ) Utilita pratica di certe immunizzazioui. Sp.-i imentile. Sez. clin.. Fi- renze, 1894, 466-470.—Kirotinin iV. N.i (I znachenii pro- duktov obmlena baktei iv ol\ a i/mi.-neni\ a infektsionnikh bolleznel i dlyapriobrIet.ni\ a nevospriimchivosti. [ Yalue of the products of the metabolism of bacteria iu mollifying infectious diseases and for pro luciiiginimnnitj.] Dnevnik svezda (ibsh. ius.sk. vra.-h. v p unvat Pirogova, S.-Peterb.. 1888-9. iii. 330-333.— Nmirnow'lG.) Ueber das Wesen der Absfhwiicluing pathos-tier Bacterien. Ztschr. f. Hyg.. Leipz., 1888. iv 231-261. 1 pl. -Soyka (I.) Ueber abge- schwachte Kraukht itsgifte und die durch tli.-s.lben et- zeugte Immunitat. Wien. me.l. Bl., 1886. ix. 92!: 953 Also.- Prag. med. Wchnschr.. Iss6, xi, 270-274. —Wpiejjel (L.i Die Ehrlich'sclon Tin-mien iiber Giftwirkung und Immunitat. Therap. d. Gegenw., Berl.u.Wieu. 1899.n.F.. i, 500-505. — Stern ( R.) Leber die Wirkung des mensch- lichen Blutes untl anderer Korperfliissiekeiten auf patho- gene Mikioor.anismen. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1890-91, xviii, 46-71. Also [Abstr.J ; Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb.,1890 ix,552.------. Lebereinigeneuere Ergebnisse auf tlem Gebiete der Immunitatslehre. Cen- tralbl. t allg. Path. u. path. Anat., .Jena, 1894, v, 2ol ; 249.— Mtrriibiiii (G.M.) What is the explanation of the pro- tection from subsequent attacks, resulting from au attack of certain diseases, and of the protective influence of vac- cination against smallpox? Am. J. M. Se, Phila., 1881, n. s., lxxxi, 373-378. ------. What is the explanation of ac- quired immunity from infectious diseases? Lancet, Loud., 1885, i, 655; »;96 ------. Explanation of acquired immunity from infectious diseases. [Abstr.l Science. X. Y. ci: Lan- caster , Pa., 1895, n. s.. i, 346-349. — ."•trail-. ; l.i Recepti- vite ties chiens nouveau-nes pour le . haibon. Arch, tie metl.exp6r. et d'anat.path., Par. 1889. i, 325.—MtnrieiiMki (A.) K voprosu ob immunitetle; mekhanizm privikaniya bacilli pyoeyanei k natrium salicylicum. [On immunity; mechanism of accommodation of . . . to . . 1 Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb.. 1901, xii, 369-372. — M'/.nma (A.) Bemerkung. n zu dem Aufsatze Gustav Welti's "Ein Et klaruiigsversuch der erworbenen Immutiitiit gegen Lift c tionskrankheiteii ". < Ant i al Li. fall- Path. it. path. Anat.. Jena, 1891. ii. 833-835.—Teh into v itch if.) Etudes sur rimmunisation conn. le scrum d angnilles. Ann. tie l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1899, xiii, 4(l6 - 425 See. also, supra. Chis- tovicli. — Thoinpxon ( W (J.) Iiiiniiniity; recent the- ories viewed I...... the clinical .st.imlp"ilit. Med. Rec. X. V.. 1898. liii. 37 11.- I Initlit Iium (J. L. W.) On isomerism as a result of disease and a cause of immu- nity. Med. Pros, a- Circ, Lond.. 1897, n. s., lxiv, 399; 421. — Tilfniiy i F. M.) Theories of immunity; serum therapv in tuberculosis. Proc. Connect. M.Soc., Hartford, 1897, 213-221. —Tizzoni (G.) Sc < allani (G.) Sull'im- poi tanza della mil/a nell iiniiiuni/./.a/i.'iie sperimentale tlel coniglio contro il t.tano. Riforma n.i.l . Napoli, 1893, ix, pt.3, 457. .4i!*o, transl: Deutsche med .Wchnschr., Leipz. ii. Berl., 1894. xx, 134.—Toiixmiint (II.) De rininiunite pour le t harbon ; note eu i.ponsea M.Colin. Bull.Acad. de med., Par , 1881, 2.S., x. 301-325, Alsn \ Abstr.l: Compt. rend. Acatl. tl.sc.Par., 1881, xciii, 163.—J'ran be (M.) Zur (ieschicbte der Lehre von den am iseju ischen Eigenschaf- tcn tier hohercn Oigaiiisinen. Ceultalbh t klin. Med., Leipz.. Is9l, xii 993-995. —'I'riini|i|» (Li Die Be/iehuugeu der Agglutination zur Immunitat. Yerlianill. tl. Cong. f. innere Med.. Wiesb.. 1898. wi, 479-486. Also: Arch. f. Hyg., Miinchen u. Leipz., 1898, xxxiii. 70-144. Also [Ab- IMMUNITY. 848 IMMUNITY. Iillllliillity (Mechanism and theories of). str. |: Aerztl. Centr.-Anz., Wien, 1898, x, 387.—Vallec (II.) Exaltation de la virulence dans les humeius des animaux hyperiiuinuuis6s. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par.. 1899. 11. s.', i, 432.------. L'inimunisation par les serums. Rev. vet., Toulouse,1901,lviii,94; 171; 223; 293; 358.—Van ric Velric (H.) Contribution a rimmunisation des lapins contre le staphyloeoque et le sti-eptocoque pvogenes. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par.. 1896, x. 580-596.—Vaughan (V. C.) The principles of immunity and cure in the infectious dis- eases. Med. XAsws, Phila., 1893, lxiii. 393; 421. -----. The production of immunity with nuch-inic acid. Cong. internat. d'hyg. et de demog. C. r. 1894. Budapest, 1896, viii, pt. 2, 44-50. [Discussion], 54-57—Vincenzi (L.) Sui modo di conferire 1' immunita alia pseudo-tuberoolosi da bacillo opale a^liaceo. Riforma med., Xapoli. 1897. xiii, pt. 4, 783-785.— Visokovich. f) prichinakh nevospriiin- chivosti (immuniteta). [Causes of immunitv.1 Vrach. St. Petersb., 1888, ix, 428; 4S5. — Voswinkel (F.i Leber Bacterienvernichtnng im Fioschkorper. Fortschr. d. Med., Berl., 1890, viii, 9-21.—Wagner (K. E.) Contribu- tion al'etudede l'immunite; le charbon des ponies. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1890. iv, 570-602. 1 pl.—Walker (E. W. A.) On tha protective substances of immune j sera. J. Hyg.. Cambridge, 1902. ii. 85-100.—Wasser- in a n ■■ (A.) Ueber Immunitat und Giftfestigung. Ver- handl. tl. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1892, xi. 276-281. -----. Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber einige theo- retische Puukte der Immunitatslehre. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. In'ectionskrankh., Leipz., 1896. xxii, 263-313. Also [Abstr.]: Deutsche med. "Wchnschr., Leipz. n. Berl., 1892. xviii, 369. -----. Ueber eine neue Art von kiinstlicher Immunitat. Berl. kliu. Wchnschr., 1898. xxxv, 4. -----. Weitere Mittheilung. n iiber Seitenketten -Immunitat. Ibid.. 209-211.—Weigert (0.) Einige ncuere Arheiten zur Theorie der Anfitoxinimmunitat. Ergebn. d. allg. Path. u. path. Anat. [etc.] L-97, Wiesb., 1899, iv, 107-146.— Welch (W. H.) Recent contributions to the theories of immunity. Canad. Pract. .."c Rev., Toronto, 1899, xxiv, 311-318. AUo [Abstr.]; Maryland M. J., Bait, 1899 xli, 228-230 — WeiirieNlarit (H.) Ueber einen Antikorper gegen Blutegelextract. Arch, internat. do pliarmacod., Brux. Sc Par., 1901. ix, 407-421.—Wesbrook (F.F.) Bei- trag zur Immiinisirungsfrage. Hyg. Rundschau, Berl., 1894, iv. 823-829.—Weyl (T.i Zur Theorie der Immunitat gegen Mil/brand. Ztschr. f. Hyg , Leipz.. 1891-2. xi, 381- 392.— Wirial dc >'obeconrt. Disso iation de la propri- 6te immunisante et tie la propriete agglutinante. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1897. 10. s., iv, 842-844.— Wo III (G.) Ein Erklarungsversuch tier erworbenen Immunitat gegen Iufektionskrankheiten. Centralbl. I. allg. Path. u. path. Anat., Jena, 1891, ii, 449-452— Woolriririgc i L. C.) Note on protection in anthrax. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., lsS7, xiii, 312. AUo, inhis: On the chemisti v of the blood, [etcl, 85 Lond., 1893, 321-323. -----. Versnche fiber Schutzinipfuug auf chemischem Wege. Arch, t Physiol., i Leipz., 1888. 527-536. Also, transl. in his: On the chemis- try of the blood, [etc.]. 85 Lond., 1893, 329-:::!9 — Zngari (G.) ct Innoeeiile (S.) Rapporto tra 1' alcalescc-n/.a del sangue e 1' immunita. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Xapoli. 1892, n. s., xiv, 801-813.—Zahn. Ueber den gegenwarti- gen Stand der Immunitatsfrage. Yereinsbl. tl. pfalz. Aerate. Fiankenthal, 1892. viii. 190; 217; 249; 266.—von >Aircml>a (G.) Beitrag zur Lehre von den Schutzvor- lichtuneen des Darmtractns; TJutersucliimgeu fiber die eutgiftende Wirkung des Pankreas. Arch. f. Verdauuiigs- krankh.. Berl., 1900, vi, 403-437. —ZeehiiUen (H.) Bij- drage tot deleerder immuuiteit en itiiosynkrasic. Xederl. Ti.idschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1895, 2. R'.. xxxi. pt 1. 145- 159. -----. Beitrage zur Lehre tier Immunitat und Idio- syukrasie; fiber den Einfluss der Korperteniperatur auf die Wirkung einiger Gifte an Tan ben. [Enlargeil from preceding.] Arch f. exper. Path. it. Pbarmakol.. Leipz., 1895, xxxv. 181: 375: 1899, xliii, 259. — Ziegler (E.) Le ber die Ursache und das Wesen tier Immunitiit ties menschlichen Organismus gegeu Infectionskrankheiten. Beitr. v.. path. Anat. tt. z. allg. Path.. Jena, lc89. v, 416- 438.—Xiirakonski i A j O antytoksynach i nodparnia- niu sztiicznein. [On antitoxines and artificial immuniza- tion.] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1895, xxiii, 687; 707; 726; 748. I ill ill ii nil v (Xatnral, racial, and inher- ited). See, also, Immunity from poisons. Coulomb (G.) *La transmission intra-ul6- rine de l'inuniiiiit6 vacciuale. 6^>. Paris, 1900. Marciiand ( F. ) Ueber die uatiirliclien .Scbtitzniilfcl des Organismus. mit beisouderer Beriicksii btigtino; ties Entziiiidungsvorgaugis. t*:. Leipzig, 1900. Ai-Ioing (S.) Unmot sur l'immunite naturelle. Arch. tie m.-d. exper. et d'anat. path., Par.. 1890, ii, 39-45.—Ash- nieail (A. S.) Radical immunity and inoculation, and secular restriction of certain diseases to particuhir locali- ties before commerce iLssemiuat d them. Sci-i Kwai M. iniiiiuiity (Xatnral, racial, and inher- ited). J.. T.'.kyo. 1892,xi,105: Ui. AUo: Med. Rec, X.T., 1892, xli, 430-434.—von Baumgartrn (P.) Beitrage zur Lehre von der naturlichen Immunitat. Verhandl. d. deutsch. path. Gesellsch. 1899. Berl.. 1900. 212-230. See. also, infra, Buchuer (H.). Also.- Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1900. xxxvii, 136; 162; 192. Also: Arb. a tl. Geb. d. path. Anat. . . . Inst, zu Tiibing.. Brnschwg.. 1»99. iii, 131-146. AUo: Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1899, xxxvi, 893-896. AUo [Abstr.]: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. "Naturf. u. Aerzte 1899, Leipz.. 1900. lxxi, pt.2. 2. Hlfte. 19.—Beclcrc ]et al.]. Transmission intrauterine de I'iiiiinunite vacci- nale et du pouvoir antiviroleut du serum. Compt. rend. Acatl. tl. sc, Par., 1899, exxix. 235-237.—Berl (P..) &. Cnpitan. Sur lanou-receptivite tie certains organism, s pour cert lines maladies coutagieuses. L'ompt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par.. 1883, 7. s., iv, 521.— Konadnee (S.) Ucher Beziehungen des Blutserums von Thieren zur natiirlichen Immiinitat. Beitr. z. path.Anat. u. z. allg. Path.,Jena,1892- 3, xii, 353—171. Bongon. Transmission hereditaire de l'imni unite vaccinale. Rev. scient.. Par., 1889, xliv, 412. — Bnchner (H.) Ueber Immunitiit. deren naturliches Vor- konnnen untl kiinstliche Erzeugung. Tr. vii. Internat. Cong. Hyg. & Demog. 1891, Lontl., 1892, ii, 124-145. AUo: Hyg. Rundschau. Berl., 1891, i, 653-673. Also: Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1891. xxxviii, 551; 574. AUo: Wien. metl. BL, 1891, xiv. 527: .549; 560; 575. -----. Xatiirliche St hutz- einrichtuugt n ths Organismus und deren Beeinflussuug zum Zweck der Abwehr von Infectionsprocessen. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1899, xlvi, 1261: 1301. See, aUo, infra, Emmerich (R.). AUo: Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1899, xiii, 606-612. -----. Zui Lehre von der natiirlichen Immunitat (zugleich als Ant-wort an Prof. P. Bauingar- ten). Miinchen. nied. Wchnschr., 1899, xlvi, 1418-1420.— Camus (L.) Sc f»ley iE.i Nouvelles recherches sur l'immunite contre le serum d'anguille; contribution a l'gtnde de l'immunite naturelle. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1899, xiii, 779-787—Carrara (M.) Zur Lehre von der Entgiftung (ein Beitrag zu der Lehre der natiirlichen Immunitiit). I'entralbl. f. innere M.-d., Leipz., 1901, xxii, 479-4.S.5— Chnrrin (A.) & Oler (E.i Recherches sur la transmission hereditaire de l'iiiinuinite. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1893. 5. s., v, 75-82.-------——. Nouvelles recherches experimentales .sur la transmission hereditaire de l'immunite. Ibid., 1894, 5. s.. vi, 1-6, 1 pl. ----------. Influence de la cellule im41e sur la traiisiuis- si.m hereditaire tie rinununite. Ibid., 1895. 5. s.. vii. 154- 157.—Curtis* (R. J.) Inimunitv from disease. X. Eng. M. Month., Bridgeport, Conn., 1885-6. v, 52: 1886-7, vi. 19H. AUo: N. York M. J.. 1885, xiii. 40: 67. Also: Peoria M. Month., 18s5-6, vi, 127-132. AUo: St. Louis M. A: S. J., 1886, 1, 273-278. -----. The value of Listerism. St. Louis M. Sc S. J., 1886. li. 195; 259. -----. Immunity bv natural selection : a reply to Dr. G. F. G. Morgan. Ibid., 18s7, Iii, 89-91.—Oaddi (L.) L' immunita naturale. Riforma med., Napoli. 1.-90. vi. 1243; 1249; 1255: 1261.—Eccles (R. G.i Darwinism and immunity. N. York M. J.. 1885. x'ii, 311-314.—Ehrlich (P.) Ueber Iininunitat durch Ver- erbung und Saugung. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infections- krankh., Leipz., 1892, xii, 183-203. —Emi.....'ieh (R.) Be- nierkuiigen zu dem Vortrage iles Herrn II. Buchuer: Naturliche Scliutzeinrichtungeii des Organismus. etc. Munchen. med. Wchnschr.. 1899. xlvi, 1342.—Ere- riita dell' immunita acquisita. Gazz. tl. osp., Milano, 1896, xvii. 411.—Faidherbc (A.) Imnmnite vaccinale congenitale. J. d. sc. nied. de Lille. 1901, i, 193-202.— Grngoii (O.) Siii'1'immiiiiite naturelle des organismes nionocelltilaires contre les toxines. Ann. tie l'lnst. Pas- teur. Par., 1898, xii, 465-470.—Giarotn i I'.i Sulla im- munita ai veleni e sulla refrattarietii ad alcune infezioni. Riforma metl.. Xapoli. 1891. ii. 745-74tv Also. Reprint.— IIahn (M.) LTeber die Sti igerung der natiirlichen AVi- derstandsfahigkeit durch Erzeugung von Hyperleukocy- tose. Verhantll. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Xaturf u Aeizte 1896. Leipz., 1897, Ixviii, pt. 2, 2 Iiltte.. 5H7-5H9. — Ham- burger (H. J.) Uet teeeuwoortlig stantlpuut van ..e leer der hatuurlijke immnnit-it. Tijilschr. v. veeaitsein.jk. en veeteelt.'i'trecht, 1897-8. xxv. 149 - 183. — Haye (M. H.) Immunity and heredity. Vet. J. .v. Ann. Loinp. Path., Lond, 1896. xiii. 161 - 167. — Kallenbaeh (R.) Immunitiit im Li.ht. .hi Veieilouig. Wieu. med. Bl., 1885. viii, 971-975. — Klemperer ( F.I Ueber ualfir- Iiche Immunitat untl ihre Vei-weri hung tiir die Iuimuni- siriingstherapie. Arch. f. exper. Path u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1892-3. xxxi. 356-3s2. — l.nngei (J.) Ueber die Imniiinitiit tier Bieiieuzfichter geg. niibei dem Bieuengitie Verhandl. d Gesellsch. deutsch. Xaturf. u. Aeizte 1897, Leipz., 1898, Ixix, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 279-281.— I.eivin (L.) Beitrage zur Lehre von tier natiirlichen Immunitat gegen Gifte. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Leipz. u Beil., 1-98, xxiv, 373; 629. AUo. transl. I A hsir -. Clin, di Vienna. N'a poll, 1898. xv, 254-262. — l.icbrcich. Leber die Wehr- kraft des Organismus eeg.-n Mikroorgaiiismen. Veiof- fentl.d. Hufeland. Lesellsch m Berl. Balneol. Gesellsch., 1899, xx, 246-251. .li*.. Monatsehr. f. prakt. Wasserh., Mhu lien, I89J, vi, 198-202.—1.ode (A.) 1st die graue IMMUNITY. 849 IMOLA. Immunity (Xatitral, racial, and inher- *t€d- ... , *,■ Hansmaus natfirlich immnn gegenuber dem Micrococcus tetra^enus (Gaffkv).' Centralbl. t. Bakteriol. [etc.] 1. Abt: Jena. 1901, ixix. 298-300. - l.ortlci* (F.) Erb ich- keit Disposition uud Immunitat. Arch. f. wissensch. u. prakt. Thierh.. Berl.. 1--99. xxv, 427-442. - I.op iP.-A.) Variolo-vaccine (unicile des deux virus); transmission hereditaire de l'immunite vaccinal.. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., ls'U Ixvii 101-109. — Eiubarich id ) Untersuchungen nV.er die Ursachen der aiigeborenen und erworbenen Im- munitiit. Ztschr. f. klin. Metl.. R. rl., 1890, xviii. 421: 1891, xix *-9 AUo, Reprint. ------. Bemerkungen zu R. 8-tern s Referat fiber meine "Untersuchungen uber die 1 is.ichen det aiigeborenen und erworbenen Iminttuitat". rent rai bl. f Bakteriol. u. Parasiteuk., Jena, 1891, x. 69-74.- M a lt*ii- torti^M. ) Otnoshenie immuniteta yestestvt nnavo k iskusstvennomu. [Relation of natural to artificial inimu- nitv 1 Arch. vet. nauk, St. Petersb., 1897. xxvii, 2. sect., •^50^*>e4 Also, transl. [Abstr.l: Centralbl. f. Baktciiol. Fete."]. 1. Abt., Jeua,1897, xxi, 331-333.—Ueaehain 1 A 1 Some important considerations in tbe hiol..g\- ',■, Salt Lake City, 1895-6, 120-132. - flinnich (C S.l Nat- ural toxin inimunitv. Am. Metl. > n. Bull., N. \ .. 189;. viii 1175. — Jlorgnn (G. F. G.) Imniunity by natural selection. St. Loins M x S. J.. If86. li, 329-331. See. also. sxtpra. Curtiss(R. J -—Ogilvie (G.) Some remarks on the inheritance of acquit.-.1 immunity. J. Lotnp. Path. & Therap., Edinb. £- Loud.. 1901, xiv, 118-125. Also: Brit. M. J., Loud.. 1901. i. 1070-1072.—Pane 5 Tork Acatl. M. (1.-93), 1894. 2. s.. x -'69-274. AUo: Memphis J. M. Sc. li>92-3. iv. 3.-.3-3o8. AUo ■ S. York M. •!.. 1893. lvii 296-298. Also. Reprint — *alomoii-.i n iC. -JtSc .UacUen iT.i Lndeisogelser over Immunitet og Pitedi-position. [Re-eatches on . . .] Overs, o.d. k. Di n-ke Vitlensk. SeNk. Foi h. K.jobenh.,1898, *"7-235 2i h.—Wch«arsE(E.) Ueber naturliche und erwor- bene Immunitat Wi-n. med. Wchnschr., 1891. xli. 2089: 189*' xiii, 6-61: 97; 142; lsi;; 226: 269: 311. AUo: Mitth. d. Wien. med. Doct.-L'oll., 1892. xviii, 124; 143; 154: 167:181; 193; 205; 214.— Sencheuko (L.) O nevosprmnchivosti verblvudov k chnmle rogatavo skota. [Immunity ot cam- els tocattle plague ' Vestnik obsh vet.. St. Petersb 1899, xi 1064.—Mhadrin (N.A.) Statisticheskiy material k vo- prosu ob vestcstvennom priobrletenii immuniteta zhivot- nimi, perebollevshimi churooi rogatavo skota (pestts bovi- na). [ Natural immunity obtained by animals w ho had Vet. Vestnik. Kharkov. 1888. vii, 3. sect.. 17-74. — Mlern (R ) Schutzimpfung. kiinstliche Iiifektioiisktankheiten, EntwickluiK'shemmung und Vernichtung der Bakterien, etc. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasiteuk.. Jena. 1891, ix, 51»-516 See aUo.svpra. Lubarsch (A.). — Tnjon i.L) Mir la resistance des aims d'Afrique k la fievre . h irbonneusc. Compt. rend. Acad d. sc. Par.. 1882. xci v. 980-982._ 'I o- li vint Sc Keinlinaer. Sur la resistance ties seretises a lintection dans la race arabe. Compt. rend. Soc. tie biol., Par. 1900,11.8. ii. 855.-------------Rarete des maladies da tube digestif et frequence des atfeetions des voies res- piratoires dans la race arabe. Ibid., 856- 8 .'- — I wiiboi (J.)&Kniiiierieh (R.) Hetsuaki nakani iimnycki o\obi shiriu Iiut-.u-.t8ii no honsei ui zukete. |On the properties of some -ub-tances in the blood, capable of reuderin^ an individual insusceptible to certain contagious maladies. | Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio. 1892, no. 302. 16-18.-1 ai lard (L.) "Siir'lh6reilit6 del'immuniieaic!,,,-.-. Ann.uc I Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1896, x, 65-85.- Viollcl iP.) Recherches sur les moyens de defense de r organisms contre 1 infection respiratoire au niveau d.s fosses nasalts. Arch, internal delaiyngol.[etc.],Pa... 19ou. xiii. 1-11.-Wagner ( L L.i Xatural immunitv ofthe mucous memhi.mes ot the re- -i.iratoi -v tract. Tr. Am. Laryngol A.ss.1898, NA 1899, xx, lil-iU Alsn- \5 York M. J.. 1898, Ixviii, 545. AUo. Re- print -W'nlz Kl Erwidernng auf II. Buchuer s Ar- tikel- Natiiilicho Schiitzeinrichtiingen ties Organismus und deren BeeinfltiSHung zum /week der Abwehr von In- fections!. ,o, — sen Miil.oheu. metl. Wchnschr., 1899, xlvi, 1342-1344 — W'atM'i'iniinn (A.) Leber die Ursachen tier nattirlichen Widerstandsfahigkeit gegenfiber gewissen Infect muen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1901, xxvii, 4-6. VOL VII, 2D SERIES---54 1 iiniiiuiity (Passive). Keinarovich (S. K.) K voprosu ob immunitetie protiv bubonnol chunii. I. (> prodolzhitelnosti passiv- navo iinmuniteta; opiti immunizatsii sovmlestnim primie- nenietn vpriskivaniy protivochuinnol sivorotki i privivok chumnikh niikrobiiv. [Immunity against the bubonic plague. I. Duration of the passive immunity; experi- ments of immunization by the combined injection of anti- pest serum and cultures of pest microbes.] Arch. biol. nauk. S.-Peterb., 1897-8, vi, 240-262. AUo, transl.: Arch. d. so. biol., St. Petersb., 1897-8, vi, 234-254 C'aeioppo (F.) Contributo alio studio tlel meccanismo tlella immu- nita passiva nella infezione tliploeoreien. Spei inientale. Arch tli biol.. Firenze. 1898, Iii, 199-2I4.-I-rcmid (E.) & I'l'O"/ (S.) Leber die Bozichuiigeii von A lbiiniosen zur passiveu Imniunisirung Centralbl. f. innere Med.. Leipz.. 1896. xvii,497-502.—Hi Idehra nd I (II ) Ueber Iin- inunisii-uiigsvei-suclio niittelst pharmakolocischer Ageu- tien- vorliiutmo Mittheilung. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1894,' xli, 283- I. a horde (V.) Dc l'action preventive et iininunisante des agents tie la matiere medieale. Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1896. Ixix, 306; 318; 363. —Palermo (N.) In- tiueuza delle lesioui tlei centri nervosi sulla immunita pas siva. Ann. d' ig. sper., Roma, 1898, u. s., viii, 155- 163.— ItaiKcom (K I The conditions which influence the dura- tion ol passive imniunity. J. Path. & Bacteriol., Edinb. ,V Lond., 1899. vi, 180-192. Iillllliillity (facial). See Immunity (Natural, etc.). I ill mini i I > from poisons. Jacoby (M. ) "Ueber Ricin-Immunitat. [Heidelberg.] 6°. Braunschweig, 1901. Kewrrdka. fitude sur l'immunit6 vis avis des com- poses arsenicaux; du role des leucocytes dans rimmunisa- tion contre l'aeide arsenieux soluble. Ann. tie l'lnst. Pas- teur, Par.. 1899, xiii, 465-479-Oalinelte (A.) Sur le niecanisme de l'iiumunite centre les alcalo'ides. Cintpian- ten. de la Soc. de biol., Par., 1899. 202-204. — Cornevin (C ) Procede de vaccination contre l'empoisonnement par le riciu; introduction consecutive des graines et des tour- teaux de ricin dans la ration des animaux immunises. Compt.rend. Acad, d.sc, Par., 1897,exxiv, 835—Ehrlich (P ) Experimeutelle Untersuchungen iiber Immiiuitat: I Ueber Riciu. II. Ueber Abrin. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. n. Berl., 1891, xvii, 976; 1218—Ellin.Ker (A.) Zur Immunitat der Tgel gegen Ivantharidin; Er- widernng au Herrn L. Lewin. Ibid., 1901, xxvii, 303. ______ Zur Lehre von der naturlichen Immunitat ge- gen Alkaloide. Ztschr. f. Biol.. Miinchen u. Leipz., 1901 n. F., xxiv, 228-241.—Giatosa (P.) bulla im- munita ai veleni e sulla refrattarieta ad alcune mfe- zioni Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1891, 3. s., xxxix 217-224. Also: Riforma med., Xapoli, 1891, vii, pt. 2 745-748.—CSioflreiH (C.) L'immiinizzazione per gli alcaloidi vegetali tentativi di sieroterapia negli avvelena- inenti. (iior. internaz. tl. sc. metl., Napoli, 1897, n. s, xix, 829-851. AUo, transl. | Absti-.1 : Arch. ital. debiol., 1 mm, 1897-8 xxviii. 402-407. I.eivin (I.l Die angeblicbe Im- munitiit des Igds gegen Kanthai idin und deren wnksa- nien Bestantltheil. Deutsche med. Wclinschr., Leipz. u. Berl 1901, xxvii, 184.- Pellcyrini. Ricerche sui ve- lenodei fuiighi; prove di immunizza/.ioiie e sieroterapia. Atti d. Cong. naz. d* ig. 1899. I'avia. 1900, 224-257.—Ro- beeehi (P.) Sulla immunita ai veleni vegetah studiata colla stricniua. Gior.d.r.Accad. di nied. di Torino,189.>,4.s., i 603-620. AUo, Reprint.- It■■......o (G.) Sulla uumu- liitaalle iniezioni per assuefa/ionc fannacologica (nntrida- tismo) stricniua o tetano. Riforma metl., Napoli, 1893, ix, lit 4 73-78. — Maninel (S.) Ucher cine Art von Tmmu- uilat'uach iiher.slandeiier Croton-Eiitziindiuig. Arch./. i,uli \nat. [etc.]. Berl., 1892, exxvii, 467-476.—Tniiji- lani (Li Leber die agglutinirenden Wirkung des Abrin und Ri. inseiums gegen gleichnamige Gifte. [Japanese text I Ztschr. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1899, xiii, 5. Hft 23-41 -WilliniiiM (T. W.) A contribution to the studv ol imniunity. Med. Age, Detioit, 1902, xx, 12.— y.eehni'.en (II.I Bijdrage tot tie kenuis tier lmmuni- teil tceiiover enkele vergiften. Handel, v. h. Nederl. Nat,.-en" Geneesk. Cong., Utrecht, 1891, 268-280. AUo, Repriut. Immunization. Net Immunity; Inoculation (Preventive); Serotherapy; Vaccination. Editor of: CJurn (La) Kneipp, Torino, 1901-2. Imola. Reo-oliimento d' igiene deliberate) dal coiisitflio comunale nelle sedute delli 5 genuaio e 11 giiitfno 1661. 17 pp., 11. 6°. Imola, I. Ga- leati 4'figlio, 1662. IMOLA. 850 IMPERATOKSKAYA. Imola. See Hospitals (Descriptions, etc., of), Hospi- tals (Ggneecologic, etc.), Insane (Asglunis for, Description, Reports, etc., of), by localities. Imossi (H.-A.) [1858- ]. * Contribution a I'etude medieale. Moyens d'exploratiou des or- ganes genitaux de la femme. 66 pp., 1 1. 1-. Paris, 1688. No. '.204. Imotikoflf (Dimifcre). * Contribution a l'6tude du lavage du sang et de l'organisme. 98 pp. 8-. Toulouse, 1897, No. 208. Impalement. £cochakd(H.) * De l'empalement. 8C. Lyon, 1699. van Hees (O.) * Eine selteue Pfahlverletzung der Brust- und Bauchhohle. 8-. Miinchen, 1900. Lee (E. H.) *Zur Casuistik der Pfahlverle- tznngen. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1692. Salingre (8.) * Ueber Pfahlungsverletzun- gen. 8°. 7>'er7iH, [1893]. Schalenkamp (P.) * Ueber Pfahlung mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Pfahlungs- Verletznugeu des Uuterleibes. [Bonn.] 6°. Siegburg, 1691. Schmidt (H.) * Ueber Pfiihlungsverletzungen von der Dammgegend aus. 6°. Greifswald, 1696. Schultz (E.) * Ueber Pfahlungsverletzun- gendes Uuterleibes. [Wurtzburg.] 8?. Mann- heim, 1692. Abbe (R.) Perforating wound of liver, kidney, pleura, and diaphragm; recovery. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1899, xxix, 492-495.—Alksnc (I.) Probodeniya pri padeuii na koi (Pfahlung, impalement, empalement). [Perforations in impalement.] Voyenno-med., J.. St. Petersb., 1899, exciv, med. spec, pt., 779-794. — Anbcrl. Cas d'empalement. suivi degu6rison. Cong, tianc dechir. Proc.-verb, [etc.] 1886, Par.. 1887. ii. 643.—Kon*:ill i(L R. E.) Penetrating wound of abdomen; recovery. Laucet, Lond., 1888, ii. 1172. — Bni-niei- (H.) Uu curieux empnlenient. Rev. nied. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1885, v, 171-173.—Chase (\V5 15.) Impalement by broom-handle through the rectum. Brooklyn M. J., 1897, xi, 848-851. — Forget. Plaie de l'anus et du rectum produite par rintroduction violeute I d'une tige en bois dans l'intestin. Bull. Soc. de nu§d. de Par. (1875), 1876, x, 150-153— Oinnnettasio (N.) Ui un caso raro di ferita da palo del bas.-o ventre. Atti d. r. Ac- cad. d. fisiocrit. in Siena, 1895. 4. s., vii. 469-476. AUo [Ab- str.]: R. Accad. d. fisiocrit. in Siena. Proc. verb.. 1896, 97.—Cross (G.) Double perforation ve.sicale par empale- ment. Rev. m6d. de l'est, Xancy, 1901, xxxiii. 487-492.— I. amitotic (A.) Perforations multiples du rectum et de l'S iliaque par empalement; laparotomie; guerison. Aun. Soc. beige dechir., Brux., 1895-6, iii, 132-13L—I.a nil trelu- (F.) Ein Fall von Pfahlung mit Verletzung des Scheideu- gewolbes. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Leipz. it. Berl., 1899, xxv, 693.— iTIalheibe (A.) Xote sur une plaie de la vessie par empalement et fracture de la branche hori- zontal du pubis k gauche. Assoc, franc, de chir. Proc- verb. [etc.], Par., 1896, x, 530-532. — Mather (W. H.) Trousers on the spleen. Med. Rec., N. Y.. is85, xxviii, 541._JHiiMleton (W. R. C.) Extraordinary abdominal injury. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, i, 775. — ITIiller (A. C.) Accident in which a crow-bar traversed the vertical diam- eter of patient's abdominal cavity; survival tor three weeks. Edinb. M. J., 1899, n. s., vi, 2ii4-2i.7. — Vliim-o (J. C.) Penetrating wound of the rectum and peritoneum. Boston M. & S. J., 1899, cxl. 211. —rVa««a tier (M.) Bei- trag zu den Pfahlungsverletzuiigen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1896, xliii, 1230.—Neumann (A.) Leber die im Krankeuhause im Friedrirhshain von 1880 bis 1898 be obacbteten Pfahlungeu. Deutsche meil.Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl.. 1899, xxv, 541-544. — IViebergall. Beitrag zu den Pfahlungsverletzungen des Uuterleibes. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1899, xxviii, 141-146.—Poulton (B.) A case of laceration of the rectum and jejunum by accidental impalement. Austral. M. J., Melbourne. 1885, n.s., vii, 436.—Rammwteilt (C.) Ueber eine eigeuthiim- licbe Pfahlungsverletzung. Miinchen. med. Wchuschr., 1900. xlvii, 354. — Rapczewslti (F.) Trzy przypadki wbicia sie, na pal; kilka uwag o naturze i leczeuiu tego rodzaju obrazen. [Three cases of impalement; on its nature and treatment.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1900, 2. s., xx, 369-377.—Rafin. Corps Stranger de la vessie cons6cutif k une plaie par empaleineut. Lyon med., 1901, xcvii, 804.— Rochet. Empalement dun enfant sur tige de fer; lapa- rotomie; guerison; calcul vesical secondaire; lithotritie; guerison. Ibid., 411. AUo: Gaz. d. hop. de Toulouse, I'.toJ. xvi, 25. — Rollel (fi.) Empalement accidentel. Impalement. M6m. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. m6d. deLyon 11888), 18*9. xxviii, pt. 2. 118-124. Also: Lyon 11161I., "]S8S, lviii, 383- 389. — Rnbattel ic Miiller (O.) Cas d empalement, suivi de guerison. Rev.med.de la Suisse Rom.. Geudve, 1894, xiv, 617-621. — Wtaclt (.1. .1.) A case of impalement. Lancet, Lond., 1897, i. ho.".. — *li;i»».iiv iS.) Leber Pfah- lungsverletzungen. Beitr. it. klin. Chir.. Tiibing., 1900, xxviii, 351-422. — Throckmorton (T. M.) Laceration ofthe rectum, bladder, and peritoneum, by a foieign body through the anus. Med. A; Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1885, Iii, 357-359.—Todd (A. H. S.) Case id extrnot dinar.v ab- dominal injury. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1889, ii, 7i'.4. — Van Hook (W.) Perforation of the rectum and peritoneum by impalement upon a pitchfork handle. Med. N'ews, Phila., 1895, lxvii, 404. -----. Rupture of the rectum by penetrating bodies; a study of forty-seven cases collected from the literature nnd eleven original_cases. Medicine, Detioit. 1896. ii. 452-473.—Yantrin. A propos dun cas d'empalement: considerations theiapeuti.|iies. Rev. m6d. de lest. Nancy, 1902, xxxiv, 37-49. — Villard. Lucas d'empalement. Lyon nied.. 1898, lxxxvii, 90.—Werner. Ein Pfahl im Fleisch. Ztsclu. f. Wuudarzte 11. Geburtsh., Winuenden. 1882. xxxiii, 15-18. — Zi miner in ami (A.) Zwei Falle vou Pfahlungeu durch Cavalletstaugen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1897, x, 766-768. Impalloiiieili (Cinseppe). L'Ospedale della Consolazione a Roma dall' ultimo trimestre del- 1' anno 1887 a ttitto il 1° semestre del 1H-9 coiu- parto del chirurgo primario Prof. Postempski. Resoconto clinicoestatistico. l*i*Jpp.,ll. roy. 8-. Roma, tipog. t ecchini, 1690. Impartial (An) enquiry into the legal constitu- tiou of the College of Physicians, iu Loudon; shewing, from their charter, acts of Parliament, and their own .statutes, how much they have de- viated from their original institution. 100 pp., 4 1. 8c London, J. Noon, 175:1. [P., v. 75*2; 1556.] Impartiality medieale et pharmaceutique. v. 5-21, 1885-1901. 4=. Pans. Current. Iniperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. [Im- perial Academy of Sciences.] Zapiski. [Rec- ords.] v. 1-7. 8°. Sanktpeterburg, 1652-5. Pt. 2 of v. 5 wanting. Iniperatorskaya Mediko-Khirurgicheskaya Akademiya. [Imperial Medico-Chirurgical Academy.] Katalog khirurgicheskavo inuzeya. [Catalogue of surgical museum.] v, v, 221 pp. 6°. Sanktpeterburg, H. Transhel, 1657. -----. Sistematicheskiy katalog biblioteki. [Sys- tematic catalogue of the library.] Pt. 1. v. 1 &2. viii, 658 pp., 21.; 636 pp., vii. roy. 8C. S.- Peterburg, I. Trei, 1671. -----. Protokoli zasledaniy konft-reiitsii. [Pro- ceedings of the meetings of the conference.] 1870; 1871; 187?,. 8C. St.-Petersburg, 1871-5. Bound with: Voyenxo-Med. J., St. Petersb., 1871, cxi: 1872, cxv: 1875, exxii. -----. Dvadtsatipyatillet'ie dieyatelnosti vrachei okouchivshikh kurs v 1865 godu. Sostavil X. Voronikhin. [Twenty-fifth anniversary of tbe alumni of the class of 1655. Compiled by . . .] 27*2 pp., 1 pl. [with 3 port.], port. 6?. S.-Peter- burg, V. S. Balashoff, 1890. -----. Dvadtzatipyatilieti'e vrachei; vlpusk iz . . . 1866 goda. " Sostavil X. P. Cherepuiu. [Twenty-fifth anniversary of the class of 1866. Compiled by . . .] 1 p. 1., iii, 48 pp., port. 6-. S.-Pelerburg, A. Transhel, 1691. Iniperatorskaya Voyeimo- Meditsinskaya Akademiya. [Imperial Army-Medical Academy.] Olchot o dieyatelnosti zavlednyemol M. S. Sub- botinliu propedevt icbeskol khirurgicheskoi kli- niki. [Report of the work of the propaedeutic surgical clinic directed by Subbotin.] 1890-92 43 pp.; 31 pp., 1 1. 8°. S.-Peterburg, S. N, Khudekoff, 1891-2. -----. Yezhegodnik... na 1895-6 uchebniy god. Pod red. K. N. Viuogradova i F. I. Pasternats- kavo. [Annual for the scholastic year 1895-6 IMPERATOKSKAYA. 851 IMPERATORSKIY. Imperatorskaya Voyeimo - Meditsinskaya Akademiya—con tin tied. Edited by Viuogradoff and Pasternatski.] xvi, 445 pp., *5 1., 1 tab. Pi0. S.-Peterburg, A. S. Suvovin. 1896. Imperatorskiy Gatchinskiy Nikolayevskiy Sitotskiy Institut. [The Imperial Nicholas Or- phan Iustitute at Gatchina.] Kratkiy ocherk yevo sovremennavo sostovaniya. [A short ac- count of its modern state.] 15 pp. 8 . St.-Pe- tersburg, H. Sch aeh t liedovauiya studentov-medikov. Shkolnaya khronika. Iz- dame Prof. Krilova. [Obligatory patho-anatom- ieal researches of the medical .students. School chronicle. Edited by Prof. Krltoff.] 8J. Khar- kov, 1-90-95. Imperatorskiy Moskovskiy Universitet. [Im- perial University of Moscow.] Sbornik rabot higienicheskol laboratorii Moskov.-kavo Univer- siteta. Pod red. F. F. Erismana. [Collection of the works of the hygienic laboratory of the University of Moscow. Edited by Eristnan. ] Pts. 1-5. 8°. Moskva, A. A. Kartseff, 1886-94. ------. Trudi fiziologicheskoi laboratorii. [Pa- pers of the physiological laboratory.] v. 1-4. cc Moskva, 1888-93. v. 3 is: Lvov Morokhovets. Yedinstvo proteinovlkh tie!, pt. 1, v. 1. ------. Otchot akushorskol fakultetskoi kliniki . . . za 1-890 god. Prof. A. Makieyeva. [Report of the clinic of the obstetrical faculty for the year 1890, by Prof. Makleyeff.] 1 p. L, 32 pp. 8°. Moskva, 1-91. ------. Bakteriologicheskiy institut . . . Otchot obustroistvlei dieyatelnosti instittitaza 18'.)5god. [. . . Report of the building and the work ol the institute for 1895.] 1 p. 1., 45 pp., 2 plans. 6c Moskva, 1896. ------. Otchot fakultetskoi kbirurgicheskol kli- niki Prol. A. A. Bobrova za 189:1-4 i 1894-5 ucheb- niye godl. [Report of the surgical clinic of Prof. A. A. Bobroff for the scholastic years 1893- 5.] xv, 458 pp., 1 plan. 8. Moskva, 1^.16. ------. Trudi fiziologicheskavo instituta. [Pa- pers of the Physiological Institute. Nos. 1-4, v. 5. 8:>. Moskva, 1896-9. ------. Zapiski psikhologitcheskol laboratorii psikhiatritcheskol kliniki. [Redaktor:] A. A. Tokarski. [Notes of the psychological labora- tory of the psychiatric clinic. Edited by . . .] 5 pts. 352 pp. 8°. Moskva, 1. N. Kushnereff A' ho., 1896. -----. Trudi instituta obshtshel patologii. [Pa- pers of the Institute of General Pathology.] v. 3. Edited by A. B. Fokht. 708 pp., 2 1., 10 pl., If diag. 8°. Moskva, 1899. Imperatorskiy Moskovskiy Vospitatelnly Dom. [Imperial Foundling Asylum of Moscow.] Materiali dlya istorii . . . [Sostavil V. Drashu- soll'.] [Data ou the history of. . . Compiled byDraslinsotf.] 2 pts. 1 p. l.,iv (1 1.), 96 (1 1.), 58 (1 1.), 113 pp., 4 pl., 9 plans, 2 port., 1 tab.; 2 ]». 1., 74, 142 pp. fol. Moskva. Semion ; T. Bis, 1863-8. -----. Meditsinskiy otchot rodovsponiogatelnavo zavedeniya . . . za 1875-7 godl. Sostavlennly F. K. Gugenberger. [Meilical report of the Lying-in Institute lor the years 1875-7. Com- piled by . . .] 8°. Moskva, 187ri Botanicheskoiii sadie Imperator- skavo S.-Peterbnrgskavo universiteta A. Beke- tovlm i Khr. Gobi. [Edited by Beketoff aud (iobi.] v. Kv 3. - . S.-Petevburg, V. Demakoff, 1-86-91. Imperatorskiy S.-Peterburgskiy Vospitatel- nly Dom. [Imperial Foundling Asylum of St. Petersburg.] Meditsinskiy otchot .. . [Medical report.] 1868; 1872-7; 1-79--:!. 8 a S.-Petev- burg, 1-570-85. -----. Stolletle rodovsponiogatelnavo zavede- niya . . . Istoricheskiy ocherk. [Century of the Lying-in Institute . . . Historical sketch.] viii. 163 jip., 41., 8 plans, 1 diag. roy. 8c Sankt- piterburg. 1-7*2. Imperatorskiy Tomskiy Universitet. [Im- perial University of Tomsk.] Izviestiya. [Com- munications.] 'i-XVI. 8°. Tomsk, 1889-1900. Imperatorskiy Universitet Sv. Vladimira. [Imperial University of Kiev.] Khirnrgiches- kaya fakultetskaya kliuika Imperatorskavo Universiteta Sv. Vladimira s 1 noyabrya 1814 po mai 1882 goda, pod direktsiyei zasluzheunavo ordiuarnavo professora V. A. Karavayeva. Sostavil, pod redaktsiyei V. A. Karavayeva, L.I. K.utsevol-Artemovski. [Surgical faculty clinic ofthe Imperial University of St. Vladimir from Nov. 1, 1-44, to May. 1882, under the direction of Professor Emeritus V. A. Karavayeff. Compiled by L. I. Kutsevol-Arteniovski and edited by Karavayeff.] vi (1 1.), viii (1 1.1, 473 pp., port., 2 diag. Atlas, 2- pl., oblong 4°. Kier, 1881-5. -----. Universitetskiya Izviestiya. [University communications.] Nos. 1-4. 8-11.v.24; v.25: Nos. 1-7, 9-12, v. 26; v. 32; Nos. 1-9, 11-12, v. 37; v. 38-40; Nos. 1-10, v. 41. roy. 8J. Kiev, 1884-1901. (Ait-rent. ------. Sistematicheskiy perecken preparatov mnz.eya kafedrl opisatelnoi anatomii v Univer- sitetii- Sv. Vladimira. Sostavil F. StefanK [Catalogue of the preparations in the museum of descriptive anatomy in the University of Kiev. Compiled bv . . .] v, 88 pp. &-. Kiev, N. T. Korehak-Nori'lski, MK linn ml with: U.MV. I/.viestiya, Kiev, 1898, xxxviii. Imperatorskiy Varshavskiy I'niversitet. [Imperial University of Warsaw.] Rabotl proizveilyonnlya v nziologicheskoi laboratorii . . . Izd'annlya . . . pod red. F. Navrotskavo. [Work performed in the physiological labora- tories. Edited by Navrotski.] 2 pts. in 1 v. 2 p. 1., 145 pp.; Ip. 1., 11H pp., 11. 8. Var- shava, 1870-73. -----. Rabotl pioi'zvedyonniya v laboratoryakh meditsinskavo faknlteta . . . Izdannlya. . . pod nil. F. Navrotskavo. [Work performed in the laboratories of the medical faculty. Edited by Navrotski.] Pts. 1-8 in 2 v. 8'-5 Varshava, 1874-82. -----. Arkhiv laboratorii obshtshel patologii. Izdavayemly pod red. S. M. Lukyanova. [Ar- chives of the laboratory of general pathology. IMPERATORSKIY. 852 IMPETIGO. Imperatorskiy Varshavskiy Univ.—cont'd. Edited by Lnkyanoff.] Pts. 1-3 in 1 v. 4°. Varshavct, 1893-6. ------. Varshavskiya universitetskiya izviestiya. [Communications ofthe University of Warsaw.] 1-97: 1901. 8~. Varshavct, 1898-1901. Current. Imperatorskiy Ynryevskiy Universitet. [Im- perial University of Yuryev (Dorpat).] Ucho- niya zapiski. [Actaet commentationes.] v. 1-7, 1893-9. 8°. Yuryev, K. Matisen, 1893-9. Current. ------. Lichniy sostav . . . [Personnel of the Imperial Yuryev University.] 1893-5. 8 . Ynrgev, [1893-5]. ------. Otchot o dieyatelnosti meditsiuskoi kli- niki. [Report of the medical clinic] 1897, 2. sein. 36 pp. 8~. [Yuryev, 1898.] Bound with: TJCHEN. zapiski imp. Yuryev. univ., 1898, vi, no. 4. Iiiiperatorskoye Chelovekolyubivoye Ob- shtshestvo. [Imperial Philanthropic Society.] Kanienets-Podolskaya Konnuissiya. [Kamenets- Podolsk Commission.] Otchot . . . za 1888 cod. [Report for . . .] 26, xiv pp., 1 1. 16°. Kamenets-Podolsk, 1889. -------------. Otchot . . . po Kamenets-Podolskoi bezplatnoi liechebnitsi i Baltskavo yeya otdie- leniya za 18-8 god. [Report of the free dispen- sary in Kameuets-Podolsk and its branch in Balta.] 39 pp. 16°. Kamenels-Poclolsk, 18-9. ------------. Otchot . . . po ospopri vivateluoinu itistitntu. [Report ofthe Vaccination Institute.] 22 pp. 12°. S.-Peterburg, S. Midler Iiiiperatorskoye Kavkazskoye Meditsinskoye Obshtshestvo—continued. oryofthe4thof April, 1866.1 11pp. 8-. [Tiflis. I. Pilogeff, 1662.] Bound with: Protok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. med. Obsh. Tiflis, 1881-2, xviii. ------. Pervoye prodolzhenie sistematicheskavo kataloga biblioteki. [First continuation of the systematic catalogue of tbe library. ] iv, 112 pp. 8\ Tiflis, 1686. ------. Ukazatel k izdaniyam . . . za dvadtsat pyat liet yevo sushtshestvovaniya (s 1864-5 po 1-88-9 g.). Sostavil A. Gadomski. [Index to the works of . . . for twenty-rive years of its ex- istence. Compiled by ... ] iv, 198 pp. 8°. Tiflis,M. D. Rotiniants, 1893. Bound ti-ith : Pkotok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1892-3, xxix. Iiiiperatorskoye Pravoslavnoye Palestin- skoye Obshtshestvo. [Imperial Greek-Orthodox Palestine Association.] Pravoslavnly palestin- skiy sbornik. [Orthodox Palestinian magazine. ] v. 9, pt. 1. 3 p. 1., iv, 189 pp., 2 1., 4 diag. 8C. S.-Peterburg, V. Kirshbaum, 1891. Iiiiperatorskoye Vilenskoye Meditsinskoye Obshtshestvo. [Imperial Meilical Society of Viina.] Godovol otchot o dieyatelnosti . . . [Annual report of its work . . .] 1888; 18tf9; 1892. 8°. [Vilna, 18.-9-93.] ------. Protokoll... [Proceedings.] 8c Vilna, 1889-93. Imperial Academia de medicina. Relatorio da L-oinmissao nomeada para analysar o relatorio apreseutado ao governo imperial pelo sr. enge- nheiro fiscal junto a compaukia city improve. ments, acerca do estado dos esgotos e sua in- fluencia sobre a salubridade publica desta cortc, em resposta a outro que sobre o mesmo assnmpto enviou a academia ao governo imperial. 86 pp. 8-. Rio cle Janeiro, tijp. nacional, 1874. Imperial (The) health manual, being the au- thorized English edition of the official health manual issued by the imperial health depart- ment of Germany. Edited by Antliouy Roche. xv, 294 pp. 8°. Dublin, Fannin cp Co., Ltd., 1-9U. Imperial University of Japan. See Japan Imperial University of Japan. Illiperiale Accademia di Parma. Bettoli (U. A.) Orazione per lo stabilirnento dell' Imperiale Accademia di Parma, pronuuziata nella sala della Societa niedico-chtrurgica il primo giugno mdcccxii. 12°. Parma, 1812. Imperiale Reg. Liceo Convitto di Verona. "Quesiti di chimica e storia naturale scelti dal corso di lezioni dato 1' anno 1816 nell' ... 11 pp. 8°. [Verona, Mainarde], 1816. [ P., v. 1854.] ------. The same. 1817. [By T. A. Catullo.] 32 pp. 8 . Verona, tipog. Ramanzini, 1817. Imperialis Universitas Jurieviensis. See Im- peratorskiy Yuryevskiy Universitet. Impetigo. .See. also. Eczema (Impetiginous); Pemphigus. Gallk.to (S.) II potere settico di alcune forme di impetigine e di eczema impetiginoiile. 6-. Genova, 1-91. Aronstam (N. E.) Impetigo atlenosa. Meil. Age, Detroit, 1900. xviii, 401-404. — Bnl/tr (F.i Imp6tigo s.vcosiforme cle la barbe. Bull. Stic, franc. ustiilosa alia fiu-eia. • 1 • aHtirlii"inia data. Gior. tl r. Accad. med.-cliir. iii '1'orino. 1851, J. s., xii, 99-117.— Feu I n ri'i-ln'. 1'eber Impe- tigiues. Monatsh. f. prakt. Ia>iii- (I. F.i Impe- tigo. Syst. Med. (Allbutl), I.oml., Is99. viii, 526-531.— I'onrei (A.) Impetigo sycosiforine tin police et de la face dorsnle de la main droite. Ann. tie it. rniat et syph., Par.. 18S7. 2. s.. viii, 435-440 —van der Mpck (J.) Over impetigo. Xedeil Tijdschr. v. Ceneesk.. Amst.. 1*92. xxviii, pt. 2, 716-721.— Thibii'rge (G) De l'inipetigo. | I'n ion med.. Par.. 1893, 3. s.. lvi. 289-291. -----. De 1 impetigo. Anu.de vaia. scient. et prat. Par. 1895. v,-j 1 ... — lima (P. G.) Impetigo, l;, al- Em vt 1. d. ges. Heilk.. Wi.u u. Leipz., 1887, x, 264-200. Ibid.. 3. And.. 189'! xi, 457-404. 1 pl. AUo, Repriut. ------. Ueber Im- p, tigo vulgaris nnd Impetigo circinata. nebst Bemerkun- .11 ul.ei die klinis, h-< xp> riiuentelle Epoclie tlei Dernia- tologie. Deutsche Me.l.-Ztg.. Hell.. 1899. XX. I0U9. Also. K. pi mt. — I una . I *. C..) .v M<-litvi-nti>i--Ti'ai-li«lri' (Frau). Impetigo vulgaris. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1899. xwiii. 229; 281: 333: 385, 1 pl. AUo. Peprint. AUo. transl. J. d. mal. cutan.et syph.. Par.. 1901. xiii. 621; 693; 780; 81 9 — Variot (Hi Impetigo de la face; vulvite i oucomitante. Gaz. med. tie Par., 1894. 9. s., i, 934-930. Impetigo (Bacteriology of). See Impetigo (Causes, etc.. of); Impetigo (Contagious). Impetigo (Bocl-harfs). See Impetigo (Causes, e'c, of). Impetigo (Causes and pathology of). Se-. also. Impetigo (Contagions'. Boplarax-Devax (A.) " l!tnde historique et critique de l'iinpt tigo au point de vue bacte"riolo- giijue. &-. Paris. l-'A-. -----. The sane. r~. Paiis, 1-99. Borstal kt (J.-L.) * Contribution a Ft'tiide de 1'etiologit' de l'impe'tigo. 4°. Bordeaux, 1—9. Brocher iF.) * Contribution a I'etude dc la bai-teriolooie de l'inipetigo. ~:. Geneve, 1-96. I»aum (II. "La bacterioloaic de l'iinp^tigo; ^tmle until(ne. 1-. Paris,1-91. Balzcr . F.i i Alquier (L.) Impetigo tie Pnckhart dn i-uir cbevelu. Med. mod.. Par., 1900. xi. 497 — Balzcr (F. A: 4s conse- cutives a l'inipetigo streptococciquc Ami. de dermat. et syph.. Par.. 1*97. ... s., viii. 2*5. AUo-. Bull Soc franc- de liermat. et -vph.. l'ar. i »97. viii. 102-104.—Boa- (\\\ L.) Hereditaiy-'vphilitie impetigo. St.Louis M Ki a 1899-1900. ix. 7*. — Bot-khart t.M.t 1'eber die Aetiologie und The- rapie tier Impetigo des Furunkels und tier Syko*i*. Mo- natsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb. n. Leipz.. 1**7. vi. 450- 471. — Chaamirr IE. i La familie tie I'impetigo (scro- fule ou p^eii'lo-scrofulei. Metl.inf.. Par., 1*95, ii. 14*-U6 — l>nvnlo« (J. X.) La asociacion del baeilo de Loeffler nl stapbilococcus piogeuns albus en un caso de impetigo de la cara. Cr6n. med.-ipiir.de la Habana. 1*94, xx. 312; 343.— Fayrer (J.) Two easts of impetiginous eruption ofthe face caused bv peripheral irritation of the fifth nerve. In his: Clin. Path. Obs. in India *5 Lond., 1873. 530-537.— Laurent. Impetigo p.die ul .it.moi tel. Areh tnetl.de Toulouse. 1901,vii, 318.— Iliiiii-UiivrlK.) Conttibuti'ii u I'etude bacteriologi'iin d< I'impetigo. Aieli.demetl.il. enf. Par.. 1899, ii. 257ce.l — Mimic (A.-J.) fitutle histo- pathologiqne de l'inipetigo . ncumpilaire de l'enfant (im- petigo de Bockharti. 'Pup. tie Van I'.ambeke, 30*-312.] Bull. Acad. roy. de unil. de Belg.. Brux.. 1900. 4. a., xiv, 401-418, 3 pl. AUo [Kap. de Van Bambeke]: Presse med. beige. Brux., 1900, Iii, 479.— Fernet (G.I A note on a family epidemic of impetigo contagiosa bullosa m iginateil by pediculi capitis. Lancet, Lontl.. 1902, i 371-Fcrron. D'une fottne nouvelle d'imp6tigo d'oiigim- vaccinale. Pev. san. tie Bordeaux, 18*8. v. 153-155.—Nalionrniiil 11: i Pathogenie et traitement de 1'impCtigo. Auli de me.l d enf.. Par.. 189*, i. 21-35. ------. fitude clinique et bacte- riologique de l'imp6tigo. Ann. de dermat. et svph.. Par., 1900. 4. s.. i, 62; 320; 427.—Tiiroli (L.) Az impetigo cir- cinata Ifignrata, annularis) korokozoja. [lhe etiology of' . . .] Gyogydszat Budapest 19ol, xli, 480. Also, transl..- Pot. meil .hir. Presse. Budapest, 1901, xxxvii, 733-737.— I nun il'. C> Impetigo Bockhart, der iliircli Eiterkokken verursac hie Oberhantabscess. Berl Klinik, 1892. 46. Hft., 1-24. AUo, transl: Ann. de dermat. et syph. Par., 1892, 3.s., iii, 001-i;i*. AUo, transl..- St. Louis M. & S. J., 1892, Ixii, 20'.: 33s : lxiii, 30. llipcli^o (Contagious). See, also, Impetigo in children. Lkvy t S.) * Etude sur l'iiiipi'tigo coutagieux. 8* -. yiancg, 1*97. I.i wkowitscii (H.) *Ein Beitrag zur Streit- lVagc der Kxistcnz dor Impetigo contagiosa oder parasitaria (Kolm). 8<\ llreslait, [1"*77]. A Urn (C. W.) Impetigo contagiosa universalis. Tr, Am. Dermat. Ass. X. V.. 1890. 38-40. Also [Abstr.]: J. Cutan. & CenitoUi in. Dis., X.V., 1896, xiv, 497-499. AUo, Peprint. — Anthony (H. (i.) Impetigo contagiosa. J. Cutan. &. Geiiilo 1 iin. Dis., X. Y., 1898, xvi, 218-221.— Bnhr. Ein Beitrag zum Zusaninienhaiig zwis. lien I'enipliigiisiieonatoruniund Impeligo contain.-a. Zts.hr f. Metl.-Peanite, Berl., 1896, ix, 248-252.- Bcall iL'.J.) Impetigo contagiosa. Daniel's Texas M. .1 . Austin, lsSO-7. ii, 47-59. AUo, Peprint. — Bla* eoiitagiou- trojiicns. Tt. ('liu. Soc. Lontl., ls'i."-ii. x\ix,]7-21.—1>!•«»•. rre (L.) Snr la natuie contagieuse et parasitaiie de liinpetigo. Arch, de nied. et pharm. mil., Par., 18*5, vi, 209-227.—Droin*t (H.) Muelques chiffres en faveur de la contagiosi'6 de riin]ietii;o. J. de clin et de th6rap. inf.. Par., 1895. iii, 167 1 1 — Klliot (G. T.) An unusual and exaggerated case ol 'impetigo contagiosa bullosa. J. Cutan. Sc Geuito-Prin. Dis.. >,'. Y.. 1894. xii. 194-204 — Eloy (C.) La contagiosity et le parasitisme de linipetign au point de vue therapeutique et proplivlactii,ue. Cniou meil.. l'ar., 1*85. 3. s., xl. 025-628. — Kiijimtui iM. F.I Impetigo contagiosa bullosa and its bacteriologv. J. Cutan. i Genito-Urin. Dis., >5 Y., 1901, xix, ]80-187.— Falli'i- (A.) A case of impetigo contagiosa bullosa sim- ulating pemphigus vulgaris. Am. J. Dei eat. Sc Genito- Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1900. iv. 29-31. Alsn [Abstr.] : Med. Pev., St. Louis, 1900, xli, 3.—Fox ((i. H.J, Contagious impetigo. Am. J. Obst.. N. Y.. 1890. xxxiii. 354-359, 1 pl.— Fox iT. C.) On impetigo vel potrigo contagiosa. Proc. M. See. Lond., 1883-4, vii, 317-323. — ti oil hi-i I tVT. S.) Contagious impetigo. Cincin. M. J., 1890. xi. 563-565. AU,, i Abstr. |; X. Albanv M. Herald, 1896, xvi, 29. Also: Pediatrics: X5 Y. A Lond.. 1896, ii, 324-327. — Orindon (J.) Report of two cases of impetigo contagiosa bullosa; one of them fatal. J. Cutan. A- Genito-Urin. Dis., X. Y., 1901, xix, 188-190. — Ilaawi-. Impetigo contagiosa und Impfung: keiu ursiichlu her Znsainmenbang. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1899, xii, 791-794. — Ili'i'vliiiiiiii' (K.I Ueber Impetigo contagiosa vegetans, zugleieh eiu Beitrag zur Pathologic ties Protoplasmas tier Kpith.l/el- len. Arch. ('. Dermat. it. S.\ph.. AVien n. Leip/... 1»97, xxxviii. 185-202. 1 pl. — Ilii«in*I i.T.i Xote sur uu cas .1 'impetigo contagiosa. Mercretli meil.. Par.. ]8o::. i\, 297.— Jatli..... dr. T.) Im]ietigo contagiosa. X. York M. J., 1**7. xhi. ".i.l ;.i;o. AUo, Peprint. — .lai-qiu-i i I..) Im- petigo contagiosa. M^us. tie l'Hop. St.-I.....is. Iconog. d. mal. cutan et syph., Par., 1897, 319-322, 1 pl. — Kauf- man ■■ i P.i I'ntei suchiin.gen znr Aetiologie tier Impetigo contagiosa. Arch. t. Dot mat. 11. Svph.. Wien u. l.eip/. 189U. xlix 297 320.- lit n^la (L.'A.) Impetigo conta- fiosa; report of eleven cases. Pacitic Pec. M. & S., San 'ran., 1897-8 xii, 2H2 .01 -Klolz (II. G.) The infected scratch and its i.laii.m t.. im|.. tig., and ecthvina. J. Cu- tan. Sc I'enito-Ciiu. Dis . N. V . 1*90, xiv, 4C-52.—Kurlh (H.) Ueber das Yorkomnieu von Stre|itokokkeu bei Im- petigo contagiosa. Arb. a. tl. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1892, viii. 291-ill).—Tlalzi'iiaui'i' (R.) 1'eber Impetigo conta- giosa . in inata. Verhainll. d. ('eaellsch. deutsch. X'aturf. u. Aerzte 1899. Leipz., 1900, lxxi. pt. 2, 5. Hlft., 413-417. -----. Impetigo contagiosa. Beitr. ?.. Dermat. u. Svph. Festschr. ... I. Neumann. Leipz. u. Wien, 1900, 403-550, 4 pl. —.Tlii I ler. Ein Fall von Nephritis bei Impetigo con- tagiosa. Jahrb. f Kinderh., Leipz., 1890, n. F., xxxi, 64- liii. — Oi-wlreii'lii-r. [A ii*gang einer Impetigo contagiosa in oherllac hlichen i.angian | Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 189*. xxvi. 2on — Ohinii ■■■■-l>iimeNiiil (A. H.) An epidemic of impetigo contagiosa. St. Louis M. Sc S. J., 1900, lxxviii, 289-290. — Ollivii-r iA.) La conlagiosite et la prophvlaxie dc l'inipetigo. Pev. gen. de clin. et tie therap.. Pai'., 1888. ii. 457-459. —Pa pin (A.) i Tlicha- I'xi'ii (C. T.) Douil casurl de eruptie pemligoida iimpeti- go contagiosa) consecutiva vaccinatiuucl. Spitalul, Pu IMPETIGO. 854 IMPOTENCE. Impetigo (Contagi us). curescl, 189K, xviii, 395-398.— Schamberg (J. F.) Im- petigo contagiosa anuulata et serpigiuosa. J. Cutan. Sc Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y., 1896, xiv, 109-173. AUo, Reprint. -----. Impetigo contagiosa. Tnternat. M. Mag.. N. Y.. 1901. x, 199-204. — .""Icholtz (V7.) TJntersucliungen iiber die Aetiologie tier Impetigo contagiosa. Ztschr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Munchen, 1900.ix.401-405.—Tizzoni ((r.l \ Gio- vanni ni ( S.) Sopra tin nuovo bacillo patogeno isolato da un caso d" impetigine contagiosa con infezione euiorra- gica. Riforma med., Roma, 1888, iv, 1196.—White (J. C.) Unusual prevalence of impetigo contagiosa. Boston M. & S. J., 1900, cxliii, 645.—Wickham (L.) Impetigo conta- giosa de Tilbury Fox; de I'impetigo clinique et pathoge- nie. (Recherches personnelles.) - Union med., Par., 1892, 3. s., liii, 217; 229; 253; 265. Impetigo (Treatment of). See, also, Impetigo (Contagious); Impetigo in children. Levezier (J.-J.) * Traitenient de l'inipetigo par la frauklinisation. b°. Lille, 1897. AUo [Abstr.], in: Nord med., Lille, 1897, iii, 270-274. Descroizilles. Traitement de I'impetigo. Gaz. m6d. de Par.. 1890, 7. s., vii, 301-303.—Donmcr (E.) Del'act ion de la frauklinisation sur I'impetigo. Pev. d'hvg. therap., Par., 1897. ix, 199-204.—Bonmcr (E.) ..v I,cvczier t.J.) Traitement de l'inipetigo par la frauklinisation. Ann. d'electrobiol. [etc.]. Par., 1898, i, 114-140—Eaa (L') d'Alibour contre l'inipetigo. J. d. conn. nnSd. prat., Par., 1898, 130.— Eloy (C.I Le traitement prophvlactique et antiseptique tie 1 'impetigo. Gaz. hebtl. de nied.. Par., 1888, 2. s., xxv, 498-500.—llallopeau (H.) Tiaitement d'un impetigo rebelle du bord libre ties levies par les scarifica- tions lineaires. Bull. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph.. Par., 1890, i, 166.—Hodara (M.) Zur Behandlung'der Impe- tigo vulgaris. [Transl.] Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1901, xxxiii, 119.—.'Ioi-rl-1-.a valid' (A.) L'ini- petigo et son traitement en 1899 par Morel-Lavall6e. J. ile clin. et de therap. inf.. Par., 1899, vii, 753-700. AUo: P.v. de therap. med.-chir., Par.. 1899. lxvi, 685-094.— t'lcnli (J. J.) Bemerkungpii iiber den Gebrauch iler Sal/same im bosen Kopfgrinde. Wien. Beytr z prakt. Arznk., Dessau u. Leipz.. 1783. ii, 107-169.—Squire 1P.1 Impetigo of the scalp and upper pirt of face treated by free phosphorus administered internally. Proc. M. Soc. Lond., 1877-9, iv, 130.—Vidal Wolares (F.) Del impe- tigo y su tratamiento. An. de obst.. ginecopat. v pediat., Madrid, 1899, xix, 337-343. AUo: Kev. espan.'de sif. y dermat, Madrid, 1899, i. 321-331. Impetigo in children. See, also, Impetigo (Causes, etc., of); Pem- phigus -in infants. Dupcy (G.-A.) * Considerations sur I'impe- tigo et certaines de ses localisations chez l'en- fant. lc Paris, 1691. Aiidry (C.) Impetigo et ulcerations hGmorrhagiques de la peau chez un nourrisson pbtisique. Ann. dedermat. et svph., Par., 1897, 3. s.. viii, 548-551. AUo: Bull. Soc. franij. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1897, viii, 235-238.— Btzy. L'imp6tigo a la clinique infantile de la Faculte. tie metle- cine de Toulouse, du Pr Janvier 1891 an 31 decembre 1892. HidimSd., Toulouse, 1893. ii, 397; 4 '9.—C'oinby (G.) Xote sur quelques formes et localisations de I'impetigo chez les enfants. France med., Par., 1887, ii, 1831-1830. Also: Bull. Soc. clin.de Par. (1887). 1888. xi, 149-150. —Engnian (M. F.) Impetigo contagiosa bullosa; its relation to pem- phigus neonatorum, with the bacteriology of eight cases. St. Louis M. Rev., 1900, xiii, 363-368.—I.troiix (C.) De I'impetigo des enfants; affection contagieuse. inoculable et microl.ienne (streptocoque tie I'impetigo). J. de clin. et de tb6rap. inf.. Par.. 1894, ii, 117; 141; 163; 187: 2n9._ Lowy (H.) Pemphigus infantum coutagiosns untl Impe- tigo contagiosa. Festschr. . . . Moriz Kaposi z. Prof.- Jubil., Wien u. Leipz.. 1900, 721-739.— Tlatzcna iter (R.) Zur Frage der Ideutitiit des Pemphigus neonatorum und der Impetigo contagiosa. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1900, xiii, 1077-1084—Kouwscan]-Saint-Philippe. De I'impetigo des enfants et de leur traitement par 1'usage interne de la liqueur tie Donovan (iodure d'arsenic mercu- renx). J. de med. de Uordeittx, 1895, xxv. 413-415. Also: Cong, franc, de med. 1895, Par., 1890. ii. 1026-1031.— Variot . Miinchen, G. Franz, 1659. [P., v. 2163.] Inipfzwanggegner (Der). Linnieh. Was title, in 1885-9, of: Impfgegncr (Der). Important case of alleged malpractice: Charles M. Steele, by his next friend, Maria Steele, plain- tiff, against R. S. Newton, M. D., defendant. Tried in the superior court of Cincinnati, No- vember term, 1856, Judge O. M. Spencer pre- siding. Ki pp. 8C. [Cincinnati, 1856.] [Also, in: P., v. 1230.] Important (An) change in the system of life assurance, broadside. New York, 1686. Repr. from: N. Tork Commercial News, Jan. 9, 1886. Important facts for the people. See Milk Deal- ers' Association, Chicago. Important official documents relative to the disagreements between the members of the late army medical board, not included among the papers printed by order of the House of Com- mons. [Concerning the inquiry into the expe- dition to Zealand.] viii, 38 pp. 8'c London, printed by Keating, Brown 4" Keating, 1810. Impostures. See, also. Diseases (Feigned); Ecstasy; Fast- ing (Long-continued, etc.); Lourdes ; Magic; Miracles; Spiritism; Tofts (Mary); Witch- craft. Barnardo (T. J. ) Flotsam and jetsam. [Brief sketch of examples.] 4°. [London, 1666.] Palais (Le) des enrieux, oil l'algebre it le sort donnent la decision des questions los plus don- tenses, et oh les songes et les visions nocturnes sont expliqu^es selon la science des nnciens, d'une nianiere surprenante. 24°. Madrid, 1795. Buchanan (G. ) Healing by faith; miracles at Lourdes and other places; disappearance of tumours. Lancet, Loud., 1885. ii, 843 —IIol 111:11111 (J.) Eine In- dustrieritterin der liiiheren Standi-: Anklage -wegen Be- truges und Wecliselfalschung. Ztschr. f. d.Staatsarznk., Erlang.. 1863, lxxxv, 250-325.—Kostetetki (I. A.) K psikhopatologii sauiozvautsev. [On the psvchopathology of impostors. 1 Vopr. nerv.-psikh. metl., Kiiv, 1897, ii, 249- 278.—.Vloi'icc (G.) Expos6 des phenomenes Strauses du chateau tie T. Ann. d. sc. psych., Par., 1892, ii, 211: 1893, iii, 65.—Spanton (W. D.) A medical investigation into so-called faith-healings by members of the Salvation Army at Hanley. Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1885, n.s., xxxix, 185. Impotence. See, also, Aspermatism; Carbon (Bisulphide of, Toxicology of'); Eunuchs; Generation(Popu- lar treatises on); Morbus scythicus; Spermator- rhoea; Sterility; Venereal diseases (Popular treatises on). Fekrua (G.) L' ancora di salvezza per la gioventu impotente o viziata e per le donne iiivasc o dalla mantistuprazioiie o dal furore nterino, o dai fiori biunchi di cui inolte cadoiio vittima. Opera corredata di molte osservazioni. 16°. Torino, 1655. IMPOTENCE. 855 IMPOTENCE. Impoteiiee. Filic t P.) Impotencia y esterilidad. 16°. Madrid. 1.-H3. Fkexzel (J. S. T.) Von dem I'nverinogcn znr Fortpdanzung in Hinsicht auf beyde Ge- schlechter, nebst Heilmittelu. 1. Abtli. lti . Wittemberg, l-W. Furbringer. Die stornngen der Geschlechts- functioneu des Mamies. 6C. Wien. 1695. Hammond (W. A.) Manuale clinico terapeu- tico sulla impoteuza sessuale nell' uomo. Ridu- zione dall' inglese del dottor A. Rubiuo. -c. Napoli, 1-61. ------. Sexual impotence iu the male and female. 8-. Detroit, 16-7. ------. Thesame. Polovoe hezsili u nittjchin i jenschin. Perevel A. Feinberg. >\ St. Pe- tersburg, 1-69. -----. The same. L'impuissauce sexuelle chez l'hoinnie et la feniine. 12 . Paris, 1690. Rexza (Y.) La t'aibltsse irritative sexuelle. Etude psvcho-pliYsioloo;ico-me\licale. 12°. Pa- ris, 1UU1.' Richard (R.) Die manuliche Impotenz und die griindliche Heilung aller Folgeu der gehei- nien Jugeudsiinden uud deren Auschweifung. 14. Auli. 83. Ltip:ig, [1-99]. Sciorio (G.) Sull" impoteuza nervosa per- j manente. 12J. Capua. 1-92. I Simon (J. G.) Brevis deliueatio impoteutiae conjugalis din hactenus desiderata, nunc vero j denuo revisa et in lncem edita. sui. 4-. Jence, 1572. Steinbacher (J.) Die miinnliche Impotenz und deren radikale Heilung durch eiu rationell- combinirtes Xaturhcilvei t'alin u; fiir Aerzte und gebildete Laien. c;. Augsburg, 1*63. ------. The same. 3. Autl. 8-. Miinchen, StlrijI.s (F. B.) Sexual debility in man. 8-. New York, 1900. Tagereau (V.) Discours sur l'impiiissance de 1'homme et de la femme. Reimprim^ snr la 2. 6d. (Paris. 1612). l'i0. Paris, 18-7. Vecki (V. G.) Pathologie und Therapie der mannlichen Impotenz. 2. Aufl. --. Wien ui\ slue hal un»l-tva. [In- teie~ting ia-.- ct ai.ti..rinit'. J Mt-t. I'etersb., 1891 iii. 328.— Kloomil X.) Psvchical impotence. Am. Pract Sc X.wb, Loaisvi 1. 18*9,'n. •*.. vii, 227-229.— Kioiiarilc'l. L'impuissam .- dans ses rapports avec 1 idiotie, la paralysie, l'alcoolisine. l'6motivit6, l'hypo- chondrie; inaptitude k la feconilation chez I'homme; inap- titude au coit chez la femme. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1887. lx, 105-107.— Biixdrachi (J. B.) La impotencia. Corresp. mfd.. Madrid. 1898. xwiii. 17t,'-178. AUo: Iutlepend. nied.. Barcel.. 1-97-8. xxix 423-425. AUo. transl .- Interstat.' M. J.. St Louis. 1899. vii, 5«7-5f!9.—C'hipinan (E. I).) Some observations on the more common bum-, of sexual impo- tence. Yale M. J.. N. Haven. 1899-1900. vi. 126-130. AUo: Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis, 1900, iv, 19-23.—Colin l«-mi (W. ! mpoleiice. F.) Impotence in the male. Tr. M.Soc. Tennessee, Chatta- nooga. 1892.77-93. Also: South. Pratt,, Nashville, 1892, xiv, 237-243.—<;mclin iF.) Einige Gattungen der mann- lichen Impotenz. Samml. v. Beob.a.d. Arzneyg.u. Naturk., Nordl., 1776, v, 95-100.— Lagrange (F.) Les impotents. Rev. theor. et prat. d. mal. de la nutrition, Par., 1898, vi, 7U7-730. — I.inn ( S. H.) Soxttal decline, or la maladie sans maladie. X. York M. Reporter. Rochester, 1896, iii, 96-101. — ,tlantrgazzn (P.) L'idiogamia, una forma speciale cl'impntruza virile. Uiv. erit. di clin. med., Fi- renze, 1901, ii. 421-423.— Neumann (I.) Feber die Im- potentia viiilis. Wien. med. Wi linschr., Is97 xlvii ]->s9- 1342: 1385: 1430; 1479. — I'ltlii-in (J.) Fniietional dis- orders. In: Am. text-book gen.-urin. dis. [etc.] (Bangs & ILudaway). 85 Phila., 189s,593-014.—PreimX. P.) Mnzh- skoye i zhensko.ve polovoye bezsilie. [Male anil female sexual impoteiiee.] M Some observations on the history, p*\.-In»1«>Li\. and therapeutics of impoteiiee. Am. J. Dermal. ,v Genito-Frin. Dis., St. Louis, 1899, iii, 222-2::8. Also: Pacific M. J.. San Fran., 1899, xiii, 513- 532. — Itii'li'ina ( F. A.) Feber Impotenz. Deutsche nied. W'c luisclir. Leipz. u. Herl., 1893, xix, 1074-1077.- Nt'hmitlt ( L. E.) Relative impotencv due to chronic urethritis of the posterior urethra. J. Cutan. & Genito- Urin. Dis, X. Y., 1902, xx, 1U5-1U7.— Simes (J. H. C.) Three lectures on impotence. Polvelinic, Phila., 1886-7, iv, 196; 228; 200.— Siilherlaml ( W. D.) De impotentia. Indian M. Gaz.. Calcutta, 1900, xxxv, 9-13.—ThompMon (ii.) Impotence iu the male. Memphis M. Month., 1897, xvii, 67-73.— l'i Ismail n (R.) Sulla potenza di generate e sulla potenza cli t-oiie. Clin, di Vienna, Napoli, 1885, ii, 277-304. — Volfnon (E. G.) Riedkiy sluchai impotentiae virilis. (Rare case of.. ,J Russk. j. Ko/.hn.i ven. bollezn., Kharkov. 1901, ii, 776. — Viiorinen (J. H.) Impotentia generandi (miehilla). Duodecim. Helsinki, 1898, xiv, 210- 222. — Williams (C.) Impaired virile power. Clin. J., Lond., 1901-2, xix, 55-60. Impotence (Causes and pathology of). See, also, Genitals (Neuroses of or from); Ster- ility (Causes, etc, of). Meyer (8. L.) * Virilis impotentise rationes. sm. 4:. Traj. ad Viadr., [1762], Miesieyvkz (M.) Niemoc i rzeza,czka; stu- djum anatomiczno-kliniczne. [Impotence and strangury.] 6 \ Warszawa, 1-99. Rohleder t H.) Die krankhaften Samen- verlnste, die Impotenz uud die Sterilitiit dea Mamies, ihre Ursachen uud Behandlung. Zum Gebrauch fur die arztliche Praxis. 1'2 . Leip- zig, l*-9~>. Allen (G. W.) The etiology and pathology of impo- tence. J. Cutan. ci: Genito-Urin. Dis., X'. Y., 1893, xi, 433-447. AUo, Repiint.— Bern- (F.) Sull' arteriadorsale e sulla forma dell' asta nell' impoteuza virile. Bull. d. r. Accad. nic-d. di Koma. 1886-7, viii, 519-534, 1 pl.— Kianclii (L.i Sulla impoteuza neurastenica. Arch. d. j.-iiopat. sess., Roma, 1896, i, 129-147. AZso, Reprint.— Ki-ntli (A. C.) The neurological causes of impotence. X York M. J.. 1893. lviii, 145-148. Also. Reprint.— ('hiiiiibiiiil (E.) Contribution k l'etiologie et k la syioptomatologie ties impotences fonctiouuelles. Rev. tie nu'-d.. Par., 18-7, vii, 4r.:i-19i;—I'titkbui'ii (G.) Itnpuis- sance pour le mariane ottasionnee par ties h^mori hoitles. Essais et obs. de med. tie la S..c. d'Edinb., 1742. ii. 423- 425.— I>i't»iliaiii|>». Atrophie musculaire et impotente fonctioiinelle par inauttisance reuale. Ann. d'ebctrobiol. [ete.J. Par.. 1901, iv, 552-555.— Fitrin■ (G.) Storia d' im- poteuza virile in un individuo the fu aft'etto da diabete zuceherino, e sua cura colla stnenina. Gior tl. r. Aecad. med.-chir. di Torino. 1850,2.8.. xxvi. 220-231.— Fil-iiC- lopoulo. L'impuissani e sexuelle a la suite tie la bl. n- noi i li,if;..-et tie s.s complications. Intl6pend. mt-cl. l'ar., 19ol. vii. 121. AUo: Med. orient., Par., 1901, v, 194-190.— 4»■■ ill-raw (R.) lhe relation of seminal vesiculitis to impotence. X5 Yoik M. J., 1900, lxxii, 236-239.—Lewis (H.) A materialistic view tl sexual impotence. Metl. Xews, Pbila., 1892. lxi, C70-573. AUo, Reprint.— I.ohn- stein (II.) Impotenz als Folge traumatischer Prosta- titis Allg. mid. Cutr.-Ztg., Berl., 1901, Ixx, 1113.— .>iiiililli (R.) Impotenza virile per difetto di centro sji. cializzato; tecita erotica. Atti d. xi. Cong. med. in- ternaz. 1894, Roma, 1895, iv, psicliiat. [etc.], 128-132.— I'n I in i-1' (E. R.) A contribution to the physiology of sexual impotence. J. Cutan. & Genito-tTrin. Dis.. X. Y., 1892, x, 311-311 AUo: X. YorkM..!.. 1892. lvi, 3-6. Also, Reprint.—Pi-iiia (P.) Ancora sulla impoteuza sessuale neurastenica. Anli.d. psicopat. sess., Roma, 1896, i, 205- 222. .SV.. aUo, supra, Biancbi — Kaggi (A.) Sulla impo- tenza sessuale consecutiva alia cura bromica (considera- zioni medico-forensii. R. Ist. Lomb. tli sc. e lett. Rendic., Milano, 1900. 2. s., xxxiii, 527-533.— He hoc nfe I il iM) Ueber die Beziehun^ n der chronischen Goiiorrhoe zur IMPOTENCE. 856 LMrOTENCE. Impotence (Causes and pathology of). Impotenz. (Mit Verwertung endoskopischer Befunde.) Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1901, li, 214; 265; 315; 376; 419. AUo. transl: J. dermat. i sifllidol., S.-Peterb., 1901, i, 319-358. — Sturgis (F. R.) On the physical causes of sexual debility in the male, as distinguished from the psychical causes. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y.. Albany, 1894, 328- 336. AUo: Canada Lancet. Toronto, 1893-4. xxvi, 257-261. AUo: Gaillard's M. J., X5 Y., 1894, lviii, 311-319. AUo, Reprint.— Young (R. S.) Atonic impoteucy. North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1885, xv, 356. Impotence (Jurisprudence of). Abbot (G.) The case of impoteucy, as de- bated in England, in that remarkable tryal, 1613, between Robert, Earl of Esaex, and the Lady Frances Howard, who, after eight years of marriage, comuieuc'd a suit against him for im- potencv. 2 v. [v. 1, 3. ed.] 16°. London, 1715-19. Biaxt'HI (L.) In causa d' iuipotenza. 12-. Napoli, 1698. [Boucher d'Argis (A.-G.)] Principes sur la nullite du mariage pour cause d'iinpuissance, avec le traite de M. le president Bouhier, sur les procedures qui sout eu usage en France pour la preuve de l'iinpuissance de l'homtne, et quelques pieces curieuses sur le meme sujet. 12°. Lon- dres, 17">6. [Bouhier (J.)] Traite de la dissolution dn mariage pour cause d'iinpuissance, avec quelques pieces cnrieuses sur le meme sujet. 12°. Luxem- bourg, 1735. Consultation medico-legale. [Sur le cas du] noium6 Joseph Tressort, a^e de vingt-sept ans, accns^ par sa femme d'etre inipuissaut et elle s'est pourvue en cassation de mariage. fol. Dijon, 1789. Coron5v (C.) Diss, fis.-med. sopra la supposta impoteuza virile di sua eccellenza il signore marche.se Paolo Fraucesco Spiuola e sopra la pretesa vergiuita di sua eccelenza la siguora Maria Girolamo Mari Spinola, col giudizio de' priinarj professori di medicina e chirurgia di Koma. roy. 6c Roma, 1794. -----. Risposta alio specchio in cui appa- riscono le contradiziom della dissertazione del dottor Camillo Corona, roy. 8°. [Roma, n. d.] DtPOXT (A.-St.-R.-R. ) *De rinipnissance chez rhoinnie au point de vue medico-legal. 4-. Bordeaux, 1666. El vert (E. G.) Die Unzuliissigkeit arztlicher Entscheiduugen iiber vorhandnes mannliches Vennogen. Ein auf eine neue Ansicht der Sache gegriindeter Versuch. Als Anhang, eiu zufalli- ger Gedanke iiber deu Begritf von Nothzncht. 16-. Tubingen, 1808. [Fromageot.] Consultation sur le Traite" de la dissolution du mariage pour cause d'iinpuis- sance, avec des remarques sur cet e"crit [par Bouhier]. 16°. [Dijon], 1739. -----. Consultation pour Mr. l'abbe de . . . sur le Traite" de la dissolution du mariage ponr cause d'iinpuissance, imprime' a Luxembourg en 1735. 16°. [Dijon, 1739.] [Hayward versus Hayward.] In the House of Lords. On an appeal from an order of Her Majesty's court for divorce and matrimonial causes. Between Sophia Georgiana Matilda LeAvis, falsely called Hayward, appellant, and John Edward Hayward, respondent. Case for the appellant. 4°. [London, 1-64-6.] [Hotman (A.)] Traiete dela dissolution du mariage par l'impuissance et froideur de I'homme ou de la femme. 2. ed. 16-. Paris, 1610. Recueil general des pieces contenues au pro- cez du marquis de Sesores et de mademoiselle de Mu-cr.ini, son epouse. Nouvelle ed. 2 v. | 16-. Rotterdam, 1714. | ilipotence (Jurisprudence of). Roulliard (S. ) Capittilaire, auquel il est trait6 qu'un homme nay saus testicules appa- reus, et qui ha ue"antmoins toutes les autres mar- ques de virilite, est capable des ceuvres du ma- riage. 16-. Paris, 1600. -----. The same. Derniere ed. reveue et augmented de quelques autres opuscules du mesnie autheur. 16°. Paris, 1604. Shufeldt (R. W.) On a case of female impo- teucy. 6r. Washington, D. C, 1896. Tagereau (V.) Discours sur l'impuissance de I'homme et de la femme; auquel est declare que c'est qu'impuissauce empescliant et separaut le mariage; commeut elle se tognoist; et ce qui doit estre observe aux proces de separation pour cause d'iinpuissance, conformement aux saints canons et decrets; et a ce qu'eu ont escrit les theologieus et cauouistes. Divise par chapitrea pour plus grande facilite. 2. ed. 16 c Paris, 1612. [Testimoniaxze di certi medici riguardanti la buona construzione delle parti genitali del Sig. Niccold Costanfino Ferro], 1785 a 27 giuguo. fol. Genora, 1765. Angeli (C. L.) Veto medico-legale inedito [sopra di un'impoteuza virile]. Rac. di op. nied. mod. ital., Bolo- gna, 1827, v. 329-342. —Banm (W. L.) The forensic as poet of impotence in Illinois. Alienist Sc Neurol., St. Louis. 1895. xvi, 159-174. -Beande (J.-P. ) Considera- tions sur l'impuissance comme cause de la nullity du ma- riage, accompagn^e de reflexions sur la f6condation. J. d. conn. med. prat., Par., 1834-5, ii. 178-182. — Berte (F.i L' impotenza virile; rapporto alia morfologia ed all.- lt-i;gi vigenti. Sicilia med., Palermo, 1889, i, 864-885.—Binnclii (L.) Lo seioglimento del matrimonio per linpoteu/.a del coniuge. Arch. d. psicopat. sess., Roma, 1890, i, 97-100. -----. Impotenza per uervrasteuia sessuale; rtlazione di perizia. Gior. p. i med. reriti giud. eii uff. san. [etc.], Xapoli. 1897. i, 3-19. — Boi-ri (L.> Come, in tenia di nttllita di matrimonio per impotenza, la sola critica psi- copatologica possa talvolta essere suffiriente a fomire dei criteri adeguati per la diagnosi medico-legale. Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio Emilia, 1901, xxvii. 1120-1124.— Brrmme. Beischlafsfahig, nieht zeugiuigsfaliig. Vrtl- jsrlir t »erichtl. Med., Herl . 1886. xliv, 1U4-107.—Broil- iirtltl. L'impuissance dans Ir mariage. Ann. d'hvg., Par.. 1899. 3. s.. xiii. 521—500.—cl«> BiMKchrrr (A.) Lim- puissauce et la sterilite envisage.-.-* au p6int de vue dn droit. Ann. Soc de m6d. lesr. de Bel1.' . Charleroi. 1895-6, vii, 287-330.—Cnrti (E.) & Sabatini iP.i Asserta im- potenza al coito e blenorragia pi.-^r.-ssa. Racroglitore metl., Forli. 1898, 6. s., i, 218; 237.—Dc Vlaitini iA.), Cantani (A.) Sc Coco (D.) Perizia nietlico-legale in causa di chiesto annnllamento del matrimonio. Gior. in- ternaz. d sc. metl.. Napoli, 1887. n. s., ix. 564-567—Filo- mnsi-Oiieln (G.) Sopra un caso tli impotenza virile e conseeutivo aiiniillaiiientodel matrimonio. Ibid., 1893, n. s., xv, 441-450. -----. Sopra un caso di ipoplasia tlei geni- tali in una questioue di separazione dei coniugi. (Iior. di med. leg.. Lanciano, 1898. v, 24-33.—Im|>ui»»ance (L') du mari devant les tribunaux. Province med.. Par.. 1893, 2. a., xvii, 15. Also: Rev. de metl. leg., Par., 1893-4, i, 23- 25.— ron Kralft-Ebing. Gerichtliches Gutachten iiber eiu vou dem Techniker Paul Gassen ert'inidenes In- strument zur Behebung der Impotenz, genannt Elector. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med.. Niirnb.. 1897, xlviii, 217- 221. — Mirer (R.) " Impotenz; eiit>cli;itlii;iitigsberechtigte UnfalUtbl-e? Aerztl. Sachve:st.-Zig.. Beil.. 1896. ii,521 .— Aai-iltlli (R.) Caso d' impotenza nell' uomo: seiogli- mento di matrimonio. In his: Tre perizie med. leg.. 85 Avezzano, 1884, 27-43. — Neumann. Ehes. lieiduug in Folge von Impotenz. Wien. kliu. Wchnschr.. 1899, xii, 81.—Pirri (F.) Giudizio medico sulla dubiosa virile po- tenza di un gentiluotno inten/.ionato di preuder moglie. In: Rac. di opusc. med.-prar., 85 Firenze. 1782. vi, 195- 269. — RaflTaele (A.) Giudizio di revision* tli perizia so- pra individuo impittato di impotenza per causa di nullity di matrimonio. J»i his: Clin, di med. leg.. 12°, Napoli, 1896. 180-190. AUo: Ibid., 1900, 2. s.. 180-190.-----Ma- trimonio non consummato; perche 1' uomo nou seppe fare da marito, o perchfe la donna nou voile fare da moglie.' Gior. p. i med. periti giud. ed uff. san. [etc.], Napoli, 1898 ii, i_26.-----Giudizio sull' attitudine al coito tli un ma- rito dichiarato impoteute dalla moglie. In hU: Clin, di med. leg.. 85 Xapoli. 1900. 130-175.—Rom*(- (I. C.) Sex- ual incapacity in its medico-legal relations. In: Witthaus .S: Becker. Med. Jur. [etc]. 85 X. Y., 1>>94. ii 381-412.- Rouband (F.) De l'impuissance en metlecine- 1. gale. Gaz.d. hop., Par., 1848. 2. s., x, 13; 45; 69 -Riilli. ri.ig- Iiche Impotenz als Eheliinderui>s Friedreich's Bl. f. IMPOTENCE. 857 IMPOUNDING. Impoteiiee (Jurisprudence of). .rerichtl. Med., Niirnb., 1897, xlviii, t'li-r.-v-* . . . (C. D.) Eidtterunf der Frage: Ist's moglich, dass eiu Mann kurz nach dem Verluste beider Hoden eine Frau sehwaugeru kann' Krit Jahrb. d. Staa-tsiirziik.. Berl., 1809, ii, 146- 150— ShufHdl (R.W.I On the medico-legal aspect of impotencv in women. Med.-Leg. J.. X. T., 1896-7, xiv, -.gbnch«i (A.) Lettre sur 1 mipuis-ance cousideiee dans ses rapports avec le mariage. J. tl. conn. med. prat., Par., 1834-5. ii. 205-207.— Valciiliini* (M. B.) IH adulterio herniosi. iinpoteutiaiu simulant is. In his: Nov. med.-leg., 45 Francofurti ad Mununi, 1711, 50-59. _____. De mentr.la iuato breviori an impediat conceplio- n-111 vel impr.gnatioiieni.' Ibid.. 60. -----. Oe conjugio enuuehi. Ibid.. 62-222. AUo [Abstr.], in: Ferriar (J.) Illust. of Sterne 85 Loud., i;9.\ 145-163.—V«'iilini (Si Iu causa iii annullamento di matrimonio. Gior. p. i metl. periti giud. ed ntf san [etcl. Napoli. 1898 ii. 121-132 — von Wagni'i'. Fragliclie Giltigkeit der Klie wegen Im- potent cles Mannt's. Wien. klin. Wclinschr., 1899. xii. 22- 24 — Ziino iG.) In causa di allegata iiiettitiiditu* al cojto per iut'aiitinistuo. Manic.unio mod.. Xocera. 18'.'o, vi. 356- B62. -----. In causa d allegata iiiettiiuditie al coito per malattia degli 01 gaui genitali maschili. Morgagni, Milano, 1892, xxxiv. 709-711. Impotence (Treatment of). vox Gyl kkovechky (V.) Pathologie und Therapie der niannlichen Impoteuz. *SC. Wien S' Leipzig, 16-9. -----. The same. 2. Aufl. *•*-. Wien 5 -409. — Cu.per (L.) Die mannliche Impotenz and ihr>- I'.eiiainliung. D-utsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1»>9 x. 8'.»9: 911; 923; 93c; 947; 9.9; 971; 983; 995. Also, transl : We.-kly M. Kev., St. Louis. 1890, xxi. 325; 345; 3>:-5 ::*';■. 4u5; 429: 465: 5l'5: xxii. 2 —Enjjel (H.) A valuable discoverv. the cure ot iuipotency. M.-d. Sum:.,..*-, Lansdale. Pa.. 1895,xvi.2K5-2s5. AUo. Reprint. AUo K'--- .': M.-d. Summary. Lansdale, Pa., 1»95, x\ii. 3U-3&. — |-'iirbrintf(*r. Ziir Wiirdigung der Brown -Se- qnard'schen Behaiidlung der Impotenz. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Leipz. 11. Berl., 1891. xvii, 1027-1029. AUo: Verhandl. d. Ver. f. innere Med. zu Berl., 1891-2, xi, 91-99. -----. Znr diatetiseheu und phv-ikali.sc.bt 11 Behandlung der Impotenz. Zts.-hr.f. diatet. 11. phvsik. Therap., Leipz., 18 -,i.22-29.—von (iyarktrrchkr (V.) Neue Beitrage znr Therapie der mannlh ln-11 Iinpot.-nz. Wien. metl. Pre.-se. 1891, xxxii, 1737: 17-o. — Ilnnr ' A.) Znr Thera- pie der mamilichen Impotenz. M.-d.-chir. Centralbl., Wien. 1891. xxvi, 693; 709. —Hayd 1II. 15 Atonic impo- tence and it- treatment. M.-.l. Press West. N. York. Buffalo. 1-89 iv. 173-181.— Iloiwil/. (O.i The treatment of cases of psvehic impot.-m••;. X. Oil. M. Sc S. J., 1899- 1900. Iii. 387.—i«lainaiioiriS.i Llechenie impotentsii u muzhchin posiedstvum podvi. shivauiya. [Treatmentof mab- iinpotenr-.- bv means of suspension. 1 Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1890. xxxiii. 68-7u.—Ki-liUin (X. M.) Impoten- tia, yeva profilaktika i roi l,idi ot.-iapii i . 1. ktroterapn v yeya llechenii. [.. . itspropln l..\i- and h\drotherapyan0, x, 263-266. AUo, Repiint— .>'«clini-; licchenie mekhaiiicheskim spoaobom. fOn the th.-rapv of. . .: mechanical treatment.] Meditsina, St. Petersb.. 1896, viii. 21 1-213.— I't'l'kon.kl (S.| Xiemoe plciowa (in. i.otentia) 1 j<;\ l.-c/eni.-. |. . . and its tteatinent , K1011. lek.. Warszawa, 18s7, viii, 559; Ci9—Ki viere 1 A 1 'I bvroTdiiie et impuissance gen6si- que. Kclio no'1. .!.-L'on' 1898. iii, 155. AUo: Metl. mod., Par. l'9s i. :,'-.'4. AU> . Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc d. sc. med. ib- Lyon (1898), 1899. xxxviii, pt. 2, h>._|Jo«.«ii- thal ill.) Zur Behandlung der uervdsen Impotenz. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1890, xxxv. 25.—*< lit iiilmimi (B.) The mechanical treatment ot impotence in 1 In- mal.-. Impoteiiee (Treatment of). N. York M. J.. 1898. Ixviii. 372-375.—ftluiCrldt (R. W.) Tlie treatnient of ps\ clioh.gical impotent v. X. Albany M. Herald. 1>98, xviii," 3H7-31U. — Si Um i-U'iii (J.) Ufbe'r die Behaiidlung der Impotenz mil Vohimbin. Aerztl. Centr.-Ztg.,Wien, 1902, xiv,73.—.Nioliw (J. 1 <'outribution k l'Stuile de rimpuissance chez I'homme et z (F.) Az impotentia virilis kezeleserol. [Ou the treatment of...] Orvos lapja, Budapest, 1901, xii, 28-30. Also, transl: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 19ul, li, 1210-1213.—Znblndovslci (I. V.) Massage pri polovom be/.silii. ,. . . lor .-exiuil inipotenee.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1899, xx, 060; 729. AUo, transl I iaz. lek.. Warszawa. 1900. 2. s., xx, 421; 454. AUo. transl: Verhandl. tl. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1899, Leipz., 1900. lxxi, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 74-77. AUo, transl: Berl. klin. Wclinschr.. 1900, xxxvii, 724-720 AUo, transl.: Ztschr. f. diiitet. u. pln.sik. Therap., Leipz.. 1900, iii, 561- 570. AUo, transl. : Centralbl. f. d. Krankh. d. Harn- u. Sex.-Org., Leipz., 1900, xi, 135-140. AUo. transl: Ann. d. mal. d.oil*, genito-urin., Par., 1899, xvii. 1233-1239.—von y.ri<-r (M. J.) The treatnient of some forms of sexual debility by electricity. Times & Keg.. X. Y. .v. Phila.. 1891, xxiii,'423-427.—.Tla-xe? (O. B.) Electricity in the treatment of chronic prostatitis, and other conditions underlying impotence in men. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1893-4,'vi, 366-370. AUo: Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc. Phila., 1894, xv. 29-3::. —Vrrrirr (E.) L'impuissaiice virile; gue- rison rapiib par les mutants continus et l'hydrotherapie. Oaz. med. de Par., 1898, Ixix, 492. Also: Rev. internal. d'electrother., Par., 1898-9, ix, 47-49. Impounding reservoirs in India, and tbe de- sign of masonry dams; comprising the following papers: I. The Tansa works for the water sup- ply of India, by William John Bird Clerke. II. Tin* JJaroda waterworks, by Jagannath Saila- sewjee. III. Tin- water supply of Jeypore, Rajpiitana, by Samuel Swinton Jacob. IV. On the design of masonry dams, by Franz Kretiter. Witli an abstract of tin* discussion upon the pa- pers. Edited by James Forrest. 1^2 pp., 5 pl. K-. London, [ W. Clowes tj- Sons], 1891. Repr. from: Minutes Proc. Inst. Civil Engin., Lond., 1893-4, cxv, pt. 1. IMPKEGNATION. 858 IXCB. Impregnation. See Generation. Impregnation (Abnormities of). See Hymen (Persistent). Impregnation (Artificial). See, also. Sterility Gaitier (J.) De la fecondation artificielle dans le regne animal et de son emploi contre la sterilite". "24-\ Paris, 1659. -----. La fecondation artificielle et son em- ploi contre la ste'rilite' chez la femme. 12~. Paris, 1689. Gekard (J.) * Contribution h l'histoire de la fecondation artificielle. 4°. Paris, 1865. AUo, in: Journal-Banal, Par., 1885, 313-327. Levy (P.) * Ueher die Ausfiihrung der kiinst- liclieu Befrtu-htnug am Menschen. S3. Wiirz- burg, 1666. Man'act (P.) Fecunilacidn artificial humana. Historia, iudicaciou y procederes. 2. ed. 8°. Barcelona, 1862. AUo. in: Clin, navarra, Pamplona, 1886, iii, nos. 1; 5; 12: 13; 14. German (L.) F6condation artificielle de la femme. Marseille med., 1885, xxii, 523; 602; 657. AUo. Reprint.— Leklontl. Rapport sur la fecondation artificielle. Ann. d'livjr-, Par., 1884, 3. s., xi, 89-98. Also, Reprint. Also: Soc ib- med. leg. tie Frauce. Bull . Par.. 1885, viii, 199- 20s. — I.nlniid. La fecondation artificielle; les postures pendant le coi't. J. de med. de Par., 1889, xvi, 10; 21; 40. AUo, in: Vulliet Sc Lutaud. Legons de fivnec. op., 8°, Par., 1889, 419-439. — llanltgazza (P.) Nota sulla fe- condazione artificiale iiella ilonna. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1887, viii, 81-89. — Nanclio Itlnitin (M.) Considera- ciones tnetlico-sociales acerca de la fecumlacidn aitificial aplicada a la especie humana. (Tesis.) Correo m6d. cas- tellano, Salamanca 1885, ii, 516; 549. Impregnation (Prerention of). See Conception (Prevention of). Impi*es»ioiis (Maternal). See Foetus (Maternal impressions on). I in pri nl s. See, also, Finger-prints; Foot-prints; Hand- prints. Fere (C.) Xote sur les empreintes de la paume de la main et tie la plaute du pied. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1900, 11. s., ii, 641-643. Improved dwellings for the laboring classes; the need aud the way to meet it on strict com- mercial principles, in New York, Brooklyn, and other cities. 27 pp., 1 pl., 2 diag. 8°. New York, 1877. Improvement on Jukes' stomach pump. p. *J.>7. 6°. [Glasgow, 1625.] Cutting from : Glasgow Mechanics' Mag., 1825, iii. Iiiipiidentiam (Ad) quorundani chirnrgorum qui medicis sequari, et cbirurgiaui publice pro- fited voluut, pro veteri dignitate medicinse apo- logia philosophica. 16" pp. 24°. Parisiis, apud I). Vallensem, lf>77. Impulse. See, also, Insanity (Impulsive); Play; Psy- chology. Angiolella (G.) L' impnlsivitii nel carattere e nelle psicopatie. Manicomio mod., Nocera, 1898, xiv, 257-310.— Rosse (I. (.'.i The conservative value of the play im- pulse. Boston M. Sc 8. J., 1895, exxxiii, 385-388. AUo, He- print.— WisNler (C.) Sc Kicliardaon (W. W.) Diffu- sion of the motor impulse. Psvchol. Rev., N. Y., 1900, vii, 29-38. Impulsion (L') triomphante, ou I'attraction fonilioy^e |>ar le dieu de la lumiere. 27 pp. 1*2°. [Paris], 1788. Bound with: Joyaud. Pr6cis du siecle de Paracelse. 12°. Paris. 17*7. i. Imslienetski (V[asiliy Dmitriyevich]) [1*^51- ]. Otcbevo hlvayut povaluiya bollezni i kak ot nikh uberechsya. [Why contagious dis- eases occur, and how to guard ourselves against tliein.] 6 ]>p. 4J. [Chernigov, 1669.] Bound with: Ze.mski vrach, Chernigov, 1889. In diesem Buechlein [etc.]. See Lanfrancus. Ill a good cause. Souvenir of a performance given on Thursday afternoon, May 3, at the Palace Theatre, in aid of Mr. Punch's fund for the Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond street. 101 pp. 4*". London, Bradbury, Agnew cf Co., Ltd., 1900. Iliama-Sternegg (K. T.) Tbe Austrian cen- sus of 1&90; the closing of the census bureau. [Transl. from: Vienna Zeitung, July 16, 1893,pp. 2-5.] 7 1. 8°. [ Vienna, 1695.] Inanition. See, aUo, Famine; Hunger; Starvation. Bnrbera (A.G.) Di alcune f'unzioninervose neU'ina- nizione completa; eccitahilitk secretoria della corda del timpano, del simpatico cervicale e del vago. Soc. med.- chir. di Bologna. Resoc. (1900), 1901, 74-76. — von Bet- lingb (R. R.) O vzaimnom kolichestveiuiom otiioshenii niekotorikh azotistikh veshtshevstv n zhivotnikh pri pol- nom golodanii. [Mutual quantitative relation of several nitrogenous substances iu animals in complete starvation.] Arch. biol. nauk . . .. S.-Peterb., 1899-1901, vii, 475-555: 1901-2, ix, 1-40. —C'allaneo (A.) Influenza dell' ina- nizione acuta sulle funzione e sulla composizione chi- mica dell' occhio. Soc. med.-chir. di Bologna. Resoc. (1900), 1901, 70. — Fernet ( C. ) Amaigrissement ex- treme et mort par inanition. Bull, et m6m. Soc med. d. hop. de Par., 1901, 3. s., xviii, 1361-1363. — .11 mica (G.) Ricerche chimiche sugli animali a sangne liedtlo sottoposti ad inanizione. Arch, tli farm, e terap., Pa- lermo, 1900, viii. 276; 469 AUo [Abstr.]: Studi sassaiesi, Sassari, 1901, i, 150-156. AUo, transl [Abstr.]: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1901, xxxv, 115; 373.—JUartinotti (C.) Sc Tirelli (V.) La microfotografla applicata alio studio della struttura della cellula dei ganglii spinali nell' inanizione. Ann. di freniat., Torino, 1901, xi. 35-66, 2 pl. Also [Abstr.]: Gior. d. r. Accad. di metl. di Torino, 1901, 4. s.. vii, 231-234. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1901, xxxv, 390-406, 1 pl.—PVoe (J.) Vari- ations de resistance du h6risson a l'inauition. Compt. rend. Soe. de biol.. Par., 1901, 11. a., iii, 1009. Inauguration du buste de Jacques-Mathien Delp' ch. dans la salle des illnstres, au capitole, 5 mtii 1872. 62 pp. 6c Toulouse, M. Dupin, 1672. Inauguration des hustes de Baillarger et de Pallet k l'Hospice de la Salpetriere le 7 juillet 1894. 46 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Masson, 1894. Repr. from: Ann. metl.-psychol., Par., 1894, 7. s., xx. Inauguration de l'lnstitut Pasteur le 14 novembre 1866 en presence de M. le President de la Re"publique. Compte rendu, frontis- piece, 30 pp., 1 1. 8°. Sceaux, Charaire <)'• fils, 1888. Bound with: Axn. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1888, ii. Inauguration du monument e'leve' a la m6- nioiiv de Ducheune de Boulogne, le 27 juin 1897. 35 pp., 1 pl., 2 port., 11. 8°. Paris, Michels cf fils, 1697. Repr. from: Rev.internat.d'61ectroth6r.,Par.,1896-7,vii. Iliailglirazione del monumento a Salvatore Tonimasi nella Regia Universita di Pavia addl 16 aprile 1893. 29 pp. 8°. Pavia, succ. Bizzoni, 1893. Incapacity (Maternal). See Infertility. Incarbone (Emmanuele). See l.o Re (Mariano). L'epidemia vajolosa [etc.]. 8°. Catania, 1887. Incas. Mortimer (W. G.) Peru. History of coca, "the divine plant,'" of the Incas. With an in- troductory account of the Incas and of the Andean Indians of to-day. 8°. New York, 1901. Ince (Joseph). Tbe Latin grammar of pharmacy, for the use of medical and pharmaceutical stu- dents; with au essay on the reading of Latin prescriptions, and reference vocabulary. 5. ed. vii, 302 pp. 12°. London, Bailliere, Tin dall $ Cox, 1.-90. See, also, II aw bury (Daniel). Science papers [etc.]. 8°. London, 1876. INCENDIARISM. 859 INDAGINE. Incendiarism. .SYe Conflagrations; Pyromania. i Ilicenerilliento (Su V) dei eadaveri. Con- j ferenze tenute nella R. Universita di Pavia nei giorui 11 e 18 giugno 1882. [Per Giuseppe Sormani, Iginio Gentile, K. Zenoni e Giovanni | Uantoni.] 711pp. 8-. [Pavia, success. Bizzoni], [1662]. Incest. Trial (The) of Katharine Nairn and Patrick Ogilvie. for the crimes of incest and murder; containing the whole procedure of the high court of justiciary, upon the 5th, 12th. 13th, 14th. loth, and lOtli days of August, 1705. < . Edinburgh <$• London, 1755. AmieiThiiio i K.) La psieo|>atolo.'ia .It'll' incesto. Anonial... Xai.oli. Is98. viii, 19; 44: M: 113; 170 -Amand i*v) Kpilfttieo iucestuoso. Arch, .li p-i.-hiat. etc.], Torino, 1900. xxi. 496. — Itnllioltlli. Stupratofe in- i-t'stuoso. Ibid.. 636. — BI■■(.»«-Iiiiiiile ; angeborener Schwachsinn: Gutachten von Dr. lvli.t i'u-k (Isii.'ii; Sisti- rung des Vetlahrens. Gericltl.-p-.\rln:it. (iutm-lit. a. tl. ! Klin. Forel in Ziirich, Stuttg., lS'Hi, 30-39. _ Konvit. chinlo (E.) Iu causa tl'incest..: perizia niedi.■..-1. ^.ile. Riv. veneta di se. metl.. Yenezis. 188*5 viii, 209-2J7.— Hue (V.) Note sur un cas de o>nsuiipiitiit£; malformations fcetales (meningocele, sexdi_:istisiue. leius poly-kvsthpics, etc.). Kev. obst. internat., Toulouse, l-!i6. ii," 201; 213.— Uiii'liheiin (E5i La prohibition de linceste et ses ori-ni.-. Ainee sociol. 1896-7. Par., Ic9.». i. 1-70. AUo Lev ; : Ami icpologie. Par., ls!'9. x, 59-70 (S. Reiuach).— i.egraiinl tin *iiiillf. De l'ince>te consid. re uu point de vne de sen influence sur la pient-nitiire. [ From an un- puhl>h,-d work.] J. de metl. de l'ar.. li-S.i, viii. 783-786.— Lombro-o c'O.i Incesto in t pil. ttico. Arch, di psichiat. [etc ,. Torino, 1.-99. xx. 589. — Vnlcnliiiu* (M. B.) De incestu cum impubere. In his: Nov. med.-leg., 45 Francof. ad Mcenuro. 1711. 226-234. Inches (M. B. Keport of a survey for water for the citv of Worcester. 54 pp. -3. Worcester, C. Hamilton. 1-51. Incipit antidotaliuni ad librum divisionum. [Pud- .-] Explicit antidotarinm libri divisionum, anno Domini 1473. MS. 17 1. fol. [n. p.], 1175. Bound with: de Gordon (Bernard). In nomine [etc.]. fol. Ferrarice, 14*'.'. Incipit epistola de accidentibns seuectntis et senii. In: Magxin'I Mediolanensis. Regimen sanitatis. 45 Parisiis.iW.ff. 114-128. AUo.in: Ibid. 4°. [n.p.,n.d.l, j ff. 114«-12*«. I Incipit tractattilus quid pro quo. See Nicol aus Praepositus Salemitanus [in 1. s.]. Incipit tractatus, sive examen lepromin. MS. 4 pp. fol. [n. p., n. d.] Bemndwith: he Gordon (Bernard). In nomine [etc.]. fol. Ferrarice, 14e6. Ilicipiunt curationes limlii-ruiii communes sed exoptatissimte et approbatissinne. MS. 3 1. I fol. [m. p., n. d.] Be/und u-ith: de Gordon' (Bernard). In nomine [etc.]. fol. Ferrarice, 1 in; Ilicipiunt qucstiones natnrales philosophornni. 11 I. sm. 4-. [n.p., n. d. ] Ilicipiunt sinoniiiia. Artemisia, id est, niatri- caria [etc.]. In: Xicolais Propositus SaUrnitanus. Incipit anti- dotarinm [etc.]. 45 Venetiis, 1471. ff. 51-68. Incompatible*. See, it l-. Prescriptions, etc. Ruddi.m.w (K. A.) Incompatibles in prescrip- tions, for students in pharmacy and medicine and practicing pharmacists and physicians. 2. ed. H'c New York, 1900. Si.kkswmk (C.) Onverieiiigliaarheid van ge- neesmiddelen. 24 c Amsterdam, 1901. Kohinxon t\V. J.i Prescription incompatibilities. M.-n.k s ll'-]> X. V. 1^9* vii, 197: 393: 4;'>8 : 492: 522; 555; 627:660: 695; 731: 794: 1899. viii, il; 57; 153; 204; 299; 394; 445; 500: 548.—Koqiie*. Esihnres tie la t-onjoiict i ve par l'adniimstration simultitin'-i-, tie riodure de potassium et tlu calomel. Clin, oj.ht. Pai., 1898, iv, 160. I III OOI lIlll.lllOII. See Ataxia locomotor (Complications, etc., of); Nervous system (Diseases of, Semeiology of). Ilicoronato (Angelo). lTn' anomalia del poli- gouo iirteriuso ceiebrale coincideute con asim- nietria del cranio. ^ jip., 2 pl. 8°. Roma, 1678. Repr.froin: Atti Act-ad. med. di Roma, 1878-9, iv. Incorporated (The) Society of Medical Offi- cers of Health. List of officers and members. 24 pp. S . London, 1900. Incorrigibility. See Crime and criminals; Prisons. Incubator*. See. also. Bacteriology (Apparatus, etc., in); Infant (Snv-born, Care of); Infant (Premature, etc.. Care of). Rkxwh'K (E. S.) The thermostatic incubator. 8°. Xew York, 1665. Brown (F.R.) Incubator. Xo. 571553: Nov. 17,1896.— De l.ee (J. B.) Infant incubation, with the presenta- tion ..I a new incubator and a description of the system at tlieChit-airo Lvinj: in Hospital. Chicago M. Recorder, 1902, xxii, 22-40. [Discussion], 54-60.—.lloore (V. A.) An in- cubator for student n«e. Tr. Am. Micr. Soc. 1899, Lincoln, Neb., 19(10, xxii. 103-106 1 pl -Paul (T.) Die Anwendung des W. Ostwald'schen I h-c. New York. Continued under title: International (The) Dental Journal. Index hibliographicus syphilidologise. See Sza- dek (Karl). Index bibliographique de la presse et de la librairie medicates. Supplement de la Revue bibliographique nniverselle des sciences me'di- cales, dirigee et publie'e par le Dr. Cte Mt\ tiers D'Estrey. v. 1, 1^83. s°. Paris, 1--4. Index to Ludwig Heim's Bakteriologische Unter- suchungen, compiled by M. W. Wood. 9 1. 8°. Boise Barracks, Idaho, 1-95. Index Medicos. A monthly classified record of the current medical literature of the world. Compiled under the supervision of J. S. Billings and Robert Fletcher, v. 1-21, 1879-99. roy. 8-. [v.p.] v. 1-6, 1879-84, published by F. A. Levpoldt; Xew York; v. 7-17, 1885-95, published by George S. Davis, Boston and Detroit. v. 17 extends from January to April, 1895, only, but is complete with title-pages and in- dexes, v. 18 commences with Mny. 1<*95, and thereafter each volume extends from May to the following April, in- clusive, v. 18-21, 1895-6 to 1898-9, have imprint Boston and Washington. Ended. Index Medicus Novus. Iuhaltsangabe der perio- disch erseheinenden uiediciuischen Literatur aller Lander. Hrsg. von Dr. Conrad Dobany. [Semi-monthly.] v. 1-2, June 15, 1899, to Feb. ■2."). 1900. S3. Wien. Xos. 1-6, v. 1, under title: 3Iedicinische (Die) "Welt- literatur. Index to original communications in the medical journals of the United States and Canada for 1-578. Classified by subjects. Compiled by Wil- liam D. Chapin, New York. 2 p. 1., 50 pp. 8°. [New York, 1678.] Index of remedies, xxiii pp. 8:. [n. p.. G. Richardson, n. d.] [P., v. 1497.] Index to Wood's Library of standard medical authors for the vears 1879-84. 250 pp. 8r. New Yovk, W. Wood $ Co., 1865. Indexes. See Bibliography (Medical)—Indexes. India. Outlines of the topography and statistics of the southern districts of Oud'h, aud of the cantonment of Sultanpur-Oud'h, by Donald Butter. Printed by order of the government 1-2 pp., 3 ch., 1 tab. 8J. Calcutta, G. H. Hutt- mann, 1639. -----. General and medical topography of Kalee Kemaoon an'd Shore Valley, with sketches of the cantonments of Lohoogbaut and Petoragurh. As, also, ofthe roads, rivers, bungalows, etc.. of part of the district. By Asst. Surgeon Wm. Dollard. Printed by order of the government. 43 pp., 1 pl., 3 ch. 83. Calcutta, G. H. Hutt- mann, 1610. -----. Report on small-pox in Calcutta, l"*33-4; 1-37-8; 1843-4, and vaccination in Bengal from 18*27 to 1844, by Duncan Stewart, surgeon aud superintendent-general of vaccination. 2 p. 1., v, 204. xx pp., 1 plan, 3 tab. 8C. Calcutta, G. H. Huttmann, 1844. -----. Remarks on the report furnished by Asst. Surgeon E. Hare, of his treatment of fever and dysentery during the time he was attached to the General Hospital, Calcutta, in 1849-50. Submitted hy the medical board, by order of government. Fort William, 31>t March, 1851. 01, iii pp., 2 tab. «-'. Calcutta, F. Carbery, 1851. [P., v. 922.] -----. History of the rise and progress of the operations for the suppression of human sacri- fice and female infanticide, in the hill tracts of Orissa. 1 p. I., 146 pp., 1 map. 8C. Calcutta, P. Carbery, 1854. Selections from the records of the gorernment of India (home department). No. v. -----. Measures for the prevention of cholera among European troops iu northern India. ^6, ix pp. 8;. [Calcutta], AHpore Jail Press, 1-i'A. Repr. from: The third section of the report ofthe com- mission to inquire into the cholera epidemic of 1861. INDIA. 861 INDIA. India—continued. -----. The second aud third sections of the re- port of the commissioners appointed to inquire into the cholera epidemic of 18(>1 in northern India, with an account of the epidemic by the president of the commission, xx, 301, xxxiii pp., 1 1., 2 maps, 6 diag., 2 tab. -°. Calcutta, 0. T. Cutter, 1651. ------. Reports from India on Rev. H. Moule's dry earth conservancy system. Extract, public lei ter from the oovernnient of India to the sec- retary of state, "dated 11th July (No. 124). 18(17. 23 pp. fol. [Calcutta, 1807.] ------. Circular No. 39. Public works. Best method of keeping water sweet when stored in tanks. 4 pp. fol. Calcutta. 1-5-. ------. Papers relating to cattle diseases, v, 218 pp. 8°. Calcutta, 1-56. Selections from the records of the government of India (home department). Xo. Ixix. - The prevalence of organic disease ofthe sj leen as a test for detecting malarious lot alities in hot climates, being the report of a committee assembled by gem rai orders commander-in- chief, dated the 10th Septeinber, 1854. iv, 106 pp , 3 plans. 8°. Calcutta, 1-5)6. ------ Report on the crime of thuggee by means of poi>ons, in British territory, for the years 1-04. l-i>5, and 1-m'i. By Colonel Charles'Her- vey. 4. 17, 19. xx, 23, vi pp., 61. fol. Delhi, Gen. Supt's Office Press, 1-5)6. ■-----. Abstracts of proceedings of the sanitary commissioner with tbe government of India. (Monthlv, bi-monthlv. and quarterly.) Julv, 1*08, to'Aug., 1870; Nov., 1870, to April, 1-73. fol. Calcutta, 1-0--73. -----. Report on the cholera epidemic of l-t'.7 in northern India. [By G. B. Malleson, sauitary commissioner with the government of India.] vi, 145 pp., 3 1., 2 maps. 1 ch., 4 diag. fol. Calcutta, 1-59. ■-----. Report on the treatment of epidemic cholera, by John Murray, inspector-general of hospitals, Bengal medical department, from in- formation collected by the governments of Ben- gal, Madias, Bombay, N. W. Provinces, Punjab, Oud'h, and central India, by order of the gov- ernment of India. Calcutta, 1st June, 1-09. 85 pp. fol. Calcutta, 1-69. -----. Correspondence relating to the famine in Bengal and Behar, from October, 1873, to May, 31st, 1874. ix, 400 pp. fol. Calcutta, 1874. . Further correspondence between the gov- ernment of India and the secretary of statt- in council, relative to the famine in Bengal. Part II. 250 pp. fol. London, G. E. Eyre , London, [1885]. Reinwardt (C. G. C.) Oratio de augmentis, quae historite uaturali ex Indiie investigatione accesserunt. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1—23. India. Basil (B.D.) Indian medi'inal plants. Indian Lancet, Calcutta, 1896, vii, 593-596. — Carter ( F. C.) India; its fighting races and its armv. J. Kov. U. Serv. Inst., Lond., 1901, xiv, 1345; 1480.—Wallich 1X5 Description of some rare and curious plants. Tr. M. Sc Phys. Soc. Calcutta, 1835, vii, pt. 2, 215. India (Charities of, Medical). Central Provinces. Annual report on the working ofthe government charitable dispensa- ries in the Ceutral Provinces for the year 1883. fol. Nag pur, 1661. Review of the report on the dispensaries and charita- ble institutions of the Xorth-Western Provinces and Oudh for the three vears ending 31st December. ls!>8. IndianM. Rec, Calcutta. 1899, xvii, 255. India (Climate and diseases of). See. also, Delhi boil; Dracunculus; Foot (Fungus disease of); Kal£-azar. Anglo-Urdu medical handbook, or Hindus- tani guide for the use of medical practitioners (male and female) in northern India. Compiled by Georo-e Small with the aid of C. R. Eraucis and uf Mrs. Fraser Nash. 1'2;. Calcutta, 1895. Bayley (H. V.) Dorje"-ling. [Topography, climate, water, etc.] 8 . Calcutta. 1636. Borghesi (G.) Lettera M-ritta da Poudis- cheri a 10 di febbraio 1704; nella quale si conteu- gono, oltre a un pieno racconto del viaggio da Roma sino alle coste deli' Indie orientali, varie nuove osservazioni mediche, anatoniiche, botta- niche, uaturali, e d' altri geueri e trasportata dal manuscritto latino in lingua toscaua da Gio. Mario de' Crescimbeni. 21°. Roma, 1705. Breitenstein (H.) Einundzwanzig Jahre in Indien. Aus dem Tagebuche eines Militiirarztes. Er>ter Theil: Borneo. 8C. Leipzig, 1699. Che vers (N.) A commentary on the diseases of India. 8?. London, 1885. Chuckerbutty t'S. G.) Popular lectures ou subjects of Indian interest. 8°. Calcutta, 1-70. Cunningham (J. M.) A sauitary primer for Indian schools. 10°. Calcutta. 1-79. Gangadin. Europeans' guide and medical companion in India. 8°. London, [1895]. Girdlestone (T.) S.iggj su 1' epatitide e le affezioni spasmodiche nell' India, appoggiati alle osservazioni fatte nelle truppe di S. M. britta- nica in differenti parti di quel paese. Tradotti dall' inglese. 1*2-. Londra, 1793. Chant (A. E.) The Indian manual of hy- giene, being King's Madras manual of hygiene, revised, rearranged, and in great part rewritten. v. 1. 8-. Madras, 1-94. Great Britain. Secretary of State for War. Suggestions in regard to sanitary works re- quired for improving Indian stations, prepared by the barrack and hospital improvement com- mission, iu accordance with letters from the secretary of state for India in council, dated 8th Dec, 1803, and 2nth Mav, l-o4. fol. London, 1804. India. General and medical topography of Kalee Kemaoon and Shore Valley, with sketches of the cantonments of Lohooghaut and Petora- gurh. As, also, ofthe roads, river*, bungalows, etc., of part ofthe district. Bv Asst. Surg. Win. Dollard. 6\ Ca'cutta, 1840. de La Coste (C.) '1 raicte des drogues et m6- dieainens qui naissent aux Index, servant beau- coup pour resclaiicissement et entelligence de ce que Garde du Janlin a escrit sur ce suject. Traduit d'espagnol, abreg6 et illustrd de quel- ques notes par Charles de l'ficluse d'Arras; et de nouveau mis en francois par Authoine Colin. Et par luy augmented de plusieurs figures. 12°. Lyon, 1002. -----. Thesame. 1*2:. Lyon, 1019. INDIA. 863 INDIA. India (Climate and diseases of). LriLi.iER. Nouveau voyage aux Grandes limes, avec une instruction pour le commerce des Indes Orientales,et la description de plusieurs isles, villes et rivieres, l'histoire des plautes et des animaux qu'on y trouve. Avec un traite1 des maladies particulates aux pays orientaux et dans la route, et de leurs remedes, par D. L. F. 1'2C. Rotterdam, 1725. M'Cosii (,1.) Medical advice to the Indian stranger. 1*2°. London, 1-H. Moore (£i> W.) A manual of family medicine and hygiene for India. Published under the authority of the government of Iudia. 5. ed. 8-. London, 1889. -----. Thesame. A manual of family medi- cine aud hvgiene for Iudia. 0. ed. - . London, 1-93. Morehead (C.) Clinical researches on dis- ease in India. 2 v. - . London, 1-50. Peaiise (W. H.> Notes ou health in Calcutta and British emigrant ships, including ventila- tion, diet, and disease. Mi*-'. London, 1655. Piso (G.) De Indue utriusque re uaturali et medica, libri quatuor decern, fol. Amstelcedami, 1556. Sibthorpe (C.) Clinical manual for India. Compiled for tbe n*-e of the students of the Madras Medical College Revised and partly rewritten bv various authors. --. Madras, 1697. Sykes [ W. H.] Mean temperature of the day and monthly fall of rain at l'J7 stations under the Bengal Presidency, from official registers kept by medical officer*, for the year l8.">l. 8°. London, 1675.1. Repr.froin: Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. 8c, Lond., 1*52. Wallace (J.) A voyage to India; contain- ing reflections on a voyage to Madras aud Ben- gal, in l-'Jl. in the ship Lonach ; instructions for the preservation of health in Indian climates; and hints to surgeons and owners of private trading-ships. -:. London, 18*24. Webb (A.) Pathologica Indica, or the anat- omy of Indian diseases, based upon morbid .specimens, from all parts of the Indian empire, in the museum ofthe Calcutta Meilical College; illustrated by detailed cases; with the prescrip- tions and treatment employed, and comments, physiological, historical, anil practical. 2. ed. 2 pts. in 1 v. - . London, 1-4-. f Bacteriology and disease in India. Brit. M. J., Lond. 1*97. i, It e.i.—Bahadurji (K. X.) The medical need-, of India. Imp. .v Asiatic Quart. Rev., Woking, ^1*96. ii 29»-3n5.—He«lon 75-9.">. Rep. Sau. Com. India, Calcutta, 1877-90. passim. — Meteorology. 1*70-71 to 1892. Rep. San. Com. Pengal. Calcutta 18.2-93, passim.— Meteorology. 1871-7. Rep. San. Com. Bombay, 1872-9, passim.—Meteorology. 18*0-88. Rep. Sun. Admin.Brit. Burma, Rangoon, 1881-9, passim.—Meteorology. 1885- 90; 1896; 1897; 1899. Rep. San. Com. Centr. Prov. Xagpur. 1880, 1: 1887, 1: 1888. 5: 1**9. 6: 1890, 6: 1891, 6; 1*98. 1: 1*99. 1 : 1900, 1. — Meteorology. 1875-99. Rep. San. Com. Madras. 1876-1900, passim.— Meteorology. 1*83; 1884. Rep. San. Com. X.-W. Prov. (India). 1881, 1: 1**.".. 1.— Meteorology. 1870-78. Rep. Sau. Admin. Punjab. La- hore, 1871-9, passim.—Moore (R. R. H.) Heart disease amongst the soldiers in India. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1898, xiv, 54. —Moore (Sir W.j Sauitary progress in In- dia. Tr. vii. Intei nat. Cong. Hyg. Sc Demog. 1891, Lontl., 1892, xi. 15-89. -----. The prevention of fever in India. Ibid., 189-196. -----. The influence of the climate of In- dia on the European constitution. [Abstr.] San. Rec, Lond., 1894-5, n. -.. xvi, 1035-1037—Mullens (S.J.) Per- sonal hvgiene in India Indian M Rec. Calcutta. 1895, ix, 2*4; 315; 378; 413 — > 0ltkentve.il. Notitser fra Indien. [Xotes from India uiilitarv-medical depaitment.l Hosp.- Tid., Kjebenb., 1*85. 3. li., iii, 1333-1338. — O'Farrel (F.> Medico-topograpbieal report of the north-west fron- tier of Intlia, Beluchistan. and southern Afghanistan. [ Army M. Dep. Rep. 188.3. Lond., 1887, xxvii, 318-329 — Pi'ii'rtie (W. H.) Xotes on Intlia. and dvseuterv iu na- thca. Prov. M. J., Leicester. 1890. ix, 6ul-605.'-----. Xotes on India: the native, bis diseases, and opium. Ibid., 1894, xiii, 407-410.—Scientific (The) investigation of In- dian diseases Brit. M. J.. Loud., 1897, i, 1683.—Sen (H. K.i Causes of ill-health of Hindu women and chil- dren. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1895, ix, 39-41. -----. Poverty adiiect cause of disease in India Ibid., 1899, xvi, 452— NiiTnr ( H. C.) Personal hvgiene in India. Ibid , xvii, 308-310. India (Ethnology of). Sir, also. Aryans; Eurasians; Cinghalese. Uiiattaciiarya (J. N.) Hindu castes and Meets. An exposition of the origin ofthe Hindu caste system uud the hearing of the sects to- wards each other and towards other religious systems. 1*2-. Calcutta, 1695. India. [Divisions ofthe country. Trihes, castes, and sects. History, science, and natural historv. | MS. fol. [n. p., n. d.] Joiin^H'N (J. W.) A contribution to the dy- namics of racial diet in British India. S■-'. Edin- burgh, 1675. Mantei'azza (P.) Studii sulla etnologia del- 1' India. "5J. Firenze, 1665. Moor (E.) Hindu infanticide. An account of the measures adopted for suppressing the pract ice of the systematic murder hy their par- ents of female infants; with incidental remarks on other customs peculiar to the natives of Iu- dia. 4-. London, 1611. 64 IXDIA. INDIA. India (Ethnology of). Balfour (H.) Life history of an Aghori fakir; with an exhibition of the human skull used by him as a drink- ing vessel, and notes on the similar use of skulls by other races J. Anthrop. Inst., Loud.. 1896-7, xxvi, 340-350. *2 pl. —Brijjgs (J.) On the aboriginal tribes of India. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc, Lond., 1851, 169-170.—Canvin (C.I Quelques indications d'anatomie et tie physiologie anthropologiques recueillies sur des Hiudous. Mem. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1883-8, 2. s.. 430-441.— Dymock < W.) On the use of turmeric iu Hindoo ceremonial. J. Anthrop. Soc. Bombay, 1890-92, ii, 441-448.—Hindoo diet and race deterioration. J. Hvg., X. T., 1896, xlvi, 231-233.—Ilu- Main (M. S.i On Hindu ceremonies observed in the Ma- dras Presidency. J. Anthrop. Soe. Bombay, 1893, iii. 139- 144.—Huxley (T. H ) On the ethnology a'nd archeology of India. In his: Scient. Mem., 85 Loud., 1901. iii. 427- 431.—Interesting (An) Vedic ceremony. J. Anthrop. Soc. Bombay, 1893, iii, 75.—Johnston tC.i Raceetcaste dans l'Intle. Anthropologie, Par., 1895. vi, 176-181.— lvi lis (E. J.) Tables of caste measurements. J. An- throp. Soc. Bombay. 1890-91, ii, 367-379 — Tleade (M.J.) On the Moghi&bs or Bdoris of Rajputdna and central In- dia. Ibid..; 1886-9, i,274-288.— Tlitra (S. C.) Xotes on two Behari pastimes. Ibid., 1893, iii. 91-97.—ITIouat (J. F.) A few notes on some skulis of the bill ttil.es of India. Tr. Etbn. Soo. Lond., 1867, n. s., vi, 42-48.—>'a- thubhai (T. M.) A note on name-giving ceremony of a new-horn child. J. Anthrop. Soc. Bonibav, 1893, iii, 98- 102.—Painter (A. W.) On the Hill Arrians. Ibid., 1890, ii, 146-155.—Peterson (P.) [The Grihya Sutra, or household praver book of Apastamba, 500 A. D.] Ibid., 1894, iii, 318-337.—Kisley (H. H.) The study of ethnol- ogy in India. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond.. 1890-91, xx, 235- 263.—Bousselct (L.) Les Afghans. Rev. d'anthrop., Par., 1888. 3. s., iii, 412-428—Short t (J.) Squelettes de deux Hindous noirs des environs de Madras. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par., 1878.3. s.. i, 47-56.—Turner (W.) Con- tributions to the craniology of the people of the Empire of India. 1. The hill tribes of the north-east frontier and the people of Burma. Tr. Roy. Soc. Edinb. (1898-9), 1900, xxix. 703-747, 3pl. Also [Abstr.]: Proc. Rov. Soc. Edinb. (1897-9), 1900, xxii, 550-552.—de Ujfalvy (C.) Iconogra- phie et anthropologie irano-indienues. Anthropologie, Par., 1900, xi, 23; 193; 7 pl. Intlia.. Assam. Annual vaccination reports of the province of Assam. By the principal med- ical officer anil sanitary commissioner to the sec- retary to the chief commissioner, for the years 166-5-A; 1885-6 to 1900-1901. fol. Shillong, 1661- 1901. -----. Annual sanitary reports of the province of Assam. By the sanitary commissioner to the chief conimissiouer ot the province for the yea's 1886-1900. fol. Shillong, 1887-1901, -----. A report of an investigation into the causes of the diseases known in Assam as kala- azar aud heri-heri. By Geo. M.Giles, iii, 156, 2 pp., 4 1., 4 pl. 8°. Shillong, Secretariat Press, 1690. -----. Annual dispensary reports ofthe province of Assam. By the principal medical officer to the secretarv to the chief commissioner, for the vears 1894-1900. fol. Shillong, 1895-1901. Indiil. Assam. 'Fezpur Lunatic Asylum. An- nual reports of the principal medical officer and sanitary commissioner to the secretary to the chief commissioner, for the vears 1884; 1885; 1>^-1900. fol. Shillong, 18-5-1901. Intlia. Bengal. Keport on the progress of vac- cine inoculation in Bengal, from the period of its introduction, in Nov., 1802, to the end ofthe year l~u:?; with an appendix, submitted to the medical board at Fort William. By John Shool- hred, superintendent general of vaccine inocula- tion, xiv, 120 pp. 8°. Calcutta, Hon. Company's Press, 1804. -----. Report on the present state of vaccine in- oculation in Bengal, submitted to the medical board at Fort William. By William Cameron, presidency surgeon. With an appendix, iv, 9- 79 pp. 8~. Calcutta, Baptist Mission Press, 1831. Bound with preceding. -----. The Bengal dispensatory and pharmaco- poeia. Chiefly compiled from the works of Rox- burgh, Wallich, Ainslie, Wight aud Arnot, Royle, India. Bengal—continued. Pereira, Lindley, Richard and Fee", and includ- ing the results of numerous special experiments. By W. B. O'Shaughnessy. Published by order of government, v.i. The dispensatory, xxiii, 794 pp., 9 pl. s . Calcutta, Bishop's College Press, 1611. -----. Thesame. xxiii, 794 pp., 6pl. 8-. Lon- don, W. H. Allen j- Co., 1812. -----. Appendix (t. To report of committee npon the fever hospital and municipal improvements; containing a copy of the minute on the drainage ofthe Suit Water Lake by the governor-general (Lord AVilliam Cavendish Bentinck) in the finan- cial and revenue departmeut, dated 2d Febru- ary, 1830. and its connected papei*s. v, 56, 16", ccxlviii pp., 3 maps, 9 plans, 6 diag. fol. Cal- cutta, Bishop's College Press, 1841. -----. Second report of the committee appointed by the right honorable the goveruour of Bengal, for a fever hospital and for inquiring into local management and taxation in Calcutta. 1 p. 1., 70 pp. fol. Calcutta, Bishop's College Press, 1846. -----. Appendix H. To second report of com- mittee upon the fever hospital and municipal improvements; containing papers (forming a continuation of those printed in appendix to ap- pendix G) selected from the records of the com- mittee appointed to control and direct the exe- cution of Lieutenant J. A. Schalch's plan of a line of canal from the river Hooghly to Koolna, to allow an easy aud permanent communication between the upper and eastern provinces of India and Calcutta by water through the Soou- durban passages during the dry season, xxvi, 203 pp., 12plans, fol. Calcutta, Bishop's College Press, 1816. -----. Appendix to Appendix H. To second re- port of committee upon the fever hospital and municipal improvements; containing papers se- lected from the proceedings of the military board iu the canal department, forming a con- tinuation of those selected from the records of the late canal committee and printed iu appen- dix (H). 147, xiii, cccv, xv, xxii pp., 8 1., 27 plans, 4 diag., 1 tab. fol. Calcutta, Bishop's College Press, 1848. -----. Appendix I. To second report of com- mittee upon the fever hospital aud municipal improvements; containing correspondence re- specting the warping and draining of the Salt Water Lake and the iinhealthiness of the envi- rons of Calcutta, etc. x, 108 pp., 1 map, 1 diag. fol. Calcutta, Bishop's College Press, 1-16. -----. Appendix to Appendix I. To s cond re- port upon the fever hospital and municipal im- provements; containing correspondence respect- ing the advantages likely to result by making a canal communication between Tolley's Xnllah and Channel Creek. 7, xliii pp., 1 map, 1 diag. fol. Calcutta, Bishop's College Press, 1616. Bound with preceding. -----. Appendix J. To second report of com- mittee upon the fever hospital and municipal improvements; containing correspondence re- specting the draining of the Salt Water Lake and the continuing of the canal navigation through the Salt Water Lake to Hoseiuabad and Koolna, as proposed by the late Major Schalch, and to a canal to Channel Creek, etc. vi, 152 pp. fol, Calcutta, Bishop's College Press, 1848. Bound with: Appendix I. -----. Appendix to Appendix J. To second report of committee upon the fever hospital and municipal improvements; containing corre- spondence respecting Tolley's Nullah, and sug- INDIA. 865 INDIA. India. Bengal—continued. ..estions for improving its navigation, etc. 20, lviii pp. fol. Calcutta, Bishop's College Press. 1816. Bound icith: Appendix I. ______. Third report of the committee appointed by the right honourable the governour of Ben- o-al for the establishment of a fever hospital and for inquiring into local management and tax- ation in Calcutta. 1 p.i., 26pp., 1 1. fol. Cal- j cutla, Bishop's College Press, 1847. ______. Appendix K. To third report of commit- tee upon the fever hospital and municipal im- provements: containing correspondence respect- ing the establishment of a lexer hospital to be | connected with the Medical College and evidence respecting the clinical hospital and the regula- tion of ferryboats aud the obstruction of public ghauts at Calcutta by boats remaining in front of them, x, 127 pp. fol. Calcutta, Bishop's Col- hge Prtss. 1617. Bound with preceding. .------. Papers relating to irrigation in Bengal ] and the Maghassani Hills as a sanitarium, iv, 37 pp.; vi, 55 pp., 3 plans. -:. Calcutta, Bengal Mil. Orphan Press, 1651. j Selections from the records of the government of Ben- gal. Xo. 36. pts. 1 & 2. ------. Papers relating to a sanitarium upon Meant Parisuath. vi, 101 pp., 3 pl., 1 map. - \ Calcutta, Bengal Mil. Orphan Press, 1-61. ------. Rfport on the Calcutta epizootic or cattle disease of l-''4 iu Calcutta and its neighbour- hood. Bv Dr. C. Palmer, presidency surgeon, j 13 pp. fol. [Calcutta, 18i55.] ------. [On the cattle plague of Lower Bengal, by Kenneth McLeod, assistant surgeon.] 24 pp. fol. [Calcutta, 1-67.] ------. Keport ou the drainage and conservancy of Calcutta. By David B. Smith, sanitary com- missioner of Bengal, viii, 124 pp. fol. Cal- cutta, Bengal Secretariat Press, 1-69. j -----. Annual reports of the 'Sanitary commis- i sioner for Bengal to the lieutenant-governor. 16.-1-.. 1-3-5; 20.-33., 1-7-1900. fol. Cal- j cutta, 1—4-1901. The reports on vaccination for the years 1881-2 to 1887- 8 are included in the reports of the sanitary commissioner for those years. -----. Annual administration reports on the jails of Bengal. By the inspector-general of jails to the secretary to the government of Bengal. For the years 18-4-6. Y & fol. Cal- cutta, 1--5-7. -----. Annual and annotated returns of the charitable dispensaries in Bengal. By the in- spector-general of civil hospitals to the sec- retary to the government of Bengal. For the vear- 1—4-8: 1-800: 1-91: 1893; 1^94; 189G; 1897; 1899: 19"0. 'fol. Calcutta, 18-5-1901. See. also, infra. Triennial reports. Prior to 1887, called : Annual reports. ------. Annual reports on the lunatic asylums of Bengal. From the inspector-general of civil hospitals to the secretary to the government of Beii-r;il. For the vears 1884-1900. fol. Calcutta, l~:Cl901. Containing reports of the asylums at Berhampore, Bhawanipur, Cuttack, Dacca, Dullunda, and Patna. -----. Annual statistical returns and short notes on vaccination in Bengal. By the sanitary com- missioner to the secretary to the government of Bengal. 22., 1888-9; 24.', 1890-91; 25., 1891-2; 27., 1--93-4; 28., 1894-."); 30., 1-90-7; 31., 1897- -: 33., 1-99-1900; 34., 1900-1901. fol. Calcutta, 1—9-1901. -----. Triennial reports ou the working of the charitable dispensaries under the government VOL VII, 2D SERIES----55 IlKlia. Bengal—continued. of Bengal. By the inspector-general of civil hospitals to the secretary to the government of Bengal. 1.-4., b— 7-96. fol. Calcutta, 1890-99. Thi'se triennial reports commenced in 1887-9. Iuter- mediatc reports read: Annual returns, which see. supra. ------. Triennial reports of vaccination in Ben- gal. By the sanitaiy commissioner to the secre- tary to the government of Bengal. 1.-4., 1667-6 to 1898-9. fol. Calcutta, 1-90-99. ------. Aunual report on tIn* Calcutta medical institutions. By the officiating inspector-gen- ral of civil hospitals. For the year 1-93. 43, 7 pp. fol. Calcutta, Bengal Secretariat Press, 1894. ------. Annual reports on the chemical exami- ner's department, Bengal, to the inspector- general of civil hospitals. For the years 1899; 1900. 22. vi, 2 pp.; 28, vii pp., 1 1.' fol. Cal- cutta, Bengal Secretariat Press, 1900-1901. India. Bombay (Ciiy of). Deaths in Bombay. l.-l-.. 1-48-Ci"). roy.'-. Bombay, 1651-57. Bound iu 3 v. Keports nos. 1-3, 1848-50, in 1. -----. Correspondence relating to the prohibi- tion of burials in the Back Bay Sands, and to Dr. Leith's mortuary report for 1-54. 29 pp. roy. 8°. Bombay, Bombay Education Society's Press, 1-55. ------. Health officer's reports. (Quarterly.) 1. qr., 1869, to 3. qr., 1-71; 1., 1872, to 2., 1-73: 4., 1873; 1.-4., 1879. roy.6" & fol. Bombay, l-f.9--0. India. Bombay Presidency. Ou the supply of water to Bombay, iv, 149 pp., 2 maps, 7 plans. roy. - . Bombay, Education Society's Press, 167)1. St-lectious from the records of the Bombay government. no. 1. n. s. ------. Correspondence relating to a proposed enactment for tbe regulation of places used for the ilisposal of corpses in the town and island of Bombay. 36 pp. roy. --'. Bombay, Educa- tion Society's Press, 1855. ------. Second report, with appendices, on the supply of Avater to Bombay, by H. Conybeare. Also, observations ou Mr. Conybeare's second water report, by Major J. H. G. Crawford. 76 pp., 5 plans. 8°. Bombay, 1855. Selections from the records of the Bombay government. No. xxii, n. s. ------. Annual reports and notes on vaccination in the Bonibav Presidency, with appendices. For the vears 1854-5; 1-58-9; 1--9-90 to 1900- 1901. 8^\t fol. Bombay, 1-50-1901. ------. Papers connected with a report, by As- sistant Surgeon J. Lalor, on the hill districts to the south-west of Mehur, iu Sind. 20 pp. 8-". Bombay, Education Society's Press, 1-59. Selections from the records of the Bombay government. Xo. lviii, n. 8. ------. Papers relating to the colonization of Mander Deo and making it a sanitary station. 18 pp., 2 pl. 8 . Bombay, Education Society's Press. 1651. Selections from the records ofthe Bombay government. No. lxxxv, n. s. ------. Report on the sanitary state of the city of | Poona, by A. H. Leith, with rough notes by . Major T.Martin. 1 p. 1., 44 pp. - . Bombay, Education Sot iely's Press, 1651. Selections from the records ofthe Bombay government. No. Ixxix, n. s. ------. Reports on the registration of ozone in the Bombay Presidency for the years 1803-4; 1864-5. By Henry Cook. 34 pp.; 32 pp. fol. [Bombay, 1804-5.] ------. Report ou the diet of prisoners and ofthe industrial aud labouring classes in the Bombay Presidency. With supplementary report and appendices. Published by the authority of the governor-general in council. 300, 79 pp. fol. Bombay. 1h!5. INDIA. 866 INDIA. India. Bombay Presidency—continued. -----. Anuual reports of the sanitary commis- sioner for the government of Bombay, to the secretary to government, with appendices. 20.- 37., 1883-1900. fol. Bombay, 1884-1901. -----. Annual administration aud progress re- ports on the civil hospitals and dispensaries under the government of Bombay. Compiled in the office of the surgeon-general, for the years 1884-90. fol. Bombay, 1*85-91. For continuation see, infra. Administration aud prog- ress reports on the Mofussil civil hospitals and dispensa- ries under the government of Bombay. In 1891 the word "Mofussil" was added to the title, and the institutions in Bombay City are published separately. -----. Annual administration aud progress re- ports on the lunatic asylums in the Bombay Presidency. By the surgeou-geueral to the sec- retary t o the government. For the vears 1884-90; 1892-1900. fol. Bombay, 1885-1901. -----. Annual reports of the chemical analyser to the government, Bombay. 14.-30., 1884-1900. fol. Bombay, 1885-1901. -----. Administration and progress reports on the civil medical institutions iu the city of Bombay. From the surgeon-general to the chief secretary to government. For the years 1891- 1900. fol. Bombay, 1892-1901. For reports prior to 1891, see supra. Annual adminis- tration and progress reports on the civil hospitals and dis- pensaries under the government of Bombay. -----. Administration and progress reports on the Mofussil civil hospitals and dispensaries under the government of Bombay. From the surgeon-general to the chief secretary to gov- ernment. For the years 1891-1900. fol. Bom- bay, 1892-1901. For reports prior to 1891, see, supra, Annual adminis- stration aud progress reports on the civil hospitals and dispensaries under the government of Bombay. -----. Account of plague administration in the Bombay Presidency, from September, 1896, till May, 1897. Prepared by M. E. Coachman, I. C. S., under the orders of J. De Courcy Atkins, I. C. S., secretary to government iu the general department, iii (1 1.), 345 pp., 19 maps. fol. Bombay, Gorernment Central, Press, 1897. -----. Supplement to the account of plague ad- ministration in the Bonibav Presidency, from September, 1896, till May, 1897. 1 p. h, 37, 80, 7, 11 pp., 2 diag. fol. [Bombay, Government Central Press, 1897.] -----. Joint report on the epidemic of plague in Lower Daniaun (Portuguese India), and on the effect of preventive inoculation there. By W. M. Haffkine aud R. W. S. Lyons, surgeon-major, I. M. S. 41 pp. fol. [Bombay, 1897.] -----. Report ofthe bubonic plague in Bombay. By Brig.-Gen. W. F. Gatacre, chairman plague committee, 1890-7. 3 v. fol. Bombay, 1897. CONTENTS. 1. Report. 2. Temperature charts, etc., accompanying the report. 3. Plans accompanying the report. -----. Report by Surgeon-Major R. W. S. Lyons, president of the plague research committee, to the secretary to the surgeon-general with the government of Bombay. No. 311 of 1897. 52 pp., 3 diag. fol. [Bombay, 1697.] -----. Report on the preventive inoculations against plague in the Khoja Community of Bom- bay during the epidemic of 1897-8. By W. M. Haffkine. 18 pp. fol. [Bombay, 1898.] -----. Report on preventive inoculation against plague in Hubli, from llth May to 27th Septem- ber, 1898. By B. H. F. Leuinauu, snrg.-capt. From E. L. Cappel, collector of Dh£rw&r, to the plague commissioner, Bombay Presidency. No. 7569 of 189-. 89 pp., 2 pl., 3 diag. fol. [Bom- bay, 189-.] | India. Bombay Presidency—continued. ----. Report ou anti-plague work in the Dluir- vvjir District, by Alice M. Corthorn, medical offi- cer ou plague duty. 25 pp., 3 diag. fol. [Bom- bay, 1699.] ----. Report on the efficiency of perchloride of mercury, iu disinfectant solution, as an applica- tion to cowdung floors, and ou the utility of sat- urating cowdung (or simply mud) floors with sea water before spraying them with perchlo- ride of mercury. From E. L. Marsh, special plague medical officer, attached to the plague research laboratory, to W. M. Haffkine, C. I. E., 14th March, 1899. 26 pp. fol. [Bombay, 1699.] ----. Report on the disinfection of native dwellings by formaldehyde vapour, with special reference to the utility of the apparatus of Ling- ner. From E. L. Marsh, special plague medical officer, to Major W. B. Baunerman, I. M. S., in charge plague research laboratory, 14th Septem- ber, 1899. 12 pp. fol. [Bombay, 1899.] ----. Statistics of inoculation, Ahinednagar. Compiled by F. G. H. Anderson, I. C. S., to tne actiug collector, Ahinednagar. No. 183-P., 24th October, 1899. 8,25 pp. fol. {Bombay, 1899.] ----. Ahinednagar inoculation statistics, con- tinued. Compiled by Mr. C. Hudson, I. C. S., per- sonal assistant to the collector of Ahinednagar, to the plague commissioner, Bombay Presidency. No. 13255, 24th July, 1900. 22 pp. fol. [Bom- bay, 1900.] ----. The Bombay plague; being a history of the progress of plague in the Bombay Presi- dency from September, 1896, to June, P99. Compiled, under the orders of government, by Capt. J. K. Condon, Indian staff corps, 1900. xv, 381, ix pp., 17 pl., 8 maps, 15 diag., 5 tab. fol. Bombay, Education Society's Press, 1900. ----. Inoculation and plague, operations in Ah- inednagar and district during the epidemic of 1899, by Major C. J. Sarkies, I. M. S. 28 pp. fol. [Bombay, 1900. J ----. Report ou the present condition of manu- facture of the plague prophylactic in the labora- tory. From W. M. Haffkine, director-in-chief, plague research laboratory, to the secretary to government. No. 1269 of 1900. 45 pp., 21 diag. fol. [Bombay, 1900.] ----. Statistics of inoculations with Haffkine's anti-plague vaccine, 1897-1900. Compiled from records in the plague department of the secreta- riat and the plague research laboratory, Bom- bay, by W. B. Bannerman, Indian medical ser- vice, superintendent plague research laboratory. 36 pp. fol. Bombay^ Government Central Press, 1900. ----. Typhoid fever in the natives of India; its diagnosis by means of the serum sedimenta- tion reaction. By George Lamb, capt., I. M. S. (from plague research laboratory, Bombay). 8 pp., 10 diag. fol. [Bombay, 1900.] ----. Report of the Dhiir\v£r inoculation inves- tigation committee. 80 pp. fol. [Bombay, 1901.] ----. Abstract of a report by Assistant Surgeon Shapurji M. Mehta, in charge of the Prince of Wales Charitable Dispensary at Aden, on the effects of inoculation among the Jewish commu- nity at Aden with Haffkine's anti-plague vac- cine. Bombay Castle, 9th March, 1901. 5 pp. fol. [Bombay, 1901.] ----. Grant Medical College. Annual reports for the sessions of 1845-6 to 1850-51 (1.-5. ). 8J. Bombay, 1849-51. Opened Oct. 20, 1845. Reports for 1815-6 to 1847-8 in 1. -----. Grant Medical College. Presentation of diplomas to the graduates, and of scholarships INDIA. 867 INDIA. India. Bombay Presidency—continued. to the students, ofthe ... 31 pp. 8 . Bombay, Bombay Gazette Press, 1652. Repr. from: Bombay Gazette of April 16, 1852. India. Burma. Sanitary state of the town of Rangoon. Extract from the proceedings of the chief commissioner iu the home department, No. 155. 15 pp. ri-'. Rangoon, Rangoon Times Press, 1868. ------. Annual reports on the sanitary adminis- tration of Burma. Fortbe years 18-3-1900. fol. Rangoon, 1—4-1901. ------. Aunual reports on the lock - hospitals, British Burma. [Including, 1. The hospital iu the Araken division (Akyab); 2. Hospitals in the Pegu division (Raugoon, Bassein, and Tha- yetmyo); 3. Hospitals in the Tenasseriiu divi- sion (Mouhnein aud Toungoo).] From the dep- uty surgeon-general to the secretary to the chief commissioner of the province. For the years 18-4-6. fol. [Rangoon, 1885-7.] In ls7;i there were six stations or hospitals. In 1874 a station was opened at Toungoo; Heuzada station in 187G; Moubuein closed May 31, lt*-4. ------. From the inspector-general of jails, with civil medical administration, Burma, to the sec- retary to the chief commissioner. [Notes on the working of the lock-hospitals iu the proviuce. For the vears 1887; 1888. fol. [Rangoon, 1^8-9.] ------. Anuual reports aud notes on the statistics of vaccination iu Burma. For the vears 1--9-90 to 1-91-2; 1-93-4; 1-94-5; 1-96-7; 1-97-8; 1899- 1900; 1900-1901. fol. Rangoon, 1-90-1901. See. aUo, infra, Triennial reports. ------. Annual reports and notes and statistics on the hospitals and dispensaries in Burma. For the vears 18-9-91; 1-93; 1-94: 1896; 1897; 1900. j fol. * Rangoon, 1-90-1901. See. also, infra, Triennial reports. ------. Triennial report-* on the civil dispensa- ries and police hospitals of Burma. 1.-2., 1890- 95. fol. Rangoon, 1-93-6. See. aUo. supra, Annual reports and notes. ------. Triennial reports on vaccination in Bur- i ma. 1.-3., 1-90-91 to 1-9--9. fol. Rangoon, 1893-9. See. also, supra. Annual reports and notes on vaccina- tion. ------. Rangoon Lunatic Asylum. Annual re- ports of the inspector-general and superintend- ent to the secretary to t he chief commissioner. For the years 1—4-99. fol. Rangoon, 1885-1900. India. Calcutta. Weekly returns of deaths in | Calcutta. By the health officer. July 21, 1883, to Sept. 5, 1885; Sept. 19; Oct. 3 to Nov. 14; Nov. 28, 1885, to Mav 1, 1—6: June 5, 1886, to Jan. 15, 1^87; Feb. 5 to April 30; Mav 21,28; June 11: July 2 to Oct. 29; Nov. 12, 1887, to I Feb. 14, 1891; Feb. 26, 1891, to Aug. 6, 1898; | Sept. 3, 1898, to June 17, 1-99; July 1, 1899, to | Dec. 28, 1901. fol. & imp. fol. Calcutta, 1883- 1902. Imp. fol. commenced Nov. 4, 1893. ------. Annual reports of the health officer of Calcutta to the chairman of the corporation. For the vears 188:3-4; 1886-97; 1899. fol. Cal- cutta, 1884-1900. ------. Memorandum upon the vital statistics of Calcutta. By the health officer. (Monthly.) May, 1884, to May, 1885; July, Aug., Oct., Nov., 1885; Jan., 1886, to Mav, 1887; July, 1887, to April, 1895; Jnly, 1895, to June, 1901. fol. Cal- cutta, 1884-1901. ------. Memo[randnm relating to the system of recording mortuary statistics in Calcutta. By H. L. Harrison, chairman, Aug. 18, lb86], 7 pp. fol. [Calcutta, 18-6.] India. Calcutta—continued. ------. Report on the death statistics of Cal- cutta, appended to the second quarterly report on the health of Calcutta during April, May, and June, 18-0. 17 pp. fol. [Calcutta, 1886.'] ------. [Reports on the vital statistics of the town of Calcutta, and ou the work done in the health officer's department.] To the chaiiman ofthe corporation. ((Quarterly.) 4., 1887; 1.- 4., 188-; 4., 1-91; 1., 1898. fol.' [Calcutta, 16-6- 98.] ------. Weekly returns of deaths in the amalga- mated aria of the Bnburbs of Calcutta. Bv the medical officer of health. May 31, 1890, toFeb. 14, 1891; Feb. 28, 1891, to April 29, 1893; May 13 to Oct., 1-93. imp. fol. Calcutta, 1-90-93. ------. To J. G. Ritchie, chairman of the Cal- cutta municipality, llth May, 1894. [Memo- randum on cholera and Prof. Haffkine's auti- oholeraic vaccination.] 9 pp. fol. [flalcutta, 1691.] ------. Cholera in Calcutta in 1894, and anti- choleraic inoculation. 17, 12 pp., 2 pl. fol. [Calcutta, 1695.] Repr. from: Rep. Health Off. Calcutta, 1894. ------. Report on plague in Calcutta. By J. Nield Cook, health officer. 30 pp., 1 map, 3 diag. fol. Calcutta, Calcutta Municipal Press, 1696. India. Central Provinces. Memoraudum on the precautions to be taken against cholera. [By S. C. Townsend, sanitary commissioner, Central Provinces and Berars.] 3 pp. fol. [Nagpore, 1-59.] ------. Report on the cholera epidemic of 1868. By Dr. S. C. Townsend, sanitary commissioner, Central Provinces and Berars. 3, v, 85 pp., 2 maps, 9 tab. fol. [Nagpore, 1870.] ------. Aunual reports on the working of the lock hospitals of Jubbulpore, Saugor, aud Pach- mahri, by the apothecaries in charge. For- warded to the chief commissioner. For the years 1883-9. fol. Nagpur, 1884-90. Hospital at Kamptee closed April 1, 1889. ------. Annual sanitary reports of the Central Provinces. 16.-31., 1883-98. fol. Nagpur d Allahabad, 1884-99. ------. Annual reports and notes on the annual statements of the government charitable dis- pensaries iu the Central Provinces. For the years 1883--; 1890; 1-91; 1893; 1894; 1896; 1897; \l899. fol. Nagpur v in holism. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc. Phila., 1893, xxxi. •_>>*-.'! 14.— Cha»trey i'H.) L'hygiene et la niedcciiie chez les Indi.ns Guaraiino'-.. J. d'hyg.,Par.,1*98.xxiii,.".05-508. Alsn: M6d.mod.,Par..l8:>8, ix. 215.— Orollmau. Sitten hinsichtlich Krankheit uud Tod bei den Azteken-Iudianern : Originalbeitrag zur ver- gleicheuden Diatetik der Volksseele. Schweiz. 151. f. Gsudhtspflg.. Zurich, 1898. n. F., xiii. 84-80.— Hart- maiin ij. Si In lianerstamme von Venezuela. Orig.- Mitth. a. d. ethuol. Abth.d. kouii!, iv, 226-207.— Koch (T.) Zum Aniniismna der siitlanierikanist-heii In- dinner. Internat. Arch. f. Ethnog. Leiden, 1900, xiii, suppl.. pp. i-viii, 1-146. — Page (H.) Post mortem arti- ficially contracted Indian he-ids. J. Anat. A: Phvsi'd., Lond.. 1896-7, xxxi, 252-2iil, 1 pl.—Pren.« .T.I Parallelen zwiscben den alten Mexikanern und deu heutigen Huiidiol- indianern. Globus, Brnschwg., 1901, lxxx, 314. — Banke (K. E.) Einige Beobaehtungen hber die Sehschatfe lit- i sudamerikauiscbeu Indianern. Cor.-Bl. A. deutsch. Ge- sellsch. f. Anthrop. [etc.], Miinchen, 1897. xxviii, 113-119. -----. Ueber die Hautfarbe tier siidamerikanischen Iudi- aner. Ztschr. f. Ethnol., Berl., 1898, xxx, 61-73.----- Beobaehtungen iiber Beviilkernngsstand und Beviilke- rungsbewegungbei Indianern Central-Brasiliens. Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop. [etc.], Miinchen. 1898, xxix, 123-134. —Selcr (E.) AUmexikanische Wuifbretter. Internat. Arch. f. Ethnog., Leiden, ls9u. iii. 137-lis, 1 pl. -----. DieHuichol-Indianer des Staates Jalisco iu Mexico. Mitth. d. anthrop. Gesellsch. in Wien, 1901. 3. 15. i, i::8- 163.—von Siemiradzki id.) Beitrage zur Ethnographic der siidamerikanischen Indianer. Ibid . 1S98, n.F.. xviii, 127-170. — Sotolongo y I.ynt'li. Ciancos clelorinadoa de indios caribes de las isla* tie Cuba y S.mto Domingo. Abeja nied, Habana, ls92, i, 12s. — Vr'ain il'.G.) Cn cranio artificiahnente deformato di un Intliano dell'Ame- rica del Sud. Atti d. Soc. rom. di antrop., Koma, 1900-19U1, vii, 175-178. Indian* (Central American). See Indians (American). I ml inn* (North American). See. also, Color-blindness (Cases, etc., of); Craniology (Ethnologies Baxter (S.) The old Xew World ; an account of tbe explorations of the Hemenway south- western arclneological expedition in 18-7-8"*, under the direction of Frank Hamilton dishing. 8". Salem, Mass., 1—. Repr.froin: Boston Herald, April 15, 1888. Benedict (A. L.) Mound exploration for the Pan-American Exposition. (Mound-builder re- mains on Cattaraugus Creek, Erie County, X. Y.) 8°. Chicago, 1901. Repr. from: Am. Antiq. A: Orient. J., Menden. 111., Jan., 1901. Boas (F.) The Indians of British Columbia. 4-. [Ottawa, 1---5] Cutting from: Tr. Roy. Soc. Canada, Ottawa, 1888, 47-57. INDIANS. 873 INDIANS. Indian* (Xorth American). ------. Zur Mythologie der Iniliami von Washington und Oregon, roy. -?. Braun- schweig, [ 1695]. Ripe/ruin: Globus, Brnschwg.. l.»93, lxiii, 12. ------. Traditions of the Ts'ets'a'ut. 8 . [Boston .f .Ycic York, 1-!••;.] Repr. from: J. Am. Folk-Lore, Bost. A. X. T., 1896. ix ------. A bronze figurine from British Colum- bia. - . Xew York, 1901. Cutting from: Bull. Am. Mus. Xat. Hist., X. T., 1901, xiv. 51. Bourke (J. ti.) Notes on the cosmogony and theogony of the Mojave Indians of the Kio Colo- rado, Arizona. -\ [Boston if- New York, 1-69.] Cuttinei from: J. Am. Folk-Lore, Bost. .v X. T., 1889. ii, 169-1s9. ------. Notes upon the gentile organization of the Apaches of Arizona. - . [Boston 5 New York, 1-90.] Cutting from.- J. Am. Folk-Lore, Bost. \- X. T., 1890, iii, 111-126. ConisrsiEK (W. H.) The Apache-Yumas and Apaehe-Mujaves. 8 . [Good Hope, III.. l8-8ti.] Repr. from . Am. Antiq., Good Hope, 111., 1S86. Doiiskv iG. A.) The oeography of the Tsiui- shiau Indians. - . [Chi, ago. l-'.>7.] Repr. from: Am. Antiq., Chicago. 18S17. xix. Douse y (J. O.) Omaha and Ponka letters. Washington, 1-91. Eeli.svM.) The Twaua Indians of the Skoko- mish Reservation in Washington Territory, r . Washington, [n. d.]. Cutting from : Bull. U. S. Geol. Survev. Wash., iii, 57- 114. 3 pl. I'ATschet (A. s.) Oregonisehe Miirehen. Braunschweig, [l-'.'l]. Repr.froin: Globus, Brnschwg., 1891, lx. Hen.-iiaw CII. W.) Perforated stones from California. - . Washington, 1--7. Hoffman (W. J.) Ancient hearths and modern Indian remains in the Missouri Valley. 8 . [Boston. 1-7T).] Cutting f mm : Proc. B.,-t. Soc. Xat. nist., I.s76, xviii. 209-212. ------. Notice of an interesting Pueblo weapon. - . [n.p.. n. d.] Holmes (\Y. H.) An ancient tptarry in Indian Territory. 8. Washington. 1-91. Hunteu (A. F.) French relics from village sites of the Huron>. The geographical distribu- tion of these relics in the counties of Simcoe, York and Ontario. =". [Toronto. 1—'.».] Repr. from: Archeol. IJ.-p. Canadian lust.. Toronto, 18^9. iii. Indian Industrial .School, Carlisle, Pa. [Twelve cabinet photographs of Sioux Indian boys and girls in native costumes as tiny appeared upon their arrival at tin* school, and ofthe same persons six months after admission.] I Carlisle, Pa.. l-a7. ----- [Two 6 by 10 photographs of group of Chiricahua Apaches; No. 1, showing them as they appeared upon their arrival at the school from Florida, Nov. 4. 18-6, and No. 2. as they appeared four months afterwards.] Carlisle, Pa., 1—7. Lloyd (V.) Special report on Indians at San Carlos Agency, Arizona. 6Z. [n. p., 1*65.] Matthews'(W.) The gentile system of the Navajo Indians. *■". [ Washington, l-'JU.] Cutting from: J. Am. Folk-Lore, Bost. .v X. Y.. 1890. iii, 89-110. Painter (C. C.) Removal of the southern Utes. 8c Philadelphia, 1K»0. Pollakd (J. G.) The Pamunkey Indians of Yirginia. *c Washington, 1691. ml i a ll* (Xorth American). Sin l ill. r (R. \Y.) Indian types of beauty. 8\ [Chicago, 1891.] Repr. f mm: Am. Field, Chicago, 1891, xxxvi. Stanley (J. M.) Portraits of North Ameri- can Indians, with sketches of scenery, [etc.]. 8 . Washington, 1652. Thomas (C.) The circular, square, and oc- tagonal earthworks of Ohio. 85 Wasltinqton, \8-9. ------. The problem of the Ohio mounds. 8 . Washington, 16-9. Tinu siox ((1. P.) Ancient society in Tennes- see. The mound builders were Indians. 8 . [.Wir York, 1888. j Cutting fmm .- Mag. Am. Hist., N. Y., 1888, 374-400. Toner (.1. M.) Address before the Rocky Mountain Medical Association, June (ith, 1877, containing some observations on the geological age of the world, the appearance of animal life upon the globe, the antiquity of man, and the arelin'ologital remains of extinct races fouud ou the American continent, with views of the origin and practice of medicine among uncivilized races, more especially the North American Indians. 8 . Washington, 1677. Unitkd States. Department of the Interior. U. S. Geographical and Geological Survey of the Rocky Mountain region. J. W. Powell, in charge. Contributions to North American ethnology, v. 2, pt. 2; v. 6. 2 v. 4-. Wash- ington, 1890. United States. Department of the Interior. Bureau of Education. Special report, 18-8. In- dian education and civilization. A report pre- pared iu answer to Senate resolution of February 25, 1885. By Alice Fletcher, under direction of the Commissioner of Education. 4s. Cong., 2. sess. S. Ex. Doc. No. 95. 8°. Washington, 1666. Waitz (T.) Die Amerikaner. 2 v. - . Leipzig, 1652-1. Webster (C. L.) Archaeology and ethnology. Aboriginal remains near Old-Chickasaw, Iowa. 8 . [n. p., u. d.] Whittlesey (C.) Metrical standard of the mound builders, deduced by the method of even divisors. 8c Cleveland, 1--:!. Alcalde (J. G.) Kecuerdos del americano aborigen. Gac. de sanitl. mil.. Madrid. 18S4. x. 641; 673; 705; 737: 1885, xi, 1, 33; 65.—Baird (S. F.) Xotes on certain ab- original shell mounds on the coast ol' Xew Brunswick and New England. 1'ior. U. S. Xat. Mus.. Wash.. IbSl. iv. 292--J97. — K-i mit liii (A. F.) The Monte/uma ofthe l'u. I.].. Indian-. Am. Anthrop., "Wash., 1892. v, 319-326.— It«'ll (C. X ) l'ie Mound-builders vou Canada. Ver- handl. d. J'.-il. He sells, h. !'. Anthrop.. 18S6, 192-194.— It<'ii(- The vital statistics of an INDIANS. 874 INDIANS. Indian* (Xorth American). Apache Indian community. Boston M. & S. J., 1893, j cxxix, 5-10. AUo, Reprint. AUo: Sanitarian, N. T., 1893. xxxi, 224-237. AUo [Rev.]: Pub. Am. Statist. Ass.. Bost., 1892-3, n.s.. iii, 426-428. — Boule (M.) Essai de paleontologie stratigrapbique de l'honime. 6. Ameriquc du Nord. Bev. d'anthrop., Par.. 1888, 3. s.. iii. 647-680.— * Btiurkf (.1. G.) The laws of Spain in their application to the North American Indians. Am. Anthrop.. Wash., 1894, vii, 193-201. AUo, Reprint.-----. Distillation by early American Indians. Am. Anthrop., Wash., 1894, vii, 297-299. AUo, Reprint.—Brief (A) account of the dis- coveries and results of the United States exploring expe- dition. Am. J. Sc. & Arts. N. Haven, 1843, xliv, 393-408. Also, Reprint.—Kriiilon (D. G.) On various supposed relations between the American and Asian races. Mem. Internat. Cong. Anthrop. 1893. Chicago, 1891, 145-151.— Bryce (G.) The Winnipeg niouutl region; being the most northerly district where mounds have been examined on the American continent. [Abstr.J Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1889, Salem, 1890. xxxviii, 344. — «le Ccnlencer (A.) Ein anierikanischer luilianer-Typus auf einer anti- ken Bronze im Louvre. Arch, f Anthrop., Brnschwg., 1891-2. xx, 339-347, I pl. — Chamberlain (A. F.) The two brothers; a Mississagua legend. (Abstr.l Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1889, Salem, 1890. xxxviii, 353. -----. Re- f.ort on the Kootenay Indians of southeastern British Co- umbia. [Introduction bv H. Hale.J Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1892, Loud., 1893, 545-615, 3 tab. — dishing (F. H.) A study of pueblo potterv as illustrative of Zuni culture growth! Rep. Bureau Ethnol. 1882-3, Wash., 1880, iv,467- 521. -----. OutlinesofZufii creation mvllis. Ibid., 1891-2, Wash., 1896, xiii.320-447—Donaldson (T.) The George Catlin Indian gallery in the 15 S. National Museum (Smith- sonian Institution) with memoir and statistics. Rep. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1884-5, Wash., 1886, 1-939, 144 pl. — Dorse, (J. O.) Osage traditions. Rep. Bureau Ethnol. 1884-5. Wash., 1888, vi, 373-397. -----. Games of Teton Dakota children. Am. Anthrop., Wash., 1891, iv, 329-345. -----. j A study of Siouan cults. Rep. Bureau Ethnol. 1889-90. Wash.,'1894, xi, 351-544, 7 pl. -----. The Biloxi Indians of Louisiana. Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1893, Salem, 1894, xiii, 267-287. -----. Siouan sociology; a posthu- mous paper. Rep. Bureau Ethnol. 1893-4, "Wash.. 1897. xv, 205-244.-----. Omaha dwellings, furniture, and imple- ments. Ibid., 1891-2, Wash., 1896, xiii, 262-288.—Khren- reich (P.) Die Moki-Indianer und ihre Hochsoiniuer- j feste. Globus, Brnschwg., 1899, Ixxvi, 53.— Fari-and (L.) Notes on the Alsea Indians of Oregon. Am. An- throp.. N. Y., 1901, n. s., iii, 239-247.—Fewkes (J. W.) A few summer ceremonials at the Tusavan pueblos. J. Am. Ethnol. Sc Archieol., Bost., Is92. ii, 1-159. 1 pl. -----. A comparison of Sia and Tusayansuake ceremonials. Am. Anthrop., Wash., 1895. viii, 118-141—Fewkes (J. W ) & Owens (J. G.) The la-la-kou-ta; a Tiisavan dance. Ibid.. 1892. v, 105-129, 3 pl.—Fewkes (J. W.I A: Stephen (A.M.) Tlie mani-ziaii'-ti; a Tusavan ceieniouy. Ibid., 217-245. 5 jil.—Fletcher (Alice Ci Notes on certain be- liefs concerning will power among Siouan tribes. Science. X. Y. &. Lancaster, Pa.. 1897, n. s., v, 331-334. -----. The significance of the scalp-lock; a study of an Omaha ritual. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lontl., 1897-8, xxvii, 436-450. — Fric- ileiici. Skalpieren in Nordamerika. Globus, Brnschwg.. l«y«, lxxiii. 2ui ; 222. -----. Der Gang des Indiam-rs. Ibid., lxxiv, 273-278—«-.at*chet (A. S.) The Beothuk | Indians. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, Phila.. 1885, xxii, 408: 1880. xxiii, 411: 1890, xxviii. 1. -----. Der Yiima-Sprachstanira, nach den neuesten handschriftlichen Quellen dargestellt. Ztschr. f. Ethnol., Berl., 1892, xxiv, 1-18. -----. Sonus of the Modoc Indians. Am. Anthrop.. Wash., 1894. vii. 26- 31. AUo, Repriut.—CSerin (L.) The Hurons of Lorette. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. St., Lontl., 1900, 549-568.—Gockcil. Das religiose Leben der Bella-Coola-Indianer. Orig. Mitth. a.'d. ethnol. Abth.d. konigl. Museen zu Berl.. 1885, 183-180 —<»i iiin< II (G. B.) Marriage among the Paw- nees. Am. Anthrop., Wash., 1891, iv. 275-281. — Ilainy (l-'.-T.) Decades Americanse; memoires d areheologie et d'ethnographie amerieaines. Rev. d'ethuog.. Par., 1884. iii. 51: 150; 508: 1885, iv, 1: 1886, v, 167; 233: 1887, vi, 150, 1 pl. —Harris (G. H.) Root foods of the Seneca Indians. Pic. Rochester Acatl. Sc.. 1889-91, i. 106-117.—Heiming ((.'. L.i Die Gesichtsbemaliuigen tier Indianer von Nord- Briliseh-Coliiml.i i. Globus, Brn.-chwg., 1898. lxxiv, 194- 196. — Ilenshaw ( H. W.) Animal carvings from mounds of the Mississippi Valley. Rep. Bureau Ethnol. 1880-81, Wash., 1883, ii. 123-100. -----. Who are the American Indians? Am. Anthrop., Wash., 1889, ii, 193-214. -----. Missions aud missi n Indians of California. Pop. Sc. Mouth., N. Y.. 1890-91. xxxvii, 465-485.—Hewitt (J. N. B.) The cosmogonic go.ls of the Iroquois. Proc Am. Ass. Adv. Sc 1895, Salem. 1890. xliv, 241-250. —Hill-Tout (C.) Notes on the Sk qo'mic of Biitisli Columbia, a branch of the great Salish stock of North America. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc, Lond., 1900, 472-549.—Hodge us life of the Zufii i-lnld. Ibid.. ls8!-4, Wash., 1887, 533-555 4 pl.—Table of statistics relating to population. industries, and sources of subsistence of various Indian tribes, together with religious and vital statistics, June 30. Issi. Kep. Cora. Indian Affairs. Wash., 1--4. 284- 3ul.—Table of statistics showing labor perfotnie 1 by In- dians, togeth. i with criminal, religious, and vital statis- tics. June 30, 1*85 [to June 30. 1880]. Ibid., 1885 356-369: Is'-tu, 412-425. — Table of statistics relating to population, citizens dr.ss. reading, anil language, together with re- ligious, vital, and . i iminal statistics, June 30, ]se7. Ibid., 1--7. ;4*-365.— Table of statistics relating to population, di.-ss. intelligent e. .Wi. Hint's, and subsistence of Indians. together with religious, vital, and criminal statistics for fiscal years June 30, 1888, to Jnne 30, ls93. Ibid., 1888-93. passim. — Tlioma* tC.i Curious customs and strange freaksof the mound-builders. Am. Anthrop., Wash.. 1888, i. 353-355. -----. The Cherokees in pre Columbian times. Science, N. Y., 1890. xv. 295 : 323; 33u; 3:> : 365; 372; 379. -----. The story of a mound; or, the Shawm-t-s in pre- Columbian times. Am. Anthrop.. Wash.. 1891. iv. 109; 237. -----. Report on the mound explorations of the Bitieau of Ethnologv. Rep. Bureau Ethnol. l*9u-91. Wash.. 1891, xii, 27-730, 42 pl.—Treou (F.) The effect of education on the American Indian. Metl. Rec, N. Y . 1893. xliii. 389- 392.— YotfU't* (A. W.i Xotes on a lost race of Amei ica. Am. Xaturalist. Pbila., WJ, xiii. 9-11. —Mas-ell (ff. H.) The religion of lb.- Sioux. Harp, is Mag . \5 V . 1894, lxxxix, 945-952.—WiNon (T.j The paheolithic peiiotl in the District of Colnmbia. Proc. 15 S. Nat Mus. Ij-89. Wash., 1890, xii, 371-376, 4 pl.-----. The antiquity of the red rare in America. Rep. U. S. Xat. Mus. 1894-5. Wash., 1897, 1041-1045. Indians (Xorth American, Anthropome- try of). Boas (F.) A. J. Stone's nieasiirenieiits of na- I tives of the Northwest Territories. 6°. yew York, 1901. Cutting from: Bull. Am. Mus. Xat. Hist., X. Y., 19ul, I xiv, 53-68, 3 pl. Cark (L.) Notes on tho crania of Xew Eng- land Indians. 4-. Boston, i860. United Statics. Congress. Joint resolution to provide for the printing of an illustrated cat- alogue of skuils and skeletons of prehistoric North American Indians. 51. Cong., 1. sess. S. R. :10. D.c. 16, 1669. Introd. hy Mr. Hawlcy. roy. 6°. [_ Washington, 1-69.] Indian* (Xorth American, Anthropome- try of). Virchow ( R. ) Crania cthnica americiina. Sainiiiliing tniserlesener .uneiikanischtr Schii- deltypen. fol. Berlin, 1-9'J. Allen (H.) Crania from the mounds of the St. Johus^ River, Florida; a study made in eonneetion with crania from other parts of North America. J. Acad. Nat. Sc., Phila., 1896, n. s., x, 3117-147, 21 pl.—Bailey (E. II. S.) The delicacy of the sense of taste amonj; Indians. [Abstr.l Proc. Am.Ass.Ailv.se. 1893, Salem. 1894 \lii, 311.- Bonn (F.) [Indian skulls from liritish Columbia.] Tr.X. York Acatl. St., 1**8-9. viii, 4-6. -----. Physical characteiistics of Ihe Indians ofthe North Pacific coast. Am. Anthrop., Wash.. 1891. iv, 25-32. -----. The half-blood Indian; an anthropometric study. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1894, xiv. 761-770. AUo, Reprint. -----. The anthropology of the North American Indian. Mem. Intei nat. Cong. An- throp. 1893, Chicago, 1894, 37-49.-----. Mittheilungen zur Anthropologie tier nordameiikanischen Indianer. Ver- handl. tl. Perl. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop., 1895, 366-411. Also, Reprint. -----. Anthropomelrieal observations on the Mission Indians of southern California. Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1895, Salem. 1896. xliv, 261-269. 1 1., 9 tab. -----. Anthropometry of Shoshoiiean tiibes. Am. Anthrop., X. Y.. 1*99. n. s., i. 751-758.—Biinlon (I).G.) Remarks on certain Indian skulls from burial mounds in Missouri, Illi- nois, and Wisconsin. Tr. Coll. Phvs. Phila., 1892, 3. s., xiv, 217-219. — Care (L.) Observations on the crania from the Santa Rarbaia Islands, California. Rep. U. S. (leogr. Surveys west of one hundredth meiidian. Wash., 1879, vii. 277-292. —1'iiNhing (V. II.) Scarred skulls from Floiida. Am. Anthrop., Wash., 1897, x, 17.—I>a I.a- eerda (J.-P>.) La force musculaire chez leslndiens. Tr. Pan-Am. M. Cong. 1893, Wash., 1895, pt.2, 1297.—Dorsey ill. A.) The long bones of Kwakiutl and Salish Indians. Am. Anthrop.. Wash., 1897, x, 174-182. AUo. Reprint.— (b't'ene (J. W.) Teeth of cliff dwellers. Items Interest, Phila., Is95, xvii, 269.—ten Kate (H. F. C.) S r quel- ques crftnes de l'Arizona et du Nouveau-Mexique. Kev. il'anthrop., Par., 1884. 2. s.. vii, 486-492. -----. Desctip- tion d'un crane d'ludieu Moqui. Arch, neerl. d. sc. ex- acted [etc.J. Harlem, 1885, xx, 14-19, 2 pl. Also, Reprint. -----. Etbnographische und anthropologische Mitthei- lungen aus dem amerikaiiisclien Siidwesten untl aus Mex- ico. Verhanill. d. Berl. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop.. 1^89. 664- 669.—ITIatlhews (W.i, Wormian (J. L.) Sc Billing* (J. S.) The human bones of the Hemenway collection in th.- United States Army Medical Museum at Washington ; with observations on tho hyoid bones of this collection. Mem. Xat. Acad. Sc, Wash., 1893, vi, 141-280, 59 pl.—dc Mere jit owelty (C.) Sur quelques cranes amerirains. Hull. So>-. d'anthrop. do Par., 1882, 3.8., v, 170-180.—Pre*! (W. H.) Measurements of two Beothuk skulls. Proc. Sc Tr. Xova Scot. Inst. Sc, Halifax. 1896-7, ix, pp. lxxxviii- xc. AUo [Abstr.]: Centralbl. f. Anthrop. [etc.), Bresl., 1897, ii, 342. —Rnwwel (F.) A comparative study of the phvsical structure of the Labrador Eskimos autl the New England Indians. Scient. Amer., N.Y.. 1899. xlviii. Suppl.. 201116.— Kii««ell eave (J. L.) An agency doctor's expe- riences among frontier Indians. Cincin. M. J., ism ix, 875: 1895, x, 611: 1896, xi, 17. — Or ton (G. T.) Scrofula Indian* (Xorth American, Diseases and medicine of). amongst the Indians. Manitoba .v W. Canada Lancet, Winnipeg, 1897-8, v, 214. — Kii-*ell (F.) An Apache medicine dance. Am. Anthrop., Wash., 1898, xi, 367-372.— Mhni'|i (G.) The civilisation aud medicine of the less advanced American Indian races. Med.Ma-.. Lontl.. lsH9, n. s.. viii. 79; 346.—fettockwell (G. A.) Indian medicine. Pop. Sc. Month.. N. Y., 18*6, xxix, 649-660. -TIioi-m orth (J.F.) Indian practice on the northern coast of ('alitor- nia. St. Joseph M. Herald, 1886. iv. 130.—Treon (1-5) Epidemic influenza among the Sioux Indians. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1890, n. s., xxiv, 160. — Turner (S. S. ) Indian medicine men; the hvpnotic countenance. Times Sc Reg.. N.Y. & Phila.. 1890, xxi, 423-425—Waldrou (Martha M.) The Indian school in relation to health. Sanitarian, X. Y., 1*96, xxxvi, 303-31 n. -Webb (De W.) The Indian under medical observation. Proc. Florida M. Ass.. Jacksonville, 1887, 27-34. —Woodruff iC. E.) Dis- eases of northern California Indians. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1891. xxxix, 104-106. Indian* (Xorth American, Languages of). Gatsciikt (A. 6.) Specimen of the Chuiueto language. S'. [GoodHope, 111., 1665.] Repr. from: Am. Antiq., Good Hope, 111., 1883, v. Gkei:n (S. A.) Some Indian names. [Re- marks on certain geographical names of Indian origin.] ft-. [Boston, 1669.] Matthewnim Taaist. The Gospel according to Matthew, translated into the Xcz Percys language, hv Rev. H. H. Spalding, missionary ofthe A. B.C. F. M. l'.) The ageof puberty of Indian girls. Am. J.(Mist.. N. V.. 1*90, xxiii, 1074. -----. Gviiecic notes taken among the American Indians. Ibid., 1*92. xxv, 752: xxvi, 41.— King (J. C.I Obstetrics among aborigines. Codex med. Phila" 1896-7, iii, 128-133. Also: South Calif. Pract.. Los Angeles. 1897, xii. 41-45.—Vinson (O. T.) Cradles ofthe American aborigines. Rep. C. S. Nat. Mus. 1**6-7. Wash., 1889, 161-212.—JIny* (T. J.) An experimental inquiry into the chest movements of the Indian female. Therap. Gaz.. Detroit, 1887, xi. 297-299. AUo. Kept int.— Tlootly ((_'. S.l Obstetric customs of North-West Indians. Alka- loid. Clin., Chicago, 1897. iv. 560-562.—Parker . W. T.) Concerning American Indian womanhood : an ethnological study. Ann. Gyna?c. & Pnediat . Phila., 1891 - 2, v,' 330- 341. 2 pl. AUo, "Reprint.—NinipMiu i,T. K.) Midwifery among the Alaskan In.li.m- licnleutal M. Times. Sac- ramento, 1892, vi, 61.—Treou c F.) Olwtetries among the Sioux Indian women. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1890, n. s., xxiv, 12-14. Iiidicaniiria. het indican der urine met ijzerchloride en zoutznur out- slaan. Onderzoek. getl. in h. physiol. Lab. tl. Utrecht. Hoogesch., 1900, 5. R., ii, 73-83. AUo, transl..- Ztschr f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1900, xxx, 117-125. _____'. Over do bopaliug van het gehalte der urine aan indi- can. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1900, 2. R., xxxvi. tl. 1, 209-216. -----. Over de bepaling von de hoe- veellieid indican in de urine als iudigorood door middel van isatine/.oulztiur. Onderzoek. getl. in h. physiol. Lab d. I'trecht. Hoogesch., 1901, 5. R., iii, 332-346. Also, transl.: Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Sti-aa-sb.. 1901, xxxii, 82-93.— CIiiiiIoii. Indie anuria. P.rit. M. J., Lond., 1895, ii 1230. — (imii (15) Valore diagnostic!) dell'iiidicaniiria nei haml.mi. Atti tl. xi. Cong. metl. interna/,., Roma, 1*94, iii, pediat., 60-62. -- Concetti (L.) Uicerche sulla' indi- canuria nelle malattie infantile. Pediatria, Napoli, 1898, vi, 11; 48; 85— Finixio (G.) Sull' iiidicaniiria dei haiu- bini. specialniente in rapporto alia quautita totale degli acidi solfonici. Ibid., 1899,vii, 275 2M2. —Flelelicr (II. M.) On the occurrence of green -coloured urine. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lontl., 1898-9, xxxii, 49-51.—(.iareiwo (A.) Sobre la pre- sencia del inditiin en las orinas (iiidicaniiria). Rev. Soc. metl. argent., Buenos Aires, 1900, viii, 598-611.— Garrod (A. K.) A specimen of urine rendered green hv indigo. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond., 1894-5, xxviii, 307-3(19.—CJeliiig. Be- obaehtungen iiber iudicaiiausscheidiing hei Kindern, spe- ciell bei der kindlichen Tuberculose. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1894, xxxviii. 285-312— (.illicit (A.) & Weil (E.) De l'indicanurie, symptom.' d'in.suttisaiice hepatiijue. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 189*, in. s., v, 346. _____ -----. De l'indicanurie physiologitjue et expei -imcntale chez I'homme sain. Ibid., 1900, 11. s., ii, (i*5-6*8—Ilar- nack (E.) Ueber Indikanurie iu Folge vou Oxalsaure- wirkung. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1900, xxix, 205-221. — Hochsinger (C.) Ueher Indicanutie im Sangliugsalter. Wien. med. Presse, 1890, xxxi, 1569; 1617. AUo: Verhandl. d. Versamml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1890. Wiesb., 1891, viii, 28- 44. — 116 (H.) & Kiuchi (S.) Ueber die Indicauurie. [Japanese text.J Ztschr. d. med. Gesellsch. zn Tokvo 1894, viii, 15. Hft., 11-18.—Jones (A. A.) The relation of hydrochloric-acid secretion to iudicanuria. N. Tork M J., 1900, lxxi, 637-640.— Kei I ma n n (A.) Peobachtung iiber diagnostische Verwertbarkeit .ler indican in ie. Med.- chir. Centralbl.. Wien, 1894, xxix, 102-104.— Kiilm (A.) Ueber den Nachweis von Indican in jodhaltigen Harnen. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1901, xlviii. 52-55.— Kurida (S.) [Indican in urine.J Ikai Ji Ho. Tokvo. 1*99. no. 271, 2 4 — -loinidlowslii (S.) Ueber das Verhalten des In- dican bei Kindern. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1893, xxxvi 192-209.—lTIotta-Coco(A.) Contributo allagenesi dell'in- dicano; 1'iiidicaniiria nel tifo e nelle cosidette febbricole e suo valore diagnostico. Gazz. med. di Torino, 1899 1,181 ■ 201.—ITIiisscr (J. H.) & Peaice (F. S.) The diagnostic value of peptonuria and iiidicaniiria. Mai viand M. J., Bait., 1894. xxxi, 277-281. Also: Times & 'Reg.. Phila., 1891. xxviii, 81-85. — Keale (E.) Ricerche chimiche sul- 1' indicauo e sull' acido glicuronico dell' urina e loro valore clinico. N. riv. clin.-terap., Napoli, 1900, iii. 229-246. Aim [Abstr.]: Clin. mod.. Pisa, 1900. vi 161; 169. —Neotti iF.) Ricerche sull' eliminazione d. gli eteri solforici e dell' indi- cauo per 1'urina, e sui loro rapporti. N. riv. clin. terap Napoli, 1899, ii, 402-410. —Simon (0. E.I The modern as- pect of indicanuria, with special reference to the relation between indican and the aciditv ofthe gasitic juice. Am. J. M. Sc., Phila., 1895, ex, 48;' 157. — *lixy/ow»Ui (('.) Einiges iiher Harniiidican; zur Kritik der qualitativeii Bestimiiiuiigsmetlioden dieses Korpers, nebst einem Bei- trage zum Nachweise desselben. Oesterr. Cbem.-Ztg., Wien, 1901. iv, 465-468. —Tanoini (B.) Ueber tlie Jaffe'- sche Indican Reaction |.Japanese text.l Ztschr. d. metl. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, l*9i;, x, 765-772. — Tewti (A.) L' in- dacanuria nelle. siippurazioni. Policlin., Koma, 1*95, sez. metl., ii, 211-218. Also, Reprint.—Villaiil (F.) Note sur la presence de l'inilol etde. rindican dans ijuclquesorganea pathologic|iies. Marseille m6d., 1*95, xxxii, 353-357.— Volo»-lii (K. A.) [Wolowski, in Oerinan], Vopros iudi- kana. | The question of indican.] Rus.sk. med. vestnik, S.-Peterb., 1899, i, no. 10, 1; no. 13,1. Also | Abstr.]: Vrach, St. Petersb.,1899, xx, 481. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1901, \ \ \ ii, 23-25.— WailMworth ( W. S.) Iiidicaniiria. Pioc. Path. Soc. Phila., 1898-9, n. a., ii. 116-121. — Wang i K.i Ueher die quantitative Bestimmiing des Harnintlikans. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1898, xxv, 406: 1899, xxvii, 135. -----. Ueber die rothbrauneu Farbstoffe bei der quanti- tativen Bestimmung des Harnindit ans. Ibid., 1899, xxviii, 576-584. — Well* (II. G.) The practica: value of the de- termination of indicanuria. West. Clin. Recorder, Chi- cago, 1899, i, 286-290. — Wegener (J. A.) The relations of indicanuria and oxaluria to gastrointestinal fermenta- tion. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1901, xxxvi, 956-962. Imlicatciu* (L'), eontenant toutes les produc- tions d'esprit, les pieces de po6sie fugitives, les bons mots, les anecdotes de'eeutes, les ddcou- Iliclians (South American). See Indians (American). India-rii liber. See Caoutchouc; Carbon (Bisulphide of, Toxi- cology of). India-rubber gloves. See Gloves in surgery, etc. Indicacion de la dosis eu que se debe usar el alkali volatil flnido, en los casos siguientes: apoplexia, asphixia, etc. 4 pp. 24°. Mexico, [n. d.]. In: Mf.dicka. Y&rias recetas. ■;-. [n. p., n. d.] Indican. See, also, Indicanuria; Perspiration; Pus. Pechosch (B.) * Beitrage zur Lebre iiber die Entstehung des Indicans im Thierkiirper. 6Z. Eon igsberg, 1 *:? 7. Aniani! (J.) L'6timination de l'indican par la trans- piration. V.i--.-. m£d. dela Suisse Rom., Genfeve, 1900, xx, 261. AUo. transl. [Abstr.J: Memorabilien, Heilbr.. 1900, n. F., xviii, 259.—Kobin (A.» Indican and eth. real sui- i phates. Internat. M. Mag.. X. T.. 1900. ix, 902-9u*.-Ko- maro I V.) Ricerche intorno all'indicauo in lappoito alle divers.- combinazioni morfologiche. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1894. xv, 34-37. Indicanuria. See, also, Indiguria; Insane (Urine of); Tu- mors (Pathology of 5 Debaky (G.j * lie rindicanurie et de sa va- leur syniptoinatiquc, priuciyialcment dans la tuberculose ; suivie dc quelques considerations sur l'urolilinnrie. 6°. Lille, 1696. Djocritch (L.) Contribution a I'etude de l'indicanurie chez les enfants. Ac Paris, l~!i:>. -----. Tlie same. 6°. Paris, 1695. AUo [Abstr.], in: Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1894, xii, 49-66. Hartmaxx (A.) "Ueber die diagnostische Verwertung der Indicauurie bei verstecken Eiterungen. 6°. Strassburg i. E., 1895. Olive (G.) * De l'indicanurie en gdue'ral it particulitreruent dans la grossesse et la puerpc"- ralitc. r \ Paris, 1699. Pktitpas (D.) * De l'indicanurie; etude pa- thogenique et se'me'iologique, valeur clinique. 6°. Paris, 18%. Bt-lz 11", i Einiges iiber Indicauurie. Memorabilien, Heilhr., 1900. n. P., xviii. 257-259.—Bourn a (J.) Over de bepaling van de hoeveelheid indican in de urine. Onder- zoek. ged. in h. physiol. Lab. d. Utrecht. Hoogesch., 1899, 5. R., i, 234-242.-----. Leber die quantitative Pestim- muiiir des Harnindicans nach Wang-Obermayer. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem. Strassb., 1899, xxvii, 348-355. -----. Over de roode en bruine stof die bij de behandeling van INDICATEUR. 878 INDUSTRIAL. I ii die ate 111* (L')—continued. vcrtcs les plus iut6iessantes daus la nie'decine, la chirurgie, la botauique, l'agriculture et dans lis ails, soit lib^raux, soit m^chaniques, les fetes brillautes, et surtout les modes, etc. Nos. 1-9, v. 1. 288, 54 pp., 9 pl. 16°. Bruxelles, 1776. Iiidicateur d'Uriage. [Saison 1872.] 35 pp. Crenoble, Baratier freres $• Dardelet, [1872]. Indigestion. See Dyspepsia; Stomach (Diseases of, Func- tional). Indigo [and derivatires\. See, also, Epilepsy (Treatment of); Indican; Indiguria. [ChiIzari (E.) *Apuntes sobre el anil indi- gena.] 83. Mexico, 1873. Dickhuth (M.) * Ueber einige Iudigo-Deri- vate. 8°. Jena, 1893. Naumaxn (F. K.) *Zur Constitution des In- digocarinins. 8°. Halle a. S., 1900. Samson (E.) *Synthetische Versuche iu der Indigo-Reibe. 8°. Berlin, 1900. Alvarez (E.) Sur un nouveau microbe, determinant la fermentation indigotique et la production de l'indigo bleu. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1887, cv, 286-289.— Beijerinck (M. W.) On the formation of indigo from the woad (Isatis tinctoria). K. Akad. v. "Wetensch. te Amst. Proc. sect, sc, 1899-1900, ii, 120-129. -----. Over de indigo-fermeutatie. Versl. d.. . . wis.- en natuurk. Afd. d. k. Akad. v. Wetensch., Amst., 1899-1900, viii. 572-590. AUo, transl.: K. Akad. v. Wetensch. te Amst. Proc. sect. sc, 1899-1900, ii, 495-512.—Brrandai (L.) Sur le mode de formation de l'indigo dans les precedes d'extraction iu- dustrielle; functions diastasiques des plautes indigof^rfs. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1898, 10. s., v. 1031-1033. -----. Nbuvelles recherches sur les fonctions diastasiques des plantes iudigoferes. Ann. d'hyg. et de m6d. colon., Par., 1900, iii, 203-205.—C'liltivo y beueficio del anil. Gac. de lit. de M6xico, Puebla, 1831, iv, 110.—Jones (J. L.) Indigo as an emmenagogue. Tr. M. Soc. Tennessee, Chat- tanooga, 1891, 113-118. Also: Med. Standard. Chicago, 1891, ix, 195. Also: Metl. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1891, lxv, 209.—lVIarchlcwNki (L.) Studya nad zwiazkieni O'Neilla (zur Kenntniss des Iudigotins). [Abstr.J Bull. internat. Acad. d. sc. de Cracovie, 1897, 353.—iTIares (J.) L'excr6tion du sulfate d'indigouatriuin. Arch, slaves de biol., Par., 1886, i, 131-133.—Memoria sobre el cultivo y beueficio del afiil escrita por un misionero de la Luisiana. Gac. de lit. de Mexico, Puebla, 183i, iv, 111-115.—Rosin (H.) Ueber das Indigoroth (Indirnbiu). Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1891, exxiii, 519-566.—Vaux (F. L.) The indigo group in relation to internal medicine. Phila. Month. M. J., 1899, i, 260-276. Indigonria. Wolff (P. [H.]) * Ueber Indigurie. 8°. Berlin, [1887]. Bogflaiiofi'-Bei-ezovski (M. V.) Sluchai indigu- rii. [Caseof. . .] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1897, xviii, 705.— Brugnola. Un caso di indiguria. Ann. d. fac. di metl. e mem. d. Accad. med.-chir. di Perugia, 1899, xi, 244-246.— K la ma u n. Ein Fall von Indigurie infolge des Geuusses vou verdorbenem Schiuken. Allg. nied. Centr.-Ztg., Berl. 1897, lxvi, 509.—ITIcPhedran (A.) & Oolitic (W.) A case of indigouria. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila. 1901 xvi, 242-245. AUo: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, ii, 1051. Indio. l.imllcy (W.) Indio; the Colorado desert for health. South. Calif. Pract., Los Angeles, 1894, ix, 141-143. Indirizzi (Gl') dell' arte dello spetiale medici- nalista, cioe un dispensatorio copiosissiino, ed alfabetico delle materie di quella iu varie classi distiuto, colla enumerazione determini, e niini- steri piu principali della inedema ed alcuni di loro esempliticati, a commodo dell' honoranda oonipaguia degli maestri spetiali medicinalisti di Bologna, per instruire piu metodicamente i discepoli e gargioni loro. 32 pp. 6°. Bologna, herede di V. Benacii, 1658. Round with: Antidotabium Bononiense. 8°. Bono- nice, 1641. Indispensable (El) al farmace'uticos. Doses maxiiuas; iucoinpatibilidades; mezclas peligro- 8ns; pesos especiticos de los medicamentos liqui- dos ii di versa tempi*ratura; solubilidad de los niedicamentos; volumen y pesos de las gotas. Indispensable (El) [etc.]—continued. Posologia veterinaria; conversi6n de varios pesos y medidas y otros muebos datos de gran utilidad en la faiinacia. 97 pp., 1 1. roy. 8J. Madrid, V. Vela y Lopez, 1898. Indo (G.) The table of the physical examination of twenty thousand healthy men, by the physi- cian to Meiji Life Insurance Company. 1 broad- side fol. [n. p., n. d.] Iiido-China. See, also, Cambodia. Grall. Pathologie exotique; etudes statisti- ques et cliniques en Iudo-Chine. 8J. Paris, 1900. Button. Notes sur Koiiang-Tch6ou-Wan. [Abstr.] Arch.de med. nav.. Par., 1900, lxxiii, 280-292. — Jean. aelnie (E.) Sur la n6cessit6 de dresser la carte patholo- gique de l'lndo-Chine. Presse iu6d., Par., 1901, ii, an- nexes, 172.—Raymondaiid. Del'iiiflnencequepeuvent avoir les institutions medicales sur les progr6s de la colo- nisation franchise dans l'lndo-Chine. Assoc, franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r. 1891, Par., 1892, xx, pt. 2, 995-999. Indol. See, also, Bacteria (Chemical action, etc., of); Indicanuria. Hegel (S.) * Synthese von ludolderivaten. [Erlangen.] 8°. Wiirzburg, 1885. Hess (O.) * Synthese von ludolderivaten und iiber eine Verbindung von Acetopbenon mit Phenylhydraziu. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1884. Wagner (R.) *Zur Kenntniss einiger Indol- derivate. [Bern.] 8°. Leipzig, [IH95]. JHIerter (C. A.) An experimental study of the toxic fproperties of indol. N". York M. J., 1898,Ixviii, 89; 116. Also [Abstr.]: Med. Kec, N. Y.,1898, liii, 569. AUo [Ab- str.l: Proc. N. York Path. Soc. (1897-8), 1899, 139-143.— Herter (C. A.) & WaUeman (A.J.) The influence of hepatic, renal, and other cells upon the transformations of indol and phenol. Ibid.. 245-248.—Richardson (0. C.) Indol; its clinical significance and its estimation. Bull. Lab. Mount Hope Retreat, Bait., 1899, 23-34.—Smith (T.) A modification of the method for determining the produc- tion of indol by bacteria. J. Exper. M., N. Y., 1897, ii, 543- 547.—Vaux (F. L.) Indol; its relation to prolonged sup- puration and lardaceous change. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1898, xxxi, 203-208. -----. The place of indol and its deri- vations in the study of internal medicine. St. Louis M. Gaz., 1898-9, ii, 109-116. — Wang (E.) Fiitteruugsver- suche mit Indol. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1899, xxvii, 557-574. Indre (Departement de V). Tableau des ceuvres et institutions du departe- ment de l'lndre. 8°. Paris, 1896. Forms no. 37 of: France (La) charitable [etc.]. 8D. Paris, 1896. Indiilgentiae plenariae pro peste laborantibus iisdemque tain sacraineiita quam alia necessaria aduiinistrantibus, Alexander Papa VII [etc.]. 1 broadside fol. Colonice, 1666. Latin and German text. Indnlins. See Safranin. Indurations. Hoernigk (R. G.) "Diss, qua indurationem partiuiu praniaturam expouit. 4°. [Lipsia;, 1750.] Prauserus (M. T.) *Disputatio physica de induratioue corporuni iu specie vero ossium. 4°. Lipsice, [1705]. Bayle (G.-L.) Remarques sur l'induration blanche des organes. In: Encycl. a. sc. m6d.,41 v., 8°,Par., 1834— 46, 7. div., [v. 12], 566-568. — Javurek (N.) O ruzn6ra vyvinovani se indurace. [Different development iu indu- ration.J Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1867, vi, 342; 349. Industrial Aid Society for the Prevention of Pauperism, Boston. Annual reports of tbe di- rectors to tbe contributors. 17., 1851-2; 20.-24., 1854-5 to 1858-9; 2(5.-50., 1860-61 to 1884-5; 52., 1880-7; 5:5., 1887-8; 55.-58., 1889-90 to 18J2-3. 8<-5 Boston, 1852-93. Established 1835. Incorporated 1847. Adopted present title in 1866. See, also, Boston. Society for the preven- tion of Pauperism. INDUSTRIAL. S79 INEBRIATES. Industrial Aid Society [etc.]—continued. -----. Report of the comniittee ou the culti- vation of vacant lots. Under the care of the Industrial Aid Society. 7 pp. 8°. [Boston, 1695.] Industrial Establishment and Clashes for (litis j at Funchal. Madeira. Anuual report of the man- agement to tin* subscribers. 9., 1880-7. 10 pp. lil-\ [Funchal, 1--7.] Established in 1ST*-. Industrial Home for the Blind. See Iowa. Hoard of Control of Slate Institutions of Iowa. Industrial insurance [etc.]. See Dryden v.Iobu lc). Industrial School Association, Boston. Ac- count of an industrial school in Boston, for the season l87t>-7. 7 pp., 1 1., 3 pl. 4 . Boston, G. H. Ellis, 1677. Industrial School for Boys, at Eldora. See Iowa. Board of Control of State Institutions of Iowa. Industrial School for Crippled and Ileformed Children. Bostou. Aunual reports of nie trus- tees and officers to the corporation. 1.-4., 1-94- 5 to 1-97-8. 8-. Boston, l-95--\ Opened Oct. 1, 1894. Industrial School at Feltham. See Middle- sex (County of). Industrial S<-hoo1 at Feltham. Inebriate*. Set, also. Alcoholism; Dipsomania: Inebri- ety (Htredity of); Inebriety (Jurisprudence of). American Association for the Cure of Inebri- ates. [Circular containing questions to gather the practical experience an 1 observation of leading members of tbe medical profession, as a basis for a more accurate knowledge of the nature aud character of inebriety.] 8-. Hart- ford, Conn., 1—*4.] Bekcher (L.) Six sermons ou the nature, oc- casions, signs, evils, and remedy of intemper- ance. 6. ed. 24-. Boston, 1-28. ------. The same. 9. id. 15-. Boston, 1629. Beghs (T.) Intemperance aud the remedies which lie within the si-ope of voluntary effort. I 8 . London, 1670. * I Bkoordeelin'o der vaderlandsche letteroef- f.-ning Jannarij 1839 over het werkjc, De brande- i wijiipi-st. Een treurig verbaal enz. naar bet I Hoogduitsch, door Heinrich Z.sfhokke. - . [n. p.. 1-59.] Una.ow (\V.) A poem on intemperance, lvi. Cambridgi, l-:>4. Clark (J. 11. j The present position and claims of the temperance enterprise. 8'5 New York, 1847. Crothers (T. D.) An address delivered be- fore the corporation of the Wasbingtonian Home, Boston, Mass., on its thirtieth anni- versary. 8c [Boston], 1-88. -----. Medical instruction in inebriety in medical colleges. 8 . Hartford, Conn., 1695. Dorchester (D.) Latest drink sophistries versus total abstinence. 8". Boston, 1665. Evidence on drunkenness, presented to the House of Commons by the select committee ap- pointed by the House to inquire into this sub- ject and report tbe minutes of evidence, with their opinions thereupon. 8'c London, 1834. Fazio (E.) U ubbriachezza alcoolica e 1' al- coolismo in Italia. 8 . Napoli, 1894. Forel (A.) Die Triuksitten, ihre hygienische und soziale Bedeutung. Hire Beziehungeu zur akadeniischen Jugend. 12c. Basel, 1890. Can-ek (8.) Die Truuksucht eine heilbare Krankheit. 8-. Dresden, 1901. Inebriates. Gaiti' (K.) *Die Dipsomanie. Eine klini- sche Studie. [Heidelberg.] 8. Jena, 1901. -----. The same. - Jena, 1901. tliiiximiiD (K. B.) Bacchus. An essay on the nature, causes, effects, and cuie of intemper- ance. 1. Am. from the 3. Eng. ed. Edited by Charles A. Lee, A. M.. M. D. 12^. New York, 1610. Hakgrkayks (W.) Our wasted resources; the missing link iu temperance reform. 12-. New Yovk, 1877. -----. Our nation's drink bill, and some consequential results. 8\ [Philadelphia, 18K5.] Hiss (M.) Om diytkenskapeu och (less fiilj- der for den enskilde, fiir fatniljeu, for kom- munen, for stuteu. [Drunkenness and its con- sequences for the individual, the family, the municipality, aud the state.] 12c Stockholm, 1662. Jackson (J. C.) The philosophy of drunken- ness and its cure. 12-. [n. p., n. d.] Jeffrey (YV.) Temperance from a medical, social, and religious point of vieAv. 8-. Edin- buvgh, [1667]. Keei.ey (L. C.) Inebriety is a disease. 16°. [Boston, Mass., u. d.] -----. The same. 2. ed. 24°. Lexington, Mass., [n. d.]. Kerr ( N. S.) Female intemperance. 12°. London, [1880]. Kingston (VY. B.) Intemperance; its causes and its remedies. 2.-ed. 8-. London, 1692. Kirk (J.) Medicinal drinking. 16°. New York, 1659. Kittredge (J.) Intemperance. Extracts from an address upon the effects of ardent spirits, delivered in the town hall of Lvme, N. H. 16°. [Lyme, 1627.] Krol (T. [H.]) *K voprosu o vliyanii alko- holya na zabolievayemost, suiertuost i prestup- nost. [On the influence of alcoholism ou mor- bidity, mortality, and criminality.] c°. S.- Peterlmrg, 1897. McKinnev (H.) An exhaustive Bible essay, entitled: "No license for alcoholic drinks in the Bible". These drinks have mined prophets, priests, and kings. 8. Great Bend, [1879], Maclean (J.) An examination of the essays Bacchus and anti-Bacchus. Published origi- nally iu the Princeton Review. 8-'. Princeton, 1611. Maestre (M. G.) La einbriaguez y el alco- bolismo bajo sus aspectos iisiologieo, social y juridico. 8 . Madrid, 1699. Maijxan. Dipsomania(zapol). 8 . [Moscow, 1695.] Morron (A.) An appeal to the friends of temperance, or au old subject exhibited in a new light. 8^. Boston, 1875. Pal.mki: (C. F.) Inebriety; its source, pre- vention, and cure. 12 . New York, 1-97. -----. The same. 12^. New York, Chicago # Toronto, 1696. Rkkse (D. M.) A plea for the intemperate. 16*5 New York, 1-M1. Keport of medical conference on the suppres- sion of intemperance. Oct. 30, 1870. 2. ed. 8-. Oxford $• London, 1675. JiiCHARDSON (B. W.) Moderate drinking, for anil against, from scientiiic points of view. 12°. New York, 1679. Itts.sKi.i. (A. C) Drinking and disease. 8-. London <(' Bradford, [ 1-li-]. Si: wall (T.) Address on the effects of intem- perance ou the intellei-tual, moral, and physical powers, originally delivered before the Wash- INEBRIATES. 880 1 NEUE I AXES. Inebriates. ington City Temperance Society. 16°. New Yovk, [n. d.]. Siegfried (L.) DerRausch. Eine psycholo- gische Studie. 16°. Bonn, 1—0. Tuke (J. B.) Habitual drunkards. 8-. New York, 1893. Cutting from: Nineteenth Century, X. Y., 1893, 1009- 1014. What is a drunkard ? 16°. London, [n.d.]. Widmark (J.) Om forgiftniugssvaysyuthet, jamte ntigra daitill knutna betraktelser. [On weak-sightedness from alcohol and tobacco, together with some observations connected with it.] S-. Stockholm, 1895. Wretlind (E. W.) Eusdrycksbruket frau fysiologisk och biblisk syupunkt; popnltirt fore- drag. [The use of intoxicating drink from a physiological and biblical standpoint; popular lecture.] 8r. Stockholm, 1691. Yocnge (R.) The blemish of government, shame of religion, disgrace of mankind, or a charge drawn up against drunkards. 16°. London, [n. d.]. Unci- (A.) Der Einfluss iler Jahreszeit auf die Truuk- sucht. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1899, xxxvi, 801-803.— Beard (G. M.) Are inebriates automatons? Quart. J. Inebr., Hartford. 1878-9, iii, 8-18. Also, Reprint.— Bekhtereff* ( V. M.) Ostro razvivayushtsheyesya raz- stroistvo dvizheniya u pyanits s kharakterotn mo/.zheeh- kovoi ataksii. [Motor disturbance developing acutely in drunkards, having the characteristics of cerebellar ataxy.] Obozr. psichiat., nevrol. [etc.], S.-Peterb., 1900, v, 1-4.— ' Bell (A. N.) Drunkenness a vice; it should be so treated. Sanitarian, X. T., 1896, xxxvi, 311-323.—C anie- Ncas'ii'. Ivrogues femmes. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1895. xvii, 603. — Campbell (H.) The craving for stimulants. Quart. J. Inebr., Hartford. 1000. xxii, 39-51.—Can mod- erate drinkers be called im-bi iates' Quart. J. Inebr., Hartford, 1898, xx, 445-448.—do Cock (A.) Sc Ftankel (L.) Bezeichnuugen der Trim kin lieit in der Yolksspra- che. Drquell, Leiden, 1897. n. F.. i. -G-89. —Comings |(B. X.) The claims of inebriates to public sympathy. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, X. Haven, 1872-5. 2. s\, iv, 157- 180. AUo, Reprint.—Coruelisseu i.J.i L./eichntingeu der Truukenheit in der Sprache des Yolke*. Urquell, Leiden, 1897, n. P., i, 51.—Crothers (T. I.).) Xeuratro- phia ; the cause of inebriety; a clinical study. Alienist Sc Neurol., St. Louis, 1883,'iv, 104-112. Also, Reprint. -----. The alcoholic question medically considered. Proc. Connect. M. Sec. Hartford, Conn., 1884-7, [3.] s., iii, no. 4, 71-77. Also, Reprint. -----. Influence of inebriety on public health. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1893, Con- cord. 1894, xix, 74: 1*95. xx, 348. -----. Epileptiform epi- briety. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, X. Y., 1895, lxxiii. 353-357. -----. Historical facts relating to the study of inebrietv. Moody's Mag. Med., Atlanta, 1896, ii, no. 5', 30-36. -----. The diseaseof inebriety. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1896, n. s., xxxvi, 689. -----. A general study of the causes of ine- briety. Atlantic M. Weekly, Providence, 1896-7, vii, 73- 75. -----. Some new clinical studies of inebriety. Al- bany M. Ann., 1897. xviii, 5S8-592. Also: Brit.'M. J., Lond., 1897, ii, 782.-----. Historic address on the Jour- nal of Inebriety, its hirth and growth. Quart. J. Inebr.. Hartford, 1897, xix, 19-29. -----. Dietetic causes of ine- briety. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1898, xxxi, 1456-14.-.8. AUo: Quart. J. Inebr., Hartford, 1899, xxi, 109-116.-----. Psychological etiology of inebriety. St. Louis Cour. Med.. 1900. xxii, 439-443. -----. Some relations between inebrietv and tuberculosis. Med. Leg. J., X. Y., 1900-1901, xvii, 144- 147.— Dana (C. L.) Inebriety; a study of its causes, duration, prophylaxis, and management. Med. Rec, X. Y., 19ul, lx, 121-123. AUo: Qnart. J. Inebr., Hartford, 1901, xxiii, 469-479.—Dexter (E. G.) Drankenness and the weather. Xature. Lontl., 1899-1900, lxi, 365: 1900-1901, Ixii, 31. — Dogiel (J.) O niozliwdsci wykorztnienia pijaiistwa. [On the possibility of eradicating drunken- ness. 1 Gaz. lek., "Warszawa, 1898, 2. s., xviii. 317; 339; 366.—Drayton (H. S.) Someclinical aspects of inebriety. Quart. J. Inebr., Hartford, 1898. xx. 170-178.—Engenio (F.) L' ubbriachezza alcoolica e ! aleoolismo iu Italia. Atti<1. xi Cong, med. internaz. 1894. Roma, 1895, vi. igiene, 100.— Feilclienfeld (W.) Kurze Bemerkungen i'tliei das verschiedene Verhalten vou roassigen Trinkern und Ent- haltsamen bei acut fleberhaften Krankheiten. Alko- bolismus, Dresd.. 1901, ii, 74— FI arte (E.) Zur Alko- holfrage; Berichte aus den wichtigeren Abhandlungen und Mittheilungen der Yolksgesundheit, der Miissigkeits- bliitter und der Inteinationalen Monatschrift zur Bekani- pfung der Trinksitten. Hyg. Rundschau, Berl., 1899, ix, 923-932.—Forel (A.) Tbeses on the alcoholic question. Quart. J. Inebr., Hartford, 1898, xx, 331-335.—French Inebriate*. i.l. M.i The prognosis of inebriety. Ibid.. 17-30.— Gnr< riadicgo (S.) I.a embriaguez, sus causas. sus . leetos, urgent.' neft'siila.li'e dismiuuirla, j euales -ei ian los undies ma- atlecuatlos para obtenerlo? Tr. I'.in Am. M. Con^. 1893. Wash., 1895.pt. 2, 2095-2100.—CJoddins |W. W.) The problem of the inebriate. J. Am. M. .U~.. Chicago. 1887. viii. 29: 48. Ai8o, Reprint.—.. 1901, iii. 2?7-29i>.—Schwartz. Ueber die Stellung der uaturwisseiischattl:. In n Heilkunde zum lieutigen Kampf gegt n die Trun'k-ucht. Miinchen. nied. Wchnschr., 1901, xlviii. 317. —-*»iltoi'»lii (I. A.) Fiziogtiomika i psikbicheskoye sostoyan'ie pyauits. [Physiognomv and p*vchical condition of drunkards. | Vopr nerw-psikh. med. Kiev, 1896. i. 28-7*. 10 pl. Also, transl. [ Abstr.l- Arch, tli psicliiat. [etc.], Toriuo, 1899. xx, 75-91.— Kmiir gsychological symptoms in ineluietv. Quart. J. Inebr, I [artfoi-i. 1898. xx. 325.—Wade tSi'r W.) The causes of intemperance and possible leiiiedns. Med. Press \ Circ , L^ud.. 1.-96. n. s., Ixii. 410.—Waldo (F.J.) .v WnNIi (D.) Environmeul and drink. Med. Pioneer, I.oml . 1896, iv, 146-149. -Wotcoll (W. W.) Inebriety; its causes and cure. J ..Ment. Sc. Loud., 1900. xlvi, 053-073. -----. On the study of inebriety: its aims and objects. I Physician .v Surg., Lond., 1900. i. 20. — \Viuuiutou (R. M.i Inebriety. Tr. M. Soc. Wisconsin Madison. 1,-93, xxvii, 212-226. Inebriates (Asylums and hospitals for). Aviat (M.-H.) * La quest hm ili-s etaldisse- ineuts specianx pour la cure ile 1'alcoolisiue. (Maison de convalescence, d'ab*tinence et de travail.) *--. Arcis-sur-Aube, 1900. Coulox.tou (E.) * De I'assistance des buvetus par rinteriieinent dans uu asile special. - . Toulouse, 1-99. Ci'oTHEi's (T. D.) Inebriate asylums and tkeir work. -c. [Hartford, 16-6.] Day (A.) Inebriate asylums, as they relate to questions of social and political economy. v. [Greenwood, 1-70.] Forel (A.) Die Errichtung von Trinker- A-ylen und deren Eiufiiliriing in die Gesetzge- bung. 6°. Bremenharen 5' Leipzig, 1>9'2. AUo. in: Terhandl. d. Schweiz. Ver. f. Straf- it. Ge- fangnissw. [etc.] 1*91, Aarau, 1892, xvii, 1. Hft., 1-65. H[u>>] (M.) Nagra upplysuingar angaende .isyler lor kurativ behandling afdriukare. [Re- j mtirks on asylums for treatment of drunkards.] 21-. Stockholm, 1—6. Kei-*i H ) Om asyler for drinkare. f<)n inebriate asy- lums. ' IL Novaunen.Stockholm. 18-9.iv,333-338.— Kratx. Darf cine Trinkerheilaiistalt einen Ti iinksiiclitigeii km ft AiiftragesdesVormuiidesfi-stlialten? Psvehiat "Wchnschr., H.ille a. S.. 1901. iii 14 '. —Kncknill (J. O.) Sc l'lou»ton iT. S.) On asjlum 8 lor drunkards and the relations of drink and insanity. -J M> ut. Sc.Lond..1-76-7 xxii,265-287. Also, Reprint.— 4 liri^tian. Des asiles .speciaux pour les ai'-oolist'-s. Ann. ui6d.-p8.ycli.. Par., 1895, 8. s., i, 68-76 — lolqiihotin I) . On the need of state institutions for tne ti.atmet.t t inebriety, epilepsy, and ci.iisuio|.ii.>ii. X. Zealand M. J., Wellington, 1900-1901, i. 14-22.—I»el- briieli iA.i Ueber Trinkeranstalten. Psychiat W. Im- s.-hr. Halle a. S., 1901, iii, 311-316. — I>onyln. (C. J.) Histomal notes of the sanatorium treatment of alcohol- ism. M.-.l. Rec, >T. Y., 190U, lvii, 410 — Fll-worlh (V. A.) The first home for inebriates aim its wmk. uart. J. Inebr., Hartford, 1*97 xix. 278-2*6.- H«elile. ur Frag.-dec Giiiiidung von Volkslieilstatten fiii Trnker. Therap. Monatsh., Berl , 1900, xiv. 14-19.—Forel (A.) La question des asiles pour alcoolises incurables. Rev. nnd .le la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1899 xix, 522-535.— Frietlel. Leber Trinkeras\ le. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., lie 11.. 1*97, xviii. 759-762. — ii a unter (M.) Zur Frage der Trinkerasyle. Jahrb. f. Psychiat., Leinz. u. Wien, 1**8-9. viii, 333-341.— f.nlaehten, betrelfend tlie Errich- tung von Triiikeras.*, Ien mit zuan^s«eiser Inteniirung von Trunk-iichtigen. Oesterr. San.-Wes., Wien. 1**9, i, 301; 313; 325; 333; 341.—Jewell (.1. (',.) Alcohol, and its influence on the human family; inebriate asylums; their absolute necessity; they should be conducted by the state, under the management of persons having special knowledge. Rep. Bd. Health Calif., Sacramento, 1884-6, ix, 137-148.—1.« iiiiiin. Les asih-s d'i\ ro-nes. Ann.de la Policlin. de l'ar.. 1*95, v, 72-91.—I.entz. L'hospitali- sation des alcoolises. Iiull.Soc.de m.-d. ment. de Belg., Gand et Leipz., 1899, 209-221.— -Tin«nan. Des asiles d'alcoolitpies. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1895. 3. s., xxxiv, 117-129. AUo: Abeille m6d., Par., 1895, Iii, 2.5:; 262. AUo: J. U. conn. m£d. prat., Par., 1895,243; 2>1 'luinii- don nebriate* (Asylums and hospitals for). Aerztl. Sachverst. Ztg..'Beil., 1900, vi, 06-69. —.flin'or tL. S.i K voprosu o pyanstvie i >e\o llecheniya v spet-ial- nikh zavttleiiiyakh illya pyanits. [Druukciii ess and its treatnient in special institutions.] Trudi perv. syezda otechest p-icliiat., S.-Peterb., 1887, 93-193. Also, Re- print.—.Tloiet. Les asiles sneciaux pour les btiveurs. [Abstr.] I'rii.uiie mod., l'ar., 1890, 2. s., xxviii. 830-832.— I'elmnn ii'.i Leber die .N'otwendigkeit tier Gruntlung von Trinkerlieilstiitten. Alhoholistniis, Dresd , 1901, ii] ]_ 14.— Niuiilcr ( M. ) Zur Tr'uikerlieilstiitienfrage. Deutsche nietl. Wchnsehr., Leipz. u. Berl.. 1901, xxvii, 641;. — Nehaefer. Wer soil tlie kiinftigen Trinkeranstal- ten eiru-ht.-n und leilen* Alkolismus, Dresd., 1901, ii, 15-26. —Nehenk (15) Die Nothwundigkeit tier Errich- tung von Trinl.erheilstatteii. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. iiff. Gsndhtsplig., Brnschwg., 1900, xxxii, 391- loo." Serieuv (P.) Les etahlissements pour lo traitenient des buveurs en Angieterre et aux Iltats-Unis; projets tie citation d'asiles d'alcoolitpit's en A utriche et en France. Bull. Soc. de nied. ment. tie Belg., Gand it Leipz., 1895, 164-203. -----. Les asiles de buveurs. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1*96, 3. s., xxxv, 308-335.—Thompson (A.' W.) Private mental sanitaria and the inebrieties, ('inuin. Lancet- Clinic, I88S, n. s., xxi, 141-115. —TilkowNky (A.) Zwaugsarbt'itsanstalt oder Trinkerasy 1! Wien. med. Presse, 1890, xxxi, 81 ; 120.—Vigouronx (A.) Les asiles d alconlii|ii. s. Presse metl., l'ar., 1*9*', ii, annexes, 202- 204. — Wald*cluni. [Washington, 1891.] _____. An act to provide for the care and cure of inebriates iu the District of Columbia. 54. Cong., 1. sess. H. R. 616. Iu S., March 10, 1890. roy. 8. [ Washington, 1-90.] United States. Congress. House of Repre- sentatives. Home for Inebriates in District of Columbia. Keport. [To accompany S. 1988. ] To establish a hospital and home for inebriates and dipsomaniacs in the District of Columbia. 51. Cong., 2. sess. H. R. rep. Xo. 3710. Subm. by Mr. Moore, of New Hampshire, Feb. 5, 1891. 86. [Washington, 1891.] _____. A bill to establish a hospital and home for inebriates and dipsomaniacs in the District of Columbia. 52. Coug., 1. sess. 5120. Feb. 1, 1^92. Introd. by Mr. Hemphill, roy. -\ [Washington, 1692.] _____. A bill to provide for the care and cure of inebriates in the District of Columbia. 51. Cong., 1. sess. H. R. 81-. Dec. 9. 1-95. In- trod. by Mr. Meredith, roy. 8-5 [Washington, 1-95. ] _____. The same. March 5, 1695. Reported with amendments, roy. 8c [Washington, 1-90.] _____. The same. Report. [To accompany H R '-48.] 54. Cong., 1. sess. H. R. Rep. No. 649. Subm. bv Mr. Odell. 8:. [Washington, 1896.] United States. Congress. Senate. A bill to establish a hospital and reformatory for inebri- ates iu the District of Columbia. 49. Cong., 2. Bess. S. 3236. Introd. by Mr. Edmunds. Jau. 2-s I8-7. roy. 8-. [Washington, 1887.] '' A bill to establish a hospital and home for inebriates and dipsomaniacs in the Disirict of Columbia. 51. Cong., 1. sess. S. 19—. Jan. 14, 189<». Introd. by Mr. Edmunds. rov. 6°. [ Washington, 1690.] 1______. A bill to establish a hospital aud home for inebriates and dipsomaniacs. 52. Con-., I. sess. 210. Dec. I", 1891. Introd. by Mr Morrill, rov. 8. [ Washington, 1891.] ______. A bill to provide for the care and cure of inebriates in the District of Columbia. 54. Con"., 1- sess. S. 1508 Jan. 14. 1890. In- trod. by Mr. Roach. roy. 8-. [Washington, 1-95.] _____. Thesame. Adverse report. [loac- S. 1508.] 54. Cong., 1. sess. S. Kep. Feb. 21, 1890. Subm. by Mr. McMil- [ Washington, 1-90.] _____# A bill for the establishment of au inebriate asylum in the District of Columbia. 55 Cone , '2. sess. S. 4139. March 15, 1-98. Introd. by Mr. McMillan, roy. 8-. [Washing- ton- 1*1,'"j0 , x , V u * f ______ A bill for the establishment of an inebriate asylum in the District of Columbia. 50 Con-., 1.' sess. S. 2551. Jau. 18, 1900. Iu- trod bv'Mr. McMillan. roy. S3. [Washington, company No. 333.' Ian. 6c 190ii.l 4 i-otlM'Ki (T. D.) Americau inebriate asylums. J. Am M Ass., Chicago, 1893, xxi, 471-477.-Horner dosj(A. J. L.) New method of treatment for ilipsomunia. 16°. London, [ 1691, vel subseq.]. Keeley (The) institutes ofthe United States, Canada, and other countries, obi. 16°. [Dwic/ht, III, l-9ti.] Kempf (E. J.) Should the state take care of its inebriates? 16°. [n. p.], 1866. Kennedy (A. S.) The medical treatment of tlie drink habit. 21°. London, [n. d.]. Mills (L. L.) The first public address in England upon the treatment and cure of inebri- ety and tbe opium habit, by the methods of Leslie E. Keelev, of Dwight, Illinois. 8°. [Lon- don], 1892. Wright (T. L.) Some principles involved in the nature and treatment of inebriety. 6c St. Louis, 1-92. Al; 285. AUo: Quart. J. Inebr., Hartford, ls9i\ xx, 125-141. — Bi-uiuibei-g ( T.) Ratio- nel behandling af dryckenskapsbegaiet och dess fol.jder. jaiute nagra nieddelandeu oiu Kurautsta ten Sans Souci. [Rational treatment of morbid appetite for drink and its consequences, with some remarks on the Asylum Sans Souci.) Upsala Lakaref. Fiirli., 1897-8, n. F.. iii, 37- 68.— Kucli iE. T.) Some personal observations with ni- trate of strychnia in the treatment of inebriety. Quart. J.Iuebr , Hartford, 1<»95, xvii, 248-25'!.— Colin (E.) Vor- aussetzuugen und Grundsiitze der niodernen Tritikerbe- handlttng. Psychiat. Wchnschr., Halle a. S.. 1900-1901, ii, 457; 475. Also, Reprint. — tosgrave (E. MacD.) The inebriates (Care and treatment of). control of inebriates. Tr. Rov. Acad. M. Irelaud, Dubl., 1891-2. x. 367-379. Also: Dublin J. M. So., 1892, xciii, 177- 18.5 — tow-leu >e. Allg. med. Ceutr.-Ztg., Berl., 1900, Ixix, 1019.— Fien. li (J. M.) Some conclusions in the treatment of alcoholic and drug inebriates. Quart. J. Inebr., Hartford, 1899. xxi, 117-125. — Fuller (E. li.) The control and cure of ine- briates. South African M. J., Cape Town, ls98. vi. 55- 57.—fSoddiiijj (YV. W.) The problem of tin inebriate. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1887, viii, 29-32. — iSrowvenor (J. W.) What shall we do with our alcoholic inebriatts ' Bull. Am. Acad. M., [Easton, Pa.], 1895, ii, 119-128. AUo: Canada Lancet, Toronto. 1896, xxviii, 299-303. — Hall (H. J.) One necessitv in the proper treatment of inebri- ates. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Fort Wayne, 1896. 106-110.— Hallani (J. L.) What shall be done with the inebriate I Alienist M Xeurol., St. Louis, 188>. vi, 369-372. — ller- sliey (E. P.) The use of pilocarpine in tbe treatment of inebrietv. Denver M. Times. 1900-1901. xx, 171-180.— Herzfeld (A. G.) The drink evil and its cure. West- minst. Kev . Lond., 1S97, cxlviii, 4n8-428. — Kelynack (T. X i Inebrietv: its nature and treatment. Quart. J. Inebr.. Hart ford, 1899, xxi. 254-258.-Kempf (E. J.) In- ebrietv and its tieatnieut. Am. Pract. A: News, Louis- ville, 1894. xviii, 489-498.—Kerr (N.) Kise and-progress of the movement for compnlsoty dilative treatment for habitual drunkards in Britain. Quart. J. Inebr., Hart- ford, 1897. xix, 111-122.—Kinney (C. Si Obstacles to the successful treatment of alcoholic inebriates. Ibid.. 1896, xviii, 349-353.—I.nnilou (C. P.) The state's care of dip- somaniacs. Tr. Oiiio M. Soc, Toledo, 1895. 1. 124-127.— l.imloriiie (C. A. F.) The physiological therapeutics of dipsomania. Atlanta Jour. Rec. Med., 1900-1901. ii, 724-737. — ITIni-aiidon de .Vlonlyel. La cure des bu- veurs. Ann. nied.-psych.. l'.u.. 1894. 7. s., xx, 411-441.— iTIark* I H.) The geueral treatnient of habitual aud periodical alcoholic, morphine, and cocaine inebriates. Quart. J. Inebr., Hartford, 1896, xviii, 145-164. — JInsou ( L. D.I The pauper inebriate; bis legal status; care and i-uiitrol. Ibid., 1899, xxi, 213-233. Also, Reprint — 'Vlanon (R. O.) Forms of suggestion useful in the treatment of inebriety. Ibid., 1897, xix, 219-225. — >':iy ( W. S.) Inebriety and its treatment. Tr. Vermont M. Soc. 1895-6, Burlington. 1897, 287-295. Also: Ver- mont M. Month., Burlington. 1897, iii. 1*9-195. Neu- mann (R.) Mitteilungen aus der Trinkerfursor^e. Al- koholismus, Dresd., 1901, ii, 42-45— Qunckriibon (J. D.) The treatment of the drink habit bv hvpnotic suggestion. Med. Rec, N.Y., 1900, lviii, 1025-1027. — Kikakoll F. E.) 0 llechennii pyanstva hiptiozom. [On the treatment of drunkenness by hypnosis.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 189*. xix, 517-519. -----. Llechenie pyanstva hipnoticheskini vnu- sbeni'em ; lichniya uablyudeniya. [Treatment of drunken- INEBRIATES. 885 INEBRIATES. Inebriate* (Care and treatment of). ness bv hvpnotic suggestion ; personal cases. ] Vrach. gaz., S -Peterb., 1901, viii,913; 937.-R©l>ert«oii (J. W.I The Keeley treatment of alcoholism. Pacific M..T.,San Fran., 18'.i!, i, 286-293. AUo. Reprint — Kodebnmjli (H. A.) The medical treatment of inebrietv without restraint. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Norwalk. 1897. '282-287 ----. The short-time treatment of inebriety. Columbus M. J , 1897, xix. 516-521. -----. The treatment of inebrietv Quart. ,T. Inebr.. Hartford, 1899, xxi, 144 -149 — lto»< l»injjli. The treatment of inebriate prisoners. 1 >..imnu.n M. Month., Toronto, 1898. x, 91; 123; 173-----. The ireat- ment of inebiiates. Canad. J. M & S , Toronto, 1898, iv, 229-233.-----. Tlie treatnient of inebiiates. Canad. M. Rev., Toronto, 1898. vii, 141-145. AUo: Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep.. Columbus. 1898. xxiv. -.91 295 AU<>: Quart. ,1. Inebr.. Hartford, 1898. xx. 409-415 -----. lhe treat- nient of inebrietv. Canad. J M. & S.. Toronto 1898. iii, '237-244. AUo: Quart. J. Inebr.. Hail ford. ISt'S xx. 279- •>s -----. Treatnient of inebriates. Quirt. J. Inebr., Hartford. 1899, xxi, 126-]:;i.—Melierk if Knzvmwir- kuugund Trinkkur. Dent-, b. Me.l /t_ ]:. ii 190(1. xxi, 509-511.—Sell langen hnn »en. I l.i l.i m.i I .n unk arils in Austria and the enr.itel procedure. Quart J Inebr., Hartford. 1896. xviii, 248-251. —Nhepurd iC. H.) The Turkish bath in inebrietv. Atlantic M Weekh. Prove deuce, 189s. jx, ]_6. AUo': J. Hyg. X V. IM'8 xlviii. 57- t'.ii— Ninaiii (B.N.) O roli vnusheniya v boible s p\an- stvotn. I Role of suggestion in the sii'uggle with drunk- enness.] liitssk. me.l vestnik S.-Peterb.. 18!I9. i, no. 12, | 1; no. 14. 1. — MiefaneMen i I.l Vmd.earea l.etiei. |Tlie cure of drunkenness. 1 Spitalul. Bucuresci, l.»96. xvi. 341 -347— Tokaroki iA. A.) Lie. heme pyanstva vnushenlem. 1 leatment of di uiiUeiiness by su g sfion.] Dnevnik syezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v pamyat P.rogova, Kiev, 1896. vi, no. 12. suppl., 53 - 57.- Treatment (The) of habitnal drunkards and the enr.itel procedure. Lan- cet. Lond.. 1896, i, 1588 — Wald»elimidt (J.) Ueber die arztliche Behandlung ihr I riiiiksu.lit Therap. d. Gegenw.. Berl.-Wien. 1901 n. F. iu, 5:j4-544 -----. Zur Pflege trunksuchtig.T Peisonen. Dent sell.- Krank- pflg.-Ztg., Berl.. 19(12. v. ■■■■i: 49. - WiUon Hi. R. ) The misiuanagement of di unk.irds. J. Mint. S. I.ond.. 189s. xliv, 711-729.— Wood (H. ) Doe- bichloride of gold cure inebriety? Arena, X5 Y 1893 vii, 144-152.— Woods IJ. F.) On the ti.atiu.nt of drink ciaving aud cardia. affections bv mil':>-.iii.ii Hunterian J , Lond., Is.i7 8 177-184. —WnlHTerl. 1 liesen zur otfent- liclien Fiirsorge fur Trunksiichtige. Inen-ehutz. Halle a. S.. 1901. i. 54-56. Also: Psychiat Wchusrhr , Halle a. S5 1901. iii. 342-344. -----. Zur offentliclien Fiirsorge fiir Trunksiichtige. Psychiat. Wchnschr.. Hall. a. S., 1901, in, 377-380. Inebriates (Legislation relating to). Sie, also. Alcoholic drinks (Legislation relating to); Inebriety (Jurisprudence of). Bratz. Die Behandlung der Tnink8tichtie.cn nntei dem biirgerlicheu Gesetzbuch. --. Halle a. 8.. 1896. Bcrxs (O. J.) Address before the Middlesex Northwest Temperance Uninu, at Groton, Jan- uary 11, 1891. 12°. [Ayer. Mass , 1KI4.] -----. The same. L;uv enforceiiienf. Cutting from: The Temperance Cause, Bost 1894, xvi, no. 4. p. '.',. C'oli.a (J. E.) Die Trinkversoiguno unter tlem biirgerlichen Gesetzbnche. Mir einem Pteise oekriint und hrsg. vom Deutschen Verein gejjen den Misshrauch gcivtiger Gettiinke. 6c Hildesheini, 1899. Esi'ixosa ( E. ) * Ligeras consideraciones sobre los artfculos del codifjo penal del estado, relativos & la embriaguez. -'c Puebla, 18-5. Flade (E.) Die Heilnng Trunksiichtiger und ihre Versorgnng nach dem biirgerliclieii Gesetz- bucb. 8°. Dresden, 1^9Lt. Fiiax'i e. Assemhiet nationale. Proposition de loi temlant a r^priiner I'ivresse publique et jt combattre les progres de l'alcoolisme. (Renvoi a la commission charoce d'examiner la proposi- tion de M. Vilfeii et plusieurs de ses eolleeues repressive de I'ivresse.) (Er^ence, deelaree.) Presentee par M. Theophile Roussel. Session de 1-71. Xo. 507. i'c [Versailles, 1671.] Gkkat Britain. Parliament. Habitual drunkards act, 1879. An act to facilitate tin- control and cure of habitual drunkards. Chap. 19. [3rd July, 1879.] Ac [London, 1—3. J | nehriate* (Legislation relating to). (iKKAi Britain. Parliament. House of Com- mons. Report front the select comniittee ou habitual drunkards, together with tbe proceed- ings of the committee, minutes of evidence, and appendix. 1.1 June, 1872. fol. [London, 1672.] -----. Habitual drunkards act, 1877. A bill to facilitate the control and care of habitual drunkards, fol. [London, 1-77.] -----. Habitual drunkards bill. A bill [as amended in comniittee] to facilitate the control and cure of habitual drunkards, fol. [London, 1676.] -----. A bill intituled An act to facilitate the control aud cure of habitual drunkards. fol. [London, 1679.] ({rkat Britain. Secretary of State for the Home Department. Inspector of Beireats. The inebriates acts, 1679 and 1*"8-'. Annual reports of the inspector of retreats under the inebriates acts, 1679 and 18.-■*■', with appendices. 1.-5., l.-'.<0-S4; Pi., 1891. fol. London, 1661-92. Habitual drunkards. Documents relative to propose I legislation (limited to Scotland) for inebriety, caused by disease, which is curable under proper treatment. -:. Edinburgh, [1-89]. Massachusetts Prison Association. Two new laws, relating to drunkenness, relating to probation officers. -°. [Boston], 1891. Xkedham (F.) Remarks on the necessity for legislation in reference to habitual drunkards; together with a reprint of the habitual drunk- ard's bill, and list of douatious. 8-. [London, 1-71.] Peddie (A.) The necessity for some legalized arrangements for the treatnient of dipsomania, or the drinking insanity. 8°. Edinburgh, 1656. United States. Congress. House of Bepre- sentatires. A bill to punish drunkenness in the District of Columbia. 5*2. Cong., 1. sess. 78*23. Mutch 17, 1892. Introd. by Mr. Hemphill, roy. 8. [ Washington, 1-92.] United States. Congress. Senate. A bill to provide for the confinement of inebriates in the Government Hospital for the Insane. 49. Cong., 1. ses>. S. 2545. Introd. by Mr. Edmunds, May '25, 1880. roy. 8-. [Washington, 1886.] —----. The same. Rep. by Mr. Ingalls with amendments, May 26, 1665. roy. 8°. [Wash- ington, l*-0.] -----. A bill to provide for the confinement of inebriates in the Government Hospital for the Insane. 5U. Cong., 1. sess. S. 5:?7. Dec. 1*2, 1-87. Introd. by Mr. Edmunds, roy. 8 . [ Wash- ington, 18-57.] -----. The same. Rep. by Mr. Farwell, May "25, 1-hh. roy. 8 . [Washington, 1666.'] Whitman (E. A.) The Cambridge idea in temperance reform and Massachusetts laws for dealing with drunkenness. > . Boston, [1-93]. Kertteroii Sc Nel ler. Mesures ii prendre pour empe- cher lalius des l...i.ss,.ns alcoolii]iies. [Itap.l Rec. il. trav. ('cmile consult, tl hv_r. pul.. ile France 1900, Melun, 1901, xxx, 45-48. -<'aiw« ill i.I.i The working of the inebriates act J. Ment, Sc. Loud., 1901. xlvii. 658-666.— < IoiinIoii (T. S.) Sc Sharp ((i.l Legislation against national intemperance. Lancet, Lontl., 1901, i, 1233.— Collin* (J.) The law and the inebriate; with remarks on the treatment of inebriety. X. York M. J., 1901, lxxiii, 76.')-76H. — Cotton f\V.) The inebriates acts, 1879-99. liustol M. Chir. J . 1900, xviii, 222-225 1 tab. -----. Leg- islation for inebriates in England, with special reference lo the act of 1898. J. Ment. Sc. Loud., 1901, xlvii, 48-02.— ■>■<•< uxxion anent the care of habitual drunkards. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Ediub., 1888-9, n. S., viii, HI-12D.—I>iw- riiMNion on the restorative homes bill in the Medico- Chiiiu-gical Society ot Edinburgh. Quart. J Inebr., Hartford 1892, xiv, 8; 127; 310. — Easluooil (J. W.) On the importance of legislation for habitual drunkards, with eases in illustration. Rep. Proc. Noithutnb. & Dur- ham M. Soc, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1876-7. 143-150.— ■ ■■Mtory (The) of drink legislation iu Russia. Physician INEBRIATES. 886 INEBRIETY. Inebriate* (Legislation relating to). .fcSurg.. Lond.. 19O0. i, 320.—Kerr (N.) Legislation for inebriates in Great Britain. Quart. J. Inebr., Hartford, 1899, xxi, 392-394.—.tlnene (CM History of prohibitive legislation. Ibid., 1900, xxii, "2-57 —ITIorgaii (A.) Re- cent legislation against the drink evil. Pop. Sc. Month., N. T., 1899, lv. 438; 610.—Xew (The) English inebriate law of 1898. Quart. J. Inebr.. Hartford. 1898, xx, 416-419.— New (The) inebriates act, 1898. Med. Temp. Rev., Lond., 1898. i, 225-235.—Parry (L. A.) Some rematks on. aud suggested amendments to, the habitual ine- briates acts. Lancet. Lond., 1901, ii, 786-788. — Pit- cairn (J. J.) Inebriety and the penal |law in Europe and the United States. Quart. J. Inebr., Hartford, 1897. xix, 329-:>'4:;. — Remoii (A. W.) The new ine- briates act. .T. Ment. Sc. Lond., 1899, xiv. 227-245.— Report of committee on legislation'for inebiiates. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, ii, 211.—Report of the inebriates leg- islation committee. Ibid.. 1893, ii, 273. — Sehlangen- hausen (F.) The proposed legislation for habitual drunkards. Lancet, Lond., 1897. i, 841. — Shad well (St. C. B.) The inebriates act. 1898, regarded from a pub- lic health point of view. Pub. Health. Lond., 1899-1900, xii, 80-84.—Siemens. Besprechung des Entwurfs eines Gesetzes, betreffend die Bekampfung des Missbrauchs geistigerGetriinke. Preuss. Med.Beaniten-Yer. Off. Ber., Beil..' 1891, .'i6-47.|— Smith (C.) The N[ew] S[outh] W[ales] inebriates act, 1900. Australas. M. Graz., Sydney, 19ol. xx. 77. — Stewart (G.) Proposed legislation with |respect to habitual drunkards. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1*89, i, 476.—Sutherland (J. F.i Urgent-v of legislation for the well-to-do inebriate. Ibid., 1899. ii. 718-721. Also: Quart. J. Inebr.. Hartford. 1899, xxi, :ir.2-309.—Wilson (G. R.) The inebriates act of 1898. Edinb. M. J., 1899, n. s., v, 254-257. Inebriates' Home, Fort Hamilton, X. Y. An- nual reports of the president to the legislature. 17.-20., 1884-92. 8. Fort Hamilton, 1865-93. Inebriety (Heredity of). Ckothehs (T. D.) Inebriety and heredity. 8;. Hartford, Conn., 1665. Forel (A.) The effect of alcoholic intoxica- tion npon the hiiniau brain and its relation to the theories of heredity and evolution. .--\ [n. p., 1892, rei subseq.] Keelf.y (L. E.) The non-heredity of inebriety. 12:. Chicago, 1695. Crothers (T. D.) Causes of inebriety from heredity. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1897. U.S., xxxviii. 271-276.—Davis (N. S.) Is there any causative or etiological relation be- tween the extensive use of alcoholic drinks and the con- tinued increase of epilepsy, imbecility, and insanity, both mental and moral, in all the countries of Europe and America? Quart. J. Inebr., Hartford. 1899. xxi, 352-361.— Holmes (A. M.) The hereditary effects of habitual v. periodical inebriety. Med. Pioneer, Lond., 1894-5, iii, 178. Also: Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1895. n. s.. lx. 78.— Is inebriety hereditary ? By the Society for Study of In- ebrietv, of London, England. Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1899, vi, 387-391. —Myers (F. C.) Heredity as a causa- tive factor of inebriety. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1898, xxxi, 1273. AUo.- Quart. J. Inebr., Hartford, 1899, xxi, 38,-391.—Sullivan (W. C.) A note on the influence of maternal inebriety on the offspring. J. Ment. Se. Lond., 1899, xiv, 489-503. Also: Quart. J. Inebr., Hartford, 1899, xxi, 325-340. -----. The children of the female inebriate. Quart. J. Inebr., Hartford, 1900, xxii. 129-138. — Wood- head (G. S.) On the influence of heredity npon the drink habit. [Abstr.] Lancet, Loud., 1899, ii, 259. Inebriety (Jurisprudence of). See, also, Alcoholism (Jurisprudence of); In- ebriates (Legislation relating to). Disease (Tlie) of inebriety from alcohol, opium and other narcotic drugs, its etiology, pathology, treatment, aud medico-legal rela- tions. Arranged and compiled by the American Association for the Study and Cureof Inebriety. 8°. New York, 1695. Kerr ( N. ) Inebriety; a disease allied to insanity. 8°. London, 1881. -----. Inebriety, or narcomania; its etiology, pathology, treatment, and jurisprudence. 3. ed. 8°. London, ls94. Margain (J. O.) * Breves apuntes sobre la respons.'ibilidad de ebrio bajo el pnnto de vista dela medicina legal. 8°. Victoria, 1891. Inebriety (Jurisprudence of). Medical'(The) jurisprudence of inebriety. Being papers read before the Medico-Legal Society of New York, and the discussion thereon. 8-. New York, 1888. Schmitz (A.) Die Entmundigung Trunk- siichtiger vom medizinischen Stand|iuuktc. Re- ferat, erstattet in der 9. Jahresversammlung des Deutschen Vereins gegen den Misbrauch geisti- ger Getrauke zu Halle a. d. Saale am 2G. Oktober 1892. 6c Bonn, 1692. Schneider (G. O.) * Ueber Entmiindigung von Alkoholisten. 8~. Berlin, 1897. Serralde (F. A.) La embriaguez y la crimi- nalidad. 8C. Mexico, 1689. AsehaflTeiibiirt: (G.i| Die Entmundigung der Trinker nach dem neuen biii-uerlichen Gesetzbuche. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1890, xliii, 1015-1017.—Beer (L.) Vor- aussetzungen und Wirkungen der Entmiindigung wegen Triinksucht nach dem biirgerlichen Gesetzbuche. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg., Berl., 1898, iv, 501-504.—Bell (C.) Judi- cial evolution as to criminal responsibility of inebriates. Quart. J. Inebr.. Hartford, 1897, xix, 369-:i7:i. AUo.- Med.- Leg. Stud., N. T., 1898, iv, 9-14.—Brower (D. R.) Ner- vous complications and medico-legal relations of alcoholic inebriety." Illinois M. J.. Springfield, 1899-1900, xlix. 364- 368. — C'levenger -545. — Toulouse (fi.) Serum auti-ah coliqne. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Pat 1896, 10. s.. iii, 363. Ineffective quarantine. 1 galley sheet. Uepr.from: N. Orl. Daily States, Oct. 20, [1892]. Inelia i Kokumon). Hukushio gikan. [Internal pathology-.] lvi v. s. [Osaka, It* ,">;>."] Japanese text. Ineiclien (F.). e-td Wiel (Josef). Tisch fur Magenkranke [etc.]. 85 KarU'ad, 1892. Ilieilting: (De) der kinderpokjes. getoetst aan het gczonde oordeel en de voorschriften van den godsdienst. xiv, 90 pp. 8-. Amshrdam, I. de Jongh, 1789. Infant. See Infants. Infant feeding; the use and abuse of artificial foods. A lecture delivered under the auspices of the Australian Health Society, by a member of the staff of the Children's Hospital. 15 pp., 1 tab. -;. Melbourne, I!. S. Brain, [n. d.]. Infant School and Children's Home, Charles- town, Mass. Constitution aud by-laws. 12 pp. 15-. Boston, W. L. Deland f Co., 1870. -----. Annual reports of the secretary and treasurer to the association. 4., 1-72-3; 5., 1-73-4. 20 pp; 20 pp. -J. Charlestoun, 1873-1. Infantieicle. See. also, Cadaver (Infantile, Jurisprudence of ; Docimasia: Ear (Jurisprudent e- of); Ec- chymosis (Suhph ural): Labor (Bapid. etc.). B. (J.) Thoughts and suggestions having reference to infanticide. --. Loudon, 1-51. Balkstrixi (K.) Aborto, infanticidio ed espo- sizione d' infaute. 8C. Boma, 18-8. Borelii (G.) Infanticide e uiatriinonio. 6-, Boma, 1--.1. BOURDOX (fi.) Cours d'appel de Donai. Au- dience soleunelle de rentre'e du 16 octobre ls9ti. L'infanticide dans les legislations ancieunes et modernes. 8°. Douui, lr'.'D. Bouton ' R.) L'infanticide, 6tude morale et juridique. - . Paris, l*-97. Breitinger iCarolina). ' Feber den Kindes- mord, dessen verschiedene Arten. uud die Mittel seiner Verhiitung. -°. Bern, 1-96. Brillaud-Lau.tardikre (C.-C.) De l'infanti- cide; e"tude medico-le'gale. ~°. Paris, 1655. Brouardel (P.) L'infanticide. 8°. Paris, 1-97. Browne (J. C.) Indian infanticide; its ori- gin, progress, aud suppression, s . London, l5>7. Closmann (K.) * Die Kindstotung historisch- dogmatisch dargestellt. «'-. Erlangen, 1669. Cormack (J.) Account of the abolition of female infanticide in Guzerat; with considera- tions on the question of promoting the Gospel in India. 8°. London, l8lf>. Infanticide. Coi'Rnot (L.) Cour d'appel d'Angers. Au- dience solennelle de rentree du 16 octobre ls8.">. La repression de l'infanticide. .8 . Angers, 1885. Dadav ((l.-E.) "Contribution a l'dtude de l'infanticide. Recherches exp6rimentales sur la putrefaction des poumons et la docimasie. 8c Lyon, 1696. Dajke (B.) An essay on female infanticide; to which the prize offered by the Bombay gov- ernment for tin* best essay ugainst this practice among the Rajputs of Kattiawur and Kutih was awarded, 1844. 8°. Bombay, 1847. Fischer (L.) *Sectio anatomica insufficiens in iinputaudoinfanticidio iustrumeutuin. [Hei- delberg. J 8°. Mannhemii, [1769]. Giovaxardi (E. ) Contribuzione alia dot- trina dell' infanticidio. roy. 8°. Modena, i860. Repr. from: Mem. r. Accad. d. sc, lettere ed arti in Mo- dena, xix. de Harlez. (C.) L'infanticide en Chine d'apres les documents chinois. 8°. Louvain, \665. liepr. from: Mus6on, Louvain. Hunter (W.) On the uncertainty of the signs of murder in the case of bastard children. London, 1785. In: Farr (S.) Elements of medical jurisprudence [etc.]. 3. ed. 85 London, 1815, 149-179. -----. The same. 8°. London, 1829. Also, in: Cummin s (A.-C.) De l'infanticide dans le cas d'asphyxie par submersion. 8°. Bruxelles, 1616. McLeod (Sir D. F.) Minute on the suppres- sion of infanticide. By . . ., late lieuteuant- governor of the Punjab, fol. [Lahore, 1679.] Maggio (L.) L' infanticidio; studio. Con- tributo scientifico per la costituzioue del reato d' infanticidio-infanticida, seduttoie, indeunizzo alia sedotta, ricerca della pateruita. 8°. Pa- lermo, 1866. May (F.) Vorbeugungsmittel wider den Kin- dermord. lt'>°. Mannheim, 1781. Mody (('. R.) An essay on female infanticide; to which the prize offered by the Bombay gov- ernment for the second best essay against female infanticide among the Jodajas and other Raj- poot tribes of Guzerat was awarded. .*"-\ Bom- bay, 16 19 Nkiucci (O.) Lettere tisico-mediclie, colla giunta d' una scrittura medica sopra un intau- ticidio, nella quale si niostra che la cenere pud couservare incorrotti i corpi morti. ltiJ. Lucca, 1716. North-Western Provinces. Selections from the records of government. Art. I. Reports on measures adopted in the district of Mynpoory for the future prevention of female infanticide. [Art. IX. Charitable medical institutions in Benares.] 8°. [Allahabad, 187*2.] Perroxe-Capaxo (R.) L' infanticidio e 1' es- posizione d' infante nel loro siguiiicato ontofilo- genetico. 8-5 Napoli, 1899. [Pestalozzi (H.)] Ueber Gesezgebung und Kindermord, Wahrheiten und Triiume, Nach- forschungen uud Bilder. 12°. Frankfurt .)'■ Leipzig, [n. d.]. Pi kir (J. G. B.) Preisechrift von deu besten und ausfilhrbarsten Mittcln dem Kindermord abzuhel fen ohne die Unzucht zu begiinstigen ; mit INFANTICIDE. 888 INFANTICIDE. Infanticide. Zusiitzeu und einem sechsfacheu Anhang dahiu einschlagender Materien. s0. Leipzig, 17-8. Philippox (L.-G.) *De l'iufauticide par strangulation. 4°. Lyon, 1695. Roaldes (A. G.) fils. Essai sur l'infanticide. 4°. [Toulouse, an N, 1*»02.] 8arrat(J.-B.) 'Analyse ft synthese des etudes faites sur l'infanticide par fracture du crane. 4~. Bordeaux,1691-2. 8toppato (A.) Infanticidio e proem ato abor- to. .Studio di dottriua, legislazione e ginrispru- denza penale. 12J. Verona 5' Padova, 1887. Taroieu (A.) Etude me'dieo-legale sur l'in- fanticide. 2. e"d. 8°. Paris, 1-80. Wehrli(J.) *DerKindsinord. Dogniatisch- ktitisi-he Studie unter Beriicksichtigung des fran- zosischen und schweizerischeu Rechts. [Bern.] *-. Fraueufeld, 1889. Wexdel (M.) *Ein Beitrag zur Lehre vom Kindesmorde. 8°. Dorpat, 1891. Wilson (J.) History of the suppression of in- fanticide in western India, under the govern- ment of Bombay; including notices of the prov- inces and tribes in which the practice has pre- vailed. S~. Bombay, 1657). A n nie hi (Eine) iiber die Instruction fiir die Gesiclits- arzte im Konigreich Bayern behufs des Vollzuges der medicinisch-forensen Untersuchungen im Betreff des Ver- dachtes des Kindermonles, Miiucben. 1885; in brieflicher Erwiderung anf die collegiale Mittheilung eines nach dieser Instruction bearbeiteten Falles. Meil. Corr.-Bl. bayer. Aerzte, Erlaug., 1816, 703; 721. — AiidifTrent. Quelques considerations sui Tin taut icide. Arch, d'anthrop. crim., Lyon A; Par., 1901, xvi, 1-9.—Bell (J.) Infanticide. Kansas M. J., Topeka, 1889, i, 41-48.—Collineau. L'in- fanticiile et l'.m.i tement en Chine. Rev. de I'ecole d'an- throp. ile Par.. 1899. ix, 350-353.-<"ondnite d'un niede- cin-legiste appele a faire un rapport dans un cas d'iufan- ticide. J. de med. de Par., 1896. 2. s., viii, 95— C alien (C. R.) Infanticide. Tr. M. Soc. Virg., Richmond, 1885, xvi. 158-165.—Cullerre (A.) Infanticide et hysterie. Arcb. de neurol.. Par., 1895, xxx, 97-107.—Curgenven (J. B.) Infanticide, baby-farming, anil the infant-life protection act, 1872. San. Rec, Lond., 1888-9, n. s., x, 409; 461: 1889-90, xi, 4; 415— Debate on infanticide, in the Harveiau Medical Society of London. Med. Press Sc Circ, Dubl., 1866, i,627-630. AUo, Reprint.—Oe Visschei* & Debersaques. De l'infanticide. Ann. Soe. denied, lei;. de Belg., Charleroi, 1891-2, iv, 9-15. [Discussion]. 142-145.— Draper (F. W.) Some of the obstetric and legal rela- tions of infanticide. Boston M. & S. J., 1888, cxviii. 7 ; 36.— Fauvelle. Contribution k I'etude nnthropologitpie de l'infanticide. L'Homnie, Par., 1885, ii :i28-:i:i4. —Fekete (A.) Gyermekoles; a magzat eletkfipess.■neiiek s eletenek egy huilamarad v&nybol valo megliatarozasa. [Infanti- cide ; determination of the viability of the foetus aud its life from a remnant of the body.] Gyiigydszat, Budapest, 1889, xxix, 160. AUo, transl.: l'est. med.-chir.Presse.Budapest, 1889. xxv, 470.—Fere (C.) Sur la psychologie de l'infanti- cide chez les aiiiinaux. Compt. rend. Soc.de biol..Par., 1897, 10. s., iv,669. — Fournier ( A.) La repression des avorte- meuts et infanticides au siecle dernier eu Lorraine. Bull. wed.d. Vosjjes. Spinal. 1899-1900. xiv. uo.54,31-35.—<»lais- ler (J.) The law of infanticide: a plea for its revision. Ediub. M. J.. 1895-6, xli. 1-18. — II nay. Kindsmord. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. iirztl. Ver.. Stuttg., 1900, lxxi, 415.— Hardy (H. X.) Infanticide. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1891, i, 1276.—Hospital i P.) Hysteriques infanticides. Ann. nied. psych..- Par.. 1800. 7. s.. xii. 222-226.—Infanticide in Chiua. [From: Chinese Times.| Sei-i-Kwai M. J.. To- kyo, 1888. vii, 15?. — Krajewski ( F.) Przyczynek do do- chodzenia dzicciobdjstwa. [Investigation of infanticide.] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1890, xviii, 225; 242 — Lewis (D.) Sociological considerations relative to criminal abortion, infanticide, and illegiiimate pregnancy. Chicago Clin. Rev., 1895-6, v, 85.—Tlape* (C. C.) Infanticide. Med. Age, Detioit, 1897, xv, 741-.47 — iTIatignoii (J.-J.) Note sur l'infanticide en Chine. A rch. d'anthrop. crim.. Lvou A; Par., 1896. xi, 133, 1 pl.. 1898. xiii, 262. -----. Infanticide et avortenient en Chine. Med. mod.. Par.. 1899, x, 383. Also: Ann. d'hvg., Par., 1899, 3. s., xiii. 465-469. AUo [Ab- str.J: Chron. nied., Par., 1900, vii, 437. — Miiller (J.V.) Kindermord,eineSeelenkraukheit. Med.Wchnbl., Frankf. a. M., 1785, vi, 81; 289.—Peri-one-Capano (K.) Iufanti- cidio ed esposizione d' infante negli animali inferiori e nei popoli selvaggi. Riv. mens, di psichiat. forense, Napoli, 1899, ii, 1-15. -----. Infanticidio ed esposizione d' infante nei popoli selvaggi. Ibid., 103-130. — Kfiler. Kinds- mord. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Niirnb . 1886 xxxvii, 431^34.—Relative prevalence of infanticide iu Infanticide. Japau aud China. [Discussion.] Tr. Sei-i-Kwai, Tokvo, 1885, 137-141. — Hi^hi i F.) Infanticidio. Riv. veneta di sc. med.. Yen.-zia. Ii-s9. xi, 248-267.—Ruth. Disserta- tion sur l'incertitude des signes de l'infanticide. Col- lect, de diff. pieces [etc.], Par., 1761. i, 175-190. — Kyan (M.) Medico-legal questions relating to infanticide. Loud. M. Sc S. J., 1831, vi, 59-64.—Sclnevens. Etude sur l'infanticide par submersion. Ann. Soe. de nied. leg.de Belg., Charleroi, 1893-4, v, 05-70.— Schiiruiayer (I. H.) Beitrag zur praktisehen Erorterung des Thathestantles des Kiudertnordes. Ver. deutsche Ztschr. f. d. Siaats- Arznk., Freib. i. Br., 1847, n.F., ii, 637-656—Tourdcs iG.) Infanticide (medecine legale). Diet, encvcl. d. sc. nied., Par., 1889, 4. s., xv, 042-072.—Vncheir (F.) Iufauti- cide; an inquiry iuto its causes and their remedy. Piov M. J., Leicester, 1888. vii, 212: 246. Also, Reprint.—Va- lenta (A.) Zur Statistik der Kindesmorde in Krain. Ztschr. f.gerichtl. Med., Wien. 1867, iii, 611; 626: lsi> iv, 3; 12. AUo, Reprint. — Wardell (J. R. ) Infantieide. 7u his: Contrib. Path. & Pract.Med., 8°, Lond., 1885. 74:{- 754.— Walking (W. W.) Abortion and infanticide from a medico-legal standpoint. Med. Sentinel, Portland. Ore;;., 1901, ix, 10^-114.—Wilke. Kindesiuord bei Naturvolkern der Gegeuwart und Vergangenheit. Globus, Brnschwg., 1898, lxxiv, 211-213. Infanticide (Casesof). Actex gemassi* relatio facti et juris iiber den zu Braunschweig wider Maigaivii'ii Selimieds, eiue stuprirte Baner-Magd, in punctn verdiich- tigeu Kindermords gefuhrteu Inquisitions: wie auch wider dero Advoeatuni D. Jnstum Olde- koppen gegeu seine dainals ordentliche Obrig- keit begangeuer Widersefzligkeit und eusser- sten Ungehorsanibs hallier vollstreckten Vi-r- festnngs-Process, zn stener der Warheit, uff Urtel uud Recht daselbst offentlich uiit Rutben gestrichener Dirnen jtzt benauteu Advocato, und dessen in Druck gegebeuer Famos-Sclirifft entgegen gesetzet, vou denen zuru peinlicben Saiben verordneteu Gerichten daselbsten. 4°. Braunschweig, 1551. Axklli ( L.) Relazione medico-legale sulla necroscopia di uua neonata per iniputazioue d" infanticidio. 8°. Piacenza, 1900. C. (S.) Quelques faits remarqnables d'infau- ticide, sotiniis aux reflexions du legislateur, du jnge et du me'decin. 6\ Lausanne, 1625. Life (The) aud trial of the child murderess, Charlotte "Winsor; containing her cornet por- trait tis she appeared at the dock; sketch of tbe cottage iu which the murders took place; trial at tbe Devon assizes; full account of her low and dissolute habits; account of her three mar- riages, supposed number of her victims; fearful revelation of infanticide iu England. 8c Lon- don, [n. d.]. Bound with: Tkial (The) and examination of Dr. Hun- ter, etc. 8°. London, [n. d.]. Alpago-Xovello (L.) Infanticidio per assidera- zione. Osservatore, Torino, 1887. xxxviii, 582-588.—Bal- lioux. Infanticide par accouchement stir un cabiuet d'ai-auee. Ann. Soc. de med. lei', de Belg.. Charleroi, )»91-2. iii. 49-51. — BlnineiiMtok. Mordeistwo popel- nione na dzi6ciQciu przez odciecie glowki z nastepuem rozkawaleniem ciala. [Infauticide by cutting off the head and chopping up the body.| Przegl. lek., Krak6w, le75. xiv, 123; 133— Brouardel (P.) Infanticide par iminei sion dans les fosses d'aisauces; questions niedico-legal.-s. Ann. d'hyg., Par.. 1896, 3. s., xxxvi. 421-432. -----. Infan- ticide ; questions me-dieo-legales relatives k 1 6tat de la mere. Ibid., 481-500.— Buck (AW.) Criminal neglect; report of a case. Tr. Ma-s. Med. Leg. See , Bost., 19ul. iii, no. 3, 23-26.—Carrara iM.i Infanticidio colposo pet aunetnagento in lati.na Scuola positiva. l-'ieso'e, 1(*98, viii. 241-252—l'liliim»kv. Kindesmord oder fahrla^sige Todtung des Xeug. Inn. nen. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Me.l Berl., 1899, 3. 15, xviii. 91-100.—C'ohn. Sturzueluirl <» ei Kindesmord? Ibid., 190U, 3. F.. xix, 301-315. -Daibonel (E ) Notes sur un cas d'infanticide par asphyxie par sut location. J. de nied. de Par., 189- 2. s.. x. 189 Also: Kev. ile m6d. 16g., Par., 1898. v, 127 — DeliaiiccmcIii i P ) Kindesmord oder zufalliger Ki-.tickutm.-tcid ilea Kind..-, wahrend dor Ohumacht iter Mutter' Aerztl Sachvet t.- Ztg., Berl., 1901, vii, 437: 458 — Dijouaiiy. De 1 infan- ticide commis sur des.jumeaux Al.-ti Ai ch. d'anthrop. crim.. Lvon Sc Par., 1898, xiii. 2M-290.— Uufour. Infan- ticide par strangulation a I'aide ducordon ombilical. M6d. IXFAXTICIDE. 889 INFANTILISM. I n fa nt icicle (Cases of). inf., Par., 1899-1900. ii. 453-455. Also: ,T. de tn6d. de Par., 1900, 2. s., xii. 3oi. AUu | Abstr.l: Ann. d'hvg., Par., 1900, 3. s., xliv, 89— l»'l"r»o (A.) Sulle eondizioni mentali di una madre infanticida. Gior. p. i med. periti giud. ed uff. san. [etc.], Xapoli. 1900, iv, 1-20. AUo: Riv. mens, di psi- chiat. foreiise. Xapoli. 1900, iii, 51-58. — Ebel. Sections Refund und Gutachten iiber die zweifelhafte Todesari eines anderthalbjiilirigen Kindes. Ver. deutsche Ztschr. f. d. Staats-Arznk., Freib. i. Br.. 1850. n. 15, viii, 209- 286— Khi'le. Anffallend rasche I.cichenzerstornng bei oberflachlicher Verseharruiig mid ungewohiilich holier Lufttemperatur (Ivindsmord). Med. I'or.-1.1. .1. wiirttemb. iirztl. Ter., Stmts.. 1899, Ixix, 355-357. — «. iiloinulli-.. Feststelliing der Todesursache bei einer in starker Ver- wealing begriffeuen Kinde-lciclie, I ei iter siiiiiintliclie drei Hiihlen g. iiffnet und verschiedene Organe nieht inebr vor- handen wai.n. Ztschr. f. Me.l. l'.eamte. Berl.. 1901, xiv, 151-157. — Ilarbil/ (F.) Oiu kva'luiugsdod hos nyfedte born. | Death of new-born infants by stiaugulation. ] Lagefor.. Kristiania, 1899. xix. 0l'>9; 728; 789 —I lech I (A.) Zajiinav6 soudni ohledani osoby, z vrazdy novoro- zenete podezfelG. |Interesting legal view of a person suspected of murder of new-born child.! Casop. 16k. cesk.. v Praze. 1.-72. xi, is.— llofmami (K.) Vrazda ditete. [Murder of a child.) Ibid.. Is7l. x. 2-4. ______. Doinnelii vra/da dilute znkrvfieenini z pupecniku zrt- niyslne uepoib a/.tneho. [Suspected nun der of child by bleeding at navel with presumable ohj. ct of separa- tion at birth.1 Ibid.. 1-73, xii. 25--.- — lit Ip. Gutachten iiber das todtgeboiene unebelii 5. Kind .1. r (.'. M. B. ku A. Mag. f. d. Staatsarznk., L-ipz.. 1846. v, 217-227.— Kiariei-moord. Verschil des deskundigen; arrest van teieclitstelling vri.jspraak. Geneesk. Com ant. Tiel. 1885, xxxix. no. 17.- Klingnei- (C. F.) Gericht Iiche Leichen- nffuung eines iieiigcl.oi. uen Kindes. nebst Gutachten iiber dYssen Todesart. Mag. f. d. Staatsarznk.. Leipz., 1-16. v, 197-21T.. — Kob. Zum Kapitel Kindesmord, oder Geburtsveilit/ungen bei Sell.-thiilfc der Kreissenden: ein neuer P.eitrag aus eigcier 1'iaxis. Vrtljschr. f "eric Ml. Med., Berl., 1899. 3. F., xvii, 311-318. — von Kralll- Ebing [R.] Kindstiioril: frng!:.i.,i 11. I-reszustand. tempore criminis. Fi;. .ireieh's Id ! g.ii.htl. Meil.. Xiirnb.. 1889. xl. 375-381.— K iipfer II 15) Sec tionspro- tokoll und Gutachten iiber das, ausser der Ehe erzeugte. neugeborene Kind derM. K. ans B.,nel .-t den t ic lit ei lichen Erkenntui-sen und Entsclieidung-griiiiden. Mag. f. d. Staatsarznk . L.-ipz.. 1842. i, i"9-247.— I.e««er (A.. Kin- destnord? Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Herl.. 1897. x, 233-240.— I.ittlejohn 111.) Finger-nail abrasions on the neck of a newly-born child: were thev the result of an attempt at self-delivery or of homi. dal -trangiil,iti..n? Edinb. M. J.. 1901. n. s., ix, 150-152. -1,onibio»o il' i Iutaulicidio iu pellagrosa simnlatrice. Arch, di psichiat. [etc.]. Torino, 1895, xvi, 558-500.— Lope* Yieira. O infanticidio por abandono do rec emna-i ido ii ton.- . trio. Coimhra nied., 1900. xx, 385-388.— Ilann iK. C.i I'sychological aspects of tnree cases of infanticide, considered in their relations to forensic medicine. Alienist tud cinld tottiid in spring. 1 Casop. lek. desk., v Praze, 18-5, xxiv, 417; 433. ----»-. Smrt ditka nemanzelskelio; zardoii-eiii ci smrt pfirozeniU [Death of legitimate child; throttling or natural death?] I bid., 481; 497— Sic be a haar 115 J.i Obductionsbeiicht und Gntachten iiber das am 23. Mai 1844 verstorbeue Kind des Musicus C. Fr. H . . . e iu D., als Beitrag zur gericbts- arztlichen Beurtheilnng der ausseren Verletzungen, welche der Frucht im Mutterleibe zugefiigt werden kou- in n. Mag. f. d. Staatsarznk., Leipz., 1H45, iv, 130-138 — Nierailzki (W.) Przypadek dzieciobdjstwa fl'ase of Infanticide (Casesof). infanticide. | Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1898, xxxvii, 125; 141; 154.— Mtefanescii (I.l Asupra unul cas de iufanti- cid prin fract urn craniului de rat re mama. Spitalul, Bucu- resci. 1896. xvi. 581-583. —Mteiner i-T.) Dvelekafskd zdani o /.avrazdeiii ditete. [Two medical opinions on child mur- der.] Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1867. vi, 61-63. —Ta- miiNMia (A.) In causa d' infanticidio. Riv. sper. di lienial Reggio-Emilia, 1889. xv, pt. 2, 310-317. - I'jiya (H.) 'Two decisions on suspected premeditated murder ot' int'iini | Gun Igaku. Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1900. 885- 893. * aljavee (J.) Cedomoistvo ugiisenjeni iii izlozen- jem ziuii. [Abandoning a strangled child or exposure in winter.] Lice, viestnik, u Zagrebu, 1901, xxiii, 243-246 — Vallon (C.I Alienee auto-accusatrice. Ann d'hvg.. Par.. 1898,3. s., xxxix, 179-189.— Viftatli (F.) A Nairn (C.) Per un caso d'infant iridic (iazz. med. lomb.. Mi- lano. 1899, 1 viii, 443-445.— Viilkel. Gntachten iiber ein heiinlich iM-borenes und to.lt gefundenes Kiud, nebst Su- perarbitriiiiii des kiinigl. Medicinal-t'ollegiunis zu Posen und der wissenschaftlichen I), putation fiir das Medi.inal- AVesen im Ministeiiuni der t;eistlicheii-, Uuterrichts- und Medicinal-Aiigelcgeulieiten zu liorliu. Mag. f. d. Staats- arznk., Leip/,.. 1846. v, 13-s3. — Waroeqnier. Accusa- tion irinfanticide ; penetration de 11<111i.i• de fosse d'aisance dans les btoii.hes et dans les alveole, pulmonaires. Aun. So.-, de med. leg. de Belg.. Charleroy, 1901-2, xiii, 82-87.— Willielmi (A.) Kiudesmord oder Sellisthille' Geistes- kr.mklieit. Bewusstlosigkeit, Ohninacht der Mutter ? Vriljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1901, 3. F.. xxi, 32-52.— Kieliri.vki (E ) Przypadek wrzekomego dzicciobdjstwa. (l'seudo-iufanticide.l Przegl. lek., Krakdw, 1900, xxxix, 703-705. Inlantiliiiiiii. Cahke (F.) * R^tr^eissenient con.. iconog de la Salpetrie,ro Par., 1895, viii. 225-227. 1 pl. — Dnpre (E.) &. I'ajiiiiiA. Iiifantili-ine ilvstlivi'oi'.lien IIe\ neurol., l'ar., 19u2, x, 161. - Knjjlis'h ( AV. T.) Ii.t.m. tilistn. Med News. X. Y.. 1901.'lxxviii. 177. — Flotil- la ami. Ein Fall von ganz rudinieiitaren Generations- organeu. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1889, xv, 67. .1^0, Reprint —Oenlew & A nbaret. Sur un cas d'arret de develop]ic-nient des oigan.s g6nitaux. J. de m6d. de lioid.-aux, I'.ion xxx, 11 —<>oj anes (J.I Consideraciones sobre un caso de infantilismo mixed.ma- toso. Siglo med., Madrid, 1899. xlvi, 722-726 — 4-iiinoii (L.) Sur le tiaitement thvi-oldieii dans rinfantili.-ine. Bull. Soc.de jiediat. del'ar., 1901, iii, 129-139—Ilertogbe (K i Xouv.lles recherches stir les arrets de ctoissance et I in I a ii I iii-me. Ann. Soe. nied.-chir. d'Anvers, 1898, 53-63.— Iliiliiiel. I.iufantilisme Gaz. hebd. de med.. Par., 1902. n. s., vii, 'A7-4 ', I mania (E.) Cinque ca-i d' infan- tilismo maschile ed un caso di niascolinisnio; contributo alio studio dei caratteri degeneraiivi fi.sici nelle forme costi- tuzionali ed acqtiisite delle psicosi. Arch di jisichiat. [etc.], Torino, 1896, xvii, 526-540.—.tlacanlay (R.) Case of undeveloped genitals in a man. Med. Press d: Circ, Lond., 1889, n. s., xlvii, 511.—itleiye ( H.) Iufantilisme chez la femme. X. iconog. de lu Salpetriere, Par., 1895, viii, 218-224. 1 pl. ------. Sur une statuette representaut rinfantilisme myxuedciuateux. Ibid., 1898, xi, 136-140, 1 pl. ------. L'iiifantilisine. (iaz. d. hop., Par., 1902, lxxv, 207-211.—iTIeijje ( H .) A: Allanl (F.) Deux infantiles; infantile in yxo.le n i. iieux. et i n fan tile de Lorain. X. iconog. dela Salpetriere Pai. 1898, xi, 105-113. 3 pl.—Boger £ (•arnii'i'. Infauiili-iii.- experimental d'origine thyroi- ilienne. Compt. tend. Soc. ile biol., Par., 1901, 11. s., iii, 1129-1131.—Stcpheiisoii (F.B.) Puerile genitalia. Bos- ton M. & S. J., 1888, cxix, 403. INFANTS. 890 INFANTS. Infant*. Set, also, Abdomen; Chest; Children; Den. tition; Infants (New-born); Infants (Prema- ture, etc.); Thymus gland; Urine in children. Borie (P.-E.) * L'estoinac du nourrisson; anatoniie et physiologie. 8-. Toulouse, 1699. Levin (G. L.) *K voprosu <> soderzhanii nzota, zhirov, zoli, plotnlkh veshtshestv i vodl v nornialnoni kalie zdorovlkh dietei orndnavo vozrasta. [Presence of nitrogen, fats, ashes, solids, and water in normal fteces of healthy nurslings.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1900. Millkr (X. F.) Anatomicheskiya i fiziologi- cheskiya osobennosti dietskavo organiziua. [Anatomical and physiological peculiarities of the child's organism.] 8°. Moskva, 1865. 8c hikora (E. D.) *Zur Kenntnis der Gallen- farbstoffe in den Faeces der Siinglinge. 8°. Bn-slau, 1901. Avellis (G.) "Was istdersog. typischeinspiratoriscke Stridor der Siiuglinge. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1898, xiv. 902; 1003.—Basch (K.) Die centrale Innervation der Saugbewegungen. Jahrb. f. Kinderh.. Leipz., 1894, n. F., xxxviii, 68-81. —Bava (La) del bambino. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1890. xvii. 1062-1064.—Bnckman (S. S.) Human babies; what they teach. Nature, Lond., 1900-1901, Ixii, 226-228.—« aha. 'Ueber die n.ich ('ram farbbaren P.acillen des Siiuglingsstuhles. Centralbl f. Bakteiiol. [etc.J, 1. Abt.. Jena. 1901, xxx. 721-726. —C'amerer (\V.) Beitrage zur Physiologie des Siiuglings. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen it. Leipz., 1896, n. F.. xv. 521-534. -----. Bei- triige znr Phvsiologie des Siiuglingsalters Ibid., 1899. n. F.. xxi. 37-72. AUo [Abstr.] : Med. Cor. 111. il. wiirttemb. iir/tl. Ver.. Stuttg., 1900, Ixx. 359-363.—Combe (A.) La nervosite de l'enfant. Ann. de med. et chir. inf., Par., 1902. vi, 52-58— Cozzolino (O.) Lo stato attuale delle cono-icenze sulle peculiarity, anatomo-flsiologiche del tubo gastroenterico del bambino lattante. Gazz. nied. lomb., Milano, 1900, lix, 421; 431. —Ciros-e (G.I Viz.sg-ilatok az • ujsziilottek es csccscinok feheije-anya2i'ser£j6re vonatko- zolag. [Researches ou the albttmino metabol sm of the newborn and nurslings.] Magy. orv. Arch., Budapest, 1896, v, 391-409. AUo, transl. : Pest. med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1897, xxxiii, 902.— <.* midlobiii (N5) Dushev- naya zhizn grudnavo rebvonka. [ Mental life of the nursling.) Feldscher, St. Petersb.. 1894. iv, 538-551.— Ill-abaci' (O.) Ueber die Stolf und Kraftbilanz eines jungeu Bi ustkindes. Allg. "Wien. med. Ztg.. 1897, xiii, 519. -----. Die Energiebilanz des Sauglings. Berl. klin. "Wchnschr., 1900, xxxviii. 449-452. Also: Ztschr. f. diatet. u. physik. Therap., Leipz., 1901, v, 13-3,5. -----. Bemerkungen iiber die Kuhinilchtaees des Sauglings. Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg., Berl., 1901, 481-483— Japlia (A.) Die Leukocyten beim gesunden und kranken Siiugling. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Berl.. 1900. n. F.. Iii, 242-270—ile I.ange (Cornelia). Zur Darmvegetation gesunder Siiug- linge. Ibid., 1901, u. F., liv, 721-733.—I.eo (11.) Unter- suchungen iiber den Mageninhalt des Siiiglings und Xeugeborenen unter physiologischen uud pathologischen Yeihaltnissen. Tagebl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1888, Koln, "I8S9, lxi, 112.—Light (G. U.) The blood in infancy and childhood. N. York M. J., 1901, lxxiv, 1000-1002. — I.ombroso (Paola). La evoluzione delle idee nei bambini. Riv. di sc. biol., Torino. 1899, i, 641-664.—IVIorkovitin (A. P.) K voprosu ob izsliedo- vanii mokroti u dietei grudnavo vozrosta. |On the examination of the sputum of nurslings.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1899, xx, 457—.tlnggia (A.) La ptessioue del saugue nei bambini. Atti d. Cong, pediat. ital. 1898, Torino, 1900, iii. 127-129.— Tlumford (A. A.) Survival movements of human infancy. Brain, Lond., 1897. xx, 290-31)7. — .> il»on (EL 0.) The sphygmographic appearances of the pulse iu infancy; a preliminary note. Scot. M. ct S. J.. Edinb.. 1901, viii, 419-426.—OJtnwzewsUi (W.) O stosunku rozwoju inowy u dziecka do jego inte- ligeucyi. [Ou the relation between the development of speech iu an infant and its int• llig nee.] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1896, xxiv, 121; 150.—Oppeiihcimei*. Zur Biologie der obligaten Milchkothbacterien des Sauglings. Verhandl. d. Versamml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 18^9. Dresd., 1890. vii, 136.— Prcver. Les mouvements rerl6ehis de l'enfant. Rev. scient., Par., 1886, xxxviii, 658- 66 >.—Boilella (A.) Ueher die sogenannten saiireliebenden Bacillen im Saug- liugsstuhle. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc ]. 1. Abt.. Jena, 1901. xxix, 717-724, 1 pl.—Seheier (K) Die Respiration des Neugeborenen und Siiuglin^s; experimeutelle Studie. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz.. 1896. xliii. 471-497, 1 pl.— !*iecretion (The) of milk in the hnasts of infants. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1897, i, 29.— Kikoi-Nki (I. A.) Khod um- stvennavo i nravstvenuavo razvitiya v perviye godi zhizui. [Course of mental and moral development iu the first years of life.] Vopr. nerv.-psikh. med., Kiev, 1901, vi, Infants. 387-448. — Simpnon ( Sir W. G.) A chronicle of infant development and characteristics. J. Ment. Sc., Lond., 1893, xxxix, 378; 498. — *omm< rfelfl (P.) Zur Kenntniss der chemiscben Zusainmonsetziing des kind- lichen Korpers im ersten Lebensjahre. Arch. f. Kin- derh., Stuttg., 1900, xxx, 253-263. — Stengel (A.) & While (C. Y.) The blood in infancy and childhood. Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc, N. Y., 1900, xii. 214-249. Also: Univ. Peun. M. Bull., Phila., 1901, xiv. 310-325. —Terrien iE.) Xote sur le pouvoir glyeolytique des tissus du nourrisson a l'etat physiologique et dans la gastro -enterite. lev, mens. d. mal. de l'enf.. Par., 1901, xix, 31-33.—Townsentl (C. W.) The so-called physiological loss in infants. Boston M. & S. J., 1887, cxvi, 157-160. — Villa (A.) Delle oscillazioni termiche nel bambino sano e nel malato. Pammatone, Genova. 1899-1900, iii, 138-145, 1 ch. Infants (Asylums for). See Children (Charitable care of) ; Children (Hospitals for); Foundlings (Asylums for); In- fants (Hygiene, etc., of). Infants (Atrophy of). See, also, Nutrition (Disordered); Tubercu- losis in children. Boeli (J. F.) * De atrophia infantum, sm. 4°. Halce Magdeb., [1729], Chi'dex (C. F.) Methodus nova praeservandi et curandi atrophiam, seu inaciein infantum, et per conseqtiens morbuiu sic dictum aiiglicum, quam inultiplici experieutia eonnrmatain publi- cis usibus commendat. 4°. Lipsice, 172(3. Chude.v (J. V.) * Vindicias ijiiasdam selieili- asmatis jiarentis sui de methodo praeservandi et enrandi atrophiam infantum exhibet. 4°. Gottinga', [1746]. AUo, in: Haller. Disp. ad morb. [etc.]. 4°. Lausan- nee. 1758, vi, 37-51. Frank (P. G.) Ueber Paedatrophie. **~. Freiburg i. B., 1696. Hoffmann (A.) * Diss, qua atrophiam in- fantileni nnvo examiui subjecit. 8°. Traj. ad Viadr., [1797]. Holdefkki'XD (J. M.) * De atrophia infan- tum. 4°. Erfordice, [17*22]. Igxard (P.) * Etude sur lc traitement de l'atrophie infantile par le lait sterilise. 6J. Paris, 1699. Kirchxer (G. F.) * De atrophias infantum causis. 8-. Erlangen, [1796]. Munster (G. H.) * De macie et atrophia in- fantum, sm. 4°. Eilonii, 1751. Xoack (C. A. E.) *De atrophia, creberrimo niorborum infantiliumsymptomate. 8'c Lipsia, [1618], Pohl (J. C.) [Pr.] de atrophia infantum. 4°. Lipsice, [17r0]. Segxitz ( C. H. L.) * De atrophia infantum. 4. Vitemberga', [ 1792]. Smith (E.j On the wasting diseases of in- fants and children 2. Am., from the 2. revised and enlarged Englished. 8°. Philadelphia, 1671. ------. The same. fi. ed. 12°. London, 1899. Stiebei. (F.) jun. Ueber das Vtrhaltniss der Gekrosdriiseu im kindlichen Alter und ihre Beziehung znr Atropine im ersten Lebensjahre. 4C. Frankfurt a. M., 1851. Thexn ( J. G. ) * De atrophia infantium. sm. 4°. Argentorati, 1719. Wigand (C. M.) * De atrophia infantum. sm. 4C. Argentorati. [1722J. Wixckler (J. C.) * De atrophia infantum ex lacte i-orrnpto. 4°. Francof. ad Viadr., [1728]. Wittexburgius (N. G.) * De atrophia in- fantum rhachitica. 4°. Jence, [171")]. Aleasamlrello (G.) Sull' atrepsia di Parrot e sui suo meccanismo di produzione. Pediatria, Napoli, 1902, x, 1- 22. — Bagin*lt>(A.) Zur Kenntniss der Atrophic der Sauglinge. Deutsche med. "Wchnschr., I.eipz. u. Berl., 1899 xxv, 281-284. [ I liscitssion). Ver.-Beil., 133; 137. Also: Klin.-therap. Wchnschr., Wien, 1899, vi, 449-454. AUo, transl.: Gaz. d. mal. infant, [etc.], Par.. 1899, i, 251. AUo, transl: Iirit. M. J., Loud., 1899, i, 1084-1086— INFANTS. 891 INFANTS. Infant* (Atrophy of). Bninnel (L.) .v Neliey«li < 15 i Un cas ties "grave d'a- threpsiedunouveau-ne; encephalopathy ;(gueiison. (long. iuternat.de med. C. r., Par., 19oo. sect de med. de lent., 256-21.1.— Bendix (B.) Ein Stott'u cchs.K etsuch beim atroplii-chen Sitii^linn. Aich. f. 1'lnslol Leipz. 1899, Suppl.-l'>d.. l'i'0-217.— Kohn (11.) Atrophia infantum. ,labile f. Kindeih., Leipz. l*»87-8. xxvii.2:iU-2J2.—t'nni|»ri. lie la athtvp-ia infantil y d. mis relaciones con el dc-t.ite via alinientac ion. I'ron. med., Valencia, .l-81-2,v, 129-134.— C'onceiti iL.i SuH'atrofla primitiva intantilce sui varii generi di allattaniento dal pnnto di vista della nuova teoria | dei fernienti solubili. Policlin.. Boma. 1901 -2. viii. se/,. prat.. 33-38. AUu. transl.: Aicb.de med. d. enf., Par., 1902, v, 129-139.— C'ozzolino .(Li Bre\ i cousidcia/ioni pato- geneticlie sull' atiotia iiil'antile: a proposito di un caso coinpli tainente guarito alinietitato con la zuppa del Keller. Gioi. internaz. d. sc. nied.. X.ipoli. 1901. n s.. xxiii. 433- 442 — Diiavt' (P.i Athrep-i.-. X.diet .1. med. et chir. prat.. Par., 1-80. xl. ,".>-09 - l»e* Toiiim:i*i (G. li.) Cou- tribuzione all' etiologia dell' atiotia infantile primitiva; sintotnatoloeia. auatomia ]..itol".; :. .i con cinque osserva- eioni <■liinche p.tsouali. A:.li. interna.- d. spec, med.- chir.. Xapoli lt-94. x. 229-241.—niyyle I A.) Ouinfautile wasting, nontiihercular. and .lo tu.iianiit. Med. Repr., Lond., ]*»9">. vi. 161.— Duple i. .i De lathrepsie et de son traitement. Union in ,5 et -. e it du nord-est. Reims. 18.-8. xii. 353: "i--9. xiii, lo . 4 — Elli>» ■ l: C.i Inanition fever of iufaucy. Tr. M. Sue. X. Car.. Charlotte, ."i0. 7;-74. AU,,: Charlotte 'X\ C.] M. J.. 1900, xvi. 570. — Fe«le c F.I Dell' atiotia infantile. Boll. d. clin.. Milano. 1-93, x. 449- 4':: AUo: Gazz d. osp.. Milano, .1.-97!. xiv. 652-654. AUo: Pediatria, Xapoli 1-93. i. 6-12. ------. Sulle alteiazioni anatoiiio-patol.>i;iclie della mucosa ^astro-entei ica nel- l'atroua primitiva infantile. Ibid., 1-97 v. 260-26.">. 1 pl. AUo [Abstr.;: Suppl. al Policlin., Roma, 1.-97-8. iv. 299. AUo, transl.: Compt.-rend Cong. iuternnt.de nied 1897. Hoc., 1?9-. iii. sect.0. 3-7.-3-9. ------. X'uove osservazioni auatomo-patolo^icl.e -ulle alterazioni della mucosa gastro- enterica nell' atrolia ptimitiva infantile. Atti d. Con.:. pediat. ital. 1-9- Toiino )'......, iii. t-9-93. — Fen™ iclt i W. S. i Re|wnt on the p.itliolo^v of infantile marasmus. Biit. M. J.. Lend.. 5- "7 :i -29-833. — Filiiloll (X. F.) Iilio]iatiche»k.i'.-a atroriva. 'Idiopathic atrophv." Inhis: Klin. lekt-ii - . Mosk. 19oo. i, 134- 140.— Fi»eli (C.) About a hitherto unr> co^uized cause of infantile dvsau- xesis. Med Rev.. St. Louis. 1897. xxxv,4-9. AUo. Reprint — Fi»cher (L.) Athrepsia infantiim : with some points on ii.tn.T le.ding. Clin. Recorder. X. Y.. 1890 i. 17-12.------. Atbrep-ia infantum ; marasmus, or wasting disease; atro- pliv; mal-assimilation of frxul. J. Am. M. A--., Chicago, 19tl, xxxvi. 173-176. — Foili (F.) Marastno infantile da at rep sie od altre cause in i .ppoito alia morte per inani- ziot..-. Rifoima meil.. Xapoli. 1897. xiii, pt. 3, 711; 72.1.— Fiir»t (L.I Lii-st ,-ich die Atrepsia infantum . I'm i nti auf iliatetischem "W.■_.- vtLuten * C.-ntra;l.l. f. Kind. ih. Leipz..1902. vii. 41—;•'. —(".inline (J.) ii\v< ra-i.-: atln. psir. Gaz. med. de Par., '.-so 7.- 2-9-291. Il:i in i»< h in-. (J. A.) De attophia infanti- rachitica > iuw<|iie cuiatioiii- I bus empiriei- et -..natione rationali. -electa med 1'ian- cof.. Francof. ad Viadr. .1737-9. i 301-321 — Heirinyluim (W. P.) On the -,,od effect which ..'..ats milk ... .-a-ionaliy has in marasiiiu-. St. Barth. Hosp..!.. Lond. l>-98-9. vi, 5.— ] llenbner (O. i Zur Kenntniss der S liigliiigBatrophie. I Verhandl. d. O.-ell-eh. .lei.t-.. h. Xatmi u. Aerzte i!m(i Leipz.. 1901, lxxii, pt. 2, 2. Hilt.-. 17,4-17". AUo: Jahi 1.. t Kinderh., Berl.. litol, n. F liii. 35-49. - llollopeier i \Y. C.) Infant feeding' in health and disease; tic .in t and treatment of infants in athr. psia or simple atrophy. In- termit. Clin., Phila.. 1897 7.„. ii. 157-164. — lloll (L. E.) Inanition fever in the new lv born. Tr. Am P. .li.it. Soc, X. V. Is97v;i. 60-66. AUo: At ch. Pediat.. X.V. 1895 xii, 561-567—I.n ■■ moil iei-ol i Tiaitement de lati oplii. iu- | fan til.- Bull. -. i, cl.-tii. lap [etc.J, Par.. Pml.CXIii,47.0-459 — l,i- lieniln I., I. athiep-i.- et son traitement li.v. prat, d'obst. et de pa-diat.. 1 -,.r. 1892. v. 347-352.—I.emnr- chand. De lathrepsie de l'iiisuffisaiice, de son traite- I ment dans les cas graves, et des effets reconstituauts de l'hydrotherapie methodiipie a lean de met. Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. med. de Par.. 1887,. xxx, 300-330. - r.ori' d. X.) | Infantile matasmus. Tr. ix. Internat. M Con.: Wash., I 1887. iii. 017-020. AUo: South. Clinic Kichmond. 18s7. x, 289-294.-Harm- (H. D.i Maia.-iniis. I'utfalo M. .V S. J.. 1894-5. xxxiv, 15-17.—.tlnrfnn cA.-B.' .Sur lathrep- sie. Pre-se m6d.. Par., 1890,1-9 AU,,: Bev prat. d. trav. de mecl.. Par.. 1896. liii. 101. — tl.-irliiie/ Vnrgaa (A.) General infantile atrophy and the injection of serum. In- ternat. contrib. med. lit. F.-t-c In . Abraham Jaeobi, X.Y., 1900, 367-371, 1 pl.--.MerU. Leber Atrophia in- fantum in Oberschwaben. .Med. Coi -Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver.. Stuttg., 1851, xxi. 171. —.Vliehelnxzi (A.) Ricerche sperimentali intorno al maia-ma dei laitanti nu- triti con latte sterilizzatodi animali tub.noloti. i. Suppi. al Policlin., Roma, 1899-1900. vi. 673-670- Mol3.— I'otvell i 11 II I Maiasnins. Internat. Clin.. Phila., 1897, 6. s.. iv 7,7 I'riee (YV5 II.) A contribution to the study of niaia.-iiiiis. A nn. i i\ nac. Sc Pa-diat.. Phila., 1891- 2. v, .r)r.l-.".07.— KoiiiIum'Ii iK. A.) De uitteringder jong- L'eboreneu (atro]iliia tenellorum m. lactaiitiiiin). Xedei-1. Ti.jdschr. v. Verlosk., Utrecht., 1852. v. *J 1 -41 — Sau-oiu (A. E.) Practical observations on cet tain -\ mptoms which accompanv the wasting disorders of inlants lathi epsia). Internat. M. Mag.. Philu., 1897,-6. iv, 161-168. — Nehmidt (AV. L. E.) Ueher den I lei,ranch der Ol. i jecct is aselli in der Rhachitis und Attophia infantum. .Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1831, xxxv, 33-49. —Meeligmiiller. Ueber eiue noch wenig gekaunte Form von voriibergehender Beweguugsstiii nng der unteren Extieniitiiten verbimden mit dauerudei Taubheit hei Kindern. Centralbl. f. Xer- venh.. Coblenz 1880. iii. 98-lu2. —Mejonrnel. De l'a- threiisie; causes; prophylaxie: traitement. Rev. mens. a. mal. de l'euf., Par., 1888, vi. 1553; 309. — Ntarr (L.) Simple atrophy. Am. Text-Bk. Hi-. Child. IStatri, 2.ed.. Phila., Is98. 503-508, 1 pl. — Nudnii k (K.) Un ca-o de atrofla progresiva de la infancia. Bev. Soc. nied. ar- gent.. Buenos Aires, 1892, i, 357-364. — Taylor t J. M.) The systematic management of wasting disease in chil- dren. ' Phila. Polyclin., 1893, ii. 37-40. —Tnrri (A.) Un caso di atrepsia infantile. Boll. d. clin.. Milano. 1898 xv, 489-491.—Variol (G.) L'atrophie infantile et son traite- ment. Ann. de nied. et chir. inf., Par., 1901. v. 829-830. ------. Courbes d a.croisseinent d'enfantsatrophiiiue-ele- ves au lait sterili-e. Bull. Sue. de pediat. de Par.. 19o2. iv. 17-20. ------. L'elevage des enfants atrophi: Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1902. 3. s.. xix. 17.0-17.7. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1902, lxxv. 249-252. Veil me yer (C.) Padatrophie und Dr. 'J heinhardts Kindernahrung. Aerztl. Centr.- Anz.. "Wien, 189.1 xi. 307. —Wagner (J.i A kisded- as/ahn'd (atrophia iufantuin) Orvosi Tar. I'e-t.. 1841, 337-340. — Weal i-I. P.i Marasmus. Cincin. Lancet- Clinic. 1890. n.s., xxxvi, 422.—Zahorsky il i Tin-treat- ment of infantile atropin . St. Louis M. Rev., 1902, xiv, 109-114. Infant* (Care of). See Children (Hygiene, etc., of, Popular treatises on); Infants (Hygiene, etc., of); Infants (Veii"- born, Care of); Infants (Nutrition of). Infant* (Diseases of). See. also, Barlow's disease; Children (Diseases of); Convulsions in infants, etc.; Diarrhoea in children; Diphtheria ih children: Dyspepsia in children; Erysipelas (Infantile : Fever (Ma- larial) in children; Fevers in ehihlnn; Gastro- enteritis ih ihildren; Genitals (Female, Hcviuor- rhage from); Genitals (Female, Inflammation, etc., of) iu children ; Gonorrhoea in child en ; Hy- drocele (Congenital, elr.); Infants (Atrophy of); Infants (Mortality of, t'uusi-s. etc., of); Infants Seit-born, Diseases, etc., of); Infants (Suli-iiion of. Disordered); Infants (Iremalun, etc., Care of); Intestines (Diseases of) in children; Intes- tines lln moirlmge from) in children; Jaundice in children: Kidney (I>ise■■< lini (A.) Note ed osser- vazioni sui bambini annual,iti nel Brefotrotio di Pavia negli aimt 1S77-SI. Iiidipeiid.-nte, Torino. 1881. xxxii. 697; 721.—Hnral iI.-E.i De la tuberculose des nourrissnus. Bull.de l'Hop. civ. franc, ile Tunis. 1901. iv, 221-227 — Ilayem (G.) Note sur i'aneraie des nounissous. Bull. et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par.. 1*89. 3. s.. vi, 454-458. AUu.- Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 18*9. 2. s.. xxvi, 726-729. Also 'Abstr.l: Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1889. Ixii. 11*3. -Hoch- binjjer iC.i Die Myotonic der Sauglinge und deren Be- ziehungeu zur Tetanie. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1900, 1, 313; 375; 426: 466; 514; 579-II nil I (G. B.) Two cases of splenic anaemia with internal liemori ha_es in in- fants. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1898-9, 1. 2o9-212.— Keller (A.) Kranke Kinder an der Brust. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Berl., 1901, n. F., liii, 59 -9" —Knapper (N.) £ Alia (•I. T.) Een geval van ocileetn met vetsclereem bij ceu Infants (Diseases of). zuigehug. Med. Weekbl.. Amst., 1901-2, viii. 228-234.— Kiippt'ii (A.) Der Pvloruskrampf im Siiuglingsalter. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1901. xv. 144; 165; 179; 199; 236.— L,eo (H.l Ueber Tympanites im Siiujjlingsalter. Ver- handl. il. Versamml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . deutsch. Naturf. n. Aerzte 1899, Wiesb., 1900. xvi. i-4 -l.oi.el (M.) Le gros ventre flasque des nom i is-c.ns. N'c.i maud: ■ med., Rouen. 1901, xvi. 360-369. — l.iili.-ic* .II.) Luke- phalopathia infantilis esete. [ A case of ... | Orvosi hetil., Budapest. lOol. xiv. 30). — U.'id..Kiibeiih., 1901, 4. R., ix, 1281-1287—.TIor*e (J. L.) Remarks on the classification ofthe ana -rnia- ot infancy, with a report of a severe case. Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc. N. V. 1898, x. 161-171.— > in in a n ■■ iH.) Ernahrungsweise und Infectionskrank- heiten iiu siiuglingsalter. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., L.ip/.. n. Berl.. 1895, xxi. ?H-s44 — I'lanchon (P.) Re- sultat- obtenus a la consultation des nourris-ons ile la cli- nique Tarnier pendant les mois de juin, juillet. aout et septernbre 1899. Obstetrique, Par., 1900. v. 35-7.0. -----. Tioubl.-s suivenus chez des nounissous apres leur sortit de l'hopital; moyens employes pour les combattre. Ibid. >;i_;;io.— Riga (A.i Di uua malattia della prima iufan- zia probahiliiiente no. trattata dai patoluirici. Movi- mento, Napoli. 18S1, 2. s., iii, 22-29. —«le Rothschild (H.) Revue analv tique des travaux receuts sur les mala dies du premier asc Programed., Par., 1901. 3. s xiv 93; 108— Ron I land (A.) Abces multiples chez h - nonrri-son- Poitou m£d., Poitier-. ,890 iv, 217-221.— Rnssoflf. Bolieznidtetel vperviy.- ii«»«li zhi/.ni. ;Dista--s of children during the early years of life.; Ku--k. Mi d. St. Petersb.. 1887, xii, 257; 274; 2ss — *inidiU;il K Trhlinkv fitni ti kojencu. [Rupture of ami- in infant- Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1894. xxxiii, 64-66 — Ninith i A. L.) A case of diseased subcutaneous induration in an infant ir. Obst. Soc. Loud. (1899|. 1900, xli, 103-105.- Mpieselberg (J. H.) Zur Frage der Eutstehungswege To t Luntttiieiitziindiingen magendarmkranker und se[>- tisch erkr.mkter Sauulinge. Verhandl. d. Versamml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1899, Wiesb.. 1900, xvi, 178-183.—Strazza. Sugli ascessi re- trofaringei nei bambini lattanti. Arch. ital. iii otol. [etc.], Torino, 1901, xi. 177-190.—Varnier (H.) Abces multi- ples des nounissous. Rev. prat, delist, et d'hyg. de l'enf., Par., 1891, iv, 339; 362. — Vergniauil i H. i Spasrae phreno-glottique des nourrissons ou asthine de Koi>]> on de Millier. Union med., Par.. 1896, 4. s . ii 315.—\ loll Ac Taptas. Coutribnzioue alio studio d. lie malattie d.-11a boeca e delle vie aeive superiori nei bambini. Atti d Cong, pediat. ital. Is98. Torino. 1900, iii, 142-146. Infants (Diseases of, Causes ami pathol- ogy of). Cohx (A.) *Giebt es eine Hyperchlorbydne im Siinglinosalter? **:!. Breslau, 1-05. I)amoi:rette (E.) ~Atfeetions des nourris- sous de'terniine'es par la o-al;ictophorite de la nourrice. 4°. Paris, 1-03. -----. Thesame. 8J. Paris, 1-03. Also [Abstr.], in: Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par. 1895, xiii, 11-18. Galixier (L.-H.) Les conceptions pathoge'ni- f]nes actuelles sur les atfeetions intestinales du nourrisson. -5 Toulouse. 1901. Kellek (E.) * Ueber eiuige Krankheitsursa- cben bei Xeugeborenen und Siiuglingeu. --. Wiirzburg, 1-50. Xobecoubt (P.) * Recherches sur la pathoge- uie des infectious gastro-intestiuales des jeuues eufauts. r:. Paris, 1-00. AUo, in. Semaine nied.. Par., 1899. xix, 169-173. INFANTS. 893 INFANTS. Infant* (Diseases of Causes and pathol- otty of). s. (IVH. B.) Sick babies; how some babies tret so. lti-\ [Newark, n. d.] ° Tekriex \E.) "" Etude anatonio-pathologiqiit' .les lesions dn foie dans la gastro-enterite (A.) Yeidauiingsstorungen im Sauglingsalter: patholo- i gisch-anatoiniselies Referat, mit Demonstration. Cong. internat. de med. C. r.. Par.. 1900, sect, de nied. de l'enf., 153-176, 2 pl —Bnkniiiti (Sofia), l'.revi notedi anatomia patoiogica ii fantile. Attid. r Accad. med.-chir. di Na).oli. 19o0, n s. 1 v. 13-384, 2 pl. — Iln-ch (K.i ,v Welemin- »lty (F.» 15 i">r die An--, ii.idling von Krankhcitsorre- gern durch die 7M ile li. Jain', f. Kinderh. I.eipz.. 1-9S, xlvii, 105-115 —Berkeley (W. N.) Enlargement of the iiverand -l.l.en in inf.n;. v: report of cases, and discussion of etiolo.v. lY.liatiies, N.Y. & Lond.. 1899, vii. 433-448.— RonfTe. Des dangers de ['administration de l'alcool aux entants sous la forme dite de canards k l'eau-ite-vie. Bull. et ni6iu. Soc. de med. et chir. prat, de Par., 1891, 248-251.— Carter (C. B. I A case of rare and fatal disease of in- fancv with symmetrical cliang. s in the yellow -pot. Arch. Ophth., N. Y., 1894. xxiii. 12' -1 :i.— (ntlaiiio (C.) Con- tributo alio studio clinico della iiisiiffieieuza epatica nelle malattie infantili. Rendic. d. Ass. med.-chir. di Parma, 1901. ii. 109-121.—Escherieh (T.) Ueber die Bedeutung der Bakterien in der Aetiologie der Magen-Darmerkran- kungen d. r Sauglinge. Yerhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1898. Leipz.. K-99. Ixx. pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 198-201. AU;, transl.: Arch, de med. d. enf.. Par., 1900, iii. 714-723. -----. Die Aetiologie der primaren acuten Magen-Darmerkrankungen der Siiuglinge bacteriellen Ur- -;.'un_'.-s. Wien. klin. Wclinschr., 1900. xiii, 843-846.— <.aulnrd. Note relative au passage des niicroorgauis- u.es daus le lait des nourtices, et k. leur influence sur la sant6 des nourrissons. Arch, de toiol. et de gynec. Par., Is92. xix, 215-220 — Hartmanii (A.) On the intestinal disturbances pro.! ■-<•-•} 'v otitis media of infants. Arch. Otol. N. Y., 1899. xxviii. 126-13*. — Heubner. Ueber septische Infectionen im Sauglingsalter. Berl. klin."Wchn- schr.. 1895. xxxii. 594-596. — IIirwch oi»eI OI.) L< s pyodermites des | n. urrissons. Nm ma:.die nied.. Rouen, 1900, xv. 317-324.— .Minor (J. I. - I n ear as a factor in causing cerebral | ili-tui bauce in intestinal and other disorders of infancy. N. York M. J., 1894, lx. 114. -Neumann (li.I Ernah- rnngsweise und Infectionskrankheiten im .Sauglings- alter. Yerhandl. d. Yersainml. d. (Je-ell-ch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1*95. Wiesb.. 1896, xii, 20- :;5. _ Pf-re iA.) Fermentation la.tique d.s corps Mtcres i.ar ie col ibaeille dn nourrisson. Ann. de lln-t. Pasteur, Par.. 1-98, xii. 63-72. — Pfaundler 'M.I Leber stuff- wechselstorun." n an magen • daraikranken Sauglingen. Wien. klin. Wclm-ahr. 1900, xiii, KU3-X12. AUo. transl. [Abstr.]: Cong int.-rn.it. denied.. Par.. 1900. sect.de med., de leuf., 250.—I*otteviii (II.) Conlribution a I'etude de la fei mentation lactiqne. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par.. 1*9*. xii 49-412. — Mimonini (II.) Dalle alterazioni del -angue in tre ca-i di paroressia dell' infauzia. Gazz. d. osp.. Milano, 19ou xxi. 1574-1577. — Solnro. Sonimario della patologia e terapia dei catarri gastro-int.stinali nel- 1' e.ta della latla/ion. . Arte med.. Napoli 1X99. i. 656: 675; 694: 7-J9: 754.— No nil en berger. I'.eitrage zur Aetiolo- ge 'mil Pathogence der akuten Yenlaiiiiiigsstiii iingon im Saiiglingsiilter, iusbesoudeic der Chol.ia nostras. Ver- I il fa ill* (Diseases of, Causes and pathol- <>1.'U. Sanchez de Silvk.ka (I.-R.) * De la bave in- fantile, lc Paris, 1691. Weigert (F.) * Ueber das Fieber bei den Magenilarinerkrankungen im Siiuglingsalter. 8c Bveslatt, 1896. Adsersen I H. i Om sygePatteborns Yagt. [ Sur le poids d.-s nourrissons malades. C.-r., no. 16, 4-6.] Nord. med. Ark.. Stockholm, 1896, n. F., vi, no. 13, 1-51. AUo. transl. '-. Ab-tr.]: Gaz. hebd. d. sc. m6d. de Bordeaux, 1896, xvii. 605.—Atkinson (W. B.) Symptomatology in in- fants. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1883, i, 268-271.—Ann- uel. Notions generates sur la s6nuMologie infantile. Med. inf.. Par., 1899-1900, ii. 461-465. AUo [Abstr.J: Rev. prat, d'obst. et de gynec, l'ar., 1900. xvi. 213-218.—Bezy. Les Elements du diagnostic chez 1'enfauf. Arch, de med. d. enf.. Par.. 1899.H, 537-551.—Carle* (P.) Signes fournis par les selles des nourrissons. J. deni6d.de Par., 1896, 2.s., viii, 565. — Cattaneo (Ci Nota su alcuni riflessi nella prima infanzia. Rendic. d. Ass. med.-chir. di Parma, 1901, ii, 145-14S.—t'oiieloux (L.) De la bave infantile et du ronflement. Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par.. 1895, xiii, 1-10.—C'uoino (A.) Valore seinioloi:ico della fontanella. Attid. Cong, pediat. ital. 1892. Napoli. 1896, ii, 373-378.— Durante (G.) De 1 augmentation de poids qui precede parfois la mort chez les tres .jeunes enfants. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1898, lxxiii, 530-7:17 — Fovean de C'onr- ■nelles. Les ravons X en natholgie infantile. Ann. de med. it chir. inf., Par., 1899, iii, 125; 170: 199; 258.—Fow- ler (J. S.) The diagnosis and piognosis of some forms of blood disease in infancy. Internat. Clin., Phila.. 1901. 11". s., ii, 125-136. —Guida (T.) La desquainazione cutanea nelle malattie dei bambini. Pediatria, Napoli. 1S90. iv, 137-141.—Ilerrman (C.) The method of examination ot" infants. X. York M. J., 1901, lxxiii, 94-101.— I.e lirix. Lntoroi rhee rosee lnSiuatique; its diagnostic and prognos- tic value I),,Minet. M. Rev., N. Y., 1896, x, 27-30.— I.e«iie (1-51 \ .Tlerklen (P.) L'epreuve du bleu ile me- thylene chez lis nourrissons. Bull. Soc. de p6diat. de Par., 1901, iii, 162-164.----------. Les reactions de Sal- kowski et de Haycraft chez les nourrissons normaux et au cours des gastro-enlerites. Ibid , 220-^23.— Levi iM.R.) Lo studio clinico delle malattie dei bambini, r.ior. inter- naz. d. SC. med., Xapoli, 18*3, n. s., v 412-155. — .Heyer (P.) Asphyklische Zustandc bei Sauglingen. Deutsche med. Wcnnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1893. xix. 861 — Tliyake (M.) [Kemarks on the weakening of the voice ol nurs lings during kakke. ] Kyoto Igakkwai Zasshi, 1900.391- 402.—de I'li-o y Fei-nandez-t'alvo (J.) Protilaxis de algunas eiil.rmedades infantiles. Actus y mem. d. ix. Cong, internac. de hvg. y demog. 189i<, Madrid, 1900, iL 327-331.—Pericr (IC.) I)u diagnostic en medecine infan- tile Ann. de med. et chir. inf. Par., 1899, iii, 641-645. We he re r (F.) Nektere duel./.ite choroby iitl6hod6tskeho veku .i .iich profylaxe. [Some grave diseases of very young children and their prophylaxis.] Lek. rozhledy, Praha, 1*99, vii, 161; 197. —Taylor (R. T.) The difficul- ties in making adiaguosis iu the bone lesions of nurslings. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1901, n. s., exxii. 601-607. Infant* (Diseases of Manuals of). See, also, Infants (Diseases of, Treatment of); Infants (Hygiene, etc., of). Auelin (H. A.) Om varden af barn timler de tiitstii lel'nadsaren. [On the can* of children in the first year of life.] 8°. Stockholm. 1671. INFANTS. 894 INFANTS. Infants (Diseases of Manuals of). _____. The same. Lasten hoidosta ensim- maisinii elrnouosina. Suomennos. [Transl. into Finnish.] 6°. Helsingissa, 1675. Ballantyne (J. W.) Au introduction to the diseases of infancy. 8°. Edinburgh $ London, 1891. Bednar (A.) De ziekten der pasgeborenen en zuigelingen uit een klinisch en ontleedkuuilig staudpunt. Uit het Hoogduitsch vertaald. 2 pts. in 1 v. 8°. Leiden, 1655. Billard (C. M.) Trattato delle malattie de' bambini neonati e poppanti fondato sopra nuove investibetinii. 1S;»S, pt. 2, 47-57. [Discussion], pt. 1. '_'. Also.- Herl. klin. Wclinschr.. 1898. xxw, 10-13. — I»l« illei (lvi Ueber die Venlauung im Siiuglingsalter bei kiauklmften Zustiinden. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., Is88. u. 15. xxviii, 164-171.— Powell iC. H.) Problematical considerations relative to infant feeding and dietetics during acute or chronic dis- eases. X. Aiu. J. Diaeu. \- Pract.. St. Louis. 1900. iii, no. 10, 17-22.—<|nintrie il-5! E\ii-te-t il une therapeu- tique propre k leiifan. e ' Ann. de nied. et chir. int., l'ar., 1900, iv, 87-98.— Keale (A.) Sull' asscrbiinento di pa- recchie sostanze nietlieaiiH-iito.su, col metodo dia-epider- mico. nei bambini. Atti d. Cmii;. pediat. ital. 1892. Xapoli, 1*>96. ii, :;>5 :;*>7. — BoMzlio»< Traitemeut des troubles gastro-iutesti- naux du nouiiisson. Rev. de therap. med.-chir.. Par., li-Uc. lxv, 469-473.—Troitski (I. V.) Vlernrye sposobi s bolieznyami i sniet tnostyu grudnikh dietei. [Reliable method.-, of combating di-.ea-.es and death in infancy.] Viach St. Petersb.. 19ol: xxii, 1468-1471.—Variot (G.) Causes et traitement des vomissements des nouriissons. J. de clin. et de therap. inf., Par., 1898, vi, 1001: 1899, vii, 1. Infant* (Diseases of, Treatment of, Sur- gical). Gherini (A.) Contribuzioni alia chirurgia sui bambini. 6°. Milano, 1-76. .lleilvei- IB.) Theile einer Dermoidcyste (Haare) aiisliu-.teiider Sau^lin^. Uniiai. med. Presse, Budapest, 1901, vi, 687-689—Willard die K.) Surgical treatment of infants. Man land M. J.. Bait., 18-5, xiii, 201; 221. AUo: Med. 1. -----. The same. Also a translation of Henri Xestle's tirst published statement of his invention ofthe lacteuus farina, aud a pamphlet by \V. C. C'ockson on nutrition and care of in- fants. l'J°. New Tork, 1~87. -----. The same. - '. [Pavis, n. d.] Leeds (A. li.) Analyses of foods for infants and invalids. 8'c [Hoboken, n. d.] vox Liebig (J.) Suppe fiir .Siiuglinge. Mit Nachtriigen in Beziehung auf ihre Bereitung und Anwendung. 1"2°. Braunschweig, 1666. Montagne (A.) Iz. *()\er de verteerbaar- heid vou meel bij jonge zuigelingeu. 8°. Lei- den, 1699. Neaves Kinderinehl, seine chemische Consti- tution uud sein Xiihrwerth. Aus der hieruber vorliegeuden Literatur zusatnmengestellt von W. 0. Knoop. l"2-\ Hamburg, [n. d.]. Stark (T.) Diets for infants aud children in health and in disease. 16°. Philadelphia, 1696. Timpe C T.) Graphische Darstellung des Niihrwcrthes der kiinstliehen Kranken- uud Kin- dern iihrpriiparate mit und ohne Milchzusatz. obi. Ki3. Magdeburg, [n. d.]. -----. Pankreas-Pastillen und Milchzusiitze iu der kiinstliehen Kiuderernaurung. 8c Mag- deburg, [1686], Vallee (C.) * Des poudres alimentaires et de l'alinientation des enfants du premier age. 8°. Lille, 1697. AUo, iu: Bull. Soc. centr. de m6d. du nord, Lille, 1897, 2. a., i, 304-340. Wagner (W. C.) A few remarks upon Wag- ner's infant'food. 16°. Brooklyn, N. ¥., [1890, vel snbseij.]. Adriauce (V.) Thenutritive value of the food constit- uents for infants. N. York M. J., 1898, lxvii, 602-604. AUo, Keprint. Awhby (II.) Onthevalueof milk wbevin infant feeding. Edinb. M. J., 1899, n. s., v, 389-391. — Baruch (S.) Artiti.ial infant foods. Dietet.Gaz., N.Y., 1888, n.s., i, 1-3.— Kenilix (B ) Allenburs s Kindernahruug(the Al- lenbun 7-s tbnilsi. Deutsche Ac'r/te/tg., Berl., 1900, 505.— It lii< li.-i doiveut-ellesetre haunies de ralimentatiou des tr6s jeunes enfants? Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med.de Bordeaux. 1901. xxii, 196-199 — Brush (E. l\) The use of commercial milk-sugar in infant -teed- ing. Arch. Pediat.. Phila.. 1890,vii, 605-610. AUi,.- J. Am. M Ass., Chicago, 1890, xv, 17-19. Also, Reprint. — Biid- zlio t\". A.) K voprosu ob iskustveiiuom vskarmlivanii grudnikh dietei; nablvudeniya nad prikonnoni sniesyu Ja- eobi. [Artificial feeding of nurslings bv -lacobi's mixture.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1885. xxiii, 589-596.' Also: Trudi Obsh. russ. vrach. v Mosk. (1885), 1886, 15 24— Bulkier (L. D.) Wheat jelly iu infant feeding. St. Paul M. J., St. Paul, Minn., 1899, i, 254-256. — Campbell ( G. G. ) A simple and inexpensive method ot obtainitii; and pasteurizing cream for the preparation ol inlanl 1.....1. Montreal M. J., 1900, xxix, 270-273.—t'autley (E.) A special milk for in- fants (cream milk). Lancet. Lond., 1896, i, 94-96.—Cha- pin (H. D.) The question of gruels in the feeding of in INFANTS. 896 INFANTS. Infant* (Foods for). fants. Med. Rec, X. Y. Is99, lvi, 181-183. -----. The place of cereals in infant feeding. Ibid.. 1901. lx, 4-7.— Cheney (W. F.) The Kotcli foimula for infant feeding. Occidental M. Times. Sacramento, 1895, ix, 59-64.—Cher- noil" (V. E.i Daluiei-hiya izsliedovaniya o soderzhanii azota v sukhom ostatkie isprazbneiiiy i o piotsentnoni ko- lebanii azota isprazhueniy v zavisiiuosti ot pishtshi i raz- lichuikh zabolievaniy dietskavo organizma. [Further in- vestigations of the presence of nitrogen in dry fecal re- mains, and the percentage variation of nitrogen in the fe- ces, depending on the tood and different diseases of the child's organism.] Yrach, St. Petersb.. 1885. vi. 607; 629; 645.—Chittenden (It. H.) The deficieucv of fat in dry milk foods for infants. Dietet. ^c Hyg. Gaz.. X. Y„ 1895, xi, 609-611. AUo, Reprint. -----. A study of some infant foods in comparison with mothers' milk. X. York M. J., l.M'6. lxiv, 71-75. AUo, Reprint. — Cleveland ( J. L.) Infant food. Tr. Obst. Soc Cincin.. 1879-87.. ii, 394-402.— Cotton (A. C.) The use of lien's eggs in infant feed- ing. Compt.-rend. Cong, internat. de med. 11-97. Mosc. 1898 iii. sect. 6. 317-321. AUo: J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago. 1-99. xxxii. 12U0-1LU2. Also: Sanitarian. X. V., 1900. xliv. 414-418 — CrandalL (F. M.) Practical food prescribing. Med. News, X. Y., 1901, lxxviii, 725-728. — Ch minings i W. i Prepared infant foods. X. Eng. M. Month.. Bridge- port, Conn., 1885-6, v, 452-455.—Earlc (C. W.) The ster- ilization of food for infants. Chicago M. Recorder. 1892, iii, 472-480. [Discussion], 499-502.—Kiloart (A.) A food for infants, with experiments, chemical and physiological. Tr. Pan-Am. M. Cong. 1893, Wash., 1895, pt. 2. 1324-1331. Also: >T. York M. J., 1893, lviii, 311-314. Also, Reprint.— Fowler M5 B.l Farinaceous infant foods. Am. J.Obst., X. Y.. 1882. xv. 449-465. Also. Reprint Freudenberg. Dr. Theinhardt's liisliche Kinileinalii ung. Frauenarzt, Leipz.. 1898. xiii. 499-501— Fruclit. Soxhlet's Xiihr- znckc-t■; ein neues Kiiid.-raalii mittel. Munchen. med. "Wchnschr., 1902, xlix, 57-60.— Cur*I (L.i Die neueren Phasen des Molkereiweseus und der Siiuglings-Ei nahning von Liebig bis Backbaus. Therap. Monatsh.. Berl., 1899, xiii, 542-547.—Cieiicrwicli (G.) A cseeseniok inotci seges tapliilasanak kerdese. [The question of artilicial food for nursing children.] Gyog\aszat, Budapest, 1896, xxxvi, 45U; 467.—Oillet (H.) Regimes aliinentaires des enfants. Anu.de la Policlin. de Par., Is97, vii, 1; Ms; 54; 81.—CJold- niaiin (J. A.) Die Eruahrung gesunder uud ktanker Kinder mit Muffler's sterilisirter Kindernahriiiig. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl.. 1900. xxi. 545-550. — C^regor (K.) Ueber die Verwendung des Meliles in der Sauglings- ernahrung und iiber den Einfluss der Kohlehvdrate auf die Magendarmerkrankungen und die Coustitutioiisano- malieudesfruheiiKindesalters. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1900, xxix, 95-162, 4 diag. -----. Ueber die Verweudung des Leims in der Saugliugsei naln ung Centralbl. f. innere Med., Leipz., 1901, xxii, 65-78.—<»rl-414. Also, transl..- Arch. Pediat., X. Y.. 1901, xvii, miI-811.—de Jn.'ir ( L.i Karneuielk als voedsel voor kinderen bened. n bet jaar. Xederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst,. 1895. 2. R.. xxxi. pt. 2, 6,9-688.—Kahler (J. F.) Infant feeding and foods. Med. Rec, X. Y. 1898. liii, 335.— Keller ( A.) Die Ver- wendung des Saccharins bei der Saiigliiigsernahrung. Centralbl. f. inneie Med., Leipz.. 1898, xix, 797-.-04. Also: Aerztl. Runilscliau. Miinchen, 1898, viii, 739. AUo: Reiehs- Med.-Anz., Leipz.. 189.*. xxiii. 473. -----. Malzsiippein der Praxis. Therap. d. Hcgenw., Berl u. Wieu, 1901, n. F., iii, 57-68— KlaulMdi i A.i Feber die Verwendbarkeit von Kufeke's Kindernii hi zur F.i nabrung gesunder uud ver- dauungskraiiker Kinder. R.ichs-Med.-Aiiz., Leipz , 1901, xxvi, 362; 383.—KruejjeriO W.) Do lhe present meth- ods of preserving infant foods insure their perfect steril- ity? Proc. Am. Pharm. Ass.. Halt., 1898. xlvi, 385-388.— Laclota in alimentatia copiilor de tati. [Lactose in the alimentation of nurslings.; Spitalul,'Bucuresci, 1899, Infants (Foods for). xix, 95. — Leeds (A. R.) On infant foods. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., ls81-3, 3. s,, vi. 377-409. AUo: Med. News, Phila., 1884, xliii, 56; 73. AUo, Repriut. -----. The chemistry of milk and of artificial foods for chil- dren. Am. Text-Bk. Dis. Child. iSarr), 2. ed. Phila, 1898, 37-52. — I.cjjraml ( H.) La diete hydrique chez les nourrissons; ses indications. :!. -----. The same. 4. Aufl. 12°. Gbttingen, 1*.")*. -----. The same. De eerste levensdagen vau het kind; raadgevingen om zich dezen tyd ten mvtte te maken. [Transl. from the German 3. ed.] 1*2-. Utrecht, 167)6. Bi.axchet. L'avenir physique, intellectuel et moral de l'enfant, decouvert a son arriv^e au monde. 10°. Cherbourg, 1*41. Burggraevk {A.) La surveillance matemelle, ou hygiene therapeutique de la premiere en- fance d'aines la nie"thode dosini£trique. 12c. Gand, 1**7. Chavassk (P. H.) Advice to a mother on the management of her offspring. 6. ed. 16-. Lon- don, 1*01. -----. The same. Counsel to a mother; be- ing a continuation and completion of Advice to a mother. *\ Philadelphia, 1*71. -----. The same. 12\ Philadelphia, 1*94. Bound icith his: Advice to a wife. 85 Philadelphia, 1894. Clottex (F. E.) The ne< es>ity of a sanitary reform in infant rearing.; why and how it should be effected. A most urgent appeal to the women of England, 6-. Lirerpool, 1*** Coxgrf.sso nazionale per 1" igiene dell' allat- tamento mercenario. Igiene della prima infan- zia. L' allattamento mercenario e la sal nti* del bambino. Atti del primo ... 1699. *-. Milano, 19ti0. Copasso (F.) Per le rnadri di famiglia. II bambino che vien restituito dalla uutrice. 12'. Torino, 1697. Corxwallis Stteet Day Nursery, Liverpool. Half-yearly report of the committee to the sub- scribers. 1., Jan. to June 30, 1*70. 12°. Liver- pool, lr?u. CoroxelS. S.} Het zuigelino^leven. Win- ken en raadgevingen voor moeder- eu verpleeg- sters. 6c Amsterdam. [18-*]. [( OL'taxt (J.)] Xourricerie moilile pour l'e'levage des petits enfants. .Sous le patronage de la Societe" d'hygiene de 1'enfance. 1*2°. [Pa- vis. n. d.] Custer (G.) Grundsiitze fiir die CJestindheits- ptlt-gi' des Kindes im ersten Lebensjahre (Siiug- lingsalter). Zur Verbreitiiiiy in Fannlien auch durch Zivilstaudsainter, Gesuiidheitsbehorileii, Frauenvereine, etc., zus iminengestellt. 6. Auh\ 12. Ziirich, 1-9*. Demav de C'ertaxt (P.-S.-M.) * Etude sur la prophylaxie de quelques maladies infantilis d'apres les donn6es de l'hygiene moderne. - . Bordeaux, 1900. Despaulx-Ader. De 1'inflneuce de l'hygiene snr le developpemenfc physique, moral et intel- lectuel de la premiere enfance. *'. Paris, l-< iti. Discorsi due sopra lefascedei bambini. 24-. Venezia, 1764. Duxx (H. P.) Infant health; the physiology and hygieue of early life. * . London, 1*--. Exeter. How to bring up babies, fol. [Exeter, n. d.] Fattori (P.) Considerazioni sull' uso delle fasce infantili. 6-. Parma, 1664 Flaciis (R.) Die Pflege des Kindes im ersten Lebensjahre. 6°. Dresden, 1900. Fleury (P.) Des inches industrielles dans les Vosges. Renseignements ci>nc< rnant la cons- VOL VII, 2D SERIES----~>~ Infant* (Hygiene and management of). truction, les fra is de premiere installation et le mobilier avec plans. Notice sur l'hygiene et le regime alimeutaire des enfants, par Dr. Lardier, avec une prdface de Jules Meline. 8C. JEpinal, ! 1S94. Fontana (P. M.) La salute del bambino; precetti elementari d' igiene. 6 . Brescia, \86\. Friderici (J. (1.) *■ De cunis infantum niaxi- me nobilium. 1 . Gottinga, 174"). /n.-RiCHTER ((r. Ci.) Opusc. med. 4°. Francof. ]. Obstetrical Society of Philadelphia. Spe- | cial rules for the management of infauts during the hot season, recommended to the thoughtful attention ofthe mothers in Philadelphia. *:. Philadelphia, 1873. -----. Thesame. 8-. Philadelphia, 1675. -----. Thesame. ~:. Philadelphia, 1667. Pavoxe (C.) L' allevamento del bambino. 12-. Milano, [1*91]. Plo.ss (H. H.) Anweisung zur Pflege und Wartung der Kinder in den ersten Lebensjahren fiir Miitter, Wiirterinuen und Ziehelteru. dc. Leipzig, [1851]. Pommageot. L'hygiene des petits enfants. 12c. Paris, 1*91. Remmets (T.) Ueber die Pflege des Sauglings. Rathschlage fiir jiiuge Frauen. d-. Berlin, [n.d.]. Richter (J. C.) *De usu et abusu involu- tionis et fasciationis infantum, sm. 4C. Er- fordiee, [1730]. Ripa(L.) Igiene dei bambini. 12°. Padova, 1871. de Rothschild (H.) Notes sur l'hygiene et la protection de 1'enfance d'apres des etudes faites Infant* (Hygiene and management of). h Berlin. Saint-Petersbonrg, Mosiou, Vienne et Budapest. *:. Paris, 1*97. RoUGEOT (P.) Traite pratique d'hygiene et d'allaiteinent de la premiere enfance ^aliments; alimentation ; hvgiene eu general). 3. ed. 12-5 Paris. 1892. Saint Paul. Health Department. Rules for the care of infants. * . [Saint Paul, l**-5] Schaper [H.] Ueber Kinderptlege. Vor- triige gehalten zum Besten des Vateiiandisi-hen Frauen-Vereins in der Aula des Lyceums zu Hannover. * . Hannover, 1677. vox Salviati (C.) Die Sangliiigsbewahran- stalten \ Creches, Krippeu) iibersichtlich darge- stellt nach Geschichte und Zweck, Einiichtuno und Wirkung. Ein Vortrag veianstaltet vou dem Central-Verein fiir das Wohl der arbeitenden Klass.-n, gehalten am 29. Miirz 1*52; nebst eiuent Anhange, welcher enthalt: 1) Das Statut del Berliner Krippe im Stadtbezirk 74 c. und einiges darauf Beziigliehe. 2) Die Literatur der Krip- pen. *;. Berlin, 1-52. Schoedel (J.) Kurze Anweisung zur Siing- ]ings]itiege im einfacben Haushalt. *?. Chem- nitz. [ n d.]. Sknnert (D.) De infantium curatioue trac- tatus. sm. 4-5 [Witteberga, 1632.] Shapiroff (B. M.) A: Pilatski (A. K.) Otchot kommissii zavledlvayushtshei diefskimi llecheb- ninii koloniyanii za 1*99 god (xix). [Report ofthe commission in charge of infantile medical colonies for 1*99.] *°. S.-Peterburg, 1900. Shtoff (O. A.) Ukhod za rebyonkom v per- viy god yevo zhizni; prakticheski'e soviet! ma- teryain. [Care of the child during the first year of its life; practical advice to mothers.] 2. ed, 12-. S.-Peterburg, l*9o. Siebert (A.) Priifung der bisherigeu iirztli- chen Haudlungsweise bey nieht selbststillendeu Miittern, oder wanu sol Ien eigentlich Miitter ihren Sangling, weun sie ihn nieht selbst stillen diirfen der Amme iibergeben? Ein der Beur- theilung der Aerzte vorgelegten Versuch. 16°. Halberstadt. [IdOl]. Societe royale de medecine. Prix distribue"3 dans sa stance publique tenue le 19 fe"vrier 1782. I. Pour sujet d'un prix, la question suivante: Quels sont les moyeus les pins stirs de preserver les enfaus en uourrice des accideus auxqnels la dentition les expose, et d'y rem&lier lorsqu'ils en sont atteiuts ? II. Pour sujet d'un prix : Quelles sont les femmes qui doivent s'abstenir de uourrir elles memesleurs enfaus? Ac [Paris, 17*1] Tocssaint (E.) Hygiene de l'enfant en uour- rice et au sevrage; guide pratique de la feninie qui nourrit. 12. [Pun's], 1**7. Truncoxus (J.) De enstodienda puerorum sauitate: ante partum, in partu, et post partum. De curandis eorumitem morbis ex Hippocrate, quousque caninos dSntes emiserint. Accessit tractatus de variolis, et morbillis, et epistola ejusilem auct. de pravis febribus cum peticulis, qua? auno 1590 et 91 per Italiam vagarunt. 4-. Florentice, lf>93. Vidal Si ilares (F.) Cousejos prdcticos sobre la higiene de la primera infancia, con un ape"u- dice acerca las enfe'rmedades de los nifios. 7. ed. 6c Barcelona, 1696. Vurlet (L.) Conseils aux meres de familie pour les soins a donner a la premiere enfance. 1*2-. Paris, 1900. Wood(F. F.) Infancy and childhood. 12°. New York M London, 1*97. Zibold (V. F.) O vskarmlivanii grudnavo rebyonka i ukhodie za nim v per\ iy god zhizni. Sostavil po Eschle, pod redaktsiyei kuyazya I. INFANTS. 899 INFANTS. Infants (Hygiene and management of). R. Tarkhanova. [Feeding the nursling, and its care during the first year of life. Compiled after Eschle, under the editorship of Duke I. R. Tar- khauoff.] *-. S.-Peterburg, 1897. Baldwin (Mary E.) The care of the baby's eyes in the perambulator. .— ■)rapier. Rapport snr le fonctionnement de la Creche Hipp.dvte Noiret pen- dant l'annee 1897. Union med. du nor.l-t-st. Reims, 1898. xxii, 275-279.—Dubosc (G.) L'elevage des enfants dans le son. Courrier med., Par.. 1899, xlix. 1H-1*3.—Envr. loppements humides permanent^ du thorax cliez les en- fants. Med. inf.. Par., Is97. 53-56.—Fiedeldij (C. E.) Overprophylaktische raondteiniging bij zuigelingen. Xe- derl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk.. Amst.. 1897. 2. R.. xxxiii, d. 1. 713-729.—Fuller iH. D.i General care of infants from birth to childhood Tr. M. Soc. 'Wisconsin. Madison, 1896, xxx, 239-244. AUo: Chailotte IN. C] M.J.. 1896. viii, 770- 773. AUo: J. Pract. M. >5 Y.. 189G-7. vii, 49-52.—Gau- cli ax. Deux ans de loin tionnement d'une creche; 6tude d'hygiene infantile, l'.-v. d'hyg.. Par., 1897, xix, 121-176. Also. Repiint.—Oin«burs (SVN.) Otchot iz opitnikh yaslei. sushislie-tvovav~iiikh v Ryazanskom uyezdle v 94. 95 i 96 gg. i nleskolko slov o znachenii derevenskikh yaslei voobshtshe. [Report from the intant shelters in Ryazan County during 1894-6, and remarks on infant shelters in villages in general.1 Obsh.-san. obozr., St. Petersb., 1897, ii 250: 279.—CJreenley tT. B.) The management of in fants under a vear old. hvgienic, dietetic, and medicinal. J Am. M. A-.-.' .Chicago. 18s9, xiii, 507-512.—s., Portland, 1885, 49^-507 —jone* (H. It.) The perils and protection of infant life. J. Roy. Statist. Soc. Loud., 1894, lvii, 1-1D3.—Kime(R. R.) Some practical thoughts on the development ol the human race and obstetric nursing. Atlanta M. 4 S. J., 1897-8, n.s., xiv, 8; 83. Itilagaiva (S.) [Rules for the care of infants.] Jo-san-no Sliiori, Infant* (Hygiene and managetnent of). Osaka, 1898, 151;' 183— l.a<,'iicau (G.i Les meres de- laissees, niaternites-ou\ roii s. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1892, 3. s.. xxviii, 193-221 — de Lange (Cornelia). Zur An- staltsptft'go von Sauglingt-n. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1902, xxxiii, 415-126.-I.under (W.) The care of infancy. Health Lect,, Lond. ,V Manchester, 1888, xi, 33-52.—Law- renee (II. C. ) Narcotism in infancy. Practitioner, Loud.. 1882, xxviii, 337-340.—l.c Jeuue. L'oeuvre nou- velle; hygiene et alimentation des he be.-.. Cong, franc.de med. l'app.,Par., 1899,v,680-687—.Tic A rdlc . [The mortality in the first years of life in twenty of Sweden's large cities, 187tJ—D.5.] 4-. Stock- holm, 1696. Loir (J.-N.) De la statistique appliqne'e a la mortality dans le premier mois de la vie. 8". [Paris, 1616, vel subseq.] Repr.froin: M6m. Acad. d. sc. morales et politiques. Rheixkr ( G.) Untersuchungen iiber Siiug- liiigssterblichkeit in der Schweiz mit Vergleich der Verhiiltnisse anderer Staateu uud mit nahe- rer Beriicksichtigung des Kautons St. Galien. 8°. Zurich, 1666. Sxigireff (V.) O smertnosti dietei na per- vom godu zhizni; opit mediko-statisticheskavo izsliedovauiya v Stavropolskoi guhernii s 1657 po 1662 god. [Mortality of children during the first year of life; medico-statistical investiga- tion of Stavropol Government from 185? to 1662.] 6c S.-Peterburg, 18h3. Sutton (J. M.) Infant mortality in England. -3. London, 1676. Termex (E.) O prichinakh smertnosti dietei v grudnikh otdieleniyakh S. - l'eterliurgskavo Vospitatelnavo Donia. [Causes of mortality of children in the nursing department of the St. Petersburg Orphan Asylum.] .-:. S.-Peterburg, 1695. Varrextrapp(G.) Statistischi* Angaben iiber Kiudersterblichkeit in der Stadt Frankfurt aiu Main, 1851 bis l-tlli. 4:. [Frankfurt a. M., 1-C7.] Welch (H.) Infant mortality in large Eng- lish towns. 8-. Blackpool, 18-9. Zaxchi (Ci.) * Delia mortalita dei bambini nelle diverse classi sociali nel i-omune di Ber- gamo nel triennio 1880-82. 8°. Paria, l^l. Allbutt (H. A.) Snr la mortalite infantile et la mort prematuree. Coug. p6riod. internat. d. sc. med. Compt.- rend.. Amst., 1881, vi, pt. 2, 35-41. -----. Infant mortality and premature death. Cong, internat. d'hyg. et de d6mog. C. r. 1894, Budapest. 1896, iii, 188-193. AUo [Abstr.l: Atti d. xi. Cong. med. internaz. 1894. Roma, 1895, vi, igiene, 99.—Anial (L.) De la mortality des enfants dans la ville de Cette; etude de demographie compare.-. Ann. de de- mog. internat., Par., 1883, vii, 189-225.—Antrag auf eine internationale Einigun^, beziiglich der Berechuung der Kindermortalitat. Con.', internat. d'hyg. et de deraog. C. r. 1894. Budapest, ls96 viii. pt. 3. 161— Baily (A. W.) Is the present high late of infantile mortality necessary? INFANTS. 901 INFANTS. Infants (Mortality of). Hotnivop. M. Soc. Penn. Is97, Phila., 1898, 183-188.—Bn- leslre & . — Banrnfeiliil. Sterblichkeits-Vcrliiiltiiiss bei Kindern in Wien im Jahre 187.9. Jahrb. f. Kinderh.. Wien. 1860-61, iv, 1-4. —Berli (G.) Ricerca fatta sulla mortality uel 1° anuo di vita dei bambini allnttati dalle inadri nella campagna Bologmse. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1886. 6. s.. xvii. 3.">:;-360. Also, transl. [Abstr.l: Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1880-7. viii. 40. -----. Ancora sulla mortality dei bambini hgittinii allat- tati delle madri, nel lu anno dieta. nella campagna bolo- gnese. Bull. d. so. med. di Bologna, lss7. 6. s., \x. 47.-7.0.— Kerlillon (J.) De la niortalite par age avant la nais- sance. Rev. d'hyg.. Par.. 1.-95 xv, 53.V7i.V2.— It law in* |K ) Die Sauglingssterbliehkeit nach der "Wohlhaoeiiheit der Eltein in Braunschweig- 1890-99. Monai-l>! f. lift', i i-ml- htsptlg., Brnschwg.. 1900. xxiii, 137-143. — Itlnmentlia I (H.i MortalitatundMorbilitatder iiing. ren Altersttifeii iu Moskau. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Wien. iso 1-2, v. 1-14— Kon- del (F.) Discours sur la mortalite des jeunes enfants. Bull. Acad, de me.l.. Par., 1866-7, xxxii, 79-86. Also, Ke- print.—Bi-nnner (L. F.i K voprosu o smertnosti pitom- tsev grudnavo vozrasta Peterbi.i gskavo Vospitatelnavn Duma. [On the mortalitv in the St IVi.i si.mg Infant Asy- lum.] "Vrach, St. Petersb., 1891. xii. 7>i'7>-7,o9. AUo. transl.: I St. Petersb. nied. Wchus'-hr., 1891. n. P.. viii, 335-340.— ' Bi-yn (H.i The vital statistics of infauts; with special n-teienco to the high .!>• iih rati of infants iu the boioiigh ot Brooklyn. X.w York Sanitariau. N. Y.. 1900, xliv, 409- 411.— Caluri (15) 0^ .\erneei (O.) Memoria sopra la mortality dei bambini, che sono introdotti nel Regio Spe- dale grande di Santa Maria della Scala e sopra i mezzi, che si credono capaci a diminuirla e rend.-i la uguale alia ordinaria niortalita degli altri batubini n.-lla citta. Atti d. Accad. d. sc. di Siena. 1781. vi, 2s9-310 2 tab.—Cameron (C. A.) Ou infantile mortality. Tr. San. Inst. 1892. Lond., 1893, xiii. 126-130. — ( linrpentier. Sur un travail de M. le Dr. Lede. iutiti 1. : Coinptabilite infantile et statis- tique. [Rap.) Bull. Acad. .1. me.l.. Par., 1894. 3. s., xxxii. 238-248. -----. Tableau repieseutant la mortalite infantile pour l'annee 1-92, enfants assistes. motaleiuent abaudoun£s. secourus temporaiiemeut et pioteetiou du premier ;ige. avec la natalite gem i ..le . t la mortalite gene- rale en Frauce. Ibid., 420-423.— (oloinbe. De la mor- talite des enfants du premier age, si Lisienx. Xoi manilie med.. Rouen. 1-85-6. i. 145-119.—t'oiiclu-ion- adoptees par la Soci6te de medecine .]>• R. ■-.. i,.-i»u '*t de la Fiaiiche- Comt^ relativetnent a lelevatiou de la i.....tinatalite & Besancon. Rev. m£d. de la Franche-Coiuto. 11. ~am-on, 18'.'2. i' 119- 122. — Danirlrwicz I B.) 5mierteliio.sc d/ieci Warszawskich w pi t uszyni roku zycia (1889-1898). [Mentality among \\5n-.iw . hildren during the first year of life.] Zdrowie, Warszawa, 1901. xvii, 74s -757.— i Decker ("W. M.) The mortality of babies Tr. Am. Inst Homo-op.. N.Y.. 1897, 689-697). — Df»hnyi». Con- | side-rations -ur la mortality des enfants du piemier age dan- la ville de Rouen, notamnn-nt pendant l'et.5 Assoc. franc, pour l'avance. d.sc. C.-r. lsS4 Pai. 1*8.5 xiii pt.2, 604-610.—"Durrer. Calcul de la mortalite des enfants en has Age. 1 'ons;. internat. d'hyg. •■< de demog. C. r. 1882. Geneve, les:;.ii. 685-701,1 map!— Fp-lein. CeberNchutz- einrichtungen und Mittel zurHeialnnindei ungderKinder- steiblichkeitimi -i-t. u Lebensiihie. /'..'./ ls'.M, Budapest, 1896. viii, pt.3. 161. —Erottw J.i Die Verhaltnisseder Mot- t.diiat innerhalb <1' i ersten vier L.-benswocheu. Jahrb. f. Kinderh.. Leipz., 1892-3, xxxv, 9-20. -----. Ueber die SterlilichUeitsveihiiltnisse der Neitgeborenen und Siing- linge. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infectionskrankh.. Leipz., 1895, xix, 371-392. ---- . Az tijszulott es csec.-omog\ etmekek halandosigi viszoinai. [The relation of the mortality of new-born and nursing children.J Kiizeg. es Tiirveny. Orvos., Budapest., 1895, 1-7. Also, transl.: Pest, med.- chir. Presse, Budapest, 1895, xxxi. 694: 716: 742. JZ*o, transl. [Abstr.]: Cong, internat. d'hvg r>-l,i'ili'. De la mortalite des enfants originaires de Paris, places en nourrice en province. Cong, internat. d'hvg. et de demog. C. r. 1889. Pat.. 1890, 91-119. -----. Nouriices et nourris- sons en voyage; e.tude sur la niortalite des nouveau-nes plnc6s en nourrice, daus leurs premiers mois de placement et hs rapports de cette mortalite avec les conditions actu- elles de transport. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1893, xv, 1048-1071. Also [Rap.de Cbarpeutier]: Bull. Acad.de nied., Par., 1894. :;. s , xxxi, 7,0-57. — van Leer * Ueber die Sterblichkeit der Kin- der im er-ften Lebensjahre und deren Ursache; ein statistischer Beitrag. 6\ Wiirzburg, lr9*i. Slaxixa (P.) * Ueber die Todesursacheu der Saug/linge bis zum Alter vou 6 Mouaten. (Nach den Protokollen 01 hoi\ to feed an infant. Health Lect., Lond., 18*1-2, v, 73-8-.—.tii««<-t lii-7.7,0. Also [Abstr.]: Rev. se'ient., l'ar., Iss9. xliii, 692. — It iii- Ith (ll.) Die statistisehe Messting des Kinllussea der Ernah- ruugsweise der kleinen Kinder auf die Sterblichkeit der- sellicn. Intel nat. Cong. f. Hvg. 11. Denuo'. Arh. Wien 1887. vi, .'8. lift., 1 49, 2 diiig., 1 1. -----. lierieht, be- tretl'enil die Sterl.li. I1k.1t der Kinder nach der Ernah- rungsweise. //)/./.. 37. Hft., 7.7-61. ItolIi■■<;<■. Ueber Sauglings -Sterblichkeit und die c rhliclie function, lie Atro- pine der meiischliclien Milebdriise. Cor.-IU. cl. deutsch. ('escllsch. f. Antluoj). [etc.], Miinc lien, 1899, xxx, 117-1215 Also: Mitth. d. nnthrop. Gesellsch. in Wien. liino. n. P.. xx. |53-50).—Kosisio (A.) II lialiatic-o mercenario qua! causa freqnente ilella mortality dei bambini. Arch. ital. di pe.liai.. Xapoli, 1891, ix, 19-23 KioiIkin (A.) In- fantile mortalitv during child-birth and its prevention. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila.. 1895. 3.3., wii, Snp],l. 1.511;, 1-179. 1 tab. Also. Reprint. — Km v< ni< h (E.) Etude sur les causes de moitalitede la piemi.-r. enfance dans les grands centres manufacturers. Ann. Soc. de m6d.de("and, 1889, Ixviii, 288-327) —«' 11 mini' (W.) sen. Die wiirtteniber- -89. —Douglas ii'.i An analysis of deaths in Detroit, among children under two years old, during June, July, and August, 1894, and the relation of diet to this mortalitv. Physician .v Surg., Detioit & Ann Arb r, 1895, xvii, 393-396.—»11 Im- (J.-E.) La mortalit6 infantile et les moyens de la iliniinuer. Union nied. du Canada, Montreal, 1901, xxx, 12- 20.— Dnpicc (J. \V.) Infant mortality iu my own field of observation, with some suggestions for its diminution. Tr. Louisiana M. Soc. 1892, N. Orl., 1893, 98-124.—Ed ward* (M.i Xote sur quelques recherches relatives a lintluence du froid sur la niortalite des enfants nouveau-nes. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1869, Ixviii, 50-52.—Eh I mid (F.) Inquiry into the causes of the great mortality of infants in Western Xorseland, with suggestions as to'sanitarv and preventive ineasuies. [Transl. by (). <'rotli,in.| South-West. M. ('az., Louisville, 1887, i 1; 76; 97.— E p«lciii (A.) LTeber Mittel nnd Schiitzeinrichtungen zur Ileial.tninderiing iler Kinder-terblichkeit im ersten Lebensjahre. Ztschr. f. Hyg. 11. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1895, xix, 334-350. — Eri'i** Hi.) A gyermekhandbsJig viszonyai az elet uegy els6 he- teben. [Causes of mortality of children in the first weeks ol life] Kiizeg.es Tdrveny. Orvos., Budapest, 1893. 1-4 — E*<-licericli tl'.) Die Ursachen nnd Folgen des Nicht- -liil.ns bei det- llevolkeriing Miinc hens. Miinchen. med. Hi luisclir.. 18s7, xxxiv, 233; 27.0.- Kiii-nnt* (('. i Morta- lite infantile dans les families des ouvrieres a la manufac- ture des tabacs de Nancy. Soc. ile med. de Nancy. C.-r. . . . Mem., 1886-7, pp. lix lxi.—FImi-IiI (R.) Ucher die Ursachen dor Siiuglingssterldichkeit; Studien iiber die Mortalitiit des ersten I-ebensjalires in Prag. Verhandl. d. Versamml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Na- irn f. 11 Aerzte 1894, Wiesb., 1897.. xi, 158-184, 10 diag.— (.iiri-iit Alonxo (D.) I'ri nei pales causas de la mortali- dad de los nino- hasta la terininacion de la primera denti- i i6n en los pueblos rurales. Siglo med., Madrid, 1898, xiv, 17)0; 466. Also: Actas v mem. d. ix. Cong, internac. de Ing. y ib-.....g. 1898, Madrid, 1900, vi, (m-74. —van Cioidl*- iiohii 1 E.i Infant mortalitv, its prime cause and pre- vention. Atlanta M. & S. .J.' 1897-8, n. s., xiv. 303-314.— ■lamilloii (E.) Infant mortality and infant feeding. Am. J. Obst.. N. Y.. 1898, xxxvii, 194-198. —Ilansor (W.) Die Sauglingssterbliehkeit, ihre Ursachen und ihre Be- kiiinpfiing. Kinder-Arzt, I.eipz., 1901, xii, 145-167,1 diag.— Ileiiniimi (d.) Die Sterblichkeit an infektiiisen Kin- der), rankle ii en in Preussen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr. L.-ipz. u II. rl. 1901, xxvii, 736.—Ilniili-r iW. K.) In- fantile mortality and its prevention. Lancet, I.oml., 1899, i, 4n 1 — I in pure milk and infantile mortalitv. Inter- colon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1898, iii. luo-lii.- In. faniilc mortality and the occupation of married women. Brit. M. J , Lond., 1901. ii, 634.—Irving (P. A.) Contam- inated milk the cause of infant mortalitv. Bi-uiontu. Bull. XFAXTS. 904 INFANTS. Infants (Mortality of. Causes and pre- rention of). l Univ. Coll. Med., Richmond. 1896, i. -■'.— Joachim (W.) Ueber die hautigsten Krankheiten der N.-ugehornen auf dem Lande, mit'P.ezug auf deren atiologische und Mortali- tatsverhiiltnisse. Ztschr. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Ungarn. Pest, 1853-4 iv. 49-51.—Jones (H. R.) .V Davie* (H. E.) Excessive infant mortalitv in Liverpool, anil its prevention. ] Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1894 xiv. 22-39.—Kallianvvalla (N. K.) Infant mortality in Bombay: its causes and pre- vention. Janisetji Jijibhai Hosp. Bombay. Rep.. 1892. i.40- i'i.3 -Kobrr ill.M.) Iinintre milk in relation to infantile mortalitv. -I. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago. 1,-97.. xxv, 983-987. AUo, Repiint. — Koenisjsberger (P.) Ueber die Sterb- I lichkeit der Siinglinge in den Sonunermonaten an der sog. Cholera infantum. Jahrb. f. Kinderh.. Leipz., 1897, xiv, 308-315. — I. a hin nn n (H.i Wie setzeu wir die Sterb- licbkeitsziffer det Sauglinge herab? Internat. klin. Rundschau. Wien, 1801. v. 457; 506; 541; 588— Lain So- irosal (P.) Causas qne contribuyen A la mortalidad de los niiios, y medio de reniediarlas. Actas y mem. d. ix. (dug inie'rnac. de hig. y demog. 1898, Madrid. 1900, vi, 51- 1,7.. — I.amlouzy (L.)' De la mortalite parisienne du premier ;igo (enfants de un jour & deux ans); ses rapports avt-c la tuberculose. Rev. de nied., Par. 18-8. viii. 777- ' 789. — dc Langenhagen, Baron. Nourishment of the mother in its relation to"mortalitv of the in-w l.orn: and to the extract of galega. Pub. Health J.. N. T., 1899-1900, xiii, 183; 203; 224— Lara y Pardo (L.) La mortalidad I infantil en Mexico: nu-didas para contrarrestarla. Es- cuela de med.. Mexico. 1901. xvi. 81; 103; 126; 151; 176.— de Lavradioil'.! I'atever sobre a memoria do Dr. Jose. Maria Teixeira; causas da niortalidade das eriane.as no Rio de Janeiro. Ann. Acad, de med. do Rio de Jau.. 1888- 9, 6. s., iv. 117-194. — I.ede (F.) La niortalite des enfants j du premier age daus ses rapports avec les habitations oc- cup6es par les nourrices. J. Soc. de statist, de Par., 1895, xxxvi, 279-292. Also: Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1895. xvii, 800- 821. — Lrgraml. La mortality des nourrissons par diar- rhea-, ii Amiens. Gaz. me.d. dePicardie, Amiens. 1900. xviii, s2—l.emierc (G.) Le lait de bonne qualite et la ntor- lalite infantile. J. d. sc. rne.d. de Lille. 1898. ii. 82-90.— iVIalo i H.i Causas que contribuyen a la mot talidad de los nifios; medios de remediarlas; estadisticas compara- tivas. Actas y mem. d. Cong, internac. de big. y demog. 1898, Madrid, 1900,vi, 38-51— TTledel Asensi c 1-5) Causas que contribuyen A la mortalidad de los ninos: medios de i remediarlas; estadisticas comparativas. ibid.. 90-94.— iTIorelionwe (G. W.) Causes and prevention of inantile mortality. Columbus M. J., 1899, xxiii, 203-210.—florae (E. E.) Cerebral injuries during birth as a cause of in- fantile mortality. Am. J. Obst., N. T.. 1901. xliii. 492-497. (Discussionl, 558.—Miiggia (A.) .v. Condio (G.) Con- tributo alia eziologia della morte improvisa dei neonati. > Pediatria, Napoli. 1896, iv, 118-128.—tin fioz G.i Causas de la mortalidad en Bogota de los niiios in. notes de ties anos. An.Acad.nac. demed.,BogotiS.18.i3. i 98-104.—>a»i (A.) Circa 1' iuanizione nella mortalita infantile del l°mese di vita. Arch. ital. di pediat., Napoli, 1890, viii, 106-127. 1 pl.—IVikolski 11). P.) Ob izsliedovanii prichin dietskol smertnosti v Rossii. [Investigation of the causes of mor- tality among children in Russ a.] Vrach. gaz., S.-Peterb.. 1901, viii, 541-546.—>'il**on (E.) Modersmjolkens be- tydelse till att minska dbdligbeteu bland spada barn. [Importance of mother's milk with regard to mortality of young children.] Helsovannen. Goteborg, 1889. 209- 215. — Oui, La mortalite des enfants du premier Age k Lille; causes et remedes. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1901, v, 497-507. — Page (C. E.) Mortality among in- fants and young children in summer; means of preven- tion. Phila. Polyclin., 1894, iii, 331 - 334. — Pajtliari (F.) Sopra alcune dimensioni del corpo dei neonati ed alcuni rapporti tra esse e la niortalita infantile. Pe- diatria, Napoli, 1895, iii, 225; 279; 353: 1896, iv, 18: 41.— Patellani (S.) Mortality intra ed extra genitale dei bambini nati con parti eutocici e distocici Ann. di ostet., Milano, 1897,. xvii, 93-133.—Poller (C.) Preventable infantile mortality, with special r. f.-ienc . to the influence of the conditions of life in fa.-torv towns. Pub. Health, Loud., 1894-5, vii, 162-167 —Prausnitz (W.) Ueber die Ursachen der Sterblichkeit der Siinglinge au Magen- Darmerkrankungen. Monatsehr. f. Gsndhtspflg., Wien, 1899, xvii, 129-134. AUo [Discussion]: Verhandl. d. Ge- sellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1899, Leipz., 1900, lxxi. pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 606-608. -----. Ursachen und Bekampfung der hohen Sauglingssterbliehkeit. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. ofi. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1901, xxxiii, 83-118.— Prieslley (J.) Infantile mortality aud its reduction. e-p.cially in regard to measles and diarrhoea. J. San. ln-t.. Loud., 1898-9, xix, 84-92. — Rahts. Ueber die Ursachen der hohen Kindersterbliclikeit iu Berlin und andern deutschen Stadten. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Ge- sellsch. f. off. Gsndhtspfl. zu Berl. (1890,. 1891. 32-45. AUo: Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1890-91 xi, 163-175.— Keid (G.) Infant mortality and the employment of mar- ried women in factories. Med. Press & Cite. Lond., 1892, Infant* (Mortality of, Causes and pre- vention of). u. s., liv, 236. -----. Infant mortality and the emplov- ment of married women in factories. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, ii, 410-412. — Roakani. Alimentation des jeunes enfants par le lait de vaches noun i.s de di eches de brasse- ries et de distilleries: trould.* mm bides speciaux observes ehez ces enfants. Ann. Soc . med.-chir. de Liege. 1895, xxxiv, 159-164.—Riiw»kikli (N. A.) O botble s dietskol smei tnostvu. [Struggle with infantile mortality.] Compt.- reiiil. Cng. internat, de nied. 1.-97, Mosc.. 1900, vii, 145- 152. — .*»abatier (A.) Mortalite speciale des nour- rissons conric s a des nourrices n'avaut qu'uu sein utile. Lyon med.. 1891, lxvii, 211-213.'— Santiago de la Iglesia. Causas que contribuyen £ la inert.ih.lad de los niiios; medios de temediatlas. estadisticas ocmpaiativas. Actas v mem. d. Cong, internac. de hig. y demog. 189-. Madrid". 1900. vi. 74-82"—Mchlosnmann i.\.> ,v l»elei« (H.) Ueber Hiiutigkeit uiiiirrsacli.mlesTodesbei der An- staltsbeliandluiig kranker Siinglinge. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg.. 1902. xxxiii. 240-284.—Sehiiize (B.) Die Kinder- st.-thiic hkeit iu Reicln-nberg und ihi•- Ursachen. Cor.-Bl. d.Ver. deutsch. Aetzte in Reichetibei-g. 1!K)0, xiii, No.9.10.- Mehwing K.i (lumrtnosti det.-ke a jeji pficiudch. [Mentality of ehildien and it- cau-e-., Zdravi, v Ptaze. Isa8. iv, 97; 129.—.*Sniorodiiit!»eir (A. I.) K voprosu o jiriehinakh dietskol smertnosti na Uralle (On the causes ot infantile mortalitv in the Ural.] Zapiski Uralsk, med. O'o-di. v g. Ekateiihbutge. Perm. 189.".. iv. 0-11. -Non- nen berger. Ueber eine bi-liet nieht geiiiigenil beachtete Ursache holier Sauglingssterbliehkeit. Verhandl. d. Ver- samml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. ii. Aerzte 1899, Wiesb., 1900, xvi, 325-327. -----. Was kann vom Standpunkte der offentlichen Gesuuilhe itspfl.-g, aus gegen die hohe Sauglingssterbliehkeit ge-cln li.-n ' .illg. med. Centr.-Ztg.. Berl., 1900. Ixix, -3J--41 — *zalartii (M.) Halandos^g a esecsemok6rh&zakban. [Mortality in infant hospitals.] Gv6gviSszar. Budapest, 1898. xxxviii, 714-717. AU,,. transl.: Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1899, xlix, 89-97. AUo. transl.: Ungar. med. Presse. Budapest, 1899. iv, 5-7 — Teilegen. Rapport over de kindervoe- diug en verzorging in vet band met de sterfte in het eerste levensjaar. Geneesk. Courant. Tiel. 1892. xliv. no. i.— Thomas (D. L.) The causes of infantile mortality, Limehouse district. J. State M., Lond.. 1899, vii, 4-4- 490.—Tiloinanlio (A.) Delia niortalita nell' annunziata di Napoli: sue cause e remedii. Gior. internaz. d. sc.med., Napoli. 1899, n. s., xxi, 246-267.—Toimsaint (E.) In- fluence du lait des vaches nourries de dreches sur la saute, et la mortalite des enfants du premier age. Bull. Soc. de nied. pub.. Par., 1885, viii 251-209. Discussion]. 269; 281 — Islinovv. Die Mortalitiit det Sauglinge in Verbinduug mit unzureichender Ammenmihh nach den Daten des Moskauer Findelhauses liir 1,8-7-97. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg.. 1900. xxviii. 414—Vacher 11.1 Infanticide; an inquirv into its causes, and their remedy. Prov. M. J., Leicester. 1888. vii, 212 ; 246.—Variot (G.) Les reformes sanitaires urgentes pour diminuer la niortalite des enfants a Paris. J. de clin. et de therap. inf.. Par., 1898, vi, 381- 388 — Vanghan iV. C.) Infantile mortality: its causa tion and its restrictions. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago 1s9il. xiv, 181-185. —Vernon ill. II.) Why little children die. Health Lect., Loud., 1877.-8. i, 233-255. — Vibert (C.) Une cause de mort subite chez les petits enfant-. Ann. d'hyg., Par.. 1805. 3. s., xxxiii, 48-00. — Walker (J.) Cause- aud pieveution of infant mortalitv. Am. Pub. Health Ass. R, p. 188;'. Concord, 189o. xv, 73-81. [Dis- cussion". 233-242. Also: Brooklyn M. J.. 1890. iv, 515- 727.. — Wende i E. ) Report of the committee on the cans.- ami pievention of infant mortalitv. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep.. Columbus. 18'a- xxiv, 140-146, 2 pl. -----. Report on the cause and prevention of infant mor- talitv. Pediatrics, N. T.. 1900. ix, 101; 144; 177.— Wewer. Wie kennen wir die Steiblichkeitsziffer der Kinder im ersten Lebensjahr ven ingern ? Kinder-Arzt, Leipz.. 1897, viii, 2: 25 — While iA. T.) The dwellings ofthe laboring classes in their relation to infant moitality, Am. Pnh. Health Ass. Rep. 18^9 Concord, ls90. xv. 69-72. [Discussioni. 233-242. —William* (E. P.I & Cameron (K.i Infection by the bacillus pyocyaueus a cause of infantile mortality. Ibid 1<*97>. xx. 355-360.— Winters (J. E.) Infant mortality as influenced by ma- ternal and wet-nursing. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., Syracuse 1885, 214-222. Infant* (Xeic-born). See, also, Foetus: Foetus (Eespiration, etc., of); Infants (New-born, Blood of); Infants (New-born, Measurements, etc., of); Infants (New-born, Temperature of); Meconium; Urine in children. Apvard (A.i Le lioiivean-ne-. Physiologie; hvgiene; allaitemeut; maladies les plus fr^qneu- tes et leur traitement. (Extrait. avec quelques INFANTS. 905 INFANTS. Infant* (Xeic-bom). modifications, du Traits pratique d'accouche- ments, du memo auteur.) 1"2C. Paris, 1699. ------. The same. 2. 6il. 16c Paris, 1894. ------. The same. Avec une introduction sur 1'hvgiene g>1.] Cutting fiom: J. d. si*avans. Par., 1681. Hakdke ([J.] M.) "1'eber den Nachweis epideruioidaler Eleniente in den Lunoen Neu- geborener. [Kiel.] 6-. Ciistrin, 1691. Herz (P.) 'Klinische Untersiuhuugen an 100 Neugeborenen. tj. Freiburg, 1900. Kxeise (A. M. O.) * Die Bakterienflora der Mundhohle des Xengeboreiien vom Mmueute der Geburt au uud ihre Beziolmngen zur Aetiologie der Mastitis. [Halle.] *•-. Leipzig, 1901. Kruger (F.) Die Verdauuugsfermente beim Embryo und Neugeboreueu. ■»-'. Wiesbaden, 1691. Kussmaul (A.) Untersuchungen iiber das Seeleuleben des neuoeborenen Mensclieii. 8c Leipzig <.y Heidelberg, l6~9. ------. The same. 2. Aufl. 6-. Tiibingen, l~-4. Laxdais (Mile. Camille). De l'oxj oenaiion des nouveau-nes. 8-. Paris, 1692. Lange (M.) Physiologie. Pathologie und Ptiege des Neugeborenen. l'J-. Leipzig, [n. d.]. Mastin (R.) "De l'iufluence des alterations du placenta sur le developpemeut du fietus et sur la sant6 du nouveau-ne pendant les dix pre- miers jours qui suivent sa naissance. 4°. Paris, 1696. AUo 1 Abstr.J, in: J. de med. de Par., 1896, 2. s., viii, 123-125. Mohrixg (P.) 'Ueber die Veranderuii»en des Gewiclits, der Temperatur und des Hieino- globiugehaltes bei Neugeboreueu. [Heidelberg.] 6c Erfurt, l-'Jl. Panau (G.-A.) *La refraction et le fond diiil de l'enfant nouveau-ne". 6 . Nancy, 1-911. Paul (C. A.) * Leber einige Augenspiegel- befnude bei Neugeboreueu. r . Halle a. S., 1900. SciiEin (F.) "Ueber Lebensfiihigkeit Xeu- geborener, insbesondere bei angeboienen Bil- • lungsfehlern. 6\ Giessen, 1660. Schilling ([J. G.] A.) "De introitu homi- nis in vitam atmospha*ricam. 6'c Berolini, [1-43]. vox Schoexbeck (P.) *Die Ptilsfrequenz der Neugeborenen in der ersten Lebenswoche. [Wurtzburg.] 6'c Munchen, 1691. Schuag ^L. E.) * De priecipuis diii'erentiis qtne inter nascendum natuinque hominem obti- nent. 4°. Lipsice, [1827], .Schwartz (H.; Die vorzeitigeu Athetubewe- gungeu. Ein Beitrag znr Lehre vou den Ein- wirkungen des Geburtsactes auf die Fruclit. r . Leipzig, 16~>6. Sei.io.maxs (E.) *De epidennidis, imprimis neonatorum, desquamatione. 1*2-5 Berolini, [1811]. Infants (Xeiv-bom). Soltmanx ([H. J.] 0.) * Ueber einige phy- siologische Eigenthiimlichkeiteu der Muskelu und Nerveu des Neugeborneu. [Breslau.] 8°. Leipzig. 1677. Zweii'ki,. Untersucliungeii iiber deu Ver- dauungsapparat der Neugeborneu. S . Berlin, 1671. Ail no i'mc ■■ (II.) Indvirkuinger af Fodestedets Belig- gi'iilied pa iivlodto Biirns logomlige Udvikliug. [Influeuce de la situation natal sur lo developpemeut ph\ siqundes eu- fauts nouveau-nes. C.-r., uo. 26, 2.J Nord. med. Ark., "Stockholm, 1900, n. ¥., xi, no. 23, 1-34.—Ailuc-ro ( V.) Moditicazioui dell' eccitabilita dei centri nervosi nei primi giorui della vita. Anu. di freniat. [etc.], Torino, 1891-2, iii, 154-171. Also, transl.: Arch. ital. de l.iol.. Turin, 1892, xviii, 1-18, 1 ]il.—BnliiiK iK) 1'eber die Warineregula- tion bei Nciigeboreneii. ( K. -[.irometrisilie uud caloiime- trische Versurhe.) Arch. I. d. ges. Physiol.. Bonn, 1902, lxxxix, 17.4 - 177.— IE nl i ■■ (I. S.J K ka/.uistike p.-rvavo krika. [First cry (ol tin- iii!'anti.| Yu/hno-i ussk. med. gaz., Odessa, 1895, iv, 77-79. —KnllantyiM- (J. W.) The head of the infant at birth. Relink M. I.. 1*90, xxxvi, 97; 429, 1 diag. AUo, Repiint.—Bcrggriin (E.) Experi- meutelle Beitriige zur Kreislaufphvsiologie des Neuge- borenen. Arcli.f. Kindeili . Stuttg.. Is91-L\ xiv, 331-354.— Iti'ilillon pere. Etude 8tatisticiue5sur l.s nouveau-nes. Ann. de demog. internal., Par., 1883, vii, 169-17s.—ItooIh (A. W.) Remarkable vitalii \ of a new-boni child. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1894-5,vii,33 •. —Itouchard (A.) Etudes biologiques sur les modifications de la circulation qui sui- vent iunu6diateinent la naissance. J. de m6d. de Bor- deaux, 18s.7-li. xv, 299; 312; 323; 334. Also, Reprint.— t'amii'i'i' (W.| jun. Die chemische Zusammense- tzung des Neugeborenen. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen u. Leip/.., 1900, n. P.. xxi, 173: xxii. 529. AUo [Abstr.]: Verhandl. d. Tersamml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1899, Wiesb., 1900, xvi, 10-15. AUo [Abstr.J: Allg. Wieu. med. Ztg., 1899, xliv, 511. -----. Die chemische Zusaiumeiisetzung des Neugeborenen. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. -wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1901, lxxi, 137-140. AUo [Abstr.J: Berl.klin.Wchnschr., 1901,xxxviii, 1122. Also: Wieu. med. Prose. 1901 xiii. 2366.—Capo- bianco (15) La vita prima della miscita. Rassegnad'os- tet. egiuec, Napoli, 1898, vii, :;7>7-'5.-:5— l>araii;ii. 7. St., 139-160.—Knlz (A.) Mal- formations congenitales multiples chez un nouveau-ne,. Bull, et tn6ni. Soc. anat. de Par., 1901, Ixxvi, 4X5. — Keller (A.) Neuere Arheiten iiber die chemische Zusamniense- tzung des nienschlicheti Foetus und des Neugeborenen. Centralbl. f. Stoffweehsel- u. Verdauungskr., Getting., 1900, i, 307-315.—Kidil (G. H.) On distortion of the feat- ures in newlv born infants. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc. 1859, xxvii, 155-161. — I.c wis (T. Y.) The newborn babe. Lou- isville Month. J. M. ..v. S., 1900-1901, vii, 505-507. —I. in- ilornic (C. A. F.) Where the new-born baby learned to | milk. St. Louis M & S. J., 1894, lxvi, 73-81.—>lni*i 1 E.) II ricambio respiratorio del neonato uniano. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med.di Torino, 1894, 3.s.. xiii, 301-3O7.—Tlerkel (F.) .fc Orr (A. W.) Das Auge des Neugeborenen an einem schematischen Durchschnitt erlaiitert. Anat. Hefte, Wiesb.. 1891-2, i, 271-299. 1 pl.— Ueltciilieimer (H.) Ein Beitrag znr topographischen Anatomie der Brust-, Baiich-und Beckenhdhledesneiigeboiencii Kindes. Morphol. Arb., Jena, 1893-4, iii, 301-398, 5pl.—.Tlcyer (E.) Sur 1'innervation respiratoire et l'ex citation des nerfs et des muscles chez le uouveau-ne. Arch, de physiol. norm. et path., l'ar., 1894, 5. s., vi, 472-480.—Michel (C.) Sur la composition 'orgunique et minerale de l'organisme du foetus et du nouveau-ne. Bull. d. sc. pharmacol., Par., 1900, ii, 263-271. Also: Obstetrique, Par., 1900, v, 252- 260.—.Vliiller (A. D.) Bemterkninger om Tilstedevserel- sen af Luft i Tarmkanaleu hos nyfedte Bern til Bedetu- melse af Breslaus Tarmpreve. [Remarks on the presence of air in the intestinal canal in new-boru children, in criti- cism of Breslau's intestinal test.) Forh. i d. kong. med. Selsk. i Kjebenb., 1868-9. [pt, 2), 1-37 — OI»hau»cn (R.) Ueber den ersten Schrei. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., I. ix. 522. AUo: Bull. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par. (1853-5), 1863, ii, 483-488.—Rungc (M.) Die Ursache der Lungenathmuug d.s Neugebore- nen. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1894 xlvi. 512-530.— Schaefl'er (O.) Bericht iiber die Verhaltnisse der Neu- geboreueu. K. Univ.-Frauenkliu in Miinchen 1884-90. Bet..... Leipz., 1892, 136-205.—Nhaw (A. J.) A few anatomical and clinical points in the ear of the new-boru infant, Ann. Gynsec. Sc Pediat.. Bost., 1899-1900, xiii, 127-142. Also, Reprint.—Sokoloir (D.) K voprosu ob osobeunostyakh nervnoi sistemi novorozhdennikh. [Pe- culiarities of nervous system of the new-born.] Ejened. klin. gaz., St. Petersb., 18S8. viii, 547; 576. -----. K uehe- niyu o zaderzhivayushtshei uerouoi sistemie 11 novorozh- dennikh. [Inhibitory nervous system in the new-born.] Duevnik svezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v pamyat Pirogova, S.-Peterb.,"1888-9. iii, 34: 79 — Takeyama (M.) [Re- marks on the proofs of the firstborn child, in Japan.] Kokka Igaku Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1901. 91-109,2 tab.— Tensclier (P.) Ueber eine Beobachtuug von Reflextha- tigkeit bei einemKinde wahrend seiner Geburt. Deutsche Med. Ztg.. Berl., 1898, xix, 941.—Tirelli (V.) Ricerche batteriologiche sui neonati. Atti r. 1st, Veneto di sc, lett. ed arti, 1896-7, 7. s., viii. 127.1-1289—Variot (P.-G.) Remarques sur la secretion lactic che/. les nouveau-nes. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par.. ls9o, 3. s.. vii. 697- 702. Also: Gaz. med. de Bar., 189o, 7. s., vii, 469-471.— Vinay (C.) La psychologie du nouveau-ne. Semaine me,!.. Par., 1897, xvii, 33-36.—Vue (Sur la) des enfans. Hist. A.ad. roy. d sc. 1727. Par., 1729, 10-13. Also: Hist. Acad. roy. d. so. 1727 Amst.. 1732, 13-17. AUo. transl.: K. Akad. d. Wisseiisc 1, iu par. . . Abhandl. 1727, Bressl., 1755, vii, 24-27—ile Weclier (L.) Das Weiuen und Thraneu der Neugeborenen. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augeuh., Infant* (Xew-born). Stuttg., 1»99. xxxviii, 222-226. — WrRtphnl tC) Die elektrische Ern-gbarkeit der Nerveu uud Muskelu Neuge- borener. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1886, v, 361-363?— Wilson (W. R.) A study of the anatomv of the new- born. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1898, xxxvii, 593-601. -----. A study in the physiology of the new born. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1898, ,'j. s., xx, 174-182. — tViiiterbiirn (G. W.) The first hours of life. Homceop. J. obst. X Y., 1892, xiv, 345-360. Infant* (New-born, Abnormities of). See Anus (Imperforate); Foetus (Abnormities of); Monsters. Infants (Xew-born, Asphyxia and appar- ent death of). See, also, Blood ( Transfusion of) ; Foetus (Death of); Foetus (Jurisprudence of); Infants (New-born, Jurisprudence of). Douarre (fi.) * Contribution k I'etude de la niort apparente des nouveau-nes. roy. 8-. Bor- deaux, 189,"). de la Faille (J. B.) #De asphyxia (vel niorte apparente) et speciatiiu neonatorum. 6°. Groningce, 1817. Freteau (J.-M.[-N.]) *Snr l'asphyxie ile l'enfant nonveau-n6. 4°. Pa ris, an XI [1803]. Meyer ( N. ) Ueber die Ursache des Ersti- ckuugstodes der Kinder in und gleich nach der Geburt. 12 5 Frankfurt a. M., 1625. Mory (F.) *De la niort apparente des nou- veau-n6s. 4°. Paris, 1887. Regnier ( X. ) * De asphyxia neonatorum. 4°. Begiomonti, 1769. Senff (L.) * De variis mortis suftbcatoruB neonatorum generibus eorumque signis. 6°, Berolini, [1656]. Waechier (C. G. D.) De partu vivo non vi- tali. 4 ■-. Lipsice, 1863-6. de Waldkirch (J. U.) *De asphyxia neona- torum. 12°. Gottinga; [1793]. "\Yeber (F. J.) " De asphyxia ueonatoriiin. 6°. Berolini, [1657)]. Weidkmann (E.) * Der Seheiutod der Neu- geborenen und seiue Behandlung. [Wurtzburg.] *--. Meiningen, 1866. Ziegler (H.) *Ein Fall von bestrittenein Leben eines Neugeborenen. [Ziirich.] 8°. Win- terthur, 1685. Ahlfeld (F.) Athmen nach erloschener Herzthiilig- keit; ein Beitrag zur Lehre vom Scheintode Neugebore- ner. Ztsehr. f. prakt. Aerzte. Frankf. a. M., 1898, vii, 445 - 449. — nl'AstroN (L.) Le cyanose chez le nou- veau-ne; valour sem6iologique de la cyanose; la cyanose lies prematures; la cyanose des infertes; la cyanose car- diaipie. Marseille inifed., 1901. xxxviii. 74.7: 1902, xxxix, 10. — Beaumont (C. W.) Congenital apniea. Tr. M, Soe. Tennessee, Chattanooga, ls8'.i, 74-s8.— It eu ha 111 (B. W.) Asphyxia neonatorum. St. Paul M. J., St. Paul, Minn, 1901, iii, 471-47;. — Bizzcll (W. D.) Prolonged asphyxia in the new-born infant. Am. J. Obst., N. Y.. 1885,'xviii. 179-181.—Blacker (G. F.) The prevention of asphyxia wheu the birth of the after-comins head is dela\ed'; a historical note. Lancet, Lond., 1901, ii, 1033.— Borgi (G. D.) Asflssia dei neonati. Atti d. Cong, pe- diat. ital. 1892, Napoli. 1896, ii, 349-358. — Bossi (L. M.) Sull apnea fisiologica dei neonati. Rit'orma med., Xapoli, 1889, v, 986-988. -----. II periodo apnoico dei neonati. Ri- vista, Genova, 1889, viii, 65-81.— Brcisky (A.) Eitngo Beobachtuugen an todt geborenen Kindern. Yrtl.jschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1859, lxiii, 175-186. — (hapin (H. D.) Questions relating to stillbirths. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1885, xxviii, 594-597. — Bo K. ee (J. B. ) Asphyxia neo- natorum; causation and treatnient. Medicine, Detioit, 1897, iii, G43-650. — Franck iL.) Vorzeitiges Athmen und Asphvxie des Fdtus. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Thiermed., Leipz., 1875-6. ii, 19-28. — Gee ( S.) Extreme and fatal dyspmea in newly-born children. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1884. xx, 16-19. —dehrmig (E. C.) Protracted action of the heart after apparent stillbirth in partial placenta previa. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1888, xix, 412-416. Also [Discussion]: Obst. Gaz.. Cincin., 1888. xi, 236-245.— Goltmaii (A.) Apparent death in tin* new born. Pe- diatrics. X. Y. Sc Loud.. 180S. v, 294. — Halipre (A.) Ibplegie cerebrale infantile (enfant ue a tenne. en etat daspli\ xie). Normandie med., Rouen 1898, xiii. 1106-313.— Harrison (G. li.) Stillbirth. Am. J. Obst, X.Y., 1897, INFANTS. 907 INFANTS. Infant* (Xew-born, Asphyxia and appar- ent death of). xxxv, 799-805.— Humbert (F.i The stillborn. J.Am. M. Ass.. Chicago. Iss7. iv. r,H0-60:; —Imnbi (A.) Results of asphyxia, of shorter or longer duration, immediately after birth (with presentation of case). Areh. Pediat!, Phila., Is90. vii. 970-074. A Uo Tr. Am. Pediat. Soe. Is9n. | Phila.]. 1891. ii. 178-lsJ - Keillei. A propos de la mort apparente chez les nouveau nes Hull. Soc. beige de gynec. et d'obst.. Hi ux.. ls'.i'.i-l'.iuo, \- •_•-,(;.— Lepage. De la mort apparente du nouveau-ne. Cong internat denied. (\ i\. Par.. 1900. sect, d'obstet.. 306.— I.onu iE.H.) Physiology of the lespiratory and circnlatoiy rlianges at birib as re- lated to asphyxia'and its treatment Internat. M Ma". Phila., 1892, i. 1135-1142. —.Ilt-C'ahe.v (P.. Two avoidable causes of stillbirths. Me.l. N,\vs. I'liila., 1891. lix. -Ji:i. AUo: MemphisM. Month.. lM»l,xi.>s ::9n. —.tlaeltensie (J.) Xotes on a case of asphyxia neonatorum iu u hirh the heart continued to beat for more than four hours » it limit I therespitatoi \ fuuetiouhaving acted. Lancet. Lond ls!i7 ii, 1047 — Mnyjji'ier ((.'.) De la niort apparente du nou- veau-ui. l'togi-i--, nied.. Par., 1899, 3. s. x. 33-:i7. .l/«o, transl. : Ca/.z. d. osp.. Milano, ls',17, xx. 941-944 — ©rd (U. W.) The prevention of asphyxia when the birth of the after-coming head is ilei.ived: a historical note. Lancet. Lond.. 1901. ii. 1449. — IN-tnlozza (E.) L'astissia del fete in travaglio di parto e la procidenza incompleta del intdoue ombellicale Arte ostet., Milano. 1899. xiii. 81- 9i.i — Ree»c (W. A.i Asphyxia neonatorum. Eureka Spiings Month. M. J . 1806. iii, no. 2. 1-5. — Rndntix il'. i De la mort apparente du iioiiveau-ne: apeicu cli- nique et traitement. U. \ toat. d'obst. et de paediat. Par. 1902. xv. 52-68.— Shindy (J.) ^Etiologv of still- birth-. Boston M.i S. J. 18-5 cxii, 322-324. Ako.Uail- lard's M. J., X. Y.. 1885. xxxix, 362-369.— !<* km sch (F.) Der Scheintod Xeugeborener. Ztschr. f. pr,.kt Aoizte, Frankf. a. M., 1.-98. vii. 589-596.— Snow i I. M i Acute recurring respiratory failure in th. n. wly born, with symptoms apparently of bulbar oi i_:in. Arch. Pediat.. X5 Y., 1901, xviii, 732-778 — T;iiiia«..ia (A.) La ghiandola timo come causa d' a-ti~-ia Atti 1. Ist. Veneto di sc, lett. ed arti. 1893-4. 7. s v. 11>.'-H.'J. Also.- Gior. di med. leg.. Lanciano. 18:14, i. *_>22-233.—Taraehand (X.) A case of asphyxia neonatorum. Lancet Loud., Is94, ii, 1277.— \Va»enins < H . Siki.'in valekuoh-ma^ta. (Apparent d-ath 111 th.- 11.-W.I...111. K.itilo Lehti. Hel.siu2i.ssa, 1901, vi. 25-.il.— Wax lia m . F. E. 1 Apnea neonatorum. Am. J. Ol.st.. X. Y. Is92. xxv. 772-775. [Discussion], 790-795. AUo: Tr. Chicago Gynec. Sou., X. Y.. 1892-3. i. 60-67.— Zelwi- (Johanna T.) Asphyxia neonatorum. Tr. Lu- zerne 1 ... M. Soc. Wilkesbati.-. 1-99. vii, 177-179. Infant* (Xew-born, Asphy.i-ia and appar- ent death of. Treatment of). See, also. Asphyxia (Treatment of). Ahlmeyer (E. H. K. ) 'Historisch-biblio- graphisi he Ziisaminenstellnug der Methoden der Wiederbelebuug Xeugeborener. ~°. Marburg, 1-97. Beh.m (C.) *Die verschiedenen Methoden der kiinstliehen Athmiing bei aephyktischen Neuge- borenen. [Berlin.] -"-. Stuttgart, [1879]. Berditchewsky (N.) "Des diffe'rentes m6- thodes de rapjiel a la vie des uouveau-ne's en 6tat de mort apparente (6tude analytique et cri- tique,). *'-'. Paris, 1"95. Boutuy (A.-J.) * De la mort apparente du nouveau-ne", des avantages qu'il y a a pratiquer les proce"d£s combines de respiration artificielle. Ac Lille, 1896. Bschoiikr (J.) 'Statistische Zusammenstel- lung aller im Zeitraunu* von 1^.7.1-79 in der Miiuiliner Gebiirunstalt asphyctis.;h und mit Nabelscbnuiumschliiigungen geborenen Kinder. -'. Miinchen, 1667). Ciiami'NEVs (F. H.) Expeniiiental researches in artificial respiration in stillborn children, and allied subjects. 12°. London, 1-87. Clemens-Czibllka(C.) 'Die Schultzo'schen Scliwiiigmigen zur Wiederbelebuug tiel' schein- todt geLori-iier Kinder. *c Jeiia,l6-<6. Codet (J.) * Mort apparente du nouveau-116; de la ne"cessite" de pratiquer Inspiration avant j de fain* l'insufnation. lc Paris, 1695. Demelin (L.-A.) De la mort apparente du nouveau-ne'. Hi-. Paris, 1695. Depaul (J.-A.-H.) M6moire sur l'lnsufflation de l'air dans les voies aeVriennes, chez les enfants Infant* (Xeiv-born. Asphyxia and appar- ent death of Treatment of). qui nais.seiit dans un £tat de mort apparente. 8°. Paris, 1617). IsiKtzioXK al popolocirc'ai tentativi da farsi per ravviviiri* gli anuegati ed altri apparamente niorti, proposta dal Collegio medico di Firenze [etc. ]. 8 . Firenze, 177*2. Kt'i'i 1 i:r (A.) *Das Verhalten des Druck- schwaiiknngeii und des Atlimungsqtiantiiiiia bei kiinstlii her Respiration nach den Methoden von Siliultze, Silvester, Pacini und Bain. 6°. Dorpat, 1690. Michel (P.) * Etude stir le traitement de la mort apparente des nouveau-ue's et le tubage du larynx connne amelioration des proeedos de res- piration artificielle imitee. 1 . Paris, 1666. Osterm.vxx (R.) *Die Walchcr'sche Hiin- gehige und ihre jiractische Bedeutung. -*0. Strassburg, L-9.">. Ribkmont (A.) Recherches sur Pinsufflatiou des uouveau-ne's et description d'un nouveau tube lar.Migien. 8°. Paris, 1878. Rousseau (G.[-G.-E.]) * Tractions rhyth- me"es de la langue et insufflation dans l'asphyxie des nouvean-nes. 1 . Paris, l-9(i. Roux (A. J.) * Asphyxia neonatorum en hare behandeling. [Utrecht.] - . Amsterdam, 1877. Schaefer (E. [F. C.]) *Die Methoden der Behandlung asphyktischer Xeugeborener. Bonn, li-96. Scherr (Marie), ne'e Schvarzberg. * Traite- ment de la mort apparente des nouveau-ue's. 4-. Paris, 1-9:1. Staiiler ( F. ) * Ueber Lebensvorgange bei scheintot geborenen Kindern in deu ersten Mi- nuten des extrauterinen Lebens. 8°. Marburg, 1-9-. Tdm.masi (T.) Richiamo alia vita di un neo- nato asfittico mediante la respirazioue artificiale col metodo del Prof. Filippo Pacini. ^->. [Fi- renze, 1871).] AmbriiN (P.) Egv ujabb beavatkozdamod ujaziilot- tek asphyxiajanal. (A new mode of intervention in as- phyxia of the new-born.] Orvosi h. ■til., Budapest, 1899, xliii. 51. AUo, transl. [Al.str ]: Ungar. ntecl. Presse. Budapest, 1899. iv, ls(l. — Amemle 1 U. G. j Tongue traction in asphyxia neonatorum. Med. Kec., X. Y., 1893, xliv, 235.—Application suivie de auccis des tractions rytbrae-ea de la langue dans le cas dun enfant n6 en 6tat de mort apparente. Bull. Soc. m6d de Ille Mau- rice. Port Louis. 1895, v, 421-423.—Andefoerl i J.-L.) Tiaitement de l'apnee des iioiiveau-n6s prematures; nou- veau procede de respiration artificielle et injections sous- cutaueea d'6ther. J. de med. de Bordeaux. 1897. xxvii. 437. -----. Note sur le traitement de l'asphyxie ilea nouveau- nes par la refrigeration. Cnni:. internat. lie med. C.-r., Par.. 1900, sect, d'obst.. 305 — llaikii (G. C.l A case of injury to the shoulder from the Schiiltze method of artifi- cial respiration. Lancet, Lond.. 1*97, i. 1271. — Kau/on (J.) De la mort apparent!- des nouveau-nes. Med. inf., Par., 1895. ii, 243; 317.— Keuttnei' t O.) Schultze'aehe Scliwiiigmigen hei gehroehenem SchliissHli.in Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1*95. xix, 595-599.- Ki<.«ell (J. D.) A contribution to the study of the nature, cause, and treat- ment of suspended animation in the new-born. Mid Kec, N. Y..1895. xlviii, 703-71.8 - Itla< ktvell (15 T.) A ready method of inducing ie-pirat ion in infants horn asph\ \iated. Med. a vid. Kappel 4 la \ ie apres cioi| hemes d'insuillation, d'un nouveau-ne en etat de 111011 app.n 1 -nt. . J. d. sc meil. (le Lille. 1895, ii, JJ7-230.—von Itrauii-Fei'ii w aid (1-5) Eiu neuer Apparat zur Wiederbelebuug asphyctisch ge- borener Kinder. Sitznngsb. d. geburtsh.-gynaek. Gesell- sch. in Wien, 1888, i. ll-x.-Brown (B.) The use of hy- podermica of alcohol stimulants for the resuscitation of still-born infants. Therap. (iaz., Detroit, 1894, 3. a., x, 730. -----. Some new methods of resuscitating still-born aud feeble-born infants. Ibid., 1897. 3. a., xiii, 3G8-371. AUo, Reprint— Itudin. Insufflation des nouveau-nes; de la necessite de pratiquer au prealable l'aapiration des muco- sitis. Semaine med. Par., 1892, xii, 525-527. AUo: Arch. de tocol. etde gynec. Par.. 1-93, xx.497-508. AUo, transl.: Arch, de ginec ,'y pediat., Barcel., 1893, vi, 105; 121; 137.— BuiMt (11. C.) Note on methods of artificial respiration INFANTS. 908 INFANTS. I nfant* (Xew-born, Asphyxia and appar- e n t dea th of Trea t m entof). in the new-born. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Son.. 1894-5. xx, 76-81. AUo: Edinb. M. J., 1894-5, xl, 994-997.—Burckhardt (L.) Prognoaia and therapv of the asphyxia of the new- born. Tr. Indiana M. Soc,Indianap., 1895, xlvi, 342-351.— Cameron (K.i Resuscitation of a new-born child by lhvtlunic traction on the tongue. Canada M. Rec. Mon- treal. 1894-7., xxiii. 271. Also : MontrealM. J., 1894-5. xxiii. 9(2—C'anaii (C. W.) How to resuscitate the new-born infant. Charlotte | X. (5; M. J., 1900. xvii. 394-396.— Chambers (W. I). i Persistent artificial respiration fol- lowed bv success. Nashville J. M. Sc S., 1*89. n. a., xliv. 449-47.1 —Cliampiiey*. Artificial respiration. Cong. internat. denied. C. r., Par. 1900. sect, d'obst.. 273-284.— Charles CN.) Insufflation bouche a nez et bottche dans la mort apparente dea nouveau-nes. J. d'ai-couch., Liege. 1*94. xv, 403; 411; 421; 431. -----. Insufflation du nou- veau-ne k I'aide du stethoscope. Ibid.. 1897, xviii. 75; 102. AUo I Abstr.J : Rev. Obst. internat.. Toulouse. 1897. iii, 56.—Cla«en (E.) Ein Handgriff zur Wiederbelebuug asphvkiisc h.i Geborener. Ztschr. f. prakt. Med.. Frankf. a. M.\ 1896, v, 453-456.—»c Lee (J. 15 > Asphyxia neo- natorum ; causation and treatnient. Tr. Illinois il. Soc, Chii-iiiio. 1*97. 314-326. — »e-7?Iiiiicis (E.i Le trazioni della lingua, secondo il metodo del Laborde, nell' astissia il.-i neonati. Gazz. d. osp.. Milano. 1893, xiv. *::. —De >o- bele (J.) Les manoeuvres de respiraiion artificielle peu- vent-elles introduire de. l'air dans le poiimou ou lestomac de cadavrea de nouveau-nes? Ann. Soc. de med. de tiaud, 1896. lxxv, 125-134. AUo: J. de med. de Par.. 1*97. 2. s., ix. 320-322. Also: Rev. de med. leg, Par., 1897, iv, 191-197.— Din (J. H.) Establishing a new method of artificial respiration in asphvxianeonatorum. Med. Rec. K. T., 1883. xliii, 289-292. 'AUo, Repriut. Also: Tr. X. Tork Acad. M. (1*93), 1894. 2. s . x. 80-107. Also: Buffalo M. Sc S. J.. 1893-4, xxxiii, 665-673. AUo: NT. Eng. M. Month., Danburv.Conu., 1893-4. xiii. 509-520. AUo, transl.: An. de obst., ginecopat. y pediat., Madrid, 1894, xiv, 104- 107.—Discussion sur la valeur comparative des diffe- rents procedes employes dans le but de rauinier les en- fants nea en etat de niort apparente; lea tractiona ryih- mees de la langue et l'insufflation. Bull. Acad, de med., Par.. 1895. 3. s., xxxiii, 66-90— Draghiescu. Le traite- meut de la mort apparente du nouveaii-n6 employe k la Maternite de Bucarest. Cong, internat. de med. C. r., Par.,1900 sect, d'obst., 307-314.—Duke (A.) On resuscita- tion of asphyxiated infants. Med. Press Sc Ciic Lond., 1889, n. a., xlviii, 433.—Kliot (L.) The resuscitation of asphyxiated newborn infanta by the suspension method. Tr.Am.Aaa. Obst. Sc Gvnec. Phila 18**. i, 217-221. Also, R. print. — Fabbri (E. F.) Contributo all' etiologia e profilassi dell' asfiasia iuvincibile del m-omito. Attid. See. ital. di ostet. e ginec 1894, Pongiboiisi. 1*95. i. 282- 2*i;.—Fell (G. E.) Forced respiration. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1*89. xiii, 519.-----. Forced respiration. Ibid.. 1891, xvi, 325-330. [Discussion], 353. -----. Foiced les- piiation. Arch. Pediat., X. T., 1892. ix, 342-349.— Fieux (G.) Procede. tres simple d'inaufflatiou directe che/. le nouveau-ne, le procede du stethoscope. Rev. obst. inter- nat., Toulouse, 1897. iii. 41-44. Also: Med. inf., Par.. 1897, 61-63. AUo: Presse nied..Par.. 1*97, 192.—Fischer. Die verschiedenen Methoden der kunstliehen Athmuug bei asphyetiachenXeugebon nen. Ztschr. f. Wuudarzteu. Ge- burtsh., Winnenden 1**0. xxxi, :i24.—Forest (W. E.I A new method of artificial respiration in asphyxia of the new-horn, with cases. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1892, xli, 393-398. AUu, Reprint. Also [Abstr.]: Coll. & Clin. Rec, Phila., 1*92. xiii, 170-172.-----. Artificial respiration in asphyxia neonatorum once more. Med. Rec. N. Y.. 1*93. xliii, 382.— Frcudenthal (W.) A modification of Labor, le's method for resuacitation in deep asphyxia. X.York M. J.. 1898. Ixviii, 853. Also, Reprint. -----. On the resuscitation of apparently dead newborn by I.al.orde's method. Phila. M. J., 1900, v. 747 — Fronczak 115 E.) On the resuscit i- tion of apparently dead newborn by Laborde's method. Tr. M. Ass. Centr'.X. Y. 1899. Buffalo, 1900,vi. 19-23. AUo: Buffalo M. J., 1*99-1900. n. a., xxxix, 418-423. AUo. Re- print. AUo: Phila. M.J. ,1900, v, 462-464. AUo, Reprint.— Fry (H. D.) The treatment of asphyxia neonatorum by the hypodermic injection of strychnia. Am. J. Obst., X.Y., 1898, xxxvii, 470-470. [Discussion]. 531-533.—Fiirnt (L.) Die Wiederbelebuug acheintoterXeugeboi c-ner. Kin- der-Arzt, Leipz.. 1*98. ix. 25-29— Fiirtli i L.i DerSchein- tod der Neugeborenen. seine Pathogenese und seineThera- pie. Internat. klin. Runilsehau. Wien, 1888. ii. 712; 760; 798; 841. — Garrijjuc* (J. C> Asphyxia in new-born children considered from a medical aud a le^'al standpoint. Am. J. Ohat.. X. Y. 1*78. xi, *uu-*09. AUo. Reprint.— <. xxi. 123-151. —Kagawa (I.) Shoseigo kashi no inko hohetsubo ni zukete. New method of perform- ing artificial respiration for still-born child.] Tokujima Igakkwai Zashi, 1893. no. 14, 17-21. — Keilinann (A.) Schult/.t'sche Schwingungen bei gehrochenein Schliissel- bein. Centralbl. f. I'viiiik.. Leipz.. 1897.. xix. i;5-7n. — Keith tli. K.i Fourteen and a half hours artifh ial res- piration in a child one wok old; recoverv. Lancet, Lond., 1900. ii. 1492-1494.— Km app ( L. > Geschichtliche Be- merkungen zu Dr. Oehlschlaeger's Aufsatz in Xo. 19 diesf-s Blattes. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1897. xxi. 6G0-663. -----. Ueber den /.weckinassi^stcu Gang bei der Wieiler- I belebung scheintodt. r Neug.-i.ciiener. Prag. med. AVchn- schr., 1899, xxiv, 237. — Knnpp iM. I i Suspension in the resuscitation of the new bom. Med. Rec. X. Y.. 1*90, xlix. 87.—Knudsen. Jordemodrene og skiudede Boms Oplivelse. [Midwives and the revival of apparentlv still- born infants.] Hosp.-Tid., Kjobeuh., 18*5, 3. R., iii. 930.— Korber. Schultze'sche Schwingungen: Tod de* Kindes. St. Petersb. med. "Wchnschr.. 1892. n. F., ix, 481-4*3.— Kosti in (R.) TTeber das Zustandekomnien und die Be- deutungderpostnatalenTransfusion. Ztschr. f.Geburtsh. u.Gvnak., Stuttg., 1898, xxxix. 98-136. — I.aborde (J.-Y.) Le tiaitement ile la mort apparente; nouveaux faits de rappel & la vie par les tractions rvthmSes de la langue. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1893, 3. s.. xxx. 330-338. -----. Contribution a l'appiication du procede dea tractions ryth- nifees de la langue dans l'asphyxie. avec mort apparente dea nonveaii-iies. Ibid., 624; 760. -----. Les tractions ryth- mics de la langue dans l'aaphyxie dea nouveau-nes. Ibid., 1894, 3. a., xxxii, 534-541. -----. Yaleur comparative dea ditferents procedes employes dans le but de ranimer les enfants nes en etat de niort apparente: les tractions ryth- mics de la langue et l'insufflation. Ibid., 1895. 3. s.. xxxiii, 66; 124; 155; 2*27.-----Asphyxie et mort apparente par submersion d'un enfant de trois ans; rappel a la vie il I'aide dea tractions rythmees de la langue. Tribune nied., Par., 1901, 2. s.. xxxiii. 309. -----. Asphyxie et mort ap- parente du nouveau-ne; rappel a la vie par les tractions rythmees de la langue apres I'emploi infructueux des au- tres procedes en usage, notaninient de l'insufflateur laryn- gien. Ibid.,76i. -----. Asphvxie it mort apparente du nouveau-ne; emploi alternatif tie la methode des tractions r\ thmees de la langue et de l'insufflation par le tube lary n- g'ien; rappel de la respiration et de la vie a la suite de I'emploi definitif des tractions rythmees; appreciation comparative des effets respectifs dea deux procedes. Ibid , 1902. 2. s., xxxiv, 30-32.—l.ahs. Durch welche Me- thode der kiiniitlicheu Athmung werden in die Lungen as- phyktischer Xeugeborener die eio*sten Luftniengeu i-in- und ausgefubrt? Arch. f. Gyniik.. Berl., 18*5. xxvi. 2,3- 2go__La Torre (F.) Le trazioni rituiiche della lingua nell' astissia fetale. Clin, ostet.. Koma. Paul, iii, 110-113.- I.atzko i W.i Ein Beitrag eur Wied. i b.l.-bun- aspnyc- tischer Xi-ugeboi-ener. Wien. nnd. Pres-e. 1*93. xxxiv, B*4-**b. -Lazarrwitch i.l.) Zur Behandlung der As- phvxia neonatorum. Centialbl. f. Gynak . Leipz.. 189... xix, 566-569. Also: Frauenarzt. Berl., 1*95. x, 339-341. Also: Internat. med.-phot. Monatsehr., Leipz., 189o n, o10_-n2. — F.e Bon (G.) Xote sur le traitement de 1 as- phvxie ilea nouveau ties. Arch, de tocol., Par., 18*3, x, 347-350 — F.e Gendre (P.) Traitement des nouveau- nes en etat de mort apparente; stimulations cutanees, respiration artificielle par manipulations ou insufflation. Rev. prat, d'obst. et d'hvg. de l'enf., Par.. Is**, l, 81- OC _ l.essoiia (F.i Cura dell' astissia dn neonati. (la// med. di Torino. 1896, xlvii, 575 —L,euf (A. H. P.) \ cas. of resuscitation of lhe new-born. Med. 2\ews, Phila 1893, lxiii, 209. — I.iehty (D.) Physiologic re- suscitation of the *till-boru. J. Am. M. Ass. Chicago, 1901, xxxvi, 381.- I.omi nhardt (S. E.) Ueher einen Apparat zur Katheterisation der Luttrohre uud Luttin. halation bei asphvktisch Xeu-eboreiieu. Monatsehr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr.. Berl.. 1*67. xxx '-b.-'-9o.- I.usk (W. T.) Life-saving methods in stnl-birtlis. Ir. X. York Acad. M. (1*90), 1891. 2. a., vn, f2.-43i. Also: Am. J. M. Sc. Phila.. 1891, n. s., ci, "9-116. .-----• »e* suscitation in still births. Med. Standard. Chicago 1891, ix, 38_40. - Lyiuan (W. B.l Resus.nation of child de- livered after crd had ceased pulsating. Med. Kec,, V Y le*i; xxix 7.97 -IliGie .W.i.'.. lb su,citation ot the newborn. Ibid.. 1*97. li. 677. - JInjocclii A.) Lam- nima/ione dei t. ri ashttiei. Arte ost-t.. Mi ano. l9ol xv, 193-201—Marchand iF., Ue.Ui die 1 -itdauei icnicicr. Mezzo efficace per rav- vivare i neonati apparenteinento niorti. N. gior. d. pih recenti* lett. nod .chir. d' Eunipa, Milano, 1794, vi, 212- 221. —-Vikilin M. D.) O aposobakh ozhivleniya mninio- uiuershikh novorozhilennikh dietei. [On the methods of reviving apparently dead new-born infauts.) J. akush. i iensk. boliez.. St. Petersb.. 1889, iii, 1-14. -----. O zhizni novorozhilennikh bez dikhaniva. [The life of the new- born infanta not breathing] Vestnik obsh. hiu. sudoh. i prakt. med.. St. Petersb.. 1*91, xi, 3. sect.. 1-30. \oliilinji (A.) Ueber den Erfolg Sehnltzescher Sc hwinguugen nnd anderer Methmlen der kiinstliehen Respiration an todt geborenen. rei fen Kindern und Fbten. Wien med. Wchnschr., 18S5. xxxv, 237-240— \oble (G. H.i Syncope or anemia of the brain a cause ot asphvxia neonatorum, and its treatment. Am. J. Obst.. V V.. 1*80. xix, 349- 352.—."Viinn i K -1.) Asphyxia ueophytorinn, an improved method of treatment. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia. Atlauta. 1893, loo.— O'Dwvit .-l.i An improved method of perform- ing artificial for.-ibh- re-pivation. Arch. Pediat., Phila., 1892. ix, iu-U —Oeh l»elilaejjer. Zur Wiederbelebung Xeugeborener. Centralbl f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1893, xvii, 718-720. -----. Dr. Knapp's geschichtliche Bemerkungen in No. 22 dieses P.lattes fiber mein Verfahreu zur Wieder- belebung Xeugeborener. Ibid.. 1897. xxi, 1080-1082. — Ogata iM.) A: Fulaiiawa (S.i [Ogatas now method in asphyxia of the new i...in. Chiugai Iji Shinpo. Tokio. 1901. xxii. 73-86. J 5 Saukwa Fupnkwn I'mkn Zasshi, Tokvo. 1911. iii. 47-75 AU,,.- Sei-i-Kwai M. J.. Tokyo, 1901, xx, 117-131. —Oney of. II.) A new method of resus- citating the still-born. 1'dating the sphincterani.l South. Pract, Xashville. 1*95. xvii, 281. —Parker (P. J.) Tra- cheotomy as a remedy in ci tain rai. eases of asphyxiation in the stillborn child, caused by obstruction in the larynx, with a report of a case. South, Calif. Pract.. Los Ange- les, 1897. xii, 449. — Pedriiii-*ol:iri (Gius.-ppinaj. Cn metodo poco noto per la cura dell asfl^-ia dei neonati. Gior. p.le levatrici, Milano, 1890. iv. 77.—Pellacani (P.) Astissia del neonate; respirazione artificiale col metodo Pacini; penetrazioue dell' aria nel polmone. Ann. univ. di med e chir., Milano. 18-4. eclxix, 475. — Pern ice. Ue- ber den Scheintod Xeugeborener und desaen Behandlung durch electi ische Reizungen. Greifsw.ilder med. Beitr., Danzig, 1804. ii, 1-37. AUo, Reprint.— I*cron in* (C.) Application du procede de la langue a l'asphyxie des nou- veau-nfes. Bull. Acad, de med.. Par., 1892, 3. s., xxviii, 729. -----. Du traitement de l'asphyxie des nouveau-n6a par le proced6 de la langue. Arch.de tocol. et de gyn6c. Par., 1893, xx, 46-52. Also.- Union med. du nord-est, Reims, 1892. xvi, 362-365.—Pinard (A.) Note pour servir a ap- precier la valeur comparative des ditferents procedes em- ployes dans le but ile rammer les enfants nes en 6tat de mort apparente. Bull. Acad.de med.. Par., 1895, 3. s., xxxiii, 19-27. AUo: Ann. de gynec. et d'obst., l'ar., 1*95, xliii, 193-204. -----. Traitement de la mort apparente du nouveau-n6. Gaz. med. de Par., 1*9.7 9. s., ii, 133-135.— Pi«les (A. A.) rifpiTTTioiri? osu^i.s veoyvov. TaXrivos, 'AHijULt, 1894 xxiv, 368. — Pozzoli iB.) L' astissia del feto . im tocii di cura. Lucina, Bologna. 1896. i. 49-55.— PrngiT. I)o Wiederbelebungsmetlioilen scheintot ge- bot. n>-r Kinder mit beaomlerer Beriicksichtigung der Selmlt/e5, inn Schwingiiiigi-n. Frauenarzt, Berl., 1894, ix.57; 122; 169; 2',2. — Procliowuick l L.) Zur Behand- lung der Asphyxia neonatorum. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1894, xviii, 225-22*. — Kapin (O.) Physonietrie artificielle comme moyen d.- prevenir l'asphyxie du foetus pendant le travail. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom.. Geneve, j 1-99, xix. 688.-096. -----. La ph\.sometrie artificielle en obstetiii|iie. Cong, internat. de'iu£d. C. r.. Par., 1900, sect, d'obst., 349-355.—Redfern ol. J.) Sc ,\c>vb> (G.) Prolonged action of the heart maintained by aititicial res- piration without other signs in a new-born infant. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901. ii, 1734. — Reid (W. L.) On recent methods of treatment of the asphyxia of new-born children, with a description and illustration of that, of Prof. B. S. Schultze, of Jena. Glasgow M. J., 1**5. |4.] a., xxiv, 344- 354.—Rendu (J.) Mort-ne rappele a la vie, 45 minutes apre,s sa naissance, par la respiration artificielle. Lyon m..1. 1-85. I 7,04-509. Also: Mi-in. etcompt.-rend Soc.d.sc ined.de Lyon 11885). 1**6. xxv, pt 2, 153-161.—Ribcmont- I>essaianes. Tiaitement ile la mort apparente du nou- veau-ne. Cong.internat.de m6d. C. r., Par.. 19oii, .sect. d'obat., 2*5-295. AUo I Abstr.): R6pert. de therap., Par., 1901, xviii. 233-235. .l/»i 'Abstr.J: J. de med. de Par., 1901, 3. a , xiii, 425.—Richardoon (C. H.) Asphyxia neouato- I Infant* (Xetr-bom, Asphyxia and appar- ent death of Treatment of). rum; prognosis and treatment. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, At- lanta, 1*99. 492-496. Also: Georgia J. M. .t S., Savannah, 1899, v, 272-275. — Rnnjje (M.i Vor Blasensprung ahge- storbene fiiiInvite Fruclit; Scliultze'sche Schwingungen; Luftgehalt der Liingen uud ilea Magens. St. Peterab. med. Wchnschr., 1887, u. F., iv, 164. -Saku (1.) Przyczy- nek do cucenia pozornie zmarlvch noworndkow za pomoc^ nietody Laborde'a. [Resuscitation of apparently d. ad new-born infants by the method of . | Medvcvua, Warszawa, 1*99 xxvii, 732- 736.- Main nelson <<;. S.) Xotes on three cases of suspended animation in the newly born. Australas M. Gaz., Sydney, 1893, xii. 403.—Mchil- lint; iF.i 1 lie Behandlung der Bronchiolitis, At.lektasia, etc.. klcinsterKiiidermittelsScliiilizc'scher Schw ingu n gen. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1*98, xiv, 729 S< lilci;< I iA.) IVhei -Asphyxia neonatorum uud deren l'eli.indlung; eine Recapitulation gehiirtshilflieher Gegenstande, mit Be- riicksichtigung der eventuellen Leiclienschaii und der forenaiachen Beiletttuiig sowie der einschlagigen Littera- tur. Ztschr. f. Wiiiidiirzte u. Geburtsh., Fellbach, 1894, xlv,68; 140; 237; 334: 1895, xlvi, 19; 117; 223.—Schultze (B. S.) Feber die Wiederbelebuug fief scheintodt gebore- ner Kinder durch kiinstliche Respiration niittelst Schwiri- gen. Wien. nied. 151., 1885, viii, 1; 36. Also, Repriut.-----. Athemheweguugund Herzaktiou asphyktiacher Friichte; Einfluss kiiuatlicher Athmung auf die Cirkulation. Cen- tralbl. f. Gynak., Leip/.., 1890, xiv, *9-94. AUo: Wien. med. BL, 1890, xiii, 132-134. -----. Zur Wiederbele- buug tief scheintodt geborener Kinder durch Suhwingcu. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1893, xvii, 329-338. Also: Med.-chir. ('entralbl., Wieu, 1893, xxviii, 259-262. AUo : Wien. med. Bl., 1893, xvi, 229; 242. -----. Ueber die beim Scheintod Xeugeborener vorliegenden Indikationen. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1896, xx, 937-944. Also, Repriut. See, also, infra, Wendeler. -----. Ueher die beim Scheintod Xeugeborener vorliegenden Indikationen speziell in Bezug auf den Werth von Laborde'a Ver- fahren. Cor.-Bl. d. allg. iirztl. Ver. v. Thiiringen. \Vei- mar, 1896, xxv, 383-389. -----. Vom Schwiugen tief scheintodtgeboreuer Kinder. Ztachr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Frankf. a. M., 1896, v, 492. Also, Reprint. -----. Ex- perimented Priifung verachiedener Methoden kiinst- licher Atmung Xeugeborener. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Leipz., 1900, iii, 325-343, I diag. -----. Be- handlung dea Scheintodes Xeugeborener. Cong, inter- nat. de med. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, d'obst., 295-305. AUii. transl. [Abstr.J: Wien. med. Presse, 1900, xli, 151*. — Sehrwald ( K.) Das Abnabeln und die Wie- ilerbelebiing Scheintodtgeborener. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr.. Leipz. u. Berl., 1898, xxiv, 573.—Sheldon (J. W.) Experience with oxygen in the restiacitation of a new- born intant. Tr. Homceop. M. Soc, X. T., 1901, xxxvi, 230-233—Nilingardi (S.) Un rimedio efficace contro 1' astissia dei neonati. Pratica d. med., Xapoli, 1901-2. ii, 11. —Nkutsch (F.) Zur Frage iiber deu Effect der Schultze schen Schwingungen fiir die Wiederbelebuug acheintoter Xeugeborener. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1886, vii. 1-3. AUo. Reprint.—Solomon (L. L.) Mitral regurgitation produced by the efforts at resuscitation in a partially asphyxiated newborn babe; report of a case. Am. Pract. Sc Xews, Louisville. 1901, xxxii, 53-55 — Npicyclbcrg (O.) Zur Behandlung des Scheintodea il.-r .Ni-ugel.oienen, die Marshall Hall'ache Methode. Wiii/b. med. Ztachr., 1864, v, 150-159.—Stowc (H. M.) Tracheotomy in breech preaeutation; an old operation but a new application. J. Am. M. Aaa., Chicago, 1901, xxxvii lo:!i;. —Mirinj;cr (S.) A rational method of relieving aaph\\ia in the newly-born infant. Proc*. Florida M. Aaa .Jacksonville, 1898, 95-98. Also.- J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1*9*. xxx, 1455. AUo | Abstr.l : Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Wash., 18*7, ii, 469.—ThompMon (Von B.) A new method of artificial respiration for reauacitating still-born infants. Hot Springs M .1. 1897, vi, 172-175.—TolmalMchetv. Ueher eino dei Spat, ten, der Geburt iiachfolgenden Zeit des kindlichen Lebens angepasste Modification tier Schtiltze'schen Methode der kiiuatlichen Athmung. Verhandl. d. internat. med. Cong. 1*90 P.erl.. 1891. ii. 6. Abth., 68-70.—Torjjyler (F.) Ex- perimenti'lle. Studien fiber den Werth der verschiedenen Methoden der kiinstliehen Athmung bei asphvktischeu Neugeborenen. Wi.n. med. Bl., 1885, viii, 225; 260; 2*9.— Ton venaini. Contribution k I'etude de la valeur ilea tractions rhythm6es de la langue daua les cas de mort apparente du fcetua. Hull, et mem. Soc. obst. et gvnec. de Par.. 1895, 34-36. — Uribe Angel (M.) Tocologia; muerte apaiente de la criatura; curacion. An. Acad, de med. de Medellin, 1887-9, i, 291-297.—Varnier (H.) Quelijilea observations de mort apparente chez les nou- veau-n6s traitee par l'insufflation. Rev. prat, d'obst. et de l'enf., Par., 1888, i, 101 - 116— Vci-mcIi icdenen (Die) Methoden zur Wiederbelebung acheintoter Xeugeborener. Kinder-Arzt, Leipz., 1898. ix, 30 -33.— W nllci-Niii. lias Abnabeln und die Wiederbelebung Scheiiitodtge- bore ner: P.einerkungen zu dem Aufsatz ilea Dr. Sehr- wald in Xo. 36 dieser "Wochenschrift. Deutache mid. INFANTS. 910 INFANTS. Infant* (Xew-born, Asphyxia and appar- ent death of, Treatment of). "Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Herl.. 189>. xxiv,|612.—Watson (C. S.) Tracheotomy and inflation in the treatment of a still- born child. Lancet, Lond.. 1887, ii. 107. — Wendeler (P.) Bemerkungen zu demf Aufsatz des Geh.-Rath B. S. Schultze: feber die beim Scheintod Xeugeborener vorlie- genden Indikationen in 2\'o. 37 d. Jalnganges. Centralbl. f. Gyniik., Leipz., 1896. xx. 1137-1139. — Whitney iH. B.) Narcotism through mother's milk: Schultze's method of resuscitation; influenzalpoi-oning. death. Arch. Pediat., 3S5 T., 1894, xi, 143-146.—Wo Ilia in iW.i Ein Beitrag zur Wiederbelebung asphvktischer Xeugeborener. Cen- tralbl. I. Gynak., Leipz.. 1897. xxi '241-243-Zabala (L.) Kesuscitation of the new-born. South. Calif. I ract.^Los Angeles. 1893, viii. 309-370.—Zunti iX. i .V Slrnsxinaiin (P.) feber das Zustaiidekoniuieii dei Atliinun^. beim Neugeborenen und die Mittel zurWiederhelebung Asphvk- tischer. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. il*97.i. Is96. xxvi, pt. 2, 75-85. |Discussion], pt. 1, 81-*4. Also : Berl. kliu. Wchnschr., 1895, xxxii, 361-364. Ill f*ant*>« (Xew-born, Atrophy of). Sec Infants (Atrophy of); Infants (Premature, et,-). IllTanti** (Xew-born, Blood in). VoIno-Oraxski (A. A.) * K voprosu o niorfo- logii krovi novorozhdennlkh. [On the morphol- ogy of the blood in the new-born.] 8c 8.- Peterburg, 1892. -----. The same. *-°. [St. Petersburg, 1892, rei snbseq.] Berti (G.) Die Theorie vou Hanshalter und Thiry iiber die Blutknotchen der Herzklappen Xeugeborener. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1901,xxxi,371-38L —Fisclil (R.) fe- ber Schutzkiirper im Blute dea Neugeborenen. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1895-6, n. F., xli, 193-226.—.Mclonx (M.) Sur la presence de l'oxyde de carbone dana le >ang du nou- veau-ne. Compt.rend. Acad.d. ac, Par., 1901,cxxxii 1501- 1504. AUo: Obstetrique. Par., 1902. vii, 1-9. Also (Ah-.r,r.|: Compt, rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1901, 11. s.. iii, Oil. —Pit- earn (A.) De caussis diversis molia qua fluit aanguis per pulmonem natia et non natis. Inhis: Diss. med..4°. Rote- rodami, 1701,35-60. Also: 76id.,4°, Ediuburgi, 1713,42-71.— Richter (f.) Der kindliche Blutkreislauf vor uud nach der Geburt. Allu- deutsche Hebam.-Ztg.. Berl., 1*98. xiii, 2G7-270.—Schiir (E.) Xeuere Beitrage zur Hamatologie dei Xeiigeborenen mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die Ah- nabelung-zeit. (Die Rolle des sogenannten Reserve- blutes im Organismus des neuaeboreneu Kindes.] Jahrb. f. Kinderh.. Leipz., 1892. n. F., xxxiv, 159; 459. -----. f.jabb adatok az lijaziildttek haematologidj&hoz. (Later contributions to the haematologv of the new-born.) Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1900, xliv, 224;'242; 258; 275; 290: 304; 317; 335; 349. AUo, transl.: Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Berl., 1901. n. F., liv, 1; 172. AUo. transl : Ungar. med. Piesse. Buda- pest, 1900, v, 321; 347: 377; 4us —Silbermanii il > Zur Hamatologie der Xeue..boreiien. Verhandl. il. Versamml. il. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Xatuif. u. Aerzte 1886, Dresd.. 18-7. iv. 3U-35. Also: Jahrb. 1. Kinderh., Leipz., 1887-8, n. F., xxvi. 252-257. — Varaldo (F.) Studio comparative) sui caratteri istologici e rLiei del saugue della vena e delle arterie ombellicali nel neonato. Arch, di ostet. e ginec, Napoli, 1900, vii, 723-743. Infant* (Xew-born, Care of). See, also, Infants (Premature, etc., Care of); Umbilical cord (Ligation of). Hesse K (L.) Die Benutzuug der ersten Le- benstage ties Sauglings zu (lessen Eingewoh- nung in eine naturgeiniisse Lebensorduung. 1*2°. Gbttingen, 1655. -----. The same. 4. Aufl. 12:. Gottingen, 167)6. -----. The same. De eerste levensdagen van het kind; raadgevingen om zich dezen tyd ten nutte te niaken. 12-. Utrecht, 1656. Broeksmit ( J. ) * Over de zoogeuaamde kuiistiiiiitige voeding vau kinderen in het eerste levensjaar. [Utrecht.] --. Rotterdam, 1668. Bucquet (J. B. M.^l Quastio med. An re- cens nato, lac recens euixa* matris? 4C. Pari- siis, IT. 9. Budix (P.) Le nonrrisson; alimentation et hygiene, enfants debiles. enfants ne~s a teime; lectins cliniiiues; preface de C. Jonuart. rov. r50. Paris, 1900. Infant* (Xew-born, Care of). Chaxdelux (L.) Mtinuel de' rallaiteinent et de l'h\ giene des enfants nouveau - lie's. .--. Paris, 1656. Charles (X. ) Hygieue des nouveau-ue's. Guide des jennes meres, s . Liege, Y87. Chixeau (G.) De l'alinientation du uouveau- u6. -\ [Paris, 1695.] Combe (A.) Tbe mother's guide for the care of her children ; or the management of infancy. Intended for the use of parents. Revised ami edited by Sir James Clark. 1*2-. Xew York. [>'*]• " Icard (S.) L'alimentation des nouveau-n&s, hygieue de l'allaitement artiticiel. Ouvrage cou- roune' par l'Acadeniie de medecine. 12c. Paris, 1691. Joly (A.) Tableau - guide pour la direction gen£ralejde l'aliinentation du nouveau-ne' de- puis le jour de la naissance jusqn'a l'epoque de la premieie enfance: allaiteinent artiticiel (lait de vache au biberon). > . Bourges, 1899. J6xa.h>kx (J.) Barnlbstrau. Firirsogn han- da alJ>ySu um rjetta meSferS £ uugbornum. [The nurse. Popular directions for the proper care of the new-born.] S\ Reykjavik, 1666 Kravetz (M.) *La vie, la mort du nonr- risson. Etude sociale, hygieuique et therapeu- tique. S-. Paris. 1697. Le Moixe (F. M.) *Qusestio med. An recens nato recens lac maternumf 4:. Parisiis, 1767. Marin (M.) Essai sur l'allaitement artiticiel des enfans nouveaux -n6s. *-?. Paris, an XI [1803]. Maurage (C.) *Du bain quotidien chez les nouveau - ne"s. fitude cliuique de la chute du cordon ombilical. 6-\ Paris, 1900. Paillotte ( R. ) ~ Xotes sur l'alimentation des nouveau-nes. 4;. Paris, 1690. -----. The same. ?". Paris, 1~90. Rey (J. H.) * De cautelis circa recens natos. 4;. [Heidelberga. 1791.] Richter (J. C.) "" De usu et abusu involutio- nis et fasciationis infantum, sm. lc Erfordia, [1730]. Schoffer (J.) *De cautelis circa recens na- tos. 16°. Vienna, 1769. de Souza Junior (J. >I.) * Do regimen ali- ment.ir dos recein - nascidos. roy. >-. Rio de Janeiro, 1695. Taube (C. E.) *De recens natorum sanitate tuenda. sin. 4°. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1694. Tooker (R. N.) All about the baby and preparations for its advent, together with the homeopathic treatment of its ordinary ailments. A book for mothers. Illustrated. S^. Chicago 5-Xew York, [1696]. Vai.lois (L.) Le nouveau-ne; guide pratique pour les soius a lui donuer. 1*2-. Paris, l'JOO. Wertheimber (A.) Diiitetik der Neugebore- nen und Sauglinge. 12-. Miinchen, Y60. Ailv (A.) Management of the new-born child. Med. Sc Smg. Reporter, Phila., 1888. lix. 109.—Artemyeff (A. I'.i Profilaktika novorozhilennikh. [1'iophvlactics iu the new-born, j Natich. Besedv vrach. zakavkazsk. Povi- val. Inst., Tiflis, 1887. ii. 330-4U. AUo. transl. (Abstr.l: Arch, de tocol., Par.. 1887. xiv. 817: sf.5.— Itnginskv (A.) Hygiene des Sauglings; Pflege der Mutter uud des Neugeborenen. Ber. ii. d allg. deutsche Ausst. a. d. Geb. d. Hyg. u. d. Eettungsw. 1882-3, Bresl., 1885. i. 231-234. -----. Znr Saiiglingskrankeiiptlege in grossen Stiidten (mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Berliner Verhalt- nisse). Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1897. xxxiv. 408-410.- ■t a u in in. Ueber Warmeapparate fur Neugeborene i('oiiveusen). Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Cult. 1900, Bresl., 1901, lxxvii, 1. Abt.. 7.' - SO -Bfinnl ui vi. nuent dans l'etat de sante des enfants uouveau-u6s. In his: Lec.declin.obst., sr Par., 1,-89. 271-296. -----. Dirheultes de rallaiteineiit d. s teterelles. Ibid., 297 -.108. -----. L.s consultations de uourrissous. Bull. Acad, de meil , Par., 1899. 3. s., xiii, 194-209. Aiso: Progres med., Par., 18:19 3. s.. x, 81-8(5. -----. L'aliinentation du uouveau-n£. J. d. sagesfein- nie-.. Pai 18l"i9. xxvii, 217; 225. -----. Dela puei ieulture apn-s la nai-sauce. | Rap.] Obstetriiiue. Par.. 1900, v, ;>'v'-39s. —C'linriin'il. Hvgiene aluneutairc du nouveau- ne. Nord med.. Lille. 1896, ii. 121: 129.—1I11 Com I a (A.) A protecij-ao aos receniuascidos pobrcs. Ke p.. ; igueza de nied. e cirurg. prat.. Lisb., 1901, ix. 129; ',<-',- tin 11- ilall (F. M.) Maiiageinent ofthe new-born intani V Yotk AI. J. 1-92. lv. 0.-4-090. AUo. Reprint — ( ier. nfiika lE.l Des Baden der Neugeborenen in Beziehung | zur Nabelptfege und zutn Kinpei _.wicht. Wien. kliu. Wchn-ehr.. Is9,-. xi, 2<'.7. -?0- — l>nlln» (I.. W.) The baby: what shall we do with it K.m>a- City M. Index, lv'7 xviu, 246-24-. —I>oiiohni' 1K.1 Remarks ou the care and handling of the child alter dcliverv. Tr. Pan- Am. M.Cong Is9:1. Wash .1895, pt. 1,930.- Knrlr (C.W.) Sepsis of the new-bom. Chicago Clin. Rev. 1-9J-3. i. 59; 84— Ep«l«'in (A.) Ueber antiseptische Massnahtiieu in I dei Hvg cue des neugeborenen Kindes. Prag. med.Wchn- schr..'1pm*. xiii, 43o': 449; 461. AU;. Keprint— K 1 «>*«. (.l.i Ueber dieV.tiialtnis.se det Neugeboteneu 111 Ent- binduugsanstalten und in der Privaipraxis. Jalnb. I Kinderh.. Leipz., 1894. xxxix, 77-90.— Flauilriu. D.s soins dounes aux nouveau-nes k l'Hopital de (ireuohle (maternite et cliuique obstetricale): notes stati-nipies. lianphine med.. Grenoble. 1--99. xxiii. 2o0-2w5.—Fuchs (H.) Zur Hvgiene der ersten Lebenstage Miinchen. med. Wchnschr.. 1-99, xlvi, 097-69 ' — ii n« niol. De 1 al- Lutein, nt aitiri'i.l des n..uv. au-iu—. Arch, de tocol.. Pai I--.; xiii 415 97— llappel T. J.) Attention to the child from the end of the s.. oml stage of labor to the end of the first day of its separate existence. Mississippi Valley M. Month. Memphis i»«7 v, :;.5li-363. — Ilorh- ninger (C.) Gegen < 1 i• - Aiiwendung d.-r Kai bol-aiue uud - Iodoform be: 2Seiig,-'oor>-iieii. Kind. 1 Aivt I.eipz., l-9ti. vii, 173: 19e — Hon win jj cii \5 1 pleging van deu jonggeborene. Maandbl. v. ziekeiiv.-i pie-.. Auist.. 190J-19O1. Xl, 185: '-"!. — IC. Av-rio-TpJiia itai vyitivh tov 9,\\nfi.oo. TaAijivos. A ^ "in. 1897, xxvii, l'i.----'77.. ICei I- inanii (A.) Zur D.atet.k der ersten L.i,,■invi.c.-h.-, Iieiitscbemed.Wchnschr., L> -in/.u.Berl.. 1»97. xxi ■'>-,'.<-:;43 — Ko«miii>Ui 1F..1 \V sprawie piclegnowania noworod- k..w. n»n tliecareot the new-boiu. l'i zegl. lek., Krakow, j 1-98 xxxvii 3; 14: 30; Hi— Kovar-Ui <<•. O.i O kupa- | nii novorzhdennikh. [On bathing; tie 1 ev. oornj Vrach, St. Petersb.. 1900, xxi. 102-101. AU". transl..- Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1900, xiii. 552-554.— I.acli- (J.) Zachowanie si^ cieploty noworodkow w pierws/ym tydodniu ich zycia. i |Conservation of the temperature nt tin- new-born during the first week of life.] Przegl. lek.. Krakow, 1900, xxxix. 489: 509; 51 > — l.iviiell 1J.1 The care of the new-hot ti int.mt. Trained Noise. N. V.. 19o0. xxv, 1*4-190.— I.i'win (D The case of the new-born child. Chicago Clin. Kev., 18U6-7, vii. 13-28.—Loviol. Sur I'emploi du serum arti- ficiel ch. z les nouveau-nes. J. de med. de Par.. Is99. 2.8., xi, 44. —.Marable (T. H.) The management of the new- born, ir M. -so. Tennessee. Nashville. 1K.O. 209-218.— iTIaycr (C . Ueb.jr kiinstliche Ernahrung der neugebor- neu kindet Verhandl d. ('esellsch. f. Geburtsh. in P.erl., 1846, i 7.ii-]o0.—.Mikiiclti \V7 Czy zaniechanie kapieli DOwori'dko-.y wywieia kotz\-tn\ wplvw na zachowanie si? p?powiny? "'Has discontinuance of bathing the new- born a good effect on the preservation of Mo- 111ul.1h.al c.»id?J Przegl. lek.. Krakdw, 1«97. xxxvi, 460: 475. tlil- ler (N.) Antiseptika 11 novorozhdemnikh. |Aniis.-ptics in new-born infants.1 Trudi vtor. syezda russk. vrach. v Mosk., 1887 ii ped.,3-11. Also, transl..- Jahib. f. Kind, rh., Lei],z.. 18-8 11. F., xxviii, 153-163. — >«• am a 11 ■■ ' 11 5 Sc Obirwailli (E.) Einiges iiber die Pflege dei Neugebo- reueu. Theiap. il. Cegenw.. Ileti.-Wien, 1901, n. i.. iii, 551-555.— Pai-hoiih (F. S.i Ought infants to be washed : directlv atiei bitth.' J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1892 xix, 739.—I'ini. L igiene d.ll.1 p. lie * delle mucose nel neo- nato. Llieiua. I'ologlia 19o], i, 173-176: 19o-J vii. 3; 13; | 29. — Raiiflnilz 'K. W.j Zui \\5u mil.lue 1I1- Neuge- borenen. Prag. med. Wchnschr., Ic5, x .19 —KHiindir (K.) Asken syntyiiyttii lasta kohtaavat vaarat todistuk sena lisattyjen katilovoiuiain tarpeellisuudesta maessam- nie. | Local dang»-t - at birth to the healthy growth of the child from the l.o k ot' »kilful midwives in our country.] Suornen tervevdenli.-lehti Helsiugissii. 1-9D. ii, 1o4-lu7.— Nchonewald ivi Zur H\ giene der ersten L.i.enstage. 1 .Muiichen. nied. Wchnschr. 1*99. xlvi. 919.- W< In-ailer ('I'.i Soll.-n Neugeboreiie gebadet werden? IJ.-il. klin. Wchnschr. 1-9*. xxxv. 163-165. — Nellli-r (R.) Ihe ra- tional caie of the eyes ot the newlyboin at and iunuedi- lllf'ailt* (Xew-born. Care of). atelv after birth Atlantic M. Weekly, Providence, 1898, x, 209-214. — Mimon (J.) Des soins a donin 1 k un nou- veau-ne. Praticieu, Par.. 1887. x, 65-67—Npii'jji'lberg (J. H.) Ein Bild zur Ptlegc der Neugeboiem n und Siing- linge um das 15. Jain hiindert. Kiuder-Arzt, Leipz.. I9nu, xi. 11-13.-----Zur Neiigeboieiienprtege vor 200 Jahren. Ibid., 97-99. — Slokem -I. Mi The new-born babe; the bandages; its nuisance aud my reasons, I think, substan- tiated Med. Mirror, St. Louis, 1896, vii, 37u-372. — Nza- liti-ili (M.) Die kiinstliche Ernahrung der Siinglinge mit b.souderer Iliicksicht aut die Fiudliiige. Ungar. med Piesse. Budapest. I9u0, v, 31-33- Tiiloy (H. E.) The care of the newborn. Tr. Kentucky M- Soc, Louisville. 1895, 11. s.. iv, 26-.'-27n. Also: Arch.' Pediat., N. T., 1897, xii, 7.77.-7.-2 Als,,: Atlantic M. Weekly. Providence, 1895. iv, 263-206. -----. S.psis of the newborn. J. Am. M. As-.. Chicago. 1,-96. xxvii, 837.-,-:,7. — FslinoflT (A. N.) Prakticiieskiya zainletki ob antisejitikli' 11 novorozhilen- nikh i grudnikh dietei. [Practical notes on antisepsis of the new-born and nurslings ] Med. Obozr.. Mosk., 1900, liii, 12-17. — Vnlilagni (V.) Nuovo letto a calore cos- lanle per i neonati Itiv. d' ig. e sail, jiubb., Torino, 1900, xi 80--SJ9. — Vi'i'iloiu'i'« <«iiMii|la 1 K.i Priineios cui- tl.tdos .jne hav que prestar al tecien nacido. i'oire-]>. m6d.. Mudrid.'l899. xxxiv, 54; 64; 76; 9s: 111. — ^Valkin. (W. II.) Treatmentof the n.-w-botn child. N. Oil. M. Sc S. J., 1896-7, xlix, 663-667. Alsn: Pioc (li leans Parish M. Soc 1897. N. Orl., Is98. 31-36.—Wi'lli-r iK.K.) Manage- ment of the new-born child. M.-d. "c Surg. Reporter, Phil.1. I,-.-,- lix. 579.— Venlto iP. D.i Sovremeunoj-e polzheiiie voprosa ob iskusstveunom vskarmlivanii novo- rozhdennikh dietet. [Contemporary note of the question of artificial feeding of new-horn children.] Vrach. St. Petersb.. 1890. xi. 622-624. — Vermolayeva. Ukhod za novoio/hdyoiiuitn u kilgizov. [Care of a new-born infant among the Kit ghee/.] Akushetka. Odessa. 1896.vii. 403.— Zhukovslii iV. P.i O dielstvii ciscarae sagradae pri zaporakh u dietei novorozhdenuikh. (Action of. . .in constipation in the new-born, j Terap. vestnik. S.-Peterb., 1901, iv, 513-527. Ill fail 1* (Xew-born, Diseases of). See. also, Conjunctivitis (Infantile); Diph- theria in infants; Erysipelas (Infantile); Fever (Malarial) in children; Fcetus (Diseases of): Genitals (Female, Haemorrhage from) in new-born infants: Gonorrhoea in children; Haematophilia i»i new-born infants; Infants (Xew-born, Haemor- rhage in); Infants (Xew-born. Tumors in); In- fluenza in children; Intestines (Diseases of) in children; Jaundice in children; Kidney (.Dis- eases of) in children: Liver (Diseases of > in chil- dren; Paralysis < Spastic) in infants; Paralysis (Congenital); Skin (Distases of) in children; Syphilis (Congenital, etc.); Tuberculosis in cliibinu; Umbilicus (Diseases of); Winckel's disease. Allard (A.-F.) *De8 rapports des accidents infectieux du noitvenii-nd, et en particulier de l'osteoin.vdlite avec l'infectiou puerp6rale, leurs portes d'eutiile. -1-. Paris, ls90. Bkrtin ((i.) * Contribution a I'etude des in- fectious des uouveau-ues dans les couveuses. 8c Paris, 1699. Millard [ C. M. ] Naclitriige zur ersten Aullage von Hi Hard's Abhandlung der Krank- heiten' der Nfiigebornen uud Siinglinge. Nach der zweitei), von Ollivier (d'Angers) besorgten, Auliiigt* des Orioinals. Aus dem Franzosischen. b;. Weimar, 1657. Burcm'T (E. ) Traite pratique des maladies des lioiivrau-iics et des enfants a la inamelle, precede d'un precis sur l'hygiene et l'Cducatiou physique des jeuues enfants. 2. 6cl. >J. Paris, 1-.V2. ------. The same. 3. e"d. ■--. Paris, 1855. Emkich (E.) * Ein Fall vou tbdtlicher Haemo- globinurie bei einem Neugeboreueu. -5 Gies- sen, l-'.'I. Hkyfelder (J.-F.-M.) Beobaehtungen iiber die Krankheiten der Neugeborneu, namentliclt iiber Zellgewebsverliartung, Augenentziinduiig, Kose, (ielbsuclit. Verschliessuno des Afters, Aph- then, nach eigenen Erfnliriinoen iudeu Hospitii- lern zu Paris. 8°. Leipzig, 1625. INFANTS. 912 INFANTS. Infant* (Xew-born, Diseases of). von Holst (H.) * Zur Aetiologie der Puerpe- raliufection des Foetus und Neugeboreueu. 8c Dorpat, 1661. Jolis (P.) *De la galactophorite chez le nouveau-ne\ 4°. Paris, 1695. Kambosseff tK.-N.) * De l'arthrite blennor- rhagique chez le nouveau-ne\ roy. 8°. Xancy, 1895. Kennedy (E.) Observations on cerebral and spinal apoplexy, paralysis, and convulsions of new-born infants. 8°. Dublin, 1656. Landais ( C. ) *De8 inhalations d'oxygene daus l'hygiene et la therapeutique des uouveau- ne's. 4°. Paris, 1892. Laubmkister (J.) * Ueber Harnsanreiufarcte beim Neugeboreuen. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1696. Lebreton (J.-A.-E. ) Recherches sur les canse.c, et le traitement de plusieurs maladies des uouveau-u6s. 6:. [Paris], 1819. -----. Thesame. Untersuchungen iiber die Ursachen und die Behandlung mehrerer Krank- heiten der Neugeborenen. Aus dem Franzo- sischen iibersetzt von Gottlob Wendt. 16°. Leipzig, 1620. Muller (F.) * Ueber Gaugriin vou Extremi- tateu bei Neugeborenen. 8°. Strassburg, 1899. Orianne (C.-A.) *Essai sur la coliqne et l'ictere des nouveau-nes. 4°. Strasbourg, 1806. Semet (B.) * Contribution a l'dtude de l'cedeme des nouveau-ne's. 4°. Paris, 1893. Sonnensciiein (F. J.) * Zur Aetiologie der Orbitalphlegmoue der Neugeborenen. 8C. Greifswald, 1688. Thaliieim (F.) * Ueber septische Iufectiou neugeborener Kiuder. 8c Wiirzburg, 1890. Tissier (P.) De l'influence de l'accouche- ment anonnal sur le d6veloppement des troubles c6r6braux de l'enfant. 8C. Paris, 1899. Zhukovski (V. P. ) Obshtshedostupnlya mlerl dlya borbi s naibolieye chasttnii zabolie- vaniyanii novorozhdennlkh i grudnikh dietei. [General therapeutic measures to combat tbe most common diseases of the new-born and sucklings.] 8°. Kiev, 1696. -----. Bollezni novorozhdennlkh dietei. [Diseases of the new-born.] 85 Kiev. 1897. -----. The same. 2. ed. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1697. Ashby (H.) On the diseases incident to hirth. Proc. M. J., Leicester, 1886, v, 291; 485. — Audebert (J.-L.) Origine de l'hydropisie generalisee du nouveau-ne. Rev. mens. d. mal. del'enf., Par., 1897. xv, 545-556.—Audebert (J.-L.) Sc Arnozan. Note sur lalhuiiiiuurie des nouveau- nes. Gaz. hebd. d.sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1890, xvii, 294. Also: J. de m6d. de Bordeaux, 1897, xxvii, 241. ----- -----. Deuxieme note sur ralbumintirie des nouveau-n6s. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1897, xviii, 477.—Bai- lautync (J. W.) [A specimen showing peritonitis in the new-born infant.] Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc, 1889-90, xv, 56. -----. Two cases of general dropsy of the new-horn in- fant. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1894, xi, 137-141. — Berii- heim. Convulsions chez un nouveau-116. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1902, v, 61-65. — Berti ( G.) Sopra al- cune delle piu comuni malattie del neonate. Lucina, Bologna, 1898, iii, 129; 1.71.—Blacker (G. F.) A case of cedenia neonatorum. Brit. J. Dermat., Lond., 1898, x, 87-90.—Bond (A. K.) Multiple infection of the newly- born. Virginia M. Mouth., Richmond, 1894-5, xxi, 1074- 1077.— Brindeaii. De l'infection du nouveau-n6 par le lait de la mere. Rev. obstet. et gynec, Par., 1894, x, 285- 298.— Briquet. Parotidite suppuree chez un nouveau- n6. J. d.sc. med. de Lille, 1890. i, 159.—Broii*ou (E. B.) A case of gangrene in a new-born child. J. Cutan. Sc Genito- Urin. Dis.. N.Y., 1901, xix, 551-555.—C'aptlepout. Trois nouveaux cas defolliculite expulsive dos uouvcau-n6s. sui- visdemort. Rev.destomatol.,Par.,1902,ix.65-77.-t'asti'j (A.) Siuusite maxillaire grave chez un nouveau-ne. Bull. de laryngol.. otol. et rhinol., Par., 1901, iv, 171-174. AUo .- Arch.de m6d.d.enf., Par., 1901, iv, 547-549.—C'harrin & l.aiiglois. Modifications organiques developpees chez les nouveau-nes sous l'influence des maladies do la nnJre. Compt.reud.Soc.de biol., Par., 1899,11. s.. i. 1157.—Comba (C.) Due nuovi casi di setticemia e di scleredema dei neo- nati. Settiinana med. d. Sperimeutale, Firenze, 1897, li, 11 fan ts (Xew-born, Diseases of). 557; 569.—Com by (J.) Xote sur les abces de la mamelle chez les nouveau-nes. Bull, et mem. Soc. nied. d. hop. de Par., 1892, 3. s., ix, 105-111.—Cormier (I.) Fievre des nouveaux-nes. Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1895, u. s., ix, 505-508.—Courmonl. Ascite chez un nouveau-116. Lyon med., 1890, lxiii, 243. AUo: Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1890), 1891, xxx, pt. 2, 11.— Crockett (M. A.) Infection iu Ihe new-born. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y., [Phila.], 1896, 304-309.— Czeruy (A.) Ueber dieBrustdrusensecretion beim Neugeborenen und uberdas Verhaltniss der sogenannten Colostritmkorperchen zur Milchsecretiou. Paediat. Arh., Berl., 1890, 194-22(1.— Davis (E. P.) Injuries incident to birth and diseases of the new-born. Am. Text-Bk. Dis. Child. (Starr), 2. ed., Phila., 1898, 68-93, 3 pl.— Dclestre ( M.) Streptococcic chez un nouveau-ne. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par.. 1898, lxxiii, 302.—Demelin. Des abces sous-6pidermatiqiies chez le nouveau-ne. Rev. obst. internat., Toulouse, 1896, ii, 241- 246.— Demelin & lie Damauy. Contribution k I'e- tude de la staphylococcie chez le nouveau-116. Ibid., 57; 05.—Doherty (R.) On impending dissolution and ner- vous affections in young infants. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1844, xxv, 44-87. Also, transl.: J. f. Kinderkr., Berl., 1844, iii, 252-272.—Dumas (L.) Sur l'identiteprobabledel'oedfeme des nouveau-nes avec la phlegmatia alba dolens. Ann. de gynec, Par., 1887, xxviii, 401": 1888, xxix, 42; 106. AUo, Reprint. —Fngel (G.) Az lijsziilottek ny dkhfirt \ a- betegs6geiuek prophylaxis&rdl. [Prophylaxis of diseases of the mucous membranes in new-born children.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1886, xxx, 439-444. AUo, transl.: Pest. med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 188C, xxii, 461-464. -----. Zur Prophylaxis einiger Erkrankungeu der Schleiin- haut der Neugeborenen. "Wieu. med. Presse, 1888. xxix, 249; 289.—Erbsw (G.) Az lijsziilottek betegsegi viszo- nyai a budapesti m. kir. tud. esyetem Is szill. klhii- kajdn. [Diseases of new-born infants at First Obstetrical Clinic of Budapest.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1893, xxxvii, 14; 28; 41; 56. Also, transl.: Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1892-3, xliii, 306-332. AUo, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest, med.- chir. Presse, Budapest, 1893, xxix, 197; 217. -----. Adatok az lijsziilottek betegsegeinek casuistiedjahoz. [Contribu- tion to cases of sickness of the new-born.] Gvdii'v.iszat. Budapest, 1893,xxxv,265-269. AUo,transl. (Abstr.]': Post. med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1893, xxix, 997; 1048. ----. Az ujonsziilott gyermekek tonsillitis follicitlarisaidl. [Tonsillitis follicularis of the new-horn.] Gyermekgyii- gy&szat, Budapest, 1898,2.—Falken beim &. A ska nazy (M.) Perforatiousperitouitis bei einem Neugeboreueu mit Verkalkung des ausgetretenen Meconiums. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1892, n. F., xxxiv, 71-82.— Fiiikelstcin (H.) Zur Kenntniss selteuer Erkraukungen der Neuge- borenen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1895, xxxii, 496-500 — Fischel (R.) Quellen und Wege der septischen Inlek- tion beim Neugeborenen und Saugling. Sannnl. kliu. Vortr., n. F., Leipz., 1898, No. 220 (Innere Med., No. 66, 1255-1286).—Flensburg (C.) Studier ofver urinsyre-in- farkten, urinseditiientet och alhumiuurin hos nyfddda. [Eludes sur l'infarctus uratique. le sediment urinaire et l'albiiminurie des nouveau-u6s. C. r.] Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm, 1894, n. F., iv, 2. Hft., 1; 3. Hft., 1, 3 tab.—Friedmann. Die Anurie hei Neugeborenen. Kinder-Arzt, Leipz., 1900, xi, 228.—«»alactophoritc (La) des nouveau-nes. J. de med. et chir. prat., l'ar., 1895, lxvi, 574-576.—CSrdsa (J.) Die MorbiditatundMortalitat der Neugeborenen an der ii. geburtshilflichenundgynako- logischen Klinik zu Budapest im Schuljahre 1893-4. Jahrb. I. Kinderh.. Leipz., 1895. n. F., xl, 198-218. -----. Adatok az lijsziilottek szajpeiieszenek k6roktaii4hoz, niegelbzes6- hezesgydiiykezelesehez. [Contributions on the path..logy of aphtha; of the new-born, its prophylaxis and thera- peutics ] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1896. xl, 85; 100; 127.— Hatfield (M. P.) Congenital endocarditis, patent fora- inen. facial paralysis, partial blindness, deafness, cyanosis, diarrhoea, marasmus, and eclampsia. Arch. I'ediat., N. Y., 1893, x, 338-340.—Derrick (J. B.) Hyperpyrexia in a new-born infant. Ibid., 337.—Mervieiix. De l'algi- dite progressive des nouveau-nes. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1899, 2. s., xli, 393-401.—Dorbsinger (C.) Ueber pyainisch-septische Infection Neugeborener. Allg. Wieu. nied. Ztg., 1887, xxxii, 535; 548. — Jeannin (C.) Sur le rapport des Eruptions deutaires precoces avec les infec- tions buccales chez le nouveau-ne. Bull Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1902, v, 80-88. — John (J. II.) Physiologische uud pathologische Beobaehtungen iiher die haufigsten Krankheiten neiigebohrener Kinder. Samml. auserl. Abhandl. z. Gebr. piakt. Aerzte, Leipz., 1800, xix, 123- 153.—Kaeppelin (C.) Ostites multiples chez uu nour- risson; osteite perforante de la voute cr&uienne; inter- vention; guerison. Province meal., Lyon, 1901. xv, 325- 327.—liarlinski (J.) Zur Aetiologie der Puerperal- infektion der Neugeborenen. Wien. med.Wchnschr.,1888, xxxviii, 956-960. -----. Ein experinientellei Beitrag zur Kenntniss der PyosepthaemiederNeiigeboienen vom Ver- daiiimgsti-iictus aus. Prag. med. Wchnschr.. ls90, xv, 277-280.—Kerr (J. M.) Spoon-shaped indentations in the skulls ofthe new-born, with illustrative cases, and a new method of treatment for the immediate relief of the de- INFANTS. 913 INFANTS. Illfnilt* (Xew-born, Diseases of). formity. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc. 1900-1901, xxvi. ^42-55.— I Keliner (K.) SeptickAoneniooncni novorozencti. [Sep- I tic diseases of the new-born.] Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, J 1892, xxxi 81; 103. -----. Metastaticke zauety u novoro- zenych. ; Metastatic intlaniniatioiisofthonew-horn.) Ibid., 1893, xxxii. 161: 181.-----. Niistin pathologie krve novo- rc'enyeh a kojenefi. [Sketch of the pathology of the blood of the*new-hoiti andniirsliiigs.J /fcid.,381; 4(il; 421; 444.— Kirn (G.) Zwei Fiille eigenthiimlicher Schwellung der Parotis hei Neugeborenen. Ztschr. f. (iebiirtsh. n. Gvniik., Stuttg., 1901, xlvi. 259-268.—Kovnlevky (Olga V.) \- .lloro (E.) Ueher zwei Fiille von Coli>eptikaemie bei Neugeborenen. Kliu.-therap. Wchnschr., Wien, 1901, viii, 1637-164!.— liii-liier ii).) Beitrag zur Lehre von der puerpeialen Infection der Neugeborenen. Arch. f. Gynaek.. Heil., 1-77. \i. L'7.6-263. Alsn, Keprint.— I.egry &. Diibri«ay (L.) Infection a 8trt'|itocoque du fietus par contamination huecale. Arch, de tocol.. Par.. 1894, xxi, 599-6(i.-.—I. inn nti (A.) L' ittero e la congestione epatica dei neonati 1'it'oiina med., Koma, 1901, xvii, pt. 4, 638-642. —I.ogau tJ. K.) Observations on some diseases of children recently born. Liverpool M.-Chir. J.. 1,-91, xi. 87-98.—Eiorauehet. Note sur un cas de gastrorrhaiiie chez nn nouveau-ne au premier jour dela naissance. Gaz. hebd. de nied.. Par., 1893. xl, 436.— Tlnrfmt (A.-B.) Les infections couiienitales des nouveau-nes. Kev. prat, d'ob- stet.et depadiat.. Par., 1894. vii. 97: 171. Also, Reprint.— ITIartlia (A.i L'otite lactique chez le nouveau-ne. Progii-s nied.. Par., 1-96, 3. s.. iii, 355. Also: Rev. d'hvg., Par.. 1896, xviii, 401-404. — llnrvel iK.) Suppurative mastitis in the newlv-born. Ann. Gvnec. A: Pediat. Bost.. 1900-1901, 478-480. 1 pl.—JTIaygrier .v Chaillou. In- fection d'origine sastro-inte-tiiial.- chez uu nouveau-ne de 14 jours: pylephlel.ite Mippureu: abces metastathpies dans les centres nerveux ; mort avec des accidents convul- I sifs au bout de 4 jom >. Bull, et meru. Soe. obst. et gynec. de Par., 1892, 172-177. Also: J. de med. de Par., 1892, 2. s., iv, 350-352.—tlereier (M.) L'enteroclyse chez le nouveau-ue. [Absti. j Rev. pi at. d'obst. et de ptediat., Par., 1.-97, x. 267-2--0. — IH iller (N. F.) Mochekisliye infarkti novorozhdetinikli diet. 1. [Uric acid infarcts in new-born infants] Tnnli Obsh. dietsk. vrach., Mosk., 1894-5, iii, 57-60.—.Hodell (A.i Myiasis in a new-botn infant. A i eh. Pediat., N. T 18:'7, xiv, 914.—>enieutter (B.) Spila a ni£zdfivka u te/.. rodiny.. [ Intiaiuination and croup in infant rewlv bom ' Casop. lek. cesk , v Praze, 1887, xxvi, 377; 393.—Peyril (V.) Po-iranni dutina mozkovS obrdcend v hlizu, ptuahod hnisu pod kuzi nos pfikiyvajici, n ditete novorozen6ho ziveho. [Lateral ventricle of the brain with ulcer, breaking through of pus under the skin covering the nose, in a new- horn living child.] Ibid., 1864, iii, 102.— I'itscbke. Ueher die Blaseukrankheit der Neugeborenen. Allg. J deutsche Hebam.-Ztg., Berl., 1606. xi. 45-47. — Bonn-. Ost6o-p6riostite orbitaire et maxillaire chez uu nouveau- ne; infection ..'neiale; mort. Ann.d'ocul.. Par., 1898, exx, 120-123. — B u lienx. Die Krankheiten der Neugeborenen. All.', deut-che Hebam.-Ztg., Berl., 1896, xi. 173-175.— Scherer (F.i Piispevky k bypodermoklyse u novoro- zencii a kojencu. [ Contributions to hypoderinoclysis in new-boru and sucklings.] Casop. 16k. iesk., v Praze, 1893, xxxii, Mil; 8*3: 904; 923. —Meydel (C.) Ueber ac- quirirte Lung.iiatelektase Neug'-honm r und deren Ur- sachen. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Natui f. u. Aerzte 1890. Leipz., 1891, lxiii, pt. 2, 487-490. — Slitem (M. A.) Nasroork novorozhilennikh i yevo Hechenie. [Catarrh of the new-born and its treatment. 1 Ej* m d. jour. "Prakt. med. ". St. Petersb., 1**!»9, vi, 596-598.- Simon* (T. G.) Acute infectious hamoulobina-mia of the neulv born. Tr. South Car. M. Ass.. Charleston. 1*91, il 1-117. AUo, Reprint. — Mmiiniotlo (E ) Su di un caso di pseudo-difterite in tin neonate Pediatria. Napoli. 1*97, v, 167-175.— Smith i.J. L.) Sepsis ofthe newborn aud diphtheria of the newborn. Meil. News, Phila.. li-8«, liii, 256-264. — Mpicgelberg (II.) Ueber den Harnsaiirein- farct der Neugeborenen. Arch f. exper. Path. u.Pharma- kol., Leipz., 1898. xli, 428-4:;*. — Mumbera (F.) Zvliistni forma emfysemu plicniho u novorozence. . [Peculiar form of pulmonary emphysema in newborn.] Casop lek. cesk., v Praze. 1890, xxix, 265; 289; 307.—Mutherlnml (G.-A.) Sc Lack (L.) Obstruction laryngee congenitale ou respi- ration stridoreuse des nouveau-nes. [Abstr.J J. de clin. et de th6rap. inf., Par., 1897, v, 761-761. —Taylor (F. W.) Pathology of the newborn as illustrated in the practice of the writer. Boston M. & S. J., 19ol, cxliv, 347-351. [Dis- cussion], 357.—'I'heodor (F.) Septische Infection eines Neugeborenen mit gangrandser Zerstorung der Haut und des Unterhautzellgewehes, mit Ausgang in Heilung. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1892-3. xv, 358-362. —Tirelli (V.) La vitality, dei neonati in rapporto a processi mor- bosi. Ann. di freniat. [etc.], Torino, 1897, vii, 82-96.— Cmia (P. G.) Furunkel der Erwachsenen und Abscesse der Neuueboreiieii. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb., 1896, xxiii, 317-319. 1 pl.— Vnlleix. Ueber das Kranken- exatnen hei Xeugebot nen. Anah-kl. ii. Kinderkr., Stuttg., 1837. iv, 1-17.—Variot (G.i Pe-piration stridoreuse chez an nouveau-ne avec spasme phreim-glottique intermittent. VOL VII, 2d series---58 Infant* (Xew-born, Diseases of). .1. de clin. et dc therap. inf., Par., 1896, iv, 503-505. -----. Un cas de respiration stridoreuse de nouveau-n6s avec uutopsie. Hull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1898, 3. s., xv, 490-4114. Also: J. de clin. et de therap. inf., Par., 1898, vi, 441-445. —Veillnrd (li.-P.) Sur les otites du nouveau-n6 et du nourrisson. Rev. hebd. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1900, ii, 461-467.- Wallieh (V.) Recherches (('anatomic pathologique che/, le nouveau-ne. Ann. de gynec. et d'obst., Par., 1898, xlix, 201-224. AUo | Abstr.]: Cong, period, de gynec, d'obst. et de pa-diat. 1898. M6m. et disc, Par., 1900, ii, 492-495.—Wolfe (S.) The causes and treatmentof urgent and serious conditions in the new- horn. Phila. M. J., 1901, vii, 229-231. Infant* (X etc-bom, Food of). •See Infants (l\ew-born, Care of). Infant* (Xeiv-born, Hcemorrhage in). See, also, Genitals (Female, Hcemorrhage from) in new-born infants; Intestines (Haemorrhage from) in children; Meleena. Ckrvksato (D.) Contribuzione alio studio delle iniezioni eniorragiche dei neonati. 6°. Padova, 1669. Oki.owski (G.) *L'6tiologie des h6morrha- gies chez le uouveau-n6. 8°. Paris, 1897. Weyiik (E.) * Ueber die Hiiufigheit von Hii- niorrliagien in Scliiidel und Schtidelinlialt bei Si'iuglinoeu. 8c Kiel, 1889. Abt (I. A.) Spontaneous hemorrhages in new-born children. Am. J. Obst, N. Y., 1902, xiv, 269-276.—Audi y (J.) Notes sur les bemorragies gastro-intestinales des pre- matures et des nouveau-u6s. Lyon m6d., 1901, xcvii, 577- 585.—AiiNwet (E.) Sc Derode. Sur un cas d'hetnorrha- gies gastro-intestinales et scrotales chez un nouveau-n6 de un mois. l5cho med. du nord, Lille, 1899, iii, 457-459.— Bronn iAdelaide). Hemorrhagic disease of the new- born; a clinical report of two cases. Tr. M. Soc. Calif., Sacramento, 1901, 345-348. AUo: Pediatrics, N. T., 1901, xii, 130-133.—t'n ni pact-i (G.) Emorragia mortale per lesione dei seni venosi in un neonate Arch, di ostet. e gi- nec, Roma ^ Napoli, 1900, vii, 385-393.—t'ohn (M.) Sy- philis luemorrhagica neonatorum oder Sepsis? Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb , 1895, xxi, 209-214. — ton key (C. D.) Hemorrhage into the orbit of a new-born child. Ophth. Rec, Chicago, 1901, x, 531. —Demelin (L.) He- morrasries hroncho-pulmonaires chez le nouveau-ne. Rev. obst. internat., Toulouse, 1897, iii, 5-8. -----. Hemorra- gies des nouveau-nes. Ibid., 209; 261.—von Dun^em (E.) Eiu Fall von hamorrhagischer Sepsis beim Neuge- borenen. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., Jena, 1893, xiv, 541-555.—Cbezzi (A.) Caso di emorragia genera- lizzata in un neonate Gior. p. le levatrici, Milano, 1897, xi, 11.—Grcef (J. G. W.) Hemophilia neonatorum. Pe- diatrics, N. Y., 1901, xii, 117-124.—Helm (E. C.) Hemor- rhage from hands and feet in an infant; pelvic cellulitis in the mother. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1888, lviii, 202.—Holtachmidt. Die subkutane Gelatineinjektion hei Mehena neonatorum. Miinchen. nied. Wchnschr., 1902, xlix, 13.— Jaeobi (A.) Hemorrhages in the newly born. Am. .1. Obst., N. Y., 1891, xxiv, 673-679. — Ke»er (J.) Case of intraperitoneal ha'inott hago in a new-born chilli. Proc. M. Soc. bond, 1887. x. 126-129— Kilham (Eleanor B.) Sc .Tlerceliw ( I'lizabeth). Hemorrhagic dis- easeof the new-born; a report of ten cases. Arch. Pediat., N. V., 189!), xvi, 161-170.—Kudisb (R. I.) Sluchai kro- votecheniya iz glaz novorozhilonnavo rehyonka. [Hieni- orrhage from the eyes of a new-born babe | Vuzhno-russk. med. gaz., Odessa, 1897, vi, 16.—Kumlrat. Ueher die iutermenitigealen Blutungen Neuechorner. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1890, iii, 887-889. — I,oweiiberjj ( W.) Sy- philis hemorrhagica neonatorum. St. Petersb. meil. Wchnschr., 1900, n. F., xvii, 263; 273. --.Tlnekuy (H.) & Hector (C. M.) A caseof hiemorrhagic disease in the new-born; with pathological examination. Quint. M. J., Shelliehl, 1901-2, x, 44-48. - -.Tin l-eli ( E. A.) A fatal hemophilia of a new born. Texas M. News, Austin, 1900- 1901, x, -05. iTIereeli* (Elizabeth ). A case of hemor- rhagic disease of the new-born, with a bacteriological ex- amination. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1898, liii. 718. Also: Proc. N. York Path. Soc. (1897-8), 1899, 150- 153-Tlorne (J. L.) Au unusual case of hemorrhagic disease of the new-born. Arch. Pediat.., N. Y., 1896, xiii, 687-689. — I'arlridjje. Two cases of intra-cranial hemorrhage in the new-horn. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1886, xix, 497-500 - Kn nioino (G. B.) Kottura ilella vena ombelicale endoaddoininale in neonate Riv. di med. leg., Milano, 1898-9, ii, 218.— Nhukovsky (W. P.) Tumor des Mesenteritims und Impermeahilitat des Darmes bei Mehena neonatorum. Med. Woche, Berl., 1902, 05-70.—T:i»hiii. [Remarks on the origin of me- lsena in nurslings.] Chiugai Iji Shinpo. Tokio. 1902, xxiii, 146-149. — Thompson (I.) Ha-mon hages in new-born children. S.sst. Med (Allbutt), N. V. ,V Lond., 1898, v, 556-507.—Torday (F.) Gelatiua bcoiitC'srcgyogjult me- INFANTS. 914 INFANTS. Infant* (Xew-born, Hemorrhage in). laena neonatorum. [ . . . cured by gelatine injections.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1902, xlvi, 66. AUo: Magy. orv. lapja, Budapest, 1902, ii. 137. Also, transl. : Ungar. med. Presse, Budapest, 1902, vii, 154. — Townsend (C. W.) Hemorrhages in the new-born. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1891, cxxv, 218-220. Also, Reprint. -----. The hemorrhagic disease of the new-born. Arch. Pediat., N. Y.. 1894, xi, 559-7.6.7. Also: Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc, N. Y., 1894, vi, 47- 53. — Wieland (F.) A peculiar accident. Med. Visitor, Lansing, Mich., 1901, xvii, 463. Infant* (Xew-born, Injuries of). See Amputation (Intra-uteriiie); Cephalhe- matoma; Foetus (Injuries of) during pregnancy, etc.; Fractures (Intra-uterine); Infants (Xew- born, Jurisprudence of). Infant* (Xew-born, Jurisprudence of). See, also, Abortion (Criminal); Cadaver (In- fantile, Jurisprudence of); Docimasia; Drown- ing (Jurisprudence of); Ear (Jurisprudence of); Infanticide; Infants (Xew-born, Asphyxia of). Bauuer (J.W.) [Pr.] de siguis vitae neoge- niti a partu peractse rite dijudicandis. sm. 4-'. Giessee, 1786. Bose (E. G.) [Pr.] de indicio suftocati iu paitti foetus in foro adhibendo. Lipsiov, 17?-. In: Weiz (F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.]. 123. Frankf.dk Leipz.. 1780. xi, 23-33. -----. The same. Coutinuatio. Lipsice, 177*5. In: Weiz (F. A.) Neue Ausz. [etc.]. 125 Frankf. di Leipz., 1780, xii, 9-19. Knapp (L.) Der Scheintod der Neugeborenen. Seine Geschichte, klinische und gericlitsarztliche Bedeuiung. 8r. Wien <$• Leipzig, 1698. Mansholt (H.) *Zur geburtshiilflichen und gericlitsiirztlichen Bedeutung der Sthultze'schen iSehwiugungen. ^-'. Gottingen, l-'.'O. Saixt-Cyr (F.-J.) *Du cordon ombilical au point de vue m6dico-judiciaire. 4°. Lyon,1691. Schlatiiulter ( H.) Ueber die Fortleitung der Herztone Neugeborener durch Wasser uud audere Meil ien. 8C. Heidelberg, 1891 Schreibeh (H.) * Ueber einen Fall von Ma- ceration der Haut bei einem lebendgebornen Kinde und deren foreusische Bedeutung. 6°, Wiirzburg, 1*96. Becker! (C.) Zur forensischen Beurtheilung des To- des Neugeborener durch Verblutunir aus tier Nabelschuur. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Perl., 1*99. xii. 509-5s0.—C'hapin (H. D.) Questions relating to still-births. Med.-Leg. J., N.Y..18s5-6, iii. 207-278. [Discussion]. L'tui-Mnl.—C'iecha- noivuki ( S.) Ueher llarniruptur bei Neugeborenen. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl.. 18!'S. 3. F., xvi. '.'21-237.— 1'ondio (G.) Cento autopsie fetali per 1' ostetricia fo- rense. Unione med. ital., Torino, 1900, iv, 260; 268; 276; 284; 290; 309; 316; 323. — Currier ( A. F.) Injuries to the head in the new-born. Tr. Am. Gvnec. Soc, Phila., 1901, xxvi, 347-364. AUo: Med. News, N. Y., 1901, Ixxix, 161-166. — Debersaques (C.) Quelques considerations au sujet de l'autopsie d'enfants nouveau-nes. Ann. Soc.de med. leg. de Belg., Charleroi, 1891-2, iii, 28-39. —»e >o- foele ( J. ) Les manoeuvres de respiration artiticielle peuvent-elles introduire de l'air dans le poumon ou I'esto- mac de cadavres de nouveau-nes? Ibid., 1896-7, viii, 7- 16.—Descoust Sc Rordas. De l'influence de la putre- faction sur la docimasie pulmonaire hydrostatique. Cong. internat. de ni6d. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de ni6d. leg., 17- 20.—Folmer (H.-C.) La d6formation artificielle du.nine chez les enfants nouveau-n6s; son importance medico- legale. Gaz. med. de Par., 1898, 11. s., i, 600; 624— Gionk (H.) Das Alter verstorbener Neugeborener vom stral- rechtlichen Standpunkte aus. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist.. Leipz., 1898-9, i, 258-261. —Haberda (A.) Dringen in Fliissigkeiten aufgeschwemrate I'reindkorper postmortem in foetale Lungen eiu? Compt.-rend. Cong. internat. de med. 1897, Mosc, 1900, vii. med. leg.. 35-41.— Kornfeld (H.) Beweis der Todtung Neugeborener. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz.. 19U0, v, 173-175.— I.ebrun. La p6n6tration de liquide dans les bronches et daus I'estomac d'un enfant nouveau-n6 est-elle une preuve que l'enfant a v6cu, a respire ? Ann. Soc. de med. leg. de Belg., Charleroi, 1*99-1900, xi, 158-163.— Living (A) child disinterred from au ashpit. Lancet, Lond., 1-98, ii, 274.— Vlnison. Note sur laviahilite dea nouveau-nes. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1882, 3. s., vii, 357-362.— More (J.) A peculiar complication iu midwiferv. Lan- cet, Lond., 1901, i. 321.—Piippe (G.) A: Zieuike (E.) Recherches experiiuentales relatives k l'influence de la Infant* (Xew-born, Jurisprudence of). decomposition des gaz sur l'aptittule a sin nager des pou- mons des nouvean-nes. Cong, internal, de nie.l. I', r., Par., 19U0, sect.de med. leg., 20-31.— Riehnidiere (H.) Etude medico-legale sur les he,niorragies meninuces chez les nouveau-nes. Med. mod.. Par.. 1889-90, i. 813-,-16— Sarda (G.) Putrefaction uazeiise des ])ouiuous de mort- nes. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1901, 3. s., xlvi. 312-317. Also: Montpel. m6d.,1902, xiv, 10-15. — Waroeqnier. Ob- servation de fracture accidentelle du criiue chez le nou- veau-ne. Ann. Soc. de iu£d. leg. de Belg., Cbarlerov. 1900-1901. xii, 251.—Winter. Forensisch wi.-htige Beob- aehtungen an Neugeborenen aus der kgl Universitats- Frauenklinik in Berlin. "Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl Med., llei 1. 1 1887. n. F., xlvi, 81-87. I ll IV) lit* (Xew-born, Measurements and ' weight of). Belemanx ("W.) *Das Verhiiltuis zwischeu Korperliinge. Kopfunifaug uud Gewicht bei Neugeborneu. 6-\ Wiirzburg, l-'>9. Bleynie (P.) *£tude sur les diametres ce"- phaliques des nouveau-nes. 8C. Paris, 1699. Fi'CHS (K. E.) * Die Abhiingigkeit des Ge- burtsgewichtes des Neugeborenen vom Stand und der Beschaftignng der Mutter. [Halle.] 12-. Liitzen, 1-9.K Guxdlixg (X.) * Feber Gevvichtsverhaltuisse i der Neugeborenen in deu ersten Lebenstageu und die Ursachen der G wichtsabuahme. [Er- langen.] *j:. Fllwangen, W"\ Letocrniek (L.) *De l'iufluence de la pro- fession de la mere sur le poids de l'enfant. (fitude statistique. 1 >-. Paris, 1697. Lips (F.) * Ueber die Gewiclit.sverhaltnisse der neugeborenen Kinder zu ihren Placeuten. 6 . Erlangen, l*-9'2. vox Schaetzel (P.) * Ueber deu Einfluss des Alters der Mutter uud der Zahl der voraufge- gaugeneu Schwangerschaften auf Lange und Gewicht der Neugeborenen. 8-. Greit'swnld, 1895. Wagner (G.) * Beobaehtungen iiber Gewicht uud Maasse der Neugeborenen. *i:. Konigsberg, 1861. Adserscu (H.) '• Sermo de pondere et longitudine in- I fantiiinrecensnatorum." [C.-r.,no.32. 5.', Notd.nuil. Ark., Stockholm, 1899. n.F., x, no. 27,1-24.— Aijaloiiofl" (B. Ni K kazuistikie krupnikh plodov. [Larue babies.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1901, xxii, 229.—von Beehterew ( \\\) Ue- ber den Einfluss des Hungers auf die neum-boi euen Thiere, insbesondere auf das Gewicht und die Entwickelung des Gehirns. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1895, xiv, 810-817.- Bi-hopiW) The birth of a child of an unusually large size. N. Med. Sc Phys. J.. Lond., 1811, ii, 1*7. — Kieslnii. Ueber die Veranderuug im Gewichte der Neugeborneu Denkschr. d. med.-chir. Gesellsch. d. Kantotis Zurich. 18'.''. 111-1 is. — Cooper ill. A.) A child of phenomenal si/e [lOipoundsJ. Kansas Citv M. Rec, ls*'.".vi. 179. —liar- lijjan (J. W.) An unusual weight for a child at term. N. York M. J., 1897, lxvi, 066.—liec Iter (C.) Ucher Ge- wicht und Lange der neugeborenen Kinderim A eibaltniss zum Alter der Mutter. Monats. hi f. t Jebnrtsk. u. Frau- enkr., Berl., 1865. xxvi, 348-363.—IIotinnnn. Ueher die Gewichtszu- und Ahnahme neueel.oi ut-r Kinder. N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl., 1850, xxvii. 145-148. 1 tab.— Kehrer (F. A.) Ueber die Ursachen der G.wn-htsver- auderungen Neugeborener. Arch. f. Gynaek.. Berl.. lt-.O. i, 124-145. AUo. Reprint. — Kezniarwzky (T.I Ueber die Gewichtsveranderungen reifer Neugeborener. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1873, v, 547-561. —Kirby (W. E.) Ex- traordinary weight of foetus at term. But. M. J., Loud., 1901, i, 16. — L.ang (O.) Poids moyen des enfants nou- veau-nes de primipaivs a terme, d'apres les statistiques de la Maternite de Nam v. Arch.de tocol. et de gynec, Par., 1892.xix.758-761.—Lewis i E. R.I A large baby [15 pounds 3 ounces]. Boston M. <*c S J., 1888. cxix. 543.— I.oiiier. Ueber GewielitsbestiiuiiiuiiL'eii der eiuzelneu Organe Neu- geborener. Ztschr. f. t'eburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg. Is v.i xvi, 106-130. — .Tlaiieaka (J.) Co m& vliv na valui a delku novoiozeiicfi:' (What influences the weight and stature of the new-born ,'J Casop. lek. cesk.. v Praze, li*94, xxxiii, 245: 265— Mernelt (S X.) ihe wei-ht ot new- born infants. N.Y.uk M.J. ,ls97. lxvi. >D9-.Mill* - W. >.) Increase in weight of infants from birth. Hahneman. Mouth., Phila., 1901, xxxvi. 220-227. - »I i wa . N.. On the bodv-weight and stature of new-born uiiaut*. *-.ii kwai M. J., Tokyo. 1892. xi, 67-72. — Ogaton (A.) Table ot cases, with weights of the bodies and lungs of live and still-born children. Brit. Sc For. M.-Chir. Rev., Loud., INFANTS. 915 INFANTS. Infant* (New-born, Measurements and tceight of). 1868, xiii, 472-475. Also, in his: Contrib. to Med. Sc, 8°, Aberdeen, 1869, 25-28.—Okamoto (J.) Ueber das Kor- pergewicht nnd die Kiirpcrniasseder reifen Neugeborenen (Japaner) 1. [Japanese text.) Ztschr. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1894, viii, 8. Hft.. 21-25.—Perahiii (A. V.) Oh izmlenenii vlesa i temperaturi tiela u novorozhdennikh dietei v pervuyu nedlelju ikh zhizni. [Fluctuations of weight and temperature of the body of new-born infants during the first week of life.] Dnevnik obsh. vrach. pri imp. Kazan univ., 1891, no. 1, 27 - 123. — Pfeifer (G.) Magas siilvii elii ujsziilott. fGreat weight of the living new-born.] Orvosi hetil.. Budapest, 1900, xliv, 510.— Piering (O.) Ueber die Grenzen des Kiirperge- wichtesNeugeborener. Monatsehr. f. Geburtsh.u. Gvniik., Berl. 1899. x, 303-314. — Read (G.) A weighty female infant [10* .pounds]. Australas. M. Ga/.., Sydney. 1893, xii, 384.— Knnge (G.I Beitrag zur Lehre von der Schii- delcoufiguration des Neugeborenen. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. n. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1890, xix, 74-90, 2 pl.— Snilerwhite (T. P.) An infant of unusual weight. Arch. Pediat., N. Y.. 1897.xiv, 914.—Sehaeffer id.l Gewichtsveilusteder Neugeborenen. K. Univ.-Fiau. nklm in Miinchen 1884-90. Ber.. . ., Leipz., 1892, 203-205. -----. Ueber die Sehwan- kungsbreite der Gewichtsverhaltuisse vou Sauglingen in den ersten 14 Lebenstagen und die Ursachen dieser Schwan- kungen. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1-96. Iii, 282-313. Wcotl {S. J.) Unusually small child at almost full time. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1385, ii, 913. — \on *kntko\v«ki (B.) Ue- ber das Yerhiiltniss gewisscr Duichnu■"•-r des kindlichen nnd des miitteilichen Schadels. An 5. t. Gvnaek., Berl., 1891, xl. 245-252. — Wilcke (K.) Das Geburtsgewicht der Kinder bei engem Becken. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gvnaek., Leipz., 1901, iv, 291-302. — Wilmot (T.) Extraordinary weight of foetus at term. Brit. M. J.. Lond.. 1901, i, 146.— Wolff (B.) Ein neugeborenes Kind von abnorm starker Entwickelung. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg., 1901, xiv, 381-383. I ii Tant* (New-born, Mortality of). Sie Infants (Mortality of). Infant* (Neic-born, Temperature of). Bernard (A.) * De la temperature des nou- veau-nes. -r. Paris, l-'JT. Wolff (C.) * Ueber Ternperaturschwankun- gen bei Xeugebornen. ~?. Berlin, [1662], Duncan W S.i Feeding the healthy infant. Ci.".-i-.. M. lie. ci.lei ..1-02. iii. 7-J6-732. AUo : .L Am. M. Ass. Chicago, 1892. xviii, 641-646 — Churchill (F. S.) Infant feeding. Chicago M. Recorder. 1896. x. 102-114. AUo, Repiint —CloiiHe (G. M.) Aitiii. i..1 feeding of in- fants. Cleveland M. Gaz.. 1893-4. ix. 114-17,'..—C'oit ( H. L.) The feeding of infants. Med. Sc Sing. K. poi t. i. Phila., 189U Ixii. i;i;:;-r,r.9._Collnu (J.i Pienten l.i-t.-n ruokki- niisesta kein«itekoi*ella ra\ innoila. [The nourishment of infant* arriri«-.allv leaied. , Suoinen terveyiletih.-lehti. Helsingis-ii. 1*'.'0.' ii. 35-41 —Cotton (A. Ci How shall we feed the baby; J. Am. M. A.*s.. Chii ago. 1*97. xxix, 1195. -----. Infant feeding at home and abroad. Pcdiat- lic*. X. Y. Sc Lond.. 1898, vi, 385-391.- Crni« i Ii. P.) The artificial feeding of infants. ft. M. > c N deis, \. Xew- fatk, 1898, 418-424. —Cramer (H.) ' .ruml-atze d.-* Ge burtshelfers fur die er*te Ernahriiiig des Kindes. Miin- chen. med. Wclinschr., 1900, xlvii, 1.78.7-17,-7 Also [Ab- str.l: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Xaturf. u. Aerzte 19(io. Leipz., 19iil. lxxii, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte.. 138. — Cii«Iiiii,k (E. F.) Infant feeding. Tr. Ohio M. Soc. Cincin., 1893. 70-77.—C'xern v i A.) Ueber Kindei.-i ii.'ilii'img. Deutsche Kliuik. Pail ,v. 'Win,. 1901, vii, 1-18.—l».-iii«hez (H.) De 1'alinieiitation par la sonde chez les pun, -,-nlaiii- France med., Par., 1-8.7 i, 720-731 —I>avi« (E. P.) Intant feed- ing, natural and aititb-ial. Phila. Pohclin., 1892. i. 61-70. -----. Theniilritn.il of childhood. Internat.Clin.. Phila., 1-96. 5. s.,iv. 16-22.—Belle vie (H.) Znr Frage d. r kiinst- liehen Krnahruiig der Siinglinge. Centralbl. f. Kinderh., b.ipz.. 1896 i. 179-1*2.—I>icUc>- (W.A.l Infant feeding. Columbus M. J.. 1-97,. xv. 193-200. -----. The care and feed- in 'of infants. Am. M.Oouipeiid,Toledo.l899, xv.447-47,1 — Biilelies and infant feeding: abstract of the address of E A. Wood, M.D., chairman ofthe section, and of the re- pot t of the special committee on dietetics and diseases of I children ; together with an absti act of other papers on the j same subject in other sections, at the meeting ofthe Amer- ican Meilical Association, Cincinnati. (>.. Mav 8-11. ]8«8. j Sanitarian. X. T., 1888, xxi, 97 -133 — Bodin (M. G.i j Obshtshestvennoye prizrlenie i massovove vskariulivanie grudnikh dietei. [Public can- aud feeding en mass.- of nurslings.! Med. besleda, Voronezh, 1898. xii. 203; 2.78: 311; 375; 444; 495; 529.—Umiias (J. L.) Apuntes sobre ' Infants (Nutrition of). la alimentacidn cmpleada durante la primera infancia en la Isla de Cuba. Cr6n. rn6d.-quir. de la Habana, 1893, xix, 689-697, 1 pl Also.- Tr. Pan-Am. M. Cong. 1893, "Wash.. 1895, pt. 2, 1337-1343. 1 ch. —Button (C. F.) Infant feed- ing. Tr. Ohio M. Soc.. Cincin , 1893. 78-82. — Earle iC W.) Infant feeding. J. Am. M. A**., Chicago. 18*8, xi. 1.70-15.7. AUo, Reprint.—KiNon ii'.i A it i ti .i al feeding of infants. Caillard's M. J.. X. Y.. 1893. lvi. 557 ,59 —E»cherich (T.) Zur Reform der kiinstliehen Siiiiglingsernaliriing. Wieu. klin. Wchnschr., 1889. ii. 761 - 7i:3. -----. Beitrage zur Frage der kiinstliehen Eriiahrnng. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1891, n. F., xxxii, 1; 231.-----. Unterschied der na- tiirlichen und kiinstliehen Saiiglingsernahrung. Compt.- rend. Oong. internat. de med. 1897. Mosc, 1898, iii, sect. 6, 321. ------. Tbe nourishment of healthv and sick infants. X. York Lancet, 1898, 84-87. AUo, Reprint. -----. Zur Kenntniss der TJnterschiecle zwischeu der natiirlichen nnd kiinstliehen Ernahrung des fciiugliiigs. Wien.klin.Wchn- schr.. 1900, xiii, 1183-11 *f, —1-1 verelt (A. S.) The artificial feeding of infants. Am. M. Quart., X. Y., 1899. i, pp. i- iii.— Cecr (E.) Xeuere 1-"itschritte und Restrebiuigeii in der Suuglingseruahruug. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1900, xxx, 290-302.—Fiwcher (L.) Some practical points in infant feeding. Am. Med.-Surg. Bull., N. Y., 1894, vii, 22. Atl*o, Reprint. -----. Some practical points ou infant feeding and infant feces. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chi- cago. 1897, xxix, 1196-1202. AUo, Reprint. Also: St.Lonia Clinique. 1898, xi, 15-24.-----The management of infant feeding. Pediatrics. X. Y. .v. Lond., 1896, ii, 63-69. -----. Common-sense infant feeding. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1898, liv. 7til-763. -----. Infant feeding. Ibid., 1900, lviii, 893. -----. Various methods of infant feeding; breast feeding, bottle feeding. Ibid . 1901, lx 845-849—Fitch (W. E.) A study of artificial nfant feeding. Georgia J. M. Sc S., Savannah, ?901, viii, 65-70—Flachs. La clinique des nourrissons a Dresde, »uu organisation, ses procedes et ses r6formes dans l'aliinentation. Cong, internat. de med. C. r.. Par., 1900, sect, de med. de l'enf.. 107-111. -----. Praktische Gesichtspunkte zur Saugling-*eri>ahruiig. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1902, xxxiii. 237-240. — Foster (A..H.) Ou the diet and manageiuent of artiliciallv fed in- fants. Chicago M. J. Sc Exam., 1885, li, 131-138. —Fowler (G. B.) A method of artificial infant feeding. M.-d. Rec. X Y., 1890, xxxviii, 42.—Freuml (II.) Ueber die kiinst- liche Erniihrung der Sauglinge. Allg. deutsche Hebam.- Ztg., Kerb, 1896. xi. 303-305.—Gay (>. G.) Artificial in- fant feeding. Alabama M. A: S. Age, Anniston, 1894-5, vii, 567-573.—Oelli (G.) Della necessita di istruire con- veiiientemente nei biefotrofi le levatrici nell' allattamento normale. misto e arCri.ia'e. Atti d. Cong. naz. p. 1' ig. d. allattamento merc-n. [etcl 1899, Milano. 1900, i, 207-210.— Gibbs (B. F.) Some observations on the artificial feed- ing of infants. Am. M. Month., Bait,, 1898-9, xvi, 407- 413. — Gil let (H.) R6gime alimentaire des enfants. [Abstr.] Ann. dela Policliu.de Par., 1897. vii, 1: 38; 54; 81.—Goodwin (R. S.). jr. Artificial 1, edin", ot mtauts. Yale M. J.. X. Haven, 1900-1901, vii, 321-320.—Grainier (F.) Zur Frage der kiinstliehen Erna'hi ung des Siiugling*. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 18*8. n. F., v, 285: 293.— Grnetzer (E.) Einiges iiber die Ei n.ihrungsweise der Siiu-'liii"-,- Uei der Berliner Arbeiterl., \ .".Ikentng. Jahrb. f. Kind, ilr I.eipz., 1892-3. n.F., xxxv 229-244.-ile Grand. pre (L -P.) L'alimentation chez le nourrisson. Union in6d du Canada, Montreal, 1901, xxx, 409-423.—Grt-gor. Ueber eine kiinstliche Erniihrung kranker Sauglinge und deren Erfolge in der Poliklinik. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Xatiuf. u. A.izte 1896, Leipz., 1899. Ixx. pt. 2. 2. Hlfte., 212.—Griffith i W S. A.) A clinical lecture ou the artificial feeding nf infants. Clin. J., Lond.. 18'.'4-5, v, 373: 1895-6,vi, 33 —Giiniln iK.) Igiene dell' alimentazione del bambino dopo lo slattamento. Gior. d. r. Soc. ital. d' ig., Milano, 1900, xxii. 9-31. — G miilobin (X. P.) Pishtsha grudnavo rebvonka. [Food of the nursling. 1 Med. j. Oksa. S.-Peterb., 1900, iii, no. 1, 1-11.- lInrri«oii (G. B.) A lecture on artificial feeding. Arch. Pediat., I'liila., 1886. iii 341-357. — IIarvev i L. S.) Infant l.eding Ann. flvnecfcPediat. Post.. I*97-8.xi. 850-854. AUo, Reprint.— Iliiseneiiiii|i (O.) Hvgiene of infant feeding. Toledo M. .V S. Reporter. 1B97, x, 451-454— II iK-en-tci n (W.) Die II\ pnose im Dien-te der Siiuglingsei naln ung. Zt- schr. f. Hypnot, [etc), Pel.. 1893-4. ii. 110.—Ilanser. Eine neue Methode ,l.i Sanglingseriialiriing. Berl. klin. Wchnschr 1*93. xxx 790 -on Also: Yerhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1893), 1894. xxiv, pt.2, 178-189. -----. Die Arheiten der Jahre 1897-9 iiber Milch und Sauglings- ernahmng. Fortschr. d. Med., Berl., 1901. xix, lul-113.- Ilaven (H. C.) A study of infant feeding. Arch. Pe- diat Phila. 1886, iii, 530-550.— Ileiiiricinw (G.) Stu- dier ofver lost rets nariug. [On nutrition ol infants.] Finska liik -sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1889, xxxi, 173- 20o —llellinj; (A.i Zur kiinstliehen Erniihrung der Sangiin ■. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1890. n. F., vii, ■>ii4-209. —Ileiiipel (W.) Zur Frage der Siiuglingseruah- run"-. Deutsche m.■,!. Wchnschr.. Leiiiz. ti. Pel 1., 1894, xx, 8:9-84'. - lleiiliiiig. Ueber die Anleitung znr Ernali- ruii" der Siiudinge. Monatsbl. I', off. Gsndhtspflg., Brn- schw- 1896. xix, 58-63—lleimij; (C.) Cid che auguro INFANTS. 918 INFANTS. Infant* (Nutrition of). alia gioventii. [Transl. by Y. Meyer]. Arch, di patol. inf., Xapoli, 1886, iv, 193-196.—Heubner (O.) Ueber Saiiglingsernahrung und Sauglingsspitaler. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1897, xxxiv, 441-444. [Discussion]. 456; 506; 529. AUo: Ztschr. f. Krankenpfl., Berl., 1897, xix, 121- 132. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1897), 1898, xxviii, pt. 2, 149-157. [DiscussionJ, pt. 1,122; 140. -----. Ueber kiinstliche Erniihrung des Sauglings. Cong. internat. de m6d. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de m6d. de l'enf., 31-46. AUo: Wien. med. Presse, 1900, xli. 1465-1469.— Hildreth (E. A.) Some remarks on infant feeding. Tr. M. Soc. W. Virg., Wheeling. 1895, 1263-1266.—Hiller (A.) Ueber kiinstliche Erniihrung und kiinstliche Xah- rung. Ztschr. f. Krankenpfl.. Berl., 1897, xix, 54; 92.— Hirst (J. C.) Artificial feeding of infants. Internat. M. Mag., X. Y., 1900, ix, 507-509.—Hodgdon (F. A.) Infant feeding in health and disease. X. Eng. M. Gaz., Bost., 1900, xxxv, 278; 329; 397.—Holcombe (L. C.) The artificial feeding of infants. Tr. Vermont M. Soc, Burlington, 1899, 82-91.—Holt (L. E.) How should in- fants be nursed and fed? Babyhood, X. Y., 1889-90, v, 331; 359: 1890-91, vi, 47. -----. Where does the medical profession stand to-dav upon the question of infant feed- ing? Arch. Pediat., X. Y., 1897, xiv, 816-823.—fcaza (J. R.) Artificial alimentation of children in Mexico. Tr. Pan-Am. M. Cong. 1893, Wash., 1895, pt. 2, 1316-1318.— J. i.J.) A hverju & ungbarnr? a5 meiast? [How should young children be nourished?) Eir, Reykjavik, 1899, i, 17-22.—Jacobi (A.) Infant feeding; a review. Pediat- rics, X. Y., 1896, i, 1-10. Also, Reprint. ----. Artificial alimentation. Ibid., 1900, x, 321-349. AUo, transl.: Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1901, xxxi 1-27.—Jennings (C. G.) The problem of infant nutrition. Med. Age, Detroit, 1899, xvii, 401-411.—Johnston (C. H.) The artificial feed- ing of infants. Physician Sc Surg., Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1897, xix, l-7.-Jone* (G. C.) The practical artificial feeding of infants. Maritime M. Xews. Halifax, 1891. iii, 83-85. -----. Problem of infantile feeding. Ibid., 1894, vi, 350-353.—Jones (R. F.) The artificial feeding of in- fants. Tr. Louisiana M. Soc. 1895, X. Orl., 1896, 215-219.— de Jong (G. H.) Een kort praatje over zuigelingenvoe- ding en opvoeding. Nosokomos. Tijdschr. d. Xederl. Vereeu. ... v. Verpleeg., Amst., 1900-1901, i, 349-353.— Kassowitz (M.) Tableau du poids des repas du nour- risson. Gaz. med. de Strash.. 1892, li, 56.— Katayama (H.) [The artificial nourishment of infants.] Tokei M. [J., Tokio, 1885, Xo. 370, 549-508.—Keating (J. M.) The artificial feeding of infants. Ann. Hyg., Phila., 1884-6. i, 152-161. Also. Reprint. Also: Rep. Bd. Health [etc.], Penn. 1886, Harrisburg, 1887, ii, 243-256— Kcilmaim (A.) Beitrag zu den Erfahrungen fiber die kiinstliche Er- nahrung gesunder Siinglinge. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1895-6, xli, 312-327, 1 diag.-----. Ueber kiinstliche Er- nahrung gesunder Siinglinge. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesell- sch. f. vaterl. Cult. 1895, Bresl, 1896, lxxiii, 1. Abth., med. Sect., 116- 123.—Keller (A.) Pho»phorstoffwechsel im Sauglingsalter. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1898, xxxvi, 49-76. -----. Ueher eine kiinstliche Erniihrung krauker Sauglinge uud deren Ki folge in der Klinik. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Xaturf. u. Aerzte 1898, Leipz., 1899, Ixx, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 211. — Kcrley (C. G.) Suggestions in infant feeding. Med. Rec, X. Y.. 1901, lx, 328-332.— Kerruish (Miriam G.) The feeding of children after the first year. Cleveland M. Gaz., 1900-1901, xvi. 597- 603.—Kitagawa (S.) [Rules for nourishment of little children] Jo-san-no Shiori, Osaka, 1898, no. 27, 1-19.— Klemin (O.) Ueber die Grundprincipien der Situglings- ernahrung. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1898, xlvii, 5-19.— Kuapper ( N. ) Czn. Kunstmatige zuigelingvoeding eu individualiteit. Med. Weekhl., Amst., 1899-1900, vi, 729: 1900-1901, vii, 21; 41.—Kobrak (E.) Ueber Sterili- sation von Sauglingsmilch bei moglichst niedrigen Tem- peraturen. Berl. kliu. Wchnschr.. 1902, xxxix. 187-190.— Koeppc (H.) Ueber die kiinstliche Erniihrung der Sauglinge und gewisse Xachtheile dieser Etnahrungs- weise. Ztschr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Frankf. a. M., 1899, viii, 1-10. AUo [Abstr.J: Ber. d. oberhess. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk., Giessen, 1897-9, xxxii, 143-145. — Kratzsch (A.W.) Infant feeding. Tr. M. Soc. Wisconsin, Madison, 1898, xxxii, 411-417.—Lachapellc (S.) Comment uour- rir nos enfants ? Union med. du Canada, Montr6al, 1890, n. s., iv, 342-346.—Landau (J.) O sztucznem karmieniu noworodkow. [Artificial feeding of the new-born.] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1901, xl, 229: 243; 259; 271; 289; 306; 333. Also, transl.: Heilkunde, Wien [etc.], 1901, 341; 402.— Landau ( R.) Zur Ernahrungsfrage des Sauglings. Wieu. med. Presse, 1896, xxxvii, 702; 735.—Lea veil (H. N.) Infant feeding. Dietet. Sc Hyg. Gaz., X. Y., 1899, xv, 697-700. AUo: Pediatrics, N. Y.'& Lond., 1899, viii, 161- 170. — I.ermilte ( E. A.i Some notes on the artificial feeding of infants. Med. Times & Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1896, xxiv, 225-227.—Lofqvist (R.) Uusimmat mielipiteet pienten lasten ravitsemisesta keinotekoisella ravinnolla. [A new view of the nourishment of the new-born.] Duo- decim, Helsinki, 1900, xvi, 212-226. — Cop (P. A.) De l'aliinentation pr6maturee ou artificielle des nourrissons. Arch, de tocol. et de gynec, Par., 1895, xxii, 691-699.— iifant* (Nutrition of). Lorenz. Die Ernahrung der Kinder im ersten Lebens- iahre. Allg. deutsche Hebam.-Ztg , Berl., 1897, xii, 17- 19.—Longhead (B. B.) Infant feeding. Tr. Ohio M. Soc, Cincin., 1893, 83-91. — Longhran (F. W.) Some notes on the artificial feeding of infants during their first year. Dietet. & Hyg. Gaz., X. Y., 1900, xvi, 136-142.— Mabbott (J. M.) The theory and practice of infant feeding. X. York M. J., 1891, l'iii, 446-452.—McAlister (A.) Infant feeding. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1900, xxxv, 209. [Discussion], 212-214. -----. Infant feeding; some of the difficulties in the management of those deprived of mother's milk. Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersey. Newark, 1901, 141-145. AUo: Am. Med., Phila., 1901, ii, 726.—McUlan- nhan (H. M.) Artificial feeding of infants. Am. J. Obst., X. Y., 1896, xxxiii, 660-666.—McCnllough (J. W. S.) Artificial feeding and the care of infants. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1894, lxxi, 138-140.— tic Kec (C. S.) A resuiu6 of facts relating to the digestive organs in the infant. Canad. Pract. Sc Rev., Toronto, 1902, xxvii, 68-74.— ITIacklin (W. E.) The frequency of feeding infants. China M. Miss. J., Shanghai. 1892, vi. 172. — M'Tli I Inn (E.) On the rearing of hand-fed infants. Glasgow M. J., 1885, [4.] s., xxiii, 332-337.—Manicntide. Laptarea arti- ficials, a copiilor. [Artificial nursing of infants.] Spitalul, Bucuresci, 1896, xvi, 437-447.— Marshall (C. R.) A practitioner's experience in infant feeding. N. York M. J., 1890, Iii, 237.—Meade (E. S.) Modern ideas on infant feeding. Tr. M. Soc. Calif., San Fran., 1895, xxv, 216- 222.—Meigs (A. V.) A plea for the necessity of a com- mon standard for the artificial feeding of infants. N. York M. J., 1886, xliii, 398-402. -----. The artificial feeding of infants. Arch. Pediat., Phila., 1889, vi, 833-848. AUo, Reprint. Also: Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc. 1888-9, [Phila.], 1890, i, 71-85. — Menard (S.-Y.) Des meillettres condi- tions d'alimentation des enfants du premier &ge eu dehors de l'allaitement au sein. Arch, de tocol. et de gyn6c, Par., 1893, xx, 379; 413— Meschinelli (C.) L' aliraenta- zione del lattante e del bambino. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1899, xxxi. 408; 450.—Mitchell (A. R.) Infant feeding. \Yestern M. Rev., Lincoln, Xeh.. 1896, i, 5-7.— Monhcvits (A.) Sc Kruze (P.) O podkarmlivanii i ob iskusstvennom vskarmlivauii grudnikh dietei. [Natural and artificial feeding of nurslings.] Med. otchet Imp. S.- Peterb. Vosp. Doma (1873), 1894, 97-140. -----------. Ob iskusstvennom kormlenii grudnikh dietei. [Artificial feed- ing of nurslings.] Ibid. (1874), 1875, 151, 6 tab.: (1875), 1876, 125, 4 tab.— Monti (A.) Ueber die Entwohntiug und Ernahrung der Kinder his zum zweiten Lebensjahre und die kiinstliche Ernahrung der Sauglinge. Wien. Klinik, 1897, xxiii, 157-256. — Mori (T.) [The artifi- cial feeding of infants. ] Tokei M. J., Tokio, 1884, no, 347, 1483 - 1486. — Muggia (A.) L' alimentazione del bambino. Pediatria, Xapoli. 1900, viii, 113-117. — Na- gle (J. D.) The feeding of infants. Pediatrics. X. Y. & Lond., 1898, vi, 207-209. — Neumann (H.) Neueres fiber Saugliugseruiihrung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1901, xxvii, 452. - rVicltson (W.) The artificial feeding of infants. Australas M. (iaz., Sydney, 1893, xii, 327-330.—rVorric (W.) Artificial feeding of in- fants. Maritime M. Xews, Halifax, 1898, x, 181-192.— IVorthrup (W. P.) Exact infant feeding; accidents and incidents. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 19i 0, xxxv, 210-214.— Ollivier (A.) De l'alimentation des nouveau-n6s k Paris. Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1893, xi, 311-316.—Op- peuheiuier (K.) Beitrag zur kiinstliehen Saiiglings- ernahrung. Vet handl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1900, Leipz., 1901, lxxii, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 173-176. -----. Ueber das Verhaltnis des Nahrungsbedarfes zu Korpergewicht und Korperoberflache bei Sauglingen. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen u. Leipz., 1901, n. F., xxiv, 147- 160.—OrloflT (D. I.) Xablyudeniya nail iskusstvennim vskarmlivaniem grudnikh dietei v priyutle. [On artifi- cial feeding of nurslings in the asylum.] Dletsk. med., Mosk., 1897, ii, 254-263. — Palmer (G. T.) Infant feed- ing with modified cows' milk, with special reference to the methods of Trinity Diet Kitchen. Chicago Clinic, 1900, xiii, 501-503. ------. The consensus of medical opinion on the artificial feeding of infants. Ibid., xiv, 237-240.— Peters (H.) Ueber die Grosse der Eiuzelroahlzeiten der Siinglinge bei natiirlicher Erniihrung. Arch. f. Kin- derh., Stuttg., 1902, xxxiii, 295-338. — Phelps ( O. H.) Feeding the young. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1890, xv, 744.—Pitt (G. X.) Artificial feeding of infants. Guy's Hosp. Gaz,, Loud., 1901, xv, 45-50.—Pope (H. C.) The feeding of infants in health and sickness. West Lond. M. J., Lond., 1901, vi, 93-105. [Discussion], 109-117.— Priestley (Sir W. O.) Some recent observations on in- fant feeding. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, ii, 1401.—Pull- niann (W.) Ueber Siiuglingsernahruug. Allg. deutsche Hebam.-Ztg., Berl., 1896, xi, 141-143. — vun Putcreu (M. D.) Sposob iskusstvennavo vskaitnlivaniya i ukhoda za grudnimi dietnii za grauitsel. [Method of artifi- cial feeding and care of nurslings in foreign countries.] Vestnik obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1891, x, 2. sect., 1; 71; 121. AUo, Reprint. -----. Znachenle i sposobi iskusstvennavo vskarmlivaniya dietei. [Yalue and methods of artificial feeding of children.] J. russk. INFANTS. 919 INFANTS. In fa li I* (Nutrition of). Obsh. okhran. narod. zdrav.. St. Petersb., 1892, ii, 429-448. AUo. Reprint.— Rnvenel iM. P.) The artificial feeding of infants. Tr. South Car. M. Ass., Chaileston, 18112. 101- 186.—Riviere A. I.ede. [Sur l'alinientation den enfants du premier age] France m£d.. Par., 1895, xiii. 7.82.— Robiifon (G. P.) Infant feeding in health and disease. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia. Atlanta, 1809 116-123.—Rochewler (De L.i The artificial feeding of intants. Med. Press | West. X. York. Buffalo, 1887, ii, 546-5.V>.—Rodriguez Piuillu ill.) Como se entiende la alimeuta. ion .1. I,.s niiios en Europa v America. Rev. Ibero-Ani. de cien. med.. Madrid. l'.H'O iii, 162-184, 1 pl.—Rosenthal (E.) Some points in infant feeding. Ann. Gynec. & Pediat., Bo*t.. 1897-S, xi, 693-697.—Roteh (T. M.) The aititieial feeding of infants. Arch. Pediat., I'liila , 1887 iv, 478-4*0. Also. Repriut. Also [Abstr.]: Boston M. A; S. J., 1887, cxvii, 30.r'-3i>8. AUo. Reprint. -----. Notes on infant feeding. Arch. Pediat., Phila., 1889. vi. 476; 7.36. Also: Med. & Surg. Rep. City Hosp. Bost., 1880. 4. s.. 184-205. -----. Some important aspects connected with the scientific feeding of infants. Internat. contrib. med. lit. Festschr. . . . Abraham Jacobi, N. Y., 1890, 318-326. -----. The general principles underlying all good methods of intant feeding. Boston M. A- S .1.. L*!i3, cxxix. 505. Also: Med. News. Phila.. 1893. lxiii. 600-602. AUo: Tr. Pan- Am. M. Cong. 1893. Wash. 1*95. pt.2, 1318-1320. -----. Tlie present status of our knowledge of infant feeding. J. M.d. A Sc. Portland, 1901-2. viii. 37-41.—Rowe (J. W.) Infant feeding. Cincin. Lan. >t rlinic, 1900. n. s., xiv,236- 239. [Discussion]. 243.— Roivell H. X.) The feeding of infants. Pacific M. J. Sau Fran., 1800. xiii. 533-541 — Rubner (M.) i Ileuhner (O.) Die naturliche Ernah- rung eines Siiugliugs. '/.r-i i l f. Biol.. Miinchen u. Leipz., 1898. n. F., xviii, 1-55. —Riiger i.C.i Die Ernahrung des Sauglings. Ge-undheit. Frankf. a.M, 1**8, xiii. 161; 178.— Ru«»bilih cN. A.) K voprosu o kormleuii dietei do 1 goda. [Zur Frage fiber die Erniihrung der Kinder wah- rend des lsten Leben*i,ihres. Res.] Zapiski Uralsk, med. Obsh. v g. Ekaterinburge, 1891. i, 75-84. —«. (F.) Ein in- teies*ant> r B: ief fiber Saugliugsernahrung (aus dem vori- gen Jahi hwii.lerti. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1899, xlvi, 57.—Saint-Yve*-Menard. Des meilleures conditions d'alimentation des euiants du premier iige en dehors de l'al- laitement au sein. J.de m£d. de Par.. 1892. 2. s. iv. 522: 533. AUo: Ann. de la Policlin. de Par., l*9i\ ii, 457 ; 493. AUo .- Bull, et mem. Soc. de ni6d. et chii. prat, de Pai-. (1892i. 1*93. 420-453. [Discussion]. 456; 460—Saunders (E. W) In- fant feeding. Med. Rev.. St. Louis, 1890, xxxiii. 419-422. AUo: Tr. M. A--. Missouri 1896-7. Kansas City. 1898. 171- 181. — Schlesinger (E.) Ueber kiinstliche Sauglingser- liiihiung. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1898. xii, 66') : 1899. xiii, 132.— *chlo««inanii (A.) Die Untersehiede zwischen natiirlichei und kunstlicher Ernahi ung der Sauglinge in physiologischer und pathologiseher Beziehuug. Compt.- rend. Cong, internat. de med. 1-97. Mo*.,.-.. 1898. iii, sect. 6, 322-328. -----. Zur Frage der naiiirli, lu-u und kiinstliehen Sangliiig*ernahriiug. Miinchen. med. Wi hnschr., 1901, xlviii. 19- -----. Weiteres znr Frage der natiirlichen Sang- lingsernahriin. Ai:h. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 10u2, xxxiii, 338-371.—Schmidt (O.) Xeuere Arheiten fiber kiinst- liche SiiiigliugsernaLn ung : Sammelreferat. Monatsehr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Berl., 1895, ii, 37-42.—Seine (C.) Soxhlet: Ueber die Ernahrnng im fruhesten Kindesalter. [Rev.1 Ibid., 1901, xiii, 518-525.-Sellor-. (T. B.i Was Luigi Cornaro right? Lancet, Lond i:i'i|. ii, 56".. — leu Sifthotr iE. G. A.) De voeding van li. t kind in liet. eerste levensjaar. Geneesk. Bl. u. Klin, en Lab. v. de prakt.. Haarlem, 1899, vi, 153-224. 2 ch.—Simard (A.) & Fortier (R.) Notes concerning the nourishment of children in their earliest infancy exclusive of nursing at the brea-t. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep., Concord. 1895, xi, 367-.;79. — Minions. lets over de voeding van zuige- lingen. N.d.rl. Ti idschr. v. Geneesk., Amst.. 1887 wiii, 341-044. — Ml iter ' H. F.) Artificial feeding of infants. Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila.. 1896. lxxv, 327-329. .1'.'.. Reprint.—Small (W. B.) The aititieial feeding of in- fants. Tr. Maine M. Ass., Portland. 1892-4, xi, 480-497.- Smith (J. L.» Recent improvements in infant feeding. An-li. Pediat., Phila.. 18c9, vi, 848-857. Also: Tr. Am. Pe- diat. Soe. 1888-9. [Phila.J. 1890. i, 86-94.— Mobiewtinn- wki (E. M.i Kalendar dlya i-kusstvennavo konnleiiiya rli.-r.-i. (Calendar for aititieial feeding of children.] Pro- tok. za.-aid. Kavkazsk. med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1900-1901, xxxvii. 273. 1 pl.—SoUolov-ki (N. L ) Spo*obi kormle- niya grudnavo rebvonka. [Met hod* of feeding a nursling] Akusherka, Odessa, 1805, vi. 5-8— Sonimer (G.) Die Principien der Sauglingserniihi ung. Wiirzb. Abhandl.a.d. Gesamtg. b.d. prakt. Med., 1901, i,145-108. —Soxhlet. Le- ber Saiiglingsernahrung. Sitzungsb. d. iirztl. Yer. Miin- chen (1900), 1901, x, 110-138. Also: Miinehen. med. Wchn- schr.. 1900, xlvii. 1658 : i«99. 'Discussion], 1901, xlviii, 241. See. also, supra, Seitz.— Ntefleii (A.) Sull' alimentazione del bambino *ano. Arch, di patol. inf., Napoli, 1885, iii 62- 66—SleflTeni W ) Zur Yt age der Ernahrnng imSiinglings- aiter. Jahrb. I. Kinderh.. Leipz., 1895, n. F.. xl, 421-433.— Sie wart (W.T.) A lecture on artificial feeding of infants. X. Am. Pract., Chicago, 1896, viii, 158-165.—Slowell (\V. Infants (Nutrition of). L.i Feeding alter weaning. Med.Rec,N.Y.,1894, xlvi,65.— Nznliirili iM.) A csecsemok mesterseges taplalkoza^a, kiiliinos tekintettel a lelenezekre. [The art of feeding infants with special reference to foundlings.] Gydg\ as/at, Budapest, 1899. xxxix. 804-806.-.Mzoiilngh (F.) A csecsemd tiiplalasaid s/,,16 tan mai lilhisa. [The pre*,nt position of the knowledge of the nutrition of nurslings.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest. 1901, xiv, 799; 815. Also: Orvo- stud.crtek.gvii.jt. Magy. orv. Arch., Budapest, 1902, ii. f., iii, 1 -:i2.—'I'n) lor i.l. M.) The importance of liberal- izing now and then in scientific child feeding. Kansas M. J.. Topeka, isiiil, viii. 498-500. Alsn: Phila. Polyclin., 1806, v, 316-318. —Teixeirn de .Tlattow (E.) Bijdrage tot de kennis van de siol'wisscling hij den zuigeling. Ne- derl. Tijdschr. v. Oeneesk.. Amst.. iooi. 2. R., xxxvii d. 2, 1413-1424. — Tlim-Hliin (E. P.i Infanl feeding. Lan- cet, bond.. 1886, ii, 443.—Vidal-MolsiriN (F.) Ueber- blick der altspanischen Werke iiber die Eruahrung von Sauglinge n. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1900, xxviii, 410- 414— Vi».,>. aUo, infra. Keller.—.lame* (B. W.i The physiological feeding of infants. Homeop. J. Obst.. N. Y..' 1899. xxi, 159-163. — JohaiiiicNscii iA.) dc AVang (E.) Studier over sptedliarnets ernseringsfysiologi. [Etudes sur la physiologie de la nutrition chez l'enfant en l,a>age. E6s., 529.] Xorsk Mag. f. La-gevidensk.. Kristiania. 1898, 4. R., xiii, 457-489. 2 ch. AUo, transl.: Ztschr. f. phvsiol. Chera., Strassb., 1898, xxiv, 482-510, 2 pl. AUo. Peprint. AUo [Abstr.]: Compt.-rend. Cong, intei nat de med. 1897, Mosc, 1898, iii, sect. 6, 311.—Keating i-T.M.) Some ob- servations on the salivary dige-tien ,.f starch by infants. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1883. cix. 1 — Keller (A.) feber den Einfluss der Zufuhr anorganiscli, r Saureu auf den Stoff- wechsel des Sauglings. Centralbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat.. Jena, 1897. viii. 947 953. -----. Einfluss der Kohle- hydrate auf deu Stoffwechsel des Sauglings. Verlfcmdl. d'. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte' 1898, Leipz.. 1899, Ixx, pt.2, 2. Hlfte., 201. AUo: Verhandl. d. Versamml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte ]<-9s, Wiesb., 1899. xv, 20. AUo: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1899, xlix. 171.-----. Bemerkungen zu der Arbeit von de Jager: Die Verdanung uud Assimilation des gesunden und kran- ken Sauglings. nebst einer rationellen Methode zur Saiig- lingsernahrung. Jahrb. f. Kinderh.. Leipz., 1898, n. F.. xlviii, 393-396. -----. Phosphor und Stickstoff im Saug- lingsoiganismus. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1900, xxix, 1-95. -----. Ueber Nahrungspausen bei der Saiiglings- ernahrung. Centralbl. f. innere Med., Leipz., 1900, xxi, 393-398.— KnoepfeluincherIW.) Kuhmilchverdanung uud Sauglingserniihrung. Aerztl. Centr.-Anz.,Wien. 1*98, 71-74. AUo: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., Is98. xi, 69-72. -----. Die Xahrungsmengen im Siiuglingsalter. Wien. med. Presse, 1901, xiii, 777-784.— Koi-ppe. Ueber die kiinstliche Ernahrung des Sauglings unci gewisse Nach- teile dieser Eruahrung. Ber. d. oherhess. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk., Giessen, 1897-9, xxxii, 143-145.— ile Lange (Cornelia). Die Zusammensetzung der Asche des Xeugeboreuen und derMuttermilch. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen u: Leipz., 1900, n. F.. xxii, 726-7.28. — I.ange (J.i Ueber den StoftVechsel ties Siiugliugs bei Etniili- ning mit Kuhmilch. Jahrb. f. Kiiuleih., Leipz., 1894-5, xxxix, 216-210.— I.ango (J.) £ Berend (M.) Dysp.-p- ticus csecsemiknel vegzett anyagescre vizsgiiatck. [Metabolic researches on dyspeptic nui-lings.j Magy. orv. Arch., Budapest. 1898. vii. 35-54.—11 arfan (A.-B.) Les echanges nutritifs chez le n>,uri Usi.n. Bev. in. ns. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., Is98. xvi, 521-541. -----. Allait. ment nature! et allaitement artificiel; hypotheses sur le i .'.1>* des z\ muses du lait. Presse med., Par.. 1901, i, 13-16.— »l< nii (E.) La digestione nei bambini sani secondo il met.nl,, Haveni e Winter. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1892, 3. s., xl, 181-190.—Michel (C.) Digestion artifici.-lle du lait; etude comparative ,K- Taction des fer- ments digestifs sur lesmatietes albuminoides du lait cru et du lait sterilise. Obstetrique. Par., 1896. i, 25-40.-----. Recherches sur la nutrition normale du nouveau-n6; echanges nutritifs azotes et salins. Ildd.. 140-158.— Michel (C.) Sc Perret. Etude des echanges nutritifs azotes et miueraux chez un nourrisson de 2 nmis J. Bull. Sec. d'obst, de Par.. 1899. ii. 9s-lu5.—lUonti i A.) Ueber Yeidauung und natiii Iiche Erniihrung del Sauglinge. Wien. Klinik, 1897. xxiii 1-8-.—(Echsuer ile Coninck. Sur 1'elimination de l'azote et du phospliore , lie/, les nour- rissons. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par.. 1899. exxix 223.— Poole (H.) On the determination of undigested fat and casein iu infant feces. J. Am. Chem. Sue, [Easton, Pa.], 1898. xx, 765-769—Pro*eher (F.) Die Beziehungen der Wachsthiuiisges.hwiudigkeit des Siiugliugs zur Zusani- nienseizung dei Milch bei verschiedenen Siiugethiereu. Ztschr. f. phvMoi. Chem., Strassb.. 1>97, xxiv, 2-7.-3U2.— Banilnitz iB W.) Uebei das Vorkoiiimen des Lab- fermeutes im Sauglingsmagen. Brag. med. Wchnschr., 1887, xii. 198. Also, B. pi int.—Reinach. Indikationen zur Fettaureichei ung d-r Siiuglingsnahriing durch Ptlan- zeufette spec. Caca.if.it. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1901. xlriii 1447-145u— Komine (R.) Le sue gastrique et la di est ion stomncale du lait chez les noun issuns. Tribune nied.. Pai., 1891, 2. 8., xxiv, 454; 468— Knbner (M.i a: lleiibner 'U.) Die kiiustliche Ernahrung eines ni. imileu und eines atrophischen Siiugliugs: nach ge- niein sain mit Bendix. Spitta und Wolp.-rt auge- stellten Versuchen mitgetheilt. Ztschr. t. lbol., Mun- chen u. Leipz.. 1899, n. F., xx, .115-398. — Si hlo—mnini (A.) Ueber die muthinaasslicheu Schicksale des M.-lnei im Darme junger Sauglinge. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., INFANTS. 921 INFANTS. Infants (Nutrition of, Chemistry and physiology of). 1898. xlvii, 116-133.—Schniid-ITIoniinril. Ueber die Nahriingsmengen normaler Flaschenkinder. Yerhandl. il. Versamml. u. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. .. .deutsch. Na- turf. u. Aerzte 1898, Wiesb., 1899, xv. 86-96. Also .- Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leip/.., 1899, xlix, 67-76. Also [Abstr.l: Ver- handl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. ti. Aerzte 1898, Leipz., 1899, Ixx, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte, 209-211— Mrhotleliiis (M.) Die Bedeutung der Darmbacterieu fiir die Erniihrung. Arch. f. Hyg., Miinchen u. Leipz., 1898-9, xxxiv, 210-243.— Nmilli (J. L.) The question of quantity iu infantile feed- ing X. York M. J., 1.-90. li, 303.-*nil bin (M.) Na- blvudeniya na.l kolichestvom moloka vtsa-ivayemavo grudiitnii dletnii. [Observations on the quantity of milk absorbed by nurslings.) Med. otchet. Imp. S.-IYteth. Yosp. Donia ( 874), 1875, 111-139. — Szy; Infants (Mortality of); Intestines (Dis- eases of) in children; Marasmus: Stomach (Diseases of) in children. Burzagli (G. B.) Le oravi coiiseqneiize di uu allattaiuento male reltito e i mezzi per evitarle. -:. Kmpoli, 19ul. Hoppe (A.) *l'ic (itisoiihruiig im Sanglings- inaoen. *8-D. Bonn. 1~97. Lkiort (G.i * Alimentation ties nounissous et gastro-enterites. (£tude critique. ) <->-. Paris, 1900. Pierra(L.) *La surcharge alimentaire cause d'iut"l^rance gastro-intestinale chez le nourris- son. 6c Paris, 1901. Sonsixo (P.) On the physiological dyspepsia for starchy food in infancy. ~D. [n. p., 1672.] Yate (T.) *De illis infantum sugeutium morbis, qui a lacte ixncto oriantur. 4 . Lugd. Bat., 17.37. Alt (K.) Ditrchfall bei Kindern nach Genuss der Milch von Kiihen, die mit befallenem Klee gefiittert waren D.-ut-clie med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl.. 1 .-96, xxi, 7u-73.— Aniobiny (S.) Effects of improper feeding ,,f intants. Indian M. Ibc. Calcutta. Is92. ni. 37.'!. — Archi- bald 'II. Ci Convulsions occuiiing in a hand-fed child due to o'.ei-te,-■ 1 iij_;. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1885, 3. 8.. i, 214 — Kaginoki (A.) Pitanie grudnikh dietei i ikh bolieziii. Feeding of nurslings, and their diseases.] Vovenno-iaed. -J., St. Peteisb.. 1900. lxxviii, nied- -spec, pt., 2613-26:16. Also, inn,,I.. Beil. klin. Wclin- schr., 1900, xxxvii. 357-365 —Ker«e> (D. H.) The rela- tion of artificial feeding to the g.cstn,intestinal diseases of intuit-. Univ. M. Mag., Phila 1900-1901. xiii, 329- :;:;9. —Carter (J. M. G.) Artificial I.•.•ding of infants, especially iii gastric disturbances. 'Ai.-tr.] J. Am M. Ass.. Chicago, 1898, xxxi, 1012— xix, 12, 27, 40; 76 — I>'Oi liimli (P.) Les globules hiancs du sung daus les trouhh-s digestifs dn nourrisson. Bev. men-; d. mal. de lent., Bar., 1899, xvii, 300-305. — Don a In* (I. H ) Infant* (Nutrition of Disordered). Digestion and indigestion in infancy. Proc. Florida M. Ass., Jacksonville, 1894, 95-1 On._ Onraiite (D.) Nevrosi motoric nei bambini in rapporto ad alterazioni ilella nu- trizione e della nasi sanguigna. Pediatria, Napoli, 1896, iv, 171-183.—Kxclicricli. Hie Bedeutung der Bacterien in der Aetiologie der MagenDarmerkrankungen der Sau- glinge. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1898, xi, 9.11.—E*clierich (T.) Die acuten Verdauungsstorungcn des Sauglingsal- ters. Deutsche Klinik, Berl. u. Wien, 1901, vii, 126-149.— FotheringliaintJ.T.) Infant feeding and infantile di- arrhea. Canad. Bract. Sc Rev., Toronto, 1899, xxiv, 547-566. Also: Dominion M. Month., Toronto, 1899. xiii, 187-206. Also: Montreal M. J., 1899, xxviii, 663-681.—Friek (T.) The feeding of the newborn in relation to dental caries. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1901, xliii, 50 hi I nuke. Kiinst- liche Eiuiihrung der Siinglinge und dul.oi auflretende Verdauuiigsst.irungen. Allg. deutsche Hebam. - Ztg., Berl., 189.7. x. 217-219.—barber (F. W.) Scurvy in bottle-fed babies. Theiup. < iaz., Detroit, 1896, 3. s., xii, 226-229.—<»regor (K.i Ueher Erfolge kiinstlicher Er- niihrung magen,larmkranker Sauglinge in der Poliklinik. Verhandl. d. Versaminl. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1898, Wiesb., 1899, xv, 104-109. ------ Ueher Mtiskelspasmen nnd MusU, Ihypei tonie im Siiuglingsalter und ihre Abhangigk.it von der Einiihrung. Monatsehr. f. Psichiat. u. Xeurol.. Berl.. 1901. x, .-1. iso, 3 diag. — ■ ■ ■ |inn■■ -. van lien Itcrgli (A. A.) Over voeding en voedingsst,,,,i uissen in ln-l eerste levens.jaar. lieueesk. Bl. u. Klin, en Lab. v. de prakt., Haarlem, 1898, v, 51-86. — Iloailley (A. E.) Too-often feeding as a cause of disease in intants. and a protest against one cow's milk. Chicago M. J. Sc Exam.. 188.7, li, 144-151.—Ito (S.) [Cause of bad digestion of childien in lactation.] Kvo- rinno Shiori, Tokyo [?], 1897, ix. no, 6, 1-12. ------. [Cause of the indigestion of artificially fed nurslings] Ibid., 1900, xii, 8; 77.— Jnplia (A.) Die Leukocyten hei deu Verdauungs-Krankheiten der Siinglinge. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Berl., 1901, u. P.. liii, 179- 198. — .lemma (R.) Disturhi gastro-intestinali in bambino a levato al seno dovuti ad eccesso di burro nel latte. Boll. d. r. Accad. med. di Genova, 1900, xv, no. 3. 17-20. — Jones (H It.) How the health of infants is influenced bv their food. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, ii, 702—Keller (A.') Zur Frage der Eiweissiiberernahrung beim Saugling. Cen- tralbl. f. innere Med., Leipz., 1898, xix. 515-561. ------. Die Amuioniakausscheiduug bei den Ernahiungsstdrungeu der Sauglinge. Ibid., 1899. xx. 1065-1069.—Laurent (P.) Causes des echecs dans l'allaiteinent artificiel des uou- veau-n6s: des moyens pratiques d'y remedier. M6d. inf., Bar., ls'.>8. ii, 59; 'l00; 172.—I.emicre (G.) Gastro-ente- tite aigue par exces d'alimentation chez nn nourriss, n eleve all sein. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1901, ii, 313-320.— Marian (A.-B.) Lasuralimentation par le lait et l'ablac- tation pt ematuree comme causes de troubles digestifs chez le nouirisson. Arch, de med. d. enf., Bar.. 19u0, iii. 385- 401—itliele. De l'importance des troubles de nutrition produits par les affections gastio-intestiuale.s des petits enfants dans l'6tude de l'etiologie et de la pathogenic des maladies de 1'enfance. Boll. Soc. de med. de Gaud, 1900, lxvii, 7-39.—,\etter (L.) Chimisnie gastiique chez trois nourrissons ages de 6 mois k 1 an, noutris au lait sterilise. Progres med., Par., 1899, 3. s., x, 225-227— \oil>urv (F. P.) Malnutrition in infants. Ann. Ovnec. & Pediat.. Best., 1898-9, xii, 46-54. —1*1 a miiller (M.) Ueber Stoff- wechselstorungeii bei inageiidai nikrankeii Sauglingen, mit besonderer Bezugii.iliine auf die ('zeiny-Kellei sche Siiiirevergiftuiigshypiitbe.se. Jahrb. f. Kinderh.. Berl., 1901, u. F., liv, 247-370 I'reiw (M. K.) O pronii vaniyakh zheludka u grudnikh di. tel s t.rapevticheskoyu tsielvu. [Washing the stomach ol nurslings with a therapeutic object in view.| Trudi Obsh. Busslc. viach. v Mosk. (1900), 1901, xl.pt. 2,107,-14:;.— l>reMlon( A. LA Cause and elf,-, t, or the dangeis to an over-fed baby. Indiana M. J , Indianap.. 188.7-6, iv, 99-ln5.—91. von Buxge (G.) Die znnehmende Unfahig- keit der Frauen ihre Kinder zu stillen. Die Ursachen dieser Uufauigkeit, tlie Mittel zur Ver- hiitung. Ein Vortrag. 8'c Munchen, 1900. -----. The same. De l'iinpuissauce crois- sante des femmes a allaiter leurs enfants; causes de cette impuissance et movens d'y reiue'dier. 6°. Paris, 1900. Dehous (A.) Lettres a une mere sur l'ali- nientation et l'hygiene du noiiveau-ne\ 16-. Valenciennes, 1861. Dia'SKI (Mine. B.) * Contribution a l'e'tude de l'allaitement maternel. 4°. Paris, 1691. Dubois (A.) * Observations sur le sevrage. 4°. Strasbourg, 1822. Fontaine (A.) * Snr l'allaitement et l'ali- mentation artificielle des uouveau-ne's dans les principalis especes doinestiqiies. (Essai de com- paraison avec l'allaiteineiit de l'enfant.) 6°. Bordeaux, 1900. Grixiewitch, ne'e Sawitzky (Olga). *De 1'allHitement maternel considered surtout au point de vne des galactagogues. 4°. Paris, 1892 Hennig(F. W.) Abhamllung iiber das Selbst- siiugen der Kinder im ganzen Umfauge betrach- tet; fur Aeltern und Nichtiirzte. 1*2-. Breslau, 1797. Hery (L.) * Snr l'allaitement des nouveau- ue's. 85 Paris, 1897. Landais. Dissertation sur les avantages de l'allaitement des enfans par leurs nieres, ouvrage qui a 6teAouromie paria Faculte" de nie'decine de Infants (Nutrition of) with breast-milk. Paris, dans la stance publique, le 9 decembre 1779. 12c. Geneve $ Paris, 1761. Laure (G.) * Des resultats fournis par la pesee quotidienne des enfants a la mamelle. 4°. Paris, 1889. Laurentius (J. M.) * De matro infantem suum nou lactante huic et sibi ipsi noxas in- signes inferente. lc Gryphiswaldice, [1763]. Matefy (F.) * De lactatione infantum. 6°. Pesthini, 1831. Hungarian text. Mercurialis (H.) Nomothelasmus, seu ratio lactandi infantes. [1552.] In: Roemer(J.J.) Delect, opusc. 8°. Turicid-Lipsice, 1791, 415-452. -----. The same. II nomotelasmo, ossia la maniera di allattare i bambini. Opuscolo latino di . . . volgarizzato per la prima volta e dato in luce nelle nozze Michiel e Pisani. 8U. Venezia, 1602. Migliori (U.) Igiene popolare. Dell' allat- tamento, ovvero il primo anno di vita dei bam- bini. 8°. Firenze, 1886. Molinari (G.) Sull' allattamento dei bam- bini. Trattato teorico-pratico ad uso delle ma- dri di famiglia. 8°. Brescia, 1672. Mourlot (C.) * Des variations de poids chez les nouveah-nes, nourris par leurs iueres, peu- daut les dix premiers jours. 4J. Paris, l-!»*2. Newcome(H.) The complent mother; or, an earnest per.-uasiou to all mothers (especially those of rank and quality) to nurse their own children. 16°. London, 1*595. Ostroyidoff (N. I.) * Razvit'ie, zabolievaye- most i smerfnost dietei S. Peterburgskavo vospi- tatelnavo donia v zavisiinosti ot vskarmlivaniya ikh grndyu materi i kormilits. [Development, diseases and mortality among the children of the St. Petersburg Infant Asylum, as related to their being fed at the mother's and nurse's breast.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1895. Perrin (T.) Considerations physiologiques et morales sur l'allaitement maternel. 8°. Lyon, 1847. Petit (L.) *Le droit de l'enfant a sa mere. 4°. Paris, 1695. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1895. Plateau (I.) Pr6paration au sevrage; nour- riture comple'mentaire de l'enfant pendant l'al- laitement. 1'2C. Paris, 1896. Racaniere (P.) * Des differentes formes (l'al- laiteinent, leurs avantages, leurs inconvenients. 4°. Mont2iellier, 1883. Reis (P.) Manuel de I'allaitenieut, ou conseils aux jeunes meres snr les differentes manieres de uourrir leurs enfants. 8J. Paris, 1843. Segay. Des moyens de gdneraliser l'allaite- ment maternel. MCmoire couronn6 par la So- ciet6 proteetnee de 1'enfance de Paris (prix 1874). 8'c Paris, 1878. Sollelis (A.) * Considerations sur l'hygiene du sevrage. 4°. Paris, 1679. Wins (A.-B.) * L'allaitement a la nourricerie de l'Hospice des Enfants-Assist^s. 4°. Paris, 1665. Wolff (A.) * Essai sur les avantages de l'al- laitement maternel. 4°. Strasbourg, 1825. Allaiteinrnt (De 1) ties enfans par leurs meres. Lu- cine Irani*., Par., an xii [1804|. ii, 63-b>8 — Allaitenirut (L'| a l'Hotel Dieu de Paris. Kev. prat, d'obst. etdegvnec, Par., 1898, xiv, 81-83— Ancona (V.) Qunttro allatta- menti regolari 1' uno all' altro immediati sostenuti da una so- la nutrice. Riv. veneta di sc. nied., Venezia, 1885, iii,592-600. AUo, Reprint.—Auvard. Quelipies considerations pra- tiques au sujet ile l'allaitciiieiit. (Ja/. hebd. denied.. Par., 1888 2. a., xxv, 99-10J.—Bascli (('..) Die centrale Inner- vation der Saugbewejrungen. Prag. nied. Wchnschr., 1894, xix, 51; 66.—Baumm (P.) & I liner (R.) Die Frauen- milch, deren Veranderlichkeit und Einfluss auf die Saug- IXFAtfTS. 923 INFANTS. Infants (Nutrition of) with breast milk. lin^sernahruug. Samml. klin. Vortr., n. F., Leipz., 1894, Xo. 105 (Gvniikol., No. 41, 181-228).—Blache (R.) De l'allaitement maternel au point de vue des avantages que l'tiifant et la ni6re elle-meme peuvent cn retirer. Bull. Acad, de med.. Par., 1881, 'J. s., x, 919-921.—Blondeau. Sur I'allaitenieut et le sevrage. Bull. Soc. de nied. de Par. (1870). 1877, xi, 136-142. —■—. Des dangers du sevrage premature. Rev. mens. d. tual. de 1 enf., Par., 1883, i, 452- 456.—Budin (P.) Conference sur l'liygienedo l'lnfance, allaitement. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 189.'. 3. s., xxviii, 5-'_'7. Also, Reprint. AUo: Progres meil.. Par., 1892, 2. s., xv, 433-438. -----. Sur I'allaitenieut. Progres med.. Par., 1893, 2. s.. xvii. 177-182. -----. Allaitement des nouveau- nes. G;iz. d. hop.. Par., 1892, lxv, 78:!.- Bud in (P.) Sc C'liavaniK*. N^.te sur l'allaitenient lies nouveau-n6s. Bull. Acad, denied., Par., 1892, 3. s.. xxviii !i'.i-114. Also: Progres ni6d.. Par., 1892, 2. s.. xvi, 57-62. Also: Am h de tocol. et de gynec., Par., 1.-92, xix, 579-592. — t'a ille (A.) The management of l.reast-milk. Post-Graduate, :ST. T., 1899, xiv, 692-696—-. n. F., xv, 409-412. —I.ajjiiean (G.j Comhien d'en- fants, dams notre etat social. ~<>nt pi ive- des soins de leurs meres? Bull. Acad.de mtd. Par.. 1'•90 ::. s., xxxv, 30-44.— Lepage (G.i Note sm l'allaitement des nouveau nes k terme par leur mere. Rev.d hyg., Par., 1897, xix, 515-520.— ITIichel (C.) Sur le lait do femme et l'utilisation de ses mateiiaux nutritifs dans l'organisme du nouveau-ne sain. Obstetrique. Par., 1897. ii, 518-533. -----. Les selles du in.iitiisson au sein; utilisation des inat6riaux nutritifs du lair d.- tefuin,-. Union pharm.. Par., 1-98. xxxix, 433-436.— .Hiiiiifi.'i A ; Sulla quantity di ferro contenuta nei vi- seen dei bambini, studiata in rapporto alia questione della duratadell' allattamento. Gaz/,. med. di Torino, 1897, xlviii, 61-71. Also [Absti.]: Gior.d.r. Accad. dimed. di Torino, 1896, 3. s., xliv, 447.— rVeureiUK r (B.) Kdy se m& a nemd dite ad-taviti I JAVhen to wean one'sowu and foster children.] Casop. 16k. cesk., v Praze. 1886, xxv, 320; 337.— Parrot. De la dnr6e de l'allaitement et du se- vrage. Abeille med., Par., 1883, xl, 346-348.— I* a -.-ii; I i (17.T L'allattamento; saggiodi pnh.itu.. hiblic.i. I'.i.ll.d. levatr., Bologna. 1898. i. 401-479.— I'rn in (T.) L allaite- ment maternel dans ses rapports av.c l.i vie physique, la vie morale, la vie -octal,-. Ann. Soc. de m6d. de Lyon, 1866, 2. s., xiv, 38?9. Zwierlein (K. A.) Die Ziege als beste und wohlfeilste Siiugamme empfohlen von einem er- fahrnen Arzte. 16°. Stendal, 1616-9. -----. Xachtrag als neueste Bestatigung meincr Schrift: Die Ziege als beste uud wohl- feilste Siiugamme. 11.- du lait a l'Hopital d'enfants Erapereur et Imperatrice Frederic. Arch, de nied. d. enf.. Par., 1900, iii. 257-268. — Bnrebellion. De la valeur du lait de chevre dans l'alimentation des enfants. Cong, internat. de m6d. C.-r., Par., 19U0, sect, de nied. de | Infant!!) (Nutrition of) with cow's milk [and milk of other animals]. 1 enf., 111-117.—Barbier (H.) Allaitement des enfants; allaitement maternel; allaitement artificiel; dangers de l'allaiteinent artificiel; composition du lait de feninie et de vache; cas6ine; coupage du lait. Gaz. d. mal. infant [etc.], Par., 1899, i, 315; 323; 339.—Bai-tol (J. W.) Gav- age in infants. Boston M. Sc S. J.. 1897, cxxxvi, 513.__ Bell (J. F.) Some remarks on the artificial feeding of in- fants and the regulation of the milk-supply iu thecountrv- Med. News. N. Y., 1000. lxxvii, 48-.">3. Also: N. York Lancet. lOi'O, xxi, 274-280. Also: Tt. Ass. Physicians Long Island. Rahway, N. J., 1900-1901, ii, 72-93.- Bin- net! ill", C.i The hygiene of milk and its relation to in- fant feeding;. Ann. Gynec. Sc Pediat., Bost., 1807-8, xi, 837.-84:;. Also: Tr. M. Soc.Wisconsin, Madison, 1898. xxxii, 418-428.—Bergling (I.) Iskusstvennoye vskarinlivanie grudnikh dietei kobilyim molokom. [Artificial feeding of nurslings with mare's milk.] Med. otchet Imp. S.-Peterb. Yosp. Doma (1876). 1877, 211-226.—Berti (G.) Relazione di un secondo tentati vo di allattamento artificiale fatto nel Baliatico Esposti di Bologna. Bull.d. sc.iued.di Bologna, 1885, 6. s., xvi, 299-307,1 diag. -----. Sui danni dell' allat- tamento artificiale. Lucina, Bologna, 1896-7, i, 33-38.— Be&son (A.) Du lait de chevre dans l'alimentation des nouveau-nes. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1901, ii, 11-15.—Bie- dert. Kuhmilchproduction und Kinderernahriing ill,- ferat). Cong, internat d'hyg. et de demog. C.-r. 1894, Budapest, 1896, iii. 199-208. Also [Abstr.]: Wien. med. Bl., 1894, xvii, 518. -----. Ueber einige Prohleme der Milchwirthschaft und Milchverwendung, nebst neuen Analysen von Camerer-Soldner. Yerhandl. d. Versamml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1895, Wiesb., 1896, xii, 145-153.—Boissard (A.) De l'ali- mentation des nouveau-nes par le lait de chevre. Rev. gen. de clin. et de th6rap., Par., 1900, xiv, 337-339. Also: J. de m6d. de Par., 1900, 2. s., xii, 256. Also: Med. inf., Par., 1899-1900. ii. 440-445.—Bon amy (E.) Contribution k I'etude cle lallaitement des jeun.s enfants par des iinesses laitidres. Gaz.med. de Nantes. 1885-6. iv, 13-15.—Bruch (A.) Allaitement maternel on naturel; allaitenients mixte et artificiel. Bull, de l'Hop. eiv. Irani*., de Tunis, 1900. iii, 181-193.—Brush (E. F.) Cow's milk for infant food. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1889, xiii, 732-738. —Bud in (P.) Allaitement mixte et allaitement artificiel. [Abstr.] Obstetrique, Par., 1897, ii, 307-320. — Caaamayor (A.) Les avantages de l'allaitement artificiel par le lait d'anesse. Presse med., Par., 1899, i, annexes, 105-107. Also: Rev. obst. internat., Toulouse, 1899, v, 94-9(5 —Coil (H. L.) The production of cow's milk designed for infant feeding. Tr. Pan-Am. M. Cong. 1893, Wash., 180.7, ii, 1331-1337.— C'ottigny. Suppression absolue du lait de vache ou de chevre, du lait meme sterilise, chez les petits enfants. pen- dant l'epoque caniculaire ou la periode des grandes cha- leurs. Nord med., Lille, 1899, v, 04—C'upp (M. F.) In- fant feeding; the anti-dyscrasic action of cow's milk. J. Pract. M., N. Y., 1896-7,'vii. 158-102.—Delgado (C.) De la lactancia artificial. An. r. Acad, de cien. med. . . . de la Habana, 1887-8, xxiv, 179-191.— Desfosscs (P.) Lait de chevre et pnericulture; la rehabilitation de ia che- vre; les avantages des laits vivants frais; un etablisse- ment modele. Presse med., Par., 1901, ii, annexes, 8*.— E«clicricli. Les doctrines de l'allaitemeut artificiel; lait de femme agissant comme ferment. Cong, internat. de m6d. C. r., Par., 1900, sect, de med. de l'enf.. 9";-106.— Examen critique d'une these intitulee: Considerations medicales sur les avantages de l'allaitement etranger, pour la plupart des enfans des grandes villes, presentees et sou- tenues a l'Ecole de medecine de Paris, le 5 Unreal de Ian 11. in-8°, de 40 pages. Lucine franc , Par., an XI [l8o:{], i, 519-549. — Fi*eh (C.) Is the'easein of cow's milk completely assimilated by infants ? Med. Rev., St. Louis, 1899, xxxix. 179-184. — Freeman I R. G.) The Straus Milk Charitv of New York Citv. Arch. 1'ediat., N. Y., 1897, xiv. 838-814. — Fiirst (L.) Das Abkochen der Milch im ganzen fiir den Tageshedait des Kindes. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1895, xvi 1007; 1018. —Gam- berini (P.) Allattamento naturale ed artificiale dei neonati esposti. Rassegna med.. Bologna, 1895, iii, no. 15, 4-6.—Gil let (H.) L'allaitemeut artificiel. Ann. de la Policlin. de Par., 1896, vi, 193; 225; 257; 289.—Goler (G. W.) Methods adopted by the Board of Health of Rochester, N. Y., to secure better milk for infants. Arch. Pediat.. N. Y., 1897, xiv, 845-848.—Guidi (G.) Metodo di perfezione per 1' allattamento artitinale : proposta e de- sirizioue di un poppatojo da adottarsi per 1' uso del latte sterilizzato. Arch. ital. di pediat.. Napoli, 1890, viii, 64- 72, 1 pl.—IlaiiMcr. Die Arheiten des Jahres 1894 fiber Milch und Milcheinabriing der Sauglinge. Fortschr. d. Med., Berl., 189.7, xiii, 085-70o. -----. Die Arheiten der Jahre 1895 und 1896 fiber Milch- uud Siiugliugs, ri.alining. Ibid., 1897. xv, 929-948.—Heubuer (O ) Ueber Kiilnuilch als Sauglingsnahrung Berl. klin. Webnschr., 1804. xxxi, 841; 870. AUo: Cong, internat. d'hvg. et de demog. Cr 1894. Budapest, 1890. iii. 196-190.-liogau (Louise E.) Milk for babes. Pop. Se. Month N. V.. 1894. xiv. 491- 405 — Holliday i W5 Z.) Bottle-fed babies. Tr.M.Ass. INFANTS. 925 INFANTS. I ll Tailts (Nutrition of) with cow's milk [and milk of other animals], Georgia, Atlanta. 1901. 253-266. AUo: Pediatrics, N. Y., 1902, xiii, 43-54—Hulslioll'(S. K.) Over gavage bij zuigeliugen. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk.. Amst., 1892, 2. R., xxviii, 93-110—Jacobi (A.) Une re forme dans l'alimentation artiticielle des enfants avec un st6rilisateiir perfectionne et k hon marche et de nouveaux biberons. Bull. Soc. med. de l'Yonne 1892, Auxerre, 1893, xxxiii, 83- 80.—Jouberl (L.) Del latte del uutrirc i bambini. In his: La prima parte de gli errori pop. [etc.], 4-5 Fioren/a, 1592, 160-739.—Kaixin (A.) De rallaiteinent artiticiel. Rev. med., Louvain 15'5-6, xiv, 389-305— IvniriLa (I).) 0 sgushtsbennoni kebiUem molokle. (Condensed mare's milk.) Soobsh. i protok. S.-1'eterb. nied. Obsh. (1885), 1886, iii, 162-lsO.-Kcaliii'i (J. M.) A few suggestions for the preparation ot un!;. for infants. Med. News, Phila., 1880. xlviii, 623. -----. Milk for infants in sum- mer. Med. vt Sing. Reporter, Phila., 1889, lxi, 85-87.— Klciuiu (R.) Ueber Eselmilch und Siiiigliugseriiiihruiig. Jahrb. f. Kinderh.. Leip/. . 1896. xliii, 369-400.—Kobrak (E.i Die Bedeutung des Milch-Thermophors fiir die Saiiglingsernahrung. Ztschr. f. Hvtr. u. Inl'ektions- krankh., Leipz., 1900, xxxiv, 518-5::::.—Kriiuer (F.) Ue- ber die Eruahrung des Saugling* mit Kuhinilch. St. Pe- tersb. med. Wchnschr., 1892, n. F.. ix. 469-471.—Knbn- !»ort". O perekhodle patogennikh niikrobov v moloko io vliyanie eiovo posllednyavo na sosushtshikli yevodlcteni- Bhel. [The passage of pathogenic microbes into the milk and their effect upon suckling infants. | Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1885, x, 035: 651.—Kiibner (A.) Ziegenmilch und Zicgeuzucht. Kinder-Arzt, Leipz.. 1808. i\, 128-133.— Liavkiut*. 1), l'allaitemeut artiticiel. lia/. d. hop., Par.. K»95. Ixviii. 105-110. AUo: Aich. de tocol. et de gy- nec., Par., 1895. xxii. 459-472. — Lniimoiiit'i' (J.) Nou- velle experience sur l'aliiueutation des jeunes animaux avec le lait de vache frais et fermente. J. de clin. et de therap. inf.. Par.. 1898. vi, 841-813.— Laurent (P.) Causes des 6checsdans l'allaitement artificiel des nouveau- nes des moyeus pratiques d'y reinedier. Med. inf.. Par., 1898. ii, 59.— Leutii-re (G.) L'allaitement artificiel. Pratique jour.. Lille. 1807. ii, 17-32. -----. Le lait dans l'allaitement artiticiel. Ibid., 113-128. —Lyons (J. A.) Incubators and milk laboratory feeding. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1807, xxxvi, 696-702.— Marfan. I in lait de vache daus l'allaitement artificiel. lb-v. de th6rap. med.-chir., Par., 1895, Ixii, 750-753. -----. De l'allaitement ar- tificiel. [Abstr.J J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1896, lxvii. 401-407. — 31 a««:i lonjjo (R.) Dei lacterium. Atti d. Cong. naz. p. 1 ig. d. allattamento mercen. (etc. | 1899. Milano, 1900, i. 101 - 194.—Hallliiesen. Zur ('on- trole der Kindermilcli. I'eutsrhe thieiarztl. Wclinschr., Hannov., 1901, ix. 2lil. — .Michel (C.) Utilisation des ma- teriaux nutritifs du lait; coiuparaison, chez le nourrisson, des deux modes d'aliinentation; lait de femme et lait de vache. France med.. Par., 1898, xiv, 402-404.—IVIonrad (S.l Ueber Benutzung von roller Milch hei Atrophie unil chronischen Magen- und Darmkatarrh bei Sauglin- gen. Jahrb. f. Kinderh.. Berl.. 191)2, ii. F., lv, 62-79.— Vlonii t A. i Die kiinstliche Ernahrung der Sauglinge mil Milch und Molke (Siiuglingsniilch). Med. Woche, Beil.. I'M'), 349-353. — Jl urpliy (W. G.) Cow's milk in infant feeding. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Hartford, 1.897, ]';i"-174. AUo: Med. Rec. N. Y., 1897, Iii, 13-15.- iVai-iman (R. T. B.) On the artificial rearing of infants on cow's milk. Indian Lancet, Calcutta, 1897, ix, 107- 110. — .Veil in ami iH.) Versorgung der unbemittelten Bevolkerung l!,-i litis mit Kindermilcli. Berl. kliu. Wchn- schr., 1804, xxxi. 479-482.— Oppenheimcr I Iv ) Leber Siiuglingsernahriing durch unverdiiuute Milch. Areh. f. Kinderh.. Stuttg., 1901, xxxi, 321-378. — Palmer (C. T.) Feeding the infants of the poor with unstenli/.cd cow's milk. N. York M. J., 1900, Ixii, 404-406. -----. Proper methods of handling milk for infant feeding. Phila. M. J., 1901. vii, 223-225.— Parker (T. E.) Some thoughts on milk as a food for infants. Tr. Homceop. M. Soc. Penu. 1^97, Phila., 1898, 134-146. — Patron (P.) Breves indica- ciones sobre lactaucia artificial. Crdn. m6d., Lima, 1895, xii. 57-66. — Pennalo (P.) Risultati dell' allattamento artificial,- nil brefotrotio di Udine. Atti d. Cong. naz. p. 1'ig. ,1. allattiiiueiito mercen. |etc.J 1899, Milano, 1900, i 205.—I'i'ti'oiii-lG. A.) Lalattazione artificiale e le prin- cipali questioni che ad essa si collegano. Pediatria, Na- poli, 1901, ix, 89-101.— Probleme (be) de rallaiteinent; lait de femme et lait-. d'animaux. Union nied.. Par., 1896, 4. s., ii, 48l; 493. — Rachlbrd (15. K I A reliable milk- supply for babies. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1892, n. s., xxix, 12-14. — vou Ranke (H.) Einiges fiber Eselmilch als Saiiglingsemalii migsmittel. Internat. contrib. med. lit. Festschr. . . . Abraham Jacobi. N. Y., 1900, 250-2H2. Also: Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1900, xlvii, 597-601.—Biebler. Ziegenmilch als Kinderiiahrungsiiiittel. Berl. klin Wchn- schr., 1888, xxv, 357-301.—Kivn-Rocci (S.) II ferro del latte e le auemie infantili. Gazz. med. di Torino, 1900, li, 381-3*7.—«le KotliMcbild (H.) Sc IVeiter (L.) A propos des quautites de lait qii'il convient de donner dans l'allaite- ment artificiel et de leurs rapports avec les 6changcs nu- Infailts (Nutrition of) with cold's milk [and milk of other animals]. tritifs chez le nourrisson. Compt. rend. Soc. dehiol., Par., 1901,11. a., iii, 658-061.—Malae (B.) Buttermilch als Saug- lingsnahruiig. Jahrb. f. Kinderh , Berl., 1902, n. F., lv, 157-164. 5 diag. Also.- Progres med., Par., 1901, 3. s., xiv, 18-20.—NnuieMMOii (C. G.) Nagra ord om ieruhalten i mjdlk med hiinsyn till det artificiela uppfodandet af spiida barn. [The iron iu milk with reference to the artificial rearing of young intants.) Hygiea, Stockholm, 1897, lix, 572-570. — Mehaleiikninp. Das ostfriesische Milch- schaf; ein kleiner Beitrag zur Frage der Siiuglingsernah- rung. Centralbl. f. Kinderh.. Leipz., 1898, iii, 45-48.— NchleMimjer (i<*.) Ueber Saiiglingsernahrung mit Voll- niileli. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 10D1, xxxviii, 190-194.— Niliiiiial - .Tlonunrd. Einige Erfahrungeu auf dem Gebiete der Eriiiihrung von Flascl ien kindern. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1899, xiii, 74-78.— Niliniuiz (O.) Die Vorziige ungekochter Ziegenmilch als Nahruiigsmittel fiir Kinder. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl.. 1890, xxii. 649.—Neeheyron (L.) De l'allaitement at tilici, 1, sa conduite, ses ditlicultes et les niovens d'y reinedier. Echo med., Toulouse, 1890, 2. s., iv, 13;'25; 265; 277; 289—Wei- bei't (A.) A reform iu artificial infant-feeding with an improved and inexpensive sterilizer and nursing-bottles. N. York M. J., 1890, li, 172-177. AUo, Reprint. Also, transl.: Med. Monatsehr., N. Y., 1890, ii, 65-76.—Shrader (J. C.) Sanitation as applied to the health of children fed ou cow's milk. Tr. Iowa M. Soc, Burlington, 1898, 78-82.— Siegcrl (F.) Ueber krankheitskeimfreie Milch zur Erniihrung der Sauglinge wie zum allgemeinen Gebrauche. Miinchen. med. AVchnschr., 1899, xlvi. 1533.—Snow (I. M.) Certified milk in Buffalo. Arch. Pediat, N.Y., 1897, xiv. 827- 832.—Son nen Imtjj. Ueher Kindermilcli. Verhandl. d. Versamml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1899, Wiesb., 1900, xvi, 328-330. — Soxhlet (F.) Ueber Kindermilcli und Saugliiigs-Einahrung. Miinchen. med. AVchnschr., 1886, xxxiii, 253; 276. A Iso, Reprint.— Nzana (S.) A csecsemok tejjel val6ell£t'isiinakszab&lyo- za.sa; csecseinote,J8zd.llit6 intezetek. [The transporta- tion of milk for nurslings; establishments for furnishing nurslings'milk] Orvos. lapja, Budapest,1901,xii,637; 655.— Tarnier. Tube pour le gavage des nouveau-nes. Rev. d. instrum. de chir., Par., 1892, ii, 21.—Tilomanlio (A.) Dell' allattamento artificiale. Rassegna d' ostet. e ginec, Napoli, 1897, vi, 571: 634; 678; 741. — Variot (G.) Deux cas d'insucces de l'allaitement artiticiel par le lait de chevre. J.declin. et de therap. inf., Par., 1895, iii, 661-663. -----. Le lait pur dans l'allaitement artificiel. Ibid., 1897, v, 981-986. -----. Projet de reorganisation des ser- vices de nourrissons allaites artificiellemeut dans les hopi- taux d'enfants de Paris. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1900, lxxiii, 85-87. — Vaughan (V. C.) The use of cow's milk iu the artificial feeding of infants. Tr. Internat. M. Cong., Wash., 1887, iii, 485-489. —Vialle (K.) Le lait bouilli et le lait cru dans rallaiteinent artiticiel. Actualite m6d., Par., 1892, iv, 145. — Waclisiiiulli. Ueber die Schwer- verdaulichkeit der Kuhmilch im Siiuglingsalter. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1895-6, n. F., xli, 174-192.—Wichinann (J.V.) Om Berneruasik. [Milk for children.] Biblioth. f. Lseger, Kebenh., 1901, 8. IL, ii, 255-271. — Zorgniotli (O. E.) II latte e 1'alitnentazione dei bambini. Gior. d. r. Soc. naz. vet., Torino, 1896, xiv, 23-26. Infants (Nutrition of) icith cow's milk sterilized or modified. See, also, Infauts (Atrophy of); Infants (Pre- mature, etc., Cureof); Milk (Sterilization of). Artiunan (J.) *l)u lait niateniis6 et spe"- ciali'ineut du lait de llackhaus dans ralimenta- tion du premier age. 6°. Nancy, 1699. Biringkr (F. A.) * Ueber Erniilirung von Sauglingen mit (ler neuen Biickliausniilch (Trypsinmilch). [Bonn.] 8°. Leipzig, 1899. Also, in: Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1899, n.F., xlix, 369-391. IiUDix (P.) Lait sterilise" et allailenient. sJ. Paris, 1893. Repr. from : Rev. gin. d. sc. pureset appliq., Par., 1895. Caillk (A.) Sterilized milk. A report of some experiments made to determine the proper manner of boiling and preserving milk for the use of infants. 6c New York, 1868. Ciiadzynska (Mme. Julia). "De la gradua- tion des tetei's dans l'allaiteinent artiticiel par le lait sterilisd. 8 5 Paris, 1901. Ciiatkrnikoff (Mme.), ne'e Pereplktschi- koff. * Contribution ii l'dtude de I'emploi du lait sterilise" chez les nourrissons. 6-. Paris, 1899. ----- The same. 6c Paris, 1699. INFANTS. 926 INFANTS. Infants (Nutrition of) with cow's milk sterilized or modified. Chavaxe (A.) "Du lait 8t6rilis6, son emploi dans l'alimentation du nouveau-ne\ 4°. Paris, 1893. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1893. De Rothschild (H.) Quelques observations sur l'alimentation des uouveau-ne's et de I'em- ploi raisoune" du lait sterilise". 8-. Paris, 1897. Gaertner (G.) Prof. Gaertuer-mother-niilk as food for infants and children. 1*2°. New York, [n. d.]. Laurent (P.) *Du lait de vache dans l'ali- mentation et dans l'allaitemeut artificiel; pas- teurisation; sterilisation. 4°. Lille, 1894. Mauchamp (fi.) * L'allaitement artificiel des nourrissons par le lait sterilise"; conditions pra- tiques; resultats; indication. H°. Paris, 1898. Nachtigal (K.) Ueber Kinderemahrung und den Wert der Priiparate aus reiner Alpenmilch fur dieselbe. 6°. Stuttgart, 1888. Rotch (T. M.) The substitute feeding of in- fants. 8°. Philadelphia, L1896]. Schmidt (F. A.) Die kiinstliche Ernahrung des Sauglings mit keimfrei gemachter Kuhmilch nach dem Soxhlet'scheu Verfahren. Eine Darle- gung der Vorziige des Milchkochverfahrens von Dr. Soxhlet in Miinchen, sowie eiue genaue Un- terweisung und Auleituug zur kiinstliehen Er- niihrung mit Kuhmilch unter Benntzung dieses Verfalirens. 8°. Berlin cf Neuivied, 16,63. Sprinz (O.) * Ueber die Moglichkeit sterili- sierte Kindermilcli und pasteurisierten Rahm herzustelleu. Nach einer zweijiihrigeu wissen- schaftlicheu Kontrolle der Dampfmolkerei Wiirz- burg. [Wurtzburg.] 6°. Berlin, 1901. Strauss (J.) * Ueber kiinstliche Ernahruug der Sauglinge besondeis mit Gartner'schen Fett- milch. 8°. Bonn, 1696. Tscherning (H.) Om spsede B0rns kunstige Ertnering efter den Soxhletske nietode. [Artifi- cial feeding of young iufants by Soxhlet's method.] sm. 4°. Kjobenhavn, 1891. Winters (J. E.) The feeding of infants. Home guide for modifying milk. 12 \ New York, 1901. Ambrozhevich (P. M.) Uproshtshenniy sposob ste- rilizatsii (obezplozhvaniya) moloka dlya vskarmlivaniya dietei. | Improved method of sterilizing milk for feeding infants.] Akusherka, Odessa, 1894, v, 188- 190. — Aucr- bach (N.) Ueher Production von Kindermilch und Milchsterilisiruug. Berl. klin. "Wchnschr., 1893, xxx, 340- 342. | Discussion], 408-411. -----. Ueher die Ernahrung der Sauglinge mit Kuhmilch. Therap.Monatsh.,Berl.,1895, ix, 21-27.— Backhaul. Ueber Herstelluug von Kinder- milch. Berl. kliu. Wchnschr., 1895, xxxii, 561, 589. Also: Verhandl. d. Versamml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1895, Wiesb., 1896, xii, 155-168.— RagiiiMky (A.) Noch einige Bemerkungen zur Frage der Knhtuilchnahrung und Miichsterilisirung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1895, xxxii, 384.—Bauer (W. L.) The home modification of milk. N. York M. J., 1898, lxvii, 315-348. A Uo, Kepriut.-----. Practical points in percentage feed- ing. N York M. J., 1899, Ixix. 41-43. Also, Reprint.— Banze (C ) Beitrage zur Frage der kunstlichen Ernali- i min dei Sauglinge. Ill Ueber conservirte Milch. Arch. f Kindeih., Stuttg., 1882-3, iv, 212-231.—Bartley (E. H.) Some points in the chemistry of cow's milk, with reference to infant feeding; with a description of a method for home modification of cow s milk. Brooklyn M. J., 1900 xiv, 338- 352. — Baltino. Quelques consideiattons sur 1 allaite- ment artificiel par le lait st6nbse industrielleinent. J. de clin et de therap. inf., Par., 1898, vi, 967-972. — Bendix (B.) Sterilisierte oder nieht steribsierte Milch. Atti d.xi. Cong. med. internaz . Roma, 18114, ni, 155-157. -----. Kuh- milihnahrung und Miichsterilisirung. Berl. klin. Wchn scht.1895 xxxii 320-323. — Biagini (A.) Per 1'alleva- meuto dei bambini col latte stenlizzato. Gazz. med. di Torino. 1896 xlvii, 664-671.—Biedert. Ueber Kuhmilch, Mihhstei ilisirung uud Kiudereruahruug. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1894, xxxi, 995-1000 -----. Ueber den jetzigen Stand der kunstlichen Sauglingsernahrung mit Milch und Milchpraparaten Therap. Monatsh., Berl.,1897,xi,633-641. Also: Verhandl. d. Versamml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1897, Wiesb., 1898, xiv, 118-130. Infant* (Nutrition of) with cow's milk sterilized or modified. Also: Wien. med. Presse, 1898, xxxix, 458-461.—Blacker (G. F.) Some remarks upon the feeding of premature or delicate infants with modified milk. Clin. J., Lond., 1899- 1900. xv,289-296.-Blasiu8(R.)&.Beckurls(H.) Steri- lisirte Kuhmilch als Nahrungsuiittel fiir Sauglinge und Reconvalescenteu, nach Untersuchungen der sterilisirten Milch der Braunschweiger Molkerei. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1895, xxvii,527-53*.—Bois- saril (A.) Hygieue alimentaire de l'enfnnce: le lait maternis6, recherches et r6sultats cliniques. Obstetrique, Par., 1897, ii, 1-18.—Bolognesi (A.) Le lait inaternise dans l'alimentation des nouveau-nes. France nuSd., Par., 18U7, xliv, 705-710.—Bonifas (J.) Du coupage du lait chez les enfants du premier &ge. Progres m£d., Par. 1900, 3. s., xi, 113-116.—Boorse (L.) Substitute feeding of infants, with special reference to the percentage method and home modification of cow's milk. Tr. M. Soc. Wisconsin, Madison, 1900, xxxiv, 372-383. AUo: Clin. Rev., Chicago, 1900, xii, 363-374.—Brimou (R.) L'ceu- vre de la Goutte de lait de Rouen; rapport semestriel. Normandie m6d., Rouen, 1901, xvi, 1-11.—Buddc (V.) Kunstig Opfodning af Smaaborn nied kogt Madk. [Arti- ficial feeding of infants with boiled milk.l Ugesk. f. La'ger, Kjobenh., 1889, 4. R., xx, 29-42.—Bud in (P.) Sc Cha- vane (A.) De I'emploi pour les nourrissons du lait st6ri- lise k 100 degres, au bain-marie; allaitement mixte; allai- tement artificiel. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1893, 3. s., xxx, 157-184.-----------. De I'emploi pour ies nourris- sons du lait st6rilis6 a 100 degres au bain-marie. Ibid., 1894, 3. s., xxxii, 67-95. Also [Abstr.J: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1893, lxvi, 809.—Budin (P.) Sc ill ic lie I (C.) Recherches sur l'alimentation des enfants d6biles; emploi des pro- duits de digestion artificielle du lait de vache. Obstetri- que, Par., 1897, ii, 97; 211.—Bunker (H. A.) Note on the modification of cow's milk for infant feeding. Brook- lyn M. J., 1899, xiii, 153-156.—Caldwell (J. J.) A re- view of milk foods iu relation to the dietetic and hygienic life and growth of infants. Med. Times & Reg., Phila., 1900, xxxviii, 37-48.— Campbell (H. J.) The advan- tages aud disadvantages of the use of sterilised milk for infant feeding. Brit. M. .75, Lond., 1896, ii, 623-626.—Car- miens (A.) Ueber Fchlerquellen bei der Ernahrung der Sauulinge mit sterilisnter Milch. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1893, xxxvi, 144-160. -----. Ueber die Vortheile und Nachtheile der Ernahrung der Sauglinge mit steiili- sirter Milch. Verhandl. d. Versamml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1898, Wiesb., 1899, xv, 21-47, 2 diag. (Discussion), 74-77. Also [Abstr.l: Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1898, xiv. 1354. AUo [Abstr.J: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1898, Leipz., 1899, Ixx, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte., 203.—(hapin (H. D.) The use of gruels as diluents of cow's milk. Arch, Pediat., N. Y., 1899, xvi, 945-955. -----. Home modifica- tion of cow's milk for infant feeding. N. York M. J., 1899. Ixx, 657-660. Also, Reprint. -----. Substitute in- fant feeding. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1900, xxxv, 71-74. -----. A simple and accurate method of substitute infant feeding. N. YorkM. J., 1901, lxxiii, 324-327— V liar pen- tier. Sur I'emploi du lait st6rilis6 pour l'allaitement arti- ficiel. [Rap.] Bull. Acad, denied., Par., 1896, 3. s., xxxvi, 880.—Chavane (A.) De l'allaitement artificiel et de I'emploi du lait st6rilis6. Semaine ni6d., Par., 1892, xii, 517-522.—Chesebro (E. D.) Modified cow's milk for in- fantfeeding. Phila. M. J., 1899, iii, 1374-1376.—Churchill (F. S.) Substitute feeding in infancy. Chicago M. Recorder, 1897, xii, 408-413. [Discussion], 429-438.— 1'on rant. Ueber die Bedeutung des Kalkwasserzu- satzes zur Kuhmilch fiir die Ernahrung des Sauglings. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1892, xvi, 210-214.—Danipf- Sterilisir-Apparat fiir Kindermilch in Saugflascken nach Dr. Bassfreund in Hildesheim. Centr.-Bl. f. chir. u. orthop. Mech., Berl., 1897, 5. s., viii, 269-271.— Dan ilotf (N.) Polozhenie voprosa ob obezplozhivanii moloka pri iskusstvennom vskarmlivanii dietei. [Steri- lized milk in artificial feeding of children.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1901. xxii, 1287-1290.—Day (A. K.) Modified milk as a food for infants. Tr. N. Hampshire M. Soc, Concord. 1896, 129- 134.— Dessau (S. H.) The value of condensed milk as a substitute for mother's milk. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1888, xxxiv, 207. -----. The action of heat upon cow's milk as an infant food. Pediatrics, N. Y., 1902, xiii, 84-90.— Detwiler (B. H.) Sanitarv milk for children. Penn. M. J., Pittsburg, 1900-1901, iv. 467-470.— Douglas (C.) Some observations on the sterilisation of milk in infant feeding. Glasgow M. J., 1900, liii. 427-433. Also.- Tr.Glasgow Obst. Sc Gynasc Soc, 1901, ii, 166-173.— Drapier. De I'emploi du lait st6rilise k Rethel. Obst6- tnque, Par., 1896, i, 428-432—Drew (C. "W.) Condensed milk in infant feeding. Korthwest. Lancet, St. Panl, ]>88.viii. 242-244.—Drews (11.) Vorschriften zur Verdtin- nung und Sterilisirung der Kuhmilch bei der Ernahrung der Sauglinge nach Th. Eschench. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1891, v, 265-270. -----. Ueber die Eruahrung der Kinder mit Voltmer's Muttermilch. Allg. med. Centr.- Ztg-, Berl., 1897, lxvi, 1083; 1095; 1111; 1123; 1137. AUo INFANTS. 027 INFANTS. Infant* (Nutrition of) with cow's milk sterilized or modified. I Abstr.J: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1897. Leipz., 1898, Ixix, pt. 2, 2. Hlfte, 137-140.— Drouet (H.) Valeur comparte du lait sterilise et du lait bouilli dans l'allaitement artificiel. J. de clin. et de therap. inf., Par., 1894, ii, 244; 26o ; 266: 28;-. - Diilour (L.) Sur un mode pratique d'humaiiisatiou du l.iii dc vache. Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf.. Par., 1896, xiv. 431- 439. -----. D'un procede simple d'humanisatiou du lait de vache, son application k l'oeuvre de la (loutte de lait. les resultats obtenus au point de vue de l'clevage ile la pre- miere enfance. Actas y mem. d. ix. Cong, internac. de hig. y demog. 1896. Madi id. 1900. vi. 177-185. -----. Quatre ans de la Goutte de lait k Fecamp. Normandie med , Rouen, 18i<8. xiii, 301-305. -----. La Goutte de lait a Fecamp de 1894 U. 1900. ibid., 1900, xv, 89: 105. -----. L'oeuvre de la goutte de lait. Rev. med. de Normandie, Rouen, 1900, 128-131.—Ederveeu (G. J.) De plaatsver- vanger der moid, i m.Ik. Geueesk. Coitrant. Tiel, 1887. xli, no. 33. — Einen berg (J.) Ueb, r k> imfreie Milch nnd deren Verwendung zur Kinderernabniug. Wien. med. Bl.. l->9. xii, 55. AUo: Ztschr. f. Thei up. iu. Ein- bzhug. d. Fleet.- u. Hydrotherap., Wien. 1.-89 \ii. 17-20.— Eschcrich. Demonstration eines verboserteu Milch- sterilisationsapparates uud Bemerkungen zur Reform der kiinstliehen Sauglingsernahrung. Verhandl. d. Ver- samml. d. liesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1*89. Dresd.. 169n. vii, 129-136. -----. Ueher Miichsterilisirung zum Zwecke der Sauglingsernah- rung. nebst Demonstration eines neuen Apparates. Ver- handl. d. x. internat. med. Cong. 1890, Berl.. 1891, ii, 6. Abth., 35. -----. Die Gaertner'sche Fettrailch, eine neue MethodederSauglingsernahrung. Wien. med.Wchnschr.. 1894. xliv, 1805-7U. AUo: Verhandl. d. Versamml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. n. Aerzte 1894, "Wiesb.. 1895, xi. 217-224. -----. Die Bedeutung der Gartner'sehen Fettmilch flit die Sauglings-Ernahruiiir. Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark, Graz. 1-9.7 xxxii. 1-12. AUo: Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1897 ix, ::.7: 74. Also: Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1895. xx, 111; 121.—Evans (D.J.) The value of modified cow's milk in infant feeding. Montreal M. J.. 1.-97, xxvi, 350-358. AUo. Reprint. — Feer cE.) Ein Beitrag zur Sterilisationsfrage der Kin- dermilch. lahrh. f. Kinderh., Leipz.. 1^91-2. n. F.. xxxiii, 88-110. — Finkelstein (H.) Die Leistuugen der ge- braucblich-t.-n kunstl:, hen Milcbpraparate in der Saii- glingsernahrung. Therap. d. Gegenw.. Berl.-Wieu. 1899, n. F., i, IbI-184. — Fischer (L.i A: Poole (H.i The clinical value and chemical t. -uit- cf using Professor Gaertner's mother milk in child i> n Med. lie.-.', N. Y.. Is97, Iii, 839-844. AUo, Reprint.—Fischl K.j Zur Fiage der Milchsterilisation zum Zwecke der Sauglingsernahrung. Prag. med. "Wchnschr., 1892, xvii, 93; 105—Fliiage iCTj Die Anfgabeu und Leistungen der Milchst, i ilisit in.' ge- genuber den Damikrankheiten der Siiugliug,-. Zt-chr. f. Hvg.u.Infectiontkrankh.. Leipz.. 1894. xvii, 272-342. Also 1 Abstr.]: M.-.l. el, ir. Centralbl., Wien. 1*94 xxix. 437-439.— Freeman i K. ij. i Should all milk used lor infant fe.-ding lie heated for the purpose of killing germs? If so, at what temperature and how long continued? Tr. Am. Pedi.it. Soc. N. Y., 1b98. x. 35-40. Also: Arch Pediat., N. Y„ 1898. xv. 509-514. | Discussion], 50O-.7u8.— de Freudenreich (E.) Note sur les essais de-terilisation du lait ,l.in» 1 alimentation de l'enfant. Ann. de microg. Par., 1888-9, i, 19-:;.;.— Partner (G.) Die Fettmilch. eiue Sauglingsnahrung. Wien. med. Bl., Ir94, xvii. c,/t',. -----. Ueber die Herstellung der Fettmilch. Veili.mu] d. Versamml. d. l.e.sellscb. f. Kinderh. . . . deut-' h. N',,- tnrf. u. Aerzte 1894, Wiesb., 1«95, xi, 22.7-229 —«-<• in-- heim i F.) Ueber den Fettgehalt und den Grail der St.-1 i,;-, ition der Kindermilch bei einigen am meisten gc- hiiiu, hlichen Verfabren der Zubereitung und Verali- reiciniug uuzersetzter Kindeinahrung. Jahrb. f. Kin- derh.Leij./.. 1897. xiv,204-246.—CJetty(S.E.) Pasteurized milk as dispensed in Yonkers, and a study of the effect on infant mortality. Tr. Soc. Alumni Bellevue Hosp., N. Y... 1896-7, 204-224. AUo: N. York M. J., 1897. lxvi. 484-489. [Discussion], 508-510. -----. The sterilized milk dispensary of St. John's Riverside Hospital and its work. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1897. xiv. 8:;:i-*:;7. — <:i:iii« (C.) Innocuita dell' allattamento artificiale col latte st,-i ihzzato. Riforma med., Roma, 1888, iv, 1214; 1219.— «,ioriui iC.) La sterilizzazione del latte dei barnbini; con I run to fra vari sistemi di chiudere le bottigli,-. Atti d. Ass. med. lomb., Milano. 1895, 207-216 — «J*ouitc (La) de lait et les con- sultations do nourrissons. Guz.d. mai. infant. |etc.J, Par., 1901, iii, 145. — <«ras»i (E t II latte Gartner nell' allatta- mento artificiale dei bambini. Atti d. Ass. med. lomb., Milano, 1896. 124-133. — «»reig (W.J.) Infant dietary, with special reference to sterilization and exhibition of apparatus. Canad. Pract.. Toronto, 1891, xvi. 197-200.— t^iiIHlh (J. P. C.) A simple and convenient, apparatus for the home modification of milk. Phila. M J., 1899. iii, 791. -----. Percentage and lahoratorv feeding. Ibid., 1901. vii, 526-530. AUo [Abstr.]: Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1900, xxi, 229-233.-Haas iS.V.) A new apparatus Infant* (Nutrition of) with cow's milk sterilized or modified for the modification of cow s milk at home. N.York M.J. 1899, Ixix, 211.— II am bury. reberdieZusammensetzung der Dr. Riet'schen Albuino.-einilrh und deren Anwendung bei Kindern und Erwachsenen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.,1896, xxxiii. 7-5-790. Also: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (l-9i,i. 1-97. xxvii.pt 2. 265-280. (Discussion), pt. 1, 157. — Hamilton ( E) Modified milk. Am. J. Obst., N. Y., 1S98. xxxviii 253-257. -----. Percentage modification of cows milk Ic.i infant-feeding. Ibid., 1901, xliv, 487-492.— Harris (1-5 ll i The Mipplv of sterilised humanised milk for the use of infants in St. Helena. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1900, ii, 427-431. AUo | Abstr.J: Med. Pre-* & Circ. Loud., 1900, n. s., Ixx, 229-231. — Hnrlkopf. Leber die Vet wen- dung der Kuhmilch in der Siiugling^et niiln ung, mit beson- derer Beriicksichtigung vou Rose's Muttermilch. Allg. deutsche Hebam.-Ztg.. Berl., 1898, xiii, 299-302.—Harvey ( L. S. I Modified milk in infant feeding. Physician & Surg., Detroit A Ann Arbor, 1897, xvii, 540-544.— Hc^e (W.) Ueber Pftind's Sauglingsnahrung. Verhandl. d. Versamnil. il. liesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1897. Wiesb., 1898. xiv, 1-11. -----. Ueber einen neuen Mutt, rniilchersatz: Pfund's Sauglingsnahrung. Ztschr. f. Hvg. u Infectionskrankh.. Leipz., 1900, xxxv, 439-494.—Hochsinjjer (C.) Ueber Sauglingsernahrung mit sterili-n ter Milch und eiue Milchsterilisiruug-anstalt nach Soxlilet'sch, ni Principe. Centralbl. f.d. ges.Therap., "Wien, 1888, vi, 577-594. Also, Repiint. -----. Sterilisirte Milch und deren Anwendiingsweise zur Sauglingsernah- rung. Wien.med. Pres-e 1889. xxx. 173; 213.-----. Ueber Saiiglingsernahrung mit Kuhmilch und Praparaten tler- selben. Monatsehr. f. Gsndhtsprlg..Wien, 1900, xviii, 145- 166.—Holt 11. E.) The general principles of infant feed- ing, with a simple method of home modification of cow's milk. N. Yoik M. J., 1901, lxxiii, 52-58. Also [Abstr.]: Phila. M. J., 1901, vii, 35-76 —Hueppe (F.) Ueber Miich- sterilisirung und iiber hittere Milch mit besonderer Riick- sicht auf die Kinderemahrung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1891, xxviii, 717-721.—Jackson (H.) Improved method of modifying milk for infant feeding. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1892, exxvii, .76 — Jeffries (J. A.) Ou the sterilization of milk and foods for infants. Am. J.M. Sc. Phila., 1888. n.s., xcv.486-496.— Keating (J. M.) A few suggestions for the preparation of milk for infants. Med. News. Phila.. 1886, xlviii, 623. AUo. Reprint.—Kerley (C. G.) Clinical his- tory of a Walker Gordon baby. Arch. Pediat., N. Y.. 1695. xii. 178-182. Also, Reprint.'-----. Condensed milk; its uses aud limitation^ in infant-feeding. Med. News, N.Y., Is97. Ixx.736-73-.- —Kobrak iE.i Uebi-r Sterilisation von Siiugliugsmilch hei miiglichst ni.-di igeu I , mperaturen. A pot h.-Ztg. Beil. l'.)U2, x\ ii, 10".—li op I ill ,H.i The ster- ilization of milk at low tempet-atui es. and the equipment of milk laboratories for infant feeding. N. York M. J., 1893, lvii, 121-125. ----- Th,- nutation of infants fed upon raw, boiled. Pasteurized, and sterilized milk. Ibid., 1895, lxi, 455-461. -----. Milk poisoning occurring in infants and children who have been fed upon Pasteurized milk; Pas- teurized milk as a food for infants and children. Med. Rec. N. Y.. 1898, liii, 264-267.—Kraus (E.) Die Ernah- rung d,-r Siinglinge mit peptoni-irtei Milch. Arch, f Kin- derh.. Stuttg . 1.-69-90. xi, :,49-301. —Ky«er(J.W.) Modi- fied milk in infant feeding. Kansas City M. Index, 1895, xvi 235-240.— I.ail sterilise, chez les enfants. [Discus- sion.) Bull, et mem. Soc. de therap. Par., 1894. 295.— I.:in,.. I'liila.. 1.-95. ex. 315-322.— Leeds i A. P.) Sc Davis i E. P.) The chemistry and clinical value of sterilized milk. Ibid., 1891. ci, 560-583. AUo, Ri pi inf. — I..e mie re (G.) Le lait sterilise dans l'al- laitem.-nt artificiel. Pi -at ique jour.. Lille, 1897. ii. 49-64.— I.esaye. Laits stei ilises et enteritis. J.de med.de Par., 1899 2.s.,xi,379. Also: Rev. prat, d'obst. et de gyuee.. Par., 1899. xv,262-264.— Lewi (Emily). The milk supply of New York and the tests ol its availability for intant feeding, with a review of tho methods of sterilization. N. York M. J.. 1897, lxi, 161-167.—l.ui'lii'lE. II.) Substitute feeding of children. Cleveland M.Gaz.,1900-1901, xvi,593-597.-l.list (E.) L'allaiteuieiit artificiel; sterili-atiou du lait; nouveau lacto sferilisateur. Presse nied. beige. Unix.,1897, xlix,321- 325.— I.vous i.l. A.; Incubators and milk laboratory feed- ing liAm A-.s. Ob^ t. &. Gynec. 1897, Phila., 1898. x, 432- 438.— ^1 a rla n , A. B.i Choix d'un procede de sterilisa- tion dans l'allaitemeut artificiel. J. de nfed. int.. Par., 1900, iv, 781-783.— tlcsiinrd (P.-A.) L'allaitemeut arti- ficiel des nourrissons par le lait sterilise. Presse med , Par.. 1899. i, 173-17.7. — lleunier (J.) De rallaiteinent artificiel des nourrissons par le lait feminise sterilise. Dauphiu6 med., Grenoble, 1899, xxiii. 49; 73, 2 pl. —ITIil- INFANTS. 928 INFANTS. Infants (Nutrition of) with cowJs milk sterilized or modified. ler (D. J. M.) Whey cream modifications in infant feed- ing. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1901, cxliv, 340.—IVIorse (J. L.) The home modification of milk. Ibid., 1896, exxxiv, 557- 559. -----. The home modification of milk, ibid., 1897, cxxxvi, 230.-----. The principle and limitations of the home modification of milk. Ibid., 1898, exxxix, 291-293. [DiscussionJ, 296. -----. The home modification of milk. Ann. Gynec. Sc Pediat, Bost., 1898-9, xii, 465-474.—JVeebe (C. H.) Unsere Vorschriften zur Verdunnung der Kuh- milch bei der Ernahrung der Siiuglinge. Therap. Mo- natsh., Berl., 1890, iv,444-446.—IVoer (J.) Substitute infant feeding in general practice. Tr. M. Soc. Wisconsin, Mad- ison, 1900, xxxiv, 384-399. Also: Clin. Rev., Chicago, 1900- 1901, xiii, 274-285.— \orlliiiip (W. P.) Substitute feed- ing of infants upon milk modified according to prescrip- tion in laboratories. N.York M. J., 1901, lxxiii, 448-450.— Olivier (A.) Creche municipale du ler arrondissement; de l'organisation du service de la sterilisation du lait dans les creches et maternites. Ann. de la Policlin. de Par., 1895, v, 33-42.—Oppeuheimer (K.) Ueber das Pasteu- risiren der Milch zum Zwecke der Sauglingsernahrung. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1899, xlvi, 1462.' Also: Ver- handl. d. Versamml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1899, Wiesb., 1900, xvi. 21-27. Also [Abstr.]: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1900, xiii, 381.—Pal- mer (G. T.) Infant feeding with modified cows' milk; with special reference to the methods of Trinity Diet Kitchen. Chicago Clinic, 1900, xiii, 501; 548.—Pannetier (A.) Note sur l'allaitement artificiel aseptiqne. J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1895, 6. s., i, 539-543.— Paquiu (P.) Sterilized milk as infant food. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri, Kansas City, 1891, 68-7G.—Pificro (A. F.) Alimeutaeion artificial por la leche maternizada. An. san. mil, Buenos Aires, 1899, i, 189-200.— Pochou (G.) Sterilisation et maternisation du lait. Rev. prat, d'obst. et de psediat., Par., 1896, ix, 301-320.—Popper (R.) Ueber Eruahrungs- versuche mit Gartuer'scher Fettmilch. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1895, xix, 223-236.— Kaeh (C.) Is there a sub- stitute for mother's milk ? Med. Standard. Chicago, 1890, vii, 68; 107. AUo, Reprint.—Rocchi (F.S.I Sopra alcuni casi diallatamento artificiale con il latte umauizzato, Gaert- ner. Riforma nied.. Palermo, 1898, xiv, pt. 4, 842-845. AUo: Terap. clin., Palermo, 1898, vii, 602-605. — Roose- velt (J. W.) Sterilized milk for the children of the poor. X. York M. J., 1891, liii, 599.—Rosenthal (E.) Milk- mixtures as food for infants. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1898, xxxi, 1104-1106. —Rotch (T. M.) Observations on the usual methods employed for modifying the albuminoids of milk in infant feeding. Boston M. & S. J., 1889, exx, 130-132. -----. Improved methods of modifying milk for infant feeding. Ibid., 1892, exxvii, 56-58. -----. The value of milk - laboratories for the advancement of our knowledge of artificial feeding. Med. News, Phila., 1892, lx, 631. -----. The principles of milk modification in health and disease, with especial reference to infant feed- ing. Cleveland J. M., 1897, ii, 299-311.—de Rothschild (H.) Une consultation de nourrissons dans une poly cli- nique avec distribution de lait sterilise. Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par., 1898, 179-186. -----. A propos du lait sterilise; du choix du lait sferilise pour l'allaitement artificiel; le lait doit-il 6tre admiuistr6 pur on dilue? Progres med., Par., 1902, 3. s., xv, 113-116. —Schlesinger (H.) Bericht uber den heutigeu Stand der Frage der Milchsterilisiriing und Sauglingsernahrung. Ztschr. f. iirztl. Landpraxis, Frankf. a. M., 1895, iv, 321-337. —Schlossmann (A.) Ueber den jetzigen Stand der Saugliims-Ei-nahrung mit Milch und Milchpraparaten. Verhandl. d. Vers mml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1897, Wiesb., 1898, xiv, 131-153. AUo: Therap. Monatsh.. Berl., 1898, xii, 121-129. -Schmidt. Vorschlage zur Herstel- lung kiinstlicher Muttermilch aus Kuhmilch. Centialbl. f. allg. Gsndhtspflg., Bonn, 1889, viii, 266-271. — Meibert (A.) Reform in artificial infant feeding, with an improved aud inexpensive sterilizer and nursing bottles. Tr. N. York Acad. M. (1890), 1891. 2. s., vii, 47-59.—Siegert (F.) Erfahrungen mit der nach von Dungern gelahten Voll- milch bei der Ernahrung des gesunden und kranken Siiug- liugs. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1901, xlviii. 1164.—ten Nielliotr (E. G. A.) Over de voeding van het kind iu het eerste levensjaar, in het bijzonder over de voeding met onze kiudermelk (Emstermate). Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Ge- neesk., Amst., 1899. 2. R., xxxv, d. 1. 305-321, 2 ch.—Smi Hi (R.M.) The modification of cow's milk for infant food. Den- ver M. Times, 1896-7, xvi, 426-434.—Soper (H. W.) The value of modified milk in the feeding of infants. Tr. M. Soc. City Hosp. Alumni, St. Louis, 1898, 30-47. AUo.- Med. Bev., St, Louis. 1898, xxxvii, 201. [Discussion], 208-212 — Ntaedler. Kiinstliche Ernahrung der Sauglinge und Sterilisirung der Kuhmilch. Schweiz. Bl. f. Gsmlhtspttg., Zurich, 1890, n. F., v, 129-132.—von Starck. Ueber die Vortheile uud Nachtheile der Erniihrung der Sauglinge mit sterilisirter Kuhmilch. Verhandl. d. Versamml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. n. Aerzte 1898, Wiesb., 1899, xv, 48-77. Also [Abstr.) : Miinchen. med. Infant* (Nutrition of) with cote's milk sterilized or modified. Wchnschr., 1898, xiv, 1354-1356.—Ntarr (L.) Infantile scurvy from sterilized milk. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1895, n. s., ex, 652-655. -----. A clinical study of laboratory milk in substitute infant feeding. Arch. Pediat., N. V 1900, xvii, 1-7— tttawcll (11. R.) Infant feeding by pre- scription, with a note on milk laboratories. Intercolon. M.J. Australas., Melbourne, 1899, iv, 456-464.—Stift (A.) Ernahrungsversuch an einem Saugling mit Gartuer'scher Fettmilch. Forsch.-Ber. ii. Lehensmittel, Munchen, 1896, iii, 444.—Taylor (R. T.) Recent improved methods in infant-feeding, with especial reference to mollified milk. Med. News, Phila., 1895, lxvi, 571; 603.—Teixeira dc ITIattos. DieButtermilchalsSauglingsnahruiig. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Berl, 1902, n. F„ lv, 1-61.— Thicmich & Papiewski. Ueber Ernahrung magendarmki anker Sauglinge mit Gartuer'scher Fettmilch. Ibid., Leipz. 1895-6, xli, 372-403, 1 diag.—Thomas (J. J.) Laboratory feeding, with especial reference to the modified milk fund. Cleveland M. Gaz., 1900-1901, xvi, 583-593.—Titomaiilio (A.) Del latte stcrilizzato nell' allevamento e di un nuovo poppatoio igienico. Lavori d. Cong, di med. int., Milano, 1891, iv, 387-395.—Townsend (('. W.) Remarks on in- fant feeding, with special reference to the home modifica- tion of milk. Boston M. & S. J., 1899, cxl, 275-277. [Dis- cussion], 285-287. Also, Reprint. -----. Home modifica- tion of milk. Ibid., 1900, cxliii, 363-365. [Discussion], 372.—Tripkc (A.) Oster'sches Kindcr-Milchpulver, ein neues Kindernahruugsmittel. Kinder-Arzt, Leipz., 1900, xi, 121-125.—Troitski (I. V.) Znachenie obezplozheu- navo korovyavo moloka, kak pishtshe boluikk dietei. I Value of sterilized cow's milk as food for sick children.] Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1894, xix, 401; 413; 425. AUo. transl..- Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1894-5, xviii, 421-431.— Tuley (H. E.) The importance of milk modification for infant feeding. Louisville Month. J. M. Sc S., 1901-2, viii, 107-112.—UhliiSt (R.) Ueher Versnche einer Ernahrung kranker Sauglinge niittelst sterilisirter Milch (nach Soxh- let's Methode). Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1889-..0, n. F., xxx, 83-105.—Valdameri (A.) L' allattamento artifici- ale ed il latte sterilizzato; considerazioni; proposte; nuovo modello di beverone. Boll. d. Ass. san. milanese, Milano, 1899, i, 157-160.—Variot (G.) La sterilisation du laitet les manipulations du lait pour l'allaitement artificiel en Ame- rique. J. de clin. et de tlferap. inf., Par., 1896, iv, 135- 138. -----. La sferilisatiou du lait et la question ilea nourrices. Ibid., 767-774. -----. La distribution du lait sferilise au dispeusaire de Belleville. Ibid., 1897, v, 141- 144. -----. Les consultations de nourrissons et les distri- butions de lait st(*rilis(j dans les dispensaires pour enfants. Ibid., 765-769.—Vinay (C.) Du lait sterilise et de sa va- leur alimentaire chez les nourrissons. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1891, 3. s., xxvi, 226-237. Also: Lyon med., 1891, lxvii, 415-425. Also: Mem. et conipt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. m6d. de Lyon (1891), 1892, xxxi, 39-50.—Waldstciu (L.) A new apparatus for the sterilization of milk for the feeding of infants and invalids. Med. Rec, N. V., 1893, xliv, 140.— White (F. W.) & I.add (M.) Whey cream modifica- tions in infant feeding. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1901, cxliv. 237-239. Also: Phila. M. J., 1901, vii, 218-223.—Wido- wilz. Ueber die kiinstliche Ernahrung der Kinder mit sterilisierter Milch. Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steier- mark 1889, Graz, 1890, xxvi, 189-193.—Worcester (A.) The modified milk question. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1895, exxxiii, 287-289.—Wright (A. E.) On the possible ad- vantages of employing decalcified milk in the feeding of infants and invalids. Lancet, Loud., 1893, ii, 194. —Vale (L. M.) On the care and modification of milk for infants' use. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1897-8, xxx, 487-497.—Za- horsky (J.) Substitute infant feeding by laboratory milk. St. Louis M. Rev., 1901, xliii, 235-239.—Zailsai- lofT(M. A.) Ob iskusstvennom vskarmlivauii grudnikh dietei obezplozheunim molokom pri t° 125 C. |On artifi- cial feeding of nurslings with milk sterilized at . . .] Bol- nitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1899, x, 640; 702; 745; 782. -----. K voprosu oh iskusstvennom vskarmlivauii novorozhdennikk i grudnikh dietei obezplozheunim koro- vvim molokom. | Aititieial feeding of new-born and nurs- lings with sterilized cow s milk.] Ibid., 1900, xi, 745; 800; 8.73; 899.—Ziveibohmer. Milchstenlisir-Apparat fiir Sauglingsernahrung und Hausgchrauch. Deutsche Med.- Ztg., Berl., 1893, xiv, 1073. Infants (Overlying of). See Infants (Suffocation of). Infant* (Premature or feeble, Care of). See, also, Infants (Nutrition of) icith cole's milk sterilized, etc. Arxaud (L.) La sala incubatrice nell' Ospi- zio dell' infanzia abandonata di Torino. Con- tributo alio studio della fisiopatologia dei neonati prt'inaturi. 6-. Torino, 1900. IXFANTS. 929 INFANTS. Infant* (Premature or feeble, Care of). Berthod (P.) * Les eufauts nes avant terine. La couveuse ct le jravage a la Maternity de Paris. 4-\ Paris, 1-**?. -----. The same, *>-'. Paris, 1-67. AUo [Rev.],in: Arch. gen.denied., Par., 1887, ii,710-722. Bertin (G.) Contribution ;\ l'dtude dc8 iu- fectious des nouveau-nes dans les couveuses. e-. Paris, 1-99. DiCi'XEo(D.) Notizie lisico-storico-niorali conducenti alia salvczza de' bambini nonnati, abortivi, e projet ti, raccolte dal P. . . . .»-. Ve- nezia, 1T60. Delkstre (M. ) * Etude snr les infections chez le premature. ***-'. Paris, 1901. Gagey (J.) * Dn re'chaunenient dos uonveau- u6s d6"biles. *■<-. Paris, 1900. -----. Thesame. S-. Paris, 1900. Miller (N. F.) Dleti uedonoski i osobennosti ikh bolleznel. [Premature children and peculi- arities of their diseases.] 2. ed. »-. Moskva, 1—6. Pascaud (V.) * La cotiveuse artificielle chez les nouveau-ue's. 8'c Paris, 1-99. -----. Thesame. >:. Paris, 1699. Quierole (C -A.) * Les couveuses d'enfants et le gavage; revue generale; traiteinenr de la pr^matnrite et de la faiblesse congenitale. Geneve, 1-97. Roe (M. A.) How Mrs. Lincoln saved her baby. 1.) Sull' u'so ilella cova- trice per neonati. Arch.di pa to!.inf.. Napoli,1*88,vi.85-88. -----. Appunti di termometria clinica in casi ui malattie febbrili nei bambini immaturi. Atti d. Cong, pediat. ital. 1892, Napoli, 1896, ii, 278. -----. Appunti di termometria in casi di malattie acute di neonati immaturi. Bull. d. sr. med. di Bologna, 1893 7. ».. iv. 245; 391.- KlaekenG. F.). The care and fee,ling of pri'tnuture infants. Practitioner, Lond.,1*98. lxi, 2*-37. —Brown (Adelaide). Cat e of prema- ture and feeble infants. Tr. M. Soe. Calif., San Fran., 1896, xxvi, 156-161.—Brown (L. J.i A new babv incubator. Med. Rec. N5V. 1*92, xli, 446.—Bud in (P.) Soins il don- uer anx enfants nes avant ferine. Pi atiqin- med , Par., 1888, ii, 15-19.-----. Des soins a donuer anx mm vean-nesen etat de faiblesse congenitale. Gaz. med. de Picardie, Amiens, 18*8. vi, 106; 117. AUo: Semaine med., Par., 1888. viii, 193-195. Also, in his: Lee;, de clin. obst., 8°, Par., 1889, 253-270. -----. Service des enfantsd6biles a la Maternit6; VOL VII, 2D SERIES----o!> ll Taut* (Premature or feeble, Core of). annees 1896-7. Obstetrique, Par., 1899, iv, 107-140. -----. Enfants debiles. J. d. sages-femmes, Par., 1899, xxvii, 233- 235. -----. Sur l'aliinentation des enfants d6biles. Ann. de med. et chir. inf., Par., 1899, iii, 749-768. Also: Obste- trique, Par., 1899, iv, 433-453. -----. De l'ahaissement de temperature chez les enfants d6biles; ses consequences. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1899, 3. s., xli. 326-334. Also: Obstetrique, Par., 1899, iv, 177 164— Bud in (V.) Sc Per- ret. Nonvelles recherches sur les enfants (16hiles; ce ,|u'ilspeuveutdevenir; accouchementprematiii'6artificiel. Ibid., 1901, vi, 209-231.—Caldwell (J. .1.) Infantile in- cubation ; its success sanitarily, humanely, and the medico- legal or forensic view; with cases to illustrate. Times Sc Keg., Phila. A- Host,., 1897. xxxiii, 1-4—Cnibonelli. L' igiene del bainbitiopreiuaturo. Union nie,I. ital., Torino, 1*99. iii, 26.—C'arron de la Curriere. lies soins hy- gieniques ;\ donuer aux enfants nes avant termc ; observa- tion d'un enfant ne k 6 mois 7 jours et trait6 avec succes. Kev. d'hyg. therap., Par., 1890. ii, 10-17,.— Clinrlc*. Via- bilite des nouveau-nes, a ferine el avant termc; accouche- ment spoutan6 et provoqtnS. Hull. Soc. beige de gyn6c. et d'obst., Brux., 1893, iv, 39-52. — Couveuse (La) for pre- serving the life of feeble and prematurely born infants. Med. Kec. N. Y.. 1890. xxxvii, 721— Crandall (F. M.) Feeble and premature infants. Internat. M.Mag., X. Y., 1901,x, 397-399. —Crede. Ueber Erwarmungsgeriitlie fiir friihgehonne und s.lm achliche kleine Kiuder. Arch. f. Cynaek.,Berl., 1884,xxiv,128-147. Ateo,Reprint.—D'Ales- Naudro (A.) Le incubatrici a Napoli; primi risultati. Areh. ital. di ginec, Napoli, 1900, iii, 259-269.—Danger iTIiei of making a public show of incubators for babies. Lancet, Loud., 1898, i, 390.—DelaasuM. La couveuse d'enfants. inodeleDr. Diffre. de Montpellier. J. d. sc. m6d. de Lille, 1896, ii, 193-199.— Deut»ch (E.) Die Lage der Friihgeborenen in den Geburtsanstalten. Arch. f. Kin- derh., Stuttg., 1900, xxviii, 245-263.— Dili re. Nouveau systfeme de couveuse pour les nouveau-nes. Arch, de tocol., Par., 1890, xvii, 228-238. -----. Les couveuses d'en- fants. X. Montpel. med., 1896, v, 375; 397. — Duncan (M.) Auvard's couveuse. or nest. Tr. Obst. Soc. Loud. (1884), 1885, xxvi, 25.—Eiii*« (J.) Ueher die Tempera- tur-Verbaltnisse friilizeitiger Kinder, und iiber die phy- siologische Wirkung der mechanischen Erwarmung bei Neugeborenen. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1886, xxii, 82-84. -----. Vizsgdlatok korasziildtt gyermekek homerseki viszonyai es a mesterseges felmelegit6s indica- tioira vouatkezolag. [Researches on the relations of tem- perature of the prematurely horn, and the indications for their artificial -warming. ] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1886, xxx, 287; 318; 349, 1 ch. Also, transl.: Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl., 1885-6, xxvii, 350-378. AUo, transl.: Pest, med.- chir. Presse, Budapest, 1886, xxii, 353; 375.—Escherich (T.) Die Einrichtung der Sauglings-Abtheilung im Anna- Kiuder-Spitale, nehst Beschreibung einer neuen Brutkani- merfiir friihgeboreneuud lebensschwache Kinder. Mitth. (1. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark, Graz. 1900, xxxvii, 45-47. AUo, transl.: Albany M. Ann., 1900, xxi, 487-489.—Fiu- helNtciu (H.) Leber die Pflege kleiner Friihgeburten. Therap ,1. Gegenw.. Beil.-Wieu, 1900, n. F., ii, 109-118.— Flandrin. Note sur l'alimentation des pr,'matures. Dauphin6 med.. Grenoble, 1900, xxiv, 49-7.7.— I"l«»> »liup (A.) Permanent Bad eller Couveuse? [Permanent bath or couveuse '] Hosp.-Tid., Kjobeuh., 1884, 3. R., ii, 330-341.— Fiir»t(L.) Leber \Viii incvorrichtungen tiirzu friih eeho- reue oder lebensscb waehe Kinder. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Herl., 1887, xiii, 749; 772.—(.nliiute (E.) (Couveuses pour enfants. Kev. d. instruin. de chir.. Par., 1892, ii,30; 46; 84.—Oil berl (KB.) The care of premature infants after induced and accidental labors. Tr. Kentucky M. Soc, Louisville, 1896, n. s., v, 189-195. AUo.- A m. Pract. A- News, Louisville, 1896, xxii, 285-289.--<; ueniol. Note sur l'inciihation des nouveau.n6s debiles. I'.nll ,-t mem. Soc. obst. et tiyne.c. de Par., 1893, 221,-237. Als,> .- Kev. obstet. et gynei:., Par., 1894, x, 71-75. — Hoeli»iu«er (C.) Eiue neue Warmekaminer fiir lebensschwache I-'iiihge- biirten. Wien. med. Presse, 1894, xxv, 1951-1917.—Ho- lowko (A.) Zur Frage iiher Lehenstahigkeit sehr kleiner, zu friih gcborener Kinder, (leutriilhl. f. Gynak., Leipz., 1*9(1, xiv, 235-237.—II iiiiuiu incubators. Brit. M. ,1 , Loud., 1897, i, 812—Huliuel A: Dcle-.tic. Les cou- veuses aux Enfaiits-Assistes. Compt. rend. So.-, d'obst, de gynec.et dej.aaliat.de Par, 1899. i,247-256. Also: Ann. do nii&d. et chir. inf.. Par., 1*99 iii,e>r,l; 906. AUo: Gaz. hebd. de niC'd., Par., 1899, n. s., iv, 1142-1145. AUo: Bev. mens d. mal. de l'enf.. Par., 1899, xvii, 529 - 540. — Jnrdine (R.) Survival of a premature child weighing two pounds. Brit M. J., Lond., 1901, i, 767: 1902, i, 054. — Jn*m«lii (G.) Sposob ogizewania i s/.tucznego karmienia zastoso- wany przez prof. Tai ui.i ado wychowywauiadzieci przed- wczesnie urodzonych. [Tarnier's method of warming aud artificial feeding of premature cbildren] Wiado- mosci lek.. Lwdw, 1887-8, ii, 293-300.—.loliniine*wen (A.) Bemerkungen iiber die Behaiidlung attophiscber Kinder in der Couveuse. Jahrb. f. Kinderh.. Leipz., 1895- 6, xli, 300- 306. — Kiihuer (A.) Baby incubators; Cou- veusen; Warmewaiinen fiir Neugeborene. Kinder-Arzt, Leipz., 1897, viii, 145-149.— I,abbe. Traitemeut de la INFANTS. 930 INFECTION. Infant* (Premature or feeble, Cureof). debilite congenital,-. Lev. obst. internat.. Toulouse, 1899, v, 57; 6s. — I.e 4«endre (Pi L'alimentation des enfants n6s avant terme et des nouveau-n6s debiles; l'allaitement Far le nez et le gavage. Rev. prat, d'obst. et d'hyg. de enf., Par., 1888, i, 21-31. -----. L'hypothermie des en- fants prematures ou debiles et les moyens delacombattre; les bains chauds prolonges; la couveuse. Ibid., 47-64.— I.iebaeri. La debilite des enfants n6s avant terme. Flandre med., Gand, 1895, ii, 6 - 15. — Tlaillart (H.) Quelques reflexions sur le fonctionnement et les resul- tats des couveuses Lion pendant l'Kxposition nationale. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve. 1*96, xvi, 644-655.— .Hansell (H. R.) Survival of a premature child weigh- ing 18 ounces. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1902. i, 773. —Marx iS.c Incubation and incubators. Am. Med.-Surg. Bull., N. Y., 1896, ix, 311-313.—Maygrier. De la faiblesse congenitale des nouveau-nes. Independ.med., Par., 1*99. v, 89.— .TI ijulieiF (A.) De behandeling van den ueo- natus del.ilis et priematurus. Geneesk. Bl. u. Klin, eu Lab. v. de prakt., Haarlem, 1901, viii, 85-120.—Passini (F.) Beitiag zur Ernahrung friihsieborener Kinder. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz.. 1899. n. F., xlix, 411-424, 2 diag.—Planehon (P.) Quantites de lait il douner aux enfants debiles pendant les (lix premiers jours qui suivent leur naissance. (ll.st, ti i,|u,-, Pai1., 1901, vi. 418-422.— Pouponnicre (La) de Porch, ■f.ntaine. Arch.de med, d. enf., Par., 1900, iii, 6* utivj — BatiNoiu (S. W.i The care of premature and feel, 1, infant-. Pediatrics, N. Y., 1900, ix, 322-326.—Roiiimil (().) Beitrag zur Behand- lung friihgeborener Kinder. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1900, xlvii, 357-360. Also [Abstr.J; Yei naiidl.d.Versamml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1899, Wiesb., 1900,xvi, 304-307.—Bolch (T. M.i Description of a new incubator. Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc.. N. Y., 1893. v, 44- 46. AUo: Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1893, x, 661-663.—Ron*. seau-Sl.-Philippe. Allaitement par le nez. gavage et couveuse artificielle. Mein.et bull. Soc. de men. et chir. de Boicleaiix(l*8*i,l*89.52s-.740. AUo: J.de ni6d.de Bor- deaux, 1888-9. xviii. 1U0: 111.—Bran (W. B.) The treat- mentof infants born prematurely. Indiana M. J.. Indian- ap.. 1*89-90.viii,246-251.—Saeehi (P.) Sull' allevamento dei bambini iigmaturi coll' incubatrice e coll' allattamento forzato. Bull.d.Comit.med.cremonese.Cremona. 18*8.viii. 76-91,1 pl.—Salles (E.) Puericulture des nourrissons de- biles. Rev. med.de Normandie. Rouen, 1900,471-475.—Sav- ing (The) of infant life; how prematurely born and feeble babies are nurtured into health and growth. Health Mag.. Wash., 1*97-8, v, 184; 189. — Schmidt (A.) Ueber die Prlege kleiner Friihgeburten. Jahrb. f. Kin.lei li. Leipz., 1896, n. F., xiii, 301-332. — Sobie»tiaii»l, 4. R., xi. 269-27*. — I.imolli iK.) Om de dodfddda i Stockholm 1*81-90. (On still-born in . . .| Hygiea, Stockholm, 1892, liv, 113-137. — Rentoul (R. R.) Proposed registration of stillborn children. Cau- ! Infant* (Still-born, Registration and sta- tistics of). ada M. Rec, Montreal. 1891-2, xx, 553-564. AUo: Med. Press & Circ, Loud., 1892, n. a., liv. 7-11. Also: Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1893. xxviii, 44: 79. -----. Proposed registration and inspection of still-born children. Biit. Gvnsec J., Lond., 1893-4. ix, 196-211. AUo: San. Jour Glasg., 1893-4.n.s. xvii. 1*1-187. Also: Brit. M. J.. Loud.', 1895, i, 749-751. — Sozinskey (Ti Statistics and other features of still-births. Med. A; Surg. Reporter. Phila. 1885, Iii, 417-421'. — Spencer (H. R.) Ou visceral banner- rhages in stillborn childreu ; an analysis of 130 autopsies; being a contribution to the study of the causation of still birth. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. (1891), 1892, xxxiii, 203-300, 6pl. AUo [Abstr.]; Lancet, Lond., 1891, i, 1382. Infants (Suffocation of). Areuccio (Tlie): an apparatus to prevent the overly- ing ,,t infants. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1*9.7, ii, 38u.— l-'ilo- iuu«i-4< uelli (G.) Pretesa soffocazione di neonato ed ecchimosi sottosierose. Gior. di med. leg., Pavia, 1901, viii. 2*7-3u8.—Gibson (J. H.) Mode of death iu overly- ing. Brit. M. J.. Loud.. 1*96. ii. 162c. — Howe (u H.) Two cases of sudden death in infants. Tr. Ma-s. Med.- Leg. Soc. Bost., 1899. iii 10. — Overlaid her child. Phila. M. J.. 1899, iv, 1052 —Overlying as a penal offence. Lancet, Lond., 1900, ii, 819. — Templeiunn (C.) Two hundred and fiftv-eight cases of suffocation of infants. \ Edinb. M. J., 1892-3 xxxviii, 322-329. Infants (Surgery of). See Children (Surgery of); Infants (Diseases of, Treatment of, Surgical); Intussusception | (Treatment of, Operative). Infants (Unborn, Care of). | See Pregnancy {Hygiene, etc., of); Puericul- j ture. Infants (Urine of). ! Si-e Urine in children. Infants (Viability of). See Pcetus (Jurisprudence, etc., of); Infants (New-born. Jurisprudence of); Infants (Prema- ture, etc., Care of). Infants (MVasting diseases of). See Infants (Atrophy of). Infants (Weight of). See Infants (Measurements, etc., of). Infants found dead. See Cadaver (Infantile, Jurisprudence of); In- fanticide: Infants (New-born, Jurisprudence of). Infarction. See Congestion; Embolism: Pathology. ! Infected water and milk. 1 galley slieet. From : The Congregationalist. Nov. 22, 1**3. Infection. See. also, Air (Microorganisms in); Bacillus [and its species]; Bacteria (Pathogenies, etc.; Contagion, etc ; Disinfection, etc.; Infection (Pyocyanic): Mangles; Micrococcus (Infection by); Modelling clay; Parasites: Pneumococ- OMS (Infection by); Postal service (Hygiene of); Puerperal septiccemia; Pyaemia; Septicaemia; Shoes; Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Infection by; Streptothrix: Toxaemia (Infec- tion by); Toxins, etc; Wounds (Infection of); and under names of specif c infectious diseases. Armstrong (S. E.) Some ofthe infections, their gen- esis, habitat, consequences, and prevention. Tr. M. Soc. X.Jersey. Newark. 1901, 1117-210.—A ron (E.) Ein Weg der Infection beim Menschen. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1900, xiv, 7.30—Bail (M.i Hie Schleimhaut des Magen- darmtractus als Eiii^aiig.-pforte t.vo-cuer Infectionen. Arb. a.d. chir. Kliu. ,1. k. lniv. Beil.. 1901, xv, 152-166. AUo [Abstr.]: Deutsche m.d. ff, lm-, hr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1900. xxvi, Ver.-Beil.. 27.4. —Bellei H'.i A short contri- bution to the study of general infections produced by the staphylococcus aniens and by the streptococcus. Lan- cet, Lond., 1902. i, 8o7-8o9.—Riancoiti iF.i Sull' impor- tant cbe possono avere gli erba^gi rnangiati crudi nella diffusione delle malattie infettive e parassitarie. Biv. d' ig. e san. pubb., Torino, 1901, xii. 90o-996. —Brooks (H.) A brief experimental study of peritoneal reaction to infection. X. York Univ. Bull. M. Se.. 1901, i. 93-101.— Buchuer (H.), lUegele (L.) & Rapp (R.) ZurKenut- INFECTION. 931 INFECTION. Infection. ' niss der Luftinteetion. Arch. f. Hyg..Miinchen u. Leipz., 1899. xxxvi, 23.7-247.—Ceanris-Demel (A.) Sulle cosi dette iufezioni gazogene nell' uomo. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1808. 4. s., xlvi. 2.">6-2S0. 1 pl. -----. Di un nuovo caso di iufezione gazogena. Ibid., 1899, 4. s., xlvii, 190-1PS. — t'harriu ( A. I Infection et sviu^trie. Cong'. franc, de nied., Par. & Nancy. 1896-7. iii. fiisc. 2, 107-110.— Chatiii (P.) & Ouinard (L.) De 1'influence de cer- tains aliments sur la marche des infectious et intoxica- tions lnicrobietines. Cong, internat. de med. C. v.. Par., 1900, sect.tie path, gen., 84-87.—Culler (E. G-.) The incu- bation and infective periods of some of the infectious dis- eases. J.Mass. Ass. Mds.Health,Bost.,1899-1900,i\,82-124.— Dnrivo (11. N.j Kvo]iiosu o miestnikh i obshtshikh izmieneniyakh v tlelic, blagopriyatstvuyushtshikh yevo zarazheniyu. (Local and general changes in the body piouiotiug its infection.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1900 xxi 277: 299.—»i ha rei (P. N.) Ti Kv^ariKOi t.",s- m,,a,o\t, ,,,' trrdSia. 'IoTpiKO? p.T)vvTu>s, '.Wiji-ai, 1901, i. 27.1-27.7.— Itii- nitz (W. ) Die Infection. Deutsche Klinik I'„,l. A Wien, 1901, i, 35-63. Fioenili alii ,I>. N, Infection in a general sursical sense. Am. Med. 1'liil.i , l:io 1 ii. 771- 773.—Fere (C.) Remarques sur les difformites observees dans la descendance d'animaux infectfs. Coiupt. rend. Soc. debiol., Par.. 189.".. 10. s.. ii. 713-717..—(Kii^i; i I A.) Contagion, infection : are they synonymous . Pbila. M.J., 1899, iv, 525-529.— J. Paris, 1667. -----. The same. Lectures on auto-intoxi- cation in disease, or self-poisoning of the indi- vidual. Transl., with a preface, by Thomas Oliver. ■*?"'. Philadelphia <$• London, 1691. de Covrnuacd (G.) * Des auto-intoxications en pathologie g6ncr;ile. 4 . Toulouse, 1696. Kulneff (K.) * Bidrag till kanuedouien om autointoxicationer vid funktioiisrnbbningar i digestionsorganen. [Contribution to knowledge of autointoxication in functional diseases of organs of digestion.] 6~. Lund, 1691. Landi (L.) Autointossicazioni intestinali e nevrosi. r:c. Firenze, 1699. Paczkowski. Die Autointoxication (Selbst- vergiftung des Korpers) als Grundlage zu Er- krankuugen, ein Beitrag zur Lehre von Dispo- sitionen und Kraukheitsbedingungen. ~3. Leipzig, [1900]. TrzhetsIeski (A. A.) 0 vliyanii solyanol kislotl zhelndochnavo soka na protsessl gniye- niya v kishkakh. [Influence of the hydro- chloric acid ofthe gastric juice on the processes of putrefaction in the intestines, j 8°. [Kiev, 1699.] Aaron (C. D.) Intestinal autointoxication. Physi- cian Sc Surg., Detroit A^ Ann Arbor. Is97. xix. 541-543.— Abrachltewitch (Si A: Fuster (L.) C'onsiileratious cliniipies sur les intoxications aigues l.actet ieuues ou or- ganiques d'origine gastro-intestinale. X. Montpel. med., 1900. xi, 457-463.—Albertoni (P.) Delle autointossica- zioni. In: Tratt. ital. di patol. e teran. med., 8°, Milano, [1892], 27-63. Also: Lavori d. Cong, d'i med. int., Milano, 1891, iv. 98-112. AUo [Abstr.l: Rifotma med., Xapoli, 1891, vii, pt. 4, 18I-18H—Albn ( \.) Die Bedeutung der Lehre von den Autointoxikationen fiir die Pathologie. Samml. klin. Vortr., n. F., Leipz., 1890, No. 141 (Innere Med., Xo. 43, 473-486). -----. Leber deu Einfluss ver- schindener Ernahrungsweiseii auf die Daruifaulniss'. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1897, xxiii. 509- 511. -----■. Zum Begriffe des Wortes Autointoxication. Wieu. meil. "Wchnschr., 1901, li, 23-20— Amlerwon (H. B.l Auto-intoxication and excretion in relation to dis- ease. Dominion M. Month., Toronto, 1901, xvi, 53-58.— Augelillo (M.) Tossine e fenomeni nervosi; autoiutos- hira/ionc da bacterium coli con sintotni epilettiformi. ('i- rillo, A versa, 1896, iv, 42; 52; lis Arm-lions , ousecutivas si enfermedades del tubo digestivo; un caso de gota y otto de foruuculosis. Rev. clin. de 1. hosp.. Madrid, 18*9. i. 268- 274.— I.utz. Die Lehre von der Selbstinfekiion uud ihre Bedeutung fiir den Gerichtsarzt. Fiiedreich's Bl. f ge- richtl. Med., Xiirub.. 1894, xiv, 161; 251. — .fl'Alliwter (J. C.) Auto-infection. Med. Age. Detroit. 1*90. xiv, 749-752. —-H'Ca-.key (G. W.) Autointoxication. Tr. IndianaM. Soc , Indianap., 189*. 154-164. AUo . X. York M. J., 189*. Ixviii, 589-593.—IflcColgau (J. T.) Auto- infection. St. Louis M. Era, 1899-1900, ix. 423-431. — .Mc- Donald (J. W.) Auto-intoxication. Tr. M. Soe. \V5 Virg. Wheeling. 1899. 331-333.— Ha mi (M. D.) Intesti- nal toxa-mia. Yale M. J „ X. Havtn. 1*90-7. iii. 149-17,7.— .Tlaroiglia (V. i Le atito-iutos^icazioni. X. scuola med. napol.. 1*94, xi. 3.; 41: 81. —.Tlariin (S.i Autointoxication and its relation to the tieatmeut of disease. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1899, i, 535. AUo: Lancet, Lond., 1899. i, 589-591.— Marvel i P. I Some clinical observations referring to auto intoxication, of gastio-iutestinal origin, as a cause of disease. Tr. M. Soc. X. J.rsev, Newark. 1896, 161-181.— Jlassey iF.) Auto-infection.' Codex med. Phila., 1896-7, iii, 61-05. t|< ii-inya. Een geval van autogene ('.) sepsis. Xederl. Tijdschr. v. "Verlosk. en Gyuacc. Haar- lem, 18*9. i. 231-234. —.fiery &: Conzette. Sur uuo forme dintoxication intestinale avec constipation (cholera sec). Bull. Soc. de pediat.de Par., 1*99. i, 10.5-118 fliil- INFECTION. 933 INFECTION. Ilirei'tioil [and jniisoning] (Autogenetic). ler (F.) Ueber intestinale Auiointoxikation und Darin antisepsis. Centralbl. f. d. Krankh. d. Hani- u. Sex -Org., Leipz., 1*98. ix, 289-290. Al.-n: Arch. f. Verdauungski., Berl., 1*98-9. iv, 180-188—ifliiller (F.Kv ltriey;er. An- toiiitoxicationen intesiiualen Ursprunges \5 i ban,11. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb.. 1898 xvi. 149-20(1 —.flurri. Degenera/ione c,Tcbcllarc da iiitossicazione eiiterogena. Riv. crit. di clin. med.. l-'ii • ■n/.o, 1909, i. 593; 009. Also [Abstr.]: Riforma med. Palermo, 1900, xvi, pt. 3, 737. AUo. transl. : Internat Clin., Phila., 1901, 11. s.. iii, 177- 190. 2 pl. Also, transl. | Abstr ]: Arch. ital. de biol.. Tut in, 1901, xxxv, 161-M*.— \< liii in (L. A.) Wege <■ wlou 1(5 I! I Auto-infection nnd pathogenic ph\sio!og\. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1*98 xxxi, 1514-1516. AU,, Indian M. Rec. Calcutta, 1*99. xvi, 162-104. — .Million. Yclin sluchai ,,t aiitoin- toxicatio intestinuiu vslicNt vie na copn.stase. |Case of . . because of . . .] M.-d. .shorn.. Sofiya. 189.' v. 262-272.— OIm'ii (A.B.I Autointoxication: with report of cases. Mod. Med, Battle Creek, Mich.. 19u0, ix. 51-51.—Orlov- »lti (Y. F.) Sovremennoye sostoyani'e u, licnixa o roli samootravletiiya organizma v patologii vuuti,-i.nihli bo- lleznei. [Present position of science concerning the role of auto-intoxication of the organism in the pathology oi internal diseases ] Russk. arch, patol.. klin. med. i bak- teriol.. S.-Peterb.. 1900. x, 277-291. AUo tr,n,sl : Pi/egl lek.. Krakow. 1900, xxxix, 443; 451 : 40* — I'mzkon -.hi. Die Selbstvergiftungdes Korpers als (liuudnisache vieler Krankheiten. Kurber ii. Erfolge d phvsik.-diatet. Heil- faktoi-en, Leipz... 1899, iii. 225.—Pnpillou (I'll.) Le- sions hepatiques et r£nales dans un ca* ,1 intoxication ali- mentaire. Bull et mem. S..c nied. d. hop. de Par.. 1900, 3. s , xvii, 181-1*4.—Pellacani (P.) Ricerche ulteriori sopra alcune eondizioni di autointossicazione acida del- 1'organismo. Gior. d. r. Accad. di nied.di Torino. 1890.3. s., xxxviii. 181-233.— Fennel ( W. W.) Autotoxemia. Med. Xews. X. Y.. 1901. Ixxix. 37.v::77.—Perrin A: Rou*- sel. Quelques cas d'intoxication alimentairc Aich. de med. et pharm. mil., Par.. 1-99. xxxiii. 401-411.—Pclronc nl. A.) Ricerche sperimentali sulle tossine del colibacilli,. Pediatria, Xapoli, 1900, viii, 245-254. Also, trousl..- Cong. internat. ,1>- nie j. C. r . Par . 1900, sect, de med. de l'enf 227-234.— Philippou. Sur uu cas d'auto-intoxication intestinale avec poussees t, In il, s. Loire in ed.. St.-Etienne. 1892. xi. 317-321. 1 diag—Pick ,A.) Zur Pathologie uud Therapie der Autointoxication. Wien. klin. Wclinschr. 1*92. v. 657; 074. -----. Zur Lehre von den Autointoxi- kati,,nen. Wien. nied. Wchnschr., 1897, xlvii, 14-18.— Poehl , A., Weitere Mittheilungen iiber iiie Frage der Autointoxicationen. Yerhandl. d. ('ong. f. innere Med., Wi sh.. 1*90. xiv, 199-206. -----. Die o-ganotherapeuti- Bchen Mittel hei Autointoxikationen. Ibid., 1900. xviii, 390-406. Also, transl. [Abstr.l: Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.]. Par. 1900, cxl, 46-48 -----. Die Nerveuiibe'rei- zungen als Ursache von Autointoxikationen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Leipz. u. Berl., 19ol. xxvii 796-79*.— Prirloriux | A. i Autointoxication et albumiuurie. Ann. Soc med.-chir. d'Anvers. 1*9* Inl-loi AUo. t,n,i,l. Ber). klin. Wchnschr., 1898, xxxv. 312-317,—Kami ,11. 15) Report of a case of autointoxication aggravated hv ding medication. Mod. Med., Battle Creek. Mich , 1899. viii. 214-210. —Reale (E.) Le autointossicazioni. Arch, in- teniaz. d. spec med.-chir., Napoli, 1895, xi, 3: 41: 81 ; 121; 161.—Reiche! (O.) Ein Beitrag zur intestinalen Auto- intoxication Wien. nied. Wchnschr., 1897, xlvii, 49- 55.—Renilu (H.) Intoxication intestinale d'origine ali- mentaire. catact6ris6e par un 6rvth£me sym^trique scar- latinifornie et une fievre k type intermittent tierce. Bull. et m6ra. Soc med. d. hop. de Par.. 1*99 3. «., xvi, 9*1-9*9.— Riegel. Ueber Autointoxicationserscheiiiungen nach Anwenduiig von H,i eliholoH'( A. , K voprosu o kishechnom samo- btiavlenii. | Intestinal auto-intoxication.] Bnlnitsrh. gaz. Botkina. St. Petersb.. limn xi, 1981: 2i,40; 2189. —N weeny (11. P.. ) Autointoxication. Kansas M. J.. Topeka, 1*95, vii. 534-536. AUo: Med. Sc Surg. Reporter. Pbila. 1*95. lxxiii.408.—Szaboky i.I.i Belbeli aiitointoxicatio kovet- ' kezt£*beu fellepett perifolliculitis esete. [A case of peri- folliculitis developed after intestinal auto-intoxication.] Dolgozatok az egyet. borkort intezeth., Budapest, 1902, i 6-8, 1 pl. — Talbot ( K. S.) Interstitial gingivitis as a prominent obvious early symptom of autointoxication and drug poisoning. Intel nat. Dent. J., Phila., 1901, xxii, 746- 749. — Thibnult. De l'auto-intoxication gastro-intes- tinale et en particulier du foie dyspepti,|ue. Aujou ru6d., Angers. 1894-7, 373; 405.—Thomaw (E.) Researches on indicanuria and phenoluria in the digestive intoxication of chihlien. Pediatrics, X".Y. & Lond.. 1*99, viii, 13-21.— Thompson (R. A.) Autotoxis. X.York M. J.. 1897, lxvi, 319-3.2. — Thorn (W.) Wider die Lehre von der Selbstinfektion. Samml. klin. Yortr., Leipz., 1888, Xo. ::27 (G.Miiikol., No. 94, 2349-2372). — Toeplilz (M.) Ein Fall von wahrscheinlicher Autointoxication vom Darme aus. N. Yoiker nied. Monatsehr., 1898, x, 309-311—Tronchet & Dufour. Troubles nerveux avec crises epileptifornies par auto-intoxication chez un dvspeptique. Bnll.Soc.de med. et chir. de La Rochelle, 1899, xxxi. 3-7. —T»iplicola«. De l'influence d'une infection streptococcique antericure sur les suites de l'inoculation tuherculeu.se chez lelapin. Lyon med., 1898. lxxxix, 515.— Auche (B.) l*c Lever. Eruption scarlatiniforme et pur- pura heinorragique dans un cas d'infection locale mixte, staph vlococcique et surtout streptococcique. Cong, franc. de med., Par., 1S90, ii, 963-971.— Bagiusky (A.) Ein Beitrag zu den secundaren Infectionen der Kinder. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg., 1900. xxviii. 1-24. Also [Abstr.] : Verhandl. d. Versamml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. NaturC. u. Aerztel899. Wiesb.. 1900, xvi, 331-340.— BucaloNSi tA.) Suppurazioui multiple iu iutercorrenza e post-tiflche da bacillo di Eberth. Settimana nied. d. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1890,1, 145-147.—Caiger (F. F.) Coexistence of infectious diseases. Svst. Med. (Allbutt), N.Y. Sc Lond., 1897, ii. 2*0-292— Charrin Sc l.egros (G.) Septicemic streptococcique et entente a bacilles pyocya. niqnes chez une ad tilt e. Compt. rend. Soc.de biol., Par., 1900, 11. s., ii, 613.—Combemnlc i Vrasse. Eruption scarla- tiniforme due aux streptocoque et diplocoque associes. £cho nied. du nord, Lille, 1899, iii, 331.—Dejace (L.) Des associations morhides et de quelques points de semiotique. Scalpel, Liege, 1900-1901, liii, 18.—Deny* A: IVIenuea. Le sort des lapins infect^s simultanein, nt par le streptocoque et le pneumocoque et traites soit par lo serum antistrepto- coccique, soit par le serum antipneumococcique, soit par les deux k la fois. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1897, 4. s., xi, 403-422, 2 pl.—Eshner (A. A.) Two cases of triple infectiou. Phila. M. J., 1899, iii, 679. AUo, Repiint. — Fiori (P.) Ascessi multipli da infezione strepto-stafilococcica nel neonato. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1899, xx, 7*8-791.— Flexner ( S.) A case of combined protozoan and bacterial infection; amoebic dysentery, ma- laria, and micrococcus lanceolatus, acute fibrino-purulent peritonitis. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1896, vii, 171-173.—Griffon (V.) Infection mixte a. pueumocoques et il staphylocoques; rupture de l'aorte atheroruateuse au niveau d'un foyer py6mique. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1898, lxxiii, 243-246.'—«SusefT (L K.) Sluchai troiuol infektsii organizma ipalochkami sibirskoi yazvi, gnoye- roduimi streptokokkami i ,lipl,,k,,kkaini Frankel'ya). [Case of triple infection ianthrax bacilli, pyogenic strep- tococci, and Frankel's diploeoccii.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1897, xlvii, 469-476. — Hagenil.i Ucher eine Misch- infektion der Tube uud peritoneale Sepsis. Monatsehr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Berl.. 1901, xiii, 595-603.— Ilucliard. Associations morhides chez un meme sujet. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1900, lxxi, 494-497.—Ker (C B.l Cross infection, so called, in fever hospitals. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc Edinb., 1899-1900, n. s.. xix, 137-141. Also: Scot. M. Sc S. J., Edinb., 1900, vi, 547-550. — Kimla (R.) Pfipad sdruzene infekce dvojite u dit&te. [Case of double associated infection in a child.] Casop. 16k. cesk., v Praze, 1895. xxxiv, 82-86.— Ku finer (K.) Kliniek^ prisp&vek k associacni theorii. [Clinical contribution to the associa- tion theory ) Ibid., 1890, xxix, 815; 865; 888; 911.— I.yubiiiioir (X. M.) K voprosu o sovmlestnosti infek- tsionnikhform. [On coexistent infections. | Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1899, li, 19-25. — .\obeeourt (P.) Association strepto-colibacillaire chez le , obav, . Compt. rend. S,,c de biol., Par., 1899,10. s., vi, 66. — Ferassi (A.) Piieumo- gonartrite suppurativa da infezione piogenetica mista. a prevalenza diplococcica. Gior. med. d. r. esercito Roma, 1899, xlvii, 364-382, 1 pl. — Pesina (M.) & llonl (I.) Pfispevky kuseznAniassociacuihoucinku bakterii. | Con- tributions to the record of the associated action of bacteria.] Casop. lek. cesk.,v Praze, 1894, xxxiii, 905; 925— Potain. Des associations morhides et de quelques points de semio- tique. Bull. m6d., Par., 1900, xiv, 627-033— It em linger (P.) Sur un cas d'infection mixte par le bacille d El,,-ith et par un bacille pvocyanique nou chroroogene. Arch, de med. exper. et d'anat.' path.. Par.. 1898. x. 167-172.— Sal- mon (J.) Soucasnost miihlych nakailivyxb nemoci. [Synchronism of acute infectious diseases.] Casop. 16k. cesk., v Praze, 1890, xxix, 587— Trombetta (D. S.) Die Mischinfektionen bei deu akuten Eiterungen. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasitenk., Jena, 1892, xii, 121-126. -----. Le infezioni miste nei processi suppurativi acutt. Mor- gagni, Milano, 1894. xxxvi. 634-645. AUu [Abstr.]: Atti d. xi. Cong. med. interna/. 1894, Roma. 1895. iv, chirurg. [etc.], 552.—Txnmoda iR.) [A case of mixed infection; typhoid and tuberculosis of the intestines. ] Kyoto Igak- kwai Zasshi, 1899, 429-438,1 pl., 3 ch.—Verneuil. Nou- vellenote pour servir k l'histoire des associations morbides; anthrax et paludisme. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1*92. cxv, 22-25. AUo: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1892, lxv, 756. In Tee tion (Pyocyanic). See, also, Bacillus pyocyaneus. Legars (P.) * Essai sur la malailie pyocya- nique chez l'hoiume. 4D. Paris, 1^95. Infection (Pyocyanic). Bncillu« (The) pyocyaneus Pin human pathology. [Edit.] J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1898, xxxi, 797.—Bar- ker (L. F.) The clinical symptoms, bacteriologic findings and post mortem appearances in cases of infection of human beings with the bacillus pyocyaneus. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1897, xxix, 213-216. AUo, Reprint.— Bluin (S.) Fin Fall von Pyocyaneus-Septikamie mit komplizierender Pyocvaneus-Eudocarditis im Kindesalter. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1*99. xxv, 113-116, 1 pl. —Bonjean (E.) Etude sur le bacille pyo- cyanique dans les eaux d'alimentation; resistance; viru- lence; recherche; origine hydrique des infections pyocya- niques. Rec. d. trav. Comit6 consult, d'hvg. pub. de France 1898, Par., 1899. xxviii, 226-246.—Bouchard (C.) De la parapl6gie spasmodique due au bacille pyoevanique. Cong, franc, de med. 1895. Par., 1896, ii, 381.— Brault (A.) Note sur les lesions du myocarde dans rcnipoi-onne- ment par les produits solubles du bacille pvocvanique. Bull. Soc anat. de Par., 1890, lxv, 374-378—Brill t N5 E.) & I.ibman (E.) Systemic pyocyaneus infection, a critical view of the recorded cases, with the report of a case secondare to a staphylococcemia. Mt. Sinai Hosp. Rep., N. V., 1899-1900, ii," 81-91. — Burot. Ln cas de maladie pvocvanique k forme cutanee. Coinpt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1898. 10. s.. v, 609-613. — Caileac. Contribution a l'6tude de la maladie pyocyanique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1890, 9. s.. ii, 41-43. Also: J. de med. vet. et zootech., Lyon. 1890. 3. s., xv, 116-118.— Cameron (K.) A case of general infection bv the ba- cillus pvocvaneus. Montreal M. J.. 1895-6, xxiv, 673-677.— Capital!' Sc Charrin. I'n cas de suppuration; note snr le pus bleu et son organisme. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1883, lvii, 557-559.— Charrin (A.) Maladie pyocyanique chez I'homme. Compt. rend. Soc de biol., Par., 1890. 9. s., iii 496. -----. La maladie pyocyanique en pathologie humaine. Ibid., 1896, 10. s.. iii, 742. -----. Une fonction pathog^ne nouvelle du bacille pyocyanique; lesion locale et infection g6nerale (k propos de la note do M. Radais). Ibid.. 1897, 10. s., iv, 810.—Charrin (A.) & Claude (H.) Atropine musculaire experimentale par intoxication pyo- cyanique. Ibid., 1071-1073.----------. Atrophic muscu- laire experimentale par intoxication pyoevanique. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1897. exxv, 1133-1135.—Charrin (A.) Sc Kaufmaiin. Hypoglvcemie pvocvanique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1893, 9. s., v. 684-0*7.— Charrin (A.) .v l.anjjloi* (P.) Modifications de la thermogenese dans la maladie pyocyanique. Ibid., 1892, 9. s., iv, 438. ----- -----. Les variations de la thermo- genic dans la maladie pvocyanique. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Par., 1892, 5. s., iv. 679-685. AUo [Abstr.]: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1892,9. s.. iv, 735-737. AUo [Abstr.J: Gaz. med. de Par., 1892, 8. s., i. 487.—Charrin (A.) ..V Ccvailiti. Alterations niedullaires pyocyani- qties: influence du terrain sur la gravit6 des lesions. L'ompt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1898, 10. s , v, 1185-1188.— Charrin (A.) Sc Buffer (A.) Maladie pyocyanique; diverses lesions des reins et de i'estomac Bull. Soc. anat. ,le Par.. 1889. lxiv. 18. — E iwciulrn tli (D. N.) Infec- tion with the bacillus pyocyaneus, with report of a case. Tr. Chicago Path. Soc. (1897-9), 19H0, iii. 497-506. AUo: Medicine, Detroit, 1898, iv, 907-914. — Esehcrich inf.■etion.-n. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1893, xxxvii, 181-i'nO. —I.abordc (J.-V.) Siguea fonctionnels de lesions enccphaliques multipliees chez le lapin a la suite de la maladie pvocianique. Compt. rend. Soc. ,le biol.. Par., 1890. 9. s., i'i, 652.—I.aborde (J.-V.) ..v. Charrin (A.) Lesions encephalo-cerebrales localises r6pon,lant aux troubles fonctionnels observes au cours de la maladie pyocianique. Ibid., 683.------------Be virus et la maladie pyocyaniques; aigues fonctionnels de lGsions euc6phaliques, avec localisations d6terruin6es, chez le lapin. Ibid., 1896, 10. s., iii, 32-37,.— I.anz (O.) & l>ii*cher ( F.) Eine Beobachtung von Pyocyaneus- strumitis. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1898. xxvin, 137-140. AUo, Reprint.— I.artisan (A. J.) The bacillus pvocvaneus as a pathogenic factor in human pathology; with the report of three cases. Phila. M. J., 1898, ii, 562- 567. AUo. Reprint. —Iiegros (G.) Le- pyocyanies. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1900, lxxiii, 281-287. — Jlanicatide (M.) Beitrage zur Frage der Pvocyaneusiufection mi Kindesalter. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1897, xiv, 68-82.— "loimier (F.) A. propos d'un cas d'infection pyocya- nique ,'eueralisee chez le vieillard. Cong. fran§. de med. 1895. Par.. 1*96, ii. 955-961.—Nobeeourt (P.) Sur un caa d'infection iutestinale k bacille pyocyanique chez le nour- risson. Bull, med., Par., 1898, xii, 809-812.—Noesske (H.) INFECTION. 935 INFILTRATION-AN.ESTHESIA. Infection (Pyocyanic). Versuche iiber die Bedinguiigen der FarbstotTbildung des Bacillus pyocyaneus. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibing.. 1897, xviii, 103-130.'— lEltinjjer. Uli cas de maladie pvocya- nique die/, l'hoinine. Semaine med., Par., 1890, x.'38.">.— Perkins Al. H.i Report of nine cases of infection with bacillus pyocyaneus. J. Med. Research, Bost., 1901, n. s., i, 281-297. — Phisalix (C.) Surqueliiues conditions favo- risant 1 infection pyocyanique chez le eobave. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1897, 10. s., iv, 225-227. — Medillot. Sur la nature et les causes des suppurations blcues. (iaz. m^d. de Par.. 1850. 3. s., v, 050-058. Also: Abeillo et Observat. med. reunis. Brux., 1850. iii, 289-296. — Nhaw (H. S.i & Anderson (D. P.) Upon two cases ..i pyo- cvanic wound hit, ct ion. Montreal M. J., 1895-6, xxiv, 081— Synmiers (W. St. C.) On the pathogenic action of Bacillus p\,„ v.ni,-u- in man. Med. Mag.. Lond., 1890. v, 1124-1131. —Triboulct (H.) & Tollcmer. Ulcerations k bacille pyocyanique; infection pyocyanique generalis^e. Bull. Soc. anat. de Bar., 1897, lxxii," 763-765.—Valerio (55) Sull'infezione locale da bacillo piocianeo. Cazz. d. osp , Milano, 1901, xxii, 995-999.—Williams iK. P.) A case of infection by the bacillus pvocvaneus. 1'ioc. Mcd.- Chir. Soc. Montreal (1892-4), 1,-95.'vii, 444-448. -----. Upon general infection by the bacillus pyocyaneus in children. J. Path. .fc Bacteriol.. Edinb. & Lond., 1894-6, iii. 344-351.—Wollsiein .Martha). Ulcerative gastritis and general infection bv the bacillus pvocvaneus in chil- ' dren. Arch. Pediat. N5 Y., 1897. xiv, 7*0-778. Infection (Pyogenetic). Sie Abscess; Infection (Pyocyanic); Inflam- mation: Pus: Pyaemia: Wounds (Infection of). Infection* (Terminal). Flexner (S.i A statistical and experimental study of terminal infections. J. Exper. M., X. Y., 1800 i, 559- 570— liiraril (A. C.) Complications which have accom- p.uii.d the disease causing the greatest number of deaths | at tins li..-pital. [General Hospital, Presidio of San Francisco, Cal.] Re),. Surg.-Gen. Arm v. Wash.. 1900- 1901,109-113 — Paget, sir J., Residual diseases. In his . Stud, old case bo,,)^ 85 I.oml.. 1891. 9s-lo4. — Rapida (La) catastrofe io He malattie. Gazz. d. osp.. Milano, 1896, xvii. 353— Komiuelaere. De la terminaison ra- pide dans les maladies. Bull. Acad. roy. de mod. de Belg., Brux.. Is96. 4. s.. x, 21; 106. Infection* diseases (Xotification of). See Diseases (Registration of). Infectiousness of milk. Result of investiga- tions made for the trustees of the Massachusetts Society for Promoting Agriculture. 1 p. 1., 141 pp., IT pl. 6c Boston, 1695. Infertility. See. also, Free-martins ; Hermaphrodites. Cakriekk iM.) Contribution a l'dtude des causes de l'lncapacite" maternelle. 6->. Paris, 1-96. «iiiii|iion iSir J. Y.) On the alleged infeenndity of female-, hot n co-twin -with males; with some notes on tho average proportion of marriages without issue in general societv. In- his: Works [Dis. of Women], 8°, Edinb., 1871. i. 822-'■35.—Walker (R. B. N.) On the alleged sterility of the union of women of savage races with native males after having had children by a white man; with a few remarks on the. Mpongwe tribe of negroes. Mem. Anthrop. Soc. Lond., l>>65-6, vi, 283-287. Iiifiammazioiie (Dell') in generale. 11.' pp. - . Torino, P. Marietti, l62'>. Iiifihiilatioii. See, also, Chastity (Girdle of); Circumci- Bion (Ritual). Joiimmcmime. Sur l'infibulation ou mutilation des organes g6uitaux de la femme, chez les peuples des bonis de la met- Rouge et du golfe d Aden. Rev. d'anthrop., Par., 1889, 3. s., iv, 675-686.—Kin a t.T. S.) On the prac- tice of female circumcision and intihiilation among the Somal and other nations of northeast Africa. J. An- throp. Soc. Bombay, 1890, ii, 2-6. Infiltration. Ste Effusion; Suppuration. Infiltratioii-anse«tlie«ia. See, also, Anaesthetics (Local); Cocaine as ancesthetic; Eucaine. Bkrlkt (F.) 'Der gegenwiirtige Stand der Schleich'schen Lokal-Aniisthesie. [Heidelberg.] -c Nenstadt a. d. Hardt, l-'J*. Iii tilt rat ion-ansesthesia. Bibkrkeld (1>.) "Ueber die Druckverhiilt- nisst' in der Schleich'schen Quaddel. 6'c Bres- lau, 1669. Also, in: Arch, internat. de pharmacod., Gand et Par., 1899, vi, 385-402. Ci'sif.i: (J.) * Beitrag zur Infiltrations- aiiasiliisie. 1*2^. Berneck, 1696. -----. Cocain und Infiltrationsaniisthesie. 12°. Basel, 1696. Hk.inzk (P.) Researches concerning infiltra- tion Kinesthesia. From the private surgical clinic of* Dr. H. Braun, Leipzig. (Abstracted from Virchow's Archiv.) 6°. Berlin, 1898. Sre. also, infra. Notes on local anesthesia by infiltration, as suggested by Dr. C. L. Schleich. * . Phila- delphia, [n. d.]. Kondet (J.) *De l'anesthe'sie locale par in- filtration (methode de Schleich). 8°. Lyon, 1900. Schleich (C. L.) Schmerzlose Operationeu. Oertliche Betiiubung mit indifferenten Fliissig- keiten. Psychophysik des naturlichen und kiinstliehen 1691. Schlafes. 1. Aufl. 8°. Berlin, 6: Berlin, 1897. Berlin, 1898. Berlin, 1899. —. The same. 2. Aufl -----. The same. 5. Aufl. 6 -----. The same. 4. Aufl. 8' Barker (A. E.) A clinical lecture and demonstration on local infiltration analgesia. Lancet, Lond., 1899, i.282-285.— Bart (V. K.) Miestnoye obezholivanie propitivaiuem po sposobu Schleich'a. [Locul ansesthesia by Schleich's method.] Voyenno-med. J., St. l'etersb., 1901, Ixxix, med.-spec, pt., 683-703.— Bauer (F.) Erfarenheter nied Schleichs infiltrationsaiiiistesi. [Experiences with Schleich's infiltration anaesthesia.] [Hygiea, Stockholm, 1898 lx, 46-5S. —Baiiiii«arlel (Gr.) Infiltrations-Anses- thesie. Ztschr. f. Wuudarzte u. Geburtsh., Fellbach, 1898 xlix 239-244.—Black (CE.) Infiltration ansesthe- sia. Tr. Illinois M. Soc. Chicago. 1897, 334-342.—Block (O.) Local auasthesia by infiltration. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney. 1895, xiv, 220-225. -----. Further experiences of local limi'sthesia by infiltration. Ibid., 1895 xv. 91-93— Blocli (K.) Ueber nichtchirurgische Anwendung der Schleich'schen Infiltrationsaniisthesie. Centralbl. f. d. ges. Therap., Wien, 1900, xviii. 12; 76.—Bolts (D. B.) Schleich'scheinarmerzeep. Xederl. Tijdschr. v. (iencesk., Amst., 1900, 2. R., xxxvi. d.2,652-657.—BraniMII.) Ueber Infiltrationsaniisthesie und regiontire Cocamanastheste. Centralbl. f.Chir., Leipz.. 1897. xxiv,481-485.-----. Lxperi- mentelle Untersuchungcu uud Erfahrungeu ubeT I n ultra ■ tionsanasthesie. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. t. Chir., Berl., 1898, xxvii, pt. 2, 116-154. Also: Arch. f. klin. Chir Berl. 1898, lvii, 370-408. AUo, Reprint. -----. Leber Infiltrationsaniisthesie und n-iotiiire Anasthesie. Samml. klin. Vortr., n 15. I.eipz.. 1898, No. 228 (Chir No 67 1177-1192V—Itriealeb (K.I Ueher Schleichs Infiltiiitions-Anasthcsi,-. Kinder -Arzt. Leipz., 1897, viii, 044. 273 _____. Die Schleich'sche Infiltrations-Auasthe- Bie'und'dcr practische Arzt, Thermp. Monatsh., Berl., 1897 xi 650-654. -----. Fiir Schleich. Ztschr. t. prakt. Aerzte Frankf. a. M., 1897, vi, 287,-295. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1898, xxxiii, 11-14.-----Die Schleich- sche Onerationsmethode iu der Praxis. Aerztl. 1 rax., Wiirzb., 1898, xi. 225; 247. -----. Schleich oder Oberst < Kritische P.etrachtungen zur regionaren, bezw. Iuhltra- tionsaniistbesie. Ztschr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Frank!, a. M., 1898 vii 217-223. -----. Zur Schleich'schen Infiltrations- aniisthesie und ihrer Durchfiihrbarkeit bei grossen Opera- tioner!. Vereinsbl d. pliilz. Aerzte. Frankeuthal, 1899, xv 44; 67.— II ml inner (K.I Leber einige neuere Me- thoden der local,-n Anastlu-sirung. IVidralbl. f. d. ges. Therap., Wien, 1899, xvii. 7,77 7,87. — Knlliir (.LB.) New method of producing local anesthesia. North Car. M. J., Winston, 1898, xiii, isi.-C'cci (A.i Anestesia cocamica e morfiococainina in rapporto alia cloroiormonarcosi. Arch, ed atti (1. Soc. ital. di chir., Koma, 1897, xi, pp. xx- xxiv _____ De l'aiiesthesie locale par la cocaine com- hinee avec faction gen6rale do la morphine. Semaine m6d., Par., 1899, xix, 41. AUo, transl..- Med.-chir. Cen- tralbl Wien, 1899, xxxiv, 135. AUo, transl. [Abstr]: Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1899, xvii, 149.-tlu*ter (J) Infiltrationsaniisthesie. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1897, xxvii, 385; 421. - Dabney (S. G.) Infiltration anesthesia for operation on eyelid. Aim therapist NY., 1896-7 v 30—Dipper (K.) Ueber Schleichs Infiltra- tionsaniisthesie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr. Leipz. u. Berl., 1896. xxii. 803.- Donali (('.) Analgesia.locale con risuardo speciale al metodo dello Schleich. Loll. med. tientino, Trento, 1898, xvii, 159; 181, 1 pl.- Kii«zelin,« (A' E ) Report of fifty-three cases of anaesthesia by tbe IXFILTEATIOX-AN.ESTHESIA. 936 Infiltration-anaesthesia. Schleich method. Med. Rev., N. Y., 1898. liii, 843.— Frdiiianii (A. F.) The actual Schleich narcosis. Brooklyn M. J., 1899, xiii, 349-355. — Fischer (A.) A Schleich-fele infiltratios anaestbesiarol. S.beszeti ada- tok, Budapest, 1900, 19-22.— von I I'icilliinilcr (F.) Erfahrungen fiber die Localanasthesie nach Schleich. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1900, xiii, 1166-1169. — Oeiiiata (V. N.) Opiti i nablymleuiya nad obezbolivanlem po sposobu Sclileich'a. [Experiments and observations on anaesthesia bv Schleich's method.] Laitop. russk. chir., S.-Peterb., 1900, v, 21-55 — Gerhardi. Zur Infil- trations- Anaesthesie nach Schleich. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1897, xliv. 138 — Gotllib (M.) Miestnoye obezbolivanie po Schleich'u. [Local anaesthesia bv the method of . . .] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1897. ii. 364-375.— (wottslein (G.) Die Verwendung der Schleich'schen In- filtrationsanasthesie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1896, xxxiii, 905-909. -----. Erfahrungen iiher lokale Anasthesieiu der Breslauer chirurgischen Klinik Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1898,lvii, 409-434.—Haberern (J. P.I Nagyobbmiitetek helybeli 5 \5. 1900, xiii, 238-240.—Love (W.) Notes on a few cases operated on under infiltration anaes- thesia. Australas M. Gaz., Sydney. 1896. xv, 331.— M'Lniighlin (W. K.) The use of Schleich's mixture for general anaesthesia, in one hundred and ten operations in the nose and throat. Illinois M. J.. Springfield, 1899- 1900, xlix, 243-245.—McLean (A.) The application of the Schleich method of producing local anesthesia; with report of cases. Phvsician & Surg., Detroit JcAnn Arbor, 1897, xix, 107-109. [Discussion], 128 — TIatas (R.) Am- putation of a finger with its metacarpal for epithelioma by neuro-regional infiltration anesthesia. X. Oil. M. i S. jl, 1900-1901, liii, 415-417.— Mill lie < II. i Ueber Infiltrations- Anaesthesie. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1896. xliii, 1103; 1133.—.Vlickivitz (W.) Ueber Localanasthesie nach Schleich. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1900, n. F., xvii, 389-391.— iTIosbaelier. Aneson als Ersatz des Cocains in der Schleich'schen Infiltrations-und der Oberst'schen regionaren Anaesthesie. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1899, xlvi, 81.—Negri (P.) Sull' anestesia locale col metodo dello Schleich. Gior. d. r. Soc. ed Accad. vet. ital. Torino, 1899, xlviii, 199-202.—iYe»hcl (V. E.) Materiali k ucheniyti ob operirovanii pri miestnom obezbolivanii po Schleich'u. [Operations under local anaesthesia by the method of.. | Vrach, St. Petersb., 1900, xxi, 1490.— IVietlzielxki (K.) O znieczuleniu miejscowem wedlug metodv Sclileich'a. [Local anaesthesia by Schleich's method.] Kron. lek., Warszawa, 1900, xxi, 253-269.— >"oacl( (G.i Erfahrungen fiber die Schleich'sche Infiltra- tions-Anaesthesie. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1897, xliv, 135-138. — Oi'loH' (A. I.) Nieskolko slov po povodu mlestnavo obezholivaniyu po sposobu Sclileich'a. [Local anaesthesia bv Schleich s method.] Vrach, St. Petersb., 1900, xxi, 227-229.— Parvin (T.) Schleich's local anaes- thesia in surgery. Proc. Phila.Co. M. Soc. Phila., 1895, xvi, 321-333.—Paul (C. M.) Schleich's method of infiltration anesthesia. Columbus M. J., 1899, xxii, 1-8.—Perkins (J. M.) Amputation of leg above the knee without chloro- form or ether, by infiltration and deep injection. Railway INFILTRATION-ANESTHESIA. Iii tilt ration-anaesthesia. Surg., Chicago, 1897-8, iv, 398-4iin.—Pijnlooze operatiea volgens C. L. Schleich. Med. Weekbl.. Amst 1898-9 v. 471; 486; 495; 519; 544; 561; 572. — Pouchet t G.) L analg6sie localisee technique des procedes utilisant ia cocaine; la methode de Reclus. Bull. med. Par 18'»9 xiii, 201; 213 — Beieholil (H.) jr. Zur Schleich'schen Infiltrationsanaesthesie. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr.. 1897 xliv, 1167-1171. Also: Sitzungsh. d. aerztl. Ver. Numb 1897, Munchen, 1898, 18-30.—Ricklin 9. -----:. On infiltration anaesthesia. Pediatrics. N.T. i; Lond., 1898 v 335-341. Also: Railway Surg., Chicago, 1898-9, v, 13-16.— Nchou (J.) Schleich's Infiltrationsauastesi. [The in- filtration anaesthesia of Schleich.] Ugesk. f. Laeger, Kjo- beuh.. 1897, 5. R., iv. 97-108. AUo, transl..- Eira, Stock- holm, 18'.'7, xxi, 164-1,0—Scoti (J. W.) Local anaesthe- sia by infiltration. Southwest.M. Rec..Houston,1896. i,265- 269.—Mimonson IE.) .) Die Bedeutung der Schleich'schen Infiltrationsanasthesie fiir den praktisehen Arzt. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1897. xxxiv, 652.—Troli- moir (M. M.) Miestnoye obezbolivanie propitivauiein tkanol po sposobu Sclileich'a. [Local anaesthesia by infil- trating the tissues by Schleich's method.] Khirurgia, Mosk., 1899, vi, 559-569. — Trzebicky (R.) Ueher Schleich'sche Infiltrationsaniisthesie. Wien. med. Wchn- schr.. 1899, xli.x, 585-592. —Ware (M. W.) Local aues- thesia. with special reference to the infiltration method. Med. News, N. V , 181,8. lxxii, 708-711. AUo, Reprint.— AV< mlcl (R. P.) Schleich s infiltration anaesthesia. Med. Rec. Mississippi, Biloxi, 1897, i, 184-189.— Wikcrhan- ser (T.; Operacije Schleichovoni analgezijom. [Opera- tion with Schleich's anaesthetic ] Lie6. viestnik, u Za- grebu, 1899. xxi. 251-254. — Witlkowski ( D.) Ueber Schleich'sche Infiltrations - Anaesthesie. Aerztl. Monat- sehr., Leipz., 1898, 7-15. Infiltration - anaesthesia (Instru- ments for and technic in). Wittkowski. Commentar zu Methoden uud Praparaten C. L. Schleichs. 8;. Berlin. 1901. Drey fuss (I.) Combination von Infiltrationsanaes- thesie uud Orthofotm. Munchen. nied. Wchnschr., 1898, xiv, 527. — Hammer. Eine neue Spritze zur Schleich'schen Anaesthesie. Ibid., 1901, xlviii. 1134.— Legrand (A.) Nouvelle aiguille pour l'anesth^sie locale des surfaces conrbes et en particulier de la region an ale. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.]. • Soc. de therap.....Par., 1897, ii, 641-643.—Leo-Wolf (C. G.) The rach.-t svringe; au improved syringe for Schleich's infiltration anaesthesia. Med. Rec, M. V., 1898, liv, 754.— Halie (G ) De I'emploi de la tropacocalne par la methode de Schleich. Odontolo- gie, Par., 1899, 2. s., ix, 399-405. — IVIata» (R.) An ap- paratus for massive infiltration anaesthesia with weak analgesic solutions (modified Schleich method). Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1901. xix. 412-416, 1 pl. AUo: Am. Med., Phila., 1901, ii, 1027.—IVloazkovtiez (L.) Ein Ap- parat fiir Schleich'sche Infiltrationsanasthesie. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz.. 1901, xxviii, 492-494. — Zawadzki (A.) Wygodna i tania strzykawka do aseptyczuych wstrzyki- wan plyuu Schleich'a lub fizyologicznego roztworu soli. [Convenient and cheap syringe for aseptic injections of Schleich's fluid or physiologic salt solution.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1901, 2. s., xxi, 815-818. Illfinita ii a time secreta quibuslihet hoiuinibus contiiigeutia, previdenda, eavenda ac prosequeu- da declarant in hoc libro contenta. Physiono- uiia sumrni Aristotelis. Physionoiuia Micbaelis Scoti. Physionoiuia Coclitis. Chyrouiautia ejus- dem cum approbatioue Achiliui. 1*2- (o'l.,) 25 ff. fol. Papice, per Bernardinum de Garaldis, 1515. INFIRMARY. 937 INFLAMMATION. Infirmary for Consumption and Diseases ofthe Chest and Throat, London. Annual reports of tbe committee of management to the governors and subscribers. 37.-41., 1883-7. 8°. London, 16*1-6. Established Feb., 1847. IHfiriiierie de Plainpalais. Compte rendu de 1'. . . durant les annees 1870-72, suivi d'observa- tions et d'un resume* statistique des tievres typhoides traitees a l'inlirinerie depuis l'anude 1-.">!>. Par V. Gautier. 46 pp. *»-". Geneve, Romboz 5]- Schuehavdt, 1-73. Iufil'inerie protestante ^vangelique de Lyon. [Notice y compris un extrait du reglement.] 2 1. 4°. [Lyon, T. Lepagne:, n. d.] Inflammation. See, also, Abscess ; Antiphlogistics, etc. ; Congestion; Diseases (Types, etc., of); Fe- vers: Heat (Animal); Suppuration. Alkeroff (S. K.) *K voprosu o razvitii soye- diuitelnol tkani pri vospalenii. [On develop- ment of connective tissue in inflammation.] -3. S.-Peterburg. 169*. Alison i^W. P.) Cases illustrating the as- thenic form of internal inflammations now com- mon in this country. -\ Edinburgh, 1-52. d'Almeida (A.) Tratado da inflaminagao, pre- cedido da physiologia e pathologia, necessarias para intelligeucia da theoria ilesta molestia. ** . Londres, 1-12-14. Baerts (J. C.) * De natura sanguinis inflam- matorii, inprimis de crusta phlogUtica et spissi- tiuline qua* vocatur iuflauimatoria. 4 . Harder- vici, LIT-J]. Beer (s. J.) *De inflaiumatioue. 4C. Ar- gentorati, 1612. Bruxaud (£.) 'Diss, sur la fievre angelote"- nique, ou inflammatoire simple. 4C. Strasbourg, lel4. Buttxer (F.) 'Untersuchungen iiber das Verhalten der Pleuroperitonealepithelieu bei Eiitziinduug. [Freiburg i. B.] -:. Naumburg, a. S., 1-99. Also, in: Beitr. z. path. Anat. n. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1899, xxv, 453-481, 2 pl. Buxixg (H. C.) *De vigente constitutione inflammatoria, in longe aliis etiam dominante morbis, exemplis qnibiisdam coinprobata. -5 Groningm, [1825]. Caffix (J.-F.) De la nature de l'indamina- tiou; et des grandes divisions physiologiques de rhomme. 12-. Paris, 1-21. Caffort (J.-P.) Memoire sur les caraeteres anatoiniques et phy-i'dogiqiies de riuflainma- tion. -~c Paris, l-:>4. COCO (A. M.) Guida alio studio dell' iufiain- mazione. -;. Catania, 1901. Corbeel (C) 'Inflammatione. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1661. De Filippi (G.) Nuovo saggio analitico sulla infiauimazione. 8°. Milano, 1621. Dirxs (J.) *De inflammatione. 4°. Harde- roriti, 1766. Dmitr'ieff (A. S.) 'Otnoshinie velichinl l teinperaturi vospalitelnavo fokusa k obshtshel temperaturle tiela. [Relation ofthe degree and temperature of the inflammatory process to the general body temperature.] - . S.-Peterburg, lr;91. Drysdale (J. J.) * On the theory of inflam- mation. 6°. Edinburgh. 1656. Edingh (M.) 'De inflaiiimationibus in gene- re. X'c Lugd. Bat., 171H. Emiliani (L.) Della infiauimazione, coininen- tario. 8°. Modena, 1-24. Fabar (C-F.) * Essai sur les inflammations Bymptomatiques. c°. Montpellier, an XI [1*03]. ■inanimation. Foiirbuodt (H.) * Historischer Beitrag zur Entziindungslehre. H-. Greifswald, 1692. Gastey (J.-M.) * Dissertation sur la fievre inflammatoire, considered dans son etat de sim- pliciti". 4°. Strasbourg, 1615. Hartz (J. E.) *Disp. thioriam et therapiam intlammationum suceiucte tradens. sm. 4-. Er- fovdicv, [1727]. Heisi.x (F. A. A.) 'Momenta qnteilam de diagnosi iutlaminationuui dimcili. 12J. Mar- burgi. [I65'l]. 1Ii:isikriia<;en (H. P.) * De inflammatione ejusqne causis. 16-. Marburgi-Cattornm, 179.">. Ilu si rations of inflammation in various tis- sues. '5 v. MS. fol. [n.p., n. d.] Ixfiammazioxe (Dell) in generale. 8°. To- rino, 1625. Jikeli (F.) *De inflammatione. 8c Vindo- bonte. [1-3-]. .Ioxes (T. \V.) Keport on the state of the blood and blood-vessels in inflammation, and on other points relating to the circulation iu the extreme vessels; together with a report on lym- phatic hearts and on the propulsion of lymph from them, through a proper duct, into their re- spective veius. 6°. London, 1*51)1. .Ioxgehheld (A. R.) * De iuflammatiouibus in genere. 4°. Lugd. Bat., 1755. Jorck (G.) *.Statistik der acuten Kntziin- dungen. 6°. Kiel. 1695. -----. The same. *c. Kiel, 1893. Kixdt (B. G.) * Hodierna doctrina de inflam- matione iu genere. 43. Gandavi, [1819]. Klexcke (P. F. H.) Physiologie der Ent- ziindung und Regeneration iu den organischen Geweben. 12°. Leipzig, 1^42. Koster (W.) Verde re onderzoekingen over ontsteking en ettervormiug in sommige weefsels. 8-. [I'trecht, 166-.] Labuts (V. K.) *K voprosu ob izunenenii potoka limfl i transpiratsii krovi v fokusie vospalyonnoi tkani. [Change in the lymph current and blood transudation in the focus of inflamed tissues.] 8Z. S.-Peterburg. 1669. Layrae (T.-L.) 'Essai sur Pindainmation. *- . Cnstns, l-7li. Leber (T.) Die Entstehung der Entziindung und die Wirkung der eutziiudungeiregeuden Schiidlichkeiten. Nach vorzugsweise am Auge angestellten Untersuchungen. 4-. Leipzig. 1-91. Also (liev.J, in: Rev. g6n. d'opht., Par., 1891. x. 4'.i:>-4'.>9. Leichtfeld (C. N.) 'Pathologia inflamma- tiouis generalis. 8. Petropoli, 1-22. Letulle ( M. ) Etiules anatomo-patholo- giques. L'inflamination. 4 . Paris, 1695. de Lima (M. G.) O practicante ilo hospital convencido. Dialogo eniruigico sobre ;i inflain- iiiacfio fundado nas dontrinas do inconiparavel Boerhaave, e adornado de algumas observacoens chirurgieas. *-:. Porto, 1756. Lixoli(0.) Se 1' inflaiumazioneabbiii facolta. di rtgenerari' o distruggere la libra vivente. Me- inorie tie, lette al congresso di Pisa, Torino e Lucca. - '. Lucca, 1-14. Lippi (R.) Risposta alle rillessioni critiche opposte al di lui trattato della tiogosi dal dot- tor Francesco Antonelli. ■-'-'. Firenze,l6l2. Sic, also, infra. Macary (.l.-S. 'Propositions sur rinflamina- tion et ses complications. 4-. Strasbourg, 1823. Magxi (F.) II processo flogistico considerato in alcuni tessuti dell' organo visivo; studio ana- tomo-fisio-clinico. 8 . Bologna, 1677. Malag6 (P. P.) Nozioni elementari iutorno all' infiauimazione per servire agli studenti di chirurgia teorico-pratiea della Pontificia Uni- veisit;rdi Ferrara. 8c Ferrara, 1611. INFLAMMATION. 938 INFLAMMATION. Inflammation. Marchaxd (F. ) Ueber die natiirlichen Schutzmittel des Organismus, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Entziindungsvorganges. S-. Leipzig, 1900. Meplaux (E.-J.) ' Etude de pathologie g6ne- rale. Des rapports dn sarcome avec l'inflamma- tion. Nature inflammatoire du sarcome. roy. 8:. Lille, 1696. Metchxikoff (E.) Lecons sur la pathologie comparee de rinflamniation, faites a l'lnstitut Pasteur en avril et mai 1891. 8-. Paris, 1892. See, also, infra. Queyrat (L.). -----. The same. Lektsii o sravnitelnoi pa- tologii vospaleuiya. 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1692. -----. The same. Lectures on the compara- tive pathology of inflammation, delivered at the Pasteur Institute in 1891. Transl. from the French by F. A. Stirling and E. H. Starling. 8°. London,1695. Meyer (I. F.) Ueber die Natur der Entziin- dung. 8°. Berlin, 1810. —----. Versuch einer kritischen Geschichte der Entziindungen. Erster Theil, oder Eiulei- tung in die Geschichte der speciellen Pathologie und Therapie. 12c. Berlin, 1812. Middeldorpf. Der Namen und das Wesen der Eiitziinduug. 6". Breslau, 1849. Mirolyuboff (K. N.) * K voprosu o koli- chestvennikh i kachestvenulkh izmieneniyakh ibrmennikh elementov liinfl, ottekayushtshel iz vospalennavo fokusa. [On quantitative and qualitative alterations of formative elements of lymph which flows from the inflammatory focus.] 8J. S.-Peterburg, 18(J4. Morbis (De) inflammatoriis et putridis vulgo dictis accuratius distinguendis, necnon de na- tura niorborum specilica baud negligenda. Pro- lusio acadeinica. 12-. [n. p., n. d.] Morgax (G. T.) First principles of surgery, being an outliue of inflammation and its effects. 8:. London, 1837. Muller (B.) 'De inflammatione. sm. 4°. Lipsice, [1686]. Muller (F. I.) * De febribus inflammatoriis. sm. 4U. Erfordia, 1777. Muxster (.1. H.) * De inflammatione. 4°. Groninga}, 1765. Naumaxx (M.) Zur Lehre von der Entziin- dnng. 12°. Bonn, 1626. See, also, infra. Neisser (J.) 'Fundamenta generalia ad in- flaniinatiouis, qua morbi generis, rationem et na- turam spectantia. 8°. Vratislavice, [1819]. New (J.) * Qusenam pars aeris communis cor- poris cavorum inflaminationem coucitat et quo- modo? 6c Edinburgi, 1795. Nietsch (K. F.) Ueber verborgene Entziin- dung und die daraus entspringendeii bedeuteu- dern korperlicheu Uebel. Nebst einem Anhange fiber die Einheit iu der arztlichen Kunst. 8°. Frankfurt am Main, 1819. Notes on inflammation, broadside, [n. p., n. d.] Paganixi (D.) * Diss, sull' infiammazione. 6'-. Pisa, 1811. Pochmaxn(E.) Eine Theorie der Entziinduug und Eiternng auf pbysiologischer nieht auf bac- teriologischer Grundlage. 6-. Linz, 1695. Pfeiffer (A.) 'Beitrag zur Histologie der acuten Entziiuilung. Die acute Entziinduug des Herzmuskels. 8c Bonn, 1887. Polyak (S. G.) *K voprosu o normalnol i vospalitelnol emigratsii leikotsitov eherez epi- teliy niindalevidulkhzhelyoz; ekspeiiinentalno- histologicheskoye izslledovauie. [Normal and Inflaiiimatioii. inflammatory migration of leucocytes through the epithelium of the tonsils; experimental in- vestigation.] 8°. S.-Peterburg, 1891. Procopius (J. N. A.) 'Momenta medica de crusta sanguinis sic dicta inflaminatoria. sm. 4°. Heidelbergce, 1766. Puccinotti (F.) Dialoghi intorno alia teoria della flogosi di Giovanni Rasori. 8°. Milano, 1837. von Quarin (J.) Methodus medendarum in- flammatiouum. 12°. Vindobonce, 1773. -----. The same. 8C. Vindobonce, 1774. Reylaxd (B.J.) Medizinisch-praktische Ab- handlung vou verborgeneu und langwierigen Eutziiudungeu. 12°. " Wien, 1790. Ricoux (R.) * Contribution h l'6tude du pro- bleme de l'inflammation; des reactions cellulaires cons6cutives a l'introduction de poudres iuertes dans l'organisme. 8°. Paris, 1898. Ritter (C. W.) Ueber Selbstentzfindungeu inorgauisirtenundleblosenKorpern. 12c. Ham- burg, 1804. Robin (C.) Lecons sur les vaisseaux capil- laires et rinflammation, professees a. la Facult6 de nnSdeciue de Paris. 12°. Paris, 1«67. a Roy (C. H.) Onderzoek af de theorie van asthenische outsteking nienw zij, eu met het we- zen tier zaak o\*ereeukoiue. 4°. [Amsterdam, 1825. ] Scheltema (J. J.) * Over irritatie van bind- weefselcelleu bij ontstekiug. 8°. Utrecht, 1^-ti. Schexdkll (E ) *Znr Aetiologie der Ent- ziiudung. [Erlangen.] 8°. Bromberg, [18-7]. Sciirakamp (G.) Ueber einige Beziehungen zwischeu der Muskelzuckuug uud der Entziin- duug. <--. Liibeck, 1691. Somme (C.-L.) Etudes sur l'iuflammation. En deux parties: La premiere compreud la th6orie de l'inflammation et son traitemeut en gdueral; la secoude, les inflammations des difi"6rentes par- ties du corps en particulier. 8°. Bruxelles, 1KI0. -----. The same. 2. 6d., augmented d'une introduction et de plusieurs articles uouveaux. 8~. Bruxelles, 1838. Strom (M.) Theoria inflammationis doctrniae de calore animali superstructa. 8°. Havnim, [1795]. Thomson (J.) Lectures on inflammation, ex- hibiting a view of the general doctrines, patho- logical and practical, of medical surgery. 8°. Philadelphia. 1817. -----. Thesame. Ueber Eiitziinduug. Aus dem Euglischeu. Hrsg. von Peter Krukenberg. 2 v. 8-. Halle, 1820. -----. Thesaine. Trait6 medico-chirnrgical de rinflammation. Trad, de 1'anglais sur la 3. ed., avec des notes, par. A.-J.-L. Jourdan et F.-G. Boisseau. 8°. Paris, 1627. Thomson (W. II.) A probationary essay on inflammation. 8°. Edinburgh, 1836. Tommasixi (G.) DelP infiammazione e della febbre coutinua. Considerazioni patologico- pratiche. 8°. Pisa, 1820. -----. The same. 2. ed. 16°. Milano, 165)5. -----. The same. 3. ed. 3 v. 16°. Bo- logna, 1827-8. Toupet (H.) 'Des modifications cellulaires dans rinflammation simple. 4°. Paris, 1887. Tuxesi (C.) *L' infiammazione si puo tron- care nel suo decorso. 6c Pavia, 1848. Turner (F. C.) Inflammation regarded as a physiological reaction to au infecting lesion. The oration of the Hunterian Society, delivered at the London Institution, February llth, l66->. 12°. London, I8c5. INFLAMMATION. 939 INFLAMMATION. Inflammation. Vacua (F.) Liber de inflamniationis morbo- s;e qiue iu humano eorpore fit, natura, causis, effect!bus et curatione. --. Florenfin, 1765. vox Weoekixp (G. F.) Einige Blieke in die Lehre von den Entziindungen und von den Fie- bern uberhaupt. wie in die von den Gehirnent- ziindnngen und von dem ansteckenden fanleu Nerventieber insbesondere. - . Darmstadt, 1-14. Weil (A. "> 'Ueber das Zustiindekomnien kleinzelliger Infiltration. 8-. Wiirzburg, 1696. Weiss (J.) Beitriige zur Entziindiingslehre. Eine historisehe Studie. - . Leipzig d'- Wien, 1-9:1. Wesslixo (B.) ' Pharmakologisihe Beitriige zur Entziindungsfrage. -\ Breslau, 18'H. Wixterl i^J. J.) Diss, proponens inflauima- tionis tbeoriain uovam. s>~. rienncv, 1767, Ziegra (M. ir. i * De inflammatione. sm. 4°. Wittenbergiv, [16-3]. Abramow iS.) Ueber diepathol,,giseh-aiiaton-iischen Yeranderungen der senisen Hiitite bei ,1, n experimeutellen acuten fibrindsen Entziiudun>;eu. Beitr. .-. path. Anat.u. z. allg. Path.. Jena. 1898. xxiii. 1-19, I pl — Atlnmi (J. G.) Middletou- Goldsmith lectures: on tin- i, lationship be- tween inflammation and sundrv forms of fibrosis. Proc. X.York Path. S,.c. , Ig'.'fo. 1897. 149-1118. AUo: Med. Rec, X. Y., 18H6. xlix. 361: 797: 469: 505. -----. Inflammation. Syst. Med. (Allium,, X. Y. & Lond., 1896, i 7,4-139. AU-,. Reprint.—Alexaiiclcr-I.e«iii. Znr Histologie del a, uteu ',. ,, t,t ••., 5< u Eutziinduugi n. Arb. a. d. Oeh. d. ],.itli. An it. . . . Inst, zu Tiibing., Brnschwg., 1891. i, 47- [i 2—AntoneTIi , I., Intoino al trattato ilella tiogosi sui t,nid.iiii.nti dell' auatomica e zootomia tisiologica e patolo- 'l. ca del dottore Keg,do Lippi: riflessioui critiche. Gior. ,1 sc. m, il . Torino, 184*2. xiii. 2''>'.>-300. See. also, supra.— An free hi. Ueber Entziindmig. In his: Path. Mitt., o-, Magdeb . 18-1 11-31.—Ball'onr (G. W.I Culleu and Gregoi v upon chance of tvi>e in inflammation. Edinb. M. .].. 1865-6. xi, pti 1, 213L225. Also. Reprint.—Bard (L.) De l'inflammation. Province m, .1., Lyon, 1889, iii, 373-376.—Bar l»cli Etwas iiber Entzuuduugen. Xa- turarzt. Berl., 189c. xxi, 321-327.—Baumgarten (P.) TTeber die Herknnt't der in Eutzundtmgsherden amtre- tenden lyniphkdrp.-rchenartig. n Eletuente (Lymphocy tem. Centralbl. 1. alig. Path. u. path. Anat.. Jena, l-n'o. i, 764-767. AUo, transl.: Riv. internaz. d' ig., Xapoli, 1891, ii, 3-7. -----. Die Rolle der tixen Zellen in der Entziin- dnng. Cong, intei nat. de m6d. C. r., Par., 19a0, sect. d'auat. path.. 46-76. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1900, xxxvii. 857; '---. Also, transl.: Cong, int.init. de med. C.r., Par., 190o. sect, d'anat.path.. 56-66 — Bijjsj-. (11. M.) On the nature of inflammation, and especially tl,,- produc- tive inflammations of ,■,,nnectivr. tissue. Med. Xews, Phila., 1-91, lix, 173-177 —Billroth T.) Erlebtes und Gedachtes iiber Entziiudmig und Eiteiung. Wien. klin. Wchnschr.. 1893, vi. 7; 27.— Bi//o/.iro (G.) i: Cana- liw (P.) Sulla sc'ssione degli element i nei focolai flogistici. t.ior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Toiim, 188*,. ?,. s. xxxiii. 1*2- 184. —Bock (E. ) Ueber Entziindmig. Memorabilien. Heilbr., 1891-2, n. F., xi. 257-275 — Boilecker ,«'. F. W) The doctrine of inflammation. Internal, li, nt. ■}.. X. V. & Phila.. 1893. xiv. 1-10, 3 pl.—Boritt (M.) Das Verhal- ten der -Endothelien" bei der acuten und chronischen Entziindung sowie bei dem Wachstuiii der Ge-< hwiilste. Verhandl. d. phys. med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb.. I8!i7. n.F., xxxi, 1-99. ---■—. Fihrino.se Exsudation und fibrinoide Degeneration. Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb.. 1897. 10-25.—Bono tG.) Delle eondizioni f ssen- ziale al f.,tt,, patol,,gico flogosi. Gior. d. sc med.. Torino, 1840ix. 717558 — Bouchard (('.) Examen ties doc triues de l'inflaiunmti,,!,. O.iz. hebd. d. sc. nied.de Bordeaux, 1891, xii, 184. 199. — Br»kn \v (K. E.i Inflammation from a surgical point of lew. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, In- dianap., Is9s. 176-18*2.— Bra u 11 (A.) Etude sur rin- flammation. [Rev.] An i, -.a,. ,!•■ med.. Par., 1888, 7. 8., xxii, 74; 194; 337; 476. —Brycc n5 A.) Xervous influ- ence upon inflammation. S"Uth. Clinic, Richmond, 1890, xiii, 289-291.—Bnrhner 'II.i Die chemische Reizbar- keit der Leukocvten und deren P.eziehuug zur Entziin- dung nnd Eiterung. Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. f. Morphol. u. Physiol, in Munchen (1890), 1891, vi, 148-152.— Biidiicc (G.) Die Herkunft der Waiiderzellen in der Hutnhaut; ein Beitrag zur Entziindiingslehre. Arch. f. pith. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1897. cxlvii, 217-255. — Carmn- iiiiola. Fraleiiifiaroruazioni eonvene alcuneche possano dii-i a base arteriosa ed altre a base venosaJ Proposta dnbitativa fatta al professore C. Riberi. Gior. d. t. Ac- cad. meil.-chii di Torino, 1859. 2. s., xxxiv, 321 ; 385; 449: xxxv, 3; 65.— Cmi' (W. P.) The nature of Inflammations in the light of n cent discoveries. X. York M.J., 1892, lv, 461-464.------A studv of inflammation. Tr. M. Soc. Dist. Columb. (1897), 1898. ii, 89-99. Also: Xat. M. Rev., Inflammation. Wash., 1897-8, vii, 129-140. — 4 ariadoii (G.) Xuova teoria sopra 1' infiammazione. N. gior. ,1. piu re,ente lett. nied.-chir. d'Europa, Milano, 17H4, vi, 283-2*7. — <'a«ls-. di p.itol. e clin. chit., ,-5, Napoli, 1889, pp. ix- xxiv — Peeplc , 1>. L.) Inflammation. Texas M. News, Austin 1-96 7 vi 317-321.—Pekelharina H'. A.) Over den phvsisehen grond van de diup, ,lc-e ,i, r witte bloedli- chaanipjes bij ontst.king. Nedeil. lijils, In . v. Geneesk., Auist., 1-85,'xxi. afl. 2. 74-10U. AUo, transl.: Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1886. civ, 242-270. AUo, transl.: Auli. ueeil. d. sc. exactes [etc.], Harlem, 1886, xxi, 34- 6v — Penzo (R.) Dell' influenza ilella teniperatura sui pi"ce->,, i ii tet t i vo infiammatorio. Arch, per le seined., Torino, lt-97. xxi, 29-58. AUu ; Abstr.j: Riforma med., Namdi. 1.-96. xii. pt. 2. 734. AU'n. transl.: Arch. ital. de biol.. Turin, li»97-», xxviii, 1-2-.— 1'itrcw , A.i Pathologie coniparee de rinflammation 'd'apn'-s les 1,-, ons de M. filie Metchnikoff). Arch. clin. de Bordeaux. 1§92, i, 133-141.— Poljakoll , W., Ueber die Eigentiimlichkeiten der Ent/umliingMeaUtiou in der Baiiclihohle. Centralbl. f. I'.akteiiol. • tc. . 1. Abt.. Jena. 18;i8. xxiv, 137-147.— Pon- tic U cE.j l>i. Entwicklung der Entziiiiiluiigslehre im 19. Jahrhundert. Berl. klin. Wchnschr . 1900, xxxvii, 225; 25-; 276. —Porter (W. Hi Inflammation: its etiology, j.a- thologv. exudation, and ptoducts. Am. Me,I.-Surg. Bull., N. V..18'.i4, vii, 1163-117U—Pncciantl (G.i Intornoallo stato morboso delle febbri e delle iufiammazioni. Gazz. tosc. d. s, med.-fis.. Firenz. l-ic, iv, 178: )r.'.i. AUo, Re- print.— «|ii<-yrat (L.) Pathologie coin;,are,- de rinflam- mation (il apt. - !-s lecons de M. M.-t. In,ik,,tf>. Rev. de med.. Par., 1893. xiii, 162-170.— Kibbcit. Beitrage zur Entziinduiig. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.J, Berl., Ih97, cl, 391-417.— Kichler (G. G.) [Pr.] exhibens conjectnras quasdam ,b- duplici novo inflammationum exitus riges- cendo etdesquammando. Gottinga-. 1748. Inhis: Opusc. Med.. 4 5 Francof. et Lips.. 17S0. iii, 155-163.- Kingcr. On the increase in number of white coi puscles in the blood in inflammation, especially in those cas,-* a,-, omp.mied by suppuration. Lancet, Lond., 1886. i lo,. —Kobiimon (B.) Views on inflammation. Am. M. Cumpeml. Toledo, j 1898, xiv, 16'.i-171.— Koemer (F.) Die chemische Reiz- barkeit thieri-i h, i Zelh-n; em Beitrag zui Lehre vou der Entziindung und Eit.-iung. Ai,-h. I. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl., 1**92. exxviii, 98-131, 1 pl.— Kollo , Hi-) der Gelasae bei der Eiitzim.Imig. Deutsche med. Presse, Berl., 1897, 73-77.— Ro««i Doria (T.) Sui concetto di infiamma- zione. Per il xxv anno d. insegn. chir. ,li 1-7 Ilurante n. Univ. di Roma, Roma, IM)*, i, 399-429.— Knllci (M. A.) A report on the destruction of micro-organi»m» during the process of inflammation. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 189o. i, 1177- 11»3. AUo. transl: Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur Par.. 1891. v, 673-694— Mam ne I (S.) Entzuiidungsheei.l und Eutziin- dungshof. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl.. 1*00, exxi, 273-304. -----. Ueber anamisclie. hyperaniische und nen rotisclieEntziiudungen. /^/(/.. 396-431. -----. DieSelbst- heilung der Entzundnngen und ihre Grenzen. Ibid., 1891. cxxvi. 81-108. —Ncnyli©*! 55) L' infiammazione secondo Metsehnikotl. Riforma med., Xapoli. 1804. x, pt. 3. 603-608. — Wcheltemn (J. J.) Ueber die Yeian- dei un^en im Uuterhantbind, gewebe bei derEutziindung. D,-nt-eli« med. Wchnschr., I'.erl.. 1886. xii, 461-464.— Mcholtlander (J.) Ueber Kern- und Zelltheilungsvor- gangeiiidemEndothelderentziindeteii Hornhatif. Experi- mentelle Untersuchungen ausdem pathologisi-lien Institut zu Heidelberg. Areh. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1887-8 xxxi, 426-482. 1 pl.— Mehrakamp (G.) Wo stekt das erste Glied der Entziindung I Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.]. Berl., 1893, exxxi, 379-384. —Wehioeder van der Kolk (J. L.C.) Eeiiigeonderzoekiii^etioverontstekingalKalh ,n uit slagaderlijk bloed voortspi uitende. Veral. . . . d. k. Akad. v Wetensch. Afd. Naiuurk., Amst., 1858, viii. 86- '.)-. - Wcjjall. Les elaainatocytes dans les tissus humaiiis enflammes. Bull. Soc. anat.' de Par.. 1837, lxxii, 955.— Nlinki'Dpi'iirr tE. O.i Ueber die Histologie der Ent- ziiiiduiigsvorgan^e. Berl. klin. Wclinschr.. Is92, xxix, 632-635. — Sherrington (C. S.) Note on some changes ' ii II a iii iii a tion. in the blood of the general circulation consequent upon certain inflammations of an acute local character. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. tlS'.Ui. lsiil, liv, 487: 1894, lv, 161, 1 pl.— Nicjgcnbcck van llenkeloni (D. E.) Inflammation et phagocytose. Univ. de Leide. Kit. de trav. anat.-path. de lab. Boerhaave 18SK-D8, Leide, 1899, i, 279-291. —Sig. ■lilicancc i lhe) of inflammation. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1898, cxxwni, 527. —MkliroMovMki (P.) Ob izmlenenii zhirovol tkani pri flegmonoznom i nlekotorikh drugikh vospahnivakh. [Changes in the fatty tissue in phleg- monous and other inflammations.] Voyenno-med. J. S? Petersb , 1884, cli. sect. 2, 103; 156; 223, 1 pl. — Mini III (A. H.) Would it not be a gain to both pathology and practice if a direct interaction between the morbi lie agent (uoxa) and the reparative effort-were recognized and tho conception of an intermediate so-called inflammatory process abandoned? Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila., 1900, xv, , l-.-l. — Mokolofi (K.) Ovospaleuii. [Inflam- mation.] Eel.lschei, St. Petersb.. 1891, i, 84-87. —Npenzer (J. G.) (In blood .lotting. Cleveland M. Gaz., 1.-06-7, xii, 671-684.— Nuinn (A.) Ucher das Verhalten chr Gewebe uud Blutiof.isso bei der Entziindung. Compt.- rend. Cong, internat. i|,^tn6d. 1897, Mosc, 1899, ii, sect. 3, 2-25. Al.-ki i V. V.) K voprosu o proiskhozhilenii (patoge- uezle) simpaticheskavo vospaleniya. [Pathogenesis of sympathetic, inflammation.] IzvTest. Imp. Voyenno-Med. Akad., S.-Peterb, 1900, i, 1-31. - Zic«ler (E.) Histo- riaches uud Kritisches iiber die Lehre von der Entziin- dung. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1892, xii, 152-205. Also, Reprint. INFLAMMATION. 942 INFLUENZA. Inflammation (Chronic). See, also, Inflammation (Treatment of). BenoIt ( A. ) * Considerations nosologiques sur les phleguiasies inuqueuses ou catarrhales. 4°. Strasbourg, 1610. Broussais (F.-J.-V.) Histoire des phleguia- sies ou inflammations chroniques, foude'e sur de nouvelles observations de clinique et d'anatomie pathologique; ouvrage presontaut im tableau raisoune" des vari6t£8 et des combinaisons di- verses de ces maladies, avec leurs diff'6rentes methodes de traitement. 2 v. C°. Paris, 1808. -----. The same. 3 v. 8°. Paris, 1826. Cuesta y Ckerner (J.) Patologia interna. Tratado completo de flegmasias. 2. ed. 8r. Madrid, 1875. Boi-Mt (M.) Chronische Entziindting und patholo- gische Organisation. Ergebn. d. allg. Path. u. path. Anat. [etc.] 1897, Wiesb., 1899, iv, 461-530. — Haycun (G.) Sur les caracteres anatomiques du sang dans les phleguiasies. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par., 1880, xc, 708-711.—Ilei- berg (H.) Om Betandelsens Vasen med specielt Hensyn til de kroniske indurative Betandelser i Hjerte, Lunger, Lever og Nyrer. [Sur la nature de l'inflammation, sptS- cialement par rapport aux inflammations chroniques (induratives) de la musculature du cceur, des poumons, du foie et des reins. C.-r., no. 38, 36-38.] Nord..med. Ark., Stockholm, 1897, n. F., viii. Festbd. af Axel Key . . ., no. 32, 1-34.—Herbert (H.) The young plasma cell or lymphocyte in chronic inflammation. J. Path. Sc Bac- teriol., Edinb. Sc Loud., 1900-1901, vii, 90-91, 1 pl. AUo, transl.: Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat. Hamb., 1900, xxx, 313-319, 1 pl. — Kanlhaik (A. A.) Chronic inflam- mation. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond.. 1896-7, iv, 20-24.— lHc 5 Nttpnli, 1690. Walter (A.) Die Influenza, ihre lleiluno- und Verhiitung, ihr Wesen und ihre Geschichte! t . Wien, 1-90. Almeuarn Butler (F.) La gripe 6 influenza. Cron. med., Lima, 1890. vii, 2.—Altschul 1T.1 Audiatur et altera pars! Nachtragliches zur Influeiizadebatte Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1890. xv, 174; 1*3 —Antler* (J. M.i A statistical study of influenza: its potency to les- sen the receptivity of the body to malaria. ,,s w.'-I] a- to | increase the receptivity to pneumonia anil pi,>l>,,l,h to typhoid I, ver. Phila. Hosp. Rep., 1896. iii, 49 -61. — An- drnl. L.-c,,. ns sur la grippe. Gaz. d. hop, 1'ai 1*37 xi 97.— Anion. Beobaehtungen iiber Influenza. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1890. xxxvii, 40--12. —Arena (A.) L' influenza. Medico prat. contemp.. Napoli 1*90, ii, 206; 272; 331.—Aufrecht. Einige Notizen zui Influenza- frage. Deutsche ined.Wehnsehi Leipz. u. Berl., 1*90, xvi, 929— Austin (M. A.) Influenza. Tr. Indiana M. Soc. L,.g.iiisport 1901, 219-226.—Rati micr. Ueber die Iu- rin-ii/.i. Miincben. in-,!. W, hns.hr.. 1890, xxxvii 21. AUo. Uepimt. AU . M.d -, hir Centralbl., Wieu. 1890, xxv, 113.—Ballard (A M La grippe. Charlotte IN. C.l M. J.. 1900, xvii, 23-29.—Barne* (H. E. W.) Epi- demic influenza. Med. Herald. St. Joseph, 1901, n. s., xx. 3'7-319. — Barlliolow (R.) The causes and treatnient ot influenza. M>-,1. News, Phila.. 1**9. lv, 710-714.— Batek (L.) N.-kolik pozn&mek o cliijj.i, euil,-mick6. [Some remarks on endemic influenza.! C.mop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1893, xxxii. 2".;: 225. — Beke«t (A.) Beitrag zur Lehre von d,-r Influenza. Wien no d. Presse, 1897, xxxviii. 1041; P>67.—Benedict ' F. II; i il,*ervatious on la giippe. Wisconsin M. Recorder, Janesville 1899, ii, 27-.'9. — Beni-Bartle. Un root sur l'influenza. Bull. Soe.de med. do Par. il**9i. 1890, xxiv, 172-1*0. Also: Union me,1.. Par., 1890 3.8.. xlix, 50-54.—Bishop (S. S.) Grip, and itn effects on the nose, throat, and ear Medi- cine. Detroit, 1895. i, 34-39. AUo, Reprint. -----. Influenza. Med. Herald. St. Joseph, 1896. n s., xv, 267- 271. -----. Influenza. Alkaloid. Clin., Chicago, 1*99. vi, 78-80. — Boen* (H.) L'influenza? Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg. Brux., 1891, 4. s , viii 29-33. -----. 'Com- umi,i, .itinu -ur 1' influenza. Ibid., 1*97). 4. s,, ix, 167-171 — Bozzolo. Sulla influenza. Riforma in ed., Napoli, 1*911, vi. 128. 134.— Brann. 1'emcrkungen iiber Influenza. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte: Beil 1894. vii. 1: 29 —Brum- baugh (A. 15.) "La grippe", or i-piilemi<- intliiKiiza. Tt. M. *,>■-. Tenn.. Phila.. 18*9-90, xxi. 236-239.-Bryce (I A ) Crip. South. Clinic. Richmond. 1897. xx 37-39. Burch (J.D.) La grippe, suggestive letters from eminent men. Tr. Texas M. Ass., Calveston. 1892. 111-127 AUo, Reprint.—Cantani (A.) Sull iiifluenza. Ciot. internaz. d.sc. med., Napoli, 1890, n. s., xii 1-12.— Ccryrli ( B. ) Influenza. Casop. 16k. <5esk., v Praze, 189u, xxix, 18.7; 208; 230.— Chabalier. De la fievre dite , atatihale. J. de rued. cl<- Lyon, 1865, iii. 337-3.73. -l'ia;;liii*ki < iniilli. Ueber Influenza. Vneinslil. t. pfalz. Aer/lo. liaiik.iilhal, 1890, vi, 2-13. — Be Benzi (E.) Sull' inlluenza. Biv. din. e terap., Napoli. 189ii. xii, 57-7,9. ------. Influenza, (.'lin. mod., l-'iieiize. 1*9."., i, 38.7- 388. ------. L 'influenza. N. riv. clin.-terap., Napoli, 1900, iii, 113-123. — l>e*|ilal* (II.) De l'influenza. J. d.sc. nied. de Lille. I*9u, i, ,3-82.— l>CMro*iei-N (H.-E.) La grippe. I'iii.»u 1116d.dll Canada, Montreal, 1890, n. 8., iv, 67-72.— l>i*t'ii**iou on , pi,I, mi, influenza. Lancet, Loud., l*9n. i. 4m; —I>i*eu**ion sur I'epub iniede gi ippe. Bull.Soc.de med.pul, Pai.. 1890, xiii, lo-32. — Bi*t-u*. sion on influenza. Tr. Med -Chir. Sue Edinb., 18.-9-90 n. s.. ix, 117-143.— I>i« ilcree*! !■) E.) La grippe. Tr. Texas M. Ass . Austin, 1899, xxxi,139-148. |Discussion],167. AUo: .1. Am. M.Ass., Chicago. 1899. x\xiii. 1461-U6I —<; imeno( A.) La grippe. Med pract.. Madrid. 1889-90, ii, 581-583.—Godfrey < I!. B.) La grippe. Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Iletroit,l891. xv.*7,-94.2 pl.— Gold*l>erry (J. A.) Influenza lia urippei. Tr. Indiana M. Soc, Indianap., 1899,111-117.—O ran ville (M.) A note on tbe nature and treatnient ol influ, u/.a Med Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1893, n. s., lvi, Col.—<- res*well (i i.l Influ- enza. Lancet. Lond.. 1897. ii, 716-71*. — <»i-i|>i 1 'lu-i. Med. Rec, N.T., 1894, xiv, 47.—4»rip|>c (La), ossia descrizione della malattia catarrale attualiuente dominante, e suo me- todo curative e preservative line, di op. med. mod. ital., Bologna, 1829, viii,355-361.—G ru be (W.W.) La grippe; its manifestations, complications, and treatment. .1. Am.M. Ass.,Chicago, 1899, xxxii, 649—Guilera* (K.) Influenza; causes, complications, and treatment. Med. Rec. N. Y., 1894. xiv, 76-80. AUo: Tr Pan-Am. M. Cong. 1893. Wash., 1895, pt. 1. 35.5-362.— Ilappel (T.J.) La grippe. Mem- phis M. Month., 1892. xii, 49 7,7. — Hare (II. A.) Inlluenza. In: Syst. Pract. Therap. I Hare), Phila., 1897, iv, 143-152.— Ilellmulh (K.) Jakycb zkusenosti naliyl praticky lekar pri epidemii chripky. [How the practical physician obtains experience in epidemics of influenza.] Casop. 16k. cesk.,v Praze, 1890, xxix, 167-170.—Ilenneriei. Die In- fluenza. Fiinfz. Beitr. a. d. Geb. d. ges. Med. Festschr. . . . d. Ver. d. Aerzte d. Rgrngsbz. Diisseld.. Wiesb., 1894, 104-115.—Hodges (J. A.) La grippe. North Car. M. J., INFLUENZA. 944 INFLUENZA. Influenza. Wilmington, 1890, xxvi, 627-631.—Hugnenin (P.) La grippe ou influenza. Concours m6d., Par., 1896, xviii, 15- 20.—Hurd (D. L.) La grippe. Chicago M. Times, 1896, xxix, 83.—Hutton (H. R.) Notes on epidemic influenza. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1889-90, xi, 450-456. —Influ- enza. Lancet, Lond., 1892, i, 159. — Influenza. Kep. Clin. Soc. Lond. . . . infectious dis. Suppl. vol. xxi. Trans., 1892, 78-87. —Influenza. Med. contemp., Lisb., 1896, xiv, 65.—Jaeeoud. Sur la grippe. Bull. Acad, de ni6d., Par., 1890, 2. s., xxiii. 209-211.—Jaeobi (A.) Notes on influenza. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1900, lviii, 913.—janssens. Communi- cation statistique relative k l'^pidemie actuelled'influenza a Bruxelles. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg.. Brux., 1892, 4. s., vi, 27-34, 4 tab. [Discussion], 34; 165.—Jasiewicz (J.) La grippe et les maladies infectieuses. Bull. Soc. de ni6d. prat.de Par., 1890,47-64. AUo, Repiint.-----. Note surlagrippe. Ibid., 97-99.—Jones(A.O.) Influenza; its cause and cure. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1892, n.s.. liii, 258. Also: Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1892, xi, 172.— Kaczer (M.) Az influenzdrdl. Gyogy&szat, Budapest, 1895, xxxv, 355.—Knuien (L.) Weiterer Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Influenza. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1897. xlvii, 945-951.— Kanasugi (E.) [Influenza.] Dai Nippon Ji-Bi-In-Ko- Kwa-Kwai Kwai Ho, Tokyo, 1900. vi, 99-117.—Kendrick (W. S.) A short lecture delivered to the students of the At- lanta Medical College on influenza. South. M. Rec. At- lanta, 1897 xxvii, 68-72.—Kirchuer (M.) Untersuchun- gen iiber Influenza. Centralbl. f. Bacteriol. u. Parasiteiik., Jena, 1890, vii, 361-364. —Klebs (E.) Weiteres iiber In- fluenza. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1890, xvi. 278-286.—Klein (A.) Influenza (Grippe). Med.-chir. Centralbl.. Wien, 1895. xxx, 478-485. Also: Biblioth. d. ges. med. Wissensch.,Wienu.Leipz., 1890,302-317.—Klein (•J.) Feber die Influenza. Wien. med. Bl., 1891, xiv, 831.— Krause ( W.) Die Influenza. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1892, xxxvii, 1; 14. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1892, xxvii, 33; 49.—Krehl (L.) Beobaehtungen iiber In- fluenza. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1890, xvi, 105-107.—Kruse (W.) Zur Aetiologie und Diagnose der Influenza. Ibid., 1894, xx, 513-515. — L.efebvre. Communication sur l'influenza. Bull. Acad. rov. de iu6d. de Belg., Brux., 1890, 4. s., iv, 492-496.—I.eich'tcnstern (O.) Influenza. Spec. Path. u. Therap. . . . Nothnagel, Wien, 1896, iv, pt. 2, 1. Abth., 1-195, 1 diag.—Lemoine (G.) Grippe. Clinique, Montreal, 1895-6, ii, 165-170.— Iietzerich (L.) Untersuchungen und Beobaehtungen iiber die Aetiologie und Pathologie der Influenza, nebst therapeutischen Bemerkungen. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1895, xxvii, 343-362.—I.eydeu (E.) Ueber Iuflu- enza. Wien. med. BL, 1890, xiii, 35-37. — I.iiideulhal (O. T.) Ueber die sporadiscbe Influenza. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1897, x, 353-359. — Link (J. E.) La grippe. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1892, xix, 90-95.—I. y in an (H. M.) Influenza. Clin. Rev., Chicago, 1898-9, viii, 91-94 — ITIac- phail (D.) Notes on influenza. Glasgow M. J.. 1890, xxxiii, 191-198.—.TIadan (D. L.) & Diaz (E.) Fiebres infecto-contagiosas, grippe y dengue. Kev. de med y ci- ruj. de la Habana, 1897, ii, 363-366.— ITIaragliano (E.) Sull' influenza. Gazz. d. osp., Milano. 1890, xi, 148: 155; 164. Also [Abstr. ]: Riv. gen. ital. di clin. med., Pisa, 1890, ii, 104-107.—ITIarchiafava. Sull'influenza. Bull. d. Soc Laneisiana d. osp.di Roma (1889-90), 1891. x. 137- 145.— Hnxson (E. R.) Influenza (la giippe ). N.York M. J., 1894, lix, 205 —irleunella (A.) L' influenza. Gior. med. d. r. esercito, Roma, 1900, xlviii, 777-808.—Mer- rill (B.J.) Influenza (epidemic catanhal fever). North- west. Lancet, St. Paul, 1889, ix, 172-175. — .Ueserve (A.K. P.) Influenza. J. Med. Sc Sc, Portland. 1895-6, ii, 515-518.— Monti (A.) Endemische und epidemische In- fluenza (Grippe). Wien. Klinik, 1900. xxvi, 6. Suppl.-Hft., 37-52.—Ttloretti (T.) L'influenza. Mouitore med. mar- chigiana, Loreto, 1889-90, iii. 207-219. AUo: Raccoglitore med., Forli, 1890. 5. s., ix, 249-258.—IVIosse (A.) Recher- ches experinientales et cliniques sur ''influenza (patho- genic; traitement). Rev. de m6d.. Par., 1895, xv, 185-240. AUo [Abstr 1: Midi m6d., Toulouse, 1894. iii, 821-825.— rVikulin (V. V.) Prakticheskiya zamletki ob inflyuen- tsie. kak reznltat nablyudeniya yeya za vremya s 18 89 po ls99 god. [Practical notes ou influenza, as a result of ob- servations from 1889 to 1899.] BolnTlsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1899. x. 1711; 1760; 1803— IVothnajjel. Influ- enza. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1890, iii, 31. Also: Med.- chir. Centralbl.. AYieu, 1890, xxv, 43. AUo: Wien. med. BL, 1890, xiii, 19. Also: Ztschr. f. Therap. in. Einbzhng. d. Elect.- u. Hydrotherap., Wien, 1890, viii, 9.—O'Calla- ghan (Mary V.) Epidemic influenza. Tr. Alumna) Ass. Woman's M. Coll. Penn., Phila., 1899, 142-148. — Onnen (P. W.) Influenza. Geneesk. Bl. u. Klin, en Lab. v. de prakt., Haarlem, 1899-1900, vi, 337-363. — Ornstein (B.) Ein Beitrag zur Influenzafrage. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1890, xvi. 1087-1090.- Ortner (N.) Ueber Influenza. Monatsehr. f. Gsndhtspflg., Wien, 1899, xvii, 33-40. — Palmer (J. F.) Modern epidemics; influenza. Med. Mag., End.. 1899. viii, 601; 659.— Parker (D. L.) Remarks on la grippe Physician Sc Surg., Detroit \ Ann Arbor, 1898 xx. 210. [ Discus- sion J, 221.— V fuh I (A ) Beobaehtungen iiber Influenza. Influenza. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1895, xxiv, 97-115.— Pispires (I.) Ilepi yf>iirnr)S, TaAiji-bs, \A0jji-at, 1890, XX, 77; 94; 121; 161.—Pollak (A.) Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Influenza. Wien. med.Wchnschr..1892,xiii, 183 ; 224.— Pollen (H.) Influenza. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney 1898. xvii, 289-293. — Ponteil. Etude sur l'influenza. Poitou nied.. Poitiers 1893, vii, 123; 169.—Porter (W.) Epidemic influenza. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1890. xiv, 113-115. — Portugaloflf (V.) Pandemiya influentsi [Pandemic of influenza.J Feldscher, St. Petersb., 1891. i, 36-38.—Potain. La grippe. Union med., Par., 1889, 3. s., xlviii, 878-882.—Pribram. Beitrage zur Kennt- niss der Influenza. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1893, xviii, 634.—Ren** (L.) L'influenza. Ann. d'hyg.. Par., 1890, 3. s., xxiii, 97-114.—Beves (S.) Influenza. Sicilia med., Palermo, 1890, ii, 389-411. Also: Atti d. r. Accad. d. sc. med. in Palermo (1890), 1891, 55-77.—Robin*ou (W. C.) A few notes on la grippe. Omaha Clinic, 1895-6, viii, 129- 131.—Rosenbach. Einige Bemerkungen iiberlnfluenza. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1890, xxvii, 95. AUo: Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1890, xxv, 153.—Rousaeau-St.-Phi- lippe. Influenza. M6m. et bull. Soc. de m6d. etchir. de Bordeaux (1892), 1893, 124-132.—Rue (T.) The grippe (condensed from a number of letters written and pub- lished during the winter of 1890-91). In : Sketch of the life of Theodore Rue, 8°, [n. p., n. d.j, pt. 2.—Kline- man n (J.) Neuere Erfahrungen iiber die Influenza. Berl. Klinik, 1900, 147. Hft., 1-19.—Ruiz Valdepe- fia* (L.) De la influenza. Actas y mem. d. Cong, inter- nac de hig. y demog. 1898, Madrid, 1900, ix, 206-211.— Sadler (M. T.) Catarrhal fever; its cause, complica- tions, and consequences. Lancet, Lond., 1888, ii, 58.— Nborilone (A.) Deb" influenza. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1900, xxi, 664-667.—Schoonmaker (I. It.) Influenza. Penn. M. J., Pittsburg, 1898-9, ii, 579-583.—Seiler (C.) Influenza and American grippe, or epidemic my xoidoedema. Syst. Dis. Ear, Nose & Throat (Burnett), Pliila., 1893, i, 624-631.—Seitz (J.) Zur Influenza. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1893, xxiii, 3-17.—Sell (A.) Om Influen- zaen. Ugesk. f. Lseger, Kjobeuh., 1890, 4. R., xxii, 470- 478.—Scmmola (M.) Delia influenza. Progress.! med., Napoli, 1890, iv, 121-128. AUo, Reprint.—Sharp i.J.) La grippe. Kansas City M. Rec, 1891, viii, 243-248.— Shaltuck (F. C.) Some remarks opening a discussion ou influenza. Boston M. & S. J., 1890, exxii, 148. [Dis- cussion], 153-158.—Shurly (E. L.) Remarks on some of the features of the grippe and influenza. Physician & Surg., Detroit Sc Ann Arbor, 1895. xvii. 241-247. AUo, Reprint.—Sikes (G. T.) Influenza. North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1896, xxxvii. 350-354— Sirena (S.) Sulla influenza. Riforma nied., Napoli, 189o. vi. 680.—Skinner (C.) La grippe. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville, 1892, n. s., xiii, 199-201.—Smith (G.) Influenza. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1890, i. 425.—Smolensk! (P.O.) Influentsa iii gripp. Vestnik obsh. big. sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Pe- tersb.. 1890. v, 4. sect., 131-139: vi, 4. sect.. 1-20.—Smoli- cheflT(P. F.) Ob inflyuentsie, yeya techennii. oslozhne- niyakh, iskhodakh, llechenii. [Influenza; its course, com- plications, results treatment.] Russk. Med.. St. Pe- tersb., 1890, xv, 132; 149. — Spring! It or pc (J. W.) Some further notes on influenza. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney. 1895, xiv, 471-474. -----. Concerning influenza. Intercolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1900, v, 192- 199. — Squire (W.) Further notes on influenza. Lan- cet, Loud., 1891, ii, 63. — Stack (J.) La grippe, or influenza. St. Louis Clinique, 1899, xii, 101-105. — Stew- art (Sir T. G.) The nature and treatment of influ- enza Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, ii, 242-249. Also: Lan- cet, Lond., 1891, ii. 239-245. Also, transl..- Wien. med. Bl., 1894, xvii, 447; 464; 483.—Stewart (W. D.) La grippe. Toledo M. Sc S. Reporter, Toledo, 1893, vi, 221-223.—Stout (S. H.) Catarrhal fever. Texas Cour.-Rec Med., Fort Worth, 1883-4, i, no. 6, 5-11. — Striimpell. Ueber influ- enza. Sitzungsb. d. arztl. Bezirksver. in Erlang. 18,-9-90, Munchen, 1891. 9-18 AUo: Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1890. xxxvii, 90-93.— Sweetnam (L. M.) Influenza; its general featnies. Canad. Pract., Toronto, 1894, xix, 371- 377. — von Sydov (F.) Om influenzan. [Influenza.] Gdteborgs Lak.-sallsk. Forh., 1892, 46-55.—Taylor ( S.) Notes on epidemic influenza. Lancet, Loud., 1890, i, 187.— Teissier (J.) La grippe (6tiologie, pathogenic, formes cliniques). Province med., Lvon, 1892, vi, 313; 325; 337; 349; 363; 373; 385; 397; 421; 433. Also, Reprint.—Thorne (R. T.) Memorandum on epidemic influenza. Lancet, Lond., 1895, i, 698.— Thornton ( T. R.) Grip. Tr. M. Ass. Mis- souri. Kansas City, 1899, 144-148. — Tisne (C.) Note sur l'influenza. France med., Par., 1890, i, 370; 386.—Toma- selli (S.) Sull' influenza. Sicilia med., Palermo, 1890, ii, 526-533.—Tu in bill I (G.D.) Some facts and fancies con- cerning influeuza. Maritime M. News, Halifax, ls94. vi, 443-449.— Tyson (-T.) Epidemic influenza or catarrhal fever. Med. Xews, Phila., 1890. lvi, 133. -----. Influenza. Univ. M. Mag.. Phila., 1894-5, vii, 555-559.—Uckmar (V.) L'influenza. Collez. ital. di lett. s. med.. Milano, 1891, 5. s., 489-608.— Umpfeiibach. Ueber Influenza. Wien. med. Presse. 1890. xxxi. 245-249.—Van Horn (A. F.) La grippe. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1898-9, xi, 669-678.-Vi- INFLUENZA. 945 INFLUENZA. Influenza. • ;illi i F.i L' influenza. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1890 xi, V26; 434. — Walm*lev i D. L.) Observationson influenza. Phvsician \- Surg.. Detroit i Ann Arbor. 1900. xxii, 182- 187. [lii.scussion], 205-298.— Winnie broneq A: Pa- quet. La grippe. Nord med. Lille. 1*94-5. i. 1>1-184.— Wnshbonrn. Iuflueuza. Cuy's Hosp Gaz., Lond., Is94. n. s.. viii. 181-18 J. -Waiii-li , W. K.I Influenza. Alkaloid. Clin.. Chicago 1 >'.>'.'. vi. -i 8,7-Weber 9(>. Boxxelieke (E.) 'Contribution a I'etude cliuique de la grippe: grippe a determination multiple. 4°. Paris, 1-91. Egger (L.) ""Etude clinique sur ies formes pseudo-phvuiiques de la giippe. lc Lyon, lr94. -----. The same. S-. Paris, 1691. Mizon (R.-C.j "De la grippe chrouique a forme tuberculeuse. 4C. Lille. 1691. Saurel (R.) * De la grippe a forme typhoide (4tude clinique; diagnostic). *v. Montpellier, 1900. VVildensteix (G.) * De la grippe sporadique et en particulier de ses formes thoraciqut -s. 6^^ Paris, l-'>. A mallei (G.) La leggenda della nona. Bull.med. cre- mone-.- i.'ieinona. '.e'."1. \ -8-91.—Boo-hoo fever. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1-9-. ;i 17i 6. — Braun. Was ist Nona? Deutsche tiled. Wclin-,-hr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1*90. xvi, 275. Also [Rev.]: Boston M. Sc 6. J., 1890, exxii. 482. Also [Kev.]: Med. £ Sun:. Reporter, Phila.. 1890. Ixii, 527.- (ailland. r'.?:pi,e a forme Jarve.-. Med. mod., Par., 1*9?. ix. 5o5. —< hatin (P.) & Collet (J.) Deux cas de irrippe a forme pseuiio phymique. L\onmed.. 1894, lxxvii, 2,i3-211. — I>a Costa (J. M.) Cases of influenza simu- lating tvplnml fever aud cerebro-spinal meningitis. Univ. M. Ma.'. I'liila., 1893-4. vi. 289- 292.— WiIiziiiiic (C.) firude cliniiiue de la grippe a I'm m,- typhoide. Rev.de med.. Par., 1892. xii, 7*6-so5.— Dona (I.) Asupra uimi caz de jitipii cu forma tifo-exantematicS. Spitalul Bucu- resci 1901. xxi, 155-165.— Diiek. Eijieiithuiiilichkeiten in der Svmptomatologie und dem Verlaufe dei Intluen/.a. Munchen. med. Wchnschr.. 1890. xxxvii. 63 — I ilaloll (N5) O zatyazhnikh i bezlikhoradochnikh formiKli intlu- entsi. [On prolonged and non-febrile forms of inrliienza. | Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1899, li. 33-52. AUo | (lutlim] : Dletsk. med., Mosk., 189*. iii. 352-355. Also [Outline]: Trudi Obsh. dietsk. vrach , Mosk.. Is9*-9, vii, 40-43. AUo, transl.: Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttir.. 1899, xxvii. 1-18. AUo, transl..- Ann.de med. et chir. inf.. Par.. 1899, iii, 249: 295; 358.—Forchlieimer (F.) C'ouirh in influenza simulating whoopiuir-coiiirb ipseudo pertussis, pertus- soid). Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc. X. Y„ 1900. xii, 152-157. Also: Arch. Pediat., >T. V., 1900. xvii. 801-soC.- «-j«-|»:i- rini Hi. B.) La forma tifoide del! influenza, i.a/.z. med. lomb., Milano, 189". lvii. 167-169. — (ifiniani (A.) Forma anomala d inflm iu.i. Corriere san., Mi- lano, l*-99. x, 147. — Godfrey (11. W.) Apvrexial in- fluenza. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1891, ii, 123. — Godle»ki. Deux cas d'influeuza anoi niale. Progres m6d., Par., 1901, 3. s., xiv, 392. — Gutierrez (M.j ('rippe abdominal (forma tifica); histciia clinica yreflexiones acerca de la misma. Med. mil. espaii., Madrid, 1897-8. iv, 349-352.— Malinger (F.i Et Tilfselde af " Xoua "' Hosp. Till., Kjebenb. 1*91.'.',. K., ix, 629-633.— llaiiiiiiiixililiiji (G.) Ein Fall von .Nona Wieu. tned. Presse, Iw'iu, xxxi, 750- 752— lluyghe (L.) Du pseudo rhiimatisiu. grippal. Arch. prov. de nied., Par., 1899. i, 605-623. — llo ( H. > Sc Kiuchi (S , Telier die tynhiise Influenza. (Japanese text.] Ztschr. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo, 1895, ix, 151- 155.—Jaccoud. Sur quelques formes de la grippe; into- xication saturnine. J. de m6d. et chir. prat., Par., 1898, VOL VII, 2D SERIES----00 Influenza (Anomalous and unusual j forms of). lxiv 7.68-572. — Kornblnm (G.) Ueber intertnittirende Inllu,n/a. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1892, xx, 160-164.— I.eiiioiuc (G. ) De la grippe ii, forme typhoide. Bull. med. du nord, Lille, 1892, xxxi, 497-7,(1.7. Also: Semaine mid., Par., 1892. xii, 405. -----. De la grippe ii forme pseudo - tuberculeuse. Cong, franc, de ra6d. 1894, Par., I 1895, i. 366.— l.omjnet (R.) La nona. Semaine med., Par., 1892 xii, 275-278. —Vlnr<|iiie. De la forme sudorale de la giippe. J. denied, de Km,I, mux, 1898, xxviii, 61-65.— .VI iron (G. S ) Gripfi simiiliiul I'ebra tifoidS. Presumed. ruin., IiucurescI, 1899-1900, vi. 204-206.—Monie (G.) I'u casde g'ipi"* a forme typhoide avec taches rosees lenticu- laius: autopsic. Bull.'med., Par., 1901, xv, 154.— Tlono- gniili (C.) Su di un cast) d' influenza con sintomi tli tetano. Gazz. d. osp., Napoli, 1891, xii, 743. — Tloretti ( T.) Forma tetanica da influenza. Ibid., 922. -----. Forma niorbosasimulante la tifoide, analoga all influenza. Raccoglitore med., Forli. 1891, 5. s., xii, 97-106.— »l nwnlli (C.) Pseudopertosse influenzale. Arch. ital. di pediat., Napoli, 1894, xii, 62.—Olivier (P.) Du pseudo-rhuma- tisme de la grippe. Bull. Soc do m6d.de Rouen (1890), 1891, 2. s., iv, 7-14. Also.- Normandie med., Rouen, 1890, v. 69-76. I Discussion j, 88— PrieMter (I.) Ein Fall von "Nona'' (f) nach Influenza. Wien. nied. Wchnschr., 1891, xli. 117,9-1161.— KobiiiNon (W. F.) Boo-hoo fever. Al- bany M. Ann., 1898 xix, 5.72. — Koskam. Des formes abdominales de la grippe. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Liege, 1898, xxxvii, 138-141.— Malomone-iUarino ( S.) LTn raro caso di influenza coleriforme. Riv. clin., Milano, 1890, xxix, 419-424. —Spragne ( W. B.) Some unusual developments of la grippe. Am. Lancet, Detroit, 1891, n. s., xv. 247.—Tranjen. Die sogenannte "Nona". Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1890. xxvii, 496. — Venanti (M.) Che ,,,sa e la nonna? Osservatore. Torino, 1890, xli, 269-271.— Wee h ler (T.) Conti i line ion ;i la casnistica do la grippe ab- dominal. [From: Seinana meil. Buenos Aires. | Gac. in6d. de Granada, 1899, xvii 241-245. —Weiwbaeh (E.) Ueber einen Fall von comatoser Form der Influenza mit Ikterua und todtiichem Verlaufe. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Kranken- anst. 1896, Wien u. Leipz., 1898, v, pt. 2. 18-21. AUo [Abstr.l: Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1898, xliii, 152.— Wor- ner. Eine locale Epidemie von Iufluenza typhosa. Muii- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1894, xli, 119; 149: 169. —Wright ( W. F.) A few cases of epidemic influenza presenting >tran-e features. Med. Rec, N. T., 1890, xxxvii, 295.— Zne»lein (T.) Sull'influenza a forma addomiuale. Bol!. d. r. Accad. med. di Genova, 1900, xv, no. 3, 3-8. — Zam- petti (A.) A proposito deila nona. Gazz. d. osp., Mila- no, 1890, xi, 178; 283. Influenza (Bacteriology of). Bein(G.) * Bakteriologische Untersuchungen ! iiber Influenza. 65 Berlin, [1690]. AUo, in: Ztschr. f. klin. Med.. Berl.. 1890, xvii, 545-579. Berikr (C.) *Kevue critique sur la bacterio- logie ile la grippe. [Lyons.] 4 . Voiron, 1692. -----. The same. S \ Voiron. 1692. Bornay (J.) * Bactcriologie des complica- tions de la grippe (influenza). i3-. Par is, 1900. Godefroi (M. J.) Influenza eu microbe. Voordracht gehouden in de Februari-vergade- ring van de aftlei'Iing 's-Hertogenbosch en oni- sheken der Nederlandsche Maatschappij tot Bevordering der ('eiii'i'skunst. s . 's-Herto- genbosch, 1692. Jarron (C.-J.) * Contribution a l'e'tude bac- teriologique de la grip|ie. Travail du labora- toire des cliniques de l'ficole de ni6decine d'Alger. 4°. Bordeaux, 1H94. Nastyhkoff (M. M.) * K voprosu ob etiologii i kliniclieskoi baktiiioloL'ii inflyuentsl. [Eti- ology ;md clinical bacteriology of inlluenza.] ^5 S.-Peterburg, 1694. AUo [OutlineJ, in: Vrach, St. 1'etersb.. 1893, xiv, 825; 892: 916. Albreeht (H.) &Ghon (A.) Ein Beitrag zur Kennt- niss der Morphologic und Pathologie des Influenzaba- cillus. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Wieu u. Leipz., 1901, xxii, Abth. f. path. Anat. [etcl, 29-7,0, 2 pl. —Babes (V.) Vorlauflge Mittheilungen iiber einige bei Influenza ge- fundene Bakterien. Centralbl. f. Bacteriol. u. Parasiteuk., Jena, 1890, vii, 233; 460; 496: 533; 561; 598, 1 pl. -----. TJeber die bei Influenza gefundenen feinen Bacterien. Deutsche med. Wclinschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1892. xviii, 113-115.—Kertfonzini (C.) Studii bacteriologici sull' in- fluenza. Rasseiiiia di sc. med.. Modena, 1890, v, 115-124. AUo, Reprint. — Borehartlt (M.) Beobaehtungen iiber das Vorkoniinen des ITeitl'er scdien Influenzabacillus. INFLUENZA. 946 INFLUENZA. Influenza (Bacteriology of). Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1894. xxxi, 33-35. — Brnschettini (A.) Ricerche batteriologiche sull' influenza. Arch. per le sc med., Torino & Palermo, 1892, xvi. 353-371, 1 pl. See, aUo, infra, Pfeiffer Sc Beck. AUo [Abstr.]: Riforma med., Napoli, 1892, viii, pt. 1, 266. -----. Sui caratteri morfologici e culturali del bacillo dell' influenza. Ibid., 786-789. -----. Sull' azione patogena del bacillo dell' in- fluenza. Ibid., pt. 2, 783-785. -----. Nuovo contributo alio studio del bacillo dell' influenza e specialmente della sua azione patogena nel coniglio. Ibid.. 1893, ix, pt. 2. 62; 74; 87. -----. Alcune questioni intorno al bacillo dell' influenza. Ibid., pt. 3, 421-425. — Calmelte (E.) Le bacille de l'influenza. Bull. m6d., Par., 1898, xii. 33. Also: Clinique, Montreal, 1898-9, v, 330-334 — Canes- trini (G.) Alcune notizie intorno al bacillo dell' influ- enza. Atti r. Ist. Veneto di sc, lett. ed arti, 1891-2, 7. s . iii, 437-443.—Canon (P ) Ueber einen Mikroorganismus j im Blute von Influenzakranken. Deutsche med. Wchn- I sehr., Leipz. u. Berl., Is92. xviii. 28 AUo. transl.: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892, i. 129. AUo. transl.: Med. Xews. j Phila., 1892, lx, 138. -----. Ueber Ziicht ung des Influenza- bacillus aus dem Blute der Influ. nzakranken. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1892, xviii, 48.-----. Die Influenza-Bacilleu im lebenden Blute. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.|, Berl., 1893, ex xxi, 401-435. 1 pl.—Canlani (A.) jun. Wirkung der Influenzabaciilen auf das (,'entral- nerven-System. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infectionskiankli., Leipz.. 1896, xxiii, 265-282. -----. Sui reperto batteliolo- gico nell' influenza. Riforma med.. Palermo, 1900, xvi, pt. 2, 51; 63; 74. -----. Ueber das Wachsthum der Influ- enzabaciilen auf hamoglobinfreien Nahrbbdeu. Ztschr. f H\i;. u. Infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1901, xxxvi, 29-14.— Castellan! (A.) Contributo alio studio bacteriologico di alcune complicanze dell' influenza. Riv. crit. di clin. med., Firenze. 1901, ii, 44-47. — Chiari. Zur Bacterio- logie der Influenza. Prag. med. Wclinschr.. 1893. xviii, 632-634.—Coles (A. C.) The bacillus ot influenza. [Abstr.l Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899. ii, 1284— Comstock (A. J.) A practical method for demonstrating tubercle bacilli when associated with influenza bacilli. South. Calif. Pract., Los Angeles, 1901, xvi, 2(9— Cornil. On the influenza or grippe microbe, and inflammations of the mucous membranes. Internat. M. Mag.. I'liila.. 1^94-5. iii. 270-274. — Cornil \ Chaiilemes.sc. Snr 1,- microbe de l'influenza. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1892, 3. s., xxvii, 173.—C'oroiiado (T. V.) Confirtnacidii del microbio de la grippe en Cuba y su importancia bajo el punto de vista clinico. Cr6n. med.-quir. de la Habana. 1893, xix, 513- 523, 1 pl. AUo [Abstr.]: Arch, dela So,, estud. clin. de la Habana (1892-1). 1895, vi, 107-120. 1 pl.-Dache (J.) Etudes bacteriologiques sur les complications de l'influ- enza. Ann. Soc med.-chir. de Liege, 1890, xxix, 167-174.— Doering (H.) Ueber Infection mit Influenzabaciilen und mit Bact. proteus. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1900, xlvii, 1530.—Klmassian. Note sur un bacille des voies respi- ratoires et ses rapports avec le bacille de Pfeiffer. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur. Par., 1899, xiii, 621-629.—Fiocca. Ueber einen im Speichel einiger Hausthiere gefundeneu. dem Iu- flueuzabacillus ahnlichen Mikroorganismus. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasiteuk., Jena, 1892, xi, 406-409.—Fisehel (F.) Ein pathogener Mikroorganismus im Blute Intlu- euzakrauker. Internat. klin. Rundschau, Wieu, 1890. iv 1439-1441. Also: Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1890 xv, 487. -----. Eine bacteriologisch - experimeutelle Studie iib,-r Influenza. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Berl.. 1891, xii, 1-44. —Fra- ser (J. W.) On the occurrence of the pneumococcus iu the sputum from a case of influenza. Lancet, Lond.. 1890, i, 1118.—Friedenwald (J.) The Pfeiffei-bacillus: the causative agent in influenza. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Bait., 1893, iv. 5s.—ft hon i A.» m Pfeiller (H.) Der Mi- krococcus catarrhalis iR. Pfeiffer) als Krankkeitserretier. Ztschr. f. klin. Med.. Berl.. 1901. xliv, 262-295.-ftioelli (P.) Sulla bacteriologia dell' influenza; studio di una re- cente epidemia. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1890. ii, 615- 632, 1 pl. -----. Ricerche del bacillo di Pfeiller iu casi sporadici di influenza. Riv. d' iu. e san. publ, Torino, 1901, xii, 896-900.—ftioelli (P.i . xii, 203-205.—l.nzzatlo (A.) Ueber Pneumokokken-Gi ippe im Kindesalter. Jahrb. f. Kinderh.. Berl.. 1900. u. F., Iii. 449-468. -----. Zur pathogeuetiscbeu Bedeutung des Pseudoinflueuzabacillus im Ivindesalter. Wieu. med. Wchnschr.. 1900. 1. 1020- 1023. — yiaimorek (A.) Bak- teriolosiischer Beitrag zur Kenntniss ,ier Influenza. Wien. klin. Wchnschr , 1890. iii, 143: 166: 170 — .llikrococccn (Die) der Influenza. Wien. med. Bl., Ismi, xii, 819—.TIo- liner (F.) El microliio de la siippe. Crdu. nitd V.i leucia. 1890. xiii, 33-37.—.Tloore (J. W.) The bacteriol- o^y and pathological relations of influenza. Dublin J. M. Sc!. lssio, lxxxix, 449: xc, 147. — .VIoszkowski ,51.) Nachweis vou Influenzabaciilen im Eiter eines acuten Empyema der Higbmorsbohle. Arch. f. Laryngol. u. Rhin'ol., Berl., 19U0. x, 336-338. — Ophuls (W.i Rectal ulcers with the secondary infection of the liver caused by tbe bacillus influenzie-similis (uov. spec). Tr. M. Soc. Calif, Sacramento, 1901, 101-111,3 nl. —Pet-here (V.i Sur le bacille de Pfeiffer (bacille de l'influenza (). Bull. Soc beige de micr., Brux., 1891-2, xviii, 120-122. AUo: Hop. St.-Jean. Obs. med., Brux., 1892. 6-12. — Pe- truschky i J. I Bacterielle Befunde bei Influenza, nebst vernleichendenUufersiicliunueii iiber Kettencoccen. Fortschr. d. Med.. Berl.. 1890. viii, ; 43:.580.-Pfeiller (R.) Vorlautige Mittheilungen iiber die Eire", r ,1,-r Influenza. Deutsche nied. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl. 1892, xviii. 28. AUo, transl.: Brit. M. J.. Loud., 1892. i. 128. AUo, transl: Med.News. Phila..lr-92,tx. 137.—Pfeiffer(R.)& BeekiM.) Weitere Mittheilungen iiber den Erreger tier Influenza. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., lt>92, xviii. 465- 467. Also: Wien. med. Bl., 1892. xv, 345-347.----------, Dr. Bruschettini und der Iufluenzabacillus. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1893, xix. ?16. — Pfuhl (A.) Bacteriologischer Befund bei schweren Erkrankun- geu des Centraluervensystems im Verlauf von Influenza. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1892, xxix, 979: lO09.-Pfuhl (A.) Tfc Walter (K.) Weiteres iiber das Vorkommen vou Iu fluenzabacillen im Centraluei veusystem. Deutsche med. Wclinschr.. Leipz. u. Beil.. 1896, xxii, 82; 105— Phillips (F. A.) Membranous conjunctivitis pioduced by bacillus influenza. Chicago Clinic 1899, xii. 433.—Prior i J., Bac- teriologische Uutersuchungeu iiber die Iufluenza und line Complicationen. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1890, xxxvii, 233; 255; 269. — Prudden (T. M.) Bacterial studies ou the influenza and its complicating pneumonia. Med. Rec, N. T., 1899, xxxvii, 169.—Kamond (F.) Le bacille de la grippe. Progres med., Par.. 1900, 3.s.. xii.36. —Bappin. Contribution a. I'etude de la bacteriologie de l'influenza. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1*97-8, xvi, 316: 321. ----- Sur la bactcriologie de l'influenza. Ibid., P.mO-1901. xi\. 177 — Bibbert. Anatomische und bacteriologische Beobaeh- tungen iiber Influenza. Deutsche meil. Wclinschr.. Leipz. u. Berl., 1890. xvi, 61-63. -----. Weitere bacteriologische Mittheilungen iiber Influenza. Ibid., 301-303. — Rimo- vieh ( F. F.) Batsill ostravo zarazuavo konyunktivita (bac. Koch- Weeks i yevo otnosheuie k batsillu iuflyn- entsi (bac. Pfeiffer i). [Le bacille de la conjouctivite aigue contagieuse (le bacille Koch-Weeks) et son rapport au ba- cille de la grippe (le bacille Pfeiffer). Extr. 197]. Russk. arch, patol., kliu. med. i bakteriol., S.-Peterb., 1901. xii, 170-190. —Sacqttepee (E.) Evolution bacteriologtque d'une 6pid6mie de grippe. Arch, de med. exp6i. et d'anat. path., Par., 1901, xiii, 562-566.—Scheibe A.) Ueber die Influenzabaciilen bei Otitis media. Munchen. med. Wchn- schr.. 1892, xxxix, 235—Shlshegolell M.» [Schtsche- golew, in Oernian\. Nleskolko .-In, hawv iliplokokkovavo grippa i drugikh diplokokkovikh zabolievaniy. [Several cases of diplococcic grippe and other diplococcic diseases | Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1900, liv, 559-567. AUo, tut osi. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1900, xxi, 1169-1171. —Smith (W. Hi The influenza bacillus and pneumonia. J. Bost. Soc M. Sc, 1898-9, iii, 274-289, 2 pl. — Spiinglhorpe (J INFLUENZA. 947 INFLUENZA. Influenza (Bacteriology of). W.) Bacilliof influenza in the blood. Australas. M. Gaz., I Sydney, 1896, xv. 351.—Tnlamon (C.) Ln giippe el les | microbes. Med mod.. Par.. 1889 9" i, 127-129. —Teissier, Bonx (G.) & Pillion. Xou\ elles rechei,-be> bacterio- logiques et experimeutales relatives k la patbog6uie de la grippe (inlluenza). Arch, de nitkl. exper. et d'anat. path., Par., 1892. iv, 429; 607, 2 pl. -----. Sur une nouvelle diplo- bact^rie pathog&ue retiiee du sang et des urines de ma- lades affectes de grippe. Compt. rend. Acad.d. sc Par., 1892, cxiv, 857-860. Also [Abstr.]: Province nied., L\ on, 1892, vi, 169. — Thombnry ( F. J.) Influenza and' the latest bacteriological researches. Med. Rec. N. Y.. 1892, xli. 621-626.—Tizzoni (G.) Sulla ivM-ten/a del bacillo dell influenza agli agenti risici e cliinii. i. Rifortmi med.. Napoli. 1892. viii. ]>t. 2. 412; 424— Vaillard A Vincent. Recherches baetet iologiques sur la giippe. Bull. , t m, ni Soc. ni6d. d. hop. de Par.. l**s»0, 3. s.. vii. 47; 84. — Wuwli- bourn (J. W.i A case of influenza illustrating the im- portance of a bad ei iologual examination. Clin. -J., Lond., 1898-9. xiii, 119. — Weich»elbniim (A.) Bakteriolo- gische uud pathologisch-anatomische I'ntersuchungen iiber Influenza uud ihre Cotnplicationeu. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1890, iii. 104: 123: 145: 163; 186. AUo f Abstr.]: Wien. med. BL, 1890. xiii. 83-85. AUo [Absti.]: Wieu. med. Wchnschr., 1*90. xl 221-227.. — Wilkinson (W.C.l Bacilli of influenza iu the blood. Australia. M i iaz.. Syd- ney. 1896. xv, 299-302.— Wilson (E. H.) Nasal bacteria I in influenza. Brooklyn M J. 1890, iv, 56s.— Wright I (J. H.) The discovery of the influenza bacillus. Boston M. i S. J.. 1900, cxlii. 2s6—WynekoopiF. E.) Furl hei- st ml v of tbe influenza bacillu- P. i S. Plexus. Chicago. lf9,i-9, iv, 278-282. Influenza (Blood in). See, aho, Influenza (Bacteriology of). GerberiO. Pi Einige Beobaehtungen aus der jiing- sten Iutluen/aFpidemie mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Blutbefundes. Wien. med. Wchnschr.. 1900, 1. 1222; 1277: ! 27 — Klilx , E.) Ein Blutbefuud bei Influenza. I entialM I Ba,-teiiol. u. Parasiteuk. Jena. 1890. vii, 145- 151 — Kollniiiiiii (A.) MikroskopischeBlutbefunde bei Influenzakranken. Berl. klin. Wcbuschr. l^'.in. xxvii, 144.—Prandi (A.) Esame del sangue lmi casi ,i'influ- enza. Riforma med., Napoli. 1890. vi, 434.—Bieder (II.) Ueber das nuraerische verhalten der weissen I'.lutzellen bei Influenza, crouposer nnd kutarrhalischer (Influenza-) Pneumonie. Munchen. med. Wchnschr.. 1?92. xxxix, 511- 514. Influenza (Causes and pathology of). See, also, Influenza (Bacteriology of); Influ- enza (Blood in): Influenza (Complications, etc., of) [and its subdivisions]; Influenza (Mixed in- fection in); Influenza (Paralysis during, etc.); Influenza in children; Influenza in insane. Didier (E.-A.) * Essai sur la grippe et les causes de ses e"pid£uiie.3. 1. Paris, 1692. Hilmaxx (M.) * Contribution a l'e'tude de la nature de la grippe, conside're'e snrtout au point de vuede la propagation e"pid6niif|iie. 4°. Paris, 1*94. -----. Tho same. 6'c Paris, 1691. Lahmans (H.) Der krankiiiacheude Einfluss atmospbiirisclier Luftdrnckschwanknngen (bu- ronietrischer Minima); ein Beitrag zur-Lehre vou den Ursachen der Frilbjabrs- und Herbst- erkrankun^eti, insonderbeit der Influenza. = 5 Stuttgart, l*-9i». I Mondi.vaki (11.) Etiologia dell' influenza nel 1*^90. .Studio il" igiene su 1,-tiT casi di influenza. 6c Mantova, 1-90. -----. Etiologia dell' influenza nel lnihi. Studio d' igiene su 302 casi di influenza. *■*-. Ma a torn. 189*2. Mossk (A.) Eksperimentalnlya i klinichcs- kiya izslledovaniya.ob inflyuentsle. [Expert- , mental and clinical researches on influenza.] 6'c [Moscow, 1695.] Potel. "Contribution si l'dtude de la grippe et de son mode de transmission. Ac Paris, 1^90. Rkynal (G.-M.-A.) * De la nature infectieiise do la grippe et de son influence sur la patho- geuie de l'ictere grave. 4°. Paris, 1«93. Sisley (R.) Epidemic influenza; notes on its origin and method of spread. 85 Loudon, 1891. Aigre. De la contagiosite de l'influenza d'apres Ri- chard Sisley. Ann. d'hyg., Par., 1892, 3.8., xxvii, 517-523.— 11II lie ll %a (Causes and pathology of). Allhaiis (J.) An address on the pathology of influenza, with special reference to its neurotic character. Lancet. Loud., 1891. ii 1091: 1156. AUo: Tr. M. Soc, Lond., 1891- 2. xv, 39-51 — Anre presume de .son agent pathogene. Gaz. hebd. de 11161I., Par., 1891, 2. s., xxviii. 372-371. AUo; G.'W. d. hop. de Toulouse. 1891, v, 265; 27U. —I>u Moulin (X.) Surl'etiologie ile 1 'influenza. Ann. Sue. de in, .1. de Hand, 1890, Ixix, 331-346. — Fie»- xiii^ci' tl'.) Xote sur l'etiologie de la grippe. Rev. de in.d . Par. 1892, xii, 725-727. -----. La contagiosite de la grip]., R.-v. gen. de clin. et de th6rap., Par., 1890, iv, 397. — Foil t P.) Sulle alterazioni del midollo spinale nella influenza. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1890, 3. s., xxxviii. 429-434. AUo: Policlin., Torino, 1890, i, 129- 132.— Fraurin (('. It. I The origin of the iecent influenza epidemic. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., ls9o, 11. .->., xlix, 540.— Free (I. K ) Starvation and grip. Med. A: Surg. Re- porter, Phila., 1897, lxxvii, 164. —<»nchlovodu etol bollezni. |Influ- enza in Rybinsk, and remarks on the etiology of this dis- ease.] Kussk. Med., St. Petersb., 1890, xv, 51-55.— Gal- lelta (V.) Contti I ui to alia patologia clinica dell'influenza. Gazz. d. osp., Milano. 1899, xx, M57-1059. —CSillespie (A. L.) The weather, influenza, and disease; from lhe records of the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary for fli'tv venis. Tt. Rov. S,„. Edinb. 1895-6, xxxviii, 579-606, 5 ch. AUo [Al.str]: Tr. Med.-Chir. Sue Edinb.. 1897,-0, n. s., xv, 102- 106.—('ootln lliE.) Post-mort em appearances of the brain of influenza patients. Lancet. Loud.,1892, i.442.—Green- wood (A.) The adiology of epidemic inlluenza. Prac- titioner, Lond., 1892, xlviii, 401-416.—Ilayne (L. B.) The morbid anatomy of the lungs after influenza. Ibid., 1894, liii, 250-202— llildcbraudsson (H. H.) Sprides intlu- INFLUENZA. 948 INFLUENZA. Influenza (Causes and pathology of). enzan genom vinden .' [Does influenza spread through the p.ir'l I'psala Lakaref. Forln, 1890, xxv, 359-370, 1 map.— Hutchinson (J.) Ou the theory of catarrhal fevers and iufluenzas. Arch. Surg., Loud., 1889-90. i. 307-317.—luiai (S.) [Infectious influenza.] Kyo-rin-no Shiori, Tokyo [ ? ), 1898, x, 485-488.—Jarron. Xote sur la pathogeaiie de la grippe. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol.. Par., 1894, 10. s., i, 320- 328. —Jolles (M.) Zur Aetiologie der Influenza. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg . 1890, xxxv, 37. Also: Wien. med. Bl., 1890, xiii, 51.—Kami n (L.) Die Aetiologie der Influen- za. Cong, internat. d'hyg. et de demog. C. r. 1894. Buda- pest, 1890, viii, pt. 2, 447-450, 2 pl. -----. Ceber eine bis jetzt weuig gewiirdigte Lokalisation des Iuflueuzaproz.es- ses. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], ]. Abt.. Jena, 1901, xxix, 339-345.— Kirn. Ueber die Contagiosity der In- fluenza. Aerztl. Mitth. a. Baden, Karlsruhe, 1890, xliv, 50-52. — Krakauer (J.) Betrachtungen iiber die Influ- enza, ihre Ursachen und die moglichen weiteren Folgen deraelben. Intel nat. klin. Rundschau, Wieu, 1890, iv, 323; 360.—Krelz (R.) Anatotuische und bakteriologische Be- funde an Iufluenzafallen aus dem Jahre 189.7. Jahrb. tl. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. 1895, Wien u. Leipz., 1897, iv, pt.2. 401-408.— BiiIik II"(X.) Influcnsansatiologi. Eira, Stockholm, 1890, xiv, 361-367. — Kundrat. Ueber ana- tomische Befunde -wahrend der Influenza-Epidemic Wien. klin. Wchnschr, 1890, iii, 141. — KuskoflT (X.) K pato- logicheskoi anatomii grippa. I Pathological anatomy of grippe.] Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1893, iv, 383; 411; 436; 458; 488; 520; 568; 589; 620. AUo, Reprint. AUo, transl: Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl, 1895, cxxxix, 400-458. — Kyle (D. B.) Practical consideration of mucous membranes, with special reference to lesions produced bv la grippe. Tr. M. Soc. W. Virg., Wheeling, 1900, 430-438.—I.anarlic. Contribution k l'etiologie de la grippe humaine et chevaline. Dauphin6 m6d., Greno- ble, 1897, xxi. 209; 224; 247; 274: 1898, xxii, 6, 2 pl. — I.cy- den (E.) Zur Pathologic der Influenza; Nephritis, Pneu- monie, Bakteriologisehes. Berl. klin. Wchnschr.. 1890, xxvii, 213-216. — Lyon (T. G.) Influenza; its clinico- pathological aspect. Lancet, Lond., 1890, 441. AUo, Re- print. — Mnraglia no (E.) Coucet'o patologico e pato- genetico dell' influenza. Boll. d. r. Accad. nied. di Ge- nova, 1890, iv, 140-168.—.TIarltl.. K aetiologii chfipky. [On the etiology of influenza. | Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1892. xxxi, 105;-577; 601; 659; 679.—Martin (A.-J.) Les modifications atmosph6riqties et la grippe. Gaz. hebd. de m6d.. Par., 1891, 2. s., xxviii, 278-281.—.Tlasson (L.) Les modifications attuospheriques et la grippe. Bull. Soc. de m6d. pub., Par., 1891, xiv, 261-270. Also: Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1891, xiii. 517-525.—.TIerenna (G.) On the aotiol'ocy of influeuza*. X. YorkM. J., 1891, liii,419-424 — Tl in hell (.SV;-A.) Influenza and the-weather of Loudon. Tr. Inter- nat. Cong Hyg. Sc Demog. 1891, Lond., 1892. v, 106-111 — .Vlulcrt. Zur Pathologie der Influenza. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. ii. Berl., 1899, xxv. 321.— .\ntaii»oii (V.) Po povodu etiologii i semiotikiinflyuentsi. [Apropos of the etiology and semeiology of influenza.] Protok. med. Obsh. v g. Suvalk. (1894), 1895, 35-57.—Nikolski (D. P.) Ob inflyueutsle v niinuvshuvu epidemiyu, v svyazi s meteo- rologicheskimi yavleniyami, i vliyanii yeya na smertnost voobshtshe. (Influenza in the past epidemic in connection with meteorological phenomena and its influence ou mor- tality in general.| Vestnik obsh. hig , sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1890, vii, 4. sect., 141: viii, 4. sect., 39; 131. Also, Reprint. — Ollivier (A.) Contagion de la grippe. In his: iStudes de path, et clin. m6d., 8°, Par., 1887, 217-220. —Osborne (O. T. ) La grippe aud its pithologv. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Bridgeport, 1894, 145-156. Also [Abstr.J: Yale M. J., X". Haven, 1894-5, i, 23-26. — Haniiiski (J.) Influenza czy dentine? Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1890, 2. s., x, 144-150.— Perez (G.) Die Influenza in chirurgischer Beziehung. (Experimentel- ler Beitrag zur Aetiologie und pathologischeu Anato- mie der Influenza.) Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1901, lix, 1-69, 2 pl. — Pestalozza (F.) Xote etiolo- giche e statistiche sull' influenza. Riv. ital. di terap. ed ig., Piacenza, 1891, xi. 181- 191. — Peter. Etude clinique et pathogenique de l'epldemie aetuelle cle grippe. Bull. m6d., Par., 1890, iv, 57-59.—Pfeiflcr (R.) Die Aetiologie der Influenza. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infektiouskrankh., Leipz., 1893, xiii, 357-386, 8pl.—Pfuhl (A.) Beitrag zur Aetiologie der Influenza. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Para- siteuk.. Jena, 1892, xi, 397-406—Post. Oorzaken en ver- spreiding der influenza. Xederl. mil. geneesk. Arch, [etc.], Leiden. 1892. xvi. 20-31.—Proust. Sur la contagiosite de la grippe. Bull. Acad.de med., Par., 1890, 2. s., xxiii, 170. —Reed (B.) Xote on the contagiousness of la grippe. Clmiatologist, Phila., 1891, i, 65-67. AUo, Reprint.— Richter (M.) Zur Aetiologie der Influeuza. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1894. vii 529; 554. — Roberts (C.) Relation of influenza to climatic conditions and to zymotic and res- piratory diseases. Lancet, Loud., 1892, i, 9()9. —Roussy. Auto-observation et auto-exp6rimentation tendaut h ,le- niontrer la nature et le mode d'action de I'agent pathogene de l'influenza ainsi qn'k 6tablir un traitemeut euratif et prtventif de cette maladie. Rev. de nied. Par., 1895. xv. 643-654. — Seinmola. Contributions e^perimentales et Influenza (Causes and pathology ot). cliniques k la pathologie de l'influenza. Bull. .Cad. de med., Par., 1892, 3.»., xxvii, 788-793.—Shepilc vski 11. A.) Epidetuiya grippa v Rizhskom garnizonle; materia.! dlya izucheniya vliyauiya atiuospricheskikh usloviv na epiite- miyu. [Grippe epidemic in the garrison of Riga; intiu- ence of atmospheric conditions.] Yestnik Obsh. hi" sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1891, ix, 4. sect., M-n.-..— Sisley (R.) Ou the spread of influeuza bv contagion. Tr. Kpidemiol. Soc. Lond., 1890-91, n. s., x, 110-115. AUo: Lancet. Lond., 1891, ii, 1093-1095. — Solontweff (K. M.i K voprosu ob influentsie v svyazi s rueteorologicheskiiui yavleniyami. J Influenza in re ation to meteorological phenomena.] Vestnik obsh. big., sudeb. i prakt. med.. St. Petersb., 1895, xxvii, 4. sect., 03-115. — Spriugthorpe (J. W.) The nervous substratum of influenza. IiTteicolon. M.Coug. Tr., Melbourne. 1889, ii, 101-105.—Squire (W.) The infection of epidemic influenza. Lancet, Loud., 1890. i, 843. AUo, Reprint. -----. Notes on the pathology of influ- enza Lancet, Loiid.,1890,ii,333-335.—Wtrah ler. Leber die Beziehungen der meteorologischen Eisclieinungen zu der Influenza. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1890 xvi. 890-893.—Teissier. Etiologie de 1 inline nza. Cong! internat. d'hyg. et 7—Besancon (J.) Broncho-pneumonie grippale et enclocardite ulcereiise k pueumonoeoques; reti'6cissetnent mitral ant ien, ct traces de vieux infarctus dans les reins et la rate; ulcere rond de l'estomao d'origine probable- ment cmbolique. Bull. Soc. nnat. de Par . "1886, lxi, 253- 255. — It I n me (A.) Malign Influenza. Hosp. Tid.' Kj.t- benh 18'M 4. R., ii, 211. — Boek(E.) Augen- und ohren- arztIiche Erfabrnngen wahrend einer Influenza-Epidemic. Memorabilien, Heilbr, 1889-90, n. F., ix, 257-262.— Boucher (F. H.) Nasal accessory sinus and middle-ear complications of la grippe. Iowa M J.. Des Moines 19(10 vi, 101-107. —Borgiotti (F.) Sc Bordoui (L.) Spasnio esofageo conse, utivo ad influenza. Aiti d. r. Accad. di tisiocrit. in Siena. 1891 4. s., iii, 401— Brnisano. Giippe; forme clinique irrcgulie-re; catarrhe gas'io - intestinal '■ ietere: tpistaxis; herpes labial avec infiltration des levies; phar\ ngo-pharvngite; redone de la glotte; mot t par asphyxie r.a/. m.-.l d'Orient, Constant.. 1895-6 xxxviii 156. — Brown 11'. 0. W.) Acute bronrhoeele fol- lowing influenza. Brit. M.J., Lond., 1897.. i, 1264.—Bruce tJ. M.) Clinical lecture on influenza and its complica- tions. Lancet, Lond., 1891, i, 1191-1194.- Riii'vc*. (J. J.) Notes on a case of a severe tvpe of influen/a. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Irelaud, Dubl., 1894. xii. 70-81. Also: Dublin J. M. S,.. 1,-94 xcviii. 1-9.— Burr (W. H.) Malignant grippe. Mod. & Surg. Reporter. Phila., 1893. Ixviii. 477- 481.—Caduian lE. S. R.) Diabetic coma following in- I fluenza Brit. M. J.. Lond.. 1896. i, 813. —C'apilnn. Encore les suites de la giippe , screine nerveux . t . (eur). Med. moil., Par., 1900. xi. 222.—« liomprel. Xecrosepar- tielle du maxillaire superieu' dtuigine grippale. Rev de stomatol.. Par, 1902, ix, 154-163.—Cleveland (J.L.) Two cases of influenza, with fatal s. .pu-he. Cincin. Lancet- Clinic. 1890. n. s.. xxiv. 435-437. | Discussion]. 442.— C'oukcy - lesioui anricolari e delle ptiniis- sime vie i.-piratoi i n.-ll influenza. Gazz. il. osp.. Milano, 1890, xi.suppl.no. 3. 20; 28. AUo: Riv. clin. d. Univ. di Na- poli. 1890. xi. 2--30. Also, transl.: France med., Par., 1890, xxxvii, 625-627.—t'rerar i.J.) On influenza and some of its sequelfe. Lancet, Lond.. l*-94. i. 261.—Draper (W. H.) The complications and r-eqnelre of influenza. Med. Rec. N. T. 1890, xxxvii, 239. AUo.- Tr. N. Tork Acad, m! (l89u). 1891. J. =».. vii, 8.1-88.—Drew (J. H.) On some se- quela; ot influenza. Practitioner, Lond., 1891, xlvii, 408- 411—Ducket ,<5 A.i Phlegmasia dolens following in- fill, nza I.ni-et. Lond., 1892. i. 747— Dupont. De la grippe et de ses complications. [Absti.1 Ai.-h. med. beiges, Brux., 1895, 4. 8., vi. 147,-159—F-hncr (A. A.) Influenza followed by pleuritis anl end,,, an litis. Med. News. Phila., 1894, lxiv, 148. AUo, Reprint. — Fcrraud. De quelques accidents de la grippe. Bull, et mem. Soc. m6d. d. hop. de Par., 1890. 3. s.. vii, 106-110.—Fraenkel (A.) Ueber einige Complic ationen und Ausgiinge der Influenza. Verhandl. d" Berl. med. Gesellsch. (18.i7), 1898. xxviii, pt. 2. 129-148— Frommer (I.) Gleich- j zeitiges Auftreten von acuter Pyelitis, Prostatitis und ca- tairhalischer Pneumonie, hochst waliischeinlich in Folge von Infection mit Influenza-Virus. Wien. nied. BL. 1890, xiii, 310-312.—Komes (C. J.) Some icmarks upon the after effects of influenza. Biit. Guiana M. Ann., Deme- rara, 1895, 27-30.-Grodetshi (F.) Inieiesniy po svoye- nm oslozbnenlu sluchai gi i|.p,i |Caseot la grippe inter- esting because of its complications. | Protok. med. Obsh. v g. Suvalk. 11894), 1895, 7n—«-io»«ule (V.) Di alcune etnorragieedellabronco-piieuinonit,- nell' influenza. Gazz. d. os))., Milano. 1900, xxi, 842. —(2rote (Marie L.) La grippe with pnlmonary and cerebral complications. St. Louis Cour. Med., 190L xxv, 190-192.-Ilnag (G.) Ist det Tod Folge eines Unfalls oder von Influen/.,' Monat Bcln. I. Unfallheilk., Leipz.. 1900, vii, 111-116 llerland (E.) De quelques complications insoiites de l.i grippe. Gaz. hebd.de med., Par., 1895, xiii, 225-227. —Herman (J. E.) Peculiar phaaesof influenza observed m th, present epidemic. Brooklyn M. J., 1900, xiv, 486-491— Heivelsou (A. II.) Complications and sequehe of epidemic inlluenza , (la grippe) and iheirprophvlaxis. Tr. OhioM. Soc. Toledo, 1895, 1. 148-155. — Ilolz (F. C.) La grippe; its effects on the eye and ear. ChicagoM. Rec, 1891, i, 413-417. — Irwin I (J. \Y.) Some sequela) ot influenza. Tr. Kentucky M. Soc, Louisville. 1892, n. s., i, 186-191. Also: Am. Pract & News. Louisville, 1892, n. s., xiv, 42-44. — Italia C'an- nizzo IS.) Un caso gravissitno d' influenza. Oior. in- ternaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1890, n. s., xii, 263-270.— Jen- nings (P. P.) Influenza in subjects who had previously sustained a fracture of the skull. Brit. M. J.. Lond 189.7, i i, 1264.—Jordan (A. C.) Influenza as it affects the ner- vous and vascular systems. Med.Chron.. Loud.. 1902 xxxv, 338-351.—Jousset. Quelques complications de la grippe ' Influenza (Complications of) [and se- quel ev]. (sinusite, niastoi'dite, trach6ite). Nord med., Lille, 1898, iv, 87,-89. — Karahias (I. E.) nepio-TaTiKbp 7roAi/,udpif>oi, ypinnrf r)Tot irepi 6jiid,5o<; triraviutv ypinnioSuiv eni toO avrov appuio-rov ennrKoKiov. 'larpiubs /urjivuTiop, 'Ao'iji'ai, 1901, i, 139-141.— ICel.er (E. E.) La giippe, with special refer- ence to the eye and car complications. Honneop. Eye Ear & Throat J..'N. Y., 1901, vii, 297-302.—Kernodle (6. P.) Peculiar nervous and uiinary manifestations following la giippe hi the aged. Am. Med., Phila., 1900. ii, 298. —ICing (W. 11.) Eye and ear complications of epidemie influenza. llahiieman. Month., Phila., 1892, xxvii. 54-7,9—Kinni- cull (F. P.) Clinical notes on the complications and se- quela' of influenza. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1890, xxwii, 209.— Kleezkowski (M.) Consequence insolitederinfluen/a. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc. |, Par., 1890, cxix, 132.—I.e I'lcrc (R.) Goitre exophthalmique suite de grippe; der- inograpliisme. Noiinaudie med., Rouen, 1901, xvi, 161- 166. — l.e Kcmlrr (P.) Cyst ite et rectite grippales. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1898, 3. s., xv. 289. — V|a<-crI*ou (M.) Case of comparatively la- tent and quickh ending diabetes after influenza. Med. News, Phila.. 1891. ]lx. 427.—.Tlalherbc (A.) Sc IS avec (A.) Complications rhinopharyngites et auriculains de la grippe. Bull. med.. Par.,' 1900, xiv, 1415-1419.— .Vlariani (J. M.) Complicaciones raras de la influenza. Lev. de nied. y cirug. prdct., Madrid, 1890, xxvi, 291-295.— ITInrtin (A.) Grippepseudo-m6ningitiqiie avec pleuresie et p6ricardite adh6sives. Bull.et mem. Soc. de med. et chir. prat, de Par., 1893. 404-408.—Marly (J.) Grippe et maladies £\ oluant siniultnneinent (etude epidomiologiquo). Arch. gen. de med.. Par.. 1898, ii, 51 -76. — Jlurphy (C. W.) The sequela-of la grippe. St. Louis Clin.. l>-92 v. 301-303. AUo, Reprint.—.\atanson (A. V.) Sluchai inflyuentsi s ])levropiievnioniyel i d\ ukhstoronnim einbo- licheskini iridoklioroTditom. [Case of influenza with pleuropneumonia and bilateral embolic iridochoroidil'S.J Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1890. xxxiii, 1013-1018. AUo, transl.: St. Peteisb. med. Wchnschr., 1890, n. F., vii, 213.— Nicholson (F.) The complications and seqttehe of in- fluenza. Brit. il. J., Lond., 1891, i, 1273-1275.—Aimici (H.) Des manifestations nasales et auriculaires de la grippe. Mercredi m6d., Par., 1890, i, 109-111.—Oliver (J. C.) Report of two cases illustrating the sequelse of influenza. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1890, n. s., xxv, 153-155. [Discussion], 161.—Phermnnoglons (N.I.) 'E£dv0r)o-is ocTTpaicitoSrjs sal \opeisai Kicrjcreis Kara Ti)C 6ia6po/u.7)iv ypimrr)i>. 'larpiK^i n-pdoSos, 'Ex 2upw, 1900, v, 271.—Fi««oll (E. A.) Remarks on influenza and its complications. Lancet, Lond., 1891, ii, 478. — Pisies (N. A.) UoKv/jiopof ypur-n-qs. TaTpucbs^Tji'UTwp, 'AtJijcai, mm, i, 212.—Poggi (E.) Due casi di influenza. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1894, xx, 553-560.— Foulsson (E.) Bidrag til Influenzaettersx gdoiumeues kasuistik. [Sur quelques cas rares de maladies cousecu- tivi s k l'influenza. Res., 912.| Norsk Mag. f. Lsegevi- densk., Christiania, 1893, 4. R., viii. 893; 898.—Badclille (S. J.) Epidemic iiifluenza, with cases illustrating some of its peculiar complications. Virginia M. Mouth., Rich- mond. 1891-2, xviii, 1046-1051—Kavnilski (S. U.) K kaznistikie oslozhneuiy influentsi [Complication of in- fluenza.) Meditsina, St.Petersb., 1893, v. 149-153.—Boux (J.-C.) Les complications de la grippe. |Atstr.| (iaz. d. hop., Par., 1897, Ixx, 479-483.—Russell (W. B.) A case of acute bronchocele following influenza. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1895. i, 977.— Nnnsom (A. E.) On some pain- ful affections following influenza. Lancet Lond., 1892. i, 14. Also, Reprint. Also, transl. . Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1892, lxi, 174. AUo, inmsl • Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1892, xxvii. 111.—Manli 11'.) Due casi di meniugite e due di nefrite da influenza (.Jazz. med. di Torino, 1895, xlvi, 397-403. — Mhervinski (V D.) K voprosu ob os- lozlineniyakh grippa. |On the complications ot gnppe.1 Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1892 xxxviii, 540-549.—Nimon il: M.) Casesof influenza with severe abdominal pain and collapse. P.rit M. J., Lond., 1891, i, 1275— Smectoii (C. W.) Acute bronchocele following influenza. Ibid., 1895, i, 1090.— Nnow IS F.) Nasal and aural complications in epidemic influenza. J Am. M. Ass Chicago, 1899, xxxiii, 1331-1333. AUo, Reprint— .*i pan I din g i.L A.) Glau- coma and mastoid inflammation as soqtielaj of epidemic influenza (la grippe). Tr. Maine M. Ass., Portland, 1898-9, xiii. 418-426. — Nieteuxon (L. E.) A case of influenza with interesting sequi Ire. Lancet, Loud., 1893, i, 132—Stoekdell (H.) A case of la grippe; with a variation. Virginia M. Month.. Richmond, 1889-90, xvi, 844. — Nlurl (C.) Malaria and la grippe. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1889-90, ix, 160.—Taylor (M. R.) Influenza, complicated by multiple arthritis; ruptured apex and emphysema; recovery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1896, ii, 1828.—Thurston (S. D.) Eccentricities of la grippe. Texas Cour.-Rec Med., Dallas, 1896-7, xiv, 63-66.— Tut'llVi'i. La grippe et ses complications. Gaz. d. hop Pai. 1890, lxiii, 119. — riluiitii (J.) Influenza accompanied by four distinct pneumonic attacks; otitis media piirulenta and cerebral hvperemia, colitis, inani- tion ; recovery. J.Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1901, xxxvi, 314- INFLUENZA. 950 INFLUENZA. Influenza (Complications of) [and se- quela' \. 316 —I'lrich (C. F.) Some of the vagaries of the grippe. Tr. M. Soc. W. Virg., Wheeling, 1890, 699-704. AUo: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1890, xv, 495-497.— Warde (A. W. B.) Influenza toxaemia of 1895 (February to March), with special reference to its cardiac manifesta- tions and pulmonary complications. Lancet, Lond., 1895, i, 1178-1180.—Webber (H. W.) A note on fifty cases of influenza. [Symptoms and complications.] Ibid., 1896, i, 179:;.—Znninznl (J.) Chripka a nekterd onemqcuSui z nachlazeni. (Grippe and some of its sequelae.] Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1890, xxxv, 186-189. Influenza (Complications of Abdom- inal). Deverre (H.) * Etude sur les complications hepatiqnes de la grippe. 8-5 Paris, 1699. Mangoubi (S.) * Contribution a l'e'tude cli- nique de la spldiiome'galie grippale de l'ailulte. 4-. Paris, 1895. -----. The same. 8°. Paris, 1895. Moi'soN (J.-P.) * Keclierches sur le fouction- neiuent du foie dans la grippe-influenza. 4°. Bordeaux, 1696. A jjuilnr (D.) Formas prolongadas febriles de la in- fluenza; sobre su localizaci6u en el aparato digestivo; pro- n6stico. Setnana m6d., Buenos Aires, 1901, viii, 481-487.— Canlucci (A.) Contributo alio studio delle forme iutes- tinali dell' influenza. Suppl. al Policlin., Roma, 1900, vi, 1550-1555. Also, transl: Med. Mag., Lond., 1900, ix, 737- 745.—Chapman i \Y5 C.) La grippe with pronounced intestinal complication. Cleveland J. M. 1896, i, 146-150. Also: Toledo M. Sc S. Reporter, 1896, ix, •J4-.,-246.— Char- pentier (A.) Appendicites au cours dune 6pidemie de grippe. Bull, med.,Par., 19nl. xv, 239. —t'imhali < F.) Ascesso del legato iu seguito all' influenza. Sperimentale. Firenze, 1890, lxv, 507-517,. —Cirelli (F.) Atrofla giallo- acuta del fegato da infln, nza. Morgagni, Milano, 1895, xxxvii, 402-408.—Colcnwo iR. J.) Influenza of a gastric type; its history, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. Practitioner, Lond., 1899. lxiii, 101-169. — C'oronailo (T. V.) Disenterias giipales. Cron. med.-quir. de la Ha- bana, 1898. xxiv, 11-14. -----. Entero-colitis giipales. Habana med., 1898, i, 23.—Dallas (A. McC.) Gbindular and intestinal inflammation as sequelae of influenza. In- dian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1899, xvii, 530.— I>c»plal* ( H.) De la gravite particuliere de l'influenza chez les gastri- ques. J. d. sc. iu6d. de Lille, 1890. i, 385-391.—Drasche. Ueber Darminfluenza. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1900,1,505- 509. AUo. transl: Med.Weekbl., Amst., 1899-1900, vi. 738- 741.— Frdhlich (J.) Ueber die gastro-intestinale Form der Influenza. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1892, xiii, 301; 345.— Gagnicre. Grippe et appendicite. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1899, lxxii, 1181-1184. — Hervottet. Xote sur un cas de colite ulcero-necrosique, d'origine probablem cut grippale. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1900-1901, xix, 202-204. — Isnardi (L.) Peritonite da influenza. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1892, 3. s., xl,284-295.—Jones (A. A.) Gastric disturbances consequent 11)1011 influenza. Med. ..V Surg. Reporter, Phila.. 1896, lxxiv, 33-36.—iTIerklen (P.) Ap- pendicite grippale. Bull, et mem. Soc. m6d. d. hop. de Par., 1897, 3. s., xiv, 393-405.—Michel (E.) Formes cliniques de la grippe abdominale. Bull, med., Par., 1901, xv, 929- 932.—Packard (F. A.) Report of a case of acute chole- cystitis apparently following influenza. Phila. M. J., 1899, iv, 879.— Pnjjliano. Formes gastro-intestinales de la grippe (leur frequence & Marseille pendant l'hiverde 1901). Marseille med., 1901, xxxviii, 225-232. — Potter ( J. C. ) Enteric fever commencing with and complicated by an attack of influenza. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1901, ii, 1407.— Sato (K.) [On intestinal influenza.] Tokyo Iji-Shinshi, 1900. 1459-1466. — Verstraete ( E.) Grippe (?) a forme d'obstruction intestinale. J. d. sc. m6d. de Lille, 1900, ii, 305-308. Influenza (Comolications of Aural). See, also, Ear (Diseases of, Causes of); Ear (Middle, Inflammation of, Acute, etc., Causes of). Albespy (D.) 'Considerations sur les com- plications auricula-ires de la grippe pendant la derniere Epidemie. 4C. Paris, 1890. Dellwig ( H.) *Die Influenzaotitis mit be- sonderer Beriicksicbtigung der zweiten an der konigliclieu Universitats-Obrenkiinik zu Halle beobachteten.Epidemie. 8:. Halle a. S., 1-93. Dexch (E. B.) The aural complications of influenza. 6-, Concord, N. H., 1-96. Repr. from: Tr. N. York Acad. M. 1897. Influenza (Complications of Aural). Godeau (G.) *Les otites et leurs complica- tions mastoidiennes dans la grippe. [Paris.] 8°. Meulan, 1900. Laskowski (H.) 'Influenza und Obr. Konigsberg i. Pr., 1692. Menard (H.) * Considerations sur les suppu- rations des cellules mastoi'dieunes sous I'intiu- ence de la grippe. 4°. Paris, 1891. Mixdak (P.) * Ueber einen Fall von Otitis media purulenta acuta nach Influenza. 8°. Munchen, 1899. Nathan (J.) * Die Influenza iu ibren Bezie- hungen zum Gebororgan. [Wurtzburg.] 8°. Bingen a. Bh., 1*^97. Pfahl (J.) * Ueber Erkrankungeu des Ohres bei Influenza. S-", Bonn, 1891. Ricoux (A.) * Contribution a l'6tnde de l'o- tite daus la grippe, et en particulier de ses com- plications. 8°. Paris, 1901. Schmidt (F.) *Die Erkrankungeu des Ohres bei Influenza. Eine Zusamineusiellung der Beobachtungsresultate der verschiedenen Auto- ren, nebst einer Auswahl vou gelegentlich der Epidemie in der Halle'scben Universitats- Obrenkiinik ausgefuhrten Knochenoperationen. 8c Halle ct. S., 1691. Schonwalder (M.) *Die Erkrankung des Gebiirorgans als Complication der Influenza. 8C. Wiirzburg, 1699. Weiss (A.) * Ueber Ohrerkrankungen bei Influenza. 8°. Gottingen, 1890. Vllport (F.) A case of influenza followed hy mas- toid abscess; sinus thrombosis; meningitis; autopsy. Arch. Otol., N. Y., 1899, xxviii, 327-329. — Alljn (G. W.) Mastoiditis resulting from la grippe; the mastoid cells opened; recovery. Pittsburgh M. Kev., 1890, iv, 173-175. — Avoledo (P.) Le malattie auricolari nell' in- fluenza. Morgagni, Milano, 1890, xxxii, 382. pt. 2, 225. — Bacon (G.) How should we treat ear diseases result- ing from the influenza? N. York Eye Sc Ear Infirm. Rep., 1896, iv, 82-86— Barret (R. D.) Acute suppura- tive otitis media following la grippe, with four illustrative cases. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1893, xliii, 365-367.—Bobonc (T.) Malattie di Meniere consecutiva ad influenza; gua- rigione. Boll. d. mal. il. orecchio, d. gola e d. naso, Firenze, 1891, ix, 241-246. — Botey (R.) La otitis media aguda suppurativa como complicaci6n de la gi i],|>e. Rev. de cien. med. de Barcel., 1890, xvi, 65-67.—Bowie (J.) Influenza and ear disease in Central Africa. Lancet. Loud., 1891, ii, 66-68. — Braiiie (P.) Des otites grippales dans le cours de l'6pid6mie actuelle. Union med. du nord-est, Reims, 1890, xiv, 43-47.—Brown (J. E.) The treatment of influenza otitis. Columbus M. J., 1901, xxv, 235-246.— Butler. Acute inflammation of the middle ear following influenza. Canad. Pract., Toronto, 1894, xix, 186-188.— Calderai (D.) L' influenzae 1' orecchio. Boll. d. mal. d. orecchio. d. gola e d. naso, Fir.-nze, 1890, viii, 71-75. — Casanova. Las afeeciones del oido que sobrevienen en el curso de la grippe. Cr6n. med., Valencia, 1890, xiii, 97- 100.—Charlier. Otite grippale avec paralysie faciale. Rev. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1893, xiii, 613-615. AUo: Soc. beige d'otol. et de laryngol. C.-r., Brux., 1893, iv, 85-88.—Chatellier (H.R.) Cinq observations d'otites moyennes suppur6es, graves, cons6cutives & la grippe; ouverture de l'apophyse. Ann. d. mal. de l'orielle, du larynx [etc.], Par., 1890, xvi, 164-175. —Chavez Paz CD.) Sulla otite acuta da influenza. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1900-1901, x, 75-83. — Courtage (A.) Manifestations auriculaires et traitement abortif de la grippe. J. de m6d. de Par., 1898, 2. s., x, 252.—D'Agu- anno (A.) Contributo alia casnistica delle lesioni auri- colari dipendenti dall' influenza. Boll. d. mal. d. orecchio, d. gola e d. naso, Firenze, 1890, viii, 67-71. — Dalby (Sir W.) Note on the effects of influenza upon the middle ear. Lancet, Lond., 1892, i, 416. — Davidnohn (H.) Fil,linos,- Membranen im ausseren Gehbrgang nach In- fluenza Otitis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. 11. Berl., 1892, xviii. 917-919.—Downie (J. W.) The effects of influenza upon the middle ear. Lancet, Lond., 1892, i, 525; 1182.—Dreyfuaa (R.) Notiz zur Erkrankung des Oht- s bei Influenza. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1890, xxvii, 52.— I)ufour (C. R.) Influenza otitis and treatment. St. Louts M. Rev., 1900, xiii, 61-63. — Dunn (J.) La grippe, otitis media purulenta, mastoiditis, recurrent facial paralysis: operation; recoverv. Carolina M. J., Charlotte, 1900, xlvi, no. 2, 13-16. — Eagleton (W. P., INFLUENZA. 9.5)1 INFLUENZA. Iiifluenza (Complications of Aural). Ear complications of influenza. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc, New Bedford, ls94-7. vi. 478-480. — Eitelberg (A.) Ueber Ohraftectionen bei Influenza. Wien. med. Presse, 1890, xxxi, .41-245. -----. Beitriige zur Influeuza-Otitis, zuiual ihrer uei viiseii Form uud Complicationen mit Facialis- paralyse. ibid.. 1895, xxxvi, 921; 967. -----. Einige XotizVn zur nichteitrigen Influeuza-Otitis. bezw. zu deren Complication mit Facialisparese. Wieu. m.-.l. Bl., 1901. xxiv, 327-330.— E wills (F. ('.) The grippe ear. Tri- State M T. .x- Pract.. St Louis. lM»9.vi. 23 - Ealho d. (5) Sulle otiti medie acute da influenza. Arch. ital.

  • ,,c. ital. di 5n ingui. [etcl 1-99. Empoli, 1900, iv, 293 tin in no \v» ki L.i Oostreni /.apaleniu ucha Sredniego w ]>rzebii-go intlu. n/v. Acute otitis me- dia in the course of intliu -nz.i., M,,lvc\na. Warszawa, 1893, xxi,879: 899— Ilabermaiin (J.i ZurErkraukuug des Ohi-es be Influenza. I'iag. med. Wchnseur.. 1890, xv, 89.— Hamilton T. K.) Aural complications in the re- cent epidemic of influenza. Australas. M. (>a/.. Sydnev, 1890-91, x, 45-49. -----. Caseof a post intlu, n/.i, mastoid suppuration running a latent course, ami pre*, uting the symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia. Ibid.. l?9» xvii, 430.— Hans. Die haufigsten Eikrankungendes I;, lidrorganes bei Influenza; eiu Beitrag zur Charakteristik der Miiu- cheuerEjiid^iuie. Miinchen. med.Wckusihr, l-'io xxxvii, 125-127 — lleuuebert (C.) Des Cdiacteres particuliers pr£sentes par les maladies iiiflaininatoires de l'oreille pen- dant 1 epi'bmie d'influi-nza. i.'Hni,jue. Unix.. l89o. iv,49- 55.—Herik. Deux cas d "tite ^rippah- liemoiragique. Rev. di-l,u_\ n_,,l. fete.]. Par.,:8:t3. xni 8i»n-8»6. — Hermet. Les otites de la grippe. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par.. 1890. 2. 8.. xxvii. 115-117. Also (Abstr.]: J. de med. de Par.. I89n, 2. 8., ii. 315— II«»-l«i. Ueber Otitis |„ ; Influenza. Arch. f. Obi.-nn Leipz. 1891. xxxii, j:'-.;i;.—llolin^ci- (J.) Mastoiditis ,ti,,i smusphlebitis alter influenza. Chi- cago M. Recorder. 1895, ix, 353-357.— Houghton (H. C.) La giippe a cans.-of middle ear disease. .1. iipbtli. Otol.. ■V Laryngol. X. Y., 1893, v 243-254. — Hn ij«iiiaii t A .) Myringitis bij influenza. Nederl. Tijdsi In. \ . i ,,-ne,sk., Amst., 1890, 2. R.. xxvi, 237.—Jaen»chky ( P.) Fall von Otitis media purulenta im Anschluss an ein.- Influenza. Arch. f. phys.-diatet.Therap., Bit! 1899. i, 192.—.lanliau (L.) Ueber Otitis media acuta ii ,li Influenza. Deusche med. Wclms, -hi.. Leipz. n. Berl I'-'O.xvi 212.—Joly (A.i Les maladies d'oreille dans l'influenza. Ann. tl. ma!, de 1 oieille, du lai;. n.x 'i te.] Par., 1891, xvii, 262-265.—.lou- che ra>. L'otitc .iii'],.tie. Arch. m6d. dAngeis ]:m„i, iv, 69. ;! - — Kaiifinaiiii (D.) Otalgie bei Influenza. Wieu. med. Bl 1896, xix, 803.—Koerner < O.) A new type of influenza ,,tni-. Aicb. Otol., N. Y., 1895, xxiv, 317-319. -Kin mli mi I ler V".) Otitis media liaeiiioriha- gica acuta i luynngitis iuemorrhagica bullosa kak oslozbneniya intiyuentsi. ... as sequeiio of influenza.] Zemsk. vrach Chernigov, 1-9') iii, 330-333.— li) le (J.J.) Influenza, with special reference to ethmoiil.,1 cells and middle ear roinpliraii,,n-. Indiana M. J. In diauap., 1900-1901. xix, 327-329. — l.aeoarret (L.) I»,-s rapports tie 1 influenza avec les affections catarrhales de latrompe dEustache et de la cais.se du tympan. I. de m6d. de Bordeaux, 1880-90, xix. 277-279.— I.anjjc iV.) Nogb- Iagttagelseroro Influeuza-Otitis. [Souieol.-. i \ ..tions on . I Biblioth f. Lager, Kjobeuh, 1892. 7. R., iii, 423- 435.—I.aiiuoi*. SuitlitG labyrinthine consecutive ii la giippe. Ki d,- laryngol. [etc.). Par., 1890. x. 561-567.— I.ee tC.G.t Aural complications in influenza. Liverpool M.-Clur. J.. 1891. xi 391-395.- I. «■ we libers. Lescompli- cations auriculaires dans l'6pnl<- nn«- actio -lb- d influenza. Bull. m6d.. Par., H90, iv 23.----- L.satte, tionstle I oreille dans la giippe. Rev. d'hyg.. Par., 1890 xii, 166-169. AUo, Reprint. -----. L'otite grippale obseivee k Paris en 1891. Ann. d. mal. de 1 oreille du laivnx |etc|, Par., 1891, xvii, 689-707. AUo, Reprint.— l.uricwia. Influenza-Otitis. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Leipz., 1890, ixx, 204-215 — Uct'raw I llII110II/,a (Complications of Aural). (J. F.| Influenza as a casual factor in acute mastoiditis and the early treatnient. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. & N. Y., 1901, u. s., exxii, 4:7 I ;-. Halherbc (A.) Abces pro- fond du cou couseciitif k un otite grippal,' latente. Bull. de laryngol., otol et rhinol. Par . Mini, iv, 281-288. Also: Rev. hebd. de laryngol. [etc.], Par.. 1901, ii, 73-80.— Vla»iiii (G.) I disonlini auric, ari nella inlluenza. Riv. elm.. Mil.mo, 1890, xxix. 357-360.—.Michael (J.i Das Wesen her Influenza mit specieller l.ei iicksicbt igung der Obi sytnptoine. Dents, lie meil Wchnschr., Leipz. u. lit-rl.. 1890,'xvi, lo7. .1/*,. - Meil.ebir. Centralbl., Wien. l>-9(>, [ xxv, 169. — VI illi <.':■■■ i W.i 'lhe influence of influenza upon pre-existing morbid conditions of the ear. Med. Cnron., Manchester. 1890, xii, 269-272. -----. The opera- tive treatnient of post influenzal suppurative mastoiditis. Iirit. M .1. Lond., 1899, ii. 1005.—.Money (A.) Meniere's disease (aural giddiness) provoked by inlluenza. Lancet, Loud., 1890, i, 963.— Tl.....-e (E.-J.i "Complications mas- toi'diemies de la grippe i influenza i. Uev.de laryngol. , [etc.], Par.. 1890, x 79H-79.7.—I». VoiUm nshnitie za'bolya- vaniva pri influenza'ta. [Diseases of the ear in influenza.] I Spis! mi Sotivsk. Med. Druzh., 1900-1901, i, 751-757- I'nilit'i' i W. W.) A sequela of la grippe. Virginia M. Month. Richmond, 1890-91, xvii, 368. — Pierret. Mi- niugo-encephalite infectieiise avec hypothermic survent'.e k la suite de l'influenza chez une femme indenine de tout antecedent hereditaire. Cotig.ann.de med. ment. C.-r. 1892. ISlois. 1893. iii. 407. —I'olilzer (A.) Die Erkrankun- gen ties Gehdrorgaiis waliicnd der letzten Influenza-Epi- demie iu Wi-n. Wieu. med. Bl., 1890, xiii, 131; 147.— I'urjeNZ t I i Influenza kis6ret6ben fellepti heveny dobtireg ■ gyuladiis. [Acute inflammation of tympanic cavity as a ,^implication of influenza. ] Gydgyaszat, Budapest 1890, xxx, 180. AUo. transl: Pest, med.-chir. Piesse, Budapest, 1890, xxvi, 461.— Kat' endocarditis c'duplicated with influenza.] Or- vosi hetil.. Budapest 1898. xiii.647. — Ba«i iG.) Due casi di pericardite dopo 1' influenza. Rassegna tli sc. med.. Modena. 1891, vi. 66-71.—Blake (E.) Dilated heart due to influenza; being a note on the growth of the hair and its relation to the condition of the left ventricle. Scalpel, Loud., 1899, iv, 8 — Bieiliniy (M.) Die Cigarette als Herzuoxe bei Influenza. Deutsche Med.-Ztg.. Berl., 1896, xvii. 295.— Bunch (J. L.) On some cardiac affections due to influenza. Treatment. Lond., 1899-1900. iii, 729-734.— < ai-ajjcorjjiatle* (J. H.) Uncomplicated angina pec- toralis after "influenza. Brit. M. J.. Loud.. 1890. i, 1420.— Caw (J. M.I Cardiac failure iu influenza. Ibid., 1894, i, 1074.—i'urtin (E.G.) A: Walton (E. W.) The action of influenza poison on the heart, and a study of influenzal angina pectoris. Tr. Am. Climat. Ass. 1892. Phila., 1893, ix, 51-59. Also: Internat. M. Mag., Phila.. 1892-3, i, 1233- 1241. Also, Keprint.----------. The effect of the influ- enzal poison upon the heart in the epidemic of influenza, from 1*89 to 1892; with some additional notes. Proc. Phila. Co. M Sue. Phila., 1892. xiii. 14-19. AUo, Reprint.— I>auriae. Un cas de phlebite grippale. Gaz. d. hop., Par.. 1892. lxv, 100. — Deguy. Phlebite grippale double des sinus caverneux. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par.. 1896. lxxi, 745-748.—De I.avijjne. Thrombose du cceur droit dans le coins d'une pneumonie grippale. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol.... de Bordeaux, 1892. xiii 75.—Be Villeneuve. Dei vizi valvolari postumi d' influenza. Boll. d. Poliam- bul. di Milano, 1892, v, 104-114. — Estor (E.) De la phle- bite grippale. N. Montpel. med., 1*95. iv. 193-199.—Fies- singer. L'endocardite iufectiense dans la giippe. Gaz. med. de Par., 1891, 7. s., viii, 422-424.— Galliard (L.) Uu cas d'endocardite grippale. Bull et mem. Soc. med. d. hop.de Par., 1902,3. s., xix, 68-70.—I'ootlhart (J. F.) A series of cases of thrombosis of tbe leg in influenza. Practitioner, Lond., 1895. lv, 125-129. — Outtmaini (P.) Einige Falle von Bradycardie bei Influenza. Aerztl. Centr.-Ztg.. Wieu. 1900. xii, 549. Also: Aerztl. Prax., Leipz., 1900, xiii, 263—Hay (L. C.) Report of a case of fatty degeneration of the heart, a sequel of influenza. Tri- State M. J. & Pract., St. Louis, 1898, v, 57-61— Heir ron (J. L.) Some effects of influenza on the heart. Med. News. Phila.. 1895, lxvi. 627-630. AUo. Reprint.—Ilegershtedt (A. F.) O gnoinom grippoztiom perikarditie. [On puru- lent pericarditis complicating influenza.| Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb.. 1897, viii, 126; 205; 245. AUo, transl.: St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr.. 1896, n. F , xiii, 149- 154. AU", transl: Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1896, xvii, 772- 774. —Huchard (H.) La grippe cardiaque. Bull, med., Par., 1892. vi, 107-110. Also: Med. Sc Surg. Reporter, Phila , 1892, lxvi, 561-565.— Jehle (L.) Zwei Fiille von In- fluenza-Endocarditis Wieu. klin. Wchnschr., 1899, xii. 1297.—Kozlovuki (I.I.) Sluchai oslozhneniya influentsi trombozoiu bolslnkli glubokikh ven pravol nizhnei ko- necunosti. [Influenza complicated by thrombosis ofthe deep veins of the right lower extremity, j Boluitsch. gaz. Botkina. St. Petersb., 1898. ix, 410-412. -----. Sluchai oslozhneniya influents! trombozom pravol bedrenuoi veui i bolslnkli glubokikh ven pravol goleni. [Influenza complicated by thrombosis of right femoral vein and large deep veins of the right leg.] Ibid., 1025-1030.— I. a of influenza. Cleve- land J. M.. 1901, vi, 376-379.—I. e j deu (E.) Ueber einen Fall vou Arterienthrombose nach Influenza, nebst Bemer- kuugen, Charite-Ann., Berl., Ie92 xvii, 127-138. AUo: Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Leipz. u. Berl.. 1892. xviii. 1009- 1011. -----. Ueber Vouenthrombosen im Verlaufe der In- fluenza. Charite Ann., Berl., 1893, xvin, 125-131.—illor- II flue ll/.a (Complications of Cardiac and vascular). ton iS. W.; A rare cardiac complication of influenza Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1.-98-9. xi, 252-263.—>al7.—Sa- liva* (A.i Cas de grippe chez un cardiopatbe. Dosi- m6t. au Canada. Montreal. 1901. iii, 6-8-Salomon. Obliteration arterielle pcst-gi lppale. Progies meil.. Par. 1901. 3. s . xiii, 405.—s>aii«oiii iA. K.) A review ot cases manifesting pain at the henit. or morbid acceleiatiui of the heart's contraction (tachycardiai. subsequently to in- fluenza. Med.-Chir. Tr.. Lontl., 1894. lxxvii. J87-304. AUo [Abstr.]: Proc. Rov. M. & Chir. Soc. Lond., 1893-4. vi, 121-128. AUo [Absti.]-. Brit. M. J.. Lond.. 1894. i, 1305. AUo [Abstr.]: Lancet, Lond.. 1894. i, 1502. ----. The treatment of nervous disturbance of the heart resulting from influenza. Practitioner, Lond., 1895. liv, 303-311. -----. On the effects of influenza upon the heart aud cir- culation: their clinical manifestations and their treatment. Internat. M. Mag., X. Y. 1*99. viii. *ol-8.1. AUo : Lan- cet, Lond., 1899, ii. 1075- le*l.—*auii6. —Sterling (S I 0 kilku przypadkach iuflueuzy sercowej. [Seveial cases of influenza ofthe heart. I Czasopismo lek., L,',,iz, l'mi, iii, 121-126.— Suriuout (H.) Xote sur un cas ,1 .n.locar- dite int'ectieuse consecutive a une pneumouie grippale. Bull. med. du nord. Lille. 1890. xxix. 315-319. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 189n. lxiii. 664.—Thomson (St. C.) Xeu- ralgia of the heart after influenza. Brit. M. J.. Lond 1,-92. i, 1072— Tickell ill. M.) A case of infective endo- carditis following influeuza. Clin. J., Lond.. 1896-7. ix, 251-253.—Troisier. Phlebite dans le cours de la grippe. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. bop. de Par.. 1892. 3. s. ix. 182- 185.—Tyson. A case of influenza with secondai v peri- carditis. Uni v.M.Mag.. Phila. .18e9-9".ii,494. —Volpillac (J. M.) Les complications catdiaquesdela grippe. Ann. de la Policlin. de Bordeaux 1897. v. 414-420.— Veo ij. B.) Cases of cardiac asthenia following influenza. Ti Clin. Soc. Lond.. 1891-2, xxv. leo-194. Influenza (Complications of Cerebro- spinal and neurotic). See. also, Chorea (Causes of'): Influenza (P.> * Influeuza-Psvcbosen. Berlin. [1-92]. Km'agxol (J.) ~ Contribution a l'dtude des rapports do la grippe et du systenie nerveux. 4°. Toulouse, 1-95. Feiir(H.) Influenza som Aar-ag til siuds- Bygtloin. Historisk-klinisk Uudersogelse. [In- fluenza as a cause of insanity. HisTorico-cliiii- cal investigation.] --. Kjobenhavn, 1*96. HiR'sCHFELD (M.) * leLer Erkrankungeu des Nervensvsteins im Gefolge der Iiifluenza. -". Berlin, [1-921. Jutr<>>ix>ki ( E. ) * Influenza -Psycbosen. [Stiasburg]. --. Berlin, 1-90. AUo, in: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1891, xvii, 89-92. Klemm iF. A. P. M.) * Psycbosen in iitiolo- gischem Zusamnieuhaug mit Influenza. -°. Marburg, 1901. Lehmaxx (P.) 'Contribution a l'dtude des nevralgies »ri])pab-_s. *--. Paris, 1901. Le Jolbioux E.i *L>e l'hysterie consecu- tive h la grippe. 4-. Paris, l-'.'ii Leledy (A.) La grippe et Talk'nation men- tale. -?. Paris, 1-91. LestraGA) 'Contribution a I'etude clinique de la grippe; grippe a, determinations in6uiu- gees. 4-'. Lyon, 1-91. -----. The same, -c Lyon, 1-91. Lochxer (L.) *Zur Casuistik der nervosen Xaclikrankheiten der Intlm-nza. 6°. Wiirzburg, 1-9U. MISPELBAL5M (F.) * Ueber PsycllOstU nach Inlluenza. --. Berlin, 1-90. AUo.in: Allg. Ztschr. t. P-\chiat. [etc.J,Berl., 1890-91, xlvii, 127-153. Miciia(H.) 'l>l»er Psychosen nach Influ- enza. 6c Gottingen, 1-91. Rossi (R.j Uu caso di scb-rosi a placche c-ereliro-spinale sui-i-e>>iva ad influenza. 123. [Porto S. Giorgio. 1900.] Trastour (X.j * De la forme cerebrale de la grippe; £tuile clinique. 4-. Paris. 1-9:5. Ullikl (G.) *La grippe et le systenie ner- veux et eu particulier des complications c6vfi- bro-spinales dans la convalescence. 4 . Lyon, 1-90. Virey (fi.) *fitude clinique snr quelques formes, nerveuses de la grippe. 4 . Paris, 1-95. Wescher (P. A.) 'Ueber Erkrankungeu des Net veiisystems im Anschluss an Influenza. 6~. Bonn, 169-2. Weyxhrowski (T.) 'Beitriige zur Casuistik von Psychosen nach Influenza. 6'c Greifswald, 1-90. Aldrich 7-270.—B loin field (J. E.) Case of influenza with c-r.-bial symptom-. Brit. M.J., Loud.. 1891.1 13*5 — Kotri i i.J. i K).il. -ssia da influenza. Riforma med., Xapoli. 1894, x. pr. 3, 75s-76."> -BriMlowe (J. S.i Cerebral stippu- ration following on influeuza. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1891. ii, C-i*.-Bi'o»»fl. Sur un cas de nevrite peripherique con- secutive ;i 1 influenza. Lyon nuSd.. 18!il, lxvi. :i59-305. Also. Mem. et compt.-rend! Soc d. sr.nieil. de Lyon (18911, 189:5 xxxi. pt. 2. 25-31. —tie Brim (H.) Les iuauit.--ta tions nerveuses de la gripp, . Med. mod.. Par.. 1889-i'O, i. 834; 877. — Buxbaum (B.) Zur Influenza cerebralis. Wien. nied. Wchnschr.. 1894, xliv, 2l7-j:;'.i—Bvrne (B. J.) Nervous depression as a sequel ot influenza. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1900, xxxiv, 596. — Cauiia iM Due casi di psicosi consecutiva ad influenza, con autopsia. Riv. di patol neiv.. Firenze, 1900. v. 100-111. —C'aiijjev (K.) Sui ilelirio da iutluenza. Mauicomio mod. Xo, era, 1892, viii. 89-loS.------. Influenza edisturbi neuro-psichici. Ibid., 1894. x. 135-150. ------. Disturbi psicbici e uervosi in rapporto all' influenza. Atti d. xi. Cong. med. internaz. 1894. Koma, 1895. iv. psicliiat. [etc.j. 193. — t'niilaraiio ifi.i Sui rapporti tra 1' influenza e le malattie uervose e mentale. Psichiatria, Xapoli, 1890. viii, I58-li>. —Capi- tal!. L'S reliquats de la grippe; les nevialgies. I,-ur traitement. Med. mod., Par., 1900. xi. 189— Can. I a \v -I I Influenza and the nervous system. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1901, i. 78-81— Cc»lan iR., dc Baboniicix (L.) Trois obser- vations de p"l\ n, vrites gi i],pali--. Gaz.il. bop., Par.. 1900, lxxiii.725; 7:!4 — Chanveaii i( .; Hypokinesie laryngee gauche hyst' n,]ii, ,|oi i-in. gi ippale, colncidant avec des troubles nioteurs et seiisitil's liennpl, — 1 <[u, — du meme Cote et du voile du palais. At,-li. gen. de med Par., 1900, n. s., iv, 93-102. — Chorea and I.iilimuiig der Wirbel- saulenmiiskulatur nach Intlu,-n/a.' Kin,I, isp. iu Basel. Jahresb. (1900), 1902, xxxviii, 62. — Cliorno-.livarl* (15. X.) Sluchai innozbestvennavo uevrita po>'Ie in- flueutsi. [Multiple neuiitis .,n,i intlu, n /., | Dietsk. med., Mosk., 1900, v, 282-287.—Clinreli , A.i The ner- vous features and sequences of I, mippe l'i Wisconsin M. So, Madison, 1891, xxv, 215-_'i;:i. AUo: Chicago M. ];,-, 1891 i. 418-426. AUo. ll, print. Also. Mi-iVsippi M Mcnth.. Meridian 1891-2. i. 15 5-140. — Coiuheina le & l>oi ion. 'troubles in. ait aux dans la gi ippe. r*., h,, med. du nord, Lille, 1900, i\ 76-7« — Cordova 11. ) Accidentea nerviosos conaecutivos ii la influenza. Kev. m6d. de <' Idle, Sant.de Chile, 1895, xxiii, 170-175. —Cornil iV.i Jt Du- rante. Dea accidents cerebraux cui aides ilus k la grippe. Bull. Acad.de m6d., Par., 1895 3. s., xxxiii 215-219. ------ ------ Sur un caa de meniugite grippale. Ibid., 469- 473— (ovi'on (G. L.) Melujiihrige Epilepsie und Iilio- tismus \iillig geheilt nach einem Anfall achweiei Influ- enza Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1900. xiv. 3> ; —Crcajjli (A. (i.i Suicidal tend,m\ during an attack of influenza; cutthroat ami ductule,1 skull: recoverv. Lancet. Lond.. 1891. ii To.—Crc«|>olani (E.i L'ei itromelalgia dopo l'influenza. i iior. interna/., tl. scmed.. N'apuli. 1900 n.s., xxii, sG5-s72 Cri«ti:illl (A.) Xota clinica sulle psicosi , ,,n~, ,uti\ >■ all' intlueii/.a. I'iloi nia nied., Xapoli. 189n. vi. 992 9i;s._Cnrii ilf) I.oc alvzazioni ineiiingee infantili il oi i-uie influenzale. Pediatria. Xa|»oli. 18'.i.5 iii. 196-200.- I>'AImiimIo (G.) Influenza e psicosi (con :: aut,,pMe|. M mie,in o mod, Xocera. 1890. vi. 65-104. — Darliny (T. B.| Case of basal meningitis with closure of foramen INFLUENZA. 954 INFLT EXZA. Influenza (Complications of Cerebro- spinal and neurotic). of Majendie, probablv resulting from influenza. Scot. M. Sc S. j., Edinb., 1898,*ii, 50-55. — Dauchez (H.) Sc Cro- gnier. Des encephalopathies grippales. A. M6ningo- encephalite. B. Congestion m6ningo-encephalique. C. Me- ningisme. France med.. Par., 1895, xlii,337-341.— Da vies (D. L.) Cerebral meningitis followiug influenza. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, i, 807. Also: Lancet, Loud., 1896, i, 478 —Be Buck (D.) A- Be Hoor (L.) Tremblement , ,,ns6cutif a l'influenza, Belgiqne m6d., Gand-Haarlem. 189H, iii, pt. 2, 545-553. AUo, transl. : Med. Weekbl., Amst,, 1896-7, iii. 517-521— Delahunt (W. P.) Post-influenzal neurasthenia. Med. Pre:>s & Circ, Lond., 1893, n. a., lvi. 1,29 — Dcmidovich (B.) Porazhenie niozga pri gnppie. [I>isease of the brain in grippe.] Toyenno-nied. J.. St. I'-teisli.. 1899, cxcv, med.-spec, pt., 1174-1187.—De Be- gibus iC.) &Qurgo(F.) Due casid'isterismo maschile eoniplicanti 1' influenza. Kiforma med., Xapoli, 1892, viii, pt. 4, 617-622.— Desseaux. NeurasttuSnie grippale; tiaitement par l'hydrotherapie. Xormandie med., Konen, 1894, ix, 45-48.— Determaiiii (H.) Zwei Fallevou Rii- ckenmarkserkrankung nach Influenza, Deutsche Ztschr. f.Xervenh., Leipz.. 1891-2,ii, 106-117.—van Devenler (J.) Over de influenza in verband met zenuw eu zielsziekren. Waamemingen gedaan in het Buiten-Gasthuis te Amster- dam. Psychiat, Bl., Dordrecht, 1890, viii. 55-80. Also, transl: Centralbl. f. Xervenh. u. Psychiat.. Coblenz .*c Leipz.. 1890, xiii. 49-63. Also, transl..-' Wood's M. & S. Monog., X. Y., 1891, x, 551-565. —Dickson ( M. S.) Two cases of la grippe with symptoms pointing to cerebro- spinal meningitis. Maritime M. Xews, Halitax. 1899, xi, 421-423. AUo: Montreal M. J., 1899, xxviii, 597-599.— Diemcr. La polynevrite grippale. Gnz.hebd.de in6rcx-hlVId (J.) On some of the nervous sequels ot epidemic influenza. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1897-8, viii, 402-408.— Dubois (P.) Deux cas de nevral- gie du sciatique et de ses branches d'oi -gine gripp de. J. de neurol. Par., 1900, v, 131-135—EcUley (W. T.) The s\ nipatheti, nervous system as the elective point in in- lluenza. Ti. Iowa M. Soc, Cedar Rapids, 1892, x, 93- lul.—Hlkiii* (F. A.) Influenza as a cause of insanitv. Edinb. Hosp. Rep., 1893, i. 312-324.—Epcron. De la n£vrite retrobulbaire consecutive k l'influenza. Progres med.. Par., 1890, 2. a., xii, 471-475. — Erlciiineycr iA.) Jackaou'sche Epilepsie nach Influenza. I'.erl. UI in. Wchn- schr., 1890, xxvii, 295-297. — Fstevca 5. AUo: Aim.de p-ychiat. et d h\ pud . Par.. 1891. n. a.. 178- 181. — tlnllardo d 5i Le ueuro-psicopatie in rapporto coll' intl.....za. Cuiere san.. Milam,. 1901. xii, 73-77.— Martin A.) Psychoses infectieuses: gripp- tvtc agitation miniaque. terininee par la mort. Bull, et num. Sue tie me,l. et chir prat, de Par.. 1893. 295- : 1— Marty (J.) Contribution a I'etude des accidents Cen5ios|,;naux dans la giippe. Arch. gen. de med.. Par.. i-'.'8. ii. 51 •»-539. — flayer (E. E.) Influ- enza ence].l,alitis. Inteiuat. Clin.. Phila.. 1900, 9. s., iv, 241. — .VIehrcr (I.) Iiiriuen/,i , eiel.talia. Wien. nied. Wchiix-ur.. '.-'■'» xliv bo-i7.—.Heirelles (Z.) Da influ- enza e suas i.-lacoVs com a meniugite cerebi o-.spinhal epidemica. Tribuna med., Rio tie Jan., 1896. ii, 193-200.— Ttletz (M.) Heilung einer Paranoia nach Influenza. Xeuiol. Centralbl.. Leipz.. 1890. ix, 201-204.—Mill* iC. K.i Tli.e nervous and mental phenomena and sequela-,,t influenza. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1892. xiii. 20- 36. AUo. Keprint. AUo: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1892, xviii, 121-127. A so: Med. Xew,. Phila.. 1892, Ix. 118-125. AUo: Mecl. Sc Surg. K.-porter. Phila.. 1892. lxvi, 297-215. AUo: Xoiih Car. M. J. Wilmington. 1892. xxix. 77-94.— .Miugazzini Su alcuni etfetti neuro-e psic.'t, ,m, , dell' intlm-n/a. Riforma med., Xapoli, 1890, vi, 542; "49; 755.— .TIo«her (J. M ' Influenza and j the nervous system. M.,l. \5-a-, N. Y.. 1900. lxxvii. 924- 928.—.TIiiller(F.) Ueber cerebral.- Stijruiigen nach In- flueuza. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., l'9o. xxvii, 847. — \nn- werck. Influenza und Encephalitis. Deutsche med. Wchuschr., L.-ip/. u. Berl., 1895, xxi. 393-397. N" alto. infra. Pfnhl.— >'ieolle (C.) Gripp.- a tonne poh m-vral- gique. Xoiuiaii.le med.. Kouen. 1898.xiii,28-.— O'Daniel IW.) Epidemic intlu. -nza. or la grippe; its different phases and ik-ivous temb ii,5,-s. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia, Atlanta, 1897. 140-141.—Pnilha*. Obsessions survenuea au cours d'une atteinte tl'influ. uza. Ann metl.-psych., Par., 1893. 7. a., xviii. 426-428.—Paine Ueber einen Fall von durch Infln- enzal.aciil.ii eizeugt.-r Meningitis bei einem 5 Monate alten Kmde. Prag. med. Wchiiseln-., 1901, xxvi, 153-155.— Pfnhl (A.) Influenza uud Encephalitis; zusatzliche B< in, i kungen zn dem Aufsatz von Prof. Xauwerck in Xo. 27 di*-,er Wocbenschrift. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Leipz. n. Berl., 1895, xxi, 459-461. -----. Drei neue Falle von Gehirninfluenza. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Iufections- II flu enz a (Complications of Cerebro- spinal aud neurotic). krankh., Leipz., 1897, xxvi, 112-142, 2 pl.—Philip (R. W.i Cerebio-spinal meningitis, with herpes of the ex- tremities, following influenza. Edinb. Hosp. Rep., 1893, i, 276-281.— Pick. Ueber Geisteskrankheit nach Influ- enza. Neurol (entralbl., Leipz., 1890, ix, 100-103.— Piuieulel (A.) tilho. Grippe e meuingite. Med. con- temp., Lisb., 1902, xx. 85-87—Plumuier (S. W.) Case of meningitis following influenza; iee,,v, ry. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1892, ii, 579. — Poiiiopiiitlini t F.) Myelitis tiansversa acuta efter Influenza. Hosp. fid., Kjo- beuh., 1898, 4. R., vi, 461-467. — Poole (T. T>.> A case of iutluenza and aphasia. Brit. M. J.. Lond. 1890, i, 1190. Also: Ei Hub. M. J 1890-91, xxxvi. 122.—Porte. Meniugite d'origine gnpp.-ih-. Dauplune metl., Greno- ble. 1-94. xviii, 140-1)2— Po-.tov.ki (X. P.) Nervniya zabollevaniya pri intlu,-ntsi,-. [Nervous diseases in iu- tluenza.] Meil. Obozr. M,,-k . 1895 xliv 525-548. AUo Abstr.]: Protok. zasled. Obsh. Xelropat. i Psikhiat. pti mp. Moskov. Univ., 1894-5, 70-75. -----. O dushevnikh zabollevauiyakh pri influentsle. |On mental diseases in influenza.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1895, xliv, 1115-1132.— Polt* (C. S.) A case of myelitis following influenza. Univ. M. Mag.. Phila., 1899-1900, xii, 14. — l'on let (V.) De la nature iufectiense de la grippe epideimque et da traitenient de sa forme nevralgique par le ,latina stramo- nium. Bull. ui£d. d. Vosges. Rani ber villers, 1890-91. v, no. 16, 46-52.— Prenti** (D. W.) Three cases of cerebral apoplexy, one case of progressive coma, and one case of rheumatic meningitis, following the grip. Med. Xews, Phila., 1891, lix, 231-233 — Prince (M.) Two fatal caaes of cerebral disease mue of confusioual insanity, the other of doubtful nature) toll,.wing grippe. Boston M. .*c S. J., 1892, cxxvi, 229-231. — P rite ha nl (YV. B.l Xervous dis- eases aud psychoses toll,,wing the grippe. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1901,"ll. s., i. 105-110. — Putnam (J. J.) Another case of chronic neuritis following influenza. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1892, exxvii, 405 — Rapisardn (O. i Caso d' influ- enza siinulante una meniugite cerebri, spinal,-. Gazz. d. osp.. Milano, 1895, xvi. 1413-1415.— RmriN'.i Trance following influenza. Lancet, Lend.. l»9n, ii, 335.— Ray- naud (L.) Pathogeuie de l'hysterie post-grippale. X. Montpel. med., 1895, iv,917; 937'; 95R; 970; 991. —Redten- bacher. Hiruabscesse und Eiterung im Sinus frontalis nach Influenza; Tod. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wieu (1890), 1892. 69-71. AUo: Internat. klin. Bund- schau. Wien. 1892. vi. 1,90-099. Also: Wien. med. BL, 1892, xv, 200. — Rcgar (H. lx.) Xervous sequela- of iutluenza. Tr. M. S.,c. Penn . Phila., 1896 xxvii, 255-27.8. Also .- Med. Ac Surg. Kepoit.-r, Phila., 1890, lxxv. 405. — Rendu (H.) Deux cas de M-li'-r,,-,' cerebrale d'origine grippale. Bull. et mem. Soc. med. tl. hop. de Par., 1894, 3. s., xi, 945-958. -----. Meniugite c ei.lno spinale d'origine grippale com- pliqueedepolioniyelite antei ieure aigui'-: giuJrison. ibid., 1901, 3. s., xviii. 9u-9>. —Rerilliod , L ) Des formes ner- veusesde la grippe. Bev.med. (b- la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1890. x, 145-153. — Reyiiand. La grippe de 1891-2 dana ses rappoits avec, lalieiiatiou mentaie et lea suit-ides. Loire med.. St.-£tieune, 1892, xi, 85-94, 4 diag. —Rieci iC.) Meniii_it' ,1a influenza. Gazz. tl. osp.. Xapoli. ]*'.>], xii, 590-592. —Richnrdoou (A. B.) The causation ot mental disease iu relation tola giippe: illustrated by a report of two cases of acute mania, f'iucin. Lancet Clinic 1891. u. s., xxvi, 600-607.— It ich a nUon (P.. W.) Epidemic neu- lopaicsis: influenza. Asclepiad, Loud.. 1892. i\. 19-:i7.— Rinley (S. D.) Right hemianopsia; alexia, with partial temporary visual aphasia and amnesia, mid amnesic color- blindness following an attack ,,l iutluenza. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 19iil. xviii. 44-47.— Riory. Meniugite grippale. Bull. Sue. nied.-chir. ,h- la Drome [etc.]. Valence A Par., 1901, n, 105. — Roi-ie ((LA.) Post-niflueuzal insanity iu the Cumberland ami Westmoreland Asylum, with statistics of si\t\-eight cases. J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1901, xlvii, 317-320. — Rowland 115 M.) Two obscure cases of post-iuflueuzal cephalalgia ending fatally. Brit. M. J., Lond , 1894, ii, 126. - Rucdy (R E.) Psychoses of influ- enza. Cleveland J. M. 19UI. vi. 373-376. — Mabrazen. M6ningite < eiebro-spinale a pneumocoques consecutive a In -rippe. J. de med. de Bordeaux. 1891-2, xxi 2u7. — sue- t|iiep«'e , E.) Sc Peltier |E.) Meuingites cerebro-spmalea -iippal.-s. Arch. g,n d,- med , Par., 1901, u. s.,v, 537-564. — Naimoni (A 151 Xotes of three cases of disease of the apiual cord occuning after influenza, with observations. Liverpool M.-Chir.d. l»95.xv,118-l 4.—Mhmm! , U.) Meuin- gite e ps.iulo in, ningii, da influenza. Iucuialuli. Napoli, 1899, xiv, 557-509 — Savngf (G. H.) Relationship be- tween influenza and the neuroses. Tr. M. Soc. Lond., 1891-2, xv. 51-77. Also: Med. Press &. Circ, Lond., 1891, n. s., Hi, 487-49(1. AU<> [ A bstr.J: J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1892, xxxviii. 360-364. — Mchmitz (A.) Ueber Geistesstorung nach Influenza. Allg Zts.hr. f. Psychiat. [etc. |. Berl., 1890-9), xlvii, 238-256. — Scstini (L.) Coutributo clinico alle complicazioni nervose nell' iutluenza. Ann. di med. nav. Roma, 1897. iii, 697-714. — Kevewtre. lie. la pseudo- ineniiigite grippale. Ball.etm6m.Soc.med.il. hop. tie Par., 189ij. 3. s.. vii 260-262. ----- Un cas de meniugite grip- INFLUENZA. 956 INFLUENZA. Iiifluenza (Complications of Cerebro- spinal and neurotic). pale. Bev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1893. xi, 289-295.— Mmilh (A. H.) Grippe culminating in hysteria and sim- ulating meningitis. Med. Sc Surg. Rep. Presbyterian Hosp., X. Y., 1900, iv. 39.—Sol brig. Xeuroseu uud Psy- chosen nach Influenza. Xeurol. Centralbl.. Leipz., 1890, ix, 322-325. —Worgoni (B.) Un caso di sclerosi a placche cerebro-spmali successiva ad influenza. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1897, 7. s., viii, --47-856. — Spitzly (J. H.) Ma- niacal excitement during an attack of influenza. Brit. M. J.. Loud.. UiuO. i, 508.—Standthartner. Influenza- anfall mit 24stundiger Bewusstlosigkeit; Heilung. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien (1889), 1891, 64.— Stephen* ((>. A.j Hypochondriasis as a sequela of in- fluenza. Lancet, Lond.* 1894, ii, 737.—Strange (W.) Se- vere affection of the vagus nerve, the result ot the poison of influenza. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, it, 629—Szalay (B.) Influenza 6s elmezavar. [. . . and disturbance of mind.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1892, xxxvi. 298. AUo, transl [Abstr.]: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1892, xwiii. 833— Tabutcau (A. W.) Cerebral meningitis toll..wing influenza. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1895. i, 1376.— Teece ii'.i Su il un caso di pseudo-iueningite da influ- enza. Kit..una nied., Xapoli, 1896 xii, pt. 1. 782-784.— Testevin. Considerations k propos de deux cas de me- niugite grippale. Dauphin6 med.. Grenoble. 1897. xxi, 49- 60.—Testi (F.) Un caso di neurite multipla con feno- meni di tetania consecutiva all' influenza observato in un militate del 93" reggimento fauteria in Pisa. Gior. med. tl. r. esercito [etc.], Roma, 1890, xxxviii, 857-866.—Time (H. J.) Polyneurit med dobbeltsidig total Facialparalyse efter Influenza. [... bilateral ... after influenza.] Norsk Mag. f. Laegevidensk., Christiania, 1890, 4. R.. v, e51- 854.—Tordeu* (E.) Sur un cas (l'influenza a forme pseudo-meuingitique. Clinique, Brux.. 1895. ix. 689-693.— Toulouse ( E.) Psychoses post-influenziques et post- febriles: la confusion mentale. Caz. tl. hop.. Par.. 1893. lxvi, 583-590. -Townshend (C. B.) Cerebral meningitis following influenza. Lancet, Loud., 1890, i. 764.—Tra- piznikoll' (A. Y.) Psikhoz poslie inflyueutsi. [Psycho- sis after influenza.] Toyenuo ined. J.. St. Petersb., 1898, exeii, med.-spec, pt., 528^-532.—Trouillet. Meiiingite k streptocoques; abces sym6triques du cervelet au cours de la grippe. Dauphine med, Grenoble. 1892, xvi, 63-66.— Trouillet dc Esprit. M6niugo-enc6phalopathies de nature grippale. Semaine metl., Par., 1895. xv, 170.— Trouillet Sc Vallet. N^vrite d'origine grippale. Dau- pluu6 med., Grenoble, 1895, xix, 42-48. 1 pl. Also- Gaz. tl. ! hop. de Toulouse 1895, ix, 228-230.-I'pson iH.Sa Psy- choses of influenza. Cleveland J. M.. 1901. \ i, 369-37:;.— Vigouroux (H.) Facial neuralgia following la grippe. Dosimet. M. Rev., N. T., 1900, xiv, 169. — Voi*oii i.l.) L°s persecutes; idees do persecution chez une hereditaire a la suite de la grippe. Gaz.d. hop., Par , ]89o. lxiii. 1012.— Waite (H.) influenza as a specific nervous fever. Brit. M. J.. Loud.. 1895, i, 1375. Also: Lancet. X.T., 1895. 311.— Miil.on iK. W.) Some observations ou influenzal neu- ritis. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1894 xv, 108-120. Also. Repiint. AUo: Coll. Sc Clin. Rec. Phila., 1894. xv, 90-95. AUo: Med. A Surg. Reporter, Pbila., 1894 Ixx, 494-497—von Wedekind (L. L.) Myelitis following febris catari bus epidemicus. Med. Rec. X. T.. 1892. xiii, 418.— Week* (J. E.) La grippe as a cause of retro-bul- bar neuritis and other nerve lesions. X. York M. J.. 1891, liv, 143-148. AUo, Reprint.— WestphnIen (H.) Neu- ritis multiplex nach Influenza. St. Petersb. med. Wchn- schr., 1890, n. F., vii, 187-190. —Woodbury (F.) Speci- men showing meningitis probably due to influenza. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1892, 3. s.. xiv, 19-21.—Zenner (P.) ! Xervous and mental complications of la grippe. Cincin. j Lancet-Clinic, 1892, n. s, xxviii. 69-74. |Disciissiou], 77. Influenza (Complications of Cutaneous). See, also, Influeuza (Complications of, Hemor- rhagic), i Antony A: Riscon*. Observations d'erythemes sur- venus pendant la convalescence de pneumonies d origine grippale Gaz tl. hop.,Par., 1899, lxxii,445-447.—Arnold (B.) The eruption attending epidemic influenza, with some unusual cases. Tr. Rhode Island M. Soc. Provi- dence, 1900, vi, pt. 2, 222-228. AUo: Providence M. J., 1901, ii, 24-28. — Rarthelemy. Des affections cutan^es symptomatiques, ou rash, de la grippe 6pidemique. Bull. Soc. franc- de dermat. et syph., Pat., 1890. l. 72-78. ----- Xotes sur la grippe epid6mique de 1889-90 et pi mi ipale- j meutsurles6ruptionssyiuptoiuatiques.ou rash O.-iagrippe. | Arch. g6n. tie med., Par., 1890. ii 283-297. — Bcrga»se. De quelques formes cliniques de la grippe; laches rosees et complications hepatiques. Bull, de la Soc. med -chir de la Drome [etc.|. Valence A Par., 1900, i. 52-56. —Brasher (C.W.J.) Scaiiatmitorni lash in influenza. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895. i, 810.- Browning (R. R.) The skm mani- festations of influenza. X.York M. J., 19iio lxxi 354.— C'arrieu. Des eruptions cutanees dans l'epidemie ac tu- elle de grippe. X. Moutpel. med., 1>92. t, 265; 285.—Da- vie- (T. L. K5) Rash in influenza. Brit. M. J., Loud.. ilfllieiiza (Complications of, Cutaneous). 1890, i, 357.—Feindel iE.i a Fi'ou»»artl (P.) Cas de grippe avec eruption de taches iose,s lenticulairea. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1898, lxxi, 579— Fiuzi (G.) Herpes zoster in seguito ad influenza. Bull. d. seined, di Bologna, 1890, 7. s. i, 334-337. — FroenieI iL.i Complicaciones cnW- neas eu la influenza. Rev. med. de Chile. Sunt, de Chile, 1896, xxiv. 5: 69. — Oalliard iL.i Erythemo papuleux grippal. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop", de Par.. 1898. 3. s.,xv, 285-287. —Garrison (Harriet E.) The La giippe exanthemata. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1900, xxxiv, 659.— Gommaerts. Un cas de zona brachialis coiisecutif a un acces d'influenza traits par le massage. Belgiqne med., Gaud-Haarlem, 1899, i, 673.—Guiteras (R.) The derma- toses of influenza. Med. Rec, X. Y., 1890, xxxvii, 210- 212. AUo: Tr. X. York Acad. M. (1890), 1891 2. s., vii, 77-82.—Gutierrez F.ee (R.) Giippe eruptiva, dengue 6 infeccion intestinal etuptiva. Arch.de la Soc. estud. clin. de la Habana. 1899-1900, x, 159-166. AUo: P.....1 eso med., Habana, P.inO, x, 100-106. — Hardy (H. X.) Influ- enza with uiticarial rash and desquamation simulating scarlet fever. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1899, ii. 1603.—Hawkins (H.P.) Occurrenceof a rash in influenza. Lancet. Loud.. 1890, i, 191.—Herman (J. E.) Skin manifestations of in- fluenza observed iu the present epidemic. X. York M. J.. 1900, lxxi, 238.—Hoffniailll. Em Beitrag zu deu Intlu- enzaexanthemen. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb. 1-91 xi. 199-201.—Hurlinidill) Zona grippal et tubetculos,.. Cniou med., Par., 1--94. 3. 8., lvii, 493-499. — l.eloii- , ID Lesions suppuiatives de la peau a la suite de l'influenza. Bull. m£d., Par., 1890. iv, 117.—Lemicrc (G.) Sc l>i- dier. Sur un cas d'erythdrue infectieux au corns de l'influenza. Bull. Soc. anat.-clin. de Lille, 1892. vii, 317- 322. AUo: J. a. sc. med. de Lille, 1892, ii, 483-488.— itlapother (E D.i Eruptions and influenza. Lancet. Loud.. 1890,i, 112(i.— tin-.on (C. F.) Cutaneous eruptions in influenza. Boston M. A: S. J., 1892. cxxvi, 162.— Tled- vei (B.) Influenza, erythema papulo-summal. |Two cases of influenza with erythema papulosum.) Gy6- gy£szat, Budapest, 1890, xxx, 42. AUo, transl: Pest. med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1890. xxvi, 172. AUo, transl.: Internat. klin. Rundschau. Wien, 1890, iv, 153.— tin 1110 (\V. L.) A peculiar exauthem following an attack of epidemic influenza. J. Cutan. Sc Genito-Urin. Dis.. X. Y., 1891. ix, 241-245, 1 pl. Also: Tr. Rhode Island M. Soc. 1889-91, Providence, 1890-92, iv, 230-235, 1 pl.— rVatalucci (G.) L' herpes zoster da influenza. Gazz. d. osp.. Milano, 1890. xi. 538-542.— Pelon (H.) L'ery- theme noueux au cours de la grippe. X. Montpel. med., I8.18, vii, 941-949. AUo: Presse met!.. Par., 1898, ii, 146. -----. Des eruptions de taches rosees lenticulaiies au cours tie la giippe. Gaz. tl. hop.. Par., 1898, lxxi, 421.— Bieger. Eiu sonderbarer Influeuzaausbruch auf der Haut bei mir und in nieiner Umgebung. Munchen. nied. Wchnschr.. 1900. xlvii, 7-10.—Robinson (S. G.) A case of influenza with eruption. Boston M. A S. J., 1892, cxxvi, 652.—Bouvier (J.) Les Eruptions tie la dengue ou de la grippe-influenza. J. tl. mal. cutan. et syph.. Par., 1891. iii, 102-lo9.—Sell wimmer (E.) Az influenza es a borbdiitalniak. ] Influenza and skm diseases] Or- vosi hetil., Budapest. 1890. xxxiv, 157. Also, transl.: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1890, xl, 1561-1566 Also, transl. [Ab- str.]: Pest, med.-chir. Piesse. Budapest, 1890, xxvi. 386.— Nel I ne i- (B.) Eiu Beitrag zur Kenntniss der scharlach- ahiilichen Influenzaexantheme. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1899. xxiv, 631.— Sicrpiiiski (K. W.) Cztery przypadki influeuzy powiklanej wysypkami skoruemi ua podobieh- stwo t. z\v. "dengue".* [Four cases of influenza, com- plicated by cutaneous eruptions, resembling so-called dengue. ] Kron. lek., Warszawa, 1891, xii, 702-7o7 .— <•> hi ein berg (M. G.) Sluchai inflyueutsi s nachaluoyu i zaklvuchitelnoyu sipyu. [Influenza accompanied by a pri- mal y and secondary cutaneous eruption.] Trudi russk. med. 1 )bsh. p. imp. Varshav. Univ.. 1892. iii. no. 2. 77-87.— Tatusewcu (D.) D0116 casutl de influenza (gripa; cn eruptiuni eritemourticariene utiuate tie lesiuni tn.fice. Spitalul. Bucuresci, 1900 xx, 285-289—Taylor (G. G S 1 A case of acute dermatitis dm mg an epidemic of influeuza. Brit. M J., Lond., 1892. 1 8Ul— Vidal. De la frequence des manifestations herpetiques dans la grippe-influenza. Bull Acad, de med.. Par.. 1899, 3. s„ xiii. 211-215.- Will- iamson (C. F.) Alopecia areata following influenza. Lancet, Loud., 189U. 1, 1239. Influenza (Complications of, Gangre- nous, septic, and suppurative). See, also, Influenza (Complications of, Aural); Influenza (CompUeations of, Cerebrospinal, etc.); Influenza in children. BoiCHEi; (P.) 'fitutle >ur quelques cas de suppurations multiples cousectitiv*\ Lyon, 1692. Redureac (G.) * Contribution a l'dtude de la suppuration dans la grippe. 1 . Paris, 1691. Khyner (Emilia). ' Luiigengangran nach Intliu'iiza. [Ziirich.] **>c. Miinchen, I-93. Ateo, in: Miinchen. med. Wchnschr.. 1895. xiii, 187; 215. A bei ma n (M. L.) Sluchai omertvleiiiva lyokhkavo na pochvle grippa. [Gangrene of lun-s after influenza.] Vrach. St. Peteisb., 189-1, xv, 961. — A iiuequin. Con- siderations k propos d'un cas de gaugrene seehe du roerubre inferieur droit d'origine grippale et d'embolie ile l'artere hu- merale thi mtoe cote sans gangrene. Dauphiiu5 med., Gre- iioble.1895.xix.M-94. —Arc abscessed teeth more prevalent during epidemic-.,t5iiipp. ' Ohio Dent. J., Toledo, 1900, xx, 260-2i',4—Barker i \V5 S. , Influenza followed by pyemia. Med. News. l'Oii.i. 1k»1. lix. 713 —Barringer (T. B.). jr A case of presenile or angiosclerotic gaugrene precipi tated by influenza. Med. Kec, >". Y.. 1902. lxi, 329-331.— Bennett (W. H.) Brief notes of some cases of pyaemia and suppuration apparently due to thepreviiiliiu: epidemic of influenza. Lancet. Loud., Is90. i.290.— Boutlel. Gan- grene synietriqiie des pietls. tl',.limine giippal.-. Province med.. Lvou, 1892. vi. 133-136. — Colin 11 , Lin Fall von acuter Caries des Warzenfortsat/es und I-'.inpy,-m des An- trums im Anschluss an Influenza: Aufmei-selung: Hei- lung. X. Yorker med. Monatsehr., 1*91. iii. 379. — C'oukey (C. D.> Panophthalmitis and ineninuitis accompanying la_gti]q.e. Ophth. Kec. Chicago 1897. vi. U23-626.—1>ar- il ignac (J.-J.-A.) Gangieue symettique par congelation clan- le c ours d'une giipp, in'ettieuse. Kev. de chir., Par., 1892 xii, 729-746.—1>own ie , VT.) Septic thrombosis of the lateral sinus fallowing iutluenza: operation; recov- erv. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Glasg.. 1895-7. i, 346. AUo: Glasgow M. J.. 1897. xlviii. 209— Drozda (J.) Influen- za; Bronchopneumonia dextra subsequente gangrama; Meningitis: Toil. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. 1897, Wien u. Leipz., 1899. vi, pt. 2, 253.— Duthemitaii (G.i Sur la gangrene des membres consecutive a l'influen- za Gaz. hebd. de med.. Par., 1890, 2. s., xxvii, 2HJ-285.— Eleutlieriado* (K. X. I 0po^o9>Ae/3ui<; tou 7rAay.ov ^.At- |3bj£ov<; koKttov. ffTfif/oirvaifjiia avveireia iraAata? ,ue:ii»a roll'. V". I.) Sluchai simmetriches- kol gaugreni obit ikh ui/lmikh koneclinostel poslle inrlu- entsi. [Svmnietiical gangrene of both lower extremities after influenza.] Med. pribav. k morsk. sboiniku, St. Pe- tersb.. Is93, pt.2, 402-4)0.— Ilaii i« (H. E.) A caseof gan- grene of the lung following ii,11,,, i,/..,. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond.,1893, n.s.,vii, 132. —linyemi-LW.) A clinical history of two casesof abscess of internal organs as sequela; to La giippe. J. Arkansas M. Soc, Little Rock, 1895-6. vi, 253- 250.—.loliaiiiixn iO.i Gangrsena petlis post iofluenzatn. St. I'etei -I,.mul W. bnschr..1890.n.F.,vii,413.— I.nureuti (G.) T"n caso tli gangreiia sinimetrica di origine spinale da irtfT.i.-n/., Riforma med.. Xapoli. 1*94. x, 399-401. — I.e. niiii-i' 5 5v Diiliir. Influenza et suppuration. J.d.sc. nii'l.Oe Lille, 1*92 ii. 97; 169; 291; 313. Also: Bull.Soc.d. sc.iued.de Lille (1892), 1894,114-154.—I.emoine (G.) Sur qua tie c us d'ei ysipele dans le cours tie la grippe, pi6cedos (le tiimfef.iction piMotiilienne. Kev. tie m6d., l'ar., 189H x, 527-531—I.oitou , L.) Gangrene tie lajamlie consecutive a l'influenza. Lyon m6d., 1890, lxiv, 535-542. AUo: Mem. et eoinpt.-rend. Soc. d. sc. metl. tie Lvon (1890), 1891, xxx, 264-292. ------. Grippe et gangrene, du membre inferieur. Lvon m6d., 1890, lxiii, 38.7. AUo: Mem. et compt.-rend. Soc.d. sc. med.de Lyon 11890), 1891, xxx, pt. 2, 31.—IMar- eute i P.) Lungeiihraiid als Ausgaug eines Falles von Influenza. D.-utschemed.Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl.,1897, xxni, 419 — tlaio y Bin (A.) Un caso tie gangrenapul- monar tie origin gripal. An. Soc espafi. tie hitlrol. m6d., Madrid. 1896. xii 95: 120. AUo: Siglo med.. Madrid, 1890. xliii, 290-292. —.tiennier iH.) Tiois cas d, localisation extra-pulnionaire clu bacille de Pfeiffer; pleuresie, meniu- gite ost^operiostite grippales. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Influenza (Complications of, Gangre- nous, septic, and suppurative). l'.u.. 1900, 11. 8., ii,5.—Miller (J. 15) A case of symmet- lical gangrene following upon an attack of influenza. Brit M. J., Lond., 1891. ii, 125 — tli urn 42 ll< Um iin<.-toii (O. II.) A Brown ill. IL) Diabetes following influenza: recovery. Lancet. Lend. ]s9:i, i, 140.—JwzcfVMvicz (,I.) I lluistromie olu/niienie jadei i przyjiplrzy w przebienu inlluen/v. |I'.ilateral tu- mor of the testicles and epididymis during the course of influenza.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1893, 2. s.. xiii, 1318.— Kelly (15 (L) A case of acute orchitis following in- flueuza. Lancet, Lond., 1892. i. 359.—Khazan (>'. V.) O vliyanii grippa na zabollevaniya iiolovikh organov. [In- fluence of grippe on atfeetions ol the genital organs.] Akuscherka, Otlessa, 1894. v, 11 —l.amarqne (H.) Des complications genito-urinaires tie la grippe. Ami. d. mal. tl. org. gtnito-uriu., Par., 1894, xii, 663-687.—l^e Boy (G.) Anurie au cours tie la grippe. Bull, met'.., Par., 1900, xiv 312 — Tlaililiam ( H. C. ) Urethral la grippe. Me.l! Standard. Chicago, 1891, ix, 130 - Tlorkotun (K. S.) K voprosu ob oslozhuen'iakh pri influetitse; orchitis grip- posa migrans, f On the complications of influenza. . .] Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb., 1896, 363- 370.— Pelou (FL) L'retnie febrile d'origine grippalechez une cardiaque. Gaz. hebd. de 11161L, Par., 1898, n. s., iii. 891-894.— I'oore (G. V.) A clinical lecture on a caseof IXFLUEXZA. 958 INFLUENZA. Influenza (Complications of, Genito- urinary). haematuria following influenza. Clin. J., Lond., 1893, ii, 289-293.—Se vestre. Cvstite grippale. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. tl. hop. de Pai-., 1898, 3. s., xv, 319.—So re I. Note snr un cas d'orchite grippale. Arch. iu6d. de Tou- louse, 1899, v, 194-196.—Trossat (F.) Troubles geuito- urinaires causes par la grippe. Lvou m6d., 1*90. lxiii 448-450. Also: Mem. et compt.-retid. Soc. d sc nied. de Lyon (1890), 1891. xxx, pt. 2, 41-43.— Zakiyeff (A. D.i Sluchai diabeta poslie inflyueutsi. [Case of diabetes after influeuza.] Protok. zazaid. i trudi Obsh. Simpheropolsk. vrach. (1891-2), 1893, iv, 59-62— Zampetti (E.) Tre casi di orchite e un caso di ascessi multipli, come manifesta- zione secondaria nell' influenza. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1890, xi, 578-580. Influenza (Complications of, Genito- urinary) in the female. Cappellari (L.) Su d' un caso ostetrico di rilassamento patologico della sinfisi pubica. Contributo alio studio delle localizzazioiie del- 1' influenza. Ancora del salofene nell' iscbalgia. 8°. Vicenza, 1697. Maciejewski (J.) *Die Coincidenz der In- fluenza niit Endometritis. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1890. Maucotel (P.-M.-J.) *De l'influence de la grippe sur la grossesse et raccoucheinent. 8-. Paris, 1899. Meyer (G.) * Ueber den Einfluss der Influ- enza auf den weiblichen Sexualapparat. 8-. Strassburg, 1890. Muller (R.) Die Influenza und ihre Bezie- hung zu deu weiblichen Generatiousorganen. 8°. Halle a. S., 1896. Ruffie (A.) * Influenza et grossesse d'apres les fails observes a Gemenoz (Bouches-du-Rhdne). 4-. Lyon, 1894. Also [Abstr.], in: J. de m6d. et chir. prat., Par., 1895, lxvi, 818. Salmi (L.) Azione dell' influenza sugli orgaui genitali femmiuili. 8°. S. Giovanni Valdarno, 1890. Seguel (G.) * Essai sur l'influenza dans ses rapports avec la grossesse, l'accouchement, les suites de couches et les maladies de l'appareil genital de la femme. 4°. Pans, 1895. Abrahams (R.) Influenza complicating the puer- periuni; a study based on a series of sixteen cases. Am. J. Obst., X. T., 1895. xxxi, 866-869. AUo, Repiint,— A in a un (J. A.) jr. Studieu iiber Influenza bei Schwan- geren, Kreissenden und Wbchuerinnen. Miinchen. med. "Wchnschr., 1890, xxxvii. 102; 186. — Ameis* (F. C.) Influenza complicating uterine and pelvic disease and pregnancy. Am. J. Obst.. X. T.. 1899, xxxix, 509-513. [Discussion],531-534.—Auricrotiias (J.) Manifestations cardio-pulmonairesde la grippe jiendant la grossesse. Gaz. hebd. d.sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1900, xxi, 445; 457.—Bal- lantyne (J. W.) The relation of influenza to gynecologi- cal, obstetrical, and pediatric cases. Tr. Ebiub.Obst. Soc, 1893-4, xix, 33-40. [Discussion], 52-55. Also: Edinb. M. J.. 1893-4, xxxix, 615-622. AUo, Reprint.—Banks ( W. IL) The grippe as a cause of abortion and miscarriage. Med. A Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1890, Ixii, 489.—Bar (P.) La grippe dans ses rapports avec la puerperalite. J. d. sages- femmes, Par., 1898, xxvi, 25; 33.—Barbat (J. H.) Notes on grip following childbirth. Pacific M. J., San Fran., 1894, xxxvii, 138-140.—Burns (T. M.) La grippe dining the puerperal state. Tr. Colorado M. Soc., Denver. 1894, 189-196. AUo: Ann. Gyusec. Sc Paediat,, Phila., 1893-4, vii, 681-686.—t'hambrelent. Influenzal, forme gastri- que et intestinale chez une femme enceinte tie huit mois; mort du foetus. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1893, xiv, 195-197. —Charles (X.) Grippe et puerperalite. J. d'accouch., Liege, 1895, xvi, 405.—Chazan. Ueber tlen Einfluss der Influenza auf die Erkrankunoen der Ge- schlechtsorgane. [Transl. from the Russian.] Allg. deutsche Hebam.-Ztg., Berl., 1897, xii, 61.—t'iaceri (G.) Delia forma tifosa e del parto prematuio nella influenza. Gazz. il. osp., Xapoli, 1891, xii, 406.—Cobb (J. P.) A Bruce (E. M.) Epidemic influenza complicating preg- nancy, resulting in the development of toxic endocarditis, nephritis, and phlebitis. Clinique, Chicago, 190u, xxi, 125-132.—de Cotrct (E.-A.-R.) Giippe et'puerperalite. Union med. du Canada, Montreal. 1899. xxviii. 65-73.— von Engcl (G.) Az influenza befolydsa a noi szerveze- tre. [The influence of influeuza ou the female organism.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest., 1896, xl, 415; 4.9 Also, frantic Wien.med. Presse, 1896, xxxvii, 1337.—E ver* lied {ll.) Influenza (Conqihcations of, Genito- urinary) in the female. The influence of the influenza wave on menstruating women. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, i, 477.—Felkin (R. W.) Tbe influence of influenza upon women. Tr. Edinb Obst. Soc. 1891-2, xvii, 68-74. Also : Edinb. M. J., 1891-2, xxxvii, 710-715— Fraipont iF.i De l'influence de la grippe, ou influenza, sur les maladies des organes ggnitaux de la femme. Ann. Soc. nied.-chir. de Liege, 1890. xxix, 15-17— Oil more (G. H.) Effect ,,f La grippe on preg- nancy. Metl. Age, Detroit,1897, xv,739-74L—Oollschalk (S.) Ueber den Einfluss der Influenza auf Erkrankung der weiblichen Genitalien. Centralbl. f. Gvnak., Leipz., 1890, xiv, 41. -----. Eine weitere Mittheilung iiber die Be- ziehungen der Influenza zu Erkraukuugen der weiblichen Genitalien. Ibid., 1892, xvi,49-5L—Green (C. M.) Thein- fluenza epidemic as observed at the Boston Lying-in Hos- pital. Boston M. &S. J., 1890, exxiii, 55-57. [Discussion], 59.—Halle. Influenza; grossesse tie 5 mois J; tempera- ture ties elevee; accouchement premature; pleuresie; gue- rison. France nied., Par., 1895, xiii, 689.—MingiC.) Abor- tion following the grippe. Med. A Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1890, Ixii. 720.—L.aba-". Bordeaux, 1901. Wexdel (O.) * Eiu Fall von Erysipelas laryn- gis nach Influenza. 8C. Berlin, [1892]. Barque. Manifestations buccales cons<5cutives .1 la grippe. Cong, internat. de m£d. C. r., Par., 1900, sect. de stomatol. Ji8-213. — Bianchi (A.) Coutributo alio studio di nn caso di noma ,1. lie guancie nel decoi-so dell' in- fluenza. Clin. mod.. Pisa 19uu. vi. 43-45.—Bishop (S. S.) Tonsillitis of influenza Med Fortnightly. St. Louis, 1899, xv, 195.—Browne (L.) Acute inflammation of the an- trum of Hi-lniMie after influenza. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894 i, tiel—Bull (C. S.) Multiple sinus disease follow- ing influenza. Med. Rec, N. T., 1899. lvi, 336. — Cho- baut. Un cas tie grippe laryngee. Lyon nied., 1890, lxv -.'52-255. — Chomped. Grippe dentaire. Rev.de stomatol. Par.. 1901, vm. 312-31*-. — Cline (L. C.) The sequela- of grippe involving the accessory cavities of the nose. Laryngoscope, St .Loin- ls97. iii. 79-83. AUo: Tr. Indiana M. Soc. Indianap., 1897. 228-238.— Coon (W. W.) Edema of the antrum of Highmore as a compli- cation of La grippe. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1900 xiii, 729- 734.—Dauchez (H.) De.s differentes formes clmiques d'angines grippales ft tie leur caiacteie epiileiniipm. , France m6d., Par.. 189:; xxxix, 450-452.—D upon il (G.) Snr une forme de grippe a type laryngfe. Kev. hebd.de j laryngol. [etc.], Par., 19u0,ii,449-461. Also [Abstr.J: Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille. du larynx [etc.]. Par., 1900, xxvi, pt. 2, 107. —Enjjclmaiin tRosa). Membranous tonsillitis and pharvngiti- of influenzae Ann. Gynec. Sc Pediat., Bost., 1898-9, xii 771-776.—Fa ure (M.) Persistance defec- tions uaso-pbaryngees a la suite tie la grippe et lems com- plications rhuniatismalesetncvropatliiques. Bull.et mem. Soc. med. tl. L-'.p. de Par.. 1900, 3. s., xvii. 502-512.—Fau- vel (C.) Sc Mainl-llilaire. Leber den Zustaud des Larvuxbeitbi I'nppe. Allg. Wien.med. Ztg., 1890, xxxv, 158.—Ferrier (J.) Man itesta tion buccalede grippe simu- lant une odontopathie. Rev. de stomatol., Par., 1901, viii, 255. [Discussion], 267-270. — Fischer (S.) Zwei Fiille von RetrophaiTyngealabscess in Folge von Influenza. Wien. med. Presse, 1892, xxxiii, 1204-1208.—Fraenkel. Influenzal laryngitis. Internat. Clin., Phila 1899. 9. s., ii, 280-282. — CSaller (P. K.I Rledkoye oslozhm nie so storoni gortani po-li>- inflyueutsi (4 slucha.sa). |Rare laryngeal complication after influenza. (4 cases )| Pro- tok. i trudi fiz.-med. Obsh. v Saratove (1893-4), 1895, pt. 2, 66-74. — Garel (J.) Les sinusites aigues maxillaires et frontales pendant l'6pidemie de grippe de l'hiver 1899- 1900. Rev. hebd. de laryngol. [etc. j, Par., 1900, i, 657-672.— Olatzel. Ein bemerkeuswerther Fall von Influenza- laryngitis. Beil. klin. Wchnschr., 1901, xxxviii, 28.7.— Ilecht (A.) Ueber Infliieuza-Perichondritis der Nasen- scheidewaml. Monatsehr. f. Ohrenh., Berl., 1900, xxxiv, 385.— llerzog (J.) Rhino-laryngologische Beobaehtun- gen bei Intiuenza. Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark 1889. Graz 1890, xxvi, 115-120.—Howe (A. C.) Inflamma- tion of the frontal sinuses accompanying grip. Brooklyn M. J., 1901, xv, 736.—Koch (P.) Manifestations laryn- giennes et pharyngiennes de l'influenza. Ann. tl. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx [etc. J, Par., 1890, xvi, 313-317.-Kra- kownLi (M.) O przypadlosciach ze strony jamy ustnei pod wplywem grypv. [Symptoms on the part of the oral cavity under the influence of influenza.] Przegl. dent., Warszawa,1901,iv,31-47— l.ebcdelf (A.N.) Oslozhneuie influents! vodyanim rakom. [Influenza complicated with Influenza (Complications of, Laryngeal, pharyngeal, oral, and nasal). noma] Kcldscher. St. Petersb., 1895, v, 82.—Lecautley, Manifestation.-, buccales de la grippe. Odontologie, Par., 1890, x, 51. — I.c IVoir (P.) Ulc6rations des conies voca les dans le cours tie la giippe. Ann. d. mal. tie l'oreille da larynx [etc.], Par., 1890, xvi, 175-180.—I.nhliii»lti. Zur Erkrankung des Kehlkopfes bei Influenza. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1901, xxxviii, 455-457. — IVIalherbe (A.) A Bayee (A.) Complications rhino-pharyngees et auriculaires de la giippe. Bull, med., Par., 1900, xiv, 1415: 190), xv, L — Jlny (W. J.) A case of submental sinus, a sequela of influenza, treated by root filling. J. Brit. Dent. Ass., Loud., 1902, xxxv, 139-143. —dc ITIilly (L.) Fente de la eh.ison cartilaginetise du nez dans le corns de la convalescence d'une grippe. Rev. hebd. de laryngol. [etc.]. Par., 1901, ii, 429. — Tlounier. Ar- thrite double crico-arytenoidienne grippale. Ann. tl. mal. tie l'oreille, du larynx [ etc. ], Par., 1901, xxvii, pt. 2, 417-420. — .11 o lire (E.-I.i Des complications laryngeesde la grippe (influenza). J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1889-90, xix, 447; 460.—IN'ntier (M.) Sur quelques cas d'tedeme du larynx observes au cours de la grippe. Ann. de la Po- liclin. de Par., 1893, iii, 217-223.—Kevins ( A. E. ) The nasopharynx in influenza. Lancet, Loud., 1892, i, 866.— Perez lliro (A.) De la lengua grippal. Rev. de med. y ciruj. dc la Habana, 1899, iv, 280-285.—Phillips (W. C.) Glandular complications of acute follicular and acute sup- purative ainvgdalitis when accompanied with giippe. N.York M. J., 1900, lxxii, 198. Also: Tr. Am. Laryngol., Rhinol., Sc Otol. Soc. 1900, N. Y., 1901, vi, 106-109.—Phil- lips (W. F.) The influenza throat. Biit. M. J., Lond., 1899, ii, 1350.—Baoult (A.) Laryngite striduleuse pro- longee en particulier tlans la grippe. Rev. hebd. tie laryn- gol. [etc.]. Par., 1901, ii, 1-11 — Bethi (L.) Disseminirte Fibrininfiltration des Rachens in Folge von Influenza. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1894, vii, 5. -----. Einige seltene Kehlkopf- und Rachenaffectiou in Folge von Influenza. ibid., 903-906. — Bigolet. Abces du sinus maxillaire d'origine dentaire, consecutif a la grippe. Odontologie, Par., 1901, 2. s., xii, 385-387.—Bitter (P.) Bijdrage tot het ziekworden van inond en tanden bij influenza. Ne- derl. tandheelk. Maandbl., Roermond, 1894, i, 36-39.— Kyle (R.J.) Acute inflammation of antrum in influenza. Biit. M. J., Lond., 1894, i, 574.—Schaefler (M.) Kehlkopfs- entziindung mit Ausgang in Abscessbildung nach Influ- euza. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1890, xvi, 192.—Thorner (M.) Soor des Rachens und der Na- senlidhle bei einem Erwachsenen als Begleiterscheinung der Influenza. N. Yorker med. Monatsehr., 1892, iv, 53- 59. Also, Reprint. AUo, transl.: Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1892, n. s., xxviii, 229-232.—Verjjcly. Angine pharyngee causae pai l'influenza; adeiiophlegmons cervicaux. Mem. et bull. Sue. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1895), 1896, 414- 421.—Vialle (E.) Les ulcerations pharyngiennes de l'in- fluenza. Actualite, m6d., Par., 1892, iv, 1-3.—Vilcoq (J.) Complication phlegmoneuse dans la convalescence de la grippe; phlegmon lat6ro-pharvngien. Union m6d. du nord-est, Reims, 1890, xiv, 209-212.— Waugh (W. F.) Laryngeal cough succeeding La grippe. Times A Reg., Phila.,1892, xxiv, 62. Also, Reprint.— Wolfenden (R.N.) (Edema ofthe larynx a sequel of influenza. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, i, 54L Influenza (Complications of Xeurotic). See Influenza (Complications of, Cerebrospinal, etc.). Influenza (Complications of, Ocular). See, also, Amaurosis (Causes of); Cornea (Herpesof); Eye (Accommodation of, Disordered); Eye (Diseases of, Causes of); Eye (Paralysis of, Causes, etc., of); Glaucoma (Causes, etc., of). Bkrnahu (F.-J.-L.) * Contribution & l'dtude de la grippe tt dc ses complications oculaires. 4°. Bordeaux, 1692. I>ki*iiin5 Dc la n6vrite r^trobulbaire cons6- cutive a l'influenza. 6-'-. Paris, 1891. Gottbekg (B.) * Ueber Angenerkrankungen bei Influenza. [Freiburg i. B.] 8°. Berlin, 1891. Hillemanxs (M.) * Ueber die Augen affect io- nen der an Influenza Erkraukten. 8°. Bonn, 1890. PoKlTONOFF(j¥»nf5 Matliilde). * Contribution a l'dtude des complications oculaires dc l'influ- enza. 4°. Paris. 1890. Adler (H.) Ueber Influenza-Augenerkrankungen. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1890, xl, 140-142 — AI bra ml (W.) Beitrag zu den Augenmuskelstdrungen n ich Intiuenza. Berl. kliu. Wchnschr., 1892, xxix, 893-897.—AU (A.) Some eye-affections seen as sequelae of the grippe. Am. J. INFLUENZA. 960 INFLUENZA. Influenza (Compliceitions of Ocular). Ophth. M. Louis. 1890, vii, 4.7— Anfouelli (A.) Neu- I rite ottica, papillare e retrobulbare da intiuenza. (Osser- vazioni cliniche e considerazioni.l Gior. internaz. d. sc. I i, ed.. Napoli, 1892, n. s.. xiv, 41-52.— Keauinont (W. M.) On some ophthalmic sequelae of the influenza epidemic. Arch. Ophth. ,N. T., 1891, xx, .79-65— Bcrgiiiei«lt i ill.) Ueber tlie Beziehungen der Influeuza zum Selioi^an. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 189o, iii. 204-2U6.—jBrnunshtein (E. P.) Zabollevaniyaglaz pri intiuenza. [Diseasesof the eye in...] Vestnik oftalmol., Kiev, 1890, vii, 46U-465.— ■Snil (C. S.) Metastatic choroiditis occurring in the course of pneumonia, due to grippe, based on a study of six cases with two autopsies. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc. Hart- ford, 1901, ix, 316-328. AUo, Reprint. — Callan (P. A.) Temporary exophthalmos and ophthalmoplegia externa following grip. A ich. Ophth., N. T.. 1891, xx, 327.—Ca- sali (K.) Congiuntivite purulenta epidemica da influ- enza? Kaccoglitore med.. Forli, 1891, 5. s., xii, 125-131. AUo: Boll, d' ocul . Firenze. 1891 xiii. uo. 15. 1-4.—del Castillo-Quarlicllcrz (It.) De las afecciones ocula- res en el cut so de la epuleniia grippal. Andalucia med., Cdrdoba. 1890. xv, 25-28.—Clarke (E.i (Icular manifes- tations in epidemic intiuenza. Lancet. Lund., 1892, i. 1245.— Delacroix (H.) Complications oculaires tie 1'infliienza. Union med. du nord-est. Reims, 1890, xiv, 47-57. AUo. Re- print.— Denli (F.) L' influenza e le malattie oculari. Boll. tl. Poliambul. di Milano, 1890, iii, 57-67. Also: Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1890-91, xix, 77-88. AUo, Peprint.—Des- cliauip*. Amaurose passageie saus 16sion opbthalnio- eeopique d'origine grippale. Ann. d'ocul., Par., 1899, exxii, 436-439. Also: Dauphiue metl., Grenoble, 1899, xxiii, 169-172—Despagnet. Glaucomesubaigusurvenu a la suite d'une urippe infectieiise. Rec. d'opht., Par.. 1898, 3. s., xx, 638-647. — Diaiioux. La cyclite infec- tieuse dans l'influenza. Bull, et mean. Soc. franc, d'opht., Par., 1898, xvi, 360-368. Also: Ann. d'ocul., Par., 1898, cxix, 378-381. Also: Clin, opht., Par., 1898, iv. 121. Also.- Rev. g6n. d'opht., Par., 1898, xvii, 281-284 —Du jardin. Thrombose d'une veine tie la r6tine pendant liutiuenza. J. tl. sc.iued.de Lille, 1891, i, 361-366. — Ercrsbusch. Ueber die bei der Influenza vorkommenden Augenstorun- ^■•n. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1890, xxxvii, 89, 114.— Inge (A.) De quelques complications oculaires de la grippe; vingt-cinq cas observes a Bordeaux par M. le pro- fesseur Badal. J. tie med. de Bordeaux, 1889-90. xix. 420- 424. AUo: Arch, d'opht., Par., 1890, x, 136-148 Abo, Re- print. Also: Mem. et bull. Soc. de ni6d. et chir de Bor- deaux, 1890-91. 114-126. — Frank (P.) Beobaehtungen iiber Keratitis nach Intiuenza. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1890, xi, 491-495.—Fiich* (E.) Tenonitis nach Influenza. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1890, iii, 206-208. — Fuknla. Ueber die Okulomotorius-Paiese nach tier Influenza In- ternat. klin. Rundschau, Wien, 1890. iv, 1065. — 4>*nlc- zow-Mki. Des accidents oculaires dans l'influenza. Pec. d ophth., Par.,1890,3. s., xii,69-79.—Qazi». I), s complica- tions oculaires ii la suite tie l'influenza. ibid . 586-595.— Ctillct de drandmout. Des accidents oculaires qui accompagnent ou qui suivent une crise tie grippe-inflnenza. Bull. Soc. de m6d. prat. .*berjj (L.) Angenerkran- kungen im Gefolge der Iutluenza. Fiinfz. Beitr a.d. Geb. :1. gi--. Metl. Festschr. . . . il. Ver ,1 Aerzte d. Rgrngsbz. Diisseld., Wiesb., 1894, 327-339. — Higgens (C.) Ulcera- tion of the cornea following influenza. Lancet, Lond., 1891. ii, 767. — Hilbert (It.) Farbeusehen als Influenza- Folge. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1898. xxxvi, 167-169.—Hirschberger (K.) Ueber HornhauterkiMii- kung bei Influenza. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1890. xxxvii, 61.—llollaniler (H.) A diphtheria es influenza utani alkalniazkotlasi hiidesekrol. [Accommodation pa- ralyses following diphtheria and influenza.] Gyogydszat, Budapest, 1901. xli, 422; 439.—Inouye (T.) [Suppuration of the capsule of T6non, originating in influenza.] Jun- tendo Iji Kenkiu Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1900,297-302. Also.- Saisei Gakusbalji Shimpo. Tokyo,1900, 393-398.—Jordan (A. C.) Influenza as it affects the eve. Med. Chron., Manchester. 1901-2, 4. s., ii, 23-31. — Ktrnig (E.) Las complicaciones oculares tl» la influenza. Corresp. med., Madrid, 1892, xxvii. 172.— Kopll. Un c as de n6vrite op- tique double d'origine grippale muvic de guerison. Rev.de Influenza (Complications of Ocular). therap. med.-chir., Par.. 1900, lxvii, 693-695.' Also I Abstr.]: Cong, internat. de metl. C.-r., Par., 1900, sect, d'ophtal.. 160.—I.nmlsberg. Sehstdrungen nach Influenza. Cen- tralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz..Tf9u, xiv, 141-143.__La- queue. Ein Fall von beiderseitiger embolischer Iridocy- clitis nach Influenza. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1890, xxvii, 816. AUo, Reprint. — I. a inch iM.) Om Ojeusvgdoouiie under Influenza. [On ophthalmic- diseases'. . .] \J„, >k f. Lseger, Kjebenb., 1895. 5. K., ii, 409-421.— I. a va gii a (<;. i Panoftalmile consecutiva ad influenza. Gior. d. i. Accad. tli med. di Torino, 1894, n. s., xiii, 517-5:7. — I^ee i<\ !' ) A case of double optic neuritis due to influenza. Liver- pool M.-Chir. J., Ic92. xii, 45-48. — I.efrau^ois. Phleg- mon de 1'orbite k pueumocoques chez un enfant au coins de la grippe. Clin, opht., Par., 1899 v. 125. — Lindner (S.) Ueber die Behandlung einiger Augeiierkraiikungeu nach erloscheuer Influenza- Kpidenne in Wien. Wieu. nied. Wchnschr., 1891, xli, 681 ; 732.—.flarlin (G.) Afl'ec- tions oculaires et grippe. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 18i>9-90, xix, 481 ; 496. AUo : Mem. et bull. Soc. tie med. et chir. de Bordeaux (18901,1891, 157-167. -----. Grippe etasthenopie; astigmatique. Echo m6d., Toulouse, 1890, 2. s., iv, 1.77; 169; 181. — iTIetaxa* (T.) L'influenza chez les ancieus; un cas il'hemeralupie. Ann. d'ocul., Par., 1892, cvii, 343.— Tlcurer (L.) La grippe et les affections oculaires. Province med.. Lyon, 1890, iv, 197-199. -----. Xote sur deux castle papillite par influenza. Ibid.. 1891, v, 111.— ITlillcr iiiiiei-(H i Des manifestations oculaires de la grippe. Gaz hebtl.de med., Par.. Is9u 2.s., xxvii, 171-173.—Oppenheimer (H. S.) The effects of in- flueuza upon the t y es. X. York M. J., 1899. Ixx. 2-J.7-228. [Discussion], 247.—Ovio (G.) Atiotia bianca del neivo ottico in seguitod' influenza. Ann. tli ottal.. Pavia. If9u-91, xix, 246— Panax (P.) Complications oculaires tie l'influ- enza. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1895. ix, 242- 244.—Pccliin (A.) Complications oculaires de La grippe. Gaz. hebtl.de med.. Par., 1900, u. s . v, 351-37,3. Also: Pec. d'opht, Par., 1900, 3. s., xxii. 129-138.-Pceble* iT. C.l Neuralgia in tbe left eye following the giippe. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1899, xhi, 209—Pfliiger. Die Erkraukun- gen des Sehorgaus im Gefolge der Influenza. Berl. klm. Wchnschr., 1890, xxvii, 601:637; 663. —Pignatari. La dacryoadeuite consecutive a l'in fluenza. Kev. gen. d'opht., Par., 1894, xiii. 11-15— Pooley (T. R.) Diseases of the eye dependent upon grip. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, lt-95, xii, 129-143. —K a in poi tli (K.) Affezioni oculari osser- vate nel corso tlella epidemia detta influenza. Ann. di ottal., Pavia, 1889-90. xviii, 517-519. -----. Ancora sopra alcune affezioni oculari in rapporto colla influenza. Ibid., 1890-91, xix, 248-252. -----. Sopra alcune affezioni oculari in rapporto con la cosi detta influeuza. Ibid., 70-76.— Ray (J. M.) The ocular complications of La grippe. Am. Pract. A News, 1891, n. s., xii, 4-6.—Kemak (B.) Seh- nervenleiden nach Influenza. Centralbl. f. prakt. Au- genh., Leipz., 1890, xiv, 201.—Rosenzweig (L.) Zwei Fiille von Keratitis superticialis punctata nach Influenza. Ibid., 143.—Sainch bey. Manifestations oculaires obser- vees au Caire k la suite de 1 influenza. Arch, orient de med. et de chir.. Par., 1899. i, 129; 166.— Santos Fer- nandez (J.) Perturbaciones oculares tie la grippe. An. r. Acad. tl. cien. metl. . . . dela Habana, 1891-2. xxviii, 528-535. Also: Cron. ni6d.-quir. dela Habana, 18:»'_>. xyiii, 80-85. — Schapringcr (A.) Inflammation of Tenon's capsule as a result or influenza. Med. Rec.. N. Y.. 1890, xxxvii, 679.—Schirmer (O.) Einseitige. totale Ophthal- moplegic nach Influenza. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 18H0. xxviii, 312-319.—de NrliMciuilz (G. E.) Abscess of the upper eyelid following intiuenza. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila.. 1890, Ixii, 313. -----. A word con- cerniug the etiological relationship of epidemic influenza to chronic glaucoma. Ophth. Kec. Chicago, 1901. x, 77- 80.—Sedan. Contribution k I'etude des symplonies ocu- laires observes pendant l'epidemie d'influenza. Rec. d'opth., Par., 1890, 3. s.. xii. 137-140.-Nocor (G.) Sur les affections oculaires consecutives a l'influenza. Bull. Soc. d. metl. et nat. tie Jassy. 1889. iii, 159-168. — Sou* (G.) Grippe ,-t affections oculaires. J. de m6tl. dc Bor- deaux, 18.-9-9U. xix. 365-367.— Stirling (J. W.) Influ- enza in its relation to eye disease. Montreal M. J., 1890- 91. xix, 494-7,02. — Stoeber. Les troubles oculaires tie l'influenza. Rev. in, d de lest. Naucv. 1)*90, xxii, 306- 310. AUo: Mem. Soc. de med. de Nancy (1889-90), 1891, 22-26. — Tapic (J.) Infection tie 1'orbite post-grip- pale; phlebite et phlegmon orbitaircs. Arch. mid. de Toulouse. 1901. vii, 313; 337. — True ill.) Influenza it maladie des mux. Montpel. nied.. 1890. 2. s., xiv, 314- 323.— 1 lillioll (W.) Ueber einige Fiille von doppelsei- tiger Accommodationslahinuug iufolge tier Influenza, in INFLUENZA. 961 INFLUENZA. Influenza (Complications of Ocular). dem einen dieser Falle compliciit mit Ophthalmoplegia externa. Deutsche nied. Wchnschr.. Leipz. u. Berl., 1890. xvi, 190-192.— Valnde (E.) Conjonetivite pseudo.niem- braneuse k siieptocoqiies et panophtalmie secondaires a une infection grippale et a des suites tie couches compli- qnees Kec d'opht.. Par.. 189s 3. s., xx, 293-298—Van- den Rergh. Les cotnplicat ions oculaires de rintlucn/.a; tiois observations de parah >ic incomplete ties muscles , xternes de lieil. Clinique. Brux., 1890, iv, 65-68.— Vcrewht»hagiu (V. A.) Sluchai gripoznavo poiupa- ralalia blokov.-i mishtsi. [ilrippnl hemipariilysis of superior oblique muscle.1 Y>>\, uno-med. J., St. Pi tcrsl,.. 1899, cxcvi, med.-spec. pt.. 563-7,67— 'Walter (O.) Zwei Fiille vou Psendoglaucoiu 1„ i Intlu,n/.a. Ophth Klin Stuttg., 1899, iii. 149-151.—Week. (.1 15) La grippe as a cause of retrobulbar neuritis and other ocular nerve | esitms. N. Tork M. J., 1891, liv, 143-148—Wieberkie- wicz (B.) O wpiywie grypy epidemicznej na oko. [In- fluence of epidemic influenza on eye.] Pr/.egl. lek. Kra- kow, 1890. xxix. 77. AUo, transl: Internal.' klin Runil schau. Wien. 1890, iv, 313-317.—Wicjjcr ii I Contribu- tion k I'etude de I influenza; man if, siatious ophtalini,|ties; culture d'un bacille tie l'influenza. t'az. m6d. de Strasb., 1890. xlix, 26-29— tViuxcurolh iE.i Beitrage zur Be baudlung acuter Schn, i vencm/iindungen in Folge von Influenza. Kim Monatsbl t Augenh., Stuttg., 1899, xxxvii, 85-95—Wollnei- , H I..) Some eye svmptoms of La grippe. St. Louis Cour. M,,l 1891, iv," 56-58. Influenza (Complications of Osseous and articular). See, also, Influenza (Complications of, Laryn- geal, etc.). Roulouinie (P.) Influence de la grippe snr les mani- festations arthritiques. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 190". cxl, 5-15.—Chedevergne. Del'6pid6mie tie grippe il.- 1895, de ses formes arthritiques, et sp6cialement abdo- minales. Cong, franc,-, tie med. 1895, Par., 1896, ii, 875- 879— Ft ankt , F. i Ueber die Erkrankung der Knochen, fieleuke und Bander bei del Influenza. Arch. f. klin. Chir . Beil. 1-P4-7 xlix .487-529.—Lara. Versterf van een ^e.leelte van h.-t r.. hterslaapbeen na longont-teking ten gevolge van influenza. Hand. v. h. vlaams, h nat.- en ge- neesk. Cong., Antwerpen. 1899. iii, 169-172.— I.enicke (C.) Ueber aknte Karies und Nekrosedes Felsenbeins nach In- flu nza. Beitr. z. wissensch. Med. Ft-t-clir. ... Theodor Thierfelder . . .. Leipz.. 1KI5. 1-ln.— »lo»er (H.) Zwei Falle von Periostitis ties Obeikietets in clir.ctcin Zusam- menhage mit Influ.-iiza. Beil. klin. W< hn-chr.. 1890, xxvii. 341.—Monre i E.-I. i Sur un cas d'ost6oniy61ite aigue tin temporal consecutive a l'influenza. Rev. hebd. de laryn- gol. [etc.]. Par.. 1899. xix, 305-310. AUo, Reprint.—San- Horn (A. £.» A clinical lecture on a case of post-influ- enzal arthritis. Clin. J., Lond., 1894-5, v, 165-169. ------. On influenzal arthritis. Med. Press A Circ, Lond , ls96. n. s., lxi, 569-572. Influenza (Complications of, Psychic). S>e Influenza (Complications of, Cerebrospinal, etc.). Influenza (Complications of, Renal). See, also. Influenza in children. Schmit i V) * Contribution & l'e'tude clinique des complications rcnales de la grippe. Nancy, 1901. Tu Vache (L.-CJ.-M.) * De la nephrite grip- pale. lc Pa ric 1-9-2. Bnumgnrlen ((L) Renal affections following influ- enza. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians. Phila., 1895, x. 45-56. Also, Reprint.—Bock (X.) tall von hamorihagisclier Nephritis nach Influenza. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl.. Is9f. xv, 307.— Budde (V.) Influenza veil et Tillable af kronisk parenkymates Nyrebetiendelse. [Influenza com- bined with case of chronic parenclivmatous nephritis.) Ugesk. f. Lager. Kjobeiih., 1890. 4. li.. xxi, 65-68.------. Influenzaens Indflydelse paa den kroniske parenkymatose Nyrebetaendelsti. fInfluence of influenza on chronic pa- teii, hi niatoiiH nepln itis. ] Ibid., 1892. 4. R., xxv, 32- 35. — Dunfoi'lh (I. N.) La gripiie in its relations to the Kiml functions. Chicago M. Rec, 1891, i, 427-429.— DexnoM (E.) P\,,nepln,,-e consecutive k nne grippe; n£pbrolithot,,mi,\ A-so<-. Iran, d'urol. Proc-verb., Par., 1899, ic, 553-556.—Fienwinger. Sur les manifestations nJnales de In grippe. Gaz. m<;d. tie Par., 1889, 7. s., vi, 257-260. — Fruiter (J. W.) Influenza with acute iieplui- tis. Lancet, Lond.. 1891, i, 1127. — Freeman (P. (!) Acute nephritis following influenza. Arch. Pediat.. X. V., 1900, xvii, 721-730. AUo.- Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc, N. Y., 1900, xii. 132-141.— Kopprn (A.) Xierenbliitnng untl Diazoreaktion bei Grippe. Central 1,1. f. innere Med., Leipz.. 1899. xx. 449-455. Also: Aerztl. Rundschau, Miin- chen, 1899. ix. 307-309.— Miller (D. J. M.) A case of VOL VII, 2d series----61 Influenza (Conqilications of, Renal). acute hemorrhagic nephritis complicating influenza in an infant of thirteen months, with an analysis of 40 cases of influenzal nephritis. Arch. Pediat., N.' Y., 1902, xix, 1- 16.—Ru«»ell (\V. B.) Two cases of acute nephritis due to inlluenza. I'.rit. M. J., Lontl., 1899, ii, 274. — Soli- um ri pa ■> (.IP i La nephrite grippale chez les enfants. Ann. tie la Policlin. de Par., 1902, xii, 5-12. AUo: Gaz. d. mal. infant, [etc.], Par., 1902, iv, 41-43. —Sympwon (E. M.) Acute nephritis following influenza. Lancet, Lontl., 1890, i, 1012. Influeuza (Complications of Respira- tory). See, also, Bronchopneumonia; Influenza (Computations of, Gangrenous, etc.); Influenza in children. Bahol'N (T.-N.) * Munifestations pleu rales ile la giippe. 4°. Pari8,l699. Broc.\Rd(V.) *De la pleuresie grippale. 4°. Paris, 1.-90. Cannac. #£tude sur les determinations pleu- ra les tie la grippe. 4L. Paris, 1865. Danco (F.) * Ueber Inllueiiza-Pneniiionie. -->. Bonn, 1890. Lahks (F. [C.]) *Patliologisch-aiiatomisclie Beitrage zur Lehre von der Influenzapneumonie. -°. Berlin, [1892]. Ligax (H.) * Contribution a l'e'tude de la grippe, son action sur le poumon et la plevre. 4". Paris, 1891. Makekeel(D.-J.-G.) * Congestions et spl^no- pneumonic grippales. 6c Lille, 1696. Mangenot (A.) * Contribution a l'dtude des determinations pleurales de la grippe. 4C. Lyon, 1692. -----. The same. 8°. Lyon, 1892. Michel (D.) * De la grippe et de ses mani- festations pulmonaires (pneumonie et broncho- pneunionie). 4°. Paris, 1886. Nkumager ( V.) * Les sigues psendo-cavi- taires dans les pneuuionies grippales. 6c Pa- ris, 1901. Olivier (J.-M.-H.) * Contribution a l'6tnde de la congestion pulinonaire au cours de la grippe, r*0. Paris, 1699. Petersen (li.) Seclis Fiille von Empyeni nach Influenza. 6-. Wiirzburg, ls9(i. Reinach(0.) # Ueber Influenza, mit beson- derer Beriicksichtigung der daliei auftretenileii Lungen-Erkrankungen. [Erlangen.] -5 M Hit- ch m, 1692. Schmidt (A.) * Beitriige zur Casuistik von Eiiipyem nach Influenza. (Fiinf in der medici- nisclien Klinik beobaclitete Fiille.) 8°. Greifs- wald, 1692. Veillon (A.) * Catarrhe suffocant d'origine grippale (bacille de Pfeiffer). Hc. Paris, 1897. A Ihn (A.) Zui Kenntniss der Iuflueiizapneumonieen. Deutsche metl. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Perl., 1894, xx, 150.— AineMlinry ( W*. K.) Pneumonic grippe, or pneumonic influenza. Halm,-man. Month., Phila., 1890, xxv, 665-671.— Antony \- Kimcoiin. Obsei-vations d'erythenics sur- venus pendant la convalescence dc pneumouies d'origine gi-il»I»ale. Hull, et mem. Soc. m£d. tl. hop. de Par.. 1899, 3. s., xvi, 403-408.—Keek (M.) Ueber die liitliiiii/a-Pn.ii- monie. Charite-A1111.. P.erl.. 1892, xvii, 857-806.—Komi (A. K.) The luii'' disorders of the prevailing infln, n/.a. Maryland M. J., Halt., 1*90, xxiii. 40-50. — Kriyiili (V.) Le alterazioni polmonari nella intiuenza. Spei iuientale, Kirenze, 1890, lxvi, 113; 225.— Ki-i<|nel. (juehjues cas tie congestion )uilmonaire passive grippale- a forme prolongee. Xord med., Lille, 1896, ii, 11.—('iiiiiiih. Xote sur un cas de pneumonie grippale perniettantl'aiiscull ation kdistance. Echom6d.d11 nord, Lille, 190ii, iv, 110 < Jinliei-i (A.) Le pneiimoniti da influenza. Kilorma med., Napoli. 1892. viii, pt.2. 544; 556.—C'nubcl. Des localisations thoraci<|nestle la grippe; la piieuiuo]iiithic grippale. Arch. med. tie Tou- louse, 1895. 469; 499— (hnpinnii (S. H.) Some patholog- ical end it ions of the upper air passages coincident, with at- tacksof Lagrippe. X.York M. J, 1892, lvi. 648-650. Also: Tr. Am. Laryngol. Ass. 1892, N. T., 1893, xiv, 13-20.— Ch:i nlliii tl (A.i Pleur6sie purnlente diaphiagmatique d'origine l;i ippalo; gu6risonparvomitpie. Mercredi med., Pai , 18!l(l, i. J83-285. — Cohen (J. S.) The symptoms ami INFLUENZA. 962 INFLUENZA. Iiifluenza (Complications of Respira- tory). pathological changes in«tbe upper air passages in influenza. Tr. Am. Laryngol. Ass. 1891, N. Y., 1892. xiii,r83-93. Also: N.YorkM.J.,1892, lv, 344-346. AUo, Keprint—Cohen (S. S.) The pneumonia ofinfluenza; treatment with saline in fu- sions and oxygen inhalations ; difference between right and left axillary temperatures. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1901, 11. s., i,91-iOL—Collier ;W.) Sc Symonds (H. P.) The continuous administration of oxygen in a severe case of broncho-pneumonia following influenza; recovery. Lan- cet, Lontl., 1892, i, 464.— Cruickshank (B.) Remarks on the relationship of influenza and epidemic pneumonia. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1895, i, 360.—Dabney (W. C.) Char- acteristics of pneumonia following grippe. North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1893, xxxi, 149-151.—Da Costa (J. M.) Thepubnonary complications ofinfluenza. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1892, 2. s., i. 1-22. AUo, Peprint.—Dawson (J. L.) Grip lung. Med. Reg., Richmond, 1899-1900, iii, 389- 392.— Dieulafoy. Traitement d'une pneumonie grippale suppuree par des injections sous-cutan6es d'essence de teiebiuthine. Bull. etm6m.Soc. med.d. hop. de Par., 1892, 3. s., ix, 200-203.—Discussion on the forms of pneumonia which complicate epidemic influenza. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1890, exxii, 402-405.—Dufonr. Ictere au c .urs d'une in- fection grippale a forme pulmonaire. Bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de La Kochell6,1899, xxxi, 34-37.—Dupeux (A.) De la pneumonie grippale a repetition pai auto-infection. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1892, xiii, 622-625.— Duponchel (fi.) Pneumonie grippale. Bull, et mem. Soc. ui6d. d. hop. de Par., 1890, 3. s., vii. 40-47. — Faraggi. Broncho-pneuiuonie grippale avec inversion therinique. Arch, de med. d. enf., Par., 1900, iii,1165-167.— Fcrraml (A.) Note sur un 6tat particulier des poumons, qui pr6- I c6de les complications pulmonaires'de la grippe Bull, et | nuSm. Soc. mid.d. hop. de Par., 1890,3. s.,vii. 2. — Ficssin- ger (C.) De la congestion pulmonaire chronique consecu- tive a la grippe. Gaz. m6d.de Par., 1889, 7. s., vi, 592-594.— l'i ■■ It ler ( D. ) Influenzapneumonie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1890, xvi, 84-86. Also.- Med.- chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1890, xxv, 125; 141.—Fortier (S. M.) Double pneumonia following influenza; relapse; re- covery. N. Orl. M. & S.fJ., 1897-8, 1, 30-34.—Fraenkel (A.) Ueber einige Complicationen und Ausgiinge der In- fluenza, nebst Bemerkungen fiber putride und interlobare Pleuritis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1897, xxxiv, 309; 338.— Friinltel (B.) Ueber Erkrankungen der oberen Luftwege im Gefolge der Influenza. 'Deutsche med. Wchuschr., Leipz., u. Berl., 1890, xvi, 606-608.—von Frisch (H.) In- fluenzapneumonie; Recidiv |mit Fieberverlaufe wie bei Abdominaltyphus; Abschluss mit intermittirendem Fie- ber; Heilung. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. 1894, Wien u. Leipz., 1896, iii, 1023.— Gamier (C.) Pneumo- nie grippale et phtisie cas6euse. Arch, de med. exper. et d'anat. path., Par., 1900. xii, 244-253.—Garriga (B.) Al- gunas consideraciones clinicas acerca de la sintomatologia de la pneumonia gripal. An. med. gaditanos, C£diz, 1899- 1900, xviii, 210-213.—Garvie (J.) Influenzal pneumonia. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1901, xxxvi, 332-335, 1 diag.— Gaucher (E.) De la pleuresie purulente comme determi- nation de la grippe. Bull, et 1116111. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1887,3. s., iv, 340-346. Alsn.- Gaz. hebd. de med.. Par., 1887, 2. s., xxiv, 486. — Gmeiner (J.) Einige Beobaehtungen iiber Influenza untl Influenzapneumonie wahrend der letz- ten Epidemie 1893-4. Prag. med. Wchnschr.. 1894, xix. 461; 474; 486; 512; 534.— Goodwin (A. Helena). Two cases of pulmonary influenza. Tr. Alumna' Ass. Woman's M. Coll. Penn., Phila., 1901, 69-74. —Gordon (W.) A case of influenza pneumonia treated by the external application of cold. Lancet, Loud., 1892, i, 466.—Grippe et pneumo- nie. f Edit. ] Gaz. tl. hop., Par., 1889, Ixii, 1361. — Her- gucta (S.) Acerca de las llamadas neunionias grippales. Siglo med., Madrid, 1890, xxxvii, 36-38.—Holbrook (A. T.) Atypical pneumonia following grippe. West. Clin. Recorder, Chicago, 1899, i, 211-216. — Honel (E.) Des bons effets de l'hematocatarsise dans un cas de broneho- pneunionie grippale. X5 Montpel. med., 1897, vi, 213-217.— Huchaid (H.) Le traitement des pneumonies grippales. Bull, et m6m. Soc. de therap., Par., 1892, 38-55. AUo: Bull, med., Par., 1892, vi, 143-147. Also, transl . Med. Age, Detroit, 1892, x, 321-328. — Influenzal pleuro- pneumonia. Charing Cross Hosp. Gaz., Blandlord, 1902-3, iv, 18. — Ingal*, ( E. F.) The effects of influeuza ou the air passages. Chicago M. Recorder. 1891, i, 409- 412. — Kahane (M.) Ueber Influenza-Bronchitis. Cen- tralbl. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1892, xiii, 25-27. Also, transl: Practitioner, Lond., 1892, xlviii, 117-119.— Kahler. Ueber schwere Lungen- und Pleura-Erkran- kungen bei der Influenza. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1890, iii, 161-163. AUo: Ztschr. f. Therap. m. Einbzhng. d. Elect-11. Hydrotherap., Wien, 1890, viii, 33-36—Kish (L.) Influenza; pleuropneumonia lobularis; pleuritis haenior- rhagica. Objazat. pat. anat. izslied. stud.-med. imp. Char- kov. Univ., i895, 623-629. — Knaster (L.) O zapaleniu pluc grypoweni ze stanowiska klinicznego. [Grippal pneu- monia from a clinical point of view.] Medycyna, Warsza- wa. 1894, xxii, 731; 760; 780 — Kiilin (A.) Ueber lufluen- llfllienza (Complications of Respira- tory). za, eine rudimentare oder larvirte Pneumonieforni. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1890, xxvii, 338-341.—Kyle (D. B.) The effects of La grippe on normal aud tliseasetl respiratory mucous membranes. Tr. II. Soc. Penn., Phila., 1894, xxv, 137-141. -----. The effects of epidemic influenza on the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. Laryngoscope, St. Louis, 1901, x, 331-333.—Labile. For- mes thoraciques de la grippe. Rev. geu. tie clin. et de therap., Par., 1902, xvi, 162-166.—I.aflorgiie (Iv) Loca- lisations pulmonaires de la grippe ii forme pseud,,-pbynii. que; varietes cliniques; traitement. Iiidepeml.meil., Par. 1899, v, 81-83.—F,avrenlyeir (X. K.) O grippoznol pnev- monii. [Pneumonia complicating grippe.J Saratov, san. obzor., 1892, ii, 188. — l.eiiioine. Spieiio-piieiunonie et congestions grippales. Xord meiL, Lille, 1898, iv, 97-99.— Linden (K. E. ) Sex fall af enipyeni efter influenza. [Six cases of empyema following influenza.j Fin- ska liik.-sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, lsiiu. xxxii, 395- 400.—Low (S.) Die durch Influenza und Luiigeiientzuii- diing verursachten Todesfalle tier 1. Ungarischeu allge- meinen Versicberuugs -Gesellschaft im 1. Quartal 1890. Pest. med.-chir. Pn-sse, Budapest, 1890. xxvi, 677-680.— Matter (J.) Influenza, hef'tige Bronchitis, beiderseitige Pleuritis. Pericarditis; Heilung. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst. 1894, AVien u. Leipz., 1896, iii. 830.—Man- <|iiat (A.) Spleno-pneumonie grippale limit6e au lobe supei ieur du poumon gauche. Bull, et 1116111. Soc. m6d. d. hop. tie Par., 1901, 3. s.. xviii, 971-976.—Marfan. Pneu- monie grippale; traitement. Gaz. tl. mal. infant, [etc.], Par., 1900, ii, 140.—Marty (J.) Brom lio-pueumonie grip- pale; accidents meninges hemoriagii|iies; mort. Gaz. tl. hop.. Par., 1898. lxxi, 665-667. — Mnociangioli (L.) Delia bronchite fibiinosa acuta da influenza. Bif'ortna med., Palermo, 1900, xvi, pt. 3, 867-871. - Maxwell (A.) Lung consolidation following La grippe; good re- sults of treatment. Internat. M. Mag., Phila., 1892. i, 38- 41. — Michel (E.) Des complications pulmon.iiivs de la grippe. Bull, med.. Par., 1901, xv. 285-289.—Moore- house (G. W.) The physical characteristics of the pneu- monia of iiifluenza. Cleveland J. iL, 1901, vi, 220-224.— Morel-liavallee. Pleuresie seche bilaterale d'origine grippale. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Pai-., 1897, 3. s., xiv, 1369-1371.—.IIo»*a. Die Pneumonie unter tlem Einfluss der Influenza. Allg. homoop. Ztg., Leipz., 1901, cxliii, 1-11.—Moty. Pleuresie purulente grippale; enipv- feme. Bull. m6d. du nord, Lille, 1895. xxxiv, 251-254.— IVoiinl. Recherches sur ia grippe et sur les pneiimonies observees pendant le mois de t'6vrier. Arch. gen. de med., Par.. 18:17, 2. s., xiv, 314; 397. Also, Reprint. —Oddo. He la toux spasmodique post-grippale. Mar-eille med., 1892, xxix, 421-428.— O'Hagan (P.F.) Empvema as a sequel to influenza. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1893,"ii, 1099.— Ostholf (C.) Ueber Grippe und Grippenpneumonie. Vereinsbl. f. pfalz. Aerzte, Frankenthal, 1889, v, 237-248.— Pailhas. Aphasie transitoire observee au cours dune pneumonie grippale. Arch, de neurol., Par., 1895, xxix, 378. — Peinado (J. deD.) ^Existe una verdadera pub niouia grippal ? Gac. med. de Granada, 1890. ix, 89-93.— Porteous (J. L.) Pneumonia: its treatment aud its re- lation to La grippe. XT. York M. J.. 1895, lxi. 594-596.— Knnkin(G.) Pneumonia after influenza. Lancet, Lond., 1895, ii, 456.—Kasamiinaiiana. Un cas de pneumonie grippale envahissaut successivemeut les trois lobes du poumon droit; temperature a tvpe inverse. X. Montpel. m6d., 1897, vi, 147-149.—Richardson (B. W.) The late prevailing epidemic of influenza and piieumo-paresis. Asclepiad, Lond., 1890, vii, 40-43. —Robinson (G.W.) Rheumatic bronchitis following La grippe. Denver M. Times, 1895-6, xv, 275.—Roqnes. Note sur une observa- tion d'epauchement pleural survenu a la periode terminale d'une grippe intense. Bull, et mem. Sue. nied d. hop. de Par., 1886, 3. s., iii, 481-486. Also: Gaz. hebd.de med., Par.. 1886. 2. s., xxiii, 846. —Shattnek (F C.) The rela- tion of pneumonia to influenza in Boston. X. York M. J., 1890. 11, (50-653. Also, Reprint, Also: Tr. X.York Acad. M. (1890), 1891, 2. s., vii, 233-243.-----. Pneumonia in Bos- ton during the recent epidemic of influenza. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1892, cxxvi, 518-522. AUo, R print.— Wliields (W. B.) Influenza, more especially its effects on the respi- ratory organs and ao essorv nasal sinuses. St. Louis M. Rev., 1901, xliii, 113-116—Shtshcgoleir (M. G.) Sluchai serozno-gnolnavo plevrita, kak oslozhneniya influents!. [Sero-puruleut pleuritis as a complication of iiifluenza.] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1898. 1. 24-29.— Soderstrom (M ) Bidrag till kannedomen 0111 influensa-piieviiioui'ii. [Con- tribution to knowledge of . . .] Eira, Stockholm, 1890, xiv, 237-247.— Standharliier. Pneumonia indurativa (Influenza); Tod. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wieu (1890),1892,76. -----. Pneumonia (Influenz 1); Tod. 1 bid., 77-79. — Talamon (C. 1 Grippe et pneiiinoiiies. Metl. mod., Par.. 1889-90. i, 14(5-14s.—Toiiianelli. L' in- fluenza e le auomalie ilella pneuiuonite in rapporto ad essa. Gazz. internaz. di med. prat.. Xapoli. 1900, iii, 185-187.— del Valle (K.) La pneumonia urippal. Rev. balear de cien. med. Palma de Mallorca. 1893 ix. 102-110. AUo: INFLUENZA. 963 INFLUENZA. Influenza (Complications of Res})ira- tory). Rev. de med. y cirurg. priict., Madrid, 1893, xxxii, 113; 169.— Van Rensselaer (II.) The pulmonary form of influ- enza. Albany M. Ann., 1901, xxii, 373-^377.—Villm-d. Du traitement rationnel et physiologique des pueuinonies et des brouchopneumonies grippales. Coiig.inteinat.de nied. C. r.. Par., 1900, sect, de path, int., 262-267.—Yogi (A.) Mittheilungen iiber die Beziehungen der Influenza zu den Athiiiungs Organen. Munchen. nied. Wclinschr., 1890. xxxvii, 399; 419; 439. — Wall i J. S.) The respir- atory phenomena of influenza. Wash. M. Ann., 1902, i, 74.— Wnlkins (('.) Atypical forms of pneumonia complicating La grippe. Tr. M. Soc. Arkansas. Little Rock, 1901, 53-58.— Wilson (R. J.) La giippe: sequela; respirations 100; report ot a ca-e. Stylus, St. Louis, 1900, ii, 62-64. — \Yilt«cInn- (A. J.) Ueber den Ein- fluss der Grippe auf den Verlauf der Phthisic und deren Krankheitsbild bei Complication mit I li ipp,-. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1890, n. F., vii, 45-47 — Yiisliishenlioll (A. A.) Sluchai odnovreineiinavo /al.oli. vaniya inflvuen- tsiyel i krupoznim vospaleuieni lyokhkikh. [Combined influenza and croupous pneumonia!] Trudi Obsh. Kussk. vrach. v Mosk. (18971, 1898, xxxvi, pt. 2, 114-117. — Ze- ■nansky (A. P.) Atypical grip-pneumonia. Clin. lb-- cordei-, X. Y., 1896, i, 65-67. Influenza (Complications of Splenic). Su Influenza (Complications of. Abdominal). Influenza (Complications of, Surgical) [requiring surgical treatment or superven- ing on operations]. See. also, Influenza (Complications of. Aural); Influenza. (Complications of, Laryngeal, etc.). Boutin (A.) * La grippe chez les op£re"s. 4°. Paris, 1-97). Follet (A.) Quelques considerations sur la grippe post-operatoire. Gaz. m6d. de Par.. 1897. 0. s.,ii, 145-147.— Fra like (F.) Ueber einige chirurgisch wiehtige Kom- plikationen und Xachkrankheiten der Influenza (Angina, Zungenneuralgie; Appendicitis; Pseudoappendicitis ner- vosa; Gelenkneuralgien: Plantarueuralgie (Podalgie, M,-tatarsalgie, Morton'sche Krankheit); Knochenerkran- kungen (Periostitis nodosa, Fussodem); Gelenkerkran- kungen ; Fasciitis plantaris u. a.). Mitt. a. d. Grenzgeb. d. Med. u. Chir., Jena, 1899, v, 263-328. Also [Abstr.]: Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Berl., 1899, xxviii, pt. 2, 490-511. AUo [Abstr.]: Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl., 1899, lix, 64»-60'.'.—Haward (J. W.) Xote on some of the surgical seipiehc of influenza. Lancet, Lond., 1899, ii. 22. — I.eclerc (ll.) Complications chirnrgicales de la grippe. Assoc, frau,;. de chir. Proc.-verb, [etcl, Par.. 1893, vii, 809-817,.—de I.ostalol. Tracheotomie dans la grippe. Bull. nod.. Par., I89u. iv. 229.—Fotlie- rat (E.) Quelques complications chiiurgicah-s de la giippe. Bull. Soc. med. de l'Yonne l>-95. Aux, ire, 1896. xxxvi, 112-118.—Verneuil. De la grippe au point de vue chirurgical. Bull. Acad, tie med., Par., 1890, 2. s., xxiii, 456: xxiv, 270. AUo, Repiint. Influenza (Diagnosis and semeiology of). See, also, Influenza (Anomalous, etc.); Influ- enza (Bacteriology of); Influenza (Treatnient of); Influenza ( Urine in); Influenza in children. Cantani (A.) Sull' influenza. Lezione cli- nica. l'<5-. Napoli, 1690. Dragotto (G.) Osservazione cliniche sopra alcuni casi d' influenza. *-. Mistretta, 1*90. Fa ucher (L.-J.) *fitutle cliuique sur It: diag- nostic diffdrentiel des diverses formes de la grippe. 8-. Lille, 1899. Gardner (E. F.) Influenza, (so-called); epi- demic pancreatitis. 8C. London, 1691. Gray (W.) Influenza, witli special reference to some peculiar symptoms. 8 5 London, 1^97. Lenoir (L.-P.-F.) * Essai de parallele entre la grippe et la dengue; contribution a l'dtude de la re'eente dpiddmie d'influenza, l88'J-90. 4°. Bordeaux, 1890. Macro CM.) Influenza o meniugite cerebro- spinale epidemica? Terribilc ricorrenza del 1-93 in Barletta, marzo 1894. 8°. Trani, 1891. Menu (A.) *Theniiom. Tarchetti (P.) Rivista storico-clinica delle principali epidemie d' influenza dal secolo xvi ai nostri giorni. 8\ Alessandria, 1-92. Yioli (J.-B.) Uu congres medical h Rome au xviiime siecle sur l'influenza. 1*2-. [Constanti- nople, 1690. ] Benvenuli (G. B.) L' influenza nel tempo passato. Gior. d. Soc. fiorent. d' ig., Firen/e, 1889, v, 174-189.— Blyumenau (E. B.) Ohshtshiy ohzor grihpoznol epi- demii 1889-90 g. [General sketch of the epidemic grippe in l><*9-90.] Novosti med., St. Petersb.. 1890, 113-125.— Boucher. Les Epidemies de grippe de la fin du siecle dernier, d'apres Lepecq de la Cloture. Normandie med.. Rouen. 1890. v, 152-158. Abo: Bull. Soc. de 111etl.de Kouen !1890),1891,2. s.,iv,33-43.—Cantlieil.i I he first recorded appearance of the modern influenza epidemic. Brit. M.J.. Lond., 1891, ii, 49L—€hcdevei-j{iic. De la grippe tie 1900. Cong, internat. tie nied C. i\, Pur. 1900, sect, de path, int.. 534-540.—Curtin (It G.i A WiiImoii (E. \V.) Are the cases of fever with excessive sweating observed and described of late a manifestation of influenzal poison. uud are they identical with the sweating sickness, the Picardv sweat, cardiac sickness, and miliary fever us de- scribed bv ancient writers and Hecker iu his • Epidemies ofthe Middle Ages"? Tr. Pan-Am. M. Cong. lt*93, Wash., 3(., u. -.. vii. 177-408. AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. See, also, in this list, Bohemia; Cracow; Hungary ; Lemberg ; Styria : Vienna. Bericht iiber die Inflnenzu-Lpiileiuie in Oesterreich zu Ende 1889 una im Beginne des Jahres 1890, verfasst mit Beriicksichtigung tier von der med icin ischen Akademie in Paris aufgestellten Fragepunkte. Oesterr. San.-Wes., Wien, 1891, iii, Beil., 21-38. AUXERRE. Uurht' (C.) Note sur l'6pid6mie d'influenza de l'hiver 1891-2. Bull. Soc. med. de l'Tonne 1892, Auxerre, 1893, xxxiii, 71-75. BACCARAT. AHhon (A.) Note snr l'6pid6mie actuelle de fievre grippale survenne k Baccarat et dans les environs. Gaz. hebd. tie med., Par., 1890, 2. s., xxvii, 90; 170. BAHIA. Britto (A.) Contribni^ao para o estndo da grippe in- fluenza em 1895. Gaz. med. da Bahia, 1895-6, 4. s., vi, 257- 272. nfliienza (History and statistics of), by localities. BALEARIC ISLANDS. FarinoM y Dclhom (F.) La grippe; apuntes sobre la ultima epidemia. Rev. balear tie cien. med., Palma de Mallorca, 1890, vi, 204; 298; 330; 353. BARCELONA. Bnln<;iicr (J.) La grippe en Barcelona. Gac.san.de Barcel. 1889-90, ii, 161; 198. — Marline* Vargn*. La grippe en la Casa provincial de (!ai idad. < Li,-, med. catal., Baicel., 189-J, xv, 373-392.- Knihiguiz .Tlendez. Mas sobre la grippe de la Casa do I'aritliul. Ibid., ::!i-.'-401. BAVARIA. See, also, in this list, Erlangen; Gerolzhofen; Munich; Palatinate; Wurtzburg. I>iick. Ueber die Aiishreituug der Influeuza. Miin- chen. nied. Wchnschr., 1890, xxxviij 96. BENGAL. See, also, in this list, Calcutta. Tlatplinil (J. M.i The influenza epidemic in rural Bengal, Glasgow M. J., 1890, xxxiv, 187. BERGAMO. Mora (A.) La epidemia cV influenza nella pro- vincia di Bergamo nell' auuo lb90. 8°. Ber- gamo, li-90. BERLIN. Ixfluknza-Epidemie (Die) 1*^89-90. Im Auf- trage ties Vereins fiir innere Medizin in Berlin, bearbeitet von A. Baginsky, A. Baer [et al.]. Hrsg. von E. Leyden und S. Guttmanu. fol. Wiesbaden, 1692. Ulehlhausieii. Mittheilungen iiber die Verhreitnng der Influenza in der Chants; als Einleitung in die Discus- i-ioii iiber diese Krankheit. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1890, xxvii. 2o0-210.— Piclicke. Bacteriologische Untersu- chungen in tlerlnfluenzaepidemie 1893-4. I&id.,1894, xxxi, 534-536. — Ben vers. Mittheilungen iiber tlie in Berlin herrschende Influenza-Epidemie. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1890. xvi, 27-34. Also: Verhandl. d. Ver. f. innere Med. zu Berl., 1889-90, ix, 164; 187. -----. Das Neuauftreten der Influenza in Berlin. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1891, xvii, 1376. -----. Ueber die zur Zeit in Berlin herrschende Influenzaepide- mie. ibid., 1892, xviii, 74-76. BIRMINGHAM. Price (A.) Report on the recent epidemic ofinfluenza in H. M5 prison, Birmingham. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1890, xxvii, 148-152, 1 tab.— Minion (R. M.) Influenza epi- demic of 1891. 1 bid., 1892, xxxi, 1-10. BOGOTA. Aparicio (A.), E»j.*iii'iin (C.) Sc rVognera (0. A.) Epidemia de gripa 6 intiuenza en Bogotii. Kev. ni6d. de Bogota. 18!iij-!il, xiv, 193-215.—4~ripu o influenza en Bo- gota; epidemias tie 1893. Ibid.. 1893, xvii, 65-67. BOHEMIA. .See, also, in this list, Prague. lliHlorii (K) influency v Ceclnich. |On the history of influenza iu Bohemia.) Casop. 16k. tesk., v Praze, 1890, xxix, 20 ; 39 ; 59. b6le. Weber (K.) fipidemie d'influenza k Bole en f^vrier, mars et avril 1895. Cor.-Bl. f.schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1896, xxvi, 76-79. BONN. Bickenbach (0.) * Ueber die in der rnedici- nisclien Kliuik in Bonn im Wintersemester 1889- 90 beobachteten Influenza-Fiille. [Bonn.] SL. Uerdingen, 1-90. BORDEAUX. I)avc/iu. I5pid6mie d'influenza. M6m. et bull. Soc. denied ,-t ehir.de Bordeaux (1895), 1896, 174-177. — Du. rand (J.-M.) Notes pour servir k i'histoire de l'6pid6mie de grippe qui a r6gn6 a Bordeaux pendant l'hiver de 1889- 90. J. tie ni6d. de Bordeaux, 1890-91, xx. 349-352. -----. Histoire de l'6pid6mie de grippe a Bordeaux. Mem. et bnll. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux, 1891*70-81.—I.a- vel (A.) La grippe dans les 6coles coinmuuales tie Bor- INFLUENZA. Influenza (History and statistics of), by localities. BORDEAUX—continued. deaux. Med. mod.. Par., 1889-90, i, 189-191. Also: Rev. san. de la Province, Bordeaux, 1890, vii, 51-54.—B[ous- »eau-]$t.-Philippe. Contribution k l'6tude tie l'epi- d6mie de giippe. J. de m6d. de Bordeaux, 1889-90, xix, 407-411. BOSTON. Boston. Board of Health. Dealhs from in- fluenza, complicated and uncomplicated, from December 12, 181)1, to February 29,1-*11'2, arranged by ages, nativity, parentage, etc. broadside, 8 by Is inches. [Boston, 1-9'J.] Ayer (J. B.) The third vear of the influenza epidemic. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1892, cxxvi, 543-545. —Buckingham (E. M.) Influenza in the out-patient service of the Boston City Hospital. Ibid., 1890, cxxiii, 343-345. [Discussion], 348!—Coiiimj i IS. E.) Points noticeable in the epidemic of 1889-90. I bid., exxii, 197. AUo, Keprint. — Green- wooil (A.) Soiue notes on the present epidemic of influ- enza. Boston M. A S. J., 1891, exxiv, 434.—iVlason (A. L.) Influenza in Boston in 1889-90, especially as it appeared at the Boston City Hospital. Ibid., 1890, exxii, 145-148.— Becent ('Ilu) epidemic of influenza in Boston. Ibid., 1892, cxxvi, 302.—Mhnltnck (G.B.) Pneumonia in Boston during the recent epidemic of influenza. Ibid., 518; 532. AUo, Keprint.—Twombly ( E. L.) Epidemic influeuza among the poor. [Boston.] Boston M. & S. J., 1890, exxii, 270-272.—Webber (S. G.) An epidemic of influenza. [Atlams Nervine Asylum.] Ibid., 1891, exxiv, 480. BRAZIL. See, also, in this list, Bahia. •le Britto(A.) Contribui§ao para o estudo da grippe influenza em 1895. Tribuna med., Rio de Jan., 1896, ii, , 124-126. BREST. Vekgces (J.) *La derniere e'pide'mie de grippe (decembre 1889-janvier et fe"vrier 1890) a l'H6pital maritime de Brest. 4°. Paris, 1890. BRIEL. JaiiNwcii (H. A.) De influenza-epidemie 1889-90 te Brielle. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1890, 2. R., xxvi, 2. d., 221-224. BRISTOL. Broughton (A.) Observations on the influ- enza, or epidemic catarrb, as it appeared at Bristol and its environs during the months of May and June, 178*2. To which is added a meteorological journal of the weather. 8-. London, [1782]. BRITISH GUIANA. Law (W. F.) An epidemic of influenza at H. M. penal settlement, Massaruni. Brit. Guiana M. Ann., Demerara, 1892, 74-83, 1 ch.-----Influenza at H. M. penal settle- ment, Massaruni; epidemic occurring in 1893 compared with epidemic of 1891-2. Ibid., 1894, vi, 30-36. BRUSSELS. Mpehl [et al.]. Rapport snr l'6pid6mie tie grippe qui a sevi a Bruxelles du 20 decembre 1889 au 20 Janvier 1890. Ann. de med. et chir. . . . de Brux. (1889). 1890, i, 89-96. AUo: J. tie m6d., chir. et Pharmacol., Brux., 1890, xc, 97- 104.—Stocquart (A.) L'6pidemie de grippe de 1884-5 k Bruxelles (documents cliniques). Arch, de m6d. et chir. prat.. Brux., 1890, iv, 17; 24; 43; 55; 72; 85; 121; 140; 155; 169; 184. BUCHAREST. A n Ion in (I.) Dare de seama asupra cazurilov de in- fluenza. [Report on ... ] Spitalul, Bucuresci, 1890, x, 122; 163. BUDAPEST. Hoffmann (C.) *Observata clinici medici pro chirnrgis, anno scholastico 1832-3 in R. S. Universitate Hungarica colleeta, habito imprimis respectu catarrhi epidemici (iufluenzaj) anno eodem in urbe et clinico dominantis. 8C. Pes- tini, [1834]. C'zekii« (M.) Az influenza Budapesten. Kozeg. es Torveny. Orvos., Budapest, 1890, 5. INFLUENZA. Influenza (History and statistics of), by localities. BUENOS AYRES. Penna (J.) La epidemia de influenza en Buenos Aires durante el aflo 1892. An. de hig. pub., Buenos Aires, 1892 i, 185; 249; 473.— Viilnl (A. J.) Influenza; estudios clini- cos; epidemia de 1892, observadaen la provincia de Buenos Aires. An. d. Circ. ni6d. argent., Buenos Aires, 1894, xvii, 222; 305. -----. Influenza; ligeras notes sobre la ultima epidemia (1894). Ibid., 1895, xviii, 127-134. BURNLEY. ITlackenzic (J.) Notes on the influenza epidemic of 1891. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1891, xiv, 331-338. CALCUTTA. Bose (K. C.) Influenza as seen in Calcutta, and its treatment. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1890, xxv, 181-186. CANNES. Bonstan (A.) Epid6mie de grippe k forme abdoini- nale observee k Cannes et dans ses environs. Presse m6d., Par., 1901, ii, annexes, 164. CAPE COLONY. Scholtz (W. C.) The influenza epidemic at the Cape. Brit. M. J., Lontl., 1890, i, 600. CAROLINE ISLANDS. Band (F. E.) Influenza in the Caroline Islands. Bos- ton M. & S. J., 1890, exxii, 70. CAUCASUS. Frantsius (E. I.) K istorii inflyuentsi v Zakavkaz- komkrave. [History of influenza in the Caucasus.! Med. Sbornik, Tiflis. 1890, li, no. 2, 142-187. CHATEAU-GONTHIER. Chevalier (P-. J.) * Essai sur une e'pide'mie observee dans la ville et le canton de Chateau- Gonthier, pendant l'hiver de 1805 a 1806. 4°. Strasbourg, 1806. CHICAGO. 1)■■ nii (W. A.) A review of the late epidemic of La grippe in Chicago. Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1891, xxvi, 394-396. — Influenza as a factor of recent mortality in Chicago. Sanitarian, N. T.. 1901, xlvi, 489-498.—Ingals (E. F.) The epidemics of influenza of 1890 and 1891 in Chicago. Tr. Am. Climat Ass. 1891, Phila., 1892, viii, 184-191. AUo: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1891, xvii, 557- 560. AUo: Climatologist, Phila., 1892, ii, 223-230. CHINA. See, also, in this list, Fooehow. I.nyns (H.) Epidemic influenza. China. Imp. Cus- toms. Med. Rep. 1897, Shanghai, 1898, no. 2, 22-24. COLOGNE. .fliiiheilnngen iiber die Influenzaepidemie in Koln. [Discussion.1 Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1890, xvi, 212; 320; 388. CONNECTICUT. I.intlsley (C. P.) Report on epidemic influenza in Connecticut dm ing the winter of 1889-90. Rep. Bd. Health Connect. 1889-90, N. Haven, 1891, xiii, 269-276. CONSTANTINOPLE. Yioli (J.-B.) L'influenza a Constantinople. [Extrait du journal Stamboul du 28 d6cembre 1899.] 16°. [Constantinople, 1890.] Liimarakis (L.-G.) L'6pid6mie de grippe-influenza k Constantinople. Rev. m6d.-pharm., Constant., 1890, iii, 9; 74. — Zo^ros (A.) pacha. Contribution il l'6tude de l'6pid6mie de grippe, ou influenza, observ6e k Constanti- nople durant l'hiver de 1889-90. Ibid., 27-29. COPENHAGEN. ('arisen (J.) Bemaerkninger i Anledning af Influ- enzaepidemien i Kjobenhavn. [Remarks induced by ...] Ugesk. f. Laeger, Kjobenh., 1889, 4. R., xx, 686; 713. CRACOW. Gluziriski (W. A.) Kilka uwag o przebiegu infln- enzy w Krakowie. [The prevailing influenza in Cracow.] Przegl. lek., Krak6w, 1890, xxix, 125; 139. 66 INFLUENZA. 967 INFLFENZA. Influenza (History and statistics of), by I localities. Monteverdi tA.) L' influenza a Cremona. Bnll.med. cremonese, Cremona. 18S;i. ix, 273-278. -----. Dell' epi- demia d' influenza a Cremona nel 1889-90. Ibid., 1890, x, 65; 142; 171; 221; 282: 1891, xi, 18; 98. CYPRUS. ©arngeorsjinile* (J.-G.) iStnde snr l'6pid6mie d'in- fluenza dans l'ile de Chypre. pendant l'annee 1889-90. Rev. med.-pharm., Constant., 1890, iii, 34-38. DENMARK. See, also, in this list, Copenhagen. Cnrloen (-T.) TJdsiijt over tlen danske Gren af In- fluenzaepidemien L-89-90. IReview of the intiuenza epi- demic in Denmark 18*-9-90.J Firesk. f. La-ger. Kjobenh., 1890, 4. R., xxii 28 ' 313; 337.—Ulrik (A.) Den' danske F;eliesforsknins antianemic Influenza-Epidemien. [The Danish general investigation on ... ] Bibliot. f. Ltcger, Kjobenh., 1890, 7. R., i, 472-525. DIJON. Breton. Conp d'ceil r£trospeetif sur l'gpidemie tie grippe. Bey. stn. de clin. et de therap.. Par., 1900, xiv, 467-470. — Epidemie tie grippe. Precis d. trav. Soe. med. de Dijon < 1834-7), 1>42, 27-30. DOVER. Influenza in Dover; important action of the town renin.-il. Ld tl Lancet, Lond., 19o0, i, 181. DRESDEN. Berthold. Mitteilnngen aus der Praxis iiber die Influenza -Epidemie 1891-2. Jahresb. d Gesellsch. f. .Vat.- u. Heilk. in Dresd.. 1891-2. 140-151. — Wagner. Beri' lit, iiber die im Winter 1891-2 im Stadtkrankenhause tie.it, achteten Induenzaerkrankungen. Ibid., 126-139, 1 dia_r. [Discussion!, 71-76. DUBLIN. t'osgrare (E. Mac D.) ^^otP9 on epidemic influenza, l-f'1-2. Dublin J. M. S,-., 1892. xciv, 35-38.—Fox (P. H.) Repoit on influenza, and brief abstract of cases treated at the Station Hospital. Arbour Hill. Dublin. Ibid., 1890, xc, 41-47.—Moore (J. "W.) The influenza epidemic of 1889-90 as observed in Dublin. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. lie- land. Dubl., 1890, viii, 56-74. 3 pl. -----. The influenza epidemic of 1889-90. as observed in Dublin. Dublin J. M. Sc, 1890, lxxxix. 300-316, 3 pl. AUo, Reprint. DUNEDIN. Colqnhoiin. The influenza epidemic in Dunediu. X. Zealand M. J., Dunedin, 1889-90, iii, 186-190. DURHAM. Le.slie (P. D.) An account ofthe epidemical catarrhal lever, commonly called the influenza, as it appeared in the city and environs of Dur- ham, in the month of June, 1?8*2; to which is prefixed a discourse on the imiirovement of medical knowledge; with a letter to the author, on the influenza, by John Clark. 6'J. London, 17-2. EDINBURGH. Brachenrid^e (D.J.) The present epidemic of so- called influenza. Ldinb. M. J., 1889-90, xxxv, 996-1011.— (»illc«pie (A. L./ The results ofthe influenza epidemic of 1*91-2, as seen in the Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh, Edinb. Hosp. Rep., 1893, i, 142-148. EGYPT. Engel (F.) bey. Die Influenza-Epidemie in Egypten im Winter 1889-90 nach gesammelten arztlichen und anderen Berichten. Nebst einem Anhang Uber die Influenza-Epitlcmie cbendn- selbst im Winter l"91-2. 4°. Berlin, 1893. Tlahmuil (H.) pascha. Beobaehtungen bei der Influ- enza Epidemie in Aegypten 1889-90. Verhandl. d. x. inter- nal, med. Cong. 1890, Berl., 1891, ii, 205-207. EHINGEN. fetrnnb. Innuenza-Epiilemie in Ehingen a. D. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1890, lx, 99-101. Influenza (History and statistics of), by localities. Schild (M.) * Ueber die auf der medizini- schen Klinik zu Erlangen im Winter 1889-90 beobiicliteten Fiille von Influenza. [Erlangen.] 8°. Marktbreit, [1699]. EUROPE. See, also, in this list, Athens; Austria-Hun- gary; Brussels; Bucharest; Cyprus; Den- mark; Finland; France; Germany; Ghent; Great Britain; Italy; Lamia; Netherlands; Norway; Portugal; Russia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Turkey. Hkktillon (J.) La grippe a Paris et dans quelques antics villes de Frauce et de l'etraiiger eu 1889-90. > . Paris, 1892. Darstellung der Grippe (Influenza) vom Jabre 1762. ihrer Syinptome und Behandlung; ans vielfachen Berichten englischer Aerzte zur Beurtheilung und Vergleichung mit der jetzi- gen Epidemie. Uebcrsetzt von Gustav Himly. 12°. Hannover, 1833. Fuster (J.) Estudios de la grippe 6 influenza. Traduccitfn de la historia de las epidemias de esta enfermedad, que contiene la mouografia clinica de la afeccion catarral, de Mr. J. Fuster. Adicionada con notas refereutes a" observaciones hecbas, con posterioridad a" aquella publicaci6u, y ailelantos de la ciencia, respecto a" la epidemia que actnalniente aflige a todos los paises de Europa, por D. Santiago L6pez Argiieta. 8°. Granada, 1890. Metzger (J. D.) Beitrag zur Geschichte der Friihlings-Epidemie im Jahre 1800. 12°. Alten- burg, 1801. Meyer (J. J.) Die Influenza oder Grippe des Jahres l*vl3 in ihrem Wesen, ihrer Verbreitung untl Heilung. 6\ Potsdam, 1833. Ripperger (A.) *Die Influenza-Epidemie 18-9-90. [Wurtzburg.] 8°. Miinchen, 1893. Kuhemaxn (J.) Die Influeuza iu dem Winter 1889-90; nebst einem Riickblick auf die frlihereu Influenzapaudemieen. 6°. Leipzig, 1891. Schwakz (C.) * De catarrbo epidemico, seu influenza in genere et anni 18:17 in specie. >". Vienna, l6'A7. Wolitf (.1.) Die Influenza-Epidemie 1889- 92. 8 . stiifti/art, 1892. K pi it>iieii om influenza-epidemin inoiu Finska Liikaresiillskiipt-t. [The discussion, in the Finnish Med- ical Association, on the epidemic of influenza.| Finska liik.-sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1890, xxxii, 183; 1237.—Id. m a ii (R.) Influentsa- epidemia Tampereella vuosina j. Deutsche med.Wchnschr.. Leipz.u. Berl., 1891, xvii. 1377.— I. a ns; rente i'. Die Influenza im koniglichen Strafege faua-nUs Eberbach im Jannar nnd Februar ls90. Vrtlj- schr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1892, 3. F., iv, 147-164.— Baht*. Die Influenza-Epidemie des Winters 189:'~! im Deutsehen Reiche. Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1895, xii, 423-447.—Wutzdorff. Die Influenza-Epidemie 1891-2 im Deutschen Reiche. Ibid., 1894, ix, 414-477,1 ch. GEROLZHOFEN. Schniitt (A.) Influenza in Gerolzhofen 1888. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1889, xxxvi, 290. GHENT. Verbrngghen A Debersaques. Discussion sur l'epidemie d'influenza a Gand. Bull. Soc. de med. de Gand, 1890, lvii, 131-140— Verstraeten (C.) La grippe epid6- mique de 1889-9U a Gaud. Ibid., 55-77. GOTTINGEN. Meier (A.) * Da9 Auftreten der Influenza in Gottingen, Winter 18-9-90. -~. (iottingen, 1-9". Westhofen (J.) * Die Influenza in Gottin- gen von 1891-3. 8°. Gottingen, 1691. GRAZ. Herzog (J.) Beobaehtungen iiber die Influenza-Epi- demie des'Winters 1891-2 in Graz. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg.. 1891-2, xiv, 401-41H. -----. Beobaehtungen iiber die Influenza-Epidemie des Winters 1893-4 in Graz. Mitth. d.Ter.d. Aerzte in Steiermark, Graz, 1894. xxxi, 57-66, Ich. GREAT BRITAIN. See, also, in this lift, Birmingham; Bristol; Burnley; Dover; Dublin; Durham; Edin- burgh; Guernsey; Jersey; Kells; Lincoln- shire ; London; Manchester; Norwich ; Rochdale; Rochester; Rothesay; Sheffield; Sutton. Great Britain. Local Government Board. Medical Department. Keport on the influenza epidemic of 1889-90. By Dr. Parsons. With an introduction by the medical officer of the local government board. 8-. London, 1891. -----. Further report aud papers on epi- demic influenza, 1-89-9','. With an iutroduc- INFLUENZA. 969 INFLUENZA. Influenza (History and statistics of), by localities. GREAT BRITAIN—continued. tion by the medical officer of the local govern- ment board. 8°. London, 1893. Sisley (E.) A study of influenza and the laws of England concerning infectious diseases . . . To which is appended a paper on the spread of influeuza by contagion, and an ab- stract of a paper on the prevention ofthe spread of epidemic inlluenza; together with counsel's opinion on the powers ot" sanittiry authorities as to influenza, and the acts and extracts from acts relating to infectious diseases; the provisional memorandum on epidemic inlluenza, issued by the local government board on January 25, 1-92: and the directions fur obtaining ambu- lances for the conveyance of persons suffering from influenza, issued by the metropolitan asy- lums board. -°. London A New York, 1692. Thompson* (T.) Influenza, or epidemic catar- rhal fever. An historical survey of past epi- demics in Great Britain from 1510 to 1890. Being a new aud revised ed. of Annals of in- fluenza by . . . By E. $ vines Thompson. 8 . London. 1-9". Darie§ (J. H.) The influenza epidemics of 1892-4. Med. Repr., Lond., 1896. vii. ■_'. — Eaile {Sir P.) Influenza in East Auglia, Lancet. Lond.. 1890. i, 230.-----. Influ- enza in 1891. Brit. M. J.. Loud., 18.U ii. 30--310.-----. Influenza in 1895 Lancet, Lond., 1 -93. ii, 798-800.—Epi- demie (The) ofinfluenza. Brit. M J. Lond..1890,195; 146: L' _'—lull nenza death-rates. Ibid. 814. — Influenza iThei t-pidemh-. Lancet, Lond . l*>9o. i. 107.—Influenza (The, epidemic; returns to the British Medical Journal from i nedital, itiicers of health: the-pt-ci.il nun tali ty among the aged; reports from great towns: analyst-,, of opinions given by medical officers of health as to notification and Tsolation; clinical notes by practising pliYsicinns. Brit. M. J.. Lond., iv.i-2, ii, 243; 287. — Pai»on<. (H. F.) The influenza epidemics of 1889-90 and 1*91. anil their distribu- tion in England and Wales. Ibid., 1891, ii, 303-308. -----. On the distribution of the mortality from influeuza in England and Wales during recent years. Tr. Epidemiol. Soc.Lontl.,1893-4, xiii, 114-126, 7 diag. Also: Lancet. Lond., 1894. i, 1292-1295.— Frichnrd (A.) Influenza in 1775. Lancet, Lond., 1894, i, 175. — Sisley (R.) Influenza and the laws of England concerning infectious diseases. Pub. Health, Lontl., 1891-2, iv, 13G-142. Ich. AUo: Biit. M. J., Loud. 1892, i, 167-170.— Squire (W.) On influenza and the present epidemic. Lancet. Lond., 1890. i 71.— Talamou ii'.i La contagion de la grippe pendant l'epi- demie de 18-9-90 en Angleterre. Med. mod., Par., 1891, ii, 535.—Thorne (K. T.) Memorandum on epidemic influ- enza, March, 1895. Rep. Local Gov. Bd. 1894-5, Lond., 1896, xxiv. 199.—Thome (W. B.) Xotes on the so-called influenza epidemic. Lancet, Lond., l»9o. i, 13.—Tibbie-, (W.) The epidemic of influenza in the rural sanitary dis- trict of Melton Mowbray. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1890, l, 834. GREIFSWALD. IH osier (F.) [et al.]. Zur Kenntniss der in Greifswald beobachteten Falle von Influenza. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1890, xvi, 150-153. GRENOBLE. Dumolard (A.) Notes cliniques sur la grippe, k Gre- noble. Dauphine med., Grenoble, 1890, xiv, 81-85. GUATEMALA. Sanchez Romal (E.) La influenza en Guatemala, Juventud m6d.. Guatemala, 1899, i, 19-24. GUERNSEY. Aikman (J.) Influenza in Guernsey, 1890. Glasgow M. J., 1890, xxxiii, 411-416. HAMBURG. Mittheilungen uber die Influenzaepidemie in Ham- burg. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. n. Berl., 1890, xvi, 215; 243. HAVANA. Onega (L.) De una pequena epidemia de grippe palinlisiiio. Rev. de med. y ciruj. de fa Habana, 1898, iii, 9-12. Influenza (History and statistics of), by localities. HESSE (Grand Duchy of). See, also, in this list, Offenbach. Hesse (Grand Duchy of). Die Influenza-Epi- demie vom Winter l-'-'J—90 im Grossherzogthum Hessen. Nach den Berichterstattungen der Grossh. Kreisgesundheitsiiniter bearbeitet von K. Neidhiirt. 8°. Darmstadt, 1890. -----. Die Influenza-1*3i>itl*3inie vom Winter und Fruhjahr 18H1-2 im Grossherzogthum Hes- sen. Nach tlen Berichterstattungen tier Grossh. Kreisgesunilheitsaiiiter. 8°. Darmstadt, 1893. HUNGARY. See, also, in this list, Budapest; Kecskemet; Nyireghyhaza; Raab. Aldoi* (A.) A NagyKdrolyban lefolyt influenza- jilrvitnvrol. [Influenza in Nagy'-Kdroly; complications and st-iiuelie. | Gyogyiisziit, Budapest, 1890, xxx, 290; ;;o4. —A nayi'm (15.) Influenza jdrviny Magyarorszigon ],s,sy_ii(i-I,,-n ; statisztikai adatok. [Epidemic influeuza in llun"iirv in 1889-90; statistical contributions.] Magv. orv. Arch., Budapest, 1893, ii, 61-88. ILLINOIS. See, also, in this list, Chicago. Eailf (W.) Influenza; a paper hased on observations of the epidemics of 1889 to 1892. Tr. Illinois M. Soc, Chicago, 1892, xiii, 175-195. INDIA. See, also, in this list, Bengal; Calcutta. Fink (G. H.) The recent epidemic of influenza in India; its various types of severity, and the treatment which seems most useful. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1892, iii 204-207.—IHackenzie (H. M.) Note on an outbreak among Gurkhas. Brit. M J., Lond., 1901, ii, 1339. INZAGO. Friz (G.) Alcune osservazioni e conclusioni sull in- fluenza, o grippe, che si svolse dal 28 dicembre 1889 al giorno 11 febbraio 1890 nel comune d' Inzago. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1890, xlix, 161-163. IOWA. Influenza; or la grippe. Hep. Bd. Health Iowa, Des Moines, 1891, 120. IQUIQUE. del Campo (S.) La influenza en Iquiqne. Rev. ni6d. de Chile, Saut. de Chile, 1889-90, xviii, 530-538. ITALY. See, also, in this list, Bergamo; Cremona; Florence: Genoa; Inzago; Lucca; Messina; Naples; Pisa; Pollone; Rome; Stia; Tosco- lano; Treviglio ; Turin ; Udine ; Venice. Barout' (V.) L' influenza (epidemiologia). Suppl. al Policlin., Roma, 1899-1900, vi, 769; 801. —Corradi (A.) L' influenza en Italie pendant l'hiver ile l-s:i-9it. Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1890, xiv, 17-30. -----. L in- fluenza in Italia nel 1890. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna. 189n, 7. s., i, 689-706. Also: Gazz. med. lomb., Milano. 1890, xlix, 391; 401. -----. L' influenza; origine e fori una della parola; serie cronologica delle epidemie d'influenza in Italia; la grande epidemia del 1580. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1890, 7. s., i, 87-105. Also: Gazz. nied. lomb., Milano, 1890, xlix. Ill; 124. AUo, transl: Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1890, xiv, 1-17. — Favnri (15) Su iii alcune it-centi epidemie nel coniuue tli Bernareggio (Bri- anza). Bull. d. Ass. med. lomb., Milano, 1890, i, 267-277.— illowealo (P.) Sintoini ecr.sodella epidemia tl' influenza manifestatasi in I*. Empedocle nel giorno 6 gennaio del corrente anno. Kiv. clin. e terap., Napoli, 1890, xii, 505- 519.—Raincri (L.) Legge statistica della influenza del sesso sulla durata della vita umana in Italia; ossia tavtde divitalita calcolatedistintamentepermaschi eper feminine della popolazioue italiana. Ann. di statist., Roma, 1879, 2. s.. x, 1-173, 2 diag-—Zampetti (E.) L' influenza del 1891-2 nel comune di Sala Baganza. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1892, li, 476; 489; 495. JAPAN. Ito (H.) Shakuto yori honyen ni itari Totori naikai ni ynkoseru influenza ni zukete. [Epidemic of influenza in aud out of Totori district in the winter months.] Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio, 1893, no. 296, 2-5.—IVosiita (K.) Hon- INFLUENZA. 970 INFLUENZA." Influenza (History and statistics of), by localities. JAPAN—continued. yen no influenza ni zukete. [Epidemic influenza of 1893.] Kyoto Igakkwai Zashi, 1893, no. 70, 15-31, 1 ch—Onki (K.) Honnen Yokosuka jiboni okeru shiren ni zukete. [On the epidemic of a species of pneumonic influenza iu Yokosuka district.] Tokio med. Wchnschr., 1892, No. 755, 13-15. JENA. I.eiibuweher (G.) Die Influenzaepidemie in Jena. Cor.-Bl. d. allg. arztl. Ver. v. Thiiringen, Weimar, 1890, xix, 27-40. JERSEY. Dunlop (A.) On influenza in Jersey. Glasgow M. J., 1890, xxxiii, 416-419. KARS. Khlodovski (I.) Ob epidemicheskom grippie v Karsie, 1892 g. [Epidemic grippe in Ears in 1892.J Pro- tok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1892-3, xxix, 611-621. KAZAN. Godncff (I. Y.) Ob epidemii inflyueutsi (grippa) v Kazani. [On the epidemic influenza in Kazan.] Dnev- nik obsh. vrach pri imp. Kazan, univ., 1889, no. 4. 12-28. KECSKEMET. CSabai (G.) Az inflnenza-j&rvanyrdl Kecskemeten. [Epidemic influenza in Kecskemet,.] 'Orvosi hetil., Buda- pest, 1890, xxxiv, 186. AUo, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest, med.- chir. Presse, Budapest, 1890, xxvi, 531. KELLS. Ring-wood (J.) A fever resembling dengue, observed at Kells. Co. Meath. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1890, viii, 75-85. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc, 1890, lxxxix, 395-404. [Discussion], 364. KEURU. Waren (E.) Influentsasta Keuruulla. [. . . in Keuru.] Duodecim, Helsinki, 1890, vi, 72-76. KHARKOV. Obolcn»ki 11. X.) Gripp i vospalenie lyokhkikh v g. Kharkovie osenvu 1891 g. [Influenza and pneumonia in city of Kharkov in the fall of 1891.] Vrach, St. Petersb. 1892, xiii. 309: 344; 369. KIEV. Bartoshevich (S. T.) NIekotoriyadanniya o raspro- stranenii gripp? v predlelakh Kievskavo voyennavo okri ga, 1889-90 g. [Grippe epidemic in the Kiev mili- tary circuit in 1889-90.] Protok. zasaid. Kavkazsk med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1892-3, xxix, 558-572, 1 tab.—I. out cli (P.) Notice sur l'epiil6mie d'influenza k Kief, en 188y. Province med., Lyon, 1891, v, 157-160. KONIGSBERG. Ausr (C. R. G.) *Die Influenza-Epidemie der Jahre lK»l-*2 nach Beobaehtungen in der stadti- scheu Krankenanstalt zu Konigsberg i. Pr., mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Psycbosen. ***~. Konigsberg i. Pr., Ib94. KRONSTADT. Preobrazhenski (P. I.) [Ob epidemii grippa v Kronstadte.] Protok. zasaid. Obsh. Morsk. vrach. v Kron- stadte, 1889-90, xxviii, 133-140. LAMIA. Rizopoulos (D.) Ilepi ypiirnr)S Kara Tr)v napsKOova-av em&rinLav. TaAT/vot, 'A0rivai, 1894, xxiv, 257-259. LA ROCHELLE. Comlamy. Notes sur l'6pid6mie de grippe de 1899- 1900. Bull. Soc. tie med. et chir. de La Rochelle, 1900, xxxii, 127-130. — .'labille. Notes sur l'epidemie de grippe, 1900. Ibid.. 125.—Tronchet. Rapport general sur l'6pid6mie d'intliieuza de La Rochelle eu 1890. Assoc. franc, pour l'avance. d. sc. C.-r. 1890, Par., 1891, xix, pt. 2, 746-751. AUo: Bull. Soc. tie med. et chir. de La Rochelle, 1891, 106-114. -----. Epid6mie d'influenza k La IRochelle (1891-2). Poitou med., Poitiers, 1893, vii. 32-36. Influenza (History and stettistics of), by localities. LAUSANNE. Combe. L'influenza dans les 6coles primaii es de Lau- sanne. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom.. Geneve, 1890, x, 340- 354.—Kraflt il'i Quelques observations rur la recente epidemie tie grippe. Ibid., 459-464. LAWRENCE. Parker (M. E.) Influenza epidemic at the Pacific Mills. Boston M. Sc S. J., 1890, exxii, 251. LE MANS. Herve (P.) L'influenza ; notes sur l'6pid6niie du Mans pendant l'hiver 1889-90. 8°. Le Mans 1691. ' Repr. from: Bull. Soc. d'agric, sc. et arts de la Sarthe, xxxii. LEMBERG. Widniann (O.) 0 influenzy panujacej z koncem r. 1889 i poczatkieiu 1890 we Lwowie. [On the influenza pre- vailing at the end of 1889 and beginningof 1890 in Lemberg ] Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1890, xxix, 285; 301; 320. LIMA. Castillo (J. C.) [etal.]. La epidemia de grippe habida en Lima en 1892. Cron. m6d., Lima, 1893, x, 120; 159- 190- 229. LINCOLNSHIRE. Eminson (T. B.P.) Influenza in North Lincolnshire. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891, i, 1276. LISBON. Cai-valho (S.) Estudosportugnezes&cerca da grippe; a pandemia tie influenza em Lisboa, apontameutos p.ra o estudo hygienico da doenca. Med. contemp., Lisb. 1890 viii, 105; 113: 121; 129; 158; 169.—Influenza (A) em Lisl boa. Correio med. de Lisb., 1890. xix, 2. — de JJforaes Carvalho (A. A.) [etal]. Relatorio sobre a epidemia que em Lisboa giassou desde dezembro ile 1889 ate feve- reiro de 1890. Med. contemp., Lisb., 1890, viii, 132; 139. Also: J. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lisb., 1890, liv, 353-300: 1891, lv," 14-26, 7 diag. — Tavaies (C.) Discussao tlo relatorio sobre a epidemia da grippe. Ibid., 1891, lv, 41-64. [Dis- cussionj, 94; 101, 1 pl. LONDON. Barnes (E. C.) Notes on 290 cases of influenza. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1890, i, 599. —Bristowe (H. C.) Notes on an outbreak ofinfluenza at King Edward's Schools for Girls. Ibid., 418.—Chaplin (A.) Notes on the influenza epi- demic at the City of London Hospital for Diseases of the Chest. Victoria Park. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lontl., 1890, xxvi, 259-262.—Hawkins ( H. P.) The influenza epi- demic of le90. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep. 1889-90 Lontl. 1891, n. s., xix, 1-22.—Hogg I W. G.) Sc Bobell (H.) The epidemic of influenza, Brit. M. J., Loud., 1889, ii, 1418.—Influenza (The) epidemic of 1830-7 autl 1889-91. Ibid.. 1891, i, 1145-1147.—Influenza (On the) epidemic of 1892 in Loudon. Ibid., I*'.i2, ii, 353-350.—.Mackenzie (H. W. G.) Tlie influenza epidemic. Lancet, Loud., 1890, i, 77.—"Quinton (R. F.) An epidemic of influenza in a prison. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, i, 417.— Bichardson (B. W.)_ An epidemic catarrh. Asclepiad, Loud., 1892, ix, 381.—Sisley (K.I Influeuza in London. Lancet, Lond., 1890, i, IJ.—Smith (T. G.) The influenza epidemic. Tr. M. Soc. Loud.. Io9o, xiii, 277-306. — .""Squire (W.) Notes on the late epidemic of inttubnza. Lancet, Lond., 1890, i, 71. AUo, Reprint— Sykes (J. F. J.) The influenza epi- demic of 1889-90, as observed in St. Pancras. Pub. Health, Lond., 1889-90, ii, 373-376.— Thresh (J. C.) The influ- enza epidemic and the public elementary schools. Lancet Loud., 1890, i. 1233-1235.—ffem (S.) The influenza epi- demic of 1890 as experienced at St. Bartholomew's Hospital and the Royal Free Hospital, with reports from the resident officers and others. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond. 1890, xxvi, 193-258. LUCCA. Giammattei (G.) V epidemia d' influenza nel comune di Lucca. 8°. Lucca, 1892. LYONS. Boitel(L.) La grippe a Lyon. 12°. Lyon, 1837. Cutting from: Rev. du Lyonnais, 1837, iv, 156. Gubian (L.) Histoire de la grippe a Lyon en ISC Rapport demande" par le maire de Lyon, INFLUENZA. 971 INFLUENZA. Influenza (History and statistics of), by localities. LYONS—continued. public par ordre de l'administration dn dispen- saire, snr la presentation de son comite medical et d'une commission composed de MM. Paint, Cartier, Martin, Viricel, Gubiau, Jandartl, Frtttiche, Nicotl, Horand. ^-\ Lyon, [n. d.]. Sulmox (E.-J.) * Contribution a l'dtude des pandemics grippales; 1'intiuenza a Lvon et dans la qiiatorzieine region de corps d'armeV. Essai d'epideiniologie. 4°. Lyon, 1691. -----. Tbe same. *- \ Lyon, 1-91. Fiessinger (C.) L'6pidemie actuelle de grippe. Lyon med.. If92, Ixix, 143-149. AUo: Mem. et oompt.-rend. Soe. tl. sc. med. de Lyon (1892), l.»93, xxxii, 3-10.—Jlouin- set. Statistique des malades atteints de grippe et traites dans le service de M. Lupine, pendant les mois de decem- bre et Janvier 1889-90. Lyon metl., 1890, lxiii, 223-229. AUo • Mem. et compt.-reud. Soc. d. sc. m6d. deByon (1890), le91, xxx. 45-52. MADRID. Busdraghi (J. B.) La influenza en Madrid; profl- laxis v tratamiento. Corresp. ni6d., Madrid, 1901. xxxvi, 184. AUo: Indepeud.med., Barcel., 1900-1901,xxxi, 219.— Codiua Castcllvi (J.) La grippe; mi estudio clinico- terapeutico en Madrid. Rev. de med. y cirug. prdct., Ma,In,I iM'2 xxx. 281: 349; 393; 449; 509; 569; 622: xxxi, 13.—Parody iL.) La fievre dengue et l'epidemie actuelle k Marii i,l. i;az. d. hop., Par., 1.-90, lxiii, 23.—Santa yiarfa (M.) Dos epidemias de grippe. Rev. de clin., terap. y farm., Madrid, 189,-0. ix, 113; 132. MANCHESTER. Ilopltin (T.) Influenza; history of outbreak in Man- chester and district. Vet. J. & Ann. Comp. Path., Lond., 1891, xxxii. 73-80.—Ben a ml (F.) Reminiscences of the influenza epidemic- ot l»:;7 and 1847. Med. Chron., Man- chester, 1890, xii, 89. MARSEILLES. Villard (A.) Lecons cliniques sur la grippe k propos de Tepideniie de 18-'.» it 1-1)0, faites a l'Hotel-Dieu dc Marseille. Recueillies par le Dr. Otldo. *-\ Paris, 1690. Qneirel Sc Alezai- (H.) Rapport sur l'epidemie de grippe a Marseille, pendant l'hiver 1889-90. Marseille nied., 1*90. xxvii. 021-635, 1 diag. AUo: Assoc, franc- pour 1 avance. d. sc. C.-r. 1890, Par., 1891, xix, pt, 2, 734-746. MASSACHUSETTS. See, also, in this list, Boston; Lawrence. Abbott (S. W.) The influenza epidemic of 1889-90. Rep. I'd. Health Mass. 1889, Bost., 1890, xxi, 307-383, 1 map Sc 5 diag.— Mhattack iG. B.) Influeuza in Mas- sachusetts. Med. Communicat. Mass. M. Soc, Bost., 1890, xv, 49-109. AUo: Boston M. Sc S. J., 1890, exxiii, 25; 49; 73; 97. MELBOURNE. jnUin« (W. V.) Russian influenza. Australas. M. Gaz., >y,lney. 1889-90, ix, 191. MENZELINSK. VilCHotT (A.) Epidemiya grippa, blvshaya v 1898-9 g. v Menzeliuskle, Ufira. gub. [Grippe epidemic in Menze- linsk, Ufim Government.] Feldscher, St. Petersb., 1900, x, 137; 170. MESSINA. Salomone-JIarino (S.) Note cliniche sulla influ- enza osservata iu M> >sina nel gennajo e febbrajo 1890. Riv. clin., Milano, 1890, xxix, 266-280. MEXICO. Emobar (A.) Informe . . . relativo & la ultima epi- demia tie gripa. Gac. iii6tl.mil., Mexico, 1890, 234-237.- lUendizabal (G.) Contrihucidn al estudio de la gripa en Mexico. Gac. med., Mexico, 1899, xxxvi, 349-361. MOHEELEV. ."TIodcHtoff (A.) Ob epidemii grippa v feldflherskol sbkolle v ". Mohilevle-gub. [Grippe epidemic in the Feld- Bher School of Moheelev. ] Protok. Obsh. Moghilev. vrach., Moghilev, 1890, 58-62, 1 diag. Influenza (History and statistics of), by localities. MONTPELLIER. Guasset (J.) Clinique medieale de l'H6pital Saint-filoi. Lecons sur la grippe de l'hiver 1^9-iK). Recueillies et publiees par G. Rauzier. *-. Montpellier, 1690. MOSCOW. BogoyarlciiMlti (N.) Okharakterteepidemii, gospod- Btvovavshel v Moskvie v noyahrle 1889 g. [On the char- acter of the epidemic prevailing in Moscow in November, 1889.] Metl. Obozr., Mosk., 1890, xxxiii, 120-127.—Luna: (M. A.) Einiges iiber tlie Influenza-Epidemie in Moskau 1889. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1890, xvi, 378-380.—!*h n an ber t (V. N.) O grippie v Moskvie ose- nyu 1889 g. [. . . in the fall of 1889. ] Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1890, xxxiii, 109-120. MUNICH. Giiliunini (F.) Die Influenza-Epidemie des "Winters 1891-2. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1892, xxxix, 345-350.— Bieder (H.) Die Influenza-Epidemie 1889-90. aus den Kranken • Abtheilungeu des Geheimrathes von Ziemssen, mit Beriicksichtigung tier gesammten Influenza-Statistik des Krankenhauses Munchen 1.1, und seiner Hilfsspitaler zusammengestellt. Ann. d. stadt. allg. Krankenh. zu Miin- chen (1893). 1895, vii, 45-72.—StumpftM.) Die Influenza- Epidemie ties Jahres 1889-90 untl ihre Riickwirkung: auf die Geburtenziffer. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1893, xl, 495; 518. NANCY. Haushalter (P.) & Thiebaut. Statistique ties cas de grippe observes k la clinitiue de M. le professeur Spill- maun. Rev.med.de Test, Nancy, 1890, xxii, 455-467.— Parisot (P.) La grippe k Nancy en 1889-90 et la mor- tality par tuberculose pulmonaire. Mem. Soc. de med. de Nancy, 1890-91, p. lxi. Also: Rev. med. de l'est, Nancy, 1892, xxiv, 583-587, 1 diag. -----. Epidemie de grippe chez les vieillards tie l'Hospice Saint-Julien en 1891-2. Rev. m6d. de lest, Nancy, 1892, xxiv, 276-278. NANTES. Bonamy. Parallfele de l'epidemie de grippe de 1837 et de celle tie 1890-92, k Nantes. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1891-2, x, 67.—Grippe (La) k Nantes. Ibid., 1889-90, viii, 25; 37; 57.—Her vouet. Epid6mie locale d'influenza. [Rap.] Ibid., 64; 73. NAPLES. Toralbo (L.) TJno sguardo all' epidemia d' influenza nel 1897-8. Raccoglitore m6d., Forli, 1898, 6. s., i, 132-140. NETHERLANDS. See, also, in this list, Briel. Wertheim ialomoiiitoii (J. K. A.) &. de Booij (C.) Rapport overdeintluenza-epideuiie in Nederland van 1889-90. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., |Amst., 1893, 2. R., xxix, pt. 2, 688-779. NEW CALEDONIA. Grail. Relation d'une epid6miede grippe en Nouvelle- Caledonie. Arch, de med. nav., Par., 1892, lvii, 422-443. NEW ENGLAND. See, also, in this list, Connecticut; Massa- chusetts; Providence; Vermont. Overlock (S. B.) Influenza in northern New England. N. York M. J., 1892, lv, 544. AUo, Reprint. NEW JERSEY. [Grippe (La); its prevalence and character.| Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersey, Newark, 1891, 199-204.—Hunt (E. M.) The influenza epidemic. Rep. Bd. Health N. Jersey, Trenton, 1889-90, xiv, 301-311. NEW SOUTH WALES. See, also, in this list, Sydney. New South Walks. Board of Health. Epi- demic of influenza in New South Wales during 1*110. Report of the chief medical inspector to the president of the board of health, fol. [Syd- ney, 1690.] ------. Epidemic of influenza in New South Wales during 1691. Report of the chief medical inspector to the president of the board of health. fol. [Sydney, 1892.] 1XFLUENZA. 972 INFLUENZA. Influenza (History and statistics of), by localities. Arcularius (L.) Beobaehtungen au9 der Epidemic der Grippe in den beiden letzten Jahren. N. Yorker med. Monatsehr., 1891, iii, 221-226.—Bryson (Louise F.) The present epidemic of influenza. Post-Graduate, N. Y., 1889- 90. v. No. 3, 26-40. AUo: N. York M. J., 1890, li, 120-124. Also, Repriut.—Ein horn (M.) Die Influenzaepidemie des Jahres 1891 in der Stadt New York. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u.Berl., 1891, xvii,715.—(»uiteras (R.) Anexperience with the influenza. [New York Dispensary.] Metl. Rec, N. Y., 1890, xxxvii, 10. -----. Some features of the prevailing epidemic of influenza. Ibid., 93-96.— Jacobi (A.) General historv of the epidemic ofinflu- enza. I bid., 207-209. Also: Tr. N.York Acad. M. (1890), 1891, 2. s., vii, 61-72.—Smith (A. A.) Influenza in New York. Tr. Am. Climat. Ass. 1891, Phila., 1892. viii. 202- 206.—Smith (A. H.) Observation on the present epi- demic of grippe. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1895, xlvii, 233. NIZHNEE-NOVGOROD. Bodzevich (G. I.) Inflyuentsa v Nizhnem-Novgo- rodie. [Influenza in Nizhnee Novgorod.] Russk. Med., St.|Petersb., 1890, xv, 231-233. NORWAY. Hald. InflnenzaensOptrsedeniNorge. [Appearance of. . . in Norway.] Forh. Norske med. Selsk. i Kris- tiania, 1890, 5-29. NORWICH. Eade (Sir P.) On influenza, 1893-4. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1894, i, 846-848. NYIREGHYHAZA. Baruch (M.) Az influenza-j£rv£ny a nyiregyhiizai kir. fogh&zban. [Influenza epidemic, in royal prison of Nyireghyhaza.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1890, xxxiv, 333. Also, transl [Abstr.J: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1890, xxvi, 773. OFFENBACH. Muller (J.) * Beitrag zur Kenntniss der In- fluenza. Nach den selbstgemachteu Erfahrun- gen aus deu Epideinien 1891-2 uud 1893-4 im Stadt- und Landkreise Offenbach, s-. Wilrtz- burg, 1691. OHIO. Pennell (W. W.) The influenza epidemic. Tr.Ohio M. Soc, Toledo, 1890, 223-230. ORIZABA. ITIendizabal (G.) La gripa, sns formas y complica- cioues eu Orizaba; su profllaxia. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. 1893, Concord, 1894, xix, 224-230. -----. Sur les epi- demies de grippe k Orizaba. Atti d. Cong. med. internaz., Roma, 1894, iii, med. int., 40-51. OTTAWA. Prevost (L.-C.) La grippe k Ottawa; intermittence et p6riodicite de quelques accidents de la convalescence. Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1890, n. s., iv, 229-238. OYONNAX. Fiessinger (C.) La grippe infectieuse k Oyonnax (Ain), novembre 1888 a avril 1889. 8J. Paris, 1869. PALATINATE. Demuth. Zum Auftreten der Influenza im Winter 1891-2. Vereinsbl. d. pfalz. Aerzte, Frankenthal, 1892, viii, 41-56. -----. Zur Influenza - Epidemie des Jahres 1893. Ibid., 1894, x, 28; 56.—Keller. Zur Influenzaepi- demie 1889-90. Ibid., 1891, vii, 97; 117. PARIS. Campaignac (J.-A.-J.) Considerations sur la maladie epid&nique qui a regn^ a Paris pen- dant le mois de juin 1831. i0. [Paris, 1831.] Mikopolsky (Mine. Sophie). *La grippe k Paris et daus les hdpitaux en 1-89-90. 4°. Pa- ris, 1690. Bloch (A.) Caracteres communs et particuliers de 450 cas de grippe epid6mique. Rev. g6n. tie clin. et de therap., Par., 1890, iv, 68: 86.— C'omby (J.) Une epide- mie tie grippe k Ohardon -Lagache (novembre 1891). Bull. et mem. Soc. ni6d. d. hop. de Par., 1891,3. »., viii, 040-652.- Iiifliienza (History and statistics of), by localities. Discussion sur l'epidemie de grippe. Rev. d'hyg., Par., 1890, xii, 148-169.—Caudichier. Sur la forme de grippe anormale que s6vit en ce moment il Paris. Bull. Soc. de m6d. prat, de Par., 1889, 887-893.—Golgi < C.) Sull' at tuale epidemia di influenza. Boll. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Pa- via, Milano, 1890, 13-28. — Gras I A.) De l'epidemie de grippe qui regne actuellement daus Paris. J. tl. eoun. med. prat., Par., 1836-7, iv, 97-100.— I.andan (L.) Me- moire sur la grippe de 1837 et sur la pneumonie consideree comme svmptome essentiel de cette 6pid6mie. Arch. g£n. de m6d., Par., 1837, i, 433-452. AUo. Reprint. — Pioger (G.) Contribution .i I'etude de l'epidemie de 1889-90, den- gue modifiee. Bull. Soc. de med. prat, de Par., 189o. si- 92. AUo: J. de med.de Par., 1890, 2 s., ii, 102-106.-Boe- ser. Influence tie l'epidemie de grippe sur le chifl're des naissauces a Paris. Rev. gen. tie clin.et de therap.. Par.. 1891, v, 786-788—Sandras & Landouzy (H.) Me- moire sur la grippe observee a l'Hotel-Dieu de Paris, pen- dant les mois de Janvier et fevrier lt-37. J. tl. conn, med.- chir., Par., 1836-7, v, 229-237. AUo, Reprint.—Talamon (C.) L'enquete medieale sur l'epidemie tie grippe. Med. mod., Par., 1889-90, i, 366.—Turquan (V.) Etude sta- tistique de l'6pid6mie de grippe a Paris. Rev. scient., Par., 1890, xlvi, 174-178. -----. Intensity comparee des epidemics de grippe il Paris en 1890 et en 1892. Ibid.,1892, xlix, 628-630. PENNSYLVANIA. See, also, in this list, Philadelphia. I.ee (B.) An analysis of the statistics of forty-one thousand five hundred cases of epidemic influenza [State of PennsvlvauiaJ. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1891, xvi 366-368. 'Also, Reprint. PERSIA. Tholozan (J.-D.) La grippe en Perse en 1889-90. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1891, 3. s., xxvi, 250-262. PERU. See, also, in this list, Lima. L'lloa (J. C.) La grippe v el dengue del Peru. Moni tor med., Lima, 1889-90, v, 294; 310; 323; 337. AUo, Re- print. PHILADELPHIA. Carver (J.) Remarks and observations on the epidemic catarrh which prevailed in this city [Philadelphia] during the late winter of 1617) and 181(i, and now prevailing tin tbe Lan- caster line. 8-. [Philadelphia, 18H">.] Adams (J. H.) An account of the influenza as it ap- peared in Philadelphia in the winters of 1889-90, and of 1891-2. Univ. M. Ma;:., Phila.. 1891-2. iv, 353-376. Also, Reprint.—Anders (J. M.) Clinical features of the pres- ent epidemic of influenza. Med. £ Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1892, lxvi, 445-448.—Curt in (R. G.) Sc Watson (E. W.) Epidemic of influenza in Philadelphia in 1889-91. Tr. Am. Climat. Ass. 1891, Phila., 1892. viii, 109-126. Also: Climatologist, Phila., 1892. ii, 77-94. AUo, Reprint. ----- -----. Notes on the outbreak of influenza, and its treat- ment, during the fall and earlv winter of 1891. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1892, 3. s.. viii, J.-Da Costa (J. M.) The present epidemic of influenza. Med. News. Phila., 1890, lvi, 60-63. -----. The prevailing epidemic of influenza. Ibid., 1892. lx, 14-18. — L.efick (J. J.) Remarks on the epidemic influenza of 1861 and of 1863; with notices of some malignant forms of that disease. With brief notes ot the influeuza of 1889-90. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila.. 1864. xlvii. 65-80. AUo. Reprint, with additions. — "Wood (H. C. I Note on the recent epidemic catarrh. Tniv. M. Mag., Phila., 1889-90, ii, 309. PISA. Fekoci(A.) Terza relazione riguardante le febbri catarrali insolite (influenza) che domi- narono epidemicaniente in Pisa dalla meta del mese di dicembre 1889 a tutto gennaio D-90. 8 -\ Pisa, 1690. ------. Alcune riflessioni sulle febbri catar- rali epidemiche o insolite (influenza), con brevi notizie ri<;uardauti il loro domiuio in Pisa. 8°. Pisa, 1-96. POITIERS. Prieur. De l'epidemie de grippe qni a r6gne a Poi- tiers pendant lea premiers mois de 1837. Bull. Soc. de in6d. de Poitiers, 1837, no. 2, 113-145. Also, Reprint. NEW YORK. PARI S—continued. INFLUENZA. 973 INFLUENZA. Inlluenza (History and statistics of), by localities. POLLONE. Bongionnni (G.) Breve cenno dell' epidemia del grippe dominante in Pollone, provincia di Biella, nel mese di gennaio e nella prima metk di febbraio del 1858. Gior. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Torino, 1858, 2. s., xxxii, 146-155. PORTUGAL. >><-, also, in this list, Lisbon. flnmoco e Sonza. A influenza no concelho de Louzada em 1891. Dosimetria, Porto, 1892. iii, 756; 791; 826: MO: 1893, iv, 9; 29; 65; 83; 115; 138; 153; 184; 209; 232; 244: 1894, V, 284; 312; 338; 367; 390; 411; 437; 460; 470; 507; 728; 548. PRAGUE. Hellnmili ,K.) Jakifch zknsenosti nabyl praticky lekaf pri nwieisi epidemii chfipky. [What sort of expe- rience the jo at u, a 1 physician gained in the latest epidemic of influenza Casop.'lek. cesk., v Praze, 1892, xxxi, 143- 145. — Inllnenza ,lin) in Prag und ihre vri.-st iiscli.ifi li, hen Eiiielmi—,-. Wten. med. BL. 1894, xmi. 7.—Pe- li-inn. Beitrag zur Influenza-Epidemie in Prag. l'r.i^. med. Wchnschr.". 1890, xv. 158-160.— Pribram (A.) Ue- ber Influenza, nach Beobaehtungen in den Jahren 1875 uud 1889-90 Ibid.. 115; 133. — Zahoi' (J.) O prubehu influ- ence v Praze a jejim vlivu ua limrtnost v prosinci 1889 a v lednu 1890. |The origin of influenza iu Prague autl its influence on the mortalitv in December, 1889, and Jan- nary. 1890.] Casop. lek. cesk., v Praze, 1890, xxix, 305; 328. PROVIDENCE. Haller (J. F.) Report of three hundred and fourteen cases ofinfluenza. Boston M. .fc S. J., 1890, exxii, 151. RAAB. Petz (L.) Die Influenza in Raab. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1890, xxvi, 508. RHEIMS. C'olleville (G.) Epid6raiede grippekReims (1889-90). Union med. du nord-est. Reims, 1890, xiv, 134; 170.— floel. De l'epidemie d'influenza & Reims; mortalite des mois de decembre 18-9 et de Janvier lt>90. Ibid., 57-60. AUo: Rev. san. de la Province, Bordeaux, 1890, vii, 35. RIGA. Kraxnhals (H.) Die Influenza-Epidemie des Winters 1--9-90 in Riga; mit besonderer Be- riicksichtigung der Complicationen und Nach- krankheiteu geschildert. 62. St. Petersburg, 1-91. ROCHDALE. Stanwell (W.) Notes on a series of cases of influ- enza. Lancet, Lond., 1891. i, 1093. ROCHEFORT. Reteaud (L.) * Relation d'une e"pide"mie de grippe k Rochetort pendant l'hiver en 1>8(1. 4 . L'orhefort, 1--0. ROCHESTER. Taiiii-ihill (T. F.) The influenza epidemic of 1890 at II. M. convict prison. Borstal, Rochester. Glasgow M. J. 1-90. xxxiii, 401-411, 1 diag. ROME. M. (T.) Cenni storico-metlici intorno 1' af'te- zione reniuato-catariale dominante in Roma detta krip. 12°. Roma. 1H.31. Sernfini (A.) L' epidemia d' influenza del 1889-90 in provincia tli Roma. (Contribuzione all' epidemiologia di questa malattia.) Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1890-91, xvii, 87-110. AUo: Bull. d. Com. spec, d' ig. tl. municip. di Roma 1890, xi, 173-227. Also: Ann. d. 1st. d' ig. sper. d. Univ. di Roma, 1890, ii, 181-235. ROTHESAY. Hall (A.) Influenza in Rothesay. Glasgow M. J., 1890, xxxiv, 259-261. ROUEN. Brunon. Quelques remarques, sur l'influenza k Rouen. Bull. Soc. de med. de Rouen (1892), 189:;, 2. s., vi, 11-14. Iiifluenza (History and statistics of), by localities. RUSSIA. See, also, in this list, Archangel; Caucasus; Kars; Kazan; Kharkov; Kiev; Kronstadt; Menzelinsk; Moheelev; Moscow; Nizhnee- Novgorod; Riga; St. Petersburg; Shoosha; Sochaczew; Sookhoom; Viatka; Warsaw; Wegrow ; Yelizabetgrad. Teissier (J.) L'influenza de 1HH9-90 en Rus- sie. Rapport de mission adressd k AI. le ministre de l'instructioti publique. 4°. Paris, 1891. BronowMki iS.) Influenzanapt'dnocy Rossyi wschod- niej. [. . . in the northeastern part of Russia.] Gaz. lek'., Warszawa. 1890, 2. s., x, 580-585. - tirivr (P.) K epidemii grippa v 1KS9 g. Protok. zasaid. Oh.-di. Kaluzh. vrach., Kaluga, 1889, xxviii. 36-42. — lleydenreich (L. L.) Epitlemiva grippa 1899-90 g. San. Dielo, St. Petersb., 1891, i, 333; 375. — Ileyl'eltler. Zu den Epide- mien von 1889. St. Petersb. metl. Weliiisetir., 1890, n. F., vii, s7.— Khizhin (P.) Ocherk epidemii grippa 1889 goda. [ Sketch of the epidemic of influenza in 1889.] vestnik obsh. hig. sudeb. i prakt. nied., St. Petersb., 1890, vii, 7. sect., 3G-46. — l.yakhovetski (M. I.) K epi- demiologii grippa. Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1891, xvi, U9.1; 711; 727. — Neiwhlab (I.) Tyazholiye sluchai en- deiiiicheskoi inrlueiitsi. [Severe cases of endemic influ- enza.) Meditsina, St. Petersb., 1898, x, no. 12, 4-12.— ProiawotT (N. A.) Istoricheskiy ocherk epidemiy grippa (influenza) v Rossii. [Historical sketch of. . . ] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 189i, clxxii. unoffic. pt., 3. sect., 199-231. AUo, Reprint. — Niegfried (C. A.) Studies on the influenza as occurring iii Russia. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1891, xxxix, 531-533.—Teissier (J.) L'in- fluenza en Russie; etiologie et prophvlaxie. Ann. d'hyg.. Par., 1891. 3. s., xxv, 22-42. — Tiltholiravofl* (V. V.) Karta meteorologicheskikh yavleniy vo vremya epidemii inflyuentsi v techen'ie novabrya i dekabrya 1889 goda. [Chart of the meteorological phenomena during the epidemic of influenza in November and December of 1889.] Trudi 6. guber. syezda vrach. Vladimir, zemstva, 1890, 1 ch.— Vigdorchik (N. A.) Nieskolko nablyudeniy nad epideiuiyel grippa zimol 1900 goda. [Observations on the influeuza epidemic of the winter of 1900.] Ejened. jour. "Prakt. med.", St. Petersb., 1901, viii, 457, SAINT-ETIENNE. Flenrv i(7.-M.) La grippe k Saint-lStienne. Loire m6d., St.-Etienne, 1890, ix, 90-93. SAINT KITTS. Boon (A.) An insular epidemic of influenza. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892, i, 082. SAINT-L6. Beanos. Rapport sur un memoire sur la grippe k Saint-Lo, par M. Le Clerc. Bull, et m6m. Soc. mtjd. d. hop. de Par., 1890, 3. s., vii, 616-620. SAINT LOUIS. IInine (J. It.) Review of the recent epidemic of la grippe. St. Louis M. Era, 1899-1900, ix, 48-51.—HI ill hall (J. C ) Report t ontt'iiiiug influenza as it occurred in St. Louis. Tr. Am. Climat. Ass. 1891, Phila., 1892, viii, 197- 201. SAINT PETERSBURG. Beginn (Ueber den) tier Influenza-Epidemie in St. Pe- terabuig. St. Petersb. nied. Wchnschr., 1889, n. F., vi, ids. Also: Med.-chir. Centralbl., AVien, 1890, xxv, 16.— Itt i it ii-on (L. I'..) Kratkiy otchot ob epidemicheskom gripple lKsu g. v N. V. H. [Short sketeli of the epidemic in- fluenza in iss9.1 Trudi vrach. Peterb. Nikolaevsk. voyeimo hosp., St. Petersb., 1890, i, 297-303. AUo, Reprint—Cier- mnn (F.) [Heiinanu, in German]. Infliientza v Peter- burgle v ls>!) g. Russk. Med., St. Petersb., 1889, xiv, 727-729. Also, transl .- St. Petersb. nied. Wchnsehr., lXMi, u. F., vi, 439-441. —Ilcrfelder. Ziirliirtueiiza-Kpitleinie in Peters- burg. Wien. klin. Wrhnschr., 1H89, ii, 9*0-988.—fioknloir (N.I.) Klini, heskava siniptomatologiya epidemielieskavo grippa v S.-Peterbii'igle. [Clinical symptoms of epidemic influenza in St. Petersburg. ] Ejened. kliu. gaz., St. Pe- tersb., 1889, ix, 685-697. SANTIAGO DE CHILE. \iiuual iM.) La influenza en Santiago. Rev. m6d. de Club-, Suit, de Chile, 1890-91, xix, 90-116. SAVANNAH. > ■■ n n (R.J.) Influenza in Savannah. Tr. Am. Cli- mat. Ass. 1891, Phila., 1892, viii, 207. INFLUENZA. 974 INFLUENZA. Influenza (History and statistics of'), by localities. See, also, in this list, Dresden. Influenza. Jahresb. d. Landes-Med.-Coll. . . . im Konigr. Sachsen 1897, Leipz., 1898, xxix, 105. SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN. Pfaff (C. H.) Kurze Darstellung der im Jahre 1833 in den Herzogthiimei-n Schleswig unit Holstein herrschend gewesenen Krankheits-Constitiition, und der am meisten verbreiteten Krankheiten, insbesondere iiber dieindiesem Jahre erschienene Epidemie tier Grippe. Mitth. a. d. Geb. d. Med. [etc.], Altona, 1835, iii, 1.-2. Hft., 22-34. SCHUSSENRIED. ITIann (L.) Die'Influenzaepidemie vom Fr'uhjahr 1900 in der K. Heil- und Pfleganstalt Schussenried. Med. Cor.- Bl. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1901, lxxi, 381-386.— Wunderlich. Die Influenzaepidemie in der Anstalt Schussenried im Fruhjahr 1895. Ibid., 1896, lxvi, 145-147. SHEFFIELD. O wynne (C. N.) Notes of two hundred cases of influ- enza in Sheffield. Lancet, Lond., 1891, ii, 477. SHOOSHA. Smirnoff* (P. V.) Epidemiya grippa v Shushle. [ Epidemic influenza in Shoosha. ] Protok. zasaid. Kav- kazsk. med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1890-91, xxvii, 330-341, 1 tab. SMYRNA. Chasseaud (W.) La dengue et la grippe; 6ttule ties 6picu3mieB de 1889 k Smyrne. 8°. Paris, 1890. SOCHACZEW. Serwiriski (J.) Influenza w Sochaczewie i jego oko- licy. [. . . in Sochaczew and its neighborhood.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1890, 2. s., x, 232-234. SOOKHOOM. Osherovski (L. T.) Epidemiya grippa v Sukhumle v 1889 g. [Epidemic of influenza in Sookhoom.] Protok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1890-91, xxvii, 203- 208. SOUTH AMERICA. See, also, in this list, Bogota; Brazil; British Guiana; Buenos Ayres; Iquique; Peru; San- tiago de Chile; Tacna. SOUTH AUSTRALIA. See, also, in this list, Adelaide. Bickle (L.W.) Remarks on the influenza epidemic in and around Mount Parker. Australas. M. Gaz., Svdney, 1889-90, ix, 225-227. —Jay (M.) Notes on the influenza epidemic. 1 bid., 219-221. SPAIN. See, also, in this list, Balearic Islands; Bar- celona; Madrid. Below (E.) Die Epidemie vou Aransa. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1896, lxv, 1210. — Maresch Bona- plata. Epidemia tie grippe (?). Corresp. med., Madrid, 1X96, xxxi, 340. Also: Rev. de cien. med. de Barcel., 1896, xxii, 460-463. STIA. Bicci (A.) L' inflnenza a Stia (Casentino). Raccogli- tore med., Forli, 1890, 5. s., ix, 133-135. STOCKHOLM. Betzius (M. C.) Om influenzaepidemien uti Stock- holm under 1836 och 1837. Sveus. Lak.-Siillsk. n. Handl., Stockholm, 1X38, ii, 263-283. STRASBURG. Wtehi'liii (A.) Note sur l'6pid6mie de grippe qui a regmS k Strasbourg pendant l'hiver 1889-90. Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1890, xlix, 73-77. STYRIA. See, also, in this list, Graz. Bembold [et al.]. Discussion iiber die gegenwiirtige Influenza-Epidemie. Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steier- mark 1890, Graz, 1891, xxvii, 21-26. Influenza (History and statistics of), by localities. Bice (G.) Notes on an outbreak of inflnenza in a poor- law school. Tr. Epidemiol. Soc. Lond. (1889-90), 1891. n. s., ix, 104-110, 1 pl. SWEDEN. See, also, in this list, Stockholm; Upsala. LlNROTH (K.), Wallis (C.) A. Warfvinge (F. W.) Influensan i Sverige, 1*89-90. Euligt iakttagelser af landets lakare pa Svenska Lii- karesallskapets uppdrag. [Influenza in Sweden, 1889-90. According to observations by Swedish physicians, made by order of the Swedish Med- ical Association.] 6J. Stockholm, 1890. AUo, transl. [Abstr.] in: Arch. f. Hvg., Munchen u. Leipz., 1893, xvii, 463-496, 1 ch. Edgren (J. G.) Iakttagelser fr&n influenza-epidemien 1889 och 1890. (Notes from ...] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1890, Hi, 537; 617. — I.ciiiimaliii (F.) N&gra iakttagelser an- giende influeuzan under dess upptriidande i Sk&ne vintern 1889-90. [ Notes on ... in Skane winter of 1889-90.] Ibid., 637-657. —Warfvinge (F. W.) Ofversigt af influenzan 1889-92, sarskildt metl afseeude p& dess uthredning och utbredningssatt. [Review of influenza 1889-92, especially with regard to its propagation aud manner of extension.'] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1893, lv, 169-186. SWITZERLAND. See, also, in this list, Bole; Geneva; Lausanne. Seitz (J.) Zur Verbreitung der Influenza im schwei- zerischen Gebirge. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1891, xvii, 1375.—Wiesmann (P.) Die Influenza in der Sebweiz in den Jahren 1889-94. Schweiz. Bl. f. Gsnd- htspflg., Zurich, 1896, n. F., xi, 102; 120; 129. SYDNEY. Scoll-Skirving (R.) Influenza as observed at Syd- ney. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1889-90, ix, 276. TACNA. Gonzales Sard tin (M.) [et al]. Datos sobre la epi- demia de grippe habida en Tacna en el ano de 1892. Cr6n. m6d., Lima, 1893, x, 372-374. TEXAS. Thompson (F. D.) La grippe, as it prevailed in north Texas. Virginia M. Month., Richmond, 1891-2, xviii, 365-369. TOSCOLANO. Salvadori (G. B.) Sull' influenza nel comu- ne di Toaiolano. 12°. Salb, 1890. TOUCY. Roche (L.) Notes sur l'epid6mie d'influenza qui a sevi dans la circonsciiption medieale de Toucy pendant l'hiver de 1891-2. Bull. Soc. med. de l'Yonne 1892, Auxerre, 1893, xxxiii. 51-56. TREVIGLIO. Bkrinzahi (E.) L' influenza a Treviglio. 8°. [Treviglio, 1690.] TURIN. Bozzolo [etal.\. Sull' epidemia d' influenza in Torino. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1890, 3. s., xxxviii, 26-31. TURKEY. See, also, in this list, Constantinople. I.imarakis (L.-G.) La grippe-influenza en Turquie en 1893. Rev. m6d.-pharm., Constant., 1893, vi, 34. UDINE. Pari (R.) L' inflnenza a Udine. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1890, xii, 342-354. UNITED STATES. See, also, in this list, Illinois; Iowa; New England; New Jersey; New York; Ohio; Pennsylvania; Saint Louis; Savannah; Texas; Washington. Con hi in (S. A.) The recent epidemic influenza. Co- lumbus M. J., 1889-90, viii, 433-437.— C'urtin (R. G.) & Watson (E. W.) Epidemiology of iufluenza and its re- SAXONY. SUTTON. INFLUENZA. 975 IXFLUENZA. Influenza (History and statistics of), by localities. UNITED STATES—continued. lations to catarrhal fever. Tr. Am. Climat. Ass. 1891, Phila., 1892. viii. 88-97. Also: Cliinatologist, Phila., 1892, ii, 43-52. Alsir Reprint----------. Notes on the out- break of influeii/a. ami its treatnient. timing the fall and early winter of ls91. Therap. Ga/., l>etioit. lS'.i'J. xvi, 4. Also. Reprint.— I>iscu*«.ion (.\ on the characteristic features ofthe leceut epiileiuic of grippe 1894-5. Tr. Am. Petliat. Sue., N. V.. 1.-9.V vii. 141-146. Also: Arch. Pediat.. N. V., 1895, xii. 742-747. — l>i«cn«<>ioii upon the n-|i,nu of theepideiiiics of intliieii/a occurring iu 1890-91. Tr. Am. Climat. Ass. 1891, Phila., 1892, viii, 209-222. —Jinnro i J. C.) The epidemiology of influenza. Ibid.. 192-196. Also: Cliinatologist. Phila., 1892, ii. 231-235.- Onul i li.) Obser- vations on the epidemic of la grippe during the winter of 1891 and 1892. N. York M. Exam.. 1892-3, ii, 19 — Wciler (C.) American grippe, or iiivxoid-oedema. I'm. Phila. Co. M. Sot*., Phila.", 1894. xv 97.-99.- Wtowell , \V5 L.) L'pi- deiuie influenza, 1889 to 1895. Arch. Pediat.. N. V., 1895, xii. 74s-75s. Also, Reprint—Times (i'liei and Register; influenza number. Times A; Keg. N. Y. A; Phila., 1892, xxiv. 47-70. UPSALA. Peierwvon id. V.) Om tlen allmanna sjiikdomshiltlen vid influen/aeiiiileniien i Upsala 1889-90. [Ou the general forms of disease dm ing the influenza epidemic in Upsala in 18s9-9o. I Upsala Lakaref. Forh., 1890, xxv, 370-386— Vetterdahl (A. G.i Influenzan vid den medicinska kliniken vintern 1889-no. [Influenza iu the medical clinics in the-winter of lsju-yij] Ibid., 367-117. VENCE. Binet iE.) De l'influenza et des caracteres revetus k Vence t Alpes-Marititues). Bull. gen. de th6rap. [etc.], Par.. 1800. cxviii. 75-77. VENICE. Toralbo L.i Uno sguardo clinico alia epidemia d'in- fluenza nel l*>9U-9l. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1891, xiv, 342-345. VERMONT. Brooks (S. T.) Influenza in epidemic, 1891-2. Tr. Vermont M. Soc. Burlington. 1892. 92-98. VIATKA. Pelyalin tl.) Niekotoriya danniya o gripple v Vya- tskol dukhovnol seminarii. [Some remarks on the influenza in the Viatka Ecclesiastical Seminary.] Protok. zasaid. Obsh. vrach. g. Viatki, 1890, pt. 2, 33-35. VICTORIA. See. also, in this list, Melbourne. .11 tie I lei- (A.) Observations made during the late pan- demic of influenza. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1891-2, xl, 205-2U".—Bynn (J. P.) Some notes on the late epi- demii of influenza. Austral. M. J., Melbourne, 1890, n. s., xii, 391-401. VIENNA. vox Zlatarovitch (J.) Geschichte des epi- demischeu Katarrh's (Infliienz;i, Grippe), wel- cher im Friilijulir 16'.'>'.'> iu Wien »-rassirfe nnd iiber sein Verhiiltnis.s zum stationiircn (ienius der Krankheiten. 1*2°. Wien, 1K54. Auftreten fFeber da^i und den Verlauf der Influenza in Wien; Beneht des Stadtph\ ^ikai,-s. Metl.-chir. Cen- tralbl.,Wien, 1890, xxv, 57. — Keriehl iiber das Verhalten der Intiuenza in Wieu in den Jahren 1891-H in Ceniassheit ties Ministerialerlasst-s vom 10. December 1889. Ber. tl. Wien Statltplivsik. ii. seme Amtstbatigk. . . . d. k. k. Reichshaupt- . . . 1891-:;. Wien 1896. xxi-xxiii, 760-772.— DrawrheiAi Iiifluenza. Wien. metl. Wchnschr., 1890, xl 217; 299 385; 465; 601; 689, 790; 873. AUo, in his: lie- Alih null 8-,Wien, 1893, 617-656.—von Fciiclitcr»- leben tE.i Die Influenza in Wien: 18:7 Wu-u. nutl Bl., 1889 xii. 787-789.—<<>Lmnt m z. r. 1788 tlotyrzacy infliienzy. [Doc- ument on the prevailing influenza in tlie year 1788.] Me- dyc.xna, W'aiszawa, 1892, xx, 261. Woholowwki (A.) I'wagi nad charakterem panujacei w koncu iokn zeszlego w Warszawie epidemii infliienzy, ze szczegolnem uwzgled- nieniem objawow i powiklaii ze stronx drug oddecho- wych. [Character of the epidemic influenza prevailing during the last year in Warsaw, specially with regard to the symptoms on the part of the iespiraturv passages.] Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1890. 2. s.,x, 89; 111; 139; 17,0— Mzwaj- eer (J.) Kilka uwag i spostr/ezen nad przebiegiem epi- demii infliienzy w Warszawie. [On the course of the influ- enza epidemic in Waisaw.] Medycyna, Warszawa, 1890, xviii, 81; 97.—Szysasllo (W.| Influenza w Warszawie. Ibid. 1-3. WASHINGTON. Joh nn ton (W. W.) The coutinued fever of epidemic influenza. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, Phila., 1899, xiv, 57-62. Also, Reprint. WEGROW. 1Yy«zoinii-M,ki iK.) Pnwtorne pojawienie si§ inflii- enzy w powiecie Wegrowskim. [Second appearance of influenza in the district of Wegiow.] Medvcvna, War- szawa, 1890, xviii, 673-677. -----. Influenza w r. 1889-90 w powiecie Wegrowskim. [Influenza from 1889-90 in the district of Wegrow.] Ibid., 1891, xix, 689; 705; 721; 737; 753; 773. WURTZBURG. Guggenheim (E.) * Ueber die im Julius- spitale zu Wiirzburg beobachtete Intiuenza ini Jahre l.-r-9-UO. 8°. Wiirzburg, 1690. YELISAVETGRAD. Shtein (I. A.) Materiali k voprosu ob epidemii in- fluents!, gospodstvovavsbel vesnoyu 1895 g. v g. Velisavet- gradle. [On the epidemic of influenza that prevailed in the spring of 1895 iu Velisavetgrad.] Vuzhuo-russk. med. gaz., Odessa, 1896, v, 271-275. Influenza (Immunity from). Briischctliiii (A.) Die experimentelle Immunitat gegen Influenza; erste Versuchsreihe. Deutsche metl. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1893, xix, 790-793 —U.inchez (H.) De l'iinmunite relative et tie la b6niguite de la grippe fepidemique tlans le ieune age. Rev. mens.il.mal.de l'enf., Par., 1890, viii, 293-304. Also. Reprint. — Delia* (W.) Sc Holle (W.) Untersuchungen iiber Intlu, ii/aiininunitat. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infectionskrankh.. Leip/.. 18!i7 xxiv, :;.'7 5il8.— Fern (M.) Sulla immunita conferita dalla in- fluenza. Progresso nied., Napoli, 1892, vi, 285-289.— Grant (J.| Observations ou the non-occurrence of iuflu- eii/a in dye-rooms. Practitioner, Lond., 1891, xlvii, 159.— 'I'uriiey (H.(L) Inilinn/.i and immunity. Lancet, Lon,I. 1898, i. 363.-- Verelt.....loins.P.) Nevospriim- chivost k grippu. [Immunitv against intlucuza.] Vestnik obsh. big., sudeb. l prakt. med., St. Peteisb., 1894, xxiv, sect. 4, 1-18. Influenza (Mixed infection in). Kireyeff (A.) * Tit" i yevo o>lozhuen'te a grippom. [Typhoid fever and its complication with inlluenza.] *8\ Sanktpeterburg, I6i\0. Loiski.kt (E.) * Essai sur certains 6tats in- fectieux attnbue\s a la giippe. H-. Paris, 1696, Pallid (L.) "Contribution k l'dtude tie cer- taines formes d'abcosj k stivptocoques a la suite tie la grippe. 8c Lyon, 1901. Petit (A.) * Dc ('infection par le atreptocoque au cours tt au d^clin de la grippe. 4°. Paris, 1691. A■■ tiei-m (J.M.) Typhoid fever as a complication and a sequel of influenza Med. News. N. Y. 1896. Ixviii, 337- 339 AUu: Metl ,\ Surg. Reporter, Phila., 1896, lxxiv, 782-785 — Bn ia li n (V.i Epidemiya inflyueutsi i kori. |Epidemic of influenza and measles] Zemsk. vrach, INFLUENZA. 976 INFLUENZA. Influenza (Mixed infection in). Chernigov. Ijyn, iii. 238—Bergh (R. M., Tie Tilfaelde af monolateral Parotit efter Influenza. [Three cases of moiiolateral parotitis after influenza.] Norsk Mag. f. La -gi vidensk.. Christiania. 1892, 4. R., vii, 77-80.— Bern- lieim. Observation de grippe compliquee d'infection k pin■umiK oques et en particulier tie meniugite suppuree. Mem. Soc. de metl. de Nancy, 1893-4. pp. xxxiii-xxxv.— Blacklev (J. G.) Influenza coexisting with typhoid fever. Month. Homceop. Rev., Lond., 1900, xliv. 197-200.— Boix (E.) Arthrite purulente a pneumo-bacille de Fried- lander au cours d'une pleuro-ptieumouie grippale. Arch. gen. de med.. Par., 1898, i, 605-607—Carron de la Car- l-iere. A propos d'un cas de fievre intermittente sur- veuue au cours tie .la grippe chez un enfant de deux aus. Bull. d. soc. m6d. . . . du d6p. de la Seine. Pa>\. 1898, i, no. 3, 22-26. Also: Med. inf., Par. 1898, 444-447.— C'hurchouse (W.J. F.) A case of idiopathic tetanus following Russian influenza. Brit. M. J.. Loud., 1890. i. 719.—Diijardin-Beaniiictz. De l'influence de l'epi- demie legnante surjle developpemeut tie Ia tuberculose. Bull. Soc. de med. prat, de Par., 1890, 40-43.— Fame iM.) Rapports des etats rhumatismaux et nevropatliiques secoutlaires a la grippe avec ties infectious persistantes du naso-pharynx. Med. mod.. Par., 1900, xi. 225-228.— Ferrand (A.) La constitution medieale grippale et la fievre typhoide. J. de metl. int.. Par., 1899. iii. 413-416.— Fit".* in ye !• (C.) Sur la tumefaction paiotidienne dans la grippe. Gaz. med. de Par., 1889, 7. s., vi, 149-151. -----. Oreillons et tumefaction paiotidienne tlans la grip- pe, ibid., 1892,8. s.,i, 457.— Forchheimer (F.) Strepto- coccus bronchitis iu influenza. Med. News, N. T.. 1901, lxxviii, 851-854. AUo, Reprint.—Creuier ( R.) Note sur six cas d'impaludisme ancien reveille par la grippe. Arch. g6n. de m6d., Par., 1892, ii, 314-319. — Hanoi (V.) Infection jiar le streptocoque au coins de la grippe. Bull. et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. tie Par., lt-93, 3. s., x, 577-588.— Hiiber (A.) Ueber eiue familiare Streptococcenerkran- kung nach Influenza. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 19017.xxxi, 233-239. — Jasiewicas ,J.) La grippe et les maladies infectieuses. Bull. Soc. de nuM. mat. de Par., 1890, 47-64.—Jehle (L.) Ueber die Rolle der Influenza als Mischinfection bei den exanthematischen Erkrankun- geu. und das Vorkommeu von Influenzabaciilen im Blute. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Wien u. Leipz., 1901. xxii, Abth. f. int. Metl. [etcl. 190-220.— Kardamales (J. P.) "EAui5>)? fxiaco-ti; M-<£7a ypimr-ris : kvutltiSg^ tut; cmnXoicr) ypt.mTrj<;. Ta- Xrjvbi;, 'A»ira>, 1894. xxiv. 169-173.—I.einer (K.) Ueher Influenza als Mischinfection bei Diphtherie. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1901, xiv, 1001-1004.—de I.oslalot. Grippe compliquee de parotidite suppuree; oedfenie de la glotte; tracheotoniie: gueiison. France med., Par., 1890, i, 200.— ITIarotte. Sur la frequence du rhumatisme artieulaire au cours des epidemics ,le grippe. Province nied., Lyon. 1896, x, 193.—S'aldoni (A.) A proposito tli un caso d' in- fluenza in individuo atfetto in precetlenza da infezione pa- lustre. Gazz. tl. osp., Milano, 1890, xi, 370; 378 Ortega (L.) Estudio clinico tie una pequeiia epidemia de grippe- paludismi). Rev. de med. y cirug. de la Habana. I89-, iii, 9-12. AUo: Regeneracion nied., Salamanca, 1898. iv, 71- 75. — Fhilippoflf (M. A.) Der Verlauf des Scharlachs durch die Grippe (Influenza) complicirt. Arch. f. Kin- derh., Stuttg., 1891-2, xiv, 411-418. —Polain. Le rhu- matisme grippal; son debut laryuge. J. de nied. inf., Par., 1899, iii, 421-424. -----. Six cas tie fievre typhoide consecutive a la grippe. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1900, 3. s., xvii, 689-706.—B. (E.) Zur Kasuistik derStreptococcen-Erkiankungen nach Influenza. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte. Basel, 1901, xxxi, 313.— Ki non ( L.) Rhumatisme toxique par intoxication alimentaire daus le decotus d'une giippe ties legere.. Gaz. tl. hop.. Par., 1899, lxxii. 257-259.—Bigal. Grippe compliquee d'abces du cerveau a streptocoques. Lyon med., 1901, xevi, 650- 061. —Bipperger 1A.1 Influenza und ihre Beziehungen zu Typhus uud and, ten epidemiseheu Infectionskrank- heiten. Miinchen. med. Wchuschr., 1893, xl. 775-778.— Roland. Les parotidites de l'influenza. Rev.med.de la Franehe-Comte, Besancon, 1893, ii. 122-128. AUo : Assoc. franc, pom■ l'avance. tl. sc. C.-r. 1893. Par.. Is94, xxii, pt. 2. --09-812. — Rosenthal (G.) Non specifieite grippale; inoculation mixte du cocco-bacille hemophile (cocco-bacille d,- Pleiffer). Presse metl.. Par.. 190], i, 201. — Main|. Angc (L.) Grippe et fievre typhoide (infection typho- gnppale). Arch. meil. de Toulouse. 1895 301-316. — .*Sire- dey i A.) A Bodin (L.) Note sur uu cas d'infection gene- ralisee pai- le coli-bacille au cours tie la grippe. Bull, et mem. Soc med. tl. hop. de Par., 1895, 3. s., xii, 342-348. — Nii«»« tin (I ) Die Influenza bei Masern. Wien. klin. Wchnschr.. 1901 xiv, 1149-1153. — Tejada (A. G.) Tir- mefaccidn p.uotuliana de la grippe. Cron. metl. quir.de la Habana. 1892 xviu, 425-427.—Vilehnr (A. I ) O vliya- nii grippa na techenie chakhotki i o klinicheskoT kartiiile posllednel pri oslozbnenii grippom. | Influent eot lcfluenza on the course of phthisis, and the clinical picture of the latter when complicated with influenza ! Vrach, St. Petersb.. 1890, xi 23-26.-Winter (L. A ) Double paro- titis following influenza. St.Rarth Hosp J.. Lond.. 1898-9. vi. 135. Influenza (Paralysis during or after). Sie, also, Influenza (Complicationsof, Ocular); Influenza in children. Boutix (C) * Contribution k l'e'tude clinique tlu syndrome de Landry post-grippal. ,*iC. Lyon, 1900. De Agostini (G.) Influenza e paralisi vasali; considerazioni praticbe. *^:. Torino, 1"*90. Gross (R.) * Ueber die nach Influenza be- obacbteten Labniuiigserscheiiiungen. -". Er- langen, 1891. Hartmanx (K.) * Ueber den Einfluss der Influenza auf den Ausbruch und den Ver- lauf tier progressiven Paralyse. >:. Gottingen, 1-99. Anneqnin. Considerations sommaires k propos de deux cas tie pseudo-hypertrophie musculaire unilaterale des membres mf&rieurs d'origine grippale. Dauphine m£d., Grenoble, 1892, xvi, 145-152. Also: Mercredi niftl., Par., 1892, iii, 449-451. —Barka* (W. J.) Bi-lateral facial palsy, as a sequence of iiifluenza. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney, 1894, xiii. 415-418.—Boucher. Phlebite et para- lysie post-grippales. Bull. Soc. de med. tie Rouen (1892), 1893. 2. s.. vi, 81.—Bonie (J. C.) Landry's paralysis following influenza. Lancet. Lond., 1896, i, 923.—Biicher (J. C.) Facial paralysis following La grippe. Phila. M. J., 1900, vi, 518.—Die Giovanni (A.) Paralisi transi- torie degli arti inferiori e della vescica, congestione pol- monare neuro-paralitica da influenza. Riforma med., Na- poli, 1894, x, pt. 4, 542-7)45— Elliott (J. B.) The vaso- motor paralysis iu influenza. Tr. Louisiana M. Soc. Ic91,« N. Orl., 1892, 46-55. AUo: Bait. M. Sc S. Rec. 189U-91, i, 279-285. Also: Climatologist, Phila., 1891, i, 44-52.—En- Ienberg. SpinaleHulbseitenliision (Browii-Sequard'sche Lahmung) mit cervicodorsalein Typus nach Influenza; faradische und Franklin'scbe Eiitariungsreaction im M. extensor hallucis longus. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1892, xviii, 845-848. —Fein berg (J.) Fall von Erb-Kliinipke'scher Lahmung nach Influenza (Neu- ritis radicularis plexus braclualis superior 11 inferior). Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1897, xvi, 588"; 637.—Callelta (V.) Uh caso della malattia del Landry in seguito ad in- fluenza. Gazz.d. osp., Milano, 1898. xix, 1414-141',- — (iam- bartlella (A.) Paralisi facciale consecutiva ad iiiflu- enza. Ibid., 1900, xxi, 370—tenement (M.) Un cas de paralysie post-grippale du voile du palais, du pharynx et du larynx. Cong, franc, de m6d. 1895, Par., 1896. ii, 666- 669. Also: Ann. de la Policlin. de Bordeaux, 1895-6. iv, 206-211.—Outtinann. Teber Gehirn-Lahmuugserschei- nungen nach Iiifluenza. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1900, xix, 703-708.—Menschen (S. E.) Acnte spastische Spinalparalvse nach Influenza. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh.. Leipz.. 1898. xii. 475-481.—James (A.) & Fleming; i K. A.) Case of acute ascending paralysis due to influenza Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb.. 1899-1900. n. s., xix. 201-206. Also: Scot. M. & S. J., Ediub., 1900. vii, 94-99. — Licgcoi* (C.) Paresie des membres uiletieiirs et de la vt-ssie dans 1'influenza. Progres med.. Par., 1892, 2. s., xv, 219.—.tiara no iS.) Le paralisi del velo pendulo nell'influenza. Attid. Cong. tl. Soc. ilal. di laringol. [etc.], Firenze, 1892, i, 39.—TJIichaclis (L.i Ein in" Heilung ubetgegangener Fall von spastischer Spinalparalvse nach Influenza. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1899, xxv, 108. —Negro (C.) Di una forma int,ri„,sa siniulante la paralisi spinale spastica susseguita all in- fluenza. Gazz. nutl. di Torino, 1891, xiii, 97-104 — I'ail- htiit, Cas tie maladie tie Landry d'origine infliienzique suivi de guerison; aphasie et troubles circulatoiies. legere rechute. Arch, de neurol., Par., 1895. xxx, 459-HI.— I*a ra 1 y si soft he pneumogastric consecutive to influenza. Med. Bull., Phila.. 1897. xix. 192.—von Bad (('.) Ein Fall uncomplicirter Senatuslahmung nach Influenza. Munchen. med. Wchuschr., 1898, xiv, "1145-1147. — Rich- ardson (B. W.) Influenzaasan organic nervous paresis. Asclepiad, Lond., 1891, viii, 178-183. — Seifert. De la paralysie du vague consecutive a l'influenza. Kev. hebd. de lanngoi. [etc. |. Par.. 1896. xvi, pt. 2, 1537- 154". Niembo (L) Ein Fall von progressive!* Bulbiir- paralvse nat-h Influenza. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr., 1894.ii. F.. xi, 171-173— Zaniboni (B.) Emiplegia fac- ciale completa d' origine centrale in seguito ad influenza. Riforma med., Napoli. 1892, viii, pt. 2, 795-798. Influenza (Prevention of). Su. also, Influenza (Immunity from); Influ- enza ( Preventive inoculation against); Influenza (Treatment of). dk Backer (F.) De l'influenza; son carac- tere infectieux, nioyens de preset vutioii et de guerison rapide. 6-~. Paris, [ 1-61 ]. , Bell (R.) How to tight influenza and allied di-eases. 10-. Glasgow, 1899. IXFLUEXZA. 977 INFLUENZA. Influenza (Prevention of). Filol (L.) L' iuflitenzu. Notizic di medi- cina popolai*e e consigli tl' ioieue. SJ. Eoma, 1-90. Goslett (C. ) Influenza and bow to go through it. lf>-\ London, 1692. Laboxn'E (H. ) Comment on so defend de rinfluenza; la lutte contre la grippe ct le rhnme de cerveau. 12*\ Paris, [n.d.]. Mini tilla (s. ) Profllassi dell' influenza. 6-. Palermo, 1900. Repr.froin : Boll.d. Soc. sicilianad'igieue, 1900, n.s.,anno [ 3, fasc. 3-4. Moxtefv8Co (A.) Consigli pratici sull' in- fluenza. - . Napoli, [n. d.]. Sii.veiro Pinto (A. A.) [Memoria sobre a grippe Advice with regard to epidemic influ- enza.] ~-\ Porto, 16'.\7. Brown ,G. V. I.) Disinfection of the month a potent factor iu the treatment of la grippe. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1.-97. xxviii, GO-OS. — Buckler (T. H.) Infill- en 1 from a sanitary point of view. Maryland M. J., Bait. 1-9-'. xxvii, 575-584. —C'oghill (J. G. S.) The pro- phylaxi- of influen/.i Brit. M. J., Loud.. 1,-97,. i. 751.— Diaz Kt'iiilo \ 1 liicote. Cousejos higienicos contra la epuleiiii.i reinaute en esta corte, llamada grippe, influ- euza 6 traucazo. Bol. de med. nav.. Madtid. 1890, xiii, 15- 17.—Estacheria (J.) [El iuetodo para'la curacion y preservacion de la epidemia que vulgarmeute Hainan de fa, bola.] Gac. med. de Costa Rica, Sau Jose tie Costa Rica, 1897-8, ii, 9-11.—Francis (C. R. ) A further contribnti••:; to tie practical aspect of inflnenza. Metl. Press Sc 1.'.:, . I.did.. 1899. n. s.. lxvii, 187.—Oautier (A.) Sur . ei ,,e,i propli vlactique de lhuile de foie de mo- rue dans la _; ;ip« Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1892, 3. s., xxvii, 197 —I'laioi' (('.) Vorscblage zur Verhiitung der Inflnenza. Berl. klin. AVchusclu.. Ir89. xxvi, 1109. AUo: Wien. med. BL, 1889, xii. .-22. -----. Die Prophy- laxis der Influenza durch Chinin. Wien. klin. Rund- schau, 1895. ix, 7u9.—Green (W. E.) Sulphide of cal- cium as a prophylactic of influenza. Brit. M. J.. Loud., 1895, i. 974.—Habgood (W.) Qninineasa prophylactic to inri-ii-i,/..i. I>iid.. 19U1, i, 1402. — Influenza, and the laws ot Ln_1.mil concerning infectious diseases. St. Louis Clinic 1. :--.'- xi. 57-66. — l.abprde A: Tlniritot. Sur I'aiitise[)sie buccale au point de vue de la pmplivlaxie des maladies. Lull. Acatl. de med.. Par., 1892, 3. s., xxvii, 169- 175 —Ollivier IA.) Note surla prophylaxie de la gripne. Ibid.. 147-171 —Bichmond (W. S.) The prevention of influenza basetl on the germ theory, and notes on the pies- entepidemic. Lancet,Lond..l890.i.l27.—.•iisleyiR.) Onthe prevention of the spieatl of epidemic influenza. Tr. Inter- nat. Cong. Hyg. ,v Demog. 1891, Lontl.. 1892. i, 236-241.— Tranjen. Chinon als Prophvlacticum bei Influenza. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1890, xxvii. 145. — Vallin ( E. ) L'antisepsie de la bouche et de la gorge en temps d'6pid6- mie. Rev. d'hyg.. Par., 1892, xiv, 97-100. Influenza ( Preventive inoculation at/a i nst). Breitung M.) Zur Frage des peisdiilit hen Schutzes vor Li kr.mk iin ^- an iler Intiuenza. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Bei': l-'.<9. \\. !25. — Brnschellin i (A.) L'iuimunita sperimentale nell'influenza; la -c i e 51 ricerche. Riforma metl., Xapoli, 1893. ix, pt. 3, M5-1 51 < anlnni (A.i.jiin. Tentativi preliminari d' ininiunizzazitme contro il bacillo dell' influenza. Lavori tl. Cong, di med. int. 1897, Roma, 1*98. viii, 257-262. AZ*-o[Abstr ; : A ich. interna/., di med. e chir . Xapoli, ]c97. xiii, 416.— F i ilt—on (C. K.) [Vac- cination metl animal vaccin mot influenza 1 | Vaccination with animal vaccine against influenza. I Goteborgs Lak.- siillsk. Forh., 1*92, pt. 2, 10-12— t.ol.l.iTimid! (J.) Im- munitat gegen Influenza durch \5ict iinruug mit animaler Lvranhe. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1*90, xxvii, 1152: 1891, xxviii, 1099. Influenza (Psychoses during or after). See Influenza (Complications of, Cerebro spinal, etc). Influenza (Recurrent). Abbott ( C. K. ) Influenza; double attack. Lancet, Lond., .1^90. i, 851. — Collin-, ( H. B. ) Recrudescent in- fluenza occurring in three members of a family. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1*91, i, 519.—Laurent (A.) Dos recidives tie la grippe en 1891 et des mesures prophylactiques que re- clament les £pid£mies tie grippe, non settlement eu vue de leur r6apparition periodique, mais encore eu vue des cas de recidive individuelle qui suivent ces epidemics. Hull. Soc. de med. pub., Par., 1891, xiv, 193-196.—Thibaudet. R6cidives successives et k br^ve 6ch6ance dans la giippe. Gaz. med. de Par.. 1894, 9. 8., i, 413-415. AUo: J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1897, i, 121-125. VOL VII, 2D SERIES----02 Influenza (Temperature in). See Influenza (Diagnosis, etc., of). Influenza (Treatment of). See, also, Influenza (Complicationsof) [and its subdivisions]; Influenza (Diagnosis of); Influ- enza in ihildren. Bradley (G. B.) La grippe epidemic, with treatment. -:. New York, 1892. Bkksler. Krvoline in inflnenza. [Transl. from : Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 18'J7, xi.] 12'-. New York, [1897], See, also, infra. Biu'nklli (F.) Delia enra chinino-etricnica eprofiliitt ica della influenza grave, con notasulia cura della diftcrie senza iniezioni sierose. 8U. Castelfiorentino, 1900. Bungkkoth (O.) Die Influenza, ihr Wesen nnd ihre Behandlung. 5. Aufl. 6c Diissel- dorf, 1690. Edsox (C.) La grippe and its treatment, for general reatlers. 16°. New York, 1891. Emiliaxi (L.) Ricerche a stabilire quali pos- sauo essere le migliori indicazioni ed il piu sictiro metodo curativo pel trattamento delle malattie inflaruniatorie. 12-5 Modena, 1***2'J. Eydam [W.] Ozon und seine Beziehungen zur Influenza. Verhessernug der Luft in den Wohn- riiumen durch kiinstliches Ozon. 12°. Leipzig, 1901. Grossmaxx (J.) Die Erfolge der Suggestious- therapie (Hypuose) bei Intiuenza. 8°. Berlin, 1692. Seeler (G.) * Ueber Behandlung von Influ- enza uud Lungenentziindnngen. 8°. Jena, 1^90. Tedeschi (D. L.) L' influenza epidemica. Sua pronta facile guarigione. 85. [Palermo, 1890.] Traitement (Du) de la grippe par le sulfate tie quinine. [Par le Dr. P. Gellie. Notices of, in: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1891; Rev. gdn. de clin. et de tli6rap.; New York Herald, 1891, and Gaz. me"d. de Strasbourg, 1890.] 4°. [Bordeaux, 1691.] Alison (A.) Du tannin dans le traitementde la grippe. Arch. gen. de 11161L, Par., 1889, ii, 159-186.—Apollonio (C.) II salolo nell' influenza. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1892, xiii, 538-540.—de Backer. Du lactate de quinine en injections hypoderniiques dans l'influenza. Rev. gen. de l'antiseps. iiied. et chir., Par., 1891, iv, 353-355.—Barry (P. L.) A treatment for La grippe and its leading com- plications. Hot Springs M. J., 1899, viii, 71.— Bealc (A.I Notes on a case of influenza, illustrating its treatnient. Indian M. Rec, Calcutta, 1896, x, 221. —Bchaiidlimg (Ueber die) der Grippe-Eikrankungen, ein Capitel aus: Die Grippe-Epidemie im deutschen 11 core 1889-90. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1891, v, 182-185.—Bell (J. H.) Treat- ment of la grippe or influenza. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1895. n. s., xxxv, 721.— Benjafield (H.) Eucalyptus globulus in influenza. Lancet, Loud., 1892, i, 1185.— Bci'jjin (\V5 M.) Open-air treatnient applied in cases of influenza. Iirit. M. J., Lontl., 1990, i, 1593.—Bergman il. Y.j Kalomcl v terapii grippa. [Calomel in the treat- ment of grippe.) Ejened. jour. -'Prakt. mod.", St. Pe- tersb., 1901, viii, 261.—Bowc (E.) Traitement ties com- plications et de la convalescence de la grippe par les eaux d'Euzet-les-Hains. N. Montpel. med. Suppl., 1894, iii,417- 434.—Hniii'i,'i'l (L.) Zur Rehandlung tier Influenza und der grippeart iuen Infectionen. Therap. Monatsh., Herl., 1901, xv, 117.— Urcwlei-. Kryofin bei Influenza. Ibid., 1897, xi, 551-5.7.7. S,-,-. also, *»/,/a. — Buckler (T. H.) The treatment of inlluenza. Maryland M. J., Bait., 1895-6, xxxiv, 1C5.- Iturlon (\V5 E.) On the treatment ofin- fluenza, with ,-special reference to the use of digitalis and aconite. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lend., 1894, n. s., lvii, 109-112 —tie €n»tro (O.) Tratamiento tie la grippe. Rev. do med. dosimet., Madrid, 1895, xvi, 97-100. Also: Gac metl. th* Granada, 1895, xiii, 145-149.—Cazenave •le la Roche. Do la specialisation therapeutique de l'anacarde oceidentale (noix d'acajou) dans l'influenza. Bull. Soc. de m6d. prat, de Par., 1890, 108.—Ciaeeii (S.) Delia forma perniciosa o delle iniezioue ipodermiche di chinino nella influenza. Gazz. tl. osp.. Napoli, 1892, xiii, 286.—C'lemow I A. H. TV.) Plienacetin in inlluenza. Iirit. M. J., Lond., 1891, i, 1383.—Codinn (lamtellvi (J.) Pulmonia grippal tratada pnrlas inyeceioiies de suero arti- ficial; polineuritis generalizada; curaci6n. Rev. de med. y chug, pract., Madrid, 1897, xl,481; 521. AUo, Reprint — INFLUENZA. 978 INFLUENZA. Influenza (Treatment of). Crerar (J.) On the effectual and speedy cure ofinfluenza. Lancet, Lond., 1891, ii, 1385. -----. Bicarbonate of potash ininfluenza. Ibid., 1893, i, 112. — Dessau (S. H.) The treatment of epidemic influeuza. N. Tork M. Times, 1893-4, xxi, 97-99.—Be Viucentii* (V.) La grippe tora- cica e la cura alcoolica. Progresso med., Napoli, 1891, v, G57-C69. — Discussion sur le traitemeut de la grippe. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1900, 3. s., xliii, 301-313.— Drench. Traitement et prophylaxie des suites de grippe aux eaux miuerales. Gaz. d. eaux, Par.. 1900. xliii, 233.— Drews (R.) Zur Behandlung der nervtisen Form der In- fluenza mit Salophen. Centralbl. f. innere Med., Leipz., 189.7, xvi, 1137-1142. Also: Aerztl. Rundschau. Miinchen, 1896, vi, 133-135. AUo, transl: Times Sc Reg., Phila. & Bost., 1896, xxxi, 161-161. —Dujardin-Beaumetz. Sur le traitement de l'epidemie actuelle. Bull. gen. de th6rap. [etc.], Par., 1890, cxviii, 19-24.—Dumas. Emploi systematique du calomel dans la grippe. N. Montpel. med., 1895, iv, 985-990 — Ferrns. Traitenient et pro- phylaxie des suites de grippe aux eaux miuerales. Gaz. d. eaux. Par., 1900, xliii. 177; 185.—Fiessinger (C.) La grippe endemique. Semaine m6d., Par., 1893, xiii, 61-65. -----. De I'emploi de la digitaline cristallis6e dans la grippe et la pneumonie. Rev. gen. de clin. etjde therap., Par.. 1900, xiv, 531. —Flick (L. F.) The treatnient of epidemic influenza bv rest and stimulants. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1892. xiii, 37-42.—Freudenthal (G.) Ueber eine AbortivebehandluiigdeiTiiflueiiza mit Calomel. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1897, xi. 524-529.—Frev (A.) Die Behandlung der Influenzaneuralgieen mit Sehwitzbaderu. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1891, xvii, 429.— Fiirst (L.) Lassen sich Influenza und deren sehwere Complicationen coupiren? Wien. med. Presse, 1900, xli, 481-18U.—finrzin (A.) La lattofenina nella grippe e sue complicanze. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1895, xvi.'802-805.— Crcllie (P.) Considerations snr la grippe et son traite- ment par le sulfate de quinine. M6m. et bull. Soc. de m6d. et chir. de Bordeaux, 1890-91, 46-65. [Discussion], 68; 86; 180. Also, Reprint. AUo : J. de',|m6d. de Bor- deaux, 1889-90, xix, 337; 391: 1890-91, xx, 423. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1891, Ixii, 56,549. AUo [Abstr.]: Marseille med., 1890, xxvii, 704-707. Also [Abstr.]: Gaz. m6d. de Strasb., 1891, 1, 80-82.—Ooliner. Ueber Phesin und Cosaprin bei Influenza. Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1898, viii, 241.—Granville (M.) A note on'the nature and treatment of inflnenza. Med. Press Sc Circ, Loud., 1893, lvi, 601. AUo, Reprint,— Hamtly (Issa Pacha). Dissertation sur I'emploi de la morphine, de la vesication cantharidienne et tie la saignee daus les complications grippales. Cong, internat. de m6d. C. r., Par., 1900, sect. de th6rap., 133-137.—Hare (H. A.) Treatnient of influ- enza by drugs. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila., 1892. xiii, 43-53. AUo .- Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1892, 3. s., viii, 100- 103.—Hennig (A.) Ueber die Wirkung des Salipyrins bei der Influenza. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl.. 1891, lx, 2021-2024. Also, Reprint. —Hernandez Briz (B.) Ligeras consideraciones sobre la grippe y su tratamiento. An. r. Acad, de med., Madrid, 1895, xv. 45-54. Also: Siglo m6d., Madrid, 1895, xiii, 562-506.—Mobhouse (E.) Influenzal pseudo-angina treated with very large doses of trinitrin. Dubliu J. M.Sc, 1897, civ, 369-372—llodgdon (A. I.) A few observations on the treatment of epidemic influenza. Maryland il. J., Bait., 1891-2, xxvi, 331.— Hogeboom (C. L.) Oil of peppermint in the treatment of grip. Med. Rec, N. T., 1891, xxxix, 483— Hogner (R.) Om behandling af influeuza med natrium-guldklorid. TTreatment of influenza bv sodium chloride of gold.] Eira, Stockholm, 1892, xvi,'l3; 40; 80— Huehard (H.) The treatment of epidemic influeuza. Internat. M. Mag., Phila., 1892, i, 475-478. -----. Les formes attenuees de la grippe, et principes tie traitement. Bull. Acad, he med., Par.. 1900, 3. s., xliii, 183-195. Also: Courrier m6d., Par., 1900, 1, 81-84. AUo: Rev. g6n. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1900, xiv, 145-149. Hutchinson (W. F.) Phenacetine: some of its effects in the nervous sequete of grippe. Times & Reg., N. Y. & Phila., 1892, xxiv, 648— Influ- enza in private practice. Med. Mag., Loud., Is92. i. 171- 177.—■ »«'■■■■ (J.) Kreosot gegen Influenza. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte. Basel, 1891, xxi, 752-77,4—Keith (G. S.) The treatmentof influenza. Brit. M.J.,Lond.,1902, i.580.— Kinnear (P>. O.I Some suggestions for the treatnient of influenza or the grippe. Montreal M. J., 1897-8, xxvi, 464- 470. — Kraus (E.) Zur Therapie der Influeuza. Allg. Wien.med. Ztg., 1901, xlvi. 15.— I.aiidouzy (L.) L'epide- mie d'influenza; autipyrine et quinine. Presse med., Par., 1898. i. 57.— liangdoh (F. W.) Treatment of La grippe. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic. 1891. n. s., xxvii, 763. [Discussion], 765.—liceson (J. R.) Isolation in influenza. Lancet, Lond., 1891, ii, 1273.—l-enioine. Traitement de la grippe iufectiense. Nord m6d., Lille, 1899, v, 133-137.—L.ind- blom (F.) Till influensans behandling. [The treatment of influenza.] Eira, Stockholm, 1896, xx, 71-73.—Ii yon (G.) Traitement de la giippe. Bull. gen. de th6rap. [etc.], Par., 1899, cxxxviii. 321: 370; 410—Maclagan (T.J.) Cases of epidemic inilueirza : treat cent by salicine. Lan- cet, Lond., 1890, i 73. — IVIarottc. Note sur I'emploi Influenza (Treatment of). du chlorhydrate 'd'ammoniaque dans le traitement de la grippe. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1891, 3. s., xxv, 875- 881.—.Tlartin (A.) Traitenient de la grippe. Bull. g6n. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1900, cxl, 15-21. — IVlatsokin (P. G.i K voprosu o llechenii grippa. [Treatment of inllu- enza.] Meditsina, St. Petersb., 1892, iv,603-i;oti.—iTIelten- beiinei'(C.) Eiue Behandlung der Influenza. Memora- bilien, Heilbr.. 1890-91. n. F., x, 65; 136. — Itlctllcr (J. H.) Note on the treatment of influenza. N. York M. J., 1892, lv, 38-40. —IVIon in (E.) Le traitement de la giippe. J. de la sante, Par., 19o2, xix, 262-264. —le IVobel (C.) Langdanerndes Schluchzen bei Influenza, geheilt durch Jaborandi-Blatter. Centralbl. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1892, xiii, 665-667. — Ohiuaun- Duiuesnil (A. H.) Tlie necessity and value of a good eliminant in post-grippal conditions. St. Louis M. Sc 8. J., 1901, lxxx, 133-135.— O'rVeill (J. A.i The treatment ofthe grip. Med. News, N. Y., 1898, lxxiii. 872. — 1'iarse (W. H.) A case of in- fluenza. Prov. M. J.. Leicester, 1892, xi, 188 - 190. —I»cl- lelan (J.) Sur le tiaitement tie rinfluenza. J. de mi- crog.. Par., 1890. xiv. 50-54— Babcner (L.) Ueber We- sen, Eutstehungsursachen uud Behandlung tier Influenza nach den neuesteu Studien, gestiitzt auf eine Beobach- tungsreihe vou nahezu 300 Krauken. Intermit, klin. Ruudschau, Wien, 1892, vi, 49-52.—Kobti lion (W.) Benzol in the treatmentof influenza ami its complications; pneumonia, etc. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892, i, 171. -----. Benzol in influenza. Lancet, Lond., 1893, ii, 11ML — Boche (J.) Influenza aud its treatment. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1892. n. s., liii, 153. — Boss (J. C.) Cinnamon iu iiifluenza. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1899, i, 660. -----. Cinnamon in influenza. Ibid., 1901, i, 1403.— Rniiimo (G.) La terapia dell' influenza. Terap. clin., Pisa. 1891-2, i, 59-72. — Savelyeti ( N. A.) Elkhiuin i iuflueutsa. |Euchiuiue ami influenza.] Vrach. gaz., S.- Peterb., 1901, viii, 664. — Nciler i C. ) American grip, myxoid edema, and its treatment. [Absti-.] Phila. Poly- clin., 1894, iii, 244-246.—Scmmola. La cura dell' influ- enza. Raccoglitore med., Forli, 1892. 5. s., xiii, 57-62.— Servoss (A. G.) Treatnient of influenza. Med. Council, Phila., 1899, iv, 138.—Sharp (J. G.) A note on Australian bitter bark (Alstonia constricta) in influenza. Lancet, Lond., 1901, i, 399. — Sheets ( L. D.) Treatment of influ- enza. Med. Rec, N. V., 1899, lv, 770 — Mlicp.ird (C. H.) Alcohol in the grippe. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1895, xxv, 517-519. AUo, Reprint. — Shurly ( E. L.) A note concerning the treatment of influenza by the employment of hydropathy. Med. News, N. i ., 1900'. lxxvii, 932-934.— Sinison (F. T.) On the treatment of iutluenza. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892, i, 171. —Sisley (R.) Influenza; a note on its treatment and on that of its sequelae. Lancet, Lond., 1890, i, 167.—Spillniann. Traitement prophylac- tique de la grippe. Gaz. hebd. tie m6d., Par., 1890, 2. s., xxvii, 17. — Slonham (H. A.) Cinnamon in influenza. Brit, M. J., Lond., 1895, i, 697. — Terrile (E.) Note sta- tistiche, cliniche e terapeutiche sull' influenza. Pamma- tone, Genova, 1901, v, 110-122. — Thouialla. Ueber die Beseitigung tier Influenza in ihrein Entstehen durch Rhi- nalgin. Deutsche med. Ztg., Berl., 1895, xvi, 819.—Thom- son (W.H.) The treatment of influenza. N. YorkM.J., 1901, lxxiii, 150-153. —Treatment (The) of influenza. Phila. Polyclin., 1895, iv, 419. — Turner (E. B.) More than two hundred cases of influenza treated with large doses of salicin. Lancet, Lond., 1891, ii, 121.—Villani (G.) L' idroclorato di fenocolla in una epidemia d' intiuenza. Rassegna med., Bologna, 1890, iv, no. 14, 1-3. Also: Ibid., 1898, vi, no. 2, 1-3.—Watson (E. W.) Sc 4'urtiu (R. G.) The treatment of influenza and its sequehe. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila., 1892. n.s., ciii, 148-156. AU", Reprint.—Weiss (A.) Speciflst-.be Heilmittel gegen Influenza. Heilkunde, Wien [etc.], 1900, iv, 459-461. — Westmoreland (J.) Verba santa in influenza. Lancet. Lond., 1898. i, 1114.— White ( E. W.) Isolation in influenza. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1898, i. 683.—Wietlerhold. Sauerstoffinhalation hei Influenza. Veroffentl. d. Hufeland. Gesellsch. in Berl., 1900, 170-172. AUo: Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl.. liion. xxi, 642— Wijjs'csworth (A.) Note on the treatment of influenza bv huge doses of carbolic acid. Lancet, Lond., 1899, l, 958.—Wilcox (R.W.) The treatment of influenza in adults. Med. News, N. V., 1900. lxxvii. 931. Also. Re- print. — Williams (C ) Successful tteatinent of influ- enzal colds. Metl. Times. N.T., 1901,xxix, 44.—Williams (C. B.) Influenza ami its treatment. Med & Surg. Re- porter, Phila.. 1894, Ixx, 51. Also, Reprint. — William- sou ( C. ) Epidemic catarrh. Kansas M. J.. La Cygne. 1884 ii, 106-108.— Wilmaers. Note sur quelques cas tie grippe. Arch. med. beiges, Brux.. 1894, 4. 8.. iv, 162-181.— Winternitz (W.i Eine Fit ber uud Iiifliieiiza-Kur. Intermit, klin. Rundschau. Wien. Is90 iv, 1-0 — Wright ( T. P.) The treatment ofinfluenza bv saloplieii. Med. Press & Circ, Loud.. 1899, n. s.. lxvii, 233. — Ziejjclioth. Zur Hvdrotherapie des Influenza. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg.. Berl., i897, lxvi, 13. Influenza (Treatment of Surgical). See Influenza (Complications, etc.. of, Surgical). INFLUENZA. 979 INFLUENZA. I n II n en za (Urine in). Astolfi (G.) L' orina nell influenza. Raccoglitore med., Forli, 1893, xvi, 485-502.—Chnppellt (F.) Drolo- gie de la grippe. Bull tie pharm. de Lyon, 1890, xii, 257- 259. AUo: Lyon med.. 1890. lxiv, 155-157.—C4nulrrlct (E.) Des urines dans la grippe. Metl. mod., Par., 1889-90, i. 164-168.- Griffiths tL AU,,: Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1892, xi, 183-180.—Tasker ill. K.) Canine influenza; its symptoms and treatment. Vet. Rec, Lond.. 1899-1900, xii, 70-72. — Voroiilsoll" (V.) O sootnoshenii mezhdu inflyuentst-yu lyinlei s takovoyu zhe bolleznyu loshadei. [On the relations between iutluenza in human species to the like disease iu horses.! Vestnik obsh. vet., St. Pe- tersb., 1890, ii, 3-5. Influenza in children. See, also, Influenza (Bacteriology of); Influ- enza (Im m unity from). Llveque (V.) *£tude sur la pseudo-menin- gite grippale chez l'enfant. 4:. Paris, 169'.}. -----. The same. -°. Paris, 1893. Wirth (H.) *Die Influenza mit besouderer Beriicksichtigung ties Kindesalters. 8°. Miin- chen, 1901. Aguilo (M.) Algunas consideraciones sobre la ultima epidemia tie gripe en la infancia. Rev. balear de cien. med., Palma de Mallorca, 1900, xix, 2»0-2»0. — d'Aslros : (L ) L'influenza chez les enfants. Marseille med.. l>-92. xxix, 335-348. [Discussion], 368. — Bocnz ((.'.) I',l„r | einige klinische Eigenthiimiichkeiten chr Influenza I,, i Kindern. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1900, xiv. 176; 188.— Braymer (O. W.) Empyema following influenza in a female child aged seven years; opeiation: recovery. In- ternat. J. Surg., N. V., 1892, v, 140 — C'arriere (M.) A propos dun cas de grippe infantile rapidement niortel. Gaz. heliil tie mefl. Par.. 1899, n. s., iv, 613.—Carstcns. Beobaehtungen iiber Influenza bei Kindern. Jahrb. f. Kinib-rb., Leipz.. 189(1 n. F., xxxi, 312-326.—Cerri (V.) L influenza nei bambini. Gazz tl.osp., Milano. 1896, xvii, 1280.—Chapman (W. L.i La gi ippe inchildren. Brook- lyn M. J. 1901, xv, 520; 7,7.--Coinby (J.) La grippe chez b-s enfants, observee a r*aris m decembre 1889 et Jan- vier 1890. Bull, et mem. Soe. mM. i. hop. de Par., 1890, 3. s.. vii, 67-83. AUo [Abstr.]: Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf, Par., 1890, viii, 145-156. -----. Cystite grippale chez nn enfant tie treize ans; heiiiatiirie grippale chez un enfant de douze ans. Bull, et mem. Soc. in6d. d. hflp. do Par., 1895, 3. s., xii, 214-216. — Concetti (L.) Note clini- che sopra alcune forme speciali dell influenza nei bam- bini. Suppl. al Policlin., Roma. 1897-8, iv. 409-471 — Crandall (F. M.J The occunence of influenza in chil- dteti. with a report of local epidemics. Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc. N. T., 1896, viii, 209-213. AUo: Arch. Pediat., N. T., 1896, xiii, 912-916. — I>aviller. Sur une epidemie tie frippe infantile a Plombi^res-les-I'ains et aux enviions nil. m6d. d. Vosges, Epinal, 1896-7, xi, 44-50.—Earle (C. W.) Manifestations of La grippe in children. Arch. Pediat., Phila., 1892, ix, 161; 579. Also: Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc. 1891, N. T., 1892, iii, 171: (1892), 1893, iv. 23. -----. Epidemic influenza. Am. Text-Bk. Dis. Child. (Starr). 2. ed., Phila., 1898, 214-220—Ferreira (C.) Quelques particularity cliniques des broncho-pneumonies grippales chez les enfants. Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par., 1895, xiii, 105-108. — Figucira (F.) Influenza nas criancas. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1896, x. 317: 320. —Filippofl" (A. X.> O grippoznikh pnevmoniyakh u dietet. | Inllu- enza pneumonia in children.] Meditsina, St. Petersb.,1890, llIIllell 1.a in children. ii, 141-144.—Fischer (L.) Influenza in infants and chil- dren; some diagnostic and therapeutic hints. Am. Month. Micr. J., Wash., 1896, xvii, 209-215. AUo: Clin. Recorder, N. Y., 189(1, i, 51-55. Also: Pediatrics, N. V. Sc Lond.. 1896, i,441-444. — Fleseh (M.) Ueber Influenza im Sauglings- alter. Jahrb. f. Kindorh., Leip/.., 1890, n. F., xxxi, 443-453. -----. Ueber Influenza im Saiigjings-Altor. Ibid., Berl., 1902, lv, 450.— Forchhciuicr (F.) Acute dilatation of the heart in influenza of children. Internat. contrib. med. lit. Festschr. . . . Abraham Jacobi, N. T., 1900, 127-135. AUo: Boston M. tt S. J., 1900, cxliii. 135-139. AUo: Pe- diatrics, N. V., 1900, x, 81-90.— !• Ut hs (D.) Ueber In- fluenza im Kindesalter. Pest. med.-chir. Presso. Budapest, 1802, xxviii, 1-3. — Fiirst (L.) Ueber Kinileriiitlueiiza. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Herl., 1897, xviii, 789-791.—C^nllois (P.) La grippe chez Its enfants et la fievre ganglionnaire. Bull, metl., Bar., 1899. xiii. 361-365. AUo [Abstr.J : M6d. inf., Par., 1899, ii, 2nl.—Hollopcter (W. C.) A short study of epidemic catarrhal fever (influenza) as found in children. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc., Phila., 1894, xv, 173- 179—Jaeobi (A.) Treatment of influenza in children. Med. News. X. Y., 1900, lxxvii, 919-922.-Kaliseher (S.) Ein Fall von (Iiiflueiiza-)Psychose im friiliestcn Kindes- alter. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1896, xxix, 231-248.— Kerley (C. G.) Two fatal cases of epidemic influenza in infants. N. York M. J., 1890, li, 291—Kohls. Ueber Paralysen und Pseudoparalysen im Kindt-salter nach In- fluenza. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1H90, iv, 595-003.— Koiiiianii (E.) Die Influenza bei Kindern. nach tier inoiiogriiphischeuDarstellung in (lerbardt's Handbuch der Kinderheilkuiitle. Wien. med. BL, 1889, xii, 803; 820.— Fi» Fetra (L. E.) Infantile grip with unusual tempera- ture. Med. News, K. Y., 1900, lxxvii, 934. — Caint4 (D. T.) Catarrhal fever in children. Med. News Phila., 1892, lxi, 393-397. Also, Reprint.—fie C*entire (P.) La grippe actuelle chez les enfants. Rev. prat, d'obst. et d'hyg. de l'enf., Par., 1889, ii, 371-379.—JLoeb (M.) Cere- brale Kinderlahmung als Komplikation von Influenza. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl, 1896, xvii, 907.— Love d. X.) La grippe complicated with multiple abscesses in a child. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1895, 5.S., ii, 103-106.— Ilttaw (J.) Iufluenza in an infant, complicated with hyperpyrexia. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1895, i, 752.—ITIatfei (A.i La giippe chez les enfants. Clinique, Brux., 1900, xiv, 161-163.— irialliiis-Hauseu (R.) Influenza und Cewichtszu- nahme der Kiuder. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg.. 1891-2, xiii, 84-86.— Tlnssalonjjo (R.) Sc Silveslri (E.) Scle- rose en plaques infantile d'origine grippale. Rev. neurol., Par., 1893, i, 649-653. AUo, transl: Arch. ital. di pediat., Napoli, 1894, xii, 49-73. — iTIichel (E.) Formes cliniques de la grippe abdominale chez l'enfant. Gaz. tl. mal. infant. [etc.], Par., 1901, iii, 409-413. — JVIorozcwicz (R.) Za- trzymanie moczu u dziecka, jako powiklanie iufluenzy (atonia aut paresis vesicae urinaria). [. . . of a child as a complication of influenza.] Krou. lek., Warszawa, 1901, xxii, 1002-1004. — ^Insiisia iA.) L'influenza nei bambini. Gazz. meil. di Torino. 1898, xlix, 486-494___ O'Donovan ( C.) Uncomplicated epidemic influeuza as it, affects very young children. Pediatrics, N. Y. A: Lond., 1899, vii, 305-3O7.—Pcrrcnot (F.) Relation d'une 6pit16miede grippe chez le* enfants. Province med., Lvon, 1893, vii. 328; 351.—Ferret (S.i Etude comparoe tie la grippe infantile en 1837 it 1889-9j. Ibid., 1890. iv. 173; 187. Also [Abstr.]: L>ou metl., 1890, lxiii, 492-495.— Pestalozza (F.) L'influenza nei bambini. Arch. ital. di pediat., Napoli, 1892, x, 197-213. — Posthuuiu* IVIey- jes (W. C.) Een geval van hysterisehe neurose bij een kind na influenza. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Ceneesk.. Amst., 1894.2. R., xxx, pt.1,537.—Prickett (M.I.V Kalleu(F. E.) A case of acute encephalitis iu a child following influenza, with autopsy. Tr. Clin. Soc. Loud., 1899-1900, xxxiii, 157- 162, 1 1.. 1 pl — Kaelit'ord ( B.K.) Acute influenzal nephri- tis in childhood. Med. News, N.Y., 1902, lxxx, 499-502.— Kaillon IT. (5) Case of hysteria in a child six vears of age following iiifluenza. Lancet. Lond., 1891, ii', 809.— Kciliiifgh (II.) Een geval van abasie en astasie na in- fluenza bij ecu jongen van 10 jaar. Xederl. Vereen. v. Paediat. ' Voonlt., Fti-edit, 1894, ii, ,pt. 2. 99-110.— Bocnz (C.) (Quelques particularites cliniques de la grippe chez les jeunes enfants. Ann. de la Policlin. de Bordenu\, 1900, 24-32.— Rousseau-Ma inl-Philippe. lie la giippe gastro-intestinale ties enfants et ties jeunes sujets. .1. de med. de Bordeaux, 1902, xxxii, 181-183.— Nn Iiiioii (J.) Influenza ti deti v Praze. [Influenza in children in Prague.] Casop. lek. Cesk., v Praze, 1890, xxix, 30. — Schlossmann (A.) Ueber Influenza im Kindesalter. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1895, lxiv, 1033; 1045. Also: Verhandl. d. Versamml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte 1895, Wiesb., 1896, xii, 202-208.—Me jouniet. De la grippe ou iufluenza chez les enfants du premier age. Union med. du nonl-est, Reims, 1890, xiv, 9:'.-97. -----. De la fievre catarrhale chez les enfants. Ibid., 1892, xvi, 194; 231. — Mhcllield (H. B.) Influenza in children; a contribution to the study of influenza in children, with special reference to its treatment with sodium benzoate. N. York M. J„ 1900, lxxi, 1021-1026.—Smith (B. M.) La grippe. Pediatrics, INFLUENZA. 980 INFLUENZA. Iiifluenza in children. N. Y. .t Lond., 1897, iv, 65-68.—Smith (Catherine). Pa- ralvsis following influenza in young children. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1901, ii, 1166.—Stawell (R. R.) A note on in- fluenza in children, with reference to unusual cases. In- tercolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne, 1901, vi, 525-530.— Mirassmanu (P.) Influenza bei Neugeborenen. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik., Stuttg.. 1890, xix, 39-43.—Swee- mer t W.) Influenza iu children. Tr. M. Soc. Wisconsin, Madison, 1899. xxxiii, 239-248.—Taylor (J. M.) Epidemic influenza (catarrhal fever) in children. Phila. Polyclin., 1897, vi, 79-82. AUo: Kansas M. J., Topeka, 1897. ix, 127- 129.—Townsend (C. W.) A caseof congenital influenza. Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc. 1890. [Phila.J, 1891, ii. 205-208.— Westcott (T. S.) A case of influenza with persistent respiratory failure in an iufant of four weeks. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1897. xiv, 753-759. AUo, Reprint. -----. Cerebro-spinal symptoms in influenza in infancv. Tr. Am. Pediat. Soc, N. Y., 1899, xi, 230-240. Also: Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1900, xvii, 8-18. AUo, Reprint. — Zahorsky (J.) Influenza iu infants. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1901, xxiv, 81-99. Influenza in insane. Bartels. Einfluss von Influenza auf Geisteskrank- heit. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1890, ix.167-169.—Dorn. bliith (O.) Beobaehtungen aus der letzten Influeuzaepi- demie. [Provinzial-Irrenanstalt zu Bunzlau.] Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1892. xviii, 989.—Eck- haril. Die Influenza-Epidemie des -lahres 1890 in tier Kreis-Irrenanstalt Klingenmiinster. Vereiusbl. tl. pfalz. Aerzte, Frankeuthal, 1891, vii, 57-03.—Cie! 11 (C.) Influ- euzaepidemien 1891-2 paa Aarhus Sindssygeanstalt. (. . . in the insane asylum of Aarhus.] Hosp.-Tid., Kjebenb., 1892, 3. R., x, 565; 589; 013—Hay (F.) Influenza; notes on a recent epidemic at James Murray's Royal Asvlnm, Perth. Brit. M. J.. Lond.. ]>92, i, 1016.—Helwcg (K.) Influenzaens Virkninger i en Sindssygeanstalt. sanligt deus Sektionsresultater. [Effects of influenza in an in- sane asylum, with special regard to the results of post mortem examination.] Hosp.-Tid., Kjobenh., 1890, 3. R., viii, 729-745.—Ippen (J.) Az influenza a lipdtmezei or- sz&gos tebolydclban. [Influenza iu the state's insane asy- lum in Leopoltlifelde (Budapest).] Gvdgy&szat, Budapest, 1890, xxx, 52. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Pest, nied.-chir. Presse, Budapest, Ir-oo. xxvi.771.—l.ojacoiio (L.) L' epi- demia d' influeuza del 1.-90 in 1 Manicomio di Palermo. Pisani, Palermo, 1890. xi. 77--0.— ITIueha (H.) lnrluen- za-Epidemie in der Provinzialirrenanstalt zu Gottingen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1892, xxix, 638. — >'ooll (R. H.) The influeuza epidemic at the State Criminal Lunatic Asylum, Broadmoor. Berks. Lancet, Loud., 1890. i, 1235.— Phelps iR. M.) Influenza among the insane. North- west. Lancet. St. Paul, 1892, xii, 120.—Pla < E. F.) La grippe en el Asilo de San Jos6. Arch, tie la Soc. estud. clin. de la Habana (1890-92), 1895. v, 242-252. AUo [Abstr.]: Rev. tie cien. med., Habana, 1892 vii, 80.- Pons. La gripjie a l'asile ties ali6n6es de Bordeaux. J. de med. de Bordeaux.. 18.-9-00, xix, 318. AUo: M6m. et bull. Soc. de nied. etchir. de Bordeaux, 1890-91, 65-68. — Robert- son iG. M.) Sc Elkins (F. A.) Reportof an epidemic of influenza (140 cases) occurring at the Royal Asylum. Morningside, Edinburgh. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1890, i. 228- 230.—Mehlanjj-ciihaiiseii (F.) Bericht iiber tlie Influ- enza-Epidemie in der Steieriuarkischeu Landes-Irrenan- stalt Feldhof, 1889-90. Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steier- mark 1890, Graz, 1891, xxvii, 11-13.—Sinclair ( G. L.) La grippe at the Hospital for thelusane, Halifax, N. S. Mari- time M. News. Halifax, 1890, ii, 17. Influenza and insanity. See Influenza (Complications of, Cerebro-spinal, etc.); Influenza in insane. Influenza in pregnancy and the~puer- peral state. See Influenza (Complications of, Genito-uri- nary) in the female. Influenza on shipboard. Bellot. La grippe k bord du Champlain en 1890. Arch, de med. nav.. Par., 1891, lvi, 153. —Low (C. W.) An account of an outbreak of influenza ou board the R. M. S. Massilia. Lancet, Lond.. 1891, ii, 1414.— llachr- naud. I5pid£mie de grippe [Abstr.] Arch, de metl. nav.. Par., 1900, lxxiv, 43-52.—.Ylercie. Une epidemie de grippe k bord de l'Alger. [Abstr.] Ibid., 1895, lxiv, 429- 444.—Preston (G.) An outbreak of influenza on board the industrial training ship Mount Edgeumbe. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1890. i, 477.— Roewcr. Influenza auf See. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1890, xi, 499. Influenza in soldiers. Germany. Kiiet/smiiiisterium. Die Grippe- Epidemie iui deutschen Heere 18-9-9U. Bearliei- i tet you der Medizinal-Abtheiluug desj kiiuiglieh I Influenza in soldiers. preu>sischeu Kriegsmiuisteriunis. rov.- . Ihr- lin, 1-90. -----. [Grippe-Erkraukuugeu iu der prens- sischen Armee.] fol. [Berlin, 1690.] Lorkxz (P.) *Epideniiologische uud patho- logische Beobaehtungen aus der Influenza- Epiilemie iu der Miiuchener Gainison lr-9-90. [Wurtzburg.] s. Miinchen, [.1-90]. Russia. Ministry of War. Chief Army Medi- cal Bureau. Otchot o grippoznol epidemii v Russkol armii v ls-9 i 1690 g. Sostavlen S. P. Verekundovim, E. M. Taruavskim i D. M. Filip- povim. Pod rukovodstvoiu i redaktsiyei V. F. Sholkovskavo. [Report of the iutlueiiza epi- demic iu tbe Russian army in 1SS9 aud 1690. Compiled by Verekuudoff', Trauavskl, and Filip- poit'and edited by Skolkovski.] 8°. Atlas, t'ol. S.-Peterburg, 1891. Anton in (I.) Compte-rendu des cas d'influenza. trai- ls k l'hopital militaire tie Bucarest. Bull. Soc. tl. m6d. et nat. de Jassy, 1889, iii, 179- 190. — Antony (F.) La grippe au point de vue 6pidemiologique. Arch, de m6d. et pharin. mil., l'ar., 1890, xvi, 347-374.—A rutin Id (J.) La grippe dans le 1" corps d'arm6e (1889-90). Ibid., xv, 409-431.— Barbatelli (E.) L'influenza nel Collegio militare di Mrssina. trior, metl. tl. r. esercito [etc.], Roma, 1890, xxxviii. 7 ;*--74,\ — C'nwedebat (I'.-A.) Entitle sur la grippe dans la 15e Region tie corps d'arm6e. Mar- seille mid., 1890. xxvii, 730; 823, ldiag.— I>eIiiih*. L'evo- lution de la grippe eu 1900 dans la" xe R6gion. Arch, de med. et phanu.mil., Par., 1901, xxxvii. 81-94.— Deininler (A.) La grippe 6pid6mique dans 1'ariuee allemautle en 1889-90. Ibid., 1892, xix, 134-130. — Dovgal. Kratkiy ocherk epidemii grippa sredi nizhnikh chinov Kishinev- skavo garnizoua zimol 1889-90 g. [Short sketch of the epi- demic of inflnenza among the enlisted men ofthe Kishinev, garrison in the winter of 1889-90.] Voyenno-med. J.. St. Petersb.. 1890, clxviii, uuoffic. pt., 3. sect., 27-52. — Uu- brulle. La grippe au 145e regiment d'infanterie (Mau- beugei. Gaz. hebd. de med.. Par., 1890, 2. s., xxvii, 149.— Forssberg (1-5) Influenz-Epitlemien inom Stockholms gainisou kr 1S.-H. [Epidemic influenza in the Stockholm garrison in 1889.] Tidskr. i mil. Helsov.. Stockholm. 1890, xv. 24-4U. — Praukl (M.) Die Influenza-Epidemie im Jahre 1.-99 im k. und k. Garnisonsspitale Nr. 19 in Press- burg. Militaerarzt, Wien, 1901, xxxv, 109; 130; 144.— Frigoli (L.) Note ed appunti sulla epidemia d'influ- enza manifestatasi nel 4° reggimento bersaglieri sui finire del 1889 e principio del 1890. Gior. med. d. r. eseicito [etc.], Roma, 1890, xxxviii, 744-753.—Qadoniski (A. A.) Epidenmya grippa v voiskakh Kavkazskavo voyennavo okruga v kontsie 1889 i nachalie 1890 gotlov. [Influenza epidemic among the troops of the Caucasus military circuit, at the end of 1889 anil beginning of 1890.] Med. Sbornik, Tiflis. 1890, li, no. 2. 188-210.—<»edroil»-Vurasfa (V. P.) Ob epidemii grippa v voiskakh Omskavo voyennavo ok- ruga v 1889 i 1890 gg. [Influenza epidemic among the troops of the Omsk military circuit.] Protok. Omsk. med. Obsh., 1889-90, vii, 239-262."— (i useflT. Epidemiya grippa (influenza) bivshaya v 1889 g. sredi nizhnikh chinov 80 plekhotuavo Kabardinskavo polka v Khazav-Yurtie. [Epidemic of influenza in 1889 among the enlisted >■ en of the 80th infantry regiment in Khazav-Yuit | Russk Med., St. Petersb., 1890, xv, 83. — Inlluenza. Hep. Surg.-Gen. Army., Wash., 1896, 35. - Kt'Ufli iM.i .v Antony ( M.) La grippe dans 1 aimer fiancaise en 1889-90 d'apres les documents r6uuis au ministeie ile ia guerre. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1891. xviii, 81; 161; 273.-Krzhivts (I. T.) Epidemiya grippa v 15 grenaderskom Titilisskom polku v 1880 i 1890 gg. [Epi- demic of influenza in the 15th grenadi, i regiment.] iled. Sbornik, Tiflis, 1891, no. 52, 77-H7. — l.nrin (E. A.) Epi- demicheskiv gripp v 155-m plekbotnom Kubiuskom polku. [Epidemic influenza in the 155th regiment. 1 Protok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1890-91, xxvii. 112-126, 1 tab.—I.conlovich (A. T.) Nieskolko zamlecbaniy ot- nositeluo rasprostraneniya inflyueutsi (grippa) v g. Odes- sie mezhdu voiuskimi nizhnimi chinami. [On the preva- lence of influenza in Odessa among the enlisted nun.] Yoyeuno san.dielo, St. Petersb., ^89. i\, 642-644.—.Tlarly. L'epidemie de grippe observee a l'hopital militant- dc Guelma en Janvier 1890. Gaz. d. hop.. Par., 1892, lxv, 8-7; 915; 943.— .Tlarvaud VA.) Epidemic de grippe dans la gainisou de Lvon. pendant l'hiver 1.-01-2. France med., Par.. l.-9:i. xl. 97: 114; 130; 140; 164 — VIoro»»i ii'.i L'in- fluenza nel Collegio militare di Firenze. Gioi. med. d. r. esercito [etc.], Roma, 1890. xxxviii, 531-540. — Otremba (G.) Quelques mots sur la fifevre catarrhale 6pideiiiii|iie (influenza), observGe a l'Hopital du 4me coips d'arme, k Jassy, pendant l'liiver ^9-90. Bull. Soc. tl. med. et nat. de Jas-y, li«9ii-91, iv,-8-!»6.—Pasquale (A.) L' epidemia d' intiuenza nel 2" dipartimento marittimo. Gior. med. d. 1XFLUEXZA. 981 IKFUSOPJA. Influenza in soldiers. r. esercitojetc], Roma, l-oo, xxxviii, 1121-1156. — Pen- rose (G. H.) A study of the prevailing epidemic of in- fluenza. [U. S. Soldiers' Home, Washington, 1». C] N. York M. J., 1890. li, 236. — Pinto (J. ().) A short report on an outbreak of iufluenza among the British and native troops at Port Blair. Tr. South Indian Blanch Brit. M. Ass.. Madras. 1880-90. iii, 243-240 — l'opoviiuil< (S.) Epideniichcskiy gripp v 156-m piekliotnoin Ycli-ai ctpols- kotu polku v 18S9-90gg. [. . . in the 150th regiment in the years 1889-90.] Protok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. med. Obsh., Tiflis. 1891. xxvii, 441-467.— Prin-. (C. J.) De induenza- epidemie aan de Koninklijke Militaire Academie. Mil.- geueesk. Tijdschr., Haarlem, 1900, iv, 66-69.— Mcheller. Bericht iiber den Yerlauf tier (liippe (Influenza) beim Husaren-Regiment Kiinig Wilhelm I. (1. Rhem.) No. 7 sowie iiner die Wirksamkeit der daselbst getrofl'enen pro- phvlaktischen Massregelu. Deutsche mil.iirzil. Ztschr., Berl., 1890. xix, 120-131—Shteinbera iM. i,.> Povalnly gripp (influenza) v 9-m sapeuriiom bataiiont,- [Epidemic of. • . in the 9th batallion of suppers. 1 Yon-nno sau. dielo, St. Petersb., 1890, x, 29; 42; 53: 63. — Trouihelln (15) L influenza nel reggimento cavalleria Cas, 11 , ,17 ,. ilior. med. tl. r. eseitito [etc.), Roma, 1890, xxwiii. 541-557. — vou Vojjl. Leber die Influenza-Epidemie 1889-ou in der baveii-t hen Annee. Yerhandl d Cong. t. innere Med., Wiesb.. 1900. xviii 225: 639. — Winkler (C.) Y, i slag van de influenza-epidemic in l-'.io bij hot leger in Necler- landsch In,li, (i,-iie,-sk.Ti.id-chr.v. Nedetl.Indie.Batav., 1,-91. xxxi 21-H9.—Kaltlinioll5 E. O.) Epideiniya grippa sredi nizhnikh chiuov 15l-vo plekhotnavo Pyatigorskavo p,,lka v 1,-92 g. [Influeuza epidemic among the enlisted mtn of the 17,1st infantry regiment.] Yoyeuno-iued. J., st I'ett-rsb.. 1.-93. clxxvii" unoffic. pt., 3. Sect., 255-271.— Zorileauu. Asupra epidemiei. de giipa care abautuit priutre trupele diviz. 3 inf. r22 dec. 1,-69-3 febb. 1890). Clinica, BncurescI, 1890, i, 92; 109. Influenza and suicide. See Influenza (Complications, etc., of, Cerebro- spinal, etc.). Influenza-Epidemic (Die) 1— 9-90. Im Auf- trage des Vereins fiir innere Medicin in Berlin, bearbeitet von A. Baginsky, A. Baer [et al.]. Hrsg. von E. Leydeu nnd S. (Jutriiiann. xi, 194 pp.. 16 maps. fol. Wiesbach-n, J. F. Berg- mann. 1692. Influenza-Epidemic (Die) vom Winter und Fiiibjalir 16U1-2 [etc.]. See Hesse (Grand Dncby of). Informe preseutado al excmo. sr. gobernailor civil de Madrid, presidente de la junta provin- cial tie beneficencia, por la corporation facnlta- tiva del Hospital general de e-ta corte, acerca de los primeros casos de colera morbo ohserva- dos en el misiiio establecimiento. pp. 7U5-7G7. -:. Madrid. M. de Bojas, 1-7>1. In .- Ce6s. de 1. hosp., Madrid, 1854. ii, 705-707, Infortuni (Gli) del lavoro nel 1 *■"•:> e 1-^4 e la responaabilita degli imprentlitori. Relazioni della comniissione d' incbiesta. [By X. Gobbi, Tranquillo Magriylio [etal.].] xix, 110pp. 6\ Milano, P. B. Bellini $ C, i—7>. InfVn-orbital gland. I.afile-Dupont. Laglande infra-orbitaireet labouh- gi.ii-seuse tie Bichat. Bibliog. anat., Par. Sc Xancv, 1900, viii, 28.5-296. Illf*H*ioil*. [Patent specifications.] 17 izenwberger (It. U.) Impiovement in apparatus for making infusions. Xo. 213815; April 1, 1879. Infusoria. See. also, Amoeba, etc.; Diatomaceas; Pro- tozoa. Blischli CO.) Studien iiber die ei>ten Ent- wickltiiigsvot gauge der Eizelle, die Zelltheilimg und die Conjugation der Infnsorien. 4C. Frank- furt a. M., Ifc70. Daoai (J.; A rotatoriak himeirol. [Mule rotatoria.] **'-. Kolozsvdrt, 1-77. Fkkksk (W.) * Anatoinisch-histologist-lie Un- tersuchung von Menitiranipora pilo-a L., nebst einer Besclinibung tier in tier Oatsee gefuudenen Brvozoen. ^G. Berlin. l6-~. Geddks (M.-P.) Snr nne nouvelle sous-classe d'infiisoiies. 4°. Paris, [1661], Infusoria. [Joly (N.)] Lis animalcules infusoires, ou la puissance des infiniment petits. "* . [«. p., n. d. \ Prilchard (A.) The natural history of ani- malcules; containing descriptions ot all the known species of infusoria, with instructions for procuring aud viewing them. 6-. London, l6',il. Kaak (O.) * Leber die Wirkung lluoresciren- der Stotle auf Infnsorien. *^ . Miinchen, 1900. SoxxEiJKRG (S.) *l)e infiisorioruui genera- tione primitiva. H-. Marburgi, 1810. Stein* (F.) Der Organismus der Infusions- thiere nach eigentn Forschuugen in systemati- scher Keihel'olge bearbeitet. 3 Abth. in 4 v. fol. Leipzig. l6o9-6'.\, SriEHELtS. F.) Die Grundformen der Infu- sorien in deu Ileilquellen, nebst allgemeinen Bemerkungen iiber die Entwickelung tlerselben. 1. Heft. Galliouella ferrnginea. Conferva fili- formis stilphurata. Ueber die Keimpiinktchen und deren Bedeutung in der organischen Ent- wickeluugsgeschichte. 4-. Frankfurt am Main, 1611. Terechowsky (M.) *De chao infusorio Lin- mei. sm. 4°. Argentorati, [177.")]. Wrisberg (H. A.) Observationum de animal- culis iufusoriis satura, qua? in .Societatis regise scientiarum solenmi aniversarii coiisessu pr;e- mium reportavit. 6°. Gottinga', 17tir>. Ralbinni. Xote relative k l'existenee d'une g6n6ra- tion sexuelle chez les infusoires. Compt. rend. Acad. 4- sc, Par., 1858, xlvi, 628-632. -----. Recherches sur les or- ganes gen6rateurs et la reproduction des infusoires dits polvgastriques. Ibid., xlvii. 383-387. -----. I5tude sur le loxbde. Ann. de microg., Par., 1889-90, ii, 401-431, 1 pl. -----. Nouvelles recherches experiiuentales sur la mero- tomie des infusoires cilies. Ibid. 1891-2. iv, 3G9; 449: 1893, v, 1; 49; 113. 4 pl. -----. fl utiles sur 1 action des sels sur les infusoires. Arch, d'anat. micr., Par.. 1898. ii, 518- 600, 1 pl.—Bcrgh (R. S.) LJeber Stiitzfasern in der Zell- substanz einiger Infnsorien. Anat. Hefte. Wiesb.. 1896, vii, 103-113, 1 pl.— Binel (A.) Tbe immortality of infu- soiia. Monist, Chicago. 1890-91, i, 21-37.—Blochmaiin (P.) Zur Kenntniss tier Fortpflanzung von Euglypha al- veolata Duj. Morpbnl. Jahrb., Leipz., 1887-8. xiii, 173- 183, 1 pl. — Bolioruy (T.) Yei sdeicbende Studien iiber die Giftvvirkniiii verscliiedt'iier cbemischer Substanzen bei Algen unci Infnsorien. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1896, lxiv, 202-306.— Borini (A.) Associazione parassi- taria ed il nuovo protozoa di IVrmncito. Gior. d.r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1899, 4. s.. xlvii, 529-,7:;_' — Biil»c liii (O.) Versuch einer morphologiscben Vergb iclniiii; tier Yoati- cellinen mit verwandten C'iliaten. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz., 1885-6, xi, 553-51,7—t'nnllcry(M) a. Wi sail (F.) Le parasitisiue intracellulaire et la multiplication asexu6e desGregai iiiis. Compt. rend. Acad.d. sc.,Par.,1901,exxxii, 220-223. AUo: Compt. rend. Soc. tie biol.. Par., 1901, U.S., iii. 84-87. —C'crlcw( A.) De l'eiiiploi ties uiatierescolorautes daus I'etude pbysioloKiqueet lii-.tolii.uitpieili's infusoires vi- vants. Ibid.. 1885, 8.S.. ii, 197-2U:!.—« luilin (J.) Le uijeu- iiis.seiiient karyogaiuitpie clu-z les cilies, par E. Maupas [ Arcb.de zool. exper.. *_'. s. vn ;. [Analysis.] J.de mici o"., Par.. 1890, xiv, 274-281.-t'nx (J. D.) "The Coscinodiseese; notes on some unreliable criteria of geueia and species. Proc. Am. Soc. Micr.. 1890. xiii, 184-204, 2 pl. Also, transl: J.de micros, Par., 1893, xvi, 10; 49; 120.— I>ale (H.H.) Galvanotaxis and clieniotaxis of ciliate infusoria. J. Physiol., Lond., 1900-1901, xxvi, 291-361.— Bail)■»■*. (J.) I'n nouveau ],ei itlinien et son evolution Compt. lend. Soc. de biol., l'ar., 18st>. 8. s., iii lili-tiil. Also: Arch. slaves de biol., l'ar., 1887 iii, 1 -7,. — I>e Itrurne i<'.) Con- tribution a I'etude ib- la vacuole pulsai ile. Bull. Acad. roy. d. sc. tie Belg., Brux.. 1888, 3. s., xv. 718-749.1 pl______. Ueber eine neue Monadine. Endobiella ISambekii. Cen- tralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasiteuk., Jena, 1888,iv, 1-5,1 pl.— Belbteuf (J. ) Une loi liiatlieiiiatiijuo ajiplicable k la ib-generesceiice qui affecte les infusoires cili6s k la suite tie tissiparations t'onstainiueiit i6],, leos. Rev. sci-nt., Par., 1891. xlvii, 3ti»-371.— Fiibrte-Boiueryiie. Note sur les infusoires cili6s de la baie de ('oncai neau. J.de Tanat.et physiol. [etc], Par.. 1885, xxi. 554-568, 2 pl.-----. Sur la structure leticulee du protoplasma ties infusoires. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., Is87, civ. 797-799. -----. fitude sur l'organisation des urceolaires et sur tiuelques genres d'infusoires voisins de cette familie. J. tie l'anat. et physiol. [etc.], Par., 1888, xxiv. 214-260, 2 pl.-----. Sur la nature de certaines substances de reserve contenues dans le protoplasma des infusoires. Ann. de miciog.. Par., 1888-9, i, 24-30. -----. Note sur deux nouveaux in INFUSORIA. 982 ING ALS. Infusoria. fusoires cili6s de la baie de Concarneau. Ibid., 305-309, 1 pl.-----. Note sur une nouvelle forme tie colpode (Col- poda Henneguyi) et snr un flagell6 ptilagique. Ibid., 353- 357, 1 pl. -----. Snr le systenie vasculaire contractile des infusoires cilies. Compt."rend. Soc. de biol., Par.,1890, 9. s., ii, 391-393. -----. Materiaux pour servir & l'histoire ties infusoires cilies. Ann. de microg., Par., 1890-91, iii 49; 209, 2 pl.—Carvev (W. E.) The effects of ions npon the aggregation of flagellated infusoria. Am. J. Phvsiol., Bost., 1899-1900, iii, 291-315.—Gomret(P.) ScRoeser (P.) Description de deux infusoires du port de Bastia. J. de l'anat. et physiol. [etc.], Par., 1888, xxiv, 656-664, 1 pl.— Creenwood ( M.) On the constitution and mode of formation of food vacuoles in infusoria, as illustrated by the historv of the processes of digestion in Carchesium polypinmn. Proc. Roy. Soc. LontL, 1893-4, liv, 466-472.— Cruber (A.) Ueber die Bedeutung der Conjugation bei den Infusoiien. Ber. d. naturf. Gesellsch. zu Freib. i Br., 1887, ii, 31. —Mafkine (M.-W.) Maladies infectieuses des paramecies. Ann de l'lnst. Pasteur, Par., 1890, iv, 148-162, 2pl.—MarlogfM.M.) Abstract of Maupas's re- searches on multiplication and fertilisation in ciliate infu- soiians. Quart. J. Micr. Sc, Lond., 1891, xxxii, 599-614.— Menneguy (L.-F.) Suruninfusoirehettirotriche, Fabrea salina (nov. sp.). Ann. de microg., Par., 1890-91. iii, 118- 135, 1 pl.—Herrera (A. L.) Los infusorios artificiales; explication tlel movimento vibratil. Mem. Soc. cieut. "Antonio Alzate", Mexico. 1896-7, x, 321-334, 2 pl.— Herl wig. Ueber tlie Conjugation der Infnsorien. Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. f. Mornhol. u. Phvsiol. in Miin- chen, 1889-90, v, 35-38—Jennings (H. S.) Sc Hoore (E. M.) Studies on reactions to stimuli in unicellular organisms. YIIL Ou tbe reactions of infusoria to carbonic and other acids, with especial reference to the causes of the gatherings spontaneously formed. Am. J. Physiol., Bost., 1901-2, vi, 233-25n.—FoIiunou (H. P.) A contri- bution to the morphology and biology of the st en tors. J. Morphol., Bost, 1893, viii, 467-562, 4 pl —Julin (C.) Le * corps vitellin de Balbiaui et les elements de la cellule des metazoaires qui correspondent au macronucleus des infu- soires cilies. Bull, scient. tie la France et de la Belg., Par., 1893, xxv, 295-345.—Kcllicott CD. S.) On some infusoria found on the cray-fish. Proc. Am. Soc. Micr., Buffalo, 1883, vi, 105-111.'-----. Observations on infu- soria, -with descriptions of new species. Ibid., 1884. vii, 110-125, 1 pl. -----. Oliservations on fresh-water Infu- soria. Ibid., Hartford, 1888. x, 97-106.—Kunsllcr (J.) Les "yeux" des infusoires tiagelliferes. J. de microg.. Par., 1886, x, 493-496.— Lindner (G.) Beitrag zur Keuntnis parasitiseher Vorticellen. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl.. 1893, xiv, 921; 933. — .Vlaggi (L.) Alcune notizie per la protistologia medica. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano, 1887, 8. s., ix, 485; 495 —TIaupas (E.) Sur quelques protorganismes animaux et vegetaux multinu- cle6s. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1879. lxxxix, 250- 253. -----. Sur la puissance de multiplication des infu- soires cilies. Ibid., 1887, civ. 100l>-lims.—Meclinikoff (I.) Oparazitizmie uinfuzoriy. [Parasitismin infusoria.] Zapiski Imp. Akad. Nauk, S.-Peterb.. 1864. iv, 149-151.— ITIessea (A.) Primo contributo alio studio deil' ambiente iu rapporto alia vita degli infusorj ciliati. Spallanzani, Roma, 1889, 2. s., xviii, 174-ls:j—rXussbaum (M.) Die spontane und kiinstliche Theilung der Infusoiien. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn, 1885-6. xxvi, 485-538, 4 pl.—Ogata (M.) Kenshu no sunjotsu baiyo ni zukete. [Pure cul- tures of infusoria.] Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio, 1893, no. 318, 1-6. AUo, transl: Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasi- teuk.. Jena, 1893, xiv, 165-169.— Pearl (R.) On the reactions of certain infusoria to the electric current. Am. J. Physiol., Bost., 1900-1901, iv, 96-123__Perroncito (E.) Chytridium elegans, n. sp.; eine parasitare Cliitri- dinee aus der Classe tier Raderthiere. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Parasiteuk., Jena. 1888, iv, 295-299.—Peters (A. W.) Some methods for use iu the study of infusoria. Am. Naturalist, Bost., 1901, xxxv, 553-559.—Pilliet (A.- H.) Action comparee des huiles essentielles et de.s cou- leurs d'aniliue sur les micro-organistnes des infusions de foin et d'herbe. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., l'ar., 1894. 10. s., i, 329-331.—Plate. Ueber die Conjugation der Iufu- sorien. Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. f. Morphol. u Physiol, in Munchen, 1886, ii, 35-18 — Kaab (O. I Ueber die Wirkung fluorescirender Stotle auf InfiiMirieii. Ztschr. f. Biol., Munchen u. Leipz.. 1900, n. F.. xxi. 524-54(5—Maud (R.) £tude mouograpbiqiie sur le gronpe des infusoires tenta- culiferes. Ann. Soc. beige de micr., Brux., 1899, xxiv, 57: xxv, 5,8 pl. -----. Action therapeutique de l'arsenic, dela quinine, du fer et de l'alcool sur les iufusoires cili6s. Ann. Soc roy. d. sc. metl. et nat. deBrux., 1901, x, fasc. 4, 1-47.— Schuberg (A.) Die Gattung Conchophthirus Stein. Arb. a. d. zool.-zootom. Inst, iu Wiirzb., 1889-90, ix, 65-88, 1 pl.—Sharpey (W.) An account of Professor Ehren- berg's researches on the infusoria. Edinb. X. Phil. J., 183!. xv, 287-308. 1 pl. AUo, Reprint.—Stokes (A. C.) Notes on some apparently undescribed forms of fresh- water infusoria. Am. J. Sc, X. Haven, 1885, 3. s.. xxviii, 38: xxix, 313, 1 pl. -----. Notices of new American fresh- water infusoria. J. Roy. Micr. Soc. Lond., 1887, 2. s., vii, Inftisoria. 35-40, 1 pl. -----. Notices of new infusoria flagellata from American fresh waters. Ibid., 1888, 2. s., viii, 698-704, 1 pl. -----. Notes of new infusoria from the fresh waters of the United States. Ibid., Lond. & Edinb.. 1891, 697-704, 1 pl. -----. Notices of presumably undescribed infusoria. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, Phila., 1894, xxxiii, 338-345. 1 pl.— Tomsa (A.) Monas prodigiosa. Casop. 16k. cesk., v Praze. 1876. xv, 371; 378; 387.—Ver worn (M.) Die polare Erregung der Protisteu durch den galvaniscben Strom. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn. 1889, xiv, 1, 2 pl.: 1889-90, xlvi, 267-303, 3 pl.—Whipple (G. C.) Raphidomonas. J. N. Eng. Water Works Ass.. N. Lond., 1896-7, xi, 348-357.—Wichura. Ueber die Axendrehung der Sehwarmsporen untl Infusorien. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Cult., Bresl., 1852, xxx, 73-80. Ing'akka Zasshi. [Transactions of the Medical Society of Tokio (Yeddo).] 17 Nos., May, 1875, to Sept., 1876. 8~>. Tokio. Japanese text. ln^alls (P[hineas] H[enry]) [1856- ]. The non-surgical treatment of anteflexion. 11 pp. 1-2-. [New York, 1—<">.] Repr. from: N. York M. J., 1886, xliii. Iilgalls (8.) Tbe prevention and cure of chronic diseases, including pulmonary consumption, on rational principles and by newly discovered means. 24 pp. 12°. Boston, J. G. Torrey, 1846. IugalS (E. Fletcher) [1816- ]. How shall the degree of doctor of medicine be conferred? 3 pp. 8Z. Chicago, 1679. a. l. a. Repr. from: Chicago M. J. Sc Exam., 1879, xxxviii. -----. Laryngeal tumors and tuberculous laryn- gitis. 12 pp. 8C. Chicago, le79. a. l. a. Repr. from: Chicago M. J. & Exam., 1879, xxxix. -----. Cases of tracheotomy for croup and diph- theria. 3 pp. 8°. [Chicago, 1880.] A. L. A. Repr. from .- Chicago M. J. &. Exam., 1880, xl. -----. Lectures ou tbe diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the chest, throat, and nasal cavi- ties, viii, 4137 pp. 8°. New York, W. Wood $• Co., 1861. a. L. A. ----- Report to the Illinois State Medical So- ciety on laryngeal tumors. 24 pp. 8°. Chi- cago, Johnson, Olds *-*n>. Repr. from: Chicago M. J. Sc Exam., 1885, li. -----. Leukoplakia buccalis et lingualis, or ichthyosis linguae; successful treatment with the galvanocautery. 18 pp. 12°. [New York, 1667).] A. L. A. Repr.from: N. York M. J., 1885, xiii. -----. Recurrent laryngitis and obstruction of the mires, or ordinary catarrh. 16 pp. 12°. Chicago, Lw85. Repr. from.- J.Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1885, v. -----. Intubation of the larynx for diphtheritic croup. 7 pp. 12°. Chicago, 1886. Repr. from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1886, vii. -----. Intubation of the larynx. 25 pp. 12°. [Neiv York, 1867.] Repr. from: N. York M. J., 1887, xlvi. -----. Suppurative inflammation of the antrum. 8 pp. 12c. Chicago, 1667. Repr. from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1887, ix. IXGALS. 983 INGEN-HOUSZ. Ill^als (E. Fletcher1)—continued. -----. Chronic rheumatic laryngitis, s pp. s^>. Chicago, 1666. Repr. from .- Tr. Illinois M. Soc, Chicago, 1888, xxxviii. -----. Naso-pharyngeal fibromata. 8 pp. 12°. Chicago, 1666. Repr.froin: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1888, xi. -----. Subglottic laryngeal tumor. 5 pp. 16*-'. [Philadelphia, 1-88.] Repr.froin : Med. News, Phila., 1888, liii. -----. The effects of dry atmosphere ou chronic inflammation of the larynx and nans. 8 pp. 12 \ Chicago, 1-90. Repr. from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1890, xv. -----. Supplemental report on cartilaginous tumors of tin* larynx and warty growths in the nose. Unilateral paralysis of the lateral crico- arvtienoid muscle. 6 pp. 8C. [New York, 1690.] Repr.froin: X. Tork M. J., 1890, Iii. -----. The treatment of cystic goitre by elec- trolysis. 7 pp. 12c. Chicugo, l-9o. Repr.froin .- J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1890, xiv. -----. Hvpertrophv of the pharyngeal tonsil. 11 pp. -'\ [Philadelphia, 1-91.] Repr.froin: Metl. News, Phila., 1891, lviii. -----. I>isea>e.s of the chest, throat, aud nasal cavities, iucluding physical diagnosis and dis- eases ofthe lungs, heart, and aorta, laryngology and diseases of the pharynx, larynx, nose, thy- roid gland, and oesophagus. 2. ed. xxi (1 1.), 675 pp. -\ New York, W. Wood # Co., 1-92. -----. The same. 4. ed. xxi, 765 pp., 1 pl. --. New York, Jr. Wood 67. Repr.from: Ann. Soc. med. de Gand, 1864, xiii: 1865, xliii: 1867, xiv. -----. Psychiatrische bladen, uitgegeven door de Nederlaudsche Vereeniging voor Psychiatric. Revue par le ... [Rev.] 11pp. 8C." Gand $ Leipzig, I-83. Repr. from : Bull. Soc. de m6d. ment. de Belg., Gand & Leipz., 1883, 1. fasc. For Biography, see Bull. Soc. de m6d. de Gand, 1886, liii, 149-160 (Oudart et al.). Also: Bull. Soc. de m6d. ment. de Belg., Gand Sc Leipz., 1886, no. 41, 90-101 (Oudart et al). Also: Bull. Soc. dem6d. ment. de Belg., Gand Sc Leipz., 1886, no. 42, 6-16, port. (Lent/.). AUo: Psychiat. BL, Dor- drecht. 1886, iv. 208-210 (Tcllc-ren). See, also, Wociele tie medecine mentale de Belgique [in 1. s.J. Congres de phr6niatrie [etc.]. Compte-rendu. 8°. Gand, 1886. van Illicit (F. G.) Verhandeliug over de aan- geborene lireuken. 86 pp., 1 1. 8°. Amster- dam, L. van Es, 1600. van Iilgeil (Jacob). *De ischuria. 13 pp., 1 1. sin. 4 . Traj. ad llhenum, G. vande Water, 1709. [P., v. 2242; 2244.] ■ iijLM'iiatiils (Simon Fredericus). *Qua*dam olist'tvata et experimenta chirnrgico-metlica. 1 ]). 1., 17 pp. 4°. Hardervici, J. Moojen, 1757. [P.. v. 1933.] IiicUCH-tloilSZ (Floreutius Antonius). *De atleiioide vegetation der neuskeelholte. 1 p. 1., 79 pp., 3 pl. 8 . Leiden, P. Somerwil, 1881. Illgeil-IIousz (Job.) [1730-99]. Experiences sur les v6getaux, sp6cialement sur la propriety qu'ils posstileut ii, un haut degr6, soit d'ame'liorer l'air quaud ils sont au soleil, soit dele corrompre la nuit, ou lorsqu'ils sout a l'ombre; auxquelles on a joint une methode nouvelle de juger du de- gr6 de salubrite' de l'atmosphere. Trad, de l'an- glois, par l'auteur. Ixviii, 333 pp., 1 1. 8°. Paris, P.-F. Didot le jeune, 1780. IXGEN-HOUSZ. 984 INGMAN. liiKCii-IIousz (Joh.)—continued. ------. Vermischte Schriften physisch-medicini- schen Inhalts. Uebersetzt und hrsg. von Nico- laus Carl Molitor. 2. Aufl. 2 v. in 1. xx, 452 pp., 2 pl.; viii, 553 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Wien, C. F. Wappler, 1784. See, also, Hulme (Nathaniel). Neue, leichte und sichere Heilungsart.[etc.]. 8°. Wien, 1781. For Biography, see Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1891, xxviii, 433 (C. Creighton). ------. See. also: Snceck (M.-A.) Me"daillon uniface, rond,coul^ du docteur Jean Ingenhousz, medecin en chef et couseiller de la cour imp6riale autrichienue. 8 J. Bruxelles, 1895. Repr.froin: Rev. beige de numismatique, 1895. lligenlioven (H[ermauu]). * Syphilis und Carcinom. 27 pp. 8°. Bonn, C. Georgi, 1669. Ingcilitski (Ivan Vladimirovich) [1863-1900]. Kholodkovski (N.) Nekrolog. Izviest. Imp. Vo- yenno-Med. Akad., S.-Peterb., 1900, i, 194. Ingerle (Stefan). Die Anstalten fiir Rekonva- leszenten, Erholungsbediirftige und Tuberku- lose der Kraukeukassen und Landesversiche- rungsanstalten Deutschlands. 128 pp. 8°. Miinchen, Seitz Sr Sehaner, 1901. Iiigrcriiiaim (Sergei). *" Zur Kasuistik der Hypophysistumoren. 24 pp., 1 1., 2 pl. 8°. Bern, Suter Sr Lierow, 1669. Ingermann - Alliitin (Anna). * Zur Casui- stik tier primaren Vaginal-und Vulva - Carci- nome. 35 pp. 8°. Bern, K.J. Wyss, 1893. Ingerslev ([Johan] V[ilhelm Christian]) [1835- ]. Danmarks Lseger og Laegevsesen fra de asldste Tider indtil Aar 1800. Eu Frem- stilling efter trykte Kilder. [ The physicians and the medical science of Denmark from the earliest times to the year 1800. A presentation from printed sources.] 2 v. xiii (1 1.), 585, vi pp.; ix, 692 pp. 12c. Kjobenhavn, E. Jespersen, 1873. Ingerslev ([Ove] E[mmerik Gustav Hoegl- Guldberg]) [1844- ]. Om D0deligheden ved Barselfeber i Danmark og om Midler til dens Formindskelse. [Mortality from puerperal fe- ver in Denmark, and methotls for its diminu- tion.] 1 p. 1., 89 pp., 1 1., 1 diag. 8-. Kjoben- havn, E. Bergmann, 1660. ------. Om D0delighden ved Barselfeber i Kjo- benhavn og danske Kj0bsipeder i Femaaret 1877- 81. En fortsat Unders0gelse. [Mortality from puerperal fever in Copenhagen and market towns in the five years 1877-81. A continuous in- vestigation.] 63 pp. 12°. Kjobenhavn,F. Hegel Sr Son, 1883. >------. Die Geburtszange; eine geburtshiilfliche Studie. vi, 146 pp. 8-. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1891. ------. Om D0deligheden ved Barselfeber i Dan- mark og Antiseptikens Betydning for samme. [On the mortality of puerperal fever in Den- mark, and the significance of antiseptics in it.] 72 pp. 8°. Kjobenhavn, C. A. Beitzel, 1892. ------. Det inenneskelige Legemes Bygning og Livsyttringer med Bemserkuinger oni Sundheds- pleje og Smitte (Infektion) i kort Fremstilling for Jordein0dre. [The structure and manifesta- tions of life of the human body; with remarks on hygiene and infection, summarized for mid- wives.] 1 p. L, 90 pp., 1 1. 8°. Kjobenhavn, E. Bonsen, l-i»,-. See. also, Starifelilt (A.) & Iiiger»lev (E.) [in 1. s.]. Lieten om Fodslensog Barselsengens Patologi [etc.]. 12°. Kjobenhavn, 1889. Illgci'SOll (A. J.) In health. 190 pp. 8:. Cor- ning, N. Y., by the author, 1676. In^ersoll (D. B.) [1831-901. Somen* (J. B.) [Obituary.] Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersey, Newark, 1891, 228. Ingcrsoll (Luman C.) Precis de science den- taire, contprenant la matiere m6dicale, la phy- siologie, la pathologie et la th6rapeutique den- taires. Traduction du Dr. G. Dariu. 94 pp. 8-'. London, C. Ash 4'fils, [n. d.]. Ingcisoll (Robert G[reen]) [1833- ]. See Peabody (P[hilipl G.) Vivisectional cruelties of to-day. 125 Aurora, III., [1893]. Illgiaillli (Giuseppe). L' angiologiae la nevro- logia in tavole sinottiche. 1 p. 1., 22 tab. obi. 4°. Genova, 1895. IllglessiS (P--S.) [1854- ]. * Le rein dans ses rapports avec le diabete. 159 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Pan's, 1885, No. 179. Iligiis (Andreas). *De rheumatismo. 2 p. 1., 46 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Balfour S- Smellie, 17-7. Inglis (Andrew). Iutroductory address on mid- wifery, delivered at Aberdeen University, Octo- ber 27, 1869. 27 pp. 0°. Aberdeen. D. Chalmers S- Co., 1869. • ------. On using short forceps with the patient in the supine and lateral positions. 11 pp. 12°. London,M"Gowan S- Co.. 1-TU. Uepr.from: Med. Press ,1 Circ, Lond.. 1870. Inglis (Archibald) [1801-89]. ~ De variola. 2p. 1., 23 pp. >-. Edinburgi. Gli ver Sr Boyd, 1621. ------. A probationary es>ay on brouchocele. 32 pp. 8'. Edinburgh, Oliver S- Boyd, 1825. [P., v.1272; 1617.] ------. On the difficulty of estimating the thera- peutical value of medicinal agents. 23 pp. 8-. Edinburgh, Murray cf Gibb. 1-57. [P., v. 1520.] __For Biography, see Edinb. M. J., 1888-9, xxxiv, 771. Ilig-lis (David) [1850- ]. The future of ther- apeutics. 8 pp. 12°. Chicago. 1660. Repr. from: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, lss3. v. ------. A contribution to the pathology of tro- phic diseases of the muscular system. 12 pp. 8:. [New York, 1-8-.] Repr. from: J. Nerv. Sc Ment. Dis., N. T., 1888. xv. ------. Some successful results in the treatment of epilepsy. 7 pp. 8-. [Detroit, 1893.] Repr. from: Tr. Mich. M. Soc, Detroit, 1?93. xvii. Illglis (H[enry] D[avid]). A lecture upon the truth, reasonableness, and utility of the doc- trines of phrenology. To which are added, ob- servations in reply to an essay on craniology by the Rev. R. W. Hamilton. 50 pp. 8C. London, Longman [and others], [1826]. Illglis (James). Treatise on English broucho- cele, with a few remarks on the use of iodine and its compounds, ii, 95 pp. 8-. London, Longman [and others], 1838. Inglis (Joannes). * De cholera Incline epidemica. 2 p. 1., 28 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Oliver S- Boyd, 1827. Inglis (Otto E.) Dental pathology and thera- peutics in the forui of questions and answers. Carefully revised and approved by J. Foster Flagg. vi. 105 pp., interleaved. 8°. Philadel- phia, 1667. Illgflis (Thomas). *De pertnssi. 1 p. 1., 24 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, J, Ballantyne S.' Soe., 1617. ------. A probationary surgical essay on carotid aneurism. 1 p. 1., 35 pp. -:. Edinburgh, J. Ballantyne S- Co., 1617. [P., v. 1270.] Iiigluvin. Shoemaker (J. V.) The clinical application of in- gluvin. Med. Bull., Phila., 1893, xv, 213-220. Also, Ke- print. Iligllian (Erik Alexander) [1-10-58]. * Om lie- handling af syphilis utan qvicksilfver. [On the treatment of syphilis without mercury.] 51 pp. 16c. Helsingfors, J. C. Frenckell Sr Son. [1-3-]. [Also, in: P., v. 136.] ------. Excerebrationis fetus in partu legem ex- aminatura. Respondente Francisco Arv. Suell- mau. 29 pp. sm. 4°. Helsingforsiw, Frenckell, [1842]. INGO. 985 INHALATION. IlilfO (V.) La tisi polmonare e 1' acido fenico; guarigione pel Dr. Luigi Carti, con ragionamenti ed osservazioni cliniche. viii, 36 pp. 8°. Calta- girone, A. Giustiniani, 1884. Iiigol»1aclt. See, also, Diphtheria (History, etc., of), Uni- versities, by localities. Fink (J.i, Nch in id (W.)& Krii*« ((i.) Flachgraber der Mittellatcnepeiiode bei Handling (llezirksamt Ingol- stadt). Heitr. /.. Anthrup. u. Crgesch. Buverns, Miin- chen, 1894. xi, 34-44. 4 pl. IliJJOlSteter (Johannes) [1563-1619]. Ncc Knlantl (Martin) [in 1. s.l. Deiuonstratio juditii [etc.]. 12°. Francofurti. 1597. Illgraliaill (Charles Wilson). The treatment of pneumonia with special retereiu-e to the value of beat. 16 pp. -. Neiv York, 1-9:). Repr.froin: N. Tork M. J., X. V.. 1 ,-95. lxi. ------. The successful treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis by the hypodermic use of a com- pound solution of iodine. 9 pp. 12°. New York, 1697. Repr. from: N. Tork M. J., 1897. lxvi. I lie ia III (Dale) [1710-93]. .HiOore (X.) [Biography.] Diet. Nat. Biog., Lond., 1-92. xxix. 13. Iiigrassia (Giovanni Filippo) [1510-1580]. C^tuestio. De purgatione per medicanieutum, atque obiter etiam de sanguinis missione, tin sexta morbi die fieri possint. Qua oecasione de omnibus etiam aliis diebus determinatur, in qui- bus prsecipue purgare vel sanguineni mittere pos- sumus. Illustrissimi Dneis Temenovte casus euarratio et enratio. E quibus turn penetrautis in thorace vulneris, tuni tistiilse curandi metho- dus elucescit. Qiuestio utrum victus a principio ad statuni usque procedere debeat subtiliaudo an (nt innlti perpetuo observant) potins ingros- sando. Quod, veterinaria medicina formaliter una, eademque cum nobiliore hominis medicina sit, materise duntaxat dignitate, seu nobilitate differens: ex quo veterinary quoque medici, non minus, quam nobiles illi hominum medici, ad regiam protoniedicatus officii jurisdictionem pertineant, 3 p. 1., 112, 101, 112, 50 pp. 8°. Venetiis, sumpt. A. Patessii, 1568. Imperfect; pp. 106, 107,110, 111 blank. ------. Brevis methodus curandi pestiferutn con- tagiuni, quod anno Cbristi 1575 et 76 Panor- inuru, metropolini Sicilia*, invasit. In: Synopsis iju,nun,lam brevium . . . commentariornm de peste. 125 [Xoriberon-]. 17,^3. sign. D5-E5. For Biography, see Mpeilalieri (A.) Elojjio storico di Giovanni Filippo Ingrassia. 8"-. Milano, 1817. Illgrassia: giornale di medicina e chirurgia. Organo della reale Accademia medica di Palermo. Diretto dal Prof. Chicoli Cav. Nicola sotto gli auspicii del consiglio accademico. [Bi-monthly.J v. 1, 16.67). 6'-\ Palermo. Ingria (Vittorio Emanuele). Metalloterapia e xiloterapia. 19 pp. 6\ Palermo, tipog. frat. Vena, 1885. ------. La corrente elettrica in un caso di para- lysis agitans. 4 pp. 6-. [Palermo, i860.] Repr. from: Psichiatria, Napoli, 1886, iv. ------. Contribuzione alio studio dell' azione para8.siticida dell' acido carbonico. 2 pp. 8°. Milano, F. Vallardi, 1»87. Repr. from: Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1887, viii. ------. Contribuzione alio studio della elimina- zione della tallina per le urine. 3 pp. ^- . Milano, F. Vallardi, 1667. Uepr.from: Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1887, viii. .______. Su di un caso di emoglobinuria parosistica da freddo. 16 pp. 8°. Milano, F. Vallardi, 1887. Repr. from: Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1887, viii. I ll K* l'i a (Vittorio Emanuele)—continued. ------. Sulle uretriti nmliebri. 11 pp. 8J. Milano, /•'. Vallardi, 1667. Repr. from: lia/.z. d. osp., Milano, 1887, viii. ------. Ulcere non infettanti della vagina. 5 pp. 8 5 Milano, F. Vallardi, 1887. Repr. from: Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1887, viii. I nan ilia i eetnal. See Canal (Inguinal); Hernia. In^ninaI glands. See Groin. Inhalation. See, also, Air (Compressed, etc.) as a remedy; Influenza, Lungs (Diseases of), Whooping- cough, Treatment of; Oxygen. Engkl (S.l *Die im letzten Jahrzehnt zur Inhalation empfohleueu Medicamente. 8°. Leipzig, 188<). Also, in .- Deutsche med. "Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1899, xvi. 849; 868. Hennickk ([A.] W.) * Vergleichende Unter- suchungen iiber die Gefahrlicbkeit der gebrauch- lichen Inhalationsauiisthetica. [Bonn.] 8°. Berlin, 1895. Lazaius (J.) Inbalyatsionuava terapiya (In- halationstherapie). Perev. s niemetskavo F. M. Shtir. [Transl. from the German by . . .] 8-. S.-Peterburg, 1900. *■ Possxer (P.) * Ueber die physikalischen Erfolge der Heissluft-Atmung. «c. Wiirzburg, 189:\. Saxdras (A.) La voix modiftee par les in- halations. 12°. Paris, 1-91. Balaswopoulos (I.) Ilepi iyxvireon; apna.KevTiK£>v oxkti-uv Sia. toiv ava-nvevv 6Si>v. TaKyvbs, 'ASrjvai., 1883, x, 383-386.—Bassols y Prim. De las atiii6sferas artifi- ciales y en especial de las creosotnclas. Kev. de cien. med, de Barcel., 1893, xix, 289-294.—Bennril (P.) Examen critique des principaux procedes appliques k la pulverisa- tion des eaux min6rales. Ann. Sue. d'hydrol. m6d. Oe Par., 1883-4, xxix, 360-400. —Bleycr (J5~ M.) A new method of laryngeal and bronchial medication by means of a sprav anil tube during the act of deep inspiration. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1890, xv, 634-630.—Browne (L.) A note on the use of the essential oils for inhalation. Med. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1900, n.s.. Ixix, 17,9.—*'ii»»uet (K.i i. Beylol. Des conditions k rcmplir pom assurer 1 etticacite des inhalations lnedicanienteuses. Cong, franc. tie metl. Rapp., Par., 1899, v, 614. — Collin (G.) Re- clamation de priorit6 concernant la classification ties ef- fets des inhalations, et observations sur les antisepti- tpies inhalables, k propos du travail du Dr. Leblauc. Se, . d. sc. med. de Gannat, C. r., Par., 1887-8, 6iMi2.— Duhoiii't'an (IC.) L'iubalation et le homage dans di- verses stations tbeiiiiales et principulement a Cauterets. Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. metl. de Par., 18s9, xxxiv. 299-374.— l>ii|M>nl (M.) Des inhalations et ties injections d'acide ciirboiiii|ue. Bull. gen. tie th6rap. [etc.], Par., 1887. cxii, 24-27.— ICmmericli ( K.) Vergleichende Uiitetsiichun- gen iiber die Leistung verschiedener Iiihalationssy.s- teme. Miinchen. metl. Wchnschr., 1901, xlviii. 10.70-10.73. -----. Experiiiientelle Untersuchungen iiber die Leis- timgsfiihigkeit ties Wassniuth'schen Inhalatioiisapparnles: ICntiiogiiung auf Dr. Robinson's Abbantllung. Deutsche med. VVchuschr., Leipz. u. Berl.. 1902, xxviii, 251. — «»a- vriloll (G.) Vdikhiinivalekarstv. [Inhalationsof medi- cine^ | Nurodn.zdrav., S.-Pelerb., 1901, ii,137-141 Jaco- belli (A.) Des inhalations caustiques. Bull. »eu. tie tb6rap. [etcl, IJar-, 1887, cxii, 107,; 166. -----. Athmiatrie pulmonaire, ou traitement local interne par l'air charge de substances m6ilicaiiieiitcu-es. Kev. de therap. nied.-chir , Par., 181>9, lxvi, 7,s2-.7si;.— BaiHi* (C.) Considerations sur la m6tbode d'inlialaiion froide et temperec pratiques aux eaux snlfhydriqnees d'Allevard (Iseie). Lyon met!., Ishii. xxxiv, 189-198. Also, Reprint._—l.cblaiie. Du traitement par l'inhalation de certains etats morbitles Sroduits par les microbes pathogenes. Soc. d. sc. nied. e Gannat. C. r., Par., 1S87, xli, 123-176. See, also, supra, Collins.— I.ee (It J.) The scientific principles of inhalation. Lancet, Lond., 1892, i, 1130. -----. Some re- marks ou the oils of cajeput and cubebs and their use for inhalation. Metl. Press Sc Circ, Lond., 1900, n. s., Ixix, 136.—liiclily ( D.) The quality of compressed air for sprays and inhalations. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1893, xx, 89.—IVeudorfer (J.) Zur Spirotherapie. Internat. klin. Rundschau, Wien, 1890, iv, 697-700.— Pan nel ice (A.) Note sur quelques antiseptiques inhalables. Soc. INHALATION. 986 INHALATION. Inhalation. d. sc. nied. de Gannat. C. r., Par., 1887-8, 62-66.— Banz de la Rubia (E.) Inhalaciondirectae inhalacion difusa, ventajas e inconvenientes. Rev. de med. y cirug. pract., Madrid, 1888, xxiii, 561; 617. Also: Bol. de metl. y cirug., Madrid. 1889, vii, 9-28.— Kobin-oji c M.) Feber moderne Inhalationstherapie untl ihre Erfoliie, Balneol. Ceutr.Ztg., Berl., 1901, 243; 247: 249. - Nntugri' (M.) Ueber die Inhalation zerstaubter Flussisikeit. Miinchen. med. "Wchnschr., 1901. xlviii, 831-834. —Schnitzler (J.) Der gegenwiirtige Stand der Inhalationstherapie. Cong. period, internat. tl. sc. m6d. C. r.. 1884, Copenh., 1886, iv, sect, de laryngol., 11-16.—Siemon (O.) Ueber Anwendung des Jodoforms in der Inhalationstherapie. Deutsche .Med.-Ztg., Berl., 1892, xiii. 651. -----. Inhala- tion von atherischen Oeleii und andereu fliissigen Stotfen. Ibid., [Med.-Anz., Probe-Nummer 100. 1892,11.].—Thom- son i W. S.) On inhalation and the lack of precision in the method of using it; with a description of Dr. Isoard's "sulfhydioinetie ". Lancet. Lond.. 1887, ii,106.—Trnina i V.i Sc (iranozzi (G.) Influenza di alcune inalazioui medi, anientose sulle funzioni della respirazione e della , u, olazione sanguigna. Arch, internat. de pharmacod., Brux.et l'ar., 1901, ix, 471-481.—Ciina (P. G.) Dermedi- caraentdse Aether- und Alkoholspray. Berl. kliu. Wchn- schr., 1882, xix, 300; 316.— Wassinuth (A.) Verglei- chende Unteisucliuiii'en iiber die Leistuug verschiedeuer Inhalationssystenie. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr.. 1901, xiv, 137,3.—Zoepllel. Inhalationstherapie in Norderney. Balneol. Ceutr.Ztg., Berl.. I'.iOl. 119-121. Inhalation (Apparatus for). See, also. Atomizers. Atomizing and inhaling appliances. S-. Co- lumbus, Ohio, [18'J1]$ Denisox (C.) New uses of tbe in- and ex- baler. 12°. [New York, 1.-97.] Repr. from: Dietet. Sc Hyg. Gaz., X. Y., 1897. See, also, infra. Dr. John Francis Churchill's inhalant spirone for tbe treatment and cure of coughs and colds, [etc.]. 8°. London, [1>85]. Geyser (The) vaporiser and inbaler (pat- ented). 8-. [Neiv York, n. d.] Lee (R. J.) Antiseptic inhalation, and the best method of conducting it. lvJc. London, 1684. Mackenzie CM.) Diagrams in illustration of a paper on the inhalation of atomized liquids. 12°. London, 1805. See, also, infra, Asccnzi. Apparecchio inalatorio, ad aria compressa semplice o medicata, e trasportabile. Bull. d. Soc. Lanci- siana d. osp. di Roma, 1884, iv, fasc. 3, 44-49.—An beau (A.) Pulv6risateur de Sttermer; inhalations m6dicamen- teuses dans le traitement des maladies des voies respira- toires; introduction de medicaments dans l'economie par la muqueuse pulmonaire. Bull, et mem. Soc. de m6d. prat. dePar., 1888, 878-884.—Bardet. Nouvel appareil k in- halations. Bull, et 1116111. Soc. de therap., Par., 1888, 17-24. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Illust. Monatsehr. d. arztl. Poly- teeli., Bern, 1889, xi, 236-238.—Berg (H.) Lonnerbergs inhalator. Eira, Stockholm, 1894, xviii. 167-172. — Bishop (S. S.) Sprays aud inhalants. Med. Standard, Chicago, 1897, xix, 47.—Bi-aine (C.) A safety Junker inhaler. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1892, i. 1364.—Bulling (A.) Ein neuer Zerstaubungsapparat fiir Inhalatorien. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1901, xlviii, 1049.—Cousins (J. W.) A new inhaler, with remarks on open antiseptic inhalation. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1*8.7, i, 981.—Cozzolino (V.) Nuovo inala- tore nasale. Arch. ital. di laringol., Napoli, 1885-6, v, 163.— Dcnison (C.) The air-pressure inhaler and exhaler. Med. Kec, N. T.. 1894, xiv. 190-192. See. also, supra.— Diihoiircau. Un nouvel appareil de hnmage k Caute- rets. Cong, internat. d'hvdrol. etde climatol. C.-r. 1896, Par., 1897, iv, 279-283.—Floy (C.) Inhalation. Diet, en- cycl. d. sc. mod., Par.. I*p9, 4. s., xv. 813-818.—Flood (H.) A new autesthetic inhaler. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1889, xxxv, 642.— Fowler (G. R.) Description of a new inhaler. N. York M. J., 1900, lxxi, 177.—Frankel (B.) Inhala- tionsapparat fiir atherische dele. (Modell: H. Windier.) Centr.-Bl. f. chir. it. oithop. Mech., Berl., 1885, i, 6. AUo: Centralbl. f. oithop. Chir., Bern, 1885, vii, 255. AUo, Re- print.— CJalli (G.) Sopra un inalatore od inspirators nasale del Prof. V. Cozzolino Riv. ital. di terap. ed ig., Piacenza, 1886, vi, 175-178.—Qehruianu (C.) Eiue neue Inhalationsmaske. Berl. klin. Wclinschr., 1885, xxii, 186. AUo: Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Gesellsch. (1884-5), 1886, xvi, 192.—Hassall (A. H.) On a new method of inha- lation and a new form of apparatus. Lancet, Loud., 1886, i, 192-194.—Hawkins (J. A.) A cheap, light, effective inhaler for ether or chloroform. Pittsburgh M. Rev., 1892, vi, 262.—von Hdsslc (H.) Ueber Inhalations-Einrich- Inhalation (Apparatus for). tungen und pneumatische Kammern. Illust. Monatsehr. tl. arztl. Polytech.. Berl.. 1898, xx, 81 84 - llullin (P.) Appareil t'uniitiatoiie pour 1'inspiration ties vapeurs atpieu- ses. 7d his: Jilem.dem6d.etdechir.. Par., 1862,469-485— Jahr (E.) Neuer Iuhalations-Apparat. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Leipz. u. Berl., 1888 xiv. 787; 806; 997. AUo: Centr.-Bl. f. chir. 11. orthop. Jlecli.. Beil., 1888, iv, 313- 317,—Kabicrske jun. Ein neuer I'ulverstaiiber. Cen- tralbl. 1'. Chir., Leipz.. 1883, x. 521-525.—Kaleinaim (IL) Ueber eine vereinlachte Methode tier Inhalation mittels des Nasenspiil;:lasinhalatt>r8. Therap. Monatsh., Berl.. 1896, x. 604—Kahn (F.) Ueber Inhaliitionsappaiate. Fortschr. (1. Krankenpfl., Berl., 1893, xv. 3(H-3(ir>. — Knnz (J.) Ueber eine neue Form der Inhalation. Wien. nied. Wchnschr., 1898, xlviii, 13-16.—I^ee (It.) Some remarks on vapours, sprays, and fumes. Lancet, Lond., 1896, i, 1349.—ron I.icbig (G.) Die Iuhalationen in Keiohen- hall, der Jahr'sche und der Weigert'sche Apparat. Med. Rev. f. Balneol., Wien, 1890, i, 29; 39.- I.ogan (J. P.) Improved apparatus for inhalation of medicinal agents. Atlanta M. & S. J., 1885-6, n. s., ii, 740-743 —Mackenzie (M.) On the treatment of chronic disease ofthe lungs by the inhalation of atomized liquids. [Abstr.J Proc. M. sc Chir. Soc.,Lond., 1864-7,v.24-27.—JTIaddox (E. E.) A sim- ple inhaler. Practitioner, Lond., 1889, xiii, 349.—.Tlayer. Des inhalations ni6dicamenteuses k i'aide d'un appareil nouveau dans le traitement des maladies des voies respira- toires. [Abstr.] C0mpt.1end.Acad.tl.sc, Par., 1858, xlvi, 97.—IVIichaelis. Der Heissluft-Inhalator niittelst Alan- toldampfeu. Allg.med. Centr.-Zt-:., Berl., 1889, lviii, 2201- 2203.—Modifications apportees par M. Mayer a son ap- pareil pour le traitement des maladies ties voies respira- toires au moven d'inhalations niedicameuteuses. Compt. rend.Acad.il.se, Par., 1858, xlvi, 494 — Vlohrhofl (K.) Ueber neue Itihalationsmittel und einen neuen Inhalator. Deutsche med. Wclinschr., Leipz. u.Berl., 1898, xxiv, The- rap.-Beil., 44.—IVeuer (Ein) Zerstaubungsapparat liii In- halatorien. Balneol.Ztg., Berl.,1901,xii, 172-174.—Niepce. De la methode des inhalations gazeuses institutive a Alle- vard. Assoc, franc- pour l'avance. tl. sc. C.-r. 1885, Par., 1886, xiv. pt. 2. 585-589. — Perrouiu (A.) Sur un nouvel inhalateur gazonietre. Bull. sen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1891. exx, 274-277. — I*yuclion (E.) A new nebulizing device. Aim. UtoL. l'liinol. Sc LaiyngoL, St. Louis, 1897, vi, 158-161. AUo, Repriut. -----. The evolution of the Buttles inhaler. Laryngoscope, St. Louis, 1897, ii, 225-229. AUo, Reprint. -----. Either a pocket inhaler or a middle- ear inflater Med. Rec, N. Y., 1898. liii, 862. AUo, Re- print.—Bobinson (M.) Experimentelle Untersuchun- gen iiber die Lei>tungsfahigkeit des Wassermuth'sclien Inhalationapparates. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1901, xxvii, 774.—Ruault (A.) Note sur nn nouvel inhalateur automatiipie. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1888, 8. s., v, 177-180. — *< beflf (G.) Ueber den norwegischen Inhalateur. Wien. nied. Wchnschr., 1890, xl, 2145-2147.—Sch in id (A.) Ueber den Jahr'scheu In- halationsapparat und den Dr. Weigert'schen Apparat zur Einathmung heisser Luft. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1889. xxxvi, 410^414.—Singer (A.) Ueber Salmiak-In ha- lation. Wien. med. Presse, 1898, xxxix, 1503; 1545. Inhalation (Apparatus for). [Patent specifications.] Adams (E. B.) Inhaler. No. 350711; Oct. 12, 1886— Anderson (B. B.) Sc Wageuhals (F. S.) Inhaler. No. 552056; Jan. 7, 1896.— Averell (J. D.) Inhaler. No. 432782; July 22, 1890.— Ballon (C. D.) Inhaler. No. 640259; Jan. 2, 1900. — Barber (O. P.) Inhaler. No. 199140; Jan. 15, 1878. — Barnes (T. N.) Inhaler. No. 648374; May 1, 1900.—Baltershall (J. W.) Inhaler for chloroform,' etc. No. 379042; March 6, 1888.— Beaver (B. P.) Inhaler. No. 601228; March 29, 1898. — Bence (G.W.) Inhaler. No.412998: Oct. 15,1889.—Blanchard (V. W.) Inhaler. No. 7,47322; Oct. 1,1895.-----. Inhaler. No.579815; March 30, 1897.—Koekcl (W.) Inhaler. No. 196185; Oct. 16,1877.—BoesgeruM. A.) & Dotterweich (F.V.) Inhaler. No. 530321; Dec.4, 1894.—Breuillard (C.) Inhaler and respirator. No. 399736; March 19,1889.— Brittain (H. M.) Inhaler. No. 440132; Nov. 11, 1890.— Brown (S. H.) Inhaler and respirator. No. 349687; Sept. 28, 1886. — Brunkcr (J. E.) & iTlaxwell (P. W.) Inhaler. No.405692; June25,1889.—Byrnes (J.) Inhaler. No. 366759; July 19, 1887. — Cad well (J. R.) Inhaler. No. 465456; Dec. 22, 1891. —Carlston (A.) Inhaler and respirator. No. 246077; Aug. 23, 1881. — Carrick (J.) Improvement in comhined respirators and inhalers. No. 167496; Sept. 7, 1875. — Casey (J. E.) Oxygen-inhaler. No. 402303; April 30, 1889. — Casford (J. H.) Inhaling and spraying apparatus. No. 626751; June 13, 1899. — Chapin (G. L.) Improvement in inhalers. No. 132197; Oct. 15, 1872. — Chesebro (F. A.) Inhaler. No. 351577; Oct. 26, 1886. — Chesebro (J. F.) Inhaler. No. 496776; May 2, 1893. -----. Inhaler. No. 523265: July 17, 1894. ---—. Vaporizing-inhaler. No. 346085; Sept. 14, 1880.- Cook (H.) Inhaler for anaesthetics. No. 294585; March 4, 1884. — Cotlingham (R. C.) Inhaler. No. 556335; INHALATION. 987 INHALATION. Inhalation (Apparatus for). [Patent specif cations.] March'17. 1,-90.— Coulter ,'C. L.) Inhaler. No. 453626; June 9, 1.-91. — Crosby (15 L.) Inhaler. No. 178362; JnneO. 1-70.—Crumb (W. K.) Improvement in inhalers. No. 134858; Jau. 14, 1873. -----. Improvement in pocket- inhalers. No. 151570; -I une 2, 1,-74 Culbcrtson (J \\5 I ' Inhaler. No. 361748; April 26. 1-87. — Ciirrau (C. II. i , Inhaler. No. 631621; Aug. 22. 1899. — Ciirrau (J. J.) Inhaler. No. 598286; Feb. 1, 1898. — Cushiiiaa (II. I).) Inhaler. No. 333008: Jan. 5. 1886. -----. Inhaler. No. 333609; Jan. 5. 18.-6. -----. Inhaler. No. 351744; Nov. 2, 1,-86. -----. Inhaler. No. 476131 : May :;',, 1892. -----. Inhaler. No. 476132; May 31, 1.-92. —Culler(W. II.) linpioveinciit in inlialt is. ' No. 1:;5411; iei>-.ued June 17. 1.-73.— Oniiicl* i 17 17) Improvement in pocket- inh.ilers. No. H-,77:i'..; July 20. 1.-7.7. — l>avis (L. M.) Ga-inixer for inhalers. No. 312433; Feb. 17, 1885.— Bay- Ion H. G.) Improvement in p,„-k, t disint'ectoi s and inli.il, is. No. 168972; Oct. 19, 1-75. —Me Guise (J. IL) Inhaler. No. 192488; June 26. 1877. — Benisou (C.) In- haler. No. 576041 : Jan. 26. 1897.—Dcwce- (AY. 15.) In- haler. No. 6i*6270; Nov. 12. l'.'ul.— Oitlritb 11-5 A.) In- haler. No. 509465; Nov.28. 1.-93.—Bodjje ,J . N .1 Inhaler. No. 2977C9: April 29. 18,-4.— Donaldson (N. I.) Im- provement in medical inhalers. No. 134.-61; Jan. 14, 1873. -----. Thesame. Reissued Julv 15,1873.-----. Inhaler. No. 174724: March 14, 187ii. — Donovan (P. T.) Inhaler. No. 657402; Sept. 4, 1900 — Don (A.I Inhaler. No. 476190; May 31, 18.92.—Bow (A.i Jc Warren (K.N.) Inhaler. No. 438102; Oct. 7, 1-90.— Dam nii«on ,E. E.) Improvement in inhaler- and vapoi i/, i - tor aomini-tei m_: j anasstheties. No. 11974-: t << t. in, ls71.— Dunham | (T. M.) Combined inhaler are! medicament holder. No. 4,-2083: Sept. C, 1892. —Dunlin ill ,15 M.i -V Biiriibaui ! (E.S.i Inhaler. No. :.>'.14"2 Am;1 19, 1887— Dunlnp »H. M.i Inliab-i. No. "77,-.: l.'u. 23, 1-97— Elliott (G.J Iuhalei. No. 4MSWB: May 12, 1891. —Fllis it 5 17.) Inhaler. No. :;:,o970: Nov. 24.1887._Ellis (II.) Inhaler. No. 4-6951; Nov. 29. 1-9.' —Fll«.worth (C. J.) & Alex- ander (A. (5) Inl,.t5i. No 42",,77; April 15. 1890.— Finerv (I S.) Inhaler and ie-pii,itoi. No. 196206; (let. 16, 1.-77. —Ei aim (G. A., Iuhab-r. No. 339980; April 13, 1.-86.—Fairchild (W. .J., Inhaler. No. 412s81 ; Oct. 15 ;--)._Fike t\Y. fl.) Inhaler. No. 657866; t-ept. 11. V."A>.— FooleiA E.i Inhaler. No.355309; Jan.4. 18-7.— Form- ,15, Inhaler. No. 533880: Feb. 12, ls97,._ Francis (L. M.) Inhaler. No. 636786; Nov. 14, 1899.— Gailey (J. K.) Inhaler. No. 552901; Jan. 14, 1896.— lia id 9; Jan. 20, 1-7).—Hamersl v iW. H.) Inhaler. No. 340909; Aug. 10, 1886.—Harford i J. H.i Jc Beeves (W. W i Snapper for inhaling devices. No. 390475; Oct. 2. 1-8- —Harness (C. B.) Inhaler. No. 311314; Jan. 27. 18-5— Harper i.I.R.) Inhaling and dis- iiitectint; apparatus. No. l-0"24; July 18, 1876.- Ilnr. rinulon